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What is Recreational Activities

 Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time.[1] The "need to do

something for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and
psychology.[2] Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement,
or pleasure and are considered to be "fun".

Importance of Recreational Activities

 Physical Benefits of Recreation

Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve physical
health. People who take part in park activities such as walking, hiking, or skiing, schedule
fewer office visits, maintain lower body fat percentages, and have lower blood pressure
and cholesterol levels.

 Mental Health Improvements

Mental wellness is critical to overall physical health. Participating in recreational activities
helps manage stress. Taking time to nurture oneself provides a sense of balance and self-
esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety and depression.

 Improving the Quality of your Life

It’s all about balance. Americans are busier than ever. Finding a way to balance the
pressures of work and family with physical and mental wellbeing is important. People
who make recreation a priority are more likely to feel satisfied with their lives overall,
according to an American Recreation Coalition Study, 2000. In fact, 90 percent of
respondents who said they participate in regular, outdoor recreation reported
satisfaction with their overall lives. Contrast that to 60 percent life satisfaction for
respondents who do not regularly recreate outdoors. It’s clear that simply going outdoors
and moving your body is a direct way to a happier, healthier you.

Characteristics of Recreation

 Recreation occurs during leisure

 Recreation is as different as people are different; it is extremely wide and varied
 Recreation is activity; it is some sort of action as distinguished from rest
 Recreation must be voluntary; it cannot be ordered, imposed, or forced
 Recreation has no single form; it offers a variety of choices with endless possibilities
 Recreation is flexible; it can be organized or unorganized; it can be enjoyed in a group
or alone
 Recreation to one individual may be work to another
 Recreation involves an individual's attitude, motive, and incentive
 Recreation may occur or not occur; a specific activity may be recreation for an
individual at one time, but not at another time
 Recreation is necessary in order for an individual to have balanced growth
 Recreation and work are not the same thing; although an individual may be very happy
in his job, it is not possible for that individual's work to be his recreation

Relationship between recreational activities to education

 Students are more enthusiastic to learn in outdoor learning activities as compared to

traditional indoor setting and also more motivated. They also develop a better attitude
towards the environment and more responsible behavior
 It helps in building communication skills and team building as students have to work in
groups to solve problems. There will be more discussions of ideas and feedbacks and
helps students to resolve conflict among themselves
 It also helps in boosting memory as there is more practical experience and the
information can be soaked up wholly by the brain in a more fresh and fascinating
 It also helps in moral development as students get the opportunity to undertake
leadership, question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own
 Enhances peer relationships and interpersonal skills. Students can also excel in areas
other than academics where they have an interest. Recreational activities can give a
chance to discover talents other than academic excellence which can later help one in
the career and life as a whole.

Overall it can be said that, recreational activities help in overall development of a student’s
physically, mentally, and emotionally. It not only helps to gather knowledge but to use it ethically
to lead a healthy and better life. It teaches one to think with reason and live with a more
practical approach to life. It also enhances ones all round development, thus helping to
achieve success in ones endeavors.

Qualities of good reactional

1. They Think Long Term

Leaders should be able to step back from the day-to-day details and see the big picture. They
should also be able to plan more than a few months ahead of time, and see the trajectory they
wish to take their organization in the years to come. A strong vision and plan for the long-term
will help guide the direction of short term projects.
2. They Inspire Others
There are all sorts of reasons people perform their jobs well – pay incentives, accountability, the
satisfaction of a job well done. Inspirational leaders are another strong incentive. Leaders who
are enthusiastic, work hard, and communicate their vision to employees are much more likely to
have a strong, dedicated staff than leaders who lacks these qualities.
3. They Are Great Listeners and Communicators
Strong communication skills are essential to effective leadership. Employees need to feel that
their opinions, feedback, and ideas are both heard and evaluated. In addition, clear
communication is valuable because it causes less uncertainty. Leaders who can effectively
communicate will find less hand-wringing among indecisive staff members.
Of course, the ability to talk about things other than work can’t hurt, either. Staff will be
appreciative of leaders they feel they know on a personal level.
4. They are Highly Organized
Leaders have a lot on their plate – and leaders who plan ahead have an inherent need to keep
on top of everything, rather than wait for a crisis to happen. Outstanding organization skills are
necessary to keep on top of both long term goals and daily needs. However they handle it –
with executive assistants, excel spreadsheets, or advanced goal tracking tools like Envisio –
effective leaders stay organized.
5. They have Great Problem Solving Skills
Leaders deal with problems all day long – anyone in management should know that problem-
solving is part of the job description. Leaders who plan ahead are in a better position to tackle
problems before they occur instead of reactively when they pop up unexpectedly. Thinking
outside of the box can come in handy – because most problems don’t come with instruction
6. They Seek Advice and Help When Required
Most leaders are knowledgeable and educated on their industries and organizations, but no
one can know everything. Effective leaders don’t arrogantly try to force their way into projects
or areas they don’t understand. Instead, they seek advice and help from colleagues and staff to
increase their knowledge and get projects done.
7. They are Compassionate, Loyal, Integrity-Filled Attitude
Employees will find it difficult to work hard for someone they don’t respect. Leaders can earn
that respect by backing up their subordinates when needed, making decisions that are ethically
and morally responsible, and being kind and compassionate toward others in the work place.
Leaders can’t expect others to exhibit these qualities if they don’t lead by example.
8. They have a Calm Demeanor
Great leaders don’t panic at the onset of trouble. Instead, they make calm and rational
decisions that align with the strategy of their business. Keeping cool under pressure isn’t just a
born personality trait. The behavior can be learned and built through “trial by fire” scenarios.
However this characteristic is gained, it’s important, because action through deliberation is more
likely to find success than emotional decision-making.
9. They Know How to Utilize Team Strengths
By necessity, effective leaders should know the strengths and weaknesses of their team
members, so they can quickly delegate tasks to the right person. This is not to say that
employees should never try anything new, or learn a skill that was previously foreign to them.
However, when a quick turnaround time is needed, effective leaders should already know the
right person who can be trusted to get the job done quickly and correctly.
10. They Take Criticism Well
Effective leaders are always willing to build their skill set and learn from mistakes. A crucial part of
this practice is the ability to take constructive criticism. Feedback, both positive and negative, is
an extremely important tool in improving future processes. Leaders should be thick-skinned, but
able to learn from criticism of their work and leadership tactics.

Classification of Recreational Activities

Variations Causes Characteristicsi

Outdoor longing for nature outdoor recreational
and sports activities
get away from gardening
Health Fitness Strengthening of arányos test divatja
preservation civilizatiomal problems
Worsening of morbidity aerobics, body building
and mortality rates
slow/harsh diets
Workplace High number of sick improvement of work
recreation leave days ability
significance of team team building
stress relief
type of sports sports games of the sports done at a younger
young to be relived age continued
again achievement,
Wellness new lifestyle
strengthening of holistic psychological balance
relaxation, beauty
treatment, massage,
Seeking Extreme sports getting away from the extreme-level energy
adventure achievement- consumption
centredness of work adrenaline dependence
desire to do something
Adventure counterbalancing seeking joint adventures
sports monotony
Fun sports traditional values lose emotional links to the
significance chosen sport
specific subculture
active or passive
achievement- amateur continuation exceptionally good
centred of professional sports physical condition
recreation career intensive sports activity in
the past
What are the benefits of recreational activities




Practiced in clinical, residential and community settings, the profession of therapeutic recreation
uses treatment, education, and recreation services to help people with illnesses, disabilities and
other conditions to develop and use their leisure to enhance their health, independence and
well being.
Outdoor adventure activities for people with limited physical ability give participants feelings of
success and improved feelings of confidence.
There is no greater opportunity for people to experience self-actualization and the spiritual
renewal, creative expression, discovery and stimulation than leisure offers.


Family bonds are improved by the sharing of leisure time. Families that recreate together tend to
be closer, more cohesive and improve their chances of staying together. This is true with both
parent-child relationships and married couples. Families are the cornerstone in promoting well-
being and healthy development in children.

Recent studies show disturbing trends about children who regularly come home to an empty
house: higher than average drop out rate, drug abuse, truancy and depression.
Good news for working parents! Many communities' parks and recreation agencies provide
after school and summer child care.
In Fort Myers, Florida, 80% of the adolescents who enrolled and participated in the STARS
(Success Through Academics and Recreational Support) program improved their grades.


Sports participants had significantly lower body mass index values, lower blood pressures, and
lower resting pulse rates.
The physically fit person is less prone to injury, and is less likely to experience depression.


Childhood participation in organized fitness and sports programs helps attain higher bone
density establishing a strong health base to combat osteoporosis in later life.
An estimated 66,000 U.S. deaths from coronary heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes could
be prevented annually if one half of the sedentary people became active on a regular basis.
INDOOR GAMES does not get interference of any kind of
weather (e.g. Rain, Wind, etc.) you can play
those games under hood. indoor games helps to develop your
brain skills. Outdoor games are the games which are
played outside the home, shelters. outdoor games are mostly
related to physical fitness.

Outdoor play keeps kids active and provides a means to

increase their physical stamina and fitness, strengthen their
muscles and bones, build immunity, lower the risk of many
diseases like diabetes, heart problems, obesity and promote
overall better health

Parlor GamesThe adrenalin rush that overwhelms

players enjoying hi-definition games on large
screens draws customers to gaming parlors.
... Gaming parlor business is a profitable venture
which would help you monetize on the addictions
and obsessions of players for cutting edge and
extravagantly decked up games.

Board Games
s a general rule, board games can be divided into
three categories: war games, race games and
alignment games. In war games, the main
purpose is to defeat or destroy your opponent.
Examples include, chess, checkers, and Go.
Race games involve a number of players
attempting to reach a goal or destination first.
A card game is
any game using playing cards as
the primary device with which
the game is played, be they
traditional or game-specific. ... A
small number of card
games played with traditional decks
have formally standardized rules,
but most are folk games whose
rules vary by region, culture, and

"Children's traditional games (also called

folk games) are those that are passed from child
to child, generation to generation, informally by
word of mouth," and most
children's games include at least two of the
following six features in different proportion:
physical skill, strategy, chance, repetition of
patterns, ...

Pool is a classification of cue sports played on

a table with six pockets along the rails , into
which balls are deposited. ... There are also
hybrid games combining aspects of
both pool and carom billiards, such as
American four-ball billiards, bottle pool,
cowboy pool, and English billiards.

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