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– we call the former and extended family, the latter a nuclear family, reconstitute family and one
parent/ single parent.

Nuclear family:

– this the traditional family so frequently depicted in the media today : husband, wife and children
living as one unit.

Extended family:

– the extended family consists of several generations possibly living in the same household with
other relatives living nearby. This is still very common in some societies.

Reconstitute family:

– when a marriage ends, children often find themselves being brought up in a new situation where
at least one parent has re-married.

One parent family:

– Due to the increasing numbers of divorces, many children find themselves being brought up by
one parent alone, usually the mother.

Extended family:

– jobs would be done quicker around the house (more people then the less work for each
– knowledge can be passed down from generations easier
– closer relationships between family members

– conflicts between the family (disagreements)
– house too small for the family
– the amount of food and water not sufficient for the family
Single parent family:

– less food and water needed in order to support the family
– closely knit family with similar needs
– parents are more aware of what the children.

– children get less attention
– children become secluded from parents (unhappy with the situation)

The Role of Family

– provides a secure base for having and bringing up children

– emotional support
– forms a group in which to spend a lot of time together
– provides certain economic rights and responsibilities
– teaches us how we are expected to behave (a process called socialization) and prepares us for
the roles we have to play
– teaches us about the customs and traditions of society
– provides a focal point for security
– learn how to give and received love, how to deal with others through caring and sharing
– provides the best way of caring for the old and the young
– gives us a sense of belonging, of identity. Our sense of history, name, values, opinions and
physical characteristic stem from the family
– Bible: children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and
mother”... Father, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and
instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6 : 1, 2, 4

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