Research Question

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Research Question: The means of why this research is being conducted is to ask what really holds

community together versus what is perceived? Family development or immediate collaborative efforts?

Theme: It is important that we first identify what makes the artwork (clients) different from one
another…cultural aspects (race, martial laws, sports (games), food, literature, gov (political parties),
wardrobe, pets, and medicinal options).

-Clients Self-Identification Chart”-based on what is the MOST appropriate (not necessarily looking at the
widely accepted notions of racial identity, but more so what it means to them (interviewed clients).

Target- Undergraduate student attending various institutions. (i.e. Marquette, UWM, Averno, Cardinal
Stritch, Whitewater, MATC, etc.).

African American-Black (black dot-sticker on interview sheet).

Ecological Association; Caves-(Darkness)

Mental Note: People fear the unknown!

Reason (scientifically accepted):Throughout global history caves has been an ecological feature that has
had many exclusive parietal artwork (on raised sediment or terrestrially on several mineral deposits (i.e.
stone, walls, etc.). Many explained several day to day responsibilities that would serve the certain needs
of individuals within that specific population (sometimes even of newly assimilated groups (i.e. various
washing/drying techniques, plants used for common dishes and also medicine, infrastructure, (but rarely
specified the reasoning or importance of its general local (positioning)(some findings within the matrix
(archeological research spaces). As consequence to; being not very prevalent in; districts that have been
gentrified abusively by multigenerational living and nonliving constituents (city working sites) because of
the effects of a fast globalized economic uproar being seen in large urban centers mostly throughout
every continent (geologically isolated), having a somewhat very “dark reputation” because of its very
estranged appearance, and just generally being misunderstood due to unproven printings of accounts
(scholarly reports). The markings serve as a blueprint of useful ideas for communal development based
on the illustrations of key aptitudes (skills) of various family members.

Quote: George Washington Carver, “Fear of Something is at the root of hate for others and hate within
will eventually destroy the hater. Keep your thoughts free from hate, and you need to have no fear from
those who hate you.”

Caucasian-White/Grey (White dot-sticker on interviewer sheet).

Ecological Association: Snow-(Brightness)

Mental Note: Clear and they appear to be very complex (i.e. literary stratagems, thought, etc.).

Reason (scientifically accepted): Obviously we know that most of the European Union geographically lies
within the Northern Hemisphere (latin: partis orbis terrarium septentrionalis). H/e, ironically this region
on our planet accumulates the most snow (precipitation) and same thing as in; the frozen tundra artic
lands (of both the Eastern and Western Hemisphere), The Federation of Russia, The United States, and
the Canadian mainland. Historically, every listed region’s above Caucasian population has always
participated in for thousands of years outdoor activities (hunted game in the snow) such as; elk, reindeer,
fish, bears of all types (i.e. polar, brown, and black), buffalo, Wild Hog, Coyotes, Squirrels, etc.). This was
not only used for everyday clothing, but also weaponry and décor for private and public residential
demonstrations. Furthermore, the eradication of many new Monolithics and Megalitics were designed
for several reasons (i.e. fortresses, weddings, burial practices, etc.). Millions of visitors every year come
and visit these tourist attractions, while others are kept sacred.

Quote: Voltaire, “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers”

Asian-Yellow (Yellow dot: sticker on interviewer sheet)

Ecological Association: Yellow Dust (Mustard Yellow Coloration; Paleness).

Mental Note: Yellow has many significant messages in many Asian countries; “time of peace” in Asian
culture, appears in countless poems & proverbs, soups and flags, gardening, and folklore.

Reason (scientifically accepted): Across Asia, (especially China’s yellow coloration of the sand) and the
color has been used as a imperial color representing (i.e. power, loyalty, and prosperity) in most Chinese
transitions, especially at a government level. The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in Asia (6 th in
the World) running for more than 3,000 miles long. What makes it yellow is the combination of its debris
brought up from the; (i.e. basin’s sands, pollutants, and winds). In Addition to that, Monks garment is
also yellow (i.e. Buddhist) and means one of two things; mourning or heroism. Moreover, eggs are used
in many nice dishes throughout the continent of Asia. (i.e. shrimp fried rice, eggs, wanton soup, peppers,
Tofu, and Rice).

Quote: Buddha, “Three things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

Native American-Brown (Brown dot: sticker on interviewer sheet).

Ecological Association: Dirt (i.e. The Breadbasket wasn’t the only place reservations exist today, but also
in Southwestern United States; it is used for pottery/adobe/clay, for tobacco(i.e smoked/chewed/sold),
worn as battle garment, is the color of majority of many tribes/nations geographic locations dry
sedimentation (dirt), wheat, beaver, alcohol, bear, buffalo, meats, and the skin color of the natives who
live in these territories.

Mental Notes: Red, is INAPPROPRIATE and this needs to be addressed more as it represents crime and
unusual punishment that was enforced on Native Americans under many different United States federal

Reason (scientifically accepted): It is well understood that the brown bear, aka (i.e. ursus brunneis) has
resembled courage, protection, and strength in all Native American cultures. It is a very robust creature
that can run 35 mph, swim and climb well, and is an extremely intelligent hunter. (i.e. fish, fruit, beaver,
rabbit, roots, insects, grass, and HUMANS (kidding). Unfortunately, the Native American population has
been given little attention to by federal legislation, but more so from state congressmen and woman
who have ambitiously represented their tribe(s)(I.e. Iroquois, Apache, Comanche, Sioux, Cherokee, and
over 568 more nations). Tobacco is a locally harvested commodity amongst every nation as it is still used
for many ceremonial and medicinal reasons. Sadly, improper handling and false promises for thousands
of years has negatively impacted its communities as; addiction, suicidal rates, and psychological
problems emerged ever since intervention occurred. (i.e. rapid industrialization, more chemical
exposure, alarming rate of homelessness and less focus on trauma prevention programs). On the
brighter side adobe houses can be found mostly in Southwestern United States (i.e. Texas, Arizona, New
Mexico, Utah, Colorado, etc.) and is great coding for (i.e residential and business properties) in that
region of the country that has the least annual amount of precipitation. Lastly, wheat is grown
throughout the midwestern states in the North American continent and used for hundreds of different
reasons! (i.e. frybread).

-The answers we get after the interviews are done will be used to solely present a visual data (grid) that
shows viewers (for profit/nonprofit members) the numerous points of interest. (Evaluation).

Aim: Appropriate the correct diction (wording) in Microsoft Office 365s program word with members of
an empowering organization (micro-macro): (we will research): that argues against the overemphasized
idea that communal involvement is the TOP PRIORITY, which is false. We argue that responsibilities or
functions within the autonomic expressions (self-governance) of certain individuals in that particular
family is more important towards the progression of the community as a whole. (i.e. question what are
the chances of retaining social culture and principles that keeps loved ones together and happy?).

Look closely at the distinction of various social paradigms (patterns) by…

-visitation of important spots within the city proper and then navigate towards the outside to make a
reasonable proposition that restores the confidence of future clients.

Individual Job expectations…

Montes (Officer of “Public Relations”)-Will look very closely at these aspects by traveling on ground/or
by vehicle accompanied by my co-workers (Antonio + Keenan) doing door to door explanations (which
one officer will be inactive during some periods during the week). Will present jointly throughout certain
neighborhoods within Clark County/MKE County that house members who have excelled profoundly in
their professional careers at understanding the relevance of “grassroots organizations” critical part in
also initiating affairs that aim to boost the overall confidence of associates who they have built a
sustainable relationship with. (Other engagements).

Survey (Plz underline all subcategories, if not listed then list the most accurate!).

How do you identify yourself? And do you feel that oversimplification is a problem in terms of racial
identity on a rate from 0-5 (0-meaning: absolutely not, 1- meaning: a little 2- meaning: not really 3-
meaning: no say, 4-meaning: For the most part, 5, meaning: no doubt in my mind!).

A. Black (African American, Black, Afro American, Negro, Colored, N#$%^, etc.)
B. White (Anglo Saxton, Scandinavian, East Baltic, Lappish, Ladogan, Atlanto-Mediterranean,
Neo-Danubian, Borreby, etc.)
C. Asian (Han, Bai, Joseon, Yamato, Tibetans, Manchus, Ainu, Mongols, Ryukyuan, Hui, Zhuang,
D. Native American (Please list your tribe)
E. Mixed (Multiple Ethnicities)
F. None of the Above
Out of all the traditions that your family has engaged in what do you feel like has brought you closer
together? If you don’t mind, please list the specific activity. Thank You! Which one is the most import to
you; 1. Outside the house entertainment options 2. Inside the house activities 3. Just talking about
current matters.

A. Games (Cards, Recreational Sports, Dice, Trivia, Board Games, if not any please list it).
B. Music (Jazz, Hip Hop, Rap, Alternative Rock, Instrumentals, Blues, Rock, Reggae, R&B, or
International Music).
C. Movies (Horror, Action, Docs, Romance, Thriller, Comedies, Musicals, Adventures, Dramas, etc.).
D. TV (Reality TV, Games Shows, Comedy, Soap Operas, Cartoon, Travel or Holiday, Docs, Sitcoms,
Sports, etc.)
E. Smoking or Drinking
F. Books (Fiction, Nonfiction, Satire, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Religious, Science, Comics, Series,
Trilogies, Biographies, Autobiographies, Fantasy, Poetry, Horror, Travel, etc.)
G. Going Out (Ice Skating, Grabbing Coffee, Library, Shopping, Movies, Studios).
H. Simply TALKING to one another more often about constructive topics!

Do you believe communal involvement is more essential for the progression of society as a
whole or family activities? Which of these answers sounds the most accurate to you?

A. Yes, we won’t have the incentive to recreate and expand if we don’t socialize with each
other about various perspectives.
B. Yes, business development and training programs would not exist without collaborative
efforts with others.
C. Yes, its simply impossible to work from the inside out we need to focus on assessing
everyone’s qualifications and skill sets that they can contribute to society.
D. No, we need to turn our attention to family structure and educate our youth more about the
do’s and don’ts!
E. No, family activities is what motivates the unmotivated to be excellent at what they will
eventually learn to enjoy!
F. No, helping each other in the family learn hands on activities is more important than
anything else!
G. No Say!

We understand that long surveys are exhausting but these questions will give us the great tools we need
conduct a heavy investigation!

Do you think that you’re continuous work towards the collective is actually paying off and that your;
time, devotion, and energy is ACTUALLY beneficial or does it take more attention away from self-
development and the implementation of activities that help growth in your own family?
A. I am exhausted each day/night and feel overworked to the point I wonder if this is really
catapulting the economy in the right direction!
B. Collaborative efforts only work so much until everyone starts ridiculing each other about
differences in certain living habits that may be deemed as inappropriate or unimportant!
C. I’m not getting paid enough and there isn’t enough specialization in the job market that draws
my interest to even work in the first place because I didn’t study this at all!
D. Family activities of discipline by teaching each other important values such as; self-respect, time
management, assignment completion and thoroughness, financial stability, and resolution to
E. I have come to the point in my life I could care less about anything else but my family!
F. Blah Blah have a good day I am busy!

Final Question: What is a major concern you have with your educational experience?

A. Lack of Sleep
B. Difficulty of Time Management
C. Studying
D. Information
E. Way Test Are Written
F. All the Above

*Those who get it right- name will be put in a hat to win. (i.e. merchandise or gift card).

*Those who get it wrong- must do next lectures notes for a classmate.

Bonus Question: What musical group did we listen to most while growing?

A. Outcast
B. A Tribe Called Quest
C. Jackson 5
D. The Temptations

(Seasonal Handouts will vary) …Finally, we have some hot chocolate, gloves and hats, and a note of
appreciation/upcoming announcements and events!

 Consultation appearances with; individuals within the student body (if they show interest) that
way we can get to know them personally and much deeper (also highlight and assist them with
performing certain evolving talents).

Contact Info:

Montes Grzeca Strodthoff

Founder/Public Specialist
B.A. in Anthropology from University of Minnesota Twin Cities w/focus on Archeological Studies &
Ethnographic Research. (Conversation level Spanish)
[email protected]

Emblem Colors-Brown, White, Grey, Yellow, Black, Brown…rubric cube of some type.
Data: Pie Charts & Line Graphs, with a summary (i.e. site interactive experiences, questions asked by
students, and any other observations made during that session).
Organization name: Inmersio Inc. latin- Immersion “Deep Mental Involvement”.
Presentations- Retrieve list of Las Vegas (Clark County) and MKE (Milwaukee County) venues that attract
people of all types. (i.e. dinners, public gatherings, game nights, raffles, donations, auctions, outside of
Budgets Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet:
Savings ($$$)
 $200-300 (USD) each month for travel. (relocation instate or out of state appointments.)
 $50-100 (USD) each month for hand out equipment. (i.e. hats, coco, shirts, snacks, etc.)
 $75-100 (USD) each month for printings (i.e. pamphlets, signage sheets, etc.)
 Any of this money can be attributed to others who want to join temporarily for investment.
 I know John Serrano-4142336734 gets merchandise (sweaters, jogging pants, shirts, hats, etc.).

Preferred Contributions- $5,000 USD that will be earned back.

Suggestive documentary that focuses on interrelationships with others throughout our lives.
Interviewees possibly: Edward [email protected] (DHS Principal: 4143321170 ext.
110), David Gnadt [email protected].(DHS Social Studies Teacher: 4143321170 ext.
219), Henry Tyson: telephone 4143032133 (St Marcus Lutheran School Superintendent).
Others will be questioned…

Antonio “Anto’Neyo”
Entertainment Specialist.
McNally Smith College of Music & Point Blank Certification.
[email protected]

Job Responsibilities:
 The collectives allowance will allow us to pay for the car to keep here in Milwaukee to use
whenever in town for any officers discretion.We also will be traveling together (if presence) is
needed to advocate plan. Our responsibilities as officers is to pay for maintenance as well as the
insurance of the vehicle. (All)
 (If preferred) talk about business experience on the African Continent and how working with the
youth has shaped his perspective of those who are inclined to tell their story musically.(Antonio)
 How were the supermarkets? And did the people interact in Arusha and Dar es Salem, Tanzania.
 Use music to draw people to view our documentary and take questionnaires that has relevance
with the themes covered in the filming.(All)
 Where to film? Places we go to we will capture rural art to help us explain our mission (already
have some on our Instagram pages that can be recaptured and also promoted). (i.e.
wait_call_taunto & madhattertez092).
 Wine Coolers for adults? (cheap, likeable, and easily assessable).
 Stay fresh (outfits cleaned and if alliance allows it to use for self-purchases for our administrative
 Studio Sessions? Some may be interested in learning or generally recording (so maybe get a
pretty good microphone).
 Hemps legal isn’t it? So, smoke with clients during sessions. (just a suggestion).

Anything else?

Organization name: Inmersio Inc. latin- Immersion “Deep Mental Involvement”.

Keenan Johnson
Management of Internal/Exernal Operations
University of Phoenix
[email protected]

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