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Code of Professional Responsibility

Canon 1

LegalEthicsDigest - People of the Philippines Vs Atty. Fe T. Tuanda, A.M. No. 3360 (30 Jan. 1990)

On 17 December 1983, respondent received from one Herminia A. Marquez several pieces of
jewelry, with a total stated value of P36,000.00, for sale on a commission basis, with the condition
that the respondent would turn over the sales proceeds and return the unsold items to Ms.
Marquez on or before 14 February 1984. Sometime in February 1984, respondent, instead of
returning the unsold pieces of jewelry which then amounted to approximately P26,250.00, issued
three checks: (a) a check dated 16 February 1984 for the amount of P5,400.00; (b) a check dated
23 February 1984 also for the amount of P5,400.00; and (c) a check dated 25 February 1984 for
the amount of P15,450.00. Upon presentment for payment within ninety (90) days after their
issuance, all three
(3) checks were dishonored by the drawee bank, Traders Royal Bank, for insufficiency of funds.
Notwithstanding receipt of the notice of dishonor, respondent made no arrangements with the
bank concerning the honoring of checks which had bounced and made no effort to settle her
obligations to Ms. Marquez.

The RTC convicted her in violation of B.P. 22, in which the Court considered it as a crime involving
moral turpitude as this mischief creates not only a wrong to the payee or holder, but also an injury
to the public Respondent was suspended by the Court of Appeals. She went to the Supreme Court
asking for the lifting of the Order of suspension arguing that the issuance of bouncing checks does
not relate to the exercise of her legal profession.

Whether or not, the suspension of Atty. Fe Tuanda be lifted.
The Court Resolved to DENY the Motion to Lift Order of Suspension. Respondent shall remain
suspended from the practice of law. We should add that the crime of which respondent was
convicted also import deceit and violation of her attorney’s oath and the Code of Professional
Responsibility under both of which she was bound to ‘obey the laws of the land’. Conviction of a
crime involving moral turpitude might not (as in the instant case, violation of B.P. Blg. 22 does
not) relate to the exercise of the profession of a lawyer; however it certainly relates to and affects
the good moral character of a person convicted of such offense. In Melendrez v. Decena, this
Court stressed that: “the nature of the office of an attorney at law requires that she shall be a
person of good moral character. This qualification is not only a condition precedent to an
admission to the practice of law; its continued possession is also essential for remaining in the
practice of law.”


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