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LCARS TERMINAL 978-1-910132-92-0




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CHAPTER 01 003 CHAPTER 03 065
Welcome to the Gamma Quadrant��������������������������������������� 004 03.10
New Lifepath Options����������������������������������������������������������� 066

CHAPTER 02 007 CHAPTER 04 077

Personal Diary of Quark, Proprietor�������������������������������������� 008 04.10
Dominion Starships��������������������������������������������������������������� 078
The Dominion������������������������������������������������������������������������ 009 04.20
Starships of the Dominion War��������������������������������������������� 084
Dominion Worlds������������������������������������������������������������������� 023
The Gamma Quadrant����������������������������������������������������������� 033
The Dominion War����������������������������������������������������������������� 047
CHAPTER 05 091
Exploring the Gamma Quadrant������������������������������������������� 092
The Front Line����������������������������������������������������������������������� 101


251872 72-305756 4673 84632 3485759 2353 3 5-32629222 576 2826281
246249 52-793412 35 236783 3572 2463 5 4-94034585 457 8190038 6396-17 2398-23
127180 35-789456 155 6089 4159876 2452 5 6-78422801 762 3869027
LCARS 637364-7
220284 42-273396 21012 104585 1147593 2505 9 8-37499009 370 1739042 5731-60 1285-68
530823 22-435897 53789 512567 2537 2981 4 8-53478929 753 3854691
637364-6 637364-5

44-7 44-6 44-5

4125-8 44-8

060 4125-9 45-9



4125-0 46-0

031 4125-1 46-1

085 46-2

099 45-3 45-5

4125-2 23986


078 4125-3 45-7

3890 450 11899 23755 5833 75890 53800 6825
1840 37990 21060 3725 990 1600 38000 255

4125-5 45-8 45-9


PP- 67-1 PP-67-0
020– –10
PP- 67-2 040– PP- 66-9
050– –30
060– –40
090– –60

PP- 67-3 PP- 66-8





Things have rarely looked so grim for the Federation. And yet, despite the bleakness of the war and the seemingly-
endless casualty reports that cross our desks every day,
Your ship and crew has been posted to the front lines, the there is a glimmer of hope if one chooses to look. The
center of which is Deep Space 9. While your ship patrols the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans are allied together for
space between here, Cardassia, and other nearby points, the the first time ever in a common cause, and strides are being
station remains the focal point of the war, thanks to its critical made in all sections to ensure that peace remains stable
position near the Bajoran wormhole, the only connecting should we prove victorious against the Dominion and its
point to the Gamma Quadrant. Bloody fights have been allies. Perhaps a lasting peace among the three polities is
fought on and around the station for well over a year, and we possible. Or perhaps not. Before we talk too much about
see no sign of that stopping any time soon. This is where the peace, we must win the war we are in now, and there are few
war will be decided, one way or another. in the Federation who can predict with any certainty how the
war will end.

THE MILKY WAY GALAXY These are challenging times, Captain, and it is the bravery of
your crew and your fellow officers and crews across the allied
fleets that will win the day for the allied forces and shepherd
GAMMA QUADRANT us back to an era of exploration and discovery.

This campaign sourcebook provides all the information you’ll
IDRAN need to play a game of Star Trek Adventures in the Gamma
Quadrant. While the default setting for the game and half of
the Living Campaign is approximately 2371, this book moves
the timeline forward to the end of 2374, when the Dominion
War is at its peak and the myriad forces engaged on all sides
rush headlong toward an explosive conclusion to hostilities.
Review the section titled “Campaign Usage” below for more
CARDASSIAN UNION information on the advanced timeline.

UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS Chapter 2: The Gamma Quadrant is the largest part of
this book, and it describes the main power in the Gamma
Quadrant, the Dominion. The chapter details several
Dominion-controlled worlds as well as a few unaligned
locations within the Gamma Quadrant. It also provides detail
ALPHA QUADRANT on many of the species aligned with the Dominion in this
stage of the war, including the Cardassians and the Breen,
STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY and discusses some of the other adversary or unaligned

species, including the Son’a, Kzin, Pakleds, and the Gorn. campaigns or to be used as launching points for new
The chapter closes with an in-depth discussion of the state campaigns, and advice is provided for different themes for
of the Galaxy at the end of 2374, with deep discussion of campaigns that might be played during the Dominion War.
how the war has progressed and where things now stand. Statistics for a variety of NPCs are provided as well to be
included in encounters your crew may face.
Chapter 3: Species of the Gamma Quadrant presents new
options for characters hailing from the Gamma Quadrant.
Along with expanding character lifepaths, there are also
twelve new playable species available for characters
including the Paradans, Son’a, Tosk, and even the
Changelings! Use these new species to add color to your Unlike the information in the Star Trek Adventures core
game and bring interesting new characters to light. rulebook and the Alpha and Beta Quadrant Sourcebooks,
we push the timeline forward in this book, placing you
Chapter 4: Starships of the Gamma Quadrant details several deep into the Dominion War. This book offers an in-depth
new starships from the Dominion and other species, as well look at the conflict over the past several years along with
as a selection of upgraded Federation, Klingon, and Romulan a review of the critical importance of space station Deep
spaceframes. Revealed are the mighty battleships of the Space 9. In Chapter 2, there is an expansive review of the
Dominion and the brutal technologies behind the Son’a Dominion and its motivations, as well as the events of the
isolytic weapons. Each vessel outlined in this chapter has an Dominion War and the state of the Galaxy at the end of
in-depth overview of its capabilities along with statistics for 2374. Taking a large deal of influence from the events in
use with your campaign. the Star Trek televised series, we make sure to fill in the
gaps of knowledge so you can run a campaign during this
Chapter 5: Encounters and Adversaries highlights what your crucial period of Federation history. How does a Starfleet
crew could encounter in travels through the war zones within crew, trained for peace and exploration, adapt to a wartime
the Gamma and Alpha Quadrants, or along the front lines. footing where brutal enemies challenge the freedom and
Encounter seeds are provided to drop into your ongoing security of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants?

The default setting of Star Trek Adventures is the year 2371 Games set during the Original Series era and
(Stardates 48000-48999), though this book advances the later might focus on the Federation’s clashes
timeline to the end of 2374, where the Dominion War has fully with the encroaching Klingon Empire and
engaged all the major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Romulans, as well as border skirmishes with
It is a time of danger and drama, with heroes and villains on the Cardassians or Tzenkethi. The nature
both sides of the lines. of the Romulans remains a mystery to the
Federation until 2266, when the U.S.S.
Games set during the Enterprise era will, of necessity, be Enterprise NCC-1701 prevents a Romulan
restricted to a smaller volume of space due to slower warp ship from destroying Neutral Zone outposts.
drives. By 2151, the farthest an Earth starship had ventured As discussed above, it’s unlikely that
was Risa, 90 light-years away. Gamemasters might choose any starship from this era will encounter any species from the
to play out the Earth-Romulan War; alternatively, the Player Gamma Quadrant, but it’s certainly possible to have an intrepid
Characters could engage in first-contact missions with some of Starfleet crew encounter the occasional Gamma Quadrant alien
the species seen in the classic era and later, such as Nausicaans, slipping through the wormhole.
Tzenkethi, or Breen. It is highly unlikely that any starship set in
this era will meet any Gamma Quadrant species, though a clever Gamemasters wishing to run missions during different time
Gamemaster might choose to have a ship enter Bajoran space periods will have no trouble using the rules as presented. If an
and be whisked away through the wormhole to the Gamma item of equipment or technological advance is unavailable in a
Quadrant, either as a scientific mishap or perhaps by the will of certain era (such as transporters, replicators, etc.) there will be a
the Prophets? note in a sidebar such as this one.


Everyone kept telling me how peaceful it was First, I want to mention that I am absolutely blameless for
going to be to just sit here and watch a patch of these people’s complete and utter rudeness and lack of
space every day. Then the war started, and we understanding of modern galactic principles. You would think
started seeing Dominion raiders on the edge of that a race that still used hard currency would understand the
sensor range. Now our entire ship is sitting here ideas of Fair Market Value or modest interest fees that are our
waiting for the wormhole to open again and for right to charge, but no! Instead they got all indignant when I
an entire Dominion armada to break through and brought them your latest business offer to buy sole exclusive
destroy us all. I know we’ve got the weapons on rights to the wormhole. They kept saying “We’ve already
the station at our back, and we have the ships the debated it in our Council of Ministers and the Federation also
Klingons sent scurrying around the system under says no.” They’re just letting anyone go through the wormhole
cloak, but every day I have to sit and stare at our as long as they file a flight plan with the Federation!
sensors as they continually read back that nothing
is there. But something is there, and any moment They are sitting on a gold mine and they refuse to even pick
a hundred front line ships may break through and up the sonic drill to get any of that precious metaphorical ore
destroy us all. I better make sure that letter to my in there. And they call us savages? Well,
wife and sons is still in our emergency broadcast I’ve already filed a ‘flight plan’ with that
buffer in case the inevitable happens tomorrow, station of theirs and I plan on doing
or next week, or next month. The weird thing is, it some exploring of the Gamma
almost feels like that would be a relief to see the Quadrant. I’ll let you know what I
ships come through at last, just so we can get find…for a modest Ferengi Merchant
done with this waiting. Fleet commission, of course.



02.10 THE DOMINION 009

31845690347 02.30 THE GAMMA QUADRANT 033
98239857 02.40 THE DOMINION WAR 047


985762 It may sound like I’m being overly picking up bits of glass and sopping up
dramatic, dear diary, but trust me, things spilled liquor.
133072 are looking bleaker than bleak in the early
561378 weeks of this ugly new year. The war with The Bajorans are still picking up the
the Dominion rages on, losses mount, my pieces too—that little spiritual battle
890124 profits decline, and I’m looking at a ledger on the station caused all sorts of
230967 filled with more red than even I can easily earthquakes, floods, and unnatural
789348 cover up. disasters on their planet. I don’t know
if they’ll fully recover, and we’re talking
124124 Oh sure, it’s not all bad for everyone. about a people who were still recovering
975831 Late last year the Romulans threw their from the Cardassian Occupation, and that
287562 weight into the fight and knocked the ended six years ago.
348752 Dominion clean out of Benzite space;
even occupied Benzar. A victory for our And now there’s this…this Pah’Wraith
798002 alliance, sure, but probably also a victory cult from Bajor spending all their time
125969 for the Romulans if we should win the war at the station’s Bajoran shrine, praying
235761 and they prove reluctant to give up their to their false gods and yelling their
879341 gained territory. strange chants. And are they drinking
or gambling? No! Here I thought the
342745 Major Kira got herself promoted to religious ones were the ones to watch
245792 colonel, the poor fool, and somehow she out for. I figured they’d need to reinforce
693474 and Odo are hitting it off better than even their heretical ways with some liquid
111285 I could have guessed. I like to think I have courage, but it seems their faith is all
983470 a talent for picking out the long-term they need.
relationships from the one-night stands,
but with those two, I guess I was wrong. Pathetic. And costly, for me, anyway.
I bet the constable and the colonel got a This war has cost me a lot. Latinum,
good sneer out of that one. glassware, customers…friends. Most
15-6873 of us on the station are still dealing with
And Vic Fontaine…his nightclub draws Jadzia…er, Commander Dax’s death, and
16-6874 nearly as many customers as my bar it didn’t help matters that Captain Sisko
does on any given night, and he’s just a took an extended leave of absence and
hologram! What does that say about me took his son Jake with him. They haven’t
and the real drinks I stir up every night come back yet and no one can say when
along with my real games and very real or even if they’ll return.
dabo girls?
There was a time I would have taken
Hold on…better strike that last comment, advantage of Captain Sisko being away
diary. No need for anyone to hear that bit, from the station, but now…now I just
much less Morn. Everyone on the station miss him. The front lines may have
will hear about it inside an hour. shifted away from Deep Space 9, but I’m
confident everyone on the station would
My stock of glassware has mostly been feel a lot better if he was back on board.
restocked following the strange battle on
the station between the mystical Bajoran Rule of Acquisition number 34 states that
18-9201 mumbo-jumbo tossed around thanks ‘War is good for business’. Sometimes I
to Captain Sisko and the others. I still agreed; sometimes I even profited from
haven’t made sense out of it, but that’s war. The more I think about it, though, the
only because I’ve been busy telling my more I regret the day we first heard about
staff to spend most of their free time the Dominion…


In the minds of many people — fearful Federation citizens,

members of subjugated worlds, and the Founders
themselves — the Dominion is the Gamma Quadrant.
They’re certainly the premiere political power in that region Quark,
of space. By most measures — territory, technological
development, military capability, intelligence gathering, and It’s been a while since we’ve spoken. I hope that you’re having a
counterintelligence — this vast empire may be the strongest lucrative time without me. I had to call off my latest expedition to
in the known Galaxy, save for the Borg. the Gamma Quadrant. The heat was getting to be too much, plus I
heard that a Vulcan team already picked clean the site that I wanted
Perhaps what’s most curious about the Dominion is that to explore.
while they are aggressively expansionist, they don’t fit the
mold of other conquerors. While the Klingons, Romulans, I’ve been in the Alpha Quadrant looking for leads. Have you ever
or Cardassians make their conquests out of a desire for heard of Vagra II? I’m guessing not, since even I was unfamiliar with
the glory of battle, to obtain new worlds, or to make up for the planet. It’s an off-limits zone, apparently set up by a Starfleet
material shortfalls at home, the Dominion cares for none of captain that I used to know.
these things. Their fight is born from an obsession with order
and a deep, primal fear. The interesting thing about this world is that it has precisely one
inhabitant. He’s a pile of shapeshifting goo. Sound familiar? The
difference is that this one is black, not gold like the Changelings on

FLIGHT OF THE CHANGELINGS the other side of the wormhole. But, while my drones were down on
the surface of Vagra II, they discovered the crumbling remains of an
old settlement. Take a look at the attached files.
What is now known as the Dominion has its origins in the
Changeling species, a group of advanced beings who Yeah, those are pictographs that appear to show a shimmering
eventually became known to the rest of the Galaxy as the golden liquid emerge from the hearts of humanoid bodies, while
Founders. Members of this exceptional people consider a black ooze pools at their feet. My drones were able to get more
themselves superior to others, the “solids”, and for good images and video, and to beam up a sample of some very interesting
reason. They can alter their physical form in an instant, from material before something on the surface made me lose contact with
something as small as a mouse to as large as a shuttle. them. Here’s a hint: it’s amorphous, and at least 200,000 years old.
They can become monstrously ugly or angelically beautiful
on a whim. Quark, this is a big score. Bigger than the Tox Uthat would have
been, or the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. We’ve got to find the right
While the Founders were originally solid beings very much buyer. I don’t care who it is — Federation
like humans, Klingons, Romulans, and others, they long ago Archaeological Council, your Nagus, that
transcended their original biology. Changelings have no known Zibalian family. Or even the Founders.
maximum lifespan, and they can withstand the rigors of deep
space. Their physical superiority led others to become jealous Let’s talk,
and fearful. While initially friendly, the Founders came to know Vash
nothing but hatred from the solids that they encountered.


SECRET ORDERS As the Changelings fled from persecution they found no
relief. When they came to an uninhabited world their pursuers
soon caught up with them and began the slaughter anew.
First Omet’iklan, these orders are for you alone. If the seal on the Wherever they found new groups of solids, they were always
case in which this isolinear rod was delivered was broken or missing, turned away.
you are to immediately open fire upon and destroy the attack ship
that delivered it to you, and to kill your ship’s Vorta commander Their flight became an exodus. As the centuries, and then
before alerting the nearest starbase on emergency channels. millennia, passed, the Changelings were alone in the cold
void of space. They discovered that their fluid forms were
Your next mission is to eliminate a cadre of rebellious Jem’Hadar. capable of mingling into compound bodies. When they
Your vile brothers have forsaken their oaths of loyalty and must be mixed physically the Changelings also found that their
punished. For this mission you will also commandeer a Starfleet minds became entwined with one another. It was as if a new
vessel and fight alongside its crew. Your commander will fill you in holistic identity, more than the sum of its members’ minds,
with more details as needed. manifested with every coupling.

Your new Vorta commander, Weyoun, is under secret orders as well. As the years passed, the Changelings all merged into one
At some point in this mission Weyoun is going to deliver an infection collective consciousness, known as the Great Link. With single-
agent to Odo, the wayward Founder child. This will not cause minded dedication they hurtled through the stars, seeking to
permanent harm to Odo, so long as he returns to the Great Link. find the one thing that all beings truly want — a home.
I know that you and your brothers have heard of Odo’s shocking
betrayal of his own kind.

While Weyoun is under orders to infect Odo, he is still causing harm

to god. After the mission concludes, you are to kill Weyoun. Make
sure to do it in front of the Starfleet commander. For his Tens of thousands of years passed. With the wariness of
obedience in carrying out his own mission, Weyoun’s a hunted prey and the patience of immortals, the Great
line will continue. We will activate his next clone, Link decided to begin testing local space for a suitable
who will report to your ship within two days. world. The goal was to find a place where they would not
be subject to the hazards of space, such as subspace
Go now and serve your gods well. anomalies or radiation storms, and which would be hidden
from would-be exterminators.

The Great Link sent out individuals as scouts to determine narrative of the Dominion as a mutual protection network and
the best location to found a new home world. During their as a unifying force for good in the Galaxy.
travels, some of these agents attempted to make peaceful
contact with the inhabitants of the planets that they Seeing how effective the war had been at ensuring the loyalty
found, but all were repulsed by natives who mistook the of member worlds, the Founders began a new policy of
Changelings for gods or demons. using unabsorbed worlds as scapegoats. The paranoia of
a threatening “Other” that drove the Changelings spread to
Eventually the Changelings were able to find friendly species. their subjects. That famine on Alnara IV wasn’t caused by
Among their first allies were the Drai, a race of hunters, and an error in supply lines, it was the treachery of alien races
the Vorta, which the Founders turned into clever negotiators. beyond the Dominion’s borders.
From this small beginning came the mighty Dominion. By
using a combination of the Vortas’ charisma, the might If the Vorta bureaucrats judged two or more nearby systems
of the armies that the Drai created for the Founders, and as being too resistant to Dominion ideals or too powerful to
the cunning of the Changelings themselves, the Dominion annex efficiently, the Dominion would covertly set the aliens
eventually achieved its goal of subjugating local space. at one another’s throats. After the war sufficiently weakened
and wearied the systems, the Jem’Hadar would swoop in,
decimate the side that the Founders deemed less useful and

THE HUR’Q WAR then be welcomed as heroes.

The war with the Hur’q also slowed the Dominion’s

As the Dominion continued to grow and thrive, the southward expansion plans. Hur’q territory originally included
Founders absorbed dozens of worlds into the fold. For the area of space around the Gamma Quadrant terminus
the first time they found themselves the subject of fear of the Bajoran wormhole. As the Dominion explored these
from the solids, approaching negotiations and war from a planets they found that Hur’q settlements were often
position of superiority. booby-trapped. More than one expeditionary force was lost
after a science team accidentally triggered an abandoned
Around 900 years ago the Dominion faced its first, and doomsday device. Evidence of other ancient cultures, some
until its encounter with the Federation, greatest challenge. of whom had persecuted the Changelings before their
A species known in the Alpha Quadrant as the Hur’q, and exodus, included the T’Kon, Iconians, Preservers, and others.
whose true name the Founders erased from history, began
raiding Dominion worlds. The Hur’q’s powerful vessels As the Founders are nearly immortal, they take the long view
sported wicked plasma cannon disruptors, powerful engines, of things. Species in this area were mostly left to their own
and nearly impenetrable shields. devices. Founder infiltrators made sure to guide the local
species’ exploration, trade, and settlement efforts away
In then end it was the brave fighting force of the Jem’Hadar, from Dominion space. The Founders used the alien races as
combined with the subterfuge of the Founders, which brought unwitting scouts and, gradually, over the course of centuries,
down the Hur’q. The invaders had spread themselves too thin, pushed their borders south, only absorbing a planet when
striking out in all directions and fighting wars on too many they were sure that there were no ancient dangers lurking
fronts to be effective. Just a few Changeling infiltrators were within a hundred-systems’ radius. Though painfully slow, this
able to sabotage key ship systems during battles, which in expansion method suited the Founders’ orderly plan.
turn allowed boarding teams to capture Hur’q fleets.

Vorta scientists did their best to reverse-engineer the

technology of the Hur’q fleet to create the first generation
of Jem’Hadar battle cruisers. By the time the Hur’q began
to pull back their other forces from around the Galaxy, the The territory of the Dominion is almost wholly unknown to the
Dominion had made inroads into Hur’q territory. They razed Federation and its neighbors. Their only points of exploration
the invaders’ home planet. The rest of their territory fell, and in Dominion space are the systems surrounding the Gamma
what remained of the Hur’q fleet scattered. The Vorta report Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran wormhole, which lies some
occasional rumors of Hur’q presence, but there hasn’t been a 70,000 light years from Federation space.
confirmed Hur’q sighting in over seven centuries.
A map of the Dominion would look different depending upon
This war had a galvanizing effect on the Dominion. In the whom you asked to draw it. An outside observer might
decades before the invasion, several worlds had grown create an image that resembles an archipelago, with only
discontented with Founder rule, and a few had even openly those systems officially chartered as members or subjects
rebelled. The member worlds saw the war as a noble defense of the Founders in purple against a sea of black, with many
of their way of life. Vorta propaganda agents wove a new uninhabited or ignored systems untouched. A Founder


One cannot understand an individual Founder well have experienced them first-hand. It is possible to withhold thoughts and
without considering the Great Link. It is the memories, if needed, but the Changelings rarely do this.
gestalt that formed from the intermingling of form
and consciousness during the Changelings’ long When a Changeling leaves the Great Link they retain much, but not all, of what
exodus. Through it each of these beings forges they knew when they were part of the greater whole. The passage of tens of
a connection with their fellows that is dearer thousands of years takes its toll on the memory, even the memory of immortals.
than blood, more intimate than lovers, and more So much of what the Founders remember exists only in the space of the Great
profound than the relationship between one’s Link. If enough Changelings leave the link at once, the Founders fear that it
own mind and body. might discorporate, and with it all the Founders’ earliest memories.

An individual, away from the Link, is but a “drop.” The Founders would consider this to be an extinction of sorts. So much of a
When they merge with their fellows they become Changeling’s mind passes among the forms of its fellow Changelings in the
an “ocean.” The Changeling opens their mind up Link that in many ways the Changelings of today are not the same as those of
to the others, sharing memories and sensations so many centuries ago. Without the Link the Founders would lose all sense of
in so perfect a way that the others might as their identity.

would paint a large, solid area encompassing every system is used up the infrastructure is destroyed or put to another
patrolled by the Jem’Hadar, as they view all that they can see useful purpose, as are the staff. Workers tend to be slave
as belonging to them. labor or other disenfranchised people who are not necessary
to operations on their home planets.
The Dominion is by no means the only interstellar polity in
the Gamma Quadrant, but it is the largest and most powerful.
When Jem’Hadar patrols or lesser members discover new
worlds, the Founders determine whether the new planet
poses any sort of threat to the Dominion, and if its society
or material resources are useful. While not every world gets The Dominion is a fascist theocracy. The government and
added to the Dominion’s official membership, the Founders military have complete authority over the lives of their
consider every world patrolled by the Jem’Hadar to be theirs. subjects. This cosmopolitan empire is made up of scores
The military arm of the Dominion uses this space as a buffer or even hundreds of different societies, all united under a
of sorts to protect their more vital property. common rule and philosophy.

The Gamma Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran wormhole The guiding principle among all the races of the Dominion
is in one of these sectors of space. None of the immediate is the Way of Things. According to this philosophy every
worlds are under direct suzerainty to the Founders, but most species and society has its own predestined purpose, an
of them have at least a vague awareness of their interstellar end to which they can use their own unique gifts for the
neighbors. For the most part their activities are confined to betterment of the Founders and the rest of the Dominion.
nearby stars and they have very little in the way of military
capability. Some species are valued members of the Dominion,
while others are used for slave labor and other undignified
One thing that inhibits Dominion expansion is the lack of a purposes. Members of the more elite echelons of society
dedicated colonization service. The Founders only maintain recite the mantra “The Jem’Hadar serve the Vorta, and the
presence on a single world at a time; expanding onto multiple Vorta serve the Founders.” This succinctly describes the
planets would actually weaken the species. The Changelings status quo, even if it is a bit of a gloss.
have no desire to see the solid species spread further in
the Galaxy, so they expressly forbid members from settling THE FOUNDERS
beyond their existing worlds. Their philosophy teaches The Changelings are a truly remarkable species. They have
the pacification of existing species, not spreading them no known maximum lifespan, as there has never been a
throughout space. report of a Changeling dying due to natural circumstances.
While the monoform solids remain trapped in the shape
Necessary expansions, such as mining colonies, are they were assigned at birth, a Changeling is free to take on
intentionally designed for temporary use. Once a resource whatever appearance they desire.

The Founders’ shapeshifting abilities are nearly limitless.
They can take on solid, liquid, and even gaseous forms,
becoming anything from a tiny pebble to an expansive mist.
They’re adept at mimicking other lifeforms, including tiny Eris, the first Vorta officially encountered by Starfleet, exhibited
rodents, sapients of all types, and even spaceborne, warp- the ability of telekinesis. She was able to open mechanical locks
capable creatures. The only phases of matter not available to using mentally controlled energy. This ability is not common
them are plasma and pure energy. among the Vorta.

A Changeling cannot hold an assumed form indefinitely. Only a few special agents are given this mutation. These gifted
Depending on the age and ability of the individual, they must Vorta are sometimes useful as covert assassins, but more frequently
return to their true state, a shimmering, golden liquid, every they use the powers for dramatic effect. While a Founder can
16 to 20 hours. Delaying this return damages their body and perform all sorts of feats that would awe primitive creatures,
eventually leads to death if the Changeling goes too long sometimes the Great Link deems it too unsafe, inefficient, or
without resting. otherwise undesirable to send a Founder to a new world.

These natural abilities, combined with thousands of years Telekinetic Vorta visit primitive planets after covertly observing the
of accumulated knowledge, underlays their belief that local cultures, then manifest themselves as agents of the divine. To
they are superior beings. They view the solids as mayflies, the superstitious and ignorant, the Vorta seems to be able to appear
ephemeral beings who flit in and out of existence in the from nowhere when they transport in, kill with a word of judgement
briefest moment, living only to upend the order for which as they use telekinesis, or summon vile beasts when they command
the Founders work so hard. their Jem’Hadar attendants to deactivate their shrouds. This ability
causes less-developed, highly religious worlds to capitulate to the
THE VORTA Dominion, frequently without a single battle being fought.
At the top of the Dominion’s governmental structure are the
Vorta. They are the public face of the Dominion. A Vorta may
be a demagogue, a diplomat, a scientist, an officer, a spy, and
a sort of clergyman, preaching and enforcing the gospel of the
Founders. Many species are told that the Vorta themselves are THE JEM’HADAR
the Founders, which is a ruse intended to draw the attention of Below the Vorta are the Jem’Hadar, who act as the blunt
the more powerful species away from the Changelings. instrument that the Founders use to punish rebellious worlds
and to wage war. All members of the Jem’Hadar are soldiers.
Vorta are known for their fanatical belief in the divine nature of Most are simple grunts, concerned only with pointing their
the Founders. Their legends hold that the Vorta are a species weapons at enemies and firing, or with other low-level tasks.
of uplifted primates who the Founders rewarded for saving
the life of a Changeling thousands of years ago. This zealous Jem’Hadar mature within a matter of days after hatching
devotion allows the Vorta to make morally reprehensible from their birthing chambers. Their training takes only a week
decisions and to commit atrocities in the name of their gods. or so, depending on which aptitudes the Jem’Hadar shows
as a juvenile. Those qualified for leadership positions are
Vorta prolong their lifespans through a cloning process. assigned a rank, from “tenth” to “first,” and turned over to
This practice came about because the Founders kept the supervision of a Vorta commander.
losing valuable diplomats to hostile native species and
did not wish to keep training new ones. The Drai cloning Jem’Hadar are designed only for battle. Their Drai engineers
practice allows the next iteration of an individual to retain were able to give them a natural cloaking ability known as
the previous version’s capabilities and most or all of its the shroud, which allows them to sneak up on their enemies
memories, though the personality may change from one unseen. While shrouded a soldier is invisible to the naked
generation to the next. This process is unusually fast, and a eye, and they and their immediate possessions are also
new clone can be operating within days or even hours of its undetectable by standard scanners. Adult Jem’Hadar do not
predecessor’s death. need to sleep, and their only nutrition comes from a synthetic
drug known as ketracel-white.
All members of the species are equipped with a termination
implant that they must activate upon capture by the enemy. A typical Jem’Hadar life is brutal and short. If they don’t
Despite their fanatical devotion to the Founders’ orders, die as punishment for insubordination or failure, they die in
many often choose to take their chances with their captors battle. Less than one percent of Jem’Hadar live to the age
rather than commit suicide. Vorta’s usefulness as diplomats of fifteen. Those who make it to 20 are considered “Honored
and spies has been improved by a number of genetic Elders” among their people and given additional respect.
alterations. They have very keen hearing, on par with These individuals get reassigned as instructors or as base
Ferengi, and are immune to almost all known poisons. commandants. No Jem’Hadar has ever lived to 30 years.


The Drai are often called the Hunters by other species, but
this is a misnomer. The Hunters are the upper crust of Drai
The white is considered a sacred substance by the Jem’Hadar. society, those individuals who live a life of privilege and
It is their source of life, earned only through loyalty and victory. who spend their lives practicing the most sacred ritual of
It does not provide nourishment, but rather prevents the their people, the Hunt. This species is one of the oldest
Jem’Hadar’s body from degrading. If an individual goes too long members of the Dominion, though for the sake of secrecy
without their regular dose, they begin to suffer mentally and and security, the Founders don’t allow them to interact with
physically. outsiders very often.

In the final stages of withdrawal, a Jem’Hadar can no longer contain These people were there at the Dawn of the Dominion, 2,000
their species’ inborn aggressive tendencies. They begin to lash out, years ago. They were gifted warriors and geneticists. It was
first at non-Jem’Hadar, then at their own comrades. The Vorta and the Drai to whom the Founders turned to uplift the Vorta from
Founders see this behavior as proof that the Jem’Hadar require the primitive beings into their current state.
white addiction to keep them from turning on their masters. Some
Jem’Hadar view it as a cruelty. They feel that they would be loyal When the Founders needed an army, they tasked the Drai to
even if the Founders removed the need for ketracel white. Once a create the perfect warriors. They used the Tosk, a species
Jem’Hadar passes the last threshold of withdrawal, he is no longer that the Hunters use for prey in their games, as the basis. The
capable of reasoning, and thus his attacks on Vorta and even Drai twisted the genetic stock of the Tosk to make them more
Founders are not acts of rebellion, but pure animal instinct. aggressive, hardy, and subservient, while keeping the ability
to shroud.
Some Jem’Hadar are naturally immune to white withdrawal,
though few are ever in a position to discover this. Some who have For their vital and loyal service, the Founders bestowed the
this condition are eager to prove that their loyalty to their Founder Drai with plentiful resources and positions of honor within the
gods is pure and does not derive from addiction. Dominion hierarchy. The Hunters are allowed free access to
almost all worlds in Dominion space as they engage in the
great Hunt. Their ships are outfitted with much of the latest

technology, and they’re permitted to carry and wield powerful The Drai believe that a Hunter’s stature comes from his
personal weapons and defensive force fields. prey. The more thrilling the chase, the more cunning the
hunted, the more prestige to the triumphant Hunter. Tosk
The lesser members of Drai society serve as Jem’Hadar are instilled with an inbred desire to perform the Hunt.
breeders and handlers. They also work as attendants in They constantly adapt to their surroundings to elude
the Vorta cloning facilities. The average Drai worker is their pursuers. The most successful prey finds a sense of
privy to much of the knowledge of the makeup, strengths, satisfaction in cunning escapes.
and weaknesses of both of those species. As a protective
measure the Founders keep the Drai within Dominion- The Tosk’s remarkable biology reduces their need for sleep
controlled areas and away from outsiders. This ensures that to just 17 minutes per day. They do not need to eat or drink
enemy agents can’t steal information that they could use to survive. A Tosk has the ability to become invisible. When
against Dominion forces. the Founders met with the Drai, they noticed these qualities
and had the Drai create the variant species known as the
Average Drai are proud people who are all too aware of their Jem’Hadar based on Tosk stock.
privileged position. The rich among them like to travel within
local space, spending lavishly and making dramatic displays Tosk have no formal group culture. As soon they’re old
of conspicuous consumption. They tend to be viewed as enough, their masters set them loose and the Hunt begins.
minor celebrities, as the Founders stream broadcasts of the Within Dominion space it’s considered good luck to cross
Hunt to most of their member systems. paths with a Tosk, since it means that you might have a
fortuitous encounter with the wealthy and powerful Hunters.
THE TOSK No individuals from member species ever interfere with the
The Tosk are a curiosity. They hold no official place in the Hunt. The tales of Hunter vengeance on those who would
Way of Things but are a subject race of the Drai. The elite spoil their sport ensure that the lower-ranking citizens respect
Drai Hunters spend their lives in pursuit of prey. The ultimate the sanctity of the Hunt of the Tosk.
prey is the Tosk. These beings live on the run as part of an
esoteric ceremony. As horrific a fate as this might seem to Tosk are a cold-blooded reptilian species. They are very
others, most Tosk would have it no other way. difficult to detect on scanners, even when they are not


shrouded. Tosk physiology is exceptionally hardy. If they They feel that their cautious judgement, intellect, and honest
were not intended only for evasion, these individuals would dealings elevate them above the rabble who were too stupid
likely make formidable warriors. to see which way the winds were blowing when the first
Jem’Hadar ships entered their systems.
A species of merchants, outsiders consider the Karemma to Unlike the Vorta or Jem’Hadar, the Karemma do not truly
be one of the “softer” members of the Dominion. Karemma believe in the divine nature of the Founders. Part of this
value honesty in their dealings, or at least that others is because, like with many other member species, the
perceive them as such. Karemma are a tall and lithe people Founders did not reveal their identity to Karemma until after
with rodentlike facial features. They wear their hair up in the Founders were discovered by the Federation. Besides
ornate styles. They higher the coif, the greater the social this, the Karemma are not a religious people, in the sense of
status of the wearer. worshipping deities. They have various schools of thought
that might be roughly analogous to churches, but a typical
The Karemma were one of the cultures who willingly Karemma places their faith and confidence only in their own
accepted the Founders without blood being shed. As an abilities, and perhaps those of their trade house.
example to others, they are free to go about their business.
They have no military of their own but rely solely on the This lack of piety doesn’t prevent the Karemma from showing
Jem’Hadar for protection against piracy and invasion. The proper respects when due. They have no desire to end
Karemma have a distaste for personally conducting warfare, up as another example of what happens to upstarts who
though they’re happy to make money from selling weapons rebel against the Founders. They spend their days building
to their masters. profitable commercial enterprises, exploring new avenues of
trade, and referring species who show promise for Dominion
Karemma merchants tend to be dapper and cordial, with a membership to the Vorta for further consideration.
not-quite-concealed undercurrent of superiority. They look
at the examples of the less-fortunate “members” of the The Founders’ relatively easy hand with the Karemma
Dominion, those who initially resisted absorption, and scoff. serves an advantageous purpose for public relations and

propaganda. It’s also very risky. There are reports that some Dosi still wear their traditional armor and cosmetics as part
Karemma conduct clandestine trade with blacklisted species, of their cultural identity. The different garish colorations hold
though they always use layers of middlemen and bureaucratic great symbolism within Dosi society. Males and females have
obstruction to hide the truth. Some Vorta technicians suspect, equal status and similar manners of dress.
though they’ve never been able to prove it, that Karemma
manufacturers install cleverly hidden weaknesses into the The Karemma use the Dosi in the same manner that the
armaments that they sell, to have a way to counteract them Founders use the other species. They send Dosi delegations
should they ever be used on the Karemma. out to unexplored territories and allow them to make first
contact. A prospective trade partner’s reaction to and
THE DOSI tolerance of the belligerent Dosi tells the Karemma all that
The Dosi are a very low-ranking member species of the they feel they need to know about the new species. The
Dominion. They were brought into the fold when the Karemma keep the Dosi on a tight leash, allowing them to
Karemma joined, as that species had long served as a patron undertake relatively minor trade missions. The Dosi must
of the Dosi. Like their associates, many members of this pass on more lucrative opportunities to the Karemma.
species engage in commerce.
While a Karemma might take a cool and aloof approach to The Yaderans are a relatively new addition to the Dominion.
negotiations, Dosi are more aggressive. Instead of trying to They were subjugated about 35 years ago. The Founders
find common ground or arguing the relative worth of services coveted Yaderan technology. Since their annexation these
and goods, these people try to badger the other party into people provided a greater understanding of cloaking and
submission. Should a potential trading partner impress the cloak detection technologies. They were responsible for
Dosi, they’re welcomed as allies. The Dosi treat their friends developing the anti-proton scanning system that is now
with a zealous hospitality that’s as intense as the aggression standard on all Jem’Hadar vessels.
with which they prosecute wars against their enemies.
The Vorta integrated the Yaderans’ advanced artificial
The Dosi only recently became an interstellar society, having intelligence and simulation technology into their own devices.
received warp technology from off-worlders. Before taking These advances are used for espionage purposes, and for
to the stars they were a preindustrial people with a tribal recreation among the elite member races.
structure centered on ritual combat and drama.

Good evening, member species. On behalf of the magnanimous Later on in the evening we’re going to post highlights of this
Founders I am Vorta Shileen. season’s Tosk Hunt opening ceremony. Which of the twelve
Hunting Parties does your local recreation center support? Make
Our top story is that all is well. Throughout Dominion space the sure to wear appropriate colors during the broadcast as a show
clear majority of citizens continue to be vital, loyal participants in of solidarity.
the Founders’ grand plan.
After that we end our broadcast with a special performance from
The campaign to bring the unruly Alpha Quadrant to heel continues the Karemma Youth Opera House. These children have been
marvellously. In addition to our Cardassian “little brothers,” we practicing for this performance since they learned to walk, and
now welcome the Breen! This species is in full accord with the they now have the pride of representing their species in a tribute
Founders’ ideal and is already proving to be a useful addition performance to our glorious Founders.
to the ranks. Sleep well knowing that the Federation and its
nightmare of democracy will never reach our borders. Coming up now, though, it’s Real Stories of the Jem’Hadar
Patrol, featuring the continuing adventures of Attack Cruiser
Remember, that as a Class-4 member, your world is eligible to 97119. Watch as the brave soldiers of the Jem’Hadar investigate
earn new privileges and responsibilities in the Founders’ perfect reports of disloyalty on Grakala IX. What will they find? Please
order. All planets in this bracket who post four consecutive note that viewing this program is mandatory for all citizens.
cycles of five-percent growth in productivity, across all
indicators, are eligible for Class-4 A status. This new designation Thank you for watching, citizens. For Dominion Broadcast
comes with increased planetary resource credits, dispensed at Center 47, this has been Vorta Shileen. Goodnight and may your
your regent’s discretion, plus relaxed travel regulations. dreams be filled with visions of order, obedience, and protection.


The annexation of Yadera was not peaceful. Many of the government never captured the rebel leaders and to date
locals lost their lives in the fast, brutal invasion. Because the they haven’t learned how the rebels were able to enhance
Founders wanted Yaderan scientists so badly, they began their replicants.
offering surviving scholars a luxuriously decadent lifestyle
in return for their cooperation. The less-educated masses The truth is that the rebels were sponsored by the Dominion.
continued to suffer in labor camps and as a slave class to the They used Vorta technology to enhance the replicant process
newly-elevated scientists and engineers. and make the blank bodies more perfect recreations of
specific individuals. The Founders are displeased that the
A few of the Yaderans would not go along with this new Paradans have become friends with the Federation in the
status quo, and either fled or committed suicide in protest. years since contact.
The majority of the new Yaderan elite embrace their status
even as their former friends wallow in misery. Yaderan society They made sure that when a Founder bombed Earth’s
as the natives knew it, which had stood united for centuries, Federation/Romulan Antwerp Conference that a Paradan
is almost completely erased. ambassador was among the casualties. In the meantime,
the Dominion maintains a Founder agent on the Paradan
THE PARADANS home world. The Founders plan to invade and annihilate
Paradans are amphibian humanoids from Parada II. They’re most of the Paradans when the time comes, but for now
a gregarious people with a thirst for knowledge and a they use Vorta propaganda masters to cast the Paradans
relatively high level of technology. The Paradans have sent as warmongering villains as they attempt to lure other local
out several exploratory missions, including long-term vessels species over to their cause.
to the Delta, Alpha, and Beta Quadrants. The Delta Quadrant
mission should have arrived about 15 years ago, while the THE RAKHARI
other two are still on their way. The Rakhari are a humanoid species from Rakhar. They’re
notable for their large, polyamorous family structure.
They have relatively little interest in colonizing other worlds Physically the Rakhari resemble humans, save for a set of
for themselves. They prefer to negotiate deals that allow bony protrusions that resemble tadpoles swimming along
them to create underwater settlements on planets inhabited their brow, nose, and eye sockets.
by land-based species, which reduces the Paradans’ burden
of system defense. When they annexed the Rakhari, the Founders allowed its
existing government to continue more or less according to
The Paradans are an interesting case because they’re not a how it had been run before joining the Dominion. Their world
true member species. They are a people in transition. The is on the edge of the Dominion’s current expansion frontier,
Parada system was torn apart by a vicious civil war that and the area surrounding it is exceptionally chaotic.
lasted for over 12 years. A small rebel force was able to
make innovations to Paradan technology that allowed them The Rakhari government is run by a series of provincial
to fight at much greater strength than their numbers would exarchs, one of whom is a primarch. These elites exercise
normally allow. absolute authority within their jurisdictions, and they wield
their power mercilessly. The rulers’ attitude toward personal
The Paradans pioneered the use of replicants, artificially freedoms, and the lack thereof, is virtually in harmony with
grown bodies that can be converted into a clone of an the philosophy of the Founders.
individual. These replicants are usually used as cheap labor
or as foot soldiers in war. The rebels managed to raise an When the Vorta made their presence known, approaching
army large enough to wage a war of attrition against their the council of exarchs privately, the governors fell in line with
government. minimal negotiations. The exarchs view their subjects as little
more than cattle, and so felt no need to inform the populace of
Twelve years into the conflict a new breed of replicant their new rulers. Since there were no major issues with crime
emerged. This new type was not only a perfect physical or productivity, the Founders were content to let things be.
replica, but it also had the same memories as the original.
They were also programmed with a second personality that This status as an “unofficial” Dominion member serves their
would manifest and withdraw according to predetermined masters well. Rakhari leadership cultivates an image of
stimuli or at regular intervals. These replicants were used as power and use it to gain the trust of nearby worlds. Foreign
spies, saboteurs, and assassins. delegates speak freely around the exarchs and their servants,
and the information that they let slip gets passed right on to
After making contact with the Federation, the Paradan the Founders.
government received help from Starfleet to root out the
hidden enemies. Within a year the civil war was over. The The rank and file among the Rakhari are generally kept in the
rebel faction was reduced to a few small terrorist cells. The dark about interstellar goings-on. Some privileged individuals

are allowed to run independent trade vessels or to explore off-
world, but the exarchs take measures to ensure loyalty, such
as keeping a traveler’s family hostage until they return safely.
To the Founders of the Dominion,
Due to these chafing restrictions there is a growing dissident
movement on Rakhar. More and more of the people are Allow me to introduce myself, my lords. My name is Penk, and I
speaking up in protest. The exarchs sentence any protestors am the premiere purveyor of sports entertainment in the area of
and their immediate relatives to death. As discontent space that you call the Delta Quadrant. I’ve hosted a remarkable
spreads, they’re running out of people to execute. It’s only competition called Tsunkatse for over 100 years. In that time, I’ve
a matter of time before an organized movement develops, met several explorers from near your territory. I’m sending a copy of
and if it comes to that then the exarchs are going to have this message away with every Gamma Quadrant native that I meet.
to explain themselves to the Vorta and face the very real
possibility of losing their position of power. These visitors tell me the most fantastic tales of your empire. I
marvel at the prowess of your mighty Jem’Hadar, or the cunning
THE T-ROGORANS of the Tosk. Tsunkatse is the ultimate test of a warrior’s combat
The old adage, “there’s always a bigger fish” is illustrated ability. Imagine the impression that you could make on the lesser
perfectly in the T-Rogorans. This warlike species waged a civilizations as one of your Jem’Hadar rips apart a Pendari or
campaign of conquest stretching back around 800 years. Hirogen in front of the entire Galaxy! Think of the branding potential!
They were the local power in their region of space for
centuries while the Dominion focused on other areas. In fact, we can broadcast throughout the Galaxy, or we could if
my current sponsors, the Norcadians, were able to make a stand
The T-Rogorans are a species that vaguely resembles against the Hirogen fleet. Those brutish hunters control an ancient
Earth crustaceans, though they are not adapted for aquatic communications relay system that allows real-time communication
environments. The warrior class of this people targeted across the length of the Galaxy. They don’t use it for anything
undeveloped societies almost exclusively, with the goal of except coordinating hunts. Such a waste of potential.
building up a support base that would allow them to live lives
of leisure. The T-Rogorans were content to fly from system to I’ve heard of your power, oh mighty Founders, and I’m willing to
system, taking their tribute, relaxing, and reproducing fiercely. make a deal. Send me a fleet of your warships to the Norcadian
home world (see the attached coordinates), and I’ll show you the
Their high population was the only factor that prolonged their Hirogen communication bases. After that we can discuss terms
war with the Dominion. It took several years for the Jem’Hadar like distribution rights, merchandising, and more. I look forward to
fleet to track down and destroy their entire armada. The your response.
conquest was complete in the 2360s, though by that point
many of the T-Rogorans’ previous conquests were also in Sincerely,
open rebellion, commandeering their overlords’ ships and Penk pal gal Throoma Shorn
running from the Dominion. A few joined the Dominion’s fight,
believing anyone to be better than the cruel T-Rogorans.

The few remaining T-Rogorans are now subjects of the

Dominion. Most of them work in labor camps, often overseen and right to impose peace on the Galaxy, even through
by members of their previous conquests. This proud warrior unspeakably brutal methods.
race is on a serious decline, and if they don’t recover soon
they may disappear entirely within a generation. To an outsider’s perspective, the Dominion doesn’t seem to
run on altruism and a desire for order, but on paranoia and
unyielding authoritarianism. The desire to make friends with

CULTURE other species, as well as hope and optimism, vanished from

the Great Link long ago, perhaps permanently, during their
long period of persecution.
The true “culture” of the Dominion is the Great Link. It is the
collective consciousness of the Founders, and from it come There is still a measure of kindness in the Founders, as they
all the laws and the driving philosophy of the Dominion. see it. Very few individuals, and certainly no whole society,
Among themselves the Founders have no superiors. Each of views itself as a villain. The Founders consider themselves to
them is an equal portion of the Link. While they’re aggressive be a heroic race, guiding the lesser species in a manner that
and violent against outsiders, the Founders consider prevents needless killing, waste, and disorder.
themselves a peaceful people. Up until an unfortunate
incident aboard the U.S.S. Defiant, no Changeling had Though the Founders will resort to it if sufficiently provoked,
ever harmed another. The Founders see it as their mission they do not like to perform total genocide on a species. They


usually leave at least a token population alive as an example The official language of the Dominion is Dominionese. This
to the rest of the Galaxy of what happens to those who language is really the native tongue of the Vorta. All official
refuse the Dominion’s benevolent might. business must be done in Dominionese, which gives the
Vorta another natural advantage when negotiating with or
To an outsider it can be shocking to think of life in the threatening member worlds.
Dominion. The subject species do not have the same liberties
and privileges that members of the Federation enjoy. Media THE GOLDEN DREAM
broadcasts must be run through the offices of Vorta censors The Vorta produce propaganda to feed the masses. They
before transmission to ensure that everything jibes with portray the more backward and lower-class worlds of the
official Dominion policy. Groups may not freely assemble, Dominion as “little brothers” who should strive to follow
and anyone who engages in formal protest meets a very the example of their “older brothers,” the more established
unpleasant end, usually in public. planets. The message is always something like You see, life
in the Dominion can be so much better than what you had
Individuals have no protection against spot inspections of their before. All you have to do is work as hard as you can, and
body, home, or property. On many worlds an individual doesn’t you can have more and more. The Vorta peddle this same
even get to choose their own career path. Despite these vision to the more developed worlds, with vague promises
restrictions, for every person who chafes at the Dominion’s that “further on down the line” certain elite species might
rule, there’s another who wouldn’t live any other way. even find themselves in a position of privilege among the
Outside of the Federation’s utopia much of the rest of the
Galaxy is still a hardscrabble place. The Dominion offers This dream is only that. For most species and individuals,
safety and stability in exchange for blind loyalty and the it’s an illusion that makes it easier to sleep at night. The
forfeiture of liberty and free will. Considering that many of the Founders and their servants don’t truly care about the
worlds that the Dominion subjugated were already tyrannical contentment and fulfilment of their subjects; only their
dictatorships, most of the lowest class of citizens don’t obedience and productivity.
have any greater complaints about their lot in life than they
normally would have. To help encourage the ambition of member races the
Founders capriciously elevate certain individuals, granting
The individual systems in Dominion space are usually them authority over other workers, new living quarters,
segregated, as people must get permission to leave their or other luxuries. The people chosen for this special
world. Most of the interchange of media, goods, and treatment are invariably those who are publicly known for
information between worlds comes through Dosi and their unwavering support of the Founders’ rule, and who
Karemma traders. These merchants are only allowed to unfailingly inform the Vorta overseers of the slightest sign of
bring approved cargo on their journeys, so much of the disloyalty among their own family, friends, neighbors, and
music, literature, and other recreational pursuits that get co-workers.
passed throughout space are all the same. It’s easier to just
peddle what you know than to seek permission to buy and THE EMBLEM OF THE DOMINION
sell every new story. The Founders do not make use of icons and symbols among
themselves. The sharing of thoughts and feelings in the
Great Link transcends simple visual imagery. The Dominion’s
famous emblem is an enigma to outsiders.

It is not an illustration of a great beast whose qualities the

Founders see in themselves. The elements of the icon have
no heraldic significance or ancient depictions of peace and
unity. The Founders chose this garish, ineffable symbol
precisely for its ugly design. The emblem of the Dominion
is a standard to which all members must pay their respects
and salute.

It pleases the Founders, and the color-blind Vorta who

designed the emblem, to see the “lesser” species react in
puzzlement or in terror at something so ridiculous. The image
is an example of one of many ways that the Founders use
rules and ritual to invoke a greater sense of fear, and from
fear obedience, in the solids.

DOMINION MEMBERSHIP to live up to expectations, then it’s time for the Jem’Hadar to
The psychohistorians of the Vorta have nearly perfected their get involved, and rules become much more draconian.
process for assessing a system’s most efficient route for
absorption into the Dominion. After they learn of a culture’s Some submissive worlds don’t require very much plotting. A
existence, the Vorta determine which semi-trusted Dominion species might be subservient and amiable enough that they
member species they can use to make a covert first contact even openly petition for membership. Obedience is always
with the prospective member world. valued, even if these societies might have nothing else to
offer. Meek races make ideal laborers.
A delegation approaches the unknown species under a
pretext decided by a Vorta administrator. This delegation is When a planet rebels against the Way of Things, it requires
under orders to not mention the Dominion, but to keep their diverting resources from promoting a harmonious Dominion
eyes and ears open while they deal with this new society. The towards powering the war machine. Not only do the rebels
emissaries then make a full report to the Vorta, accounting suffer, but the lowest-priority member worlds must shoulder
the alien culture’s level of technology, its overall disposition, the burden of pacification. In the end, resistance only harms
and any resources or unique traits that the species or its a planet, as the Dominion extracts payment for its righteous
world might possess. warfare from the blood of the rebels’ children, down to the
tenth generation and beyond.
At this point the Vorta make a report to the Founders, with
a proposed plan. The Founders usually permit the Vorta
to undertake their scheme and if the culture in question
is interesting or threatening enough, they also send a
Changeling to the new world as an infiltrator. PROGRESS REPORT
The Vorta prefer to make a friendly approach. Violence only To Shiana, Regent of the Mannai People,
wastes the resources of the Dominion. The initial approach is
generally not to an entire society (hive minds excepted), but Shiana, we’ve noticed that your last shipment of dilithium crystals
to an individual or small cabal whom the Vorta designate as a fell short of projected numbers by three percent. Looking through
Collaborator candidate. your previous submissions, I note that this is the first time that
you’ve failed to meet the Founders’ expectations.
Collaborators are among the most important elements
of an annexation scheme. They must be someone with I’ve been reading other reports of your jurisdiction, and I’ve noticed
political clout but in a position that’s low enough that their a troubling trend. There is a direct correlation with the decrease in
ambition is nowhere near satisfied, but not high enough productivity and the crop shortage in Mugai Province. This suggests
that they view themselves as an equal with the Vorta. An that your administrators are not properly caring for the needs of the
ideal Collaborator has no compunction against killing their workers, and that the workers themselves only meet their quota on
own people if needed and obeys the orders of the Dominion a full stomach.
without question.
These are critical times, Regent. We must all make sacrifices. If
The Vorta approach the Collaborator with a solution to one that means missing a meal or two a day, then so be it. Our brave
of the society’s problems. Perhaps they have the cure to a Jem’Hadar on the front lines of this war with the Federation are not
deadly plague that’s recently begun devastating populated complaining about combat conditions.
areas. Maybe the Vorta come bearing enough supplies
to rebuild vital industrial infrastructure after a mysterious The good news is that one of the other systems under my oversight
accident levelled a factory complex. They might even have was more than able to make up for your shortfall, so I won’t have to
fancy weapons capable of turning the tide in a savage war. grovel before the Founders. This still doesn’t solve the problem of
your productivity issues. My suggestion is that since your world is
A sufficiently greedy or desperate Collaborator usually only producing enough food to feed 90 percent of the population,
takes the bait at this point. If the Collaborator can manage then you ought to adjust the population level to match available
to convince the planetary authorities to fall in line with the supply. I’m sure that any methods you take would be more humane
Vorta, or if they can stage an efficient coup, then everything than whatever my First, Burak’badan, is likely to use.
proceeds smoothly. The new Dominion member signs all the
requisite forms and gets their service assignment from their I’ll be in touch. You have one week to fix this situation.
Vorta liaison.
Kind regards,
So long as members contribute what’s expected of them, Gildar, Vorta Administrator of Sector 77945
material resources, technological developments, manpower,
or whatever else, life in the Dominion is peaceful. If they fail


SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY aboard their vessels, save for those in a Vorta commander’s
quarters. In line with the Founders’ paranoia about
information and the motives of “lesser” solids, Dominion
With a thousand-years’ head start on other civilizations, military ships do not have viewscreens. Rather, a Vorta
the Dominion has a technological advantage over their commander and his First wear augmented reality eyepieces
neighbors. In many ways they are markedly superior in which tune into the ship’s scanners and allow the bearer to
development to the Romulans and Federation. Much of their “see” through the hull of the ship. All incoming transmissions
technological ability comes from merging the innovations of are routed through this headset.
disparate societies to create new breakthroughs.
The Founders recognize the incredible edge that superior The Drai were the original masters of genetic manipulation
technology gives them, and they are willing to go to among the members of the Dominion. In the thousands of
exceptional lengths to ensure that their advantage remains years since they joined the Vorta and others have learned a
secure. In fact, once the war with the Federation is concluded few things from them. Unlike the Federation, the Dominion
and the Vorta begin adapting Federation technology and never had a superman rise in defiance; they’d never allow
engineering practices into the Dominion war machine, a solid to amass that sort of power. As such, the Founders
the Founders are confident that they will finally be able to sponsor all manner of research into DNA manipulation.
accelerate their plans of conquest and absorption.
Dominion scientists and physicians are capable of effecting
DOMINION STARSHIPS alterations at a species-wide level, as evidenced with the
The vessels of the Dominion are fearsome. They sport phased changes made to both the Vorta and the Jem’Hadar. They
polaron beams, which can bypass most types of deflector commonly use this ability to impress potential member
shields, though Starfleet was able to overcome this advantage worlds, offering cures for cancers and other illnesses.
with shield adjustments. Jem’Hadar ships tend to have lower
maximum warp ratings than Federation vessels, but this The ugly side of this research manifests in the devastating
disadvantage doesn’t hinder massive fleet deployments, since plagues that they unleash upon civilian populations.
their cruising speeds are roughly the same. Scientists spend weeks and months ensuring that their
pathogens are irresistible, harmful only to the target species;
Since Jem’Hadar ships are crewed by beings who have no then they release it upon the unsuspecting populace and
need for sleep and no desire for recreation there are no chairs move on to their next project while the victims suffer and die.


Doctor Alaxa, called “solids” as anything other than prey, slaves, or cannon
fodder. They are a people without love, culture, or emotion.
I left our last conversation with a sense that something was
amiss. Was it hesitation? Doubt? Regret? Or possibly a simple Do you really think that the Hippocratic Oath applies to a race
case of indigestion? like this? One simple virus can save the lives of trillions of good,
honest Federation citizens. Think of everything that the Federation
My gut tells me that you’re having second thoughts about this stands to lose. The principles of democracy. The works of Ploosh,
work. You mentioned your grandfather’s legacy. All the lives that Klim, and the rest of Denobula’s most famous artists.
he saved and the cures that he discovered. Phlox was a brilliant
physician, there’s no doubt. What he did served to eradicate Think of your husbands and their wives, and of all the children
numerous microscopic diseases. that you share in common. I’ll tell you something. I’m thinking
of them. I value those whom you’re hesitant to protect. In fact,
All we’re doing — all that you’re doing — is applying the cure on I have my most loyal and effective agents watching them right
a macroscopic scale. Imagine each world of the Federation as a now. This protection will continue until the threat is neutralized.
cell, or an organ. The Founders are a pathogen, an unreasoning
virus. They care nothing for the people they kill; they simply So, Doctor Alaxa, what do you say? Will you get back to work
destroy what they don’t understand. on this project, or do I have to look somewhere else?

You’ve seen the report. We’ve determined that on a fundamental Regards,

biological level the Changelings are incapable of seeing so- L

Despite their prowess, the Dominion’s researchers are not For times when they need to be absolutely certain, the Vorta
miracle workers. The cures for several diseases remain out use a simulation program to observe important people. The
of their reach. This includes the mysterious plague that’s subjects are kidnapped and interfaced with the machinery,
working its way through the Great Link. which then generates stimuli realistic enough that subjects
can spend days or weeks inside it without realizing the
MANIPULATION true nature of their surroundings. This program tests the
The Vorta are incredibly advanced in the fields of willingness of a new species to capitulate to the Dominion
xenoanthropology, psychiatry, psychohistory, and artificial without violence, or it gets the subjects to unwittingly divulge
intelligence. They can compile and analyze the data that sensitive information to the observers.
Changeling infiltrators and emissaries of member races
give them about new societies and individuals. From this BUILDINGS
information they’re capable of creating very accurate The Dominion uses neutronium to construct its facilities. This
profiles predicting behaviors of specific individuals in ultra-dense material is incredibly strong. It’s also resistant
various circumstances. to scans from tricorders and other low power sources.
Buildings with rooms set aside for use only by the Founders
use mechanical locks which can only be manipulated by a
Changeling as an added security measure.

The territory covered by the Dominion is incredibly vast. The The atmosphere on this world is thick and oppressive to
planets within its domain run the gamut from mundane, if most off-worlders, though the Agrathi find it comforting and
such a description can apply to an entire planet, to wondrous. intimate. Rather than the stilted buildings that other species
Following are descriptions of just a few of the worlds tend to build in swamps, these people tend to build sunken
contained within the Dominion, as well as a few that are within houses whose foundations rest on the murky bottom of
Dominion space, but most likely not under Dominion authority. their bogs.

Families are the basic unit of society, and each household of

ARGRATHA grandparents, two to four children and twice that number of

grandchildren operate almost like feudal villages. The elders
supervise the family business while the younger adults and
The prime planet in the Argratha system is a swamp world. the older children ply a trade. This could be anything from
It is home to the reclusive Argrathi people. This society cottage industry manufacturing to data mining. Most families
maintains a low profile in the galactic scene, preferring have held their positions for centuries; there is very little
to keep to their own system. When Argrathi explore social mobility within the Argrathi civilization.
they perform long-range scans before flying and never
intentionally enter an area of space that’s already inhabited. TECHNOLOGY
The Argrathi are a technologically sophisticated species.
The few worlds administered by the Argrathi Authority are They enjoy a standard of living not far below the average
those that are most hospitable for the amphibious Argratha. Federation citizen. Due to the lack of material resources the
They tend to be high in water and food sources, but poor in government uses what it does have to maintain order and
readily available minerals. For this reason, the citizens of the efficiency among the populace.
Authority have to practice frugal living.


Many levels of society are governed by the Argrathi’s memory constantly impressing the same strict behavioral patterns,
control devices. Their society considers the development of outlook and skill sets on successive generations of the
this capability as something even more important than warp populace has stifled creative thought. The paranoid Argrathi
drive. In the space of a day or less a skilled memory smith guard their secrets with such extreme measures that the
can impart untold experiences to a subject. Founders are loathe to try and steal it.

This was most famously used on Starfleet petty officer Miles Each Argrathi world features a “memory server,” the only true
O’Brien, who had been falsely accused of espionage. In only unit that is capable of performing the complex equations that
one hour his captives made him feel as if he had passed 20 are necessary to ensure successful memory creation. Various
years in confinement, leaving him with deep psychological terminals around the world can remotely request access, but
trauma. Though they later discovered O’Brien’s innocence, these are not able to command the central server. The actual
the Argrathi were not able to undo his sentence. facility housing the main unit is more tightly guarded than the
palace chambers of the First Citizen of Argratha. If it is ever
This technology is used as a corrective measure, but also for compromised the military immediately destroys the server
so much more. Children spend only a few minutes at school core. To date no Dominion agent, not even a Founder, has
each day receiving their lessons, followed by an hour of been able to steal the secret of this technology.
relaxation to allow the new information to process. Then they
go to help their parents at the family’s trade.

In the rare instances when the Argrathi find themselves at war

they simply use an algorithm to sort citizens into the most
desirable physical categories for drafting, then send the new This system is home to Drai Prime, the home world of the
recruits to “boot camp” for a few hours before shipping them Founders’ oldest allies. These people helped them conquer
off to fight. Kurill Prime and were responsible for creating the Jem’Hadar
and uplifting the Vorta. Because of the Founders’ predilection
This technology ensures that everyone knows exactly what for secrecy, the Drai do not have a prominent role in the
society needs them to know and has the skill set to best affairs of the Dominion, at least not in matters of warfare.
utilize their civilization’s limited resources. The Argrathi Most of them remain home in this system, working as
method is more practical than the technology that the laborers or Jem’Hadar breeders.
Paradans use to program their replicants, as they can apply
it to members of any species, not just vat-grown synthetic CULTURE
lifeforms. It’s far more extensive even than the memory Drai believe in the glory of personal achievement, especially
transference devices that the Founders use to ensure that through their sacred ritual, the Hunt. The densely populated
their Vorta servants retain all necessary skills and information cities of Drai Prime are filled with nano-clay statues at every
with each new clone generation. street corner. These statues depict the current winner of the
Hunt and are reprogrammed every month in the appearance
For this reason, the Dominion has an interest obtaining of the latest champion. Enormous video screens dominate
the technology. Originally, they waited to see what other city squares and broadcast a constant live feed of Hunter
innovations the Argrathi would create, but it seems that spaceships as they track their prey.

Most Drai live in nuclear families organized into a rigid clan

SATELLITE ORBIT ANALYSIS structure. It’s the highest ambition of every family to ascend
to Hunter status. This is a multi-step process. Every year the
Drai government hosts a series of athletic and intellectual
15962-533 games, in which members of the lower clans compete. Only
those families who were among the most prosperous of their
family’s traditional industry or trade are invited to attend.

If any one competitor wins both the overall physical and

overall mental challenges they become the champion of that
year. Should they repeat this feat the next year, then they
and their household are elevated to join a Hunter clan as an
elite family. From there they gain prestige and power as they
take up positions within the government. No champion ever
goes on the Hunt, but his children do. Actually participating
in the Hunt requires a lifetime of intense training that begins
104-4894 almost at infancy.

The Drai serve the Dominion faithfully, but they are more
complacent than the subservient, devout Vorta. Their main
duty is to breed new Jem’Hadar to fill out the ranks of the
Dominion Army and Navy. The middle class of Drai occupy this
position, while those of the Hunter class who aren’t currently
engaged in that sacred ceremony administer government
agencies and various mechanisms of the bureaucracy. Rare
Drai accompany the Jem’Hadar into battle, though this is
usually as part of an experiment or observation assignment.

Drai enjoy a high level of technology. Some of it they
developed themselves, and the rest was a gift from the
Founders. Their Hunter ships are extremely powerful, but not
to the level of a Jem’Hadar vessel. Their ships are equipped
with invasive transporters and strong weapons and shields.

Individual hunters wear shielded gauntlets. These armor

pieces generate a force field around the wearer that directs
the fire from personal energy weapons away from vital organs
and dissipates it harmlessly.

Drai genetic looms were once among the most sophisticated

in the Galaxy. In their bid to keep one species from
dominating the rest or from becoming powerful enough to
challenge their masters, the Founders have delegated much
of the responsibility for genetic engineering to the Vorta.

The fifth world of this system is a barren, rocky place with a
void-black sky. It was in this harsh environment that the first
Jem’Hadar emerged from a breeding tank, its DNA twisted
from a template taken from the Hunted Tosk species, its
heart filled with unyielding fury. This small planet is still home Outside of the Dominion chain of command, no one
to a relatively massive breeding operation. knows the location of the current homeworld for the
Founders. They had used a system of satellites to issue
Orbiting Drai V is a small shipyard. It produces mainly their commands to the Dominion from their old homeworld
Jem’Hadar attack fighters, which the hatchlings use as in the Omarion Nebula, but even that world was not the
part of live fire battle drills against their fellows. When the original home of the Changeling race. With their ability to
Vorta are negotiating against a species whose resolve or navigate the stars on their own, no one knows where the
trustworthiness is in question, they arrange for a foreign Founders originated, but in the light of the Dominion War
ambassador to visit the Drai system, and they make sure to and the attempted genocide committed by the Tal Shiar and
show the delegate one of these savage battles. The effect Obsidian Order, the Founders have done their best to keep
of seeing that the Dominion has more than enough war the location of their planet a secret.
vessels and soldiers that they can afford to fritter them away
in friendly combat is often the last motivation that the alien Unlike their previous world, the current homeworld for
ambassadors need to acquiesce to the Vorta’s terms. the Founders is nothing but rock. The climate is pleasant
in order to accommodate the Founders, but nothing
There is very little in the way of luxury or accommodation on else lives there. The entirety of the planet is covered in
this planet. The one concession to functions that are non- the Great Link, the gelatinous ocean comprised of the
essential to the constant war effort is the Hall of Honor. These Changelings who currently only exist in their liquid state.
Jem’Hadar — Honored Elders — who’ve managed to serve Individual Changelings part from the Great Link and walk
loyally for 20 years are brought to this place to stand down on land when they must deal with others or when they
from active duty. They then spend the rest of their natural life must be beamed off-world to tend to the executive needs
span, usually only a few years, as instructors training the next of the Dominion.
generations. Fewer than one in 10,000 Jem’Hadar ever lives
this long.


373-5836 373-5837
3746346 52358 23586 5826759
95728-38 38571 38257 RELAYS DETECTED
20465 84660 3276542 3174595
38956 285720 38569 5831 93452
10572-4789 5826759 93452
3174595 476018 461848
94618 74519 74681 5834 476018 10572
30757 35981 145960 5832 461848
235691 5986-235 458561
41659-19 4986125 35923

Relics across the Gamma Quadrant suggest that at one In order to traverse the incredible length of their empire
time the Changelings were a nomadic species, and small the Hur’q developed a method of space travel very similar
stone pillars and pieces of shape shifting jewelry are to slipstream warp drive. It could make the trip from the
found on scattered planets. Ever since the Changelings Gamma Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant in a matter of days.
sent out emissaries of their race hundreds of years ago The Hur’q made use of colossal carrier ships to bring their
to better understand the Galaxy, individual Changelings fleets to the Alpha Quadrant. This was because benamite
have appeared across the Galaxy. There may be an original crystals, the necessary fuel for the slipstream reaction, was
homeworld of the race somewhere out among the stars, exceedingly scarce.
and individual transport pods containing infant Changelings
are still left to be discovered. As to where the Changelings A historical record on the outpost world explicitly states
were first born, few can say, as that kind of nostalgia means that the entire reason for the Hur’q invasion of Qo’noS was
nothing to the current affairs of the Great Link. because the Hur’q discovered a way to use jerenium, another
more common mineral, in their slipstream engines. The Hur’qs’
probes discovered that the Klingon homeworld is among the

HUR’Q OUTPOST richest sources of jerenium in the Galaxy, so they invaded and
set the locals to mining the precious crystals.

This world contains the most well-preserved site of the This outpost also contains the schematics for a Hur’q carrier.
ancient Hur’q race known to science. It was being excavated They’re not complete, but they are detailed enough that a
by the Vulcans when hostilities with the Dominion forced the competent Klingon engineer could adapt the Hur’q slipstream
expedition to pull back to the Alpha Quadrant. to work on modern Klingon ships, but not on those of other
societies. If the Klingons were curious enough to search this
Worf, Son of Mogh and Kor, son of Rynar were able to site on their own, and resourceful enough to make it work, no
find the legendary Sword of Khaless, the most sacred place in the Galaxy would be out of their reach.
Klingon artifact that the Hur’q had stolen during their brutal
occupation of Q’onoS. The Klingon warriors chose to leave
the sword behind, adrift in space, and they never returned to
this Hur’q outpost.
This world holds a treasure trove of secrets. There are many The Great Link is the true heart and soul of the Dominion,
other items of cultural significance to the Klingons here. but to most of the member species and neighboring worlds
One particularly dangerous text indicates that many of this planet is its capital. It serves as an administrative center
the traditions and customs that modern Klingons practice where armies of billions of Vorta mandarins navigate layers
actually originated with the Hur’q, including some of the of bureaucracy so complex that they would make a Starfleet
alleged writings of Kahless the Conqueror. engineer’s head ache. The Vorta use their position to draw
attention away from the Founders so the Great Link can rest
When the Hur’q fled the Klingon homeworld they left behind a in peace.
small fleet of ships that the Klingons eventually used to reach
distant stars. While powerful enough to make the Klingons In keeping with the Vorta lack of aesthetic sense most of the
a threat to the other species in local space for the next few buildings on this planet are exceptionally drab, as flavorless
centuries, these were not the prizes of the Hur’q armada. as the food they serve. In this soul-crushing environment
many visiting diplomats often find their wills so weakened

that they acquiesce to whatever terms the Vorta suggest, NOTABLE PLACES
simply in the hopes of leaving sooner. The Founders frequently have reason to visit Kurill Prime,
and when they do they stay in the Dominion High Command
Kurill Prime is the world on which the species that became Fortress. This building is an imposing edifice. It’s impossibly
the Vorta originated. Ancient Changeling scouts were tall, made from unadorned ultra-black neutronium and
persecuted by the first society to rule this world, the guarded by energy shields, disruptor turrets, atmospheric
Kurillians, and hidden by the primitive Vorta hominids. When craft, attack satellites, and orbital battleships. The only
they finally came back with a massed army, the Founders beings allowed within are Founders, Vorta, Jem’Hadar
rewarded the non-sapient apes with sentience and a glorified bodyguards, and since the founding of their alliance, ranking
place in the Way of Things. members of the Breen Confederacy.

Very little territory on this world is set aside for artistic

purposes or recreation. There is one forest which is fenced
in and maintained as a garden. Within its walls are the last of
the Kurillians. The genetic masters of the Dominion twisted
the natives’ bodies to resemble the original form of the The planet Meridian spends the majority of its time
Vorta, removed their speech organs and vastly reduced their trapped in a quantum shifted state between dimensions.
intelligence. This menagerie serves as vengeance from the Its sun emits special particles which cause the molecules
Founders, but also as a sign to the Vorta that they can easily that make up the planet to periodically vibrate between
destroy the gifts that they’ve given to their servants, should dimensions, which causes not just the planet but everything
the Vorta prove to be disloyal or ineffective. on it to be pulled into another dimension. Described by its
inhabitants as a dimension of pure energy and thought,
INFRASTRUCTURE this existence puts their biological processes in stasis
Throughout the planet are vast, nation-sized complexes of but allows them to enjoy each other’s company as they
cloning facilities, offices, archives, and tactical command communicate on a level not possible for organic creatures.
operation centers. There is even an entire continent devoted The planet only exists in our reality for a few weeks before
to nurseries and schools. The Vorta have a vastly inhibited sex disappearing again, and this time shortens each time the
drive, which prevents them from being seduced by enemies planet reappears in our continuum.
and keeps them focused on their work. Large creches contain
DNA samples from every Vorta currently in service. These get
combined with samples from members of the opposite sex in
order to create new, vital additions to the genetic stock in case
some catastrophe should diminish their numbers.

Vorta children are tested from the day that they emerge from
the womb machines. Like young Jem’Hadar they mature
within a matter of days. During this time the new arrivals
must constantly prove their worth by means of study and
written exams and VR simulations. At the end of every week
the lowest 10 percent of new Vorta are terminated, with their
lines being irrevocably marked as unworthy of continuation.

At the end of the first 10 weeks of service the final

competitive rounds of testing begin. These young Vorta are
given a series of tasks that include gaining the confidence of
their peers, learning their secrets, blackmailing or murdering
them, and other treacherous actions. At the end of this
period there are only about two percent of the original Vorta
remaining. These are awarded “elevation.” Elevated Vortas’
files are marked approved for cloning, then given their

The area that outsiders see most frequently is the hostage

center. The Vorta call it the “hospitality district” around off-
worlders, but the purpose of this complex is to keep VIPs or
their loved ones close at hand to ensure the cooperation of
untrustworthy or newly discovered species.


if they ignore the transmitted warnings not to approach.
Whenever this happens a few members of the crew invariably
turn up missing. They’re always beamed onto the surface of
Oason, made to take part in some game or another.

Oason’s nature and purpose is difficult to accurately

describe, but it seems that all areas that are open to the
public are casinos or other gaming houses. The games here
are unlike anything available in other systems. They range
from analogues of dabo, poker, or Tholian lava dice to exotic,
hyper-realistic simulations. Participants in the simulations
seem to disappear from reality during play. It seems that
they’re kept in some sort of interdimensional space within the
gaming apparatus.

The innovations used by the Wadi are available nowhere
else in the Galaxy. It seems that the Argrathi’s memory
engineering apparatus, the Vorta VR simulation technology,
and the technology used to transfer personality traits into
Vorta clones or Paradan replicants were all inspired by
contact with the Wadi.

The Dominion wants more than anything to obtain Wadi tech

for their own use. They’ve tried diplomacy, but the Wadi
never say much, and barely acknowledge any attempts to
gain their favor. The Changelings sent a few Jem’Hadar fleets
to conquer the system in which Oason lies, but every single
time they tried to open fire the warships were transported to
the edge of the system.
Although the Federation has helped adjust the Trialus
system’s star to compensate for the planet’s shifts, the planet The Dominion can’t overcome this technological advantage,
is still expected to take 60 years before it will return. Probes so they mostly leave the Wadi in peace. Every once in a
sent out from the U.S.S. Defiant suggest that there are other while, they send a Founder infiltrator to snoop around, but the
planets near the Trialus system that may also be affected by Founder is always discovered and finds themselves navigating
this quantum shift phenomena, but it is unknown if they will down hallways that fold back on themselves in a way that
also disappear for the same amount of time as Meridian. shouldn’t be possible within a three-dimensional space.

Wadi ships have never been seen in battle. Reports from the

OASON very few times anyone’s opened fire on them indicate that
phasers, disruptors, and torpedoes never seem to hit the
Wadi. It’s not that they miss, but that the weapons fire itself
This world is the birthplace of the Wadi. It’s a lush, paradisiac disappears before impact. Wadi never fire back but continue
planet that’s home to many warm, slightly humid biomes. on their way.
The Wadi have had a developed society here for over 18,000
years, and as far as anyone can tell, they’re the oldest extant SOCIETY
civilization in the Gamma Quadrant. They also don’t appear Wadi society is not set up in the same manner as Earth or
to be under the rule of the Dominion. other worlds. A very long time ago the Wadi transcended
the need to eat, sleep, drink, and breathe. They ascended to
Oason is run by a body that visitors call the Oason a state of near-invulnerable energy bodies. After just a few
Commission. They’re not sure of its true name, as the centuries of apotheosis, the Wadi collectively determined that
notoriously aloof Wadi people never mention its real name. immortality was boring. They now spend their days at idle
Any visitors are welcome as guests to Oason, so long as they ease on their home world, or exploring the larger Galaxy in
do not bring weapons to the surface or come in warships. search of artwork, luxury, and, especially, games.

Heavily armed starships that approach the planet find The Wadi maintain a physical appearance and engage in
themselves teleported to just outside the system’s Oort cloud the bare minimum of social interaction with the corporeal

species that they meet in their travels. They speak little, and
in cryptic expressions. It’s not from a desire to seem wise
or mysterious, but that it takes effort to oversimplify their
thoughts into a form that most species can comprehend. My brothers and sisters,

The Wadi hope to one day meet a people as advanced, and as This transmission cannot await my return to the Great Link. I am
bored as they are, with whom they can share infinitely diverse, deeply troubled by what transpired on my mission to the war-torn
random, and surprising games and diversions. They continue moon near the Anomaly.
to search for suitable partners, but in the meantime are
content to see what petty diversions visitors bring to Oason. The locals have been killing one another repeatedly since long
before our forces found the world. Our most recent patrol indicated
Since coming to the Alpha Quadrant it seems as if their quest changes on the surface. As you know, these people could pose a
might be drawing to a close. The Wadi have discovered threat to our dominance if they were to overcome their bonds of
the planet Triskelion in the M24 system. Although far less slaughter and spread immortality to the Solid races.
benevolent than the Wadi, the Wadi find the native Provider
species to be entertaining enough to warrant further I infiltrated the local populace and found them all gathered for a
investigation. They’re currently collaborating on several summit. Leading the people was a Bajoran woman, the former Kai
games, including a five-dimensional chess variant, a massive of her people. She was leading many of them in a religious service
multiplayer subspace roleplaying game, and a more humane where they laid down their weapons and burned them in fire.
version of the Providers’ own traditional games.
I was about to slay one of the Ennis, a local clan, in the name of
their enemies, the Nol-Ennis, in a bid to restart the slaughter. As I

THE PENAL MOON raised my weapon to strike, the Bajoran woman’s voice cut through
the crowd. She was addressing me directly and stated “I see you
for what you are. Lay down your weapon and leave this place.”
This cursed moon is home to one of the closest
approximations of a mythological Hell to exist in the real In that instant I felt the same fear that we haven’t known since
world. It’s a relatively small terrestrial body populated by only our time of troubles, when the solids pursued us through space. I
a few hundred inhabitants. The locals are not native but are transported back to my ship.
transported criminals exiled to spend eternity far from their
homeworld. No Bajoran has demonstrated the ability to discern a Founder’s true
nature. Whatever caused this must be due to the technology of the
The world itself is not overly unpleasant. It’s a class-M people who built this place. I want nothing more than to disintegrate
satellite with rocky terrain that’s made liveable thanks to this place and scatter its atoms to the void. Yet I fear that we don’t
abundant forestation. It sits just a few hours from the Gamma know enough about those who developed this technology to act so
Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran wormhole. What makes openly and with such force. For now, I am declaring this system off-
existence in this place torturous is that it’s populated by two limits and ensuring that patrols interdict traffic through local space.
factions locked in a bitter struggle.
Your brother,
They were forced to take their warfare away from their home A Founder
so as not to not spill innocent blood. To set an example
for others of their species, the government of these two
factions, the Ennis and the Nol-Ennis, set up a field of
nanites that permeate the atmosphere and the biosphere
of this moon. Any sentient being who dies here has their their brethren. No one in known space seems to have any
tissues repaired and is almost immediately brought back to knowledge of them, and the original culture may be long dead.
life. There is just one catch. Once revived by these nanites,
a person can never again leave the moon, or they will The Ennis and the Nol-Ennis continued their unending
immediately drop dead. savagery until one day in 2369, when Opaka, the Kai of
Bajor, was killed on the world’s surface. She was reanimated
The nanites are powered by means of an artificial satellite soon after, but the Starfleet and Bajoran officials who had
network set up in orbit. This network also scatters sensor brought her to this place were forced to leave her behind.
readings in the area to prevent outsiders from snooping The Federation sent crews to erect warning beacons to keep
or from trying to remove the Ennis and the Nol-Ennis from ships out of local space.
their prison. The two tribes have continued isolated from
their people for centuries. The architects of this world’s This place may be within the borders of what the Dominion
terrible, miraculous power have never returned to check on considers to be their own space. A forward exploration


I’ve spoken with Ensign Katel, the Skrreean recruit. Every shift after It took an hour of talking but he finally admitted that as the
work I find him in the crew lounge, staring at the stars and reading. years pass, with every fight we engage in, he’s reminded
I asked him what holds his attention, night after night. It turns out more and more of his brother’s death in a ship above Bajor. I
that he’s studying stellar cartography. suggested that he already knew what he truly wanted to do.
I’ve accepted Ensign Katel’s request to attend supplemental
When I pressed him about it he confided that he grew up in a family training with the science department with the eventual aim of
that believed in prophecy. His mother apparently was some sort joining stellar cartography.
of leader of the refugees, and he and his brother grew up hearing
about how they were destined to find a paradise home beyond The I’m further recommending that Katel be transferred off the
Eye of the Universe. Apparently, he still believes the legends of this McCaffery. We’re an Akira-class warship. He’s not going to
so-called Kentanna. find Kentanna here. I hope he finds it one day, but more than
anything I just want to see him finally at peace for his family
I asked him why he joined Starfleet and the reason that he gave and his people.
was revenge against the Dominion. That’s why he chose the
tactical specialty. He’s proven to be the most competent weapons
operator on the ship, but I wonder if it’s where his heart truly rests.


warship first entered the system decades ago. Dominion of Skrreeans lived and died knowing nothing more than the
sensors are advanced enough to cut through the interference lash of their taskmasters.
caused by the satellite network, so the crew was able to
determine the nature of the Ennis’ and Nol-Ennis’ special In 2370 the ambition of the T-Rogorans brought them to the
punishment without crashing to the surface like the Starfleet attention of the Dominion. The warrior culture rejected all
runabout Yangtzee Kiang did. diplomatic advances, giving the Founders cause to unleash
the full might of the Jem’Hadar fleet against the upstarts.
The Vorta overseer of the exploration ship saw the value in
further study and reported his discovery to the Founders. As the T-Rogorans fell they began to retreat from the
The Changelings limit exploration on this moon because they oncoming assault. As the Dominion closed in on Skrreea, the
fear that it might somehow hold a secret that would allow the invaders fled, crammed into their most powerful warships
Jem’Hadar to overcome their reliance on ketracel-white. For in the vain hope that they would have better chances to
now, they send occasional ships crewed only by Vorta, Drai, withstand the Dominion. At this point they knew that they
and other exceptionally loyal species to collect data and to had no hope of holding onto their conquests and didn’t
explore the surrounding systems to see if they can find a clue bother to shoot down the Skrreeans who commandeered the
as to the location of the creators of the nanite field. T-Rogorans’ abandoned freighters.

The Skrreean Exodus was led by the polyfamily matrons, who

SKRREEA each led their own. Because of their long-held prophecy of

salvation on another world, the Skrreeans never looked back.

A world torn apart by two invasions from brutal conquerors, CURRENT EVENTS
Skrreea was once an idyllic land of pastures, lakes, and Skrreea is now little more than a glorified supply depot.
wide oceans. Life was simple for its people, the Skrreeans. Its once-fertile plains and valleys are now great seas of
They lived off of the land and had very little ambition to glass and slag where the Jem’Hadar warships rained down
reach the stars. merciless volleys of orbital artillery fire. The few Skrreeans
who were not able to escape the planet subjects of the
Then the T-Rogorans came. These monstrous invaders Dominion. Ironically, they’re treated much better under the
swept the peaceful Skrreeans aside in a matter of days. rule of the Vorta than they were by their first captors.
The people of this world spent over 800 years in slavery.
While most remained farmers, they now had to toil for the The Skrreeans on Skrreea put up no resistance, because
profit of others, rather than for their families. Generations they had nothing with which to resist. Vengeful Vorta

generals, angry at the effort that they had to expend to
pacify the T-Rogorans, allowed the Skrreeans to perform SCIENCE OFFICER’S
public executions of the remaining T-Rogorans, or to hunt
them like animals for sport. After this the Vorta put the
people to work. This planet is no longer suitable for any
type of farming, but it has untouched mineral reserves, and I had some leave available, and while I normally like to visit Risa or
the Skrreeans are now miners working under conditions somewhere else that I can really let my hair down, something from
almost as harsh as they endured during the T-Rogoran the past just hasn’t been letting me sleep at night. A couple of years
occupation. ago Odo and I ran into a man named Rurigan. He was living alone,
the only intelligent being on his entire world.

TEPLAN HOMEWORLD His people had been subjugated by the Dominion, and Rurigan fled.
In his sorrow he used his brilliant mind to create a simulation of
his home, including holographic versions of his friends and family.
The plight of the Teplans is one of the greatest warnings to He told us that they were so lifelike that he often forgot that they
anyone who would dare stand against the Dominion. They weren’t real.
were once a formidable power in their own right whose
fleets managed to keep the Dominion at bay. Some believed Rurigan told us that he was dying, and that he wanted to live out his
that the Teplans would lead an alliance of races against the final days among friends. We left him there. I just couldn’t get over
Dominion and end its threat for all. Seeing that the Teplans the feeling of his sense of sadness and loss. Even after 356 years
would only remain a thorn in their side but not wishing to I’ve never experienced anything like it. I had to go see him. I hoped I
engage in genocide as they believed that would only harden wasn’t too late, and that he hadn’t died alone.
the species of the Gamma Quadrant further against them, the
Founders ordered the Vorta and the Drai to develop another He had died, but he’d also escaped that fate. I met Rurigan again,
means with which to defeat the Teplans without killing them after avoiding some Dominion patrols. Rurigan greeted me warmly.
right away. This led to the Dominion developing its most It turns out that he’d managed to find a way to use the transporter
sinister creation yet and one which has kept many races pad from his old ship to discorporate his own body but transfer his
in line without even dreaming of rebellion. This creation is memories and personality into the holomatrix. He was going to live
known as the Blight, and it killed an empire. for as long as the rest of his people.

The Blight is a unique infection in that it has spread I didn’t expect him to give me his permission, but he did let
throughout the entirety of the Teplan genome and made its me examine his equipment. I left him with some replicated
way across their colonies all the way to their homeworld. components that he said he’d be able to use to build an individual
The Blight is brutal in that it is affected by electromagnetic holoemitter in case he ever needed to bring the village offline for
radiation. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes the other repairs, plus several spare parts to keep all his equipment
Blight to advance quickly in a subject until they approach running for centuries.
a stage known as the Quickening where the greyish marks
that follow their arteries turn into a brilliant red rash that soon I’m bringing my notes back to DS9 with me. I can’t let Rurigan’s
leads to a very painful death. The Teplans had only a few research and work disappear. I’m afraid that if I make this
colonies and they died off quickly, leaving only the survivors knowledge available to Starfleet that the Dominion will somehow
of their race to eke out a cruel, miserable existence on their find out about Rurigan and go destroy his world. I’ll have Rom
homeworld. Within ten years their culture had to deactivate help me use Quark’s holosuite as an experimental test bed for
the majority of their technology in order to survive, and now this new technology. I doubt that the Changelings would ever
their planet exists as a crumbling ruin where the Teplans think to check there for any secret information, and those two
maintain an almost medieval lifestyle while they slowly wait Ferengi owe me a favor. I’ll just have to have them make it quick.
for their deaths from the Blight. Julian gets so pissy whenever he can’t go play at World War II
pilots or secret agents.
While the Federation has made breakthroughs in creating a
vaccine that can prevent Teplan children from developing the
Blight, the disease still affects the remainder of their species.
No one knows how long a Teplan will live on average. Some
appear to live into their fifties while others die before they There are still relics from the Teplans’ golden age scattered
enter adulthood. Despite the aid of the Federation Medical across the quadrant. Teplan colonies and military bases, long
Corps before the war the Teplans will still have to find a way abandoned and full of the remains of those poor Teplans who
to rebuild their shattered economy and practically redevelop perished quickly from the heavy electromagnetic radiation
their scientific understanding from scratch. emitted from their own equipment, have become prime spots
for raiders and smugglers to steal advanced equipment


or to turn into bases. What is perhaps more prized than to lethal levels of power. Within it the scientists have their
the Teplans’ old bases is the Blight itself, and numerous every need catered to by servants from the lower class.
organizations have attempted to weaponize it to use against The scholars work long hours, toiling away over some new
their enemies. Some, like the Romulans, see it as a weapon theorem or invention and are rewarded every month with a
that must be studied carefully in order to deploy against visit to their families for a day of shameless luxury.
the Dominion or the Empire’s enemies as they see fit. Other
powers such as the Federation only wish to study the Blight THE TECHNOCRATS
in case a similar disease should be used against them. Since Why did the Founders choose to reward the scholars of
the Federation has proven to be one of the greatest threats Yadera so handsomely when they could have just as easily
against the Dominion in centuries, the risk of the Founders coerced them into service by threatening their loved ones?
deploying the Blight against them is high. The Founders were at odds with another belligerent state at
the time and wanted Yaderan technology immediately. They
also felt that the scholars would work slowly or perhaps

YADERA even sabotage their own research, even at the expense of

their own lives. They preferred to have these brilliant minds
working at peak performance and with every incentive to
This recently conquered world was once the jewel of a keep the Founders happy.
fledgling interstellar state. Its people had developed advanced
technology, but they chose to wait for centuries before finally The price for this luxury was costlier than any sum of
venturing out of their solar system and settling other worlds. latinum. The Vorta demanded that the Yaderans direct
This all came to an end when the Vorta came knocking. their research work solely to weapons and other methods
of expanding the Dominion’s power. Their small-scale
Yadera is now a valuable addition to the Dominion’s territory. inventions, such as military assassin drones, were tested on
Its scientists and engineers have greatly advanced the Vorta’s the poorest Yaderans. Whole groups of people regularly get
knowledge of artificial intelligence, holography and more. In pulled off of the streets in order to suffer for some ghastly
fact, it was this artificial intelligence that allowed the Vorta to experiment or another.
develop their VR simulation devices for use on captives from
hostile powers. The larger scale projects include weapons of mass
destruction. The gravest example of this was when the
NOTABLE PLACES Founders commissioned a sun-killer bomb. Most galactic
Yadera was once an idyllic place. Each member of the powers’ strongest warships have the capability to destroy a
society was responsible, not for their own achievement, star, but the sun-killer bomb was to be a portable device that
but for allowing everyone else to thrive and live up to their would allow small vessel to weaponize a star so that it would
potential. The idea behind this philosophy was that you can completely destroy every object in the system in a matter of
fly higher with a thousand pair of wings than with just one. two minutes. The idea was to have a reaction that would give
a sufficiently powerful Changeling time to turn into a warp-
The Yaderans built many civic utilities and dedicated a capable form and escape, certain that enemy forces in the
much of their resources towards making cultural amenities solar system wouldn’t be able to stop the supernova.
available for everyone from the lowest laborer all the way
to the Prime Minister. Towers stood, decorated in rainbow When the first device failed to work as expected, the
colors to represent the different strata of society. They were Founders declared that every subsequent test would take
arranged vertically in order to show that no one group was place in a system inhabited by Yaderan colonies. The next
higher than another. few iterations worked, but they didn’t cause a chain reaction
as quickly as the Founders wanted. Before beginning the
In the time since the Dominion conquest everything has tests, he Yaderans had colonies in 11 systems. It took their
changed, even the landscape. All public buildings are eleventh try to get it right.
now colored emerald green, the traditional hue of Yaderan
scholars. The Vorta razed most schools, theaters and other Every member of the Yaderan Technocrat class bears the
“non-essential” buildings. Now the privileged few, the guilt of these experiments. It was they who acquiesced to the
Technocrats, enjoy luxurious amenities. The towers that Dominion’s demands. They who enjoyed their lavish lifestyle
used to house public art museums, health spas and various while their fellows suffered and died at their own hands. And
services to uplift the well-being of everyone are now available it was they who remained silent and developed a bomb of
only to the scientists. unfathomable power. If the time ever comes for the Yaderans
to rebel against their Dominion overlords, the Technocrats will
The most notable example of this is the newly named have to answer for the blood of billions.
“Splendid District” of the capital city, Yangol. This massive
complex is surrounded by high walls and force fields set


DOMINION ALLIES Many of the external threats that menaced the Cardassian
people, such as the Maquis and the Klingons, were dealt with
in a matter of days. Civic infrastructure, all too often plagued
The Founders don’t hold any other civilization in the same by power outages and mechanical breakdowns, offered
regard as most humanoids hold their allies. While members reliable service for the first time in decades.
of the Federation and the Klingon Empire might have
different philosophical viewpoints, they’re likely to respect The Cardassians were finally able to stand toe to toe against
one another more or less as equals. A Founder always their long-time nemeses. The price of power, prestige and
views a Solid, no matter how loyal, as a lesser being, comfort was simple obedience. At first.
exploitable and expendable.
Things went well in the initial phase of the war. The new
Sometimes, when dealing with relatively powerful alliance was able to capture Deep Space 9. Gul Dukat
civilizations, the Founders and their Vorta representatives proved to be an effective demagogue who roused the
allow the leadership of the other culture to refer to Cardassian people. He was also the ideal collaborator, as
themselves as allies, rather than members of the Dominion. his arrogance, ambition and vice played into the hands of
Or they tell the other species that they are special members, his Vorta liaison, Weyoun.
on par with the Jem’Hadar and Vorta, well above the
common folk. Following Operation Return, which saw the Federation
retaking the Bajor system, the loss of nearly 3,000 Jem’Hadar
While it is conceivable that a new faction could ingratiate ships at the hands of the Bajoran Prophets, and the death of
itself to the Founders so deeply that they would hold such his daughter, Dukat lost his mind to shock and grief. He was
place of honor, it hasn’t happened yet. Allies get told immediately captured by Starfleet and effectively removed
how special they are, how valuable and mighty, until the
usefulness of the alliance ends. After this the Founders
methodically maneuver the allied government into falling in
line. Scientific research is handed over to the Vorta, soldiers
and starship crews are decommissioned and the populace
eventually finds itself dedicated almost solely to labor or Throwing your lot in with the Dominion brings certain perks. The
whatever other pursuit the Founders see fit. Founders want their operatives to succeed and spare no expense
outfitting them with necessary arms and equipment. To represent
The societies in this section are, to varying degrees, allied a new threat to the status quo, a Gamemaster may choose to
with the Dominion. Some of these factions don’t represent upgrade the ships of species allied with the Dominion.
the entire population or government of a world, but the
resources of powerful individuals or cabals within. One easy way to do this is to apply a refit to the base NPC ships in
service to an allied species. This applies to any faction with a level
THE CARDASSIANS of technology equal to or less than the Cardassian Union during the
The Cardassians are the most prominent Alpha Quadrant Dominion War. The Breen and the Son’a are already very advanced
people to align themselves with the Dominion. In the nearly and don’t need technical upgrades. They benefit from increased
two years since they became members, they’ve grown to a resources and preferential trade instead.
near-premier power. The Founders have provided the military
the resources that they need to maintain an enormous fleet.


from the chain of command. His replacement was Damar, a THE BREEN
gul who had followed Dukat loyally for years. A mysterious power in the Alpha Quadrant, the Breen are
the most recent addition to the might of the Dominion. For
Damar was a pragmatist and a hardened soldier, but life at the centuries the Breen had very little to do with the Federation,
top of society changed him. Unaccustomed to luxury, Damar though they engaged in skirmishes and occasional wars with
spent more time indulging in kanar, women, and song than in the Klingons and others.
his duties. Disappointment in Dukat and Damar was a major
factor in the Founders’ decision to start using Cardassian They’re viewed with a grudging respect or even fear by most
forces as fodder. This in turn weighed heavily on Damar’s of the species with whom they have contact. Their reclusive
conscience and he eventually fomented a small rebellion. nature led Starfleet and other militaries to largely ignore them
in the early phase of the war. The reveal of the Breen as a
RELATIONSHIP new player upset the balance of the entire conflict.
The current head of the Cardassian military is Broca, a
career politician who only spent the bare minimum time So far the Breen have delivered victory after victory to the
in his mandated naval service to satisfy the legacy of his Founders. Their devastating energy-dampening weapons
influential family. Rather than entrusting control of their forces destroyed the Defiant and many other vessels. They even
to a capable but unstable officer, they chose a snivelling managed to make an attack on Earth itself, a target that not
bureaucrat who would rubber-stamp any order and leave the even the Borg had managed to penetrate.
real leadership to Dominion generals.
The Breen are wholeheartedly embracing their new
The Cardassians remain the most visibly prominent ally of partners. It so happens that most Breen feel that their
the Dominion. Their expansive territory is the staging ground philosophy and that of the Dominion align nearly perfectly.
from which the fleet operates. Cardassian citizens, as well as When they replaced a Breen official with an infiltrator the
their rank-and-file military, are growing wise to the Dominion’s Founders were shocked to realize that the thots who run the
intentions to tame them and fold their society into the Confederacy would have joined with the Dominion without
industrial and agricultural sectors of the Dominion. As much coercion or subterfuge. As of now the Breen consider
pride as they place in their conquests, the Cardassians care themselves full members of the Dominion and loyally
even more about their culture. Many of them now feel that the support the Founders’ grand plan.
Cardassian identity is about to be erased by the Founders.

A speech from Daimon Krax to his men, shortly that we’re the ideal crew to pull it off. Once we get back home they’re going to
before the mutiny: make me Nagus, and I get to execute my father and his new family by throwing
them off of the top floor of the Tower of Commerce!
“Crew, you’ve proven to be the most capable crew
that money can buy. A long time ago someone “Anyway, here’s what we’ve got to do. The Founders want Earth incinerated.
told me that power can’t be grabbed, it has to be They’ve installed a trilithium device in the cargo hold. We just approach the Sol
accumulated quietly. We’re about to grab more system, flashing our credentials, then once we’re near Earth we set the autopilot
power than we’ll ever know what to do with. on the ship to plunge into the sun, hop in the shuttle and warp away. Five
minutes later Earth’s sun goes boom and we win the war for the Dominion.
“We’ve made very good money smuggling for
the Gamma Quadrant invaders. Thanks to my “What? What do you mean there’s only room for four people in the shuttle? So?
father’s status [spitting sound], may his lobes rot There are only four Ferengi in the crew. What do I care about the Nausicaans? If
off, the Federation ships haven’t stopped us for they’re smart they’ll think of something.
even a cursory inspection. Now we’re about to
embark on our riskiest mission yet. “Wait, why are they coming at me? Glimp, you idiot. You said that the
Nausicaans didn’t speak Ferengi. Oh, no! Put down those knives! Glimp, Plorg,
“The riskier the road, the greater the profit, or Floom, don’t just sit there, help—“
something like that. Anyway, the Founders need
a sensitive target eliminated, and they tell me [Recording Ends]


A small but influential people, the Son’a built themselves The Son’a recently tried to reclaim their Ba’ku birth right
a cozy empire at the dawn of the 24th century. They are through a conspiracy with certain members of the Starfleet
scarred people with flesh stretched tight across their admiralty. Their plan to harvest all of the life-giving energy of
bodies. The Son’a began as an offshoot of the Baku the rings of Ba’ku for their own use was narrowly thwarted
people, an advanced species whose members are largely through the efforts of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew
indistinguishable from humans. of the U.S.S. Enterprise. The Son’a leader, Ahdar Ru’afo, was
killed, and several of his ships were lost. Many of Ru’afo’s
The Ba’ku are a pacifistic people who enjoy near-immortality trusted lieutenants, including Sub-Ahdar Gallatin, humbly
due to living in a unique region of space called the Briar chose to return to Ba’ku society.
Patch. When the faction who became the Son’a rebelled
against the agrarian ways of their elders, they were exiled This loss was not a decisive setback. In the year before
into space. As they travelled they found that they were his death Ru’afo had established a relationship with the
starting to age and succumb to disease. Dominion. He dedicated his capital world, Son’a Prime,
as well as the colony, Devos II, toward vital ketracel-white
Unable to return to the Ba’ku, the Son’a struck out in a production. In return for this service the Jem’Hadar fleet
desperate effort to find a way to prolong their lives through extended its perimeter to provide a protective aegis around
other means. They quested to find other so-called fountains Son’a territory.
of youth, which all turned out to be mere legend. The Son’a
took to conquering the less advanced species on the worlds The Son’a are, for now, a non-priority target for Federation
that they explored, carving out a section of space between attacks. They’re united under the banner of the new Ahdar,
the Federation and the Klingon Empire. a woman named Naheefa. She keeps the white facilities
running productively so the Founders have no reason to
Using the wealth that they acquired through piracy and the punish her or her people. The defection of a number of
slave trade, combined with the knowledge that they retained Ru’afo’s subordinates nearly led the Dominion to liquidate the
of Ba’ku technology, the Son’a managed to prolong their lives Son’a administrators and have Vorta overseers manage the
well beyond the norm. As the years wore on old treatments slaves producing the white. Naheefa’s quick, brutal display
became ineffective and new, more extreme measures had of destroying several Son’a ships and their crews, whom she
to be taken. The Son’a eventually lost their fertility and the claimed were on their way to defect, impressed the Founders
physical beauty from which they derived so much pride. into letting her retain control for now.


THE DUUMVIRATE After the conclusion of the war, Ru’afo, and then Naheefa,
were promised administrative authority over the existing
dozen worlds in the Son’a Authority, plus the territory of
Admiral Tomalak, Commander Sela, the Briar Patch. In addition to their duties as producers
of ketracel-white, they are also dedicating several of their
The contents of this letter are to remain secret at the cost of the research teams towards finding a cure for the virus that’s
lives of your entire family lines. As you’re aware, I’ve recently cast currently afflicting the Founders.
the dice, throwing our fate in with Starfleet and the Klingons. I know
you both, and I know that this galls you as much as it does me. The Son’a don’t engage in combat very frequently, as their
work making the white is far more crucial to the war effort
I’ve sent Commander Shinzon to lead the vanguard of our forces. than the small number of ships that they can field. Most of
The other commanders in the field are mostly members of families the Triple Alliance ships that pass through their territory are
that historically supported our brief alliance with the Klingons over a more concerned with retaking actual Federation worlds or
hundred years ago. By having a human commander and liberal- heading east to reinforce Bajor or assault Cardassian space.
leaning officers lead our forces, we will seem to be more open to a Most battles that the Son’a engage in are brief skirmishes
future alliance than we truly are. with Romulan or Klingon squadrons.

If the Triple Alliance wins against the Dominion and the TECHNOLOGY
Cardassians, these officers will gain prominence and my office will Like the Ba’ku from which they originate, the Son’a are far
almost certainly decline in power as the returning leaders capitalize more knowledgeable than most Federation societies. They
on their new fame. That is the price I pay for guiding my people. lack the enormous industrial capacity of the Federation, and
their desire for secrecy means that they limit expansion and
You both are the two most well-known anti-Federation, anti-Klingon conquest to when it’s absolutely necessary.
members of the upper echelons of command. I will spare you the
indignity of fighting alongside our ancient enemies. Your orders are Son’a warships are equipped with deadly subspace
instead to form a small cabal, including members of my personal weapons. These devices are banned by the Khitomer
bodyguard, who are aware of this plan. Accords due to their chaotic nature. A single deployment
could conceivably kill all life on a planet or render an area of
Grow your influence here among any senators and officers whom you space permanently impassable to warp drive. As the Son’a
feel that you can convince to join your cause. If the war goes poorly never signed the Khitomer Accords, they don’t feel bound by
for the Romulan people, you will assassinate me on the Senate the agreements of other species.
floor and stage a coup. Both of you will declare a duumvirate and
denounce any cooperation with the Federation and the Klingons. Son’a researchers know how to manipulate the unique
The only officers that we’ll lose in the fighting are those disloyal properties of metaphasic radiation. With a concentrated
sycophants who would see us acknowledge the barbarians and the source they could conceivably sustain their species’ youth
followers of Surak as equals. You will both be able to use this to your for thousands of years. These scientists are currently trying
advantage when you reopen negotiations with the Dominion. to find a way to generate artificial metaphasic radiation, or a
new natural source of it.
The cost for you will be high if we
win this war. You will both be SLAVE RACES
seen as traitorous agitators The Son’a number only in the low thousands, and their
and forced into unofficial numbers are dwindling with every passing year. They lack the
exile, at least until the time of manpower to complete their plans, so they’ve taken up the
my death. You are Romulan; practice of slavery. While the Son’a maintain smaller groups
you can bear this burden. of slaves from several worlds, most of those are captive
populations of farmers and laborers. The two species that
You have your orders, the Son’a enlist for starship crews and other purposes that
Praetor Neral include space travel are the Tarlac and the Ellora.

The Tarlac are the “face” of the Son’a Authority. Since the
RELATIONSHIP extreme life-prolonging practices of Son’a medicine have left
The Founders have promised the Son’a access to Vorta and those people scarred and mutilated, they turn to the Tarlac,
Drai genetic and medical procedures to prolong their lives. If who are considered very attractive by galactic standards.
the Vorta can’t restore Son’a fertility, they are at least going to Tarlac engage in initial diplomatic negotiations with new
allow the Son’a access to cloning vats. species on behalf of their masters.

[Begin Log] the patient did not show up to treatment. I was told that he
had died in his sleep.
Weyoun, as a man of science you have to see how
This is unacceptable! When you approached me with an offer to unconscionable this situation is. My technology can heal,
work for the Dominion, I thought that I was finally going to be able yet your colleagues have no interest in helping end suffering.
to benefit all sentient beings in the Galaxy with my research. I I’m even hearing rumors that the Dominion uses biological
understand that you’re busy waging war on your enemies, but right weapons on civilian populations.
now I’m trying to vanquish the ultimate foe, death!
It seems that I’ve traded the “soulless minions of orthodoxy”
The Vorta attendant that you have me working with, an uncouth and for the “heartless thugs of tyranny.” Once I transmit this
unenlightened woman named Falla, is betraying her own citizens. Last recording I intend to leave. I’ll try my luck with the Federation
week we were given a new test subject for my cellular regeneration again, now that I have concrete proof of my success. I-
and entertainment chamber. He was from a species called the
Son’a. Apparently they’re all suffering from a terminal illness. What? Who said you could enter my quarters? This is an
invasion of privacy! I will not bow to Jem’Hadar simpletons. I
Falla laughed at my efforts to cure his disease. She stopped have rights! I—
when it turned out that five treatments showed outstanding
progress in reversing the damage to his tissue. On the sixth day [End log, last recording of Dr. Elias Giger]

Other Tarlac are sold for illicit purposes, serving as settlements, abundant in mineral resources and relatively
concubines and worse. Those individuals who are not hidden from the Federation and other local powers.
considered beautiful or charismatic enough for these
assignments instead work as crew members and technicians. Most of the atmosphere on Son’a Prime was burned away
when its star went supernova thousands of years ago. What
Before first contact with their masters, the Tarlac were hospitable areas remain are pockets of nitrogen-oxygen in
just taking their first steps into space. They were a society cratered valleys. Enough lush greenery grew in these areas to
governed by their most prominent artists. Exceptionally gifted feed the Son’a as they build up their industrial base.
Tarlac produce striking works of art, which the Son’a sell for
their own profit. The rest of the surface is a jagged puzzle of crystal spires
that were exposed as the topsoil sublimated under the heat
THE ELLORA of the exploding sun. When the Son’a began hosting visitors
Son’a are just as well-suited for combat as humans, but as the started conducting business as mercenaries and
they always prefer to have an advantage over their foes. for other unsavory work, they realized that the offworlders
They use the Ellora as disposable muscle. The members actually found the place beautiful.
of this species are known for their ability to take extreme
punishment in combat and to fight at near-peak effectiveness Son’a Prime is now a nearly secret resort planet for the
for hours at a time. influential elite of the Galaxy. Those who find Risa too tame
or pedestrian come to the Son’a. They take pleasure craft
The Ellora never developed their own spaceflight capability. out among the crystals, listening to the ethereal symphony
They were aware of extra-terrestrials and occasionally visited that plays out over their receivers as their vehicles interact
by raiders and merchants. The Son’a managed to pacify the with the spires’ quantum fields. Tarlac performers wear
warring clans and to refocus their aggressive nature towards repulsor cuffs on their wrists and ankles, with environmental
furthering Son’a military aims. forcefields providing protection against radiation and
asphyxiation, while they dance for the delight of visitors. In
WORLDS OF THE SON’A the domed guest complexes the Son’a provide almost any
The Son’a fancy themselves conquerors, but due to their luxury imaginable, legal or not.
low population they’ve taken very little territory since they
were exiled. The “homeworld,” Son’a Prime, is a stark The Son’a surreptitiously record everything that goes on in
place. It was the only planet that was marginally habitable, their world. It was through this combination of appealing to
free of native species who could resist the Son’a’s vice, vanity and ideals that they were able to lure members


of the top brass in Starfleet, the Romulan Star Empire, THE KZIN PATRIARCHY
Ferengi Trade Alliance and Klingon Defense Force into A race of aggressive felines closely related to the Caitians,
granting them concessions and trading rights throughout the Kzin fought a war against Earth and Vulcan in the
local space. late 21st century. Before this conflict the Patriarchy was a
premiere power in its area of local space, to the galactic
THE ORIONS north of current Federation territory. The Vulcans, eager to
Throughout the war the Orions have bitterly held on to curb expansionist tendencies, imposed exceptionally strict
their longstanding neutrality. The Houses of the Syndicate sanctions on the Patriarchy, which curtailed their military
individually police their own members and pressure their plans for centuries.
neighbors to keep from compromising the liberty and power
of the Orion people. The Patriarchy was forced to officially disband its navy and
allowed only a small “police and self defense force”. For
Neutrality to the Orions, of course, is an external concept, centuries the Kzin chafed under this rule, but it was enforced
not a firmly held belief. The Syndicate needs to maintain the strictly, first by the Vulcans and then by the might of the
appearance of staying out of the affairs of other governments Federation’s combined Starfleet.
in order to keep safe from reprisals. Everyone knows, but
nobody can prove, that the Orion Syndicate is the most To retain a sense of cultural pride, these belligerent warriors
corrupt organization in local space. had to get creative. The treaty restricted their development
of energy weapons and shielding, so the Kzinti outfitted their
Some high-ranking members of the Syndicate’s Commission ships with kinetic weapons and other unorthodox devices
actively work with the Dominion. The Dominion see the that upheld the letter of the surrender terms.
Orions as a well-placed tool. They use Orion resources to
harass Klingon ships on their way to reinforce Federation Kzinti warships are usually kitted out to appear as little more
fleets. The Orions are also preparing several targeted than common freighters or as system patrol cutters, but are
assassination strikes against Federation, Klingon and heavily armed. There isn’t a single ship in the Patriarchy’s
Romulan officials. These assassinations are designed to set navy that could go toe to toe with a Galaxy-class starship,
the members off the Triple Alliance at one another’s throats. but in sufficient numbers or with the element of surprise the
Kzinti can put up a decent fight.
The Orion collaborators are under the mistaken impression The Patriarch’s agents have recently come to an agreement
that the Dominion is tolerant of criminal enterprises if those with the Dominion. If the Patriarchy can act as a thorn in the
enterprises display legitimate strength. Their Vorta liaisons side of the Federation then their reward will be the right to
assure them that the Orions will hold an exalted place in the self-governance and the right to conduct as many wars as
new Way of Things following the end of the war. they can successfully prosecute against neighboring star
systems that have not yet been claimed for the Dominion.
Most of the Houses and outfits in the Syndicate are savvy to
the Dominion’s true intent and have nothing to do with them. The Vorta have equipped Kzin ships with invasive transporters,
Those few crews that work with the Dominion are too blinded so even though their ships are underpowered, they still have
by their greed and ambition to see through the Dominion’s the ability to deliver scores of fearsome marines into the bridge
empty promises. or engineering section of an enemy starship.

For their part the Dominion plans to discard the Orions as TECHNOLOGY
soon as they’ve outlived their usefulness. If the Syndicate The Kzin are significantly behind the rest of the Galaxy in
can manage to stop the flow of Klingon reinforcements weapons development. Their armaments are a match only
the Founders will leave the Orions for last. Failure on the for third-rate powers like the Talarians. Their technological
Orions’ part means that they’ll be the first worlds in the Alpha focus, as far as starships go, is in their very fuel-efficient
Quadrant to suffer the holocaust of orbital bombardment. warp drives. The Kzin must make do with less, and their
designs extend the operational range of their vessels beyond
Some of the houses see the writing on the wall and work to standard Federation maximums.
make themselves as useful as they can, smuggling intel and
even the occasional Founder infiltrator through Federation A few Kzinti are born with telepathic abilities rivalling those
territory, all free of charge. These houses are even offering of a Betazoid. These members of their society suffer from
the long-kept secret of Orion warp engines to the Founders terrible prejudice. They are discriminated against in normal
so that the Jem’Hadar fleet can be even swifter than the social settings at best. The most talented individuals are
ships of the Federation. conscripted into brutal military programs so that their abilities
can be exploited for the purposes of war. They receive no
formal training and are not taught ways to cope with the

constant flood of mental energy that comes from being The Orions thought that they were purchasing slaves, but
around other people. Most Kzin warships have a single their new laborers were warriors who managed to overpower
telepath aboard whom the commanders use to scan enemy the few guards on the small ship. The Pakleds, who were
commanders and as part of boarding parties. immune to the pheromones of the ship’s lone Orion female,
coerced the female into calling her associates to send
Kzin ships are not allowed to bear weaponry on par with another ship, which the Pakleds also captured.
that of modern, larger powers. To combat this disadvantage
Kzin engineers innovate their starships in non-traditional From these small beginnings the backwards people took to
ways. They employ larger numbers of fighter craft with nose the stars. They managed to gain more ships through trade,
cones that are designed to puncture starship hulls to deliver trickery, and occasional piracy. Their fleet grew to contain
boarding parties that can take over an enemy vessel from hundreds of vessels taken from the Orions, Talarians, Ferengi,
within, not having to depend on space weaponry. Kzin hulls Jarada, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Humans, and
are made from very dense material that is almost impervious almost all other local societies.
to kinetic impacts and which redirects much of the energy
from phaser fire. The Pakleds became so enchanted with the joy of discovery
and expansion that they soon reoriented their entire species’
THE PAKLEDS goal towards the exploration of space. Their space now
A species of space farers, the Pakleds are a mystery. They includes a cluster of several systems. The Pakled Big Bosses
appear to have very little aptitude for creating technology, or commanded that all their non-spacer members were to
for repairing it, but they’ve managed to create an interstellar disperse among their new systems, working farms, mines,
state within the span of about two generations. and factories to support their endeavors.

Pakleds seem to be childish simpletons to most observers. Expansion hit a snag in recent years as their oldest ships
While they have very little in the way of technical knowledge began to break down. The Pakleds can easily maintain a
or expertise, they are a cunning people who use their society that matches the technology level of twenty-first
appearance to trick others into underestimating them. The century Earth, and this does prove useful to their mission.
Pakleds first took to space after infiltrating an Orion ship. Manufacturing anything approaching twenty-fourth century


WAR ROOM Dominion. The Founders saw within these simpletons
the potential for easy infiltration of the Alpha and Beta

CONVERSATION Quadrants. In exchange for safely transporting Founder

infiltrators back through the wormhole and into strategic
locations, the Dominion agreed to upgrade and repair every
FROM THE LOGS OF THE COMMAND ship that the Pakleds brought to them.
In truth the Founders overestimated the Pakleds. These
Borath: What of the Tzenkethi? desperate explorers would have made the agreement for a
few spare parts. The deal was too sweet to turn down, and
Weyoun: An impressive species. More or less confined to a single the Pakleds quickly spread the Founders throughout local
star system, but still able to muster forces that can go toe-to-toe space. Taking care to avoid provoking their neighbors with
with their equivalent number of Starfleet ships and personnel. They their old tactics, the Pakleds soon gained a reputation as
understand the importance of order. And yet— peaceful, if unsavvy traders. With every deal that they made,
the Pakleds deposited one or more Changelings into the
Borath: Do you have the same reservations that I do about cargo holds of their trading partners.
extending them a hand of peace?
Weyoun: I imagine so. They show a startling tendency towards The Pakleds have very little technology of their own. What
forgiving failure. This so-called Rank 0 caste whose only makes them dangerous is the fact that their ships bear some
punishment for incompetence is sterilization? It’s too soft. They’d of the most powerful devices available to their technologically
rebel against us at the first mass execution order. superior friends and enemies. A Pakled ship might be
sporting weaponry on par with an NX-class ship, or it might
Borath: I agree. We can’t leave them to ally with another power. I’ll secretly have a phasing cloak, quantum torpedoes, and an
pray to my Founder overseer that they have their infiltrator spark a experimental transwarp drive.
war with the Federation.
The pinnacle of Pakled achievement is Grebnesie Station,
Weyoun: Oh, dear. Psychohistorical projections indicate that which roughly means “The Very Big Place” in their tongue.
they’ll fight to the death this time. Would you please be a dear and This enormous facility orbits their homeworld and dwarfs
beseech the Founders to secure enough captives or raw genetic a Cardassian Nor or Starfleet Spacedock. Ironically, it
material for my division’s experiments? incorporates bits from such starbases, as well as older
model K-series outposts, Klingon command satellites, and
Borath: I appreciate your foresight. I’ll do it. Now, about the Kinshaya… many more.

Cobbled together from stolen, salvaged and purchase parts,

Grebnesie is the heavily armed citadel from which the Big
Bosses direct the Pakleds’ mission. It is visibly armed with
starship parts is still out of their range of experience, and multiple disruptor and phaser turrets, plus colossal torpedo
none of their neighbors seem inclined to help them make launchers. Nobody knows exactly how powerful it is. The
the leap. station might be able to fend off multiple squadrons of
Defiant-class starships, or it might be so poorly constructed
THE SALVATION that the first shot it fires might tear the station apart from
Pakleds tried their hand at obtaining new parts using various the inside. Until now nobody’s been foolhardy enough to
schemes, but eventually all the powers who were able to help find out.
soured on them, either due to duplicity or perceived stupidity.
An answer to the problem of how to maintain their patchwork The Miradorn are small polity that values independence. Very
fleet and their level of colonization and expansion came with powerful for their size, they expand slowly, only colonizing a
the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole. Pakleds were among new system when they have their infrastructure built up to its
the first societies to exploit the connection to new space, full optimal levels in their most recently colonized system. Their
of states who had no reason to distrust the scavenger race. territory isn’t close to the size of others, but their technology
They became a permanent presence in the Bajor system, is on par with the Federation.
commonly found on Deep Space 9, as well as the space just
beyond the wormhole. Their seeming hesitancy to expand likely stems from their
unique biology. Almost all of the Miradorn are telepathically
After only a few weeks of exploration, the reckless Pakleds linked twins. Each pair of twins live their lives as if they were
made the Alpha Quadrant’s first official contact with the a single individual, and they are fiercely protective of their

sibling. Miradorn philosophy is to not take any action until THE THOLIAN ASSEMBLY
they’re sure that they are in no danger and can vigorously The xenophobic Tholians are a belligerent power that’s
defend what’s theirs. known for aggressive expansion and for intractable defense
of their declared territories. The Tholians do not maintain
The Miradorn were among the first states to sign a friendly relations with any other known species.
nonaggression pact with the Dominion. Additionally, their
society is at a tipping point. While small, their level of The Dominion is not interested in subjugating these “ultra-
population and development is now sufficient that the solids,” as the Founders deridingly call them. Tholians are too
Miradorn can colonize and build up a world to their ideal temperamental, powerful and mercurial to trust as allies, let
standard in just one year. They’re poised to strike out into the alone as thralls. They are fascinated by the Tholians’ unique
Galaxy at large, though even with their level of resources they technology and biology, though, and are currently trying to
seem to be hesitant to expand further. study it surreptitiously.

The Dominion’s ambassadors have promised the Miradorn to Their initial interest in the Tholians was due to that species’
respect their sovereignty. This is only a temporary situation, ships. These vessels are capable of interdimensional
though. The Founders are very paranoid when it comes to manipulation. If adapted correctly, the Founders surmise
telepaths. The only ones that they tolerate are the occasional that they could effect instantaneous transmission to
Vorta agents. Miradorn twins make fantastically effective anywhere in the Galaxy and beyond. This would eliminate
soldiers and pilots, and the Founders fear that they’d the need to rely on the Anomaly in the Bajoran System for
become enemies as soon as the war is over. To combat access to the Alpha Quadrant. It might also provide them
the threat they’re sending in pairs of Founders to take their with a place to hide the Great Link far beyond the reach of
place within the government in order to curb any possible any solids.
expansionist tendencies before they develop.
As the Dominion began their studies of the Tholians they
discovered a quirk of biology. The Tholians are capable

POTENTIAL ALLIES of generating subspace signals within their own bodies.

Changelings can mimic Tholian bodies and can survive the
harsh conditions of Tholia and other worlds, but they can’t
The Founders’ reach is far and long. Having infiltrated the precisely replicate this feature. Skilled individual Changelings
Big Three Alpha/Beta Quadrant powers, they know nearly can create some subspace effects, but the Tholians have
as much, if not more, of the astropolitical situation than the created a sort of communal memory nexus, which provides
Federation itself does. telepathic access to the ancestral experiences of the rest of
the species.
While the Dominion has no qualms about committing mass
genocide, the Founders’ truest wish is protection and The Founders are extremely interested in recreating this
security for themselves. They’re content to let others live effect for themselves. They want to use it as a means to
so long as they bow to the whim of the Dominion. Very few project the Great Link over vast interstellar distances.
societies actually approach the Dominion with a unanimous Founder Operatives on other worlds could maintain
decision to apply to be members and to live under the heel of continuous contact with their peers, benefiting from the
the Jem’Hadar, but it does happen. The Founders are critical combined intellect of the entire species. They could update
of every species, even the Vorta and the Jem’Hadar. They the other Changelings with the intelligence that they gather in
never truly view solids as friends, but they do favor some nearly real time.
species over others.
It’s for these two reasons that the Dominion doesn’t try to
Gamemaster Note: This section presents a look at some of actively destroy the Tholians. While it would make very good
the other species in local space, and how the Dominion views tactical sense to set one of the Federation’s most rabid
them. There are also notes for integrating these species into enemies against them, the chance of losing such valuable
your campaign as surprise allies of the Founders. knowledge is too great. For now the Founders work to make
peaceful overtures in the hope of gaining deeper insight into
If a Gamemaster chooses to introduce additional Dominion the mysterious Tholians.
allies to a campaign, use the new species in place of the
Cardassians or any of the others, or as an extra member ALLYING WITH THE THOLIANS
in the anti-Federation alliance. This is a fun way to add a While the Dominion despises the Tholians, they could make
unique take to the sweeping story of the Dominion War, for a powerful alliance. In this case the Dominion’s initial war
describing adventures that are just as epic as those that efforts would go towards creating a new spatial Anomaly with
the staff of Deep Space 9 engaged in, only in a new theater one terminus in the Gamma Quadrant, and the other in the
of combat. Alpha Quadrant.


Loathe to reveal anything about their own space to The biggest obstacle to these negotiations, on the
conquerors like the Tholians, the Dominion would likely have Dominion’s side, is the distance to Gorn space. Envoys have
a contingency plan in place. As soon as the second anomaly to pass through Federation and Klingon space to reach
was completed, Founder infiltrators within Federation space Gornar, and any that go get turned away at the border. Even
might enact a series of false attacks, relaying faulty intel a power as massive as the Dominion is loath to leave its
from Starfleet Intelligence to the task forces that patrol the ships sitting useless and vulnerable while there’s a war on.
Tholian Border. It wouldn’t take a full-scale incursion from the
Federation to tip the Tholians towards total war, just a stray The normal routes of infiltration don’t work for the Dominion.
shot from an unwise starship captain. Border patrols intercept any attempts at entry, and all
indications point to Gorn sensors being powerful enough to
In the meantime the Dominion would secure both ends of detect a Founder flying through space. Even if a Changeling
the new anomaly for themselves and establish shipyards, managed to make it to Gornar, the Dominion’s lack of cultural
Jem’Hadar birthing centers and ketracel-white facilities in knowledge regarding the Gorn means that any newly arrived
their new stronghold of space. From this new, secure entry Founder would be operating blindly.
point the Dominion would be free to commit further resources
to the war effort. The most likely route to bringing the Gorn to bear against the
Federation is framing Starfleet for incursions and attacks on
THE GORN Gorn space. Although they’re aggressive defenders of what’s
The insular, belligerent Gorn are a wildcard in galactic theirs, the Gorn are not stupid. They understand the state of
politics. While they have a history of war with the Federation, galactic affairs and they know that the Federation has little
they haven’t proven to be as hateful of the Federation as the reason to provoke a new enemy while they’re engaged in the
disastrous first contact at Cestus III would have portended. most savage war of their existence.
Their massive warships would turn the tide of many close
battles, and both the Alpha Quadrant Alliance and the ALLYING WITH THE GORN
Dominion and its allies are courting the Gorn. If the Dominion allied with the Gorn, it would have to start
as a treaty of convenience, with both set up against more


EJ: Ben, I’m glad that you agreed to see me. experience in fighting guerrilla wars. We could use everything
that they’ve got, manpower, intel, a few ships…
BM: I see you’ve made admiral now. If I were still in the chain of
command I guess I couldn’t call you Ed anymore. BM: You’re right. I do hear things in this place. I know what
else the Maquis are supposed to have. You want me to get
EJ: Actually, that’s what I’m here about. Ben, you probably hear them to hand over weapons that are banned by the Khitomer
things even in here. The war isn’t going well for us at all. We need Accords?
competent men and women to take up the mantle and serve. Even
ones in your situation. You were right about the Cardassians all EJ: I want you to rescue them. Bring them back into the
along. As far as I’m concerned you should have gotten a medal, not fold, Ben. Cal Hudson is one of the last remaining colony
locked up like this. commanders, and he has what we need. I want you to
rescue him, another captain named Ro, and their staff, ships,
BM: Are you here to pin one on me, Admiral? and yes, the other things. I’ve got a ship ready, it’s an older
vessel, the Pequod. Officially destroyed in action but refitted
EJ: I didn’t bring one with me. But I do have an opportunity. for this mission. Your crew is a small group of individuals with
Your actions against the Cardassians inspired a movement. Your backgrounds that are more eclectic than standard Starfleet.
old command staff, Hudson, Chakotay and others, they helped Once you’ve got everything out of the DMZ that you can
spearhead the Maquis. If it wasn’t for that group’s work, the save, your job is to get into Cardassian territory and hammer
Cardassians would have expanded unchecked. them for all that you’re worth. You’ve got no chains holding
you back for this one. What do you say, Ben?
BM: Sounds like you want to join them yourself.
BM: Where do I sign?
EJ: They need help. The Dominion is hunting down what remains
of the Maquis and exterminating them. These are good people with [Transcript ends.]

pressing enemies, such as the Klingons and Federation.
The paranoid Vorta and Founders, with their racist ideology,
would try and keep the Gorn and Jem’Hadar as separate
as possible, reasoning that the reptilian species could unite Eris: Greetings from the Dominion. I am Vorta Ambassador Eris.
against the Dominion. In any long-term war the Founders My people are in this region of space to spread peace and order.
would leave the Gorn to their own devices, hoping that the We’ve come to begin negotiations to bring the Tamarians into our
Klingons, Gorn and Starfleet would whittle one another down co-prosperity sphere.
to splinters for an easier conquest by the Dominion.
Tamarian Captain: Arcala, the gates partially opened.
An ancient species that took to the stars long before most, the Eris: Yes, we’ve heard of your species’ unique language. We’d
Nausicaans are in a state of deep decline. Their plight is not speak with you in terms of your folklore, but there seems to be no
dissimilar to that of the Klingons, whose populace succumbed available written records of your stories.
to a genetic alteration virus. While the victims of the Klingon
Augment Virus became smaller but smarter, the victims of the Tamarian Captain: Yukari, the bard singing.
Nausicaan virus became larger and more brutish.
Eris: Our intelligence indicates that you’ve had some interaction
The once-proud pirate raider clans descended into with humans, and a few other Alpha Quadrant species. We do have
barbarism, and most of them now serve other, more full access to their historical records. I’m going to attempt to speak
developed societies. Nausicaans tend to work as bodyguards with you using their stories.
and shock mercenaries. The few living “original” Nausicaans
live on Nausicaa, a planet of hills and windy valleys. Their Tamarian Captain: Klendal and Horen, the meeting on the island.
“devolved” brethren hold them hostage, using them as labor
and technicians to keep the nearly decayed infrastructure of Eris: Mansa Musa, gold in the streets.
the planet from crumbling into dust. A few work as engineers
on the tiny remaining Nausicaan fleet. Tamarian Captain: Abakka and Kaylon casting the nets.

The Dominion has very little interest in Nausicaa, save for the Eris: Richard Nixon, his arms outstretched.
fact that their space is very close to Earth and Vulcan. The
Founders have promised the original Nausicaans to restore the Tamarian Captain: Oyyaha, her sword unsheathed!
species to its original line. To earn this right the Nausicaans
have to make surprise attacks on Earth, Vulcan and the other Eris: This is egregious. We— Genghis Khan, his horses riding forward.
core worlds. The Vorta don’t plan to uphold these promises,
as they doubt that the Nausicaans can accomplish anything [Transmission ends.]
against the most powerful planets in local space.

DOMINION ENEMIES Despite the independent streak the Talarians are starting to
face facts. They’ve agreed to a limited integration program,
There are some stellar governments that are staunchly where they bring their fleet into a joint command with the
opposed to the Dominion. These states aren’t necessarily Klingons. The Talarians are moving towards entering the war
allies of the Federation, Klingons or Romulans, but they value in full, aligned against the Dominion.
their independence and would sooner die to the last than
bend knee to the Founders. THE NYBERRITE ALLIANCE
A remote power that’s on friendly terms with its neighbors,
THE TALARIANS the Nyberrites are well-regarded by the Federation,
A near-Klingon species, the Talarians are aggressive and Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi and others. They have a
warlike. Their level of technological development is woefully penchant for hiring mercenaries from many different states
behind that of the Federation, and even the Cardassians. This to serve in their navy.
hobbles their dreams of conquest.
The Nyberrites run their military in an unorthodox manner,
Despite promises from the Dominion to uplift their society, at least as far as the other powers are concerned. Their
the Talarians rejected these advances. If they hadn’t ships tend to be lightly armed carriers that house waves of
accepted aid from the Federation, they weren’t going to offensively geared light fighters. All reports indicate that their
take help from these new interlopers. The Talarians see the forces are very well armed, but they’ve never been at war
Dominion as an impediment to their own goals of expansion. with any of the Alpha or Beta Quadrant powers.


The fourth great power of the Alpha Quadrant, the Ferengi

THE LOOKING GLASS are known for loyalty only to themselves. In the eyes of the
members of the Alpha Quadrant Alliance, this makes them
untrustworthy at best. While it’s true that the Ferengi never
My brothers and sisters, I do not know if this transmission will make turn down an opportunity for making a profit, the Dominion
it to you. I have to report what I’ve found. The Federation apparently made things personal when they kidnapped Ishka, the
has semi-regular contact with a parallel reality, which they call the consort of Grand Nagus Zek.
“Mirror Universe.” My assignment on board a Starfleet survey vessel
led to a chance encounter with that realm. The ship fell into the In the days before the war, Zek was an early proponent of
Mirror Universe after running afoul of a spatial rift. cooperation with the Dominion. If he’d have had less contact
with Quark, a businessman on Deep Space 9 whose own
After ascertaining from the crew everything that I could about the experiences with the Dominion were less positive, Zek would
Mirror Universe, I proceeded to replace Captain Leonard and guide have continued negotiations with the Dominion, and rather
the ship to the Bajor System. The Bajoran Anomaly exists within than the Cardassians, the Ferengi would almost certainly
the Mirror Universe as well. Despite the danger of Klingon patrols, have been the conduit through which the Cardassians gained
we made it into the Gamma Quadrant. I’d wanted to find a second a foothold into the Alpha Quadrant.
Dominion, one which we could use to augment our own forces.
Campaigns that diverge from the normal timeline could
I was not prepared for what I saw. None of us could be. I attempted conceivably see the Ferengi allying with the Dominion against
to link with members of our opposite culture. There was nothing. the anti-capitalist Federation. As it stands now, Zek maintains
We could not form a union of minds. Only scattered, chaotic images Ferengi neutrality in order to send emissaries to the Dosi and
and impressions, no true thoughts were shared. Karemma. These agents are slowly subverting the Dominion’s
mercantile servants against the Founders.
The Mirror Dominion is a democracy. The Founders there see
themselves as a guiding force, not true rulers. Their Vorta are THE FIRST FEDERATION
allowed to develop fuller telepathic and telekinetic gifts, and the An aloof, advanced society, the First Federation made
Jem’Hadar do not even take ketracel-white! contact with Starfleet in the mid-23rd century. In the time
since, relations have been cordial. The First Federation trades
The Mirror Universe is a place of madness. I am shaken to my with most other interstellar powers, but mainly curiosities,
core. When we’re finished with our own Galaxy, I fear that we artwork, and consumer goods. Their ships and infrastructure
must take up arms against the opposite Great Link. As it stands, are more powerful than those of most of the rest of the Alpha
after trying to escape to home my ship was damaged. I don’t Quadrant, and the other societies have nothing of technical
have enough power to make it back, only to send this message. value with which to barter.
Please, brothers and sisters, receive it and prepare for the coming
of darkness. Like Starfleet the First Federation maintains a sort of non-
interference policy. They do not allow their technology to
benefit others, on the rationale that it could deviate the
development of alien civilizations. This policy also extends to
making war against or on behalf of “lesser” societies.
When asked about this, the Nyberrites always mention
having “more pressing concerns,” but never elaborate. The The First Federation considers every single one of the Alpha
Romulans, who share a border with them, speculate that and Beta Quadrant civilizations as less advanced, as well as
they’re at war with a race of hunters who occasionally harass the Dominion. Thus far they’ve had no cause to get involved.
the Romulan border. The region is known for being home Their countermeasures can detect attempted infiltration
to odd subspace anomalies; these might be the source of by Changelings, and their ships are more than a match for
whatever the Nyberrites are fighting, but it’s all speculation at anything that the Jem’Hadar can throw at them.
this point.
The Dominion continues to harass the First Federation, and
Regardless of whom their enemies happen to be, the their patience is wearing thin. If the Dominion doesn’t back
Nyberrites aren’t interested in fighting for the Dominion. The off in its efforts to infiltrate the First Federation, it’s going to
Vorta have asked and been coldly rebuffed. This put the have another war front on its hands.
Nyberrites on the Dominion’s hit list, but their local concerns
are more pressing and they have no desire to betray friends.

OTHER REALMS AND SPECIES Claiming control of an ancient communication network,
the Delta Quadrant’s Hirogen species has monitored
transmissions between Starfleet and Voyager, a starship
The Galaxy is a large and unexplored place. There are stranded far from home. Reports indicate that the Hirogen
dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of other factions who live for the thrill of the hunt. Any Hirogen predator would be
might have an interest in this war. The complex interplay eager to go toe-to-toe against a Jem’Hadar, or to see how
among the societies that are already involved could be upset their starships match up against those of the Dominion.
by the slightest interaction with a new power player.
The many higher-level societies, those who have transcended
Who else has an interest in this conflict? Having intercepted mere biology and achieved a state of apotheosis, are no
transmission and data from Starfleet during the Battle of doubt aware of this conflict. The Metrons and Organians are
Sector 001, the Borg are certainly aware of the Dominion particularly pacifistic in their outlook and do not take kindly
and undoubtedly interested in Dominion technology and to those who engage in wanton slaughter. It remains to be
Founder biology. A full-scale incursion from the Borg could seen why they, as well as the Q, Dowd, Travelers, Cytherians,
lead to a truce or even cooperation between the Federation the inhabitants of Megas-Tu, and others are allowing conflict
and the Dominion. on such a dangerous scale. The closest thing to consensus
opinion holds that these societies might be leaving the matter
in the hands of the Bajoran Prophets.






978 074 026 083 015 037 066 081 981


23762-03 23762-04 23762-07 23762-08




23762-05 23762-06

23587692 1294619 5267476 148710559 14 9262 88

987347 283796 1525615 865323723 15 24916 26
1095225 5726215 5294815 198614529 16 645721 12 47581
427358 2436789 2035781 351078625 17 2347308 52
980 2359819 10470 4569225 529865925 18 34785311 56 23762-09 23762-10 983


Starfleet has had dealings with Dominion-controlled species It was the next encounter with the Jem’Hadar only hours later
since the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole. However that shook the Alpha Quadrant and heralded the beginning of
intelligence on the Dominion was extremely limited until late the war. Together with a small escort of runabouts from Deep
2370 and communication in any form was almost non-existent. Space 9, the U.S.S. Odyssey entered the wormhole and began
the search for the expedition. The Odyssey was the closest craft
First contact was made by (then) Commander Sisko and a small available and Federation planners estimated that the formidable
group of civilians during a scientific expedition in the Gamma power of a Galaxy-class ship would be sufficient to investigate
Quadrant. The journey took an ominous turn as they were this threat and report back.
attacked and imprisoned by the race we now know to be the
Jem’Hadar. The inclusion of a captive Vorta with the expedition On entering the Gamma Quadrant, the Odyssey and its escorts
was later found to be a carefully laid trap, a part of a much were soon confronted by three Jem’hadar ships and battle was
grander scheme by the Dominion. joined. Despite the advantage in tonnage, the Federation vessels
were outgunned and took heavy damage during the rescue of
The next phase of the Dominion plan soon played out. A single the expedition. As they attempted to make good their escape
Jem’Hadar attack ship entered the Alpha Quadrant, transporting the Jem’Hadar displayed their trademark ruthlessness. A single
a ‘First’ directly into operations on Deep Space 9. Evading Dominion vessel made a suicide run on the Odyssey, delivering
all countermeasures, he delivered news of Sisko’s detention, a killing blow and destroying the ship with the loss of all hands.
the destruction of the New Bajor colony, and a warning that
the same would happen to any other ships travelling into the The Dominion had struck the first blow in the war and gave
Gamma Quadrant via the wormhole. Starfleet a taste of their power and resolve.




Few Federation citizens have been left untouched by UNSEEN ENEMY
the current war with the Dominion. Daily casualty listings Starfleet took its first tentative steps into the Gamma
claiming friends and colleagues mean no one in Starfleet Quadrant in the two years following the discovery of the
itself is ignorant of what the conflict has cost. This briefing Bajoran wormhole. As with all exploratory missions these
is designed for those heading to the front lines to keep them were measured and coordinated efforts, spreading in a
up to date with the progression of current campaigns. It also concentric pattern from the Idran end of the wormhole.
supplies information to refresh their understanding of the These forays produced even greater possibilities than could
wider context and reasons for the conflict, the Federation’s have been hoped for, and while taking into account standard
involvement, and the unwavering resolve of those at the patterns, anomaly registration and examination, Starfleet
forefront of the war. expanded the range of study still further.

The discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369 was perhaps For the most part this was a joint effort with the Bajorans,
the most significant event in Federation — and certainly given the placement of the wormhole in Bajoran space
Bajoran — history to date. It has offered untold opportunity and the reverence the local people afford to it (see Bajoran
for research and exploration, scientific discovery, cultural beliefs: ‘The Prophets’ and the ‘Celestial Temple’ in Starfleet
exchange; literally an entirely new quadrant of possibility. archives). Most of the resources were deployed by Starfleet
But this step forward for all races of the Alpha and Beta as the Bajorans were still recovering from the Cardassian
quadrants has come at a heavy and continuing cost. occupation. The opportunities for expansion were not lost
Exploration of the Gamma Quadrant has proved to be a on the Provisional Government however and in late 2370
Pandora’s box releasing the threat of the Dominion on the they founded New Bajor — their first colony in the Gamma
home quadrants, a power to rival the Borg in the danger they Quadrant. The first of several planned, it opened the way for
pose to the Federation and its allies. trade, commerce, and cultural exchange with races from the
region — shown to be a possibility by successful Ferengi
Officers are expected to have some familiarity with the trade with the Karemma.
events leading to the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole
and relations with Cardassia up until this point (for more Reports of a large and organized empire in the Gamma
information see: UFP Overview 02.10, Starfleet Tactical Quadrant were anecdotal at best and little was known of
Advisory document). With this in mind, more in-depth the Dominion at this time. The scant information about
analysis of the lead-up to war will focus on specific events them came second or third hand from races such as the
that triggered or were significant to the conflict as a whole. Skrreeans and Yaderan. In turn, strategists have speculated
For ease of understanding and collation, the Dominion War that the upper echelons of the Dominion itself were unaware
so far is broken into two distinct parts: open war and the cold (or at least unconcerned) with the Alpha Quadrant and the
war that preceded it. We will discuss the cold war first. Federation up until mid-2370.

If they were unaware of the Alpha Quadrant races until

then, then the Dominion lost no time in finding out


The Dominion and its territories cover a huge area of the Gamma sources. Their will is enacted by their Vorta servants, who
Quadrant, encompassing hundreds of sectors held together by appear to make up the officer corps for the Dominion. Orders
the Founders’ will. Starfleet Intelligence estimates that there are are carried out without question by the Jem’Hadar, who are
hundreds of races under the control of the Dominion, most of controlled with genetic compliance and drug dependence on
whom the Federation has no knowledge of. Many of the species ketracel-white.
live and survive as a part of the Dominion with little contact with the
controlling hierarchy. They are de facto parts of the Dominion while The Jem’Hadar themselves have strict structure based on
still ostensibly allies or simply under the Dominion’s ‘protection’ (the strength and continual victory. There is always a ‘First’ (the
Karemma are one such example). equivalent of an NCO — Starfleet rank of Chief Operations
Officer), with rank ordered and numbered from there (second,
While there may be unknown facets to their command and control third, etc.). Internal unit makeup seems more fluid than a
systems, it would appear at this time that their military hierarchy Federation crew, with promotions based on performance and
is rigidly set. As well as being a gestalt supreme command, the demotions being a constant threat.
Founders are both the main information gatherers and espionage

everything there was to know. The level of intelligence was deep into the Gamma Quadrant to try to contact the
that the Dominion held on the Alpha Quadrant at the start Dominion’s leaders — the Founders — and convince them
of the cold war quickly became apparent by their use of that the Federation and its allies were not a threat to them,
Federation first contact doctrine as a weapon and the but that we would defend ourselves if necessary.
speed with which events unfolded.
The mission was in part achieved, but despite the best hopes
FIRST CONTACT of the Diplomatic Corps the success was only in convincing
The start of the cold war coincided with first contact with the Dominion that the Federation would fight if necessary.
several of the Dominion ‘core’ races in short succession. Briefly held in an elaborate simulation, the crew of the Defiant
The Jem’Hadar and Vorta revealed themselves in a carefully were forced to act out a scenario involving possible diplomatic
orchestrated plan to put the Federation on the back foot land-grabs by the Dominion and loss of freedom for Bajor.
and clearly assert dominance, ruthlessness, and hard-line
determination. New Bajor was destroyed with no known While the Dominion gleaned a great deal of information
survivors. An ultimatum was issued to all interlopers into the about Starfleet and its resolve, this was not a complete
Gamma Quadrant, and the U.S.S. Odyssey — a Galaxy-class loss. The Changling head of Deep Space 9 security, Odo,
ship and one of the most powerful in the fleet at that time — discovered his race and the Founders were one and the
was annihilated seemingly out of hand. same. This naturally raised questions as to his allegiance,
though subsequent tests have proven his loyalty to most at
This first experience with the Dominion gave Starfleet serious Starfleet Command — with one or two exceptions. Knowing
pause in exploring the Gamma Quadrant. The readiness and that the Changelings are at the heart of the Dominion has at
tactical deployment on Deep Space 9 and the Bajoran sector least shown Starfleet what we are up against, and allowed for
was determined to be unequal to this new threat without some precautions to be taken against their unique abilities —
increased defenses put in place. The U.S.S. Defiant was albeit with mixed results.
transferred to the area, and over time the station’s defenses
were augmented. Further efforts to bolster the defense of the Alpha Quadrant
resulted in early warning systems and improved comms
The Defiant’s role in the area was two-fold. Firstly, its cloaking relays proved useful in the days to come. Deep Space
device would allow for reconnaissance and diplomatic 9 itself was outfitted with upgraded shield generators,
missions through the wormhole with reduced threat to multiple launch photon torpedo batteries, and more
personnel. If this failed, the ship markedly bolstered the powerful phaser arrays.
defenses of the sector as a last resort.
Both roles were tested much sooner than strategists The Federation has in its archives several examples of
predicted. The first operational mission for the ship and crew shapeshifting species of many different types. These species

are usually not numerous, or are specific to certain areas on the threat that the Founders posed. This was in direct
of space. Those few that do travel the Alpha and Beta opposition to Cardassian laws pertaining to the Order
Quadrants are for the most part humanoid, and while able to not keeping a standing army or combat fleet. It speaks
change appearance must remain consistently solid. to the power of the organization at the time that this law
was flouted and by Tain no less, himself ostensibly retired.
One of the gravest threats the Dominion poses is therefore In concert with his opposite number in the Tal Shiar he
the liquid nature of the Founders. Combined with their long planned to take a fleet of veterans through the wormhole
lifespan and years of shapeshifting experience, this allows and attack the Great Link, effectively cutting the head
them to mimic almost any object perfectly; even gaseous off the snake. While loudly condemned by their parent
clouds and forms many times their initial volume are well within governments, this action was tacitly supported as a way of
a Changeling’s grasp. They are therefore perfect infiltration stopping a costly war before it could start.
experts — a fact that allowed them to almost bring the Alpha
Quadrant to its knees before open war had even started. As it was, the assault had the exact opposite effect. The
ensuing Battle of the Omarion Nebula was a disastrous
At this time the cold war was seemingly just that. Hesitant defeat for the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar. Colonel
trade and exploratory missions resumed on the other side of Lovok revealed himself to be a Changeling and the Founders
the wormhole. After an initial display of force, the Dominion destroyed almost all the allied ships involved (the notable
seemed to be quiescent. Unbeknownst to the Federation, exception being the U.S.S. Defiant, which took only cursory
the Founders had sent agents to infiltrate almost all of their part in the battle and retreated after retrieving Federation
command structures, as well as those of the dominant personnel). In one fell swoop the Dominion had destroyed
species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. the Obsidian Order in all but name and crippled Tal Shiar
operations for some time to come. The first battle of the
Increased tensions and paranoia were rife. Federation Dominion War was a crushing defeat for the forces from the
Ambassador Krajensky was replaced by a Changeling and Alpha Quadrant and the repercussions would be even more
almost managed to re-ignite the war with the Tzenkethi. far-reaching than they seemed.
While troubling in the extreme, the event led to several
steps forward in combating the Changeling threat. Blood
screenings, phaser sweeps, and security ‘buddying’ with
teams of no less than two were all implemented after the
incident. By far their most damaging action to date was
two-fold: the infiltration of the Klingon High Council, and the From there the second element of the Founder’s plan started
Romulan covert intelligence agency, the Tal Shiar. to take shape. Any attempt to conquer the Alpha Quadrant
would require a solid foothold. Without allies and seriously
In mid-2371 General Martok was abducted from Qo’noS weakening the major powers of the quadrant even the most
and replaced with a Changeling. Intelligence suggests that concerted attack would have certainly failed. An all-out
at roughly the same time Colonel Lovok of the Tal Shiar assault could have bound their enemies together in an
was also replaced. The real Lovok has yet to be found and alliance that even the military might of the Dominion could
is considered missing in action. These two substitutions not have overcome.
paved the way for the Dominion’s invasion of the Alpha
Quadrant, though not even the most far reaching of The true power of the Dominion was again shown to be its
Federation think tanks would have predicted the chain of ability to influence and undermine; to divide, weaken, and
events which led to it. conquer. Having already drawn first blood they continued
with their long term plans. The excision of the Obsidian
Order from Cardassian hierarchy left a power vacuum in the

FIRST BLOOD Cardassian state. The rigid constraints that held Cardassia
together were twofold; firstly the military forces in the form of
the Central Command, and secondly the secret intelligence
The first real battle of the Dominion War was fought not in the services of the Obsidian Order. The constant surveillance
Alpha Quadrant, but on the other side of the wormhole. The they maintained had kept the citizenry in line. With this
combatants were also not the line troops or fleets of any of removed, unrest was sure to follow.
the leading powers of the Quadrant. In a fitting confrontation
for a ‘cold’ war it was the covert elements of the Cardassians At this time the Detapa Council nominally ran the Cardassian
and Romulans that attempted a pre-emptive strike to end the state, though in practice they were little more than an empty
war before it had begun. gesture towards civilian government. Together with a growing
dissident movement in the civilian population they overthrew
The ex-head of the Obsidian Order, Enabran Tain, had been the High Command and created a new government. Whether
secretly husbanding ships and resources in order to take this was incited by true populists or by Changeling infiltration


THE FIRST BATTLE Gowron himself there was no changing the Chancellor’s
mind. Hostilities broke out in early 2372. On stardate 49011,

OF DEEP SPACE 9 a large Klingon fleet departed from their muster point at
Deep Space 9 and invaded the Cardassian Union in force.
The Federation and Starfleet did not support the action and
Given the underlying threat of the Dominion, Starfleet Intelligence condemned the assault.
did not suspect that the first Battle of Deep Space 9 would be with
our long-term allies, the Klingons. It is said that no man may know In a short space of time, years of hard diplomatic wrangling
where the tides of fortune take us and only a year before it would and peaceful cooperation were undone. Relations between
have been unthinkable for the Federation to fire on Klingon ships our peoples disintegrated rapidly (no doubt exacerbated by
to protect a democratic Cardassian Government. the Martok Changeling) to the point where Gowron withdrew
his Empire from the Khitomer Accords. The weakened
This was the situation that Captain Sisko found himself in in 2372. Cardassian Union lost significant territory early on in the war
Initial entreaties to call off the attack fell on deaf ears, with Gowron and in a matter of days Cardassia Prime was under threat.
and General Martok pushing the assault on the station. The captain The Detapa Council took the advice of their newly minted
had already taken the decision to answer the Detapa Council’s military advisor Gul Dukat and evacuated.
destress call and harbor them on Deep Space 9, putting him at
odds with the Empire. While this was an honest attempt to create a The Federation found itself between a rock and a hard place.
ceasefire and cool tempers, the Klingons saw it as a provocation. Helping the Klingons in their brutal attacks was against
everything that we work towards — peace, coexistence, and
Gowron was in no mood to listen. No doubt encouraged by the cooperation. However, aiding the Cardassians (a people who
Martok Changeling he issued his demands — give up the council have shown themselves to be almost as war hungry and
or be attacked and have the council taken by force of arms. belligerent as the Klingon Empire) was equally problematic.
The ensuing battle was brief, but bloody. Despite warnings, the Further, the Klingon claims of Founders pulling the strings of
Klingon fleet threw itself into the fight as only their race can. The the Union could well have been true, and helping the enemies
station sustained heavy damage and several lives were lost. of the Empire would push Starfleet even closer to hostility
with the children of Kahless.
However it was the attackers that suffered greater casualties.
With the station prepared for possible conflict with the Dominion Recent history has shown that Captain Sisko (the ranking
the usual ‘Nor’ configuration of Cardassian design had been officer in the area) made the right call. Holding to Federation
reinforced and heavily up-gunned. Multiple fire torpedo launchers principles to help those asking for aid, he orchestrated the
and enhanced phaser banks had been equipped and fully loaded. evacuation of the Detapa Council to Deep Space 9. The aim
The Klingons were unprepared for the ferocity of the defense, and was also to force the Klingons’ hand and bring them to the
with our Federation reinforcements on the way they were forced negotiation table. With the leaders of Cardassia under the
to withdraw. Both sides were bloody but unbowed. The only true nominally neutral protection of the Federation it was hoped
victors were the Founders. that the war could be stopped before it was too costly on
either side. For the Empire to attack the Federation and
draw them into conflict would be devastating for both sides.
Captain Sisko hoped Gowron would realize this and not
start a war on two fronts.
will never be fully understood. Starfleet Intelligence has
deemed it almost too coincidental that a state this close to Unfortunately the Chancellor would not relent and attacked in
the wormhole would destabilize so rapidly as if on cue. what would become known as the First Battle of Deep Space
9. The Klingon fleet was repulsed due to the fortification of
What is known is that the shapeshifter in the form of the station and the threat of reinforcements. Despite the
General Martok now came to the fore. Klingons are rarely defeat Gowon was unbowed and promised future reprisals
happy with continuing peace and unrest in sections of on the Federation.
the Empire had been brewing for several years. There is
no glory in a life without battle or conquest. It would have From this point the war degenerated into a protracted
taken little prompting and even less evidence to mobilize conflict. Both sides were ground down by the constant
the Klingon Empire for a fight. With the unlikely changes to fighting and the casualty numbers rose to horrific levels.
the Cardassian government on one hand and the desire for While both militaries were heavily mauled it was the
honorable battle on the other the Martok Changeling would Cardassians that took the worst of the fighting with their
have found it easy to manipulate Chancellor Gowron into war. infrastructure crippled and much of their territory reduced to
little more than rubble. Early warning of the start of the war
Despite efforts to call off the attack by Federation personnel had allowed them a fighting chance, but the attrition meant
in the sector and multiple entreaties to the High Council and they were brought to the edge of total defeat.

THE FEDERATION-KLINGON WAR Klingon-Federation Alliance back together by establishing a
foothold in the Alpha Quadrant in short order — a massive
territorial gain that no one saw coming.
The Federation had at that time been allies with the Klingon
Empire for almost 80 years since the signing of the Khitomer
Accords in 2293. The attack on Deep Space 9 had ended
the alliance but not the peace which was to last for a few
more months at least. During this time constant entreaties of
peace and friendship were sent to the Empire as a diplomatic By this time the Alpha Quadrant had been locked in a series
solution was attempted. The Federation Council appealed to of costly wars for over three years since the first contact
the Klingon Empire to consider the face of larger threats of with the Dominion and the destruction of the U.S.S Odyssey.
the Dominion and the Borg, and to remember our long term Few of the major power blocks in the quadrant were left
friendship. Every attempt was rebuffed. unscathed. Worse still a new invasion by the Borg reached all
the way to Sector 001, and only the loss of significant fleet
Klingon activity close to Federation space increased. There assets and the bravery of the crew of the U.S.S Enterprise-E
were even attempts to engineer diplomatic incidents by halted their assault.
the Klingon intelligence forces to lessen Federation aid to
the Cardassians and justify conflict. In the end the Klingon Closer to the wormhole, the weakening Cardassian forces
saber rattling came to a head, and prompted by the Martok had been overrun by the Maquis (with the tacit support of the
Changeling Gowron issued an ultimatum to the Federation. Klingon Empire) and the Badlands and surrounding area were
He claimed the Archanis sector as Klingon territory in an firmly in their hands. Federation oversight had been similarly
openly hostile action that was a veiled declaration of war. The limited due as its priorities had shifted to other fronts,
80 years of peace were shattered in 2373 with the full assault giving the Maquis almost unimpeded control of much of the
of the Archanis sector by massed Klingon attack wings. Cardassian DMZ.
Heavy casualties were inflicted across the sector and many
ships were lost or badly damaged. There was little trust between previous allies, and the
Changeling threat meant even the soldier next to you could
The war continued for several brutal months. For many turn into the enemy at a moment’s notice. This was the
Klingons peace with the ‘weak’ Federation has always backdrop that the Dominion chose for its invasion of the
rankled with their warrior spirits and they saw the conflict Alpha Quadrant.
as a chance to return to their roots and regain their pride in
the Empire. This goes some way to explaining the unusually Mid-way through 2373 our early warning systems in the
high number of boarding actions and close assaults that Gamma Quadrant were triggered then destroyed, heralding
characterized the conflict; many songs and tales of the the coming of the Dominion. This was backed up by an
Klingon fleet tell of glorious combat with Federation crews insertion team looking for survivors of Enabran Tain’s ill-fated
and ground forces (though as they are once again our allies, Romulan-Cardassian assault on the founders. Shortly before
these are currently banned in mixed fleet deployments). contact was lost they sent word of an imminent Jem’Hadar
threat. Further investigation by the U.S.S. Defiant confirmed
As has always been the way with Klingon-Federation the danger, and the Bajoran sector was put on high alert.
diplomacy, a ceasefire was achieved by non-traditional
means. The Dominion was the cause, as a Founders’ scheme The high number of contemporary losses to the fleet
was for the first time inadvertently a benefit of the Alpha and the size of the invasion did not bode well. Starfleet
Quadrant. Interaction with Founders had given Constable intelligence at the time projected significant territorial
Odo intelligence that Gowron was a Changeling, which losses and very high casualty rates. A fair number of ships
explained the overly belligerent posture of the Empire in in the fleet had been refitted to negate or at least reduce
recent times. Captain Sisko led a small insertion team to the effectiveness of Jem’Hadar phased polaron beam
Ty’Gokor to expose the Gowron imposter in hopes of halting weaponry, but many still lacked the upgrades. Of those
the war. While the initial approach failed, a double bluff by the that were available it would take time to muster a defense
Martok Changeling overplayed its hand, and its lack of honor on the scale that was expected to be necessary to hold off
and traditional Klingon traits led to its discovery and death. the Dominion. Galaxy-class ships were thinly spread, and
construction had only just restarted on the Defiant class.
With the deception revealed, an uneasy truce and ceasefire The newly minted and more heavily armed Sovereign and
was arranged. Lengthy talks ensued; however, there were Akira classes were coming off the line; however, they were
continuing conflicts between the Empire and Starfleet up until limited to a handful of each class at most.
mid-2373. A fleet was even mustered to re-take the Archanis
sector in preparation for any breakdown in the talks. Once Taken all in all, the outlook was grim. With heavy hearts
again it was the Founders who inadvertently welded the Starfleet Command approved a plan to seal the wormhole


for the good of the Federation. Using the graviton emitter Their first foothold in the Alpha Quadrant was achieved with
array on Deep Space 9, the crew would destabilize the subtlety rather than the brutal force. Cardassia declared
Bajoran entrance to the wormhole, collapsing it without itself a part of the Dominion, with the ever treacherous
harming the wormhole aliens themselves. The efforts were Gul Dukat at its head. The Jem’Hadar ‘reinforced’ the
thwarted by further Changeling sabotage, and the graviton Cardassian Union, and Dukat issued one of his now famous
beam instead strengthened the wormhole to the point pronouncements — that in five days all lost Cardassian
where it is almost indestructible by conventional means. As holdings would be returned to them and none of their foes
a side note, certain sections of Starfleet Engineering and would remain within Cardassian territory.
Intelligence sections are still working on a way to destabilize
the wormhole as a last resort should the necessity arise in With the Dominion behind him Dukat soon made good on
the coming days. However, they report they are still far from his threats. The Maquis were obliterated — systematically
any tangible results. and ruthlessly wiped out to the point where the faction
has now all but ceased to exist apart from a few far flung
On approximately stardate 50563, a massive fleet of elements. The Klingon forces in Cardassian space were
Jem’Hadar ships entered the Alpha Quadrant just as the quickly repulsed. The retreating units mustered at Deep
wormhole was strengthened. Even then the hammer blow did Space 9 ready to plunge back into the attack. Thankfully
not fall as expected. Through their expert manipulation of the skillful diplomacy intervened, as Captain Sisko and a newly
Cardassians themselves, the Klingons, Romulans, and even liberated General Martok managed to hold back Gowron’s
at times the Federation, the Founders had brought Cardassia desire for battle until a joint Federation-Klingon force could
to its knees. Instead of simply invading, the Founders found be assembled to face the Dominion aggression. This became
another way; as ever, they seem to value efficiency and lack one of the few bright moments of 2373, as it signalled the
of waste where possible. reinstatement of the Khitomer Accords and the reaffirming of
the Federation-Klingon Alliance.

THE ORIGINALS Sensing the need to hold the Dominion at the first hurdle,
the Romulan Star Empire contributed unlooked-for forces
to the budding fleet around Deep Space 9, seemingly just
INTERNMENT CAMP 371 in time. Long range scans confirmed a massed Dominion-
Cardassian fleet heading for the wormhole, ostensibly to
The Founders are nothing if not efficient. From subtle manipulations retake ‘Terok Nor’ (the Cardassian designation for Deep
to full scale annihilation of worlds, their every action has a Space 9) and shore up their supply lines to the Gamma
set outcome. If anything may yet have a use, it is stored and Quadrant.
husbanded if expedient to do so. If not, it is severed like the dead
limb of a tree. This proved to be a further ruse — one of the last remaining
before all-out war took hold. Deep Space 9’s Chief Medical
The same is true of the kidnapped victims of replacement by Officer Dr. Bashir had been replaced by a Changeling
Changelings. It appears that where possible those that the infiltrator a few weeks before the arrival of the Dominion
Founders imitate are kidnapped and imprisoned, possibly for further forces in the Alpha Quadrant. Evidently he was the one who
information gathering and interrogation. sabotaged the plan to seal the wormhole.

Thankfully it seems that the Dominion’s belief in their own destined The Founders seem willing to risk life and limb on very
supremacy can sometimes be their downfall. A collection of important espionage missions; however, the secondary
POWs and replaced ‘Originals’ recently escaped from internment phase of any conquest then appears to be left to their
camp 371 — including Commander Worf, Elim Garak, Dr. ground and fleet forces. The early days of the war mark the
Bashir and General Martok (the latter two having been replaced last confirmed substitution of this kind we have on record.
by Changelings). The debriefing of their incarceration makes Officers should note that this does not mean there is no more
for disturbing reading. While it gives some hope of possible Changeling activity occurring behind our lines, and must be
weaknesses in Dominion facilities that could be exploited, it also on the lookout at all times for suspicious activity.
reinforces the clinical and brutally efficient nature of the Founders.
The Bashir Changeling attempted to detonate a destructive
Further, it seems that the ‘Originals’ for most other replace crew payload within the Bajoran sun, the effects of which would
may have been alive at the time of capture — but it can also be have been the annihilation of Deep Space 9, Bajor, and the
inferred that those who were MIA at the time of replacement should combined fleets that had assembled to face the Dominion.
more than likely be reclassified as KIA if not retrieved shortly While the plan was thankfully thwarted, it showed that even
afterwards. Such is the efficiency of the Dominion. with help the sector would be ill prepared for a full scale


The opening of the Dominion War was marked by the

Second Battle of Deep Space 9 in the dying days of
3373 2373. Only a year before the crew of Deep Space 9 had
been fighting shoulder to shoulder with Gul Dukat — now
he became their greatest threat.

As part of the opening gambit of the Dominion War the

new head of the Cardassian government declared that
all previous Cardassian holdings would be theirs again.
With the backing of the Dominion’s fleets in the Alpha
STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY Quadrant this was quickly achieved on all fronts apart
from one — Bajor and Terok Nor.

ROLEPLAYING IN Tensions had been building for some time with frequent

THE COLD WAR convoys of Dominion troops coming through the wormhole.
Starfleet decided to act. A minefield was proposed to
clearly state the intention — while the Federation would
The start of the Dominion War is ripe with opportunities not provoke war, it would not shy away from it either.
for campaigns and creating Player Characters and NPCs After a brief diplomatic exchange between the two sides
with interesting backgrounds and motivations. This period it became clear that an attack was inevitable.
of the war was really in two parts — behind the scenes
action and devastating in-fighting. In an effort to protect the mine layers and draw off
the Dominion, the crew baited Gul Dukat’s forces into
Gamemasters can draw inspiration from both parts of this focusing on the station. Thankfully for the Federation
period. The cloak and dagger moments are great settings crews it seems that Dukat was more interested in
for stealthy infiltrations of Tal Shiar shipyards, incursions retaking the station than stopping the deployment of the
to find survivors of either the Tain expedition or possibly mines, suggesting that once the station was recaptured
from the wreck of the U.S.S. Odyssey. High stakes disarming the mines would be easy. Deep Space 9
diplomatic settings where anyone could be a shapeshifter took the brunt of the assault from wave after wave of
also make great cat and mouse missions to test the Cardassian and Dominion ships.
teamwork and problem solving of crews.
Initially the station’s defenses held. Upgraded and
More militant crews might want to explore the possibilities tested in the first battle for the station, they were even
that that Federation-Klingon war represents for legitimate more formidable against the Dominion; the joint fleet
hostility from the old enemy! Winning allies to the side of took heavy losses over a series of attack runs. However
the Federation in a tense three- or four-way negotiation, Dukat was well versed in Cardassian defenses and soon
attempting to evacuate a starbase during a Klingon attack exploited the station’s weaknesses to turn the tide.
and setting a trap for cloaked ships are all possibilities Focusing on one specific section of the shields allowed
during the conflict with this warrior race. the Dominion to overload a shield grid and force a
breach. The station itself would not last long.
Always remember that the shadow of the Dominion is
ever-present at the time. Gamemasters can sow confusion Knowing that the minefield was all-important, Captain
and add even more depth to adventures with the merest Sisko assigned the Defiant and I.K.S. Rotarran to deploy
hint of Dominion involvement. It also allows for mixed the mines. Despite taking serious damage both ships
parties when used with other Star Trek Adventures survived, escaping in the nick of time after activating
supplements dealing with Klingon Player Characters and the mines.
the Beta Quadrant; stranded crews forced to work together
to survive, or a mix of Players and NPCs held captive by The second battle for Deep Space 9 was lost, but at
a paranoid Romulan — can you find the Changeling amid great cost to both the Dominion fleet and their ability to
the POWs, or were you all originals from the start? prosecute the war.


CALM BEFORE THE STORM up by the Dominion, and was felt to be the only prudent
course of action given the impending and seemingly
inevitable conflict.
This ill preparedness was plain to see for many of the races
of the Alpha Quadrant. With the Dominion in the ascendancy As construction began the Founders’ Vorta ambassador
and Cardassia becoming stronger day by day many factions Weyoun came to Deep Space 9 to protest the mine field
signed non-aggression pacts with the Founders. These and demand their removal — failure to comply meant war.
included the Tholians and the Miradorn, and most troublingly With no other alternative short of handing control of the
the Romulans, who saw a chance to hedge their bets in the Alpha Quadrant to the Dominion, Captain Sisko continued
coming conflict. deploying the mines, effectively refusing the Vorta’s
demands. As of Stardate 50975.2, open war began.
In the last few weeks before open war the Dominion
positioned itself ready to strike. Ships went missing close
to the Cardassian border, intercepts talked of large scale
troop movements and intelligence reports contained little
good news. Jem’Hadar reinforcements moved through the
wormhole in large weekly convoys. Unwilling to provoke A SEASON OF DEFEATS
the Dominion without significant fleet support, Federation The shooting war began with a Dominion assault on Deep
observers in the area were seemingly powerless, unable to Space 9. Following up on their threat to attack if the minefield
do little but hold their breath and wait for the attack to come. was not decommissioned, they stuck mere hours after
issuing their demands. Fighting around the wormhole and at
Starfleet Command was unwilling to be so passive. They the station was fierce with significant damage done to both
approved a plan by Captain Sisko to mine the entrance to Deep Space 9, the U.S.S. Defiant, and supporting Klingon
the wormhole with cloaked, self-replicating mines to prevent craft. The sacrifices of many were a high price to pay, but the
any further reinforcements for the Dominion and Cardassia. minefield was completed in time and the crew of Deep Space
While provocative, this was a reaction to the military build- 9 evacuated with the Defiant.

The loss of the station and its strategic proximity to the The target was heavily guarded and shielded against all
wormhole and the Cardassian border was a significant but the most concentrated barrage. Huge fleet actions
blow. Despite this, the actions of Captain Sisko and his or individual cloaked ship actions would not help in this
crew turned it into a pyrrhic victory for Gul Dukat and the instance. Instead, Starfleet played one of our few trump
Dominion, as reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant were cards in the war so far. The infiltration team would get past
effectively cut off for the foreseeable future. the shields by travelling in a Jem’Hadar attack ship.

What followed was some of the bloodiest warfare in recent It is a closely-guarded secret that the Federation had the
years, eclipsing even the losses of the Borg incursions. salvaged ship the year before. The mine of information it
In early 2374 allied forces were in near-constant retreat provided and the possibilities it afforded in the war effort
under an onslaught of Dominion attacks. While losses were made it a prime target for Dominion attack. While the enemy
high on both sides, the ferocity of the Jem’Hadar and their knew of the ship’s capture, its location was kept secret
willingness to engage in almost suicidal combat assaults while experts worked to reverse-engineer its systems. By
to overwhelm the foe was punishing. Given how quickly this point in 2374 it was felt much of what could be learned
the Jem’Hadar are bred and the Vorta are cloned, the few had been and with the possible destruction of such a key
elements holding them back became the speed of ship and installation as their goal Starfleet Command authorized the
ketracel-white production. Worse still, the effectiveness of use of the ship for the mission.
cloaking technology (one of the few advantages that the
allied forces had up to this point) was massively curtailed. The mission itself was entrusted to the command crew who
Dominion technology allowed for ship to ship cloak had first discovered the ship. Additionally an ex-Obsidian
penetration at short ranges, undermining many Klingon Order agent was tasked to the mission for his knowledge
attack tactics. With larger arrays and triangulation, entire sub- of Cardassian systems — Mr. Garak, who has proved
sectors of Klingon vessels were visible to the Jem’Hadar — a invaluable to the war effort in many ways. While not without
major blow to the war effort. its problems the mission was a success and stalled the
Dominion advance. This gave the fleet a chance to regroup
With these advantages on their side the Dominion pushed and took some of the pressure off the main fronts.
into Federation space at an alarming rate. In one significant
engagement at the time the Seventh Fleet was all but What is not commonly broadcast is that in the aftermath
annihilated. The full strength fleet of 112 ships was sent of the mission the crew was briefly stranded in a combat
to defend the Tyra system, a strategic and cultural hub all situation with a group of Jem’Hadar and their Vorta handler.
surrounding deployments. After a swift but bloody battle The outcome of this makes for grim reading, and shows just
those ships that returned hardly constituted a fleet any more. how far the Jem’Hadar are willing to go to follow orders as
Over 98 ships had been destroyed or disabled, and those 14 well as the ruthlessness with which the Dominion will throw
that did return had casualty rates in the high 60 percentiles. their lives away for any small advantage. For this reason
The loss was staggering, and a body blow not only to our details of the crew’s return were not widely circulated.
defenses but also the morale of Starfleet as a whole.
The next obstacle to turning the tide was the Dominion’s
LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS anti-cloaking detection systems and long range scanning
Constant losses and setbacks marked this period of the systems. By this time many Jem’Hadar were equipped with
war. If the pattern continued, complete defeat was projected antiproton beam scanners and long range tachyon scanners,
in months rather than years. Combat tactics had to change. negating the benefits of cloaked ships. This gave them an
With this in mind several hit and run raiding attacks were advantage in ship to ship combat, but the larger problem
planned to make the most of dwindling supplies and to was at a fleet level. The Dominion had an uncanny ability to
raise the spirits of the fleet. Targets such as shipyards and pinpoint our fleet movements and react, effectively rendering
sub-sector HQs were put forward, but the key link in the any large or coordinated attacks crippled from the start.
chain for the Dominion has always been the Jem’Hadar,
and their weakness has always been their reliance on Intelligence discovered that this was for the most part due
ketracel-white. With this in mind a reprisal raid was planned to long range senor arrays deployed behind their lines. The
on the main supply depot of the drug located deep within lynchpin of these detectors was the largest of these arrays
Cardassian space. located in the Argolis system. With these in place they could
easily determine the whereabouts of our fleet deployments
At the time the mission details were kept highly covert to many subsectors away and even pinpoint Klingon raid
keep possible intelligence leaks to a minimum. As of now activity up to two light years away.
the war has progressed far enough that Admiral Ross has
released some information to the public to raise morale. In conjunction with Admiral Ross, Captain Sisko (as the
Officers should note that the further details listed here are not newly promoted adjutant) planned to attack and destroy the
for public consumption as they may raise concerns. array. Using the Argolis cluster itself as cover from the array,


the U.S.S. Defiant, commanded by Lt. Commander Jadzia COVERT OPERATIONS AND RESISTANCE MOVEMENTS
Dax, eliminated the threat with surgical precision. The ship The loss of several systems to the Dominion early in the
itself was in considerable danger throughout, both from war was rapid and devastating. While areas such as the
the approach and in-systems defenses of the installation. Argolis system and the Badlands were key losses, it was
However like many crews at the time and to date, those on undoubtably Bajor itself and Deep Space 9 that were the
the Defiant are combat veterans, and completed the mission most strategic losses of the war up to this point. Those
with minimal casualties. Federation systems and installations that fell under Dominion
rule were rarely lost without a fight (even if at times a costly
THE WAR BEHIND THE LINES one) and several planets set up resistance cells to continue
It is easy to focus on the various fronts, battles, and specific the struggle. Information on continuing covert operations and
missions of the war so far and imagine that this is the extent aid to these cells is classified top secret and not included in
of the war. This is not the case. The war closer to home this briefing.
has a huge effect on the lives of those at the front and it is
important for all officers to have an overview of this as well. Officers should however have an idea of the organization
and tactics of such resistance cells in case they are called
In this war more than any other it was clear from the start upon to offer aid or go behind enemy lines themselves. It is
that civilians would be at risk. As we have seen the Dominion useful therefore to look at the scratch-resistance created by
uses two main tactics to attack and conquer — infiltration/ Colonel Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9 during its time under
destabilization and ruthless and overwhelming force. It is Dominion occupation. As a Bajoran resistance member
a potent and clearly effective mix that has by most reports during the Cardassian occupation until their departure
allowed them to conquer or annex huge swathes of the in 2369 she was ideally placed to instigate a resistance
Gamma Quadrant. Fear of the Dominion is almost as movement on the station.
powerful a weapon as the Jem’hadar and it is a tool that they
wield with deadly efficiency. Bajor had signed a non-aggression pact with the Dominion
at the urging of the Federation since there was much to lose
Each officer here will have at some point have had to and little to gain to the Bajorans attempting open and armed
undergo blood screenings and Changeling infiltration drills, conflict. This meant that Colonel Kira (at the time still a Major)
especially in and around Starfleet installations in Sector and Constable Odo remained in command positions on the
001 and key stations throughout the Federation. These station. Together with civilians and members of the Bajoran
were clearly necessary after the bombing of the Antwerp militia she created a small resistance cell to pass information
Conference with the Romulans on Earth on Stardate 49170.5 to Starfleet and hamper Dominion efforts to bring down the
which pointed to clear Founder infiltration. The threat of minefield that was blocking the wormhole.
the Founders has altered our way of life. Increased security
is a high priority for serving officers and it is the duty of all Lesser acts of sabotage and attempts to ferment unrest
members of Starfleet to be vigilant to the threat. between the Cardassian and Jem’Hadar forces on the station
bore fruit, but it was the intelligence that the cell managed to
Vigilance can turn to paranoia very easily. In the quest for pass to Starfleet that was invaluable — and averted complete
protection we can lose sight of what it is to be a citizen of defeat and the conquest of the Alpha Quadrant at the time.
the Federation and the values that we all uphold. Starfleet Discovering that the Cardassians had found a way to destroy
Command takes a dim view of those who stray too far from the minefield, they managed to inform Admiral Ross at
these values; indeed, Admiral Leyton was recently chastized Starbase 375. Thankfully plans were already in motion to
and resigned for the overzealous protection procedures that mobilize a force to retake Deep Space 9.
were put into place on Earth.
Questions were recently raised about the interactions of
Likewise we lose ourselves if we resort to the tactics of the Constable Odo with the Female Changeling we know to
Dominion in order to defeat them. Any action to impose be in command of Dominion troops in the Alpha Quadrant.
military order over our civilian government, or any contact However the Colonel vouches for all of her cell members and
with organizations suggesting that they have the Federation’s has refuted any claims of collaboration between any of them
well-being and protection at heart should be reported at and Dominion forces.
once. These offers may come from inside the Federation or
Starfleet itself, or from outside influences with strong ties FIGHTING BACK
to the Dominion — such as the Orion Syndicate. The ends Hit and run victories crippling Dominion long range
rarely if ever justify the means, and organizations or factions scanning and ketracel-white distribution were important and
of this type within the Alpha Quadrant risk the very values gave us the time we needed to take the fight back to the
they purport to uphold. Such actions are arguably more enemy. With this in mind the only question became where
dangerous to the Federation’s continual survival than the the assault should strike, and there was only one viable
Dominion itself. answer: Deep Space 9.

Operation Return was the first major allied with light casualties on both sides. Dukat had seen the tactic and decided to
offensive of the Dominion War. Planning for the play into it. He opened a hole in the lines to let Sisko through, ready to spring
assault was well underway when news came that the trap and destroy the Federation forces.
the minefield was being taken down, forcing the
timetable to be moved forward. With little option but to take the bait, the Captain ordered all ships through the
gap and into close assault range. Many of the Federation’s older ships could not
The decision was made to attack without the withstand the firefight at this range and losses were high. Over two more hours
Klingons or the Ninth Fleet — a significant of intense fighting it appeared that the operation would fail and many captains
reduction in forces, and one that did not bode believed a withdrawal was soon to come.
well. The attempt had to be made no matter
the odds — failure meant the loss of the whole Defeat seemed inevitable until unlooked-for reinforcements arrived. A massed
quadrant. The Dominion had mustered a large Klingon fleet under General Martok made a flanking attack, opening a real hole
fleet to patrol the Bajoran sector and moved to in the Dominion lines. Captain Sisko did not forget the main objective. While
intercept the task force before it reached the none of the other ships managed to get through, the Defiant was able to make it
wormhole. on to Deep Space 9.

The two fleets met shortly before the minefield As for the rest of the combatants, the Dominion-Cardassian fleet was sundered
fell. The Dominion fleet held fast, its main aim and the battle devolved into pockets of intense combat and several boarding
to delay Starfleet until reinforcements could actions. Seeing the loss of such numbers and soon afterwards the intervention
arrive through the wormhole. Captain Sisko of the ‘Prophets’ to negate their reinforcements, the Dominion withdrew its
attempted to rile the Cardassians with his lighter remaining forces to Cardassian space. The allies, battered but unbroken, retook
attack wings and draw them out of position. The Deep Space 9.
fighting continued for three hours as a stalemate,

The minefield protecting the Alpha Quadrant from massed would be taken out of commission in three standard days
Dominion reinforcements was always a stop-gap measure; — a day at least before the Ninth Fleet could rendezvous at
it was universally understood that it was only a matter of Starbase 375, and long before the Klingons, who were still
time before a way was found to disable it. With this in mind unconvinced about the action, could have arrived.
Starfleet Command aimed to retake the station at the first
possible opportunity. The Fifth and Second Fleets mobilized for Bajoran space
scant hours after the message arrived. Given the reduced
With the breathing space caused by successful raiding numbers, the scope of the operation changed. Instead of
tactics a plan could be put into motion. The original plan was retaking the station the aim was to destroy the graviton
to combine elements of the Second, Fifth and Ninth fleets emitters before they could successfully detonate all of the
with Klingon support to punch a hole through to the station mines. The following fleet action was costly and protracted.
and prevent the deactivation of the minefield. Klingon aid helped to swing the victory; however, only the
U.S.S Defiant under the command of Captain Sisko reached
The plan necessitated risks on other fronts, most pressingly Deep Space 9.
weakening the Fifth Fleet protecting the approach to Vulcan
and possibly opening Earth to attack. It also required the As it was, the ship arrived too late. Even a simultaneous
cooperation of the Klingon Chancellor, and Gowron was attack from inside the station of the emitter array was
reticent to commit forces as the Empire’s fleets were severely not enough to stop the detonation, which disabled and
depleted after several years of constant war. Nevertheless it destroyed all of the mines in one blast. With no other
was approved, and the date of the attack set. options, Captain Sisko entered the wormhole to slow the
oncoming Dominion reinforcements or collapse the passage
While the plan called for the combination of four fleet elements in on itself if necessary.
to smash through the Dominion front lines, the timetable
had to be brought forward. Intelligence from Colonel Kira’s Reports are sketchy as to what happened next; however, it
resistance cell on Deep Space 9 revealed that the minefield is known that Sisko seems to have convinced the wormhole


aliens to stop the reinforcements getting through. What remains at large and his whereabouts are currently unknown.
promises were made or bargains were stuck have not been Concerted efforts have been made to apprehend Dukat, but
confirmed. The captain is adamant that they will not trouble more resources cannot be diverted to the investigation until
the Federation. He has also stated that it is their personal the war is won.
interest in him as the ‘Emissary’ that not only stopped the
reinforcements but would be affected if the ‘Prophets’ THE BIG THREE
were to demand any price for their intervention. Starfleet From 2372-2374 the Klingon Empire and Starfleet took
Command remains wary of this response, but we cannot punishing losses, even before the shooting war started with
argue with the results. the Dominion. The third major power of the home quadrants
has always been the Romulan Star Empire and since the
In the wake of the operation the Dominion was forced to devastation caused by the joint Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order
withdraw to Cardassian space. The combination of the attack in 2371 they had remained stubbornly neutral. This
Klingon intervention and the arrival of the Ninth Fleet at high was not unexpected given the Romulan tendency towards
warp cemented the battle for the allies, leaving Deep Space 9 isolationism and self-interest.
with no Dominion fleet protection.
The Romulans offered aid at times, especially before the
Operation Return was a critical blow to the Founders’ plan annexation of Cardassia by the Dominion and possible
for conquest. Retaking Deep Space 9 was a strategically opportunities for very specific trade and information
huge step towards what we hope will be the end of the war, exchange at the Antwerp Conference. This may seem
put the Dominion on the defensive for once, and opened uncharacteristic for the race, but they can be counted on
up new avenues of attack for the allies. It also weakened to always serve the Empire and all of these actions were
Cardassian command and control elements; Gul Dukat designed to be of long term benefit to its existence and aims.
(so often a thorn in the Starfleet’s side) was captured.
Apparently he had a mental breakdown at the sudden The Romulans were well placed to do well no matter
reversal of fortunes experienced by the Dominion, coupled who won the war with the Dominion. Federation (and
with the death of his daughter in the confusion as the even Klingon) diplomats had made it very clear that if the
station was retaken. Dominion won the war the Star Empire would be next on their
list to conquer. The Founders were not to be trusted and their
Dukat escaped custody after the U.S.S. Honshu was ruthlessness knew no bounds. The Romulans did not see it
destroyed delivering him for trial at Starbase 621. While he like that at the time — or chose to ignore the signs. Dominion
was debriefed beforehand, doctors believe his mental health threats were enforced, true, but they had yet to break their
was still fragile and that in such a state he would be little word with any faction or race that they had a non-aggression
continuing threat to the allies. While he surfaced again briefly pact with. Short of a few minor incursions to attack
during the Battle of Chin’Toka, and again on Empok Nor, he Federation or Klingon targets they had acted in good faith.


The Dominion War offers a massive amount of possibilities for you involved in getting Morn’s message to Captain Sisko
Players to get involved — both long term veterans from previous before Operation Return? Or does your team prepare the way
campaigns and raw recruits. The war affected the whole of the for Commander Worf and General Martok to knock out key
Federation, from Sector 001 to the most distant fringes and farthest Dominion installations?
colonies Starfleet has ever reached. This means that events before,
during, and after the war can all be incorporated into ongoing Gamemasters can also use events to drive plot points in
campaigns or be a springboard for new linked games. their own campaigns. The exchange of control on Deep
Space 9 can change the balance of power mid-campaign or
Given how central Deep Space 9 was to the war, many of the even mid-game, changing previous allies to mortal enemies.
opportunities to have players get involved in the war center A lack of reinforcements through the wormhole changes
around the station and Bajor. All the key engagements around how an away mission will play out, just as the loss of the
the wormhole have underlying interactions key to success — can Argolis system or the Badlands can trap Player Characters
you activate the mines with the U.S.S. Defiant in time? Are your behind enemy lines and bring a new twist to your Star Trek
Players ancillary members of Colonel Kira’s resistance cell? Are Adventures games.

Federation warnings proved to be true in late 2374. A
damaged — albeit genuine (and impossible to fake) —
optolythic data rod was recovered from Cardassia containing
a recording of a high level Dominion meeting. In it, plans were Operation Return did not bring about complete victory for the allies.
discussed for the invasion of Romulus by Jem’Hadar forces. Indeed, it put off defeat at the hands of a massive armada, but did
Recovery of the rod was achieved by the work of Senator little to stop the Dominion forces already in the Alpha Quadrant.
Vreenak who was in Dominion space on a diplomatic mission Despite continued hit and run attacks and harrying assaults on key
at the time, and whose shuttle was destroyed shortly after. Dominion installations, they continued to grow in strength.
Tal Shiar investigators concluded that the Dominion had the
Senator killed as they discovered he had the rod and the Only as the Romulans entered the war was there any chance of
information about the invasion. a serious and concerted offensive. The Chin’Toka system was
chosen for the first attack. Intelligence suggested that the lines were
The Dominion protested their innocence, but the evidence thinnest there due to the war spreading to three fronts. Starfleet
was all there. On stardate 51721.3 the Romulans entered command has also found there to be several strategic bases in
the war on the side of the allies. This was exceptional timing the system, not least of which is the AR-558 relay station (which
on their part as the war was again beginning to turn in the continues to yield valuable intelligence data despite the high cost
Dominion’s favor. Betazed fell not long before this, allowing of holding it). Chin’Toka was to be the first stepping stone in a push
for enemy incursions into key Federation systems. Further, towards the core of Cardassia itself.
casualties were mounting week on week and at a punishing
rate. We are hopeful that Romulan support will allow the allies The system was not as lightly protected as first thought. The
to make major gains against the Dominion. Cardassians had prepared the system with a new defense grid,
made of heavy duty weapons platforms with regenerative force
GOING ON THE OFFENSIVE fields. Initial reports found them to be offline, and the attack
The Romulan Star Empire is heavily militaristic, as all officers continued. However as the fleet moved in-system the platforms
will know. Their considerable might was added to the allies’ activated, causing crippling damage and destroying many capital
arsenal and options for offensives that would have seemed ships. In conjunction with ferocious close assault and suicide
foolhardy were now viable. With years of combat experience attacks by the Jem’Hadar, the allied fleet took serious losses.
and an intimate knowledge of the Cardassian border, Captain
Sisko was the first choice for joint operations planning. While At the tipping point of the battle, quick thinking by the crew of
some wrangling of allies was necessary, specific and joint the Defiant destroyed the power generators for the platforms. The
attacks on strategic targets were agreed. allies soon had the upper hand but the casualties and destruction
were devastating. Ground assaults began soon after. It was a
Planning began for an assault into Cardassian territory that great victory for the allies — the celebrations on the capture of
would hamper Dominion war efforts and disrupt supply lines the system were short lived. So far Starfleet has been unable to
to several fronts. Many possible systems were cut from the capitalize on this victory, and it has not been the decisive first
list; Torg’Q was suggested for its proximity to Cardassia thrust that was needed.
Prime; Ventani was put forward due to its significance to
the Cardassian people. Both were rejected as either not
significant enough or too well defended. In the end the
Chin’Toka system was chosen as the target as it put the allies
in striking distance of vital Dominion bases and contained non-corporeal entity seemingly at odds with the wormhole
valuable Dominion assets in its own right. Chin’Toka has the aliens. He then interacted with a Bajoran Orb and somehow
added benefit of being on the supply line to Betazed, which attacked the Bajoran entrance to the wormhole, sealing it
at that time was still in Dominion hands despite three full- closed and killing Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax in the process.
scale actions by the Second Fleet.
The loss of this exemplary officer was keenly felt in both the
The assault on Chin’Toka took place late last year. It involved Starfleet and the Klingon hierarchy, where the commander
the first documented use of fortified weapons platform by the had been a prominent part of General Martok’s house (by
Dominion, but despite heavy losses the system was captured marriage). However it was the damage to the wormhole
and ground forces deployed to hold the main planets. that sent shockwaves through Bajoran society. The
Bajorans believe the wormhole aliens are ‘Prophets’ and
THE WORMHOLE FLUCTUATIONS that the wormhole itself is their ‘Celestial Temple’; closing
The year 2374 ended on a bittersweet note for the Federation the ‘Temple Gates’ was a blow to Bajoran morale. The
and her allies. Significant ground was gained and with the Federation of course decries this action and sees it as yet
addition of the Romulans to the alliance the war had swung another in a long list of genocidal and cultural crimes laid
in our favor. Simultaneous with the battle of Chin’Toka, Gul against Dukat — though some more cynical Federation
Dukat resurfaced on Deep Space 9 with a Pah-wraith, a strategists suggested that he may have inadvertently aided


the war effort by semi-permanently cutting the Dominion
forces in the Alpha Quadrant off from their larger resources
in the Gamma Quadrant.
The physical loss of Lt. Commander Dax was exacerbated The fortunes of war have turned again this year. New factions
by a leave of absence taken by Captain Sisko at the time. have sided with the Dominion just as the allies seemed to have
Whatever his connection to the wormhole aliens, it has the advantage. However this may afford us the advantage of a
affected him deeply. This left the command crew of Deep weakened Cardassia in the coming months — something that
Space 9 struggling with local Bajoran issues, territory the Federation is keen to exploit if at all possible. All Starfleet
disputes with the Romulans and facing down the Dominion officers should be open to any opportunities that may aid the
while severely under-crewed. war effort; discovering new allies, finding new technologies, or
seeking a diplomatic, peaceful resolution to the conflict. What
Luckily the absence was fairly brief. Three months later follows should equip officers with the current state of the war
Captain Sisko returned after discovering another Bajoran orb for the major powers involved.
that allowed the wormhole to reopen. There are still questions
remaining about this leave of absence. Starfleet Intelligence THE DOMINION AND THE BREEN
is also concerned about the rise of the Pah-wraith cult on The most significant turn of events for the Dominion has been
Bajor and any repercussions the captain’s actions may have the newly minted alliance with the Breen Confederacy. This
on the war to come. However in the meantime the outcome does not bode well for the continuing war effort, and while
seems positive, with the captain’s return bringing renewed news of this alliance is only now breaking it may signal a
vigor to our Bajoran allies and his experience and leadership significant setback in our plans for the continued prosecution
to the matter at hand — the invasion of Cardassia. of the war.

Today was the day where I had to cancel all
requests for shore leave. We are on our way to Creating characters during and after the Dominion War can lend
begin a major diplomatic tour of new Federation real drama and intrigue to Players’ experiences and raise the
member races this week, and after that we are stakes during campaigns. Reporting for Duty (Chapter 5 of the Star
patrolling near the Cardassian border in order to Trek Adventures core rulebook) deals with creating characters,
‘show the flag’ of the Federation’s most powerful and using the framework provided Players can decide on custom
ship to date. Still, I could hear it in the Captain’s backgrounds to fit the Dominion War in any way they choose.
voice when he gave me the order from Starfleet. However the below suggestions for limitations can provide a
“Number One, this is the moment where our starting guide to playing as Starfleet officers during this blood-
peaceful exploration is put on hold and we must soaked chapter of the Federation’s history:
give ourselves over to the grim visage of war.” If
anyone else was in charge of our ship, I would § SPECIES: Since the Dominion War is set after Star Trek: The
think we would suffer a huge hit to our morale. Next Generation Era, all species are available for play, but
But not with the Captain in charge. He’ll see us Bajoran, Trill, and Betazoid species are particularly prevalent.
through. He always sees us through.
§ ENVIRONMENT AND UPBRINGING: While the events of Star
PERSONAL LOG Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine are
spaced over too few years to affect the origin of a child, the
upbringing of younger characters created after the war would
Starfleet Intelligence had hoped that reportedly low levels of be. At the time trade was reduced and many isolated colonies
production and dwindling supplies of ketracel-white would destroyed. Similarly, contemporary starships were built for war
force the Dominion onto the back foot. Unable to properly and not families. None of these upbringings should be used.
supply their Jem’Hadar and cut off from reinforcement from
the Gamma Quadrant they would soon become unable to § CAREER: All three types of officer (Young Officer, Experienced
effectively present a threat to the combined forces of the allies. Officer, and Veteran Officer) are valid choices; however,
Veteran Officers are much more few and far between given
With the Breen now a part of the Dominion, the shape of the attrition and Young Officers are more prevalent as Starfleet
the war has again changed. It has opened a second front attempts to bolster its ranks. It is unlikely that Player groups
for potential Dominion attacks and added a powerful ally to will have more than one Veteran Officer; one or two should be
the flagging Dominion cause. Given this sudden and recent Experienced Officers while the rest of the group should consist
change, we have yet to have physical armed conflict with the of Young Officers.
Breen and their extreme isolation means that we have little to
no concrete information on their military status. Information § CAREER EVENTS: The war footing of the Federation during the
from our allies is similarly lackluster, though from the little Dominion War makes certain events much more likely. While all
intelligence we have it seems that they possess strong those listed are still valid, the following career events can help
offensive capabilities and tough ground troops. Players roleplay more fully as war veterans; Ship Destroyed,
Death of a Friend, Required to Take Command, Serious Injury,
It is reasonable to assume this is the case or else the Founders Conflict with a Hostile Culture, New Battle Strategy, and Solved
would not have entered into such an alliance with them. Their an Engineering Crisis.
striking reach and abilities have not been ascertained and all
sectors are on alert in case of possible attack. § VALUES: Starfleet was founded on peaceful exploration;
however, officers have had to shift focus for the war effort.
‘True’ Dominion forces have thankfully received a series of Values for combat veterans can either play into this or stand
defeats in recent months and appear to be suffering from against it; examples might include ‘Always shoot first in
the attacks by our now combined Alpha/Beta Quadrant dangerous situations’, ‘Never leave a crewmate behind’,
forces. This does not mean they are defeated yet. The ‘Driven to avenge fallen comrades’, or ‘Uphold the values of the
Jem’Hadar remain a formidable combat force, and Federation no matter the cost’.
hostilities continue on all fronts — not least of which in the
Chin’Toka system, where raids and attacks are continual.
Starfleet Engineers are racing to reverse engineer the
communications array on AR-558 while under constant


Gamemaster Note: Most of the content in this book brings the She orders the execution of Vorta scientists and abandons key
Star Trek Adventures timeline up to the beginning of 2375, the final Cardassian installations despite the expected casualties.
year of the Dominion War. The following information summarizes
what occurs during the remainder of 2375, in case you wish to run During the war, the Orion Syndicate is discovered assisting
missions or campaigns that span to the end of the war. the Dominion by trading supplies and rare components.
Federation Intelligence increases their activities towards the
THE HEADLONG RUSH TO THE END Syndicate, and the alliance works together to bring parts of
The Founders leading the Dominion grow distrustful of their the Syndicate to ground.
Alpha Quadrant cohorts and engage in secret treaty talks with
the Breen Confederacy. The Breen are a previously reclusive The Dominion War culminates in late 2375 at the Battle of
species that engaged in piracy and slavery throughout the Alpha Cardassia, where the Alpha Quadrant’s alliance defeats
Quadrant and had never been faced in numbers on the field of Dominion forces in a massive space battle near Cardassia
battle. The Breen join the Dominion on more favorable terms Prime. A series of events leads the Founders to order a
than the Cardassians had received. The Breen forces present complete surrender of their forces, although not before they
a major threat to the Federation and Klingons as they possess are able to institute brutal purges against Cardassian civilians
ships with biotechnology and energy dampening weapons in retaliation for the Cardassians’ betrayal.
capable of overloading and shutting down starships. The Breen
launch a successful raid on Earth that shakes the Federation The Treaty of Bajor sees a formal end to the fighting as
to its core and they also destroy alliance forces at the Second representatives of the Dominion and the recently separated
Battle of Chin’toka. Cardassian Union sign a treaty of unconditional surrender on
board Deep Space 9. The treaty stipulates that the Dominion
Fortunately for the Federation alliance, a lone Klingon vessel will withdraw back into the Gamma Quadrant and dismantle
discovers a means to resist the Breen’s energy dampening their war machine, while the Cardassians are to likewise
weaponry. For a time, the Klingon Empire stands as the lone force dismantle their military. A curious stipulation in the treaty
capable of defending the ever-shifting border. Thousands of Klingon states that a member of the Federation, the Changeling
vessels are destroyed due to Chancellor Gowron’s decision to known as Odo, will return to the Founders’ homeworld to
engage in bold but ultimately futile attacks on Dominion forces. deliver a cure to his dying people.
This leads to Starfleet’s Commander Worf to challenge Gowron to
a duel which leads to Gowron’s death. Worf declines the honor of POST-WAR STATUS
being appointed the next chancellor and passes leadership of the The Federation breathes a sigh of relief at the end of the war
Empire on to General Martok. Martok opts for a defensive strategy but sets upon the heavy task of rebuilding their territories
that will allow the Federation and Romulan fleets time to adapt their and governing those acquired from the Cardassians. Planets
systems to resist the Breen’s weaponry. such as Bajor and Betazed had been badly hurt by Dominion
occupation and their defenses need to be rebuilt. The
The war rages on as alliance ground forces fight hard against Federation is also responsible for overseeing the Bajoran
the Dominion. Cardassian ground forces are shifted from fighting wormhole and for sending ships through to ensure the
behind the Jem’Hadar to fighting on the front lines, which leads to Dominion honors their part of the treaty.
enormous and gruesome casualties for the Cardassian Union. This
decision pushes Legate Damar to encourage Cardassians to rebel After years of war with the Federation, the Cardassians,
against the Dominion. Tired of seeing his people suffer, and after and then against the Dominion as part of the alliance, the
seeing the Breen replace his people’s position in the Dominion, Klingon Empire needs time to rest and rebuild. They had
Damar turns to the Federation for aid in setting up a successful expended most of their resources on constructing their fleets
resistance network. The Cardassian resistance soon exposes and and now look inward to tend to the empire’s needs. The new
helps destroy key Dominion shipyards. Their actions force the chancellor, Martok, had not intended to be named leader
Dominion into a costly two-front war. of the Klingon Empire but takes to his duties with solemn
purpose and humility. Assisted by Commander Worf, who
The Dominion leadership is further thrown into crisis when it is named Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire,
discovers that Section 31, the rogue Federation counter intelligence Martok returns to Qo’noS to settle into his new role.
agency, infected Odo with a virus that he unknowingly transmitted
to his people. The Female Founder’s behavior becomes more erratic The Romulan Star Empire had been on the winning side of
and cruel once she discovers she is dying. She wants only for the the war but is in turmoil. Their once-great fleet is in ruins
Dominion to be the victors and cares nothing for her supposed allies. and the Tal Shiar are still recovering from their losses in

and protracted attack by Jem’Hadar units and a full scale
assault on the system is expected in the near future.
Officers posted to the area are to be on their guard at all
the Gamma Quadrant. In this uncertain time, a Human times; with the addition of the Breen to their forces, the
commander known as Shin’zon rises to power. Having won Dominion may attack the system any day now.
great fame and glory during the Dominion War, he stages a
coup against the Romulan Empire that kills the praetor and THE CARDASSIAN UNION
decimates the Romulan Senate. The Cardassians are by all accounts suffering from Gul
Dukat’s hubris. Reports indicate that they are being bled dry
The Cardassian Union may never fully recover from the by the Dominion and have become second-class citizens in
effects of the war. The purges that the Dominion carries out their own systems. Entire orders (the equivalent of a division)
on Cardassia Prime lead to the deaths of over 800 million of the Cardassian military have been used as seeming
civilians and military personnel and destroys several major cannon fodder. Several sectors of Cardassian planets and
cities. The Cardassian fleet, once a dreaded enemy for the installations appear to have been ceded to the Breen. Illness
allies, is devastated during the Battle of Cardassia and, and starvation are reported to be rife.
under treaty stipulations, is forced to reduce itself in size. The
territories the Union captured during the war are returned to In all, Cardassia seems to have become the lowest rung in
their respective owners, leaving the Cardassians with little the Dominion hierarchy almost overnight. Intelligence reports
more than their home system and a few neighboring star suggest that this may be to the allies’ advantage as the
systems. A new civilian government comes to power, but Cardassian people could be ripe for resistance and revolt. If
with most of its major infrastructure destroyed, Cardassia will this could be achieved, it could mean a rapid end to the war
spend decades recovering economically and spiritually from and give the Dominion and the Breen nowhere left to turn.
a defeat greater than any they had previously known. Officers should be on the lookout for any reports of leaders
or ranking officials wanting to defect and contact Starfleet
Other major changes occur throughout the Alpha Quadrant. Command immediately with any information that could lead
Grand Nagus Zek retires from his position and is replaced by to such defections.
Rom, a Ferengi engineer who fought for the Federation during
the war. Species such as the Miradorn and Tholians, who did THE KLINGON EMPIRE
not fight during the war but had non-aggression pacts with the The Klingons have been more and more active this year,
Dominion, are forced to make trade negotiations to regain trust both in their support of Federation assaults and in their
and favor with the other Alpha Quadrant polities. own attacks on Dominion targets. Cooperation between
command structures has been key. The personal bonds
Bajor stands independent and free after the war, and between Admiral Ross, Captain Sisko, his strategic
resumes its negotiations to enter the Federation. A strange operations officer Lt. Commander Worf, and General Martok
incident occurs just after the end of the war that results in have paid dividends. Tensions and wounds on both sides
the apparent loss of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Strange rumors caused by the Federation-Klingon War have be defused in
will persist that Sisko fought former Gul Dukat in a battle with the face of the Dominion and the working relationship in fleet
strange entities known as the Pah-wraiths and perished after HQ is reported to be very strong and productive.
defeating both Dukat and the Pah-wraiths. After weeks of
searching, he is listed as missing in action at the request of Indeed, Klingon forces have excelled themselves this year.
his wife and Commander Kira, who will comment only that Despite taking heavy losses, they have supported the
they will see Sisko again... continued defense of the Chin’Toka system, raided the
Dominion outpost on Trelka V, and kept watchful patrol routes
in many sectors including the Badlands and keeping tabs on
Xepolite activities. They have also destroyed several high value
EXTERIOR HULL PLATE RELEASE Dominion fleet targets such as the Monac IV shipyards (though
it required several attempts and great loss of life to achieve).

The only realistic threat to Klingon-Federation relations

M/ARA EJECTION would be from internal politicking within the Empire or
Federation. Intelligence reports suggest that factions in the
High Council attribute much of the success and glory of
EXTERIOR PORT PLATE RELEASE the war so far to General Martok and not to Gowron, the
Chancellor. Martok is humble (as much as a Klingon can
ANTIMATTER POD EJECTION be) in this regard and appears to have no political agenda,
so for now at least it seems unlikely that Gowron would
feel threatened. This does not mean all is quiet; dealings


“This has been a trying day. We lost three crewmen today after them when we had to reverse course to evade a fresh attack
barely escaping a Dominion attack wing along the Cardassian wing making its way across the border. Something about the
border. We were following the erratic flight path of a Dominion way this ship flew seemed familiar, but it does not matter
attack ship that was on a course for a resupply depot deep in now. We made our way back to our lines, and hopefully we
Cardassian space. I swear, the Jem’Hadar crewing this ship must can resupply soon. It just burns me up inside to think of how
have been suffering from a white shortage or were dealing with we were forced to retreat again when we had a raider so
intensive damage to their navigation system because I’ve never squarely in our sights.
seen an attack ship flying as erratically as this one. We almost had

with the Klingons can (and have) swung wildly from blood strongly advised to avoid any situation that may adversely
brother to mortal enemies and back again in the space of a affect the Federation’s burgeoning relationship with the
few years, and may again. Empire. At the first sign of any entrapment or plot they
should contact the ranking officer on the scene or signal for
THE ROMULAN STAR EMPIRE help from Starfleet Command.
The Romulans are much harder to read. While ostensibly
partners in our efforts to rid the Alpha Quadrant of the Despite their less-than-open ways the Romulan contribution
Dominion threat they are as insular as ever. Their command to the war effort has been considerable. Their military is
and control systems have not gelled as easily with the veteran and disciplined; as efficient as the Klingons are
alliance as the Klingons have and there have been minor brazen. Their intelligence gathering (the little that they have
disagreements and tensions between the Star Empire’s shared) has given us new insights into Dominion strategies
representatives and our own. and deployments. The addition of their warbirds to the fleet
has opened new fronts and offensive opportunities for the
One of the few positives of the war has been the increased alliance and their Reman shock troopers have shown their
access that we have had to the Romulan homeland. Several worth time and again (albeit with high casualty rates on
conferences and trade talks have slightly thawed the many both sides).
years of simmering hostility between our two peoples. The
Federation Diplomatic Corps is hopeful that after the war is THE FERENGI ALLIANCE
over this increase in in communication and openness might The Ferengi remain unpredictable. The Grand Nagus has
turn into a better relationship. been approached on several occasions about a mutually
beneficial partnership but with limited success. If traditional
Increased contact between us has not been without Ferengi values are at work it is likely that the war is good
incident. It is no slander to say that the Romulans are a for business and the Ferengi are profiting from both sides.
secretive and naturally mistrustful people and that they Unconfirmed reports suggest that it may have been a
excel at espionage and surveillance. This leads to a great Ferengi negotiator that introduced the Dominion to the
deal of internal politicking and in-fighting. Officers are Son’a splinter group that had been synthesizing ketracel-
white on Devos II.

What is known is that the Grand Nagus has seemed more

favorable to the alliance than the Dominion. Despite having
opened trade with the Dominion he realizes that their brand
of domination is not good for business. Without diversity
there is no difference, and without difference there is no
deficit — no surplus and no shortage. Without these, there’s
no supply or demand. Simply put, in the long term the
Dominion is bad for profit.

From this reasoning Starfleet Intelligence believes that we

can expect tacit support from the Nagus, but that it won’t
come easily. Or cheaply.





ARGRATHI EXAMPLE VALUE: The Law is Blind But Also Fair

§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

The Argrathi consider themselves to have the most civilized § TRAIT: Argrathi. The Argrathi are blunt and direct, with
and orderly culture in the Gamma Quadrant. Decades an emphasis on seeing that punishments are carried out
ago they eliminated their penal system by developing a quickly and that the Argrathi legal system knows best.
series of easy to understand laws and by changing the Although some might claim that mistakes are made, the
punishment for most crimes from imprisonment to having Argrathi’s desire to promote peace and justice has led to
false memories implanted in the offender’s mind so that them being seen as one of the more reasonable races in
they can serve out their sentence instantaneously but the Gamma Quadrant. The Argrathi hope that one day all
feel like they have been in prison for years. The Argrathi other cultures, including the Dominion, will acknowledge
consider their society to be an orderly one, and this has the superiority of their legal system. Until that day, they
freed them to pursue other interests such as literature will follow the rules as best they can and work to insure
and developing defensive technology. The Argrathi see law and order across the quadrant.
upholding the law as one of the most sacred things they
can do in their life, and Argrathi police officers frequently § TALENTS: The character receives access to the
cooperate with other planets to maintain peace across the following talents:
Gamma Quadrant. The only time they will refuse to follow
a law is if it conflicts with the Argrathi’s established laws, ABSOLUTE CONVICTION
which they view as sacrosanct and superior to all other REQUIREMENT: Argrathi, or Gamemaster’s permission.
legal systems. The Argrathi come from a culture where crime has been
systematically eliminated and therefore they view themselves
as the true arbiters of justice across the Gamma Quadrant.

MIXED-HERITAGE They view criminals with disdain, and they live to show others
the true greatness of their beliefs. An Argrathi gains +1 to all

CHARACTERS rolls when dealing with someone they know to be a criminal

or who engages in criminal behavior.

Many Starfleet officers have parents from different species. To MIND GAMES
create characters of mixed heritage, choose two species, one of REQUIREMENT: Argrathi.
which will be the primary species. The character is treated as a The Argrathi’s memory technology is used in more ways than
member of the primary species for attribute bonuses; most mixed- just their penal system. From education to entertainment, the
heritage characters take more after one parent than another. The average Argrathi is exposed to the effects of this technology
character gains the species Traits of both parent species, and may at a very young age and learns how to tell when their memory
select Talents from both parent species. has been altered or when they are under the effect of mind-
altering abilities or powers. An Argrathi receives a +1 bonus
Gamemaster Note: Players interested in playing mixed-heritage to all rolls when attempting to resist these effects or uncover
characters of any of the species presented in this sourcebook whether they have been affected at all.
should discuss options with you, as these species may not be
available as mixed-heritage candidates in campaigns set prior SAMPLE NAMES:
to 2369, when the Bajoran wormhole was discovered and travel Masculine names: Ee’char, V’gda Ruu
between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants became feasible. Feminine names: K’Par Rinn, M’kethi Enu
Gender-neutral names: N’Mi Char, S’Geda Yuu

This chapter details a dozen new species, none of which There is no mechanical difference to a non-traditional species
represent species found in the Federation or within the ranks of or non-Starfleet Player Character for the purposes of game play.
Starfleet. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager both The Player of the new character should follow each of the lifepath
featured mixed crews, representing non-Starfleet characters and steps as written in the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook, and
non-Federation species such as Major Kira Nerys, Constable simply adjust the flavor text of their character’s lifepath to best fit
Odo, Quark, Neelix, and Kes. Players who wish to create and their character’s background and desired capabilities.
play a non-Starfleet Player Character may do so, subject to the
Gamemaster’s approval for the type of campaign they wish to To continue the example above, Salome selects Starship for Ari’s
run and the type of campaign the Players wish to play in. Not all Environment and Agriculture for Ari’s Upbringing. They change
species are well-suited to serve alongside a primarily-Federation the concept of ‘Starfleet Academy’ to ‘Schooling’ and takes
crew, so the Gamemaster and Players are encouraged work the benefits of the Sciences track without referring to it as the
together to create an effective backstory to allow for non- Sciences track. They select the benefits of the Young Officer
traditional species and characters to be included in a Star Trek Career as an equivalent to Ari’s early stages of professional
Adventures campaign. development, and select two Career Events (and their associated
benefits) as detailed in the core rulebook, taking 2. Death of a
For example, Salome desires to play a female Skrreean Friend, and 3. Lauded by Another Culture, and adjusting the
botanist. They work with their Gamemaster and fellow Players flavor text to account for Ari’s non-Federation background. Ari
to determine that their character, Ari, encountered a Starfleet is given a Starfleet combadge and posted as a civilian scientist
away team during the Dominion War and helped them out of a aboard the Players’ new Luna-class starship, the U.S.S. Hyperion.
medical crisis. Ari, curious about her newfound allies and with
no ties holding her back, joined the crew and contributed her In addition to the new species detailed here, Players and
talents by taking on the duties of a science officer, even though Gamemasters may wish to introduce species of their own
she is not a Starfleet officer (though the option remains for her creation never before seen on-screen. More details on creating
to enlist in Starfleet or to apply to the Academy at some point unusual and unique characters may be found on page 111 of the
later in the campaign). core rulebook.


This chapter adds twelve new species available The Argrathi and Wadi are established civilizations within the Gamma
as character lifepaths. They represent only Quadrant; they most likely come from a Homeworld or Busy Colony
a few of the Gamma Quadrant species that Environment. A Changeling Player Character might have come from the
may have visited the Alpha Quadrant at some Founders’ Homeworld, though more likely they awoke or were found on a
point and may include members who have Frontier Colony or Starship / Starbase. The Dosi and Karemma are far-ranging
chosen to adapt their particular talents to the traders, and so may hail from any of the Environments. Similarly, the Lurians
United Federation of Planets’ vision of alliance and Rakhari are spread throughout the Gamma Quadrant, so any of the
and exploration by joining Starfleet. Academy Environments may suit Player Characters from those species. The Drai and
graduates come not only from formal members Tosk are generally reclusive and only travel for the Hunt; to that end, Player
of the Federation, but also from a wide variety of Characters from either species are almost certainly from their respective
other worlds. Homeworld. The Paradans are the Gamma Quadrant species most likely
to travel to the Alpha Quadrant early and often, so any Environment would
Gamemaster Note: Players interested in playing work. The Skrreea are a species without a home, though some may still
characters of any of these species should remember their Homeworld prior to their exodus; many may know nothing
discuss options with you, as these species more than the Starship Environment carrying their people across the Gamma
should generally not be available as playable Quadrant in search of a new home. The Son’a are the lone Alpha Quadrant
species in Starfleet campaigns set prior to 2376 species presented in this sourcebook, and they most likely hail from the Son’a
and the end of hostilities with the Dominion. Homeworld or a Frontier Colony controlled by their people.


CHANGELINGS the secret of interstellar travel by taking on the form of
organisms that are able to enter subspace at will. Unlike other
shapeshifting species throughout the Galaxy, Changelings
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY are unique in that they can shift their molecules around and
To the people of the Gamma Quadrant, the Founders of the literally turn into the rocks around them, making it difficult for
Dominion are shadowed in myth and legend. Few realize them to be located by all but the most intensive scans.
that the mythical Changelings from the quadrant’s distant
history were in fact the same species that rules over all of Changelings are not unstoppable, however. Sensors can be
the Dominion. To the people of the Alpha Quadrant, the calibrated to try to find their bioreadings and all Changelings
Changelings are a grave threat and one that is very difficult find low-intensity phaser sweeps to be unbearable. A
to counter. They are an entire species composed of a Changeling can also not hold the same form indefinitely
morphogenic substance that allows them to not only take and must periodically rest in a gelatinous shape or their cell
on the appearance of what they are trying to mimic but the structure starts to decay into dark, brittle flakes.
physical qualities as well. The simplest of them can assume
the forms of rocks, trees, and even simple animals like hawks EXAMPLE VALUE: The Founders Are the Will of the Dominion
and reptiles. The more experienced Changelings are able to
change their forms to completely appear like the species they § ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence
are mimicking, whether it is a Starfleet officer working in a top
secret space station or as a shower of light that floats gently § TRAIT: Changeling. A Changeling is naturally a gelatinous
through a room. Some Changelings have even discovered orange-brown fluid, which can adopt the form and
structure of any solid object, including other living
creatures and diffuse substances like fog. While they

PLAYING CHANGELINGS cannot become energy, a Changeling’s ability to assume

other forms is limited more by skill and experience than
by physical capacity: it is theorized that they transfer
A Changeling has the potential to be a very powerful character mass to and from subspace in order to change size and
in Star Trek Adventures if the Gamemaster does not take care density. Many Changelings find themselves persecuted
to make sure the Player is following consistent rules. Although by “solids” for their shapeshifting ability, and often crave
there are several examples of Changelings fooling ship scanners a sense of order and justice in the universe, with a rigid
and being able to travel through space on their own, the limits to attitude at odds with their fluid forms.
what an individual Changeling can do is left to the Gamemaster.
A Changeling that was discovered outside of the Dominion has § TALENTS: The character receives access to the
likely never encountered the Great Link and will not know how following talents. All Changeling characters must take
to transform into a space-dwelling organism, while a Changeling the Morphogenic Matrix talent during character creation
attempting to fool sophisticated sensor sweeps may not be able to
fool them for very long if they have not been taught how to mask MORPHOGENIC MATRIX
their physical appearance properly. REQUIREMENT: Changeling.
The character may spend 1 Momentum as a Minor Action once
There is also the xenophobia most races feel towards the per Turn to assume a different form, gaining an additional Trait
Changelings, especially in light of the Dominion War. The knowledge to reflect whatever form they have chosen, though they cannot
of who the Founders are has spread throughout the Alpha and Beta yet mimic an individual, and they must return to a liquid state for
Quadrants, and all governments have instituted measures on how a few hours of rest every 16 hours. While in an alternate form,
to test for Changeling infiltrators. Even on places such as Deep it is next to impossible (Difficulty 5) to discern the Changeling’s
Space Nine they will still encounter distrust and outright hatred true nature, without separating some part of the Changeling’s
outside of the station’s command staff. substance. The character also has a Resistance of 4.

At a certain point in their lives all Changelings begin to feel the call MORPHOGENIC MASTERY
of the Great Link and will attempt to travel towards it at all costs. REQUIREMENT: Changeling.
The Great Link is the shared bond all Changelings possess when The Changeling may, when assuming an alternate form,
they are joined and allows for an instantaneous and instinctual assume the form of a specific individual, mimicking their
sharing of thought and desire. Changelings do not often possess appearance and personality sufficiently that even close friends
names outside of the Great Link, since they become one being may be unable to discern the truth. Further, the Changeling
when they merge with each other. When Changelings travel abroad no longer needs to revert to a liquid state in order to rest.
they prefer to be called by their title if they are within the Dominion
or whatever name they are given by other races. SAMPLE NAMES:
Masculine names: Odo, Holak
Feminine names: Lall, Chiree

The Dosi may appear comical from a distance with their brightly painted
faces and numerous markings along their skin, but they are not a race that
appreciates mockery. Equally adept at being warriors as well as merchants,
the Dosi are an imposing sight across trading outposts along the Gamma
Quadrant. Their aggressive negotiating tactics combined with their need to not
appear foolish leads to many races taking great steps not to offend them. The
Dosi’s alliance with the Dominion has insured that the Dosi can roam as they
please across the Gamma Quadrant as long as they do not interfere with the
Dominion’s business and continue to earn them a profit. Contrary to the belief
that they must only appreciate war and profit, the Dosi are excellent artists and
vintners, and tulaberry wine has become an important trade good between the
Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Have Already Proven Myself The Victor

§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

§ TRAIT: Dosi. The Dosi are a conundrum to outsiders, but

their culture has lasted over a thousand years. Each Dosi
paints their skin in brilliant swirling patterns of stripes and dots
to denote battles they have won or great accomplishments they
have achieved. The Dosi do not do things subtly, and when they
walk into a room they wish to make sure that everyone has noticed
that they have arrived. They consider everything to be a test of their skill, and
when it comes to trade negotiations they approach each business deal with
the same meticulous planning one might focus towards winning a war.

§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Dosi, or Gamemaster’s permission.
While they are a warrior culture, the Dosi do not teach their children to solve every
matter with only one aspect of their being. In order to thrive in Dosi culture, they
must utilize every skill and asset they possess and must combine them in ways
they never thought possible. A Dosi may use their Fitness Attribute in situations
where they must use Insight, and their Presence Attribute when they need to use
their Reason.

REQUIREMENT: Dosi, or Gamemaster’s permission.
The Dosi’s culture has adapted itself to being able to look at an individual Dosi’s
skin and being able to read their accomplishments before the other Dosi has
even had a chance to open their mouth. The Dosi know other races are not as
civilized as theirs and therefore they know how to radiate a sense of intimidation
and respect to those who are around them, whether by flexing their muscles or by
adding implied threats as they attempt to negotiate their deals. The Dosi reduces
the Difficulty of all checks involving negotiations or diplomacy by 1.

Masculine names: Inglatu, Mofala
Feminine names: Seketch, Zyree
Gender-neutral names: Ballu, Vish


The Drai consider the Hunt to be the most important thing
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY they will ever do in their lives, and their entire culture revolves
A reclusive race that prefers to spend their time out exploring around it. Whether it is pursuing the Tosk or other prey, the
the universe in pursuit of their prey, the Drai are known as Drai have structured the very way they teach their children to
the Hunters to the majority of the Gamma Quadrant. Unlike view the world to be from the mind-set of a hunter stalking
other races under the control of the Dominion, the Hunters their prey. This helps the Drai in every walk of life as they
are free to roam where they please and are given significant are able to approach each task with precision and careful
leeway into how they manage their own affairs. Masters in attention rather than blindly rushing into things. Once
the field of cloning, the Drai are responsible for the creation per scene the Drai may ignore their Complications when
of the perfect prey and the perfect soldiers. It is through their determining the Difficulty for a Task.
genetic mastery that they created the Tosk, which proves to
be the most challenging form of prey for them to stalk, and SAMPLE NAMES:
they have created the Jem’Hadar, who have proven to be Masculine names: Gilga, Horu
the domineering fist of the Dominion for centuries. Proud, Feminine names: Sekma, Isett
vain, and focused solely on their own affairs, the Drai pursue Gender-neutral names: Netyr, Coziss
the Hunt as the grandest thing they can do with their lives.
While success is publicly shared so too is failure, and it is
not uncommon for failed Hunters to find their names spread
throughout the quadrant as shameful examples for how
others are to do better.
EXAMPLE VALUE: There Are No Challenges Like The Hunt Honesty and integrity are cornerstones of the Karemma way
of life. The unofficial merchant caste of the Dominion, the
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence Karemma have been tasked by the Founders with regulating
trade across the Gamma Quadrant. Unlike the Ferengi, who
§ TRAIT: Drai. The Drai care only for the Hunt and each always attempt to leverage the rules to provide an unfair
one will wear the finest hunting gear that they can advantage with who they are dealing with, the Karemma
buy. Even their day to day clothing is focused more prefer to deal openly and honestly. That is not to say they are
towards being fit for survival, with hidden pouches and naïve, and all Karemma must study hard in order to obtain
miniaturized survival equipment being commonly found high positions in the Karemma corporatocracy. Their shrewd
on Drai at all times. While they are on the Hunt they will business senses and honesty have given them a fair amount
often not change clothes and will spend every waking of trust by the Founders who allow them to maintain the
hour pursuing their prey. When they are not hunting, economic workings of the Dominion. If the Karemma have a
the Drai dedicate themselves towards maintaining fault it is that their pursuit of honesty can often force them to
peak physical fitness and train to keep their eyes and enter into contracts against their will. No Karemma would be
reflexes sharp. willing to dishonor themselves or their family by engaging in
dishonesty, though the Karemma will always pursue strongly
§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the worded deals that benefit themselves.
following talents:
EXAMPLE VALUE: I See Your True Worth
REQUIREMENT: Drai, or Gamemaster’s permission. § ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Reason, +1 Presence
Research into the field of genetics has become the
cornerstone of the Drai’s technology. Some families have § TRAIT: Karemma. The Karemmas’ tall appearance and
begun experimenting on their own children in order to bird-like nature causes them to stand out in a crowd,
produce the most powerful heirs and offspring possible. but most Karemma would prefer to be seen rather than
The character must choose one attribute to be the focus of ignored. From an early age they are taught the delicate
Genetic Mastery. Once an attribute is assigned to Genetic art of appraising what they see around them, and the
Mastery, the character reduces the Difficulty of all Tasks that Karemma are able to tell an object’s true worth in a
involve that attribute by 1. few moments of inspection. This often leads them to
inadvertently offend their hosts when a Karemma, who
is truly curious about the worth of objects around them,
moves about the bridge of the ship and declaring how
much each individual’s possessions are worth.

§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the § TRAIT: Lurian. Lurians are a passionate people, and
following talents: never do anything by half measure. Whether it is by
devoting themselves to the arts or by trying to become
MY HONOR IS MY SHIELD the greatest pilots in the quadrant, the Lurians live with
REQUIREMENT: Karemma, or Gamemaster permission. their emotions on their sleeves despite their normally
While it can be difficult to maintain a sterling reputation impassive facial features. Lurians are always great
and in doing so lead to hardship and loss, there are times thinkers and dreamers, and even though they may
when pursuing a higher path can reap great benefits for the appear quiet their minds are often on important matters
individual. It is the difficult road, but one that will ultimately and on formulating plans for their futures. The Dominion
lead towards fulfilling the needs of the many rather than War is of great interest on the Lurians’ homeworld, where
the selfish desires of the one. As long as the character their people swing from obsession with how the war will
has behaved honourably throughout the scene, they may play out for their people to mild annoyance that the war is
use their Presence Attribute for any declared Attacks. The all that off worlders will talk about.
character is also assumed to pass any challenges involving
impugning their character in front of witnesses. § TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents:
A tricorder can tell someone what an object is composed of REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
in only a few seconds but it is rumoured that the Karemma Life is not worth living to a Lurian if there is not some risk
can do it in only one. Drawing upon past experience, the involved. Always willing to dare greater than others, the
Karemma is able to instinctively identify the materials that Lurian finds that the real thrill lurks just beyond the edge of
make up an object that they interact with physically. In the danger and that is what they should strive for even if their
event of dealing with unknown or exotic substances, they are comrades do not. The character gains an additional point of
able to identify familiar patterns within the material that can Momentum if they succeed at a task that requires extreme
point the characters in the right direction while performing acts of bravery to overcome.
the Scientific Method and reduce the difficulty by 1.
SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Masculine names: Hanok, Ornithar The Lurians are known for having one of the hardiest
Feminine names: Nethys, Zarestra constitutions in the quadrant. Capable of taking a knife to
Gender-neutral names: Bulko, Yebesh one of their hearts and keep on fighting, the Lurians have
evolved a musculature and cardiovascular system that rivals
that of the Klingons. When mortally wounded or suffering

LURIANS under a Condition that affects their physiology, a Lurian

can choose to ignore the effect for the remainder of the
scene, after which they collapse from exhaustion and are
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY incapacitated for a scene.
A race as well known for their fierce martial skills as they are
for their artistic endeavors, the Lurians are a power whose SAMPLE NAMES:
homeworld is near the Wormhole. Though their world is Masculine names: Morn, Lork
controlled by the Royal Family of Luria, they are a frequent Feminine names: Eltessa, Zyrionda
sight at outposts and trading posts across the quadrant, Gender-neutral names: Gresh, Slurr
and their skill as navigators and warriors makes them prized
members of any crew. With multiple hearts and two stomachs
they require large quantities of food and their religious custom
dictates that attendees at a Lurian funeral should bring plenty
of food and liquor to see the dead through their journey into
the afterlife. Though some Lurians have become involved THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY
in criminal endeavors such as the Orion Syndicate, they The Paradans are one of the few Gamma Quadrant races
prefer to make their own way across the quadrant, and it is near the wormhole who have not been absorbed into the
not uncommon to see lone Lurians happily plying their way Dominion, and possess a thorough understanding of cloning
through space on another great adventure. techniques. Known for their reptilian appearance and their
obnoxious odor, the Paradans are a resourceful species
EXAMPLE VALUE: Belly Full of Song and Heart Full of Glory whose ability to create cloned replicants has helped them
wage covert wars with their neighbors for centuries. These
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence replicants are so exact that they will often pass undetected


through bioscanners and many do not know they are This tense atmosphere has led to the Rakhari to finally know
replicants until their cellular structure begins to decay after peace for the first time in centuries although there is still
they have successfully completed or failed their mission. The a strong dissident movement slowly accumulating power
Paradans come from a curious culture that inspires many to on the planet. As more and more Rakhari take to the stars
leave their homeworld and travel to the Alpha Quadrant to to escape their government, they are starting to become a
see what it has in store for them. With their superior medical common sight along the edges of Dominion space.
knowledge and natural ruggedness they are not afraid to
travel even into dangerous warzones if only to satisfy their EXAMPLE VALUE: I Make The Rules And You Obey Them
intense curiosity.
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Reason
EXAMPLE VALUE: I Am Original and That Gives Me Strength
§ TRAIT: Rakhari. The Rakhari live under a strict set of
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence laws known as the Canon. These laws were put in
place over a century ago to insure strict obedience to
§ TRAIT: Paradan. Paradans rely upon their olfactory the state but in recent years the control of the Rakhari
glands to help determine the mood of whomever they government has lessened, allowing many Rakhari to
are speaking with, and they possess potent scent glands begin to think for themselves. Though some still carry
around their bodies that release potent odors. The themselves in a rough and cautious manner, a growing
Paradans are also physically imposing, and are able to portion of the population is starting to dream of a
survive comfortably in hot environments. different kind of life and demonstrations are becoming
more common as these firebrands seek to exact change
§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the upon their society. The Rakhari are primarily driven by
following talents: their families, and whether it is their biological families
or adopted ones they will do anything to insure the
REPLICATING PAST SUCCESS safety and survival of the group.
REQUIREMENT: Paradan, or Gamemaster permission.
When encountering scientific tasks that they have already § TALENTS: The character receives access to the
successfully completed for this scene, the character may following talents:
spend a point of Momentum to replicate the dice result from
the previous challenge. THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER
REQUIREMENT: Rakhari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
DISTRACTING SENSES The Rakhari culture is peppered with thousands of stories
REQUIREMENT: Paradan. and legends that are shared by the Rakhari with their
Paradans are infamous throughout the Gamma Quadrant children as they grow up. This has led to the Rakhari being
for their pervasive odors, but some of them have been capable storytellers, and a skilled Rakhari knows how
able to channel this portion of their physiology and use it to incorporate small snippets of the truth into any web
as a weapon. A Paradan may spend their turn focusing on of lies he starts to weave. The Rakhari gains a free point
emitting obnoxious pheromones around them and increase of Momentum when they successfully convince another
the Difficulty towards attacking them in hand to hand sentient being of a lie.
combat by 1.
SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Rakhari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Masculine names: Coutu, Sebeksyr The brutal laws that the Rakhari government has passed
Feminine names: Quetzla, Maceda over the years has kept the population under control but
Gender-neutral names: Zeill, Shatu led to most Rakhari being too afraid to share their intimate
thoughts in public. This has led to several Rakhari becoming
particularly adept at not only shielding their emotions while

RAKHARI around others but also being able to discern the true feelings
of those they communicate with. The Rakhari is able to
reduce any psychic damage they may suffer by 1 and they
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY gain a free reroll on one die in their pool when attempting to
The Rakhari people are as resilient and stoic as their planet determine lies.
which has had the misfortune of seeing dozens of conflicts
throughout its history. The Rakhari had just completed their SAMPLE NAMES:
twelfth of what the Terrans might call a “World War” when Masculine names: Croden, Malar
their current government came into being and declared the Feminine names: Yareth, Etheran
majority of crimes on their planet to be punishable by death. Gender-neutral names: Nichil, Heldix

898-7484 643964 34896 1 638763 • 37982 54745 346878 587655 373737 3663 50 4821 14 475253 235970253907
395879 108087523 2 79276 • 865 982365 1295786 782771 826783 75821 51 9874 264 865324 41386523986 PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
187648 259832 3 89393 • 92293 287228 296720 562876 528692 29856 52 2602 3986 2958 29856983686
892602 3262346 5 472482 • 32986 29286 986250 1241 258686 56892 53 6387 986 29698 19825986
898-7485 898-7494







898-7486 898-7492 898-7493

SKREEAA not uncommon for a Skreeaan woman to have multiple

husbands. Their language uses a unique syntax that
takes time for some universal translators to develop a
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY translation matrix.
The Skreeaans are a people who have been oppressed
for centuries and have been forced to suffer the inhumane § TALENTS: The character receives access to the
indignity of exploitation and foreign rule. Conquered by the following talents:
T-Rogorans, their culture was reduced to a servile state until
the Dominion conquered the T-Rogorans in turn. Now the AGRICULTURAL SPECIALIST
Skreeaans have scattered around the Gamma Quadrant with REQUIREMENT: Skreeaan, or Gamemaster permission.
a few having managed to escape through the anomaly into When tasked with dealing with matters that relate to a planet’s
the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange for a planet to colonize, biosphere or agriculture, a Skreeaan may always use their
several Skreeaans have brought their enduring work ethic Insight or Control attributes, depending on which is higher.
and physical strength to help the Federation, with a few
Skreeaans joining Starfleet. The Skreeaans are known for STRENGTH THROUGH STRUGGLE
their tough, abrasive skin and their durable muscle tissue REQUIREMENT: Skreeaan, or Gamemaster’s permission.
thanks to the higher than normal gravity of their former Though some believe it is the Skreeaan’s history of being
home world. Most Skreeaans are deeply religious and dream conquered that has made them expert laborers the truth
of finding Kentanna, a paradise world that the Skreeaans is they are a tough and hardy people eager to throw off
believe exists somewhere in the Galaxy and is a reward for the reins of oppression. The fact that they are physically
their enduring untold hardships throughout their history. gifted when it comes to labor only means they are able to
succeed easily where others struggle. When they succeed
EXAMPLE VALUE: The Tide Always Breaks Upon The Shore at performing a physically arduous Task they gain one bonus
And The Shore Endures Momentum. This bonus Momentum cannot be saved into the
group pool.
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence
§ TRAIT: Skreeaan. A Skreeaan’s skin sheds routinely, Masculine names: Kelcho, Tumak
causing them to leave behind skin flakes. Skreeaan Feminine names: Haneek, Kachaya
females are also generally taller than males and it is Gender-neutral names: Kolden, Hartik


The Son’a are a new addition to the Dominion’s ranks of allies but important to their war in the Alpha
Quadrant. The Son’a are unique in that they are an off-shoot of the Ba’ku, a race of beings hailing from a
planet in the sector of space known as the Briar Patch. They are a race of conquerors who had subjugated
several neighboring systems into their small but powerful empire, and they were not afraid to employ
weaponry such as isolytic subspace weapons which were so deadly they tore holes in subspace to
release devastating waves of energy. Their use of slave labor and illegal genetic tampering meant that the
Federation could not initiate trade with them although a rogue Starfleet Admiral was caught offering the
Son’a assistance with a plot to drain their homeworld of its metaphasic radiation. Although some Son’a
returned to their homeworld to try to start over, a large number of their race refused to give up their wealth
and territory and allied themselves with the Dominion during the war. Although they make up a small
portion of the Dominion’s armed forces, the Son’a fight ravenously against the Federation because they
see them as having ruined their chance at immortality. Some Son’a refuse to join in their race’s vendetta
against the Federation, and instead travel as traders of illicit goods.


§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

§ TRAIT: Son’a. The Son’a were once similar to humans in appearance but
centuries of exile from their homeworld has led them to experiment
upon themselves to stay alive. Most Son’a must spend several
hours each day undergoing beautification treatments and
extensive genetic modifications in order to stay alive. Most
Son’a can be described as possessing a stretched appearance
to their faces, while others develop painful lesions along their body.
Son’a children, who are almost never permitted to leave their homeworld,
are similar in appearance to the Ba’ku but possess pale skin.

§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Son’a, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Though a small power in the Alpha Quadrant, the Son’a have not become one
of the dominant powers in the Briar Patch by engaging only in half measures or
pulling their punches. When a Son’a declares their attack action, they may add
an additional point of Momentum as long as they are not dealing Non-lethal

The Son’a are hedonists who embrace all the pleasures that life has to offer
but that does not mean they are not well educated. A large portion of the
Son’a’s scientific research is dedicated towards understanding the unique
particles that cling to the atmosphere of their former homeworld. When
dealing with subatomic particles and the effects of radiation, the Son’a may
ignore the effects of any Condition for the scene and may roll an additional
d20 when attempting to understand the nature of these effects.

Masculine names: Ru’afo, Soboi
Feminine names: Var’esheshka, Tu’la
Gender-neutral names: Wy’nalido, Vesh

The Tosk are a created race where their genome was meticulously screened, developed,
and created by the race known as the Drai. Tosk are created with one purpose in mind:
to serve as prey for the Drai’s Hunts. The Drai consider the Hunt to be the most important
task they can ever dedicate themselves to but as a race they bored themselves on stalking
lesser forms of life. This led to the creation of the Tosk, a reptilian survivor that is born
with all the knowledge they need to provide a meaningful Hunt for the Hunters. They only
need 17 minutes of sleep per day and their bodies can survive off simple protein chains
for weeks if need be. Although the Drai like to insure that every Tosk is tracked down and
captured it is not unheard of for a Tosk to go rogue from the Hunt and seek shelter among
the Hunters’ enemies. These Tosk are considered outcasts among their own kind, and the
Drai will do anything to bring these rogue creatures back to their homeworld where they
can suffer the most horrible death of all: being kept alive, on display for the masses in a
zoo where their shame is plain for all to see. The Tosk who do go rogue value their freedom
too much to accept this fate willingly and will do anything to remain free.


§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Fitness

§ TRAIT: Tosk. The Tosk are almost completely identical as their genome is often
replicated from the same source material. Although some might differ due to the
preferences of a Hunter’s requests, each Tosk is strong, resourceful, and cunning.
When a Tosk enters a room they instinctively size up the many ways to escape
as well as anything that could help them in a fight. Though the Tosk are
often peaceful and do not wish to inflict harm on others, they have
inborn feral instincts that allow them to fight ferociously when the
need calls for it. A Tosk is often issued a simple suit that helps their
memetic abilities as well as providing storage compartments for the
protein mixes they are issued as a food supply. If a Tosk holds still, they
can initiate their Shroud in the same manner as a Jem’Hadar soldier.

§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Tosk, or Gamemaster’s permission.
For the Drai, the greatest hunts always come when their prey manages to continually
outwit them and the Tosk are cunning adversaries. Some are given extra stores of
information when they are created while others are able to pick up survival techniques as
they try to escape from the Hunters. The Tosk adds 1 bonus Momentum to the pool for
each adversary they are trying to escape in the scene to a maximum of 3.

REQUIREMENT: Tosk, or Gamemaster’s permission.
The Tosk are designed to keep running no matter what, and refuse to allow themselves
to be captured because they start to feel the effects of fatigue or exhaustion. A Tosk
with this talent gains a free point of Momentum to their next action when attempting
to escape while they are under the effects of a Complication.

Tosk possess no gender and often refer to themselves by their species
name. Some rogues have been known to take on names that exemplify
their physical skills, such as Cunning One or Everfree.


The first species to formally introduce itself to the Alpha Quadrant and begin
trade negotiations, the Wadi are a people obsessed with life and on mastering the
many games it offers. They are a whimsical people, prone to bouts of rhyming and
singing while at the same time demonstrating their technological superiority and
intellectual mastery of multiple disciplines. Though they have yet to be absorbed
by the Dominion, they are not considered a threat to its expansion, as they prefer
to spend their days mastering pursuits that bring them pleasure then any kind of
formal military endeavors. That does not mean they are not a significant power
in the Gamma Quadrant, as their ships possess the ability to manipulate matter,
covertly transport subjects without being detected, and develop complex
holographic fields. Despite their achievements, they are viewed with distrust by
other species who view their flighty and esoteric ways as a method of hiding
their ruthlessly competitive intentions.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Allamaraine!, Shall We Play Again?

§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

§ TRAIT: Wadi. The Wadi are mysterious, but at the same time very outgoing as
a species. Prone to wearing bright colors and brilliant tattoos on their bodies,
they attract attention but are experts at deflecting any real scrutiny. The Wadi
are also competitive and when they feel they have been cheated, they must
avenge their honor not only by crushing their opponents at whatever game or
task they are at but they must teach them a lesson. Their obsession with the
game of Allamaraine is used to teach both the innocent and the guilty of what it
is like to cross a Wadi.

§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Wadi, or Gamemaster’s permission
Life can be difficult if you are competitive, and sometimes people can get angry over
perceived slights very quickly. By staying jovial and attempting to lighten the mood,
you are better able to reduce sources of conflict and bring people over to your side.
You can reroll one die when attempting to use social skills to alter someone’s feelings
regarding something you have done this scene.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and the more risk one puts into their life the sweeter the
victory. A Wadi has a distinct ability to sense patterns when it comes to solving tasks,
and the more involved they are with something the more competitive they get and the
quicker they are at solving puzzles. When attempting to solve a task or a riddle that
involves them becoming competitive they gain an additional point of Momentum.

Masculine names: Falow, Miranath
Feminine names: Shou’lu, Ecardra
Gender-neutral names: Kalyn, Peven







JEM’HADAR BATTLESHIP on its extreme forward sections, and two mounts on the
OVERVIEW: Only seen after the Dominion War was already aft located close by to the exterior impulse drive ports. The
underway, the Jem’Hadar battleship changed Starfleet turreted polaron cannons and photon torpedo bundles each
tactics almost overnight with its sheer scale. The vessel have redundant power systems consisting of paired fusion
consists of a single wedge-shaped hull with two wing-like reactors and matter/anti-matter fuel cells allowing their use
pylons that supported warp nacelles and weapons systems. even if main power is lost. These same secondary power
At over a kilometer in length, this class of vessel is only systems provide extra power to sublight propulsion and
slightly smaller than a Romulan D’Deridex-class Warbird and structural integrity while not being used for the weapons
has far more weaponry. themselves. This class of vessel is exceedingly difficult
to damage as it has a dense network of shield emitters
CAPABILITIES: A Jem’Hadar battleship is designed to augmented by internal shield emitters around vital sections
intimidate and destroy, with little importance given to other of the starship as well as physical bulkheads that seal during
capabilities. The vessel’s weapon systems consist of polaron combat situations. At the core of the hull is a flag bridge,
beam arrays located on the forward and aft portions of its nested inside another layer of emergency shielding and
warp nacelles as well as polaron cannons mounted in turrets bulkheads. This offensive and defensive focus comes at the
along its ventral and dorsal midline to protect it against all cost of speed and maneuverability with the battleship only
angles of attack. Additionally, photon torpedo launchers attaining a cruising speed of Warp 4.7 and an estimated
are mounted together in groups of three, with three mounts maximum of Warp 7. At sublight velocities, heading

Hey, Lori. I know you are still on that long vacation on Risa but I I also managed to confirm our other theory since you’ve
wanted to let you know that I discovered what everyone except been gone. The liquid nutrient sample that Dr. Bashir took
for you and me knew to be a fact: the same beings that created from Tosk was a very narrow match to ketracel white, but
the Jem’Hadar also created the species encountered on Deep without the addictive qualities. I think if we could get access
Space Nine 6 years ago. I know the head researcher wanted us to to more of the stuff we could finally have a breakthrough in
be thorough, but come on, it was in front of them the whole time! synthesizing a cure for the Jem’Hadar’s addiction. I already
Reptilian, bred for physical skill, and developed to be the ultimate know what Starfleet Command would say about it, but when
survivors. Of course they were cousins. The genetic scans of Tosk you get back lets work up a draft proposal to them to see
scales left in the holding cells on Deep Space Nine share an almost what they might say.
97.8% match with the Jem’Hadar.
Dr. Nias Lil,
Starfleet Genetic Research Facility, Jupiter Station

adjustments are performed by standard fusion impulse RCS ATTACKS:
systems to give the needed thrust for this vessel’s mass § Phased Polaron Beam Cannon (Energy, Close Range,
to move. As a flagship, the Battleship is rarely deployed 11A, Piercing 2)
alone and only when it is assumed the risk of attack are low. § Phased Polaron Beam Array (Energy, Medium Range, 9 A,
Normally it is escorted by at least one battle cruiser and Area or Spread, Piercing 2)
numerous attack ships. § Photon Torpedo Arrays (Torpedo, Long Range, 6 A,
High Yield, Area or Spread)
TRAITS: Dominion Warship, Flagship § Tractor Beam (Strength 5)

§ Improved Power Systems
COMMS 09 ENGINES 07 STRUCTURE 13 § Rapid Fire Torpedo Launcher
DEPARTMENTS OVERVIEW: The Karemma are members of the Dominion,
and before they joined they had a moderately sized multi-
COMMAND 03 SECURITY 03 SCIENCE 02 system trade empire. The Dominion continued to use the
Karemma fleet as merchants and traders to augment their
CONN 01 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 internal supply lines. The Karemma Cruiser is the most
common of the Karemma trading vessels and utilizes
POWER: 7 SCALE: 6 technology from many species from the Dominion’s territory
SHIELDS: 16 RESISTANCE: 6 to improve its performance.

CREW: Talented (Attribute 10, Discipline 3) CAPABILITIES: The Cruiser consists of three separate
sections, the forward crew section, the middle cargo and
fabrication section, and the aft propulsion section. Each of


these sections is separated from the others by thick bulkheads VORTA EXPLORER
that are kept deployed, as there is little reason for the crew OVERVIEW: The duties of the Dominion are split between
to leave the forward habitation section. In an emergency, this the Jem’Hadar and the Vorta, both acting on behalf of the
vessel can split each of its sections away, saving the crew and Founders. As the Jem’Hadar focus on the military aspects
cargo from a warp core breach, or only saving the crew from a of interstellar relations, the Vorta focus on diplomacy and
dangerous leak in the cargo section. Further, the cargo section exploration, with a primary ship to perform both duties.
consists of independent pods with individual access ports on The Vorta Explorer is around the same mass and size
the exterior of the vessel, allowing a single pod or section to as Starfleet vessels of similar mission profiles, but the
be jettisoned or accessed from the outside. The forward most similarities end there.
cargo doors are actually a dual purpose cargo deck / shuttle
bay that contains dozens of medium and heavy shuttles to use CAPABILITIES: Outwardly, the Vorta Explorer resembles
in moving goods to and from the vessel. The Cruiser uses the smaller Jem’Hadar warships with a single wedge-shaped
same warp propulsion technology as Jem’Hadar starships, primary hull where the majority of the crew performs their
but at a lower power threshold, meaning this ship’s cruising duties. The vessel also has two blade-like warp nacelles,
speed is slower than comparable Federation starships of the but the hull continues from the fore and aft of the nacelles,
same mass. Unlike Federation cargo transports, the Cruiser connecting to the ends of the primary hull, encircling the
is outfitted with two phased polaron arrays along the outer vessel. This ring serves as the mount for high-energy
edge of the warp nacelles, and a single forward-facing photon equipment such as the multi-function deflector array, the
torpedo launcher. This armament is intended for defensive warp coils in the nacelles, primary shield grid emitters, and
purposes, but also gives the Dominion extra starships to two long phased polaron arrays. At the aft of the ring there
use in defense or patrol inside its territory when needed. The are a series of dozens of small fusion impulse reactors that
Karemma themselves have installed improved sensor systems would normally only be powerful enough for shuttlecraft, but
and modified the torpedo launcher to fire modified deep space when used together provide adequate thrust and incredible
probes as their planetary government felt that these vessels redundancy. Primary power generation for the warp drive
could assist in exploration to open new markets that have yet and weapon systems is by two matter/anti-matter reactors
to be absorbed by the Dominion. These vessels can be found located at the base of each nacelle pylon, and provides
at the center of large Dominion fleet formations acting as fleet enough energy to allow the Explorer to achieve speeds
tenders and supply vessels. in excess of Warp 8.7. While there is a forward-mounted
photon torpedo launcher on the primary hull, this system
TRAITS: Dominion Warship, Cargo Carrier is often only loaded with probes, the weapons only loaded
when the officers of the Explorer expect danger. The interior
SYSTEMS of the vessel contains large open spaces with plant species
from across the Dominion grown under artificial sunlight.
COMMS 06 ENGINES 07 STRUCTURE 09 This serves three purposes: it assists in life support
systems, it provides food for the crew, and it provides a
COMPUTERS 06 SENSORS 08 WEAPONS 06 pleasant environment for visiting dignitaries from worlds
new to the Dominion. These vessels are common in the
DEPARTMENTS Gamma Quadrant, but have yet to be deployed through
the Bajoran wormhole to be used in the Alpha or Beta

CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 01 TRAITS: Dominion Warship, Explorer


CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2)
§ Phased Polaron Beam Array (Energy, Medium Range, 6 A, DEPARTMENTS
Area or Spread, Piercing 2)
§ Photon Torpedo Arrays (Torpedo, Long Range, 5 A, High COMMAND 02 SECURITY 01 SCIENCE 03
Yield, Area or Spread)
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 3) CONN 01 ENGINEERING 01 MEDICINE 02


§ Improved Hull Integrity SHIELDS: 12 RESISTANCE: 3

Bussard collectors designed to sweep atoms and molecules
CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2) away from the vessel in the dense gases of the Briar Patch,
but to also scoop useful hydrogen and deuterium. These
ATTACKS: powerful deflector/scoops allow the Flagship to push
§ Phased Polaron Beam Array (Energy, Medium Range, 4 A, through dense nebulae without needing to slow down, but
Area or Spread, Piercing 2) also resulting in obvious trails of disturbed space along its
§ Photon Torpedo Launcher (Torpedo, Long Range, 4 A, flight path. The vessel’s crew consists of primarily Son’a,
High Yield) but also of various species kept as slave labor. This means
that the vessel has far more crew than a similar Federation
TALENTS: starship, but the vast majority are undertrained or may
§ Diplomatic Suites not even be able to speak the Son’a language without
§ Redundant Systems (Propulsion) technological assistance. Keeping slaves isn’t the only
immoral thing on board a Son’a Flagship as the vessel is
equipped with an isolytic wave array, in addition to phaser
SON’A FLAGSHIP arrays and photon torpedo systems. The isolytic array is
OVERVIEW: The Son’a Flagship follows a different design a subspace weapon capable of tearing holes in subspace
philosophy that most militaries when it comes to designing and distorting space-time in the area. The use of this
a command vessel. The Flagship is moderately sized for a weapon is banned under the Second Khitomer Accords as
command vessel with a length of over one thousand feet, the subspace tears it creates can persist for years, prevent
just slightly shorter than an Intrepid-class starship, but faster-than-light travel within dozens of light-hours, and
has a greater volume due to its single teardrop-shaped jam subspace communications. The high rank of the Son’a
hull. Internally, its crew and equipment are far from what is officers serving on a Flagship means that the medical
expected from a Starfleet vessel with a similar mission profile. facilities are state-of-the-art and well maintained, unlike
many other areas serviced by slaves, due to the Son’as’
CAPABILITIES: The outer edges of the vessel consists of a need to repair genetic damage caused by their repeated
semi-integral warp nacelle that connects via two separate manipulation of their DNA to prolong their lives.
reinforced pylons to the primary hull. Along the leading edge
of these nacelles are dual-purpose deflector emitters and TRAITS: Son’a Warship, Command Ship


Like its smaller sister class, the Battlecruiser has photon
SYSTEMS torpedo launchers (forward and rear mounted) and phaser
arrays covering all angles of attack, but a more advanced
COMMS 08 ENGINES 09 STRUCTURE 11 isolytic weapon array allows for rapid pulses of energy to
be emitted. Unlike the Command class, the Battlecruiser
COMPUTERS 08 SENSORS 08 WEAPONS 09 doesn’t rely on slave labor to be a significant portion of
its crew, as the equipment on board requires technical
DEPARTMENTS expertise and training. As the Son’a Command does have
personnel issues, this means that mercenary forces are
COMMAND 03 SECURITY 02 SCIENCE 01 often employed as both security forces and as an enlisted
work force when applicable on board.
TRAITS: Son’a Warship
CREW: Talented (Attribute 10, Discipline 3)

§ Phaser Array (Energy, Medium, 6 A, Area or Spread,
Versatile 2) DEPARTMENTS
§ Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 5 A, High Yield)
§ Isolytic Array (Energy, Medium, 6 A, Area or Spread, COMMAND 02 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 01
Vicious 2)
§ Command Ship POWER: 8 SCALE: 6
§ Advanced Sick Bay SHIELDS: 15 RESISTANCE: 6

CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2)

OVERVIEW: The Battlecruiser class is a new design from ATTACKS:
the Son’a Command, and is in response to Starfleet’s § Phaser Array (Energy, Medium, 10 A, Area or Spread,
deployment of the Sovereign­­-class. Like all Son’a vessels, Versatile 2)
it consists of a single hull, but with this vessel it is stretched § Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 7 A, High Yield)
out into a long arc with additional angular hull sections on § Isolytic Array (Energy, Medium, 10 A, Area or Spread,
the dorsal and forward areas. The Battlecruiser is massive, Vicious 2)
with a length in excess of a Sovereign-class and a width
of over a kilometer, and requires nearly fifteen hundred TALENTS:
trained crew. This crew requirement means that the Son’a § Improved Impulse Drive
Command is only able to deploy these vessels to areas of § Ablative Armor
strategic importance. § Ramscoop Enhancement

CAPABILITIES: The most advanced warp coils available to

the Son’a have been used in the small nacelles on the outer DOMINION DISPATCH VESSEL
edges of the arc-like hull in order to generate a subspace OVERVIEW: Based on the Jem’Hadar attack ship, the
field necessary to travel faster than light, giving it a cruising Dispatch vessel was brought into service in the mid-24th
speed of Warp 7.5 and a maximum speed in excess of Warp century to act as a courier ship, bringing vital messages
9. Like the Command ship class, the Battlecruiser also has when they were too sensitive to transmit via subspace or
dual-purpose deflector/Bussard ramscoops installed on personnel that were desperately needed. This class has only
the leading edge of the arc, the rear most of these devices been seen a few times on the Bajor side of the wormhole,
feeding directly into a gravimetric multistage fusion impulse but is more commonly seen on the Dominion side acting as
drive. This unique impulse design gives the Battlecruiser scouts and interceptors for Dominion patrols.
exceptional thrust and maneuverability when inside volumes
of space with significant hydrogen gas such as nebulae. CAPABILITIES: The Dispatch vessel closely resembles
Defense systems are slightly less advanced than what the Attack Ship it was based on, but does have external
Starfleet currently uses, but the vessel’s weapon systems differences that marks it out as its own class. Along
are a step above those of the Son’a Command vessel. the ventral side of the rear hull there are two additional

structures that resemble the outboard warp nacelles. These
are warp field enhancers that contain secondary warp
coils that enhance the subspace field generated by the
primary coils, allowing the Dispatch vessel to maintain high Used by the Son’a, isolytic weapons use directed energy and
warp speeds for a longer time. At the aft of each of these phased matter (like a phaser system), but focus the energy onto
repeaters are additional impulse drive units to give the vessel the fabric of space-time in order to produce a subspace tear.
even more maneuverability and acceleration at sublight The tear is usually short-lived, on the order of micro-seconds,
speeds. The greatest changes to this class from the Attack but while it exists it produces a rapid expansion of space-time in
Ship is in its offensive and defensive load out, necessitated its vicinity, tearing molecules apart before a wave front of energy
by the energy requirements of the vessel’s improved directly emanating from subspace ensures a target’s destruction.
propulsion systems. A high power tractor beam has replaced If not properly calibrated, purposely miscalibrated, or if the isolytic
the forward mounted disruptor cannon, designed to hold weapon interacts with an unknown type of shielding, the subspace
starships much larger than the Dispatch vessel in place. tear can exist for seconds or even longer. The following game
Additionally, two forward mounted polaron cannons replace effects occur with the use of an isolytic weapon:
the polaron beam arrays, reducing the weapon systems
power draw. The addition of the extra surface area of the § In any scene where a ship-mounted isolytic weapon is used,
warp field repeaters put a strain on the shield emitters, and no vessel may enter warp speed as space-time is rippling like
overall shield strength is slightly lower than its sister class. a boulder thrown into a small pond. Additionally, no subspace
Two areas that once stored power capacitors for the polaron communications function.
arrays are replaced with a highly shielded cargo bay for
valuable cargo and guest quarters when it is being used as a § If a Complication is rolled during the use of the weapon,
transport for dignitaries or other VIPs. the Gamemaster may immediately spend Threat. For each
Threat spent, the damage of the weapon is increased by 1,
TRAITS: Dominion Warship but a subspace tear forms. If 1 Threat is spent, this tear lasts
until the end of the scene. If 2 is spent, the tear lasts for the
SYSTEMS rest of the adventure. If 3 or more are spent, the tear lasts
indefinitely with the scale of the subspace disruption being left
COMMS 07 ENGINES 09 STRUCTURE 07 to the Gamemaster and also a good way of introducing a new
adventure. An isolytic weapon may not be used again in the
COMPUTERS 07 SENSORS 09 WEAPONS 08 disrupted area until the tear is repaired.

“—peat, this is the IRS Roharran, broadcasting on all frequencies.
CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2) We have managed to aim our communication antenna towards
the Wormhole with the hope that some ship will receive our
ATTACKS: communications. This is the IRS Roharran. We have survivors from
§ Phased Polaron Beam Cannons (Energy, Close Range, the joint assault on the Founders’ homeworld. We managed to
8A, Piercing 2) escape but now we are marooned on an asteroid in the Atreides
§ Photon Torpedo (Torpedo, Long Range, 6 A, High Yield) Cluster and we think Jem’Hadar warships are on their way. It does
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 4) not matter that we may die, only that the entire Alpha Quadrant
listens to what I have to say: their fleet is massive, and the
TALENTS: Jem’Hadar are coming. Our attack plan was compromised by a
§ Improved Warp Drive Founder posing as a…“
§ Improved Impulse Power
§ High Power Tractor Beam (Strength already calculated in [End Transmission.]
Tractor Beam Strength)



U.S.S. GALAXY (GALAXY CLASS) NCC-70637 first full refit at Utopia Planitia Ship Yards in 2366. During
OVERVIEW: The first of the Galaxy-class, U.S.S. Galaxy this refit a ‘flag bridge’ was installed on deck 9, forward of
was the most technologically advanced and complicated stellar cartography. This flag bridge was a scaled-down main
ship ever designed at the time of its launch in 2356. In the bridge that contained improved communications stations
nearly two decades since its launch, Galaxy has seen rapid to allow flag officers to coordinate fleet maneuvers with
technological developments in the Federation and extensive dozens of other starships. It also contained a large ‘tactical
redesigns of almost every major system based on data from holodeck’ open to the bridge where flag officers could
other Galaxy-class vessels in service. As the first of her class, see battles playing out in three dimensions, and compact
U.S.S. Galaxy was made to be easily updated and upgraded, emergency stations that could duplicate the functions of
meaning that when it arrives at the center of a fleet, it is one the main bridge in case it was rendered inoperable and the
of the most capable heavy cruisers in service. saucer was already separated from the drive section and the
battle bridge. This flag bridge necessitated the installation
CAPABILITIES: U.S.S. Galaxy’s propulsion systems have of a powerful subspace transceiver that had bandwidth
seen multiple improvements since its launch, including an enough to keep data flowing from dozens of starships and
upgrade of its warp core and warp coils, increasing its top could punch through subspace interference generated by
speed by 5%. Main engineering has installed additional natural causes or hostile intent. An additional secondary
magnetic buffers around the antimatter injectors and subspace transceiver was installed along the midline of the
improved emergency shielding directly around the warp drive section’s spine as a backup to take over if the primary
core to reduce the likelihood of a warp core breach seen was destroyed. These upgrades have made U.S.S. Galaxy a
in other Galaxy-class vessels when receiving extensive welcome sight to Starfleet flotillas prior to engagements with
structural damage. Small improvements were made by the Dominion and its allies.
additional subspace field generators placed around the
vessel’s three computer cores, allowing faster processing TRAITS: Federation Starship, Flagship, Prototype
of data. The largest change occurred during the vessel’s


The Starfleet and allied vessels presented in this chapter represent
older spaceframes and the typical equipment load used for all DEPARTMENTS
of their class during the Dominion War, vessels that stand out
due to their service, or prototype vessels that do not see large-
scale production until after the war but are still seen in action.
Many of these vessels have seen years (if not nearly a century) of
service and can serve as plot points for adventures, a character’s
background and prior service, or as a “guardian angel” arriving in POWER: 10 SCALE: 6
the nick of time to assist the Players in their time of need. SHIELDS: 17 RESISTANCE: 7

CREW: Exceptional (Attribute 11, Discipline 4)

ATTACKS: service, it is hoped the Beta Antares Ship Yards will produce
§ Phaser Array (Energy, Medium Range, 8 A, Area or the first block of vessels before the end of 2375.
Spread, Versatile 2)
§ Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 5 A. High Yield) CAPABILITIES: The Prometheus-class is one of
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 5) redundancies made specifically to allow the vessel to operate
during its unique ‘multi-vector assault mode’. During this
TALENTS: operation the vessel is able to split into three separate and
§ Command Ship fully independent vessels, a command section and two
§ Saucer Separation combat sections. Both combat sections are equipped with
§ Modular Laboratories two warp nacelles and a full sized warp core, while the
§ Redundant Systems (Communications) command section has a single small nacelle and micro-warp
§ Advanced Shields reactor capable of maintaining an already existing warp field
§ Improved Hull Integrity or propelling itself independently at low warp speeds. When
acting as a single vessel, the four primary nacelles alternate
use like a Constellation-class vessel, and the small command
U.S.S. PROMETHEUS (PROMETHEUS CLASS) NX-74913 nacelle acts as a warp field stabilizer, allowing a top speed
OVERVIEW: Prometheus is a drastic step away from of Warp 9.99 for over 12 hours. The vessel has shield
conventional Starfleet designs in many ways, and a direct emitters designed to fully cover each independent section,
response to the beginning of hostilities with the Dominion and while a single vessel the shield emitters located inside
and increasing Borg activity in Federation space. The vessel the vessel act as enhancements to the structural integrity
is a tactical combat vessel, similar to the Defiant-class, field. Other defensive systems include ablative armor plating
but also able to operate independently in deep space for and regenerative shielding which operates more effectively
extended periods. The extended development program for as a single vessel, using the power from the internal shield
Prometheus and complicated equipment vital to its operation generators. Each section is outfitted with type X phaser
led to delays in its launch. With U.S.S. Prometheus now in arrays and photon torpedo launchers, and even when some


Multi-Vector Assault Mode (MVAM) is a strategy based on nacelle that is able to keep the section at warp if it is
overwhelming an opponent’s defensive capabilities with smaller already there, or only propel it at very slow FTL velocities.
vessels, but during normal operations having the benefits of having Separating is a Control + Conn Task with a Difficulty of 2
a larger vessel and redundant systems. (due to automation) and assisted by the ship’s Structure +
Engineering. Reconnecting each piece is the same Task,
Like the Saucer Separation Talent, a vessel with MVAM has also Difficulty of 2 and must be performed twice. If either
the same Systems, Departments, Talents, and weapons, but of the reconnection tasks fails, the ship is not reconnected.
their Power is divided by 3 (round down) and the scale of each Separation and reconnection cannot be done if the
section is one lower than the overall ship. Recalculate anything Structure of any section has been Damaged or Disabled.
derived from Scale. The command section only has a small warp

of these systems are unavailable when operating outside of U.S.S. SUTHERLAND (NEBULA CLASS) NCC-72015
multi-vector assault mode, the amount of firepower available OVERVIEW: Recently assigned to Ninth Fleet to support
to Prometheus far outweighs other Starfleet designs. The operations along the Cardassian border and the Bajoran
redundant equipment needed for independent operations wormhole, U.S.S. Sutherland has become a common sight
in each section means that space is at a premium inside docked at Deep Space Nine. Before her current assignment,
the vessel and crew comforts are similar to a Defiant-class Sutherland had spent four months at the San Francisco
starship. To aid the small medical staff, holo-emitters are Fleet yards undergoing refit. The dozens of skirmishes it has
placed in every important location on the vessel to allow the been a part of since its arrival in the Bajor Sector have given
EMH Mark II to assist with combat injuries. its crew more combat experience than most other vessels
in Ninth Fleet and has given this vessel the reputation of
TRAITS: Federation Starship, Prototype being combat hardened. The crew deals with the stress of
combat by having started many traditions on board including
SYSTEMS a Polynesian style-luau the officers hold prior to deployment
for combat, and rumors of engineering personnel having
COMMS 08 ENGINES 12 STRUCTURE 11 constructed stills to produce actual alcohol rather than the
accepted replicated synthehol.
CAPABILITIES: During the refit of Sutherland in 2371,
DEPARTMENTS engineering teams focused on improving the vessel’s
structural integrity and warp core safeguards, most of which
COMMAND 01 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 04 were due to data on the performance and failures from
both Galaxy and Nebula-class starships over the previous
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 04 MEDICINE 04 decade. In addition to emergency shielding around the
vessel’s warp core and anti-matter containment bottles,
POWER: 12 SCALE: 4 an extra thirty centimeters of ablative armor was installed
SHIELDS: 20 RESISTANCE: 4 along the linkages between the main hull of Sutherland and
its mission pod. This addition, while small overall, allows
CREW: Exceptional (Attribute 11, Discipline 4) Sutherland to take direct hits to those critical junctions and
not have the pod severed. This extra bulk in the pod linkage
ATTACKS: structures does add 15% to the time required to swap out
§ Phaser Array (Energy, Medium Range, 8 A, Area or one mission pod for another, but as Sutherland has been
Spread, Versatile 2) almost exclusively assigned to patrol and combat duties,
§ Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 7 A, High Yield) this added time hasn’t been an issue. The stress of combat
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 3) duties have given rise to the crew changing many areas
of the vessel to resemble a tropical paradise. The vessel’s
TALENTS: Ten-Forward crew area is expanded and filled with sand and
§ Multi-Vector Assault Mode lit by a holographic sky. The botanical gardens is a veritable
§ Advanced Shields tropical rain forest with colorful birds and other avian
§ Ablative Armor species. The crew have also modified the cetacean research
§ Redundant Systems (Propulsion) labs to be a coral reef, filled with life and able to be observed

from the outside hallways or with diving suits. This South necessitates. The secondary hull is modified from the original
Pacific motif extends along the corridors with palm trees and Excelsior-class by the addition of two protruding ‘Catalina’
other tropical plants from multiple worlds sitting in pots and extensions for additional internal volume. This was due to
illuminated by artificial sunlight. the addition of extra targeting arrays, planetary sensors, and
the larger areas needed for the storage of quantum torpedo
TRAITS: Federation Starship, Relaxing Atmosphere magazines. Two small sets of warp field stabilizers are in the
wings that assist the vessel in maintaining high warp velocities
SYSTEMS for longer periods. These small repeaters also have the ability
to take over warp field generation for short periods if there is
COMMS 09 ENGINES 10 STRUCTURE 11 damage to the primary coils in the nacelles. Over the decades
of service, the systems of the Lakota (and all Excelsior-class
COMPUTERS 10 SENSORS 09 WEAPONS 10 vessels) have been updated with new technology quickly. The
duotronic computer cores, almost out of date when the class
DEPARTMENTS first launched, are now more efficient isolinear cores giving
the vessel a larger amount of data processing power for her
COMMAND 02 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 01 sensors. The warp coils are now smaller and more efficient
models, and while not as fast as the newer Intrepid-class
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 vessels, Lakota and other vessels like her are still faster than
the majority of starships in active service. Lakota is scheduled
POWER: 10 SCALE: 5 for another refit at the Andorian Imperial Fleet Yards in late
SHIELDS: 20 RESISTANCE: 5 2375 for a refurbishment of her main structural members.
CREW: Exceptional (Attribute 11, Discipline 4)
TRAITS: Federation Starship, Long Serving
§ Phaser Array (Energy, Medium Range, 9 A, Area or SYSTEMS
Spread, Versatile 2)
§ Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 7 A, High Yield) COMMS 09 ENGINES 11 STRUCTURE 09
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
§ Fast Targeting Systems DEPARTMENTS
§ Rapid-Fire Torpedo Launcher
§ Saucer Separation COMMAND 03 SECURITY 03 SCIENCE 01
§ Rugged Design
§ Advanced Shields CONN 02 ENGINEERING 04 MEDICINE 02

OVERVIEW: While the bugs were worked out of the
Excelsior-class by 2290, significant revisions to the space CREW: Exceptional (Attribute 11, Discipline 4)
frame continued to be made until late in that decade. The
first vessel with the improved spaceframe to launch was ATTACKS:
Enterprise-B, and about half of Excelsior-class vessels built § Phaser Banks (Energy, Medium Range, 8 A, Versatile 2)
would conform to these specs, including U.S.S. Lakota when § Quantum Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 8 A, Vicious
it launched in 2328. Lakota would act as a heavy interceptor 1, Calibration, High Yield)
for Admiral Leyton during his attempted coup, but Lakota’s § Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
crew would turn against the Admiral once his plans became
clear. Currently Lakota is assigned to Ninth Fleet performing TALENTS:
patrols or acting as a heavy bodyguard for smaller starships. § Improved Impulse Drive
§ Improved Warp Drive
CAPABILITIES: Visually Lakota has external differences that § Secondary Reactors
betray large changes to internal systems. Four extra multi- § Redundant System (Propulsion)
stage fusion reactors power two additional large impulse § Quantum Torpedoes
drives on the aft of the primary hull. These reactors not only
provide blinding acceleration at sub-light speeds for Lakota,
but also assist in powering its improved weapon systems
and the secondary structural integrity fields the acceleration


OVERVIEW: Continuing the tradition of Defiant-class vessels SHIELDS: 12 RESISTANCE: 3
breaking with the traditions of Starfleet, U.S.S. Valiant is a
fully combat ready starship assigned to Starfleet Academy’s CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2)
“Red Squadron”. Red Squadron consists of the top cadets,
representing fewer than fifty total students out of thousands ATTACKS:
at each Academy location across the Federation. Starfleet § Phaser Array (Energy, Medium Range, 7 A, Area or
Command felt that if a cadet’s skill level was high enough Spread, Versatile 2)
to graduate early from their course work, it would benefit § Phaser Cannons (Energy, Close Range, 9 A, Versatile 2)
the Academy and Starfleet overall to assign them to a fully § Quantum Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 8 A,
operational starship while continuing leadership classes and Vicious 1, Calibration, High Yield)
studies of strategy. Valiant is assigned seven officers with § Tractor Beam (Strength 2)
the rest of the small crew consisting of members of Red
Squadron. Currently Valiant splits its time between the Sol TALENTS:
system and a number of locations that Starfleet Command § Ablative Armor
feels would benefit the experience of Red Squadron. § Quantum Torpedoes
§ Backup EPS Conduits
CAPABILITIES: Like all Defiant-class vessels, Valiant is armed
with a significant amount of weaponry that includes quantum U.S.S. MAJESTIC (MIRANDA CLASS) NCC-31060
torpedoes. How Valiant differs is the multiple safety measures OVERVIEW: The Miranda-class was slowly being replaced by
that prevent the accidental discharge of these weapons. Nebula-class vessels in the 2360s, but after the Battle of Wolf
These including code phrase arming measures that only the 359, Starfleet began a crash refit and reactivation program for
commanding officer can give, a further manual safety on the the aging vessels. U.S.S. Majestic was the first to leave the
command chair on the bridge, and detachable EPS conduits that Proxima Centauri Fleet Drydock facilities utilizing the newly
power the weapon systems. The same detachable EPS conduit designed modular equipment pallets designed specifically for
modules are used on every system on the vessel, allowing the Miranda­-class vessels. Refitting the large numbers of Miranda-
officers to drill the cadets on how to repair simulated damage class starships available to Starfleet will ensure that newer
to ship power systems or how to reroute the complex power spaceframes can be re-assigned to more critical areas of space.
feeds through new junctions to keep systems running when
there would be no time for repairs. During one training exercise CAPABILITIES: Majestic still closely resembles how it
in late 2372, a drive unit of a stored quantum torpedo accidently looked when it first launched in 2310 with the exception of
engaged due to a fault in the new weapon’s on-board computer the tell-tale blue glow from the advanced warp coil cooling
system. The resulting explosion tore a hole five meters across system seen through the nacelle grilling. Internally Majestic
and severed all primary power conduits from the core to the has been fully refit with every system in the spaceframe
warp coils. The accident killed ten cadets and two officers, but replaced with modern equivalents. This has reduced the
even with the extensive damage Valiant only lost primary power crew requirements from nearly 380 in the late 23rd century
to warp propulsion for a minute and a half as the remaining crew to needing only 35-50 officers and crew currently due to
routed power through secondary conduits and even built automation and a reduced focus on survey duties. The
a fully functional primary distribution node from spare test smaller crew size has resulted in a smaller life support system
conduit sections used for training. The Valiant experiment and fewer required quarters. The saved space this provides
has proved to be successful with Red Squadron cadets has been repurposed for a multitude of functions including
graduating the Academy with as much experience in starship improved sensors on the port and starboard of the hull that
operations as officers actively serving for a year in the field. allow for interferometric analysis of data, and a second
isolinear computer core located between the two shuttle
TRAITS: Federation Starship, Tough Little Ship bays. There are also secondary bulkheads and emergency
internal shield generators to improve the vessel’s overall
SYSTEMS survivability in a combat situation, and larger fusion reactors
in the impulse drive giving the vessel improved acceleration
COMMS 09 ENGINES 10 STRUCTURE 08 and maneuverability at sub-light speeds. U.S.S. Majestic is
also the first Miranda to deploy with Danube-class runabouts
COMPUTERS 09 SENSORS 09 WEAPONS 13 (Shimanto and Rio Tinto), one in each shuttlebay, in addition
to a standard load of Type-8 and 9 shuttles. This experiment
DEPARTMENTS is intended to test the suitability of the refit Miranda-class to
act as an escort carrier for runabouts or attack fighters during
COMMAND 01 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 02 the war. Regardless of the outcome, Starfleet Command feels
the addition of runabouts increases the spaceframes’ ability
CONN 03 ENGINEERING 04 MEDICINE 02 to provide quick and accurate reconnaissance ‘in force.’

TRAITS: Federation Starship, Long Serving including the command section, main engineering, and the
fusion reactors powering the impulse drive. The current refit
SYSTEMS package pushes the K’t’Inga-class to the uppermost limits
of its spaceframe, and with many of these vessels seeing
COMMS 09 ENGINES 10 STRUCTURE 10 over a century of service the KDF foresees technological
development finally pushing the class into retirement.
TRAITS: Klingon Battlecruiser, Long Serving
CREW: Talented (Attribute 10, Discipline 3)

§ Phaser Banks (Energy, Medium Range, 7 A, Area or
Spread, Versatile 2) POWER: 10 SCALE: 4
§ Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Long Range, 5 A, High Yield) SHIELDS: 13 RESISTANCE: 4
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2)
§ Extensive Shuttlebays (Two Danube-class Runabouts) ATTACKS:
§ Rugged Design § Disruptor Cannons (Energy, Range Close, 9 A, Vicious 1)
§ Improved Damage Control § Phaser Banks (Energy, Range Medium, 8 A, Versatile 2)
§ High Resolution Sensors § Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Range Long, 6 A, High Yield)
§ Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
OVERVIEW: Originally designed and constructed in the mid- D’DERIDEX REFIT
23rd century, the D7 and later K’t’Inga-class battlecruisers OVERVIEW: The D’Deridex-class warbird has been in service
were the most visible aspect of the Klingon Empire for to the Romulan Empire since the mid-2340s without a major
decades. While still as numerous, the K’t’Inga-class began overhaul of ship systems. The Borg incursion into Federation
to fall out of favor in the 2330s as front-line vessels for the space in 2367 gave the Romulan Guard ample reason to begin
Klingon Defense Force and the naval forces of the Great a staged refit program, taking out of service only a small fraction
Houses as larger and more powerful starship classes were of the class so as to not overly weaken the border security
designed and constructed. As most of the constructed hulls of the Empire. The refit program is projected to complete all
not destroyed in combat were still serving in active roles in currently in-service D’Deridex-class warbirds by 2369.
the KDF, a refit package was designed for the K’t’Inga-class
to bring it to technological parity with other vessels being CAPABILITIES: The upgrades the Guard wished to focus
constructed across the Empire and beyond. on were specifically tailored to make the D’Deridex more
capable against a Borg Cube, including harmonic oscillators
CAPABILITIES: The cramped quarters and strained along the leading edges of the hull that help focus and
life support systems of the D7s of the 23rd century have modulate the disruptor systems, making them less able
disappeared with a complete re-engineering of the living to be adapted to by the Borg. Defensive systems were
spaces and a reduction in crew numbers to less than half of also improved upon to help prevent wide-spread boarding
the original requirements due to the installation of labor-saving actions from any hostile entity including micro-shield
technologies. These improvements include auto-loading generators paired with sub-space scramblers able to
torpedo mechanisms, self-targeting disruptor cannons, and isolate sections of the ship and prevent all but the strongest
phaser banks tied directly to the main computer that use a transporter systems from gaining a pattern lock, and
combination of sensor data and feedback from the vessel’s secondary structural integrity field generators positioned at
deflector array to target enemy vessels. The reduction of key locations across the vessel.
vessel mass has allowed the installation of extra duranium
plates over vital areas of the starship on the exterior of the hull TRAITS: Romulan Warbird


SYSTEMS CREW: Talented (Attribute 10, Discipline 3)


§ Disruptor Banks (Energy, Range Medium, 10 A, Vicious 1)
COMPUTERS 10 SENSORS 10 WEAPONS 10 § Plasma Torpedoes (Torpedo, Range Long, 6 A,
Persistent 8, Calibration)
DEPARTMENTS § Tractor Beam (Strength 5)
§ Cloaking Device
POWER: 10 SCALE: 6 § Cloaking Device
§ Rapid-Fire Torpedo Launcher

After the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367, Starfleet began a program that Next, a secondary class is determined. This can be from
would provide the fleet with large numbers of new starships in case any class of Federation vessel, including classes designed
of continued Borg incursions. The Starfleet Reactivation Plan of 2367 during and after the 2360s as shipyards across the
began to activate and refit starships in dozens of boneyards across the Federation may have spare pieces or systems for newer
Federation. Many of these vessels were initially Miranda and Excelsior starships that could easily replace the missing systems from
class starships that would go into shipyards for full refit before deploying the base class. Choose one Talent from the secondary class
to the fleet, but with the increasing hostilities with the Dominion, the Plan to replace the Talent lost from the base class.
of 2367 became more popularly known as the ‘Frankenstein Fleet’.
Example: The Gamemaster feels that Utopia Planitia Ship
Starships that were mothballed because of severe damage to Yards had an excess of warp nacelles and warp cores for
subsystems previously considered too extensive to be repaired were the new Intrepid-class starship in stock, so will choose that
recovered. Subsystems from different classes of starships were as a secondary class, replacing the blown out warp systems
installed and combined together to make a functioning vessel. Each from the old Constitution-class with state of the art systems.
of these vessels were unique, ranging from an Oberth-class vessel They choose Improved Warp Drive as the Talent from the
with a single Constitution-class warp nacelle as its secondary hull Intrepid-class.
(U.S.S. Tereshkova) to the secondary hull of an Ambassador-class
starship with the forward section of an unfinished Intrepid-class All Frankenstein Fleet vessels are designed to be able to use
(U.S.S. Contemplation). different systems together than may not normally work, so all
of these vessels have the Technical Test-Bed Mission Profile
FRANKENSTEIN RULES (pg. 251 core rulebook). A Talent from this Mission Profile is
When constructing a Frankenstein Fleet starship, the first step is to chosen normally. Weapon systems are from the base class.
choose a base class. The base class should be for a vessel designed Refits (pg. 252 core rulebook) are also completed as normal.
and constructed before the 2360s, as the newest starship classes The starship gains the Trait “Frankenstein.” Finally, as these
have yet to be mothballed. This base class is the primary piece of starships are not formally designed vessels going through
the new starship, and the systems and departments are used for the years of revision, the normal maximum number of Talents is
vessel. Of the Talents from the base class, choose one Talent that will reduced for these vessels to Scale -1.
no longer be used for the vessel.
Example: With the Technical Test-Bed Mission Profile, the
Example: A Gamemaster wishes to have a Frankenstein Fleet vessel Gamemaster chooses Improved Power Systems to represent
assist their Players’ vessel in a mission they have written. They the high-energy warp core of the Intrepid-class being used on
choose the venerable Constitution-class starship as the base class. the older Constitution-class hull. As the Constitution-class
Looking at the Talents, the Gamemaster determines that the new was built in 2243, the Gamemaster sees that they can provide
vessel won’t be as adaptable for scientific purposes and chooses to 12 refits to the vessel. Finally, they add a single additional
lose the Modular Laboratories Talent. The Gamemaster records the Talent, Improved Impulse Drive, giving the vessel 3 Talents
base Systems and Departments for the Constitution-class. (Scale-1) and making the vessel highly maneuverable.


2910416523914 05.10 EXPLORING THE GAMMA QUADRANT 092
05.20 THE FRONT LINE 101



The wormhole. The Celestial Temple. The anomaly. No will tell who will come out on top as both powers gear up
matter what name the bridge between the Alpha and for one final fight which will see one power rise to rule the
Gamma Quadrants goes by, it is perhaps one of the Alpha Quadrant.
greatest scientific discoveries of the century. Discovered
by Federation explorers on the edge of the Bajoran system,
it became more than just a doorway to a new realm of
exploration and scientific discovery. Through the wormhole
the first immediate contact between the Alpha and Gamma
Quadrants took place, and soon this led to one of the most To say that discovering the Bajoran wormhole radically
fundamentally altering events in Federation history: the changed life in the Galaxy is an understatement. A truly
discovery of the Dominion. unique marvel, the wormhole is the only stable long distance
wormhole of its type to be encountered in the quadrant. It
The Dominion is perhaps the greatest threat that the possesses the ability to transport vessels over 70,000 light
Federation has to face at the moment. Although the threats years in a matter of minutes. The mouth of the wormhole
to their borders from the Klingon and Romulan Empires is also stable, and opens when a vessel emits a subspace
must be monitored and the Borg threaten to one day make signal close to the entry point near its mouth. This causes
their way towards Earth again, the Dominion represents the wormhole entrance to manifest in a swirling pattern of
a clear and present danger. Indeed, it is a threat as large brilliant blue light in normal space, and it remains open long
as the entirety of the Alpha Quadrant itself, and when the enough for a ship to enter. It is the only known permanent
Dominion decided to reveal itself to the Federation it did so shortcut into the Gamma Quadrant, although there are
with precision, overwhelming brutality, and a blatant display scattered reports of smaller wormholes that were discovered
of power. It was through this that they let the Alpha Quadrant to have unfixed exit points across the Galaxy. The wormhole
know that they had been watching them from afar and that near Barzan is rumored to be able to randomly manifest exit
they were coming. points across both the Gamma and Delta Quadrants, but
to date the only known living explorers to have traversed it
Now the wormhole lies in the direct path between these two were a pair of Ferengi traders who were lost when their ship
powers. Where once they were separated by thousands could not return.
of light years, the Federation and the Dominion were on
a crash course for confrontation. Their conflict would The inside of the wormhole is full of swirls of energy
see a level of warfare that made the brief conflict with and bright white lights known as verteron nodes. These
the Klingons seem tame, and the Federation was forced nodes generate verteron particles, which are a kind of
to break several of its own laws and philosophies as it self-sustaining particle that are very difficult to maintain
struggled to deal with the overwhelming threat of the outside of the wormhole. These particles help stabilize the
Dominion. But now the tides have turned. Where once was wormhole and keep it from collapsing inward on itself. If the
a bleak glance into the future of the Alpha Quadrant, the wormhole were to collapse inwards on itself, no one knows
alliance of the Federation, the Klingons, and the Romulans what would happen to those ships stranded inside. It is
threatens to restore peace and bring an end to the conflict. believed by many of the Federation’s scientists that their
But the Dominion still has a few cards left to play, and their ships would be destroyed instantly, while others believe that
new alliance with the Breen have given them the strength to another fate may await them because of the wormhole’s only
once again take the fight to the Alpha Quadrant. Only time known denizens and the only species known to live inside

of a wormhole. This species’ real name is unknown, but
according to the Bajorans they are an ancient race of beings
known as the Prophets.
The Prophets are a race of non-linear beings who live in the
wormhole. They do not have corporeal forms that we know of We have managed to avoid the bulk of the Cardassian 3rd fleet, but
except when they wish to inhabit the body of someone from now we are trapped in the center of this asteroid field. The Crockett
our level of existence. They are non-linear, which means that has suffered intensive damage to her superstructure and is barely
they do not follow the same progression of time that we do. holding together. For a Galaxy class, we put her through her paces
Instead, they appear to possess the ability to stand outside and held the line as long as possible. I’ve transferred the bulk of
of the time stream and manipulate events as they so choose, non-essential personnel from all six remaining vessels to the saucer
which includes the ability to send beings back in time as well section and we plan on disengaging so the Montreal can tow it out
as being able to tell future events. of the belt while we make a last stand. We’re going to lose, but they
are going to know they’ve been in a fight that even their shapeless
For a race as powerful as the Prophets appear to be, their masters won’t forget.
interests are based solely around the wormhole and the
Bajorans. To the Bajorans the wormhole is known as the
Celestial Temple and features prominently in both their
religious texts and in their works of art. It appears throughout
Bajoran mythology as a serene and beautiful temple where them with insight into deeply troubling matters requiring
the Prophets labor to insure peace and prosperity for the intense contemplation. It was returned to the Bajorans by
Bajoran people. Despite the Bajorans’ brief venture into Grand Nagus Zek for a substantial cost.
space travel before the Cardassian Occupation, they never
discovered access to the wormhole and it sat quietly at § The Orb of Prophecy and Change: This Orb has
the edge of the solar system. There are small incidents influenced Bajoran society the most. Exposure to the Orb
throughout Bajoran history where the wormhole has induces a deeply contemplative effect upon the user, and
appeared briefly, but it was not until a small Federation allows them to be able to predict future events through
runabout discovered a means to open the wormhole that an a series of prophecies and symbols that appear during a
encounter with the Prophets occurred. walking dream state.

No one knows why the Prophets favor the Bajorans outside of § The Orb of Time: A power Orb that the Department
a religious mindset. Despite the worship heaped upon them of Temporal Investigations would love to retrieve from
by the Bajorans themselves, the Prophets have not taken an Bajor, this Orb allows the user to travel to the period in
active interest in Bajor for centuries and were ominously quiet time they long for the most. It was involved in the Space
when the Cardassians invaded and conquered their people. At Station K-7 Incident above Sherman’s Planet.
the same time the Prophets are very interested in events that
play out on Bajor and have sent out the mysterious artifacts There are more Orbs rumored to either be in the possession
known as the Orbs of the Prophets to Bajor sometime in of the Cardassians or kept in highly fortified vaults on Bajor,
their prehistory. These Orbs each possess a different power, but considering how much each Orb costs on the open
accessible only by those that open the sacred chests the Orbs market, both factions do their best to keep their existence
are stored in and gazing within. Starfleet has been unable hidden. The return of Bajoran cultural artifacts is one of
to determine what is able to cause these Orbs to have their the major diplomatic resolutions sought by Federation
effects, but from reports gathered from the Cardassians, the ambassadors in their attempt to bring a permanent, long
Federation, and numerous others across the quadrant, it is standing peace between Cardassia and Bajor.
clear that these objects are equal parts myth and real.
To date, no one has seen a Prophet in their original form.
Though there have been many peddlers of fake Orbs over Some have claimed to have encountered bright lights
the years, the following have been confirmed by Starfleet manifesting on board Deep Space 9, though these onlookers
Intelligence: claim that the Prophets need a host body in order to do
anything in our reality. Incident reports taken from Captain
§ The Orb of Contemplation: This Orb is often beseeched Benjamin Sisko reveal that the Prophets often reveal
by pilgrims and travellers who are hoping to acquire the themselves as figures from an individual’s life, with each
Prophets blessing upon whatever task or path they have Prophet manifesting as a friend, loved one, or even enemy
decided to follow. whose tone changes upon how they view the individual. No
one can be sure what form the Prophets actually possess,
§ The Orb of Wisdom: Its effects are unknown, save for only that they have seemed to have evolved beyond the need
it has been consulted by spiritual leaders to provide for corporeal forms.


THE GAMMA QUADRANT Expanding out across thousands of light years, the
Dominion holds absolute sway over their core systems.
Through a series of slow but ruthless expansions, they have
The Gamma Quadrant proved too tempting a discovery for managed to stay the dominant power of the quadrant for
the Federation to leave alone. Though it has been full of new over a thousand years. When a race develops the potential
species to greet and untold scientific discoveries the Gamma for warp travel, they are either warned by their neighbors
Quadrant has proven itself to be a dangerous place for unwary of the oncoming threat of the Dominion or are immediately
explorers. In addition to the Dominion the Gamma Quadrant conquered in turn. The Dominion will often have Changeling
is home to planets caught in subspace rifts, moons where infiltrators in place on these worlds in order to help
those trapped there are caught in an endless cycle of death facilitate their absorption into the Dominion or to direct the
and life, and strange species whose cultures are either hostile development of these worlds.
to explorers or who pose themselves to be threats to the
Federation. Even before the discovery of the Dominion it was Currently, there does not appear to be a power that is on par
not uncommon for ships to disappear in the Gamma Quadrant, with the Dominion. Starfleet Intelligence believes that the
though now Starfleet Command believes some of these ships Dominion’s expansion into the Delta Quadrant may be curbed
may have been unwitting victims of Dominion raiding parties. by the threat of the Borg in that sector of the Galaxy, but since
the Dominion itself can take years to cross in its entirety, it is
The Gamma Quadrant features much of the same stellar difficult to work out how much territory they actually control.
phenomena native to the Alpha Quadrant. On the opposite It is possible that some systems obey the Dominion’s laws
side of the wormhole lies empty space that is near several but pay it no more than lip service while other systems are
solar systems, but the Gamma Quadrant is fairly densely thoroughly dominated by Jem’Hadar peace keepers and Vorta
packed with planets. What makes the Gamma Quadrant minders. Since the discovery of the Anomaly, as they refer
different from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants is how much of to the wormhole, they have begun to take aggressive steps
an effect the Dominion has had on the politics of the region. towards expanding into the Alpha Quadrant.

ENCOUNTER SEEDS limits to all but the major powers such as the Klingons,
the Romulans, and the Federation. Other powers like the
Tholians, the Gorn Hegemony, and the Metrons believe that it
ENEMY MINE should be declared neutral space and that no power has the
An unknown force has reconstructed the self-replicating right to restrict or monitor travel through it. This all comes to
minefield around the wormhole and it is growing at an a head when a Ferengi merchant vessel seeking to resume
exponential rate. Though it has been months since the contact with their trading partners, the Karemma, tries to
Dominion has dared to send any ships through, this new head through the wormhole and sees its warp core go critical
mine field has created no end of problems to ships traveling shortly before entering.
to and from the station as sensors are seemingly unable to
reveal the size and scope of this new mine field. With the This event is perfect for trying to get the Player Characters
mines proving resistant to the methods developed by Gul more involved with interstellar politics. The Player
Damar and his scientists, the Federation must discover a Characters may be intimately familiar with the Federation,
means to neutralize the mind field before their constant but now they must attempt to negotiate not just the proper
replication threatens to overwhelm the system. diplomatic channels and rules that are found in a diplomatic
conference of this size but in also dealing with the many
The Player Characters are tasked with trying to neutralize the underhanded and sneaky ways that the ambassadors
new minefield and to discover who it was that created it. This attempt to gain leverage over each other. As the Dominion
minefield does not seem to follow the same layout as the War wages in the background, the Player Characters may
previous one, and while it is possible to develop a means to be forced to use devious means to attempt to accomplish
neutralize it, it reveals a greater threat to the Player Characters their goal, while others may struggle to stay true to the spirit
ship as it means that someone possesses the ability to create of peaceful negotiation.
self-replicating mine fields. The Players may have to negotiate
with the field’s original creators to determine who else might DISSENTION IN THE DOMINION
have had a hand in creating it, and they may be forced to As the Players’ ship explores the Gamma Quadrant, they
locate a Cardassian ship that may possess snippets of the encounter an emergency signal from a nearby asteroid belt
research the Dominion was putting into dismantling the field. that hints at a lost Bajoran colony vessel in the Gamma
Quadrant. Upon arriving at the crash site they are surprised
IMPLORING THE PROPHETS to find a Karemma merchant vessel waiting for them.
The mouth to the wormhole is constantly opening and Inside is Kal’choko, a Dominion dissident who has with her
closing, and strange lights seem to emerge from within. representatives of several other Dominion client races who
Music is being broadcast along subspace channels and the are seeking allies in their fight against Dominion oppression.
Bajorans are taking it as a sign that an important prophecy
is about to pass. All across the quadrant doomsday cults They are hoping that the Federation can offer some
led by mad Bajorans seek to stoke the fires of unrest while assistance in starting a guerrilla movement deep behind
preaching that the Dominion War will end in a planet being the Dominion’s territory. Coming with this are the ethical
razed and in the Emissary’s true purpose being revealed. The consequences of helping to destabilize a belligerent power
matter is only made more complicated with the arrival of the on the verge of war with the Alpha Quadrant as well as the
Pah Wraith cult, which has led its followers into attacking fact that these races may not be trustworthy. When the
their rivals brutally and relentlessly. computers on the Players’ vessel become sabotaged it is
revealed that a Changeling may be on board the Karemma’s
Player Characters will be given the mission of investigating vessel, but whether they are taking action against the
the wormhole and discovering what is causing the strange Dominion dissidents or helping them win over the ship’s trust
music from being emitted within. It could be as simple as a is unclear.
freighter becoming lost within the wormhole and the music
is part of its distress call to the Alpha Quadrant, or perhaps WE ARE TOSK
the Prophets themselves are trying to reach out to anyone When the first Tosk encountered by the Federation was helped
listening to enter the Celestial Temple and hear what they to cross back into the Gamma Quadrant, it was believed
have to say. A more tactical solution would be to try to that no more Tosk would be allowed to cross into the Alpha
resolve the problems with the cults either diplomatically or Quadrant under risk of breaking the rules of the great Hunt.
through force, although the latter may receive condemnation When a Dominion vessel crosses into the Alpha Quadrant
from Starfleet for breaking the Federation Bill of Rights. leaking radiation and showing signs of recent battle, it is a
great surprise to find that there are five Tosk onboard.
The right to enter the wormhole has always been a hotly These Tosk claim that they were rushed out of their
contested issue among the powers of the Alpha Quadrant. incubators by an incident at their cloning facility and have not
Many believe that the wormhole should be declared off received their full allotment of memories and as such, did not


A SANKER FOOD STALL MERCHANT, Rarely seen, these Jem’Hadar are specially trained combat
COURTESY OF JAKE SISKO AND THE FEDERATION NEWS SERVICE medics created by the Vorta. As they rarely need medics
to keep the Jem’Hadar forces healthy, their focus is more
What, do I think the war is good for business? Is that what on keeping enemy prisoners of war alive until they can be
you want me to say? I’ll be blunt, my profits are up, but there’s interrogated later. Their skills are brutal but effective, and
something missing from it all. I used to love serving my Fengarian they are able to keep a prisoner alive if in tremendous pain.
noodles to my customers as they would walk up and down the
promenade, but since the war? And during the occupation when TRAIT: Jem’Hadar
the Dominion walked these halls? Things are bad. Very, very bad.
I used to watch Starfleet crews come by and delight about the ATTRIBUTES
spiciness of my noodles. Now they sit around, barely chewing my
food, and when they’re done they hand the dishes back and go on
their way like they expect to die a few steps down the hall. I don’t
like this. It’s not about my pride in my cooking, which is way better
than that Klingon restaurant or that slop at Quark’s! No, I want to
see my customers happy, and the fact they are unhappy is very, DISCIPLINES
very worrying to me.

gain an absolute loyalty to the Drai and the rules of the Hunt. STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 2 (Armor)
They want sanctuary in the Alpha Quadrant, but their ship is
immediately pursued by a Hunter attack craft that opens fire ATTACKS:
on everything in sight. Can the Player Characters find a way § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A , Knockdown, Size 1H,
to help these refugees or will they have to send them back Non-lethal)
home to avoid total war? § Escalation Kar’takin (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H)
§ Blade (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H)
THE ORB OF VICTORY § Plasma Rifle (Ranged, 6 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate,
The celebratory mood across Bajor that another Orb has Debilitating)
been discovered is lessened by the revelation that it was
discovered to be in the hands of the Dominion. Rumored to SPECIAL RULES:
have been placed aboard Enabran Tain’s flagship, the Orb § Immune to Fear
of Victory is now on board a Jem’Hadar flagship making its § Immune to Pain
way across the Alpha Quadrant, burning everything in its § Brute Force: Jem’hadar add the Vicious 1 effect to their
path. The ship seems to be prepared for any trap or strategy Unarmed Strike, and remove the Non-lethal Quality.
devised against it, and the ship always emerges victorious § The Shroud: A Jem’hadar may spend 2 threat as a
even when outnumbered. Minor Action to become virtually invisible, increasing
the Difficulty of all Tasks to observe, locate, or target the
The Player Characters will have to find a way to infiltrate Jem’hadar by three. This effect ends when the Jem’hadar
the ship and reclaim the lost Orb. This is a difficult task as make an attack, or takes a Minor Action to end the
the Jem’Hadar Battleship is almost always surrounded by effect. The Jem’Hadar loses this ability when deprived of
a fleet of warships except when it goes in for repairs at the ketracel-white.
shipyards at Crassius Minor. Though Starfleet doubts the § Victory is Life: Whenever a Jem’Hadar First or one of its
truth behind the Orb’s properties, reclaiming it from the subordinates inflicts an Injury or achieves an objective,
Dominion would be a huge morale victory for the Alpha add 1 to Threat.
Quadrant and the Player Characters will have to use all their
skill and cunning to find a way to get their hands on the
Bajoran artefact before the Dominion uses it in their assault
on Qo’Nos.

FIRST OMET’IKLAN [MAJOR NPC] three. This effect ends when the Jem’hadar make an attack,
or takes a Minor Action to end the effect. The Jem’Hadar
loses this ability when deprived of ketracel-white.
Omet’iklan was First of a unit of Jem’Hadar who were § Brute Force: Jem’hadar add the Vicious 1 effect to their
tasked with hunting down a rogue band of traitor Unarmed Strike, and remove the Non-lethal Quality.
Jem’Hadar who had hoped to use an Iconian gateway to § Victory is Life: Whenever a Jem’Hadar First or one of its
lead a rebellion against the Dominion. Although distrustful subordinates inflicts an Injury or achieves an objective,
of the Federation, he fought alongside them until they had add 1 to Threat.
defeated the rogues and destroyed the gateway. After killing § For That, They Will Die: Omet’iklan may add the Vicious
the Vorta in charge of his unit, Omet’iklan swore that he 1 effect to their Blade or Plasma Rifle attacks.
would hunt down any remaining rogues on the planet until
he died a glorious death. Rumors of a Jem’Hadar matching
Omet’iklan’s description have been circulating across the
Gamma Quadrant, but how the Jem’Hadar managed to
escape the planet or survive Jem’Hadar pursuit squads is
unclear. What is known is that he is a cunning and skilled Where the Drai are the clone masters of the Dominion, the
tactician who is willing to fight to the death even if all he has Vorta have been elevated to be the overseers of almost all
left are his two hands and his Kar’takin. technological development for the Dominion. Well equipped
with the resources and technical knowledge of the Dominion
TRAIT: Jem’Hadar and all races conquered by them, the Vorta are responsible for
maintaining much of the Dominion’s fleet from the engineering
VALUES: on their warships to developing replicators and environmental
§ We Are Now Dead; We Go Into Battle To Reclaim Our Lives stabilizers. A Vorta Scientist possesses the same bodyguards
§ Loyalty to the Founders, Now and Always a Vorta leader does but for an entirely different purpose: should
§ All Traitors Must Be Accounted For the scientist be in danger of being captured, the Jem’Hadar
will shoot them first before allowing them to self-destruct.
TRAIT: Vorta
FOCUSES: Endurance, Hand to Hand Combat, Interrogation,
Leadership, Ranged Weapons, Small Craft Piloting


§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 A , Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) Non-lethal)
§ Escalation Kar’takin (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H)
§ Blade (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H) SPECIAL RULES:
§ Plasma Rifle (Ranged, 7 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate, § In the Name of the Founders: When using the Direct or
Debilitating) Assist Task to command other servants of the Dominion,
a Vorta may roll 2d20 instead of 1d20.
SPECIAL RULES: § Knowledge of a Thousand Species: The Vorta Scientist
§ Immune to Fear may reroll one d20 when attempting an Engineering or
§ Immune to Pain Science action.
§ The Shroud: A Jem’hadar may spend 2 threat as a Minor § Termination Implant: If a Vorta is captured, they may
Action to become virtually invisible, increasing the Difficulty commit suicide by triggering a termination implant. This
of all Tasks to observe, locate, or target the Jem’hadar by requires a Minor Action, and kills the Vorta immediately.


938951-20 The Vorta Strategist is responsible for observing other
species and learning their weaknesses. This means that from
5593213-30 time to time they must go undercover with those species
who are unfamiliar with the Dominion and their ways. The
Strategist does their best to spread misinformation about the

VORTA DIPLOMAT [NOTABLE NPC] Dominion and to emphasize their more frightening aspects in
order to destabilize the civilization before the Dominion can
begin their invasion in earnest. In order to aid in their survival,
The Dominion has thrived not just by use of the sword, the Strategist is gifted with telekinetic powers to help them
but knowing when to rattle their sabers to get things done. survive. Not every Vorta clone survives integration with these
The Vorta are despised by most races that encounter them psychic powers and it is rumored they do not last long, but
yet they are always welcome where they go due to their while they live they are fearsome opponents.
charming personalities and ability to effectively read the
emotions of those they are talking with. While the Jem’Hadar TRAITS: Vorta
are extremely effective soldiers capable of crushing
civilizations beneath their boots, the Vorta cripple them from VALUES:
within and then convince the conquered species they are § Learn All We Can Until The Fighting Begins
better off serving at the whim of the Founders. § Fear Is As Effective As A Warship


§ I Live To Serve The Founders
§ The Dominion Philosophy Is Superior DARING 08 INSIGHT 10 REASON 10


DISCIPLINES FOCUSES: Diplomacy, Infiltration, Intimidation, Negotiation,

Politics, Propaganda
FOCUSES: Diplomacy, Intimidation, Negotiation § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A , Knockdown, Size 1H,
STRESS: 9 RESISTANCE: 0 § Telekinetic Push (Ranged, 5 A , Knockdown, Lethal)


§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, § In the Name of the Founders: When using the Direct or
Non-lethal Assist Task to command other servants of the Dominion,
a Vorta may roll 2d20 instead of 1d20.
SPECIAL RULES: § Telekinetic Mastery: The Vorta Strategist may reroll one
§ In the Name of the Founders: When using the Direct or d20 when attempting to manipulate an object or person
Assist Task to command other servants of the Dominion, with telekinesis.
a Vorta may roll 2d20 instead of 1d20. § Fear Through Facts and Falsehoods: The Vorta
§ Voice of the Founders: The Vorta Diplomat may reroll Strategist gains an additional d20 when attempting to
one d20 when attempting an Command or Conn action. use Presence.
§ Termination Implant: If a Vorta is captured, they may § Termination Implant: If a Vorta is captured, they may
commit suicide by triggering a termination implant. This commit suicide by triggering a termination implant. This
requires a Minor Action, and kills the Vorta immediately. requires a Minor Action, and kills the Vorta immediately.

§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 A , Knockdown, Size 1H,
The Drai are responsible for maintaining the Dominion’s § Blade (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H)
cloning laboratories alongside the Vorta. Their technological § Hunting Rifle (Ranged, 6 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate,
superiority in the field of cloning allows them to custom Debilitating)
tailor the Vorta to the Dominion’s specifications, and
they are also responsible for maintaining these hidden SPECIAL RULES:
laboratories in order to make sure the Dominion has a § Superior Transporters: A Clonemaster may spend 2
steady stream of Jem’Hadar and Vorta for their war with the points of Threat to break through any effect that blocks
Alpha Quadrant. Transporters.
§ Biological Duplication: A Clonemaster may reroll all dice
TRAITS: Drai in their pool when using Science or Medicine.

DARING 09 INSIGHT 09 REASON 10 Though the Dominion War has limited their ability to engage
in the sacrosanct duties of the Hunt, the Drai still manage
DISCIPLINES to find time to pursue Tosk that “escape” from Dominion
cloning facilities in Cardassian territory. The Vorta have little
COMMAND 01 SECURITY 01 SCIENCE 03 choice but to allow the Hunters the ability to pursue these
Tosk for fear that they will end up in Federation hands and
CONN – ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 reveal some secret to Dominion cloning technology. There
are very few Drai ships in the Alpha Quadrant currently but
FOCUSES: Biology, Cloning Technologies the Hunters view escaping detection by the Federation and
their allies as an exotic thrill that the Hunt has been missing
STRESS: 9 RESISTANCE: 0 for some time.


§ The Hunt Is Everything The Dominion is not above using any means at their disposal
§ We Shall Succeed At All Costs to win this war, and they are not above seeing their enemies
as beasts to be slaughtered if that means they can use every
ATTRIBUTES resource at their disposal. The Drai normally consider their
hunt to be deeply spiritual but there are the occasional Drai
CONTROL 07 FITNESS 11 PRESENCE 10 who are content to “step down” from hunting Tosk and begin
hunting other species for sport.
COMMAND 02 SECURITY 03 SCIENCE – § Cold-Blooded Killer
§ They Are Insignificant In The Eyes Of The Dominion
FOCUSES: Energy Weapons, Melee Combat, Tracking
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, DISCIPLINES
§ Blade (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H) COMMAND 03 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 03
§ Hunting Rifle (Ranged, 6 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate,

SPECIAL RULES: FOCUSES: Espionage, Infiltration, Sabotage, Security

§ Sophisticated Scanners: A Hunter may spend 1 point Systems, Stealth, Tracking
of Threat to see through any effect that camouflages
or shields an object or individual from being detected STRESS: 16 RESISTANCE: 2
visually as long as they are within eyesight.
§ Superior Transporters: A Hunter may spend 2 points ATTACKS:
of Threat to break through any effect that blocks § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 5 A , Knockdown, Size 1H,
Transporters. Non-lethal)
§ A Hunter’s Senses: A Hunter may reroll all dice in their § Blade (Melee, 5 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H)
pool relating to tracking an opponent. § Hunting Rifle (Ranged, 6 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate,
§ Interphasic Ammunition: (Ranged, 4 A , Vicious 2, Size

§ Sophisticated Scanners: An Assassin may spend
298356-32857 1 point of Threat to see through any effect that
34276239-238962 camouflages or shields an object or individual from being
359862-0020 detected visually as long as they are within eyesight.
128-3844 § Superior Transporters: An Assassin may spend 2
points of Threat to break through any effect that blocks
17-2880 § From The Shadows: An Assassin may roll an additional
die when attempting to avoid detection
21-5540 § Aim Small, Miss Small: The Assassin may spend a turn
aiming at their target. Their next attack may ignore all
cover their target may possess.

100 CHAPTER 05

THE DOMINION WAR struggle through so much damage inflicted upon the core of
their societies, and the losers will see a fundamental shift to
everything they know.
A conflict between two sections of the Galaxy. A war fought
on thousands of planets between billions of combatants.
A fundamental shift of power in the Galaxy as two of the
greatest powers of their age go to war with each other. It is a
conflict with surprising alliances, devastating betrayals, and
one born of not only a desire to prove the superiority of one The Dominion War is one of the most intriguing periods for
philosophy over the other but to see who will lay claim to the a story to be played as it is one of brutal conflict and where
fate of the Galaxy. several empires are engaged in a brutal war to the death. It
offers a lot of opportunities for characters of all kinds to find
The Dominion War is perhaps the most devastating conflict a role in how to shape the conflict. A diplomatic character
fought in the 24th century, with the devastation and chaos may find themselves struggling to keep their allies happy
brought by it eclipsing any war fought between powers in while seeking a way to bring new ones into the fold, while
the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Even the Federation-Klingon an engineer may struggle to counter the latest Dominion
wars did not leave so much devastation in their wake, and bio weapon while working overtime to repair the intensive
at its peak the war saw the betrayal of the Alpha Quadrant damage their ship has suffered. Commanders will have to
by the Cardassians, an attack on Federation Headquarters make bold decisions that could determine life or death for
on Earth, and the occupation of several key Federation their friends and crew, while tactical officers will find no end
member planets such as Betazed. The quadrant saw of targets for their weapons.
hundreds of thousands of vessels engage in combat across
the Galaxy, and it is not uncommon to find burnt wrecks Even unaligned characters will be drawn into the conflict.
of vessels drifting across solar systems as the victors Characters with no ties to either side will find Dominion patrols
scramble to pull surviving members of their alliance from halting their vessels and demanding to board. Trading will
the wreckage. become more difficult as the Federation commandeers vessels
to help in refugee efforts, and boisterous Klingon warriors will
The war is more than just soldiers fighting on distant roam the promenade seeking a fight with anyone who crosses
battlefields. From just before the war begins to its current their path so they can hope to forget the egregious defeat the
state with the entry of the Breen into the conflict, the Jem’Hadar inflicted upon them. The Dominion may attempt
Dominion War affected the growth and development of to capture the characters or possibly seek to use them, and
three quadrants of the Galaxy well before the fighting those with loyalties to the Orion Syndicate will find themselves
actually started. From covert maneuvers of exploration torn between helping the Dominion and helping to preserve
across Dominion borders to the destruction of all outposts their power in the Alpha Quadrant.
on the Gamma side of the wormhole, the war changed
how the Federation began to operate. From the creation of If there is something to keep in mind while running a story
new classes of battleship to the use of covert operatives during the Dominion War it is that the war is more brutal
to engage in operations both against the Dominion and the than any other conflict that the Federation has faced. It is
Romulans, the war will have much more lasting repercussions an opportunity for glorious heroics and tragic defeats. The
than the millions dead. The winners of the conflict will have to war can see the Cardassians driven out of a sector for the


remainder of a war or see Deep Space 9 constantly on the 9 surrounded by Cardassian and Dominion vessels as it
defensive against Dominion attacks. There is no single key valiantly stands to keep the Alpha Quadrant free. These
to victory and even if a lasting victory is achieved, no one styles of game are perfectly fine examples of what to run for
knows when the next conflict will start up again. your Players. Players more interested in running their ship
and engaging in combat will find plenty of opportunities
As brutal as the war is, it should not be used as an for them to test their mettle against Breen pilots and
opportunity to continually inflict devastating punishment Jem’Hadar attack ships. The Dominion War offers much
upon the Players. A game where characters are constantly more than just space combat and can offer something new
defeated or where Players continually retreat before the to every gaming group.
Dominion will not be fun for very long. While no game
session should be easy, it is easy to forget that the game
is meant to provide fun for the Players and the Dominion
War has the chance of being unintentionally cruel. There
should always be a gleam of hope at the end of each
session and the characters should see a light at the end The Dominion War offers opportunities for ships to be flown
of the tunnel or they may become disenchanted and lose across the Alpha Quadrant. A routine patrol ship may now
interest in the game. find itself on the Cardassian border, while a science vessel
may be retasked to try to solve an outbreak of a biogenic
weapon on a Cardassian moon. Players may see their

GAME TYPES DURING THE DOMINION WAR characters thrown to the forefront of a military campaign
where they must follow orders and attempt to defeat the
Dominion at all costs.
When some think about the Dominion War, they think of
fleets of starships fighting in space. They think of gallant In this style of story, the characters will be forced to work
Federation officers facing off against Jem’Hadar on remote within Starfleet’s military structure over the course of the
planets, and they think of the space around Deep Space adventure. The characters will be present at briefings and

102 CHAPTER 05
debriefings where they will have to talk with higher ranking characters will have to decide on whether they will keep
NPCs and receive orders on how to proceed. While it may fighting until the 99th are wiped out or if they can find a
seem like they may not have very much control over the way to free these slave troops.
story, Players will get the opportunity to come up with their
own solutions to the mission as well as come up with ways to
discuss strategy and tactics with Starfleet officers. Although
they may be of lower rank, their input into a strategy can
mean the difference between life and death and they will be
the ones figuring out how to follow through with their orders War is not just fought with weapons. It is fought
as best they can. economically, it is fought politically, and almost as
important as the rest it is often fought covertly and in
The Stellar Campaign model is more than just playing the shadows. The Federation was forced to rely upon its
out a war game across the stars. The Dominion is vast, own secret intelligence taskforce, Section 31, while the
seemingly overwhelming threat to struggle against, but the best of Federation Intelligence, the remains of the Tal
Dominion can be at the forefront of your campaign or the Shiar, and other intelligence agencies did their best to
dreaded menace looming in the background. A Betazoid gain information on the Dominion and stop the spread of
character may find themselves mourning over the conquest Changeling infiltrators across the quadrant. The Federation
of their homeworld while trading phaser fire with Breen was also forced to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate to try to
soldiers, or a Talaxian may receive letters from home stop Dominion plots to assassinate their allies while trying
informing them of how their third wife’s second husband to support Cardassian resistance movements against the
was killed on the Cardassian front. The conflict inflicts a Dominion. Although the stars may glitter with exchanges of
heavy toll upon those involved in it, although Players may phaser fire and photon torpedoes detonating on the hulls
receive good news along with the bad. They may learn that of ships, the shadows occasionally light up with agents
their best friend’s vessel was recovered by the Klingons assassinating their targets with disruptors while stealing
and that they are alive, or that the 9th Fleet held the line at encrypted data pads from their bodies.
Segustus Minor. Although the war is grim, there is always
hope for victory. From before the war begins to the heaviest fighting of the
conflict, espionage lays the groundwork for the battles
STORIES IN A STELLAR CAMPAIGN to come. The Federation gave their best assets and the
§ The trade routes between Vulcan and Andoria have been authorized use of a cloaking device to Captain Sisko so he
cut, but the attackers are described as being mercenary could explore the Gamma Quadrant and gain information
ships equipped with cloaking devices. Rumors have on the Dominion. Captain Sisko and Odo worked with
spread across the Federation that these ships may be the Federation to try to develop countermeasures for
former members of the House of Duras, but the Klingons Changeling infiltrators. Chief O’Brien was tasked with
deny having any involvement in these raids. Tracking infiltrating the Orion Syndicate while Doctor Bashir
down where these ships are coming from and finding was given orders from Section 31 to spy on a Romulan
their hidden base are paramount in restoring the sorely conference. The list goes on, as the importance of spying
needed supply lines. on their enemy and rooting out double agents grows in
importance throughout the war.
§ The Dormakeen, a race of warriors who have been
distant members of the Federation until now, send Campaigns that center around spying will also involve the
a request for aid to the Federation when their world Players being forced to make dubious moral choices at
has been invaded by the Dominion. The Dormakeen times. Although some sessions will involve their characters
possess a culture very much dedicated to war but they stopping a Changeling infiltrator from poisoning the water
find their soldiers afflicted with a sudden lethargy that supply of a colony, others may involve making harder
prevents them from fighting. The characters will need choices in order to win the war. The characters may learn
to find a way to mount a successful defense of their how to decrypt the latest Obsidian Order security protocol
homeworld while Starfleet Medical will struggle to find a but if they reveal they know that a fleet of warships is on
cure for this sickness. its way to wipe out a colony, then the Obsidian Order will
change the protocol and they will be back to square one.
§ The Cardassians have managed to make landfall on A Federation agent may be forced to free a Gorn prisoner
the Moons of Pythia, but the crew discover that they from a Klingon prison despite the fact he’s a known
have sent in the 99th Order, which is comprised of criminal across the Empire if it means that they can get the
penal troops and those forced to fight through special information that the Gorn has on a secret ketracel-white
rigs attached to their bodies. The 99th Order will fight facility.
viciously but occasionally their soldiers will beg for
mercy before being shocked to death by these rigs. The


We met with the client today. He claimed he transfer would go through then in helping his people fight the Dominion. I know
could supply us with the phaser weaponry about the incident with Palamar and on DS9 a few years back, but part of me
and parts for our older Miranda and Excelsior wonders if we would be better off or worse off if his ship was destroyed by
class vessels for a decent price. I hate dealing Jem’Hadar raiders. Don’t worry, I won’t sanction him, because we are getting
with this man, who I will never understand what we need. Vermin like him always manage to survive because they make
why we were unable to bring him in before. themselves indispensable. Hopefully after the war we can take him down once
He’s a human, so you would imagine he would his usefulness has worn off.
want to help the Federation win the war? No!
He was more interested in insuring our credit — Lt. Zardo Enrin, Federation Intelligence

STORIES OF INTRIGUE AND ESPIONAGE Characters involved in a diplomatic campaign will have
§ The characters are waiting on a remote outpost for the the most opportunities for traveling and avoiding conflict.
arrival of a Cardassian dissident hoping to defect. The While interstellar travel during the Dominion War is by no
dissident arrives, followed by a second, and a third means safe, they are more likely to encounter a squadron
dissident, all of whom have no idea who each other are of Jem’Hadar Attack Ships than they are to encounter an
and all do not possess any real proof to their identity. The entire battalion of Cardassian warships. The Players will
crew must discover whom these Cardassians are and if have the opportunity to see their characters visit worlds
any of them are members of the Obsidian Order hoping such as Qo’noS or Vulcan and get to deal with the major
to infiltrate the Federation. NPCs of the Dominion War. They may even get to travel to
Deep Space Nine, which is at the front lines of the entire
§ The characters are attached to a traveling circus conflict, and get to see the Wormhole for themselves while
which flies around the quadrant as a cover for trying trying to keep the peace between the Federation, the
to get behind enemy lines. While in the circus they Klingons, and the Romulans.
notice a small boy who seems to possess the abilities
of a Changeling but does not know who he is. The War can be especially frustrating for those who are forced
characters must find a way to contact Starfleet to sit on the sidelines watching politicians argue while their
Command and extricate themselves and the boy before friends and comrades are off dying on the front lines. A
his true identity is discovered. flagship may see itself far removed from the conflict and
involved in trying to bring new species into the Federation.
§ A joint Federation-Klingon intelligence briefing reveals Decorated officers may find themselves at a conference
that spies within the Miradorn Assembly are aware of on Risa trying to keep the Klingon delegation from walking
a Dominion plot to turn the Miradorn completely over out on talks when their requests are not honored. Starships
to the side of the Dominion. The characters are tasked possessing vast phaser banks and quantum torpedo
with their Klingon counterparts to infiltrate Miradorn launchers may be placed on garrison duty on Earth while
society and put an end to the plot, but the Klingons they learn about the near destruction of the 7th Fleet.
resent the Federation agents’ methods and seem overly
antagonistic from the beginning. But it is in these campaigns that the possibility for conflict
may come from unexpected angles. Politicians seeking
to find out why dilithium shipments are delayed may

CENTER OF GALACTIC POLITICS learn of Breen raiders preying upon shipping lanes. The
characters may find themselves on a delegation to the Gorn
homeworld to try to bring that race into the Alpha Quadrant
Politics always tends to get mixed up with everything. Even in alliance and then become involved in the hegemony’s
a conflict with the Dominion, an empire so vast and tyrannical intensive infighting. Even simple garrison duty might
that most societies would find it to be a moral imperative become challenging when infighting amongst Starfleet may
to resist them, politics always comes to the forefront during see admirals jockeying for position among each other to
war. Whether it’s in determining if a civilization like the get their battle strategies accepted and the characters may
Tholians should get involved in the conflict or deciding which have to choose which admiral to fall in line behind or risk
Cardassian worlds should be ceded to the Klingons for their becoming alienated politically.
involvement, politics tends to muddy everything and make
simple things overly complicated.

104 CHAPTER 05
STORIES OF GALACTIC POLITICS What makes stories centered on desperation is that it
§ There is a sudden energy shortage afflicting Earth and encourages the Players to get creative with how to solve it.
several other planets across the Federation. The small parts It encourages the group to pull together and figure out new
necessary to maintaining fusion reactors have suddenly solutions to the problems they face. And when the Players
become sparse as the factories capable of producing these manage to succeed against all odds, they are rewarded
parts have run out of the special ores needed for their for their hard work by seeing how their characters not only
construction. The miners on worlds that produce these survive but how they manage to achieve a major victory
elements have joined together in protest to the brutal work against the Dominion.
conditions they are working under and demand that their
demands be heard by Federation representatives or they Desperation does not just have to involve the Federation as
will refuse to let anyone into the mines. well. A freighter full of medical supplies needed by a distant
colony may find themselves sabotaged and forced to deal with
§ The Grand Nagus appears before the Federation Council the threat of a Changeling on board. The crew will then have to
and demands that his list of debts owed to the Ferengi work hard to find a way to counter this threat using only what
Alliance by the Federation be paid in full within a month they have. Although the threat of the Dominion is always in
or they will cut off all trading with the Federation. The the background during the Dominion War, the characters now
reasons for these demands are unclear, but rumor has must face the very real threat in front of them and struggle to
it that the Romulans are encouraging the Ferengi to do survive against a foe who can turn into anything they want.
this at their request in order to gain an edge over the
Federation while they are tied up with the Dominion. STORIES OF DESPERATION UNTIL VICTORY
§ The characters lose their ship when it is rammed by the
§ On Khitomer, a delegation of Dominion representatives Jem’Hadar. Forced to abandon their vessel, they wind up
has arrived to begin peace talks. The Federation is on a remote planet where food is scarce and the climate
doing their best to negotiate with the Changeling is brutally cold. In addition to their struggles, they have to
representative in charge but finds them aloof and hard find spare parts to fix their distress beacon, but there are
to work with. As the characters do their best to keep Jem’Hadar roaming the woods searching for them. Their
involved with the conference, there is an explosion problems are only compounded when at night, a roar
from the council chamber and it is revealed that the can be heard across the countryside, and the sounds
Changeling has been killed by a specialized ionic of something massive roaming in the woods keep them
explosive. The characters must do their best to keep the continually on their guard.
situation under control before a Dominion fleet is sent to
scour the planet out of vengeance. § The people of Ocalla III overthrow their Federation
representatives and declare themselves for Cardassia and
the Dominion. Unable to beam off planet due to a jamming

DESPERATION UNTIL VICTORY field in the atmosphere, the characters must find a way
to escape from the authorities while finding a way to get
off planet. As they work with the Ocallian resistance, they
This story is one that is more brutal then the average Star Trek discover that there may be a full infiltration of the Ocalla
campaign, but one that has its place during the Dominion War. government by the Dominion and must now work to free
This is the type of story where the Players will be constantly the people of Ocalla from the Dominion.
on edge, and where they will have to make hard decisions
in order to survive. In this kind of story, the characters find § The Players’ ship is trapped far behind enemy lines
themselves on a world that has been occupied or otherwise with only a handful of other ships. Their weapons are
surrounded by the Dominion. They may find themselves running low, their hulls are damaged, and they only
trapped on an outpost that has been afflicted with a Dominion have enough dilithium to make a few more trips to
bioweapon that prevents them from leaving. warp before their warp cores are depleted. They can
try to abandon their comrades and make their way
These stories are the epitome of “the night gets darkest back to Federation territory, but that would surely
before the dawn.” The characters may be on the verge of mean the death of their fellow Starfleet officers. With
losing their lives and the Federation may struggle with losing Dominion ships combing the sector for them, they
the war, but these stories are about how the characters must discover a way to make it back home together
can hold on until they are able to overcome the challenge while holding on against brutal attacks by the
at hand. The characters will seem constantly outmanned Jem’Hadar who seem content with destroying their
and outgunned, but how they manage to hold on is the real ships rather than taking prisoners.
portion of the story. It is about triumphing against the odds
rather than relishing in an all too easy victory.


THE GLORY OF THE DOMINON’S FLEETS a kind leader, as they are more than willing to sacrifice its
members to achieve its goals. The Jem’Hadar are bred with
an innate feeling of self-sacrifice and even the Vorta know
The Dominion’s fleets possess numerous advantages over that their lives are meaningless compared to the Founders’
their opponents, and some cannot easily be countered. orders. The Cardassians are starting to feel the sting of this
While it is plain to see how their size and firepower are to philosophy, with entire planets abandoned as part of the
their advantage, the Dominion’s forces possess more than ever changing Dominion war stratagem and Guls finding
just numerical superiority. They rely upon numerous key themselves left to fend for themselves when their Dominion
factors which they very capably exploit in order to defeat counterparts are withdrawn unceremoniously in order to be
their opponents. Although the forces of the Alpha Quadrant stationed elsewhere.
have managed to force a stalemate with the Dominion, it will
be overcoming the Dominion’s many strengths that will lead THE JEM’HADAR
them to victory and break the endless carnage that both Brutal, efficient, and with rare exception completely loyal.
sides are trapped in. The Jem’Hadar have been the perfect soldiers of conquest
for the Dominion for centuries, and their very name has
LOYALTY TO THE FOUNDERS spread fear across two quadrants. The Jem’Hadar are so
The Dominion is nearly completely loyal to itself. Although ferocious that the Federation ran intensive drills on their
the Vorta will occasionally compete with each other for the starships to discover a means to counter their threat. With
Founders’ affection and the races who have been absorbed their natural ability to “shroud” themselves and become
into it will chafe under their rule, the Dominion has a clear nearly invisible, they are an even greater threat on the
hierarchy that answers to the Founders without question. battlefield as they can use this chameleon like effect to
The Founders function almost as literal gods to the Vorta, get close to their targets in order to strike. Their devotion
and any request will become the sole focus and obsession to the Founders is unquestioned, and although their units
of the Vorta tasked with carrying it out. Combine this with the sometimes chafe under the Vorta, their loyalty is doubly
loyalty of the Jem’Hadar and the Dominion does not have to insured thanks to genetic conditioning and the use of
deal with the political intrigue of the Klingon houses or the ketracel-white to keep them alive.
constant debating that goes on with the Federation Council.
This clarity of thought and intention makes them a bold threat
on the battlefield.
The first civilization in the Alpha Quadrant to be welcomed The Dominion fleet does possess a few problems that
into the Dominion, the Cardassians were a shattered the Alpha Quadrant Alliance has managed to use to their
people whose devastating war with the Klingons had come advantage. Although the Dominion has proven repeatedly
after years of political infighting that saw their government that they are not a threat to be underestimated, they have a
collapse multiple times. Once a feared power across few flaws that have made the Dominion War last far longer
the quadrant, the Cardassians had struggled to regain than they had believed it would.
supremacy and were forced to turn to the Federation
for aid on multiple occasions. Now the Cardassians are HUBRIS
combining their vast intelligence resources with their The Dominion has not known a major defeat since the
familiarity with the Alpha Quadrant to the Dominon’s dawn of its existence, or so the Vorta tell its citizenry. The
advantage. Though the Cardassians are arrogant and Dominion has been an unstoppable juggernaut whose
sometimes blinded by hubris, this has become an supremacy is unchallenged in their home quadrant. That is
advantage for them as they now believe they cannot fail why when they planned on how to take the Alpha Quadrant,
and they will win the war. The introduction of the Breen has they laid out their plans carefully but at their heart, they
sent shockwaves through the Cardassian leadership but never believed they could fail. The Founders had spent the
they remain as dedicated as ever to proving they are the better part of five years destabilizing the Alpha Quadrant
superior species of the Alpha Quadrant. and turning its major powers against each other. When the
war began, they had hoped that the recent war between
DETACHED CRUELTY the Klingons and the Federation had sufficiently weakened
The Dominion lauds itself across the Gamma Quadrant as both sides and would have prevented them from becoming
a combination of multiple races under the guiding rule of allies once again. Now the Dominion is caught between
the Founders and in many ways, it has improved the lives offensive and defensive mindsets, and while they have
of those that get absorbed into it. Their technology is ahead always excelled with being on the attack they have never
of the Alpha Quadrant in some areas and the Dominion been capable of mounting a strong defense. The typical
supplies those absorbed into it with protection against all Dominion defensive strategy is to lure the opponent in and
threats. But the Dominion is not what would be considered then destroy them utterly with waves of attack and battle

106 CHAPTER 05
ships. Now the Dominion must build defenses and shore up the Federation and the Klingon Empire so considerably
weak spots along their massive border while finding places that the Romulan involvement would be negligible at best.
to attack their opponents. The Romulan Empire would have been allowed to continue
to exist as a quiet neighbor while Changeling infiltrators
CARDASSIAN UNPREDICTABILITY destabilized it for almost ten years before the Dominion
The Cardassians have been useful allies since the beginning would invade. Now the Romulans have not only joined the
of the conflict but now are proving to be unpredictable conflict but in the process widened the Dominion frontier,
in their usefulness. The former Legate of the Cardassian requiring an even larger fleet to garrison its borders.
Union, Gul Dukat, was more prone to proving the glory of Although the Romulan Star Navy has been crippled in
the Cardassian Union than devoting his forces completely recent years thanks to the machinations of the Dominion
to Dominion battle plans. His return and subsequent closure and the infighting prevalent among its ranks, it still remains
of the Wormhole through use of the alien Pah Wraiths has a potent opponent that has bolstered the Federation and
alienated him from the Dominion’s leadership, and his the Klingons’ resolve.
successors have proven equally disappointing. Gul Damar
is a competent administrator but is an alcoholic prone to
indulgences that make him less likely to devote the sum of
his knowledge to planning sessions and his contempt for the
Vorta has locked him in a constant power struggle with the
clones of the Vorta, Weyoun. The Jem’Hadar are the most devastating troops at the
command of the Founders. Deadlier than the Cardassian
THE ROMULAN INVOLVEMENT commandos, and more resilient and better trained then
The Romulans were predicted to never join the Alpha any of the client races that make up part of the Dominion,
Quadrant Alliance and even if they did not for another two the Jem’Hadar are perhaps the most deadly fighting force
years, and in that time the Dominion had hoped to weaken in the Galaxy next to the Borg. Their ability to go toe-to-


toe with even the best trained Klingon warriors has spread existing enzymes in the Alpha Quadrant have either failed or
fear across the Alpha Quadrant, but when it comes to been foiled by Starfleet. With their existing supplies running
maintaining this fighting force, the Dominion is encountering out, the Dominion is forced to engage in riskier tactics not
no ends of problems. The Dominion was planning on just with the hope of achieving victory sooner but also to
constant resupplying of their forces through the Wormhole thin out their ranks of Jem’Hadar before their entire army
since the beginning of the conflict. They had stockpiled starves to death.
massive supplies of ketracel-white in hidden strongholds
across Cardassian space but they have gone through the
majority of these supplies. They had developed numerous
labs and factories to attempt to manufacture more of the
drug but the key enzymes needed to create it are only found
natively in the Gamma Quadrant and all attempts to convert Encountering the Dominion is a very real threat during this
era as the Dominion has seemingly stretched itself across
the whole of the quadrant. Merchant ships have to fly very

RESPONSE TO GENERAL carefully along trade routes for fear that Jem’Hadar raiders
will appear and outposts have to drill constantly on what to

ORDER #626-1 do if Cardassian commandos or Jem’Hadar warriors invade

their base. It is a frightening time, but the Federation and its
allies have answered the call to battle with as much ferocity
CHIEF KATALINA DELUCTO, SHIPMASTER, UTOPIA SHIPYARDS and determination as they have for other threats.

I would like to thank the Admiralty and the Federation Council for When the Dominion are encountered, they will always have
their numerous and urgent requests for us to expand production of a clear leader whose answers are expected to be answered
the Defiant-class starship. It has been brought to my attention over unconditionally even though the Jem’Hadar are often free
the past few months through numerous communications, coded to make their own interpretations on how to do it. Typically
messages, and impromptu visits by senior staff that you would the Jem’Hadar will answer to their First, who in turn answers
very much like it if we could produce more of these battleships to the Vorta in charge. Occasionally the Vorta will answer
for service in Starfleet. It is because of this that I am sending this to a higher stationed Vorta, and at the top of this structure
memorandum to every officer who has requested that we build more are the Founders whose commandments are expected to
Defiant-class starships. be followed obediently and swiftly or else the Founders
may decide to liquidate the entire command structure and
The truth is, we are working to refit our shipyards to better start over with others. Cardassians and other allies are
accommodate the construction of these vessels. They are unique often merged with the command structure but while the
and geared completely towards combat which is not an endeavor Cardassians are given command over their own forces they
that Starfleet has been interested in since the Romulan War. Each are expected to answer to the Vorta and the Founders.
ship requires intensive hull plating to be installed, quantum torpedo
tubes to be calibrated and armed, and not to mention an intensive A typical encounter with the Dominion will feature a squad of
security team to guard them while they are being constructed. around a dozen Jem’Hadar warriors often stationed aboard
Combine this with the fact that several Federation members have an Attack Ship. This squad will have a First, who determines
objected strongly to the construction of warships and you can see the structure of his squad after being awarded with the title
why there have been numerous delays. by their commanding Vorta. A Jem’Hadar squad trained
enough to be able to accomplish almost any mission, with
To date we have constructed over two dozen of these vessels, with their lives considered forfeit should they fail. The Jem’Hadar
the most recent being the Sao Paolo and the Valiant. Until we can will only turn on their Vorta should their leader turn on the
finish refitting our shipyards and find time between repairing and Dominion or if in rare cases they decide to rebel.
outfitting new vessels for Starfleet, I expect the production of these
ships to rise no more than 30% over the next few months. That is Other planetary encounters may include the infiltration of a
if I can get the parts and manpower I have requested which as I Dominion base or encountering a Dominion regiment on the
was informed by Admiral Trimble, we will not. So we will make do battlefield. These encounters vary depending on the number
with what we can and work on making as many of these ships as of actual Dominion troops versus the Cardassians and their
possible. I would like to inform you that each communique I get allies that are found there. The Cardassians deploy numerous
regarding the Defiant-class starship decreases our production value client races as well as alliances with races such as the Son’a,
by 1%, so please try to keep yourselves from swamping my offices who help protect Cardassian space in exchange for medical
with repeated requests. I assure you, we are working as hard as supplies and money. A Cardassian outpost far removed
possible. Thank you. from the front may be manned entirely by Cardassians while
a border installation will see at least five times as many
Jem’Hadar as there are Cardassians.

108 CHAPTER 05
STANDARD DOMINION SUPPLY GARRISON to the rebel Jem’Hadar who fought against the Dominion?
What are the Breen really like? These are all questions that
some Players may attempt to answer during the course of
The Dominion tries to keep itself flexible, but when it comes an adventure but which are never discovered throughout the
to defending their garrisons they make sure to follow a simple course of the show.
command structure in order to give them the ability to adapt
to new circumstances. Although the exact complement of a While it might seem like it is hard to answer these questions
Dominion base will always be changing during the war, they and much easier to shut them down, remember that it is also
do follow procedure whenever possible. possible to answer a question with another question over the
course of the session. A character may hack into an ancient
A Dominion supply garrison will often be as far away from Dominion satellite relay and discover that the Changelings
the frontlines as possible due to the likelihood of Klingon may have had another homeworld at some point, but as they
raiders. These garrisons will often store the incredibly explore that world they may discover that it too was not their
valuable ketracel-white, but more recently they are used to original destination. The rebel Jem’Hadar may have survived
store polaron weapon arrays and spare parts for Dominion but are continually on the run and as equally distrustful of the
ships. These garrisons are heavily guarded, but due to the Federation as they are of the Dominion and may not want to
quick nature in which they were constructed they often work alongside either faction. By keeping the mystery going
have sizable gaps in their security that infiltrators can you can encourage the Players to keep trying to explore and
easily exploit. discover the universe around them without feeling the need
to shut them down and give them a harsh, overly definitive
The standard Dominion supply garrison will be led by a council answer of “No.”
of Vorta, of which one will have the honor of being allowed
to speak to the Founders directly. A Founder themselves
will almost never be at these bases, as the likelihood of the
base coming under assault is too much of a risk for beings as
valuable as they are. Instead, the Vorta given the responsibility
of communicating with the Founder will be in charge, as The Dominion possess vast fleets of starships of which
they will be one of the few to hear the Founder’s commands the majority are dedicated to one purpose: war. Since the
directly. They then delegate tasks out to their subordinate Dominion have the Karemma to conduct negotiations for
Vorta, who do the same to any Jem’Hadar, Cardassians, or them, and other client races are willing to let the Dominion
Vorta beneath them. The Cardassians will be allowed their use their ships at their leisure, the Dominion has little need
own commanders at their bases but any base with a sizable for its vessels to outfit themselves for any other purpose but
Dominion presence will simply seek to accommodate the war. The Jem’Hadar Attack Ship is mass produced to be
wishes of the Cardassian commander but not necessary the mainstay of their fleet and with their legions of cloned
include them in every meeting. soldiers at the helm, the Dominion has spread like a tide
across the Gamma Quadrant. When the Dominion needs to
The Vorta council will often meet in a single room deep send in more advanced starships they send in their Battle
inside of the complex, where the heavily fortified walls and Cruisers whose massive swooped wings are an unforgettable
shielding will keep them safe from assault. No less than sight on the battlefield. Combine this with the thousands of
two Jem’Hadar and potentially two Cardassian soldiers will Cardassian ships already at their disposal and the Dominion
be stationed in this room at any given time. The rest of the fleet is a threat even the Klingons have no choice but to slow
garrison will be protected by three squads of Cardassian down and consider how they can face it.
soldiers and six squads of Jem’Hadar, with appropriate
support staff for each. Usually the Jem’Hadar will only require The Dominion fleet has been an unstoppable juggernaut for
their Vorta and perhaps a Drai advisor to help maintain their centuries and not just because of their size and firepower.
weaponry and fitness while at the base. While the Jem’Hadar are a formidable threat, the Founders
are always careful about every engagement they enter into.
Although spontaneous firefights are bound to happen, the

DISCOVERY OF THE UNKNOWN Dominion will send its fleet into battle after every possible
stratagem has been considered and laid out carefully. They
will rely upon intelligence brought to them by Changeling
For some Players, there will be a drive to want to get infiltrators in their opponent’s high command, and they will
answers to questions that are not readily available when rely upon the ferocious reputation of their fleets to be spread
they encounter the Dominion. As they explore the Dominion across their opponents’ territory by terrified crewmen who
and encounter forces from there, they will try to get answers have barely escaped from earlier confrontations with their
to some of the greatest questions that the show has offered. lives. Only then does the Dominion attack like a tidal wave
Where are the Changelings originally from? What happened across their opponent’s borders.


Add to this the cunning and battle savvy of the Cardassian
navy that has joined with the Dominion. Although the
Cardassians were badly losing their war with the Klingons,
they have not only recovered their numbers and territory The Dominion fleet is vast, and capable of fighting in
lost to their enemies but they have regained their resolve almost every scenario. The Dominion possess thousands
and purpose for battle. The Cardassian navy is a formidable upon thousands of vessels, and the estimated strength of
threat and combined with the uncompromising lethality the entire Dominion fleet in the Gamma Quadrant alone is
that the Obsidian Order inflicts upon their opponents, estimated at over 150,000 starships of various weight and
the Cardassians are able to stand side by side with their armament. If the Wormhole could become more reliable
Dominion counterparts as their quest to claim the Alpha for the Dominion to travel through then they would be able
Quadrant begins in earnest. to deploy an armada so vast that they could flatten every
starbase and planet from Bajor to Earth with very little
being able to stop them. Their forces in the Alpha Quadrant

DOMINION TACTICS are much smaller and forced to deploy the entirety of the
Cardassian navy to fight at their side. This is one of the few
factors in the Alpha Quadrant’s favor during the conflict.
The Dominion is focused on one thing when they go to
war: winning at all costs. Though this strategy has become A Dominion deployment will vary depending on the need
very costly in recent months, they will do anything to win of the Dominion fleet. The Dominion is content to leave
even if it means sacrificing their own manpower to do so. simpler missions under the command of the Jem’Hadar and
They have proven on multiple occasions that they will do so their Vorta leaders. The Dominion will not waste precious
without reservation, and entire battalions of Jem’Hadar have resources on a simple patrol along the border, and will often
been left behind on worlds that the Dominion has retreated deploy a standard patrol configuration as needed. More
from in order to fight to the bitter end and die either by complex missions, such as deploying against a Klingon
their opponent’s weapons or by the slow, horrible death of fleet or attempting to take a Romulan outpost, will often
ketracel-white withdrawal. feature the involvement of hundreds of ships commanded by
seasoned Jem’Hadar Firsts under the command of a higher
At the beginning of the war, the Dominion favored lightning ranking Vorta or even a Founder themselves.
fast raids to accomplish their missions. They would send
in large squadrons of ships in attack formations and When choosing what kind of deployment the Dominion is
overwhelm the defenders with a sudden deluge of polaron using for the session, remember that it is not always about
blasts. Coming from the rear would be Galor-class, presenting the Players with a major challenge if the story
Keldon-class, and Dominion Battle Ships which would does not call for it. Not every story must feature a brutal
slowly but methodically destroy their targets with heavy fight to the death if it does not fit in with what is going on.
salvos of torpedoes and phaser fire. This combined with Players trying to resolve a plague outbreak on Cestus III may
Changeling infiltrators and Jem’Hadar assault forces would not have time to face an entire Dominion Assault Force, and
lead to them overwhelming fortified star systems within a the occasional tussle with a Dominion patrol will give more
couple hours. combat-minded Players with something to do without forcing
the entire session to be all about them.
Now the Dominion must be more conservative in their
strategies. They are no longer allowed to deploy their fleets Although the Dominion forces start to shrink over the course
across a wide frontier and they may still resort to ramming of the conflict, remember that there are always more Dominion
actions with their Attack Ships but they can ill afford to ships to call upon and that if necessary, another Dominion
lose anymore. They once had the Cardassians in only patrol can appear on long range sensors. Players should also
a supporting role but now the Cardassians have had to be given clear indicators on whether it is necessary to stay and
stretch their own forces thinly across their borders to deal fight more Dominion ships as they appear or whether it would
with the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulans. be more prudent to run away and live to fight.
The Dominion is still capable of winning great victories and
numerous Alpha Quadrant alliance fleets have met their ends PATROL SQUADRON
in Dominion space over the conflict, but now the Dominion A typical deployment encountered by Starfleet will be a
is finding itself on uncertain ground as they struggle to Jem’Hadar patrol featuring on average three Jem’Hadar Attack
adapt their strategies. For an empire that is used to having Ships. This is the standard deployment for the Jem’Hadar,
overwhelming numbers and nearly inexhaustible resources, as the versatility of having three ships often allows them to
they are forced to fight conservatively for the first time since take care of any threat they encounter. Occasionally these
their founding. squadrons break up in order to patrol a wider area or due
to losing vessels, but the three ship deployment is most
commonly seen outside of major deployments.

110 CHAPTER 05
Though the Dominion is focused on winning the war, they DOMINION CREW
have uncovered numerous scientific anomalies and research
opportunities since entering the Alpha Quadrant. Realizing
the necessity of scientific exploration and in particular,
researching a means to contact the Gamma Quadrant, The Jem’Hadar are given innate knowledge over much of the
the typical Dominion research squadron will be made up Dominion’s weaponry and equipment, and the same applies to
of 3-6 Patrol Squadrons, a trio of Cardassian Galor class their ships. A Jem’Hadar is capable of flying a Dominion starship
battleships, and one Dominion Battle Ship. The Research within a few weeks of maturation, and can be considered combat
Squadron will fight to hold onto whatever it is that they are ready as soon as they reach the age of young adulthood. Thanks
studying, but will destroy the anomaly and flee if they feel it is to the genetic engineering coded into them, they may not be the
prudent and not worth their time and effort to stay. best pilots, but they are able to do their job competently. On the
other hand, Vorta are highly specialized crew members who are
PUNISHMENT DEPLOYMENT better suited for commanding and repairing Dominion ships than
Used frequently in the Gamma Quadrant, the Punishment serving as part of the crew. Teams of Vorta specialists are capable
Deployment is sent in when the Dominion needs to of refitting ships with new technology within a matter of days, while
remind its members that they serve the Founders and the Vorta commanding the ship is able to substitute themselves
that resistance will not be tolerated. Although variable in in when needed to help man the vessel. Vorta are not particularly
size depending on whom they are targeting, the average adept at combat situations and prefer to let the Jem’Hadar First
Punishment Deployment will be made up of 50 Jem’Hadar take over.
Attack Ships and 6 Battle Ships who will enter the system
and destroy everything in their path until they can occupy For the purposes of determining the crew’s quality, assume that
the rebellious species’ homeworld. The ships will then Jem’Hadar are always rated as Proficient while Vorta are always
float in low orbit as they bombard major cities until the rated as Exceptional.
planet shows proper obedience again. The mere threat of
a Punishment Deployment being sent in has caused most


species in the Gamma Quadrant to adjust their attitudes With the closure of the wormhole the Dominion is loath to
accordingly if only to save their people. lose any more of its vessels in ramming actions than it needs
to, but this does not keep Vorta commanders on damaged
SIEGE DIVISION vessels from engaging in these actions as a means of last
The Dominion’s Siege Division has seen a radical change resort. As the Dominion will execute any Vorta who tries to
since the beginning of the war. Originally comprised of flee from battle and with the Jem’Hadar choosing to die in
Jem’Hadar Attack Ships and modified Battle Ships carrying battle, it is not uncommon for a burning Dominion vessel to
extra detachments of soldiers into engagements, the engage them in this manner.
Dominion has had to radically rethink their approach to
warfare since the stalemate began between them and the Defending against the Jem’Hadar when they engage in a
Alpha Quadrant. Thankfully the Cardassians have been able ramming action involves passing a series of Navigation
to teach the Dominion about defensive deployments and checks to attempt to avoid the vessel or in successfully
fighting retreating actions, but the Dominion is more used to deploying a tractor beam in combat. If the Jem’Hadar
conquering worlds than defending them and they leave the vessel manages to collide with the Players’ ship, roll
bulk of this planning to the Cardassians. damage accordingly. In most cases, the Jem’Hadar vessel
will be destroyed in the impact.
One of the more common deployments of Dominion ships
since the outbreak of the war, a Dominion Fleet is often made
up of dozens of vessels, often mostly Jem’Hadar Attack
Ships but incorporating ships taken from the various Orders
of the Cardassian Navy. The Dominion used to have over General Martok is a key officer in the joint Starfleet-Klingon
50 fleets at the beginning of the conflict, but as casualties fleet fighting the Dominion and its allies. He has been a loyal
have mounted and their production facilities were sabotaged soldier of the Empire for his entire military career, carrying
the Dominion has now been reduced to little over 30 such on his family’s long tradition of producing loyal warriors.
fleets. This still gives them a sizable advantage in the Alpha He earned his commission in battle with the Romulans
Quadrant and combined with the Cardassian navy and the and worked his way through the ranks from there. During
new alliance with the Breen, they are still a potent threat to the Klingon Civil War, Martok sided with the forces loyal to
the Federation and their allies. Gowron and eventually led much of Gowron’s allies to victory
at the Battle of Mempa.
The Dominion deploys an Overlord Fleet when it feels it In 2371, Martok was abducted by Dominion forces while
must win the battle at any cost and if they expect a serious hunting and was moved to a prison in the Gamma Quadrant.
threat of resistance from their opponents. Often commanded He was replaced by a Changeling tasked with destabilizing
by a Dominion Flag Ship, the Overlord Fleet is made up of the alliance between the Federation and Klingons. While
thousands of Jem’Hadar Fighters and hundreds of Battle imprisoned, Martok was forced to fight Jem’Hadar captors
Ships. In the battle of Deep Space Nine at the outbreak and lost his left eye.
of the war, an Overlord Fleet combined with hundreds of
Cardassian auxiliaries descended upon the space station Martok remained a prisoner until 2373, when Elim Garak and
with the intention of conquering it and using it as a foothold Lt. Commander Worf were imprisoned at the same camp.
into the Alpha Quadrant. Overlord Fleets are messy and hard They were all able to escape the facility and return to the
to maintain, but they are almost always capable of destroying Alpha Quadrant. Martok was placed in command of the
their opponents. Klingon forces supporting Deep Space 9, and declined an
offer of a replacement prosthetic eye, preferring to keep his
battle scar.

RAMMING SPEED Martok was soon given command of the I.K.S. Rotarran,
though time in prison had impacted his confidence in his
One of the most devastating tactics employed by the abilities. He chose Worf as his first officer, who helped
Dominion in battle is when they sacrifice their ships in a Martok regain his confidence during a tense near-mutiny
ramming action on their opponent. Jem’Hadar Attack Ships’ aboard ship. With his newfound strength, Martok and
hulls are normally not designed to take that kind of action, his crew patrolled the Cardassian border and eventually
but that is the idea. The Dominion does not care if the participated in a key battle at Deep Space 9. At a critical
fighters explode on impact with their opponent. They only moment, the Rotarran defended the U.S.S. Defiant long
care that the ship either causes sufficient devastation to enough for her to deploy a minefield of self-replicating
their opponent to force them out of the fight or destroys their mines.
opponent utterly.

112 CHAPTER 05
Months later, Martok convinced Gowron to lend support to § Tough: Whenever Martok Avoids an Injury, the cost is
Starfleet’s offensive to recapture Deep Space 9. Although reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
the Klingon forces arrived late in the battle, they played a § Warrior’s Spirit: When Martok attempts a Melee Attack,
strategic role under Martok’s command and helped to defeat and purchases one or more additional dice with Threat,
the Dominion fleet. he may re-roll any number of d20s.

As the war continued, Martok made the Rotarran his flagship.

In mid-2374, he was appointed Supreme Commander of the
Ninth Fleet, further adding to his renown. He is currently one
of the most popular general officers in the Klingon Defense
Force, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by Chancellor Kai Winn (formerly Winn Adami) is the highest-ranking
Gowron. Some believe that should the war end successfully spiritual leader of the Bajoran people. A member of
for the allies in the Alpha Quadrant, Martok may prove to be an orthodox order and a selfish opportunist, Kai Winn
a powerful threat to Gowron’s position. maneuvered herself through a number of opportunities during
the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor to become an influential
TRAIT: Klingon vedek. She used that position to further her ambitions and
those of her order, and was directly opposed to the so-called
VALUES: Emissary, Commander Benjamin Sisko, who took command
§ Defeat Makes my Wounds Ache of space station Deep Space 9 after the Cardassians left
§ How Hollow is the Sound of Victory Without Someone to Bajor following the Occupation.
Share it With
§ I Would Rather Die than Dishonor My Uniform Winn spent much time attempting to discredit Sisko and his
§ There is No Greater Enemy than One’s Own Fears ‘non-believer’ status, and may have fanned the flames of
anti-Federation sentiments aboard the station, though no
ATTRIBUTES evidence of this has come to light, despite the reports from
the first officer of the station, Major Kira Nerys. Winn also
CONTROL 09 FITNESS 10 PRESENCE 10 briefly allied herself with Minister Jaro Essa in his attempt to
orchestrate a coup on the Bajoran Provisional Government,
DARING 11 INSIGHT 09 REASON 10 but was able to distance herself from the minister when it
was revealed that his secret organization was actually being
DISCIPLINES supplied by Cardassians.

COMMAND 05 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 02 Winn was elected kai of Bajor in 2370, after front-runner
Vedek Bareil stepped out of the running. She accepted
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 01 Bareil’s offer to be an advisor. In 2371, Kai Winn negotiated
a peace treaty with Legate Turrel of the Cardassian Central
FOCUSES: Combat Tactics, Hunting, Intimidation, Command, and it is believed that Vedek Bareil was the true
Leadership, Melee Combat, Ranged Weapons architect of the treaty, though he died during negotiations
and no certain evidence of his true role has officially come
STRESS: 14 RESISTANCE: 1 (armor) to light.

ATTACKS: Later in 2371, Kai Winn attempted to maneuver herself into

§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 5 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, the position of First Minister as well as Kai, a coup that would
Non-lethal) have given her unchecked ambition incredible power. The
§ Mek’leth (Melee, 6 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H) resistance fighter Shakaar Edon and his allies managed to
§ Escalation Bat’leth (Melee, 7 A , Vicious 1, Size 2H) hold off Kai Winn’s efforts to silence them long enough for
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 7 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H) Shakaar to gather enough popular support that he was able
to run for, and win, the election for First Minister. Her hand
SPECIAL RULES: forced, Kai Winn could do little more than offer her public
§ Brak’lul: Martok’s Resistance is increased by +2 against support to Shakaar.
Non-Lethal attacks.
§ Fleet Commander: When Martok commands a vessel In 2374, Kai Winn and First Minister Shakaar agreed to send
during a fleet action, he reduces the Difficulty of a Task to a joint request to Captain Sisko to return an ancient stone
grant a bonus to his vessel or group by 1, to a minimum tablet to Bajor. While under the influence of the Bajoran
of 1. Aboard a vessel during a fleet action, Martok may Prophets, Sisko destroyed the tablet, which released an
treat the vessel as having a Command Department of 4+, energy being called a Kosst Amojan and a Prophet. During
regardless of the actual value. the ensuing battle between the entities, Kai Winn flooded


Deep Space 9 with chroniton radiation, which forced the SPECIAL RULES:
two entities to depart the station. Kai Winn retreated back § Ruthless and Determined: Kai Winn may spend 2 Threat
to the surface of Bajor to consider her next move toward to gain the effects of a point of Determination, rather than
absolute power. the normal 3.
§ Manipulative: If Kai Winn purchases one or more d20s
TRAIT: Bajoran when attempting a Task to deceive or intimidate another,
she may reroll her dice pool.
VALUES: § Presence of the Kai: Whenever one of Winn’s
§ I Remember Each and Every Beating I Suffered subordinates attempts a Task to resist persuasion,
§ Nothing is Certain intimidation, or interrogation, she may spend two Threat
§ The Prophets Have Never Spoken to Me to allow that Bajoran to roll as if they had the benefit of
§ Walk with the Prophets, Child her assistance using Control + Command, even if she is
not present in the scene herself.
ATTRIBUTES § Studious: Whenever Kai Winn spends one or more
Momentum to Obtain Information, she may ask one
CONTROL 10 FITNESS 08 PRESENCE 11 additional question (in total, not per Momentum spent on
Obtain Information).


Gul S.G. Dukat served for over 20 years as the Prefect
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 of Bajor, overseeing the final years of the Cardassian
Occupation. While he believes his practices toward the
STRESS: 10 RESISTANCE: 0 Bajorans were benevolent and compassionate, the reality
was that he was responsible for ordering countless atrocities.
ATTACKS: Following the Cardassian withdrawal, he was posted as the
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, commander of the Second Order and was given the Galor-
Non-lethal) class warship Prakesh to command.

Dukat was active in Federation-Cardassian dealings for several

years. In early 2372, he backed the Detapa Council in their

PERMANENT bid to take over the Cardassian Union, and was posted as the
Council’s chief military advisor. His inconsistent star began to

DOCUMENTATION FILE rise again, and a few months later he was promoted to legate.

However, his career took another downward turn when he

This is Gul Sekar, of the 5th Order. This is my fifth request for being encountered the wreck of the transport Ravinok, which led
resupplied since our deployment to the Minos Korva sector. We him to find and rescue his half-Bajoran daughter Ziyal. He
have managed to hold against Klingon raiders but I am growing brought her home to Cardassia, knowing the act would likely
increasingly frustrated by our lack of support from the central cause irreparable harm to his career and family life. He was
command. At the beginning of the war we would be resupplied demoted to gul, disowned by his family, and shunted off to
weekly, but now we have to beg for scraps from the Dominion. Now command the humble freighter Groumall. With his ship and
I am starting to run out of men, and the Klingons are preparing for crew, Dukat prowled the border in search of opportunities to
another invasion into our territories. If we do not get resupplied again improve his prospects.
soon, I will be forced to pull back from this sector and meet up with
Gul Danget’s fleet. I know what the shapeshifters will say, I know When Dukat discovered the Korma outpost had been
what those contemptible Vorta will say, and I know what the Legate destroyed by Klingons, he urged the Detapa Council to
will say, but what I will say is I have no interest watching any more heighten hostilities against the Klingon Empire. Upon their
Cardassians die because resources are diverted elsewhere. Better refusal, Dukat began to conduct solo raids on Klingon
to join with our other forces and make a valiant last stand then holdings as a rogue operator. He also assisted Captain
slowly be picked off and left to die for those Breen vultures! Sisko and his team in a successful assault on the Klingon
base on Ty’Gokor.
Sekar, R.G.
And yet, Dukat desired a return to glory for Cardassia,
and especially, himself. He conducted a series of

114 CHAPTER 05
secret negotiations with the Dominion, and successfully ATTACKS:
arranged a pact between his people and the Dominion. § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A , Knockdown, Size 1H,
He moved quickly to make good on his promises as the Non-lethal)
Dominion War spun into high gear– under his direction, § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 A , Vicious 1, Size 1H)
joint Cardassian-Dominion forces wiped out the Maquis § Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged, 7 A , Vicious 1,
and pushed the bulk of Klingon military out of Cardassian Size 2H, Accurate)
territory. He led the assault on Deep Space 9 and retook
the station for Cardassia. SPECIAL RULES:
§ Ambushes and Traps: Whenever Gul Dukat uses the
During the dramatic battle to defend the station, Dukat Ready Task to ready a ranged attack, that ranged attack
endured his greatest defeat to date: not only did he lose gains one bonus d20.
the station to the Federation and her allies, but his former § Interrogation: Whenever Gul Dukat succeeds at a Task
aide and right hand, Damar, murdered Ziyal during the to coerce someone to reveal information in a social
escape. His heart and mind broken, Dukat descended conflict, he gains one bonus Momentum, which may only
into madness. He was taken captive and treated, but was be spent to Obtain Information.
liberated by Cardassian military and soon found his way back § Ruthless: Gul Dukat may re-roll any d20s in his dice pool
to Cardassia. There, he vowed to destroy all of Bajor, by any when making an attack against an enemy that was not
means possible. aware of or prepared for an attack, or against an enemy
that is defenseless.
To that end, Dukat delved into the ancient history of Bajor § Supreme Authority: Whenever a Cardassian currently
and its religious practices. He learned that the wormhole under Gul Dukat’s command attempts a Task to resist
to the Gamma Quadrant was also known as the Celestial persuasion or intimidation, Dukat may spend 1 Threat
Temple of the Bajoran Prophets, and discovered the lore to allow that Cardassian to re-roll, even if Dukat is not
surrounding the pah-wraiths. Using ancient rituals, he called present in the scene himself.
a pah-wraith to possess his body and went to Deep Space
9 to release it into the Celestial Temple using one of the
Orbs of the Prophets. In the process, he encountered and
killed Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax. The released pah-wraith
closed the wormhole. Dukat’s whereabouts after these acts
remains unknown. He is currently considered to be one of the Weyoun is the name of a Vorta clone series that serves
greatest threats now facing the Federation and her allies. the Dominion and its Founders, originally as the liaison
between the Founders and the key Alpha Quadrant
TRAIT: Cardassian species, notably the Federation and the Cardassians. At
least five versions of the clone are known of or have been
VALUES: encountered; some of which have met their ends via one
§ Anyone Who Stands in our Way will be Destroyed means or another and been replaced by its successor. It is
§ Cardassia will be Made Whole unknown how many more copies of Weyoun there may be
§ One Man’s Villain is Another Man’s Hero on standby.
§ They Don’t Know What it Means to be My Enemy,
But They Will Weyoun (collectively, the Weyoun series clones) appears
to be one of the few entities that the Female Changeling,
ATTRIBUTES the face of the Founders and the presumptive head of the
Dominion, trusts to any measurable degree. Her trust in
CONTROL 08 FITNESS 10 PRESENCE 12 him may be why he has been assigned so many key roles
on behalf of the Dominion in the Alpha Quadrant, including
DARING 12 INSIGHT 09 REASON 08 overseeing the relationship between the Dominion and the
Cardassian Union and managing negotiations with Alpha
DISCIPLINES Quadrant polities such as the United Federation of Planets,
the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen
COMMAND 05 SECURITY 03 SCIENCE 02 Confederacy, and the Tholian Assembly.

CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 When Gul Dukat took control of the Cardassian Union and
arranged an agreement with the Dominion, Weyoun was
FOCUSES: Bajoran Culture, Bajoran Religion, Debate, assigned as an advisor to Dukat. Their working relationship
Intimidation, Military Tactics, Politics appeared to be challenging but productive. They served
together during most of the key operations during the
STRESS: 13 RESISTANCE: 0 Dominion War to date, including the assault to take Deep


Space 9 and the failed defense of the station when the SPECIAL RULES:
Federation and her allies counter-attacked. § Cunning Negotiator: Whenever Weyoun attempts
a Presence Task to influence an opponent during a
Weyoun escaped the station and the battle and returned to negotiation, he may re-roll one d20.
Cardassia Prime. When Gul Dukat was apprehended by the § Fear Through Facts and Falsehoods: Weyoun gains an
Federation, Weyoun appointed Damar as the next leader additional d20 when attempting to use Presence.
of Cardassia, despite their difficult working relationship. § In the Name of the Founders: When using the Direct or
Starfleet Intelligence is skeptical that the leadership pairing Assist Task to command other servants of the Dominion,
of Weyoun and Damar will result in anything but further Weyoun may roll 2d20 instead of 1d20.
bloodshed for all and instability within the Dominion- § Termination Implant: If Weyoun is captured, he may
Cardassian alliance. commit suicide by triggering a termination implant. This
requires a Minor Action, and kills him immediately.
TRAIT: Vorta

§ The Founders are the Masters
§ I am an Expert on Lies
§ I Live to Serve the Founders The face of the Dominion is the shapeshifter who assumes
§ My Faith Will Keep Me Warm a female form, with bodily and facial features similar to
those of Constable Odo. The entity is almost certainly not
ATTRIBUTES female, given the nature of the shapeshifters known as the
Changelings. It is unknown why ‘she’ chooses the form that
CONTROL 11 FITNESS 08 PRESENCE 10 she does. She leads all Dominion political and military efforts
in the Alpha Quadrant.
Reports indicate that she first encountered Constable
DISCIPLINES Odo on what may be the Founders’ homeworld located
in the Omarion Nebula in the Gamma Quadrant and
COMMAND 05 SECURITY 03 SCIENCE 02 provided him with key information regarding his heritage
and background. She took special interest in Odo, testing
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 him to learn more about him, and at one point, even
arranged to have his shape-changing abilities removed
FOCUSES: Diplomacy, Guile, Military Tactics, Negotiation, as punishment for when Odo killed another Changeling
Politics, Propaganda during an encounter aboard the U.S.S. Defiant. The
Founder Leader did not realize at the time that by linking
STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 0 with Odo to mete out punishment, she and the rest of the
Changelings in the Great Link contracted the morphogenic
ATTACKS: virus that Odo had unknowingly carried to them.
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, Non-lethal)
She returned to the Alpha Quadrant to oversee operations
there, and, along with all the Dominion forces, was trapped in
the Alpha Quadrant in the early stages of the Dominion War.
4 PHASER CANONS 203411 This event apparently added to her already-strong disdain for
3 PHASER EMITERS 428258 all ‘solid’ lifeforms. She vowed that the solids would suffer
4 FORWARD TORPEDO LAUNCHERS 100400 for their actions, and it can be argued that she is primarily
responsible for the destruction of many Alpha Quadrant
worlds and the deaths of thousands.
ABLATIVE ARMOR 857473 She managed the war effort with the assistance of Weyoun
23I5-125 CLOAKING DEVICE 855796 and Gul Dukat from their headquarters on Deep Space 9, and
retreated back to Cardassia Prime when the Federation and
her allies recaptured the station and apprehended Dukat. With
56 47-7 56 63-8
73 56 31-9 57 74-1 Weyoun and Damar now her chief lieutenants, she plots the
next moves for the Dominion that will lead to the annihilation of
34 42-1 34 43-2
27 34 45-7 34 46-3 the Federation alliance and the subjugation of billions.

TRAIT: Changeling

116 CHAPTER 05
The rogue Federation agency known as ‘Section Once per week after the incubation period, the character must attempt a
31’ created a morphogenic virus designed to Fitness + Medicine Task with a Difficulty of 2. Success at the task means the
weaken and then destroy the Changelings in Changeling character suffers no additional effects until the next time they must
charge of the Dominion and end the threat they attempt the task. Failure at the task inflicts an additional point of Fatigue and
presented to the Federation and her allies. also adds +1 to the virus’s Virulence rating.

Constable Odo, the head of security on Deep Furthermore, any time a Changeling uses their abilities to change shape, the
Space 9, allowed himself to be examined by interval until their next Fitness + Medicine Task decreases by 6 hours. This is
Starfleet Medical in 2372 to help build the meant to represent the idea that the more often a Changeling changes shape,
Federation’s understanding of the Changelings. the faster the virus runs through their body and the more potentially lethal the
During that examination, he was secretly infected virus becomes.
by the virus. He later unknowingly infected the
Founders when he joined them in the Great FATIGUE
Link to face punishment for killing another Each point of Fatigue reduces the character’s maximum Stress by 1. When a
Changeling. Any Changelings present when Changeling is reduced to 3 maximum Stress, they completely lose the ability to
Odo infected the Great Link, or who linked with shape-change, a reflection of the toll the virus is taking on their body.
another Founder after Odo infected the Great
Link, are considered to have contracted the virus. If a character suffers another point of Fatigue when already at 0 maximum Stress,
they suffer a Non-lethal Injury (if already at a non-lethal injury, the injury becomes
EFFECTS Lethal). Fatigue cannot be removed until a character is cured of the virus.
Any Changeling character infected with the virus
will have an incubation period of 1d20 weeks There is currently no known cure for the morphogenic virus.
before the disease begins to show an effect on
their metabolism and shape-changing functions. VIRULENCE
After the incubation period, the character suffers Virulence is the additional Difficulty added to all Tasks related to resisting the
1 point of Fatigue. virus, ranging from +1 to +10.

§ My Terms are not Open to Negotiation SPECIAL RULES:
§ There’s Very Little that Escapes our Attention § Infected with Morphogenic Virus: The Founder
§ The Changelings Are the Dominion Leader has had her Maximum Stress reduced from 12
§ What You Control Can’t Hurt You to 5 due to the effects of the morphogenic virus (see
sidebar for details).
ATTRIBUTES § Manipulative: If the Founder Leader purchases one
or more d20s when attempting a Task to deceive or
CONTROL 10 FITNESS 08 PRESENCE 11 intimidate another, she may reroll her dice pool.
§ Ruthless: The Founder Leader may re-roll any d20s in
DARING 10 INSIGHT 10 REASON 10 her dice pool when making an attack against an enemy
that was not aware of or prepared for an attack, or
DISCIPLINES against an enemy that is defenseless.
§ Morphogenic Matrix: The Female Changeling may
COMMAND 05 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 03 spend 1 Momentum as a Minor Action once per Turn to
assume a different form, gaining an additional Trait to
CONN 01 ENGINEERING 01 MEDICINE 02 reflect whatever form she has chosen. She must return to
a liquid state for a few hours of rest every 16 hours. While
FOCUSES: Brinkmanship, Intimidation, Military Tactics, in an alternate form, it is next to impossible (Difficulty 5) to
Negotiation, Politics, Willpower discern her true nature.
§ Supreme Authority: Whenever a Dominion operative
STRESS: 5 RESISTANCE: 4 currently under the Founder Leader’s command attempts
a Task to resist persuasion or intimidation, she may
ATTACKS: spend 1 Threat to allow that operative to re-roll, even if
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 5 A , Knockdown, Size 1H, Non-lethal) she is not present in the scene herself.



Absolute Conviction (Talent)...........................66 94-95, 103-105, 107, 109-110, 112. Encounter Seeds...................................... 95-96
Additional Lifepath Options............................67 See also Founders, The. End of the Dominion War (2375)....................62
Agricultural Specialist (Talent)........................73 Chin’toka....................................... 58-59, 61-63 Ennis......................................................... 29-30
Alpha Quadrant................ 4-6, 9, 11, 17-18, 26, Chin’toka, Battle of.........................................59 Enterprise, U.S.S......................6, 35, 51, 61, 87
29, 33-34, 38, 40-44, 46-49, 51-54, 56-57, Clone Master (NPC)........................................99 Eris............................................................13, 43
59-64, 66-69, 72-74, 76, 80, 83, 92, 94-96, Cold War Roleplaying.....................................53 Excelsior-Class Starship..................87, 90, 104
99, 101-102, 104, 106-108, 110-113 Cold War, The........................................... 47-49 Federation, The ..........4-6, 9, 11, 16-18, 20-23,
Andoria.........................................................103 Collaborators..........................21, 29, 33, 38, 56 28-29, 31-38, 40-64, 67, 73-74, 80-81,
Andorian.........................................................87 Come With Me (Talent)...................................76 84-90, 92-95, 97, 99, 101-110, 112-113
Antwerp Conference..........................18, 56, 58 Contemplation, U.S.S...............................90, 93 Federation-Klingon War.................................51
Archanis Sector..............................................51 Creating characters during and after the Female Changeling...........................47, 56, 115
Argolis system.................................... 55-56, 58 Dominion War............................................61 Ferengi Alliance......6, 13, 31, 35, 38-39, 43-44,
Argratha.................................................... 23-24 D’Deridex-class Refit (Starship)......... 78, 89-90 47, 63-64, 70, 92, 95, 105
Argrathi (Character)........................................66 Damar, Gul..................................34, 62, 95, 107 Ferenginar........................................................6
Argrathi.................................... 23-24, 28, 66-67 Dax, Commander Jadzia................ 8, 56, 59-60 Fifth Fleet, Federation....................................57
At All Costs (Talent)........................................74 Deep Space 9 (DS9)......... 4-5, 8, 31, 33, 40-41, First Battle of Deep Space 9..........................50
Ba’ku, The.......................................... 35-36, 74 44, 46, 48, 50-54, 56-62, 67-68, 78, 86, 93, First Federation, The......................................44
Badlands, The........................51, 53, 56, 58, 63 102, 104, 112-113. See also Terok Nor. First Omet’iklan (NPC)........................10, 78, 97
Bajor..4, 8, 29-30, 33, 36, 40, 44, 46-48, 52-53, Defiant, U.S.S........ 2, 19, 28, 34, 40, 48-49, 51, Flag Bridge.....................................................84
56, 58, 60, 62-63, 82, 86, 93, 96, 110, 113 53-54, 56-59, 85-86, 88, 108, 112 Flight of the Changelings........................... 9-10
Bajoran................. 4, 6, 8, 11-12, 29, 33, 40-41, Delta Quadrant....................... 18-19, 45, 92, 94 Fontaine, Vic.............................................8, 101
44-48, 51-52, 56-57, 59-62, 66, Detapa Council......................................... 49-50 Founder Leader (NPC).......................... 116-117
80, 86, 92-93, 95-96, 113 Deuterium.......................................................81 Founders, The.........9-27, 18, 24-25, 28-36, 38,
Bashir, Dr. Julian...............................52, 78, 103 Devos II.....................................................35, 64 40-45, 48-52, 54, 56, 61-62, 67-68, 70, 80,
Battle of Cardassia................................... 62-63 Disciplined Mind (Talent)................................72 83, 97-98, 106-111. See also Changelings.
Benzar..............................................................8 Distracting Senses (Talent).............................72 Founders’ Homeworld.............................. 25-26
Benzite..............................................................8 Dominion Crew Proficiencies.......................111 Frankenstein Fleet..........................................90
Beta Quadrant.................5-6, 18, 40-41, 43-44, Dominion Dispatch Vessel (Starship)....... 82-83 Galaxy, U.S.S............................................ 84-85
47, 49, 53, 61, 68, 80, 85, 94, 101 Dominion Emblem..........................................20 Galaxy-Class Starship..................38, 46, 48, 84
Betazed............................................59, 62, 101 Dominion Starships........................................22 Gallatin, Sub-Adhar........................................35
Betazoid.......................................... 38, 61, 103 Dominion War..............1, 4-8, 11, 25, 31, 33, 35, Garak, Elim.......................................52, 55, 112
Big Three........................................................58 40-41, 47, 49, 51, 53-54, 56-58, Genetic Engineering.........................22, 70, 788
Blight, The (Teplan)................................... 31-32 60-63, 67-68, 71-72, 77-78, 84, Genetic Mastery (Talent).................................70
Borg Cube......................................................89 95, 99, 101-106, 108, 112 Glorious Notoriety (Talent)..............................69
Borg, The.....................9, 34, 45, 47, 51, 55, 85, Dosi (Character)..............................................69 Golden Dream, The........................................20
89-90, 92, 94, 107 Dosi, The................................17, 20, 44, 67, 69 Gorn Hegemony.....................................95, 104
Born Stalker (Talent).......................................70 Drai (Character)..............................................70 Gorn, The........................5, 42-43, 95, 103-104
Breen, The.......... 4, 6, 17, 27, 33-34, 60-63, 92, Drai System.............................................. 24-25 Gowron, Chancellor..50-52, 57, 62-63, 112-113
101-104, 106, 109, 112 Drai V..............................................................25 Great Link, The........... 10-11, 12, 13, 19-20, 23,
Briar Patch, The.................................................. Drai, The....11, 13-15, 22, 24-25, 30-31, 36, 67, 25-26, 29, 41, 44, 49, 68, 89
35-36, 74, 81 70, 75, 96-97, 99-100, 109 Grebnesie Station...........................................40
Broca..............................................................34 Dukat, Gul......................... 33-34, 50, 52-53, 55, Honored Elders (Jem’Hadar)............13, 25, 104
Cardassia............... 4, 47, 49-50, 52, 54, 58-60, 57-59, 63, 107, 114-115 Honshu, U.S.S................................................58
62-63, 93, 105 Duranium........................................................89 Hunter Leader (NPC).............................. 99-100
Cardassians.................. 4, 6, 8-9, 17, 33-34, 36, Duumvirate.....................................................36 Hunters, The................................ See Drai, The
39-44, 47, 49-59, 61-64, 86, 93, Earth-Romulan War..........................................6 Hur’q Outpost.................................................26
95, 99, 101-104, 106-113 Effingham, U.S.S..............................................6 Hur’q War, The................................................11
Centaur, U.S.S................................................64 Ellora, The................................................. 36-37 Hur’q, The.................................................11, 26
Changelings (Character).................................68 Emissary, The..................................58, 95, 113. Iconian......................................................11, 97
Changelings...... 5, 9-13, 19, 21-23, 25-28, 30-32, See also Sisko, Captain Benjamin Idran...........................................................4, 47
40-42, 44, 47-53, 56, 62, 67-68, Empok Nor.....................................................58 Infiltrator (Talent).............................................68

Instant Appraisal (Talent)................................71 67-68, 103 Son’a...5, 8, 26, 33, 35-37, 64, 67, 74, 81-83, 108
Into the Breach (Talent)...................................71 Odyssey, U.S.S.............................46, 48, 51, 53 Starbase 375............................................ 56-58
Isolytic Weapons............................................83 Omarion Nebula.......................................25, 49 Starbase 621..................................................58
Jem’hadar Battleship (Starship)............... 78-79 Opaka, Kai......................................................29 Strength & Cunning (Talent)............................69
Jem’Hadar Fourth Ecleck’Tikan (NPC)...........96 Operation Return................................ 33, 57-59 Strength Through Struggle (Talent).................73
Jem’Hadar....... 10-17, 19, 21-22, 24-25, 27-28, Orb, Bajoran................................. 59-60, 93, 96 Survivor’s Luck (Talent)...................................75
30, 33, 35, 37-38, 41-46, 48, 51-52, 54-56, Organians.......................................................45 Sutherland, U.S.S...........................................86
59, 61-64, 70, 75, 78, 80, 82-83, 94, Originals, The.................................................52 T’Kon..............................................................11
96-99, 100-102, 104-112 Orion Syndicate.......................See Orions, The Tain, Enabran................................49, 51, 53, 96
K’t’Inga-class Refit Model 2366 (Starship).....89 Orions, The............. 38-39, 56, 62, 71, 101, 103 Tal Shiar.................... 25, 49, 53, 58-59, 62, 103
Karemma (Character)............................... 70-71 Pah-Wraiths...................... 8, 59-60, 63, 95, 107 Talak’talan.........................................................9
Karemma (Planet)..................................... 70-71 Pakled....................................................... 39-40 Talarians............................................. 38-39, 43
Karemma Cruiser (Starship)..................... 79-80 Pakleds................................................. 5, 39-40 Tamarians.......................................................43
Karemma.........16-17, 20, 44, 47-48, 67, 70-71, Parada............................................................18 Tarlac, The................................................ 36-37
79-80, 95, 109 Paradan (Character)................................. 71-72 Temple, The Celestial............ 47, 59, 92-93, 95.
Kell, Dominion Assassin (NPC).....................100 Paradans...................... 5, 18, 24, 28, 67, 71-72 See also Wormhole, Bajoran
Ketracel-White..... 13, 14, 30, 35-36, 42, 44, 48, Particle Engineering (Talent)...........................74 Teplan (homeworld)........................................31
55-56, 61, 64, 78, 96-97, 103, 106-110 Penal Moon, The............................................29 Teplans..................................................... 31-32
Khitomer......................... 36, 42, 50-52, 81, 105 Picard, Captain Jean-Luc...............................35 Tereshkova, U.S.S..........................................90
Klingon Civil War..........................................112 Playing Changelings.......................................68 Terok Nor....52-53. See also Deep Space 9 (DS9).
Klingon-Cardassian War.................................50 Preservers......................................................11 Tholia..............................................................41
Klingons, The... 4-6, 9, 26, 33-36, 38-40, 42-44, Prometheus, U.S.S................................... 85-86 Tholians.................... 28, 41-42, 54, 63, 95, 104
49-55, 57-59, 62-64, 71, 89, 92, 95-96, Prometheus-Class Starship...................... 85-86 Tosk (Character).............................................75
101, 103-104, 106-110, 112-113 Prophecy............................................30, 93, 95 Tosk................. 5, 14-17, 19, 25, 67, 70, 75, 78,
Krajensky, Admiral (Changeling).....................49 Prophets, The.....6, 33, 45, 47, 57-59, 93, 95, 113 92, 95, 99-100
Kurill Prime......................................... 24, 26-27 Providers, The................................................29 Triskelion.........................................................29
Kurillians.........................................................27 Qo’nos..................................26, 49, 62, 96, 104 T-Rogorans................................... 19, 30-31, 73
Kzin Patriarchy..................................... 5, 38-39 Quark................................ 1, 8-9, 31, 44, 67, 96 Truth of the Matter (Talent).............................72
Kzinti...............................................................38 Rakhar...................................................... 18-19 Tzenkethi..............................................6, 40, 49
Lakota, U.S.S..................................................87 Rakhari (Character).........................................72 Unusual Characters........................................67
Last Breath (Talent).........................................75 Rakhari...............................................18, 67, 72 Utopia Planitia Ship Yards................84, 90, 108
Life is a Game (Talent)....................................76 Ramming Speed...........................................112 Valiant, U.S.S..........................................88, 108
Lovok, Colonel (Changeling)..........................49 Remans..........................................................64 Vorta Diplomat (NPC).....................................98
Luria................................................................71 Replicating Past Success (Talent)..................72 Vorta Explorer (Starship)........................... 80-81
Lurian (Character)...........................................71 Resistant Anatomy (Talent).............................71 Vorta Scientist (NPC)......................................97
Lurians......................................................67, 71 Riker, Commander William.............................61 Vorta Telekinesis.............................................13
Majestic, U.S.S......................................... 88-89 Risa.........................................6, 31, 37, 78, 104 Vorta.... 10-28, 30-33, 35-38, 41, 43-44, 46, 48,
Maquis, The.................................. 33, 42, 51-52 Roharran.........................................................83 54-55, 62, 80, 94, 96-99, 106-112
Martok, General (Changeling) .................. 49-52 Rom..........................................................31, 63 Voyager, U.S.S..........................................45, 67
Martok, General.. 49-52, 57-59, 62-63, 112-113 Romulans..........4-6, 8-9, 18, 22, 32, 36, 38-39, Vreenak...........................................................59
Meridian.................................................... 27-28 43-44, 49, 51- 54, 56, 58-60, 62-64, 78, 92, Vulcan......................... 9, 6, 38, 43, 57, 103-104
Mind Games (Talent).......................................66 95, 101, 103-105, 107-108, 110, 112 Wadi (Character).............................................76
Miradorn............................... 40-41, 54, 63, 104 Romulus.........................................................59 Wadi, The..................................... 28-29, 67, 76
Mirror Universe...............................................44 Ross, Admiral..................................... 55-56, 63 Way of Things.........................12, 15, 21, 27, 38
Mixed Heritage Characters............................66 Rotarran, I.K.S................................ 53, 112-113 Wei’yeir, Vorta Strategist (NPC)......................98
Morn.....................................................8, 58, 71 Ru’afo, Adhar..................................... 35-36, 74 Weyoun........... 10, 33, 37, 40, 54, 107, 115-116
Morphogenic Virus...............................116, 117 Sao Paolo, U.S.S..........................................108 White, The.........................See Ketracel-White
Multi-vector Assault Mode....................... 85-86 Second Battle of Deep Space 9.....................53 Winn Adami, Kai................................... 113-114
My Honor is My Shield (Talent).......................71 Second Fleet, Federation...............................57 Wolf 359...................................................88, 90
Naheefa.................................................... 35-36 Section 31..........................51, 62, 83, 103, 117 Worf, Lt. Commander..... 26, 52, 58, 62-63, 112
Nausicaans...........................................6, 35, 43 Shapeless, Not Solid (Talent)..................68, 117 Wormhole, The Bajoran.......4, 6, 29, 59, 71, 83,
Nebula-Class Starship..............................86, 88 Shinzon...........................................................36 92-93, 104, 107-108, 110, 112
Nerys, Colonel Kira...........................56, 67, 113 Sisko, Captain Benjamin........... 4, 8, 46, 50-55, Wormholes..... 4, 6, 9, 11-12, 40, 46-60, 62, 66,
Neutronium...............................................23, 27 57-60, 63, 84, 93, 96, 103, 113 71, 80, 82, 86, 92-95, 101
Ninth Fleet, Federation....................... 57-58, 86 Sisko, Jake.................................................8, 96 Yadera......................................................18, 32
Nol-Ennis.................................................. 29-30 Skrreea...........................................................30 Yaderans....................................... 17-18, 32, 47
Notable Ships.................................................84 Skrreean (Character)......................................73 Yangtzee-Kiang Runabout..............................30
Nyberrites................................................. 43-44 Skrreean.......................................30, 47, 67, 73 Yesterday’s Enterprise......................................6
O’Brien, Chief Miles..........................24, 92, 103 Son’a (Character)...........................................74 Zek, Grand Nagus.. 6, 9, 35, 44, 63-64, 93, 105
Oberth-class Starship....................................90 Son’a Battlecruiser (Starship).........................82
Obsidian Order, The... 25, 49, 55, 58, 103-104, 110 Son’a Flagship (Starship)......................... 81-82
Odo, Constable...........8, 10, 31, 48, 51, 56, 62, Son’a Prime..............................................35, 37

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Star Trek Adventures takes you to the Final Frontier of the Galaxy, where new
discoveries await keen explorers of Starfleet. Your duties may take you to the edges
of known space, or to Federation colonies in need, to the borders of neighboring
galactic powers or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew
epitomize the best Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has to offer,


and you are needed more than ever.

A new threat looms from across the Gamma Quadrant, as it is confirmed by

Commander Sisko and his crew that the Dominion, led by the Founders, represent a
significant threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Tension is already high in the region of Bajor
and Deep Space 9, as the Maquis continue to act against the Cardassian-Federation
peace treaty, with Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager preparing for
their mission in the Badlands. It is a volatile time for the Federation and new crews

have never been in higher demand.

■ Create your own Star Trek stories ■ A full catalogue of aliens and
of discovery and adventure on the antagonists including Klingons,
final frontier. Romulans, Cardassians, the Borg,
and the Dominion.
■ Complete 2d20 game system
adapted for Star Trek Adventures. ■ Brought to you by a team of expert
Star Trek writers including writers
■ An extensive exploration of the from previous editions of Star Trek
United Federation of Planets and roleplaying games and other
its galactic neighbors in the Alpha, gaming talent.
Beta and Gamma Quadrants.
■ Personal logs and intercepted
■ Guidelines for Gamemasters old and communications by Starfleet
new, on how to run an adventure of Intelligence provide a new
exploration and discovery for the perspective on Star Trek and
crew of a Federation starship. its events.

ISBN 978-1-910132-85-2

TM & © 2017 CBS Studios Inc.


© 2017 Paramount Pictures Corp.
STAR TREK and related marks and
logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 9 781910 132852
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in Germany CORE RULEBOOK

This box is This box is

18mm square 18mm square
for the wrap for the wrap
and bleed and bleed


45-60 10+ 1- 4
10-30 8+ 2- 4


45-60 10+ 1- 4

10-30 8+ 2- 4





2- 4 8+ 10-30

1- 4 10+ 45-60


MATT LEACOCK FOR 1- 4 PLAYERS 2- 4 8+ 10-30 For 2- 4 Players


2- 4 8+ 10-30
1- 4 10+ 45-60

This box is This box is
18mm square 18mm square
for the wrap for the wrap
and bleed and bleed
The Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook provides Gamemasters and Players with a
wealth of information to aid in playing characters or running adventures set within
the ever-expanding Star Trek universe. The Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook includes:

■ Information on the Federation s ■ A dozen new alien species to choose

relationship with the Dominion and from during character creation,
other Gamma Quadrant denizens, including the Dosi, Lurians, Son a,
as of 2375. Wadi, and the Changelings!

■ Material about the Dominion and ■ A selection of starships from the

its history, structure, and culture; Dominion and Son a, as well as
including information on many several notable wartime Federation
of its member worlds, allies, vessels.
and enemies.
■ Guidance for the Gamemaster on
■ Detailed information about the running missions and continuing
brutal Dominion War, from its voyages in the Gamma Quadrant
beginnings as a cold war to open and on the front line, along with
conflict involving billions of beings. a selection of new Non-Player
Characters to enhance encounters.

This book requires the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use.

ISBN 978-1-910132-92-0

TM & © 2019 CBS Studios Inc.

© 2019 Paramount Pictures Corp.
STAR TREK and related marks and
logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 9 781910 132920
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in Lithuania

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