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Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA

Lesson Teacher Date No. of Duration Level
No. students
TP4 Miriam Heskin 09.10.19 9 60 Minutes B2

Lesson Focus: Speaking and Listening

To develop the students’ oral fluency and vocabulary associated with
Main aim(s): appearance and to develop listening for detail skills.

To present and consolidate form, use, meaning, and sound of vocabulary

Secondary aim(s): associated with “The Right Look”.

 To greatly reduce Teacher talking time

 To give clear instruction to the students
 Clarify with students that they are clear about the tasks assigned
Personal aims:  To decentralise within 5-7 minutes
For initial TPs, these might be:  Increase Student talking time
building rapport, getting to know
their names, being more confident  Use Notepad while Monitoring for recording.
etc. For subsequent TPs, base  To not over complicate the lesson for both myself and the students
your Personal aims largely on
action points from previous TP  To elicit clarification from the students through encouraging response and
feedback. examples from them
 Purposeful use of the White Board to support the Learners.
 Elicit more detailed feedback from the C.C.Qs

Book Straight Forward (Philip Kerr Ceri Jones MacMillan pgs 10,11)
(including author(s), publisher, & Google for Word Meaning, Google for Phoentics - Tophoentics
page number):
Supplementary Power Point, White board
 Profile of students aged between 18 and 45 with a mix of languages which
include Polish, French, Spanish, Jordanian and Arabic cultures.
 They all have a history of learning English.
 Their reasons for learning English vary slightly, some require it for further
education, some want to improve as they now reside in Ireland full time and
want to be able to converse with their children and their friends more
Assumed fluently. Others require it for work and for future advancement and to allow
knowledge: them to travel and work in other countries.
 The students are more relaxed and familiar with each other and the teachers.
 With the exception of a couple of students whom are a little more reticent
when speaking possibly due to lack of self-confidence, the group all respond
when presented with an exercise or subject, one of two students will offer
their opinions with more spontaneity than others.
 Many still make very basic mistakes in grammar and basic tenses.

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
 In general, the students understand the instructions given to them and don’t
appear to have too many difficulties deciphering exercises and answering
written questions.
 All are anxious to improve their English and have been diligent in attending
 As we are building rapport with the students our lesson plans are easier as
there is an unspoken acknowledgement that we are all trying to help each

Anticipated Difficulty Solution

You can consider classroom management issues such as seating, instructions, use of technology, as well as issues with the
learners’ cultural knowledge & schemata. If it is a skills lesson, you can consider problems students may have with the text
such as wanting to read every word etc.
Please state why you anticipate the problem. This will help you to work towards providing a better solution.
Clarify their understanding of “shallow”, “mystery”,
This is a difficult quote for this level of English, “visible” and “invisible”.
even students studying classical English would
I am just going to clarify the word Shallow and suggest
require considerable time and contemplation to
the students make their own assumptions. I did intend
respond to this even with a background knowledge
to give the students a very brief background on Oscar
of Oscar Wilde.
Wilde and how he perceived the World as an
aesthetic, as I feel the quote is very paradoxical but I
“It is only shallow people who do not judge by have decided to allow them to work on the quotes on
appearances” their own. Should they require any further
information or ask me questions, I do have a
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray paragraph on Oscar Wilde and the way he viewed the
World as an Aesthetic prepared.
Students may have difficulty with the thought process
on this quote, I need to encourage them to talk about Use lyrics from the song Willie Dixon to focus their
it in pairs and discuss whether they believe this to be thoughts. Absorb the lyrics of the song on PP.

Holding the students’ interest for an hour and not

Carefully planning Stage Planning
deviating and over talking

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA

If you are teaching a language lesson (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, functions), you need to focus on the target language (TL) of the lesson here. This
will help you deal with students’ questions about the form, sound and meaning of your TL. If it is a skills lesson, you do not have TL, but you do have
associated vocabulary – e.g. blocking words – which you can analyse in preparation for lesson.

Language Analysis: Grammar (or Function)

Target language Form: name the Pronunciation: use Meaning & Use: give its Ways of Checking Anticipated difficulties and
Example (usually a tense/structure, show phonemic script; show main actual meaning and an Understanding: consider solutions: think of the main
short but complete the word order; label the stress, intonation; use in example of how it is used timelines, visuals, CCQs, problems that learners might
and meaningful items; ‘spell out’’ the connected speech, etc. in context. clines, etc. have in relation to the form, use
sentence) example; show any and meaning and sound of your
spelling changes, etc. Target Language (and why) and
plan your solutions.
To Judge Verb ʤʌʤ To form an opinion or Do you think we all judge They may have problems

A Judge Noun
conclusion about
someone or something.
with the J sound ʤ
My car is old, do you think Read and mime the words in
A person who decides I am poor? the song, repeating the word
cases in court How do we judge people? ‘judge’
Do we judge people by Drill for pronunciation
their appearance?

Photo of a judge
Shallow Adjective, Noun or ʃæləʊ Not exhibiting, Where do children learn to The Spanish students may
Verb requiring or capable of swim – in the deep end or have difficulty pronouncing
serious thought.
Concerned with silly,
the shallow end?
the SH sound in Shallow ˈʃ.
unimportant things. Do you think Albert
A person who only Einstein or Isaac Newton Drill for pronunciation
cares about how were deep thinkers or
someone looks or how shallow thinkers?
much money they

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
All she cared about
were her hair, nails,
Of little depth
A swimming Pool has
a deep end and a
shallow end. The deep
end is very high, I can’t
stand in it but the
shallow end is low, I
can stand in it.
Face value Idiom feɪs // ˈvælju To take someone or Ask eliciting questions. I think that they may have
something at face difficulty using this idiom
value. When we look at and remembering that you
someone’s face can we see need to use it with the verb
When we accept deep inside them? “to take”
someone just as they No.. so if we take someone
appear. To believe that at face value, do you think Eliciting and Clarifying
the way things appear we can be sure of what that questions
is the way that they are. person is really thinking?

He told me that he had Do we believe the words

been a waiter for 5 that they speak?
years, I took him at
face value and gave
him the job.
The Right Look Idiom ðə // raɪt // lʊk Do I have “the right Show the students photos I assume most students have
look” for sailing a on PP of different looks enough savez faire to
boat? and ask them if that person recognize the appropriate
has the right look. dress for an occasion, but
Do I have “the right they may not have the
look” for my interview If not, ask them to discuss vocabulary to describe it.
at the bank? why they do not.

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
Do I have ‘the right Teach relevant vocabulary
look for teaching like smart, casual, formal,
students’ scruffy, elegant.

Look my best Idiom lʊk // maɪ // bɛst to look as good as you Ask the students occasions How to position the
can when they need to look expression in sentences using
It was her first date with their best. different tenses.
John and Susie wanted Weddings, church,
to look her best. interviews, dates. Did I look my best at the
The garden looks its best
in Summer with all the Do you look your best
flowers today? Am I looking my best today?
When do you look your
I need to look my best for best? Elicit and clarify with
the job interview Am I looking my best questions and answers.
By the look of it Idiom baɪ // ðə // lʊk // ɒv // ɪt By the look of it By the look of the sky, do you They may confuse it with the
think it is going to rain? right look, with the use of
By the look of her clothes clarifying questions they should
she was going to work. By the look of the trees, do you understand the difference.
think the wind is blowing?
By the look of his face,
he was not a well man.

Smart Adjective smɑːt A person who is clean, Do you dress smart at work? Confusing it with an
tidy and well dressed. Does a soldier look smart in intellectually smart person
his uniform? I don’t anticipate problems once
He had to wear a good Does a homeless person look the examples are given.
suit to look smart for the smart?

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
Casual Adjective kæʒjʊəl Clothes and shoes What clothes do you wear I don’t anticipate problems once
suitable for everyday coming to UCC? the examples are given
wear, not formal. Do you wear a business suit
coming to college? No I wear
casual clothes
Photos of casual and smart
people, ask questions
Smart Casual Adjective smɑːt // kæʒjʊəl I am meeting my Ask students what would they I don’t anticipate problems.
boyfriend’s mother for would wear to dinner in a They will already know the
the first time so I intend smart restaurant? meaning of smart and casual
to wear a nice dress with separately so the two together
a cardigan. shouldn’t be a problem.

Formal Adjective ˈfɔːməl Dress in accordance with Show photos of man and They may be a little mixed up
etiquette, dress for woman in formal wear, ask between formal and smart.
official events. We had to questions if they are wearing
wear formal dress to the casual, smart or scruffy
Ball. clothes

Language Analysis: Grammar (or Function)

Target language Form: name the Pronunciation: use Meaning & Use: give its Ways of Checking Anticipated difficulties and
Example (usually a tense/structure, show phonemic script; show main actual meaning and an Understanding: consider solutions: think of the main
short but complete the word order; label the stress, intonation; use in example of how it is used timelines, visuals, CCQs, problems that learners might
and meaningful items; ‘spell out’’ the connected speech, etc. in context. clines, etc. have in relation to the form, use
sentence) example; show any and meaning and sound of your
spelling changes, etc. Target Language (and why) and
plan your solutions.
Fleece Noun fliːs The wool covering on a Visual photo on PP They will have no difficulty
sheep or goat. Do you have a fleece? understanding fleece
A soft warm jacket Do you feel warm of cold
with a texture like when you wear it?
sheep’s wool.

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
Time Stage Procedure Inter- Aim(s) of Stage
(how do these relate to your overall
label action aims and help to achieve them?)
Mins. What you do What the students do
The aim here is to:
4 min Lead In Recount a short story Listen T-Ss To introduce the exercise
and generate interest in
the topic so that the
students can understand
the focus of the exercise.
3 mins Teacher led Instruct the students on the The students listen to my instructions T-Ss To alert the students to the
instruction exercise. exercise so that they are
forward planning.
Ask them to take one minute to
read the sentences in exercise
one and instruct them that they Clear instructions so they
will be interviewing another know what is expected of
student and will be asking them them and they can respond
these questions. to their best ability.

I will instruct them that they To clarify with the

will be working in pairs but students what they are
that they must first change required to do. Brief
places and interview one other question guidelines are
person in the room that they aimed at encouraging
don’t normally speak to. They them to expand more with
must take notes. When they are their questions and
finished, they will report/tell answers. encouraging
me what they have learned. student speaking time.

I will give them a few

examples of probing questions.

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
5 mins Free Practice Monitoring and taking notes The students are questioning are working in pairs Ss – T Use my time monitoring
and taking notes on the responses. to be able to make
Monitoring reference to what I heard
and subsequently be in a
position to elicit more
lengthy responses and
student speaking time.
The students are
interacting and developing
fluency of speech.
5 mins Teacher-led I ask the students to discuss The students share their answers. T-Ss. To elicit answers from the
feedback. what they found out about each students relating to the
other. subject of appearance to
lead me into the next
section discussing the
subject of how people
look and how we judge
people by how they look.
Encouraging fluency and
speaking time.
5 mins T - Pre-teach Teacher asks ICQs to elicit The students will listen to the words of the song T-Ss Clarification for
vocabulary for clarification of the words and read the lyrics on PP. successful completion of
exercise 3 Judge, Shallow Students will respond to ICQs to clarify their exercise 3 – Speaking,
Speaking understanding of possible block words.
I will read the first 4 lines of
Willie Dixon song, “you can’t Do you think we all judge people?
judge a book by its cover” on
PP How do we judge people?

Do we judge people by their appearance?

2 Teacher led Instruct students to read The students listen to my instructions T-Ss To clarify what the
instruction exercise 3 and discuss in pairs students must do.
which quote they agree with.

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
5 Free Practice Monitoring and taking notes The students have 5 minutes to discuss in pairs Ss – T I will monitor with
the quotations, which quote they agree with purpose so that I can make
Monitoring giving reasons for their answers. reference to what I hear,
encouraging students to
share their answers. The
students are developing
fluency & speaking with
5 Teacher-led I ask the students to discuss The students share their answers. T-S To explore how the
feedback their answers. students arrived at their
Consolidate and discuss
other people’s ideas.
Develop fluency.
2 Teacher Lead-in I will read another personal The students will listen and learn. T-Ss Introducing Vocabulary
to Listening passage about the Right Look for Listening exercise.
Exercise introducing words like smart, Placing words in
casual, fleece. sentences for students to
I will write the words on the visualise.
White board
3 Pre-teach I will show a PP slide of I will ask students, what Look does each person T-Ss To clarify that the students
vocabulary for different looks and elicit the have, do you think that this is “the right look”. know the correct Look
exercise 3 answers for each photo from and vocabulary associated
Listening the students – smart, casual, The students should respond with answers with photos
scruffy, formal dress wear, confirming whether they are smart, casual,
business suits, fleece scruffy etc. Yes it is “the Right Look”, no it isn’t
Bound to the Right Look
Chuck it
Well if you’re offering I will select each photo and ask students if they
Loads of have the right look to go for to work, dinner etc,
running, hiking, sailing.
3 Pre-Listening / Teacher asks the students to The students read Question 1 part 1. Ss-T To prepare the students
sign-posting read the questions in exercise Then students read Question 2. Q 1-3 and answer for the audio.
1. Question 1 and Question 2 the questions

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
Dialogue 1. before playing the The students will hopefully respond that it is To help the students
audio track. Teacher something he is wearing. prepare for listening for
introduces the first listening gist and specific answers
session by guiding the Ss on They will listen to the audio and attempt the
what to listen out for in their questions.
first task by taking the first
question as an example: ‘what The audio will be played a second time for the
do you think the woman is students, they will once again attempt to clarify
unhappy about?’ their answers or hear something new.

2 Listening The teacher plays the audio. The students listen to the audio while trying to S To develop the students’
answer the questions. listening for detail skills

2 Student-led I ask the students to discuss The students discuss their answers in pairs. S-S To develop oral fluency
feedback. their answers in pairs. and to learn from each
Monitor with purpose. other how they arrived at
the answers in the
listening task.
2 Listening The teacher plays the audio a The students listen to the audio again while S To develop the students’
second time. trying to answer the questions. listening for detail skills

2 Teacher-led I ask the students to share their The students share their answers. T-S To discuss the answers
feedback. answers. and to clarify any
mistakes or blanks.
2 Listening The teacher plays the audio. The students listen to the audio while trying to S To develop the students’
answer the questions. listening for detail skills

2 Student-led I ask the students to discuss The students discuss their answers in pairs. S-S To develop oral fluency
feedback. their answers in pairs. and to learn from each
Monitor with purpose. other how they arrived at
the answers in the
listening task.
Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
2 Listening The teacher plays the audio a The students listen to the audio again while S To develop the students’
second time. trying to answer the questions. listening for detail skills

2 Teacher-led Teacher asks students to share The students share their answers. T-S To discuss the answers
feedback. their answers. and to clarify any
mistakes or blanks.
4 Free Practice Teacher asks students to The students discuss S To develop speaking skills
Optional discuss exercise 3. in pairs

2 Teacher-led Teacher asks students to share The students share their answers. T-S To discuss the answers
feedback. their answers. and to clarify any
mistakes or blanks.

Lesson Focus: UCC CELTA
Whiteboard/Screen Plan – in this section consider how you will use the available resources such as the whiteboard or screen as you work through the stages of your lesson and work
towards achieving your lesson aims.

Language Notes:
Explain some Descriptive terms

Exercise 2 Judge – Picture of a Judge on Powerpoint

Shallow – Deep and Shallow end of a pool

Exercise 3 Photos of people in different outfits to teach – smart, casual, smart-casual, business, formal dresswear, black tie.
Fleece for listening exercise.

Exercise 1 Listening
Fleece, Chuck it, There is bound to be something, Well, if you’re offering, The Look, Loads of, it was just a thought.


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