Toguz CV Fall 2019

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Charles M. Snipes School of Business and Economics, Lenoir-Rhyne University
Phone: (828) 328-7807
email: [email protected]

PhD: Economics, University of New Mexico (UNM) July 2015
MA: Economics, University of New Mexico May 2010
MBA: Finance, Anderson School of Management, UNM May 2008
BS: Engineering, Cukurova University, Turkey June 2002

Assistant Professor of Economics, Lenoir-Rhyne University August 2015-present
Statistics Consultant, RWJF at UNM 2014-2015
Graduate Student Instructor, UNM 2010-2015
Graduate Assistant, UNM 2006-2014

Health Economics, Public Finance, Development Economics


Oguz, T. (December 2018) “Is Patient-Provider Racial Concordance Associated with
Hispanics’ Satisfaction with Health Care?” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 16(1): 31.
Oguz, T. (February 2019), “Update on Racial Disparities in Access to Healthcare: An
Application of Nonlinear Decomposition Techniques.” Social Science Quarterly. 100(1):
60-75. doi:10.1111/ssqu.12551
Oguz, Tunay and Melissa Binder. “Changes in Women’s Empowerment in Turkey: 1993
– 2003.” Revise and Resubmit: Feminist Economics.
Oguz, Tunay. “Maternal Autonomy and Child Nutrition in Turkey.” Revise and
Resubmit: Eastern Economic Journal.
Oguz, Tunay and Addo, Fenaba. Work in Progress. “How does Patient Provider Racial
Concordance Effect Medical Expenditures”

NSF Funded DITE Fellowship Workshop at Duke University, October 2018, Raleigh,
NC. Presenter “Gender, Ethnicity, and Health in the United States and Turkey.”
The Annual Allied Social Science Associations Meetings (ASSA), January 2018,
Philadelphia, PA. Paper Accepted. “The Impact of Maternal Autonomy on Child Health
Outcomes in Turkey: Principle Component Analysis”
The Eastern Economic Association Conference, February 2017, New York. Presenter.
“Maternal Health and Child Health Outcomes in Turkey”
The Eastern Economic Association Conference, February 2017, New York. Discussant
“Why Moms are not Confident in their Lives: The Determinants and Considerations” The
Teaching Professional Conference, June 2016, Washington D.C. Attendee.
The Eastern Economic Association Conference, February 2016, Washington D.C.
Presenter. “The Impact of Patient-Provider Racial and Ethnic Concordance on Patient
Satisfaction in the United States”
The Eastern Economic Association Conference, February 2016, Washington D.C.
Discussant. “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Participation and the
Health of Older Adults”
The Western Economic Association International Conference, June 2015, Hawaii. Paper
Accepted. “The Impact of Gender Roles on Child Nutrition in Turkey: A
Principal Component Analysis”
The Annual Allied Social Science Associations Meetings (ASSA), January 2015, Boston,
MA. Attendee.
The New Mexico Graduate & Professional Student Conference, April 2015,
Albuquerque, NM. Attendee.
The Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference,
November 2014, Albuquerque, NM. Attendee.
The 5th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, June 2014,
Los Angeles, CA. Presenter. “Access to Care disparities: Race/Ethnicity and Gender
The New Mexico Public Health Association and UNM National Health Disparities Joint
Conference, April 2014, Albuquerque, NM. Presenter. “Access to Healthcare
disparities: Racial and Ethnic Differences with Gender Perspective”
The National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates Joint Conference,
February 2014, Baton Rouge, LA. Presenter. “Access to Healthcare disparities: Racial
and Ethnic Differences with Gender Perspective”
The Annual Allied Social Science Associations Meetings (ASSA), January 2014,

Philadelphia, PA. Presenter. “Changes in Women’s Empowerment in Turkey: An
Application of Oaxaca Decomposition”
The Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa Annual Conference,
November 2013, Washington, D.C. Presenter. “Changes in Women’s Empowerment in
Turkey: An Application of Oaxaca Decomposition”
The International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference, July 2013,
Palo Alto, CA. Presenter. “Changes in Women’s Empowerment in Turkey, 1993 to
The New Mexico Graduate & Professional Student Conference, April 2013,
Albuquerque, NM. Presenter. “Changes in Women’s Empowerment in Turkey: An
Application of Oaxaca Decomposition”
The New Mexico Graduate & Professional Student Conference, April 2012,
Albuquerque, NM. Presenter. “Changes in Women’s Empowerment in Turkey”


Multicultural Class, November 2019, Hickory, NC. Guest Speaker. “Dynamic Social
Norms, How Social Perspectives Influence Decision Making”
Honors Academy, October 2019, Hickory, NC. Guest Speaker. “Evolution of Gender
Norms in Turkey”
Alumni Weekend Back to School Class, Spring 2019, Hickory, NC. Presenter.
“Harmless Economics”
May Workshop, May 2017, Columbia, NC. Session Facilitator. “Systems and
Operations Efficiencies”
Multicultural Class, April 2017, Hickory, NC. Guest Speaker. “Turkey, Customs and
Multicultural Class, November 2016, Hickory, NC. Guest Speaker. “Turkey, Customs
and Religion”
New Faculty Orientation, August 2016, Hickory, NC. Presenter. “What I Wish I had
Known/What I Would Do Differently/What Worked Well”
Faculty Spotlight, September 2016, Hickory, NC. Presenter. “What Have I Learned at
Teaching Professional Conference”
May Workshop, May 2016, Hickory, NC. Session Facilitator. “Equipping Students to
Understand and Articulate the Values of the Liberal Arts”
Marathon Reading of Don Quixote in Different Languages, April 2016, Hickory, NC.
Reader (Turkish).

MBA Courses (traditional in-person classes, livestreamed to multiple campuses, and
recorded lectures for online students)
BUS 511: Financial Management and Budgeting, LRU
ECO 502: Managerial Economics, LRU

Undergraduate Economics Courses

ECO 121: Macroeconomic Principles (traditional and online), LRU
ECO 122: Microeconomic Principles (traditional and hybrid), LRU
BSB 321: Economic Foundations for Organizations (online), LRU
ECO 498/499: Senior Honor Thesis, LRU
ECO: 383: Mathematical Tools and Economic Models, LRU
ECO 423: Public Finance, LRU
ECO 323: Intermediate Price Analysis, LRU
ECON 105: Introductory Macroeconomics (Online), University of New Mexico
ECON 350: Public Finance, UNM
ECON 106: Introductory Microeconomics, UNM
ECON Workshop in Applied Economics (Graduate Course), UNM

Teaching Assistant
Online Introductory Macroeconomics, UNM Summer 2014
Online Introductory Microeconomics, UNM Spring 2014
Macroeconomics II, UNM Spring 2013
Introductory Macroeconomics, UNM Spring 2013
Introductory Microeconomics, UNM Spring 2012
Introductory Microeconomics, UNM Fall 2008-09
Macroeconomics I, UNM Fall 2012
Mathematical Tools and Economic Models, UNM Fall 2011
Operations Management, Anderson School of Management Fall 2006-08

Research Assistant
Analysis of Performance Based Scholarship Survey (Melissa Binder) Fall 2010-11
Analysis of Child Care Provider Behaviors in New Mexico (Kate Krause) Fall 2009-10
Analysis of Mexican Family Life Survey (Melissa Binder) Fall 2008


Graduate Success Scholarship, UNM 2013-2014
Graduate Research Award, National Association of African American Studies 2014
Rhonda Williams Prize, International Association of Feminist Economics 2013

NSF Funded DITE Fellow, DUKE 2018-19
Student Research and Travel Grant, UNM 2014
Economics Graduate Student Organization Research Grant, UNM 2013-14
Travel Grant from the International Association for Feminist Economics 2013
The Headrick Memorial Fellowship in Finance 2006-7
Turkish Educational Fellowship 1998-2002

Certificate, “Open Educational Resources” CTL, LRU Spring 2018
Certificate, “Online Teaching” CTL, LRU Summer 2017
Attendee, Teaching Professional Conference, Washington D.C. June 2016
Attendee, Annual Mentoring Breakfast for Junior Economists, Boston January 2015
Certificate, “Teaching the Basic Course”, UNM Fall 2011

Committee Membership
Academic Program Committee 2018-present
Convocation Committee 2016-2019
Sociology Faculty Search Committee 2017-2018
Budget Committee Fall 2017
Executive Committee 2016-2017

Student Organizations
Advisor, International Club 2016-present
Co-advisor, Mauney Economics Club 2015-present
Co-advisor, Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. 2016
Vice President, Economic Graduate Student Organization, UNM 2012-2013
Vice President, Turkish Student Association, UNM 2005-2008

Academic Reviewer
JAMA Network
Journal for Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Social Science Quarterly
Eastern Economic Journal
Principles of Economic, Stevenson & Wolfers, Macmillan Learning
Economics of Managerial Decisions, Blair & Rush, Pearson Educational Publishing

Eastern Finance Association
American Society of Health Economists
Western Economic Association
Eastern Economic Association
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
American Economic Association
International Association for Feminist Economics
National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates
Southwestern Social Science Association
Beta Gamma Sigma


Engineer, Guney Polgat Turkey 2003
Engineer, Cukurova Sanayi Isletmeleri Turkey 2002

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