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Before you begin vii

Topic 1: Develop workplace sustainability policy 1

1A Define scope of the sustainability policy 2
1B Gather information from a range of sources to plan and develop policy 16
1C Identify and consult stakeholders in the policy development process 20
1D Include appropriate strategies in sustainability policy 25
1E Make recommendations for policy options 29
1F Develop policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability 33
1G Seek agreement on implementation methods, outcomes and performance indicators 38
Summary 41
Learning checkpoint 1: Develop workplace sustainability policy 42

Topic 2: Communicate workplace sustainability policy 53

2A Promote workplace sustainability policy to key stakeholders 54
2B Inform those involved in implementing the policy  60
Summary 64
Learning checkpoint 2: Communicate workplace sustainability policy 65

Topic 3: Implement workplace sustainability policy 73

3A Develop and communicate procedures to help implement workplace
sustainability policy 74
3B Implement strategies for continuous improvement in resource efficiency 79
3C Establish and assign responsibility for recording systems to track continuous
improvements in sustainability approaches 82
Summary 88
Learning checkpoint 3: Implement workplace sustainability policy 89

Topic 4: Review workplace sustainability policy implementation 99

4A Document outcomes and provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders 100
4B Investigate successes and failures of policy 104
4C Monitor records to identify trends 107
4D Modify policy and procedures to ensure improvements are made 110
Summary 113
Learning checkpoint 4: Review workplace sustainability policy implementation 114

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

1A Define scope of the sustainability policy

Sustainability focuses on the concept of interdependence, meaning that life on earth exists
due to a delicate balance of ecosystems. If part of the system is disrupted, all life on earth
experiences repercussions.
In recent decades it has become clear that human
beings are living beyond this natural balance, using
up the planet’s resources at a rate that cannot be
maintained. Sustainability in an organisational
context is therefore about reducing water and energy
use, reducing waste and pollution, and switching
to renewable sources of energy, raw materials and
A holistic approach requires that actions be
considered on individual, organisational, national
and global levels. The fundamental premise of
sustainable thinking is that the future is not
somewhere we are going, but something we are
creating through our choices today.

Components of sustainability
Sustainability is often associated uniquely with environmental issues. However, there are
three interlocking components associated with sustainability that are equally important.
Actions today have ecological, economic and social consequences for the future, as
shown here.

Ecological sustainability

└└ Ecological sustainability is based on our planet having a limited amount

of non-renewable resources and ensuring we do not use these up.

Financial (or economic) sustainability

└└ Financial sustainability involves the fair distribution of wealth. Wealth

is often needed to access essential services such as medical care and
education, and ensure a good standard of living. The global economic
crisis in late 2008 demonstrated how fragile our global economies can
be. Economic growth is dependent on natural resources and energy
supply — without these, there is nothing to trade.

Social sustainability

└└ Social sustainability refers to the needs of people and communities.

This may include access to adequate housing, sanitation, food and
medical care or just general equality principles.

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Identify reporting requirements

There are a number of reporting requirements you may need to consider when developing
your policy. Some of these are outlined in the following information.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

└└ The GRI is a network-based organisation that has developed the world’s

most widely used sustainability reporting framework and is committed to its
continuous improvement and application worldwide. The framework sets out
the principles and indicators that organisations can use to measure and report
on their economic, environmental and social performance.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth)

└└ This Act introduced a single national framework for the reporting and
dissemination of information about greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas
projects, and energy production and consumption.

Triple bottom line reporting

└└ Triple bottom line reporting is an approach to accounting that, in addition to

reporting financial measures, reports on the total performance of a company
including environmental and social activities.
Your policy must stipulate the need to report on the strategies your organisation
has in place to reduce its impact on the environment and its performance
against targets through the mechanism of triple bottom line reporting.

Life cycle analyses

A life cycle analysis is a tool for identifying and
measuring the environmental impact of resource
and energy used in the entire life cycle of a product,
including production, distribution, consumption
and disposal. This allows a company to examine
the full range of environmental and social impacts
resulting from its products and services, and assists
in choosing the least damaging route.
An environmentally conscious organisation
will incorporate life cycle analysis into decision-
making processes, and manage materials and
products across their life cycles. The procedures of
life cycle assessments are a part of the ISO 14000
Environmental management standards. Software packages are available to aid in these
complex calculations.

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Topic 1
Develop workplace sustainability policy

Relevant personnel
You should also consult with a range of people to obtain relevant and current information
that can guide you in developing the sustainability policy. Suitable avenues for consultation
are described below.

Suitable avenues for consultation

All staff can provide input for the development of a workplace sustainability
policy as they can comment on the efficiency and effectiveness of current
practices. It is vital that input from employees is encouraged and acknowledged,
and combined with the input from all other sources.

Consultants and environmental agencies

There is a range of organisations that provide reporting systems and advice;
for example, the Global Reporting Initiative. The GRI produces e-newsletters.
There are members of the GRI whose advice and systems will meet the GRI
standard. Information on emissions trading can be gained from the Australian
Government’s Department of the Environment. Find out whether there are any
agencies in your area that focus on sustainability programs.

Environmental regulators and industry associations

Local, national and international environmental regulators provide advice on
policy development and procedures; for example, the Environmental Protection
Authority in Victoria provides advice and conducts environmental audits.
Many recommend standards such as AS/NZS or ISO provide best practice
guidelines on achieving those standards. Industry associations also provide
guidelines and information on compliance with regulations, rules and standards.

Companies and businesses

Many companies and businesses provide their sustainability policy, plans,
targets and approaches as part of their annual reports, or as separate
publications or announcements on their website. Such electronic documents
can include policy statements and procedures that can be analysed and
considered in terms of your own organisation. Triple bottom line reporting
provides one type of standard reporting.

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Raise awareness
The sustainability policy must include how the organisation is going to raise awareness of its
sustainability aims. There must be a communication strategy that provides for information
sessions to ensure that all employees and relevant parties, such as contractors and suppliers,
are aware of the policy and the commitment of the organisation to achieving the targets it
has set.
The following information provides an outline of some communication strategies.

Communication strategies

Induction sessions
Ensure that information about the policy is included in induction sessions for
new staff.

Information sessions and presentations

Arrange whole staff information sessions and presentations to discuss people’s
responsibilities and provide the opportunity for feedback, making sure part-time
employees are included.

Explanatory steps
Explain the steps to be taken to minimise resource use, reduce toxic material
and hazardous chemical use, and employ life cycle management. Present
these steps using notices, posters, intranet articles, blogs, memos and flyers.
Use pictures, photographs and graphics to ensure everyone understands the

Place articles on the intranet.

Place articles in the company’s newsletter that is distributed to full-time and
casual staff, customers, contractors and suppliers, business associates and

Hold teleconferences to include those in remote locations.

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Qualitative questionnaire
Use a questionnaire to survey key people to rate their view using a Likert scale from
‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’.
A template can be used to gather the responses, and then an analysis should provide
an initial determination as to whether the option should be investigated further or, on
comparison with other options, that it be ranked above or below alternatives.
Here is an example of a qualitative questionnaire template.

Initial response questionnaire on policy option/initiative

Policy option/initiative: Description of option/initiative:

Person completing: Name:

Respond to each statement by circling the appropriate number:
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree

Provide any additional comments in the space at the bottom or overleaf.

This option will yield 1 2 3 4 5
benefits that outweigh the
The implementation 1 2 3 4 5
will have little effect on
The option will improve our 1 2 3 4 5
compliance performance.
The option will reduce 1 2 3 4 5
resource consumption and
the ecological footprint of
the organisation.
The organisation has 1 2 3 4 5
the capability to provide
the support required to
implement this option (e.g.,
human resources, training).
The option is in line with 1 2 3 4 5
the organisation’s strategic
The option will benefit our 1 2 3 4 5
triple bottom line reporting
and is GRI (Global Reporting
Initiative) compliant.

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Example: options identified and recommended

Frank and Steph undertake a cost-benefit analysis on the initiatives and options they are
considering. The key difficulty they find is quantifying the benefits
associated with the options. Assistance is sought from an expert at the
local university in quantifying intangible benefits.
A SWOT analysis provides information that enables them to understand
the potential effects internally (strengths and weaknesses) and
externally (opportunities and threats). Documenting the SWOT analysis
identifies areas where they will need to take action to minimise risks
associated with the weaknesses and threats.
A report is generated with appropriate costs and time lines for
consideration by their fellow directors, Chris and Anh.

Practice task 5
The Kare 4 Kidz centre director has approved two initiatives to include in the sustainability policy:
•• Creating a vegetable garden so the children can be involved in planting, watering, weeding,
spraying, picking, eating and composting (food scraps and weeds) and learn about how plants
•• Asking families to bring in items to re-use for arts and craft.
Using this SWOT analysis table, evaluate each initiative and determine whether you would
recommend that the initiatives are included.

Creating a vegetable garden Asking families to bring in items

to re-use for arts and crafts

Strengths (internal)

Weaknesses (internal)


Threats (external)

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Implementation approach and impact

Identify which areas will be affected and how this will be addressed. For
example, down time for equipment changeover could offer an opportunity for
staff training.
Provide details on training that will be required and which employees will need to
Identify the resource requirements for implementation.

Promotion and communication

Provide an overview of how the initiative will be promoted to stakeholder groups.

Responsibility, monitoring and reporting

Detail who will be responsible for reporting on the implementation of the
different aspects of the initiative. Outline the monitoring process and the reports
that will be generated.

Provide a review time line and process.

Example: further policy initiatives

When the directors of Prestige Printing and Office Supplies (Frank, Steph, Chris and Anh) agreed
to develop a workplace sustainability policy they also agreed to develop a statement outlining their
commitment to sustainability and supporting the environment. This formal statement is issued to the
local press (newspapers, radio and television). It explains the initiatives that they will be considering
to promote sustainability in regards to their products and services.
Frank and Steph draft a sustainability statement and policy that incorporates the following
•• A ‘green discount account’ for account clients who purchase environmentally friendly products
and services
•• A competition for local high school students to write an essay on a sustainability, with the
winners to receive green products and discounts from Prestige Printing and Office Supplies
•• A billboard displaying the company’s monthly energy use designed by local Grade 6 students

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Internal newsletter
The organisation’s regular newsletter for internal
stakeholders is a useful medium to promote the new
sustainability policy. Some organisations may decide to
prepare a special issue of the newsletter that focuses on
sustainability. It should contain a message from the CEO
to emphasise the commitment of senior management,
and explain the major initiatives that will be implemented
in the first stage of the policy, along with the expected

Posters and notices

Posters displayed around the office, workshop, factory
and tearoom are useful as a promotional strategy, as they
provide a constant reminder of what the organisation
aims to do. This can help build momentum and encourage
commitment to the goals of sustainability. Charts and
graphs can be used to show the current situation, the
activities planned and the goals the organisation expects
to achieve.

A meeting specifically held to introduce the policy will
focus attention on the sustainability targets and give
people the opportunity to ask questions. Meetings are a
good medium for explaining the expected outcomes so
people can see where they are heading.

Logo or mascot
Develop a name for your ‘green office’ program. Perhaps
create a logo or mascot that will identify the program. This
is a fun and visible way to increase its profile, although it
will take time and money to create and promote.

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

… continued


Suppliers, contractors and business associates can be informed of the policy through written
correspondence such as letters, memos and emails. Such documents should clearly detail the
policy, the methods and approaches for implementation, targets and expected outcomes.


Presentations can be used to inform external stakeholders and the general community of
policy development and implementation. The size and scope of the presentation will vary
according to the promotional budget from a roadshow travelling across the nation, to an
open day or a display at a local shopping centre. Presentations are a chance to showcase the
organisation’s strengths, and to inform those interested in attending what they are doing in
relation to sustainability.

Websites and newsletters

The internet is a valuable tool to keep external stakeholders and the broader community
informed. Many organisations have a webpage dedicated to sustainability and the
environmental strategies they are introducing to reduce their impact. This is used to display
policies and highlight achievements. Sustainability reports and the organisation’s newsletter
can be made available online.
Many websites also provide the opportunity for external parties to seek answers to questions
in relation to policy matters, where the organisation welcomes comments and feedback.
Organisations may include a logo on documents or a footer on their email to emphasise
commitment to the environment; for example, ‘Please consider the environment before
printing this email’.

Annual general meeting

An organisation’s annual general meeting is an opportunity to communicate environmental

performance to a wide range of stakeholders, in keeping with an organisation’s commitment to
triple bottom line reporting.

Information service

Some organisations provide information services via dedicated phone lines and, when a new
policy development is released, provide additional trained staff to handle calls.

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Topic 2
Communicate workplace sustainability policy

Typical sustainability goals

•• Implement a set of environmentally preferred selection criteria so purchasing strategies reflect

sustainability practices by the end of the financial year.
•• Reduce overall energy use by 5 per cent within one year.
•• Reduce monthly printing costs by 15 per cent.
•• Achieve 100 per cent compliance with hazardous materials storage regulations within one
•• Reduce vehicle emissions by 10 per cent.
•• Reduce packaging waste by 30 per cent within six months.
•• Fit all workstations with a purpose-built stand for LCD monitors within 12 months.
•• Recycle or refill 100 per cent of toner cartridges consumed by October 2016.
•• Introduce special bins to take recyclable material and reduce the amount of recyclables going
to landfill to nil within six months.

Key performance indicators

Key performance indicators must reflect the goals of the organisation and be quantifiable,
achievable and agreed on in advance of policy implementation. Ensure that employees
understand what they are expected to achieve, are capable of reaching the KPIs that
have been set and are in agreement with the expectation of their job description. Skill or
knowledge deficiencies will need to be addressed with training.

Example KPIs

•• One hundred per cent compliance with sustainability policy

•• Compliance with ISO 14001:2004 environmental management systems life cycle analyses
•• Zero breaches of regulatory requirements
•• A five per cent reduction per month for the next six months in solid waste generated
•• A 25 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
•• A monthly report on waste management
•• One hundred per cent compliance with green purchasing guidelines
•• Compliance with triple bottom line reporting
•• 100 per cent safety record
•• All staff have completed training in compliance requirements

Identify the activities to be undertaken

The type of activities an organisation will undertake depend on
the scale of its sustainability policy. In many cases, organisations
that are just starting out are likely to concentrate on small
but effective steps such as reducing energy and paper use
and introducing a recycling program. Others may embark
on a physical restructure, such as purchasing energy-efficient
equipment and machinery or changing production techniques
and materials to reduce environmental impact.

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Topic 2
Communicate workplace sustainability policy

Allocate the responsibilities to the relevant areas and key personnel in your organisation
by determining who is responsible for each area. The information below outlines typical
responsibilities for managers and staff.

Senior management General staff

The responsibilities of senior management The responsibilities of general staff include:

include: •• following all sustainability policies and
•• raising awareness of the policy initiatives procedures such as:
and encouraging environmental practices –– using recycling bins correctly
•• providing information about roles and –– using once-used paper for printing
responsibilities of employees, daily operational draft copies
requirements, reporting mechanisms and
consequences of noncompliance –– switching off lights when leaving

•• preparing step-by-step procedures for –– handling and storing hazardous

carrying out specific tasks material correctly

•• reporting progress regularly to staff and •• participating in all environmental

external stakeholders initiatives such as:

•• dealing with media enquiries and business –– green team activities

partners –– promotional initiatives
•• implementing purchasing agreements –– planning days/brainstorming sessions
•• ensuring compliance with legislative for new ideas.
•• organising sustainability audits and reviews
•• managing and rectifying breaches
•• approving budget expenditure to achieve
targets; for example, approving a quote for
installation of skylights
•• arranging training for staff as needed.

Example: set KPIs

Frank and Steph met with each of the managers and supervisors in the organisation to discuss
targets and KPIs:
•• Ahmed, who is their main purchaser, has a target of 80 per cent green purchasing within a year,
with quarterly targets at 20, 40, 60 and 80 per cent. The purchasing team will provide a monthly
progress report to Frank and Steph, and a quarterly report to the directors.
•• Gillian, who is in charge of the printing area, has a target of a 5 per cent
reduction per month on solid waste generated for the first four months, and
a 10 per cent increase in recycling of materials in the same period. She will
provide a monthly report to the directors.
•• All staff are to comply with new procedures on energy use and a 15 per
cent reduction in nonproduction energy is to be achieved in six months.
Spot observation checks will be instigated. Frank and Steph have had a
solar hot water system installed that will assist substantially in achieving

this target, and the target may well be increased at some future date after
a review.

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

3A Develop and communicate procedures to help

implement workplace sustainability policy
To ensure sustainability initiatives are successful, an
organisation needs effective procedures that staff and
others can follow to make sure everyone involved
knows what they have to do.
While most people will generally agree with the
idea of sustainability and the need to monitor the
organisation’s environmental performance, they
may be concerned about their own responsibilities
and the impact of the policy on their day-to-day
tasks. Provide people with checklists or procedures
to show what is required in order to meet policy
requirements, and make sure they understand
what they need to do in addition to their current

Identify key people to develop procedures

For each strategy or initiative, you need to determine who is involved, and therefore who
can contribute to developing a procedure.
To identify the key people for each strategy or policy initiative, consider drawing up a table
like the example following.

Strategy/policy Target Compliance Persons responsible/affected

Reduce Decrease National Employees who work in the

nonproduction nonproduction Greenhouse and office, use the tearoom or use
energy use energy use by 15% Energy Reporting the change room facilities and
by December 2016 Act 2007 (Cth) showers

Decrease Reduce company National Senior executives, production

greenhouse gas emissions by 25% Greenhouse and department and operational
emissions by 2018 Energy Reporting area, and quality control
Act 2007 (Cth) personnel

Switch to ‘green’ 65% of all Nil Purchasing department and

purchasing suppliers to be all employees authorised to
‘green’ by 2016 purchase or procure goods and

Convert reports to GRI compliant by Global Reporting Senior executives, managers,

GRI compliant 2017 Initiative supervisors and all employees
writing reports on finance, social
or environmental issues

Introduce 90% of kitchen Organisational All staff

waste reduction waste is recycled policy
initiatives or composted by
December 2016

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Example: checklist used as a reminder of procedures to

adhere to
Below is a sample checklist that could be used as a reminder of the procedures that should be

Resource checklist

Employee name: Date:

Position: Time:

Have you turned off all equipment in your area (computer, printer, etc.)? Yes  No 
Has all your recycling material been placed in the main bin? Yes  No 
Was all ordering done according to the green purchasing policy? Yes  No 
Are you the last to leave? If yes: Yes  No 
Have the main lights been turned off Yes  No 
Have the taps in the kitchen been checked? Yes  No 
Has all non-essential equipment been powered down? Yes  No 

Communicate the procedures

Before circulating procedures, you should ensure that all employees expected to follow
the procedure have the knowledge and skills required to do so. In the event that they do
not, training will be needed – this usually needs to occur in advance of implementing the
The following information outlines procedures that should be communicated to all relevant
stakeholders using the same mechanisms that were used to explain the policy.


Can be used as a way of introducing the new procedures, either in a formal

training environment or on the job with appropriate support materials being
provided for participants


Held in appropriate groups and used to inform staff of the procedures and how
to implement them

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Topic 3
Implement workplace sustainability policy

3B Implement strategies for continuous

improvement in resource efficiency
Continuous improvement is required in all aspects of an organisation’s operations. The
organisation needs to continually increase efficiency and effectiveness across all areas in
order to maintain a competitive position in the market.
In an environmental context, continuous improvement is defined in ISO 14001: 2004 as ‘the
process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvements in
overall environmental performance in line with the organisation’s environmental policy’.
Long-term, continuous improvement should be a key factor in all environmental policies.
For a sustainability policy to be effective, it needs to be monitored regularly, with
opportunities for stakeholders to generate ideas and suggestions for improvement and a
procedure to discuss and implement options for improvement.

Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement is not about fixing problems as they arise, but creating an
environment in which improvement is always encouraged; adopting this mindset can
benefit all areas of the workplace.

The five steps of continuous improvement

Commitment and policy

Commitment must come from senior management. This is a prerequisite for
the organisation as a whole to commit to achieving sustainability goals. The
development of the sustainability policy needs to incorporate general research
on sustainability, an organisation audit, advice from experts and input from
stakeholders. There should be a process in place to regularly revise the policy in
light of the organisation’s environmental achievements.

Evaluate how well your planning processes worked, and areas that could be
improved in future planning activities.
•• Was there sufficient consultation?
•• Were more physical resources needed?
•• Was more time needed?
•• Did you have access to all relevant legislation, codes of practice and industry
•• Did you do sufficient research on the current impact of the organisation on
the environment?
•• Did you collect information and data from internal and external sources, and
analyse it to determine the strategies to be considered?
•• Did you obtain agreement from stakeholders and set realistic targets?
•• Was the implementation time frame realistic?

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

3C Establish and assign responsibility for

recording systems to track continuous
improvements in sustainability approaches
When assigning responsibilities, it is important to indicate who is responsible for tracking
sustainability improvements and recording achievements and other outcomes.
Capturing data is an essential aspect of the monitoring and review process for continuous
Records will show:
• compliance with legislation and adherence to voluntary codes of practice, industry
standards, other standards (AS/NZS or ISO) and other voluntary initiatives such as the
Global Reporting Initiative and triple bottom line reporting
• achievement of organisational goals and targets, including the overall reduction in
the ecological footprint and how this was achieved (e.g. reduction in greenhouse gas
• achievement of targets or KPIs by departments, work groups and individuals.

Environmental records
Be aware of the type of environmental records that your organisation needs to keep.
Examples of environmental records that need to be kept by some organisations are shown in
the following information.

Measures of environmental performance; e.g. kilowatt hours of energy consumed,

expenditure on waste disposal, reams of paper purchased

Details of environmental hazards; e.g. material safety data sheets on the storage
of chemicals, incident reports, disposal of toxic waste

Details of environmental policies and strategies

Assessment of environmental policies and strategies

Potential and existing environmental risk assessment and identification

Comments and responses, including complaints, from internal and external


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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Example: internal compliance review report

The table below is a sample compliance review report on office waste procedures.

Compliance review on office waste procedures

conducted on 20/9/2015 by S Gardener

Policy target Priority Progress Analysis Actions Person/s

(H/M/L) required responsible

Removal of Medium Completed Has led to an Monitor Office

rubbish bins immediate office area manager
from cubicle reduction to ensure no (W Peters)
area in plastic rubbish bins
rubbish bag are used
usage –
estimated at
120 tonnes
Recycle High Completed Recycle No action Admin.
dumpster company required assistant
ordered and issued ‘Green (J Chang)
installed workplace’
to the
adequate for
Paper High Completed 100% No action Office
recycling bins of office required manager
installed in paper being (W Peters)
cubicle area recycled;
are placing
correct paper
type in bins
Glass and High Completed Incorrect Agenda item Office
plastics items (e.g. for October manager
recycling bin food scraps, sustainability (W Peters)
installed in plastic bags) committee
tearoom are being meeting –
placed in how can we
recyclables get people
bin; recyclable to sort their
items are kitchen
being placed waste?
in landfill bin

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

4A Document outcomes and provide feedback

to key personnel and stakeholders
Documenting the outcomes of sustainability initiatives is a crucial part of the continuous
improvement cycle. The analysis of data collected will enable the organisation to assess
policy performance based on qualitative and quantitative evidence.
Outcomes can be documented in specific sustainability reports, in financial reports, an
annual report that includes triple bottom line reporting, a shareholders report, or a report
for an external body such as a regulatory authority. Common report types are outlined in
the following information.

Formal compliance reports

└└ Formal compliance reports are required by regulatory authorities and

can be developed from internal compliance reviews and audits, or other
internal recording systems that are set up to generate the information
required. The data collected and the format of the report are prescribed
by the external authority.

General compliance reports

└└ Reports may be generated internally and targeted for specific areas of

the organisation. These are generated from a range of internal records
such as workplace inspections and audits, reviews and breach reports.

Regular target achievement reports

└└ Reports may be generated from regular reviews and analyses conducted

to assess progress towards targets and compliance. These reports are
used to consider the overall progress and efficiency of the organisation
as a whole, and for each of the relevant departments or operational

Board reports

└└ Reports may be provided by senior management to the board of

directors. Such reports are created from a range of records and
documentation generated throughout the organisation. These reports
will show legislative compliance, as well as financial savings or
expenditure arising from the sustainability policy.

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Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Provide feedback
Senior managers and shareholders will receive regular formal reports, but other also
stakeholders need to know how the organisation is progressing towards achieving its
environmental targets. Regular updates and successful achievement of targets can be used
to provide encouragement and support to maintain the momentum and commitment of all
involved. Feedback can also identify targets that have not been met, areas of weakness and
risks; thus showing where improvements need to be made.
There are a number of ways you can provide feedback, as shown in the following

Newsletters can be targeted at internal personnel only, or produced to
provide information to external groups through publication of a company
newsletter or a sustainability newsletter.

Memos, emails and letters

Tailor correspondence to particular key personnel or groups, highlighting
progress and providing specific feedback.

Website – intranet
Use an internal website (intranet) to provide key feedback and information,
and act as a repository for reports, reviews, audits and analyses of
outcomes and issues relating to the implementation of the workplace
sustainability policy and procedures. The intranet can be used to announce
achievements or highlight staff who have demonstrated a commitment.

Hold specific focus meetings to provide feedback and address
performance against targets. These meetings can also be used to obtain
input from people to address issues. Such meetings may be documented
and can result in an action list.

Relevant senior management can also hold presentation sessions for key
personnel and provide feedback. Such sessions can be used to highlight
progress, and boost the confidence of people involved or charged with
responsibilities under the implementation of the policy.

Visual methods
Use visual methods to share achievements, such as a huge thermometer
on the factory wall for communicating long-term targets and showing
current progress or posters thanking people for their contributions.

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Topic 4
Review workplace sustainability policy implementation

Procedure modification
When a procedure needs to be modified it is important that the relevant stakeholders
are consulted in the development phase. Then, once the new procedures have been
implemented, the continuous improvement cycle begins again to monitor and review the
Procedure modification may be needed for a variety of reasons, as shown in the following

Changes in legislation or regulations

There may be changes in legislation that require changes in compliance; for
example, a class of chemicals is to be phased out over a one-year period, with

Changes in targets
A new or amended policy has changed targets; for example, cardboard
packaging must be reduced by 60 per cent within 12 months.

Monitoring and evaluations

Monitoring and evaluations have shown that:
•• targets can’t be achieved with the current procedures so they must be
adjusted; for example, introduce new procedures that ensure only recycled
paper is used
•• the reporting system is inadequate; for example, introduce a system in which
staff must record when paper is ordered by their department and the type of
paper requested
•• there needs to be a new awareness campaign to motivate staff; for example,
form a green team to specifically work towards supporting green initiatives
•• the system for tracking changes needs to be improved; for example,
introduce procedures for staff to report on achievements at a monthly staff

New initiatives
Internal proposals for improved efficiency and reduction of the ecological
footprint have prompted new initiatives; for example, an incentive program for
team successes.

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