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Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bataan


Name:______________________________________ Year/Section: _______________ Score:__________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Directions: Choose the best answer, and write it on on the blank space provided
before the item.

______1. What is the scientific investigation of phenomena which Includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that
lines an individual's speculation with reality?
a. Research b. Qualitative Research c. Quantitative Research d. Scientific Method
______2. Which of the following is the first step in formulating a Qualitative research title?
a. Concept Making b. Citing a Problem c. Formulation of ideas d. Reading Journal Articles
______3. What kind of question should Qualitative Research start with?
a. Do or Does b. Does or Did c. Is or Are d. Why or How
______4. What kind of research is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behavior and other defined variables and generalize results from a
larger population?
a. Research b. Qualitative Research c. Quantitative Research d. Scientific Method
______5. What kind of Qualitative Research emphasize on this title “Understanding Addiction: A Study of Adolescent
a. Case Study b. Content Analysis c. Ethnography d. Phenomenology
______6. This kind of Qualitative Research refers to a particular group in which it reveals the nature or characteristics of
their own culture through the world perceptions of the cultural group’s members.
a. Content Analysis b. Case Study c. Ethnography d. Historical Research
______7. This kind of Qualitative Research involves a long-time study of a particular person in psychology, medicine and
education. It seeks to find answers to why such thing occurs to the subject.
a. Content Analysis b. Case Study c. Ethnography d. Historical Research
______8. Which of the following is most appropriate to a qualitative approach?
a. Describing the relationship between students’ math attitudes and their math achievement
b. Describing the effect on students’ achievement of creating a student/centered assessment environment. c.
Identifying the characteristics that differentiate students who drop out of high school from students who do not drop out.
d. Understanding what it is like to work in a school that is changing the decision-making process from a top-
down, administratively driven model to a bottom-up, teacher/driven model
______9. Ethics in research ensures that participants have informed consent. Which of the following actions best
example of informed consent?
a. talking to him or her privately c. writing him or her a letter
b. surprising him or her with questionnaire d. using a padrino system
______10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following actions?
a. Asking the participant to write his or her name in the questionnaire
b. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the Study section
c. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
d. Taking his/her picture and placing it in the appendix


There are two broad categories of research methodology: qualitative research and quantitative research. Determine what type of
research methodology is being referred to. Write QUALITATIVE or QUANTITATIVE on the space provided before the item.

______________11. Identify patterns, features, themes

______________12. Answers question of “why” or “how”
______________13. Purpose is to test hypotheses, look at cause & effect, & make predictions
______________14. Purpose is to understand & interpret social interactions
______________15. Group studied is smaller & not randomly selected
______________16. Group studied is larger & randomly selected
______________17. Narrative report with contextual description & direct quotations from research participants
______________18. Statistical report with correlations, comparisons of means, & statistical significance of findings ______________19.
Answers “how many”, “when” and “where”
______________20. Objectivity is critical


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the sentence is not correct. Write the corresponding answer on the
blank space provided before the item.
__________21. Research must be hurriedly conducted.
__________22. There should be enough data before conducting research.
__________23. Research must observe a step-by-step process.
__________24. The researcher must have the final say in his or her findings.
__________25. A person's opinion is acceptable and considered as an answer to the questions asked by the
__________26. Any concern or issue confronted by the students is researchable.
__________27. The causes why students fail in quizzes are worth researching.
__________28. The student-researcher must read literature related to the problem he or she is studying.
__________29. The researcher must avoid listening to another researcher to have an objective view of his or her
__________30. The steps in conducting research are patterned.


Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write the corresponding answer on the blank space provided
before the item.

___________31. Historical Analysis a. focused on studying shared practices and belief systems
b. refers to a set of inductive data collection and analytic method
__________32. Ethnography c. a systematic investigation of any social or natural phenomena
__________33. Grounded Theory d. is the scientific investigation of phenomena which Includes
collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines
__________34. Phenomenology an individual's speculation with reality.
__________35. Case Study e. involves a long-time study of a person, group, organization, or
situation. It seeks to find answers to why such thing occurs to the
__________36. Inductive Thematic subject.
Analysis f. studies naturally-occurring discourse and shared meaning from
such discourse
__________37. Discourse/Content g. designed to advance knowledge with no application to existing
Analysis problems in view
h. takes place when you discover a new theory to underlie your study
__________38. Research at the time of data collection and analysis.
__________39. Applied Research i. uses knowledge acquired through research
j. is the examination of primary documents to make you understand
__________40. Basic Research the connection of past events to the present time.

IV. ESSAY. Explain the importance/Significance of Research in Daily Life. Give examples. (10 points)

Prepared by:
Michelle B. Cruz

Good luck and God bless!!!

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.
--Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

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