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ARES for AutoCAD Users

Designed to ease your transition

to ARES Commander 2015

Fourth Edition

by Ralph Grabowski
© Copyright
© 2015
by Graebert
2015 byGmbH
Graebert GmbH Fourth Edition,
Fourth January
January 2015
Ralph Grabowski
written by written by Ralph Grabowski
All rights reserved
All rightsworldwide.
reserved worldwide. upFront.eZine
Ltd. Ltd.
World CADWorld
CAD Access

Technical Technical
writer writer
Ralph Grabowski
Ralph Grabowski
Technical Technical
editor Robert Gräbert
editor Robert Gräbert
Copy editorHerbert Grabowski
Copy editor Herbert Grabowski

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Table of Contents

ARES 2015 System Requirements..........................................................................................................................................................ix

1 — ARES for AutoCAD Users.........................................................1

About The ARES NAME....................................................................................................................1

THE HISTORY OF GRAEBERT.................................................................................. 2

From Felix to ARES.......................................................................................................................... 2

THE ADVANTAGES OF ARES.....................................................................................3

Near-identical User Interface......................................................................................................... 3
Multiple Operating Systems........................................................................................................... 4
Lower Purchase and Maintenance Prices...................................................................................... 4
One ARES Commander License on Two or More Computers......................................................................................................... 4

Similar APIs...................................................................................................................................... 5

FEATURE COMPARISONS........................................................................................ 6
What’s Missing from ARES.............................................................................................................6

WHAT ARES HAS THAT’S MISSING FROM AUTOCAD......................................... 6

Faster Drawing and Editing............................................................................................................ 7
Real-time Trimming and Extending........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Simpler Polygon Construction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Creating Trapezoids ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Sophisticated Explosions................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
iv   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Advanced Points Specification .................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Mirroring Without Copying........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Placing Audio Notes ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Quicker Printing................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Enhanced Dimensioning................................................................................................................10
Dimension Adjustments .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Dimension Text Palette................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Verifying Dimensions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

More File Options.......................................................................................................................... 11

Template-free Attribute Extraction......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Opening and Replacing Drawings ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Saving All Drawings at Once ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Exporting Drawings in EMF, SVG ............................................................................................................................................................. 12

Additional Interface Opportunities...............................................................................................12

Better Support for 3D Mice......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Commands by Gesture.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Consolidated Options Dialog Box............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Accessible VSTA Macros............................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Options Toolbar............................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................... 15
Recommended Hardware.............................................................................................................15
30-day Trial Software, Free Forever..............................................................................................15
Here’s What’s New in ARES Commander 2015.............................................................................................................................. 17

2 — Comparing User Interfaces................................................... 29

ARES’ ‘:’ vs AutoCAD’s ‘Command:’ Prompts.............................................................................. 35
Colors of the ARES Command Text.................................................................................................................................................... 35

COMPARING USER INTERFACE ELEMENTS........................................................ 36

Top of AutoCAD............................................................................................................................ 36
Middle of AutoCAD....................................................................................................................... 36
Bottom of AutoCAD...................................................................................................................... 36
Top of ARES................................................................................................................................... 37
Middle of ARES............................................................................................................................. 37
Bottom of ARES............................................................................................................................ 37
Tutorial: Changing the Command Prompt in ARES.......................................................................................................................... 38

Comparing Command Names and Aliases................................................................................... 39

Richer Command Options in ARES............................................................................................... 39
About Shortcut Keystrokes..........................................................................................................40
Table of Contents v

COMPARING GRAPHICAL UI ELEMENTS............................................................. 40

About Mouse Buttons..................................................................................................................40
About the Status Bar.....................................................................................................................41
Revealing UI Elements Hidden in ARES........................................................................................................................................... 42
ARES’ Options Toolbar vs AutoCAD’s Dynamic Input................................................................. 43
ARES’ Tool Matrix vs AutoCAD’s Tools Palette............................................................................44

OPTIONS DIALOG BOX IN ARES AND AUTOCAD............................................... 45

Palettes in AutoCAD and ARES..................................................................................................... 45


3— Drawing File Compatibility.....................................................49

DWG COMPATIBILITY............................................................................................ 50
How Entities ARE Tested.............................................................................................................. 50
Compatibility LEgend.....................................................................................................................51
Summary of Problem Entities....................................................................................................... 52
Dimensions and Text..................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Blocks and Glyphs........................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
2D Entities.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
3D Entities.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53

DWG OBJECT SUPPORT..........................................................................................55

2D EntitY Support......................................................................................................................... 55
Text Entity Support....................................................................................................................... 58
Geometric and Dimensional Constraints..................................................................................... 59
Model Documentation ................................................................................................................. 59
Dimension EntitY Support............................................................................................................60
Complex 2D Entities Supported................................................................................................... 62
3D EntitY Support......................................................................................................................... 65

PROPERTIES SUPPORTED..................................................................................... 68
Basic Properties for Entities.........................................................................................................68
Layer Properties............................................................................................................................ 70
Layer Filters...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Layer States....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
vi   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

STYLES....................................................................................................................... 71
Dimension Styles........................................................................................................................... 72
MText (Note) and Text (SimpleNote) Styles............................................................................... 75
MText Editors in ARES and AutoCAD .................................................................................................................................................... 76
Multiline (Richline) Styles............................................................................................................. 78
QLeader (SmartLeader) Styles..................................................................................................... 79
Plot (Print) Styles..........................................................................................................................80
Table Styles.....................................................................................................................................81

4 — Customizing & Programming............................................... 83

Comparing Areas of Customization................................................................................................................................................... 84

ARES CUSTOMIZE VS AUTOCAD CUI................................................................... 85

How to Import AutoCAD Menu files into ARES.......................................................................................................................... 86
Customizing UI Elements.............................................................................................................. 87
Customizing Menus in ARES......................................................................................................... 87
Tutorial: Adding an Item to a Menu........................................................................................................................................................ 88
Tour the Customization Dialog box.................................................................................................................................................. 92
Creating MACROS in ARES........................................................................................................... 93
Tutorial: Writing Macros............................................................................................................................................................................. 93
Tutorial: Editing Command Names and Descriptions..................................................................................................................... 94
Tutorial: Entering Command Strings..................................................................................................................................................... 95
Tutorial: Assigning Icons............................................................................................................................................................................. 95
Using Macro Metacharacters and Diesel in ARES............................................................................................................................. 96
Customizing Toolbars in ARES......................................................................................................96
Customizing Ribbon Tabs and Panels in ARES............................................................................. 97
Customizing Quick ACCESS Toolbars in ARES..............................................................................98

CUSTOMIZING MOUSE ACTIONS IN ARES.......................................................... 99

Changing right-clicks.....................................................................................................................99
Tutorial: Modifying Right Mouse Button Actions.............................................................................................................................. 99
Changing double-click Actions................................................................................................... 100
Tutorial: Modifying Double-click Actions...........................................................................................................................................100
Changing shortcut Menus...........................................................................................................102
About Common Shortcut Menus............................................................................................................................................................103
About Contextual Shortcut Menus ........................................................................................................................................................103

CUSTOMIZING KEYSTROKES IN ARES................................................................104

Changing Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................................................... 104
Changing override keys.............................................................................................................. 104
Table of Contents vii

Tutorial: Modifying Keyboard Shortcuts and Overrides..............................................................................................................104

Changing Aliases in ARES........................................................................................................... 106

Tutorial: Customizing Aliases..................................................................................................................................................................106
Using AutoCAD Aliases in ARES..............................................................................................................................................................107
Shell Commands............................................................................................................................................................................................107

CUSTOMIZING WORKSPACES IN ARES.............................................................. 107

Customizing UI Profiles in ARES................................................................................................. 108
Tutorial: UI Profiles Mode.........................................................................................................................................................................108

Changing Profiles.......................................................................................................................... 111

About Roaming Profiles.............................................................................................................................................................................112
Accessing Hidden Folders in ARES........................................................................................................................................................112
Tutorial: Creating a New Profile.............................................................................................................................................................113

OTHER TYPES OF CUSTOMIZATIONS IN ARES..................................................113

Tool Matrix .................................................................................................................................. 113
Tablet Overlays............................................................................................................................. 113
Image Menus................................................................................................................................ 114
Using Fonts .................................................................................................................................. 114
Mapping Fonts................................................................................................................................................................................................115
About Shape Files..........................................................................................................................................................................................116

Changing Linetypes...................................................................................................................... 116

Changing Hatch Patterns............................................................................................................. 116
Changing richline styles (multLines)........................................................................................... 117
About Table and Other Styles..................................................................................................................................................................118

Changing Plot Styles.................................................................................................................... 119

About Plotter Manager...............................................................................................................................................................................120

Changing File Paths......................................................................................................................120

PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS................................................................... 122

Porting ARX to TX.........................................................................................................................................................................................123
Porting AutoLISP to LISP...........................................................................................................................................................................123
Porting DCL to ARES....................................................................................................................................................................................123
Porting Diesel to ARES................................................................................................................................................................................123
Porting ADS to FDT......................................................................................................................................................................................123
Porting COM to ARES...................................................................................................................................................................................123

Loading Applications into ARES.................................................................................................. 123

Controlling Add-ins......................................................................................................................................................................................124

About the ARES OEM License.....................................................................................................124

Building Your Own Stand-alone Application.....................................................................................................................................124
viii   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


A — ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference....................... 127

B — ARES-AutoCAD System Variable Cross-reference..............153

C — ARES-AutoCAD Dictionary...................................................179

D — ARES-AutoCAD Keystroke & Button Cross-reference.......185

KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS FOR..............................................................................186
Function Keys...............................................................................................................................187

MOUSE BUTTONS..................................................................................................188
Primary Buttons.......................................................................................................................... 188
Roller Wheel....................................................................................................................................................................................................188

Double Click Actions................................................................................................................... 189

Left Button.......................................................................................................................................................................................................189
Middle button.................................................................................................................................................................................................189

3D MOUSE OPTIONS.............................................................................................190

MOUSE GESTURES................................................................................................ 192
Table of Contents ix


As a minimum, Graebert suggests that your computer have the hardware and software specified below. For better per-
formance, Graebert recommends that your computer have stronger hardware.

Available for 32- and 64-bit systems
Operating system 32-bit version: Vista, 7, or 8
64-bit version: Windows 7 or 8
Works on Windows 10, though not officially supported at time of writing
CPU 2GHz Intel Pentium 4 CPU minimum
Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core CPU recommended
Free disk space 400MB minimum
1GB recommended
RAM 2GB minimum
4GB recommended
Graphics board 1024x768 (XGA) with 16-bit color minimum
3D graphics accelerator on full HD monitor recommended
Input Mouse minimum
Wheel mouse recommended

Available for 64-bit systems only
Operating systems Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Fedora 18 (Gnome or KDE)
OpenSUSE 12.2 (Gnome or KDE)
Or other dialect
CPU 1GHz x86 processor
Free disk space 1GB
RAM 1GB minimum
2GB recommended
Graphics board 1024x768 with TrueColor graphics minimum
1680x1050 recommended
Input Mouse minimum
Wheel mouse recommended

Available for 64-bit systems only.
Any current model of Mac computer runs ARES for OS X. The operating system should be Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion), v10.8
(Mountain Lion), v10.9 (Mavericks), or newer.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users
Chapter 1

ARES for AutoCAD Users

In This Chapter
»» Learning the history of Graebert
»» Looking at the advantages of ARES
»» Understanding the ARES Editions
»» Reviewing system requirements

This book is designed to help you make the transition from AutoCAD® to ARES. In it, you will learn about the
pros and the cons of using ARES in place of AutoCAD. You’ll read about the advantages of switching to another
— yet very similar — CAD package, and about some of the pitfalls to watch out for.

The chapters in this book discuss topics such as file compatibility with AutoCAD, the ARES user interface, and
customizing ARES. The book also includes appendices that exhaustively cross-reference commands, system
variables, keystrokes and button actions between the two CAD systems, as well as the jargon used by each one.

ARES for AutoCAD Users is meant for several types of CAD user:
»» AutoCAD users considering switching to ARES
»» Firms adding licenses of ARES to complement their AutoCAD shop
»» Companies working with clients who use the other CAD package

Or perhaps you are simply wondering about the differences between the market leader, AutoCAD, and the af-
fordable alternative, ARES. This book is for you!


The name is pronounced like “air-ies,” and is based on the Greek god of unpredictable warfare. In Roman myths
he is known as “Mars.” The flame logo used by the ARES software is inspired by the chariot of Ares, which was
drawn by fire-breathing horses.
2   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

The History of Graebert

Based in Berlin, Graebert Enterprises began selling CAD systems in 1983, and was the very first distributor of
AutoCAD in Germany. Graebert in 1993 separated from Autodesk to begin a new phase in
which the company restructured itself into two firms, Graebert Enterprises and Graebert
GmbH. The later firm became the software development arm.

Graebert GmbH developed its own CAD engine by 1994, the FelixCAD Graphic Developer’s
Engine. It would serve as the core for CAD application software licensed by OEMs (original
equipment manufacturers). Graebert also sold the engine as a retail product, first under
the name of FelixCAD and then later as PowerCAD.

Graebert GmbH by 1999 recognized the need for CAD on mobile devices, and so developed
PowerCAD CE, the first professional, fully functional 2D and 3D CAD system to run on Win-
dows CE. It became popular with surveyors, architects, engineers, kitchen planners, and
so on — anyone who required mobile CAD solutions. Today it is known as SiteMaster, and
is available in three editions, 2D, 3D with BIM, and specifically for kitchen design.


Graebert GmbH decided in 2005 that it was time to replace the Felix CAD kernel and employ the latest program-
ming technology. And so the ARES project began, through which another CAD system was created from scratch.
Following five years of development and feedback from beta testers, ARES Commander was released in February
2010 for Windows. Versions for the Linux and Mac OS X operating systems followed quickly, because Graebert
GmbH had made sure its new software was written to be independent of the operating system.

A few months after, Graebert struck a huge deal with SolidWorks Corp. (now Dassault Systèmes of France, the
world’s largest CAD software company). It would market DraftSight, a 2D CAD software powered by ARES tech-
nology, and give it away for free. Since then, commercial versions of DraftSight have been released and more
than 7 million copies have been downloaded. The two companies further extended their cooperation by adding
features to each other’s programs.

The deal was followed by several more, such as Canada’s Corel adopting ARES under the name of CorelCAD and
Italy’s progeCAD adopting the Mac version under the name of iCADMac.

Today, Graebert’s line of CAD software consists of the following editions:

»» ARES Commander does day-to-day 2D design work and 3D modeling
»» ARES OEM is a CAD engine for stand-alone applications
»» ARES Touch provides CAD functions on Android tablets, 7” or

(ARES Touch is the version of ARES that runs on Android tablets, 7”

and larger. It contains many of the drawing and editing commands
found in ARES Commander, as well as some of the APIs, such as LISP
and the TX Teigha eXtension. It accesses .dwg files through Dropbox,
email, and other services.)

And so Graebert’s CAD software is the only one to run on the four most important operating systems — Android,
Linux, OS X, and Windows — whereas full AutoCAD is available for Windows only; AutoCAD Mac and AutoCAD
360 offer far fewer functions.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 3

Graebert GmbH offers a third-party developer program and hosts app-style stores for downloading and running
third-party applications on ARES, DraftSight, CorelCAD, and others.

The Advantages of ARES

ARES isn’t merely a low cost version of AutoCAD; it has advantages over more expensive CAD programs. These
advantages include a nearly-identical user interface, additional commands and system variables, support for
operating systems other than Windows — and a much lower price tag.


When you launch ARES Commander for the first time, you will notice that it looks very much like AutoCAD — com-
plete with ribbon (Windows only) and the command prompt area. If you prefer, you can switch to the traditional
toolbars and menus interface. Chapter 2 describes how to use the ARES user interface.
Drawing credit: Q-CAD

For many AutoCAD commands and system variables, ARES uses the same names, either directly or through aliases.
Even many keystroke shortcuts and mouse clicks are identical. The commands missing from ARES are most likely
ones you weren’t using in AutoCAD, such as for database linkages and sheet set management. This book’s appen-
dices compare command and system variable names, keystrokes, and mouse buttons between AutoCAD and ARES.

ARES is available in English and 13 other languages. Normally, it uses the same language as the operating system; to
switch to another language, just enter the Language command, specify the language, and then restart the program.


Most CAD programs today are tied to the Windows operating system, but when Graebert wrote the code for ARES
code, it made the user interface independent of the operating system. This means that ARES today runs natively
on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and Android — with support for further operating systems in the planning stage,
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

such as iOS. In addition, ARES runs on Vista, which Autodesk no longer supports. I tested ARES on Windows 10
Technical Preview, and it worked fine.

Apple Operating Systems available only as 64-bit version

AutoCAD 2015 ARES 2015

Mac OS X Mac OS X

Linux Operating Systems available only as 64-bit version

AutoCAD 2015 ARES 2015

... OpenSuse
... Fedora
... Ubuntu
... Debian
... Other distributions

Microsoft Operating Systems available in 32- or 64-bit version

AutoCAD 2015 ARES 2015

... Windows Vista (32-bit only)
Windows 7 * Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit)
Windows 8 * Windows 8 (32- and 64-bit)

* Requires use of Internet Explorer


ARES Commander with annual maintenance is many times cheaper than AutoCAD. To put it another way, you can
outfit five workstations with ARES for the same price as just one AutoCAD station.

The list prices current at time of writing are as follows:

Item AutoCAD 1 AutoCAD LT 1 ARES Commander 2

Perpetual License 3 $4,195 $1,200 $795
Annual Maintenance $450/year $195/year $200/year

1  US$ prices only; may be different in other countries

2  US$ prices; different in Euros
3  Single-use license; lower pricing available for multi-seat purchases, networked versions, leased
copies, and upgrades; taxes may be extra.

Autodesk indicates it will drop perpetual licenses, beginning with AutoCAD LT in 2015. This move gives customers
fewer choices. Both companies provide rental versions of the software. See for
all details of ARES products and their pricing.

One ARES Commander License on Two or More Computers

Graebert allows you to use one license of ARES on your primary work computer, plus another free, secondary,
temporary license on other computers. This licensing system is called “LicenseToGo,” and it works like this:
1. Install ARES on your primary work computer, and enter the product key.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 5

2. When you need to work with ARES on another computer, such as on your laptop while traveling or at a
client’s office, start it up, click Borrow License, and then enter the same product key.

3. The computer connects to Graebert’s license server over the Internet and checks that the primary com-
puter is licensed to run ARES. (It also checks that your subscription is valid.)

4. You specify how long you want to use the license, between one and five days. Once the license check is
complete, the secondary computer need no longer be connected to the Internet.

5. After the 1-5 days, you have the option to renew the license on the secondary computer or apply Li-
censeToGo on another computer.

With Graebert’s LicenseToGo, you can use your license of ARES on any other computer — Windows, Mac, or
Linux — at any time. There is no need to deactivate the primary license. Indeed, you can download ARES from and begin using it immediately on a client’s or friend’s computer. Unlike AutoCAD, there is no
need to export a license (rendering your primary computer unable to do CAD work) or go through a complicated
deactivation-activation cycle.

LicenseToGo works only with valid annual subscriptions for ARES 2014 SP2 and later. (The initial purchase of ARES
includes a one-year subscription to upgrades, support, ARES Touch for Android, and LicenseToGo.) This system
does not work with network “Flex” licenses as they have a mechanism for borrowing licenses around the network.


Graebert makes it easy for third-party developers to adapt their AutoCAD add-ons to ARES Commander. For this
reason, ARES supports almost the same APIs as does AutoCAD.

AutoCAD API* ARES Equivalent Notes

AutoLISP LISP AutoLISP code runs as-is in ARES
Diesel Diesel Diesel code runs as-is in ARES
DCL DCL DCL code runs as-is in ARES
VBA ... VBA is considered obsolete by Autodesk
ADS FDT ADS is considered obsolete by Autodesk; fully supported in ARES through FDT
ARX TX ARX code requires porting to ARES;
TX (Teigha eXtension) contains ARES extensions
COM COM AutoCAD COM code runs as-is in ARES
.Net DWGdirect.NET AutoCAD .Net code partially supported by ARES
VSTA VSTA VSTA code runs as-is in ARES

*)  API is short for “application programming interface,” the software link between CAD software and programming
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

The Macintosh and Linux versions of ARES Commander support smaller sets of APIs, because the two operat-
ing systems cannot run Microsoft-specific interfaces, such as ActiveX, COM, and VSTA. See Chapter 4 for more
information about the Graebert developer program.

Graebert is a member of the Open Design Alliance, and uses its Teigha libraries to read and write DWG files.

Feature Comparisons
ARES matches AutoCAD in many areas feature-for-feature. ARES, however, cannot completely mimic AutoCAD.
Nor should it, if it wishes to remain a lithe drafting program, as the 8x difference in download sizes makes clear:

64-bit AutoCAD 2015 64-bit ARES 2015

Download Size 1.2GB 0.2GB

This section highlights some of the differences between the two.


Here is a list of the things that I found ARES lacks:

Animations (walk and fly) Annotation scaling AutoPublish

Database links Drawing layouts Dynamic blocks *

Geographic positioning Materials for rendering Mesh modeling *

Multiline attribute data Multiline leaders * Quick properties

Quick view thumbnails Sections * Sheet sets

Surface modeling * 3D laser scan data *

*  When ARES finds these objects in DWG files, it displays and edits them correctly, but it cannot create them. See
chapter 3 for details.

What ARES Has That’s Missing from AutoCAD

Even though ARES is lighter and cheaper than AutoCAD, it offers features missing from larger, more expensive
CAD systems. Some of its commands are more useful than AutoCAD’s. For example, ARES exports drawings in
the popular SVG and EMF formats; AutoCAD does not.

Here is a list of functions that ARES does more easily than AutoCAD; in some cases, AutoCAD doesn’t do them at all:
»» BlockAttributeOutput extracts attributes without needing a template file
»» Dimension palette (new to 2015) edit and formats dimension text
»» EnterPoint specifies point placement through an extensive dialog box
»» ExplodeX explodes ellipses and splines into polylines
»» ExplodeBlockX (new to 2015) explodes blocks and tables into constituent lines and text
»» ExportEMF and ExportSVG export drawings in EMF and SVG formats
»» Flip mirrors entities without copying them, an easier version of the Mirror command
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 7

»» Gestures (new to 2015) customizes the actions of mouse gestures

»» NoteOptions toggles interfaces for the Note (MText) and SimpleNote (Text) commands
»» ObliqueDimension, RotateDimensionText, MoveDimensionText, ResetDimensionText, FlipAr-
rows, and ReplaceDimensionText adjust dimensions
»» Options consolidates all options and all styles into a single, searchable dialog box
»» PowerTrim (new to 2015) trims or extends entities simply by dragging the cursor over them
»» QuickPrint prints quickly by skipping the dialog box
»» ReplaceOpen and ReplaceNew replace the current drawing with a new one: they close the current
one, then open the other one in one step
»» SaveAll saves all open drawings at once
»» SimplePolygon draws polygons quickly by skipping the inside/outside question that complicates
AutoCAD’s Polygon command
»» Trapezoid draws trapezoids
»» VoiceNote inserts audio notes
»» VSTA recording and playback of macros


ARES provides additional commands for more convenient drawing and editing.

Real-time Trimming and Extending

(new to 2015) The PowerTrim command trims or extends entities simply by dragging the cursor over them. It
extends or trims two entities where they intersect at real or virtual corners. To extend entities, hold down the
Shift key while dragging the cursor.
: powertrim
Active Mode: Power Trim
Default: eXit
Options: Corner, Undo or eXit
Specify entity to trim» (Ignore this prompt: drag the cursor across the entities
to be trimmed or extended)

Simpler Polygon Construction

The SimplePolygon command sets the size of polygons by the length of their edge:
: simplepolygon
Default: 4
Number of sides» (Enter an integer)
First corner of side» (Pick a point)
Distance or second corner of side» (Pick another point)
8   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD’s Polygon command makes you decide whether to draw polygons by the edge, inscribed, or circum-
scribed methods; ARES also has this command.

Creating Trapezoids

The Trapezoid command draws trapezoid shapes, as illustrated below:

Length of second side

Midpoint of trapezoid

Length of first side

Length of trapezoid

: trapezoid
Default: (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
Specify midpoint of first side» (Pick a point)
Default: 0
Specify angle of trapezoid» (Enter an angle)
Specify length of trapezoid» (Enter a length)
Specify length of first side» (Enter a width)
Specify length of second side» (Enter another width)

AutoCAD does not have a command for drawing trapezoids.

Sophisticated Explosions

The ExplodeX command explodes ellipses and splines into polylines. This is useful for exporting drawings to
software that cannot handle ellipses or splines, such as CNC machining. While AutoCAD cannot convert ellipses
to polylines, its PEdit command converts splines into polylines.

The ExplodeBlockX command (new to 2015) explodes blocks and tables into constituent lines and text. This is
useful for editing an individual block. Both ARES and AutoCAD have the EditComponent (RefEdit) command,
which edits block definitions, and so affects all related blocks.

Advanced Points Specification

The EnterPoint command displays a powerful dialog box that specifies points by coordinates or directions, as
illustrated by the three dialog boxes below:
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 9

AutoCAD has the Point command, which requires coordinates be entered at the command prompt; ARES also
has this command.

Mirroring Without Copying

The Flip command mirrors selected objects without keeping the original copy:
: flip
Specify entities» (Choose one or more entities)
Specify entities» (Press Enter to continue)
Specify start point of mirror line» (Pick a point)
Specify end point of mirror line» (Pick another point)

In AutoCAD, the Mirror command requires you to answer an extra prompt over whether or not you want to keep
the original; ARES also has this command.

Placing Audio Notes

The VoiceNote command inserts audio notes into drawings. This is useful when you record notes in the field using
a portable computer, where it is inconvenient to type notes:
: voicenote
Specify location for VoiceNote or select a VoiceNote symbol for play recording:
(Pick a point)

After you pick a point in the drawing, ARES displays the dialog box shown below. Click the Record button to
start recording, and then click the Stop button to stop. If you wish, you can enter text to go along with the
voice note.

When you click OK, ARES inserts the voice note symbol in the drawing to identify the voice note:

AutoCAD does not have a VoiceNote command, but can insert recordings as OLE objects with the InsertObj com-
mand; ARES also has this command.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Quicker Printing

The QuickPrint command prints the drawing without prompting you for options; the Print dialog box is not dis-
played. AutoCAD does not have a quick print command.


Dimensions are the most sophisticated of entities, and here ARES provides great control over their look.

Dimension Adjustments

Arrowheads can be flipped interactively in ARES, unlike in AutoCAD. Select a dimension, then click the round grip
on the arrowhead. It’s that easy.

ARES has a collection of dimension editing commands to adjust the look of extension lines and dimension text.
In AutoCAD, some of these commands are available but are undocumented so users don’t know they exist:

Command Purpose Access in AutoCAD

FlipArrow Reverses direction of arrowheads Undocumented AiDimArrowFlip command
MoveDimensionText Moves dimension text Undocumented AiDimTextMove command
ObliqueDimension Slants extension lines DimEdit > Oblique menu picks
ReplaceDimensionText Replaces dimension text with user-defined wording Double-click dimension text, then edit
ResetDimensionText Returns dimension text to default position Undocumented Ai_Dim_TextHome command
RotateDimensionText Rotates dimension text DimTEdit > Rotate menu picks

Dimension Text Palette

(new to 2015) The dimension palette appears automatically when dimensions are placed in drawings, as well as
when a dimension is picked for editing. The palette easily changes the properties and formatting of dimension text.

To access the palette, first click the floating icon...

...and then change settings in the palette. The settings can be saved as favorites, and shared as standards amongst
all designers using ARES 2015.

AutoCAD does not provide this kind of dimension text facility.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 11

Verifying Dimensions

The VerifyDimensions command in ARES checks all dimensions in the current drawing. It updates the dimension
text when discrepancies to the measured value are found. The text is not, however, updated when the text was
deliberately edited by the user to override measured dimensions.

AutoCAD does not have such a command.


ARES provides commands that make working with data and files easier.

Template-free Attribute Extraction

The BlockAttributeOutput command extracts attributes without needing a template, something I wish AutoCAD
would allow.
: blockattributeoutput
Specify entities» all
23 found, 19 total
Specify entities» (Press Enter to continue)

ARES displays the Output File dialog box. Enter a file name, and then click Save. The attribute data is stored in a
TXT text file, like this:

The data can be read into a spreadsheet or database program.

All of AutoCAD’s attribute extraction commands require that you first create a template file that determines which
attributes are extracted and in what format.

Opening and Replacing Drawings

The ReplaceOpen and ReplaceNew commands replace the current drawing with a new one. In effect, these com-
mand close the current drawing, and then display a dialog box for opening another drawing. If necessary, you are
prompted to save the drawing being closed.

In AutoCAD, you have to use the Close command along with the Open or New commands; ARES also has these

Saving All Drawings at Once

The SaveAll command saves all open drawings. In AutoCAD, you have to press ctrl+tab to access each drawing,
and then repeatedly entering the QSave command; ARES also has this command.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Exporting Drawings in EMF, SVG

The ExportEMF and ExportSVG commands export drawings in commonly-used vector formats, EMF and SVG:
»» EMF — enhanced meta file, the Windows standard for mixed vector-raster images.
»» SVG — scalable vector graphics, the Web standard for vector images.

AutoCAD supports only the ancient WMF format, which was long superseded by EMF; it does not support SVG at all.


ARES has enhancements that make drafting easier.

Better Support for 3D Mice

While AutoCAD supports 3D mice and allows customization of mouse buttons, it does not customize the buttons
of 3D mice. ARES does, through the 3DMouseButtons and 3DMouseOptions commands. See Appendix D.

Commands by Gesture

(new to 2015) Use mouse gestures to start commands by dragging the mouse in one of eight directions. To drag,
make sure no command is active, hold down the right mouse button, and then drag the mouse in one of direc-
tions listed below.

Mouse Direction Command Executed AutoCAD Equivalent

    Line Line
    SimpleNote Text
    Save Save
    Copy Copy
    Open Open
    Offset Offset
    Trim Trim
    Zoom Bounds Zoom Extents

Mouse gestures are customized through the Gesture command.

AutoCAD does not support mouse gestures.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 13

Consolidated Options Dialog Box

The Options command consolidates all ARES options into a single dialog box; see figure below. Instead of using
tabs, this dialog box uses sections. The Find field locates option names quickly, which is not available in AutoCAD’s
Options dialog box.

The dialog box includes all style definitions, such as text and dimension styles. ARES offers shortcut commands
that directly access specific sections of the Options dialog box. The table below lists the AutoCAD-comparable
alias for ARES command names.

Command Alias Opens in Options Dialog Box

CsStyle UcsMan Drawing Settings > Coordinate System subsection
ConstraintOptions Drawing Settings > Constraints subsection
DimensionStyle DimStyle Drafting Styles > Dimension Style subsection
DraftingOptions DSettings User Preferences > Drafting Options section
DraftingStyles Drafting Styles section
DrawingSettings Drawing Settings section
EditScaleList Drawing Settings > Drawing Scale List
FileLocations File Locations section
LineWeight LWeight Drafting Styles > Line Weight subsection
PointFormat DdPType Drafting Styles > Points Style subsection
Profiles Profiles section
RichlineStyle MlStyle Drafting Styles > Richline (mline) style subsection
SystemOptions System Options section
TableStyle Drafting Styles > Table Style subsection
TextStyle Style Drafting Styles > Text subsection
UnitSystem Units Drawing Settings > Opens the Unit System subsection
UserPreferences Opens the User Preferences section

In contrast, AutoCAD uses multiple dialog boxes to specify settings, such as Options, Drafting Settings, Style,
Dimension Style Manager, and so on.
14   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Accessible VSTA Macros

Microsoft created VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) as a way of creating custom functions on Windows applica-
tions, like Word, ARES, and AutoCAD. During Windows Vista, Microsoft dropped support for VBA in favor of VSTA,
Visual Studio Tools for Applications.

ARES offers this pair of commands for running VSTA macros:

»» Vsta records, edits, and runs VSTA macros at the command prompt
»» VstaManager also records, edits, and runs VSTA macros but in a dialog box

In addition, the VSTA Manager toolbar provides controls for recording and running macros written in VSTA.

AutoCAD does not provide user access to VSTA.

(For several years, Autodesk created uncertainty among AutoCAD users in announcing that support for VBA would
be pulled from a future release of the software; VBA itself was turned into a separate download from AutoCAD.
With AutoCAD 2014, Autodesk reinstated VBA.)

Options Toolbar

The Options toolbar displays context sensitive options you can select when executing a command. It displays
only those options that are available at the current prompt.

For example, during the PolyLine (PLine) command, the toolbar shows Arc, Close, and other options. To display
or hide the Options toolbar, right-click the menu bar or a docked toolbar and then choose Options Toolbar.

AutoCAD does not have the Options toolbar; the closest equivalent is dynamic input.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 15

System Requirements
A further advantage to ARES is that it has milder hardware and operating system requirements than does Auto-
CAD. This is significant for two reasons:
»» ARES can run on older computers; it is not necessary to employ high-end hardware nor to install the special
display drivers required for AutoCAD.
»» ARES has more RAM and CPU speed headroom on newer computers than does AutoCAD.

As noted earlier, ARES runs on just about any version of Linux or Windows, and recent releases of Mac OS X.
AutoCAD runs only on certain releases of Windows, the most recent releases of Mac OS X, and on Linux not at all.


Autodesk imposes tougher hardware requirements on AutoCAD users than Graebert does on ARES users. For
instance, Autodesk recommends that your computer’s CPU run at a minimum of 3GHz, and that it support SSE2*
technology, as do most of today’s CPUs; AutoCAD will not run on older CPUs that lack SSE2.

Between the two, the hardware specs for Windows systems compare as follows:

AutoCAD 2015 ARES 2015 Minimum ARES 2015 Recommended

CPU 2GHz w/SSE* 2GHz Core 2 Duo or X2 Dual-Core
3GHz recommended
4GB or more recommended
Install Space 6.0GB 0.4GB 1.0GB
Graphics Board 1024x768 1024x768
1280x1024 recommended
128KB RAM 3D accelerated

*) SSE2 is short for “streaming SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) extension 2.” It allows CPUs to assist with
certain math functions and vector transformations of the sort used by CAD applications.


Just as you can try out AutoCAD free for 30 days, you can install and run ARES for 30 days at no charge from When you register and
activate the trial version, all functions are available for 30 days, including printing and saving.

Once the 30-day grace period is over, you can continue using ARES for free. The only catch is that functions that
let you get the drawing out of ARES — printing, saving, exporting, copying to the Clipboard — are disabled.
16   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


In summary, ARES operates a lot like AutoCAD — yet is more economical. In the following chapters, we delve
deeper into the themes sketched out by this chapter.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 17


The program offers new functions in the areas of the user interface, commands that are improved and newly added, and
additional system variables.


Dimensioning. The dimension palette is a new user interface element. It appears automatically when we place a dimen-
sion in the drawing, as well as when we choose a dimension for editing. The purpose of the palette is to easily change
the properties and formatting of dimension text. To access the palette, first click the floating icon...

...and then change settings in the palette.

Dynamic Blocks. The program supports dynamic blocks created by other sources. These blocks can be inserted into
drawings and used dynamically, but cannot be created in the program. Grips on dynamic blocks allow us to modify them

Tables can now have text entered directly into cells, without needing the Notes dialog box.
18   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


The Windows version of the program adds dimensional constraints with optional parameters and 2D geometric con-
straints to create parametric drawings, such as the one illustrated below.

Dimensional Constraint Commands

The new ConstraintType command toggles dimensional constraints between dynamic or annotation type; the type
applies to subsequent placements of constraints.
The new ConvertConstraint command converts associative dimensions to dimensional constraints.
The new DcAngular command constrains the angle between three constraint points on entities; or between two lines;
or between two polyline segments; or constrains the angles of arcs or polyline arcs.
The new DcDiameter command constrains the diameters of circles, arcs, or polyline arcs.
The new DcDisplay command shows and hides dimensional constraints.
The new DcHorizontal command constrains the horizontal distance between two defining points on entities.
The new DcLinear command constrains the horizontal or vertical distance between two defining points on entities.
The new DcRadial command constrains the radius of circles, arcs, or polyline arcs.
The new DcVertical command constrains the vertical distance between two defining points on entities.
The new DeleteConstraints command removes all dimensional constraints from selected entities.
The new Parameters and ParametersClose commands open and close the Parameters palette for keeping track of
dimensional constraints and their variables.The new -Parameters command creates expressions at the command line.

The following system variables affect dimensional constraints:

The new CConstraintForm system variable toggles between creating dynamic and annotational constraints with
dimensional constraints commands.
The new ConstraintNameFormat system variable determines the format of text in dimensional constraints: value,
formula, or name.
The new DimConstraintIcon system variable toggles the display of lock icons near dimensional constraints.
The new DynConstraintMode system variable determines whether hidden dimensional constraints are displayed when
constrained objects are selected.
The new ParameterStatus system variable reports whether the Parameters Manager palette is displayed.

Geometric Constraint Commands

The new ConstraintIcon command shows, hides, and resets the icons that represent geometric constraints.
The new ConstraintOptions command displays a dialog box for choosing the constraints to be inferred and the
geometry to seek.
The new GcCoincident command constrains points coincidently; or constrains a point on an entity to another entity.
The new GcCollinear command constrains lines co-linearly.
The new GcConcentric command constrains the center points of arcs, circles, ellipses, and/or elliptical arcs to be
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 19

The new GcEqual command constrains lines to have the same length, or arcs and circles to have the same radius.
The new GcFix command constrains points on entities to fixed positions.
The new GcHorizontal command constrains lines or linear polyline segments, or pairs of points on entities to be
parallel to the x axis in the current coordinate system.
The new GcParallel command constrains two lines or linear polyLine segments to be parallel to each other.
The new GcPerpendicular command constrains two lines or linear polyline segments to be perpendicular to each other.
The new GcSymmetric command constrains two entities, or two points on entities, to be symmetric about a line of
The new GcSmooth command constrains a spline to be fluidly continuous to another spline, or arc, or line, or polyline.
The new GcTangent command constrains one entity tangent to another.
The new GcVertical command constrains lines or linear polyline segments, or pairs of points on entities to be parallel
to the y axis in the current coordinate system.

The following system variables affect geometric constraints:

The new ConstraintBarDisplay system variable toggles the display of constraint icons.
The new ConstraintBarMode system variable toggles the display of geometrical constraint icons in constraint bars.


These commands are added to the program since ARES 2014 was first released. Some of these commands were added
during the 2014 release cycle, while the rest are new to ARES 2015.
The new CustomPaperSize command adds and removes custom paper sizes for ARES “printer” drivers that output
drawings in PDF, PNG, JPG, SVG, or DWF formats. The command initially prompts us in the command line, and then
displays a dialog box.

: CustomPaperSize
Options: ? to list or
Specify printer name» pdf
20   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

TIP The Custom Paper Size dialog box can also be accessed through the Print dialog box: choose a
printer, like PDF, then click the nearby Properties button.

The new DiscardDuplicates command removes duplicate and overlapping entities from the drawing. It also starts at
the command prompt, then displays a dialog box:

: discardduplicates
Specify entities»

TIP Press Ctrl+A to select all objects in the drawing.

The new -DiscardDuplicates command displays options at the command prompt.

The new DrawingProperties command displays a dialog box reporting the properties of the current drawing file;
creates custom properties that can be accessed by document management systems.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 21

The new EditComponent command edits entities within blocks and references, in-place.The command displays a dialog
box from which to select a block (component), and then goes into a special editing screen (shown at right, below). Once
editing is done, use the CloseComponent (saves, saves as, or discards changes) or SaveComponent (saves changes)
commands to exit the editing mode.

The new EditScaleList command customizes the list of scale factors used for printing drawings, managing page layouts,
and scaling viewports in layout sheets. It displays the Drawing Scale List section of the Drawing Settings tab of the Op-
tions dialog box.

The new -EditScaleList command customizes the scale factor list at the command prompt:

: -editscalelist
Default: Add
Options: ? to list, Add, Delete, Reset or Exit
Specify option»
22   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

The new EditTableCell command inserts, deletes, merges, and resizes cells, rows, and columns of tables:

: EditTableCell
Specify table»
Specify cell (An) or range (An:Bn)»
Default: eXit
Options: Insert, Remove, Size, Merge, Unmerge, eXit or
Specify option»

TIP To avoid the command line and to edit the table directly, select the table with the cursor, and
then pick inside the cell to edit (avoid picking the cell border or the cell’s text); the Editing Toolbar ap-

The new ExplodeBlockX command explodes blocks and converts attributes to simple note text; it also explodes
tables into lines and plain text.

: ExplodeBlockX
Specify entities»

The new Gesture command customizes mouse gestures. See Appendix E for more information.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 23

The new ImportPDF command inserts content from PDF files as blocks in the drawing; all or selected pages can be
imported from multi-page PDF documents (Windows and Mac only). The blocks can be exploded to reveal text, lines,
and images.

The new LoadCustomization adds and removes partial customization files to and from the main customization file.
It reads CUI, CUIX, XML, MNU, MNS, and MNI files; XML is used by ARES.
The new Migration command migrates profiles, preferences, file location settings, and UI customizations from the previous
version of the software.This is a stand-alone program that runs automatically after you exit ARES and then start it again:

: migration

The next time ARES starts, the following dialog box is displayed:

TIP This dialog box appears automatically the first time you run a new installation of ARES. Click
Cancel to avoid bringing settings from older copies of ARES to the current one.
24   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

The new PowerTrim command trims multiple entities when we drag the cursor across them. It extends or trims two
entities where they intersect at real or virtual corners.

: powertrim
Active Mode: Power Trim
Default: eXit
Options: Corner, Undo or eXit
Specify entity to trim»

TIP Ignore the prompt, and drag the cursor across the entities to be trimmed.

The new QuickModify command (alias MoCoRo) copies, moves, rotates, or scales one or more entities during one

: quickmodify
Specify entities» all
Specify entities»
Specify base point»
Default: eXit
Options: Base, Copy, Move, Rotate, Scale, Undo or eXit
Specify option»

TIP Use any selection mode to select multiple entities.

The new SetFieldDisplay command toggles the gray background to field text.

: setfielddisplay
Default: Yes
Confirm: Display Fields with gray background?
Specify Yes or No»

The new StackOptions command sets the alignment options and size of stacked (fraction) text at the command line:

: stackoptions
Default: Size
Options: Size or Align
Specify option»
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 25

The Notes (MText) command receives these improvements in ARES.
• The new Paragraph Options dialog box sets paragraph alignment, line spacing, indents, and tab stops.

TIP To access the new dialog box, start the Notes or EditNote command, right-click the Notes edi-
tor, and then choose Paragraph Options. Alternatively. double-click the new Note Formatting ruler.

• The new Stack Properties dialog box controls the text, alignment position, relative scale, and type of stacked text
to represent fractions and tolerances.

TIP To access this dialog box, double-click stacked fraction text in the note. To make text like 11/32
stacked: select it, right-click, and then choose Stack Text from the shortcut menu.

• The AutoStack Defaults dialog box sets defaults for automatically stacked text, used to represent fractions and
tolerances in annotations.
26   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

• The Note Formatting ruler adds paragraph indents and tab stops for notes (mtext).

TIP To set a tab, click the ruler at the position you want the tab. To remove a tab, drag the marker to
either edge, or else double-click the ruler to access the Tabs section of the Paragraph Options dialog box.

The Customization dialog box now lets us customize the contents of the Quick Access toolbar and the ribbon’s tabs
and panels. To access the new customization of UI elements, enter the Customize command and then choose the
Interface item.
Chapter 1:  ARES for AutoCAD Users 27


The new AdcState (read-only) reports whether the Design Resources palette is open.
The new BtMarkDisplay system variable toggles the display of value-set increment markers (light gray lines in the figure
at left, below) when dynamic blocks are resized parametrically.

Left: On (1); right: off (0)

The new GripDynColor system variable controls the fill color of user-defined grips of dynamic blocks; range is 1 to
255, default is 140 (blue, as in the grips show in the figures above).
The new TableIndicator system variable toggles the display of the display of row numbers and column letters when
editing table cells in-place; 0 = off; 1 = on (default).

The new TableToolbar system variable controls the display of the Edit Table toolbar that assists editing table cells in-place:

0 = Turns off the toolbar

1 = Turns on the toolbar, after a cell is selected
2 = Same as 1 (default)

The new TSpaceFac system variable sets the line spacing distance specified as a text height factor for notes; range is
0.25 to 4; default = 1.

The new TSpaceType system variable sets the type of line spacing used within notes:
1 = specifies the minimum spacing between lines of text (default)
2 = specifies the exact spacing

The new TStackAlign system variable sets the vertical alignment of stacked text.
The new TStackSize system variable determines the height of stacked text (fractions) relative to the specified text height.

The new WsCurrent system variable specifies the name of the current workspace.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

For More Information

For more about ARES Commander 2015 and to download a 30-day demo version, go to
Chapter 2

Comparing User Interfaces

• Understanding user interface variations
• Revealing hidden UI elements
• Operating commands, keystrokes, mouse buttons, and the status bar
• Examining the Options dialog box and Design Resources palette

In this chapter, we look at the similarities and differences in user interfaces. ARES generally
looks like AutoCAD, as illustrated by the spreads on later pages. You can customize the user
interface of ARES, as described in Chapter 4.
The primary difference is that ARES has introduced user interface enhancements not found in
AutoCAD, such as the Tool Matrix. In some cases, Autodesk copied parts of UI elements from
Graebert, such as the color-coded command prompt.
Like the Mac version of AutoCAD, the Mac and Linux versions of ARES do not use the ribbon
and so they continue to use text-oriented menus and icon-based toolbars.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES and AutoCAD have similar user interface elements, although some are unique to each package.The following table
summarizes the similarities and differences. Elements discussed in this chapter are shown in boldface.


ARES 2015 AutoCAD 2015

Customizable user interface Customizable user interface
Layout (sheet) tabs Layout tabs
Menu bar Menu bar
Ribbon (in Windows) Ribbon (in Windows)
Scroll bars Scroll bars
Toolbars Toolbars
Tooltips Tooltips
UI Profiles Workspaces
... Rollover tooltips
... QuickView for layouts and drawings


ARES 2015 AutoCAD 2015

Aperture and pick box cursors Aperture and pickbox cursors
AutoSnap and Autotrack markers AutoSnap and Autotrack markers
Customizable UI colors Customizable UI colors
Grips Grips
Image menus Image menus
Selection highlighting and previews Selection highlighting and previews
18 selection modes 13 selection modes
Subentity selection Subentity selection
Tri-color cursor Tri-color cursor
CS icon and CCSes UCS icon and UCSes
Tool Matrix palette Tool palettes
... Quick Properties palettes
... Steering wheels / navigation cube
... Sheetset manager


ARES 2015 AutoCAD 2015

Report bugs ...
Design Resources palette DesignCenter palette
Information center InfoCenter
Properties palette Properties palette
Quick Access toolbar Quick Access toolbar
Status bar Status bar
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 31

Summary of user interface elements, continued...


ARES 2015 AutoCAD 2015

Customizable command prompt ...
Color-coded prompts and defaults Color-coded defaults
Command aliases Command aliases
Command history Command history
Double-click actions Double-click actions
Options toolbar Dynamic input
Keyboard input Keyboard input
Keyboard overrides Keyboard overrides
Keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts
Mouse buttons and wheel Mouse buttons and wheel
Shortcut (right-click) menus Shortcut (right-click) menus
3D mouse support 3D mouse support
... Autocomplete
Mouse gestures ...


The following users interface elements were added to ARES 2015

»» Ribbon interface can now be customized

»» Quick Access toolbar can now be customized
»» Dimension palette changes the formatting and content of dimension text
32   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

User interface of ARES 2105 for Windows; AutoCAD 2015 shown in the lower right corner.
Application menu Workspaces Quick Access toolbar Current drawing name

Ribbon panel Ribbon tab

Crosshair cursor
Red = x; green = y

CS Icon
(Coordinate system)
Layout Tabs

Drawing Origin (0,0)

Command Prompt Prompts Status Bar
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 33

Minimize ribbon Help Window controls

Properties palette

Drawing Area

X, Y Coordinates and
Z (elevation)
34   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

ARES 2015 running on Linux

ARES 2015 running on Mac OS X
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 35

Differences in User Interface Between ARES and AutoCAD

The user interfaces of AutoCAD and ARES are very similar, yet there are some aspects that are different
or unique. Some of these differing UI elements include the prompt menu, the command prompt, and
status bar. Let’s take a look at the few areas in which ARES differs from AutoCAD.


Many aspects of the Command window are identical in both CAD systems. For instance, you press the
spacebar to repeat the last command in ARES, press the up-cursor button to review earlier command
entries, and press Backspace or cursor keys to edit the command name.
ARES does not, however, offer AutoCAD’s command hinting, in which you can enter the first part of a
command name, and AutoCAD previews the names of all other command and system variable names
matching the same letters.
What is different is that ARES uses ‘:’ as the command prompt to indicate it is ready for you to enter a
command. By contrast, AutoCAD uses ‘Command:’. (Some older releases used ‘Enter a command:’.)

The command prompt in ARES is :


AutoCAD and ARES use colored text to help you distinguish more readily between different kinds of text in the com-
mand bar. The figure below shows an example of what it looks like in ARES:

Blue text indicates options of commands. You enter the entire option name, or just the name’s abbreviation, as indicated
by the underline. For instance, for the Arc option, you can enter either arc or just plain a.
Blue italicized text indicates the option that ARES would execute when you press enter without entering an option,
such as Enter to continue from last point.
Amber text displays the current default value. The default is either the system default (such as 0.000 in the example
above), or else the value you entered most recently (0.1000).
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Comparing User Interface Elements

AutoCAD and ARES offer user interface elements that look similar to each other, but the UI in ARES
tends to be easier to interact with, as illustrated by this spread.

Application menu, Quick Access toolbar, title bar, and ribbon

Drawing area, UCS icon, cursor, layout tabs, and Properties palette

Command window and status bar
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 37

Application menu, Quick Access toolbar, title bar, and ribbon

Drawing area, CCS icon, cursor, layout tabs, and Properties palette

Command window and status bar
38   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Where ARES is special is that it lets you change the wording of the command prompt. This is done
through the CmdLnTxt system variable or through the Options command, as described next.

Tutorial: Changing the Command Prompt in ARES

To change the wording of the command prompt in ARES, follow these steps:
1. In ARES, enter the Options command.

Options dialog box in ARES

2. Notice the Options dialog box. On the left side, choose the System Options button.

Choosing the System Options button

3. On the right side, open the Display node, and then open the Command Window Text node.

Accessing the Display node in ARES

4. In the Command Line Text field, enter something like ‘Command’. (Leave out the colon, which
ARES adds automatically.)
5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
6. In the command bar, notice that the prompt wording has changed from ‘:’ to ‘Command:’.

ARES mimicking the AutoCAD command prompt
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 39


The command names used by ARES are identical to those used by AutoCAD, for the most part. For
instance, both CAD packages use the same name for the Circle command.
There are some unique names. For example, RichLine is the ARES equivalent to AutoCAD’s MLine
command. When the ARES and AutoCAD command names differ, then this book often provides ARES
command names in brackets following the AutoCAD one, such as MLine (a.k.a. RichLine).
While some ARES command names may look strange, you don’t have to learn any of them. Aliases match
pretty much all ARES command names to AutoCAD equivalents. For example, to draw multilines, just
enter ‘mline’ and ARES knows what you mean:
: mline
Active settings: Justification = Top, Scale = 1, Style = Standard
Options: Justification, Scale, STyle or
Specify start point» (Enter a point, or type an option)

You can customize command aliases in ARES, as well as import .pgp (alias customization) files from
AutoCAD and other CAD systems. This is done in the User Preferences section of the Options dialog
box; see chapter 4 for information on how to customize aliases in ARES.


Some ARES commands contain more prompts than do those of AutoCAD. For some reason I’ve never
understood, Autodesk keeps certain options hidden from users even though they are documented in
help files. It is just at the command prompt that they don’t appear. For example, take the Circle com-
mand. In AutoCAD, the initial prompt look like this:
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]

It is not apparent that AutoCAD leaves out two options. In ARES, the prompt looks like this:
Options: 3Point, 2Point, Ttr, TTT, Enter to exit or Specify center point:

I boldfaced the two that are missing from AutoCAD. The following table compares the initial prompts
displayed by the Circle command in both CAD systems:

AutoCAD’s Circle Options ARES’ Circle Options Notes

Specify center point for circle Specify center point for circle Default option for the Circle command
3P 3Point Three points on circumference
2P 2Point Two points on circumference
Ttr Ttr Tangent, tangent, radius
... TTT Tangent, tangent, tangent
... Enter to exit Exits the command

Knowing all command options makes your drafting more efficient.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES mimics many of AutoCAD’s shortcut and override keystrokes. For example, you can press del
to erase selected entities, and ctrl+0 for clean screen in which ARES maximizes the drawing area by
hiding unnecessary UI elements.
ARES supports temporary overrides, in which you hold down the Shift key or a Shift+key combination
to temporarily override a drafting mode like ortho mode and center object snap.
The complete list of AutoCAD and ARES keystroke shortcuts is presented in Appendix D. You custom-
ize the meaning of shortcut and override keystrokes in ARES through the Keyboard section of the
Customize dialog box.

Comparing Graphical UI Elements

ARES and AutoCAD have many user interface elements in common. The ribbon, menus, toolbars, Quick-
Access toolbar, application menu, status bar, layout tabs, CCS icon (UCS), and more... these operate
There are minor differences, and so in this section I’d like to show how similar looking UI elements op-
erate slightly differently. Specifically, mouse usage, the status bar, the Options toolbar (not available
in AutoCAD), and the Tool Matrix (Tools palette).


Buttons on the mouse operate in ARES the same way as they do in AutoCAD:
Mouse Button Action in ARES and AutoCAD
Left Pick entities (objects)
Double-click left Edits entity (object)

Right Display context-sensitive shortcut menu

Shift+right Display entity (object) snap shortcut menu

Roll roller wheel Zoom in and out in real time

Press roller wheel Pan around in real time

In ARES and AutoCAD both, you can customize the actions of mouse buttons. In ARES, you change
functions associated with buttons through the Mouse Actions section of the Customize dialog box:
»» The right button
»» Double-click actions
»» Shortcut menus

The second-most important mouse function (after picking) is pressing the right button to access short-
cut menus. Illustrated below is a comparison of the shortcut menus displayed by AutoCAD and ARES
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 41

when no command is active. Notice that the content is similar but not identical:


Left: Right-click menu in ARES

Right: Same shortcut menu in AutoCAD

Both CAD systems support the use of 3D mice from

3Dconnexion. To change their button functions
in ARES, use the 3DMouseButtons command.
(This command is available only after a 3D
mouse in plugged into the computer.)
ARES recognizes mouse gestures, which Auto-
CAD does not. Hold down the right mouse button, and then
drag in a specific direction to execute one of eight commands.
The commands associated with directions are customized with the Gesture
All of the actions of mice in ARES and AutoCAD are documented in Appendix D.


The status bar in ARES is simpler than that of AutoCAD’s, as illustrated below. While AutoCAD’s provides
more information, I would argue that it is harder to read through Autodesk’s insistence on using icons
to describe functions, instead of words.

Above: Status bar in ARES

Below: Status bar in AutoCAD
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES “hides” some interface elements, because not all users have a need for them. Here is how to reveal them:
1. Right-click the ribbon, menu bar, or any toolbar. Notice the shortcut menu:

2. Select an item from the shortcut menu. Check marks indicate items that are displayed.

Shortcut Menu Meaning

Properties Toggles the Properties palette (Properties command)
Command window Toggles the Command window (CommandWindow command)
Options Toolbar Toggles the Options toolbar
Tool Matrix Toggles the Tool Matrix palette (ToolMatrix command)
Parameters Toggles the Parameters palette (Parameters command; Windows only)
References Toggles the References palette (References command)
Lighting Toggles the Lighting palette (LightList command)
Design Resources Toggles the Design Resources palette (DesignResources command)
MAIN Displays submenu of toolbar names; see figure at right ->
Lock Location Displays submenu for locking floating and/or docked toolbars

• Floating Toolbars locks floating toolbars in place

• Docking Toolbars locks docked toolbars in place
Toolbars Displays the Specify Toolbars dialog box (Toolbars command)
Customize Interface Displays the Customize dialog box (Customize command)

For instance, selecting the Options Toolbar option causes the Options toolbar to appear. It’s located
just below the ribbon and other toolbars.
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 43

Left to right, the functions of buttons in ARES are as follows:

ARES Status Bar Button AutoCAD Equivalent Notes

Snap Toggles cursor snap mode on and off
Grid Toggles grid display
Ortho Toggles orthographic cursor mode
Polar Toggles polar cursor mode
ESnap Toggles all entity (object) snaps
ETrack Toggles entity (object) tracking mode
LWeight Toggles lineweight display (not shown in AutoCAD, by default)
Model Toggles between model and paper space

Blue-colored buttons indicate the function is turned on, just as in AutoCAD; gray means off.
You right-click ARES’ status bar buttons to access options specific to each one.

TIP To toggle Polar mode, right-click the Snap button:

You cannot customize the ARES status bar, although you can post messages on it through the Mode-
Macro system variable using statements written in DIESEL macro language, as in AutoCAD.


When it comes to command options, ARES gives you lots of options: you can either enter them in the
command bar, or else use the mouse to choose them from the Options toolbar.
One special user interface element in ARES is the Options toolbar. It lists the names of options during
commands. This is the closest ARES comes to mimicking AutoCAD’s dynamic input. While Autodesk’s
approach lists command options, it does so in a list that you need to click to view.
To show you how it works in ARES, I illustrated below the initial prompt for the InfiniteLine command


Left: Options toolbar in ARES lists all options

Right: AutoCAD’s dynamic prompt shows options in a droplist
44   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

As the prompts change in the command bar, so does the content of the Options toolbar:

The Options toolbar is turned off by default. To turn it on, follow the steps on the earlier page.


The Tool Matrix is a replacement for toolbars in ARES, because it can hold any and all toolbars in a single
palette. The ARES Tool Matrix is illustrated on the next page.
If there is an analogy in AutoCAD, it might be the Dashboard palette, which had a brief two-release
appearance in AutoCAD. Since Autodesk removed the Dashboard, AutoCAD has had nothing similar to
the ARES Tool Matrix.
The Tool Matrix is a palette, and so it can float on the desktop like the Properties palette — even on a
second screen. The Tool Matrix provides you with these controls:
»» To make the palette float, click the button.
»» To dock it again, drag it against one of the sides of the drawing area.
»» To minimize sections of the palette, click the arrow buttons.
»» To narrow the entire palette, click the button.
»» To open the palette again, click the button.

You customize buttons, icons, and macros of the Tool Matrix by customizing the related toolbars. To
access the customization facility in ARES, right-click anywhere on the palette, and then choose Custom-
ize Interface from the shortcut menu.
Initially, the Tool Matrix is empty. But customizing it is easy. To add a toolbar to the palette, simply drag
a toolbar into the matrix. To remove the toolbar, just drag it out of the matrix.


Left: Empty Tool Matrix docked in the ARES window

Center: Tool Matrix populated with toolbars
Right: Tool Matrix floating

To close the matrix, click the close button; to open it again, enter the ToolMatrix command.
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 45

Options Dialog Box in ARES and AutoCAD

In both CAD systems, the Options dialog box is one of the most important, because it sets and changes
values of the many system variables that control them. In the case of ARES, the Options dialog box is
more comprehensive than AutoCAD’s.
AutoCAD segregates options by outfitting the dialog box with ten tabs, 16 droplists, and 31 auxiliary
dialog boxes (see figure on the next page); in contrast, ARES places options into seven sections, each
with a tree-like interface.
In addition to controlling system variables, the ARES Options dialog box integrates styles, such as di-
mensions, text, and points; AutoCAD segregates styles into separate commands and dialog boxes. For
instance, when you want to create a text style, you enter the Style command and ARES displays the
Text section of the Options dialog box; in contrast, AutoCAD displays a separate Text Style dialog box.


AutoCAD and ARES both offer palettes, which are dialog boxes that can always remain open.
Here is a comparison of the palettes available in each CAD package.

AutoCAD Palettes Equivalent Palettes in ARES

Command Line Command Window
DesignCenter Design Resources
External References References
Layer Properties use Layer dialog box
Lights Lighting
Markup Set Manager ...
Materials Browser and Editor ...
... Options toolbar
Parameters Parameters
Properties Properties
Quick Calculator SmartCalculator
Rendering Settings ...
Ribbon Ribbon
Sheet Set Manager ...
Text Window Text Window
Tool Palettes Tool Matrix
Visual Styles use ShadeView command

For a comparison of properties found in AutoCAD and ARES, see Chapter 3.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

You access the ARES Options dialog box through the Options command, or by the following mouse clicks:
»» On the menu bar of Windows and Linux: Tools | Options
»» On the menu bar of OS X: ARES Commander | Preferences
»» On the ribbon of Windows: Application button | Options

Left: AutoCAD’s Options dialog box

Right: ARES combines options, text styles, and lots more in a single dialog box

TIP  As an alternative to the Options dialog box, use the SetVariable command or the SetVar alias. When
you enter the name of a system variable at the command prompt, ARES operates as you expect it to.
Command: setvariable
Options: ? or Variable name» pdmode
Default: 0
Enter new value for PDMODE» (Enter a value and then press Enter)

ARES Design Resources vs AutoCAD Drawing Center

In today’s world it is important for CAD software to have the ability to share resources, and so ARES
and AutoCAD both provide a palette for doing so. To open the Design Resources palette in ARES, use
one of these methods:
»» DesignResources command
»» drs or adcenter aliases
»» Ctrl+2 shortcut keystroke
»» Tools menu | Design Resources
Chapter 2:  Comparing User Interfaces 47

These palettes operate almost identically in both CAD programs. The visual difference is that the ARES
palette is vertically oriented, as is normal for palettes, while the AutoCAD on is horizontally oriented.


Left: Drawing Center palette in AutoCAD

Right: Design Resources palette in ARES

The purpose of these palettes is to access named entities like blocks, table styles, and layers from other
drawings. This table summarizes what data each program is capable of accessing through this palette:

AutoCAD DesignCenter ARES Design Resources

Blocks Blocks
Detail view styles ...
Dimstyles Dimension styles
Layers Layers
Line styles Linetypes
Multileader styles ...
Xrefs Referenced drawings
Section view styles ...
Layouts Sheets
Table styles Table styles
Text styles Text styles
Visual styles ...
48   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


This chapter highlighted the few differences between the user interfaces of ARES and AutoCAD. The
next chapter examines how both programs display and edit entities in drawing files.
Chapter 3

Drawing File Compatibility

In This Chapter
»» Understanding issues surrounding DWG compatibility
»» Solving problem entities
»» Reviewing DWG entity support

ARES reads and writes drawing files that are compatible with DWG and DXF files created by AutoCAD 2015 and
earlier. Being able to read and write DWG files accurately is crucial for cross-program compatibility, and so this
chapter analyzes the ability of ARES to perform these functions.

The good news is that nearly all AutoCAD entities are correctly read, created, edited, and written by ARES. There
are, however some differences, and so this chapter summarizes how ARES reads entities created by AutoCAD 2015.

The other good news is that ARES is more flexible in reading and writing drawing files, in that it can go back
further than AutoCAD:


Release 14 - R2013 Release 12 - R2013

DWG R2013 format includes AutoCAD 2014 and 2015. AutoCAD can save drawings back to in Release 12, but only
when they are first translated to DXF format.
50   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

DWG Compatibility
ARES displays all entities in drawings created by AutoCAD 2015.

It does not, however, create all of the entities that AutoCAD can, nor can ARES necessarily edit certain entities
found in drawings imported from AutoCAD.


To test the compatibility of ARES with entities created by AutoCAD, the following procedure was followed:
1. Each entity was drawn in AutoCAD 2015, and then the drawing saved as a DWG file. For example,
here is the drawing constructed of advanced 2D objects:

2. The DWG file was opened in ARES.

3. Entities were examined for the following characteristics:

»» Translation — did the AutoCAD entity appear in ARES?

»» Visual accuracy — does the entity look the same in ARES as in AutoCAD?
»» Editability — can ARES edit the entity?
»» Constructability — does ARES have a command for creating the AutoCAD entity?
4. Screen grabs were made to record the look of each entity, how it looks in AutoCAD and in ARES. The
results are displayed in this chapter.

5. Limitations were recorded, if any.
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 51

The results of the testing are presented on the following pages. Entities are segregated into the following cat-
»» 2D entities
»» Text entities
»» Geometric and dimensional constraints
»» Model documentation
»» Dimension entities
»» Complex 2D entities
»» 3D entities
»» Properties

»» Styles
Dimension styles
MText (Note) and Text (SimpleText) styles
Multiline (RichLine) styles
QLeader (SmartLeader) styles
Plot (Print) styles
Table styles


The tables on the following pages sport a legend for each entity. The legend indicates the level of compatibility
with AutoCAD:
• read — ARES reads the entity and displays it correctly
• create — ARES creates the entity
• edit — ARES fully edits the entity

When ARES reads and displays the AutoCAD entities that it cannot edit, then the legend looks like this:
• read-only

Sometimes ARES edits entities in a limited fashion. For example, ARES can only move or change the basic prop-
erties of an imported entity. In this case, the entities are tagged with a note.

Remember: any entity that ARES can read, create, and/or edit, it can also write.


Enhancements to reading and writing DWG files in ARES 2015 include the following items:

»» Edits dynamic blocks using grips

»» Creates and edits dimensional and geometric constraints, and parameters
»» Individual cells of tables can be edited and merged
»» More MText (Note) formatting options are supported
»» ImportPDF places the graphical content of PDF files as editable blocks
»» DrawingProperties command edits properties stored in DWG files
»» Implements the newest Teigha library from Open Design Alliance
52   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


Here is a summary of problem entities:

Dimensions and Text

Annotative scaling — ARES does not support scaling of annotative entities, such as dimensions, text,
and hatch patterns

Broken Dimensions — ARES displays broken dimensions, but cannot create or edit the gap; after
editing the dimension, the gap is removed.

Inspection Dimensions — ARES displays inspection dimensions and edits them like normal dimen-
sions. It cannot create or edit the inspection portion of the text; in the inspection dimension shown
below, for example, the DdEdit command can edit the 1258.66 value, but not the DimInspect prefix
or 100% postfix.

TIP While this chapter emphasizes what ARES lacks, other chapters report what AutoCAD lacks. For instance,
ARES easily flips arrowheads (through the round grips shown above), which AutoCAD can do only through an un-
documented command.

Blocks and Glyphs

Dynamic Blocks — ARES displays dynamic blocks; it cannot create them; (new to 2015) it now also
edits dynamic blocks with grips, as shown below

Geographic Location — ARES does not display, create, or edit geographic location markers

Lights — ARES displays, creates, and edits all of AutoCAD’s light objects, except for AutoCAD’s IES-
based photometric web lights

Proxies — ARES displays proxy objects, but cannot edit them, except for their basic properties (color,
linetype, and so on). ARES also does not support Autodesk’s object enablers; instead, it supports TX
object enablers from the Open Design Alliance, such as for AutoCAD Architecture
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 53

2D Entities

Images — ARES cannot invert clipped boundaries of images

Model Documentation — ARES displays only the bounding boxes of viewports created by AutoCAD’s
model documentation function

Underlays — ARES can attach DWF and DGN files, but does not display them when drawings are
imported from AutoCAD; ARES cannot attach point cloud files, but does display them when imported
from AutoCAD. In summary:

Underlay Format When Created in AutoCAD When Created in ARES

DGN files (Microstation) Not displayed by ARES Insert and edit
DWF files (AutoCAD) Not displayed by ARES Insert and edit
PDF files (Acrobat) Displayed by ARES Insert and edit
Raster image files Displayed by ARES Insert and edit
Point clouds files Displayed by ARES Cannot be inserted in ARES

Left: unclipped raster image
Center: clipped image
Right: wipeout

TIP ARES can do what AutoCAD cannot: insert graphics from PDF files as explodable blocks, which can be then
be edited as regular CAD entities.

Viewports — ARES clips viewports, but cannot invert them:

3D Entities

3D surfaces (such as lofted, swept, revolved, and extruded) — ARES displays 3D surface objects
created by AutoCAD, but edits them only to a limited extent, and cannot create them.

3D surfaces created in AutoCAD and then displayed by ARES:

Left to right: lofted, swept, revolved, and extruded surfaces
54   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Live Sections — ARES displays section planes, but entities are not sectioned, as illustrated below.
Section planes cannot be edited, except for moving, erasing, and modifying their basic properties
(color, linetype, and so on)

Subdivision Surfaces 3D mesh objects — ARES displays 3D mesh objects created by AutoCAD, but
edits them only to a limited extent, and cannot create them

3D mesh objects created in AutoCAD and then displayed by ARES:

Left: 3D mesh object

Center: Smoothing applied
Right: Edge crease moved and rotated
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 55

DWG Object Support

To read, view, edit, and write DWG files, ARES uses the DWGdirect library from Open Design Alliance.


ARES 2015 accurately displays all 2D entities created in AutoCAD 2015:


• read  • create  • edit


Circles AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit


Ellipses AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit


Elliptical arc

Hatches AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit


Solid filled

Gradient filled


Text detection
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Lines AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit


Points AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit

PdMode 0    

PdMode 98

Polylines AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit



Variable width




• read  • create  • edit


Solids (2D) AutoCAD ARES

read •  create •  edit

3- and 4-sided
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 57

Splines AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit



Traces AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit

Tracewid 50

Xlines AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit

ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES 2015 accurately displays all of the text entities created by AutoCAD 2015; it does not, however, support
annotative scaling.

Attribute Definitions AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit


Attribute References AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit

Attribute reference

• read  • edit
ARES displays and edits multiline attributes, but cannot create them

Multiline attributes

MText (Note in ARES) AutoCAD ARES Note

• read  • create  • edit
See MText/Note styles later in this chapter

Multiline text

Field Text AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit

Field text

Tables AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit
See MText-Note styles later in this chapter


Text AutoCAD ARES SimpleNote

• read  • create  • edit
See Text-SimpleNote styles later in this chapter

Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 59

Tolerances AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit



(new to 2015) ARES creates and edits dimensional and geometric constraints, as well as parameters.

Dimensional Constraints
• read  • create  • edit


Geometric Constraints
• read  • create  • edit



ARES displays only the bounding boxes of model documentation viewports created by AutoCAD’s ViewBase com-
mand. Each reports that an “object enabler” is missing, which is not supported by ARES.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES supports all of AutoCAD’s dimension entities, except for annotative scaling factors and certain aspects of spe-
cial ones, like broken dimensions.

Aligned AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit


Angular AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit


Arc Length AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit

Arc length

Diameter AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit


DimBreak AutoCAD ARES

• read-only
ARES displays broken dimensions, but cannot create or edit the broken lines


DimInspect AutoCAD ARES

•  read-only
ARES displays inspection dimensions, but cannot create or edit
the inspection text and formatting

Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 61

DimJogged AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit


Ordinate AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit

X ordinate

Y ordinate

Radial AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit


Leader AutoCAD ARES
• read  • create  • edit


Multileaders AutoCAD ARES
• read  • edit
ARES displays multiline leaders, but cannot create or edit the
multiline aspects; it can perform basic editing on them, and change
their properties

ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES 2015 supports most of AutoCAD 2015’s complex 2D entities.

Block References AutoCAD ARES

• read  • create  • edit




Unequally Scaled

• read  • edit
ARES cannot create dynamic blocks

Dynamic blocks

Geographic AutoCAD ARES

ARES does not display, create, or edit geographic location markers

Location ...

Images AutoCAD ARES

•  read •  create •  edit

Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 63

ARES cannot invert clipped boundaries of images

Clipped image


Lights AutoCAD ARES
•  read •  create (except web) •  edit
ARES displays, edits, and creates almost all of AutoCAD’s light objects;
it displays and edits Web lights, but cannot create them


Left to right: point, spot, and web lights

MLines (RichLines in ARES)

AutoCAD ARES RichLines
•  read •  create •  edit


OleFrames AutoCAD ARES
•  read •  create •  edit


Regions AutoCAD ARES
•  read •  create •  edit

ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Shapes AutoCAD ARES

• read •  create •  edit


Underlays AutoCAD ARES

read some •  create •  edit
ARES can attach MicroStation DGN files, but does not display them
when they are attached to drawings imported from AutoCAD.

DGN ...
ARES can attach DWF files, but does not display them when attached
to drawings imported from AutoCAD

DWF ...


ARES cannot attach point cloud files, but can display them as proxy
objects when attached to drawings imported from AutoCAD

Point Clouds

Viewports AutoCAD ARES

read •  create •  edit


ARES cannot invert clipped boundaries of images

Clipped viewport
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 65


ARES 2015 supports the following 3D entities created in AutoCAD 2015:

3D Faces AutoCAD ARES

read •  create •  edit

3D face

Helices AutoCAD ARES
•  read •  edit
ARES displays and edits helices, but cannot create them


3D Polylines AutoCAD ARES
read •  create •  edit

3D polyline

Polyface Meshes AutoCAD ARES
•  read •  create •  edit


Proxy Objects AutoCAD ARES
read •  edit properties
ARES displays proxy objects, but edits only their basic properties

ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Sections AutoCAD ARES

•  read •  edit properties
ARES displays section planes, but objects are not sectioned;
section planes can be edited only with basic operations

Live Section

3D Solids AutoCAD ARES

read •  create •  edit

All primitives


Extruded solid

Revolved solid

Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 67

Subdivisions AutoCAD ARES

•  read •  edit properties
ARES displays 3D mesh objects and edits them with basic operations, but cannot create them

3D mesh

Surfaces AutoCAD ARES
•  read •  create •  edit

Extruded surface

Lofted surface

Revolved surface

Swept surface
68   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Properties Supported
ARES 2015 supports most of AutoCAD’s properties. Here is a detailed rundown of what works and what doesn’t.


ARES supports many of AutoCAD’s basic properties for entities, such as colors, layers, and linetypes. The primary
difference is in the amount of information displayed by the Properties palette when no entities are selected.


Left: AutoCAD 2015’s Properties palette with no objects selected

Right: ...and the same in ARES

The Properties palette in ARES has three display modes. Right-click the palette to choose:

»» Display only icons to save screen space

»» Display only labels displays text
»» Display icons and labels shows both text and pictures
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 69

The differences are listed in the following table, which lists properties in AutoCAD order:

AutoCAD Property ARES Property Supported by ARES

General General
Color Line Color All ACI colors and True Colors, but not color books
Layer Layer All layer names, but not all properties
Linetype LineStyle All AutoCAD linetypes, provided the .lin file is present
Linetype scale LineScale All linetype scales
Lineweight Lineweight All of AutoCAD’s lineweights
Transparency Transparency Full range of transparency levels of entities
Hyperlink Hyperlink All hyperlink formats
Thickness ... Thickness property is displayed when an entity is selected;
elevation is also supported

3D Visualization
Material ... Materials cannot be assigned to entities
Shadow display ... Entities cannot cast shadows

Plot Style PrintStyle

Plot Style Style AutoCAD plot styles, provided an .ctb file is present
Plot Style Table Table AutoCAD plot styles, provided an .stb file is present
Plot Table Attached To ... Print styles are attached during the Print command
Plot Table Type Type

View View
Center X Center X
Center Y Center Y
Center X Center Z
Height Height
Width Width

Misc Misc
Annotation Scale ... No support for annotation scales
USC Icon On CS Icon On CS is short for “coordinate system.”
UCS Icon at Origin CS Icon at Origin
UCS per Viewport CCS per View Tile CCS is short for “custom coordinate system.”
UCS Name CCS Name
Visual Style ... No support for visual styles
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES supports all of the basic properties of AutoCAD’s layering system, including transparency (added in ARES
2015). Both support an unlimited number of layers with names of up to 255 characters long and using special
characters. ARES supports filters, layer states.

The figures below illustrate the differences between the layer properties in both CAD system:

Above: Layer properties in AutoCAD’s paper space

Below: Layer properties in ARES’ paper space.

The differences in layer properties are listed concisely by the following table:

AutoCAD Layer Property Name ARES Layer Property Name Notes

Status Current ARES supports only two status states: current or not.
Name Name ARES supports all AutoCAD layer names
On Show
Freeze Frozen
Lock Lock
Color LineColor ARES support all AutoCAD colors, except ColorBooks
Linetype LineStyle ARES reads AutoCAD’s .lin files
Lineweight LineWeight ARES supports all AutoCAD lineweights
Transparency Transparency
Plot Style PrintStyle ARES reads AutoCAD’s .ctb and .stb plot styles files
Plot Print
New VP Freeze New Viewport

Layout Layer Properties

.... Active ViewPort
VP Freeze New ViewPort
VP Color VP Color
VP Linetype VP LineStyle
VP Lineweight VP LineWeight
VP Transparency VP Transparency
VP Plot Style VP PrintStyle
Description Description

Like AutoCAD, ARES has a set of commands for manipulating layers separate from Layer. These include com-
mands for changing the visibility of layers in DGN and PDF attachments, hiding and showing the layer attached
to a selected entity, as well as freezing/thawing, locking-unlocking, and isolating-restoring layers.
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 71

Layer Filters

ARES supports layer filters. To access them, enter the Layers command, and then in the Layers Manager dialog
box, click Edit Filters. See figure below.

Left: Layer filter dialog box in AutoCAD
Right: Layer filter in ARES

Layer States

In ARES, layer states are limited, because you cannot create named layer states — as in AutoCAD. ARES can,
however, go back to previous layer states with the UndoLayer (a.k.a. LayerP) command.

ARES supports many of the styles found in AutoCAD, as summarized by the following table:

AutoCAD Style Equivalent ARES Style Notes

Detail view styles ... ARES does not support AutoCAD-style drawing views
Dimension styles Dimension styles ARES does not support annotative scaling in dimstyles
QLeader SmartLeader
Multiline styles Rich line styles
Multileader styles ... ARES displays multileaders, but not create or edit styles
Plot styles Print styles
Section view styles ... ARES does not support drawing views
Section styles ... ARES does not support sections
Table styles Table styles ARES supports most properties in table styles
Text styles Text styles ARES supports most properties in mtext styles
Visual styles ... ARES does not support visual styles
72   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES supports all of AutoCAD’s dimension styles and variables, with the exception of annotative scaling. To
modify dimension styles in ARES, enter the DimensionStyle (DimStyle) command.


Above: AutoCAD’s pair of Dimension Style Manager dialog boxes are accessed with the DimStyle command
Below: ARES’ single Options dialog box for dimension styles is accessed with the DimensionStyle command

(new t0 2015) AutoCAD does not have the dimension palette provided by ARES for changing the format of di-
mension text.
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 73

Dimension Style Guide

These pages display all dimension style settings available in ARES through the Options dialog box.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 75


ARES supports most of AutoCAD’s text style options, as detailed in the table below:

Above: AutoCAD’s Style dialog box accessed by the Style command

Below: ARES’ Options dialog box for text styles accessed by the TextStyle command

AutoCAD Text Properties Equivalent Property in ARES Notes

Font options
Font Name Font ARES reads TTF and SHX fonts
Font Style Format
Use Big Font Big Font

Size options
Annotative ... ARES does not support annotative scaling
Match Text Orientation to Layout ... ARES cannot set text orientation in layouts
Height Height

Effects options
Upside Down Upside Down
Backwards Backwards
Vertical Vertical
Width Factor Spacing
Oblique Angle Angle
76   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

MText Editors in ARES and AutoCAD

The Note command in ARES supports many of AutoCAD’s mtext properties, as listed below. See figures on the
next page for the locations of the property buttons. To place paragraph text in ARES, enter the Note command.

Above: AutoCAD’s mtext editor on the ribbon is accessed through the MText command
Below: In ARES, the mtext editor is accessed through the Note command

Right-clicking text produces a shortcut menu with many options:


Left: AutoCAD’s right-click menu for mtext

Right: The right-click in ARES for mtext
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 77

Paragraph options are listed in the order they appear on the AutoCAD Text Editor ribbon.

AutoCAD Mtext Options Equivalent Options in ARES

Style panel
Style Text Style
Annotative (ARES does not support annotative scaling)
Height  Text Height

Background Mask  Other Options > Background Mask

Formatting panel
Match Text Formatting ...
Boldface  Bold

Italicized  Italic

Strikethrough  Strikethrough

Font   Font

Underline  Underline

Overline  Overline

Fractions  Stack/Unstack (new to 2015)

Color   LineColor

Superscript ...
Subscript ...
Case Conversion  Uppercase


Remove Formatting access through shortcut menu: Remove Formatting
Obliquing Angle  Oblique Angle

Tracking  Tracking Factor

Width Factor  Width Factor

Paragraph panel
Paragraph Justification  Justification (new to 2015)
Bullets  Bullets and Lists

Line Spacing  Line spacing (new to 2015)

Combine Paragraphs access through shortcut menu: Combine Paragraphs
Paragraph Properties access through shortcut menu: Paragraph Options

Insert panel
Dynamic Columns ...
Static Columns ...
Column Properties ...
Text Justification  Paragraph Alignment

Special Characters  Insert Symbol

Field Text  Insert Field

Spell Check panel
Spell Check ...
Edit Dictionary ...
Check Spell Settings ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Mtext Options Equivalent Options in ARES

Tools panel
Find and Replace  Other Options > Find and Replace
Import Text use Paste or Paste Special options
AutoCAPS  Other Options > AutoCAPS

Options panel
Character Set  Other Options > Character Set
Editor Settings  Other Options > Editor Settings
Help  Help
Ruler Toggle   Ruler
Undo  Undo
Redo  Redo

Close panel
Close Text Editor  Create Note

Other Options


ARES supports the display of multilines in drawings created in AutoCAD. It also creates multiline styles, and sup-
ports all properties of AutoCAD’s multilines.


Above: AutoCAD’s pair of Multiline Style dialog boxes accessed through the MlStyle command
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 79

Below: ARES’ single Options dialog box for richline styles accessed through the RichlineStyle command


ARES’ support for smartleader styles is as extensive as the in QLeader command in AutoCAD. ARES does not
draw multiline leaders or support mleader styles, but it displays them when imported from AutoCAD.
Left: AutoCAD’s QLeader | Settings command’s Settings dialog box.
Right: ARES’ SmartLeader | Settings command’s Format Leaders dialog box
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD QLeader Option Equivalent Option in ARES

Annotation options
Annotation Type Type
MText Options Note Options
Annotation Reuse Reuse Settings

Leader Line & Arrow options
Leader Line Leader Line Type
Number of Points Vertex Maximum
Arrowhead Arrow Style
Angle Constraints Angle Settings

Attachment options
Text on left side Buttons on Annotations tab
Text on right side Buttons on Annotations tab
Underline bottom line Buttons on Annotations tab


AutoCAD and ARES both support the two types of print styles:
»» Color-based styles as defined by .ctb files
»» Table-based styles as defined by .stb files

ARES can use these files when imported from AutoCAD’s folder locations.


Above: AutoCAD’s Plot Style dialog box is accessed through the PlotStyle command
Chapter 3:  Drawing File Compatibility 81

Below: ARES’ Print Style dialog box is accessed through the PrintStyle command


ARES supports styles for tables and formats cells separately through sub-styles, like AutoCAD. The sub-styles
are named Titles (a.k.a. Title in ARES), Headers (a.k.a. Head), and Data.

AutoCAD Table Property Equivalent Property in ARES

General properties
Table Direction Table Header Orientation (new to 2015)
Fill Color Background Color
Alignment Align
Text Format ARES does not specify number formats
Cell Margins Cell Margins
Merge Cells ARES merges cells through the EditTableCell command (new to 2015)

Text properties
Style Style
Height Height
Color Color
Angle ARES does not angle text

Borders properties
Lineweight Weight
Linetype ARES cannot apply linetypes to borders
Color Color
Double Line ARES does not have double-line borders
Double Line Spacing ARES does not have double-line border
Apply to Borders Apply To
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Above: AutoCAD’s pair of Table Style dialog boxes accessed through the TableStyle command
Below: ARES’ single Options dialog box for table styles accessed through the TableStyle command
Chapter 4

Customizing & Programming

In This Chapter
»» Understanding the difference between AutoCAD Customize and ARES Cui
»» Customizing menus, toolbars, mouse actions, and so on
»» Creating new command macros
»» Reviewing programming considerations

Most customizing of AutoCAD takes place within its Cui and Options commands; in ARES, the activity takes
place in the equivalent Customize and Options commands. This chapter provides you with an overview of how
to customize and program ARES through these commands, and explains the differences with AutoCAD.

For detailed information on programming ARES, contact Graebert for the online developer reference material.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES and AutoCAD provide extensive options for controlling the CAD environment, from modifying the look of the
user interface to writing new commands. The following table compares the customizations available, and where to access
them in ARES. (Programming interfaces are listed later in this chapter.) Those discussed in this chapter are highlighted in
boldface. Those new to ARES 2015 are shown in red.

Area of Customization AutoCAD 2015 Command ARES 2015 Command

Aliases (1)
Options > User Preferences
Command bar Options Options > System Options
Crosshair cursor Options Options > System Options
Cui/Customize Cui Customize
Diesel ModeMacro ModeMacro
Double-click actions Cui Customize > Mouse Actions > Double Clicks
Dynamic input Options ...
File paths Options Options > File Locations
Fonts Style Options > Drafting Styles
Grips Options Options > User Preferences
Hatch patterns (1) (1)

Keyboard shortcuts Cui Customize > Keyboard

Image menus / slide libraries ... ImageMenu, MakeSlideLibrary (2)
Linetypes (1) (1)

Macros Cui Customize

Menu bar Cui Customize > Interface > Menus
Mouse buttons Cui Customize > Mouse Actions
Mouse gestures ... Gesture
Multiline styles MlStyle Options > Drafting Styles
Plot styles PlotStyle PrintStyle command
Quick Access toolbar Right-click, Cui Customize > Interface > Quick Access Toolbars
Quick Properties palettes Cui ...
Ribbon Cui Customize > Interface > Ribbon
Rollover tooltips Cui ...
Selection previews Options Options > User Preferences
Shell commands (1)
Shortcut menus Cui Customize > Mouse Actions > Shortcut Menus
Status bar right-click, Diesel right-click, Diesel
System variables SysVar, Options SysVar, Options
Tablet Cui Tablet (2)
Tool palettes/Tool Matrix Customize ` ToolMatrix command
Toolbars Cui Customize > Interface > Toolbars
UCS/CS icon Options Options > Drawing Settings
User profiles Cui Options > Profiles
Workspaces/UI Profiles Cui Customize > UI Profiles
3D mouse buttons ... 3DMouseButtons

(1)  Edited using Notepad or other text editor

(2)  Icon menus and tablets are supported for developers or OEMs only
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 85

ARES Customize vs AutoCAD Cui

In ARES, the Customize command is the equivalent to AutoCAD’s Cui command. Both display a dialog box that
centralizes the customization of many user interface elements; however, the dialog boxes look very different
from each other, as illustrated below.

Right: Customizing AutoCAD with the Cui dialog box
Left: Customizing ARES with the Customize dialog box

TIPS You can enter cui in ARES, just like in AutoCAD. It is an alias of the Customize command.
ARES uses XML files to store customization, but it can read CUI, CUIX, and MNU customization files from AutoCAD.


New customization functions added to ARES 2015 include the following:

»» Customize command now customizes ribbon panels and tabs

»» Customize command now customizes Quick Access toolbar
»» LoadCustomization command loads and removes partial customization CUI, CUIX, MNU, MNS,
and XML files
»» New system variables: AdcState. BtMarkDisplay, GripDynColor, TableIndicator, TableToolbar,
TSpaceFac, TSpaceType, TStackAlign, TStackSize, and WsCurrent
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD tends to have more user interface elements than ARES. The table below lists the elements in the order
in which they appear in AutoCAD’s CUI dialog box, and where to find them in ARES:

AutoCAD CUI Function Where to Find It in ARES Customize Dialog Box

Workspaces UI Profiles tab > User profiles
Quick Access toolbar Interface > Quick Access Toolbars
Ribbon Interface > Ribbon
Menus Interface > Menus
Toolbars Interface > Toolbars
Quick Properties ...
Rollover Tooltips ...
Shortcut menus Mouse Actions > Shortcut Menus
Keyboard shortcuts Keyboard > Keyboard shortcuts > Shortcut Keys
Temporary Override keys Keyboard > Keyboard shortcuts > Override Keys
Double-click actions Mouse Actions > Double Clicks
Mouse buttons Mouse Actions > Right Clicks
LISP files use the acad.lsp file
Legacy > Tablet available to third-party developers
Legacy > Image Tile Menus available to third-party developers


To import CUI and MNU customization files from AutoCAD, follow this procedure:
1. In the Customize dialog box, click the Load Customization File button.

2. In the Open Customization File dialog box, click the droplist, and then choose one of the file types:

»» CUIX customization files used by AutoCAD 2010 and newer; the “X” in the extension’s name
means the file is compressed in a PkZip-like format.
»» CUI are customization files used by AutoCAD during releases 2007 to 2009
»» MNU are older menu files used by AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT prior to release 2007, as well as by
some other CAD systems. (XML is the file format used by ARES for storing customizations.)
3. Click Open.
Careful: Although ARES imports AutoCAD menu files, menu picks sometimes do not work, because AutoCAD macros can
contain macro code and metacharacters not supported by ARES.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 87

The process in ARES for customizing elements is almost identical for every one of them, and consists of two steps:
1. Create (or copy) a command macro

2. Assign it to a UI element, such as a menu item, ribbon panel, or mouse action

When you learn this two-step system for one UI element, you can then handle any other, as ARES uses the same
system for customizing all the elements listed by the table below. But, the way that ARES customizes the UI is sig-
nificantly different from AutoCAD, and so in this chapter I show you the ARES system using menus as the example.

To access the Customize dialog box in ARES, use one of the following methods:
»» Command: Customize
»» Alias: cui
»» Menu bar: Tools | Customize Interface
»» Ribbon: Manage | Interface
»» Right-click any toolbar or ribbon element, and then select Customize Interface (see figure below)


As the prototype for doing most kinds of customization in ARES, let’s see how menus are customized.

Menus are customized in ARES through the Interface section of the Customize dialog box. Here you add, edit,
and remove items to and from menus — just like in AutoCAD. To change a menu takes two steps:
1. In the Customize dialog box, right-click an existing menu item

2. From the shortcut menu, choose an option to...

»» Add a new menu or a new sub-menu

»» Add a command (entry) or a separator bar
»» Rename or delete a menu item
88   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

The next tutorial walks you through the process step by step.

Tutorial: Adding an Item to a Menu

The CloseAll command closes all open drawings; it is not found in the menu. In this tutorial, you add Close All to
the File menu. To edit the contents of the menu, follow these steps in ARES:
0. (If necessary, switch the workspace to “Classic Default” so that you can see the menu bar.)

1. To open the Customize dialog box, enter the Customize command, or use one of the other methods
listed earlier. I tend to enter the cui alias, as that’s the fastest method.

Notice the Customize dialog box. On the left are section buttons: Commands, Interface, and so on.

2. On the left side of the dialog box, choose the Interface button. This action opens the Interface sec-
tion in the center area of the dialog box. Notice that the Interface section customizes the Quick Access
toolbars, ribbon (tabs and panels), menus, and toolbars.

3. Next to Menus, click the button to expand the section. Notice that the Menu section defines the
structure of the currently-loaded menu: the names listed in the dialog box — such as File, Edit, and so
on — match the names on the ARES menu bar.

Above: Menu items listed on the ARES menu bar...

Below: ...match the names listed in the Customization dialog obx
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 89

4. You are going to work with the File menu, so click the node button next to File. Notice that this
reveals the items displayed by the File dropdown menu.
Left: File menu tree in Customize dialog box;
Right: Menu items under the File menu in ARES
90   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

5. Right-click the menu item Close. Notice that ARES displays a shortcut menu.

6. In the shortcut menu, choose New Entry. This option adds a new menu entry below the currently-select-
ed one. Notice that ARES gives it the generic name of .

7. Look below menu tree and notice the droplist named “Command.” It lists all the names of all commands
available in ARES.

8. To assign the Close All command to “Menu entry,” follow these steps:
a. Double-click the droplist to activate it. When activated, the droplist button appears to the left of
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 91

b. Click the dropbox arrow, and then scroll through the list until you find Close All.

TIP To get to the desired command more quickly, press c on the keyboard to jump to the commands whose
names begin with “C.”

c. Select “Close All” from the list.

d. Click Apply. The button is located at the bottom of the dialog box.

Notice that the label changes to “Close all.”

The CloseAll command is added to ARES.

9. But you aren’t done yet, because it is important to test changes made to the CAD system. Always. To
test it, follow these steps:
a. Click OK to close the dialog box.
b. In the menu bar of ARES, choose File. Notice the new “Close All” item.
c. Click Close All.

Did ARES prompt you to save the drawing(s)? If so, then your menu modification worked!
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


The Customization dialog box in ARES looks quite different from the one in AutoCAD. Here is a brief tour of the major
parts and the meaning of icons on buttons.

Load Customization File

Chose an XML Þle to customize
Create Customization File

Unload Customization File

Click + to open tree

Choose an aspect to

Choose Toolbar

Delete item

Expand Command pane

Right-click for
shortcut menu

Double-click to choose
a command

Click to apply changes Click to apply changes

and exit dialog box Click to cancel changes without leaving dialog box
and exit dialog box

Click the Show Command Explorer button to expand the dialog box with with a searchable list of command names:
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 93


Just as in AutoCAD, you can create macros in ARES. This is accomplished with the Commands section of the Cus-
tomize dialog box. Macros combine one or more commands with special characters (called “metacharacters”)
to define new groups of functions. Once defined, the new functions can be attached to ribbon panels, toolbars,
and so on.

Tutorial: Writing Macros

This tutorial shows you how to add a macro to ARES. This in this tutorial macro does two things: its saves the cur-
rent drawing and then starts the Print command. (This is useful, because it ensures the drawing is saved before
it is printed.) I am calling the macro “Save and Print.” The code looks like this:

In the macro, you can see the Save and Print commands clearly; the remaining characters are exactly the same
metacharacters used by AutoCAD in its macros. To create the macro in ARES, you take these steps:
1. Open the Customize dialog box with the Customize command.

2. On the left hand side, click the Commands button. Notice the list of command names in the upper
part, and related parameters in the lower.

3. On the right hand side, click the Add Command button. Notice that ARES adds an item to the list,
giving it the generic name of “Command.”
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

4. Fill in the fields for the “Save and Print” command, as shown below.

Field Entry Notes

Name Save and Print Changes the name from “Command.” \

ID MNU_1 Leave this field alone, as it is filled in by ARES

Command string ^C^C_save;_print Specifies the macro that cancels the current command,
saves the drawing, and then starts the Print command
Small icon location Specifies the smaller, 16x16-pixel icon
Large icon location Specifies the larger, 24x24-pixel icon
Description Saves the drawing, and Specifies the Help text that appears on the status bar
then starts the Plot command.

If you need help, the following mini-tutorials show you the individual steps for filling in the fields.

Tutorial: Editing Command Names and Descriptions

To change the Name field from “Command” to something else, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the word “Command.” Notice that it is highlighted.

The button erases the text.

2. Enter the new text. For this tutorial, enter the following:

Save and Print

3. Click Apply. The field should look like this:

The same procedure applies to the Description field.

TIP If you make a mistake in any field, then just double-click the affected field, and then correct the text
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 95

Tutorial: Entering Command Strings

To enter a macro into the Command String field, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the field under Command String.

2. Enter a macro. For this tutorial, enter the following:


3. Click Apply.

Tutorial: Assigning Icons

To assign icons to a command, follow these steps:

1. Click the Show Icon Explorer button.

Notice that the dialog box widens to show a collection of small 16x16-pixel and large 24x24-pixel

2. Select a small icon, and then double-click it. Notice that it appears in the field under Small.

Repeat for the large icon, dragging it from collection of large icons to the Large field.
96   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

(Don’t try to drag the icon to the lower half of the dialog box and its Small Icon Location field; this
won’t work.)

3. Click Apply.

If you wish to access additional icons, click the Browse button, and then choose a file from among BMP, JPG, or
PNG formats. ARES automatically resizes the image to the correct size.

Now that you’ve created a new “command,” you can apply it to a menu or toolbar following the instructions of
the earlier tutorial.

TIP ARES stores all settings from the Customize dialog box in a single file named Application.xml file, which is
found in the C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\ARES Commander x64\<verNum>\UI\english folder.

The <login name> and <verNum> portions of the path names vary according to your login name and version of ARES
installed, such as 1.2.431. The ARES version number is stored in Ares Commander\Default Files\version.xml.

Using Macro Metacharacters and Diesel in ARES

Menu and toolbar items can execute macros containing metacharacters and Diesel code. ARES uses many of the
same metacharacters as in AutoCAD, such as & (ampersand) for shortcut keystrokes (for accessing menu items
with the alt key) and \ (backslash) pausing for user input.

Similarly, ARES and AutoCAD can employ identical Diesel code in commands and LISP routines. This means that
you can copy Diesel routines from AutoCAD for use in ARES.

The figure above shows metacharacters and Diesel code used in the macro for the Cleanscreen command in ARES.


Toolbars are customized in exactly the same manner as menus, except the job is done through the Toolbars node,
as illustrated below.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 97

Unlike AutoCAD, however, ARES does not let you specify the initial locations of toolbars, such as whether they
are docked or floating by default.


(new to 2015) The tabs and panels of ribbons are customized in the same manner as menus, except this is done
through the Ribbon’s Tabs and Panels nodes, as illustrated below.

The ribbon itself can be turned on, minimized, and turned off through the button in the InfoCenter area.

Clicking the Show Ribbon Explorer button expands the dialog box to show a preview of the panel being
98   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


(new to 2015) There are two ways to customize the Quick Access Toolbar in ARES. One is to click the button on
the toolbar itself, and then choose from the available buttons.

The second method uses the Customize dialog box in the same manner as menus. This advantage of this approach
is that you can add any command to the Quick Access toolbar, as you are not limited to the ones listed by the
menu shown above.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 99

Customizing Mouse Actions in ARES

The Customization dialog box in ARES define the actions of mouse right-clicks, double-clicks, and shortcut menus
through the Mouse Actions section. A separate command customizes the buttons and actions of 3dconnexion
3D mice; see Appendix D for details.

In ARES, you can redefine only the actions of the right mouse button (#2), albeit in combination with the shift
and ctrl keys. Curiously, ARES does not let you redefine any other mouse button, such as the center one (#3).

As in AutoCAD, the pick button (#1, left mouse button) cannot be redefined in ARES.

Tutorial: Modifying Right Mouse Button Actions

To change the function of the right mouse button, follow these steps:
1. With the Customize command, open the Customization dialog box.

2. On the left hand side, click the Mouse Actions button.

3. Open the Right Clicks node:

Notice that by default all right-clicks display the ESnap (osnap) menu. Decide on a button+keystroke
combination to modify; I suggest leaving alone Right Click, and choosing one of the other three.

»» Right Click
»» shift+Right Click
»» ctrl+Right Click
»» ctrl+shift+Right Click
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

4. Click the droplist, and then choose a command to replace.

5. Click Apply to affix the new definition.


Double-clicking the right mouse button on an entity in ARES executes a command, as in AutoCAD. You can, of
course, modify the action performed by the double-click. Most of the time, the default action is to display the
Properties bar.

There is, however, just one type of action: execute a command macro.

Tutorial: Modifying Double-click Actions

In this tutorial, you change the action associated with the Point entity. The default in ARES executes the Proper-
ties command; here, you change it to executing the Zoom Center command. This will let you zoom into a point
by double-clicking it.
1. In the Customization dialog box’s Mouse Actions section, open the Double Clicks node.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 101

2. It can take a long time to scroll through the hundreds of command names. The shortcut is to use the
Find field, enter “point.” Notice that ARES immediately isolates the list to Point, as illustrated above.

3. If necessary, click the Show Command Explorer button to widen the dialog box to list the Com-
mand Explorer, which lists the names of all ARES commands — including those you may have added
in earlier tutorials.

4. This time use the right-hand Find field to locate the Zoom Center command, as illustrated above.

5. Drag Zoom Center from the Command Explorer into the Command Name field of the Point entity.

Notice that Zoom Center replaces Properties.

6. Click Apply to affix the change.

To test this change, click OK to exit the dialog box. Draw a point at the side of the drawing area, and then double-
click it to see the Zoom command start with the Center option.
102   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

TIP To add a new entity type, click the Add button. ARES prompts you to select the DXF entity name from
the New Double Click Action dialog box. The dialog box conveniently lists only those entities not yet on the Double
Clicks list.

Click the header of any column in this dialog box to sort the names in forward or reverse order. For instance, you click
Command Name once, and ARES lists the command names in alphabetical order; click it again to see the list in reverse


ARES uses shortcut menus (a.k.a. context menus) in the same way as AutoCAD: right-click the drawing area, and
ARES displays a menu of options. I illustrated below the default shortcut menus for both CAD programs: right-
click in the drawing with no command active.

Left: Default shift+right-click shortcut menu for AutoCAD...

Right: ...and for ARES display entity snap modes.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 103

The customization of shortcut menus is found in the Mouse Actions section of the Customize dialog box.

ARES specifies two classes of shortcut menus, Common and Contextual.

About Common Shortcut Menus

Common shortcut menus appear at other times. The ones labelled “common” by ARES are these ones:

Common Shortcut Menu Appears When...

Default menu ...when no command is active.
Edit Menu ...when grips are active.
Command Menu ...when a command is active.

New menus cannot be created in the Common section.

About Contextual Shortcut Menus

Contextual shortcut menus appear when you right-click an object, such as a line or circle. Included in this class is
the ESnap Cursor menu, which appears when you hold down the ctrl or shift key while right-clicking.

To add (or remove) items from the shortcut menus, use the same procedure as for menus. To create a new shortcut
menu from scratch, you need to right-click an item in the Contextual section, and then choose New Shortcut Menu.
104   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Customizing Keystrokes in ARES

The Customization dialog box in ARES redefines the actions of keystroke shortcuts and override keys through
the Keyboard section.


ARES has many of the same shortcut keystrokes as AutoCAD. Keyboard shortcuts and override keys are customized
in ARES using the Keyboard section of the Customize dialog box, as described below. You can use combinations
of the alt, ctrl, and shift keys with all alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and function keys.

Appendix D contains a useful cross-reference of shortcuts for the programs.


Override keys temporarily override entity snap and other drafting settings in ARES, just as in AutoCAD. ARES has
the same set of enable and disable overrides as AutoCAD. One bonus, however, is that ARES has a set of overrides
designed for the German keyboard, the layout of which differs from the North American keyboard.

See Appendix D for the complete list.

Tutorial: Modifying Keyboard Shortcuts and Overrides

Keyboard shortcuts and overrides are customized in the same manner, but differently from AutoCAD. In the fol-
lowing tutorial, you assign the “Save and Print” command to the ctrl+alt+P keystroke combination.
1. In the right side of the Customization dialog box, click Keystrokes.

2. Open the Shortcut Keys node.

3. To create a new keystroke shortcut, click the New button. Notice that ARES adds a new, blank

4. To access the list of command names, click the Show Command Explorer button.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 105

5. In the Find field, enter “print”to locate the Save and Print command you wrote in an earlier tutorial.

6. Drag Save and Print from the Command Explorer into the blank Command name field.

7. To specify the keystroke associated with the command, follow these steps:
a. Double-click the cursor inside the Key field.

b. Press the desired key combination: hold down the ctrl and alt keys, and then press P.

8. Click Apply.

Should you press a key combination already in use, ARES warns you, “Shortcut key already assigned to another
106   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


ARES has many of the same aliases as AutoCAD, because aliases are used to make ARES command-compatible
with AutoCAD. Command aliases are customized by the Options dialog box — not Customize!

Tutorial: Customizing Aliases

Follow these steps to create and edit aliases for commands:

1. Enter the Options command.

2. In the left side of the dialog box, choose the User Preferences section.

3. Open the Aliases node. Notice the list of defined aliases.

4. To create a new alias:

a. Click the New button.

b. Notice the new, blank entry in the list. Click the Command field, and then type the name of a com-
mand. Because this is the Options dialog box, the list of commands is not readily available; you’ll
have to memorize the command name, or else write it down on a scratch piece of paper.
c. In the Alias field, enter a one- or two-letter alias. ARES uses the same rules as AutoCAD for the
construction of aliases.
d. Click Apply.

TIP Click the header of any column in this dialog box to sort the names in forward or reverse order. For in-
stance, you click Alias once, and ARES lists the alias names in alphabetical order; click it again to see the list in reverse
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 107

Using AutoCAD Aliases in ARES

ARES can import PGP files from AutoCAD and ICA files from IntelliCAD. If you have customized your acad.pgp file,
you can load it into ARES with the Import button.

ARES stores aliases in the aliases.xml file in the following location: C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\ARES
Commander\<verNbr>\Alias . (AutoCAD uses the acad.pgp file.)

Appendix A lists the aliases associated with all of ARES’ commands.

TIP To create your own list of ARES aliases, click the Export button.

Shell Commands

ARES does not customize shell commands, which are holdover in AutoCAD from the days before Windows. They
are no longer necessary.

Customizing Workspaces in ARES

(new to 2015) “User interface profile” is the names ARES gives to the equivalent of AutoCAD’s workspaces. Pro-
files determine which UI elements are displayed, allowing you to change the look of ARES instantly. ARES comes
with three UI profiles (workspaces):
»» Classic Default displays the menu bar and toolbars
»» Drafting and Annotation displays the ribbon with tabs and panels suitable to 2D drafting
»» 3D Modeling displays the ribbon with tabs and panels suitable to 3D modeling

To switch between profiles, click the droplist found in the Quick Access toolbar and then choose another profile.

Profiles specify whether the following user interface elements are to be displayed:
»» Quick Access toolbar
»» Ribbon tabs (individual panels are tied to tabs and cannot be toggled in profiles)
»» Menu Bar
»» Toolbars
»» Status bar
»» Command prompt
»» Properties window
»» References
»» Parameters
»» Lighting panel
»» Options toolbar
»» Tool Matrix
»» Design Resources

For instance, you could specify a menu bar that displays only the File and Help dropdowns, along with all toolbars.
The “Classic Default” profile is the default, and so it cannot be modified.
108   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users


The UI Profile section of the Customize dialog box lists the names of profiles and controls which user interface
elements are to be active.

Tutorial: UI Profiles Mode

The UI Profiles node lists the names of profiles. In this tutorial, you create a profile that turns off the menu bar,
and turns on certain toolbars. To create the new profile, follow these steps:
1. Enter the Customize command, and then choose the UI Profiles section.

2. Click the New button.

3. Notice that ARES adds a profile with the generic name of “Workspace2.”

4. Double-click Workspace2 to rename it as “Toolbar Workspace.”
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 109

5. Here is the tricky part: the nodes listed in the lower half of the dialog box determines what appears in
the workspace. This can be anything from individual menu items to ribbon tabs — or none.

For this tutorial, open the Menu Bar and Toolbar nodes, and notice that “Toolbar Workspace” is empty.

6. Being empty means that when you switch to Toolbar Workspace, nothing appears. To confirm this, fol-
low theses steps:
a. In the UI Profiles node, double-click in the Active column. The golden arrow confirms that “Tool-
bar Workspace” is now current.

b. Click Apply.

In the background, notice that ARES looses its menus and toolbars.
110   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

7. Let’s add some toolbars to the empty Toolbar Workspace. To add toolbars to the profile, click the
Show Toolbar Explorer button. Notice that the dialog box widens to display the list of available tool-

8. Drag toolbar names from the Toolbar Explorer to the Toolbars Displayed field.

9. If you wish, add a few more toolbar names. (If you add the same toolbar name twice, only one will be
displayed.) To remove a toolbar name, right click it, and then choose Remove from the shortcut menu.

The Insert Separator option adds a vertical bar in front of the selected toolbar name.

The Append Separator option places the bar at the end of the row of names. The bars appear only in
this dialog box; they don’t show up in the ARES user interface.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 111

10. Click Append. Notice that the toolbars appear in the ARES user interface.

11. If you wish, you can toggle additional user interface elements in the Elements node. Double-click the
boxes with the green arrows to turn them on or off.

12. Click Apply to see the effect in ARES. When done, click OK.

ARES and AutoCAD support user profiles, which store your customization settings for each CAD program. Profiles
are not the same as UI Profiles discussed above; unhappily, they share the same name, and it would be better if
UI Profiles were renamed workspaces.

Here’s how Profiles differ from UI Profiles:

Item Records Controlled By Export/Import

UI Profiles User interface elements set by Customize dialog box Customize dialog box No
Profiles All elements set by the Options dialog box Options dialog box Yes

Profiles customize all other aspects of ARES, i.e., everything controlled by the Options dialog box.

After changing settings with the Options command, you save them to an XML file. You can take this file to another
computer, and when you activate it, ARES will look exactly the same as on your own computer. You can create
multiple profiles, each for a different user or different project.

ARES cannot, unfortunately, import AutoCAD ARG files, which are the files in which AutoCAD stores profiles.
112   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

About Roaming Profiles

ARES and AutoCAD support roaming profiles, which let you “roam” about the office and use another copy of the
CAD software customized with your settings on any computer connected to the office network. Your settings are
identified by your login name automatically, which you enter when you access a computer.

Not all CAD-related files are roamable; some remain local, such as DWG drawing files. The roamable and nonroam-
able files are kept in different folders, which is how you can tell which are and which are not roamable.

ARES’ roamable files are kept in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\ARES Commander\<verNbr>, where <login> is

your computer login name, and <verNbr> is the current version number of ARES, such as 1.2.431. In this folder are
found the following sub folders:
»» Alias with sub-sub-folders for English and German
»» Fonts
»» Linestyles with sub-sub-folders for English and German
»» Print Styles with sub-sub-folders for English and German
»» Profiles
»» RichLine Styles
»» Templates with sub-sub-folders for several languages
»» UI (user interface language) with sub-sub-folders for several languages
»» Workspace

ARES’ nonroamable files are kept in C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2015. The folder has the
following sub-folders:
»» BIN with sub-sub-folders for:
Codecs, ImageFormats, Messages, Phonon_Backend, ShpTools, and SqlDrivers

»» Default Files with sub-sub-folders for:

Alias, Linestyles, Print Styles, Profiles, RichLine Styles, StartupMenu, Support, Template, UI,
and Workspace

»» Fonts (roamable fonts are located in the Roaming folder) with sub-subfolder Etc.
»» Help with sub-sub-folders for several languages

Accessing Hidden Folders in ARES

The local and roaming folders can be difficult to find, because unfortunately they are typically hidden from users.
Here are some ways to access hidden folders in Windows:
»» » Make all hidden folders visible through Start | Control Panel | Folder Options | View tab | Show
Hidden Files and Folders. (You can also access the dialog box through the Tools menu, if menus are turned
on for Explorer.)
»» » Or, copy (ctrl+C) the folder path from this ebook, and then paste it (ctrl+V) into the address bar of Explorer.
»» » Or, create shortcuts on your computer’s desktop to the hidden folders: hold down ctrl+alt while drag-
ging the folder’s name from Explorer onto the desktop.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 113

Tutorial: Creating a New Profile

All settings in effect when you create a new profile are remembered by it:
1. Enter the Options command, and then choose the Profiles section.

2. Click New, and then name the profile.

3. Click OK, and you’re done!

Other Types of Customizations in ARES

Other areas of customization include fonts, linetypes, plot styles, and file paths. ARES does not, however, custom-
ize hatch patterns or plotter management files.

The Tool Matrix palette is not customized by the Customize dialog box. Instead, it is customized within ARES by
dragging toolbars in and out of the palette.

To create a custom set of icons and commands for Tool Matrix:

1. Create a new toolbar with the Customize dialog box.

2. Exit the dialog box.

3. Drag the newly-created toolbar into the Tool Matrix.

Tablet overlays are supported by ARES 2015, but are available to OEMs only. The Tablet command calibrates the
overlay. You define the overlay through the ***TABLET section of an .mnu file.
114   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Image tile menus were the earliest form of dialog box in AutoCAD. An example is shown below from AutoCAD
2015 for drawing 3D primitives. It combines visual images (icons) and text in a single interface.

To use the image menu, you click on an image (such as of the cone) or click on a word in the list, such as Cone.
This executes the related command. One dialog box can display up to 20 icons. The Next and Previous button
become available automatically when more than 20 icons need to be displayed.

ARES provides these two commands for creating image menus:

»» MakeSlideLibrary reads a .txt text file containing a list of .sld slide file names, and then turns them into a
single .slb slide library file.
»» ImageMenu displays .mnu AutoCAD menu or .mni FelixCAD/PowerCAD menu files that define the image
menu. Chose an image to execute the related command.

This system of icon menus is meant for use by third-party developers. The icons are created from slide files, which
in turn are drawn by the CAD program. Here is how to create an icon menus in ARES:
1. In the CAD program, draw the images you want to use for the image menu. Use regular drawing and
editing commands.

2. Save each image to a slide file with the ExportSLD command.

3. Make a list of all the .sld files using a text editor like Notepad.

4. Save the file as a .txt file.

5. Run the MakeSlideLibrary command to convert the .sld slide files into a single .slb library file.

6. Create a .mnu file that contains an ***IMAGE (image menu) section providing the command sequences
associated to the slides that are shown in the image menu dialog box.

7. Use the LoadCustomization command to load and add the .mnu file as a partial customization file.
(ARES converts the contents of the .mnu to an .xml file.)

8. Use a toolbar button, menu pick, or in scripts the ImageMenu command to display the icon menu.

To display text in drawings, ARES and AutoCAD use the same font files:
»» TTF TrueType font files, the standard for Windows and Mac OS X
»» SHX compiled shape files, made from SHP shape source files, the original font standard for AutoCAD
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 115

ARES can use any font employed in AutoCAD drawings. Because Windows and Mac control TrueType fonts, there
is no need to copy any TTF files to ARES. They are stored in the C:\windows\fonts folder for use by all Windows

Both CAD systems use arial.ttf as the default font in the default Standard text style.

AutoCAD supports one more font format, PFB (short for PostScript Type B). This support is indirect, because
.pfb files have to be run through AutoCAD’s Compile command, which converts them to SHX files. ARES does not
work with PostScript fonts.

Mapping Fonts

ARES and AutoCAD support font mapping, handy for replacing fonts that might be missing from your drawing.
Fonts go missing because:
»» The font files are not installed on your computer
»» Someone forgot to include the files with the drawing archive
»» The font is licensed and so cannot be shared

The best way to solve this problem is to use the eTransmit command on AutoCAD (or PackAndGo on ARES) to
create a list all required fonts. Copy the font files to your computer. If the fonts are licensed, you will have to find
free replacement fonts.

If you can’t copy the font files to your computer, then use this pair of system variables to point to replacement
fonts. AutoCAD and ARES use the same sysvars:
»» FontAlt specifies the name of the font to use when the correct one cannot be found. ARES uses arsimp.shx,
its version of Simplex.
»» FontMap specifies the file name of the FMP file to map alternative font names. ARES uses fonts.fmp for the
file name, whereas AutoCAD uses acad.fmp.

Both CAD systems use the same format for the font mapping file, so you can copy the .fmp file from AutoCAD’s
folder over to ARES using the following locations:

CAD System
FontMap File Default Folder
AutoCAD acad.fmp C:\Users\login\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2015\R19.2\enu\Support
ARES fonts.fmp C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2015\Fonts\

Here are the font file names mappings from the first part of the ARES fonts.fmp file:
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

The missing font file name is listed first in each line, followed by a semi-colon and then the name of the replace-
ment font.

About Shape Files

ARES reads all forms of SHX shape files: those used for fonts, shapes (an early, efficient form of blocks), and
complex linetypes.

ARES and AutoCAD use the same definition for linetypes. Both simple and complex linetypes are defined by LIN
files. The default names are as follows:

AutoCAD Default ARES Default Notes

acad.lin inch.lin Imperial units
acadiso.lin mm.lin Metric, ISO-standard linetypes

ARES can use linetypes customized for AutoCAD. Copy the files from AutoCAD’s support folder to the ARES sup-
port folder at C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\ARES Commander x64\<verNbr>\Linestyles.

As an alternative, use the Linetype command’s Load button in ARES to access AutoCAD linetype files.


ARES and AutoCAD use the same format for defining hatch patterns. Now, the default hatch patterns are hard-
coded in ARES, unlike AutoCAD, which uses the acad.pat file for all patterns.

You can, nevertheless, add AutoCAD’s patterns to ARES by copying its .pat files. Place AutoCAD’s acad.pat and/or
other .pat files in the ARES folder: C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2015\Default Files\Support folder.

The next time you start ARES, it displays them in the Custom category (through the Hatch command), as illus-
trated below:

The patterns shown above are defined by the sample.pat file in the folder named earlier.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 117


ARES reads AutoCAD’s MLN multiline style files, which ARES calls “richline styles.” ARES and AutoCAD use the
same name for the style default, “Standard,” but other aspects differ between the two:

CAD System Default file name Folder

AutoCAD acad.mln C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\AutoCAD 2015\R19\enu\support
ARES rslstyles.mln C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\ARES Commander x64\<verNbr>\RichLine Styles

Inside the .mln file, both CAD systems use the same format, so you can copy AutoCAD multiline styles over to
the ARES folder.

Richlines styles are created and edited in the Drafting Styles section of the Options dialog box, illustrated below.
Enter the RichLineStyle command (alias = mlstyle):

To import MLN files from AutoCAD, follow these steps:

1. In the Options dialog box’s rich line style section, click the Load button.

2. In the Load RichLine Definition dialog box, choose the Browse button.
118   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

3. In the Load Rich Line Style dialog box, navigate to the folder in which AutoCAD keeps its .mln files.

4. Select a .mln file, and then click Open.

About Table and Other Styles

ARES also works with table, text, and dimension styles, like AutoCAD. In ARES, table and the other styles are
handled by the associated node in the Drafting Styles section, as illustrated below.

ARES, however, does not export or import any of these styles through the Options dialog box. Instead, use the
Drawing Resources palette in ARES to import the following named elements:
»» Blocks
»» Dimensions styles
»» Layer names and properties
»» Line style definitions
»» Reference drawings and sheets
»» Table styles
»» Text styles

In the Drawing Resources bar, navigate to the DWG file holding the resources you wish to copy. In the lower panel,
right-click and then choose Add from the shortcut menu.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 119


ARES and AutoCAD support both CTB (color-based) and STB (style-based) plot styles, which allow entities to look
different when plotted.

ARES can use STB and CTB files created in AutoCAD. The sole difference is the name of default style table files:
AutoCAD’s default is acad.stb, however, while ARES’ default is color.stb.

To create and edit plot styles in ARES, choose Print Style from the Format menu, or enter the PrintStyle command.
The figures below show that ARES has the same plot style options as AutoCAD:

Left: Current Plot Style dialog box in AutoCAD
Right: Print Styles dialog box in ARES

Above: AutoCAD’s STB dialog box
120   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Below: ARES’ STB dialog box

About Plotter Manager

ARES does not support AutoCAD’s PC3 plotter manager files, which are used to customize plotter options. Thus,
ARES cannot use PC3 files created in AutoCAD.


In addition to the core DWG drawing file, ARES and AutoCAD use many support files. In older, simpler times, sup-
port files were simply stored in a folder named \Support. But as Microsoft made Windows more complex, support
files became scattered throughout computer hard drives — and sometimes not even on the computer you use.

Both CAD programs let you specify the paths to these folders. In ARES, paths are specified in the File Locations
section of the Options dialog box.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 121

The complexity stems from networking. Different support files need to be handled differently:
»» Local files
»» Common files
»» Temporary files
»» Roaming files
»» Network files
»» Local files are stored on the computer you use; these files are specific to each user and each CAD program,
such as DWG drawing files and local customization files.
»» Common files are stored on the computer you use; these files are common to many programs, such as fonts
and printer drivers.
»» Temporary files are stored “anywhere,” locally or on the network; these files are created by CAD programs
for the duration of the editing session, such as automatic backup files.
»» Roaming files are stored on any computer; these files, such as for linetypes and hatch patterns, are specific to
you, and can be accessed from any networked computer. See Roaming Profiles below.
»» Network files are stored on the network and accessible to everyone; these files, such as for blocks and tem-
plates, are meant to be shared by everyone.

You can use the File Locations section to point ARES to support files used by AutoCAD.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Programming Considerations
ARES provides support for the following programming interfaces:
»» LISP vl-, vlr-, vla- and vlax- reactor functions (partial support)
»» LISP encryption
»» DCL for dialog boxes
»» Diesel for macros
»» FDT (ADS-like C/C++ development system)
»» TX (ARX-like runtime extension Teigha eXtension) from Open Design Alliance with ARES extensions
»» C/C++ Unicode support
»» .Net

API is short for “application programming interface,” and is the software link between ARES and programming
languages/compilers. The following work only in the Windows version, and not in the Linux or OS X versions:
»» Visual Studio 2008-compatible
»» COM
»» Delphi
»» ActiveX
»» VSTA (Visual Studio for Applications)
»» .Net

Graebert makes it easy for third-party developers to transfer AutoCAD add-ons to ARES by supporting many of
the same programming languages and APIs as does AutoCAD.

AutoCAD API ARES Equivalent Notes

ADS FDT ADS is considered obsolete by Autodesk, but is fully supported
ARX TX ARX code requires porting
AutoLISP LISP AutoLISP code runs as-is in ARES
DCL DCL DCL code runs as-is in ARES
Diesel Diesel Diesel code runs as-is in ARES

Windows only:
COM COM AutoCAD COM code runs as-is in ARES
.Net DWGdirect.NET AutoCAD .Net code is partially supported by ARES
VBA ... VBA is considered obsolete by Autodesk
VSTA VSTA VSTA code runs as-is in ARES

Generally ARES provides a nearly identical subset of equivalent function names. In the case of non-compiled code,
such as LISP and DCL, you just drop it into the ARES environment. For compiled code, you recompile using the
headers provided by Graebert.
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 123

Porting ARX to TX

The TX SDK (Teigha runtime extension software development kit) is largely compatible with Autodesk’s ARX (Au-
toCAD runtime extension). Graebert supplies an SDK with ARES-specific extensions that complement TX classes.

TX is available to members of the Open Design Alliance at

Porting AutoLISP to LISP

Most AutoLISP routines work directly in ARES, including encrypted ones. Its LISP engine partially supports VL,
VLA functions, and LISP reactors; it does not support compiling to FAS (compiled LISP) files.

You may experience the following issues:

»» ARES’ command line input can vary slightly from AutoCAD. The solution is to verify the content of all
(command) functions. Or avoid the use of (command) altogether.
»» ARES does not implement some AutoLISP functions. The solution is to rewrite the code, or adapt external

ARES provides DOSLib, a library of LISP-callable functions not found in regular AutoLISP.

Porting DCL to ARES

Most DCL routines work directly in ARES.

Porting Diesel to ARES

Diesel routines work directly in ARES.

Porting ADS to FDT

Since ADS (AutoCAD development System) was developed some 20 years ago, Autodesk considers ADS “depre-
cated,” meaning that the API is still in AutoCAD, but Autodesk recommends that developers no longer use it. In
contrast, Graebert fully supports C-language programming through FDT.

Porting COM to ARES

COM (Common Object Model) is available in ARES for Windows, and is accessed through programming languages
like VSTA and C++.


ARES and AutoCAD both can load external application files. In the case of ARES, use the LoadApplication com-
mand (alias = appload). It displays a dialog box for selecting the program file to open. Types supported include
the following:

Choose the application file you wish to load, and then click Open.
124   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Controlling Add-ins

You can run add-ins through the Options dialog box: choose the Add-Ins section, and then click New to load an app.


As a CAD software developer, you can create add-ons and plug-ins for ARES. Alternatively, you can create inde-
pendent CAD applications based on the ARES OEM engine.

Graebert has some 20 years of experience in providing services and programs for every type of developers —
whether an ISV (independent software vendor) looking for a CAD kernel, a developer of add-ons and plug-ins for
ARES, or a hardware vendor looking for software solutions.

You can either develop add-ons for ARES, or become an OEM and develop a solution that combines your appli-
cation and the CAD features of ARES as one solution. Ask for the OEM licensing program to use ARES as a CAD
engine to distribute stand-alone products for your industry based on the open architecture and wide range of
API features. ARES is fully programmable using the application interfaces listed earlier.

Building Your Own Stand-alone Application

To become a registered developer, follow these steps:

1. Email the OEM department at [email protected]

2. Receive a developer program summary and forms

3. Review and sign the appropriate Developer License Agreement

4. Place the initial order

5. Receive the secure access codes and first-year authorization

6. Download the SDK (software developer kit)
Chapter 4:  Customizing & Programming 125

The SDK is provided to registered software application developers free of charge. It contains documentation of
the individual programming interfaces as well as several examples of programming code.

For instance, you will find code examples to interface with ARES using C/C++ or Delphi. Also, you will find de-
scriptions and examples on object oriented access to the drawing database using TX and of using the C# .net
programming interface. In addition, the SDK contains information about the customization of the user interface
and about the program’s directory structure.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users
Appendix A

Command Cross-reference

This appendix cross-references the commands supported by ARES and AutoCAD. The list is sorted
alphabetically by command name. Equivalent command names are provided when ARES does not have
an exact match to an AutoCAD command name, along with explanatory notes. All ARES alias(es) are
included for each command.
Bold text indicates commands with the same name or alias in both CAD packages. For example, Auto-
CAD uses the AcisIn command to import SAT files, but ARES uses ImportSAT and the acisin alias. Thus,
you can enter the AutoCAD command name in ARES.
AutoCAD Command Name ARES Command Name ARES AutoCAD-like Alias
AcisIn ImportSAT AcisIn

Italicized text points to the closest AutoCAD equivalent when ARES lacks an exact match for a command
name in alphabetical order. Thus, AutoCAD’s LayMCur appears along with the ActivateLayer of ARES ,
as well as the ARES aliases, laymcur and actlay.
Red text indicates the command was added to ARES 2015.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

About About ...
AcisIn ImportSAT acisin, satin
AcisOut ExportSAT acisout, satout
ActBasepoint ... ...
LayMCur ActivateLayer laymcur, actlay Activates the layer of the selected entity
... ActivateViewport ... Activates a tiled view in model tab, or a view-
port in a sheet tab
ActManager -ActionManager ...
ActRecord ActionRecord ...
ActStop ActionStop ...
ActUserInput ... ...
ActUserMessage ... ...
AdCenter / AdcClose ... ...
AdcNavigate ... ...
Adjust ... ...
Align Align al
3dAlign Align3D 3dalign, al3
AllPlay ... ...
AmeConvert ... ...
... AngleDimension ... Draws linear dimensions at an angle
AniPath ... ...
AnnoReset ... ...
AnnoUpdate ... ...
Aperture Gravity aperture
AppLoad LoadApplication appload, ap
AppManager ... ...
Arc Arc a
Archive ... ...
DimArc ArcLengthDimension
dimarc, dar
Area GetArea area, aa, ga
Boundary AreaBoundary ...
-Boundary -AreaBoundary ...
Render ARender ...
Array Pattern array, ar, pat
-Array -Pattern -array, -ar, qarray
Arx use AppLoad ...
Attach References externalreferences, er, refs, xlink, xr, xref, image, im
DgnAttach AttachDGN ...
XAttach AttachDrawing xattach, xa
ImageAttach AttachImage imageattach, atimg, attachimg, iat
AttachURL AttachLink attachurl, atlnk
PdfAttach AttachPDF ...
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 129

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

AttDef MakeBlockAttribute
attdef, att, mblkatt
-AttDef -MakeBlockAttribute
-attdef, -att, qattdef
AttDisp DisplayBlockAttributes
attdisp, dsatt, dispblkatt
AttEdit EditBlockAttribute
attedit, ate, attxedit, ddatte, edblkatt
-AttEdit -EditBlockAttribute
-attedit, ate, atte, -edblkatt, qattedit
AttExt ExtractBlockAttribute
-AttExt -ExtractBlockAttribute
AttIPedit ... ...
AttRedef ... ...
AttSync ... ...
Audit Check audit, chk
AutoConstrain ... ...
AutoPublish ... ...
Reinit AutoRebuild ...

Base ... ...
DimBaseline BaselineDimension dimbaseline, basedim, bldim, dba, dimbas
BAttMan ... ...
BEdit ... ...
BESettings ... ...
... Blipmode ...
Block MakeBlock block, b, mblck, partdef, bmake
-Block -MakeBlock -block, -b
... BlockAttributeOutput attout, battout Writes attribute values of selected blocks to
text files without templates
BlockIcon ... ...
BmpOut ExportBMP bmpout
Boundary AreaBoundary boundary, ab, -ab, bo, bpoly
-Boundary -AreaBoundary -boundary, -bo
Box Box ...
QText BoxText qtext, btext
Break Splitbugre break, br, sp
BRep ... ...
AdcNavigate BrowseDesignResources adcnavigate
Browser OpenWebpage browser, oweb

Cal OsCalc cal, wcalc
Camera ... ...
Ucs Ccs ucs
DimCenter CenterMark dimcenter, cm, dce
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

Chamfer Chamfer cha

Change Modify change, -ch, mod, qpropedit
RefSet ChangeElements
Audit Check audit, c
CheckStandards VerifyStandards checkstandards
ChProp ModifyProperties
chprop, modprops
ChSpace ... ...
Circle Circle c
Purge Clean purge, cl, pu
-Purge -Clean -purge, -pu
CleanScreenOn FullScreen cleanscreenon, fscreen
CleanScreenOff HideFullScreen cleanscreenoff, hfscreen
Clip ClipReference xclip, clip, xc
CopyClip ClipboardCopy copyclip
DgnClip ClipDGN ...
ImageClip ClipImage imageclip, iclip
PdfClip ClipPDF ...
XClip ClipReference xclip, clip, xc
VpClip ClipViewport vpclip
Close Close ...
CloseAll CloseAll ...
RefClose CloseComponent refclose
RevCloud Cloud ...
Color LineColor color, col, colour, , lc, lcolor
-Color -LineColor -color, -lcolor
TextScr CommandHistory
textscr, cmdhist
CommandLine CommandWindow commandline, cmdwin
CommandLineHide HideCommandWindow commandlinehide, hidecmdwin
Compile ... ...
Cone Cone ...
ConstraintBar ConstraintIcon ...
ConstraintSettings ConstraintOptions ...
DcForm ConstraintType ...
DimContinue ContinueDimension dimcontinue, cdim, dco, dimcont
Convert ... ...
DcConvert ConvertConstraint ...
ConvertCTB ... ...
ConvertOldLights ... ...
ConvertOldMaterials ... ...
OLEConvert ConvertOLE ...
ConvertPStyles ConvertPrintStyles convertpstyles
ConvToSolid ... ...
ConvToSurface ... ...
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 131

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

Copy Copy co, cp

CopyBase Copy@ copybase, cp@
CopyClip ClipboardCopy copyclip
CopyHist CopyHistory copyhist
CopyLink ... ...
CopyToLayer ... ...
UcsIcon CSIcon ucsicon
UcsMan CSStyle ucsman, css
CUI Customize cui, cust
CuiExport / CuiImport ... ...
CuiLoad / CuiUnload ... ...
CustomerInvolvement- ReportBug ...
Customize Customize cui, cust Customizes all aspects of the user interface
... CustomPaperSize ...
CutClip Cut cutclip
CvShow / CvHide ... ...
Cylinder Cylinder cyl

DataExtraction ... ...
DataLink ... ...
DataLinkUpdate ... ...
DcAligned DcAligned ...
DcAngular DcAngular ...
DcConvert ConvertConstraint ...
DcDiameter DcDiameter ...
DcDisplay DcDisplay ...
DcForm ConstraintType ...
DcHorizontal DcHorizontal ...
DcLinear DcLinear ...
DcRadial DcRadial ...
DcVertical DcVertical ...
AdCenter DesignResources adcenter, adc
DbConnect / DbClose ... ...
DbList ... ...
DdEdit EditAnnotation ddedit, textedit, ed, edanno, edittext
DdGrips EntityGrips ddgrips, egrips, gr Displays Options dialog
DdPtype PointFormat ddptype Displays Options dialog
DdVPoint ViewDirection vpoint, -vp, vdirect
Delay PauseScript delay
DelConstraint DeleteConstraints ...
Erase Delete erase, del, e
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

LayDel DeleteLayer laydel, dellay

DesignFeedOpen, ... ...
ExternalReferences DetachDgn ...
ExternalReferences DetachDrawing ...
ImageAttach DetachImage imagedetach, dimage Detaches images from the drawing
Hyperlink DetachLink ...
ExternalReferences DetachPdf ...
DetachURL use Hyperlink ...
DgnAdjust ... ...
DgnAttach AttachDGN ...
DgnClip ClipDGN ...
... DgnUnderlayOptions ... Toggle esnap and frame options
DgnImport ... ...
DgnExport ... ...
DgnLayers LayersDgn ...
DgnMapping ... ...
DimContraint DimensionalConstraint ...
-DimStyle -DimensionStyle -dimstyle
DimStyle DimensionStyle dimstyle, d, dimsty, dst Creates and modifies dimension styles
DistantLight DirectionalLight distantlight
OverKill DiscardDuplicates ...
AttDisp DisplayBlockAttributes
attdisp, dsatt, dispblkatt
... DisplayCoords ... Toggles coordinate display in status bar
FileDia DisplayDialogs ... Toggles filename input between File dialog
box and command line
FillMode DisplayFills ...
ImageFrame DisplayImageFrame imageframe, iframe
DrawOrder DisplayOrder draworder, dr, do
ViewRes DisplayQuality viewres
Dist GetDistance dist, di, gd, getdist
DistantLight Directionallight distantlight
Divide MarkDivisions divide, div, mdiv
Donut Ring donut, do
DSettings DraftingOptions dsettings, dop, ds, se, draftingstyles Displays Options dialog
Options DraftingStyles options Displays Options dialog
Limits DrawingBounds limits, bounds
DwgProps DrawingProperties ...
DrawingRecovery Recover ...
DrawingRecoveryHide ... ...
Options DrawingSettings ... Displays Options dialog
Standards DrawingStandards standards
DrawOrder DisplayOrder draworder, dr, do
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 133

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

DSettings DraftingOptions dsettings, dop, ds, se, draftingstyles Displays Options dialog
DView ... ...
DwfAdjust ... ...
DwfAttach ImportDWF dwfattach, dwfin Imports DWF files
DwfClip ClipDgn ...
DwfFormat ... ...
DwfLayers ... ...
DwgProps ... ...
DxbIn ... ...
DxfIn ImportDXF dxfin
DxfOut ExportDXF dxfout

Dim Dim ...
Dim1 Dim1 ...
DimAligned ParallelDimension dimaligned, dal, dimali, pdim, paralleldim
DimAngular AngleDimension dimangular, aldim, angledim, dan, dimang
DimAngular 4PointAngleDimension dima4p, dim4ap, 4padim Angular dimension based on four pick points.
DimAngular 3PointAngleDimension dima3p, dim3ap, 3padim Angular dimension based on three pick points.
DimArc ArcLengthDimension
dimarc, dar,
DimBaseline BaselineDimension dimbaseline, basedim, bldim, dba, dimbase
DimBreak ... ...
DimCenter CenterMark dimcenter, cm, dce
DimConstraint ... ...
DimContinue ContinueDimension dimcontinue, cdim, dco, dimcont
DimDiameter DiameterDimension dimdiameter, ddi, dimdia
DimDisassociate UnrelateDimension dimdisassociate, dda, undim, unrelatedim
DimEdit EditDimension dimedit, ded, dimed, editdim
DimEdit ObliqueDimension dimobl, obliquedim, odim Obliques extension lines of linear dimensions
DimHorizontal HorizontalDimension dimhor, hdim
DimInspect ... ...
DimJogged JoggedDimension dimjogged, djo, jog, jogdim
DimJogLine ... ...
DimLinear LinearDimension dimlinear, dimlin, dli, ldim
DimOrdinate OrdinateDimension dimordinate, dimord, dor, orddim, ordinatedim
DimOverride OverrideDimensionStyle
dimoverride, dimover, dov, overdims
DimRadius RadiusDimension dimradius, dimrad, dra, rdim, radiusdim
DimReassociate RelateDimension dimreassociate, dre, redim
... RebuildDims ... Verifies dimension measurements
DimRegen RebuildDimension dimupdate, dimupd, rebuilddim
DimSpace ... ...
DimStyle DimensionStyle dimstyle, d, dimsty, dst
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

-DimStyle -DimensionStyle -dimstyle

DimTEdit EditDimensionText
dimtedit, dimted, editdimtxt
DimTEdit RotateDimensionText dimtrot, rodimtext Rotates dimension text
DimTEdit MoveDimensionText dimtmove, movedimtxt Moves dimension text
DimTEdit ResetDimensionText dimthome, resetdimtext Resets the location of dimension text
... ReplaceDimensionText dimtnew, replacedimtxt Edits the value of dimension text
DimVertical VerticalDimension dimver, vdim

EAttEdit EditBlockAttributeDefinition ...
EdgeSurf EdgeMesh edgesurf
TextEdit EditAnnotation textedit, ddedit, ed, edanno, edittext
Basepoint EditBasePoint ...
AttEdit EditBlockAttribute
attedit, ate, attxedit, ddatte, edblkatt
-AttEdit -EditBlockAttribute
-attedit, ate, atte, -edblkatt, qattedit
RefEdit EditComponent ...
DimEdit EditDimension dimedit, ded, dimed, editdim
DimTEdit EditDimensionText
dimtedit, dimted, editdimtxt
... EditEntityGroup ... Adds and removes entities from groups;
renames groups
HatchEdit EditHatch hatchedit, he
-HatchEdit -EditHatch -hatchedit
-Image EditImage -image, im
AttIpEdit EditIpBlockAttribute ...
EditShot ... ...
Lengthen EditLength lengthen, edlen, len
MtEdit EditNote mtedit, edn
PEdit EditPolyLine pedit, edpl, edpline, pe, polyedit
-MlEdit -EditRichLine -mledit
MlEdit EditRichLine mledit, editrline, edrl
ScaleListEdit EditScaleList ...
SolidEdit EditSolid solidedit
TablEdit EditTable tabledit, edtbl, tableedit
... EditTableCell ...
... EditTolerance edittol, edtol, toledit Edits tolerances
PEdit EditVertex editvtx, vtxedit Edits 2D polyline vertices
Elev ZPlane elev
Ellipse Ellipse el
-XBind -EmbedDrawing -xbind, -embeddwg
... EnterPoint entpt Displays dialog box for entering points by a
variety of means
DdGrips EntityGrips ddgrips, egrips, gr Displays Options dialog
Group EntityGroup group, g, egroup
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 135

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

-Group -EntityGroup -group, -g,

OSnap EntitySnap osnap, es, esnap, os
-OSnap -EntitySnap -osnap, -es, -esnap, -os
Erase Delete erase, del, e
eTransmit PackAndGo ...
Quit Exit ...
Explode Explode x
... ExplodeBlockX ... Explodes blocks and tables
TxtExp ExplodeText ... Explodes TrueType text into lines and arcs;
AutoCAD TxtExp is unsupported Express Tool
... ExplodeX ... Converts ellipses and splines into polylines
Export Export exp
BmpOut ExportBMP bmpout
WBlock ExportDrawing wblock, dwgout, w
-WBlock -ExportDrawing -wblock, -exportdwg, -w
ExportDWF Export exp Choose DWF format
ExportDWFx ... ...
DxfOut ExportDXF dxfout
... ExportEMF emfout Saves selected entities in EMF (Enhanced
Meta Format) files
EpsOut ExportEPS ...
JpgOut ExportJPG jpgout
ExportLayout ... ...
ExportPDF ExportPDF pdfout
PngOut ExportPNG pngout
AcisOut ExportSAT acisout, satout
ExportSettings ... ...
MSlide ExportSLD ...
... ExportSTL ... Exports model in stereolithography format
... ExportSVG svgout Saves the current view in SVG (scaled vector
graphics) file
Extend Extend ex
ExternalReferences References externalreferences, er, refs, xlink, xr,
xref, image, im
ExternalReferencesClose HideReferences hiderefs, xrefclose
AttExt ExtractBlockAttribute
-AttExt -ExtractBlockAttribute
Extrude Extrude ext

3dFace Face 3dface, 3f
Field Field ...
Options FileLocations ... Opens File Locations section of the Options
dialog box
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

FileOpen SmartOpen qopen Opens drawings at the command prompt

Files FileManager explorer
FilesTab / FilesTabClose ... ...
Fill FillMode ...
Gradient FillArea gradient
Fillet Fillet f
FilletEdges FilletEdges ...
Filter SelectionFilter filter, fi, sf
Find Find ...
... Flip fl Mirrors and deletes the original entity
... FlipArrows ... Reverses direction of dimension arrowheads
FlatShot MakeFlatSnapshot ...
LayFrz FreezeLayer layfrz, frzlay
CleanScreenOn FullScreen cleanscreenon, fscreen

GcCoincident GcCoincident ...
GcCollinear GcCollinear ...
GcConcentric GcConcentric ...
GcEqual GcEqual ...
GcFix GcFix ...
GcHorizontal GcHorizontal ...
GcParallel GcParallel ...
GcPerpendicular GcPerpendicular ...
GcSmooth GcSmooth ...
GcSymmetric GcSymmetric ...
GcTangent GcTangent ...
GcVertical GcVertical ...
GeographicLocation ... ...
GeoLocateMe ... ...
GeoMap ... ...
GeoMarkPosition ... ...
GeomConstraint ... ...
GeoRemove ... ...
GeoReorientMarker ... ...
... Gesture ... Attaches commands to mouse gestures
Area GetArea area, aa, ga
Dist GetDistance dist, di, gd, getdist
... GetMassProperties ... Reports properties of region entities
List GetProperties list, getprops, gp
Status GetStatus status, gs
Time GetTime time, gt
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 137

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

Id GetXY id, gxy

Gradient FillArea gradient
GraphScr HideCommandHistory
graphscr, hidecmdhist
Aperture Gravity aperture
Grid Grid ...
Group EntityGroup group, g, egroup
-Group -EntityGroup -group, -g

Hatch Hatch bh, bhatch, h
-Hatch -Hatch -bhatch, -h, qhatch
HatchEdit EditHatch hatchedit, he
-HatchEdit -EditHatch -hatchedit
Helix ... ...
Help Help ...
Hide HideView hide, hi, hview, qhide
GraphScr HideCommandHistory
graphscr, hidecmdhist
CommandLineHide HideCommandWindow
commandlinehide, hidecmdwin
CleanScreenOff HideFullScreen cleanscreenoff, hfscreen
LayOff HideLayer layoff, hidelay
LightListClose HideLightlist lightlistclose
HidePalettes ... ...
... HideParameters ... Closes the Parameters palette
PropertiesClose HideProperties propertiesclose, hideprops, prclose
ExternalReferencesClose HideReferences hiderefs, xrefclose
Hide HideView hide, hi, hview, qhide
DimHorizontal HorizontalDimension dimhor, hdim
Hyperlink Hyperlink ...
-Hyperlink -Hyperlink ...
HyperlinkOptions ... ...

Id GetXY id, gxy
-Image EditImage -image, im
ImageAdjust ... ...
ImageAttach AttachImage imageattach, atimg, attachimg, iat
ImageClip ClipImage imageclip, iclip
ImageFrame DisplayImageFrame imageframe, iframe
... ImageMenu ... Displays image menus
ImageQuality ImageQuality iquality
Import Import ...
DwfAttach ImportDWF dwfattach, dwfin Imports DWF files
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

DxfIn ImportDXF dxfin

... ImportPDF ... Inserts PDFs as blocks
AcisIn ImportSAT acisin, satin
ImportSkp ... ...
Imprint ... ...
XLine InfiniteLine xline, il, iline, xl
InputSearchOptions ... ...
InputSearchOptions ... ...
Insert InsertBlock insert, i,
-Insert -InsertBlock -insert, -i, , qinsert
MInsert InsertBlockN minsert, insblock
InsertObj InsertObject insertobj
Shape InsertShape shape, inshape, insshape
Interfere Interfere inf
Intersect Intersect in
IsoLay IsolateLayer layiso, isolay
Isoplane IsometricGrid isoplane, isogrid

DimJogged JoggedDimension dimjogged, djo, jog, jogdim
Join Weld join, j
JpgOut ExportJPG jpgout
JustifyText ... ...

... Language ... Sets the language with which to communicate
LayCur ToActiveLayer laycur
LayDel DeleteLayer laydel, dellay
Layer / LayerClose Layer la
-Layer -Layer -la, qlayer
LayerP UndoLayer layerp
LayerPMode ... ...
... LayerPreview ... Preview entities on single layers
DgnLayer LayersDgn ...
PdfLayer LayersPDF ...
LayFrz FreezeLayer layfrz, frzlay
LayIso IsolateLayer layiso, isolay
LayLck LockLayer laylck, llay, lcklay
LayMch MatchLayer laymch, mlay
LayMCur ActivateLayer laymcur, actlay
LayMrg ... ...
LayOff HideLayer layoff, hidelay
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 139

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

LayOn ShowLayers layon

-Layout Sheet -layout, lo, layout, -sheet
LayoutWizard ... ...
LayThw ThawLayers laythw, thawlay
LayTrans ... ...
LayULk UnlockLayer layulk, unla
LayUniso UnisolateLayer layuniso
LayVpi ... ...
LayWalk ... ...
Leader Leader lead
Lengthen EditLength lengthen, edlen, len
Light Light ...
LightList Lightlist ...
LightListClose HideLightlist lightlistclose
Limits DrawingBounds limits, bounds
Line Line l
DimLinear LinearDimension dimlinear, dimlin, , dli, ldim
Color LineColor color, col, colour, , lc, lcolor
-Color -LineColor -color, -lcolor
LtScale LineScale ltscale, lscale, lts
Linetype LineStyle linetype, lstyle, lt, ltype, qlinetype
-Linetype -LineStyle -linetype,, loadltype, -lt, -ltype
List GetProperties list, getprops, gp
LiveSection ... ...
Load LoadShape load
AppLoad LoadApplication appload, ap
... LoadCustomization ... Loads and removes partial customization files
Menu LoadMenu menu, lmenu
Script LoadScript script, lscript, scr
Load LoadShape load
LayLck LockLayer laylck, llay, lcklay
Loft Loft ...
LogFileOff / LogFileOn ... ...
LtScale LineScale ltscale, lscale, lts
LWeight LineWeight lweight, lw
-LWeight -LineWeight -lweight

Block MakeBlock block, b, mblck, partdef, bmake
-Block -MakeBlock -block, -b
AttDef MakeBlockAttribute
attdef, att, mblkatt
-AttDef -MakeBlockAttribute
-attdef, -att, qattdef
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

Flatshot MakeFlatSnapshot ...

... MakeSlideLibrary makeslidelib Makes SLB library files
Divide MarkDivisions divide, div, mdiv
Measure MarkLengths measure, me, mlen
Markup / MarkupClose ... ...
Wipeout Mask wipeout
MassProp MassProp ...
MatchCell ... ...
LayMch MatchLayer laymch, mlay
MatchProp PropertyPainter matchprop, ma, paint
MaterialAttach ... ...
MaterialAssign ... ...
MaterialMap ... ...
Measure MarkLengths measure, me, mlen
MeasureGeom use Area or Distance ...
Menu LoadMenu menu, lmenu
Mesh ... ... ARES displays 3D mesh objects from DWG
files, but cannot create them
... Mesh 3dmesh Creates 3D polygon meshes
MeshCrease ... ...
MeshUncrease ... ...
MeshOptions ... ...
MeshPrimitiveOptions ... ...
MeshRefine ... ...
MeshSmooth ... ...
MeshSmoothLess ... ...
MeshSmoothMore ... ...
MeshSplit ... ...
... Migration ... Copies settings from earlier ARES releases
MInsert InsertBlockN minsert, insblock
Mirror Mirror mi
Mirror3D Mirror3D 3dmirror, mi3d
MLeader ... ... ARES displays mleaders from DWG files, but
cannot create them
MLeaderAlign ... ...
MLeaderCollect ... ...
MLeaderEdit ... ...
MLeaderStyle ... ...
MlEdit EditRichLine mledit, editrline, edrl
-MlEdit -EditRichLine -mledit
MLine RichLine mline, ml, rl
MlStyle RichLineStyle mlstyle, rls, rlstyle, rlinestyle
Model Model ...
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 141

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

MSPace ModelMode mspace, mm, ms

Change Modify change, -ch, mod, qpropedit
ChProp ModifyProperties
chprop, modprops
Move Move m
... MoveDimensionText dimtmove, movedimtxt Moves dimension text
MRedo RedoN mredo
MSlide ... ...
MSpace ModelMode mspace, mm, ms
MtEdit EditNote mtedit, edn
MText Note mtext, mt, n, t
-MTtext -Note -mtext, qmtext
Multiple Repeat multiple
MView Viewport mview, mv
MvSetup ... ...

NavSMotion / NavSMotionClose ... use a 3D mouse
NavSWheel ... ...
NavVCube ... ...
NetLoad AppLoad ...
New New ...
... ReplaceNew rnew Creates a new drawing file, replacing the cur-
rent drawing
NewSheetset ... ...
NewShot ... ...
FreeSpot Nontargetlight freespot
MTExt Note mtext, mt, n, t
-MText -Note -mtext, qmtext
... NoteOptions ... Specifies options for using Note and Simple-
Note commands

... ObliqueDimension dimobl, obliquedim, odim Obliques extension lines of linear dimensions
ObjectScale ... ...
Offset Offset o
OleConvert ConvertOLE ...
OleLinks ... ...
OleOpen OpenOLE ...
OleReset ResetOLE ...
OleScale ... ...
OnlineOpenFolder ...
Oops Undelete oops, undel
Open Open ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

OpenDwfMarkup use ImportDwf ...

OpenSheetset ... ...
XOpen OpenReference xopen
Browser OpenWebpage browser, oweb
Options Options op, config
Options SystemOptions options Opens System Options section of Options
dialog box
DimOrdinate OrdinateDimension dimordinate,dimord,dor,orddim,ordinatedim
Ortho Ortho ...
Cal OsCalc cal, wcalc
OSnap EntitySnap osnap, es, esnap, os
-OSnap -EntitySnap -osnap, -es, -esnap, -os
OverKill DiscardDuplicates ...
DimOverride OverrideDimensionStyle
dimoverride, dimover, dov, overdims

eTransmit PackAndGo ...
PageSetup PageLayout pagesetup
Pan Pan p, dpan, pandynamic, rtpan, pdy
-Pan -Pan -p
Pan PanDown ... Pans down
Pan PanLeft ... Pans left
Pan PanRight ... Pans right
Pan PanUp ... Pans up
DimAligned ParallelDimension dimaligned, dal, dimali, pdim, paralleldim
Parameters Parameters ...
ParametersClose HideParameters ...
PartiaLoad ... ...
-PartialOpen ... ...
PasteAsHyperlink ... ...
PasteBlock PasteAsBlock pasteblock
PasteOrig Paste@SourcePosition ...
PasteClip Paste pasteclip
PasteSpec PasteSelected ...
Array Pattern array, ar, pat
-Array -Pattern -array, -ar, qarray
3dArray Pattern3D 3darray, 3a, pat3d
Delay PauseScript delay
PcInWizard ... ...
PdfAdjust ... ...
PdfAttach AttachPDF ...
PdfClip ClipPDF ...
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 143

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

PdfLayers LayersPDF ...

PEdit EditPolyLine pedit, edpl, edpline, pe, polyedit
PFace PolyFace ...
Plan PlanView plan, pview
PlaneSurf PlaneSurf ...
... PlugIns ... Manages plugin software
PLine PolyLine pline, pl
Plot Print plot
-Plot -Print -plot
PlotStamp PrintStamp pstamp
PlotStyle PrintStyle plotstyle, pstyle
-PlotStyle -PrintStyle -plotstyle
PlotterManager ... ...
PngOut ExportPNG pngout
Point Point po, pt
DdPtype PointFormat ddptype Displays Options dialog
PointLight PointLight ...
Polygon Polygon pol, pgon
PLine PolyLine pline, pl
3dPoly PolyLine3D 3dpoly, 3p, pl3, pline3d
PolySolid ... ...
... PowerTrim ... Trims/extends multiple entities by dragging
PressPull ... ...
Preview Preview pre
Plot Print plot
-Plot -Print -plot
PlotStamp PrintStamp pstamp
-PlotStyle -PrintStyle -plotstyle
PlotStyle PrintStyle plotstyle, pstyle
Options Profiles ... Stores individual profiles
Properties Properties ch, mo, pr, props
PropertiesClose HideProperties propertiesclose, hideprops, prclose
MatchProp PropertyPainter matchprop, ma, paint
PSetupIn ... ...
PSpace SheetMode pspace, ps, sm
Publish use Plot ...
PublishToWeb use Export ...
Purge Clean purge, cl, pu
-Purge -Clean -purge, -pu
Pyramid Pyramid ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

QDim SmartDimension ...
QLeader SmartLeader qleader, le
QNew SmartNew qnew
QSave Save qsave
QSelect SmartSelect ss
QText BoxText qtext, btext
QuickCalc / QcClose SmartCalculator quickcalc, calc, smartcalc, qc
QuickCui use Customize ...
... QuickGroup ... Creates unnamed groups of entities
MoCoRo QuickModify MoCoRo Copy, move, rotate, and scale at once
... QuickUnGroup ... Ungroups unnamed entity groups
... QuickPrint ... Prints the current view to the default printer
QuickProperties ... ...
Quit Exit quit
QvDrawing, ... ...
QvLayout, ... ...

DimRadius RadiusDimension dimradius, dimrad, dra, rdim, radiusdim
Ray Ray ...
Regen Rebuild regen, re
RegenAll RebuildAll regenall, rea
DimUpdate RebuildDimension dimupdate, dimupd, rebuilddim
UpdateField RebuildField ...
Recover Recover ...
RecoverAll ... ...
Rectang Rectangle rectang, rec, rect
Redefine Redefine ...
Redo Redo ...
MRedo RedoN mredo
Redraw Refresh redraw, r
Reinit RefreshAliases reinit
RedrawAll RefreshAll redrawall, ra
RefClose CloseComponent refclose
RefEdit EditComponent refedit
ExternalReferences References externalreferences, er, refs, xlink, xr,
xref, image, im
RefSet ChangeElements
Regen Rebuild regen, re
RegenAll RebuildAll regenall, rea
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 145

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

RegenAuto AutoRebuild regenauto

Region Region reg
Reinit RefreshAliases reinit
DimReassociate RelateDimension dimreassociate, dre, redim
Rename Rename ren, rn
-Rename -Rename -ren
Render ARender render
RenderCrop ... ...
RenderEnvironment ... ...
RenderExposure ... ...
-RenderOutputSize ... ...
RenderPresets ... ...
RenderWin ... ...
Multiple Repeat multiple
... ReplaceDimensionText dimtnew, replacedimtxt Edits the value of dimension text.
... ReplaceOpen ropen Closes current drawing then opens another one
Customer- ReportBug ...
ResetBlock ... ...
... ResetDimensionText dimthome, resetdimtext Resets the location of dimension text
OLEReset ResetOLE ... Resets OLE entities to original size
Resume ResumeScript resume
RevCloud Cloud ...
Reverse ... ...
Revolve Revolve rev
RevSurf RevolvedMesh revsurf
Ribbon Ribbon ...
RibbonClose HideRibbon ...
MLine RichLine mline, ml, rl
MlStyle RichLineStyle mlstyle, rls, rlstyle, rlinestyle
Donut Ring donut, do
3dOrbit RollView ...
... RollViewCenter ... Sets center of view rotation
Rotate Rotate ro
Rotate3D Rotate3D ro3d
DimRotated RotatedDimension ...
... RotateDimensionText dimtrot, rodimtext Rotates dimension text
RPref / RPrefClose ... ...
RScript ScriptN rscript
RtPan PanDynamic rtpan, pdy
RuleSurf RuledMesh rulesurf, revmesh
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

Save Save qsave
... SaveAll ... Saves all open drawings
SaveAs SaveAs ...
RefSave SaveComponent ...
SaveImg use Export ...
Scale Scale sc
ScaleListEdit EditScaleList ...
ScaleText ... ...
Script LoadScript script, lscript, scr
RScript ScriptN rscript
Section Section sec
SectionPlane ... ...
SectionPlaneJog ... ...
SectionPlaneSettings ... ...
SectionPlaneToBlock ... ...
SecurityOptions ... ...
Select Select ...
... SelectAll ... Selects all unfrozen entities
Filter SelectionFilter filter, fi, sf
SelectURL use Hyperlinks ...
SequencePlay ... ...
SetByLayer ... ...
FieldDisplay SetFieldDisplay ... Toggles gray background of field text
SetIDropHandler ... ...
SetVar SetVariable setvar, set
-ShadeMode Shade ...
-ShadeMode ShadeView -shademode, sha, shademode, sview
Shape InsertShape shape, inshape, insshape
Layout Sheet -layout, lo, layout, -sheet
PSpace SheetMode pspace, ps, sm
Sheetset / SheetsetHide ... ...
Shell Shell ...
LayOn ShowLayers layon
About ShowLicense ... Displays the license agreement
ShowPalettes ... ...
SigValidate ... ...
Text -SimpleNote ...
Text SimpleNote text, dtext, snote, dt
Polygon SimplePolygon spoly, ngon
Sketch Sketch ...
Slice Slice sl
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 147

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

BmpOut SmartBmp qbmpout Exports view, window, or everything in

BMP format
QuickCalc SmartCalculator quickcalc, calc, smartcalc, qc
QDim SmartDimension ...
QLeader SmartLeader qleader, le
QNew SmartNew qnew
FileOpen SmartOpen qopen Opens drawings at the command prompt
QSelect SmartSelect ss
Snap Snap sn
SolDraw ... ...
Solid Solid so
SolidEdit EditSolid solidedit
SolProf ... ...
SolView ... ...
SpaceTrans ... ...
Spell SpellCheck spell
Sphere Sphere ...
Spline Spline spl
SplinEdit ... ...
Break Split break, br, sp
SpotLight SpotLight ...
... StackOptions ...
Standards ... ...
Status GetStatus status, gs
StlOut ExportSTL ...
Stretch Stretch s
Style TextStyle style, st, txs
-Style -TextStyle -style
StylesManager ... ...
Subtract Subtract su
SunProperties / SunPropertiesClose ... ...
Sweep Sweep ...
TileMode SwitchArea tilemode, tlmode, switch
Options SystemOptions options Opens System Options section of Options
dialog box
SysWindows Windows syswindows

Table Table tb
-Table -Table ts
TablEdit EditTable tabledit, edtbl, tableedit
TableExport ... ...
TableStyle TableStyle ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

Tablet Tablet ... Available through OEMs only

TabSurf TabulatedMesh tabsurf, tabmesh
TargetPoint TargetpointLight targetpoint
Text SimpleNote text, dtext, snote, dt
-Text -SimpleNote ...
TextEdit EditAnnotation textedit, ddedit, ed, edanno, edittext
TextScr CommandHistory
textscr, cmdhist
-Style -TextStyle -style
Style TextStyle style, st, txs
TextToFront use DrawOrder ...
LayThw ThawLayers laythw, thawlay
Thicken Thicken ...
TileMode SwitchArea tilemode, tlmode, switch
Time GetTime time, gt
TifOut ... ...
TInsert ... ...
LayCur ToActiveLayer laycur
Tolerance Tolerance tol
... Toolbars Displays dialog box to toggle the display of
-Toolbar -Toolbars tbconfig
... ToolMatrix ... Toggles the Tool Matrix palette
ToolPalettes, ... ...
Torus Torus tor
TpNavigate ... ...
Trace Trace ...
Transparency ... ...
Solid Trapezoid ... Creates a 2D trapezoid from a polyline
TraySettings ... ...
TreeStat ... ...
Trim Trim tr

U U ...
Workspace UIProfile ... Manages user interface profiles
Ucs CCS ucs
UcsIcon CSIcon ucsicon
UcsMan CSStyle ucsman, css, uc
ULayers use Layers ....
Undefine Undefine ....
Oops Undelete oops, undel
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 149

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

LayerP UndoLayer layerp

Undo UndoN undo
Union Union uni
LayUnIso UnisolateLayer layuniso
Units UnitSystem units, un
-Units -UnitSystem -units, -un
LayULk UnlockLayer layulk, unla
DimDisassociate UnrelateDimension dimdisassociate, dda, undim, unrelatedim
... UpdateBlockAttributes ... Updates blocks with new attribute data
UpdateField ... ...
UpdateThumbsNow ... ...
Options UserPreferences ... Defines drafting options, mouse options, and
alias commands

... VerifyDimensions ... Updates dimension text to match entities
CheckStandards VerifyStandards checkstandards
DimVertical VerticalDimension dimver, vdim
VPoint ViewDirection vpoint, -vp, vdirect
MView Viewport mview, mv
-VPorts -Viewport -vports, qviewport
VpLayer ViewportLayer vplayer
View Views view, v
-View -Views -view, -v, qview
ViewPlay ... ....
ViewPlotDetails ... ....
ViewRes DisplayQuality viewres
VSlide ViewSlide vslide
VisualStyles, ... ...
VPorts ViewTiles vports, viewports
VLisp ... ...
... VoiceNote vnote Adds audio memos to drawings
VpClip ClipViewport vpclip
VpLayer ViewportLayer vplayer
VpMax / VpMin ... ...
VPoint ViewDirection vpoint, -vp, vdirect
VPorts ViewTiles vports, viewports
-VPorts -Viewport -vports, qviewport
VsCurrent ... ...
VSlide ViewSlide vslide
VsSave ... ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

... VSTA ... Runs VSTA programming language macros

... VSTAManager ... Manages VSTA macros
VTOptions ... ...

WalkFlySettings ... ...
WBlock ExportDrawing wblock, dwgout, w
-WBlock -ExportDrawing -wblock, -exportdwg, -w
WebLoad ... ...
Wedge Wedge we
Join Weld join, j
WhoHas ... ...
SysWindows Windows syswindows
WipeOut Mask wipeout
WmfIn ... ....
WmfOpts ... ...
WmfOut use ExportEmf ...
WorkSpace UiProfiles ...
WsSave ... ...
WsSettings ... ...

XAttach AttachDrawing xattach, xa
XBind use -XBind ...
-XBind -EmbedDrawing -xbind, -embeddwg
XClip ClipReference xclip, clip, xc
XEdges ... ....
XLine InfiniteLine xline, il, iline, xl
XOpen OpenReference xopen
Xplode use Explode ....
-XRef -References -xref, -xr, qxref, qxlink

Zoom Zoom z
Zoom P ZoomBack zb Zooms to previous view
Zoom D ZoomDynamic dzoom, zoomdyn, zd
Zoom x ZoomFactor zfa Zooms by a factor
Zoom E ZoomFit zf Zooms to the drawing extents
Zoom ZoomIn zi Zooms in to the drawing
Zoom ZoomOut zo Zooms out
Zoom W ZoomWindow zoomarea, zw Zooms to a region specified by a rectangle
Elev ZPlane elev
Appendix A:  ARES-AutoCAD Command Cross-reference 151

AutoCAD Command ARES Command ARES Alias(es) Notes

3D 3D ...
3dAlign Align3d 3dalign, al3
3dArray Pattern3D 3darray, 3a, pat3d
3dClip ... ...
3dConfig ... ...
3dCOrbit / 3dDistance RollView 3dorbit, 3do, orbit Changes 3D viewpoints
3dFOrbit / 3dOrbit
3dOrbitCtr / 3dSwivel
3dDwf ... ...
3dFace Face 3dface, 3f
3dFly / 3dWalk ... ...
3dMesh ... ...
... 3DMouseButtons ... Assigns commands to 3D mouse buttons
... 3DMouseOptions ... Dialog box for 3D mouse settings
... -3DMouseOptions ... Command line for 3D mouse settings
3dMove ... ...
3dPan / 3dZoom ... ...
DimAngular 3PointAngleDimension dima3p, dim3ap, 3padim Angular dimension based on three pick points
3dPoly PolyLine3D 3dpoly, 3p, pl3, pline3d
3dPrint ... ...
3dRotate ... ...
3dScale ... ...
3dsIn ... ...
DimAngular 4PointAngleDimension dima4p, dim4ap, 4padim Angular dimension based on four pick points
Appendix B

System Variable Cross-reference

Many of AutoCAD’s 800+ system variables are found in ARES. This appendix compares the names of
system variables in AutoCAD and ARES, as reported by each program’s SetVar command. The names
of variables are sorted alphabetically.
It must be noted that some system variables found in ARES are included for compatibility with AutoCAD
but have no effect in ARES. The appendix provides comments on those variables that are different in
ARES. Variables related to dimensional and geometric constraints are available in the Windows version
The red color labels system variables that are new to ARES 2015.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

acadlspasdoc acadlspasdoc
acadprefix acadprefix
acadver acadver
acisoutver acisoutver
... acisproxymode Toggles how unsupported ACIS solids displayed, as meshes or edges only.

... acissaveasmode Controls how ACIS entities are exploded for export
... actdb (r/o) Returns ID number of active drawing database
actpath actpath
actrecorderstate actrecorderstate
actrecpath ...
actui ...
adcstate adcstate
aeceipinprogress ...
aflags aflags
angbase angbase
angdir angdir
annoallvisible annoallvisible ARES does not support annotative scaling
annoautoscale ...
annomonitor ...
annotativedwg annotativedwg ARES does not support annotative scaling
apbox apbox
aperture aperture
... apilanguage Reserved for application development API settings
... apilevel Reserved for application development API settings
... apipath Reserved for application development API settings
appautoload ...
appframeresources ...
applyglobalopacities ...
apstate apstate
area area
... arlinedisp Determines whether edges of faces and bodies are displayed by the real-time
render window
arrayassociativity ...
arrayeditstate ...
arraytype ...
assiststate assiststate
attdia attdia
attipe ...
attmode attmode
attmulti ... ARES does not create multiline attributes
attreq attreq
auditctl auditctl
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 155

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

aunits aunits
auprec auprec
autodwfpublish ... ARES does not automatically publish in multiple formats
automaticpub ...
... autonew Determines whether ARES starts new drawings based on a default template
drawing, or asks the user to specify the template file
... autonewname Specifies name of new drawings; default = “noname_n,” where n is incremented
autosnap ...

backgroundplot backgroundplot
backz backz
bactionbarmode ...
bactioncolor bactioncolor ARES does not support action colors
bconstatusmode ...
beditname beditname ARES does not have a block editor
bdependencyhighlight bdependencyhighlight ARES does not support dependency highlighting
bgripobjcolor bgripobjcolor ARES does not support dynamic grip colors
bgripobjsize bgripobjsize ARES does not support dynamic grip sizing
... bigfontalt Specifies the replacement Bigfont file to substitute for Bigfont used in the
current drawing when it is not available
bindtype bindtype ARES supports the binding of xrefs, but ignores this system variable
blipmode blipmode
blockeditlock blockeditlock ARES does not have a block editor
blockeditor blockeditor ARES does not have a block editor
blocktestwindow ...
bparametercolor bparametercolor ARES does not support parameter colors
bparameterfont bparameterfont ARES does not support parameter fonts
bparametersize bparametersize ARES does not support parameter font sizes
bptexthorizontal ...
btmarkdisplay btmarkdisplay
... buildversion Reports the build version of ares.
bvmode bvmode ARES does not support visibility modes

cachemaxfiles ...
cachemaxtotalsize ...
calcinput calcinput ARES does not support results exported from the Calculator
cameradisplay cameradisplay
cameraheight cameraheight
cannoscale cannoscale ARES does not support annotative scaling
cannoscalevalue ...
capturethumbnails ...
cbartransparency ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

cconstraintform cconstraintform
cdate cdate
... cdefaultcolor Sets color for the display of default values at the command line
cdyndisplaymode ...
cecolor cecolor
celtscale celtscale
celtype celtype
celweight celweight
centermt centermt
cetransparency cetransparency Specifies the current level of transparency for entities.
cgeocs ...
chamfera chamfera
chamferb chamferb
chamferc chamferc
chamferd chamferd
chammode chammode
cipmode ...
circlerad circlerad
clayer clayer
clayout ...
cleanscreenstate cleanscreenstate
clipromptlines ...
clipromptupdate ...
clistate clistate
cmaterial cmaterial
cmdactive cmdactive
cmddia cmddia
cmdecho cmdecho
cmdinputhistorymax cmdinputhistorymax
... cmdlntext Specifies the wording of the command prompt; default is ‘:’
cmdnames cmdnames
cmleaderstyle cmleaderstyle
cmljust cmljust
cmlscale cmlscale
cmlstyle cmlstyle
colortheme ...
commandpreview ...
compass compass
complexltpreview ...
constraintbardisplay constraintbardisplay
constraintbarmode constraintbarmode
constraintinfer ...
constraintnameformat constraintnameformat
constraintrelax constraintrelax
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 157

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

constraintsolvemode ... ARES does not support resolve mode
contentexplorerstate ...
coords coords
... coptionscolor Determines the color of the command window.
copymode copymode
cplotstyle cplotstyle
cprofile cprofile
crossingareacolor crossingareacolor
cshadow cshadow ARES does not support shadow casting
ctab ctab
ctablestyle ctablestyle
cullingobj ...
cullingobjselection ...
cursorbadge ...
... cursormode Specifies the look of the crosshair cursor
cursorsize cursorsize
cvport cvport

dashboardstate dashboardstate ARES does not have a Dashboard palette
datalinknotify ... ARES does not support database links
date date
dbcstate dbcstate ARES does not support database links
dblclkedit dblclkedit
dbmod dbmod
dctcust dctcust
dctmain dctmain
... debugmode Controls graphic card optimization; used for support reasons
defaultgizmo ...
defaultindex ...
defaultlighting defaultlighting
defaultlightingtype defaultlightingtype
deflplstyle deflplstyle
defplstyle defplstyle
... defplstyletable Specifies the default print style for new entities and layers in drawing files
that use the R14 (or earlier) DWG or DXF format
delobj delobj
demandload demandload
designfeedstate ...
... devoptions
dgnframe dgnframe
dgnimportmax dgnimportmax
dgnmappingpath ...
dgnosnap dgnosnap
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

diastat diastat
digitizer ...
dimconstrainticon dimconstrainticon
dimcontinuemode ...
dispsilh dispsilh
distance distance
divmeshboxheight ... ARES does not support parameter variables for mesh objects
divmeshboxlength ...
divmeshboxwidth ...
divmeshconeaxis ...
divmeshconebase ...
divmeshconeheight ...
divmeshcylaxis ...
divmeshcylbase ...
divmeshcylheight ...
divmeshpyrbase ...
divmeshpyrheight ...
divmeshpyrlength ...
divmeshsphereaxis ...
divmeshsphereheight ...
divmeshtoruspath ...
divmeshtorussection ...
divmeshwedgebase ...
divmeshwedgeheight ...
divmeshwedgelength ...
divmeshwedgeslope ...
divmeshwedgewidth ...
donutid donutid
donutod donutod
dragmode dragmode
dragp1 dragp1
dragp2 dragp2
dragvs dragvs
draworderctl draworderctl
drstate ...
dtexted dtexted
... dtoolarea Not yet implemented
... dtoolareastyle Not yet implemented
dwfframe dwfframe
dwfosnap dwfosnap
dwgcheck ...
dwgcodepage dwgcodepage
dwgname dwgname
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 159

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

dwgprefix dwgprefix
dwgtitled dwgtitled
dxeval dxeval
... dxfprec Specifies the default precision when saving drawings as DXF files
... dxftextadjustalignment Adjusts the alignment of text in drawings exported to dxf files
... dynasnap Specifies visibility of entity snap cues and tooltips
... dynasnappolarmode Toggles polar snap mode
... dynasnapsize Specifies the size of entity snap icons displayed when moving the cursor over
geometric features of objects
dynconstraintdisplay ...
dynconstraintmode dynconstraintmode
dyndigrip dyndigrip
dyndivis dyndivis
dyninfotips ...
dynmode dynmode
dynpicoords dynpicoords
dynpiformat dynpiformat
dynpivis dynpivis
dynprompt dynprompt
dyntooltips dyntooltips

dimadec dimadec
dimalt dimalt
... dimaltmzf Specifies the alternate sub-units size
... dimaltmzs Specifies the alternate sub-units suffix
dimaltd dimaltd
dimaltf dimaltf
dimaltrnd dimaltrnd
dimalttd dimalttd
dimalttz dimalttz
dimaltu dimaltu
dimaltz dimaltz
dimanno ... ARES does not support annotative scaling
dimapost dimapost
dimarcsym dimarcsym
dimaso dimaso
dimassoc dimassoc
dimasz dimasz
dimatfit dimatfit
dimaunit dimaunit
dimazin dimazin
dimblk dimblk
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

dimblk1 dimblk1
dimblk2 dimblk2
dimcen dimcen
dimclrd dimclrd
dimclre dimclre
dimclrt dimclrt
dimcontinuemode ...
dimdec dimdec
dimdle dimdle
dimdli dimdli
dimdsep dimdsep
dimexe dimexe
dimexo dimexo
dimfit dimfit
dimfrac dimfrac
dimfxl dimfxl
dimfxlon dimfxlon
dimgap dimgap
dimjogang dimjogang
dimjust dimjust
dimldrblk dimldrblk
dimlfac dimlfac
dimlim dimlim
dimltex1 dimltex1
dimltex2 dimltex2
dimltype dimltype
dimlunit dimlunit
dimlwd dimlwd
dimlwe dimlwe
dimpost dimpost
dimrnd dimrnd
dimsah dimsah
dimscale dimscale
dimsd1 dimsd1
dimsd2 dimsd2
dimse1 dimse1
dimse2 dimse2
dimsho dimsho
dimsoxd dimsoxd
dimstyle dimstyle
dimtad dimtad
dimtdec dimtdec
... dimtxtdirection Specifies the reading direction by which text is displayed in dimensions.
dimtfac dimtfac
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 161

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

dimtfill dimtfill
dimtfillclr dimtfillclr
dimtih dimtih
dimtix dimtix
dimtm dimtm
dimtmove dimtmove
dimtofl dimtofl
dimtoh dimtoh
dimtol dimtol
dimtolj dimtolj
dimtp dimtp
dimtsz dimtsz
dimtvp dimtvp
dimtxsty dimtxsty
dimtxt dimtxt
dimtxtdirection dimtxtdirection
dimtzin dimtzin
dimunit dimunit
dimupt dimupt
dimzin dimzin

edgemode edgemode
elevation elevation
enterprisemenu enterprisemenu ARES does not use CUI files
erhighlight ...
errno errno
erstate erstate
expert expert
explmode explmode
exporteplotformat ...
exportmodelspace exportmodelspace ARES does not support these export functions
exportpagesetup exportpagesetup
exportpaperspace exportpaperspace
extmax extmax
extmin extmin
extnames extnames

faceterdevnormal ... ARES does not create 3D mesh models
faceterdevsurface ... ARES does not support parameter variables for mesh objects
facetergridratio ...
facetermaxedgelength ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

facetermaxgrid ...
facetermeshtype ...
faceterminugrid ...
faceterminvgrid ...
faceterprimitivemode ...
facetersmoothlev ...
facetratio facetratio
facetres facetres
... fcmultisel LISP ssget flag specifies whether one or multiple entities are added to selec-
tion sets chosen from the graphics area
... fctemplate Specifies the default template drawing used by New command
... fcversion Version number based on legacy Graebert CAD product numbering
fielddisplay fielddisplay
fieldeval fieldeval
filedia filedia
filetabpreview ...
filetabstate ...
filetabthumbhover ...
filletrad filletrad
filletrad3d filletrad3d Specifies the default radius for 3d fillets.
fillmode fillmode
fontalt fontalt
fontmap fontmap
frame frame
frameselection ...
frontz frontz
fullopen fullopen ARES does not open drawings partially
fullplotpath fullplotpath

geolatlongformat geolatlongformat ARES does not support geographic coordinates
geomapmode ...
geomarkervisibility geomarkervisibility ARES does not support geographic coordinates
geomarkpositionsize ...
gfang gfang
gfclr1 gfclr1
gfclr2 gfclr2
gfclrlum gfclrlum
gfclrstate gfclrstate
gfname gfname
gfshift gfshift
globalopacity ...
griddisplay griddisplay ARES does not support lined grids
gridmajor gridmajor ARES does not support lined grids
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 163

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

gridmode gridmode ARES does not support lined grids
gridstyle ...
gridunit gridunit
gripblock gripblock
gripcolor gripcolor
gripdyncolor gripdyncolor
griphot griphot
griphover griphover
gripmultifunctional ...
gripobjlimit gripobjlimit
grips grips
gripsize gripsize
gripsubobjmode ...
griptips griptips
groupdisplaymode groupdisplaymode Determines how groups are shown as selected: all entities, as a group, or by
a bounding box
gtauto gtauto ARES does not have grip tools
gtdefault gtdefault ARES does not have grip tools
gtlocation gtlocation ARES does not have grip tools

halogap halogap
handles handles
hatchboundset ...
hatchtype ...
helpprefix ...
hideprecision hideprecision
hidetext hidetext
hidexrefscales ...
highlight highlight
... highlightcolor Specifies the color of selected entities
highlightsmoothing ...
hpang hpang
hpannotative ...
hpassoc hpassoc
hpbackgroundcolor ...
hpbound hpbound
hpboundretain ...
hpcolor ...
hpdlgmode ...
hpdouble hpdouble
hpdraworder hpdraworder
hpgaptol hpgaptol
hpinherit hpinherit
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

hpislanddetection ...
hpislanddetectionmode ...
hplayer ...
hplinetype ...
hpmaxarea ...
hpmaxlines ...
hpname hpname
hpobjwarning hpobjwarning
hporigin hporigin
hporiginmode hporiginmode
hppickmode ...
hpquickpreview ...
hpquickpreviewtimeout ...
hpscale hpscale
hpseparate hpseparate
hpspace hpspace
hptransparency hptransparency Specifies the current level of transparency for hatch patterns.
hyperlinkbase hyperlinkbase

imageframe imageframe
imagehlt imagehlt
impliedface impliedface
indexctl indexctl
inetlocation inetlocation
... inifilename Stores the name of an application initialization file used for development
... initgetflag LISP initget flag maintains compatibility with legacy Graebert CAD products
inputhistorymode inputhistorymode
inputsearchdelay ...
insbase insbase
insname insname
insunits insunits
insunitsdefsource insunitsdefsource
insunitsdeftarget insunitsdeftarget
intelligentupdate intelligentupdate
interferecolor interferecolor ARES does not support interference displays
interfereobjvs interfereobjvs
interferevpvs interferevpvs
intersectioncolor intersectioncolor ARES does not support intersection displays
intersectiondisplay intersectiondisplay
isavebak isavebak
isavepercent isavepercent
isolines isolines
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 165

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

largeobjectsupport ...
... language Specifies the language used by ARES’ user interface (0 = operating system’s
language, 1 = German, 2 = English)
lastangle lastangle
... lastapploadfolder (r/o) Reports the folder path from which the last application was loaded
... lastattachfolder (r/o) Reports the folder path from which the last externally referenced draw-
ing file was attached
... lastinsertfolder (r/o) Reports the folder path from which the last block was inserted
... lastlispfolder (r/o) Reports the folder path from which the last LISP routine was loaded
... lastopenfolder (r/o) Reports the folder path from which the last DWG file was opened
lastpoint lastpoint
lastprompt lastprompt
... lastscriptfolder (r/o) Reports the folder path from which the last SCR script file was loaded
... lastshapefolder (r/o) Reports the path to the folder from which the last SHX shape file was
latitude latitude ARES does not support geographic data
layerdlgmode ...
layereval layereval
layerevalctl ...
layerfilteralert layerfilteralert
layernotify layernotify
laylockfadectl ...
layoutcreateviewport ...
layoutregenctl layoutregenctl
layouttab ...
legacyctrlpick ...
lenslength lenslength
lightglyphdisplay lightglyphdisplay
lightingunits lightingunits
lightliststate lightliststate
lightsinblocks lightsinblocks
limcheck limcheck
limmax limmax
limmin limmin
linearbrightness ...
linearcontrast ...
lispinit lispinit
locale locale
localrootprefix localrootprefix
lockui lockui
loftang1 loftang1
loftang2 loftang2
loftmag1 loftmag1
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

loftmag2 loftmag2
loftnormals loftnormals
loftparam loftparam
logexpbrightness ... ARES does not support photometric lighting
logexpcontrast ...
logexpdaylight ...
logexpmidtones ...
logexpphysicalscale ...
logfilemode logfilemode
logfilename logfilename
logfilepath logfilepath
loginname loginname
longitude longitude
... lspaload Names the LISP file to load when opening FLX files (legacy PowerCAD and
FelixCAD prodcuts)
ltscale ltscale
lunits lunits
luprec luprec
lwdefault lwdefault
lwdisplay lwdisplay
... lwdispscale Specifies the factor by which lineweights are scaled on screen
lwunits lwunits

macrotrace ...
matbrowserstate matstate ARES does not have a materials browser
materialspath ...
maxactvp maxactvp
maxhatch ...
... maxhatchdensity Specifies maximum density of hatching
maxsort maxsort
maxtouches ...
mbuttonpan mbuttonpan
measureinit measureinit
measurement measurement
... memorysize Specifies the memory size of the application; not measured in bytes
menubar ...
menuctl menuctl
menuecho menuecho
menuname menuname
meshtype meshtype ARES does not support 3D mesh objects
mirrhatch ...
mirrtext mirrtext
mleaderscale ...
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 167

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

modemacro modemacro
msltscale msltscale
msmstate msmstate ARES does not have a Markup Set Manager palette
msolescale msolescale
mtextautostack ...
mtextcolumn ...
mtextdetectspace ...
... mstoponerr Toggles whether macros halt on error
mtexted mtexted
mtextfixed mtextfixed
mtexttoolbar ...
mtjigstring mtjigstring
mydocumentsprefix mydocumentsprefix

navbardisplay ...
navswheelmode ... ARES does not support the navigation steering wheel interface
navswheelopacitybig ...
navswheelopacitymini ...
navswheelsizebig ...
navswheelsizemini ...
navvcubedisplay ... ARES does not support the navigation viewing cube interface
navvcubelocation ...
navvcubeopacity ...
navvcubeorient ...
navvcubesize ...
newtabmode ...
nomutt nomutt
northdirection northdirection ARES does not support geographic data

objectisolationmode ...
obscuredcolor obscuredcolor
obscuredltype obscuredltype
offsetdist offsetdist
offsetgaptype offsetgaptype
oleframe oleframe
olehide olehide
olequality olequality
olestartup olestartup
onlinedocmode ...
onlinesynctime ...
... openfilterindex Presets the default file format for the Open dialog box
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

... openformatversion Presets the default drawing file format for the Open command by setting the
index number for the Files of Type droplist of the Open dialog box
openpartial openpartial
opmstate opmstate
orthomode orthomode
osmode osmode
osnapcoord osnapcoord
osnaphatch osnaphatch
osnapnodelegacy osnapnodelegacy
osnapoverride osnapoverride
osnapz osnapz
osoptions osoptions

... pagesetupmanager Determines whether the Page Layout dialog box is displayed with the cre-
ation of new sheets
paletteopaque paletteopaque ARES does not support transparent palettes
... panscale Specifies scale factor when panning left, right, up, and down
paperupdate paperupdate
parametercopymode ...
parameterstatus parameterstatus
pcmstate ...
pdfframe pdfframe
pdfosnap pdfosnap
pdmode pdmode
pdsize pdsize
peditaccept peditaccept
pellipse pellipse
perimeter perimeter
perspective perspective
perspectiveclip ...
pfacevmax pfacevmax
pickadd pickadd
pickauto pickauto
pickbox pickbox
pickdrag pickdrag
pickfirst pickfirst
pickstyle pickstyle
platform platform
... plinecache Controls creation of the OdDb2dPolyline vertex cache when database file is
plineconvertmode ...
plinegen plinegen
plinetype plinetype
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 169

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

plinewid plinewid
plotoffset plotoffset
plotrotmode plotrotmode
... plotter Specifies plotter name; no longer used
plottransparencymode ...
... plottransparencyoverride Determines when transparent objects are plotted (not yet supported)
plquiet plquiet
pointcloudautoupate ...
pointcloudboundary ...
pointcloudcachesize ...
pointclouddensity ...
pointcloudlighting ...
pointcloudlightsource ...
pointcloudlock ...
pointcloudlod ...
pointcloudpointmax ...
pointcloudpointmaxlegacy ...
pointcloudpointsize ...
pointcloudrtdensity ...
pointcloudshading ...
pointcloudvisretain ...
polaraddang polaraddang
polarang polarang
polardist polardist
polarmode polarmode
polysides polysides
popups popups
... prevcmd (r/o) Reports the name of the command currently executing (meant for use
by application developers)
previewcreationtransparency previewcreationtransparency Specifies the transparency of previews during the creation of certain 3D entities
... preview_height Specifies the height of preview images
... preview_width Specifies the width of preview images
previeweffect previeweffect
previewfilter previewfilter
previewtype previewtype
product product
program program
projectname projectname
projmode projmode
propobjlimit ...
propertypreview ...
propertyprevtimeout ...
proxygraphics proxygraphics
proxynotice proxynotice
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

proxyshow proxyshow
proxywebsearch proxywebsearch
psltscale psltscale
psolheight psolheight
psolwidth psolwidth
psprolog psprolog
psquality psquality
pstylemode pstylemode
pstylepolicy pstylepolicy
psvpscale psvpscale
publishallsheets publishallsheets ARES does not publish drawings and sheets
publishcollate ...
publishhatch publishhatch ARES does not publish drawings and sheets
pucsbase pucsbase

qcstate qcstate ARES does not have the Quick Calc palette
qplocation ...
qpmode ...
qtextmode qtextmode
qvdrawingpin ...
qvlayoutpin ...

... r12saveaccuracy Specifies number of segments between spline control segments, or on 90°
elliptical arcs, when saving ellipses and splines to R12 DWG or DXF
... r12savedeviation Specifies deviation when saving ellipses and splines to R12 DWG or DXF

rasterdpi rasterdpi
rasterpercent ...
rasterpreview rasterpreview
rasterthreshold rasterthreshold
... rclkcontextmenutime Not yet implemented
... realworldscale Controls the rendering of materials with units set to real-world scale
rebuild2dcv ...
rebuild2ddegree ...
rebuild2doption ...
rebuilddegreeu ...
rebuilddegreev ...
rebuildoptions ...
rebuildu ...
rebuildv ...
recoveryauto ...
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 171

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

recoverymode recoverymode
refeditname refeditname
regenmode regenmode
re-init re-init
rememberfolders rememberfolders
... renderengine Specifies the engine to use for renderings
... renderprefsstate (r/o) Reports on the status of the Rendering Preferences
renderquality ...
renderuserlights ...
reporterror reporterror
ribboncontextsellim ...
ribbondockedheight ...
ribboniconresize ...
ribbonselectmode ...
ribbonstate ribbonstate
roamablerootprefix roamablerootprefix
rolloveropacity ...
rollovertips ...
rtdisplay rtdisplay

safemode ...
... saveddwgchecksum Specifies whether drawing files created by Teigha API are recognized as
trusted drawings; not implemented
savefidelity savefidelity
savefile savefile
savefilepath savefilepath
... savefilterindex Presets the default drawing file format for the SaveAs command by setting its
index number for the Files of Type droplist in the SaveFile dialog box
savename savename
... saveroundtrip Determines whether entities unknown to DWG R14 are stored in R14 DWG
drawing files
savetime savetime
screenboxes screenboxes ARES does not support the side screen menu
screenmode screenmode
screensize screensize
sdi sdi
pickbox selectbox Specifies the size of the square pickbox cursor when selecting entities; same
as the PickBox variable
secureload ...
selectionannodisplay ...
selectionarea selectionarea
selectionareaopacity selectionareaopacity
selectionareacysling ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

selectionpreview selectionpreview
selectionpreviewlimit ...
selectsimilarmode ...
... sernumber (r/o) Reports the serial number of the user’s ARES licence number
setbylayermode ...
shadedge shadedge
shadedif shadedif
shadowplanelocation shadowplanelocation ARES does not support shadow planes
... shapealt Specifies the SHX shape file to substitute for references to unavailable shapes
found in the current drawing
shortcutmenu shortcutmenu
shortcutmenuduration ...
showhist showhist
... showhyperlinkcursor Toggles the display of the hyperlink cursor and tooltip, which appear when
the cursor moves over entities with hyperlinks
showlayerusage showlayerusage
showmotionpin ...
showpagesetupfornewlayouts ...
shpname shpname
sigwarn sigwarn
sketchinc sketchinc
skpoly skpoly
sktolerance ...
skystatus skystatus ARES does not display skies
smoothmeshconvert ... ARES does not support smoothed meshes
smoothmeshgrid ...
smoothmeshmaxface ...
smoothmeshmaxlev ...
snapang snapang
snapbase snapbase
snapgridlegacy ...
snapisopair snapisopair
snapmode snapmode
snapstyl snapstyl
snaptype snaptype
snapunit snapunit
solidcheck solidcheck
solidhist solidhist
sortents sortents
sortorder ...
spaceswitch spaceswitch
spldegree ...
splframe splframe
splinesegs splinesegs
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 173

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

splinetype splinetype
splknots ...
splmethod ...
splperiodic splperiodic Specifies the method for closing splines
ssfound ssfound ARES does not support sheet sets
sslocate sslocate
ssmautoopen ssmautoopen
ssmpolltime ssmpolltime
ssmsheetstatus ssmsheetstatus
ssmstate ssmstate
standardsviolation standardsviolation ARES does not support CAD standards
startup startup ARES does not have a Startup dialog box
statusbar ...
statusbarstate ...
stepsize stepsize ARES does not support animations
stepspersec stepspersec
subobjselectionmode ...
... sunpropertiesstate ARES does not support sun lights
sunstatus sunstatus
surfaceassociativity ...
surfaceassociativitydrag ...
surfaceautotrim ...
surfacemodelingmode ...
surftab1 surftab1
surftab2 surftab2
surftype surftype
surfu surfu
surfv surfv
syscodepage syscodepage

... tabdevicemode Toggles tablet between tablet and digitizer modes (for OEMs only)
... tabmenuname Reports the name of the current tablet menu (for OEMs only).
tableindicator tableindicator
tabletoolbar tabletoolbar
tabmode tabmode
target target
taskbar taskbar
tbcustomize tbcustomize
tbshowextended ...
tdcreate tdcreate
tdindwg tdindwg
tducreate tducreate
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

tdupdate tdupdate
tdusrtimer tdusrtimer
tduupdate tduupdate
tempoverrides tempoverrides
tempprefix tempprefix
textalignmode ...
textallcaps ...
textautocorrectcaps ...
... texted Reports the status of the text editor
texteditor ...
texteval texteval
textfill textfill ARES does not support text plotting parameters
textoutputfileformat ...
textqlty textqlty
textsize textsize
textstyle textstyle
thickness thickness
thumbsave ...
thumbsize thumbsize
tilemode tilemode
... tilemodelightswitch Controls the synchronization of lighting in all model space viewports
timezone timezone ARES does not support times zones for sun lights
tooltipmerge tooltipmerge
tooltips tooltips
tooltipsize ...
tooltiptransparency ...
toolpalettepath ...
touchmode ...
... touchscreenmode Determines the stylus behavior when using a touchscreen with ARES-based
surveying applications.
tpstate tpstate ARES does not have a Tools palette
tracewid tracewid
trackpath trackpath
transparencydisplay transparencydisplay Toggles the use of transparency in layers and entities
trayicons trayicons ARES does not have a tray
traynotify traynotify
traytimeout traytimeout
treedepth treedepth ARES does not use tree-style object optimization
treemax treemax
trimmode trimmode
trusteddomains ...
trustedpaths ...
tspacefac tspacefac
tspacetype tspacetype
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 175

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

tstackalign tstackalign
tstacksize tstacksize

ucs2ddisplaysetting ...
ucs3dparadisplaysetting ...
ucs3dperpdisplaysetting ...
ucsaxisang ucsaxisang The ARES name for “user coordinates” is custom coordinates
ucsbase ucsbase
ucsdetect ucsdetect
ucsfollow ucsfollow
ucsicon ucsicon
ucsname ucsname
ucsorg ucsorg
ucsortho ucsortho
ucsslectmode ...
ucsview ucsview
ucsvp ucsvp
ucsxdir ucsxdir
ucsydir ucsydir
undoctl undoctl
undomarks undomarks
... undozoompangrouping Groups zoom and pan operations as a single operation
unitmode unitmode
uosnap uosnap
updatethumbnail updatethumbnail ARES does not support sheet sets
useri1-5, userr1-5, users 1-5 useri1-5, userr1-5, users 1-5

viewctr viewctr
viewdir viewdir
viewmode viewmode
viewsize viewsize
viewsketchmode ...
viewupdateauto ...
viewtwist viewtwist
visretain visretain
vplayeroverrides ...
vplayeroverridesmode ...
vpmaximizedstate vpmaximizedstate ARES will support maximized viewports in a future release
vprotateassoc ...
vsbackgrounds vsbackgrounds ARES does not support visual styles
vsedgecolor vsedgecolor
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

vsedgejitter vsedgejitter
vsedgeoverhang vsedgeoverhang
vsedges vsedges
vsedgesmooth vsedgesmooth
vsfacecolormode vsfacecolormode
vsfacehighlight vsfacehighlight
vsfaceopacity vsfaceopacity
vsfacestyle vsfacestyle
vshalogap vshalogap
vshideprecision vshideprecision
vsintersectioncolor vsintersectioncolor
vsintersectionedges vsintersectionedges
vsintersectionltype vsintersectionltype
vsisoontop vsisoontop
vslightingquality vslightingquality
vsmaterialmode vsmaterialmode
vsmax vsmax ARES will support maximized viewports in a future release
vsmin vsmin
vsmonocolor vsmonocolor ARES does not support visual styles
vsobscuredcolor vsobscuredcolor
vsobscurededges vsobscurededges
vsobscuredltype vsobscuredltype
vsshadows vsshadows
vssilhedges vssilhedges
vssilhwidth vssilhwidth
vsstate vsstate
... vstastate Defines the state of VSTA integration; 0 = VSTA successfully loaded
... vstavisible Toggles the visibility of the VSTA toolbar
vtduration vtduration ARES does not support variable speed zooms
vtenable vtenable
vtfps vtfps

whiparc whiparc ARES does not use the WHIP display driver
whipthread whipthread
wipeoutframe ...
windowareacolor windowareacolor ARES does not fill windowed selection areas
wmfbkgnd wmfbkgnd
wmfforegnd wmfforegnd
workspacelabel ...
worlducs worlducs
worldview worldview
writestat writestat
Appendix B:  AutoCAD-ARES System Variable Cross-reference 177

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment

wsautosave ...
wscurrent wscurrent

xclipframe xclipframe
xdwgfadectl ...
xedit xedit
xfadectl xfadectl ARES does not fade xrefs
xloadctl xloadctl
xloadpath xloadpath
xrefctl xrefctl
xrefnotify xrefnotify
xreftype xreftype

... zinscale Specifies zoom factor for the ZoomIn command
zoomfactor zoomfactor
zoomwheel zoomwheel
... zoutscale Specifies zoom factor for the ZoomOut command

3dconversionmode ...
3ddwfprec 3ddwfprec
... 3dmoptions Sets options for the 3dconnexion 3D mouse.
... 3dmsensitivity Sets the sensitivity for the 3dconnexion 3D mouse.
... 3dmvelocity Sets the speed of the 3dconnexion 3D mouse.
3dosmode ...
3dselectionmode ...
_pkser _pkser
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD System Variable Equivalent ARES Sysvar Comment
Appendix C


CAD systems have a language of their own. Often the jargon is shared among CAD packages, such as
the words “mesh” and “render.” These have meanings different from everyday usage.
Sometimes, a CAD package employs a term that is unique to itself. For instance, AutoCAD uses the term
“multiline” which ARES calls “rich line.” Occasionally, the differences are subtle; what AutoCAD calls
the “color” property, ARES calls the “line color” property, even though the color is not specific to lines.
This appendix lists the jargon that differs between the two systems, presenting the lists twice: first
sorted in order of ARES’ names, and then in order of AutoCAD’s names.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

ARES-AutoCAD Dictionary

ARES Term Equivalent in AutoCAD

: (prompt) Command: (prompt)

Active Current

Back (zoom) Previous (zoom)
Background Color Fill Color
Bounds (zoom) Limits (zoom)
Box text QText (quick text)

CS Icon UCS icon
CCS (custom coordinate system) UCS (user coordinate system)
Check Audit
Clean Purge
Command history Text screen
Command window Command line
Component Block

Display quality ViewRes (viewing resolution)
Drawing bounds Limits

Embed Bind
Entity Object
ESnap (entity snap) OSnap (object snap)
ETrack (entity tracking) OTrack (object tracking)

Fill Area Gradient
Filled circle Donut
Fit (zoom) Extents (zoom)
Format Font Style
Frozen Freeze
Full screen Clean screen

GetXY Id
Gravity Aperture
Appendix C:  ARES-AutoCAD Dictionary 181

AutoCAD Term Equivalent in ARES

Infinite Line (iline) XLine (infinite line)

Line color Color
Line style Linetype

Mark Divisions Divide
Mark Lengths Measure
Mask Wipeout
Multiple Repeat

Note MText (multi-line text)

Parallel (dimension) Aligned (dimension)
Pattern Array
Print style Plot style
Print stamp Plot stamp

Rebuild Regen (regeneration)
Reference XRef (external reference)
Refresh Redraw
Ring Donut
RichLine (rline) Multiline (mline)
Roll View Orbiting

ShadeMode Visual style
Sheet Layout
SheetMode TileMode
Simple note Text (single-line)
Show On
SmartCalculator QuickCalc
SmartLeader QLeader
Split Break

Text Style Style

Unit System Units
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Term Equivalent in ARES

Weld Join

Z Plane Elevation

AutoCAD-ARES Dictionary
AutoCAD Term Equivalent in ARES

Aligned (dimension) Parallel (dimension)
Aperture Gravity
Array Pattern
Audit Check

Bind Embed
Block Component
Break Split

Clean screen Full screen
Color Line color
Command line Command window
Command: (prompt) : (prompt)
Current Active

Divide Mark divisions
Donut Filled circle
Donut Ring

Elevation Z plane
Extents (zoom) Fit (zoom)

Fill Color Background Color
Font Style Format
Freeze Frozen
Appendix C:  ARES-AutoCAD Dictionary 183

AutoCAD Term Equivalent in ARES

Gradient Fill area

Id GetXY

Join Weld

Layout Sheet
Limits (zoom) Bounds (zoom)
Limits Drawing bounds
Linetype Line style

Measure Mark lengths
MText (multiline text) Note
Multiline (mline) RichLine (rline)

Object Entity
On Show
Orbiting Roll View
OSnap (object snap) ESnap (entity snap)
OTrack (object tracking) ETrack (entity tracking)

Plot Style Print style
Plot Stamp Print stamp
Previous (zoom) Back (zoom)
Purge Clean

QLeader SmartLeader
QText (quick text) Box text
QuickCalc SmartCalculator

Redraw Refresh
Regen Rebuild
Repeat Multiple

Style Text Style
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

AutoCAD Term Equivalent in ARES

Text (single-line) Simple note
Text screen Command history
TileMode SheetMode

UCS icon CS icon
UCS (user coordinate system) CCS (custom coordinate system)
Units Unit system

ViewRes Display quality
Visual style ShadeMode

Wipeout Mask

XLine (infinite line) Infinite line (iline)
XRef (external reference) Reference
Appendix D

Keystroke & Button Cross-reference

In this appendix, you will find a comparison of the default shortcut keystrokes and mouse buttons de-
fined by ARES and AutoCAD. In many cases, the keystrokes and buttons perform exactly the same thing.
Both CAD programs can define new shortcuts and buttons, and modify existing ones. A separate listing
is provided for the Mac OS X versions of both software packages.
Keystroke Meaning
Alt Alternative key on Windows and Linux
Ctrl Control key on Windows and Linux
Cmd Command key on Mac OS X
F Function key

This appendix also describes the 3D mouse capabilities of both CAD packages.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Keyboard Shortcuts
The following tables list keyboard shortcuts for the Windows versions of AutoCAD and ARES, and the
Linux version of ARES. For the OS X version, substitute Cmd for “Ctrl.”
To customize keyboard shortcuts in ARES, enter the Customize command, and then choose Key-
Function Shortcut Shortcut ARES Commands Executed
Cleanscreen toggle Ctrl+0 Ctrl+0 Fullscreen, HideFullscreen
Properties palette toggle Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1 Properties, HideProperties
DesignCenter palette toggle Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2 DesignResources, HideDesignResources
Tool palettes toggle Ctrl+3 ... ...
Sheet set palette toggle Ctrl+4 ... ...
dbConnect palette toggle Ctrl+6 ... ...
MarkUp palette toggle Ctrl+7 ... ...
QuickCalc palette toggle Ctrl+8 ... ...
Command bar toggle Ctrl+9 Ctrl+9 CommandWindow, HideCommandWindow

Select all entities Ctrl+A Ctrl+A SelectAll

Toggle group mode Ctrl+Shift+A ...
Snap toggle Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Snap
Copy to Clipboard Ctrl+C Ctrl+C ClipboardCopy
Copy with reference point Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Copy@
Dynamic UCS toggle Ctrl+D ...
Isoplane toggle Ctrl+E ...
Object snap toggle Ctrl+F
Find and replace text Ctrl+F Find
Grid toggle Ctrl+G Ctrl+G Grid
Pick style toggle Ctrl+H ...
Palette display toggle Ctrl+Shift+H ...
Coordinate toggle Ctrl+I ...
Constraint inference toggle Ctrl+Shift+I ...
Hyperlinks dialog box Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Hyperlink
Ortho toggle Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Ortho
Add objects to selection set Ctrl+Shift+L ...
New drawing Ctrl+N Ctrl+N New
Open drawing Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Open
Print dialog box Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Print
Quick Properties toggle Ctrl+Shift+P ... Print
Quit Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Exit
Switch viewports Ctrl+R Ctrl+R ^R
Save drawing Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Save
Save drawing as Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S SaveAs
Tablet toggle Ctrl+T ...
Polar tracking toggle Ctrl+U ...
Paste from Clipboard Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Paste
Paste as block with insertion point Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V PasteAsBlock
Cut to Clipboard Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Cut
Appendix D:  ARES-AutoCAD Keystroke & Button Cross-reference 187

Redo Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Y Redo

Undo Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z U

Variety of functions Ctrl ... ...

Erase entities Del Del Delete
Cancel current command Esc Esc ^C
Enforce ortho mode Shift Shift Shift

On Macs, substitute Cmd for “Ctrl” and Option for “Alt.”
Function Shortcut Shortcut ARES Command Executed
Help F1 F1 Help
Selects entire objects Shift+F1 ....

Text screen toggle F2 F2 CommandHistory, HideCommandHistory

Text screen toggle Ctrl+F2 ...

Entity snap toggle F3 F3 -ESnap

Selects edge subobjects Shift+F3 ...

3D object snap toggle F4 ...

Selects face subobjects Shift+F4 ...
Close program Alt+F4 Alt+F4 Close
Close drawing Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F4 Close

Isometric toggle F5 F5 IsometricGrid

Selects solid history Shift+F5 ...

Dynamic UCS toggle F6 ...

Switch to next drawing Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+F6

Grid toggle F7 F7 ^G

Ortho toggle F8 F8 ^L
Starts VBA Alt+F8 ...

Snap toggle F9 F9 ^B

Polar mode toggle F10 F10

Entity tracking toggle F11 F11

Open VBA IDE Alt+F11 ...

Dynamic input toggle F12 ...
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

Mouse Buttons
To customize mouse buttons and double-click actions in ARES, enter the Customize command, and
then choose Mouse Actions. Button #1 (right mouse button) cannot be customized. ARES does not
support tablets.

Button Action
1 (left) Picks entities.
2 (right) Displays the context menu.
3 (middle) Displays the context menu.

Button Action
2 (right) Displays entity snap menu.
3 (middle) Orbits drawing transparently.

Button Action
2 (right) Displays entity snap menu.

Button Action
2 (right) Displays entity snap menu.
3 (middle) Orbits drawing transparently.

Button Action
1 (left) (See the Double-click Section.)
2 (right) Zooms drawing to fit viewport.

Roller Wheel
Wheel Movement Action
Roll Up Zooms in
Roll Down Zooms out
Hold down Pans the drawing
Appendix D:  ARES-AutoCAD Keystroke & Button Cross-reference 189


Most double-clicked entities display the Properties palette. Those that don’t are segregated in the list

Left Button
Entity Double-clicked ARES Command Executed
Attribute definition (AttDef) EditAnnotation
Attribute instance (AttBlockRef) EditBlockAttribute
Block instance EditComponent
Block reference EditComponent
Hatch EditHatch
LwPolyline EditPolyline
Note (Mtext) EditAnnotation
Ole2Frame OpenOle
Polyline EditPolyline
RichLine EditRichLine
Tolerance EditTolerance
SimpleNote (Text) EditAnnotation
Vnote (Voice note) VoiceNote
Arc Properties
Body Properties
Circle Properties
Cloud Properties
DgnReference Properties
Dimension Properties
Ellipse Properties
ExtrudedSurface Properties
Helix Properties
ILine Properties
Leader Properties
Light Properties
Line Properties
LoftedSurface Properties
Mask Properties
Point Properties
Ray Properties
Region Properties
Shape Properties
Solid Properties
Table Properties
Trace Properties
3dFace Properties
3dSolid Properties

Middle button
Entity Double-clicked Command Executed
... Zooms drawing to fit viewport.
190   ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

3D Mouse Options
Both ARES and AutoCAD support 3dConnexion 3D mice. Whereas AutoCAD customizes buttons and
motions through utility software provided by 3dConnexion, ARES does this through the following
3DMouseButtons assigns commands to the buttons of 3D mice
3DMouseOptions sets options for 3D mice in a dialog box; -3DMouseOptions sets options at the
command line

Note These commands operate only after a 3D mouse is connected to the computer and ARES is restarted.

In addition to these commands, the 3D Mouse item on the menu bar (“Classic Default” workspace)
provides quick access to changing the use of the mouse, such as its speed. This menu appears automati-
cally when a 3D mouse is plugged into the computer; it is not available through the ribbon interface.

You can also optimize ARES use of the 3D mouse through utility software included with the hardware.
In the 3D Mouse Home dialog box, click Properties:
Appendix D:  ARES-AutoCAD Keystroke & Button Cross-reference 191

In addition, ARES allows you to do this inside the CAD program itself, as shown by the dialog box below,
which is displayed by the 3dMouseOptions command:

The -3dMouseOptions command presents the same options at the command prompt, and so is useful
for scripts and macros:
Confirm: Dominant
Specify Dominant, Sensitivity, Velocity, Panzoom, Rotate, Zoomdirection or Axes»

Some 3D mice come with additional buttons meant to be assigned commands. For instance, the Space
Pilot Pro from 3dconnexion has five physical buttons that can be assigned 30 commands.

Left: Customizing buttons, which are...

Right: ...located in the lower left of the

photograph, numbered 1 through 5.
ARES 2015 for AutoCAD Users

ARES allows you to assign any command to ten buttons through the 3DMouseButtons command. To
do so, follow these steps:

1. Enter the 3dMouseButtons command. Notice the dialog box.

2. Under Command, click on a command name to select it, such as “Close.”

3. In the Select column, click the droplist, and then choose a button number, such as “5.”

4. When done, click OK.

Now when you press the 3D mouse button #5, ARES executes the Close command.

Mouse Gestures
(new to 2015) With mouse gestures, you start commands by dragging the mouse in one of eight directions.
To drag, follow these steps:

1. Make sure no command is active

2. Hold down the right mouse button

3. Drag the mouse in one of directions listed below

Here are the default movements:

Mouse Direction Command Executed

    Line

    SimpleNote

    Save

    Copy

    Open

    Offset
    Trim

    Zoom;Bounds
Appendix D:  ARES-AutoCAD Keystroke & Button Cross-reference 193

Mouse gestures are customized through the Gesture command.

AutoCAD does not support mouse gestures.
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