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Ingredient Vulnerability Assessment – VACCP

 Vulnerability to food fraud activities such as the dilution or substitution of ingredients prior to delivery to the site
 The site has appropriate controls (based on the assessment) in place to minimize the risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterated raw materials
 All claims relating to raw materials used in products can be substantiated

Questions with “*” “yes” answers will be V-CCP and require additional supporting documents from supplier to confirm – “No Fraud”
L = Likelihood: 1 2 3 4 5 (low to high) C = Economic Consequence: 1 2 3 4 5 (low to high)
Is the potential

*Supplier –History of

*Food Fraud findings

from internet search

(yes/no) – if not add

food fraud

Internet Search for

Risk = L+C
Approved Supplier

Ingredient Supplier

fraud (yes/no)

fraud (yes/no)
V-CCP yes/no
likely to occur?

Traceable to
Yes R > 9


No R < 8

Issued: Exhit#: Revision #:

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