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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

Dear Spartans, Here we are providing the list of important banking abbreviations which is one of the most
important static topic that were asked in various Competitive exams like IBPS, LIC, UIC. For every bank
competitive exams and Insurance exams banking abbreviations plays a vital role. Compulsorily there will be 1 or 2
questions from these banking abbreviations topic from that we can score easily from this banking abbreviations

List of Important Banking Abbreviations asked in Previous Exams & All Other Important
Banking Abbreviations
AD Authorized Dealer
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADR American Depository Receipt
AEPS Aadhar Enabled Payment Switch
AFS Annual Financial Statement
AGM Annual General Meeting
AIF Alternative Investment Fund
AIDBs All India Development Banks
AIFIs All India Financial Institutions
ALCO Asset Liability Committee
ALM Asset Liability Management
AMFI Association of Mutual Funds in India
AML Anti Money Laundering
ANBC Adjusted Net Banking Credit
APACS Association of Payment and Clearing Service
ARC Asset Reconstruction Company
ASBA Applications Supported by Blocked Account
ASSOCHAM Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ATM Automated Teller Machine
Important Baking Abbreviations – Starts with “B”
BACS Bankers Automated Clearing System
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCP Branch Credit Plan
BCSBI Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
BIS Bank for International Settlements
BO Banking Ombudsman
BOB Bank Of Baroda
BOE Bill Of Exchange
BOI Bank Of India

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

BOP Balance Of Payments

BPLR Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
BSBDA Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
BSE Bombay Stock Exchange
BSR Basic Statistical Returns
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “C”
CA Chartered Account
CAAP Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAD Capital Account Deficit
CAG Comptroller and Auditor General
CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio
CARE Credit Analysis and Research limited
CASA Current Account Savings Account
CBS Core Banking Solution
CBT Computer Based Terminal
CC Cash Credit
CCIL Clearing Corporation of India Limited
CD Certificate of Deposit
CDR Corporate Debt Restructuring
CEPA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Management
CFMS Centralized Fund Management System
CIBIL Credit Information Bureau of India Limited
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
CMIS Currency Management Information System
CP Commercial paper
CPI Consumer Price Index
CRAR Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
CRISIL Credit Rating Information Service of India Limited
CRMD Credit Risk Management Department
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSO Central Statistical Office
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CTS Cheque Truncation System
CVC Central Vigilance Commission
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “C”
DB Dena Bank
DBS Department of Banking Supervision
DCCB District Central Cooperative Bank
DD Demand Draft
DFI Development Financial Institutions
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DPs Depository Participants

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

DPG Deferred Payment Guarantee

DPN Demand Promissory Note
DRAT Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
DRI Differential rate of Interest
DSA Direct Selling Agent
DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio
DTAA Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “C”
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBT Electronic Benefit Transfer
ECB External Commercial Borrowings
ECS Electronic Clearing Service
ED Enforcement Directorate
EDF Export Development Fund
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDMU External Debt Management Unit
EDP Entrepreneurship Development Programme
EFT Electronic Fund Transfer
EEFC Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
ELSS Equity Linked Savings Scheme
EMI Equated Monthly Installment
EPS Earnings Per Share
EPF Employee Provident Fund
ESOP Employee Stock Options
ETF Exchange Trade Fund
EXIM Export Import Bank of India
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “F”
FATF Financial Action Task Force
FCA Financial Currency Assets
FCCB Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCD Fully Convertible Debentures
FCNRA Foreign Currency Non – Resident Account
FCNRD Foreign Currency Non – Repatriable Deposit
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
FEDAI Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India
FICCI Federation of International Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FII Foreign Institutional Investors
FIPB Foreign Investment Promotion Board
Fis Financial Institutions
FINO Financial Information Network and Operations Limited
FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment
FRBM Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
FTA Free Trade Agreement

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “G”

GAAR General Anti Avoidance Rule
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GDR Global Depository Receipt
GFD Gross Fiscal Deficit
GIC General Insurance Corporation
GIRO Government Internal Revenue Order
GMS Gold Monetization Scheme
GST Goods and Service Tax
GVA Gross Value Added
GPD Gross Primary Deficit
G-sec Government Securities
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “H”
HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation
HFC Housing Finance Company
HFT Held For Trading
HSBC Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Cooperation
HUDCO Housing and Urban Development Corporation
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “I”
IA Internal Audit
IAS Integrated Account System
IBA Indian Banks Association
IBBI Insolvency and Bancrupty Board of India
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBU International Banking Unit
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICAR International Council of Agricultural Research
ICMR International Council of Medical Research
ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
ICRA Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency
IDB Islamic Development Bank
IDBI Industrial Development Bank of India
IDR Indian Depository receipt
IDRBT Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
IEPF Investors Education and Protection Fund
IFSC Indian Financial System Code
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFCI Industrial Finance Corporation of India
IIBF International Institute of Banking and Finance
IIBI Industrial Investment Bank of India
IMPS Immediate Payment Service
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMT Instant Money Transfer
INFINET Indian Financial Network

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

IPO Initial Public Offer

IPPB India Post Payment Bank
IRDA Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
IRDP Integrated Rural Development Programme
IRR Internal Rate of Return
ISIN International Securities Identification Number
ISO International Standard Organization
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “J”
JLGs Joint Liability Groups
KCC Kissan Credit Card
KMB Kotak Mahindra Bank
KVB Karur Vysya Bank
KVIC Khadi and Village Industries Corporation
KVP Kissan Vikas Patra
KYC Know Your Customer
LAB Local Area Bank
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LBS Lead Bank Scheme
LDB Land Development Bank
LERMS Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System
LOC Lines of Credit
LTCG Long term Capital gain
LTV Loan To Value
LTF Long-term Finance
LTIF Long Term Irrigation Fund
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “M”
MCA Ministry of Company Affairs
MCLR Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate
MDR Merchant Discount Rate
MFDF Micro Finance Development Fund
MFIs Micro Financial Institutions
MIBOR Mumbai Inter Bank Offer Rate
MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIS Management Information System
MSF Marginal Standing Facility
MSS Market Stabilization Scheme
MUDRA Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “N”
NABARD National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development
NACH National Automated Clearing House
NAFCUB National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies
NAV Net Asset Value
NASSCOM National Association of Software and Services Companies
NBC Net Bank Credit

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

NBFCs Non Banking Financial Companies

NDA Net Domestic Asset
NDTL Net Demand Time Liabilities
NEER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
NECS National Electronic Clearing System
NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer
NFA No Frills Account
NGO Non Government Organization
NHB National Housing Bank
NII Net Interest Income
NPAs Non Performing Assets
NPCI National Payment Corporation of India
NPS National Pension Scheme
NRE Non Resident External (Rupee Account)
NRI Non Resident Indian
NRO Non Resident Ordinary Account
NSE National Stock Exchange
NSS National Savings Scheme
NSFDC National Scheduled castes Finance and Development Corporation
NSSF National Small Savings Fund
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “O”
OBC Oriental Bank of Commerce
OCB Overseas Corporate Bodies
OD Over Draft
ODI Overseas Derivative Instruments
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OLTAS Online Tax Accounting System
OMO Open Market Operations
OTCEI Over The Counter Exchange of India
OTP One Time Password
OTS One Time Settlement
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “P”
PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Society
PAN Permanent Account Number
PBT Profit Before Tax
PCA Prompt Corrective Action
PCDs Partly Convertible Debentures
PDs Primary Dealers
PDO Public Debt Office
PFRDA Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
PGS Payment Gateway System
PMAY Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
PIN Personal Identification number
PIO People of Indian Origin

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

PIS Portfolio Investment Scheme

PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PLIs Prime Lending Institutions
PLR Prime Lending Rate
PMLA Prevention of Money Laundering Act
POA Power Of Attorney
POS Point Of Sale
PPF Public Provident Fund
PPIs Prepaid Payment Instruments
PUC Paid Up Capital
Important Banking Abbreviations
QIBs Qualified Institutional Bankers
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RBS Royal Bank of Scotland
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFC Resident Foreign Currency
RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RML Reverse Mortgage loan
RNBCs Residuary Non banking Companies
RoA Return on Asset
RoE Return on Equity
RRB Regional Rural Bank
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
RWA Risk Weighted Asset
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “S”
SARFAESI Securitization And Reconstruction of Financial Asset And Enforcement of
Securities Interest Act
SCB Scheduled Commercial Bank
SCC Selective Credit Control
SDR Special Drawing Rights
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEAC State Expert Appraisal Committee
SEPA Single Euro Payment Area
SGB Sovereign Gold Bond
SGSY Swarna jayanthi Gram Swarojgar Yojana
SHG Self Help group
SIDBI Small Industries and Development Bank of India
SIDC State Industrial Development Corporation
SCB State Cooperative Apex Bank
SEZs Special Economic Zones
SFCs State Financial Corporations
SIDC State Industrial Development Corporation
SIP Systematic Investment Plan

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio

SME Small Medium Enterprises
SPNS Shared Payment Network System
SSIs Small Scale Industries
STF Short Term Finance
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Telecommunication
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “T”
T/T Telegraphic Transfer
TAN Transaction Number/Tax Deduction Account Number
TIN Tax Information Number
TBs Treasury Bills
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
UBI United Bank of India
UBIN Unique Business Identification Number
UCB Urban Cooperative Bank
UIDAI Unique Identification Authority of India
UPI Unified Payment Interface
UPIN Unique Property Identification Number
USD United States Dollar
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
UTI Unit Trust of India
VDBS Vertically Differentiated Banking System
VCFs Venture Capital funds
VCP Village Credit Plan
VPA Virtual Payment Address
Important Banking Abbreviations - Starts with “W”
WAN Wide Area Network
WBCIS Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
WCDL Working Capital Demand Loan
WCTL Working Capital Term Loan
WL ATM White Label ATM
WMA Ways and Means Advances
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WOS Wholly Owned Subsidiary
WWW World Wide Web
YTM Yield To Maturity

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List of Important Banking Abbreviations Asked in Previous Exams

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