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Ab berton. . . . •. . •• • ••••• ••• 11 Berwll"k E crnerll, Bee A b- Canewdon.. • •• • • •••••• .... !>l! Countess CroFB, see WhIte
Abbott's Rootbing •••••... 2i5 bott's Roothing ...• ; 245 Callfield-GrI'Rt. ••• ••.•••• 53 Colne 107
Abridge. see Lambourne .. 1.7 Bilden JBnd, see UhrishaIl.. 77 Cantield-Little.... ••...•• 53 Cowicks. see Sheerin~ 2:Jllo
AillSa l)treet, see Stanstead BiJlericay 26 eNnning Town............ 5a Coxtie Grn. see Sth. WeMd 3t(j
Mountfitchet..••.•.•••••• 0273 Bilsd"n, see Bobbingworth 30 Cannon's Green,see .I<'yfield 1:16 Cranham•.•••••••••••••••• ]08
Aldborough Hatch........ 11 Birch
Aldham ., •.•.• ~ •••• u 11 Birchang-er
.l............. 28 Canvey Island............. 60 Creeksea ................ •t. ]( 9
:.!8 Canvey Island, see South Crepping, see\VakesColne If;7
Alphamstone •.•.. ..• 11 Birdbrook................. :l9 llentleet _........ 24 Cressin2" 1~.
Alresford ••••• ..••• ..•.••.• It Bird'sGrf·en,see.Beauchamp Castle Hedingham •••• •••• 61 Crick's °Green, see l<'elsted. 1:t:5
Altborne.......... 12 Rootbing 215 Chadwell, see Birdbrook... 29 Cricksea ! lm
Ambersbury, see Epping.. 121 Black NotIey .••••••••••••• 216 Chadwell Heath........... 62 CrocklefoTd, seeArdleigh.. 1.i
Amb:teys. see Epping ••• "4 1~1 Blarkmore................ 29 Chadwell ~t. ~Iary••••,.... 62 <Jurrier's Green, see Williu-
A,rdleig:h . 12 Blnrkmore End, see Weth- Chadwell Stref-t.. 6:1 gale Hnt' ~ _••••••. 3:l1
Ardlelgh Crown, see Ard· erstield 328 Chalk End,see Good E3ilter 117 Cutler's Green,see'l'haxted 29~
leigh.................... 12 BIllckwall, see Roxwell 247 Chalk End, see Roxwell 247 Dagenham 1&..
Arkesden 13 Blackwater, see Bradwell· Chappel... 6;1 Dag-worth, see Pebmarsb •• 2M
Ashdon.......... la juxta-Coggeshall........ 32 Chutham Green, see Great Dairy Green,see 1'baxtea.. .:lil:~'
A,sheldham, or Asheldon.. H BJasford Hills, see Little \Yaltham•••. ~ 310 Dlmbury 110
AshI'll 14 Waltham 310 Chatley, see Gl"t'&t Leig-he.• 183 DawesHtb.seeThundersley 2117
Ashingaon..... 14 Block House Wick, see St. Chatter End, see ol<'arnham 1~4 Debden lll.
Ashtoll,$eeBartlowHamlet 14 Osyth 255 Cbaureth 47 uebdeu Green, see Debden. HI
Astel) us, see High Ongar.. 221 Bobbingworth............ 30 Checkleys, see Great Tey.. 292 Dedham 311
.Audley l<;nd, see Saffron Bobinger.......... ••• 30 Cbelmt'ford ••••••• 63 De :Marci, see Stondon •••• ~8
Walden 249 Bocking, see Braintree •••• 33 Chesterford-Great........ U. Dengie, or Dengey.••••••• 11'J
.Aveley.... 15 BoIling-ton, see Ugley 304 Chester10rd-Little... 73 Dewes Green,see Berden.•• 2Cj •
Aythrop Roothing 245 Boose's Green, see Colne Chicknall-Little.... 73 Dodding-hurst••..•..•• :••••• 1)3
. Engaine ...........••••.• 106 t:hickney.. .........•....... 73 Donyland-East i ua
.Baddow-Great.... 15 Boretlllm............ •••••• 30 Chignal St. James..... •.•• 73 Donyland-West, see Col•
.Baddow-Little... 16 Borley 30 Chignal Slllcaley.......... 73 chester ~'
Bakel' Street,see Orsett 221 Borley Green, see Borley.. 30 Chigwell.................. N Dovercourt, see Harwich •.. Ib.~
Ballingdon, or llaIlington 17 Bowers, or .Bowers Gilford 31 Chi~well Row... 75 Dovercourt - Lower ,&
Bam1:\er, Bee 'l'akelev ...... 2\10 Boxted.................... 31 Childerditch............... 15 Upper, see Harwich •••• lM'
BambrowsGrn. see'l'akeley 290 11oynton, see Roxwell.. 247 Chin~ford..... 75 Downham ))4
Bannister's Grn.seell'elsted 125 Boyton End, see Thaxted .• :!!J3 LhingfordHatch,see Ching- Duck End, spe Stebl ing.••. :.mJ
Bardfield-Great........... 17 Brackstead................ &i tord.................. .... 76 Duddenhoe End,seeElmdon UO '0
Bardfield-Little.......... 18 Bradfield 31 Chipping Hill, see Witham 3:12 Dunmow ]]4
Bardfield };nd Green, see llradwell-juxta-Cogg'eshall 32 Chipping Ongar 219 Dunmow-Little ]17
'l'tlaxted 293 Bradwell- juxta -Mare, or Chishall-lJreat............ 76 Dunton or Dunton Waylett ]]7
Bardtieh1 Baling t 256 Bradwell-next-Sea...... 32 Chishall-Little...... 76 DurrjnJ~ton, see Sheering.. 2M'0
Harking.................... 18 Braintree.................. 33 Chishill......... 76 Dutontlill,see Great Jj;aston ))3
:Barking Side.............. 22 Bran l£nd. see Stebbing 275 Chrishall, or Christhall •• 77 Earls Colne 1{.5
Bal'li1Jg............. 22 Braxted- Great.. 38 ChrishallGrange,seeChris- ]4~arI8hury, see }l'arnham •.. ]24
Barneton.. ..• 22 Braxted-Little .~ ...... ..• ::i9 hall ...........••.......... 77 }~ast Donyland "... ]13
:BartlowHamlet,seeAshdon 14 Brentwood ....•.••••.•••.• 311 Church End, see Clavering tlO lJ:ast End,seeP.aglesham.. •• 2:tl
Bartlow HIlle, see Hart;low Bridgemarsh Island, see Cindery Islands,see.Bright- Easl l<;nd Green,sel: .Bright- '
Hamlet................ 14 AItborne.. . .. 12 lingsea......... 44 lingsea. 4j.
Barwick Berners, see Ab~ Brigbtlingsea 44 ClaclOn-Great............ 78 East Ham 14~
bott's RoothiJlg , 245 UroadGre~n,see lJirdbrook 2\1 Clacton-Little 79 l<~ast Hanningfield .•••••••. lOO
:Basllildon, see Laindon 176 Broads Green, see Great Clacton-on-Sea...... 77 l<~ast HornClon 168"
Batt~lsaon,see Laindon 176 Waltham 310 Clacton Wick, or )Vasb, l<~ast Lee, see Laindon~ _ ]7..
:Battles Bridge, see Retten- Brockells, liee Radwinter •• 232 see Great Clacton 79 lJ:ast l\Iersea, see Medea 210
odon 235 Bromley-Great........... 46 Clanver End, see \\' endens )i;ast Tilbury .••••••••••••.• 2!IS'
Baythorne End, see llird- llromley-Little 46 Ambo o. 327 Easter~Good 1]1.
brook 29 Brook ~t. see South Weald 32li Clap Dug Green, see Brad- )i;aster-High 111
:Bearl}en ,., 25 Broomfield i6 well-juxta-Cogget'hall .. 32 Easthorpe •••.••••••.•' ••••• ))8 0
Beauchamp Roothing.••••• 215- Broxtead- Grl'at.......... 47 Clapgate, see Lit. Clacton 79 Eastness,see Great Cla.cton ,9'
Beauchamp St. Paul....... :t3 Brundon, see llallingdon.. 17 Clatterfoot End. see .1"ytield 136 Easton-Great 11ft
Bt'&umont '" , 23 Buckhurst Hill ,. i7 Clavering.................. 79 Easton-Little 11'"
.Beazley End, see ".ethers- Building End, see <Jhris- Claydons. see l<~ast Han.. Eastwood lltt
field 328 hall.. 77 ning-field 151 l<;dingfordBrdge.see8hellt'y 2M
Becontree Beath, see Dag- Bull Fen.................. 50 Coggeshall ;.... 80 ]4;lm Green, see Dan~ury ] li
enllam 0" 109 .Bulmer••••.••••• ~......... 49 Coggeshall-Great& Little, )i;lmdon ~ 119
Beckton,see Nth.Woolwicb 3i3 Bulpban ••••• 00 see Cogget'hall ~. 80 ]i~lmdon Lee, sce Elmdon •. 120
BecktQn-New, see Nortb Bulwer BIOI.·k,seeBelchamp Colchester _..... 83 ]i;lmstead Lo 12'
oWQOlwich 343 St. Paul................. 24: Cold Norton 105 Elmstead Market, see I'~lm·
Bede)'1! End, see \Vrittle•• 345 Bumpstelld-ad-'l'urrim 2i6 Collier Row, see Romford_ 240 8tead 1•••••• lQ.
Belchamp Otten ,.. 23 Bunting's Green,see Colne Colne-Great 105 EIsenham .••.. ~ 1;.'0
Belchamp St. Pa.ul........ 23 Engaine 106 1 Colne Engaine 106 England Islands-Nl;lw, see
Belcbamp \Valter 24: Burcs 31 Colne-le-Blanc · 107 Little Wakering •• ~ •••.. l 30&
.Benfi,eld, see SIansted Bures Hamlet.. 50 Colne-Little.. ~ 106 Epping 121
, Mountfitchet :!7;J Burghstead •.•. 51 & fl2 Colne l\IonachoruID 105 It~pping l;pland,see Epping ]-.:1
Benll~t-North .••
n....... 2t Burstead-Great

:.!4 Burnllam....... ••••• •••••• 50 Colneford Hill, see Earls

51 COlne
106 Estre Good
.Bentfield End,see ~tanljted Burstead-Little.......... 52 Common (The) .see Dod- }~ve'8 Cornel', see Danbury ]~
. Mountfitcbet 273 Burton l<;nd, Bee lStansted dinghurst 113 Fairsted, or }l'airstead •••. 113
:Bentl~y, see Soutb Weal\l •• 325 l\[ountfitchet........... 273 1Cook '@ Grn.seeLit. UIlleton i9 FlImbri~~e· North ]23
B~ntl~y-Great.,j 25 Bush }~nd. see Hatfield .••• 160 Coopersale, see '1'beydon Fambl'idge-Sonth 1~
:Bentley~Little••••• ,~..... 25 Bustard Green,see Lindscll 1\'81 Garnon , 295 Fange :to,s.
Berden •••••••• 25 Butts Green, see 5andon.•• 257 Copford , 1(17 It'al'nbridge,see Good Easter H~
Berechunh, ~e Uo)cheBkr ~ Hutt6bury - ii21~orb~ts TeY,Bee Upminster 305 Farnham r~
Berghol~West.Iot 26 Bycknll.cre, see Danhury;.• 110 CorDIllh Hall End lM Farlllpy,see'l'erJmg.••••••• :.!!l~
"Berners Roothing ~ 246 & see '" oodham l<'erreTII 34:2 Corringham 108 Jt'&lIlkbourn 1$

Ji'eerin~.•••••• ,.•...•••.•••. I:H Harold Wood. see Horn- I,alling-. see Latrhingdon •• 1i9 Lower Yeldham 346
)'eIHted, or ~'elstead Holy church 167 Lllmn.rsh 176 Lubber Hedges, see Steb-
Cro~8 "'" 124 Harrow Green, Bee Leylon- Lambourne ••..•.••...••• 177 bing ••••••.•.••• ' 275
Fernlllm I l~:~ stone I 189 Langdon I 177
)'lfehide , l:Ju H arveys, see Pleshey 2:31 Langdon Hills ..• o •••••••• 177 Mag-dalen Green, see Great
~itiehl 1:10 Ha.rwi('h ...••• ~ •..•.. "' 15:l Lang-f'nhoe 177 Ulacton . ". .. .•• ••• 7g
)'inchingtield .•••••••..•••• 1'!(i Hatfield,or Hattield l>everel 159 Langford •••••.••••.•..•• 178 Magdalen Laver ••••...••• 180
F,n~JTin~hoe ...•••••••••.•. I'Uj Hatfield ~ •• ~ .••....•••.•.• IoU Langham 178 &laldon .•••••.•....•••••••• 200
It'inkle Gm. 3eeBirdbrook.. 1!9 Hatfielrl Brond Oak 161ILan~ley 178 Mallow Gm., see M:anuden 2U7
I'ol.tblng- HG Uatfield Heath,see Hatfield 100 Latchingdon 179 Manewden 207
,"01'11 End 127 Hatfield Peverel 1.,9 Latton 179 Manning-tree 206
JI'ord'ij I<~nd, see Clavering ~u Hatfield Rl'gt~ Hj.) Lauds, see Ashen 14 Manor Park, see Eaet Ham 146
)'ordl1am 127 Hll.ven!!ore Island 1Gl Laver-Hig-h 179 ~Ianudell 207
Forest Gate 128 Haverhill 1(;1 Laver-Little 18U Maplestead-Great 208
Foulul'sS Island, or }'oul- H:wering-lLtte-Bower 102 Laver-Magdaleu 180 Maplestead-Little 203
neS8 13:i Havering Well. see Horn- Lawford 180 Marden Ash. see Hi!4"h
Foxearth, or Foxheard 135 church 167 Lawlin!!,. see Llrtchingdon 179 Ong-ar 221
Frame Green, see Alpham- H awkewell lu2 Layer Breton •... ••••..• un Marg-aret Roothing •.••.• 216
stone.................... 11 Hawk!l!?ye Green, see Little l.ayer Cross, see Layer-de- MlI.rgaretting 208
Fmrillg 1:1;') Bardlield 18 la-Hay 181 Marks Hill, see Uargaret
)'rinton 13.> Hawkswell lti2 Layer-de-Ia-Hay " 18L Roothing- 24()
Fryerning, or Frierning .• lai) Hawkwell ••••••..••••.••• Hi2 Layer Marney ......••...• 181 Marks 1'ey .•.•.•••••••.••• 293
(l'nllbridge, see Maldon ~02 H'~ydon 1(j;) Leaden Roothing 2~6 ~farkshall 209
Fuller Street. lee Fairsted. 12:1 HazeIl<~nd,.see I.'arnhllm .. IH Lee Bridg-e, see [,cyton .. 184 Marsh I~le('rh~) .~ ,210\
Gapps. see High Ongar
ro _ HO Hazeleigh
la7 Runy
2~L Heath. see Hatheld
~ I
lot Lee Chapel, see Laindon .. 176 nIarvel Green. see WIlling.
1t!4: Lee-l<;ast 176 dale Doe
Ih I Lee-\Vest. see Lang-don .. 177 Mashbury
f}llrfett-High,seeBraintree aa Helion Bumpstead lu~ Lee Wick, see Ht. O~yth .. 255 Matching 209
Gauntsend, see Elsenharn .• 1'~O Hempstead lti:J Leebury.. see Elmdon It() Matching Tye,sf llatching 200
GestiDKthorpe ~ ••• _.••••• ~. 137 Henham .•.•••.•••••••.••• 10"j, Leigh 182 Mayland 210
Gibcmek., Bee Danbury 110 Henham-Little, see Hen- Leig-h, see Lamrdou 177 Mersea 210
Gihland8, Bee Great & Little ham 16:l Leighs-lireat or .i\Iuch .. 18:1 Mersea-East, see 1I1ersea.. 21()
Hennv 164: Henham-on.the-HilL 16:\ Leighs-Little 18:J Mersea-West. see ,M:ersea. 210
Gold banger 137 Henny-Great and L:ttle .• 104 Lesllenden. see Colchestl'r. 86 Mersea Island, see Lang-
Golding Wells, see l\Iash- Herkstead Green ILlS Levels' Green,sp,e l<'arnham 12-1 enhoe 178
bury 209 Heron Gate, see East Horn- Lexden, see Colchester.... 86 Messing ._............ 211
Good l<;aster, or ]~stre Il7 don 16S Ley, see LaindoR 176 Middle Mead. Bee Little
Gore Pit, see It'eering .. _ l:t-l Heybridge 16*1 Leyton 184 Baddow.. 16
lie. see Kclvedon .....•.••. 174 Heydon .. 1651 Leyton-Low 18! Middleton 211
Gosfidrl .•••.•...•••.•....• 1:"IS High Beech, see Waltham Leytonstone .•••••••...... 189 nIile I~n.d. see Uolcllester .. 86
Gray3 'l'hurrock, or Grayt! 1:~ Abbev 307 Lindsell 197 Mill End Green. see Great
GHat B!lddow 15 High Easter 118 Linktail Green,.~('.e PIeshe)" 2:Jl Easton ~~ 118
Great Barddeld •.. __ _... 17 High Garrett, see Braintree 33 Lion Point, see Gt. Clacton 79 Uiller's Green, see Willing- 0

Great Bentley. :.!,j High Laver 179 Liston 1!18 dale Spain 3.'12
Great Hrll.xted.. ••••• &l High Ong-ar ~tO Little Baddow 1() Milton, See Southend 26.'1
Greilt Bromley............. 46 High Roothing 2+6 Little Bardfield 18 Mistley or llistly Thorn .. 211
Great Broxtead 47 Highwood, see Writ tie 345 Little Uentley 25 Uole Hill Gru., see 'l'akeley 290
• Great Burstead............ 5L Hill Green, see Clavering 80 Little BrlLxted '. 39 Monk St.reet. see Thaxted. 29"3
... Great Cllnfield 5:J HockIey. or Rocklcigh 1/15 Little Bromley............ 46 Morell Roothing, see White .
Great Cbesterford......... 7t Hoe Green. see Purleigh .. 2:H Little .Burstead 52 Roothing 246
Great Chishall .. ili Holders Green, see Lindselll\;1S Little Caufield u"..... 51 l\loreton 212
Great Clacton .•••. 78 Holland-Great Hi.3 Little .c~hestert'ord n Mose. see Beaumont 23
Gl'tJlI.t Cog-g-eshall.......... 1'1 Holland-Little 166 Little Chicknall 7:l Moulsham. see Chelmsford 61
Great Uolne 105 Holmes, see Kirby .......• 175 Little Uhishall............ 7/1 Mount Bnres
Gr~at Easton 118 Holyfield, 8ee Waltham Little Clacton ~........ 79 l\lountnessing 213
Great Hallingbury 141 Abbey 307 Little Cogget!hall.s~Cogge· Uoze, see Bell.umont 23
Great Henny ]64 Honeypot Lane. see Little shall flO ;'I(uch Leighs IS3
Gr~a.t Holland 16.) Clar.ton 79 Little Colue .~ 106 Much Waltb~m 309
Gr~t Horli:esIey _ 166 Hook End. Bee nJackmord 29 Little Dunmow 117 Mucking :l14
Great Hyde,see Little Bard· Hopes Green. see South Little Easton .••,•.••..• Il9 :Uucking- Creek,see !i'obbing 127
field......... 18 Hentleet............... • 24 Little Hallingbury Ht llucking }1'ord,see Muckin2" 214
Great I1ford Hi!' Horhll.m, see Thaltted 293 Little,e Henham 16:J l\fundon 214
Great Leigohs ]l:!:J HorkesLey-Great 1116 Little Henny lot l\Iyland, see Colchester.... 86
Great Maplestead ,. 2..18 HorkesIey-Little IG5 Little Holland 166
Great Oakley 217 Horuchurch .- 167 Little Horkesley 163 Naslng 215
Great Parndon U:J Horndon-East l/i; Little I1ford li2 Navestoek 2H
Great SaliD~ :l.')5 Horlldon-on-the-HiJI Ili~ Little Laver 180 Navestock,lJee Nave-
Gr~at Stambridge ~71 Horndon-West 169 Little Leighs 183 stock ,214
Great Sutton 2~0 Horseman Side• .see Nav('- Little London,see Berdf'll. 26 Navestock tiide. Bee Nave-
Great Tey :lit.! stock, 214 Little London, see CorD16h stoek 214
Great Totbam 3.T,! Horses Heatlt, The ~.t1 Halll<~nd 108 Nazing 215
Great Wakering- :1U.' Horsey. see Kirby 175 Little Maplestead 208 N etteswell or N ~ttleswell.. 215
Great W:dtham 301l lIouseham. see Matching. :.!()9 Uttle Oakley 218 Nevendon 215
Great WarIey 3:U Howe Green. see Purleig-h.. 231 Little PlI.mdon 2~1 New Reckton. see North
GreatWenden,see\Vendell's Howe Green, see Sa.ndoQ .• 2;,7 Little Potton. see Little Woolwich 343
Ambo 327 lIowe st.• see Gt. 'Yaltham 310 'Yakering- 316 New }~ng'land Islands, "ee
Great Wig-borough ••...•.• 3:H Hull Bri'lge, see Hoeklev .. 16:i Little Sding 256 Little Waker,ug 306
Gre~t Yeldham 34u lIur~t Greeu, Bee Bright- Little Stambridge 271 NewendoR 215
Green Street,Bee East Ham H(j IingRea.................. 44 Little Tey 2\12 Newport 216
Green (The), Bee Copfor<l.. 10'! Hutton 16!J l Little TlJ.urrock: 297 Nine Ashes.see High Onga.r 221
Gre.,nstead. see ColchesU'r, ~(j Hyde - Grea.t, see Littl~ rLittle Totham 303 Noak Hill, see Romford .. 210
Gnoenstead Grel! Bardfield ~. 18 Little Wake ring 306 N obles Green, see Eastwood 119-
Jt;lsenham 120· Little Walden, see Saffron North Bentleet 24
Gre(}nstead Green. see Hal- Iiford--Great 169 Walden ~H9 North :Jo.:ud, Bee Belchamp
....l stead : ,J •• 1!~ Ilford~Li[tle 17~ L!tt.le \Valtha.m :I~~ Waiter ~ •••• ,..... 24
tireensted-Jux:ta-Ougar HO lngatestone ~ ". 172 Lutle Warier ;];ll North End, see Ford End.. 127
Gu.elltiug-thorpe .. ~ ••••••• l:J7 Ingrave 173 LittIeWendtln.seeWendens North Fambridge 123
Hackwell l()t Inwortll 174 Ambo 327 North Oekendon 218
lIactoD. see Upmilll!ter•••• 305 Little Wig-boroll~h 3:H North Shoebury 25~
}J&dlei~h u ,.~ HO ,Jallper's Green,see Shalfttrd 25'1 Little Woodbam 3!2 North Weald (Bassett) a~
lIad8tOck ~ HI JayWick, see (ireat Clacton 79 Little Yeldllam 346 North Wood. Bee BelchalDp
Halhngbury Great, or Littlebl1ry 198 Wa.lter.................. 24
.,#,.M'?rley , , HI I~eding-ton 17! Lit~lebury, Bee ~tallford North Woolwie~ 343
.l:lalhngbury-Llttle I " , ••• HI h..elvedon 174 RIveN 27'2 Norton Mand<!Vllle 216
Hahltearl 142 Kelvedon Hatch. j . 175 LittLebury Green. see I.ittLe- N oUey-Black 216
HIUIl-E",st . n n 145·s Hatlield ••••••••i,;. 160 bury ••••• n 19~ Notley-White 217
Ham-We{t 147 Kirby ol175 LtttleyGreen"qee }'ordEnd 1~7 •. , ••• 1;")0 Kirby Crogs, Bee K'rby ••.• 175 Londoa-Ltttle, Bee Rerden 2~ Oaklands, see WhlteNotIey 217
HannlDgfield-8outh ;. ". 1.31 Kirby·le-80ken 175 London-Little,see Coruish Oakley _ 303
HlUlningti.eld-Wetlt J,.Jl Knotts Green. ,ee Leyton I lr:U: Hall End 108 Oakley-Gl'eah rU7l
H.:\nntn~lield Tye. see East . Long Green, Bee ilIlI.l'ks '1'61 293 Oakley-Little ••••.•••••• , 218
Hl\lIningfteld.~ 151 La.cton ~ 17g Loug-hton " 10 IY8 Oakley Green.1Ie& Ugley 00i
BlU"C :;treet, see Romfi>rd •• 2-10 Laindon ,1 176 Low Leytou ~tU Oekendou (North) ~. 218
Harford Stock. "' 277 Lai.ndon lIills w•• 177 Lower Dovertlourt, IJN Ol'kendon of the 8uvea
lll\rlow ."" Ii I' ~ 151 LaU'ord '.M .., ISO IIarwich 151 Fountainll ·\.I.h. 21'

• .0
Ockendon-South ••••.••• 219 Roydon 247 Stones Green, see Great 217 Walbury, Bee Great Hal-
Ockendon Rokely 219 RuckhoItB. see Leyton 1'4 Oakley .•• ling-bury 141
Oddwell,see Gestingthorpe 137 Rudduck's Hill,seeAshdon I
14 Stourmere 290 Walden-Little, see Sa1Iron
Old Sampford 256 Runsell, see Danbury 110 Stours, See Ashen • _...... 14 Walden 249
Olmstead Green,see Helion
Bumpstead.••••••••••••• 163
Run,,:ell ; ••.,•••.•••••..
R y ehlll,Bee Epplllg ••••••••
248 Stow Marie8
121 Stratford, or Stratford
: ••• 278 Wall End, see ~aBt Ham •• 14~
Wallll.sea, see Canewdon•.• 5~
Ongar ad Castra.
Ongar-ehipping •••••••• 219
219 I
Saffron Walden,
248 Stratford New Town, see
279 Walla8ea. Island, see Pag-
lesham 222
Ongar-High 220 8t. Lawrence Newland 254: Stratford, 279 & see Little Wakering •• 306
Orsett 221 St. Osyth 254 Street, see Takeley '••••••• 290 Walls Green, see Willing ale
Ostend, see Burnham...... 50 Salcott, ar Salcot Wig- Strethall 290 Doe ~:n
OunBley Green.see Barnston 23 borough 255 Stroud Green,see Rochford 2:{S Waltham Abbey 300
Ovesham, see Matching 209 Salcott Virley 305 Sturmere 290 Waltham-Great..•..•.•.• :~09
Oving-ton 2'~2 Saling-Great ••••••••••••• 255 Surrex, see l<'eering 124 Waltbam-Little 310
Oxen J<~nd, see Lit. Bl1rdfield 18 Saling-Little 256 Sutton-Great 290 Waltham Holy Cross •••••• 30G
Oxney Green, see W rittle .. 315 Sampford-Old & Little •• 256 Walthamstow 310
Sandon, or Sandown •••••• 257 Takeley 290 Walton-Ie-Soken 318
PagleshamorPaklesham 222 Sanford 256 Tendrin g ••••••••••••.••••• 291 'Valton-on-the·Naze •••••• 318
Paufield 222 Sewards End, see Saffron ITerling , 292 Wanstead 320
Parndon-Great 223 Walden 249 Termitts, see Terling 292 WarIey-Great & Little " 324
Parndon-Little 223 Sewardstone, see Waltham ITey-Great 292 Warley Abbe88 324:
Parsloes, see Rippleside •• 19 Abbey 307 Tey-Little •••••••••••••••• 292 Warley Street, see Great
Parswick: 22:{ Shalford 257 Tey-Marks 293 Warley 324
Passing-ford Bridge, see Sheering 258 Tey Cross, see Great Tey •• 292 Warerman's End, see
Stapleford Tawney 274 Sheering Hall, see Shalford 258 ThamesHav€.n,see Fobbing 127 Matching 209
Pattiswick or Pates wick .. 223 Shelley ~58 Thaxted 293 Wattloe, see Birdbrook •••• 29
Pattock Green, see Gt. Tey 292 Shellow Bowles ...•••••.••• 258 The Common, see Dodding- Weald (Bassett) -North •• ::125
Pebmarsh ••••••••••••••.• 224 Shentield ••• _••••••••.••••• 259 burst .•••••••••..•••••••• 113 Weald-South ••••••••••• 32,f)
Peldon 224 Shoebury-North & South 259 The Green, see Copford .. 108 Weeley 326
Peltington ••.•••.•.....••• 224 Shoeburyness, see South Tbe Horse's Heath .••• ; ••• 221 Wendpn-Great & Little,
Penny Green, see Panfield. 223 Shoebury ••.•••••.•..•••• 259 The Marsh Isle .•••••.••••• 210 see Wendens Ambo ...•• 327
Pennyfeathers Green, see Shopland 260 The Rodings 245 Wendens Ambo 327
Fyfield 136 Sible Hedingham 260 '1'he Roothing-s .•••.••••••• 245 Wendon Loft8 •••••••••••• 327
Pentlow 221: SibleY'8 Green,see Thaxted 293 The South Wood 325 Wennington 327
Perry Green, see Bradwell- Silvertown 261 'l'heydon Bois 291 West Bergholt 26
juxta-Coggeshall........ :l2 Skippers Island, see Kirby 175 'l'heydon Garnon 295 West Donyland, see Col-
Perton End, see Debden .• 111 Slamondsey, or Slamsey, Theydon Mount 295 chester.................. 8~
Pewett Island, lee Lang. seelYhiteNotley 217 Tborington 297 WeitHam~ J 147
enhoe 178 Smith's Green, see Debden 111 Thorncroft, see Great & West Hanningfield 151
Pewit Island, see Kirby •• 175 Smith'8 Green, see Takeley 290 Little Henny 164 West Horndon Inn
Pilgrim's Hatch, see South Snaresbrook, see Wanstead 320 Thorpe 118 West Lee, see J~angdon .••• 177
Weald 326 Sneating, see Kirby 175 Thorpe·le-Soken 296 West Mersea, sell Mer8ea .. 210
Pitsea 221; Snoreha.m, see Latchingdon 179 Thorrington .•••.••••.••••• 297 West Thurrock .•••••••.••• 211:'
Plaistow 225 South Benfleet... •••• 24 Thoydon Bois 294 West Tilbury 2\J!)
Plashet,see East Ham 146 South Fambridge 123 'l'hunderly, see Wimbish .•• 33'! West Warley 32-1
Pledgden, see Henham •••• 163 SouthGreen,seel<'ingringhoe 126 Thundersley 297 WestIey End, see Stam·
Pleshey 230 South Hanningfield •••••• 151 Thurrock-Little & West 297 bourne 27Q
Pleshy Bury, see Pleshy .. 231 South OckendoB 219, Tilbury-East 298 Wethersfield ••••••••••••.• 328
Pond Street, see Wendon South Shoebury 25\1 '1'ilbury-juxta-Clare 298 White Colne 107
Lofts : 327 South Weald 325 Tilbury-West 299 WhiteNotley 217
Pontisbright .•••.••• .••••• 63 l:)outh Wood-The 325 Tilbury l<'ort, see lVest Til- White Roothing '" •••.••• 246
Porters, see Rippleside.... 19 Southchurch ••.....•...•.• 262 bury 299 WickenBonant,or Bonhunt 32~
Potter Street, see Harlow 152 Southchurch Wick, see Tillingham 299 Wickford 329
Potton~Little, see Little Southchurch ..••.•••..•• 262 Tilty 300 Wickham Bishops ••••.••• 329
'Yaktlring 306 Southend 26l Tindon End, see OldSamp. Wickham St. Paul 330
Potts Green, see Marktl Tey 293 Southend, see Hornchurch 167 ford 257 Widdington 3.30
PrittIewell, see Southend .. 263 Southminster 2~ Tiptree Heath 300 Widford 330
ProspeQ-t place,see Romford 2-!O ~pain .•..•..••••••••••••••• 331 '1'ollesbury 301 Widney, see I<'yfield .•....• 136
Purfleet,lIeeWest Thurrock 297 Spains End, see Cornish '1'olleshunt D'Arcy.••••••• 301 Wigboro'Wick,seeSt.Osyth 255
Purleigh 231 Hall End 108 Tolleshunt Knights 301 Wig'boro'-Great & Little .. 3.'31
Springfield ••.•••.•.•••.••• 269 T(llleshunt lIagna, or Willing-ale Doe. . . •• ••••• •• 331
Quendon l. 231 Springwell, see Saffron Major 302 Willingdale Spain 331
Walden 249 Toot Hill, see Stanford Willingehall D'Eu •••••••• 331
Radley Green, see Willin- Spurling, see Bamston.... 23 Rivers .•••.•••.•••.•••••• 272 Wimbish •••••••••••••••••• 332
gale Doe 331 l:)tamboume 270 Toppesfield. 302 Wimbish Green, see Wim-
Radwinter :t32 Stambourne Green, see Torrell'8 Hall, see Willin- bish ••••••.•••••••••••••• 332
ltaine •••••••••••••••••••• ~35 Stambourne•••••..•••••.• 270 gale ,Doe .••••••••• 331 Witham ••••••••• . , ••••.••• 332
I t tI . . . . .

Rainham ..••.•••••••••.•.• 232 Stambridge - Great & Totham-Great•••.•••••••• 302 Witney Green, Bee Willing.
Ramsden Bellhouse 233 Little 271 Totham-Little 303 dale Spain 3.32
Ramsden Crays •••••••••• 233 Stanbridge 271 Tumbler Green, see Stisted 277 Wlvenhoe 334
Ramsey 233 Stanegate, see Steeple•••••• 276 Twinstead, or Twinshead 303 Wix :l35
Ranks Green, see Fairsted 123 Stanford-Ie- Hope 271 Tye Common, see Ureat Wokindon,seeNth.Ockendn 218
Raureth 23! Stanford Rivers 272 Burstead••.•••.•••..•••• 52 Wokindon,seeStb.Ockendn 219
Rawlul Green, see Pleshey 231 Stangate, see Steeple .••••• 270 Tye Green, see Elsenham.. 120 Wood End Green, see
Rawretb. •••••••••••••••••• 231: Stansted Mountfitchet..... 272 'rye Green, Bee Good Easter 117 Thaxted •••••••••••••••• 293
Rayleigh ••••.••••••••••••• 234 Stanway.••••••••••.••••••• 273 Wood ford 336
Rayne : 235 Stanway All Saints, see Ugley 303 Woodford Bridge 336
Rettendon ••••.•••••••••••• 235 Stanway.•••••••••••••••• 274 Ulting 30! Woodford Green 336
Rickling••••••••••••••••••• 236 Stapleford Abbots 274 Upminster.•••••••••••••••• 304: Woodford Wells •••••••••• 336
Ridg'weIl •••••••••••••••••• 236 Stapleford 1.'awney•••••••• 274 Upper Dovercourt, see Woodham Ferrers .... , ••• 342
Ringwood, see Canewdon.. 53 Stebbing.•••.•••••• , 276 Harwich 154 WoodhamMortimr.orLittle 342
:Hippleside,see Barking•••• 18 StebbingGreen,seeStebbing 275 Upper Street, see Kirby.••. 175 Woodham Waiter 3f3
RivenhaU••••••••••••••••••• 237 Steeple .•••••••• •••••• J•••• 275 Upper Yeldham.••••••••.•• 346 Woodredon •••••••••••••••• 2i7
Rocbford•••••••••••••••••• 237 Steeple Bumpstead••••.••• 276 Upshire, or Up8tra, see Woollenley . Green, Bee
Rodings-The ••••••••••••• 245 Steeple-cum-Stangate 275 Waltham Abbey 307 Stisted 277
Rokely '" 331 Steventon End, see Bartlow Upton, see West Ham 148 Woolwicb-North •••••••• 31:3
1l000ford••••••••••••••••••• 239 lIaEnlet•••••••••••••••••• 14 lVor~ingford .••••••••••••• 34i
Roothings-The •••••..••.• 2t5 Stifford .•••••••••••.••••••• 276 Vange .•.••..•••••.•••.••.•• 305 Wrabnes8 •••••.••••••. ,.. •• 344
Rophley Green, see Ford Stisted, or Stistead 277 Victoria Docks, see Canning Writtle.•••••••••••••••••.• 344
End..••••••••..•.••••.•• 127 Stock ••••••....•.•••.......• 277 Town............. •••••••• 53 Wyatt's Green. see Black.
Row Green,seeBlackNotley 216 St~king Green, see Rad- /Virley •••••••••••••••••••••• 305 more •• •••••• •••••••••••• 29
Rowhedge, see Donyland •• 113 wmter•••• •••• •••••••••.• 232
Roxwell •••••••••••••••••.• 247 Stondon ...••• ~ •• , •••.•••.• 278) Wakering-Great , 305 Yardley, see Thaxted •••••• 293
Royal AlOOrt Dock, Bee Stondon Massey, or De IWakering-Little 306 Yeldham - Great. Little,
Canning Town.•••••••••• 53 Marci 278 I Wake8CoIne l07 Lower&Upper •••••••••• 316

• •
• J




With Reference to the Places under which th9Y will be found in this Volu~e.

• AbbertoD house, Edward Wm. Bawtree eaq. soo Abberton 11 CoggeshalI abbey, Sidne:r Pattison esq. J.P. see Coggeshall 81
Abbots hall, Humphrey Richard George Marriott esq. Colne house, Lieut.-Col. }<'rederiek Carleton Marsden,
.J~P. see Sbalford ... 258 C,B., tT.P. see Earl's Colne ' 106
Albyns Wm.Clarke Gellibrand esq.see Stapleford Abbotts 274: Colne park, }Irs. Peel, see Colne Engaine •••••••••••••••• , 100
Alresford hall, Lieut.-Col. SeptimuB ~[. Hawkins J.P. see Colne priory, Jolm Carwardine e~q. J.P. see Earl's Colne.' 106
Alresford , III .. 12 Comarques hall, :Urs. Davey, see Thorpe-Ie-Soken , 296
Althorne lodge, Thomas Daniel Fearon Tathames.q. D.L., Coombe lodge, Edward lnd esq. D.L., J.P. see Cranham.. 108
J.P. see Althorne .. 12 Coopersale house, Miss Archer Houblon, see Theydon
Ashford lodge, James Bt'ewster esq. J.P. see Halstead .••• 142 G arnon ' .. 295
AsUe house, Charles Brogden Sperling esq. J.P. see Castle Copford hall, Thomas Baines Harrison esq. see Copford .. 108-
Hedin~ham .. 61 Copt hall, William lIenry Burns esq. see Epping •••••••, 121
Attwoods, John RobertVaizey esq. D.L.,J.P. see Halstead 142 Coptfold hall, Hon. Artlmr Charles Augustus Petre .f.P.
.Auberies Capt. WaIter St. George Burke, see Bulmer•••• 49 see 1\'largaretting .. 209
Audley End, Lord Braybrooke, see Saffron 'Valden .••••• 249 Cut Hedge, George Courtauld M.P., J.p. see Gosfield •••••'. 138
Dagenham park, Lauy .Keave, see Romford . 2':12
Baddow hall, lUrs. Greene, see Grea.t Raddow••••.••••••• 16 Danbury palace, Right Rev. Bishop of St. Albanll D.D.
Baddow lodge, Mrs. Tabor, see Great Baddow . 16 (Thomas Legh Claughton), see Danbury : 110
Barrington hall, George Alan Lowndes esq. D.L., J.P. see Debden hall, John Raymond Cely-'l'revilian esq. I.P. see
Hatfield " .. 161 Debden a . 111
Beaumont hall, Daniel Sewell esq. Bee Beaumont •.•••••• 23 Down hall, Sir Henry John Selwyn-Ibbetson bart. lll.P.,
Beech Hill park, Robt. Edwards esq. J.P. see High Beech. aJ9 D.L.. , 3.P. see Harlow , .. 152
Belcbamp 'Walter hall, Rev. John Mayne St. Clere Ray- Dudbrook, Right Hon.Lord Carlingford P.C. see Naveswck 214:
mond M.A. see Belchamp WaIter . 24 Durrington house, Clayton William Feak Glyn M.A:, .f.P.
Belhu8, Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard bart. D.L., J.P. see see Sheering " " ~ ".. 258
.A.veley .. 15 Durwards, Archibald 'Veyllilld Ruggles-Brise esq. J.P.
Belmont Castle, Edward Richard Parker esq. see Grays Bee }{ivenllall .
Thurrook.. •••••.••••••••• .• ••. •••••••••••••. .. ••••••• •• 139 Dynes hall, Henry J olm Sperling esq. D.L" J.P., see Gnat
Berwick place, n.ev. Charles George Gretton Townscnd' Maple~te ad .. 208
M.A., ;r .P. see Hatfield Peverel .. 160
Bigods hall, Rt. Hon. Sir U.obert Porrett Collier P.C., D.L. EarI'll hall, James Tabor esq. D.L., I.P. Ut' Prittlewell •• 268
. Bee Dunmow '''''. 114 Easton looge, LOl'd Bl'Ooke )I.P.,D.L.. l.P. & Lady Brooke, .
Birch ha.ll, ]\1rt1. Round, see Birch . 28 see LIttle Etlliton 'I, loo .. oil 119
Bishops hall, Gen. 'Vm. !Iark Wood D.L. see Lambourne 177 Eastwood Bury,Jn.WaylettStallibl'ass esq. see Eastwood 119
Blake hall. James Jump esq. Bile Bobbingworth ••••..•••• 30 Elmhurlit, Smith Harrison esq. J.P. see lVoodford a;37
Boreham house, Major John Lionel Tufnell-Tyrell J.P. Elms (The), Edgar J ones esq. J.P. aee- Great BUI'Dtead .,.. 62
see Boreham , .. 30 EIsenham hall, Waiter tee l<~lsenhJun 120
Bower hall, Bendyl!he Wlllianl. Walton esq. Bee Steeple Eweland hall, Thomas S. Parry esq. see Marga.retting •••• 200
Bumpstead 0 .. 276 }<~air Kytes, Joseph Fry esq. J.P. ,ee Hornehurch •••••••• 167
Bower house, Charles P, Matthews esq.J.p.Bee Havering- l'elix hall, Sir Thomas Charles CalIis Western bart. D.L.,
atte-]JOlrer ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• ; •••••••••• 162 J.P. &ee Kelvedon •••••••••••••• ~.......... ••••. 174
Boxted house, Capt;. }l'rancis Peel, Bee Boxted ••• 31 Firs (The}, Andrew Johnston esq. D.L., J.t>. lee Woodford
Boxted lodge, Henry lIobbs esq. Bee Boxted .• ••••.• ••••• 31 Green....... ". .. • ••. . •• •. . . .. •. •.. • .. .. •• . . . . •. . .. . • • . .. .. .. •.. • •.. ... .340
Braxted park, Sir Charles Du-Cane K.C.M.G., D.L., J.P. Bee }<'isher's, Capt. Edward Brett J.P. lell Wakes Colne...... 107
Great Braxted 39 Forest hall, John Lightfoot Newall esq. :I.P. see High
Brick house, John Pollitt esg. see Wicken Bonant.. •• •• •• 329 Ongar "• . .. .. .. ••• 220
:Bricell park, John Royds1lsq.J.P. Bte Kelvedon Hatch.. 175 Frettons, John Timbrell Pierce esq. I.P. see Danbury..... )]1
Bromleys, Lieut.-Col. Amelius R. Mark Lockwood D.L.,
J.P. Bee HuloW' 152 Gsines park, Henrv Joslin,jun. esq. Upminster •••••••• 304
Gaynes park, WiIliam Swaine Cbisenhale-Marsh esq. Bee
Chesterford park, George William Brewis ellq. J.P. Bee . Theydon Garnon... 295
Little Chesterford •••••• 7a ~ladwyn8, Horace Broke esq. J.P. Bee Hattield If!!
Cllffhouse, Capt. St. Geprg-e Caulfeild D'Arcy-Irvine H.N. Goslleld hall, Col. Arthdr S. n. Lowe J.P. Bee Gosfield.... 138
,et Dovt'reourt•••••••••••••••••••••••.• .,................ 154 Gosfteld place, Mrs. 8pa1'1"ow. ,ee Gosfteld ••••••••••• ••••• 138

Grange (Tbe), Joseph Yelloly Watson esq. F.G.B., J".P. • ee llaidstones gra.nge, Capt. Fl'aneis Douglass Boggis-Rolfe
Thorpe-Je-Soken ••••..••••.•.••..••••••.••••••.•••••••.• 29«5 ~.P. Me Wormingford •• •••••••••••••••.•••••••.•• •••••• 3M
Great, lodg-e. Edward Harvey esq. see Great Bardfield •••• 11 Manuden hall, Robert Gosling esq. D.L., J".P. see Manuden 2~7
Great Baddow house, Jobn 'l'homas Abdy esq. LL.D., J".P. 3!anuden house, 1I1'8. Thomas, lee Manuden.A... ••••••••• 207
.ee Great Baddow . 16 lIarks hall, Mrs. Honywood, see Marks hall ••.••.•• ••••••• 209
Great Bromley lodge, lIrs. Collison. 8ee Great Bromley •. 46 1\'larsllalls park, Ralph George l'rice esq. J".P. see Romford 2!U
Great West Hatch, Aldermau Sir 'l'homas White J.P. see ~Iiddleton hall, Countess Tasker, see Shenfield.... ••.••••• 259
Chigwell ...••.•••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 74 ~listley lodge, Edward Kensit-Norman esq. J".1'. see MistIey 212
Greenstead hall, Major Cardinal Brewswr D.L•• J".P. see MistIey place., Rev. Charles l'rederick Norman M.A.• J".P.
Greenstead Green.. ••••. •. •••. .• • ••••• •••••• • 1-12 8e~ llistley•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 212
Greensted ball. Capt. Philip John Budwortb D.L., J".P. see l\lonkhams, Henry Ford Barclay D.L., .l.P. see Woodford
Greensted-juxta.-Ongar .•••..••••.•••.••••• •••••.••••• 140 (treen ..•.••••.•••.•••••.•••••••.•••.•••••...•••.••••••• 340
Grey 1.'owers, Henry Holmes esq. 8ee H orncburch.. ••• ••• 167 ~Ionkham's hall, Richard Beale Colvin esq. J".P. $ee
Grove (The), Capt. Jasper Nieolls Harrison, see Gt. Saling 256 Waltham Abbey.. ••.• •• . . • • • ••••••• ••••• ••••••• .• •••••• 3()8
Grove (The), Sir William O'Malley bart. .ToP. Bee Witham 333 Moyns park, Major-General Cecil Robert St. John Ives
J".P. ste Steeple Bumpstead ••••.•••.•••.•••••••••• ••••••• 276
Badlelgh bouse, Arthur GilIiat csq. 8ee Hadleigh r....... 140 lIundon hall. Mrs. Solly, see l\'Iundon ...... •••••• •• ••• •• ••• 2U
Hall (The), Mrs. Broun, see }'aulkbourn •.•••••••••••••••. 124
Hallingbury place, John Archer Houblon esq. D.L., J".P. Nazing park, Robert Henty esq. see Nazing ••••••• ••••••• 215
lee Great Hallingbury • r.... 141 Nelmes, Rev. Thomas Harding Xewman D.D. see Horn-
Hargrave, Mrs. Pulteney, see S1ansted Moun1fitchet •••• 273 church •••••••••••..•.••••••.•••••••••.••••.•••••••••••• 167
Harts. James SpiceI' esq. D.Lo, .T.P. see 1Voodford green... 340 New house, Arthur Robert Goodday esq. J.P. see Terling.. 292
Hassobury, Roberl Gosling esq. DoL., .T.P. 8ee l<'arnham .. 124 New Runwell hall, Thomas Ifemble esq. .T.P. see Runwell 2J8
Hatfield place. William Michael Tufnell esq. D.L., J".P. see Newton hall, Sir Brydges Powell Henniker, bart. D.L., J".P.
lIatfield ••••••••••••••••••. ~ ••••••••••.•••••••••.••.•••• 160 see Dunmow •••••••••• •••••••••••••• • ••• • ••• •••• ..... •••• 114
Hatfield priory, John Wrigbt esq. DoL., J".P. see Hatfield.. 160 Norman house. lIrs. Kemmia, see Stansted Mountfitchet 273
Havering park, Mrs. lIclntosb, see Havering-atte-Bower.. 162 •

Hedingbam castle, Mrs. Sandford, see Castle Hedingbam. 61 Oakhurst, Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund retre l.P. see
Heydon house, Hon. Mrs. Arthur Savile, see Heydon ••••• 166 South Weald .•.•.•••••..••••••••••••••.•.••••••••••••••• 326
Higham ball, Cbarles Morgan Norwood esq. M.P., D.L. see Oaklands. l\'latthew Kempson esq. see Halstead............ 142
Woodford Green .••..•••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••••••.. 340 Oaklands, Robert Parria esq. J.P. see Oal;:l3.nds............ 217
High Beecb Manor house, Major Chas. William Hamilton Orford house, Mrs. Chamberlayne, 8ee Ugley •••• . . .• •• ••.• 304
Sotheby J.P. see High Be.ecll .•••.••••• ••.••••••••••••••• 309 Orsett ball, Capt. Digby Hanmer Richard Wingfield D.L.
Hill ball, Sir William Bowyer Smijth bart. D.L., .ToP. see lee Orsett ••.••.••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 221
Theydon l\'Iount •• • • ••. • ••. • . • ••• •• • ••• • •••• • •. • •• •••••• 296 Over hall, Robert Owen Whiteesq. .T.P.seeGestingthorpe.. 137
Hill house, Sir Philip 1\1. Payne, see Hatfield ••••••• ••• ••• • 160
Hill house, Dedham park, Hatfield James Back el'qo see Park ball, William Sandle esq. .T.P. See Great Bardfield.... 17
Dedham ..•.. . • •••.• • •. • •. . . . . •.••••••• •. •••••. . . ..• ••.• 112 Park house, :lHisses Brunwin, see Bradwell-juxta-
Hill bouse, Richard Edward Rann esq. see Messing...... 211 Coggeshall 32
Hill place, Countess Tasker. see Upminster ••••••.•••.••• 304 Parndon ball, Loftus Wilrram Arkwright esq. J".P. 8ee
Hillands, Henry nicbards Edwards esq. .ToP. see Dedham. 113 Little Parndon _ ••••••• • •• • • ••• • •••••• .•••••. • • • •••• •••• 223
Homewood Major W. James Newton.T_p. see Shenfield.... 259 Peacocks, Francis Lewis Shaw l\Ierewether esq. see Mar-
Horham . ball, WaIter Charlelil Goldsmith esq. see Thaxted 293 garetting ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. • •• • • • • •• 209
Horkesley ball, Thomas Bourdillon esq. .ToP. see Little Plashet house, Thomas Mathews esq. seePlashet •••••••• 147
Horkesley ••••••.••• .•. ••••.••••.•.. ••• •••.•. •• ••• ••• ••• 166 Pontlands. J ames Thomasin }'oster esq. J.P. see Great
Hornchurch hall. Brooks Gooch e!lq. Bee Horncburch •••• 167 Baddow ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• ~ .• •• •••• 16
Hornchurch lodge, Edward Thomas Helme esqo see Horn- Priests, Thomas Mashiter esq. see nomford •.••••.••••••• 240
church ••••••••••••••••••••.•". • ••. • • • .•• •• ••••• • .. • •• •• • • 167 Pyrgo park, Lieut.-General Albert }'ytche C.soI., D.L., J".P.
Howe (The). Mrs. Hornor, see Halstead •••••••••••• 142 8ee Havering-atte- Bower ••••.•••••••....•••••••••••••• 162
Howhatch, Col. Sir Lumley Grakam bart. 8ee South Weald 326
Hutton hall, Joseph }'rancis Lescher esq. D.L., J".P. see Quendon Court, Capt. Robert Biscoe .T.P. see Quendon.... 232
Button ._.................................. ••••••••• ••• 169 Quendon hall, Lieut.-Col. Alfred ::U:olyneux Byng D.L. see
Hyde (The), Mrs. Disney, see Ingatestone 173 Quendon 232
Hylands park, Arthur Pryor esq. D.L., J".P. see Widford •• 330
Rivenhall place, Mrs. Steele, see Rivenhall........ .. •••••• 237
J acqucs hall, George Simpson Hardy esq. see Bradfield •. 31 Rochetts,Octavius Edward Coope esq. M.P., D.L.. .T.P. 8ee
South Weald •••••..••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••..•••••• 326
Kelvedon hall, Edward Carrington "'right esq. J.P. see Rochford lawn, Arthur 1.'awke esq. D.L., .T.P. see Rocbford 238
Kelvedon Hatch •• ••••••••• ••• 175 Ryes (The), Nathaniel Clarke .Barnardiston esq. D.L., J".P.
King's Moor house, Joseph 'l'odhunter esq. J".P. see Grea.t see Little Henny.......... •.••••• •••• . • •••• •• •• •• .•• ••••• 164
Parndon •• • •••• ••• • • • •• ••• •• . • • . • • •.• •• ••• •••• •• • ••. . • • •• 223
o St. )lary's priory, John Farley Leith esq. Q.C.• M.P. see
Langleys, John Jolliffe TufneIl esq. D.L., .T.P. see Great Prittlewell..••..••••.•••.•....••••...•..•••...•..•• ,. .••• 263
Waltham ••• •• •. • •• ••. • • • •• • ••• •• •• • • . • •• . • • • •• . • •. •• • .. 309 St. Osyth's Priory, Sir John Henry Johnson J".P. see ~t.
Lang1;ons, John Wagener esq. Ste Hornclmrch • ••••••••• 167 ()syth ••••••••.•••••..••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••• 255
Lawford haIl,Francitl Morgan J"Iichols esq..T.P. see Lawford 181 Sandon lodge, Charles Alfred Onley Marsham esq. .l.P. see
Lawford bouse, 'l'homas William Nuun esq• .T.P. see, Sandon ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 257
~alVford ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.••••• 181 Shortgrove, Wm. Chas. Smithesq. D.L.,.T.P. 8eeNewport•• 216
Lexden park, Georgc Henry Errington esq. DoL., .T.P. see Shrubbery (The), Robert Barclay Reynolds esq. J".P. lee
Lexden 86 W oodford •• •• . • • • •• •• •. • ••• •• •• • •• • •• •• • • • • •• • • •• • • •• •• :l38
Lion's hall, Joseph 'l'ritton esq. see Great Leighs ••••.••• 183 Skreens park, }~dward Gibson esq. see Roxwell •••.• ••••• 247
Liston ball, Lieut.-Col. }'redeIick Palmer J".P. see Liston 198 Sloe house, Mrs. Lawrie, s« Halstead •• •• ••• ••• ••••• • •••• 142
I...ittle Bardfield hall, John Cutts esq. see Little Bardfield 18 Spain s aall, Miss Broeket, see Willingale Spain ••••••• ••• 332
Lofts ball, Jolm Wilkes esqo see 1Yendon Lofts ••• ••••••• 327 Spains hall, Col. Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise C.B., M.P..
Loughton hall, Rev. John Whitaker lUaitland M.A. see D.L., .I.P. ,ee Fincbingfield.......................... •••• 128
Loughton •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 199 SpayneB hall, Lieut.-Col. George AUgustUB Way J".P. lee
Lower park,William Henry Penrose esq. J".P. see Dedham 112 Great Yeldham •••••••••••••••••••• •. ••••• ••• •••••••••• 346
LuptODS, Lady Arrow, see Soutb Weald ••••••••••• ••••••• 326 Spencer grange, Mrs. Way, see Great Yeldham ••••• ••••• 346
- •. . . PAGE ,. ... PAGE
8pringfield court, Major William Henry Poyntz R.M.L.I. Upminsterha.ll,ChampionEdwd.Branfillesq.,eeUpminster 304:
,ee Springfield I............ . 270
Views (The), Cach J ames Stephens csq. see Rickllng ...'. .. 236
Sprlnglield place, Hon. Henry 'Villiam l'ctre D.L. ,ee
Springfield I .. .. Wakes ball, Henry Skingley esq. see Wakes Colne ..••• _.. 107
.. 270
Staosted hall, Lord Gardner, see St:mstcd }Iountfi tchet.. 273 WalIcotts, John Watson Lay esq. J.p.lee Great 'l'ey •••• 2tl2
Stisted hall, On1cy Savill-Onley esq. D.L., J.P. see Stisted.. 277 Wallsgrove house, 'rhomas Charles Baring esq. M'.P., D.L.~
Stondon place, Henry Hugh Elder esq. ,ee Stondon ...•.• 278 :I.P. &ee High Beech 309-
Stour house, William Herbert Dunnctt csq. ,ee Dedham . . 112 Waltham hall, Maurice Wm. Bird esq. ,ee Little Waltham 3W
Stour lodge, R. Bolton Barton esq. LL.D.,J.P. see Bradfie Id 31 Waltham house, John Balguy ellq. J.P. see Gt. Walthll.m.. 3W'
Stubbers, Lieut.·Col. Champion Russell J.P. see Korth Warlies park, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton ba.rt. D.L., or.P.
()ckendon .....•......••.........•..........••••.....•.• 218 see Waltham Abbey 308
SuttODS, Sir Charles CunIiffe Smith bart. D.L., or.P. see Weald hall, Christopher John Hume 'l'ower esq. D.L., J.P.
St:l.pleford Tawney 274 lee Soutll Weald 325
Westwood house, WilLiam Macandrew esq. J.P. ,ee Littlo
Temple house, Benj. Edward Kewland esq.8ee East Ham 146 Horkesley .......•. ".......... loa
Tendring Manor house, Mrs. Cardinall, ,e.J Tendring ...... 291 Whitbreads, John Baker esq. l.P. Ilee RockIey •...••.•••.. 165
Terling place, Lord Rayleigh, see Terling .••..••••••••.•• 292 Wicken Bonant,Harold EdmundByngesq. J.P• .teeWicken
Thoby priory, PhHip ColIeyesq. see Mountnessing.••...•• 213 B onan t . i.29
Thomdoo hall, Lord Petre. see West Horndon .•••..•..•.• 169 Wilderness (The), Lieut.-Col. WiIliam James LucaSJ.p. see
Thorpe hall, Capt. Farnell, see Thorpe-Ic-Soken ..•••••••• 299 Wltham " ,.. 333
Thremhall priory, Major Francis Tower l.P. lee Stansted Witham lodge, Vice-Adm. William Garnham Luard C.B.,
·J[oualtfitchet •.••••.••..•••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .•••••• 273 .I.P. see Witham ,................................ 33:l
TiIbury court, Lewis John Way D.L., J.P. see Tilbury- Wivenhoe hall, J ames J ackson esq. see Wivenhoe.. •. • ••• . • 3:l4
juxta.Clare . 298 Wivenhoe park, Hector John Gurdon-Rebow e~q. B.A.,
Tiptrl!e hall, Mrs. Mecbi, see Tiptree Heath .•••••.•••••.• 300 DIL.• J.P. ,ee Wivenhoe .. .. .. .. 314
Toftll, -"!'he Dowager Lady Rayleigb, see Little Baddow •• 16 Woodham Mortimer place, John OXley Parker esq. D.L.,
Tower (The), Thos.Westrope Gayton esq. see Sewards End 249 .TIP. lee Woodham Mortimer 3-!2"
Towers (The), Edward Hammond Bentall esq. see Hey- Woodbill, Frederiek Carne Rasch esq. or.P• .tee Sandon ...• 257
bridge , . 16! Wynter's grange, Henry Atherton Adams esq. or.P. ,ee
Trueloves, Edwin Caldecott esq. see Ingatestone .••••• H " 173 Harlow , 152.:

• •




BANKING. Bakers:-
London &; Couu ty naukin~ Co ...•••..••.•.••••.•..••...• 1 T. PUddy . ••• 6~
London & Provincialll~nk . 2 lI. H. \Vcbb . 7cr-
w. & E. Wells Ill • • • 7(),
ASSURANCE. G. L. Zissell ....................•..•.................. 55
British F:mpire . ')
.) Phren ix Fire ••• 'o6 ••••••• 8 Bath proprietors •• Devonshire Park & Baths Co. Limited 77
Coun t,y Fi re . . . . . .. .•. . .• ., Provident Life
•••••••••• 9 Bell founders Gillett. Bland & Co 72
Economic Life .......•.. 4 Queen .............•...... !.I Bicycle manufacturers .••.••..••.......•••.•••Singer & Co 90
GBneral Reversionary &, Reliance ...............•.. 1U Birmingham & Sheffield warehouseman .•.....• T. Dowsett 57
InveRtment Co ..•.•..••. 4 Rbyal T<}xchan~e ...•••.. 11
Hand-in-Hand ..•.••.... 5 Royal ]i'armerB & General 11 Black lead importers & manufacturers:-
Imperial ~'ire .•••..•...•• fi Scottish Provident Institu· w. B. Fordllnm & Sons .. 34
L 100 I"~ Ire •.••.•..••• o6 • • • • a tion •.......• o6 • • • o6 . 10
J. Oakey &: Sons •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31
LonrfOIl AR8urance •.••.• /jStandard Lif~ .. 12
London Life.•.•.•••••..•. 7 SlID Fire . 10 Boat builders :-
MancheRter Fire.•.•••...• 7 West. of Eng"land ••.••••• H Kemp & Jacob , ; . ~.
National Lifll . 8 Westmins ter ••••••..•••• 13
w. A. Messen~er....••.•••...•.•.....•...•...• I . fiO
Boiler makers :-
MISCELLANEOUS. Burman & Sons . .... ....... ... . ...... ... .
. . . . 37
Aerated water manufacturers :- E. IIayes . 92'
E. Hammerton " . 46 J. Whitham & Son ...................•.......•........ 84
R. A. Williallls . ,0 Bookbinders ••••••••.•••••••..••.•.•..•• J. ll'rancis & Sons 63
Advertising contractor ...•.•••.•••..•.••..••1'. B. Browne 15 Booksellers :-
Agents-land, house & estate: - T.. Dowsett ...........................................• 51
Campbell. Harris & Co ...•••.•...• 0 •••••••••••• 0 •••••• 43 J. C. Wilbee . 55..
G. L. Griffin .....•.....•.........•...............•...• 45 Boot & shoe manufacturers :-
C. F. & W. Hartnoll & Co . 40 s. Buckingham ......••.......•........................
A. L. Newdick ~ -.. 69 A. C. George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~#' ••••••

.J. W. StevellS . 54 Brassfounders :-

s. L. Stone ...........•.........•.....................• 65 J. H. Boobbyer & Sons ..........••.............•.....• 36
E. Wells . 76 Guest k Chrimes I ••• 8et
Agricultural eng-ineers.:- W. Tonks &, Sous ., 78'
A~ieultural & General Engineering Co. Limited .••• 38 J. Whitllam & Son . 8i:
w. & C. Woolnough & Co .......••... .................... 75 W. & C. 'Voolnough & Co . 75
Anti-frtc~ion metal manufacturers .•..•• J. Dewrance & Co 18 Breech-loading implement manufrs..G. & J. ,~ Hawksley 8~
Antiseptic .dressing m'lnuftLcturer .....•••..••..•• J. l\Iilne 77 Brewers :-
Architect P. Brannon 66 'r. & J. Hills .............•............................. 6~
Art furniture manufttcturer ..••••.••.••.••• W. R. Sim kin 53 G. H. Lee ...........•...........•.................... 51
Arti~t W. E. Hall 67 w. & S. T.lucas .......•.•••.•.•••.•••.•••••...•••.••••• 51
Artists in hair C. Packer & Co 30 W. ,"Viekham .............•...•...•...•.•.............. 47
Asphalte manufacturer .•••.•• : .•• 0 B. Baker 30 Brick agent W. T. Wjseman 33-
As800ia.tion of K urges ('1' he Londou) ••••••• 0 ••••••••••••• 16 Brick makingmachinemanufacturers ..C.Whittaker &; Co. 87
Asylnm .•••••.•••••.•••.••• Aged Pilgrims' }'riend Society 35 Brick & tile manufacturers :~
Auctioneers : - I w. H. Collier . 67
Campbell, Harris & Co . 43 w. Cremer . 75
C. Cllrtis ..t Co ....•• e- . 35 Milton Hall Brick Co. Limited .•••.•••.• o • • • • • • • 00 • • • • 68-
c. F4 & lV. Hartlloll & Co . 49 Brick &; tile merchants :-
A. L. N ewdick . 69 Doulton & Co . 3!-
Auger, brace & bit manufacturers ...•••.•.••. Horton Bros 7g s. Salmen ••••.•••••.•••.•••.•••••••.•••••.••••••••••• 6t
Axle manufacturers .••••••..•••••..• ro .J. Whitham &: Son 84 Britannia metal goois m:1uufactrs G. Cutts &; SC)llS 82
Bag manufacturers :- British wine ma.nufacturer W. G. Bram )ld 88
~ J. W. AlIen . 25 Brush manufacturers .•••••.•.•.•• o' • • • R. Gorringe &; Co. 27
une& Neeve . 29 Builders:-
Baltic & archangel mat importer.• R. Taylor
' 0 ' • 0 •• 0 • 0 .000 90 T. Eede ...•.......•...•....••.•..........••.•.•••.•.•••
• •

• 0

Builders-continued. Dentists Buck .\ Dixf>I& L(;
T. Holllday "."'1 ••• Ill " ••••• , • • •• •• ••••• • • 69 Door furntlure manufacturers 'V. Tooks &. SOli. 78
C. Knight •••••• I I ••••••••••••••••••••• '" ••••• •••• • •• • 63 Dra.ln pipe mflnufacturcrs :-
T. Phillips •••••••• I • • • • • • • • • 11 ,1 • • • • • 110 ,1 •• ,1. ,1 • • ,1 • • • • • ,1 • • ,1 fi1 J. I{nowle8 &. Co • •. •• 14
W. J. Steward 69 J. Woodward........ ..••..•• 91
t •••••••••••••••

I"', E. Woodhams.""" •• """ ,1 • • • " •••• "".""".""."."" •• "'1"" Dress & mantle manufacturers .••••.•••• )[ortoJl Brothers 52
Build€rs & contractors :.- Dressing manufacturer J. W. AlIen 21)
S. L. Stone.. 'I"."'I"'I •• ~ (l5 Ebonite manufacturers :-
11 ".".,1 '1"". "''1 11 11 11 '1"."" ••• 11 • • • • " . 11

E. Wells"."""" ••••••• """.".,1"""" '1""" ..... " ,1."". , , , , 70 India Rubber, Gutta Percha & TI:1f'gTaph Works Co.
Cabinet makers: Limited..... ... .. .• •• • .• •. •. . .••• 21
'1" ••• ".,1. '1".,1 ... '1" 45 Edge tool manufacturers :-
G. L. Gri:ft1n ,,".""""'1".,1 ••••
J. Letch ... ,1"" .. " .. "."". - "'1 "."
11 • , "

• • 11 ,
•• ,1 .. "

• ,

••• 11 ,

• 11 , • • • ,1 . . . . . 11
51 I Taylor Brothers•.••••.......•••.••...• •• Inside Bacl: Clf»e,.
E. Peachey" , "" """ •• """ 11 . " " " " . , "" ." • !It , " " " • 11 " • • • • • • • • • • • 60 Electric light ellgineerltt R. Eo VJOmpton & Co. 40
Wen.ley & Son •••••• 11II . 61 Electro plate manufactur€rs G. Cuttll &. Sou 82
'Canvas manufacturers..••.•.••••..•••.•.•.. Lane & N eeve 29 ~ m ery & emery cloth manufacturer!! :-
'Carman & contractor J. Brow n 62 \V. D. }'ordham .& Sons . 301
'Carpenters :- J. Oakef & Sons ..................................................... 31
T. Holliday 11II' . 59 Encau!ltic tile manufacturers :-
C. Knig"ht "" . 61 1Vebb's Worcester Tilcl'ies Co. Limitt'd ................. 91
Carpet & rug importers ••••••••••••••• Cardinal & Harford 34 Engineer-eivjl 1 llrannoD 00 10

'Carriage builders :- Engineers :-

R. }(ent . - . 68 Agricultural & General Engiueering Co . 3S
J. Moulding ' . 37 J. Ellis & Co . 71
J. T. Hale , . i9 E.H aves

.. 92
'Carrier. . .. . ••. ••. . . •. . • •.. •. •. •. • •• •• • J.. Brown J. """-hitllam & Son . 84:
Cement manufacturers.•••.•..•...••••.. Dix, Green & Co. 45 c. '''''hlttaker & Co , . 81
Cement mercbants :- ]~ngineers' tool manfrs Sh€pherll, Hill &t Co. S5
Doulton & Uo . 3i }'ile manufacturers :-
Groom, Daniels & Co . 59 A. Spafford &. Co.. •. . .... .. ..... • • .•.. .... ... .... .. ... ........ 82
Chandelier manufacturers ••..•.•.•.•.•.. Guest & Chrimes 80 'l'aylor Brothers .••.•••••...•••.•••••..• inside Back Cover
'Chemical manufacturer .••.•.••••••.••• o••.....•• B. Baker 39 }'ire brick manufacturers:
Chemist .•..••••••.•••••••..•.•.•••..••.•.•• Eo. Hammerton 46 J. Knowlc8 & Co •••••••••.•.••.••• ,... .••• ••••••• •••••• 14-
Chimney top manufacturers :- 1\1 artin HI others 88
J. Knowles & Co . 14 Fire-wood m€rchunt W. Hardy 61
J. 'Voodward ..••••••..••...••. , . 91 l!'isbmonger"" poulterer E. E. lIankin (ii'
China clay merchants ••..••....••....•.•. )[artin Brothers 88 }'lag manufactur€rs Lane & Neeve 2t
China stone merchants Martin Brothers 88 Florists:
Chronometer manufacturers C. }'rodsham & Co. 20 ,V.. l\Iendmore............................................ 6J
Clock manufacturers :- J. Chapman 66 11

Camerer, KU88 & Co.•.....••.•.•••..••.. o............ .... 25 Furniture pOlil.'b manfactnrers .•..•.•. J. Pickering & Sons :;9
• C. }'rodsham & Co 11II. •••. •• • • 20 }'urniture removers :-

Gillett, Bland & Co ••••••••.••••.•••.••••.•.••••••• 11II... 72 A.. G. Djxon " 19
W. Kent •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 68 H.. ::3Iarkham . . . • • . • • • • .. • •• .. •• •• • • • . • •• •.. • .. • .. • • .. • • • .. • lil
(;lothiers :-. Furrier ' }". W. }'riend 48
J. Adams.......................... 42 Galvanized iron manufacturer •••.•.•••. J. C. Humphreyl 36
J. H. Clamp ••••••••••••• -.... •••••••••••• 44- Gas engine manufacturers :-
}'. Denni88.......... . ...• • •. . . • •• . . •. . . • • . •. • . . •. • • .• •• (j;1 Crofsl€y llros. Limited •.••••••..•••••• Facing Title poge
Great Eastern Clothi ng Co ,. •• ••. .. • 44 G a sfitters W. Mole &; Cole fit
Coach builders H. MC.Uullen & Son 4t Gauge manufacturers J. Dewrance & Co. 18
Coali.tgent )\ rl~avel1er 69 Gauge glass manufacturet; ••••.•••••••••••.... J. ~Ioncrieft" 92
'Coal merchants :- Gbl.s!l merchants G. IJoughton & Son 36
J. & H. Girling ••••••••••.••••.. ".•••••••••••••••...••• 59 Glass cloth manufacturers J. Oll.kcy & Sons :U
W. lIardy . 67 Glass paper manufacturers :'-
A. 'Vnlford &. Co , . 6J ,V. B. }"ordham &~on8.••.•••••• 1 ' •••••••••• ~ •••• 34

iJoooa manufacturers J. Epps & Co • • i1/,side Front Cover J. Oak@-y &. Sous 31
(;offee tav€rns :- •
Glue merchants & importers:-
E. llowmaker "... .. O§ W. B. Fordbam & Sons •••• 3-1
Saffron Wald€n Coffee Tavern Co. Limit€d 69 J. Oakey & SOLS 11... •.• •• '31
Waltham C~ss Coffee & Reading Rooms .••••. 65 Glovers ~ SampaoD & Co 31 p ••••

Color manufacturers:- Goldsmiths " ••. , ~ .•.. " C. &; Co 30

a.. Gorringe & Co .. 27 Grease manufacturers ;-
J obnson Brothers . 82 J ohnson Brothers .,." •.. I! • " '\ , ".. • • • 82
Rolls, Round & Co " ~ .. 37 S torry" Smithson & Co , , .•• , ••.• ,............. 83



& Co 41. 83 Grocers :- 1It

Confectionera : ... •
S. lfarrington , ..• "' ••.•••..•••••••• [1 ..

)~, Luc-as , , .. 62 l.I...lrayhew.~I'•.••• ~~ ••.••• I. 11 • • •

T. Pud dy ~ ~ .. 69 Gun. rifle & pistol manuf~cturer H. Barrell

M.. H. Webb
.. .. 69 Gutta-percha mallufa.cturers:-
.. 70 I ndiaHubber,GnttaPercha& Telegraph Works Co. Lim. 21
i. G. L. Zissell ." '1,. la." tt!'''' 55 D.lIoscley & SODS .. , ••• , ••••••••• , " . 86
• ••
Cordial manufacturer 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 . W. G. Brameld 88 Hairdresser .,.~ .J • ••• Mrs. "'-Inters :;0 11' • • • • • • • • • • • • , •• .... tI" • • • •

Com merchant T. J. D. Cramphorn 67 HarlJlonium manufacturers oChappell & CQ 11 . 0 • • • 000 • • • • 0 • •

Corrugated iron manufacturer .•••• J. C. Humpbreys 36 Homeopathic cbemista .... J. Epps & Co.. •• IflSide Ff'Oflt Cm;et'
0 ••••
• •
Cotton spinners, do~blers & manufacturers :- Horticultural builders •• " " J. We€k. & Co 32
• CrewdsQ!I, Cro.86es & Co. Limited •••••• ~ ..., ..... , ........ 85 Hose pipe manufacturers:-
Cutlery manufacturers :- Indiallubber,GutlaPercba.&Telegraph Works Co. Lbn. 21

G. Cutts & 80DS " . 82 D, l\:loseley & Sons ",. •• ' •• ,." •••• ".",., 11.'. --'. -"'''.It 8G
T .. Tnylor " ('0 W. Warne&CQ ••••••••••••• , ~.· JI ~".JoP ••••·'.. 32

• ••
HOlier & glover ,. F .. W . Friend 48 Mourning warehouse Morton Brothers 5Z
Hosiers Sampson & Co. 31 Newspapers :-
Hotels :- Bri2'htonian (The) " _J ••••• te • • 37
G. T. Bryant __ . 56 Buckinghamshire Advertiser ~ •• J ••••• 56
Re Clemence .. 66 Chelmsford Chronicle i.!. ••• 4-l
G. J. Cres8well ... 6 ,~ Colchester Chronicle & Essex Journal ;, •• ~ .• 66
w. R. Evans .. 63 Colchester Gazette •••• ., , • ,. .••..•••••.••.•••• 41
H. Hall .. 67 Colchester Mercury .............. ••• .1• • ~ •••••••••••••• " .. 57
H •.J"ohnson .. 50 Essex Herald tit~. 00:' 44
w. MyaII . 68 Essex Newsman . H
R. Osborne ~ .. tH Essex Standa.rd _et_' •••• J•••
e1I• • • • • • • - 41
A. Perry ••••.••• ~ .,;•. ••• 69
,j • • • • • • • • • • • EKsex Telf!graph ••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• /1 ,.. .. 58
~ueen'8.•••..•.••...•.••••.••.•••••~~ ••••••.•••••.....• 74 Essex lVeekly N eW8 ", ••••• 68
J.Rudd .•.....•.............. ......•..••.•.
~ ~ 73 . Hertfordshire Express . 68
P. Trower , . 65 Maldon Expretl8 . H
Hot water apparatus manufacturers ...•.• J. Weeks & Co. 32 Surrey Comet . 77
Hot engineers ••••••••••••••••.•••••Burman & Sons 37 • U.x.bridge Gazette . (jl
lIYllraulic pregs manufa.cturers ••••.•••J. Whitham & SOD 84 \Valton & Clacton Gaz.ette • • • el " •••••••• 41
Hydropathic establishment:- Nurserymeu : -
• Bishop~sDown Grove-Spa. &. HydropathicEstablisbment 76 J. Chapman . 66
HygiltStic-ventHating school-grate manufr •••• D. O. Boyd 90 W. Meadmore .................... • ,.J , _ ••• 00
India rubber manufacturers ~- Oilcake merchaut ••••••••••••••••••••• T. J. D. C ramphorn 67
• IndiaRubber,GuttaPercha& Telegraph Works Co. Lim. 21 Oil boilers : -
D. Moseley & Sons . 86 Johnson Brothers • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• sa
! W. Warne & Co . 32 Storry., Smithson &- Co •••••••••••••••.••• w • • • • • al.• • .,• • • 83-
Invalid furniture manufacturers : - Oil importers u • • • • • • • • • • J ohnson Brothers 82
J. Carter lIi~, ~ •• ••••••••••~.. 24 Oil merchants & refiners:-
Chorlton & Dugdale................... •Facing Fra-nt CQver R. Gorringe & Co 27
J. Monk & Co •• 35 T. Hubbuck & Son 28-
Jronfounders : -
J ohnson Drothera .•••.•.•••••.••••.•••• " . • • •••• • 82
Shepherd, Hill & Co.. • . • • • ••••• •.•••• •• 85
Storry. Smithson & Co .•• ,............ •• •• •. .• •. •• • • •• 83
J. Whitbam tt Son......... •••••••• •• Si
Oil mill machinery manufacturers .•••• J'. Whitham & Bon 8i
W. & C. Woolnougb & Co....................... •••••••••• 75
Optician...•.•.•.•••••.•••••.••••••..•.....••.•.••• 'V. Kent t)8,.
Iron girder & column manufrs .••••• Measur~s Bros. & Co. 30
Orange wine manufacturers Chr istmas & Co. 95-
Iron roofing manufacturer ••••••••••••••. r. C. Humpbreys 36
Organ builders Chappell & Co. 17
Jron wine bin manufacturers••••••.•••••Farrow & J ackson 27
Outfitters; -
Iron manufacturers J. Whitham & Son 84
F. Dennis8 ••••••••. " •• •• .. • •• . • •• •• • • •• . • •. • • . • •• • • . • 6.\.
lronmong-eril ;-
J. Howe •• • • •• •• • • • . •.. •• •• •• • • •• •••••...• •• •• . . •• •• •• • • 6-'l..
J. Gigney '" " " 58
Paint manufacturers :-
H. & J. J osIjn •• ~ • _~ •••• ,. •• . . •••• •• ••• ••• •• 46
R. Gorringe & Co 27
W. Mole & Co. • ••••••• •••••• •••• •• • • •• •••• •• .. 64
T. n. ubbuck & Son
T. Taylor •• ••· ·.w.......... 70
.lohnson Brothers •••••••••••••
" •• • •.. • • • 28
Ironmongers-Wh lle8ale_ •••••.••• J. H. Boobbyer & Sous 36
Storry, Smithson & Co... ••••••• ••••••••..•••••.••••••• 83.
Japan manufacturers. _••••••••••••••••Rolls, Round & Co. 37
Painters••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• Dennias & Son 67
Jewellers ;- Pavement ligbt manufrs Ha.yward Bros. & Eckstein 28
J. H. Clamp ••••..•• ••••••.••.•••••••••••••• •••••••••• 44 .¥awnbroker•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " •• J. H. Clamp 44-.
W. Kent .•••.•••.•.•••.•.•..••••.•.....•••••. " ••• .. •• 68
C. Packer & Co.. ...... ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 Perambulator manufacturers:-
Kilehen sink manufacturer ••••••••••••.•••••J. Woodward 91 J. Monk & Co .•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 35
Knife polish manuflleturers :- Parker Brothers . 3~
'"V. B. ~"ordham & SOD8 . 3i Pianoforte-manufacturers ••••••.•••••••••••Chappell &; Co 17
J. Oakey &. Sons . 31 l'laster IU6r~hants••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••• Dix. Green & Co 45
J. Pickerin~ & SODa . 79 Plate powder manufacturers ••••••••• ~J. Pickering & Sona 71'
Ladies' & ohildrens' outfitter••••••..•••.•••••F. W. Friend 48 Portmanteau manufacturer ••••••••••••.••••••• J. 'V. Allell 25-
Landscape ~ardener L. Trimby 65 Post Office Directories.~li8t of-Kelly &; Co •• Facing Back Covt!/'
J.evant warehou8e Cardinal & Harford 34 Poultry food manufacturerlJ •••••••••••• R. TLlrner & S onl 71)-
J.ime merchants .•••••••••.•••.•••.•••••.••• Doulton & Co. 3t Printer8:-
Liqueur manufacturer W. G. Brameld 88 Benham & Co 41 tl • • • • • •

Look manufacturers .•••••••••.••• J. H. Boobbyer &; Sorn 36 J. Fran.cis & Sons . 63

Lubricator manufact urers .•••••.•.•••••J. Dewrance & Co. 18 Printers & publishera;-
)ladra8 lubricating oil rnanufaeturers .•.••• JohBson Bros. 82 Kelly le. Co., Printers & publishers of the Post Office
Machine band mannfacturers ;- London & Country Directoriell •••••••••••••••••••. 95, gJ.,
India Rubber,Guttll.Percha& TelegrapbWorksCo.Lim. 21 •

4' Faciflg Ba.ckCorJV-
lIachine knlftl manufl\Clurers :- Pr;nters' blanket manufacturers •••••• D. Moseley &; Sonl 86
Taylor Brother~ TflSidt Back Cover Private lunatic asylum ••••••••••Peckham House Asylum 71
}[antle manufllcturers G. Ager & Sons 43 Provision mercbant .~ ••••••••••••••••••••• _•• H . Mayhew 62-
.llarble mason ••.•••.•••••..••••••.••••••••••• L. J. 'Vatts 65 Putty powder manufacturers :- .
llercantile Offices (Stubbs').•••••.•.•••.•••••.•..•••••••••• 23 ,V. B. )'ordlutm Bc Sons , Si
Metal workertl .•••••••••••••••••••••••.•"'. Tonks & SODS 78 .J. Oakey & Son8 . 31
Milliners :- Quarry owners : -
. G. Ager & Sona .. Hopton- \.Yood Stone Co. Limited••••••••••••••••••••••
Morton Brotllers " Pen-yr-Orsedd Slate Quarry Co. Limited .
}[illwrights J. Whitham & Son Sf • Pietor & Sons '!I • • • • • • • • • • -':'.'

Mineral water manufacturers :- Yockney & Co ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

rI'. & J. lIills . fI8 Roug-e manufacturers :-
Struve & Co . 71 W. B. Fordllam &. SOD8 ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 34-
lfortar mill manufacturen •.•...•• }'. W. Reynolds & Co. 22 J. Oakey at Sons ••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31
lJorti~ing & tenoning-machine mnfl·s .• 1":W.Reynolrls &Co. ')0) .
_ Russian mats, trnp'Jrter~ of .•••••••••••.• F eri' & Hare B.'t.

Sack ell sacking Dlln.flleturen LsDe& Neeve 29 Stubbs' Merrsntile Offices ...... I 23 .

Saddlers & harncss makels- Surveyors :~

W.&G.Ashford&Winder ••••••.••••.• IJ 79 Ca mpbell, H arris & Co ..•.•••.....•••...•.•••...•.•••• 43
J. Gigney I.'" •••• lwol •••• ~ eFt ~.......... 58 C. Curtis &; Co ".le . :.l5
-Salt merchants- C. F .. & W. Hartnoll &. Co . 49
D. Bumeted & Co ~ , .. 24 Tailors :-
J. & H. Girling 59 T. D. Cole ••••• t " _ ~
•••••••••••• ••••

Sanitary appliance manufacturer .••••• '1" .. J. Woodward 91 )".. DenwsB J ..

·Sanitary engineers Burman & Sons 3i' J. Howe ..
S8fh line manufacturers~patelltsteel ribbon- Tall ow manufacturers •••••••••••...••••J ohmon BrotbeI1l
W, TODks " Sons.... 87 Tar & turpentine distillers :-
Saw manufllCturers~ B. Baker ..
A. -S pa:trord ,& Co ~ _ .. . 82 St orry, 8mithson & Co oO ••

Ta ~ lor Brothers ••••••••••••.•••••••••• •Inside Back Cover Tarpll. ulin manufacturers ••••••••••••••••••• Lane '" :Keeve
ScaJe & weight manufacturers J. Bartlett &; Son D3 Telegraph cable manufacturers:-
, .scboo18~ Ind iaRubter ,Guttarerdla & TclegraphWorkl!lCo.Lim 21
lIrs. Barrett I.............................................................................. 66 Temperance botel C. Bank. 48
Mrs. & M.i8ses Bishop.......... ••• 62 Terra cotta manufacturers ..............J. Knowles"& Co 14
J . J .. Cavill....................................................................................... 66 Timber merchants:-
R. E. Cranfield .• 57 Groom, Daniels & Co ......•... ...•.............•... Ci9 ~

Darwen House School....... •• ••••••.••••• . •. . • 67 Nieholl & Co , -. ••• ~ ••••••• 53

A. G. Gay fer. '11.............. ....... ..... .. ... ..•. 58 .. S. SaJmen . 6l
T. l·. H ogbin •.. • ••. . .. • • . . • •• •• • ••. • • • • •• ... .. .. • • ••• • •• .. • .. 59 Tobacro pouch manufacturers •••••••••••• W. Warne & Co 32
Mrs. M araham & Miss Gwynne........................ 64 Torpedo,ls manufacturcrs-
]i;. D. Price ,... 61 India Rubber,GuttaPercba & TelegraphWorkaCo.Lim ~1
Miss A. E. R08Si • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • .. .. • • • 3.j Toy warehouse F. J. CllID.ine 62
Mrs. & Miss Simson p. • • •••• • •• 65 'l'ricycle manufacturers •.•.•••••••••.••..•••. Singer & Co 90
Rev. R. D. Swallow................ ••.••• ••.• .• M Undertakers" manuftrs.& warehoust'men •. Dottridg~ Brt>& 26
J. Thornton................................................... 54 Upholsterers :.-
Miss Tilly ~ •• • • . .. . •• . . •• 76 C.. Bird . fi6
Miss Woodgate -... •• ••• • . •••••• 70 J. Gigney .... ...
.....•.............•....•....... 58
~ ~., ~

..Sculptor L. J. Watts 55 G. L .. Griffin . 45

Sl;!ed grc,wers Sutton & SODS 94 J.. Letcb .. 51
Seedsmli'n :- X. Peachey ..........••..••..••.•...•• •••.......•.•. 60 ~

J. Cbapman............ ..••••..• ..•••.••.•......•.••.•.• 66 G. Rickwood & .son "••.•••• 53

W. Meadmore 60 Wenley & Son . 61
Sewing machine agent G. J. Bragg 62 Valve manufacturers J. Dewrance & t:o 18
Shirt tailors •.•••••••••••••••••..•••••••••.. Sampson & Co. 31 Van builder J. Moulding 37
Shopfitter T. Eede 67 V3rnish manufacturers:-

Blate merchants :- R. Gorringe & Co 11I:'. • . 2i'
Groom, Daniels & Co...... ••••. ••••••.•.• ••.• 59 T. Hubouck & Son .••...•..•• ~ •• ~ . 28
NichoJI & Co. ••••••••• ••.•••• ••••• •• ..... • •••••••••••••• 53 . J ohnson Brothers .......
_ , ....•.•.•...•. 8'~

Pen-yr- Orsedd Slate Quarry Co. Limited .•••••••••••• 89 Rolls, Round & Co •••••. ,,, •••.••••••••• _••...••••••••• 37
S. Salmen , •....•..••...••. , •••• •..• M Starry, Smithson & Co i.~ S3
.society .. r ~ Aged Pilgrims Friend Society 35 Veterinary chemist~ ••••••••••••••••.. Day, Son & Hewitt 26
.spade & shovel manufacturers •.•••..••••. E. Lucas & Son 81 "Watcn ma.nufacturers:
Spring mattress manufacturers :- Ca.merer, KU88 & Co.••••••.•••••••••••.•••••• ~ ••••• ".• 25
Chorlton & Dngdale Facing Front Cover . c. .t"rodsham & Co ••• "I., .- J ". 20
Bteam t!llgine manufacturers ~~ W. Kent r' .. 6:i
. ;re Ellis &; Co....... •.• •.••. ..• ••..•••. ••••• .•••• it Water closet manufacturer-patent •••••••• J. Woodward. 91
E. Hayes,; _ ..r....... 92 W lIoterproof cover manufacturer••••••••• H ••••••• 'V.
Poole 6'J
F. W. Reynolds & Co.. •••• _ w I. le 22 "'. at~rproofgoods manufacturers :-
J. Whitbam cl:; SOD_...... J. ••• _ ...l••••••• ~ .. , . . . . . Sf IndiaRubber,GuttaPerclla & Telegraph Work8Co.~im. 21
.steam engine &0. ftttiJlgs. manufactrs.•• J. Dewrance & Co 18 w. Wame & Co.• t • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • , ..... ~ • • • • -1+ J, •• • ~............ 3'~
fiteam launch &; tug builder ,••••"' E. Hayes 92 Weigl.lingo machine manufacturers ,J. Bartlctt & Son 93
Steam packing manufaoturerlJ :_ \\l'beelwright •••••••••• t •••• J,. l'Ioulding 3i'
11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

India Rubber,GuttaPercha & TelegraphWorks Co. Lim 121 Wllit.e lead manufacturers :-
W. Warne & CO' rI' _ ~.~.~ " ••• .l•• 32 •• " • R. Gorringe & Co.••••••••..•• , ri • • • • • • •
.IIf 2i'
"Steam 80ip OWBer "" ~~ ••"" ""••• D. Maebrayne 88 T. HJ,lbbnck & Son _ _, . '28
Steel manufacturers :- . Joh.nson Brothers, •.•••. ! , "" •••••••• ~ ••••••• "' •• 82
A.. Spafford It CO••• I. •••••••• .l.~ ••••• ~." ...... 4 •• 82
r •••••• White zinc paint manufaeturtlrs••••• ~ •• T. H ubbuck & 80n 2S
Taylor Brothers. ( ••• ••• ~ lflside Back Cover Wbolelilale confectioner•••.••••••••••••••• p, ." •••••• C. TaJf 611
'Steel pen manufacturer J. Gillott ,9 Window blind manufacturers;-
Stone merchants~...l Janes & Son ,~ ••. ; ~ ~ .. '~f . 3i'

Stone Co. Limited ., .I•• SD h.. R. Lowther & Co. Limited , 4 ••• ~ 1.. .29
Pictor & SODS _ _ ._ J I. • • • • • • w l. •• et. 'BD J. Will1am8." , ••••••• ", ••• , ! .. " • • • • • • • • ~ ••• ilI. 33
Yockney & Co '>. HU., ~h ~. ~. 01........ 8D W~ &i spJrit merchants :-
,stune -& marble masons (~ W, )."ailh .•.•••••••.••••••••••• ~~ ,~ ,&l. 77
. P. Hevhoe

" ,~ ~.............. ..· -..('• .I•• ~III 4 i . Lay &. Wheeler ••••••••••.••.••.•• " t • ~ J It 47
R. Hibbina ,1101- . H. J\'layhew 4~1IIII 52

W. HU88ey ",olll#l~ I r."1..I.. ••• ~ # • .-; • j.' .I.I.~ .1 •• 00 . . . & CO.••••••••••••••••••••••••• t- .... ...- • ."••••••• ~ •• 71
J. JOItliB .,1.J1W.~ .., .,,*' ~4>.( IoI "'•••• .t•• Wiue 0& spirit merchants' engineers •••• Farrow & JacksoD. 27
A. K. LaDder " ~.c. J iI•• "·Qolle. mefthant , •••••• ,. J. Ada1D8 42





• •

A dams J., Clothier, woollen merchant & clerical tailor.... ~2 Dottridge Brothers, Cndertakers' manufacturers & ware-
A ged Pilgrims' Friend Society.. • .•••• •••• •••.• . • . •• • . . . • • 35 housemen 2fi
Ager G, 4r- Sons, Millinery, mantle & dressmaking Doulton &Co., Lime, cement, brick & tile merchants •••• 3':l
~8tabli8hment....... . •• •••• 43 Dowsett 'f., London, birmingham & sheffield warehouse.. ;'7
Agricultural & Goo.eral.Engineering Co. Limited.......... 38 Eede 'r., Build!'r & contractor.••••••••••••••.•••.• " .\... £,']
Alien J. W., Bag & portmanteau manufacturer.. 25 Elli8 J. & Co."t Engineers '.... ,1
'Ashford. W. &.. G. .~ Winder, Wholesale .saddlers & Epps J, & Co., HOIllWopathic chemists & cocoa mantifa.c-
harnes8 makers •••••...••.......•..••..•••••• r ••••• " • • 79 ture-lS inside ~rotu Caver
Association of' Nurses (The London)........ ••• ••••••. •••.• 16 Essex Herald, N eW8paper •• _ "•••• , •• ~. 4-1
Baker B., Tar, chemical & asphalte manufacturer. ••••...• 39 Essex Newsman, News paper ; ••• ~ 44
HaMS (I.,,"remperance hotel. _,_... ••••• 48 Essex Standard, Newspaper.... .••••••••••• . ..••••••... •• 41
Barrell H., Gun & rifle manufacturer'.....•.•..••• '" . ••• • • 66 }i~sBex Telegraph, Newspaper .••.••••.••••••••.•.••••.•,.. 58
Barrett Mr8.~School :...... 66 Essex Weekly News, Newspaper ••••••••••.•••..•••.. ,.~ 58
Bartlett ,f. & Son, Scale, weight & w-aighing machine Evans W. R~, Hotel", ••• ••• .••••.•••. (;;1
maJluf~cturer8.... .. . .. . .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .... . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. •• ·93 Faith W., Wine & spirit merchant 77
BenhaIQ & Co., .Printers & account book manufacturers .• 41 Farrow & Jackson, Wine &. spirit merchants' engineers :a
Bird (~.,. Upnolsterer.......... ••••....• 66 }'erraby & Hare, Importers ot rus8ian mats & bags ...••• 83
Bisbop Mrs. & the Misses, School...... .•••.• . . •••••••. .. . • 62 }'ordham W. B. & Sons, Emery, emery cloth & black lead
. Biehopll Down Grove Spa & Hydropathic Establishment 76 ma D ufacturers ••••.••••• " •. . . • •. .• . . . . . • • . . . • •. • • . ••• •• • 34
Boobbyer J. H. & Sons, llrassfounders & ironmongers...... 36 Fran6ia J. & Sons, Printers & bookbinders •••• 63
Bowmaker E., Coffee house ••••.•....•••••.•...••..••...•• 66 }"riend F. W., Hosier & glover .•.••••••••••••..••••• 10 • • • 4 . 48
Boyd D. 0., Hygiastic-ventilating school-grate manufactr. 90 }'rodsham C. & Co., Watch~clock & chronometer manfrs 20
Bragg G, J., ,pomestic machinery agent..... 62 Gayfer A. G., School t • • • • It 58
llraweld W. G., British wine & cordial manufacturer...... 88 George A. C., Wholesale boot & shoe manufacturer •••••• 4!)
BlallnQn P., Architect & civil engineer.................... 66 Gigney J., Saddler, upholsterer & ironmonger.... ••..•••• 58
Brigbtonian (The), Newspaper.. •••••.•••• ••••. ••••• •••.• • 37 Gillett, Bland & Co., tJlock manufacturers & bell founders 72
Brown J t, Carman & contractor.. . .••• ••••••••• • • 6~ Gillott J., Steel pen manufacturer " 79
Browne '1'. B., Advertisement contractor................... 15 Girling J. & H., Coal, coke & salt merchants •.•.••..•••. 51)
Bryant G. T., Hotel ...•.•.•••••.•••.•. ~ ..••••.•••..•••.•••• 56 Gorringe R. & Co., Varnish, color, white lead & brush
Buck & DixoD, Dentists. ••.• •••.• •• ..••••••.• . . .•• ..••• ••• • 56 manuf'acturers . . . .. •• ••• . • •• 27
Buckingham S., .Boot maker ••••.•.•••••••••••••••• t ••••••• 48 Great Eastern Clothin g Co.. . • ••• •• . •• •. . • . . . •. ••• ••• •• •• 41
Buckinghamshire Advertiser, Newspaller.... ••••••.••.•••• 56 Griffin G. L., Upholsterer & cabinet maker............ •••• 4,")
Bumsted D. & 00., Salt merchants..... .•••••.•.•••• •••••.• 24 Groom, Danie)s & Co., Timber, deal, slate & cement mers 5\,
Burman & Son8, Sanitary & hot water engineers. .. • • .•••• 37 Guest & Chrimes, Brassfounders..... .. . . •. . . • •• . •• ••••• •• 80
Camerer, Kuss & Co., Watch & clock manufacturers...... 25 Hale J. T., Carriage builder. . . . ••• ••• •••. •••• . . •• •• •• •• . . 4~'
Campbell, Harris & Co., Auctioneers & surveyors .....•••• 43 Hall H., Hotel ••••••••.•..•••••••••••• '. •••••• •. .. .••••••• t17
Cardinal & Harford, Carpet importers & levant warehouse a4 Hall W. E., Artist 67
Carter J., Invalid furniture manufacturer................. 24
Cavill J. J., School....... .•••••.••••••••.••.•.. .•••.•.••••• 66
H ammerton E., Chemist...... .. .•••.
Hankin E. E., Fishmonger & poulterer..................
.••.. ••••...• .. 4,.
Chapmau J., Nurseryman, seedsman & florist.............. 66 Hardy W., Coal, coke & firewood merchant.... .•••• ••••.• 67
l:bappell & Co., Pianoforte & harmonium manufacturers.. 17 Harrington S., Grocer & wadeah:r.................. •••••• 68
Chelmsford Chronicle, .N ewspaper..... ..•.• •..••••••.• •.. . H Hartnoll C. ~'. & W. & Co., Auctioneers & surveyors. .•• •• 4!J
Chorlton & Dugdale, Patent spring mattress & invalid Hawksley G. & J. W., Breech-loading implement manu-
furniture manufacturers.••••••........... Facing Front Cover facturers ... • •. • •• •. . •• • . •• • • •• •• • • •• • •••• • . . •• ••••• • ••••• 83
Christmas & Co., Orange wine manufacturers.... •......••. 95 Hayes E., Engineer, steam launch & tug builder..... ••••• 92
Clamp J. H., Pawnbroker, clothier &jeweller.•••.•..••••• 44 Hayward Bros. & Eckstein, l'atent pavement light manfrs 28
ClemtDce R., Hotel.................... ••••••.. . . . ••••• ..• • 66 Hertfordshire Express, Newl'lpaper •••••••••••••••••••••• 68
Colchester Chronicle, Newspaper...... ••..••••.••••• •••••• fi6 Heyhoe l<'., Stone & marble mason....... .••••••• ••••• ••••• 63
Colche<olter Gazette, Newspaper ..•.......• " ••.•• •• . . •• •• • • 41 Hibbins H., Stone & marble mason... •••.•.••.•••••..••••• &-;
Colchellter Mercul'y, Newspaper.. ••••• .....••••.• ••.••.••.• 57 Hills T. & J., Brewers & mineral water manufacturer...... ~
Cole '1'. D., 'l'allor.. • •.• ••••.•. . •••• .•..••• •••••• •• •••••• •••• 62 Hogbin rl'. P., School, .•••....••••••.•••••.•••••••••• ,...... 69
Collier W. H., Brick & tile manufacturer... ••••••...••.... 67 Holliday T., Carpenter. builder & undertaker... ..... ••••• 5!I
Cramphorn '1'. J. D., Corn, seed & oil cake merchant .. ,.. •• 67 HOptOIl' ·Wood Stone Co. Limited...... . . .. ...••..•••..••• 8!)
Cranncld R. E., School. • • . •• • • •• • ••••• • •.. • • • •• ••• •• • • • ••• • 57 Horton Bros., Patent screw bit & aug~r manufacturers.... 711
(;remer W., Brick manufacturer.. • •.•• ••••••• •. •• ••• ••••••• 75 Houghton G. & Son, Glass merchants....... ••.•.••••••••• 36
Cre8swell G. J., Hotel... ..•••.••. .•. •...•....•••..•..• .••••• 62 Howe J., Tailor & oufitter..••..•••••. a...... .. . .. 63
l:r~wd"on, Crosses & Co. Limited, Cotton spinners & Hubbuck T. & Son, White lead. white zmc paint, oil
manui"acturers •• . . .. • . • .• • . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . • •. • •• • ••• • .. • • 85 & varnish manufacturers •••••••••.•...•• • . . • • • •• . •• • ••• • 28
Crompton R. E. & Co., Electric light engineers ....• ••..•• 40 Humphreys J. C., Galvanized corrugated iron roofing ma 36
CrOS<olley Brothers Limited, Gas engine manufacturer~.. Facing HUIi~ey W., Stone & marble ma~on...............•••••.••• 50
Title l'age India Rubber. Gutta l'ercha &. Telegraph ·Works Co. Lim 21
Cumine F. J., Toy warehouse •.••.••• •••..•.•• 62 Janes & Son, Window blind manufacturers.... •....•.•••••• 31
Curtis C. & Co., Auctioneers & surveyors •••••••..••••••• 35 Johnson Brothers, Oil boilers, refiners & importers....... 82
l:utts G. & Sons, Electro plate & britannia metal !roods J OhnSOJl H ... Hotel. .• • .• • .•.••••••• .• . . .•. . •.. • • . . . •••••• •• 50
manufacturers... ..• •.••.•• . •.••.. •••.•••••••.• •••..••• • ~2 Joslin H. & J. Furnishing ironmongers... 41j
Darwen HoulSe School .•••••....•....•...•••••••••••.. ". • 57 Joslin J., Monumental sculptor & mason • 50
Day, t:iOIl & Hewitt, Veterinary chemists......... •.•..•••• 26 Kelly & Co., Printers & printers & publi8hers of the Post
Denniss & Son, Painters & house dpcorators.............. 67 uffice London & Country Directories.............. 95,9G,
Deunis8 ~-'.,
rl'ailor & l"lothier.... •••• ... ••• ••••• • •. ••••• •••• 63 <t Facing Back Cover
DevonShire Park & Baths Co. Limited.................... /7 Kemp & Jacob, Boat builders.................. ••••••.••••• 60
Dewrance J. & Co., Anti·friction metal manufacturers •• 18 Kent R., Coach builder... .. ••...••. .•••.••• •••• ••..•.•••• •• ti8
Vix, Green & l:o., Cement manufacturers.... •••••••••••• 45 Kent W., Watch & clock maker ..,... 68
Dixon A. G., ~'urniture remo?er.. ••••.•• 19 Knight C., Carpenter & builder............................ 63

• PA.GE 1>A.GS
Knowles J. ok Co., Drain pipe, terra cotta &, ehimney pot Simkin W, n., Art furniture manufacturer ••••• ••• ••• ••• 53
manufacturers." "." .. ".. "...... "" .. """ ...... ".. """ """ •• ".. "" "" .. ".. " 14 Sill1son Mrs. & )OIiSB, School 65
Lander A. Ko, Sculptor &, monumental mason.. . •• •• ••.••• 6~ Singer &, 00., Bicycle &; tricycle manufacturers 90
Lane &, Neeve, Canvas, sacking &, sack manufacturers.... 29 Spaftord A. &, Co., Steel, saw & file milBuflloctllrers ••• Il2
Lay &, Wheeler, Wine & brandy importers &, Rpirit mrehts 47 Stevens J. W., House, land & estate &g\Jnt................ M
Lee ( Ht, Bre,ver ~ " "_.",, " " "tt ,. " 51 Stewa.rd W. I., Builder &, contractor tl9
Letch J., Upbolsterer &, cabinet maker.................... 51 Stone S. L., Builder •• .... . . •.... .• •• •. ••• . • •• • , O.j
Lowther R. &, Co. Limited, Window blind manufacturers.. 29 Storry, Smithllau &, Co., Paint, calor &, varnish manufrs •• 8:1
Lucas E. &, Son, Spade &, shovel manufacturers.......... 81 Struve & Co., Minerll.l wa.ter manufdoctlU'erll ••.••••••••••• 71
LUClL8 w. & S., Brewers , .. y"" _ " 51 Stubbs' Mercantile Offices............ ••••• :la
Lucas E., Cook &, confectioner.. ••.•• •••• •• •••••••• •• •••• •• 52 Surrey Comet, Newspaper........... '17
Macbrayne D., Steamship owner -................. 88 Sutton &:; Suns, Seed growers........ ••••• ••.•• 940
McMuUen H. & Son, Coach builders...... ••••••• •••••• ••• .• "i2 Swallow Rev. R. Do. :;chool 5-1
lIaldon Ex.presg, Newspaper " ".................... 44 Tatr C., Whole8ale fancy confectioner •••••• till
Jlarkham H., It'urniture remover.•••••••••.•• f • • • • • • • • • • • • M 'l'avener }'., Coal ag"ent....... ••. 6~
1I1U'shman &, Gwynne, School................ •••.•..•••••• 6! 'I'aylor Brothers, /Saw, fil~. steel, ed~e tool & machine
Martin Bro5hers, China. clay & china stone merchants..... 88 knife manufactureCil ...................... •Inside Back Cover
Mayhew H., Grocer &, provision merchant............... •• 52 'I'aylor R.. Baltic & archang-el mat impolter •••••••• ••• ••• 90
Meadmore W., Nurseryman, Ileedsman &, florist............ 60 Taylor '1\, Ironmonger & clltler ••••••• •• • • . • 70
Measures Brothers & Co., Iron girder manufacturers...... 30 Thornton J. t School fi-i:
Mesl!enger W. A., Boat builder..... •• • •• •• ••• •• • •• •• ••• •• • 60 'filly Miss, School 76
Milne J., Antiscptic dre8sing manufacturer.. ••.. •••• •• •• • • '17 '!'onks W. & Sons, Bra.ssfounder8 & metal workers ••• 7S
Milton Hall Brick Co. Limited............................ 68 Trimby L., Landscape gardener... •.• •• •••• .. •• .. •• •• 6ii
Mole W . & Co.• Ironmong-ers ".... 64- '!'rower P., Hotel ~ 6 • • 6,)
.. • .. • •

Moncriell' J .. Gauge glal!s manufacturer . . • • •••• • •••• • •• •• • • 92 Turner R. & Sons, Poultry food manllfacturen •• _•..• " .• 70
Monk J. & Co., Invalid carriage &, perambulator manufctrs 35 U~b~id~e Gazette, Newspaper... ••• ~1
Morton Brothers, Milliners .. _...... 52 W altora A. & Co., Coal merchants. • •• . • •••••• . • .• •• .• •••• 65
Moseley D. &, Sons, India rubber manufacturers.... •••••• 86 Waltbam Cross Coffee &, Reading Rooms ••• 6.:1
llouldin~ J I' Carriage bllilder "....... • 37 Walton &, Clacton Gazett.e, Newtlpaper.. ••.•• 41
IIyall W I' Hotel t)8 Warne W. & Co., IndilO rubber manufacturers............ 32
Newdick A. L., Auctioneer, estate agent & valuer ••••••.• 69 Watts L. J., Mason & sculptor •••• •••• •••• ••••••.• 55
Nicholl & Co., 'fimber & slate merchants 53 Webb M. H., .Baker & confectioner.................... •••• 70
Oakey J. & Sons, Emery, emery cloth &, black lead mnfn. 31 ''Vebb's Worcester Tlleries Co. Limited. 91
Osborne R., Hotel " ".................... 6! Weeks J. & Co., Horticultural bu.ilderd &, hot water
Packer C. &, Co., Artists in hair, golddmiths & jewellers 30 engineers ••••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32
. Parkl'r Brothers, Peramblllatar manufacturers.. .••• .••••• 36 Wells W. &. E., Bake"t8........ •••• •••••••• iO
Peachey .K, Oabinet maker &, upholsterer ••••••••••••.••• 60 Well.. E., Builder &, contractor. 76
Peckham HOU88 Asylum " •• 71 Wenley & Son, ]t'lU'niture removers, cabinet makers & .
Pen·yr.Orsedd Slate Quarry Co. Limlted •••••••••• •••••• 89 uphol8terers 0 0 • • ••• 61 •• ••

}J'erry A., Hotel •••••• •••• •••••••• 69 Whitham J. & Son,ll:ngineers, millwrights, boiler makerli,
Phillips T., Builder &, contractor...................... ••• • til iron & brass founders, & oil mill machinery manufactrs. Si
Pictor & Son~, Quarry proprietors &:; stone merchants.... 89 Whittaker C. & 00., Engineers &; brick making machine
P~kering J. & Sons, Polishing pa.ste manufacturers... ••• 79 manufaeturers 87
Poole W., Wa.terpl'oof cover manufacturer.. •••••••• •••••• 69 W., Brewer 47
l'ost Office Directories-list of -Kelly &, Co
Back Cover
Wilbee J. C.,. Bookseller 'I...............
WiIliams J., Window blind manufacturer................. ;U

Price li4. D., School.......................... 61 WilIiam8 R. A.., Aerated water manufacturer..... 70
Pnddy 1'•• Baker & confectioner _....... 69 Wint.erll Mrs., Hairdresser &; perfumer 70
Qtl~nt8 Hote-l 74 Wiseman Wo T., BriCk. a,..o-ent... •••••••••••••••••.•••••• 3;j
Reynolds 1<'. W. & Co., Wood working machinery manufrs. 2~ W oodg""te Miss, :3ehool ...-..................................... 70
Rickwood G. &, Son, Upholsterers......................... 53 Wooduams F. E., Builder <'It uudertaker................... 70
Rolls, Round &, Co.• Varnish, japan & color manufll.cturers 37 "-oodward J., Kitchen 8ink. sanitary eartbenware & pa·
RoS8 it M.is8 Ao E .• School. to r. .as tent water closet manufacturer ,.. 91
Rood J., Hotel.......................................................
73 Woolnough W. & C. & Co., AgricultlU'ale.ngineerlJo, iron &I
. t)afl'ron Walden Coffee Ta.vern Co. Limited (G. A. Castell) 69
Salmen S., Timber, brick &, tile merchants. •••••••••• ••••• ti4
brass fOlluderliJ '15 0............
Yookney &, Co., Quarry owners &:; stone mercllantll .. , 8~
Sampson & Co., 8hirt tailors. hOllierll & glovers ••••.••••• 31 Young & Co., Will~ & 8pirit merchllllts......... 71
Sbepherd, Hill &, Co.,Eng-iueers' tool mnfr8.&ironfoundrs & Zissell G. L., Ba.ker, pa~tr1eook &; confectioncr ••••.••••• 65


ESSEX is one of the metropolitan shires and takes its name Light Vessel, although it is high-water by the ground a few
from the commonwealth of the East Saxons (one of the minutes earlier than at the Dockyard, yet the stream runs
English hordes which settled in South Britain), and of which up the Thames for half an hour after high-water at the
Middlesex. London and Hertfordshire afterwards formed Yard. It remains to be noticed that the direction of strong
part. After the Euskardians and Celts had been driven out winds, as well as the varying pressure oc. the atmosphere,
Essex was held by the Belgic tribe of t,he Trinobantes until considerably affect both the times and the heights of high-
the Roman inroad. Of the Romans it was a great seat and water,8C1 that in the North Sea a. strong N.N.W. gale and
here was their city of Camulodunum. The Welch, again a low barometer raise the surface 2 or 3 feet higher and
becoming masters, were driven out by the East Saxons. cause the tide wllow all along the coast from the Pentland
The chief clans concerned in the settlement were the Tilling, Firth to London half an hour longer than the times and
HaIling, Denning, Thurring, Benning, Billing, Horning, tides predicted in the Tide Tables: Easterly, S.E. 'and S.W.
Manning.. Totting, Bucking and Dunning, being the same winds produce opposite effects, which are felt as far down
as those engo<tged in the settlement of East Anglia. In 823 the channel as Dungeness: on the contrary at the en..
itrcame under the sway of the West Saxons under Egbert, trance of the channel and as far up as Portland, S.W. winds
though more than once given up to the Danes. In the great with a low barometer raise the surface of the water, and
Civil War, Essex sided with the Parliament and formed a N.E. winds and a high barometer always lower it.
powerful federation. l J • Time of High Water on the Full and Change of the Moon at
The shire is of an irregular shape, being in its greatest the following places on the coast of Essex :---
length, from north-east to south-west, 63 miles; it contains I , _ . ,_ _

1,533 square miles, or 1,055,133 lj.Cres, being the tenth Eng- High
!ish shire for si7..e. In 1881 its population was 575,93°: PLACE. Water. RISE. *
males,287,696; females, 288,234; the number of inhabited . Full & •
houses in 1881 ,vas 109.100; uninhabited 9,086; building Change. Springs. Neapll.
2,382. On the east and south·east the county is. bounded' ~, , ,II " . , --- , ...
by the North Sea j on the south by the Thames, which h. m. feet. feet.
flows between it and Kent; on the west by the Lee ~gainst Harwich Harbour ... ,.~•••••••..j °6 IIi 91
Middlesex. and by the Stort aga\nst Hertfordshire; on the Orwell River, Pinmill !.... °
20 la
north by Cambridge and on the north-east by the Stour, Orwell ~iver, Downham Reach ° 27 :12 .
separating it from Suffolk; thus there is a navigable belt Orwell River, Ipswich .•• 0 35 13i •
from Sudbnry round by sea and so to Bishop's Stortford. Stour River, Wrabness ..• °
29 12
On the -east the shore is' broken by the deep friths and Stour River, Mistley Quay... °
48 I1i
creeks of the Stour, Colne, Blackwater Crouch and Stour River, Cattawade Bridge I 8 41
Thames. r The Na7..e °6 12i 10
TIDAL STREAMS ON THE EAs'r COAST OF GREAT Colne River, Colne Point noon 14 10
BRITAIN.-In the North Sea the flood tide·wave -enters Colne River, Wivenhoe °
10 15 10
from the Atlantic Ocean, between the coast of Norwayand Blackwater River, Scales Point noon :141 1:0
the British Isles, and passes throngh various channels Blackwater River, Heybridge °
20 12 8
formed by the Shetlands, the Orkneys and the north point of Chelmer River, Maldon .•• 0 32 10 6
Scotland, averagihg, in the offing, Ho rate of one knot and a Gunlleet Sand, N. E: End 11 40 12 8
half: that part of the stream, however, which enters by the Crouch River, Foulness °5 14~ Ioi-
Pentland Firth, acquires a furious rapidity, amounting at Crouch River, Hull Bridge •.• 0 25 16 II;
spring tides even to eight knots, but immediately on quit- Maplin Light , .._,...... °5 I4f lot
ing the Firth, and diverging into open water it abates in " ,
strength, the eastern branch filling up the basin of the The Thames flows from London to the North Sea., having
North Sea as it advances towards the coast of Jutland and several quays, but no great haven on the Essex shore. The
Holland; while the western branch, more or less confined Lee., and its head, the 8001'1., are navigable, passing through
by the Dogger and other outlying banks,. swells along the Bishop's Stortford, Harlowand Waltham Abbey: the Roding
shores of Scotland and England, making high water in all rises in .Ea:ston Park, near Dunmow, and flows south for
their rivers and harbours successively till it arrives in the about 36 miles past Ongar to Ilford, where it becomes
Thames: the flood stream, on reaching Orfordness, con- navigable, and, passing Barking, joins the Thames: the
tinues to run till about high-water in Harwich Harbour; Bourne brook, 1.2 miles long, falls into the Thames a10
the flood setting W.S. W. and the ebb KN.E. At Margate Dagenham: the Ingerbourne rises in South Weald and falls
it is high·water about IIh. 40m. by the ground. Near the into the Thames near Rainham: the Marditch. 12 miles
east buoy of Margate Sand, at the first of the flood, on the lung, forms a creek at Purfleet; the Crouch, 25 miles long,
shore the stream sets S. by W. veering westward, till about waters south-east Essex and is navigable from Hull Bridge
half· flood, or gh. Ism. it sets west and continues veering to the North Sea: Burnham is its port: the Bromhill is a
till at high-water it falls slack at N.N.W. The ebb stream creek, 10 miles long, and navigable for 7 miles to near
begins at N.E. veering eastward and increasing in strength Rochford: the river Chelmer, 46 miles long, rising in the
till about half-ebb or 2h. 45m. wheJlit sets S.E. by E. still north-west near Debden and flowing south, passes Dunmow
veering, and the latter part with diminished velocity, till at and Chelmsford, where it is made navigable, thence east to
low water it falls i3lack at south. In the river Medway the Maldon (its port), receiving the Ter, 13 miles long, the Wid
flood stream runs up in mid-channel from 20 to 25 minutes and Cann, 14 miles long and the Sandon Brook, 10 miles
after high-water at Sheerness Dockyard, but at the Nore long; near Maldon it joins the Blackwater, which has for itIJ
• By the rise of the ~ide is meant its vertical rise above the mean low water level of spring tides.
2 ESSEX. •
feeder the Podsbrook: the Colne, 35 miles wng, rises on the Hundred of Clavering:- Berden, Clavering, Farnham,
northern border near Birdbrook, becomes navigable at Col- Henham (part of), Langley, Manuden, Stansted Mount-
c1lester, and receiving the Roman river, flows into the North fitchet (part of), Ugley.
Sea: the Holland creek falls into the North Sea at Little Hundred of Dengie :-Althorne, Asheldham, Bradwell,
Holland: the Stour is about 50 miles long, becomes navi- Burnharn, Cold Norten, Creeksea, Dengie, Hazeleigh,
gable at Sudbury and passes the ports of Manningtree and Latchingdon, Maylsnd, Mundon, North Fambridge, Pur-
Harwich to the North Sea: in the north-west the Cam and leigh, St. Lawrence Newland, Southminster, Steeple, Stow
Slade brooks pass into Cambridgeshire. Maries, Tillingham, Woodham Mortimer and Woodham
The shire has much rich meadow ground on the shore..~ Waiter. .
of the brooks and marsh lands on the friths and creeks: on Hundred oC Dunmow: - Aythrop Roothing, Barnston.
the shore are many marsh islands, like those of Holland; of Berners Roothing, Broxted, Chickney, Good Easter, Great
these Canvey, Foulness, Wallasea, Mersea, Horsea, Haven- Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Easton, High Easter, High
gore and Potton are the greatest: much of the shore is Roothing, Leaden Roothing, LindseII, Little Canfield, Little
sheltered against the tides and storms by d)"kes and sea Dnnmow, Little Easton, Margaret Roothing, Mashbury
'Walls: 'fhe inland is hilly and 'Well timbered? tJie highest Ple8hey, Shellow Bowells, Thaxted, Tilty, White Roothing
hills..of the London clay are High Beech, neat' Waltham with the hamlet [Jf MorrelI Roothing, Willingale Doe and
Abbey, 760 feet high; Danbury, 700 feet high; Tiptree Willingale Spain~
Heath, near Witham, 700 feet high and Laindon Hills, 620 Hundred of Fresh'Well :-Ashdon, Bardfield, Saling, Great
feet high. Bardfield, Great Sampford, Helion Bumpstead, Hempstead,
Essex, of which Chelmsford is the assize town, is included ~ittle Bardfield, Little Sampford and Radwinter.
within the South-Eastern Circuit. Part of Becontree hun- Hundred of Harlow :-Great HaIlingbury, Great Parndon.
dred, viz. Barking, East Ham, West Ham, Little Ilford, Harlow, Hatfield Broad Oak or Hatfield Regis; Latton,
Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, St. Mary Wood- Little Hallingbnry, Little Parndon, Matching, Netteswell.
ford and Chingford is within the bounds of the Central Roydon (part of) and Sheering.
Criminal Court, and with Dagenham, Chadwell Heath, Hnndred of Hinckford: - Alpharnstone, Ashen, Balling-
Waltham Abbey, Loughton and Chigwell, under the juris- don-cum-Brundon, Belchl\mp Ott.en, Belchamp St. Paul,
diction of the Metropolitan police. Belchamp 'Waiter, Birdbrook, Bocking, Borley, Braintree,
The shire is eeclesiastically within the recently formed Bulmer, Bures, Castle Hedingham, Felstead, Finchingfield,
diocese of St. Albans and divided into two archdeaconries: Foxearth, Gestingthorpe, Gosfield, Great Henny, Great
Colchestel', sub-divided iuto the rural deaneries of An:lIeigh, Maplestead, Great Saling, Great Yeldham, Halstead, La-
Braintree, Coggeshall, Colchester, Dedham, Halstead, Har- marsh, Liston, Little Henny, Little Maplestead, Little
wich, Hatfield Peverell, Hedingham, Mersea, Newport, Yeldham, Middleton, O,-ington, Panfield, Pebmarsh, Pent-
Saffron Walden, St; Osyth, Sarnpford, 'Witham and Yeld- low, Rayne, RidgweIl, Shalford, Sible Hedingham, Stam-
ham; and Essex, sub-divided into the rural deaneries of bourne, Stebbing, Steeple Bnmpstead, Stisted, ~tnrmere,
Barking, Barstable, Canewdon, Chafford, Chelmsford, Chig- Tilbury, Toppesfield, Twinstead, Wethersfield and Wickham
well, DanburY, Dengie, Dunmow, Harlow, Ingatestone,
Lamborne, Milldon, Ongar, Orsett, Rochford and Roding: St. Paul's.
Ballingdon, a suburb of Sndbnry, in Suffolk, is in the diocese Hundred of Lexden :-Aldham (Witham division), Birch
of Ely. There are no cathedrals or great endowments. (Colchester division), Boxted, Chapel or Pontisbright
The county, for parliamentary purposes, was formerly in (Witham division), Copford, Dedham (Colchester division),
two divisions, bnt by "The Representation of the People Earls Colne, East Don)'land, Easthorpe, Engaine Colne
Act, 1867," it was divided into three, called respectively (Witham division), Feering (Witham division), Fordham
North-west, North-east and South. "The Boundary Act, (Colchester division), Great CoggeshalI (Witham division),
1868," altered the names of the first two to 'West and East: Great Horkesley, Great Tey (Witham division), Inworth
each of the three divisions sends two members to Parliament; (Witham division), Langham (Colchester division), Little
the divisions contain the following hundreds :-Eastern- Horkesley (Colchestf'r dil'ision), Little 'fey (Witham divi-
Dengie, Hinckford, Lexden, 'fendring, Thurstable, Winstree sion), Marks Tey (Witham division), MarkshaIl (Witham
and Witham, population in 1881, 166,400; Southern-Bar- division), Messing, Mount Bures (Colchester division), Pat-
stable, Becontree, Ch afford, Rochford lLnd the liberty of tiswick (Witham division), Stanway (Colchester dil;sion).
Havering, population 296,290; Western-Chelmsford, Cla- Wakes Colne (Witham division), West Bergholt (Colchester
vering, Dunmow, Freshwell, Harlow, Ongar, Uttlesford division), White Colne (Witham divi~ion), Wormingford
and Wivenhoe (Colchester division).
and Waltham, population 113,24°.
Hundred of Ongar: - Abbots Roothing, Beauchamp
The Parliamentary boroughs are :-Colchester, returning Roothing, Bobbingworth, Chigwell; Chipping Ongar, Fy-
two members, population in 1881, 28,366; Harwich, one, field or Fifehead, Greenstead, High Laver, High Ongar.
population 7,810~ and Maldon one, population 7,128. Kelvedon Hatch, Lambourne, Little Laver, Loughton, Mag-
Other towns are: Chelmsford, population in 1881,9,885; dalen Laver, Moreton, Na,-estock, North Weald Bassett,
Braintree, 5,182; Barking, Saffron Walden, Witham, ,Hal- Norton Mandeville, Shelley, Stamford Rh-el's, Stapleford
stead, 5,840 j Romford, 6,861 ; and Brentwood, besides market Abbots, Stapleford 'fawney, Stondon Massey, 'fheydon Bois,
and small towns and about 400 parishes. 'fheydon Garnon and Theydon Mount.
The shire forms nineteen hundreds and one liberty: the Hundred of Rochford: Ashingdon, Barting, Canewdon,
following is a list of the hundreds, with the places included Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great Wakering,
in each:- Hadleigh, HawkwelI, H()('kley, Leigh, Little Stambridge,
Hundred of Barstable :-Bassildon, Bowers Gifford, Bnl- Little Wakerin/l, North Shoebury, Paglesham, Prittlewell,
phan, Chadwell St. Mary, <Jorringham, Doddinghurst, Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford. Shopland, Southchnrch,
Downham, Dunton, East Horndon, East 'filbury, Fobbing, South Fambridge, South Shoebury, Sutton and Thun-
Great Burstead, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Hutton, Ingrave, dersley (part of).
Laindon, Langdon or Laindon Hills, Little Burstead, Little Hundred of Tendring :-Alresford, Ardleigh, Beaumont-
ThulTock,. Mncking, Nevendon, North Benfleet, Drsea, Pit- cum-Moze, Bradfield, Brightlingsea, Elmstead, Frating,
sea, Ramsden Bellhonse, Ramsden C1'ays, Shenfield, South Frinton, Great Bentley, Great Bromley, Great Clacton,
Benfleet, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Thundersley (part of), Vange, Great Holland, Great Oakley, Kirby-Ie-8oken, Lawford,
West Horndon, West Tilbury and Wickford. Little Bentley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton, Little Hol-
Hundred of Becontree :-Barking, Dagenham, East Ham, land, Little Oakley, Manningtree, Mistley, Ramsey, St.
Little Ilford, Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, West Osyth-Chich, Tendring, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Thorrington,
Ham and Woodford. WaIton-le-Soken or Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley, Wix
nd Wrabness. ~
Hundred of Chafford :-.A.veley, Brentwood, Childerditch,
Cranham, Grays Thurrock, Great Warley, Little Warley, Hundred of Thurstable:- Goldhanger, Great Totham,
North Ockendon, Rainham, South Ockendon, South Weald, Heybridge, Langford, Little Totham, Tollesbury, Toll~shunt
Stifford. Upminster, Wennington and West Thurrock. D'Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Tolleshunt Major or Becking-
Hundred of Chelmsford :-Blackmore, Boreham, Broom- ham and Wickham Bishops.
field, Buttsbury, Chelmsford. Chignall St. James, Chignall Hundred of Uttlesford :-.-Arkesden, Birchanger, Chrishall,
Smealey, Danbury, East Hanningfield, Fryerning, Great Debden, Elmdon, Elsenham, Great Chesterford, Great
Baddow, Great Leighs (part of), Great Waltham, Ingate- Chishall, Henham (part of), Heydon, Little Chesterford,
atone, Little Baddow, Little. Leighsl Little' WaItham, Mar- Little Chishall, Littlebury, Newport, Quendon, Rickling,
garetting, Mountnessing, Rettendon, RoxweIl, Runwell, Stansted Mountfitchet (part of), StrethalI, Takeley, Wendon
Sandon, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Stock, West Lofts, Wendons Ambo, Wicken Bonant, Widdington and
Hanningfield, Widford, Woodham Ferrers and Writtle. Wimbish.
Hundred of Waltham :-Chingford; Epping, Nazeing COLCHESTER UNION.
Roydon (part of), and Waltham Abbey or Waltham Holy All Saints (Colchester) St. Leonard (Colchester5
Cross. • Berechurch St. Martin (Colchester)
Hundred of Winstree :.......Abberton, East Mersea, Fing- Greenstead St. Mary-at-the-Walls (Col-
ringhoe, Great Wigborough, Langenhoe, Layer Breton, Holy Trinity (Oolchester) chester)
Layer ~ de -la - HaYt Layer Mam~·. Little Wigborough, Lexden St. Mary Magdalen (Col-
Peldon, Salcott, Virley and West Mersea. • Mile End St. Michaet, or chester)
Hundred 01 Witham:-Black Notley, Bradwell-next- Myland St. Nicholas (Colchester)
CoggeshaIl, Cressing, Fairsted, Faulkboum, Great Brax- St. Botolph (Colchester) St. Peter (Colchester)
ted, Great Leighs (part of), Hatfield, Peverel, Kelvedon, St. Giles (Colchester} St. Runwald (Colchester)
Little Braxted, Little Coggeshall, Rivenhall, Terlingi St. James (Colchester)
Ulting, White Notley and Witham. DUNHOW UNION.

The liberty of Havering-atte-Bower includes IIornchurch Aythrop Roothing Leaden Roothing

and Romford . I Bardfield Saling Lindsell
Barnston Little Bardfield
The Superintendent Registrar's Districts are :- I Broxted Little Canfield
. . - , ,
- j + , , • , I Chickney Little Dunmow
No. Name. Area. Pop. in 1881 Felstead Little Easton
• • Great Bardfield Margaret Roothing
• • I Great Canfield Stebbing
186 West Ham ............... 18,826 I Great Dunmow 'fakeley
00. 'I:
187 Epping ..•.•••....••.•~ .. 6
4 ,477 21,755
Great Easton
Hatfield Broad bak, or Hat-
188 ()Il~r .••.......•..•....... 47,46 5 10,66<)
8 field Regis White Roothlng, with the
1 9 Romford.......... &••••••• 47,5 17 36,889
Orsett ._ .......... ~ ....... High Easter hamlet of Morrell Roothing
190 4 1, 167 16,356 I High Roothing
19 t Billericay ••••••••••••••• 51,188 18,437
192 Chelmsford............... 83,906 EpPING UNION.
3 2,97 2
193 Roohford.................. I07,o8~ 24,3 2 9 Chigwell Matching
194 Maldon •••••••••••••••••• II2,45 8 23,809 Chingford Nazeing
195 Tendring ............... 9 1,536 33,3 82 Epping Netteswell
196 Colchester ............... 11,3 14 28>3 66 , Great Parndon North Weald Bassett
197 Lexden •••••••••••••••••• 74,374 21,808 , Harlow Roydon
198 Halstead .................. ' 3 8,9 1 3 17,005 Latton Sheering
199 Braintree •••••••••••••••
67,612 28,629 ' i Little Parndon Theydon Bois
200 Dunmow.................. 13.594 17,990 I Loughton Theydon Garnon
201 Saffron Walden ,

I 62,609 18,5 88 I Magdalen Laver

The following list of "the unions shows the places included Castle Hedingham Little Yeldham
in each:- Earls Colne Pebmarsh
BILLERICAY UNION. Engaine.Colne Ridgwell
Basildon Little Worley Gosfield Sible Hedingham
Bowers Gifford Mountnessing Great Maplestead Stambourne
Brentwood Nevendon Great Yeldham Tilbury
Childerditch North Benfleet Halstead Toppesfield
Downham Pitsea ' Little Maplestead Whit.e Colne

Dunton Ramsden Bellhouse LEXDBN & WINSTREE UNION.
East Horndon Ramsden Crays Abberton Layer Breton
Great Burstead Shenfield Aldham Layer-de-Ia-Hay
Hutton South Weald Birch Layer Marney
Ingrave Vange Boxted Little Horkesley
Laindon West Horndon I Chapel, or Pontisbright Little Tey
Lee Chapel Wickford Copford Little Wigborough
Little Burstead Dedham Marks Tey
BRAINTREE UNION. East Donyland Messing
Black Notley Little CoggeshalI Easthorpe Mount Bures
Bocking Markshall East Mersea Peldon
Bradwell next Coggeshall l'anfield Fingringhoe Salcott
Braintree Pattiswick Fordham Stanway
I Great Orkesley Virley
Cressing Rayne
Fairsted Rivenhall Great Tey Wakes Colne
Faulkbourn Shalford Grey Wigborough West Bergholt
Feering Stisted Inworth West Mersea
Finchingfield Terling Langenhoe Wi,enhoe
Great Coggeshall Wethersfield . Langham Wormingford
Great Saling White N otley MALDON UNION.
Hatfield Peverel Witham
Kelvedon All Saints (Maldon) North Fambridge
Althorne Purleigh
CHELMSFORD UNION. Asheldham St. Lawrence Newland
Boreham Little Waltham Bradwell St. Mary (Maldon)
Broomfield Margaretting Burton St. Peter (Maldon)
Buttsbury Mashbury Cold Norton Snoreham
Chelmsford Pleshey Creeksea Southminster
Chignal St. J ames Rettendon Dengie Steeple
Chignal Smealey Roxwell Goldhanger Stow Maries
Danbury Runwell Great Braxted Tillingham
East Hanningfield Sandon Great Totham Tollesbury
Fryerning South Hanningfield Hazeleigh Tolleshunt D'Arcy
Good Easter Springfield Heybridge Tolleshunt Knights
Great Baddow Stock Langford Tolleshunt Major, or Becklllg-
Great Leighs West Hanningfield Latchingdon ham .•
Great Waltham Widford Little Braxted Ulting
Ingatestone Woodham Ferris Little Totham Wickham Bishops
Little Baddow Writtle Mayland Woodham Mortimer
Little Leighs I
Mundon Woodham WaIter

QNOAR UNION. The minerals worked are chalk for lime, septaria for Roman
Abbots Roothing Little Laver cement, clay fOf bricks, and salt made from the sea. Seeds
Beauchamp Roothing Moreton are grown in various parts. The trade of the tOWDS'On the
Berners Roothing • Navestock shores is in the oyster and othel" fisheries and in shipping
Blackmore Norton Mandeville corn, coals and timber. The Colne fishery is of great value
Bobbingworth Shelley and importance j it furnishes the finest native oysrers and
Chipping Ongal' Shellow Bowells belongs to Colchester. The seaports of the county are Man-
Doddinghurst Stanford Rivers ningtree, Harwich, Brightlingsea,Colchester, Salcott, Maldon.
Fyfield, or Fifehead Stapleford Abbots Bradwell{ Burnham, Wakering, Southend, Leigh, Grays,
Greenstead Stapleford Tawney Purfleet and Barking. The Victoria Docka and the large
High Laver Stondon Massey new Albert Dock are in Plaistow Level, and a line connects
High Ongal' Theydon Mount Thames Haven with the Tilbury line. Steamers run from
Kelvedon Hatch WiIlingale Doe London to Harwich and communicate with .Purtt~ Grays.
Lambourne Willingale Spain Tilbury, Southend. Walton and Clacton: Southend and Til-
bury are steamboat 1Jtations; the boat,s only run between
ORSBTT UNION. London, Southend. Walton and Clacton during the summer
Aveley :Little Thurrock months. Steamers go up the Orwell from Harwich to Ips-
Bulphan Mucking wich. Harwich, Southend, Walton and Clacton are bll.thing
Chadwell St. Mary North Ockendon places. At Waltham Abbey there are Government powder
Corringham Drsett works, and at Purfleet, powder stores; at Warley there is
East Tilbury South Ockendon a depot for recruits; at Tilbury, a garrison; at Colchester
Fobbing Stanford-le-Hope is a large camp, and at Shoeburyness an extensive ground
Grays Thurrock Stifford for testing Government artillery of the largest calibre.
Horndon-on-the-Hill ·West Thurrock The railways of Essex belong to the Great Eastern system:
Langdon, or Laindon Hills West Tilbury one great branch, under the name of the Cambridge hne,
going from London north, by Stratford, Waltham Abbey.
Hoddesdon (with branches to Hertford l\nd Buntingford).
Ashingdon North Shoebury Bishop's Stortford and Saffron Walden, to Cambridge, New-
Barting Paglesbam market and the east of England; and the other north-east,
Canewdon Prittlewell by the Eastern Union line, by Ilford, Romford. Brentwood.
Eastwood Rawretlil Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Witham, Colchester and Manning-
-Foulness Rayleigh tree, to Ipswich and Norwich, with branches to Maldon,
Great Stambridge Rochford Braintree and Dunmow, Sudbury and Bury St. Edmund's,
Great Wakering Shopland , Harwich and Hadleigh (Suffolk); between these two lines
Hadleigh South Benfleet ! is the line through Leyton, Leytonstone, with branch to
Havengore Southchurch Walthamstow and Chingford. Woodford, Buckhurst Hill,
Hawkwell South Fambridge Loughton and Epping to Ongar. In the south-west, a
Rockley South Shoebury short line runs from Stratford to the Victoria Docks and
Leigh Button North Woolwich, on the Thames, and another from Stratford
Little Stambridge Thundersley to Barking, Purfleet, Grays, Tilbury (from which is a ferry
Little Wakering to Gravesend), Leigh and Southend. The Tendring Hundred
RoUFORD UNION. I railway runs from Colchester to Wivenhoe, Brightlingsea
Barking Hornchurch • I and Walton-on-the-Naze, with a branch from Thorpe to
Cranham Rainham Clacton-on-Sea. In the north there is also the Colne Valley
Dagenham Romford rnilway, commencing at the Chapel Junction, on the Sud-
Gl'eat Warley Upminster bury branch line, and passing through Halstead and Castle
Havering-atte-Bower Wennington Hedingham to Haverhill, Suffolk. Connection with the
SAFFRON W ALDEN UNION. Northern and Midland railways is effected via Peterborough.
The Essex and Colchester Hospital stands on the Lexden
Arkesden Radwinter road, to the westward of the town of Colchester, built in
Ashdon Little Sampford 1820 and since enlarged: it is a handsome white brick
Chrishall Newport building and possesses accommodation for 94 patients; it is
Clavering Quendon supported by yearly subscriptions, donations and bequests:
Debden Rickling I Lo~ Carli~gford, president: WiIliam Howa~d and ~~ilip
Elmdon Saffron Walden Wnght, audItors; C. R. Bree X.D., F.L.S. consultmg physlCIan ~

Great Chesterford Strethhall and Alexander Wallace M.D. physician j J. H. Partridge, con-
Great 8ampford Wendon Lofts I suIting surgeon; R. S. Nunn, R. F. Symmons and H. Laver,
Hempstead Wendons Ambo surgeons; William Buck, dentist; Thomas P. Taylor, house
Langley Wicken Bonant surgeon; Rev. N. P. Gepp, chaplain; Charles E. Bland,
Littlebury Widdington secretary; Miss Emma Appleton, matron.
Little Chesterford Wimbish The Eastern Counties Asylum, for the care' and training
TENDRING UNION. of idiots and imbeciles belonging to Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk
Alresford Little Bromley and Cambridgeshire, is at Essex Hall,Colchester : the patients
ArdIeigh Little Clacton are admitted free for five years, by the votes of subscribers
Beaumont-cum-Moze Little Holland at half-yearly elections; and a certain number are elected
Bradfield Little Oakley free for life; patients from all parts of the kingdom are also
Brightlingsea Manningtree admitted by payment: it is fitted up with baths, a
Dovercourt Mistley gymnastic apparatus and workshops; an additional build-
Elmstead Ramsey ing has been erected and the whole property is now the free-
Frating St. Nicholas (Harwich) hold of the board; Sir Edward C. Kerrison bart. chairman;
Frinton St. Osyth-Chich Vice-Admiral Luard C.B. vice-chairman; John Bawtree esq.
Great Bentley Tendring treasurer; Frederic Bateman M.D. consulting physician;
Great Bromley Thorpe-Ie-Soken Roger Sturley Nunn esq. consulting surgeon; Robert F.
Great Clacton Thorrington Symmons, medical officer; Wm. MiIlard, superintendent;
Great Holland Walton-Ie-Soken, or Walton- JohnJ. C. Turner, secretary: Miss Charlotte Lukey, matron.
Great Oakley on-the-Naze The County Lunatic Asylum is situated on a fine emi-
Kirby-Ie-Soken Weeley nence, about three-quarters of a mile fr@m the Brentwood
Lawford Wix station and is seen from the Great Eastern Railway: it is
Little Bentley Wrabness in the Elizabethan style, richly decorated, opened in 1853 ; in
1864 three additional blocks were erected, which accommo-
date 75 more patients; and in 1871 another block for 250
East Ham Wanstead female patients: and the whole now capable of receiving 800 ;
Little IIford West Ham the wards are spacious and airy and many command an ex-
Low Leyton Woodford tensive and beautiful prospect: the building is approached
Walthamstow from the Warley road by a carriage drive j the grounds by
The Essex men are mostly employed in husbandry and which it is surrounded present, on a small scale, a park-like
stock feeding, and only a few in manufactures of silk &c. appearance; there are upwards of 120 acres of land con-
at Braintree a.nd Halstead; there is a silk mill at Chelmsford. nected with the asylum, part appropriated as a cemetery
and the remainder laid out as a. farm and kitchen garden POLLING PLACES appointed 8th April, 1873, in pursuance of
and pleasure grounds ; the farm and garden are cultivated "The Ballot Act, I87~'"
by the patients; visiting days firilt and third thursdays in EASTERN DIVISION.
each month: Donald Cochrane Campbell M.D. superinten- Belchamp Otten Ridgwell
dent; Rev. Joseph Sowter A.K.C. chaplain; Charles Rayner, Braintree Great Saling
steward and clerk ~ Thomas M. Gepp, Chelmsford, clerk to Castle Hedingham Southminster
visitors. Great Coggeshall Marks Tey
Her Majesty's Prison, Springfield hill, Chelmsford, erected Colchester Thorpe
in I828 and enlarged in 1849 and 1871, now contains 361 Dovercourt Tolleshunt D'Arcy
cells: Captain Henry McGorrery, governor; Rev. W. Faith- Halstead Wethersfield
full Lumley, chaplain; E. H. Carter, surgeon. Layer-de-Ia-Hay Witham
Corrmers for the County.-Charles Carne Lewis esq. Maldon Wivenhoe
Brentwood (for the Western division); William COOd esq. Manningtree
The Revising Barrister is to hold his courts at the llame places.
Maldon (for the Northern division); Hon. Henry W. Petre,
Chelmsford (for the Writtle and Roxwell division); A. E. SoUTHERN DIVISION.
Chureh, Colchester & H. J. Church, Colchester, deputy (for tBillericay tRochford
the Soken division); H. S. Haynes, Romford (for the tBrentwood tRomford
Liberty of Havering). Ham West (Church Street Snaresbrook
Ward) tSouthend
MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE COUNTY. - Eastern tIlford Stanford-Ie-Hope
Divisirm: Capt. James Round M.A., D.L., .T.P. Birch, near Leyton tStratford
Colchester; 3I De Vere gardens, Kensington and Carlton South Ockendon tGrays Thurrock
Club, London S.U'.; Lt.-Colonel Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise Plaistow Great Wakering
M.A., C.B., D.L., J.P. Spains Hall, Braintree and Carlton Club, Rayleigh Walthamstow
London s.w. Southern Divi~-irm: Thomas Charles Baring WESTERN DIVISION.
esq. D.r•. .T.P. Highbeech, near Loughton, Essex; The Cedars, tGreat Bardfield Langley
Roehampton, Surrey; Carlton, United University and St. +Chelmsford tOngar
Stephen's Clubs S.10. and City of London Club e.c. London; tChigwell Margaret Roothing
and Col. William Thomas Makins M.A., D.L., J.P. Rotherfield tGreat Dunmow tSaffron Walden
Court, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon; I Lowther gardens, tEpping tStansted Mountfitchet
Prince's gate S.10.; 1 Essex court, Temple e.c.; and Carlton East Hanningfield Thaxted
and St Stephen's Clubs, London s.w. Western Division: tRarlow, Potter Street Great Waltham
Sir Henry John Selwin-Ibbetson bart. D.L., J.P. Down Hall, tHatfield Broad Oak tWaltham Abbey
Rarlowand 16 James street, Buckingham gate and Carlton Ingatestone
and St. Stephen's Clubs, London S.10.; Lord Eustace CecH, Marked "hus t are pl~ n.ppoiol".P.d by the Rivising Barristers to
32 Eccleston square and Carlton Club, London s.t(}. hold hid courts•

NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES.-Epping corner of the county, round Harwich and the Naze. Numerous
Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club: Trans- papers by Professor Owen, Messrs. Brown, Mitchell, Clarke,
actions. Charlesworth, Searles V. 'Wood, Harmer, Penning, Prestwich,
MUSEUMs.-Chelmsford Museum; Museum of the Essex &c., have appeared in the Journal of the Geological Society
Archreological Society, Colchester; Maldon Museum and and the" Geological Magazine." The deposits at Grays and
Library; Saffron Walden Museum. Ilford are favourite hunting grounds of the members of the
PuBLICATIONS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.- Maps- Geologists' Association. and have frequently been described
Quarter Sheets: I N.E. Maldon; I S.E. Tilbury; I N.W. in their Proceedings.
Eppinl{; I S.W. London; 48 S.E. Walton-on-the-Naze; 48 Geological Formations in Essex.-The county affords a fair
S.W. Colchester. Sheets: 2 Sheerness; 47 Saffron Walden, diversity of rocks. The strata rest one upon the other with
Thaxted.-Books.-Geology of the Eastern End of Essex a general inclination or dip to the south-east: a consequence
(Walton Kaze and Harwich), by W. Whitaker, 9d.; Geology of this is that the lowest (and therefore oldest) beds crop up
of Colchester, by 'W. H. Dalton, IS.; Geology of the London and occupy the surface in the north-west of the county,
Basin, by W. Whitaker, I3s.; Geology of the N.W. of Essex and here accordingly we find the white chalk or upper cre-
and N.E. of Herts, by Whitaker, 3s. 6d. taceous strata. Resting upon the chalk, but formed' at a
IMPORTANT WORKS OR PAPERS ON LOCAL GEOLOGY.- much later period, is the lowest Tertiary stratum. known
1871. Prestwich, Prof. J.-Red Crag of Essex. Journ. as the Woolwich and Reading beds, above which comes the
Geol. Soc., "01. xxvii. p. 324. 1868. Wood, S. V., Jun.- London clay, and lastly the sandy Bagshot beds. Subsequent
Pebble Beds of Essex. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiv., p. 464. comparatively recent deposits of boulder-clay, sand, brick-
1848. Brown, J.-Pleistocene Deposits near Copford. Journ. earth, gravel, &c., repose irregularly upon the eroded edges
Geol. Soc., vol. i". p. 164; vol. iii. p. 184. 1876. Penning, of the true rock-masses enumerated above.
W. H.-Physical Geology of East Anglia. Jomn. Geol. THE CRETACEOUS FORMATION.-Commencing then with
Soc.• vol. xxxii. p. 191. 1880. Walker, H.-Elephant the beds of chalk which we have already stated to be the
Hunting in Essex. Trans. Epping Forest Field Club, vol. 1. lowest and oldest of the strata which form the COWlty of
P.27. 1881. Corder, H.-Stone Implements from Chelms- Essex, we find in the north-west of the county hilly and un-
ford. Trans. Epping Forest Field Club, vol. ii. pp. 29, 3J. dulating ground, which presents, though in a less marked
188:1:. Dalton, W. H.-The Blackwater Valley. Trans. manner, the characteristic features of the downs of the south
Epping Forest Field Club, vol. ii. p. 15. of England. This chalk district extends from the north and
west boundaries of the county as far south as a line drawn
THE rocks of Essex have attracted a fair amount of atten- throug-h Bishop's Stortford, Castle Hedingham, and Sudbury :
tion from geological observers. The GOT'ernment Geological it is only along the boundary line of Cambridgeshire, however,
Survey has published coloured maps of the 80uthern half of that the chalk hills make any feature in the landscape, or
the county, prepared by Messrs. Whitaker, Dalton, Penning. that we find the white earthy limestone known as chalk
and others, and the examination of the northern portion is I actually forming the surface. The Royston downs rise to a.
also, we believe, completed, although the maps are not yet height of 400 feet. and from this point to Linton and Haver-
quite ready for issue: on these maps the various layers or hill the average height is between 300 and 400 feet. The top
strata of rock are laid down with the utmost accuracy, and of the Rivey, a hill just outside the county near Linton, is 325
indicated by means of various colours. feet above the river Cam and 365 above the sea-level. The
The geology of the southern portion bordering on the LotJJer Chalk is exposed along the western slope of this low
Thames and Lea has been described by Mr. W. Whitaker in escarpment and along the valleys of the little streams that
his" Geology of the London Basin," and the same author has I run northwards into the Cam.
also published a description of the strata in the north-eastern The lTpper Chfllk is distinguished by the presence of numer-

(JUS la:rers of flints, which are absent or rare iD the beds employed to dispense the waters whose strong healthyap-
below. A microscopical examination of chalk reveals the pearance visitors were led to believe was the result of their
fact that it is almost entirely composed of minute shells of medicinal effects. In spite, however, of such a strong cor-
foraminifera, a low class of animals which are, even now, roboration of the efficacy of the Hockley waters, the public
forming a deposit very similar to chalk on the bed of the refused to be cured, and the speculation proved a failure; all
North Atlantic Ocean. The chalk dips to the south-east and that now remains of the spa being the buildings which are
undoubtedly underlies the whole of Essex, rising again to the still known as "Hockley Spa." 'feazles grow well on the
surface on the south of the Thames to form the hills known London clay, and also the elm, oak, and ash.
as the North Downs. One little patch, however, crops out (5.) The Bagskot Beds.-These sandy unfo!siliferous strata
in the south of the county between Purfleet and Grays only occur as outlying patches in the southern half of the
Thurrock; here it is largely worked for the manufacture of county: they contain pebble-beds, formed of well-rolled
"whiting," and the flint nodules are employed in making flints only, and are about 25 feet thick: their position is in-
porcelain. Numerous fossils, as sea-urchins of the genera. variably on the high ground and hill-tops, and springs issue
Ananchytes, MiCTa.~ter, and Galerites, shells, as Terebratula from their junction with the Lou.don Clay below. They
earnea, Inoceramus, &c., and in fact all the ordinary fossils occur all High Beech, on the hill of Havering-atte-Bower, and
• of the Upper Chalk, are fairly plentiful. At Grays the chalk there is a rather large mass which stretches southwards from
has been provea by boring to be about 660 feet thick, and at Shenfield by Brentwood to Waney Common: they form. the
Harwich 888 feet. upper layers of the Brentwood: bnckfields, are also exposed
'fHE TERTIARY PERIOD.-The chalk was probably depo!ited in the railway cutting there, and the pebble-beds have been
at the bottom of a rather deep ocean, and was hardened, extensively dug on Warley Common: other patches occur
elevated to form dry land, eroded, and again depressed, before near Frierning, Stock, Galleywood Common and Rayleigh:
the next bed of rock was deposited upon its surface. they also form "he upper part of Langdon Hill, which rises
Evidently then there must have been a great interval of to a height of 388 feet, and can be seen from long distances,
time between the two, and proofs of this interval are further Now the five divisions of the Tertiary Epoch which we
furnished by the fact that the fossils found in the beds we are have detzcribed, viz., the (I) Thanet, (2) Reading, (3) Black-
now going to describe are of an entirely- different nature to heath, (4) London Clay,and (5) Bagshot beds, are considered
those of the chalk, showing that a complete change in the by geologists to form the lowest division of the Eocene
life existing in this region of the earth had taken place. formation. After the deposition of the Bagshot beds, the
Here then geologists draw one of their great boundary lines, area seems to have been elevated so as to become dry land;
placing the chalk, with certain beds beneath it, in Il. group at all events, there are no traces in Essex of strata of Upper
de:lOminated the Secondary: beds lower still (coal, slate, &c.) Eocene age, nor of the succeeding Miocene period, which we
are known as Primary, but the newer, higher strata are find well represented in the Isle of Wight and on the
denominated Tertiary, or third in order of the stratified Continent.
rocks. PLIOCENE FORMATloN.-In the Eocene beds only a very
The lowest Tertiary strata are known as the EOCENE few of the fossil shells (about 3! per cent.) are identical
FORMATION, and are subdivided into- with species now living: in the Pliocene strata, on the con-
(I.) The Thanet 8ands.-Resting on the mass of chalk near trary, we find in the lowest beds that one-half of the fossil
Grays we find 20 or 30 feet of fine light-coloured sands, in shells belong to living species, while in the upper portion
which few or no fossils occur; they rest on a layer of green- nine-tenths are precisely similar to existing forms. These
coated flints known to the workmen as the" Bullhead Bed." Pliocene beds only occur in the eastern counties, where they
Mr. Whitaker has lately shown that the Thanet sands also have received the name of "crag," from the Celtic word
occur at Ballingdon, a suburb of Sudbury, where they are 15 cl'e.9gan, a shell, in allusion to the fact that the beds are
feet thick, and from this point they may e'xtfnd along the almost made up of a mass of comminuted shells.
edge of the chalk to Bishop's Stortford. . The Red Or(tg.-The Lower, White, or Coralline Crag
(2.) The Woolwich and Reading Beds.-These are mottl does not occur in Essex, so that the Red Crag rests upon
clays and sands, also seen at Sudbury, above the Thanet the London clay; it only occurs in the north-east corner,
sands: thence they run by Shalford and Easton park to the where it is well exposed to the tine cliff sections at Walton
south of Stortford, where they are well exposed in several Naze. Here we see it to be a coarse, reddish brown and
brickyards. In South Essex they run from Wennington by grey sand, full of shells. and showing much false bedding.
Orsett to Stanford. Their thickness is about 40 feet. Harwich cliff had also once a capping of Red Crag, but this
(3.) The Blackheath (or Oldkaven) beds also occur near has been relll()ved by the encroachment of the sea. Of shell~
Ol'sett; they are composed of well-rolled flint pebbles em- fish, 148 species have been obtained from Walton, of which
bedded in sand, and are only a few feet thick. Mr. Bristow 75 are Mediterranean species, showing probably a rather
remarks: "At Hassenbrooke, east of Orsett, the farmer has warmer climate than at present.
Some very productive strawberry beds, and the fruit, well Goprolite Bed.-At the base of the Red Crag we find a
known for its good quality, fetches a high price. I was told layer of phosphatic nodules, whose valuable fertilising
that the produce of 12 acres fetches £100 a week in Covent properties were first pointed out by the late Professor Hens-
Garden Market, a price much above what the neighbouring low: this bed is worked at Wrabness. Little Oakley, &c.,
growers can get. The explanation of this difference in quality and about 5,000 tons altogethp.r of these coprolites have
is, I believe, that the sandy pebble-bed upon which these been raised in Essex.
strawberries are grown makes a soil especially favourable Chillesford Beds.-At the Naze we see 6 or 7 feet of sandy
for their cultivation, and that good gardening has little to do clay resting on the Red Crag, which may possibly belong to
with the matter. these beds.
(4.) The London Clay.-This is the chief Essex formation. PLEISTOC'ENE FORlIIATION.-1he Drift or Glacial Beds.-
When we descend the gentle eastern slope of the chalk, we Beds of Upper Pliocene age found in Norfolk and Suffolk
see before us a second escarpment, rising in low hills to give plain indications that a colder climate was then begin-
heights of between 200 and 300 feet above the sea. The ning to prevail. The Mediterranean shells disappear and
lowest portion of the northorn slop& is composed of the are replaced by Arctic forms: still later we enter on a period
Reading beds, but on the top and stretching thence right of severe cold, when icebergs detached from glaciers, which
away to the mouth of the Thames and the North Sea, we then covered all the north of England and the whole of
find beds of stiff brownish and bluish clays in which layers Scandinavia, came sailing southwards laden with rocks de-
of septaria occur: the latter are rounded masses of impnre I tached from the land over which they rubbed, or the glaciers
carbonate of lime, usually tra"ersed by cracks, which are themselves may have pushed ilouthwards as far as Essex and
filled up with crystals of the same material. In the south- Middlesex. The Lower Boulder clay then formed in Nor-
east of Essex the London clay is 480 feet thick, but it thins folk &C. does not occur in Essex: here the first glacial de-
out considerably as we follow it westwards. Near Harwich posits are pebbly gravels and sands-the .ilfid-glaeial Beds.
t'l8 London clay was formerly worked for the septaria which These may mark a temporary diminution in the cold,
were used in the manufacture of cement. Here, too, it con- together with a subsidence of the land: they are overlaid
tains numerous small nodules of iron pyrites, which are still and overlapped by the Upper or Chalky Boulder clay, which
collected on the beach near Walton, for the manufacture of reaches southwards to the northern edge of the Thames •
copperas, to the amount of about 1:50 tons per annum. At Valley. Thus it is spread as a surface covering over all the
many places in Essex the London clay is worked for the stratified rocks of Essex, except along the bottoms of the
manufacture of bricks, and sections may be seen near Brent- river valleys, where it has been washed away, exposing the
wood Railway Station, Galleywood, Ingatestone, Maldon, &c. Mid-glacial gravels beneath. It is a stiff, clayey mass of a
There is a spring at Hockley, the water of which,like much brownish hue, full of chalk-pebbles, flints, and pieces of rock,
of that from the London clay, contains sulphate of magnesia containing, wo, numerou, fossils brought from afar; it often
(Epsom salts). An endeavour was made some years ago to forms a stumbling block to theyoung geologist, who fails to
construct a "spa" with "pump rooms," and , woman 11'88 distinguish it from the stratified rocks which it conceals.
Post-Glacial Beds.-The valleys were probably filled up through Post-Glacial Sands, 18 feet; London Clay, 194 feet
during the Glacial period, and have since been re-excavated Reading Beds, 56 feet; entering the chalk at a depth of 270
by the rivers which now occupy them. Most of the material feet; the same rock was found to lie 210 feet below the Castle
so removed has been swept out to the sea; but here and Brewery, Colchester.
there along the river's course we find beds of fine loam or Does Coal -e.r1st beneath Essex ?-It has been pointed out
brick-earth, and again beds of gravel or sand, at varying by Messrs. Prestwich, Godwin-Austen, and others, that the
heights, which have been deposited by the streams at coal-beds of Belgium pass w615twards to near Calais, trend-
different periods. The bric-k-earths at Stratford, Ilford, ing in a direction which, if continued, would bring them
Grays, Copford, &c., have yielded numerous remains of fresh- underneath the south of England to the Somerset and
water mollusca, mainly such as still inhabit the adjoinin~ Bristol coal-fields, which are supposed to be a continuation
district. At Grays, however, of them, as the coal-seams are much alike in quality, number,
a shell known as Cy1'ena and thickness. NQw a well-boring at H:arwich struck dark
.ftnminalis occurs, which is slaty rocks which we know to lie beneath the coal, at a.
now only known in the Nile; depth of 1,026 feet, and these rocks had a rather high in-
at Copford sixty-nine species clination towards the sonth. Borings at Kentish Town
of shells have been found, (1,114 feet), and Meux's brewery in LondOlJ (1,000 feet),
three of which (of the genus show on that side also old rocks of Devonian age. Now
Heli:c)no 10ngerinhabitEng- between these, and consequently underneath Essex, it is
land; from peat- beds ex- possible that a coal basin occurs, hidden q.eep down under
posed in the old brick-yard about 1,500 feet of chalk and Eocene strata. This is a most
at Lexden,remains of beetles, important question for the landowners of Essex, and it is
mostlyof non-British genera, highly desirable that a boring should b0 made at some sui~
have been obtained. Bones able point to test the qnefltion.
and teeth of the mammoth, PREHISTORIC MAN.---Several examples have been found in
of a rhinoceros, hippopota- Essex of the flint and stone implements used by the early
mus, and other extinct spe- inhabitants of this country, when as yet metals were un-
cies alsooccur in these brick- known. A chipped flini celt 01" axe, 9 inches long and 31
earths. A very fine collec- broad, was fomid at Blunt's Hill, near 'Witham: another
tion of the teeth, bones, &c., specimen, ground at the edge and 6~ inches long, occurred
of these extinct mammals, at Stifford, near Grays Thurrock: the same spot also
made at Ilford by Sir An- yielded a perforated stone hammer, circular in outline and
tonio Brady, has lately been 3 inches in w.ameter. At Audley End, a stone pestle like
presented by him to the a small club, 91 inches long, WRiS found in a gravel pit,
British Museum. with a Roman cinerary urn. A remarkably large flint
Extensive deposits of sand chip or flake was found in digging the foundatIOns of a.
and mud occur all along the house on Windmill Hill, Saffron Walden. Mr. John Evans
Essex coast, from Shoebury- remarks concerning this specimen: "One face is somewhat
ness to Harwich. At Clac- flatter than the other, but both faces are dexterously. and
ton stumps of trees forming symmetrically chipped over their whole surface. The
a submerged forest are to small flakes have been taken off so skilfully and at such
be seen at low water, which regular intervals that, so far as workmanship is concerned,
indicates a subsidence of the this instrument approaches in character the elegant Danish
coast-line. The slope of the blades. The form seems well adapted for a lance head,
land as it passes under the but on examination the edges appear to be slightly
sea is a very gentle one, and chipped and worn away, as if by scraping some hard
indeed the deepest part of material. It would appear then more probably to have
the North Sea between Essex been used in the hand." At Great Easton, near Dunmow,
and Holland is only 180 feet, a flint pick or chisel has been found, and a perforated
Flint "pick" or chisel found at so that a very slight eleva- axe-head made of greenstone near Colchester. Such were
Great EftRton. Deftr Dunm~w, Essex: tion would suffice to render the tools and weapons used by our predecessors in this
If'ngth 6! inches. Th~ lower figllJe England again, as it has country up .to perhaps 5,000 or 6,000 years ago, when the
shows the cross section. several times been since the use of metals was discovered. Doubtless many more
deposit of the Eocene beds, a part of the continent of Europe. specimens would be found if gravel pits and other exca-
A well-sinking for water at Clacton-on-Sea in 1878 passed vations were watched by intelligent observers.-W. J. H.

The following Table shows the acreage under each kind of crop, and the number of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs in the
County of Essex, as taken from the agricultural returns, 1881 : -
, I , • ' f • --; • - .• I ~ , • i •

/ I • • • , -



Corn and cereals........................................ 3 850366 Horses for agriculture, brood mares and un-
Roots, artificial grasses, cabbage and rape...._. 100,£14 broken horses ....... ~ ....
,.•..•.••..•....•..•....... 4 2 ,79 8
Clover and grasses .................................... 83,377 Cows in milk or calf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 24,7 84
Permanent pasture...................................... 202,048 Other cattle................................... _ ... ... ....,..... ~ . ., 54,480
Flax •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 610 Sheep, 1 J-~ear old........................................ 21 4,239
Bare fallow ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 59,754 Ditto, under I )·ear ..................................... 115,121
• 82,844
Orchards ..•.....•....••..•...•.• , ....•..•••...........•• 1,3 1 7 Pigs ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Market gardens ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5,300
Nursery grounds........................................ 43 1
" . . oods and plantatiollS .............................. 27,934
• - • - ,

Essex contained in 1881 inhabited houses , .

Parislles .- .
In 1874 owners of land 1>elo'v 1 acre .1 .
Owners of land of I acre and upwards .,. .

Total acreage of rated lan(ls 95 0 ,434
Gross estimatoo rental !., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • • £2,166,077
Common or waste land, acres. .•. 6,89 6
Total ~reage of the county 1,055,133




. CldtJf ConiJtable, Major W. H. Po)"ntz, Springfield, Chelmsford; Deputy Chief Con.~table, Wifiiam Bridges
BRENTWOOD DIYISIOX. Roothing Leaden, Samforo Great, Stebbing, Takeley,
Thaxted~ Wethersfield,
S1Iperinte1ld~t,John Dob80n, Brentwood
STATIONs.-Aveley, *Billericay, *Brentwood, *Burstead, EPPING DIVISION.
Great, Childerditch, Collier Row, Corringham, Great Supel-intendent, Thomas Simpson, Epping
Warley, Havering, Hornchurch, Horndon-on·the-Hill STA·rIONs.-Blackmore, Chipping Ongar, Epping, }I)'field,
Ingrave, Laindon Hill, Mountnessing, Ockenden iSouth, Harlow, Hatfield Broadoak, Kelvedon Hatch, Lambourne,
*Orsett, Rainham, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden Crays, Matching, Navestock, Nazing, North Weald Basset,
Romford, South Weald, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Stifford, Roydeo, Stanford Rivers, Stapleford Abbott, Stapleford
Thurrock Gra)'s, Thurrock West, Tilbury West, Up- Tawney, Willingdale Doe.
Superintendent, John Lennon, Springfield, Chelmsford Superintendent, Thomas ;Elsey, Braintree
STATIONS.-Baddow Great, Little Baddow, Boreham, Broom- STATIONS. - Belchamp Saint Paul, Belchamp WaIter,
field, *Chelmsford, Danbury, Ingatestone, Leighs Great, *Braintree & Hocking, Bulmer, Earls Colne, Foxearth,
Margaretting, Rettendon, Roxwell, Springfield, Stock, Gestingthorpe, Gosfield, Hedingham Castle, HC'Jingham
Waltham, Great Writtle. Sible, Lamarsh, Pebmarsh. RidgwelI, ~aling Great,
Steeple Bwnpstead, Sturmer, Toppesfield.
81tperintendent, Thomas Daunt, Colchester Insp6Ctol', Samuel Hawtree, Southend
STATIONs.-Ardleigh, Bentley Great, Bergholt West, Birch STATIONS -Benfleet South, Bowers Gifford, Canewdon,
Boxted, Bardtield, Brightlingsea, Bromley Great, *Cop- Hadleigh, Hockley, Leigh, Paglesham, Prittlewell, Ray-
ford, Clacton Great, Dedham, Elmstead, Hanrich leigh, Rochford, Southchurch, Southend, Wakeriog Great,
(Borough), Horksley Great, Kirby, Langham, *Manning- Wickfurd.
tree, Mount Bures, Oakley Great, Saint Osyth. Peldon, WALDEN DIVISION.
Ramsay, Tendring, Thorp, Wivenhoe.
Superintendent, Henry l<1ood, Newport
DENGIE DIVISION. STATIONS.-Ashdon, Chesterford Great, Chishall Great,
8uperi.zttendent, George Rutledge Clavering, Debden, Farnh&m, Hadstock, Henham, Little-
bm·y, Manuden, Nell'port, Quendon, Radwinter, Saffron
STATIONS.-Althorne, Bradwell, Burnham, Latchingdon, Walden (Borough), ~tansted Mounttitchet, Streethall,
Purleigh, Southminster, Steeple, Tillingham, Woodham Wenden Lofts.
WaIter, Woodham Ferns. wrfHAM DIVISION.
• DUNMOW DIVISION. Superintendent, vacant.
STATIONS.-Aldham, *Coggeshall Great, Cressing, Gold-
Inspeetar, W. H. Ackers, Great Dunmow hanger, Hattield Peverel, Heybridge, Keh·eden. Notley
STATlONs.-Bardfield Great, Broxted, Dunmow Great, White, Tey Great, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Wickham Bishops,
Easter High, Felstead, Finchingfield, Hallingbury Great, Witham.

K.. division, Bow, .suplIJ·intendellt, George Turner Plaistow, Barking, Barking side, Dagellham, North
I NSPECTORS ' STATIONS.-Great TIf0,,, rd ne' H I Wooh~;ch.
est am ane e. SERGEANTS' STATION.-Chadwell Heath.




-_..- - + - - -
Marked thus •IUE' Deputy Lieutenanti. Garnett WiIliam David esq. 24 Grosvenor mansions iJ.1O
Abdy John Thomas esq. LL.D. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Bartoll Richard Boultoll esq. LT,.D. Stour lodge, Br<ldtield,
Abdy ~ir William Neville, bart. 39 Queen's g'clte s.w Malluingtree
A'lams Henry Atherton esq. Wyllters grange, Harlow Batemall
Adams John Thomas esq Bawtree John esq
Alien Lancelot Baugh esq Bawtree Samuel esq. North Weald, Epping
Arkwright Loftus Wigram esq. Parndon hall; Harlow Bayliff Rev. Thomas Timothy Lane M.A. Albury Vicarage,
Baker John esq. Whitbreads, Hockley, Chelmsford \\"are, Herts
*Harclay Henry Ford esq. MOllkhams, Woexlford Green Beech WiIliam Philip esq. Stifford lodge, Romford
*Baring Thomas Charles esq. M.P. Walls Gnwe house, High Benyon Rev. Edward Richard M.A. 33 Portman square w
Beech, Loughton . Beresford The Right Hon. William P.C. 48 Chester sq S.lO
Barllurd Rev. Mordaunt M.A. Nice Berkeley Rev. George Campion M.A. Vicarage, Southmin-
Barnardiston Major Nathaniel, The Ryes,Lit.Henny, Sudbury ster, Maldon
Barllardiston Nathaniel Clarke esq. 'fhe Ryes, Little Henny, Bingley Helll'Y esq. 19 Lewes crescent, Kemp Town, Brighton
8udbury Birt Lieut.-Col. Beacontree house, Stratford e

Biscoo Capt. Robert, Quendon court, Bishop's Stortford Green Frederick esq. Hainault lodge, Chigwell Row
Blanshard Richard esq. Walton Green Henry Egerton esq. Kingsford, Colchester
Boggis-Rolfe Capt. Francis Douglass,69 St. George's square Greig J. Robinson esq
S.W.; & Maidstones grange, Wonningford, Colchester Grimwood Jeffery Grimwood esq. 29 Ennismore gardens sr
Bond William esq Gurteen Daniel esq. Ha'--erhill, Suffolk
Boreham William Wakelin esq. F.R.A.s.The Mount, Haverhill *Gurdon-Rebow Hector John esq. Wivenhoepark, Colchester
BOt·ton Rev. Canon William Key M.A. 2 Grange g-ardens, Haldane Alexander esq. 118 Westbourne terrace 10
Eastbourne Hamilton Alfred Douglas esq. Oxford & Cambridge club,
Bosanqnet Samuel Richard esg. Dingestow court, Monmouth Pall mall, London •. W
Bourdillon Thomas esq. Horkesley ball. Colchester Hamilton Lieut.-Col.Robt.Wm.Holyfield hall,Waltham Abbe)'
Bramston The Very Rev. John B.D. The Deanery,Winchester Hanbury Rev. Arthur M.A. Bures St. Mary, Suffolk
Brandreth Charles esg. St. Os),th, Colchester *Hanbury Osgood esq. Holfield grange, Coggeshall
*Braybrooke The Rt. Hon. Lord, Audley End, Saffron Walden Hardcastle Henry esq. 38 Eaton square S •.",
Bree Charles Robert esq. M.D., F.L.S. Colchester Hardcastle Joseph Alfred esq. M.P. 54 Queen's Gate terrace
Brett Capt. Edward, Fishers, Wakes Colne, Halstead s.w.; & Writtle
Brewis George William esq. Cbesterforo park, Saffron Waldn Harington Richard esg
*Brewster Major Cardinal, Greenstead ball, Halstead Harrison Smith esg. Elmburst, Woodford
Brewster James esg. Ashford lodge, Halstead Harvey Bridges esg. Bury hall, H)'nslock, Plymouth
Brake Horace esq. Gladwyns, Harlow Hawkins Lieut.-Col. Septimus M. Alresford hall, Colchester
Brown William }<'ordham esg. Grand courts, Felsted S.O Hawkins Charles Henry esq. Maitland house, Colchester
*Bndworth Capt. Philip John, Greenstead hall, On~ar S.O Headley Rt. Hon. Lord, 7 Astwood road, Cromwell road S1"
Bunnester Rev. George M.A. Rectory, Little Oakley, Harwich Heathcote John Moyer esq. Connington castle, Peterboro'
Bury Charles Jamesesq.St.Leonards,Nazing,Waltham Cross Helme Robert esq
*Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. Warlies park, Waltham HelmeTbomasesq. The Manorhouse,Little Bookham, Surrey
Holy Cross *Henniker Sir Brydges Powell bart. 71 Ecclestone square s.'lI'.;
*Buxton Edward North esq. Knighton house, BuckhurstHill & Newton ball, Dunmow 8.0
Byng Harold Edmund esg. Wicken Bonant, Bishop's Strtfrd Herringham Rev. William Walton M.A. Rectory Old Cleeve,
Caldecott Andrew esq. Pishobury, Sawbridgeworth, Herts Taunton, Somersetshire
Carlingford The Rt. Hon. Lord P.C. Dudbrook, Brentwood Heygate Sir Frederick William bart. 43 Carlton club S.1O
Carter Rev. John Edward RA. Rectory, Castle Eaton, Fair- Heygate Robert Henry John esq. Oaklands, Leominster
ford, Gloucestershire Hill Rev. Edward James M.A. Rectory, Panfield, Braintree
Carwardine John esq. Colne priory, Halstead Hirst Major Robert Augustus Hankey, Carlton club S.W
Cattley S. W. esq Hodgson John esq
CecH Lord Eustace M.P. 32 Eccleston square S,10 Hodgson W. esq. Gilston park, near Harlow
Cely-Trevilian J n. Raymond esq. Debden ball, Saffron Walden *Hogarth John Rayer esq. Heston ball, Hounslow, Middlesex
Clarke Re,-. Sir Chas. bart. M.A. Worlingham ball, Beccles, Horwood Rev. Edward Russell M.A. Vicarage, Maldon
Suffolk *Houblon John Archer esq. Hallingbury pI. Bishop's Stortford
Coape H. Coe esq Houblon Richard Archer esq. Bartlow, Linton, Cambridgesh
Collin Rev. John M.A. Vicarage, Rickling, Bishop's Stortford *Howard Lieut.-Gen. Samuel L. Gouldings, Loughton
Colvin Richard Beale esq. .Monkhams hall, Waltham Abbey Howards Eliot esq. Cleveland house, Walthamstow
Cook Charles John esq Impey-LoYibond Col. A. Ruffham, Danbur)'
*Coope Octavius Edward esq. M.P. Rochetts, Brentwood *Ind Edward esg. Coombe lodge, Brentwood
Courtauld Captain George M.P. Cut Hedge, Halstead Ives Maj.-Gen. Cecil Rt. St. John Moyn's pk. Steeple Bump-
Courtauld Sydney esq. Bocking place, Braintree stead, Haverhill
Crossman James Hiscntt esq. 31 Curzon street, Mayfair w.; Jessopp Leverton esq. Canldwell court, Bedford
& Rolls park, Chigwell Johnson Sir John Henry, Priory, St. Osyth, Colchester
Cunliffe Roger esg. IQ Queen's gate s w *Johnston Andrew esq. The Firs, Woodford Green
Currie Raikes esq. Minley manor, Farnborough Station Jones Edgar esq. The Elms, Great Burstead, Brentwood
Daubuz James Basil esq *Judd John Phillipps esq. Rickling, Bishop's Stortford
Day S. H. esq Kayess James esq. Bourton house, Streatham
de Crespigny Sir C. C. bart. Champion house, Heybridge *Kelly Lieut.-Col. Edward Henry Moore
Deedes Rev. Prebendary Gordon Frederick M.A. Rectory, Kensit-Norman Edward esq. Mistley lodge, Manningtree
Haydor, Grantham . Kemble Thomas esq. Runwell ball, Wickford S.O
Dick John esq Kirby John Robert esq. 3 'Waterloo crescent, Dover
*Disney Lt.-Col. Edgar John, 10 Priory terrace, Colchester Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel M.A. Vicarage, Great
Drew R. Phillips esq. Plaistow Bardfield, Braintree
*Du Cane Sir Charles K.C.M.G. Braxted park, Witham Lay John Watson esq. 'Wallcotts, Great Tey, Kelvedon
Eden Rt. Rev. Robert D.D. Lord Bishop of Moray, Ross & Leigh Rey. Charles Brian B.A. Rectory, Goldhanger, Maldon •
Caithness, Eden court, Inverness Leigh John esq
Edwards Arthur Janion esq. Beech Hill park,High Beach S.O *Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett bart. Belhus, Avele)', Romfrd
Edwards Henry R. esq. HilIands, Dedham S.O Lennard Thomas Barrett esq. jun. Belhus, Anie)', Romford
Edwards Robert esq. Beech Hill park, High Beach S.O *Lescher Joseph F. esq. Hutton hall, Brentwood
Egerton C. C. esq. Kendallodge, Epping Leveson Gower J. esq. Bill hill, Wokingham
Elliott John Bardoe Bowes esq Lister Arthnr esq. SJ'eamore hOUse, Leytonstone e
*Elwes Robt. Hervey Mouro esq.Stoke college, Stoke-by-Clare, *Lockwood Lieut.-Col. Amelius R. Mark, Bromley, Harlow
Suffolk Lowe Col. A. S. Howard, Gosfield ball, Halstead
*Errington George Henry esq. Lexden park, Colchester *Lowndes George Alan esq. Barrington hall, Hatfield
FitzGerald Sir Gerald Richard Dalton bart. 35 Grosvenor *Luard Vice-Admiral Wm.Garnham C.B. The Lodge,Witham
place oS 10 Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A. Vicara~e, Aveley, Romford
Foakes Edward Thomas esq. Westbury house, Dunmow Lucas Lieut.-Col. WilIiam James, The Wilderness, Witham
Fonnby Rev. Richard Edwd.B.A.Latchingdon rectory,Maldon McAdam J. J. L. esq. Junior United Service club, Charles
*Formby M. L. esq . street sw
Fortescue John Faithful esq. 8 Redcliffe street, London S.1O Macandrew William esq. Westwood bouse, Little H/)rkesl('y.
Foster Rev. John M.A. Rectory, Foxearth, Sudbury Colchester
Foster .Tames Thomasin esq. Pontlands, Gt.Baddow,CWmsfd Macnaghten Eliott esq. Ovingdean house, near Brighton
Fowke Wm. Villiers esg. The Grove, Great Saling, Braintree Magens John Doren esq
Fowler William esg. M.P. Forest house, Leytonstone Majendie Lewis Ashhurst esq. Hedingham castle, Halstead
Franks John esq Makins Col. "'illiam Thomas M.P. I Lowther gardens,
Fr)' Joseph esq. Fairkytes, Hornchurch, Romford Prince's gate $.10
Fuller-Maitland William esq. M.P. Garth house, Builth, Marriott Humphrey Richard George esq. Abbotts hall,Shal-
Breconshire ford, Braintree
*Fytche Lieut.-Gen. Albert C.S.I. Pyrgo park, Romford Marsden Lieut.-Col. Frederick Carleton c.B.Colne house,Earls
Gepp Rev. Edward Francis M.A. Vicarage, Higb Easter, Colne, Halstead
Chelmsford Marsden Rev. Canon John Howard B.D. Rectory, Great
Glenny WiIliam Wallis esq. Cecil house, Barking Oakley, Harwich
Glyn Clayton W. F. esg. Durrington house, Sheering,Barkng Marsham Charles Alfred Onley esq. Sandon 10. Chelmsford
Goodday Arthur Robert esq. New house, Terling, Witham May George Parker esq. M.D. West house, Maldon
*Gosling Robert esq. Hassobury, Bishop's Stortford I
. Merivale The Very Rev. Charles D.C.L., D.D.The Deanery, El)'
]0 tsSEX. (KELLY'S
Meyer Capt. Hennan Paul Davitl,Little LaveT hall,Ongar 8.0 Sotheby Major Charles William Hamilton, Manor hou~
Mills Jamel'! esq. Cattllodge, Gilston road, Brighton High Beech 8.0
Mudge J. W. esq. 1II.D ~rvel-Bayley JohnA. e8q. F.IU. Burghstead, BilleTieay
Mure W. T. H. Strange esq Sperling Charles Hrogden esq. Astle house, Castle Hediug-
Newall John Lightfoot esq. Forest han, Ongar S.O ham, Halstead •
Newton Major W. S. Homwood, Shenfield, B-rentwood *Sperling Henry John tsq. Dynes hall, Halstead
Nichols Francig Morgan esq. Lawford hall, Manningtree I *SpiceI' James esq. Harts, Woodford Green
Nicholson Sir Chal'l.bart. D.C.L. The Grange, Totteridge,Herts *Spitty Major Thomas Je1mer, Billericay, Brent,vood
Norman Rev. Charles Frederick M.A. Mistley pI. Manningtree SquieI' Samuel Westwood eaq. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Romford
Nunn Thomag William esq. Lawford honse, Manningtree Stacpoole Rev. Andrew Douglas M.A. Latchmoor, Gerrard's
O'Malley Sir William bart. The Grove, Witham Cross, Slough, Bucks
Page John' esq. Royal terrace, Southend Stane John Bramston- esq. 19 Halfmoon street, Piccadilly w
Paley John esq. Newton hall, Dunmo"W' Stone E. Gresley 8Sq. Chambers court, Tewkesbury
Palin ReV'. Williarn M.A. Stiffom rectlory, Romford Stopford James Sydney esq
Palmer Col. George, Nazeing, 'Waltham Cross Strutt Hon. Charles Hedley, 'feiling, Witham
Palmer Lieut.-Col. Frederick, Liston hall, 8udbury Suarl Major Wm. Swainson R.E. The Bower, Chigwell Row
Palmer A. Villers esq. i Symonds Rev. George Edward M.A. Vicarage, Thaxted S.O
Palmer Georg-e, JUDo e!lq. N~zelng, Waltham Cross I Tabor Charles Albert esq. Sutton hall, Chelmsford

*Papillon Philip Oxenden esq. Crowhurst park, Battle *Tabor James esq. Earls hall, Prittlewell, Southend
Parker Christopher WilIiam esq. The Grange, Woodham Tait Major John C. Theydon Gamon, Epping
Morlimer, Maldon *Tatham Thomas Daniel Fearon esq. Althorne lodge,Maldon
*Parker J. Oxle)' esq. Woodham Mortimer place, Maldon I *Tawke Arthul' esq. The Lawn, RochfOl'd S.O
Parnell John esq. Green yard, Waltham Abbey I Taylor Vero William esq. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Pams Robert esq. Oaklands, White Notley, Braintree Theobald Rev. Charles M.A. Rectory, Chale, Isle of Wight
Pattisson Sidney esq. The Abbey, Coggeshall I Thomson Rev. Wm. Stephen M.A.. Fobbing rectory, Romford
Pearson Rev. Arthur M.A. Rectory, Springfield grn. Chlmsfrd Thomson William esq
Pearson Rev. John M.A. 30 Hyde gardens, Eastbourne 'findal Rev. Henry M.A. Frankton, Rugby
*Pelly Capt. Richd. W. R.N.,F.R.G.8. Forestrise,Walthamstow I Todhunter Joseph esq. King's Moor house, Great Parndon,
Pelly Charles Raymond esq Harlow
Pelly Raymond esq Tower Major Francis, Thremhall priory, Bishop's Stortforo
Pemose William Henry esq. Lower park, Dedham S.O I Tower Rev. Robt. lleauchamp B.A. 73 Godwyne road, Dover
*Petre Lord, Thomdon hall, Brentwood *Tower ChristopherJohnHume esq. WeaM hall, Brentwood
Petre Hon. Arthur Chas. Augustus,Coptford han, Ingatestone Townsend Rev. Charles George Gretton M.A. llerwick place
tpetre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund, Oakhnrst, Sonth Hatfield, Chelmsford
Weald, Btentwood Travers Major, AhTeme hill, Penzance
Phelips Charle!! James esq. Mead lodge, Hunsdon, Ware Tucker Rev. William Henry
Pierce 1: Timbrell esq. Frettons, Danbury, Cbelmsford Tufnell Major Arthur Jolliffe, Langleys, Great Waltham,
*Powell Nathanael esq. lluckhurst Hill, Woodford Chelmsford
Prior Re,'. John Laurence, Horten, B1Wk!! Tl.lfnell John Jolliffe esq. Langleys, Gt.Waltham, Chelmsford
*Pryor Arthur esq. Hylands park, Chelmsford *Tufnell William Michael esq. Hatfield place, Chelmsford
Rasch Frederick Carne esq. Woodhill, Sandon, Chelmsford Tufnell William lIleville esq. Folly house, Bocking, Braintl't'e
*Rayleigh Lord, Terling place, Witham Tufnell-Tyrell Major John Lionel, lloreham house,Chlmsford
Read John Francis Holcombe esq. Chestnuts, Hoe streell I Turner Rev, Canon Charles Michael M.A.. Rectory, Aldford,
Walthamstow ' Chester
Ree,'e Re,·. Edwd. Jas. 1II.A. Reetol'y,Stondon Masse:y,Brntwd Twyne Rev. William M.A. Yarmouth, Isle of Wight
Reynolds Robert Barclay esq. Shrubbery, Woodford Usborne Thomas esq. Writtle, Chelmsford
Rice Rev. Henr~' *Vaizey John Robert esq. Attwoods, Halstead
Richard!l Rev. William Henry B.A. St. Helens, Isle of Wight Vander-Meulen Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory, Thorley,
Rigge J. Sanderson esq Bishop's Stortford
Roberls Edmund esq. Burghsted, Lexden, Colchester Walford-Gosnall In. Desborough esq. 18 Museum st. IpsWlch
Roden Earl of, Hyde hall, Sawbridgeworth; & 27 Hill street, Walsh Rev. William M.A. Rectory, Great Tey, Kelvedon
BerkeJey square 8.1.0 Wsrdlaw John esq. F.R.G.8. 44 Princes gardens il 1('
Round Edmund esq. Y Harcourt buildings, Temple e.t' Warner Rev. John 1II.A. Sedlescombe rectory, Battle, Sussex
*Round James esq. Birch hall Watson Joseph Yelloly esq. F.G.S. Grange, Thorpe-le-Soken,
Royds John esq. Brises parK, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood Colchester
Ruggles-llrise Archibald Weyland esq. Durwards j Ri\'enhall, Way Lt.-Col. Geo. Augustus,Spaynes hall,Yeldham,Halstead
Witham *Way Lewis J. esq. Tilbury court, Halstetld
*Ruggles-Brise Col. SI. Brise M.P.,C.B. Spainshall, Braintree Wedd Edward Arthur esq. Great Wakeririg, Southend
*Russell Lieut.-Col. Champion, Stubbers, North Ockendon, Wells Hy. Collings esq. The Lodge, llroomtield, Chelmsford
RomfOTd West Rev. George M.A. Apsley lodge, Cheltenham
Sandal'S George esq *Western Sir Thomas Charles Callis bart. Felix hall,Kelvedon
Sandle William esq. Park hall, Great Bardfield, Braintree White Sir Thomas knt. Great West Hatch, Chigwell
Sa vill Lieut.-Col. Samuel George, Witham White Rev. Richard Marsh
*Savill-Onley Onley, Stisted hall, Braintree White Robert Owen esq. Over hall, Gestingthorpe, Halstead
Schrieber Arthur Thomas esq Williams Rev. James
*Scratton Daniel Rt. esq.Ogwellhouse,Newton Abhot,Devon Williams John, Debden hall,Loughton
Sf'lby-Lowndes William esq.Whaddon hall, Stony Stratford e I Williams Josiah Dare, 12 Cavendish place, Bath
*Selwin-Ibbetson Sir Hy. John bart. M.P. Down hall, Harlow Wilson Alfred, Oak hill, Sevenoaks
Sendan Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory, Litton, Wells, Somerset Wilson Rev. George Ma~'on 1II.A. Vicarage, Great Canfield,'
Shakespeal' Col. John Davenport R.A., F.I'!.A., F.G.S. 42 Baronl'! Dunmow S.O
Court road, Kensington 1.0 Windle Rev. John M.A. Homdon-on-the-Hill, Romford
Skipper Charles esq. 28 Russell square 10.C . Wood Charles Page esg. Scrips, Kelvedon
Smalley Rev. Cornwall M.A.Little 'fhurrock rectry.Grays 8.0 Woodhouse Robert esq. Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford
*Smith Sir Charles CunlifIe, bart. Suttons, Romford Wright Edward Camngton esq. Kelvedon hall, Brentwood
Smith Thomas esq *Wright John esq. Hatfield priory, Chelmsford
*Smith Wm. (lhas. esq. Shortgrove,Newporl,Bishop'sStrtfrd Young Rev. Henry Tufnell, Stokenchurch, Oxon
Smyth 8ir Williant BOWyeT bart. Hill hall, Epping I Clerk of the Peacej Henry Gibson, Chelmsford

ABBERTON is a parish situated. on the Layer brook' of Edward William Bawtree esq. is a (1'ubstantial brick
near its confluence with the Roman river i it is iQ the building, surrounded bypleasuregroWlds. O. E. Coope esq.
Eastern. division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden H.P. js lord ofthe manor and principal landed proprietOl:. The -
and Winstree union, Colchester county court district, Mer- soil ill loam; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
sea rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans oats, beans and peas. The area. is 1,041 acres;.. rateable
diocese on the Mersea road and about 5 miles south from value, '£:1,453; the population in 1881 was 2#.
Colchester, 2i from Wi\'enhoe station and 55 from London. Pa'1'lsh Clerk, William Baker.
The church of St. Andrew is a small structure of stone con- POST OFFlCE.-Mrs. Deborah Harrison, receiver. Letters
sisting of chancel and nave with a brick tower and I bell: through Colchester arrive at 4.20 a.m.; dispatched at 8
it has been restored, the gallery and pews removed and ~he p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at
church fitted with open seats. The register dates of Wivenhoe & Colchester
baptisms from 17°3; burials, 1712; marriages, 17II, The INSURANCE AGENT-Norwich Onion Fil'e, Deborah Harrison
living is a rectory, yearly value £3141 in the gift of the Lord School (mixed), for 50 children, with an average attendance
Chancellor and held by the Rev. John Pilditch S.C.L. of of 45 & supported by a voluntllry parish rate; :Mrs.
Queens' College, Cambridge. Abberton House, the residence Sarah Matilda Wells, mistress
Bawtree Edward Wm. Abberton house 'Death ·William, farmer, Abberton hall Pettican George, farmer, Gate farm
Pilditch Rev. John S.C.L. [rector1 Felgate Charles., baker Taylor Nathan, veterinary surgeon
COMMERCIAL. Harrison Henry, coach builder Theobald John, boot & shoemaker
Bawtree Francis, farmer Humphrey 'rhomas, harness make\' ·Wells James, farmer
Brown William, grocer May Henry, fanner t White William & Son,farmers dr; grocers
ALDBOROUGH HATCH is a consolidated chapelry, entirely free. The register dates from the year 1863. The
formed in 1863 out of the ecclesiastical districts of Barking living- is 8. vicarage, -yearly value £100, in the gift of the
Side and Ilford, in the parish of Barking, 2 miles north from I Crown and· held by the Rev. Cha1"les Samuel Chilver M.A. of
the Ilford station, 9 from London and joining Hainault Trinity College, Cambridge. The principa.llandowners are
Forest; it contains a large tract of land, with scattered the Crown and C. E. Brooma esq. The area is 1,680 acres;
farmhouses, in the Southern division of the county, Romford and the population in 1881 was 515.
union and county court district, rural deanery of Barking, Parish Clerk, Robert Walker.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese pf St. Albans. The PILLAR LETTER Box at the Horns tavern, Barking Side,
church of St. Peter is a. small structur~ in the Early English cleared at 4 p.m. is for the accommodation of this place
style, built of Kentish rag and consists of a chancel and nave Natiorutl School (mixed), for 180 children;. Miss Isabella Gill,
with a turret containing I bell and has about 250 sittings, lUistress
Chilver Rev. Chas. Saml. M.A. Vicarage Cole Thos. beer rtlr. & market gardener Perkins J oseph, farme,- A.. T
Dexter Miss, The Crouches Earley William, landscape gardener & Perkins Lydia Burton (M'rs.), farmer
Moore Alfred, Double house road surveyor, Double house I Reeve John, farm bailiff to Charles
Painter Adolphus, Aldborough hall Keens Arthur, blacksmith I Hibbett Binner esq. of Ilford
Painter Charles, Aldbororrgh hall Lake lsaac, jun. farmer Wakefield David, farmer, '.I,"'he Grange
Swift John Henry Mitchell John Henry, farmer, The Bury I
ALDHAM is a parish, including FORD STREET, in the lege, Oxford. The charities amount to £32 yearly. The
Eastern division of the county, hundred of Lexden (Witham fair is held on Easter Tuesday. Sir T. C. C. Western bart.
division), union of Lexden and Winstree, Colchester county is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is a
court district, rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of light loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, S~ miles west-by-nOTth The area is 1,783 acres; rateable value, £2,719; the popu-
from Colchester and 5 east-north-east from Coggeshall, latioIi in 1881 was 433, including the hamlet of FORD STREET,
near the Marks Tey station of the Great Easte-rn Railway. I which is on the road from Colchester to Sudbury, where it
The church [name unknownJ was erected and consecrated crosses the Colne.
in 1855 and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle with an Pm-ish Clerk James Mole.
arcade of 3 bays and a beautiful tower with spire: the church ' . .
is situate nearly in the centre of the parish, a mile from the POST OFFICE, F?rd Street.-RlChard Palmer, ~ecelver. Let-
site of the old one: the old burial ground is used occasionally. I t~rs are receIVed through Colchester, arrIve at 8 a.~.;
The register date from the year 1559. The living is a rectory, ~lspatched at 5.30 p.m. T~e nearest money order office
gross tithe rent-eharge £406, with residence and 19 acres IS at Lexden & telegraph office at Marks Tey
of glebe, in the gift of Sir H. B. P. St. John Mildmay bart~ National Sclwol (mixed), for 72 children, with an average
and held by the Rev. Charles Baunatyne M.A. of Balliol Col- attendance of 55; Miss Mary Wass, mistress
Arthy Mrs Evans Maria (Mrs.), shpkpr. Gallow gn Palmer Rd. grocer & postmaster, Ford st
Bannatyne Rev. Charles M.A. Rector;}" Gasson John, baker & grocer, Ford st Partridge James, farmer, Hoe farm
Bullock William, Ford street Green J as.Mercer,miller & frmr.Ford st Pudney J oseph, harness maker & grocer,
~anson Rev.Robt. VipondLL.H. [curate] Hawkes Peter, Coopers' Arm..'1, Ford st Ford street
Stebbing Robert Renel, Bouchiers hall Hooker George, Queen's H~ad, Ford st Rayner John, shoe maker, Ford street
Hunt John, blacksmith & wheelwright, Rice Isaac, maltster, Ford street
COMMERCIAL. Ford street Sheldrake Eliza (Mrs.), frmr. Church ho
Barritt WaIter, farmer, Aldham hall Ladbrooke Johnson, baker, Ford street Stebbing Robert Renel, farmer, Bou-
Beaumont Thomas, carpenter, Ford st Levell John, carpenter chiers hall
Church John Henry, farmer Neep Robert, carpenter, Ford Iiltreet Tawell John Frederick, farmer, Hill frm
Cottys Hobert, cooper, Ford street Osborne "William, poulterer
ALPHAMSTONE is a parish in the Eastern division of yearly, the trustees of the late Sir Arundell Neave bart. who
the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county are lords of the manor, and Charles "\\'illiam Start esq. of Peb-
court district, rural deanery of Hedingham, archdeaconry of .marsh, are the principal landowners. The soil is clay, loam
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans and is near the navi- and gravelly; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
gable river Stour and on the borders of Suffolk, 3 miles barley and turnips. The area is 1,557 acres; rateable value,
north-west from Bures station on the Sudbury branch of £2,248; and the population in 1881 was '249.
the Great Eastern railway,s south from Sudbury, SI from FRAlIIE GREEN is a half a mile south east.
London and 5 north-eastfrom Halstead. The church [name Parish Clerk, GeorgeSilvester.
unknown] consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and north Letters through Colchester, via Bures. Box cleared-week
porch, a small wooden tower containing 3 bells and will seat days at 6.50 p.m.; sunday, 10.35 a.m. The nearest money
400 persons; in the chancel is a leper window. The regis- order & telegraph office is at Bures, St. Mary, Suffolk
ter of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1705, mar- A school board of 5 members has been established; clerk,
riages, 1707, and is in good condition. The living is a Henry Canham, of Sudbury
rectory, tithe rent-charge £544, with residence and 25 acres Board School, with residence for mistress, built in 1876,
of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Cltancellor and held by the for 52 children, with an average attendance of 50; Mrs.
Rev. WiUiam Earee, of St. Bees. The charities are £13 13s. Amelia Mary Wells, mistress
ButtleJoseph, New house Buttle WaIter, market gardener Silvester Geo. carpenter & beer retailer
Earee Rev. William [rector], Rectory Cranfield William, shopkeeper Stuck John Scott, farmer, Cobbs farm
COMMERCIAL. Eldred Tyrrell Baring, blacksmith Stuck Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Staple-
Broyd John, carpenter Ling John William, Windmill ford farm
Buttle Geo.maltstr.& frmr.Upper Goulds Messent William, farrier Tokley Charles, farmer & flour dealer,
Buttle Henry, higgler Podd John Henr~', farmer, Clees hal' Coppin's farm
ALRESFORD is an ancient 'Village and parish in the Hall stands ~n a commanding situation, surrounded bl fine
Eastern division of the county, union and hundred of woods, about halt a tnile trom the church and is now the
Tendring, Colchester county rourl district, rural deanery of seat of Lieut.-Col. Septimus M. Hawkins l.P. Mrs. Hawkins
St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. is lessee of the two ancient manorS of Alresford and
Albans, situate on high table land, 6 miles south-east from Cockayne, into which the lands were divided as early as the
Colchester, 54 from London, on the road to St. Osyth and year 1211. The principal landowners are Miss Jones,
having a station on the Colchester and Tendring Hundred Caius College, Cambridge and George and William Higgin-
branch of the Great Eastern railway and is bounded on botham esqrs. to whom also ihe manors belong. The soil
the west by the Colne and ou the south by a creek running is a light sandy loam on a gravelly subsoil. The chief crops
up from the river Colne, fordable at low water. The church are wheat, barley, oats &c. The area is 1,508 acres of land,
of St. Peter is a well-proportioned building, built by Anfrid chiefly arable; l"ateable value, £1,948; the population in
or Anfrey de Staunton, about the year 1300, as appears by 1871 was 278. -
his epitaph in Norman-French in the chancel: it consists of Parish Clerk, John William Wells.
chancel, nave, south aisle and a low belfry with shingled POST OFFICE,-Mrs. Susannah Howchin, receil'er. Letters
spire containing one bell: at the restoration of the interior arrive from Colchester at 6.~0 a.m.; dispatched at 8 p.m.
in 1856 all the windows were filled with stained glass and an The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
organ presented by Mrs. Hawkins. The register dates from Wivenhoe
the year 1742. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-eharge
£35 6, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Parochial School (mixed), for 50 children; Miss Amelia
Hulme's trustees and held by the Rev. William Charles Chisnell, mistress
Bache M.A.. of Brasenose College, Oxford, and surrogate. The Railway Station, George Balm, station master
only benefaction enjoyed by the poor is the sum of 128. Bd. CA.RRIERS pass through to Colchester from St. Osyth &
a ~rear, left by Edmund Porter in the year 1558. Alresford Brightlingsea daily
Bache Rev. WiIliam Charles lII.A. Barton Matthew Henry, fanner, Lodge Haynes Thomas, fanner, High Elm
[rector & surrogate], Rectory fann I fann
Drury Capt. Theodore, Cressland villa Carter Mary Ann (Mrs.). farmer j Howchin Susannah (Mrs.), grocer &.
Hawkins Lieut.-Col. Septimus M. J.P. Carter James, wheelwright I drdper
Alresford hall i Evans James, Pointer Wade Benjamin, fanner, Bull's farm
Hawkins Mrs. Alresford hall Ferris Hart, famler, Fanmans Watsham Samuel, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Grimwood James, blacksmith Wells George, baker
Abbott Edward, harness maker Hams Edward Ind, Heath farm
ALTHORNE is a village and parish, 8 miles south-east R. F. Wilson. The soil is strong clayey loam; subsoil, clay.
from Maldon, 4 north-west from Burnham, in the Eastern The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 2,265A..
division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and !H. 16p. on the navigable river Crouch; rateable value,
county courl district, rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconl1' £2,728 10S.; the population in 1881 was 317.
of Essex; and diocese of St. Albans, bounded on .the so~th BRIDGEMARSH ISLAND, on the river Crouch, is partly in
?y t~e rIVer Crouc~. The church of St. Andre,,: IS a bmld- this parish; the remaining portion being in the parish of
mg ID ~he perpendICular ~tyle, temp. Henry VII. It stands on Latchingdon.
an emmence and CO~SISts of chancel, nave ~nd. square Overseer, Surveyor t! .A.s,yeSlor of Ta:J,'es, Joseph Linn.
emba~tl.ed tower of. flmt and 8to~e, cove~ed WIth IVy and Pan.yh Clerk John Panton.
contamIDg 2 bells ~ m the church IS an anCIent and remark- ' .,
able car\'ed font and brasses to WiUiam Hyklott, of AI- POST O.FFICK.-George E~ghsh, re<·elver. Letters arriY'e
thorne at whose cost the walls of the church were built through Maldon by mall cart at 7 a.m. & 1 p.m. ; dls-
ob. 16th Sept. 1508, to Margaret Hyklott, ob. 27th Aug: patched at 9·45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ,Latchingdon is the
1502 and to John Wylson and John Hill. The register near?st money order & tele~raph office
of marriages dates from 17340 baptisms and buriali There 18 n.o school, but the chIldren attend the school at
1735. The living is a vicarage (annexed to the rectory of the p~nsh of Mayland, ",?ere a school board has been
Creeksea), yearly value £156, with residence and 6 acres of establIshed for the two panshes
glebe, in the gift of andheld by the Rev. Henry Mawson 'CABRlERs.-Messrll. Withams, Cross &: Lil'ennore pass
Mil1igan B.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. There through here daily to Maldon; & Messrs. Hazelton,
are Primitive Methodist and Congregational chapels. The Pond, Withams, Nethercote & Blowers to Chelmsford
principal landowners are the Governors of St. Bartholomew's every tuesday &; friday; the Great Eastern railway van
Hospital, Mrs. Kemp, T. D. F. Tatham esq. and the Rev. also passes to & fro daily
Kemp Mrs. Summer hill Harris George, The Three Horse Shots, Crabb, Vely &: Co.'s fine ales & stout;
Milligan Rev. Henry Mawson B.A. Althorne-on-the-Hill cigars, tobacco &c.; good accommo-
[vicar], Vicarage Kemble Thos.carpenter &; undertaker &c dation for commercial travellers &:c
Tatham Thomas Daniel Fearon J.P., Kemp Susannah (Mrs.), farmer & Pearson Edmund, life assurance &
D.L. Althorne lodge. landowner general agent &c. &c.; agent for the
COMMERCIAL. Kemp William, farmer, Cross farm Prudential Assurance Co
Andrews James, fanner, Mansion house Linn Joseph, bricklayer & overseer & Runacles George, fann bailiff to R. W.
Belcham John, grocer surve)'or & assessor of taxes &c Vivers esq. Barns fann
Deadman John, yeoman, Churchfields Noms George, baker Wakefield Ambrose, blacksmith
English George, grocer Pearson 8arah Carter (Mrs.), Black Webster Godfrey, fanner, Landsend.
Harris Jsph. blacksmith & wheelwright Lion,. choice foreign wines & spirits; Bridgmarsh
ARDLEIGH, mentioned in "Domesday Survey," is a amount to about £1,400. There is a cemetery of one
parish and station on the Great Eastern rail"way, in the acre in extent. A farm called Ragmarsh was de-
Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred and' vised by William Littlebury in 1571 for teaching poor
union, Colchester county court district, rurdl deanery of boys in this parish at Dedham grammar school. Here is a.
Ardleigh, archdeaconry of Colchester and St. Alhans diocese, chapel for Wesleyans. A fair is held on the 29th of
5 miles north-east from Colchester, 31 south-west from September. Lord Ashburton and Messrs. Newman and
Manningtree and 55! from London, on the road from Col- Harper are lords of the manor. The principal landowners
chester to Manningtree. The church of St. Mary the Virgin are Lord Ashburton, John Fenn, John Hudson Cooper,
consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a fine Samuel Robert Blyth and Henry Egerton Green esqrs. the
western embattled tower containing 6 bells ~ the 6th bell, Rev. Cox Hales and Edward Catchpool esq. and Earl Cowper.
cast about 1450, by Brazien, of Norwich, bearing this inscrip- The endowed charities amount to £33 yearl~·. The soil is
tion, "Sum Rosa Pulsata Mundi Maria Vocata" : over the generally light gravel; subsoil. mild sandy bottom. The
porch, a fine structure of flint and freestone, is this inscrip- chief crops are y,-heat, barley and oats. The area is 4,906
tion; "Orate: :p' animabus Johis Hute: at ye Wode et acres; rateable value, £9,890; the population in 1881 was

Alicie: uxoris eJus, Johis Hitte: Willi: Hute": the chancel, 1,594.
na\'e and aisles are about to b4: rebuilt and the tower and ARDLEIGH CROWN is a part of Ardleigh to the west, on a.
sou!h porch restored, at an estimated cost ~f £4,0?0. T?e small brook falling into the Colne and on the turnpike road
regtster d~tes from. the year 1555· The hv:mg lS a dIS" from Colchester to Langham 31 miles from Colchester.
charged VIcarage, tIthe rent-charge £433, wlth 6 acres of I . '
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and
I Pr;m,sh Clet·k, H. WaIler.
held by the Rev. Thomas Waiter Perry. The great tithes P081:' &; MONEY ORDER OFF1CB &; Savings Bank.~BenJamm
are the property of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and
. .

Biggs, receiver. Letters arrive by mail cart from Col-

chester a~ 4.10 a.m. &; 1~.23 p.Ill-; dispatched at 12.23 p.m. Crockleford Heath (mixed). with about 30 children .it sup-
&; 8 p.m. Letters for Crockleford Heath come thrqugh ported by Hector Rebow esq.; Miss S. CandleI', mistress
Elmstead. The telegraph office is at PedhlWl Railwa,v Station.. Wilpam l'hpmas Womack, station master
Burial Board, David Mustard, clerk J CARRIERS TO I '
Reuutrar of BiJ·tJu, IJeaths t.j- Mq:JTUtges~ James Mayeq
attendance fridays 12.30 to I p.m I DEDHAM-W, J. Page, to the Railway station, daily,
ScHOOLS :_ arriving at 9 a.m. &; leaving at 10.30 a.m
Bational, Charles Homer Snelgar~ m~ter~ Mrs. Elizabeth MANNINGTREE. HARWICH &; IpSWICH-John Thomas Wil80~
Phrebe Snelgar, mistress passes through here ~mce ~ week
PRIVATE RESIDENTS< Cooper John Hudson, landowner tk Osoorne 8usan (Mrs.), laundress
Abrey Samuel farmer, Bounds farm Page Alfrd. frmr. Lodge &; Malting farms
Clowes Richard, Ardleigh park Ctoss Henry~ Railway 'awerll Parker Tlwmas, farmer, Munsoos farm
Crate Rev. Eustace Henry [curate &; CurtisArthrJrmr.Plains frm.Ipswich rd Pitehell Charles, boot maker
chaplain of Lexden& WiIlstreeunionJ, Curtis Philip, farmer &; brick make}!, PrykeSl. King'", Head, &; wheelwright
Rose Tree cottage . I Crockleford hill ! }'nrkiss Moses, farm bailiff to C. Fenn
Duckworth William N. The Rectory Dorlin Charles William, miller &; mach~, esq. Home farlll
Fenn Cooper, Good. hall nist, Spring Valley mill . Radmore Thomas,farmer, Hill House &
Fenn George Green, The Rookery Downes Henry, beer retailer Brickhouse farms
Fenn John, Ardleigh hall Downes In. Fox 4' Hounds. &; carpenter Robinson Thomas, miller & corn, coal &;
Fenning Robert, Denton villa Elborne George. farm bailiff to Mr~ hop &C. merchant & frmr. Phrenix mill
J ames WilliaIn' Lindsay J3rown Seaborn Edward, miller & farmer, Burn1i
Nicholl Charrington, Bovills hall Everett Henry. farmer, Sand Pit farm Heath mill
Osborne Major John Forster P. New hall Everett Samuel, beer retailer. Ipswich r~ Seaborn Firman, farmer, Fountain farm
Perry Rev. Thomas "'alter, Vicarage Fenn & Co. auctioneers, estate agents & Seaborne Nathaniel, drillman
Webb John Smith, Cherry tree, Crockle- surveyors,Ardleigh hall; & at Colchestr Simson George, veterinary surgeon,
ford Fenn Cooper, farmer, Good hall Whaley farm
COIlIIlIERCIAL, Fenn Geo. Green, farmer, Rookery far1l} Skeet Edgar, farmer, Harveys farm
Abbott Edward. seedsman & florist Fenn John, grocer & builder Smith Chas. Hugh, frmr. Redbury farm
Abbott Joseph, saddler Francis George, wheelwright Smith Frederick In. frmr. Colliers wood
Amos Robert, police sergeant Gardner Charles, market g:ardener~ Smith Geo. blacksmith, ArdIeigl\ crown
Archer James, farmer, Crockle{ord Ardleigh crown Smith John George, blacksmith
Baker Chas. Rt. frmr. Hungerdowne frm Gough Thomas Henry, grocer & draper Smith John, farmer, Slough farm
Barber Robert, carpenter & wheel- Green Arthur, corn merchant Smith Thomas, farmer, Park farm
'night, Ardleigh heath Green William, farmer, Bloomfield's frm Southernwood William, farm bailiff to'
Bigge Benjamin, baker Hawkins Jas. Emanuel,plumber&glazier Edward Catchpool esq. Gate house
Biggs James Bell, farmer & butcher Hazell William,farmer, Guide Postfarm Southgate William, boot & shoe maker
Bird William, grocer Keeble Robert, Crmo'n, & farmer Steel Charles, plumber
Blyth Samuel, beer retailer Lister Thomas, farmer, Broomhanging Vince James, farmer
Blyth Samuel Rt. farmer, Ardleigh wick farm, Crockleford . Vince John, sen. farmer
Bradley J ames, Red Lion Lugar Jas. Marshall, frmr. Martell's hall Wailer Frederick, grocer & wheelwright,
Bromley Hy. miller & farmer, Mose hall Marchant Henry, thatcher Ardleigh heath
Bromley John, farmer, Fen farm Mark William John, blacksmith WaIler Henry, carpenter & shopkeeper
BUBS William, boot &; shoe maker May Alfred, farmer, Monica hoose Webb Benjamin, shoe maker
Chamberlain Joseph, farm bailiff to' Moy Thomas,coalmer. Ardleighstation Woolf James, farmer
Wm. H. Dunnett esq.Gods House farm Osborn In. wheelwright, Ardleigh crown WyncollMark, Whtat.~heaJ,&shopkeeper,
Cooper Daniel, farmer, Badley hall Osborne Jane (.Mrs.), farmer Bromley road
ARKESDEN is a village and parish, situate on a The living is a diecharged vicarage, yearly value £195, with
winter brook falling into the Cam, in the Western division residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late Jno. Lewis
of the county, Uttleford hundred, Saffron Walden union and Wolfe esq. and held by the Rev. Herbert Matthew Fearn
county court district, rural deanery of Saffron Walden, Col- B.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Wood Hall (now
chester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 3~ miles unoccupied) is a modern building about one mile south-west
south-west from Audley End station, 3t west from Newport of the village, pleasantly situated in grounds commanding
station, '5 sonth-west from Saffron Walden and 44 from extensive views of the llurrounding country. The trustees
London. The church of St. Margaret is a large building in of the late John Lewis Wolfe esq. are lords of the manor,
the Early English and Decorated styles, situated on rising impropriators of 'the tithes and the principal landowners.
ground and consisting of chancel, nave, 3 bays, with a The lloil is heavy, with a portion of a lighter nature)'subsoil".
derestory, aisles and tower at the west end containing 6 clay and chalk. The crops are on the four-course system.
bells: this church was rebuilt iu I8SS and 1856, at a cost, The area is 2,320 acres; rateable value, £2,949; and the
exclusive of the chancel, of £2,394, of which sum upwards population in I88r was 420.
of £1,000 }Vas contributed by the late R. B. WoIfe esq. lay Parish Clerk, William Sell.
impropriator, who also rebuilt the chancel at an additional, PILLAR LETTER Box, at the south end of the village, cleared
cost of £600: in the chancel is a monumental effigy of a 1 week days at 5.45 p.m. Letters through. Bishop's Stort-
priest recumbent in Cope and Alb under a double arch, ford. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
temp. Hen. VII.• and on an altar tomb the brass figure of a Newport
knight of the de Cuttes family, c. 1440, in a complete suit of National School (mixed), with 65 children on the registers,
mail, affording a good example of the additions gradually the average attendance being 39; Miss Fanny Warne,
made to defensive armour _ four shields of arms and the in- mistress
scription are missing. The register dates from the year 1690. CARRIE~ TO SAFFRON WALDEN-Ezra Francis, every saturday
FearnRev.HerbertMatthewB.A.Vicarage Francis Ezra, carrier Stanley George William, Green Man
COMMERCIAL. Griffin Henry, farmer, Severalls Stock Thomas & John, farmers, Chard-
Bailey Nathan, farmer I Jeffrey William, grocer well &; Forster's
Bailey Thos. farmer, Great Beckets .\ Leech George, farmer Taylar Hannah (Miss), shopkeeper
Butcher farm Monk Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Woodward Charles, farmer, Newland
Clark Horaee,farmer, Hybs Aene Nottage John, fanner, Rockells ends
Farnham William. beer retailer Pilgrim Charles, blacksmith
ASHDON is a scattered parish and village, near the c. %440. The register dates from the year 1553. The living
borders of CambridgeshirCt 49 mHes from London, 4 north- is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £909, with 139 acres of glebe
east from Saffron Walden and 2 from Bartlow station on and. residence, in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge and
the Great Eastern railway, in the Western division of the held by the Rev. Henry Barclay Swete D.D. formerly fellow
county, Freshwell hundred, Saffron Waldon union and of that college. The Baptists have a chapel here. The
county court district, Sampford rural deanery. Colchester parochial charities amounting to about £20 are under the
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. The church of All management of trustees appointed under a scheme lately
Saints is an ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave, sanctioned by the Charity Commissioners and are distri-
aisles, an old chapel on the south sidCt north and south buted yearly. The representatives, of the late Viscount
porches and an embattled western tower containing 6 bellsl Maynard for Bendystry Hall, the Rev. W. Hammond for
the church retains the brass of a man in armour with his wife, Ashdon Hall and the Rev. H. B. Swete for the Rectory

manor, are the lords of the three manors. The principal separating this county from Cambridgeshire. The area is

landowner is Lady Brooke. The soil is mixed clay, loam 842 acres; rateable value, [I,232: population in I88I, 148.
and t:halk; subsoil, 'Various. The crops are wheat, oats, RUDDUCK'S BILL is I mile south-east.
beans and barley. The area is 4,059 acres; rateable value, Parish Clerk, Samuel Green.
£5,347; and the population in 1881 was 1,83°. POST OFFICE.-James Pnrkis, receh·er. Letters arrive from
BARTtow HAMLET, including part of the village of Ashton Cambridge, 'Vid Linton, at '9 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m
and Steventon End, is a hamlet ID this county, but in Linton The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at
union and adjoins Great Bartlow (Cambridgeshire), to tinton & Saffron Walden
which parish the inhabitants pay tithe and rates. Here are Burial Board Clerk, Levi Archer
four celebrated barrows, known as the Bartlow Hills and Board &10ol (mixed), erected in 18]8 for 165 children,
believed to commemorate a \;ctory here obtained in IOI6 with an average attendance of 80; John Robert Dare,
by Canute over Edmund Ironside the Saxon ; the fight, how· master; Mrs. Annie Dare, infants' mistress.
ever, was not wholly confined to thill spot, but, according to Natiqnal Sch60l (mixed), for HO children, with an average
tradition, raged over a wide space of several miles, especially attendance of 90; it was restored & enlarged in t877;
at Hadstock, success being finally assured to the Danes at Arthur Goatcher, master; Misi Elizabeth Smith, infants'
Assandune or Ashdon; these hills form part of the boundary mistress
Ashdon. Green Thomas, blacksmith Smith J oseph, farmer, Ivey Todd
Hagger Thomas & Stephen, farmers, Taylor Charles, grocer & draper
Cowell Ebenezer, The Clays Rickett's farm Tredgett Fuller, farmer, Winsey farm
Hammond Rev. Wm. M.A. Ashdon hall Hagger Stephen, farmer, New house
Lapell Rev. Robert [Baptist] Kettridge Emily (Miss), heel" retailer Bartlow Hamlet.
Swete Rev. Henry Barciay D.D. Rectory Kettridge Joseph, farmer Lurridge George, Clare cottage
Lagden Josiah, beer retailer Raincock Mrs. Walton8
COM)lERCIAL. Markin Robert, farmer, Nuts farm Briggs John, pig jobber
Archer Levi, saddler & harness maker Martin James, baker 1 Brooks Samuel, farmer
Bird Edwin, farmer Miller John, farmer, .!shdon street Gray John Charles, Fox
Bragg John, miller Mizen Josiah, farmer, Mortimers Hales Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Over hall
Briggs John, farmer Moule Thomas, Rose ~ CrO'lon Hull Henry, shoe maker
Br)'att John, butcher Nunn GeOl'ge, farmer Kettridge Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer
Clarke Charles Thomas, White Horse Perkins William, tailor Matthews Abraham, shoe maker
Cooper Charles, wheelwright Ruse John, farmer & miller Matthews Alfred, butcher
Cowell Ebenezer, farmer, Hall farm Sargent Mary (Mrs.), grocer Nunn Josiah, farmer
Cowell John Ray, farmer, Goldstones Smith Charles, farmer Purkis James, grocer, & post office
Ford Isaac, farmer Smith George, fanner, Bowsers Symonds WaIter, baker
Green Josiah, blacksmith Smith John, farmer, Newnham hall Tredgett Charles, farmer, Bonrn farm
ASHELDHAM (or ASHELDON) is a parish and village' tithe renkharge ("otTImuted at £420, with about 46 acres of
in the Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the
union and county court district, Dengie rnral deanery, Essex Rev. Henry Pelham Dawe8 B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 11 miles south-east The principal landowners are Lord Petre, who is lord of the
from Maldon station, 5 north-east from Burnham and 50 manor and the governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital,
from London by road, the sea and tidal waters being within London. The soil is loam and gravel; subsoil, gravel. The
4 miles on the north, east and south; it is watered by a chief crops are wheat, beans, peas, barley, oats, turnips and
small brook, which falls into the North sea at Dengie Flats. mangold-wurtzel. The area is :l,398 acres, of which I,698A.
The church of St. Lawrence is an ancient building, with 3R. 24P. is land, including roads and waste; the remainder
walls of great thicknes!l and consists of chancel and nave, is water; rateable value, £2,092; and the population in I881
south porch and a square embattled tower at the western was 167.
end containing I bell: the east window contains one stained Parillh Clerk James Cook
light in memory of two daughters of the present vicar: ' •
there are also piscina and sedilia: the church was -wholly Letters throngh .Maldon. T~e nearest money order &
restored in 1866. The register of baptisms and marriages telegraph OOfice IS at Southmmster
dates from 172I; burials, 1722. The living is a vicarage, CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD John Hazleton, tues. & fri
Dawes Rev. Henry Pelham :B.A. [vicar] I DennisJohn Witham,farmer,Badknocks Skates Charles. farm bailiff to the
Maiden Misses, Asheldham hall j Ha7..elton John, carrier Misses MaIden
Attenborough Edwin J. farmer, New hall Manning James, farmer
ASHEN (or ESSE) is a parish in the Eastern dh'ision of of baptisms dates from 1560; marriages and burials from
the county, Hinckfol"d hnndred, Risbridge union. Haverhill 1558. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £395, with
county court district, rural deanery of Yeldham, Colchester 24 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Duchy of
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, situate on the borders Lancaster and held by the Rev. William John Deane •.A.
of Suffolk, from which it is separated by the' Stour and is of Oriel College, Oxford. Archbishop Parker once held this
2i miles south-west from Clare, IO miles north from Balstead lhing. Ashen Hall and House are farmhouses near the
and 1 mile from Stoke station on the Great Eastern Rail- village. Robert Hervey Munro Elwes esq. is lord of the
way. The church,assigned of late to St. Augustine, is an edifice manor and principal landowner. The soil is loam and clay;
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans
and a tower containing 3 bells; the chancel has been en- and barley. The area is 1.498 acres; rateable value, £:l,282;
tirely rebuilt and fitted with stalls; four stained windows and the population in 1:881 was 228.
have also been inserted: there are monuments to Stephanus STOURS is on the river Stour. Lauds is half a mile west.
Piper esq. l.P., D.L. ob. 16th February, I72I; to Dowthy Parish Clerk, James Rayner.
Byatt, widow of the Rev. William Byatt, rector of Bolton, Letters from Sudbury, through Clare & delivered by foot
Suffolk, ob. 24th Sept. 1752; and her grand-daughter, Phila- post; the nearest money order & telegraph office is at Clare
delphia Piper, ob. 17th MaYt 1753; and to Luey, wife of Capt. A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1875; chair-
John Tallakarne, ob. 3rd December, 1710, with some account man & clerk, Rev. William J. Deane M.A
of other allianL'es of that. family; there is also a m~ Board School for 46 children, under the Ashen School Board,
morial to the Rev. Charles Stuart. vicar of Bumpstead ad with an average attendance of 35; Mrs. Matilda French,
tU1'rim (I803) and to his wife Sarah (I77I). The register mistress
Deane Rev. William John M.A. Rectory 1Dooks James, farmer, Ashen hall Lott lohn George, farmer, Ashen house
Bean William, shopkeeper Golding John, fanner Payne Henry, farmer, Stours
Deeks George, farmer, Claret hall I Hickford Edward, Red Cow Raynel' James, beer retailer
ASHINGDON is a parish in the Southern division of in 1016; there is a leper window, an aumbry and two
the county, Rochford union, hundred and county court dis- piscina niches; the church has lately been re-pewed. The
trict, Rochford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. register of burials dates from I564; baptisms, 1566; mar-
Albans diocese,39 miles from London, 2 north from Roch- riages, I568. The living is a rectory, tithe rent~charge£285,
ford and 6 north from Southend station. The church of St. with M acres of glebe and good residence, in the gift of and
Andrew is a small but ancient edifice, with traces of Normau held by the Rev. Ernest Henry Fothergill :B.A. of Trinity
and Early English, but is now chiefly Perpendicular in style College, Dublin. Ashingdon wag the scene of the battle in
and consists of chancel and nave and a western tower, built which Canute the Great defeated Edward Ironside: an
entrenchment still remains; in commemoration of this Parish Clerk., Benjamin Moss. I

event a church was founded in the neighbouring village of Letters from Chelmsford., "t1id Rochford, which is the nearest
Hockley. The principal landowners are Alfred. White esq. money order &; telegraph office
of West Drayton and William Frank esq. of Reading. The
soil is a stiff clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, National School (mixed), for the parishes of South Fam-
barley, peas and bean8. 'fhe area is 1,165 acres; rateable bridge &; Ashingdon, holding 60 children; Miss Harriet
value, £ 1,292; and the population in 1881, 96. Lethbridge, mistress
Fothergill Rev. Ernest Hy. B.A.. [rector] Garratt Samuel, farmer I Moss Benjamin, farmer
Brown Edward, blacksmith Jackson Edward T. farmer I
AVELEY, named in Domesday Book, is a parish, I Elizabeth, eldest daughter ot Edward Bacon esq. 1583; and
seated on the Marditch brook, in the Southern division of some others, more or less mutilated, to the family of Barrett,
the county, Orsett union, Romford county court district, 1520-84; a slab of black marble enclose§ the ancient brass
Chafford hundred, Chafford rural deanery, Essex archdea- I of Isolda de Belhus and her children, with 'our armorial
conry and St. Albans diocese, 2 miles north-east from Pur- shields; another venerable tomb, teRlp. Ed. 1. is supposed. to
fleet station, 'Xlii from- London and 7 south from Romford. be that of Nicholas de Belhus; there are modern memorials
The church of St. Michael consists of chancel, with north to Thomas, Lord Dacre, 1785; Anna Maria, Lady Dacre,
chapel, nave, aisles and a western tower of stone surmounted 1806 and Dacre Barrett Lennard,1730. The regil!ter dates
by a modern timber spire, the chancel orientates east-south- from the :rear 1563 and is in good preservatioll, but there is
east by compass: an arcade of three plain arches, supported I a blank from 1618 to 1720. The living is a discharged
on square colnmns, divides the south aisle from the nave: vicarage, yearly value £310, with residence, in the gift of
on the western splay of the respond is a stone bracket; and the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Bixby Garn-
on the face of the eastern respond is worked a trefoil-headed ham Luard M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge I The
niche, each doubtless intended for the reception of an image: Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's are impropriators of the
Early English arches supported by octangular columns with great tithes. There is a Congregational church, erected in
moulded caps and bases di-ride the north aisle and nave: 1877, a Working Men's Reading Room and an Illl~titute for
over the easternmost respond the wall is piercecl with a plain I meetings and public entertainments. The almshouses,
semicircular headed arch, perhaps used to give access to the originally erected in 1639 by Lord Newburgh, were rebuilt
rood loft; each aisle has three double-lighted windows, I by Lord Dacre in 1745. The endowed charities are £2 12S. od.
Bnd the clerestory six; the chancel is separated from the yearly in bread, left by Thomas Clear, in 1639 and £3 in
naTe by a 15th century oak screen in good preservation, money arising from land. Belhus, the seat of Sir Thomas
consisting of ten open compartmenta with a square-headed I Barrett Lennard bart. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manur and
entrance; the east window of three lights is Decorated and 1 principal landowner, is a large and stately edifice in a semi-
retains a little old glass with the arms of Chichester im- 1 castellated domestic style, built in the -reign of Henry VIII. ;
paling Barrett Lennard : the priest's door is a plain pointed it is surrounded by a park about 3 miles in circumferenc&,
opening; on the south side of the altar is a trefoil-headed adorned with fine old oaks and other timber and affords
piscina, with a small square basis set on one side of the niche, extensive views over the Thames into Kent. The mansion
which seems originally to have been divided by a shaft; OVer contains an unbroken series of family portraits, fr()m Henry
the altar is a small painting on panel in a gilt frame repre- VIII. up to the present time and a remarkable genealogy,
senting the Crucifixion and said to have been presented to made by order of Sampson Lennard, on his marriage with
the church by the Baroness Dacre; a chair brought from Margaret Baroness Dacre, 18 feet by 6, on venum, forming
Belhus with the Dacre crest and badge and probably the an exquisite specimen of the writing and illumination of the
gift of the same lady, is placed here: the chancel opens 16th century. 'fhe soil in generdl is of a light sandy nature;
into the north chapel by two pointed arches, springin~ from I subsoil, grc\vel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley
circular shafts; on the wall of this chapel is a well-defined and peas and other vegetables for the London market.
little niche; the tower opens into the nave by a plain I There is also a quantity of marsh land bordering on the
pointed arch of elegant 11roportions, but obscured by a. Thames. The area is 2,934 acres; rateable value, £6,214 I
gallery; the west window consists of three lights and is and in 1881 the population was 972.
square-headed.: th~ masonry of t!tis chapel is of. rag stone IJeputy Parish Clerk and Sexton James Pepper.
ornamented WIth fimts and accordmg to Morant It formerly ' . . . .
had a lofty spire, blown down in a great storm in Nov. POST, MONEY ORDER OFFICE'" Savmgs Bank.-" llham
1703 ; there are five bells respectively dated 1712,1712,1400, Th?s. Jackson, sub-postmaster. Letters through Romford ;
1618 and 1692; the font is a Norman work of Purbeck delIvery commences at 7 a.m.; box closei at 5.20 p.m
marble, and the pulpit Jacobean: there is a small Flemish National School (mixed), built in 1844, for 180 children with
brass to Ralph de Knevynton, 1370, with his effigy in an average attendance of 143; Alfred Francis, certificated
armour, beneath a canopy: another in the north chapel to master; Mrs. Harriet Selina Francis, mistress
Benton John, Sunyside Chisnell John, market gardener May Charles (Mrs.), market gardener
Benton Miss, Shadyside Cook Edward, CmwneJ-Anchor Osborn John, bricklayer & plasterer
De Brent Mortimer John, Church ho Cox & Palmar, grocers '" drapers Pavitt George, plumber, pamter &c
Eve Richard, Lennard house De Brent Mortimer John, surgeon'" Pavitt John, bricklayer &0
Kittle Frederick, Hill house medical officer & public vaccinator Purkis William, miller & corn dealer
Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett bart. D.L., for the Aveley district of Orsett union, Rowlandson George, pork butcher
I.P. Belhus Church house Shepherd Thomas, beer retailer
Lennard Thomas Barrett, jun. J".P. Dunn George, builder &c Skelton Mary (Mrs.), dress maker
Belhus Elliott John, carpenter'" wheelwright Smith Percy, farmer, ~retts
Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A.., J.P. Eve Richard, farmer & cattle salesman Spurrier Thomas, butcher
Vicarage Forway Samuel, shopkeeper Stock George, Old Ship inn, builder,
Martin Mrs Faulkner, Lenna1'd Arms wheelwright & blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Jackson William Thomas, saddler &; Tompkins Jonathan, farmer, The Hall
A'Veley Innitute (Edward Cook, sec) sub-postmaster . Tyler James, beer retailer
Bacon Abraham, shopkeeper Johnhon James, baker &; corn dealer Woodthorp Mary (Mrs.) & Edward,
Barker AlIen, boot & shoe maker Joslin Henry, farmer, Parsonage farm farmers, Fanns
Benton Richard, farmer Kelley Thomas, grocer &; draper W oollings William, farmer
Blows James, butcher Kelley William, tailor, stationer &c Workin!l _lIen's Reading Room (Philip
Brown Edward, baker Knight Joseph, carter Benum, hon. sec)
Brown George, farmer Langley Joshua, blacksmith
GREAT BADDOW is a parish and large, Margaret Gwyn, 1753: the inside of the church is in good
pleasantly situated, 29 miles from London and 2 south-east repair and bas a stained window in the chancel. The
from Chelmsford station, on the road to Rochford and Had- register dates from the year 1543. The living is a vicarage,
leigh and near the Chelmer navigation, in the North Wes- tithe rent-charge £423, with two acres of glebe and resi.
tern division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union and dence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Abraham William
county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, Essex Bullen M.A.. of Trinity College, Cambridge. J. A. Houblon
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. The church of St. esq. is the impropriator of the great tithes, which amount
Mary is a building in the Early English style, consisting of to £540. Alexander Barclay D.D. one of the most eminent
apsidal clerestoried chancel with nave, aisles and a tower writers of the sixteenth century, was vicar of this parish.
with spire, containing 8 bells: there is a monument of There is a Congregational chapel. The charities are
marble and alabaster in the chancel to Mrs. Amy and Mrs. numerous. The extensive brewery of Messrs. Crabb, Vp.ley
& Co. was erected in 1868. J. A. Houblon esq. is lord of the dispatched at 8.50 p.m. Telegraph business on lundays
• manor. The principal landowners are the trustees of the from g to 10 B.m
late J. H. Parker esq. Mrs. Prior-Johnson, Mrll. Tabor and WALL LETTER Box at the 'Vine~'ards, cleared week da)'s,
James Duffield esq. The parish is sitlmted on high ground, 3.30 ~ 7.30 p.m. ; ~unda:rll, 8 a.m
ill considered to be very healthy and contains many beauti- PUBLIC OFFICERS:--
ful residences. The lIoil is light and gravelly ~ subsoil, Assistant OV"~", Chas. Richard Finch
gravel. The crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is Re.qistTaI' of Births ~ IJeatl/,$, Chas. Richa rd Finch
3,821 acres; rateable ntlue,. £lo,li30 1 lJ,nd the population in ScHooLS:-;po
1881 was 2,055. Je..ff'e~:I/'$ Bndowed, founded in 1731 by Jasper Jeffery, of
Parish Clerk, George' Hat-ward, London & endowed with a farm called 'Pynnings,' in
West HR.nningfield parish, producing an anlltmL incouul
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savin~s of about £170: Stephen Henry Sharman, master
Bank.--eharles Stannard, postmaster. Letters arrive by National, James Macroft 'rurnage, master; Mis8 Mercy
mail cart throngh Chelmsford & arede1ivered at 1 a.m. & Bulling, mistress
12 noon; dispatched at 12.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m. & 9 p.m. On Infants, Miss Eliza BnrreH
Imnda.~·s the office is open from 7 to 10 a.m. & letter8 are CARRIER-Robert Daking, to & from Chelmsford, daily

P.RIVATJ: RESIDENTS. Beckett William, beer retailer &; carpen- Heard Rebecca (Mrs.}, Bee Hive, Bad·
Abdy John l'homas LL.D., l.P. [oounty ter, Baddo-w road dow road
court judge], Gt. Baddowhouse Black William, tailor Hills Edward, Bell
Barritt Edward M Blanks Ann (Miss), dress maker Hills Philip, boot maker & shopkeeper
Bullen Rev. Abraham William M.A. Blanks Mary (Mrs.), hardware dealer Howard Ro.bert, farmer & cattle dealer
[vicar], Vineyards Boughtwood Thomas, baker Humphreys Thomas Charles, bird pre-
Corder Henry Boyce GeOl'ge, boot &; shoe maker server, Baddow road
Crabb John Seabrook, Branwoods Bright Charles, chimney sweeper Jackson Robert, engineer, Baddow road
Crabb Mrs. Baddow place Brown John, machinist & agricultural Jackson Solomon, van & cart builder,
Crabb Richard HatJey, Baddow place &; thrashing machine proprietor gas fitter &c
Duffield James, Great Mascalls Bush John, smith Jones Robert, farmer, Baddow park
}<'08ter James Thomasin .l.P. Pontlands Carter Henry, hay~ straw &; 000.1 dealer Josling Thomas, baker
French Mrs. Robert, Baddow road &; farmer Liddiard James, grocer & draper
Garrett Henry Newson Clark John, boot &;shoe maker Linn George, bricklayer
Gaywood. lames Cole George, farmer, Great Sir Hughes Mayhew Ann (Mrs.). farmer
Gilson Miss Alice Jane Cook William, fanner & cattle dealer; Middleton James, physician
Greene Mrs. Baddow hall &; at Baddow road, Chelmsford Pain John, cattle dealer
Grove Misses Jane & Ruth, Dynes . Copland Edmund, farmer Patten Jas. King's Head, & bricklayer
Hart Waiter, The Yews Cordell Wm. CQwkeeper Pennack James, carpenter
Hickman Moses John Cottee Septimus, baker, Baddow road Potter George, grocer & draper
Middleton James M.D Crabb, Veley &; Co. brewers & wine & Ruffell Thomas Ree,oe,plumber &glazier
Parker Miss, Chelmer cottage spirit merchants Sewell WiUiam, White Hurse
Pertwee Mrs. Elizabeth Crabb Rd. Hatley, farmer, Hill farm Sharman Stephen Hy. master of en·
Pledger Mrs. Rothmans Daking Robert, carrier dowed boys' school
Plum Miss, 9 Baddow road Downey John, butcher Spalding Frederick, farmer
Pountney John WaIter Downing Robert, saddler Southgate George, baker &; corn dealer
Prior-Johnson Mrs Duffield James, fanner, Gt. Mascalls Sowman Thomas, fanner, Sewell &
Pugh Mrs Emerson Thomas, beer retailer I Fillers
Smee Mrs. Adstocks Finch Chas. Richard, assistant overseer. Sparrow John, blacksmith
Tabor Mrs. Baddow lodge collector of poor rates &; registrar for Stannard Charles, grocer & china dealer,
Veley Arthur Curtis, Noakes place births & deaths & post office
Willes Miss. The Vicarage Finch Richard, butcher &: farmer Turnage Louisa Ann (Mrs.), ladies' sch
Wilson John Flexman David, corn chandler Weatherly William, boot maker
Wilson Thomas, PiU place Green Robert, beer retailer, Baddow Willsher Joseph Henry, Blue Lion
Williams Michael road Wilson George Henry,sheriffs' assistant,
COMMERCIAL. Hardy Saw, gingerbread baker Baddow road
Aldred Wm. fruiterer & furniture dealer Hart Walter~ surgeon. The Yews Wright George, cattle dlr. Baddow rd
LITTLE BADDOW is a parish and village, situated Departinge Her Mortall Lyfe the of Janvarie 16II."
near the confluence of the river Chelmer and Sandon brook, The register dates from the year 1650. The living is a ree-
35 miles from London, 6 east from Chelmsford, in the tory, tithe rent-charge £560. with 14 acres of glebe and
Western division of the county, hundred, union and county residence, in the gift of Lord Rayleigh and held by the
court district of Chelmsford and in the rural deanery of Rev. Frederick Thomas Taylor. There is a Congrega-
Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. tional chapel, with a residence for the minister. Tofts, the
The village is scattered, but situated principally on a hill seat of the Dowager Lady Rayleigh, is in this parish. The
commanding an extensive view over the whole valley of the principal landowners are the Rev. Sir Brook G. Bridges
Chelmer. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is in the Early bart. Lord Rayleigh, who is lord of the manor and John P.
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, western tower Pledger esq. The soil is light gravelly, producing excellent
with 4 bells and a south porch and contains in the south crops of all descriptions of grain. 'rhe area, with the hamlet
wall of the chancel two tombs with recumbent female of Middle Mead, is 2,779 acres; rateable value, [,3,970; and
figures, ca.rved in wood, with hounds at their feet, said to the population in 1881 was 541.
represent the founders of the church and supposed to date MIDDLE MEAD hamlet is in Dengie hundred, containing.
from the time of Stephen; there is also in the chancel a 410 acres.
stately marble monument to Sir Henry Mildmay, of Graces, Parish Clerk, William Lindsell.
who resided in this parish, was knighted on the battle field Assistant Overseer, Thomas J. Joslen.
during the Irish wars and died 9th October, 1639, aged 61; POST OFFICE. Charles Horth, postmaster. Letters through
he is represented as clad in armour, reclining under a canopy, Chelmsford are delivered at 8 a.m.; box closes at 6.30
with a sword by his side and a truncheon in his hand and p.m. On sundays there is no post. The nearest rnoney
at the foot of the monument are two female figures kneeling order office is at Danbury
one an elderly lady with scarf and hood, the other a maiden, ScHooLS:- 1
richly dressed: there is an ancient tablet to the memory
of two members of the Fitzwalter family: a brass found in National (mixed), for 70 children ~ Chas. Horth~ master f
this church at the time of the last repairs bears the follow- Mrs. Chas. Horth, mistress
ing iIUlCription :-" Here lyetb the corpses of Mercymight British (mixed) for 60 children &: partly endowed from
Springham, one 'Of the Davghters of Richard Springham Butler's charity; Miss Fanny Osborn, mistress
Gent: whoe was wyfe to Richard Bristowe Esqvier XXVITIl CARRIER TO CHELMSFoRD-James Mulley, tuesday &;
yeares, Bnd lyved in this world Fyve and Fiftie yeares, fridaYt returning same days
Andrews Rev. Lancelot Hales M.A. Johnson Mrs. The Bungalow Snow Simon, Coleraine
rcurate] Livermore Miss, Woodlands Taylor Rev. Fred.erick Thomas [re~
Ho1lies Rev. David Samuel [Congrega- Pledger John P. Hammonds tor1
tional], The Manse Rayleigh Dowager LadYt Tofts Tweed. James, Little Baddow hall
COMMERCIAL. J oslen Thos. & Wm. farmrs.Phillows frm Raven John, farmer, Middle Mead
Beaman John, carpenter Joslen Thomas, collector of poors' rates Smith John, baker, Middle Mead
Brown Thomas, beer retailer Lucking Charles, well borer Smith Lois (Mrs), RodlteY
Byford Pharoah, miller, Paper mill Marriage Andrew, fanner, New lodge Tweed James, farmer, Little Baddow
Campion Samuel, shopkeeper Morgan Henry Edward, miller & eoal hall
Forster Charles, farmer merchant, Little Baddow mill Willers William, blacksmith
Forster Charles, horse dealer Pledger John P. farmer & landowner, Yell Joseph, farmer, Great Graces
Foulsham Robert, General's Arms Hammonds
BALLINGDON (or Ballington) is It suburb of the town of of Brundonand HenrySperlingesq. lord of that of Ballingdon.
Sudbury, in Suffolk, from which it is separated by the river BRUNDON is a township united with BaIlingdon and with
Stour and with Brundon is a parish in the Eastern divi- it fonning a parish, but the church has long been in
sion of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and ruins. The area of the united districts or parish is 366
county court district, 1 mile south from Sudbury station. acres; rateable value, £2,817; and the population in 1881
The river is here crossed by a wooden bridge. Here was was 729.
formerly a chapel The living is annexed to All Saints' Letters through Sudbury, Suffolk, which is the nearest
vicarage, Sudbury. There are chalk pits. The principal money order & telegraph office. PILLAR LETTER Bo~
landowners are Lord Ashburton, who is also lord of the manor cleard at I I a.m. 3.10 & 7 p.m. week days only
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bane "'alter, hardware dealer Nice Ambrose Newman, butcher'
Allen Elliston, The Grove Berry Alfred, baker Parmenter Henry Piper, corn merchant
Baker Mrs Be7..ant John, beer retailer & dealer
Butcher Edmund Butcher Charles, farmer Parsonson Richard, basket maker
Francis MrlJ Butcher Edmund, brewer Perry David, shoe maker
Gooch Mrs Duke WaIter, horse breaker Prentice Christopher, greengrocer
Greenacre Benjamin Felton William, King's Head Prentice Thomas, pork butcher
Greenacre Richard French James Edward, shopkeeper Rashbrooke Jonathan C. baker
Mauldon Christie Edwin Gibbons, brick & tile makers Ratcliff William, wheelwright
:Nice Mrs Goulston Edmund, cocoanut matting Rowland Samuel, hair dresser
Salter John manufacturer Shepard Amey (Mrs.), beer retailer
Spooner Mrs Hart Harriet (Mrs.), shoe maker Smith Elizabeth (Miss), milliner
Spurgin Mrs Hendrick Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Waiter, manager of brick works
Weston Richard Hicks Charles, tinman Spring Maria (Mrs.), milliner
COMMERCIAL. Howe I~azarus, marine store dealer Todd Charles, tailor
AlIen Robert A. & Sons, maltsters, Howe Laura (Miss), dress maker Todd Mary (Mrs.), dress maker
brick & tile makers, lime burners & Hume James, shopkeeper Todd WiUiam Samuel, pork butcher
coal merchants Mauldon A. M. & Son, White Horse inn, Totten Matthew Joseph, shopkeeper
Amey Harry, bricklayer & brewers & wine & spirit merchants Walford WaIter, farmer, Brundon hall
Aprile Joseph, tobacconist & maltsters, Cornard, Suffolk Westwood Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Aprile Napoleon, jeweller Moulton Charles, shopkeeper White WiIliam. blacksmith
GREAT BARDFIELD is a small town and parish, park, in which the Brain or Podsbrook rivulet rises. The
situated on the southern bank of the river Blackwater, near Rev. W. E. L. Lampet is lord of the manor. The trustees
its source, 5 miles east from Thaxted, 7 north-east from of Guy's Hospital are the owners of the great tithes and of
Dunmow, 12 north-east from Elsenham railway station and much land; William Sandle and John Cutts esqrs. are also
9 north-west from Braintree station, in Freshwell hundred, landowners. The soil, is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief
Dunmow union and county court district, Sampford rural crops are wheat-, barley, clover and beans. The area is 760
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. acres; rateable value, £6.453; and the population in 1881
The town is lighted with gas. The church of St. Mary is was 948.
an old building, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a Parish Clerk, James Goldstone.
tower with spire containing 5 bells ~n?- a clock; it POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
has. a very fine stone chancel screen:. WIlham Bendlowes, Bank.-Joseph William Tanner, postmaster. Letters
serJeant-at-law, who then held thIS church and the arrive from Braintree at 6.40 a.m.; dispatched at 5.50 p.m.
advowson of the living, obtained a licence in 1556 to convert Box closes at 5.45 p.m
the vicarage into a rectory and having leased out the A M GI SATE.'! F T E Co
great tithes for 500 years at 20 marks yearly, settled on CTING AF: Th'~ ld J)' O.R. H UNTY.
· £ d
t he rector and h IS successors the yearly sum of 6 I3 s . 4· R W ELL res u· e
t G t B ZVZSlOn.
dfi Id
being one moiety of the 20 marks; the other moiety he ev. . . . ampe, .rea a.r e . .
flmployed in founding a chantry in the church, dedicated to Co.lo~el S. B. Ruggles Brlse, Spams hall, Finchmgfield
the Holy Trinity; he died 19 th November 15 84 and with Wilha~ Sand!e esq. ~ark hall, Great Bardfield
his wife Elizabeth was buried under the south window of Captalll H~rnson, Sahng lp'?ve
the chancel, where are their figures in brass with a Latin Jo~ph Smith esq: ~reat Salmg . .
inscription. The register dates from the year 1662. The Clelk to th~ Magz:Jtlates, Augustus Cunmngton, Brallltr~e
li\ing is a vicarage, tithe-rent charge £262, with residence, Petty Sesswns are held a~ Great ~a~field To~ hall e'.ery
in the gift of and held by the Rev. William Edward Lionel Monday. T~e I?laces tu the dIVISIon a~e Great & LIttle
Lampet M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and :surro- B~rdfield,. Fmchmgfield, ~empstead, Hehons Bumpstead,
gate. The Primitive Methodists have a chapel here and LIttle SalIng & Great & LIttle Sampford
the Friends a meeting house. For educational INSURANCE AGENT:-
purposes the total amount for several bequests, in- London Assumuce, H. Smith, Great Bardfield place
eluding £10 left by Serjeant Bendlowes, is £21 PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
yearly and. in .addition £31, . a~ising from. t~e Town Hall Company, Thomas B. Newman, secretary
m~nor of NIchols, ID Shalfor«'aJ?-d slllular sources .IS dls- Police Station, James Skinner, inspector
tnbuted. The Town. hall, a bmldmg capable 500 Inspector of Weights ~ Measures ~ under the Sale of Food
~rsons, was o.pen~d m December, 1859.; the cost, WIth the q Drugs Act, Ja~es.Skinner
Literary In~tltutlOn attac~ed, exceed~ng. £1,100. The BOtll'dSchool,George Smedley. master; Mrs.Louisa Smedley.
Great and LIttle Bardfield Literary InstItutIOn was founded mistress (mixed) for 180 children under the Great
by Mr. Ruse in March, 1858. A fair for horses, cattle and Bardfield School Board '
toys is held on the 22nd June. A market was formerly CARRIERS TO'-
held here. In Brook street is a fountain, supplied with water . .. .
from a spring in Doye House Meadow, the property of Mrs. BRAINTREE-WIlham Anst~y, daIly j David Wakeling,
Smith, of Bardfield Hall. Great Lodge, the residence of mondays, wednesdays & fndays
Edward Harveyesq. about a mile south-east has a small WALDEN-William Anstey, saturday
Blackshaw Rev. Samuel [Primitive Harvey Edward, Great Lodge I Smith Misses, South Lodge
Methodist] Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel Smith William •
Bowman Miss M ..A.., J.P. Vicarage COMMERCIAL.
Buckle John Newman Mrs..:Xo!ih place Adams John, butcher
Fuller James. SaDdle Wiliiam ~ Park hall Adams Simon, beer re ler


Adcock Thomas, Bell inn Goldstone James, White Hart, & saddler Prance Joseph, sen. miller
Bardfield Literaf'!/ Institution Harvey Edward, farmer, Great lodge Robinson William, wheelwright
Barker William, farmer, tittles Hope Coffee if Reading Roo11ls (John Rogers William, fishmonger
Bowtell James, .bricklayer Winter, manager) Rowlinson Henry, farmer
Bowyer William, shopkeeper Ives John, Vine c()1wmercialliotel Sewell George, i!hoe maker
Brackett Thomas, baker King Fredk. Augustus, farmer, Faun'. Simmons Abraham, butcher
Bright Benjamin,farmer,Waltham cross King Henry baae Adams, veterinary Smith Elizh. (Mrs.), brewer & maItster
Bright John,.iarmer, Hill farm surgeon & castrator Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.)" farmer, Bard-
Bright John, shoe maker Leader Thomas, farmer, Little lodge field hall
Broyd James, bricklayer Letch Thomas Augustus, baker Smith Henry, farmer, Place farm
Buck Arthur, clothier & draper Linsen Geo. Darby, grocer & draper Smith Joseph, farmer, Claypit hall
Buckle John, surgeon Mace Thos. assist. overseer & accountant Smith Robert, shoe maker
Bunn Charles, beer retailer Medcalf Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper Spencer Golding, shoe maker
Chandler Jacob, carpenter Mortlock Chas. Luke, fanner, Litches Stock George Wenden, beer retailer &
Chapman John Thos. engineer & smith Mumford Elisha, beer retailer & shoe ma bricklayer
Choat Chas.landowner & farmer,Park gt Newman Wm. Smith, frmr.Bluegate hall Tanner Joseph William, grocer, draper
Crossman Wm. & Son, plumbers & Pawsey Wm. (Mrs.),farmer, New house & ironmonger
glaziers Piper Charles, shopkeeper Taylor Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker

Fox William, glover & tailor Porter George, coach builder Turner John Robert, saddler
Freeman John, shopkeeper Prance Jsph. jun. baker & confectioner
LITTLE BARDFIELD is a parish and village in the the income for both is £100 yearly. John Cutts esq. of
Western division of the county,Freshwell hundred,Dunmow Little Bardfield Hall, who is lord of the manor and the
union and county court district, Sampford rural deanery, trustees of Hezekiah Smith are the principal landowners.
Colchester archdeaconry and St. .Albans diocese, situated on The soil is mixed; subsoil, principally clay. The chief crops
the south bank of the river Blackwater, 10 miles east from are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 1,713 acres;
Elsenham station, 10 north-west from Braintree station and rateable value, £2,949; and the population in 1881 was 346.
I! no~h-,!est from Great Bard~eld. ,!h~ churc~ ~f St. HAWKSPYE GREEN, 1 mile north from the church, Great
Katnerme !s a ~mall a~d very anCIent bUlld~~, conSlstmg of Hyde, 1 mile north-west and Oxen End, a mile and a half
chancel, WIth aIsle, na, e an~ a tower contammg :2 bells: the south-east, are hamlets of this parish.
chancel ~as a good east WIndow and reredos of. a~aba~ter. Parish Clerk George O,-era11.
The regtster dates from the year 1539. The IlVlng IS a ' .
rectory, tithes commuted at £4 80, with 67 acres of glebe LET~R Box cleared at 5 .p.m. Letters recen'ed thro~h
and residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Richard Bramtree. Gt. Bardfield IS the nearest money order office
Henry White M.A. of Jesus nollege, Cambridge. Here are National School (mixed) for 83 children, with a yearly en-
five almshouses for old and destitute women and a National dowment from the Bernard Charity; Mrs. Isabella Overall,
school, founded by Mrs. Sarah Bernard, November 12, 1774; mistress
Cutts John, Little Bardfield hall I Betts J oseph, miller Hynds John, fanner, Oxen end
White Rev. Richard HenryM.A. [rector] Cutts John, solicitor & commissioner to Mihill John, ,spread Eagle, & baker
COMMERCIAL. administer oaths :Myzen John, fanner, Dixon's farm
Ambrose :Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Grove ho Cutts John, jun. farmer, Hall farm Overall George, florist
Andrews Charles, farmer, Gridiron hall Cutts Marcus, farmer, Hyde's Tilbrook Thomas, farmer, Moor hall &
Bedow Richard, farmer, Cracklands I Giblin Joseph, farmer Wainfords farm

:BARKING is a town and station on the London, Tilbury and during these periods several kings are related to ha,-e dwelt
Southend railway, 7 miles from Whitechapel church,2 south within the abbey walls and William the Conqueror is said to
from Ilford and 6 south-west from Romford, on the ri,-er have taken up his abode here during the building of hIS
Roding, which is navigable for barges from the Thames to fortress in London. In 1376 a great inundation broke down
Great Ilford; it is a parish in the Southern division of the the banks of the Thames at Dagenham. the repairs of which
county, Becontree hundred, Romford union and count)- court greatly impoverished the nuns: Eleanor, duchess of Glou-
district, rural deanery of Barking, arehdeaconry of Essex, cester, retired hither in 1397 and here died in 1399; and
diocese of St. Albans and is under the jurisdiction of the here also Edmund and Jasper Tudor, sons of Catherine de
Metropolitan police; it is separated from East and West la Pole, the Queen Dowager, were educated: the abbesses
Ham and Little Ilford by the river Roding, from Dagenham were appointed by the king till 1200 and held baronial rank
by the Rom, having the Thames on the south and is divided by virtue of their landed possessions. The abbey was sur-
into four wards: Barking in the south-west; Ilford or Great rendered to Henry VIII. on the 14th November,1539, at
Ilford in the north-west; Chadwell in the north-east; and which time its revenues amounted to £1,084 per annum
Ripple in the south-east. At the mouth of the Roding creek and an annual pension of 200 marks (133 6s. IOd.) granted
on the Thames are gunpowder magazines. to Dorothy Barley, the last abbess. The site of the monas-
Barking in the Domesday Survey is called Burehingas. tery with its demesne lands was leased by the King to Sir
Of the place little or nothing is known until the foundation Thomas Dennye and long afterwards granted by Edward VI.
of the Benedictine abbey, about the year 670, by St. Erken- to Edward Fynes, Lord Clinton, who immediately transferred
wald, bishop of London, in the reigns of Sebbi and Sigbere, it to Sir Richard Sackville; subsequently, it was again vested
kings of the East Saxons: the founder being grandson of in the Crown and was granted by James I. to Augustine
Uffa, the first Saxon King of the East Angles and the first Steward, who died saised of this property in 1628; in 1747
bishop who sat in the see of London after the erection of St. it was purchased by J oseph Keeling and is now held by Sir
Paul's by King Ethelbert; this abbey was dedicated to the Edward Hulse bart. of Breamore )louse, Salisbury: there
Virgin and is said to have been the first religious house is scarcely a vestige now remaining of the once magnificent
established for women in the kingdom. The original charter abbey, nor have any of the main buildings been standing for
of endowment by Hodelied, father of King Sebbi, is among centuries. Mr. Lethieullier, when lord of the manor, by
the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum; but the names digging about the ruins, procured a ground plan of the
of the estates or lordships are so changed that it is utterly abbey, or of some considerable portion of it: in 1876 the
impossible to trace them. William the Conqueror confirmed foundations of the Ladye Chapel and the skeletons of two
the original grants, as did also all the succeeding monarchs abbesses, buried in front of the altar, were discovered in the
down to Henry VII. The first abbess was Ethelburgh, sister grounds belonging to the National Schools, a part of the site
of the founder; and it is a fact worthy of note as showing which does not appear to have been excavated by Mr.
the importance of the parish in past ages that most of the Lethieullier: at the entrance to the churchyard is an
abbesses were of high rank and severaJ of them of the blood ancient gateway, over which is the chapel of the Holy Rood ;
royal; one being OsW)'th, daughter of Edifrith, King of N01'- this, although erected long subsequently to the monastery.
thumberland and another Ethelburgh, wife of Ina, king of is sufficiently interesting, from the fact that within its walls
the West Saxons. Maud, wife of Henry I. at one time the curfew bell is said to have tolled at eight o'clock; it is
swayed the destinies of the monastery, as did also another by some called the fire-bell gate and this may be 80, for the
Maud, wife of King Stephen; in succession to whom Henry curfew bell was as well a note of alarm as an indication of •

n. appointed Mary, sister of St. Thomas a Becket, as abbess: the h9ur of rest ~ during six months of the year one of the

bells in the church tower is still tolled nightly at eight and Barking the Market House and tolls, with seven cottages,
in the morning at five o'clock, merely as perpetuating an the latter now producing £20 per annum. + Sir Thomas
ancient custom: another gateway, leading into the precincts Campbell's legacy of £uX), expended in the purchase of land
of the abbey, was pulled down in 1881. in Eastbury Marsh, realises £24 yearly. 5. Cotlands con-
The church of St. Margaret, a structure chiefly of Perpen- sists of about five acres of ancient copyhold poor'a land, held
dicular date, with some Early English features, consists of a of the manor of Barking and producing £25 per annum.
chancel, nave, south aisle, two north aisles running parallel 6. Jonathan and Thomas Collett left certain land, known as
to each other for the whole length of the building and at "Kings' .Bridge Marsh," since sold for £1,500 and vested in the
the west end is a lofty embattled tower containing 8 fine- 3 per Cents. : an annual dividend of £48 98. is distributed by
toned bells, rung with great skill by the St. Margaret's the churchwardens in bread every Sunday morning among
Campanological Society, composed of some of the principal the deserving poor. 7. Towkes' charity enables the authori-
tradesmen of the town: it was originally appropriated to ties of Barking and IHord to send two boys, sons of parish-
the monastery and previously to 1328 there had been two ioners, to Christ's Hospital, London. 8. In 1614 John Wilde
vicarages in the church of Barking, distinguished as St. left to the poor of Barking a house in East Street, containing
Margaret's-on-the-North and St. Margaret's-on-the-South, four rooms, occupied rent free by poor people placed in them
but about this period they were united, although it was not by the parish officers (this property became very dilapi.
until 1398 that they were legally consolidated: in the year dated); it was sold to Mr. William Lake for £225 and two
1452 several disputes had arisen between Catherine de...Ja,.. new ~mshouses have been built adjoining the seven alms-
Pole, ~e abbess and Sir John Greening, the vicar, which houses in East Street, making in the whole nine almshouses
being referred to arbitration, the vicar was awarded" pro- of four rooms each, containing about twenty-one inmates
visions every day in the convent for himself and servant so rent free. 9. There are eight other charities, arising either
long as he should not be of a litigious disposition, but if he from rents of land or investments and producing on the
should, without license of the abbess, hold any discourse aggregate about £30 per annum, variously distributed in
with the nuns, for the first offence he should lose his diet for mone)', bread and coals.
a week and for the second offence he should lose it for a There is a pro"ident dispensary in Broadway, supported
month and if he offended a third time he should be excluded by subscriptions.
the convent;" the church was not then endowed with any The market has dwindled down to the exhibition of a few
of the great tithes: in the year 1536 an agreement was street stalls on Saturday nights. A fair is held on October
entered into between the then abbess and vicar for the 23rd. Some smacks are built here and there are sail lofts
payment by the former of £10 per annum in l~eu of diet, and rope yards. A large jute manufactory emplo)'s an
and this sum the vicar still receives: there are brasses in average of about 1,600 hands.
the chancel to Thomas Broke and Alice, his wife, 1493, A considerable portion of Hainault Forest is in this parish,
with a son and daughter; to John Tedcastell gent. and within the limits of which formerly stood the renowned
Elizabeth, his wife, 1596, with nine sons and seven daughters Fairlop Oak, the stem of which, at three feet from the
and one of a priest, in academic dress, with chalice, the ground, measured 36 feet in girth, with boughs extending
inscription gone c. 1480: in the nave and south aisle brasses over a circumference of 300 feet; under its shade, for many
to Elizabeth Hobart, widow, 1590; Christopher Merell, citizen years, a fair was held on the first Friday in July; but the
and goldsmith of London, 1598, (}it. 60 and his sister Anne tree is gone and Fairlop Fair lives only in the records of the
Yardley, a widow, 1579 and an inscription, c. 1530. The past.
registers date from the year 1558. The rectory, which in The North London Main Drainage Sewer passes through
1541 had been leased to Mary Blackenhall, consisted of all the marsh lands on the banks of the rh'er Roding and the
such tithes as had not been previously leased; it subsequently reservoir, or main outfall, is constructed on lands in Barking
fell into the hands of the Crown, by whom (in 1550) it was parish.
sold (together with the advowson of the vicarage) to Robert J<::astbury House, about one mile from Barking, is an
Thomas and Andrew Salter; the greater portion of it after- ancient and very spacious brick building in the Domestic
wards passed to the trustees of the will of William Pownsett, Tudor style, with curiously-decorated chimneys and rooms
of Loxford (who had been steward to the last abbess) and painted in fresco; it is connected by tradition with the Gun-
who, being desirous of bestowing his substance on charitable powder Plot, some accounts designating it as a meeting place
objects, gave the rectory and ad"owson to the Warden and of the conspirators and others as the residence of Lord
Fellows of All Souls College, Oxford. The living is a vicarage, Monteagle; it is now used as a farm house; the estate on
tithe rent-charge £820, with 5 acres of land and residence, which it stands belongs to the Sterry family.
in the gift of All Souls College, Oxford and held by the Ven. The manor of Barking, which is paramount all over the
Alfred Blomfield M.A. late fellow of that College, Archdeacon hundred, remained in the Crown till James I. sold it to Sir
of Essex and hon. canon of St. Albans. Thomas Fanshawe; since then it has been in the families of
A Mission Chapel, in connection with the Church of Humphrey and Gore; it was purchased of the latter by
England, was erected in Fisher Street in 1878. Smart Lethieullier esq. and is now the property of Sir
There are Catholic, Congregational, Wesleyan and Baptist Edward Hulse bart. a descendant of Mary, the last heiress of
places of worship and a meeting place for Brethren; a the Lethieullier family.
savings bank and Metropolitan police station. The principal landowners are the Marquis of Salisbury
A school attendance committee was formed here in r878. and Sir Edward Hulse bart.
Of the endowed charities amounting to £300 yearly, the The parish contains 12.306 acres of land and 314 of water.
following may be enumerated:-l. In the year 1818 James Rateable value, £113,683. The population of the entire
Hayes left £400 (3 per cent. reduced annuities). 2. Mrs. parish in 1881 was 16,795. The population of Barking ward
Ann Nepton left an estate to the Poulters' Company of and town in 1881 was 8,008.
London, subject to a yearly rent-charge of £40, to be dis- f RIPPLESIDE consists of a number of scattered farms.
tributed by the masters and wardens of that company in extending from I to 3 miles east from Barking, near the
Ss. gifts to 160 poor persons yearly in May. 3. Sir Thomas bank of the Thames. The population in 188L was about
Fansbawe gave for the benefit of the poor of the parish of 1,138. To the north-west are Porters and Parsloes.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &0
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank 1 Almshouses, East street
& Government Annuity & Insurance Office, Pavement. MetrtJpolitan Police Station, North street, Thomas Lamb
-Alfred Stephens, postmaster. Letters dispatched at 10 & Richard Jeffery, sergeants
a.m. 12.15,5 & 9 p.m. & on sundays at 7.45 p.m. deli- Essex (ISt) Rifle Voluntetn·s (D company), headquarters,
vered at 7 & 9 a.m & 3 &: 6.15 p.m. Money order office open Town hall; Samuel Glenny, captain
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. PuUic Lighting 0/ Watching Committee, Thos. Forge, clerk
Post office savings bank open daily, same hours as money' Stamp Office. Pavement, Alfred Stephens, distributor
order office. Wall End is the postal district of East Ham Town Hall, Broadway; William Simmans, hall keeper
County Fire, J. Bissell, North street Regist1'arof Births, Deaths 4" Marriages, Richard Daniel
Norwich Fnion Fi"e, J. A. Millns Wilding, Linton road
Plumix Fire, E. J. Bentley, Florence villa, Wakering road PLA.CES OF WORSHIP (with times of service) :-
Queen, G. Reeds, Broadway &: J. Wilson, jun. Barkingcreek St. Mm'fjaret's Church,Church park, Ven. Alfred Blomfield
R(}yal &chan.qe, H. H. Mason, East street M.A. vicar; Rev. F. P. H. Powell RA. & .Rev... H.
Sun Fire, F. E. Fitt, Broadway Lagrange D. Chapman, curates; services. :u a.m. 3
PuBLIC ESTABLlSHMENTS:- p.m. 6.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. U B.m. & 7.30 p.m
Barking 4" East Ham Provident DispensaTJI, H. H. Mason, Chttrch of E1/{/land Mission Chapel, Fisher street, Rev. V.
surgeon, Heath street Smith A.K.C.L. curate; I I B.m. & 6.30 p.m


CathoU, Church, Linton road, Rev. J ames Gilligan, priest; National (boys & girls), Back lane, built in I87!2, with
8.30 a.m. ro.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m teachers' residences, at a OOllt of £4.000, for 250 boys &
Baptist Chapel, Queen's road, Rev. W. B. Hobling, minis- 225 girls; Joshua King, master; W. H. M, Dodd, assistant
ter ~ I I a.m. 6.go p.m.; mono & wed. 1.go p.m master; M1'8. Elizabeth Ann Fisher, mistress
Baptist .J:leeting Room, North st. 1: I a.m. 6 p.m. ; tueB. 7 p.m
National (infants), North street, for 200 children; Miss
Brethren Chapel, .Axe street; I I a.m. 6.30 p.m Louisa E. WaIter, mistre85
Congregational Chapel, Broadway,- Rev. J. H. Stanley, National, Rippleside, Miss Alice Middleton, mistress
minister; n a.m. 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Congregational (boys), Broadway; George Jackson, master
Prinliti",e Methodin Chapel, Manor road, ministel'fl various; Catholic (mixed), Linton road; Miss Elizabeth We~'D1an,
tI a.m. 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m mistress
Wesleyan. Chapel, East street, Rev. D. Pearson, minister; Ragged (sunday), Heath street
JI a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 1 p.m I Wesleyan, East street; WilIiam Pink, master
RAILWAY STATION, East street; Albert Chalk, station
SCHOOLS:- master
BifrQ'll's (mixed), Axe street, Miss Annie Nicklen, mistress CARRIERS TO LONDON-eharles Leftley & John Jaggers,
.lVaticmal, Barking creek, Charles Minter, master from their houses, every morniug, returning same evening
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Smith Rev. Vincent A..I(.C.L. [curate], Brand Frederick Joseph, grocer,North st
Bentley Edward John, Florence villa, Fisher street Brewer Thomas, dairy, Heath street
Wakering road Smith David, Linton road Bridges Arthm;..James, plumber,painter,
Berry Henry, Cambridge road Stanley Rev. Joseph Helliwell [Congre- glazier, gas fitter & house decorator,
Beves Waiter Thomas, Cambridge road gational], Linton road North street
BewersWilliam, 2 Wellington-ter.New rd Traylen George, I Hawthorn terrace Brown Robert Geo. farmer, Longbridge
Callaway Edward, Cambridge road Ward Mrs. Cambridge road Brown Thomas, whitesmith, North st
Carter Theodore,Chestnut vil.Queen's rd Weller John, Clifton villa, East street Bunker James, chemist, Heath street
Chalk Arthur, Cambridge road Whitbourn Henry, East street Butterfield John Cope, chemical manu-
Challen George Caleb, Cambridge road Whitbread Frederick, Cambridge road facturer, Barking creek
Champness Thomas, Axe street Willett John, Braintree ho. North st Cade John Robt. pork butcher, North st
Chapman Rev. Henry La Grange Dou- Windmill Wm. Holly house, Tenner st Callaway Edwd. surgeon, Cambridge rd
gan [curate], Cambridge road Windmill William Henry, jun. Holly Carter & Son, grocers & provision
Chapple Wm. Stanley viI. Wakering rd house, Tanner street dealers, Heath street
Coats Henry, Cambridge road Woodhead Mrs. 6 Wellington terrace, Carter George, beer retailer, Manor I'd
Crisp Shepperd, Hawthorn terrace New road Carter John, pork butcher, East street
Cutmore Henry, Linton road COMMERCIAL. Carter Thomas, marine store dlr. New st
Davey George William. Hawthorn ter Ackland John, greengrocer, Heath st Castle James, greengrocer, Heath street
Davies Edward Alfred, Linton road Albon Samuel, blacksmith, East street Chalk Albt.statn.mastr. Fern viLEast st
Davies James, James street Aldous Richard, beer retailer & butcher, Chapple Alice (Mrs.), dress maker,
Dawson Charles James, Cambridge rd Fisher street Fisher street
Deveson Edward, Cambridge road Allison Ja.mes, greengrocer, Axe street Chapple Thomas, fishmonger, Heath st
Fisher Mrs. 3 Hawthorn terrace Anderson George William, wardrobe Clark Alfred, The Hope, & lighterman ;
Fitt Mrs. Oak villa, Queen's road dealer, Fisher street fresh water supplied by steam barge
Ford John Holden, Linton road Andrews Charles, beer retailer, East st to any part of the river at per ton or
Gibbard William, Linton road Argent David, beer retailer & builder, contract; Fisher street
Gilligan Rev. James [Catholic], The North strllet Clark Charles, lighterman & ship
Presbytery, Linton road Atterton John, beer retailer & tailor, breaker, :Fisher street
Glenny Benjamin Wallis, White house, Fisher street Clark Charles, tailor, Broadway
East street Bailey Annie & Eliza (Misses), fane Clark Henry, greengrocer, North street
Glenny Edward, Ash villa, Queen's rd drapers, haberdashers, hosiers & Clark John, grocer, North street
Glenny Thomas Wallis, Linton road music sellers, East street Clark SUBan (Mrs.) ,coffee rms. Fisher st
Glenny William Wallis l.P. Cecil house Bailey Adolphus, dairyman, West bank Cole William, baker, Axe st. & North st
Granville Charles, Church road Bailey Mary Louise (Mrs.), Peto Arms, Collier Edward John, manager, Welling-
Hams Edward, Myrtle villa, North st East street ton mill, New road
Haslett Charles, Cambridge road 41' Bailey Wm. grocer & beer rtlr. Linton I'd Collier Henry, stationer &c. Heath st
Hewett Robert, Roden lodge, North st Balchin Frank, commercial traveller, Cook Isaac, shopkeeper, Tanner street
Hind Andrew Paris, Linton road Cambridge road , Cooper J oseph, carpenter & undertaker,
Hobling Rev.William Burnard[Baptist], Barking 4' County Benefit Building So- Axe street
Cambridge road ciety; open on the lSt & grd wednes- Cotton WaIter, hair dresser, North st
Holt WaIter, North street day in the month from 8 to 9 p.m. Coultas Ernest, grocer & provision
Hopkins Mrs. 6 Hawthorn terrace (G. C. Challen F.S.S. sec.), Town dealer, Heath street
Horsley Miss, Darlington viI. Linton I'd hall, Broadway I
Crowe Joseph, marine store dlr. Eastst
Ivory John, Tanner street Barki1lfl District Savings Bank (Charles Curling Nathaniel, shopkeeper, Axe st
King Mrs. Church road Mumford, actuary) ; open 7 to 8 p.m. Curtis Jonas, beer retailer, Queen's rd
Knowles Hy.Wltr.Hawthorn ho.Northst on tuesday; Broadway Cutmore James, rope & twine maker,
Lester John, Primrose villa, Linton rd Barking 4' East Ham P"o1Jident »is- Axe street
Louth J oseph, Tanner street pensary (Hugh Herbert Mason, Daldy & Co. coal merchants & lime
Marchant Hy. Northbury ho. Tanner st surgeon), Broadway burners; depot, East street
Marchant Wm. Vicarage vii. Axe st Barking Guano W01'ks (Daniel De Pass, Davey Wm. tar distiller, Barking creek
Martin Hy. Gothic villa, Wakeringroad proprietor), Barking creek Dawson Chas. Jas. architect, Cambdg.rd
Mason Hugh Herbert, Abbey lodge, Bass Isaac, grocer, :Fisher street Deveson Edward, corn & coal merchant,
East. street Bateman Christian, stationer, Broadway Broadway & Fisher street
Maynard Mrs. Church road Hayfield Charles, shopkeeper & market Dockerill Robert, hair dresser,Broadway
Moffatt Mrs. Southbury house, Hart et gardener, Manor road Dorrell Leo Francis,iron& brass founder,
Morgan James Thomas, Cambridge rd Beaumont Thomas, butcher, North st Hart street
Morgan James Thomas, TaODel' street Belcham Emma (Mrs.), baker & grocer, Dowsett Charles, fishmonger, Heath st
Morgan Mrs. Fawley house, East street Fisher street Drake Joseph, bricklayer & builder,
Pearson Rev.Danl. [Wesleyanl ,Linton I'd Belling Thomas, baker, Broadway North street
Perry Mrs. Whykeham ho. Queen's rd Bentall William. stationer, Church rd Drane Sarah(Mrs.),shopkeeper,Heath st
Poulton Mrs. Bifrons house, Axe street Bere Edmund, greengrocer, East street Dunk James Hy. shopkeeper, Linton rd
Powel! Rev. Francis Pery Hutchesson Berry John, beer retailer, North street Ellis James, hair dresser, Broadway
B.A. [curate], Acacia vil. Queen's I'd Binks Eliza (Mrs.), beer rtlr. Broadway Elmore Thomas, florist, King's road
Pulleyn Mrs. Acacia villa, Queen's road Binks GeorgeSaml beer retailer, Axe st Esse~ (1St) Rifle Voluntee1'S (D. corn-
Quash John Thomas,Northbury house, Bissell John, ironmonger, North street pany) (SamLGlenny,capt.),Town hall
North street Blows John, baker, Broadway Farr & Clark, confectioners, East street
Ridley Thomas Herbert Blyth Frederick, beer retailer, East st Farrow William, timber merchant,
Shellitoe Henry, jun. 2 Hawthorn tu Bolton Robert, shopkeeper, Fiiher st North stre6t, & beer retailer, Fisher st
Shellitoe William, Cambridge road Bone William, Blue Anchor, Heath st Featherstonehaugh John, fishmonger &
Shering Miss, Linton road Bosworth George, Red Lio-n, North st greengrocer, East street
Skinley Joseph, Ltilton road Brand David, boot maker, North street l<'ergussonHy.boot& shoe ma.Broadway
Fire Brigade Engine House (John Johnson Alfred, harness ma. Fisher st. Rulton Henry, beer retailer, Heath st
Quash, captain), Town hall, Broadway' Johnson James, baker, Heath street Russell Wm.painter & plumber,North st
Firman James Th08. beer rtir. North st I Johnson James,. baker, King's-road Russell Wm. jun. tobacconist, North 8t
Fitt Fraucis Edwa~ pharmaceutical Johnson Philip, tailor, Broadway Sales Sarah (Miss), laundress, North st
chemist, Broadway Keen John, butcher, Fisher street San80m Samb (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,
FordEdwinXoah,com.trav.Linton road Kemp Edward, beer retailer, New 8t Broadway
Forge Thomas, stationer, Broadway I Kemp Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. Broadway Saunders Alfred, fishmonger, Fisher st
Forge Thos. jun. watch maker, Heath st Kerridge Edwd. greengrocer, Broadway Saunders Henry Rd~ draper, Heath str
Foresters' ~Priendly Society (Thomas Killingbeck Henry, baker, Church road Schrier Thos. Robinson, rope ma. Axe\t
Forge, sec.), Town hall, Broadway I Kilt Samson, boot maker, North street Scotcher Ja3. In. beer retailer, North st
Freeman Joseph, beer rtlr. Back lane I Kirkman Benjamin,cowkeepr. King's rd Seabrook Hy. Fishing Smack, Fisher st
French Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Axe 5t Knowles Edward, grocer, North street Sems George, tailor, North street
Garland John Wm. shopkeeper, East st Knowles John, shopkeeper, New road Shelitoe Hy. general dealer, Heath st
Garnell George, cooper, Broadway Lake & Kihg, drapers, Broadway Shirt Samuel, cutler, Back lane
Gas Works (Wm. Barnett, manager & Lake Jos. John, shopkeeper, Tanner st Sivell David, shopkeeper, North street
collector), Hart street Lake William, boot maker, East street Sloan Hugh, travelling draper,Church rd
Gay Joseph, market gardener, East st Lawes' Chemical Manure Co. Limited, Smith John, beer retailer, West bank
Gay Wm. jun. market gardener, East st artificial manure manufacturers (T. Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Gibbard Esther Ann (Mrs.), grocer & Elborough,managingdirector ;J.Mor- Barking Creek ,.
general dealer, Manor road gan, secretary), Barking creek Smith Richard, shoe maker, Rack lane
Gibbard Harriet (Miss), dress maker, Leftley Charles, carrier, I I Nelson street Smorthwaite James, baker, Heath street
North street Leftley John, baker, North street Soul Dl.commercial traveller,Church rd
Glenny Benjamin Wallis, wharfinger, Leftley Joseph, carman, North street Soul Henry, grocer, North street
contractor, merchant, timber, coal, Levy Henry & Edward N. & Co. Limited Spall Jacob, shoe maker, North street
stone, lime, cement, bricks, tiles, (David H. Smith, manager), jute spin- Sparks Alexander, shoe maker, Back la
pipes &c. j goods shipped,landed,ware- ners & sack makers, Abbey works Spashetts Esth. (Mrs.), dress ma. East st
housed & carted, Town Quay wharf Linsdell Henry, Ship, Heath street Squirrell Benj. provision dealer, Axe st
Glenny Thos. Wallis, brewer, Linton rd ' Lovett Alfred, beer retailer, Linton I'd Stace Joseph, hair dresser, Heath street
Glenny Wm. Wallis, farmer, Cecil house Lucas Hy. C'1'00ked Billet, Barking creek Stamp Office, (Alfred Stephens, distri-
Goodaker John Henry, beer retailer & MacAlister Alex. Britannia, Church 1'd butor),Pavement
wheelwright, North street McMurray Fredk. beer retailer, Broad""y Steane Ed. & Co. soap manufs. Fisher st
Goodey Chas. Hy. bricklayer,Cam1xlg.rd Ma5kell George, grocer, Fisher street Stenning Frederick, berlin wool, fancy
GoodeyJamesRenil,builder,Church rd Mason Hugh Herbert, surgeon, Abbey repository, stationer, news agent &e.
Goody Daniel, bricklayer, North street lodge, East street North street
Grainger William, grocer, Broadway I Mays Austin, confectioner, Broadway Stewart In. carpenter & pattern maker,
Granville Charles,boot maker,Broadway Mead J ames, shopkeeper, West bank Broadway
Gray John Crowder, Queen's Head, Middleton Chas. shopkpr. Barking crk Stratford Thos. coffee rooms, Heath st
Broadway Miller In. builder & grocer, Wakering rd Sutton Samuel, greengrocer & fruiterer,
Gregory John, corn dealer, Heath street ~Iillns & Son, grocers, bakers & earthen- Broadway
Hall Henry, basket maker, East street ware dealers, North street Sutton Samuel, pork butcher, Banford
Hambleton Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Mills Edwd.tallow melter&oilman,Axe st place, Wakering road
Fisher street Milton Sarah (Mrs.), greengro. Fisher st Sutton SI. Thos. coal merohant, Fisher st
Harns Fredk. 'rhos. upholsterer, Back Moultrie John, grocer, Broadway Tate James, marine store dealer, New st
lane & Broadway Oakley John, shopkeeper, Heath street Taylor George, coffee rooms, Fisher st
Harris Edwd. farrier & smith, Broadway Olive John, dining rooms, Heath street Throssell WilIiam, baker, North street
Harris Richard James, grocer & china Palmer Joseph, cowkeeper, Axe street Tourn Hall (Mr. Simmans, keeper),
dealer, Fisher street Parker J oseph, music smith, lead worker Broadway
Harris Thomas, grocer, Church path & vertical overstrungironfrontframe Tucker Robt. photographer,Wakering rd
Harrison Alice (Mrs.)., dress ma. East st maker, Turner street & Church road Turnbridge Joseph, shopkeeper, East st
Hart Joseph, butcher, East street j & Parker William, beer retailer, Axe st Turner Henry Chas. shopkeeper, East st
pork butcher, Broadway Parsons George, Bull, North street VanHenry I"rederick,refreshment rooms,
Hawkings Nathaniel, undertaker & Patch Thos. market gardener, Faircross & mineral water manufr. Heath st
builder, Fisher street Payne James, butcher, Heath street Vurley Wm. Jas. whitesmith, North st
Heading John, boot & shoe ma. Heath st Pearson George, coffee rooms, Heath st Wade Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Heading Simon, boot maker, King's rd Pearson James, butcher, Broadway Broadway
Heathcote Fredk. Spotted .Dog, East st Pearson Robt. pork butcher, Heath st Wagstaff Selina A. (Mrs.), dress maker,
Hewett Robert & Co. Limited, steam Pelling Thomas, grocer, Broadway Heath street
ship owners, Fisher street Perry Elizh. (Mrs.), seminary, 4 & 5 Walesby Charles Edmund, Rose ~ CrOtl'n,
Hind Andrew Paris, land agt. Linton rd Wellington terrace, New road & tailor, Fisher street
Hockley Daniel, pawnbroker, Broadway Phillips Abraham,greengro.Wakering rd Wallis Sarah (Mrs.),dres9 ma. North st
& linen draper & clothier, High street Piercy George, wheelwright, Glenny rd Wallis Wm. boot & shoe maker,North st
Holland Thos. market gardener, Axe st Pigou,Wilks & Laurence,Limited,powder Ward John, coffee rooms, New road
Hollis Edwd. com. traV'. Cambridge rd. magazine, Ripple level Wehrle Otto, watch &clock ma. North st
Holmes Mary Ann (Mrs.), Ge01y/e hotel, Pigrome Emily & Clara (Misses), ladies' Weidner Wm. shopkeeper, Heath street
Broadway I school, North street West Ed.saddler & harness ma.Broadway
Home for Sin.qle Women (Miss Hamble- Pink John Thos. ironmooger, Broadway Whitbourn Francis, miller, Wellington
ton, mistress), Park house, Hart st I Planner Charles, shopkeeper, Fisher st
Howe John, undertaker, North street ! Porter Allin, Still, Fisher street
mill, New road
Wilcox Annesley (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Howe William, clothier, North street Prince Henry, chimney sweeper, Back Fisher street
Hume Arth.Wm.teach.ofmus.Church rd lane & East street Wilding Emily Jane (Miss), high class
Humphreys Mark, clothier, Heath street Puplett Fredk. Geo. furniture dlr.East st school, Linton road.
& tailor, Broadway 1 Pyner Ellen (Mrs.),dress maker,North st Wilding Richard Daniel, wharfinger &
Isbell Edith(Mrs.),dress maker,Heath st Quash In. Jas. hosier & glover, North st registrar of births, deaths &; marriages,
Jackson Chas. shopkeeper, Fisher street Randells, Howell & Co. malt roasters, Linton road
Jackson Daniel Thomas, grocer, Axe st Fisher street Willett John, pawnbroker, North street
Jackson Joseph,growers' salesman, Ivy Read Robert, boot maker, Heath street WilIett Robert, linen draper, Broadway
cottage, James street ReedSophia (Mrs.), fashionable milliner, WilIiams William, grocer, East street
Jackson Mary (Miss), stay maker, Ivy & registry office for servants,North st Willingale Spencer, draper, Fisher 8t
cottage, James street Reeds George, tobacconist, Broadway Wilson Francis, boot maker, Axe street
Jaggers John, carner & furniture re- Riches John Hy. greengrocer, North st Wiseman William, shopkeeper, North st
mOl-er, East street Ridley'l'. D. & Sons, millers, Town quay Yallop J ames, furniture broker,North 8t
James George & Co. gunpowder lighter- Roberts Fredk. shopkeeper, North street Yeoman George,shopkeeper, Church rd
men, Park villa, Axe st Rowe Robert, corn dealer & market Youn~ William, grocer, Axe street
Jams John, greeugrocer, North street gardener, Broadway
Blomfield Ven. Alfred M.A. [vicar of' Brooke George, Eastburr house COMMERCIAL.
Barking, archdeacon of Essex & hOIl. Butterfield John, Westbuty cottage Adams & Glynes, farmerg, Manor farm
canon of St. Moons] Glenny Capt. Samuel, Greatfield Bixby Geo.beel' rtlr.Be~t) ~~tle lane
22 BA.RKING. •
. Brooke George, farmer, Eastbury home Gilderson Calebt wheelwright Mills WaIteT, fanner, Lodge fann
BrownJoseph,market gardenr.Scrattons Glenny Saml. market gt'dnr. Greatfield Parrish William, fanneT, Great Porters
Carter, Arthur-, faTmer, Upney farm Harvey & Thirtle, fanners,Mover'lIl farm Pool James, beer retailer &; farmer
Chatting Wm. 8l11"Veyor &C. Ripple ter Hockley SaTah (Mrs.), beer retailer Rogers Charles, Ship if Shovel
Fillinglll Maitland, faTmer, Ripple hall Holland William, market gardener Waltham Edwd. Hawkinlll, farmer, May.
Frost lsaac, market gardener Kirk John, farmer, Mogg's farm bells faTm
BARKING SIDE is a pleasant village and eccIesiasti- are trained as laundry-maids and ironers. There are also
cal parish, fOTmed in 1841 out of the ecclesiastical parish of two school-rooml!l, one for infantlll and another for girls. The
Great Ilford, civil parish of Barking, in the Southern divi- elder girls, who are engaged in the daily work of the place,
sion of the county, Romford county court district, jurisdic- do not live in the hoUBes, but have a dwelling to them-
tion of the Central Criminal Court and in the Eastern selves. The house matrons are for the most part ladies.
Metropolitan postal district, rural deanery of Barking, There ill also a Metropolitan district police force stationed
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, on the here, consisting of 2 inspectors and 18 men. The principal
borders of Hainault Forest, 3 miles north from IIford landowners are the Crown, Earl Cowley, James Mills esq.
station, 2 south from Chigwell Row, 4 north from Barking the trustees of the late Rey. J. Monings and Spencer
and 10 from London. The church of the Holy Trinity is a Charrington esq. Sir Edward Hulse bart. is lord of the
building i. the NOTman style, erected in 1840 aud consists manor. The area is 2,578 acres; the population in 1881
of chancel and nave, with a turret containing I bell: there was 2,630, chiefly employed in agriculture.
are about 500 sittings, about two-thirds of which are free. ,Pm'ish Clerk, Robert WaIter.
The register dates from the year 1840. The living is a
vicarage, yearly value £200, in the gift of the vicar of Great POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings' Bank.-
·Ilford and held by the Rev. Thos. Andrew Walker M.A. of St. George Henry Ingram, postmaster. Letters arri\"e at 10
John's College, Oxford. There are Wesleyan and Methodist a.m.; dispatched at 4 p.m. i also a PILLAR Box at the
Free Church chapels. The Home for Friendless & Destitute Horns tavern, cleared daily at 4.30 p.m. The telegraph
Girls is an institute in connection with the Boys' Home in office is at Great Ilford
Stepney Causeway, the children, now numbering nearly 550, Metropolitan Police Station, WiJliam Knap, inspector
residing in separate houses, each holding about 20 girls, flCHOOLS:-
under the charge of a responsible matron; of these houses National (mixed), for 300 children; Arthur Denham,
there are thirty, arranged so as to form a square. In the master; Mrs. Sarah Denham, mistress
effected by the aid of steam power; in this department girls garet King, mist.; Miss Frances Apthorpe, infants' mist
PRIVATE RESIDENTS Dyer John Francis, shopkeeper Mighell Philip, farmer, Ferne hall
Barnardo Thos. Jas. M.D. Mosford lodge East - End Juvenile Mission HO'me Monk Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
BaJ'liss Charles Jenkins, Carloon house fm' Neglected ~ Destitute Gi"ls Morley Henry, market gardener
Charrington Spencer, Great Gearies (Thomas Jas. Barnardo M.D.director; Morrell Henry, painter, Netley road
Edenborough Charles, Little Gearies George Saltau, governor); office, 18 Olif'er William, shopkeeper
Fleck Mrs. Paul's hill & 20 Stepney caUBeway, London e Porter George, market gardener
Green Henry A. FIoyd George, farmer, Beehive farm Richmond Edward, grocer
Ingram Mrs. Juke's villa Fountain John, jobber Robinson Robt. nurseryman, Beehive
Ingram Mrs. Netley road Gott James, timber merchant & farmer, Rowley Richard Andrew, baker
'Walker Rev. Thomas Andrew M.A.. Forest house Ruse Ernest, cO'\\'keeper, l"ence piece
Vicarage Hamlin George, builder, contractor & Saltau George, coffee house
Walks WiIJiam Robert carpenter Shepherd Michl. Sir,beer retailer&grocer
Webb Mrs. Fence Piece road Harrison James, florist, Abbey road Smith John, beer retaileT, Fence piece
·COMMERCIAL. HarwoodWm.blacksmith&wheelwright St. Peir George, beer retailer & jobber
Bailey Levi, beer retailer Haydon William, boot & shoe maker St. Peir John, jobber
Bird Charles, jobber Hunt Ejjza (Mrs.), shopkeeper,Horns la Stringer Charles, farmer, Middlefield ho
Bird James, shopkeeper : Ingram George Henry,grocer, provision Tomlin WiJliam, shopkeeper
Bird Robert, jobber dealer & post master Vince Thomas Martin, Btehive inn
Body William, marine store dealer ; Ingram George Henry& James, farmers, Wall John, blacksmith
Boulton James, farmer, St. Swithin's Hedgemans farm WaIter Robert George, builder
Brown George, farmer, Gayshall hall, Perryman'sFarm rd Watts Francis, brUBh veneer cutter,
Buck Benjamin, nurseryman Kinsbury, Thos. K. blackllmith, Beehive Birkbeck road
Buckhurst Edward, carpenter Knapp WiIJiam, police inspector Williams Thomas T. builder
Bush & Smith, farmers, Stone hall Lamb William, farmer, Clay hall Willis Charles, jobber
BushellJoseph, Horns tavern Lee Alfred, jobber, Mossfoot green Willis Hannah (Mrs.), farmer
Dayton William, butcher LeeGeo..Ancona,farmr.Bunting Bdg. frm Wiskar Wm. Hy. farmer, Fullwell hatch
Dench John, beer retailer Lee William, jobber Woods William, florist & nurseryman,
Deverson George, jobber Legassicke Robert., butcher Bunting Bridge road
Don George, farm bailiff to John AlIi- Lucas Rebecca. (Mrs.), Red HoustJ Wright Jas, market gardener, Moss grn
80n esq. Forest farm Mason Thomas, horse breakel" Young George & Louis, farmers
Deveson William, Old Cheq'«e1's Mayston Samuel Friday, Old Maypole Young Arthur, jobber, Perrymans
Deveaon William, jon. jobber j

BARLING is 6 parish, ~ miles from yearly value £236, in the g-ift of the Dean and Chapter of
Rochford, 5 north-east from Southend and 47 from Lon· St. Paul's and held by the Rev. Frederick Aubert Gace M.A.
don in the Southern division of the county, Rochford of Hertford College, Oxford. James Tabor esq. is lord of the
union, hundred and countY' court district, rural manor of Mucking Hall. The Dean and Chapter of St.
deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Paul's are lords of the manor of Barling Hall; and are the
St. Albans: this is an ancient village and was given by principal landowners. The soil is light upland and heavy
King Edward the Confessor to 81: Paul's Cathedral, to which marsh land; subsoil,clay, gra\'el and blue galt. The chief crops
the living still belongs: it lies on a creek communicating are wheat, oats, barley, beans, peas and clover. The area is
with the Broomhill river and the Crouch, opposite to Patton r,258 acres; rateable value, 2,687; and the population in
and the other marsh islands at the mouth of the Crouch; 1881, 366.
on the north is a quay. The church of All Saints is a stone Posr OFFICE.-Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, postmistress. Let-
structure in the Perpendicular style and consists of chancel, ters are received through Chelmsford by foot post from
nave,north aisle,a small vestry,recently added,and a massive Rochford ; arrive at 8.30 a.m. dispatched at 3.35 p.m. The
western tower' surmounted by a 8IDall shingled spire and con- nearest money order & telegraph office is at Great Wakering
taining 2 bells, both of the last century. The ceutre light of the Board School for 120 children, erected in 1877 by the School
window is stained. The register of baptisms dates from 1555 i Board of Great Wakering &C. with an average attendance
marriages and burials from 1695. The living is a 'Vicarage, of 90; Miss Rose Glass, mistress
Gace Rev. Fredk. Aubert K.A. [vicar] Holmstead William, fanner PittStephen, ~rpenter& wheelwright
Bannister Francis, farmer Hudson Thomas, inn. fanner Reeve J oseph, farmer
Brown John, farmer Hudson Thomas, ..fanner,. At. lDiller, Watson Elizabeth (Mrs.). postmistresl
Crol!l1J Henry~ farmer Blue House "
mentioned in I)(lmesda~' Survey, is "I
hnndred, union and county court district, rural deanery of
parish in the Western division of the county, Dunmow Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans,
2 miles south-east from Dunmow station, 38l from London Scott's charity, produce £22 yearly, distributed. in
and 10 north from Chelmsford, on the river Chelmer and clothing. MaJor John L. Toke is lord of the manor
the road from Dunmow to Chelmsford. Thechurch (dedi- and principal landowner. The BOil varies. considerably;
cation unknown) is a Norman building, consisting of chancel, subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
nave, Norman south doorway anda bell turret containing I The area is 1,472 acres; rateable value, £1,896; and the
bell : in the chancel is a memorial window, plll\-"'ed there at population in 1881 was 166.
the expense of Miss Toke, of Dover, to the Rev. William OUNSLEY GREEN is half a mile south; Spurling, half a
Toke, her father, rector of this parish for thirty years: mile north-west.
there is a similar north window to the LiT'ermore family. The Parish Clerk, William Newell.
register dates from the year 1539. The living is a rectory, POST OFFICE. - Mrs. Eliza Pigram, receiver. Letters
tithe rent charge £415, with residence, in the gift of Major through Chelmsford, via Dunmow, delivered at 8 a.m. ;
,John L. Toke and held by the Rev. Richard Roundell dispatehed at 2.50 p.m. The nearest money order ottice
Toke B.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge: the is at Dunmow
endowed charities left in 1654 by Daniel Baynard, in 1657 Parish 8cJwol (mixed); Miss Snow. mistress
'by Wm. Collard Gent, with land held by the trustees of CoACHES & CARRIERS, see DUNMow
'Toke Rev. Richard Roundell B.A. Ba:ratt Wm. farmer. Well Stye farm Smith Frederick William, farmer, Mac.
Rectory Coote Amos, beer retailer ken Herds farm
Wells Joseph Fleetwood, Barnstonlodge Gowers James, farmer, P~'es SmithMary (Mrs.),fmr. Barnston honse
Barker Frederick, surveyor of high- Lodge George, farm bailiff to J. F. Welch James, farmer. The Hall
ways, Dunmow district, Harbings Wells esq
.BEAUMONT-with-MOZE is a village and parish, in the principal portions of the edifice are Early ~nglish:
-the Eastern divisioll of the county, Tendring hundred and east window and a smaller Olle on the south side of the
union, Harwich county court district, rural deanery of Har- chancel being examples of Decorated work: the east window
wich, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, and eight others are stained: the south porch is of ancient
2 miles north from Thorpe station, 9~ south-west from oak. The Moze register of baptisms dates from 1548;
Harwich and 8l80uth-east from Manningtree: it is at the hurials, 1556 and marriages 1559: the Beaumont
head of a large creek of the sea and has a wharf. The registers of baptisms and burials date from :1564
parishes of Beaumont and Moze were united by Act of and marriages, 1567. The living is a rectory, com-
Parliament in 1678: the church of Moze (St Mary) being muted at £755, with residence and 40 acres of
-dilapidated was taken down and the materials utilised in re- glebe, in the gift of Wadham College, Oxford and held by
storing the church at Beaumont : its site was in a. hollow near the Rev. John Cooper M.A. late fellow and sub-warden of
the present Old Moze Hall, but no vestiges of it now remain. that college. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The Governors
The ancient manor of Moze dates from the time of Edward of Guy's Hospital, L()ndon, who are lords of the manor and
the Confessor, when it belonged to Levesin, a Saxon: it was Samuel John Delmis esq. are the chief landowners. The
eventually merged into the neighbouring possessions. of soil is loamy and clay; and the subsoil principally clay. The
the Earls of Oxford and has remained with the successive chief crops are wheat, barley, clover and beans. Much of
-owners of Beaumont up to the present time: salt works what was once a large tract of marsh land is now under
·existed here at the time of the Norman survey. Traces of cultivation. The area of the united parishes is 3,°46 acres
the "Old Hall," still exist in a field which retains that, of land and 215 of water; rateable value, £4,3°5; and the
name, about a quarter of a mile-south of the present manor population in 1881 was 430. .
house, or "New Hall": this latter is a fine specimen of MOZE (or Mose) is about a mile and a half north-east.
Domestic architecture and was probably erected between Pm'ish Clerk, Henry Secrett.
the years 1512 and 1551: it is now in the occupation of POST OFFICE. - Henry Secrett, receiver. Letters arrive
Daniel Sewell esq. The church of St. Leonard, built of from Colchester at 8 a.m.; dispatched 5.15 p.m.; sundays
rubble stone, pleasantly situated on a hill, consists of 9.:15 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph ottice
.chancel, nave of three bays and north aisle and a stone is at Thorpe
bellcote containing 2 bells: there is a small Norman window Parochial School (mixed), for 60 children; Miss Bessie
:filled with stained glass in the north side of the chancel, but I Plummer, mistress
Biggs George, New Moze hall Dennis Samuel John, farmer, The Oaks Sewell Daniel, farmer & 1andowner
'Cooper Rev. John M.A. The Rectory Fenn Patrick Burgess, farmer, Old I Beaumont hall
Dennis Samuel John, The Oaks Moze hall SorreIl Mark, farmer
Fen Patrick Burgess, Old M07..e hall .l\Iannington George, carpenter Stanford Archer Henry, corn merchant
SeweIl Daniel, Beaumont hall Pierce Mary (Mrs.), Swan Taylor James, farmer & veterinary
. COMMERCIAL. Ruffles Henjamin, shopkeeper surgeon
Biggs George, farmer, New Moze hall Smee William, Horse.~ltoes
.BELCHAMP OTTEN is a parish 6 miles west from owners are Mrs. Baker and William Charles Parmenter and
Sudbury station, in the Eastern division of the county, John E. Offord esqrs. with a few smaller owners. The
hundr.ed of Hinckford, union and county court district of soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
.Sudbury, rural deanery of Yeldham, archdeaconr~' of Col- wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,693 acres i rateable
chester and diocese of St. Albans. The nearest railway value, £2,584; and the population in 1881 was 335.
station is Clare on the Great Eastern line, distant 4 miles. p ' l. C' k J h M .
The church of St. Ethelbert and All Saints is a small build- ans , r,el', 0 n aXlill.
ing, consist~n~ of chancel and n~ve and a s~all wo~len Letters received from Sudbury & delivered by foot post.
tower contammg 3 bells. The regIsters of baptIsms, bunals The nearest money order & telegraph office is at ClarB
..and marriages date from 1578. The living is a rectory,
tithe rent-charge £446, with a residence and 3 acres of glebe, CARRIERS TO SUDBURY.-John Crisp, Josiah Barrell &

in the gift of and held by the Rev. Edward GoodaIlDawson, Thomas Martin-tuesday, thursday & saturday
TheoI. AS80C. of King's College, London. The poor have
:about £6 yearly distributed. Here is a Baptist chapel. A. .Katiorud School (mixed). for 80 children i a"erage attend-
Sampson esq. is lord of the manor. The principal land- ance, 45; Miss Elizabeth Cole, mistress
Daw80n Rev. Edward GoodaU. T.A.K.C.L. Bowman Henry, Green ~lfa1& Ives Frederick, blacksmith
Rectory Crisp John, carrier Kemp Samuel U. grocer & draper
Heam Robert, Belchamp Otten hall Deeks WaIter G. farmer, Fowes farm Pearson Reuben, beer retailer & farmer
Parmenter William Chas. Bevingdon ho Hearn Robert, farmer Pratt Phillip, farmer
Barrell Josiah, beer retailer & carrier Hillsden George, farmer, Manor farm
13ELCHAMP (or BEAUCHAMP) ST. PAUL (80 called the year 1873. The register dates from the yearI538. The
because it was given by King Athelstan, in 930, to the Cathe- living, which is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £207, with 78
dralof St. Panl) is a parish in the Eastern division of the acres. of glebe and residence, was in the gift of the Dean and
-county, Hinckford hundred, Sndbury union and county Chapter of 8t. Paul's, who are the impropriators of the great
court district, rural deaneIjof Yeldham, Colchester arch- tithes, but by an order in Council,June 23rd, 1870, it is in
deaconry and diocese of St. Alb.·m8, 7 miles north-west future to be in the gift of the Dean and Canons of Windsor:
from Sudbury and 3 from Clare station. The I it is held by the Rcv. William Farrer M.A. of Balliol
church of St. Andrew is a building in the Perpendicular College, Oxford. £20 left in 1854 by the Rev. Edwarcl PeIllber-
~tyle, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and a tower con- I tfln, of this parish. is distributed )'earlJ' in fuel and clothing.
taining 5 bells and was thoroughly restored and re-seated in I The principal landowners are the lessees of the Dean and
cAa.pter of St. 'pauPs, William Carter and George Winlam arrive by foot post from Sudbury at 9.15 a.m.; dispatched at
Eagle esqrs. The soil is cla~', loam and graYel; subsoil, .P5 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office ~
clay and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans, oats and at Clare
barley. The area is 2.557 acres; rateable ,'alue, £3,957 ; and )ii~ed 4" Infants' Scltool, for J36 bO~-8 & girls & 40
the population in 188r was 708. infants.; Miss Ann Mott, mistress.
BULWER BLOCK: is I mile south-east. CARRIERS TO SUDBURy-Jobn Crisp &; Lewis Turbun,.
:POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Mary Ann Goody, receh·er. Letters tuesdays & thursda~'s.
Carter William, Hole farm Crisp James, miller Martin George, farmer
Eagle George William, Paul's hall Deaves John, fanner, Hickford hill Martin John, beer retailer
Farrer Rev. William M.A. Lvicar] Eagle Thomas & William, farmers, Martin William, shoe maker
Offord John Edey, Gages Down'.s hall 01l0rd John Edey, farmer. Gages
COMMERCIAL. Eagle George Wm. farmer, Paul's hall Plummer Robert, farmer, Butlers farm
Bland Elias, shoe maker Gibbons Geurge, pork butcher Smith James, blacksmith
Candler WaIter, brickla)"er Goody Mary Ann (Mrs.), sub-post- Smith Robert, fanner, Lo,'elands
Carter Wm. farmer, Hole farm & mistress & shopkeeper • Tarbun Lewis, carrier & shopkeeper
Woodbarns Goody Isaiah, grocer & draper Tarbun William, farmer
Chickall George, farmer~ Sherring pI Good)" Sarah (Mrs.), Half 1lfoon Twitchett GeMge, brickla~·er
Chinnery Waiter, farmer Harrington Samuel, Fo~ Ward AlIen, wheelwright
Cooke Alfred, beer retailer Kemp Andrew, grocer..& baker
BELCHAMP WALTER is a parish, in the Eastern who is also rector of and resides at Middleton. The Rev. J~
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union M. St. Clere Raymond, who is lord of the manor Bnd Wm.
and county court district, rural deanery of Hedingham, Wright esq. are the principal landowners. The Hall, the
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 4 seat of the Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond M.A. it! a sub-
miles west from Sudbury station, situated on a brook falling stantial brick mansion of the time of Queen Anne, standing
into the Stour. Thechurch of St. Mary the Virgin is a small in pleasure grounds and park looking over the valley to the-
building, consisting of chancel and nave and a western tower parish of Bulmer; the Hall contains a fine collection of pic-
containing 8 bells; it has an ancient carved stone Nonnan tures and china. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay
font and several stained windmvs: in the chancel is a monu- and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
ment of white and grey marble to various members of the The area is 2,125 acres; rateable value, £3,580 and the
Raymond family: John Ra~'lllond esq. purchaser of the population in 188r was 617.
estate. buried here June 27th, 1635 and his wife December NORTH END is a hamlet 2i miles west.
6th, 1652; OliverRaymond esq. buried. March 25th, 1679, NORTH WOOD (formerly extra parochial) is a parish in the-
and St. Clere Raymond esq. buried October 25th, 1690; union of Sudbury, having five houses, rateable nIne £306 ~
there is also, beneath a finely can'ed canopy of the Decor- and a population in 188r of 8.
ated period, the tomb of one of the de Veres, Earls of Oxford: Parish Clel'k, William Stammers.
a reredos in mosaic work has been erected. at the expense of the POST OFFlCE.-Mrs. Kezia Hawkins, receiver. Letters
Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond, b)' whom also the church was received from Sudbury arrive at 7408.m.; dispatched at
restored in 1860, at a cost of £10400. The register dates from 5.5 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
the year 1559. The lh;ng is a vicarage annexed. to Bulmer, at Sudbury
joint yearly value £445, in the gift of the Rev. John Mayne National School (mixed), built in 1872 for 123 children, witb
St. Clere Ra)"mond M.A. of Belchamp Hall and held by the an average attendance of go; Miss Emma Fickling..
Re,-. Oliver Ra)"mond LL.B. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, mistres8
Firman Woolmer Robert Firmin Harriet (Mrs.), farmer, Fisher's I Pannell Joseph, wheelwright
Pelly Rev. }<'red.erick Wm. B.A. [curate] farm Pearsons James, Bight Bells, &: fanner
Raymond Rev. John Marne St. Clere, Firman 'Woolmer Robert, architect; & Prigg John, fanner, Crows farm
M.A. The Hall at Friar street, Sudbury, Suffolk Rutfell Edward Parr, miller
Wright William, Eyston hall Hawkins Nelson, blacksmith Stunt Robert Wright, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Martin Albert, beer retailer Twitchett Peter, shopkeeper &: shoema
Brand J08eph Edmund, fanner, Clarke's Martin Thomas, carrier Wright William, farmer, Eyston hall
farm Offord John Edey, fanner, Wait's farm
NORTH BENFLEET IS a parish 3 miles west from Joneg DaYies M.A. late fellow of that college. Capt. Wing-·
Rayleigh, 32 from London, 8 from Billericay and 3 from the field Baker is lord of the manor. The principal landowners
Pitsea railway station, in the Suuthern dh'ision of the are the lords of the manor and the Ecclesiastical Com-
county, Barnstable hundred, Rochford county court district, missioners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, a strong loam. The-
Billericay union, Rochford rural deanery, Essex archdea- chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 2"p8 acres;.
conry and St. Albans diocese. The church of All Saints is rateable value, £2,400; and the population in 1881 was 204.
a small and ancient fabric, consisting of chancel and naye, 6e:rton, John Bedlow.
with 2 bells: the chancel was rebuilt and the church re- POST OFFICE. -Henry Webb, I'6Ceiver. Letters from
seated in the year 187r. The register ofbaptisIDs and burials Chelmsford arrive at 8.3°.; dispatched at 4.20 p.m. daily..
dates from 1647; marriages r648. The living is a rectory, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Rayleigh.
yearly "alue £700, with good residence, in the gift of National School (mixed), for 55 children; Miss Annie
Emmanuel College, Cambridge and Iteld by the Rev. David Stampe, mistress
Davies Rev. Da,;d Jones M..&.. [Diocesan Dorman William, fanner Butley James & Philip, farmers, Ben-
Inspector of Schools], Rectory Fulford Edward, farmer, Fanton hill & fleet Hall farm
Donnan Frederick, Harrow Bonvills Webb Henry, shopkeeper
SOUTH BENFLEET is a parish and station on the I held by the ReT'. Francis Jenks BurIton M.A. of Worcester-
Tilbury and Southend railway, 2t miles west from Hadleigh, I College, Oxford. The devisees of J. W. Perry Watlington esq..
on Hadleigh Ray, which flows between it and Canyey Island, are lords of the manor and principal landowners. The soil is.
7 miles west from Southend and 35 from London, in the cla:)'e~'loam;subsoil, clay; producing wheat, hops and general
Southern diYision of the county, Barstable hundred, Roch- crops. The area is 2,893 acres; rateable value, £3,609 ; and
ford union, county court district and rural deanery, Essex the population in I88x was 679.
archdeaconry, St. Albans diocese and in the police dh;sion I CANVEY ISLAND is partly in this parish.
of Rochford. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large HOPES GREEN is half a mile north.
• edifice in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, na,-e POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Elizabeth Brewitt, receiver. Letten
with clerestory, aisles separated from the nave by arcades from Chelmsford arrive at 8 a.m. "'" 1045 a.m.; dispatched
of 3 bays and a western tower, surmounted by a short at ::'.3°,3.30 & 7.15 p.m. The. nearest money order &
shingled spire and containing a peal of 5 bells: the tenor telegraph office is at Leigh
weighs nearly 20 cwt. and was cast in 1636. the treble is INSURANCB AGENT :-
dated 1664. The register dates from the ~'ear 1573. The QufJen-"W; PattersoJi Wood, Wharf
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £285, with residence, National School (mixed), for 70 children; John Fox, master
in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster and Railway Station, Robert Hy. TOWllll6nd, station master
Burlton Rev. Fras. Jenks H ..&.. tvicar] Blakeley Edward Francis, grocer Crow John, farmer, Suttons
COMMERCIAL. Blakeley James, wheelwright Daines Charles, beer retailer
BfJnflut Brick tf Tile Co. Limited (A. Brown Joseph Augustus, fanner Daldy & Co. coal merchants. .(Robert.
~ Stacey, man.) Buckingham William, butcher & baker Hy. Townshend, agent)
Blakeley Edwd. Turner, boot & shoe ma Burch Edward F. grocer Dixey George Wm. butcher

French J.t>. & Co. brick makers Lawrence George, baker Warner William, Ho!!
Frostick Joseph, grocer d: draper Maughfling John, farmer Wiseman Elijah, sail maker
Green John Abrabam, machine owner Micklefield John, blacksmith Wood Edward &; Co. corn & coal mer-
Gregson Henry, farmer Peters James, farmer chants, forage factors & barge
Howard William, barge owner Talbot Abraham, fanner owners. & at Greenwich
Land George, ..A. ne/tOr inn Wallis John, farmer, J arvis hall
GREAT BENTLEY is a parish and village pleasantly landowners. A fair is held here on July l"sth. The soil is
situated round a green of upwards of 40 acres and having a stone and clay, with some light land and produces good
sta1iion on the Tendring hundred branch of the Great wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 3,188 acres;
Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east from Colchester, 5 rateable value, £6,I27: and in 1881 the population was 9II.
west from Thorpe-Ie-Soken, 5 north from Brightlingsea and Pa,-ish Clerk, George Cowell.
60 from London by road, in the Eastern division of the POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & &n;ngS' Bank.-Miss
e:mnty, hundred and union of Tendring, county court Emily Mawby, receiver. Letters through Colchester;
district of Colchester, rural deanery of St. Osyth, arch- delivered at 7 a.m. & (to callers only) at 3 p.m.; box
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The closes at 7.3° p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Weeley
church of St. Mary is a stone structure originally Norman, ScHOOLS ::---
but now chiefly in the Decorated style and consists of A School Board of 5 members was established in this parish
chancel and nave, with a square embattled tower at the west in the year I872.
end containing 5 bells: it was thoroughly restored at a cost Cleric to the School Board-Mr. Keigwin, Colchester
of over £800 in I874. The register of baptisms dates from Board (mixed), for 100 children; average attendance, 50;
1558; marriages, 1620; burials,1652. The living is a dis- mistress, vacant
charged vicarage, gross yearly value £344, with residence and Wesleyan (mixed) for 60 children; 8yerage attendance, 45 ;
I I acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and Miss Gardner, mistress
held by the Rev. Hector Norton B.A. of Magdalene College, Rail10ay Station, Samuel Clarbour, station master
Cambridge. The Wesleyans have a chapel here and a day CARRIERS TO CoLCHESTER-Henry James, mono ·wed. fri.
school. The Rev. W. A. Francis is lord of the manor and & sat. returning same days; Cross, from St. Os)"th, tues.
Lord Ashburton and Caius College, Cambridge, are chief thurs. & sat. returning same days
Atthill Robert Chapman I DeIf William, farmer, The Lodge Newman George, hay & straw dealer &.
Auston Mrs Dorman John, carpenter I thrashing machine proprietor
Borrodell, John Bateman I Dowman James, carpenter Newman William, thatcher
Cooper Thomas White, The Hall Edwards Clark, builder I Partridge Samuel, pig dealer
Crowther Rev. Joseph [Wesleyan] Goodwin Samuel, wheelwright Pitt Robert, Plo·ugh
Norton Rev. Hector RA. Vicarage Howard George, pork butcher Poulton Char. (Mrs.), draper &: grocer
Symthies John K Hyem William, farmer Prior Eli7.& (Mrs.), dress maker
COMMERCIAL. James Henry WaIter, beer retailer & Robinson Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Almond William, farrier carrier Sizer Carrington Francis, farmer, St.
Alward James, butcher & cattle dealer Jennings Thomas, coal dealer Mary's fann
Alward James, jun. cattle dealer Jolly Thomas Charles, baker Sizer George John, farmer, Moorlands
Atthill Robert Chapman, surgeon Lord Henry, beer retailer Sizer John Henry, miller & corn mer-
Auston Edward, farmer & landowner Lord William, farmer I cha nt, The Green
Brooks Thos. farmer, Sturrick farm Mawby Catherine, Emily & Mary Taylor Joseph, hay & straw dealer
Chisnall Charles, farmer, Halfway house (Misses), grocers & drdpers Thompson Ueorge,landowner &; farmer
Clark John, blacksmith Mills lsaac, farmer Thorpe Edmnnd, farmer
Cowell Arthur, bricklayer Neyard John William, Victory Wright William, grocer, draper, furni-
Damant Thomas, Lion, & photographer I Neville William, blacksmith ture dealer & broker; & at St. Osyth
LITTLE BENTLEY is a parish, in the Eastern division staircase. The church was re3tored in 1868. The register
of the county, hund..'"ed and union of Tendring, county court dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, com-
district of Colchester, rnral deanery of Ardleigh, archdeaconry muted at £650 yearly, with residence and 60 acres of glebe.
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 8 miles east from in the gift of Emmanuel College, Cambridge and held by the
Colchester, 5 south-south-east from Manningtree and 3 Rev. William Denton Attwood M.A. formerly fellow of that
miles from Bentley Green station. The church of St. Mary college. 'fhe rectory is a good residence, standing in park.
the Virgin is an ancient structure of brick and stone, con- like grounds. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. John Woodgate
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, lady chapel and a esq. is lord of the manor and the chief landowner. The soil
western tower containing 5 bell.s; in the lady chapel is a is loamy and fertile and prodnces good crops of barley.
brass to Sir William Pyrton kt. "Captain of Guiruer in Wheat, oats and beans. The area is 2,012 acreas; rateable
Picardy," ob. July I, 1400 = underneath, in a vault, are in- ' value, £3,150; and the population in 188I was 309.
terred the remains of Paul, second and last Viscount Eayning, I PariJih Cleric James Balls.
who resided in the parish and was lord of the manor in ' " . . .
1638 : in the chancel are tablets to the Lidgould family, a POST OFFICE.-"\\ Ilham Hazell,.recen'er. Letters arrn·e from
member of which was rector of this parish in Y74 I = there Colchester at 5.40 a.m.: dl~patched at 6.40 p.m. The
are five partially stained windows in the chancel, three in nearest ~oney 0:d 18
er office at Great Bentley j & tele-
the lady chapel and six others. The chancel retains its graph office at "\\ eeley
piscina and sedilia, in the south aisle wall is the rood-loft, National Schools (mixed), Miss Julia Chisnel, mistress
Attwood Rev. Wm. Denton M.A. Rectory Clark Joseph, farmer, Clipt hedge Lucas Fred, farmer & assistant overseer.
COMMERCIAL. Cutting John, beer retailer Welham's &: Cow House farms
Almond John, blacksmith Denny Hobert, bricklayer Maskell Jacob, farmer
Arthy James, baker & shopkeeper Dorman Charles, shopkeeper Mayer James, boot &: shoe maker
Alward James, jun. farmer Grimpsey Robert, farm bailiff to Mrs. Mortlock Lewis, shopkeeper
Barber William, farmer, Church farm Miller, Hedhouse Page John, farmer It maltster, The Oaks
Barker Albert Peter, fnnr. Clark's farm Hazell Wm. wheelwright, & post office Plummer George, fish dealer
Bromley Nathaniel, fnnr. Payne's farm Hudson George, bntcher Southgate James, beer retailer
Brooks Robert, jun. miller &: farmer Hudson John, horse clipper 'Wagstaff John, draper d: grocer
Carter James A. fanner, Dairy house Lewis William, gamekeeper WoodgateJn.frmr.&landownr.The Hall
BERDEN (or BEARDEN) is situated on the borders of at Banbury, ob. 4 Feb. 1598, ~t. 79: within the communion
Hertfordshire, in the Western division of the county, Claver- rail are brass effigies of Thomas Thompson of Rirden gent.
ing hundred, Bishop's Stortford union and county court and Ann his wife, with an inscription to the latter, ob. on
district, Newport rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry St. James's day, I 607, tn. 31; above are the arms- of
and St. Albans diocese, 36 miles from London, 7 north-west Thompson and Aldersey and below the figures of 9 sons and
from Bishop's Stortford and 6 south-west 'from Newport 4 daughters; -here also is a slab with inscription h Dame-
station. The church of St. Nicholas, an ancient structure, Mary Scott, danghter of John Aldersey, of Berden Hall-and
standing on a slight rise, consists of chancel, nave, north successively wife of Thomas)\'estrowe, alderman of London..
and south transepts and a western tower faced with pebbles of Sir Norton Knatchbull, of Hatch in, Kent kt. and of Sir
and containing 4 bells: on the south wall of the chancel is Edward Scott, of Scott's Hall, in Kent kt. she died in r676,
a tablet inscribed to Thomas Aldersaie esq. of Bunbury in aged 89: in the north transept is an altar-tomb with theo
Cheshire, citizen and merchant of London, a member of figures in brass of a man between his two wi¥es aud an
the Haberdashers' Company and founder of the free school' inscription to William Turnor and Margaret and Margery
his wives: he deceased 10 Nov. 1473: two shields above and sion, who, d);ng in 1273, was succeeded by his nephew,
some figures below, probably of children, have been re- John de Rochford, son of his sister Maud and Robert, his
moved, but there remain h'o scrolls severally inscribed flon, who married lsolda, daughter of William FitzWarine,
46 0 bone Jho esto michi ihs" and" miserere mei Deus:" I
held Rochford and Berden; on his decease, in 1337, he left
the church Wall completely restored in 1868, at a cost of Sir Thomas Rochford, his son, his heir: in 1340, on the
£2,000. The register dates from 1715. The living is a failure of heirs male in the Rochford familr, King Edward
vicarage, yearly value £150, with an annual allowance from the Third granted Rochford and Herden to Bohun, Earl of
Queen Anne's Bounty of £19 108. and a acres of glebe and Northampton; and William de Bobun. after the decea84' of
residence, in the gift of the goveruQrs of Christ's Hospital Christina, wife of Robert de Rochford, gave the manor of
and held by the Rev. William Henry Johnstone M.A.. of St. Berden to the abbey of Walden, which in 1388 the abbot
John's College, Cambridge, formerly professor and chaplain of that time held by the service of one knight'fl fee: after
in the Royal Military College, Addiscombe. The Wesleyan the dissolution, King Henry, in 1338, gave it to Lord Chan..
chapel ~ now converted into a parish reading room. Here cellor Audley, from whom it descended with the Walden
was a flIDall hospital or priory of St. John the Evangelist, for I estates to Thomas Lord Howard and Katherine, his lady,
canons of the order of St. Augustine and probably founded who in 1597 sold it to Thomas Sutton esq. from whom it
by the Rochfords at the beginning of Henry IlI.'1 reign :- the was conveyed to the family of Calvert, of Pelham Furneaux,
patronage of this house was given in 1343 to the abbey of descending from William Calvert esq. to Felix Call·ert esq.
Walden and the prior obtained licence in 1266 to hold a fair of Pelham Hall, who died in 1655; to Nicholson Cah-ert
here i its revenues. at the Dissolution, were returned at esq. of Hunsdon, in Hertfordshire and to his -successors
£31 Ss. Id. when it was granted to Henry Parker and was who, in 1860, sold it to the Governors of Christ's Hospital.
afterwards held by Thomas and Margary Avery and by The soil is mixed, principally heavy; subsoil, clay with
Sir Thomas Ramsey, who in 1583 conveyed it to the Mayor some chalk and gravel The crops are chiefly on the four-
and Commonalty of London, as governors of Christ's Hospital. course shift. The area is 1,772 8<"Te8 i rateable value,
Joseph Mede M.A.. an etllinent theologian, was born here in £2,406; and the population in 1881 was 363.
1586. Charitie8 amounting to £16 are yearly distributed. LITTLE LONDON is 8. hamlet, half a mile south-east;
The Governors of Christ's Hospital have the lordship of the Dewes Green, half a mile north-west.
manor and are the chief landowners. Herden Hall, the Parish Clm'k, James Coiston.
residence of Edward RQberts esq. is a fine old mansion in POST OFI'lCE.-James Mumford, receiver. Letters through
the Elizabethan st)"le built about 1650 and pleasantly situ- Bishop's Stortford arrive at 8.10 a.m. &: are dispatched at
ited, commanding fine views of the surrounding country, 5.30 p.m.; on sunday there is no delirery or dispatch.
with gardens beautifully laid out. Berden Hall, being the The nearest money order offices are at Newport, Stansted
manor house near the church and the manor, in the corn- & Bishop's Stortford & the telegraph office at Stansted
mencement of the reign of Henry the Second, were holden NatiolUtl Sc/tool (mixed), built in 1857, for 80 children,
by John de Rochford, under Henry de Essex, as of the honour with an average attendance of 45; Miss Florence Sauze,
of Rayleigh: in 1247 Sir Guy de Rochford had this posses- mistress
Johnstone Rev. Wm. Hy. M.A. Vicarage Roberts Edward, farmer, Berden hall Sibley Mary Ann (Mrs.), wheelwright
Roberts Edward, Berden hall Seabrook George, farmer, Priory Sibley William, shoe maker
COllOlERCIAL. Sheppard J ames, Raven Spencer WaIter Overell, miller
Martin John, farmer, Stock's farm Sibley Georg-e, fann bailiff to Edward Tinworth Josiah, beer retailer
Mumford Jas. grcr. &: drpr. & post office Roberts esq. Brick: house Wisbey Thomas, farmer, White house
Mynott The Misses,dress ma.Herden mill Sibley Lydia (Mrs.), blacksmith
WEST BERGHOLT is a parish and village, in the Rev. T. Cook and John Round esq. are lords of the manor.
Eastern division of the count~·, Lexrlen and Winstree The principal landowners are John Round, Frederick
hundred and union, Colchester county court district. Ded- Robert Bradbrook, T. B. Daniell, W. W. Daniell, J. T.
ham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Argent and Mrs. Fairhead. The lSoil is loam; subsoil,
Albans diocese, 3 miles west-north-west from Colchester loam. The chief croJl6 are wheat, barley, oats and beans.
station, near the river Co]ne. The church of St. Mary, a The area is 2,273 acres; rateabl~ value, £4.422; the popula-
building of stone in the Decorath'e style, consists of chancel, tion in 1881 was 1,067.
nave and south aisle and a small wooden turret contain- Pm'ish elm'k, James Kidby.
i~ _I bell: in 1.877 the church was ~-~ted and an or~n POST OFFICE.-James Howe, receiver. Letters arrive
~U11t by subscnptJOn .among the ~nshlOners : th~ arcadmg through Colchester at 2.30 a.m. & delh-ered at 7.30 a.m.;
IS support~ on plam bu~ mass.1Ve Norman pIllars pad dispatched at 10.10 p_m. Colchester is the nearest money
the alsl~ wmdows are a faIr ~Imen of Decora~ w?rk. order office & telegraph-office
The regIs.ter dates from the Jea;r 1598. The lIvmg IS a Registm1" of Births if I}eaths if Relieving Officer Charles
rectory, tIthe rent-charge £600, WIth 37 acres of glebe and Arthy ,
residence, in the gift of and held by theo Rev. Howell
Patisson Le-wis Blood M.A.. of St Peter's College, Cambridge. SCHOOLS F-. ..
The Primitin Methodist chapel built in 1838 seats 300. The ChUl'ch (mIxed), ~or .130 chIldrfln, WIth an ave;age attend-
common has been allotted to owners of property in the all;c~ of IO~ & bUIlt m the :r~ar 185 8 ,. W. H. \\ ythe, master
parish; 179 lots being aSSigIled to priYate persons, 2 acres BrztUJh (mIXed), fo~ I8? chIldren, WIth an average attend-
for a new church, 4 acres for recreation ground for the an~e. of 105 & bUIlt III the year 187 1 ; Arthur John
inhabitant8 and 5 acres of garden ground for the poor; £7, Philhps, master
derived from Love's charity, i8 distributed in bread.. The CARRIER TO COLCHESTER--George Moss, daily
Alston Henry Beardwell Jeremiah, beer retailet Hampsted James, beer retailer
Blood Rev. Rowell Pattisson Lewis Bonner Charles, farmer, Pond farm Howe James, grocer & postmaster
M.A.. Rectory Bradbrook Frederick Robert, farmer, Jones Henry, brick maker & farmer
Br-ddbrook Frederick Robert Dairy farm Kidby James, boot maker
Bradbrook Geo~, Warwick house Bradbrook Geo. farmer, Warwick house Ladbrook Elisha, wheelwright
Daniell Thomas Urett, Heath house Byfield William, butcher Lambert Mary (Mrs.), farmer, High
Daniell William Wilberforce-, Spreading Cant John, boot & shOfl maker Tree farm
Oak fann Cla~'den William, baker Moss George, grocer &.. carrier
Fairhead Mn Daniell Brabrook, farmer & brick Partridge Benjamin, farmer
Kirk Joseph maker, Hill house Rose Moss, wheelwright
COMMERCIAL, Daniell Thomas & Son, brewers & Seabom Ja~s King, wheelwright
Allan Nathaniel, farmer t Cook's hall merchants Secret Albert; grocer
Argent John Thompson & Son, millers Daniell Thos. Brett, wine merchant Simpson Samuel, gardener
& farmen Deaves Charles, farmer Smith Henry, White Hm"
Arthy Charles, relieving officer & re- Diss Alfred, builder Walker Charles, farmezo
gistrar of births & deaths Francis Hezekiala Sadler, farmer & Ward George, farmer
Balls Thomas, farmer 88sistant overseer, Scarletts fann Wright George, farmer
Ba.rrow Edward, hay &; Itraw deal~ Garling WaIter, baker
BILLERICA.Y is it small market town, bead of a union triet, Essex archdeaconry, 1"Ural deanery 01 Ingatestone and
and a polling place fol' the Southern division of the county, St. Albanll diocese; it is situated. on an eminence, at the
it separate parish fol' ecclesia8trcal purpost!;s, but for civil junction of the road from London to Rochford and South-
-purposes within the parish of Great Burstead, in the hun· end with that from Chelmsford to the ferry over the Thames
<lred of Barstable, Brentwood county court and police dis-. at Tilbury,6 miles east from the Brentwood station,9 south


from Chelmsford, 23 from. 'Whitechapel church. The town registers of Great Burstead. The lil;ng is a vicarage, yearly
is lighted with gas. Petty sessions for the hundred of BaT- value £315 nett,in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held
stable and Chafford are held on the second and fourth by the Rev. Edward George Darby RA. of St. John's College,
Tuesday in every month in the town hall. The church of Cambridge. There are chapels for Baptists and Congre-
St. Mary Magdalen is an ancient brick building i the tower, gationalists. A small market is held 011 Tuesdays, chiefly
which is the only part of the old church now remaining, for pigs and fairs on August 2nd and 3rd and October
dates from the reign of Edward IV. and if! a fine specimen of 6th and 7th. Brickmaking is carried on here to a small
brick architecture; it was thoroughly restored about two extent. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor and
years ago: the stained east window is a memorial to the Major Spitty D.L., ~.P. are the chief landowners. The
late William Carter esq. and his wife and was inserted by area of the ecclesiastical parish is 171 acres; population
their children. The register dates from the year 1844; all in 1881 was 1,418.
earlier entries referring to this place will be found in the Parish Clerk, William Hummerstone.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
-cle-rk, Charles C. Lewis, jun. Brentwood
Bank & Govemment Annuity & Insurance Office.-George Collectm's to the Guardians, In. H. Smith, Billericay; Edwd.
Curtis, postmaster. Letters arri"e through Brentwood Wm. Cottee, Cra)'s hill ; & George Murrells, Brentwood

there being two deli,'eries in the day: on sunday the box Crays hil ; 1cestern district, George Murrel1s, Brentwood
closes at 7.30 p.m Vaccination Ojfice-r, Charles C. Lewis, jun. Brentwood
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE BILLERICAY SUB-DIVISION Medical o.ffiCe1 ·s ':f PuNic Vac~nators, Brentlcood dist1'ict,
OF BRENTWooD. A. W. Wallis, Bren~woo.d; G1'~at Btlrst~ad di~t1-i~, John
Edgar Jones esq. The Elms, Great Burstead Charles Cres~vell,.BIllerlCaY.i Mottnt!"es8!ng dlStn,ct, J. C.
Major Thomas Jenner Spitty Billericay 'Cress""ell, BIllerlcay; Wtekf01'd dlstru:t, J. Marshall,
J. A. Sparvel-Bayly esq. F.S.A: Burghstead, Billericay Wic~ford. . .
Clerk, Charles C. Lewis, jun . Supertntenden~ ReglStl'al', C:harles C. Lewls, J~n. B:ent.wood
The places in the petty sessional di,ision are Bassildon, DeP'./ty Supertnten~ent RegIstrar, Joh.n Je.ffe~es, BIllencay
Bowers Gifford Downham Dunton Great Bur8tead RegIstrar of .iJfarrwges, George CurtlS. BIllerlCay
Laindon, Lee Chapel, Little' Bur8tead, Nevendon, North RegistraJ's of Births ~ peaths, easte-:.'1t sllb-distl'ict, E~w~.
Benfleet Pitsea Ramsden Bellhouse Ramsden Crays Wm. Cottee, Crays hIll & Henry Fmch Robertson, Blllen-
Vange, Wickford ' , cay; western sub-distl'ict, George M'!rrellsj Brentwood.
INSURANCE AGENTS:- WORKHOUSE.-Robert Duncan, master; Rev. Edward George
Accident, J. Jefferies Darby B.A. chaplain; Frederick Carter M.D. surgeon;
County Ji'i1'e ~ P1'Ovident Life, J. J. Salter Mrs. Mary Mabbs Duncan, matron
E.~!Je:r ~ Sltffolk Equitab!e Pi1'e, J. Jefferies RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
Londo!" ASS1t!,ance! J. Kmg . Clerk, Charles C. Lewis, jun. Brentwood
Nor'w1:ck num. P11'e, G. CurtlS
Pha;nt:c Fwe, Cale~ Houghton.
..l fedical OjfiCe1' of Health, Frederick Carter M.D. Billericay
Inspecto1' of Nuisances, Samuel Shelly, BrentwDod
Relwnce Mutual Life, J. J~fferles SCHooLS:-
Royal .Exchange, J. Tunbndge Board, erected in 187 8 (boys), clerk, John Jefferies;
Sun FIre, E. Woodard Cornelius Smith, master; (girls) Mrs. Hannah Cox,
PUBLIC ESTABLlSHMENTS:-. . mistress; Thomas Anthony Thompson, assistant master.
Inl(~nd Revt;nlleo.ffi ce, Red LIOn mll These schools will hold 4 00 children
p,0lwe StatIOn, 2 men . Endowed G1'ammar, with an income of £100 per annum,
Mamp Ojfice, Jo~~ Knowles NIX arising from a bequest left in 1654 by the Rev. Samuel
PUBLIC OFF~CE~S.--:- . • Bayley, rector of BenfIeet; are 20 boys, of whom 10
Deput¥ C01one1 f01 South Essex, Charles C:. Lewls, JUD are educated free; Henry Finch Robertson, master
Queen s Ta:r Collector, Jonathan Henry PrlCe CONVEYANCE TO:-
BILLERICAY UNION. BRENTwooD-George Bull, to meet I I a.m. train; also
Board day, alternate tuesdays. . (during the summer months) to meet the 5.34 p.m. train
The union contains the following parishes viz.: Bassildon, CHELMsFoRD-James La7..eU, from the' Sun' to 'Dolphin,'
Bowers Gifford, Brentwood, Childerditch, Downham, Dun- Chelmsford, monday, wednesday & friday, 9 a.m
ton, East Horndon, Great Burstead, Hutton, Ingrave, LoNDON-Thomas Pease & Son, monday, thursday & friday,
Lamdon, Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Little Warley, to Bull inn, Aldgate, returning on following days
Mountnessing, Nevendon, North HenfIeet, Pitsea, Ramsden, RAYLEIGH-Thomas Pease & Son, wednesday, returning
BeUhouse, Ramsden Crays, Shenfield, South Weald, Vange, on the following day
West Horndon & Wickford. The population of the union in ROCHFORD-Thomas Pease &Son, wednesday, returning on
1881 was 180437; the rateable value is £104-617 the following day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Robertson Charles Henry de Grey Creswell John Charles, surgeon, medi-
Beall William Grierson Ruffell William cal officer for the union & public
Camegy Capt. Patrick Alexander ,\\'at- Sparks Rev.Francis Monkhouse[curateJ, vaccinator
son, Gatwick house Crescent house Cricks Charles, Bell
Carter Charles Sparvel-Bayly John A. J.P" F.S.A. Cross Arthur, Th1'te H()1'seslwes
Carter Frederick Burghstead Cullum Thomas, beer retailer
Cheveley Miss Spitty Major Thomas Jenner D.L., ~.P Curtis George, bricklayer
Cole George Stevens Mrs Curtis George, builder
Cole Thomas, South villa Thorogood William Curtis Rose Auna (Miss), Bull
Creswell John Charles Wal'lett William Richard Dennis Louisa (Miss), dress maker
Darby Rev. Edward Geo. B.A. [vicar] Woodard Edward Dove Jesse, cowkeeper
Day Mrs Eales Thomas, saddler
Dell Charles CmIMERCIAL, Emerson Henry John, haydealer
Emerson John Frederick Agnis Robert, miller Emerson John Fredk. general draper
Fothergill Major William Amos William Henry, baker EndtJwed G1'ammar School [Hy. Finch
Hoysted Rev. James J. Douglas B.A. A)'lett John, sergeant of police Robertson, master]
[rector of Ramsden Crays] Barfield Arthur, wood carver Essex P1'ovident Society [Herbert Cooch,
Jefferies John Barker William, general dealer manager & collector]
Kluht Rev. Alfred [Congregational] Barker William, beer retailer Fordham Charles Alfred, farmer
Lucas William Bassom George Jsph. plumber k; glazier Gas W01'ks (Job J. Salter., prop. & man)
Maynard Mrs Blyth Benjamin, farmer Gentry George, bricklayer
Moore William Brown Wm. wheelwright & machinist Gentry John, bricklayer
Nix John B Carter Frederick, surgeon Gentry Thomas, beer retailer
Nix William Champion Elizabeth (Miss),girls'school Gentry Thomas, boot & shoe ma~er
Palmer Henry Cole George, farmer . Gozzett Edwin, beer retailer
Peachey John Coleman Thomas, builder Greenwood Francis, blacksmitl}
Pease Thomas Davey Cooch Herbert, ~ainter &c Hammond John, coal dealer &c
Robertson Henry Finch [master of the Coppin Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper HarnngtonSamuel,grocer,iromnonger,
endowed grammar school] Cox George, baker tinplate worker & brazier. See ad",t


Harrod Joseph, farmer Nix William, builder Shipp Timothy Clement Whiteman,.
HawkesEdward, tailor Oddy HarrieqMrs.), pork butcher veterinarY8urgeon
Heard Samuel Jolm, Chequ8'rs Offin Wllliam, currier & leather mer- Sides 'fhoma8, Red Lion family 4' com-
Hills James, carter chant; &; at Brentwood -me1'cial hotel 4' posting kOWJtI
Houghton Caleb, draper & grocer Olley Thomas, boot & shoe maker Smith John Henry, tailor
Hummerstone William, boot & shoe ma Osborn Edward W. blacksmith Sparrow & Co. bankers (John Jefferies,.
Jefferies John, deputy superintendent Palmer Eliza (Miss), confectioner agent); draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co.
registrar Pease Thomas & Son, carriers & hay & London
J08lin Joseph, boot & shoe maker straw dealer$ Stebbing Edmund, boot & shoe maker-
King John, cooper & basket maker Peck James, fruiterer Stebbing Jane Ann (Miss), girls' school
Lazell James, Sun inn Perkins George, beer retailer Totman Ann Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer-
Lazell William, Coaclt 4" Horses Price Jonathan Henry, Burstead House Town Hall Co. Limited (Edward
Lewis Charles Carne, jun. solicitor & academy, & tax collector Woodard,8ecretary)
clerk to the magistrates Punt WiIliam, White Hart Trout }<'rederick, chimney sweeper
Lite1'a1'Jj In.~titute (John F. Emerson, Quilte1\Samuelf4'armer Tunbridge John, grocer & draper
bono secretary) Ramsey George, watch & clock maker 'rurpin Thomas John, butcher
Lucas & Beall, corn merchants Ric1)ardson Charles, butcher Tylor Edward, baker & corn dealer
Makings Sarah (Miss), general smith Roberts Jane (Mrs.), confectioner Upson James, saddler & harness maker-
Monk Albert, upholsterer, wholesale & Robert80n Charles Henry de Grey, Upson Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker &.
retail ironmonger & cabinet maker, & , solicitor shopkeeper
agent for BentaH's &; Maldon Iron' Robertson Henry }<'inch, master of the Upson WiIliam, wheelwright
Work Co.'s agricultural implements endowed gfammar school & regis- Wade Frederick, shopkeeper
Monk Edwin, hair dresser & tobacconist trar of births & deaths Warren J ames & Son,boot & shoe makers
Moore William, draper & grocer Salter Job Jefferey, iron founder & pro- Warren John, butcher
Morris Frederick, grocer, & agent for prietor of the gas works Waylett James, boot &shoe maker
W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers Savill David, furniture dealer Waylett Wm. Richard, farmer & wood\
Mulley Frederick, shapkeeper Seagers Alfred, gardener ranger to the Right Hon. Lord Petre
Mwnford James, baker Scott Phcebe (Mrs.), china & glass dlr Whistler WiIliam, boot & shoe maker
Nix John Knowles, chemist & stationer, SeweH David. shopkeeper Whitby James William, coach builder
& stamp office . Sewell Joseph, hay dealer Woodard Edward, solicitor
BIRCH is a pleasant village and parish in the Eastern to be the remains of a castle of the GenlOns, athers, however,.
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Wins- affirm these to be nothing more than a continuation of the
tree union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery stupendous Roman works on Lexden Heath. Birch Hall, a
of CoggeshalI, archdeaconry of Colchester and St. .Albans very ancient edifice, chiefly built by the Tenderings and
diocese, 52 miles from London, 6 south-west from Colchester, Golding families, was re-built in 1727-8 by James Hound
about 4 south-east from Marks Tey station and 6 south-east esq. and afterwards by G. C. Round esq. whose widow is the
from Coggeshall: it was in existence long before the reign of present occupant, it is the seat 01 James Round esq. M.P.
King Edward the Confessor and formerly consisted of Great lord of the manor and owner of most of the parish and stands
and Little Birch, which now form one parish. The church in beautiful grounds, watered by a rivulet which here ex-
of St. Peter, in Great Birch, was erected in 1850 mainly by pands into a small lake. The soil is light; subsoil, graveL
the liberality of the late Charles Grey Round esq_ of Birch The chief crops are wheat; beans and barley. 'fhe area is.
Hall and consists of chancel and n8\'e with aisles; the north 3,004 acres; rateahle value, [,4.507; and the population in
aisle consisting of four and the south of five bays; there is 18~1 was 873.
a tower surmounted by a spire at the west end of the north Pm'isk Clerk, James Willsher.
aisle rising to a height of IIO feet: the building is of the
Modern Pointed style. The church of Little Birch, which is POST OFFICE.-Ann Branton, receiver. Letters through,
in ruins, is situated in the park near the Hall. The register Colchester arri,'e at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.30 p.m. Col-
dates from the year 1560. The living is a rectory, yearly chester is the nearest money order office; the telegr'dph
value £600, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and James office is at Marks Tey
Round esq. M.P. (the bishop having two tnrns in three) and CARRIERS TO CoLcHESTER.-Walter Burmby, William Prior-
held by the Rev. William Harrison M.A. of Brasenose College, & John Sach, mono wed. fri. & sat
Oxford, hon. canon of St. Albans and domestic chaplain to National School (mixed), for 260 children, with an In-erage-
H.R.H. the Duchess of Cambridge. To the south-east of attendance of 175; Joseph Wilkins, master; Miss Eli7.abeth
the church is a mound encompassed. by a trench and said Wilkins, mistress
_Harrison Rev. Wm. M.A. [rector & hon.Coppin John, llhopkeeper Norfolk Joseph,farmer, Garlands
canon], Rectory DigbyJn. Thos. frmr. Shemmings frm Partner William, shopkeeper, Heckford
Hart Henry Ely John Brunwin, farmer, White ho bridge
Romld Mrs. Birch hall Fairhead Golden, farmer, Birch holt Prior William, carrier
Singleton Rev. Thomas M.A. [curate], Giblin Henry John, grocer & draper RoyceWilliam, miller
The Cottage Goody Thos. Angel i1l1l, Heckford bridge Sach John, carrier
COMMERCIAL. Hart Henry, surgeon Scott Waiter, baker
Hnntley Frederick, blacksmith & wheel- Smith Brewster, farmer, Birch holt
Branton Ann (Miss), shopkeeper wright, Heckford bridge Smith William, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Brumby Waiter, carrier Hutton John, carpenter Round, Hall farm
Clemmens Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper May George farmer, Gate farm I Tiffin George, butcher & farmer

BmCHANGER is a parish on the borders of Herts, dedicated to St. Mary and St. Leonard, being under the-
situate I! miles from Stanstead station, ~ east-north-east peculiar jurisdiction of the dean of St. Martin's, in London.
from Bishop's Stortford, in the Western di\"i.sion of the county, In 26 Hen. VIII. its revenues were stated at £31 13S. I Id. in
hundred of Uttlesford, Bishop's Stortford union and county gross and after its suppression it was granted to Sir Martin
conrt district, rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Bower. 'fhe warden and scholars of New College, Oxford f
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. are lords of the manor and the principal landolmers are W.
Mary is a small building and consists of chancel and nave, Fnller-Maitland, T. Harrison and Charles Spencer esqs.
with a stone bell-turret containing ~ bell; the chancel is The soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The crops are
Early English and the doorway Norman. The register dates wheat and barley. The area is 1,051 acres; rateable value,
from the year 1688. The living is a rectory, )"oorly tithe £3,268; the population in 1881 was 468.
rent-charge £310, with 33 acres of glebe and residence, in Pm·ish Clel'k, Frederick Levey.
the gift of New College, Oxford and held by the Rev. Frederick Letters through Bishop's Stortford, that & Stanstro Mount-
Rowden M.A. and fellow of that college. A hospital for a fltchet being the nearest post & money order offices
master Bnd two chaplains was founded here by Richard, son Parochial Se/lOol (mixed), for no children, with an ayerage
of Serlo de Newport, in the reign of King John and was attendance of 70; Miss E. A.. Geake, mistress

Chester Mrs. Pines hill Rowden Rev. Frederick X.A. [rector] Harvey Henry, farmer, Forest hall
Church Alfred, The Mount Smith Mrs. Birchanger cottage Levey Frederick, carpenter
Gold Charles, The Limes ' Spencer CharIeSt Brooklands Spencer Charles, fanTIer, Brooklands
Harrison Thomas, Birchanger place Blake Edward Charles, Bell Watts Jame8, farmer, Blacklllnda
Miller Mrs. Fairfield villa Bush John, blacksmith &r; beer retailer Westwood Joseph, farmer
Nash Mrs. Sion house Godfrey Thomas, bee". retailer


BmDBROOK is a parish and pleasant village, having Elwes family, of Stoke College, Stoke-by-Clare, Suffolk,
3 station on the Colne Valley Railway, le>! mile! north·west are the principal landowners. The BOil is miied; subsoil,
from Halstead. and 4 south-east from Haverhill, in the clay and gravel The chief erops are wheat, barley and
Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Risbridge beans. The area is 2,386 acres, including the hamlet of
union, Haverhill county court district, Yeldham rural BAYTHORNE END, which is about two miles from the
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Mbans diocese, church; rateable value, £3,615. The population iu 1881
situated on the sonth bank of the Stour and near the Colne. was 581.
The church, lately assigned to St. Augustine, is a small and FINKLB GREEN is half a mile south. Broad Green, Chad-
old building,consisting of chancel and nave and a tower with well and Watsoe are to the north.
spire containing three bells, the chancel is in the Early Serton, Daniel Brown.
English style; in the tower are inscriptions to Martha POST OFFICE.-Daniel Brown, receh"er. Letters from
Blewitt, of Baythorne End, in this parish, buried May 7th, Halstead, per mail cart, at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched at 5.30.
1681 and the wife of nine husbands, of whom the last 8ur- The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Haverhill
vived her; and to Robert Hogan, of this parish, the husband POS'I' OFFICE, Baythorne End.-William Turner, receiver.
of seven wives, the last of whom he married January 1St, Letters arrive from Halstead, per mail cart, st 6.30 a.m f
1739. The register dates from the year r663. The living dispatched at 5.45 p.m. Letters arrive from Haverhill at
is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £626, with 100 acres of glebe 5.40 p.m. delivered following morning; dispatched at 6.30
land and residence, in the gift of Clare College, Cambridge s.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
and held by the Rev. John Sedgwick D.D. late fellow and Haverhill
vice-president of Magdalen College, Oxford. Near the church School Bom·d, Rev. John Sedgwick D.D. chairman; Charles
are some barrows: at Hunnock's Lane are some Roman F. Freeman, of Haverhill, clerk
remains and at Watsoe is a camp. A School Board of six School (mixed), erected, with mistress's house, in 1873, fOI""
members was formed here in 1873. There is a Sunday school 94 children, average attendance 76; Miss Harriet Agnes
and residence, under the superintendence of the rector. The Brown, mistress
trustees of the late Sir W. Rush are lords of the manor. The Raillvay Station, Charles Henry Coppin, station master
Cornell Joseph, Baythorn park Cornell Joseph, farmer, Baythorn park Ralling Robt. Stammers,frmr. Chadwell
Sedgwick Rev. John D.D. Rectory }<'itch Ambr086 Gardiner, miller &; far- Ralling William, shoe maker
mer, Baythorn mill Saville Sophia (Mrs.), Swan, Baythorn
COMMERCIAL. French WaIter, Colne Valley Arms, & end
Amey Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bay- wheelwright Smoothy Henry, farmer, Birdbrook hall
thorn end Payne Henry, farmer, Moat farm Sorrell William, beer retailer
Barnes WaIter, shopkeeper Ralling Charles, Plough inn,& machinist Turner Wm. blacksmith, Baythorn end
Brown Daniel, shoe maker Ralling Charles, shopkeeper I Unwin George, farmer, Baythorn hall
BLACKMORE is a parish, in the Western division of held by the Rev. William Callendar B.A. of Hertford College,
the county, Ongar union, Chelmsford hundred, Brentwood Oxford. TheBaptists have a chapel here. The endowed charities
county court district, rural deanery of Ingatestone, Essex left in 1580 by George Challice; in looI by Henry WaIler; in
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles east from 1728 by Thomas Almond and by various other benefactors
Ongar, 8 south-west from Chelmsford, 4! north-west from produce £48 yearly. Here was anciently a priory dedicated to
Ingatestone station and Z4 miles from London. The St. Lawrence and founded by Adam and Jordan de Sandford
church of St. Lawrence, formerly the church of the priory in the time of Henry H. for Augustine canons, the revenues
of that name founded here in the reign of Henry H. is an I of which at the Dissolution were valued at £85 9S. 7d.
ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north yearly; it was granted by Henry VIII. to Cardinal Wolsey
porch and a western tower with shingled spire at the west and applied by him in aid of his foundations at Ipswich and
end, containing 5 bells, three dated 1647 and the others 1648 Oxford and on his attainder transferred to Waltham Abbey
l\nd 1752: it was originally a Norman structure, but under. and on its suppression granted to Robert Smith. Henry
went extensive alteration8 in the 13th and further changes VIII. had a country house here, called by his courtiers
in the 14th and 15th centuries and is now mostly of the "Jericho;' who used the phrase, .. He has gone to Jericho,"
Early English period and probably built on the foundations to express that the King had retired to this place for his
of the Norman edifice, portions of which are also incorporated I pleasure; a house in the parish still goes by this name and
iu the walls; the west front, a pleasing composition, and one I the Cam rivulet, which flows through the village, is called
bay of the Norman church at the west end belong to the "Jordan." A fair is held on August nth. The trustees
12th century; the west front has a circular headed doorway, of the late James Parker esq. of Chelmsford are lords of the
above which, on a line, are two windows of like form and manor. The principal landowners are trustees of the late
over these, in the gable, a circle: the whole of this front is Edgar Disney and Edward Bonar esqs. The soil is mixed;
of squared masonry and is a fine specimen of Norman subsoil, clayey, The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
workmanship, the compartment, or bay, of the Norman The area is 2,576 acres gross; rateable value, £4,046; and
nave has slender columns with graceful capitals, upon the the population in 1881 was 571.
masonry of which the Early English work is curiously en- HOOK END and WYATT'S GREEN are small hamlets abou'
grafted; this work is uniform and four bays in length; at a mile and a half south
the east end of the south aisle is a small chantry chapel, . .. .
with a fine altar tomb, having recumbent effigies of a man Pansh Clel k, Richard Maynard.
and his wife in Elizabethan costume and attributed to POST OFFICE.-John Henry Arthy, receiver. Letters from
Thomas Smyth esq. 1594 and his wife Margaret; on the Ingatestone arrive at 8.10 a.m; dispatched a.t 6.10 p.m.
naye floor is a graye stone of Purbeck marble, with the The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at Ongar
matricei of a fine brass cross and shields: the tower is a & Ingatestone
timber structure upon a rubble foundation and is three Board Schools (mixed) opened in :1:87 8 for 120 children: Miss
storeys in height, the supporting timbers being arranged. in Ada Rachel Taylor :Uistress '
three avenues; on the west side is a fine four-light wooden CARRIHRS TO. '
window with tracing complete. The register dates f r o m · .
the year 1602. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £79, CHEI,MSFORD James Argent, mono & fn
in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. James Hodges and LONDON Charles Johnson, tues. & fri
Marked thus • are hI Brenliwood Postal
Chapman Stephen, blacksmith & farrier Maynard Rd. bricklayer & parish clerk
DeliYery. Clark Edward, wood dealer Mead Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner
Bloomfield William Conn William, boot & 8hoe maker Mihill William, Leather Bottle inn, i;
Callendar Rev. William B.A.. [vicar] *Eve Jas.landownr.& farmr. Hook's end assistant overseer & rate collector
Cronmire John Martin, Rose cottage Fry Peter, farmer, Dairy farm Nottage James, Bull, & cattle dealer
Giblin Miss, Manor cottage Humphrey Isaac William, brick maker Pagram Phillip, carpenter & joiner
Marriage Lawrence, Fingrith hall & farmer *Pease Mrs. farmer, Hook's End farm
*\\-"hite James Rt. RA., M.B. Home cot Jackson \\-"illiam, farmer, Jessops Pratt Charles, farmer, Hay Green farm
Wilson John EJisha, Wyatt's green Jobnson Charles, beer retailer & carrier Roberts Horace William Lewis, board-
COJOlERCIAL. Lloyd ~rge, Prince ..4.lbe1·t ing & day school, The Poplars
Arthy Henry John, grocer Malyon George, boot & shoe maker Smith Edmund Payne, grocer & draper
Attrid~ Thomas, Swan inn Marriage Lawrence, frmr. Fingrith hall *Staines Geo. farmer, Ray Place farm.
Attridge William, baker &pork butcher Martin Charles, proprietor of steam *Thomas Henry, haydealer, Hook'll ena
*BentleyAnn(Mrs.),fnnr.Red Rose farm thrashing machines *White James RobertB.A.,M.B. surgeon,
Brightwell William, builder Maynard Joseph, bricklayer Home cottage
BOBBINGWORTH, or BoBINGER, is a parish in the Peter's College, Cambridge. There is a charity consisting
Wester:o: diviiliou of the oounty, hundred and union of Ongar, of the interest of about £500, left by Robert Bourne in I66ow.
Brentwood eounty court district, Ongar rural deanery, which is applied in ilupplying clothing to the aged poor of
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 3 miles north· the parish. Blake Hall ill an elegant and commodious
west from ODgar station, 4i north·east from Epping and mansion, the seat of George Capel Cure esq. lord of the
~2 from London. The church of St. ,German is a small manor and principal landowner; it i8 now occupied by
building in the Decorated style and consists of chancel James Jump 8Sq. The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The
(the chancel was restored in 1840 at the cost of the present chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 1,579
rector, who also. presented the bells), nave and 8 square acres; rateable value, £2,354; Rnd the population in 1881
brick tower containing 6 bells, dated 1840: there are was gO:l.
monuments to the Capel Cure family; to the Chapman BILSDEN is I mile south.
family, 1627; Bourne family, 1663; and the Cowper family, Pariah Cle1'k, Wllliam Matthews.
167+ The register of burials dates from 1558, baptisms Letters through Ongar, the nearest money order &
and marriages from 1559. The living is a rectory, tithe telegraph office. WA.LL LETTEB Box cleared at 5.30 p.m
rent-charge £446, with good residence and 33 acres.of School (mixed) for 50 children, with an average attendance
glebe attached, in the gift of George Capel Cure esq. and of 35, supported by G. Capel Cure esq.; .Mrs. Jessie
held by the Rev. William Macjanlay Oliyer M.A.. of St. .McWilliam, mistress
Jump James, Blake hall Bretton Wm. Read, farmer, Hobbings Law Edmund, fanner, Sayer's farm
Oliyer Rev. Wm. Macjanlay M.A. Rectory Brock William, miller & baker MilIbank John Henry, farmal', Hall fann
Binder Charles, shoe maker Couchman Jonas, fann bailiff to George Peacock William, farmer, Bilsden
Binder John, farmer Capel Cure esq
BOREHAM is a parish, in the Western division of the north-west, was & royal residence in the reigns of Henry
county, Chelmsford onion, hundred and county court dis· VII. and VIII. and was granted in the reign of Elizabeth to
trict, rural deanery of Chelmsford, Essex archdeaconry and the Earl of Sussex, afterwards passing into the possession
St. Albans diocese, on the road from Chelmsford to Col· of Villiers, Duke of Buckingham: on the attainder of
chester, 31 miles north·east from the Chelmsford station, whose son it became the property of the Lord Protector,
contiguous to the navigable river Chelmer and 33 miles from OliveI' Cromwell, who afterwards exchanged it for Hampton
London. The church of St. Andrew consists of chancel, Court~ at the Restoration it was purchased by the Duke of
nave and a central Norman tower: the Sussex chapel, in Alhemarle and has since become a Catholic convent and
which are monuments of the Radcliffes, Earls of Sussex, has school, with a chapel. The trustees of the late James Parker
been rebuilt and is used as a vestry: in the churchyard is a esq. and Charles Hazlefoot esq. are lords of the manor. Th6
mausoleum of the Walthams, in the Classic style. The principal landowners are John Lionel 'fufnell Tyrell esq.
register dates from the year 1559. rfhe living is a ncarage, and the trustees of the late Charles Hazlefoot esq. and others
yearly "alue £432, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops
of St. Albans and held by the Rev. James Gaspard Le are wheat, beans, barley and turnips. The area is 3,739
Marchant Carey M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, acres; rateable value, £9,733; the population in 1881, in~
Honorary Canon of St. Albans. Two of tM almhouses in eluding those in New Hall Convent, was 992.
the parish of Stock are appropriated to the poor of this parish. Pm-ish Clerk, James Young.
Butler's charity is an endowment of £IOQ per annum for
educational purposes, left in 1717 by Edward Butler, of POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
Little Baddow, to.provide such clothes, books and education Bank.-Isaac Taverner, receiver. Letters arrive through
for the poor children of Little Baddow and Boreham as the Chelmsford at 7 & 11·45 a.m.; dispatched at I.45 & 7
• trustees of the charity shall decide. Boreham House, on the p.m.; on sundays at 11·30 a.m
east of the road, is the residence of Major John Lionel Tufnell- Assistant Ove'l'seer, Samuel French, Bull's lodge
Tyl'ell J.P.: the mansion is approached by two ayenues of trees SCHooLS:-
and there is a fine lake and a park of 100 acres, containing National (mixed), for 120 children; Miss A. Hookins, mist
abont 250 head of deer. New Hall, in this parish, to the Butler's Charity, Mrs. A. Laurie, mistress
Butler Julia Miss Qady superior of the Brewster James, farmer, Bird's farm Lewin JamesPearce, land agent to Johll
Convent of the Hol~· Sepulchre at New Carter Henry, grocer Lionel TufneIl-TyreIl esq. Generals
Hall] Chapman Thomas, beer retailer Lucking Ann (Mrs.), grocer & carpenter
Carey Rev.James Gaspard Le Marchant, Cliff John Wright, coach builder & tim· Lucking Charles, boot & shoe maker
M.A.. [hon. canon], Vicarage bel' merchant Payne John, farm bailiff to J. L. Tur~ .
Dixon John, Manor house Clover William & Co.brick ma.Hog wells neIl-Tyrell esq. Brick house
Myhill Mrs. Boreham place Cousins Charles, fanner & landowner, Pertwee & Co. general smiths & agri~
Pledger Joseph A. Boreham lodge Stocks farm cnltural implement agents
Rigby Rev. John [Catholic], New hall Crow William, wheelwright Pertwee James, fanner, Old hall
Seabrook Henry Pledger, Buckshorn Doe Thomas, miller & farmer Potton James Snow, baker
Seabrook William Everad George, cattle dealer Saunders Joseph. tailor
Reabrook WilIiam, Brent hall French Robert, farmer, Bull's lodge Seabrook John, butcher & farmer
Thorpe Mrs. The Bower Goodwin Elizabeth (Mrs.), Cock Seabrook William, farmer &landowner,
TufneIl-T)Tell John Lionel J.P. (major Harris George Robert, blacksmith Brent hall
of second batt.R.volunteers),Boreham Hurrell Frederick, fanner & land· Stammers William, boot & shoe maker
house; & Carlton & Army & Navy owner, Culverts Rtubbings Robert, cattle dealer
clubs, London 8. 'ID Ketley Robert, fanner, Wallace farm Taverner Isaac, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Ketley William, farmer, Boreham hall Worskett William, grocer
Archer Richard, Red Lion King Isaac Newton,fanner,Porters fann Young Joseph, beer retailer
BORLEY is a parish, in the Eastern division of the and James S. Gardiner esq. are the principal land.
county, Hinckford hnndred, Sudbury union and county owners. There is a School Board for the parishes of Borley
court district, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester arch· and Liston, composed of 5 members-3 for Borley and 2 fol'
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 2 miles north-west from Liston. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel.
Sudbury station and It from Melford station, situate on The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is
the Stour, which separates it from Suffolk. The church 776 acres; rateable value, £1,544; and the population in
(dedication unknown) is a small building, consisting of :r88I was 210.
chancel, nave .and a western embattled tower, wit~ 2 BORLEY GREEN is I mile west.
bells and contams many tombs of the Waldegrave famIly, ,. .
including a magnificent marble monument 14 feet in height, Se:ctQn, Wllham Reeve.
with a cornice IlU~PO~ by six pillarS' of the ~orinthian POST OFFICE.-Isaac Ward, receiver. Letters throug4
order, beneath WhIC~ he full-length figur~s of Sir ~dw~rd Sudbury arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 5.45; the
an~ ~y .Fran~ Waldegrave. 1561 "99, 'Wlth ~ margmalu?-- nearest money order office & telegraph office are at
8cnptIon ID Latm and & record of other alhances of thIS Sudbury
family: in the chancel is a brass to John Durham, Norfolk,
1601. The register of baptisms dates from 1652; burials, Board School (mixed), for 64 children, average attendance
1656; marriages,I709. The living is a rectory, yearly value 51, onder the Borley & Liston 8chool board, with a resi..
£240, with a glebe of zo acres, in the gift of Rnd held dence for the mistress, built in 1878; clerk to school
by the Rev. Henry Dawson Ellis Bull M.A. of Wadham board, William Firmin, of Sudbury; mistress, Miss Anns,
College, Oxford. Lord Carlingford who is lord of the manor Brockwell


Bnll Rev. Henry Dawson Ellis IU.. Gardiner James Spalding, landowner &; Sillitoe Joseph, beer retailer
[rector] farmer, Borley lodge Theobald William Kil'by, shopkeeper
CokeI' John Sidey, The Place Payne Orlando, farmer,Borley Hall frm Wiseman John F;r80n, miller
BOWERS GIFFORD (or BoWl:RS, 01' BuRl!:s) is a register of baptisms dates from 1559; marriages and burials,
small parish and village, in the Southern dh-ision of the 1558. The Ih-ing is a rectory, )'early value £700, in the gift
county, Barstable hundred, Billericay union, Roehford of the Rev. E. Williams and held by the Rev. Daniel Rowland
county court district and county police division, Barstable Williams M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Major
rural deanery', Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, Spitty D.L" .l.P. is the principal landowner. The soil is heavy;
bounded on the south by the creek which separates Canvey subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat Bnd beans. The Brea
Island from the mainland and gives communication with is 2,585 acres; rateable value, £3,193; and the population in
the Thames: it is 3~ miles from London and I! from Pitsea 1871 was 224.
station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway. Long Parish Clerk, R. Colton.
previously to Domesday Survey, thiS" parish belonged t() POST OFFICE.- Martin Thomas Reddington, receiver.
Westminster Abbey. The church of St. Margaret is in the Letters arrive from Chelmsford at 8 a.m.; dispatched at
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel and nave, western 3.30 p.m. The nearest money order &; telegraph offices
tower with spire containing 2 bells: there is a stained win- are at Rayleigh
dow at the east end: the chancel has been partly restored: National School .!mixed), for So children; Mrs. Mary Cue.
there is a brass of Sir John Gifford, mutilated, 1348. The mistress
WilliamsRev.Danl.RowlandM.A,[rector] Pondfleet John, shoe maker I Staines Thomas, Gun

Clark William, farmer, Blue house I post office Upson George Thomas, blacksmith
BOXTED is a parish, in the Eastern division of the I attached. There are almshouses for two poor persons and
COWlt)', Lexden and 'Winstree union and hundred, Colchester £13, arising from a share of the charity left in :1564 by
county court district and archdeaconry, Dedham rural Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley (for particulars of which
deanery and St. Albans diocese, bounded on the north by I see that place), is distributed )'early in bread and clothes.
the naYigable river Stour, which separates it from Suffolk; Boxted Lodge, the seat of Henry Hobbs esq. is a handsome
it is 4 miles north from Colchester station and 7 west from white brick building, situate in extensive grounds. Boxted
Manningtree. The church of St. Mary consists of chancel, House is the residence of Captain Francis Peel. William
nave, aisles and a tower at the west end containing 2 bells: , Parson esq. is the lord of the manor. The principal land-
it has a -fine marble monument to Sir Richard Blackmore, owners are William Parson, Henry Hobbs, William Page,
physician in ordinary to William Ill. by whom he was Charles Johnson and J()S6ph Blomfield esqrs. Mrs. Rush
knighted in 1697, he was also physician to Queen Anne and Miss Sarah Lawson. The soil is mixed; subsoil, loam.
and the author of numerous works, medical, theological The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, turnips and
and poetical, of the latter, the" Creation" has been several mangold wnrtzel. The area is 3,082 acres; rateable value,
times reprinted; ob. Oct. 9th, 1729; the monument has £5,5°4; and the population in 1881 was 823.
long Latin inscriptions in verse to Sir Richard and his wife, Parish Clerk, George King.
Mary: there are other monuments to the late vicar, Mr. POST OFFIcE.-William Munson, receiver. Letters arrive
Cook and to Nathaniel Bacon, dated 1600. The registel'" through Colchester at 8 a.m.: dispatched at 7 p.m. The
dates from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, yearly nearest money order & telegraph office is at Nayland
value £280, with residence, in the. gift of the Bishop of St. National School (mixed), built in the year 1838, for 103
Albans and held by the Rev. Beaumarice Stracey Clarke, of children, with an average attendanee of 65; Miss Je88Y
St. Bees.. Here is a 'Wes]eyan chapel, to which a school is Neels, mistress
Clarke Rev. Beaumarice Stracey, Vicrge Briggs Josiah, baker Leach Robert, beer retailer
Hobbs Henry, Boxted lodge Bromley GeQrge, farmer Malyn Robert, grocer &: day school
Laws William, Boxted hall Cole Charles, Cross inn Masterson William, farmer & butcher
Meadowcroft Misses Cole J Ohll, farmer & coach builder Moore Robert, beer retailer
Parson 'William, Cheshunts Cooper Henry, blacksmith Munson James, butcher
Peel Captain Francis, Boxted house Dellnis Thomas, carpenter Ne"ard John, farmer
Everett James, farmer Page George, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Halls James, farmer Page William, farmer
Abbot John, harness maker Harvey James, farmer, Boxted priory Strut Charles, farmer
Appleby Thomas, grocer & beer retailer Hobbs Henry, farmer, Boxted lodge Trustram James, farmer, Rivers hall
Beardwell lsaac, farmer & beer retailer Johnson Frank, miller Wagstaff Timothy, butcher
Beardwell Thomas, carpenter Laws 'Villiam, farmer 'Willis John, farmer
BRADFIELD is a village and parish and station on the dated with the rectory of Mistley, joint yearly value £916,
Manningtree and Harwich railway, in the Eastern division with residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of Rev. C.
of the county, hundred and union of Tendring, county F. Norman and held by the Rev. Leighton George Hayne,
cuurt district of Harwich, rural deanery of Ardleigh, arch- Mus. Doe. of Queen's College, Oxford, surrogate for the
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Alballs, situated diocese of St. Albans and coryphreus of the University of
on the south bank of the navigable ri\'er Stour and on the Oxford. The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have
high road from Colchester to Harwich, 3 miles east-south- each a chapel here. Here is a brick and tile manufactory
east from Mallningtree, 9 west from Harwich and 63 from and a steam flour mill: a small fair is held annually on the
London. The church of St. Lawrence is a cruciform last Monday in July. George Simpson Hardy esq. the Rev.
structure, partly Perpendicular, with portions of an earlier Thomas Partridge Nunn and Thomas Glover Kensit esq.
date and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, vestry and a are the principal landowners, the last of whom is also lord
tower containing I bell; it was thoroughly restored in of the manor and lay rector. The soil is mixed, upon a
1840 and contains a large organ, erected in 1876 to the subsoil of clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
memory of Rev. R. Hayne D.D. the late rector and tablets The parish contains 2,II9 acres of land and 600 acres of
to the Nunn, Umfreville and Thompson families; also to water; rateable value, £4,591; the population in 1881 was
Sir Harbottle Grimstone, Master of the Rolls from 1660 to 1,000.
~667, in the time of Charles H. who was born here ~nd died Parish Sexton, Benjamin Burgess.
III 1683; there are also several others to the G1"lmstone , .
family: in the chancel is a tablet in memory of Captain POST OFFICE.-:-Mrs. Mahala Bacon, ~eCelYer. Letters aITlve
Carter: the chancel has been thoroughly restored. and from Manmngtree at 7·~0 a.-m.; dl~patched at 7 p.m. The
provided with choir stalls at the expense of the present nearest money order office IS at MIstley .
rector, who also erected a vestry on the south-east side of .National School (mixed), built in 1851, for 75 children;
the chancel, at a cost of about £1,000. The register averageattendance,65; Miss CatherilleNewnam, mistress
dates from the year 1695. The living is a rectory', consoli- Railway StatiOll, James Harrison, station master
Barlow Miss, The Cottage Hardy George Simpsoll, Jacques hall; & Bacon Mahala (Mrs.), grocer & draper,
Barton Richard Bolton LL,D. [barrister- at Ramsay hall & post office
at-law], .I,P. Stour l~e Ha:rne Rev. Leighton George MUS. Brewster Jonathan, baker & corn dealer
Bawtree, Malting house Doe. Rectory Bullimer Mulliner Joseph, farmer,
Budd Mrs. White house Hempson Mrs. Bradfield lodge Brox, Bruces, Malting, Bartons &
Cutting Mrs Robertson John James. The Cottage Street farms
English Mrs I Wright Mrs. Malting house B;rford James, beer retailer

Cracknell Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer Hempson George (Mrs.), farmer, Brad- Puxley Abraham Cutting, builder &
Crick Charles, bricklayer field lodge contractor
Daniels Hal'l'Y Westennan, steam flour Howard John, farm bailiff to William Puxley Francis, brick; & til& & draiq
mill8 Brooks esq. Golden Ferry farm pipe maker
Donnan George, shopkeeper Johnson Joseph, Village ../.}faid Rainbert Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker
Edwar<1s Richard, grocer, draper &c Kerridge Henry, fanner & cattle dealer Rainbert John, miller & thrashing
Fearis Jas. Valentine, fannr. Nether hall Kerridge Robert, wheelwright machine proprietor
Gilbert David, Plough Marshall John, beer retailer Smith George, shoe maker
Gould Robert, shopkeeper Marven Thomas, farmer Sparrow Barnard D. miller, Tower mill
Green In. HelIen, farmer, Bradfield hall Ma80nArthur,shoe maker Sparrow Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Green Thomas, farmer, Ragmarsh Mason Frederick, Strangers' Home Spink John, shoe maker
Greenwood William, tailor Nunn Henry William, smith & farrier Syrett George Watts, shopkeeper
Hardy Geo.Simp80n, fnnr. & landowner, Pettitt Elijah, police officer To,-el Thomas, fanner, Copping's farm
Jacques hall; & at Ramsay hall, Porter Jasper, chimney sweeper Tovell James, farm bailiff to G. S.
Ramsay Purkis William George, saddler I Hardy esq

BRADWELL·juxta-COGGESHALL, 2lmiles west £20 a year, arising from 1 acres of land, left by an unknown
from that town and 3 east from Braintree station, is a donor. Park House is the residence of the Misses Brunwin.
parish, in the Eastern division of the connty, Witham hun- The Rev. Peter Maxey Brunwin is the lord of the manor and
dred, Braintree union and county court district, Witham principal landowner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil,
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. AlOOns various. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The
diocese, situate on the river Blackwater and the road from area is 1,161 acres; rateable value, £1,893 ; and the popu-
Colchester to Braintree: it derives its name from a broad lation in 1881 was 251.
well or spring rising to the north of Bradwell Hall, which PERRY GREEN, CLAP DUG GREEN and BLACKWATER lie to
has such force that, within a few rods of its source, it turns the west; the latter is a hamlet on the river and old Roman
an over-shot wheel. The church of the Holy Trinity is a road.
small building consisting of chancel,nave and wooden belfry Pmisk Clerk, Joseph Amos.
containing 3 bells; a canoed oak screen separates the POST OFFICE.-Joseph Amos, sub-postmaster. Letters
chancel from the nave; there are several monuments to the received by foot post from Braintree at 8.15 a.m.; dis-
Maxey, Carter. Nolan and Brunwin families. The register patched at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order office
of baptisms and burials dates from 17°4; marriages, 1708 & telegraph office is at CoggeshaU
and is in an excellent state of preservation. The living is a INSURANCE AGENT--Royal Exchange, R. Maskell, Dengie,
rectory, commuted at £345 yearly, with residence, in the Maldon
gift of and held by the Hev. Peter Maxey Brunwin B.A. of National School (mixed), for 10 children; Miss Elizabeth
St. Peter's College, Cambridge. The poor have upwards of Hunt, mistress
Brunwin Rev. Peter Maxey RA. Rectory' Campen George Gooch, wheelwright Johnson William Henry, Slvan inn
Brunwin Henry Tweed, Park house Chalk Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Webster John (of Pattiswick), farmer &
Brunwin Misses, Park house I Cook John, 'wheelwright miller; & at Pattiswick. Braintree
Belsher Henry, farmer, Perry green Humphreys William, shopkeeper Woodthorpe Lewis Stephen, nursery-
Brown William, farmer, Bridge hall John80n Benjamin, Bull man, Glazenwood house
BRADWELL-juxta-MARE (or BnADWELL-NEXT- Sussex College, Cambridge. The rectory is a modern built
SEA), which is so called to distinguish it from Bradwell- residence near the church. A cemetery has been opened
juxta-Coggeshall, is a large village and parish, in the Eastern here since the closing of the churchyard in 1878. The
division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and charity left by William Aylett, in the seventh of Charles J.
county court district, Dengie rural deanery, Essex arch- amounts to about £5 lIS. 6<1. )'early and is distributed to
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 15 miles east from Maldon the poor in coal. There is some trade in corn and
and 10 north from Burnham: it is supposed to be the coal. The Fellows of Bristol and Sion College are lords of
Othona of the Romans and the Ithancester at which the manor. The small manor of Downhall belongs to Thos.
Bishop Cedda built a church, but called Effecestre in Truesdale Clarke esq. The principal landowners are James
.. Domesday Survey:" itis situated on a kind of promontory, T. Gale esq. the trustees of Joseph Willes and John Oxley
forming the south inlet of the Blackwater estuary and Parker esq. .T.P. with the lords of the manor. The soil is a
extends eastward to the German Ocean. Bradwell is a rich loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and
coastguard station and a creek under the port of Maldon. beans. The area is 4.734 acres; rateable value, £7,095; and
St. Peter's-on-the-Wall, an ancient chapel long fallen in the population in 188r was 987.
decay, stands in this parish, on a spot which is now the Pm'ish Clerk, John May.
north-east point of the hundred of Dengie, The church of POST OFFlcE.-Robert Coppinger Morgan, postmaster.
St. Thomas the Apostle, is a brick and stone building, in the London & other letters received through Maldon, viii
Early English style and was partly rebuilt in 1106 : it con- Southminster, arri,'e at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 4 p.m. The
sists of chancel and nave and has a lofty brick tower at the nearest money order & telegraph office is at Tillingham
west end, battlemented and containing a clock and 5 bells,
dated 1744: in the chancel wall are brasses to Margaret Free School (mixed), for 180 children, all of whom receive a
Wyatt, 1526; to the Rev. John Debank, late rector, 1601 ; free education, excepting a nominal sum for books: the
and to Thomas Debank, yeoman, 1606: there is also a endowment, formerly in land, has been sold by order of
mural monument to the Paynter and Sherman families, the Court of Chancery & the proceeds im'ested in con·
dated 1666: the church has a Norman font and the sacra- sols, producing an income of £280, which is divided
mental plate includes a silver chalice, dated 1626: in 1866 amongst an efficient staff of teachers, & local trustees
, the church was thoroughly rMtored, re-seated with open have been appointed by order of the Court of Chancery i
benches and a stone pulpit erected. The register dates WaIter Hoather, master; Miss Sarah Ma)·, mistress; Mrs.
from the year 1558 and is in good condition. The living is Ambro5ine Ward, infants' mistress
a rectory, yearly value £1,624, with .good residence, in the CAR'RIERS.-To Maldoll, Alfred Gladwell, monday, wednes-
gift of and held by the Rev. Edward Owen M.A. of Sidney day & friday; to Chelmsford, Samuel Sharp, friday
Chillingworth Andrew, The Hall Cemetery Nix Betsy (Mrs.), grocer & draper
Gale J ames Theobald, Orplands Chillingworth Andrew, farmer, The Hall Nunn William, blacksmith
Hatch William Coster My. Ann(Mrs.), frmr.Drinkwater Page James, farmer, Eastlands
Hedgley Mrs. Delameres Creasey Daniel, beer rp.tailer Page Hobert, farmer, Dawn hall
Owen Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory Gale James Theobald, farmer,Orplands Parker John, coal & corn mer. & farmer
Page James, Eastlands Gladwell Alfred, carrier Porritt James, farmer, Sandbeach
Page Hobert, Down hall Godfrey James, King's Head Rayner Alfred, harness maker
SeweIl William, New hall Harvey George, grocer & draper Sharp Samuel, carrier
Small George, Delameres . Hedgley Mary (Mrs.), farmer Small George, farmer, Delameres
Small William George, East hall Hews George, shoe maker Small William George, farmer) Easthall
Kemp & Reynolds, coal merchants Spitty James, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Kemp WaIter, Green Man, &shipwright Turner George, baker
Allen James, QueeR'S Head Maskell James, farmer Woodyard Jonathan, bricklayer
Bailey William, coast guard officer Miller Hobert, boat builder Wright Jas. grocer & draper & butcher
Blal'ks Baml. blacksmith & wheelwright Morgan Robert Coppinger, post office
BRAINTREB and BoClmJo, though distinct parishesy fot'm one The Cottage Hospital, formed 'from two cottages and
continuous town, extending for a mile on the road between opened in I871, oocnpies a salubrioWl site on the Halstead
Chelmsford and Halstead, on the rivers Blackwater and road, Rocking; it was founded and is .supported by Mra. G'\
Podsbrook, with & united population in x87I of 8,x89- Courtauld jun. and contains four beds.
x8BI of 8,640, in the union and connty court district of The charities amount to upwards.of £xoo yearly, which
Braintree, hundred of Hinckford, l"Ill'al deanery of Braintree, sum is distributed in bread and clothing.
Colchester archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans. The A cattle and corn market is held on Wednesday, and there
town is governed by a local board of 9 members. are two annual fairs on the 8th and 9th of May and the 2nd,
Braintree is situated on a rising hill on the river Brain or 3rd and 4th of October, the latter being for cattle and hops.
Podsbrook. The Witham and Braintree railway, completed From the number-of British Gnd Roman coins and other
in x848 and consisting of a single line with a station, ap- relics found here, or iD its immediate vicinity, it ilJ oonjee-
proaches the town on the south-east and was extended in tured that Braintree was successinly a British and a Roman
I86I to Bishop's Stortford, a distance of I7i miles. Brain- station and it is pretty certain that the Roman road from
tree is I4 miles north-west from Maldon, 8 east from Camalodunum (Colchester) to Verulaminm (St. Albans)
Dunmow, 7 south-by-west from Halstead, 8 north-north- passed through it: it was constituted a market town in the
west from Witham, I2 north-by-east from Chelmsford, X5 time of King John; and from its situation on the route of
west-by-south from Colchester and 44! north-east from pilgrims to' the shrines of St. Edmund, at Bury, in Suffolk
London, or 40l by road: the town is clean, well paved, and Our Lady of Walsingham, in Norfolk, became at an early
lighted with gas and well supplied with water from an period a place of some consequence: subsequently the
artesian well near the Notley road, whence it is conveyed Flemings, fleeing from the persecution of the Duke of Alva,
through pipes to a high service tank in the centre of the established the woollen manufacture here'! this has now,
town: the drainage and water supply, completed in x856, however, disappeared and has. been succeeded by the silk
cost about £9,000: the sewage of the town is utilised by and crape manufacture, which employs a large number of
application to 40 acres of land at the south end of the town its populatjon; brushes and cocoa-nut fibre mat and matting
The Church of St. Michael, near the centre of the town, is an are also made here; there are besides several maltings and
edifice of flint and stone in the Early English, Decorated and breweries and on the rivers various llom mills: and the
Perpendicular styles and consists of chancel with aisles, town has in addition gas works, banks, two good hotels and
vestry on the north, nave of three bays, with clerestory, a. police station.
lighted by six three-light windows on either side, porches Thomas Morgan Gepp esq. of Chelmsford, is lord of the
and a square Early English tower, containing 6 modern xp.anor.
bells and a clock and surmounted by a lofty octagonal The principal landowners are Major Skingley, the trustees
shingled spire: in r864 the outside of the church was of the Felstead Charity, the trustees of Samuel May, Mrs.
restored and the inside in r866: the total cost being about Nottidge and William Brown.
£6,000, raised by subscription and grants: an arch was at The area of the parish is 2,28x acres, 500 of which is
this time opened in the lower part of the tower and the water, Tateable"Valu& £15,375:- the population in 187i: was
church was entirely reseated: the east window of five lights 4,790 and r88I,. s,rS2, which is also the urban sanitary
is a memorial, completed in r869, to Richard Lacey esq. In district.
the chancel wall, at the east end, outside, is an incised brass Bocking, on the Pant, Freshwell, or Blackwater river,
with the following :-" This grate was ordered to be set vp on which are mills, constitutes the northern
by y last will & Testament of Samvell Collin~ late Dr. in part of the town, consisting principally of one long 8treet,
physick eldest son to Mr. Samvell Collins here vnder bvryed the Coggeshall and Rayne roads forming the boundary. In
the time of King Ethelred this parish belonged ro Ethelred
who served above nine years as principal physician to ~ great and Leofwin, who granted it to St. Saviour's Priory, Canter-
Czar or Emperovr of Rvssia and after his retvrne from bury.
thence taking a iovrney into France dyed at Paris October The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large edifice of
29th r670 being the 51st year of his age." An inscription flint with Bath stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style-
on the south side of the tomb informs us that the Rev. and consists of chancel with vestry, clerestoried nave, aisles,
Samuel Collins, father of the above-named and many years south porch and a large square embattled and pinnacled
vicar of this church, died May 2, 1667 and was buried here: toweF with clock and a musical peal of 6 bells; therq are
a mural monument, also in the chancel, is inscribed to John piscinre and several stained memorial windows ~ in the.
Hawkins esq. Alderman of London in X623, who died in south chantry is the brass of John Doreward esq. son of Sir'
I633: the church plate includes two chalices, dated 16r6, a Wm. Doreward (X42O) and his wife Isabella, but without
flagon, r7J:I and a paten, X724. The register dates from any inscription and on the chancel pavement is another
r664. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £3r4, with to Oswald Fitch, dated X612: in the north aisle of the
residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Samuel Henry chancel is a marble monument consisting of a pediment.
Bingham RA. Worcester College, Oxford. Christ Church supported on columns and beneath it a kneeling female
(reformed Church of England), situated in Coggeshall road, figure, intended for the wife of Adrian Moon esq. who died
is an iron structure capable of :;leating 500 persons and was 1624: another marble monument in .the same aisle is in-
erected in 1872. The .congregational Chapel, situated in scribed to Prisca, relict of Thomas Cobourne, of Stratford-le-
London road, is a large building of white brick with stone Bow, gent.; the churchyard has a tomb erected to John
dressings. The Primitive Methodist Chapel in Manor street Maysent, gent. of Bocking Hall, with a poetical inscription,
is a plain white brick building, erected in x862; the The living is a rectory, yearly value upwards of £r.407 with
Wesleyan Chapel, in Rayne road, is a spacious edifice of red residence and 108 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Arch-
brick; there is also a small Baptist Chapel in Albert road bishop of Canterbury and held by the Very Rev. Henry Car-
and a larger building in Coggeshall road and belonging to rington M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, who is dean and
the same sect. The cemetery, situated on the London road, rector: the Dean of Bocking formerly had jl,lrisdiction over
2A. XB.. 5p. in extent, is planted with ornamental shrubs this and other peculiars of the province of Canterbury with
and was opened in August, x856 ; the purchase and arrange- Essex.
ment of the ground, erection of lodge-keeper'$ hQuse and The Society of Friends have & large meeting-house of white
mortuary chapels, cost together £4.000. brick with freestone dressings in Rayne road, built in r863.
A School Board of five members was formed here in The Congregational Chapel situate in Church street is
November, 1875. small and is also of white brick.
The Corn Exchange occupying a prominent position in The Congregational Chapel, Bituated in Bradford street,
the High street, was built in 1839 by a private company at is a square building of white brick, built in X707 and enlarged
a cost of upwards of £4.000, enlarged in r860 and again in in 1818 and will hold about 1.000: over the pulpit is a marble
1 877. tablet with inscription to the Rev. Thomas Craig, for more
The Vestry Hall, in Church street, was built in r867 and than 62 years pastor here, who died 2nd of June, in the
besides ante-rooms has one large room where the local, 85th year of his age: near to this ar& larg9-8Chools erected
school and burial boards and several provident institutions to commemorate the 50th anniversary- of the Rev. Thos.
of the town hold their meetings. Craig's ministry, October I2th, 'Y852, these sch6lOls an now
The Mechanics' Institution, in Bocking end, was founded under the Board. Here is a cemetery of si acres, under the
in r845 and the present building erected in I863> at the ex- control of the Burial Eoard.
pense of the late George Conrtauld esq. at a cost of £3,000: A School Board. of five members was formed here in
it comprises a lecture-room, capable of seating 450 persons, January, r873: there is an endowed school for go boys,
a reading room, library and committee rooms. founded by Dr. Gauden, rector of Backing and successively


Bishop of Exeter (1660) and of Worcester (166~), here is a. Mfs. Honeyw,ood, Samuel Tabor eeq. John English Ta.bor
almehouee for six perllOns : here i8 g crape factory belonging es~. George and Sydney Courmuld eeql's. o~ &vil.J...Ollley
to Samuel Courtauld & Co. giving employment to a large l.P. and 8. E. Savill l.P.: area 4.607 acres; rateable value
Dumber of hands. .lI~58J; the population in 1871 Wall 3,399 and 3t458 in
The endowed charitiel! for general distribution product 1881.
£~o yearly: a working men's clul:1 i, maintained and Parish Clerk (Hocking), James Bearman.
supported by small monthly subscriptions and tu room. are High Garrett is a hamlet in Bocking parish, about
8upplied with p&riOOicals and newspapers. one mile north-north eaat and three miles north from Brain-
The kelmele of the Ea8t Essex sub8cription pack of hound. tree, at the branching of the high road from. Chelmsford to
are llituated here: Smmford Button and It. R. W. Linger Haletead and Here is a Unitarian chapel and mixed
esq1'8. 8Te lords of the manor: the principallandownel'8 are school, erected by the late Samuel Courtauld 6Sq.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST, MONEY ORDER 6; TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Esaex (2nd) Rifle P"olunteers (comprising A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
Savings Bank Govemm nt A 't &. 1 ~ H compani~8), Corn excha~; W~lliam N. Tufnell,
• U'
60 h n~wl nsura
nce Offices,
heut.-col.; MaJor George Banmster, adJutant; George D.
Postmaster-~~nj::"~: Portway. Clapham,q~rter-mas~r;Henry L~ver,WilliamG.Gimson
Letters arrive from London by mail cart at 4. 10 a.m.; de- l\1.D.~ Edwm P.Gutterldge, hon. a~slstant-surgeons; Ebene-
r1vered at & 0 &6 p d' P tched t 20 zer tshedd & Charles E. Abbot, acting-surgeons; Rev.Carter
5 &1 5 IpI'3 a'~th t ·20 ·m.;, fls a" tesa la9te'r W. Moore M.A.; Rev. Francis B. Shepherd M.A..; Rev. John
a .m.3- 0 7· 0 .m.W1 exras tampa ewmmu . CH k" b t R G P B tt &R
M d e 0'1'<1. ted & P 'd f t'll 6 da'ly s . aw ms ar. M.A.. ev. eorge • enne M.A. ev.
oneyor ers ar ",.:--n aI rom 9 1 1, un- James P. Tweed M.A. acting-chaplains
days texcedpted. t~laVl8 ngs bank open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Fi"e Enqine Houae, Henry Saunders, superintendent,
on sa ur ays un 1 p.m road
WALL BoXt Coggeshall road, clear~ at 3.30 & 6·45 p.m Inland Revenyu OJlice, at the White Hart inn, Bocking
WALL Box, Bradford street, Bockmg, cleared a.t 3.30 p.m. & end, William Downer Hewitt eupervisor' Charles Smith
6·45 p.m. ;, mndays, 6·45 p.m Belb" officer ' ,
WALL BOJI,. Upper Railway street. cleared a.t 1.30 p.m. & Police l~;ation, Rayne road; Thomas Elser, superintendent;.
6.50 p.m., sundays, 6.50 p.m J hn Th C &G Re"d, t
POST OFFICE REcEIVING HQu~ Bradford street, Bocking.- 11 omas ooper. eorge 1 sergean 8
Thomas Pasfield, receiver. Letters received through
Braintree at 7. 1 5 a..m.; dispatched at II a.m. & 6.40 p.m. ;
1;.a~p <;lzl' chPos: o~cet
ea 1"!1 a, ure s ree
sunday, 6.40 p.m. Church street.-David Clark, receiver. BRAINTREE UNION.
~tters arrive from Braintree at 8.15 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; Board day, every alternate monday
dispatched II:t 9. 15 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; 9. 1 5 a..m. on sundays The Union comprises the following parishes, Bocking, Brad-
WALL Box, HIgh Garrett, cleared at 5-30 pm.; sunday~ well, Brllointree, Great Coggeshall, Little Coggeshall,
9 a.m Cressing, Fairstead, Faulkbourne, Feering, Finchingtield,
ACTING MAGISTRATES FOR THE COUNTY. Hatfield Peverel, Kelvedon, Marks Hall, Black Notley,
SoUTH HINCXFORD DIVISION. White Notley, Panfield, Pattiswick, Rarne, Rivenhall,
Georg~ Conrtauld esq..x,p. Cuthedge, Gosfield Great Saling, Shalford, Stisted, Terling, Wethersfield &
O. SavIll-Onley esq. StlSted hall Witham' the population in 1881 was 28,629' rateable
Rev. Edward James Hill X.A. Rectory, Panfield . value,£I4,0,657' '
Willi&mNeville Tufnell esq. Booking Clerk, Fred. Smoothy, I & 3 New street
Humphrey Riehd. 600. Marriott esq. A?bot's ball, Shalford CoUector to the Guardians, Henry Gibbs
W. V. Fowke esq. The Grwe, Great Saling Relieving, Vaccination lj- Inquiry lj- Sclwol Attendance Office),l,
Sydney Courtaul~ esq. ~;king Braintl'ee district,Frederick Godfrey, Braintree ; Coggeshall
Capt. J. N. ~arnson, Saling gro~e district,William Marten, Coggeshall; Finchingjield district,
Robert Parns Mq. Oaklands, Bramtree Charles Banbury, Wethersfield
Olerk 10 tM Magis'ra~6, AngustU8 Cunnington, Braintree Medical Officers if Public Vaccinators, Bmintree district, John
Petty 8e88ions fOl' South Hinckford division are held e~ry HarrillOn, Braintree; Bocking dist,'ict, Thomas Taylor,
alternate wednesday, a.1I the County Court house, Bockmg. Hocking; Coggeshall distl'ict, T. SimpllOn, Coggeshall;
The places in the division are Braintree, Booking, Black Fi1lChingfield district, E. DawllOn, Finchingfield; Kel~do.
Notley, Fels,tead, GOllfield, Great. Saling, P&nfield, Rayne, dist,·ict, R. Galpin, Kelvedon; WetMrs~ld district, H. R.
Shalford, StJ8ted ii Wethersfield G. Rust, WethersfieId: Witham district, C. E. Abbott, Noel
LocAL BoARD OF HEALTH. honse, Braintl'ee
Clerk, Augostus Cnnnington, Great square Superint~enI Registrar, Fred. Smoothy; depttty, Henry
Medical OjJic.r, John Harriso14 Bank street H~bb8, Jun. Ivy p~ace ' .
SU1"Veyor if Im BCtor of Nuisancu Henry Glethero Notley rd Regutrars of Ma1Ttages, Fredk. Godfrey, Bockmg End,
Ooll,ctfm Jose~h Holland" 57 Ma~or s t r e e t ' C~rles Ban~ury, Wethersfield ~ Wm. Ma~l;l,Cogges~11
,. ~ RefTIstrtrrl1 oJ Bt11ks tt Deatks,Bratntru S'Ub-dUt1"'lct, Fredenck
INSURANCE AGENTS. Godfrey, Braintree; deputy, Waiter James Turner; Bocking
CO'ILnty Fire, J. Shea~oft, ~ Bank lltreet ~istrict, Ell TyIer, Bl'aintree;. C'o.9f/eshall sub-d~t~,
ES8e:t: ~ Suffolk Equttahl. Ftre, R. Crittall, ZJ High street Wdliam Marten, Coggeshall; Ftnchl1t!!field sub-dutract,
Imperial Fire, J. Gr~e8, MMOl' street Charles Banbury, Wethersfield; Kelvedon suh-district, M.
National PrfYCiden' Life, J. GroTes, Manor street W. Meade, Kelvedon; Withana sub-district, W. E. Shee,
Northern ASSU'1'll'1lCfl, J. BenllOD, 94 High street! Witham
NoT1Dicl Uni01f. Fire, H. Joscelyne The workhome, in Bocking parish, on the Rayne road, is a
Pelioo7lLije, A. Cunningham,'Grea.t square red. brick structure, built in 1831 at a cost of £6,300 &;
Phani:e Fire, P. West, High street & H. Mayhew has been since enlarged~ Joseph Nowell, master; Rev.
Rqyal&clw:nge, D. H. H'80lIlDlond, Docking Robert Steward DobllOn, chaplain; Thomas Taylor,
PUBLIC ESTABLISHME!llTS., :~~:i~~' E. Nowell, matron; Miss 8. J. Saye1',
Bocking Cemeter!h Sil. Parmenter, alerk tQ the Burial RSA
Braintree Cemetery, London :road~ Augustus Cunningtoa, Clerk, Fred. Smoothy, 1 & 3 New street
cl1n'k to thEll Burial Board)Jonathan :a.uddick, keeper Medical Officer, C. E. Abbott, Bocking
007'71 ExckangtJ, High street, A:Cwanington. secretary Inspectors oJ Nuuances,Frederick Godfrey,Braintree; Charles
COtt1&ty Court, John Thomas A.bdy esq. LL.D. judge; Augustus Banbury. Wethersfield & Wm. Marten, Coggeshall
Cunnington, regist1'81. Th~ county court, h01l8e ill a
spacious erection et brie~ OD. the CoggeshaU road ~ it was PUBLIO OFFICERS.
built in 1852, at a eo" of about. £3,000.. The county Clerk to the Bocking ,Burial IJoa1Y1, Silas Parmenter,
court di.trict comprise& the, following placea :-Braintree, Church street
Booking, Bradwell, Cb&tleyt Hamlet., Great Coggeshall, Clerk to the Braintree Burial 11001'4" .Augustus Cunnington,
Little Coggeshall, (, faiJl8tead,. Faulkbourne, Great square
Finchingfield, Great Leighs, Little Leighs, White Notley, Clerk to the Comm~sioners oJ Ta:ce8,f to the Bocking School
Black Notley, Pa.nfield, Pattiswick, Rayne, Rivenhall, Boa1'd, Edward Holmes, Bocking end'
Greatr &ling, Shalforo. Stilltecl, Wethersl1ehl • Witham. Clerk to the Unirm Assessment if School Attendance Committee"
The court is held bi-monthly Fred. Smoothy,:I & 3 New street
High Oonstablefor the Divisuile of Fl'eshwell, AugustnI CUD- SCHOOLS.
nington, Great square Board, Manor street,Braintree (mi.xed),for 300 children, with
InspectfJ1' oJ Weights 4" Meas1t1'es 4" ulUkr the Sal. of Food buildings & ground given by the 1ate .G. Courtauld
~ Drufls .Act, Supt. Thomas Elser, Rayne road esq. who also left £40 a )'ear for the support of the school j
T01CJI Oner. Robert Boyton, Sand Pit road Winfred Rose, master; Miss E. Blake, infants' mistress;
Miss L. Marshall, assistant mistress
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of serrice. Board (mixed), for 420 children, including infants, Booking
St. .I.}[iclulel's. Rev. S. H. Bingham B.A. vicar & surrogate; end j Rich. Davies, master; Miss Hassall, infants' mist
Rev. J. B. Beers M.A. curate; sundays, 7. 15, 8 & :IX a.m.; National. Church street, Bocking (girls'), for 160 children,
2.15, 3 & 7 p.m. ;. daily, 10 a.m. & 4.30 p.m including infants; Miss C. Bateman, girls' mistres!; MiS8
St. ~}Iary's, Bocking, Rev. Henry Carrington M.A. rector Honor Perry, infants' mistress
& rural dean; sundays, 10.30 a.m NatioTUll, New street. Braintree (mixed), for g()() children,
Christ Church (Reformed Church), Coggeshall road, supported by government grant, voluntary contributions &
Rev. Charles Snosswell, incnmbent ; sundays, I I a.m. & 7 children's fees ; Tbos. Malyn, master; (girls) Mrs. T, Mal;r n ,
p.m.; tuesdays, 7.30 p.m mistress
Fl:iends' Meeting House, Rayne road, Booking; 1Sundays, Unitarian, High Garrett., for 140 children I Joseph Ananias
10.30 a.m. & 2 p.m. ; tuesdays, 10 a.m Chamberlain, master; Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain,
Baptist, Coggeshall road, Rev. John C. Foster, pastor; mistress
sundays, 10.30 a.m.; 2 & 6.30 p.m. every third sunday; RAILWAY STATION.
mondays, 7.15 p.m George Weston, station master
Baptist (Salem), Albert road, various; sundays, 10.30 a.m. CONVEYANC:t.
& 6.30 p.m An omnibus leave!! the 'White Hart,' Bocking end & the
Congregational, Bradford street, Bocking (pastor vacant) ; Horn commercial hotel, High street, for every traiIi
sundays, 10.30 a.m.: 2 & 6.30 p.m. every third sunday; CARRIERS.
monday, 7.15 p.m CHELMSFORD T. Martin. from Swan inn, hiday
Congregational, Church street, Bocking, Rev. rhos. CoLCHESTER-T. Martin, from Swan inn, tues. & sat
Boucher, pastor; sundays, 10.30 a.m & 6.30 p.m.; wednes- FELSTEAD-Bright, Jtlso Hicks, from ' Horse & Groom,l
days, 7.15 p.m wednesday
Congregational, London road, Rev'. Thomas Si~on, pastor; FINCHINGFIELD Wakeland from the • Horse & Groom/
sundays, 10.30 a.m.; 2 & 6.30 p.m. every thIrd sunday; monday, wednesday & friday
mondays, 7.15 p.m HALSTEAD Smith, from' Horn,' wednesday
Primitive 1lfethodist, Manor street, Rev. Timothy Dinnick, LONDON-D. J. M. Balls, from Panfield lane, .Bocking, tues-
minister; sundays, 10.30 a.m. & 2 p.m. ; mondays &; wed- day & friday
nesdays, 7.15 p.m SAFFRON WALDEN-Wakeland, from the • Horse & Groom,'
Unitarian, High Garrett. Rev. Alex. McDougaII saturday; William Anstey, from Stat inn, sat '.
minister; sundays,3 p.m SAMPFORD-William Anstey, from' Star,' daily
Wesleyan, Rayne road, Rev. Tbos. B. Harrowell, minister; SUDBURy-John Coates, from the 'Saracen's Head,' mon
sundays, IO.30 a.m. & 6. 30 p.m. j thursdays, 7 p.m WETHERSFIELD Scott, from George inn, mono wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. GOS8 Mrs. Albert road Porter John, 2 Upper Railway street
BaldwinEdmund, 154 Manor 8treet Groves John, Upper Railway street Portway Augustus, High street
Baldwin William, 80 High street Harri80nJohn,23 Bank'street Pryke WiIliam Henry, 62 London road
Bateman James, Upper Railway street I Harrison Mrs. 86 London road RankinJabez, Great square
Beers John, 16,5 Coggeshall road Harrisson John Oates, Great square Rayner Mrs. Albert road
Belsham Henry I. Upper Railway street Harrowell Rev. Thomas B. [Wesleyan], I Rayne Mrs. 161 Coggeshall road
Bickmore Peter, Coggeshall road Rayne road [ Roffey JohIl; Clock house
Bingham Rev. Samuel Henry BoA. [vicar Hertslet Mrs. 43 New street I Rolfe Miss, Queenborough
& surrogate], Vicarage Hicks Miss, Coggeshall road Row George Cummins, 156 Manor It
Carter Mrs. Albert road Hobbs Henry,jun. Ivy place Rust GeorgeJohn, 6 London road
Chinery Samuel, 53 Man01' street Horsnail Mrs. Coggeshall road Short Mrs. 167 Coggeshall road
Chopping Mrs. 70 London road Jackson Mrs. Rayne road I Simon Rev. Thomas [Congregational],
Clarke Miss, 43 Manor street Jessopp Mrs. London road London road
Clarke Richard Starn, 43 Manor street Johnson Robert James, Manor place Smith John, 85 Coggeshall road
Claydon lsaac, 99 Manor streei J ohnson William, Manor place Snosswell Rev, Chas.· [reformed church],
Coe Alfred, Albert road Joscelyne Edward, 76 High street 55 Manor street
Cunnington Augustus, London road I Joscelyne Mrs. 64 London road Sudbury Mrs. 159 Coggeshall road
Cunnington Herbert John, Great square Lass Edwin, Bank house, High street Tabor George, Upper Railwa.y street
Dinnick Rev. Timothy [Primitive Laver Miss, 24 London road 'rhomas Thomas Hawkins, London rd
Methodist], 18 Albert road Light Mrs. Manor road Tilcock John, Manor street
• Dixon Mrs. New street List Richard, 60 London road Turner Mrs. London road
Ely James, Coggeshall road Miles Mrs. Rayne road Vennett Godfrey, 32 London road
Everett Joshua, Coggeshall road Mitchell Miss, 163 Coggeshall road Wakeham Miss, Marshalls, Lon-
Fairhead Mrs, 87 Coggeshall road Mott Mrs. 173 Coggeshall road don road
Fax Mrs. Albert road I Nash Joseph,56 London road Walford Alfred, Rose bank, Rose hill
Fish Mrs. 142 Manor street Orfeur FranciB,60 Albert road Walford Rev. Thomas, Albert road
Fitch Joseph, 14 Albertroad Parmenter Mrs. James,28 Albert road Walmington Joeeph, 158 Manor street
west Mrs. London road
19 Coggeshall road
Freeborn James, 37 Manor street
Foster Rev. John Charles [Baptist], Parmenter Mrs. 54 London road
Parmenter Samuel Catley, The Limes
Phipps Francis William, Manor street
White Miss, 60 Albert road
White Samuel,171 Coggeshall road
Gill Edward John, The Firs, Lon- Piggin Alfred, 50 London road Williamson Wm. George, Mill house
don road I Porter Hymen, Bank street Witney Mrs. 9 London road
COMMERCIAL. Attwood Joseph Edwal'd,marine store dealer, ~ Fairfield row
Abbott Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 78 Manor street Halls & Newman, auctioneers (attend wednesdays), 45 High
Adams Maria (Mrs.), milliner, 4- Bank street street & at Rayne & Castle Hedingham
Ager Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, 24 New street Banyard John, grocer, 79 Manor road
Alien Joseph, Railway hotel, Lower Railway street Bareham Joseph, shopkeeper, Sandpit road
Amos George, Sun inn, Upper Railway street Barnard WaIter, house agent. Albert road '
Anderson John, travelling draper, 39 Manor street Bartram George Thomas Thorpe, gun maker 33, & glass
Andrews Joseph Edward, copper & Churn &; measure maker, & china dealer 440 Bank street
sewing, washing & mangling machines ; corks, leather & Belbin Charles Smith, inland revenue office, Manor street
sponges, perambulators; depot for useful &; domestic Belcher William ~mith, Bell inn, & hair dresser, Great square
articles, go & 92 High street Belsham Isaac & Son, coal, oil cake & manure merchants,
Argent WaIter, Bi1'd-in-Hand, Coggeshall road Upper Railway street
Ashley Emily & Julia (Misses),ladies'boardingschool.Grove Benson Joseph, plumber & painter &c. 94 High street
• house, London road Bentall David, shoe maker 6, & news agent 8, Manor street.
Attwood Samuel, cutler &- chimney sweeper, 65 Cogge- Biggs Charles, whitesmith, 8 Swan side
shall road Blomfield John, linen draper, 2 Bank street


.Bloomfield Edwaro, ironmonger, ar '& 83 High street
Blyth Edward Henry, draper, 63 High street
Digby Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Lower Railwa1 street
Digby John, butcher, Great square
Blyth Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker 279 Coggeshall road Downing Josepb Godfrey, chemist &; druggist, 55 High
Bowtle John, baker, 75 Coggesha road street, & wine &; spirit mel'chant, Oorn E:whange cellars
Boyton Charles~ boot & shoe maKer, oS Coggeshall toad Dyer John & Son, grocers, &; agents for W. &; A. Gilbey, wine
Boyton David~ confectioner~ U2 & J:I4 High street & spirit merchants, I I Bank street
Boyton Robert, town crier & dyer~ Sandpit road Dyster John, newsagent, II New street
Braintree eJ Bocking Gas Company (Jabez Church C.E. Ely Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 17 Notley road
managing directol') ; residence, 17 Great George street, Enness Job, bricklayer, 22 London road
Westminster~ Londotl s.w Essex (fnd) Rifle Volunteers (comprising A, B, C, D, E, F. G
Braintree 4' Bocking Permanent Benefit Building Society & H companies) (Wm. Nevill Tufnell, lieut.-col. i Major
(Augustus Cunnington, manager), Great square George Bannister, adjutant; George D. Clapham, quarter-
Bmintree (The) Iron Wcyrks Co. engineers & iron founders, master i Captain Holmes, commandant at F co.) ; head-
Chapel hill quarters of Battalion & F co. Corn exchange
Brand Agnes & Clara (Misses), milliners, 71 High street Eve George, blacksmith, Rayne road
Brand Charles. builder, :r Albert road Footman & Co. linen drapers, IS &; 17 Bank street
Brand William, bricklayer~ 8 Upper Railway street Foulger Alexander, tailor, 101 Manor street
British 4' Foreign Bible. Soc4ety (William Martin Piper~ Foyster Henry, farmel', Clap bridge
agent), 82 & 84 High street Fire Engine House (Hy. Saunders, supt.), Coggeshall road
Brock Charles, butcher, Manor street Frost William Dunstan, Bull inn, Cattle market
Brown J ames & Alfred, builders & contractors Fuller James, wholesale boot & shoe manufacturer, steam
Brown Charl~ beer retailer, Chapel hill works, Fairfield road & Bank street; & at Chelmsford,
Brown J ames, builder, contractor & brick maker; & at Maldon, Witham, Bishop's Stortford & Halstead
Chelmsford ; & 2 Broad Street buildings, London e.c Gage Geo. Alma, hair dresser, 6 & 8 Great square
Brown James, greengrocer, Cattle market Gage Wm. Rose 4' Crown, & shopkeeper, Low. Railway street
Brown Jane (Mrs.), milliner, Rayna road Gager Alfred William, watch & clock maker, Little square
Brown Oswald, miller & corn merchant, London rood Gager Sarah (Mrs.), coffee house, Swan street
Brown Phcebe (Mrs.), beer retailer, London road Galley Frederick Charles, machinist, 33 Up. Railway street
Brown Stephen, cooper, 49 Coggeshall road Gentry Charles, shoeing & general smith, Church street
Brunning John, tailor & draper, 40 Bank street Gentry WaIter, millwright, Church street
BullaI'd Jonathan~ bookbinder, 131 Coggeshall road Gibbs Henry, basket maker, 106 High street
Burwood David, upholsterer, High street Gibbs Sarah (Mrs.), butcher, High street
Butcher William, tailor, 50 Manor street Gilby John, beer retailer, High street
Byford Robert, shopkeeper, 13 Coggeshall road Glethero Henry, surveyor & inspector of nuisances to the
CalveI' Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer.. Coggeshall road local board, Notley road
CalveI' Henry Charles, baker, Coggeshall road Godfrey Frederick, relieving officer & inspector of nuisances
Cane William Stephen, corn dealer, u6 High street & school inquiry &; attendance officer to "the rural sanitary
Cemetery (Augustus Cunnington, clerk to the burial board, authority &; vaccination officer & registrar of births,
Jonathan Ruddick, keeper), London road marriages & deaths, Coggeshall road
Challis Thomas,farmer, Goldinghams Golding Charlotte (Mrs.), shoe maker, 10 Bank street
Choat Alfred, saddler, 150 High street Golding Peal'son, farmer, Mark's {ann, Coggeshall road
Clark Charles John, greengrocer, 115 High street Gray Thomas, beer retailer & rag dealer,I<'airtieldrow
Clark John, gardener, London road Green Samuel, baker, IU & u3 Manor street
Clark John, greengrocer, 41 Coggeshall road Green WilIiam, baker, 4 Manor street
Clark Josiah, greengroceJ; l:I7 High street Groves John, coal, lime, slate, cement & hair merchant,
Clark Josiah, cabinet maker, upholsterer & paperhanger, lath render; drain pipes, stone ware & all kinds of
II & 12 Lower Railway street sanitary pipes, fire bricks &; tiles, & salt &; agricultural
Clark WaIter, London tavern, Lower Railway street manure merchant, Railway station ; & at Dunmow &
Claydon lsaac, wine &; spirit merchant, agent for Salt & Yeldham
CO.'s Burton & other ales in casks or bottles & wr Henry Hale Frederic, HO'l'n commercial 4' family hotel ~ posting
Brett & Co.'s liqueur ginger brandy; families waited upon, house, High street
Great square Hammond Daniel Harvey, commission agent, 28 Albert road
Clement Charles James, grocer, 31 Bank street Harrington Thomas, wheelwright, Sandpit road
Coe Alfred, tailor & draper, 98 &; 100 High street Harrison John, surgeon, 23 Bank street
Cook Emma J. (Miss), day flchool (mixed), 138 Manorstreet Harrisson John Oates, currier & leather cutter, Great square
Cook Henry, secondhand clothes dealer, Swan street Hart William, fann bailiff to Mr. Fredk. West, Bridge farm
Cook George, pork butcher, 67 & 69 High street , Hart William, refreshment rooms, Market street
Cook Joseph,shopkeeper, Little square Hasler Williamli'rederic, tailor, High street
Cook Rebecca (Mrs.)~ secondhand clothes dealer, Swan street Hatfield William Henry, shoe maker, Lower Railway street
Cooper J ames, beer retMler,. Coggeshall road Hawkes William, brewer, Great square
Cooper Samuel, shopkeeper, 103 Manor street Hayne Robert, Nag's Head, Cattle market
Corn Etrchange (A. Cunnington, sec.), High street Hayward lsaac, basket maker, 6 Lower Railway street
County Court (John Thomas Abdy esq. LL.D. judge; Heam John, butcher, 70 &; 72 High street
Angustus Cunnington, registrar), Coggeshall road Heaster Eliza (Mrs.)~ dress maker, Upper Railway street
CourtauId Samuel & Co. crape manufacturers, Braintree mills Heaster Samuel Albert, pork butcher, 18 Manor street
Cresswell George, baker, 745 & 147 Coggeshall road Heaster Samuel, wheelwright, 31 Manor street
Crickmore Robert, saddler, 60 High street Hicks Henry, blacksmith~ 51 New street
Crittall Richard, wholesale furnishing & builders' ironmonger Hicks Marven Porter, grocer, 75 High street
& silversmith .. maker of wrought iron fencing, hurdles, Hobbs Henry, jun. solicitor &; deputy superintendent regis-
water barrowJlI tanks &c.; hot water engineer &c. ~7 Bank at trar, Ivy place -
Cuff Thomas, coal dealer & bill poster, Fairfield row Hodges George, butcher, Upper Railway street
Cunnington Augustus, solicitor & registrar to the county Holland J oseph, dentist (attends wednesdays), 90 High st
court, clerk to the local board of health &; burial board & Holland Joseph, house agent & collector to the local board,
clerk to magistrate, South Hinckford& Freshwelldivisions 57 Manor street
of the county of Essex, clerk to the governors of Felsted Howard Charles, grocer, 37 Bank street
charities & solicitor & secretary to the Braintree market Hutley Abraham, shopkeeper, 51 Coggeshall road
house company, perpetual commissioner for taking Johnson Thomas, blacksmith, 151 Coggeshall road
acknowledgments of married women & commissioner Johnson W. &Son, coal, lime, chalk, salt, corn, hay, manure
for taking affidavits, Great square merchants & contractors, carriers for the Great Eastern
Cunnington Herbert John, solicitor & clerk to the trustees Railway Co. to Braintree &; the adjacent villages, Railway
of Braintree charities (firm, Veley & Cunnington), Great coal depot
square Johnstone William, travelling draper, 60 New street
Day Henry William, watch & clock maker" 14 Bank street J oscelyne Brothers, upholsterers, 62 High street ~
Darby William, Victoria inn, Manor road Joscelyne Charles, stationer, 78 High street
DauIby John Edward l tailor & woollen draper, High street Joyce Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 71 Coggeshill road
Dickson Robert, travelling draper~ 62 New street Joyce William, butcher, Cattle market
Digby Alfred, butcher, 26 New street Juniper Joseph, llhoe maker, 13 Little square
Digby Charles, miller & farmer, Broom hills Keddie George, linen draper, 29 Bank street
Kenning John, saddler, 16 Bank street Rutland EIIlIll3, (M\ss), dress maker, Manor road
Lancaster J08eph, shopkeeper, Upper Railway street Sadler William, manager to gas co. Manor street
Lancaster William, painter &C. 31 Upper Railway street Sanders Henry, whitesmith, Cattle market
Langley Richard, Lio", ~ Lamb, Little square Sargeant James, shopkeeper, Little square
Last John, haberdasher & hardwareman, 25 & 27 Rayne road Saunders Henry, superintendent of fire brigade, 89 Manor st
Leedale Charles, coal merchant,High street Scott William,clothier ; Mrs. Scott purchases ladies' & gentl&-
Leedale Richard, Boar's Head hotel, High street men's wardrobes, 47 Manor street
Letch WaIter Edward, builder, 103 &: 105 High street Shead George W. agent to Messrs. Martin & Thomas, silk
Lindsell George, fishmonger, 146 High street manufacturers, 152 JIigh street
Lindsell James, shopkeeper, 102 High street Shead WaIter, baker & corn dealer; traps. ot all kinds on
Lindsell John, beer retailer, 56 Notley road hire by the job or contract; open or close carriages, single
List Richard, commercial traveller, 60 London road or pair, II & 13 Church street
Livermore Frederick, plumber, 13 Manor street Shearcroft Phce"be & Emily (Misses), young radies'school, 62
London et County Banking Co. Lim. (Edward John Gill, Albertroad .
manager), High street; draw on head office, London Shearcroft J ohn,printer & news agent, 9 Bank st. & Manor st
Lucking G-eorge, mineral water manufacturer, Manor street Shearcroft Phcebe A. (Miss), stationer & bookseller, 9 Bank st
Mantell Ernest Fredk. teacher of music, 37 Coggeshall road Simons Henry, fruiterer, 38 Drury lane
Martin & Thomas, silk manufacturers (George W. Shead, Simons WaIter Henry, stationer, 21 Bank street
agent), 152 High street Singer Manufacturing Co. (Edward Christmas, agent),
Martin Edward Harford, stone & marble, 156 High street Fairfield road
McLachlan George, travelling draper, Church street Smith Robert, pawnbroker, 22 Swan street
McLacWan John, travelling draper, 43 Lower Railway at Smoothy Frederick, solicitor, clerk to the guardians of the
McLachlan Robt. travelling draper, 73 Lower Railway st Braintree union, clerk to the assessment committee, rural
Martin Thomas, Swan, Swan street sanitary authority, school attend&nce committee & super-
Marshall Francis, carpenter, Manor street intendent registrar, commissioner for affidavits, :I: & 3
May Joseph, greengrocer, Lower Railway street :New street
Meadows Ellen (Mrs.), greengrocer, 91 Manor road Southcott William, wine & spirit merchant, 86 & 88 High st
Millar Adam Brow A. travelling draper, 107 Manor street Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (Hyem Porter, chief clerk),
. Mills Louisa & Emma (Misses), dress mas. 152 Coggeshall I'd Bank street; draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London
Moody Henry, 1<'ox t! Hounds, Upper Railway street Spencer Golding, shoe maker, 96 High street
Moore Charles William, chemist, 19 Bank street Spooner James, fishmonger, New street
Moore Jeremiah, corn factor, Upper Railway street Spurgeon George, boot & shoe mak-er, 48 Bank street
Morrell William, baker, Coggeshall road Spurgeon Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Upper Railway st
Nash James, shopkeeper, 47 Lower Railway street Spurgeon William, boot maker, 26 Great square
Newman Lavinia (Miss), milliner, Great square Stebbing Frederick, draper, 3 Bank street
Newman Oswald Robert, maltster, London rd.; & at Rayne Strutt Charles, boot maker, 65 Manor street
.Nix Arthur, White Lion, Coggeshall road StTutt Henry, O)'ange T1'ee, Cattle market
'()llett George, beer retailer & blacksmith, Manor road Stubbing Thomas, livery stables, Sandpit road
Owers James, butcher, Little square Suckling Harry, painter &:c. Upper Railway street
{)wersJas. Carpenters' Arms, & baker, 28 Lower Railway st Tarbutt Thomas, beer retailer, Manor street
Owers William, shopkeeper, 101 Lower Railway street Thomas Geo. Fredk. carpntr. joiner & undertkr .52 London I'd
Oxbrow WaIter, watch & clock maker, jeweller & silversmith, Thomas Herbert Carter, Saracen's Head, Bank street
20 Bank street Thompson Ann (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet ma. Sandpit I'd
Parish James, confectioner, 97 High street Thornton John, boarding school, College house, London
Parker John, boot & shoe maker, Coggeshall road road. See advertisement
Parker William, baker, 122 Manor street Tilcock John, grocer. Great square
Parmenter Arthur George, carpenter, 32 New street- Townrow Charles, clothier, 65 High street
Parmenter Samuel Catley, builder & contractor, & steam Tribble Robert (late A. E. Wright), saddler &: harness maker,
joinery works & saw mills, Upper Railway street; & at all kinds of harness repaired, also- gig & riding saddles
Church street, Hocking lined on the most reasonable terms. farmer's harness re-
Parmenter Thomas, carpenter, Manor road paired on their own premises at the lowest possible charge;
Parnell Joseph, shoe maker, 136 High street has on hand a large stock of new saddlery, harnesses, whips
Parnwell William, shoe maker, 107 High street &C. 13 Great square
Pasfield George, boot & shoe maker, 32 & 34 Bank street Turner WItr. Jas. dep. registrar of births &: deaths, Sandpit I'd
Piggin Louisa (Mrs.) & Louisa Harrick (MiSS), Wheatsheaf, Underwood Samuel, butcher,2O &: 22 Great square
101 High street Vavasseur Emily (Miss), berlin wool repository, 13 Bank st
Pilgrim Charles, market gardener, Notley road Veley & Cunnington, solicitors, Great square
..Pilgrim John George, carpenter, Coggeshall road Vennell Godfrey, linen draper, 39 Bank street .
Piper William Martin, baker & confectioner, 82 & 84 High st Wakelin Rosa Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Hill house
- Pluck Jabez, clothier, 28.& 30 Bank street
Pocock Brothers, shoe makers, 36 & 38 Bank street
Walford Alfred & Co. coal merchants; trucks of coal direct
from the best collieries supplied to firms or families &
Pomphrey George, drill sergeant, Albert road sent free to any railway station, Lwr. Railway st. See advt
Portway Augustus, auctioneer & estate agent, 61 High st WaIters Daniel & Sons, silk manufs. Lower Railway street
Portway Benjamin, 'gl'Ocer & postmaster, 60 High street WaIters George, Cl'own ~ Anchor, Cattle market
Potter WaIter, boot & shoe maker, II3 High street Ward John, chimney sweeper & coal dlr. Lower Railway st
.Preston John RoOOrt, Georfle inn, New street Warren James, beer retailer, Coggeshall road
Prior Robert Thomas, cabinet maker, 95 Manor street Webb Kanah, whip maker, 48 New street
Pryke Henry William & Son, tailors, 51 High street West John & Sons, brush manufacturers, High street
Puck George, shoe maker, Manor street 'Vhife Isaac, farmer, Creasing road
Pulfer Charles, bricklayer, 8 I Coggeshall road Whipps George, fruiterer, Cattle market
Purkis Martha (Miss), dress maker, 248 Manor road Whitmore Benjamin, saddler, Cattle market
-Quilter Benjamin, wood dealer, 23 Upper Railway street Wiggett Charles, jobbing gardener, Coggeshall road
Quilter lsaac, farmer, Queenborough lane Wilder Joseph, plumber, 12 Bank street
Rankin Jabez, brewer, Orange Tree brewery, Cattle market Willey Sarah Anu (Miss), shopkeeper, 78 Manor street
Rawlinson Richard, bill poster & auctioneers' porter, 2 Woodgate Rosa (Miss), young ladies' boarding school,Mount
Market street house. See advertisement
Richardson William, beer retailer & baker, Sandpit road Woodhouse John, corn factor, Great square
.Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters, Manor street Woodthorpe George, spring & coach smith & general iron-
Rose Henry, naturalist, Notley road monger, Sandpit road
.Row & Son, chemists, 47 High street Young Alexander, maltster & brewer, Upper Railway street
Row Fredc. wine merchant, 49 High street Young John, veterinary surgeon, Coggeshall road
Rowe George, hair dresser, 46 Bank street Young John, White Hm't hotel f!)n1nercial et posting hotue,
Rudkin William, shopkeeper, 4:1: Lower Railway street Backing end
PRIVATE RESIDENTS• Ash Mrs. St. Lawrence house Eoucher Rev. ThomaslCongregational],
..Abbott Charles Edward, Rayne road Battram Mrs:Rayne road Church street
..Adkins AsWey, Bradford street Blomfield John, Bradford street Bright John, Bradford street

Brown Alfred, Bocking end Gosling Mrs. John, Bradford street Smith Leny, Church lane
Brown James, Bocking end Gosling Oliver, Bradford street Smoothy Frederick, Bradford house
Brown Mrs. Bradford street Groves Mrs. Rayne road Smoothy Miss, Bradford street
Butt Thomas Frederick, Fernley Herbert William, Church strjlet Smoothy Mrs. Bradford house
Carrington Rev. Henry. M.A. [rural dean Hobbs Miss, Bradford street Tabor I"rederick, Bradford street
& rector], Deanery Holmes Edward, Bocking end Tabor John English, Bovingdon hall
Courtauld Mrs. Bridge house Joscelyne Mrs. Rayne road Tabor Samuel, Fenns
Courtauld Mrs. George, The Lodge Knobel Edward Ball, Bradford !ltreet Taylor Thomas, Bradford street
Courtauld Sidney J.P. Bocking place Mayhew Henry, Rayne road Tufnell William Neyille J.P. Fony house-
Crittall Miss, Bradford street Newman Charles Parker, Rayne road Turnbull Thomas, Bradford street
Eley Mrs. Coggleshall road Parmenter SUas, Bradford street West Ezra, Coggleshall road
Finney James, Bradford street Rogers Miss, Rayne road West Frederick, Reddyffe, Bradford et
Fuge William Haydon, Bradford street Savill Mrs. Boleyns Young Alexander, Bradford street
Gosling Misses, Bradford street Sharp Col. Henry James, Old house
COMMERCIAL. Holmes Henry, farmer, Bocking hall
Abbott Charles Edward, surgeon, Rayne road Humphreys Bernard, Bull inn, Church street
Adams Samuel, King's Head, Bradford street Humphreys Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Rayne road
Adams Stephen, carpenter, Bradford street Joyce John, farmer, Bradford street
Adkins Ashley & Co. cocoa nut fibre mat & matting manu- Kemp Elizabeth (Miss), haberdasher, Church street
facturers, Bradford street Lagden Caroline (Mrs.), straw hat cleaner, Bradford street
AlIen Thomas, cocoa nut fibre mat & matting manufacturer, Lee Nathan, Black Boy, Churda street •
Bradford street Ling Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Rayne road
Amey William Thomas, nurseryman, Coggeshall road Livermore Thomas, plumber, Church street
Amos Charles Thomas, butcher, Church street Marslen William, gardener & seedsman, Bradford street
Aylett Christopher, cabinet maker, Bocking end May Charles, butcher, Church street
Balls Daniel James Matthew, carrier, Panfield lane Metson Frederick, miller, Church street
Barton Robert Willis, ironmonger, Rayne road Millbank James, shopkeeper, Bradford street
Bearman Henry, baker, Bradford street Morris Eliza (MI'8.), beer retailer, Raylle road
Bearman Jacob, Rose .f Cl'mon, brewer & baker, Church st Mott Alfred, coal dealer, Church street
Bearman Joshua, wheelwright, Church street Mott Thomas, farmer, Panfield lane
Blanks A. S. & B. (Misses), dress maker, Rayne road Newman Charles, beer retailer. Rayne road
Borman George, White Hart Tap, Coggeshall road Oliver Charles, carpenter, Bradford street
Bowtle Richard, builder, Bradford street Oli"er Charles, jun. job master, Bradford street
Bradley Nathaniel, watch & clock maker, silversmith & Palmer George, baker, Bradford street
jeweller, Bocking end Parmenter Samuel Catley, bldr. & general cntrctr. Church st
Braintree 0/ Bocking Literary " Mechanics' Institution Parmenter Silas, builder & contractor & clerk to Bocking'
(Edwad. Holmes, secretary) burial board, Church street
Braintree 0/ West Essex Co-operative 0/ .Industrial Society Pasfield Thomas, shoe maker, Bradford street
(Barnch Wood, manager), Bocking end AI; Church street Peake William, builder, Rayne road
13rown Arthur Edward, grocer, Bradford street Perry James, butcher & farmer, Bradford street
Brown James, boot maker, Panfield lane PhiIlips Sarah (Mrs.), butcher, Bradford street
Butcher William, beer retailer, Bradford street Pilgrim Frooerick William, boot & shoe maker, Rayne road
Cemetery; (SHas Parmenter, clerk to the burial board) . Playle Frederick, corn dealer, Coggeshall road
Chapman Alfred, wood dealer, Panfield lane Potter Charles, cabinet maker, upholsterer & undertaker..
Clark David, grocer, Church street Bocking end
Cooper Ezekial, confectioner, Bocking end Pyman Thomas, Spread Ea.fJle, Church lane
Copsey Henry, beer retailer, Bradford street Raven William, Royal Oak, & butcher, Church street
Corder Matilda (Miss), dress maker, Bradford street , Rayner Thomas, beer retailer, Church street
CottageHolfJ!ital (Mrs. Hamet Smith, matron), Halstead rd Rayner William, farmer, Lyons hall
Courtauld Samuel & Co. crape manufacturers, Church st.; Reeves Mrs. young ladies' boarding school, Panfield house
&; at Braintree; Chelmsford & Halstead; & 19 Alderman- Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters. Church lane
bury, London e.c Rogers & Turner, coach builders, carriages of every descrip-
Dowsett Eliza (Mrs.), Queen's Head, Rayne road tion built on ~he most approved principles & ou reasonable
Drawbridge Robert, shopkeeper, Church street terms; sold or exchanged, Rayne road
Evans Thomas, shopkeeper, Church street Rush Williams, boot & shoe maker, Church street
Eve Benjamin, shopkeeper, Bradford street SeweIl George, shoe maker, Bradford street
Everard Charles, baker, Bradford street Slythe George, pianoforte tuner, Rayne road
Franklin Joseph, baker, Rayne road Smith Daniel, farmer, Park farm
Finch James, beer retailer, Church street Spicer Edward Philip, Six Belld, Bradford street
Gentry Joseph, butcher, Bradford street Spurge Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Church street
Goodchild Hannah (Miss), corset maker, Rayne road Tabor John English, farmer, Bovingdon hall
Gosling Oliver, brewer, Bradford street Tar7..ewell Richard, chemist & druggist, Bocking end
Green Patrick & Robert Rutland, millers, Bocking mill Taylor Thomas, surgeon, Bradford street
Gunn William, gardener to S. Courtauld esq. Bradford street Thompson William, beer retailer & farmer, Church street
Hammond Josiah, builder, Rayne road Tyler EH, house agent & registrar of births & deaths for"
Hammond Josiah, jun. builder, Rayne road Bocking sub-district & marriages for Braintree union,.
Hicks James, butcher, Church street Bocking end
Hobbs Henry, sen. miller, Great Bradfords Tyler Samuel, rent collector & house agent, Bocking end
Hobbs William, farmer, Doreward's hall Vaizey John George, farmer, Coggeshall road
Holmes Edward, solicitor, clerk to commissioners of taxes, Walford WaIter, gardener, Bradford street
registrar of Dunmow county court, clerk to Bocking, Ward John, Horde~ G"oom, Rayne road
Braintree & Panfield school boards, commissioner for Warren Charles, shopkeeper, Church street
taking acknowledgments of married women & to ad- Waters Geo. & Frederick, blacksmiths. Bradford street
minister oaths in the Supreme court, Bocking end Wood Alfred James, machinist & general smith, Church st
High Garrett.
Cawston Miss, Folly house Clark Robert, baker Porter Thomas, builder, contractor &.
Macdougall Rev. Alex. [Unitarian] Coates James, boot & shoe maker undertaker
Bateman niana (Mrs.), Har~ "Hrnmds Cornell Henry, farmer, GarrelI farm Stock Samuel, beer retailer
Chamberlain Joseph, school Jeggo Joseph, farmer, Boons Ward John, blacksmith
GREAT BRAXTED (or BRAcKsTEAD) is 8 parish, on miles east from Witham station. Thechurch of All Saints-
the eastern bank of the river Blackwater, in the Eastern is within Braxted Park, about 8 quarter of 8 mile west of
division of the county, hundred of Witham, Maldon union and ~he lodge and is a small stone building, consisting of chancel
county court district, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry and nave with a wooden belfry and lead-covered spire
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans; it is mentioned in containing 3 bells: a plain Norman arch divides the chancel
U Domesday Survey" ; the village of Braxted, commonly a,nd nal"e and there are remains of lancet windows in the
called BUNG Row, is I mile south-east of the church and 3 old tower: on the outside of the south wall on a marble-
tablet 8re inscriptions to the Right Hon. the Countess Dela- park, comprising about 500 acr88, contains many fine treeI
vall, ob. r8th November, r683 and to Sir William Ayloft bart. and w diversified by a lake of about 20 acres. The family
of Braxted. On the north wall of the chancel is • white of Du Cane, or Du Que~me, emigrated from the Loll'
marble monument to the Rev. Job M. Wallace, 45 years Countries in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to avoid the
rector of the parish and Elizabeth his wife. The register lilf persecution of the Duke of Alva ; they became wealthy mer-
baptisms and burials datell from the year 1558 and. of chants ill LQlldonand promoted the woollen manufacture in
marriages from 1559. The living is a rectory, yearly Talne this county, introduced here by their persecuted fellow-
£552, with residence and 65 acres of glebe, in the gift of countrymen. Sir Charles Du Cane is lord of the manor and
Corpus ChriBti college, Cambridge and held by the Rev~ principal landowner. The soil ilt mixed, gravel and loam;
William Henry Rowlandion M.A. formerly fellow and assist- subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans
ant tutor of that college. There are charities amounting and peaL The area ia 2,631 acres; rateable value.. £3,108 ;
to £17 yearly and 208. per year fora sermon on "Mortality,~' and the population in 1881 was 373.
left in 1663 by John Frese. Braxted. Park, the ~t of PlZTish Clerk, Golden WilliaID8.
Sir Charles Du Cane K.C.M.G., D.L., J .P. ill a spacious mansion, LErTER Box cleared at 5.4Q p.m. Letters through Witham,
originally built by the Darcy family, but altered and the nearest money order office; the telegraph t:lffice
enlarged by the late Peter Du Caneesq. who embellished it is at Witham
with a collection of antiquities and objects of art obtained in N"ti01tal8chool (mixed), built in 18«, for 70 children with an
Italy and some fine paintings by old masters; the deer averAge attendance of 50; Misli Rachael Burdett, mistress
Du Cane Sir Charles K.C.M.G., D.L., J.P. I[ Crabb John, baker Springett James, farmer
Great Braxted park Eley William, farmer, Noakes' cr088 Strutt Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
. Rowlandson Rev. Wm. Hy.M.A. [rector] Fairhead William, farmer, Tibtree ho 'faber James, miller
Brown George, blacksmith j Gooday Wm. frmr. Great Braxted hall I Williams William, wheelwrighii
Cottee James, butcher 1 Mayn James, farmer 1 Wybrew Hy. Du CaRe'lJ .Arms, & farmr
LITTLE BRAXTED is a parish about one mile to the October, 1509: it bears the figures of himself and his two
west of Great Braxted, on the eastern bank of the river wives, JOJce, daughter ofEdwardPeryent esq. and Margaret,
Blackwater, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred daughter of Sir Wm. Pyrlon with their children: here is also
of Witham, union and county court district of Maldon, rural an inscribed ledger stone to Thomas Roberts esq. of Little
deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese Braxted, who died 20th March, 1860, alto 64. The register
of St. Albans and is mentioned in " Domesday Survey." The dates from the ~'ear 1730. The living is a rectory, tithes
church of St. Nicholas is an ancient and remarkable small ex- commuted at £155, with 7! acres of glebe and residence,
ample of the Transition Norman style, consisting of apsidalj in the gift of Sir Charles Du Cane and held by the ReT.
chancel and nave, under one roof, south timbered porch and a Ernest Geldart T.A.K.C.L. .sir Charles Du Cane is lord of the
wooden belfry containing 2 bells, undated, but of peculiar I manor and principal landowner. The soil is arable and light;
form, diminishing rapidly in size towards the crown: the subsoil, gravel and marl. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
total length of this diminutive church inside, from east to peas and beans. The area is 563 acres; rateable value,
west is 45ft.; the chancel being 18ft. 2in. in length and 16ft. £879; and the population in 1881 was 117.
3i~. wide and the nav:e 26ft. 6in: bY.16ft. 9 in . : one small Parish Clerk Robert Seaborne.
wmdow on the north SIde of the aIsle IS Norman, the rest of ' . . . .
the Transition or Lancet period; the walls, 2ft. 8in. thick, Letters through Wltham, whIch 18 also the nearest money
are carefully built of rubble masonry, with a large admix- ol'del' &; telegraph office
ture of pudding stone in lumps: the font is a plain octagon School (mixed), for 40 children, erected in the year 1853 or
shaft on a chamfered plinth raised slightly above the floor; 1854 by the Rev. Charles George Gretton Townsend M.A.,
it was restored in 1856 : the chancel contains a fine brass to J.P. of Berwick place, Hatfield, in this county and sup-
William Roberts, auditor to Henry VIII. who died 8th ported by subscription; Misa Eliza Hopgood, mistress
Geldart Rev. Ernest T A.K.C.L. Rectory Gooday Thomas, farmer, Hale's farm
Fuller Robert, veterinary surgeon Osborne Ambrose, Green JIan
I Taber James, farmer & miller, The Hall

I i $

BRENTWOOD is a town, station on the Great Eastern Tail. from Ongar, through which the devotees passed. was called
way, head of a county court district and polling place for Pilgrims' Hatch and the locality bears the name to this
the Southern division of the county, pleasantly situated on day; • portion of this chapel is now 8tanding in the High
a hill, surrounded with picturesque scenery, in the civil street, about midway on the south side: in the time of
parish of South Weald, Chafford hundred, Billericay union, Stephen the hamlet had grown 80 large and important that
rural deanery of Barstable, Essex archdeaconry and St. a grant was made to it of 8 market and two fairs, to be
Albans diocese, on the high road from London to Chelms- holden in July and October: upon the dissolution of the
ford and Colchester, 6 miles west from Billericay, 6 north- monastery in 1559, Henry VIII. granted the lands to
east from Romford, 1I south-west from Chelmsford and 18 Thomas Lord Cromwell, upon whose- attainder it passed
from London. once more into the hands of the King, and was by him (in
Brentwood, originally Burntwood, is described in Morant's 1549) granted to the Lady Anne of Cleves, his divorced
History of Essex as being the chief hamlet in the parish of wife; it subsequently passed to Sir Anthony Browne and
South Weald; the word "weald" signifying .. wood." became thence an integral part of the manor of South Weald
The early history of Brentwood is very obscure, but the and so continues. The assizes were holden in Brentwood
first trustworthy account of its early history seems to be until the time of George L when the more central position
that which connects it with Waltham Abbey; which of Chelmsford occasioned their removal to that town.
monastery being bestowed by Edward the Confessor on Earl The town is lighted with gas and supplied with water
Harold, that nobleman endowed it with seventeen lordships, from the South Essex Water Works, at Grays, about 14
one of which was South Weald >and its hamlets: on the miles south and having a reservoir at Warley, 4 miles
death of Harold, the Conqueror seized the private lands of distant. •
Harold and apportioned them among his followers; by this The Church of St. Thomas the Martyr stands a short
distribution Brentwood passed to the line of De-Wochendon, distance to the east of the ancient chapel of St. Osyth, which
a descendant whereof, one William de·Wochendon, cham- served as the parish church until 1835, when the new
berlain to Henry 11. in the early part of this monarch's church was built. This church has been almost entirely
reign, bestowed his manor of Brentwood on the Abbey of St. demolished, to make room for a building, now in course of
Osyth at Chich, which had then been founded by Richard erection, from designs by Ernest Lee esq. of James street,
de Belmeis, Bishop of London, some time previous to llIB Bedford row, London: it is a structure of flint in the Early
and the endowment or grant was confirmed by the King : English style, with stone dressings and when finished 'will
in the year 1221 a chapel was built at Rrentwood at the consist of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles and a tower
request of D8\;d, abbot of St. Osyth and with the consent with clock on the north side of the west end and will seat
. of the Bishop of London, Richard Pa1'8Ons, of Weald and 1080: five thousand pounds,. raised by public subscriptions,
the Abbey and Convent of Waltham: it was dedicated to St. had been spent upon the work up to December, r881.
Thomas the Martyr, in honour of Thomas & Beclret: the The register for marriages and baptisms dates from 1695 ;
Convent presented the chaplain, whose perquisite8 arose burials, 1741. The living is a vicarage, nett yearly value
from gifts by travellers on the road and such 3S came out £300, with residence, -ill the gift of Christopher J. H.
of devotion to St. Thomas, whence a gate on the highway Tower esq. of Weald Hall and held by the Rev. Charlell


Grinstead •..A.. of St. Catharine's College,- Cambridge. A. The Congregational chapel in New road was built in 1847
vicarage house was erected in the year t878, in the Ingrave and enlarged and rebenched in 1872, at a cost (ilf [,1,000;
road. a fine organ hu been since added at a oost of about. £Soo.
The endowed grammar school was founded and There is a 8Chool, which was built in 1873 at a cost of over
endowed by Sir Anthony Browne and Dame J08n his wife, [1,000.
in the reigns of King Philip and Queen Mary and of Queen There is a Wesleyan chapel in Warley road and also a
Elizabeth; this Sir Anthony Browne, sergeant-at-law at the meeting room for The Brethren on Primrose hill.
time of the foundation, July 5, 1557, became afterwards, in The Mission Hall in Back street will hold about 250 per-
1558, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; on the death 8Ons, and is also used for Temperance meetings.
of Queen Mary he was removed, but Queen Elizabeth is said The Town Hall WIUl built in 18649 is situated in High street
to have entertained so high an opinion of his talents that and has an illuminated clock; it contains committee rooms
she permitted him to retain the office of pui8ne judge so and a large hall, 74 feet long by 37 feet wide, well adapted
long as he lived; he died May 6, 1567 and was buried at for public meetings, lectures, bal18 and concerts.
South Weald church. A year subsequent to the foundation The F. Company of the 1St Essex Rifle Volunteers,
of the 8chool, Sir Anthony and his wife built and endowed numbering about 90 men, has its headquarters at the Town
almshouses for five poor persons of the parish of South Hall.
Weald and the hamlets of Brentwood and Brook Street, There is also a Young Men', Christian Association, with
charging certain estates in Dagenham and elsewhere with premises in the New road.
their support and in part with the support of the school: Brickmaking and brewing are carried on here.
the revenue arising from these estates in time amounted to Fairs are held here on July 18th & 19th and October 16th
nearly [1,500 a year, and a re-adjustment of the scheme and 17th.
on the termination of a Chancery suit in 1851 became Gittan's charity of £1, left in 1711, is derived from land
necessary. The school is at present conducted under a situated at Pilgrim's Hatch and supplies IS. each to 20 poor
scheme from the endowed school commissioners and is people yearly.
controlled by a body of governors, of whom some act MaSla's charity of £150, left in 1771, produces [,4 16s.
e:e ojficio, others being representative and the remainder and is for coals.
co-optative; the patron, Christopher Tower esq. during Martin's charity of £1,000 Consols, produces £30 yearly,
his lifetime appoints the head master, who will afterwards and is for coals or wood.
be appointed by the governors and in his turn appoints Newman's charities of £50, £115 and £121, produces
all the assistant masters. The almshouses have been £8 121. 2d. yearly, which is distributed in various ways to
rebuilt and now receive ten poor persons. The parishes the poor.
comprised within the limits prescribed by the founders are: Mr. Robert Cr8SS left in 1879 £500 in Three per Cent. Con-
-SOuth Weald, Great and Little Warley, Cranham, Childer- sols, the interest of which is divided yearly amongst six poor
ditch, Doddinghurst, East and West Horndon, Ingrave, people (families or widows) residing in Brentwood or the
Hutton, Mountnessing, Shenfield, Kelvedon Hatch, Romford, immediate vicinity.
Brentwood, Navestock and Upminster. The scholars There is a monument at the top of the High street, erected
number about 100 on the average. by public subscription in 1861 to William Hunter, a Pro-
A Catholic Gothic church was erected in 1860 and 1861, testant martyr and a native of Brentwood, who a.t the early
at the cost of [2,500, raised by subscription: it has a lofty age of 19 was burned near this spot by order of Bishop
spire and several stained windows. There are also schools Bonner, in the reign of Queen Mary, March 26th, t555.
..nd a convent in connectioB with this church and a small The area. is 1,730 acres; rateable value, [r6,5OO; and the
orphanage for boys, supported by the Countess Tasker, of population in IS71 was 3,737.
Middleton Hall, Shenfield. Vergerand Senon, Thomas Deverill, Alfred road.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.
POST, MONEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings County Fire ~ P,'ovident Life, R. Earthy, Pleasant house,
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, High King's road
street.-Wm. Turner, postmaster. Dispatches: for In- Handpin-Hand, W. Crooks, High street
gatestone, Chelmsford, Witham, Colchester & Ipswich at uno Fi,", Postans & Landons
9 a.m.; for London, Billericay & Ongar at 10.50 a.m.; for Manchester Fi,'e, G. Burtwell, High street
London at 3 p.m.; for Ingatestone, Chelmsford, C010 NfYI'wich Union Fire, J. W. Armour, Ingrave road
chester, Norwich, Ipswich & London at 8 p.m.; for PluEnix Fire, A. Barnard, High street
London &; Romford at 10 p.m. Deliveries: from London, ProtectfYl' Endowment, A. J. Thorne, High street
Chelmsford, Norwich, Ipswich &C. at 7 a.m.; from London Queen, F. H. Gapp, 7 High street
&; country at tI.50 a.m. &; 5 p.m. Money orders are R(}]Jal E:echange, C. J. Hollis, High street
granted &; paid from 9 to 6 daily, sundays excepted Scottish Equitohle Life, F. Landon •
POST &; MoNEY ORDER OFFICE &; Savings Bank, Warley S01Jereign Life, Postans & Landons
road.-eharles Frederick Lloyd, receiver. Box cleared at Sun Fi"e, C. C. Lewis, New road
2·35 & 7. 1 5 p.m PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE BRENTWOOD PETTY Oounty COU1't, Court house, New road, John Thos. Abdyesq.
SESSIONAL DIVISION. T,L.D.; C. C. Lewis, registrar; C. Godfrey, Romford, bailiff.
. The parishes comprising the district are the following :-
O~tavIUS E. Coope esq. :M.P. Rochetts, South Weald .Bassildon, Billericay, Blackmore, Bobbingworth, Brent-
LIeut.-General Albert Fytche C.S.I. Pyrgo park, Romford wood, Bulpham, Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little),
Edward Ind esq. Coombe lodge, Wadey Childerditch, Corrmgham, Doddinghurst, Downham, Dun-
Jo~ph F. Lescher esq. Hutton hall ton, Fobbing, FytieId, Greenstead, Horndon (East), Horn-
Major W. J. Newton, Homewood, Shenfield, Brentwood don (West), Horndon-on-the-Hill, Hutton, Ingrave, Kel-
Lord Petre, .Thorndon hall vedon Hatch, Laindon, Langdon Hills, Layer High, More-
Hon. Fredenck Cha:les Edmund Petre, Oakhurst, Sth. Weald ton, Mountnessing, Navestock, Nevendon, Norton Mande-
Joh~ Royds esq. Bnces park, Kelvedon Hatch ville, Ongar (Chipping), Ongar (High), Orsett, Ramsden
Chnstopher J. H. Tower ~q. Weald hall, South Weald Crays, Ramsden Bellhouse, Shelley, Shenfield, South
Clerk, Cha~les Carne LeWlS . . . Weald, Stanford.le-Hope, Stanford Rivers, Stondon-Massey,
Petty ~esslons every thursd;ay un~er th~ Crim~nal Justice Theydon-Mount, Vange, WarIey (Great), Warley (Little)
Act if necessary & of whICh notIce WIll be gIven b~ the Esse:e (1st) Rifle Volunteers (F company), head quarters,
clerk & every alternate thursday for general busmess Town hall; Capt. Frank Landon, commanding; Rev. T. P.
through .the year . . . . . Ferguson :M.A. hon. chaplain; J. C. Quannell, surgeon i
The followmg places are mcluded I~ the dlVlslOn :.....Bassel- W. Smith, drill instructor
don, Bentleet (North), Gdlor~, Br~ntwood, ~ur- Police Station, Queen's road, John Dobson, superintendent,
stead (Great), Burstead (LIttle), Chdderdltch, Doddmg- I serjeant &£ 6 constables
hurst, Downham, Dunton, Cranham! Horndon (East), Stamp o.ffi ce, Alfred Barnard, High street
Horndon (West), Hutton, Ingrave, Lamdon, Lee Chapel, Town Hall High street Richard Earthy secretary
Mountnessmg, Nevendon, Pitses, Rainham, Ramsden ' PUBLIC OFFICERS
Hellhouse, Ramsden Crays, Shenfield, Upminster, Vange, . . •
Warley (Great), Warley (Little), Weald (South), Wen- ..4ssutant OM'seer, ~o~ph Wm. Armour, ShenfieldCommon
• nington Wickford Clerk '10 the Commusttmers of Ta:cu 10'1' eh, Huruireds OJ
J Barft8tapl, 4' Okaff01Y1, f01' the Southern J)i'Uisim&
INSURANCE AGENTS. oj ES8U ~ Clerk ~ Solicit01' to lirentttJood. School Cfl11JlYIVJ"'
British Empire -"lfutual, J. Pilborough, High street ticm, Charles C. Lewis, New road
Collector of Poor Rate&, Joseph Wm. .Armour,Shenfield com ~ W. q, Laming;, w. R. Taylor- lU.. ;Rev. J. F. E. Faning
Inland Revenue Ojfieer, J. Taylor, Crescent road 1l.4- • E. W. Wills; Mons. Custer; &: J. W. Case, BBSt.DlSta
Inspector of NUUlanees for 'Ihe Rural Sanitary4.uthority4" Drentwood District (mixed), built in 185+ for 600 children;
School Attendanee Officer, Saml. Shelley, Junction road these schools are situated between Brentwood & Brook
Inspector of Weights 4" MeasuJ'es under sale of Food 4" street & belong to Hackney &: Shoreditch j the boys are
Drugs .A.ct, John Dobson, Queen's rd. taught instl"llmental music, with a view gf their joining
Registrar 01 Di1'ths 4" Death~ of the Brentwood Suh-District regimental bands; Francis Dening, imperintendent; Mrs.
of Dillencay Union, George Murrells, Shenfield oommon Mary Dening, matron
Relieving Officer for the Westerl& Division of the Billericay Ind:ustrial Schools ofike School Dom'dfar Londo~Prospect
Union, George Murrells, Shenfield common house, for boys only, is situated in Rose valley, near the
Stamp Distributor, Alfred Barnard, High street railway I'ltation & was opened in 1874; there are 100
Steward of the Manors of Ramsden, Barringtons 4" Frem- boys, who are also taught regimental band music; AlOOrt
nalls, Frank Landon William Wallis, surgeon; Thomas Humphreys, school-
Steward of the Manors of Costead, Calcott 4" South Weald, master; Henry Saunders, superintendent; Mrs. Saunders,
Edward Palmer Landon matron; A. T. Byford, bandmaster
Town C1ier, James Carswell, Shenfield commor: National, built in 1869 & enlarged in 1877, average at-
PLACES OF WORSHIP. tendance of 600 children; WaIter King, master; Miss
St. Thmnas the Martyr Church, Rev. Charles Grinstead Fanny Freeman, girls' mistress ~ Miss Louisa Jolliffe,
M.A. vicar; Rev. Edward Stephenson Hall M.A. curate infants' mistress
Oatholic Church of the Sacred Heart, Very Rev. Canon Catholic (mixed), with an average attendance of 130 ; the
John Kyne & Rev. Dr. Pius Melia, priests Sisters of Mercy, teachers
C01I{Jregational Chapel, Rev. WaIter Legerton, minister CONVEYANCE.
Plymouth Brethren Railway Station, Charles Stewart, station master
Wesleyan Chapel, ministers various Mail cart & carrier, George Bull, from Billericay at 9, arrives
Temperance Mission Hall, George Back, town missionary at 10.15 a.m. to meet the trains, daily & returns at
11 a.m
Free Grammar, Rev. John Henry Newnum M.A. of Pem- To LONDON & CRELMSFORD.-Wells & Emery, from their
broke College, Oxford, head master; Samuel Jones M.A.; house, High street, mono wed. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Eagles Miss, ~ Bay villas, Warley road Lewis Chas. Carne, Mansion bo. High at
Alderslade Mrs. I Bromwell villas Earle Joseph, The Priory, High street Lewis Chas. Carne, jun. Shenfield villa
Anderson Benj. Yew villa, Warley road Eartihy Richard, Pleasant ho. King's I'd Linnett Mrs. Rose valley
.A.tkin80n Hy. Laurel mount, Warley rd Escott Mrs. Rose valley Lyster Mrs. 6 Westbury road
Austin W. F. Box villa, Warley road Fail'child Mri. 3 Victoria road Martin James Windsor, 3 Avenue road
Back Geo.[town missionary],Rose valley Faning Mrs. 2 Westbury terrace Moo Mrs. 2 Grove villas
Baillie Mrs. AlOOrt lodge, Crescent road Faning Rev. James Frederick Edmund Meggy Robert Smith, Warley road
Baker Benjamin, High street M.A. [curate & asst.-mast. of Gram- Meiter Cbas. Wm. Mill ho. Queen's I'd
Baker Mrs. Verandah oot. Crown street mar school], School house Melhado Gordon, 12 Westbury road
Baker Mrs. 4 Victoria Grove villas Felton Charles, Fern villa, Crescent I'd Micklefield William Fayres, Oak villas,
Bald Major Reinhold Baker [adjutant FielderAlfred, TheShrubbery,Queen's I'd Crescent road
West Essex militia], The Hollies Fielder Chas.Alfd.TheLaurels,Queen's I'd Millington Miss, Westbury villas
Bayley Rev. John Arden B.A. [chaplain Firman Miss, 2 Bromwell villas Monkhouse Mrs. High street
to H.M. forces], Devonshire house, Fitz-Patrick Mrs. Gt. Stomfords,Back st Moore Mrs. Prospect viIs. Warley road
Warley road Flocton Marcus, Waterloo cres. Ongar I'd Morant Geo. Christopher, High house
Bennett Hy. Western vils. Waterloo rd Formby Edward, Hightield house Mott George, Warley road .
Benson Wm. 2 Prospect tel'. CrescentI'd French Edward, Milton vil. Queen's I'd Moull Mrs. Western villas
Beveridge James, Rose cot. Junction rd Gibson Miss, New road Murdoch Henry John, Cromwell road
Biggs James, Westbury lodge GodboltChas. 4 Prospect tel'.Crescent rd Newman Robert KimberJordan, Brent-
Binder John James, Ongar road Goode John C. The Grange, Queen's rd wood cottage, High street
Bland William, Myrtle villas Goodwin Mrs. 3 Westbury terrace Newnum Rev. John Henry M.A. [head
Bowen Henry StoreI', I Grove villas Gowar William Hy. A. Rose valley master of the Grammar school], The
Box Mrs. Alfred road Gray Martin, Avenue road School house
Brett Mrs. Rose valley Green Septimus, I Jessamine villas, Nicholls William, I Crescent road
Brown George, Primrose hill Crescent road Nickisson John, Brent house
Brown Mrs. Ebley, Queen's road Greenwood J. Ashby house, Warley I'd O'Connor Mrs. Rose valley
Brown WaIter Wm. 4 Westburyterrace Griffiths William, Primrose hill Offin Chas. I Victoria Grove villas
Browne Tom, 10 Westbury road Grinstead Rev. Charles M.A. The Vicar- Offin William, 5 Westbury road
Bundock Rev. Samuel [Wesleyan], 3 age, Ingrave road Oldham Mrs. St. Thomas' mount
Victoria road Growse Mrs. The Red house Page Miss, Cromwell road
Burgess William, Ongar road Hall Rev. Edward Stephenson MoA. Parlby The Misses, Eastfield lodge,
Burnett Rev. William, Queen's road [curate], 7 Westbury road Victoria grove
Burtwell George, New road Haltridge J n.Woreester lodge,Avenue I'd Perkins Orlando, The Mount, Queen's I'd
Byas Mrs. New road HardyChs.Edwd. TheLimes,Crescent rd Perry Miss, 2 Westbury villas
Cal'swell William, Primrose hill Hardy WaIter, Oak villa., Crescent road Phillips John, Home vina
Catling Edward, Grape viIs. Warley I'd Harper Thos. Etheridge, Shenfield viIs Postans Charles, Rose mount
Church Thomas James, Queen's road Harvey Mrs. 8 Junction road Powell Mrs. St. Thomas' hI. Queen's I'd
Clark80n Mrs. Alfred road Hayne Frederick, St. Thomas' hill Pratt James, I I Westbury road
Cole Captain Martin Geo. Rose valley Hill Jeremiah, Fernleigh, Warley road Price Wm. Lillwall, Fir villa, Warleyrd
Colson Mrs. 2 Crown villas, Queen's I'd Hill Mrs. Elm villa, Warley road Quennell John Cooper, High street
Cook Edmund Mial!, Methlick villa, Hill Thos. Oakfieldlodge, Warley road Ratcliff Mrs. Waterloo road
Warley road Hoof Mrs. I Westbury terrace Ray Miss, The Ferns, Westbury road
Cooper George, Queen's road Hughes Chas. Alfd. Argyle vils. Crsct.rd Richardson Edward, New road
Cooper Jas. Corner's stones, Welsley I'd Hunt Mrs. Hill cottage, Warley road Rist Robt. Green, The Laurels, High st
Copeland William, Junction road Jackson Isaac, Oak villas, Warley road Robinson Anthony Geo. Shenfield lodge
Coppin James Bawtroo, Craven villa. Jackson Miss, High street Rolfe Robert White, Rose valley
Garden Mrs. Morelands, High street Jackson Miss, Rose bank Rushen Samuel, Rose valley
Cox Thomas, The Ferns, Westburyroad Jackson Robert, Rose bank Salmon William, High street
Davey Geo. Dalma cot. Crescent road Jones Samuel M.A. [asst.-mast. Gram- Salt Mrs. Crown stree10
Davie'3 The Misses, Warescot house, mar school], High street Savelle James, Junction road
Warley road Keith William, The Cornwalls Sawer Wm. Oak bank,Ongar road
Dawes Mrs. Myrtle villas, Warley road KirbyThos. Dipton, Fairlawn Scott Edgar Webster, 9 Westbury road
Dawson Mrs. Camden lodge, Warley rd Kyne Very Re.,.. Canon John M.B. Slaughter Peter, Junction road
Daynes William Dean, Terrace villa [Catholic], I~ve road Smith WaIter In. 2 Grape viIs. Warley rd
Denny John,.Back street Larkin George, St. Thomas' hill Spencer Mrs. Queen's road
Dollond Miss, 2 Grape villas. Warley rd. Larkin Thos. I Crown villas, Queen's rd. Spooner Mrs. Ongar road
Done John, 3 Victoria Grove villas Leach Miss, Westbury villas Stewart Alfred, M:yrtle villas
Douglas Major Hugh Alexander, 6 Legerton Rev. Waiter [Congregational], Stewart James, Northian viI. Crsct. rd.
Victoria Grove villas .Bellevue house, Primrose hill Stowell Anthony John, High street
Surflell MisS', Prospect vils. WarIey rd Thernton Miss, Prospect viIs. Warleyrd White "ames, f West'bury villall
Tasker Mi8!, Melville lodge Trimm Mrs. Crescent road White William, High street
Tate Thomas, S Crescent road Tuck Ml'l!. Orchard villa, High street Wiffin James It'redk. Myrtle villas
Tavernet' Mrs. Queen's1'Oad Turtle Henry, Bay villas, Warley road WillmottChas.2Jessamine vils.Cresct. rd
Taylor MI'8. Melville house Wakelin John Waters, Fairview hous8, Windsor Arthur H. Bristol ho.Avenuerd
Taytor Ml"!'l. James, Rose Valley house Victoria grove Winter James, High street
Taylor William R. M.A. [dassical master Wallis Albert William, High street Winter Joseph, Carlton villa, High st
at Grammar school], Clifton house I Wallis Harry, Bay cottage, Ingrave rd Winter Mrs. St. Thomas' hill
Avenue road ' Wallis Miss, High street Woods Shanington, Warley road
Thompson Miss, Myrtle villas Ward Mr8. 3 Westbury road Wright William, Welsley road
Thompson Thomas, Junction road Waisted John, 4 Westbury road Young John, Guildford l~
COMMERCIAL. agent for Madame Bayard's dress patterIl8; circulating
Ablin John, tobacconist, High street library (books from Mudie's), High street
Abrey, Daniel, carpenter, I Cromwell road Creed John, pork butcher, High street
Alderton William, carpenter, Tower hill Creed William, Bell inn, High street
Armour Joseph William, assistant overseer & rate collector, Crooks William, ironmonger, High street
Shenfleld common Crow Joseph John.. linen draper, clothier &; milliner, High st
Auterac Geo. boot & shoe maker. Victoria ler. WarIey rd Culpeck William, toy dealer, High street
Bacon Benjamin, county court bailiff. Tower hill Cumbers Philip, beer retailer, Tower hill
Bac4)n Sarah (Mrs.), stationer, Crown street Curtis John, hair dresser, King's road
Bailey Thomas Joseph, china & glass dealer & grocer, High st Cushway James William, pawnbroker, High street
Baker Anne (Mrs.), pork butcher, High street Daldy &; Co. coal &; timber merchants &; maltsters &; whar-
Baker Benjamin, surgeon, High street fingers, Railway station; &; at Barking; Romford ; Ilford;
Baker Edward. pork butcher, High street Rainham; Stanford-le-Hope; Grays &; Bentleet
Bannister Henry. beer retailer, High .treet Darvell William Stevens, White Hurtle, High street
Bardell Edmund, shopkeeper, Sidney terrace, Crescent road Davis Henry, beer retailer, Back street
Barnard Alfred, linen draper &; .tamp distributor, High st Daynes William Dean, linen draper, High street
Barnard Alfred Wm. boot & shoe maker, King's road Deadman Aaron (Mrs.), milliner, High street
Barnes Thomas, agent f&r PlumeI' )\Tillson & Co. wine & Dening Francis. superintendent of district school
• spirit merchants, High street DeveriU Thomas, gardener; verger &; sexton of St. Thomas'
Barrett John, maltster, Brentwood malt kilns church, Alfred road
Bass Julia (Mrs). stay & corset maker, Crescent l'oad Disney Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, King's road
Bates John, florist &; greengrocer, High street Dobson George Edward, basket maker &; cowkeeper, Back st
Bearman Hamett (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Ongar road Dobson John, inspector of weights & measures & superin-
Bedwell Elizabeth (Mrs.), saddler, High street tendent of County police, Queen's road
Binks Edward, beer retailer, Queen's road Dodd James. Robi1& Hood tf Little John, Ongar road
Birch Andrew, boot &; shoe maker, Tower hill Dorrington Alexander, coffee house, High street
Boltwood Sal"rlh (Mrs.), upholsteress, Coptfold terrace Dowsett William. cattle dealer, High street
Boreham George Thomas. confectioner, Crown street Dowsing Eliza (Miss), dress maker, Queen's road
Bostock Joseph. builder, Ongar road Drake James Henry, baker & confectioner, High street
Bomell Frederick, house painter, Queen street Dudney Frederick, draper, Victoria terrace, Warley road
Brent1cood Brick tf Tile Co. (The), Brentwood works Earle &; Quennell, surgeons, High street
Brett Samuel, col'keeper, Ongar road Eastwood Thomas, boot &: shoe maker, Coptfold ta'race
Brewster Robert, butcher, Warley road Elkington John, Chequers. High street
Bright Alfred, shopkeeper, Adelaide terrace, Crescent road Elkington Frank, watch &; clock maker, High street
Brooks Emily & Ada Eliza (Misses), dress makers, New rd Ellis James, milk seller, Milton road
Brown Arthur Henry, organist at St. Thomas' &; professor Essex (1st) Rijle Volunteers (F. company), (Capt. Frank
of music, Crown street Landon, commanding; Rev. F. P. Ferguson IIl.A. hon.
Brown Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Milton road chaplain; J. C. Quennell, surgeon j W. Smith, drill
Bruty Henry, plasterer, Hill cottage, Crescent road instructor); headquarters, Town hall
Bryan Kate (Miss), ladies' school, Montpelier ho. Queen's I'd Everitt John. shoe maker, Stone yard
Bugg Frederick John &; Co. boot & shoe makers, High street Fielder Alfred &; Co. brewers, King's road
Burgess William James &; Charles Thomas, engineers & iron- Fielder Charles Alfred, maltster &; coal, coke &; salt merchant,
founders, Victoria works, Ongar road Railway station
Burgess Charles, bricklaJ'er, Tower hill Fitch George, cab proprietor, High street
Burley Charles O. (Mrs). tobacconist, High street Flockton Marcus. architect & surveyor. Waterloo <:rescent,
Burley Charles Onesimus, nurseryman & auctioneer, High st Ongar road
Burrell Christopher, furniture dealer, High street Fogden Andrew, draper & outfitter, High street
Burrell Waiter, grocer & beer retailer, Ongar road Ford Samuel, nurseryman, seedsman & florist; gardens
Burtwell George, plumber &; glazier, High street kept in good condition &; bouquets made to order; Crea-
Byford Alfred Thomas. professor of music, Warley road cent nursery, Junction road
Campbell Jesse, grocer, Victoria terrace, Warley road French Edward, fishmonger, High street
Cannon William, greengrocer, Crown street Frostick Ann (Mrs.), general dealer, Back street
Carswell George, l1te Queen's inn, Queen's road • Frostick Richard &; Son. chimney sweepers, Back street
Carswell James, town crier &; bill poster, Shenfield common Free Gmmma1' School (Rev. John Henry Newnum M.A..
Carter William, grocer & news agent, High street head master)
Chapman Caroline (Ml'l!.), dresa maker, Crown street Gapp Frederick Henry (from London), house painter, deco-
Chapman Samuel Henry. boot &; shoe maker, High street raoor,gilder &; paperhanger; designs made or copied in any
Charter George Purchas, linen draper, High street style of decoration; picture frames made; re-gilding in
Cheetham Joseph. coal merchant &; beer retailer. Junction I'd all its branches; furniture painted &C. ; own workman-
Church Thomas James, manager of the gas works ship can be 8een at any time, 7 High street
Clayton William. boot &; shoe maker, Queen's road Gaminer Henry Carter, newspaper reporter, Nursery
Cockerell James, blacksmith. Queen street lodge, High 8treet
Cojj'ee Tavern (Fred. Kiddle, proprietor), Victoria terrace, Garrett Ernel'lt, boot maker, On~aTro8d
opposite Railway station Gas Wurks (Thomas James Church, manager; Charles
CokeI' James, oil & colourman, WarIey road Alfred Fielder, sec.)
Cole Mary Ann (Mrs.), fishmQJlger, High street Gates Alexander, baker, High street
Collieott Henry Taylor, King's road Geary Thomas. carpenter, Wesley road
CoUins George Albert, shopkeeper, Essex street Gee Daniel, Atone & marble mason, King'. road
Ooope's (Jfj·II.) Hfmte (Mrs. Janet Carden, matron), Cres- Gibbons Thomas, upholsterer, Tower hill
cent road Godbolt & Son, builders, contractors & undertakers, steam
Coppin James Bawtree, provision dealer, High street joinery works, Cromwell rood
Cramphom Christian, corn dealer, Warley road t Goodman Thomas. baker, Warley road
Oounty Cou11 (John Thomas Abdy esq. D.C.L. judge; C. C. Gro88 Edward, Lioll tf Lamb, commercial tf Ja1Itily hotel &;
Lewis, registrar; C. Godfrey &; Benjamin BacoR. bailiffs), wine & spirit merchant, High I'ltreet
Court house, New road Grout John, beer retailer, Junction road ,
Crawford Mary (Miss), fancy repository & stationer-, berlin &; Groves Clara (Mrs.), greengrocer, Crown street
fancy wool, scotch fingering & all kinds of knitting yarns; Guest Edward Percival, pharmaceutical chemist, High st.reet
Gutteridge Henry, baker. Cromwen road McPher90n Donald, tailor. Tower hill
Haltridge John, auctioneer &; estate agent. Railwar station Mood George, George,," Drag01l inn, High street
Hammond Edward, blacksmith, High street Mearns John Gullen, umbrella maker, Ingrave I'OBd
Hammond Edward, carpenter &; builder, stationer, &; regis- Merry John, baker &; confectioner, High street
try office for servants, Crown street Monsear Maris (Mrs.), coffee rooms, Ongar road
Hardy WaIter, coal merchant, Sun wharf, Railwayetation. Morley Henry, professor of music, Crown street
See advertisement Moss Frederic, miller, Brentwood steam mill
Harvey Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, St. James' place Moss 'William, whitesmith, Rose cottage
Haselton &; Brewer (The Misses), dress makers, Coptfold ter Muh-any John, Royal Esse:r: Arms, family ~ cDmmeJ'cial
Hatt Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, King's road hotel ~ posting house, &; wine & spirit merchant: loose
Hawkes Annie(Mrs.), shopkeeper, &; servants' registry office; boxes to let &; hunters to let on hire, & Great Easttff'ft hotel,
attention paid to ladies requiring servants &; "Servants Railway station .
suited with situations on the most reasonable terms, Murrells George, relieving officer, registrar of births & deaths
Ongar road & collector to the guardians of Billericay union, Shenfield
Haws Thomas Waters, builder &; stone mason, King's road common
Haylett Elizabeth Mary (Miss), grocer, High street Newell Henry, fancy repository, High street
Haylett George Thomas, baker, High street Newman Charles Isaac, cooper, Crown street
Hertzell George Otto, tobacconist, High street Newton Thomas, greengrocer, Back street
Hewett 'William, farrier, Back street Nicholls, George, Yorkshire Grey, High street
Hill Thomas &; Jeremiah, brewers, maltsters &; mineral water Noble Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Coptfold terrace
manufacturers, The Brentwood brewery, Warley road. Nokes Sarah White (Mrs.), King's Head, High street
See advertisement Norrington John, wheelwright, Queen street
Hind Joseph, tailor, Essex street Norris William, beer retailer, Back street
Hodgson Thomas, druggist, High street O'Brien Timothy, greengrocer, Back street
Hookway Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Essex street Offin William, currier & leather merchant, High street; &
How Myra (Mrs.), pork butcher; Queen street at Billericay
Howcroft John &; Son, linen drapers, High street Osborn James, bncklayer, Queen's road
Howe Thos.Aspinwall, drawing mastr. Gt. Stomfords, Back st Pagram Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Welsley road
Hunt Alfred Ford, butcher, High street Paiba Henry, watch maker, Warley TOad
Hyde Edwin Harry, boot maker & milliner, High street Paice Arthur Thomas, beer retailer, High street
Industrial Schools for the School Board for London (Albert Palmer George, general dealel' & contractor, Back street
Wm. Wallis, surgeon; Thomas Humphreys, schoolmaster; Parr Edwin, ironmonger, High street
Hy. Saunders, supt.; Mrs. Saunders, matron; Prospect ho Paul H. & Son, ironmongers, High street
J ackson Peter &; Son, Rail10ay inn, Queen's road Pepper Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper &; beer retailer, Alfred I'd
James Thomas, bricklayer, Crown street Phipps Anna Maria (Mrs.), saddler, High street
Jarvis Wm. Henry, commercial school, Whitelyons, Love la Pickett Herbert, butcher, High street
Johnson Edward, beer retailer, Milton road Pilborough John, machine printer &; stationer, agellt for
Johnson William, shopkeeper, Crown street homooopathic medicines, High street
Johnstone Alexander, travelling draper, Crescent road Playle Matthew, baker ~ pork butcher, High street
Kennett Charles, grocer & glass & china dealer, High street Pond Pleasant (Mrs.), stationer, Crown street
Kenward James, tailor, High street Porter Abraham, smith & farrier, Alfred road
Keyte William, boot & shoe maker, High street Postans &; Landons, solicitors; &; at 43. New Broad street,
Kiddle Fred, coffee tavn. Victoria tel'. opposite Railway stn London e.e
King James, shopkeeper, Railway square Postans Richard Broadhurst (firm, Postans & Landons),
King WaIter, master of National schools, High street solicitor & clerk to the burial board of Brentwood
Knightbridge George, butcher, Queen street Praill William, greengrocer, Ongar road
Landon Edward Palmer (firm, Postans & Landons), solicitor Proud Richard Blackwell, family grocer, tea dealer & pro-
& commissioner for oaths; steward of the manors of vision merchant, King's road
Costead, Calcott & South Weald Pye Samuel, Spread Eagle, Queen's road -
Landon Frank (firm, Postans &; Landons), solicitor, agent Quee Charles, clothier & outfitter, High street
for the Brentwood Conservative Registration Association Quy Wm. Hy. hairdresser & glass, china & toy dlr. High st
& steward of the manors of Ramsden, Barringtons &; Radley William, shopkeeper, Milton road
Fremnalls Randles & Campbell, hosiers &c. Ingrave road
Landon Harcourt Palmer (firm, Postans &Landons), solicitor Ray Stephen, grocer, High street
Larkin Frederick, coach painter, Queen's road Rayner Heuben, coffee & eating house, Queen's road
Larkin George &John,c1othiers &boot & shoe mas. Crown st Richardson 'William, ironmonger, High street
Larkin James, coach builder, Queen's road Rippon Ebenezer William, bicycle maker, High street
Lavender Mark, seedsman & florist; gardens laid out &kept Rist David, grocer & provision dealer, High street
in order, by the day or by contract, Welsley road Rist Isaac, grocer & provision dealer, & agent for W. & A.
Lemmon CharIes, 'Watch & clock maker, High street Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, High street
Lewis Charles Carne & Son, solicitors, New road Roberts James, beer retailer, Ongar road
Lems Amelia (Mrs.), tailoress, Crown street Robinson Robert & Son, furniture dealers, High street
Lewis Charles C. jun_ (firm, Lewis & Son), solicitor, clerk to Robinson Henry William, corn chandler, Queen street
the guardians of Billericay union, superintendent Robson John, hair dresser, Back street
registrar & vaccination officer, New road Rouse David John, coffee tavern, High street
Lewis Edwin James, solicitor, Shenfield cottage Ruggles John, carpenter & beer retailer, Waterloo road
Lilburn Harriot (Mrs.), draper, hosier, haberdasher & milli- Rwnball Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ongar road
ner, London house, WarIey road Sage David, shopkeeper, King's road
Llo~'d Charles Fredk, grocer, & post office, Warley road Sandford William Thomas, tailor, 'rower hill
London cf County Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (Anthony John Saunders Henry, superintendent of the industrial school of
Stowell,manager),High street; draw on head office,London the school board for London, Rose valley
Longmore Matilda (Miss), ladies' school, Hillside house, SaviIl George, greengrocer, Ongar road
Westbury road Savill Henry, furniture dealer, High street
Lowther & Co. boot & shoe dealers, New road Savill Stephen James, furniture dealer, High street
MabbsAnne & Susanna (Misses), ladies' schl. Fern ho. High st Sayer James, beer retailer &; cab proprietor, High street
Macey Edward, beer retailer, High street Searles Mackling (Mrs.), fishmonger &; fruiterer, King's road
Malt William, tailor, Coptfold terrace Shelley Samuel, inspector of nuisances & school attendance
March William, linen draper, High street officer for Billericay rural sanitary authority, Junction rd
Marley Thomas, builder, undertaker, decorator, picture Shipman J ames Thomas, picture frame maker & gilder,
frame maker &; house agent, Warley road dealer in looking glasses of every description, also dealer
MarIton Lawrence John, butcher, High street in oils, mounts cut to order, King's road
Marlton Mary Ann (Mrs.), stationer, High street Simmons Henry, beer retailer, Wealdlane
Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Love lane Simmons John, chimney sweeper, Weald lane
Martin James Windsor, coal & brick merchant, Queen's road Simmons William, chiInney sweeper, Alfred road
Martin Wm. John, The Cricketers' inn, Ongar road Sinclair Colin Luke, saddler &; harness maker, Queen street
Mason Mary (Mrs.). White Hart commercial hotel, High "street Singer .J.JfallUfactu1-ing Co. (The) (Richard Therton, agent),
May John, S,can inn, &; cab proprietor, High street Crown street
Maycock John, bricklayer, AHred road Smale Richard Frederick, tobacconiS1;, "'arley road

Smith J. J. (Mrs.), com & seed merchant, High street Twinn Susan (Mrs.), confectioner, High street
Smith John. photographer, High street Tyler William, shopkeeper, Queen's road
Smith John (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street Wainwright Joseph, Vzcto1'ia Arms, & horse clipper &singer,
Smith Rt. general draper, hosier, hatter & {)utfitter, High et Ongar road
Smith William, serjeant instructor (xst) Essex volunteers, Walker Wm. Henry, dairyman, High st.; & at Shenfleld hall
Junction road . Willis Albert William, surgeon, High street
Smith William John, baker, High street Wallis Charles, linen & woollen draper, High street
Snare William Spurdens, builder, Milton road Wallis WaIter Edward, baker, Ingrave road
Sopwith Miss, ladies' school, Crown street Ward James, oil & colorman, High street
Sowter Harriet (Miss), ladies' outfitter, High street Ward John, plumber, High street
Springett James, shopkeeper, Cromwell road Webster Arthur, baker, Queen street
Stamp o.ffice (Alfred Barnard. distributor), High street Wells & Emery, carriers, High street
StanforefFrederick, hair dresser, High street Welsted John & Co. builders, Warley road
Stowell Anthony John, manager of London & County bank, Wheel John, marine store dealer, Chapman's alle)'
High street White Charles James, saddler, High street
Strhand Benjamin, upholsterer, Back street White Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, New road
Swann Charles, boot makert Back street White James, builder, New road
Swoffer Thomas Idenden, silk mercer & fancy draper, White Jane (Mrs.), milliner, High street
London house, High street Wildish Thomas, baker, Crown street
Tansley Eliza. (Mrs.), coal carter, Primrose hill Wildish William Busbridge, grocer, Crown street
Taylor Edward, boot & shoe maker, Ongar road Willson William Plumer & Co. wine & spirit merchants
Taylor Elizabeth (Mrs.), clothier, High street (Thomas Barnes, agent), Town hall; head offices & bonded
Taylor J. inland rel'enue officer, Crescent road stores. Hertford
Theobald Joseph, butcher, High street Wilson &. Whitworth, printers & stationers, High street
Thomas Thomas, builder, Milton road Winter Bros. builders, brick & tile mas. King's road
Thompson Edward, butcher, Victoria terrace, Warley road Wood Henry, greengrocer, High street
Thomp80n William, chemist & druggist, High street Wood Thomas Palm, boot & shoe maker, Queen street
Thorne Abraham John, auctioneer, High street WorrinJohn Lewin,commercial tra,'eller, High street
Town Hall (Richard Earthy, secretary), High street Wraith Wm. Henry M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Back st
Turner Joseph, beer retailer, Railway square Young }/fen" Christian Association if Reading Room (F.
Turner Louisa (Mrs.), baker, King's road Denning, sec.), New road
Turner William, postmaster, High street Yull Samuel, plumber, High street
Turrell Isaac, boot & shoe maker, High street
BRIGHTLINGSEA is a parish, in the Eastern division altar: in the chancel is an elaborate and costly monument
of the county, Tendring l;mndred, Tendring union, Colchester to Nicholas Magens esq. who died r767: another peculiar
county court district, diocese of St. Albans, archdeaconry of feature of the church is the number of niches that remain
Colchester, rural deanery of St. Osyth. As the termination in the walls and columns: one contains a small mutilated
(If the name denotes, Brightlingsea was at one time an statue supposed to be that of St. Nicholas : there are spaces
island, and it is still nearly surrounded by the river Colne in the tower for 5 bells, but only I now remains, dated
and its creeks having only one road to connect it with the eirc. r450: a. small sanctus bell belonging to the church
mainland. The town is situated near the water at the mouth has been transferred to St. James' chapel-of-ease: Bright-
of the Colne and is about 6r miles distant from London, 6 lingsea church was anciently rich in ecclesiastical orna-
south-east from Wivenhoe and ro from Colchester: it is ments, vestments &c. of which a catalogue is extant: the
connected with the Great Eastern railway by a branch line church plate comprises two silver chalices, both of 1560:
from Wivenhoe. Brightlingsea is a member of the Cinque the church was carefully restored in 1878, when an organ
Port of Sandwich and as such is entitled to elect annually was also added: the east window has been recently filled
a deputy-mayor; this ancient distinction has, however, with stained glass, a portion of it being a memorial to the
been in abeyance since 18°4; from the same connection the late Mrs. J. C. Barnard, of Great Dunmow. The register
parish derives various peculiar rights and privileges, such dates from 1697. The living is a vicarage, yeady value
as exemption from county rates, from service on juries and £290, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the
irom militia service. Brightlingsea has from time immemorial Rev. Arthur Pertwee lII.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford.
been noted for its oysters, an extensive cultivation of which St. J ames's chapel-of-ease, in the middle of the town, is a
is carried on, partly under the Corporation of Colchester and large plain building, capable of seating 700 people and was
partly by private enterprize; this industry employs a large erected in the year 1837. The Wesleyans, Free Methodists,
fleet of smacks, which, however, in the winter months, are Congregationalists and Swedenborgians ha"e places of wor-
chiefly occupied in the sprat fishery; Brightlingsea is also ship here. The charities amount to £2 12S. per annum for
becoming an important yachting station, upwards of 70 the poor, left by John Sympson, Rector of St. Olave, Hart
yachts being laid up here for their winter quarters; and there street, London, a native of this place in the year r632.
is a considerable amount of ship and boat building. The Edward Westwood and George Bradley esqrs. are lords of
town is supplied with gas and water. A fair is held on St. the manor and John Bateman esq. J.P. and the Earl of
Swithin's Day, or the Thursday before. The church of All Onslow are the principal landowners. The soil is gravelly
Saints stands about a mile and a half north of the town and and sandy loam; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat,
is, in the words of Morant, "a lofty and stately structure," barley, oats &C. The area is 3,560 acres, including 470
consisting of chancel, north and south chapels and vestry, acres of water; rateable value, £91436; and the population
nave, aisles and a western tower of fine proportions, with in r88x was 3,252.
buttresses of unusual proportion, set angle-wise and de- EAST END GREEN and HURST GREEN are parts of the
corated with 32 niches, as for statues: it terminates in parish.
pinnacles, including which it rises to the height of over roo
leet, forming a conspicuous sea mark: the architecture of CINDERY ISLANDS are two narrow islands in the river
the church is chiefly Perpendicular, but three of the five bays Colne, about I mile long.
(If the arcades dividing the nave from the aisles are Decorated Parish Clerk, James Hardy Lewes.
and there are also remains of the Early English style and POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OJ,.FICE & Savings
(lne feature supposed to be either early Roman or Saxon: Bank.-Mrs. Rhoda Minter, postmistress. Letters arrive
the clerestory has disappeared, having, together with the at 7 a.m. & 12 a.m.; dispatched at 6.30 p.m. The box
()riginal roof, fallen down in r814: there are a number of closes at 6.:30 p.w
memorial brasses in the pavements, of which only one re- INSURANCE AGENTS:-
tains its inscription, but, with two exceptions, they can be Cwnmercial Union, W. C. Harmer
identified as the memorials of John BeritIe (died A.D. 1496) County Fire, W. Folkard
and his three wives; Mary BeritIe (r505); Margaret BeritIe Northern Assu1'ance, C. Freeman
(r514); John Beriffe (152r) and Mary and .A.lice, his wives; Phani3: Fire, J. Aldous
William Beriffe and Joan, his wife (r527); John Beriffe, Protector Endowment, E. C. Atkin8
1542: the two remaining brasses not identified are those Sun, T. Bagley
()f two female figures of the 15th century, inserted in the PuBLIC EST~LISRlIt:ENTS:-
foom of two priests' brasses on a bracket of the X4th century: Coast Guard, Adam Smith, chief boatman
there is also in the Lady Chapel a curiously incised stone Custwn House, Sydney st. Charles Collis, examining officer;
slab, which would appear to have been originally the cover- John Stammers, Robert L. Jefferies, James Frost Smith,
ing of a. tomb, but afterwards perhaps the mensa of JtJl Samuel Bradbrook & D. B. Garvey, out-door officers
PuBLIC OFFICERS:..... . Wtsleyan (mixed), al9O' fot" 300' children; Mr. Pawson,
Lloyd's Agent, Mbert Aldons Jefferies, High stl'eet master~ Miss Young, mistress
Water Bailiff, Joseph Ames Rail'IIJtry Statitm, Alfred Edward Howard, station master;
ScHOOLS:- • Thomas Fuller, goods &; parcels agent
National (mixed), for 300 children; Charles Freeman, CARRIER TO CoLCHESTEB-Benjamin Day, daily, returning
master; Miss Rayner, mistress same day -r
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cook George, shopkeeper, Spring road Lowns Wm. shopkeeper, Newtown"I
Aldous Mrs. High street Cooper Elizabeth (Miss). ladies'school, Lungley Alfred, shOO' maker, High st
Barber Thomas, The Park High street Lungley In. boot & shoe maker, New st
Beavis Mrs. Spring road Cooper Geo. Brown,chem.& drgt.High st March Eliza (Mrs.), grcr. &; drpr. High st
Bellinge Mrs. New town Coppin George, boot maker, Spring rd Martin Robt. Jas. smack owner,New st
Blackburn Rev. Joseph [Congrega. Coppin WaIter C. baker, Sidney street Martin Samuel, shoe maker, High st
tional], High street Cracknell Samuel, Victoria. Spring rd Martin Shadrach, smack owner, New st
Candler William, New street Cross John, smack owner, New street Miller Frederick, brewer, High street
Carey William, High street Day AdeleiDe (Mrs.), grocer, High street Minter Abraham, blacksmith,Lowergn
Closson John, Hurst green Day Benjamin, carrier, Hurst green Minter Edward, stationer, High street
Cobbell Arthur Thomas Day Sophia (Mrs.), oyster mer. New st Minter Frederick, blacksmith, New st
Cook Thomas, Hurst villa Day William Ambrose,oyster merchant Minter Mary (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet
Deans Rev. Joseph [Swedenborgian], & ship owner, Sidney street maker, New street
Park road Death John, mariner, Queen street Minter Rhoda (Mrs.), stationer, High st
Denny Rev. Wm..[Wesleyan], New town Diaper Wm. smack owner, Hurst green Minter William, jun. oyster 'merchant
Drake Mrs. Spring road Dines Wm. marine store dealer, Queen st &: smack owner, New street
Eagle Francis, The Hall Dove William, smack owner,New street Munson John Wm. Freemasons~ Arms,
Francis Mrs. High street Dowman John, smac~ owner, & Fre~ Sidney street
Francis Robert, High street masons' tavern, New street . Oli\Ter Robert, beer retailer, Sidney st
Hook.Qhild Ar. Gresham ho.New town DownesJohn,mastermariner,Newtown 01'lllan Geo. smack owner, Hurstgreen
Ling William Squire,'High street Eagle Alfred Wm. oyster mer. New st Ormes Alfred, butcher
Lufkin Robert, Lower green Eagle Emanuel(Mrs.),shpkpr. Hurst grn Pammett Thomas, beer retailer,High st
Minter "\\'illiam, Lower green Eagle Francis, farmer, The Hall, Pannell William, grocer, provision mer·
Parker George, High street Moverons &: Lodge chant &: draper, Lower green
Pertwee Rev. Arthur M.A. Vicarage Everett George, oyster merchant & Parker George, surgeon & registrar of
Riches Thomas, Wellington street smack owner, Queen street births & deaths forWivenhoedistrict,
Tabor Miss, Hurst green Field In. grocer & draper, Hurst green High street
Underwood Joseph Folkard Jesse, furniture dealer, John st Pattison William Fredk. sail maker &
COMMERCIAL. Folkard Robert, farmer, Marsh farm ship chandler, High street
Aldous & Rushbrook, ship & yacht Folkard William, ironmonger & regig. Peggs Cornelius, oyster merchant &
builders, Waterside trar of marriages, High street ship chandler Water side
Aldous Alber1J J~fIeries, -yacht, gig & Francis Robert, oyster merchant & Peggs Sarah Ann (Mrs.), ship chandler,
boat builder, Waterside &High street ship owner, High street Water side.
Aldous Edwin, boat builder, Sidney st French Robt. master mariner, Park rd Polley Hazell, smack owner, Chapel rd
Aldous James, builder, New street Frost Benj. master mariner, New town Pudney Abraham, The Ship, & green-
Aldous Robert, builder, High street Fuller Thomas, goods & parcels agent grocer, Lower green
Aldous Thomas, builder, High street to the Great Eastern Railway Co. Richardson Ann (Mrs.), oyster mer-
Aldous William, painter, Queen street The Park chant, Hurst green
Alexander Joseph, butcher, Sidney st Gilbert William, smack owner, Sidney Richardson John, butcher, High street
Alexander J oseph, jun. Star ofDenmark, Girling Jas. Wm. farmer, Red Barn frm Richardson J sph. oyster mer. Sidney st
Sidney street Goddard John, smack owner, Welling- Richardson Robert, oyster merchant k.J.
Ames John, oyster merchant, New st ton street smack owner, Hurst green
Ames- Joseph, water bailiff & port in- Goddard Thos. smack owner, Duke st Richardson Thos. beerretailer,Hurst gn
spector, Queen street Goddard Thomas, jun. smack owner, Riches George, farmer, Queen street
Angier Ezekiel, draper, High street Duke street Root & Diaper, boat builders, Water side
Annis Wm. smack owner, Sidney street Gooch Charles, grocer, Sidney street Round, Green & Co. bankers, Colchester
Atkins Ellis Charles, accountant, Goodwin Jas. master mariner, New st branch; open on friday,- Sidney st
Trinity house, Queen street Grimsey William, beer retailer & black· Ruffell surveyor,Wellington st
Bacon Chas. maltster, frmr.& landowner smith, Park road Salmon Frederick, shopkeeper,Sidney at
Bacon James, shopkeeper, New street Harmer Susannah (Mrs.), Swan, & Salmon John, smack owner, Sidney st

Bagley Thomas, baker, High street farmer; High street Salmon William,grocer &draper,High st
Barber Charles, shopkeeper, New street Harmer Wm. Clarence, tea dealr.High st Sawyer Thomas, smack owner, John st
Rarber Thos. oyster merchant, New tn Harvey Mary Eliza (Miss), grocer &: Scrutton Osmond Palmer,. farmer &
Barnes Charles, shopkeeper, High street draper, High street miller~ Hurst green
Barnes John, White Lion, Hurst green Harvey Thomas, builder, New town Shepherd Mark, baker, Sidney street
Bishop Wm. boot & shoe ma. Low. gn Hedgethorn George, tlyster merchant SkinnerJesse, bake?, Lower green
Mlyth Cha,rles, plumber~ Sidney street &, smack owner, Sidney street Smith Adam, chief officer in charge,
Bragg Alfd. Wm. oystermercht. New st Hedgethorn In. smack owner, Hurstgn coast guard, Sidney street
Bragg John, oyster merchant, High st Heigho Isaac, master mariner, New st Smith Edmond, smack owner,Sidneyst
Bragg William, oyster merchant, New st- Hibbs Alfred, barge owner, Duke street Smith Edward, farmer, Lower green
Brasted Charles~ smack owner, High st Howell James, butcher, Sidney street Southgate Thomas.. Cherry Tree,
Bridges Joseph, boat builder, New street James Sarah (Mrs.), Yachtman'. Arms, Colchester road
Brightlingsea Churchman's Club (W. Water side Stammers Jsph.smack owner. Lower gn
Stammers, secretary; Jefferies Albert Aldous, oyster mer- Stammers Wm. fish ma.nure. merchant..
Brightlingsta Gas 4'" Coke Co. Limited chant, High street Tabor Alfred William, oyster merchant
(Ellis Charles Atkins, secretary) Jefferies Alfd. oyster merchant, 'New st ~ & smack owner, Duke street
Brightlingsea Reading Rooms (W. F. Jefferies George, smack owner & oyster Tillett James, smack owner, Sidneyat
Pattison, secretary) merchant, High street Tracey Robert Morffe, master mariner,
Brightlingsea Water Co. Limited (Ells JefferiesJames,oystermerchant,Newst Spring road
Charles Atkins, secretary) Johnson Maurice Sadler, butchr. High st I Tranham Benjamin, smack owner &
Brooks Benj. shopkeeper, High street Keddington Wm. painter, Sidney street oyster merchant, High street
Brown Frederick, gardener, High street Kent Geo. beerretlr. & carpntr. High st Underwood In. smack owner & rope ma
Brown Joseph, farmer, East End green Lake Joseph, carpenter, & King's Head Ward James, barge owner & oyster
Chamberlain Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker & Lee William, smack owner, Hurstgreen merchant, High street
beer retailer, Queen street Lees John, beer retailer & smack owner Ward John, smack owner & ship smith,
Chaplin Jas. master mariner, New st Lewes James Hardy, carpenter; Park rd New street
Clark Benjamin, grocer, Lower green Lewis James, draper & grocer,Spring rd Ward Rebecca (Miss), milliner, New st
Colcluster Bank (Round, Green & Co.) Lewis William {Mrs.), smack owner, Ward Thomas, wholesale fruiter.High st
(su~branch),open fri.High st; draw Sidney street. Webber Edmond, Duke of Wellington,
on Barnett, Hoares & Co. London e.c Ling William Squite, surgeon, High st Lower green
Collis Charles, principal custom house Littlewood Wm. cabinet mB.. Sidney st Webber Edward, beer retailer & smack
officer, S~'dney steeet Lord Samuelt tailor, High street owner, New town


Wellum Thom8.ll, lIl1ack owner,Bidney at Went J ame&, Imack owner, Chapel rd Wilson Webb Thomas, builder,sidney sf.
Wenlock Caroline (Mrs.), Railway lotel WheeleF Jamee, beer retailer, New It WUleman John EdwaI'd, baker, High st
Went- Alfred William k Benry, ship Whilllay William, il'onmonger, High st Woolvett John, lIDack owner, Burstgn
chandlers, agents to W." A. Gilbey,. Whitea James Fulcher, grocer, High st York Henry, ..4.nchor, Water side
wine & .pirit merchants, Water side Whiten William, farmer, High street
GREAT BROMLEY is a parish in the Eastern din- William Wiles, yeomen, of tbis pmish, to be applied to
sion of the county, Tendring hundred and union, Colchester ornamenting the church. There is a recreation ground of
county court district, Ardleigh rural deanery, Colchester four acres awarded under the Bromley Enclosure Act.
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, situate at the head of Great Bromley Lodge, the property of Thomas William
a small brook running into the Colne, 5 miles louth from Nunn esq. I.P. and now occupied by Mrs. Collison, is a
Manningtree, 3 south-east from Ardleigh station, 1 east good building, pleasantly situated and (,'Ommanding fine
from Colchester and 57 from London. The church of St. views. Lord Ashburton, who ill lord of the manor, Edward
George is .. fine stone building, oonsisting of chancel, nave, John Alston esq. Thomas William Nunn esq. George Wen-
aisles, a lOutb chapel called the" Patron's chapel" and a don esq. and William Frost esq. are the principal landowners.
western tower containing 5 bells: the whole roof of the- The soil is mixed; 8ubsoil, clay. The chief crops are
church is of bighly-elaborated workmanship; the church wheat, barley and oats. The area; is ~,956 acres; rateable
has been re-seated and the chancel restored, with 8 new V'8lue, £S,II4; and the population in 1881 was 724.
stained east window, to the memory of the Rev. W. H. Parish. Clerk George Bowell
Graham, late rector; there is also a memorial window in the ' • .
south aisle, erected by T. W. Nunn esq. to his wife. The POST OFFlcB.-Mrs. Mary Ann Young~ recel\'er. Letters
register of baptisms and marriages dates from 1559 i burials, arrive from Colchester lit 7. 15 a.m.; dU!llJatched thereto at
J7 2 5. The living is a rectory, commuted at .l858 a ~'ear, 5·45 p.m. On sundays, lettAlrs a~ ~hspatched. at 10·30
with residence and 90 acres of glebet in the gift of and held a.m. The nearest money order offi~ 18 at Manningtree j

by the Rev. Arthur E. Graham B.A. of St. John'!! College, ReflUJtmT oJ Bi1'tl1S 4" Deaths for Al'dleiflh District, Jam""
Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The charities are of Mayer, jnn.
the yearly value of £23 16s. for the relief of the poor, in- Collector of Assessed, Land tt Income taze! 4" Assistant Over-
eluding Mrs. Jacobs' charity of £3 annually, to be given ,eer of Great Bro11l1ey, George Sargeant
away in bread on New Year's Day; and £56 deri\"ed from National School (mixed), for ISO children, anrage attend-
certain lands left in J661 by Robert Rea, William Sida y and ance 86 j MiSll Annie Galloway, mistress
Alston Edward John, Gt. Bromley hall I Bruce WaIter, smith Howell Jam~, baker
Collison Mrs. Great Bromley lodge I Carrington Edmund, farmer, Hall farm Johnson William }o'rancis, farmer, Ded-
Collison Albert, Great Bromley lodge Church Edward, beer retailer It tailor ham School farm
ColIison Henry, Great Bromley lodge Clark Golding, farmer Martin Ueorge Herbert, miller
GrahamRev.ArthurEtough B.A.[rector] Cole Thomas, butcher Sargeant George, farmer & landowner
Wendon Backhouse E8de Robert, wheelwright Sargeant George Wm. grocer &; draper'
Wilkin Misses Eagle William, shoe maker Seaboum Elizh. (Mrs.) frmr. Windy fm
COMMERCIAL. Firmin Jsph. beer retailer &: shopkeeper Sparrow JameB, farmer, Wilkin's farm
Alston Edward John, farmer &: land- Frost Nathaniel, farmer Taylor James, beer retaileT
owner, Great Bromley ha.ll Frost William, farmer, Newhouse farm Warner 6eorge, farmer & landowner
Archer Thomas, farmer, Dorley farm Green Thomas, farmer, Badley hall & Warner William, beer retailer
Atkins William, bricklayer Ragmarsh, Bradfield Wendon George, farmer, Blagg's farm
Barker Albert Peter, farmer, Cold hall Harper Henry, brick maker Wendon NathanieJ, farmer, Walnut
Barker William Frederick, Black BD!! Hawthorn Joseph, shopkeeper & farmer Tree farm
Bromly Carrington, fanner Hazell Joseph John, farmer Wendon William, general dealer
LI1'TLE BROMLEY is & parish 3 .miles south from I lent intention, invested £':WO in 5 per cent. Navy Stock, in
Manningtree, 3 east from Ardleigh station and 58 from the joint names of three trustees to receive the interest of
London, in the Eastern division of the county, Tendring the said stock and to purchase therewith clothes to be given
hundred and union, Colchester county court district, rural yearly to some of the poor of Little Bromley. Thomas
dtlanery of Ardleigh, archdearonry of Colchester and diocese William Nunn esq. is lord of the ma.nor and principalland~
of St. AlbaJl.l. The church of St. Mary ill an ancient build- owner. The soil i. mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
ing, consisting of ehaocel and nave and a tower containing are barley, wheat and oats. The area is 1,841 acres; rate-
3 bells. The register of baptisms and dates' rom able valne, .l:i,829; and the population in 1881 was 370.
J538; marriages, 1539- The living is a rectory, yearly Seztont lames Chilver.
value 1:564, with residence and 11 acres of glebe, in the gift POS'f OFFlCE.-Edwal'd Sadd, receiver. Letters tl.rough
of Wadham College, Oxford and held by the Rev. John Manningtree, which is the nearest money order office,
Capel Banbury )loA. of that college. Mr. John Barton, late arrive at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.30 p.m
of this place, expressed a desire of bequeathing £10 a year National School. built in 1839, by the late C. Nunn esq. and
to the poor of Little Bromley, but dying suddenly, June given by Thomas WillidJll Nunn esq. of Lawford house,
nth, :r806, intesta~ hi' sister a.nd administratrix, Mrs. (mixed), for 80 children. average attendance 43 j Misa
Elizabeth WarTfln. ip compliance with her brother'll benevo- JE'ilsie Bishop. mistress
Hanbury Rev. John Capel M.A. Rectory I EagleEdwd. Clay, farmer, Roger'! farm Richardson Thom8.ll Rumsey, fanner,
Chaplin William, market gardener Joy Jacob Joseph, farmer, Braham hall Jenning's farm, re8. Lawford
Chapman Moses, farm bailiff to Wm. Patten Geo. beer retailer & blacksmith Sadd Edwd.grocer&draper,&p08todice
Brooks esq. Stacies farm Payne Charles, farmer, Mulley's farm Studd Geol'ge, carpenter
Church Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer Payne Henry, fanner & cattle dealer, Wenden lohn (Mrs,), farmer & butcher
Cooper Edgar, frmr. Little Bromley hall New house
BROOMFIELD is a parish in the. Western division of former vicar. A finely-bound Bible was presented by Mrs.
the county, Chelmsford Dundred, unicm. and county court Sarah Attwood, granddaughter to the before-named PatriclI
district and in the Chelmsford rural deanery, Essex arch· Younge; it originally belonged to King Charles I. and hat
deaconry .nd St• .Alban8 diocese, on the Chelmer river and the Royal Arms and cypher in silver. The register data
on the road from Chelmsford to Dunmow and Braintree, 2} from the year J546. The living is a vicarage, yearly value
miles north from Chelmsford station.. The church of St. £245, with residence, in the gift {)f the Bishop of St. AlbaDl
Mary (fonnerly called St. Leonards) is a building of flint, and held by the Rev. William Trimmer M.A. Caiu! College,
partly Norman and partly Pe1'pendicular in style; it was Cambridge. Philip Morant, the historian of Essex, was vicat
thoroughly restored and Si north aisle added in 1870 and here from 1733 to 1738. Woollard's charity, producing tu,
the chancel re-decorated in J880 and now eoWltsta of yearly, is distributed in fuel. Sir Simeon Stewart hart. it
chancel and north aisle with an arcade of 3 bays; a nave lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the Christy
also with 11 north aisle of 3 bays and a Norman round tower family. The soil is loam, gravel and clay; subsoil, sand,
with spire at the west end containing 6 bells, 2 of which mad and clay. The chief crops are wheat. barley, beans and
have been recast and 4 added in r870, there is .. curiom mangold. The area is 2,21$ acres; rateable value,
old font of the Early English period i on the floor are £5.446 ISS.; and the population iD L8al was 856-
memorials to the Manwood family and to Patrick Younge, Parish. Cle1'k, lames Tunbridge.
librarian to King Charles I. who died in the Parsonage House; POST &; TBLEG:RA.Pll OFFICE.-Charles Mann, receiver.
the eut and west windows are stained, the first to the Letters received through Chelmsford, arrive at 7.:1.0 ~
memory of Mrs. Clayton and the latter to Mr. Clayton, It n.33 a.m... dispatched at 1.40 It 7p.m.; on sundays dis-
patched at 10 a..m. Chelmsford is 1he nearest money I Parochial &1uJol (mixed) for =-:lO children; John Bennett,
order office ~ master
P:RIVATB :Jm;IDENT5. Wells Henry Collings, The Lodge Elgie Sarah (Mrs.}, heel'retlr. &; builder'
Bott Lindley, The Limes Ellis George, 'Wheelwright
Christy Mrs. BrooklandJJ COIDIERCIAL.. lli>psill Eliza (Mrs.), maltster
Copland Henry, Broomfield place Abbott Geo. Henry, grocer Impey Hy. John, farmer, Stace)"s farm
.Marriage Henry, Ayletts Bott William, farmer, Priors Impey William, farmer, Broomfield hall
Marriage Philip, Broomfield mill Broomfield Coffee House, (Chas. Thos. Marriage Wm. dz Henry & Sons, millers.
Marriage Sampson, Parsonage Deverill, manager) Bl'oomfield mill; &; at Chelmsford
Moss Thomas, The Lodge house Christy David, farmer, Patching hall Oddy Joseph, boot ti shoe maker
Nicholls Arthnr Colleer George, Angel Par801l8 William, baker
Ref"ve Miss, Broomfield villa Cowling Charles, farmer, Woodhall Phillibro'WD George, bricklayer
Seabrook Miss, Butlers' Day Th08. house agent & assist. overseer Pilley Charles,seedsman
Trimmer Her. William M.A. [vieaT] & collector of poor rates Squire Charles, relieving officer
Warner Robert, &ravells Dowsett Chas. market gardener Taylor William Edward, King's Arms
BROXTEAD GREAT (or C'HAURETH) is a parish in College, Cambridge. The great tithes oommutedat £666
the Western division of the county,Dunmow hundred, union yearly and the vicarial tithes at £200. Here is a Congre-
and county court district, Dunmow rural deanery, Essex gational chapel. The representatives of the late Viscoun1l
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, in a pleasant undu- Maynard are lords of the manor. The principal landowners
lating country, richly cultiva.ted and well timbered. it is 31 are the trustees for Lady Brooke and the Rev. John Collin.
miles east from Elsenham station and 4 south-west from The soil is heavy land; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are.
Thaxted. In this parish a small brook rises, which flows wheat, barley, oats and peas. The area is 3,194 acres;J
into the Chelmer at Tilty. The church of St. Mary the rateable val~ £3,86<); and the popnlation in 1881 was 6<)7.
Virgin situate on the side of a hill, is an ancient bnilding Pa1-ish Clerk, William Laverock.
in the Early English style, consisting of lofty chancel, nave POST OFFtcE.-Herbert Spurgeon, receiver. Letters from
and a belfry containing 4 bells; the church has ten stained Dunmow arrive 8.45 a.m.; sunday 9.45 a.m.; dispatched
windows and in 187 6 was repaired UDder the superinten- at 3.30 p.m. Thaxted is the nearest money order office
dence of Joseph Clarke esq. diocesan architect, at a cost of & telegraph office
£2,200, of which a sum of £800 was contributed by R.
Benyon esq. The register dates from the year 1654. The National School (mixed) for 135 children; WilliamLaverock,.
living is a vicarage, nett )'early value £170, with residence, in master; Mrs. Sarah Laverock, mistress
the gift of Richard Benyon esq. of Englefield House, Berks Chauretk Green National School (mixed) for 30 children;
and held by the Rev. Denys Nelson Yonge B.A. of Christ's Mrs. Harriet White, mistress
Yonge Rev. Denys NelsonB.A. Vicarage! Gnyver George, wheelwright Scruby Samuel, farmer, Broxted hill
Guyver James, farmer & tax collector Seruby Thomas, farmer, Moor end
COMMERCIAL. Guyver Sarah (Mrs.), frmr. Chaureth st Smith William, shopkeeper
Barltrop Reuben, blacksmith Hagger James, carpenter Speller Wm. farmer, Wood farm
Brand Thomas, farmer Leonard Sarah(Mrs.),frmr. Broxted hall Speller Wm. (ex01'll.of), frmr. Muskhams
Bright James, Bell, & blacksmith Ottway William, provision dealer' Spurgeon Charles, farmer
Chapman WaIter, beer rtlr. Brick end Phillips In. Lylel', frmr. Chaureth hall Spurgeon Obadiah, farmer, Woodgates
Frankham In. farmer, Chaureth green Reynolds Aaron, shopkeeper Stock John, farmer, Clement's hill
Guun Thomas, miller I Scruby Frederick, farmer, Church hall Willis Charles, farmer, Garronld's
BUCKHURST.HILL is a populous ecclesiastical dis- I lecture hall. Princes Hall, situated in Princes road, is used
trict, formed in 1838 out of Chigwell parish, with a station for religious services and lectures. The area is 749 acres;
on the Woodford branch of the Great Eastern railway and rateable value, £16,500; the population in 1811 was 2,520.
is in the Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, Sexton, William Butler.
Epping union, Romford county court district. Chigwell POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings
rural deanery, EBsex archdeaconry and diocese of St., Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office-Mise
Albans. This hamlet, or district, although in Chigwell Louisa Rudge, receiver. Letters are dispatched at 9.45
parish, can only be reached by road from Chigwell through a.m. & 12.40 dz •• 40 & 9.30 p.m.; delivered at 7.10 & 8.45
Woodford or Loughton; it stands midway between these a.m. 1.15 & 4-35 p.m; sunday 7.10 a.m. only
places on the high road to Epping and 10 miles from Lon- PILLAR LETTER Box, Queen'a road.-Letters collected at
don and is delightfully situated on the summit of a hill, 9 a.m. & 12.30 & 4-30 & 9.50 p.m
commanding extensive views of Epping and Hainault I WALL LETTER Box, High road.~leared 9.30 a.m. 12·30
forests. The church of St. John is a building in the Early I 4.20 &; 9.20 p.m. No sunday collection
English style, first erected in 1837: the north aisle and INSURANCE AGENTS:......
chancel were added in 1864, while the tower was built in County Fire, J. Hunt, 7 St. John's terrace
1879: the church now consists of chancel, nave,aisles and a Liverpool, London tf Globe, J. Wright, Queen's road
tower with spire, containing I bell, erected at a cost of £2,OCXJ, Westminster Fire. F. G. Winny, £ Albert road south
by E. N. Buxtoo esq.: the chancel window is stained and I SCHOOLS :
was presented by John Bulmer esq. in memory of his wife. t Board School (bo:rs, girls & infants), for 233 children,
The register dates from the year r830. The living is a rectory, 1 under the Chigwell School Board; Benjamin James
yearly value £500, in the gift of the vicar of Chigwell and Tunbridge, master; (girls) Mrs. Louisa Tunbridge, mist
held by the Rev. Thomas Williamson Peile, jun. of St. St. John's National, for 200 children (girls &; infants);
Aidans. The Mission Church of St. Stephen, opened on St. Miss Mary Emma Turner, mistress
Stephen's Day, 1876, holds about 250; there is a mission Infant, Mrs. Mary Brooke, mistress
house attached to it; the cost of the whole, amounting to about Registm1' o} Births tf .Deaths, Samuel Wilkes, who attends
£1,500, was raised by subscriptions in memory of the Rev. . at Queen's road 1St monday in month, from 12 to 1.0 p.m.
W. H. Frend, late rector of Buckhurst Hill. The Congrega- Railway Station, John Newman, station master
tional chapel is a building in the Decorated Gothic style C.ARRIER-Mrs. Martha Peace, Queen's road; receiver, Thos
and will seat 500 persons; adjacent is a Sunday school and Bank~ grocer, Queen's road
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baylie Richard, I Durham villas I Brewerton Saml. Robt. Ormond house
Allen John Lucas, Hill house Beadleston8 George, 4 Oakley Tillas Brigden William, Rose Tree cottage,
Allenspach Isaac.Oak cottage,Princes rd Bermond Mrs. Princes road Epping New road
Allport Robart Leete, 'I St. Kilda villas Bingham Edward, High road Broadbridge Thomas, Palmerston cat-
Ansell John, Albert road south • Black Charles Crofton, Hill house, tage, Palmerston road
Austin George, Charlton villas Palmerston road Brooke Charles, 3 Charlton ~lla8
Ayling Capt. Henry, I St. John's terrace Bodel William Edward,:I Clarencevillas Brooks James Thomas Collier, York.
Barnes Wm. Chas. Oak hall, Epping Bond Henry, Keble villa, High road villas, Queen'8 road
New road Bowerbank Edward William, z Grafton Broome Henry, Albert roa.d south
Barnett The Misses, Melrose villas villas, Queen's road Butcher John, Hope villas
Barratt Charles Ford, I Hannah terrace Bowes Cyrus Benjamin, 2 Park villas, Carter Daniel, Myrtle cottage,Princes rd
Ba.rwell Capt. William, 5 St. John's ter Queen's road Carter William, Palmerston villa,
Barwell Wm. Tyler, Beech view, Epping Breading Mrs. 4 St. Kilda villas Palmerston road
New road Bremner Coles Frederick, Humleigb, Carter Wm.Sutherland ho.Palmrston.rd.
Bathe Anthony, Epping New road Palmerston road Cawthorn Mrs. 3 Oakley villas
Challil! Augustus Geo. The Chestnuts, Hudelston Mrs. Arley cott. Princes road Reeland Peter Yarde, Victoria house,
High road. Hughes Thol!. Berkshire villa, Queen's rd Victoria road
Chamberlain Charles, Princes road. Hunt Hy, Chas. Engell ho. Princes road Re~'nolds WaIter, Engell ho. Princes I'd
Chambers John, The Lodge Hunt Joseph,7 St. John's terrace Roan Wm. Vaughan, The Ferns, New rd
Chaplesworth .Rev. William JIy. [Conp Hurley Mrs. ~ Woodlands, Queen's road Roberts Arthur Mil8on, High road
gregational], 35 St. John's villas Hutchinson Jo.Fairlight,Palmerstonrd Roberts John, Queen's road
()hrystall Charles Bowman, Forest villa, Hyde William, Providence villas Robins Miss, Palmerston cottages
Princes road Irwin-Packington James, Bourne Tillas, Rock Edward Guard, 2 St. John's villas,
Clark Frank Ed. Blandfrd.vil.Queen's I'd Princes road Palmerston road
Coakes Wm..Jn.Prospect cot. Princes I'd Jackson Rev. Edwin Sandys B.A. Rofe James, Norfolk villa, Princes road
Cole Wm. Laurel cottage,Palmerston I'd [cnrate of St. Stephen's], Forest villas Saunders Mrs. Adeane villa., Princes rd
Collyer Nathaniel William Brenton, St. James Henry, Stag lodge, Stag lane Scott Daniel Alien, RU88ell house
Helena villa, Queen's road Jams Chas. In. Violet villa, Princes rd Scrutton Thomas, Copesfield, New road
Conquest Johnl Granville lodge, Pal.... Jecks Herbert Lucas, Talbot villas, Sewell Geo. Campbell, I Maple villall
merston road Princes road. Sharman Cbas. Edward, 3 Milton villas
Cook WaIter, Mylisslodge,Palmerstn. I'd Johnston Jas. Kent cottage, Queen's I'd Sharp Wm. Hope villa, King's Place road.
Cooper Mrs. Flawn villa, Princes road Kennard Augustus, Charlton villas . Sheldon Robert James, 3 Durham villas
Copeland Patrick, Hilleote, New road Kerridge Thomas, Boume villas Shorter Thomas, Holly house, High rd
Comell Ml"ll. Norfolk cottage, Princes rd Kettlewell William John, Providence Shotter Mrs. Blandford viI. Queen's rd
Cory Frederic Charles M.D. The Elms, villas, Victoria road Silberrad Arthur Pouchin, Sunnycroft,
Queen's road Kieser Charles, York villa, Queen's road High road
Cory Frederic Wm.The ElmB,Queen's I'd King Thos. Westbury ho. Westbury rd Slonghgrove John William,Brook house,
Cousens Henry; Queen's road Kirkman Mrs. Clark's cottage, Epping Queen's road
Cox Miss, Albert villa, Princes road New road Smartt Miss, Buckhurst viI. Queen's rd
Davey Charles, Virginia villa, Princes rd Lamb Alfred, Westbury lodge, King'S Smith Alexander, 4 Alexandra villas.
Davey Wm. George, Palmerston house, Place road Smith Minden, Belmont villas
Palmerston road Leake Fredk. Clifton villa, Queen's road Smith Mrs. 2 Maple villas
Day WaIter, Otllkou villa, New road Leeman Rev. Alfred M.A. Starling lodge Snow William, Waltham viI. Princes I'd
Delaway August Derouet, Dalefield, Lighton William, Forest view, Epping Snow William Henry, Murton villa,
Palmerston road New road Palmerston road
Devlin Mrs. I Oakley villas Lilley Samuel, Salway ho. Queen's road Solly Ernest, Hill view, High road
Dezalle Charles Bruce, 2 Clarence villas, Linder Samuel, Oakfield, Loughton road Sowerby Ml"ll. 3 Alexandra villas
Palmerston road Locke George, Esk villa, Princes road Stent J ames, Bridge house, Victoria I'd
Dietrichsen James Mark, Woodland Lockett Mrs. 3 St. Kilda villas Stiddig Alexander Gustave, 2 Holly viIs
cottage, Queen's road Lord Geo. Hy. Florence villa, Queen's rd Stone Miss, I Napier villas, Queen's I'd
Dore In. Langford cottage, Victoria rd Lyon Henry C.lI. Melrose villa, High rd Stringer Edwin Thomas, Princes road
Drew J ames, Drayton villa, Princes rd MacDonald Montague, Arley villa, Stuart Wm. Watt, Sunnyside, New road
Dunn Thomas, I Grafton villas Princes road Suckling Edward Jas. Talbot villas
Dyer Mrs. Roslin villa, Queen's road McLewin James, Whittington villa, Ta¥eDer WaIter, Stagsdene, Epping
Eagles J ames. Rhoden villa, Princes rd Queen's road New road
Edinger Philip, Rocklands, Palmrstn. I'd Mackmurdo WaIter Goorge, Beechmont, Thomas Chas. Clarendon ho.Palmrstn.rd
Egan John, Desmond villa, Victoria. rd Palmerston road Thomas Frederick William, S St. Kilda
Elliott Edmund Frederick, Maybank, Mackreth Hy. Wm. Park viis. Queen's rd villas, Queen's road
Palmerston road Marriott Joesph, 2 Durham villas Thomas Joseph... Charles, Hainault
Ellis Charles Edward, Langford house, Marshall Jas. N ash, Forest view, New rd villa, Westbury road
Queen's road Matignon Louis, Belmont villas Thompson Edward, 3 George villas,
Elphinstone Henry Walker, Kempton Matterson William Key, Hawkenbury, Princes road
villa, High road Palmerston road Thurgood Charles, Prospect villas
Ensten John, Forest villa, Stag lane May OliveI', Oak lodge, Albert I'd. south Thurlow John Youngman, Holly Cron
Fenner Mrs. The Lodge, High road Mead Geo. Kitts villa, Palmerston rood house, Queen's road
Field Albert, Camden house, Princes rd Mellish Charles, Fern villa, New road 'Thurlow Robert Youngman, Holly Hurst
Finch Mrs. Gladstone road ' Merriman Henry John B.A.. Princes road house, Queen's road
Fitch Philip Turner, Princes road Millman Mrs. Oak villa, Princes road Till John Smith, The Laurels, Palmer-
Forman Joseph Averill, Elm 'Villa, Mundy Edward, Elizabeth villa, Pal- ston road
Princes road merston road Tomkins Ed. Stanley ho. Palmerstn. I'd
Foskett Robert, 2 St. John's terrace Mundy Henry Neave, Split Oak cottage, Tooley Abraham, Norfolk cottages
Foyne William, Dorset villa, King's pI High road Topham William, Marlborough house,
Fraser Alexander, Devon house, High I'd Murray John White, 2 Hannah terrace Palmerston road
Gadd Samuel, Minerva villa, Albert Nash Alex. Haverstock vii. Palmrstn. I'd Torpey Wm. 2 Forest. villas, Princes I'd
road south Nash George, 2 Georgevillas Trent William Newbury, Newbury
Godlonton Wm. Belgrave VI1. Princes rd Newham Robert, 2 St. Kilda villas house, Palmerston road
Godwin George Jas. 4 St. John's villas Newton Mrs. Hollies, Palmerston road Tuck John, 2 Ember villas
Goodman Jas. :I W06dlands, Queen's rd NicholsonThos.Wm.The Poplars,High rd Tudor William, Queensbury
Gordon Frederick, Ellerslie, High road Norman Wm. Dunbeath ho. Queen's rd Tweddle William Goodfellow, Derwent
Green William, Albert road south Oxley WaIter, 4 Durham villas villa, Queen's road
Griffin William, Victoria road Palmer Arthur, Femside, Queen's road Vaughan WaIter Henry Sunningdale,
Gunning James, I George villas Parkhouse Jas. 3 Woodlands, Queen's rd Palmerston road
Guppy Wm. Marston gate, Queen's rd Parsons Goo. Bellingham ho. Qneen's rd Wallett Duncan, I St. John's villas
Hammond William Bennett, Travancore Payne Samuel, Albert road north Wastell William, :2 Alexander villas
house, Queen's road Pearce Charles Thomas, Princes road Waterman William Charles, I Lime
Hare Richard Fredk. 2 Charlton villas, Peile Rev. Thomas Williamson, The Tree villas
Prin&9/ road ; Rectory, High road Watkin Benjamin, 4 St. John's terrace
Hamor Geo. Miller, Park ho. High road Pennington Miles Hy. Norfolk villas Watson Ed. Forest lodge, Albert I'd. sth
Hams Edward, Hillside cottage Perry George, Femdale, Epping Newrd Watson Thomas, The Chestnuts, Epping
Harrison Vincent Fredk. Albright Leigh Piggott Wm. Parker,Fembnk.Church rd New road
Harvey Wm. Roberts villas, Princes road Pigot Joseph, Woodthorpe, High road Webb Mrs. Clifford house, Queen's road
Hasley Mrs. Milton cottage, Queen's rd Pitt George,:I Ember villas Webster Frank, 2 Oakley villas
Hatch John, Vale cottage, Princes road Point Willialll John, Northumberland Webster Edward Alfred, :J: Charford
Hepworth Alfred George, 2 Clint house, villa, Queen's road terrace, Lower Queen's road
Queen's road Pond John, 4 George villas Westbeach Mrs. Thanet villa, Queen's rd
Hodge SI. Wm. Davon villa, Queen's rd Pope Samuel, Forest villa., Queen's road Westhorp William Haste, Dovey bank,
Hodge William Rundell, Magdala house, Powell Nathaniel D.L., 1.1'. High road Palmerston road
Palmerston road Poyntz William Thomas, Hope cottage, Wigg Mrs.. 2 Lime Tree vils. Princes rd
Holwell Abrhm. Milton viIs. Princes rd High road Winny Frederick George, I Albrt.rd. 8th
Holwell Edward John, Queen's villa, Prevost Alfred, The Cottage, Queen's rd Wood Charles, 6 SlI. Kilda villas
Queen's road Puzey Thos. The Langford's Wright William Henry, Oakburn, Epp-
Homann Angst. Lynton vils. Queen's rd Ratto John Lewis, Ember lodge, Albert ing New road
Howard James, Princes roaq road south Yates M1'8. Erin vil1aJ Epping New rd
COMMERCIAL. Frank Wm. house & land agt. Queen's rd Reeves George, beer retailer, Alfred rd
AbbottAlbert Robert, butcher,s Victoria French Elizabeth (Mrs.),carman &; con- Rescue Societies HomuJor Girl. (Dand
terrace, Queen's road tractor; sand &; gravel ready for Cooper, secretary), Astrell house,
Abraham In. &; Son, grocers, Queen's rd immediate delivery, Holly cottage, Russell road (Miss Mary Ann Pike,
Adcock Wm. Railway fa",. Queen's rd Epping New road matron) &; St. Mary7"s lodge, High
Aldridge George, watch &; clock maker, Fuller Charles, rate &; gas collector, road (Miss Jane Pittock, matron)
Queen's road Talbot house, Queen's road Rigg John, refreshment contractor,
Alexander William, Reindeer,· good Gage James, beer retailer, Princes road Whitehall road
accommodation for trade &; annual Gauvain Chas. shopkeeper,Queen's road Ridley Arthur Edwin,grngrcr.King's pI
dinners, bean feasts, private parties; Girling James & Henry, coal merchants, Roberts Arthur Milson, physician &;
good stabling &C. Epping New road Railway station; chief district office, surgeon, High road
Bailes Thomas, dairyman, Princes road Southend. See advertisement Roberts Joseph, Thr~e Co/tit Princes rd
Bailey Henry, chemist, Queen's road Gregory Ann (Mrs.), laundress, Robert's Rose Jeremiah,boot&shoe ma.Queen's rd
Bailey James, carman &; contractor; villas, Princes road Rudge Louisa (Miss), post &; telegraph
furniture removed with greatest care: I Gundlach Jac~b, cook &; confectioner, office, Queen's road
Hope cottage, Princes road wedding breakfasts, ball suppers &; Seabrook John, gardener, Princes road
Banks Thomas, grocer, Queen's road tea meetings supplied, plate, china, Seymour James, beer retailer, New road
Banks Thomas James, linen draper! glass, table linen, tables, rout se'lts Sheridan Frederick, chimney sweeper,
outfitter, furniture dealer &; iron-I lent, I Victoria terrace, Queen's road Albert road north
monger, Queen's road Gunn J oseph, insurance superintendent, Simmons Wm. Bald Facetl Stag, High rd
Barnett Clara &; Alice (Misses), ladies' Roberts villas, Princes road SmarttWalter,waterproof cement maker
school, Melrose villas Gurton John, gardener, Princes road for boot soles, bicycle tyres &c.
Barratt Chas. Ford, artist, I Hannah ter Hams John, butcher, Queen's road Queen's road
Barratt Francis (Mrs.), preparatory Hamson Hy. fishmonger, Queen's rd Smith Cornelius, marine store dealer,
school, I Hannah terrace Hasler George, blacksmith, High road Albert road north
Beard William, plumber, Charlord ter- Heath William, builder, Gladstone road Smith John, tumcock to the E.L. Water
race, Lower Queen's road Hills Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, works, King's place
Beckett John &; Son, Warren Wood Gladstone road South Joseph Richard, nurseryman,
House, New road Hitchcock Edward Thomas,corn &;seed Queen's road
Blackmuir Edward, linen draper, 6 merchant, Queen's road Sproston Elizabeth Jane &; Harrlet
Victoria terrace, Queen's road Hobbs John, hair dresser, Queen's road (Misses), young ladies' school, Avon
Bolland John, cowkeeper,-Queen's road Hunter Robert, boot maker, Queen's rd villa, Princes road
Botterill Henry, boot & shoo maker, Hutchin Samuel, baker, Epping New rd Street Wm. chimney sweeper, King's pI
Forest cottage, Princes road Jessop Fredk. greengrocer, Queen's I'd Tanner Robert. plumber
Bradley Wm. blacksmith, Princes road Jones &; Barber, Roebuck (A. C. Smith, Teverson Henry, butcher, Queen's road
Brewer Charles, beer retailer, Queen's I'd manager), lessees &; refreshment con- Underwood John &; Sons, sculptors &;
Bullock Robert, chemist, High road tractors, Alexandra palace; &; refresh- modellers, mosaic in glass or marble,
Busbridg-e Robert, carman ment contractors, Assize courts, Man- inlaid &; incised work, reredoses, pul-
Bushell Ed. boot &; shoe ma. Princes rd chester pits, screens, fonts, every description
Bushell Jeremiah,cofIee rms.Princesrd Ketts William, livery stables, High rd of ecclesiastical,architectural &; monu-
Butler 'William, sexton, St. John's Leggett James, builder, High road mental work executed in granite,
Carter Robert, undertaker, Queen's rd Love Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper marble, wood or stone: designs,
Castleman Clara (Miss), ladies' school, Luker Joseph, florist, New road estimates &; references on application;
Albert road south Lyon Hy.civil engnr. Melrose vil.High I'd Queen's road
Chambers John, snrgeon, The Lodge Macklin William, commercial traveller, Village Hospital (E. E. Prince, hon.
Clements Sydney &; Co. wine &; spirit 2 Charford terrace, Lower Queen's rd med. off.: N. Powell, sec.), High rd
merchants, Queen's road Mansfield Rbt. boot &: shoe ma. Chrch.rd Wake Thos. gardener, Queen's road
Coakes John, berlin wareho. Queen's rd Memman Henry John B.A. Collegiate Wakelin Emily (Mrs.), dress maker,
Coates Wm. Hy. linendrapr. Queen's I'd school, Princes road Princes road
Cobbin John, tailor, Queen's road Merriman Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school, Ware Wm. plumber, Albert road north
Cory Frederic Charles M.D. 8urgeon, Princes road Watts Frederick, butcher, Queen's road
The Elms, Queen's road Miller Chas.boot &: shoe ma.Gladstone rd Wells Ephraim, builder, Queen's road
Cory Frederic Wm. surgeon, The Elms, Montano Wm. wood carver, Princes rd Wells Wm. boot &; ,shoe ma. Princes rd
Queen's road Moore Sarah (Miss), ladies' school, Whitbred Benj. shopkeeper, Albt. rd.nth
Cubitt Joseph, boot &; shoe maker, 4 Clint house, Queen's road Whitby George, .Prince of W ale~, Lower
Victoria terrace, Queen's road Murch Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, Epping (Jueen's road
Cuthbert Jemima Mathilda (Miss), New road Wilkes Samuel, registrar of births &
milliner, 3 Victoria terrace Murch John, house decorator, Epping deaths, Queen's road
Davis James, boot &; shoe maker, Albert New road Wood Charles HeIl1J". boot maker, 3
road north Newman John, station master Queen's terrace
Egan John, builder &; contractor, Nicholls Mary(Mrs.),dress ma.Church rd Wood Charles William, grocer & earth-
Queen's road Parr WaIter In. Title Deed, Queen's rd enware dealer, & agent for W. & A.
Eppi:ng Forest .A1-t Classes (George J. Partridge Thomas, french polisher, Gilbey, wine &; spirit merchants,
Godwin, hon. sec.), 3 St. John's villas Albert road north Queen's road & Victoria terrace
Fawcett hook. grocer, Low. Queen's rd I Peace Martha (Mrs), carrier, 3 Hannah Wood Eliza (Miss),stationer,Queen's I'd
Fenn Mrgt.(Mrs.),baker,Low.Queen'srd I terrace Wood William, boot maker, Queen's rd
Fenning James, saddler, Queen's terrace Pearce Cbas. Th08. surgeon, Princes rd Wragg James AlIen, grocer, High road
Field Albert, estate agent,Camden house, I Perrin Wm. John, boot ma. Queen's rd Wright James, furniture dlr.Queen's rd
Princes road 1 Pike WaIter, stationer, Queen's road Wright John, linen draper, Queen's rd
Frank Richard Rigg, greengrocer,fruit- Porter Charles, grocer, Princes road Wright Wm. blacksmith, Queen's road
erer &; provision merchant, Queen's rd l Pratt Wm. grocer, Lower Queen's road
13ULMER is a parish in the Eastern division of the mansion, situated in a park of about ISO acres. Earl Howe
county, Hinckford hundred,Sudburyunion and county court and Captain WaIter St. George Burke are the principal
district, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry landowners. The soil is a sandy loam and clay: subsoil,
and St. Albans diocese, 2 miles south-west from Sudbury clay and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
station and the wharfs on the Stour and 6 north from Hal- barley. The area is 2,779 acres; rateable value, £40964;
stead. The church of St. Andrew consists of chancel, nave, and the population in 1881 was 696.
north aisle and an embattled western tower containing 4 Parish Clerk. WaIter Deal.
bells. The register dates from the )"ear 1559· The living is POST OFFICE.-charles Wil80n, postmaster. Letters through
a vicarage, consolidated with Belchamp WaIter, joint yearly Sudbury arrive at 7 a.m. & J: p.m.; despatched, week days,
value £445, in the gift of the Rev. John Mayne St. Clere at 5.55 p.m.; sunday, II-45 B.m. The neares1; money
R~ymond H..A. of Belcham:p ~ll and held .by the Re!. order & telegraph office is at Sudbury_ Tye WALL
Ohver Raymond LL.B. ~f Tnmty.Hall, Cambndge: wh? 18 LETTER Box cleared week days '" IS p.m. - sunda .m
also rector of and resIdes at Mlddleton; the Rev. Oliver. . ;r.. y" 9 •
Edward Raymond 111.•• of Clare College, Cambridge, is NattOnal SchO?ls (IlliXed), for 1:34 ~hl1dren, average attend·
curate. Here is .. Congregational chapel, erected in 1873. ance 95 ; Miss Sarah CornIey, mistress
Auberies, the seat of Captain WaIter St. George Burke, is a CARRIER TO SUDBURY-George Dixey, daily

AlIen Robert, The Cedars Carter Abraham, shopkeeper Firmin Thomas, bla.ckBmith

Burke Captain WaIter St: George, The Clover Denis Henry, miller Gardiner Douglas Geo. fnur. The Lawn
Auberies Coote George, auctioneer, estate agent Gunn James, registrar of births &
Raymond Rev.Oliver Edwd.ll.A.[curate] . & fanner, Smethamhall deaths for Bulmer district
Bidney Mrs. The Laurels Coote Mark, carpenter Lambert Henry, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Dixey George, beer retailer & carrier Nott Wm. farmer, Butler's farm
Andrews James, beer retailer Edwards Henry, Black BirtIs Patrick James, baker
Burlingham John Bradley, fanner English George WilIiam, brick maker & Payne Henry, fanner, Clapps fann
HyfordJoseph (exors. of),farmers,Gold- farmer, Hole farm Plume Edward, birch broom maker
ingham hall English In. Parmenter, frmr. Black ho SmithCharles,shopkeeper
BULPHAN (the" BULL-FEN''') is a small village and his wife and daughter and to the Rev. Thomas Mills 11.-\.
parish, in the Southern dh'ision of the county, Orsett union, also rector here, who died October 26, 1856 and Mary his
Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district, Orsett wife. The register bears date 1722. The living is a rectory,
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Sf,. Albans diocese, yearly value £342, in the gift of and held by the Rev.Walter
10 miles south-east from Romford, 6 south from Brentwood, Gough Littleh"ales 1I.A. of New College, Oxford. W. H.
about 5 uorth-west from Stamford-Ie-Hope station and 21 Clifton, solicitor, of Romford, is the lord of the manor. The
from London. The church of St. Mary is a small stone principallandowners are Richard Benyon J.P. James Theo-
building erected during the first half of the fifteenth century, bald and Captain Digby H. R. Wingfield. The soil is clayey and
consisting of chaucel, nave, south porch and a timbered marl i subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
belfry, pyramidally capped, on the western gable, contain- clover. The area is 2,020 a.cres j rateable value, £2,108;
ing J bell: the original chancel screen of oak is in perfect and the population in 1881 was 284.
preservation and has a central arched opening, flanked on Parish Clerk, James Smith.
either side by two compartments, each formed of a pointed Letters are delivered through Romford. PILLAR Box cleared
arch, divided by a slender mullion, the heads being filled at 4 p.m. week days & sundays at 11 a.m. The nearest
with pierced tracery: the work is extremely well designed money order & telegraph office is at Orsett
and executed: there are memorials to the Rev. Thomas National School (mixed), for 70 children, with an average
Wilkinson, rector of this parish, who died April 24, 1828, attendance of 53 i Miss E. Rigby, mistress
Littlehales Rev. WaIter Gough X.A. Harris Jsph. blacksmith & wheelwright Wallis Frederick, farmer
[rector] Hollowbread Hezekiah, Harrow inn Welch Charles, shopkeeper
Mee Edward D. Wick place Mann Henry, farmer Went Joseph, baker
COMMERCIAL. Mee Edward D. farmer Went Joseph, jun. grocer &c
Gotts Jesse, fanner Stevens William, farmer ' Went Josiah, beer retailer
EURES HAMLET, a suburb of and in the parish of' Garrard esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is a rich
Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, from which it is separated by the loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gT'd.vel. The chief crops
navigable river Stour, is a station of the Great Eastern rail- are wheat, barley and turnips. The Brea is 1,509 a.cres;
way, 4! miles south from Sudbury, 8 north-east from Hal- rateable value, £3,022 i and the population in 1871 was 540.
stead and 53! from London, in the Eastern division of the LETTRR Box cleared at 11 ....0 a.m. &; 8.50 p.m. Letters
county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county received from Colchester ",id Bures St. Mary. The nearest
court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Sudbury, money order & telegraph office is at Bures St. Mary
diocese of Ely, situate on the road from Sudbury to CoI- Railway Station, Edward Hobbs, station mallter
('hester. Maltillg and brickmaking are carried on here. CARRIER TO CoL(:HESTER-James Clal"k, tuesda.y, thurs·
Osgood Hanbury esq. who is lord of the manor and William day & saturday
Day Mrs. Secretaries I Dansie William, bla.cksmith Ladbrook George, carpenter
Harrad Miss, Secretaries Dupont Octavius, cocoa matting manu- Newman & Son, leather cutters
Garrad William, Brook house facturer Newman Hannah Eliza (Mrs.), shop-
6rimston WaIter Edward, Whitehouse, Dupont Philip, coa] dealer keeper
DyerRobert, fanner, Ravensfield Pettitt Charles (exors. of), farmer,
COMMBRCIAL. Garrad William, farmer, Brook house Baker's hall
Barnard Osmond, fanner Good Daniel, grocer Rawlingson John Thomas, SlVa'll
Bm'ea Gas Light 4' Cob Co. Lim.ited Grimston WaIter Edward, maltllter Rowe Jeptha, baker
(Charles Grimwood, proprietor) Hayward Joseph, wheelwright Thompson John, Eight Bells
Cook John, farmer, Hill farm Home George, butcher
EURNHAM is a parish and small town, 49 miles from years ago it was rebuilt at a lower elevatiou; there ill aM
London, 19 south-east from Chelmsford, 9 north-east from ' ancient font in the Saxon style, also a marble mural tablet
Southend and 12 south-east from Maldon railway station, to the family of Middletons, 1680; the building was restored
in the Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred, Mal- and re-seated with open seats in 1874; in the same year a
don union and county court district, Dengie rural deanery, stained east window was added by the late WA Anger esq.
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. Burnham con- in memory of his parents i there are also three other stained
sists chiefly of one street and is pleasantly situated on the memorial windows and in 1877 the chancel and sacrarium
banks of the river Crouch, which, being here about three-l were restored and a handsome stone pulpit, lectern and
quarters of a mile in width and has water enough for the reading desk were added, the cost of which was defrayed by
largest ships of the line and is navig-dble for 10 miles above subscription as a tribute of respect to the memory of W.
the town for vessels of 300 tons. The river is famous for Anger esq. The churchyard was enlarged in 1867, the ne"
its oyster beds, the produce of which is exported to Ostend, portion being surrounded by a wall. The register data
Belgium and Dunkirk and the oyster companies on the from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, yearly value
coast of Kent being supplied with the surplus oysters. The £558, with residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev.
Burnham Company consists of five partners viz. John James James Lewin Govett, of King's College, London. A tower
Hawkius, Mrs. Sainsbury, Spencer Addison, John Rogerll with an illuminated quarter clock, was erected in J878 jll
and Mrs. William Auger. There are several other oyster mer- memory of Laban Sweeting esq. at a cost of £330. There
chants in the town and many men are employed in the are Congregational, Baptist, Wesleyan and Primitive
trade, as well as in catching herrings and other fish; there Methodist chapels and a working men'. reading room. Sir
is also good business carried on in boat, barge and ship- Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay bart. is lord of the manor
building, sail makin~ and in corn and coal. Several ships and the principal landowners are the lord of the manor,
from 50 to ~ tons are employed here; there is a custom- Charles Lee, John Page, John Rogers and James Gale eeqa.
house, a -coastguard station and a convenient quay. The -and Captain Tufnell. The soil in the higher part of the
river is crossed by means of ferry boats and there i$ an iron parish is a light loam; subsoil, gravel; the marshes are of a
jetty, about 100 feet in length, the private property of J. W. clayey nature and are fine grazing Ia.nds: the arable land it
Hawkins esq. The church of St. Mary. situated about one in a high state of production and iSt generally speaking,
mile north of the town, is a building of stone and flint, in most productive: the crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans,
the Late Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, with peas, turnips, mangold wurtzel and seeds and cucumbel'l
aisles separated from the chancel by nave of 6 baYIII with are grown for the London market. The area of the pari.lMl is
clerestoTy aisles aud a square embattled tower at western 5,523 acres, including the water bounds of 1,055 acres i rat&'
end, containing 5 bells dated .1673, besides north and south able value, £9,726: the population in J881 waa ~,058.
porche8, the lower part of the tower being used as a vestry: OSTEND, a hamlet of this parish, is a cluster of hou.eea It
the tower was once the loftiest in this part and fonned a miles from the town on the AIthorne road.
beacon for "essels a' sea, but having been blown down many Parish Cl~k, Charles Raad.
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank 'I charity amounts to £17{ )'early; John Eggett, master
&: Government Annuity &: Insurance Office.-Thomas Powl Mrs. Agnes Eggett, mistress
1'imith, postmaster. London &: other letters arrive through PuBLIC OFFICERS:-
:\Ialdon by mail cart at 740 a.m. & :3 p.m.; dispatched Chief qlficer of Coon Guard, Henry Jeans
at 8,45 a.m. & 5 p.m. The box is closed at 4.45 p.m. but Im.pectoJ· of Police, Andrew Rome
letters can be postro until +55 p.m. by the addition of an Receiver of Wreck, James Richmond, Maldon
extra stamp Tide Surveyor 4' Coast JVaiter, James Richmond
INSURANCE AGENTS : - Town Crier, Charles Jams
Britis1.. Empire Mutual, 'lV. Pulham CARRIERS TO : -
_JIanchedter Fire, E. T. Marshall, The Quay CHELMSFORD - ~ethercoat e\Tery tuesday &: friJay;
Charity School, built in 1862 & improved between 1875 Withams, friday
& 1878; there is available space for 370 children, with lliLooN-David Cross, tuesday, thursday & saturday,
an avera",oe attendance of 250: the income from the returning same day; Withams, mono wednesday & friday
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coombe Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer J ~ewman Alfred, grocer
Auger ~Irs. Warner's hall Cross David, carrier & shopkeeper I Orttewell Frank, tinman & brazier
Auger Mrs. Wm. The Lawn Cross ::\Iary Ann (Miss), dress maker Osborne William, baker & confectioner
Coombe Robert Gorton Croxon Abraham .8owerman (exors. of). Pannell Daniel, corn miller & farmer,
Cundy William, Acacia villas farmers The Hall
Davis &lv. Leonard [Congreg'c1.tional] Croxon Alfred Jeremiah, King'a Arms, Perry James, manager of gas works
Gooding Rev. Chas. Denham [Baptist] & butcher Playle Ruth (:\Irs.), glover
Govett Rev. J ames Lewin B:.C.L. [ vicar] Dilliway George, baker & confectioner Pulham William, grocer &. draper
Hawkins Henry Dow John, shopkeeper, Ostend Read Charles, shipwright &; builder &
Hawkins John James, Cupola house Ellis William, chemist & dealer in oils, parish clerk
Prior John paints & colours Read Charles, jun. picture frame maker
Richardson George, Wick Elphick William, farmer Read Hannah (Miss), fancy repository
Rogers John, Hill house English Wm. Geol'ge t$' Dl'agon, Ostend Rice Isaiah, Oyster Snulck
Sainsbury William Noel Feast Isaiah, oyster dealer Richardson George, farmer, Wick
Smith John, The Limes Fitch James, coal dealer Richardson Geo. jun. farmer, Man Gap
Spooner Daniel, Belvedere house Flick Harriet, Annie, Henry & Thomas, Richmond Isaiah, academy, & assistant
wheelwrights & blacksmiths overseer
COMMBRCIAL. French John, shopkeeper & fisherman Richmond James, custom house olficer
Ambrose Thomas, basket maker Garrington Danzie, sail maker Richmond Peter, ship owner
Auger Charles, oyster merchant Gas Co. (James Perry, manager j R. G. Roach River Oyster Fishery Co.
Auger Mary Ann (~Irs.), oyster mer- Coombe, sec.) Limited (Edgar Newman, sec.)
chant, Warner's hall Green William, master mariner Rogers Jolm,farmer&oystermel'chant,
Auger William (Mrs.), oyster mer- Harris Joseph A. blacksmith Hill house
chant, The Lawn HarrisSarah(Mrs.),farmer,Romanfarm Rome Andrew, inspector of police
Barker John, Victoria Hasler Robert, tailor & woollen draper Rome WaIter, sail maker
Bell Thomas, tailor & woollen draper Hawkes John, leather seller Rouse William, carpenter
Blowers Wm. foreman of brick works Hawkins Dansey Hy. oyster merchant & Skipper Brothers, corn millers
Bocking George, ship owner collector for Essex Provident Society Smith Hy. Welcome Sailor, & boot maker
Bocking Joseph, boat owner Hawkins Henry F. C. coal merchant & Smith John, Anchor inn .
Bowles John, farmer, Ostend manager for Clay Shipping Co Smith John, o'yster merchant & farmer,
Boyfield WaIter, butcher Hawkins John James, auctioneer & The Limes
Bruce & Son, painters &c
I oyster merchant, Cupola house Smith J oseph, baker
Bull Robt. Taylor, saddler & harness ma Hurrell Clement Henry & William Smith Samnel Richardson, White Hart
Burnham Oystln' Co Asbey, veterinary surgeons commercial hotel
Bygrave In. Jsph. frmr. DunmowWycke Jeans Henry, coast guard officer Smith Thos. Powl, sael'llar, & post office
Camping John, carpenter & grocer Johnson Henry, umbrella maker & Staines William, fishmonger
Carter George (Mrs.), farmer, Ostend shopkeeper Stebbings William, boat builder
Carter William, grocer, draper & out- Kendall Isaiah John, butcher Stoneham Barnett, tobacconist
fitter, &: agent for W. &. A. Gilbey, Lamb Charles, blacksmith Sweeting Isaiah, shopkeeper
wine & spirit merchant Lamb Eliza Jane (Miss), draper Taylor Hepzibah (Mrs.), grocer
Caton Henry, Old WelcOIne Sailor, & Lee John, chimney sweep Taylor John, baker &. grocer
butcher Low Joseph, Ship Tracey Robert, ship builder
Chandler William Bailey, hair dresser Marshall Edmund 'f. reporter &; ag-ent Trnssell Edwin. Benj. plumber & glazier
Clarke William, boot & shoe maker for the .' Chelmsford Chronicle,' The Wackrill John, baker & confectioner
Clay Shippin.9 Co. corn merchants Quay Westhorp Mahala (Mrs.),draper&c
(Henry Finch Croxon Hawkins, coal Martin William, builder White & Co. grocers
merchant, manager) I Murrell Danzie, shoe maker Withams Charles & George,.carriers 1
Cole Arthur, clothier Nethercoat .Tames,carrier & shopkeeper Working _H'eJl:s Readi'lg Room (JohfJ.
('...ook lsaac (Mrs.), brickla~'er Newmau Edgar, secretary to Roach Eggett; sec.)
Cooke Henry, Star commercial hotel t$' River Oyster Fishery Co. Limited Worraker Henry, beer retailer & marine
posting house Newman William, seed grower & mar- store dealer
Coombe Robert Gorton, surgeon ket gardener
GREAT BURSTEAD (or BURGHSTEAD) is a pleasant I sols, produces £4 13s. 4d. :yearly: three-sths of these
Tillage and parish I ~ miles south of Billericay, 7 west from charities are paid to Billericay, and are in the hands of t.}le
Brentwood station, on the road to Tilbury, in the Southern I Charity Commissioners: there is also a meadow, the reat
division of the county, union of Billericay, county court I of which produces £8 per annum, which is distributed in
district of Brentwood, hundred of Barstable, rural deanery blankets yearly by the churchwardens. The Particular
of Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. I Baptists have a small chapel at South Green. The kennels
Albans. The small market 'town of Billericay is in this, of the Essex Union foxhounds (Capt. P. A. W. Carnegy,
parish for civil purposes, but it has been constituted a sepa- master) are in this parish. The Cistercian monks, of the
rate parish for ecclesiastical purposes. The church assigned' abbey of St. Mary and All Saints at Stratford, Langthorne,
of late to St. Mary Magdalen (8 dedication properly belong- I founded circ. 1134, removed temporarily to a cell or
ing only to Billericay chapel), con~ists of five bays, chancel, . grange here by reason of the floods and held nearly the
nave, north aisle, north and south porches and a western' whole of this parish nntil the dissolution of their house.
tower with spire, containing 5 bells; the 4th dated 1436' Blunt's Walls, one mile from Billericay, are the remains of
and beariug the following inscription: "Vox Augustine a camp, in which Roman coins and antiquities have been
sonet in aure Dei;" the others have been recast. The re- found. Lord Petre, who is lay impropriator and lord of the
gister dates from the year 1558. The living is 8 vicarage, manor, George Cole esq. Major Spitty D.L., J.P. Edgar
yearly value £110, in the gift 6f Lord Petre and held by the Jones 86q. and J. J. French esq. are the chief landowners.
Rev. James Stephen Winslow B.~ of Caius College, Cam- I The soil in parts is light and clayey; subsoil, principally
bric\g'e. Blatche's charity, of £"155 "188. 8<1. invested in 3 clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is
per Cent. Consols, produces £3 15s. 4d. yearly. Chaplyn's 30474 acres ; rateable value. £7,506 jthe population, including
charity of £100, invested in Consols, produces £3. yearly. "1.451 in Billericay, in 1871 was 2,184, exclusi"e of 198 in-
Dr. J'enner'8 charity, of £166 1,3& 4d. invested ID Con- I mates of the Billericay union
POST OFFICB.-Thomas BUtTell. receiver. Letters arrh'e 1 at 6 p.m. on week days only. Billericay is the nearest
from Brentwood, through Billericay, at 1 a.m. ; dispatched, money order & telegraph office
Harris John Burrell Thomas, carpenter Rae George, huntsman to the Essex;
Jones Edgar .T.P. The Elms Cole William. farmer. Tye common Union fox hounds, The Kennels
Nutting David Curtis David, Pluugh. T~'e common Rh-ers George Wm. fanner, Moggses
Winslow Rev. Jas. Stephen B.A. [vicar] Drake Da\;d. farmer Ruggles WaIter, King's Arms
OOMMBRCIAL. French J08eph. farmer Seabom William, beer retailer
Barnard Joseph. farmer, Grange fann Gladwell George Alfred. beer retailer SimmonsWm. King's Head. &prk.btchr
Boughtwood Thomas, farmer Goodchild Wellington, farmer Smith Thomas, wheelwright & smith
Britten Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer Harri! Benjamin. blacksmith Stock John, fanner & cattle salesman,
Bull Abrm. wheelwright & blksmith Jefferies James, farmer. Gobiens farm Tye common
Bunell Arthur, baker & grocer J Mason Sarah (Mrs.), baker Thorogood Henry, fanner, Great Blunts
LITTLE BURSTEAD (or BURGHSTEAD) is a parish' broke College, Cambridge, and surrogate. There is a charit)'
in the Southern division of the count)·, Barstable hundred. left about 1790 by Mr. John Cooper for the benefit of poor
Billericay union. Brentwood county court district, rural persons" li\'ing in and belonging to' the parish"; the in-
deanery of Illgatestone. archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of I come is about £55. arising from the rents of six cottages and
St. Alballs, near the source of the ri"er Crouch, It miles 33 acres of land and is distributed annually in Easter week:
south-west from Billericay and 6 east from Brentwood there are two other small charities amounting together to
station. The church recently assigned to St. Mary is a £1 3s. distributed in bread. 'fhe Bishop of London is lord
small building, consisting of chancel and na,-e and a low I of the manor. The principal landowners are George Alao
belfry with spire containing 2 bells: there are several flat Lowndes, Edgar Jones, Joseph Mayott and I. J. French
stones in the chancel to members of the Walton family, in-I esqrs. The soil is loamy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops
eluding a memorial to the Hon. Sir George Walton, Admiral are wheat, oats, beans and barley &C. The area is 1.829
of the Blue, 1:739; there is also an inscription to Christopher acres; gross rateable \"alue £.2,160 128. 6d.; and the popula-
Hems esq. 1666. The register dates from the Jear 1681. tion in 1881 was 1:99.
The living is a rectory, value about £360, with residence Parish Clel'k, Joseph Olliff.
and 34 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans Letters through Great Burstead from Brentwood
and held by the Rev. William Browne Dalton M.A. of Pem- I Day 4" Sunday School (mixed), for 40 children; l"acant
Dalton Rey. Wm. Browne M,A. [rector & Raphal Miss. Stockwell hall Hams William. fanner & assistant
surrogate] Cole Henry, farmer overseer, Bulle'l'S farm
John80n Mrs. Hope house Miles John, farmer, Botny hill Woollings Henry, farmer, Sudburys
:BUT TSBURY is a parish and pleasant \'illage, situated £561, in the gift of Lord Petre and held by the Rev. Lewis
on the summit of a range of hills, on the road from Chelms- Parkin M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford, rural dean of In-
ford to Billericay, in the Western division of the county, gatestone and surrogate. Lord Petre is lord of the manor
Chelmsford union, hundred and county court district, In- and chief landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil. gra,·el. The
gatestone mml deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2.I16
diocese, 3 miles south from Ingatestone station, 3 north acres; rateable value, £3,584; and the population in 1881
from Billericay and 5 south-west from Chelmsford. The was 452.
church of St. Mary consists of chancel and nave and a Parish elm'k, Joseph Poole.
western tower of brick contai~ling I bell; the church for- Letters receh-ed through Ingatestone. The nearest mone)'
merly belong~ to the of St. Leonard, at Stratf?rd, order office 18 at Stock & telegraph office at Ingatestone
Bow. The regtster of baptIsms dates from 1657; bunals, .
1668; marriages, 1694. The living is a perpetual curacy. 1St. Joseph's Catholzc School (mlxed),MlSS Ehzbh. Grlggs.mlst
annexed to the rectory of Ingatestone, joint ;)'early value Rate Collector if Assistant Ovm'secl', Alfred Cottee
Bridge Thomas, Ramsey T)Trells Barrett Joseph, Bear Hardy Charles, fanner &: coal merchant
Clarke Arthur, The Limes Bridge Thomas, farmer & landowner, "''bytes Tyrrells
Hardy Charles. Whytes Tyrrells Ramsey Tyrrells Harrod J oseph, farmer
Heywood Mrs. Stock cottage Brown Wm. Jsph. blacksmith & farmer Janis James, builder & shopkeeper
Heywood Henry, Groonwooos Calloway John, tailor King Robert Eagle, shoe maker
Keogh :Mrs Clarke Arthur, surgeon, The Limes Moore William, grocer & draper
Mott Mrs. Clifton cottage Cottee Alfred, baker, rate collector & Mulley Alfred, beer retailer
Simson Mrs. George assistant overseer Norris Arthur WaIter, cowkeeper
Treasure Mrs Crow 'Walter, grocer & draper Osborne Thomas, day school
Dale 'Walter James. proprietor of Palmer William, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. thrashing machines Plume George, carpenter
Atherton James, wheelwright Elliott Thomas, beer retailer Plume Jesse, carpenter
Bacou John, Cock inn French Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper

CANEWDON is a parish in the Southern dh;sion of the the great tithes amount to £1,001: 3s' 6d. 'With 60 acres of
ounty, Rochford hundred, union and county court district. I glebe; W. H. Little esq. is impropriator. Here is a Congre-
Canewdon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. gational chapel. The charities, by various benefactors,
Albans diocese, 4 miles north-north-east from Rochford and amount to about £100 and consist. in part, of lands left at
8 porth from Southend and is situated on high growld, different times by Agnes Finch,widow,William Hawshill and
commanding a fine view over the river Crouch. the rich Thomas Hawkins, in 1495 and others; there are also seven
meadows on its banks and the battlefield of Ashingdon. tenements with gardens, occupied by the poOl' and a bene-
where Canute the Great and Edmund Ironside contended; faction by Richard Wood. of Scaldhurst. in the hamlet of
here is a Danish entrenchment. There is a ferry across the Pudsey, left in 1:688, to provide bread for the poor. A fair is
Crouch to Dengie hundred for horses and carriages from held yearly on the t{th of June. Canewdon seems to have
Wallasea Island. The ancient church of Si. Nicholas, been anciently a Roman station on the banks of the river
an edifice of Perpendicular date, stands on Canewdon Crouch, from a camp. of which there are some remains and
Hill. a considerable eminence and consists of chancel. from the Roman antiquities found here. At the time
nave, north aisle separated from the nave by an arcade of Domesday Survey the place belonged to Sweyne. C.
of 4 bays and a massil-e embattled tower of stone M. Fell esq. is lord of one manor and J. W. Stallibrass
at the west end 74 feet high and containing 5 bells. esq. is lord of the other (that of Scott's Hall). The soil
The church was repaired in 171 I, when a figure of St. is clayey; subsoil, clay. The crops are general. The
Christopher was discovered on the right side of the entrance; area is 4,108 acres i rateable value, [,6.7~3; the population
outside the tower are the quartered arms of France and in 1881 was 640; the population of that part of Walla-
England and the shields of Rohm, Mowbray and Warren: sea belonging to Canewdon was 47 in 1871 and in
in the chancel are sedilia and there is a hagioscope in the I881,13.
north wall of the chancel arch; the pulpit is of finely-carved WALLASBA, formerly an island, is now joined to the main-
oak; the church contains several mural tablets to members land and is bounded on the north by the river Crouch, on
of the Kersteman family_ The register dates from the year the south and east by the Roach and by creeks on the west i
1636. The living is a vicarage, in the gift{)fthe Dean and Chap.. it is in the parishes of Great Stambridge, Canewdon, Pagles-
ter of Westminster and held by the Rev. Thomas Anthony ham, Eastwood and Little Wakering; there it a public road
Maning ll.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and surrogate. The across it, still very bad, which leads to Foulness Island. The
vicarial tithes have been commuted for £579 I5s. 3d. and water was formerly bracki8h. the introduction of aI te-
sian wells of great depth, it is obtained of good quality. The Serton, James Wright.
peninrmla is 3 miles long by about a mile and a half broad. POST OFFlCE.-William Newman, receiT'er. Letters arriT'S
The area is 3,656 acres, including the water &rea and the from Rochford at 8 a.m ; dispatched at 4 p.m. The
population in 1881 was 1:14- nearest money order & telegraph office is at. Rochford
RnmwOOD is a hamlet in Wallasea, I mile 8Outh-east from National School (mixed), for 100 children, Job Tickner,
Bumham by water. master; Mrs. Tickner, mistress
~Ianing Rev. Thomas Anthony M.A. COOlin William Potton, Che'f/urrs Ontten James, blacksmith
[surrogate], Vicarage Ford George, fann bailiff to J. W. Pettitt Zachary, farmer
Stallibrass esq. Canewdon hall Powell John, lieny Boat inn
COMMERCIAL. Guiver Henry, fanner, New Hall farm Smith John, farmer, Cricksea ferry
Auger John, farmer, Limbern hall Harris Sarah (Mrs.), Anchor Turner John. harness maker
Austin Charles, shoe maker Ha)'wood Jeremiah, farm bailiff to J. Webster-Godfrey, farmer
Barnard Mary Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper W. Stallibrass esq Whittingham James, blacksmith
Bines John, shopkeeper Mew Henry, farmer Whitwell Jacob, farmer
Brown Robert, farmer Moss James, baker & shopkeeper Whitwell James, farmer
Clark Edward, baker & shopkeeper Newman Wm. shoe maker & postmaster Wright Joseph, farmer, Boxes
GREAT CANFIELD is a parish in the Western divi- ing fresco of the Virgin and child. The register of baptisms
sion of the county, Dunmow hWldred, union and county dates from 1653; and of marriages and burials from 1657.
court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of The living is a discharged vicarage, yearly value £180, with
Essex and diocese of St. AlOOns, situate to the west of the residence, in the gift of Sir Spencer Maryon Wilson hart.
river Roding, about 3 miles south-west from Dunmow and and held by the Rev. George Maryon Wilson 1l.A. of Christ's
31 from London. The church of St. Mary is partly Norman, I College, Cambridge I.P. Here are the remains of a castle
consisting of chancel, nave, porch and an embattled tower' supposed to have formerly belonged to the De Veres, Earls
of wood, with a small spire and containing 3 bells; the: of Oxford. Sir Spencer Ma1")'on Wilson bart. who is lord
church formerly had a lofty spire, which was removed of the manor, Wm. Vane esq. Mrs. Church, Mrs. Packman
previous to 17°3: also two stained memorial windows to I and Mr. Daniel Alger are the principal landowners. The
the Wilson family and others; there are brasses to John soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
Wiseman, 1518 and his family, and to Thomas Fytche esq. I beans, barley and mangold wnrzel. The area is 2,472 a<-Tes;
1588 and other memorials to Sir Wm. Wiseman, 1684 and rateable value, £3,352; and the population in 1881 was 342.
others of that family: in the chancel is a slab to the Rev. Parish Clerk, Enifer Bacon.
Frederick Vane M.A. who bequeathed £50 to the poor of the POST OFFlCE.-Wm. Clark, receiver. Letters from Dunmow
parish, the interest of which is distributed annually: the S.O. received at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. ~o
church was restored in 1876, by 'which much of the details sunday post. The nearest money order office is at Dun-
of old Norman architecture has been rendered visible and mow
has also been reseated with open benches of oak; over the Pal'ochial School (mixed), for 45 children with an average
communion table in an old Norman niche is a very interest- I attendance of 35; Miss Agnes F. Jones, mistress
Alger Daniel I Bailey Rachel (Mrs.), farmer, Bullocks Mason Thomas, shoe maker
Alger Mrs Barltrop John, blacksmith Pike Thomas, farmer, Canfieldbury
Tipler Mrs Clark William, tailor, & post office Potter Robert, farmer, Park farm
Wilson Rev. Geo. Maryon M.A., I.P. COX Wm. Henry, fanner, Elms Randall Henry, farnIer, Bacon's farm
Vicarage Easter Alfred, farmer, Poplar farm Smith Dudley George. fanner, Coxtons
COMMERCIAL. Garrett Robert, farmer, Hobbs Smith Isaac. farmer, Ashfields
Alger Stephen Wm. farmer, Blackhall Haydon Charles, shopkeeper Tannar William T. miller
Alger Wm. Fras. farmer. Deal Tree farm Lewis Wm. farm bailiff to Sir Spencer Thurgood Joseph, farmer, Peckers farm
Bacon Enifer, carpenter Maryon Wilson bart. Welch Wm. fanner, Canfield hall &
Bacon Frederick 6riJfin inn Mason Richard, farmer, Sawkins farm Marsh fann
LITTLE CANFIELD is a parish in the Western divi- portion of the structure in the Perpendieular style, has
sion of the county, Dunmow hundred, union and county some fine panelling in front and a sun-dial, under which is the
court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of inscription," "'bat I say unto you I say to all, watch :"
Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 34 miles from London and this was the burial place of the Wyatts of Little Canfield
2 west from Dunmow, on the Roman and modern road from Hall, from 1664 to 1757 and some members of the Fytche
Colchester (Camalodunum) to St. Albans (Verulamium). and Wiseman families. The register dates from 1560. The
The church (dedication unknown) has been reconstructed living is a rectory, ~rearly value £450, with residence, in the
with a new tower and spire, in fine Caen stone. Of the old gift of Christ's College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. John
portions there only now remain, besides the walls, two re- Dowell Ridout M.A. formerly fellow of that college. The
markably elegant double-light windows of the Decorated manorial rights are held by Lady Brooke, who is also princi-
style in the nave, the exterior of the old Nonnan door and pal landowner. The soil is mostly heavy; subsoil, clay.
-the Decorated sereen of carved oak separating the chancel The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,479
from the nave; the new windows are all in the Decorated acres; rateable value, £2,104; and the population in 1881
style; those in the chancel being stained; the interior of the was 295.
priest's doorway. which has a small porch, has a crocketed Paruh Clerk James Halls.
canopy, with shafts of Italian marble and exquisitel:r-carved 0"' •

angels at the corbels: there are other rIch pieces of seulpture POST OFFIC~.-~ Ilham Raven, ~celVer. Letters· fro~
in the chancel amon'" which is the monument erected to the Chelmsforo, 'Vla Dunmow, recelyed at 6.30 a.m.; dls-
mother of the'Rev. C~ L. Smith, a former rector: the belfry patched .at ~.5 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
arch, opening from the nave into the new tower, has on graph office IS at Dunmow
each side two shafts of polished Purbeck marble, alternating Kational School (mixed), has an average attendance of 43
with those of Caen stone: the large porch, now the only children; :Miss M. A. Bnrke, mistress
Barnard Thos. Little HOOdons Garrett Arthur. farmer, Blatches farm Nightingale Stephen. Live tf Let Live
Frankham John, fanner, The Hall Harrington 8imon, farmer, Copthall Raven William, blacksmith
Franklin Henry Sewell, farmer, Lang- Marsh Jas. fanner & landowner, Hales Reed Hugh, farmer, Newsland
thorns & Glebe farm Marsh Robert, seed merchant & farmer Suekling Sarah (Mrs.),frmr.Gt.Hoddons

CANNIKG TOWN is a populous district in Church street the parishes of West Ham and Plaistow. The church of Holy
,,-ard. in the parish of West Ham, in the Southern division Trinity, situated in the Barking road, is a brick building,
of the county, hundred of Becontree, county court district chiefly in the Early English style and consists of chancel,
of Bow, rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex nave, aisles and a tower with small spire, containing I bell:
and diocese of St. Albans; it is also in the Eastern Metro- there are over 1,000 sittings, all free and unappropriated.
politan Postal district and within the jurisdiction of the The register dates from the )"ear 1867. The living is a
Central criminal court and of the Metropolitan police. perpetual curac:r. yearly value £200, with residence, in the
The Ureat Eastern railway has three stations within the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. John
distriet; the river Lee flows on the west to the Thames., Russell B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. St. Luke's Church,
Holy Trinity ecdesiastical parish was fonned in 1868 from erected in 1874. at a cost of £17,000, is a brick building in
the Early English style and consists of chancel, nave and ehemical manufactories on the banks of the 'rhames and
aisles: there are sittings for 1,000 persons. The register Ilarge creosoting works and iron shipbuilder8 in the parish.
dates from the year 1874. The living is a perpetual curacy, 'fhe RO)'al Albert Docks, opened in 1880 by the Duke of
)'e8rly value £200, in the gift of the llishop of St. Albans Connaught, on behalf of H.M. the Queen, consist of a pro-
Ilnd held by the Rev. Thomas Stevens M.A. of Magdalene longation in an easterly direction of the present Victoria
College, Cambridge. St. Gabriel's is an ecclesiastical parish, Docks, with which they are connected by a cut 80 feet wide:
formed in 1879 from the parishes of West Ham and St. the whole form a magnificent dock d miles long and have
Mary and St. Andrew, Plaistow. The church is a plain a water area of 175 acres: these (locks, in addition to
brick building and consists of chancel and nave. The graving docks, contain dIJ' docks with a length of 510 feet
register dates from the year 1879. The living is a vicarage, and 430 feet respecth'ely: the new entrance is at uallions
)'early value £'::1.00, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and Reach, below Woolwich, by the use of which nssels will
held by the Rev. Dal'id Hughes Francis B.A. of St. David's save about 4 miles of river navigation: this entrance is
Colle~,e, Lampeter. St. Matthew's Mission Church is in the constructed at the widest part of the river and is protected
Plaisto\V road. The Catholics have a chapel, ,,"ith schools. b)' two guiding jetties leading into the entrant'e lock.: this
The Peenliar People, Baptists, Congregationalists,Wesleyans, lock is about 800 feet long oyer all and 80 feet wide and has
Primith'e Methodists, Methodist Free Church and Presb)'- three pairs of wrought iron gates: the dilltauce between
terians have each places of worship here. The Victoria the extreme gates is 550 feet, with a depth of 30 feet of
(London) docks in Plaistow Marsh, designed for ships of the water over the cills of the gates at Trinity high ,,'ater mark:
largest burthen, were constructed in 1855 and cover an area the lock is thus capable of admitting not only the largest
of 200 acres, with an entrance lock 325 feet long by 80 feet sea-going merchant "essels afloat but any of the ironclads
"ide, with nearly 28 feet depth at Trinity high water: a of the British navy: the docks are lighted throughout by
branch of Her Majesty's Customs is established here and the electric light. The area of Holy Trinity parish is 433
under the same roof the London and St. Katharine's Dock atTeS; and the population in 1871 was 7,(X}7 and in 1881
Company, Victoria (London) docks, transact their business: 13,880; and the population of St. Gabriel's 5,298 j and the
the Victoria Dock pier is at the entrance and there are population of St. Luke's 16,5lU.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST & MONEY ORDER OI'I'ICE, Savings Bank, Go,'ernment infants; C. H. Berry, master; Miss Mary Spencer, mis-
Annuity & Insurance. Victoria Dock road, Joseph tress; Miss Mary Ann Cocks, infants' mistress
Clement, receiver Bidder Street, built in 1879 for 262 bo)'s, 200 girls & 300
VICTORIA DOCKS BRANCH POST MONEY ORDER & TELE- infants j with an average attendance of 220 boys, ISO
GRAPH OFnCE & Savings B~nk, Victoria Dock road. J. girls & 16c;l infants j ~'illiam Ringrose, master! Mis~ Mar)"
H. Wheeler, receh'er K~tt, mIstress; Mlss Susan Dunbar Whalte, mfants
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Sa\'ings Bank, 2 Prosser mlstress
terrace, Barking road.-Henr:r Lee, receiver Clm-kso,. Street (mixed), built in 1879 & infants' built
I ' -CB AG . in 1881, for 357 children in the mixed school & 264
:Ssu~, ENTS. . infants; with an average attendance of 357 boys & girls
Queen, '". C. Heath, 2 Alexander stree~ Barklllg road; & & 260 infants; H. Winterton, master; Mrs. "'interton,
C. E. "K. Green, 4 Ordnance ~~, B~rklI1g road mistress' Mrs. Pelisse infants'mistress
Sun Fl1~, Joseph Clement, 15 'lctona Dock road "
Hallsville, built in 1874 for 208 ho)'s, ISo gir15 & 2So infants;
PuBLIC ESTABLISHMEl'."TS:- with an a"erage attendance of 208 boys, 162 girls & 270
BOQl'd of Trade Mercantile ",lfarine Office, Yictoria Dock rd infants; bo)'s' school, Victoria Dock road, William Hughes,
Cu.stom House master: girls' & infants', Burnham street, Mrs. Baker, .
L&ndon ~ St. KatJtarine's Dock Co. (Charles N onnan, supt. , mistress; Miss Finne3', infants' mistress
Royal Albert docks & W. Walker, supt. of Victoria docks; Plaist01lJ Road (infants'), for 250 children; with an a\'erage
6apt. Geo. B. Linch, dock master; Richd. Holloway, attendance of 165; Miss Alice Foster, mistress
asst. dock master; Michl. Adamson, assistant engineer for I
Victoria & AlOOrt docks)
L&ndon et St. Katluwine's Dock CO.'s Police Station, - St. Luke's NatiOllal, Nelson street (mixed & infants'), for 323
Hamilton. inspector boys, 250 girls & 396 infants; with an average attendance
Mryrl~I'Y, Barking road of 300 ho)'s, 237 girls & 393 infants; - Joshua Ablett
Phillips, master; Miss Mary Ann Pinning, mistress;
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Ser'Vices:- Miss Martha Jane O'Kell, infants' mistress
Holy Trinity ChU1"ch, Barking road; Re,-. John Russcll B.A. Holy Trinity Natiomd, Barking road, built in 1861 for 250
incumbent; II a.m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; daily 10 a.m. boys, IS0 girls & 300 infants; with an average attendance
& 7.30 p.m of 200 bo)"s, 120 girls &; 250 infants; John St. John,
St. Gabriel's Ckul'ch, Wellington street; Rev. David Hughes master j Miss Matilda .Berry, mistress j Miss Spencer,
Francis RA. vicar; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.: wed. 7.30 p.m infants' mistress
St. Luke's Church, Boyd road, Victoria docks; Rev. Thomas
Stevens M.A. incumbent; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. j daily 7.30 Catholic (mixed), Barking road, for 120 bo)'s & 200 girls
p.m & infants; with a.n a\'erage attendance of no hors &
St. Matthew's Mission CltU1'ch, Plaistow road; 6.30 p.m 150 girls &; infants; James Kenny, master; Miss C.
St. Marga1·et 4' All Saints' Catholic Church, Barking road; HUye8, mistress
Rev. David Hickey & Re\'. Nicholas Drew, priests Wesltyan (mixed), Barking road, for 350 children; with an
English I~1'esbyterian Churclt, Lilliput road; Rev. William average attendance of 240; Thomas Alfred Ward,
Harris, minister j 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m master; Mrs. Mary Ellen 'Ward, infants' mistress
Baptist Chapel (Strict), Shirle)' street
Baptist CMpel (Pa1·tlcular), Swanscombe street; I I a.m. & RAILWAYS:-
6.30 p.m Ctlst011i House Raillvay Station, Lilliput road, Hobert
(;ongl'egatiol/,al Chapel, Barking road; Rev. Thomas Perfect, Whamngton CoIling, station master
minister; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.w.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Canning1'own Railtcay Statiol&, Barking road, Alfred Smith,
Christians' Chapel (Mount Zion), Barking road; 11.15 a.m. station master
& 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7,30 p.m Tidal Basili Raillcay Station, Victoria Dock road, Samuel
Peculiar People's Chapel, Church street; occasionalsen'ices I'"arrow, station master
Primitive jJfl:tJwdist Chapel, Mary street; Rev. R. B. Bluir, Gnat l!."(utern Railway Goods 4" Cool Deput, Barking road,
minister; IX a.m. & 6.30 p.m j wed. 7 30 p.m George McGeorge, goods manager
United Metltodist :Free Chul'c/t, Shirle)' street; Re\". W. R. GI'eat Bastel'1/' Railway Goods Department, Vktoria & Albert
MuIlett, minister; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7,30 p.m (London) docks, David Moore, agent
Victo'ria J}ocks Union atttrc/t, LiIliput road, Rev. Josiah Gnat NortJtffl'n Railway GoocltI Depa1111tlmt, Victoria &
Foster, minister; 10.30 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m.; 1red. 7,45 p.m Albert (London) docks, 'fh08. ~ptimWl Hu)·thornthnite,
We!!eyan Methodist C/w/!!,l, Bar~ill;g road; Rev. John agent
Kirtlan &; Rev. W. E. Tillers, mlDlster8; I I a.m. & 6.30 Great Western Railletty Goods DeplZ'rtlnent, Victoria &
p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m Albert (London) docks, Charles Goodrich, agent
Londo,. 4' N(n'th Western Railway (;ooJs Depa1·t1lU1nt,
ScHOOLS :-:- Victoria & Albert (London) docks, ueorge Davis, agent
WEST HA. BOAllD SCHOOLS. Midland Railtcay f:}O()d, J)epa11ment, William Richmond,
~gat' Street, built in 1878 for 332 OOJ"S, ~7 girls &; 288 local agent
PRIVA.TH BK8IDBNTS. Farquharson Charles,4 Church terrace, Moir John L.B.C.P. Bdin. 22 Hope
Adams Frederick AugustWl, Booth's Barking road I tarrace, Lillipnt road.
cottages, Barking road Finlay Archibald, 1 Custom House ter- Oxspring George, 68 Roscoe street
Adamson Michael, 5 Cnstom House mee, Lilliput road Peacock Pe1ier, 4 Widdicombe terrace,
terrace, Lilliput road : Francis Rev. David Hughe8 BoA.. The Barking road
Bedford Charles, Cobham ho. Barking rd Vicarage, Stephenson street Pitt John Samuel. 17 Hack road
Bellamy Harry Luke,4 Windsor terrace, Graham Capt. Redriff cot. Barking rd Ramsa;>"George, Museum ho.Barkingrd
Barking road Gwillim Mrs. 3 Church terr. Barking rd Ridges John George, 8 Windsor terrace,
Bennett Mrs. 6 Church terr. Barking rd Hammett Lewis, Dunn cot. Barking rd Barking road
Billups Joshua, Dover house, Barking rd Hammond John Geo. 6 Windsor ter- Russell Rev. John B.A.. Holy Trinity
Blair Rev. Richard S. [Primitive Metho- race, Barking road parsonage, Barking road
dist1, 4 Pekin terrace, Barking road Harris William, 9 Pekin ter. Barking rd Scully J ames, Lion lodge, Bidder street
B)iord John, ~ Portland viIs. Barking rd Henderson Mrs.2 Church ter. Barking rd Smith W.John 7 Windsor ter. Barking rd
CresarJulins.4&5Marineter.Vic.Dk.rd Hickey Rev. David [CatholicJ, 5 Widdi- Southgate Jas. Mansfieldcot. Barkingnl
Carey Richard John M.A. St. John's combe terrace, Barking road Steer Edward, 7 Church ter. Barking rd
house, Barking road Horlock Mrs. Essex hOUse, Barking rd Stevens Rev. Thomas M.A.. St. Luke's
Cook Rev. Jas. Henry [curate of Holy Horseman William Bumell, Burnell parsonage, Boyd road
TrinityJ, Barking road house, Quadrant street Thomson Robt. 4Woodbine ter.Brkng. rd
Cooper Alfred, 7 Pekin terr. Barking rd Howse Alfred, I Prosser ter. Barking rd White Robert, Pounder villa, rd
Cross W. Horton, 5 Windsor terrace, Kenchington lssac Wm. Channtler rd White W. I Woodbine ter. Barking rd
Barking road Linch Captain George Benjamin [dock- Winterton Charles Hope cot. Barking rd
Dowding Alexander W. Woodman M.B., master], Pier head, Victoria docks Worland Jas. Coalthurst ho. Barking rd
M.R.C.P. min. Durham ho. Barking rd Marshall Geo.l Portland viIs. Barking rd Worsley Edward Thomas, 9 Windsor
Drew Rev. Nicholas [CatholicJ, 5 Widde- Meers George Crittall,Wouldham house, terrace, Barking road
combe terrace, Barking road Barking road
COMMERCIAL. I Baumann John Wm. chandler's shop, 24 Alice street
Abbott M. &; Co. coal &; coke merchant, L. &; N. W. R. coal· Baxter Joseph, boot &; shoe maker, 29 Woodstock street
depOt, Barking road Baxter Sarah (Miss), clothier, 4 Stephenson street
Abbott Thomas, coffee house, Barking road Baxter William John, shoe maker,s Stephenson st.reet
Abraham Valentine, builder, Mary street Beadle Wm. Charles Alfred, engineer &C. Lilliput road
Ackermann William, hair dresser, 88 Victoria Dock road Beal Clara (Miss), shopkeeper, George street
Adams John, beer retailer, 76 Victoria Dock road Bean Benj. John, shopkeeper, 4 Clifton terrace, Lilliput road
Adams William, greengrocer, 2 Market place, Beckton road Beckett Thomas Sharpe, chemist, 67 Victoria Dock road
Ager William, greengrocer, 77 Roscoe street Beckley Amelia Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Bidder street
Albra Henry, hair dresser, 7 Canning terrace, Lilliput road Beddall Benjamin, beer retailer, 25 Hallsville road
Allen George, builder, 2 Mount Pleasant terrace, Barking rd Bedford Thomas. shopkeeper, Junction street
AlIen Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Tucker street Beech Henry, Walmer Castle, Woodstock street
AlIen Richard Lawrance, herbalist, 28 Roscoe street Bell Alice &; Katie (Misses), linen drapers, 95 Victoria Dock rd
AlIen William Hart, pharmaceutical chemist, 3 Liverpool Bell John, ironmonger, 94 Victoria Dock road
terrace, Barking road Bell Thomas, wheelwright, 17 Rathbone street •
Alle)'~ Henry, hair dresser, ~ Rathbone street Benjamin Philip, clothier, 2 Victoria Dock road
Allison Wm. Ambrose, stevedore, see Poulson, Allison &; Co Berry George, saddler, ~1 Prosser terrace, Barking road
Allum George, shopkeeper, 29 Star street Best Christopher, grocer & builder, 40 Catherine street
Alsford Alfred, timber merchant, Shirley street Bigden Alfred, beer retailer, I I Swall8COmbe street
Alsford James, jnn. lath render, Shirley street Billey John, shopkeeper, 80 Scott street
Anderson George, cowkeeper, 5 Edward .street Billups Joshua, market gardener, Prospect farm, Stephenson
Angliss Henry Wm. butcher,6 Hallsville road street &; Dover house, Barking road
Annerau William, carpenter, 14 Rathoone street Bilton Charles Henry, marine store dealer, 99 Rathbone st
Anspach William, baker, 32 Hudsons road Birch Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 44 Swanscombe street
Arnall William J.lighterman, I I Yictoria Dock villas, North Birch William, pork butcher, 90 Woodstock street
Woolwich road Bird Robert,jun. chandler's shop, 48 Roscoe street
Arnold Henry, cowkeeper, 5 Huntingdon street Bishop Frank, grocer, 2 Church street
Arundell H. &; Co. grocers, oilmen &; goldbeaters, 35 Blanch st Blackburn Thomas, hair dresser, I I Rathoone street
Ashby Bessie (Mrs.), dining room, 4 Victoria Dock road Blundell Brothers, engineers &C. VictQl'ia Dock road
Ashby George, Baluwral Castle, 91 Rathbone street Board of Trade Mercantile Marine Office, Victoria Dock rd
Ashton &; Green, Limited, slate merchants, Victoria docks Bond George, hair dresser, 120 Rathbone street
Atkins James William, tobacconist, 138 Lilliput road Bowden Martin &; Sons, plumbers, glaziers, painters, hoUS8
Attlebore John, shopkeeper, IS Sydney terrace, Scott street decorators &; paper hangings warehouse &; builders' iron-
Aulmann Phillip Peter, baker, 3 Market terrace, Barking rd mongers, 50 & 78 Woodstock street
Aylott John, leather seller, 68 Hathbone street Bowden Robert Martin, jnn. house decorator, Maldon
Babister Alfred, baker, 3 Trinity place, Barking road cottage, Hallsville road
Bailey Walter, beer retailer, 53 Burnham street Bowler John, Custom Houae, Lilliput road
Baines Henry, grocer, 2 Crawford street Bowley James Richard, Dock House tt11ler1l, North Wool-
Baker Charles, butcher, 103 Woodstock street wich road
Balsam John, Peacock, 16 Montesquieustreet Bowman Harriet (Mrs.), corn chandler, 31 Stephenson street
Balding John, shopkeeper, 38 Rathbone street Boyd Working Men's Institute (Joshua Ablet Phillips, hon.
Bail Jas. &; Son, Victoria talJern et Railway hotel, Barking rd sec.), Boyd road
Bantock Robert, carpenter, IO Stephenson street Boys Abraham, builder, 36 Fox street
Barber Wm. &; Son, fusee makers, Globe works, Randall st Bracewell Henry, greengrocer, 34 Hallsville road
Barclay William, photographer, I Ellen's villas, Barking road Brandon Charles James, dairyman, 89 Victoria Dock road
Barker Frederick Griftiths, chemist, 17 Victoria Dock road Brayshaw John, furniture dealer, 44 Victoria Dock road
Barker George, baker, 36 Hallsville road Brewer Joseph, beer retailer, Shirley street
Bamet Bernard, plumber &; glazier, 6 Ford's market Brewster George, bookseller,44 Rathbone street, & stationer~
Barnett William, shopkeeper, 18 Hermit street Barking road
Barratt Robert, Prince ..4.lbert Victor, Burnham street Briggs Peter, dyer, 66 Rathoone street
Barrett James, provision dealer, Hermit road Brinn WaIter, shopkeeper, I Morecambe street
Barry Bartholomew, photographer, Clifton house, Barking rd Brooks Francis John, coffee house, North Woolwich road
Bartlett Jame8, horse slaughterer, Phillip street Brooks John, provision &; coal dealer, 73 Roscoe street
Bartlett John, shopkeeper, 4 Victoria street Brooks Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 51 Hallsville road
Barton Edward, shopkeeper, Emily street Buck Matilda (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 2 Providence ~ace"
Barton Thomas, dinin~ rooms, 3 Everett terrace, Lilliput road Woodstock street
Bartram Robert, linen draper, 53 &; 54 Victoria Dock road Buffery George, Wellington, Bidder street
Bass William, linen draper, 87 Victoria Dock road Bull William, tailor,2 Ship terrace, Lilliput road
Bates Marie Eli7.abeth (Mrs.), bed &; bedstead dealer, I Vic- Burke James, cowkeeper. 6 W'had street
toria Dock road e Burley Gibson, greengrocer, 77 Rathbone street
Bat.sford Jonathan, Giln-altar tavern, I Gibraltar terrace, Burness Joseph, shopkeeper, 84 Bidder street
Victoria Dock. road Burton Edward, greengrocer, 22 Alice street
Batt George, beer retailer, Lilliput road Butler Ernest, tobacconist, 102 Victoria Dock:. road
Buttery William Eugene, baker, 20 Woodstock street Cundy John George, BellI Anckor, North Woohrich road
Buttling Thomas Avfrty, oilman, iOI Victoria. Dock road & Cnnningham Samuel James, plumber, 4 Sabbarton street
Lilliput road Cutcher Charles, beer retailer, 27 Rathbone street
Buxton Samuel, oilman, 88 ROllcoe street Dallas William St. Clair, chandler's shop, g6 Swanscombe It
Bytord John, lime, cement, brick, coal & coke merchant, Dalton John, hat & cap warehouse, ~5 Victoria Dock road
Bridge wharf, Barking road & G. E. Railway coal depot; Damant William, musical depOt, 46 Rathbone street
residence, 2 Portland villas, Barking road Daniels Samuel, wardrobe dealer, 47 Hallsville road
Byford WilIiam, china & glass dealer, 46 Victoria Dock road Daniels William, jnn. stevedore, 7 Morecambe street
Cresar Julius L.B.C.P. Edin. surgeon, 4 & 5 Marine terrace, Dare Wm. Henry, boot & shoe maker, 14 Victoria Dock road
Victoria Dock road Darlow &; Co. inventors, patenteet!l "" manufacturers of mag-
Callaby William, tobacconist, 3 Hallsville road netine It other magnetic appliances; depOt for magneto.
Calmon Seighard, draper, 8 Ordnance terrace, Barking road electric machines; offices & consulting rooms, 443 Strand
Canning Town Industrial 4' Provident CQ-operative Society 'W.c.; manufactory, 63 Victoria Dock road
(F. H. Martin, sec.), 107 Rathbone street Darlow William, outfitter, 63 Victoria Dock road
Cant Edward, watch maker, Lifford hOUse, Barking road David Thomas, tobacconist, 4 Victoria terrace, Lilliput road
Carey Cornelius, beer retailer, 134 &; 135 Lilliput road Davie8 Joseph Codd, grocer & corn &. flour factor,I Shirley st
Carey Richard In. M.A. surgeon, St. John's house, Barking rd Davies Mary .Ann (Mrs.), dining rooms, I Marine terrace,
Carter Thomas & Co. timber merchants, & saw mills, Nor· Victoria Dock road
way yard, Lilliput road & Custom street, Victoria docks Davis James, dining rooms, I Railway place, Lilliput road
Carter Henry, greengrocer, 55 Alice street Davis Clara (Mrs.), fishmonger, 10 Ford's market
Carter Thos. beer retailer, North Woolwich re. & I Princesllst Da.vi80n WaIter &. Elizabeth (Mrs.), boot makers, 1 Market
Carver Hemy, shopkeeper, 35 Scott street terrace, Barking road
Casswell George, butcher, 2 Salisbury place, Hermit road Dawson 8arah (Mrs.), chandler's llhop, 6 Platt's buildings,
Castle George & Co. grocers, 47 to 49 & 52 Victoria Dock Victoria dock!!
road & 29 Hallsville road Day John, boot maker, North Woolwich road
Caton Martha (Miss), linen draper, 30 Rathbone street Demuth William, hair dresser, 29 Victoria Dock road
Cearnes James Wm. Youngs, grocer, 72 Swanscombe street Dennis Charles, grocer 41, &. oilman 42t Victoria Dock road
Chad Rd. dining rooms, 24 Custom House ter. Lilliput road Denny Alfred, shopkeeper, I Deddington tel'. Lilliput road
Chamberlain Alex. ~ocer, 4 Market terrace, Barking road Dickerson Arthur, cowkeeper, I I Custom street
Champion Edwin, coal & coke merchant, L. & N. W. coal Dillien Julius, shopkeeper, 4 Mary street
depOt, Barking road Dixon William, dairyman, Edward street, Shirley street
Chapman Charles, greengrocer, Arkwright street Douglas Charles Phillip8, oilman, 93 Wood.stock street
Chapman John, boot maker, 6 Hope terrace, Barking road Dowdeswell John, oilman, 38 Hallsville road
Chapman Thomas, butcher, 3 Ford's market Dowding .Alexander W. Woodman M.B., ••B.C.P. Bdin. sur.
Chick James, greengrocer, I Union street geon, Durham house, Barking road
Claridge John, wardrobe dealer, 132 Bidder street Dowson & Worth, timber merchants, Victoria Dock road
Clark Daniel, cowkeeper, 3 Providence place, Woodstock.. 8t Dunham Daniel, Bl-itannia, Junction st. Stephenson street
Clark George Henry, dining rooms, Victoria Dock road DWlkerton William, shopkeeper, 15 Regent ter. Lilliput rd
Clement Edward, firewood dealer, BruneI street Durdle Charles, greengrocer, 121 Lilliput road
Clement Joseph, chemist & druggist, bookseller, stationer et Durdle Eliza (Miss), fancy repository, 124 Lilliput road
news agent, bookbinder & printer, post &; money order Duttield Henry &. George, carmen, Victoria docks
office & Havings bank, 15 Victoria Dock rd. & 18 Rathbone st Duthie Ellen (Mrs.), draper, 43 Trinity street
Clinch Thomas, clothier, 66 Victoria Dock road Eagle Cement Co. I & ~ Trinity street
Coak George, fishmonger, 6 Crawford street Earps Thomas, hay & straw dealer, 29 Stevenson street
Cohen George & Co. metal merchants, Rirer Lea side East Thomas, shopkeeper, 115 Bidder street
Cole Michael, saddler,- 2 Market terrace, Barking road Eastwell John, coal dealer, sa New road
Coleman Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 58 Hemsworth road Eburne John, fishmonger, 122 Rathbone street
Coiling Robert WharringtoIl. station ma8ter, Custom House Edwards Ellen (Mrs.), laundress, Phillip street
station, 10 Custom House terrace, Lilliput road Edwards Henry, tobacconist, 86 Bidder street
Collins John, Lord Nelson, & ,vine & spirit merchant, Ellenberger Burghard, baker, 99 Woodstock street &. 51
117 Lilliput road Trinity street
Collins Michael, greengrocer, 43 HaIll'lville road Ellis John & Son, rice husk grinders, Bradley street
Collins Robert, shoeing smith, I George street Ellis Edward, beer retailer, I Stephenson street
Connolly Charles, tobacconist, North Woolwich road Ellis George, greengrocer, I Canning terrace, Lilliput road
Conway James, carman, Hoy street Ellis Thomas, builder, I Fisher street
Cook Henry, firewood manufacturer, Morgan street Ellis Thomas James, dairyman, I Blanch .treet
Cooke Edwin, baker,3 Alfred street Elston Edward, greengrocer, 2 Ford's market
Coombs Edward, grocer, 28 Rathbone street England Wm. Richard, marine store dealer, S4 Nelson st
Cooper George, greengrocer, 32 Francis street Escott Alexander &; George, boot makers, 73 Rathbone street
Cooper George, shopkeeper, I Tickford ter. Victoria Dock rd Evans Richard 8eaber, boot maker, 105 Rathbone street
Cooper Susannah (Miss), linen draper, 57 Yictoria Dock rd Evans William, dep. sanitary inspector to West Ham local
Cooper William, beer retailer, 79 Hemsworth street board of health, 1 Hudson terrace, Hudson road
Copley John, saw & tool maker, 28 Victoria Dock road EvaDS William Craven, toy dealer, 30 Victoria Dock road
Corbett Louisa (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 4 Arthur street Eve Waiter, shopkeeper, 8 Suffolk terrace, Hermit road
Corfe William, furniture dealer, I I Hallsville road Everatt Wallace, house decorator, Gloucester ho. Barking rd
Cormack Edward Geo. tobacconist, 5 Market pI. Barking rd Everett Samuel, boot &. shoe maker, 19 Hallsville rood
Cornwell Charles, dining rooms. Victoria Dock road Facer Thomas, grocer,74 Woodstock street
('Alry William &; Son, coal merchantB, Victoria docks I"airless Thomas, Cla1'Mdo1t hotel, Victoria Dock road
Cotton Charles, glass & china dealer, 112 Lilliput road Farrow Samuel, station master, Tidal basin, Yictoria Dock rd
Coulson Susannah (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 2 HOJ' street Fennell George, greengrocer, 87 Woodstock street
Cousins Hardy, boot maker, 21 Nelson street Fenning Zach8riah, ale & beer merchant, 5 Harrington te~
Cox Henry, outfitter, 38 Victoria Dock road race, Fisher s1lreet k Beckton rood
Crabtree Alfred. plumber, 23 Custom House tel'. Lilliput rd Ferguson John, iron ship cementer, North Woolwich road;
Cramp Thos. G6O. dairyman, 6 Devonshire tel'. Shirley l'ltreet residence, 4II East India Dock road ,
Craven Herod, fishmonger, 8 Hallsville road Fiddy Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 23 l"ox street
Crawford Robert, shopkeeper, 33 Burnham street Field Francis, Rose of De1lt1Ulrk, Shirley Itreet
Creed Elias Henry, grocer, 12 Union street Fielder Robert, 01'dnance Ann8, Barking road
Crick Hy. shipsmith, 19 Hudson's re. & North Woolwich rd Finlay Archibald, surgeon, 7 Custom Rouee ter. Lilliput rd
Crick Herbert, baker, I Salisbury place, Hermit road Fisher Benjamin, tobacconist, 'I Alk-e cottages, Alice street
Cromarty Jessie (Mn!.), beer retailer,2O Victoria terrace, Fisher Thomas Hobhs, eoffee house, I Platt's buildings,
Lilliput road Victoria dock8
Cross Daniel, beer retailer, 125 Lilliput road Fleetwood Frederick Valentine, tobacconist, 95 Rathbone g~
Crowley Mary (Mrs.), 8hopkeeper, 17 Rathbone street Foale Robert, buildfrt, 3 Alemndra terrace, Barking rood
Crown Thomas, wheelwright, 2 Grenville 8treet Fordham Arthur, beer retailer, 134 Bidder street
Cubbon John, Royal Oak, Barking road Fortay Alexander, shopkeeper, 2 Shirley street
Cummins James, hatter, 81 Victoria Dock road Foulsham JOlleph, milliner, 2 Ordnance row, Barking road
CWldy Thomas North, beer retailer,25 Custom House ter- Fox James, beer retailer, 24 Shipwright street
race, LilIiput road Francis Margaret (Mrs.), dre88 mak-er, J5 Queen'. road

Frank Livett.t Son, ship chandlers, sail makers. oil mer-I Heath l\Iary Ann (Mm.), chandler's shop, 2 Alexandra l!lt
chants & refiners, white lead, paint & varmsh manufac- Heaton Elizabeth (Mn.},oIl &;colorwareho.3sRathbonest
turers, Victoria Dock road &; Ro)"al Alben dock Heaton James, tailor, 2 Hope terrace, Barking road
Franklin William, shopkeeper, 15 Blanch street Heeston Peter, boot &; shoe maker, 2 Mice street
Freeman William, greengrocer, 23 Woodstock street Heintze Robert, baker, 7 Brindisi terrace, Lilliput road
French Chu. boot & shoe maker, Glouoester ho. Barking rd . Hellier Rester (Mrs.), provision dealer, 25 Alexandra street
Frick Adam, baker, 8 Hope terrace, Barking road Henday William, draper, 18 Junction street, StepheD80n at
Frogley Brothers, grocers, I Market p~ Beckton road Henderson Brothers, steam ship owners, Victoria docks
Froster Sebastian, baker, 51 8cott street Henderson Augustus, coffee hoUBe, 82 Woodstock IItreet
Fry Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 41 Victoria street Henley Charles, hosier, 8 Deddington terrace, Lilliput road
Furlong John James, beer retailer, 38A, Rathbone street Heritage George, builder, house & estate agent & snrve)"or,
Gadsby George Samuel, boot & shoe maker, ... Canning fer- 5A, Widdecombe terrace, Barking road
race, Lilliput road & ... Queen's road Heron Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, I Trinity pl Barking rd
Gage William, hair dresser, 18 Hallsville road Hesters George, boot maker,!u Crawford street

Royal AlOOrt docks

Gallatly, Hankey, Sewell & Co. ship brokers, Central station, Heubeck Frederick Emanuel, surgeon, M)"rtle cottage,
Barking road
Ganliner Patrick, engineer &C. see Rait &; Gardiner Hewitt John, corn chandler, 103 Victoria Dock road
Gardner George, fruiterer, 7 Hallsville road Heyward James, oilman, 47 Trinity street
Ganlner Henry, shopkeeper, 52 Nelson street Hickling Daniel Watson, builder, 6 Ebenezer cottages,
Gas Light if Coke Cu. (The), 3 Marine terrace, Victoria Dock Hudson's road
road & (William Bourne Wright, resident engineer) High George, shopkeeper, 94 Bidder street
Bromley station, River Lea side I Higham Alfred, beer retailer, 76 Woodstock street
Gathercole Christopher, grocer, I 8cott street Hilliard Augustus John, -'tIm"i'Re hotel, Victoria Dock road
Gent 'fhomas, shopkeeper, 125 Bidder street Hills John Thomas, grocer, 18 Montesquieu stree~
Geething Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, 40 WoodstQck street Hine John, fishmonger, 4 Market place, .Heckton road
Uibbs James & Co. vitriol, chemical & artificial manures, I Hirons Richard, chandlers shop, I Peter street
manufacturers k makers of Gibbs' pure feeding cakes; I Hitchcock Alfred Edward, linen draper, 79 Rathbone street
City otlices, 16 Mark lane e.#!.; works, Victoria docks & Hitchcock Henry (exors. of), engine smith, 5 Hoy street
Cattledown, Plymouth Hoare Alfred, chandler's shop, 80 Bidder street
Giddings Lucy (Mrs.), ironmonger, 101 Rathbone street Holland Jonas, beer retailer, George street
Giddings Robert, greengrocer, 10 Queen's road Holliday Bichard, oilman, 7 Queen's road
Gooch John, beer retailer, Vincent tavt:i"n, Vincent street Hooper Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Bengeo street
Goodman Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, North Woolwich rd Hopper Aungier Alfred, beer retailer, 106 Victoria Dock rd
Gordon Mary .Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 5 Market place, Horlock Joseph George, builder, Trinity cottage, Barking rd
Beckten road Horseman William Bumel!, West Ham sewage engineer,
Gray-Dawes & Co. merchts. Central statn. Royal Albert docks River Lea side, Quadrant street
Gray William, butcher, 4 Trinity place, Barking road Horwell Henry, oil & colorman, u, Hallsville road
Great Eastern Railway GoodlJ IJepat·tment (David Moore, House John, baker, 2 R08COO street
agent), Victoria docks Howard George, greengrocer, 71 Bidder street
Great N011hern Railway Goods IJepm·tment (Thomas Sep- Howard John, shopkeeper, 42 &'Ott street
timns Haythornthwaite, agent), Victoria docks Howard William, carman, 8hirley street
Great Western Rail,oay Goods IJep{Jt (Charles Goodrick, Howell Henry, beer retailer, 128 Lilliput road
agent), Victoria docks . Howse Alfred, surgeon, I Prosser terrace, Barking road &
Green, Holland & Sons, coal exporters, Victoria docks 74 Victoria Dock road
Green R. &; H. shipbuilders, Royal MOOrt dock Hudson John, boot & shoe maker, 22 Victoria tel'. Lilliput rd
Green Charles Edward Kay, fancy repository, 4 Ordnance Hughes William, tobacconist, 58 Victoria ,Dock road
row, Barking road . Hunt George, lighterman, 8 Union street
Green Henry, greengrocer, 59 Blanch street Hunt Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), ham ok beef dealer, 23
Greenaway Jane (Mrs.), baker, 24 Victoria Dock road Stephenson street
Gritliths Henry, chemist, I Rathbone street Hurn Robert, shopkeeper, 2 Star buildings, Bidder street
Gutteridge William Henry, coal dealer, 60 Wonldham street Hutchings John, shopkeeper, 152 Bidl1er street
Haddock lsaac, oilman, 4 Roscoe street Hutt Mannassah, furniture dealer, Harking road
Hadley George, cowkeeper, 74 Stephenson street Huxter Charles, shopkeeper, 1 Young street
Hale George, boot maker, 92 WoodstQck street Huzzey Thomas, beer retailer, 20 Hoy street
Hale Robert, boot & shoe maker, 33 Hallsville road Hyde Samuel, cowkeeper, 36 Rathbone street
Hale Samuel, wine & spirit dealer, 72 Victoria Dock road I Hyland WilIiam, harness maker, 3 Mexandra stree~
Hall William James, eating house, 59 Vict<>ria Dock road I Internatwnal Tea Co. (Luke Foreman, man.), 20 Victoria
Halls Charles, Ground Rent tave1'n, Roscoe street Dock road
Hammett Benj. & Lewis, pawnbrkrs. Charles ho. Barkingrd I'NIJell India Rubber 4' Gutta Percha W(YJ'ks, Limited,
Hammett Edward, pawnbroker, I Market terrace, Barking Central station, Royal Albert dock
road & 3 Ship terrace, Lilliput road {mrd Joseph, writer &; grainer, I AIexandra street
Hammond John, outfitter, 70 Rathbone street Jackson Leonard, cheesemonger, 3 Harrington tel'. Fisher at
Handley George John WaIter, pig dlr. New hall, Beckton rd Jackson William Holland, shopkeeper, 3 Ne}S\)n street
Hankey Jameson Aiel's, shipbroker, see Gallatly, Hanke)", Jacobs Charles, corn chandler, 119 & 120 Lilliput road
Sewell & Co . Jacobs Henry, fruiterer,s Onlnance terrace, Harking road
Hanman Samuel, beer retailer, 5 HallsviIle road Jacobs Henry, shopkeeper, Wilberforce street
Hardman John, shopkeeper, I Larcher terrace, Lilliput road Jacobs 'fhomas, coffee rooms, 9 Rathbone street
Harmer William John, printer, Cromwell house James James, boot maker, 48 Burnham street
Harper Robert, Victoria Dock tafJern, 62 Victoria Dock road James John Henry, boot maker, 42 Woodstock street
Harrington Charlotte (Mrs.), oil warehouse, I Harrington Jennings John, Pl"ince of Wales, Prince Regent lane
terrace, Fisher street Jepson George, tobacconist, 126 Rathbone street
Harrison W. T. pawnbroker, 2 Liverpool tel'. Barking road Jesty James, firewood dealer, 36 Vincent street
Hart William, hair dresser, 8 Victoria Dock road & 2 Trinity Jewell Benjamin, boot maker, 20 & 22 Hallsville road
place, Barking road Jewell Jacob, furniture broker, 10 & 11 Victoria Dock road
Harter Frederick, baker, 12 Quadrant street Joel Samuel, greengrocer, 37 Victoria Dock road
Harvey lsaac, beer retailer, 27 Hallsville road JoeIl Daniel, fishmonger, 78 Rathbone street
Harvey James, shopkeeper, 62 Peter street Johnson Henry, butcher, 51 Victoria Dock road
Harvey William, shopkeeper, 43 Trinity street Johnson John, shopkeeper, 12 Stephenson street
Hasler Charles, r.23 HaIIsville road Johnson Philip, pork butcher, 19 Victoria Dock road
Haupt George, greengroeer, 3 .Blanch street Johnston &; Co. grocers, 97 & 98 Victoria Dock road
Hawkes & Co. beer retailers, 7 Ford'. market Jolly Alexander, tailor, I 'rickford ter. Victoria Dock road
Hawkings Joseph, fishmonger, ... Hudson's road Jolly John, beer retailer, 69 Victoria Dock road
Hayden Thomas, wheelwright, Shirley street, &; grocer, I Jones & Co. grocers, 83, 85 &; S6A, Rathbooe street
Denmark terrace, Shirley street . Jones James Th08. beer retailer, I Ship terrace, Lilliput rd
Hayward Louisa (Mrs.), milliner, 75 Woodstock street Jones Richard, cowkeeper, Oak cottage, Wilberiorce street
Head William James, greengrocer, 31 Shirley street Jordan John, baker, SI Railway place, Lilliput road
Headworth Henry, oil & colorman, 105 Woodstock street Jordan John, carman, sa Shirley street
k Melville house, Barking road I Kay Henry, tobacconist, 91 Woodstock street
Kelly Mary (Mrs.)., outfitter, II4 Lilliput road Mead I<'rederick, greengrocer, 8 Crawford street
Kennard Jesse, shopkeeper, 50 Blanch street Med.calf Waiter, butcher, 78 Victoria Dock road
Kennedy J. B. & A. E. surgeons, 5 Railway place, Lilliputrd Medcalf Wm Herbert, butcher, Alice st. & no Lilliput road
Kenny James, furniture dealer, 8 Market terrace, Barkingrd Michell Richard Dalby, chemist, 84 Victoria Dock road
Kerridge Christophel' & Co. grocers, Star house, Barking rd .J[idland Railway Co. Goads Departmen.t Office, Victoria Dock
Kesler August, baker, 14 Hallsville road road; depOt (Wm. Richmond, local agent), Victoria docks
Kilburn James, greengrocer, 16 Junction st. Stephenson st Miller & Son, tailors, 21 Custom House terrace, LiIliput road
Kincaid James, butcher, I Everett terrace, LiIliput road Miller Robert Newing, chandler'. shop, 38 Nelson street
King FraD(~es (Mrs.), beer retailer, Victoria Dock road Millett Kate (Miss), Pitt's Head inn, Pitt street
King Frederick Charles, baker, 136 Bidder street Mills George, Prince Alf1'ed, Bidder street
King George, greengrocer, 47 Montesquieu street MitcheU George, undertaker, Brickfield cots. Barking roa4
King Peter, greengrocer, 5 Salisbury place, Hermit road MitcheU Henry, shopkeeper, 29 Vincent street
King William, boot maker, 71 Rathbone street Mitchell Jonathan, wardrobe dealer, 35 Hallsrille road
Kirkaldy John, engineer & boiler maker, Royal Albert dock Moakson George, beer retailer, 114 Bidder street
Knapp Samuel, boot maker, 42 Rathbone street Model John, baker, 23 Mont.esquieust. & 53 Hallsville road
Knowles John & Co. fire brick manufrs. North Woohvich rd Moir John L.R.C.P. min. surgeon, 22 Hope tel'. LiIliput road
Kraushaar Simon, glazier & glass cutter, 31 Rathbone street Molenkamp Douwe, watch & clock ma. 83 Victoria Dock rd
Kurtz Andrew, Bridge hotel, Barking road Monk Richard, shopkeeper, 33 Stephenson street
Lack Thomas William, shopkeeper, 37 Hoy street Morday Sarah (Miss), ladies' school, I Embla tel'. Barkingrd
Lake Henry, confectioner, 139 LiIliput road Morris Henry, baker, 6 Kent terrace, Hennit road
Lamb John, baker, 76 Bidder street Morris Henry, beer retailer, 65 Rathbone 8tree~
Lambach Peter William, baker, 8 Queen's road Moulden Geo. Augustus, boot maker, 18 Victoria Dock rd
Lambert Frederick, shopkeeper, Hoy street Moule John, stationer &c. 3 Dolphin cottages, Lilliput road
Lambert George, boot maker, 4 Rathbone street Mulvey Garrett Joseph, Windsln" Castle, 35 Victoria Dock rd
Lambert George, tripe dealer, 81 Woodstock street Mumford Peter, baker, 61 Victoria Dock road
Lambert William, furniture dealer, 16 Victoria Dock road Mumford Richard, sawdust contractor, Wellington street
Lamport & Holt, steam ship owners, Royal Albert dock Murphy Dennis Silvester, beer retailer, 40 Hallsville road
LanCllster John, market gardener, Vine house, StephenSollst Murray Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 93 Victoria Dock road
Lang, Howlett & Co.shiplHghts. Centralsta.Royal Albert dk Nathan Edward & Son, outfitters, 90 Victoria Dock road
Larkin Joseph, greengroc'er, 108 Lilliput road National Suam Ship Co. Limited, Victoria docks
Lawerance Daniel, shopkeeper, 26 Woodstock street Navin Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 80 Victoria Dock rd
Lawson John, baker, 127 Rathbone street Neale William Edward, beer retailer, S2 Queen's road
Lea & Co. coal &: coke merchants, L. & N. W. R. coal depOt, Nelle Frederick. baker, 71 Victoria Dock road
Barking road Nelsoj~ lJock Co. Limited, Royal Albert dock
Leadbetter &; Co. non-conducting composition mfrs. Shirley st Nelson Charles, earthenware dealer, 124 Rathbone street
Lear George, shopkeeper, 8 Stephenson street Nelson William, shopkeeper, 3 Catherine street
Lee Daniel, boot & shoe maker, London house, Barking road Neve Frederick, builder, Mary street
Lee Henry, stationer, music repository, & agent for Froow's Newall William, confectioner, 123 Lilliput road
high-elass pianos on the three years' system, & post & Newell James, hair dresser, 2 Brassey terrace, Lilliput road
money order office, 2 Prosser terrace, Barking road Newholm Henry, liuen draper, 3 Victoria Dock road
Lelliott Stephen, coal dealer, 26 Fisher street Newman Olliff (Mrs.), beer retailer, 10 Crawford street
Lester & Perkins, shipwrights & engineers, Victoria & ROJal Nichol James. greengrocer, 61 Rathbone street
Albert docks Nicholas Charles, shopkeeper, I17 Bidder street
Leverton Elizh. (Mrs.), picture frame ma.Ellen viIs.Barking rd Nicho18 Wm. contractor, 4 Mount Pleasant tel'. Barking rd
Levy Julins, boot & shoe wareho. 6S &; 100 Victoria Dock rd Nicoll Chas. WiIliam, Princess Ale:randra, Barking road
Lewis Henry, draper, 8 Essex terrace, Hermit road Niesner Philip, baker, I Vincent street
Lewis James, coffee house, 105 Victoria Dock road Nit1'o-PJtQ$phate ~ Odams' Chemical Manure Co. Limited;
Lewis John, licensed lighterman. Alfred street office, 116 Fenchurch street e.c. (Charles Patmore Phillips
Lewis 'William, beer retailer, 2 Kent terrace, Hermit road . F.e.s. manl\ger), Victoria docks
Lewsey Jsph. cowkeepr. 46 Bell & Anchorcots.Victoria docks Noakes Isaac, house decorator, 10 Hudson's road
Linard Wm. John, coal contractor, Morton house, Lilliput rd Noakes Stephen, grocer, IO Hudson's road
Linch Capt. Geo. Benj. dock master, Pier head, Victoria docks Nock William Henry, tobacconist, 6 Salisbury ter.Hel'mit rd
Linch Charles, block maker, 4 Ship terrace, Lilliput road Norman W. G. &; Son, auctioneers, valuers, estate & business
Ling William, grocer, 60 Victoria Dock road agents; agents to the General Life & Fire Insurance Co. &
Llo:rd Thomas. earthenware dealer, 6 Hermit road Norwich & London Accident, Barking road
Lochr Clemens, china & glass dealer, Stafford ho. Barking rd Norman Abner, baker, 41 Peter street
Loeber Louis, baker & shopkeeper, 1 Catherine street Nomlan James, oilman & shoeing smith, Shirley street
London 4" North Westel'n Rail1vay Goods lJepOt (George Normandy A. Stilwell &: Co. engineers, opposite Custom
Davis, agent), Victoria docks; lI'arehouse& wharf (Oswald House station, Victoria docks
Brady, agent), Barking road Norris John, baker, 40 Victoria Dock road
Longhurst John, corn chandler, York house, Barking road North Archibald, greengrocer, 12 Victoria Dock road
Loscomb Eliza (Mrs.), Royal Sovtrreign, 4S Victoria Dock I'd North Freclerick Wm. hair dresser, 38 Bidder street
Lovelock Louisa &; Son, ale & stout merchants, ... Tickford North William, shopkeeper, 40 Bidder street
terrace, Vietoria Dock road NWlD Sar-dh (Mrs.), dress maker,I Alma cottages,Barking rd
Ludlow Thomas, shopkeeper, 33 Hennit street O'Beinle John, wood turner, 18 Alexander street
Luft William, butcher. 9 Hallsville road OceanSteam Skip 00. Royal Albertdock
Macriner Robert, sweetstuff shop, 29 Hermit street Orfon! Benjamin, greengrocer, 97 Rathbone street
McShellow Richd. blacksmith, 15 Shipwright st. & Barking rd Osborne J ohn, Preemallo~'tat1tn'n, Lilliput road
Maddison John William, Lilliput Arms, Lilliput road Outlaw Robert, greengrocer, 36 Hermit street
Maddison William John, builder, 20 Swanscombe street Overan Thomas, marine store dealer, 2 Queen's road
Madras Robert, shopkeeper, 6 Helen's terrace, Tucker street Oxspring Geo. iron founder, Beckton rd.; res. 68 Roscoe st
Mander William, eowkeeper, 38 Woodstock street Page Chas. ship chandler, 22 Custom House tel'. Lilliput rd
Mark George, shopkeeper, 34 Scott street Page HeDt'Y, firewood dealer, Beckton road
Marks Thomas, tobacconist, 2 Platt's buildgs. Victoria docks Page Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Quadrant street
Marsh John, farrier, 2 Pekin terrace, Barking road Pain John, news agent, 75 Victoria Dock road
Marshall Wm. 'rhos. feather cleaner, Brickdd. cots. Barking rd Palmer Chas. provision dealer, I Devonshire ter. Shirley st
Martin Charles, tobacconist, I Pitt street Palmer Elias, beer retailer, I I Stephenson street
Martin Ellen (Miss), dress maker,41 Hallsville road Palmer John, shopkeeper, 20 Alexandra street
Maskell Joseph, hat & cap manufacturer, 70 Victoria Dock rd Palmer Mark, shopkeeper, 8 Canning terrace, Lilliput road
Mather John, cowkeeper, 4 Randallstreet Palmer Thomas, Sir John Lawrence, 26 Rathbone street
Mathews Alfred, fishmonger, lA, Sarah street Pammer Paul, manufacturing chemist, Wharf street
Mathias James John, linen draper, Standard ho. BArking rd Parnell George, fishmonger, 98 Bidder street
Maudsley, Son &: Field, engineers, Victoria docks Parrett Thomas, medical herbalist, 64 Victoria Dock Toad
Mauldin John, contractor,.I Church terrace. Barking road Parsons George, baker, 7 Alexandra street
Maxwell John, ironmongeJ', 6 Market terrace, Barking road Pascoe Thomas, shopkeeper, r.. Merton street
May Reuben George, fishmonger, B8 Bidder street Pavitt Joseph Henry, LilJtn,pool Arms, I Liverpool terrace,
Maynard Edward Wilkinson, beer retailer, 107 Lilliput road Barking road
Maynard Samuel, beer retailer, 76 Rathbone street Payne Wm. Alfred & George, City Al'm3, North Woolwich rd
Payne Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer, Tucker street Saunders William, dining rooms, North Woolwich road
P-ayne Henry, beer retailer, 21 Victoria Dock road Saunders William, greengrocer, 2 Alice cottages, Alice street
Pearce George, baker, Arkwright street Scarfe William, shoe maker, 13 Cambridge ter. I"isher street
Pearson In.Jennings & Edwd.Geo.pawnbrks.128 Rathbone st Schieb Jacob, baker, Jo'orty Acre lane
Peasey Mercy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Ford's market Schoch l''rederick, butcher, 93 Bidder street
Peninsular 4" Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (Capt. W. C. Scotcher Richard, beer retailer, 82 Victoria Dock road
Angove, marine superintendent), Royal AlOOrt dock Scotton Francis, fishmonger, Marham house, Harking road
Pentecost Alfred, butcher, 78 Bidder street Scotton Frederick, fishmonger, 27 Hermit. road
Perkins Thomas, shipwright, see Lester & Perkins Scrutton & Campbell, timber merchants, sawing planing lit
Pemn Jonathan, carpenter & shopkeeper, 15 Alice street moulding mills, II4 Fenchurch street t.e.; &; Crown
Peterkin Henry. printer, 33 Rathbone street wharf, Barking road
Phalan Thomas, secondhand clothes dealer, Poplar street Seagoe Richard, shopkeeper, 44 &ott street
Philips Richard, fumiture dealer, 113 Lilliput road Sear! William, greengrocer, 82 Bidder street
Phillips Henry, pawnbroker, 3 & 4 Railway pI. Lilliput road Belfe William, cowkeeper, 27 ~wanscombe street
Pickford & Co. carriers, Victoria docks Sellar William, greengrocer,s Alexander street
Pickford Wm. White Standfast, beer retailer, 35 Alice street Semper Thomas, shopkeeper, 40 Bo:rd road
Pike Samuel, coffee house, 77 Victoria Dock road Semple Charles, oil & colonuan, 126 Lilliput road
Pike Samuel, jun. grocer, 6 Railway place, Lilliput road Beweil Fredc. shipbroker, See Gellatly, Hanke:r, Sewell & Co
Pinckney William, tobacconist, 4 Liverpool ter. Barking rd Shadrack William, coal dealer, North Woolwich road
Pinnock Henry WaIter, grocer, 16 Hallsville road Sharp Joseph, shopkeeper, 35 Hoy street
Place Jabez, dining rooms, 73 Victoria Dock road Sbaw Thomas Henry, baker, 96 Victoria Dock road
Porter William, grocer, Il2 Bidder street Shears Alfred &; William, boot makers, 7 Ordnance terrace,
Poulsom, Allison & Co. stevedores, 2 Gibraltar terrace, Vic- Barking road
toria Dock road Shelton Thomas, hair dresser, 80 Victoria Dock road
Powell Susannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Nelson street Shepherd Wm. baker, I Hartley terrace, Beckton road
Powling John, refreshment house, 3 Hope ter. Barking road Sheppard John, boot maker, 104 Rathbone street
Pracey Richard, marine store dealer, 9 Scott street Shipp Joseph, greengrocer, 31 WilberIorce street
Price Robert, grocer, Lilliput road ~ibery George, dining rooms,s Ship terrace, Lilliput road
Pridmore Henry, wardrobe dealer, 2 St. Luke's square Sibley Frederick, news agent, 130 Bidder street
Prout John, licensed lighterman, Platt's bldgs. Victoria dks Sil\'erman Davis, watch &; clock maker, 37 Hallsville road
Pyne Rbt. china & glass dlr. 6 Brindisi terrace, Lilliput rd Simmonds William, draper, 31 Woodstock street
Pyne Wm.Geo. grcr. 11, & baker 21, Dolphin cots.Lilliput rd Simmona Edward Mons, watch & clock maker, 24 Hermit st.
Rait & Gardiner, engineers & shipwrights, Royal Albert dock Simon Charles, baker, 129 Lilliput road
Ranger Ernest, hair dresser, 67 Rathbone street Singer Manufacturing (,'0. 3 Ordnance row, Barking road
Ranger Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 40 Rathbone street Skittrell Frederick, shopkeeper, 31 Lawrence street
Ransom William, shopkeeper, r Hemsworth street Smith Alfred Henry, boot & clog maker, 1 Brunel street
Rayner Wm. boot & shoe maker, I Brassey ter. Lilliput road Smith Edward, shopkeeper, 8 Lawrence street
Read George, shoe maker, 90 Bidder street Smith Ellis, provision dealer, 73 Bidder street
Reader Alice (Mrs.), secondhand clothes dealer, 30 Fox st Smith George, boot &; shoe maker, 79 Victoria Dock road
Reading Joseph & Son, coopers, Brickfield cots. Barking rd Smith John, tailor, 23 Woodstock street
Reading Catherine (Mrs.), tobacconist, 44 Woodstock street Smith Joseph, butcher, 79 Woodstock street
ReeV'es In. chimney sweeper, 6 Sll.bbarton street Smith Joshua, builder, Hope house, Alexander street
Relf Charles, TOtC1& of Ayr 4' Relf's Music Hall, 6 Victoria Smith Thomas, carpenter, I I Hoy street
Dock road Smith William, dail")'IIlan, Shirle)' street
Relldall John, furniture dealer, 85 Woodstock street Smith William Thomas, grocer,s Victoria Dock road
Hernolds Joseph, shopkeeper, 43 Bidder street Snoad George, oilman, 63 Rathbone street
Rice Silvester, oilman, 96 Bidder street Boftley James, cowkeeper, 104 Roscoe street
Rice William, dining rooms, MaIden house, Hallsyille road Southgate }<'rederick James, Vartl1wuth A1"1n~, 154 Bidder st
Richardi Nicholas, grocer, II6 Lilliput road Sowman John, carman, Hallsville road
Riehards Nicholas Watkins, grocer, 4 Hope ter. Barking rd Spratt Marian (Mrs.), fishmonger 89, &; tobacconist 95..
Richardson William George, van builder, Barking road Woodstock street
Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants, Barking road Springford John, greengrocer, 50 Clarkson street
Rihll Louis William, oil merchant, 800 Wiggins & Rihll Sprosen Richard, butcher, 2 Eyerett terrace, Lilliput road
Riley Wm. & Son, tobacconists, 2 Francis ter. Barking road Stallard George, fishmonger, 59 Rathbone street
Rivett William, day school, Mount Zion chapel, Barking rd Standen William, greengrocer, North Woolwich road
Roberts Thomas, grocer, 17 Blanch street Stanney Elizabeth (Miss), fried fish shop, 109 Lilliput road
Robertson Alexander 'Winton & Co. engineers, Custom House Stearn Alfred, auctioneer, 2 Alexander telT'dCe, Barking I'd
engine works, Lilliput road & Roral Albert dock Steeles Hobert, wheelwright, &; fancy repositol")', Melbourne:
Robinson William, baker, 64 Hermit street house, Barking road
Robson Ann (Miss), haberdasher, 3 Gibraltar terrace, Vic- Steer Henry, clothier, 58 Rathbone .treet
toria Dock road Stellwagen Philip, butcher, 7 Hope terrace, ,Barking road
Robson John, beer retailer, 33 Woodstock stroot Stephens William, butcher, 5 Hermit road
Rochester William, shopkeeper, 87 Bidder street Steyen& John, shopkeeper, 6:1 Hermit road
Rock Henry, baker,56 Rathbone street Stewart Thomas, shopkeeper, Escott street, Hermit road
Roddam Cuthbert, builder, 2 Catherine street Stoffelen Catherine Johanna (Mrs.), tiorist, 23 Prosser ter_
Rolfe Henry, provision dealer, 42 Roscoe street Barking road
Rooke Alfred, eating house, 22 Prosser terrace, Barking I'd Stone Lucy (Mrs.), pig dealer, Beckton road
Roper John, paperhanger, Lifford house, Barking road Stone Phineas, shopkeeper, 92 Bidder street
Rowarth George, shopkeeper, 6 Beckton road Stone Sardh (Mrs.), tobacconist,s Platt's buildings, Victoria
Rowell William, blacksmith, Grenville street &, shopkooper docks
27 Shipwrigh1 street Stoat Brothers, musical iustrument dlrs. 7 Victoria Dock I'd
Ruby Beel" Co. beer retailers (Thos. Chas. Sawyer. manager), Stuart Silvester Stonehouse &; Son, outfitters, 4 Gibraltar-
6 Canning terrace, Lilliput road; 16 S:rdney terraee, terrace, Victoria Dock road
Scott street; u, & 60 Hermit road, Catherine street j 47 Summer Henry, oilman, I Suffolk terrace, Hermit road
Hack road & Nelson street Suter, Hartmann & Co. composition manufacturers for-
Runacres Da,'id, butcher, 89 Rathbone street ships' bottoms, RO)'al Albert docks
Rungay George, beer retailer, 26 Roscoe street Sutton Comelius, .Durham A 1'1ns, 24 Stephenson street
Rutledge Edward, greengrocer, 100 Bidder street Sutton Felix, baker, 32 Stephenson street
Sadler Richard & Son, wheelwrights, 3 Burnham street Sutton Frederick, ooJs' private school, Wouldham street.
Sadler Richard, marine store dealer, 101 Woodstock street Sutton Peter, beer retailer, 31 Yictoria Dock road
Sains William, fried fish shop, 4 Dolphin cots. Lilliput road Sutton Thomas, coal dealer. 12 "'ouldham street
SalterJohn &; Sons, coppersmiths, North Woolwich road Sutton Thomas, shopkeeper, 35 Rathbone street
Salter James, greengrocer, 2 Harrington terrace, Fisher st Sutton William, Essez .Arms, 92 Victoria Dock road
Salter James, greengrocer, Haizleigh hOUse, Barking road Button William, shopkeeper, 42 Alice street
Sankey John Hart, lime, cement, slate, tile, pipe, brick, fire Swan James, shopkeeper, !I Junction street, Lilliput road
brick, plaster, sand &; oollast merchant &C. Iron bridge &; Sweetingham Frank, marine store dealer, 21 Hallsville road.
Essex wharves S)'ID8 Ambrose, baker, I Ford's market
Saunders Richard, draper, 5 Trinity place, Barking road Talbot Anna (Mrs.), fancy repos. 4 Eyerett ter. Lilliput rd
Tandy John, greengrocer, u6 Bidder street Weldon John, pork butcher, 122 Lilliput road
"fann George, hair dresser, I I Ford's market Wells Brothers, grocers,s Hope terrace, Barking road
Tann John, decorator, S Hartler terrace, Beckton road Wells William, baker, 1 Star buildings, Bidder street
Tann Robert, greengrocer, 2 Hem~worth street Wendon Harriet (Mrs.). greengrocer, 44 Trinity street
~raylor Ephraim, stationer, 28 Hermit road West Ham Fire Briflade ~>tation (No. 2), Barking road
Taylor John, outfitter, 3 Alice cottages, Alice street West Ha11i Local Board of Health Pumpinfl Statio7/.
'Ta)'l<rr WilIiam, chandler'~ ~hop, I I Victoria ter. Lilliput I'd (engineers' offiee, WilIiam B. Horseman, resident
Temperance Hall, Swanscombe street engineer), River Lea side .
'Terrell Eliza (Mrs.), proyision dealer, North Woolwich road Weston Thomas Chambers, shopkeeper, Crown street
Thames ITQnWorks ~ Ship Building Co. Limited (William White Charles, ginger beer maker, 39 HallsvilIe road
Hayward, manager & secretary), Victoria Dock road White Frederick, cab proprietor, Barking road
Thames Sack ~ Bag Co. (Robert Dane, sen. man.), Bidder st White George, gas fitter, 77 Woodstock street
o'rhompson Isaac, dining rooms, 5 Dolphin cots. Lilliput rd White George, tailor, 103 Rathbone street
'fhomson Andrew & John, plumbers, Plaistow road White Jane (Miss), haberdasher, 39 HallsvilIe road
Thurlow George, basket maker, II5 LilIiput road White Mary Ann (Miss), eating house, 136 LilIiput road
Thurlow George Henry, beer retailer, I St. Luke's square White Richard, upholsterer, 72 & 74 Rathbone street
Tipple William &; Charles, ironmongers, 13 Hallsville road White Robert, engineer, 6 Gibraltar terrace, Victoria Dock
"ritchen William, Ilhopkeeper, 4S Roscoe street & IS Ship st road & Royal Albert docks
'fodd George, bricklayer, 47 Martindale road White Sarah Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 12 Hallsville road
'Town John, tobacconist, 4 Harrington terrace, Fisher street White Thomas, wheelwright, Royal Oak yard, Barking road
Townsend John, butcher, 36 Victoria Dock road White William Ernest, Woodstock Arms, Woodstock street
Trace William, beer retailer, Victoria Dock road Whitwell Coal Co. coal &; coke merchants, L. &; N. W. R.
Treliving Samuel, oil & colorman, 9 Ford's market coal depot, Barking road
"1'rricker Charles, boot &; shoe maker, 31 Hermit street Wicks Henry, fishmonger, 3 Stephenson street
'frufitt Wm. Henry, shopkeeper, 13 Hoy street Wiencke Henry, shopkeeper, 9 Hudson's road
Tunllard Albert, shopkeeper, 18 Hermit road Wiggins &; Rihll, oil & colour merchants &; manufacturers,
Turffrey John, provision dealer, I Hallsville road ship chandlers, sail makers &c. Victoria Dock road
Turner Chas. Geo. corn factor, 4 Lacher ter. Lilliput road Willett Herbert, grocer, 2 Hermit street
~urner George, greengrocer, 87 Rathbone street WilIiams George Henry, house agent, 55 Stephenson street
Tyer George, linen draper, 97 Woodstock street WilIiams Henry, shopkeeper, ~ Hermit street .
Underwood Henry, grocer, 127 Lilliput road Williams James, oil &; colorman, 1 WiddecOlllbe terrace,
Upton Charles, oilman, 1 Maud street Barking road
Vance John L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon,2 Widdecombe terrace, Williams John, butcher, ~orth Woolwich road
Barking road Williams John, hatter, Omega house, Barking road
Venton Daniel Jefferiel'l, greengrocer, 34 Rathbone street WilIiams Thomas, shopkeeper, 25 Queen's road
Vergeson Anthony, proYl'ln. dlr. 19 JWlCtion st, Rtephenson st Wilson 'William, beer retailer, 27 BruneI street
"Victoria .Dock Coaling Co. coal exporters, Victoria docks Wilson William, beer retailer, Ford street
.Victm'ia .Docks (London ~ St. Katharine Docks Co.) (W. Wilton Frank Joseph, plumber, Booth's cots. Barking road
Walker, superintendent; Capt. Geo. Benj. Linch, dock Wiltshire Francis, shopkeeper,3 lleckton road
master; Rd. Holloway, assistant; Michael Adamson, asst. Window George William, baker, 75 Rathbone street
engineer), Victoria docks e Winter Henry William, chancUer's shop, 17 & 37 Alice street
rictoria .Docks Engine Wm'ks Co. Limited (Clennell Fenwick, Winter Joseph Nicholas, deputy dock master, 27 Hack road
manager), Vietoria docks Winterflood John, beer retailer, 1 Hope terrace, Barking rrl
VictUI"UI Gmving .Dock Co. Limited (John Fenwick, manager), Womersley Pelham, linen draper, 32 to 34 & 39 Victoria
Victoria docks Dock road
Viney William, coffee house, 91 Victoria Dock road Wood Charles, marine store dealer, III Lilliput road
Vinicombe Simon, boot & shoe maker, 23 Victoria Dock road Wood Daniel, chimney sweeper, 11 Newton street
Vohman George Henry, leather seller, 15 HaIlsville road Wood John Edward, dealer in old building materials,
Waddams Benjamin, shopkeeper, Ford street Charles cottage, Edward street
Wade George, tobacconist, 22 Vict-oria Doek road Wood William, Hall:>"1Jille tavern, Hallsville road
Wade James, carman, Shirley street Woodhouse Charles, chandler's shop, 1 Victoria terr-ace,
Waguer Charles, butcher, 55 & 104 Victoria Dock road Lilliput road
Waguer Hermann, pork butcher, 50 Victoria Dock road Wooding Edward, chimney sweeper, 18 Francis street
Wagstaff Henry, butcher, 68 Victoria Dock road & 64 Rath- Woodman Horatio Edmund, hair dresser, 137 Lilliput road
bone street & 13 Hallsville road
Wakeling James, cowkeeper, 8 Wilberforce street Woods James, tailor, 21 Victoria terrace, Lilliput road
Walder Hampton, oil & colorman,93 Rathbone street Woods Robert, Sidney Arms, 10 Alice street
WalkerWilliam, shopkeeper, 46 Burnham street Woolidge WilIiam, beer retailer, Burke street
Walklin Robert HaTds, picture frame maker. lIS Lilliput rd Worland James &; Son, corn &; flour merchants, 43 Victoria.
Walk om WilIiam, greengrocer, r3 8cott street Dock :road; 1 Ordnance row, Barking road i &; eoal
Wall Alice (Miss), beer retailer, Beckt-on road merchants, Wharf street
Wall Henry, beer retailer, 24 Arkwright street Worland Henry, coal merchant, 43 Victoria Dock road
WaIter Ed. Wrainch, Tidal Basi1t tavern, Victoria Dock road Worland William, corn chandler, 40 Alice street
Ward Jame8 George, plumber, 99 Victoria Dock road Worth John AIgel', timber merchant, see Dowson &; Worth
WardeD Geo. Thos. 6'hakespeare's Head, 44 k 46 Ruscoe st Wortley Richard, undertaker, 27 Victoria Dock road &;
• Warner C. chemist, Deddington house, LiIliput road Rochester house, Barking road
Waterfield Thoma!l, greengrocer, 27 Hudson's road Wotton Thomas, shopkeeper, Ford street
Watkins Harriett (Mrs.), cowkeeper,l Helen'l! ter. Tucker st Wray George, shopkeeper, 8 Arkwright street
·Watkins Joseph Hen")', baker, 25 GrenvilIe street Wright Thomas, fishmonger, 6 Queen's road
"1\'at-80n Richard & Co. shipwrights & engineers, North Wool- Young Jacob, beer retailer, 34 Hoy street
wich road & Royal Albert docks Young Jame8, L01'd Napier, 8S & 86 Victoria Dock road
·Watson Frederick, shopkeeper, 21 Fox street Young James, shopkeeper, 19 Arkwright street
"1\'atson James, baker, I King's road Young William, Railway tavern, IA t Lilliput road
Watts John, Red Tape inn, 8cott street Youngman William, oil &; colorman, 1 Church street
Webb CharlM, buteher, 14 Scott street I Zurhost Alfred, confeetioner, 26 Victoria Dock road
".eech J ames, oilman, Beckton road ,
CANVEY ISLAND, which is united to South Ben- coastguard station with a chief officer and eight men. The
ll.eet at low water by a causeway across Hadleigh Ray, was nearest station is South Benfleet, two miles south, on the
formed into a civil and ecde8iastical parish in 188r and was London, Tilbury and Southend railway: it is in the South-
.originally part of the pQrishes of Bowers Gifford, Hadleigh, ern division of the county, Rochford union and county
North Benfleet, Laindon, Pitsea, Prittlewell, South Benfleet, court district, rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of
.southchnrch and Vange: it is..supposed by some to be the &sex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St.
.counos, or Oonwmnos Iwmla of the &Ilcient geographer Katharine consists of chancel, nave and two transepts and
Ptolemy, a !;lame assigned by othere to the Isle of Sheppy Mo small belfry, with spire, containing I ben and was
:and i~ a marsh island of the Thames, defended by high banks erected in 1875 in the place oC Mo structure dating from
:all round, ereeted in 1623; it forms & very rich grazing 1712, the only portions of which now remaining are
,ground, with a large quantity of arable land. Here ja a some windows and the porch. The register dates from the
year 1819; pre\;ous to which date the entries were made in acres; rateable value, £40297 ; the population in 1881 was 380.
ihe South Benfleet register. The living is a vicarage, yearly Parish Clerk, Joseph Hills. .
value £150, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held Letters received from Chelmsford &; I..ondon. Rayleigh
by the Rev. Henry Hares, Theological Associate of King's is the nearest money order & telegraph office
College, London. 'fhe priucipal landowners are the I Coast Guard Statioll, - Liddell, chief officer
Ecclesiastical Commissioners and Captain Bird. This I Natiow School (mixed), for 60 children, Mrs. Alice Bull.
island is 6 miles long by 3 broad and contains about 6,000 mistress
Ha~'es Rev. Henry T..A.K.C.L, Vicarage
Liddell - , chief officer of coast guard
I Beckwith Charles, Lobster Smack
Bird Abraham, beer retailer
I Drawbridge Thomas, grocer

CASTLE HEDINGHAM, ancientl)· a market town, enormous sum of 15,000 marks, or £10,000. The keep is
is a village, parish, station on the Colne Valley railway the only part of the castle which remains and is square.
and polling place for the Eastern division of the county, in with sides 62 feet by 55 feet and 110 in height, to the top of
Hinckford hundred, Halstead union and county court dis- the square turrets, which rise at the an~!! and of which
trict. Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry only two now remain. the battlement!! and parapet wall
and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles north from Halstead and 7 being swept away. The original entrance is on the west
south-west from Sudbury. on the east bank of the Colne: at side, where a flight of stairs conducts to the principal door
the point where the road branches off to Sudbury it is lighted of the first sto~·, on either side of which can be traced the
with gas. This village derives its name from the castle grom"es for a portcullis; the whole structure contains six
erected here in Norman times and for many ~'ears held by stories and stands on an eminence, partly artificial, which
the de Veres, Earls of Oxford. The church, assigned by re- rises above the village. Aubrey de Yere, third of that name
pute to St. Nicholas, is an ancient battlemented edifice, and first Earl of Oxford. is said to have founded II Benedictine
partly in the Norman and partly in the Early English style; nunnery here, dedicated to the Holy Cross, St, Mary and St.
and is supposed, from the heraldic badges of the de Veres, James. of which his countess, Lucia. was the first prioress'
appearing on various parts of the structure, to have been the revenues at the Dissolution were £29 128. IOd.: it is
erected by them; it consists of chancel, nave of six bays now a farmhouse. In 1250, Hugh de Vere, fourth Earl of
with clerestory, aisles and a massh'e brick tower at the Oxford, founded an hospital with chaplains, a clock and a
west end, erected about 16I6 with I bell: the east end servant for the sick and decrepid poor. The de Verea alien-
of the chancel is a fine specimen of the mixture of out- ated the castle in 1625 and it now belongs to Lewis Ashhurst
line and detail which accompanied the gradual formation of Majendie esq. M.A..• .T.P., D.L. lord of the manor and prin-
the Early English style and exhibits three windows with cipal landowner; the present mansion, erected in 1718, ih
shafts and a circular one above them: the chancel is occupied by Mrs. Sandford: the puk consists of 94 acres,
divided from the nave by a handsome carved oak screen; well wooded. Kirby Hall. in this parish, formerly the seat
it contains a superb monument to John de Vere, fifteenth of a branch of the De Vere family and the residence of the
Earl of Oxford K.G. who died March 19th, :1:539 and to great General Lord Vere of Tilbury. is now a farmhouse.
Elizabeth, his countess. with recumbent figures; there are The soil is mixed: subsoil, blue clay. The chief crops are
other memorials to Sir William Ashurst kt. Lord Mayor of wheat, barley and mangold wurtzeI. The area is 2.500 acres •
London in 1694. ob. 17I9 ; to Robert Ashurst esq. his son, rateable value, £5,552; the population in 1881 was 1,040.
ob. 1725; William Ashurst esq. his grandson, ob. 1734 and Pm-ish Clerk. James Wright.
others of that n.ame; an.d to ~ominic Heila. of Flanders! ob. POST, MoNEY ORDER &: TELEGRAPH OFFICE &; Saving~
I608 a!ld Gerhelma. hiS Wife. ob: 160~; t~e font IS a Bank.-lsaac Goss. Letters arn\'e from Halstead b)' mail
memonal to the Rev. Henry Lems Ma]endle M.A. for 28 cart at 5. 20 a.m.; dispatched at 7p.m. Letter box closed
~'ears vic~r of Dunmow and was given. by th~ mem- at 6.25 p.m
bel'S of hiS famIly In 1863: there are ~even stamed Wln~ows: INSURANCE AGEKTS :-Collnf:1I Fij'e, J. Partridge; Royal E.x-
the church was thoroughly restored m 1871. The regIsters change J. 1\1. Balls' Sun Fire H. Ranger
date from the year 1558. The Ih-ing is a vicarage, yearly , , ,
value £145, in the gift of Lewis Ashhurst Majendie esq. M.A., ACTING MAGlST~ATES FOR :r~~ COUNTY.
J.P., D.L. (who is lay rector; the rectorial tithes are about . North HmckfOl'd Dit;lS'lon.
£9 20 ~'early) and 'held by the Rev. Henry Ashton Lake N. C. Barn~rdiston esq. Ryes l?dge, Little Henny, SudbUl1'
M.A. of Corpus Christi college. Cambridge. The Congrega- C. B. S~rhng esq. Castle Hedmgbam
tionalists have a spacious chapel here. William Martyn left, Rev.. J. Foster Fox6l!rth .
in 1853, a sum of money arising from the rent of a farm to Lewls Ashhurst MaJendie esq
be divided between the poor of Castle Hedingham and Bock- D. Gurteen esq ,
ing. There are eleven almshouses, four of which belong to Lt.-Col.onel G. A. 1\ ay
the de Vere charity. four to Brewer's charity and three to Freden~k Palmer ~sq .
the parish: about £2 a year is left to the first two. Here Nat~amel Barnardlston esq. Llt~le Heml)'
are a savings bank, a reading room and library and a police L~ms J. Way esq. The Cou":, Tilbury
station' the local force consists of one inspector and two 1\. W. Boreham esq. Haverhlll
cOllstabies. Hedingham Castle, built in the reign of Stephen Vero William Tayl~r esq , .
by the de Veres, Earls of Oxford and Dukes of Dublin, Clerk to t?~e lIfa[flstl"ates, George \\ m. Ha~s. lIaMead
stands on an eminence near the village; in 115 1 Maud. queen Petty Sesswns are held at ~astle .1;I~mgham every
of King Stephen, is said to have died here; in 1216 the alteruate tuesday. The places 10 the diVISion are :-~hell,
castle was taken by King John, when held for the barons, B~lchamp Otten. Belchamp St. Paul. Belchamp \\ a~ter,
but it was soon after captured by the Dauphin Louis of Blrdbrook. Bulmer. Steeple Bumstead, Foxearth. Gestmg-
!"rance, and then retaken by the great Earl of Pembroke; thorpe, Castle Hedin~ham. Sible Hedingham, Liston,
here John de Vere, thirteenth Earl of Oxford K.G. enter- Maplestead (G~eat &Llt.tIe), Northwood
tained Henry VII. with the greatest magnificence and Inspect01' of Poltce t$' Wetghts t$' Measur~s et un:Jer the Sale
hospitality; but th~t rapacious monarch, learning from the of Food et Drugs Act, Charles Fox, PolIce statIOn
Earl's own acknowledgment that he had given liveries to his SCHooLS:-
retainers, contrary to the King's edict against "mainten- National (mixed), for 80 children; John Tyrrell, master
ance." contained in the statute of retainers. fined him in the British (mixed), for 110 children; Henry Ranger, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Taylor Vero William .T.P. Digby Elizabeth (Miss), milliner
Balls James Mayhew, The Nunnery Dyson Charltt. (Mrs.), straw bonnet ma
Barton William, St. James' street COMMERCIAL. Dyson James, shopkeeper & baker
Bridge Thomas, Littell MOl'ley Ambrose George, beer retailer Farrants Crown, blacksmith
Bromley John Bourne Ashford William, Bell inn Finch William, gardener
Burgess Rev. James [Congregational] Balls & Newman, auctioneers & land Foulsham Henry Botwright,chemist, &
Dodson Miss agents, The Nunnery; & at Braintree agent for W, & A. Gilbey.. wine &
Hayward Miss Balls Jas. Mayhew, frmr. The Nunnery spirit merchants
Lake Rev. Henry Ashton M.A. [ncar] Bear William, farmer, Little lodge Gatward John, butcher
Majendie The Misses, Dam~·ons Bingham Edward. oruamental pottery GoS8 Isaac. ironmonger. & post office
Rayner Henry manufacturer Haiden Edward. corn merchant
Root Misses Bowyer Henry, butcher Hardy Alfred, beer retailer
Sandford Mrs. Hedingbam castle Brand .Tohu, chimney sweeper Harrington John, bricklayer
Sbaw Rev. Charles Henry [curate] Bromley John Bourne, surgeon Harrington Thomas, pork butcher
Sperling Chas. Brogden I.P. Astlehouse Brown Catherine (Miss). ladies' school Hart William, grocer & draper
Steer Rev. Samuel Dansie Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer Harrey John Horton, draper & grocer
Stubbing Mrs DaveySusanh. (Miss), bookselr. &statnr Hawkins Charles, wheelwright
Hawkins Fredk.King'sHead,& whlwrght Payne James, eom dealer Smith Charles, beer rtlr. & corn dealer
Howe Robert Clarke, blacksmith Percival Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Son, saddlers
Jarman Fredk. Rennett, cabinet maker Percival ThoJV,as, Ilhoe maker Smith Frederick, plumber
Jay Joseph, shoe maker Plummer Wm. farmer, Great Lodge fm Smith Robert, shopkeeper
Kendall GeOl·ge, beer retailer I Radley Thomas, beer retailer Sprigett Joseph, farmer
Knight James, fanner, Laurance farm 1Rayner Thomas~ farmer Steward Edward, gardener
Maysent Frederick, baker ! Reading Roortt ~ Library(E.Haiden, sec). Taylor Vero WiIliam, maltster
Mullucks Percival Frederick, beer re- Revell Edmund, Cro-w/\ Titshall John, tailor
tailer & butcher Sams Henry, gardener Westrop Richard,fruiterer & shopkeeper
Partridge John,upholsterer & bricklayer Savings Bank (Edward Fentiman, sec). Westrop Robt. beer retailer & basket ma
Payne Henry & Fredk. farmers (Geo. I Shirley Thomas, inland revenue officer Westrop Thomas, shopkeeper
Wiffen, farm bailiff), Kirby hall I Simmons William, straw plait dealer White Robert Joseph, blacksmith
CHADWELL HEATH is a lltraggling hamlet in the Wilson, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from London at
parish of Dagenham and a station on the Great Eastern 7.45 a.m. & 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 & 11.45 a.m. &S p.m
railway, in the South~rn division of the com~ty,.Becontr~ Ford's Endowea School, Whalebone lane; for 84 children, a
hun~re<;I. ~0t.Dford Wllon and co.unty co~rt dIstnct ~nd ID branch of the school under the same foundation at Dagen.
the. JUrisdictIon o~ the MetropolItan police and vergmg .on ham, with a united income of £300 ; Robert Thomas
Hamault Forest, Sltua~ for the most part on the turnpIke Aldous master. Mrs. Aldous mistress
road to Romford, 3 mIles north-east from Romford and 9i ' '. ' . .
from London. Here is a chapel for the Baptists. The land I Infant School for 95 mfants; Mrs. Pavltt, mistress
is held by a number of small holders. I NationaZ School (mixed), for 112 children, Mark's gate;
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank' Joseph Barnes, master
&; Government Annuity & Insurance Otfice.-William Railway Station, John Harvey May, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pritlove William, Fern villas Hayes Dennis,sbopkpr.Bennet's Cast,le la
Anderson Alex. Wallace lodge, High I'd Raison Henry Heffer Brothers, grocers
Basnett Michael James, Heath cottage Rayment Miss, Paulatim lodge Higgs Thomas, blacksmith
Blott John, Whalebone house Roughton Louis. 6 Park villas Ingram Wm. shopkeeper, Wangey road
Bradley Joseph Wm. Hainault gore Russell Vernon, 5 Park villas Jones Harriet (Mrs.), stationer
Brown Robert George, Goodmays Temple William Bennetts, Castle house ·May John Harvey, station master
Brunell Henry, Eva cottage Thompson Captain May Thomas, farmer, Valence farm
Buckingham George Alfred, The Cedars Thompson Joseph, 3 Park villas Me7..en Alfred (Mrs.), beer retailer
Chalmers William Brice, Valence White Charles William, The Chestnuts Miriams Charles, beer retailer
Chambers WaIter, 12 Park villas Wrenn William Moss Archer & Son, millers & corll-
Chinchen John, 7 Park villas Wroughton Thos. Coleman, Wangey ho dealers, The Mills
Clark George James Palmer Joseph, jun. farmer.
Davey Ebenezer, 11 Park villas COMMERCIAL. Parrish George, farmer
Denny William, ·Whalebone lane Benton John, beer retailer, Green lane Parrish George, jobber
Folliott William, Heath house Boulton Mary Ann (Mrs.), boarding Parrish Elizabeth (Mrs.),frmr.Stoopfrm
.Freshwater William, 10 Park villas school, Lorne house Payze Raymund Guy, solicitor
Goldicutt Jehn, Arbuthnott Brown Joseph. farmer, Goodmays lodge Poole Abraham, market gardener
Green John, 9 Park villas Brown Robert Geo. farmer, Goodmays Pritlove William James, wheelwright
Green William Cooper, Elgin lodge Burgess William, Coopers' Arms Reed George Joseph, plumber
Hanemame Madame, I Park villas Chalk Henry, coffee house Riley George, shoe maker
Hogarth WaIter Henry, The LaurelR Chambers 'Walter, tailor Riley Peter, boot & shoe maker
Hooper James T. The Limes Clark George, baker & corn dealer Rowbury Stephen, market gardener
Humphreys Edward Death George, builder Wand Cha.rles, rate collector
Kerr Thomas, 8 Park villas Dockerill George, beer retailer, Wood la Warren James, jobber
Manning MI"8. Montagu villas Elliott Charles, White Hart, Green lane Warren Thomas, jobber
Mercer WaIter, Whalebone farm Varrance Robert, florist Warren Thomas, jnn. jobber
Moore Thomas, Whalebone lodge Frost Mary (Mrs.), White Horse inn Whenn John, grocer ~ wine & spirit
Overington Mrs Gaywood Henry, butcher merchant
PaY7.e Raymond Guy Gaywood Thomas, butcher Wildigg George, carpenter
Payze Richard, Broomn.eld Gough Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr Wilson William, draper, & post office
Pierce George, 2 Park villas Green & Smith, florists, Back lane
CHADWELL ST. MARY, which takes its name from The living is a rectory, tithes commuted at £480, with
a well dedicated to St. Chad, who is said to have built a residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees and
church at Tilbury, is a parish in the Southern division of held by the Rev. Algernon Emerick Clementi-Smith M.A. of
the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union, Gravesend Worcester College, Oxford. Here are some interesting and
county court district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex arch- well-known excavations in the chalk traditionally known as
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, on the road from Grays "Cunobelin's Gold Mines," from a British prince of tha.t
to Tilbury,2 miles north from Tilbury Fort and 22 from name, who distinguished himself by his resistance to the
London: the village of Chadwell lies high on the chalk invading Romans and by others called "Daneholes," from
range: Tilbury Fort is partly and Tilbury railway terminus the belief that they were made by the terrified Saxons as
wholly in this parish. The church of St. Mary COJilsists of chan- places of refuge from the Danes; similar caverns exist at
eel, nave and an embat,tled tower at the west end containing Little Thurrock and there are existing evidences of inter-
3 bells, dated respectively 1628, 1763 and 16g4: it was re- communication between the several retreats, local tradition
seated in 1857 and has since been restored: although greatly indeed asserting that a subterranean gallery extends to
altered during the 14th and ~5th centuries, this church yet Orsett. George Henry Errington esq. I.P. of Leden Park,
retains evidence in its doorways and one of the windows of Colchester, who is the principal landowner, is lord of the
its Norman origin: the existing style of the building is manor of Chadwell as well as of Biggin, another manor in
chiefly Decorated and this has been followed in renewing the thill parish. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief
windows of the nave, which is separated from the chancel crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,879 acres of land
by a Dew dwarf llCreen of oak: the east window of three and 144 of water, the marshes reaching to the Thames; rate-
light!! has flowing tracery and dates from Edward Ill. and able value, £4.105; the population in 1881 was 587.
the chancel generally is exclusively of the 14th century, re- Parish Clerk, James Eastwood.
taining a sedilia and a piscina with rose basin: the tower, POST OFFICE.-James Eastwood, sub-postmaster. Letters
built chiefly of flint and chalk, opens into the chancel by & through Romford arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 3.30
moulded arch resting ~n octagonal shaful: & new font of p.m.; sundays at 12 p.m. The nearest money order &
Norman design has been introduced: there i8 & marble telegraph office is at Grays
tablet erected by G. H. Errin~oD esq. of Lexden Park, to
Christopher Ash, of Hill Honse\a.nd other memorials to the Natiollal School (mixed), built in 18 55 for 60 childreu;
Rev. William Herringham B.D. late rector of this parish and average attendance, S4; Mrs. Sarah Fuller, mistress
Prebendary of St. Paul's, who died February 22, 1819; and Tillntry Fort Railway Station, W. J. Mott, Iltation master
to Thomas Noble Elwyn, of Albemarle street, London, Ilur- Tilbury Market for cattle & sheep enry thursday i p~
goon, who died December 4,1848 and his wife Elizabeth. prietor, Mrs. Amelia Phrebe Whitton
relict.. .here are also two brasses. The register of Coast-Guard Station, William Cooper~ station Gtficer; 7
baptisms dates from 1539; marriages and burials from 1578. men &: chief boatman
Ash Frederick James, Hill house Driver Rebecca (Mrs.), farmer Gowers \Veston John, farmer
Ash Mrs. Chadwell hall Eastwood James, wheelwright & baker Jackson Daniel, farmer, Charlwell place
Clementi-8mith Rev. Algernon Emerick & grocer, & post office Savin Maria Hannah (Mrs.), Cros. K~!J
ll.A. Rectory Fuller Daniel, blacksmith Whitton Amelia Phrebe (Mrs.), Wo'rid'.
Jackson James Cook Hubbard Stephen; refreshment rooms, E1fd, Tilbury fort
Priedie George Tilbury railway station; & New FalCQ1t
Ash Frederick James, farmer I hotel, Gravesend
CHADWELL STREET is a hamlet, in the parish of and several others are stained, three of these being memo-
Barking, situate on the turnpike road from Great Ilford to rials to Carolina Amelia Liptrap, Lieut.-Col. Melville and
Romford, 2 miles east from the former and 3 west from the Reginald Melville; the chancel is divided from the na-ve by
latter and adjoins Chadwell Heath railway station; it is in a handsome Gothic stone screen, with shafts of marble; in
Romford county court district, Barking rural deanery, Essex the sacrarium is a mural brass to Emily Ann Barlee Rnd on
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. St. James' church the wall of the south aisle a marble memorial to Emily
was built in 1862 by Major Ibbetson as a chapel of ease to Dawkins; the church is ornamented with artistic deeora-
Aldbol'Ough Hatch, but it has of late years been held as an tions painted by an amateur and is capable of seating 350
independent charge with a conventional district formed out ","orshippers. The land is held by a number of small owner<l.
of the ecclesiastical parishes of Ilford and Aldborough Hatch; The ward of Chadwell comprises 2,298 acres and had a popu-
the church is a cruciform Gothic structure of brick, with lation in 1881 of 103.
stone mouldings and consists of a chancel with aisles, tran- LETTER Box cleared at 4 p.m
septs, nave, sacristy, choir vestry and a tower con- Letters through Chadwell Heath, which is the nearest
taining a peal of 5 bells j the triplet windows at the east end postal, money order & telegraph office
Aitchison William, Alpha cottage COMMER.CIAL. fLee Robt. John, carpenter &. shopkeeper
.Bowyer William, Little heath AlIen Henry, jobber Machell Fras. L. beer retailer, Lit. heat h
Fleming John Bird Samuel, farmer, Seven Kings farm Maskell William, hay &. straw dealer,
Gawler Henry Lewis Brown Louisa (Mrs.), blacksmith I Little heath
Grey Rev. Frederic Thomas M.A. [in- Cable Josiah & Mary, hay & straw dlrs . ~lead Clement, farmer, Dowllhall
cwnbent of St. James'], Little heath DanielsJoseph, nurseryman, Green lane Pfleger Christopher ·Wm. Gl'eylwund
Harnson Alfred, Forest cot. Lit. heath Dilley Robert, farmer, Little heath Potter William, farmer, Little heath
Ibbetson Major George Ernest, Heath Hearn Thomas, farmer, Grove fann Rivel'$ George & Henry, market gar-
house, Little heath Hoy John, farm bailiff to J. Allison esq.: deners, Seven kings
Page John Knight, Holly cottage Little heath Shacklady John, farmer, Little heath
Painter Fredk. Wm. Omega cottage Humphrey Jsph. shopkpr. Little heath Sutton Henry, market gardener
Sibley James, Hembry house King Henry, hay &. straw dealer Threadgold Foster, Crooked Billtt,
Wheeler Thos. Wm. Tyler, Seven kings Knight James, farmer, Padnail corner Padnall corner
CHAPPEL (or PONTISBRIGHT) is a parish and station on This parish is included in the sinecure rectory of Great
the Stour Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, in Tey, of which it was formerly a chapelry. RoOOrt Hoolde
the Eastern division of the county, Lexton hundred and esq. in the 33rd year of the reign of King Henry VI. by his
Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester county court dig.. deed of feoffment gave one messuage with garden and 14~
trict and &rchdeaconry, Halstead rural deanery and St. acres of land in this parish, for a poor learned man who
Albans diocese, on the south bank of the Colne, opposite to should from time to time be minister of this parish, or to
Wakes Colne and adjacent to the high road from Colchester the use of the poor; there were twelve trustees appointed to
to Cambridge, 6i miles south-east from Halstead, 8 south this deed in 1834. The trustees of the late R.Hills esq. are lords
from Sudbury, 6 north-east from Coggeshall, 7~ north-west of the manor. Golden Goody esq. is the principal landowner.
from Colchester and 49i from London j the Stour railway The soil is a light loam and clay; subsoil, various. The
crosses on a viaduct of 32 arches, springing from the valley chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,146
to a height of 74 feet and has a station about a qnarter of a acres j rateable value, £2,297; and the population in 1881
mile from the village; the Colne valley branch of the Great was 363-
East~rn railway here leaves the Sudbury branch. This Parish Clerk, Henry Quinlley.
place was formerly part of Great Tey, but was made an in- POST OFFICE. Joseph Poole, receiver. Letters arrive from
dependent parish in 1533. The chapel was built in 1355 &s Halstead at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. ; sundays 8.30
a dependency of Great Tey and consists of chancel, nave, a.m. The nearest mODey order & telegraph office is at
north porch and small wooden towel' with spire, containing Earls Colne. WALL LETTBR Box cleared at 4.40 ; sWldaJS
2 bells; in the chancel is a piscina. The register dates from 9.15 a.m
1538. The living is 8 vicarage, yearly value £80, in the National School (mixed), built in 1871 for 60 children, witll
gift of the parishioners and held by the Rev. lames average attendance of 42; Miss Elizabeth Hessy, mistre"lS
Pownall Britton, TheoI. Assoc. King's ColI. London. Railway Station, George. William Grand, station master
BrittonRev.Jas.Pownall T.A.K.c.L.[vicar] Beard Joseph, beer retailer Goody Golden, cattle dealer & farmel",
Burnell Edward, The Elms Bell John, saddler Broom house
Curtis George Burnell Edward, land steward to .8. J. Grimwade William, blacksmith
Farrow Mrs. James, Hill house l.. Frere esq Matthews John, farmer
Osborn Mrs. Rode cottage CarterJas. Rose if Croum, &; carpenter Pettitt Martha (Mrs.), Swan
Smith WilIiam, Brook farm Everett George, grocer Poole OliveI' Joseph, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Everett Jonathan, butcher Poole Robert, wheelwright
Beard Jsph. jun. builder, Rose green Goody Golden,jWl. farmer, Pattocks Whitman Thomas, boot & shoe maker

CHEUlSFORD is a market and union town and head of a Chelmsford. &CCording to Camden was theXorman station
county court district and station on the Great Eastern rail- Canoonium, but it is now generally supposed to be the Nor-
way, standing at the confluence of the rivers Chelmer, Can man station Cresaromagus, in the direct road from London
and Wid and in the" Domesday Book" it is variously called to Colchester. In the )'ear 1847 a Roman villa of
Celmeresfort and Celmeresforde and named in many ancient considerable extent was discovered on land immediately
records Chelmereford, Chehnesford and Chelmsford. The abutting upon the snpposed ancient road and from time to
name is, however, evidently a contraction of Chelmer', time numerous Roman relics have been found. In the time
from the ford over the river Chelmer before bridges were of Henry I. Maurice, the Bishop of London, in which t'Iee
built across it. Chelmsford is the capital of and a polling Chelmsford had remained since the reIgn of Edward the
place of election for the Western division of the county, in Confessor, built the first bridge over the Can. The town
the hundred and rural deanery of its own name, Essex arch- continued to form part of the possessions of the Bishop of
deaconry and St. Albans diocese and is sitnate on the great London down to the time of Henry VIII. when, in z545. the
road from London through Colchester into Suffolk, with town and mansion were conveyed by Bishop Bonner and in
roads branching to Ongar, Dnnmow, Braintree, Maldon and ~563 granted by Queen Elizabeth to Thomas Mildmay esq. in
Rochford; 29 miles from London, 9 8()Uth-westfrom Witham, whose family the manor and a portion of the lands still
a2 south-west from Colchester, u: south-west from Brain-, remain; no mention is made of its market Wltil in the early
tree, lIt from Brentwood, 10 west from Maldon, part of the reign of King John, when a charter for a weekly
38i from Ipswich and s6i from Bur! St. Edmunds. • market was procured a~ well as a rO)1U licence for the
annual fairs. The market and fairs have within the last the sixteenth century, born in Chelmsford, in 1551 and Sir
few yean been purchased by the local board who have at Waiter Mildmay bart. Chancellor of the Exchequer in the
considerable expense provided an extensive and convenient time of Queen Elizabeth and founder of Emmanuel College,
market place which wa~ opened in 1880, previous to which Cambridge, were both educated here. In Tindal square is a
dat~ the market was held in the streets. I sitting statue of the late Chief Justice Tindal in his judicial

In some Parliamentary records this town was called a robes, executed by Bailey and erected by subscription;
borough and it returned members to the grand council of this eminent judge was a native of Chelmsford and was
the nation, holden at Westminster, in the nth J·eal' of Edward also educated at the Grammar school.
Ill.; on a statute of Hlmry VI. for weightil and measures, There are also National, British and Infant schools.
Chelmsford is also named as the shire town. The Essex IndU8trial school for destitute boys was estab·
The town, in conjunction with Springfield, is in three lishedin 187~ and is supported by voluntary contributions: the
divisions, all connected by good bridges-Chelmsford,between cases admitted are those of a voluntary character and of bo)'s
and at the confluence of the rivers Chelmer and Can: Moul- unconvicted of crime sent under a magistrate's order, in
sham on the south side of the Can and Springfield on the pursuance of the Industrial Schools Act of 1866: the boys'
north side of the Chelmer; it is pleasantly situated and time is equally divided between instruction in school and
being in the central part of the county, with good communi- house and garden work, shoemaking, tailoring and paper
cations, is naturally the centre of much traffic: it is lighted bag making; the religious teaching is Protestant, but
with gas: a Local Board has been established and meets at un-denominational. The school was originally carried on
the Corn Exchange. in Baddow road, but the council in 1881 erected com-
The waterworks. situate in Mildmay road, belong to the modious and suitable premises on land at Primrose Hill,
Local Board of Health, who undertake to supply both the consisting of about 1I acres, where the boys are taught
town and the parish of Widford with hard and soft water; the farm and garden work. Applications for admission should
water is procured from two sources viz. an artesian be addressed to the honorary manager, Chelmsford.
well at the works, 600 feet deep and a spring near the rail- The Corn Exchange, erected under the superintendence of
way, named Burgess Well; the water is conveyed from this Frederick Chancellor esq. of this town, occupies a central
well by gravitation to a reservoir capable of containing position in Tindal square: and is a building in the Italian
112,000 gallons, also supplying two conduits in the town. At style containing a corn han 100 feet by 45, with counting-
Long Stomps, about a mile from the town, there is a high houses on either side, auction and committee rooms and a
level reservoir for 120,000 gallons, the water being forced up gallery; it was opened on the 5th of June 1857, since which

from the works, returning through a seyen inch pipe to the time the corn markets have been held here every Friday.
main; the connection is at the works, so that in case of fire The Shire han, in High street, is an edifice of Portland
or special service the supply may be immediately obtained. stone, a front of four Ionic columns, in front of which
The town sewers are under the control of the local board stands a piece of ordnance, a trophy of the Crimean war;
and the whole sewage, until about a year ago, was pumped here are held the assizes, quarter sessions for the county and
up to Barnes farm, Springfield, for the purpose of irrigation, petty sessions on Fridays.
but 3 main sewer now conveys the town sewage and that In the New London road is the Chelmsford and Essex
of Widford combined by gra,'itation to Brook end, Spring- Museum, which contains a fine collection of shells; there is
field, rooeh'ing in its c()urse the sewage of Springfield and I also a Literary Institute, with a lecture hall and reading
Great Baddow: A farm of about 110 acres has been pur- room and a library of 4,000 volumes.
chased at Brook end and the combined sewage of the Her Majesty's Prison is situated at Springfield and was
before mentioned four parishes is then disposed of by irriga- erected in 1828 at a cost of £57,289; enlarged in 1849, and
tion and filtration. further improved in 1871; there are 361 certified. cells.
The church of St. Mary was erected (according to an old The Head Quarters of the County Constabulary is at
inscription upon the church, but now destroyed) in the year Springfield. The force consists of 10 superintendents, 13
1424, no doubt upon the foundation of a former church and inspectors, 28 sergeants and 24-3 constables.
in the Perpendicular style: it consists of chancel, nave with In 1870 a house in Moulsham street was made available
aisles, north transept and a western embattled tower con- for the purpose of an infirmary. There are also two alms-
taining 8 bells, dating variously from 1723 to 1822, the tenor houses for ten poor people and a sum of £400, derived from
weighing 22 cwt.: in the year 1800 the l'oof of the nave fell several charities, is distributed J·early.
in, destro~ing the naye and the greater portion of the west There are two banks, a savings bank and concert and
and south aisles, which were then rebuilt in the bastard assembly rooms. Fi"e newspapers are published. Chelms-
style of Gothic at that time prevailing and encumbered ford races are held annually on Galleywood common.
with north, south and west galleries: in the year 1857, how- There are factories fop agricultural implements t a large
ever, the western gallery was cleared away, the fine old tannery, a brewery, maltings and very extensive corn mills.
tower thrown open and the church 1'6-seated: in 1873 a. A considerable trade iu corn is also maintained.
great effort was made to progress with the works and a The market is held on Friday and, with regard to corn, is
second north aisle with transept was built, the two remain- the larges4loin the county. .A cattle and horse market has
. ing ~lleries were removed: the pulpit, composed of grey been laid out in rear of the corn eJechange, by the local board
marble and granite, with white marble figures, was pre- of health. There are two aIlnual fairs, held on the 12th of
sented in 1872 by R. W. Hanbury esq. late M.P. for North May and 13th of Noyember and a large fat cattle show about
Staffordshire, in memory of his wife: the south porch is a the middle of December.
fine specimen of the Perpendicular period, but was badly Chehnsford parish comprises the manors of Bishop's Hall,
restored about 40 years a~ in cement: the chancel was Moulsham Hall and most of Becksfield: the two latter were
improved in 1878 by the addition of a clerestory and a. new held by the ~bbot and Convent of Westminster, but were
stained east window to the memory of Lady Mildmay: there granted by Henry VIII. with Chelmsford or Bishop's Hall
are several other stained windows in the church: the arch- manor. to the Mildmay family.
deacon holds his court in the building and until recently The parish, including Moulsham, covers an area of 2,841
the archdeaconal records were kept in the room in the acres, of which about 650 acres are tithe free; 1,724 acres
porch,but they are now removed. The parish register dates subject to a rent-eharge of £494 18s. in lieu of tithes; 322
from the year 1525. The living is a rectory, yearly value acres paying £5 2S.; 16 acres, 19 poles glebe; and 123 acres
£663, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans !'lite of town, wastes and roads; rateable value, £37,860. The
and held by the Rev. Henry Frank John80n LL.B. of Trinity population of the parish and 1000al board district in 1881 was
College, Cambridge. 9,885; the whole population of Chelmsford, Moulsham and
The general cemetery is situate in Rectory lane; there Springfield being 12,413.
is also One for Dissenters in New London road. WIDFORD, SPRINGFIELD and BROOMFIELD adjoin Chelms-
The Free Grammar school now in Duke street was founded ford and are given under separate headings.
in 1551 by a charter of Edward VI. who incorporated four MOULSHAM is a hamlet to the south and ecclesiastical
person!'l by the name of governors of the possession!'l of the parish, formed in 1838 out of Chelmsford. St. John's Church
Free Grammar School of King Edward VI. in the parish it! a brick stmcture in the Early English style, built in 1841
of Chelmsford, to be succeeded by their' next male heirs. from a design by Mr. Webb of thi!'l town, at a cost of about
The school has a :rearly income of about £537 and under £2,500 and has since been considerably enlarged by the ad-
the scheme -of the Endowed School Commissioners. 1:873, dition of a chancel and transepts; the east and west lVindows
was constituted a second gTade school for the education of are stained: it has a. turret and two- bells: all the sittings
boys up to the age of 17 ~ there are four exhibitioIls i aTe free. The l'8g1srer dates from the year of erection. The
exempting the holders, who are called '" ti~t-elass founda-I'livin g is a vicarage, J'early 'Value £350, with residence, in the
tion scholars," from the payment of fees; eight others, exempt gift of the rector of Chelmsford aod held by the Rev. George
from half the tuition fees, ftfe called .. second-class founda- I St. Aloon Godson M.A. of Pembr()ke College, Cambridge.
tion scholars." Philemon Holland, an eminent translator of I The area is I,C}06 acres; the population in 188r of the ecclesi-


astical district was 4.900. The principal landowner is Sir H. r Parish Clerks (St. Mary's), Richard Stannard,.5 Broomfield
B. P. St. John Mildmay bart. road; (St. John's) John Lewis, :126 MDulsham street.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &0.
Savings Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, Atlas Fire, J. B. Arthy, High street
64 High street. Open from 7 a.m. to 10 pom. 1British Empire Mutual, A. Darby, 97 High street
Edward Granger, postmaster. Caledonian, F. Whitmore, 22 Duke street
DELIVERIES OF LETTERs.-First, 7 a.m.; second, 10.30 a.m.; Commercial Union, A. Benson, 33 Broomfield road &.
third, 5.30 p.m. On sundays the office is open from 7 to. Scarlett & Sutthery, Tindalsquare
ID a.m. & there is only one delivery by letter carriers- County Fire, E.N. Palmer, 68 High street •
viz. at 7 a.m Economic Life, C. Pertwee, New street; J. A. Copland, New
PILLAR LETTER BOXES cleared at (on week days only)- London road
Baddow road, 8.45 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 8 p.m.; London road, Emperor Life if Fire, A. Darby, 97 High street
8.30 a.m. 12.30 pom. 7030 p.m.; Moulsham, 9 a.m. 12.30 Guardian, A. G. Maskell, Waltham villa
pom. 8 p.m.; New street, I2.3op.m. 7.20; Railway Hand-in-Hand, H. Copland, Broomfield place; J. A. Pirkis
station, 9 a.m. :12.30 p.m. 8 pom.; Rainsford end, 12 noon, 66 High street; & T. J. D. Cramphorn, 17 High street
7 p.m.; Springfield road, 2.20 pom. & 7.50 pom Liverpool if London if Globe, T. Dixon, 18 Duke street
The Telegraph Office is open from 8 aom. to 8 p.m. on week London Assurance, J. S. Greenhow, 14 High street &. J.
days; &. from 8 to 10 a.m. on sundaye Luckin,Bank chambers, New street (life only)
Money Order, Savings Bank, Government Annuity & Life Manchester Fire, E. W. Russell, Tindal square
Insurance Business transacted from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on National Provident Life, J. Taylor, High street
week days only; & Dog & Gun Licenses are issued during National Provincial Plate Glass, W. Wood, Duke street
the same h o u r, s ' North British if Mercantile, H. S. Coleman, New London rd
• • •
Northern Assurance, J. W. Cottee, ~ Claremont terrace,
Letter Extra Mildmay road
MAILS. Arrival. Dispatch. Box SLampBox Norwich Union, J. Taylor, High street
Closed. Closed. Pkrenix Fire, J. BallaI'd, 7 Duke street; A. Durrant,
--- - Tindal street; F. T. Veley, YveI'den house, New London
road; G• .8. Hilliard, Bank chambers, New street; & E. W.
London & Places Petts, Cheshunt villa, New London road
through London ••.• 10.0 pom. 2.10 Lm. 11.0 p.m.
Witham, Kelvedon,
Protector Endowment, E. N. Palmer, 68 High street
Provident Life, E. N. Palmer, High street
Colcht!8ter, Norfolk
&. Sdolk •••••••••• 3.10 a.m. 9.35 p.m. 9.0 p.m. 9.20 p.m. Railway Passengers, E. N. Palmer, High street
~ndon •••.••••..•••• 600 a.m. - - -
London Daily Mail •••. 10.7 a.m. 11.10 a.m. 10.50 a.m 11.5 a.m.
Reliance Mutual Life, Duffield & Bruty, High street; Gepp
& Sons, New street
Witham, Kelvedon, ~1 Royal Exchange Fire if Life, E. Durrant, High street
Colchester, Norfolk, Standard, Wm. Langham, Springfield hill
& Suffolk •••••••••• 3.15 p.m. 9.4D a.m. 9.lIS a.m. 9.3G a.m.
London & Places Sun Fire, F. H. Meggy, High street
through London, In·
gateetone & Brent- . PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
wood •••••••••••••• - 3.10 p.m. 2.50 p.m. ll.l5 pom. Archdeacomy Court of St. A.lbans, New street; Thomas
Lonrlon ••••••••••••••
London •••••••••.••••
4.50 p.m.
(Jj5 p.m.
7.60 p.m.
(.a5 p.m.
7.36 p.m.
(.50 p.m.
7.4D p.m. Morgan Gepp, registrar
Mail Carts to Dunmowo Cemetery, Rectory lane, Richard Stannard, registrar
Bishop Stortford, Corn Exchange, Tindal square, W. W. Duffield, sec
Rochford & Maldon - - 11.0 p.m.

- County Court, J. Abdy D.C.L. judge; Charles Godfrey, high
bailiff; Thomas Morgan Gepp, registrar of the Court &
• • •
There is only one dispatch on sundays; letter box closes at registrar in Bankruptcy. Sittings held at the Shire hall,
I I p.m . Tindal square, monthly; summonses &C. granted at the
LOCAL BoARD OF HEALTH. Court office, New street. The following places are within
Offices, Com Exchange. its jurisdiction: ' Berners Roothing, Boreham, Broomfield,
Cle/'k, Thos. Dixon, 18 Duke street Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignal St. James, Chignal
Medical Officer, E. H. Carter Smealey, Danbury, East Hanningfield, Fryerning, Good
Inspector of Nuisances if' Collector, Edwin Earthy, Grove Easter, Great Baddow, Great Waltham, Ingatestone,
terrace Little Baddow, Little Waltham, Margaretting, Mashbury,
S1trveyor, Charles Pertwee, Bank chambers, New street Pleshey, Rettendon, Roxwell, Rnnwell, Sandon, Shellow
ACTING MAGISTRATES FOR THE COUNTY. Bowells, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Stock, Terling,
West Hanningfield, Widford, Willingale Doe, Willingale
Thomas Kemble esq. Runwell hall, Wickford (chairman) County Constabulary, head quarters, Springfield; Major W. H
Rev. A. Pearson, Springfield Poyntz -a.M.L.I. chief constable
J. J. Tufnell esq. Langleys, Great Waltham Chelmerif Blackwater Navigatiun Co. Andrew Meggy, clerk
W. M. Tufnell esq. Hatfield place .Dissenters' Cemetery, New London road, George Hasler,
J. A. Hardcastle esq. MoP. Writtle registrar
Rev. Ao D. Stacpoole, The Vicarage, Writtle I>ispensary 4" Infirmary, Moulsham, J. Nicholls MoD. & E. H.
Lieut.-Col. Edgar John Disney, The Hyde, Ingatestone Carter, medical officers; C. P. & J. Baker, dispensers ;
Col. T. Harvey Bramston, Skreens, Roxwell F. T. Veley, hon. sec. ; E. N. Palmer, collector
Arthur PriO'l" esq. Hylands, Chelmsford Essu: if' Chelmsford Museum, New Bridge .treet, The
Arthur Joliffe Tufnell esq. Langleys, Great Waltham Bishop of Rochester, patron; F. Whitmore& F. Ho Meggy,
R. Woodhouse esq. Writtle hon.secs
Major John Lionel Tufnell-Tyrell, Boreham house Esse;,: (2nd) Rifle Volunteers (A &. B companies), Major
James T. Foster esq. Portlands, Great Baddow Frederic Chancellor, commanding A company & Major
J. T. Abdyesq. Great Baddow John A. Copland, B company
Col. Impey Lovibond, Riffhams, Danbury H.M. Prison, Captain Henry McGorrery, governor, Spring-
F. C. Rasch esq. Woodhill, Sandon field; Rev. W. Faithfull Lumley A.K.C.L. chaplain; Rev.
C. A. O. Marsham esq. Sandon Charles Batt MoR. Catholic chaplain; E. H. Carter, surgeon
The Hon. Arthur Petre, Coptfold hallt Ingateetone Inland Rnenue Office, 97 High street, Thomas Winniatt
Thomas Usbome esq. Writtle Smith, supervisor
Clerk to the Magistrates, W. W. Duffield, 96 High street Local Board of Health Works, Mildmay road
Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall every friday Shire Hall, High street i assizes, spring &; summer; &
The places in the divisionare:-Baddow (Great), Baddo'W quarterly se8Sions & petty sessions held every friday
(Little), Boreham, Broomfield, Buttsbury, ChelmsiOl'd,
Chignal St. James, Chignal Smealey, Danbury, Fryerning, CHELMSFORD UNION.
Good Easter, Hanningfield (East), Hanningfield (Sonth),
Hanningfield (West), Ingatestone, Leighs (Great), Leighs . Board day, every alternate tuesday
(Little)t Margaretting, Mashbury, Rettendon, Ronrell, Th~ union comprises thirty-one parishes viz., Boreham,
Runwell, Sandon, Springfield, Stock, Walthanr (Great), Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignal St. James,
Waltham (Little), Widford, Woodham Ferris, Writtle Chignal Smealey, Danbury, East Hanningtield, Ji'ryerning,
Good Easter, Great Baddow, Great Leighs, Great Waltham, Congregational, New London road, Rev. George )Vil~inson,
Ingate8tone, Little Baddow, Little Leighs, Little Waltbam, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono & tburs. 7.15 p.m
Margaretting, Mashbury, Pleshey, Rettendon, Roxwell, Congregatiorud, Townfield street, various, 10.30 a.m. &
Runwell, Sandon, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Stock, 6.30 p.m
West Hanningfield, Wid,fonl, Woodham Ferns & Writtle. CongregatiQTUJl, Baddow road, Rev. Geo. Chetwode Postans;
The population in 1881 was 32,972 i rateable value £193,196 10.30 a.m & 6.30 p.m.; thurs.7.0 p.m
Clerk to the Guardians, W. W. Duffield, 96 High street Primitive Methodut, Hall street, Rev. Wm. Wardle i 10.30
Relieving et Vaccination Officers,lst. dutrict,James Diaper, a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono 7.30 p.m
6 Broomfield road, Chelmsford; fnd dist1ict, George SCHOOLS.
Askew, Stock; Brd dist1-ict, Charles Squire, Broomfield Grammar School, Duke street; governors, Mr. Robert Wood-
,iJ,fedical Officers
• ..e. Public Vaccinators, No. 1 dutrict, E. H.
'.:1 h ouse, M r. A n d
rewD urran, t M r. T .M. Gepp,Mr .. R. C
Carter, Chelmsford', No. ~ district, E. Shedd, Writtle; H anam, Mr. W . B. H ugh es, Mr. T . D . R'dl I ey, Mr. F . T.
No. 9 district, R. Z. Pitts, Chelmsford; No .f. district, .. e1ey, M r. H . C. W e11s, R ev. H . F . J 0 h nson LL.B. M r. Chas.
WaIter Hart, Great Baddow; No. D district, John Harrison Gray, Mr. C. Scott. Mr. J. Ketley; Andrew

Marshall, Wickfonl; No. 6 dist1-ict, C. Winstanley, In~ Meggy~ clerk to the governors; John Albert Kershaw M.A•
gatestone; No. 7 distNct, Arthur Clarke, Stock; No. 8 head master; C. R. Nieholl K.A. under master; Mons.
district, Anhur Goodchild, Little Waltham; No. 9dutrict, Barry Norbert, French, writing &; drawing master; A. S.
Daniel Wheeler, Chelmsford; No. 10 district, J. R. S. Hartegan BoA. assist. master; Chas. Hams, music master
Hayward, M a l d o n ' ES3e:& Industrial Sckool4- Home for Destitute Boys~ Primrose
SupeN1ltendent Registrar, W. W. Duffield, 96 High street; hill, J. Brittain Pash, hon. manager
deputy, W. H. Fowler, 7 Granville ter. Mildmay road British (boys, girls &; infants), Friars place, Enoch Bailey,
Registrars of Births 4' Deaths,Chelmsford sub-dtstrict.John master; Miss Nom Griffiths, mistress; Mrs. Mary Ann
William Hair, Threadneedle street; Writtle suh-distNct, England, infants' mistress
James Diaper; 6 Broomfield road; Ingatestone sub~district, St. John's National, Moulsham street, John Rooke, master;
George Askew, Stock; Great Baddo1JJ sub-district, C. R. Miss Mary Elizabeth Taylor, mistress; Miss Emma Char-
Finch, Great Baddow; Great Waltham sub-district,Robert lotte Shambrook, infants' mistress
Dannatt, Great Waltham Victoria National (boys, girls &. infants), New street, Henry
Registrar of Marriages,Jobn 'Yilliam H~ir,T~readneedl~st Taylor, master; Niss Rose Jarman, mistress; Miss Mary
Workhouse, Wood street, bUIlt of brIck m 1837 (WIth Powell infants'mistress
infectious ward added in 1877), has accommodation for Catholic":'There aTe schools attached to the Catholic chapel
435 persons; Captain A. A. Pollard, master; Rev. W.j in the New London road' Miss E. Coller mistress
Buswell, chaplain; Daniel Wheeler, surgeon; Mrs. Mary NEWSPAPERS &c. '
Pollard, matRron SA. Chelm..'iford Chronicle, published every friday; F. H. Meggy,
.• URAL ANITARY ~HORITY. High street. See advertisement
Cler~, WIlliam Ward Duffield, 96 HIgh street IJut't'ant's Penny Illust1·ated .Almanack, E. Durrant & Co. 90
Medtcal Officer, ~. H. Downefl M.D . . High street
Inspector of Nuuances, Alfred FranclS Gmn, Broomfield rd IJutton's J-fonthly Railway Time Table, In. Dutton, Tindal st
PUBLIC OFFICERS. IJutton's Esse:e Almanack ~ County Gazetteer 0fearly), John
Assistant Overseer, WaIter Maryon, 29 New street Dutton, Tindal street
Clerk of the PeaceJor the County to the General Meetings Essex Almanac ~ County Handbook (yearly), F. H. Meggy,
of the Lieutenancy of Essex, Henry Gibson, Ongar ; office, High !treet
Shire hall, ChI'S. C. Shannan, clerk to the clerk of the E$s~ Herald, published tuesday, F. H. Meggy, High street.
Peace $ee advertisement
Clerk to Commissioners of Taxe8, to Commissioners of Sewers et
Essex Independent Farmers' Gazette, published every mon-
for Fobbing, Thomas M. Gepp, New street day, wednesday &; saturday, Taylor & Robbins, 26 High st
Clerk to Commissioner, of Sewers for Dengie, Chas. B. O. Essex Ne1JJ.'l-man, published monday & saturday, F. H. Meggy,
Gepp, New street . High street . ..
Clerk to Omnmissioners of Sewers for Foulness Level, WaIter Esst:r Standard, published saturday, E. Durrant & Co. JOint
P. Gepp, New street publishers, 90 High street, Chelmsford. See advert
{}le'rk to the Highway Board 4" the UniO'1l. .AssellS1Tlent Com- Essex Weekly News, published every friday, Taylor & Rob-
mittee, Wm. Ward DuffieId, 96 High street bins, 26 High street. See advertisement
Clerk to the Urban School.AttendancfJ Committee, Thomas RAILWAY.
Dixon 18 Duke street Gr E L 11 L 1 All h tat· te
County 'T1'eaSUTeT for West .Division of Essex if for the eat astern, ove awor s orn, s Ion mas r
Esse:e Constabulary, Thos. Morgan Gepp, New street CONV~YANCE; .
.Diocesan Surveyor for .Archdeaconries of Essex Colcheste1', Omn~bus from the' Saracen s Head, to meet eve!'Y tram
Frederic Chancellor 2 High street Ommbus to & from Rocbford every tuesda, & frIday from
Inspector of Corn Returns, Geo. Mason, 97 High street 'King's Head,' 4 p.m
Regist1'ar of the .Archdeaconry of Colchester, WaIter Payne CARRIERS, with inns they call at and days of departure.
G~pp, New s t r e e t . BADDOW, GREAT-Dakin,' Half Moon,' daily
Regutrars of the .Archdeaconne8 of Essex 4' St. Albans, BADDOW, LITTLE & BoREHAM-Mulley,' Fleece,' tues & fri
Thomas M-organ Gepp & Walter Payne Gepp, New street BILLERICAY, THROUGH STOCK-Lazell, 'Dolphin,' mOD. wed.
Sheriffs' OfficeT', Frederick Smee, New London road &; fri
-Yub-dis!ributor of Stamps, Thos. Mo~ga!?- Gepp,.New 8t~eet BUCKMORE-Argent,' Oak,' Monday & friday
Supervtsor ofIrJ,u,nd Reve?!'ue,Thos.Wmmat~ Sffiltb,97 :nIgh st BRAD~harp,'Cross Keys,' friday
.sUMe!Jor.f)f Ta:cea, Fra~ClS Washbo~rne Glbbs, 85 HIgh st BRAlNTBEE-Martin. 'King's Head,' friday
Town Orur,. Henry Chnstopher SmIth, I8.New street . BRENTWOOD Wells,' King's Head,' up, mono wed. & fri.;
Under-Sherijf,T. M. Gepp,New street; .Acttng Under-Sheriffl, down, tues. thurs. & sat
Gepp &; Son, New street BURNHAM-Nethercoat, 'Fleece,' tuesday & friday i Witham,
PLACES OF WORSHIP' with times of service. 'King's Head,' friday
CHURCHES. DANBURY-Dunmow, daily, 'Fleece'
St. Mary's Parish, Rev. Henry Frank Johnson d.B. rector; DUNMow-Turner,' Dolphin,' mono wed. & fn
Rev. Henry Mosley H.A.; Rev. J. D. Naime :M.A. & EASTER, HIGH-Franklin, tues. & fri. 'Plough'; & Lodge,
Rev. John Parmiter B.A.. curates; n a.m. & 6.30p.m wed. from Hicks, seedsman
Rt. John's Dutrict, Moulsham, Rev. Geo. St. Alban Godson EpP1NG & ONGAR-Cornell,' King's Head.' mono & fri
K.A. vicar ;8.30 &; IT a.m. 3 & 7 p.m.; wed. & tri. FELSTEAD-Peachey,' Plough,' moo. & fri.; llicks, '(iolden
11 a.m.. fri. 7p.m Lion,' monday & friday
' . C FORD END Fowler,' Plough,' tuesdsy &; friday
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, New London road, GQLDHANGBB StoweD,' White Hart,' friday
Rev. Chas. Batt lI.B. priest; 9 & 10.30 a.m. 3 &; 7 V·m.; KELVImON, WITHA.¥: &; HATFIBLD-Moore, f King's Head,'
daily mass, 8 a.m. : wed. 7.30 p.m mono tue8. thunJ. fri. &; sat.
F'l'i.eTuJ,s' Meeting House, Duke stleet LoW MALnoM-Hazeldene, ~ Queen'8 Head,' lUes. & fri
CH.APEL8. M;ALDOlJ & HBYBRIoo:»-Holmes, f Dolphin,' friday
Baptist, New London road, Rev. 'Richard Ash Huxbam, MARGARET RoDING-aoot, ':Bell,' tues. ~ fri.; Cbapman
ministet j- JO.30 •.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono k wed. 7.r5 p.m ~;FIeece,' tues. &; fri
Catholit! .Apostolic, Hall !treet, RevJ Sa.Ql1. Embleton; 8UD. MOUNT ESSINe--Wrighi, 'Dolphin,' friday
10 &om. "i S p.!Jl. ; wed. &; fri 9 a.m PITS~ THROVG¥ WIC&FORD-Collard, • ~ng'. Head,' fri

PLESHEY-Portway, 'Coach &; Horses,' friday W ALTHA¥, LI'ITLE-Mrs. Lucking, ' Half Moon,' daily
PuRLEIGH-Brand,' Coach &; Horses,' tuesday &; friday WALTHAM, GREAT-Day, 'Plough,' daily
RAMSDEN BELL HousE-Harnes, 'Spotted Dog,' mono &; fri W ALTHAM, GREAT &; FORDEND Day,' Plough,' friday
RAYLEIGH-Rawlinson, • King's Head,' friday WICKHAM-Moss, ~ George,' tuesday &; friday
RETTENDON &; BATTLESBRIDGE-Jenkins, 'Old White Hart,' WOODlIAlII FERRIs-Havers,' Spotted Dog,' tuesday & friday,
friday Wright, ~ Dolphin,' friday
ROCHFORD, RAYLEIGH &; WAKERING-Bush, • King's Head,' WICKFORD Murray,' Dolphin, friday j Cox, • Old White
tuesday & friday Hart,' tuesday & friday
ROXWELL & WILLINGALE-Berry, • Coach & Horses,' tuesday WRITTLE-Sewell,' Oak,' daily
& friday: Marriage, , Fleece,' mono wed. & fri WAGONS.
SIBLE HEDINGHAM-Westhrop,' Bell,' frid"y
STOCK-Abbey, • Oak,' friday From Chelmsford to Londun.
TERLING--Wood &; Russell,' Oak,' friday . ...
TILLINGHAM-Hazelton, ' Queen', Head,' tuesday &; friday; Herbert Markham, from ~uke's Head mn to 'Bull,' Aldgate..
Pond, •King's Head; friday tuesday, thursday &; friday ; leaves at 6 p.m, See advert
Choat Geo. 5 Granville ter. Mildmay rd Godson Rev. George St. Alban lLA.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Church Jabez Edward, J3 Hall IItreet Moulsham vicarage, St. John's road
Abbett WilIiam George, Japonica villa, CIarke Mrs. J. H. 33 New London road GouIt Henry, 16 Broomfield road
New London road Clayton The Misses, I Selkirk villas Gray Charles Hamson, Goldlay house,
Archer WilIiam, Ivy villas, Hamlet road Clayton Mrs. 3 Albert place Baddow road
Arthy Joseph Bridge, 73 High street Clough James, 12 Broomfield road Gray Mrs. 4 Springfield lane
Baker Charles Patrick, Caval ~ottage, Coller Duffield William, 8 Carew ter Gray Waiter, Phrenix ho.New London rd
Rainsford road Conder John Garwood, Hamlet house, Green Mrs. 4 Albert place
Baker James, 8 Railway street Moulsham Green Mrs. ~ Sutherland terrace
Baker The Misses, 72 Duke street Cooper Mrs. 23 New London road Grinstead William, Hamlet road
Baker Samuel, 58 High street Copland John Albert, Bellefield, New Hall Edward, 16 Baddow road
Balls Mrs. Florence villa, Broomfield rd London road Hall John, 17 Baddo'f road
Barker Miss, Meadow side, aectory lane Copland Mrs. 1 Rodney villas, New Hall John William, 23 MiIdmay road
Barnes Miss J ane, 23 Lower road London road Halls JuIian Octavius Perc)·, 20 Suther-
Barnett Charles, 100 MouIsham street Copland Alfred, SpergnIa house, New land terrace, Baddow road
Barry George (french master, grammar London road Halls Mrs. I St. John's ter.St. John'srd
school), 39 New London road Copland Mrs. Thornwoods,New Lndn.rd HanamRt.Chas.Lancastr.ho.Mildmay rd
Bartlett Rev. Robert Edward M.A. Rains- CoplandMrs. Wm. 2 Rodney villas, New Hare Geo. 1 Gram-ilIe ter. MiIdmay rd
ford lodge London road Hare George, jun. 2 Swaffham villas,
Batt Rev.Cbas. M.R. [Catholic]. 8 Cousins William, 24 Sutherland terrace Mildmay road
~ch Mrs. 13 Broomfield road Crane Miss, 4 Claremont ter.Mildmay rd. Hare Robert M.Henry, 5 Hamlet terra~,
Beach Mrs. Brooklyn villa, Rainsford f(1 Crush Mrs. 32 New London road Baddow road
Beach Mrs. ~o Duke street Cutts WilIiam, 41 New London road Hart Henry, 42 Duke street
Beach Nathaniel Benjamin, Rainsford rd Darby Alfred,Meadow side,BroomfieId rd Hartigan AIlan Stewart B.A. [assistant
Beach William, Rainsford road Darby Miss, 19 Mildmay road mast.grammar school], 9 Mildmay rd
Beckett Fred Robert, Hamlet road Davey George, Orange pt Mildmay rd Hasler Frederick, I EIlerslie YilIas
Beckett Henry Charles, lil )Iagdalene Davidson William [town missionary], Henderson Mrs. 3 Granville terrace,
place, Glebe road Cottage place Mildmay road
Beckett The Misses, 29 Broomfield road Davis Charles, 15 New London road Hitchcock Wm. 'rhe Limes, Grove road
Beckett Philemon, 30 Broomfield road Day Alexander, Holly ha. Broomfield rd Hockley George Arthur, 12 Mildmay rd
Beckett William Cornelius, 1 Magdalene Day Charles, 74 Duke street· Hodges Miss, 37 New London road
~lace, Glebe road Dennis T. H. P. High street Howell MichI. Maltese cot. Rainsford rd
Bediugfield Henry, 4 Westbourne ter- Dixon Miss, 2 AIOOrt pI. New London rd Hutchinson Misses, 27 Broomfield road
race, Mildmay road Dixon Thomas, 33 Mildmay road Huxham Rev. Richard Ash [Baptist], 18
Begrie Alexander David, Chelmer villa, Dobson Rev. Joseph P. [Congregational], St. John's road
Duke Street fields 27 Duke street Impey Maurice, 31 Mildmay road
Belsham Wm. 2 Albion viIs. MiIdmay rd Doe Mrs. Martin villa, Baddow road I Illgham Rev. Jaooz [Wesleyan],:Io New
Bence Edmund, 19 Sutherland terrace Downes Arthur Henry M.D. 16 New London road
Bennell J ames, 6<} Duke street London road Jacob.s John, 12 New London road
Benett Elkanah, 6 Carew terrace Dowsett Alfred, Ennerleigh cottage, Johnson Rev.Henry Frank LL.B. Rectory
Benson Alfred, 33 Broomfield road New London road Jones Waiter, 38 New London road
BentaII Mrs. 6 Hamlet ter. Baddow rd Dowsett Miss, Lansdowne "illa, New I Joslin Miss, 6 Sutherland ter.Baddowrd
Bentall Wm. 10 Hamlet ter. Baddow rd London road Keeling Charles Berges, Hamlet road
Birder WiIliam, Broomfield road Duffield WiIliam Ward, Broomfield road Kershaw Rev. John AIOOrt M.A. [head
Blyth Miss, Mason villa, New London rd Dunthorpe Wm. John, Orange place, master], Gl""dmmar school, Duke st
Blyth Rt. Mount pleasant, Broomfield rd Mildmay voad Last Miss, 15 Broomfield road
Boardman Wm. Hull, 41 Duke street Durrant Andrew, Bishops HQ-ll farm Last Mrs. F. C. 46 Duke street
Bodkin WilIiam :&I.D. The Cloisters, Dutton John, Cottage place Last Henry, 45 Duke street
New London road Dyer Miss, 54 New street Lawkin Abraham,3 Westbourne terrace,
Boggis J ames, Cottage place Earthy Edwin, Shell cottage, Grove road Mildmay road
Boghurst-Fisher Hy. 104 MouIsham st Eddington Sylvanus, Cottage place Ling George Broce, 1 Arundel house,
BoIinbroke George John, 5 AIOOrt place Elliot ueo. g Granville ter. Mildmay rd New London road
BoIingbrokeGeorge John, jun. 2 Arundel Embleton Rev. Samuel [Catholic Apos- Ling John, 74 High street
house, New London road tolic], IZ Hall street Livermore Miss, J3ycamore villa, New
Bond John, Charlton villas, Mildmay rd Feather WaIter T. 16 Sutherla.nd terrace London road
Bond John George, Mill ho. Baddow rd Finch Mrs. Prospect terrace Lloyd Mrs. 99 MouIsham street
Branfield Miss,23 Broomfield road Fitch Henry, Orchard villas, Hamlet rd Long Charles, 70 Duke street
Breed William, Hamlet road Fitch Mrs. 44 DUke street Luckin Jas. Rochester vil.Nw.London rd
Britton Robt. 4 GranviIle ter.Mildmay rd Fletcher George, 2 Westbourne terrace, Main Miss,4 Prospect terrace
Brown Mrs. 20 Mildmay road Mildmay road Mann Charles, 25 Mildmay road
Bruty Mrs. 10 Sutherland terrace Ford Henry, Mill house Mann Mrs. Ivy villas, Hamlet road
Bryant Benjamin, 34 Broomfield road , Fowler Wm.H.7 GranviIleter.Mildmy.rd Mann Mrs. Savernake lodge
BurIs John, 24 Mildmay road Fox George, 2 Selkirk "ilIas Mannock Horatio, Hamlet road
Burls Mrs. 23 Sutherland terrace French Thoma.s, Hamlet road Marriage Miss, Broomfield road
Butler William S. Sum.merhill lodge, Gepp Thomas Morgan, New street Marriage Henry, Ayletts, Broomfield rd
New London road Gepp WaIter Payne, New street Marriage Philip, Br~field mills,
Carter Edward Hunt M.R.C.S. Bng .,L.S.A. Gepp William B. Bank, High street Broomfield road
Fairfield house, Duke street Gibbs Francis Washbourne, Holly house, Marriage Sampsoo, The Parsonagf',
Carter Mrs. 2 Carew terrace New London road Broomfield road
Case RoOOrt, 21 Sutherland terrace Gibson Philip, Charlton viis. Mildmay rd Marriage Miss, 13 Duke street
Champ John, 4 High street Gilmore John,Chelmer ter.Springfield rd Marriage Mrs. Coval hall
Chancellor Frederic, 2 High street Gilson The Misses, 70 Duke street I Maskell Adolphus Geo. Waltham rills,
Cheveley George, 17 Duke street 1Girdlestone Wm. Myrtle viis. Hamletrd London road
5- ·
Mason George, Orchard viIs. Hamlet rd Poole Isaac, I I Sutherland terrace Barrell Mrs. 18 Friar's place
Matson Alfred, New London road Postans Rev. George ChetwOOe [Con- Sparkman John, 6 Granville terrace,
Matthews Arthur, 4 Sutherland terrace gregational], New London road Mildmay road
Mawhood Richd. Myrtle vils. Hamlet rd Potter Mrs. 5 Carew terrace Spurgeon George, 4 Caxton terrace
May Mrs. Laurel grove,New London rd Preston Mrs. Clifton vils. NewLondon Td Stokes John Thomas, Broomfield road
Meggy Andrew, 2 Waltham villas, New Ratcliff Wm. 8 H&mlet tel'. Baddowrd Straight Wm. Guy Harlings, New at
London road Rayner George Collins, 1 Caxton terrace Sudworth Samuel, 3 Claremont terrace,
Milbank Jame~, New London road Redgwell Thos. 2 Hamlet tel'. Baddow Td Mildmay road
MOl'ton Alfred George Edwin,Clarendon Ridley Charles Ernest, The Elms, Sweeting F. W. 1 Claremont terrace,
house, New London road Broomfield road Mildmay road
Mott Frederick William, Railway street Ridley Thomas Dixon, The Elms, Taylor Henry Mason, 36 Broomfield I'd'
Nairne Rev. John D. M.A. camb. [curate Broomfield road Theobald Alfred Percy, Oak cottage
Chelmsford chupch], Fairfield, Duke RobbinsEdwd.TheLimes,NewLondon Td Theobald Edgar R. Oak cottage
street Robinson Miss, 4 Carew terrace Thitchener Mrs. 26 New London road
Nash Mrs. 7 Carew terrace Robin80n Mrs. 28 New London road Thitchener Thomas, 101 Moulsham s~
Neale Miss, Cottage place Robin80n William Henry, Cottage place Thompson Daniel, 59 New street
Newman James Smith, 34 Mildmay rd Rood Mrs. The LicOOrs, New London rd TidboaldMiss,Weston vil.NewLondon rd
Nice Mrs. CarlOOn villa, New London rd Rolph Thomas Beard, 4 Hamlet terrace Tidboald Ths.Tavistock ho.NewLndn.rd
Nicholl Conrad R. M.A. [second master Roper William, 37 Broomfield road VeleyFrdk.Ths.Yverdon ho.Nw.Lndn. rd
grammar school], I Moulsham street Roper William Henry,35 Broomfield rd WackrillMrs.Osborne ho.New London rd
Nicholls James M.D. 68 Duke street Rumbles Thomas, I Swaffham villas, Wackrill Saml.Chandos ho.New Lndn.rd
Nicholson Mrs. Nightingale terrace, Mildmay road Wade Mrs. 7 Sutherland terrace
Broomfield road Sale Miss, 6 Albert tel'. New London rd WalkerMrs. Mellord vils.New London rd
Nurse Edward, 3 Sutherland terrace Salmon Miss, Wave cot. Mildmay road WaIter Mrs. 8 Broomfield road
Oxbrow Charles., 8 Hall street Saltmarsh George, 31 New London rd Wardle Rev. William [Primitive
Palmer Edward N.68 High street Saltmarsh Miss, 8 Sutherland terrace Methodist], 17 St. John's road
Palmer George, I5S Moulsham street Saltmarsh Thomas Joseph, The Nur- Webb Alfred, Ivy villas, Hamlet road
Parmiter Rev. John RA. [curate of series, Moulsham Webb Henry, 22 Mildmay road
St. Mary's], 25 Broomfield road Saltmarsh John, 2 St. John's road Webb Mrs. 81 Moulsham street
Pattison Mrs. Hamlet Toad Saunders George, Rosendale, Cottage pI Wells Frederick, Oaklands
Payne James, 22 Sutherland teTrace, ScotcherWm. Clifton viIs. New Lndn. rd Wells Miss, Cemetery cot. Broomfield I'd
Baddow road . Scott Charles, 52 New street Wenden Misses, 14 Broomfield road
Pedley Alfred, Hamlet road Seaman Mrs. Coval road Westcombe In. Richd. 25 Broomfield rd
Pegg Mrs. I02 Moulsham street Sheerman Edward, 79 Moulsham street Wharton Thos. Holly ho. New London rd
Perkins Robt. Edward, 32 Broomfield rd Sherrin Geo. Bleak ha. New London rd Wheeler Daniel, I I New London road
Perry Waltet" W. Springfield Shout Augustus Chas. 14 NewLondon rd Wheeler Daniel Martin Brumwell, 6
Pertwee Charles, Claremont villa, New Silverstone Mrs. 11 Mildmay road New London road
London road Simpson George, 2 St. John's terrace White Mrs. IO Mildmay road
Pertwee Mrs. Elm cottage, Writtle road Simpson Wm. Melford vils.Nw.Lndn.rd Whitmore Frank, 22 Duke street
Pertwee The Misses, 2 EIlerslie villas Smith Geo. 3 Hamlet tel'. Baddow road Wilkin80n Rev.George[Congregational],
Pertwee The Misses, 12 London road Smith Augustus [Baptist minister],43 24 New London road
Petts Edward WaIter, Chestnut villa, New London road WilliamsChas.London&Cy.Bank,High st
New London road Smith J oseph Alfred, Orchard lodge, Winterflood Hy. Rose cot. Hamlet road
Phillips George Cawkwell, 3 Caxton ter New London road Wood Mrs. 36 New London road
Pincomb The Misses, 5 Sntherland ter Smith Thomas Winniatt, 7 Albert place, W oodMrs. INightingaleter.Broomfieldrd
Pittock Ralph, 18 Baddow road New London road Woodard. Thomas Frederick 21 Duke st
Poll Mrs. 3 Carew terrace SneIl Mrs. Linton villa, New London rd Wright Thos. 7 Hamlet tel'. Baddow rd
Albin &; Brown, ladies' school, Osborne house, New London rd Beach W. & Son, leather & glue manufacturers & coal mer-
Alderson George, Lirm tt Lamb commercial 4' fmnily hotel, chants, Rainsford road; depOt, Great Eastern Railway
& livery stable keeper, Duke street goods station; & at Writtle oil leather mills, Writtle
Aldous Francis James, curiosity & antique china dealer &. Beadel Benjamin, furniture dealer, 14 Baddow road
livery stable keeper, Mill road Beadle George, fruiterer, 174 Moulsham street
Alex & Jones, dentists, 38 New London road Beadle Henry, greengrocer, New London road
Ambrose Ephraim, basket maker, 17 Moulsham street Beaumont Thomas, brickla~'er, 42 New street
Arnold J. Simp80n, cowkeeper &. dairyman, New Writtle st Beckett Brothers, horticultural builders, 160 Moulsham st.;
Arter Charles, grocer, 22 High street works, Anchor street
Arthy Joseph Bridge, solicitor, 73 High street Beckett Philemon. timber dealer, turner, wheelwright &
Arthy Thomas B. bookbinder, bookseller &. lltationer, agent hurdle maker, Glebe road, Townfield street
for the ordnance surrey maps, 81 Duke street Bedford Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I4 Hall street
Ash Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 16 Moulsham street Belsham William, cabinet manufacturer & upholsterer, ISr
Atterbury Edwin Francis, hair dresser, 18 High street, to 186 Moulsham street
Bacon George, greengrocer, Tindal square Bennell Herbert, boot & shoe maker, 85 High street
Bacon George Alfred, fruiterer, Church street Bennett Wm. Gordon, Oricketers, 103 Moulsham road
Baker C. P. &. G. pharmaceutical chemists, 27 High street Bickmore James, wheelwright, 31 Broomfield road
Baker EH, fishmonger, New street Bird Hannah (Miss), ladies' school, 23 New London road
Baker James, builder, contractor & furnishing undertaker, Blyth Robert, solicitor, High street
Railway street Boardman William Hull. brick maker, Moulsham; ?'esidence,
Baker Samuel, butcher, 34 Duke street 41 Duke street
Baker Samuel Augustus M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, 58 High st Bodkin William M.D. surgeon, The Cloisters, New London rd
Ballard John; umbrella maker, &; cricketing warehouse, 7 BOLINGBROKE &. LING, linen drapers, silk mercers & under-
Duke street . takers, 74 High street, & tailors & outfitterSt 2 New Lon-
Handock Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Upper Bridge row don road
Banham George, beer retailer, 26 Anchor street Bond John George, linen draper, 24, 28 & 29 High street &;
Bannister Joseph, Woolpack, 7 Mildmay road 9 Moulsham street
Barker Hamet (Mrs.), ladies' school, Sutherland lodge, Boswell Septima (Mrs.), Bell hotel,-Tindal square
Baddow road . Bott Lindley & Co. sack & bag contractors (agents for Col-
Barker William, whitesmith, Angel yard, Tindal street chester, E. Marriage & Sons, East mills; agents for Mal-
Barnard Daniel C. & Son, cabinet makers, 37 High street don, Thomas Isaacs), 40 Railway arches
Barnard's Oommetcial TemperanC6 Hotel (D. C. Barnard., Bragg George Henry, plumber, 6 Baddow road
.proprietor), '37 High street Brame John OliveI', tin plate worker, 137 Moulsham street
Barnes &. Son, cabinet makers, furniture dealers & uphol- Brand Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, f 16 Moulsham street
6terers, 162 MouIsham street British Workmen, Broomfield road
Barnes John William, boot &; shoe maker, 161 Moulsham st Brown &; Son, 0081 & timber merchants, New Goods station
Bames Joseph, china & earthenware dealer, 6 Duke street &; Springfield
Barrett Samuel, shopkeeper, Lower road, Primrose hill Brown George, cricket bat maker, Coval road
Bassingwhite Emily (Miss), dress maker, 40 New London rd Brown James, builder, Anchot< street.
Bansor Th~mas, clerk to Messrs. WellS & Perry, Duke street Brown Maria. (Miss), toy dealer, S New London road
-Brown Jesse Ambrose, Plough hotel, posting house, livery Craske John, baker & confectioner, 21 Tindal street
stable keeper & wine & spirit merchant. Duke street, ad- Creasy John J. butcher,6 Tindal street
joining railway station Cresswell George Joseph, King's Head commercial inu" post-
.Bruty William John (firm, Duffield & Bruty), solicitor, regis- ing house & livery stables, 40 High street. See advert
trar of the cOtlnty court of Waltham abbey, 96 High st.; Crick Joseph, cricket bat maker & tobacconist, 88 Duke st
& at 6 Tokenhouse yard, L,mdon e.c Crompton R. E. & Co. electric light engineers & general
.Bryan & Son, brick & tile makers, & potteries, Wood street electricians & contractors for all kinds of electric
Bugg Frederick John, boot maker, 38 High street machinery, Anchor Arc works, Moulsham street; office,
Bull S. & R. (Misses), milliners, 8 High street Mansion House buildings, London I,C. See advertisement
Bull Hobert, furniture warehouse, 67 High street Crowfoot George, baker, Legg street
BullSusannah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 82 Duke street Curdling J. Frederick, draper, 33 High street
Bunn James, beer retailer, 12 Baddow road Curteis William K. White Horse am", 25 Townfield street
Bush George, chemist & druggist, 95 High street Dace James, pianoforte warehouse, New London road
Bushell Albert Edward, grocer, 9 Duke street Dalton Willet, beer retailer, I I Moulsham street
Butler William Slatter, local manager to the Reliance Darby Alfred, auctioneer, valuer, surveyor, house & estate
Mutual Life Assurance Society, New street agent & agent to the British Empire Mutual &; Royal
Byatt Henry, builder, Broomfield road Insurance companies, 97 High street
Byford Charles, teacher of music, 21 Mildmay road Darby Alfred Ernest, butcher, 43 Moulsham street
-Gable George, baker, 32 Moulsham street Darby Ambrose, confectioner, I I Moulsham street
Candler Christopher, blacksmith, Broomfield road Darby Charles Daniel, grocer, 29 Moulsham street; & at
.carey John, beer retailer, 127 Moulsham street Springfield
'Carley Thomas, muffin baker, 26 New Writtle street Darby John, nurseryman, 43 Moulsham street
'Carswell Edward, Queen's Head, 61 High street Darling Marian (Miss), ladies' school, 16 Duke street
,Carter Edward Hunt M.R.e.s., L.S.A. physician & surgeon, Davey Alfred, beer retailer, 22 Moulsham street
Fairfield house Davey George William, cooper, Duke Street fields
·Catt WaIter Fortin, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine Davey Henry (Mrs.), beer retailer, 172 Moulsham street
& spirit merchants, Tindal square Davis David, greengrocer, 148 Moulsham street
,Cawley James, licensed hawker, 154 Moulsham street Davis Henry, pork butcher, 148 Moulsham street
Cemetery (Richard Stannard, registrar), Rectory lane Dawson Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' wardrobe dealer, 16 Friars
,Challis Wm. Rose, china, glass & fancy dealer,lo Broom- place, London road
field road Day Charles & Alexander, tailors, clothiers & outfitters, 10
-Chancellor Frederic, architect & surveyor & diocesan sur- Duke street & 86 High street
veyor for the archdeaconries of Colchester & Essex, 2 Deal Isaac, corn dealer, 10 Springfield lane
High street; & at 8 Finsbury circus, London e.c Deal Solomon Harding, corn dealer & mealman, 2 Duke st
'Chaplin Dean, butcher, I New London road Debnam James, hair dresser, 89 Duke street
'Chapman George, boot & shoe maker, 37 Duke street Dennis T. H. P. & Co. valve makers, horticultural builders &
.Chelmsfard Chronicle (Frederic Henry Meggy, publisher; heating engineers, Anchor iron works; London office,
published friday), High street. See advertisement Mansion House buildings, London e.c
,Chelmsford Corn Exchange Co. Limited (W. W. Duffield, Dennis T. H. P. furnishing & general ironmonger & oil mer-
sec.), 96 High street chant, 20 High street; & at Dunmow
.chelmsford 0/ Dengie Hundreds Savings Bank (Henry Wm. Dennis William, butcher, 175l Moulsham street
Neave, actuary; open fridays, II to 2 & on the first wed- Dennis William, family grocer, 99 High street
nesday in each month from I to 3), High street Dennis William, Royal Steamer, Townfield street
.Chelmsford Mutual Fund A.~sociation (Andrew Meggy, Diaper James, registrar of births & deaths for Writtle sub-
solicitor), Duke street district & relieving officer for 1St district, 6 Broomfield rd
-Chelmsford P1'ovident Society (Alfd.Smee, clerk),27 London rd Digby Emma (Mrs.), pork butcher, 30 Duke street
Chelmsford Star Co-ope1·ative 0/ Industrial Society, Limited Digby Henry, fishmonger, 86 Duke street & 166 Moulsham st
(George Young, sec.), Moulsham street . Dispensa1'-y if Infil'rna1'Y (J. Nicholls M.D. & E. H. Carter,
·Cheverton John, baker, Broomfield road medical officers; C. P. &; J. Baker, dispensers; F, T.
'Choat & Son, builders, Baddow road & Mildmay road Veley, hon. sec.; E. N. Palmer, collector), Moulsham
'Christy Fell, engineer, iron founder, millwright, machinist & Dissente1's' Cemete1'!1 (Geo. Hasler, registrar). NewLondon rd
brass founder; manufacturer of wind pumping mills & Dixon John, tanner, Chelmsford tannery, Moulsham street
fOilllders' coal dust, Broomfield Road iron works Dixon Thomas, solicitor, clerk to the Chelmsford. local
-Clapham Arthur, butcher, 18 Moulsham street board of health; clerk to the urban school attendam,'e
·Clark William, tea dealer, 7 'l'indal street committee; agent for the Liverpool & London Globe
'Clarke J. H. bookseller, 77 High street Insurance Co. & Liberator Building Society~ 18 Duke st
-Clarke Martha (Miss), dress maker, Hamlet road Dockrill William, carter, New Writtle street
·Clarke Phoobe (Mrs.), dress maker, milliner & mantle maker, Downes Arthur Henry M.D. medical officer of health for
8 New London road Chelmsford & Maldon rural districts, New London road
·Clarke Thomas Henry, baker, 82 Moulsham street Duffield &; Bruty, solicitors, 96 High street & 6 Tokenhouse
·Cleale Henry, ironmonger, 94 High street yard, London e.c
Clover Emma (Mrs.), Compasses, Broomfield road Duffield William Ward (firm, Duffield & Bruty), solicitor,
·Coe Charles, greengrocer, 9 Springfield lane clerk to the county magistrates, to the guardians & union
·Coleman & Morton, engineers & iron founders, patentees & assessment committee, highway board & rural sanitary
manufacturers of agricultural implements, London Road authority; supt. registrar; clerk to school boards for
iron works, New London road Good Easter, Chignall, Great Leighs &; Rettendon; per-
'Coney Charles, saddler & harness maker, 85 Duke street petual commissioner, commissioner to administer oaths,
·Conybeare William, beer retailer, 11 Broomfield road 96 High street; & at 6 Tokenhouse yard, London e.c
Cook Charles, mineral water manufacturer, 8 Duke street Durrant Edmund & Co. publishers, booksellers, stationers,
-Cook Henry, boot & shoe maker, 44 Townfield street bookbinders. account book manufacturers. manufacturing
·Cook William, farmer & cattle dealer, White House farm, stationers, secondhand booksellers, pianoforte & music
Baddow road; & at Great Baddow sellers, & reading rooms, 90 High street
.cook William, jun. cattle dealer, 9 Sutherland terrace Durrant Andrew, maltster, brewer & wine & spirit merchant,
"Copeland John Albert, solicitor, New London road Tindal street, &; farmer, Bishop's Hall farm
'Coppin James & Sons, china & glass dealers, 39 High street Durrant Andrew, White Hart hotel, Tindal street
Cornwall Myra (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Broomfield road Dutton John, printer & publisher of Dutton's railway time-
-Cottee John W. accountant, ~ Claremont tel'. Mildmay rd table & the Essex almanac lit county gazetteer, Tindalst
-Count Catharine(Mrs.), ladies' outfitting warehouse,6 High st Earle George Malins, wine merchant, 13 New London road
County Court (J. T. Abdy J..L.D. judge; Thos. Morgan Gepp, Earthy Edwin, inspector of nuisances &; collector of rates
registrar; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff) ; office, New st for the local board of health, Shell cottage .
-County Subscription Reading Roo'ms (E.Durrant&Co.), High st Eddington W. & S. & Co. engineers, boiler makers, makers
..courtauld Samuel & Co. crape manufacturers, Hall street, of improved traction, portable & fixed. steam. engines,
Moulsham; & at Halstead, Braintree & Bocking patent steam draining & cultivating machinery & im-
-COusins John, chimney sweeper, 18 Hall street proved steam windlasses, wash mills, pugmills, patent
oCouzens Charles, chimney sweeper, 130 Moulsham street elevators &C. &c. for brickyards, contractors for draining
.cramphorn Thomas John Deeks, flour factor, corn, seed & land, New Street iron works; & 60 Queen Victoria. stNet,
oil cake merchant, hay & straw dealer & manure agent, London e.c
17 High street. See advertisement Edwards Philip, bookseller, 100 High street
Emberson Goorge, eoach &; camage builder, 23 Duke street; Gower Charles, dairyman, I4 Duke street
works, Lion &; Lamb yard Grammar School (Rev. John Albert Kershaw M.A. head
Esse:I: Agricultural Society (Frank Whitmore, sec.), 22 master), Duke street
Duke street Granger Edward, postmaster, 70 High street
Essce .f Chdmsford Museum (F. Whitmore &; F. H. Meggy, Grave Lonisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 79 High street
hone 88C8.), New Bridge street Gray &; Son, brewers, maltsters, spirit &: corn merchants.
Essez Herald (Frederic Henry Meggy; published tuesday), Springfield Road brewery
High street Gray Charles Bamson, maltster, Baddow road
Essez .f Herts Clergy Charity for Relief of Poor Clerf/Ymen, Green Henry, cutler, 56 High street
their Widows of Child"en (CharleB Mann, sec.), Mildmay rd Green James, cutler, 13 Duke street

Essez Independent of Farmers' Gazette (Taylor &; Robbins, Green Robart, beer retailer, Baddow road
publishers; published mono wed. &; sat.), High st Greenhow Joseph S. watch maker, I4 High street
Esse» Indu~trinl School 4' Ho-rne for .Destitute Bays (J. Gripper Joseph, ironmonger, 15 High street: & at Maldon
Britain Pash, ho1l. manager), Primrose hill Gusani Mary Ann (Miss), T1'aveller's Friend, 152 Moulshm. st
Esse:r l\"efDsman (Frederic Henry Meggy; published monday Hair John Wm. registrar of births &; deaths for Chelmsford
&; saturday), High street sub-district, Threadneedle street
E,sez Provident Society (George Parish, clerk; Thomas Hamilton James, woollen draper, 25 New London road
Gal'Wood, collector), 66 Duke street Hammond Abraham, pork butcher, 21 Moulsham street
Essez Standard (Edmnnd Durrant &; Co. joint publishers; Hardy Caroline (Mrs.), stone mason &; asphalte worker, 17
published sat.), 90 High street. See advertisement Friars place &; New London road
Essez (rtnd) R~fle Voluntee'rs (A &; B companies) (Major Hardy Herbert, confectioner, '170 Moulsham street
Frederic Chancellor, commanding A co.; &; Major John A. Hardy William, Black Boy, I Springfield lane
Copeland, B co.) Hare Geo. coal merchant, Old Barrack ground, Moulsham st
EsSQ Weekly Nems (Taylor &; Robbins; published friday), Hamngton Henry, fruiterer & greengrocer, 20 Tindal street
26 High street; &; at Romford. See advertisement Hams David, butcher, 87 Duke street
Eve Henry, confectionerf 9 Railway street Hams Thomas, market gardener, Baddow road
Eve Myra (Mrs.), boot maker, 13 High street Hams Thomas John, baker. 24 Townfield street
Everard Alfred, grocer &; provision merchant, 4 Moulsham st Harrison Basil Henry, general furnishing & manufacturing
Faiers John, hair dresser, 4 Baddow road & Springfield lane ironmongers, 65 High street & Springfield lane
Fairbank George, shopkeeper, Rainsford road Hart George, Old Royal Oak, & livery stables, I I Conduit st.
Farrow Henry, plumber, gasfitter &C. I I New street Hasler & Son, tailors &; hatters, 23 High street
Feun Alfred, builder, Fairfield Haycock &; Champ, wine &; spirit import~r8, 4 High street
Fincham Louis8 (Mrs.), baker, I I Baddow road Hawkes James, shopkeeper, Wood street
Fincham William t builder, 10 Baddow road Hayes Charles, Cke/"'!! Tree, Writtle road
Fitch George, saddler & harness maker, 92 High street Hayne James, boot maker, 48 Townneld street
F1inders John, Dolphin, 14 Tindal street Haynes Henry, Old White Hm't, 10 Moulsham street
Fosberry Alice (Miss), dress maker, 18 Duke street Hazeltine Ezra T. manufacturer of Piso's cure for consump-
Fowler Wm. Hy. dep. supt. reg. 7 Granville ter. Mildmay rd tion, 2 Tindal square; &; 'Warren, Pa. U.S.A.
Fox George, hatter, hosier &; shirt maker, 57 High street Heard Charles, beer retailer, Baddow road
Freeman Mary Ann (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, 45 High st Heseltine Susan (Mrs.), Spotted Dog, 24 Tindal street
Freestone Thomas, glover &; leather seller, 4 Tindal square Hicks Henry, corn merchant, Railwa)' arches & Springfield
Fulcher William, market gardener, 35 Mildmay road mill, Springfield
Fuller James, wholesale boat &; shoe manufr. 80 High street Hicks Henry William, grocer, 178 Moulsham street
Fuller William Reeves, Saracen's Head c01n1nercial4" family Hicks Joseph, cook, confectioner, fanc)' bread & biscuit baker..
hotel 4' posting house, High street 32 High street &; 90 Duke street
Furlong Josiah, plumber, Wood street Hicks Sarah Ann & Priscilla (Misses), ladies'school, Maid-
Gaminer James, fishmonger, 83 High street stone villa, New London road .
Garrood R. A. (Miss), millinery establishment, 21 High st Hiley Henry, market gardener, Gro"e road
Garrood Robert Elmy, carver &; gilder, 21 High street Hilliard George Bridge, auctioneer, ",aluer, land '& estate-
Ganrood Thomas, col. to the Essex Prov. 800. 67 Duke street agent &; sun'eyor, Bank chambers, New street
Gaywood James, butcher,s Baddow road Hockley Charles, baker, 10 New street
Gentry Thomas, fruiterer, 41 High street Horrex Fred, tinman & brazier, Moulsham street
George Abigail (Miss), berlin wool &; fancy repos. 16 High st Horsnell Chas. Hy. market gardener, I Hope sq. Primrose hilI
Gepp &; Som, soliciwrs & solicitors to the Reliance &: East of Hudson Frances (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet ma. 9 Friars pi
England Life Assurance Society, New street Humphreys George, chemist, 63 High street
Gepp Charles BrsIDston Osbome (firm, Gepp & Sons), soli- Hutchinson John, plumber &; glazier, 10 Tindal street
ciwr &; clerk to the commissioners of sewers for Dengie Inland Revenue OjJice (Thos. Winniott Smith, supen·isor)..
levels, New street 97 High street
Gepp Thos. Morgan (firm, Gepp &; Sons), solicitor, under- Jackson Caroline (Mrs.), news agent, 177 Moulsham street
sheriff, treas. for the Wes' dive or Essex; &; for the Jackson Robert, engineer, Baddow road
Essex constab. sub-distributor of stamps, clerk to com- JACOBS BROTHERS, wholesale rag, skin & metal merchants,.
missioners of taxes &; of sewers of Fobbing level, reg. of Union yard, Tindal street
archdeaconry court of St. AlOOns &; Co. court, clerk to Jennings Henry, M.R.e.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, 24 Duke st
visitors of Essex lunatic asylum &; perpetual commsnr. J ohns Wm. & Thos.wool staplers &c. Baddowrd.; &; at Witham
reg. in bankmptcy &; joint reg. of the archdeaconries of Johnson Joshua, baker &; beer retailer, New Writtle street
Essex &; Sf, Albans, New stTeet Johnstone Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Moulsham st
Gepp Waiter Payne (firm, Gepp &: Sons), solicitor, clerk w Jonas Lewis L. clothier, 4 New London road
the com1'S. of sewers for the Foulness level, eec. to the Jordan & Son, manufacturers of sacks, ropes, twines, rick
Essex Rifle Assoc.• reg. of archdeacoory of Colchester &: cloths, tarpaulins, waggon eovers, sack &; bean tiers, door-
joint reg.of the archdeaconries of Essex &; St.Albans, New at mats, nets &;c. 163 Moulsham street
Gibb George, fishmonger, 23 Mou1sham street Josling William, Half Mo01t, 82 High street
Gibbs Francis Washboume, SUM"eyorof taxes, 85 High st King William, dining roomS', I Tindal street
Gibson Henry, clf'l'k of the peace, Shire hall King William Finch, watch maker & jeweller, lA, Tindal st
Gilmore John, tailoT, 9 High street Knight Julia (Miss), confectioner, 93 High street
Ginn Alfred Frands, inspector of nuisances lOT Chelmsford Lambert Frederick, shopkeeper, 31 New Writtle street
rural sanitary authority, B1'OOmfield road Langston John Hill, restaurant &C. 72 High street
Gladwin Joseph, nurseryman, Duke street Last Frederick, fruiterer, 7 Baddow road
Godfrey H. &: T. C. manufs. of sack!f, ~ twines, rick Law James, Shopkeeper, 31 Monlsham street
eloths, tarpaulins, waggon co",ers, marquees, sack &; bean Lawea' Ohe1nical ManU1'e 0;,. Limited (E. W. Petts, agent),.
tiers, cocoa matting, door mats, 'nets &C. ~ marquees, Chestnut villa, New London road
sacks, cloths &:c. Q) let on hire, Moulsham rope 'Works &; Lawn Edward, watch & clock maker, 25 High street
54 High street Lawrence Thomas Waiter', Railway taTJern, 65 Duke street
Gaff George, shopkeeper, 32-Primrose hill Lay Ann (Mrs.), livery stables,.5 New London TOad
GoldingGeorge, book binder, oS Tindal street La)1:-on Richard, baker &; shopkeeper, I&;2 Anchor street
Goldstone George, house decorator, 34 Monlsham stTeet Lee G1!Orge William, general deale~ Old Barrack grou'1d,.
Gosling Edwin, boot maker, :n High street Moulsham street
Gosling John, boot &; shoemaker, 59 High street Lee Harry, confectioner', Baddow road
Gough Richard, drill instrnctor, I Rainsford lane Lee James, Black Bull, Rainsford end
Leech William, gun maker, 3 & 4 Tindalstreet Palmer Edward Newman, auctioneer, house &. estate i com-
Lewis Charles, photographer, 1:3 Moulsham street mission agent & valuer; agent for the County Fire &; Pro-
Lewis John, boot maker & parish clerk of St. John's, 1:26 vident Life & Railway Passengers Assurance Companies
Moulsham street & agent for the Art Union of London &; collector for the
Liberator Building Society (T. Dixon, sec.), 1:a nuke street Chelmsford Dispensary and Infirmary, 68 High street
Ling George B. corn & potato merchant, 1:3 Tindal street Palmer George, coach builder, 8 Baddow r8ad
Ling John, see Bolingbroke &; Ling, drapers, 74 High street Pannell Thomas, greengrocer, 167 Moulsham street
Literarg Institution (lames Edward Bailes, assistant sec. & Parish George, clerk to the Essex Provident Society, 66
librarian), New London road Duke street
London lj County Banking Co. Limited (Chelmsford branch), Parkhurst Henry, plumber &; glazier, 1:e} ?(ew London road
(Charles Williams, manager), High street; draw on Parry Nicholas & Owen, cake merchants, Railway arches
head office. 21 Lombard street, London e.c Partridge George, market gardener, Baddow road
Loveday William, watch maker, 1:2 Moulsham street Pascall George William, wine & spirit merchant, cordia1
Luckin James, accountant, Bank chambers, New street maker & ale &; porter merchant, 46 &; 47 High street
Lufkin Henry, auctioneer, 4 Hall street Pash J oseph Brittain, agricultural implement warehouse,
Madocks Alfred, brush maker, 36 High street next the Corn exchange
Makeham Thomas, grocer, 69 High street Patrick Orlando J ames, machinist, 9 New street
Makings Frederick, general smith, Bell yard, Tindal street Pavey Sarah Ann (Miss), berlin wool repos. 2 Moulsham $to
Malyon Mary (Mrs.), fruiterer, 3 Baddow road Pearson Henry, Wheatsheaj, 28 New street
Malyon Samuel, carter, Rainsford lane Peirce Hyam, Globe, 4 Primrose hill
Mark J. bookseller, stationer, music warehouseman, &; cir- Perry Esther (Mrs.), confectioner, 29 Duke street
culating library, 35 High street Perryman James, china & glass warehouse, 35 &; 36 Duke st
Markham Alfred, baker, 119 Moulsham street Pertwee Charles, architect & surveyor to the local board of
Marriage William & Henry & Sons, millers &C. Broomfield, health, Bank chambers, New street
Moulsham & Bishop's Hall Petts Edward WaIter. agent for Lawes' Chemical Manure
Marriage Herbert, farmer & dairyman, Moulsham lodge Co. Limited, Chestnut villa, New London road
Marrion James, Army if Navy inn, Baddow road Phillips Peter, farmer, 23 Baddow road
Marshall William, tailor, Upper Bridge row Phceni:c Coffee Tavern (William Horsley, manager), Friars i5l
Marson Mary Ann (Miss), toy dealer, 12 Tindal street Pirkis James Algernon, oil Se colour merchant, 66 High
Martin Thomas, wholesale & retail tea dealer, grocer &. street & 55 Duke street, &. salt &c. merchant, Springfield
provision merchant, 1:9 High street & 56 Duke street wharf, Springfield
Maryon WaIter, assistant overseer, 29 New street Pitt Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1:6 Hall street
Maskell Adolphus Geo. solicitor, Waltham villa, London rd Pitt Sarah (Miss), milliner & dress &; mantle maker, 21
Maskell James, coach builder, 5 Springfield lane· New London road
Mason George, inspector of corn returns, 97 High street Poole Edward, saddler & harness maker,S Tindal square
Mason Henry Geo. blacksmith & shoeing smith, I t Duke st Porter Arthur James, grocer, Baddow road
Mason WaIter, shoeing smith, Baddow road Porter William Henry, boot maker, 80 Duke street 't
Matson Julia (Miss), young gentlemen's preparatory Potter &; Co. linen drapers, 42 High street
school, 35 New London road Powell Samuel Allen, baker & confectioner, 140 Moulsham st
Mead Aaron, Golden Fleece, 84 Duke street Pullen William, carpenter & builder, 41 New street
Mead George, bricklayer, 18 Broomfield road Quilter Mary Ann (Mrs.), earthenware dlr. 168 Moulsham st
Mead James, Queen Adelaide, Wood street Quinney George, shopkeeper, i Primrose hill
Meggy Andrew, solicitor, clerk to the Chelmer & Blackwater Red Cow British Workman (Edward Rosling, Sec.; :Tames
Navigation Co. & to the Governors of the Chelmsford Burt, manager), Broomfield road
grammar school, comr. for oaths, 71 Duke street Redgwell & Dalton, whitesmiths & braziers, Old Barrack
Meggy Frederic Henry, proprietor & publisher of the ground, Moulsham street
• Chelmsford Chronicle,' the • Essex Herald,' the • Essex Reliance Mutual Life .Assurance Co. (branch) (Wm ~latter
Newsman' & 'Essex Almanac & County Handbook' & Butler, local manager) ~ office, New street r
agent to:the Sun Fire & Life Assurance, High st. See advert Remington Alfred, butcher, 165 Moulsham street
Mercer Thos. Cornelius, servants' reg. off. 20 New London rd Richaro.s Emma (Miss), confectioner, 76 Duke street
Metcalfe Wilson, pharmaceutical chemist, 87 High street Richards Robert, baker, 7 Monlsham street
Metson John, dairyman, Broomfield toad Ridley T. D. & Sons, millers, maltsters & brewers, Townfie1d ;
Middleditch Thomas, beer retailer, 171 Moulsbam street steam mills, Chelmsford; Barking; Gt.Waltham & Felsted ;
Miller John & Alfred, market gardeners, Coval road maltings, Chelmsford; Springfield; Braintree; FeIsted;
Miller John, market gardener. Rainsford lane Stebbing & Writtle; brewery, Hartford end
Miller Thomas, carter, Lower road, Primrose hill Rippon Charles Edwin, music warehouse, 62 High street
Mills George, baker & confectioner, 15 Tindal street Rogers Charles, whitesmith, 151 Moulsham street
Minns William, clothier & outfitter, 34 High street Rogers Tamar (Mrs.), shopkeeper, :156 Moulsham street
Mole William (Mrs.), boot maker, 1:6 Tindal street Rolph Abraham, greengrocer, 15:1 Moulsham street
Monkley Wm. ironmonger, wire worker &c. 35 Moulsham st Rope Annie Mary (Miss),ladies' school, I St. John'S terrace,
Morton Alfred G. E. agricultural implement maker, see New London road
Coleman & Morton Roper William, builder & brickmaker; Brootnfield road
Moss James (Mrs.), builder, 49 High street Russell Edward W. agent to Manchester Fire Office, Tindal sq
Mothersole William, brazier, Townfield street Rust John, pianoforte & organ tuner, 17 Bloomfield road
Mountain Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 33 Duke street Saltmarsh & Son, nurserymen & seedsmen, Moulsham
Nea,oe Henry Wm. accountant (savings bank), High street nurseries & 30 High street
Newman Thomas, market gardener, Baddow road Saltmarsh George, bookbinder & news agent, 2 tindal st
Nicholas (Miss), music teacher, 34 New London road Sarel John Presland, George inn. 79 Duke street
Nicholls James M.D. physician & surgeon, 68 Duke street Saunders Fredk. Joseph, tailor, I Hamlet ter. Baddow rd
Nickels Edward, artist & photographer, & homooopathic Saunders George, merchant, Cottage place
repository, 75 Duke street Saward Abraham, brewery, Tindal street
Nickols David, pawnbroker & clothier, 52 High street Sayers Charles, Red Lion, Anchor street
Noakes Mary Ann (Mrs.), toy dealer, 5 Moulsharp. street Scotcher Henry, Anchor, 112 Moulsham street
Noble Edwin, Windmill, 1:9 Moulsham street Scott Charles, corn & seed merchant, 52 New street
Nokes Caroline Elizabeth (Miss), butcher, 44 High street Scott Emily Ann (Miss), boys' school, 9 New London road
Nokes William, boot & shoe ma. 3 Friar's pl. New London rd Searles Mary (Mrs.), fishmonger, 22 Tindal street
Norman Thomas, Golden Lion, 91 Duke street Sharpe Louisa Eliza (Miss).. ladies' school, 19 Duke street
Oliver William Elijah, cattle dealer, Coval road Shead Henry Newel" corn merchant, Railway arches
Orams Jeremiah, watch maker,60 High street Shedd John, baker, 50 Duke street
Orford Charles, grocer, 139 Moulsham street Shellock Jonathan, carter, 47 Townfield street
Osborn George. pork butcher, 121 Moulsham street Shemn George, architect, Cran~ court, High street
Osbourn Susannah & Jemima (Misses), dress makers, 42 Shire Hall, High street
New London road Shout Augustus Charles, surgeon, 14 New tondon road
Overall Wm. Edward, cabinet maker,6 Springfield lane Sibley William (Mrs.), bonnet maker, 17 Tindal street
Page George Augustus, oil & colourman, 25 Tindal street Sillito John, builder, 7 Victoria road I
Page James, cattle dealer, 15 Sutherland ter. Baddow road Simmons Jabez, grocer, 4 Duke street
Palmer Geo. & Rd. Wm. rag & inetal mer. 155 Moulsham st Simpson Willia~ wholesale & family grocer & provision
Palmer Charles, shopkeeper, 1:42 Moulsham street merchant, supply stores, 76 High street; &; at Maldon
Singer Hanufaclurizlg Co. (Murdock McLoad, manager), Thirtle James S. draper, 91 HIgh street
sewing machine makers, 64 High street Thompson Joseph, hair dresser, 23 Tindal street
Smee Frederick, sheriff's officer, New London road Thomdick Brothers, pork butchers, New London road
Smee Jonathan Alfred, Cross Keys, 6 Moulsham street Thorndick Maria. (Mrs.), Risi1lfl Sun, New London road
Smith & Tomlinson, dentists, 2 Tindal square; & 3 Somerset Tisdall Charlee Edmund, dyer, 15 Duke street
street, Portman square, London 10 Tomlinson James, chemist &; druggist, mineral water manu-
Smith Benjamin, pork butcher, 27 Baddow road facturer & artificial manure merchant, 2 Tindal square
Smith Frederick, furniture remover, Rainsford road Tunbridge John, blacksmith, Dolphin yard, Tindal street
Smith Henry Christopher, town crier, bill poster & proprietor Tumer Samuel & Son, basket makers, 8 Moulsham street
of principal posting stations, 18 New street Turner Henry William, saddler, 19 Tindal street
Smith Joseph .Alfred, geD. draper, 89 High st. & Conduit st Turner Samuel B. draper, 179 Moulsham street
Smith Robert, pawnbroker, 25 & 26 Moulsham street Tumer Thomas, pork butcher, 26 Tindal street
Smith Thomas Winniatt, supervisor of inland revenue; Tween Charles, gardener, 24 Lower road, Primrose hill
office, 97 High street Tye James, tailor, 14 New street
Smith William Webster, boot maker, I New Writtle street Tyler Ebenezer, jun. cabinet maker, upholsterer & under-
Smyth William, shopkeeper, 175 Moulsham street taker, 84 High street &, Conduit street
Sorrell David,coal merchant, 18 Friars place 4'
United Associationfor Preventicm of Crime Prosecution of
Sorrell Edward, nurseryman, Duke street Felons (William W. Duffield, sec.), 96 High street
Sorrell Henry, Star tf Garter, 120 Moulsham street Vale M. (Miss), berlin wool repository, 12 High street
Sorrell Samuel, carpenter, 3 Hall street Veley Frederick. Thomas, solicitor, Yverdon house, New
South Jabez, fishmonger, 169 Moulsham street London road .
Southemwood Charles, boot &; shoe maker, 146 Moulsham st Vickridge James Alexander, cabinet maker, 53 High street
Southgate John, market gardener, Rainsford lane Wackrill George, baker, 47 Duke street
Spalding Frederick, fancy repository, 3 Tindal square Warmisham Samuel, scale maker, 7 Springfield lane
Sparrow, Tufnell, Parker. Woodhouse & Tufnel~ bankers, Watts William, King's A1'1nS, 50 Moulsham street
High street; draw on Barclay & Co. London e.c Webb Jane (Mrs.), berlin wool dealer, 18 New London road
Speller Alfred, shopkeeper, 49 Duke street Welham Joseph, lailor, I Friars place, New London road
Spencer John watch maker & silversmith, 5 Duke street Wells & Perry, brewers, 26 Duke street
Stace Frederick, hair dresser, 15 Moulsham street Wells & Perry, junrs. timber mers. Station yard, Duke st
Stackwood Maria(Miss), young ladies' school, 51 Moulsham st Wells George, baker, 164 Moulsham street
Stannard Richard, baker & confectioner & parish clerk to St. Wenley & Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers & furniture
Mary's church, 5 Broomfie]d road removers, 55 High street. See advertisement
Stanway Randle, coal merchant, New Writtle street Wheeler Charlotte (Miss),. ladies' boarding & day school,
Stanway William, beer retailer, New Writt]e street Hope lodge, New London road
Stapleton James William, plumber &; glazier, Old Barrack Wheeler Daniel, surgeon, n New London road
ground, Moulsham street Wheeler Daniel Martin Brumwell, surgeon, 6 New Londonnl
Stevens & Son, coal & coke merchants, Threadneedle street White Henry, currier & leather seller, Union yard, Tindal
Stevens Henry, Coach tf Horses, 77 Dukestreet street & 26 Baddow road
Stevens John, Rose tf Cl'O'Wn, Rainsford road White James Newton, bookbinder, 12 New street
Storey Mary Ann (Mrs.)~ William the Fourth, 6 New street , White Samuel Newton, tailor, 33 Moulsham street
Stubbings James, wheelwrightt Broomfield road Whitmore Frank, architect & surveyor, 22 Duke street; &14
Sutthery Frank Pellatt, solicitor & solicitor to the West Essex Devonshire square, London ec
Mutual Benefit Society & to the Chelmsford Land Co. Wilkinson James, brick maker, 10 Anchor street
Limited, Crane court, High street Wilkinsoll Wil!iam, chimney sweeper, 125 Moulsham street
Symons John, engineer, 33 Victoria road Wilks Eliza (Miss), baker, Primrose hill
Taber George, tailor, 13 Baddow road Wilks Joseph, dining rooms, r8 Tindal street
Tanner Henry, plumber & gas fitter, 12 Duke street Williams Charles, manager of London & County bank,
Tanner William, builder, Victoria road High street
Tanner William, solicitor &, commissioner for oaths, 1 Tindal Wills Edward, draper, 31 High street
square; & 3 Circus place, Finsbury, London e.c Willsher Frank, shopkeeper, 26 Townfield street
Tans]ey Edward, beer retailer, Wood street Wilson WiIliam, clothier, 72 High street
Tamer William, coach builder, 180 Moulsham street Wilton Eleanor (Miss), tobacconist, Duke street
Taylor & Robbins, printers, publishers & proprietors of the Wood William, builder & contractor, lime, cement, drain
'Essex Weekly News,' the , Essex Independent &, Farmers' pipe, fire goods merchant & sewer & road contractor,
Gazette' & of the 'Braintree & Bocking Advertiser: 26 Fairfield, Duke street
High street; & at Romford. See advertisement Woodard Thomas Frederick, solicitor, 21 Duke street
Taylor William, shopkeeper, 173 Moulsham street Wright Joseph, beer retailer, 6 Anchor street
Theobald & Sons, coal & lime merchants, &, agents for Fison's Wright Maria (Mrs.), milliner, 9 Tindal street
manure; coal depOt, New Goods Railway station & Wright Thomas, beer retailer, 7 Hall street, Moulsham
Railway arches WybrolV Emanuel, boot & shoe maker, 3 Moulsham street

GREAT CHESTERFORD is an ancient village and affirmed, with great probability, to have been the site
parish and station on the Grea.t Eastern (Cambridge) rail- of the Roman Camhoritum and many coins, chiefly those of
way, on the banks of the Cam or Granta, on the borders of Caligula, Tmjau and Constantine have been found in the
Cambridgeshire; it is in the Western division of the county, borough field and in particular a pot, containing a quantity
Saffron Walden union and county court district, Uttlesford of fine specimens, was discovered in 1769 and a very
hundred, Saffron Walden mra] deanery, Colchester archdea- beautiful coin of Licinius, in r843 and other relics of bronze,
conry and St. AlOOns diocese, 45 miles from London by road gold and brass have been met with, beiides a carved stone
and 471 by railway, 10 south from Cambridge and 4 north- trough and some skeletons. Chesterford had formerly a
west from Saffron Walden, on the road to Cambridge and market and holds a charter from Charles I. recognising the
Newmarket. The church of All Saints is a spacious and privileges recorded as belonging to it in Domesday Book.
lofty stone building, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of A fair is held on the 1st Friday in July. Hill's charity
chancel, nave of four bays and c1erestory,. aisles, south porch arising from a sum of £ r9 left in 1459 by the ReV'.
and a western tower containing 6 bens: in the south aisle Richard Hill, rector of this parish and producing £76,
is a brass figure of a lady, probably of the HoIdens, who is distributed yearly at Christmas. The Marquess of Bristol,
founded a chantry here in 1523 and another of John, 7th, who is lord of the manor, E. H. G. De.-Freville and R. M. J.
son of Thomas, lord Howard. of Walden E..G. ob. 24th May, Cottingham esqrs. are the principal landowners. The tenure
1600. The register dates from the year 1586. The living is of copyhold land is by Borough English under which, when
a vicarage, with the rectory of Little Chesterford annexed, a man dies, his estate descends to his youngest son or daugh-
yearly value £250 with residence, in the gift of the Marquess ter, or youngest uncle or kin8man. The soil is principally
of Bristol and held by the Rev. Edwanl Seymour Leveson light on the low lands and heavy on the hills; subsoil, chalk,
Randolph BA. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a but deeper 00 the high land. The crops are on the four-
small Union chapel. The abandoned Chesterford and New- course s}"Stem. The area. is 3,030 acres; rateable value,
market railway crosses the parish. Chesterford was a £5,091; and the population in 1881 was 913.
Roman station and derived its name from being a castrum Parish Clerk, Swan Nuno.
on the ford over the Granta and was one of a chain of POST, MoNEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE &; Savings
Roman forts extending from the Weald or wood of Essex to Bank.-Alvin Tubal Hagger, postmaster, Letters arrive
the Devil's Ditch in 'the tens near Newmarket: it is by messenger from Saffron Walden .at 7.30 a.m. &?
train at 9.30 a.m. & dispatched by train at 11.30 a.m. & by yearly, arising from land 1 In.SeptimusDickinson. maste
messenger at 7 p.m. j on sunday at II.20 a.m In"ams', built in 1875 for 60 infants ; lWerageattendance4o;
£cHOOLB : _ ':I '
National (mixed), built in 1839 for I40 children; average MiSll Emily Alice Webb, mistress
attendance 95: the school has an endowment of about £40 Railway Station, James Bagley, station master
Cottingham Robert Martin Johnson, Burleigh James, maltster & farmer Killingbeck John, carpenter & baker
The Elms Choppen Albert J ohn,agricultural engnr Kirby Wm. farm bailiff to O. Green esq
Green Charles Cottingham Robert Martin Johnson, Living Robert Josiah, miller
Bagger Mrs farmer, The Elms Mason Joseph, beer retailer
Herbert Mrs Davidson Edward, builder Nunn Swan, assistant overseer
Nash Thomas Gifford, Manor house Edwards Sarah Jane (Mrs.), butcher Perry Thomas, baker
Pilgrim John Freeman Samuel, chimney sweeper Pilgrim John Thos. maltster & brewer
Randolph Rev. Edward Seymour Leve- Frisby Benjamin, shoe maker Pilgrim Robert, baker
son B.A. Vicarage Gates William, farmer Reeve John George, beer retailer
Webb Samuel Jonas Hagger Algernon Montague, builder Reeve Thomas, shoe maker
Willis Henry Hagger Alvin Tubal,booksllr.&stationer Roe John,farm bailiff to T. G. Nash esq
. COMMERCIAL. Hailes Martha (Miss), linen draper Shelford William, grocer & draper
Hicks Josiah Whitby,harness maker Smith William, shoe maker
.Andrews Robert, beer retailer Hills Joseph, beer retailer Snow John, baker
Bard James, shopkeeper Jilling John, farmer, Park farm Surrey Martin. lime burner
Bareham Thomas, White Horse Jowett Thomas, Crown 9' Thistle Turner Joseph, beer retailer
Barrett John, beer retailer Kent Benjamin, blacksmith Weeden William, watch &: clock maker
Barrett Richard, beer retailer Kettle John, grocer & draper Wright John Thomas, bricklayer
LITTLE CHESTERFORD is a small parish I mile place of worship here. Chesterford Park, the seat of George
south of Great Chesterford and in the same jurisdiction. William Brewis esq. J.P. is a large modern mansion, pleasantly
"The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a low ancient building, gituated on an eminence, ! mile north-east from the village,
consisting of chancel, divided from the nave by an oak in a park of about 350 acres well stocked with deer. The
.screen, north porch and a bell turret in which are 2 bells: Marquess of Bristol, who is lord of the manor, Lord Bray-
the church was restored and the interior refitted in 1855: brooke and G. W. Brewis esq. J.P. are the principal land-
there are brasses to George Langham esq. lord of the owners. The soil is heavy on the hills and light on the low
manor, 1462 and his wife Isabel j and there were formerly land; subsoil, principally chalk. The crops are on the four-
others to members of the Hasylden family, ;1476-80: there course shift. The area is 1,260 acres; rateable value about
is also an ancient tomb of marble, with a recumbent effigy £1>447 j and the population in 1881 was 214.
to James Walsingham esq. The register of baptisms and Parish Clerk Josiah Whitby Hicks
burials dates from 1559 j marriages, 1755. The living is a ' •.
rectory, annexed to the vicarage of Great Chesterford, joint WALL LETTER Box.-Cleared w:.eek days at 7 p.m. & at
yearly value £250 , in the gift of the Marquess of Bristol and noon o~ sundays. Letters arnv~ from Saffron Walden &
held by the Rev. Edward Seymour Leveson Randolph B.A. are messenger on hIS way to Great Ches~r-
of Trinity College, Cambridge. In this parish there are ford, whIch IS the nearest money order & telegraph office
several endowed charities, producing about £40 per annum, Infant School, built in 1862 for 24 infants j Mrs. Sarah Ann
which is distributed yearly. The Wesleyans have a small Reeve, mistress
Brewis George William, l.P. Chesterford Burleigh Charles, farmer, Manor farm Porter Mrs. farmer
park Cain Jas. farm bailiff to J. Wright esq Reeve J obu, shopkeeper
Brown Mrs. R. 2 Bodfair Freestone Francis, beer retailer Richardson Martin, Crown
Hall William Edward., I Bodfair Hall William Edward, artist &; land- Welch Fredk. John, farmer,Springwell
Howard George, 3 Bodfair scape painter, I Bodfair. See advert
CHICXNEY is a parish in the Western division of the I value £180, in the gift of. Colonel A. Byng and held by the
county, Dunmow hundred, union and county court district, Rev. Robert Burdett Burgess M.A. of Queens' College, Cam-
Dunmow rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans bridge, who resides at Newport. Here is a Sunday school;
diocese, on a feeder of the river Chelmer, 6 miles north-west the children during the week attend Broxted and Henham
from Dunmow, 3 south-west from Thaxted. 7 north-east schools: at Henham there is a. Board school, built in 1875,
from Bishop's Stortford and 4 from Elsenham station. The I for the parishes of Henham and Chickney. Colonel A.
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a small and ancient Byng, who is lord of the manor and the Rev. John Collin

building situated on rising ground and consists of chancel, ~ are the chief landowners. The soil is heavy: subsoil, clay.
nave, south porch and a western tower containing 2 bells: The crops are wheat and beans. The area is 713 acres;
the interior was restored in 1858, when the old altar stone rateable value, £804; and the population in r881 was 42.
with its consecration crosses perfect was discovered and is Parish Clerk, Daniel Camp.
now used as a communion table; the font is ancient and Letters through Dunmow. The nearest LETTER Box is at
much admired. The register of baptisms dates from 1554; Broxted, cleared at 3.30 p.m. & the nearest money order
marriages and burials, 1556. The living is a rectory, yearly & telegraph office is at Thaxted
Horwood Henry, farmer, Hale farm
Joyce Albert, assistant overseer
I Joyce Thomas, farmer, Sibleys
IMarkwell George, farmer, Springate

CHIGNAL ST. JAMES is a very ancient parish, with Bramston, who is lord of the manor, Lord Rayleigh and
a scattered population and is mentioned in the Domesday the trustees of the late William Crush are chief landowners.
Survey: it lies on a small brook, about 3 miles north-west The soil is generally heavy j subsoil, clay and loam. The
from Chelmsford station, in the Western division of the chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The area is
county, Chelmsford hundred, union and county court dis- r go8 acres. rateable value, £1,538; and the population in
trict, rural deanery of Chelmsford., archdeaconry of Essex 1881 was 224.
and diocese of St .A.lbans. The church of St. Jamesconsistsl Pa'J"ish Cle'J"k, John Rayner.
of chancel and nave and has a turret with 1 bell. The register I Letters arrive from Chelmsford by foot post at 745 a.m. &
dates from the year 1724. The living is a rectory, valued at I are dispatched at 6.30 p.m. Chelmsford is the nearest
£432. with those of St. Mary and Mashbury annexed, in money order & telegraph office
the gift of John Barnes esq. of Clare, Suffolk and held by Boa'J"d School (mixed), for the parishes -of Chignal St.
the Rev. Barrington Srer Barnes aA. of St. John's College, James', Chignal Smealey & Rashbury; W. W. Duffield.,
Cambridge. The charities produce £16 yearly. Col. H. Chelmsford, clerk j Charles Woods, master
Barnes Rev. Barrington Syer B.A.. Cowlin Mark, farmer, Briton's hall; &; Juniper John & James, farmers, How-
[rector] at Mashbury lett's hall
Bailey David., Tk1'ee Elms Fewell Thomas, boot & shoe maker Matthews Austin, farmer, Chignal hall
Christy Robert, farmer, Stevens' Firman William, cattle dealer, Blue ho Wakeling 81. wheelwright & blacksmith
CHIGNAL SMEALEY (or LITTLE CHICKNALL,- originally built more than 700 years ago, is a small brick
formerly Chekenhall Semeley) is a parish in the Western building, with an embattled tower and I bell, the chancel
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred., union and is considered to be a part of the old structure: the font
county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford., arch- is entirely of brick and is al80 supposed to belong to the
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 5 miles north- old edifice. The register dates from the year 1600. The
west from Chelmsford. The church of St. Nicholas, living is a discharged rectory, yearly value £124. in ~he
74 CniGNAt' 5lr1~ALEY'. ESSEX. {KELLY'8

gift of Major Spitty D.L., I.P. of Billericay and held by the Rev. Sunday. Frederick Riehal'dson esq. is the principal land-

William Gibbell8 of CorpWl Christi college, Cambridge: owner. The soil is heavJ; subsoil, clay and loam. The
the first rector mentioned was Richard Sok~ in the reign of chief crops are wheat, barley and beans, The area is 476
Henry H. Philip Morant, the celebrated Essex historian, I acres; rateable value, £673; and the population in 1881
was rector of this parish in 1735. The Congregationalists was 134.
have a chapel and Sunday school here. In 1776 8arah, Letters by foot post from Chelmsford, which is the nearest
Viscountess Falkland, bequeathed the interest of [,100 to money order &; telegraph office. There is a LETTER Box
be given away every Sunday in bread to those poor who at J. Worskett's, in the village, cleared at 5045 pon1
•usually attend divine service at the parish church, the The children of this village go to the Board school at
interest of which now produces a gift of five loaves every Chignal St. James
Gibbens Rev. William B.D. [rector] I Metson Josiah, farmer
Barker Mrs. & Miss, preparatory school Richardson Fredk. farmet, Dyer's hall
I Worskett Joseph, grocer &c

CHIGWELL, in Domesday Cringhewill i.e. King Well tarly. 'rh& charities, amounting to about [,70, are dis-
or King Weald, is an ancient village and parish, in the Wes- tributed as follows: £27 in money is divided amongst eight
tern division of the county,Ongar hundred, Epping union, widows on St. Thomas'day (left by Mrs. Gl"dinger); Hatch's
Romford county court district, Chigwell rural deanery~ charity~ £30 to thirty deserving poor who have not received
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese and is. within parochial relief is distributed in January; Ramston and
the jurisdiction of the MetropolitaI\ police; it is seated on Fisher's gift of £5 148. 2d. is given in bread to deserv·
the east side of the river Roding and on the road from ing poor; there are also other small gifts. A workmen's
London to Ongar, lot miles from Whitechapel church and club room was built in 1876 and is used for reading
2 from Woodford station j lying close to Epping and Hainault and recreation. A fair is held on the 30th of September.
Forests and is much admired for its woodland scenery and The mineral spring at Chigwell was once in much repute.
pleasing prospects. The church of St. Mary is a picturesque A fragment of the forest remains at Crabtree Wood, on
but not very interesting building, consisting of chancel, the east of Chigwell Row, about half a mile beyond the
nave, north aisle and a wooden tower with small spire, village; from Grange Hill fine views of the country may be
containing 5 bells; the south door is Norman and the win· obtained towards the Thames, the Surrey downs and the
dows are chiefly Perpendicular; on the chancel floor is an hills of Kent. Jas. Mills esq. is lord of the manor of Chigwell,
incised effigy, in brass, with anns and inscription, to Col. Lloyd is lord of the manor of Bamngton and the devisees
Samuel Harsnett, Archbishop of York, ob. 25 March, ofJ.W. Perry-Watlington esq. are lords of the manor of Wool-
1631 and is the latest monumental example of the episcopal ston. The soil is clay; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat,
cope, alb, dalmatic and stole. The register dates from the oats, peas and roots. The area is 41522 acres; rateable
)'ear 1555. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £500, value of Chigwell and Chigwell Row, £3°,794 os. 6d.; and
with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and the population in 1881. 5433.
held by the Rev. William Spencer Harris Meadows M.A. of Parish Clerk and Sexton, Frederick Smart.
Lincoln College, Oxford. rural dean of Romford. The Eccle- POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank
siastical Commissioners, the impropriators,formerlyreceived & Government AIUluity & Insurance Office.-Dan Heard
£l,OOO yearly in tithe rent-charge, but which is now greatly (upper office). Letters arrive from Chigwellroad. Letter!ll
reduced. There is a Congregational chapel. The Grammar dispatched at 9030 aom. 12.30, 4.30 & 9.15 p.m.; delivery,
school, founded by Archbishop Harsnett in 1629, has now 7 & 9 a.m. 2 & 5 p.m. Mrs. Ann Dawkins (near church).
about 80 boys and has two senior and two junior -Letters dispatched at 8025 & II.2S a.m 3.45 & 8.15 p.m.;
house scholarships of the annual value of 30 guineas and delivery from upper office
20 guineas respectively ami 4 exhibitions for day boys of INSURANCE AGENT-Phania: Fire, J. Proctor, The Elm,
the annual value of £10: the mcome is about- £S20, but Chigwell road
no boys are taught wholly gratuitously. The curriculum SCHOOLS : -
includes Divinity, Latin, English subjects, French and mathe- .Archbishop Hal'snett's Grammar, Rev. Richard Dawson
matics and Greek, German and natural science are added Swallow M.A. head master; Frederick Charles Dick B.A.
or substituted in the higher forms:. a new scheme was pro- Rev. Wm. Jas. Foxell B ..... (curator) & Wm. ifefIerson
mnlgated in 1871 by the Endowed Schools commission: Davis, assistants
since then adjoining property has been purchased and the BOa1'd School (boys & girls), F. G. WiIUlr~ Buckhurst hill,
school buildings enlarged and improved at a cost of £10,000, clerk to the board. William Badow, master; .Miss Ellen
for 60 boarders and 60 day scholars. Wm. Penn was edu- Knowles, mistress
cated here. The English school is now under the super· CONVEYANCE-Coach to Woodford station to meet the 9.23
vision of the school board. There are three almshouses, up train & the 5.~ down train passes through this village
called "Coulson's," erected in 1557 and rebuilt by public CARRIER TO LONDON-William Cla)"den, from his own
subscription in lass. each occupant receives 6s. Bd. quar- house, mono wed. & fri. returning same day
PRIVATE RESIDBN'.fS, Prentice Samuel, Grange hill Basham George, Ki1lfl'1I Head
Balls Edward Hash, Rolls park Proctor James, Chigwell road Basham Wm. Thurston, plumber
Barkworth Thomas, Little West hatch Rees George, Oakhurst Brown John, nurseryman & seedsman
Barlow William Sanders Charles L.B.C.P. £din. The Burgess Charles, boot maker
Blundell Thomas, Hainault house Haylands Chilton Frederick, fanner
Broadhurst Bernard Edwd. Glilnge ct SM·m Alfred, Elmswood Clayden William, carrier, Chigwell road
Collins William, Brook House farm Sarill Th~ Misses, Ten Mile villa Dawkins Ann (Mrs.), postmistress
Daniels William, Flint cottage Sayill Mrs. The Limes Dawkins Thomas, tailor
Davis William George Shorter John, Grange hill D)'er Francis William,~ &; meal
Davis William Jefferson [assistant ma~ Shorter Miss, Little Haylands merehant, hay, straw &i'clover sales-
ter grammar school] Simmons Henry man, Chigwell road
Dick Fredericli: Charles lJ...t (assistant Smith John Philip Farrow William Hastings, Yet surg.
master grammar school] Suart Alfred, Pettits, Pudding lane Hill house
Elce William, Hainault road
Farrow William Hastings, Hill hou~
Swallow Rev. Richard Dawgon M.A. Grout Levi
{head tnaster], Grammar school
Hr. Bald Hind, Grange hill
Hancock William, tailor, Hainault road
Foxell Rev. Wm. James B.A. [~i 'rhomas James Harrison, Haylands Harwood Philip, wheelwrgt. Hainaultrd
assistant master grammar l!fchool]. White Sir Thomas .J.P. Gt. West Hatch Heard Daniel, grocer, et post office
Church house White Mrs. Oakwood Holder William, builder
GoqId George William, Chigwelllodge ~~llson Rev. WilliaII1 tinton M.A.Oak- Howell Ann (Miss), ladies" boarding
Higdon Richard hnrst~ Hainault road school, 12 Hainault villas
Hockley Edward, Sandon l~ Huntet George, boot & shoe maker
lohnson 6eorge, Grange hill CO:MHERCIAL.. JOhnllOll George, farmer, Grange farm
Keen Thomas, The Cottage Alderton Joseph, blacksmith Lines George, beer retailer
Lightfoot ThomaB, Oakhum .A. rc1rlJisJrqp Httr$ndfl Gra1ll11Ul,. &Mol, Lowen J ames, shopkeeper -u
M880n John, Grange bill Rev;. Richard DaWiOO Swallow ...A. Mason Peter, -carman & beer Petail8rl
Meadows Rev. William Spencer Harris head master;. Frederick Charles :Pick Murray,JohR ThoIDa\l, insuraJ1ce agent,
X.A. Vicarage B.+ Rev. Wrn. James Foxell B.A.. k Hainault'1'6ad""
Mildred Mnf. Brook housef, Wm. Jefferson Da\is, assistants. See Osborn~ Arthur John, 'boot 1> shoe
Mills Geo~ Belmont park advertisement maker, ChigweD road
Palmer Mrs. Gravel lane &'ldwin Rebecca (Mrs~, cowkeeper Pamphilon John Thomas, builder
Pell)"'John Gume:t~ Broomhlft Basham Frederick Thoma", farmer &; Pettipher Henry Alfred, $addler
Philby Henry AdalU.' vestry clerk, Pudding lane Prichett Samuel, Three .lolly WkeJm
Rowland John, cab proprietor 'Walby George, butch~r, Broomhill Williams William, farmer
Rowley Richard Henry, baker . Watts Job, farmer, Grange farm Wiseman George, farmer, Home farm
Sanders Charles L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon White William, beer retailer Woolley Arthur Henry, grocer, draper,
Simmons George, farmer, Old farm Wilcock Mary Ann (Mrs.), butcher earthenware &; provision dealer,Chig-
Smith Thomas, carpenter &; joiner Wilson Rev. Wm. Linton M.A. col- well road
Tippetts Henry Berriman, grocer legiate school, Oakhurst, Hainault rd Workman's Club (Hy.Shuttle,manager)
CHIGWELL ROW is about 2 miles east of Chigwell j'.W. PerlJ Watlington esq.and Mr. Charles Mears. The area is
and 4 miles from Woodford station on the Great Eastern 1,055 acres; rateable value,£4,298; the population in 1881,689
railway: it was constituted an ecclesiastical district in 1860 Parish Clerk, Thomas Braint.
and a parish in the year 1867 and is in the Western division POST OFFICE, Chigwell row.-Herbert Clinch, receiver.
of the county, Ongar hundred, Epping union, Romford Letters through Chigwell Road dispatched at 8.5 & n.5
county court district, Chigwell rural deanery, Essex arch- a.m. & 3.15 &; 7.35 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
deaconry and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All graph offices are at Chigwell. PILLAR LETTER Box
Saints, consecrated in the year 1867, is a building of stone, cleared 8.15, n.15 a.m. & 3.15 & 7.5 p.m. No sunday
in the style of the Transition, from Early English to collection.
Decorated; it is as yet unfinished and consists only of a Board Schools (girls' & infants'): the school buildings are
lofty c1er~toried nave, north and south aisles and a western those originally used by the British school &; erected
porch. The register dates from the year 1867. The living about 1845; these were enlarged &; transferred to the
is a rectoJT,searly value £300, in the gift of the Crown Chigwell school board in 1871 &; will hold about' 120 girls
and the. Bishop of St. Albans alternately and held by the & infants of both sexes; Miss Jemima Garrish, mistress
Rev. Richard Laurence M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. CARRIER--Thomas Faux, to Romford every wednesday &
The Congregationalists have a chapel here. The principal saturday &; to .Lambourne every saturday, returning
landowners are James Mills esq. Col. Lloyd, the devisees of same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Partridge Daniel, Sockett hall I Do,'e Eleanor Augusta(Mrs.),baker; &;
Austen John James, Greenwood hall Puckridge Alfred Francis, Forest house at Woodford green
Bailey John Puckridge Frederick, Forest house Elce John Coward, farmer & corn dlr
Bayly Mrs. The Cottage Radley WiIliam, Lime villas Faux Thomas, carrier, Pudding lane
Bullivant William, Woodlands Randall Richard, Lime villas I Harman J ames, paperhanger, painter,
Bury John RatclifI William Wright, Hainault I glazier & carpenter; estimates for
Campbell Jas. L.R.C.P. LOnd. The Grange Richardson John Edward, Forest cottage general repairs, Old May pole
Carter Felix, Crosby house Sayill Philip, Churchfield house Henry Albert Charl68 Clements, florist,
Clowes Fredk. Joseph, BaITington lodge Suart Major William Swainson R.E., J.P. Oaklands
Crowfoot Henry The Bower Herring Edward, shopkeeper
Fletcher Frederick Thomas Timms Arthur James, Oak lodge, I Meadowcroft Joseph, builder
Green Frederick J.P. Hainault lodge Grange ha!! Noble Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer
Hayward Capt. Philip Martin, Hainault Whitaker Captain, Brownmgs Pead Levi, farmer
road Wyman Mrs. Groye house \ Queary James, beer retailer
Kemp Alexander Davison, Burnt house, Rutty G. G. farmer, The Acorns
Pudding lane COMMERCIAL Sellman Frederick, tailor
Laurence Rev. Richard M.A. Rectory Buxton Thomas, May Pole Shepherd Ann (Mrs.),marinestoredlr
Lewis Samuel, The Orchard Campbell James L.R.C.P. LOnd. surgeon, Smith Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer
Maihwaring Col. William George C.I.E. The Grange Strong William, farmer
The Bowls Clinch Herbert, grocer, & post office Tolson James, butcher
Mason Jasper, Relton cottage Carter John Wm. baker, Pudding lane Tolson Jehit, farmer
Moody Richard Mallins, Montford house Crawley Samuel, coach & cart builder Williams Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Munro Donald, Whitehall Dayey Alfred, boot & shoe maker Worknuzn'sHallif"CoffeeTave1'n(Alfred
Noad Stephen Innes Dodd George, blacksmith Drew, manager)
CHILDERDITCH is a parish in the Southern division College, Oxford. Lord Petre is lord of the manor and
of the county, Chafford hundred, Billericay union, county landowner. The soil is clayey; subsoil, loam. The chief
court district and police division of Brentwood, rural crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. fhe area is 1,635
deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry o! Essex and diocese of acres; rateable value, £1,580 j and the population in 1871
St. Albans, situate near the source of the Marditch stream, was 67
3 miles south from Brentwood station and 20 from London. Parish Clerk, Samuel Smith, Little Warley.
The church of All Saints was erected by subscription in LETTER Box cleared, School, at 5.15 p.m. week days
1869 and consists of chancel and nave with I bell; the 10.30 a.m. sundays. Letters through Brentwood, the
font is ancient. The register dates from the year 1537. nearest money order office. ThEttelegraph o~ce is at Great
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £177, with 17 acres of WarIey
glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord Petre and held by National School, built for 50 children; Miss Allce Clifford,
the Rev. Edmund Spenser Tiddeman 'M.A. of Worcester mistress
Tiddeman Rev. Edmund Spenser M.A. Boardman Geo. Thomas, blacksmith &c Ollington Henry, farm bailiff to Lord
[vicar], The Vicarage Buxton Frederick, farmer, Hill farm Petre, Nutties farm
Attenborough George William, farmer, Eastland Richard, farmer, The Hall Squires Charles, farmer, Blankettsfarm
Tillingham hall NewmanWm. frmr.& oYerseer,Rosesfm WaJkerWm. farm bailiff to Lord Petre
OHINGFORD, on high ground, oyerk>oking the valley are also some monuments of the Leigh and Boothby families r
of the Lee, takes its name from a ford over the Ching, on and to John Heathcote esq. 1795 and John Hamilton Moore,
the east bank of which rh'ulet it is situated, anciently be- the hydrographer, 00_ Oct. 31, 1807. The church (St. Peter
longed to the Chapter of St. Paul's, London, to which it was and St. Paul) was erected on Chingford Green, in the centre
confirmed by King Edward the Confessor; it is the terminal of the village, in 1845: it is a brick and flint. building, con-
station of the Walthamstow and Chingford branch of the sisting (If chancel, nave and a western tower with spire
Great Eastern railway and is 9 miles from London, on the containing 3 bells, dated 1600: the interior has recently
road to Waltham Abbey; it is in the Western division of undergone considerable repair. The register of marriages
the county, Waltham hundred, Epping union, Waltham dates from 1721; baptisms and burials from 1715. The
Abbey cOlmty court district, archdeaconry of Essex, rural living is a rectory, ~'early value £565, with 18 acres of glebe
deanery of Barking, diocese of St. Albans and within the and residence, in the gift of R. B. Heathcote esq. and held by
jurisdiction of the Central criminal court and the metro- the Rev. Alfred Francis Russell M.A. of University College,
politan police, agreeably situated between the river Lee and Oxford. An obelisk, erected by the Ordnance Survey, on
Epping Forest and is the best place from which to visit the high ground N.E. of the church, is maintained at the desire
remaining beauties of that district. The old church of All of the authorities of Greenwich Observatory ~ it is due
Saints, now disused, is an ancient building of flint and stone, north along the meridian line and. is occasionally used for
chiefly of Perpendicular character and being covered with the verification of astronomical observations. Across the
h-y and situated on the brow of the hill overlooking the Lee, Green from the new church N.E. is Queen Elizabeth's Lodge.
is a very picturesque object and contains some curious where manor courts used to be held.; it is. a picturesque
monuments; the chancel is still preserved and the building half-timbered house, containing -eome good rooms;-With old
has been partially restored: in the south aisle an inscription oak and tapestry and may be seen on application. The
on brass to Robert Rampston gent. :t58S and his wife, Mar- charities amount to £24 yearly, krising from £3 yearly,
garet, 1590, the effigies from which are now missing; there each bequeathed by Robert Rampston and Thomas Boothby ~

£12 a year (the interest of £400, £3 per cents.) by John, WALL LETl'ER Box cleared at 4 p.m. &I 7 p.m
.Ann and Rebecca Popplewell and the produce of one acre Pm'islt Clerk, George Bartripp.
and three-quarters of land in Chingford Marsh, by Thomas POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
Boothby esq.; these benefactions are distributed to the poor Bank.-Mrs. Mary Jane Tomalin, receiver. Letters di&-
in coals and bread. Robert Boothby Heathcote esq. is lord patched 9.35 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. ; delivered at 7.40 & 6.30 p.m
of Chingford Earls manor; Miss Hodgson is lady of Ching~ INSURANCE AGENTS:-
ford St. Paul manor j and James Denew Waters esq. lord of County· Fire, J. Pearson .
Buckrills manor. The principal landowners are Messrs. Protector Endowment, J. Pearson, Avenue house
Heathcote and Waters and the Corporation of the City of National School, built in 1872 by voluntary subscriptions,
London. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops at a cost of £1,500, including a master's house, the site
are wheat, oats, tares, beans, peas and roots. The area is being given by R. B. Heathcote esq. for 150 children
2,791 acres; rateable value, £8,406; and the population in (boys & girls) ; Owen Stone, master; (infants) Miss Agnes
1881 was 1,387. Caroline Clarke, mistress
CHINGFORD HATCH is a hamlet I mile to the south-east, Rail1IJay Station (G.E.R.), Arthur B. Staggs, station master
where there is a Wesleyan chapel. Goods Station (G.E.R.), Arthur B. Staggs, manager
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Smith Percy, The Cottage Jessop Aaron, farmer, Old farm, Cffing-
Ainslie Miss, The Rolls, Ink's green Srephens Miss, Goldsboroughs ~ ford hatch
Alcock Charles, Sunnyside Tribbett Mrs. Heron's nest Jessop Charles, farmer, Larks wood
Andrews Abraham, Mount Caroline Wakely Reuben, Cbingford green Jessop Josiah, farmer, Chingford hatch
Bolton Charles, Hawthorn cottage Walker William, Whitehall Jones Thomas, blacksmith & fly pro-
Brocklmrst George, Avenue house Waller John, Lal'kswood lodge prietor, The Green
Brown Mrs. Forest side WaIler In. Gray. Beech ho. Forest side Kelman James, florist, Forest side
Bntlin Geol'ge, I Queen's villas Waters JamesDenew, Mount Echo Kelman Francis Mary (Miss), grocer,.
Coe Mrs. Orchard cottage, Forest side Wilcocks John, Low street Chingfordgreen
De Bucher Francis, 2 Queen's villas Woolmore Henry Geo. Chingford green Lodge Philemon, Prince Albert
Dunsford Mrs. Sunnyside house. Ziegele Augustus, Little Friday hill Long In. Queen Elizaheth, Forest side
Ellis James, Brook house, Woodford Maine James, boot & shoe maker
Fish WiUiam George, Nightingale hall, COMMERCIAL. Martin Charles, farmer, Brook farm,
Chingford hatch, Woodford Adams Charles, tailor, Forest side Cfiingford hatch
Fox CecH, The Plas Alderton James, ivory turner Mills ThomAS, PJ'ince of Wales, Ching.
Fox Henry, Low street Andrews Abraham, farmer,Mount farm ford hatch
Godbehear Geol'ge, Chingford hatch Ashwood Geo. butcher, Chingford green Mills Waiter, farmer, Chingford green
Gray Edward James, Endlebury Barnard Thomas, bailiff to JamesHum- Mitchell George,Fountain
Harcourt Hobert, Park hill phreys esq. Normanshire Peal'son John, vestry clerk & tax col-
Hazlehurst William, Rose cottage Bartrip Geo. parish clerk, High street lector, Avenue house
Heathcote Hobert Boothb)·, Friday hill Bartrip George jun. coal agent, Ching- Penson Arthr. plumbr.Chingfordhatch
Holmes Wm. M. Forest viI. Forest side ford green Prior John, baker, Low street
Hunfphreys James, Chingford hall Bolton Edward, farmer, Pimp hall Reynolds John, wheelwright
Johnson George, Valebrook villa, Ching- Bostock Harriett (Mrs.), Kin.9's Head, Rickett Benjamin, beer retailer
ford hatch Chingford green Royal Forest Hotel (A. Gordon & Co.
JoIley David, Low street Braine Frederick, baker & corn dealer proprietors)
Jones-Lloyd John Robert, BeIlevue Brasell James, farmer, Lowe street Skinnerton Thos. farmer, Gormes farm
Law William, Low street Butlin Geo. wood engraver, I Queen's vil i Spooner Jane (Mrs.), Green .Jfan •
Leggett Mrs. Oak lodge, Forest side Churches Mark Stott, farmer, Dell's frm ! Strong Jas. Thos. farmer, Bosgrovefarm
McOstrich James, Low street Cole Mary Ann (Mrs.), frmr. Tonks frm Tite Benj. Michael & Sons, coal mer-
Maltwood Thomas, Elmfield Cornhill George, florist chants & colliery agents
Meek Mrs. Birch cottage, Forest side Cox Henry, farmer, Ink's green Tomalin Mary J. (Mrs.) grocer &baker
Pullinger Mrs. Hawkwood house Fenton Enoch, farmer, Forest side Took Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker
Rossiter William, Forest View house Hall George, hoot & shoe maker Tunnicliff Francis, shoe maker
Russell Rev. Alfred Fras. 1\I.A. Rectory Hall John, blacksmith Wanger Hinry, farmer,Chingford hatch
SavillMartin, The Lodge Hall Joseph Johnjun. blacksmith Watkins Harriet (Mrs.), tea gardens,
Sheldon Arthur, Holly house, King's Hartwell Alfred, Cherry Down farm Queen Elizabeth's lodge, Forest side
Head hill Hartwell Joseph; farmer Weatherley Henry, farmer, Low street
Sheppard Alfred Edward, Laurel house Hunt William, miller, Chingford mill Western William, Bull 4 Ch'own
Small James, Oak cottage, Forest side Hutchins Frederick, grocer & corn Young Hy. IJ1tn Cow, Chingford hatch
Small William, Chingford hatch dealer, Low street
GREAT CHISHALL (or CHISHILL) is a parish in the living is a ViCarage, yearly value 1"..220. with residence, in the
extreme w~t of Essex, on the borders of Cambridgeshire gift of John Wilkes esq. and held by the Rev. Henry Thel-
and on a lltream called Cumberton Brook, supposed to have lusson Wood M.A... of St. John's College, Cambridge. The
been the boundary between the kingdoms of Mercia and charities amount to [19 yearly, arising from land and
Essex: it is in the Western division of the county, Uttlesford annuities by Mrs. Martin and others. John Wilkes esq. and
hundred, Royston union and county court district, Saffron Lord Dacre the chief landowners; the latter is lord of
Walden rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. the principal manol' and Juhn Wilkes esq. of the manor of
Albans diocese, 9 miles west from Saffron Walden and 6 Fal'ance Fee. The soil is chalk and clay j subsoil, chalk.
from Royston, its nearest railway station. The church of The crops are on the four~ourse shift. The .area is 1""10
St. Swithin is an edifice in the Perpendicular style, situated acres; rateable value, £2,580; and the population in 1881
on an eminence and C;)nsists of chancel, nave, aisles, porch was 412.
and a square embattled tower containing 5 bells; jt for- Letters from Royston dehvered by messenger; WALL
merly had the privilege of sanctuary: in the chancel is a LETTBR Box in the churchya.rd cleared at 5.45 p.m. week
mural monument to John Cooke esq. D.L., <l.P. and High days & at H.15 a.m. on sundays. The nearest money
Sheriff of Essex, ob. 27th January, 17°1: the nave and order office is at Barley & telegraph office at Barkway
aisles were restored in 1879 under the direction of F. C. School, built in 1870 for 100 children, average a.ttendance,
Penrose esq. the cost being defrayed by voluntary subscrip- 85 j Mrs. SarahStevenson, mistrei\S
tion: it has also> been reseated and has now sittings for 230 CARRIERS :-George Smith, to Royston wednesdays, Saffron
persQns. The register dates from the year ~583. The Walden sat.; Thomas Manning, to Royston wed
Wood Rev. Hy. Thellusson~ [vicar] Dra)'tou Mary Ann & Ellen (Misses), Manning Thomas, hay &; straw dealer
co d1'e8S makers &; carrier
Andrews Henry, miller Duke Lewis, farmer Miller James, butcher
Baker Thomas, farmer Greenhill Henry, bricklayer Pettit John, blacksmith
Burton John, farmer, baker & butcher Hoy William, farmer Smith Wm. PUJugh, &; carpenter. frmr
Cane Abel, saddler et harness maker Kent Bidney, farmer Wilson John, shopkeeper
Cane Henry, beer retailer &; shoemaker Low James, farmer,. Hall Woods George, wheelwright
LITTLE CmSHALL is a parish and small village Walden, arehdeaconry of Colche6ter and diocese of St.
adjoining the village of Great Chishall, in the Western Albans, IQ miles west from Saffron Walden and S frolll
division of the county, union and county court district of Royston, its nearest railway station. The church of Sfi,
Royston, hundred of Uttlesford. rural deanery of Saffron Nicholas, which stands about 1 mile south from the village.
is a small and ancient structure consisting of chancel, nave, its name to a very ancient family, of which was John de
large south porch and a square tower containing 1 bell. Chishall, dean of St. Paul's, bishop of London and Lord
The register of baptisms and burials dates from 1577, Chancellor; he died in 1279. Lord Strathnairn, who is lord
marriages 1579. The living is a rectory, annexed to that of the manor and Lord Dacre are the principal landowners.
of Heydon, joint yearly value £630, in the gift of Lord The soil is chalk and clay; subsoil, chalk. The crops are
Braybrooke and held by the Hon. and Rev. Latimer Neville wheat, oats and barley. The area is 11420 acres; rateable
M.A. Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, chaplain to ' value, £1,102; and the population in '1:881 was 129.
the Bishop of St. Albans, hon. canon of St. Albans and rural Letters through Royston. The WALL LETTER Box in Great
dean. Here is a large Congregational chapel erected about Chishall, cleared at 5.45 pom. week days, sundays It.IS
1820 and seating from 500 to 600; it is non-sectarian and a.m. is the nearest posting box &; Barley the nearest
is supported by voluntary contributions. This village gave money order office; the telegraph office is at Barkway
Irwin Revo.James [Congregational] I Grey Frederick, bricklayer Jude Josiah, White H(rr.~e
Jefferson Mrs. Manor house Hagger Hagger Alice, farmer Kent Peter, farmer, Rectory farm
Way Mrs Hagger Thomas, draper &; grocer Lawrence Mark, bricklayer
Bullen Sam. Poulter, frmr. North hall
CHRISHALL (or CHRISTlIALL), situate near a range Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Here is a Primitive Methodist
of hills on the borders of Cambridgeshire and recorded by chapel,erected in 1862. The poor of this parish receive £12
that name in Domesday Book, is a scattered parish, in the per year as their portion of the Martin charity left by Mrs.
Western division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Lettice Martin, also a yearly rent-charge of 2OS. left by
Walden union and county court district, rural deanery of Thomas Ekin, paid out of land belonging to John Wilkes esq.
.. Saffron Walde~, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans In a wood situated in the parish there are two moats. Chis-
diocese, 7 miles west from Saffr()n Walden, 5 west-north- wick Hall, now a fann house, stands on an eminence about
west from Audley End station and 7 from Royston. The half a mile south of the church and is also surrounded by a
church of the Holy Trinity, situated on an eminence, is an moat. John Wilkes esq. Lord Dacre and the Dean and
ancient structure of flint and consists of chancel, nave of Chapter of Westminster are the principal landowners; the
four bays, with clerestory, aisles, north and south porches latter are owners of the manor. The soil is chiefly heavy,
and a western tower surmounted by a short spire and con- with some light; subsoil, principally chalk. The crops are
taining 4 bells: the body of the church was thoroughly chiefly on the four-course shift. The area is 2,699 acres;
restored in 1868-9 and seated with open benches: the pulpit rateable value, £3,014 IS. 6d.; and the population in 1881;
·and reading-desk are of oak: the chancel was restored in was 572.
187 8 : in the south aisle is the fine brass, date 1370, of Sir John BILDEN END, or Building End, is a small hamlet to the
de-Ia-Pole and his wife Joan (Cobham), the knight partly in south-south-west.
plate armour, with a tunic and his lady in a close-fitting dress CHRISHALL GRANGE is a hamlet, 2i miles to the north,
with pendent sleeves, the figures lie beneath a triple canopy, partly in Cambridgeshire.
richly crocketed, with the shields of de la Pole and Cobham; Parish Clerk, Breens Miller.
only a fragment of the inscription remains; and in the wall
of the south aisle there is the figure of a lady c. 1450 and POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Mary Julia Brand, receiver. J.etters
brasses of a civilian and his wife, kneeling, c. 1480 ; the arrive from Royston at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 4.55 p.m.
church also contains a marble monument to Sir John week days; sundays, dispatched at 10.20 a.m. The nearest
James kt. ob. 17t h Feb. 1676, at. 7 2• The register money order office is at Elmdon; there are., telegraph
dates from the year 1662. The living is a vicarage, yearly offices at Barkway & Royston
value £24 1, with residence adjoining the church, in the gift National School (mixed), built in 1862 for ISO children, with
of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Edmund an average attendance of 80; Miss Maria Martyn, mistress
Leachman M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The great CARRIER-Thomas Pigg, to Saffron Walden, on saturday;
tithes belong to Lord Dacre, to whom they were sold by the to Royston, on wednesday
Jonas Fredk. Maulkin, Chrishall grange Crookes David, Red Cow Pigg Thomas, carrier
Leachman Rev. Edmund M.A. Vicarage Downham Philip, steam plough propr Pigg Thomas, farmer
Downham Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer Rickard Joseph, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Drage Thos. thrashing machine proptr Sarr William, sieve maker
Andrews William, shopkeeper Ellis Maria Wilson (Mrs.), frmr. Wires Smith Charles, farmer, ChiswWk hall
Baker William, shoe maker Jonas Frederick Maulkin,farmer, Chris- 8001e William, carpenter
Brand Mary Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper hall grange Wallman George, l.Jlacksmith
Brand Robert, farmer, Bilden end Nash Emma (Mrs.), farmer Wallman Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer
CLACTON-ON-SEA is a watering place in the Eastern of H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales," is placed here
division of the county, Tendring hundred and union, county and has saved many lives, this place being contiguous to
court district of Colchester, St. Osyth rural deanery, Colches- the dangerous Gunfleet sands. The' coast guard station,
ter archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, is I t miles south with St. Osyth detachment consists of a chief officer and I I
from Great Clacton, 9 from Waltoll-on-the-Naze, 16 from men. The public hall was erected in 1877 at a cost of
Colchester,Harwich and Manningtree, 33 from Chelmsford, 30 £8,000 and will seat about 400, there are also assembly
from Ipswich and 68 from London. The distances by water rooms, library, reading and retiring rooms &c. Adjoining
are: Walton-on-the-Naze,8 miles, Brightlingsea 9, Southend the telegraph office is a small lecture hall seating about 200.
28, Gravesend and Tilbury 46, Woolwich 64 and London St. Paul's is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1878 from the
Bridge 73 miles. The nearest railway station is at Weeley, civil parish of Great Clacton ~ the churoh is of concrete, in
s! miles distant; omnibuses meet all trains; a branch line the Early English style and consists of apsidal, nave, with a
of railway will shortly be opened (1882) from the Thorpe small western bell-cote containing I bell; it was opened
station on the Tendring hundred branch of the Great for divine service in June, 1875 and will seat about 400
Eastern railway to this place: this watering place has a persons. The register dates from the year 1875. The living
southern aspect, standing on cliffs 40 or 50 feet high: the is a vicarage, gross annual value £176, in the gift of the
beach of sand and shingle is admirable for sea bathing Church Patronage Society and held by the Rev. Henry Law.
and extends for miles in each direction; the place is lighted The Wesleyans have a large and handsome chapel here.
with gas and has an abundant supply of pure spring water. This place forms part of the manor of Great Clacton. The
The principal hotels are the Royal, a spacious building principal landowners are the Clacton-on-Sea Land, Building &
erected on the cliffs in 1872, the Osborne and the Imperial. Investment Company; acreage 285; rateable value £4,6u.
The pier, erect~ in 1873 .and enl~rged in 1877, face.s the POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-8hadrach
Royal hotel an~ IS .substantIally ~udt of wooo extendmg a John Sparling, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Col-
quarter of a mIle mto the sea, ~th a fine shelter hea~ for chester at 6.30 a.rn. &; 4 pom. Box closes at 6.15 p.m. ; Sun-
steame~s and other vessels at all tIdes. Amongst th~ vanous days 6 pom. PILLARLETTER Box cleared at 6.10 p.m.· sun-
attractIOns of the summer months may be mentIOned an days S 55 p m '
annual regatta and land and aquatic sports, wild-fowl shoot- . 0 •

ing may be indulged in during the winter on the adjoining TELEG~APH OFFICE, James Harman, Man~e parade
extensive marshes. During the summer season steamers The children attend the Great Clacton NatiOnal School
call at the-pier daily on their way to and from London and INSURANCE AGENTS:- t

Ipswich. The Lifeboat" Albert Edwam," presented to the Guardian, R. G. Hurrell, Pier avenue
Royal National Lifeboat Institution and endowed in per- Lmtdon Asswrance, J. H. Forshaw
petuity by the United Grand Looge of Freemasons of National Provincial Plate Glass, N01'Wich 4' London .J.cci-
England, in commemoration of the safe 'return from India dent 4' Royal, F. J. Nunn, Brunswick house


CARRIERS same as at Great Clacton t CARRIERS BY WATER.-London Steam Boat Company, daily
OMNmusES meet all trains at Weeley station j during summer months
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Canler Geo. lodging ho. Douglas ter Nunn & Ubsdell, stationers, booksellers,
Agate William, Coolmore Cattermole Alfred, bathing machine news agents & printers, & circulating
AlIen William, Hadleigh villa owner, Beach road library
Blackie Robert, Valley farm Cattermole Jas. carter, &:; lodging ho. Nunn Frederick J. auctioneer & house,
Bloomfield John, Bradfield terrace Clyde villa land & estate agent, agent for ROl-al
Boys John, Beech road Cattennole Thomas, donkey owner, Insurance Co.; Norwich & London
Browning Mrs. Hill house Bradfield terrace Accident Insurance Co.; National
Cotman George F. Grove villa ~ Chandler Edwd. lodging ho. Stanley ho Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Co.;
Cre.ssy Thomas A. The Cedars Cheeld James, grocer &: provision dealer, Shipwrecked Mariners' Society; Pp.r-
Crouch Wyatt W. K.A. The College Pier avenue petual Investment Building Society:
Dawson Major Edward B. Beach road Clacto~on-SeaGas if Water Co. Li1J~ited Inman Line of Steamers &:c. Bruns-
Harman James, Halesworth villa (James Harman, managing director) wick house
Hooper James, Swiss cottages 'Clacton-on-Sea Hall ~ Libmry Co. Osbol'1tefamil.1I if commel'cialhotel (Mrs.
Hunter Rev. Ralph WaIter Geo. [Wes- Limited (Jas. Harman, man. director) Louisa Price, proprietor)
leyan], Turret villa Clact01l-on-8ea Land, Building 'et Invest Osborn Robert, lodging house, Beach rd.

Just Mrs. OTwell terrace ment Co. Limited (James Harman, Parsey(Mrs.), lodging house, Pallisterrd
Kirehing Albert Geo. RydaIlodge managing director) Pattrick Frederick, baker, Orwell road
Knight Mr8. Bower house Clacton-on-8eaPier Co.(James Barman, Paul R. lodging house, Douglas terrace
Law Rev. Henry, The Vicarage manager) Pearce Philip, painter, Orwell terrace
Lilley Thomas, Angle view Compton Mrs. dress ma. Amber house Phillips Jacob,lodging ha. Seacombe vil
Maine WaIter, The Laurels Craig Jonathan, shopkeeper, Orwell ro Piggott Rev. Henry, school for young
Mann Frederick, Claremont Cranstone (Mrs.), draper, Avenue bldgs gentlemen, Hope house
Mann John, Claremont Cross Robt.lodging house, Marine par Priest Misses, boarding & day school
Nunn Charles Rushbrooke F.R.G.S. The Cummings Wm. lodging ho. Grove rd for young ladies, Lansdowne house
College Cutting George, lodging house, Lome Rattle Esther {Mrs.), ldgng. ho. Colne st
Nunn Fredk. J. Brunswick house 1 house & Lome villa Reed Charles, Imperial, Rosemary road
Nunn Mrs. F. Marine parade west Daniels James Wm. butcher, Beach rd Reed Henry William, job master et
Page Henry James, Cliffe hall Davey Norman, lodging house, Ivy viI omnibus proprietor
Parr Edmund, Claren(.'e cottage Davies A. &M.confectioners &: fruiterers, Riches Charles, lodging ho. Church rd
Piggott Rey. Henry, Hope house Pier avenue RobertsJohn, butcher, Avenue bldgs. ..t
Rogers Mrs. Anglesea villa Deane & Son, bakers, Regent house fishmonger & poulterer, Martello ter
Salmon William, Mayell villas I De-Maid Edward, builder, Church road Rootlsaac,lodginghouse,Amoldterrace
Suthery Frank Pellatt, Brunswick ho Dennett Geo. C. builder, Frankfort viI Royal family if C01nmercial hotel r!
Swinstead Bernard, Park road pove Wm. lodging house, St. Osyth viI boarding ~ posting house (Frederick
Thomson Andrew,Swiss villa Dunn Geo. jun. lodging hO.I2 Beach rd Wallis, proprietor)
Towse 1Villiam Wrinch, Eagle house Dunn Geo.Wm.lodging ho. Anglesea vil Scrutton Harry, lodging ho. Rhinevillas
Watson James, Orwell road Eade Stephn.lodging house, Pallisterrd I Skrine James, builder, Beach street
Waymouth George, Carlton villa Evans Alfred, lodging ho. 2 Turret viis Smith Edward J. wine merchant, R6Be-
Weller James Chas. Myrtle villa Fairclough W.lodging ho. Rosemary rd mary road
'\\-'bite Alexander M. Beach road Finer Henry, grocer & draper, Rose- Snelling Frederick, builder, Rhine villas •
Wilkinson James, Eastholme mary road I
Sparling Shadrach John, baker & post-
Wiseman Mrs. Avenue cottage Forshaw Jabez, contrctr. Eagle terrace master, Pier avenue '
Wool Bright, Woodville Gilders Edwin Joseph, coal merchant &; Stewart John, greengrocer, Pallister rd
Young Captain Charles Richard, Dysart brickmaker, Rosemary road Suthery Frank Pellatt, solicitor, Brnns-
house, Pier avenue Greer John, lodging house, Rhine vils wick house
COMMERCIAL. Grigson George, lodging ho. Camden ho Taylor Miss, lodging house, Pallister rd
GroWIlB John, lodgmg house, Pier cots Towse Brothers, house & estate agents,
Abbott Robert, lodging ho. I Westaven Harman James, land & estate agent, Public hall
Aberdein William Charles, eating house, & telegraph office, Marine parade Vickridge J ames, lodging ho. Eagle ter
Avenue buildings Howe In. lodging ho.West Avenne viIs Wagstaff Edwd.lodging ho. Pallister rd
Adlington Alfred, lodging ho.Orwell ter Hurrell Rt. GeoJancyrepository. Pierav Wagstaff (Mrs.), shopkpr. Martello ter
Allen John, lodging ho. Cliff cottage Joy Thomas, plumber, Beach road Wagstaff Misses, dressmkrs. Pallister rd
Angier Chas. lodging house, Over cliffe Keeble Barriet (Mrs.), lodging house, ! Wallis Fredk. Royal family ~ C01iWtel'-
Angier Joseph, lodging ho. StoUT house Cliff cottage I cial hotel ~ boardtng ~ posting hO'UM
Atkins George, bricklayer, Church rd Keer Mrs. lodging house, Anglesea viIs Walton 4- Clacton Gazette et Harwich.
Almond Edmund, boot & shoe maker, Kill John, lodging house, Martello ter if DovercmJ.rt Advertiser (Benham
Rosemary road Legerton Robt. lodging ho. Marine par & Co. Colchester~ proprietors; Nunn
Baker William Sanders, dispensing Maine WaIter, surgeon & Ubsdell, local publishers; published
chemist, 2 Pier avenue Mann Chas. Hy. boot ma. Douglas ter Friday afternoon), Pier avenue

Beach Mrs. lodging ho. 8 Beach road. Maskell Wm. lodging house, Orwell ho Carlton villa

Betts Wakeman, lodging ho. Crouch ho Mead Richard, lodging ho. Pallister rd White Henry, lodging house, Beach ho
Bird James Thomas, painter & plumber, Mills, Errington, Bawtree &: Co.ban;kers, White Wm. lodging house, Ivy villas
Adelaide cottage Orwell road; draw on Glyn, Mills, Willis William, lodging house, & pier
Burford & Llewell)'Il, ironmongers, Pier Currie & Co. London e c master, Marine parade
avenue Mouzer David, tailor, Beach road Wilson Jared,lodgingho.Cheltenham viI
Burrell In.lodging ho. Cheltenham viIs Newing Srephen, lodging ho. Arnold ter Wilson Thomas, lodging ho. Pallisterrd
I Nicholl & Co. ale stores, Rosemary rd
Canler Ambrose, lodging ho. Arnold ter
Canler Brothers, builders, Rosemary rd
Canler Edward, lodging ho. Arnold ter
I Nunn &; Crouch, boarding & day school
for young gentlemen, The College ,
Wiseman (Mrs.),lodging ho. Beaufort hI}
~ Woods GaIen, lodging house, Mayell viis

GREAT CLACTON is a parish near the coast, in the which the north and south doorways are excellent
Eastem division of the county, Tendring hundred and union, examples: the walls are of great thickness and show a
Colchester county court district, St. Osyth mral deanery, considerable quantity of Roman brickwork: the tower is
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 8 miles probably of the 15th century, as the ancient and pon-
south-west from Walton-on-the-Naze, I from Clacton-on- derous woodwork which supported the former bell-turret
Sea steamboat pier, 4l south from· Weeley station still remaining at the west end of the nave clearly shows:
on the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern the church was restored in 1865 at a cost of [,1,;,00,
railway and 15 south-east from Colchester; on this part when a fine triplet of Norman windows, filled with
of the coast the sa.nds are very fine and well adapted stained glass, was placed in the ~t end, then. entirely
for bathers, extending a distance of about 4 miles.. The rebuilt: a north aisle was added to the chancel and a new
church of St. John the Baptist is a fine .old building, chancel-arch built: the windows of the were at the
consisting of nave, chancel, north chancel, aisle of a bays same time restored in the Norman style and the church
and a massive westem tower surmounted by a wooden fitted with oak benches: a fine avenue of limes reachel!l from
belfry and spire containing S bells: the principal portions of the entrance gate to the south door: Eleazer Knox, younger
the structure a~ of the Norman or p~Norman period, of I son of the celebrdted Scottish Reformer, was vicar here from

1587 to 1591. The register dates from 1560 and is in ex- CLACTON WICK (or WASH) is about 1 mile south along the
cellent preservat~on. The liying ll$ a vicarage united with coas't. JAY WICK is 3 miles south-west. LION POINT (or
Little Holland, yearly value £315, with residence and 3 EASTNESS) is a headland near the latter place.
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Church Patronage Society Parish Clerk, Henry Young.
and held by the Rev. Samuel Christmas Brown :B.A. of St. Assistant Overseer, Hobert Pollard, jun.
John's College, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan and Primi- POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Henry
tive Methodist chapels. The manor is vested in trustees: Finer, sub-postmaster. Letters arriye from Colchester at
Rev. T. Harding-Newman D.D. Benjamin Newman esq. H. 6.15 a.m. & 4 p.m.; dispatched at 6.40 p.m; sundays, no
Hereford esq. James Round esq. M.P. the Dennis and second delivery i dispatched at 6 p.m. The telegraph
Page families and the Naval Knights of Windsor are the office is at Qacton-on-Sea
principal landowners. The soil is mixed j subsoil, clay and INsuR4NCE AGENT.-JIanckester Fire, H. Finer
gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The National School (mixed). built in 1862 for 250 children i
area is 3,859 acres of land and 235 of water; rateable value, average attendance, 190; John Baxter, master; Miss
£12,585; and the population in 1871 was 1,28Q: these figures Eleanor Day, mistress
include Clacton-on-Sea. CARRIERS TO COLCHESTER :-Turner, monda)', wednesday &
MAGDALEN GREEN is about half a mile south from Great saturday; Johnson, tues. thurs. & sat. to Manningtree;
C1&.cton. CANHALL is the manor farm lying porth-west. Salmon, thurs.; all return the same da)'s
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Day Sarah (Mrs;), shopkeeper Pollard Robel"ty jun. assistant overseer
Brown Rev. SI. Christmas B.A. Vicarage Dennis James, farmer Revell Robt. grocer &; draper, & agent for
Browning Mrs Dilley Arthur Hulmes, builder W.& A.Gilbey,wine de spirit merchants
Cooper James Feedham Abbott, shopkeeper Riches Charles, builder
Fisher John, The Square Feedham Wm. farmer, Ralph's farm Riches George, baker
Dixey William Fenn Maria (Mrs.), furniture broker Rouse Henry, hair cutter
Graham Charles Finer Henry, groeer & linen draper &; Rouse Mary (Mrs.), baker, Green
Graham John sub-postmaster Royce Henry, farmer, Cann hall
Harding-Newman Rev. Thomas n.D Flegg John, pork butcher Salmon Robert Green, farmer, Hall
Main WaIter Fordham Sydney, carpenter Salmon Sarah (Miss), farmer, Wash frm
Pudhey Misses, Coppins hall Gilders John, maltster & farmer Salmon William, carrier & coal dealer
Salmon John Granger George, 'wheelwright Scragg Wm. farmer &landwnr.White ho
Scrutton Mrs. Green Philip, coach builder Scrutton Frederick, butcher
Wilson Thomas Draper Harris Philip J. farmer, Burr's farm Sergeant George, butcher
Wilson William Joy Emma (Mrs.), plumber & painter Shepherd John, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Kent Ephraim, carpenter &> wheelwright Smith John, farmer, Alton park
Almond Edmund, veterinary surgeon Nicholson Herbert, farmer, Bull hill Smith Philip (exors. of), farmers &land-
Almond Samuel, shoe maket Nicholson Thomas, farmer, Sladbury owners,Jaywick
Bagley WilIiam, shoe maker Page James, farmer & landowner Smith Philip, jun. farmer, Blue house
Beckwith Charles, miller Partridge Sydney, beer retailer Snelling Thomas, Coach ~ Horses
Blackie Robert, farmer, Valley farm Payne John, carpenter lSparling Sarah (Mrs.), beer rentiler
Budd WiIliam, farmer Pigg Elizabeth (Mrs.), Queen's Head1 & Steam Arthur G. saddler & harness ma
Bullock Robert, farmer, Summe; house blacksmith Turner George, Ship, &; carrier
EurlingJohn, blacksmith Pollard Robert, grocer &draper Winterflood Ann (Mrs.)~ beer retailer

LITTLE CLACTON is a parish in the Eastern division W. F. Nassau. The principal landowners are WilIiam Laws
of the county, Tendring hundred and union, Colchester and George William Frost esqrs. The soil is mixed; the
county court district, St. Osyth rural deanery, Colchester subsoil clay and gravel. The chief crops are barley, wheat
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 3 miles from Thorpe and oats. The area is 2,966 acres; rateable value, £5,°56;
station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great and the population in 1881 was 6n.
Eastern railway and 13 from Colchester. The church of CooK'S GREEN is a mile and a half east; CLAPGATE, half
St. James is a small and ancient lltructure in the Early a mile west ~ and HONEYPOT LANE, I mile north-west.
Euglisli style, consisting of cI.m~cel and nave, wit? a wo~en Rm'ish Clerk, Joseph Downs. •
turret at the west end, contammg 3 bells ;'there IS a stamed .
window to the Rev. J. C. Kirby, 19 years vicar of this parish, POST OFFICE.-RlChard. Mudd, sub-postmaster. Letters
who died in 1850 and other members of his family. The through Colchester, vu! Weeley, arnve at 7'4;5 a.m. Box
register dates from the year 153 8. The living is a vicarage, closes at 6 p.m.; sundays,. 9. 1 5 a.m. fhe nearest
commuted at £155 yearly, with residence, in the gift of the mo~ey order & telegraph offices are ,at Great Clacton
trustees of the late W. F. Nassau and held by the Rev. & "\\ ~eley . .. .
William Green M.4. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Here is ParochIal School (mIxed), bUIlt ~n 1868 for 130 chIldren;
a Wesleyan chapel. The charities are of the yearly value av.erage at~n~an.ce, 85; MISS Em~a Free?orough,
of £35 and arise from the rent of a farm at St. Osyth illlstress; MISS fhlrza Ann Womack, aSSIstant mIstress
heath. The manor is vested in the trustees of the late CARRIER TO CoLCHESTER-James Bennett, wed. & sat
Green Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Fisher John, farmer Moore William, Blacksmiths' Arms
Stebbing William, Gallaway cottage Fisher John Woods, farmer, Bidwell MuddRichd.grocel' & draper,&post office
COMMERCIAL. Frost George Wm. farmer &; landowner PhilIips Robt. Chas.farmer, Cook's green
Bareham Charles. farmer Funnell Alfred, basket maker Reed Charles, farmer
Bennett James, carrier Gould Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer Smith James, farmer, Bovills
Bevan Thomas, coal dealer Hewett Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sorrell Nathaniel, farmer, Rayner's
Butcher John, farmer Hicks Thos.(exors. of), farmer, Grove ho Spading John, farmer
Eldred Hy. blacksmith & assis. oversr Joy William, farmer Thorington Wm. shopkeeper & farmer
Fisher Abraham, farmer Lott William, farmer, Bell's farm Welham George, shopkeeper
CLAVERING is a large scattered parish in the others, c. 1480 and .:1520, in a fragmentary condition: the
Western division of the county, union and county court interior of the church has been restored and re-seated with
district of Saffron Walden, Clavering half hundred, New- open benches; the chancel was restored by the patrons, the
port rural dean~ry, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans Governors of Christ's Hospital and the body of the church
diocese, 4 miles south-west from Newport station, 7 south- at the expense of the lady {)f the manor and the inhabitants
west from Saffron Walden, 8 north from Bishop's Stortford of Clavering. The register dates from the year 1555. The
and 40 from London, near the head of the river Stort. The living is a vicarage, the vicarial tithes being commuted at
church of SS. Mary and Clement is an embattled building £466 IS. 8d. and is in the gift of the Governors of Christ's
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Hospital and held by the Rev. Frederick Gifford Nash
aisle, porch and a massive tower containing 5 bells: it K.A, of Pembroke College, Cambridge. The Congregational
contains some marble monuments of the Barlee or Barley chapel is a Gothic building of brick and stone, erected in
family and its collateral branches, from 1635 to 1696, other 1872, at a cost of £1,350~ with sittings for 400 persons.
monuments to the Riddlesdans and a mural monument to The Primitive Methodists have also a place of worship here,
John Stephenson, of Howton, Cambridgeshire and Anne, built in 1878 and eeating 250. There are the following
his wife, 1722-41; ledger inscriptions to the Bensons, of charities belonging to the parish of Clavering, under the
Brent Green, 1677-84 and brasses to Thomas Welbare, management of trustees appointed by the Charity Commis-
gent. of Pondes and his wife, Ursula, 1591; and to Joan Day, sion :-1. The charity of John Smith (formerly vicar of
and her husband, with four English verses, 1593: there are Clavering), two closes of land in Hangley, called Poor
DameIs, containing 7 acres, fol' coals, 01' othel'Wise, fol' the is lord ot the manor and chief landowner, but there al'&
poor; 2. charity of Lettice Martin, consisting of 8 share several other holders. The soil is heavy, with small portioI18
of rents, now amounting to £3 6s. 8d. yearly, for same of a lighter nature; subsoil, clay, gravel and chalk. The
purpose; 3. charity of 8n unknown donor, called Priests' crops are generally on the four-course shift, wheat, beans
Farm Charity,. 108. yearly; 4- charity of Hayoes Barlee, &c. The area is 3,798 acres; rateable value, £41901; and
of Curtes, consisting of a small farm in Berden parish, the population in 1881 was 1,039.
present annual rent £12, for apprenticing a poor lad of Parish Clerk, Thomas Monk.
one of the several parishes of Clavering, Langley, Codicote POST OFFIcl!l.-Mrs. Mary Barker, receiver. Letters through
(Hertfordshire), Saffron Walden and Wilburton and Great Bishop's 8tortford~ ttid Newport, arrive at 8.10 a.m.;
Wilbraham (in the county of Cambridge); 5. a barrel of dispatched at 5.tS p.m. week days only. The nearest
"hite herrings and a cade of red herrings, left originally for money order & telegraph office is at Newport
the poor in Lent, to be provided out of a farm called
Valence, near Langley. The common lands have been National School (mixed), built in 1841, for 80 children; Miss
enclosed by a deed of enclosure, dated 1865. Adjoining Emily Wilson, mistress
the churchyard is the site of an extensive castle, surrounded B1itish School, erected February, 1879, at a cost of £400, for
by a moat and formerly the head of this barony. Here are 120 scholars; Thomas Higman, master
(wind) corn mills, belonging to Mr. WaIter O. Spencer and CARRIER Stephen Flack, to Walden every saturday &
small maItings to Mr. H. Rolfe. The Rev. J. N. Simpkinson Royston every wednesday
Ault Rev. Ebenezer [Congregationall Bush John, farmer Pain John, farmer, Thurrocks
Barker Miss, Ivy cottage Bush William, farmer & landowner,The Parker Peter,frmr. & landwnr. Mill end
Barker Mrs Grange Parker Samuel, fanner,Lower Ford end
Boddington Mrs. The Bury Cakebread Alfred, beer retailer,Mill And Pigg William, farmer, Clavering place
Mumford William, Bower Cakebread David, White Horse, Star- Pilgrim Henry, fanner, Ford's end
Nash Rev. Fredk. Gifford MoA. [vicar] ling's green Pilley Jobn,shopkpr.& seedsmn.Hill grn
Spencer Misses, Daunces Carter George, beer retailer Prime Desmond, farm bailiff to John
Stock-Bush Thomas Chesham Joseph, saddler, Hill green Parrott esq. Hill green
COMMERCIAL. Clark Henry, fanner Prime Jacob, farmer, Clavering farm
Bailey WaIter. Fox et Hounds "Claydon John, farmer, The Roast Rolfe Hen.maltstr.& frmr.TheBrooklnds
Barker Albert, farmer, Rutters Claydon Jsph.shoe maker,Sheepcote grn Savill Hannah (Mrs.), farmer,Coldhams
Barker Catherine (Mrs.). beer retailer, Cowell William, butcher Savill William, farmer, Curl's farm
Church end Edmunds Rebecca (Mrs.),grcr &draper Spencer Alfred, farmer, Clavering hall
Barker Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Valence Flack Stephen, beer retailer Spencer WaIter Overell, miller, Clavar-
Barker Kerenhappuch (Miss), day schl Green Charles, farmer, Clatterbury lane ing mills
Barron George, blacksmith Green George,saddler & harness maker, Ward James, carpenter, Church end
Barton John, tailor, Church end farming implements of all kinds, Ward Joseph, bricklayer, Church end
Bird George, farmer, Sheepcote green plough irons &c. kept in stock, Clat- Ward Richd.grocer &drapr. Church end
Bunting George, wheelwright terbury lane Watson Christopher, farmer,Bird green
Bunting Mary Ann (Mrs.),wheelwright, Livings Thomas, beer retailer Waylett Charles, cooper
Stickling green Martin John, carpenter, Hill green Westwood Waiter, farmer. Brockin
Bunting Sam, beer retailer, Hill green Mason John, farmer, Ford's end Wisbey Nathan, farmer
BurgessGeo.beerretlr.&bricklayr.Hillgn I Nottage John, farmer, Ford's end
COGGESHALL is a town on the river Blackwater and are commuted at £378 yearly; vicarial· tithes commuted at
a polling place for the Eastern division of the county, in £350 for Great Coggeshall and £28 for Little Coggeshall.
Witham division and Braintree union and county court The Congregatio~lChapel is a large building, erected in
district, Coggeshall rnral deanery, Colchestel' archdeaconry 171.5 and has been enlarged several times, the last en·
and St. Albans diocese and consists of two parishes, Great lal'gement being in 1865: at the back of the chapel there
Coggeshall in Lexden hundred and Little Coggeshall in are spacious schoolrooms affording space for 600 children.
Witham hundred, on opposite banks of the Blackwatel', An Independent chapel IS said to have been founded here
connected by an ancient bridge of 3 arches, distant from by Dr. John Owen, chaplain to Cromwell: there is also
Kelvedon station 2l miles, from Witham 7 north-east, from a manse in East street, purchased by the congregation as
London 44t from Colchester 9i west, from Halstead 8 south a residence ;for the minister. There are also places of
and from Braintree 6 east. The town stands partly on low worship for Baptists, Society of Friends and Methodists.
ground bordering the river, whence it rises and occupies A cemetery of 3 acres is situated at the back of the church
the acclivity of a hill, from which it may have derived its and contains a chapel for Dissenters. Theoo are three alms-
ancient name Sunned.on; it is noted for its numerous houses, founded in 1795. There is a reading room with
springs of pure water, many houses being supplied there- a library in ;Bridge street and a Mechanics' institute in
with hy iron pipes and for centuries past the land has been Church street. The market, which is obsolete, was granted
famous for the growth of garden seeds. The town is lighted by Henry Ill. as also the right of holding a fair on Whit
with gas. The church of St. Peter is a fine building en- Monday. There are many good buildings, amongst which
tirely in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel with is an extensive range where the refining and manufacture
aisles, nave, south porch and a battlemented tower with of patent isinglass and gelatine is carried on: there is also
angle turret at the west end containing 8 bells, six of which a sewing factory, breweries, maltings and an iron foundry.
are dated 1681, 16g:2t 1733, Y733, 1757 and 1806: the nave There are two banks viz.: the Essex Bank (Sparrow & Co.)
is divided from the north and south aisles by an arcade of 5 and the London and County Banking Co. (Limited). The
lofty bays ~ the roofs of chancel and nave are of one height town, which is very ancient, was a Roman station and
and there it! a clere&tory of eight three light windows: the some ancient remains have been found here. Holfield
chancel was repaired in 1:851 and the whole church has been Grange, a mile and a half north-west, on the Roman road
thoroughly restored; there is • stained window in the from Colchester to Dunmow, the property of Osgood Han-
chancel and five others: two side screens of richly carved bury esq. is a Tudoy mansion recently erected, but at
oak have lately been added and 'a richly decorated reredos present unoccupied. The charities for distribution amount
W88 placed in the church in 1880 as a memorial to the late to £278 yearly. Sir Charles Du Cane, who is lord of lbe
Rev. W. J. Dampier, for 33 years vicar of this parish: it manor,Osgood Hanbury esq. Sir T. C. C. Wf>.stern hart.
consists of groups of figures representing scriptural events Major and Henry Skingley and Sidney Pattisson esq. ;r.p.
in sculptured Caen stone, beneath richly sculptured canopies are the chief landowners. The land is undulating ~ soil,
of Derbyshire alabaster; flanking and dividing these groups light loam; subsoil, gravelly, with several small streams
are small niches in which are placed the figures of arch- mnning through it.
angels.: the great. east window of seven lights is a mag- Little Coggeshall is on the southern bank ot the river
nificent work of modern art and was the gift of the Han- Blackwatel' and is connected with Great CoggeBhall by a
bury family, of Holfield Grange: the wbjects are all from bridge. King Stephen and Queen Maud, heiress of Eustace,
the life of our Lord: the west tower window is the gift Earl of Boulogne, who held these manors of the Conqueror,
of Major G. D. Skingley. The register dates from October, founded here a Cistercian abbey in 1142, dedicated to the
1584 and is in fair condition. The living is a vicarage, Virgin Mary, which at the Dissolution W88valued at £298 8s.
yearly value £200, with residence and 20 acres of glebe, in a year: the remains of this abbey, situated near the river
the gUt of Sit' Charles Du Cane and held "by the Rev. afford the earliest instance of medireval brickwork at present
Chas. Philip Greene B.A. ef Melbourne University, Australia. met with in this country; the earliest portion is a massiT8
Sir Thomas C. C. Western bart. and Henry Skingley esq. fragment once forming part of an arcade ~ various 'Cal'Ved
and Major Skingley are the lay impl'Opriators. ThlJ tithes stones, including a Transition Norman capital,lie 8C8ttered
about and there are two thick walls, also apparently be- which is entirely demolished, stood in the park in a field
longing to the abbey buildings; the existing inequalities of near the river. The ruined church of Little Coggeshall,
the ground, extending some distance to the left, seem to dedicated to St. Nicholas and standing near the site of the
indicate that the foundations covered a considerable area. abbey, is a simple rectangular building constructed of flint
Near these ruins, on the right bank of the little river Black- and rubble, with dressings of brick around the lancet-
water is a picturesque old gabled house, with groups of shaped windows: at the east end are sedilia and here and
clustered chimneys, built by a grandee of Heury VIII. there are traces of decorative painting; it has been used as
partly on the site and with the materials of the abbey: the a barn, but was some years ago given up by the owner, the
river itself flows in an artificial bed constructed by the late J. Bullock, to the vicar of the parish.
monks in order to secure a head of water for their mill and
is crossed by an old bridge, at the corner of which stands a Great Coggeshall has an area of 2,770 aeres; rateable
dwelling known as the "Rood House," probably marking value, £8,423; and a population in 1881 of 2,998. Little
by this name the former site of a cross or rood at the Coggeshall has 830 acres of fertile land in a high state of
entrance to the abbey demesnes: the whole of this property cultivation; the soil is light, producing excellent crops of
now belongs to Sidney Pattisson esq. All the lands which wheat, barley, turnips and green crops generally; rateable
belonged to it at the time of its dissolution continue to be value, £2,102; the population in 1881 was 363 (the total
free from tithes, both great and small, whilst cultivated in population of Great and Little Coggeshall in 1881 being 3>361).
the hands of the proprietors: the church of the monastery, Parish Cle'rk, James Nicholls.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Rev. Arthur Fitzgerald Evans M.A. & Rev. Gerald Louis
Bank.-George Frederic Marsh, sub-postmaster. Letters Henry Ley M.A. curates
arrive at 7 a.m. & 12.15 noon; dispatched at 9, 10.10 Friends' Meeting House
a.m. 2.30 p.m. 8 p.m. 9.30 p.m.; box closes at 8.50 a.m. Congregational Chapel, Rev. Alfred D. Philps, minister
10 a.m. 2.15,7-4°,9.15 p.m. Sundays, letters arrive at Baptist Chapel, Church street, Rev. Robert Powell, minister-
7 a.m.; dispatched at 8 & 9.15. p.m. Telegraph office Wesleyan Chapel
opened from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m SCHOOLS :_
LITTLE COGGESHALL.-Letters are received by foot post Sir R. Hitcham's Fue School was founded in 1636: the
from Kelvedon. Coggeshall is the nearest money order buildings in West street are in the Elizabethan style &
& telegraph office were erected in 1858 at a cost, including master's house,
INSURANCE AGENTS:- of about £800; the end?wment amo~nts to ~bout £300
Hand in Hand Life, G. F. Beaumont per a~um: the govermng bod~ cons~sts of nme persons,.
Rand in Hand Fzre, H. Shave of th~ Rev. ~. P. Greene IS chairman, the Rev. A..
London Assurance, G. E. Elliott, The Red house D. Phllps vICe-chal1'I~an & ~sg?Od Hanbu~y esq. trea-
Manchester Fire, J. Unwin, East street surer: th~ conrse of mstr~ctlOn mcludes Lat~n & Fr~nch·...
Norwich Union Fire, J. Steed natu~al SCIence? mathematiCs, the usual Enghsh subJects,.
Phroni:c Fire, J. E. Pegram, East street dra.wmg & musIc; Edward E~gar, master; No: of boys, 159
Reliance Mutual Life, J. Beaumont, Church street Natwnal, Stoneham street (mixed), fo~ 300 chl1dre~; John
Sun Fire J. S. Surridge jun. Mount house Dakeyne Webster, master i Mrs. Emlly Parke, mistress.;.
" No. of boys, 258
k'h 1 k t th b . 1 b d Congregattona
. l (mlxe
. d) ,or
f 25 8 ch'ld
I ren ; "1'
. F ray,.
Cerne t ery, Meredith K11' ~m, c er 0 e urla oar mistress
Inland Revenu..e Ojfic,e, White Hart hotel,Market end, Joseph OMNIBUS leaves Market hill for Kelvedon 8.30. a.m. 12.10_'
Trodd Apedaile, officer p.m. & 7 ; returns 7.45 a.m. 10.30 a.m. & 5.20 p.m
Collector of Ta:ces ~ Assistant Overseer, Samuel James CARRIERS TO:-
Beardwell Queen street COLCHESTER-Arthur Hunwick's van, mono wed. & sat.
:Distributor'of Stamps, George Frederic Marsh, Market end returning same days
Inspector of Nuisances ~ School flttendance pffi:cer, Regis- KELVEDON-Arthur Hunwick's van daily leaving C'..og.
tr~r.of Btrths, })eaths ~ MarMages ~ Reluvzng Ojficer, geshall 8.15 a.m. returning from Kelvedon 9.2 a.m
WIlham. Marten, East stree~ LONDON-Charles Pudney's waggon tues. & fri. to 'Sara-
Town C1'1,er, Joseph Clark, Little Coggeshall cen's Head,' Aldgate, returning on wed. & sat. at 3 p.m
PLACES OF WORSHIP :- Martin from Braintree to Colchester passes through every"
Church of St. Peter, Rev. Charles Philip Greene B.A. vicar; tues. & sat. calling at 'White Hart'i returns same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Greene Rev. Chas. Philip RA. Vicarage Popham Misses, The Gravel
Barrett Miss, Church street Hand Mrs. Albert place Powell Rev. Robert [Baptist], East st .
Beard Barney, Stoneham street Hawes John Arthur, Leas house Praill William, Colne road
Beard Frank, East street Holmes Richard Messer, The Gravel Proudfoot Thomas, Church street
Beard John, Church street Johnson Miss, Church street Pudney James, Church street
Beaumont George Frederick, Church st Kettle Thomas, Church street Saeh Frederick, Queen street
Beaumont Jos4;lph, Church street King Mrs. The Gravel Sach John, Albert place
Bright William, Stoneham street Leaper William, East street Sharpe Mrs. Church street
Denney J oseph, East street Ley Rev. Gerald Louis Henry M.A. Shuttleworth John, Queen street
East Mrs. Stoneham street [curate], Vicarage Siggers Mrs. William, Albert place
Ely William Wayland, Albert place Manthorpe Mrs. Church street Simpson Thomas, Church street
Evans Rev. Arthur Fitzgerald M.A. Pattisson Sidney J.P. The Abbey Swinborne Geo. Philbrick, Sunnedon hO"
[curate], Vicarage Pfander Fredk. Wallington, West street Swinborne Thomas Chalk, Mount park
Foster Henry, West street Pettitt Mrs. William, Cantyre cottage Turner John Rootsey, Queen street
Gardner Frederic Henry, Church street Philps Rev. Alfred D. [Congregational], Unwin Misses, Church street
Gardner Matthias, Church street The Manse, East street
COMMERCIAL. Beardwell Samuel James, collector of taXell & assistant
Adams George, shopkeeper, Church street overseer, Queen street
Andrews Edward, boot & shoe maker, Colne road Beaumont & Son, solicitors, Church street
Anthony Abraham, boot maker, Church street Beaumont George Frederick (Beaumont & 80n), solicitor,_
Apedaile J oseph Trodd, inland revenue officer, Mill house Church street •
Bareham Charles Herbert, pot, tile & brick maker & seed Beaumont Joseph (Beaumont & Son), solicitor, perpetuaf
grower, Tilkey commissioner & commissioner to administer oaths, Church.
Beard & Bright, maltsters, brewers & spirit merchants, street ; & 33 Chancery lane, London e c
Stoneham street Betts Alfred, tambour lace manufacturer, Church street
Beard George, builder, Market hill & East street Biggs George Frederick, White Horse, lVest street
Beard John, maltster & brewer, corn & coal merchant, dealer Brand Thomas, beer retailer, West street
in hops; agent for Salt & Co.'s east india & burton pale Brasier Arthur, plumber, 'The Gravel
ales & Barclay, Perkins & Co.'s london stout, Church Street BRIGHT ALBERT SAMUEL (established 17 years), seed grower
brewery Queen street

Buck William James, cabinet maker, East street Moore Emma (Mrs.), tailor & draper, East mreet

Burtwell Samuel George, Toll house, Cotchester road Moses H. E. & M. clothing manufs. Church Street factory
Castle William, shopkeeper, Stoneham street Moss John, china & glass dealer & bill poster, Church stree'
Cemetery (Rd. Meredith Kirkham, clerk to the burial board) Mount David, baker & confectioner, Church street
Chaplin James Baker, furniture broker, Bridge street Mount William, basket maker, Market end
Clark Henry, shopkeeper, East street Musgrove William, baker, Stoneham street
Clowton Mark, beer retailer, Tilkey Near Isaac. boot & shoe maker, Colne road
Coo James, farmer, Bouchiers grange Nichols Eliza (Mrs.), baker, Bridge street
COfIfJeshall 4" Nurlh Esse:c C~uperative 4" Industrial Society Nunn Henry, blacksmith, Swan yard, East street
{John Castle, secretary & manager), Stoneham street Osborn George Henry,painter, plumber & glazier, Churchst
Cook John, fruiterer, Market hill Outtram William, shopkeeper, Stoneham street
CowlinElizabeth (Miss), milliner, Stoneham street Parke Samuel, plumber, Church street
Cox John, tailor, Bridge street Parochial Library ~ Reading Rooms, Bridge street
Crabb Charles, bricklayer, Queen street Partridge John, shoe maker, Stoneham street
Crow Thomas, cooper, Market hill Patten Henry, Swan, East street
Dalton Rachel (Mrs.) & Mike, LocWtotive, Stoneham street Pegram James, E. manager to Sparrow & Co. (bankers),
Dennis Alfred, fanner, Monksdown farm East street
Dennis Frederick William, Yorkshire Grey, Stoneham street Pilgrim Rachel (Mrs.), Church street
Dennis William Gentry, farmer t- Hovels Plastow Isaac, Royal Oak, Stoneham street
Doubleday Henry, seed grower, Market end Pocock Brothers, boot & shoe makers, Market end
Doubleday William, grocer & draper, Market end Polley William Borley, cabinet maker, Church street
Dunningham Joseph, saddler, East street Plumstead Thomas, seed grower, Tilkey road
Elliott George, farmer & commission agent, Church street Popham Eliza Anne & Sarah (Misses), .tambour lace manu-
Elliott George (Mr.9.), ladies' school, Church street facturers, The Gravel
Ely James, baker, Bridge street Poulton Charles George, veterinary surgeon, Market end
Evans Charles, Fleece, West street Poulton John George, White Hart hotel, & veterinary sur-
Evans Robert, shoe maker, Church street geon. Market end
Everett William, beer retailer, Robins Bridge road Prior Nehemiah, baker, The Gravel
'Fairs Elijah, shoe maker, Church street Prior Samuel Horatio, pianoforte tuner, Church street
Farndell Elizabeth (Mrs.), corn chandler & fruiterer Pudney Charles, carrier, Church street
Fehrenbach Englebert, watch maker, Church street Pudney Daniel, farmer & carrier, Hill farm
Finch John, chimney sweeper, Queen street Pudney Henry, cart owner, Church street
Fisk Edgar, tailor, East street Pudney James, blacksmith, Bridge street
Foster James & Henry, butchers, Church street Pudsey Henry, pork butcher, Market hill
Fricker John, watch maker, Market hill Rand Joseph, chimney sweeper, Queen street
Frith John Bruff, chemist, Market hill Ransom Henry, cabinet maker, The Gravel
Gardner M. & Son, builders, steam saw mills, brick & pipe Ranson Edward, plumber, painter, glazier & decorator,
manufacturers, Church street Black Boy, Church street
Gas Works (William Doubleday, sec.), East street Raven Thomas, beer retailer, Colne road
Gill Edward John, manager of branch of London &; County Rose Henry, shoe maker, Church street
bank, Market hill Rowland .Jacob, hair dresser, Church street
Goodchild Isaac, outfitter, Market hill Rowland William, greengrocer, Church street
Gowers George, earthenware dealer, East street Rudduck & Co. coal merchants, brick & tile manufacturers,
Grange William, Greyhound, Church street Colne road
Green Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Market end Rudduck Samuel, fishmonger & fmiterer, Church street
RARRIS JAMBS, Chapel family if commerc-ial hotel 4" posting Sadler Harriet (Mrs.), greengrocer, Church street .
house, Market hill Sargeant John Thomas, farm bailiff io O. Hanbury esq.
Heckford WiIliam, blacksmith, Bridge street Hol1ield grange & Home farm
. Herbert Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, Market hill Saunders Evett, baker, Stoneham street
Hilts John, butcher, Bridge street Saunders Robert, baker, Church street _
HOLMES RICHARD MESBBR, ale & porter brewer & foreign Scott Edward Tilney, ironmonger, Market hill
wine & spirit merchant, Bird-in-Hand brewery, East street SHAVE HENRY, agent for the Hand-in-Hand Fire & Life
Holmes Richard Messer, Bird-in-Hand inn (Joseph Bird, Insurance Co. The Gravel
manager), East street Simmons Brothers, drapers, Churchstreet
Hunwick Arthur, carrier,. beer retailer & coal merchant, Simpson Thomas, surgeon, Churcb street
Church street Smitq Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, The Gravel
Hunwick Emma (Mrs.), Bull inn, Church street Smith Eliza Browning (Mrs.), butcher, Church street
Hunwick Francis, blacksmith, East street Smith Reuben, boot & shoe maker, East street
Hutley John, shopkeeper, West street Smith Richard Browning, farmer &; butcher, East street
• Jackman William Thomas, surveyor, Church street Smith William, carpenter & builder, Stoneham street
Jepp Edward, bricklayer, Tilkey road Sparrow & Co. bankers (James Edward Pegram, manager),
Judges Frederick Adolphus, grocer, Stoneham street East street; draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London e c
Keeble William, shoe maker, Church street Spurge William, tambour lace manufacturer, & agent for
Keightley Alfred .John, Cricketers, The Gravel W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, Church street
• Ketley James, farmer, Highfield Steed John. plumber, Market end
Kettle Thomas Hall, linen draper, Market hill Surridge Joseph Smith, jun. auctioneer & land &; estate
King John K. brewer, spirit merchant & agricultural seed agent, Mount house
grower, The Gravel Swinborne George P. & Co. gelatine manufacturers, West
King William, maltster & corn, seed, cake & manure mer- street; & 33 &; 34 St. Andrew's hill, Queen Victoria street,
chant, East street London e c
Kirkham Richard Meredith, iroJl founder & harness maker, Tansley James, engineer, The Gravel
Bridge street Turner Harriet (Mrs.), Fortstel', Stoneham street
Lawrence Frederick, news agent, Church sft-eet Turner John Rootsey, solicitor's clerk, Queen street
Layzell William, blacksmith &: beer retailer, Colne road Turner Edward Rootsey, builder, East street
Leatherdale Thomas, greengrocer, Church street Unwin Joseph (agent for the Manchester Fire Office), East at
London if County BankiTl!f Co. Limited (suh-bra1tclt) (Edward UNWIN ALFRED J. contractm for steam thrashing, hauling,
John Gill, manager), Market hill; draws on head office. ploughing, draining &c. steam ploughing works, East at
London e c Waiter Catherine (Mrs.), tambour lace manufacturer,
Mander Robert, wholesale family grocer & wine merchant, East street
Market hill Ward Alfred Charles, grocer, Market hill
Marsh George Frederic, printer, bookseller, stationer, fancy Warren John, poulterer, Colchester road
repository, & distributor of stamps, Market end Warwicker Anthony Townsend, fanner, Stock Street farm
Martin John, tambour lace manufacturer, Church street Wash John, coach builder. West street
Marten William, registrar of birthS', death$ & marriages & Watson John, baker & pork butcher, St()neham street
relieving officer & inspector of nuisances & school at- Welsh Frederick, Red Lion, Market head
tendance officer to the rural sanitarr authority, East st Wheeler Martha (Miss), baker, East street
Mechanic; Institute (Thomas- Simpson & Mathias Alfred Willet John, ironmonger, East street
Gardner, hOl}. secretaries), Church street 1 Youngman John, Lamb, Tilkey road
Little CoggeshaU.
Appleford Mrs ApPLEFORD ELLEN LOUISA (Mrs.), mil- Larrett John, Porto Bello inn •
Barnard John Fuller, Pointwell villa ler, Abbey & West mills Layzell James, wheelwright
Francis Miss, The Hamlet Bacon Charles Frederick, steward to Plastow William, market ganlener
" Gardner Mrs. Bridge house Sidney Pattisson esq. The Abbey Seabrook Frederick, farmer,The Grange,
Hicks Herbert Timperley, The Han Barnard Chas. miller, PointweU mill Curd hall & Capons farms
Holmes Richard Bird, The Hamlet Clark .Toseph. bill poster"& town crier Turner Ann (Mrs.), Hare 4' Hounds
Tupper Richmond, Hamlet house Elliott David, George ~ IJragon Warren Rebecca (Mrs.), baker
Willett Thomas GARDNER E. & SON, brewers, maltsters Wood Charles Page_ farmer, ScriPlt
Wood Charles Page J.P. Scrips & wine & spirit merchants farm
COmmRCIAL. Hicks Herbert T. farmer, The Hall
Andrews Arthr. Bateman, tailr.Brdg.end Hills John, butcher
. :,: ,"

COLCHESTER is a municipal and parliamentary borough, police, with a staff of four serg~nts and twenty-six men
union town and head of a county court district and a amongst the regalia of the corporation is a. large and mas-
polling place for the Eastern division of the county in the sive silver gilt mace, an ancient silve-r wassail bowl, or
hundred of Lexden and Winstree, Colchester archdeaconry "loving cup," used on festive occasions, a gold chain ot
and rural deanery and St. Albans diocese, 51! miles from office wo-rn by the mayor and a silver oyster used by the
London, 21 south-west from Harwich, 71 south-west from 'water bailiff as a gauge to regulate the size of oysters per-
Manningtree, 13 north-east from Witha.m, I8i south from mitted to be caught.
Hadleigh, 18! north-north-east from Maldon, 19£ east from The municipal and parliamentary boroughs are co-exten-
Braintree, 161 south-west from Ipswich, 431 from Bury, sive and are divided into three wards, comprising sixteen
391 from Romford, 33~ from Brentwood, I6~ from Sudbury parishes, of which eight are within the walls [by parishes
and 22 from Chelmsford. This town (which is supposed within the walls is to be understood those whose churches
to have been the site of the ancient Camulodunum) occupies stand within the walls] four without and four in the
the summit and sides of a height gradually rising above the suburbs. The borough returns two members to Parliament.,
navigable rh'er Colne, which, taking hence a south-easterly The churches within the walls are as follows : - >

direction, falls into the North Sea at a distance of IS miles All Saints' church, situate in High street, an ancient
and is navigable to the Hythe, a suburb forming part of the structure of stone and brick in the Perpendicular style and
port of Colchester. consists of chancel, nave, north aisle and a western tower of
There are three bridges over the Colne: North bridge at flint, with stone dressings, containing 6 bells: the church
the no.rth entrance to the town, is of cast iron, with three was restored in 1861. The register dates from the year 1610.
arches and was constructed by the town council at an outlay The living is a. rectory, yearly value £240, with residence.
of about £1,800; East bridge is built of stone and brick and in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford and held by the Rev,
has five arches with iron balnstrades; Hythe bridge is con- Charles Everitt M.A. of that college. .
structed principally of iron and was built in 1878, at a cost HolyTrinity church, situate in Trinity street, IS a stone
gf nearly £3,000; an older bridge of timber having been edifice in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel,
washed away by a high tide at Christmas, 1876. nave, aisles and a square tower, containing I bell and was
. The main street and two others, which cross it, resemble restored and enlarged in 1866 : the stained east window is
in plain the shaft a.nd arms of a cross; there are in all a memorial to Maria Corsellis, a. benefactress of this parish;
twenty principal streets, besides several smaller ones and there is a similar memorial in the north aisle to Caroline
a great number of lanes and they are Corsellis; there is a curious monument with an inscrip-
called-and rows of houses. Many of the houses and build- tion in Latin to the celebrated Dr. Williarn Gilbert, native
ings have the air of antiquity: the approach to the town of Colchester and one of the earliest experimenters in
by the old London road is lined with elegant modern houses, electricity; he died Nov. I, 1603. The register dates- from
among which the seat of Major John Fitzsimmons Bishop the year 1696. The living is a rectory,!earl y value £158, ...
;l.P. a castellated edifice, is conspicuous; this road, as far in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford an held by the Rev.
as Lexden,forms the principal promenade of the inhabitants. John Bush Early M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford.
The town is supplied with water by a company, established St. James' church, situate at the top of East Hill, was
by Act of Parliament and now the property qf the Corpora- thoroughly restored by subscription in 1871 at a cost of
tion; the works being placed at the base of the Balkerne Hill, about £4.500 and is an edifice in the Decorated style, con-
where are excellent springs; there is also a reservoir con- sisting of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles and a square
nected with the works at the summit of Balkeme Hill. The tower surmounted by a turret and containing 1 bell:
town is lighted with gas. both the body and tower are of Roman brick, mingled with
Railway communication is maintained by means of the stone; but the chancel derives an elegant character from
Great Eastern railway, with the metropolis and also with the intermixture in its composition of flint and polished
Ipswich, Bury St. Edmunds, Sudbury, Harwich, Yarmouth stones: in the south aisle is a monument to Arthur Wins-
and Norwich: the station, opened in May, 1843, being about ley esq. alderman of this town, whu died 30th January.
a mile from the centre of the town; St. Botolph's station is 1726-7; and was the founder and endower of the almshouses
the terminus of the Tendring Hundred railway to Waiton- bearing his name; this monument was erected. in accord-
on-the-Naze and with a branch from Wivenhoe to Bright- ance with directions included in his will and is constructed
lingsea, the property of the Wivenhoe and Brightlingsea of marble, with a recumbent effigy. The register of bap-
Railway Company; both lines being worked by the {ireat tisms dates from 1560; burials, 1573; marriages, 1653.
Eastern Company. The living is a rectory, yearly value £220, with residence,
The oyster fishery has always formed a valuable part of in the gift of the bishop of the diocese and held by the Rev.
the trade of Colchester, Brightlingsea and Wivenhoe; the Nicholas Parker Gepp B.A. of New College, Oxford.
fishery including the Colne and Pyfleet creek. In 1870, an St. Martin's church, situate in West Stockwell street,
Ac t of Parliament was passed to incorporate the Colne north of the Middle row and west of the Castle, has a large
Fishery Company and to authorise the demise to them from proportion of Roman brick in its construction and although
the corporation of the river Colne for a period of 99 years; no part of the present edifice dates further back than the
a lease was accordingly granted at a fixed rent of £500 I beginning of the 14th century, it is highly probable from
yearly and one-fourth of the gross proceeds of the fishery various relics which have been found and the miscellaneous
after they had reached £2,000. The fishery is managed by materials of which the walls are composed, that it occupies
a board consisting of. six members of the corporation and the site of an earlier structure. The present buildir..g is in
six members {)f the. Colne Fishery Company, who are ap- the Decorated style of Edward 1. and consists of a chancel,
pointed annually. with north vestry, nave, aisles and a western tower,
The municipal authorities consist of a mayor, six alder- scarcely higher than the body of the edifice, having
men, eighteen councillors, a high steward and a recorder, received much damage from the Parliamentarians in
with a town clerk and registrar of the civil courts of record, the memorable siege of 1648 ; it contains one bell, cast in
a treasurer~ coroner, high constable, clerk of the market, 1645: the chancel has undergone less change than any
four conservators, two revising assessors, surveyor, medical other portion of the church and has a magnificent timber
officer of health, sanitary inspector, petroleum tester, town roof of Perpendicular date, brought to light by the late Sir
sergeant, town crier, head constable and a superintendent of G. G. Scott, in 1876. during the visit of the Archreological
Society, the central portion of its length being carried upon r CaddelI IU. of Corpus ChrlSti college, Cambridge, and
. noble traces 01' principals, with king-posts and struts; the SU1'l"ogate.
tie beam is richly moulded and embattled and is formed of The churches without the walls are :_
a naturally CUl'Ved piece oftim. ber, of lar~ dimension,; sup- St. Botolph's, situated on the east side of St. Botolph's
poTted by a bold arch, calTled on solid wooden Jambs street is a structure of white brick, in a heavy and debased
against the wall8 ; the spandrils o! this .arch are large a~d style, intended to correspond with that of the ancient ruins of
filled with ope~ tracery of fine deSlgIl.: ID the north wall IS the Priory, near which it stands: it consists of a chancel
a lofty and highly fimshed. recess, WIth an ogee arch and and nave and a massive square embattled tower and has
triple-ensped tracery; the nave is divided into three bays, 1,080 sittings of which upwards of 800 are free. The
with Early Perpendicular moulded arches on octagonal register dates'from 1560: these registers include military
columns; eastward of the aisles are chapels, separa.ted funerals from 1807, some baptisms from 17 r6 and marriages
from them by transverse arches; in the south :wall IS a from 1708 have taken place at All Saints. The living is a
small piscina and at the opposite ang~e a:re the staIrs form- vicarage, gross yearly value £260, with residence, in the gift
erly leading to the rood-loft, WIUdmg round a .small. of the Bishop of St. Albaus and held by the Rev. John
wooden newel; the church has a very fine Per~ndlcular Heginald Corbett M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford.
font, octagonal in shape, on a superbly moulded plinth and The St. Giles' church, situated in St. John's green, is an
broad step; the tower, deprived of much of its ~eight in the ancient stone structure, consisting of chancel, nave and a
17th century, has a bold west door of PerpendIcular date; square tower: in the body of the church is a marble
there are two parish chests of Jacobean work. The church slab deeply engraved with the following inscription:
is now being repaired and partially restored by public sub- _" Under this marble ly the bodies of the two most valiant
scription : the east window is stained: there are two very captains Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle, knights,
old brasses, the inscriptions being indistinguishable. The who for their eminent loyalty to their soverain were on the
register dates from the year 1622. The living. i~ a rec~ry, 28th day of August 1648 by the command of Sir Thomas
yearly value £200 and held by the Rev. William Lamg Fairfax, then general of the Parliament army, in cold bloud
M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. barbarously murdered." The register of baptisms and
St. Mary-at-the-Walls .church, situated. in Chur~h street marriages dates from 1692 ; buri~ls fro!? 1698.. The li.ving
north, was nearly demolished by the ParliamentarIans dur- is a rectory, yearly value £25 0 , With reSIdence, m the gift of
ing the siege of the town in 1648 ; but w<~s rebuilt in 1711; T. M. Gepp esq. of Chelmsford and held by the Rev.
and again rebuilt, with the exception of the old tower, m William Henry Wardell M.A. of University College, Dbrham,
1871. The present edifice is chiefly in the Early Decorated and snrrogate.
style and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a square tower, The church of St. Leonard-at-the-Hythe, which has
oontaining I bell: in the north aisle is a monument with undergone extensive alterations, is one of 'the most ancient
effigy to John Rebow, of Colchester, merchant, 1699 and and curious churches in the town and is an edifice of
Sarah, his wife, erecte<! by their ~on, Si~ ~saac Rebow M.P. stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave,
for Colchester, who tWIce entertamed WIlham HI. and was with clerestory, aisles, north and south chapels and a square
knighted by that King; he left a yearly sum of 2OS. to the tower: it has an open-timbered roof and in the tower some
sexton of this church to keep the monument clean: there curious frescoes and niches : the stained west window is a
is also a memorial to the Rev. Thomas Twining H.A. form- memorial to the mother of the Rev. J. G. Bingley, late
erly rector of this parish, ob. 7 Aug. 1804· The register of rector: the east window is also stained and was inserted at
baptisms and marriages dates fro~ 1561; b~rials, 15~. the cost of the Moyfamily and Mrs. E. Hall, aided by general
The approac~es to .the churc~ was Widened and ~mproved m subscriptions. The register dates from the y~r 1542. Th.e
187 1 : there IS a WIde .path WIth an avenue of hmes round. living is a rectory, yearly value £170 net, WIth good resl-
the . churChyard, whlCh Mora~t. say.s was formerly the dence, in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford and held by
fashIOnable promenade. The hvmg IS a rectory, yearly the Rev. Frederick James Manning D.D. of Lincoln College,
vallle £242, with residence, in the gift .o~ the Bi~hop of Oxford, and surrogate. There is a school-house of red brick
Rochester and held by the Rev. John Wllllam Irvme M.~. with stone dressings, erected at a cost of £700 .
~f !Jhrist Church, Oxford, rural dea~. of Colchester; .thls St. Mary Magdalene church, situated in Magdalene street,
h.vmg was once held by the Re!. Ph~lp Morant, the hlst~ is a modern structure of flint with stone dressings, in the
n!!n ; . the old rectory- hou~e Ul which Morant wro~e hiS Decorated style and consists of chancel, nave and a tower
historle~ was demolIShed ID 1871 and a handsome one containing I bell: there is a stained east window. The
erected m .the centre of :what had been a paddock. register dates from 17 21 . The living is a rectory, yearly
Th~ pa~shes of St. Nlcholas and ~t. Runwald were, for value £330 , with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor
ecclesI~tIcal purposes, a~alga;mated m 1873. The church and held by the Rev. Joseph Rogerson Cotter B.A. of Trinity
of St. Nlcholas, situated m .Hlgh street, was ~stor~ and College, Dublin.
greatly enlarged from deSigns by the late Sir G. Gilbert St. James' Catholic church, sitnated in Priory street and
Scott.R.A. and re-consecrated 4th July, 1~7~, by. the name. of built in the year 183 8 is an edifice of white brick in the
St. NIcholas and St. Runwald. The buildmg IS of KentIsh No an style '
rag in the Decorated style and co~sists .of chan~l, ,r: Congr~tional church, Lion walk, is a building in
~ve, aIsles, organ chamber and a tower WIth spIre, contam- the Early English style, with a spire and "Was opened in
lng 6 bells. The t?tal cost of the ",!,,"ork amo~n~ to upwards July, :r 863 and cost, including organ and fi!tings, .abo~t
of £13,000, of which £400 ~as still. t? be raIsed. the c~urch £6,500. The Friends have also a school and lIbrary ID Sit
of St. Runwald, a s~all edIfi.ce, ongmalIy.of Norman, If not lsaac's walk. founded by Johu Rendall. There are Baptist,
Saxon ",,:ork, stood ID the mlddl~ of th~ HIgh street and ~s Congregationalist, Primitive and Wesleyan Methodist
been ~tIrely remov~; at the time of Its. recen~ re~ovallt chapels and meeting-houses for the sect called "Brethren"
~ chiefly a Perpendicular , of whIch pen~ ItS north and for the Society of Friends.
aIsle was a remarkably fine specimen. The regIster of St. . .
Nicholas dates from 1541, for all entries and that of St. The Cemetery for the followmg. eleven parl~h-:S-St.
Runwald for baptisms from 1576; marriages and burials, Mary-at-the-Walls, St. Botol}?h, St. G~es, ~oly TnDlty, St.
:1598. The living is a rectory, yearly value £375, held by Peter, St. Runwald! St. Marym,.All Samts, St. Leonard, St.
the Rev. James George Bullock :M.A. of Cains College, Cam- James an~ S~. NICholas IS ~Ituated to the south of ~e
bridge. The patronage is for life in the gift of Mrs. Round, town an~ .IS distant about ~ mile and a half from the HIgh
of Birch Hall, afterwards of Balliol College, Oxford and the street: I~ IS about 18 acres m extent and has two chapels
Round family alternately. . . . and a reSIdence for the curator. ..
St. Peter's chureh, situated at North bill, IS a stone edi- The Grammar school was founded by the baihffs and
fice erected in the 17th century and consists of chancel, commonalty of this town, pursuant to a grant of Queen
nave, aisles and square tower,containing 8 bells : the exterior Elizabeth in 1583 renewing one previously made by Henry
has undergone extensive alterations and has been entirely VIII. in 1539 and was instituted for sixteen !3Cholars (S?DS
re-seated· there is a large and well-execnted altar-piece of free burgesses of the borough), who receIVed a Classl~
painted by John James Halls esq. representing Christ rais- education; but by an alteratio~ of the statutes made 111
ing Jairus' Daughter: there is an interesting mural tablet 1844, the number of scholars 18 extended. to twenty,
to the Protestant martyrs of Colchester, who were burned nominated by the town ~ouncil.' who also appoint the ~ter ;
in the reign of Queen Mary and a monument to the Rev. S. the syste!U of ed~catlo~ bemg extended. to anCient and
CarT. Jate vicar of this parish: the tattered oolouys of. the m~ern ~tory! ant~et1C an~ geometry. A
44th (1St bat. Essex) Regiment and a marble tablet, mscnbed of large dimenSIOns. WIth a residence for the head master,
with the names of its officers who fell in the Crimean war, the Rev. Charles Lawford Acland :M.A. of Jesus College,
are in the nave. The register dates from the year :r611. Cambridge, was erected in the year 1852, on a healthy
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £280, with residence, and commanding lite on the road to Lexden: there are 65
in the gift of Simeon's trustees and held by the Rev. Henry scholars.
The Town Hall, erected in 1844-5, stands on the north with an ornamental tower and stands in spacious grounds
side of the High street and has a Roman-Dorie fac;ade of six tastefully laid out. Proving unsuccessful as an hotel, Essex
pilasters, with a rusticated basement forming the gaoler's Hall was occupied for nine years as a branch of the Earlswood
and police department: the chief entrance is by a bold Asylum for Idiots and was subsequently opened in 1859 as
central archway and wide flight of stone steps leading to an Eastern Counties Asylum, for the care and training of
the principal floor: the whole fac;ade is surmounted by a idiots and imbeciles belonging to Essex,Suffolk,Norfolk and
bold Doric cornice and balustrade, in the centre of which Cambridgeshire: the patients are admitted by the votes of
are carved the arms of the borough of Colchester. Here subscribers at half-yearly elections, a limited number for
the quarter sessions are held and every Saturday the petty life and the bulk for terms of five years: patients from all
sessions for the division of Lexden and Winstree and parts of the kingdom being also admitted by payment: it
meetings of the borough justices are held daily. has now about 100 patients and is fitted np with baths, a
The old :Moot :Mall, in 1843, being found inadequate for gymnastic apparatus and workshops. An additional building
carrying on the public business of the borough, was razed to has been erected and the whole property is now the freehold
the ground and the present structure erected in its place ; of the board: :Mr. W.:Millard is the superintendent and:Mr.
the expense being defrayed by a grant from the council and J. C. Turner the secretary.
by public subscription: the present building is of stone and A spacious red brick building situated at the entrance of
has three storys, with a large room for public purposes, two the town from Ipswich and formerly the depot for the
judicial courts, committee rooms, magistrates' room, police Essex Rifle Militia, is now (1882) nnoccupied: a more
station with the requisite cells and apartments and offices modern erection in front of the depot is used as a county
for the gaoler: in the public room are portraits of Charles police station and has cells for prisoners.
Gray Round esq. of Birch Hall, for many years Recorder of Colchester is the head quarters of the Eastern military
Colchester, who formerly represented North Essex in district, the depot of which is at Warley: it is also
Parliament and of G~orge Henry Errington esq. high the head-quarters of the 6th Brigade of Field Artillery :
steward of the borough, both painted and presented at the at the commencement of the Russian war, Government
public cost. The corporation have acquired adjoining provided accommodation for 5,000 men on the Ordnance
properties with a view to the enlargement (or re-building) field, a short distance from the town, on the road to :Mersea
of the Town Hall, which is quite inadequate to the wants of and at a subsequent period purchased a large farm close to
this rapidly increasing town. the present camp for building and for exercising purposes:
Here is a Literary and Scientific Institution with above very extensive buildings for cavalry and artillery have since
350 members and a library of upwards of 2,150 volumes. been erected with a military chapel capable of holding 1,500
There are three Clubs in the town. The Colchester club, persons. The parade ground has been laid out with roads
established in December, 1880, has at present about 210 mem- and planted with ornamental trees. Quarters for the corn·
bers, with premises in High street. The Essex and Suffolk manding officers and concentrated offices have also been
County Club, established in 1877, has chambers above the erected and many houses, inns and stores have sprung up in
stationery etablishment of :Mr. C. Clark: a suite of apartments the different approaches to the camp. The Soldiers' Home
in the club is 6et apart for ladies. The St. :Martin's House and Institute is in Queen street, near the theatre and corn·
Club, established in January, 1881, has at present about 100 prises reading, billiard and coffee rooms and a large lecture
members. The club house (formerly a private residence) room, the expenses are defrayed by private subscription.
containing reading, dining, smoking and card rooms, besides The Young Women's Help Society, occupying the premises
steward's apartments and domestic offices-a large billiard of the former soldiers' home, is maintained by private con-
room has been added with lavatories attached. The grounds tributions.
are extensive and well laid out and there is also convenient The trade of Colchester chiefly consists in the supply of
stabling and a coach house for the use of members. the neighbonring agricultural districts; the manufactures
The Corn Market, near St. Peter's church, erected in 181Jo, consist chiefly of clothing and boots and shoes, malting is
from designs by D. Laing, architect, has since been supple- also carried on. There are many merchants and shipowners,
mented by the erection of an additional building: the corn a custom-house, an inland revenue office, three banks, a
market is held every Saturday. savings bank, marine and fire assurance companies,breweries,
The Cattle Market, formerly held in High street, was re- three newspaper ollices, iron and brass foundries and
moved in the year 1862 to a commodious site at the bottom machine works.
of North hill. The principal market day, being that for corn St. Botolph's Priory was founded in the twelfth century by
and cattle, is Saturday. Ernulph, who became its first prior, for canons regular of the
Colchester fair or St. Denis' fair, is held on the 20th October order of St. Augustine, being the earliest house of that
and three following days, in a field on the Harwich road. fraternity in England: at the Dissolution its income was
The theatre is in Queen street. £113 12S. 8d. yearly: the site was granted to Sir Thomas
The fire engine station is situated in Lion walk and is the Audley, Lord Chancellor: the priory church continued per-
property of the Essex and Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance fect until the time of the siege, when it was to a great extent
Society. whose offices are sitnated above the old corn market. demolished, but its remains still form a picturesque and inter-
The Essex and Colchester Hospital on the Lexden road, esting object : in its original state its internal length was
westward of the town, was bnilt in 1820 and enlarged in 1839 108ft. and its breadth, including the aisles, nearly 44 ft.: the
and in 1'879-80 again enlarged by subscription at a cost of west front, with the principal entrance, under a deeply-
£7,000, it is a handsome white brick building with tower recessed semi-circular arch, remains: above this is a double
containing a striking clock and is available for about 94 row of intersectory arches of Roman brick and surmount-
patients; it is supported by subscriptions and bequests. ing these the remains of a large circular opening made to
The Government Hospital for contagious diseases is in Park, admit light into a gallery forming a passage between the
lane, Hythe hill. two stately towers once standing at the angles: the nave
There are several almhouses and charitable institutions: was separated from the aisles by rows of circular columns
Fuch's Almshouses, situated in CulYer street, were founded 5Mt. in diameter, supporting circular arches, some of which
in 1552 by Mr. Ralph Finch, of Colchester, for 4 widows of still exist. The stateley Perpendicular gateway of St. John's
St. Nicholas parish and were enlarged in 1828 by:Mr.William Abbey is the only remnant of this once famous monastery.
Goodwin, of Colchester, for 4 more-each inmate receives built by Endo, dapifer, in 1097: William, a priest and
28. weekly and one ton of coals yearly. Kendall's Alms- nephew of Eudo, completed the abbey at great. pains and
hOUses, situated in Military road, were founded in 1805 by expense in a superb style in 1104, when it was consecrated
G. and A. Kendall, of Colchester, for 8 poor females, each of by Maurice, Bishop of London: Eudo, who died at his castle
whom receives 3S. per week and one chaldron of coals of Preaux, in Normandy, was, at his own request, brought
yearly. Winnock's Almshouses, situated in Military road, over and buried here: on its suppression the revenue of the
were founded in 167& by John Winnock, of Colchester, for abbey was estimated at £523 17s. 6d.: John Beche, the last
poor females, of whom there are now 18, each receiving 3s. abbot, refusing to acknowledge the King's supremacy, was
per week and one chaldron of coals annually. Winsley's hanged for high treason, December 1,1539: during~he
Almhouses were founded in 1726 by John Winsley, for 24 siege it snt;Tered considerably and being garrisoned by
aged couples, each receiving 6s. per week and one chaldron Royalist troops was stormed on the 14th J annary, 1648, con·
of coals yearly-should one of the men die leaving a widow, sisting at that time of two quadrangular courts and a church
provision is made for her in houses erected near Kendall's with a central tower terminating in pinnacles.
Almshouses, where there are now 8 inmates, each of whom The Castle, standing northward of High street, was built
receives 3s. weekly and one chaldron of coals yearly: small by Eudo de Rie, steward (dapifer) to William Rufus, in the
sums from various charities are distributed yearly. form of a parallelogram, the east and west sides measuring
Essex Hall, situated close to the North Railway station, 140ft. each and the north and south sides 102ft: at the
was originally erected at a great cost in the year 1850, as a north-east and north-west angles were projecting square
large railway hotel and is a building in the Italian style, towers, on the south side another and eastwards a semi-

circular tower, the chief entrance being near the south-west I 'Ihe register dates from the year 1560. The living is a ree-
tower: the ancient portal on the northern side is to be seen tory, yearly value £650, with thirty acres of glebe and
at a considerable height in the walls: the large Windows resid~nce, in the gift of Philip Oxenden Papillon esq. and
now in the walls of the castle appear to have been made in held by the Rev. John Papillon M.A. of 'University College,
places where there were originally loopholes, all the original Oxford, and surrogate. The church of St. Paul, situated in
windows being 80 narrow as to admit but a scanty portion Eelle Vue road, near the main line station on the Great
of light: there is a library in the castle, founded by Dr. Eastern railway, was built in 1869, as a chapel-of-ease to
Samuel Harsnett, master of the Free School in Colchester in Lexden, but in 1879 was consecrated as a parish church
1586, successively Bishop of Chichester (1602) and Norwich and a district assigned to it under the name of the parish
(1619) and in 1628 made Archbishop of York: this library is ot St. Paul in Colchester; the church consists of an ap-
superintended bya society which hold its meetings daily at sidal chancel, nave, aisle, two vestries, porch and a turret
the castle: in the library is an antique and elaborately containing 1 bell, cast from a number of Dutch clock
carved mantelpiece; here is also a museum, chiefly noted bells by two artisans resident in Colchester, who had
for its valuable collection of Roman antiquities found in Col- designed it for the church of their natiTe vilkge in Holland,
chester and the neighbonrhood ; there is also an unique but difficulties arising as to its transmission, it was sold
collection of Roman anthluities in the private museum of and hung in the bell tnrret of this church: the chancel is
George Joslin esq. divided from the naTe by an €laborately worked iron screen.
. . . .. . The living is a vicarage, yearly value £200, in the gift of
The soil ill the Vlclmty of ~lchester is favourable .to the the Bishop of the diocese and held by the Rev. William
growth of vegetables and frUIt. Frederick Clements, Theol. Associate of King's College, Lon.
don. The register dates from the year 1869. Here is a
The rateable value of the parishes in the municipal and Primitive Methodist chapel. Lexden Lodge, the ancient
parliamentary borough and their populations in 1881 are as manor house, has been known only as a moated farm house,
under;- though a considerable park seems to have been attached to
. it on the north side of the river, nearly down to the town
at North Bridge. Lexden Park, on the eastern rising ground
Rateable Popula- towards Colchester, south of the London road, is the seat of
Value. tion Geo. H. Errington esq. J.P. and high steward of Colchester;
the house adjoining the high road was re-built by the late
, , , J. Fletcher Mills esq. and has been much improved by the
£ present owner, who has also added to the park, which is
All Saints' ... • •• • •• 4,028 912 occasionally thrown open to the people of Colchester on
Berechurch •••
... •••
... ... ... 1,68 5 113 special festival days. That which is now called" the Manor
St. Botolph's ... . ... ...

...... ...... -
(workhouse) •••
• •• 16,9 8 2 3,745 House" is the property of Philip Oxenden Papillon esq.l.P.
281 P. O. Papillnn esq. l.P. who is lord of the manor and G. H.

(infantry camp)
... ... ... ... - 1,590 Errington esq. l.P. are the principal landowners. Along the
3,739 75 2 former Lexden heath are some lines of intrenchment dating
Holy Trinity ...... ...
... ••• • •• 5>466 1,273 back to the times of Roman occupation.
St. Giles' ... ... ... ... II,909 3,9 68 Parish Clerk, Joseph Taylor.
n (Cavalry barracks) ••• ... ••• - 5 80
" (artillery barracks) ... ... - 44 8 Mile End (or Myland) is a suburb of Colchester, in
St. James' ••• ... ... ...
... ,
• ••
5, 4 2,3 2 5 the second ward of the borough, 1 mile nort!J. of the town.
St. Leonard's at the Hythe ... ... 5,600 1,858 The Colchester station of the Great Eastern railway is in
Lexden I ..
St. Martin's
... ... ...
... ... ...
• •• 9,8IO
this parish. The church of St. Michael is a stone edifice,
in the Early English style, erected in 1854 and consists of
••• '"
St. Mary Magdalene ... ••• 1,01 5 53 2 chancel, nave, north aisle, porch and a tower with spire
... '"
2,04-2 containing I bell: there are eight stained windows. The
... ... ...
St. Mary at the Walls... •• r ••• II,9 26
Myland ••• • •• 5,530 I,054 register dates from the year 1674. The living is a rectory,
St. Nicholas' ... .
... ... .. .., 4,172 2
9 5
yearly value £500, with residence, in the gift of The Right
St. Peter's ... ... ••• ... • •• 7,9 61 2,29 8 Hon. Earl Cowper x.G., P.C. and held by the Rev. Edmund
St. Runwald's ••• ••• ... ••• • •• 2,5 2,5 3 08
Hall M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 'The old
church has been removed and its materials used in the
99,85 2 28,3 66 erection in 1871 of a village school and teachers' residence
close to the church. Here is a Primith'e Methodist chapel.
Earl Cowper X.G. who is lord of the manor of Abbot's
Berechurch (or West Donyland) is a parish, in the Hall, in this parish and the Corporation of Colchester are
first ward of the parish, 2 miles south from Colchester. The considerable landowners. This parish comprises about
chnrch of St. Michael, very prettily situated in Berechurch 2,35 0 acres.
Park and formerly a chapel-of-ease to Holy Trinity, Col- Parish Clerk, William Warner.
chestel', is a brick edifice with stone dressings, consisting of
chancel, nave, north chapel, south porch and & small tower Greenstead is an ancient parish in the third ward of the
at the- west end containing I" bell; in the year 1872 this borough, east of the town, from which it is separated by the
church was very thoroughly and substantially restored at a Colne. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient building of
cost of £1,200, the principal contributor being the late T. G. stone, in the Norman style and was restored in 1857 at ..
G. White esq.: a stained window being added by Myles L. cost of about £900: it consists of chancel, nave, south
Formby esq. whose wife is buried in the chnrchyard: the aisle and tower with I bell: the whole of the sittings ate
church also contains a memorial window to Sir G. H. free. The register of baptisms dates from 1677; marriages
Smyth hart. a former proprietor of the hall and in the and burials from 1676. The liying is a rectory, yearly value
north chapel there is a fine monument, with recumbent £300, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor aOO
effigy in complete armour, to Sir Henry Andley, who erected held by the Rev. Meshach Seaman D.D. of Queens' College,
it during his lifetime, in 1648. The register dates from Cambridge, and surrogate. The ecclesiastical parish of St.
1664. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £145 and held John the Evangelist was formed in 1864 from the parishes
by the Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow Price B.A. of St. John's of Greenstead, All Saints', St. Botolph's Mile End, Colches-
College, Cambridge, who resides at and is also Vicar of ter, Ardleigh and Langham; the church is situated on tbe
LayeMe-la-Hay, Octavius EdwaId Coope esq. M.P. is lord Ipswich road, about 2 miles from Colchester and is ID
{)f the manor and the principal landowner. Berechurch edifice of -red brick in the Decorated style.. consisting of
Hall is undergoing restoration and is now unoccupied, chancel, nave, north transept and a small octagonal bell
Parish Clerk, George Humm. turret containing I bell ~ the chancel, which is a memorial
to the Rev. James Thomas Round, late of All Sai.nts'~ Col-
Lexden (or Lessenden) is a parish in the second ward chester, is separated from the nave by a low screen of oak,
'of the borough, pleasantly situated about a mile and a half from which rise the lectern and pulpit; the -church ".,.
west of the town, the road from London passing through opened for Divine service In 1863. The register dates frodl
the principal street; it is on the river Colne and is crossed I the yeal! r863. The living is a vicarage., yearly value £2;p,
by the line of the Great Eastern railway. St. Leonaro's with residen~ in the gift of the Archdeacon of Colches\llr
-church is a plain stuccoed building, oonsisting of chancel I and held by the Rev. John Freeman KingB.A. of Univen;i~
and nave and a bell-turret eontaining :r bell and a clock.• and King's Colleges, London. The area is 1r498 acres.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
Savings Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, 1881-2.
Head street.-Mrs. Card, postmistress. RECORDER-Frederick Adolphus Philbrick Q.C
MAYOR-John Bawtree Harvey
Town Deliveries take place at 7.15 &_ II.30 a m; 2.30 & HIGH STEWARD-George Henry Errington
6.30 p.m ALDERMEN.-P. O. Papillon, Francis Smythies, John Fitz-
LETTER-Box Cleared for 1St Delivery 6.0 a.m. ; 2nd, II.15 simmons Bishop, John Bawtree Harvey (mayor), Henry
a.m. ; 3rd, 2.30 p.m. ; 4th, 6.10 p.m Sidney Goody, William Buck
On sunday, Good Friday, and Christmas day, the first First Ward.
delivery only is made FOR ONE YEAR.
Delivery to Callers at 7.15 & II.30 a.m. j 2.30, 4.50 & William Butcher
Edwin Beard
'rhos.Mayhew Bear F. A. Cole
Henry Goody
Samuel Chaplin I
6.30 p.m
[deputy mayor
Edward Smith
Second Ward.
N. F. Cobbold I
W. W. Daniell
H.G.EgertonGreen J.BrabrookDaniell John Lay
&C. can be Wit4 an extra
posted until id. stamp. Thi1'a Ward.
London (daY),lst &; through •• 10 10 a.m. •• 10 20 a.m Wilson Marriage John Kent J ames Wicks, jun
1 30 p.m. •• 1 45 p.m
8 20 p.m.
6 10 p.m.
Asher Prior
3 40 p.m
6 20 p.m
Alfred Francis I
Thomas Moy I
Brentwood, Chelmsford, Witham,
Thorpe-le·Soken, Weeley, C:ac· 1 30 p.m. •• 145 p.m AUTHORITY.
ton-on-Eea & Great Clacton .. Town Clerk eJ Cle'rk to the Urban Sanitary A uthCYrity, Fredk.
Nor"ich,.Bury, Harwich & IPS-} 1010 a.m. '4 10 20 a.m
wioh (da.y) •••••••••••••••••• B. Philbrick
lpawich(day) ••••••••••••.••••• 12 50 p.m. •• No extension Clerk of Reace, J. S. Barnes, Chnrch street north
Ips~ch(day) ••••••••••••••••.• 5 0 p.m. ,. 5 j) pm Treasurer of the BCYrough, Bright Wool
Norwich (night), Stratton. Scole, Coronerfor the Bor01l{lh, Adolphus Edgar Church, Crouch st
Eye, Stonham, Bury, Ipswich, Town r.f BCYr01l{lh Surveyor, Charles Clegg, Balkernhell
Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Wang- 10 0 p.m. •• 10 15 p.m
ford, Saxmun<l ham,W oodbridge, Auditors, W. Butcher (mayor), & H. J. Smith & ,E.
Harwich & Manningtree .••• Thompson Smith
London (night), ROmford, Brent- High Constable, T. B. Harrington
wood, Ingatestolle, Kelvedon, 11 0 p.m. •• 1 0 a.m Medical Officer of Health, Henry Finch M.D
Witbam, Uhelmsford, Sudbury Head Constable of Bor9Ugh Police, George Mercer
&0. ••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••
Walton-on-the-Naze (day) •••••• 1010 a..m. •• 1020 a.m Sanitary InspectCYr, William 5teggles, Long Wyre street
Walton-on.the-Naze (nigh), St. Petroleum Tester, Edward Hammerton
Osyth, Brightlingsea. & Vil· 11 0 p.m. •• 1 -0 am School Attendance Inspector, George William Baskett, Albert .
lages in the neighbourhood •• ,. lodge, North street
- Inspector of Weights eJ Measures, George Mercer
RECEIVING &; MONEY ORDER OFFICES & SAVINGS' Cattle Inspector, Ebenezer Ward, II3 High street
BANKS. Town SerJeant, Joseph Rampling
Crier, James Simpson
__._--------.!..I_.__....:O:.:n::....:..W:...:...:pe~_D_a--=-y_B._.-;--_ _. Conser1Jators, John Stuck Barnes, Henry Aylett, Stephen
a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Sibley Dennis & Henry Wisbey
East Hill .. 9 -i8 181 8 6 9 IS Collectors of District Rates 1st Ward district,Jas.Woodroffe;
New Town (KendalIRoad) •••• .. 40
12 •• 8 40 2nd Ward district, Henry Wisbey; 3rd Ward district,
St. Botolph's Street t •.•..•.. 935 51 ~ 62 9 5
John J. B. Beach
H,the Hi.llt .. 8 M 25
12 2 12 9 0
Station Road . •• 45
~xden .. •• 11 10 •• 7 30 J. B. Harvey, J. Kent, E. S. Sanders, E. Marriage, A. K.
Crouch Street .••.•.•••••••••• 9 59 . 1 22 8 27 9 32 Francis, C. F. Fenton, E. Beard, E. S. Daniell, John Joslin,
'it No Sunday Collection. t .Also Telegraph Stations. Joseph Grimes & Samuel Chaplin, J. N. Paxman, L. J .

Watts,W. Cross,W. Marriage, N. F. Cobbold, C. Nicholl, jun.
PILLAR &:; WALL BOXES. T. Moy, J. S. Barnes, W. Peck & following the shipowners,
- - - - - - - . . , . - - - - ; : ; - - c ; ; : ; - - ; - : ; : ; - - - - ---;:;-~-- Messrs. J. H. Beckwith, James Martin, jun. E. H. Marriage
I On Week Days. Sunday.
--------=---- a.m.
- p.m.
p.m. p.m. p.m.
& E. J. Sanders
Treasurer, H. E. Green esq
Ll'xden Road •••••• 9 50 1 14 3 12 9 25 9 25
Clerk, H. S. Goody
Wellesley Road ••••
Maid on Road ••••••
, · ••
1 10
3 5
9 15
9 32
9 15 Surveyor, Joseph Hope .
Town Hall . 10 0 1 80 3 17 9 SO 9 30 Collector of Channel IJuesf T. M. Johnstone
.Alll:'a.ints' Church •• 9 55 1 25 3 12 9 25 925 The Commissioners meet quarterly & at other times when
Roman Rood •••••••• 9 52 122 3 9 9 22 922 required, at 10 a.m. at the Town hall
Plough Corner •••••• 9 35 1 5 2 52 9 5 I) 5
Navigation Committee, J. B. Harvey, E. S. Sanders, S.
St. John's Green .•.. 9 30 1 0 2 47 9 0 I) 0
Broomhill .. .. 2 0 7 45 US{) Chaplin, J. H. Beckwith, E. J. Sanders & C. Nicholl, jun.
Camp Church •.•••. 915 12 4lS 2 32 8 45 840 Thomas Moy, E. Marriage, A. K. Francis & C. H. Hawkins
Magdalen Church •••• 9 5 12 ll5 2 22 835 8 air
Hythe Bill.••••.••.• •• •• •• •• 9 0 BOROUGH MAGISTRATES.
East Strtet .. o. 1 8 ., 9 5 9 5 G. H. Errington Horace G. Egerton Green
Greenstead .. •• •• •• II 45 845
Middleborough •••• o. 12 50 2 57 9 10 910 J oseph Savill Tyssen S. Holroyd
Railway Station .••• •• 1240 2 42 855 8 55 J. F. Bishop 'fhomas Moy
Stan~ay...••...••.. •• 7 10 7 1 O. H. Hawking Edmund Robert8
Old Heath .
•• ..••

840 840 P. O. Papillon Roger SturleyNunn
J. B. Harvey Lieut.-Colonel Mathison
Telegrams are despatched on week days between 7 a.m. & Hector J. Gurdon Rebow Captain Fitzroy Wilson
10 p.m.; & on sundays from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. & from 5 Clerk, Henry WitteJ, East Stoekwell street
p.m.oo 6 p.m. Telegraph messages can be sent from Petty Sessions every monday & thursday, at I I o'clock &,
North Railway station, on week days only, from 8 a.m.. to every other day except sunday at 12 o'clock, at the Tow~
Bp.m hall

Richard Knight Causton esq. 3 Clanricarde gardens, Bays- DIVISION OF LEXDEN & WINSTREE.
water w & Reform & Devonshire clubs sw & City Liberal Philip Oxendell Papillon esq. chairmall
club, London E C Edward Brett esq Wakes Colne
William Willis esq. Q.C. 12 Northbrook road, Manor park, James Round esq. M.P. Birch hall
Lee, Kent; & 4 King's Bench walk E C & 18 Parliament William Macandrew esq. Westwood house, Little Horkesley
street, London sw George Henry Erl'ington esq. Le:J:den park, Colchester
Returning Officer, The MAYOR, Henry Egerton Green esq. Lexden, Colchester
88 •
Charles Henry Hawkins esq. Maitland cottage, Colchester County Court, Town hall, High street, J. T. Abdy LL.D.
William Henry Penrose esg. Lower park, Dedham judge; John Stnck Bames, registrar; Charles Godfrey,
Rev. William Walsh, Great Tey high bailiff; Charles Jarrett, bailiff; office, Church street
J. W. Lay esg. Walcots, Great Tey north; open from 10 to 4. except thursdays, when the
Charles Robert Bree •.D. Colchester office closes at I. The court has bankruptcy jurisdiction
F. D. Boggis-Rolfe esq. Wormingford extending over the COlmty Court districts of Colchester,
Lt.-Colonel Disne)', Wellesley road, Colchester Halstead, Harwich & Sudbury. The offices of the
Edmund Roberts esg. Lexden County Court are also the District Registry of the Snpreme
H. R. Edwards esg. Dedham Court. The court is held monthly; it comprises within its
H. J. Gurdon-Rebow esq. Wivenhoe district the following places :-Aldham, Alresford, Ardleigh,
Clerk, Henry Jones, Town Hall chambers Abberton, West Bergholt, Great Birch, Little Birch, Box-
The Justices meet every saturday at the Town hall, Col- too, Great Bentley, Little Bentley, Brightlingsea, Great
chester, at I2 o'clock Bromley, Little Bromley, Chappel, Copford, Great Clac-
The places in the division are Abberton. Aldham, West ton, Little Clacton, Clacton-on-Sea, Dedham, East Dony-
Bergholt, Birch, Brightlingsea, Mount Bures, Boxted, land, East Thorpe, Elmstead, Feering, Fordham, Frating,
Chappel, Wakes Colne, Copford, DOOham, East Donyland, Fingringhoe, Great Horkesley, Little Horkesley, Kelvedon,
Easthorpe, Fingringhoe, Fordham, Great Horkesley, Little Langham, Lawford, Layer Breton, Layer-de-Ia-Hay,
Horkesley, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer Breton, Layer- Langenhoe, Lay&" Marney, Marks Tey, East Mersea, West
de-la-Hay, Layer Mamey, East Mersea, West Mersea, Mersea, Mount Bures, Manningtree, Messing, Nayland,
Peldon. Salcot, Stanway, Great Tey, Marks Tey, Virley Saint Osyth, Peldon, Stanway, Salcot, Great Tey, Little
Great Wigborough, Little Wigborough. Wivenhoe, Worm- Tey, Thorrington, Virley, Wakes Colne, Wivenhoe, Wor-
ingford . mingford, Gt. Wigborough, Lit. Wigborough & Weeley
INSURANCE OFFICE. County Police Station for the lJi'Visifm of Colcheste1', Ipswich
Essex ~ Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society (Robert road, Thomas Daunt, superintendent; 3 inspectors, 3
Anderson, secretary), Corn exchange, High street sergeants & about 40 men
Custmn House, Hythe hill, Thomas M. Johnstone, collector;
INSURANCE AGENTS. Joseph Ritson, clerk; & Charles Collis (Brightlingsea),
Accident, J. B. Harvey, 166 High street & Lay & Wheeler, examining officer; E. H. Wire & John Claxton, out-
10 Hlgh street door officers; John Stammersf Robert L. JefIeries, J. F.
Alliance, Stanford & Dnvall, Culver street Smith, S. Bradbrook & D. B. Garvey, outdoor officers at
British Empire Mutual, J. Blomfield, 25 St. Botolph street; Brightlingsea
G. Rickwood, jun. 100 High street; & R. Taylor, The Eastern Counties Asylumfor Idiots ':f' Imbeciles, Essex hall,
Brewery, West Bergholt Sir Edward C. Kerrison bart. chairman; Yice-Admiral
British Equitable Life, J. B. Harvey, 166 High street Luard C.B. vice-chairman; John Bawtree, treasurer;
Commercial Union, E. S. Sanders, 31 High street & A. G. Frederic Bateman M.D. consulting physician; Roger
Aldridge, Barrack street Sturley N unn, consulting surgeon; Robert F. Synunons,
County Fire, Lay & Wheeler, 10 High street medical officer; William Millard, superintendent; John
Econmnic Life, F. B. Philbrick J. C. Turner, secretary; Miss Charlotte Lukey, matron
Essex 4" Suffolk Fire, C. H. Tompson, Culver street Essex.f. Colchester General Hospital, Lexden road, Lord Car-
General Life 4" Fire, J. Wicks, jun. l:I7 High street lingford, president; G. H. Errington & Hy. Egerton Green,
Gresham Life, Charles Fuller, Headgate; Henry HoIloway, 3 treasurers; William Howard & Phillip Wright, auditors;
St. Leonard's terrace, MaIden road C. R. Bree M.D., F.L.S. consulting physician; A. Wallace
Guardian, C. F. Fenton, 51 High street; & G. C. Wittey, M.D. physician; J. H. Partridge, consulting surgeon; R.
Crouch street S. Nunn, R. F. Symons & H. Laver, surgeons; William
Guardian Plate Glass, R. W. Cullingford, 8 St. John's street Buck, dentist; Thomas P. Taylor, house surgeon j Rev. N.
Hand-in-Hand, Fi1'e J" Life, Charles Fuller, Headgate; & J. P. Gepp, chaplain; Charles E. Bland, secretary; Miss
& W. Jones, West Stockwell street Emma Appleton, matron
-fmperial Fi?'e, W. Cross Fi,'e Engine Station, Lion walk (G. Beaumont, superin-
Imperial Live Stock, Henry Hollowa)', 3 St. Leonard's ter- tendent); keys at Essex & Suffolk Fire office, High street
race, Maldon road Government Hospital for Contagious Diseases, Park lane, Mrs.
l.ancashi,·e ~ Lfmdfm, F. Collins, 30 Head street Emily Rocke, matron; Surgeon-major William WaIter
London AssuranCtl Fire, T. J. RaIling, 'Essex Standard' Welde, medical officer
Office Inland RtrVenue Office, 6 Head street; tax department, W.
London c! County Plate Glass, Charles Fuller, Hoodgate J. Grachy, surveyor; excise & stamp department, George
LmtdOrt Guarantee 4" Accident, Henry Holloway, 3 St. Leo- Curtis, collector & distributor of taxes for the county of
nard's terrace, Maldon road Essex i Charles Craven Lacey, supervisor
Manchestcr Fire, E. J. Craske, 35A, Head street MW/eum, The Castle, Charles Gunner, sub-curator
National Provident Institution, G. W. Carman, Colchester & New Cm-n Exchange, High street, H. H. Elwes, secretary
Essex bank Old Corn Exchange, High street, Thomas Martin, clerk
Nurthern Assurance, H. Barritt, I High street; Middleton & PUblic Hall, 166 High street, J. B. Harvey, secretary
Marshall, Church street north ~ C. E. Hedge, ~orth Hill St. Albans Diocesan Institution for Tmined Nurses, Miss
brewery; F. W. Everett, Winnock road; & R. Shead, Alice Butler, sister in charge
Hythe quay Soldiers' Home c! Institute, Queen street, Miss Laura Bea-
NfYl'Wich 4" London Accident et Oasualty Plate Glass c! Hail trice Campbell, lady superintendent
Storm, J. Barber, 57 High street Stamp Ojfice, 6 Head street, George Cnrtis, distributor
Norwich flniort Fire, P. S. Sparling, St. John's street; W. H. St. James' Orphanage, East hill, Miss Caroline Clare J(lnes,
Bland, 12 Ctouch street; S. G. Boggis, IQ East hill; & A. matron
W. H. Frost, North hill Theatre Royal, Queen street, N unn Bros. & Yale, proprietors
Pluznir Fire, W. P. Brand, 8 Beverley road Town Hall, High street, Charles Harvey, keeper
Provident Life, Lay & Wheeler, 10 High street
Protectur EndOtUTntmt, E. Smith, North hill EASTERN MILITARY DISTRICT.
Queen Fire 4" Life, :T. Barber, 57 High street; S. Sheldrick, Central Offices, Abbey field.
101 High street; & S. J. Ashby, 4 Trinity ter. Maldon rd
Railway Passengers', C. Clark, 15 High street DISTRICT STAFF.
Reliance Mutual Life, C. H. Tompson, Culver street Commanding Eastern District, Major-General W. P.
Royal Excha1l{Je, G. Coleman, 23 Head street Radcliffe C.B
'Scottish Unifm, G. Pye, 3 Bank bnildings Aide-de-Camp, Captain C. A Mutt, R. W. Surrey regiment
:Scottish Widows' Life-, T. J. RaIling, Winnock road; Stan- Assistant Adjutant tt Quartermaster-General, Col. George
ford & Dnvall, Culver street Henry WaIler (h.p)
&4,' Life, E. J. Craske, 35&', Head street Brigade Major~ Major Frederick de Lemare Morison,
Bull. Fire, H. Goody!); North hill & C. E. Bland, 12A,Crouch st Lothian regiment
Garrison Inst1'1~ctor, Major F. H. Dyke, Welsh regiment
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Commanding Royal Artillery, Col. T. Edmund Byrne RoA
Borough Police Office, Town hall, High street; George Commanding Auxiliary Artillery, Colonel William Lambert
Mercer, head constable Yonge R.A.
Cattle Market, James Percy, lessee Commanding Royal Engineers, Col. John Y. Moggridge R.B
Cemetery, Mersea road, P. S. Spading, clerk & registrar;. Senior Com71lissariat Officer, Assistant Commissary General,
James Cobb, superintendent Basil Charles Boothby .

Senior Ordnance Store o.fficer, Assistant Commissary LEXDEN & WINSTREE UNION.
General of Ordnance, Sydney L. D. Smith Board day-alternate wednesdays.
Superintendent of Gymnasia, Lieut. Frederic Charles J.
This union contains thirty-seven parishes within the Lex:-
Loder, South Lancashire regiment
den and Winstree hundred viz. Abberton, Aldham, Birch,
COMMISSARIAT & TRANSPORT STAFF. Boxted, Brightlingsea, Chappel or Pontisbright, Copford,
Assistant Cvmmissary General, Basil Charles Boothby Dedham, East Donyland, East Thorpe, East Mersea, Fing-
Deputy Assistant Cvmmissary General, E. Pilkington Elliott ringhoe, Fordham, Great Horkesley, Great Tey, Great
Quartermaster, Harry William Tyler Wigborough, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer Breton, Layer-
de-la-Hay, Layer Marney, Little Horkesley, Little Tey, Little
ORDNANCE STORE DEPARTMENT. Wigborough, Marks Tey, Messing, Mount Bures, Peldon,
Assistant Cvmmissary of Ordnance, Sydney L. D. Smith Salcot, Stanway, Virley, Wakes Colne, West Bergbolt, West
Mersea, Wivenhoe and Wormingford; the population of the
ARMY PAY.DEPARTMENT. union in 1881 was 21,I54; rateable value, £I20,073
District Paymaster, Chief Paymaster James George Clerk, Charles Hardy Tompson, Culver street, Colchester
(hon. It.-col.)
RelieLing ~ Vaccination Officers, No. I district, Charles Arthy,
ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. West Bergholt; No. 2 district, Edwin C. Bonner, Bere-
Deputy Surgeon-General, J. L. Holloway C.B church; No. 3 district, Samuel Houlding, Stanway
Brigade Surgeon, Oliver Barnett C.I.E Medical Officers 0/ Public Vaccinators, No. 2 dish-ict, S.
Surgeons Major, Forbes Dick M.D. John Middleton M.D. N. Squire, Wivenhoe; No. 3 district, Hugh Green, West
& Francis Howard M.D Mersea; No. 4 district, John H. Salter, Tolleshunt D'Arcy ;
Surgeons, William Joseph Lyons M.D. Robert C. Johnston No. 5 district, H. Laver, Colchester; No. 6 district, Henry
M.B. C. H. Clabbnrn M.B. & E. R. Cree Hart, Birch; No. 7 district, A. J. J. Chitty, Dedham; No. 8
ARMY HOSPITAL CORPS. district, H. D. Palmer, Nayland; .No. 9 district, C. J.
Captain of Orderlies, John Andrews Worts, Fordham; No. IO district, J. Taylor, Earl's Colne ;
Lieutenant of Orderlies, Thomas Manser Messing district, R. Galpin, Kelvedon
CHAPLAIN'S DEPARTMENT. Superintendent Registrar, C. H. Tompson, 21 Culver street
Rev.Chas.Jn.Coar M.A.principal chaplain to the forces,Ist class Re,qistl'Q1'S of Marriages, Samuel Houlding, Stanway; W. J.
Rev. O. A. W. O'Neill B.A. 4th class Page, Dedham; George Parker, Brightlingsea
Rev. Joseph Corbett (Catholic), 4th class Registrars of Births 0/ })eaths-Dedham sub-district, W. J.
Rev. James Morrison, Presbyterian Page, Dedham; Ji'ordham sub-distl'1ct, C. Arthy, West
Rev. H. Scanes, Wesleyan Bergholt; Staml)ay sub-district, S. Houlding, Stanway;
Peldon sub-district, E. C. Bonner, Berechurch; Wivenhoe
Amrr SCHOOLS. sub-district, George Parker, Brightlingsea
Sub-Inspector of Schools, J. Stewart Workhouse, in Stanway parish, built at a cost of £6,800, to
HEAD QUARTERS (6TH BRIGADE) ROYAL ARTILLERY. hold 300; Alfred Gosling & wife, master & matron; Rev.
Eustace H. Crate, chaplain; Henry Laver, surgeon
Lieut.-Col. H. M. Finlay Clerk, C. H. Tompson, 21 Culver street
Adjutant, Capt. W. Whitmore Smith Medical Officer, Edward William Bawtree M.D. Abberton
Quartermaste1', W. Richey Inspect(Jr, Thomas Manley Morgan
Riding Master, R. Donelly
COLCHESTER UNION. Assess01'S 'Of Taxes, Wm. F. Alien, High st.; Benj. Beckwith,
Board day, every tuesday, at II a.m. Hythe hill; J. J. B. Beach, 10 Mersea rd.; ~l. Blomfield,
Berechurch; R. R. Blyth, Berechurch; G. Cant, 22 Long
The Union comprises the sixteen parishes of the borough, Wyre st.; A. Chambers; Hy. Farmer, Victoria ho. Roman
viz. :-AlI Saints, Berechurch, Greenstead, Holy Trinity, rd.; John Fitch, Osborne st.; Alfred Gray, 56 High st.;
Lexden, Mile End, St. Michael, St. Botolph, St. Giles, St. Robt. J. Hall, High st.; Isaac Harris, 2 Belgrave ter.
James, St. Leonard, St. Martin, St. Mary-at-the-Walls, St. Roman rd.; Wm. Jacobs, Greenstead; .Anthony Knight;
Mary Magdalen, St. Nicholas, St. Peter & St. Runwald. Thomas G. Mills; F. Quilter. I I Trinity st.; Edward
The population of the Union in 188I was 28,366; rateable Parkes, East st.; T. Richer; Alfred Stannard, The Hall,
value, £99,852 Greenstead; Wm. Soames, Sir Isaac's walk; 'rhomas
Cler·k, Alexander Miller White, 50 North hill \\ illson, West ~tockwel1 st.; Wm. 'Warren,42 High st.;
Collectors of Poor's Rates, 1St Ward, J. WoodrofIe, 4 Crouch Hy. Wisbey, 4 Denmark pI.; Jas. WoodrofIe,4 Crouch st
street; 2nd Ward, Hy. Wisbey, 4 Denmark place; 3rd Clerk to the Assessment Cmnmittee of Lexdcrr tf WilUftree
TVard, J. J. B. Beach, 10 Mersea road Union, Charles Hardy Tompson, Culver street
Guardians' Collector, Geo. Richard Mitchell, St. John street Clerk to the Colchester Channel Cvmmissioners, Henry Sidney
Relieving Officers, 1st distl'ict, John Dedman, 44 Crouch Goody, I North hill
street; 2nd dist:rict, Charles Siggers, Roman road Clerk to the Commissioners of Land tf Assessed Taxes 0/
raccination Officers, 1st ward, John Dedman, 44 to the Cvmmissioners of Income tf Property Taxes for the
Crouch street; ~nd ward, Henry Wisbey, 4 Den- Division of Colchester, James Wm. Potter, Trinity street
mark place,North Station road; 3rd ward, John J. Clerk to the Cvmmissioners of Taxes for Lexden if Winstree
B. Beach, 10 Mersey road di17ision, Henry Jones, Town Hall chambers
Medical 0fficers,lst 0/ ~nd districts, Wm. Augustus May- Clerk eJ Registrar to Burial Board, Philip Smith Sparling,
bury, jnn. M.D. 9 West Stockwell street; 31'd district, St. John's street
J. M. Ryan M.B. East hill Clerk to the School Attendance Cvmmittee, C. H. Tompson,
Puhlic Vaccinator, Henry Laver, Trinity street Culver street
Superintendent Registrar, Alex. Miller White, 50 North hill Clerk to the Sanitary Commissioners, C. H. Tompson, Culver st
Deputy, James Gosnell Bryan, Castle road Clerk to the Lexden 0/ Winstree Highway BOa1'd, Frederick
Re.l/istrars of Marriages, H. S. Goody, 1 North h~l; deputy, B. Philbrick, Town hall
H. Goody, I North hill; & C. F. Fenton, 51 High street Collectors of Queen's Taxes, J. J. Beach, 10 Mersea road;
Registrars of Births tf Deaths, 1st wa1'd, 8ub-district, SI. BI()mfield, Berechurch; Hy. Farmer, Victoria house,
'rhomas John RaIling, Winnock lodge; deputy, George Roman road; Harv~y Wire, 43 St. Botolph street; Henry
F. Clark, 3 St. John street; £nd ward, sub-dis- WisbeY,4 Denmark place; Thomas Wilson, West Stock·
trict, John Dedman, 44 Crouch street; deputy, Henry well street; J ames WoodrofIe, 4 Crouch street
Holloway, 3 St. Leonards terrace, M!\ldon road; 3rd Coroner for the Sokens Division of the County, Adolphus
ward, sub-district, Charles Siggers, 5 Roman road; Edgar Church, Crouch street; deputy, H. J. Church.
deputy, George Richard Mitchell, St. John street Crouch street
The Workhouse, on the west side of Balkerne hill, is a large Deputy Coroner for the Duchy oJLancaster, Frederick Blom·
white brick building capable of receiving nearly 400 in- field Philbrick, Town hall
mates & was erected at a cost of £10,000; an infirmary for District Registrar of the High Court of Justice, J. S. Barnes.
50 patients, subsequently added, has cost £2,100; Frank Church street north
Quilter, master; Rev. Bruce Cuming M.A. chaplain; H. Inspector, under the Contagious Diseases (Animals Act),f01"
Laver, surgeon; Mrs. Sarah Louise Quilter, matron; Miss Lexden tf Winstree Division, Peter Stalker Cowan, 12
Leah Benjamin, schoolmistress North hill
InspecWr of Weights 4" Heasu:ru wuler the Sale of Food ~ Supervisor f)f Inland Revenue, Charles Craven Lacey, 6
Drugs .Act, for Colchester Divisivn, Thomas Daunt, Police Head street
station, Ipswich street SU1"tJeyor to the Oolc~ter Ohannel Oommissioners, Joseph
8cltool, .Attenda1I.(¥ Inspector, George Williatn Barket~ AlbeIt Hope, Camp lodge, Military road
lodge, North street
Superinterulent of Goumy Police, Thomas Daunt, Police Town Crier, James Simpson, Middleborough
station, Ipswich road

_ _ ,-~,,,,;; _ _,,,,, • _ _. -
PLACES OF WORSHIP with times of Service.
~ . ~ L..I ........

Morn. Aft. Even.
, ,,
• ~'- - - 1 - - - - 1 - -- _ IE~' -----jj--------------'-
,All Saints', High street, Rev. Charles Everitt M.A. rector ••• II.O
Holy Trinity, Trinity street, Revl John .Bush Early !(.A.
7. 0 - monday & wednesday 8.0 p.m

rector; T. W. Matthews, parish clerk.... _ .•• _•.••••• l........

II.O 7·(;J - Lent & Advent 7.0 p.m
St. Andrew, Greenstead, Rev. Meshach Seaman D.D. rector;
James Bloomfield, parish clerk
St. Botolph, St. Botolph street, Rev. John Reginald Corbett
u.O 3.0 - thur. 7 p,m. in parish schoolrm

M.A. vicar; Rev. Charles Edward Laing, curate; Joseph '

lVhite.1 parish clerk ••...•.. ~... .•• 3.0 chi!.
I:I.O •
serVice 7·0 daily 5.0 p.m. & wed. 8.0 p.m
St. Giles', St. John's green, Rev. William Henry Wardell M.A. wed. & fri. n.o a. m. ; saints'
rector; George Neville, parish clerk n.o 31st sun 7. 0 { 11.0 a.m. & 8.0 p.m
St. James', East hill, Rev. Nicolas Parker Gepp B.A. rector 8.0 & II.O 3 last sun 7,0 wednesday 7.30 p.m
St. John the Evangelist, Ipswich road, Greenstead, Rev.
John Freeman King B.A. vicar 8.0& II.O 3.0 7 in sum 7.30 p.m. advent; lent 8.30
St. Leonard, Hythe street, Rev. Frederick James Manning a.m. & 7.30 p.m
D.D. rector; Rev. P. F. Thorburn B.A. curate; Isaac
Martin, parish clerk •..•...•. " ..........••..•..••..........•.....•. 8.30 &; I I 31St sun
daily 10.0 a.m.; friday
St. Leonard, Lexden, Rev. John Papillon M.A. rector II.O 3.0 { saints' day 8.0 p.m
St. Martin, West Stockwell street, Rev. William Laing M.A.
rector; Rev. Carter W. D. Moore M.A. curate
St. Mary Magdalene, Magdalene street, Rev. Joseph Roger-
~... n.o 3.0 -
son Cotter B.A. rector: Elijah Dunningham, parish clerk... 11.0 7.0 thursday 7.0 p.m
St. Mary-at-the-Walls, Church street, Rev. John William -
Irvine M.A. rector; Rev. John Kemp M.A. curate; William
Charles Rule, parish clerk •.• '" I" I' I I XI.a," ,"
7.0 daily 8.0 a.m. & 5.0 p.m.; wed.
St. Michael, Berechurch, Rev. Thomas O. Price RA.. vicar ... 11.0
St. Michael & All Angels, Mile end, Rev. Edmund Hall
3.0 - & fri. I I .30 a.m. ; saints' days
11.30 a.m. & 5.0 p.m
M.A. rector; William Warner, parish clerk..................... II.O
St. Nicholas-cum - St. Runwald, High street, Rev. James
3.0 -
George Bullock M.'!. rector; Rev. Bruce Cuming M.A.
curate; Richard Bradbrook, parish clerk .. 11.0 3. 0 wednesday 7.30 p.m
St. Paul, Bellevue road, Rev. Wm. Frederick Clements A.K.('.L. n.o 3. 0 daily 9.0 a.m. 5.0 p.m. ; saints'
St. Peter, North hill, Rev. HenryCaddell M.A. vicar; Samuel days 7.30 p.m
Ha7..ell, parish clerk..................... 10.30 -
Garrison, Military road, senior chaplain, Rev. Charles John
CoarM.A. (Church of England) IO&II.30 - 7. 0
Presbyterian in Garrison chapel................................. 8.30 - -
Catholic " •••• '"
I" •••••••• '" 8.30 5.0 -

St. James (Ca.tholic), Priory street, Rev. Charles Woollett,

pries:t •.•..•..•....•.•••...•..• ,.......... 11.0 7.0 daily 8.30 a.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m
Friends' Meeting House, Sir Isaac's walk 10.30 - 6.30 wednesday 10.30 a.m
- -----.------'---.-
-----"""l~~--------r. \ " :.-. .- - - -,-----',-------- -- - - - - . - - - - - - -

_. ------------------------------~'


___________._ _. _.~.~._._~. ,_t;---- -
Baptist, St. John's green, Rev. WaIter Brown, minister .. IO·3 0

Baptist, Eld lane, Rev. Edward Spurriel1 minister .. 10.30 6.30 mono 8 p.m.; wed. 1 p.m
Congregational (Headgate), Chapel street, Rev. Edmund
Miller B.A. minister , . 6'30 wednesday 7 p.m
Congregational, Lion walk, Rev. James Llewellyn, minister... 6,30 wednesday 7 p.m
Congregational, East Stockwell street, Rev. Thomas Batty,
• •
mtmster ~ .. 4 •• i - •••••••••••• , ••• ~ 41 . 6.30 wednesday 7 p.m
The Brethren, .Assembly rooms, Culver street
The Brethren, Sir Isaac's walk
" ..
-- 7.0
10 friday 1 p.m
tuesday 7.30 p.m
Primitive Methodist, Artillery street .. 6.30 mono wed. & fl'i.1.30 p.m
Primitive Methodist (Ebenezer), Nun's cut _ •._.•_.. 6.30
Primitive Methodist, Lexden ._ _ •••••• _ •.••••••..
Wesleyan, Culver street, Rev. Wm. MilDes, superintendent X0.3O
-6·30 wednesday 7 p.m
Wesleyan, Hythe, Rev. H~ Scanes _.1 __ . :10.30 6·30 tuesday 7.30 p.m
GosJ)CI Hall, North street ••••••••• _.~ .••••••••"._ _ . 6.30 wednesday 7 p.m
....--------"'--_= --=-...
1 ...
' ------- • • _ .-~'.....- - - - - - - . . . -

SCHOOLS. now 400 boys & x80 girls; 74 boys & 44 girls being
Royal Free Grammar, Lexden road, Rev. Charles Lawford clothed from funds supplied by an endolflIlent & subscrip-
.Acland :X.A. head master; Rev. John. Kemp M.A. late tions; lsaac Harris, head master; Charles Freeman,
scholar of Lincoln college, Oxford, 6eCOnd master second master;. Stephen Thomas, third master i Miss
BlUiJ Coat 4' Oemral Nationnl, St. Hewn's lan~ founded in ElUabeth Farmer, mistress
1709 & rebuilt in x86:1, are chiefly supported by yearly British, Priory street, built in :l85~fm" 500 children» John
&. quarterly sermons &. a government grant i there are Ebenezer Roff, master
British (Wesleyan) {mixed), Culver street, built in 1859 for BOXFORD---Beeston, ' Angel,' High street, wed. & sat-. arriv~
300 children; H. E. Shaw, master at 12 & leaves at 4
Holy Trinity National (boys & girls), Eld lane, built in 1859 BoxTED----Munson, 'Angel,' High street, mon~ wed. & fri.
for 40 children; Miss Kate Matthews, mistress arrives at 11 & leaves at 4-
National, Magdalen street, built in 1859 {or 200 children; BUAINTREE-Martin, ' Bull,' Crouch street, tues. & sat. arrives
StephenClark,master a.t 12 & 4
National, Stanwell street, built in 1873 for 200 children; BUIGHTLINGSEA-Day, 'Sea Horse.' High street, mono wed.
Miss H. ·Wheeler, mistress fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
St. Botolph's (infants), built in 1879 for 100 children; Miss CLAcToN~Bennett, 'Angel,' High street, wed. & sat. arrives
Southgate, mistress at I I &leaves at 4; Turner, from' Swan,' High street,
St. Peter's National, North hill, for 270 children, Miss Mary mono wed. & sat. arrives at I l & leaves at 4.30; Johnson,
Kemp, mistress; Miss Susannah Farr, infants' mistress , Swan," tnes. thurs. sat. al'1'ive II, leave 4
St. James' National, East hill, built in ;r859 for 200 children. CoGGESHALIi Hunwick,' Bull,' Crouch street, mono wed. &
Miss Hannah Wheeler, mistress sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4 -
St. James' Infants, East street, built in 1861 for 130 child- COLNE ENGAINE-Bartholomew, J Horse & Groom,' Crouch
ren; Miss Amelia Green, mistress; Miss Ada Leveridge, st. sat. arrives at I l &leaves at 4
assistant mistress COPFORD & STANWAY-Brazier, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch st.
St. Leonard's National (mixed), for 170 children, Hythe hill; mono wed.. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
Miss J ones, mistress DONYLAND & ROWHEDGE-Jones, 'Prince of Wales,' Magda-
St Mary's National, Balkerne hill, for 100 children; Miss lene street, daily, arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30
Emma Morter, mistress EARLS COLNE-Bartholomew,' Horse & Groom,' Crouch st.
St. Giles' (infants), Old heath, built in 1874 for 60 children; sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4
Miss Mary Ann Barnes, mistress FINGRINGHOE-Jones, 'Prince of Wales,' Magdalene street,
St Martin's (infants), East Stockwell street, built in 1871 for daily, arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
135 children; Miss Cornelia Satchell, mistress FORDHAM-Barker,' Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, mono
Mile End National, built in 1840 for 150 children; Frederick wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4.30
Reichter, master; Mrs. Elizabeth Thatcher, mistress FRATING Turner,' Swan.' High street, mono wed. & sat.
St. Paul's (infants), Belle Vue road, erected in 1875 for 150 arrives at I I & leaves at 4.30
children; Miss Georgiana Topsfield, mistress HADLEIGH-Beer, from' Sea Horse,' High street, arrives on
Greenstead National (St. Andr.ew), built in 1851 for 100 fri. at 2 & leaves fri. at 5
children; Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Green, mistress HARWICH & OAKLEY-Keeble, 'Swan,' High street, mon.
Gl'eenstead National (St. John), built in 1864 for 80 children; wed. & sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4.30
Miss Isabella Forman, mistress HOLLAND (GREAT)-Moles, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mono
Lexden National, built in 1841 for 120 children; Fred James wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
Motum, master IpSwICH-Avey, 'Swan,' High street, wed. & sat. arrives at
Wesleyan Day, Hythe hill, for 200 children; Miss Sarah Jane I I & leaves at 4030
Ward, mistress KELVEDON, WITHAM & CHELMSFORD Moore, 'Horse &
Catholic, Priory street. built in 1870 for 100 children (now Groom,' Crouch st. wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
in disuse) LANGHAM-Nevard, 'Castle,' High street, daily, arrives at II
Industrialfor Training Gb'ls for Servict, 47 East hill, built & leaves at 4
in 1860 for 10 girls; Miss Eleanor Eycott, mist"ress MALDoN-Holmes, 'Bull,'Crouch street, sat. arrives at 11 &
NEWSPAPERS. leaves at 3
Colchester Chronicle ~ Essex Journal, Joseph Hanly, 17 MANNINGTREE-Wilson, ' Sea Horse,' High street, wed. & sat.
Head street, proprietor & publisher; published tues. & fri. arrives at I I & leaves at 4 .
See advertisement MERSEA (EAsT)- Death, 'Plough,' Magdalene street, tues.
Colchester Gazette, Benham & Co. 24 High street, proprietors thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5
& publishers; published wed. morng. See advertisement MERSEA (WEST)-Rudlin, 'Plough,' Magdalene street, tues.
Colchester Mercury, Frederic Wright, 18 Head street, pro- thurs.& sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5 ; Cudmore, ' Plough,'
prietor & publisher; published fri. See advertisement mono wed. & sat. arrives at 1~ & leaves at 5; Sack,
Essea: Standa1'd, West Suffolk Gazette ~ Eastern Counties , Plough,' mono wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5
Advertiser, Benham & Co. 24 High street, proprietor & MISTLEY-Wilson, 'Sea Horse,' High street, wed. & sat.
publisher; published sat. morng. See advertisement arrives at I I & leaves at 4
Essea: Telegraph, Frederic Wright, 18 Head street, proprietor NAYLAND & HORKESLEY-Norfolk, 'Lamb,' High street,
& publisher; published tues. & sat. See advertisement daily, arrives at 10 & leaves at 4; Beeston,' Angel,' wed.
Walton tJ' Clacton Gazette ~ Harwich ~ D01lercourt & sat. arrives at I I & leayes at 4
Advertiser, Kenham & Co. 24 High street, proprietors & OAXLEY (GRuT)-Reynolds, 'Angel,' High .street, sat.
publishers; puhlished wed. afternoon. See advertisement arrives at I I & leaves at 4
PELDON & WIGBOROUGH-Christmas, 'Plough,' Magdalene
RAILWAY STATIONS (GREAT EASTERN). street, mono wed. fri. &; sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 5
Mile End, William Blatch, station master ST. OSYTH &c.-Cole, ' Castle,' High street, daily, except sat.
St. Botolph's, William Chapman, station master arrives at 11 & leaves at 4
Hythe (goods & passengers), Michael Holland, station mstr S4LCoT-Lawrence, ' Essex Arms,' Essex st. sat. arrives at
CONVEYANCES. 12 &; leaves at 5
NAYLAND-NorJolk (omnibus), from the 'Angel,' High STOKE-Norfolk, 'Lamb,' High street, daily, arrives at 10 &
street & Railway station, Mile end, daily, arrives at 9 a.m. leaves at 4
& leaves at 10 a.m.; & every saturday, arrives at 9 a.m. & STRATFORD ST. MAny (Suffolk)-Avey, 'Swan,' High street,
3: pom. & leaves at 10 a.m. & 5 pom wed. & fri. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4.30; Beeston, , Angel,'
Omnibus to & from the Railway station, Mile end-From High street, wed. & sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 5
Three Cups hotel, George hotel & Red Lion hotel, to meet TEY (GuEAT)-Blackhill, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street,
every train sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
CARRIERS, with inns they call at & days of departure. THoRPE-LE-SoKEN-Moles,' Sea Horse,' High street, mono
ABBERToN-Christmas, 'Plough,' Magdalene street, mono wed. & sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4
wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 4 TIPTRER-Bennett, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, tues.
A.LRESFORD Day,' Sea Horse,' High street, mono wed. fri. & thurs. & sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4
sat. arrives at II & leayes at 4 TOLLESBURY-WeaVers, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mono tues.
BEAUMoNT-Wass, 'Angel,' High street, tues. thurs. & sat. thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4; Anthony,
arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 'Essex Arms,' Essex: street, wed. & sat. arrives at II &:
B:J;JNTLEY &c.~James, 'Castle,' High street, mono wed. fcl. leaves at 4
& sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4 TOLLESBURY & LAYER BRETON-'Veavers,' Bull,' Crouch st.
BERGHOLT (EAST)-Beeston, ' Angel,' High street, wed. &sat. mono tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30 TOLLESHUNT, TIPI'REE &c.-Drayne, from ~ Bull,' Crouch st.
BERGHOLT (WEsT)-Moss, 'Lamb,' High street, daily, wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves a.t 4
-arrives at I I & leaves at 4 ; Leggett, ' Fleece,' Head street, WARMINGFORD Leggett,' Fleece Tap,' Culver street, daily,
daily, except tues. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4 tues. excepted, arrive II, leave 3
BIRCH & LAYER, ' Horse & Groom,' Crouch WALTON, KIRBY & GREAT HOLLANDo--Bowles, 'Caostle,' Higa
street, mono wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4; st. tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at 1 I & leaves at. 4
Prior, 'Bull,' Crouch street, same days & time; Burmby, W ALTON-LE-SO:KEN-Bowles, 'Castle,' High street, tues.
, Essex Arms,' same days & time thurs. & sat. arrives at II &: leaves at 4
WEBLEY & GREAT BENTLEY-CTOss, , Angel,' High st. mes. thnrs. fri. &I sat. arrives at 10 &; leaves at 4; Leggett,
thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4 , Fleece,' daily, arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4
WIVENHOB Bell, Sea Horse,' High street, daily, arrives at WATER CONVEYANCE.
12 & leaves at 4; Appleby, 'Swan,' High street, daily, To LoNDON-Mills &; Beckwith & Co.'s steam packets, weekly
arrives at 12 & leaves at 4-30 between The Hythe, Colchester & South Devon wharf,
WORMINGFORn-Sach, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mono wed. London
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blomfield Mrs. 2 Trinity street Claridge William, Lion walk
Abbot WaIter, Castle road Blomfield Robert, Military road Clark George F. 3 St. John's street
Acland Rev. Charles Lawford M.A. [bead Blyth William, East hill Clark Mrs. Lowestoft villa, Maldon rd
master], Royal grammar schoof Boby Mrs. The Limes, Crouch street Clarke Benj. Albion villas, Maldon road
Adams Alfred, 4 Roman villa, Roman rd Boggis Simon Golding, xo East hill Clay Miss, 3 Queen street
Addison Chas. Ed. L.K.Q.C.p.Irel. 2 Head Bootes Ernest Bntler, 13 Wellington st Clay Mrs. Brook street
street Boothby Basil Charles [assistant com- Clegg Charles, Balkerne bill
Ager George, 17 North hill missary general], Wimpole bouse, ClementsRev.WilliamFrederickT.A..X.C.L.
Aggio Henry Willoughby, Head street Wimpole lane [vicar of St. Paul's, Lexden], 1 Belle
Aldis Robert William, 3 Belle Vue BOTeham Jonah, Lion walk Vue villas, North Station road
villas, North Station road Botten ChaTles, Stanwell street Clench Augnstus Robert, 25 High st
Aldridge AlIen Gamies, Barrack street Bouttell Robt. 2 Lexden villas, North st Clover Miss, Richmond ho. Maldon rd
Alecock Mrs. 2 Provident place Bowers Maj. Chas. D'Obree,Meyrick cres Clubb Mrs. 4 Cambridge pI. Military rd
Anderson Robert, Cambridge road Bowtell Mrs. 58 Crouch street Clubb Mrs. Lion walk
Appleby John, 17 Roman road Bradley William, The Cedar, Maldon Td Clubb Mrs. Northgate street
Arden George Pinckard, 8 The Avenue Branch Henry, Mersea road CoaT Rev. Charles John V.A. [principal
Ashby SI. Jph. 4 Trinity ter. Maldon rd ~rand Thomas [annyscripturereader], chaplain to the forces], Campfield
Attwood George Ethelred, Sir Isaac's Me~'l'iek crescent, Mersea road cottage, Old Heath road
walk Brand William Pegram, 8 Beverley road Cobb Alfred,5 St. Mary's terrace east,
Bacon Mrs. Castle road Bray William, 8 West street Lexden road
Bailey John Thomas, Priory street Brett Major-General William Freeland, Cobb Charles, Hythe house, Hrthe hill
Bailey Thomas, Hollybrook, Bell Vue rd 20 The Avenue Cobb William Henry, Hythe hill
Baker Benjamin, 5 Hythe hill Brett George, Y4 The Avenue Cobbold Nathaniel Fromanteel,Beverley
Baker Mrs. 3 North hill Brett Miss, 31 Head street lodge, Lexden road
Baker Mrs. Whitmore villa. Wellesleyrd Brettingham Rev. Thomas Clarke B.A. Cole Alfred, Laurel cottage, Gray TOad
Baker Thomas Brain, Meyrick crescent, [vicar of Fingringhoe], Oxford villa, Cole Thomas, Mount house, Harwich rd
Mersea road Oxford road Cole William, South street
Balaam Jas. I East cottage, Hythe hill Brightwell William,Linton ho.Crouch st Coleman Charles, 18 The Avenue
Baldry Fredk.6 Creffield ter.Creffield rd Brignell William John, 8 East hill Coleman Miss, 6 St. Mary's terrace,
Bale Major John Edward, 9 Creffield Bromhead 'rhos. Graham, 85 East hill Lexden road
terrace, Creffield road Brock Miss, The Cottage, Queen's road Cook William, 8 Roman road
Balls Thomas John, 6 Priory terrace, Brook Mrs. Stockwell house, East Stock- Cooper Mrs. 23 East hill
Wellesley road well street Cooper Mrs. A. B. East hill, All Saints
Barber Alfred Richardson, Carlton villas, Broom Nathaniel, Hythe hill Coppin John, The Limes, Rawstron rd
Wellesley road Brough Mrs. 5 Trinity street Coppinger Capt.Thomas S.[paymaster],
Bare Mrs. Crouch street Broughton Frederick, East hill Cambridge terrace, Military road
Barker Mrs. Whitmore vils.Wellesley rd Broughton Mrs. East hill Corbett Rev.Joseph [Catholic chaplain],
Barnard Mrs. 5 Trinity tel'. Maldon rd Brown Rev. WaIter [Baptist], Mersea rd 4 Abbergate terrace
Barnes John Stuck, TheCasina, Lxdn.rd Brown Chas. Torquay house, Crouch st Corbett Rev. John Reginald M.A. St.
Bames Miss, 6 Abbeygate terrace Brown Edwd. 3 Camp lodge, Military rd Botolph's vicarage, Priory street
Bames Mrs. 2 Albion villas, Maldon rd Brown George V.D. 9 Head street Cotter Rev. Joseph Rogerson B.A. St.
Barnett Brigade Surgeon Oliver C.S.I. Brown John Lensey, Hythe hill Mary Magdalene rectory
15 The Avenue Brown Mrs. 10 Crouch street Cowell John WaIter, 'Yestbourne place,
Barns Robt. J n. Beverley viI. Beverley rd Brown Mrs. 31 Queen street Bath road
Barwell Mrs. Stanstead house,Cronch st Brown Mrs. South street Cox Thomas Henry, 4 The Hollys,
Barrett Thomas Simon, 4 Beverley road Buck William, Dereham place,Lexden re North Station road

Gray road of St.Nicholas],Derby ho. The Avenue

Baskett Charles Edward, Lorraiu villa, Bullock Rev. James George M.A. [rectoT Craske EdmundJames, 2 Beverleyvillas
east, Beverley road
Bather Joseph, North street Burck Christopher Gottfried [band Cream Cornelius, Colne Bank road
Bather Miss,I The Hollys,Nth. Station rd master 24th regiment], Mount cot- Cridge John, 12 West street
Batterham Samuel, Fernside cottage, tage, Military road Critchley Sydney, 10 Roman road
ChUl'ch street north Burgess Mrs. Chapel street Cr08by William, Park lane
Batty Rev. Thomas [Congregational], Byrne Col. T. EdmundR.A. 1 Crouch st Cross George, 9 Roman road
I Chapel street CaddeU Rev. Hemy M.A. [surrogate], Cross William, The Avenue
Bawtree J ohn,Ga:rwell ho.West Lodge rd St. Peter's vicarage, 52 North hill Croughton Miss, Sir Isaac's walk
Bawtree Mrs. 3 Priory ter. Wellesley rd Cansdale Arthur, Castle road Crowe Miss, Shire Gate house
Bawtree Mrs. George, 21 Queen street Cansdale William, Castle road Croydon Frederick, 1 Roman villas,
Bawtree Octavius, West lodge, West Cant Wm. I Ventnorvillas, Wellesleyrd Roman road
Lodge road Cannan George William, 4 The Avenue Crump Miss, 3 Fitzwygram terrace,
Beales Mrs. Prospect house, South street Cannan Mrs. 2 Priory ter. Wellellley re Crouch street
Beard Edwin, West honse, Lexden road Camell Edwd.Herbt.Maisonette,Gray rd Cnllingford Rd. Wincup, 8 St. John's st
Beaumont George, jnn. ManoT road Carter Miss, 6 Verandah place, West st Culverhouse Jabez, Chemscott rula,
Becker Chas. Otto Gnstavus V.D. Eld la Carter William Thomas Pocock,.Ascott Wellesley road
Beckwith Benjamin, Hythe bill villas, Gray road Curtis Mrs. Creffield villas, Oxford road
Beckwith Joseph Hawkins, 5 Hythe hill Castle John, Sir Isaae's walk Daldy Thomas, Hythe bill
Bedwell Mrs. 72 High street Catchpool Mrs. Hightield, Lexden road Dampier Edward John, Wimpole lane
Bedwell Mrs. 47 North Street hill Cater Mrs. 3 Provident place Daniell Edgar Sands, East hill
Benham Mrs. St.Mary's ho. 6x Crouch st Chaplin S1. West Lodge I'd. Lexden road Daniell Shepherd Thos.West Stockwell st
Rennell Mrs. Brook street Cheshire Mrs. I Holland vIs. Alxndr. rd Darken Horace, 24 Crouch street
Hennell Thomas, Portland road Chignall Mrs. 10 St. John's street Darken Robert 1\Tort, Landport villa,
Bentley John Thomton C.llJ. 68 High at Chigoe]] William, Qneen street Manor road
Bentley Mrs. Portland road Chinery ehas. y Lorne pI. Maldon road Davies Mrs. Prospect cot. Military rd
Reran Samuel Alfred, Maidenbur~ street Chinery Mrs. North street Davies Rees, 2 Roman road
Bewers Chas. Beverley cot. Beverley rd. Chisolm Mrs. 4 St. John's terrace, St. Day Arthm, Artillery street
Birkett Wm.Hy. Trinity ho.Old Heath re John's ..-treat Deane Henry Griffin, 5 St. Mary's ter~
Bishop Major John Fitzsimmons, The Chitham Captain Robert, ~ Kingston race west, Lexden road
Turrets, Lexden road terrace, Crowhnrst road Death Caleb Monson, 2 Kingston ter-
Bishop Miss. 3 Queen street Chitham Richard, Anchor vil. Castle re race, Crowhurst road
~lack Lieut.-<JoI. Wilsone a.B.[1st BattI1. Church AdolphU8 Edgar, Crouch street Dennis Edwin, Priory street
Sth. Wales Borderers], 4 Abbey fields Churcb Henry John, Crouch street Dennis Miss, 64 Cronch street
Bland Charles, West Stockw~ll street Clabbnm C. H. M.B. [army surgeon], 1 Dennis The Misses, s Brunswick place,
Bland Mrs. West Stockwell street Camp villas Roman road

Dennis Mrs. 5 Provident place Gepp Rev. Nicolas Parker B.A. St. Hubbard Mrs. Cambridge road
Dennis Stephen Sibley, Middleborough James' rectory, East hill Humm George, I Hythe hill
Denton Charles, East Stockwell street Gibbs Alfred, Moss villa, Maldon road Humm Henry, H~'the hill
Denton Charles Edward, Roman road Gilbert Misses', Old Heath cottage Hunter Thos. 5 Roman villas, Roman rd
Dibley Mrs. 2 East hill Gilders Rhoderick, 16 Hythe hill lnd Capt. J ames Algernon,The Minories,
Dick Surgeon-Major Forbes :M.D. Abbey Gilson James, Shrubland road East hill
Gate house, St. John's green Gilson Samuel Page, 2 Albert cottages, Inglis J ames, Church street north
Dines William Avis, South street Roman road Irvine Rev. John William M.A. [rural
D:sney Lieut.-Col. Edgar John D.L., ;T.P. Ginger Wm. Hy. Carlton villas, Welles- dean], St. Mary's-at-the-Walls rectory
10 Priory terrace, Wellesley road ley road Ives Thomas, 3 Denmark place, North
Dixon Edward Austin, 27 Head street Godfrey Miss, Ascot villas, Gray road Station road
Docwra George William, 3 Beverley Goodday Wm. The Cannons, Layer rd Ives William Edward, Artillery street
terrace, Beverley road Goodey James Frederick, Portland road J ackman J ames,I Beulah cottage, Nortb
Donnelly R. St. John's green Goody Henry, Eastwell hOt Lex den road Station road
Dove Mrs. 2 Westbourne pI. Lexden rd Goody Henry Sidney, 4 Head street J ennings Mrs. 2 Frederick pI. Butt rd
Duffield Mrs. I St. Mary's terrace east, Goody Mrs. 2 Ventnorvils. Wellesleyrd Johnson James Gentry, Lion walk
Lexden road Grapes George J onathan, Pownall J ohnson Mrs. Alexander cot. Alex. rd
Dunningham Thomas John, 34 East hill crescent, Mersea road J ohnson Mrs. Head street
Duvall John William, Head street Graves Henry, Osborne street J ohnson Mrs. 10 Osborne street
Dyke Major Fredk. H. 23 Crouch street Green Mrs. 56 Crouch street Johnston Surgeon Robert C. :M.B. I
Eade Mrs. 2 Creffield ter. Creffield road Greenhill Samuel, 7 Queen street Priory house, Crouch street
Eagle Miss, Alexander hos. Lexden road Greenwood John Augustus, Castle road J ohnstoneThomas Meredith,Cambourne
Early Rev. John Bush M.A. [rector of Gregson Hobert, 2 Lome pI. .Maldon I'd villa, Roman road
Holy Trinity], 18 Crouch street Greig Major Banks Robinson R.A. 29 Jolly John, Clarendon villa, Crouch st
Eayrs J ames, Portland road Culver street Jones Frederick Roberts,4I High street
Eisdell Miss, Casina cottage, Lexden rd Griffin George Lainson, Queen street Jones Hy. William. Plum hall,Mersea rd
Elliott E. Pilkington [Deputy-Assistant- Griffin Mrs. 9 Trinity street J oslin George, Beverley road
Commissary-General], Meyrick cres Griffin Mrs. 2 St. Mary's terrace west, Joslin Henry Crush, 23 The Avenue
Ellis Charles, South street Lexden road Keebele Mrs. I I Roman road
Ellisdon Rd. Westbourne pI. Lexden rd Grimwade Henry, Head street Keeling Frederic John, 7 St. Mary's
Elwes Henry Hervey, Cambridge road Grove The Misses, Harley cottage, Wel- terrace west, Lexden road
Emson Hobert. Fern cot. Alexander rd lesley road Keigwin Charles David, Hospital road
Ensor John, Museum street Gull Daniel, 20 Roman road Kemp Rev. John M.A. [2nd master
Everett Frederick WaIter, Winnock rd Habbersty Miss, Sir Isaac's walk Royal grammar school & curate of St.
Everett Henry, 2 Park place, Hythe hill Habgood .lames, 56 North hill Mary's-at-the-Walls], Dacca house,
Everett Henry John, Wimpole lane Hale Thomas, Diamond villa, Maldon I'd Queen's road
Everett Wm. 4 Wellington pI. Crouch st Hall Frederick William, 4 Camp villas, Kennett Mrs. Mersea road
Everitt Rev. Charles M.A•.All Saints' Military road Kent John, St. Mary's cot.Church st. sth
rectory, High street Halls Charles, Portland road Keymer Miss, 3 Wellington pI. Crouch st
Faircloth William Henry, 13 Chapel st Hamblion Mrs. 6 Provident place King Capt. John Hooper [paymaster],
Fairhead George, St. Mary's villa, Bal- Hammond Mrs. 32 St. John's street Alexandra villas, Alexandra road
kerne lane Hammond Thomas, 4 The Avenue King Miss, Lexden road
Farman Frederick, Shrubland road Hampton Henry, 15 Roman road KirbyAlfd. 2 Westbourne ter.Wellesly.rd
Farmer Henry, Victoria ho. Roman rd Hanly Joseph, 2 Priory terrace, Welles- Kirby Thomas, 26 Queen street
Farmer Miss, East Stockwell street ley road Kirkby Mrs. 5 Creffield ter. Creffield rd
Farran Joshua, Bangalore yils. Butt rd Hardy John Joseph, 146 High street Knight Anthony, St, John's cottage,
Farren William, Balkerne lane Hardy Mrs. 9 St. Mary's terrace west, North Station road
Felgate Robert Roger, I Joy place Lexden road Knight Miss, Hospital road
Fenn Mrs. 5 Queen street HareMajorEdwardHenry,[lst bn. North Knopp George Samuel, 42 North hill
Fenner Henry, 3 The Holly's, North Devon Reg.], 2Abbeyfield Knopp SI. Geo. Mersea hOt Magdalen st
Station road Harman W. T. Mayrick creSt Mersea rd Lacey Charles Craven, Maldon road
Fenton Charles Frederick, jun. Culver st Harris Isaac, 2 Belgrave ter. Roman I'd Laddell William Henry, I Lexden villas,
Finch Henry M.D. 7 North hill Hart Richard, Stowting villa, Mersea rd North Station road
Finch Mrs. Artillery street Harwood Wm. Hy. 8 West Stockwell st Laing Rev. Charles Edward [curate of
Fincham James Frederick, Trinity st HaslamMiss,2Fitzwygram ter.Crouch at St. Botolph's], West Stockwell street
Fincham Joseph, I Castle ter. Castle rd Hatfield George, Castle road Laing Rev. William :M.A. [Rector of St.
Finlay Lieut.-Col. Henry M. R.A. 3 Ab- Haward William, Castle road Martin's], Westfield, Lexden road
bey field Hawes JOhn,2 Beulah cottage, North st Laing Mrs. West Stockwell street
Firman Mrs. 2 The Avenue Hawkins Charles Henry J.P. Maitland ho Lake Mrs. Prospect place
Fisher Mrs. 3 The Avenue Hayward Henry Winnock, 5 Head at Lambert John, Old heath
Folkard Mrs. Church street north Hearle Mrs. Trinity cot. Beverley rd Lane Richard, 18 Trinity street
Ford Miss, 8 Provident place Heckford Samuel, Princess street Laver Henry, I Trinity street
Foster Mrs. Albert villas, Maldon road Hedge Chas.Edward,North Hill brewery Lay John, 10 High street
Foster Hobert, Belle Vue, Land end, Hedge Mrs. Greenstead road Lay Mrs. Sir Isaac's walk
East hill Hellen Miss, Priory lodge, Wellesley rd Lawll George Martin, 2 Ivy place
Fountain Robert, 4 Kingston terrace, Helps James, 22 Crouch street Leach Mrs. 17 Crouch street
Crowhurst road Hennemeyer E. Adelaide vil.Victoria I'd Leaning Harry, 19 North hill
Francis Abraham Kershaw, Crouch st Henslowe Capt. Spencer, I Queen at Lee J oseph, 71 High street
Franc,'is Alfred, East Bay house Hernaman S. John, I Park rd. Hythe W Lee Samuel, Butt road
Francis Carrington, Tymperleys,Trinity Hill Daniel, 40 Head street Leech Mrs. 27 Culver street
street Hilliar Wm. Carlton place, Roman I'd Leftley C. 2 Denmark pI. Nth. Station rd
Francis Francis Philip, Tymperleys, Hilsden Joseph, Priory street Le'Mesurier Thos. Aug. 2 Beverley vill8
Trinity street Hitchcock John Bloomfield, 40 North W Lemon Robert, Swiss chalet, Sussex rd
Francis Miss, Tymperleys, Trinity st Hoare Wm. Webster, 19 St. John's at Letch J ames, 5 Albert cottages, South st
Frost Mrs. Walton villas, Creffif'>ld road Holloway Henry, 3 St. L~onardsterrace, Lethbridge Capt. Edward [1st bn. South
Frost Mrs. 3 Lorne place, Maldon road Maldon road Wales Borderers], 7 Beverley road
Fryer John, 3 Beulah cottages, Korth Holmes WaIter Wm. St. John's street Lems Mrs. 15 St. John's street
Station road Hope Joseph, I Camp 10dge,Militaryrd Lems William Partridge,4 St. Leonard's
Fulford Miss, 7 St. John's street Hopwood Joseph, East Stockwell street terrace, Maldon road
Fuller Charles, Vine cottages, Butt road Hopwood Joseph Cook, Surrey villa, Lensdell Mrs. 9 Cambdg. ter.Military rd
Gall Mrs. South street Lexden road Llewellyn Hev. James[Congregational],
Garland Thomas, I Westbourne ter- Horsman F.J. S. Hollybrook,BelleVue I'd Colville house, Wellesley road
race, Wellesley road Howard Surgeon Major F.M.D.Mersea rd Lloyd Lieut. John David A. T. [1st bn.
Garrad Mrs. Charles, Lexden road Howard Capt. William, 3 St. Mary's South Wales Borderers], Broom Hill
Garrard William Baker, 18 North hill terrace west, Lexden road -. villa, Pownall crescent, Mersea road
Gay WaIter, Rose ter. Greenstead road Howard Edwd. The Hollies,Cambrdg.rd LockwoodMiss,Mansfield ho.Beverley rd
George James [chief paymaster, army Howard William, 55 Crouch street Long James, 73 East hill
pay dept.], 21 The Avenue Howel Arthur, Priory street Lovell Mrs. 13 The Avenue


Lowe Thomas Ra1ph, Stanley' lodge, Nunn Roger Sturler, The 'Oaks, Lexden Robinson Miss, East hill
Wellesley Toad road Roft John Ebenazel', Meyrick crescent,
Ludford Harry Alsop, Mander villa, O'Brien Patri{lk, North street Mersea road
Gray road Oldham Georg-e, Manor road Root Mrs. 57 Crouch street
Leykin George, Priory street O'Neill Rev. Owen Alfred Wedekind Ross George, Church street north
Lyons Surgeon William Joseph M.D. I B.A. [chaplain to the forces], Albert Round Misses, Holly trees, East hill
Creffield villas, Wellesley road villa. Maldon road Round Mrs. Ge<>rge, East Hill house
Maberley Mrs. 12 St. John's street Ormes Osmond, 12 Roman road Rowe Mrs. North bridge
Machin J ames Edwin,7 Provident place Orpen Daniel, Oastle street Ryan Joseph Michael M.B. East hill
MacKay John, Meyrick crescent Orpen Robt. Beverley villas, Creffield rd Sadler Edward, Queen street
Mackey Miss, I Derby villas, North st Orrell Capt. Stephen,1 Albert cottages, Sadler Mrs. I Mormnt ter. Lexden rd
McLean Mrs. Portland road Roman road Salmon John, 8 Priory ter. Wellesley I'd
Mann Robert, 4 Provident place Osborn John, 16 The Avenue Salmon Mrs.I Kensington vils.Roman rd
Manning Rev. Frederick James 'D.D. St. Osborn Mrs. 16 The Avenue Sames Thomas Frederick, Meyrick
Leonard's rectory, Hythe hill Osborne Major John Forster P. White crescent, Mersea road
Marjoram James, 3 Hythe hill hall, Old heath Samuels George, Priory street
Marriage Edward, 83 East hill Osborne Arthur Thomas,St. Botolph'll at Sanders Albert, The Avenue
Marriage Edward Burgess, East street Osbowen Francill Barham, Stanwell rd Sanders Edwin Joseph, Gostwycke,
Marriage WHson, 12 East hill Osmotherley George, Sir Isaac's walk Cambridge road
Marriott John, East Stockwell street Page Mrs. 2 The Hollys, Nth. Station I'd Sanders Evatt Sallows, 19 The Avenue
Marsh Miss, North lodge, North street Palmer George, 2 Queen mreet Sanders Robert, Trinity villa,Lexden rd
Marsh William L.D.S.F.P.S. Glas. 3 St. Palmer Mrs. Roman eottage, Roman rd Sandford Henry, Bank house, 9 High st
John's terrace Parish J osiah, 8 Head street Sanson Mrs. West Stockwell street
Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, 4 St. Parkes Edward, 32 East street Sansum Charles Henry, East hill
Mary's terrace east, Lexden road Parmenter Mrs. 16 Beverley road Savill Capt. Jos. Edwd. 10 The Avenue
Martin David, 4 Queen street Parrilt-Mrs. r Wellington pt Crouch at Saville Joseph, East hill
Martin Frederick, 2 Osborne street Parsons Miss, Priory street Saxty John, 3 Trinity street
Martin James, Hythe hill Partridge Hy. Alexandra ho. Butt road Scanes Rev. Hy. [Wesleyan], Hythe hill
Martin Miss, Flora house, Greenstead rd Partridge Joseph Henry, 9 East hill Scott Edwin, Claremont house, Cam-.
Mash Mrs. I Abbeygate terrace Pattison Miss, 2 St. Mary's villas, bridge road
Mason The Misses, Cambridge lodge, Wellesley road Scott Thomas, 2 Eden pl.Wellesley rood
Cambridge road Paxman James, Hill house, Hythe hill Scott William Whitlock, North street
Mason Robert, 21 Belle Vue villas,North Paxman Mrs. Routh street Secrett Mrs. Maidenburg street
Station road Peck Richard, 18 Roman road Segers Mrs. Albert villa, Maldon road
Mathison Lieut.-Col.Robert, 1 St. Mary's Peck Wm. Cromwell lodge,Wellesley I'd BeweIl Mrs. 2 MerSe& road
terrace west, Lexden road Peggs Mrs. 38 Crouch street Shead Alfred Charles, 9 West street
May Abraham, 2 Laurel cottages, North Pertwee James Frederick,l Denmark Short WaIter, 1 Priory vils.Wellealey rd
Station road place, North Station road Sibbald Mrs. 37 North hill
Maybury William Augustus, jun. M.D. Pertwee J oseph, Crouch street Simpkin William Robert,9 ProYident pI
9 West StockweIl street Pertwee Mrs. 5 St. John's terrace, St. Simpson Mrs. North street .
Mercer George, 1 Verandah pI. West st John's street Sims6n Mrs. Church street north
Merriman Major William R.E. 8 Camp Phillrick Frederick Bloomfield,Scarletts, Singleton Harry, 2 Chatham town,
villas, Military road Old Heath road North Station road
Middleton Surgeon--Major John M.D. Phillrick Miss,2 Florence vils.Roman I'd Slaney Mrs. North bridge
Mersea road Philbrook Frederick, 7 Roman road Slaney William, Lutwych, North bridge
Middleton Thomas Alfred, Crouch street Phillips Samuel, 10 St. Mary's terrace Smith Sydney Davis L. [commissary"
. Millard William, Essex hall west, Lexden road gen. of ordnance], 4 Beverley terrace,
Miller Rev. Edmund BoA. [Congrega- PhiIlips William Taylor,9 The Avenue Beverley road '
tional], 82 East hill Plummer Mrs. Percy villa, Alexandra rd Smith Edw. St. Mary's lodge, Lexden rd
Miller Miss, The Rookery, St. John's at Pooley Mrs. 42 Priory street Smith Edward Thompson, Beverley rd
Miller William, 3 Roman viI. Roman rd Porter William, 27 Queen street Smith George Ernest, Priory street-
Mills Mrs. 36 Crouch street . P~stanl! Mrs. la St. Leonard's terrace, Smith Harry Edmund, 8 Castle road
Milnes Rev.Willial1l Norton [Wesleyan], Maldon l'oad Smith John, Hill house, Chapel street
, 2 Kensington villas, Roman road Potter Jas.Wm.1Brunswick pl.Roman I'd Smith John William, 1 Laurel cottage,
Mitchell Mrs. 21 St. John's street Prestney Robert, Butt road North Station road
Moggridge Col. John Y. R.E. Abbey Preston Capt. Henry Edward, 6 St. Smith Miss, Claremont ho. Victoria rd
house, St. John's green Mary's terrace east, Lexden road Smith Mrs. Park lane
Moore Rev. Carter William Daking :M.A. Pretty Willia.m, Priory house, Crouch st Smith Mrs. 30 Queen street
[curate of St. Martin's], t Carlton Prime Edward, lA, Queen street Smith Mrs. E. Balkerne hill
villas, MaIden road Pri01" Alfred Jesse, 2 St. John's terrace, Smyth Mrs. YOTk villal Maldon road
Moore Frank, 6 The Avenue' St. John's l!Itreet Smythies Francis, Head Street house
Moore Mrs. 6 The Avenue Prior Alfred John, la St. John's terrace Southern William, 6 Roman road
Morison Major Frederick de Lemare, PriO!' Asher, Havergal house,Victoria rd Sowman William, 25 East hill
Wellesley house, Wellesley road Prior Miss, Alexandra road Sparling Mrs. 11 East hill l
Morris Frederick Evelyn, West Stock- Prosser Mrs. '7 Head street Sparling Philip Smith, St. John's street
well street Purvis Mrs. Culve'l" street Sparling WaIter Bryant, Creffield house,
Morris George Frederick, 1: Florence Pye Goo. Gard A.R.I.B.A. 5 Camp villas Gray road
villas, Roman road • Radclitfe Maj.-Gen. William Pollexfen Sparling William, Creffield ho, Gray rd
Morrison Rev. James '[Presbyterian C.B. Grey friars, East hill Spurrier Rev. Edward [Baptist], I StI.
chaplain], Meyrick crescent,Mersea rd RaIling Thomas John, Winwick lodge, Mary's villa, Wellesley road
Mothersole Mrlf. 23 Head street' Winwick road Staines Alfred, Lexden road
Mott Capt. Charles Augustus, Plevna Rand Stephen Chamberlain, Head st Starling Mrs. Manor road
lodge, Victoria road Raven Thomas, John's oottage, St. Steadman William Hawthorne, Harro-
Mumford Arthur George, Bank bldngs John's green • gate place, Alexander road
Murray Mrs. Cambridge road Rawling's Thomas, Portland road Stearn Joseph j 5 Verandah pt West st
Nice Henry, 8 Roman road Read Robert, 29 Queen street Stedman Mrs. 3 Roman road
Nicholl Charrington, jun. East hilt Redding Mrs. 8 Cambridge terrace, Mili- SteWll.l't John, S Raverley ter.Beverley I'll
Nicholls WaIter James, I Beulah cot- tary road Stickney Mrs. South street
tages, North Station road Reed Alfred Cromwell road Stilling Wm. I Faithful viI. Creffield rd
Nicholson Miss-, Balkerne lan~ Renshaw John Gearge, Maisonnette, Stock Miss, The- Firs, MaldoA ro~d
Nind George Frederick Pitt, ""alton North street Stock Mrs. 1 Lion walk
villas, Creffield road Rickwood George t 97A, High street Stone Thomas! 7 Verandah pI. West at.-
Norman John Musgrove, Head gate Rickwood George, jun. 28 Oulver street Stopes Arthur Othniel, 84 East b.ill
Nott Benj. Alexander house, L~den rd Ridge-well Thomas, Ipswich road Stopes Christopher, East hill
N unn Edwin J ohn,Camulodrimurl house, Rist.Mrs. 6 St. John's te~. St. John's st Strong Mrs.8 St.Mary'8 ter.w.Lexden rd
Lexden road Ritson Joaeph, Portland road 8trutt Mrs. 14 Hythe hill
Nunn Henry, Butt road Rix Thos. Winnock I'd. New Town field Stuart Mrs. r Eden place, Wellesley rd
Nnun John, Pownall eres. Mel'ee& road Robinson Edgar,Creffield vils. Oxford rd Swan Edgar, St. Ann's ho. Harwich rd
Symmons Robert Francis, I2 Queen st Waller Col. George Henry [assistant White Alexander Miller, 4 North hill
Tabor Miss, Military road adjutant & quartermaster general Wicks James, 26 Head street
Tabor Miss R. S. Crouch street eastern district], 12 The Avenue Wicks Jas. jun. Dereham pI. Lexden rd
Tabrum William Moseley, East hill Warull Rev. William Henry M.A. [surro- Wicks Thos.Wm. Beverleyho.Lexden rd
Tayler Rowland M.R.C.V.S. Queen street gate], St. Giles' rectory Mersea road Wigston Miss, Oxford lodge, Oxford rd
Taylor Alfred, :3 -Carlton villa, Maldon Waring Hy. Lessenden villa, Lexden rd Williams Herbert, Bank builoings
road Waring Miss, Anchor villa,Crouch street Williams Miss, 4 Mormnt ter. Lexden rd
Taylor George, 4 Castle ter. Castle rd Warleigh Rev. Henry Smith, Sydney Winter Miss, 86 East hill
Taylor Henry William, I Provident pI villas, Maldon road Wire Charles, I Military road
Taylor Miss, 10 Head street Warner John, 34 St. John's street Wisbey HY.4 Denmark pl.Nth.8tation rd
Taylor Thomas Percy, Lexden road Warren William, Priory street Wisbey Hy. Chaplin, 4 Denmark place,
Thompson Charles, I9 Roman road Warren William, South street North Station road
Thompson David, Sir Isaac's walk Warren Wm. William's walk, George st Wisbey Miss, Balkerne lane
Thurmott Mrs. I Beverley terrace, Walker Col.John, Broom hill, Mersea rd Wittey Geo.Chas.I Priory ter.Welsly. rd
BeverIey rQad Watkinson John, Lyndhurst cottage, Wittey Hy.Beverley Road ho.Beverley rd
TilIett Mrs. 2 Holland viI. Alexander rd Meyrick crescent Wood Thomas, Priory street
Tillett Robert, 9 Roman road Watson Thomas Ward, I Fitzwygram Wood Thomas, jun.:raI Hythe hill
Tompson Charles Hardy, 17 Beverley rd terrace, Crouch street Woodcock Miss, Butt road
Tompson Mrs. I7 BeverIey road Watts Lent John, 90 High street Woodroffe James, St. John's green
Trowles AlfrM, Osborne street Watts George, Mersea road Wool Bright, 3 High street
Turner George Beresford, East hill Webb Benj. Lorne cot. Shrubland road Wooldridge George, 2 Faithful rillas,
Turner John Joseph Candler, Grove Webb William, Wimpole lane Creffield road
villa, North Station road Welch Alfred, 20 Queen street Woollett Rev. Charles [Catholic], Pres-
Tweed Mrs. St. John's street Weld Surgeon-Major William WaIter, bytery, Priory street
Tyler Quartermaster Harry William 4 Camp villas, Military road Worth WaIter, Maldon road
[commissariat transport service], 5 Wells Henry, 32 St. Botolph street Worts Edwin L.R.C.P. LOnd. 6 Trinity st
Cambridge terrace, Military road Wells Thos. 2 Roman villas, Roman rd Wrench Mrs.I St.John's ter.St. John's st
Unmn Stephen, 2 Morrant terrace, Wenden Joseph, 46 North hill Wright Miss, 2 St. Mary's terrace east,
Lexden road • West Richard, Gray road Lexden road
Verlander MrS'. 7 Trinity street Westhope Miss, 27 Crouch street Wright Mrs. South street
Wade Thomas, Carlton house,Roman rd Wheeler George, 44 North hill Wyatt Hadfield, East Stockwell street
Walford Mrs. 4 St. Mary's terrace west, Wheeler Miss, East Stockwell street Yeadon William Scrivener, Hythe bill
Lexden road Whitby Rev. John [Congregational], Yonge Col. William Lambert :R.A. The
Walker William George, 14 Priory st The Avenue Cedars, St. John's green
Walker Miss M. C. 63 Crouch street Whitby Miss, Cambridgeho.The Avenue Yorke Captain Wm. 2 Lexden road
Wallace Alex. M.D. M.A. Trinity house, I White William Miller, The Rookery, St. Zipplett Ralph George, 7 Creffield
Culver street f John's street terrace, Creffield road .
COMMERCIAL. Association for the Protection of Property et Prosecution of
Abbott Anna Maria (Miss), day school, St. John's street Criminal Offenders in Colchester et Neighbourhood (Major
Abbott Clarke, Glo.efamily commercial hotel,near the station; J. F. Bishop, treasurer; Adolphus Edgar Church, secretary
wines & spirits of best quality; good accommodation for &; solicitor), Crouch street
travellers, charges moderate, North street Asten Brothers, patentees & manufactnrers of prize medal
Abbott John, butcher, Hythe hill sewing machines, 17 & 18 Short Wyre street & Chapel st
Abbott Robert, hair dresser &; perfumer, 148 High street Asten John, shoeing smith, Foundry yard, High street
Aberdein William Charles, dining rooms, Eld lane Asten Robert, shoeing smith, Chapel street
Ablitt William Hast, tobacconist, 4 High street Attway William, beer retailer, East street
Adams Adam & Alfred, carriage builders, 73 East hill Attwood George Ethelred, wine merchant, see Wolton &
Adams John, commercial traveller, East Stockwell street Attwood
Adams John, wholesale & retail clothier, outfitter, hatter, Auger Robert, boot & shoe maker, Water lane
hosier, clerical tailor & woollen merchant, 18 Long Wyre Austin Henry Felix, farmer, Old heath
street. See advertisement Austin James, gun maker, 3 Crouch street
Adams John, ladies' outfitter, 2 High street Bacon Daniel Fenner, stone & marble mason, 23 East hill
Addison Charles Edward, physician & surgeon, 2 Head st Bacon Wm. pork butcher, Culver st. &; beer rtlr. Pelham~s la
Ager George & .8ons, linen drapers, silk mercers &; hosiers, Baker Matilda Lee &; Florence Lee (Misses), ladies' school,
millinery, mantle, dress making & general mourning estab- 3 North hill .
lishment, ladies' outfitters &; furriers; agents for " But- Baker Alfred, Royal Oak, East Stockwell street
terick's" paper patterns & John Berrie, dyer, ~7 High Baker Benjamin, british &; foreign asphalte manufacturer, .
street. See advertisement tar distiller, naphtha, black varnish, sulphate of ammonia
Aggio & Sons, pianoforte manufacturers, Head gate improved tar pavement manufacturer & anthracine manu-
Alborough Susannah (Miss), milliner, 2 St. Botolph street facturers 30%, Hythe quay &; 5 Hythe hill; addresS' fol'
Aldous William, Bell inn, Old heath letters & telegrams, Colchester. See advertisement
Alexander E. &Son, woolstaplers (C. Lester, agent), William's Baker George, boot maker, & post office, Greenstead road
walk, George street Baker George, cab propriet.or, Sussex Toad, Lexden road
Alexanders & Co. bankers (sub-branch from Ipswich, open Baker Humphrey Lee, coffee rooms, Culver street
on saturdays from 1: to 5 o'clock), 23 High street; draw Baker James, boot maker, Hythe hill
on Barnetts, Hoares & Co. London e c Balaam & Tucker, asphalte manufacturers & 'tar distillers,
Alland James, beer retailer, 13 Head street New quay .
Alleu George, Cross Keys, Culver street; Fountain, Magdalen Balls Henry, shoe maker, East street
street; Stag's Head, Magdalen st. & The Bull, Crouch st Balls James, fishmonger, 32 North hill
AlIen Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hythe hill Banks Charles, Colchester restaurant, commercial temper-
AlIen William Frederick, tailor & accessor & collector of taxes ance hotel & confectionery &; pastry cook establishment,
for St. Peter's parish, top of High street top of High street. See advertisement
Allman William, Carpenters' Arms, Chapel street Banyard Henry, plumber & glazier, 4 East hill
Allsopp & Sons, brewers (Burton) (Lay &; ·Wheeler, agents), Barber Alfred Richardson, artist, Carlton villas, Wellesley rd
10 High street. See advert. Barber James, -valuer, accountant, & a-gent for W. & A.
Ambrose Henry, taxidermist, North street Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, London, 57 High street
Amos George Marlborough, general dealer, 6 Balkerne lane Barber James Thomas, baker, Maidenberg street .•
Andrews George, boot & shoo maker, West Stockwell street Bare John, fishmonger, Magdalen street
Angle Sidney Buller & Co. photographers, 11 Queen street Bareham John, shoeing smith, Magdalen street
Appleby Annie (Miss), dress maker, RomILn road Barker Charles William, insurance agent, 6 Chapel street
Appleby Esther (Mrs.), dress maker, Culver street Barker Matilda (Mrs.), midwife, Chapel street
Archer James, auctioneer, Ipswich road Barnes Charles, shopkeeper, Magdalen street
Archer John, fruiterer, East street Barnes Isaac, shopkeeper, Barrack street
Archer John, jun. fmiterer, East street Barnes John Stuck, solicitor, clerk of the peace, registrar of
Arnold Henry, pork butcher; 9 Long Wyre street the county court -& district registrar of the High Court of
Ascott John, upholsterer, 17 St. John's street Justice, perpetual commissioner & commissioner for oaths,
Ashton James, chimney sweeper, Magdalen street Church street north
Askew Robert, bill poster, East hill Barret & Son, tailors, 10 Crouoh street
Barrett William, shopkeeper, Cannon skeet BorQU{fh Police Office (George Mercer, head constable),
Barritt Henry, chemist & druggist, :I High street Town hall, High street
Barton Samuel, baker, Greenstead road Botevyle Edward, hair dresser, I Balkerne lane
Baskett Charles Edward, artist, Lorrain villa, Gray road Botten Charles, jeweller, 15A, St. Botolph street
Baskett George William, school attendance inspector, Albert Boulton John Henry, house decorator, 53 Priory street
lodge, North street Bowtell Elizabeth (Mrs.), dyer & cleaner, 123 High street
Baskett Robert Henry, carpenter, 40 Chapel street Boyden Elias, bricklayer, East Stockwell street
Bass, Ratcliff & Gretton, Limited, brewers (Burton) (Lay & Boyden John, bricklayer, 54 North hill
Wheeler, agents), 10 High street. See advertisement Boyles Thomas, tobacconist 8, & milliner 7, Short Wyre st
Bateman Wm. Henry &; Son, woollen drapers, St. Nicholas st Brackett Eliza &; Sarah (Misses), printers, booksellers,
Bateman William, chimney sweeper, Hythe hill stationers, music sellers & bookbinders, 5 High street
Bateman Wm. Henry, tailor & woollen draper, 58 High st Bradbrook Richard, cabinet maker, &; clerk to St.:'Nicholas
Bates Thomas William, chemist & photographic chemist, church, East Stockwell street
124 High street Braddy William, market gardener, Magdalen street
Baxter Benjamin, grocer, Military road Bradley William, accountant & house &; estate agent, St.
Baxter J ames, shopkeeper, Mersea road John's street; & at Brightlingsea
Baynes John, beer retailer, 32 Head street Bradnam Robert, beer retailer, Magdalen street
Baynham William, Globe, Military road Braess Frederick, photographer, Sir Isaac's walk
Beach John J. B. rate collector for the parishes of St. GHes, Bragg George Jonah, sewing machine, bicycle & domestic
St. Mary~at-the-Walls& Holy Trinity &; vaccination officer machinery agent, Queen street. See advert
for 3rd ward district, 10 Mersea road Branch & Co. milliners, 35 Long Wyre street
Bear Thomas Mayhew, machine agent, Magdalen street Branson Henry, shopkeeper, 54 Maidenburgh street
Beard Benjamin &; Son, general & furnishing ironmongers, Branson Thomas, Brewers' A1'ms, Stanwell street
bellhangers, gasfitters &; stove &; range makers, 2 St. Brazier Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Magdalen street
John's street Brazier Richard, Whalebone, 20 East hill
Beardwell George, shoe maker, Artillery street Brett Samuel, cabinet maker, I I North hill
Beaumont & Went, timber merchants, Rawstorn road, Bridges, Cuthbert & Co. Limited, brewers, maltsters & wine
Crouch street &; spirit merchants, Cl'OSS Key stores, Culver street;
Becker Charles Otto Gustavus M.D.physician &; surgeon,Eld la & Falcon brewery, Ipswich
Beckwith & Co. ship owners, Hythe quay Brightwell Wm. boarding & day school, Linton boo Crouch st
Bedwell In. Robt. upholsterer &; pawnbroker, 62 &; 63 High st Briner Anthony, coal dealer, Magdalen street
Bedwell Joseph, insurance agent, 6 Radnor ter. Castle road Britannia Company (Thomas M. Bear, manager), makers of
Bedwell Robert, Clarendon inn, East street sewing machines of every description, lathes, fret saws &C.
Bedwell Samuel, saddle &; harness maker, 74 East hill Britannia works
Bedwell William, saddle & harness maker, 21 East hill Britee Johanna (Mrs.), Bath hotel, Osborne street
Bedwell William Henry, umbrella maker, 22 East hill Bromley Thomas, machinist, Osborne street
Belsham William, fruiterer, Crouch street Brook Samuel, bricklayer, East Stockwellstreet
Benham &; Co. machine printers, publishers &; bookbinders Brook Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, EastStockwell street
&; publishers of the • Colchester Gazette,' 'Essex Standard, Brooker William Artillery ,i}[an, Artillery street
West Suffolk Gazette & Eastern Counties Advertiser' & Brookes Thomas, shopkeeper, 41 l\Iaidenburgh street
'Walton &; Clacton Gazette &; Harwich &; Dovercourt Brooks W. & Son, maltsters, Hythe quay; & at Mistley
Advertiser,' 24 High street. See advertisement Broom Wm. & Edwd. tailors & woollen drapers, 29 North hill
Bennell William & Son, paperhangers, 9 Queen street Broom William, grocer, 29 North hill
Bennell Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, St. John's green Brown & Son, cabinet makers, Stanwell street
Bennell May (Miss), ladies' day school, Osborne street Brown Charles, umbrella maker, East street
Bennell Samuel, carter, Balkerne lane Brown Daniel, greengrocer, Magdalen street
Bennett Samuel, boot & shoe maker, Hythe hill Brown Daniel, jun. fruiterer, Magdalen street
Bennett Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 2 Balkerne lane Brown George M.D. surgeon, 9 Head street
Bensly George, Rose .f Crow tt, East street Brown George William, marine store dealer & rag &; metal
Bentley Henry, baker, Barrack street merchant, 178 Magdalen street
Berry John, tobacconist, 49 Crouch street Brown Herbert Charles, hosier, 39 High street
Besford Samuel, Three Cups hotel, High street Brown John, marine store dealer, Magdalen street
Bevan Sarah Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, Maidenburgh street Brown Kate (Miss), dress maker,Gladstone tel'. Crowhurst I'd
Bewers Charles, hosier & glover, 23 High street Brown Thomas, boot & shoe maker, I5I High street
Bibby William, florist, North street Brown John L. coal merchant, Hythe quay
Biggs Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 32 Crouch street Browning John Thomas, gas engineer & manager for the
Bines Frederick, beer retailer, North hill Colchester gas co. Hythe quay
Birch WilliaID, shopkeeper, Barrack street Bruce George, blacksmith, East street, & Rifleman, Ipswich rd
Bird John, grindery dealer, Magdalen street Bruce Marshall, ale & porter merchant, Stanwell street
Birkett Wm. Hy. boarding school, Trinity ho, Old Heath rd Bruce William, smith, Hythe quay
Bishop Joshua, french polisher, Denmark street Bryan James G. accountant, Castle road
Bland Charles Edward, secretary to the Essex & Colchester Buck &; Dixon, dentists, 27 Head street. See advertIsement
general hospital & Colchester Corporation water works, Buck Samuel, market gardener, East street
12A, Crouch street Bucke Edward Betts, grocer, East street
Blandon Henry, corn dealer, West Stockwell street Buckingham Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 33 Crouch st
Blatch Mount (Miss), dress maker, North street Buckingham Jas. Geo. boot & shoe maker, 33 Crouch street
Blatch William, station master, Mile end Buckingham John, shopkeeper, 15 Priory street
Blatch William George, boot maker, North street Buckingham Samuel, boot & shoe manufacturer &; general
Blaxill Edwin Frederick, oil &C. merchant, see Kent & Blaxill sewing machine agent, 28 & 29 Head st. See a.dvert
Blomfield John, beer retailer, Magdalen street Bugg Phrebe & Mary Ann (Misses), dress makers,Osborne st
Blomfield Joseph, ironmonger, 25 St. Botolph street Bugg Frederick John, boot maker, 33 Long Wyre street
Blomfield William, commercial traveller, Priory street Bullock William, baker & confectioner, 35 Crouch street
Blowers Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, Church street north Bultitude Robert, market gardener, North street
Bloyce Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Castle road Bultitude William, ironmonger, 20 North hill
Blyth John, farmer, Gilt House farm, Old heath Bunting & Seabrook, ironmongers, 16 High street
BlythJohn, fishmonger, Sheregate Bunting& Sons, nurserymen, North street &; Lexden road
Blyth Sarah Ann (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 22 Trinity street Burfield Adeline (Mrs.), dress maker, 13 St. John's street.
Boggis Mary (Mrs.), servants' registry, I2A, Culver street Burgess Robert, shoe maker, 8 Maldon road
Bond James, beer retailer, Golden hill, Military road Burrows Albert, fruiterer, 5 Short Wyre street
Bond Samuel, cabinet maker, 14 &; 15 North hill Bunon John & Son, dairymen, Magdalen street
Bones Charles, hair dresser, 38 St. Botolph street Burton Edgar, beer retailer, Old heath
Bonner Emma Elizabeth (Miss), day school, '] Radnor ter- Burton John, dairyman, Military road
race, Castle road Burton Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, South street
Bonner John, cabinet maker, 7 Castle road Butcher Arthur John, shopkeeper, North hill
Booth Maria (Mrs.), beer retailer, Hythe quay Butcher William, coppersmith, Butt road
Boreham Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Cromwell road Butcher William, wool merchant, 3 East hill
Boreham John S. gun manufacturer, ISO High street Butler WaIter John, plumber, gas fitter &; hot water en·
Boreham Jonab, hair dresser, IS Short Wyre street gineer, Pelcham's lane
Huttenshaw Henry, plnmber, Sonth street Clarke Thomas, shopkeeper, Brook street
Bnttifant George, marine store dealer, Magdalen street Clarke Thomas, tailor, Wellington street
Hyham Thomas Edward, insurance agent, 5 Military road Clarkson Edward, saddle & harness maker, 147 High street
Byrne Adelaide (Mrs.), midwife, 27 Priory street Claxon Jam~s, hosier, III High street
Byrne Peter, shopkeeper, 27 Priory street Claxton John, custom house officer, Hythe hill
Cade John, boot & shoe maker, North street Clegg Charles (borough surveyor & engineer to the Colches-
Calver James, picture frame maker, 20 Long Wyre street ter corporation water works), Balkerne hill
Calver John, marine store dealer, Cannon road Clements William, dairyman, Portland road
Calver Robert, fishmonger, Magdalen street Clench Augustus Robert, manager of Colchester branch of
Calverley Henry, shopkeeper, Magdalen street the London & County bank, Limited, 25 High street
Cannell Robert, saddler & harness maker, 18 Crouch street Clift James, shopkeeper, Kendall road
Cant Benj. Revet, rose grower, St. John's st. & Myland lodge Clubb George, shopkeeper, Trinity street
Cant Charles,greengro~er,Maidenburg street Clubb William, hat manufacturer, 45 High street
Cant George, fruiterer, & assessor of taxes for Mile End Clyde George, wardrobe dealer, Vineyard street
parish, 23 Long Wyre street Cobb WiIliam Henry, architect, see Ebbetts & Cobb
Carey Thomas, shopkeeper, Hythe hill Cobbold & Co. brewers & maltsters, North Hill brewery
Carr John William, shoe maker, Kendall road Cockrell Henry Matthew, market gardener, East street
Carrington Ann (Miss), dress maker, East Stockwell street Coe Robert, tinplate worker, Military road
Carrington Edgar William, baker, East street Colchester Bank (Round, Green & Co.), High street; branch,
Carrington George, Horse Shoe, Hythe quay Brightlingsea; fridays
Carter John, beer retailer, Artillery street Colchester China, Glass tf Hardwm·e Co. (The) (John H.
Carter John, shoe maker, Vineyard street Cockrell, manager), 52 & 53 High st. & 31 & 3~ Culver st'
Carter John, shopkeeper, Roman road Colchester Chronicle if Essex Journal (Joseph Hanly, pro-
Carter Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Magdalen street prietor & publisher; published tues. &trL), 17 Head street.
Carter Joseph, shopkeeper, Barrack street See advertisement
Catchpool, Stannard & Stanford, wholesale & retail iron- Colchester Cluh (Arthur George Mumford, hon. sec.;
mongers, engineers, boiler makers, iron & brass founders, managed by the committee), 7 High street
iron merchants & agricultural implement makers, 122 Colchester Coal Co. (The) (Edward Death, manager), 13
High street & Foundry yard Queen street & Hythe quay
Cater Alfred, confectioner, East hill Colchester if East Essex Horticultural Society (J. R.
Cater Charles Edmund, confectioner & bird fancier, oppo- Reynolds, treasurer; W. L. Slaney, sec.), High street
site the Cattle market, Middleborough Colchester if East Essex Industrial Co-operative Society,
Cater Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, Magdalen street I4 Culver street; 15 Long Wyre street & Kendall road
Cater John Thomas, confectioner, 44 Culver street Colchester if Essex Bank (Mills, Errington, Bawtree & Co.),
Cater William, butcher, Magdalen street 3 High street; draw on Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Lom~
Cater William John, confectioner, 27 North hill bard street, London e.c
Cater William Nathaniel, confectioner, Priory street Colchester Gazette (Benham & Co. proprietors & publishers ;
Cemetery (Philip Smith Spading, clerk to the burial board published wednesday morning, Id.), 24 High street.
& registrar; James Cobb, superintendent), Mersea road See advertisement
Chambers WaIter Alfred, builder, Magdalen street Colchester Mercury (Frederick Wright, proprietor & pub-
Chaplain Henry Playfair, tobacconist, IS Head street & :isher; published friday) ,I 8 Head street. See advertisement
lodging house keeper, 21 Crouch street Colchester Permanent Benefit Building Society (John
Chaplin Richard, hair dresser, Magdalen stt"eet Bawtree Harvey, chairman; Charles Edward Bland, mana-
Chaplain Robert William, hair dresser, St. Botolph street ger), 12 Crouch street
Chaplin Samuel, brewers, see Daniels, Brothers & Chaplin Colchester Provident Laboorers' Society (John Bawtree
Chapman Benjamin, tailor, Brook street Harvey, sec.), 166 High street
Chapman Charles, boot & shoe maker, Northgate street Colchester Restaurant tf Commercial Temperance Hotel (C.
Chapman Edward, baker, 32 East hill Banks, proprietor), top of High street. See advertisement
Chapman Roger Henry, Mitre, East hill Colchester Rubber Stamp Manufactory (The) (George Ernest
Chapman William, station master, St. Botolph station Smith, manager), Vineyard street
Chdteau de Conde Champagne, wine growers (Lay & Wheeler, Cole Frederic Abraham, chemist &druggist, 34 St. Botolph st
sole agents), 10 High street. See advertisement Cole Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 50 Maidenburg street
Cheek Peter, baker, South street Cole Thomas Dove, army tailor, outfitter, habit & breeches
Cheetham -, Britannia, Berechurch road maker & army & navy contractor, 46 High street. See
Cheshire William, china & glass dealer, 24 St. Botolph street advertisement
Chignell Hannah Lucy (Miss), milliner, 4 Short Wyre street Coleman Charles, agent to the Royal Exchange Assurance
Chignell James, baker, Magdalen street Co. 23 Head street
Childs Susannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 50 Maidenburg street Collar Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 11 Balkerne hill
r Chilvers Eliza Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, North street CoIlings WiIliam, Anchor, Magdalen street
Chisnall Charles, shopkeeper, North street CoIlins Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Vineyard street
Chisnall George, butcher, 31 North hill Collins Frederick, house furnisher, glass, china & earthen~
Chisnall Richard James, blacksmith, North street ware rooms, & dealer in electro-plate, 30 Head street
Chitham Jane & Elizabeth (Misses), young ladies' school, 3 CoIlins John, The Fencers, Maidenburg street
Kingston terrace, Crowhurst road CoIlins Thomas, greengrocer, St. John's green
Chopping Ezekiel, miller, Middle mill CoIlins Thomas, Lord Raglan, Military road
Church Adolphus Edgar, solicitor & coroner for the borough CoIlins William, Rose if Crown, Vineyard street
& the Sokens division of the county, Crouch street CoIlis Eleazer, commercial traveller, I Frederick pI. Butt I'd
Church Henry John, barrister & deputy-coroner for the Collis William, wardrobe dealer, Priory street
Sokens division of the county, Crouch street Corner George, linen draper, hosier, glover, milliner, ladies'
Ciccoganani Eugene, Ro'man Urn, 14 Roman road outfitter, & fancy goods warehouse, 33 & 36 High street
Clacton-on-Sea Land Building if Investment Co. Limited Cook Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 15 Trinity street
(Frederick Evelyn Morris, agent), North hill Cooper George, butcher, II2 High street
Clamp James Hill, pawnbroker, clothier, outfitter, jeweller, Co-operative Reading Rooms & Library (Robert Burton,
. silversmith & general house furnisher,3 St. Botolph street. librarian), 14 Culver street
See advertisement Corder William & Co. booksellers, Pelham's lane
Claridge W. & A. J. saddlers, 125 High street Corder Mary Ann (Miss), stationer, bookseller, news agent, &
Clark Charles (late Benham), bookseller, stationer, music & fancy repository, IIead gate
print seller, pianoforte warehouse & circulating library, Cordley William Bains, chemist, Head street
IS High street Corkerton Matilda (Mrs.), dress maker, North street
Clark George F. reporter 'Essex Standard' & deputy-registrar Corporation Water Works (William Henry Bland, sec;
of births & deaths for 1st ward sub-district, 3 St. John st Charles Clegg, engineer); works, Balkerne lane
Clark. Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Old heath Cottee Henry, greengrocer, Magdalen street
Clark Thomas, plumber, Providence place Cotter Philip, boot maker, Mile End road, Mile end
Clark Thomas, jun. shopkeeper, Belle Vue road County ConstaiJulary Station (Thomas Daunt, superinten-
Clark William Frederick, cowkeeper, St. John's street dent), Ipswich road
Clarke Belinda (Miss), shopkeeper, Butt road County Court Office (ol. '1'. Abdy esq. LL.D. judge; John
Clarke James, boot & shoe maker, Osborne street Stuck Barnes, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff),
Clarke Robert, boot maker, North street Church street north

Cousins J oseph, cabinet maker; GMrge street Drawbridge Sam!. manager for H, E. & M. Moses 1 Priory st
Coveney Abraham, boot & shoe maker, Magdalen street Ducket William, plumber, Ipswich road
Coveney Edward Charles, Marlborough Head, St. Botolph st Dutfield James David, hosier, 44 St, Botolph street
Coveney James, mineral water manufacturer, Magdalen 8t Dunningham Elijah Wells., tailor & outfitter, 33 Queen st
Coveney J oseph, shopkeeper, Winnock road Dupont Frederick, builder, Magdalen street
Oowan Peter Stalker M.R.e.V.B. veterinary surgeon & in· Durrant James, stone & marble mason, Balkerne hill
spector for Lexden & Winstree division, la North hill Duvall John William, auctioneer &C. see Stanford & Duvall
Cowles Robert, boot & shoe maker, 24 Priory street . Eady James, builder, Colne Bank road
Cramer George, beeT retailer, Maidenburg street Eastern Counties A.$JIlumfoT idiots ~ Imbeciles (Sir Edward
Crampin James, greengrocer, Magdalen street ' C. Kerrison bart. chairman i Vice-Admiral Luard C.B.
Cranmer Robert, shopkeeper, Old heath vice-chairman; John Bawtree, treasurer i Roger Sturley
Craske Edmund James, auctioneer, valuer, surveyor & Nunn, consulting surgeon i Frederic Bateman M.D. Con-
estate agent, 35A, Head street sulting physician i Robert Francis Symmons, medical
Creasy Emily (Miss), dress maker, Church street north officer; William Millard, superintendent j John J. C.
Creswell William, blacksmith, Culver street Turner, sec. j Miss Charlotte Lukey, matron), Essex hall
Creswell William, jun. hair dresser, 8 Crouch street Ebbetts & Cobb, architects &; surveyors, I Church st, north
Criehton Robert Douglas, coffee rooms, East street Edwards Henry, agent to the Society for Promoting
Crismas Samuel, baker, 21 Priory street Christian Knowledge & National Society, 91 High street
Cross James, carter, North street Edwards Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, North street
Cross Joseph John, cabinet maker, 107 High street Edwards William, bricklayer, North street
Cross Robert, seed merchant, Priory street Elliston Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, North street
Cross Wm. corn & eoal merchant, Culver st. & Hythe quay Elmer, George, tailor,s North street
Cuddon Ann (Mrs.), Ihaltster, Old heath Elwes Hy. Hervey, soIl'. see Turner, Deans. Elwes & Turner
Cudrnore Wm. boot & shoe maker, Golden hill, Military I'd English George, greengrocer, I I Maldon road
Culhngford Henry Samuel, furrier, 2 Chapel street Essex Archaological Society (James Round esq. M.P.
Cullum Charles, grocer, 13 Long Wyre street treasurer j H. W. King esq. hon. sec. ; Rev. C. L. Acland
Oulitom House (Thos. Meredith Johnstcme, col.), Hythe hill M.A. hon. curator), Castle
Dace Jas. professor of music & pianoforte repos. 2IHigh st Esse:c 4' Colchestel' General Hospital (Thomas Percy Taylor,
Daldry J ames, White Horse. East street house surgeon j Charles E. Bland, sec.; Miss Emma
Daldy Joseph, painter, Priory street Appleton, matron), Lexden road
Dale Edward, dairyman; Priory street Esse:c (~nd) Rijle Volunteers (C & D companies) Lexden (Capt.
Damant Daniel, brazier, 2 Pelham's lane William Howard, jun. commanding A co. & Capt. A. V. D.
Dampier Edward John, architect & diocesan surveyor for St. J. Moore D co)
Albanl'l, I I St. John's street Esse:c PrO'Uident Society (Edgar Lingwood, collector), 31 St.
DanieU Brothers & Chaplin, brewers, Maidenburg street Botolph street
Darken Horaee, architect, surveyor, auctioneer, valuer & Esse:c Standard, West Suffolk Gazette 9" Eastern Counties
estate agent, 24 Crouch street Advertiser (Benham &: Co~ proprietors & publishers;
Darken Robert Wort, architect, Landport villa, Manor I'd published saturday morngs.), 24 High st. See advert
Daunt Thomas, supt. of county police, Police station Esse:c 9" Suffolk County Cluh, 15 High street
Davey, Paxman & Co. general engineers, boiler makers, iron Esse:c ~ Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Co. (Robert
&; brass founders, portable engines &; thrashing machines, Anderson, secretary), High street .
improved winding &; hauling engines, cornish, lancashire & Essex Telegraph (Fredk.Wright, proprietor &; publisher; pub-
all kinds of steam boilers, patentees &; Bole makers of the lished tuesday &: saturday), 18 Head st. See advert
"Davey-Paxman" boiler, the "Paxman" water heaters Eustace Thos. &: Son, boot &: shoe makers, 40 St. Botolph st
&; steam condensers &; patent steam corn dryer, Standard Eustace Thomas, Waterloo, Magdalen street
iron works, The Hythe Everard William, grocer, see Green & Everard
Davey William, boot & shoe maker, 34 Crouch street Everett Henry &: Son, builders, Hythe hill
Davies Edwin, .Alma, Military road Everett William, cart owner, Greenstead road
Davies Thomas, scale maker, 3 Maidenburg street Everitt James, beer retailer & shopkeeper, H)·the hill
Davis &; Co. milliners, 41 St. Botolph street Everson Abraham, LamiJ inn, High street
Day Benjamin, saddler & harness maker, 157 Magdalen st Fairweather & Sons, coffee & dining rooms, 15 Culver street
Day Charles, cabinet maker, 42 & 43 North hill Fairweather Edgar, fancy bread &; biscuit baker, confectioner
Day James Clark. news agent, Magdalen street & pastrycook, 126 High street
Deane Hy. Griffin, solI'. see Turner, Deane, Elwes & Turner Farmer George & Henry, cutlers, 106 High street
Death Edward, npholsterer & cabinet maker, r3 Queen Farran <reorge, carpenter &; beer retailer, Osborne street
street & Mersea road Farthing Charles, shopkeeper, Barrack street
DOOrnan John, relieving officer for rst district & registrar Fenn & Co. auctioneers, valuers & estate agents, 146 High
of births & deaths & vaccination officer for 2nd ward street & Ardleigh hall
sub-district, 44 Crouch street Fenning Daniel, fruiterer, 135 High street
Deeks John, beer retailer, 3 Short Wyre street Fennins Sarah Harriet (Mrs.), lodging ho. kpr. 4 Roman I'd
Dennis Harriet Isabella & Georgiana (Misses), preparatory Fenton Chas. Fredk. bkslr. & regstr. of marriages, 5 I High 8t
school, 55 North hill Fenton Joseph, tobacconist, 43 St. Botolph street
Dennis Frederick,pra.ctical tailor, clothier, hatter &; outfitter, Fieldgate Roger Robert, grocer, 16 St. John's street
97 High street. See advertisement Finch Wm. Ward & Ebnzer. boot &; shoe was. Nth. Station I'd
Dennis James Cheveley, butcher, 1:33 High street & at High Finch Henry M.D. surgeon, 7 North hill
street, Wivenhoe Finch William, beer retailer, Middelborough
Dennis Victoria (Mrs.), dress maker, ~ St. John's street Fincham Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, Hythe hill
Dennis William, Buck's Horns, Greenstead Fin<:harn Nathaniel, stationer, Queen street
Dickson John, brass founder, Eld lane Fire Engine Station, Lion walk; keys at Essex & Suffolk
Digby Christopher- Cardinal, confectioner, 12 Read street Fire Insnrance CO.'8 office, High street
Digby Henry, miller, Caunock mill, Old Heath road Fisher Charles, shopkeeper, Barrack street
Digby James Cardinal, confectioner, 14 Mersea road Fitch Elijah, blacksmith, North street
Diggins Frederick, market gardener, 40 East hill Fitch John, rope & twine manufacturer, & assessor of taxes
Diggins Robert, market gardener, 15 St. Botolph street for St. Giles parish, Osborne street
Dines Robert Thomas, baker, Magdalen street Fitch William, coal merchant & general dealer, Osborne st
Dixon Edward Austin, dentist, see Buck & DixoJ;J, Fitch William (Mrs.), milliner~ Osborne street
DobsOll George, builder, Butt road Flux Joseph, army contractor (washing), I Cambridge
Dodd John, shopkeeper, Magdalen street terrace, Military road
Dodd Robert, painter, Stanwellstreet Folkard Ephraim Bea'FdweIl, builder, Balkerne lane
Doe James, glass & china dealer, 21 Long Wyre street Folkard John, baker, Hythe hill
Doe Joseph, bookbinder, 23 St. John's street Folkard Richard, butcher, 41 Crouch street
Donnington George (Mrs.), ladies' school, 48 North hill Folkard William, butcher, Middleborough
Dore Susan (1\11'8.), beel' retailer, Military road Foster Aaron, boot & shoe dealer, Stanwell street
Dow Edward, boot & shoe maker, Shiregat6 Foster Thomas, hair dresser, 28 North hiU
Downes Henry, shoeing smith, 30 East hill Fowler Charles, cab proprietor, Butt. road
DOWllelt lames Henry, ir()nmonger. Magdalen street. Francis & Co. corn, seed & coal merchants, Eastt, bridge j 165,
Downe8 Samuel, ironmonger, Magdalen street High street; :rA" St. Botolph street &; The Hythe
Downing Thomas, watch maker, 6 East hill Francis Alfred, shopkeeper, Magdalen street
Francis Joshua, Queen's Head, Hythe hill Griffiths W. & Co. wholesale &; retail linen drapers, silk
Freeman Brothers, grocers, 12 St. Botolph street mercers, hosiers & glovers, household linen, carpet &;
French Elijah, Marquis of Granhy, 25 North hill furnishing warehousemen, 48 High street
French Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Vineyard street Grimes J oseph, builder & contractor & surveyor to the
French Philip, saddler & harness maker, Middleborough Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society, North
Friend Frederic William, hosier, glover, haberdasher, mil- Gate works
liner, ladies' outfitter, shawl & mantle warehouseman & GrimstonWaIter Edward, maltster, Hythe quay & New quay
furrier, 17 High street. See advertisement Grimwade Henry, auctioneer, see Sexton & Grimwade
Frost Abraham Wm. Hatch, boarding & day school, North hI Grimwade Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 23 Crouch street
Frost Charles, tailor, I I Abbeygate street Grimwood Eliza (Mrs.), fruiterer, I6 East hill
Frost Charles, jun. Claren.ce, Trinity street Grimwood William, b~acksmith, North street
Frost Elijah Harvey (Mrs.), milliner & dress ma. Culver st Grone Ferdinand Emilius, teacher oflangnages, Wellesleyrd
Frost Sarah (Miss), educational establishment for young Groom, Daniels & Co. timber, slate & cement merchants &
ladies, 28 Crouch street . steam sawing, Rlaning & moulding mills; office, Magdalen
Frost William, hairdresser, Shiergate street; depot, The Hythe. See advertisement
Fuller Charles, auctioneer, valuer, house & estate & insurance Groom James, professor of music; Portland road
agent, Head Gate auction rooms Groves William, Three Mariners, Magdalen street
Gale Alfred John, carver, 2 Crouch street Gruchy WaIter John, surveyor of taxes, Head street
Gale Alice (Miss), milliner, 2 Crouch street Guinness, Son &; Co. brewers (Dublin) (Lay & Wheeler,
Gale Martha (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 2 Crouch st agents), IO High street. See advertisement
Game George, beer retailer, North street Guiver Mary Ann (Mrs.), George commercial hotel cf posting
Garling James Jacob, baker, 20 Long Wyre street house, High street
Garwood Benjamin, beer retailer, Belle Vue road ' Gunn James, bill poster, North hill
Gas Co. (John T. Browning, manager; Walter Hatfield, Hale Frederick William, cork manufacturer, I East hill
chief clerk) ; offices, Queen street Hale John Jesse, boot & shoe maker, Magdalen street &
Gasson WiIliam, grocer, Barrack street Winnock road
Geernaert Joseph John, tailor, Butt road . Hales James, farmer, Mersea farm
George Arthur Chapman, family & wholesale boot & shoe Hall Abraham, confectioner, 13 East hill
manufacturer, 2 Long Wyre st. See advertisement Hall John, greengrocer, Vineyard street
Gill Thomas, baker, Maidenburg street Hall Joseph Sparling, watch maker, Crouch street
Gilmor John Wright, photographer, 29 Head street Halliday Wm. Maitland Gass, tra\Telling draper, Cromwelll'd
Girling James & Henry, coal merchants (Cornelius ElIis Halls Eliza (Mrs.), lJolphin, Hythe hill
Kerry, agent), 2 Short Wyre street Halls Joseph, french polisher, Maidenburg street
Girvan Alexander, woollen & linen draper, Head street Halls Robert J. fishmonger, poulterer, fruiterer & dealer in
Gladwell Alfred, Victoria, North street game, &- assessor of taxes for St. Peter's parish, High street
Glasse Alfred, shopkeeper, 77 East hill Hammerton Edward, chemist, druggist, wine & spirit mer...
Glenn John William, commercial traveller, Castle road chant & soda water manufacturer, horse & cattle medicines,
Goby G. J. & Son, job masters, Butt road & Denmark street & agent for Feltoe & Sons' 'Specialire' sherry, 28 High
Goddard Edward, shopkeeper, East Stockwell street street & 39 Culver street. See advertisement
Godfrey Mary (Mrs.), secondhand clothes dealer,23 North hl Hammond Thomas, manufacturing clothier, Stanwell street
Godfrey Thomas, baker, West Stockwell street Hampton Henry, currier, see Payne & Hampton
Godfrey WiIliam, pork butcher, Barrack street Hancock Bros. wholesale confectioners, Cromwell road
Golding Charles, bookseller, 73 High street Hancock John, confectioner, 13A, St. Botolph street & n
Goldsmith Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging house, Cronch street Crouch street
Gooch Samuel, greengrocer, Maidenburg street Handley Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, 25 Crouch street
Goodchilt'l Arthur, tinman, Magdalen street Hands George, wardrobe dealer, Magdalen street
Goodey Horace & Co. imptrs. of foreign stamps & relief scraps Hanly Joseph, publisher & proprietor of the ~ Colchester
Goodey J ames Frederick, architect, Portland road Chronicle & Essex Journal,' 17 Head street. See advert
Goodwin Thomas Corder, Blue Boar, Kendall road Hanscomb Louisa & Emma (Misses), ladies' seminary, 51
Goodwin William James, engineer, millwright & brass North hill
founder, Factory lane Harden Joseph, bricklayer, East street
Goody & Son, solicitors, I North hill Harden Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, East street
Goody Henry, solicitor & deputy registrar of marriages & Harper Alexander, wine & spirit stores, 8 Long Wyre stree
notary public, see Goody & Son Harrington Thomas Baker, high constable, Meyrick crescent
Goody Sidney, solicitor & registrar of marriages, see Goody Mersea road
& Son Harrington Thomas Francis, Rising Sun, Hythe quay
Goody Henry WaIter (Mrs.), printer, 89 High street Harrington William, master mariner, Hythe hill
Gosnell William, furniture broker, curiosity dealer & com- Harris Ebenezer, jun. dyer, 21 North hill
mission agent, Old curiosity shop, Butt road Hart Edward Julian, Red Lion hotel, High street
Goss Mary Ann (Mrs.), Calerlonian, St. John's green Harvey George & Son, coal merchants, Head st. &; Hythe quay
Gostling Mary Matilda (Miss), preparatory school, East hill Harvey Chas. Thos. cabinet maker, Magdalen street
Government Hospital for Contagions lJiseases (Surg.-Major Har.ey John Bawtree, printer, bookseller, bookbinder &
William WaIter Welde, medical officer; Mrs. EmiIy Roche, stationer, I66 High street
matron), Park lane Harvey Robert, farmer, Reed hall
Gower Frederick, engineer, East street Harvey William Richard, merchant, 9 Crouch street
Grant John Grimsey, dairyman, Culver street Harwood Alfred John, baker, Factory lane
Grant Thomas, cowkeeper, Stanwell street Harwood Frederick, shopkeeper, Hythe. hill
Gray Alfred, linen draper &- assessor of taxes for St. Nicholas Hast Philip, gun maker, lIB High street
parish, 56 High street Hatch Henry, shopkeeper, Chapel street
Great Eastern Clothing Co. (The), tailors, clothiers, hosiers, Hatfield Eleanor (Mrs.), dress ma. 3 Trinity tel'. MaldoIi r<t
hatters & gentlemen's outfitters, 4 St. Botolph st. See advt Hatfield John, tailor, East Stockwell street
Green & Everard, grocers, I 19 High street Hawkins Charles, auctioneer, Magdalen street
Green Elijah Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, Carlton house, Hawkins George, furniture broker, Magdalen street.
Magdalen street Hawkins James, painter, Barrack street
Green lsaac, farmer, Rover's Sty farm, Ipswich road Hayward Hy. Winnock, architect & surveyor, 5 Head street
Green James, lodging house, 3 &- 4 Carlton villas, Maldon rd Hayward Susannah (Mrs.), Spread Eagle, Middleborough
Green Thomas, shopkeeper, 38 Maidenburg street Hazell George, fishmonger, Middleborough
Greenhill Samuel, tailor, 7 Queen street Hazell Geo. Pung, boot & shoe manufacturer, Ia .& 13 North
Greenwood James, pork butcher, 18 St. Botolph street hill & 22 Head street
Greenwood Thos. Bagnall, butcher, East street & Croncb st Hazell Martha Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Magdalen street
Gr.eenw.ood William, greengrocer, Magdalen street Harell Thos. Benj. brdg. &; day sehl. We. Stockwell academy
Gretton & Co. wine & spirit merchants,49 North hill Hearsum Charles, watch maker, 41 Earthill
Grice George, bill po~ter, Eld lane Heath Henry Edward, Fluce family ~ commercial hotel ~
Griffin G.eorge Lainson, cabinet maker, upholsterer, carpet . posting house & first-class billiard .rooms, opposite General
warehouseman, bedding manufacturer, paperhanger, Post office, Head street
house decorator, furniture remover, church furnisher .& Heckford Eliza {Mrs.),-stay maker, Princess street, Butt road
house agen~ :(8 &; ~9 High street. See advertisement Heckford Samuel, boot & shoe maker, Princess st. Butt road
Griffiths Thomas, The lJragon, Butt road . Hellen James, butcher, 1:36 High street

Hellen William Dixon, farmer, Poplar hall, North Station road Johnstone Thomas Meredith, collector of H.M. custo1l18,
Hemming Charles, stationer, 25 Queen street Cambourne villa, Roman road
Herbert Robert, shopkeeper, Maidenburg street Jones Caroline (Miss), boy's school, 121 High street
Hernaman Samuel John, coal & coke merchant, 8 Crouch Jones Frederick Robert, family grocer, see Tabrum & Jones
street & Hythe quay Jones Henry, solicitor, &' clerk to the commissioners of
Heslop John, drill instructor, East Stockwell street taxes for Lexden &' Winstree division, West Stockwell st
Hewes Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 10 West street Jones Henry William, solicitor, West Stockwell street
Hicks Edward, boot & shoe maker, 34 Queen street Joslin H. & J. furnishing & general ironmongers, stove grate
Hicks John, boot maker, Wellington street manufacturers, iron founders, engineers, gas fitters, smiths,
Hildyard David, watch & clock maker, 11 High street bellhangers, iron & tin-plate workers & agricultural imple-
Hill David, jeweller, 22 High street ment warehouse, 108 & log High street; Maidenburg
Hills Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Glad stone tel'. Crowhurst rd street & stand, 47 New Corn market. See advertisement
Hitchcock John Bloomfield, cooper, 34 North hill Joslin Eleanor (Mrs.), confectioner,22 Long Wyre street
Hitchcock Mary (Miss), dress maker, East Stockwell street Joslin Eli7.abeth (Mrs), Swan, Hythe hill
Hitchcock William, shopkeeper, East street Joslin George, pork butcher &: farmer, Old heath
Hocking Edwin Charles, teacher of drawing, Castle road Joslin Mark, shopkeeper, Hythe hill
Hodgson Charles William, boot & shoe maker, South street Joslyn George Driver, The Grosvenor, Maldon road
Holden Sarah &: Elizabeth (Misses), milliners,4 Chapel street Josselyn Charles, ale & porter agent, Factory lane
• Holden William Moss, china, glass & earthenware warehouse, Joy William, engineer, see Nichols & Joy
hosier, haberdasher & stationer, 184 Magdalen street Kavanagh John, army contractor, 174 & 175 Magdalen street
Holland Michael, station master, Hythe station Kearley & Co. grocers, 16 Long Wyre street
Holland Rachel (Mrs.), shopkeeper, West Stockwell street Kedge Jane (Mrs.), New Market inn, Middleborough
Holloway Henry, insurance agent & deputy registrar of Keeble David, cannal1, Eld lane
births & deaths for 2nd ward sub-district, S Leonard's Keeling Frederic John, solicitor, see Howard, Inglis &Keeling
terrace, Maldon road Kennedy Robert, stationer, 11 Long Wyre street
Holmes Charles Henry, boot & shoe maker, Barrack street Kent & Blaxill, wholesale & retail oil, colour & window glass
Hook Dixey John, pork butcher, East hill merchants & brush dealers, r03 & 104 High street
Hope J oseph, surveyor to Colchester Channel commissioners, Kent Elizbth.(Mrs.),ldgng.ho.r&2Alexandra vIs. Alexandra I'd
I Camp lodge, Military road Kent James, bricklayer, Artillery street
Hopwood Joseph Cooke & Son, watch makers, silversmiths & Kerry Ellis, coal merchant, 4 Bellevue villa, North Station rd
jewellers, 47 High street Kettle Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hythe hill
Houlding Arthur Leonard, tobacconist, Magdalen street Kidby Thomas Saml. beer rtlr. 5 Wellington pt Crouch st
Howard, Inglis & Keeling, solicitors, Head Gate court, Kiddy John, french polisher, Chapel street
Head street King Wm. bookseller, stationer, news agent &c. 13 Culver st
Howard James, Prince of Wales, Magdalen street King William, grocer & corn dealer, Northgate street
Howard William, blacksmith, see Wiles & Howard King Wm. Hedley, importer of foreign stamps, Northgate et
Howard William, jun. solicitor, see Howard, Inglis & Keeling Knight James, painter, Stanwell street
Howe Chas. pork butcher, 127 High st. & 42 St. Botolph st Knight Sarah Ann (Miss), farmer, Tile Barn farm, Maldon rd
Howe John, military & general tailor, outfitter & hatter, Knights Stephen, china & earthenware dlr. East bay, East hI
habit maker & breeches maker, 14 High st. See advert Knopp & Son, wholesale boot manufacturers, 38 Long Wyre
Howe John, shopkeeper, Magdalen street street; manufactory, Portland road; & at 9 Westgate
Howe Robert, ironmonger, 5 Long Wyre street street, Ipswich & Great Yarmouth
tiIowe William, greengrocer, Magdalen street Knott Willie James, grocer, 33 North hill
. Howe William Traylor, plumber, 24 Culver street Kohn Henry, shoe maker, Cromwell road
Howton James, shopkeeper, Military road Lacey Chas. Craven, supervisor of inland revenue, 6 Head st
Hubbard Joshua, Colchester Arms, Magdalen street Lamb William, Flying Fo:c inn, Harwich road
-Humm James, baker, Barrack street Lambert Alfred, hair dresser, 64 High street
Humphreys Chas. boot maker, Magdalen street Lampon Robert, The Sun, Maidenburg street
Hunter Doctor Brown, British commercial hotel, dining Langford Albert Luxon, watch maker, 35 Head street
rooms, & hair dresser, West Stockwell street Langley Catherine (Mrs.), IJuke of York, Barrack street
Hurley Chas. beer retailer, Magdalen street Langton Daniel Wilson, english & foreign timber merchant,
Hurst Frederick William, manufacturing clothier, Priory st East street
Hutchings Charles, carpenter, East street Last William & George, bakers, Hythe hill
Hutchings Charles, jun. baker, East street Laver Henry, surgeon, I Trinity street
Huxter Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Balkerne lane Lawes Harry Hammond, saddle & harness ma. Hythe quay
Hyam Montague & Co. manufacturing clothiers (Francis Lawrance Mary (Mrs.), poulterer, Old heath
Barham Osbourn, manager), Abbey Gate street Lay & Wheeler, wine & spirit, ale & porter merchants, 10
Hyam Frederick William, beer retailer, West Stockwell st High street. For list of agencies see advertisement
Industrial School (for training girls for service) (Miss Lazell George Martin &: Son, grocers, 59 High street
Eleanor Eycott, matron), East hill Leaning Harry, clothier, Long Wyre street
Inglis James, solicitor, see Howard, Inglis & Keeling Lee George, builder, North street
.Inland Revenue Office (tax department, W. J. Gruchy, sur- Lee George William, hardware dealer, Osborne street
veyor ; excise department, George Curtis, collector; Lee William, carpenter, Priory street
Charles Craven Lacey, supervisor), 6 Head street Leech Edward, boot & shoe maker, Osborne street
Irvine Mathilda (Mrs.), beer retailer, 12 Short Wyre street Lester J ames, commission agent, 2 Butt road
. Jackaman Robert, brush maker, Barrack street Letch Henry, boot maker, 9 Short Wyre street
. Jackson Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer, 12 Essex street Letch James, cabinet maker, upholsterer, undertaker, carpet
Jackson William, shopkeeper, Stanwell street warehouseman, paperhanger, decorator Si furniture
.Jacob Charles William, watch & clock maker, 34 North hill remover, Head Gate house. See advertisement
Jameson John & Sons (Dublin) distillers (Lay & Wheeler, Leverett Morris, master mariner, Hythe hill
agents), 10 High street. See advertisement Leveridge James, baker, Layer road
Jarmin Thomas Middleton, shopkeeper, Maldon road Leveridge James Samuel, shopkeeper, Magdalen street
Jarrett Charles, county court bailiff, 39 North hill Lewis Henry Pells, plumber, St. John's green
Jennings Daniel, coach smith & beer retailer, Stanwell street Lewis Thomas, plumber, Magdalen street
Jennings Joseph, coach builder, Maldon road Liberal Reading Rooms (Wm. Peck, sec.), 116 High street
Jennings Joseph Francis, tobacco pipe manufacturer & Lilley James, pork butcher, Middleborough
match merchant, 19 George street Lingwood Edgar, auctioneer, 32 St. Botolph street
.Jems David, brewer & cooper, Magdalen street Lissimore Benjamin, bricklayer, East Stockwell street
.Johuson Charles,chimney sweeper, Bolkerne lane Lissimore Henry James, shopkeeper, North street
.Johnson Charles, fishmonger, Magdalen-street Lissimore Sam Bennell, tobacconist, North street
Johuson Christopher, White Lion, Magdalen street Lissimore Samuel, builder, 23 Culver street & 32 Queen st
Johnson George, earthenware dealer,4 Crouch street List Joseph Arthur, clothier, Magdalen street
.JohnsonHenry, greengrocer, Golden hill, Military road Literary et Scientific Institution (WaIter Bryant Sparling &
Johnson Henry, wheelwright, Stanwell street A. E. Church, hon. secs.; librarian, vacant), St. John's st
Johnson James Gentry, painter &c. Lion walk Littell Elizabeth (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Museum et
.Johuson J oseph, boot &' shoe maker, Barrack street Littlebury George, baker, 190 Magdalen street
.Johnson Josiah Henry, plumber, 10 St. Botolph street Littlebury William Harvey, greengrocer, 17 Long Wyre at
Johnson William, Bugle Horn, Barrack street Lloyd Edward, warehouses, Hythe quay

Locke Thomas Mamott, upholsterer, 2& Long Wyre street Mills, Errington, Bawtree & Co. bankers, 3 High street
London ~ County Banking Co. Limited (Augustus Robert draw on Glyn, Mills & Co. Lombard street, London e c
Clench, manager), 25 High street; draw on head office, Mills Charles, plumber, glazier, painter, house decorator &
21 Lombard street, London e c paperhanger,93 High street
London James, Rainbow, Long Wyre street Mills Samuel, leather glover, 22 North hill
London John, Castle inn, North street Mills Thomas Samuel, glove & gaiter manufr. 10 North hill
London Robert, beer retailer, 'tastle road Minks Charles, chair maker, St. John's green
Long Charles, wardrobe dealer, Dorset place, Stanwell road MitcheIl George Richard, collector to the guardians &; deputy
Lovell Thomas William, shopkeeper, Park lane registrar of births & deaths for 3rd ward sub-district, St.
Loyd Ausil, tailor, Hythe hill John's street
Loyd George, boot & shoe maker, 57 North hill Moet & Shandon (Epernay), wine growers (Lay & Wheeler,
Lucas Ephraim (late F. J. Noone), cook, pastry cook, con- agents), IQ High street. See :.tdvertisement
fectioner & refreshment contractor, & dining rooms, 54 & Mole Isaac, boot &; shoe maker, 13 Crouch street
55 High street. See advertisement Money Henry, corn, coal, hay, straw & seed merchant, 20
Lucas Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hythe hill High street
Lugar John Bromley, corn & coal merchant, Magdalen street Monson Benjamin, photographic artist, 7 East hill
Lukey Charlotte (Miss). matron of the Eastern Counties' Moore Thomas &; Sons, wholesale grocers, tea merchants &
Asylum for Idiots & Imbeciles, Essex hall candle manufrs. Barrack st. Plough coruer & Head gate
Lungley Charles, boot & shoe dealer, 27 Priory street Moore Thomas & Co. linen drapers & silk mercers, 6 & 8 St.
Lyes John Thomas, bricklayer, Magdalen street Botolph street
McDonald Murdoch, travelling draper, Eld lane Morecraft Henry S. grocers, 4 Long Wyre street
Mclnnon Duncan Thomas, travelling draper, 6 Osborne st Morgan James, butcher, Magdalen street
McIver John, travelling draper, St. John's street Morrington EUza (Mrs.), lodging house keeper, Osborne st
Mackie George Smith, photographer, 26 Crouch street Morris Fredk. Evelyn, architect & surveyor,West Stockwens~
Macklin John, greengrocer, Fairfax road, Mersea road Morten George, furniture broker, Eld lane
Macklin William John, shrimp, sprat & claw fish factor; Morten Thomas, market gardener, North street
Magdalen street & 7 Long Wyre street Mortlock William, carpenter, Priory street
MacLennan Renneth, travelling draper,S Abbeygate terrace Morton Sarah (Miss), market gardener, West StockwelI st
McQueen Alexander, fancy repository, 32 Long Wyre street Moses Henry Edward & Maurice, manufacturing clothiers
Malley Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Stanwell street (Samuel Drawbridge, manager), Priory street
Malster Harriet (Miss), straw bonnet maker. Brook street Moth Rate Elizabeth &; Adams Annie (Misses). milliners &
Malster James, builder, Old heath dress makers, 22 Queen street
Mann Frederick, musical instrument maker, St. John's st Mothersole Esther (Mrs.), wine & spirit merchant (E. B.
Mann Robert, beer retailer, Stanwell street Bootes, manager), 23 Head street .
Mann Robert William, greengrocer, 10 Long Wyre street Mottram Thomas, shopkeeper, Butt road
Manning Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Artillery street Moy Thomas, coke, coal & lime merchant, coal factor &
Maplesden John Abraham, Crown tJ Sceptre, South street shipowner, Hythe quay & Head street j at most of the
Marriage Edward & Son, millers & corn merchants, East railway stations in the district; & at Peterborough;
mills & Hythe • Norwich; Ipswich; Lowestoft & Yarmouth
Mamott George Edward, watch & clock maker, jeweller, Mumford Arthur George, engineer, Culver street
silversmith & engraver, 29 Long Wyre street Munson Herbert, shopkeeper, Butt road
Marsden Alexander Champion, coal agent, 21 St. John's st Murrells Henry, beer retailer, Artillery street
Marsh Thomas, boot & shoemaker, East street MurreIls John, Red Cross, Magdalen. street
Marsh William L.D.S., F.P.S. Glas. dentist, 3 St. John's ter- Museum (Chas. Gunner, sub-curator), The Castle, Museum st
race, St. John's street Muskett Edward, farmer, Pondfield farm, Harwich road
Marshall Charles Douglas, army schoolmaster, I Kingston Nagle Edward, shopkeeper, Magdalen street
terrace, Crowhurst road . • Nayler Augustus, beer retailer, Northgate street
Marshall Chas. Hy. Thos. solicitor, see Middleton & Marshall Nevard Henry Thomas, fruiterer, 2 North hill ...
Martin Frederick & Co. mineral water manufs. Osborne st Nevard Robert, farmer, Old heath
Martin David Benjamin, draper, 16 Short Wyre street New Corn Exchange (H. H. Elwes, sec.), High street
Martin Henry, whitesmith, 5 Hospital lane New Plant et Bulb Co. (The) (Frederick Horsman, manager),
Martin J ames, jun. ship owner, Hythe hill Lion walk
Martin John Nun, smith, Hythe quay Newman Wm. Hy. butcher, I4 Long Wyre st. & r8 East hill
Martin Thomas, The Grapes, Mersea road Nice Geo. Ambrose Coe, insurance agent, West StockweIl at
Maskell Henry William, beer retailer. Bromley road Nicholl (Charrington) &; Co. brewers & maltsters, East Hill
Mason Abraham, market gardener, Old heath brewery; & Rivington street, Shoreditch, London 6 c
Mason, Turner, shopkeeper, Trinity street NichoIl & Co. timber, slate, cement & drain pipe merchants
Mason William, carman, Magdalen street & sawing & planing mills, CuIver street & Hythe quay.
Mattacks Henrietta Hephzibah (Miss), bookseller, 14 Short See advertisement
'Wyre street NichoIls Rosa (Mrs.), milliner, 11 Crouch street
Mattacks Underwood Benjamin, bookseller, bookbinder, Nichols &; Joy, engineers, founders & boiler makers, East
stationer & concert agent, 14 Head street StockweIl street
Max Greger, Limited, wine growers (hungarian wines) (Lay Nicholson Charles Alfred, tailor. I4 St. Botolph street
& Wheeler, sole agents), 10 High st. See advertisement Nicholson George, Ship inn, &; tailor, East hill
Maybury William Augustus, jun. M.D. surgeon, 9 West Nightingale Robert, auctioneer & valuer, 45 North hill
Stockwell street Norman Alfred James, Wagg07l tJ Horses, North hill
Maynard Daniel William, fruiterer, Magdalen street Nunn & Symmons, surgeons, I2 Queen street
Maynard Frederick Aldous, hair dresser, 28 St. Botolph st Nunn Henry Edwin, hatter, 12 Long Wyre street
Maynard George, boot & shoe maker, Brook street O'Brien Thomas, The Locomotive, West StockweIl street
Maynard George Henry, fruiterer, 132 High street Old Corn Exchange (Thomas Martin, clerk), High street
Mead George, tailor, 15 West street Oldham & Angle, photographers, Mel"sea road
Mead George L. agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit Oldridge Charles Henry, builder, Manor road
merchants, 65 Crouch street OliveI' WiIliam, Camhrid,qe Arms, Military road
Meier Louis, beer retailer, Magdalen street Orrin Ebenezer, boot & shoe maker, 27 St. John's street
Mercer George, head constable of the borough police & Orcin James, greengrocer, West StockwelI street ...
inspector of weights & measures &; under the Sale of Food Orrin William, boot maker, BurIington street
&; Drugs Act, Town hall Osborne Arthur 'rhos. ale & porter merchant, St. Botolph st
Mellonie Thomas, coal factor & merchant, 49 High street; Osborne Henry WilIiam, greengrocer, North street
depOt, Hythe quay Oscar Henry Cudmore, shopkeeper, Magdalen street
Middleton & Marshall, solicitors, Church street north Paddle Esther (Miss), dress maker, IIA, East hill
Millard William, superintendent of Eastern Counties' Page David (grocer), 35 St. Botolph street
Asylum for Idiots & Imbeciles, Essex hall Page Henry Charles, butcher, 13 St. Botolph street
Miller Joseph Henry, wholesale & retail wine & spirit & ale Page John, coach builder, wheelwright & carpeater, Hythe hI
& stout merchant, 39 St. Botolph street Page John, Swan, High street
Miller Theodore, boot maker, Hythe hill Page Thomas, market gardener, Hythe hill
Mills Charles & Son, oil, colour, lead & glass merchant, 96 Page Thomas WilIiam, butcher, 14 & 15 Crouch street
High street Parish J osiah, artist, & Head street
Mills Joseph, drill instructor, Osborne street Parker Charles Alfred, builder, North street

Parker Henry, insurance agent, Chapel street ~ Ratcliffe Sarah (Mrs.); shopkeepel', Magdalen street l'
Parker William, fruiterer, Magdalen street Rotley George, butcher, Barrack street
. Parkes Edward, corn merchant, & assessor of .taxes for St. Raven Arthur Samuel, paperhanger, 10 Essex street
James parish, East street Raven Jamee, A.ngel hotel, High street
Parkhouse Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, 33 S1;,. JohlJ" street Rawling James, shopkeeper, & post ()ffice, East hill
Parmenter Peter, shopkeeper, Merses road Rayner Arthur George, Castle, High street
Parsons Richard, draper, 34 & S5 High street Rayner Charles, shopkeeper, Military road •
Parsonson Thomas, basket maker, North street Rayner John, limn draper,s & 6 Crouch street
Partridge Joseph Henry, surgeon, 9 East hill RED LION HOTEL (Edward Julian Hart, proprietor)l Thi~
Pawsey M. (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, Military road hotel is elaborately fitted up with every convenience for
faxman James, engineer, see Davey, Paxman (\ Co the comfort of visitors & commercial gentlemen. Large &
Payne & Hampton, curriers & leather sellers, 2 Lion walk well-furnished billiard room ; good stabling; posting in all
Payne Joseph Benjamin, carpenter; IlZ George street its branches. 'BUB meets all trains
Payne Joseph Benjamin, teacher of singing, A"klxandra road Reeve Amelia (Mrs.), milliner, 30 Long Wyre street .
Peachey Charlotte (Miss), milliner, 6 Short Wyre street Reeve Charles, plumber, 37 Long Wyre street
Peachey Eliza (Mrs.), cabinet maker, upholsterer & furniture Reeve lsaac, timber merchant, East hill
warehouse, I George street. See advertisement Reynolds Frederick, beer retailer, Hythe quay r
Pearce William, sausage maker, Middleborough Reynolds Jas. Rt. actuary of savings bank, Church 8~. north
feek Henry William, plumber, "17 St. Botolph street Reynolds Mary (Mrs.),farmer, &; Maltsters' Arms, New quay
Peek Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 17 St. Botolph street Rice James, pattern maker, Magdalen street
Peerman (Miss), lodging house keeper, 41 Chapel street Richards George William, wholesale & retail confectioner It
Peggs William, 'Cab proprietor, 6 Lion walk & Plough Inn foreign fruiterer, 22 Long Wyre street
stables, Magdalen street Richardson Charles, marine store dealer, East hill
Perry John, tailor, Butt road Richer John, gunsmith, Magdalen street
Philbrick Frederick Blomfield, town clerk & clerk to the Rickword George & Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, carpet
urban sanitary authority & deputy coroner for the & paperhanging warehousemen, house furnishers,plumbers,
Duchy of Laucaster, Town hall • decorators, undertakers, furniture removers, estate agents
Philbrook Rosetta (Miss), dress maker,7 Roman road & appraisers, 98, 99 & 100 High street See advertisement
Phillips, Joseph, cigar manufacturer, 131 High street Ridgley William, fruiterer, 26 St. Botolph street
Pickford & -Co. railway earriers (Joseph Sadd, agent), Ritson Joseph, customs clerk, Portland road
William's walk, George street Rivers Harriet Archer (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 26 LoItg
Pidington Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, West Stockwell st Wyre street
l'idington William, hair dresser, Shiregate Rivers John, boot & shoe maker, Stanwellstreet
Pipe Sally (Miss), dress maker, Belle Vue road Rodgers John, chimney sweeper, 15 Eld lane
Piton Philip, wholesale clothier, St. John's green Rodwell Robert John, paperhanger, South street
Pitt Charles, cab proprietor, 2 Trinity terrace, Maldon road Rogers Alfred, Artillery, Butt road
Pitt James, Horse 0/ Groom inn, Crouch Btreet Rogers Frederick, market gardener, St. John's street
Pitt Thomas, Plough inn, Magdalen street Rogers George, butcher, Hythe hill
Pitt William, builder, Stanwell street Rogers John, boot & shoe maker, 24 Long Wyre street
Pitt William Thomas, Royal Standard, Mersea road Rogers John William, inspector Royal Society for Prevention
Platford William, Duke of Wellingtr.m, Magdalen street of Cruelty to Animals, 2 South street
Pleasant Samuel, tailor, East Stockwell street Rogers William, plumber, St. John's street
Pocot:k Brothers, boot makers, 37 High st. & 27 Botolph st Roofe George Joseph Greenfield, paperhanger, 41 East hill
Pollard John Artist, cab proprietor, Surrey road, Lexden rd Roofe WaIter Charles, coal merchant, Butt road •
Pope & Co. solicitors, Trinity street RopeI' Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, Maldon road •
Popplewell Robert James, tailor, 64 High street Rose Edward, Fleece Tap, Culver street
Popps Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, North street Rose Thomas, baker, Middleborough
Porter Robert Bennett, Sea Horse inn, High street Round, Green &; Co. bankers, 89 High street; branch,
Post o.ffice (Mrs. Cars, postmistress; Richard William Aldis, Brightlingsea, on friday; draw on Barnetts, Hoares 8&
clerk in charge of telegraph office), Head street Co. Lombard street, London e c
potkin James, firewood dealer, Artillery street Royal Hobert Harris, shopkeeper, Butt road
Potter Augustus Fredk. shopkeeper, & post office. Hythe hill Rudkin William, bookseller & bookbinder, 7 Crouch street
Potter J ames, dairJlTIlan, 2 West street Rule Henry, carpenter, Balkerne lane
Potter Jas. Wm. clerk to the commissioners of taxes for Rumsey George, shopkeeper, 9 Middleborough
Colchester division, Trinity street Ryan J oseph Michael M.B. surgeon, East hill
Potter John, shopkeeper, Chapel street Sadd J sph. agent for & Co. William's walk, George st
Potts Sarah Rebecca (Mrs.), Norfolk, North Station road Sadler Thomas, fishmonger, Magdalen street
Pratt Knightley, umbrella maker, George street St. Albans Diocesan Institution for Trained Nursts (Miss
PresnellJohn, market gardener, East street Alice Butler, sister in charge), Butt road
Prestney Arthur & Edwin, fly proprietors, Crouch street St. James' Orphanage (Miss Caroline Clara Jones, matron),
Prestney Jeremiah, boot & shoe maker, 76 East hill East hill
Prestney Robert, currier, Church street south Sallows Elizabeth Sarah (Miss), stationer, 6 Long Wyre et
Prestney Robert, shoe maker, Winnock road Sallows William Edward, bntcher, Magdalen street
Prime Edward, veterinary surgeon, see Taylor & Prime Salmon Charlotte Emma (Mrs.), ladies' seminary, 7 Abbey-
Prior Asher, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Head street gate terrace
Prior George, tailor, Lucas road, Mersea road Salmon Harriet Adelaide (Miss), seminary, Lion walk.
Prior James, baker, Butt road Salmon John, linen draper,50 High street
.Prior Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Essex street Samson Mary Austen (Miss), dress maker, North street
Prior William, tailor, 9 Lucas road, Mersea road Sanders Evatt & Son, wholesale grocers & tea merchants,
Prosser Evan Thomas (exors. of), chemist,7 Head street provision merchants & importers & shipowners, 31 k 3:2
Public Hall (John Bawtree Harvey, sec.), 166 High street High street, St. Botolph street & Hythe wharf
Pye G-eorge, chartered accountant, auditor of accounts & Sanders Albert, wine, spirit, ale & porter mer. 6 High street
trustee in bankruptcy, 3 Bank buildings i 1'esidence, "l4 Sanders Isaac, shopkeeper, Cannon street
Orwell terrace, Doverc(}urt Sandle Henrietta Bird (Miss), toy dealer,Easthill
Pye George Gard A.R.I.B.A. architect & surveyor,3 Bank Sands Nehemiah, fancy repository, 20 & In Head street
buildings; & 32 Bedford row, London 10 c; residence, 5 Sands William, commercial traveller, Stanwell str~t
Camp villas Savings Bank (James Robert Reynolds, actuary; open
Quilter George & Son, engravers, I I Trinity street fri. 12 to 2 & 7 to 8 & sat. "I to 3); Church st. north
Rabett Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, Magdalen street Saxty Brothers, tailors, 26 High street
Radford George, painter, St. John's green Scargill WaIter, architect, Essex Hall road
RaIling Thomas John, registrar of births &; deaths for 1St Scarles Susannah (Miss), dress maker, 9 George stree~
ward sub-district & manager of 'Essex Standard,' Winnock Schofield laaac, photographer, 3 Merses road
lodge, Winnock road Scott Charles, cabinet maker, 38 East hill •
Rampling Joseph, town sergeant, Town hall Scott Charles, wood turner, 49 Maidenburg street
Rampling 'rhomas Bacon, King's A.rms, Crouch street Scott Charles John, builder & contractor, 8 North hill
Rand Joseph, chimney sweeper, NOl'thgate street ScottClarina (Miss), dress maker, North hill
Rapley Richard, boot & shoe maker, East hill Scott Edwin, grocer & provision merchant, I Long Wyre It
Rashbrook George Myles, baker, Middleborougb Scott Eliza (Miss), dress maker, see Shearcroft & ScoU
-SCott Walter (Mrs.), milliner, Queen street Stanford & Duvall, 8uctioneer~ "t&lue~ acoouniants, land,
Seaborn George, shopkeeper, Magdalen street house & estate & insurance agent, Trinity ehambers,
Seaborn John, market gardener, Old heath Culver street
Sealey WaIter, boot & shoe maker, West Stockwell street Stannard R. & w. miller~ maltsters & eorn merchants, Hull
Seaman Meshach, tailor, 2 Arran place, Merses road & Distillery mills ,
Seaman Shadrach, baker, 3S North hill Stannard Arthur, ironmonger kc.. 800 Catchpool, Stannard
Seaman Thomas Joshua, plumber,Northgate street &Stanford
Searle Henry, Coach 4- HorsetI, North hill Stannard George, farmer, Dilbridge hall, Ipswich road
Sexton & Grimwade, auctioneers, land surveyors & estate Star Tea Co. (David Glover, manager), 34 Long Wyre street
agents, Head street; &.at Hadleigh, Suffolk; &; Wher- Start Samuel, carpenter, Mersea road
stead hall, Ipswich . Start Samuel, jUIh shopkeeper; Mersea road
8harman & Son, carriage manufacturers, 18 & 19 Culver st Stearn Joseph Dale, saddler, see Stone & Steam
iShead Alfred Charles, fruiterer, :I Crouch street Stebbing John, grocer, East street
Shead Herbert J ames, A llJert inn, North street Stedman Wm. Hawthorne, watch & clock maker,9 Crouch 8t
Shead Robert, Ordnance Arms, Hythe quay Steerman George Jaeob, shopkeeper, 25 Priory street
Shearcroft Caroline & Scott Eliza (Misses), dress makers, 25 Steggles William, greengrocer, Barrack street
St. John's street Steggles William, sanitary inspector,. Long Wyre street
Sheldrick Samuel, confectioner, 101 High street Steggles William, milliner, 13 Short Wyre street
Shenstone J ames Chapman, chemist & druggist, 1:3 High st Stevens Hy.WaIter" mineral water manufacturer, 8 Goorge st
Shepherd Charles, tailot, see Smith & Shepherd Stevens Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, SI Maidenburg street
Shepherd Charles Woodthorpe, builder, St. John's street Stewart RoOOrt, shopkeeper, East street
Shepherd Joseph, tinman, Osborne street Stocks William, White Hart, Crouch street
Shepherd Thomas, baker, Magdalen street • Stoffell John William, Chaise 4- raw, 9 North hill
Shepherd William, baker, Stanwell street Stokes Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Vineyard street
Short Henry, beer retailer, Mersea road, & Lord Palmerston, Stone & Stearn, saddler~ & harness makers, Head gate
Abbeygate street . Stone Thomas William, butcher, 18 St. Botolph street
Shrimpton Caleb, auctioneer, Wellesley road Stopes ChristopheI' & Sons, maltsters & ale, stout & porter
Sidle Thomas, woollen draper, 31 Long Wyre street brewers, Eagle brewery, East hill & Langham moor
Biggers Charles, relieving officer for second district & regis- Stow Thomas, shoe maker, Nun's Cut, North hill
trar of births & deaths for third ward sub-district, S Strange Edward, wholesale &; retail linen draper &# silk
Roman road mercer, 30 High street; millinery, mantle & dressmaking
Siggers William George, cab &; funeral carriage proprietor, establishment, & agent for P. & P. Campbell, dyers, Perth;
Sir Isaac's walk •
& army contractor, gentlemen's outfitter, clothier, tailor,
Simkin William Robert, wholesale & retail cabinet & chair hatter &c. 25 Long Wyre street
. maker, upholsterer, nndertaker, joiner, chUTch furnisher, Strowlger Charles, baker, North street
shop & office fitter, Art furniture manufactory~ North Strowlger John, pork bntcher, Stanwell street
hill; workshops, Head street. See advertisement Summers William John, plasterer, Osborne street
Simpson Charles, beer retailer, West Stockwell street Swainston Emma (Miss), dressma. Diamond cot. Hospital I'd
Simpson, George Robert, confectioner, Magdalen street Swan Robert, tailor, South street
Simpson Hales, chemist, 31 St. Botolph street Swann Chas. army & navy contractor (meat), 8 Queen st
Simpson James, town crier, Middleborough Symmons Robert Francis, surgeon, see NUDn &> Symmons
Simson Elizabeth {Mrs.) &; Mary (Miss), ladieg1 school, Tabrum & Jones (late H. Wolton), wholesale tea dealers,
Church street north. Bee advertisement . lJ family grocers, italian warehonsemen, tallow chandlers &
Simson Margaret (Mrs.), wardrobedealeT, East hIll provision merchants, 40 & 4I High street '
Singer Manufacturing Co: (Henry Wells, manager), manu- Talbot James, pork butcher, 14 East hill
facturers of Singer's eelebrated sewing machines; branch Tassie Hubert, tailor, 24 East hill
office, 32 St. Botolph street Tatam Isaac, firewood dealer, Bromley road 1

Siviter Israel, beer retailer, Stanwell street Taylor re Prime M.R.e.V.B. veterinary surgeons, Queen street
Skating Rink (William Cant, man.), St. John'S street Taylor Charles, tobacconist re builder, 16 St. Botolph street
Slaney William Lutwych, insurance agent & secretary to Taylor Joseph, greengrocer, Magdalen street
Colchester & East Essex Horticultural Society,North bridge Taylor Thomas Percy, honse surgeon of Essex & Colchester
Smith &; Shepherd, tailors, W2 High street hospital, Lexden road
Smith E. Thompson, solicitor, .') Narth hill Taylor William, farmer, Barn Hall farm, Mersca road
Smith Edward, auctioneer &c. 6 North hill The Club, St. Martin's House (J. W. Duvall & C. H. Thomp-
Smith Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 4 Osborne street son, hon. secs.), East Stockwell street • •
Smith George Mence, italian warehouseman.. 45 St. Botolph st Theatre Royal (Nunn Brothers &; Vale, proprietors), Queen st
Smith George William, Kinrls Head, Balkerne hill Thomas Maria (Miss),ladies' schl. St. Mary's coll. Lexden rd.
Smith James, shopkeeper, Magdaleu street Thorogood Isaae, baker, Military road
Smith John, brick, tile, pot & pipe manufacturer, New quay Thorpe Anna Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Balkeme lane .
Smith John leather cutter, Eld lane . Thorpe Anthony, boot maker, Balkerne lane
Smith William, furniture dealer, Priory street Thursby Isaac, greengrocer, Middleborough
Smith William Lay, shopkeeper, James st. New Town field Thurston &; Son, boot. & shoe makers, 9 St. Botolph street
Smith William Septimus, butcher, N-orth street Tidman J ames, oilman, North street
Smy Henry, shopkeeper, Charles street Tompson Charles Hardy, solicitor, clerk to the Lexden &
Soames William, baker, & assessor of taxes for Holy Trinity Winstree board of guardians and rural sanitary & assess-
parish, Sir Isaac's walk ment committee &; superintendent registrar, Culver street ~
Soldiers' Horne eJ Institute (lady superintendent, Miss Laura & at Braintree
Beatrice Campbell), Queen street Topsfield John William, gl'ocer, 4S Crouch street
Songer Isaac, baker, West Stoekwell street Totham WaIter, beer retailer, Harwich·road
Sowman Daniel, basket maker, Barrack street TOW1/, Hall (Charles Harvey, hall keeper), High street
Sowman Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house,. 19 St. John's street Tracey Charles, fishmonger, 129 High street
Sowman Henry, basket maker, East street Tracey Thomas, working cutler, Magdalen street
Spalding Arthur, shopkeeper, Vineyard street Tracey Thomas Charles, machinist, Osborne street
Sparling Philip Smith, solicitor & clerk to the Burial board, Tracey William, milliner, 19 Long Wyre street
St. John's street Tracey Joseph P. confectioner, 12 High st. & Culver st
Sparrow John,house agent,'39 Chapel street Tracey Minnie (Miss), dress maker, Trinity street
Spence John, Sir Colin Campbell, Mersea road Trowles Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker. Ipswich road
Spinks Henry Alfred, french polisher, Trinity street Tucker Thomas Lee, beer retailer, Hytbe quay
Spinks John, chimney sweeper, 38 North hill Turkentile George, shopkeeper, Alexandra road
Spinks- William, umbrella maker, 26 North hill Turner, Deane, Elwes &" Turner, solicitors, East hill
Springett James, lodging house, 20 Culver street . Turner Geo. Beresford, solicitor, see Turner, Deane, Elwes &;
Springett Jeremiah, marine stare dealer, Magdalen street Turner
Springett John, baker, Stockwell street Turner Henry C~ watch & clock maker, 10 Short Wyre street
Springett Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Brook street Turner John Brand, wood turner, Magdalen street
Staines Alfred RoOOrt, linen draper, 38 High street Turrell Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer, Cha~l street
Stamp Office (George Curtis, distributor), 6 Head street Tweed Charles, baker, North street
Stanford Ernest K. ironmonger &C. see Catchpool, 8tannard Tyson Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Nortbgate iftreet
& Stanford Upson George, shopkeeper, Culver street
Usher William, beer retailer, Hythe hill Wicks James & Sons, wholesale & family wine & spirit mep.
Vale Daniel, baker &; beer retailer, Magdalen street chants, II7 High street
Vale George, secondhand clothes dealer, Magdalen street Wigg George, shopkeeper, 48 Priory street
Vale George Lester, baker, Magdalen street Wilbey Susannah (Miss), straw bonnet maker, 10 Chapel at
Victm-ia Coffee Bar, Osborne street Wilding Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, Alexander road
Viney Maria Louisa (Miss), ladies' school, Tt East hill Wiles & Howard, blacksmiths, Magdalen street
Vinter J. O. coal merchant, Hythe quay & St. Botolph street Wiles James, bricklayer, North street
Vivian Charles, linen draper, 29 High street Wiles William, printer, Trinity street
Wade John James, beer retailer, Butt road Willes Samuel, insurance agent, Middleborough
Wade Samuel, boot & shoe maker, East Stockwell street Willett William, shopkeeper, & post office, Kendall road
Waldan Augustus E. professor of music, a Wellington place, Williams & Co. furnishing & general ironmongers, iron &
Crouch street tin plate workers, bell hangers, gas fitters & oil & colour
Wallace Alexander M.D., M.A. physician, Trinity ho. Culver at merchants, agents for agricultural & horticultural imple-
Wallis William, cbimney sweep, East street ments, IS2 High street i & implement warehouse, next the
Walton 4" Clacton Gazette 4" Harwich q Dovercourt Adver- Three Cups hotel
tiser ( & Co. proprietors & publishers; published WilliamsJohn, secondhand clothes dealer, Vineyard street
wednesday afternoon), 24 High street; & at Walton-on- Williams Joseph, clothier, Magdalen street
the-Nare; Clacton-on-the-Sea & Harwich Willis Charles, pork butcher, Old heath
Warcus Harry Archdel & Co. grocers, 134 High street Willis Edward, boot & shoe maker, S2 Priory street
Ward Arthur James, builder, Vineyard street Willis Robert Hartley, insurance agent, Castle road
Ward Ebenezer, veterinary surgeon & cattle inspector for Willis William, linen draper, 29 & 30 St. Botolph street
the borough of Colchester, 113 High street Willson Thomas, upholsterer, & assessor & collector of taxes
Ward Jonathan, builder, 18 St. John's street for St. Martin parish, West Stockwell street
Ward Thomas, upholsterer, 23 Trinity street Wilson Frederick, greengrocer, Magdalen street
Ward William, painter, Greenstead road Wiltshlre Francis, pork butcher, Meyrick eres. Mersea road
Warmington Fred. Wm. & Co. leather merchants, 60 High at Winch Brothers, importers of foreign stamps, photographic
Warner Thomas, bookseller, stationer & news agent, 130 & fine art publishers, wholesale & retail dealers in
High street chromos, relief scraps, oleographs &c.; finest selection in
Warren William, boot & shoe depOt, & assessor of taxes for the kingdom of christmas, new year & birthday cards,
St. Botolph parish, 42 High street & 19 & 20 Short Wyre 41 Priory street
street; manufactory, Queen street Winchester Thomas, secretary to the Blackwater Oyster
Warren William, fruiterer, II3 High street & William's walk fishery, East hill
Wash George, baker, II St. Botolph street Winter Alfred, beer retailer, 27 Long Wyre street
Wash John Henry, whitesmith, Stanwell street Wire Edward Henry, custom house officer, Priory street
Watsham George, boot & shoe maker, Hythe hill Wire Harvey, baker, & collector of assessed taxes for St.
Watson Edward (Mrs.), stay warehouse, 49 High street Botolph parish, 43 St. Botolph street
Watson Thomas Ward, Nelson's Head, WestStockwell street Wisbey Henry, vaccination officer & collector of district
Watt Frederick Harry, Es~ Arms, Essex street rates for 2nd ward & assessor & collector of taxes for Lex-
Watts Lent John, stone, granite & marble mason. <'3rver & den & St. RunwaId parishes, 4 Denmark pl.North Station rd
sculptor, 90 & 92 High street. See advertisement Wisbey Hy. C. solicitor, 4 Denmark place, North Station rd.
Weatherall John, gasfitter, George street Wittey Henry, solicit<Jr, East Stockwell road
Weavers Alfred J osiah, tailor, 30 Long Wyre street W olton & Attwood, wine merchants, Culver street
Webb Benjamin & Sons, grocers, Magdalen st. & East st Wood Joseph, greengrocer, Hythe hill
Webb Charles B. S. advertising agent, Magdalen street Woodrofl'e James, collector of queen's taxes for St. Giles,
Webb Thomas Chas. boot & shoe maker~ West Stockwell st St. Mary-at-Walls & Holy Trinity parishes, & assessor lor
Webber Charles, beer retailer, Maidenburg street St. Giles parish & poor & district rates, 4 Crouch street
Webber Charles, The Bell, Priory street Woodrofl'e Stephen, baker, Middleborough
Webber Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker" 33 South street Woods George, shopkeeper, Magdalen street
Webster William Peake, chemist, 25 Head street Woods James Edward, Goat q Boots, East hill
WOOdell Arthur, pharmaceutical chemist, IOS High street Woods John, day school, George street
Welch Alfred & Co. merchant tailors, hatters & outfitters, I Woods Thomas, boot & shoe maker, North street
St. Botolph street Woollett Henry, photographer, 3 Chapel street
Wells Henry, manager to Singer Manufacturing Co. 32 St. Worts Edwin L.R.e.p. L<Jnd. surgeon, 6 Trinity street
Botolph street Worts Sarah Ann (Miss), straw bonnet ma. Middleborough
Wells Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, IS4 High street Wright & Son, bakers, 16 Crouch street
Wills William, beer retailer, 29 Crouch street Wright Abraham, Woolpack, St. Botolph street
Went Jonathan, coach builder, Mersea road ''fright Frederic, proprietor & publisher of the 'Essex
Went Robert, beer retailer & pork butcher, Barrack street Telegraph,' also the' Colchester Mercury,' 18 Head street.
Went Thomas, timber merchant, see Beaumont & Went See advertisement
Westerman Joseph, shopkeeper, East street Yeadon William Scrivener, coal merchant, Hythe quay
Wetherall Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 16 Crouch street Yearsley George Edward, hair dresser, East street
Whalebone Thomas, Ele'J!hant 4" Castle, St. John's street Young Men's Christian Association (E. S. Daniell, treasurer;
Wheeler Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Military road F. T. Gosling & B. H. Samson, secs.), Lion walk
Wheeler George, wine & spirit merchant, see Lay & Wheeler Young Women's Help Society (Miss Robinson, manageress),
Whitaker Joshua, clothier, 36 St. Botolph street OsbOTne street
White Alexander Miller, solicitor, elerk to the guardians, Young Samuel, maltster, Hythe maltings, Hythe quay
supt. registrar & commissioner for oaths, 50 North hill Youngs Jacob, shopkeeper. Magdalen street
White Joseph, leather glover, Osborne street Youngs William, Barley Mow, Barrack street
Whitfield Wm. Frampton, book,binder, East street Zolla Venanzio, hair dresser, 24 Head street •
Williams Alfred Edward, Friday Blyth Robt. Page, farmer & assessor of Howlett John Hooper, farm bailiff to
Wood house taxes, Maypole farm O. E. Coope esq. M P. Park farm
Blomfield Samuel, farmer & assessor & Bonner E. C. registrar of births & deaths
collector of taxes, Blackheath farm for Peldon sub-district
Boreham John Squire, Parson's heath Bryant John, millwright & engineer Simons John, basket maker
Brown J ames, Greenstead house Cawston George, shopkeeper Smith John, farmer, Parson's heath
King John Freeman B.A. St. John's Curtis Phllip, farmer & brick maker Spalding WaIter,. corn & flour dealer,
vicarage, Ipswich road Godfrey James, carpenter Model cottage
Seaman Rev. Meshach D.D. [rector, Jacobs William, miller & corn merchant Stannard Alfred, farmer & assessor or
surrogate & commissiouer in H.Mo's & assessor of taxes, Greenstead mills taxes, Greenstead hall
court of probate], Rectory Jones Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Swain Henry Thomas, beer retailer
, Nayler Samuel, builder Went Alfred, carpenter, & post office,
COMlllERCI..U ..
Plane Robert, shopkeeper Parson's heath
Asten &; Bennell, iron & brass founders St. John's Nursery (B. R. Cant, pro- Went George, beer retailer, Parson's
& implement makers prietor) ; & St. John st. Colchester heath
Mile End. •

Banham Abraham, Bergbolt road Cant Frank, nUl'Seryman, Mile End Matthews Benjamin, blacksmith
Bradbrook Mrs. Myland villa nursery Munson Wm. pork butcher, Bergholt rd
Catchpool Alfred Cant George Harvey, farmer, Tubswick Nevard John, carpenter, & post office
Gowing Frederick William, Mile End rd
Church Charles, farmer, Braiswick ParkerRobt.Christopher,miller & farmet
Groves George Churchman Geo. Wm. Dog Pheasant rt Prior &Son,nurserymen,Myland nursery
Hall Rev. Edmund M.A. Rectory Cutler Joanna (Mrs.), shopkeeper Robinson William Postans, commission
Hall Mrs. Holymead honse Dennis Wm. Gentry, frmr. Myland hall agent, Braiswick cottage
Morgan Thomas Dines William, beer retailer Smith John, farmer
Sheldrake Robert Everitt Hen. brick maker, lpswich road Rparrow In. wheelwright & blacksmith
Street Joshua, Henry villa French George, Rail10ay tavern Spanow John, blacksmith •
COMMERCIAL. Garwood Charles, farmer Studd Daniel, farmer
Allston Joseph, brick maker Garwood Samuel, bricklayer Studd Joseph, farmer
BIyth John George, coal merchant Hales J ames, farmer Thomas Geo. Alfd. baker, Bergholt road
Blyth Thomas, farmer, White hall Harsum George, Brickl«:yers' Arms Warner George, plumber
Cant Benjamin Revett, rose grower, Johnson Daniel, horse slaughterer Westobr Harriett (Miss), grocer
Myland lodge . Matthews Benj. wheelwright & blksmth Wyncoll Thomas, farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Papillon Thomas, Manor house Grisson Hannah(Mrs.),baker, Lexden st
Angle Sidney Butler, The Viaduct Phillips Alfred Harsant Freeman, grocer
A'rnold John, Lexden street Polley James Hawes Edward, shopkeeper, Lexden st
Box Misses, Hooth lodge Raymond Charles Hockley William, bricklayer, Shrub end
Cato Rev. John, Summer hill Richardson Frederick Hutley William, blacksmith
Church Charles, Braiswick Roberts Edmund J.P. Burghsted Justance George, King's Head
CountWm. Thos.Lexdenville, Shrub end Rwaine Rev. James B.A. Braiswick Kerry James, boot maker, Lexden st
Errington Geo.Heury D:L., J.p.Lexden pk Ulph Mrs. Spring lane Major Horatio Nelson, coal merchant,
Green Mrs. Colne villas COMMERCIAL. London road
Grimwood Thomas Barker Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer Mills Robert, carpenter, Lexden street
Hawes Col. George, Holly lodge BibbeyWm. frm. blff. for Mr.Geo.CoQper Orpen Harriet Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Hawes Mrs. Oak cottage, Shrub end Boynes Geo. agricultural implement ma Sheepen farm
Hayward George Anstice Bromly Philip Kingsbury, grocer, Orpen Rt. Laurenee, frmr. Rampart frm
Hayward Miss, Lexden cottage Bottle end Pepper William, beer retailer
Hurnard Mrs. Hill house Bucke John Betts, bricklayer Phillips Edmd. SI. farmer, Maltingfarm
Irwin Mrs. Lindens Cant Herbert, farmer, Pretty Gate Richardson Frederick, boarding school
Jones Henry, Shrublands farm, Shrub end Smith Sidney Stephen, coach builder
Jones Henry Williams, ohrublands Clark Alfred, carpenter, Shrub end Taylor Joseph, grocer
Josselyn Charles, Braiswick lodge Dalby Francis, beer retailer Theobald Arthur, Berechurch Arms,
KeyeE Misses, Shrub end Eade Elizabeth (Mrs.), builder Shrub end
La Barte Rev. William White M.A. Folkard William, farmer, Shrub end Vince George, miller, Mill house
[curate of St. Leonard's] Garrad Isaac, Beardwell, Sun inn Wade Henry, Leather Bottle, Bottle end
O'Grady Mrs. Park cottage Gibling James, bricklayer Wing Alfred, farmer, West House farm
Papilloll Rev. John M.A. Rectory Gilbert James, farmer Wright Caroline (Miss), shopkeeper
COLD NORTON is" a parish and picturesque village, f 1708 ; marriages, 1751. The liviug is a rectory, tithe rent-
watered by a small rivulet, in the Eastern division of the charge £397, with about 43 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
county, Dengie hundred, Maldou union and county court governors of the Charterhouse, London and held by the
district, Maldon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Rev. Stephen Freuerick Williams M.A. of St. John's College,
Albans diocese, 6 miles south from Maldon station and 12 Cambridge.
south-east from Chelmsford. The church erected in The Hall is an elegant mansion near to the church
1855 at the sole cost of the late rector, the Rev. William and commands extensive views of the surrounding scenery;
Holland M.A. is in the Decorated style and consists of chan- Charles Clarke esq. whose family have resided here for up-
eels, nave, south porch and a western turret containing two wards of a century, is the present occupier. The Governors of
bells: the pulpit and reading desk are of carved oak made' the Charterhouse, who are the lords of the manor, the t~
chiefly from the beams of the old church: the nave is tees of Butler's Charity and Miss F. Parker are the chief
separated from the chancel by a fine arch: an ancient mural landowners. 'rhe soil is strong clay; subsoil, strong clay.
monument to Maude, wife of Robert Cammocke gent. of The chief crops are wheat, beans, oats, barley and mangold
Layer Marney, ob. Sep. 23, 1599, has been removed from the wurtzel. Recently a very large portion of the land has been
old church and placed in the chancel:Jt fine-toned American laid down in pasture. The area is 1,651 acres; rateable
organ has been presented by the parishioners: in the value, £'1,593; population in 1881, 185.
churchyard is an old tombstone inscribed to William Pansh Clerk, George James Hatch.
Walker esq. J.P. his wife and children who died Dec. 9th, Letters through Maldon. Latchington is the nearest money
1708. The ancient church of St. Stephen was a very small order & telegraph office & the nearest post offiee is at
structure, consisting of nave, built in the 12th century and Stow Maries
at the western end a wooden beUrey, crowned by a short National School (mixed), erected in 1842 for 30 children ~
spire. The register of baptism dates from 1539, burials, Miss Esther Crabb, mistress

Clarke Charles, The Hall Clarke Charles, farmer & p-azier &C. Partridge George Edward, farmer
Clarke Miss, The Rise . The Hall Pond William, Fly 0/" Bullock
Williams Rev. Stephen Frederick M.A. Harvey John & William, farmers Stock William (Mrs.), farmer
[rector] Hatch Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Willis John{Mrs.), farmer
EARLS COLNE (or Great Colne,otherwise called Colne of chancel, nave of 6 bays, aisles and large western embafi.
Monachorum) is a town as ancient as the time of King Ed- tIed tower, with the de Vere Arms carved in stone on the
ward the Confessor; it derives its name from the river east and west sides, containing 6 bells. dated 186<} l erected
Colne and from its ancient occupation by the de Veres, in 1532 by John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford, whose arms,
Great Chamberlains of England, Earls of Oxford and Dukes with supporters and crest, are carven on the east and west
of Dublin, who with little interruption, were lords of the sides; it was restored in 1864: there is a stained window
manor from the Conquest till 1583 and had a seat here, called given by the parishioners and friends as a memorial to the
Hall Place, with a park of about 700 acres attached, which Rev. Robert WatkiI1son, late vicar: the org-.m was the gift
stood on one side of the church: the town is situate near of the late Mrs. Gee: the reredos is of freestone with mosaics
the banks of the Colne, in the Eastern division of the county, by Salviati: there is a marble monument to Richard
Lexden hundred, Halstead union and county court district, Harlakenden esq. and his four wives, 16«)2; another to
Halstead rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. George Cressener esq. and others of that family, with arms
Albaus diocese, on the ~oad from Halstead to Colchester, I 1772; an inscribed stone to the Rev. Thomas Bernard M.A.
mile from Colne station on the Colne Valley branch of the for 40 years vicar here, 1755 and three altar tombs, with
Great Eastern railway, 48 milesfromLondon,3~east-south- recumbent effigies of the de Veres, Earls of Oxford, two of
east from Halstead, IQ north-west from Colchester, 4~ north which are assigned to Robert de Vere, 9th Earl, who died of
from Coggeshall. The church of St. Andrew consists a wound received from a wild boar, while hunting in Nov•

1392 and to Richard de Vere K.G. nth Earl, ob. 1411- Th. The principal landowners are Mrs. Honywood, Mrs. Meyer,
register dates from the year 1559. The living is an endowed J. Carwardine esq. Lieut.-Col. Marsden, William Matthews,
vicarage, tithes commuted at £6 16, in the gift of John Car- esg. and there are several smaller owners. The soil is a
wardine esq. I.P. and held by the Rev. Samuel Blackall M.A. strong lo~m and brick earth; subsoil, various. The chief
of St. John's College, Cambridge, hon. canon of Ely and crops are wheat, oats, bal'l~y and turnips. The area is 2,996
rural dean of Halstead. Here are the places of worship for acres; rateable value, [7,021 ; and the population in 1:88t
Baptis~s and the Society of Friends. There ar6 six alms- was 1594-
houses, erected in tbe year 1842 by the late Henry H. Car- COLNEFORD HILL is on the other side of the Colne.
wardine esq. and supported by John Carwardine esq.; Parish Clerk, Abraham Crooks.
these are occupied by u inmates; there are also roari- POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
ties of £34 yearly value arising from land left in Bank.-Joseph Farrants, postmaster, Earls Colne. Letters
1733 by Mrs. Poynter ; this amount is distributed to the from Halstead arrive by foot post at 7 a.m.; delivered at
poor in small sums of money by the churchwardens. Here 7.15 & dispatched at 6 & 8.30 p.m. Box closes at a.30p.m
are the extensive agricultural implement works of Messrs. WALL LETTER BOXES: Colneford hill, cleared at 5.40 p.m. ~
Hunt and Tawell ~ bricks and tiles are also made here. sundays 9.49 a.m.; Lower street, cleared 6.30 p.w.;
There is an institute for holding lectures. Prior to the sundays 9.40 a.m
year IIOO, Aubrey de Vere, first Earl of Guisnes, founded INSURANCE AGENTs.-County Fire, T. S. Farrants; PrlYtli-
here a Benedictine priory in honour of St. Mary and St. dent Life, J. S. Farrants
John the Evangelist, which was richly endowed and made SCHOOLS:-
subordinate "to' the famous abbey founded by Cesia, at Free Grammar, founded in 1520 by the Rev. Christopher
Abingdon in Berkshire; he afterwards became a monk in Swall-ow, Vicar of Mining, with a yearly income of about
his own establishment and was buried here, with Beatrice £300 & has nOw 42 boys; the course of instruction includes
his wife, sister of William the Conqueror and of which some religious knowledge & the usual English subjects; the
remains are to be seen near the river: in the ancient priory school is controlled by a body of eight trnstees: the
church were buried 13 Earls of Oxford,of the princely house present buildings were erected in 1843 & enIarged187S1
of de Vere; there are also several ancient monuments of the Waiter Abbott Mutimer, master
family preserved in a cloister attached to the present priory: JYational (boys), for 120 children; William E. Hutchillgs,
at the Dissolution the revenues of this religious house were master: (girls), built in 1875; mistress, Miss Sarall
estimated at £175 14s. 8~d. per annum. The Priory is Pearson: (mixed), Coggeshall road ; mistress, M1'SI
erected near the site of the ancient monastery and is the Julia Gibblings: these schools are available for 300
seat of John Carwardine esq. J.P. lord of the manors of Earls children
Colne and Colne Priory. Colne House, the seat of Lieut.- CARRIERS TO : -
Col. F. C. Marsden C.B., l.P. is a modern mansion, plea- COLCHESTER-WaIter Bartholomew, on saturdays
santly situated at the entrance of the village from Halstead. LONDON-James Pudney, mono & fri. returning wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. James Zachariah. blacksmith
Blackall Rev. Samuel M.A. [rural dean], Barnard Osmond,farmer, Hay house Long William, grocer
Vicarage Barry James, tailor Matthews William, farmer & landowner,
Carwardine John l.P. Colne priory Bartholomew WaIter, baker & carrier Ashwells
Gould Mrs. Colneford hill Bond J ames, inland revenue officer Mann Thos. timber merchant & cooper
Harrisson Francis Bridge Samuel, boot maker Moss Charles, beer retailer
Harrisson Henry, Colne Ford mill Brown Elias, boot & shoe maker Osborn WillIam, farmer & seed grower
Hamsson Miss Clark Noah, carpenter Owers Ann (Mrs.), Lion ~ Boar
HaTTisson Mrs Earls G'olne Gas Light eJ Coke Com- Owers Thomas, seed grower
Hills Mrs. Francis, Myrtle cottage pany, Limited (R. Hunt, manager) Patten Charles, farmer & horse dealer
Hills Mrs. Green farm Earls Colne String Band (J. Stevens, Patten Hardy, horse dealer
Hunt Reuben secretary) Pilgrim William, maltster
Hunt Zachariah FaTTants & Stevens,linen &1: woollen dra- Pollard John, George inn
Lansdell Lawson Henry pers & tailors; & at High st. Clchster Rawlinson William, shoe maker
Marsden Lieut.-Col. Frederick Carleton Farrants Joseph Stevens, grocer & post- Rogers Zachariah, bIdr. brick ma.&frmr
C.B., l.P. Colne house master Sadd Isaac, beer retailer & baker
Martin John Ford William, shopkeeper Science eJ Art Classes (J. Stevens sec.),
Matthews William, Ashwells Free GrQ1nmar School (WaIter Abbott High street
Mayhew Mrs Mutimer, master) Scillitoe John, grocer
Mutimer WaIter Abbott [master of the Gager Harry, tailor Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), plumber
free grammar school] Gallifent Thomas, grocer Stananought Alfred George, grocer &
Pilgrim Mrs Gallifent Thomas, jun. grocer draper
Pudney Robert Gooch Hobert, butcher Strange James, shopkeeper
Quilter Mrs Gouldstone William, saddler . Tawell James Augustus, engineer, see
Rice Rev. Wm. Edmund [Baptist] Harrington William, baker Hunt & Tawell
Rodick Septimu8 Hills Hen. & Co. millers, Chalkney mills Taylor John, surgeon
Stuttor Misses Rolmes Henry, White Hart Wash Charles, assistant overseer &i
Tawell Frederick, Eden house Howard Thomas, grocer inspector of nuisances to the rural
Tawell James Augustus Hull Benjamin, Bil'd-in-Hand sanitary authority of Halstead Union
Tawell Mrs. Elm cottage Hunt & Tawell, engineers, agricultural Wash Philip, builder
Taylor Da,'id machinists & manufacturers of Bid- I Webb Charles Gilbert, beer retailer
Taylor George dell's patent food preparing ma- Wenden Henry, butcher
Taylor John chinery, Atlas works White George, shopkeeper
Tyler Mrs Jackson James, baker \Voodward Stephen, farmer &. maltster
Watkinson Mrs. Colne place . James William, blacksmith
COLNE ENGAINE (or Little Colne) is '8 parish, on the Rhodes, is a mansion built in 1775 and situated in a park of
north bank of the river Colne, in the Eastern divison of the 100 acres, containing a lofty Ionic column of Portland SWM
county, Witham division of Lexden hundred, Halstead union erected in 1791 by J. Soane esq. architect, which may" b&
and county court di"trict, Halstead rural deanery, Col- seen at a considerable distance. The Rev. James Fart
chester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, It miles from Reeve, John Carwat'dine esq. I.P. and the GOV'ernors d
Colne station, 2i miles east from Halstead and 6 north from Christ's Hospital are lords of the manor and the principai
Coggeshall : it received its surname from a family of landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravelly. The chief
Engaine, who held lands here from I:n8 to 1367. The crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,444 acres;
Church of St. Andrew consists of chancel, nave, south porch rateable' value, £4,242 ; and the population in 188r Wafl 500.
a.nd a western tower containing 5 bells, dated 1603, 1624, BUNTING'S GREEN and BOOSE'S GREEN He to the west.
3:675, r676 and 1760! in the chancel are a piscina and POST OFFrc~.-George Fuller, sub.postmaster. Letters
sedilia: the church was thoroughly restored in 1873. The through Halstead arrive at 8,30 a..m.; dispatched at ~
register dates from the year 1629. The living is a rectory, p.m, The nearest money order k telegraph Dffic6 is at-
yearly value £680, with residence and 56 aeres of glebe, in Earls Colne
the gift of the Governors of Christ's Hospital and held by Nati01tal School for 70 children, erected in 1847, at " cost 'fif.
the Rev. Henry Thomas Annfield M.A. of Pembroke 001- £360t by subscription, aided by grants from the National
lege, Cambridge F.S.A. Colne Park, the property of the Rev. Society's Diocesan Board & by the Committee of
James Farr Reeve and the residence of Mrs. Peel and Miss Council on Education; John Eldon Mullett, master


Armfield Rev.Henry Thomas M.A., F.B.A Butcher Francis, farmer, Elms hall Pndney Joshua, assistant 9Terseer
Rectory Farrow "\\'illiam, farmer, Peverills farm Ray Th08. Hy.frmr. &miller,Westwood;
Beard Miss, The Lodge Firmin James, Five Bells & Langley mill, Halstead
Butcher Mrs. Hill house Firmin Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer & Ripper William, farmer, Rooktree farm
Firmin Mrs cattle dealer Rogers George, farmer
Peel Mrs. Colne park Fuller Geo.shoe maker& sub-postmaster Bewell Thomas Francis, farmer, The
Reid Cecil Frederick, Overhall Hills & Co. millers, Overshot mills Grove
Rhodes Miss, Colne park Keeble & Wiffen, blacksmiths Shave William, farmer, Mill brook
Seweil Thomas Francis, The Grove Lewis WaIter, farm bailiff to Mrs. Turner & Clark, farmers
COMMERCIAL. Farrow, Brick house Wadley Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bocock Charles, farmer, Brompton frm Moss WaIter, farmer Wadley W. & Son, wheelwrights
Brand Daniel, farmer, Brook farm Pudney & Sons,builders 8r brick makers White William, Colne Ford mill, miller
Brewer William, farmer &shopkeeper Pudney Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer Whiting Thomas, shoe maker

WAXES COLNE is a parish and village with a station more trustees of this parish I messuage and 3 crofts of land,
called Chappel station, on the Colne Valley branch of the containing 5 acres: also Buller's meadow containing It
Great Eastern railway, in the Eastern division of the acres: also the church house and small barn lying against
county, Lexden and Winstree hundred and union, Colches- the churchyard, for the use of the poor and the repairing ofJ
ter county conrt district, Halstead rural deanery, Colchester the church: the income from this charity amounts to about
archdeaconryand St. Albans diocese, situate on the north £29 yearly and. is applied chiefly in clothing. Joseph
of the river Colne and on the high road from ColchAster to lleaumont esq. is l<Yl'd of the manor. The principal land·
Cambridge, 6 miles south-east from Halstead, 8 north-west owners are Henry Skingley esq. and Capt. E. Brett l.P. ; the
from Colchester and 6 north-west from Coggeshall. The former has a handsome residence here called Wakes Ball.
church of All Saints consists uf chancel, nave, north porch The soIl is loam and sandy; subsoil, mixed. The chief
and a small wooden tower, with spire at the west end, con- crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,926
taining 3 bells: in the chancel 3 stained windows, the acres; rateable value, £8,516; and the population in 188:r
east window being a memorial to the Rev. Francis Sylvester was 499. •
Gremston, late rector, who died in 1865 : there is also a CREPPING, a hamlet of Wakes Colne, dates from the reign
small marble monument to the Tyffin family, who held the of King Edward the Confessor.
manor of Wakes Hall from 1586 to 1633. The register dates Parish Clerk, William Patten.
from 1690. The living is a rectory, commuted value £580, POST OFFIcE.-Charles Bowyer, receiver. Letters received
including 12 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the through Halstead at 8 a.m ; dispatched at 5 p.m. Earls
Earl of Verulam and held by the Rev. Alfred OliveI' Well- 801ne is the nearest money order & telegraph office
stead M.A. St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, who is non- National School (mixed), built in 1871 for 100 children &
resident, the Rev. John Edward Sutherland Lilliei& curate has an average attendance of 62; Miss Jane Newman,
in charge. John Alyson and John Boteler, by their deed mistress
dated 29th June, 1460, did deliver and confirm unto two or Railway Station, George William Grand, station master
Brett Capt. Edward I.P. Fisher's Bowyer Charleil, blacksmith Norton Hercules John, farmer, Old
Brett Mrs. Colne place Green C. James & Co. millers & oilcake House farm
Brett Mrs. Fisher's farm manufacturers, Colne mill Nott Benjamin, farmer
Green Charles, Crepping hall 1Green Charles, farmer, Crepping hall Patten Anthony, beer 1'etlr. Colne gm
Lillie Rev. John Edward Sutherland Harrington Elizabeth (Miss), grocer Raison Mark, Gardeners' Arms, & frmr
[cnrate-in-charge], Rectory Hazell William, farmer Smith John, farmer, Goodwin's farm
Skingley Henry, Wakes hall Johnson David, farmer, Parker's green Tawell Henry, farmer, Patrick's farm
. COMMERCIAL. Leatherd~le James, farmer White David, Sutkerland A,-mS
Beard Charles, shopkeeper Martin William, farmer
WHITE COLNE (or Colne-Ie-Blanc) is a parish and I M.A. ofSt. John's College, Cambridge. Here is a place of
station on the Colne Valley railway, in the Eastern division worship for Baptists. The principal landowner is Osgood
of the county, Halstead union and county court district, Hanburyesq. The iloil is loam and sandy; subsoil, various.
Le:x:den hundred, rural deanery of Halstead, Colchester The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles east from 1,467 acres; rateable value, £2,544; and the population in
Balstead, 6 north from Coggeshall and 9 north-west from 1871 was 374.
~olchester_ The c~urch, .as~ign~d by some mode~n autho- CoUNTESS CROSS is three-quarters of a mile west.
1'Ity ~o .St. Andrew, IS a bmldmg m the Early Engh~h sty.le, I Pm'ish Clerk Henry Sparkes.
consIstmg of chancel, nave and a western tower WIth spll'e '
containing 2 bens, dated 1879: the chancel retams a piscina: L~TTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. Letters through. Halstead.
the church was thoroughly restored in 1869 and 1870: the The nearest money order & telegraph office IS at Earls
windows are stained, the west window being a memorial to Colne
the Rev. W. E. Hume, late vicar. The register dates from National School, for 60 children, built by public subscription
the year 1565. The living is a vicarage, yearly valne £160, in 1863 & supported by the landowners and others con-
with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of Keble nected with the parish; Miss Wilson, mistress
College, Oxford and held by the Rev. George John Ta)'lor Railway Station, George Evans, station master
Brewster Sturgeon Nunn, The Gate ho Hicks Joseph Rouse, farmer & land- Poulter Robert, King's Head
Chute Rev.Tbeophilus Dacre B.A.[curate owner, Whites farm Ringer George, shoe maker
of Earl's Colne] Kerlogue Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sparks Henry, blacksmith
Hills Henry F. Chalkney house Patten James, coal dealer Swinoorne Thomas C. farmer, £art hall
Taylor Rev. Geo. John M.A. Vicarage Pilgrim Bernard, farmer, Instep Wass Thomas, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Pilgrim Deborah (Mrs.), farmer, Cat- Wiltshire Frederick, seed grower
Buck Philip, baker & seed grower ley's farm
OOPFORD derived its name from its situation at a ford beneath the plaster, these it is hoped will shortly: be un-
over the Roman river: it is a parish in the Eastern division covered, for effecting which subscriptions are invited. The.
of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory,
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Cogges- yearly Talue £680, with 75 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
hall, archdeaconry,)f Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. Benjamin Ruck-Keene
I I miles south-east from Marks Tey junction of the Great B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Thomas Haines Harri-
Eastern railway, 48 from London, 5 south-west from Col- son esq. of Copford hall, is lord of the manor: this manor
chester (on the Maldon road) and 6 east from Coggeshall. was held by the Bishops of London till the death of Bishop
The church, though with a modern dedication to St. Michael Bonnel', who occasionally resided and is buried here. The
and All Angels, is ancient and has some portions of Norman principal landowners are Thos. Haines Harrison esq. The Rev_
a.rchitecture: it consists of chancel, nave -e.ud south aisle James Ambrose M.A. James Round esq. M.P. Sidney Pattis-
and is remarkable for the great thickness of its walls: there son esq. and Sir T. C. C. Western bart. The 80il is light;
is 8 wooden turret containing 3 bells, with a shingled spire: subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans..
the Norman apse, restored in 1872, is decorated with ancient The area is 2,408 acres; rateable value, £4>558; and the
frescoes of the Crucifixion and other snbjects first discovered population in 188I was 710.
in 1690: it is believed that more frescoes are still concealed Parish Clerk, Edward. Theobald.



POST OFFICE, The-Green.-Henry Bowles, receiver. Letters National School (mixed), built for 80 chIldren; Miss Eliza.J
through Colchester arrive at 8.38 a.m.; dispatched at 6 beth Margaret Mead, mistress
p.m. The nearest money order office is at Lexden &; CARRIER TO COLCHES'fER-George Brazier, monday & llat
telegraph office at Marks Tey
Ambrose Rev. John :M.A. Copford lodge' Burchall William, farm bailiff, Copford Lingley Thomas, blacksmith
Harrison Thomas Haynes, Copford hall Green farm Norfolk James, farmer, Break fann
Hatch Miss, Holly cottage Church George, farmer, Willow farm RaIling Sidney (Miss), shopkpr.The Grn
Ruck-Keene Rev. BenjaminB.A. [rector] Dixey John, farmer, Gate house Ransom Wm. farmer, Beckenham hall
Wright Philip, Copford place Ely Alfred Polley, miller, Copford mill Scott Charles, hurdle maker & shopkpr
COMMERCIAL. Finch IsaaQ, farmer, Hole farm Scott WaIter, house decorator, The Grn
Bailey Joseph, farmer, Seven Star green Fosdyke Charles, grocer Smith Emma (Mrs.), Brick" Tile
Blomfield Frederick William, farmer, Goody Thomas, Alma inn, The Green Smith Lucy (Mrs.), boor retailer
Beckenham hall; letters through Birch 1 Hutton Thomas & J osiah, carpenters Swann Samuel, farmer, Mulberry farm
Bowles Hy. baker, & post office, The Grn 1 Keeble Wm. farmer, Walnut Tree farm Tampion John, blacksmith
Bruce William, farmer, Pantile farm j King Philip Hurst, farmer Wagstaff James,farmer, Thurgood'sfrm
Bryant John Scott, "-rmer, Mantells I LambertJohn,dayschool,EightAshgrn WyncoU Wm. farmer, Round Bushfarm
CORNISH HALL END was formed into an ecclesi- incumbents of St. John's for ever. The principal land-
astical parish in 1841 from the civil parishes of Finchingfield, owners are Colonel :g,uggles-Brise C.B., M.P. M. Sharp esq. and
Birdbrook and Ridgewell: it is in Colchester archdeaconry, H. R. G. Marriott esq. J.P. 'fhe soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel;
.Braintree rural deanery and St. Albans diocese, 12 miles from chief crops, wheat, barley and oats. The area is 3,014
Braintree, 7 from Saffron Waldron, 3 north from Finching- acres; the population in 1871 was 730 and in 1881, 568.
field, 5 from Thaxted and 47 from London. The church of LITTLE LONDON, SPAINS END and HERKSTEAD GREEN are
St. John the Evangelist is 8. plain building of red brick and hamlets of this parish.
consists of chancel and nave, with a belfry containing I bell Parish Clerk, John Hardy.
and 3 stained windows. The register dates from the year
184 1 . The living is a vicarage, yearly value £195 with Letters through Braintree dispatched at 4. 20 p.m. The
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by nearest money order office is at Finchingfield
the Rev. John Charles Burnside, Theol. Assoc. of King's National School, with a house for the mistress &: a yearly
College, London: there is a library at the Vicarage, be- endowment of £20, left by the late G. W. Gent esq. of
queathed by Dr. Walton, in 1846, to be the property of the Moyris park; Miss Katherine Garrett, mistress
Burnside Rev. John Charles T.A.K.C.L. Colman George, farmer, Herkstead haIl Humphrey Henry, shoe maker
[vicar], Vicarage Coppin Edmund, farmer, Shore hall Jackson John, miller
COMMERCIAL. Dare Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Lophams Jeffrey David, Horse" GI'Oom
Achurch George, farmer, Rook hall Franklin Aug. farmer, Bellcumber hall Tillbrook Jonas, farmer, Rivitts &I
Arnold Elizh. (Mrs.), frmr. Cornish hall French Gabriel, flour dealer White house
Balls Alfred, farm bailiff to Chas. Ryder Frost Thomas, beer retailer Totman Abraham, farmer, The Hole
esq. JekylIs Gilby Chas. shoe maker, Little London Warren George, farmer, Whitleys
Cock Wm. Fuller, fanner, Howe farm Hardy John, shopkeeper & blacksmith Yeldham Thomas, farmer, Nortons
CORRINGHAM is a village and parish, in the Southern of a female, c. 1460, much worn, the inscription to which is
division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union, lost: the east and west windows are stained: the entire
Brentwood county court distnct, Orsett rural deanery, structure, except the tower, was restored in 1843-4 by the
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles east late Sir Gilbert Scott, at the chief cost of the rector: in'
from Orsett, 8 south from Billericay and 2 from Stanford-le- 1875 some further improvements of a decorative character
Hope station on the Southend Railway. The church of St. were made. The register dates from the year 1558. The
Mary the Virgin is a small building consisting of chancel, living is a rectory, yearly value £866, with 29 acres of
nave, north aisle, with chantry and a massive embattled glebe in the gift of and held by the Rev. Samuel Stephenson
tower, with pyramidal roof, containing- 3 bells, respec- Greatheed M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Capt.
tively dated 1580, 1613 and 1622; it was originally a Digby H. R. Wingfield, who is lord of the manor and Henry
Norman church, but of this only the tower remains, the Charles Long, Herbert Clarance Long esqs. and Mrs. Kent
rest of the edifice being chiefly Decorated: the nave is are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
separated from the aisle by an arcade of three bays: a fine gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans,
old oak screen is still existing in the chantry, which is pre- peas and clover. The area is 2,744 acres of land, with much
sumably that founded by William de Brand in 1328 and marsh and 759 of water, reaching to the Thames; rateable
retains a little old glass; there is a trefoil-headed piscina value, £3,9°4; the popula~ion in 1881 was 273.
in the south wall of the chancel, and a stoup in the south Parish Clerk, William James Grover.
porch: there are brasses to Richard de BeItoun, a former LliiT'fER Box cleared at 1.30.
rector, c. 1340, with a half-length effigy; to Alice Greyve,
1453; Thomas at Lee and Margaret his wife, 1464; and to Letters through Romford, '!lid Horndon-on-the-Hill. The
Rober1i Draper, also a former incumbent, 1595, this brass latter is the nearest money order & telegraph office
being inserted in an ancient stone inscribed" Abele: baud: Parish School (mixed), built in 1847, for 58 children; Mrs.
gist: ici : diev : di : sa : alme: eit : merci ;"there is also the figure Susanna Crussell, mistress
Greatheed Rev. Samuel Stephenson M.A. Crussell Sarah (Mrs.), Bull inn Ransom William, blacksmith
[rector], Rectory Long Henry Charles, farmer, The Hall Spitty Alfred, farmer
Alston Israel, baker Long Herbert Clarence, farmer, Old hall Wright Thomas, carpenter
Crussell John James, shoe maker Philpot Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer
CRANHAM is a parIsh, containing a few scattered merly fellow, lecturer and bursar of that college. Coombe
houses, pleasantly situated about 4 miles south-east from Lodge, a modern stone mansioD, situated on an eminen~
the Romford station, in the Southern division of the county, commanding fine views of the surrounding country and
Chafford hundred, Romford union and county court dis- enclosed in well-designed pleasure grounds, is the residence
trict, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and of Edward Ind esq. J.P. R. Benyon esq. is lord of the
diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a stone manor and chief landowner. The lioil is loamy; subsoil,
building in the Early English style, consisting of chancel and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas &c. The
nave, with tower and spire: there is a three-light stained area is 1,875 acres; rateable value, £3,239; and the popula-
window in the chancel and a stained west window of four tion in 1881 was 4 I6.
lights: in the chancel is a monument to General James Parish Clerk, William Camp.
E~ward Oglethorpe, of Westbrook Place,. Surrey,. who ,:,b- LETTER Box cleared at 3 p.m. & 6.0 p.m
tamed the manor of Cranham Hall Py hIS marrIage Wlth
Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of SIr Nathan Wright, whose
predecessor bought it of the Petres ; founder, in .173 2 , of
ILetters through Romford. Hornchurch
money order.& telegraph office
is the nearest

the colony of Georgia, N. America; and to his widow, both of School, erected In 1870, partly at the cost of R. Benyon ~q.
whom are buried here: he died in '1785, aged 103, The & supported by Miss Boyd, of Wanstead ~ an adnlt
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, nig~t .!!.chool is held three time~ a week, free t:o all, k
yearly value £560, with residence, in the gift of St. John's m~ntamed by the same lady; MISS Hannah Emlly Abe!, .
college, Oxford and held by the Rev. Charles Rew :B.D. for· Inlstress
Beech William, Cranham place Wright George Lucas, Coombe cottage Gates William, farmer
Bunter Richard Warren, Cranham hall COMMERCIAL. Oley James, beer retailer
Ind Edward J.P. Coombe lodge Baily William, beer retailer & grocer Oliff James, farmer, Back lane
Mason Rev. Geo. Holditch M.A. [curate] Battsou Israel, farmer, Hays farm Palmer William, farmer
Rew Rev. Charles B.D. Rectory Bunter Richard Warren, farmer, Cran- Parker Thomas, farmer
Robinson Henry, Crouch house ham hall Stoneham William, farmer
Way Mrs. Charles, Cranham lodge Gates James, beer retailer Watson William (Mrs.), farmer
CREEXSEA (or CRICKSEA) is a parish in the Eastern acres of glebe and in the gift of and held by the Rev. Henry
division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and Mawson Milligan RA. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.
county court district, Dengie rural deanery, Essex arch- Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay bart. who is lord of the
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, situated on the north bank manor and P. Patmore and - Danbus esqs. are the principal
of the Crouch, 2 miles west from Burnham and 12 south- landowners. The soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The chief
east from Maldon. The church of All Saints, rebuilt in 1878, crops are wheat, barley &c. 'rhe area is 985 acres, of which
is a stone structure, in the Perpendicular style and consists of 130 are water; rateable value, £1,165; and the population
chancel, nave, south porch and belfry with I bell: the total in 1881 was 145.
cost of erection was about £1,200. The register dates from LETTER Box cleared at 4 p.m. Letters through Maldon.
the year 1749. The living is a rectory,united with the vicarage The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Burnham
of Althorne, great and small tithes commuted at£247 with 23 School (mixed), for about 40 children; Miss Dale, mistress
Kemp Samuel (exors. of),farmers, Creek Mathams William H. farmer
Sea hall
Patmore Philip, oyster mer. & farmer

CRESSING is a village and parish, in the Eastern division Musgrave, Esq., of Norton, Yorks; she died in childbirth
of the county, ~Titham hundred, Braintree union and county I I Aug., 1610, aged 23 ": here, also, is a piscina; and sus-
court district, Witham rural deanery, Colchester arch- pended near the roof are two ancient helmets. The register
deaconry and diocese of St. Albans and formerly belonged dates from 1754. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £240,
to King Harold H.; it is situated on a small feeder of the with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Witham and held by
Blackwater,3 miles south-east from Braintree and 5 north the Rev. Orlando Beater Th. A. of King's College, London.
from Witham and Keh-edon. The Maldon, Witham and The Knights 'remplars, who at one time had a com-
Braintree railway has a station in this parish called BULFORD mandery or preceptory here, called Cressing Temple, pos-
station, about li mile west from the village. The church sessed the advowson; it subsequently passed to the Knights
of All Saints is a small edifice of flint and stone, chiefly Hospitallers of St. Jo1).n of Jerusalem and reverted to the
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, Cro",-n at the general suppression of religious houses.
with vestry, south porch and a small shingled spire at the Captain Stuart, who is lord of the manor and JefferJ Grim-
west end containing I bell: the church was restored by wood Grimwood esq. J. Lockhart esq. Sir Thomas C. C.
subscription in 1868 at a cost of £600 and seated with open Western bart. and A. Barnes esq. are the chief landowners.
benches to hold 217 persons: on the south wall of the The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, clay and loam; the chief
chancel is an alabaster monument, erected by Henry Smith, crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,357 acres;
of Cressing Temple, to his wife Hannah and dated 1607 ; it rateable value, £3,687; and the population in 1881 was 541.
bears figures in bas-relief of a knight kneeling before an Parish Clerk James Fryatt.
open book upon a table, while opposite is a lady in a similar '. . .
attitude and underneath, a child in a winding-sheet, POST OFFIc~.-Frederlck S~arp, receIver. Letters arrIve
with the figure of a maiden in the attitude of prayer; from Bramtree at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.0 p.m. ; sundars,
near to this, on the chancel pavement, is a large stone con- ~·55 a.m: The nearest money order & telegraph office
taining a brass, exceedingly well-engraved, of a lady stand- IS at Bramtree
ing before a tab}e with her right hand resting upon an hour- National School (mixed), built in 1868, for 150 children
glass; at her feet lies an infant apparently dead and below & supported by a voluntary rate, government grant &
is an inscription in latin to "Dorcas Musgrave, daughter of school fees; Miss S. M. Larrett, mistress
William Bigg, Gent. of Topsfield, Essex and wife of Thomas Bulford Railway Station, Robert Hellaby, station master

Beater Rev. Orlando T.A.K.C.L. Vicarage Horsnaill & Catchpool,millrs.Bulford mll Sach Edward, farmer & landowner,
Cousins George Johnson Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Jeffrey's farm
Ayton John, carpenter JosHn George, shopkeeper Sharp Frederick, shopkeeper
Baines Charlotte (Mrs.), Three Ashes Moss John, farmer, Rook farm Stebbings Charles John, farmer
Brewster Arthur Robert, farm bailiff to Phillips William, miller, farmer & as- Theobald James William, farmer
O. Brown esq sistant overseer, Stubbles farm & Totham James, boot & shoe maker
Cheek Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer Cressing mill Willers Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer &
Cousins George, jun. farmer Russell William, carpenter & wheel- blacksmith
Cousins Thomas, farmer, Cressing lodge wright
DAGENHAM is a parish and village, in the Southern A school board of 5 members was formed here in 1874; and
division of the county, Becontree hundred, Romford union have schools at Becontree Heath. There are chapels for
and county court district, Metropolitan police jurisdiction, Wesleyans, Wesleyan [Reformers and United Methodist
Chafford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans Free Church and a Congregational Chapel at Marks .
diocese. The parish is bounded by the Thames, the Rom Gate. Dagenham has much marsh land and on Dec. 17th,
(or Bourne brook) and the Ingerbury brook and the village 1707, a very high tide blew up the sluice, broke through
is 3 miles south-west from Romford, 2 north-west from Rain-· the dyke, flooded 1,000 acres and swept 160 acres into
ham station and 12 from Whitechapel church. The church of the river; after much difficulty and lapse of fifteen
SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient brick and stone structure, years, the breach was stopped by the famous Captain
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, an embattled north Perry, at a cost of £4°,000. Sir Edward Hulse bart. is lord
tower surmounted by a slated spire and containing a peal of of the manor. The principal landowners are the Crown,
6 bells, dated 1768; the chancel and aisle date from the 13th the Marquis of Salisbury, Sir Edward Hulse bart. the Dean
century: the nave was rebuilt in 1800: there is a fine old and Canons of Windsor, J. G. Fanshawe and Joseph
tomb with brasses, to Sir Thomas Urswyk, a former re- Smitherman esqs. The soil is shingly; subsoil, gravel.
corder of London, 1470, his wife, 4 sons and 9 daughters; and The chief crops are wheat, potatoes &C. The area is 6,608
a marble monument to Sir Richard Alibon kt. a justice of acres, excluding 174 acres water area; rateable value,
the King's Bench, in the reign of James 11. ob. April 22, £21,358; and the population in 1881 was 3,4II.
1688; the stained east window is a memorial to T. L. BECONTREE HEATH is a large hamlet of this parish,2l
Fanshawe, erected in 1878 by parishioners. The register miles north and has a Methodist Free Church.
dates from the year 1598. The living is a vicarage, yearly Parish Clerk and Sexton, William A. Palmer.
value £852, with residence, in the gift of T. C. Stevenson POST & MoNEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Henry
Moore esq. and held by the Rev. John James Stevenson Howgego, postmaster. Letters through Romford at 5-45
Moore M.A., LL.D. of Trinity College, Dublin. Uphill's & 10.15 a.m; dispatched at 2.40 & 6.30 p.m. Sunday
charity of £150 yearly, left by Jacob Uphill, of Dagenham, delivery commences at 7 a.m. & dispatched at 6.30 p.m.
standard bearer to William and Mary, Queen Anne and The nearest telegraph office is at Rainham
George I. who died Feb. 26, 1717, tet. 59, is chiefly expended POST OFFICB, Becontree heath.-James Farrow, receiver.
in clothing children and in gratuities to them; other Letters, 'Via Rom(ord, arrive at 5.30 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.;
charities, including a bread charity left by John White dispatched at 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. The nearest money order
gent. who died February 2, 1673, are distributed yearly. I office & telegraph office are at Chadwell heath. There is
a PILLAR Box at Marks' gate, cleared at 7.15 a.m~ & 3.15 Bchool connected with this charity, built in 1857 a
p.m available for 84 children; these schools have an annual
INSURANCB AGENTS: ' •. endowment of £300, arising from money left for educa-
Guardian, H. L. Philpot, High 'Street tional purposes by Thomas Waters, who died March 6th,
Sun Fire, H. 'I'hompson, Beam River mill 1756; (boys & girls), John Doubleday, master; Mrs,
Metropolitan Police Station. John Durley, inspector Emma Doubleday, mistress
Clerk to the School Board, W. Smith, Romford .Boa1'd (infants 1St standard) built in 1874, for 125
ScHOOLS:- children ; Mrs. Deards, mistress
Ford's Endotced, Church Elm lane, founded in 1828 by Board (mixed), Becontree heath, built about 1877 for 250
William Ford, of Dagenham; the buildings include a children; Peter Henry Trachy, master; Mrs. Alice Trachy,
master's residence &. will hold 120 boys & as many mistress: Miss Taylor, assistant mistress
girls; in Whalebone !ane, Chadwell heath, is a branch
Dagenham. Gay William, farmer Torrance Hugh Woodburn, dairy farmr'
Beal Thomas, Hog hill Gill ~dward, b~ker &. far';ller , The Padnals
Burchell John Philip, Marks' gate Goohffe Frances (Mrs.), Cheque1 S Wackett John, farmer, Rose lane
Cockshot Henry, Marks' gate Gray Alfred, farmer, House .farm West Edward John, saddler
Cockshot John Marks' gate Gray Henry, farmer, AmerICa farm & West Joseph Jonadab, grocer
Dughau Rl;lV. john J. Pound House farm. . Wiseman Isaac, farmer
Fitch Samuel Hill, Parsloes Hannar James, beer r~ta1ler, Hog h1l~ Becontree Heath.
Moore Rev. John James Stevenson Howgego Hy. wheelwnght &; p~st office
M.A., LL.D. Vicarage Howgego In. market gardnr. FIve elms COMMERCIAL.
Sloper Arbuthnott John Hog hill Kelley Arthur, saddler & collar maker Avis Jonathan, wheelwright
, Key John, butcher Balls Charles, miller & miIlwright
COMMERCIAL. Kirk Charles, wheelwright Bentley William, boot maker
Aires William George, farmer, Foxland Kirk William, farmer, Rookery farm Blair Selina (Mrs.), Three Travellers
.Alison John, farmer Mihill Wm. Reeve,farmer,Eastbrook end Blewitt John, hay & straw dealer
Arnold George, farmer, Broad street Noble William, beer retailer Blewitt Joseph, hay & straw dealer
Barr Edward, straw dealer Palmer Alfred, Ro.~e ef Crou'n Blewitt Robert, hay & straw dealer
Beard Frederick Richard, baker Palmer James ''''alter, shopkeeper Brewster John, shopkeeper
Bennett John, market gardener Palmer Joseph, farmer, Halbut street Brown Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer
Blaizby George, beer retailer Parrish Coulson Douglas, farmer Coppen Charles, frmr. Whalebone farm
Brawn James, farmer, Rat's Hall lane Philpot Henry Lewis, grocer Farrow Jas. harness ma. & post office
Brown HenryRobert,joiner, Marks' gate Pye Abraham, beeB retailer &; straw Gay Isaac, farmer, Becontree farm
Brown Sarah (Mrs.), .lfarks' Gate inn dealer, Rose lane Kemp Isaac, straw dealer
Bull Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, New rd Randall & Fowles, market gardeners Knight James, hay & straw dealer
Burke Edward, blacksmith Rodwell David William, Bull inn Malton Daniel, shopkeeper
Claxton William Thomas, bricklayer Rogers John, beer retailer, Halbut street Mead Abraham, farmer, Eastbrookfa~
Cooper Thomas, shopkeeper Salmon Wm. farm bailiff to John Blott Randall & Fowles, market gardeners
Crosfield .Albert Joseph & Co. (Charles esq. Marks' gate Reader Elijah, beer retailer
Borrett, manager), candle & manure Shipton WilIiam, Cross Keys Rudge Samuel, smith
works, River bank Smith Henry, family grocer, tea &provi- Saggars John, farmer
Currie George, fanner, Eastbrook end sion dealer, ironmonger, draper &c Samuel George, farmer
Dockrill George, beer retailer, Five elms Stevens George, farmer, Cambys Seabrook Selina (Mrs.), farmer, Butlers
Drake William, miller, Marks' gate Stevens William Henry, saddler Smitheman Joseph, tanner
Farrow George, coal dealer Thompson Hy. miller, Beam Rh'er mill TwyfordJohnJ<'orster,threshing machine
Flowers George, baker Thompson William, boot & shoe maker proprietor, Whalebone lane
DANBURY is a village and parish mentioned in Domes- for the poor. Danbury Place, now Danbury Palace,
day, is pleasantly situated in the Western division of the surrounded by an extensive estate, was purchased in 1845
county, Chelmsford union, hundred and county court dis- by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, at a cost of £24,700,
trict, Danbury rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. for the Bishop of Rochester and is now the residence of the
Albans diocese; it stands on a hill 497 feet high, on the top Bishop of St. Albans. The principal landowners are the Rev.
of which are the remains of an ancient camp and is on the Sir Brook George Bridges bart. who is lord of the manor
road from Chelmsford to J\Ialdon, 5 miles east from Chelms~ and J. Spencer Phillips esq. The soil is light and gravelly;
ford station, about the same distance west from Maldon and subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
34 from London. The church of St. John the Baptist, turnips. The area is 2,95° acres; rateable value, £4,607 Ss.;
thoroughly repaired and r~toted and the chancel enlarged and the population in 1381 was 978.
in I866-7, consists of ch9:ncel , with nor~h aisle, J:?-aye, aisles, ELM GREEN is west of Danbury and Eve's Corner lies
north porch and tower WIth a wooden SpIre contammg 5 bells to the east '
and a.' clock: it contains the effigies of three cross-legged .. . .
knights, curiously carved in wood, supposed to be repre- RUNSELL IS a hamlet, of which John Thomas esq. IS lord
sentatives of the St. Clere family, whose arms appeal' of the manor.
emblazoned in several compartments of the ancient timbered BYCKNACBE, 2 miles south, is another hamlet, partly in
ceiling of the chancel; each kl)ightly figure is in a different Woodham Ferrers parish. In that part of the hamlet which
• posture and has a lion at his feet: in October, 1879, a lies in this parish on the western side of the road leading
leaden coffin was discovered beneath one of the arches in from Woodham Ferrers to Danbury, are the ruins of the
the north wall, below the pavement, covered with a large Priory for black canons, founded in the reign of Henry n.
fiat stone, on which was a cross fleury; this was openedi by Maurice Fitz Geoffery, then Sheriff of Essex: some of the
and an account of the result appeared in the 'Gentleman'" remaining arches are lofty and well-proportioned: the chapel
.Magazine,' vol. lix. p. 337: the exposed situation of this which stood at the east end is entirely destroyed: after the
church. r~nder8 it peculiarly obnoxious to storms and Dissolution the manor of Bycknacre, with the site of the
tempests -and in 1402, on the 24th May, the body of the Priory, was granted by Henry VIII. to Henry Polsend, who
church and part af the chancel were destroyed .and in Feb. eleven years later, in 1548, sold it to Sir Henry Mildmay.
'1749-50, the spire was set on fire by lightning and burnt Near it is GIlICBACK.
downwards fo~ about 20 feet: there are 600 sittings, all free. Parish Clerk, John Simpson.
The register dates from the year 1673. The living is a .Assistant Overseer, George White.
rectory,. yearly value £5751 with 22 acres -of glebe and POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
residence, in the gift of the Rev. Sir Brook George Bridges Bank.-George Spalding, postmaster. London letters
bart. of Goodnestone Park, Wingham, Kent and held by arrive from Chelmsford at 4 a.m. & 12.30 p.m. i deli\'ered
the Rev. ThQmas Pym Bridges B.A.. of Christ Church, at 7 a.m. &: despatched at g.40 p.m. & 8.45 p.m
Oxford. The poor have £2~ yearly from subscriptions National School (boys, giFls & infants) (mixed); John Fitzo
collected ~n the parisb for clothes and fuel. There is a-trnst water, master; Miss Eliza. Fuller, mistl'ess; Jane Crow,
amounting,to about- £30 yearly, arising from land left in infant, mistress
1603 by Mrs. LansdQw~, for repairs to the church and clothes CARRIER TO & FROM CHELMSFORD' Dunmow, daily
PRIVATi RESIDENTS. Bridges Rev. Thomas Pym B.A. Rectory Fisk MiSS", Gaybowers cottage
St. Albans, Lord Bishop of (Right Iter. Butler William, Hill house Hitchcock Mrs. Emma, Bay lodge
Thomas Legh Claughton D.D.), j)an~ Cooper John, Millington house Kirk Mrs. RiffhaDl8
bury palace Cornwall Rev, John Fitzalan [curate] Lawson John

Mason Mrs. Belvedere house J<10ry Robt. saddler & harness maker .Reeve James, Cricketers' A .. ms, & fmr
Musgrave Edgar, Manor house Francis Rt. farmer, St. Clere's Hall farm Sayer Philip, boot & ahoe maker
Pierce John Timbrell .l.P. Frettons Gladwell Frederick, Bell Simmons Thos. corn factor, Ev~'s cornr
Rasch Frederick Carne Hipsey Wm. Hy. Griffin inn, & farmer Simpson John, farmer, Runsell green
COMMBRCIAL. Hill George, boot maker Smith Simon, carter &c. Runsell
Ager George, butcher, Runsell f Hoar .Alben, builder Bpalding George, baker & postmaster
BakerWilliam,wheelwright,Eve'scorner Jaggs Arthur, farmer, Home row Stannard Charles Richard, grcr. & drpr
Bunn Jas. baker & grocer, Runsell grn Kerridge Charles, pork butcher Targris Abraham, farmer, Eve's corner
Burr Harrison, fruiterer, Runsell green Langman William Henry, farmer & Trussell Goorge S. farmer & landowner,
Campion Joseph, boot & shoe maker la.ndowner, Horne row Gaybowers
Chambers John, beer retlr. Horne row; Linnett George, hurdle maker, Runsell Wackrell James, nurseryman &c. Eve's
Croxon Abraham Bowerman (exors. of), Marriage Miss (exors. of), Jacklett's eorner
farmer, Slough house farm, Bycknacre 'Webb Mrs. Fanny, grocer & draper
Croxon Hy. Wincing, farmer, Elm grn r Poole Wm. Saracen's Head, Runsellgrn Wenley William, gardener, Bycknacre
Dennis Thomas, butcher Ratcliff Saml. jun. frmr. Rectory farm White George, miller & assistant over-
Dunmow William, grocer, baker & car- Ratcliff Samuel, farmer, Runsell seer, Runsell
rier, Horne row I Reeve George, blacksmith Wiggins Chas. beer retlr. Runsell green
DE:BDEN is a large parish and scattered village in the Debden Hall is the residence of John Raymond Cely-Trevilian
Western division of the county, hundred of Uttlesford, esg. .T.P.: this place belonged to Ralph Pev~ren during the
Saffron Walden union and county court district, rural reign of William the Norman and is situated in a most
deanery of Saffron Walden, Colchester archdeaconry and picturesque country; the hall was built in 1795, from
St. Albil,ns diocese,4 miles south from Saffron Walden,39 designs by R. Holland and looks down on a fine sheet
from London and 2 from the Newport station. The church of water in a park of about 200 acres. Amberdon, or
of St. Mary is a Gothic building of brick and stone, consist- Hamperdon Hall, 2 miles south· from the church, is an old
ing of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, south porch and mansion, formerly the residence of the Stonehouse family,
a small turret, with spire at the west end containing 2 bells; but now a farmhouse with a moat: it had formerly a
the chancel was added in 1793 and has a small stained win- church or chapel of its own and large well-stocked fish-
dow; the font was the gift of the late Mr. Chiswell; there ponds: it is a small manor in the possession of Robert
are several marble monuments of the Chiswell family, from Farran esq. Thistley Hall, a farm in the same manor,
1726 to 1751, others to that of Stonehouse and one to the belongs to the Rev. H. Farran Hall. New Amberdon Hall, an
Rev. Henry Hodgson: in the chancel is a mural monument, adjoining farm in the same manor, belongs to Josiah Squire
with Latin inscription, to thp. Rev. Thomas Carter S.T.P. and esq. j John Raymond Cely-Trevilian esq. is lord of the manor
rector of this parish for 45 years, ob. 8th Oct. 1697, wt. 74; of Debden and chief landowner. The soil is strong clay and
Sir Richard Brown kt. and bart. was here buried in 1672 and loam j subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, oats, barley, peas
some others of this family in '1685. The register dates and beans j the parish contains 4,420 acres; rateable value
from the year 1557. The living is a rectory, yearly value £5,096; and the population in 1881 was 816.
£1,100, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. J. R. Cely-Tre- DEBDEN GREEN is 2 miles east-south-east.
vilian and held by the Rev. William Carter Muriel M.A. of SMITH'S GREEN half-a-mile south-east.
St. Peter's College, Cambridge: the rectory house is a PERTON END I mile north.
handsome modern white brick building, standing on an LETTERS from Saffron Walden. The nearest money order
eminence, with gardens and pleasure grounds. Here is a & telegraph offices are at Saffron Walden. Letters for
Congregational Chapel. Bathurst's charity, left about 1740 places marked thus * to be addressed" Bishop's Stortford."
by Mr. Bathurst, of London, consists of about £4,500 £3 per LETTER Box near the school, cleared 6.45 p.m. except on
Cent. Consols, the interest of which, amounting to about sunday
£140 yearly, is distributed in various forms of charity National School (mixed), built in 1852 for 100 children ; Joseph
under the sanction of Her Majesty's Charity Commissioners. Housden, master j Mrs. Mary Ann Housden, mistress
Cely-Trevilian John Raymond J.P. Deb- Cole Alien, farmer *Norris James, farmer, MolehaU
den hall Cole J ames, farmer, Miller's farm Parker John Elm, farmer,Sibbold's farm
Muriel Rev. Wm. Carter M.A. Rectory Ely Alfred, miller Parkin George, shopkeeper, Debden grn
Swallow Nathan FaJ;l'ow Thomas, beer retailer Siggs Louisa (Mrs.), frmr. Pamphilians
Foster Isaac, bricklayer Smith Benjamin, farmer, Amberdon end
COIDfERCIAL. Foster Joseph, shopkeeper, Debden grn Smith Samuel, farmer, New house
BarItrop Dan, blacksmith Francis John, shoe maker, Debden grn Tant Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Ba-rItrop Hammond, beer retailer, Am· Graves James, farmer, Monk's farm Tant James, beer retailer
berdon end Hockley Alfred, farmer, Henham road Tant Thomas, shopkeeper
Barnard Geo. Haydon, frmr. Brick ho Housden Arthur & FredkJrmrs.Leggetts Tant William James, Old Ship
Bass Arthur, farmer, Barnard's farm Lincoln Ezekiel, shopkeeper Thomason Peter, farmer, Slough farm
Bass Elizabeth (Mrs.), frmr.Debden grn Linsdeli Charles, shoe maker Thurgood Benjamin, frmr. Dane's farm
Bass William, farmer, Wieldbarn's LinsdelI John, farmer, Roothers *Totman ThosJrmr. Old Amberdon hdoll
Bunting Joseph, miller, Debden green Monk James, tailor Westwood John, farmer, Water hall
Bunting William, farmer Monk James Henry, tailor *Westwood Thos. farm~r, Thristley hall
Clark Luke, farmer MooreJoseph, farmer, Tendering's farm Wood John, shopkeeper, & post office
Clark William, farmer, Amberdon end Newling Mary (Mrs.), White Hart
DEDHAM, mentioned in the Domesday survey, is a town bread, there being a chimney leading from it: in the wall
and parish in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden of the south aisle is the staircase which formerly led to the
union and hundred, Colchester county court district, Dedham rood loft: the font, which is much mutilated, bears traces
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans of carving: the north door is of carved oak, but imperfect,
diocese, on the navigable river Stour, which separates it some figures of saints in canopi('.d. recesses having been
from Suffolk, 7 miles north-north-east from Colchester, 4 removed: the chancel was restored in 1880, when a carved
west from Manningtree. 1: I south-west from Ipswich, 58 stone reredos and sedilia were introduced: the piscina is old
from London and 3 from the Ardleigh station on the Great but in good order: there are 7 stained windows: the
Eastern railway. The town consists of one main street with church was re-seated in 1861 and the bells were re-hung
three smaller ones branching from it and is situated in a pic- lower down in 1881. The register dates from the year 1560.
turesque valley. The church of the Virgin Mary is a large The vicar has in his possession a list of the vicars of
building, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, Dedham from the 14th century to the present time. The
nave, aisles and a fine battlemented western tower, 131 feet living is a vicarage, yearly value £170, in the gift of the
in height, surmounted with 4 pinnacles and containing 8 Duchy of Lancaster and held by the Rev. Alfred William
bells: this church was founded at the beginning of the Mason M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge and rural dean.
16th century by Thomas and John Webbe, father and son, There is a lectureship here founded by the Rev. William
both woollen manufacturers, whose merchants mark, with Burkitt and others and endowed with great tithes commuted
the badges of York and Lancaster, appears on the tower: in at the sum of £500 per annum, certain glebe lands and the
the north aisle is the founder's tomb, which is a canopied sum of £25 consolidated £3 per Cent. Annuities, standing
monument of stone in a good state of preservation, but the in the name of the official trustee of charitable funds:
brass which bore the inscription is lost, the date is supposed under a new scheme of the Charity Commission, dated
to be 1523: on the south side of the chancel there is a Jan. 28th,- :I870, the trustees appointed for the administra-
recess now used as a credence table, which is traditionally tion of this charity are the same as those forming the
said to have been an oven used for baking the sacramental governing body of the Dedham Grammar School: this lecture-


ship is now held by the Rev. Hamilton Ashwin LL.D. of manor of Dedham Hall belongs to the Duchy of Lancaster
Trinity College, Dublin. The Royal Free Grammar School, and J4'rancis Smythies esq. is lord of the manor of O'l"er Hall
founded in 1571 by William Littlebury and chartered by and Nether Hall. The principal landowners are the Eyre
Queen Elizabeth in 1775, has a certain number of foundation family, the trustees of 'rhomas L'Estrange Ewen J.P. Felix
scholars, admitted by competitive examination, but limited Francis esq. Hatfield James Back, William Herbert Dunnett
to ID per cent. of the whole number of scholars at any time and H. R. Eclwards, Charles Booth and Robert Scott esqs.
in the school: boys from the parishes of Dedham, Ardleigh, The soil is mixed, principally mild loam; subsoil, variOUll.
Much Bromley and Bradfield in the county of Essex and The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The
Stratford in the county of Suffolk having a preference for area is 2,551 acres; rateable value, £7,7°5; and the popu·
a limited number of such foundations: exhibitions to the lation in 1881 was 1,760.
annual value of £90 are awarded to students proceeding to Parish Clerk, Henry Hitchcock.
any unh'ersityor place of scientific or professional education POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &Savings Bank.
and are called "Cardinall Exhibitions:" the course of -Samuel G. C. Wallis. Letters arrive from Colchester
instruction includes the Latin and Greek classics, mathe- at 5 a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at 7.30 p.m. Game cer.
matics and arithmetic, natural science, the usual English tificates issued from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WALL LETTER Box,
course, drawing and vocal music, land surveying, navigation Stratford bridge, cleared at 6.30 p.m
and modern languages: the governing body consists of 12 INSURANCE AGENTS:- .
persons, of whom 2 are county governors, 4 representative and
6 cooptative: the yearly income is about £379. The school Alliance Fire t:f Life, Norwich Union Life if Accidental,
called the" English School," founded in 1599, is now ama!- S. G. C. Wallis
gamated with the grammar school: a new scheme for the Li1Jerpool t:f London t:f Globe, J. M. Rodwell
administration of this foundation was confirmed in March, Norwich Union Fire, S. G. C. Wallis, High street
1873, but does not come fully into effect until the present Phrenix Fire, R. Ray
Head Master retires. There are chapels for Congregation- Queen, E. Faiers
alist and Primitive Methodists. Dedham formerly had a Royal, W. J. Page •
market and in the reign of Richard n. and up to the end of Registrar of Births, Deaths t:f Marriages, Wm. Jefferies Page
the 16th century was famous as one of the chief seats of the PLACES OF WORSHIP:-
clothing trade. There are 12 almshouses, called Dunton's, Et. Mary's Church, Rev. A. W. Mason M.A.. vicar; services,
founded in 1517 by Stephen Dunton, of Dedham, and endowed 10.30 a.m. 3 & 7 p.m
by William Littlebury in 1571 for ol<Land decayed trades- Congregational Church, Rev. Henry G. Nicholls, minister;
people and occupied by 20 persons, each of whom receives services, 10.30 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; wednesday 7 p.m
from I~. 6d. to 3s. weekly; Barker's, founded in 1863 by Primiti1Je Methodist, ministers various; services, 10.30 a.m.
Samuel Barker, of Bedford square, London, a native of 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; monday, fortnightly, 7 p.m
Dedham, for aged spinsters: these have 6 inmates, each of SCHOOLS :-
whom receives 6s. weekly; and the Chapel almshouses, F1'ee Grammar, Rev. Gerald Thomson Lermit M.A.., LL.D.
founded in 1834 by Mrs. Mary Barfield, of Colchester, for head master; Augustus J. Chevallier M.A. & Rev. S. B.
aged widows: there are here 6 almswomen, four of whom Simons M.A.. assistant masters; Herr Rudolph Haeusler
receive 5s. weekly and two others 4s. weekly; Chapman's PHIL. Doc. modern language master; Sydney H. Drink-
Charity, of £67, left in 1657 by John Chapman, of Dedham, water & Lawrence H. Lermit, English masters; Edwin

is distributed yearly; and Betts' Charity, of £20, left in 1825 Mens, music master; A. W. Lermit A.I.S. instructor in
by Edward Betts, of Dedham is distributed yearly in coal. surveying; W. I. Griffith, drawing master
A fair is held on Easter Tuesday and Wednesday. There National, built in 1825, by Edward Betts esq. for ISO
is an assembly room now (1882) closed. Stour House, an children; Miss Sarah Porteous, mistress
Elizabethan mansion built in 1868 and the seat of William Infant, built in 1855 for 60 infants; Miss Ada E. Haylock
Herbert Dunnett esq. is situated on the side of a hill, with mistress
a commanding and picturesque view of the vale of Dedham, CARRIERS TO :-
the river Siour and surrounding country. The Hill House, ARDLEIGH STATION-William J. Page, daily, leaves at 8.30
Dedham Park, the seat of Hatfield James Back esq. is a a.m.; arrive back at I I a.m
modern house situated in extensive grounds. Lower Park COLCHESTER-John Avey, every wednesday & saturday,
is the residence of William Henry Penrose esq. J.P. The lea'l"es at 10 a.m.; returning at 4 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Penrose "'m. Henry J.P. Lower park Denney Arthur, Southfields nursery &
Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lecture ho Roberts James Mackenzie, Heath cottge flower gardens
Austin Misses Robinson James, The Green Double Joseph, baker
Austin Mrs Rodwell James Medows Downes Frederick, Lamb inn
Back Hatfield Jas.TheHillbo.Dedham pk Saunders Ebenezer, East house Downes William, farmer & commercial
Barber Mrs. The Parsonage Saunders Nathaniel, Hallfield house traveller, Long road
Booth Mrs. Barrett's farm Saunders Nathaniel, jun. Albany house Dynes William, farmer
Cassidy Maj. Fredk. Young, Gunhill ho Scott Robert, Birchwood . Edgar Sarah (Mrs.), Sun inn
Chevallier Augustus J. M.A. [asst.-mastr. Simons Rev. Sanford Bettle)! M.A. [asst.- Edwards William, farm bailiff to Wm.
grammar school], Great house mast. grammar school], Gould house H. Dunnett esq. Rye farm
Chitty AynottJohn James Symonds Rev. Edward RA. [curate] Evans Henry, butcher & farmer
Clover Ebenezer, Mill house Warburton William, Octagon house Faiers Edward, watch maker
Cobbold Rowland Townshend,The Lodge COMMERCIAL. Fairhead Charles, butcher
Corby Mrs. Grove Hill house Abbott Joseph,saddler, Heath Felgate Samuel, farmer
Davey Francis Arnold John, cowkeeper Felgate William, farmer, Monk farm
Davey Miss Austin Robt. & Son, wine & spirit mers Fenner John, cattle dealer & farmer,
Drinkwater Sydney H. Church house Barber In. carpenter & buildr. Grove hI Brook cottage
Dunnett William Herbert, Stour house Barber William, grocer, Grove hill Free Grammar School [Rev. Gerald
Edwards Henry Richard J.P. Hillands Barnard Samuel, Marlbm-ou,gh Head inn Thomson Lermit M.A.,LL.D.head mstr]
Elton Miss, Princele green Bennett Charles, confectioner Freeman Jabez, saddler
Everett Mrs. Brook street Bennett Robert, fa!'m bailiff to W. H. Frost John, A nchor, Heath
Folkard Mrs. H Penrose esq Gardner Samuel, market gardener
Gretton Mrs. Upper park Bennett Robert Jas. shopkeE'per, Heath Gas Works (J. M. Rodwell, sec)
Hails Miss, Rose Bird George, beer retailer & butcher Gooch WIlliam Hobbs, chemist
Haeusler Herr Rudolf PHIL. Doc.Church Booth Charles, farmer, Highlands GiJodwin James Philip, CO'Jnpasses
house Booth Rarriett (Mrs.), grocer &: draper Green Arthur, corn merchant
Hardwich Mrs. White house Buss James, boot & shoe maker Griffiths Frederick, furniture broker
Jones James, Castle house Carter (James), Dunnett &: Beale" Griffiths George, furniture broker
Lee WilJiam farmers & seed growers, J upps hill & f Halls Samuel, shopkeeper
Lermit Rev. Gerald Thomson M.A.., LL.D. The Hill farms I Ham John, butcher
[head master], Grammar school Chitty Aynotli John James, surgeon Hitchcock John, beer retailer, Heath
Lermit Lawrence H. Gould house Clark Stephen F.R.G.S. endowed school I Hunt Christopher, blacksmith
McDermott John Charles, The Grov,tl Clover Ebenezer, miller IMason Charles, farmer, Pound farm
Mason Rev. Alfred Wm. M.A. V~rage Crickmore Henry, clothier & draper ! Mens Edwin, professol' of music r'
Mens Edwin Cross William, blacksmith I Morgan J oseph, Gun I
Mixer Mrs. Dedham hall Dedham ChUTCh of Errrrland Temperance Nicholls H. G. (Mrs.), young ladies
Nicholls Rev. Hy. G. [Congregational], Society (Rev. A. W. !vIason, pres.;, W. 8chool, Ivy college
The Parsonage H. Penrose esq. I.P. vice-president) Osborne George, farmer, Burkitts farIll
Osborne Caroline (Mrs.), fann(lr, Ray Robert, stationer & ironmonger Wallis Samuel G. C. stationer &; news
Coggeshall road Roberts James Mackenzie, architect, agent, Post office
Osborne John, dairyman Heath cottage Watson Benjamin, baker &; cab propr
Osborn Jo<;eph, wheelwright Rodwell Jas. Medows, land dr: estate agt Watson SI. plumber &; house decorator
Page William Jeffries, Rose ;f Crown Rogers Henry Warrington, organist of Whislay George, ironmonger &;c
inn, registrar of births. deaths &; mar- St. Mary's White Alex. builder, Mount pleasant
riages &: railway agent Saunders Nathaniel At; Son, builders &; White David, tailor
Page William John, cab proprietor brick makers White Thos. beer retailer, Ardleigh road
Parsons (Misses),seed growers.Uppr.ldg Scott William, draper &; grocer Windell James &; Son, boot makers,
Patten Frederick, farmer &; horse dealer, Sharp Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker & shop. Park cottage
Blue Gates farm keeper, Heath Windell William, grocer &; shoo maker
Peacock Samuel, tailor, Stratford road Sherman William, boot &; shoe maker Wood Thomas, blacksmith
Penny Bank (open on fridays 7.15 p.m.), SneH Wm. baker &; shopkeeper, Shed la Wright William, shopkeeper
Congregational church Thornton Philip, carpenter Young Alfred, shopkeeper
DENGlE (or DENGEY) is a parish and small village arising from land and cottages left in 1684 by Thomas
which gives name to the hundred of Dengie and is in the Sympson, of Tillingham. Lord Petre, who is lord of the
Eastern division of the county, Maldon union and county manor, Mrs. Fanshawe, the Governors of St. Bartholomew's
court district, Dengie rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry Hospital and the Misses MaIden are the principal land·
and St. Albans diocese; it is 6 miles north-east from Burn- owners. The soil in the uplands is of a light nature and in
ha.m and 12 south·east from Maldon and is situated near the marsh lands a rich loam; subsoil, in the marshes, sea
the German Ocean. The church of St. James is a stone and deposit and the uplands, gravel and loam. The chief crops
flint structure in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, are wheat, barley, oats, beans, turnips and mangold wnrtzel ;
nave, south porch and an open. belfry at the west end mustard, coriander and carraway seeds. The area is 3,319
containing 2 bells; the east window was given by the rector acres, including the water area, 1,313; rateable value,
and a stained window has been added by the Misses MaIden £3,237; and the population in 1881 was 300.
in memory of various members of their family: there is an Parish Clerk John Claydon
ancient brass, the inscription on which is illegible; the church ' . .
underwent a restoration in 1850. The regist~r dates from the Lett:e~s are r:ecelved through Maldon, via Southminster.
year 1725. The living is a rectory, nett yearly value £7 20, Tllhngham 18 the nearest post, money order &; telegraph
with a good residence and 14 acres· of glebe, in the gift of office
Edward Warmington esq. of Ballygroman, county Cork and National Schools (mixed), built in 1846 dr: enlarged in
held by the Rev. Edward James Warmington M.A. of St. John's 1863 for 60 children, average attendance 45; Miss Sarah
College, Cambridge. There is a charity realising £32 yearly, Lamb, mistress
Page Charles, 'fhe Hall Fletcher Tarbet, veterinary surgeon Maskell Richard, farmer
Warmington Rev. Ed. Jas. M.A. Rectory Grove Thomas, farmer, Old White Nunn Charlotte (Mrs.), blacksmith
Attenborough Arthur Urry, farmer Horse farm Page Charles, farmer, The Hall
Brett Charles, White Ho'ne Jackson Jane (Miss), farmer, Bacon'S"
DODDlNGHURST is a parish in the Southern division shingled spire containing 3 bells: the south porch, built of
of the county, Ongar union, Barstable hundred, Brentwood massive open timber, is considered the finest specimen of
county court district, Ingatestone rural deanery, Essex its kind in the county. The register dates from the 'ear
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles south from 1560. The living is a rectory, tithes commuted at 624,
Ongar,4 west from Ingatesbme and 4 north from Brentwood with residence and 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of an held
stations: Doddinghurst is otherwise written" Doddenheue," by the Rev. Francis Stewart M.A. of Brasellose College,
"Dudeho" and" Duddinghurst": the first part of the word Oxford. Lagden's charity. derived from land, amounts to
is derived, some say, from Dodona, a city of Epirus, near about £15 yearly and is distributed in loaves of bread and
which stood a wood sacred to Jupiter: the last syllable coals. Colonel Fane is the principal landed. proprietor. The
" hurst," being the Saxon for" wood": Dr. Stukely derives soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats
Doddinghurst from the British word" doeth," which signi- and barley. The area is 2,043 acres; rateable value, £3.300;
fles a wise man, wizard, or Druid, so making Doddinghurst and had a scattered population in 1881 of 401.
= I?odos-hyrst ~r Dudeshurst, i..e. l?ruids' wood: it is Se/wol (mixed), for 75 children, with an average attendance
~osslble,to reconcIle 1>?th these d~rIvatlOns by adoptmg Dr. of about 40 &; supported by the rector; Miss Jane
Stukely 8 and h.azardmg the conjecture that the. Romans, Duffell mistress
who were established at Ongar, corrupted the anCIent name '
of the parish into its present form. The church of All Letters throngh Brentwood. WALL Box cleared at 5.30
Saints is a very ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave, p.m. on week days &; at 9.30 a.m. on sunday. Kelvedon
south porch and a wooden tower at the west end, with a common is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Carter E. farmer, Pear '!'ree farm GodfreyGeo. blacksmith, The Common I Maryon John, beer retlr. The Common
Stewart Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory Harvey Abraham, farmer Mason John, farmer, Emblens
Bloomfield William, farmer Lagden Henry, farmer, Cowes farm Mills Alfred, farmer, Swallow's cross
Bolton J. farmer, Place farm . Lagden Thomas, farmer Mitchell James, farmer, Howes fann
Day Henry &; Daniel, farmers Littlechild David &; William, farmers Smith Edward, shopkpr. The Common
Dove Ezekiel, farmer, Hall Littlechild Richard, farmer, Wishfields Whituall Samuel Fairey, shopkeeper;
Eve George. farmer, Park wood Martin Nicholas, Swan, The Common The Common
EAST DONYLAND is a parish, opposite Fing-ringhoe, with I the main road to Mersea. Mrs. Havens, who is lady of the
which it is connected by a bridge over the river Roman, in manor, Robert Cecil Laing esq. Daniel Abbot Green esq. and
the Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred and Mr. John Kemp are the principal landowners. The soil is
union, Colchester county court district, Mersea rural dean- principally light; subsoil, generally gravel. The chief crops
ery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, near are wheat, barley and turnips; grazing is also carried on.
the confluence of the river Roman with the navigable Colne, The area is 1.p67 acres; rateable ,'alue, £3,310; and the
4i miles south-east from Colchester, half a mile from Wiven- population in 1881 was 1,264.
~oe station, across the Col~e and 54 miles f!om London. Rowhedge is a fishing village in this parish, situated
fh~ c~u~ch.of ~t. Lawrence IS an octagonal edIfice of stone on the west bank of the river Colne, opposite Wivenhoe and
bUIlt m lmltahon. of the c~apter-h.ouse of York cathedral is a member of the cinque port of Sandwich in Kent: this
and consecrated lD 18 38 : It contams a marble monument, village contains the largest portion of the inhabitants of the
removed f~oIJ}<the. old church, to Mary Gray, ob. J~ly, 1627, parish. The Wesleyans have a chapel here. Shipbuilding,
~. 56, w~lCh famIly were formerly seated here ~r.c. I-?95· malting and brewing are carried on.
fhe regISter dates from t~e year .173 1. The hVlDg IS a Parish Clerk Edgar Jones.
rectory, yearly value £209, lD the gIft of Mrs. Havens and ' r' • •
held by the Rev. Henry Everitt Lufkin :M.A. of St. John's POST OFFICE,. East Donyland.-" ilham Sargent,. receIVer.
college, Cambridge. There are about 40 boats or smacks Letters arnve through Colchester at 3-40 a.m.; ~spatched
employed in fishing; several yachts are kept here which at 8.30 p.m. The nearest money order office 18 at Row-
give employment to a great number of the inhabitants hedge
during the summer months. Roman Hill is a pleasant resi- POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE dr: Savings Bank, Rowhedge.
dence and is situated in grounds which are well laid out, on -John Henry James, receiver. Letters arrive through


Colchester at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 7.45 p.m•. ~here !s larged in 1873 for 2O!Z children, with ~D average attend.
also a second delivery a.t :I p.m. letters arrlvmg lItd ance of 164; Henry Holmes, master
Wivenhoe. 'rhe nearest telegraph office is at Wivenhoe CARRIER TO CoLcHESTER-Edgar Jones, to I Prince of
National School, Rowhedge (mixed), built in 1862 & en- Wales,' every morning, returning the Jame liay
East Donyland. Bartholomew William, smack owner Lay Orlando, smack owner
Daniell Robert Thomas Birch Zachariah, blacksmith Levett WaIter, fenyman
Green Daniel Abbott, Donyland place Cheek William, smack owner Mason James Thomas, grocer
Havens Mrs. Donyland hall Church William, bricklayer Miller James, Ship
Holroyd Major Tyssen, Donyland lodge Clarke William, smack owner Mdls Samuel James, smack owner
Lufkin Rev. Henry Everitt M.A.[rector] Cook George, beer retailer Mother80le Elizabeth (Mrs.), coaldealel'
Went Mrs. Chequer Tree house Cook Henry, smack owner PiU Thomas William, Anchor
Green Daniel A. farmer, Donyland place Cook James, master mariner Puxley Julia Ann (Mrs.), boat builder
Mussett Thos. fm. bailiff to Mr.W.Havens Craufield Lemon, smack owner Randall William, butcher
Robinson Abrhm.frmr.Cabbage Hall fnn Crickmore Henry, carpenter Rudlaud Isaac, l'hree Crowns
Sargent Wm. beer retailer, & post office Crickmore Nicholina (Miss), shopkeeper Scrutton George Nathaniel, decorator
Crosby Charles, coal merchant Springett Samuel, smack owner
Rowhedge. Daniell & Co. brewers Talbot Joseph, Royal Oak
Bartlett HeDry Richard Dove Amanda (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ta)'lor William, beer retailer
Jennings John Goodrum John, carpenter Tye Henry, emack owner
Martin John Hardy Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wade William, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Harris Enos, beer retailer Walford Ambrose, smack owner
Barnard Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hanis Peter Thos. yacht builder Went Arthur Solomon, brick, tile, pot
Bamard Thomas, master mariner James John Henry, baker & pipe manufacturer; & at Gt.Bentley
Barnard Turner, smack owner Jones Edgar, carrier Worsp Emma (Mrs.), wharfingeT
DOWNHAM is a hilly parish with a scattered popula- to Sir Thomas Raymond kt. justice of the King's Bench,
tion: it was anciently a soke or liberty and is in the South- 1683. The register dates from the rear 1558. The living
ern division of the county, Barstable hundred, Billericay is a rectory', yearly value £500, with residence and 43 acres
nnion, Brentwood county court district, Danbury rural of glebe, in the gift of R. R. Berens esq. and held by the Rev.
df'.anery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albansdioeese, 7 miles William Hugo Lukin. I''remnells, an ancient Elizabethan
north from Pitsea, 10 east from Brentwood, 6 south-east brick building, formerl;y the residence ofthe Dishrowe family,
from Ingatestone station and 27 from London. The church is now the property and residence of Mr. Thomas BIyth. R.
of St. Margaret is a stone building, pleasantly situated on a B. Berens esq. is the lord of the manor and chief landowner.
hill and consists of chancel and nave and an embattled The soilis heavy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat,
western tower of hrick, containing 3 bells: the church, with barley, beans and oats: coriander is also grown in this parish.
the exception of the tower, was rebuilt about ten years ago, The area is 2,223 acres: rateable ",alue, £2,634 j in 1871 the
when a stained east window was erected by the daughters of population was 233.
the Rev. E. C. Evans, late rector: the church is seated Parish Clerk, William Glark.
throughout with oak and h~s a carved sto~e pulpit: there Letters through Brentwood by foot from Billericay; the
a~e monuments to the famIly of ~e B~U\'o~r and others to latter is the nearest money order & telegraph office
SIr Henry 'ryrrell kt. and Thomasme hiS Wife, 1588; Joyce,
wife of John Tyrrell esq. 1594; Wingfield Alslow, 15 84; Sir Rate Collector, George Clark, Crows heath
William ADdrew bart. 1684; Benjamin Disbrowe esq. 1707 National School (mixed), with an a,-erage attendance of 43
and Sarah his wife, 1692 and a monument of black marble children; :Miss WIlliamson. mistress
Lukin Rev. WIll. Hugo Rectory Cock lsaac, fanner, De Beauyoir farm Smith Christopher, baker & shopkeeper
Blyth Thomas, landowner et farmer, Drake Francis, farmer South Jabez, farmer, Great road
Fremnells Butley JaOles, farmer, Home farm Watts Jane (Miss), De Beauvoir Amls
Clark George, farmer, Crows heath
DUNMOW is a town, head of a union and county court 1837 and 1855. Petty sessions are held the first and ~bird
district a.nd shtion on the Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Monday in the month at the Police station. A court loot is
Braintree line of the Great Eastern railway, situate on a held here. The Literary and Scientific Institution is in the
gravelly hill overlooking the river Chelmer: it is a polling Town Hall and ha.s a library of about r,ooo volumes: the
place for the Western division of the county, in Dunmow reading room is well supplied with the daily papers and cur-
hundred, in rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of rent literature of the day. The Dunmow Friendly Society,
Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 38 miles from London established in 1832, numbers 1,100 members and has a stock
(through the Roothings and Ongar), 9 west from Braintree, of £34,000 available for the relief of its members. The'
Y2 north-west from Chelmsford and 9 east from Bishop's Dunmow Sa"ings Bank was established Jan. r, 18r8 and
Stortford and lies at the junction of roads to Bishop's the Dunmow Building Society in 1846. The corn market is
Stortford, Saffron Walden, Braintree and Chelmsford. The held at the' Saraoen's Head,' and the cattle market at the
town was incorporated by letters patent r6th Feb. 2 and 3 'Chequers.' The market is held 'weekly on Tuesday for
Philip and Mary and the charter was confirmed by Queen corn and cattle. Robert Fitzwalter, lord of Little Dunmow,
Elizabeth in the 39th year of her reign. The church of St. Mary was one of the barons who negotiated Magna Charta at
the Virgin is a large and ancient building, in the Decorated Runnymede; during the episcopate of Bishop Honner~
and Perpendicular styles Rnd consists of a chancel, na",e with Thomas Bowyer, weaver, of Great Dunmowt suffered mar-
clercstory and arcade of four bays, aisles, with a chapel ad- tyrdom here. Dunmow was fixed upon a8 a general military
joining the south aisle and an embattled western tower 'with hospital in the time of the French war and in Sept. 1803
angle turrets, containing 6 bells: the east window 01 five the Duke of York inspected at Chelmsford 1,000 volunteer
lights is a fine specimen of the Decorated. style; in the other horse and 6,335 infantry, the latter being partly composed
windows, several of which are good specimens of the same of Dunmow volunteers under Capt. Majendi~. The mann-
period, are some remains of stained glass; over the western facture of baize was introduced here by Flemish refugees in
entrance are various shields of the Mortimers, Bohuns, the 17th century, but is not now carried on. :Many Roman
Bourchiers, Braybrokes and others; and in the chancel is a antiquities have been found here. The rent of the Thaxted
monument to the Rev. John Mangey, vicar here for 28 years: estate of 31 acres, purchased in 1652, with £330 be-
he died Nov. r, 1782, (Pt. 85; on the south side are piscina queathed to the poor by the Glasscock and other families, is
Bnd sedilia: there is a brass of a lady (Gockeine) and her distributed yearly in clothing; new trustees were appointed
husband, c. 1580: the nave and a.isles were restored and re- in 1833. Newton Hall the residence 01 Sir Brydges PoweD
seated with open benches in 1873, at a cost of £20300, under Henniker bart. D.L., 1.1'. and Bigods Hall the residence of
the direction of G. E. Street esq. :a.A. The register of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Porrett Collier P.c. Lady of the manor
baptisms dates from the year 1538 and marriages and of Great Dunmow, Lady Brooke; lord of the Rectory manor,.
burials from r558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value Sir G. H. Beaumont bart.: lords of the Clapton Hall manor,
£480, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Drapers' Company i lord of the manor of Shingle Hall, other'
Re,·. William Langston Soott H.A. of Caius College, Cam- wise Olives, Wyatt Henry Barnard esq. The principal
bridge, rural dean and surrogate. There are Catholic, Con- landowners are Lady Brooke, Sir G. H. Beaumont bart. Sir
gregational and l3aptist chapels and a meeting honse for the Gerald Richard Dalton Fitz-Gerald bart. Sir Brydges Pmvell
Society of Friends. The Congregational Chapel, in New Henniker bart. all'Ci. the Rev. James Hughes Hallett. The
street, was buHt in 1869 in the Romanesque style and has area is 6,739 acres; Tateable value, £13,611 i the popula-
868 sittings. The Towu Hall, standing in the centre of the MOD in 1£81 was 3,005.
town, was built in 1578, repaired in 1760 and enlarged in

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings thing, Morrell Roothing, Stebbing, Takeley, Tilty &; White
Bank &; Government Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Mrs. Roothing; the population of the union in 1881 was 17,990;
Martha Johnson, postmistress. Letters arrive at 5.15 rateable value, £ICY1,215 .
a.m.; delivered at 7 a.m. 1.35 &; at 7 p.m.; arrive Relieving Officers et Collectors to the Guardians; 1St district,
from Bishop's Stortford at 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 5.15 William Luckin, Gt. Dunmow; 2nd distl-ict, Ambrose Ellis
&; 9.30 a.m. 3.30 &; 6 p.m. but letters may be posted Hibble, Gt. Dunmow
until 6.30 by affixing an additional stamp. There is also Vaccination Officer, Stephen Giffard, Gt. Dunmow
a mail & messenger's cart to Thaxted, BNxted & the Medical Officers et PUblic Vaccinators, Bardjield district, J.
Roothings daily. Sunday dispatch-Bishop's Stortford. Buckle, Great Bardfield; Dun1Tww district, W. B. Clapham,
5.15 a.m.; London &; all parts 6 p.m Dunmow; Hatjield district, C. G. Firman, Hatfield Broad
Oak; High Easter district, C. Hartley, Dunmow; Stebbing
CoUNTY MA.GISTRATES FOR DUN.M:OW PETTY SESSIONAL district, C. H. Brooking M.D. Felsted; Tha:rted district,
DIVISION. Wm. Sunderland, Thaxted
Rev. Edward Francis Gepp M.A. Hig-h Easter (chairman) Superintendent Registrar, Frederick J. Snell; deputy,
Sir Brydges Powell Henniker bt. Newton hall, Gt. Dunmow Stephen Giffard, Great Dunmow
Sir Gerald Dalton Fitzgerald bart. Registrar of Marria.qes, Christopher Howland, Market place,
Rev. George Edward Symonds M.A. Thaxted Great Dunmow
Rev. George West M.A. Horham hall, Thaxted Registrar of Births et Deaths, Dunmow sub-district, Ambrose
Rev. George Maryon Wilson M.A. Great Canfield Ellis Hibble, Dunmow; Hatjield suh-iistrict, William
W. Fordham Brown esq. Grand courts, Felstead Luckin, Dunmow; Stebbing suh-district, William Linsell,
H. Collings Wells esq. Bloomfield Stebbing; Thaxted sUb-distl-ict, Frederick Edward Britton,
Edward Thomas Foakes esq. Westbury house, Dunmow Thaxted
Clerks to the Magistrates, Wix & Wade Workhouse, Charles Roydhouse, master; Rev. W. L. Scott
Petty Sessions are held at the Police station 1st & 3rd I M.A. chaplain; W. B. Clapham, surgeon; Mrs. E. Royd-
monday in the month house, matron; Thomas Willers, schoolmaster; Miss.
The following places are included in the Dunmow Petty I Louisa Barwell, schoolmistress
Sessional Division-Barnston, Broxted, Chickney, Great I RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY
Dunmow, Little Dunmow, Great Canfield. Little Canfield, .
Great Easton, Little Easton, High Easter, Lindsell, Clerk, Frederick J. Snell
Pleshey, High Roothing, Aythrop Roothing, Leaden Roo- Medical Officer, Frederick Mann Williams, Gt. Dunmow
thing, Margaret Roothing, White Roothing, Morrell Roo- Inspector, James Hamilton, Dunmow
thing, Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted &; Tilty PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
INSURANCE AGENTS:- .Assistant Ove'rseer, John George Mackenzie
Accident, F. Bellamy, New s t r e e t · Clerks to the Commissione1's of Land 4- Property Taxes••
Clerical, Medical '.f General Life, J C. Barnard Wix & Wade
County Fire, W. Ottway Cle1'k to the Dunmow District Highway Board, Fredk. J~.
Edinburgh Life, F. J. Snell Snell
Essex et Suffolk Fire, F. J. Snell Inspector under Adulteration of Food .Acts et Inspector of'
Empe1'or Life et Fire, J. S. Willis Weights 4- Measures, Dumnow district, William Hugb..
Guardian, G. D. Clapham Ackers
London .Assumnce, F. Bellamy, New street School.Attendance et Inquiry Office1', James Hamilton
Manchester Fire. W. Ottway Surveyor of Highways, IJunmow dist1ict, Fredk. Barker.
Norwich Union Fire, B. H. Warner Barnston .
Ocean Marine, F. Bellamy, New street Tax Collectors, Christopher Howland, Market place; John
Reliance Life, E. Holmes Geo. Mackenzie &; Fredk. Bellamy, New street
Royal Exchan.qe, F. S. Sewell 10wn Ci-ier, George Turner
Royal !'armers' Fire 4- Hailstone, ~. Carter PLACES OF WORSHIP:-
Sun Fzre, W. C. Barnard, Sparrow s bank St Mary the Virgin, Rev. WIll. Langston Scott M.A. vicar
County Court, John T. Abdy LL.D. ju~o-e ; Edward Holmes, Society of Friends' Meeting House
registrar; <;teorge P: ~rden Halstead, high bailiff; John Baptist Chapel
Gafney, assistant bailiff Congregational Chapel Rev. George P. Jarvis minister
The county court is held every two months: the following i s " ,
a list of places within its jurisdiction :-Abbots Roothing, ScH~L8 : - . .. .
Aythrop Roothillg, Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Beauchamp Brzilsh (mixed)" bUIlt m ~844. With an avera&"e at~nd- ,
Roothing, Broxted, Chickney, Felsted, Great Bardfield, ~nce o! 1$8; rhos. Hollmshead, master; MISS Dnwn,
Great Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Easton, Hatfield, mfl:mts ml~tress . . . .
Broad Oak, High Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothing, Natwnal (mlx~d), ~U1lt ID I ~70, Wlt~ an a~era&"e at~end-
Lindsell, Little Bardfield, Little Canfield, Little Dunmow, .ance?f ~66 , MISS M. Balhnger, mistress, MISS Sillett"
Little Easton, Little Laver, Margaret Roothing, Morrel, mfants mIstress; Samuel Tutt, master
Roothing, Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted, Tilty & White CRON,vlEYANSCtEt::- u· G B ' t t' te
Roothing at way awn, n m. eorge nggs, s a IOn mas r
Inland Revenue Office, 'White Lion,' Henry Burwood, An omnibus meets every train; RobertLow, proprietor,
officer White Lion inn
Police Station. WO? Hugh Ackers: superintey.dent CARRIERS :_
Stamp Office, I?a~sIe Carter, sub-dIstributor Great Eastern Railway Co. Goods Station, Wm. George
,Town Hall, Wl1ham Hoy, keeper Briggs, clerk; Charles Bint, to &; from all parts of the
DUNMOW UNION. . town daily
. Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at 11 a.m BRAINTREE-John Turner, every monday, at 9 a.m
The union· contains twenty-five parishes viz. :-Aythrop 'CHELMSFORD John Turner, monday, wednesday & friday
Roothing, Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Broxted. Chickney, Jt'EJ.sTED-Bright, tuesday, thursday &; saturday, 3 p.m
Felstead, Great Bardfield, Great Canfield, Great Dunmow, FINCHINGFIELD Edward Dains, from the' Star,' wed
Great Easton, Hatfield Broad Oak, High Easter, High Roo- GREAT EASTON-8anders, from the I Lion,' every sat
thing, Leaden Roothing, Lindsell, Little Bardfield, Little HAVERHILL &; BUMPSTEAD-Dare, from the' Lion,' thursday
Canfield., Little Dunmow, Little Easton, Margaret Roo- LONDON-John Sanders, from' Lion,' thurs. returning sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clapham William Blackborne Giffard Stephen
Anderson Benjamin Cock Mrs. Causeway Hart Mrs. Sutherland house
Barnard John Clapton, Sutherland ho Cockayne Mrs Hartley Charles
Bamard Mrs. W. Olh'es Collier Right Hon. Sir Robert Porrett Harvey Mrs
Barnard Wm. Canning, The Bank P.C., D.L. Bigods hall Hasler Mrs. Charles
Barrick William, Downs Crouchman Mrs Hasler Mrs. ",,'illiam
Bellamy Fr~erick, New street CuIlingford James, New street Henniker Sir Brydges Powell bart. D.L.,
Bull Mrs Dixon Mrs J.P. Newton hall
Burton John Joslin Foakes Edward Thos. J.P. Westbury ho Jarvis Rev. George P. [Congregational],
Cates Francis, Broadgroves Gibbons Thomas, Down house Olive View house
- 8:1:
J oslin William Samuel Ellis George, carter, Parsonage down Pepper John, bricklayer & plasterer
Knight M1'8 l"i8her Wm. general dealer, Market pI Piper Edmund, linen draper
Langworthy John Franklin William, Whit6 HorstJ, timber Pitts Susan (Miss), dress maker
Langworthy Miss merchant &; builder Porter Charles, farmer, Mountains
Leech Mrs Friendly Society (John George Mac- Porter William, higgler
Livermore Mrs kenzie, clerk j W. C. Barnard, treas) Pratt Richard, boot maker
Patmore Frederick, Goston house Fuller William, beer retailer Prior Charles, basket maker
Philbrick Mrs. T. M Gafney John, tea dealer Prior John, basket maker
Piper Misses Gas Works (A. Marshall, manager) Randall R. &; W. brewers '" maltsters
Randall Herbert Wormald, New street Giffard Stephen. deputy supt. registrar ('fhomas Church Willans, mana-
Randall Mrs Gray William, chimney sweeper ger), Dunmow brewery. See advert.
Randall Richard G. Brook hoose Grimwade Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress ma Reed John, farmer, Buildings farm
Rose Colonel William Groom George, beer retailer Raid J ames, boot maker
Soott. Rev. William Langston M.A. Grout Harry, jun. Chequers,& blcksmth Richardson Peter,beer retailer,Ongar rd
L~car, rural dean, surrogate & chap- Grout Henry, Angel cf Harp, & black- RopeI' Richard, chemist &; druggist
lain of the Union], Church end smith, Church end Rutfle George N ewman, greengrocer
Smith J oseph Groves John, coal & cement merchant, Savill I"rederick, harness maker
Smith Miss, Dunmow park dealer in laths, hair, bricks &; tiles, Savill John William, bookseller, adver-
Smith Mrs. Charles fire lumps, pipes, salt &; manures, tisement agent '" reporter for the
Smith Mrs. The Laurels Railway depot; & at Braintree & 'Essex Weekly News'
Smith Thomas, The Downs Yeldham Savings Bank (Dansie Carter, actuary)
SneIl Frederick J Hamilton James, sanitary inspector & SayerJohn, farmer, Bedfords
Suckling Mrs school attendance &; enquiry officer Scott William, coach builder
Tetley Robert B. The Hazels for the rural sanitary authority Scrivener Martha (Mrs.), coach smith
Wade Mrs. Bowling green Hardy William, grocer Sewell Francis Staru, linen &; woollen
Wade W. de Vins Harris Richard, Royal Oak, &; carter draper, silk mercer, hatter &; out·
Wakeling WaIter Harrison Will. wheelwright,Church end fitter, funerals & family mourning
Warner Thomas W. Causeway Hartley Charles, surgeon furnisher
Welch Mrs. The Downs Harvey George James, farmer & miller, Smith Joseph, farmer
Williams Frederick Mann Bigods farm Smith Thomas (Mrs.), fanner, Mudwall
Willans, Thomas Church Hasler Robert, brick maker Smith Thos. John, farmer, Clopton hall
Wix Edwin WaIter Hasler Thomas, farmer '" blacksmith, Smith Thomas Wheaton, fishmonger
COMMERCIAL. Onsley greeu SneIl Frederick John, solicitor & com-
Ackers William Hugh, supt. of police Hasler William (Mrs.),farmer,Truetons missioner for oaths, superintendent
Adams William, provision dealer Haydon Aaron, beer retlr. Onsley grn registrar &; clerk to the guardians of
Bailey Wm. farmer, Strood Hall farm Hibble Ambrose ElIis,registrar of births DUllffiOW union &; highway board;
Barnard George, farmer, Marks hill, '" deaths for Dunmow sub-district also clerk to the Felsted &; Ra~'lle,
Marks, Crouches, Maples & Oldhouse Hockley Emma (Mrs.), dress maker Lindsell, Little DUllmow, Stebbing,
Barnard John Clapton, wine & spirit Holmes Edward, solicitor & registrar of Thaxted &- White Roothing school
merchant, Sutherland house county court & commissioner for oaths boards &; central conservative agent
Barnard Thomas (Mrs.), confectioner & perpetual commissioner for West Essex
Barnard Thomas Constable, farmer, Howland Christopher, saddler &; har- Snow Alfred (Mrs.), farmer, Martells
Lower hall & Parsonage farm ness maker, registrar of marriages & Snow John, farmer, Mill house
Barnard WiIIiam Canning, bankers' agt collector of taxes, Market place Sparrow, TufneIl '" Co. bankers (agency)
:Bass Wm. Si:r: Bells inn, Church end Holgate Joseph, White Hm·t inn (William C. Barnard, agent) ; draw on
Beard William, draper & outfitter Jagger retailer,Bishop's green Barclay, Bevan &; Co. London
Bellamy Frederick, solicitor's clerk & Johnson Martha (Mrs.), linen draper & Stacey William, nurseryman &; phow.
insurance agent, New street post mistress grapher
Bint Charles, Saracen's Head Johnson Philip, bricklayer &; brick ma Staines Henry, boot & shoe maker
'Bird Zepho 'rhos. shoe ma. Church end J ones William, ironmonger Staines James, baker & beer retailer
Brewster Chas. machinist &timber mer Kendall John, King's Head Stock Thomas, blacksmith
BrightSimon, baker, North street King Alfred, tailor Sweeting Alfred, farmer, Tanners
Brown Elizabeth & Emma (Misses), Knight Henry, watch maker Sweeting Charles, farmer, Philpot end
ladies' school LampreIl WaIter Thomas, Star Taylor Benjamin, butcher
Buck Philip Benjamin, baker, High at Leech C. (Mrs.), lodging house, Chelms- Taylor David, confectioner
Building Society (Stephen Giffard, sec.) fo1'<l road Thorn Charles, Boar', Head
Burch Sarah (Mrs.), clothier, outfitter, Leech George, farmer, High wood Thorn Samuel, toy dealer
& boot &; shoe warehouse Levitt Samuel, currier & leather seller, Thorn William, tailor
.Burton Robert, corn dealer North street Tobias Edward, beer retailer, Coxhall
Burwood Henry, inland revenue officer Literary 4- Scientific Institution (Ed- Tunbridge In. T. grocer &;provisiond1r
Byatt Charles Rayner, tailor mund Piper, hon. sec.), Town hall Turner George, bill poster & town crier
Campbell Chas. hair drsr. & tobacconist Livermore In. farmer, Langleys&Olives Turner John, carrier
Carlow William, cabinet maker, paper- Low Alfred, Three Tuns Tyler Phillip Paul, plumber
hanger & venetian blind maker Luckin Samuel, grocer, & agent for W. Wade, Wix & Wade, solicitors, clerks to
-Carter Dansie, stationer, bookseller & & A. Gilbey, wine &; spirit merchants magistrates &; commissioners of taxes
printer &; sub-distributor of stamps Luckin William, registrar of births & Wade Edward, wheelwright,Church end
.carter Dansie, jun. berlin wool & fancy deaths for Hatfield sub-district Warner Benjamin Harry, classical &;
repository Lucking Thomas, butcher commercial boarding &; day school
Cates Fraucis, farmer, Broadgroves Mackenzie John George, tallow chandler Warner Thomas Woodcock, gas fitter &
Cheek Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker & melter & assistant overseer & tax tin plate worker
Chopping Henry, miller collector . Warren Isaac, shoe maker &; broker
Clapham George Dixon, corn, coal, Mann Edward, carpenter, Causeway Webb & Gibbons, brewers &; maltsters.
seed, cake &; artificial manure mercht Mann Emma (Mrs.), dressmaker CrOWD brewery
Clapham William Blackborne, surgeon MarshaIl Charles, shopkeeper, & post Welch Thomas, farmer, Folly farm &;
to the Dunmow union office, Church end Brands farm
Clarke James, baker &; beer retailer, Marshall Dan, farmer, Dunmow farm White & Son, wheelwrights
Parsonage down Mason Richard, shopkeeper· White William, commission agent
Clayton Elisha, tailor Metson lIenry,shopkeeper Whitehead James, grocer &; draper
Coates Samuel, baker &; corn dealer, Mead Abner, chimney sweeper WilIiams Frederick Mann, surgeon
Church end Mead Thomas, beer retailer Willis Thomas, watch maker
Cock Henry, brick maker Miller Joshua & Sons, coal merchants Willis W. Porter, perfumer, stationer,
Cole Joshua George, builder Newman Mary &; Zillah (Misses), board- ciga r merchant, dealer in cutlery &;
Coote Amos, beer retlr. Chelmsford I'd ing &; day school, St. John's house fishing tackle
Crow George, farmer, Lit. Garnetts N ewman William, farmer, Absol park Wilton Edwin Joseph, tailor &; outfitter
Dalziel Thomas, travelling draper Ottway William, provision dealer '" Wilton Henry, saddler & harn6S8 maker
Dennis T. H. P. (Arthnr Dennis, mana- spirit merchant Wilton Alice & Fanny (Misses), ladies'
ger), ironmonger; &; at Chelmsford Parker William Patterson, confectioner school
Dowsett Edward John, news agent '" music seller Wilton Stephen Thomas, cabinet maker
Wix Edwin Waiter (firm, Wade, Wix & Woodley Charles, fishmonger Young John, plumbel' & gas fitter
Wade), solicitor & receiver of the late Woodley George, grocer Young Thomas, vetel'inary surgeon &;
Lord Maynard, Thaxted; also of the Wright John, farmer, Smiths, Gate farmer, Ford farm
Dunmow & Mrs. Meade's charities house, Mynchons & Oldhouse farms
LITTLE DUNMOW is a parish about 2 miles east The origin of this modern award is as follows:-"In Sep-
from Great Dunmow and 37 from London, in the Western I tember, 1836, at the aunual dinner of the Dunmow Agri-
division of the county, Dunmow hundred, union and county cultural Society (then a branch of the Saffron Walden
court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconryof society), John Player esq. placed at the disposal of the com-
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. Dunmow Priory was mittee the value of a gammon of bacon, to be given to a
founded in n04t by Juga, sister of Ralph Baynard. Here married couple under the above-named conditions." At the
was a custom instituted in the reign of Henry Ill. and following anniversary three married couples were candidates;
generally ascribed to Robert Fitzwalter, by which he who and since the Dunmow Agricultural Society, in 1840, became
repented not of his marriage, sleeping or waking, in a year an independent association by its separation from the
and a day, might lawfully claim a flitch of bacon from the parent society at Walden, the gammon has been given
prior and canons of Dunmow, who were obliged, as it is sup- by the mayor of Dunmow, there being an understanding
posed, by some injunction of a founder or benefactor, to between the society and the corporate body that it shall con-
deliver it to those who should take the required oath on two tinue so to be offered. The church of St. Mary the Virgin
sharp stones in the churchyard, which, however, do not now was formerly the choir Priory church: it was restored in
exist: the first account of any claimant for this gift is in 1872 and has some good decorated windows, with traces of
23 Hen. VI. when Richard Wright, of Bradbourn, Norfolk, earlier work and has a wooden belfry with 1 bell; and the
was the fortunate competitor: the last regular claim under figure of WaIter Fitzwalter and Matilda, the daughter of the
this tenure was in 1751, when at a special court baron, held second Walter Fitzwalter: there is also a monument to the
20th June, the steward, jury, suitors and others proceeded, Hallett family. The register of baptisms and burials dates
with the usual solemnities, to the two great stones near the from 1556 and of marriages from 1555. The living is a
church door and having administered the oath, delivered the vicarage, yearly value £90, in the gift of Major John Leslie
bacon to Thomas Shakeshaft, weaver, of Wethersfield and Toke and held by the Rev. Charles H. Rogers M.A. of Corpus
Ann, his wife; the old chair in which the happy couple Christi college, Cambridge, who resides at Felstead. The
were carried is still remaining in the church: the claim Rev. J. H. Hallett is lord of the manor of Dunmow (late the
was made, but unsuccessfully, in 1772 and again, with a. like :Priory) and Major J. L. Toke of that of Brickhouse. The
result in 1851; but the old custom was revived in 1855 by principal landowners are the lords of the manors and Mr.
the late Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, the novelist, on the 19th July Charles Richardson. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clay. The,
in that year, when two flitches of bacon were presented to chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,727'
James Barlow, of Chipping Ongar and Hannah, his wife; acres; rateable value, £2,472; and the population in 188r
and to the Chevalier and Madame de Chatelain: other cele- was 338.
brations of a like unofficial character have taken place Parish Clerk Thomas Cheek
since that date. This ancient ceremonial was imitated at ' ..
Great Dunmow in 1837, the poetical oath being dispensed Pos~ OFFICE.-Thomas Cheek, rec~lver. ~etters are re-
with and the usual condition of conjugal felicity being ex- celv:ed through the Chelmsford office; dehvered at 7 a.m.
changed for the following :_" To the married couple, ~ dIspatched at 6.3 0 p.m. The nearest money order office
labourer in industry and his wife, who shall have brought IS at Felsted
up the greatest part of their children and placed them in Mixed School, built in 188o, for 74 children, supported by
respectable service without any or the least parochial relief." voluntary subscription; Miss Nixon, mistress
Blyth Miss, Grange house Bull Henry Fuller, farmer, land owner Ottway William, grocer
Carver Frederick Charles, Priory lodge & maltster, Ivy farm Richardson Charles, farmer & land-
Currie Rev. Frederick Hill M.A. [curate Cheek John, Flitch of Bacon owner, Brook end
of Barnston], Brick House farm Hasler Robert, farmer & miller, Throws Root John, farmer, Bayles farm
Worrin Hastings, Bourchiers King Charles, farmer, Rockwoods Smith Alfred, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Massey Oswald Hy. farmer, Homily frm Worrin Hastings, machine owner &.
Bright Thomas, shopkeeper & beer rtlr Metson Samuel, farmer, Brook End frm farmer, Bourchiers
DUNTON (or DUNTON WAYLETT) is a parish, pleasantly William Hill Tucker M.A. late fellow of that college. The-
situated on the range of the Laindon Hills and is in the provost and fellows of King's College, Cambridge, who are,
Southern division of the county, Barstable hundred, lords of the manor, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, George
Eillericay union, Brentwood county court district and police Alan Lowndes esq. Gerald de Witte esq. and Lord
division, Eillericay rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Petre are the prinClpallandowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, .
St. Albans diocese, 26 miles from London,5 south-west from heavy clay. The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area '
Billericay, 9 north from Tilbury and 5 north from Stanford- is 2,379 acres; rateable value, £2,367 lOB. ; and the popula-
le-Hope station. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, situated tion in 1881 was 141.
on rising ground, is an edifice of brick, in the Early English Parish Clerk, William Smith.
style and was entirely rebuilt in the year 1873, at a cost of Letters through Brentwood. The nearest money order
about £1,500, raised by subscription: it consists of chancel offices are at Horndon-on-the-Hill &; East Horndon. The,
and nave and a belfry with spire at the west end, c<,ntaining telegraph office is at Great Warley
I bell. The register dates from the year 1538. The living Board ScJwol (mixed), under the School Board, built in
is a rectory, with residence, tithe commuted at £506, in the 1840, for about 40 children, with an average attendance of'
gift of King's College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. 20 ; Miss Theoclea Matilda Brewster, mistress
Cox Richard, Dunton lodge Buckenham Eldred, farmer Jackson Daniel Meakins, farmer
'Tucker Rev William Hill M.A Rectory Dove Ezekiel Lines, farmer Parker James, farmer, Fryern Manor-
Bloomfield I<'rancis, shopkeeper Field Wilfred, farmer farm
GOOD EASTER (or ESTRE) is a parish and village, in the landowner. The soil is clay and marl; subsoil, white clay. Th£'"
Western division of the county, Chelmsford union and chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 2,081
county court district, Dunmow hundred, rural deanery of acres; rateable value, £2,996; the population in 1881
Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, was 520. .
7~ miles north-west from Chelmsford, 8i south from CHALK END is I mile south; Tye Green is half a mile east ;
Dunmow and 9 north-east from Ongar. The church of St. and Farnbridge is half a mile south.
Andrew is an ancient structure, consisting of chancel, nave,
south aisle and a stone tower with wooden spire containing POST OFFICE.-George Mott, receiver. Letters arrive
5 bells, the oldest of which is inscribed" 0 sancte Thoma, ora through Chelmsford at 9.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m.
pro nobis;" two date from 1653, one from 1722 and the The nearest money order {Iffice is at High Easter &>
last from 1733: there is a brass to Margaret, daughter of telegraph office at Great Waltham
Edw. Brigggent. and wife of Thomas Norrington, 1610, with A School Board of 5 members was formed here in 1873';
daughters: the church was restored in 1878 at a cost of £600. clerk, Wm. W. Duffield, Chelmsford
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicar- Board School (mixed), erected in 1874 at a cost of about
age, yearly value about £300, in the gift of the Dean and £1,200, for 100 children, with an average attendance
Chapter of St. Paul's and held by the Rev. Chas. Vincent of. 97; Thomas Bradbury, master; Mrs. E. Bradbury,
Bicknell, of King's College, London. W. J. Irvingesq. is chief Dllstress
Bicknell Rev. Charles Vincent, Vicarage Buck George, thatcher Marriage Bl'Othel'8, farmers '1'
Irving William:John, The Hall Buck John, Hop Pol~ Matthews Chris. farmer, Gt. Newarks
Locke-King The Hon. Peter In. D.L., .....P> Colyer Stephen, farmer . May Edward, hay &; straw carter
COMMERCIAL. Cowlin Mark, farmer, Gatehouse Mead William, farmer, Elbows
Abbott Maria (Mrs.), Old Star, draper &; Drake Francis, The Fountain Mott J oseph, carpenter
grocer Everett George, miller &; baker Smith Charles, farmer, Wares farm
Bird Stephen, carpenter Gray John, farmer, Gurtons Thorne George, butcheT &; faTmer
Brewster John, shoe maker Hasler Daniel, blacksmith Wilson George, farmer, Roblets
Bright James, shopkeeper Irving Wm. John, solicitor &; com- Wiseman Wm. Wheeler'sA1"TfI,s,&;wheel.
Buck Daniel, carpenter missioner, The Hall wright
HIGH EASTER is a parish and village in the Western Edward F'rancis Gepp M.A. of Wadham College, Oxford.
division of the county, Dunmow hundred, union and county The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the impropriators of
• court district, rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of the great tithes. Here is a Congregational chapel. The
Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 31 miles from London, 5! Queen is lady of the manor. The principal landowners are
south from Dunmow and 10 north-west from Chelmsford. J. J. Tufnell esq. Sir B. P. Henniker bart. F. J. Matthew!
The church of St. Mary the Virgin consists of chancel, nave esq. Lord Dacre and Lord Rayleigh. The soil is clay; sub-
with a clerestory of red brick, supposed to have been added soil, clayey loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
in 1500, north aisle and western tower terminating in barley. The area is 4,832 acres; rateable value, £5,800 j
battlements and containing 5 bells: it was thoroughly re- and the population in 1881 was ·799.
.stored in 1865 at a cost of £2,200: the original church, Parish Clel'k, William Lodge.
which probably included only a chancel, nave and tower, POST &; MONEY ORDER OFFICE &; Savings Bank.-Alfred
was of the Norman era, the only part of this work now St(}kes, receiver. Letters arrive through Chelmsford by
existing is the nave and this has been much altered by the f t f G t With . t 8 d'
addition of the north aisle and the introduction of Deco- oot pos rom rea a am j arrIve a .15 a.m. j 1S-
patched 5 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Great
rated windows in the south side: portions of the walls Waltham
only remain to represent the original work: the Norman
nave was probably erected in the twelfth century: a Purbeck SCHooLS:-
slab with some fragments of a brass legend, relating to one National (mixed), average attendance 87
of the Gate family, represents the monumental remaiJJ.8: British (mixed), average attendance 58; Miss Mary
there is a fine Early English font. The register dates from McDouall, mistress
the year 1654. 'rhe living is a vicarage, yearly value £350, CARRIERS TO CHELMSFORD.-Alfred Franklin, tuesday &;
in the gift of the Bishop of London and held by the Rev. friday; Alfred Day, monday & friday
-Barnard Rev. Robt. [Congregational] Gandy OhM. saddler &; harness maker Millbank William, farmer, Manns farm
Barnard Mrs. Lower house Hasler William, blacksmith Mott William, carpenter
cGepp Rev. Edward Francis M.A., J."P. HastIer Thos. farmer, Ground's farm Oliver Henry, farmer, Lower house
Vicarage Josling Joseph, farmer, Stubbers Owers John, shoe maker
Rockley Mrs. Rose villa Joyce Benjamin, higgler Porter William, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Joyce William, farmer Puffett Charles, farmer, Whites farm
Archer Ambrose, tailor & draper Knight Goorge, farmer, Little Staggins Root Goorge, farmer &; carrier, Games
Bentall Archer, farmer, Blakes Leech William, farmer Saltmash Martha (Mrs.), farmer, Bury
.Bentall Daniel, farmer, Lawn Hall farm Marriage Bros. farmers, Hayrons farm Smith George" farmer, Maidens
Bird James, leather glove maker Mathews John, brick maker &; farmer Stokes Alfred, grocer & draper
Boosey Abraham, Cock if Bell Matthews Frederick John, farmer & Stokes James, Punch Bowl .
J)ay Alfred, baker landowner, Parsonage farm WardeT John, farmer, Poplars
-Crow James, fanner, Peacons Millbank Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Crippins Webster James, miller
Franklin Alfred, wheelwright &; carrier Mill'Jank George, farmer, Blunts farm Wilson Goorge, farmer, Bridge farm &
Franklin Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer Millbank John, farmer, Old house Roblets
EASTHORPE (or THORPE) is a parish in the Eastern 1652. The register of baptisms and burials dates from
division of the. county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Wms- 1572; marriages, 1576. The living is a rectory, yearly value
tree union, Colchester county court district, Coggeshall £340, with residence, in the gift of and held by
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Al bans the Rev. John Edwards of Jesus College, Oxford.
diocese, close to the ancient Roman and modern highway The principal landowners are the Earl of Onslow, who
from London to Colchester, 45 miles from London, 1 south- is lord of the manOl" and Mr. J. Smith. 'rhe soil is
west from Colchester, 2 south from Marks Tey station and light; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley.
4 east from Coggeshall. The church of St. Mary is very The area is 900 acres; rateable value, £1,391; and the
.small, consisting of chancel and nave: in the south wall is a population in r881 was 95.
recessed arch, perhaps the burial place of the founder and Parish Clerk, John Petican.
there are some remains of ancient heraldic glass: some of LETTER Box cleared at 5,30 p.m. ; no collection on sundays;
the Kingsmills, who held this estate from the time of Sir letters through Kelvedon, which is the nearest money
George Kingsmill (ob. 20th March, r605-6) are buried here, order office; Messing is the nearest receiving office. The
including Anne, daughter of 'Thomas .Blagrave, of Oxford telegraph office is at Marks Tey
gent.and wife of George Kingsmill, who died 18th September, National School (mixed), built for 30 children, with an
167~ and their daughter Margaret who died 25th June, average attendance of 20 ; Miss Edith Harvey, mistress
Edwards Rev. John, Rectory Cooper Edward Quilter, farmer Hellen James Hughes, beer rtlr. &; frmr
Church Arthur, farmer Ely Harriet (Miss), farmer Smith Daniel, farmer, Easthotpe hall
GREAT EASTON is an ancient village and parish, two farms left in 1759, by Mrs. Rebecca Meade, is now in
including the hamlet of DUToN HILL, in the Western hands of trustees for educational purposes. Lady Brooke
dil-ision of the county, Dunmow hundred, union and 8S heiress to the late Viscount Maynard, is lady of the manor,
county court district, rural deanery of Dunmow. arch.. and principal landowner: the soil is various. The
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 41 miles from chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,559
London by road, 3 north from Dunmow on the road to acres; rateable value, £30485 j and the population in 1881
Thaxted and 9 north-west from Bishop's Stortford, situated was 782. .
on the river Chelmer. The church of St. John is an ancient POST OFFlCE.-John Fowler, receiver>. Letters from
structure, built chiefly of flint and consists of chancel, London & Chelmsford arrive by mail cart from Dunmow
nalre and a. square wooden tower, containing 5 bells and a every morning at 645 a.m. &; 2-45 p.m.; dispatched at
clock: the chancel was restored in 1877: there are monu- 8.45 a.m. & 5.40 'P. m . The nearest money order &; tele-
ments to the family of Meade, 16I4-176r, to the Rev. graph office is at Dunmow
Joseph Plume B.D. rector, ob. Jan. 16, 1686, tn. 81; the Rev. ~
Thomas Leader, rector, ob. ~ June, 1618 and t.he Rev. g~:::.:~ England (mixed), built in
1881, for 250
Thos. Cecil, rector, ob. Jan. 29, 16~. The register dates :I db d h
from the year 1561• The living is a rectory, yearly value children, supporte y Viscount Maynar 's trustees, w 0
£7~ with residence, in the gin of Viscount Maynard's gave half an acre of land & £350 ; they alsQ give £5
trustees and held by the Rev. Horatio Bladen Cape!. annually ~ Richard William KelIy. master
Meade's charity amounting to £75 per annum, arising from CABBIRR. TO LoNDON-rGeo. Sanders, from - Lion,' saturday
Capel Rev. Horatro BIaden, Rectory Clark William, carpenter Rawlings George, Bell inn, &; grocer
Johnson Henry John, Hill cottage Collin George, bricklayer Sams John, farmer, Mays land
. Fowler John, shoe maker Smith WaIter, farmer & landowner,
COMMERCIAL. Grout Wm. basket make~, Duton hill Blamsters hall
Ambrose John, farm bailiff to the exor8. Haggar William, carpenter, Duton hill Speller William, farmer, Muskams farm
of Abraham Saward Jordan Amos,farmer, Moat House farm Taylor Wm. beer retailr. Mile End green
Baltrop Moses, blacksmith, Cox hill Jordan Arthur, farmer, Mill End green Watson George, blacksmith, Duton hill
Barnard John Harvey, farmer, Breech Key Arthnr, butcher . Watson Thomas, farmer & miller, Mill
& Barnard's farm Legerton Charles, farmer, Avesey farm End green
Barnard Thoma8, Rising Sun, Duton hill Mann Fred, shopkeeper, Dnton hill Watson Wm. farmer & landowner,
Brown Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Perry Thomas, Three Horse Shoes Duton hill &; Meads
Butcher James, hurdle & rake maker Pickforo Robert, farmer, Dove house Windus Edward, farmer, Bridge foot
Clark James, beer retailer Pomeroy lames, farmer, Duton hill
LITTLE EASTON is a parish in the Western division chapel has ,also been restored. The register dates from the
of the county, Dunmow hundred, union and county court year 1559. The living is a rectory, yearly value £330, in
district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex the gift of Viscount Maynard's trustees and held-by the
and diocese of St. Albans, situate on the south side of the Rev. George Cressner Tufnell M.A. of Wadham College,
Chelmer, 2 miles north-west from Dunmow and 40 from Oxford. There are almshouses for four aged widows,
London by road. The church [name unknown] is ancient, endowed with rent·charge of £20 yearly. Easton Lodge,
consisting of chancel and nave, with a chapel on the sonth late the seat of Viscount Maynard, was a venerable mansion
side of the chancel and a square tower with 4 bells and a in the Elizabethan style, with a chapel built by William,
clock: the large east window is a memorial to Viscount Lord Maynard, in 1621, the greater portion of the mansion
Maynard, who died in 1865; the chapel, a portion of which was destroyed by fire in 1847; but it has been rebuilt and
was originally the Bourchier chapel, since used as the restored at a cost of upwards of £10,09°; it is seated in an
burial place of the Maynard family and has some very fine extensive park of 800 acres and is owned by Lady Brooke,
monuments, with figures of members of the family, from who, as heiress of the late Viscount Maynard, is lady of
16ro to 1746: the two windows in the chapel are stained the manor and the principal landowner. The soil is
and were placed by Henry Viscount Maynard, in memory mixed sand and loam; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are
of his beloved wife, who died Oct. 22nd, 1857: on the south wheat, beans, barley and root crops. The area is 1,601
side of chancel and partly in the chapel, is an altar-tomb acres j rateable value, £2,339 ;. the population in .1881 was
of polished marble, the canopy consisting of three arches on 295.
each side and one at each end and supported by clustered Parislt Clerk, Adam Clarke.
columns with capitals, the whole surm.oun.ted by a cO~Ir~e POST OFFlCE.-Albert Byatt, receiver. LetterS' from
of oak leaves: on the top of tomb are mlaId brass effigIes Chelmsford, 'Viii Dunmow, received at 7 a.m. & 2.25 p.m. ;
of Isabella of york, aunt of Edward IV. an~ her husband, dispatched at 5,30 p.m. & on sundays at 12.5 p.m. The
~enry BourchI~r, first Ea: rl o~ Essex, 14~3. on the no~th nearest money order office & telegra h offiee is at
Side of chancel IS a canopIed nIche, handsomely carved WIth Dunmow p
shields of stone with coats of arms on them: in the niche a.
tomb, with the figure of a. recumbent knight in armour: SCHooLS:-
and on the north and south walls of the nave are some National (mixed), built in 187 8, with an average attend-
remains of ancient paintings, now nearly obliterated: anee of 9 children; Miss Peck, mistress
there is also a brass of Robert Pyn, priest c. 1420: a north INSURANCE AGENT:-
aisle was built in 1881 at a cost of £1,500 and the Maynard Sun Fire, H. Cheffins, Easton manor

Easton lodge; & Stable yard, St.

Brooke Lord M.P., D.L., l.P. &; Lady, Tufnell Rev. Geo. Cressner M.A. [rector] Hor!lnall Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Kenny Edward Henry, accountant
James' palace & Carlton club, Lon- COMMERCIAL~ Leech George (Mrs.), shopkeeper
don s.w Brand Thomas Woodley,farmer & miller Matthews Mary (Mrs.), Stagy inn
Cheffins Henry, Easton manor Cheffins P. J. agent to Earl of Rosslyn, Patmer George (Mrs.), farmer, Little
Cheffins Peter James Mawbys Easton farm
Ross)yn Earl of, Easton lodge; & 51 Ellis Charles, beer retailer Rogers John Frederick, clerk to the
Grosvenor street '10. & Carlton & Gunn William, fanwright Easton estates
White's clubs, London s.w Hart Sam\. farm bailiff to Lady Brooke Smith Geo. Shoobridge, farmer, Kings
EASTWOOD, a place known to have been in existence as College, Cambridge. Eastwood Bury, the manor house, a
early as the time of King Edward the Confessor, is a parish modern building of brick, pleasantly situated near the
adjoining Rochford to the south-west, in the Southern church, is the seat of J. W. Stallibrass esq. who is lord of the
division of the county, Rochford union, hundred and county manor. Two miles to the west is Eastwood Lodge, an
~ourt district, Rochford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry ancient mansion, now occupied as a farmhouse. Mrs..Drury
and St. Albans diocese, 3 miles north-east from Leigh is impropriator of the great tithes. The principal land-
station, 4 north-west from Southend and 46 from London. owners are James Tabor, J. W. Stallibrass and Charles
The ancient church of St. Lawrence and All Saints consists Wren esqs. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay. The chief
of a large and lofty chancel, nave, aisles and a western tower: crops are wheat, barley, peas, beans and potatoes. The area
the font and some remains of two flat buttresses indicate is 2,962 acres; rateable value, £5,339; and the population in
the foundation of the church in the early part of the 12th, 1881 was 483 and 16 in that part of Wallasea Island be-
the nave and tower in the 13th and the chancel of the 14th longing to Eastwood.
?enturies: the architecture of the south arcade and the belfry NOBLES GREEN is half a mile north-west.
IS remarkably good: the most notable features of the church Parish Clerk William Bacon.
are the two square-headed Norman doorways on a bar of ' .
one of which is inscribed, "Pax regal. intrantes j eadem Board School (~ear Nobles green), WIt.h an average attend-
regat egregientes" - "May peace rule those entering; ance of 40 chIldren ; Mrs. Large, mIstress .
May the same rule those going out." The church was A school b~rd of 5 members was formed ill 1874; clerk,
restored in x872. The register of baptisms and burials George Wood, Rochford
dates from 1685; marriages, 1686. The living is a Letters through Chelmsford, vidRochford. LETTER Box in
vicarage, yearly value £232, in the gift of the Lord Chan- wall cleared at 4.30 p.m.; suudays, I I a.m. The nearest
cellor and held by the Rev. John Spencer M.A. of Trinity money order & telegraph office is at Rochford
Spencer Rev. John M.A. [vicar] Humphrey John, farm bailiff to J. W. Stallibrass John Waylett, farmer, East-
Stallibrass In. Waylett, Eastwood Bury Stallibrass esq wood Bury
Mew Hen~ farmer Thorn Edward, farmer, Wood farm
COMMERCIAL. Popplewell Phrebe (Mrs.), preparatory Trussell Charles, farmer
Baines Samuel, shopkeeper school, Eastwood villa Warner Alfred, cattle dealer, Harp house
Boosey Maria (Mrs.), florist Rackstraw John, farmer,Eastwood lodge Watts William, bricklayer
Gladwell John, Francis, Th1'ee Ashes, & Rand Jamel!, beer retailer Woods Oliver James, HorS8 cj Groom
farmer Scraggs Robert, market gardener Wren Charles, farmer
Glasscock William, farmer Skilton Joseph, farmer, Bell House farm
ELMDON is a parish, with a compact villagf', in the deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Alhns diocese, 6
Western division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron miles west-north-west from Saffron Walden and 5 north-
Walden union and county court district, Saffron Walden west from Audley End station, situated on a range of hills

, •
on the borders of Cambridgeshire. 'fhe church of St. course shift. The area i. 3,196 acres; rateable value
Nicholas stands on rising ground at the north end of the £4,048 Ss. ; and the population in r881 was 614- '
village and consists of llhancel with aisles, nave, aisles, south
porch and a tower at the west end containing 6 bells and a LEEBURY, 01' Elmdon Lee, is ~ miles south-east. Dudden-
hoe End is a hamlet in this parish. SI miles south.
clock: there are brasses to Thomas Crawley esq. ob. 30 Parish Clerk, Frank Negus.
September, 1559, founder of a free school here and his wife,
with figures of children and of a civilian with two wives, c. POST &MONEY ORDER OFFICE &:: Savings Bank.-Mrs. Mary
:1$3°. The register dates from the year 16IB. The living is Crisp, receiver. Letters arrive from Saffron WaIden, by
& vicarage, consolidated with Wenden Lofts, joint nett foot messenger, at 10 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. week
yearly value £350, including residence and 26 acres of days &; sunda}'s arrive at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a.m.
glebe, in the gift of John Wilkes esq. and held by the Rev. The telegraph offices are at Great ChesterCord & Saffron
Edward Wiles Gilbert K.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. Walden
The poor have £13 yearly distributed in bread. John National School (mixed), built in 1844 for no children, with
Wilkes esq. is 10rG. of the manor and principal landowner. an average attendance of 8o; Miss Mary Ann Chandler,
The soil is part heavy and partly light; subsoil, principally mistr688
chalk, with some clay. The crops are usually on the four- CARRIER TO CAMBRIDGE Mrs. G:mgee, Baturday &:: wed
Collin Rev. Joseph rrector of Streethall] Chater Harrlet (Mrs.), grocer &:: draper Maynard William WaIter, farmer, Dud-
Gilbert Rev. Edward Wiles M.A. Vicarage Crisp Mary (Mrs.), general shopkeeper denhoe grange
COMMERCIAL. Emson Edmund, farmer, Poplars Negus Edward, bricklayer
Baker James, beer retailer &:: shopkeeper Flack George, beer retailer &; thatcher Prime Moses, farmer, Duddenhoe end
BarnardGeorge Hayden, farmer, Lodge Gangee Joseph (Mrs.), carrier RoUe Charles Widford, farmer,Elmdon,
farm; residence, Newport I Godfrey Elizb. (Mrs.), plumbr. &:: glazier
Brand Fredk. blacksmith &:: beer retailr Housden Frederick, wheelwright
Smith &:: Martin, farmers, Cooper's end
:Brand John, farmer, Church farms Kent Joseph, farmer Thorpe James, Woodman, & shop-
Britton Daniel, butcher Lofts William, shoe maker keeper, Duddenhoe end
Burgess Henry, King's Head Loveday Abigail (Mrs.), baker WaIters John, tailor &:: beer retailer
Burton Joseph, farmer . Mickley Charles, farmer, Lee Bury Willett William Henry, Wilkes' ANM
ELMSTEAD.-This ancient parish is in the Eastern mangolds and kohl rabi. The area is 3,644 acres; rateable
division of the county, Tendring hundred and union, Col- value, £6,523; and the population in 1881 was 950.
chester county court district, ru~l deanery of Ardleigh, ELMSTEAD MARKET is a hamlet, 1 mile from the church,
ar~hdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Al~ns, 4 on a small brook falling into the Coloe. Here the market
mll~s east from Colchester and 3 nort~-east f!Om WI~e~~oe was formerly held; and most of the inhabitants live here.
sta~lOn. The church o.f St. Lawrence IS. an edifice exlllbltmg Parish Clerk Samuel Whiten.
vanous styles of architecture and conSists of chancel, nave ' . .
with chapel and a massive stone tower containing I bell: POST OFFlCE.-Jet'fery Ruffell, ~1Ver. Letters arnve
the side chapel is Decorated, the chancel late Early English, from Colchester at 4. 15 a.m.; dlspatc,hed. at 8·~5 p.m.
the nave Transition, with a Saxon doorway, next which is a The nearest money order &; telegraph office IS at Wlvenhoe
window of Perpendicular date: at the east end of the side SCHOOLS :-
chapel a very ancient wooden effigy of a mailed knight, Natiunal (mixed), for 60 children, with sn average atten-
cross-legged and in the act of drawing his sword: this dance of 39; the Rev. W. Wilson, formerly vicar of this
figure, believed to be the oldest example of a wooden effigy parish, left by will, in 1852, £400 Reduced [,3 per
in the kingdom, is supposed to be a member of the Fitz- Cents. to endow a parochial school; by a new scheme this
william or Tony family, though other authorities incline to is now a Church of England public elementary school with
identify it with Sir John de Mandeville. The register of certificated mistress under government; the managers
baptisms dates from 1558; burials, 1557; marriages,1559. consist ofthe vicar & churchwardens with two othermem-
The living is a discharged vicarage, yearly value £350, with hers elected annually at the Easter vestry & in addition
residence, in the gift of Jesus College, Cambridge and held to the Wilson endowment it is supported by a voluntary
by the Rev. William Worcester Godden M.A. of Worcester school rate & by collegiate & private subscriptions; Miss
College, Oxford. Here is a WesIeyan chapel and day school. Ann Prickett, mistress; Miss Emma Cooper, assistant·
William Parsons Partridge esq. who is lord of the manor, mistress
Hector John G. Rebow esq. and N. C. Corsellis esq. are the Wesleyan (mixed). built in the year 1872 for 90 children,
principal landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravelly with an average attendance of 44; Miss Mary Horne,
loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, mistress .
Godden Rev. William Worcester K.A. Hammond Alfred, blacksmith &:: wheel- Partridge Wm. P. farmer, Elmstead hall
Vicarage wright Peake Chas. Wm. baker & corn dealer
Hyham William Howard James, shoe maker Porter William, farmer, Park farm
Partridge Wm. Parsons, Elmstead hall Howard J oseph, hurdle maker Pryke Saml. wheelwright &:: blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Hyham William, farmer, Keelar's farm Sergeant George, grocer
BuntingWilliam, seed grower James William, Bowling Green Stannard Alfred, farmer, Lodge farm
Burrows lsaac, farmer, Bottles hall Johnson Alfred, butcher Ward John Davie, farmer, Fenn farm
Coker Richard, farmer Johnson Fras. Wm. cattledealer&::farmer Ward John Davie, jnn. farmer, Blue
Crosby John, King's.Arms Johnson Frederick, corn merchant Gates farm
Dines Benjamin, pork butcher Johnson Sadler G. farmer,Picket's farm Ward Thomas, farmer, Villa farm
Francis William, farmer, Holly house Lillie Charles, farmer, Allen's farm Ward William Henry, farmer
Girling John Wellar, farmer, Ballast Mason Thomas, farmer Watsham Samuel, boot &; shoe maker
Quay farm Mead John, beer retailer Woollard Edward, harness maker
ELSENHAM is a parish and station on the Great East- in clothing. There is B clothing club called "Claricia
ern (Cambridge) railway, in the Western division of the Rush's" clothing club. which brings in £6 a year, the pro-
county, Uttlesford hundred, Bishops Stortford union and ceeds of £150 left in consols. A. G. A. Rush esq. who is
county court district, Newport rural deanery, Colchester the lord of the manor and William Fuller-Maitland esq.
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese and is on a feeder of are principal landowners; there are other owners in the
the Stort, 37t miles from London, 5 north-east from parish. Elsenham Hall, the residence of WaIter Gilbey
Bishops Stortford, 6 south-west from Thaxted and 7 north- esq. is a handsome brick building, pleasantly situated in
west from Dunmow. The railway station is on the borders extensive grounds, which are beautifully laid out. The soil
of the parishes of EIsenham, Henham and Stansted Mount- is mixed, part heavy and part loam; subsoil, mixed, with
fitchet. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is of early Nor- clay and gravel. The crops are wheat, barley, turnips &C.
man date and stands on & hill near to Elsenham Hall: it The area is 1,829 acres; rateable value, £3,147; and the
consists of a chancel, nave, Bouth porch and an embattled population in IBSI was 468.
tower with 4 bells at the west end. The register of baptisms GAUNTSEND is ~ miles south-east; Tye Green, a mile
dates from 1732; marriages, 1775; burials, 1730. The and a quarter south; Greenstead Green. g miles south-east.
living iB a vicarage, yearly value £245, with residence, in the Parish Clerk, John Wright.
gift of trustees and held by the Rev. John Whately B.A. of Letters received through Bishops Stortford arrive at 7 a.m.
Trinity College, Dublin. There is a mission hall here, built WALL LETTER Box at the school cleared week days a'
in IBBr under the care of the Society of Friends. £20 6.30 p.m. Stansted is the nearest money order & tele-
derived from six cottagM and some land, left in cottages, graph office
and land by John Wells Eyre, late of Elsenham,is distributed Parochial School (mixed), built with master's house in 187-31
for 80 children, with an average attendance of about 50; Railway Statim" John Sherrard Fitzjohn, stationmaster
the school is on the property of A. G. Rush esq. lord of
the manor & is supported by voluutary contributions CARRIER-Rice from Henham passes through -to Bishop's
& a government grant; John Bourne, master: Mrs. Stortford on mondays, thnrsda)'s & saturda:rs
Mary Ann Bourne, mistress
Gilbey WaIter, Elsenham hall Mumford Daniel, farmer, Elsenham pI Simons Nathaniel, farmer, Tye green
Whately Rev. John B.A. Vicarage Nash William, shopkeeper, Tye green Tofts Charles, farmer &landowner, New
COMMERCIAL. Orger Robert, farmer, Tye green House farm
Eurls Martin, farmer, Gaunts end Robinson Daniel, carpenter Tofts Robert, farmer, Tye green
Mascall Thomas Chas. CrOlcn, & coal dlr Robinson John, pig jobber,& Robin Hood
EpPING STREET is a parish, union town and station on the Epping has a weekly market on Fridays and three yearly
Great Eastern Railway (Ongar line), 16£ miles from White- fairs, on Whit-Tuesday, the nth October (statute) and 13th
chapel, 15 from Shoreditch church, 18 west from Chelms- and 14th Noyember. There is a savings bank.
ford, by Chipping Ongar and 7 east from Waltham Abbey Messrs. Cottis ha"'e an iron foundry, which gives employ-
and is a polling place for the Western division of the county, ment to a considerable number of hands.
in the half hundred of Waltham, county court district of
Waltham Abbey, Chigwell rural deanery, Essex arch- There are almshouses endowed with £34 yearly and
deaconry and St. Albans diocese. The town, which is lighted various sums are distributed to the poor.
with gas, consists of one long and wide street, seated on a Epping Forest, an extensive tract of good woodland,
ridge of hills; it declined considerably after the introduction formerly called Waltham Forest and, at a remote period,
of railways; but the line between Loughton and Chipping the forest of Essex, formerly covered wholly or in part 21
Ongar having now a station here, a great number of persons parishes; in 1793 only 12,000 acres remained unenclosed
visit the town during the summer season. A Town Hall was and in 1873 there were onty 3,000; in 1870the Corporation
built in 1865, at a cost of about £2,000 and is used for con- of London instituted a suit by which 1,500 acres illegally en-
certs and other entertainments. There is a literary society, closed have been restored and the forest is now under the
which is well supported. A choral society gives concerts at control of the Corporation for the benefit of the public; there
intervals during the winter season and attracts consider- are now remaining about 5,000 acres, some portion of which
able audiences. is exceedingly beautiful and thickly wooded; in the forest,
EpPING UPLAND and RYEHILL are on the north part of about a mile and a half from the town, is Ambreys, or Ambers-
the parish. bury, an ancient camp, near which, according to Morant
The parish church of all Saints, situated ali Epping Upland, and others, was fought the famous battle between Boadicea
is an ancient structure, consisting of chancel and nave and and Suetonius the last expiring effort of the ancient
a square brick tower containing 5 bells; it presents several Eritons against their Roman conquerors.
features of great interest to archreologists, including 3 aum-
bries and an ancient credence table, discovered during The Epping Hunt seems to have been a remnant of
recent alterations: the stained tower window is a memorial the time when the citizens had their common huntsman, and
to Dr. Forbes Winslow, who is buried in the churchyard: a claimed the privilege granted by Edward IV. of hunting in
dwarf stone screen from which the pulpit is corbelled out Waltham forest, Henry Ill. having previously confirmed to
separates the nave from the chancel: the seats are all free the citizens of London, in 1226, free warren, or liberty to
and unappropriated: the church was some time since com- hunt, within a circuit, in the forests of Stannay or (Staines)
pletely restored at a cost of £3,000. The register dates from and Hainault; this hunt was always held on Easter Monday,
the year 1539. The living is a vicarage, nett yearly value when the Lord Mayor and aldermen attended and is
£700, with residence, in the gift of George Wythes esq. frequently noticed by poets as far back as the middle of the
and held by the Rev. Edward Buckmaster M.A. of Trinity 17th century; in 1853, the forest about Buckhurst Hill,
College, Cambridge. St. John's church is a brick edifice, where the meet took place, having been enclosed, the hunt
with a pinnacled belfry. The register dates from the year was brought to an end, although an assembly of holiday
1839. The living is a perpetual curacy, yearly 'value £120, folk is still sometimes collected, and a tame deer tortured
in the gift of trustees and held by the Rev. Thomas Ridout for their amusement.
Tuck M.B. of Caius College, Cambridge. The Congregational Copt Hall is a splendid mansion near the site of a
ohurch here is one of the oldest in the country _and is residence formerly used by the monks of Waltham as a
supposed to have originated between the years 1628 and retreat, standing on an eminenc'C 2 miles south-west, in
1653: the present structure having been erected on the site a district surrounded with fine woods and is the seat of
of the original building in 1774: the interior has been William Henry Burns esq.; George Wythes esq. is lord of
modernised, enlarged and a school built, at a total expense the manor and principal landowner. The soil is various;
of £1,200, raised by the congregation. There is also a Wes- subsoil, clay and sand. The area of the entire parish is
leyan chapel, opened in 1878 and a meeting-house for the 5,281 acres; ratetable value, £13,776; and the population
Society of Friends. ill 1881 was 2.343.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Loftus W. Arkwriqht esq. Little Parndon hall
Bank, Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-Cedric R. :B. Colvin esq. Monkhouse hall, Waltham Abbey
Wright, postmaster, Delivery commences at 7 a.m. 9.40 J. Archer Houblon esq. Hallingbury, Bishop's Stortford
a.m. & 6 p.m. Eox: for London closes at 9.30 a.m. 2.45 A. V. Palmer esq. Nazeing
p.m. & 8 p.m. On snnday box closes at 7.30 p.m G. Palmer, jnn. esq. Nazeing
C. J. Phelips esq. Briggins park, Ware
CoUNTY MA.GISTRATES EpPING PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. Lt.-Col. R. W. Hamilton, Holyfield hall, Waltham Abbey
Sir Thomas Fowell Euxton bart. Warlies park, Waltham Holy Lt.-Col. A. L. Mark Lockwood, Bromleys, Harlow
Cross (chairman) . Major J. C. Tait, Theydon Garnon
Charles Jas. Buryesq. St. Leonards, Nazeing (dep. chairman) J. Todhunter esq. Great Parndon
C. Chandler Egerton esq. Kendallodge, Epping The above justices are also the commissioners for taxes.
Earl of Roden, Hyde hall, Sawbridgeworth Clerk to the Magistrates, F. Gough: assistant clerk, George
John Parnell esq. Waltham Abbey Creed
A. J. Edwards esq. Beach Hill park, Loughton Petty Sessions are held at Epping police station every
Henry Atherton Adams esq. Wynters, Harlow friday at 12 noon. The places in the division are Ching-
Clayton W. F. Glyn esq. Durringt.()n house, Sheering ford, Chigwell, Epping, Loughton, Nazeing, North Weald
Lt.-Gen. Samuel L. Howard, Goldings, Loughton Bassett, Theydon Hois, Theydon Garnon, Theydon Mount,
Sir. H. J. Selwin·lbbetson bart. M.P. Down hall, Harlow Waltham Holy Cross
Thomas Charles Earing esq. M.P. High Beach
Samuel Bawtree esq. North Weald, Epping EpPING FOREST.
Sir G. Palmer,Nazeing Cllief Ranger, H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught
Robert Edwards esq. Beach Hill park, Loughton Arbztmtor, the arbitrator to decide on land in dispute, Sir
John Williams esq. Debden hall, Loughton Arthur Hobhouse Q.C
Major Suart, Chigwell Verderers, Sir T. Fowell Euxton bart. Warlies, Waltham
Nathaniel Powell esq. Chigwel1 Holy Cross; Andrew Johnston esq. The Firs, Woodford;
Major C. N. Hamilton Sotheby, Manor house, High beech Edward North Buxton esq. Knighton, Euckhurst hill
122 ~PPINOl ESSEX.! [KELtY'14
Commitfe~ Membel'lt -of the Common Council of the Cor- Lou,qhtrnl. district, N. 'f. Lewie, Lougbton ~ Naeeingdistrict,
poration of the City of London, who form the" Epping A. Priest f..R.C.P. Bdin. Waltham Abbey; Nurth Weald,
Forest Committee"; Mark Shepherd esq. Chairman,. Sir The!fdo-1f Boil t! Theydon Garnon disb'icts, Trevor Fowler
R. H. Carden, Sir T. White, E. Hart esq. Deputy Hora, L.I.Q.C.P. Irel. Epping; Roydon autrict, R. T. Grubb
F. Cox esq. Deputy Stapleton, Deputy Bontems, J. Beck L.R.C.P. Edin. Harlow ; Sheering district, R. N. Day, Harlow
esq. Deputy Sheppard, J. Pound esq. R. Cox esq Superi.nte1ldenl Registrar, J. W. Windus, Epping; deputYI
SU1'Veyur of the Forest, William D'Oyley John C. Archer, Epping
Superintendellt of the Forest, Alexander Mackenzie Registrar of Marriages, Rev. J. T. DaYis, Lindsey street,
Head Keeptl's, F. Luffman, Loughton walk; J. Challis, Epping
Sewardstone walk; W. Watkins, Chingford walk Registrar of BirtJu " Deaths, Epping sub-dist1';,ct, COOrie
INSURANCE AGENTS:- Wright, Epping; Chigwell sub-district, Samuel Wilks,
Church of England, M. Dunstan Loughton; Harlow .tub.district, William Redding, Potter
County Fire, A. O. Fisher street, Harlow
Esse:e ~ Susse:c E'luitabll/, G. J. Lawrence 1frJrkhouse, built in the Elizabethan style & is capable
Guardian, W. Sworder & Sons of accommodating 232 inmates; Frederick Moore, master:
London Assurance. T. W. Cooper Rev. F. Henson B.A. chaplain; Joseph Clegg, surgeon;
Norwich Union Fire, W. Tweed Mrs. Ellen Moore, matron
Protect(}'f Endowment, G. Creed RURAL SANITARY AUTHORI'l"Y.
Reliance Mutual Life, W. Tweed
Scottish Provincial, J. Winter. Dane lodge Clerk, J. W. Windus, Epping
Sun Fi,'e, J. W. Windus Medical Officer of Health, Trevor Fowler, Epping
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- Inspector, John Harrison Bell
Stamp o.tfice, Cedric Wright, distributor PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
Inland Revenue Office, Cock inu Assessor of 1'a:r:es, John Odell
Police Station, High street, Thos. Simpson, superintendent Clerk to the Assessment Committee, J. W. Windus
Clerk to the Commissioner. of Tazes for Epping .Division,
Board day, alternate fridays. Inspect(}'f of Weights t! MefUUres, Inspect(}'f under the Ez.
The union comprises the following parishes :-ChigweIl, plosive et Petj'oleum Act, under the ContagiO'lU Disea8ef
Chingford, Epping, Great Parndon, Harlow, Latton, Little (Animal.f) Act, et under the Sale of Food t! Drugs .Act,
Parndon, Loughton, Magdalen Laver, Matching, Nazeing, Thomas ::jimpson
Netteswell, North Weald Bassett, Roydon, Sheering, SCliOOLS:-
Theydon Bois & Theydon Garnon. The total population National, for Epping &Theydon Garnon, built with teachers'
of the union in 1881 was 21,755; rateable value, £14 1,77 8 residences, by Clarmont Whiteman esq. a resident of
Clerk to Guardians, J. W. Windus, Epping Theydon Garnon, in 1860, for 300 children, with an
Relieving Officers et Collectors to the Guardians, Chigwell dis- ayerage attendance of 250; Matthias Dunstan, master;
trict, Samuel Wilks, Loughton; Haj'low district, William Miss Chaplin, mistress
Redding, Potter street, Harlow National (mixed), built with houses for the master &
Vaceination o.fJicers, William Redding, Harlow; Samuel mistress in 1862, for 80 children, with an average
Wilkes, Loughton; Cedric Wright, Epping attendance of 50, Epping green; Charles Richard Reeves,
Medical Officers, Buckhurst Hill tf Chingford districu, F. C. master; Miss i'isher, mistress
Cory M.D. Buckhurst hill; Chigwell district, C. Saunders
L.R.C.P. Edin. ChigwelI; Epping district, Trever Fowler Railway Station, Edward Wm. Hayden, station master.
L.K.Q.C.P. Irel. Epping ; Great if Little PaJ'nd01& t! Latton Omnibus to meet principal trains from 'Cock'
districts, R. T. Gribb, L.R.C.P. Edin. Harlow; Harlow, CARRIER TO LoNDON-Mrs. Sarah Flower, from her house,
Mafldalen Laver t! Matching distl'icts, R. N. Day, Harlow; mono wed. & fri to 'Saracen's Head,' Aldgate
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COlllMERCIAL. Dunn William Henry, corn dealer
Bates Edward Ainger William, builder Durant Christopher, ironmonger
Bevins William Henry, Cope hall Aldham Elizh. Noble (Miss), ladies'sch Epping Gas Co. Lim.(Wltr. Tweed, sec,)
Buckmaster Rev. Edwd. M.A. Vicarage AlIen Frederick, plasterer Field James, butcher
Carter Richard AlIen Henry Thomas, baker Fisher Arnold Owen, clothier & boot &
Church John Archer John C. deputy supt. registrar shoe maker
Clegg Joseph Bailes John, Cock et Magpie, Epping go Flower John, farmer
Cottis Crispus Basham Frederick, Old Thatched House Flower Sarah (Mrs.). carrier
Cottis Reuben commercial inn, & wine & spirit mer Flower Theophilus, boys' school
Cottis William Beale Wm. farmer Foster Charles, brick &. tile maker
Cottis William, jun. BelIJohnHarrison,inspector of nuisances Foster Thomas, shopkeeper
Creed George to the rural sanitary authority Foster William, tailor & draper
Davis Rev, J. Teesdale[Congregational], t3ennett Elizabeth & Matilda (Misses), Fowler Trevor, surgeon
Oak Tree cottage shopkeepers Galloway Arthur Wilton, surgeon
Dawson George, The Plain Bovingdon Thomas George, tailor Gatward Thomas, Royal Oak
Delamare Mrs Brown Arthur, farmer, Epping green Gibbs JohnTyrar,Btone & marble mason
Egerton Charles Chandler I.P. Kendal Brown Daniel, farmer, Ryehill Gouldstone Charles, shoe maker
lodge Brown James, IJuke of York Grout Henry, White Lion
Fitch Mrs Buswell Hy. Alfd. beer retlr. Epping gm Haslam Edward, printer
Fowler Trevor Butcher Edwin, cooper Hasler William, tailor
Frankton Wm. Forest side Byford Thomas, house agent Hawthorn &Co.grocers & provision'mers
Galloway Arthur Wilton Clarke Alfred, Duke of Wellington Hayman Sidney Arthur, surgeon
Hart Miss Clarke Mary & Emma(Misses),shopkprs Hills Joseph, grocer
Hawthorn William, The Laurels Clarke Thomas, plumber &c Hine George, farmer
Hayman Sidney Arthur Clegg J oseph, surgeon Hine Herbert, coal & coke merchant
Hobson Isaiah, Epping villa Clements Sidney & Co. wine & spirit mer Hummerston George, shopkeeper
Houblon Fredk. Archer, Forest lodge Convalel/cent Home (Mrs. Elizabeth Hummerston Thomas, shopkeeper
Humphry Joseph T. Epping plain Turley, matron) Jago Edward James, pork butcher
Judges Mrs Cook Edwin, wheelwright, Epping gm Kemsley Arthur, farmer
Kally Alexander, Spriggs oak Cooper Thomas W. Sun, & saddler Kirkby James, butcher
McNab Duncan Hobert Cooper William, Chequers LawrenceGeo.Jas.builder, auctioneer&c
• Payne Jt'rederick Cottis William & Sons, agricultural Lawrence Norman Stains, baker
Roger! Miss, Epping place implement makers & agents, iron Lawrence Thomas, shoe maker
Shorter James, The Limes founders, ironmongers &c Lite'rary Institution (G. J. Lawren~
Sprague Henry, The Plain Cowlin James, White Swan hon. soo.; Edward Winter, treasurer)
Trotter Raymond Douglas Cowlin Mary (Mrs.), plumber & painter Littlechild James, butcher, Epping gm
Tuck Rev. Thomas Ridout M.B. tincum. Crampton John. mineral water manuf Mansfield Benjamin,farmer,Eppinggrn
bent of St. John's] Crane George, farmer Marrable Edward }Villiamj accountant
Varley Mrs Davis Alfred Brimley, stationer Miller Thomas, George 4" DragO'll
Windus John William Day Samh (Miss), school Mott James Geo. painter, Epping gm
Windus Miss Dean William, farmer, Hunter's hall Nathan Joseph, farmel' ...
Winter James, Dane lodge 'Draper Edward, fishmonge'P Newm~ Cha8. hay dealer, Epping gm

Nicholls Thomas, farmer i Smith Peter, fanner, Epping green Webb William, veterinary Im'goon
Nicholls Thomas, jun. farmer Smith William, draper Whipp!l Arthur, corn mer. &; farmer
Oakley James, boot maker Sortwell Henry, builder &c Willis George, butcher
Odell John, stationer Sparrow, Tuffnell & Co. (branch), Wilson Harry, watch maker
Olney John, farmer bankers (WaIter Tweed, manager) ; Windus & 'rrotter, solicitors
Palmer Brothers, builders &c draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London Windns John William (firm, Wmdns &;
Palmer Elizh. (Mrs.), shpkpr. & beer rtlr Spencer Henry, tailor Trotter), solicitor, clerk to the guar-
Palmer George, school Stace George & James, shoe makers dians & assessment committee &;
Parish George, Bell Stace J oseph, hair dresser 8uperintendent registrar
Pegrnm George, farmer Stock William, White Hart Winter James, architect &; surveyor,
Phipps Albert, saddler Sudul Samuel, shoe maker Dane lodge
Pettengall John Edward, saddler Sworder Wm. & Sons, auctioneers Wood J ames (Mrs.), milliner
PTentice Herbert, coach builder I Sworder Chas. Rcorn mer. Woodlands Wright Cedric, registrar of births &
Payne William Mogford, draper Symes William, farmer, Wintery farm deaths& relieving &vaccination officer
Rickett Thomas, farmer, Upland Taverner Edmund, blacksmith for Epping district & stamp distri-
Rowland Thomas Flanders, chemist Teece Charles, butcher butor, Post office
Samuel George, baker Thurlow 'rhomas, draper Wright George, dairyman
Saward William, coach builder Trim William, farmer Wright George, Globe
Scruby James, grocer & china dealer Trotter- Raymond Douglas, solicitor Wright Joseph, Lion
Silcock Henry, furniture dealer (firm, Windus & Trotter) Yates Alfred, boot maker
Simpson Frederick, boot maker Tweed WaIter, Cock commercial inn Zerburgh Harry B. brewer
Simpson Thomas, supt. of police Voss William Edward, furniture dealer
FAIRSTED (or FAIRSTEAD) is an undulating parish, in interest of £200 bequeathed in the year 1828 by Mr. James
the Eastern division of the county, Witham hundred, Brain- Carter, now invested in the Three per Cents, in the names of
tree union and county court district, rural deanery of the Charity Trustees, and producing £6 16s. 4d. for coals or
Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. blankets, distribut~d in Christmas week. Weleigh Hall,
Albans, 3 miles south-west from Bulford station and 3 north- now a farm house, was formerly a moated seat, with a
west from Hatfield Peverel station, 4 north-west from chapel, called the Lady Wydelin's Chapel. The principal
Witham, 5 south from Braintree, 8 north from Chelmsford landowners are Lord Rayleigh, who is lord of the manor
and about a mile to the east of the road from Chelmsford to and the trustees of the late Rev. W. T. Bullock. The soil
Braintree. The ohurch of St. Mary is an ancient building, is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
in the Norman s1;yle, consisting of a chancel, nave and a wheat, barley, turnips, peas and beans. The area is 1:,853
square stone tower with a lofty shingled spire, containing" acres; rateable value, £2,419; and the population in 1881
bells; on the chancel wall is a monumental slab to Elizabeth, was 289.
second wif~ of Jos?u.a Blowers, ~e~tor of this church in 1656 : FuLLER STREET is a hamlet Il miles west of the church.
near to thIS are pIscma and sedIha; the seats are of old oak ..'
and there is also a very ancient oaken chest, about 9 tt. long RANKS GREEN IS a mIle and a half north.
and two feet wide, cut out of the solid timber and bound Parish Clerk, William Thurgood.
with iron. The regist~r dates from 1538. The living is a Letters through Witham, the nearest money order &
rectory~ yearly value £500, with 84 acres of glebe and resi- telegraph office.
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the National School (mixed), with an average attendance of 39;
Rev. Godfrey Goodman D.D. Cantuar. The poor have the Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Brown. mistress
Fairsted. Franklin Robert William, shopkeeper, Ranks Green. ~
Goodman Rev. Godfrey D.D. Rectory Fuller street Bewers George, farmer, Fairsted lodge
Balls James, Wiltsher, farmer, Ash- Hales Lucy (Miss), shopkeeper, Fuller st Searles John, beer retailer
well's farm Hammond Thomas (exors. of), farmer Unwin Henry, farmer, Dine's farm
Blyth Wm. James, farmer, Fairsted hall Wright WaIter, butcher & beer retailer W.right (exors. of), farmer
FAMBRIDGE (NORTH) is a very secluded parish of dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the
scattered houses, 7 miles south from Maldon and about 13 Rev. Thomas Benson B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
south-east from Chelmsford, in the Eastern division of the The trustees of the late William Gale esq. are lords of the
county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and county court manor and, with Mrs. Johnson of Brentwood, principal
district, Maldon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. landowners. The soil is a strong clay; subsoil, the same.
AlbanS' diocese, situated on the north bank of the river The chief crops are wheat, beans and mangold wurtzel. The
Crouch, over which is a ferry from this village to South area is 1,248 acres, of which a large portion is marsh; rate-
Fambridge. The church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient able value, £1,716; and the population in 188t was 142.
red brick building, consisting of nave, south porch and a Parish Clerk, Isaac Goodey.
small wooden belfry at the west end, containing I bell: LETTER Box cleared at 4 p.m. ; sundays, 10.30 a.m
at the back of the communion table is an oil painting repre- Letters through Maldon. Latchingdon is the nearest post,
senting the Lord's supper and the church has an ancient money order &; telegraph office
octagonal font. The register of baptisms dates from 1596, A school hoard was established in 1875. Board School:
burials, 1556; marriages, 1598. The living is a rectory, (mixed), built in 1875, for 45 children, with an average
yearly value £283, with about 26 acres of glebe and resi- attendance of 24; Miss Elizabeth Smith, mistress
Benson Rev. Thomas B.A. Rectory Gale George, farmer, The Hall Palmer Wm. Ferry Boat inn, &; pro·
Gale George, The Hall Goodey David, coal merchant prietor of the ferry from North to
Carter Jacob, carpenter Jarvis Joseph, farmer, Riverside South Fambridge
Freeman &; Goodey, coal merchants Laver Robert, farmer, Blue house
FAMBRIDGE (SOUTH) is a parish on the south £425, with residence, in the gift of James Hamilton esq. and
bank of the river Crouch, in the Southern division of the held by the Rev.Percival Alfred Fothergill B.A. Trinity College,
county, Rochford hundred, union and county court district, Dublin F.R.S.A. domestic chaplain to the Earl of Limerick.
Rochford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans The principal landowners are James Hamilton and Frank
diocese, 4 miles north from Rochford. The river is here Willing esqrs. The soil is a strong clay; subsoil, clay. The
crossed by ferry boats, which convey horses and carriages. chief crop. are wheat, beans &C. The area is 1,234 acres;
The church of All Saints is a small building in the Early rateable value, £1,245; and the population in 1:881 was 191.
English style, erected in 1846, in place of an old structure; . .
it consists simply of nave and a. square belfry containing I Letters through Roc~f?rd, which IS the nearest money
bell. The register of baptisms dates from 176 5; burials, order & telegraph office
1775; marriages, 1754. The living is a rectory, yearly value I The children of this parish go to the school at Ashingdon
Fothergill Rev. Percival Alfred B.A., Carver Henry, farm bailiff to Frank chant & proprietor of ferry boat; fine
F.R.B.A. Rectory Willing esq. Brick house ales & stout
Hymas John, .Anchor inn, coal mer-, Swift & Rice, farmers, The Hall
F ARNHAM (or FERNHAM) is a parish on the borders/ Stortford and 2 west from Stansted station. The church of
of Hertfordshire, in the Western division of the eounty, St. Mary stands on the side 9f a hill, some distance from any
Clavering hundred, Bishop's Stortford nnion and county house and was 'M-built in the year 1859 at a cost of upwards
court district, Newport rural deanery', Colchestet' arch- of £5,000, the gift of the late Robert Gosling esq. and the pre-
deaconry and St. AlOOns diocese, 3 miles north from Bishop's _sent rector: it is in the Early Decorated style, consisting of
• -
chancel, nave, north aisle, with north chapel, south porch east; Earlsbury is half-a-mile south; Level'. Green, half-a-
and a western tower containing 6 bells: it is fitted with mile lOuth-west.
open oak benches. The register dates from the year 1551. Parish Clerk, James White
The living ill a rectory, yearly value £600, with 30 acres of POST OFFlCB.-John Brown, receiver. Letters through
glebe and residence, in the gift of Trinity College, Oxford Bishop's Stortford arrive at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m.
and held by the Rev. William John Copeland B.D. formerly Stansted Mountfitchet &; Bishop's Stortford are the
fellow of that college. Hassobury is the seat of Robert nearest money order &; telegraph offices
Gosling esq. D.L., .l.P, the lord of the manor and principal land- There is a Church of England mixed school, with residence
owner. The soil is mixed.; subsoil, clay, with 80me chalk. for mistress attached, built in 1855 fot' 100 children, with
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, clover, beans, peas an average attendance of 70 & endowed with £60 per
and roots. The area is 1,966 acres j rateable value, £3,148 j annum, arising from a bequest of £1,500 from William
and the population in 1881 was 495. E. Gosling esq. &; £500 from R. Gosling esq. left in
HAZEL END is an old hamlet of Farnham, 1 mile south- consols; Miss Martha Barker, mistress
Copeland Rev. Wm. John B.D. Rectory Cakebread James, farmer, Chatter end Pickett Danl.ThreeHorseshoes,Hazelend
Gosling Robert D.L., J.P. Hassobury Cowell Thomas Benjamin, farmer, Presland John, boot maker
Porter Rev. George [curate] Walkers farm Savill James, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Gennery Caleb, steward to Robert Gos- Sibley Susanna (Mrs.), Globe inn, &
Baker William, farmer, Hazel end ling esq. Hazel end farmer &; blacksmith
Brown John, shoe maker Milton Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ToCts John, farmer, Savend fann
Burls Martin, farmer, Hall farm Chatter end Woods John, carpenter
FAULKBOURN is a parish and scattered village, £7 per annum, arising from £200 left in 1780 by Captain
pleasantly situated 2 miles north-west from Witham station, Hutchinson and distributed in bread and money at Christ-
in the North Eastern division of the county, Witham hun- mas and Easter. The Hall, in the occupation of Mrs. BrouD,
dred, Braintree union and county court district, rural is a stately pile of red. brick, exhibiting the architectural
deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese features of various periods j the lower gateway is believed
of St. Albans. The church of St. Germain stands on an to have been erected by the earl of Gloucester in the reign
eminence within the Park and is a small building in the of Stephen or that of Henry 11. and has machicolated battle-
Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave and a wooden ments, with angle turret8, standing in a park of 100 acres.
bell-cot containing 2 bells: in the chancel are inscriptions on on slightly undulating ground, well studded with lofty elms
brass to members of the family of Fortescue viz., Henry and chesnut trees and containing a fine herd of deer. The
Fortescue esq. 1576 and Mary Darell, 1598 ; on the north side trustees of the late Rev. W. T. Bullock are lords of the manor
is the monument of Sir Edward Bnllock, 1644; on thesonth, and principal landowners. The land is principally arable
a costly memorial of white marble, with a life-size female and grass; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
figure bearing a scroll, inscribed to John Bnllock esq. 1740, wheat, barley, turnips and beans. The area is 1,151 acres j
and a third to Dr. Richard Bullock, ob. Nov. 16th, 1754, C1!t. 53; rateable value, £1,939; the population in 1881 was 179.
and his widow, Whalley Bullock, ob. July 10, 1767, C1!t. 53; Parish Clerk, Charles Horsnail.
there is also some stained glass. The register of baptisms
and burialR dates from 1574 and of marriages from 1576. POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Elizabeth Horsnail, receiver. Letters
'fhe living is a rectory, yearly value £280, with residence and through Witham, which is the nearest money order &
30 acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees of the late Rev. W. telegraph office, arrive at 4 a.m. j dispatched at 9 p.m
T. Bullock and held by the Rev. Frederick Spurrell M.A. of National School (mixed), for 40 children; Miss E. M. Dawton,
Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. There are oharities of mistress
BrouD Mrs. The Hall Spurrell Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Speakman Thomas, farmer, Hill farm
Bullock WaIter Henry, The Warren Pooley William, farmer, Oak farm Strutt William, farmer, Troy's farm.
Barnett Benj. Owen Bamard, Feering ho
FEERING is a parish and widely scattered village, which time Bishop Bonner occasionally resided pere: the
pleasantly situated in the vale of the river Blackwater, a arms of Heygate and a badge of Queen Elizabeth exist in a
mile and a half from the Kelvedon station, 2 miles south window of the house, which is now the property of the
from Coggeshall and 9 south-west from Colchester, in the Ecclesiastical Commiseioners. Here is an ancient half-tim-
Eastern division of the county, hundred of Lexden, Brain- bered chapel, now used as a stable. Prested Hall was for-
tree union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery merly a moated mansion; remains of the moat still exist:
of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the hall is at present occupied as a farm house. Sir Thomas
Albans. The Great Eastern (Colchester) railway runs C. C. Western bart. is the impropriator and lord of the manor.
through the village. The church of All Saints is an ancient The principal landowners are Mrs. Honywood, of Marks Hall,
building in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, and Messrs. Cornwell and WiIliam Raven. The land is chiefly
nave and north aisle of four bays, porch and a square tower light, arable and undulating; subsoil, gravel. The chief
partially oovered with ivy and containing 5 bells: the in- crops are wheat, barley and seeds. The area is 3,23° acres.;
terior including the ancient colouring of the walls has been rateable value, £7,317 Ss.; the population in 1881 was 759.
restored: the east window and others in the chancel are chiefly depending on agriculture.
stained: there is an elaborately carved font. The register GORE PIT adjoins the township of Kelvedon.
dates from the year 1563. The living is a vicarage, yearly Parish Clerk, James Raven.
value £330, with a residence in the Elizabethan style and 9 LETTER Box cleared at 7.30 p.m. weekdays & 1 I a.m. sundays
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and Letters through Kelvedon, the nearest money order office;
held by the Rev. William James Packe M.A. of Christ Church, the telegraph office is at Coggeshall
Oxford. The charities amount to 21S. per annum for widow Natio1Ull School, an Elizabethan building of red brick, par-
communicants. Feering Bury Manor House, the residence tially endowed by the Re\'. R. Drummond, late vicar, with
of Edward Catchpool esq. anciently belonged to Westminster an additional endowment for repairs j there are about 100
and after the Reformation to the See of London, during scholars; Frederick Richard Ball, master
Bannister Major George, The Warrens Church George & Joseph, seed growers Moss John, farmer, Threshelfords
Bennett Mrs. Feering lodge Church Arthur, seed grower Metcalf Philip, farmer
Catchpool Edwd.Feering Bury Manor ho Clarke Samuel, shoe maker Moss John William,farmer,Church farm
England Thomas, Rye Mill house Clary George, seed grower, Rye mill Moss Thomas, farmer &; seed grower,
Everett Cowlin, Rye house Dennis WaIter George, farmer, Malt- Herons farm
Gibberd Joseph, Rye Mill house beggar's farm Partridge Albert, beer retailer, Hurrex
Hamilton Capt. Andrew, Gore pit Dore Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Purkison James, wheelwright
Packe Rev. William James M.A.. [vicar] Everett Joseph, farmer, Houchens Quilter John Elijah., farmer, Hop greeD
Tupper Ferdinand Finch William, Sun Raven Cornwell & William, farmers
COl\fMERCIAL. Hills John, farmer, Prestead hall Shead Thomaa William, hurdle & broom
Arnold Lydia (Mrs.), beer l'tlr. Surrex HutleyWm. blacksmith &;rate oollector manufacturer & timber mer. Surrex
Bush Charles, beer retailer &; maltster Letherdale Jonathn, miller, Rye mills Threadkell Jeptha, miller, Feering Bury
Catchpool Edward, farmer, Feering Linsell Wm. farm bailiff, Coclterillfarm mill
Bury Manor house Marshall Samuel, Bell, &; grocer WiIlsher Chas. beer retailer, Gore pit
FELSTED (or FBL8TBAD HOLY CROSS) is a parish and division of the county, Dunmow union and co.unty court
station on the Bishop's Stortford, Braintree and Dunmow district. rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry of Col-
bTanch of the Great Eastern railway and comprehends the chester and diocese of St. Albans. The village is 10 miles
sooth-western corner of Hinckford hundred, in the Eastern north from Chelmsford, .. 8Outh-east from Dunmowand 6
west-south-west from Braintree. The Church of Holy Cross county of Essex; two by the magis\rates for the eounty of
consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south chapel and an em- Essex in Quarter SessIons: the Representative Governors
battled tower with a lantern, containing 5 bells: the chapel are elected. by members of Parliament representing the
erected by Robert, second lord Rich, is the burial place of several county and borough constituences of Essex: the
that family and contains a superb monument to Richard, first cooptative governors are so many of the hitherto
lord Rich, Lord High Chancellor in Edward VI. reign, con- acting trustees of the Felsted Charities at the date of this
structed of various marbles and about 13 feet in height, scheme as shall be willing to serve as governors, together
with a figure of the deceased peer, in his chancellor's robes, with 80 many other persons as may be requisite to make up
reclining under a canopy, highly decorated and supported by the number of six. There are almshouses for six poor
Corinthian pillars: there were also interred Thomas, son people on the same foundation as t,he school, each iumate
of Sir Robert Rich, ob. 1564: Richard, son of Sir Robert receiving £50 yearly. There is a Congregational chapel,
Rich, 158o; Richard, Earl of Warwick, 1619; as well as with spacious rooms for Sunday schools and minister's house
Lettice, daughter of Earl Robert ; also Lady Rachel Mon- adjoining. The general charities amount. to about £60
tague, daughter of the Earl of Manchester, 17°4; Robert, yearly, chiefly left in 1564, by Lord Rich, whose bequest
son of Oliver and Elizabeth Cromwell, 1639 ; Thomas Wood- amounts to £35 per annum, distributed among the poor.
roffe, rector of Felstead, ob. October 13th, 1712, at. 57 & Earl Cowley is lord of the manor. The principal landowners
Dionysias Palmer gent. ob. Aug. 1st, 1630, at. 63: the are William Fordham Brown esg. Guy's Hospital, Charles
church has been restore:!, by subscription, at a cost Hicks esq. and Oswald Barnard esg. The soil is mixed;
of upwards of £3,000. The register dates from the year subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
1558. The living is a vicarage, nett yearly value £506, with turnips, beans, oats and mangolds. The area is 60426 acres;
residence, in the gift of Earl Cowley and held by the Rev. rateable value, £9,727 i and t,he population in 1881 was
John Charles COX M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, domestic 1,956. "
chaplain to ElI'rl Cowley. A school board has been formed BANNISTERS GREEN is one mile and a half east. Crick 9
for the united districts of Felsted and Rayne. A Free Green 3 miles east.
Grammar school for boys waS engrafted in the year 1564, Parish Clerk, Elias Taylor.
on the charities of Lord Rich, which was first founded in
the year 1554, the present yearly income of these charities POST MONEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank,
being about [,2,300, about half of which belongs to the Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-John French,
school: this charity was placed in chancery in the year postmaster. Letters arrive from Chelmsford & are de-
1835 and a scheme for its management settled by the Court livered at 7 a.m.; & from London direct at 1.30 p.m.
in 1851, placing it under the control of a board of trustees: First dispatch, to London, 3.30 p.m. i second, to Chelms-
the Rev. Delaval Shafto Ingram M.A. of St. John's College, for~ & all parts, 7.5 p.m
Cambridge, is head master: in the admission of boys a pre- INSURANCE AGEN rs :-
ference is given to those born or resident in the county of Manchester Fire, T. Gladwin
Essex, but there is no exclusion of boys unconnected with Queen, T. R. Moore
the county: at the present time there are 230 boarders: Royal Exchange, Brewer & SOilS
the terms are, per annum-for board (including washing), ScHOOLS:-
£3°; and for tuition (including stationery), £18; the Free Grammar, Rev. Delaval Shafto Ingram M.A. heal
course of instruction includes classics, modern languages, master; Rev. A. W. Rowe M.A. J. H Freese esq. M.A. Rev.
mathematics, the usual English subjects, music and F. W. Manley B.A. O. E. Higgins esq. :M.A. C. H. Pearson
drilling; in this school the Lord Protector Richard Crom- esq. III.A. Rev. C. H. Rogers M.A. Rev. W. F. Evans M.A.
well and Oliver and Henry Cromwell, sons of the Lord Pro- • E. Noakes esq. B.A. A. Hayes esq. RA. C. H. Williams
tector Oliver Cromwell, were educated, as also Dr. Isaac esq. M.A. T. W. Noble esq. Mr. T. Rendall & Mr. S. Burton,
Barrow and Dr. John Wallis, the mathematician: there are assistant masters; Sergeant-Major George Wright, drill
three exhibitions of £60 a year and three others of £50 a instructor
year, tenable for three years after leaving school; as well as Board School (mixed), built in 1879 for 226 children; C.
tweh'e junior exhibitions of £10 a year, tenable at the Delancy, master; Mrs. Delancy, infants' mistress.
school: in 1876 a scheme was proposed by the Educational Railway Station, James Green, station master
department of the Charity Commissian, which came into
force in the following year: the Nominated Go,ernors are CARRIERS :-Bright, from Bell inn, to Chelmsford, monday
appointed-one by the Bishop of the Diocese" in which & friday; to Braintree, wednesday; to Dunmow, tuesday ;
:Felsted is situated; one by the Lord Lieutenant of the I to & from railway station, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bentall Fredk. cattle dealer & farmer, Metson Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer
Brooking Charles Henry M.D Crick green & farmer
Brown Wm. Fordham J.P. Grand courts Brewer & Sons, grocers, drapers &; wine Myall In. machine own. Bannistersgrn
Rurton S merchants Norris James, butcher & grocer
Cheek Mrs Brooking Chas. Henry M.D. surgeon Norris Samuel wheelwright& coach bldr
Cox Rev. John Charles M.A. Vicarage Brown Alfred, farmer, Grand courts Norris Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioners
Evans Rev. W. F. M.A Brown Daniel, farmer, Cricks green Olstead Wm. bricklayer, Bannisters grn
Freese J. H. M.A Brown Grainger, farmer, Drapers, Overall William, farmer

RA Cricks green Peck Joseph, Th1'ee Horseshoes
Hicks Charles, Felsted Bury Brown Wm.Fordham fmr.Grand courts Rawlingson William, farmer
Higgins O. E. M.A Byatt Thomas, boot &; shoe maker Redgewell Benjamin, farmer & miller,
Houchin Rev. Ebenezer Mathew [Con- Clarke Cornelius, carpenter Wood's farm
gregational] Clarke Elizabeth (Miss), corn dealer &; Ridley T. D. & Sons, millers, maltsters
Ingram Rev. Delaval Shafto M.A. [head confectioner & brewers, Hartford End brewery
master of grammar school) Coe Amos, beer retailer, Causeway end Searl John, fanwright
Re,. Francis Hardwick RA Coe Jabez, blacksmith, Bannisters green Smith William, shopkeeper
Newman Wm. Oswald, Felstead ID. ho &; Causeway end Snell Samuel, Swan cOTltTJte7'cial inn if
Noakes E. RA Crozier Samuel, beer retailer posting house
Noble T. W Digby Wm. beer retailer, Cricks green Staines Benjamin, shoe maker
Pearson C. H. M.A Ellis Eliza (Miss), laundress Taylor Wm. farmer, Brook farm
Rendall T Fox William, farmer Taylor Wm. jun. farmer, Felsted place
Ridley Miss F1'ee GraTltmar School (Rev. Delaval Thompson Caroline (Miss), stationer
Ridley WaIter, Hartford end Shafto Ingram M.A. head master) Thompson William, butcher &; farmer
Rogers Rev. Chas. Henry M.A. [vicar of French John, watch maker Weaver J ames Skingle,Checquers,& frmr
Little Dnnmow & assistant master Fuller Mark, beerretlr. Bannisters grn Weaver Kenneth, farmer
of grammar school] Gladwin Thos. farmer, Frenches farm Willis Thomas (Mrs.), brick & drain
Rowe Rev. Alfred William M.A Gladwin William, grocer & draper, pipe maker
Williams C. H. M.A Bannisters green Wright Arthur, farmer
Gosling James, fanwright Wright Bentall, Potash farm
COMMERCIAL. Grey James, farmer, Hartford end Wright Edward, farmer, Millbanks
Abraham Thomas, farmer Hicks Charles, farmer & landowner, Wrig-ht George, drill instructor
Andrews Edwin, builder Felsted, Bury Wright George, saddler
Barker James, shoe maker Hicks Thos. Fredk. baker & confectioner Wright William,farmer,& Moore'sfann
Bass John, carpenter Holdich &; Gladwin, tailors Young Darid, carpenter, Bannisters gm
Bentall Frederick, farmer Juniper Henry, Bell inn Young Frederick, carpenter


FINCHINGFIELD is a large village and parish, 9 Kemp esqs. and subsequently augmented by Sir Robert
miles north-west from Braintree railway station and 6 -east Kemp in J730 and by Mrs. Ann Cole, of Great Dunmow-;
from Thaxted, in the Eastern division of the county, Hinck- and an aLmshouse for widows, founded in J576 by William
ford hundred, Braintree union and county court district and Benlowes,·law and occupied by 7 inmates.
in Braintree rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Spains Hall, the seat of Col. Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise
Albans diocese. The church of St. John the Baptist is an C.B., X.P., D.L., I.P. is a red brick mansion in the Eliza.bethan
ancient structure, consisting of chancel with side chapels, style. 'fhe principal landowners are Col. Samuel Brise
nav8J aisles and a tower with embattled parapet containing Ruggles-Hrise C.B. lord of the manor and Henry Beddall
8 bells; in the Kemp chapel is a monument to WiIliam esq. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
Kemp, of Spains Hall, "master of himself so much, that are wheat, barley and beans. The parish contains 8,387
what others scarce doe by force and penalties, he did by a acres, including Cornish Hall End (which will be found
voluntary constancy hold his peace 7 years": he was described under letter C) ; rateable value, £12,J33 j and the
buried Joth June, J628, ~t. 73 and his wife Philippa., August population in 188r was J,807.
21St, J623: here also is a marble monument to Thomas Parish Clerk, William Coates.
Mamott, with an inscription in verse, to John Mamott esq. POST, MONBY OBDBR & TBLEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Blink ok
of Champions and Judith, his wife, r808-13 and to various Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mis8 Maria
membersofthe family of Ruggles, of Spains Hall, 1784-J813: Ann Gatward, receiver. Letters arrive from Braintree,
in the south chantry is an altar tomb, with brass effigies of by cart, at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.30 p.w. ; sundays, arrive
John Berners esq. and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Simon at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 5.30 p.m
Wysseman esq. J523, in heraldic dresses; and a brass in- INSURANCE AGBNT9 :-Mancluster Fire, E. Bartlett j Sun
scription in the north chantry, 01' Kemp's chapel, to Robert Fire, A. Portway, Braintree
Kempe esq. 1524 and Anne his wife. The register dates SCHOOL8:-
from the year 1617. The living is a vicarage, yearly value National (boys & girls), built in J856, fol' 90 children;
£700, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. John Stock and Thomas Bedwell, master j Mis Mary Anne AlIsop, mistress
held by the Rev. Matthew Vaughan LL.B. of St. Peter's British (boys & girls), Miss Sarah Brook, mistress
College, Cambridge. The rectorial tithes are commuted at CARRIERS TO :- .
£1,406. Here is a congregational chapel, enlarged in 1873. BRAINTRER-George Wakeling, daily, except saturday
In Finchingfield are Kemp's and Cole's charities, founded SAl"FRON WALDEN-William Anstey, every sturdal'
respectively in r623 and 1630 by WilIiam Kemp and Robert •

Beddall Henry, Daw street Crossman William, plumber, painter &c Linsell George, D. grocer & draper, &
Beddall Miss, Prospect house Cutts Isaac, baker agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &
Dawson Edward, Brook hall Dace Martha (Miss), farmer, Cottons spirit merchants
Gatward James, Swiss cottage Daines Thos. shoe maker & beer retailer Martin George, shoe maker
Linsell George Darby Darby Uriah, cooper Martin John, carpenter
Pawsey Mrs Dawson Edward, surgeon, Brook hall Metson George, bricklayer
Ruggles-Brise Col. Samuel Brise M.P. Digby WiIliam, Red Lion Mortlock Luke, fanner, Town fann
club, London ,:W
C.B., D.L., 1.P. Spains hall; & Carlton Dodd George, tailor
Dodd Maria (Mrs.), milliner & dress ma
Nash Angelina (Miss), ladies' boarding
Vaughan Rev. Matthew B.C.L. Vicarage Franklin Augustus, farmer, Pakes farm Pamment Robert, Swan
COHllERCIAL. French John, clothier Sapsed James, Green Man
Adams Joseph, fanner, Hunt's farm French Joseph, hair dresBel' Smart John, watch maker
Allen Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Gatward Maria Ann (Miss), milliner ~mith Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper
Bartlett Edmund, grocer & draper Giblin Henry, farmer, Ashwell hall Stone Henry, F03J
Heddall Henry, farmer, Daw street Goodchild James, farmer, Thurstons Tofts James, farmer, Broad farm
:Beddall John Francis, farmer, Howe hall Gray James, bricklayer & beer retailer Torts James William, frmr. Dairy fann
Beddall Rutland, farmer, Brent hall I Hitching Alfred & Ezra, shoe makers Turner Edward, pouLterer
Beddall Saml. Whitehead. frmr. Justices Jarvis Saml. flour dealer & beer retailer Turner Isaac, pork butcher
Bright Benj. jnn. farmer, Cross farm Lambert Henry, farmer, Locksmiths Turner Samuel, butcher
Byford William, farmer, Northy's fann Legerton Thomas Winterflood, farmer, Wakeling Dlnid, farmer & carrier
Chapman John, wheelwright Boyton hall ~'enden Henry, butcher
Coates William, tailor Letch Andrew Luke, miller Wright James, grocar & draper
Cropley Jas. Richard, farmer, Park farm I Linger Joseph, farmer, Colemans
FINGRINGHOE is a parish, 4 miles south'80uth-east manue! College, Cambridge. The charitieslI.mount to about
from Colchester. about It from Wivenhoe station and 55 £35 yearly, left by Sir John Frere, S. Giles and Thos. Cooper
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Wins- and 8re distributed in bread and fuel by the vicar. The
tree hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester county Primitive Methodists have a chapel here. Fingringhoe Hall
court district, Mel'S~ rural deanery, Colchester archdeacOl'l1'y is a tine old baronial residence, now a farmhouse. Sir Robert
and St. Alba.nll diocese: it is bounded on the north by the Aftleck hart. who is lord of the manor, Daniel Abbott
ri,-el' Roman, over which is a bridge to East Donyland and Green and Alfred Stannard esqrs. are the principal land·
on the east by the Colne. The church of St. Andrew is a owners. The BOil is marshy, light loam and brick earth;
building of brick and stone in the Perpendicular style and subsoil, loam and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a tower with 3 bells; oats, beans and peas. The area is ~,890 acres; rateable
there are two monuments to members of the Keeling and value, £3,8J3; the population in 1881 was 659.
Fre:e fa~i~ies ; th~ latter bearing the effigy of a man, with SoUTH GREEN is a hamlet, J mile south, on the marshes
an mscnptlon to George Frere, ~erchant of London, ob. 25 of the Colne.
Oct. J655; there are als(} ancient brasses to John Keyn, .
J610 and Alse his daughter, Richard Bryan, ob. 30 Nov. PaNsh Clerk, Joseph Fookes.
1592 and Mary his wife, ob. 3 Jan. J587; and to Marcie, wife POST OFFICE. John Crickmar, receiver. Letters arrive
of Richard Wade, ob. 13 Aug. 160J. The register of baptisms through Colchester at 4.JO a.m.; dispatched at 8.15 p.m.
dates from 1653; burials, 1678; marriages, 1681. The The uearest money order office is at Rowhedge. The
living is a vicarage, yearly value £172, in the gift of the nearest telegraph office is at Wivenhoe
trustees of the late Thomas Clarke Brettingham esq. and School (mixed), built in J863, for 50 children, with an
held by the Rev. 'Thomas Clarke Brettingham B.A. of Em· average attendance of 30; Miss ZiUa Wilkin, mistresl
Croyden Mrs. The Laurels
Luxmore Douglas, Fingringhoe lodge
IDurrant William, boot & shoe maker
Felgate John, farmer, Plain hall
Norfolk James, beer retailel'
Page. Geo. assist. overseer & tax collector
Baking John, beer retailer
Fookes Charles, blacksmith
Grant Ephraim, farmer
Pettican George, farmer
Salmon Edward' farmer, South house
Bonner Edwin Charles, registrar of Green George Joseph, farmer, The Hall, Shead William, builder
births &; deaths Red Brick farm Smith Elisha, shopkeeper
Chopping Ezekiel, miller Green Thos. Cooper, farmer, Brick ho Taylor Rowland, farmel'
Crickmar Jo. wheelwright, &; post office. Nichols Joseph, market gardener Wyncoll Robt. Whalebone inn, & cooper
FOBBING is a parish and village in the Southern divi· don, J9 BOuth-east from Romford and 8 north-west from
sion of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union, Brent- Tilbury furt and is situate on a creek of the Thames of the
wood county court district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex same name. The church of St. Michael the Archangel,
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles from the standing on an eminence overlooking the river, is • stately
Pitsea station on the Southend railway, 34 miles from Lon- edifice of the nr.t half of the 15th century, but exhibits
some traces of an earlier structure and consists of chancel, Digby H. R. Wingfield, Henry C. Long .Dd }lerbert C.
with south chapel or chantry, nave with south aisle, divided Long esqrs. the Rev. G. Heathcote and the Corporation of
from it by an arcade of 4 bays, south porch aud a massive Norwich. The soil is upland, mixed; marsh lands, hea\j i
embattled tower at the west end, containing 5 bells, four subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat, ba.rley, oats,
dated 1629 and the fifth 1724: in the chancel are sedilia and beans, peas, clover and tares. The area is 2,588 acres, much
piscina and piscina niches in the aisles: the font, an octa- of which is marsh and 31Q acres Df water; rateable value,
gonal basin on a square plinth, appears to be of the Decorated £.3,607 i the population in 1871 was 448.
period: a curiom tomb stands in the aisle, apparently an THAMES HAVEN is in this parish. There is a station here
old altar tomb: on a slab of Purbeck marble in the chancel on the Tilbnry railway {branching from near Stanford-le-
wall is this inscription in Lombardic capitals: .. Pvr lanvr Hope), 28 miles from London; and a dock for unloading
Iesv Crist priez pvr sa alme ki ci gist pater noster et ave cattle from small vessels.
Thomas de Crawdene fyt apelle ; " the date would be c. 1340.
The register dates from the year 1539 and is in excellent Parish Clerk, William Porter.
condition. The living is a rectory, yearly value £'564, with Letters are delivered through Romford_ LETTER Box in wall
residence, in the gift of the Crown and held by the Rev. cleared at 2.30 p.m.; on sundays, at 11 a.m. The nearest
William Stephen Thomson M.A. of Queens' College, Cam- money order & telegraph office is at Horndon-on-the-Hill
bridge. A lighthouse, with revoh-ing light, is situate School (mixed), built in 1874. for 50 children, with an aver-
between Thames Haven and Mucking Creek. Captain Cox age attendance of 40; Miss Elizabeth Cole, mistress
is lord of the manor. The. principal landowners are Capt. Railway Station, Thames Haven, Joseph Louth, jnn. 8upt
Fobbing. Fincher James, baker Raison Sarah (Mrs.), bricklayer
Thomson Rev. William Stephen M.A., Halston John William, shopkeeper, Robinson James, shoe maker
I.P. Recto ry butcher & dealer in british wines Swinbourne William, frmr. Fobbing frm
Kittle George, White Lion Wash Hezekiah, Ship, grocer & draper
COMMERCIAL. Lloyd William, miller
Burchell William, farmer Page George, coal dealer Thames Haven.
Ellis Ambrose, wharfinger, Fobbing whf Payne William, builder Jones Henry, P19 cJ Whistle
FORD END is an ecclesiastical parish, formed out Here is a small Congregational chapel and a Particular
of Great Waltham in 1871, in the Western division of the Baptist chapel. The principal landowner is John J. Tufnell
county, hundred, union, county court district and rural esq.l.p. The area is 2,6n acres; and the population in
deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese 1881 was 775.
of St. Albans, it is 3 miles north-west from Great Waltham, At NORTH END iri this ecclesiastical parish is a chapel
5 south-east from Dunmow and derives its name from a of ease under the management of trustees. LITTLEY GREEN
ford over the Chelmer river. The church of St. John the and ROPHLEY GREEN are also in this ecclesiastical parish.
Evangelist, erected by subscription and consecrated in 1871, Parish Clerk, James Cheek.
is a building of red brick with white stone dressings and POST OFFICE.-James Cheek, letter carrier. Letters arrive
consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and a square tower, from Chelmsford by mail cart & are left at Hartford
with colossal figures of the four Evangelists at the corners End; they are delivered at 7.30 a.m.; the PI;LLAR Box ig
and surmounted by a spire, it contains a clock and 5 cleared at 6.30 p.m. North End, Littley Green &
bells, two additional ones having been hung in 1881: the Rophey Green letters do not come by this bag & should
chancel windows are stained and there are sittings for 300 be directed as before. The nearest money order & tele-
people. The register dates from the year 1871. The living graph office is at Great Waltham
is a vicarage, yearly ,-alue £250, with an annual grant of £50 National Schools, built in 1872, with a tower & spire &
from the Ecclesiastical Commission, endowed by Trinity master's house adjoining; they were enlarged in 1881,
College, Oxford, out of the great tithes, with residence and & will hold 137 children, the average attendance being
is held by the Rev. Bartholomew Stephen Yolland M.A. of about that number i George Copeland, master; Mrs.
Trinity College, Oxford. The poor have £'10 10S. yearly. Copeland, mistress
Skill George Coe Charlotte (Mrs.), Swan Haslar William, blacksmith
YollandRev. BartholomewStephen M.A. Coe Thomas, Little Appletrees Milbank Geo. farmer, Green End farm
Vicarage Crozier Samuel, beer retailer & pig Reeve James, beer retailer & b'hopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. dealer, Littley green Skill Alfred,farmer & landowner, North
Armstrong John, farmer, Hill farm Dalby George, Compasses, Littley green End farm
Brand George, pig dealer, North end Dowsett George, bricklayer Snow Ann (Mrs.), Butchers' Arm."
Britton Josiah, farmer, Poulters Dowsett Herbert, farmer, Park gate North end
Cheek James William, Spread Eagle Dowsett Thomas, farmer Young Frederick, farmer & veterinary
Coo James, wheelwright Elliott Edwin, farmer, Littley park surgeon, King's farm
FORDHAM (named from its ford at Ford street, over Onley Savill-Onley esq. who is lord of the manor of Much
the river Colne) is a parish on the high road from Colchester Fordham and Earl Cowper, who is lord of the manor of Ford-
to Cambridge, in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden ham Hall, Joseph Green, Zachariah Pettitt and Charles
hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester county Henry Groves esqrs. and the Rev. Thomas Brett, of Hastings,
court district, Dedham rural deanery, Colchester arch- are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed and good ;
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles north from Mark's subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
Tey station, 10 from Halstead, 3 from Chappel, the junction barley and beans. The area is 2,426 acres; rateable value,
station on the Colne Valley railway and 6 from Colchester. £.4,065; and the population in 1881 was 699.
'fhe church of All Saints, an edifice in the Perpendicular Parish Clerk, John Barker.
style, consists of chancel, nave of fou~ ~ays, aisles, .south POST OFFICE. Samuel Cansdale, receiver. Letters from
porch a:nd a~ .embattled tower contammg 2 bells: 10 the Colchester, by foot post, arrive at 9 a.m. & are dispatched
chancel IS a pISCll~a and a marble Jo~n Pulley, at 5. 10 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Lexden
Capt. R.N. who dIed ~715: the east wm~ow IS stamed: the & telegraph office at Marks Tey
church was restored m 1861-2. The regIster dates from the .
~'ear 1561-2. The living is a rectory, commuted at£7 60, with INS~ANCE AGENT-:-Lzverpo?l ef London cJ Globe,. O. Bull .
residence, in the alternate gift of Onley Savill-Onley esq. and Natzonal School (mIxed), bUIlt ID 1849 for 150 children, WIth
Earl Cowper and held by the Rev. Thomas Lawford Ling-. an ~verage a~tendance of 120; Amos Kettle, master; Mrs.
ham RA. University and King's Colle~es, London. Here is Sprmgett, mistress
a chapel for Lady Huntingdon's Connexion, with about ISO CARRIER TO COLCHESTER-John Barker, monday, wednes-
sittings and a burial ground. There are two manors. day, friday & saturday
King Rev. William [Congregational] Broyd Samuel, beer retailer
Lingham Rev.Thos.Lawford B.4.Rectory Bull Arthur, miller
I Green Joseph, farmer & landowner,
:Fordham hall
Worts Charles James, Fordham lodge Bull Oliver, Three HorseshoefJ, & black- Harvey Sarah (Mrs.), frmr. Houd's frm
Alt George Thomas, baker smith, & agent for t1:e Liverpool & Knight Robert, farmer, Fordham place
Appleby Chas. miller, Fordham heath London & Globe Insurance Co Martin Charles, farmer, Hungry hall
Archer Henry, Shmdde'1' of Mutton Bunting Geo. beer retailer & shopkeeper Newman Fredk. frmr. Hammond's frm
Arnold Jesse, wheelwright Cansdale Samuel, boot maker Pettitt Zachariah, farmer & landowner
ArnoldThomas, wheelwright Francis Thomas, farmer, Fordham hth Stebbing Robert Reuel, farmer, Wash
Barker John, carrier Goody John, beer retlr. Fordham heath & Barnard's farms
Beard Joseph, brick maker, Brook farm Graut 8arah (Mrs.), beer retailer WortsChas.Jas. surgeon,FoTdham lodge
Brown John, farmer Green Wm. Simp<lOn, frmr. Sutton's frm Wright Alfred, farmer


FOREST GATE is a populous suburb of London in the 3 Rokel' place, St. James' road; & C. F. P. Morstatt, Tvy
Eastern Metropolitan postal district, about 5 miles from cottage, Bignold road
London, with station on the Great Eastern railway, in Sun Fire, T. M. Haselum, Carlyle villa, Earlham grove
West Ham union, county court district of Bow, rural PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Fire Engine Station, Market place
St. Albans. Emmanuel is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in Jews' BUl'ial G1'otmd, Cemetery road
r852 from West and East Ham parishes; the church, situ- Legg's Almshouses, Forest lane
ated at the corner of Upton lane, in the Ilford road, consists of Manor Park Cemetery, Sebert road, Rd. Marson, superin-
chancel, nave, aisles and central bell turret with 2 bells: it tendent ; Rev. George Blen Golding M.A. chaplain
was built by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott and has since been Pawnbrokers' Charitable Institute, W oodgrange road; Ash-
enlarged. The register dates from the 3'ear 1852. The living bridge Teller, hon. sec
is a vicarage, yearly value £300, in the gift of the vicars of
East and West Ham and held by the Rev. Robert RoBS, of PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of service:-
King's College, London. All Saints (chapel of ease) is an Emmanuel Church, llford road, Re,-. Robert Ross, ,dear;
iron building, situated at the east end of the Woodgrange sunday XI a.m. & 3.15 p.m.; last sunday in month 6.30
estate, On 2 acres secured for church purposes: it will hold p.m.; wednesday I I a.m. & 7.30 p.m
600 persons and has a large Sunday school. St, Saviour's All Saints' Chapel Qf Ease (Iron)
(chapel of ease) is also an iron church, holding 700 persons, St. Saviour's Chapel of Ease (Il'on), Hev. Henderson Burn-
with a large Sunday school: a permanent church is about to side, vicar designate
be erected. vicar designate, the Rev. Henderson Burnside. St. James' Ohm'ch, St. James' road, Rev. WiIliam Hunter
St. James' is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1881 out of Denovan M.A. vicar; sunday 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. i daily
Emmanuel, West Ham and St. John, Stratford: the church 7 p.m
is built in a simple style of Gothic, to hold over 1,000 Baptist Chapel, Chatsford road; minister, Rev. John Hunt
persons: architect, Mr. Habershon. The living, a vicarage, Lynn, minister i sunday I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wednes-
is in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, yearly value £200, day 7 p.m
arising from an endowment and pew rent and held by the Cong'regational Church, Forest lane, Rev. George Firth;
Rev. William Hunter Denovan M.A. of Trinity College, Dub- sunday 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thursday 7 p.m
lin. There are Congregational, Baptist, United Free Metho- Primitive Methodist Chapel, Rev. Alfred Ives, minister;
dist, Primitive Methodist and Wesleyan chapels. The sunday I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Pawnbrokers' almhouses in the Woodgrange road were United ~Free Methodist Chu1'ch, Field road, Rev. Richard
founded in 1849 by the Pawnbrokers' Charitable Institution Abercrombie, minister; sunday II a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.;
for seven couples. Legg's almhouses, in Forest lane, were thursday 7.30 p.m
founded in 1858, by Jabez Legg, of Stratford, for six women. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Woodgrange road, Rev. John
The West Ham cemetery and the Jews' cemetery are in this Pinkney, minister; sunday I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs-
district. The Tonic Sol-fa College has been erected in Earl- days 7 p.m
ham Grove. The area is 800 acres i and the population in SCHOOLS:-
1871 was 7,127 and in 1881, 2O,06x. Tonic Sol-fa College, Earlham grove, J. Spencer Curwen,
president; Robert Griffith, secretary
POST & MONEY ORDER & Savings Bank.-Henry French Whitechapel Union Industrial Schools, Forest lane, built in
Laurence, receiver, Globe crescent 1844, there are now altogether 650 children; Rev. Samuel
POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Gower Poole, chaplain; Thomas James ValIance ll.D.
Bank.-John Watkins, receiver, 9 & 10 Market place medical officer; James Ripley Collins, clerk to managers;
C. Duncan, superintendent; Miss Hamet Perfect,
INSURANCE AGENTS : - matron i Miss C. E. Sage, head schoolmistress; Miss M.
County Fire, W. Cumbers &; M. G. Hollands S. Martin, infants' mistress; H. J. Byard, clerk to supt.
GUal'dian, R. Frewer; T. D. Whitehead, Forest lane West Ham Board School, Odessa road, built in 1880 for 1,200
Lcndon et Staffordshire, J. Bayliss, Railway terrace children, with an average attendance of 1,100 i George
Mancheste1' Fire, G. Rivett, 13 Globe terrace Bush, master; Miss Agnes Cocksedge, mistress; Mrs.
Northern Assurance, W. Smith, 5 Paradise cottages, Field Hayden, infants' mistress
road; "& F. C. Noble, Field road National School (mixed) (St. James), built in 1850, William
Norwich Union Fire, J. J. Richardson, 32 Suffolk street Helps, master; Mrs. Helps, mistress; Mrs, Elizabeth
Phumix Fire, J. M. Miles, 2 Emmanuel villas, Romford rd Watkins, infants' mistress
Queen, J. G. Churchyard, 3.... OsOOrne road i J. Mendham, Railway Stati01!, Forest lane, George Butler, collector
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baird Charles Burrows, Lincoln villa, Blackburn Morris, 44 Hampton road
Abbey Frank, 29 Idmiston road Ham Frith road Blake Horatio Fras. Lothian viI. Capelrd
Abercrombie Rev. Richard [United Baiton Henry, 59 Osborne road Blazey Stephen, II9 Gurney road
Free Methodist], Wellesley villa, Le}"· Baker Edwyn, 54 Buxton road IBloxham FrederickJames, 16 Buxtonrd
ton road I Ball William Brooks, 74 OsOOrne road Boase William Henry,Jane viI. Sebertrd
Ablewhite Mrs. 5 Globe tel'. Forest lane Banner Hy.2 Earlham cottages, Forest la Bodiley Albert George, 52 Hampton rd
Abrahams Joseph, 69 Gurney road Barber Rev. Henry [vicar of All Saints], BonalIack WaIter, 2 Woodgrange place
Adams Henry Rowland, 18. Osborne I'd 59 Windsor road Boon John, Jessie villa, Le}"ton road
Adams William, 65 Bampton road I Barber Edward, Tower lodge, Sebert rd Booth George, 39 Claremont road
Adamson Thomas, 58 Hampton road Barber George, 64 Osborne road Booth George Henry, 34 Hampton road
Ager William,47 Hampton road Barber Peter, 65 Gurney road Bott Thomas Fuller, 58 Osborne TOad
Akers John, 5 Claremont road Barham Charles James, Ingoldsby Boughton Robert, I Rock viIs. Clova rd
Aldham Arthur Thomas, Ivy villa, villa, A"enue road Boutell Charles, 3 Chesnut villas
Caernarvon road Barrager Edmd. Grove viI. Earlham gro BOW}'er Wm. Mariana ,"ilIa, }<'orest lane
AlIan Joseph, 2 Caernarvon road Barratt Samuel, 12 Hampton road Bowyer Wm. Woburn viI. Ham Frithrd
Alien Frederick, 53 Windsor road Baninger James, 6 Woodgl'8.nge place Boyle Henry, 4 Claremont place •

AlIen John, 31 Claremont road Battrum Edward, 32 Gurney road Bradley Edwin, 41 Hampton road
AlIen Mrs. 78 Osborne road Baxter Frederick, 18 Windsor road Brady Sir Antonio knt. F.G.S. Forest la
Allen William Hy. Jireh Id~. Sebert I'd Bayliss Th08.Geo.I ConIand vil.Rebert rd Brahalll WaIter, 30 Hampton road
Allum Mrs. Sheffield villa, Essex street Beale John, 3 Sherbourne "iI. Sebert rd Brett Mrs. 3 Woodgrange cots. Forest la
Amer Joseph, 25 Buxton road Beck Edward, 108 Gurney road Brewer Wm. Belle Vue ho. Ham Frithrd
Amery Joseph, Aubery villa, Field road Beckwith George William, 69 Leyton rd Brewers Willliam, 65 Claremont Toad
Andrews Rev. Peter [Wesleyan], Graf- Bellamy Hy. 3 Falmouth tel'. Forest la Briant William, I I Gurney road
ton villa, Ham Frith road Belton John Richard, 67 Hampton road Bridge William, I Chesnut "illas
Angold Henry,1 Walton villas,Sebert rd Bendick David,l~ingltn.vil.Caernrvn.rd Brinson Robert, II5 Gurney road
Appleford John, 2 Rock villas, Clova I'd Bennett John, 30 Osborne road Brodwick Denis, 57 Osoorne road
Appleford William, II7 Gurney road Bennett Lowen, Chester villa, Capel rd B1'OOker Richard, 56 Buxton TOad
Ashby Elijah, 54 Windsor road Bennett Mrs. Edina villa, Ham Frith rd Brown Captain James, 61 Hampton rd
Atkin John GreenWOod,4I Claremont rd Benton Jas. I Grallvle.ter.Caemarvn. rd Brown Benjamin, 8 Osborne Toad
Atkinson John George, 33 Buxton road Berry Charles, 56 Claremont road Brown Henry, 100 Osborne Toad
Bache Fredk. Wellesley ho. Leyton road Retts Thomas, 90 Gurney road Brown James William, 22 Gurney 1'(l3d
Bacon Frank Francis, 21 WindSOT road Biggs Alfred, 4 Hanover vils. Avenue rd Brown Samuel, Saxon villa, Sebert road
Bailey Arthur,Gloucester ldg. Avenue rd Birch John, 74 Hampton road Brown William Lewis, Eal'lham villa,
Bailey Mrs. I The Limes, Ham Frith rd Bird .Alfred, 4 Coryton villas, Albert rd Earlham grove
• Baines Jesse, 47 Claremont road Bishop Henry, 19 Claremont road Bruton Jsph. 3 Hanover viis. Avenue nl
Bryant Charles John, 93 Gurney road Craddock Mrs. 5 Essex street Farrar Alfred, 7 Idmiston road
Brymer John Hanis, 19 Gurney road Craig Donald, 3 Cowand vils. Sebertrd Farrar John, 56 Leyton road
Buck Mrs. 48 Gurney road Craske James, Waterford ho. Field road Feeley William Lovell, 6 Gurney road
Buckingham Mrs. 32 Claremont road Creed William, Frithoot. Ham Frith rd Fell Joseph, 37 Idmiston road
Buckingnam William, 76 Buxton road Crofts James, 8 Buxton road Feun Frederick, 3 Globe ter. Forest la
Bullock Mrs. 14 Osborne road Crompton Robert, 43 Osborne road Ferres William, 21 Claremont road
Bunn John, Fearnley villa, Sebert road Crosbie Henry, 18 Buxton road Finer Thomas Owen, 4 Windsor road
Burford Miss, 17 Windsor road 6ross Edward George, 34 Gurney road Fisher Chas. Hypatia viis. Earlham gro
Burman John, 56 Windsor road Crosse Henry, Vine cottage, Field road Fisher Mrs. 2 Gregory villas, Clova rd
Burnside Rev. Henderson [vicar desig- Crouch Charles, 3 Louis viIs. Avenue rd Fisher Rd. Avery villa, Woodgrange rd
nate of St. Saviour's], 4 Park villas, Crouch John, Shanklin ...illa, Tilney I'd Fisher Rt. Blake, Norman vil. Sebert rd
Sebright road Crowhurst Mrs. 6 St. J ames pt Forest la Fisher Thomas,3 Gregory vils. Clova rd
Burrage John, 6 Woodgrange villas, Cruchley George Frederick, 4 Wood- Fisher William, I Manor tel'. Sebert rd
Forest lane grange villas, Forest lane Fitch Samuel William, 21 Buxton road
Burton Robert, Suther villa, Sebert I'd Cullen James, 77 Hampton road Flatt Herbert,9 Glenwood viIs. Leyton rd
Bush George, Fern villa, Clova road Culling Charles,7 Hampton road Flatt Mrs. 2 Park View villas
Bussell Mrs. 10 Osborne road Curtis Joseph, Edith villa, Avenue road Fletcher Thomas Wayland, I Russell
Butler Capt. Hy. Sam!. 19 Osborne rd Curwen Thomas Herbert, Grove villa, villas, Capel road
Butler Edward, Cheshunt house Earlham grove Flinton Wm. Fountain, 83 Buxton road
Butlery Mrs. 41 Buckingham road Cutmore George, 57 Leyton road Forward Wm. J n. 4 Glen vils. Leyton rd
Butterworth Charles, 3 Gurney road Dabb Samuel, 3 Glenwood vils. Leyton I'd Foster William, 108 Osborne road
Button Ebenezer, 23 Claremont road Dakers Philip, 2 Sherbourne villas, Foster Wm. Henry, 106 Osborne road
Caldwell Paulus Gerald, 23 Windsor rd Sebert road Foster Wm. Jas. 4 Rose tel'. Howarus I'd
CampbelI James, 2 Abbey viIs. Clova I'd Davey Robert, 42 Hampton road Fox Mrs. 47 Gurney road
Carr John, 6 Park View villas Davie Robert, 80 Osborne road Foxall Wm. I Ethell viIs. Idmiston road
Cartayne William, 12 Claremont road Davis Capt. Charles, 2 Atherton road Franklin Rt. Jas. 2 Albert vils.Albert rd
Carter Seth, 67 Buxton road Davis Mrs. 54 Gurney road Fraser J ames, 59 Gurney road
Carter William, 14 Globe tel'. Forest la Davis Thomas, 5 Woodstock villas, Fraser J ames, 26 ·Windsor road
. Carter William, 92 Gurney road Sebert road French John, 2 Caroden vils. Field road
Castell G-eorge, Sunny villa, Capel road Dawson Alfred, 46 Osborne road Frewer Robert, Heath lodge, Avenue I'd
Castell Wm. I Sherborne viis. Sebertrd Dawson John SmI. Woodlands,Capel I'd Frost Charles, 6 Globe tel'. Forest lane
Caston Miss, 27 Osborne road Day George, MaIden viis. Avenue road Frost James, 68 Leyton road
Cathles George, 50 Buxton road Dean John, 26 Buckingham road Fuller James, 22 Hampton road
Caumbe Richard, 90 Buxton road Deane Fredk. Hypatia viIs. Earlham gro }t'uller James, 38 Osborne road
ChalmersAndrew,Elizabeth vil.Forestla Dell Charles, 4 Taniwha terrace Fuller Mrs. 4 Idmiston road
Chalmers Charles, Forest gate Denman John Flaxman, Newport villa, Furse Mrs. Forest gate
Chambers George, 17 Albert square Ham Frith road Gamble Robert, I: Osborne road
Chambers Thomas, 4 Forest lane Denne William, 87 Buxton road Gamman Joseph, 7 Claremont roaU
Chandler Edward, 52 Claremont road Denovan Rev. William Hunter M.A. [in- Gandar John, Burton villa, Avenue rd
ChapmanMrs.2 Myrtlevils.HamFrith I'd cumbent of St. James'], 6 Edmul1d Gardner Capt. Edward, 42 Osborne I'd
Charles Wm. I Camden villas, Field I'd terrace, Ham Frith road Garner WiIliam, 63 Hampton road
Chester Edward, 96 Osborne road Denton William Charles, 39 Hampton I'd Garstang Mrs. I Gurney road.
Christopher In. Court lodge, Avenue I'd Derrett Mrs.3 Woodstock viIs. Forest la Gawler Mrs. Atherton road
Churchyard In. Goddard,34 Osborne I'd Deverell Francis, 3 Park View villas Gefferson Frederick Chas. 84 Osoorne I'd-
Clark Charles, 47 Windsor road Dickarson Robt.Providence vil.Sebert I'd Gently Henry, 66 Osborne road
Clark George, 10 Latimer road Diegton William, I I Idmiston road Gibson James, 33 Idmiston road
Clark Line, 68 Osborne road Dodkins Mrs. Edmonton ter.ldmiston rd Gladding Thomas, 3 Wopdgrange place,.
Clark Richard, 73 Hampton road Donald Thomas, 2 Hampton road Woodgrange road
Clark William, 16 Claremont road Donaldson Capt. Wm. 20 Hampton road Glasspool Arnold George, 1 Hanover·
Clarkson Alfred James, 13 Buxton road Dore John, 2 Bexley viIs. Caernarvon rd villas, Avenue road
Clayden John, 2 Gurney road Donglas Arthur, 9 Hampton road Godfrey Henry Thomas, 40 Hampton I'd/.
Cleghorn Robt. Hed.Iey, 50 Claremont I'd Dowley Thomas, 60 Claremont road Goff Robert, 27 Windsor road
Clements Horace, I: Lime vils. Field rd Dowsett Samuel, 36 Claremont road Golding Rev. George Blew M.A. [chap--
Clements Stephen, 39 Windsor road Drummond rercy, 102 Osborne road lain], The Lodge, Manor Park ceme--
Cliff Alfred, 35 Osborne road Drury Charles, 25 Windsor road tery, Sebert road
Coble John, 4 I Windsor road Duckett Mrs. 53 Claremont road Golledge Henry, 4 Buxton road
Cocks Frederick, 3I Buxton road Duff Thomas, 26 Gurney road Golledge Robert John, 35 Buxton road
Cocks James, 67 Gurney road Dutfill John, 2 Cumberland villas, Ham Gooch George, 90 Osborne road
Cocksedge Mrs. 79 Gurney road Frith road Gooch Mrs. Earlham villa, Earlham gro '
Colbert Robert, 59 Claremont road Dullaforce Henry, 59 Leyton road Gordon Fraser, Forest lodge, Leytoll rd
Colley Henry, 75 Hampton road Duncan Capt. Robert, 56 Hampton road Gould John, lA, Globe terrace, Forest la ,
Collins Henry, 6 Osborne road Dunnoghue William, 6 Woodstock villas, Gower William Henry Alfred, I l\1;)Ttle
Collyer Richard, I3 Claremont road Sebert road villas, Ham Frith road
Colman Mrs. 2 Southsea viis. Latimerrd I Durell Richd. 2 Shirland viIs. Avenue I'd Gowing Herbert John, 3 Taniwha tet'
Colman Wm. Leamore viI. Ham Frith I'd Eales James, Eveas villas, Latimer road Graham Capt. John, 61 Osborne road
Colthup Wm. Richard,26 Latimer road! East Arthr. Rosslyn villa, Ham :Frith I'd Gravatt Robert, 49 Windsor road
Comerford Mrs. 3 New villas, Wood- Edinborough Fk. Dudley,2 Claremnt. rd Gray George, Suffolk villas, Clova road
grange road Edmonds William, 2 Buxton road Gray John, 41 Osborne road
Connor John, Elm cottage Edwards Alfred, Eden viI. Ham Frith I'd Gray John Edwd. x Abbeyvils.Clova I'd-
Constable Stephen, 17 Buxton road Edwards Edwd. HazIehurst ho. Clova rd Greig John, Laura road,EarlhamgrovlY
Cook Joseph,42 Tower Hamlets road Elliott John, IO Globe tel'. Forest lane Grifiiths John, Holly house, Field road
Cooke Robertson, Edmund ter. Ham Elliott Mrs. 22 Idmiston road Gritliths Mrs. 69 Claremont road
Frith road Ellis Arthur, IO Hampton road Griffiths Robert, 1:I2 Osborne road
Cooper George, 45 Hampton road Ellis Edward, 34 Albert road Groom Richd. Orman villas, Leyton I'd
Cooper John, 30 Claremont road Elvidge Thomas William, 56 Gurney rd Guernsey James, 7 Windsor road
Cooper William, Abbey lodge, Clova I'd Elworthy Thomas, 31 Gurney road Guernsey HamiUon Brooke, 43 Clare-
Copeland Mrs.2 Clifton vils.Earlham gro Emery Alfred, 29 Gurney road mont road
CorbenJohn,55 Buxton road Errico Vincenzo, 86 Osborne road Hackforth J sph. Dalkeith villa, Cape! rd
Corbett Mrs. 27 Buxton road Evans Henry, 71 Hampton road Hagan Albert, 54 Hampton road
Corbishley Mrs. 83 Gurney road Evans James,5 Atherton road Hall Edward, I4 Chesnut villas
Corbishley Wm. Stephen, 3 ldmiston I'd Evans Richard, Zoar villa, Leyton road Hall John, 73 Gurney road
Cosens Henry, 18 Claremont road Evans Wm. H.D. I Glen viIs. Leyton I'd Hall Josiah Walker, 16 Latimer road
Coulsill Mrs. 24 Osbome road Everett J as. 2 Cavendish vils.Earlhm. gro Hall Wm. Chas. Russell villas, Cape! rd
Couns Miss, 20 Gurney road Everett Wm. Blundeston ho. Cape! road Hallett William, 4 W place
Courtney Mrs. 23 Osborne road Facer In. 1 Cavendish viis. Earlham gro HaIse Frank, 5 Gurney road
. Craddock James, 33 Claremont road Fairfax Alfred, Eveas viIs. Latimer road Hamilton William Thos. 3 Hampton I'd
Craddock Vaughan, I Sussex villas, Fairhead John, lt10rence vil. Sebert rd Hammett Edwd.x Arthur viIs. Forest l~
Ham Frith road Fancourt John, 9 Claremont road Hansford Mrs. IX Osborne road
Harden Henry, 43 Hampton roaa Jeffs Thomas Busby, 2 Trelawney villas, Mackenzie Donald, 9 Elizabeth terrace,
Hardie Alexandel' Robt. 30 Idmiston rd Forest lane Latimer road
Hardwick Alfred, 5 Latimer road Jenkius Williani, 17 Latimer Toad MacKnechney Williaro, 4S Windsor rd
Hare Thomas, 32 Idmiston road Jennings John, .xI E8Sex street MacNaught Miss, :I Stanley villas,
Harpley James, 94 Buxton road Jobb William, 32 OsOOrne road Earlham grove I
Harrap Mrs. Avondale villa, Cloya rd John90n George, 3 Caernarvon road McRitchie Capt. Alex. 49 Hampton l'd,
Harris Capt. James, 56 Osborne road Johnsan Joseph, I Myrtle cots. Field rd Madden Henry, 86 Buxton road
Harris Booth, Clovelly house, Norwich Johmon Samuel Henry F.e.B. West Ham Madge Jas. Parkford. villa, Ham Frith I'd
road ball, Bebertroad Mairfan Richard, 2 Mary Ann villas,
Harris Francis, Heath viI. Ham Frith rd Johnson William, 33 Hampton road Avenue road
Harris Mrs. 11 Latimer road Jolly William Frederick, 72 OsOOrne rd Mallas Mrs. 52 Bux.ton road
Harris William, 49 Buxton road Jones Edwin, 20 Buxton road Mallinson William, 3 Claremont road
Harrison J ames, Mary viI. Idmiston "rd Jones Frederic, Avenue ho. Avenue I'd Mann Augustu8, Mount Edgecnmbe
Harrison Samuel, Grove house Jones John, 61 Buxton road villas, Latimer road
Harrison Thomas Henry, 66 Leyton rd Jones Wm. Legeyt, Hova vils. Sebert I'd Mann Henry, 22 Claremont road
Harrison Wm. r Albert villas, Albert rd J ourdain Fredk. I Rose ter. Howard's rd. Mannoch Jarves Carey, 11 Buxton road
Hart Charles, 76 Osborne road Judd James Frederick, 13 Hampton I'd Manson Alex. 6 Glen villas, Leyton road
Harvey Frederick, 57 Hampton road Keeton Thomas Wm. Park View villas Marchant George Cullum, Avenue road
Harvey Gao. 7 Woodstock viIs. Sebert rd Keight Edmn, Forest lane Marshall Thos. 2 Roker pI. St. J ames' rd.
Harvey Joseph John, 15 Hampton road Keir Alexander, 14 Idmiston road Marson Arthur, 15 Idmiston road
Harwood Alfred Charles, 9 Glen villas, Kelly Charles, Glen termce, Leyton road Martin Edwd. 3 Southsea vil.Latimer rd.
Leyton road Kendall Joseph, 2 Singleton villas, Martorell Mrs. 2 Avenue road
Heselum Thomas Martin, Carlyle villa, Caernarvon road Ma,reryFrancis,Swiss cottages,8ebert rd
Earlham grove Kendon Henry, 5 Leyton tel'. Leyton I'd Maw Thomas, 4I Buxton road
Hassell William, 7 Granville terrace, Kennedy Thomas, 16 Osborne road Maxin Ebenezer, 17 Claremont road
Caernarvon road Kennedy Thomas Stuart, 28 Osborne rd May David, 37 Claremont road
Hauxwall Mrs. 61 Windsor road Kettle George, la Lime villas, Field road Maydwell William, 30 Gurney road
Hawkins Charles, 55 Leyton road Killey James George C.B. 3 Janson road, Mayer Robert Alfred
Hawkins Mrs. xo Leyton tel'. Leyton rd Leytonstone road Mayne John Pallen, 48 Windsor road
Hawkins William John, I5 Buxton road King Gaorge, 26 OsOOrne road Mead William Maxfield, I Falmouth ter-
Hearne William, 8 Gurney road King John, 2 Oak villas, Sebert road race, Forest lane
Heath Henry, 31: Osborne road King Robert, 65 Buxton road Melson John, 1 Lorne villas,.Forest lane
Heckford Capt. Nathaniel, Martaban King William, 36 Hampton road Mendham Jas. 3 Roker pI. St. James' I'd
villa, Ham Frith road Kipp Jobn, Kent villa, Ham Frith road Mercier Cyril, 58 Claremont road
Hedges Francis Robert Whitcombe,I2 Kipps Mrs. Kent villa, Ham Frith road Merlens John, 58 Gurney road
Windsor road Kirby Alfred, 113 Gurney road Miles John, Forest lane
Helps William, 22 Buckingham road Kitchen J ames Frederick, 3 Earlham Miles Mrs. Dunan villa, Earlham grove
Hendry John, 68 Hampton road cottages, Forest lane Miles Wm. Edmonton w. Idmiston rd.
Henshaw Edmund, 2 Woodstock villas, Kitson Thomas, 28 Claremont road Mills George, 10 Buxton road
Forest lane Knight Mrs. 28 Hampton road Milton John, ~ Elizabeth cots. Aibert sq
Herbert Mrs. 54 Claremont road Kydd James, 4 Hampton road Mozze Hy. Lyndhurst 10. Earlham gro
Herring Claude, Field house, Field road Ladd Mrs. 48 Buxton road Mohrmann J oseph, 19 Hampton road
Hersom Samuel, 36 Buxton road Lake George, 10 Idmiston road Moore Hastings, 76 Hampton road
Hickson Wm. John, The Feme, Capel rd Lakeman John, 24 Hampton road Morgan Matthew, I03 Gurney road
Hilditch Robert, 46 Hampton road Lalorre J oseph, Buckingham villa, Morley Mrs. 9 Gurney road
Hill Edwd. Lindhurst vil. Howards rd Howat'ds road Morrell Jas. 2 Ethell villas, Idmiston rd.
Hobbs Hy. 4 Glenwood viIs. Leyton rd Lambert Robert, 70 OsOOrne Toad Morris John, Earl h01l8e,Earlham grove
Hobbs Henry, 7 Taniwha terrace Lancaster Capt. Peter, I Claremont rd Morris Thomas John, 22 Buxton road
Hobbs Henry Richard, 16 Idmiston rd Langley Mrs. 25 Gurney road Morris William, 39 Buckingham road
Hodge Richd.4 New viIs.W oodgrange rd Langlois Fredk.7Glenwood viI.Leyton r.l Morrison John, 37 Windsor r6ad
Hogben Stephen, I Southsea villas, La Riviere Wm. Maldon viis. Ayenue rd Moss Alfred, 18 Gurney road
Latimer road Larkin Mrs. 8 Windsor road Moss James, 50 OsOOrne road
Holden Josiah Elliott, Albert road Larter William Rouse, 49 Claremont rd. Moss Samuel, 9 Taniwha terrace
Holdsworth William, 104 Osborne road Last Edward., 57 Windsor road Mott Edward, 3 Granville terrace,
Holloway John, 12 Idmiston road Latreille Frederick, Earlham grove Caernarvon road
Holman Robert, :r Latimer t'oad Laundy Samuel Alfred, 64 Buxton road Mour WiUiam, 53 Hampton road
Homeyer Henry, I Oak villas, Seberl rd. Lawrence Ebenezer, 39 Gurney road Moxley J n. 2 Granville ter.Caernarvn.rd
Hornsby Thos. 3 Abercorn viIs. Forest la. Lawrence Mrs. Eltham villa, Sebert rd Muhm Fredk. Ferndale 10. Earlbam gro
Howden Joseph James, Woodlark cot- Lawson William, 2 Sebert vils.Sebert rd Mumford James, Balmoral viI. CIon. rd
tage, Field road Leach Charles, S Woodford. terrace Munger John, xo Essex street
HowshipChas.Jsph.TheHollies,Sebert rd. Ledizo Thomas, 37 Buckingham rood Muniow James, 16 Windsor road
Hoy Arthur, 24 Gurney road Lee Mrs. 14 G1l1'Iley road Murfin John, 2 Osborne road
Hoy Joseph, 74 Gurney road Lee Thomas, 4 Gregory villas, Clova rd Neill Alexander,57 Claremont road
Hubbard Wm. 3 Coryton viIs. Albert rod Lee Gross Conston, I Woodgrange ,"illas, Nelson John, I Victoria villas, Forest la
Hulbert Thomas, t Taniwha terrace Forest lane Newman Frederick, :r Francis villas,
Hussey Thomas, 2 Leamo-re villas, Ham Lemere J ames, Odessa road Avenue road
Frith road Leslie Mrs. 6 Taniwha terrace Newsome Frae.3 NewburyTils.Sebertrd
Hutchison Christopher Clarke A.B.t.S.I. Lewis Geo. I Wellington vils. Albert rd Newson John, Crosby "il. Earlham gro
28 Windsor road Lem!! Mrs. 5 W oodgrange viIs.Forest la Nichols William Henry, tIO Gurney rd
Hutt Thos. 2 Newbnry villas, Bebert 'rei Lems William, I Park vill8.8, Bebert rd NoIf Augustus, 8 Taniwha terrace
Hyde Henry,42 Buxton road Lewry George, 84 Gurney road Norman Alfd. Carnarvon viI. Forest la
Ide Wm. 1 Ethell villas, Idmiston road Lindop Alfred, 23 Gurney road Norman Thomas, 88 Gurney Toad
Imray William, 24 Claremont road Lintott Edward, 46 Claremont road Northcott Mrs. 1 Caernarvon road
Ingerfield Alfd. 8 Globe terrace,Forest la Litchfield William, U4 Osoorne road Oakley George, 89 Buxton road
Inman John, 63 OsOOrne road Loadet' Charles, 43 Gurney road OUiver Henry, 37 Hampton road
Ives Rev. AHred [Primitive Methodisty, Longland Frederick 4 Woodstock villas, Oram Chas. 6 Glenwood Tils. Leyton rd
6 Bnxtou road Sebert road Ottoway AIfd. In. 2 Globe tel'. Forest la
Ives Edward, 47 Osborne Toad Lovegrove Jspb. Oak viI. Ham Frith rd Packman Mrs. Edinburgh viI. Ham
Ives Robert, 85 Gurney road Lowe Frank, I Woodstock viI. Sebert rd. Frith road
Ivimey Edward., 44 Claremont road Lucas Frederick, Park Tillas, Capel rood Pagenhopf Lewis, 44 Osborne road
Jackson Charies Edward, 2 Sebert Toad Lupton Lewis Thomas, Ray house Pain William, 21 Idmiston road
J ackson George, 32 Albert road Luraschi Alex. Eliza villa, Essex ~Teet Painter John,58 Windsor road 1
Jackson Rt. 4 Falmouth ter. Forest la LUMSCbi Alex. 't Louis viI. Avenue road Pakeman John, I I Globe w. Forest la
Jack80D WilJiam; 25 Buckingham 'rOad Lynch James, Washington< vi. Forest la Palmer Fredk. Paul, 4 Francis rilla5(
Jackson William Harry, 82 Gurney Td Lynn RtW. .John Hunt [Baptist], 5 Avenue road
Jams Alfred Thomas, 40 Osbome :road OsOOrne road Palmer Jas. Ham Frith house, Bam
Jay All. I Cnmberland viIs. Ham Frith rd. M'Guire Benj. I Aberoorn'rils. Forest la Frith road I
Jeffery Jsph. 2 Sussex vis. Ham Frith rd. Mackay Peter, ~ Park View villas Palmer Mrs. 61 Claremont road
Parish William, 40 Albert road Roper Robert, l!9 Hamphnl road Steven80n Mr&. 25 Hampton road
Park Alex. 2 Park villas, Sebert road Rose Frederick, 50 Windsor road Stewart Jas. Francill$ 4QI Claremont rd
Park Elphinstone, 27 Latimer road Rose Henry, Beacontree villa, Field road Stewart Samuel Henry, 21 Hampton I'd
Park .Tames, 60 Hampton road Ross Capt. James, 37 Osborne road Stint Mrs. 15 Alben s~uare
Parker W. 6Idmiston road Ross Rev. Robert, Emmanuel vicarage, Storey Ralph Burns, 10 Claremont rd
Parry William,29 Osborne road Earlham grove Strahan Wm. In. 52 The Hollies, Forest la
Patison Mr. 32 Windsor road Rotson Alexander, 16 Gurney road. Strong Mrs. 13 Osborne road
Paul Alfred, I Buxton road Rumilly Alfred, 62 Hampton road Sturdy Fred6rick, 70 Hampton road
Paul Mrs. 51 Leyton road Rumsey Charles, 36 Buxton road Sully Henry, 18 Idmiston road
Paulin John Wood, 38 Claremont road Rushton Edgar, 52 Woodstock villas, Sumner Matthew Hy. 8 Claremont road
Pawley Richard, Capel road Sebertroad Sumner William, l: Avenue road
Paxon Wm.· Oak villas, Ham Frith road Sanderson Capt. Jacob, 2 Seabourne Swain John, 8 Hampton road
Paxon William, jun. Ham Frith villas, villas, Sebert road SwintonAllen Chisholn, 11 Hamptonrd
Ham Frith road Sanderson Thomas, 69 Hampton road Symington Robert, ~ Claremont rcrcld
Pearce Miss, 53 Osborne road Sands Mrs. 63 Gurney road Symonds Hy. 4 Ethell viIs. Idmiston rd
Pearman Edwin, 88 Buxton road Sargeant Charles, I Newbury villas, Talbot Rev. James Beard, Forest
Pearse William Henry, 6 Claremont rd Sebert road cottage, MOOrt square
Pearson Mrs. 7 Atherston road SarI WaIter, 82 Osborne road Talbot George Akers, 5 Forest lane
Perkins Andrew, I Grosven()r villas, Saunders Edward, Pelham villa, Tanehill John, 57 Buxton road
Earlham grove . Earlham grove Taylor Edward Elijah, Odessa road
Perkins Herbert, I Seabourne villas, Scales Charles, 44 Windsor road Taylor Henry, Fern villa, Ham Frith rd
Sebert road Scarff Wm. 1 Elizabeth cots. Albert sq Taylor John William Wentle, 4 Wood-
Perrier Albert, 35 Hampton road Scott Edwd. Falmouth vil. Earlham gro stock villas, Forest lane
Phillips John, 29 Buxton road Scott Fredk. Albert cot. Caernarvon rd Taylor Thos. 34 Claremont road
Phillips Thomas James, 35 Windsor rd Scovell Robert, 39 Osborne road Taylor Thos. Edward, I Melrose villas,
Phillipson George William, 2 Walton Seeley Mrs. Hova villas, Sebert road Ham Frith road
villas, Sebert road Seen Adolphus, 19 Windsor road . Taylor Thomas Stoat, 8 Atherton road
Pidgeon Josiah, Fern bank, Forest gate Selwood Mrs. 9 Atherton road Taylor Wm. I Edith villas, Sebert road
Perichin John, Alfred villa, Forest lane Shaftain Alfred, 102 Buxton road Taylor ·Wm. Edmonton ter. Idmiston rd
Pipe Samuel, 44 Gurney road Sharp Mrs. 46 Gurney road Taylor William Joseph, 5 Chesnut vils
Pitcher Geo. William, 2 Arthur villas, Sharp Peter,. 4 Claremont road Temple Edmund, 48 Osborne road
Forest lane Sharp Robert, 42 Gurney road Templeton John, 30 Windsor road
Plater Henry, 6 Latimer road Shave Mrs. 52 Woodstock vils. Sebert I'd Thomas David, 35 Claremont road
Plum Mrs. 25 Osborne road Sheldon Hen. 3 Rose ter. Howard's rd Thomas Francis, I Dunbarton villas,
Polly John, Lawn villa, Ham Frithrd Sheppherd George, 14 Claremont road Ham Frith road
Ponder Henry, Charlotte cottage, Towel' Sherbourne John, Edmund terrace,Ham Thomas Mrs. 26 Hampton road
Hamlets road Frith road Thompson Arthur, 51 Gurney road
Ponder J oseph, Glyn villa, Sebert rd Sherman Samuel, 107 Gurney road Thompson Jabez, 75 Buxton road
Poole Rev. Samuel Gower I.C.K.L. 14: Sherwin Mrs. 29 Claremont road Thompson John, 72 Gurney road
Windsor road Shipton Mrs. Edmonton ter. Idmiston rd Thompson Mrs. 57 Buxton road
Pope John BazIly, Kite lodge, Sebert rd Short Charles, r6 Hampton road Thompson Mrs. 105 Gurney road
Pople Joseph, 60 Buxton road Shuter J oseph, Sebert road Thompson Warwick William, Warwick
Porter Charles, 3 Dunbarton villas, Sibley William, 59 Buxton road villa, Avenue road
Ham Frith road Silcock Rd. 5 Falmouth ter. Forest la Thomson Mrs. Ham Frith road
Porter William, 45 Osborne road Simmons, Benjamin, I Windsor road Thornber J oseph, Edmund terrace, Ham
Potter William, 13 Idmiston road Simmons Frederick John, Glen villas, Frith road
Potts Capt. William, 48 Hampton road Leyton road Thornhill Wm. Laburnum lVilla, Ham
Pouley Julius, I Earlham cots. Forest la Simms John Edward, Lancaster house, Frith road
Poulton John Harvey, 95 Gurney l"Gad Sebertroad Thurmer Richd. Fredk. 76 Gurney road
Pounds Thos. I Elizabeth tel'. Latimer rd Simpson David Caldow, Graydon villas Thurston J abez, 4 Caernarvon road
Press William, 30 Buxton road Simpson Henry,!Z Taniwha terrace Tighe Henry, 55 Osborne road
Price William, 116 Osborne road Simpson James, 32 Buxton road Timms William, 5 Claremont place
Prince George, 5 Rose ter. Howard's rd Sinclair Wm. 3 Ethel villas, Idmiston rd Tipson William Samson, 54 Osborne rd
Prince Henry, 55 Hampton road Skeen Alfred, 44 Buxton road Tollman Mrs. 12 Gurney road
Purdie Wm. 59 Hampton road Skelton Henry, 35 Idmiston road Tomlin Frederic~ 13 Windsoy road
Ramsden Robert, Clifton villa, Field rd Skinner Rev. WilIiam [Congregational], Tracey Edward, 2 Chesnut villas.
Ranson George, I Globe ter. Forest la I I Claremont road Travers Geo. 3 Francis villas, Avenue rd
Rawlinson William, 2 Dunbarton villas, Skinner William, 14elrose villa, Ham Trenemen 1\'illiam, 26 Cla:remont road
Ham Frith road Frith road Tribble Chas. 10 Elizabth. tel'. Latmr. rd
Rayner Wm. 2 Coryton villas,Albert I'd Smalley James, 17 Osborne road Trigg Edward, Cacai villa., Clova road
Read David Hills, 10 Taniwha terrace SmeeJohn,2 Claremontplace Trigg Rd. 6 Elizabeth tel'. Latimer road
Redcliffe John, 27 Claremont road Smith Charles, 2 Grosvenor villas, Earl- Triggs John, Tllniwha ho. Forest gate
Reddell William Thornton, Lanark ham grove Tripp Fredk. 2 Rose ter. Howard's road
villa, Ham Frith road Smith Denny, 55 Gurney road Tripp William, r Clarendon villas
Redward Charles, 5 Glen viIs. Leyton I'd Smith Elliott, 94 Osborne road Tl"ustrum John, 23 Albert road
Reeves Henry Gordon, 6 Hampton road Smith George, 42 Claremont road Tuck Adolphus, 52 Lorne viIs. Forest la
Reeves James, 98 Osborne road Smith Hy. 5 Woodgrange place, Wood- Tucker Sydney~ 12 Hampton road
Remington James Thomas, Sebert villa, grange road Tucker Wm. I ShirIand viIs. Avenue rd
Sebert road Smith William George, Odessa road Turner William, 55 Claremont road
Rendall John George, 51 Mount road Snowden Wm. a Edith vils. Sebert rd Turner William, 4 Gurney road
Richardson Miss, a Woodgrange villas, Sowman Mrs. 12 Globe ter. Forest lane Torpin William, Lyncroft, Earlham gro
Forest lane Spencer Rev. William M.A. [vicar of Tyer George WilliamJ Gro8venor lodge,
Richardson Mrs. Sebert road St. Paul's, Stratford], 6 Forest lane Avenue road
Rider Joseph Henry, Mount Edgecumbe Spencer Charles, 7 Buxton road Tyser Bl~"testyne, 61 Leyton roM
villas, Latimer road Spicer Frederick, Ivy ldg. Earlham gro Tyser William, Eagle house, Forest gate
Ringrose Richard, 9 Granville terrace, Spooner John, Lee villa, Avenue road Uffinell WIll. Cambridge villas, Ham
Caernarvon road Spooner Thomas, Albert viI. Avenue rd Frith road •
Rivett George, 13 Globe ter. Forest la Spragg Walter,9 Globe ter. Forest lane Vane William Hamilton,] Windsor rd
Roberts Arthr.Dvd. Court viJ. Avenue rd Spratley Alfred, 3 Osborne road Varley Henry, 15 Windsor road
Roberts Charles, 51 Osborne road Stackpoole Mrs. 38 Hampton road Varnish Henry~ 'I: Woodgrange place,
Robertson John, 24 Windsor road Stair Waiter, 7 Osborne road Woodgrange road
Robertson William, 85 Buxton road Stallybrass Rev.. Thomas Edward:B.A. Vause RoOOrt, 68 Bnxton road
Robey George,Austin house,Norwich rd LCongregational], Wavedey, Ather-- Vencent Thomas, 109 Gurney road.
Robinson Ephraim, 92 Buxton road ton road Wade Andrew, 60 Osborne road.
Robinson Matthew, 52 Gurney road Stannard WiIliam, 31 Windsor road Wade Duncombe, Idmiston road
Robinson William, 19 Buxton road Staveley Wm. Tyrolese villa, Sebert rd Wakelin Herberi, Park villas, Capel rd.
Rodgers SL Dunan villas, Earlham gro Stephenson Andrew, 15 Claremont road Walker Frederick~ 79 St. James' road
Rookwood Joseph Jesse, 63 Buxton rd Stephings In. Hurstbourne viI. SeOOrt rd Walker Thomas, 31 Hampton road


Wallenson John, 69 Osbome road Weightman Fredk. lames, Oak V1lla., Willis WaIter Edward,.2o Latimer road
Waller Wm. Cambridge villas, Ham Caernarvon road Willmott Harry, 53 Buxton road
Frith road Welch Charles, 27 Hampton road Wills Jsph. I Woodgrange cots. Forest la
Wallis Abraham, 6 Windsor road West Mrs. 61 Gurney road Wilson Rev. George M.A. [Presbvterian],
Wallis AIgernon, 49 Osborne road West Mrs. 11 Windsor road Clifton villa, Ham Frith road
Walton Edwin William, I Sebert villas, Wheeler George, 18 Hampton road Wilson John William, IIO Osborne road
Sebert road Wheeler George, 23 Hampton road Wil80n Spencer, 10 Winslsor road
Warren Thos. Tamworth villa, Earl- Whitby Edwin,25 Claremont road Wil80n Wm. Grange hI,). Claremont rd
ham grove White Alfred, 51 Hampton road Wire Johll, 71 Gurney road
Waterfall Charles, 14. Latimer road White Mrs. 55 Windsor road Witherick Joseph, 79 & 81 Buxton road
Watson Capt. James, Proctor villas, White William, 10 Atherton road Wood Mrs. 46 Windsor road
Capelroad White Wm. Stewart, I George villas, Woodward Mrs. 14 Cruikshank road
Watson Albert, :IS Osborne road Forest lane Wootton William Chas. 4 Chesnnt vil&
WaMon Henry, James villa, Forest lane Whiting Alfred, 45 Claremont road Wright Alexander, 33 Osborne road
Watson Wm. Chas. <4 Melrose villas, Whiting Thos. 3 Melrose villas, Ham Wright Frank, 3 Buxton road
Ham Frith road Frith road Wright John, 17 Hampton road
Watson Wm. Hudson, 2 Hanover villas, Wickens Samuel, Forest lane Wright William, Field road
Avenue road Wild James, 98 Buxton road Wyatt Robert, 63 Claremont road
Wavish James, Norwich road Williams Henry, 84 Bnxton road York Mrs. York villa, Sebert road
Wayland Harry, 40 Buxton road. Williams Henry, Suffolk villa, Clov&. rd Young Alfred,s Caernarvon road
Weakley Samuel Joseph John L.R.C.P. Williams Joseph, 65 Leyton road Young William Arthur, 12 Osborne rd
LOnd. Osborne house, Osborne road Williams Mrs. SI Claremont road Young William Charles, 22 Windsor rd
Webb Hemy, Jeanette villa, Avenue rd Williams Watkin Lewis, 6 Atherton rd Zieger Trangoot Ernest. 23 Osborne rd
Webber Mrs. 89 Gurney road Williams William, Edmund terrace, Zollonger Augustus, Mansfield lodge,
Weeden Hy. 4 Elizabeth ter. Latimerrd Ham Frith road Earlham groye
Weedin Henry,32 Hampton road Williamson Thomas, 58 Buxton road
OOlllMERCIAL. Canning Matthew, baker, Chatsworth road
Abbs William, shopkeeper, Odessa road Carlton James, grocer, 16 Globe crescent
Adams Edwanl, shopkeeper. Vansittart road Cartwright William, grocer, 6 Eagle place
Adlington George, Alfred House school, I Forest lane Carver Charles, butcher, 54 Forest street
Adney William, tobacconist, Field road Castle & Co. grocers, 5 Glenbervie terrace, Levton roau
Allen Samuel, painter, Station road Challis Charles, beer retailer, 52 Forest street
Ambrose George, watch & clock ma. 13 Railway ter. Forest la Chambers Amelia (Mrs.), news agt. &: tbacconst. Prospect pl
Ames James, painter, 8 Globe crescent Chandler James, hair dresser, 34 Forest st. & I I Globe cres
Anderson Henry, fishmonger, 46 Chatsworth road Chapman William, tailor, 4 Forest villas, Leyton road
Anspach Jacob, shoe maker,s Forest street Chipchase Amelia (Miss), shoe dealer, Forest ter. Leyton rd
Armer John, shoe maker, 17 Gurney road Clark Charles, shoe maker, 77 Howaros road
t\uvache Thomas, turncock, Wellington road Clark William, Odelsa .A. rm8, Odessa road
Backer John, baker, I Leyton terrace, Leyton road Clementson Edwin, watch maker, Forest lane
Bagwell William, shopkeeper, 2 Somerset terrace, Leyton rd Clench John Frederick, hair dresser, 5 Broadway
Bail John, beer retailer, 93 St. James' road Coleclough Robert, boot & shoe maker, Tower Hamlets rJ
Baker Henry Thomas, monumental mason, Sebert road Oo11yer Richard, beer retailer, 6 Oxford ter. Vansittart I'll
Baker Thomas, undertaker, 3 Market place Oolwill Charles,linen draper,s Market place
Balls Maria (Mrs.), beer retailer, 62 Forest street Cook Arthur, grocer, Station road
Bambridge Philip, baker, 5 Forest villas, Leyton road Cook Charlotte (Miss),ladies' school, Albert road
BaD7.8 Thomas, shopkeeper, 30 St. James' road Cook George William, printer, 23 Buxton road
Barker Thomas, haberdasher, Parliament place Cook Lucy (Mrs.), teacher of music, Elizabeth ter. Latimer I'll
Bate Charles, statuary, 4 Railway terrace, Forest lane Cooper George, butcher, 3 Forest street
Battley Henry, grocer, 52 Chatsworth road Cooper Thomas David, shopkeeper, 55 Chatsworth road
Bauer John Jacob, baker, 75 Chatsworth road Cooper William, fishmonger, 59 Forest street
Bayliss Joseph, plumber, glazier, decorator &C. Railway ter- Oopland Henry, tailor, 95 Buxton road
race, Forest lane Coulthrup Thomas, news agent, I I Railway ter. Forest lane
Beach Wm. vaccination officer for West Ham union, Tower Cox Emma (Mrs.), oil & color dealer, 10 Forest lane
Hamlets road Cox John, tailor, 27 Chatsworth road
Beckwith George Wm. surveyor, builder &C. 69 Leyton road Cox William, Builders' A1'llls, Station road.
Beeby Joseph, grocer, 4 Howards road Cromack Jabez, baker, Forest street
Bennett George Parker, corn & flour dealer, 30 Forest street Cross ThoIDas, carpenter, Chatsworth Toad
Bennett Thomas, carpenter, I St. James' road Crossingham A1bert, baker, 2 Winchester ter. Howard's rd
Benson George, grocer, lA, Congreve terrace, Station road Crouch George, shirt maker, 3 Camden ,-illas, Field road
Bent John, seedsman & florist, Forest lane Crouch William, provision dealer, 7 Station road
Bentley John, oilman, 44 Forest street Cullingforo William, florist, Wellington road
Bishop John, corn chandler, see England & Bishop Cumine Rupert Henry, chemist & dentist, 10 Broadway' 2
Blake Thomas, shopkeeper, n Buckingham road Earlham cross, Woodgrange road
Bonghtwood David, carpenter, 33 Buckingham road Cunningham Alfred, china &c. dealer, 4 Forest street
Bracher Ivon, wood turner, no Odessa road Currie Charles, shoe maker, Wellington road
Bracher William, linen draper, Field road Curteys & Co. corn chandlers, Glen terrace, Leyton road
13ranton Charles, .A lbert House, Forest lane Davies George Alfred, school, 8 Glenwood villas, Leyton rd
Brett WilIiam, boot & shoe maker, Globe crescent Davies Henry, sign writer,7 Glen villas, Leyton road
Brewer Nathaniel, jun. marble letter cutter, Chatsworth rd Davis William & Son, blind makers, Field road
Brewer William, 80licitor, Belle Vue house, Ham Frith road Dam George, shopkeeper, 14 Globe crescent
Brittain John, builder, 9 Albert square Davis Mark, general dealer, 6 Forest terrace, Leyton road
Britton John, carpenter, 40 Buckingham road Davis Richard, corn chandler, II Station road
Brown Ellen (Mrs.), ladies' school, 60 Windsor road Davison William, beer retailer, Railway ter. Forest lane
Brownsworth Catherine (Mrs.), linen draper, 7 Howards rd Day John, pork butcher,6 Market place
Bryett Henry, relieving officer, No. 5 district & re~strar of Deacon Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Odessa road
marriages for West Ham union, Idmiston road Death Francis Joseph, cowkeeper, Forest gate
Buckingham Edward, shoe maker, 39 Chatsworth road Denford George, Steam BMp, Howards road
Buckstone Benjamin, cabinet maker, 98 Odessa road Denne James, grocer, StatIon l'Oad
Budden Henry Arthur, grocer, Sta.tion road Dobbin James, Chatsworth. A1"lnl, Chatsworth ;road
Bullock Arthur, shopkeeper, Vansittart road Dodd Kate (Miss), milliner, Market place
Burch Benjamin, builder, Bignold road Donald John Robert, wood carver, 28 Chatsworth Mad
Burgess Eliza (Miss), milliner, 74 Forest street Donaldson AdamJoseph, cheesemonger, Market place
Burman J ames, grocer) AlOOrt road Duval Henry, news agent, 4 Winchester terrace, Howard'srd
Burton Charles, butcher, Station :road Dyck James, confectioner, I5A; Station road
Burton Elizabeth (Miss), linen draper, 7 Market place Dyer Henry & Sons, builders "" undertaker~ 12 Market place
nush Alfred, tailOI\ 6 Glenbervie terrace, Leyton road & Forest street
Burrton Collegiate School (Howard Handle F.S.A. principal), Dyer Horatio AlOOrt, monumental mason, 9 Van$jttart I'd
Grove hall, Forest lane Edgar William, builder, St4tion ,oad
EUis George, linen draper, 7 Eagle place Hubbard John, butcher, 3 Broadway
England & Bishop, corn chandlers, Chatsworth:road Hunt Frederick, tobacconist, Station road
Ermrich Hemnan, tailor, 9 Broadway Hutson Henry, beer retailer, 47 Buxton road
Escreet William, collector of poor rates for part of West Hyde Thomas, shopkpr. & wardrobe dlr. 57 Chatsworth rd
Ham parish, Ham Frith road Ingleton Alfred, haberdasher, see Norman &; Ingleton
Eul Peter, Golden Horse, Forest lane Ivinery Edward, music warehouse, 3 Hampton cross, Wood-
Evans Joshua, tobacconist, Market place grange road
Evans William M.D. physician, 61 Forest street & I Glen Jackson Charles Edward, architect. 2 Sebert road
villas, Leyton road Jackson Charles William, haberdasher, 18 Forest street
E'Verett Henry, greengrocer, Station road Jackson Louie, coal merchant, 6g St. James' road
E"erett William, surgeon, Blundeston house, Capel road J effery Edward, corn chandler &C. Cemetery road
Fardell Thomas, tobacconist, 5 Station road Jerrard Annie (Mrs.), dress maker. 5 Cemetery road
Farmer John, glass bead maker, Odessa road Jessop David, greengrocer, Globe crescent
Fenwick William, carpenter, Forest gate . Jews' Burial Ground, Cemetery road
Field George Charles, butcher, 57 Forest street JOhnson & Co. printers, Station road
Flack John Henry, oil &; colorman, 18 Odessa road Johnson George, architect, 3 Caernarvon road
Fleet William, commercial traveller, 100 Gurney road Johnson Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' school, Odessa road
Fletcher Thomas Wayland, architect, I Russell vils. Cape} I'd Jones John, Eagle ~ Child, Market place
Flower John, general dealer, Odessa road Jupp Charles Phinehas, fruiterer, 12 Eagle place
Folkard Ellen (Miss), ladies' school, 48 Claremont road Kenaston Ada (Mrs.), grocer, 72 Forest street
Folkard Robert, tobacconist, Forest lane Kennedy William, shopkeeper, 43 Buxton road
Forecast James, painter, 6 Oxford terrace, Vansittart road Kettle John, grocer, I Earlham cross, Woodgrange road
Forest Gate School of Photography (The) (Wm. West, pro- Kimsey Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Cemetery road
prietor), artist & photographer & instantaneous photo- King George, grocer & cheesemonger, Wellington road
graphy for childrens' views, 9 Railway terrace Kitchener Thomas, tailor, Howard's road
Forward John, basket maker, 2 Railway terrace, Forest la Kohlmann Henry, boot & shoe maker, 80 Forest lane
Fowler William Francis, tailor & outfitter, Buckingham I'd Lambert Robert, baker, 50 Odessa road
Freeman John, stone mason, 35 Buckingham road Laundy John Albert, teacher of music,14 Broadway
French Alice (Miss), dress maker, 6 Albert square Laurence By. French, chemist, 5 Woodstock villas, Forest la
French Henry, beer retailer, Chatsworth road Lawrence Charles, tobacconist, Forest street
Freund Henry, ironmonger & timber merchant, Tower Lawrence Charles Thomas, hair dresser, Forest street
Hamlets road Lawrence William Robert, confe<:tioner, 9 Eagle place
Frost Charles, builder, I Park View villas Lawson William, fruiterer, Market place
Fruin John, florist, Cemetery road Lawson William, stone mason, 4 Brownlow road
Furness John, mantle maker, Market place Lazell Thomas, beer retailer, I Winchester tel'. Howard's rd
Fysh Lewis William, bookbinder, Odessa road Leftly Frederick William, clothier, Market plaee
Gale John, shoe maker, 93 Odessa road Leg.q's Almshouses, Forest lane
Gardener William & Son, dyers, Market place Legg Samuel, beer retailer, Field road
Gardener J ames, shopkeeper, 44 Odessa road Lemere James, oil &; colorman, soap, candle, white lead &;
Gardener John, butcher, 6 Earlham cross, Woodgrange I'd varnish warehouse; dealer in foreign & british wines &
Garman & Co. chemists, 10 Glenwood villas, Leyton road bottled ale & stout, 5 Earlham cross, Woodgrange road
Gates John, butcher, 68 Chatsworth road Lewis Emma (Miss), china & glass dealer, IS Globe crescent
Gatward William, boot maker, Parliament place Lewis John, dairyman. 73 Chatsworth road
Genower Frederick, confectioner, 9 Station road Lincoln John, marine store dealer, 51 :Forest street
Gilbert Thomas, shopkeeper, I Victoria bldgs. Leyton road Linn John, builder, 38 Buxton road
Girling Richard, shoe maker, Station road Lucking Offord, shopkeeper, 68 Forest street
Godbold John, boot & shoe maker, 61 Chatsworth road Lunn George, baker, Prospect place
Godlonton George, pawnbroker, Station road Lyne Annie (Mrs.), ladies' school, 9 Idmiston road
Golesworthy William, grocer, Tower Hamlets road Mackay Peter & Co. timber merchants, Hesketh road
Gomm William Francis, surveyor, 49 Gurney road Mallinson Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 2 Graydon villas
Goodey Thomas, oil &; colorman, Market place Mancer Alfred, greengrocer, 2 Glenbervie terrace, Leyton I'd
Gosling Frederick, grocer, 78 Chatsworth road Manor Park Cemetery (Richard Marson, superintendent;
Govier Albert, boot & shoe ma. 4 Earlham cross, Wdgrnge. I'd Rev. George Blew Golding M.A. chaplain), Sebert road
Grayston Charles, confectioner, Market place Marler William Edward, hatter, Market place
Gregory Alfred James, coal merchant, Emlyn ho. Sebert I'd Marlow Robert Henry, china &; glass dealer, Market place
Grottick George, shopkeeper, 22 Forest street Marriage Alfred, boys' school, 45 Gurney road
Groves Arthur, chemist, I Clubbs terrace, Odessa road Marshall Henry, fruiterer, 64 Forest street
Guest Francis, oil &; colorman, 3 Winchester tel'. Howards I'd Mason Geo. Nicholson, umbrella maker, 29 Buckingham I'd
Gundall Henry, baker, 13 Station road May John Thomas, mason, Sebert road
Harding William, oilman, 4 Broadway Merrell George, corn chandler, 12 Cruikshank road
Harmer Alfred Thomas, printer, 35 Gurney road Messer Thomas, dairyman, 13 Bnckingham Toad
Harris Geo. carman & contractor, 2 Wellingtn. vils. Albert I'd Metcalfe Emma (Mrs.), ladies' school, 9 Buxton road
Harris John, butcher, Odessa road Meyrick William, iron founder, Chatsworth road
Harris WaIter George, carman & contractor, Chatsworth rd Mihlenstedt James, undertaker, 48 Forest street
Harris William, engineer, Chatsworth road Minns Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Odessa road
Harrison William, butcher & sausage maker, 40 Forest st Mol'rison Brothers, scotch bakers, pastry cooks & con-
Hayes Charles Frederick, engineer, 66 Buxton road fectioners; manufacturers of improved whole-meal bread;
Hazell Richard William, baker, :Forest lane agents for Buchanan Brothers' pure scotch confectionery;
Heaps William,dairyman, I Railway terrace, Forest lane & bakers by appointment to His Grace the Duke of
Helmore Wm. Reynolds, solicitor, I New vils.Woodgrange I'd Argyll, Woodgrange bakery, Earlham cross, Wood.-
Hepworth William, plumber, Odessa road grange road
Hewitt Alfred, ironmonger, Odessa road Morter James, builder, contractor &; stone merchant; offices
Hext James Stone, beer retailer, 16 Odessa road & works, Chat..sworth road; saw mills, Albert sq. Forest la
Higgs Thomas, carpenter. 6g Buxton road Moss William Archer, boot & shoe manufacturer, leather
Hoath Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 70 Gurney road seller &C. I Forest street, corner of Station road
Hobbs Charles, house decorator, 4 Somerset tel'. Leyton ro Munro John, grocer, I Market place
Hobbs Clara Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Field road Murray John, shoe maker, Forest street
Hodgkin Charles, earthenware dealer, 3 Station road Newborn John, shopkeeper, Odessa road
Hoffman Frank, confectioner, J: Woodiord terrace Newman Frederick, prof. of music, I Fi'ancis vils. Avenue rd
Holdem Thomas, undertaker. Dean street, Odessa road Newport Henry, grocer, 24 Forest street
Hollands-Morris George, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Newson George & Son, livery stables, Market place
wine &; spiri~ merchants, Prospect place Nice William &; Son, coal merchant, Cruikshank road
Holmes, Samuel, butcher, 10 Globe crescent Nicholson Frederick, builder, Spring cottage, Forest lane
Holt Charles William, grocer, Wellington road Noble Frederick Charles, builder, Field road
Hood Robert, printer, 28 Field road Noble Henry John, plumber, 2 Market place
Hopkins Francis, Earl of J)erby, Station road Norman &; Ingleton, haberdashers, 46 Forest street
Howal"d William, coffee rooms, 48 Chatsworth road Nocman William, pianoforte tuner, 28 Buxton road
Hoy William &; Co. florists, Railway terrace, Forest lane Nye Samuel, chimney sweeper, 4 Tower Hamlets road
Oavery William Oughton, stationer, 8 Market place I Spooner John, architect, Lee villa, Avenue road n
Ofwood Goorge, coffee rooms, Railway terrace, Forest lane Spoonet Thomas, architect, Albert villa, Avenue toad.
Osborne John, grocer 62 Odessa road. Spragg Augnstus, oil & colorman, 9 Globe crescent
Oxford Shirt Co. (The) (Frederick Roberts, man.), Market pI Stafford William, greengrocer, Albert road
Page Arthur, greengrocer, 44 Chats worth road Steadman John, painter, 69 Chatsworth roadl
Page Robertf english &. foreign' fruiterer &. greengrocel' ~ Stephens WaIter, confectioner, Forest lane.
furniture removed by covered & pantechnicon vans to all Stockdale George, jun. ooot maker, 8 Broadway
parts, 7 Eal'lham cross, Woodgrange TOad; Prospect Stokes Elizabeth (Miss), linen draper, Railway ter. ForM la
place &. Station road Stokes James, CamdfJ1/, Arm.s, Field road
Parish Ernest, shopkeeper, Wellington road Stokes John, grocer, Prospect place
Parker John, shopkeeper, 74 Chatsworth road Stokes John, shopkeeper, Railway terrace, Forest lane
Parrott Frederick, clothier, 2 Leyton .road Stone Edward, beer retailer, Prospect place
Parsons John, shopkeeper, 45 Buxton road Stone Solomon Luke, builder &; contracklr1 Market place,
Pawnbrokers' ChariUlble Institute (Ashbridge Telfer, hon. See advert '
BOO.), Woodgrange road Stratford William, greengrocer, 6 Winchester tar. Howardsrd
Peake Thomas, auctioneer, 12 Railway Forest lane Sudworth & Vanu, dairymn. 9 Earlham cJ:oss, Woodgrange rd
Pearce Edward, shopkeeper, 5 Forest terrace, eyton road Sumpter William 'l'homas, statuary, Cemetery road
Peck William, cowkeeper, Forest gate Surrey Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,S Howards road
Peircey George, shopkeepel', 2 Leyton terrace, Leyton road Talbot Charles, shopkeeper, Forest lane
Penati & Co. confectioners, Prospect place Tanner Mary &; Kate (Misses), dress makers, 3 Somemt
Perriman William, Railway ta'Vern, Prospect place terrace, Leyton road
feters Henry, stationer, 50 Forest street Tanner Lucy (Mrs.), ladies' school, 3 Somerset terrace,
Peters William, cowkeeper, Odessa road Leyton road
Phillips Brothers, dairy, Idmiston road. Taylor Alfred, provision dealer, 38.Forest street
Phillips James, dairy, Forest terrace, Leyton road Taylor Edward, linen draper, Market place
Phillips William, corn chandler, Station road Taylor George, oilman, Field road
Phiilips William Henry, baker, 11 Market place Taylor William, shopkeeper, Station road
Phraez Anthony, fishmonger, Station road Tetsall Alfred, chimney sweeper, Tower Hamlets road
Piggott Francis, builder, 24 Buxton road Thimbleby Benjamin, furniture dealer, 3 Earlham cross,
Pipe John, butcher, Prospect place W oodgrange road
Pipe Rose Ann (Miss), fancy repository, Prospect place Thomas Charles, tailor, 84 St. James' road
Pittard Baldwin, baker, Field road Thomas John, ironmonger, I2 Market place
Ponder Henry, hatter, Forest lane Thompson Frederick George, watch maker, Market place
Poole Jesse, fishmonger, 76 Forest street Thompson John William, furniture dealer, 4 Market place
Porter Thomas, coal merchant, Edmund ter. Ham Frith rd Tilley William, pawnbroker, 26 & 28 Forest street
Poynter Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner,3 Glenbervie terrace, Tonic Sol-fa College (J. Spencer Curwen, president; Robert
Leyton road Griffith, sec.), Earlham grove
Praed William Edward, ham & beef warehouse, 6 Broadway Triggs John, plumber, Railway terrace, Forest lane
Pratt Leonard, tailor, 66 Forest street Tucker William & Co. coal merchants, I Broadway
Pridmore Henry, boys' school, 3 Graydon villas Turner William, grocer, Field road
Pringle Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school, 9 Windsor road Twohey Daniel, shopkeeper, Vansittart l'oad
Proctor Thomas, Tower Hamlets .A'"1nS, Tower Hamlets roM. Twyford Alfred, dairyman, I Somerset terrace, Leyton rood
Pudney James, butcher, 108 Buxton road Underwood Charles, haberdasher, Station road
Pnnter Charles, general dealer, Parliament place Vallance James, beer retailer, I Martha street, Keogh road
Putoam Richard, insurance agent, Station road Vann Thomas, dairyman, see Sudworth & Yann
Quorn William, coffE'..e rooms, Market place Wager Robert, shoe maker, 25 St. James' road
Radburn John, butcher, 11 Eagle place Wagg Frederick, teacher of music, I4 Odessa road rr
Randall George Wallis, fishmonger, Market place Wagg Frederick James, pianoforte tuner, 17 Station road
Ray Richard, dairyman, 5 Winchester terrace, Howards rd Walker Thomas, fancy stationer, 4 Hampton cross, Wood·
Read Edmund, grocer, Station road grange road
Read John, marine store dealer, 54 Odessa road Ward James, boot maker, Forest gate & IS Station road
Read Robert Henry, watch maker, 35 Chatsworth road Ward Jane (Mrs.), greengrocer, Forest lane ~
Reed William, builder, 27 Buckingham road Warrao William, butcher, 56 Chatsworth road
Reynolds William, shoe maker, 10 Eagle place Warrilow Thomas, n'avelle:rs' Rest, Cemetery road
Richards John Newbrey, grocer, Market place Watkins John, corn dealer, &; post office, 9 &; IO Market pI
Richardson Emma (Miss), milliner, Forest lane Watson Henry, provision dealer, 4 Glenbervie ter. Leyton rd
Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants, Railway ter. Forest la Watson William, boot &; shoe maker, 26 Odessa road
Robertson Shand, grocer, Chesnnt terrace Waudby Madame, professor of music, 4 OsbQrne toad
Robinson Brothers, carmen, & saw mills, Chatsworth road Weakley Samuel Joseph John L.~.C.P. Lond. physician,
Robinson Charles, butcher, Odessa road Os borne house, Osborne road
Robinson George, greengrocer, 48 Odessa road Webb John, groc-er, 55 Forest street •
Robinson John, grocer, Tower Hamlets road Webb John, shoe maker, 6 Howards road
Robinson Joseph, cowkeeper, Wellington road Webb William, grocer & ironmonger, 5 Eagle place
Rogers WaIter, linen draper, 10 Odessa road Webher Henry William, beer retailer, Albert square
Rose Henry Joseph, grocer, 10 Woodford terrace West Ham Gemetery (Rev. Chas. Sellwood M.A. &; Rev. Thos.
Rose William, butcher, I Leyton road Edwd. Stallybrass, chaplains; J. Mowbray, super.)
Routledge Arnold, insurance agent, 37 Odessa road Westwood Henry, greengrocer, Station road
Rowland Robert, cowkeeper, Field road Weybret Henry, shoe maker, 49 Cha.tsworth road
Rowland William Henry, butcher, Station road Wheeler Henry, beer retailer, Station road
Rumball Thomas, dairyman, Essex street Whenn Robert, confectioner, 2 Broadway
Russell Henry, carpenter, 10 Odessa road Whistler Samuel, school, Prospect place
sadler Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 91 Buxton road White Charles, builder, I Claremont place
Sampson John, tailor, Albert villas, Forest lane White William, beer retailer, Field road'
Scarborongh James Henry, baker, Station road Whitechapel Union IndustrWl &hools (C. Duncan, supt.;
Scott Douglas, haberdasher, 80 Gurney road. James Ripley Coilins, clerk to managers; Rev. Samuel
fledger Jonathan Edwin, confectioner, 42 Forest street Gower Poole M.A. chaplain: James Thomas Vallanee ILD.
Sheppherd Chas. furniture dealeJ; 3 Railway ter. Forest lane medical officer, Miss Harriet Perfect, matroD I T. Salmon,
Sherwood Charles, builder, Latimer road schoolmaster; Miss C. E. Sage, schoolmistress; Forest lane
-Simmonds John ThMllas, boot & shoe maker, Market place Whitehead Thomas Dixon, timber &- slate merchant, auc-
Simpson Agnes (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 St. James' pt Forest la tioneer, surveyor, appraiser, valuer, land & estate agent,
Skating Rink (Thomas Credd, proprietor), Ham Frith road rent &; debt collector, & agent for the Guardian fire 11: life
Smart Thomas, furniture dealer, Station road office, }<'orest lane
Smith Albert, linen drapr. 70 Earlham cross, Woodgrange rd Wilson Edward, oil &. colorman, I Glenbervie tar. Leywn rd
Smith Elizabetk (Mrs.), tobacconist, fu Chatsworth road Wingfield Samuel, grocer, 104 Gunrey road.
Smith Freierick, Iladdler, 70 Forest street Winter Charles, timber merchant, Ley-tob road
Sones John J oseph, china & glass dealery 8 Eagle place Winter John Henry, grocer~ I Oxford teI\. VallSitthrt IIO&d
Sowter Thomas, grocer, :I Vansittart. road t Wood Samuel Richard, oilman, 54 Cbat8wol'th road.
Spackman.Jemilna (1tt~.)1~!;lopkeeperJVansi1.tart road Woodward Walter, grocer, Cemetery ~oadJ at ., ~

Woolley John, Farest Glen, Leyton road Young Capt. Wm. Astrician villa, Howardsroad
WoolnoughJohn, beer retailer, Vansittart road Young Maria (Mrs.), ladies' school, 2 Manor ter. Sebertroad
Wright George, butcher, Wellington road Young William James, paper bag maker, Wellington road
Wri&:ht William Edward, photographer, I Sebert road
FOULNESS ISLAND (or FOULNESS), an isolated Ness plate includes an ancient paten and chalice. The ~ster
or Promontory, was probably in early times joined to the dates from the year 1695. The 'living is a rectory, yearly
mainland, an assumption which seems to be confirmed by value £300, with residence, in the gift of George Henry
the modern names given to the smaller islands and was Finch esq. and held by the Rev. Samuel Neale Dalton H.A.
conceivably separated from it by an irruption of the Broom- of Caius College, Cambridge. A fair is held on the loth and
hill behind Wallasea: it lies at the mouth of the Broomhill IIth of July. George Henry Finch esq. is lord of the
and Crouch rivers, the south point of the river bank being manor and principal landowner ; the other landowners being
formed by the Foulness and is bounded on the south-east John Page, William Andrews and J. W. Stallibrass esqs.
by the Maplin Sand and the sea: it is a parish in the the Baron de Barreto and Rev. E. Owen and J. Smith esq.
Southern division of the county, Rochford hundred, union The soil is an alluvial deposit from the sea; subsoil, clay and
and county court district, Canewdown rural deanery, Essex sand. The chief crops are wheat, beans, clover and white
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, with a road along the mustard. The area is 6,310 acres; rateable value, £8,983;
sands 5 miles in length to Great Wakering, being distant and the population in 1881 was 688.
by water 54 miles from London, 12 from Southend railway Parish Clerk, Chas. Clay Harveyesq.
station, 3 south-east from Burnham and 12 east-by-north
from Rochford: it is 5 miles long from north-east to south- POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Mary Ann Cater, postmistress. Letters
west and 2~ broad and is enclosed by a sea dyke or wall; are received & dispatched from Southfmd by mail
the water was formerly brackish, but several artesian wells cart on tuesday, wednesday, friday & saturday, llici
have been bored and a plentiful supply of pure water is Great Wakering. Great Wakering is the nearest money
now obtained. tn 1550 the island was constituted a parish. order & telegraph office

the south side, containing I bell, dated 1710: the church

The church of St. Mary, entirely rebuilt in 1850, is a stone National &hool (mixed), erected in 1846, for 140 children
buildingt consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a tower on with an average attendance of 60; William Wilkinson,
master; Mrs. EliZIl.beth Wilkinson, mistress

Dalton Rev. Saml. Neale M.A. Rectory Cater Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Lucking Samuel, farm bailiff to J. W.
COMMERCIAL & post office Stallibrass esq
. Dillaway Luke, farm bailiff to J. W. Matthams Hen. King's Head, & farmer
Ballanger & Smith, millers, farmers & Stallibrass esq Mead Saml. saddler & harness maker
grocers Guiver John, George ~ IJragon Owen Llewellyn, farmer
Belton Josiah, shopkeeper Harvey Charles Clay, farmer Threadgold William, blacksmith
Bird George, baker Laver John, farmer
FOXEARTH (or FOXHEARD) is a parish in the Eastern Orlord,J.p. Here is a Congregational chapel. John Lambert
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union esq. who is lord of the manor, Thomas Hale esq. the Rev..
and county court district, Hedingham rural deanery, Col- John Foster J.P. and the trustees of the late Dr. Crompton..
'chester archdeaconry amd St. Albans diocese, I~ miles are the principal landowners. The soil is loam and gra.vel ;
south from Glemsford station, 4 miles north-west from Sud- subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
bury and 62 from London. The church assigned at a barley. The area is 1,640 acres; rateable value, £2,689 ~
recent date SS. Peter and Paul, consists of chancel, nave, and the population in 1881 was 390.
aisles and a western tower, surmounted by a lofty spire Parish Clerk, Philip Kingswood.
and containing 6 bells, has been very richly restored, all POST OFF1CE.-John Macro, receiver. Letters arrive from
the windows being stained and the chancel walls adorned Sudbury by way of Melford at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at
with paintings: a finely carved rood screen divides the nave 5.45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
from the chancel. The register dates from the year 1550 is at Melford .
and is in fair condition. The living is a rectory, yearly National School (mixed), built in 1847, for 80 children, with
value £433, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift an average attendance of 70; Miss Marian ElIen. BartIett~
of and held by the Rev. John Foster H.A. of St. Mary Hall, mistress
Chickall John . Brand Thos. Purkis, frmr. Brook hall Gager Henry, shoe maker
Foster Rev. John M.A., J.P. Rectory Chinery CharIes,farmer Macro John, shopkeeper, & post office.
Foster Rev. John Francis [curate] Coker Henry, farmer, Clay Pits farm Ray Charles, farmer, Cardinals
COMMERCIAL Deal J oseph, carpenter Thompson WaIter, shopkeeper
. Evans Thomas Hardy, blacksmith Ward Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer
Ambrose WaIter, miller Ewer Margt. (Mrs.), frmr. Weston hall
FRATING is an ancient village and parish, in the East- Bickersteth Mayor B.D. formerly fellow of that college, hon.
ern division of the county, Tendring hundred and union, canon of St. Albans and rural dean of St. Osyth. The
Colchester county court district, St. Osyth rural deanery, principal portion of the land belongs to Caius College, Cam-
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 6 miles bridge, in which the manor is vested. The soil is mixed,
~st-by-south from Colchester, It from Thorington station producing choice wheat. The area of the parish, which is
and 58 from London. The church (name unknown) is an well watered, is 1,237 acres; rateable value, £2,172; and
ancient edifice of stone in the Early English style, pleasantly the population in 1881 250.
situated and consists of chancel, nave with a chapel on the Pm'ish Clerk, Abraham Maskell.
north side and a square embattled tower at the west end, POST OFFICE.-Alfred Almond, receiver. Letters delivered
containing 3 bells and was restored and enlarged in 1872; through Colchester at 4.15 a.m.; dispatched at 8.15 p.m.
the windows are stained. The register dates from the year The nearest money order office is at Great Bentley &
1560. The living is a rectory, united with that of Thoring- telegraph office at Wivenhoe
ton, joint yearly value £800, with residence, in the gift of National School (mixed), built in 1855, for 60 children, with
St. John's College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. Robert an average attendance of 40; Miss Esther Howard, mist
Mayor Rev. Robert Bickersteth B.D. Bull Emma (Mrs.), grocer Miller Mrs. farmer, Morehams
[hon. canon & rural dean], Rectory Girling James, farmer Robinson Wm. farmertManning's farm
Lowndes George, farmer, Frating lodge Vince James, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Maskell Abraham, farmer, Holly farm Vincent Philip Bernard, farmer, Fra-
Almond Alfred, blacksmith Maskell Abraham, jun. cooper ting hall
Boghurst William, farmer & landowner, Mayer James, relieving officer & regis- Warren James Robert, King's 41-ms
Frating abbey trar of births & deaths
FRINTON is a very small parish on the sea coast, in larged by the rebuilding of the chancel, which had lain in
the Eastern division of the county, hundred and union of ruins since I703, when it was blown down in one of the
Tendring, Harwich county court district, rural deanery of severe gales to which from its bleak position on the sea ooast
St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. this neighbourhood is exposed.; it now oomprises chancel,
Albans, 18 miles south-east from Colchester and 2! south- nave, with south porch and a bell gable. with :;& belliI: there
west from Walton-on-the-Naze liIteamboat pier and station. is a small stained window at the west end, presented by th~
The ancient church of St. Mary, a rubble stone building, re- present rector in memory of the late lames Beadel and his
stored in 1879, in the Early Englisb style, was previously wife: on the north side of the chancel is a small window
almost the smallest church in England, but was then en- containing *<Jme ancient armorial bearings; the east window


and one in the south side of the nave are also stained. The' clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats &c. The area
register dates from the year :r754- The living is'&. rectory, is 420 acres; rateable value, £802; and the population in
}'8arly value £:r50, with 3:r acres of glebe, in the gift of W. 188:r was 30.
R. Hassard esq. of Harleston,. ~orfolk and is hel~ by the Parish Clerk .f O'IJerseCl' Richard Stone.
ReT. Frank Beadel M.A. of TrInIty College, Cambndge, who ' . .
resides at Great Holland. The sea. since 1735 has washed Letters through Colch~te~ & 1nd Klrby. Thenearestmoney
manJtacres of land away in this parish and the encroach- order & telegraph office 18 at Walton-on-the-Na:re
ment continues. The soil is mixed; subsoil, principally The nearest schools are at Great Holland Kirby «
Stone Richard, farmer & overseer, The Hall
FRYERNING (FRIERNING) is a parish adjacent to, and College. The charities include a bequest by the Rev. Robert
forming three-fourths of the town of, Ingatestone and is in D'Oyley, rector of this parish, in :r733 of 3OS. per annum;
the Western dhision of the county, Chelmsford hundred, another by WiIliam Bright in 1777 of £4 IOS. being interest
union and county court district, Ingatestone rural deanery, of Consols, a benefaction left by Robert 8o1'1'ell X.D. in
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese and at one 1825 consisting of the interest of £100 stock in the 3 per
period belonged to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem; Cent. Consols; the interest of £250 left by William G01'-
it is about 23 miles from London, 5 north-east from Brent- don Coesvelt esq. in 1841 and by the Rev. George Price
'wood and half a mile from Ingatestone station. The church M,A. a former rector the interest of £100 Consols left by
-of St. Mary the Virgin is about :r mile north-west from In- deed in 1855 all of which are distributed to the poor in
,gatestone and consists of chancel, nave, south porch, vestry food and clothing. Mrs. Rosamond Bonham also bequeathed
and a. massive western tower of brick containing 5 bells, in :r805 £ 100 stock in the £3 per Cents. Reduced, the interest
.one dated :r590. three 1716 and the other 1793: the nave to be expended in the purchase of bread to be given an-
has walls three feet in thickness and retains on its south nually: and there is further a charity by a person named
side three of the original Norman windows and the east Page of £2 4S. 4d. distributed annually in food and clothing.
window of three lights is a memorial to the Rev. Edward The Warden and Fellows of Wadham College, Oxford, are
Cockey, late rector; the tower, three stories in height, is a lords of the manor and principal landowners. The soil is
noble structure of the time of Henry VII. with a machico- mixed; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, oats
lated parapet on small corbelled arches, overhanging four and barley. The area is 1,370 acres; rateable value, £3,881 i
and a half inches, and indented battlements, the angles ter- I and the population in 1881 was 704.
minating in well-proportioned brick pinnacles: at the north-, Parish Clerk, Harry Weaser.
-east corner is a bold projection for the staircase which has 1 Letters through Ingatestone the nearest money order &
-an octagonal newel and stairs curiously constructed of telegraph office '
-common bricks: the square Norman font is beautifully
.carved with foliage, crosslets, stars and crescents in slight, INSURANCE AGENT, Rayal, Henry Joseph Gardner
relief: the church contains a memorial to the Rev. John I Rate ~'ollector, Henry Josep~ G:ardner .
Disney F.S.A. of the Hyde. The register dates from the Natzonal School (boys), bmlt .m 1873 wlth an average at-
~'ear 1595. The living is a rectory, yearly value tithe rent tendance of 80; C. F. M. Kelth, master
charge £385, with residence, in the gift of Wadham College, CARRIER.-Henry Hewett, from Mountnessing to Chelms-
Oxford and held by the Rev. Frederick Tufnell M.A. of that I ford, on tues. fri. & sat.; &; to Romford on wed.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Borritt George, blacksmith Osborne Geo. farmer,St. Leonard'sfarm
Barrow Mrs Camp Lucy (Mrs.), shoe maker Perry George, boot &; shoe dealer
Conybeare J. C. St. Leonard's grange Cheek George, bricklayer Perry Mary Ann (Miss), day school
Davey Geo. The Nutshell, Stock lane Collins John, saddler &; harness maker Purkiss Geo. hay binder
de Noailles Countess, The Hut . Dennis Catherine (Mrs.), Ship Raven Henry, baker
Havers Arthur Fountain Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Richardson Samuel, blacksmith
Hodson Thomas French Thomas, farmer, Hill house Robinson James, butcher &; gen. dealer
Houchin Rev. John Wesley [Congre- Gardner Henry Joseph, plumber &; Roome Hannah (Miss), draper
gational] house decorator &; assistant overseer Smith Fredk. vetrinr:r.surgn.&;druggi3t
Howard Miss, The Nook &; collector of poor rates Smith George, White Hm·t, & cab prop.
Kortwright Augustus, Furze hall George Ann (Mrs.), dress maker Smith George Percy, linen draper &
Langton Mrs. Docklands Godfrey Hannah Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr grocer; &; sec. &; manager to Gas Co
Lewis Richard Gore John, boys' school Stewart Henry, Woolpack
Mellish Mrs Green Ann (Mrs.), butcher Thomas In. & Hy. farmers, Howletts hl
Mostyn WaIter Havers Stanislaus, brewer Thomson Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Olliver Mrs Hicks Arthur, grocer Beggars hill
Raven Miss Hodson Thomas, surgeon Thompson WaIter, wheelwright
Rigg Mrs. Fryerning cottage King George, Sp1'ead Eagle Welton Howard John, saddler
Smith Miss Emily King Henry, Royal Oak inn, &; tailor Whybrow James, fishmonger
Tufnell Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Kurner Alloys, watch & clock maker Wilkinson George William, wheelwright
Willis Mrs Martin Francis Brazier, .Anchor, & pork &; carpenter
butcher Willis Joseph Samuel Andrew, farmer,
COMMERCIAL. Nash Thos. grocer & coru & flour dealer Fryerning hall
Barfield Thomas Roger, wood carver &; news agent; & at Mountnessing Working Men's Club ~ Reading Roum
Boreham Joseph, beer retailer Noah Thomas, farmer, Lindsays farm (George Percy Smith, treasurer)
FYFIELD (FIFlELD, or FlFEHIDE), so called from its Company and Mrs. Elizabeth Kirwan. The soilis various;
having anciently consisted of five hides or fields, is a village subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
and parish in the Western division of the county, Ongsr The area is 2,381 acres; rateable value, £3,633; and the
hundred and union, Brentwood county court district, Ongar population in 1881 was 468.
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. AlOOns diocese,
situated on the river Roding, about 3 miles north-east from PENNYFEATHERS GREEN is I mile west; Clatterfoot End,
Chipping Ongsr station, 9 north-east from Epping and half a mile south-west; Widney, half a mile east; and Cannons
24 from London. The church of St. Nicholas, restored in Green, half a mile south.
x853, exhibits a mixture of Early English and Debased Gothic The Parish Clerk has residence provided from Dr. Walker's
and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a tower containing charity.
5 bells, cast in 1862: the church has a fine old Norman
font, floriated crosses and fleurs-de-lis, the material being POST OFFIcE.-Joseph WiIliam Rolfe, receiver. Letters
apparently Purbeck stone of a rich colour; there is also a from Brentwood arriye at 7·45 a.m.; dispatched at 5- I S
fine piscina: the Rev. A. Walker D.D. a former rector, gave p.m.; digpatched on sunday at HUO p.m. Ongar is the
a silver chalice and paten. The register of marriages and nearest money order &; telegraph office
burials dates from :r538 and baptisms from x542- The Enduwed School (mixed), built in x876 for 1:00 children,
living is a rectory, tithes commuted in 1842 at £741:, with with an average attendance of 90 '" endowed in the
residence, in the gift of the-Countess Cowley and held by year 16g2 by the Rev. A. Walker D.D. formerly rector of
the Rev. Henry Gibson B.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. the parish, with 56 acres of land at High Ongar, no"
There are some small charities# distributed on Sundays in producing £85 per annum, which is applied to the salary
bread and in clothing at Christmas to the poor of the of the schoolmaster, for whom a residence is provided by
parish. Earl Cowley is lord of the manor. The principal the charity; the school is ordered" to be for teaching all
landowners are John Lightfoot Newall esq. the Ironmongers' the poor children of the parish to read. write • cast

accompts well & to say their catechism;" & a scheme Registrar 01 Births, :Deaths 4" Marriagt!3, RelierJing 4-
ha&. been framed by the Endowed Schools Commissioners Vaccinatu)1l Officer, Augustus Woodward Horrell
for its management; Macer Aworth, master; Sarah CARRIEBS TO LONDON pass through from Dunmow &;
Catherine Aworth, mistress Thaxted
Gibson Rev. Henry B.A. Rectory Gooday Henry, farmer, Widney brook Reynolds Norman, miller &; farmer
Moore John. Bartholomew Giles Gidley, Hanks William, farmer, Lampetts RoUe J OSP.phWilliam, tailor, & post office
F)-field house Hartley Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper Saunders James, farmer, Widney green
Yull Thomas, Clatterfoot End house Horrell Augustus Woodward, registrar Sewell Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
of births, deaths & marriages for Speller George, farmer, Penne)ieathers
COMMERCIAL. Bobbingworth sub-district & relieving Tipler Frederick, farm bailiff to J. L.
Bentley Mary (Mrs.), brick maker & vaccination officer for No. 2 district Newhall esq. J.P
Blatch SamL carpenter & wheelwright Judd Charles, carpenter Todd David, beer retailer & manager at
Blowes John Parker, farmer, Maltings Lindus Henry, farmer & brick & tile brick works
&; Wardhouse farms maker (David Todd, manager) TraveIl William, baker
Boyton Richard, farmer, Pickerells Madle Thomas, farmer, Green's farm Tween Denham, farmer, St. Dunstans
Bretton William Read, cattle dealer, & Mitchell James, shoe maker Waight Henry, wheelwright
Black Bull Moore John Bartholomew Giles Gidley Willmot James & William, farmers,
Bright Henry, blacksmith M.R.C.P. physician, Fyfield house Dame ADnis & Hales farms
Brittain Isaac, Queen's Head Patmore .Richard William, farmer, Hall, Yull Thomas, farmer &; landowner,
Elliott William, hay dealer .Ponder's Lodge &; Ashwell farms Clatterfoot End house
GALLEYWOOD COMMON is an ecclesiastical dates from the year 1873. The living is a vicarage, yearly
parish, constituted in 1874, from the parishes of Great value £220, with residence, in the gift of Arthur Pryor esq.
Baddow, West Hanningfield, the hamlet of Moulsham and and held by the Rev. Hirzel Carey de Lisle :M.A. of Trinity
an outlying part of Orsett, in the Western division of the College, Dublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist Chapel.
county, county court district of Chelmsford, rural deanery The Chelmsford races are held here annually in July or
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. August; the course was improved and a grand stand erected
Albans,3 miles from Chelmsford station. The church of in 1863; the population is 817.
St. Michael and All Angels is an edifice of brick and stone in Parish Clerk William Judd Francis
the Early Decorated style, erected in 1873 at the sole expense ' . . ' .
of Arthur Pryor esq. of Hylands and consists of chancel, POST OFFICE.-Isaac Brazl~r, receiver. Letters arnve from
nave aisles south porch organ chamber and a tower with Chelmsford at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m. Great Baddow
pinn~cles 57 feet high, s~rmounted by an octagonal stone is the nearest money order &: telegraph office
spire rising from the tower to an elevation of 70 feet; there National School (mixed), for no children, with an average
are eight bells: the east window is stained. The register attendance of 90; Mrs. Brazier, mistresa
Barnard Johu Markland, Galleydean Gowlett William, shopkeeper Sewell Samuel, miller
deLisle Rev.Hirzel Carey M.A. Vicarage Jarvis James, beer retailer Smith William, farmer, Byron house
Martin Thomas, Woodlands Judd John (Mrs.), farmer SorrellElijah, farmer, Oakmans
. Lambert Benjamin,farmer, Galley hall Sowman Thomas, farmer,sewell's farm
COMMERCIAL. Mayhew Anna (Mrs.), farmer &: land- Spight William & Henry, farmers
Bitten James, Runnin.q Mare owner, Galleywood Hall farm Stevens Martha (Mrs.), miller
Blanks John, blacksmith Mills Frederick John, higgler, Common Taylor John, beer retailer
Brown George, Eagle, & baker Moore John, blacksmith Wellington Henry, WhiteBear
Chaplin Thomas, farmer Overall AHred, Blue Lion WestIey Jamea Francis, farmer, Goat
Daniels Thos. Admiral Rouse, Common Potter Thomas, boot & shoe maker Hall farm
Gibbs Ann (Mrs.), Bm'se 4- Groom Rayner Reuben, farmer
GESTINGTHORPE (or GUESTINGTHORPE) is on a I College, Cambridge. John Robert Vaizey esq. .T.P., D.L.,
brook falling into the Stour, in the Eastern division of the LL.M. of Attwoods, Halstead, who is lord of the manor of
county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county Nether Hall and Robert Owen White .T.P. who is lord of the
court district, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester arch- manor of Over Hall and L. A. Majendie, Robert Owen
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles south-west from White .T.P. Capt. Burke, Arthur Bentall Collis and Charles
.8udbury, 5 north from Halstead and 52 from London. The Hammond Branwhite esqrs. are the principal landowners.
church of St. Mary consists of chancel, nave, south aisle The soil is light loam and clay; subsoil, various. The chief
and an embattled tower of brick at the west end, containing crops are wheat, beans and barley. The parish comprises
6 bells: there are stained windows in the chancel in memory 2,630 acres; rateable value, £4.378 ; and the population in
of Mary Whitbred Elwes (1878)'and John Eley Coles (1876); 1881 was 662.
i~ the chancel is a mOD1~me~t to .Cap?in J ohn ~parrow:, who ODDWELL, formerly distinct is now in this parish.
died, Sept. nth, 1626, With hiS effigy, III a devotIOnal attitude, . ., '
within a niche surrounded by warlike emblems; there is Sexton, Wilham Ridgwell.
also a mural monument to John Elliston esq. ob. Jan. 22nd, POST OFFICE.-Samuel Rayner, receiver. Letters arrive
1741. The register of baptisms dates from 1629; burials, from Halstead by foot post at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 4-45
160<); marriages, 1754. The living is a vicarage annexed p.m. The nearest money order & telegt"'dph office is at
t{) the sinecure rectory of Wixoe, :yearly value £600, with Castle Hedingham
residence, in the gift of the trustees of J. E. H. Elwes esq. Parish School (mixed), built in 1856 for too children, with
and held by the Rev. Frederick Elwes :B.A. of Pembroke an average attendance of 86 ; Miss - White, mistress
Elwes Rev. Frederick :B.A. Vicarage Collis David Taylor, farmer, Park's gate ; Goat Charles, shopkeeper
White Robert Owen I.P. Over hall Corder Henry, beer retlr. & shopkeeper Green John, farmer, The Elms
Crane Wallace, farmer Heam Robert, farmer, Old House farm
COMMERCIAL. Downs King, iron & brass founder & Hearn William, farmer, Park's farm
Bear Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Nether hall agricultural implement maker Nice William, blacksmith
Branwhite Chas. H. farmer, Moat farm Felton Susan (Mrs.), beer retailer Rayner Elizbth. (Mrs.), brick &tile ma
Coo Abraham, farmer, Dalvyn's Finch Geo. earthenware manufacturer Rippingale Thomas, beer retailer
Collis Arthur Bentall, farmer & land- Finch Peter, beer retailer & shopkeeper 'raylor 'rhos. Fosdick, farmer, Hill farm
owner, Oddwell, Byham hall Finch Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
GOLDHANGER is a village, situated on the low ground I expense of the Leigh family. The register dates from the
near the north bank of the estuary of the Blackwater and on year 1558. The living is a rectory. with that of Little
the road from Maldon to Colchester, in the Eastern division Totham annexed, joint yearly value £957, in the gift of and
of the county, hundred of Thurstable, Maldon union and held by the Rev. Charles Brian Leigh B.A. of Christ's College,
county court district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, Cambridge. The Wesleyans have a chapel in the Tillage. A
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles fair for toys is held on Whit-Monday. NnmeroU8 mounds
north-east from Maldon and Langford stations, 7 south-east on the river, called barrow hills, were demolished to convert
from Witham and 42l from London. The church of St. the ground into sun-pans for the manufacture of salt, whick
Peter is partly in the Early English and partly in the Per- have now reverted to pasture; they extended. to 08ey island,
pendiculal' style, consisting of chancel, nave, south chapel, a small marsh in the Blackwater. An utensive fishing
porch and an embattled tower containing 5 bells and con- trade is carried on here and in the vicinity is • large decoy
tains an ancient inscribed stone to Anthony Heyham gent. for wild fowl Mrs. English is lady of the manor. The
and his wife c. I557: it has been thoroughly repaired at the, principal landolt'Iler is the Rev. C. B. Leigh. The soil is
light; mbsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, peas, nearest money order office is at Heybridge & telegraph
beans and barleY'_ The parish contains 2,134 acres of land office at Tolleshunt D'.Arcy
.and 590 water; rateable value, £3.445 15S. ; and th~ popu- National School (mixed), built in 1875 for 120 children, with
lation in 1881 was 521 . an average attendance of 86; Miss Sarah Deveson, mistrea
Pl1.rish Cler14 James Brown.
POST OFFICE.-William Holmes, receiver. Letters from CARRIER TO MALDON & LONDoN-George BurreUs, every
Maldon arrive at; 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 5 p.m. The tuesday & friday
Cockran Rev. Algernon Home B.A. Belsham Oliver Daniel & Lewis, millers Miller Thos. shopkeeper & beer retailer
[curate) Clarke Samuel, Cricketers Quy Edward, rake maker
Leigh Rev. Chaa Brian B..A.,l.~. Rectory Cooper James, wheelwright Stowell George, butcher
.Alexander Charles, beer retailer & shop- Francis William, farmer Todd Robert George, grocer & draper
. keeper & poor rate collector Gurton Joshua, farmer Wakeling Fredk. frmr. & cattle dealer
Alexander John, sheep dresset' Harvey Willie Joseph, Chequers Wenden Joseph, shopkeeper
Baines Joseph, boot & shoe make"!: Hobbs Hy. James, farmer, Falcon hall Wood Edward, farmer
Baxter Thomas, farmer Kettle George William, blacksmith I
GOSFIELD la a parish, in the Eastern division of the Runday school. There are several cottages here erected at

county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead union and county the expense of the late Samuel Courtauld esq. as also a
court district and in Halstead rural deanerYt Colchester coffee and reading room and a school room, which answers
archdeaconry and diocese of St. .Albans, g miles south-west for a lecture hall. Gosfield Hall, situated in an extensive
from Halstead, on the road to Braintree, from which it is 6 domain, is an interesting specimen of the Domestic style of
miles north-east and near a branch of the Colne. The the earlier Tudor period and was inhabited by Louis XVIII.
ehurch of St. Catherine, a building in the Perpendicular during his stay in this country: the park, of 300 acres, is
style, originally consisted of chancel and nave, with a wooden ricWy wooded and contains a lake of 80 acres before the
bell turret, a western tower with 3 bells being added about west front of the mansion: the hall, erected about the time
1450: on the north side is a chapel or chantry, built by of Henry VI!. is a large pile of brick, forming a quadrangle,
Thomas Rolfe esq. and repaired in 1560 by Sir John Went- the western side of which remains nearly in its original
worth as 8 burial place for his family: in the chapel is a state; but the north-east and south fronts were built by
marble monument by Scheemakers, with life size figures of John Knight esq. who owned the estate at the beginning of
John Knight esq. (ob. 1733) and .Anne (Craggs) his wife (ob. the 17th century, various alterations being subsequently
'1.756) ; here are also two ancient tombs, despoiled of their made by the late Lord Nugent: it was thorougWy restored
brasses, to Sir John Wentworth and his lady, 15th cent.; by the late Samuel Courtauld esq. about 1856-7: the interior
Sir Roge~ Wentworth and his lady,1534-39 and to Lord is adorned by numerous paintings by ancient masters and
Grey, who died in 1567; among the memorial tablets to the other works of art: it is now the seat of Lt.-Col. Lowe J.P. who
Nugen~ family is one to Robert Nugent, created Baron is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Cut Hedge
Nugent and Viscount Clare, in 1767 and afterwards in 1776 is a handsome modern residence, the seat of George
Earl Nugent of the kingdom of Ireland, second husband of Courtauld esq. M.P., J.P. Gosfield Place is the residence of
Anne (Craggs), widow of John Knight esq.: in the chancel Mrs. Sparrow. The soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay and
is 8 tomb with a brass effigy, 3 feet 6 inches in height, to loam. The chi~f crops are wheat, beans and barley. The
Thomas Rolf, serjeant-at-law and some quaint rhyming area is 2,990 acres; rateable value, £4,693; and the popu-
Latin verses c. 1440: there are also brass inscriptions to lation in I881 was 613.
Leonard Bernard, 1563 and to Sir Richard Ryche and .Anne Parish Clerk John Byford
his wife and some shields: ~he east window, of four lights, ' '.
was erected in 1879 by George Courtauld esq. M.P. as a POST, ~ONEY ORDER, Savmgs Bank & Gove~eDt
memorial to Susannah, his wife. The register of baptisms .AnnUity & .Insurance Office.-Thomas Fookes, r~Iver.
and burials dates from 153 8, marriages, 1539. The living is Letters arrIve ~rom Halstead by foot post & debvered
a vicarage, yearly value £270 , with residence, in the gift about.8 a.m.; dIspatched at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph
of Col. Lowe l.P. and held by the Rev. Henry Lettsom office IS at Halstead
Elliot H.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. A school was School (mixed), built in 1858 for 150 children, with an
.erected by the late Basil Sparrow esq. which is used as a average attendance of 130 ; Miss Elizabeth .Aitken, mistress
Courtauld Georgell.p., l.P. Cut Hedge; COMMERCIAL. Jeggo Golden, birch broom ma. & frmr
& Reform club, London B.W .Ardley William, farmer & thrashing Joyce John, farmer, Liston hall
Elliot Rev. Henry LettsomM.A. Vicarage machine proprietor, .Aylward's farm Lee John, boot maker
.Lowe Col. Arthur S. H. .T.P. Gosfield Barrett Earn, farmer Metson Frederick, Green Man
hall; & 76 Lancaster gatet Hyde park, BlomfieldAlfdJrm.bailiff to Col.Lowe J.P Newcomb Luke, shoe maker
London 10 Broyd Henry, farmer & cattle dealer Rankin J sph. wheelwright k blacksmith
Scratton Miss, Gosfield cottage Cook Sophia (Mrs.), King's Head Smith James, shopkeeper
Sparrow Mrs. Gosfield place Fairbank Alfred, farmer & seed grower Stuck Charles, shopkeeper
Sparrow Rev. Basil James Harolo. M.A Fookes Thomas, grocer, & post office White 'William John, blacksmith
GRAYS 'I'HURROCK (or GRAYS) is a parish (formerly the pavement of the church vestry; a number of other anti-
a market tow.) and station on the London, Tilbury and quities found at Grays are in the Museum of Geology, Jerm)'ll
Southend railway and polling place for the Southem division street, London and were contributed in January, 1869, by
of the county, in Chafford hundred,Orsett union, Gravesend R. Meeson eBq. F.S.A., F.G.S. of Duvals, where, during the
county court district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex arch- process of excavation in 1871 the lid of a stone coffin was
deaconry and St. .Albans diocese, ooi miles from London, 3! found, supposed to be of the 14th century. Here is a Catholic
west from Tilbury,4- south-east from Orsett and 3 (by water) chapel; there are also places of worship for the Primitive
from -Gravesend. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a Methodists, the Congregationalists and the United Methodist
cruciform building, consisting of chancel, na"e and aisles, Free Church. The" Exmouth," an old man-of-war, now a
with a tower surmounted by a dwarf broach spire on the training vessel for boys, chiefly from the Forest Gate district,
north side and containing 2 bells: there is a memorial is moored off the coast here; about 600 boys are taught sea-
tablet to the schoolmaster and boys of the training ship manship and various trades; there is a hospital in connection
··Goliath." who perished by drowning during the destruction with it, near the banks of the river. Here is stationed No. ~
of that vessel by fire, December, 1876: the church plate battery of the 1st Essex Artillery Volunteers. The town has a
includes a handsome flagon presented September 6th, 1877, considerable trade in bricks, lime and cement. The market
by ·Jeremiah Long esq:- there is a. brass of a ch'ilian with granted by Henry Ill. and formerly held on Thursday, is
his two wiv~ and. some children (c. 15:10) and various now extinct. The principal landowners are James Theobald
modern memorials to the families of Bultont of Bncking Hall; esq. lord of the manor, G. H. Errington esq. of Colchester,
].IOO8on, ef Duvals; De Vitre and others. The register of the Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Limited and Robert lngrarn
marr.iage8 and of burials dates from 1.674 ~ baptisms from esq. The area is 1,382 acres of land and 319 water; rate-
x6TJ. The living is.' a vical'age, yearly value £250, with able value, £r~,241; and the population in 188r, 5,481.
residence, in the gift of Jeremiah Long esq. and held by Parish Clerk, James Taylor. .
the Rev. Robert Hardy Drenan K.A. of Trinity College,
Dublin and IlC .1Ulem of Oxford. George Henry Errington CoUNTY MAGISTRATES FOB 'l'lIB ()RSETT DIVlSIOIl~
'tlSq. ;f.P. of Ladmt Park, Colchester, is owner of the impro- Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard bart. Belhus, .Aveley
priate tithes. In digging the foundations for the station Col. Champion Russell Stubbers, North Ockenden
8 masts'. ~1ISB • Roman tesselated pavement was found, Rev. William Palin, Stiffonl rectory
uwith • jl>rti-. .. Roman mascmryl:< the iormet DOW forms Rev. John Windle, Horndoll'"On-the-Hilf
'ReT. Cornwall Smalley, Little Thurrock PuBuc OFFrCBBS .1-1-

Thomas 'Barrett Lennard eeq. Belhns, Aveley -Clerk to th, Burial Bom'd, Arthur Horneastle
William Philip Beech esq. Stifford lodge Clerk to Orsett Union 4" Rural Sanitary ..4. uthority, ~.A~
Rev. Bixby G. Luard, Aveley ment Committee, to &Jwol .Attenda1l.CfJ Committed 4" to
J. R. Hogarth esq. Hounslow, Middlesex Rai7l.ham Commissioners of Se'IDeF.s, Robert Lloyd Williams
S. W. ~quier esq. Homdou-oI1-the-Hilt Collector tff Highway Rates, Edward Rohert Meaeher
Rev. William S. ThOIIlSQU, Fobbing Inland ReveR:1U Office, Jo.bD. WalkeJ;
Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Henry Hunt, Romford Vestry Clerk, A. Carter, Graveseud
Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station &; Court house, SCHOOUl:-
Grays, on the :rst &; 3rd fridays in the month at 1"0.30 a.m. National, built in 1873 for 420 children, with an aTerage
The following places are included in the Petty Sessional attendance of 670, New road; John William Shepheard,
Division--Aveley, Bnlphan, Chadwell St. Mary,Corringham, master: Miss Eliza Knight, mistress; Mills Harriet Damon,
East Tilbury, Fobbing, Grays Thurrock, Horndon-on-the.. infants' mistress
Hill, Langdon Hills, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North .Palmer's Endowed, founded by William Palmer m the
Ockenden, Orsett, South Ockendan, Stanford-le-Hop6, year 1707, &; re-established under a new scheme a.pproved
Stifford, West Thurrock, West rrilbury by Her Majesty in Council, 29th June, 187 1 : under
POST & MONEY & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank & this scheme "very commodious buildings, with spacious
Government Annuity &; Assurance Office.-Charles &; airy dormitories &; suitable lavatories &c. were erected
Homersham, postmaster. Letters arrive from LOlldon in 1873-4, at a cost of [,6,000, in an elevated &; healthy
vid Romford, by mail cart at 6.50 &; from London direct situation," for 140 boys &; 75 girls, the head master
at 9 in summer &; IQ in winter a.m. & 5.40 p.m. ; dispatched receiving a limited number of boys as boarders, who pay
at 11.50 a.m. & 3.10,4.3° & 9 p.m. Money orders granted from £9 to £10 per terlll in alidition to the annual tuition
from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.; on saturday until 8 p.m. Tele- fee of £5 &; an entrance fee of £3; the school is under
graph business transacted from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.; the control of eight governors, including the vicar &;
on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m. only parishoners' churchwarden of Grays; the endowment con-
INSURANCE AGENTS:- sists of certain houses in Lombard street &; in Beech street,
County Fire, T. Jessop, New road Cripplegate &; now realizes £85 0 per annum; John Morton
NOT"Wick Union, A. Horncastle Rigge, master: Mis::. Harriet Beck, nristress
Phani:c Fire, Mrs. E. Ford The E:rmoutk Training Ship, Staff Commander William S.
Plate Glass, D. R. Green, High street Bourchier, R.N. captain superintendent; John Henry Hall,
Royal, D. R. Green, High street chief officer; Rev. Robert Hardy Brenan M.A. chaplain;
Sun Fire, Mrs. M. Gilbert Alfred Thomas Roworth, surgeon; Thomas Norris, infirm-
Westminster Fire if General Life, J. A. Cuming (life) ; D. ary attendant
Bartlett (life) ; F. G. Breeden, 13 Talbot terrace Railway Station, George Philcox, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrews Joseph Howard, plumber & Evered William, boot & shoe maker
Allen Golden, High house' oil &; colorman Fobbing Commissioners of Sewers (T. M.
Borradaile Herbert C Banks Richard Thomas, jun. baker Gepp, clerk), held a1r King'• .Arms
Bourchier Staff Commndr. Wm. S. B.N Bannister William, beer retailer hotel
Breeden Frederick Geo. Talbot terrace Barnard Charles, cowkeeper Ford Elizabeth (Mrs.), lod~ house
Brenan Rev. Robt. Hardy M.A. Vicarage Barnes Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker Fox George, waterman
Brooks Edmund, New road Bartholomew Charles, greengrocer &c Freeman William, shopkeeper
Brooks Edmund Wright, Duvals Beale Alfred, hair dresser, stationer &; Fuller Mrs. lodging house, New road
de Bitre Henry Denis, I Cliftou villas, news agent Garrad Horatio James, butcher
New road Bennett John, watch&clockma.&jwllr I Gentry Chas. Edwd.clothier &; outfitter
Ford Mrs Bloomfield Thomas, shopkeeper Gibbs George, shoe maker
French Mrs Borradaile Herbert C. sec.-of Grays Gas Gilbert Maria (Mrs.), saddlery &-agri-
Gilbert Mrs. Linden house Light &; Coke Ce. &; agent to Sun Life cultural implement depot, & agent to
Grimwood J ohu, I Ingram terrace Office the Sun Fire Office
Gunton William, New road Bowtou John William Sturdy, traveller Globe (The) Cement, Brick, Whiting,
Hall Capt. Thomas Richard, New roltd for Messrs. Seabrooke, brewers, & in- Lime if Chalk Co. (J. Grimwood,
Hall John Henry [chief officer of Ex- snrance agent manager), Whitehall
mouth training ship] Bradd Henry, groeer Golden Francis Richard, bricklayer &;
Hall Mrs Bradd James, refreshment house builder, William street
Hitchin James, New road Bray & Merchant, saddlers, High street Goldsmith Edward James, lighterman.
Hodge Alfred, 2 Clifton villas, New road Brett Benj. market gardener, New road & barge owner, 2 Bridge villas
Horncastle Arthur Brooks, Shoobridge &; Co. cement manu- Goldsmith Edward John, lighterman
Hughes William Winch, The Dell factnrers; office, 60 Fenchurch at f!.C Gftays Chalk- Qturrries Co. Limitetl
Jefferys Alexander, 2 Jasper villas Brown John, builder (Robert F. Macgregor, manager;
Kirby Samuel John James Broyd John, beer retailer Alfred W. Channer, -sec.); office, 90
Lake Miss, The Grove Butler J ames, marsh bailiff & surveyor, Lowel' Thames -street, London ~.e.:
Landfield Charles Palmer's terrace &; at High street, Stratford e.; manu-
Merchant Rev. Jas. [Congregational], Callender Douglas George, greengrocer facturers of lime, coke, whiting, paris
Talbot terrace Carter John, beer retailer white, bricks &C. & dealers in kiln
Noble Charles Atkius Carter Samuel James, baker & grocer dried chalk, chalk flints, ballast,
Norris Thomas, Sherfield house Cemetery (Arthur Horncastle, clerk to foundry loam &c-
Noms Thomas Willia.m, Cedar villas the burial board) Grays Gas Light 4" Coke Co. {Herbert C.
Parker Edward Richard, Belmontcastle Chapman Joseph George H.P.S. phar- Borradaile, see.)
Philcox Harrington, I Jasper- villas maceutical chemist I Green David Richd. clothier, -ontfittel\
Rice Rev. Thomas Prichard [curate], Christian Mutual Benefit Society (J. ~ upholsterer &; furniture dealer
Exmouth terrace Howell, sec.) Green William, shopkeeper
Rigge John Morton Coker William, basket maker I Grimwood., Thompson &; Son, brick
Roworth Alfred. Thomas Co-operati'VeSociety(WalterPrentis,man) i makers
Rudhall John, The Elms Coppin (Mrs.), lodging house, New road Grimwood. John, manager of Globe
Scriven Captain William R.N Cottis Lionel, furniture dealer Cement, Brick «c. Co. & brick maker
Seabrooke Charles, The Echoes Cottis Wm. 'Clothier, baker, grocer &e Grout George, shopkeeper, High street
Seabrooke James Curning John ArthUl', King's .Arms 1Hall George, shopkeeper
Seabrooke Jonathan. family if commercial hotel tt po!Jting , Hall James, tea dealer &C. High stree*
SelloR John Wm. Gore L.B.C.P. LOud. j housf!', & wine & spirit merchant Hall William, builder &; undertaker
Fairview Daldy &; C~. coal merchants; & at Harris William, cannan
Sparks Rev. George [Catholic] Romford Harvey Robert, tea dealer &e
Sturgeon Alfred, Grays- hall DOTe George, pawnbroker, High street Hawk~ William, lightennan
Temple Thos. Malcolm, 8hakespere viIs Elphick James, linen drape!." Heymer William, boot makeY
Wallis Wm. Emerson, 'J Lucerne villas Elvey William, greengrocer Hills Samuel, grocer &; tea deal81'
Williams Robert L l o y d ' Emeney John, Bhopkeeper, Argent st Hills Thomas, grocer, High sneet
COMMBRCIAL. t Esse:r (IStT .Artillery YolfUlttle1"l (No. 2' Homersbam Charles-, grocer at. clleese-
Adams Lewis, ship carpenter, New rd battery) {Roberi L. Williams,captain monger, &; post office, High "8treet
AndreWII Justus )fml fancy repository 'COmmandant} Hopper-Ann '(Mrs.), dres9 make,
Ho~tle Arthur, clothier, uphol- Osbom William, butcher Smith Charles, corn merc. Palmer's t~r
starer & furniture dealer Otley Charles, gardener, New road Smith George Chinnery, boot &; shoe
Howe John, White Hart Oxley Bros. marine store dealers, High st maker, Chnrch row
Howell Jhn. Railway hotel<tposting house Payne William, carpenter &c Smith J osiah Laurie,plumber& decorator
Hubbard James, greengrocer Pengilly-, boot maker, Bighstreet Smithson Joseph, grocer &;tobacconist
Jennings Charles Henry, grocer, Newrd Phillips John, relieving &; vaccination Sparks John William, greengrocer
Jessop T. photographer, New road officer &; registrar of births &; deaths Spencer William, furniture dealer
King Henry Thomas, butcher for Ockendon 8u1rdi.strict of Orsett Staines William, carman
King Jane (Mrs.), baker &; corn mercht union Sturgeon &; Sons, farmers, Grays hall &:
King J oseph, tailor Philbey J oseph, builder &C. Maidstone rd South Ockendon hall
Kirby Samuel John, chemist Potter James, butcher Tampkins James, Castle
Kirby Samuel John James LR.C.P. LOnd. Ponder Robt. marine store dlr. &; carman Taylor Alfred, who. &; retail ironmonger
physician & surgeon Pratt William, turner &; block maker Taylor James Thomas, grocer, & agent
Lack Sarah (Mrs.), draper, High street Rainham Commissioners of Sewers (R. for W. & A. Gilbey, wine&; spirit mers
Landfield W. Leonard (exors. of), com L. Williams, clerk), held at King's TheobaldWm. greengrocer & shopkeeper
&; coal merchant & wharfinger; &; Arms hotel Thomas Mary J ane (Miss), shopkeeper
Baltic whf. Commercial rd. Lambeth Ramm William EIgar, Bull Thompson Jesse &; Son, builders, barge
Letch Eliza (Mrs.), grocer &; cheese- Randells, Howell & Co. maltsters builders & saw mills
monger Redington Henry, fruiterer &; news Thompson Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), shop-
Lmdon tJ' Pr01Jincial Bank, Limited (sub- agent, High street keeper, Argent street
agency) (Thomas Reginald Heygate, Roberts &; Son, farmers Thorogood Wm. builder & undertaker
manager); draw on head office t Glyn, Robinson Thomas, fishmonger Thurgood James, grocer &C. New road
Mills & Co. London e. c Rod William, Theobald's .Arms Turner James, auctioneer, High street
McNeill John, SailO1"s Return Roworth Alfred Thomas, surgeon &; VlaiowWm. plumbr. deeratr. &c.~Ivy ter
Marsh Susan (Mrs.), shopkpr. Argent st medical officer to the training ship Vincent Philip, veterinary surgn. Newnl
Meacher Edward Robertt grocer & col- 'Exmouth ' Walker In. inlnd. revenue officer,New nl
lector of highway rates Saveall John, boot maker & shopkeeper, Warren Jeremiah, fishmonger
Mitchell F. solicitor, High st.; & 49 Argent street Waters Victoria (Miss),fancyrepository
Windmill st. Gravesend, Kent Seabrooke & Sons, brewers, maltsters, Watts Wm. (Mrs.), dlr. in marine stores
Mitchell Gilbert Luke,draper,milliner &c coal &; salt mers. & general wharfingrs Wickins Jas. WaIter, general draper &c
Miles Joseph, sergeant instructor 2nd Sellon John Wm. Gore L.R.C.P. Lond. Williams Robert Lloyd (firm, Hunt &
Essex rifle volWlteers, &; carpentert surgeon & medical officer to training Williams, of Romford), solicitor, corn-
New road ships 'Shaftesbury' &; 'Comwall,' missioner for oaths in supremecourt;
Miller Eliza (Mrs.), baker & grocer, Fairview clerk to Orsett union & rural sani-
Argent street Sharland & Hatten, solicitors, High st.; tary authority; clerk to assessment
Miller Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer & &; County court, Gravesend, Kent committee & school attendance
baker Simmons John, greengrocer committee & to Rainham commis-
Noble Charles Atkins, goods manager Simons Wilson, boot & shoe maker sioners of sewers
L. T. &; S. railway Sims John Henry, Rising Sun Willoughby & Son, auctioneers, High
Oddy George Frederick, carpenter Slater Henry, pianoforte tuner, New rd st.; & 17 King st. Gravesend, Kent
GREENSTED-juxta-ONGAR is an ancient parish, posed to represent St. Edmund and now fixed in the centre
in the Western division of the county, hundred and union of of a modern stained window at the end of the nave, a portion
Ongar, Brentwood county court district, Ongar rural of the oak tree against which the King was supposed to have
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 1 mile been tied is preserved in the rectory, where also is an oil
from Ongar west and 21 from London. The small church painting of him: here are monuments to the Smyth, Cleeve
of St. Andrew is one of the most singular and ancient in the and Ord families. The register of baptisms dates from
kingdom and consists of chancel and nave and a wooden 1562; burials, 1561; marriages, 1576. The living is a
belfry containing ~ bells, one of which is dated 1618: the rectory, yearly value £280, with residence, in the gift of the
nan is composed of the trunks of large oak trees, split or Bishop of London and held by the Rev. Frederic Rose B.A.
sawn asunder, roughly hewn on both sides and set upright of Queens' College, Cambridge. The land in the parish, with
close to each other, being let into a sill at the bottom and the exception of 40 acres, belongs to Captain Budworth, of
fastened with wooden pins to a plate at the top: the church The Hall, lord of the manor. The soil is various; subsoil,
is 29ft. 9in. long, 14ft. wide and sft.6in. high on the sides gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The
which support the roof and has been supposed by some to area is 664 acres; rateable value, £1,159 ; and the popula-
have been first erected as a temporary shrine in which the tion in 1881 was 8B.
body of St. Edmund, King of the East Angles, was deposited Parish Clerk, William Holt.
for the night on its translation from London ta Bury St. Letters arrive from Brentwood vid Ongar, which is the
Edmunds: there are some carvings of St. Edmund's head nearest money order &; telegraph office
and other relics, including a fragment of stained glass about The School has been discontinued, the children now attend
six inches in diameter, having on it a crowned head sup- that at Ongar
Bryant Oliver, Newhouse Rose Rev. Frederic B.A.. Rectory Jones John Angus, farmer, Greensted
Budworth Capt. Philip John J.P., D.L Smith Mrs. William, Greensted house Hall farm
Greensted Hall Foster Charles, farmer, Lodge farm Tween William, farmer, Hardens farID
HADLEIGH, described in early records as "Hadley ad century with masonry, in which are well-detailed cinqu&-
Castrum," is an ancient town, giving its name to Hadleigh foiled hagioscopes, not only pierced in a slanting direction,
Ray, the strait which separates Canvey Island from the but placed on one side of the recess: on the western face
Essex coast: it is in the Southern division of the county, of the slender piers are minute niches, with cusped ogee
Rochford hundred, union and county court district, Rochford arches and \delicate tracing: on the side of an Early
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, English window and in the nave are traces of mural
on the roads from Southend to Tilbury and Rochford, 2l paintings: there are two aumbries and several stained
miles north-east from South Benfleet railway station, 36 windows: one of which is a memorial to Ann and Jonathan
from London, about 6 south-west from Rochford and 5 west Wood: the church was thoroughly restored in 1856. The
from Southend. The church of St. James is a building of register of baptisms dates from 1660; marriages and
stone, dating from the time of Stephen and consisting of burials, 1679. The living is a rectory, tithes commuted at
Norman apsidal chance~ nave, south porch and a shingled £400, with 57 acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of
bell-turret with short spire, containiIur I bell:in the porch is the late Charles Metcalf esq. and held by the Rev. Arthnr
an ancient stoup: the style is generally Norman, though James Skrimshire M.D. Edinburgh. A market granted in
several Early English and Perpendicular windows have been 145!2 was formerly held on WednesdaYt but nQW fallen into
inserted, those on the south exhibiting features of rare disuse. Hadleigh House, the residence of Arthut' Gilliat esq.
occurrence and peculiar interest; the chancel arch, a fine is pleasantly situated, commanding extensive views over the
specimen of Norman design, furnishes an example of the surrounding country and the mouth of the Thames. The
screen-wall nsed at that early period to divide the chancel remains of a castle, built by Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Ken~
from the-nave: the central arch has a height of :I8 feet, its in the reign of Henry n. and reduced to • ruin in the ciril
width being 10 feet 9 inches, or not half the width of the wars, are situated on the brow of a steep hill, commanding
nave, the side openings being only 8 feet 6 inches high and a fine view over the estuary of the Thames into Kent; U1eBI
.. feet .. inches wide; these were closed np early in the 15th ruins, overrun whh shrubs and brushwood. are picturesqul


and still exhibit traces of their former grandeur; the most Parish. Clerk. Stephen Choppen.
prominent portions now left, being two circular towers of
the entrance gateway, at the north-west angle. Joseph POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Eliza Benton, postmistress. Letters
Harrison esq. DoL., .ToP. of Galligreaves Hall, Blackburn, from Rochford S.O. arrive at 8-40 a.m. &; 12, dispatched
Lancashire, is lord of the manor. 'rhe principal landowners at 5.30 & 3 p.m. The nearest money order & tele",o-raph
are Major Spit-tY,D.Lo, l.P. Edward Woodard esq. and the trus- offices are at Rayleigh & Leigh
tees of Henry Nash Wood. ',rhe soil is mixed; subsoil, mostly Natwrud School (mixed), built in I861, for 100 children, with
gr-,llVel. The chief crops are wheat~ barley and beans. The an average attendance of 80; Alfred Hawks
art'.3 is 2,679 acres; rateable value, £2,390; the population
in 188I was 466 and 9 in that part of Canvey Island belong- CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD John Havis, friday
ing to Hadleigh.
Gilliat Arthur, Hadleigh house Buckingham Henry Charles, butcher Potter Samuel, farmer
Hart Talbot, Hadleigh cottage Choppen Charles, wheelwright Ridgwell James, basket &Osie\"e maker
Knewstub Hollis Charles Choppen Stephen, Oastle inn Smith Elizabeth (MIss), shopkeeper
Skrimshire Rev. Arthur James MoD. Ellis Thomas, market gardener Smith Thomas, shoe maker
[rector] Francis J ames, Ormon inn Smith William, shoe maker
Smith John, Park farm Kettey Saml. fm. bl£. to A. Manning esq Stibbards John, carpenter
Wood Mrs. Solbys Law Henry, baker Tyrrel J asJarmer &; bailiff to the manor
McKay Peter, farmer, Bramble hall Upson Arthur, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Mansfield Thomas, blacksmith Wallis Stephen, tailor
Ball John, shopkeeper Potter James Swaine, grocer
HADSTOCK is a village and parish, on the borders of Clare College, Cambridge. The rectory is a Gothic building
Cambridgeshire, 5 miles north-east from Saffron Walden, of red brick, erected in x873 by the present rector, at a cost
a mile and a half from Linton station and a mile and a half of £2,000 and is surrounded by about 7 acres of glebe land.
from Bartlow station, in the Western division of the county, within which are situated the church and schools: there
Freshwell hundred, Linton union, Saffron Walden county are in a11298 acres of glebe, on which farm buildings, with
court district, Sampford rural deanery, Colchester arch- two cottages, have been erected between the village and
deaconry and St. Albans diocese: in 1337 it had the grant Bartlow station, at a cost of about £1,300. Here is a
of a market. The church of St. Botolph is an ancient Congregational chapel. Sidenham Malthus esq. was the
cruciform structure of flint, partly Norman, with a square last lord of the manor, at whose decease the manor and
embattled tower containing 5 bells, three of which are dumb: estates were sold and all copyholds were enfranchised. The
the north door was formerly covered with a human skin, land is owned by se\'eral persons. The soil is clayey; sub-
supposed to be that of a Dane who had committed sacrilege, soil, chalk and clay. The crops are principally wheat, barley
a portion of which is now in Saffron Walden museum; its and beans. The area is 1,663 acres; rateable value, £2,568;
stonework is an example of very early Norman or Saxon art; and the population in 1881 was 446.
in the churchyard is a well set round with stones, which snp- Parish Clerk, J osiah Bush.
plies water to another well outside the churchyard and is LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. week days, no collection on
called St. Botolph's well. The register dates from the year sundays. Letters through Cambridge, vid Linton, which
x5S9. The living is a rectory, yearly nett value £420, with is the nearest money order office
residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the School (mixed), built in 1871 at a cost of £600, for 100
parish having anciently belonged to a monastery in the Isle children, with an average attendance of 60 j Miss Sarah
of Ely: it is held by the Rev. Francis Edward Smith M.A. of E. Salman, certificated mistress
Smith Rev. Francis, Edwd .MoA. Rectory Free Henry, farmer & landowner Hymns Hy.King's Head,& wheelwright
Free Richard, cattle dealer Lindsell Edward, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Free Stephen, farmer Redhouse Joseph, blacksmith
Davey William, farmer &; landowner Hawes Joseph, beer retailer Turner Geo. beer retailer & blacksmith
Fordham John, shopkeeper Hawes Obadiah, pig jobber
GREAT HALLINGBURY (or HALLINGBURY ated in extensive grounds. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and
MORLEY) is in the Western division of the county, Harlow gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The
hundred, Bishop's Stortford union and connty court district, parish has an area of 2,661 acres; rateable value, £4,XSI ;
Harlow rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans and the population in 1881 was 628.
diocese and was known by its present name previous to the WALBURY, which stands on the river Soort and the Great
reign of King Edward the Confessor: it is three miles south- Eastern (Cambridge) railway, near the borders of Hertford-
east from Bishop's Stortford station and 7 miles west from shire, 2 miles west, takes its name from an ancient Roman
Dunmow. The church of St. Giles is an Early Norman vallum or camp, hexagonal in plan, which occupied a strong
building, partly constructed of Roman bricks and was re- position, terminating in a precipice and o,erlooking the
built with the exception of the tower in 1874: it consists of Stort; it covered 36 acres, was double ditched and nearly a
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch with a square tower mile in circumference.
and belfry containing 6 bells: the chancel arch was retained POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Sarah Hubbard, receiver. Letters
at the rebuilding of the church. The register dates from through Bishop Stortford arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatchc:l
the year 1537. The living is a rectory, yearly value £800, at 6.30p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
with residence, in the gift of John Archer Houblon esq. and is at Bishop Stortford
held by the Rev. Henry Murray Oswald M.A. of Christ Church, Church School, built with master's house in 1851~ at a cost
Oxford. The charities amount to £5 10S. yearly. Halling- nearly £2,000, by J. A. Houblon esq. for 200 children, with
bury place,the seat of John Archer Houblon esq.l.polord of the an average attendance of 80; Mrs. Charlotte Bryan.
manor and principallandowner,is a large brick building, situ- mistress
Houblon John Archer DoLo, loP. Halling- Eldred James, Ho-p Poles, & blacksmith I Monk William, basket maker
bury place Fitzgerald Patrick, saddler Perry Charles, blacksmith, Woodside
Oswald .Rev. Hy. Murray MoA. Rectory Hampton John, farmer, Beldams Porter Charles, farmer
CO:\IMERCIAL. Hampton William, farm bailiff to J. A. Robinson Stephen, frmr. Yew Tree frm
Browne Philip, land steward to J. A. Houblon esq Selby Matthew, farmer, How green
Houblon esq Judd Charles, shopkeeper Snow Jesse, farmer
Drage William, George inl& Kettley Thomas William~ farmer I Sworder H. farmer, Hallingbury hall

LITTLE HALLINGBURY, on the borders of Herts, given by the Perry family, of Gastons. The re."oister of
is a parish in the Western division of the county, Harlow baptisms and marriages dates from 1711; burialsfrom 1690.
hundred, Bishop Stortford union and county court dis- The living is a rectory~ yearly value £470, with reSidence,
trict, Harlow rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. in the gift of the Gm'ernors of the Charterhouse, London
Albans diocese, lying about 3 miles south from Bishop I and held by the Rev. John JuliU8 Baker B.A. of ExetA!r
Stortford a.nd is called in Domesday Book "Hallingbury College, Oxford. The Governors of the Charterhouse, who
Brunker, or Bourchier," the whole of the property in Great are lords of the manor and J. A. Houblon esq. are the prin.
and Little Hallingbury having formerly belonged to the cipal landowners. The soil is gravel and clay; subsoil,
Bourchiers, Earls of Essex. The church of St. Mary the white clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
Virgin is a building of the Early Decorated period, consisting oats. The area. is 1,6x2 acres; rateable valu~ £2,635; and
of chancel, nave of 5 bl.Ys, north aisle and a square wooden the population in 188x was 583.
turret containing 3 bells: _the Istained east window was I POST OFFICEo-Thomas Storey, receiver, Lejters arrive by
foot post from Bishop's Stortford at 9 a.m. f dispatched at National School (mixed), built in 1:869 at a eost of £934t
5-45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is for 100 children; with an average attendance of 80; Miss
at Bishop's Stortford M. Davis. mistress ~

Baker Rev. John Julius M.A. Rectory Brown Thomas, farmer &; landowner, Marsden George, oonfectioner
Holland Mrs. Gastons Little Hallingbury hall Marshall William, 8uttfm Arm'
Calvert Wm. D. agricultural engineer Perry Thomas (Mrs.). farmer
GitIen Daniel, beer retailer <- Smith John. blacksmith
Bird William, carpenter Hooke J oseph, farmer Storey Thomas, shopkeeper
Bonner Henry John. miller &; farmer J ocelyn George, shoe maker Tipler George, farmer, Monkbury
Brown John, farmer Love George. bricklayer


HALSTEAD (01' Halsted), pleasantly situated on a gentle accli- The Chase, Head street, the property of Miss Greenwood,
vity, is an ancient town, with several streets, and is the head is now an institute for training girls who have served their
of a union and oounty court district and a polling place for the time in the industrial school.
Eastern division of the county, in Hinckford hundred, Hal- The industrial school for girls under 14, certified under
stead rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans the Industrial Schools Act of 1866, is in Bois Field; it has
diocese and is 14 miles north-west from Colchester, 6 north- 60 inmates and is under the hon. superintendence of MiB3
east from Braintree, 8 south-west from Sudbury, 15 from Greenwood.
Haverhill and 46 from London; the river Colne as well as A body of the county police is stationed here under a
the roads from Colchester to Cambridge and from Chelms-
ford to Sudbury passes through it. In 1860 was opened the sergeant.
first portion of the Colne Valley and Halstead railway The Town Hall is a spacious building, situated at the top
starting from the Chappel station on the branch line from of High street and is used for public meetings and concerts.
Marks Tey to Sudbury and proceeding by way of Halstead The Literary and Mechanics' Institute is located in a large
to Haverill, where it forms a junction with the Great Eastern room under the Town Hall and contains a library of 1,200
extension line to Cambridge, thus affording a direct route volumes.
between Cambridge and Colchester. The Temperance Hall and British Workmen's Club is a
The town is managed by a. local board of health of nine building of red brick, with stone facings, erected in 1876 in
members, elected by the ratepayers and was thoroughly Trinity street.
drained and water works established in 1864-5, a good Here is a Floral and Horticultural Society.
supply of pure water being obtained from an artesian well Here is the extensive factory of Messrs. Samuel Courtauld
140 feet deep. The town is lighted with gas. & Co. for the manufacturing silk and crape, where up-
The church of St. George is a large building in the Per- wards of 1,300 people are employed; many of the inhabitants
pendicular style, with a chancel of the Decorated Period and are also engaged in the Tuscan and straw plait manufacture.
is situated on the top of the hill on and around which the There are two breweries, maltings, two banks and a. paper
town stands: it consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of 6 mill. Fairs are held here on May 6th and October 29 th.
bays, aisles, north and south porches and a western tower There are two weekly newspapers, 'The East Essex and
with crocketted pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells Halstead Times,' published on Saturday by Mr. Robert
dated 1573, 1589, 1633, 1700 and 1755: in the chancel are Lake Hughes and the 'Halstead Gazette,' published on
3 stained windows: the chief feature of interest in this church Thursday by Alfred Carter.
is the eastern portion of the south aisle, 'formerly the The poor have about £200 yearly, chiefly from a benefac-
Bourchier chapel, in which several members of that family tion of £4,000, left in 1783, by Elizabeth Holmes, spinster,
are buried, including Sir Robert de Bourchier, Lord Chan- for decayed honsekeepers not in receipt of parish assistance
cellor of England, in the reign of Edward Ill. ob. 1349 and and for the distribution of clothing and bread to the poor
Bartholomew, Lord Bourchier, ob. 14°9: there are two altar and a charity bequeathed by the Rev. John Banistre B.A.
to~b8 with recumbent effigies o~ arm~ knights and their formerly fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and l'eCror
W1Ves, supposed to belong to thlS famIly; both Rl'e of the of Stowp-r Provost, Dorset, who in 1826 left £80 for the
15th century and one has a canopy: there are brasses to I purchase of bread to be distributed weekly to attendants a~
Bartholomew, 3rd Baron Bourchier, 1409 and his tw:o wives church.
M.argaret (Button) and Ido~ea (Lovey) an~ to Ehzabeth, In the neighbourhood are several mansions: Greenstead
Wife of John Wats~n, 1604: ill the north aIsle are marble Hall, Star Stile, The Howe, Slo6' House, Attwoods, Ashford
monuments to SII' Samuel Tryon knt. and baronet, ob. L d d 0 kl d
March 8, 1626 and to George Brooke and his wife, ob. 1770 : 0 ge a.n a an s'. ..
the church has been restored and beautified at a cost of The area of the entlre pal'lsh lS 5,633 acres; rateable valuer
more than [5,000, raised by subscriptions and a new organ £2.1,17 1 .; ~nd the population in. 18~1 ~as 6,701. The popu·
has also been introduced: there are sittillgs for 1,000 per- latlOn wlthm the Local Board dIstrICt m 1881 was 5, 804,
8OIlS. The register dates from the year 1564. The living is Parish Clerk of St. Andrew, WaIter Cooper; Trinity
a vicarage, yearly value £400, in the gift of the Bishop of Church, John Scott.
St. Albans and ~eld by the Rev_ David Ingles M.A. of Trinity GREEN STEAD GREEN, a hamlet about ~ miles south of the
College, Cambl'ldge. town, was constituted an ecclesiastical parish on the 23rd
Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish at the west end of December, 1:845. St. James' church, an ediiice built
the town, formed in 1844; the church is a structure in the from designs by the late Sir Gilbert Scott B.A. was erected
Early English .style and consists of chancel, clerestoried and endowed in 1845, at the expense of the late Mrs. Goo,of
nave of 6 bays, aisles and a western tower with spire con- Earls Colne (who also gave the stained windows) ; and is in
taining I bell: there 3 stained windows, the east window the EarlyEnglish style,consisting of challcel,nave,north porch
being the gift- of the late Mrs. Gee, while -the large west and a tower with spire containing a clock and 6 bells, cast in
window was presented by the Rev. Duncan Fraser, a former 1846. The church plate is of massive silver, beautifully chased.
vicar of the parish. The register dat~ from the year 1844- The register dates from the year 1846. The liring is I
The living is a vicarage, yearly value 1..150, with residence, in vicarage, yearly value £380, with residence, in the gift rJ
the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. the bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. William
p'red.erick John Greenham B.A. of University College, Oxford.. Thomas Nicholls Billopp B.A•.of Emanuel College, Cambridge.
. • . . Greenstead Hall is the residence of Major Cardinal Brewster
The area 18 1,3 15 acres, the populatIOn ill 1881 was 776• I.P., DoL. The principallandownel'S are John Robert Vaizey
There are two Congregational and two Baptist chapels, D.L., l.P. Mrs. Honywood and Major Brewster D.L., JoP. TbB
6ne for Primitive Methodists and & meeting house for the population of the parish in 1881 was 406. The soil is clay
Society of Friends. The Congregational chapel, Pa.rsonage and gravel; subsoil, day. The chief crops &l'Q whea&,
street, ereetedin 1866, is in the Decorated style, with a spire barley and beans.
105 feet high and will seat 800; nnder the chapel is a spacious Parish Olerk, William Arnold.
school room. POST OFFICE.-William Arnold, teceh"er. Lettel'8 frodI
The Cemetery, Colchester road, consecrated in 1865, com- Halstead arrive at 1 a,m.; dispatched at 6 p,m.; 8UD"
prises S acres, with a mortuary and entrance lodge, in which days 9 a.m. The nearest money order &; telegraph office
'the superintendent resides. is at Halstead
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings stead; Nu. ! district, S. Thorpe, Bible Hedingham; No. 3
Bank, Government Annuity & Insurance Oflice.-Henry district, J. Taylor, Earls Colne; No. 4- district, R. Rey-
Lake Hughes, postmaster. Letters arrive by mail cart nolds, Steeple Bumpstead; No. 5 district, J. B. Bromley.
from Kelvedon at 3.40 a.m. every morning; delivered at Castle Hedingham
7 a.m. & 12.30 & 640 p.m.; dispatched at 945 a.m. & 3.15 Puhlic Vaccinators, 1st district, J. Hinds •.B. Halstead; fnJ
& 8.30 p.m. Box closes at 8 p.m. but letters may be district, B. Thorp, Sible Hedingham; Srd district, J.
posted until the dispatch of the mail, by affixing an addi- Taylor, Earls Colne; 4th district, R. Reynolds, Steeple
tional stamp. Letters from Haverhill by mail cart, Bumpstead; 5th district, J. B. Bromley, Castle Hedingham
bringing the bags from Castle & Bible Hedingham, Superintendent Registrar, George Pinckard Arden, Head
Great & Little Yeldham, Ridgwell, Baythorne End, Stur- street, Halstead
mere, Stambourne & Toppesfield, arrive at 7.25 p.m Registrars of Marriages, John Bunn, Head street, Halstead;
CoUNTY MAGISTRATES for South division of Hinckford & Joseph S. Spurgeon, Sible Hedingham
hundred:- Registmrs of Births 0/ IJeaths, Halstead sub-district, John
George Courtauld esq. M.P. I John Carwardine esq. The Bunn, Head street, Halstead; Hedingka1tl sub-district, J.
Major Cardinal Brewster Priory Mayn, Sible Hedingham
James Brewster esq John Robert Vaizey esq Workhou.~e, erected in :1:83 8, is capable of containing 500
Rev. A. Hanbury Lieut.-Col. Marsden C.B inmates & cost £7,500 ; William Knight, master; Rev.
Cle1'k, George William Harris R. W. Houghton B.A. chaplain; James Hinds, surgeon;
Petty Sessions held at the police station every alternate Mrs. Isabella Knight, matron
tuesday. The places in the division are Alphamstone, Bures RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
hamlet, Earls Colne, Colne Engaine, White Colne, Halstead, Clerk, Robert Lake Hughes, High street
Great & Little Henny, Lamarsh, Middleton, Pebmarsh, Medical Officers, James Hinds M.B. High street,. Halstead ;
Twinstead & Wickham St. Paul & J. B. Hromley, Castle Hedingham
LOCAL BOARD. Inspector, Charles Wash, Earls Colne
Offices, Town hall. PUBLIC OFFlCERS:-
Clerk, Robert Rutherford Morton, High street Clerk to the Burial Board, George Pinckard Arden, High st
Medical Officer, Robert Guy Kellett L.K.Q.C.P.I. Trinity st Clerk to the United Charities, George Wm. Harris, High st
SUTVeyor, Inspect01' of Nuisances 0/ Collector, George Hoad School Attendance Officer, Edgar J. Potter, Head street
Mathews, Head street PLACES OF WORSHIP, with hours of Service:-
INSURANCE AGENTS:- St Andrew's Church, High street, Rev. David Ingles M.A.
Accident, E. H. Bentall, High street vicar i Rev. Arthur Charles Page M.A.. curate; 8 & 10.30
Commercial Union, G. Malens, 20 High street a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. & d al'1 y 8 .40 a.m. & 5.15 p.m .
County Fire, H. Hales, High street Holy T1'inity Church, Trinity street, Rev. Frederick John
Hand-in-Hand, D. E. Cardinall, Pritchards Greenham M.A. vicar; Rev. Joseph Cornah B.A. c~rate;
T v' E. H. Inman, St. Andrew's street
Fi?'e ';:1AI. Lil'e, 8.30 & I I a.m. 3 & 6 .30 p.m.; wed • 7.3° p.m
London Assurance, J. Morris Bank, High street St. James' Church, Greenstead green, Rev. William Thomas
Manchester Fi1'e, G. W. Strachan, High street·, H. Rnnna- N'ICh 0 11S Billopp B.A. VIcar;
. R ev. W·ll'
I lam F erry T.A., A.K.C.
cles, Colchester road curate ; I I a.m. & 5 p.m. ; & d'l a1 y at I I p.m
Northern Assurance, W. W. Cooper, 2 Head street Friends' Meeting House, Colchester road, 10.30 a.m. &
Plu:eni:c Fi1'e, B. Hoddy, High street 6.30 p.m
Protector End(J1vment, J. H. Isbern, Head street Baptist Chapel, North street, Rev. Edmund Morley, minister,
Royal E:cchange, E. H. Bentall, High street 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 6.3 0 p.m
Sun Fire, C. Portway, High street Baptist (Particular) Chapel, High street, Rev"" E. WilliSt
West of England Life, E. H. Bentall, High street minister, 10.30 a.m. & 2 & 6.30 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS : - Congregational Chapel, Parson's lane, Rev. Samuel Parkin..
v. ~ Colchester road', George Pinckard .Arden, clerk son, In'lDI'ster, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30.. P m ; mo n. 6 .30 pm
to the burial board; Samuel Layzell, superintendent Congregational Chapel, High street, Rev. I!'rederick William
County COU?·t, Town hall, J. T. Abdy esq. LL.D. judge; George Turner, minister, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
William Harris, registrar; George P. Arden, high bailiff: Primitive Methodist Chapel, New street, Rev. Joseph
the County Court is held bi-monthly: the following is a Dinnick, 10.30 a.m. 2.3 0 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
list of parishes & places within the jurisdiction of the SCHOOLS :_
county court :-Earls Colne, Colne Engaine, White Colne, Free Grammar, High street, founded by Dame Mary Ramsay
Gosfield, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Castle Hedingham, in 1594, for 40 boys residing within 8 miles of the church,
Great Maplestead, Little Maplestead, Marks Hall, Peb- there are now about 70 boys, the head master receiving
marsh, Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Toppesfield, Great Yeldham 30 as boarders: the endowment amounts to £300 per
& Little Yeldham annum: the school is governed by a body of 13 trustees,
Inland Revenue o.ffice, at the George hotel, High street, appointed by the Lord Chancellor & the governors of
George Burford, officer Christ's Hospital; John J ames Cavill esq. B.A.LOnd. master;
Police Station, Trinity street, Charles Hicks, serjeant William Price & Anthony Runnacles, assistant masters
Stamp Office, High street, Robert L. Hughes, sub-distributor Industrial, The Chase, Miss Greenwood, hon. 8upt
Temperance Hall, Trinity street St. Andrew's National, Colchester road (mixed), built in
T01vn Hall, High street 1876 , for 350 children, w:th an average attendance of 250;
HALSTEAD UNION. Harry Mason, master; Miss Martha Flint, mistress j Miss
Board day, friday, fortnightly. J ane Iggulden, infants' mistress
The union comprises sixteen parishes :-viz. Castle Heding- National, Greenstead green (mixed), built in :1:846, with an
ham, Colne Engaine, Earls Colne, Gosfield, Great Maplestead, average attendance of 50; Miss Catherine Sturmer, mistress
Great Yeldham, Halstead, Little Maplestead, Little Yeld- Trinity National, Trinity street ; John J ago, master; Mrs.
11am, Pebmarsh, Ridgwell, Sible Hedingham, Stambourne, Elenor Jago, mistress; infants', Miss E. Dunn
Tilbury, Toppesfield & White Colne. The population of the B1-itish, Clipt hedges, Waiter Yerbury, master
union in 1881 was 17,004; rateable value, £82,657 Lower Trinity National, Tidings hill, Miss Dredge, mistress
Clerk, Robert Lake Hughes, High street CONVEYANCB : -
CDllectors to the GUaJ'dians, John Bunn, Head street, Hals- Railway Station, John Crabtree, general manager i Samuel
tead; & William Mantle, Great Yeldham Rayner, station master
Relievin.q o.fficers,lst district, John Bunn, Halstead; ~nd Omuibus from the George hotel to meet every train
dist"ict, William Mantle, Great Yeldham Omnibus to Braintree, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith & Son, from
raccination G..ff.cers, John Bunn, Head street, Halstead j & High street, every wednesday
J. Mayne, Slble Hedingham CARRIER TO:-
lI!"edical o.fficers, No. 1 di$tl-ict, 1st di11ision, .l. Hinds M.B. LoNDON-Mrs. Rebecca Cressall (waggon), from Bridge
Halsteaif; No. 1 dist?-ict, 2nd division, R. G. Kellett, Hal- foot to 'Saracen's Head,' Aldga~ when required
Ealstead. Adams Miss, High street Brewster James ~.P. Ashford lodge
• Adams Percy, Red. house Bromfield Bezaleel, Chapel hill
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Adams Mrs. Red. house, Colchester road Brown Miss, The Chase
Abbott Edwin, Trinity street Argent Edward, New street Brown Robert, New street
Adams Edgar Tarry, The Cottage Baines Miss, Halstead house, Trinity st Buck Charles, Trinity villa
Adams John Thomas, Stone grange Bentall Ezekiel Henry, Elm villa Canning Allen Taylor, The Cedars
cardinall Dummt Edward, Pitchards Argent Eliza (Mrs.), tailor & outfitter, Creamer Rachel (Miss), milliner, High st
& Manor house, Tendring Bridge street . Cressall George & William, coal mer-
Cavill John James B.A. [master of the Atterton John, blacksmith, High street chants, Brid..,ooe street
free grammar school], High street Balls William, bricklayer, North street Cressall Rebecca (Mrs.), Bull inn, &
Clark Mt'Il. High street Barker George, grocer, High street carrier, Bridge street
Clark Joseph, Trinity street Barnard Henry, dyer, Head street Crisp Chas.& Son, drprs. & grcrs.Head st
Clements O3rey, Head street Beckwith Caleb, cabinet maker, Par- Culyer George, watch maker, High st
Clover Owen, Linden house sonage street Davey John, shopkeeper, Parsonage st
Cornah Rev. Joseph B.A. [euratei)f Holy Bennett Henry, Essex A.rms, Trinity st Davey Susannah(Mrs.),boot ma.North at
Trinity), New street BentaU Ezekiel Henry, auctioneer; Dawson Adam, Railwa./f Bell, Trinityst
Cornall Mrs. North street land & estate agent & secretary to Deal William, beer retailer, Tidings hill
Crabtree John, Shrublands the Essex Chamber of Agriculture, Doubleday Joseph & Robert, grocers &
Culf William, New street High street drapers, High street
Davis Misses, High street Binks Benjamin, baker Drewry Absolom, beer retailer, North st
Dinnick Rev. Joseph [Primitive Metho- Birkin John, boot & shoe maker, Head st Drury Geo. grocer & draper, Trinity st
dist], New street Blomfield John, farmer, Blamsters Dunt Wm. Geo.linen draper, Bridge st
Dunt William Charles, Trinity street Blomfield Joseph, farmer & brick & tile East Edwd.leather cutter, Parsonage at
Elsdon Mrs. Head street maker, Brook farm East Essex et Halstead Times (R. L.
Evans Mrs. Head street Bragg Henry, fishmonger, Bridge street Hughes, publisher; published sat.),
Fry Alfred Thomas, High street Brazier Isaac, wire worker, Bridge st High street
Green Miss, White ho. Factory la. east Brazier John, wire worker, High street Edwards Robert J oseph, painter,Head st
Greenham Rev. Frederick John M.A.. Bright William, farmer, Gladfen hall Ellingford Philip, King's Arms, North st
Holy Trinity vicara",oe British Workman (Mrs. Elizabeth Er- Else Thomas (Mrs.), Swan, High street
Greenwood Miss, Boisfield win, manageress), Trinity street Evans Chas. beer retailer, Parsonage st
Griggs Arthur, Bridge street . Brown Alfred James & Son, chemists & Evans Charlotte (Mrs.), Red Lion,
Harris Fraucis RA. Nether priors photographers, High street Mount pleasant
Harris George William, Nether priors Brown Hugh & Sons (Wm. Everton, Evans Jacob, farmer, Bois hall
Hinds James M.B. High street man.), tanners, High street Eyans J acob, pork butcher, Parsona,.,o-e at
Homor Mrs. The Howe Brown Wm. E. tailor & clothier, High st Evans John, pork butcher, North street
Houghton Rev. Robert Walpole B.A. Broyd William, farmer & cattle dealer, Eyans Thomas William, White Horse,
[chaplain of the Union], New street Brook street Parsonage street
lngles Rev. David M.A. [vicar & surro- Bugg, Newton & Co. clothiers, High st Evans William, beer retailer, Trinity sq
gate], Vicarage Bugg Frederick John, boot & shoe Evans William James, grocer & draper,
Inroan Edwin Henry, Colchester road maker, High street North street
Inman Mrs. Colchester road Bunn John, relieving & vaccination Everitt Jsph. Chopping, baker, High at
Jago John, New street officer & registrar of births, deaths & Eyeritt Samuel, boot & shoe ma. New at
Johnson Mrs. High street marriages & collector to the guar- Firmin William, farmer, Head atreet
J OhnSOD William, Sudbury road dians, Head street Fitch Geo. Joseph, cabinet ma. North st
Kellett Robert Guy, 'l'rinity street Burlord George, inland revenue officer, Fitch ZachariahAllen, butcher,Trinity at
Kempson Matthew, Oaklands Trinity street Foakes William, boot maker, Head street
King John Butcher Sampson, tailor, Head street Franklin Rachel (Mrs.), boot ma. High at
Knight Mrs. High street Butcher Samuel, beer retlr. Mt. pleasant Free Granlma1' School (John Jamea
Lawrie Mrs. Sloe house Butcher Thos. Rose et C1'own, Head st Cavill RA. master; William Price &
Manning William, BaJ': cottage Cadby Thomas, basket maker, North st Anthony Runnacles, assistant mstra.),
Morley Rev. EdmWld LBaptist], North st I Cadby Thomas, shopkeeper, Head st High street
Morris John, High street !CandleI' Henry Hammond, baker & French Robt. Bh'd-in-ltand, Chapel hI
Mortan Robert Rutherford, Star stile grocer, Head street French Robert, farmer, Stanstead hall
Norton Goorge Seymour, High street Canning Allen Taylor, wine merchant, Frost John, miller, Boisfield
Nott Miss, Head street High street Frost Rhoda (Mrs.), shpkpr.Parsonagest
Oakley William, Head street Carter Alfred, printer, stationer & pub- Fuller James, boot maker, High street
Page Rev. Arthur Charles M.A. [curate lisher of the 'Halstead Gazette,' Gale Alfred, outfitter, High street
of St. Andrew's], Head street High street Gammage Louisa & Meloria (Misses),
Parkinson Rev. Samuel [Congrega- Carter Chas. Alfrd.photographer,High st milliners, High street
tional], Parsonage street Cemetery (George Pinckard Arden, clerk Gibbs Edward, beer retailer, Chapel hI
Porter Henry, New street to the burial board; Samuel Layzell, Glass Jessie (Miss), George family .f"
Price William, High street supt.), Colchester road commel'cial hotel 4" posting house,
Prior William, Head street Clark John, jun. Oak, & coal merchant, High street
Rayner Mrs. High street High street Goodey Wm. Dring, baker, Parsonage at
RWlnacles Edward, Parsonage street Clark Robert, confectioner, High street Goodman Nathl.livery stables, Trinity at
Runnacles Harcourt, Colchester road. ! Clark The Misses, fancy bazaar, High st Goodram Thomas. plumber, Head street
Sewell Benjamin, Sudbury road Clift George, farmer, Tidings hill Goodram Thomas, jun. plumber &
Smith Miss, Sudbury road Clifton Edward, Three Crowns, High st glazier, High street
Strachan George Walker, High street Clover Owen, corn merchant, miller & Green Gabriel Dakin, butcher, High at
Sutton Miss, High street maltster, steam flour mills, Bridge st Green John Coney, grocer, High street
Swindells Mrs. New street Coates Saml. plumber & glazier, Head st Griggs & Buck, carriage, van & cart
Turner Rev. Frederick William [Con- Cocksedge Henry, wood turner, Head st builders, Bridge street
gre..,oational], High street Coe John, shopkeeper, Parsonage street Hales Henry, painter, High street
Vaizey John Robert D.L., I.P. Attwoods Constable Wm. earthenwr. dlr.Trinity st Hall Sarah (Mrs.), tailoress
Cook George, greengrocer, Trinity st Halstead Co-operative Stores (Wm. H.
Cook Hy. marine store dealer, Trinity sq W. Stott, manager), Trinity street
Abbott Caroline (Miss), ladies' school, Cook James, fruiterer, Gate Houseyard Halstead Gas Co. Limited (Charles
St. Andrew's street Cook James, shopkeeper, High street Brown, manager), Bridge street
Abbott Edwin, supervisor of inland Cook Samuel, shopkeeper, Chapel hill Halstead Gazette (A. Carter, printer &
revenue, Trinity street Cook William, carpenter, North street publisher; published thurs.), High ~
Adams Thos. Francis &; Sons, brewers, Cooper Robert, farmer, Magpie hall Halstead Paper Mills Co. (Alfred Potttt,
maltsters&. corn merchants, Trinity st Cooper Waiter William, basket maker, manager)
Alston George, shoe maker, Bridge st High street Hardy Edward, farmer, Tidings hill
Alston John, farmer, Penny Pot hall Cottis Geo. baker & shopkpr. Chapel hill Harrington Arthur, shopkeeper, High at.
Amey Henry, boot & shoe maker, Par- County Court (J. T. Abdy esq. LL.D. Harrington George Goldsmith, farmer,
sonage street judge; George William Hams, regis- FitzJohn's farm
Amey William, baker, Tidings hill trar; George P. Arden, high bailiff) Harrington Wm. currier, Head street
Angier Thos. shopkeeper, Parsonage st Courtauld Samuel & Co. (Carey Clem- Hams Francis B.A. solicitor, High at
Arden George Pinckard, solicitor, supt. ents, manager), silk crape manufrs. Harris Georg~ WiIliam (firm, Hams k
registrar, clerk to the burial board &; Halstead mills; &. at Bocking; Chelms- Moroon), solicitor & registrar ci
high bailiff to the county court, ford &; Braintree ; & 19 Aldermanbury, county court, clerk to magistrates for
Head street London e.t: Halstead &; Hedingham divisions "
Ardley Eliza (Mrs.), coal merchant & Crabtree John, general manager to clerk to Halstead united charities,
maltster, Railway station. Colne Valley railway, Bridge street High street
Hams &; Morton, solicitors, High street Newton Abrhm. shopkeeper, Trinity rd Smith Alfred, Griffin, Parsonage stree,
Harrod Elizh. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Newton Wm.chimney swpr. Chipping hI Sparrow, Tufnell .\:; Co. bankers (John
High street Newton Wm. Napier Arms, Head street Morris, manager), High street; draw
Hatfield Arthur,-boot maker, Head street Nunn Robt.commercial travllr. High st on Barclay &; Co. London
Hawkes Thomas, boot maker, Trinity l'lt Oak William, grocer, High street Spurgeon Alfred, chimney sweeper, 24-
Hearne George, farmer &; cattle dealer, Oakley &; Clark, cabinet makers, High st Trinity street
Hepworth hall Osborne Arthur, beer retailer &; wheel- Spurgeon James Noakes, cabinet maker,
Hinds James M.B. surgeon, High street wright, Parsonage- street High street
Hoddy Benjamin, pharmaceutical chem- Pannell William, Nag's Head,New street Spurgeon Mary (Mrs.), pork butcher,
ist, &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey, wine Parsonson Chas. basket maker, High st High street
&; spirit merchants, High street Payne Eliza (Mrs.), news agent, Highst Spurgeon WaIter, fruiterer &; fish-
Holland James, farmer, Slough farm Pendle John, agent for Sutton & Co. monger, High stree"
Hollingsworth Charles, baker, High st carriers, High street Spurgeon William, manufacturer of
Howard Alfred, shopkeeper, North street Porter George, farmer, Conies stack &; wagon cloths &; oil &; india
Hughes Henry Lake, cabinet maker, Porter Henry, brewer & maltster, 'White rubber aprons, Trinity street
&; postmaster re sub-distributor of Horse brewery Steed Alfrd. picture frame mkr. North st
stamps, High street Porter James, tailor, High street Steed John, marine store dlr. North st
Hughes Robert Lake, bookseller, sta- Porter Robert, coffee rooms, Bridge st Stops Aylmer, grocer, Head street
tioner &; publisher of the' East Essex Portway Charles, ironmonger, High st Strutt Wm.bakr.&;shopkpr.Parsonagest
&; Halstead Times,' &; clerk to the Potter Edgar Joseph, school attendance Sudbury Wm. &Geo. builders,Bridgest
board of guardians, High street officer, Head street Sudbury Robert, beer retailer &; baker,
Hume Wm. King's Head, C'iOlchester rd Potter Hy. Cockton, herbalist, Trinity st Bridge street
Hunt John, Woodlnan, Colchester road Fonntney Henry,ironmonger,Highstreet Sudbury William, jun. builder, Head st
Industrial School (Miss Greenwood, hon. Prentice James, artist, Parsonage street Swindells Harnet (Miss), rlsy school,
superintendent), The Chase Price William, assistant master of gram- New street
Inman Edwin Henry (firm, Sewell &; mar school, High street Sycamore Elisha, saddler &; hrdwre. dlr
Inman), solicitor &; commissioner in Pudney Wm. commercial trvllr. Head st Taylor Thomas, farmer, Moonses
the supreme court of judicature, Col- Purkis Isaac, cooper, Head street Tiffen Joseph White, boot & shoe maker,
chester road Rapley Eleanor (Mrs.), shpkpr. High st Head street
Keddie &; Fletcher, linen drapers,High st Raven Edward, engineer, iron founder, Tyler Charles, tailor &; draper, High st
Kellett Robert Guy, surgeon, Trinity st machinist & thrashing machine Tyler ~am, auctioneer, Head street
King John, builder, North street owner, New road Wallis William Sheppard, veterinary
King Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, North st Rawlings James, shoe maker, Trinity st surgeon F.R.C.V.S. Head street
King Thomas, farmer, North street Ray Thos. Hy. farmer &; miller, Langley Ward Jsph. Alma, boot maker, New st
Knight Henry Cooper (Mrs.), hardware mill; &; Westwood, Colne Engain Ward Wm. boot & shoe maker, High st
dealer, High street Rayner Decimus, The Dog, & butcher, Warren Jas. beer retailer, North street
Knight Samuel, corn &; coal merchant, North street Wenden Mark Guyon, bntcher, High st
Head street & Wharf Rayner Emma (Mrs.), greengrocer, Weston Henry, engineer & millwright,
Layzell Charles Joshua, straw plait Bridge street North street
merchant, Chappel hill Rayner John, shopkeeper, New street WeybrowSamuel,farmer, Simnel's farm
Layzell Henry, brazier, North street Rayner Samuel, baker, Trinity-street Whiting James &; William, grocers &
Layzell John, shopkeeper, North street Reilly John, Railway hotel, Bridge street drapers, High street
Leake George, organist of Holy Triijity, Root George, greengrocer, Head street Wicker Henrietta (Miss), beer retailer,
Bridge street Rowland James, hair dresser, North st North stre~t
Lee William, grocer &; baker, High street Ruftle John, miller, Boxmill Wiffin John, farmer &; beer retailer,
Ling Abraham, grocer, Trinity square Runnacles Anthony, assistant master of Burton's green .
Linsell Johu Thomas, straw plait mer- grammar school, High street Wiffin John, shopkeepr. Mount pleasant.
chant, Blue bridge Runnacles Harcourt, builder &; con- Woodrow ehas. boot makr. Parsonage st
Literary et Mechanics' Institute (R. L. tractor, Colchester road; & brick Willings Fred. Hen. baker, Parsonage st
Hughes, sec.), Town hall, High street maker at Roydon Woolard John & Son, bakers, Head st
Lockwood Wm. Three Pi,qeon.'J, Mount hI Sargent George, mineral water manu- Woolard WaIter, carpenter, Head street
London et County Banking Co. Lim. facturer, Head street WooIlard John,farmer, Colne road
(George Walker Strachan, manager), SargentRobt. baker &;confectnr.Northst Worden Lucy (Miss), ladies' school,
High st.; draw on head office, London Sargent Sarah (Mrs.), dress ma. Head st Trinity street
Marlar John, chemist, High street Scott Alfred, shopkeeper, Head street Working Men's Club (S. Melhuish, sec.),
Martin Chas. Hackford, grocer, High st Scott Jas. baker & beer retailer, North st Trinity street
Mason Harry, organist of St Andrew's, Scott John, grocer, Chapel hill Greenstead Green.
Head street SeweIl &; Inman, solicitors, ColchesterI'd Billopp Rev. William Thomas Nicholls
Masquillier Louis, assistant master of Shadbolt John, jobmaster, High street B.A. St. James' vicarage
grammar school, High street Sharp George, bricklayer, Head street Brewster Major Cardinal .T.P., D.L.
Mathews George Hoad, surveyor, in- SharpeWm. Josiah,boot ma.Parsonage st Greenstead hall
spector of nuisances &; collector to the Simmons Bros. linen drapers, High st Ferry Rev. William T.A.K.C.L. [curate],
board of health. Head street SimmonsJabez & Son, bakers & grocers, The Grange
Monk William, baker, New street High street Gray Charles Wing, Perces
Morton Robert Rutherford, solicitor &; Singer Manufacturing Co. (John Smith, Arnold Thomas, shopkeeper
clerk to the local board (firm, Hams manager), High street Firmin Thomas, Hare tf Hounds, &;
& Morton), High street Smee Simon, nurseryman, Factory la. ea blacksmith .
Moy Thomas, coal mer. Railway station Smith Arthur, butcher, Head street Holmes Edward Henry, miller
Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Son, saddlers,
Moye William, White Hart hotel, wine
merchant &; brewer, High street
Neave Henry, butcher, High street
High street; & at Pebmarsh & Castle
I Nunn Francis, farmer, Clavering farm
Starling Robt. farmer, Dunjohn'& farm
Whybrew James, beer retailer
Newby Edward, shopkeeper, New street Smith George, beer retailer, Fenns t Wilkin Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
EAST HAM is a parish in the Southern division of the Woolwich steamboat pier and ferry and 2 south from llford.
county, Becontree hu:ndred, West Ham union, county court The Tilbury and Southend railway has a station here and
district of How, rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry by Stratford station communication is maintained with the
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, in the jurisdiction of the Cambridge and Colchester railway: a road mus down to
Central Criminal Court and the Metropolitan police, and is the Thames, whence there is a steam ferry to Woolwich.
governed by a Local Board of 9 members. This parish is in East Ham anciently belonged to Waltham Abbey, to which
the Eastern Metropolitan postal district and lies north and it was confirmed by King Edward the Confessor.
south of the road to Barking, the parochial boundaries ex- The church of St. Mary Magdalen, an ancient structure, in
tending from Wanstead Flats to the Thames at North part Norman, consists of apsidal chancel, with north aisle,
Woolwich and the southern part of the district being rather pave and a westeru, battl~mentedtower containing 2 bells ;
low. East Ham is si miles from Whitechapel church, the chancel has narrow lancet windows, but some part of it,
London, with which it has a direct communication by the as well as portions of the nave and the basement of
l()wer road through Poplar, leading to Barking and Grays, the tower, is Norman;- in the chancel is a monument to Ed-
I mile west from the town and quay of Barking, ~iles mund Neville, who in the reign of James I. claimed, though
south-east from that of West Ham, 2 north from North UIUluccessfully, the earldom of Westmorland, the attainder

146 EA!'J! nAMt ESSEX. fKtLLY'S

of Charle9, the 1l!.stt earI~hose heit" male be was, not having LOCAt BOARD.
Ji'OOn reversed~ .here.~I60 ~ Jthe iChurchyard was. 0uried the Offices r Wakefield street I
-eminenll antiquary" Dp~ Stukeley, without any inscription, aerk, Charles E. Wilson ,
agreeably t • .his request ~ there are other ancient monu~ Medical o.ffi(1eTS, Alfred Mason, H. H. Mas()n
meut6 and two brasses. the church plate is about 3' oentu-. Sur:veyor, William Henry Savage
ries old. The register of marriages dates from 1696; Inspector qf Nuisances, James Cozens
baptisms and burials from 1700~ The living is a vicarage, Collector, Thomas Dennison
gross yearly value £1,001, with residence and 2 acres of INSURANCE AGENTS:-
.glebe, in the gi1tof Brasenose College, Oxford and held by Manchester Fire, J. Stokes
the Rev. Samuel Harvey Reynolds K.A. late fellow of that QfUCII, F. Stone, Forest villas, Manor park
-college.. The chapel.of ease of St. John the Baptist, built in Royal E:xchange, J. W. Dennison
1866, is a cruciform structure, consisting of chancel, nave Ma'IWT Park Cemetery, A Collier, aec.; Rev. George B.
"and 11 large transepts, with a tower containing I bell and Golding M.A. chaplaiJ:: "
will 5eat a.bout 400 persons, Thero is also an iron church in SCHooLS:~
the Romford road.; a.nd a. Wesleyau. chapel in the Barking Board, erected, with residences for the master & mis.
'TOO.d... A school board of 5 membenr was formed here in tresses, in 1875, at a cost of £5.000, for 750 children, with
1:87+ There are almshouses, founded in 162'1 by Giles an average attendance of 330; Wm. Jl)hn Brett, clerk to
Bream esq. 'WM died in 1621 and was buried in the church, the board; John Skipsey, mastep j Miss Hewett, mistress ;
at present occupied by 3 married couples and 6'-widows, and Mrs. Overal, infants' mistress
endowed with 102 acres of land at Braintree, producing £120 St. EdUJard's Catholic Reformatory, Green street, Plashet"
pet annum, half of which is sent to Botisham, in Cambridge- built in 1869 for 200 boys, on 14 of land purchased
shire, the original endowment providing for 3 pOOl' men for this purpose, together with an ancient house reputed
of that parish and 3 of this ~ other charities 'Smounting to to have once been the residence of Queen Anne Boleyn;
,£19 are 'Yearly distributed at Christmas. The parish has ,to this other buildings were added, the total cost being
an area of 2,455 acres of land and 40 of water; rateable £1,2,000; the establishment is managed by the Brothers
value, £45,928; the population in 1871 was 4,334 and in of .Mercy, who teach the boys agriculture and various
1881,9,344' - useful trades & occupations; the grounds are well laid
• MANOR. PARK is 8i Tising locality in this parish, with a out & contain. some fine cedar trees of considlilrable age;
station on the Great Eastern Railway. The cemetery here' Dominique Kemp, director; Rev. Joseph Zsilkay, chaplain
covers II.D area of 45 acres and has two chapels. . Sf;. George'&-in~the-East Industrial, Green street, Plashet,
GREEN STREET is a hamlet of East Ham, half a mile west, erected in 1851 for 300 bOys &. girls; Rev•. Robert Dick
-where therE: is an old house in which Queen Anne Boleyn is Duncan M.A. chaplain; Franois Price, superintendent;
said to have resided. ,Miss Sarah Price, matron .
WALL END on the east and 'PtASHET on the west, are St. Nic1wlas Industrial (Catholic), Manor Park, was erected
other places in East Ham. Plashet is in the postal district in 1868 fcxr 250 boys; who .are. taught various useful handi-
of Upton park. . crafts; in the grounds is a chapel, the services ot which
PorMh Clerk, James Cozens. are open to the public; Rev. Clement Dunn., chaplain;
POST &r MONBY ORDJ!i~ OFFICE &:; Savings Bank.-James. P. V. Moore, managm
Stokes, postmaster. Letters arrive at 9 a.m. 3.30 &. 7.30 RAILWAY STATIONS:-
p.m.; dispatched at 9.15 & 12 noon; 4.30 &. 8 &; 1>1.30 p.m. East. Ham, John Barnes, station master
There is a PILLAR Box at Plashet, cleared a.t J:O·30 a.m. & Manor. Park, Frederick Wood. Ford-ham, station master
5 p.m CARRIER '1'0 LONDON, Charles Leftley, daily
East Ham. I Dean John, farm bailiff to the erors. :Moss Henry, veterinary surgeon &. far-
of J. C. Circuit esq~ Wilson's farm, rier, High street
North end ,I Moss James, wwkeeper, Wake1ield st
Atkins Samuel Elliott, East Ham house Dennison John William, architect &.sur- Noad James, engineer, Hawthorn cot
Braund J obn, I Grove villas veyor, Wakefield lodge North James, shopkeeper, Vespasian ter
Brett William John. ~ Grove villas Dennison Thos. assistant overseer & col- Nuttall Albert, beer retailer, Romford rd
Campbell Hugh, Wall end lector of poor rates for East Ham &. Pankhurst Edwd.butcher,4 Denmark ter
Dennison John William, Wakefield ldg Little Ilford parishes & to the local Poorson Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Eas1i Joseph Thomas, North end board, High street Perry Mary Ann (Mrs.), butcher, Vespa·
Gingell James, Wood house, North end Dyne Chas. boot & shoe ma. 29 Cato pI sian terrace
Glynn William, Hawthome house Field William, undertaker, Romford I'd Piercey Edward, wheelwright, Wall end
Lee John, White house, North end Fi.l).ans Maitland Hall, market gardener, Pilgrim Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Lloyd Alfred, Wakefield· house Clock House farm 3 Telham road
Newland Benjamin Edw«L Temple honse Foley John, linen draper, High street Pizzy Eliel, harness maker
Preston, Mortimel', '3 Gro\'e villas Fox William, grocer, High street Pollock Comelius, shopkeeper, Kelly rd
Priestley Thos. Potter, North End house Gaze George Robert, :Denmark Arms. Potter Richard, boot maker, I Kellyroad
Reynolds Rev. Sml.Harvey ll.A.Vicarage Barking road Quy George, shopkeeper, 2 Kelly road
Scott Rev. ,James [WesleyanJ, 9 Wel~ Giles Breame's Almshouse~ High street Ress Nicholas, tobacconist, High street
lington terrace Glynn Wm. provision dealer, High at Reynolds John, beer retailer, Red Post Ill.
Smith Samuel Dowell, Raucliffe house Harley William, haberdasher, Fabian st Rnlton Stephen, Duke's Head, Wall end
Smith William, Hawthorn villa Harman Lewis; baker, High street St.Edward's Catholic Reformatory School
Squire Mrs. ,North end . Hart Charles, licensed horse slaughterer, (Dominique Kemp, director;' Rev.
Taylor Georgo John, Manor hall • Red Post lan& .Joseph Zsilkay, chaplain), Green st
Wil,sQn Mr•. 9ak hall Harvey & Gamman, bakers (Leonard St. George's-in.the-East Industrial School

Savill. manager), High street I (Rev. Herbert John Edward Barter,
Helps Henry, shopkeeper, I: Cato place chaplain; Francis Price, supt.; Miss
Abbott Jabez, farmer, Wa,ll end HollingtQn William, market gardener & Sarah Price, matron), Green street
Albon Thomas, shopkeeper;:n Cato pI ~ fannet', Manor farm " Saunders GeOl·~e. shopkeeper, 1 St.
Bailey Robert, shopk.eeper, Wall end Holloway Henry, cowkeeper John's terrace, Mountfield rood
Baker Isaac,shopk.eeper, 5 Monntfield rd Hughes Samuel, beer retailer, 7 Savage William Henry', surveyor to East
Barber Sarah Ann (Mrs.), linen draper &- Vicarage lane Ham local board; office, Wakefieldst
tobacconist, lZ Denmark terrace Hutching Willill.ffi, pazier, 6 Plevna st Smith Bros. dairy frmrs. Rancliffe dairy
Ba-rnes In•.Btation mstr. Hawthorn vils Jsckllon Thomas, CQmmel'cial traveller, Smith Hy. Dunn, bricklayer & plasterer
Beeton John, coal dealer, Wakefield st . The Poplars, High stTeet Stokes Jas. stationr.& post office, High st
:Beney James; shopkeeper, Wakefield st Iones Charles William Franeis, shop- Stokes Wm.buldr.&.nndrtkr.5Grov:evils
Bradford Matt", greengrcr. Monntfield rd k~per" Red Post lane Thompson James Fredk. builder, ta8 Ai
Chambers John,. foreman to Thomas & Keep Fredk.Wm.grn~cr.l<Denmark ter g() Kelly'road • -'
John Mathews ' Keep Charlatte(Mrs.), beer retlr. High st Tolley Edward, shopkeeper .
Copsey Charles Bruce, provisiop aealer, Kemp Elijah, farm. ~ailiff to Thomas &. Tucker Frederick', plumber, High street
• 30 Num&. tenaca l John Mathews esqni '- Vale John William, Cock inn, & market
Comwel~ Mark Ja.mes, dairyman , Killby Geo. shopkeeper,.41 Denmarkter gardener. High IIltteet
(}oZlen8" Ja.mes, inspector to East Ham Lascelles Ralpb,bair dresser,2 Telham rd Walker Georg~ greengrocer, Fabian It
local board, Wakefield street Lisle Arthul' Cland; bntchet; High str Ward Wm. boot maker, 34 M8UIltfield rei
iliaske DbaTles, shopkeeper, Higli street Lncy Joseplr, beer retailer- Warner Jas,. bricklayer & bnildel', {) Den-
Curling .NathanieI, shopkeeper, 3 :DeJ)ol Marrison Henry, bakery High .street mark terrace '
mark'te~ Martlock Wltr. Bhpkpr. 6 Vicarage la Warwicker Wm. Appleby, White lIurtI

Watling Arthur (Mrs.), middle class Cadman Benjamin, commercial tra Eannister Wm. boot dI: shoema.3 Park rd

j, llcnool, Romford road veller, 12 Charles terrace j Bessent Frank, farmer'plashet Hall farm
Wilson Oharles Eustace, clerk & solicitor Carter James, nurseryman, Orchard. viis Blacker Tho8. shopkeeper, 6 Sunny,ide
to East Ham local board. office; Clark .John Fluett, commission a",o-ent, Boreham Jas. grdnr. to.J.G.Mathews'CSq
\ ·Wakefield street 8 Charles terrace Brisker Marcus & Co match, wax vesta,
Manor Park. Cosburn George & John, monumental blacking &; black-lead. manufacturers,
- masons Upton park
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fordham Frederick Wood, station r Burgess Elizabeth (~fiss), haberdasher,
Baker Henry, Forest villas master, 10 Charles terrace Crescent road
Bath Edward, 8 The Limes Harris Jas. butcher, Manor Park terrace r Butler Samuel Wm. fishmonger,Green st
Belling George Fisher, Manor Park road Kreutz Andrew, watch maker, Manor I Carlisle William, fruiterer, Green str~t
Binnington Richard, 3 Capel terrace Park terrace j Chittern Anna (Mrs.),shopkpr. Priory rd
Black-man George, Park road Manor Park Cemetery (A. Collier, seo.; I Covas George, tobacronist, Groon street
Bone John J ames, Hollyfield oftice, I Circus place, London wall Cumming Emma (Mrs.), dress maker,
Burnham Charles, Forest terrace e.e.; Rev. George B. Golding M.A. East road
Carter William, Gladding road chaplain) J Dance Robt. commercial tra;vlr. Rose-,ril
Cbapman JosepQ, 3 Lime cottages Martin Edwa'ld, cullet merchant & glass Death William, butcher-, Green street
Cotterill William, 2 The Limes bottle manufacturer, Park road Dillon Hannah Grace (MM.), shopkeeper,
Ellis George, 18 ChaTle~ terrace Mills Joseph William, carpenter &. 53 Crescent road
Fagel William, 2 Long view wheelwright . Ebbison William,dairyman,9Cresaent.rd
faunch William, I The Limes Parsons Reuben, tobccnst. Manor Pk.ter Farrer Rebecca (Mrs.), Green
Fisher Mrs. Aldesbrook villa Polley Robert Edward, Golden Fleeet Frost Jn. nrsymn.& mrkt.grdnr.Gr~nst
Fugeman John,3 The Limes St. Nieholas Iooustrial School Gerres William, baker & corn dealer,
Grey Frederick, 4 Capel terrace (Catlwlic), Rev. Clement Drum, chap. . Green street
Griffin Thos. John Cornish, Lime cots lain; P. V. Moore, manager' Harper Charles, shopkeeper, 19 Russell
Haws John, 1 Long view Plashet.. terrace, Barking road
Hewitt Thos. Lime cottages PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harradine John, greengrocer, Park road
Holland Jas. Forster, 4 Forest villas Aubert Henri Victor, 11 Saxby villas Henning Fras. fancy repository,
Huckman John, Clifton villa, Chapel rd Beard Edward, Green street. Hills In. stationer & ironmongr. Park t>d
Jackson James Thos.7 Manor Park rd Blail" Alexander Hugh, 24 King's road r Holman Wainford, painter, East road
.Tones Henry, 7 Charles terrace. Brice Charles, 28 King's road Holmes J oseph, shopkeeper, 8 .Albert ter
Kipping Charles, 1 Charles terrace Chalkley Henry George, Plashet hall Hough Chas. Saville,ironmongr.Green st
Kittoe Capt. Markham, Clarendon ho Darlow Wm, Redclyffe house, Green st Hutson Henry, greenl!'roeer, Barking rd
Kurly Frank, I I Charles terrace Debenham Charles, IS King's road Hyson Eliza (Mrs.), Wa1'drobe, dealer,
Lawrence Ernest Wm. Forest terrace Enson George, 2 Saxby villas . Barking road
·Le Creu George, 6 Capel terrace E"ans Henry Griffiths, 36 King's road Jepson William,tobacnst.1 Salisbury ter
Leggett Geo. 19 Charles terrace Finder William, 6 Saxby villas .Johnson Thos. grdnr. to T. MatthewB esq
Lewis Mrs. Gladding road Fry Danby Henry Kemp William, grocer, Queen's square
Lunn William, Lime villas Fry Miss Killi("k Henry, -dairyman, Queen's square
Marks Matthew,5 The Limes Garrett Edmnnd, Shrewsbury house Langman William, Duke of Edinbur9h~
Merck Edwd. Aldersbrook villas Gibson Edward William, 3 King's road Green street
Mickelborough William, 9 Charles ter Gregory Geo-rge, Shrewsbury road Middleton Wm. shopkpr.t Edinburgh ter
Moring Henry, Manor Park road Hayward George, 5 King's road - Morgan James Hy. shopkpr. 1 Jessie ter
Moss William Hy. 20 Charles terrace Holt John, Vine cottage, PriOl'yTOad Newitt Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. Green st
Newman William George, 3 Capel ter Kean Miss, 4 Boleyn terrace, Green st Page Joseph Conrad, furniture ware-
Owers Henry John, 7 The Limes Kemp Dominique, Catholic reformatory house, Queen's square
Pearse John, Manor Park road Kennett Alfred, 31 King's road Palmer John, shopkeeper, Green street
Poulter Robert, 17 Charles terrace Kitching William, 4 Saxby villas Petersen Chas. rope manufr. Green street
Sheath Frederick B. Gladding road Linnington George Edward, Plashet cot Postance George,tobacconist &stationer,..
Shepherd Arthur,5 Capel terrace Manus Rev. John M.A. [curate of East Queen's square
Smith William, Gladding road Ham], Shrewsbury road Price Francis, superintendent of Bt..
Stone Frank, Fol'est. villas Mathews John Gurney, Durban house George (East) Industrial school
Tipper George, 7 Forest terrace Mathews Thomas, Plashet house Ramsden John, farmer, Plashet. farm
Tothurst Thomas, Clifton villas Moll Dscar, 1 Saxby villas Read William, rope manufacturer
Walker Thomas, Lime cottages Owen Henry, 24 King's road Ridge Anne (Miss), mllnr. 16 Crf'-scefl.t r~
Waller Mrs. 3 Charles terrace Page Arthur .Tohn, 22 King's road Rock Henry Martin, china, &c. dealer~
Walsham WilliamHenry, Cedar villa Paton Frederick, 9 King's road Queen's square
Warren Robert Wm. 6 Charles terrace Quinton John, 7 King's road Robinson Joseph, dairyman, Crescent rd
· Younghusband Geo.Edward,Orchard vil Richards Charles, 32 King's road I Salmon James, builder, Park villa
COMMERCIAL, Robertson Donald, 13 King's road r Sheppa.rd WaIter, plasterer,4 Park road
· Balls Emma Jane ~Mrs.), dress maker, Rugg Frank Armstrong, Providence ho Targrass :Phili~ greengracer, 1 Albert
I Park villas Scott Samuel, 30 King's road I terrace, Park Il"oad .
Bartholomew Geo. Foster, commercial Shaw Frederick, Shrewsbury road 1 Todd Samuel, ha.tter... Green street t
traveller, 2 Holly villas Tose Joseph, 25 King's road • Vickers In. boot &;'Sh06 ma. Green street
Belling Goorge Fisher, surgeon dentist. Turner James, IO Saxby villas WagstaffJames,John,boot&
Manor Park road Woolston Charles Fredk. 9 Saxby villas 12 Russell terrace, Barking road •

Binks J oseph, monumental mason, Wright Frank. 26 King's road Walling William, fishmonger, r Park rd
sculptor & letter cutter Wright Thomas Parish, 5 Saxby villas r WaIters Alfred Evan David, grocer, 6
Boreham Alfred Edward, greengrocer, COMMERCIAL. . Park terrace
Manor Park terrace Baker William, baker, Green street J Warrilow Wm. .fas. beerrttr.I3arking rd.

• WEST HAM is a. parish of considerahle extent, plffisantly and still continuing inCl"ease of thepopulatiOli of this district.·
'situated to the east Qf the 'liver Lee and near to the North There are water works on the -rn-er Lee, supplying this
Woolwich and Great Eastern l'ailway stations at Stratford parish and other places; and ps works on the Stratford
· and Forest Gate. being about a mile and a. half east from Bow road. ... . .
Bridge and not more than 2 miles north of the river Thames: The parish of West Ham is divided into three 'Wards \-iz.:
it gives name to a union and is in the Southern dh'ision of Church Street, Stratford and Plaistow. Church Street
the county, hundred of Becontree, county court district of ward. consists of West Ham, Upton, Forest Gattl and Can-
Bow, rural deanery .of Barking, IIrchdeaconry of Essex and ning Town, with an area of 1,732 acres of land. Stratford
diocese of St. Albans, in the Eastern. Metropolitan postal ward embrace8 Stratford, with The Grove, The Green Jl.nd
· district and within the jurisdiction Qf the Central Criminal Maryland- Point ~ it lies'to the east (jf the river Lee. covering
· Conrt and Metropolitan 'POlice," i an area bE -870 -acres, and is -thickly--polmhtted... Plaistow
• 'The Great Eastem Railway, with the \"al'IOUB lines and ward includes Plaistow, with the marshes on the Barki~
· branches now diverging fI'OIll it, together with >the Victoria r6ad, Rallsville and, Sil\·ertowd, and has an 'area of 2,000

• and New Albert Docks, have been the main eause& of the pasll acres of land, extending to the Thames.; the' Victoria and

New Albert Docks aTe in this ward. The above division of· lane and nnmerous charitable bequests, amounting in all
West Ham into wa.rds has reference chiefly to secular mat- to about £450 per annum, left from time to time by various
ten, but ecclesiastically it is divided into several districts. benefactors for the benefit of the poor; these benefactions
A Local Board of Health has been established, comprising are distributed by a local charity board.
the whole parish. West Ham contains large chemical works, an iron and
In 1881 Mr. John Roland Phillips was appointed Metro- wood shipbuilding establishment, an extensive patent
politan police magistrate for West Ham Local Board dis- leather-cloth manufactory, steam and water flour mills,
trict; the court is at present held in the Workman's hall, a large brewery, smelting works, copper works and other
West Ham lane. manufactories, distilleries &C. A market was anciently
The parish Church of All Sa.ints is a spacious building of held in West Ham, for which a charter was procured in
brick and stone consisting of chancel with north and south 1253, by Richard Montfichet, but it is now discontinued.
chapels, nave, aisles and a square tower, 74 feet high, COIl- The London Northern Outfall Sewer passes through the
taining 10 excellent bells: several persons of eminence have whole length of the parish and the Abbey Mills pumping
been buried in it, including Sir Thomas Foote It.T. and bart. station is situated here.
Lord Mayor of London in 1650 j he died in 1688; here also West Ham Park, comprising about 80 acres, is well-
are buried 80me of the ancient family of Ketelby, of whom timbered with fine spreading cedars and shrubberies. It
was Henry Ketelby, a law-officer of Henry VIII. of 1508; was formerly known by the name of "Upton Park," aRd
there is an altar-tomb in the north chapel, date 1485 and a was the residence of the late Samuel Gurney: his grand-
mural tablet above it to Robert Rook, with figures of him- son, Mr. John Gurney, banker, of Norwich, offered this
ielf and family, 1620; at the north-west corner of the beautiful park as a public recreation ground for its estimated
chancel is a stair turret which formerly gave access to the value of £25,000, contributing at the same time £10,000
rood loft. The register dates from 1653 and contains many towards that amount j the Corporation of the City of London
entries of persons who died from the plague in 1665-6. The also voted £10,000 and the remainder being made up by
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £600, with residence, local subscriptions, the park was publicly opened on the
in the gift of the Crown and held by the Rev. Thomas 20th July, 1874> by the Lord Mayor, as a public recreation
Scott M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, hon. canon of St. ground. The mansion formerly known as "Upton 'Lane
Albans, rural dean of Barking and surrogate. Edward House," but now called the" Cedars" and for many years
Humphreys esq. is the impropriator of the rectorial tithes. the residence of the celebrated Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, sister of
St.Thomas' isa mission church in the district of All Saints and Samuel Gurney, is still standing and forms, with its
is a plain building of corrugated iron, with chancel, nave and picturesque grounds of about 6 acres, a distinct, but as yet
two aisles and has I bell; there are sittings for 450 persons; private part of the park. The park formerly belonged to
the Rev. James Fitzgerald Prendel.'gast, Theol. Assoc. of the late Dr. Fothergill, by whom the gardens were laid out,
King's. College, London, is curate in charge. and many trees, which he first introduced into this country
There are Baptist, Wesleyan,Congregational and Unitarian about 150 years agg, are still growing there j it is under the
chapels. control of a committee of IS persons, 8 nominated by the
West Ham cemetery is situated near to Wanstead Flats City Corporation, 4 by Mr. John Gurney and 3 elected by
.at Forest Gate, and consists of some 20 acres. the local authorities; the cost of its maintenance is entirely
The West Ham, Stratford and South Essex Dispensary defrayed by the Corporation of the City of London.
in West Ham lane, is a halldsome brick building, erected West Ham parish covers an area of 4,936 acres viz.:
in 1878, on a. site given by Mrs. Curtis : the architect was 4,667 land and 269 water: rateable value, £483.136; the
Mr. J. T. Newman, of London. population of the Local Board District and parish in 1871
There are almshouses for twenty poor women near the was 62,919 and in 1881, 127,593.
parish church of All Saints,each of whom receive about 3s. 6d. UPrON is a village to the east of West Ham.
per week, also Roger Hams' for six poor women, in Gift Parish Clerk (in orders), Rev. D. J. S. Hunt B.A

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank, Church CoUecto'r to the Guardians, John J. Mulley, Florence villa,
street.-John Newman, receiver. Letters dispatched at Water lane, Stratford e
10 a.m. 12.30 4.15 & 8 p.m Collecto'l's of Poor Rates, West Ham parish, William Hopkins
.INSURANCE AGENTS : - & Archibald McDowall, Rushbrook house, Barking road,
County Fire, J. Jay Plaistow e; &; William Escreet, HamfI'tth road, Forest
Plueni:c Fire, T. W. Shipstone, Arlington house et
gate j East Ham Little Ilford parishes, Thomas Denni-
Royal Exchange, J. Corder son, High street, East Ham e; Lqw Leyton parish, Robert
Westminster Fire 4" General Life, J. Mow, Blenheim house, S. Walker, Thornhill road, Leyton e ; Walthamstow parish,
Margery Park road, Upton W. J. Liddiard, Copelatld road, Walthamstow; Wanstead
Woodford parishes, Alfred Miller, Fitzgerald road, Wan-
Commisnoners' Green. Yard, Langthorne street stead
Essez (3rd) Rifle Volunteers, Orderly room, Portway; Relieving Officer." No. I district, J. Carter, High street,
George R. Birt, lieut.-col.; Major Smeel, adjutant; Stratford e; No. 2 d1'strict, John Anthony, Eastern road,
Lieut. Baldock, quarter-master; James W. Danaher, West Ham; No. 3 district, William Orme, Stock street,
surgeon; Rev. Canon Thomas Scott M.A. hon. chaplain; Plaistowe; No. 4 district, Edwin R. Elliott, Selwyn
the A, B, C, F &; G companies are stationed at West Ham; road, Upton Manor e; No. 5 district, Henry Bryett,
the D co. at Bow & E &; H cos. at Millwall Idmiston road, Forest gate e; No. 6 district, Frederick
Fire Brigade Station, West Ham lane G. Burstow. 8 Victoria road, Plaistow e; No. 7 district,
Metropolitan Board of Works Pumping Station, Abbey lane George A. Robey, ·Woodhouse road, Leytonstone e; No.
.jJt[etropolitan Police Station, West Ham lane, John Webb, B district, Henry Waiter Thain, Grenton terrace, Wal-
inspector thamstow; No. 9 district, Arthur A. Mathews, Woodford
Police Court, John Roland Phillips, magistrate; William Vaccination Officer, William Beach, Tower Hamlets road,
.John Bruty, clerk; W. H. Fowler & WaIter J. Attwater, Forest gate e
assistant clerks; West Ham lane .Jfedical Officers, Canning Town district, Rd. J. CaI:ey M.L
Vaccination Station, West Ham lane; Thomas James St. John's house, Barking road, Canning town e; East
Vallance M.D. public vaccinator ; attendance tues. 3 to 4 et
Ham Little Ilford district, C. J. Stocker, Weston house,
West Ham, Stratford 4" South Essex Dispensary, T. Drake, et
Romford road, Stratford e; West Ham Plaistow district,
consulting medical officer; A. J. Drake L.B.C.P. LOnd.; A. E. Kennedy, Balsam street, Plaistow e; Leyton district,
W. A. Grogono L.R.C.P. Edin. & J. B. Ryley M.D. medical A. Peskett M.D. High street, Leyton; Leyto-nstone Wan- et
officers; William :Freemen L.B.C.P. LOnd. house surgeon; stead district, F. W. CooW, High street, Leytonstone e;
J. Loxley, hon. sec.; F. Mulley, asst. sec.; Thomas St. Mark's district, J. Moir, Brindisi terrace, North Wool-
Lloyd, dispenser wich road, Canning town e; No. I Stratford district, J. B.
WEST ILuI: UNION. Hamilton, Maryland pointl Stratford e; No. 2 Stratjurd
Board day, thursday, 10 a.m.; guardians meet at the Work- district, W. A. Grogons, 216 High street, Stratford t;
house, Leytonstone Walthamstow district, F. Scoresbr-Jackson M.D. Hoe street,
The parishes comprised in the union are :-East Ham, West Walthamstow; Woodford distnct, F. Turtle M.D. High
Ham. Little Ilford, Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead road, W oodlord
&; Woodford. The population of the union in 1881 was PUblic Vaccinators, East Ha-m tf Little Ilford district, C. J.
:199,169; rateable value, £786,806 Stocker, station, Old Harrow, East Ham; West Ha_
Clerk to tM Guardians, Frederic E. Hillieary H.A.) H.L. district, R. J. Carey, station, Halsville road, Victoria Dock
Board room, LeytonBtone road tJ &; Winchester street, Silvertown tJ j A. E. Kennedy,
station, Rushbrook house, Barking road, Plaistow e. & l'UBLIC OFFICERS : -
W. A. Grogono (pro tern.), station, Church street, West Clerk to the Burial Board 4" School Board, Jeremiah Self
Ham & T. J. Vallance M.D. station, Workmen's hal~ West Registrar of Births, Deaths 4" Marriages, John Abbott, •
Ham lane e.; Lcyton district, A. Peskett, station, High Portway
street, Leyton e. ; Leytonstone 4" Wanstead district, F. W. Vestry Clerk, George Alfred Sedgwick, Ivy ho. Church st
Cooper, station, National Schoolroom, High road, Leyton-
stone e.; Walthamstow district, T. Scoresby-Jackson M.D. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
station, Vestry hall, Walthamstow; Woodford district, F. All Saints' Church, Rev. Thomas Scott M.A. vicar; suh.
Turtle M.D. station, High road, Woodford I1, 3·30, 6.3°; wed. II a.m. & 7 p.w. & saints' days
Superintendent Registrar, Frederic E. Hilleary M.A., M.L. 1 I a.m •
Boardroom, Leytonstone; deputy, John J. Mulley, Florence St. Thmnas' Iron ChU1'ch, Hubbard street, Rev. J. F.
villa, Water lane, Stratford e Prendergast T.A.K.C.L. curate in charge; sun. 11, lit. &
Registrars of Births 4" Deaths, West Ham sub-district, Rev. bapt. 2nd 3.3°, 7; thurs. 8 p.m
R. W. B. Marsh M.A. Prospect house, High street, Plaistow Baptist Chapel,West Ham lane; sun. I1, 6.30 ; wed. 7 p.m
e; Leyton sub-district, J. Miller, 48, Wellesley road, Wan- Baptist Tabernacle, East road; Rev. J. Wilkinson. pMtor;
stead B; Stratford sub-district, T. J. Valiance M.D. Rom- sun. 11, 6.3°; wed. 7.30 p.m
ford road, Stratford e.; Walthamstow sub-district, J. D. Congregatwnal Chapel, Brickfields, Rev. Thomas E. Staliy-
Browne, Church Hill road, Walthamstow brass RA. minister; sun. 1I, 6.30; wed. 7·30 p.m.
Re.qistrar., of J.}farriages, C. w. Ashdown, 241 Romford road, Unitarian Chapel, West Ham lane, Rev. Thomas Rix,
Stratford e. & Henry Bryett, Idmiston road, Forest gate e minister; SUll. 11, 6.30
Workhouse, Leytonstone; Rev. Thomas James, chaplain: SCHOOLS : -
Thomas J. Vallance M.D.; Samuel Hughes, master; Mrs. Board School, West Ham lane, built in 1877, with an
Jane Hughes, matron; Edwin Edward, schoolmaster; Mrs. average attendance of 240 children; John Edward Denn,
Elizabeth L. Flagg, school mistress master; Miss E. Simmonds, mistress; Miss J. Stevens,
RURAL SAN,ITARY AUTHORITY infants'mistress .
(Comprising the parish of Little Ilford). High (girls'), West Ham lane; Miss Harriet M. Rowden,
Clerk, Frederic E. Hilleary M.A., M.L mistress.
Medical 0f!ice1', C. S. Stocker, Upton lane, West Ham e Infant, Church street north~ Miss Coppard, mistress
Inspector of Nuisances, R. Cheke, Little Ilford National (girls'), Church street north, Miss Annie Manttan,
ALMSHOUSES : - mistress
For 20 inmates, All Saints' churchyard, under control Model, Church street, for 380 boys; Robert Ganley, master
of vicar & churchwardens (the endowment gives about Ursuline Convent, Upton lane, Miss Mary Clare, mistress
3 S. 6d. per week) NEWSPAPER.-Courier; office, West Ham lane, George
Leggs', Forest lane Harmer, publisher & printer; published friday
Roger Han'is's, Gift lane, under control of vicar & church-
wardens (no endowment) CONVEYANCE TO l.ONDON, see Stratford
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ives Miss, Park villas, Portway Warner Mrs. Lawn lodge, Upton lane
Anthony John, Eastern road Jex Edwd.Whalebone ho. West Ham la Weakley Samuel, Kinton house,Palmer-
Baker William, Church street Kempton Green Robt.Bishop, Abbey I'd ston road
Banning Mrs. 53 West Ham lane Key Wm. Hy. 2 The Poplars,West Ham Wilkinson Thomas, Park villas,Portway
Barker John, 4 Ham tel'. West Ham la Kiltoch Mrs. Villa Rosa, St. George's sqWomersley Pelham,The Lillies,Upton la
Barringer James, 6 Margery Park road King William, The Laurels, Upton lane Wood James, 6 Palmerston road
Bavin George, Palmerston road Lake Wm. Welborne viIs. IT pton cross Woodward Edwin Thos. Palmerston rd
Bavin Thomas, Palmerston road' Lamarque Mrs. 1 The Firs, Upton lane COMMERCIAL.
.Beaden Mrs. 5 St. George's square Lewis Albert, West Ham lane Abbey Chemical Works, manufactnring
BriceThomas, Palmerston road Littler Edmund, Wallerscote, Portway chemists, Abbey lane
Brown Mrs. 5 Margery Park road Lloyd Mrs. 2 Eagle terrace. Upton lane Abbey Wharf Coal Co. coal merchants
Buck Wm. Richard, West Ham house, Martin Jas. Wm. Maud viI. Park road, (James M. Gilchrist, man.), Abbey la
West Ham lane Portway Abbott John, registrar of births, deaths
Clark Robt. Ingham, West Ham abbey Maverly Wm. Edwin, 4 Edith terrace, & marriages, Portway
Clark William, Eastern road Victoria road AlIen George, undertaker, 6 Plaistow rd
Corley Mrs. 7 Palmerston road Mays Edward, I Kent tel'. Victoria road Andrews Benj. greengrocer,Abbey road
Crow Hy.Went, Eversleigh cot. Portway :\fills Mrs. Hampton house, Upton lane Anthony John,relieving officer of No. 2
Crow Thomas, Church street Moulson Mrs.Welborne viIs. Upton cres district, Eastern road
Curwen John Spencer, Herne house, Norton Mrs. 2 Ham tel'. West Ham la Baker George, grocer, Church street
Upton lane Nutting Henry, Upton house,Upton lane Barratt Richd.carpenter, 87 Plaistow I'd
Curwen Spedding, 8 Margery Park road O'Grady Mrs. 3 Eagle tel'. Upton lane Base Jacob, carman,Hubbard street
Cutler Jas. Hy. Clare villas. Upton lane Pagenstecher Gustav, Cedar cot. Prtwy Bell Thomas & Co. manufacturing &
Davids Rev. Thomas Wm. [Congrega- Parkin wnt. Henry, 59 West Ham lane pyrotechnic chemists,sulphuric,nitric
tional], 4 St. George's square Paterson James, Eastern road & muriatic acids, pure commercial
Denman Thomas, Bellevue villa, St. Pilkington Rev. Richard M.A. 1 Ham & chemical manures. vitriol works.
George's square terrace, West Ham lane near Abbey mills
Drake John, 9 St. George's square Pollock James, 2 Margery Park road Biggs Robert, auctioneer,Victoria road
Durrant Mrs. 3 Palmerston road Pollock Mrs. 4 Kent tel'. Victoria road Billings Charles,nurseryman, Upton la
Eccleston Wm. 3 Orchard place, West Pritchard Robert Clement L.F.P.S. alas. Bishop Henry, tobacconist, Plaistow I'd
Ham lane Church street Brain Joseph, boot maker, Upton lane
Edwards Albert,2 The Firs, Upton lane Quiney Wm. John, Abbey, Abbey lane Brand FrancisJn. Angelinn,Church st
Finagen Wm. Bernard, Abbey lodge, Bawlins Wm.Cheam cot.Palmerston rd Bruty Wm. refreshment rooms, Pavil
Abbey road Reynolds Wm. Portway ho. Upton cross lion, West Ham park
Finch Mark, I The Poplars, Upton lane Robertson Alex. 3 Margery Park road Buckingham Harriet Alice (Mrs.), beer
Garrett Edward,2 Palmerston road Root John, Palmerston road retailer, West Ham lane
Gillard Sidney Wright, Holly lodge, Royle Thomas, The Cedars, Portway Bull Charles, baker, Amity road
Abbey road Scott Rev. Thos. M.A. [rural dean & sur- Bulling Samuel, builder. Sylvan road
Goult Elijah, 55 &; 57 West Ham lane rogateJ, West Ham vicarage, Portway Bush Thomas, cooper, 41 Plaistow road
Goult James, SI West Ham lane I Sedgwick Douglas,Curfew ho.Church st Butcher Harriet (Mrs.),milliner, Manor
Gray Thos. Stewart house, Upton cross Sedgwick Geo. Alfd. Ivy ho. Church st place, West Ham lane
Greenhill Mrs. 6 St. George's square Sewell Fredk. Elmhurst, Upton lane Byars David, baker, 39 Plaistow grove
Hammond Francis, Pactolins house, Shipstone Thomas Wiseman LL.D., PH.D. Carr Robert, plumber, West Ham lane
Palmerston road Arlington house, West Ham lane Carter Thomas, beer retailer, 7 West
Harcourt Alfred, East road Smith Mrs. 5 Ham tel'. West Ham lane Ham lane
Harris Thomas,S Palmerston road Tabor Charles, 6 Kent. tel'. Victoria I'd Carter Thomas, G1'eyhound, Abbey rd
Harrison Mrs. I Palmerston road Tannerrill John, 3 St. George's square Chambers Hy. shpkpr. 23 Plaistow gr
Hines Chas. 5 Kent tel'. Victoria. road Todd Edwin, 3 The Poplars, Upton lane Chidley, Phillips & Co. distillers, Abbey
Holdsworth .Cyril, 7 Ham tel'. West Tomkins Miss, 4Margery Park road Mills distillery, West Ham lane
Ham lane Tutill George, Red house, Upton lane Child Thomas, shopkeeper, Church st
Holliday Thos. Wm. 2 Plaistow grove Twitchett Jas. 3 Edith tel'. Victoria I'd Child Wm. Thos. upholsterer,Church st
Hunt Rev. David [curate], 7 Margery Walker Mrs. 1 Margery Park road Choat Samuel & Son, smiths & bell-
Park road Warner Benj. La.wn lodge, Upton lane' hangers, Church street
150 WEST lIAl\& . ESSEX. • [KELLYfs
Clark Robert Ingham &; Co. varnish, Henden Benjamin,. manufacturing Savill John, grocen, Marcu& st Church st
• white lead,paint,eolor' &; greaSe manlr chemist, Gift Lane works Schmidt John, baker, West Ham lane
factnra~, lead march.ntl! & oil re'- Henneesy J(jSeph~ oilma~ Portway ScUl'r Agnea (Mrs.), ladie~ slChool,
finers, West Ham abbey, Abbey lane Hill Geo. (Mrs.); tobacconist, Church 8t Upton lantl . , )
Cleaver Henry, oilmaD,Church street Honey ThQmasRichard, MaTl(J1" ta~, Sedgwiek George Alfred, solicitor &
Clitheroe William,beer retlr. Church st UptOD cross I . vestry clerk, Ivy house, Church street
Coe Sarab (Mrs.), shpkpr. West Ham la,. Hosking George John, builder 'ok COD~ Shaw Henry, carman, 45 Paul street
Coles Mary (Mrs.), dyer, West Harn la tractor, Upton lane & 27 Sylvan road Shaw Solomon, f1hopkeeper, 47 Paul 8t
Coombs Edwd. greengrocer, Church 8t Hunt Wm. Henry, shopkpr. 2Plaistow rd Shead Susan (Mrs.), eonfectioner; 13
Corney Thomas, grocer, Abbey road Hunt Wm. Hy. wardrobe dlr. Church st. West Ham lane .
Coult Arthur Thomas, house agent, 6 Hutchinson In. 'Jeer retailer,62 Paulllt Shimmell Thomas, grocer, Amity road
Stanley terrace, Portway Ingleton Edwd. butcher, 27West Ham la Sinclair Robert & Co. baking powder
COlC7·ier Newspaper if East London Ad- Inkpen Stephen,blacksmith,WestHam la makers, Brickfield
verti,er (George: Harmer, printer & Innous George, tripe dresser, Church st Sinclair Richd. provision dlr. Briekfields
publisher; published fri),West Ham la Ironmon'ger John, dairy, 4 Plaistow rd Sippett Jas. shopkeeper, 14 Plaistow gro
Court Richard, oilman, 73 Plaistowrd J~ckS(m George, baker, 59 Plaistow road Siseley John, builder, 29 West Ham la
Cowell Geo. Chas. shpkpt. West Ham la Jackson John, builder &; contractor, Smith Edmund, carpenter & under-
Cowles Charles, chemist & uentist, I Paul street taker, West Ham lane
West Ham l a n e ' Jackson Joseph, contractor, Sylvan rd Smith Wm. confectioner, West Ham la
Croney Thomas, grocer, Hubbard street Jennings James, tailor, I I West Ham la Smithers Chas. carpenter, 3 Plaistow rd
Crow Thomas, tar distiller, Abbey Johnsoo Alfred, beer rtlr.7 Plaistow gro Sole John, marine store dlr.Plaistow nl
Creek wharf, Abbey lane Johnson William, gas fitter, Upton cross South Esse:e Agricultural Chemical
Dalton Asher, china. & glass dealer, Johnston Alexander, cheesemonger, 47 Works, Abbey lane
West Ham lane West Ham lane Spencer Enoch, paper bag ma. Panl at
Davis John Saml. baker, 5 West Ham la Kearsley Arthur, farmer, Abbey farm Stanton Robt. beer rtlr. 12 Plaistow rd
Dean Henry, Lord Grnrgh, 72 Plaistow rd Knightbridge Wm. Thomas, butcher, StewartGeo.Thos. shpkpr.s8 Plaistow rd
Dorneman William, baker, 7 Stanley West Ham lane Stock Alfd.marine store dlr.WestHam la
terrace, Portway Krutzikowsky Baldwin, hair dresser, Stratford Rock Building Socitty (Henry
Dottridge Bros. undertakers, Church st Church street Frewer, sec.), West Ham lane
Dowden Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 45 Kurtz Charles, baker, Church street Stmtford 0/ West Ham Building Society
West Ham lan6' Lacey James, tobacconist, Abbey Toad (Henry Brewer, sec.), Working Men's
Drysdale Douglas, hosier, Church street Lavers Wm. coal mercht. 10 Amity rd ball, West Ham lane .
Dunn & Co. acetic acid manufacturers Lawrence Henry Simes, accountant, Sumpter Joseph Wm. mason, Portway
& manufactnring chemists (late of 22 West Ham lane TatleyChristopher,beerrtlr.Plaistowgro
Princes square e.c.), Stirling chemical Leather Cloth Go. Litnitd (Hy. Cooper, Taverner Rd. EH, Park tavern, Portway
works, Abbey lane managing director), Abbey road Taylor John, boot maker, Church street
Edwards William, china & glass dealer, Lems Albert,' solicitol', West Ham lane Trew Archibald, Princess of Wales, 25
. West Ham lane Ling William, IQmp black manufacturer, West Ham lane
Esse:e (31)d) Rijle Voluntee'rs (George R. Abbey lane... Universal Steam Tram Cu:r Const1-uation
Birt, It.-col.; Major Smee, adjntant; Magin Gegrge, oilman, Church street Co. Limited, Abbey lane
Lt. Baldock, quartermaster; J ames MarquisGeoJurniture dlr.70 Plaistow rd Ur/!'ltlin60 Convent (Miss Mary Victoria,
W. Danaher, surgeon; Rev. Canon Metropolitan Roard of Works Pumping lady superior), Upton lane
'rhomas Scott M.A. hon. chaplain; Station, Abbey lane fJrsuli7l8 Con:vent School (Mis!l Mary
the A, B, C, F & G <:ompaniell are,WestHam la Clare, mistress), Upton lane
stationed at West Ham, D-company, Miller Henry, shopkeeper, Portway Vause lIarriet (Mrs.), Spotted ..Dog,
at Bow & E & H companies, at Mill- Morrison~ Wood & Co. wholesale con- Upton lane t
wall) ; Orderly room, Portway fectioners, Abbey lane Waites J<'redk. butcher, 48 Plaistow road
Evenett Edward, corn dealer, Church st Munro Williarn, King's Head, Church st Wallis George & Thomas, varnish manu-
J<'inch James, bricklayer, 61 Paul street Murray William, Adam et Eve, Abbey la facturers, Abbey mills
Fitzgerald Kate (Mrs.), White Swan, dlr.lsWestHam la - Welch David, pork butcher, 49 West
Abbey lane ,~ . NevillJames,BritishLion, West Ham la Ham lane
Flack James -'Charles &I SOftS, oilmen,. Newman John, draper, Churoh street WeHum Ebenezer, oilman, West road,
West Ham lane . Nicholls Wm. shopkpr.West rd.Portway Portway .
Yowler Edwd. hair dresser,WestHam la Norton Robert, U""icorn inn, Church st West Ham High School for Girls (Miss
Franciscan Friars (Father Bacon, Norton William, rent collector, 6 Ham Harriet Mortimer Rowden, mistress),
superior), The Elms, Upton lane terrace, West Ham lane West Ham lane
French George, fann bailiff to exors. of Oil 0/ Stearine Co. Limittd (Thomas West Ham .iWodel School(Robert Ganley,
Mr. Charles Barrett Felton, sec.), West Ham marsh, head master), Church street
FrostArthr.Thos.pawnbroker, Church st Abbey lane \ West Ham, Stratford 0/ South Esses
Gentry Mark, builder, Lahgthorne Pearson GeOTge, grocer, Upton lane Dispensary (T. Drake, consulting
works, West Ham laKe ~ Ped-rick Fanny (Miss), chimney sweeper, medical officer; A. J. Drake L.R.C.P.
Gilcbrist Arthur John & Co. coal mer'" Church street . LOnd. W A. Grogono L.R.C.P. Edin. &
chants, Abbey lane Perfect George, plumber, 38 Plaistow rd J. B. Ryley M.D., medical officers;
Goldsmith Abraham, grocer, 60 Lang- Phillips George Frederick, distiller, see William Freeman L.R.C.P. Lond.,house
.thome street Chidley, Phillips & Co surgeon; Thomas Lloyd, dispenser;
Goodacre William & Co., cocoa nnt mat Pittman John, hair dresser, Church st J. Loxley, hon. sec. ; F. Mulley, assist.
& matting manfrs.Abbeymill,Abbey la Poupard Edward & Co. oilmen, Portway sec.), West Ham lane
Government Sanitary Co.'s Works (W. Price Edward, beer retailer, Brickfields West Ham Commissioners' Green l"ard,
A. White, manager), Abbey lane Priddle Francis, chemist, Church street Langthorne street
Griggs William, shopkpr. 1'4 Plaistow Td Pritchard. Robert Clement L.F.P.S. Glas. Wetton James, magnetic belt makel's,
Grindon & Crow, watch makers, 2~ surgeon, Church street 43 West Ham lane I
West Ham lane Quint Samnel, baker, Hubbard street WilkinsonJohn,grocer&cheesemonge'l',
Gynn David, pork butcher, Church st Quint Samuel, dairyman, Church street 90 Langthorne street
Hale Wm. Haywanl, chemical manure Rawlins Charle9, butcher, Church street Willis Thos. herbalist, Church st. north
manufacturer, Abbey lane Richards Edward,eorn dealer, Church st Withers Joseph, pawnbroker & furniture
Hall John Swain, shopkeeper, Paul st Roberts William, shopkeeper, Portway dealer,39 & 41 West Ham lane
Harden Samuel, carpenter, Portway RobinsonBenj.Geo.shpkpr.57Plaistowrd Wood Charles Arthur, wholesale coa-
Harmer George, printer, West Ham la Roger Harns's Almshouses, Gift lane factioner, see Morrison, Wood & Co
Harris Jas. greengrocer, 67 Plaistow rd Root John, solicitorj Palmerston rood Working .ilfen's Hall et Clwb Roqm
Harvey & Gamman, millers, Abbey Round Moses, tailor, West. Ham lane (Benjamin Berry, sec.}, We~t Ham la
mill, Abbey lane RushworthWm.Robt.butcher,Church at Young Hy. baker &: eorn dJ-r. Abbey rd
Hempleman Frederick B. & Co. blood Sampson Joseph T. marine store dealer, Young lsaac, carpenter, Dirleton ~
manure works, Abbey lane Marcns street tage, Portway
) . J,

EAST HANNINGFIELD is a: village 1lnd parish Londoo and 6 $Ohtb-eait from Chelmsford. The chureh of
in the Western division of the county, Chelmsford union, All Saints is in the PerpendicUlar style and oonsist9 of a
hundred and coonty court district, Danbnry nlml deanery, chaB~, nave, north aisle and fl wooden belfry oontaining t;J
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese,33 miles from bells and surmounted by a small spire. This chnrch was
formerly lJ. chapel of· the Petre family ~ there is a very old llANmNGFIBLD Tu is a little to the north; Claydons lie&'
priests' door, on the south side of the chancel, now blocked to the north-west: , .
up. There are sittings for 200 persons.. The register dates I. Pansk Clerk, Richard Brand. ' .
from the year 1540. ~fhe living is a rectory, tithes commuted POS'l' OFFIcE.-Horatio Grange, postmaster. ' Letters arrive
at £557, with residence. in the gift {)f and held by the Rev. . from Chelmsford at 7.45 a.m.; dispatched at -6 p.m.; on..
Samuel Buxton Smyth M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge' sundays no delivery. The nearest money order & telegraph-
and surrogate. Lord Petre is lord of the manor. The office is at Great Baddow ,
landowners are Col. A. Impey Lovibond and several National School (mixed). built in 1865 for IOO children..
small holders. The soil is stiff loam; subsoil. clay. The. with an average attendance of 55; Miss Florence Tookey"
chief crops are wheat. beans. oats and barley, The area is mistress
2,393 acres; rateable value. £3,091 ; and the population in CARRIERS TO CHELMSFORD,-William Shelley, tuesdays &
1881 was 404. '.. 4 • fridays;, H{)ratio Grange, tuesday, thursday & saturday
Smyth Rev.· Samuel Buxton' M.A Drory Joseph, Windmill .Tarvis J. bailiff to Mr. Slater. Roughill
[Surrogate], Rectory . EatO'11 John. carpenter Park farm ;
Bacon Thomas, Plough '.f Sail, & cattle Emeny George, blacksmith Muggleston Rt. farmer, Little Claydons
dealer Flack William, bricklayer OY~rall Joseph. ooot maker
Bagshaw A. farmer, Great Claydons Gardiner Wm. farmer & landowner, Hall .Ratcliff Joseph. farmer
Bird William. farmer Gigney James, saddler & harness maker, Rayner Henry, farmer
Bird William. jun. farmer ironmonger &e.; & at Wickford. Rayner John, wheelwright·
Clark William. grocer See advertisement '" .:, Shelley Wm.Three Horse Shoes,& earner'
Cobbold Charles. farmer· Grange Horatio. shopkeeper & post- Uggles Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer
Doe Jas. bailiff. to Mr. Hayward, Lodge . master & carrier Wells William, farmer
SOUTH HANNINGFIELD is a scattered village Lord Petre is lord of the manor. The principal landowners'
and parish in the Western division of the county. Chelms- are the heirs of the late Admiral Tindal and of the late Sir
ford hundred, union and county court district, Danbury rural John T. Tyrrell, bart. The soil and subsoil are clayey. The-
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. 7 principal crops are wheat. beans and oats; The area is
miles south-south-east from Chelmsford and 32 from I,526 acres; rateable value, £1.987; and the population in
London. 'rhe church of St. Peter is a small edifice. consist- 1881, 234.
ing of chancel ap.d nave. with a wooden belfry and spire, con- Parish Clerk, Henry Nevill.
taining 1 bell. The regiBter dates from the year 1654. Letters by foot post from Chelmsford, delivered at 10 a.m. :
'fhe living is a rectory, consolidated with ·West Hanningfield, box closes at 5 p.n1. The nearest money order office is at
joint yearly value £1,148. with 29 acres of glebe. in the Battles' Bridge . . . . .
gift of W. Kemble esq. and held by the Rev. Edward Kemble National School (mixed), built in 1874 for 40 children, with'
l\LA. of Trinity College. Cambridge. The poor have £5 yearly an average attendance of 30; Mrs. Yokes, mistress
in money. arising from the gift of Mrs. Ann Humphreys. Assistant Overseer, John Parnell. of West Hanningfield
Drew Rev. Heriot, Stanbanks B.A. I Algal' Richard James. farmer, The Hall Clarence George, shopkeeper
[curate] I Benson Charles, farmer ' . Hunt William J. Windmill, & farmer
Hellen Thomas I BIyth Thomas. farmer Munn Thomas. farmer . . \
WEST HANNINGFIELD is a pleasant village and annexed, joint yearly value £1,148. with residence and 129
parish in the Western division of the county, Chelmsford acres of 'glebe land, in the gift of W, Kemble esq. and held>
union, hundred and county court district, Danbury rural by the Rev. Edward Kemble M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
'Cleanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese.30 bridge. £16 10S. from endow~d charities left in 1641. by
miles from London, 6 east from Ingatestone station and 6 Mrs. Ann Humphreys and in 1605 by Richard Cannon is
south from Chelmsford station. The church of St. Mary & yearly distributed in bread and £2 annually to widows not
St. Edward, is in the Perpendicular style and consists of receiving parish relief. Lord Petre is lord of the manor ~
chancel, nave and south aisle. with an octagonal western the landowners are John Badeley esq. the trustees of Dr.
tower, containing 4 bells, .dated 1770 and surmounted by Williams, Colin Benson esq. and other persons. The soil
a small spire; in the south aisle is an ancient slab, formerly is stiff clay; subsoil, clay. The principal crops are wheatj
enclosing the half-length -effigies of a man and woman; the beans, oats and barley. The area is 2,818 acres; rateable
former is missing, but the latter remains and has beneath value, £4,016; and the population in 1881 was 430.
.it the inscription following: "lsabele Clovile John son fils Parish. Clerk. William Cheek. -, .
gisent ici lequate Johen morust U 23 jour d'Octobre. l'an de POST OFFICE.-Williarn Sparrow, receiver. Letters by foot
grace, 1361. Dieu de leur alme eit m'rc." . In the chancel, post through Chelmsford. Letters arrive at 8.30 a.m. ;
on the north side, is au altar 'tomb' to a member of the dispatched at 5~IO p.m. The nearest money order office
same family, but the inscription is illegible llnd on the floor is at Great Baddow & telegraph office at Chelmsford
a ledger stone. inscribed to John, son of John Erdeswicke Assistant Oversur. John Parnell
esq. ob. Nov. 160-. The register commences in the year National School, for 80 children, with an average attend·
i558. The living is a rectory, with South Hanningfield ance
. of 6o; Joseph Norrington. master
Kemble Rev. Edward M.A.. Rectory Brown Joseph, carpenter Morrell James, Three Crnnpasses
Cheek Joseph. beer retailer & shopkpr Palmer Richd. Wm. farmer. Toy farm
COMMERCIAL. Clark John, bricklayer Punt Robert, wheelwright
Abbey George, beer retailer Crabb Richard, farmer Skipworth Thos. Geo. farmer &; butcher
Balls John, Ship , Dennis George, farmer Smith Edward Mrs. farmer, Link farm
Benson Colin. farmer~ Brick House farm Emberson Abraham, farmer.App's farm Sparrow George, baker
Benson Charles, farmer Kirkham Daniel. farmer. Sparrow William. boot & shoe maker .
Benson William, farmer. Pinnings Lilly William, baker Taylor Thomas, farmer
Brown John, farmer, Wright's farm May Joseph, beer retailer Tyler William, blacksmith
HARLOW is a parish and station on the Great Eastern the window!. ·The register dates from. the yeaI' I8I4, the
(Cambridge) railway. on the borders of Hertfordshire and previous registers having been stolen. The living is a
is a polling place for the Western division of the county. vicarage, yearly value £400. with residence, in the gift of
in the hundred of Harlow. Epping union. Bishop's Stortford the Hon. William H. J. North and held by the Rev. Charles
county court district, Harlow rural deanery, Essex arch- Miller M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford. The church of St.
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 261 miles by rail from John the Baptist is a building in the Early English stylej
London and 23 by road, 7 north-west from Ongar and 6 consisting of chancel, nave and s western tower: some of
south from Bishop's Stortford, situated on the tlastern side the windows. including a memorial window to a formet
of the picturesque and fertile vale of the navigablel'iver incumbent, are stained: the foundation stone was laid by
Stort. Petty sessions of the magistrates for the division the late Marquis of Bute: all the seats are free. The
are held fortnightly at the police station. The parish church register dates from the year 1841. The li"ing is a vicarage.
of St. Mary, pleasantly gituated on rising ground, is a value £100. in the gift of devisees of the late J. W, Perry
cruciform building and contains two chantry chapels. one Watlington. and held by the Rev. Chas. Edwd. Taunton M.A.
dedicated to St. Petronilla, the otheJ' to St. Thomas and of Christ Church, Oxford! the district was formed in r857:
both very highly endowed: these were restored in the year the area is 300 acres; and tlle population in r871 was 757.
1857 by the late J. W. Perry Watlington esq.of Moor Hall: the All Saints' church, built at the cost of the Re,-, F. R~
church being also thoroughly restmed in 1876 py subscrip- Miller, vicar of Kineton. Warwickshire, is a small cruciform
tion and a vestry erected at the sole cost of the benefactor building of bri~k. consisting of chancel. nave and transept,
above mentioned: there is some valuable stained glass in but it is not consecrated: the chaplaincy, yearly value £52•

is held by the ReY. Henry Elwell )l.A.. vicaI' of St. Mary RECEIVING HOUSH, Potter Street.-Benjamin Pavitt, receiver;
Magdalen. Services are held every Sunday afternoon, at 3 p.m. Letters received from Harlow at 7 & 12 a.m. i dispatched
The Baptists have two places of worship, one of them at the at 10 a.m. &; 1.45 p.m
hamlet of Potter Street and the other in the town, built in CoUNTY MAGISTRATES for Harlow Divisions:-.
I86s, in the Venetian style, upon the old site, at cost of George Alan Lowndes esq. Barrington hall, Hatfield
£2,1001 there are flChoolrooms attached: the congregation Clayton W. P. GIyn esq. Durrington house, Sheering
is very ancient, and dates from the earliest period of Charles James Phelips esq. Mead lodge, Ware
Nonconformity; there is a reading and news room well H. Atherton-Adams esq. Wynter's grange, Harlow
snpplied with daily and weekly papers j there is alS& a. com- Sir H. J. Selwin-Ibbetson bart. M.P. Down hall, Harlow
modious public hall, established by Mr. S. Deards, which is Andrew Caldecott esq. Sawbridgeworth
nsed for lectures, concerts and entertainments. Fairs are Joseph Todhnnter esq. Great Pamdon
held on November 28th and 29th. There are several alms- Loftus W. Arkwright esq. Parndon hall, Harlow
houses and charities, producing £130 yearly. Esse:!: honnds John Archer Houblon eS'l. Hallingbury place
are kenneled here & have been for twenty-fonr years; James Horace Broke esq. Gladwins, Harlow
Bailey, huntsman. The Manor house, called Harlow Bury, Lieut.-Col. Mark Lockwood, Bromleys, Harlow
situated north of St. Mary's church, now the residence of Clerk, W. R. Dent
Mr. Thomas Mathews, is an ancient building, which has been Petty Sessions held every alternate saturday
many years in the possession of the Barnard family: it has INSURANCE AGENTS:-
been modernised: in the grounds are the remains of a Church of England, J. Shirley, High street
chapel, supposed to have been used by the monks of Bury County Fire, J. Thurgood
St. Edmund's: it is covered with ivy and has been con- Manche.,ter Fire, H. C. Wentworth. Fire street
verted into a granary: the north door has a fine Norman Norwich Uni01l. Fire, G. Girlling ,
archway, in good preservation. Down hall, the seat of Sir Royal Exchange, C. Houghton, Potter street
Henry John Selwin-Ibbetson, bart. D.L., l.P. is finely situated PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
with capital pleasure grounds and woods. 'fhe Hon. William
H. J. North, who is lord of the manor and L.W.Arkwright esq. Inland Revenue Office, George inn, Joseph Knight Young,.
are the principal landowners. The area is 4,000 acres j rate- officer
u.ble value, £14.423; and the population in 1881' was 2,4 82. Police Station, William Odam, serjeallt
Registrar of Births if Deaths if Relieving Officer, William
POTrER STREET, a large hamlet of Harlow parish, about Redding, Potter Street .
two miles south, on the road to Epping, formerly possessing PLACES OF WORSHIP:-
several potteries, is included in the parish of St. Mary Magda- St. Mary's Church, Rev. Charles Miller lIl.A.. vicar
len, which also contains a fine common of several hundred St. John's Church, Rev. Chas. Edward Taunton M.A. vicar
acres, chiefly used as a grazing ground for horses and sheep: St. Mary Ma.qdalene, Potter st. Rev. Hy. Elwell M.A. vicar
here is a splendid avenue of elms. The church of St. Mary All Saints' Church, Rev. H. Elwell M.A. chaplain
Magdalen is a small but picturesque building consisting of Baptist Chapel, Rev. Frederick Edwards B.A. minister
chancel and nave: the east window is stained; and in the Baptist Chapel, Potter Street, ReY'. E. Realph, minister
windows of the nave ~re the arms of the Marquis of Bute, ScHooLS:-
whose father was a benefactor to the church, of Loftus W. There is a school, built at the sole cost of the late J. W.
Arkwright esq. and of Magdalen College, Oxford. Thechurch Perry Watlington esq.
will seat about 230 persons, all the seats being free; but its Fa.wheTt tJ Barnard's EndO'loed ilchool, situate a little soutb
enlargement is contemplated. The register dates from the of the village, on the Epping road, is a modern building~
year 1834. The living is a vicarage with a house and glebe with residences for the master and mistress and capable of
of 7 acres and a yearly endowment of £85, in the gift of the accommodating 200 children: it was endowed with from
vicar of Harlow and held by the Rev. Henry Elwell M.A. of £7,000 to £8,000 by the late John Barnard esq. with
St. John's College, Oxford and chaplain of All Saints. The moneys left at his entire disposal by G. Fawbert esq_
school-room il!l used as polling place for the entire district. Frederick Parker,master; Miss Catherine Carmichael,mist
The district was formed in 1865. The area is 1,000 acres; National, Churchgate, built in 185 1 for 200 children, witb
the population in 187 1 was 593· an average attendance of 132 j William Hall, master j Mrs.
POST, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank & Eliza Winger & Miss Sarah Wing-er, mistresses
Government Annuity & Insurance Office, High street.-, Harlow common, built in 1874 for 100 childrenp
Charles Whittaker, postmaster. Letters delivered at average attendance, 33; Miss Elizabeth Smith, mistress
7 & 9.40 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. & dispatched at 10.20 a.m. 7.30 Railway Stati01l., Arthur Ellis, station master
&9.30 p.m. j to Cambridge, Yarmouth &c. at 9 p.m Conveyance to meet the principal trains, from George hotel
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Sims Miss, Hubbard's hall I Clayden Peter, baker, Potter street
Adams Hy. Atherton J.I·.Wynter's grnge Taunton Rev. Charles Edward M.A. Coleman John, general smith
Barnard Mrs [vicar of St. John's] Co'eman WiIliam, coal merchant
Barnard Mrs. Piper's house Ward W. H. K. RA. St. Mary's college Cook In. farm bailiff to Jas. Harris esq
Bedell Rev. E. J Watlington Mrs. Perry, Moor hall Cox Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker
Chaplin Joseph Wood Miss, Potter street Cripps Ann (Mrs.), Red Lion
Chaplin Philip, Feltimores Wright Misses, Mill hill Day Robert Newcombe, surgeon
Chaplin Mrs Deards William & Samuel, painters-,
Day Frederick COMMERCIAL. glaziers & gas fitters
Day RobertNewcombe Adarns Joshua, painter Deards Samuel, inventor & patentee of
Dent WiIliam Richard Archer Frederick. basket maker the centrifugal heating apparatus for
Earle John Charles Armor Jarnes, fruiterer greenhouses &c. High street
Earle Rev. William [curate of Little Asprey Catherine (Mrs.), furniture bro Dennis John, higgler
Parndon], St. Mary's college Baker Edward, grocer &; draper Dent William Richard, solicitor
Edridge Mrs Bambridge William, Green Man Earle Rev. William, boarding schoolp
Edwards Rev. Frederick B.A. [Baptist] Barker Henry, btttcher St. Mary'll college
Elwell Rev. Henry lLA.. St. Mary Mag- Barnard John Kidd (exors. of), farmer Edmunds Jonathan, farmer, Potter at
dalen vicarage, Potter street & landowner & miller, Harlow Bury; I Ellis Samuel, nurseIJ'man, Potter stree~
I"rancis Charles, Milton villa Harlow mill & Piper's steam mills Eyke James Hiram, Queen's Head.
Garratt Mrs Barnard Thomas I:; Edmund, coal mers Francis William, saddler
Glasscock Mrs Barrack Samuel, beer retailer French Charles, shoe maker
Grubb Richard Theodore Bell James Hay, farm bailiff to L. W. French Wil1iam sen. farmer
Hodson Charles M Arkwright esq. New Hall house French William, baker
Hutchin Mrs Bignell Samh (Miss), milliner Girling George, grocer & draper
Kepple Henry Bowtell Simeon, blacksmith & wheel- I Glasscock Edmund, miller & fanner
Legerton Mrs wright &c.; &; at Latton mill
Lockwood Lieut.-Col. Amelius R. Mark Bowyer Josepb, butcher, Potter street Gregory Elijah, accountant, The Re-
D.L., I.P Bromleys Brown Joseph,farm bailiff to Mr. Alfred treat, Potter street
Matthews Samuel Porter, Campions Savill Grubb Richard Theodore, surgeon
Miller Rev. Charles M.A. Vicarage I Brown George, George, Harlow eommon HarlO'llJ Benefit Building Society
Selwin-Ibbet80n Sir Henry John bart. ~ Brown Joseph, fanner (Frederiok Parker, sec.)
H.P., D.L., loP. Down hall j & 16 James l Campion Robert, chemist &; druggist BarlO1O " Sawlrridgeworth Gas Light 4-
Bt. Buckingham gate; &Carlton, 'fra.. I Chaplin Thomas, brewer .coke Co. Limited (George Prior, sec.)
yeller's &; St. Stephen's clubs, Lond s.tD I Clark Arthur, blacksmith Hill Christopher, farmer
Holt Charles, boot maker Pratt George, watch maker Stevens Jas. White Horse, Potter street
Houghton Charles, grocer At draper, & Prior Geo. secretary to the gas works Stuteley John, hair dresser
agent for W. & A. Gilbey,wine & spirit Read William, boot maker SYDENHAM ALFRED HENRY, classical &.
merchants Redding William, registrar of births &. commercial boarding school
Hutchin Emma (Mrs.), grocer & baker, deaths & relieving officer, Potter st Tabor &. Stuckey, coach builders
Potter street Rider William, George commercial inn Thurgood John, jun. corn dealer
Jarvis John, bricklayer 4- posting house Thurgood John H. baker &. shopkeeper
Jenkins In. plumber, painter & glazier Rixon James, shoe maker Ward W. H. K. B.A. second master of St.
Jex John (Mrs.), Marquis oJ Granby Salmons Ann (Mrs.). dairy Mary's college
J udd Daniel, farmer Samuel George, baker Warren William, wine & spirit merchant
Lines Henry, farmer, White House farm Sanders Arthur, Crown Wedd Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school
Mathews Thomas, farmer Saward Benjamin, baker Whittaker Charles, stationer & grocer
Metson John, farmer Scott Benjamin Francis, tailor Whittaker Mary Ann (Miss),linen draper
Miller Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school Scott Frederick, tailor Wilson William. florist, Potter street
Mumford Daniel,saddler & harness makr Scmby James, corn merchant Winch WaIter, King'8 Head
Newton Joseph, carpenter Searle J. & L. bakers Winch WiIliam, bricklayer
Newton Joseph, jun. carpenter &elmes George & William, butchers Windus & Trotter, solicitors
Nicholls William Baker, builder,Potter st Smith Charles, blacksmith, Potter street Wright Joseph, cooper
Pavitt Benj. news agent, Potter street Snow Marian (Miss), fancy repository Young Joseph Knight, inland revenue
Phillips Ann (Mrs.), Horn if Horseshoe, Sortwell Jas. bricklayer, Potter street officer
Harlow common Sparrow Tufnell & Co. (agency) bankers Young Samuel,grocer, draper & clothier,.
Pratt William, builder (open tuesday &friday); draw on .l3ar- Mulberry green
Pratt Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer clay & Co. 54 Lombard st. London e.c


HARWICH is a municipal and parliamentary borough, sea- . Antwerp and Rotterdam. Extensive improvements have
port town and watering-place, at the mouth of the Stour I been carried out by the corpol'Jtion, by the enclosure of land
and near the confluence of the Orwell and is the head of a I from the harbour and by formidg quays along the whole north
county court district, in the Eastern division of the county, ' front of the town, with a pier adjoining the same, approach-
Tendring hundred and union, rural deanery of Harwich, I able by vessels at any time of tide: these improvements
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 21 have been made under the powers of the" Harwich Improve-
miles north-~st from ColchesteI'\ 12 east from Manning- ment, Quays and Pier Act of 185r." An ACii came into
tree. 20 from Ipswich and 71! from London, ou a small I operation in r863 for the improvement of the harbour, which
peninsula, which admits only of a narrow approach. The is under the supervision of a Conservancy board. A pier
town is governed by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, has been erected, with covered premises, by the Great East-
four aldermen, twelve town councillors and high steward. ern Railway Company, for the convenience of their conti-
The revenues of the corporation are about £1,200 yearly. nental traffic and the examination of foreign produce by the
The borough. created by Edward H. in 1318, includes Customs' authorities. The Company are now (r882) erect-
Dovercourt parish, both for municipal and parliamentary I ing a new quay and pier to the west of the town, the quay
purposes aud formerly returned two members to Parliament, is to be 600 yards in length i they also intend erecting a
but by the" Representation of the People Act, r867," it now railway station & hotel, which will supersede their present
returns one only. hotel near the old quay, the new district will be called
The town is well situated, with a fine bold shore and is Parkeston. About 30 acres of land have been reclaimed
pleasant and healthy: it is lighted with gas and supplied from the River Stour between Harwich and Dovercourt.
with water from springs at Upper Dovercourt. The church of St. Nicholas is a structure of white brick
During the summer steamers run to London and Waltou- in the Pointed Gothic style and consists of chancel, nave,.
on-the-Naze, and the town is much frequented as a bathing aisles porch and a tower with spire, containing a clock and
place. 8 bells and will seat r,500 persons: it was rebuilt and en-
The Great Eastern railway (Harwich branch) was opened larged in r821 by subscription and a rate, when r,ooo
in August, J854. The Great Eastern Hotel, one of the most additional sittings were obtained, the whole of which are
importaut on the Essex coast, was opened in July, 1865; it free and unappropriated: there are three partially stained
fronts the pier, from which steamboats run every day from windows in the chancel and a tablet containing the names of
this port to Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ipswich and Felixstowe. the ministers of this church from 1336 to 1874. Theregister
Southward of the town is Beacon Hill, an eminence oo()f cou- dates from the year 1539. The living is a vicarage, yearl)'
siderable height, separating Orwell, or Harwich haven, from value £160, in the gift of J. E. A. Gwynne esq. and held by
. the arm of the sea which extends to Walton-on-the-Naze. the Rev. Gerald Wm. Druce M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford,
Between this hill and the town an esplanade extends for and surrogate.
nearly a mile, commanding a delightful view of the harbour St. Nicholas Mission room, Newtown, is a wooden building,
and the German Ocean. In 18440 £50,000 was granted by erected by the Rev. G. W. Druce, in May, 1879.
Parliament for forming a breakwater from Beacon Cliff to The Catholic church, dedicated to Our Lady of Mouut
divert the current towards Landguard Point and also for Carmel and situated on the main road to Dovercourt, is a.
dredging the shoals at the entrance of the harbour, in order small building in the floriated Gothic style and was built from
to admit first-class vessels: additional sums have since been designs of E. Welby Pugin, in 1869: the resident priests are
granted for the same purpose and for building a wall at the the Rev. John Davis and the Rev. Thomas Davis.
base of the cliff to prevent the further encroachment of the Here are Baptist, Congregational, Primitive Methodist
sea and for forming a gravel walk, extending upwards of a and \Yesleyan Methodist Chapels.
mile, from the esplanade to the end of the breakwater. A The cemetery, covering an area of 5 acres, is situate at
little above the esplanade is the Redoubt, remodelled in Upper Dovercourt and contains a mortuary chapel.
1861-3 and mounting ID guns: the Angel Gate battery, The markets are on Tuesdays and Fridays. Fairs are
mounting 4 guns, is on the east of the town. Landguard held on May 1st and October 30th. Consular agents for
Fort is on a promontory of the Suffolk coast, on the other several foreign powers are resident here.
siae of the river. There are a. custom house, extensive bonding warehouses,
The harbour is the finest along this part of the coast. belonging to the Great Eastern Railway Company, one bank
affording room for 400 or 500 saiL and a savings bank. The Harwich Penny Bank was opened
There are two lighthouses at Dovercourt, outside the in June, 1858 and is progressing very satisfactorily.
Harwich harbour, in Mill Bay, tJ guard vessels from the The Coastguard Station buildings, finished in June, r858;
Andrews-a sandbank, forming a bar at the mouth of the consist of a fine range of houses, forming a quadrangle of
river from Landguard Fort to the Rolling Ground, where fifteen tenements, besides a house for the principal officer.
there is good anchorage. A guard ship is stationed here: I Shipbuilding is carried on by John Henry Vaux at the
vessels of war sometimes put into this harbour, which has Royal Naval Yard, which is well supplied with ships' store-
an Ordnance depot. I houses, employing a large number of men and boys and has
There are 154 vessels belonging to the port of Harwich, produced some fine specimens of naval architecture.
of the aggregate tonnage of 15.980 tons and the custom The Rtlman cement trade is of conside!"able extent
house returns amount to over £30,000, from the amount of and employs a great number of vessels dredging for
business arising from the continental trade carried on by I cement stone on the west rocks at the entrance to the
the Great Eastern Railway Company between here and harbour.


154 ,UAawJCW A:ND}

[ tr~LL't!
The fish~ries employ numerota 7essels and a. consid~~bl~ schools below:- a tablet has been erected ill th" -bnilding byr
trade is carried on with Ipswich and Manningtre&; R.. Bagsh~w esq.-in memory of his mother and 8ister, whO!:
The Ho},.1 Harwich 'Yacht; CI~ founded in 1843, holds were drowned in the HooghlYs-off CalcJi~tA"f
an annual regatta, when prizes are given by the club. Here i8 • ;ehalybeate spring, in great repute, poasessing
The poor hava about £6 )':ea.rly in fuel,. j. I • medicinllJ properties similar to- the watel's. of Tunbri~
The populatiuB n1 the municipal and. parliamentary Wells. The Spa House, first opened to visitors< Oft the 28th
borough in-x87I was 6,Of'/g; in 18,81. 1,059; the population of August, .1854, consists of a pump-room, fIQloon, library
Qf St. Nicholas, Harwich, in I87L, was 4.247 ; in 1881, 5,038 j land -eons.erva,tory, in ~ditiop. to IJ good supply of new~
area, 87 8pres; rateable.:ralue, £:n,129. papers. ',. ..
Parish Clerk John BrewsteP. j Cliff House, a modern mansion occupied by Captain St.
, . I George Caulfeild D'!.rcy-In<ine R.N. is delightfplly situated.
Dovercourt is a parish and fashionable watering-place, : on a hill overlooking the German Ocean, commanding fine
divided into Upper and Lower Dovercourt: the former being I sea views.
about ~ miles south-west from Harwich, on the road to I
Edgar WaIter Garland esq. is lord of the manor· and im..
Colchester and the latter fOl"IIling a populous sliburb to, propriator of the great tithes. 'l'he vicar, Henry Lee ~.
Harwich, which it adjoins, being within the municipal and the trustees of T. R. Bagshaw, Capt. Graves, Miss E. Deane,
parliamentary borough of Harwich, in the Eastern division -- Butchel' aod T. R. Pattrick are the principal lanaJ"
of the county, union Qf Tendring, lIarwich county court owners.
district and rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and f The area of Doverconrt is 1,876 acres; rateable value.
diocese of St. Albans: this rapidly improving place is pleas- I £9,55°; and the population in 1871 was 1,832 and in 188I~
antly 8ituated. and extends for- tW{) miles westward a,long 2,021. t' • r {
the south bank of the river Stout and more than that dis- Pariah Clerk, Alfred Chaplin, Upper Dovercourt.
tance southwards by the sea-coast, exhibiting a. wide extent P08'l', MONEY ORDER &: TELEGRAPH OFFICE &: Savingl\
of varied and attracti;ve scenery. The beach is well-adapted Bank, Lower Doverconrt.-William Allen Wells. Letters
for bathing, being smooth and sandy and is well supplied arrive from Harwich at 6.30 a.m.; second delivery,
with bathing machines. 3: p.m.; third delitery, 5 p.m.; di!lpatched at 12 noon, 2 p.m.
There are several terraces of Louses, a number of detached & 8 p.m.; on sundays, 8 p.m. Money orders granted &;
villa" and a first-class hotel, the" Cliff;' with ample space cashed from 9 a.m, to 6 p.m.; saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
and conveniences for visitors•., Two lighthonses were erected Telegraph business from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m
in 1862. and there are also an assembly room, institute and PILLAR LETTER Box, Cliff Toa~ cleared at II.45 am. :It p.m..
r-eading room. , . &: 8 p.m.; no collection on sundays )
A. firmly-eonstructed !Sea-wall has been built, protecting POST OFFICE, Uppet' Dovercourt.~Robert Brown, receiver.
the sides of the cliff and guarding against the encroachment Letters arrive from Harwich at 1 a.m., dispatched at 1
of the sea, which breaks on this coast with the full force. of • p.m.; on sundays at 9.5f) a..m. The nearest ,money "rder
the German Ocean; int addition to this a breakwater has office is at Lower Dovercourt
been constructed of Kentish rag, extending 1,550 feet into WALL LETI'ER Box, Vicarage, cleared at 7.IS p.m, & sundayllo
the sea and approaching within about a mile of I,andguard 10.30 a.m :
Forl, on the opposite coast of Suffolk: the cost of the con- PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
struction of the breakwatew and removing shoals or banks Cemete'ry, Alfred Chaplin, sexton '
which obstructed the free navigation of the harbour, was IJaverconrt Spa, James Richard Franks,..agent .
£132,000. r (. Huspital for Infectious IJiseases, Augustus Kinsey·Morgan~
The Undercliff walk, which extends more than 8 mile medical attendant I .•
along the shore, was completed at a cost of nearly £10,000, Li,ghthouse, Henry Smith (principal), WaIter Grimmerj
by the late Juhn Bagshaw esq. . ' George Proom & William Henry Smith, assistant keepel'fl
The Great Eastern Railway Co. {Harwich & Manningtree PuBLIC OFFICERS:- >

branch) have a station at Dovereourt. . Assistant O",erseer, Timothy Pattison, Upper Dovercourt
The church of .All Saints, which is the mother church of IJep'uty Inspectm' General of HOfJpitals 0/ Fleets, William
Harwich, is an ancient building of the twelfth century, con- Ruffell Dalton F.R.C.S. Cliff road
sisting of chancel and nave and a tower containing a clock Deputy Registrar of Births 0/ Death,~, Edward Frederick
and 2 bells. There is an oak It' poor man's box," bearing Durrant'
the date 1569, with two locks and two keys. .A site for an in- Inland Revenue Officer, H~nry Bowden, 4 & 6 Cliff villas,
tended new church on Hill road, Lower Dovercourt, has been Cliff road
given by J. E. A. Gwynne esq. The register dates from the Overseers, Levi Cobb & E. Thackeray' -
year 1539. The living is a vicarage, having been separated PLACES OF WORSHIP:-
from Harwich, which was its chapelry,in 1871; yearly value, All Saints' Church, Rev. Thomas Grey Collier M.A. ¥icar.
£130. in the gift of J. E. A. Gwynne esq. of Folkington, 8 & I I a.m.• wed. & fri. & holy days 11.30 a.m. & 3;
Sussex and held by the Rev. Thomas Grey Collier M.A. of & at 7 p.m. at the Nationa! School, Lower Dovercourt
Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. A vicarage house near Mission Hall, Rev. Henry Edward Brooke, mini8ter~ sel'"
the church was erected in 1879-80, a grant having been vices, 11.15 a.m. 3 & 7 p.m.; & thursdays, 8 p.til • j
obtained from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Upper Dovercourt; services,
An estate of ~8 .acres and several hOUses, left at various I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wednesdays, 7.30 p.m
dates prior to the· Reformation and now producing £120 SCHOOLS:- .
yearly, i» assigned to -the repair and beautifying of the National (mixed), Upper Dovercourt, built in 1863, for 140
church and all such purposes '3S are included in a church children, with an average attendance of 80; Miss Emilinll
rate and is managed under a scheme ordered by the Charity Pincomba, mistress , j >J
Commissioners. £21 ·4s. from Smyth's Charity, left in National (mixed), Lower Dovercourt, built in 1874, for 150
1626 by Henry Smyth, of London, is annually distributed children, with an average attendance of I30; Miss Louisa
among the poor in coals, through the agency of a coal Miller, mistress
club of about 1~ members, • The schools are under government inspection & the
The Mission Hall, built- and endowed by the late Robert ' management of a local committee, of whom the 'icar ia
J. Bagshaw esq. and opened in 1874. is a large and spacious chainnan & tl'1lstee
building, seating about 700 persons, with ante-rooms and Railway Station, Robert Saunders., station master

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

& Government Annuity k Immrqnce Office.~Edward

London, Colchester, Ipswich &: -all

parts, deli'fery b]'
Salter, postmaster, Church street
carriers begins at 7 a.m r
OUT-GOING MAILS. London & all parts (d~y wail), 1.10 p.w
With extra Registered London, .pswich &: all parts, 5.15 p.m
. stamp. • lett8l'S till Thereis pnly one delivery on sundays at 7 a.m
London _ .••• ........................ l 9.30 B.m.... 9.40 Lm. 9-"30 .a.m Letters are delivered at the counter from 7 till 10 a.m. onlJ
London,lpswich&all parts 12.3° p.m. HI.5O p.m. 12.0 p.m ,Telegraph business transacted from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. & on
London, Colchester ditto 2.50" 3.0 ... Jl2·30 " 8llDdays from 8 till 10 a.m: •. W
London, Colchester, Ips~ Inlaud Revenue licenses. issued from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m
wich, Manningtree &: all foot rnessengel'5 for Great Oakley, Little Oakley~Ramsey'
parts (night mail)......... 8.30 " 9. 10 " "8.0 Uppel' Doveroourt leaves at 6 a.m j

• . MEM:ijEll OF .PARLIAMENT. • 1 County Coul't, John Thomas AMy LL.D. judge \ Edward
Sir Henry Whatley· Tyler, Pymmes park, Edmonton, Cbapman, registrar ~ G. P. Arden, high bailiff; Ehjah Race.
Middlesex; & Carlton & Al'IlJ.y & Navy club8; London $.'IIJ I assistant bailiff; office, Church street I •
Retwrning OjJicer, the Mayor ' . TJ1e county court' is held monthly in the Town hall, the
• following places are within its jurisdiction :-Beaumont•
• Bl'adfield, Dovercourt, Frinton, Great Holland, Little Hol-
O. J. Williams, John Watts, L. Richmond~ Wm. Groom,C: F. land, Kirby Le Saken, MistIey, Great Oakley, Little
Bevan, John H.'Vaux ~sq. Samuel Rbt. Groom, it S. Barne~ OakIey, Ramsey, Tendring, Thorpe Le Soken, Walton Le
J.'R. Franks, J. W. C. Butcher, W. J. Nalborough. , Soken, Wix, Wrabness & Harwich
Clerk, Edward Chapman, 41 Church street qustom House, West street, Harry F. Shute, collector &
Petty Sessions held at the Town hall every tuesday r. landing surveyor: James A. Edwards, first clerk; Samuel

CORPORATION. Rees, second clerk; Alex. Stephenson, George Drever,
Mayor, William Groom George Pound, examining officers; William Lewis Miller,
Aldermr.n, William Groom, John Wm. C. Butcher, John acting examining officer; Phillip Scott, Bede Hutchinson,
Henry Vaux & John Watts, /"' _ John Richard Precious, Charles Durrant, Henry A. Scott,
Councillors, N. Clarke, S. J. Newton, J. Whitmore, S. R. James John King, William Carman, James T. Grover, A.
Groom, retire 1882; J. Durrant, J. Self, A. A. Parsons"G. .T. O. Driscoll, John Driscoll & W. J. Deesmond, ont-door
Sealey, retire :I883; J. R. Watson, C. F. Bevan, J. R. officers; John Piper, principal coast officer, MistIey •
Franks, 'W. Hepworth, retire 1884 Essex (1st) Artillery 1I0luntee'J's (No. 1 battery), Richard
Saxty Barnes, capt. commanding
OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SANITARY Fire Ertfl.ine Station, King's Quay street
AUTHORITY. Inland Revenue o.ffice, Three Cups hotel, Church 8~reet j
High Steward, Edgar WaIter Garland Henry Bowden, officer
Town Clerk ~ Clerk to the Urban Sanitary A uthol'ity, Edward Life Boat Institution, Lucas T. CobboId esc{. hon. sec.; Wm.
Chapman, Church street Britton, coxswain of life boat
Tl'easurer, Richard Saxty Barnes, 63 Church street ]Jfeat Market, Samuel Parsons, collector
Auditors, S. R. Groom (mayor's auditor), James Fletcher & Ordnance Store ])epartment, Ordnance house, A. B. Calven,
Henry Dowling Grice assist. commissary general in charg~ i Thomas WaIter
Medical Officer, Augustus Kinsey-Morgan Seymour, conductor of stores _
Surveyor if In$pector of Nuisances, Henry Ditcham , Police Office, Church st. John Guy, inspector; & 5 constables
Sergeants-at-Mace, W. L. G. Miller & Wm. Smith Royal Engineers' o.ffice, Wellington rd. Major Bruce BrineR.B
;rown O'ier, W. L. G. Miller Hall,"Church street, John Guy~ keeper
Clerk, Edwal'd ChapmaI1 .
Medical Officer ~ bispecf01', Augustus Kinsey-Morgan A gents to Lloyd's ~ American Lloyd's, Groom &Son, Church st
Clerk to Commissioners of Paving, to the Bmal Board of
HARWICH HARBOUR CONSERVANCY BOARD. the Paris}, vf St. Nicholas, to the Commissioners of Tax8B
T. C. Cobbold esq. C.B., M.P.· chairman, representing the for the B01'OUgh ~ to the Ha7"/./Jich P01't Sanitary Authority,
Treasury . Edward Cbapman, Church street
Conservators ~- Coroner, William Codd, Maldon, for Harwich &: Dovercourb
Jas. Round esq. M.P. representing the Admiralty Harbow' Master & Collector of IJues, William Murray, Main
Lord Henniker, representing the Board of Trade yoad, Lower Dovercourt
Captain Sir George S. Nares n.N., K.C.B. representing the Inspector of W6i,ghts if Measw'es, ~ under the Sale of Food ~
Board of Trade . 1Jrugs Act, John Guy, Town hall
J. H. Vaux esq. representing the Harwich Corporation Pier Master, JoM Carrington r
C. R. Turner esq. representing the Ipswich Dock Com- Registrar of Shippin[J' cf of Na'l}al Resf!MJe, SJiipping Master,
• •
mlSSloners Receiver of Wl'eck (inclu.ding Cinque Ports), Collector of
Robert Free, representing the Mistley & Manningtree Light ])ue.~, Harry F. Shute, Custom house
ratepayers _ Ste1va1'd f01' the Sokens {including the P«rishes of Kirby,
Captain Atkins, representing the Trinity Board '. Th01'jJe if Walton), Edward Chapman, Church street
E. Packard, jun. representing the Ipswich Corporation Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, Harry F. Shute, Captain
Treasurer, N. T. Cobbold esq. (firm Cox, Cobbold & Co) Daniel Howard & William Groom
Engineer, Peter S. Bruff C.E . Treasurer to the CmnmissioTters of Paving ~ Lighting, R. S.
Clerk, R. S. Bames I Bames, 63 Church street
Rates levied under the powers of the act-(I863) on all vellsels
entering Harwich harbour from the sea, one penny per ton PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of service.
(registered tonnage), vessels in ballast~ one half-penny per St. Nicholas Church, Church street, Rev. Gerald William
ton for refuse, yachts one half-penny per ton; William Druce M.A. vicar; 8 & 11 a.m. 3 do 7 p.m.; wed. & tri. 1 I.
Murray, collector - a.ID. & 7.30 p.m
VICE-CONSULS. St. Nicholas JJ1ission ROO1n, New town; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Denmark, Sweden ~ N01'Way, Wm. Groom, 40 Church st Catholic Church of Our Lady of jJfount Cannel, Rev. John
Germany, Prance, Belgium, Russia, Spain, P01'tugal, Turkey, Davis & Rev. Thomas Da\;s, priests; sunday mass 8 & :II
Italy, N~therlands.Brazils, Honduras f Uruguay,Oliver a.m. evening service 1 p.m.; mass daily 8 & 8.30 a.m. ;
John Williams, 2 Market street baptisms, churchings &c. daily; evening servioo on thurs.
Liberia, Samuel Robert Groom, 40 Churcb street 7p·m \
~ INSURANCE AGENTS. .Baptist Chapel, King's Head street, ministers ....arllms; :II
.• a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
Alliance Fire if Life, J. Self, 12 King's Quay street Congregational Chapel~ West street, Rev. Richard Wyatt,
British Mutual Life, Groom & Son, Church· street :II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m
City of Glasgmb -~ Colonial Life, Groom & Son, Church st Primitive JJ1ethodist Chapel, Main road. ministers various
County Fire. J. n. Franks, 34 King's Quay street I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m,; thurs; 7.30 p.m
General, Groom & Son, Church street . We.~leyan Chapel, Church street, Rev.. James Bolton ~ ra.30
Manchester Fire, J. Fnlcher, jun a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thur!l. 7.30 p.m
Northern Assurance, G. L. Jackson, 54 Church street
]Vorwich Union Fi-re, 'H. D. Grice, 10 King's Quay street SCHOOLS.
Phi1!nix Fire, R. S, Barnes, 63 Church street
C01'P0mtion, King's Quay street, built & founded by Hum-
Provident Life, J. R. Franks, 34 King's Quay street phrey Parsons esq. in 1724; it has been enlarged & will
Royal Exchange, B. P. Godwin,'Esplanade house ,, now hold 131 boys., the average attendance being about
Scottish, Groom & Son, Church street 76 ; George Helsdon, mastf)r
Sun Fire, W. J. Nalborough . - National, King's Quay street (mixed k infants'), with a
- ,

PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS· small endowment of £aa, the average attendance being

Admiralty, Droits yard, Quay,Messrs.. Groom & Son,receh'ers about 160 boys, U2 girls &: :ISO infants; John Williams,
CemtteryforSt. NicJwlas JX,J'ish, Upper Dov.ercourt, Edward master; Miss Rebooca Sophia Jackson, mis~ress; Miss
Chapman, clerk to- the Burial Board , lsabella Fryer, infants' mistre8$ ~
Cheque Pl'emisesj Wharf ~ Storehouses, Church 8tree~ St. Nicholas ~lfiss;ml Room School, New town (mixed);
Quay, Charles Lucas, foreman established by the present. vicar in 1879; the average
Coastguard Station, Qua)' side, Timothy Carroll, chief officer attendance is about 50; :Miss Emma Chambers, mistress

NEWSPAPERS. master; continental department, Captain Daniel Boward,.
marine superintendent, Quay
Ha1"lDicl~ ~ IJOV"court Free Press, I3 Market .street, John WATER CoNVHYANCE.~Steamboats from the pier, to & from'
Robert Watson, publisher; published saturday Ipswich & Felixstmve twice a. day all the year round, to
Harwich ~ DOfJ"cour! Newsman, 54 Church street, George Walton-on-the-Naze & Landguard Fort daily during the
Langley Jackson, proprietor & publisher; published sat summer months: to London once a day during the S1lJIl-
CONVEYANCE. mer months. Ferry boats for Shotley & Walton, Suffolk
CARRIER TO GREAT OAKLEy-Thomas Wass, from the
Great Eastern. Railway, . Martin Luther Sanders, station 'Ooach & Horses,' daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dunningham Alfred Wells, Fern cot-' McKellow Richd. 12 Mariast. New town
Andrews James, 5 Station road tage, New town Meacham Rudrum, 1 Ge01'ge street
Banks David Edward, 33 Church street Durrell Waiter Thos. 20 George street Mead George, Main road
Barker William, 5 Pepys st. New town Ellis Martin, 14 King's Head street Miller Henry, I I Wellington road
Barnes Richard Saxty, Esplanade Ely George Skitter, Maria st. New town Miller Mrs. 14 Wellington road
Bonner Edgar, 10 Station road' Etherden Thomas William, West street Moore William, New road
Borrett Mrs. 5 King's Head street Evans Samuel, 27 West street Nalborough George, 4 Church street
Bowness Mrs. 33 King's Quay street Francis William, 7 George street Osborn Henry, 2 Fernlea rd. New town
Bray Mrs. 8 George street Franks Jas. Richd. 34 King's Quay st Oxley Robert, 21 West street
Brine Major Bruce R.E. Government ho George Mrs. 6 King's Head street Page Thomas, 34 Church street
Brixey Edward Tilley, 33 West street I
Gilpin Thomas, Rose cottage, New town Panzera Lieut. Francis William, 42
Bulman Mrs. 17 Station road Goodwin Benj. Paternostr. Esplanade ho King's Quay street
Burton Mrs. Main road Goodwin Miss, Esplanade house Parsons John, 31 West street
Butcher John William Cubitt, King's Goodwin Miss Charlotte, Esplanade ho Peck Richard,4Danielstreet,Newtown
Quay street Grigson Mrs. 8 Castle Gate street Pilgrim John, 9 King's Head street
C6lvert AugustU8 Bresson, Ordnance ho Groom Mrs. Church street Randall Thomas, IS West st.reet
Oann George, Daniel street, New town Groom Samuel Robt. 40 Church street Read Frederick, 77 West street
Carman Alfred, 6 George street Groom William, 40 Ohurch street Sanders Martin Luther, 20 Station road
Carman Russell John, 3 George street Gunn Edwin Stephen, 3 West street Strahan Mrs. 10 Wellington road
C6rtlidge Isaac, 39 Church street Hales Francis Richard, 42 Church st Taylor George, Daniel street, New town
Carver James, 6 George street Hales ,Miss, 12 1\'ellington road 'fhompson George, 32 King's Head st
Chapman Edward,4I Church street Hallams Thomas Robert, 44 King's Thurlow Oharles Arthur,9 Station road
Cobbold Lucas Temple, 14 Wellington Head street Toppell John, 25 King's Quay street
terrace Haylett Mrs. 7 Station road Vale Charles, 23 Station road
Cochran John Henry, 82 West street Helsdon George, Main road Vaux John Henry, King's Quay street
Cole George, 2 Eastgate 8treet Hepworth Walter,3Maria st. New town Vowles Charles, 38 Church street
Oornell Mrs. 28 King's QuaV street Hills John, 8 George street Warner George, Osborn ho. New town
Oox Mrs. King's Quay street Howard Capt. Daniel, Railway station Waters Thomas, 18 Station road
Davis Rev. John [Catholic] Howard Daniel, sen. 36 Church street Watson Mrs. 60 West street
Davis Rev. Thomas [Oatholic) Jackson George Langley, New road Wellsteed Mrs. 26 King's Quay street
Davison Henry, 62 West street Kent Stephen, 14 Maria st. New town Whitmore John, Main road
Deaville George, 17 Maria street, New Kinsey· Morgan Augustus, 13 & 14 Whyatt Oharles Stephen, 9 George st
wwn George street Wilkins Albert, 4 George street
De Will Auguste, 7 West street Knight Mrs. 3 West street Willcocks Hy.William Squire, 81 Westst
Ditcham Henry, 37A, West street Lawrence Captain Francis, Main road Woods Charles, 6 Maria st. New town
Druce Rev. Gerald William M.A. Vicar- Lewis Mrs. 12 Eastgate street Wright Joseph, S George street
age, King's Quay street Martin Thomas, 23 West street Wyness William, 16 King's Head street
COMlIIERCIAL. Butcher ·William Freeman, grocer, 17 King's Quay street
Abrey Frederick, waterman, 58 West street CalveI' John, fishmonger, 16 Ohurch street
Aldis Timothy, lodging house, 24 West street Cant Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 52 West street
Ambler John, mineral water manufacturer, George street Carder Harvey, master mariner, 7 Macdonough cottages
Armon Thomas, lodging house, 30 Church street Carman William, custom house officer, 25 Church street
Atkin James Thomas, lodging house, 8 West street I Carrington John, pier master, IS Church street
Baker Wm. marine store dlr. Golden Lion lane &: New town Carrington Robert, game dealer, 63 West street
Barker Caroline (Miss), dress maker, Canning st. New town Oarrington Samuel, beer retailer, 18 West street
Barnard Charles Henry, blacksmith, whitesmith, bellhanger, Carrington William, shopkeeper, 8 King's Head street
gait & water fitter, iron & copper plate worker, 4 King's Carroll Timothy, chief officer of coast guard, Angel batury
Head street &: Bath side Carter John & Son, bakers, 13 & 14 West street
Barnes Richard Saxty, public notary k clerk to the harbour Carter William, Angel, King's Quay street
eonservancy board, 63 Church street ' Carver Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Currents lane
Barwood Daniel, beer retailer, S Church street Causton Isaiah, fishmonger, 9 Currents lane
Bateman Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Ohurch street Cavill Charles, dealer in marine stores, 48 Ohurch street
Rennet Charles, lodging house, 13 Eastgate street Cavill Charles William, coal dealer, 48 Church street •
Bennett George, lodging house, 23 George street Chapman Edward, solicitor, commissioner, notary public,
Berry William, butcher, Pepys street, New town town clerk, clerk to borough justices, registrar of county
Bevan Charles Fredk. pharmaceutical chemist, 62 Church st court, clerk to commissioners of taxes for the borough ok
Bird Ebenerer R. linen draper, King's Head street to the burial board for the parish of St. Nicholas 0\
Bloom Robert, harness maker, Market place to the Harwich Port Sanitary Authority, 41 Church street
Blosse Mary Ann (Mrs.), hair dresser, 57 Church street Clarke Henry Goswick, baker, 24 Maria street, New tcJ\m
Bodgener William, tailor, 52 Church street Olarke John, shopkeeper, 22 King's Quay street
Bolton E1ward, lodging house, 2 Main road Olarke Samuel, baker & confectioner, ID Market street
Borrett Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), plumber & painter, King's Clements George, lodging house, 29 Church street
Quay street Coates John, plumber &:c. New town •
Bowling Frederick, shopkeeper, Church lane Cobbold, SOIlS & Rouse, solicitors, King's Head street
Braddon Charles, 6 Star terrace, New town Cobbold Lucas Temple, solicitor & notary public (firm,
Britton Willism, master mariner, Sl Ohurch street Cobbold, Sons & Rouse), King's Head street
Branch Frederick, basket maker, 19 Station road Co-operative Institute Reading Room 4' Library (Henry
Brewster Job, parish clerk, George street Scott, sec.), West street
Brewster Jonathan, baker, I I King's Head st. It Bradfield Cole Charles, tailor, 2 West street
BrownCarrington, boot maker, 55 Clmrch street Cook John, lodging house, 27 King's Head street
Buck William, greengrocer, 56 Church street Cook Mary Aun (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 King's Head 8treet
Bugg George Walton, shoe warehouse, 53 Church street Cooper Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 24 George street t
Bull John, Cups hotel, 64 Church street Coppin Shepard, shoe maker, King's Head street
Bullock Oharles, cooper, 30A, Church street Ootgrove Charles, greengrocer, I7 Church street
Burroughs Charles, Packet inn, 42 West street CO'Unt:1I Court (John Thomas Abdy esq. LL.D. ju~0'8:
,.Butcher John William Cubit, builder & farmer, King's Quay Edward Chapman, registrar; G. Parden, high bailifi;
street" George street Elijah Race, assistant bailifi), Town hall
County Police Office (John Guy~ inspector), Church street Hallams Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 West street
Cox, Cobbold &; Co. bankers, King's Quay street; draw on Hammond James, lodging house, 8 Church street
Williams, Deacon &; Co. London Hammond William, fish salesman, 56 &; 51 King's Quay st
Crane James Jones, glass &; china dealer, 19 Church street Handrick John, lodging honse, Bell cottage
Crane Thomas, master mariner, 21 King's Head street Harding Joseph, chemist, 36 King's Head street
Crichton Robert Douglas, fruiterer, 13 Church street Hare William, master mariner, 34 West street
Cross George, master mariner, Notley house, Maria street Hart Sophia (Miss), lodging hOti8e, 6 'West street
Custom House (Harry F. Shute, collector &; landing 8ur- Harvey Thomas, lodging house, 16 George street
veyor), West street Harvey William, greengrocer, 12 St. Austin's lane
, Dale William, master Vlariner, 2 Wellington road HaT'lvich Bar,qe Alliance Insurance AssociatiO'lI, Limited (R.
Daniels Harry Westerman, merchant &; miller, &; Bradfield S. Barnes, sec.), 63 Chnrch street
Davis Benjamin, lodging honse, 13 Vansittart st. New town HaT'lOlch <f Dovercourt Newsman (George Langley Jackson,
Dawson Daniel, shoe makeY', Market p l a c e . proprietor &; publisher; published), 54 Church street
Dawson Henry Tyrrell, beer retailer, I I George street Harwich <f Dovercourt Free Press (John Robert Wat80n,
Denney George Edward, fish salesman, 50 King's Quay street publisher; published saturday), 13 Market street
Denney Maria (Mrs.), fishmonger, 19 King's Head street Harwich <f Dovercou1't Industrial Co-operative Society
Denney Thomas John, fishmonger, Currents lane (Henry Scott, sec.), 20 Church street
Diamond Susannah (Mrs.), watch maker, 18 Church street Hm'Wich HarbO'UT ConseMJancy Board (Peter S. Bruff C.B.
Ditcham Henry, borough surveyor. &; sanitary inspector, engineer; R. S. Barnes, clerk), office, 63 Church street
37A, West street Har'wich Temperance Restau1'ant (Benjamin Eastes LaiS,
Dowling William Robert, Half Moon, St. Austin's lane manager), King's Quay street
Downie James, lodging house, 22 Station road HaT'lvich 1 emperance Societ.1f (Wm. Salter, sec.), King's Qy. st
Duncan Harry, railway inspector, 15 George street Hast William, master of trinity light ship, Main road
Dunlop Jonathan, superintendent engineer of Great Eastern Hepworth Waiter, wholesale yeast & general importer,
Company's boats, 32 Church street George street, Maria street & 13 Church street
Dunningham Alfred Wells, steam saw mills, New town Hill Edward, master mariner, 30 West street
Durrant James & Edward Frederick, butchers, 21 Market st Hill Robert, grocer &; coal &; saItmerchant, 10 King's Head st
Durrant Charles,· custom house officer, 78 West street Hills Henry, lodging house, 70 West street
Durrant John Blogg, cabinet maker, 61 Church street Hines &; Co. clothiers, 9 Market street
Durrant Mary Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 West street Hogg Daniel, carpenter, 3 Star terrace, New town
Earley Joseph, Duke of N01:folk, King's Quay street Holmes Joseph, master mariner, 26 Church street
Easter John, master mariner, 20 King's Head street Honey Henry, baker &; confectioner, 59 Church street &;
Elland Joseph, shopkeeper, White Hart lane 4 Market street
Ellis Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 71 West street Howard Captain Daniel, marine superintendent, Station ha
Ellis Warren William, marine engineer, Macdonough terrace Hutchineon Bede, custom house officer, 43 Church street
Ellmer Charles, lodging house, 17 King's Head street Inland Revenue Office (Henry Bowden, officer), Three Cups
Ehvood George, master mariner, I I Vansittart st. New town hotel, Church street
Elwood John Samson, butcher, 7 Market street Jacklin William, Duke's Head, Church street
Ennels Eliza (Mrs.), butcher, King's Quay street Jackson George Langley, printer &; stationer,54 Church st
Ennels Thomas, butcher, 61 King's Quay street &; 34 Yic- Janssen John Frederick, shopkeeper, Albemarle st, New town
toria terrace, Dovercourt Jennings James, greengrocer, 2 St. Austin's lane
E.ssex (1st) Artillery Volunteers (No. I battery) (Richard Jennings Thomas, Alma, 25 King's Head street
Saxty Barnes, captain commanding) Johnson Steven, lodging house, 7 Wellington road
E"ans Samuel L.R.C.P. LOnd. physician, 27 West street I Kedgley William, fishmonger, 3 Castlegate street

Everard Frederick &; Son, tailors & drapers, 38 Church"'treet Keeble Benjamin, master mariner, 4 Church lane
Everett John, blacksmith, Alpha house, West street Keeble George, shopkeeper, 28 Church street •
Everett John Isaac. job master, West street & New town I Kerry J. F,/ registrar of births &; deaths for Harwich sub-
Fairchild William, fishmonger, 35 King's Head street district & marriages for Tendring union, 22 Maria street
Farthing Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 13 Wellington rd Kersey Joseph Henry, Spread Eagle, 75 West street
Fire Engine Station, King's Quay street Kettle Frederick, beer retailer, 56 West street
Fielder James, lodging house, 30 King's Head street Kettle William, Globe, King's Quay street
Forster Charles, sail maker, 44 West street King James John, custom house officer, I West street
Forster Robert, sail maker, lIA, Eastgate street King Martha Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, IS King's Quay at
Gane William Shore, fishmonger, SI King's Quay street King William, pier foreman, 31 ChUllch street
Gard Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, King's Head street Kingsford Henry John, carpenter, 17 Vansittart st. New town
Garling Abraham, plumber, 8 King's Quay street Kinsey-Morgan Augustus, surgeon, 13 &; 14 George street
Gas lVorks (Edward Chapman, sec.; Thomas Edward Shad- Lawrence William, dining rooms, &; cowkeeper, 6S Church
bolt, engineer), Bath side street & Hall farm, Dovercourt
Glide Thomas William, tinman, 14 Church street Leatherland Annie (Mrs.), beer retailer, George street
Glover Ellen Pitt (Miss), sewing machine dealer, 69 Church st Lewis John, submarine engineer, 12 Eastgate street
Gooch Herbert John, ale &; porter merchant, George street Lewis Robert, barge inspector, 17 Church street
Good James, master mariner, Bath side Lewis William George, smack owner, 66 Church street
Good John, shopkeeper, 39 King's Head street J Life Boat InstitutiO'n (Lucas T. Cobbold esq. hon. sec.;
Goading Mary Ann (Mrs.), d.ress maker, 47 Church street Wm. Britton, coxswain of life boat)
Goading 'William, Coach <f HO'1'.'?es, &; hay, straw & corn Lock John, billiard rooms, Quay
merchant, Church street Lodge Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Wellington road
Gooding William, shoe maker, Albemarle street, New town Long Edward, New Swan, 14 King's Head street
Goswick Harriett (Miss), lodging house, 19 West street Lovell James, custom house officer, I I Station road
GTeat Eastern Ho,tel (Thomas Bolton, manager), Quay Mackrill James, master mariner, 71 Church street
Green Isaac, shopkeeper, 2 King's Head street Mallows George, master mariner, 3 Church lane
Green Wm. goods agent, Gt. Eastern railway, I Wellington rd Manhood Mercy (Mrs.), pork butcher,.Albemarle st.New town
Greenwood Edwin George, butcher, 4 King's Head street Manhood Nathaniel, greengrocer & pork butcher, I St.
Grice, Spurge & Barker, drapers, 20 Market street Austin's lane
Grice Henry Dowling, grocer & auctioneer, 10 King's Quay Manning Isaac, smack owner, St. Austin's lane
street &; Albemarle street, New town • Manning WaIter, hair dresser, 16 King's Quay street
Grice Joseph, grocer, &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey, wine & Marsh Alfred, clothier & boot &; shoe maker, 4 Market street
spirit merchants, 20 Market street Martin George, shopkeeper, 25 West street
Groom & Son, general merchants, 40 Church street Martin Robert, William the FO'Urth, 65 West street
Groom Samuel Robert, ship chandler, sail maker, rope Maskell William, lodging house, a Eastgate street
maker & provision merchant &; vice-consul for Liberia, Matthews Mary Ann (Mrs.), hair dresser, 50 Church street
40 Church street Meachan James, master mariner, 15 Maria street, New town
Groom William, vice-consul for Denmark, Sweden &; Nor- Meachen William, shopkeeper, 60 King's Quay street
way, 40 Church street Mead Charles, pastry cook, 76 West street
Groves Frederick, store keeper to the G.E.Ry. Co. 8 Station rd Meat jJfarket (Samuel Parsons, collector), King's Quay st
Gunn Edwin Stephen, builder &; contractor, 3 West street Middleton William, ship chandler, 9 King's Quay street
Guy John, weights, measures &; police inspector, Town hall Miller William, shopkeeper, 16 West street
Hale George, chimney sweeper, Golden Lion lane Miller William Lems, custom ho. officer, I: Pepys st. New town
Hales Francis Richard, solicitor, 42 Church street Miller William Lewis Gabriel, baker, 6 King's Quay street

Mills Richard, boot maker, '18 Chur.(:h street' I Sanders Martin Luthel', statwn master, Station road
Mission to Seame1l Society (Tho8'. Bechell, tJCriptnre reader; Sayers Willia.m~ master mariner, Cok.e stree~ New town.
Mi::r.ter WiUiam, master J;ll&riner, 8 Coke street, New town Scott Henry A. custom house officer, 16 Station road
Moore William, grocer- &; provision dealel1 Ma.rket street Scott Philip, eustom hoose officer, 15 King's Head &tNlet
Moran John~ contractor, 54 West street Sealey George, builder & corrtra.etor, Main road·
Moutell Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, New toW'R. I I Self John, ironmonger, gas fitter, bellhanger &; oil & 'OOlor..
Murray William, harbour master, King's Qua.y street & man, 12 King's Quay street
Main road., Lower D<weraODrt· l;eymour Thomas Walter, con<hwtor (If stOTel!l, Ordnanll8
Nalborough &; Sons, impert merchants Store department, 10 George street ,
Nalborough George, outfitter, 18 Market street Shipley Edward, butcher &; greengroceI', Canning street,
Neale John, lodging house, 6 Church street New Town .
Newman Robert, master mariner, 4 Station road Shipwrecked Fishermen 4" Mariners' Royal Bene11oft1lt
Newton Samuel John, buiWer, 36 West street Society (Oliver J. Williams, hon. agent), 2 Market street
Newton Susannah (Mrs.), builder, 35 West street Shute Harry F. collector of customs, West street
NlCkerson William, master mariner, 37 West street Sillitoe George. Wellington, 18 King's Quay street i
Norman James, pork butcher, 5 Market s t r e e t ' Smith, Beaumont & Dawson, carpenters, Coke st. New town
Norman William, pork butcher & toy dealer, 24 Church st Smith Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Albemarle s11. New town
Nunn James; master mariner, I Church lane Smith Henry, lodging house, S3 West street
Orchard Henry, master gunner B.A. Wellington road Smith Job, carpenteI\ I Vansittart street, New toWll
OrdTta1tCe Stor, Depart'llumt (Augustus B. Calvert, assistant Smith John, Elephant if Castle, I I West street
commissary general in charge), IQ 6eorge street Smith Richard, master mariner, 2 Coke street, New town
Osborne John, London tavern, 21 Church street Smith William, fruiterer, 6 Market street
Orley Robert, jun. grocer, New town Smith William, shopkeeper, 10 West street
Oxley Robert, grocer, 12 Market stree1i Smith Zachariah, fisherman,47 King's Head street ,
Paine Edward, King's Head ta11fwn, Market street Spracklin James, Anchor, Bath side
Paine Edward William, Bell, Market place . Spencer Richard, shipwright, 5 Maria street, New town
Parsons< Alfd. Augustus &; Son, watch mas. I I King's Quay st Staggs Harry, master mariner,9 Coke street, New town
Parsons & Cann, shipwrights, Bath side Starling Robert, master mariner, 30 Maria st. New town
Parsons John, boat builder, 31 West street & Bathside Stearman Eliza (Mrs.}, lodging house, 55 West street
Parsons Samuel, furniture broker,26 King's Read street & 41 Stewart William, lodging house,s Wellington road . to
King's Quay street 'I Strahan Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, IO Wellington road
.Pat,tie Robert, butcher, IS Market street J Templeman John R. insurance agent, 4 Daniel st. New town
Payn Frances (Mrs.), private school, 26 West street Thompson Charles, pilot,S West street
Points James, marine store dealer, 4 Wellington road Thorn & Manhood, boat builders, George street •
Poppy Sarah (Miss), hosier, 14 Market street Till Robert, tailor, 88A, West sm-eet
Poppy William Thomas, clothier, King's Quay -street, & Towle Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 61 West street
Market street« St. Austin's l a n e · Town Hall (John Guy, keeper), Church street
Powell John, sail maker, 20 King's Quay street Townes Ellen (Miss), refreshment house, 49 King's Quay st
Pratt Isaac Charles, White Hal't fmnily if commercial hotel, Tricker Geo. Robert, master mariner, 1 Coke st. New town
West street Tuppen & Howe, refreshment house, 37 King's Head street
Precious John Riehard, custom house officer,40 West street Tyler William, lodging house, 48 West street
Proom Robert, master mariner, 7 King's Head street Tyrrell James, lodging hOUse, 8 St. Austin's lane
Purley Goorge, lodging house, 4 George street Upson John, master mariner, Ely cottage, Maria street
Puxley Williamj lodging house, 74 West street Upson William, master mariner, 8 Maria street, NeW' town
Race Elijah, county court bailiff, Main road Vamc &. Franks, 00801 merchants, Royal Naval yard
Ramsey Philip, greengrocer, I4 King's Quay street Vaux In. Hy. shipbuilder &. owner &; sail ma. Royal Naval'Yd
Raven Eliza (Mrs.), shopk.eeper, 31 King's Head street Vince William, shoe maker, Market place
.Raven Thomas, Royal hotel, Market place • Vincent Charles, shopkeeper, 27 Church street
Raven William, master mariner, 45 West street VmGocntJohn Bennett, plumber & ironmong-el', 12 Church st
Ravenscroft George, watch maker, 13 Church street et
Walton 0/ Clacton Gazette Hm'wick if Dovercourt Adver~
Read Frederick, shoe maker, Market place tiser (GBo. L. Jackson, agent), 54 Church street
Read Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10 Church street Ward James, master mariner, 7 Coke street, New town
Redwood John, shopkeeper, 16 Castlegate street Ward William Henry, lodging house, 68 West street
Richmond Luke, mast« mariner, Bathside Waters Samuel, master mariner, 14 St. Austin's lane
Richmond Mark, master mariner, 6 Coke street, New town Watson John Robert, printer &; stationer, 13 ,Market street
Richmond WaIter, master maTiner,4 Coke street, New town Watts John, merchant & shipowner, Bathside ship yard
Robinson William, fish salesman, 2 King's Quay stlleet Webber Samuel, pier man & ticket collector, Quay
Rose Frederick, pork butcher, 4 Market street 'Wells John, blacksmith & ironmonger, George street
Rose Robert, lodging house,4 Star terrace, New town Wells Thomas, bricklayer, 4 West street
Rowland Goorge Wright, beer retailer, Market place Went William, boot maker, 3 Market street
RoyalEnginter's qffiC{!(Major Bruce Brine R.E.), Wellingtor. Td West Lydia (Mrs.), toy dealer, 60 Church street
Royal Harwich Yacht Club (L. Temple CooboJd esq. hon.1 WhinneyRachael (Mrs.), shopkeeper,38 West street
treasurer, & F. W. Panzerdesq. sec.), Great Easteta Hntell Whi.tmore John, barge owner, Market street
Rule William, Pier hotel, Quay Whittingham Thomas, painter, 7 Eastgate street
SalteT Charles Robert, Raillcay tavern, George street, & Ship, I Williams Oliver John, shipping agent; consulate office fOT
4 King's Quay street 1 Germany, France, Belgium, Russia, Spain, Italy, Portugal,
Salter Edwaro, postmaster, Church street Turkey, Netherlands, Brazils, Honduras.'lt Uruquay, B
Salter Rebeoca (Mrs.), baker,9 Stl Austin's lane. I Market street •
Salter, auctioneer le; fish salesmRw & rate collector, I Wilson Robert. Trinity pilot, Main road •
55 King's Quay street ' . I Wilson Wm. confectioner & builder, Albemarle st, New town
&1Jings Ra'Tlic (J. R. Franks, sec.; QpeD 1st tuesday in each Winney Joseph, shopkeeper, 38 West street
month), Town hall Worts Augustine, chemist &drnggist, I Market street
• Dovercourt.
PRIV,A'JIE RESIDEN'l'~. , Cockle Mrs. 39 Vict6ria terrace EVl\ns, William, 2 Cliff ¥illas
Bagshaw Miss, :a Orwell terr~ '" CoUi,er Rev. Thomas Grey:M;.A. Vieat:age, !roster Robert, 2 Cliff terrace
Barrand William, The Royd Upper DQlleroourt Franklin mac, 41. Victoria 'terrace
Barriff John, 2 Challenger villas Cottingham Francis, 4 Cottingham.' tel' Freeman Samuel, Upper Dovercourt
Bolton Rev. James [Wesleya.n]. Oshome Cottingham Miss.... , Gooch Wm. Henry, 12 VieOOria terrace
house [ Cummings MiSl!, 13 Cliff villas., ClitI rd Glad.weU Henry. 5 Cliff terrace
·Brady Henry', Holly lodge • Dalton WIll. Ruffell F.R.C.S. Cliff road Grant Mrs, 4 Milton villas
Bridge Miss, L~urel grove " D'Arcy-Irvine (;apt. St.~rg~ ·-Caul- Grates Capt. AI~. Hope, High HOUIl8
Brooke Rev. Hy. Edward, ~ OrlVen tar Jeild JU{. Cliff house farm, Upper Dovercourt If
~a.rter Wm.Henry, Holly Lodgeeettages Dawson Capt. John it.N. 4 Pembro~ 'fUg HamfIl,ond Miss, Ii Cliff .road ,!'
Choat Mrs. l Cot'ijngham terrace Deane Miss, The L~gt, Up. DotllrcoUl't Hedley Joseph, 4:z Victoria. terrace
Clarke John, Upper Dovercourt • iI De~y Capt. D'Arqv aN. :I Belton villas Hughes Rev. George LPrimitiv8 Meth~
Clark~ J{)seph, Upper Dovel'court DQuglas Lieut. AtGhibald G. R.N. S Mild f! distkg:@ Hordle street ~
Qx:kayne Mrll.. ;/ & 9 Qiff yj~ j.QD. 'Till~ : I ' . In'W~I;l.MrlL Holly Lodge cottagea


teathes CoL Hill de ""Massenden, Bank- Cottingham Francis, agent for the New Manning Thomas, lodging house, 8 & IO
sea house Town estate, 4 Cottingham terraCe Cliff villas, Cliff road
Matthews Mrs. I Cliff road Cox: Fanny (Mrs.), lodging house.. 38 Mead George, lodging ho. IS Vic:!toria td
Murray Mrs. 2 Clarendon ,;ls. Cliff rd Victoria terrace Meadows John, gardener, Main road
Murray William, Main road Crossby Jsph. shoe ma. Up. Dovercourt Meadows Maria (Miss), lodging house,
'Nalborough Mrs. I Clevevillas Cullingham George, Royal Oak ~ Richmond villas, Cliff road
Nalborough Mrs. Charles, 4 Cliff terrace Cutting Edgar, blacksmith, Up. Doverct Miller Henry, shopkeeper, Hordle street,
Nalborough Wm. John, 2 Cleve villas Dalton William Ruffell F.R.C.S., L.S."'. MoutellWm. mkt. grdnr. Vp.Dovercoul1;
Norman J ames, Hill state surgeon & deputy inspector general of Murray William, harbour master, Main
(}xenham William, I3 Victoria terrace hospitals & fleets R.N. Cliff road road j &; at Harwich
Pain Mrs. 3 Cliff terrace, Cliff road. Dawson John, master mariner, Main rd Parsons A. A. & Son, watch mas. Main rd
Pattrick John Robson, 3 Cliff villas 'Death Henry, greengrocer, Main road Parsons S!.lodging ho. I Richmond viIs
Pa'ttrick Miss, Bill house Do'Vercourt In.~titute '.f Public Read- Patrison TimothYI assistant overseer,
Pickering George. William, Belle vue, ing Rooms (F. Cottingham, hon sec.) Upper Dovercourt
Upper Dovercourt Dunn Wm. pork butcher & greengrocer Pattrick John & Son, portland & roman
Price Mrs. I Victoria terrace Durrant Edward Frederick, deputy cement & brick mnfrs. &; ship owners
Pye George, I4 Orwel1 terrace registrar of births & deaths Pepper WIll. Hy. shoe maker, Main 'I'd
Ravenscroft George, 34 Victoria terrace Duvall Wm.lieut. of coast brig. Main I'd Poole Thos. lodging ho. 18 Victoria ter
ReelS Samuel, I I Cliff villas Edwards Charles, private hotel, 7 & 8 Potter In. master marinr. 33 Victoria ter
Richmond Mrs: Johnson, IO Orwell ter Orwen terrace Pratt Adam, brick maker, Main road
Richmonq Luke, New road Edwards Charles, Queen's Head hotel, & Proom Geo. assistant lighthouse keeper
Ridley Thomas Dawson, 4 Clarendon grocer, Main road Rapp Adolph. draper & jewellr. Main rd
terrace, Cliff road Edwards Jamed Andrew, Ist clerk Richmond Johnlon (Mrs.), barge owner,
Rowland Benjamin, Upper Dovercourt custom house, 2 Milton villas 10 Orwell terrace
Sinclair Alexander, Main road Ekins Chas. William, lodging house, ~ Richmond Luke, shipowner, New road
Smith Zachariah, 2 A~lesea villas Victoria terrace Ridley Thomas Dawson, contractor, 4
Squirrell Mrs. Rose cottag-e EnnelsThomas,butchel'IVictoria terrace; Clarendon terrace, Cliff road: office
Stanley Miss F. M. 7 Cliff terrace , & at Harwich at Parkeston '
Vaux John Henry, I Cliff villas Etherden James, master rnariner, 19 Rowling Joseph, master mariner, 30

Walker Alfred, 3 Clarendon viIs. Cliff rd Victoria terrace Victoria terrace

Warren James, Bellevne house Everitt Mary Ann (Miss), cowkee:per, Rush George, bootma. Up. Dovercourt
Watts John, Stour cottage 9 Victoria terrace Sach Alfd. police constable, Up. Doverct
Wells Miss, I ClarendoJl villas, Cliff road Fletcher Jas. lodging ho. 5 Victoria ter Saunders Robert, station master
Williamlil Oliver Johu J.P. 9 Orwell ter I
Gant Joseph, farmer, Pound farm, Sealey William, builder & contractor,
Wyatt Rev. Richard [Congregational],. Upper Dovercourt Mill Hill house
2 Cottingham terrace Gant Richard, commission agent & Shute Harry Fitzgerald, collector of
COMMERQ1AI;.. market gardener, Upper Dovercourt customs, 8 Orwell terrace
Allsop Ann Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Gibbons Frederick, baker, 4 Star place Simpson Thos. carpenter, Up. Doverct
Dove house, Upper Dovercou,rt , Gisbon George, lodging ho. I Belton vils Smith Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, I
Angier Robert, W/tite Horse, Upper Gladwell Henry, organist to All Saints' Anglesea villas
Dovercourt. church, 5 Cliff terrace Smith Henry, principal lightho. keeper
Appleby William, King's Arms Grimmer WaIter, assist. lightho. keeper Smith Wm. fruiterer, Up. Dovercourt
Baldry J oseph Charles, Trafalga1', Upper Hanley Anne (Mrs.), lodging house, I6 Smith Wm. Hy. assist. li~htho. keeper
Dovercourt Victoria terrace Smy Wm. lodging ho. 10 Victoria ter
Barker Edward, dairyman, Star place, HareRobert,lodgingho.3 Pembrokevils Spa (James Richard Franks, agent)
Bellamy Mary E. (Mrs.), lodging house, Harwich Cemetery (St. Nicholas Parish) Sparrow Chas. cowkpr. Holly Lodge cot
Main road (Edward Chapman, clerk to the Sparrow Geo. mrkt. grdnr. Up. Doverct
Bowden Henry, inland revenue officer, burial board), Upper Dovercourt Sparrow John, farmer, Rookery farm,
4 & 6 Cliff villas, Cliff road Hazelwood Wm. grngrocr. Up. Doverct Upper Dovercourt
Boxall Benj.farmer, Upper Dovercourt Henderson Robert Alexander, master Sparr{)w Samuel, farmer, Smvthies
Brown Carrington, boot & shoe maker mariner, I Pembroke villas farm, Upper Dovercourt
& shopkeeper, Upper Dovercourt Horne Benjamin James Gall, butcher, Stanley Ann Elizabeth (Miss), teacher
Brown Rd. blacksmith, Up. Dovercourt Manor Road estate of music, 7 Cliff terrace
'Brown Robert, shopkeeper, Post Office, Horne Joseph, butcher, Main road Staples Frederick, farme!) Manor fltrm
Upper Dovercourt Hospital for Infectious Diseases (Au- Starling Robert, livery stable keeper, XI
Bullimer Brereton Sidney, farmer, gustus Kinsey-Morgan, medl. attndt) Victoria terrace & Stour place
Upper Dovercourt Howard R~ymond, bath & bathing' Summon!! David, shopkeeper & market
Butcher John William Cubitt, farmer, machine proprietor & beep retailer gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Brookmans &; Coles farms, Upper Jarrold Robert John, builder & farmer Sutcliffe Thomas, yeast inspector & im-
Dovercourt; 1·es. Harwich Johnson Benjamin H. market gardener, porter, forwarding agent & photo-
Cant Henry Wymark, builder 1 I Upper Dovercourt I
graph er, I M yrtle villas
Carman Chas.lodging ho. 29 Victoria ter Kent Alfred, lodging house, 23 Hordle st Thackeray Robert J. G. H. farmer,
Carter In. Hy. Manor farm, Up.Dovecot Kettle Roht.. beer retlr. Up. Dovercourt Newhall farm, Upper Dovercoll'rt
Cemetery (Alfred Chaplin, sexton) King Martin Daniel, grocer, & agent for Upson Sam!. lodging ho. 32 Victoria. ter
Chapman Edward, lodging house, 35 W.&A. Gilbey, wine &spirit merchts Upson Wm. lodging ho. ~I Victoria te'r'
Victoria terrace Last Wm. boot ma. Upper Dovercourt Vercoe Emily (Miss), ladies' school,
Chegwiden Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging Lawrance William, farmer, Hall farm; Montague house
house, 24 Victoria terrace & at Harwich Watts Samuel & Son, bakers & con-
Chenery Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, XI Lockwood Moses, mast~r mariner, 25 fectioners, Main road
&; I2 Orwell terrace Victoria terrace . Webb Margaret (Mrs.), lodging house,
Chilver John, master mariner, 2 Pem- Loveridge Frederick, Cl~ff Fdmily hotel 5 & 6 Orwell terrace
broke villas Lucas Chas. builder. 3 Victoria terrace Wells James, builder, Clifton house
ChisnallJohnWilliam, marke! gardener, Lucas Dan!. wheelwright, Up. Doverct Wells Wm. AlIen, linen <kpr. Post office
, Upper Dovercourt Lucas Thomas Rogers, farmer, Green Wickharn Thomas, farmer, Lower'Vick
Chisnall Nathan, market gardener, farm & Michaelstow farm, Ramsey; farm, Upper Dovercourt
Upper Dovercourt res. Dove house, Upper Dovercourt Wilding John -Thomas, Victoria hotel
'Clarke Nathaniel, farmer, todge farm, Lyons Benjamin, master mariner, 36 Williams~. milk seller, 2 Mill Hill ho
Upper Dovercourt Victoria terrace Willsher Jas. lodging ho. 37 Victoria tei"
CwverChas.lodging house, 4 Victoria ter Mann James, yeast importer, 2 Pene- Youngg. Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging
Cobb Levi, carpenter, Main road lope Villas house, I4 Victoria terrace
HATFIELD (or HATFIELD PEVEREL), with a station on Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchest~r
and diocese o( St.
the Great Eastern railway, is 8 large and pleasant village Albans, on the river Ter: it extends southward to the
and parish, on the high road from Chelmsford to Colchester, Chelmer and eastward to the Blackwater and contains many
36 miles from London, 2 south-west from Witham, 6 north· pleasantly situated residenCes. This parish is an ancient
west' from Maldon, 6 north-east from Chelmsford, in the place and is stated to have been given by King William the
Eastern division of the county, hundred of Witham union, I Norman to Ralph Peverel. a. Nonnan soldier, who married
MaIden county court district, rural deanery of Hatfield Ingelrica, an English ladr, concubine to the King, by whom

she had a son; Ingelrica founded here a College for Secular couples and two single persons, for which purpose she left
Canons, afterwards a Benedictine Priory, the revenues of £5,27° £3 per Cent. Consols: each married inmate receives
which at the Dissolution were valued at £83 19s. 7d. The 18s. and each single inmate 12S. per week. A,pleasure fair
Church of St. Andrew is the ancient priory church, formerly is held on Whit Tuesday. The Priory, the seat of JohnWright
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and two western towerS' esq. D.L., J .P. is an ancient stone mansion, in a delightful
surmounted by small spires: in 1873 it was completely and secluded situation, surrounded by a park of about 100
restored and the greater part of the old walls on the acres, at the entrance to which stands the church. John
southern side having been removed, a large piece of ground Wright esq. (who is lord of the manor and lay impropriator),
was taken in to make a new south aisle with upper and Lord Rayleigh, G. B. M. Lovibond esq. the Rev. C. G. G.
lower vestry rooms, with clerestory windows on the south Townsend and Robert Walker Dixon, are the principal land-
side of the nave: the old spire has been taken down and a owners and are lords of the manors (five). The land is \
bell turret put up, an oaken screen placed between the chan- chiefly arable; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
cel and the naye and a carved reredos of Bath stone erected: barley, oats and beans. The area of the parish is 4,728
the church retains a monumental effigy of the foundress, acres; rateable value, £11,355 and the population in 1881
besides memorials to the Bragg and Alleyn families, was 1,244.
including the brass figures of John Alleyn (1572), his three Parish Clerk, Isaac Gaywood.
wives and children, with a long inscription in English verse: POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
the windows and west doors have some heraldic shields. The Bank. Cornelim Moore, receiver. Letters arrive through
register of baptisms dates from 1702, of marriages from Chelmsford at 7.45 a.m. & r2.40 p.m.; dispatched at
1703, and of burials from ~626. The living is a vicarage, I & 6 p.m. On sundays letters are dispatched at
yearly value £290, with 9 acres of glebe and residence, in 10.30 a.m
the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. National School (mixed), built in 1851 for 200 children with
Frederic Bransby Toultnin M.A. of New College, Oxford. The an average attendance of 170 & supported by subscrip-
great tithes amount to £10400 per annum, which are received tion; Isaac Attridge, master; Mrs. Sarah Attridge, mistress
by John Wright esq. Thfl learned Edmund Castell S.T.P. Railway Station, Jas. Farrow Walton, station master
author of the "Lexican Heptaglotton," was vicar of this CARRIERS TO : -
parish, which he held with the rectory of High Gobyon, CHELMSFORD.-Charles & Edward Moore's cart passes
Beds. where he is buried: he died in 1685. The Wes- through, from Kehr'edon, monday, tuesday, thursdar,
leyan chapel was erected in 1875. The charities amount friday & saturday; William Eve, daily, except, sunday.
to £95 yearly, left in 1820 by Martha Lo\;bond, of LONDoN.-Marven, from Wickham Bishops, friday; Pud-
Hatfield Peverel and there are four almshouses, built and ney's waggons pass through from Coggeshall to ' India
endowed by the same benefactress in 1820, for two married Arms,' Lime street, tuesday & friday
Bott Miss Courtman James, farmer Owers Frederick, builder
Cook Edward, Crix house Courtmann Wm. farmer, Crabbs farm Owers Wm. beer nlr. poulterer & frmr
Payne Miss, Priory lodge Cripps Jas.Duke of Wellington, &farmer Patten William, market gardener •
Payne Sir Philip M. Hill house Davey William, farmer, The Chantry 'Reeves George, blacksmith
Toulmin Rev. Frederic Bransby M.A. Death Daniel, ratcatcher Rolfe Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Vicarage Doe David, boot & shoe maker Rust E. & Co. brewers
Townsend Rev. Charles George Gretton Dousing Charles, shopkeeper Rust Alfred, Hatfield brewery
M.A., J.P. Berwick place Gaywood Isaac, carpenter ISeabrook Thos. farmer, Termill's farm
Tufnell Wm. Michael D.L., J.P. Hat· Ginman William, beer retailer , Shoobridge Fredk. farmer, Hatfieldbury
field place Harris Henry, iJlacksmith farm
Wright John D.L., J.P. Hatfield priory HarveyWilliam, chimney sweeper Shoobridge Thomas Hoffgaard,farmer
Hicks Thomas Marvin, grocer South James, Crown
COMMERCIAL. Jarvis Edward, sheep dresser Strutt & Lawrence, farmers, White Land
AUaker Wm. saddler &; harness maker Lucking Mrs. Martha, beer rtlr. & frmr Taverner Jas. bricklayer &; shopkeeper
Bearman George, wheelwright, cooper Lucking Robert, farmer Townsend John, farmer, Mowden hall
& tax collector Lungley James, carpenter Turnage Rt. beer retailer, Nounsley grn
Bickers Benjamin, marine store dealer Moore Cornelius, baker Turpin Kezia (Miss), shopkeeper
Bott William Henry, miller, brick maker Nash Charles Albert, Swan Upson John, farmer, Ivy barn
& farmer, Cardfield Nice Isaac, beer retailer Wisby Samuel, wheelwright
Broce William, veterinary surgeon I Oliver William, baker Wood George, farmer
HATFIELD (otherwise HATFIELD REGIS, KING'S HAT- the gift of the vicar of Hatfield Broad Oak and held by the
FIELD. or HATFIELD BROAD OAK) is an ancient town in the Rev. Alfred Edward Beavan M.A. Worcester College, Oxford.
Western division of the county, Harlow hundred, Dunmow BUSH END is au ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1860:
union and county court district, rural deanery of Harlow, the church of St. John the Evangelist was erected on land
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans: it lies on given by John Archer Houblon esq. and consists of chancel
the road from London to Dunmow, through Harlow, 7 and nave. The register dates from the year 1860. The
miles south-east from Bishop's Stortford, 4! from Sawbridge- living is a vicarage, yearly value £93. with residence, in the
worth and 30 from London and is very agreeably situated gift of the vicar of Hatfield and Broad Oak and held by the
on an eminence, rising gradually from the south and west, Rev. Samuel Edward Smith B.A. of ·Worcester College,
on both sides of which are small streams, which, united, Oxford.
form Pincey Brook, a feeder of the river Stort.. The Takeley There is a Congregational chapel at Batfield Heath:
station on the Dunmow branch of the Great Eastern rail- and a school annexed, erected in 1876, is Gothic, of brick
way is in this parish. The church of St. Mary is a large with stone dressings: the large window in the front
building, generally in the Perpendicular style, with some gable is stained, as a memorial to the Rev. C. Berry, who
portions of an earlier date and consists of chancel and nave, was minister here for upwards of half a century. The
porch and a lofty western tower, containing 8 bells, dated charities amount to £6 16s :rearly for bread. Sarah
17i9; an organ was introduced in r8S9, at a cost of £300, Chamberlayne, late of Charles street, Lowndes square, by
raised by subscription: in the chnrch is an effigy, Ilupposed will, dated the 13th January, 1858, directed the investment
to be that of Robert de Vere, third Earl of Oxford, one of of the residue of her estate, representing an aggregate value
th& barons appointed to enforce Magna Charta, ob. 1221. of £13.128 4s. Id. for the benefit of certain parishes in the
The register of baptisms dates from the year 1558 and counties of Middlesex, Essex and Warwick: she died on the
marriages and burials 1662. Theliving is a vicarage, yearly r2th January, 1870 and after legal proceedings extending
value £r80, in the gift of Trinity College, Camb~idge, who over several years, an order was ultimately issued by the
are also owners of the great tithes, value £I.760: there is Court of Chaucery, dated 24th March, 1876, formulating a.
a very good vicarage house with garder_ and 6 acres scheme for the application of the funds of the charity as
attached: the present \;car is the Rev. John Gregory Forbes regards this parish, Hi the manner following: £sfor bibles for
M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. the poor at Hatfield and the hamlet of Bush End; 2. 10S. to
HATFIELD HEATH is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1860. the Hat6eld Lying-in Society; 3. £5 for coals for widows
The church of the Holy Trinity is a plain stone building, residing at Bush End and for other poor persons sending •

erected on land given by George Alan Lowndes esq. and their children to the Leicester school; 4. £2 to be given on
<.:onsists of chancel and nave and a small spire with 3 bells, Christmas Day to 40 widows of Hatfield ; 5. to six poor
cast in 1857: there are two stained windows, one of w9ich widows or poor unmarried <Vomen. not under the age of 50,
was presented by Dore Williams esq. late of The Grange, or poor aged men, or poor crippled, blind or deaf and dumb
Hatfield. The register dates from the year rB60. The males Or females in the hamlet of Bush End or parish of
living is.a vicarage, yearly value £130, with residence, in Hatfield, the monthly sum of ISS. each and a fur"~her
monthly sum of 158. to one of such poor women, to lodge, was completely altered and restored in 1863 and is now the
board and maintain, take care of and keep one poor child residence of G. Alan Lowndes esq. D.L., .l.P. lord of the
who has lost both its parents; it is further provided by the manor of Hatfield: the park in which it stands, although
said will, that as soon as land shall at any time be given for very flat, is, from the stately growth of the timber, a fine
the purpose, an almshouse or almshouses, consisting of six one. Gladwyns, near Hatfield Heath, was known by
rooms with suitable appendages, shall be built in the hamlet that name in the time of King Edward n.: there is a very
of Bush End for six poor persons. There was a Bene- good house on this estate, now occupied by Horace Broke esq.
dictine priory here, founded by Alberie, or Aubrey De Vere, J.P. The principal landowners are John Archer Houblon
second of that name and father of the first earl of Oxford, in esq. George Alan Lowndes esq. and Sir H. J. Selwin-
:II35, this foundation was dedicated to God, St. Mary and Ibbetson esg. J.P. The soil is various, mostly heavy; sub-
St. Melanius Redonensis, a British or Armorican saint, who, soil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
as his surname implies, sprung from Rennes, in Brittany, and turnips. The area of the parish is 8,810 acres; rateable.
where there was 'an abbey bearing his name; though the value, £12,718 ; and the population in :1:88:1: was 1,946.
monks of Hatfield were only nine in number, the endow- Parish Clerk (St. Mary's), Charles Speller.
ments of the priory were ample and valued at the Dissolu-
tion, according to Dugdale, at £122 13s. 2~d.; or according Sexton (Holy Trinity), William Mills.
to Speed, at £157 3s . 2id. HatfieldForest, containing about Sexton (St. John's), James Judd.
1,000 acres of land, lies to the north-west of the town and
is the property of John Archer Houblon esq. whose seat, POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Stephed
HaUingbury (not in this parish), adjoins the forest, which Smith, receiver. Letters arrive by mail cart from Harlow
was enclosed by Act of Parliament about 18 55: in the forest at 8 a.m. & 1.40 p.m. & are delivered immediately; dis-
are the remains of a very large and old oak (now carefully patched at 7. 15 a.m. & 5.30 p.m; on sundays at 10 a.m
fenced round and preserved), called the Doodle Oak and POST OFFICE, Hatfield Heath.-Aaron gawkins, receiver.
conjectured to be that from which the place acquired the Letters from Harlow arrive at 7.30 a.m. & '12.40 p.m. ;
name of Broad Oak. The manor of Hatfield was a royal d'Ispatched a t 8 .30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; on sunday a t 10.30 a.~.
manor held under the Crown and was granted first after the The telegraph office is at Sawbridgeworth
Conquest to the family of DeGernon, who took the name of INSURANCE AGENTS:-
Montfichet; on their extinction, King Henry Ill. granted it
to Isabella De Bruce; who fixed her residence at Bromesho Mancheste1' Fire, H. Sullins esq. Heathfield heath
Bury, as did her son the Earl Carrick: but after he be- Norwich Union Fire, A. S. Potter
came a competitor for the Crown of Scotland his English SCHOOLS:-
property was forfeited. The manor of Hatfield, after being National (mixed), built in 1861, for 190 children, with an
held by the families of De Bohun, Stafford and Rich, was average attendance of 124; John Mortimer, master
purchasen by Sir Francis Barrington, in whose family it
remained for several generations and from them descended Church, Heath (mixed), built in 1856, for 140 children, with
through two co-heiresses to that of Lowndes. Bromesho an average attendance of 95; Miss Cooper, mistress; No.
Bury, where the De Bruces resided, is now a farm house, on books, 9 2 ; average attendance about 76; class room
surrounded by a moat and belongs to the Earl of Roden. Old built, 1880
Barrington Hall, the original seat of the Barrington family, British, Heath (mixed), built in 1876; the school has a
is also a farm house at the edge of the Forest. Barrington I memorial window to the Rev. C. Berry, Congregational
hall is a large brick liouse, erected about the year 1740; it minister here for upwards of half a century
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dixon Richard, farmer, Forest hall - Oades Percy, Cock
.Beavan Rev. Alfred Edward M.A. Holy Duke Charles, shoe maker Pain William, Feathers, & builder
Trinity \icarage Feast David, beer retailer Pamphilon Stphn.AIger. farmr. Lea hall
Broke Horace J.P. Gladwyns Firman Charles G. surgeon Patmore Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Firman Charles G Fletcher George, hair dresser Forest
Forbes Rev.John Gregory M.A. Vicarage Foster Edmund, thrashing machine pro Patmore Nicholas, farmer, Block's farm
Hardman Rev. H. C. [Congregational], Francis Frederick, wheelwright Patmore Thomas, farmer
Brewer's end Green Mary (Mrs.),frmr.Bromeshobury Perry William, blacksmith, Heath •
Lowndes George Alan D.L., J.P. Bar- Griggs Noah, farmer, Heath Piper Geol1ge, carpenter & shopkeeper,
rington hall Hall Geo. farmer, Little Barrington hall Brewer's end
Pamphilon John, Ongars Hammond Henry, farmer, Waiters Poole Thos.farmr.Pierce Williams' farm
Ross James Harris Geo.lsaac, baker & grocer, Heath Porter George, grocer
~ingleton Rev. George Edward [Con- Hawkins Aaron, Stag inn, coal mer- Potter Alfred, farmer, Priory farm
gregational] _ chant, ironmonger & agricultural Potter Alfred, grocer & draper
Smith Rev. Samuel Edward :B.A. St. implement agent, Heath Ross James, farmer, Carter's grange
John's vicarage, Bush end Hockley Hy. (Mrs.), farmer,Shrub's frm Sawyer John, beer retailer, Heath
Wayre Charles, York house Hockley James (Mrs.), farmer, Collier Simpson Charles, farmer
Wiseman Sir Wm. bart. The grange Street farm Skingle Mark, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Rockley John, farmer, Friar's farm Skingle Moses, shoe maker
Archer Henry, saddler Horsnell William, blacksmith Smith John, beer retailer, Bush end
Bacon J ames, baker, Heath i Hudgell Stephn. J retailer, Heath Smith Stephen, tailor & shopkeeper
Barker Isaac, builder Hudson Joseph, wheelwright Snllins George, farmer
Barker James, bricklayer Hutchin William, farmer, Piggerells Sullins Henry,brewer & maltster,Heatb
Baxter John, farm bailiff Joscelyne Robt.farmer,Manwood green Sullins William, farmer, Heath
Belcham John, miller King Henry, tax collector Sullins William, jun. farmer
Bowtell Henry, White Ha1·t King William, farmer, Park farm Tebbitt Aaron, farmer, Braintree farm
Bowyer Henry, butcher & farmer, Heath Linsell William, farmer, Whiteheads Tipler Joseph, farmer
Brice Charles, baker Mardell George, blacksmith Tizley Charles, baker
Brown Daniel, farmer, Crabbs green Mardell Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Torrance Robert, land steward to Sir
Brown Thomas Witham, farmer, Glad- Marshall William, Duke's Head H. J. Selwin-Ibbetson bart.:M.P.,J.P
wyn's farm Matthews Barnard, farmer, Ardley end Vale Reader, farmer
Bunker Daniel, farmer Millbanks Arthr.Jsph. frmr.Corringales Vale WaIter, machinist, Heath
BurnettJohn, harness maker, Broad st Mills Thomas, shoe maker, Heath Webb Wm. farmer, Great Town farm
Clayton Charles, plumber Mott Charles, miller Wentworth Richd. wheelwright, Heath
Cooper Thomas, butchel', Heath Nash Charles, farmer Wiffen James, beer retailer
Dennis Quilter, farmer, Benningtons Nash Cornelius, machinist, Heath Witham John, shopkeeper, Heath
Dixon Joseph, farmer, Witham's farm Nash Stephen, shoe maker, Heath Witham Walter, cattle dealer, Heath
HAVENGORE ISLAND is a small island at the of Prittlewell: it is about 3 miles from Great Wakering
mouth of the Thames, nearly opposite the Nore Light, and 8 from Southend and for magisterial business is in the
between Foulness Island and the main land; it was formerly Rochford division. The area is 810 acres; rateable value,
. extra-parochial but is now a parish in Rochford union,being £304; and the population in 1871 was 22.
the property and in the occupation of James Tabor esq. D.L., Letters through Southend
Hymas John, farm bailiff to Charles Albert Tabor esq
HAVERHILL is a parish in Risbridge union, partly in this county, bnt principally in Suffolk; full particulars will
be found in Kelly's Directory of Suffolk. .

EAVERING-ATTE-:BOWER is a village and may have been~ it is certain; however; that Edward the
parish, 3 miles north from Romford station and IS from Conqueror took great delight in this spot as a place for re~
London, in the Southern division of the county; Romford tirement. Havering Park; the seat ()f Mrs. McIntosll, ladJ
union and county court district, rural deanery of Lam- of the manor of the liberty and principal landowner, is an
boume, srehdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans; elegant modern mansion, with 8 tower, pleasantly situated
this place gives name to the liberty and peculiar of Have- on an eminence, surrounded by extensive pleasure grounds
ring-atte-BowBr; which includes the parishes of Romford, and a finely wooded park of 250 acres and is built on part
Havering snd Hornchurch; for particulars of liberty, see of the site of the old palace which was the residence of
Romtoro.. The church of St. John the Evangelist has been Edward the Confessor. Pyt'go, a modern mansion of brick
entirely Tebuilt by subscription and is a Gothic edifice of with stone dressings; is an edifice ()f Classic style, with a
flint with stone dressings, in the Decorated style) it consists tOWeT' and portico, it stands in an extensive park, command-
o( chancel, nave; north aisle and porch, with a square em- ing very fine views of the surrounding country and occupies
battled tower, containing [ bell and was re-consecrated 13th the site of a house, formeT'ly belonging to the Queens 01
April, 1878: in the church is an ancient font: the late Sir England, where Jane, Queen of Henry IV. died: it is now
John Smith Burges bart. was buried in this church, to the residence of Lieut. Gen. Fytche C.S.I., J.P. Bower House, a
whom a memorial, designed by Mr. Wyatt, was erected. brick mansion, standing in a park of about 120 acres, is the
The register commences in the year 1670. The living is a resider.ce of C. P. Matthews esq. J.P. The soil is mixed ;
vicarage, yearly value £85, with residence, in the gift of subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, beans and
Mrs. Pemberton-Barnes and held by the Rev. 'Thomas roots. The area is 2,092 acres; rateable value, £4,739 ;and
James, of King'S College, London. The inhabitants of the the population in 1881 was 437.
liberty claim freedom from toll throughout England for Parish Clerk, James Newland.
goods and cattle sold and provisionS' bought, for shire rates POST, MoNEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICB & Savings
and from serving on juries and inquests without their Bank.-Mrs. Mary Playle, receiver. Letters arrive from
liberty. Havering is believed to have once been the seat of Romford at 5.50 &; 9.45 a.m.; delivered at 7·30 a.m.;
Saxon royalty, for according to traditionary accounts, dispatched at U.30 a.m. &; 7.15 p.m
Edward the Confessor built a palace here, or improved one National School (mixed), built in 1839 for 100 children, with
more ancient: the portions extant are not sufficient to an average attendance of 85; HenryWilliam Webb;master;
determine the limits of the original building, whatever it Miss Webb, mistress; Miss Banks, assistant
PJiIVATE RESIDENTS. Roynon John, Havering Park farm McIntosh, of Havering park, Clock
Conder Edward, Wyldburg lodge. Smith Benjamin, Fernside house, Havering park
Fytche Lieut.-General Albertc.s.I., D.L., Theobald James, The Bedfords Minter, farmer, Nearles farm
l.P. Pyrgo park COMMERCIAL. Parrish Charles Alfred, Orange Tree
Honey Frederick, Cromwell house Abernethy David, farmer, Home farm Roynon John, farm steward to Mrs.
Hope Mrs. Havering grange Bennett Jas. Henry, veterinary surgeon Mclntosh, of Havering park, Haver-
James Rev. Thomas, Vicarage Brookes Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer &; ing Park farm
Lynch Mrs. The Cottage shopkeeper Scotcher James, beer retailer
McIntosh Mrs. Havering park Gardner Saml. brick &tilema. &farmer Smith William, farmer, Little Bedford
Matthews Charles P. l.P. Bower, house Goodwin Henry; baker Wright Arthur Bentall, bailiff to MrS'.
Pemberton Mrs. Round house Knightsbridge James, butcher Pemberton-Barnes, Bower farm
Pemberton·Barnes Mrs. The Hall Livingston David, agent to Mrs. Wright Benjamin, baker

HAWKWELL (HAwKswELL, HAWKEWELL or HAC:J- rectory, yearly value £390, with residence, in the gift of
WELL) acquired this name at least as early as the time of Mrs. Durie and held by the Rev. James Montagu :RA. of
King Edward the Confessor and is a parish in the Southern Magdalene College, Cambridge. Mrs. Holt-White, who is
division of the county, Rochford hundred, union and county the lady of the manor of Clement's Hall and John Baker
court district and in Rochford rural deanery, Essex esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed and
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 37 miles from London, heavy; subsoil, mostly clay. The chief crops are wheat,
4 north-east from Rayleigh, 6 north-west from Southend beans, barley and potatoes. The area is 1,353 acres; rate-
and 2 north-west from Rochford. The church of St. Mary able value, £1,959; the population in 1881 was 269.
the Virgin is a building in the Perpendicular style, consisting Sexton Thomas Wall
of chancel and nave and a belfry with shingled spire ' . . .' . .

.containing I bell and was restored in 1877: there is a I Letters from Chelmsford 'Ina Rochfor?, whIch IS the nearest
lliscina and a leper window; four windows in the chancel money order & telegraph office ..

and nave are stained. The register of baptisms dates from National School (mixed), built in r8.50 for 60 children, with
:r692; burials, 1695; marriages, 1696. The living is a: an average attendance of 45; Mrs. N~Wnian, mistress
Montagu Rev. James :B.A. Rectory Perry William, farmer, Clement's hall Threadgold BODO'" Suzannah (Mrs.).
Eaker Samuel, farmer Poole Isaiah, shopkeeper & shoe maker White Hart \
Erown James, shopkeeper & farmeT'
HAZELEIGH is a parish of scattered houses, zi miles master of the king's bears, h~ving retired from the stage in
~onth-west from Maldon, in the Eastern division of the 1612, founded Dulwich College, the manor of Dulwich being
connty; Maldon union and county court district, Dengie already his by purchase in 1606; many of this family are
hundred, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albansdiocese; Maldon buried beneath the chancel. Sir George So Brooke-P@'chell
rural deanery. The church of St. Nicholas, chiefly built of bart. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The
timber and plastered, comprises chancel and nave. The crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The soil is
register of baptisms dates from :r575; burials, 1584; strong clay; snbsoil, clay. The area of the parish, according
marriages, l60!~. The living is a rectory, yearly value to the population returns, is 1,630 acres; according to the
£300, with 15 acres of glebe land, in the gift of H. S. Blake rate book it is 973A. ZR. IgP.; rateable value, £967 ros.; the
and B. Kerr esqs. and held by the Rev. George Raynor B.A. population in 1881 was t22.
of Clare College, Cambridge; who in 1870-1 built a rectory Parish Clerk, Osborne Barker.
house, pleasantly situated on the commanding eminence of Letters through Maldon, which is the nearest money order
Loddart's hill, with extensive views of the surrounding &; telegraph office
country, the river Blackwater and the Hythe and the There is no school & the children go either to Woodham;
Maldon Basin. The Hall near the church and now used as Mortimer or Purleigh
a furm house, in the 16th century was the residence of the CARRIERS FROM BURNHAM TO CHELMSFORD Messrs. Nether~
Allern6 family, one of whom, Edward Alleyne, actor and coat &; Hazelten, every tuesday & friday &; to Maldon daily
Raynor Rev. George RA. Rectory Fairhead Golden &; Son, farmers, Jen- Johnson Pllttitt, Royal Oak
Austin John, White Hart kins farm Lloyd Thomas, miller
Barritt Cornelius, farmr. Hazeleigh cot
HELION BUMPSTEAD is & village and parish in Devereux, son of Sir John Tallakarne, slain at the battle of
the Western division of the county, Risbridge union, Fresh- 1:l.iez in France, 3 April 1628, at. 60. The register dates
well hundred, county coUI"L district of Haverhill, Sampforo. from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and 81. Albans 1:2740 with residence, in the gift of Trinity College, Cam-
diocese; 3~ miles south-west from Haverhill and IO north- bridge and held by the Rev. William Le Mottee x.A...of that
east from Saffron Walden, on the borders of Cambridge~ college. George Shaw 6Sq. is lord of the manor. The
shire. The church of St. Andrew consists of chancel, cleres- principal landed proprietors are Queens' College; Cambridge,
toried nave of 4 bays, south aisle and a We.l;tern tower con- the trustees of St. Thomas' Hospital, London and Mrs-
taining 5 bells. The church contains 8. monument to Carver.. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief cropS'

• •
are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 3,191 acres; Haverhill arrive at 9 a.m.; dispatched at ... p.m. The
rateable value, £4.301 ; and the population in 1881 was 774. nearest money order office is at Steeple Bumpstead &;
OLMSTEAD GREEN, 1 mile south-west, in Cambridgeshire, telegraph office at Haverhill
is a hamlet of IJelion Bumpstead. National School (mixed), built in 1854 for 120 children.
Parish Clerk, William Ruse. with an average attendance of 80; Miss Elizabeth Rowe,
POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Ann Cork, postmistress. Letters from mistress
Lawrence Mrs Cork Ann (Mrs.), grocer & draper Ruffle Jeffery, farmer, Horsham hall
Le Mottee Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Emson Edmund, higgler Ruffle William, farmer, Helion farm: I
Lofts Mrs Hill Henry, veterinary surgeon Ruse George, farmer, Greenhouse
COMMERCIAL. Lee William, basket maker Ruse John, wheelwright
Bacon John "'right, beer retailer Lyne Jane (Mrs.), ]Jfarquis of Granby Ruse William, carpenter'
Bllynes Thomas, farmer, Moss j & Olm- Maylon Lawrence, beer retailer Steed Wm. Michael, night school
stead green . Mills Henry, farmer Tilbrook Henry, farmer, Drapers green
Baynes Waiter, miller Mizon Stephen, Three Horseshoes, &; Tilbrook Stephen, shopkeeper
Challis Charles, bricklayer blacksmith Wiffin John, shopkeeper
Chapman Wm. farmer, Perry Appleton Moore William, shoe maker Wright George, carpenter & farmer
Clarke William, bricklayer Pannell Thos. farmer, Bumpstead hall Wright James, carpenter
Cole Samuel, farmer, Upperhouse
Parkin Samuel, farmer, Lanceleys Wright Robert, shoe maker
HEMPSTEAD is a village and parish, 7 miles east from mon Pleas, 1518 and his wife Anne, with la 80nS' and 6
Saffron Walden station, 7 north from Thaxted and 47 from daughters: a civilian a.nd his wife, c. 1530, with 4 sons and
London, in the Western division of the county, hundred of 5 daughters and an inscription to Richard Wesbley, I518
Freshwell, union of Saffron Walden, rural deanery of Samp- and his wife Joan. The register "Of baptisms and mar-
ford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. riages dates from the year 1664, burials, 1665. The living-
The church of St. Andrew, formerly a chapel attached to is a vicarage, annexed to that of Great Sampford, joint
Great Sampford, is an ancient structure consisting of yearly value £300, in the gift of Myles Formby esq. and
chancel, nave, aisles and had a tower containing 5 bells and held by the Rev. Robert Henry Eustace M.A. of St. Peter's •
a clock, which fell on Sat. Jan. 28, 1882, doing damage to the College, Cambridge, rural dean and sUlTogate. The rectocial
church: beneath the vestry and chancel is the vault of the tithes are in the hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Harvey family, wherein lie the remains of the celebrated and yield about £700 per annum.
Dr. William Harvey, who discovered the circulation of the The Primitive Methodists have a chapel here. Thecharities.
blood: in the chapel or aisle above is a monument to the of the parish amount to about £16 yearly, left by John
great Professor, with his bust placed in a niche and below Pound, of Hempstead and others; there are four houses,
an inscription in Latin recording his death on 3rd of June, built in 1862 by Miss Rutland, for poor widows of the parish;
1657, Cl't. 80: here also are various other memorials to his each have to pay a little rent. Cecil Fane esq. is lord of the
family from 1661 to 1830, including two medallions of white manor and principal landowner ; Henry Almack esq. is als()
marble with portraits in bas-relief, by Roubiliac, of William a large landowner. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The
Harvey of Winchlow Hall and Chigwell, who died Dec. 14, chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 3,565 acres j
1742, (Pt. 50, Elizabeth his wife, (Pt. 76 and their children; rateable value £4,293 10S.; and the population in 1881,631.
another marble monument to William Harvey, of Roe- POST OFFICE.-Miss HarriettHorsnell,postmistress. Letters
hampton and Bridget his wife, 1719-61 and a memorial to arrive from Saffron Walden at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30
Capt. Edward Harvey, Coldstream guards and eldest son p.m. The nearest money order office /l1; telegraph office is
of Admiral Harvey, who fell at Burgos, Oct. I8th, I812, aged at Finchingfield
22: Sir Eliab Harvey K.C.:B. Admiral of the Blue,aiso in- National8chool (mixed), built in 1852 for 78 children, with
terred here, died Feb. 20th, 1830, agl!d 71: there are an average attendance of 76; Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, mis-
brasses, c. I475 and 1480, without inscriptions and others to tress
Thomas Huntingdon esq. and Margaret his wife, 1492: to CARRIER TO WALDEN~Wm. Reader, daily & Wm. Ward,
William Mordant, chief Prothonotary of the Court of Com- wednesday & saturday
Escreet Rev. John [curate] Boreham Stephen, potato dealer Piper lsaac, farmer, Bulls bridge
Willis Mrs Brand Jenner, farmer, Ansey Gallows Portway Charles, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Chatters George, baker & grocer Price John, farmer, Hempstead hall
Almack Henry, farmer, Ruses Colman William,farmer, Winchlowhall Reader William,shopkeeper
Andrews Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Witch Dare Frands, farmer, Blagdon Rutland Damon, shoe maker
trees Hales Charles, wheelwright & machinist Ryland Charles, shoe maker
Andrews Thomas, farmer, Philips Hales Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer & draper Smith Edward, thatcher

BeddaIl George, farmer, Church farm & Mallows George, farmer, Fields Smith John, carpenter
Pollings cross Marsh William, shoe maker Stock WaIter, cattle dealer
Bird Alfred, blacksmith Medcalf Robert, farmer & dealer Stubbings John, carpenter
Bird Thomas, blacksmith Moore Joshua W.miller & assist. overseer Turner John, shoe maker
Bird Wm. farmer, & Crown. Myhill Henry, farmer, Dawkins Ward William, shopkeeper
HENHAM: (or HENHAM-ON-THE-HILL) is a parish in I the same time, which is used for lectures and a Sunday
the Western division of the county, Bishop's Stortford union school. Charities amonnting to £« yearly are distributed
and county court district, hundreds of Clavering and Uttles- in kind. The devisees of the late Joseph Baxendale,
ford, Newport rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconryand William Canning and Charles Smith esqs. are the principal
St. Albans diocese, 1~ miles north-east from Elsenham sta- landowners; the former are lords of the manor, bnt there
tion, 39 from London and 6 north-east from Bishop's Stort- are several small owners. The soil is chiefly a strong clay
ford. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large and and loam; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, oats, barley
ancient structure in the Perpendicular style, consisting of and roots. The area is 2,958 acres; rateable value, £7,OSI;
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower, sur- and the population in 188r was 812.
mO';lnted by a short spire and containing 5 ~ells; there LITTLE HENHAM is a hamlet in Clavering hundred, a mile
anCIent octa~onal font and an oaken pUlpIt, the s0';lndmg and a half to the north containing one farm and a few
board of whIch has been taken down and converted mto a cotta!!es '
reading desk: an ancient oak screen divides the chancel and ",' . .
nave' in the chanCtll there is a marble monument to Samuel PLEDGDEN, a hamlet of Henham, m Clavermg hqndred, 2
Feak~ esq. formerly president and governor of Fort William, miles ~outh-east from Henham, adjoining Elsenham.
Bengal, East Indies, which family held the. estate of Hen- Pa1'UJh Clerk, Charles Turner.
ham Hall in the 18th century; WaIter, Lord Fitzwalter, ob. POST OFFICE.-Henry Gardiner, receiver. Letters through
1408 and was here buried. The register dates from the j Bishop's Stortford arrive at 8.30 a.m. j dispatched at-<
year 1539. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £39°,. 6 p.m. week days.; on sundays at 10 a.m. The nearest
with residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Arthur ~ money order & telegraph office is at Stansted
Horatio Bellman M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. The I Board School, (for Henham & Chickney), built in 1875 for
Congregational chapel, capable of seating 500 persons, was 170 children, with au average attendance of 120; Charles
erected here in 1864, at a cost of £l,oooj left by will for thiS John Housden, master j Mrs. Elizabeth S. Housden.
purpose by the late Edward Sandford esq. of Bollington Hall, mistress
in the parish of Ugley, who died in June, 1863. There is CARRIER-Rice, for parcels to & from Bishop's Stortford, on
also a room built by voluntary contributions and opened at mono thurs. & sat

Bellman Rev. Arthur Horatio M.A. Collin George Franklin, farmer, Par- Mascall Thomas, Crown •
Vicarage sonage farm Moore George, miller
Canning William, Old mead Coston Wm. shopkeeper &; beer retailer, Newman John, Cock, &; farmer
Collin George Franklin, Parsonage farm Pledgden green Newport Thomas, maltster & farmer,
Grigsby Rev. David [Congregational] Dixon Levi, beer retailer Pledgden ~ & at Newport
MarshaIl Charles, Little Henham hill Dixon James, blacksmith, Pledgden Orger George, butcher, Pled.gden
Phipps William Everitt Geo. beer retailer & shoe maker Rawlins Charles, farmer
Tipler ~, Pledgden Freeman George, secoIJ.clhand clothes Robinson Daniel, shoe maker & beer
dealer, Green retailer, Pledgden
CO:MHERCIAL. Gardiner Henry, grocer & draper Robinson Kitty (Miss), shopkeeper,
Balaam Ziba, Star Hayden John, blacksmith Pledgden
Bush George, shoe maker, Green Beard WaIter, wheelwright Turner Charles, carpenter
Bush Tim, cattle dp,aler Johnson William, pig jobber Turner George, wheelwright
Canning William, farmer & landowner, Knight Ja. farm bailiff to S. Scruby esq Ward Thos. Hutton, veterinary surgeon
Old mead Knight John, shoe maker Wright Robert, hay & straw dealer
Cartwright J abez, shopkeeper Markwell Thomas, farmer, Broom Wright Thomas, shoe maker
Chipperfield Henry, wheelwright Marshall Chas. frmr. Little Henhamhall
GREA.T HEm."'Y (or HEANY) is a parish in the Eastern division Little Henny is a parish in the same jurisdiction and
of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county formerly bad a small church, a portion of the ruins of which
court district, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester arch- is still to be seen half-a-mile north-west from Great Henny
deaconry and St. Alban9 diocese, 3 miles south from Sud- church. The living is a rectory, yearly value £90, in the
bury station and the wharv('J; on the StoUl'. The church of gift of N. C. Barnardiston esq. and held by the Rev. Charles
St. Mary is a small building consisting of chancel and na\'e Robert Reeve RA. of Christ's College, Cambridge. N. C.
and 11 tower with spire containing 3 bells: the interior was Barnardiston esq. J.F. who resides at the Ryes, a handsome
. restored and reseated with open benches in 1860 and a win- modern mansion, is lord of the manor and principal land-
dow inserted in the chancel in memory of Mrs. Barnardiston. owner. The area is 410 acres; rateable value, £686; and the
The register dates from the year 1695. The living is a rectory, population in 1881 was 75.
yearly value £340, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of
Verulam anaheld by the Rev. Charles Robert Reeve B.A. of GIBLANDS is I mile east; Thol'ncroft, a quarter of a mile
Christ's College, Cambridge. Miss Manning is lady of the north-east.
manor. The principal landowners are Mrs. Sikes, Henry John LETTER Box cleared week days at 5.30 p.m.; sunday 10.15
Sperling, Edmund Cook and Nathaniel Barnardiston
esquires. The soil is mixed loam and gravel; subsoil, various. a.m. Letters through Sudbury, the nearest money order
The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area & telegraph office
is 1,120 acres-; rateable value, £1,883 ; and the population in National School (mixed), built in 1860 for 80 children,
1881 was 301. with an average attendance of 59; Miss Emily Bacon,
Parish Clerk, Joseph Amos. mistress
. Great Henny. Eldred William, Swan, & blacksmith Little Henny.
Fisher James, boot maker BarnardistonMaj.NathanieIJ.F.TheRyes
Reeve Rev. Charles Robt. RA. Rectory Fitch Harold, farmer, Street farm Barnardiston Nathaniel Clarke J.F. The
Cook Edmund, The Grove Sidey Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer Ryes
Amos Joseph & Henry, wheelwrights Tuffen David, baker Mason Richd. Waltr. farmtr, Ryes farm
Cook Edmund, farmer & landowner Wilson Philip Arthur, miller Nott William, Gentry's farm
HEYBRIDGE is a parish and a suburb of Maldon, in Athelstan. Charities producing £7128. yearly are distri-
the Eastern division of the county, Maldon union and buted in kind. The 'rowers, a large and elegant mansion,
parliamentary borough and county court district, Thurstable erected in 1873, built of concrete in the modern Italian style,
hundred, Hatfield Peverel rural deanery, Colchester arch- is the residence of Edward Hammond Bentall esq. Lady
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, situated on the north bank Milbanke, who is lady of the manor and J. G. Grimwood
of the river Blackwater and the Chelmer navigation. The esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is light loam;
church of St. Andrew is an ancient structure, chiefly in the subsoil, gravel. The crops are general. The area is 1,776A.
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel and nave, south IR. 13p.; rateable value, £6,004 Ss.; the population in
porch, with a very broad tower. rising but little higher than 1881 was 1,670.
the roof and containing 2 bells, On the north side of the Parish Clerk, Richard Mulley,
chancel is an elegant monument to Thos. Freshwater, of Assistant Overseer et School Attendance Officer, William
Lincoln's Inn, who died 15th March, 1638. An ancient font, of Cobbold.
the Norman period, is placed at the end of the nave. The POST, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, Bank.-Richard Mulley, postmaster. Letters througb
yearly value £159, with residence, in the gift of the Dean Maldon arrive at 6.30 a.m. & 12.10 noon; dispatched at
and Chapter of St. Paul's and held by the Rev. Thomas Wren n.lo a.m. & 6 p.m
M.A. <If St. John's-{,)ollege, Cambridge. There are reading
rooms, supported entirely by E. B. Bentall esq. and a school SCHooLS:-
house erected at the sole expense of the late WaIter Waring Heybridge Iron Works (supported by E. H. Bentall esq.),
esq. ~.P. of Maldon, son of a former rector. A fair is held No. on roll 270, do. attendance 212; Wm. Thos. Holmes,
every Whit-Tuesday. Here are the extensive iron foundry master: Miss Alice Burrel!, mistress
and agricultural implement and machine manufactories of St. Andrew's (mixed), built in 186<) for 70 children, with an
Edward Hammond Bentall & Co. and there &l'e several malt.- average attendance of 47; Miss Elizabeth Chipperfield,
houses and granaries. This place was formerly named Tid- mistress
waldton and was given to St. Paul's Cathedral by King The School board consists of five members
PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Ballard John, Crown inn, Broad St. grn corn, coal, seed, oil cake & manure
Baker Samuel, Broad Street green Beadle James, Maltsters' Arms merchants; office at Maldon
Belsham lsaac, Boncherns Belsham lsaac & Son, maltsters, coal & Filby William, Chelmer brig, Basin
Belsham Oliver Daniel oil cake merchants &c Frost William Snowy, beer retailer
BentaU Edward Hammond, The Towers Bentall Edward Hammond &" Co. iron Grave Charles, pork butcher & grocer
Bentall William Rufus, Holloway road founders, engineers &agricultural im- Harrington {saae, grocer
Digby Mrs. Elm lodge plement mannfrs. Heybridge works Harvey & Brasher, coal merchants
Eavery Joseph, Heybridge basin Brasher George, shopkeeper Harvey Hayward, coal & oil merchants
Nash Charles, Chelmer house Chaney John, ship owner, Basin Harvey William, fishmonger, Church st
Park David, Hall road Cobbold William, assistant overseer, Key Henry, farm bailiff to Lady Brooke,
. Wakelin }i'rederick, Goldhanger road school attendance officer &c. &c Heybridge hall
Wark George Gepp, The Mill Cowper Charles, beer retailer Last James, Half Moon inn, High st
Wren Rev. Thomas M.A. Vicarage Daniell Bros. & Crookes, ale & porter Lewis Robert, baker
Wyatt Frederick Augustus,Moat cottage stores Lott Thos. farm E. H. Bentall esq
COMMERCIAL. Edwards John, bricklayer Manning Thomas, tailor, Churoh street
Anthony Robert, general dealer E"e Henry Thomas & Co. maltsters, Mott William, blacksmith
Mulley Richard, post office, &; parish Sadler Robert, Anchor inn Wilding Thomas, builder &; undertaker,
clerk, Church street Sheldrick Thos. harbour master, Basin High street
Paul Joseph Isaiah, beer retlr. The ~rave Steward William, Jolly Sailor, Basin Williams C. E. &; Co. carriage builders &c
• Pearson John, baker Ward George Gepp, corn miller, Hey- Witney Joseph, Queen's Head, &; lime
Raven William, baker bridge mills bnrner
Rush Hayward, farmer, Bro'td St. grn Ward Samuel, grocer &; provision mer- Woodcraft William, shipwright, Basin
Rush Henry H. maltster chant, Hall Road terrace Worraker Robert, butcher
HEYDON (or HAYDoN)-the high down or hill-from' of which claims a right of holding a towel for the King at
its situation on a range of hills on the borders of Cambridge- his Coronation, as his service for the tenure of the said
shire, is a parish in the Western division of the county, manor: this claim was made and allowed to Sir Peter
Uttlesford hundred, Royston union and county court district, Soame at the Coronation of James I. by his descendants on
Saffron Walden rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and the Coronation of George Il. and Ill.; and again at the
St. Albans diocese, 8t miles north-westfrom Saffron Walden, Coronation of George IV. the lord of the manor attended
6 east from Royston station and 7i north-west from Audley with the towel and performed his service according to ancient
End railway station. The church of St. Peter is a small and custom, July 19th, 18~u. The soil and subsoil are chalk,
ancient structure consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north clay and gravel. The crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
chapel and a tower containing 5 bells and a clock: there area of the parish is 2.470 acres; rateable value, 1:1,533: and
remains the brass of a priest, c. 1490, others, from 1460 to the population in r881 was 257.
1520, are now missing. The chancel of this church was Parish Clerk, Wilham Barnes
the burial place of the Soame family, who held the estate in Letters received through Royston delivered by messenger
the 16th and 17th centuries, of which was Sir Stephen Soame, about 8 a.m. PILLAR LETTER Box near the church cleared
lord mayor in 1598: the chancel was restored in 1866. The week days at 5.30 p.m; on sundays about I I a.m. The
registers of baptisms and marriages date from 1538 ; burials, nearest money order offices are at Barley &; Elmdon &
1588. The living is a rectory, approximate value £680, with the telegraph office at Barkway
rectory of Little Chishall annexed, in the gift of Lord Bray- National School (mixed), built in 1846 for 75 children, with
brooke and held by the Hon. and Rev. Latimer Neville M.A. an average attendance of 40; Miss Charlotte Gosden,
Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, chaplain to the mistress
Bishop of St. .Albans, hon. canon of St. Albans and rural dean CARRIERs.-Frank WaIters to Walden, saturdays & Royston
of Saffron Walden. There are charities of £18 yearly value, wednesday: Mrs. Watts to Royston, wednesday &; satur-
arising from bequests by Mrs. Lettice Martin. Lord Bray- day; Charles Law to Royston, wednesday & to Cambridge
brooke is sole landowner and lord of the manor, the owner on Saturdays; Henry Sutton to Cambridge, on saturday
Neville Hon. & Rev. Latimer M.A. [hon. Hill Wm. frm. bailiff to Lord Braybrooke Pettit John, blacksmith
canon & rural dean], Rectory Hoy Martha Ann & Julia (Misses), Robinson Charles, Green Man
Hillersdon Rev. Frederick Harcourt M.A. general shopkeepers Sutton Hy. farmer & carrier, Green Man.
[curate] Jonas William, farmer, Bury farm WaIters Frank, beer retailer
Savile Hon. Mrs. Arthur, Heydon house Nunn Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wilson Alfred, farmer &; organist

HOCKLEY (or HOCKLEIGH) IS a parish and ancient and Fellows of Wadham College, Oxford and held by the
village in the Southern division of the county, Rochford Rev.WilliamHardingM.A.ofthatcollege. Amedicinalspring
hundred, union aud county court district and in Rochford being discovered here about 1840, a pump-room with baths
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. .Albans diocese, was erected, but, proving unsuccessful, is now disused.
situated on a hill near the valley of the river Crouch, about G. E. Digby esq. is lord of the manor. The principal land-
a mile and a half south from that river and 2 miles north- owners are John Baker esq. l.P. and the Warden and Fellows
north-east from Rayleigh, 4 north-west from Rochfortl and of Wadham College, Oxford. The soil is red loam; subsoil,
9 north-west from Southend. The church of St. Peter, con- red loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas.
spicuously placed on a hill, is supposed to have been founded The area is 4,614 acres; rateable value, £5,029 ; the popula-
by Canute the Great and Turketil, in memory of the victory tion in 1881 was 605. .
gained over Edward Ironside at Ashingdon, in this neigh-
bourhood: it is Early English in style and consists of At HULL BRIDGE are wharves and a ferry across the
~hancel, nave, north aisle, separated from the nave by an Crouch, where the river is fordable at low water: the
arcade of 3 bays, the arches springing from thick columns remains of an ancient bridge are still in existence.
with slightly ornamental capitals, and a low but massive Parish Clerk, William Bearman.
octagonal tower and was restored in 1871 : the church plate POST OFFICE.-George Clements, receiver. Letters arrive
includes a chalice of the time of William and Mary. The from Chelmsford at 4 a.m. : dispatched at 7.30 p.m. in
register of baptisms and burials dates from 1732; marriages, summer, 7 p.m. in winter. The nearest money order
1757. The li,,-ing is a vicarage, yearly value £270, with office is at Rayleigh
residence and 8 acres of glebe land, in the gift of the Warden The parish Schools are at present closed
Baker John J.P. Whitbreads Crow James, shoe maker , Lark Charles, jun. Bull inn
Fox Robert Daniels William, shopkeeper Laver Francis John, farmer, Malyons
Harding Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Finch William, marine store dealer Lone William, Royal Oak
Smith Miss Gardiner Priscilla (Mrs.), farmer Meeson & Wood, brick makers
COMMERCIAL. Hart Francis, shopkeeper Merryfield George, cattle dealer
Baker In. frmr. & landownr. Whitbreads Hart James, wheelwright Moore John, farmer, Vicarage farm
Cackett Benjamin, farmer, Hull bridge Harvey James, farmer Moss Benjamin, farmer
Cackett Frederick, coal mer. Hull bridge Harvey William, farmer Newsom Henry. frmr.Plumboro' mount
CackettMatilda (Mrs.),frmr. Sheepcotes Howard & Ogden, grocers Page Joseph, shoe maker
Chapman George, AlIchor,Hull bridge Jolly John (Mrs.), farmer Thomason ,farmer, Hockleyhall
elements Geo. shopkeeper, &post office Keeble William,shopkeeper,Hull bridge Smith Samuel, farmer
Cox lsaac, marine store dealer Lark Charles, gardener West William, blacksmith
GREAT HOLLAN D is a parish, in the Eastern division i the rector at the restoration. The register of burials dates from
of the county, Tendring hundred and union, Harwich county 1539; baptisms, 1542 ; marriages, 1547. The living is a rectory,
court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, Colchester arch- yearly value £700, with 70 acres of glebe and residence in the
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, near the sea coast and a gift of Corpus Christi college, Oxford and held by the Rev.
brook coming down from Tendring, and called the Holland I Richard Joynes B.D. late fellow of that college, hon.
brook: it is a mile and a half south from Kirby station on canon of St. Albans, and surrogate. Thomas Cree esq. is
the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, lord of the manor. 'fhe Naval Knights of Windsor, Colonel
4 miles south-west from Walton steamboat pier and r6 Williams and W. R. Brown esq. are the chief landowners:
BOuth-east from Colchester. The church of All Saints was Near the mouth of the small brook between the parishes of
partly rebuilt in I866 on the old foundation, in the Early Great and Little Holland are some marshes. Holland
English style, from designs of Arthur W. Blomfield esq. of ~aven is near the sluice-gate. The soil is loamy; subsoil,
London, at a cost of £2,200, principally at the expense of principally clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley,
the rector and consists of chancel, nave, of 4 bays, north beans and peas. 'I'he area is 2,063 acres of land and 20 of
aisle, vestry (the aisle and vestry being additions to the old water; rateable value, 1:3,983; and the population in 1871
structure) and a massive embattled tower of brick, contain- was 460.
ing 2 bell&-: the east window is stained and was presented by Parish Clerk, William Hal'bridge.


LETTER Box cleared at s.r5p.m.; sundays at 10 a.m. Letters National School (mixed), built in :.:862, for 90 children, with
through Colchester, 'Via Kirkby-le-Soken. The nearest an average attendance of 64; Miss Edith Winney,
money order &telegraph office is at Walton-on-the-Naze mistress
Beader Rev. Frank M.A. [rector of Frin- lJagley Joseph, Lion I Hicks Charles Thompson, farmer, Hall
ton]t Great Holland lodge.
Beck.with Misses
Cole James, Ship
Crampin John, shopkeeper
Low Ambrose George, farmer r Larges
Lucas Daniel, farmer
Joynes Rev. Richard RD. (hon. canon & Dorlin Joel, miller & baker Mills James, farmer
surrogate}, Rectory Eade Thomas, shoe maker Nevill Henry, blacksmith
;Atkins George, shopkeeper (i-reen WaIter Proctor,farmer,Manor frm Nicholson Thomas, farmer, Lower frm
LITTLE HOLLAND is a parish lying 6n the coast value; in Camden's time this church was one mile
between Great Clacton and Frinton, with Great Holland ad- from the sea and formerly belonged to the Priory of St.
joining 'it on the south-east; it is in the Eastern division of Osyth; after the suppression of the priory, the rectory and
the county, Tendring hundred and union, Harwich county tithes descended in succession to Thomas, Lord Cromwell
court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, Colchester arch- and the Darcy and Rivers families. 'fhe living is a vicarage,
deaconry and St. Albans diocese. The coast here rises into united to that of Great Clacton, joint yearly value £3r5, in
.cliffs. Many thousand acres of land drain into Holland the gift of the Church Patronage Society and held by the
brook, which passes through Tendring, Weerey, Thorpe and Rev. Samuel Christmas Brown RA. of St. John's College,
Clacton and has its outlet here-where 11 sluice-house and Cambridge, who resides at Great Clacton vicarage. John
expensive works are erected to facilitate the outfall. About S. Barnes esq. is lord of the manor. The principal land-
2 miles of coast is kept up by Commissioners under Act of owners are the trustees of the late Robert Hills esq. of Colne
Parliament, who meet once a year to inspect the works and Park, Halstead. The ~oil is good mixed; subsoil, clay.
make rates for the maintenance of the coast defences; The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area of
£8,000 have beE'!n expended within the last few years in the parish is 6r6 aeTes of land and 270 of water; rateable
facing the wall with Kentish rag stone. C. T. Hicks esq. value, £987; the population in r88r was about So.
Great Holland Hall, is trea~urer to the C0!Dmi~sioners. Letters through Colchester, viii Great Clacton. The nearest
The marshes are very extenslve and abound ID W11~-fowl. money order office is at Great Clacton & telegraph office
On the Hall estate, near the sea, are the remams of Clacton-on-Sea
the old church, but nothing is left of any architectural
Giles Robert (Mrs.), fanner, Hall

J Patrick Henry, farm bailiff to .Edward
Richardson esq

GREAT HORKESLEY ill a parish ... miles north from wood work of the roof still remains and there is a piscina
Colchester station and S from the town, in the Eastern divi- in the south wall. The charities are £50 )'early value,
sion of the county, Lexden and Winstree union, Le.x:den arising from a messuage and lands, called "English,"
hundred, Colchester county court district, Dedham rural in Elmsted, left in 1509 by John Genyon and from a
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, charity left in 1564 by Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley.
separated from Suffolk by the river Stour. The ancient The Great Horkesley Club Room (formerly a Primitive
,church 'Of AllSaiILt8 is a building of stone in the late Perpen- Methodist chapel), opened in 1878, enlarged in
dicul~r style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and a a plain brick building, used as a parochial library and
tower with S bells: there is a meml)rial window to Dr. savings bank; there are over 100 members, the management
Ward, formerly Bishop of Sodor and Man, two in the north- being entrusted to certain trustees. - Cuddon esq. is lord
east ehantry to the Rev. D. F. Markham and two in the of the manor. The principal landowners are the Earl
,cllancel to the Rev. J. B. Magenis: an inscribed monument Cowper, Lord Ashburton, R. S. Sadler, J. Pertwee, T.
commemorates the Rev. J. Morse A.M. prebend of Lichfield Bourdillon and C. H. Groves, esqs. and Miss Lawson.
and Hereford and 14 years rector of this parish; he died The soil is mixed loam; subsoil, part gravel and part clay.
.March 22, 1746, lEt. 53- The register dates from the year The chief crops are wheat. barley, oats, turnips and mangold
:1558. The living is a rectory, yearly value £1,005, with wurtzel. The area is 3,084 acres; rateable value. £5,558
residence, in the gift of Earl Cowper and held by the Rev. and the population in r88I was 794.
'John SOOr11 RA. of -Corpus Christi college! Cambridge. Parish Clerk, John Boggis.
The~e is a chapel of ease, the property of Mrs. Steel, of POST OFFICE.~Robert Page, receiver. Letters arrive by
Harrold, Bedfordshire and formerly" a congregational chapel, mail cart through Colchester at 4.5 a.m.; dispatched at
in which services conducted. by the Tector are held on 8.20 p.m. The nearest monE!y order & telegraph office is
,sunday and Wednesday evenings; this chapel is a building of at Nayland
Perpendicular date and is thought to have been originally SCHOOLS:-
dedicated to the Virgin; it has an east window"now blocked National (mixed), built in 1873, for 140 children, with an
up and is supported by buttresses of good, character: the average attendance of II2; Charles A. Page. master

Green Mrs. The Terrace Cant Thomas, Yew Tree -inn Page William, farmer
Kelso Capt. Red park Chamberlin William, gardener Piper George, farmer
Page Mrs. Woodlands house Denny James, farmer, Coveney farm Potter Daniel, Cr01JJn inn
Piper Goorge, Manor house Dyer Daniel, farmer, White farm Rose l:'earl, cattle dealer, Mill house
Sadler Robert Stebbing, Old house Green Wm. Simson, frmr. Breewood hI Seaborn Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker
Stannard Miss, Rose cottage Halls Henry, farmer, Nevaids farm Straggett Harry, farmer
Storr Rev. JOhn:s.A. Rectory Halls William, farmer, Tile house Vale James, beer retailer & baker
Weir Rev. John RA. [vicar 'Of Little Leach Thomas, farmer, Black brook Veasey David, farmer
Hork-esley], The Grove Lee Wllliam, seed grower Ward Isaac, jun. blacksmith
OOMMHRCIAL. Minter Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Warren John, butcher
Allen Joseph, farmer, Woodhouse Nevard William, fanner Waylen Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Bruce Thumas, farmer Page Charles, jun. fanner, Lodge fami Mount hall
Cansdale George, shoe maker Page Robert, grocer, &post office WoodrotIe & Seaborne, carpenters
• •
LITTLE HORKESLEY is a parish in the Eastern his wife: the revenues at the Dissolution were £27 7s. lId.
division of the county, Lexden and Winstree union, Lexden Thomas Love,of this parish, gave by will in IS64 the sum of
hundred; -Colchester. county court district, Dedham rural £120 in trust to Thomas Rich of Lexden, with which he
deanery, -COlchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diQcese, mould buy a parcel oflandaaddistributetherentatShrov~
4 miles north from Colchestert The church of 8S. Peter and tide -amongst the poor of Great and Little Horkesley,
Paul, erected in the r5th leentm'y, is a stone edifice in the Boxted, Langham, Wormingford, Fordham, Tedham, Lexden,
!Perpendicnlar style and consists of chancel, nav~,southaisle West Bergholt( Neyland, Mount Bures and Hedley~ the
and a tower containing 5 bells: a vestry and organ chamber charity for this parish now amounts w about £ IS yeariyand
"8l'8 added in 1878' and the- church thorOughly restored at a iS'distributed among the poor. Thomas Bourdillon esq. ".P. is
~8t m between £2,ooo-and £3,0001 The register dates from lord of the manor and principal landowner, wh6S8 seat,
theyear' 1568, but has been inaccurately kept-The living Horkesley Hall, standing on the site of the seat of theSwyn6
is a vicarage, ..alued at £80 yearly, in the gift of Thoma'-I borne family is .. spaeious mansion in the Grecian style-and
Bourdilllnl esq. and held by the Rev. John Weir:S.A. of Trinity l'1raS built-in 'l82&: it is llitnated in grounds beautifully laid
College, Dublin, who 'Fesides at The Grove, Great HorkesleYJ I euii Westwooli House" the seat of William Macandrew esqt
Here 'Wa& Wmerly a priory of. Cluniac monks belonging 10' I.P. is a nob16 mansion in the Tudor style, standing in •
the monastery of Thetford, said to have been founded in the I park of 65 ~:. the gardens and pleasure grounda-ooV8Jr,
time of King Henry I. by Robert Fib; Godebold and Beatrix acres and are aI80 well Iaid~. Tw. MOil. is lQaw: sUbsoil,

clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and turnips. through Colchester at 4.30 a.m.-.; dispatched at 6 p.m.
The area is 1,038 acres ~ rateable value, £3,304; and the nearest money order & telegraph office at ,Nayland
population in I88r was 199. Parish School (mixed), built in r870 for 80 children, with ad
Parish Clerk, none. average attendance of 50; Miss Mary Ann Worth, mistress
POST OFFICE.---Charles Norfolk, receiver.. Letters arrive J

Bourdillon Thomas J.P. Horkesley hall Cook John, farmer, The Priory Stiff William, Beehive
Macandrew William J.P. Westwood ho Page Elijah, farmer, Viness farm Woodgate William, Walnut Tree inn
.Bush Jonathan, maltster Scott Frederick, blacksmith
HORNCHURCH is a village and parish, pleasantly about 50 acres, on the (lUtskirts of the village, is the
siltuated on the road from Romford to Upminster and residence of the Rev. T. H. Newman D.D. Grey
within the liberty of Havering-atte-Bower, in the Southern Towers, a castellated Gothic stone mansion, probably
division of the county, Romford union and county courtdis- o{ the 12th century and standing in a park of about 50
trict, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and acres at the entrance to the village is the seat of Henry
d.iocese of St. Albans, 2 miles south-east from Romford rail- Holmes esq.: there is a finely decorated entrance hall and
way station and two from Harold Wood railway station, staircase of black and white marble, with a ceiling of carved
which is in the parish and 14 from London, bounded on the oak and a good stained window on the landing at the top of
east and west by the rivers Ingrebourn and Rom. The the staircase. Langtons, a brick mansion standing in a
church of St.Andrew is an ancient building of stone,consisting small park, is the residence of John Wagener esq. Horn..
of chancel, nave, aisles and porches and a large western em- church Lodge, a brick mansion standing in a park of about
battled tower with a turret and surmounted by a spire, the 30 acres and containing handsome pleasure grounds, adjoins
whole rising to a height of r70 feet and containing a clock the high road and is the residence of Edward Thomas
and 6 bells, all of which were recast 1778: the chancel was Helme esq. Fair Kytes, a modern brick house, situated in
restored in I8~9 and a stained east window inserted to Thos. the village, is the residence of Joseph Fry esq. J.P. The
Mashiter esq; the whole church was restored in 1871, at a Hall is a fine brick mansion near the village and is the
cost of about [,2,000: there are also three other stained win- residence of Brooks Gooch esq. Here is a drill hall, erected
dows in the south aisle: a very fine reredos of carved stone and by public subscription at a cost of about £400, for the use of
on the west wall a curiously carved marble tablet to 'Ihos. vofunteers of Hornchurch. There are two corps of volun-
Wltherings esq. chief postmaster of Great Brit-ain, who died teers, the H. company of the 1st Essex Rifle Volunteers, who
1651. The register, which is in good condition, dates from muster an enrolled strength of 8o; captain, H. P. Fry j and
the year 1576. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £740, a battery of the 1st Essex Artillery Volunteers,69 strong;
with residence, in the gift of New College, Oxford and held by capt. Henry Holmes. Mrs. McInt;osh is lady of the liberty, but
the Rev. Robert Johnson M.A. of St.John's College,Cambridge. most of the land belongs to New College, Oxford. The soil
An iron church was built by subscription in 1871 at Harold is of a light nature; subsoil, gravel. The area is 6,799 acres
Wood and serves as a chapel of ease to the parish church. of arable, grass and marsh lands; rateable value, £20,460;
There are several small charities, amounting in all to about in 1871 the population was 2,476 and in 1881 2,824.
£~7~, which, are now in the hands of the Charity C0n;t- HAVERING WELL, I mile west of the village, is a hamlet
llilSSlOners. almshouses, left by ~enry Appletot;t III of Hornchurch,
~597, were rebmlt In 18 38 and are occupied ?y old parlsh- Sexton Joseph Lazell.
lOners; two others, left by John Pennant III 1587 were '
restored by Thomas Mashiter esq. in r837 and are also POST, MONEY ORD~R & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savi~gs
tenanted by old parishioners. There are besides ten alms- Bank.-Henry Amsworth, postmaster.. Letters arrive
houses founded by Mrs. Massus for ten aged poor who from Romford .at 5.3 0 &- It a.m; dispatched at 3. 20
have never received parochial relief, each receiving £10 & 6.20p.m. j dehvery commenL"eS at 7a.m
yearly; and a charity founded by Mrs. Hyde, for apprenticing INSURANCE AGENTS:-
two poor boys from Hornchurch and one from Romford County Fire, W. Idiens
yearly. Here are foundries, a manufactory of steam engines Liverpool ~ London ~ Globe, :F. A. Stratford
and boilers and agricultural implement works; brick and SCHOOLS;-
tile and drain pipe making, brewing and malting are carried National (mixed), built in 1853 for 400 children, 'With an
on. A priory of St. Nicpolas and St. Bernard, subordinate average attendance of 300; Fredk. Jenvey, master j Mrs.
to the hospital of Monte Jovis, in the diocese of Sedun or Emily Jenvey, mistress; Miss Charlotte Baker, infants'
Syon, in Savoy, was founded here in the reign of Henry n. mistress
and afterwards had attached to it the house in the Strand in Railway Station, Harold Wood, Frerlk. Flegg,station master
c. 1245, by Peter, Earl of $avoy. The revenues of this cell CARRIER TO LoNDON-Robert Goodrum, from his own house,
being seized with other priories alien, were purchased by on tues. thurs. & sat. returning same days
William of Wykeham and by him given to New College. CARRIER TO ROMFORD-William George Patience, twice a
Nelmes, an ancient stone mansion, situated in a park of day from his house, the Bridge inn
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Herbert Thomas, Rose villa, Dymok rd UzielliMrs. 2 Acorn villas, Brentwood rd
Abbot Mrs. Holly lodge Rolmes Benjamin, Brewery house Wagener John, Langtons
Boden Thos. Harold lodge, Harold wood Holmes Hy. Grey Towers, Langton pk Walker Robert
Bruorton William Howell Thomas Heury, Haveringwell Warmington Charles Lewis, Little
Bush Miss, Dymok road villa, Haveringwell Langtons
ClowesRichard Septimus,Norfolkhouse, Jacobs Thos. Wayside villa, Harold wd Warmington Miss, Bust Elms
Harold wood Jennipgs John, Crichton villas, Back WedIake Thomas William, White house
Crossley Thomas, 6 Crichton villas, Brentwood road Woodfine Mrs
Brentwood road Johnson Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage Woodcock Charles, 6 Oak terrace, Horn-
Custance Daniel, 6 Kyme road J ohnstone Frederick Chas. Harold wood church road
Dean Henry, Dymok road Jones John, Longfield ho. Haveringwell COMMERCIAL.
Dendy Richard, 5 Crichton villas, Joshua John, I Oak tel'. Hornchurch rd Ainsworth Henry, watch maker
Brentwood road Matthews Josiah, 5 Kyme road Alabaster WaIter Goddard, carpenter
DendyWilliam May C. O. Suttons gate Arnold John, plumber & painter
Dixon Capt. Tharpe lodge Mayger Joseph, 8 Kyme road Arnold Nicholas, farmer, HardIey grn
Ensor George Lewis, Slewins farm Newman Rev. Thomas Harding D.D. Bacon James, beer retailel"
Ettward James, 7 Kyme road Nelmes Baker Charles Henry, grocer & draper
Flowers William Osborne Frederick Wm. Dymok road Ball John, Old Oak
Fry Joseph J.P. Fair Kytes
Gall Thomas, 4 Kyme road
Osbome Henry G. Remington hollSC, Barebam George.
D~'IIlok road
ha, & ~traw dealer To
Beard Wm. Henry, baker & corn dealer
Godfrey Charles, Harrow lodge Phillips Ebenezer, 9 Kyme road Beckett George, saddler I
Gooch Brooks, The Hall Phillips Rev. Frederick [curate] BelcherHenry, bricklayer, Hardley grn
Gooch Mrs. Great Sutton • Russell Wm. Russell ha. Squirrels hth Blewitt Edward Robert. farmer, Dover's
Gowers W. J. Harold wood Smith Charles, Crichton villas, Brent- farm, Southend
Halfpenny Mrs. I Acorn villas1 Brent- wood road Bonnett William, farmer, Southend
'Wood road Smith Henry William, Crichton villas Brewster Alexander, boot maker
Hamilton John Hamilton, Ardley lodge, TempletonJohn, 3Crichton villas,Brent- Bridge Jane (Mrs.), hurdle maker &
HardIey green wood road I wheelwright, Haveringwell
Harvey Alfred, Haveringwell house ,. Thompson Darins Charles,Manor house, Bridge Eliza (Mrs.). beer retailer
Haynes Henry Shekell, The Billett Squirrels heath Bruorton William, sDTgeon, publi~
Helme Edward Thomas, The Lodge \ TyleJ; Miss, Ford lodge, Southend vaccinator & medical officer of district


BurreU John (Mrs.), baker Grout Daniel, Orow1a, Haveringwell Pritchard Eliza, milk seller, Kyme road
Cattermole Henry, HarrmtJ inn Harold WoodBrick.field 00. HaroId wood Raven William, Cricketers
Chester William (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hesman Thos. Oherry Tree, Southend Robinson Henry, beer retailer
CoUin Albert, tailor Hill Alfred, baker RopeI' Adam, farmer, New Redincourt
Compton William, drill instructor, Essex Hilsden Thomas, florist, Butts green RussellRt. frmr.Mardykefrm. Southend
rifle volunteers Hollington William, farmer, The Sewer- Shuttleworth Daniel, farmr. Whych elms
Cracknell Benj. farmer, Beamlands frm age farm; residence, East Ham Sibthorp George, builder
Cross Hannah (Mrs.),beer rtlr.Butts grn Holmes Henry & Benjamin, brewers Smith Edward, plumber & shopkeeper
Dale Jas. farmer & straw dlr. Butts grn Hook Annie (Mrs.), grocer & draper South Benjamin,farmer, Gt. Garden frm
Dam Geo. (Mrs.), shopkpr.Harold wood Hyde John, pork butcher Stevens Wm. pork butcher, Butts green
Dear Jane (Miss),shopkeeper Idiens Watson, saddler &harness maker, Stratford Frdk. rgstrar. of births&deaths
Denny Geo. shopkpr. & cab proprietor general repairs Stratford Frederick AdolphU8, grocer &;
Dockrill Robert & Sons, carpenters Laws George, farmer, HaveringweU , china. dealer, rate collector, & agent
Drake Joseph, cowkeeper Lee WaIter, farmer, Priors farm for Liverpool & London & Globe
EIlis William, beer retailer &; grocer, Love J ames, greengrocer Townsend James, blacksmith
HardIey green Manning Thomas Edward, farmer, Tunbridge William Henry, Bull
Esse:r: (1St) .Artillery Volunteers (Henry Hubbards farm Tyrrell Mary (Mrs.), baker
Holmes, capt.) Markwick George, shopkeeper Venables Jas. smith & fameI', Southend
Esse:r:( 1st) Rifle Volunteers (H. company) Martin Stephen Thos. (Mrs.), plumber Vines Anthony, farmer, Wyebridge frm
(H. P. Fry, capt.) McGibbon William, tailor . Wedlake Thomas William & Co. en-
Ferguson Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker Mills David, White Hart hotel gineers, millwrights, iron & brass
Fergusson John, boot &; shoe maker Mitchell Edwd.miller,Hornchurch mills founders, manufacturers of steam
Franklyn George, butcher Moore Wm. King Harold, Harold wood boilers, corn mills & machinery for
Franklyn Henry, shoe maker OliveI' Geo. Good Intent, Southend export; only places of business, Union
Frost Charles, wheelwright Parish John Ockley, shopkeeper iron works, Homchurch & branch
Gardner Samuel, brick &; tile maker Patience William George, Bridge House foundry & depot at Romford
Gate Robert, farmer, Beverage's farm inn, & carrier Wenn In. beer retlr.Back Brentwood rd
Gaywood Louisa (Mrs.), butcher Pearce Thomas, smith & ironmonger Whittaker Thomas, OaT/tp-en, Southend
Gentry James, reed layer, Southend Perrin Samuel, farmer, :'louthend Wolfe George, King's Head
Gooch Brooks, farmer, The Hall Pinchon Mary (Mrs.), grocer Wolfe Pritchett (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Goodrum Charles, carrier Pound Philip Giles, farmer,Lillyputs frm Wood Hy. Spencer's A1"mS, Hardley gr
EAST HORNDON is a parish in the Southern division of the Chapel,' has been erected in the village at a. cost of about
county, Barstable hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood £300, raised by subscription; and is a building of wood con-
county court and police district, Chafford rural deanery, Essex sisting of chancel and nave and a small bell-turret containing
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, on the road from Brent- r bell. In this parish there are two manors, East Horn-
wood to Orsett,3 miles south from Brentwood station, 20 don and Fowcher's Heron, the lordships of which are respec-
from London and 4 south-west from Billericay. The church tively held by the Right Hon. Lord Petre and George Alan
of All Saints is an edifice of red brick, built about the time of Lowndes esq. who are also the chief landowners. The soil is
Henq VI. and consists of chancel, with a large aisle on the chiefly clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
south called the TyrreU chapel and a smaller chapel on the wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,484 acres: gross esti-
north, now used as a vestry; nave, transepts, south porch mated rental, £2,698; rateable value, £2,I90 I5S.; and the
and a massive stunted tower at the west end containing 4 population in 1881 was 504.
bells: the chancel floor has up~n it a ~emarkable incised slab The hamlet of HERON GATE (which is the village of the
to Th0II!-as ~yrrell, son and heIr of SII' John Tyrrell kt. a~d parish) stands on the southern brow of the eminence, three
Anne hIS WIfe, dated 1422 ; th~re are also monuments III quarters of a mile north of the church and near what was
the chapels north a~d s?uth of It ~o John TYI:rell kt. 1645 formerly a considerable area of common land; it takes its
a!1d dame Martha hIS WIfe, 1670, WIth others WIth some old name from a gate formerly crossing the road near the old
pIeces of armour: the .chancel roof has a number of h;and- "Boar's Head," and dividing the Heron manoJ: from the
somely cal"Ved. bosses: III the s~uth transept 'Yall there IS an Abbot manor. The Heron manor and mansion for many
altar-tomb, saId to be a memonal of the bunal here of the centuries belonging to the Tyrrell family, took its name from
hea~ or head of queen Anne Boleyn: over ~he south tran- a family of Heron, who owned it at an earlier period, the
seJ?t IS a room whiCh was probably the dwellmg of ~ chantry mansion has been pulled down.
prIest attached to the church: the Norman .fon~ IS for~ed Parish Clerk Charles Edwards.
of a large square block of stone carved WIth mtersectmg , . ,
arches and other ornaments. The register of baptisms and POST, MONEY .oRDER OFFICE. & Savmgs Bank.--Silas
burials dates from 155 8 ; marriages, I573. The living is a Farrant, receIVer. Letters arrIve from Brentwood at 7·45
rectory, yearly value £344. in the gift of and held by the a.m.; despatche~ at 6 p.m.; & II.30 a.m. on sunday; the
Rev. Anthony William Hamon Lefroy M.A. of Trinity College, te~egraph office ~ at Bren.twood .
Dublin: a Rectory House was built iu the year I8n at Natzonal School (mixed), MISS Jane Matthews, Illistress
Heron Gatel A chapel of ease, called' St. Andrew's Mission CABRIER-Esau Boardman, to Brentwood, daily
(For names in Heron Gate see Ingrave.) Boardman Thomas & Son, general Selby Jonathan LL.D. middle class school,
Cole MISS builders & undertakers Heron gate
Guy James, Park house, Heron gate Bourne Henry, farm bailiff to Lord Shipton John, beer retailer
Hardwicke Edwd. Hamshar. Heron gate Petre, East Horndon hall Smith Harriet (Mrs.), Boar's Head
Lefroy Rev. Anthony William Ramon Brewster Thomas, boot & shoe maker Squier Wm. farmer, Dunton Hill's farm
M.A. Rectory Bright William, Old Dog Stone Mary (Miss), farmer, Heron house
Selby Jonathan LL.D. Heron gate Clark William, bricklayer Turville Harriet Elizabeth (Miss), ladies'
Wolsley Cox Lieut.-Col. Clement, Heron Cole Philip, farmer, Mount Thrift farm boarding school .
gate Cooper Arabella (Mrs.), dress maker Upson James, harness maker
WordIey George Oswald Farrant Silas, grocer Wright Martha (Miss), grocer
COMMERCIAL. Hams George, blacksmith Young Henry, wheelwright
Barwell & Son, grocers Moss William, carrier
HORNDON-ON-THE~HILLis a village and parish of chancel with chapel, clerestoried nave, aisles, south
(formerly a market town), so named. from being on a height, porch and a wooden tower at the west end, containing 4
having a good view over the neighbouring land and river bells, respectively dated 1640, 1622-30 and 1706: the nave,
to the west as far as London and to the east to the sea: of four bays, is Early English, the arches springing from
it is in the Southern division of the county, Barstable massive columns, on moulded plinths; the chancel appears
hundred, 0rsett union, Brentwood. county conrt district, to have been rebuilt in ~he 15th century; its east window is
Orsett mral deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans Perpendicular and retains some fragments of stained glass ;
diocese, on the road from Chelmsfprd to Tilbury and Grays the chancel opens into the north chapel by two low pointed
and rl miles north-west from the Stanford-Ie-Hope station al"ches, springing from octagonal shafts; the substructure
on the Southend railway, about la south-east from Brent- of the spire is a good specimen of the constructive carpentry
wood and 24 from London. The church of St. Peter,an inter- of the 15th century, to which period also belongs the POl'ch,
esting example of the church architecture of the early 13th the doorway being Early English; the font is in its details
, century, is situated in the middle of the village, and consists I Perpendicular, but from its shape and size suggests a con-

version from one of Norman date: in the chancel is a to have been a man of substance and position. The eminent
marble monument to David Caldwell esq. ob. 1634. with prelate, Dr. Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, born
shields of arms and here also a slab of Purbeck marble, at All Hallows, Barking, in 1555, was the son and heir of
with the arms of Toldervey, some memorials of the Grant Thomas Andrewes, of this parish, master of the Trinity
family, 1720-49; a memorial to the Rev. Samuel Jennifer, House, and Joan his wife. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay.
formerly vicar of this parish, ob. 1715; various inscriptions The chief crops are wheat, beans and peas. Here was
to the family of Kinsman, of Burnham, Essex and now formerly a market on Saturdays. There is a farm called
extinct, 1686-1719; and one to Susan, daughter of Thomas the Saffron Gardens, from the former growth of saffron.
Sandford, of Coggeshall, ob. 1633. The register of baptisms The area is 2,649 acres; rateable value, £4>561; the popu-
and burials dates from 1672; marriages, 1752. The living lation in 1881 was 592.
is a vicarage, net yearly value £192, in the gift of the Dean Parish Clerk,James Parchment.
and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held by the Rev. John POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &: Savings
Windle M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The principal Bank.-Ray Tyrrell, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
landowners are James Theobald esq. who is lord of the from Romford at 6.40 a.m.; delivery commences at
manor, Captain Digby H. R. Wingfield, T. Montgomery and 7. 15 a.m. Letters are forwarded to Mucking, Stamford-
Joseph C. Dimsdale esqs. Thomas Highbed, yeoman, of le-Hope, Corringham, Fobbing & Vange. Box closes for
this parish, was burnt here for heresy, 26th March, P555; dispatch at 4.30 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid
he held a messuage here and 60 acres of land, called Horndon from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; & on saturdays till 8 p.m. Tele-
House, with a cottage, but the house was pulled down some graph business transacted from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m
time since; the place of his martyrdom is thought to have
been opposite the parish school, which was then heath. In INSURANCE AGENT:- Royal Exchange, E. Tyrrell
the Record office a complete inventory is preserved of all Registrar of Marriages, Ray Tyrrell
his goods, chattels and farming implements, showing him National School, Miss Sharp, mistress
Squire Samuel Westwood J.P Dennis George, farmer Squier Samuel Westwood, farmer
Windle Rev. John M.A., J.P. [vicar] Field John, farmer Thorogood William, Swan
Fordham Harriet (Miss), butcher Tyrrell Eleazer, insurance agent
COMMERCIAL. Fynn William Henry, beer retailer Tyrrell Ray, miller, draper, grocer, &
ABen John, baker Harper John, wheelwright registrar of marriages for Orsett
Alston James, baker Harvey Henry, hawker & shopkeeper union, Post office
Amos William, boot maker Hills John, bricklayer Vincent In. Goldsmith, veterinarysurg •
Archer William & Henry, saddlers Jiggins James, hawker &c Watts Edmund, carpenter
Aspilin Mrs. farmer King Arthur, tailor Watts George, inspector of nuisances
Clark Thomas, tailor Linn Robert, miller & school attendance officer to Orsett
Cdok Wm. John, farmer, Wyfield's farm Mingay Henry, Bell inn Rural sanitary authority
Dale Eliza (Mrs.), grocer & draper Mitchel Israel, thatcher Westwood George Samuel,farmer
Dale James, plumber Rollett Wm. farmer, Saffron gardens Westwood Samuel Henry, farmer
Davis Joseph, blacksmith Spitty f\J.fred Charles, farmer Wright Thomas, thatcher
WEST HORNDON is a parish in the Southern division 1878. The old hall, about a mile and a half south, was
of the county, Billericay union, Brentwood county court formerly the seat of the Fitz-Lewises, the last of whom was
district and Barstable hundred, 3~ miles south-east from burnt to death with his bride on his wedding night, in the
Brentwood. The living is united to the rectory of Ingrave. reign of Henry VII. The principal landowner is Lord
There is no church; the inhabitants use those of Ingrave, Petre, who is also lord of the manor. The soil is chiefly clay;
Childerditch and East Horndon. Thorndon Hall, the seat subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
of Lord Petre, situated on an eminence, in an extensive and The area is r,36s acres; rateable value, £1,276; and the
well-wooded park, about 2 miles south-east from Brentwood, population in 1871 was 81.
was a noble mansion, consisting of a centre and two wings, Letters through Brentwood, which is the nearest money
connected by circular corridors and contained some very order & telegraph office
valuable paintings by the old masters: the main part of There is no school in the parish, but the children attend
this mansion was destroyed by fire on the 22nd of March, those of Childerditch & East Horndon
Petre Lord, Thorndon hall; & 35 Portland place, London 'to
HUTTON is a parish about 3 miles east from Brent,vood land left in 1584 by George White esq. distributed in bread,
station, on the road to Billericay, 2! west from the latter clothes and fuel among the poor. Mrs. Baker owns
.and 20 from London, in the Southern division of the county, the manor and is chief landowner. The soil is mixed; sub-
Billericay union, hundred of Barstable, county court district soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley., beans and
of Brentwood, rural deanery of Barnstaple, Essex archdea- roots. The area is 1,699 acres; rateable value, £3,547 ; and
conry and St. Albans diocese. The church of All Saints, an the population in 1871 was 456.
edifice in the Early English stIle, was rebuilt and enlarged . . . .
in the year 1873, at a cost of £3,000, raised by subscriptions POST OFFICE.-WllhamSpoo~er, receiver. Lette1"8srrlvefrom
and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a western tower Brentwood at 5. 15 a.m. ; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 7.45 p.m.
with spire, containing 5 bells. The register dates from the on week days & at 7·45 p.m. only on sundays. PILLAR
year 1654. The living is a rectory, yearly value £390 , with Box cleared at 7.20 p.m. on week days, 5 p.m. on sundays.
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's The nearest ~on~y order & telegraph offices are at
and held by the Rev. Piers Leopold Claughton RA. of Oriel Col- Brentwood &; Blllerteay
lege, Oxford, domestic chaplain to the Bishop of St. Albans. National School (mixed), built in 1840 for 80 children, with
Here is a small Congregational chapel. There are charities an average attendance of about 60; Alfred Parker, master;
amounting to about £53 per annum, arising in part from Mrs. Parker, sewing mistress. .
Barrett John, Bm·ses Offin William, Hutton house Newman Edward, market gardener
Claughton Rev. Piers Leopold B.A. [rec- Townsend Miss, Hutton lodge Offin William, farmer, Hutton house
tor & domestic chaplain to the Bishop Wood Frederick, Hutton park ~pooner William, shopkeeper
of St. AlbansJ, Rectory COMMERCIAL. Stock John, farmer
Holloway Thomas Henry, TheCaprons Carswell Charles, Chequers Thompson Joseph, farmer, Edward farm
Lescher Joseph Francis D.L., l.p.The Hall Cross John, farmer & builder Tredget Edward., shoe maker
Longuehaye William i Matthews George, blacksmith Willis Geo. Hy. farmer, Martin's farm
GREAT ILFORD is a small town and polling place for rate parish by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1830,
the Southern division of the county, in the civil parish of which is now known as the Vicarage of Great llford, but'"
Barking, hundred of Becontree, Romford union and county this is for ecclesiastical purposes only: by a subdivision made
court district, Barking rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex, nth February, 1841, on the north side of ruord, the district
diocese of St. Albans and jurisdiction of the Central Criminal of Barking Side was formed and in 1863 that of Aldborough
court llnd Metropolitan police, situate on the road from Lon- Hatch; but for the management of the poor and other civil
don to Colchester and on the east of the river Roding, which purposes Great Ilford is still a ward of the parish of Bark-
here becomes navigable for barges: 7 miles from London, 2 iug. The church of St. Mary, built in 183°F at a cost of
north from Barking and 5 west from Romford: it is lighted £4.000 and enlarged in 1866, at a cost of £1,500, will now
with gas, has a police station and a station of the Great seat about l,ooopel'SOnS and is an edifice in the Lancetstyle,
Eastern railway (Colchester line) close to the town. Great consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, aisles, western porch
Ilford, Barking Side, Aldborough Hatch, Chadwell Street, and an elegant tower with spire, containing a clock and 6
and a portion of Hainault Forest, were formed into a sepa- bells, dated 1866, erected in that year to the memory of 1



Dam esq. and his wifE; by their ehildren, at a CQst of abont Barking in the time of King -Henry n. for I3 lepers,
£600 f the chancel windows are stained and were placed to with a prior and master was, after the dissolution of
the memory of Mr. Davill by the magistrates of the petty religious houses, re-founded by Queen Elizabeth, in 1572,
sessions, of which that gentleman had heen chairman for for the supJWrt and residence of a master, chaplain and
many yean' the pulpit of carved stone, also a memorial six poor aged men; the Marquis of Salisbury is the master and
to Mr. Davis, was erected by subscriptions, at a cost of £60: patron; the Rev. John Richardson M.A. of Trinity College,
there are five 8tained windows, two of which wel'e placed by Dublin, is the chaplain. A reading room and lecture hall
the la.m MiS9 ThompSOB in memory of John S. Thompson for the benefit of the working classes and a drill hall for the
and Miss N. Thompson. The register dates from the year volunteers, were erected by the late Miss E. Thompson;
1831. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £430, with resi.. there is an attached library of about 300 volumes. The popu-
dence and 7~ acres of glebe, in the gift of Ail Souls College, lation of Great llford district in 1881 was 4,397 ; area, 3,500
Oxford and held by the Rev. Henry Broughton Barnes B.A. acres; of the entire ward, population 7,645; area, 6,I94
Qf that College. The Baptists and United Methodists have acres; rateable value, £33,041, which includes Barking Side
chapels here, the former having a library containing and Aldborough Hatch.
300 volumes for the use of their Sunday school. St..
Mary's Hospital, originally founded by the abbess of Parish Clerk, James Pates.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.
& Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-William Volunteers, Essex Rifles (1st), comprising A, E, C, D, E, F, G
Charles HefTer, postmaster. Letters delivered at 7 & & H companies, W. J. Burgess, lieut.-col.; Major
8.30 a.m. 2.20 & 6.30 p.m. & at 8.30 a.m. on sundays; David Steuart, adjutant; Alfred Turner, quarter-master;
dispatched at 9.25 & 12.15 p.m. & 4.50 & 9.20 p.m. & at John C. Quennell & George Yeates, surgeons; Frank D.
8.30 a.m. on sundays. Money orders are issued & paid Potter, hon. assistant surgeon; Alfred Wright, acting
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ; on saturdays, 9 a,m. to 8 p.m surgeon; Hon. & Rev. H. W. Bertie D.C.L. & Rev. Thomas
CoUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR BECON'TREE PETTY SESSIONAL P. Ferguson M.A. hon. chaplains; Rev. William J. Skilton
DIVISION. M.A. & Rev. James Tanner M.A. acting chaplains; Cadet,
H. F. Barclay esq. Monkhams, Woodford, chairman Corps, William C. Clark, hon. captain
Major Stuart R.E. The Bowls, Chigwell, deputy chairman Inland Revenue o.ffice, held at the Angel inn, High street;
N. Powell esq. Buckhurst hill, Woodford F. G. Higton, officer
Capt. R. W. Pelly R.N. Holmecroft, Walthamstow Metropolitan Police Station, Thomas Cockin, James Houl-
E. N. Buxton esq. Knighton house, Woodford ton, James Fry,Peter Shenele, John West, inspectors
S. L. Howard esq. Goldings, Loughton PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
A: Johnson esq. Woo~ord green . Registrar of Births 4' Deaths 4' Rate Collector, Alfred Sher-
Lieut.-Col. W. T. Makms M.P. Lowther gardens, Prmces gate, man, Cauliflower villas, Romford road
London S.W Relieving Officer, Charles Culling, St. Mary's road
J. F. H. Read esq. Harts, Woodford Superintendent Registrar of Births Deaths 4' Marriages
Smith Harrison esq. Elmhurst, Woodford William Smith ' ,
R. Barclay Reynolds esq. Woodford ., .
William Fowler esq. M.P. Forest house, Leytonstone PLACES OF WORSHIP, Wlth tImes of ServIce:-
Arthur Lister esq. St. Jl.!ary's Church, Rev. Henry Broughton Barnes RA.;
Eliot Howard esq. Walthamstow servlCes, I I a.m: & 6.30 p.m.; & ~very week day at IQ a;.m
Lieut.-Col. George Raymond Birt St. Mary s Hosp1..tal, Rev. John RlChardson B.A. chaplam;
William Wallis Glenny esq. Cecil house, Barking I I a:m. & 6.3 0 p.~ ~
Frederick Green esq. Hainault lodge, Chigwell row Baptist Chapel, HIgh street, Rev. James 1: oung. I I a.m. It
J. H. Crossrnan esq. The Brewery, Mile end, London 6.~0 p.m.; & thufs?ays 7.30 p.m . . .
A. Lister esq. Leytonstone Umted Fr~e Methodzst .C~urch, Barkmg lane, Rev. WillIam
The parishes in the division are: Barking, Chigwell (part John Chnstophers, mlDlster; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; & mon-
of), , . East & West Ham,
Dagenbam .Ilford
Little ,, . days & wednesdays 7 p.m
• Walthamstow, Wanstead & WoodfOl'd SCHooLS:-
Clerk to the Magistrates, H. Shekell Haynes, Romford National, built in 1832, by subscription, for 400 children,
Petty Sessions are held every day at the Court house, Great with an average attendance of 280; Edward Tuck, master j
Eastern road, The Grove, Stratford Miss Emblen, mistress
INSURANCE AGENTS:- Infant, built in 1846, at the sole cost of the late Misses
County Fire, H. W. Ashmole, High street Thompson, for 100 infants; Mrs. Charlotte Lamb,mistress
Phceni::r: Fire, W. Ashmole, Back street Railway Station, High street, William Pallant, station master
Provident Life, H. W. Ashmole, High street CARRIERS TO LONDONj from Barking, call daily at the
Sun Fire, J. May Angel hotel, White Horse & Rose & Crown inns
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cook Gloucester, I Queen's road Lamb Joseph, 6 Queen's road
Allard Charles, Wilton road Croger Richard, Yew Tree villas Laws Alfred, Carlton villas
.Allard Frederick Fletcher, I Grove ter Dawson Charles James, High street Littlejohn Alexander, 7 Queen'sroa4
Ailard Yrs. 2 Grove villas Denny John, 4 Queen's terrace Lusby William, Rookery house
AHdrade Alexander, Yew Tree villas Drake Wm. I Laburnurn viI. South pk Mabson Richard Rous, 5 South park
Andrew William, I Wilton villas Emson Reginald, Luxiord CQttage, Meal'S Charles Jsph. D'Oyley, Roding ho
AshmoleArthur,Back street~ Barking lane Mumford John William Fearnhall, 7
Ashmole Henry Jubilee, 3 The Terrace Farey Herbert Samuel, I Grange villas Adelaide terrace
Ashmole Henry William, 3 The Terrace Faunch George, Wilton villas Mumford Thomas, 3 Grove place
Ashmole Mrs. 4 Adelaide terrace Fletcher Mrs. 2 Queen's terrace North Alfred, Grove villas
Ashmole William, 2 Hainault terrace Ford Howard, Morton cottage,South pk North Henry, 5 Adelaide terrace
BaconEdward,Ilford ball GadsdonGeo.John, Park viIs. South pk NortoD Jobn, Sydney villa -
Balson Thomas J oseph, 2 Parkside villas Gilderson Robert, Cleveland villas Oldaker J ames Blake, I Queen's terrace
Barnes Rev. Henry Broughton B.A. Gilson William WaIter, S Queen's tel" Oldaker Mrs. The Terrace
Vicarage Good Jas. Thos.2 Laburnum viI. Sth. pk Osborn Mrs. I Grafton villas
Barnes Arthur, 3 Grafton villas Graham Mrs. 8 Queen's terrace Pallant Thomas, 28 Queen's road
Bass Chas. Wm. Ivy cottage, Barkingla Graves Henry, The Cottage Parker James 'William, 6 Adelaide ter
Real Edmund John, South park Grooves Thoma!!, 5 Queen's road Phillips George, Cranbrook park
Benton In. Wheeldon, Hope cot.High st Greell Alfred, Barking lane Philpot Mrs. 5 The Terrace
Biggs Thomas, Wilton road Hammock Wm. George, Myrtle cottage Platten Herhert, South park
Binney Charles Hibhert, Ilford kJdge Berman A. Hugh. South park Platten Thomas William, South park
Bishop Henry Edward, 4 Grove place Hobson Arthur, Queen's road Price J u. Thos. Griffiths,3 Adelaide ter
Bishop William, .5 Queen's terrac& Hough Mrs. St. Mary's road Hawkins Thos.Geo.Swiss rot.Sarn's gm
Britten Arthur, 4 Ravelock terrace Hunsdon Miss, r Hainault terrace Rayment Miss. South park

..,Cade William, 7 Grove terrace Judson Charles, Eastern lodge Reed James Murray, South park I
Cas.sidy Thom~ The Cnratage Keal M1'8. 4 Havelock terrace Richardson Rev. John M.A. [chaplain of
ChristophersHep. William John [United KidderJohn,!I Grange villa8 St. Mary's Hospital], High street
c Free Methodist Choreh], High street KingThomu John, Wharf ho. High st Robinson James, Grove lodge
Clayden Mrs. -6 Queen's terraoo Knapp Arthur, 6 Grove terrace Seathard William, Grayshaw lOOge
Shimeld James, Salisbury house . Dawson Charles Jas. architect, High st Osbol"Il Henry, beer retailer, Higllst
Silverstone Thos. Jas. 3 Elizabeth cots Dover Francis, ironmonger, High st Palmer Arthur, butcher, Hainault et
Simonds Henry, South villas DrakeJas.builder & ho.decorator,High st Pepper WaIter, corn miller, Back street
Smith Algernon, West cottage Drake William, coffee rooms, HIgh st Philippe William, shopkeeper, High st
Smith Joseph, Sylvan villa. Emblem George, hair dresser, High at Pickett William, laundry, Ley street
Smith Thomas, 3 Park villas Essex Bicycle Club (Franks Evans, Plumstead Nathan, boot maker, 7 Hain-
Smith Mrs. I Weald villas, South park capt.), Angel hotel, High street ault street
Soper Mrs. 4 The Terrace Essex (1st) Rifle Volunteers (comprising Porter Hy. furniture broker, Broadway
Spashett William Henry, Lay street A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H companies) Rawkins & Sons, brick mas. Barking la.
StaDier Henry, I Park Side villas (W. J. Burgess, lieut.-col.; Major Rayner John, shopkeeper, High street
Stepney Rev. William [Congregational], David Steuart,. adjutant; Alfred Reynolds Edwin & Charles, farmers,
High s t r e e t ' Turner, quartermaster; William Ley Street farm
Stepney William Henry, 4 Grove ter C. Clark, hon. capt. of cadet corps; Reynolds Charles Henry, Cauliflower
Sutton Mrs. 7 Queen's terrace J. H. P. Fry~ capt. commandant of Rodwell George, blacksmith, High st
Thomson Francis, 3 Grange villas C company) 1 Rowe Hubert, shopkeeper, Sam's green
Tiver Mrs. 3 Hainault terrace Evans Caroline (Miss), dress maker, 3 Rowland Richard, boot maker, High st
Tracey Jsph. Mayhew, Rose cot. High st Albion cottages Rowland WiIliam, pork butcher & coach
Waters Ernest Edward, South park Ferguson Charle~ boot & shoe maker, builder, High street
Webb Alfred, 4 Grafton villas Broadway Rumble George, watercress grower
Whitbourn Francis, Loxford hall Fitch Frederick, clothier, High street 8t.Mary'sHospital (Rev. John Richard-
Wilson William, South park Flowers William, baker, High street son M.A. chaplain)
Winz Mrs. 6 Havelock terrace fordham George & Son, grocers & Scott Henry, boot & shoe ma. High st
Withers Aaron, Brandon villa cheesemongers, High street Scott Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailet,
Wohlgemuth Conrad, South park Foster Edward, Rose if CrQwn, High st Sam's green
Wright William, I The Terrace Foster Joseph, greengrocer, High street Shackell Thomas, grocer & tea dealer,
Young Rev. J ames [Baptist], 2 Hain- Garden George, beer retailer, Ley street & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &;
ault terrace Gattey William Fage, baker, Broadway spirit merchants, Barking lane
COMMERCIAL. Gentry Samuel, fishmonger, Barking la Sharpe Edward James, middle class
Adams Dennis, cowkeeper, Turret place Gilbey Herbert, coal &corn mer.High st school, boarding & day scholars, 2
Ashmole Frank, Angel commercial if Gilderson Robert, coach builder, High st Adelaide terrace
family hotel 0/ posting, wine & Goater Alfd. ginger beer manufr.High st Sharpe Lina (Mrs.) ,young ladies' school,
spirit merchant, & inland revenue I Godbold Edward Jas. builder, Wilton I'd 2 Adelaide terrace
office, High street Goodbff Michael, boot maker, High st Shepherd William, land steward to
Ashmole Ar~hur, builder & undertaker, Goslin George, nurseryman Clement M. Ingleby esq. Valentines,
Back street Great Ilford Parochial Reading Room, Sherman .Alfred, rate collector for Bark..
Ashmole William, auctioneer, estate & High stree1l ing parish & registrar of births &
house agent,surveyor & valuer,High st Gue J ames, butcher, High street. deaths, Cauliflower villas
Bacon James, jobber, Lay street, Hall Margaret (Mrs.), haberdasher, Shimeld James L.R.c.p.Edin. surgeon,
Baker Leonard, stationer, High street Hainault street Salisbury house
Barnes Chas. builder &plumber, High st Horden James Smith, tailor, High st Sholl James, boot maker, High street
Barnes GeorgeWilliam,writer &grainer, Hart Samuel Sydney, veterinary sur- Silcock John, bricklayer, High street
Wilton road geon, High street Silverstone Thomas James,lithographer,
Bass Charles William, surgeon, Ivy cot Hayden Sidney Willis, stationer, High st Elizabeth cottages
BeaL R. & Son, chemists, High street Hayden William Bennett, baker, High st Simmonds William, milliner, High st
Bean Alfred, shoe maker, Grove cottages Heffer Brothers, grocers, & post office, Sippet Robert, professor of english &;
Binney Charles Hibbert, steam plough Broadway latin, & morning school, Sam's green
& thrashing machine proprietor & Heffer William, greengrocer, Lay street Skillington William, wholesale beer
farmer Hewett John, beer retailer, Barking la seller, Bainault street
Bond William, market gardener, Lay st Hollington William, farmer, Uphall S1hith AIgernon, ironmonger, Broadway
Brady Hugh, greengrocer, Hainault st farm; & at East Ham & Hornchurch Smith Frank, corn & coal mer. High st
Brand George, greengrocer, High st Hood Eliza (Miss),dyer & cleaner,High st Smyth Harry, carpenter, High street
Brand Jsph. grocr.&leathr.cuttr.High st Hopson William Paillet, saddler, High st Spall WiIliam, boot maker, High street
Brand Joseph, shoe maker, High street Hunter Rd.chimney sweeper, Barking la Spencer Saml. shopkpr. 55 Sydney cots
Breens George. coffee rooms, High street Ilford(The)<f General Permanent Build- Spurgeon Frederick, baker, Barking la
Brewer John, saddler, Broadway ing Society (C. J. D'Oyley Mears, sec.), Stepney Rev. William, boarding 8chool,
Burgess Elijah, boot maker, Broadway High street High street
Butcher Wm. hairdresser, Barkinglane Ilford Gas Co. (George Sumner, man- Surrey Edmund, frmr. Cranbrooke frm
Butcher William, shopkeeper, Sam's grn ager), Ilford hill Thomson (J.), BonaI' (T.) & Co. paper
Butler Samuel, cowkeeper, Back street IlfordSavin.,!s Bank (Charles Mumford, manufacturers
BywaterWilliam George, basket maker, actuary), High street 'Tillett Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker,
7 Havelock terrace Ingram Arthur, butcher, High street Barking lane
Carr William, fishmonger, High street Inland Revenue Office (F. G. Higton, Tracey & Son, horticultural builders,
Carter Benjamin James, General Have- officer), Angel inn, High street High street
lock, High street Jones Diana (Mrs.), ladies' school, Turnbull William Apedaile, Red Lion,
Carter John, shopkeeper, High street junior classes for boys & girls on the High street
Chambers George, tailor, Chapel place kinder garten system, Parsonage ho Tyas Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Back st
Chennells William, draper, Broadway Judge Urban, grocer, High street Vaughan William, dairyman, High st
Clark John, shopkeeper, High street Killingbeck John, baker, High street WackettWm .market gardener, Sam's gn
Clark Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, King James Joseph, grocer, High street Wagstaff James, boot maker, High st
Back street Kingsnorth Thomas Hore, blacksmith, Wagstaff M. (Mrs.) & Hardy L. (Miss).
Collins Elizh. (Mrs.), day school, High st Turret place ladies' college; certificated teachers
Collins George, shopkeeper, Back st Law John Clement,prof.ofmusic,High st attend, High street
Conduit John, artificial florist, Ald- Lettington Arthur, boot &; shoe maker, Wand Mark, appraiser k collector of
borough cottage Barking lane queen's taxes for Great Ilfol'd, Chad-
Coppen 'Thomas, butcher, Harking lane Livingstone John, china,glass & earthen- well & Dagenham, Ley street
Counter Richard, plumber &; zinc ware dealer, Barking lane Warren George, beer retailer, High st
"Worker, gas fitter, bellhanger & hot LoweJas.Geo.tailor&confectionr.Highst Wetherill Arthur, rent &; debt collector,
water engineer, High street Martin Henry, beer retailer, Barking la High street
Covell Alfred, shopkeeper & whip maker, May John, manager to Daldy & Co. coal Wheatley Francis Richd. draper, High st
Aldborough oot~o-es merchants, High street Wheatiey Mary(Mrs.),farrier, Broadway
CovellEdwin,whipma.Aldboroughcotts Mendham WaIter James, tobacconist, Whitboum Francis, farmer, Loxford hill
CoylB William, baker, Chapel place High street WilIey James, White HurfM, High 1St-
Culling Charles, reliering & vaccination Mills WaIter, farmer, Green lane Willis William, boot & shoe ma. High st'
officer, St. Mary's road Neal Edward, butcher, High street Witney Samuel, beer retailer &; job-
Daldy~&; Co. coal merchants &; lime Nighy John, coffee rooms, High street master, High street
burners, High street North J as.& Sons, watch mas. Broadway Wright George, shopkeeper, Ley street
Davis &; Co. wheelwrights,coachbuilders, Oldaker JamesBlake,auctioneer &; estate Wright H..enry, shopkeeper, Sam's grn
• carpenters &; undertakers, High street agent, I Queen'. terrace' Wright gardener,sam's gn


LITTLE ILFORD is a parish and pleasant village, in Whitmore Shadwell The
1!.A. of Halliol College, Oxford.
the Southern division of the county, Becontree hundred, charities are about £30 a year, arising from Consols left
West Ham union, Bow county court district, Barking rural by Mr. Hayes in the last century, distributed in money.
deanery, archdeaconry of Essex, diocese of St. Albans and There is a Congregational chapel and a Free Methodist
within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court and church. The City of London Cemetery, in this parish,
the Metropolitan police, situate on the west 0 Jthe river occupies 253 acres, with two chapels. Hertford College,
Roding, 6! miles east from London, si west from Oxford, are lords of the manor. ThQ principal land.
Romford and half a mile BOuth-east from Manor owners are C. Bartholomew, Thomas Mathews esqs.
Park station on the Great Eastern railway (Colchester and the Rev. R. F. Wilson. The area is 768 ~cres;
line). The church of the Virgin Mary is a small and rateable value, £6409 18s.; the population in 1881 was 993-
ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave, north POST & MoNEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Joseph
chapel and a turret containing 1 bell: it was originally in Fountain, receiver. Letters through Great Ilford, arrive
the Early Nonnan style, of which, however, but few traces at 7.30 & 9.30 a.m. 2.30 & 7.30 p.m.; dispatched at u a.m.
remain, consisting chiefly of two very narrow lights deeply .P5 & 9 p.m. Telegraph office at Great Ilford
splayed ~ a mortuary chapel on the north side is the burial
place of the ancestors of Sir Edward Hulse bart.: there is a. INSURANCE AGENTS:-
brass to Thomas, son of Sir John Heron, private secretary N<wthern Assurance, T. Doublet, jun. 2 Clare villas
to Henry VIII. who died at Alderbroke, ISI7; he is repre- Phami3: Fire, W. Ashmole, Great Ilford
sented as a. schoolboy of 14, with a penner and ink horn at Royal Exchange, C. F. Moring, 3 Manor Park road
his girdle; a second brass commemorates Anne, only daughter
of Barnard Hyde esq. of London, ob. 1630, at. 18 and her City of Lond(Yfl. Cemetery, Joseph Wallace, clerk; John
brother William, 1614, with six English verses: on the Chapple Stacey, superintendent & registrar; Rev. Charles
north wall of the chancel is a stone monument with many James Fox Taylor ;B.A. & Rev. John William Laughlin M.A.
figures in deep relief, all kneeling, of the time of James I. Episcopal chaplains; Rev. George Firth, Nonconformist
there are also tablets of members of the Fry family, so well chaplain
known for their philanthropy, formerly residents. The Nati( School (mixed), built in 1866 for 120 children,
register dates from the year 1539. The living is a rectory, with an average attendance of 120; Mrs. Ellen Jonea,
)'early value £500, with residence, in the gift of Hertford mistress .
College, Oxford and held by the Rev. Arthur Thomal}
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. \ Attersley Edwin James, scale maker, I Fountain Joseph, saddler, & post office,
Bowen Francis, 5 Whitta terrace 1 White Post lane White Post lane
Bracey George Edward, 2 Maldon villas, Auger Arthur, Coach .f H<Wses Frost Spencer, bricklayer, Herbert road
Gladding road I Barbrook Hy. greengrocer, Greenhill gm GillottJane (Miss), grocer,White Post la
Carter Alfred Henry, Blenheim villa ; Batchelor J ames, baker, White Post lane Hall Caroline (Miss), school, Roslyn cot
Churchouse George Edward, I Maldon Beazley George, boot maker, Herbert rd Harding Thos. carpenter, White Post la
villas, Gladding road Biggs G. Thos. china dlr. White Post la Humphries Lucy (Mrs-.), linen draper,
Cornell Joseph, 7 Osborn terrace Binny Chas. Hy. dairy, White Post lane White Post lane
Coulsher Philip Wm. 3 Whitta terrace Brickell John, builder, contractor &road Jenner Wm. Barbr.shpkpr.Wbite Post la
Derisley George Capel, Rabbits farm surveyor, Cranborne terrace, White King Thomas,cowkeeper & greengrocer,
Dublet Thomas, Church road Post lane White Post lane
Dunn Rev. Clement [Catholic], Manor Brown Robt. bootmaker,Greenhillgrove MarneyJohn, builder, I Whitta terrace
house . Busby John, dairyman, Greenhill grove Minter Henry, grocer, Greenhill grove
Everett Charles, 2 Whitta terrace Carver William, butcher. Greenhill gro Newey John, grocer, Whitta road
Gillock Frederick, White Post lane Cheke R. inspector of nuisances to West Nixon John, grocer, White p()st lane
Greenall Thomas, 4 Whitta terrace Ham Union rural sanitary authority Parsons James, farmer
Hall Alexander, The Oaks Collison William Penlington, grocer, Pearce Henry Thomas, commercial
Hammond JamesWarren,5 Charles ter Romford road traveller, I Osborn terrace
Hardy George, Clifton villas City of London Cemetery (John Chap- PooleRobert,greengrocer, Greenhill gro
Harman Mrs. 3 Osborn ternace pIe Stacey,superintendent & registrar; Powell Henry, house decorator
Han-is George, Forest villa!'! Joseph Wallace, clerk; Rev. Charles Ramsden John, farmer, Rabbit's farm
Heard John, Forest villas James Fox Taylor RA. & Rev. John Robinson Samuel, artists' colourman,
Lake James, North end William Laughlin M.A. Episcopal 17 Salisbury road
:Main William, 4 Osborn terrace chaplains; Rev. George Firth, Non· Rose SamI.boot&shoema.Greenhillgro
Nairn James, Park house conformist chaplain) SeabrookFrdk.Earl of Esaex,Grnhill.gro
Oakley Henry, Manor cottage, Forest rd Claridge Alfred Josephus, The Rabbits, Stannuers Antonio, groc. I White Post la
Robin Ezekiel, Tijuca house, Park road Ilford road Todd Edmund Waiter, builder & under- I

Shadwell Rev. Arthur Thomas Whit- Cook & Pettipher,gasfitrs.&C.Romford rd I taker, Herbert road
more M.A. Rectory Cook Elizh.(Mrs.), tailorss.White Post la Wall Isaac Abraham, drpr. Romford rd
Smith WlIliam Gorbutt, 6 Whitta ter Cosburn SI. stone mason, I I Salisbury I'd Warner Geo. Robt. farmer, Manor farm
Steward John, Whitta house Daden Henry James, tin plate worker, Webster Stephen, printer &; stationer,
Warner George Robert, Manor farm Greenhill grove 14 Salisbury terrace, White Post lane
Wheatley Charles Henry, Church road Dellow Wm. beer retailer, Greenhill gro Whimp John, news agent, GreenhiU gro
Douglas Jas.baker&grocer,Greenhill gro Woodard James, jun. collegiate school,
COMMERCIAL. Druitt Jabez,monmentl.mason,TbeFlats Forest villas
Alldis Frank, coffee house, Uford road Edlin Henry, beer retailer, Romford rd Woodhead Wm. coal dlr. Greenhillgro
Astins Geo. M. shopkpr. White Post la Faulkner rooms, Romford rd
INGATESTONE is an ancient town, consisting chiefly upward in a machicolated parapet with indented battlements
of one street, of which the larger portion is in the parish of and low pinnacles at the angles: the nave is three bays in
Fryerning, in the Western division of the county, Chelms- length and dates from early in the fourteenth century, being
ford union, hundred and county court district,Ingatestone the oldest portion of the building; the chancel, of later date,
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albam diocese, is divided into three bays, with arches resting on octagonal
23 miles from London, on the ancient road from London piers; there are here two old Purbeck grave stones, one of
to Chelmsford and on the Great Eastern (Colchester) which has an inscription, in Lombardic letters of the six-
railway, which has a station here: it is 6 miles south-west teenth century, to Gertrude Tyrrell, of Warliy; here aIM is
from Chelmsford, 5 north-east from Brentwood and '28 the fine monument of William, Lord Petre and Ann, his
south-west from Colchester. There are gas works near the second wife, consisting of aD altar tomb, wrought in alabaster
railway station, belonging to .. limited company. The and other marbles, with superbly executed recumient
church of St. Mary and St. Edmund consists of chancel, with figures and above the Petre arms, enriched with foliage and
north and south chapels, nave, south aisle, porch and a lofty suspended over the tomb in an ornamental frame of iron;
brick towel' at the west end containing 5 bells, dated 1610, in the south chapel is a costly monument to Robert Petre,
1660, 1701 and two 1758; the tower, a noble piece of brick- youngest hrother of Sir William, wh() died in 11'593, with his
work, was raised in the fifteenth century and is remarkable mail.clad effigy, kneeling under an arch supported on
for its bold detail and fine proportions, showing what may Corinthian columns: near this is another mural monument
be accomplished with common bricks, of which upwards of with portrait in relief, to Captain John Troughtoll, 1621: in
half a million were used in its construction; it is four the north chapel is a stately Elizabethan monument to John,
stories in height, with massive buttresses OD. each 8ide and Lord Petre and Mary, his lady and their son William, Loro
e projection on the south side for a staircase; it terminates Petre, and his wife Catherlney who erected this memorial,
the principal feature of which is a grand arch, on columns modern brick mansion in the Elizabethan style, surrounded
6f black marble and porphyry, with a bold entablature, be- by pleasure grounds, about I mile from the town, is the
neath which the principal figures, fully habited, kneel before residence of Edwin Caldecott esq. The Hyde, the seat
an altar; Lady Catherinedied 30th October, 1624 and below of Mrs. Disney, widow of Edgar Disney esq. the son of
her effigy are the kneeling figures of five daughters and op- the late John Disney esq. the munificent founder of the
posite to these, of eight sons; there are other tombs and Disneian Museum, is a fine mansion with well-planted
monuments to various members of this house from the six- grouuds and has a splendid collection of pictures; the
teenth century to 1713. The register dates from the year noble hall was built by Sir William Chambers in 1760.
1558. The liring is a rectory, with j.he perpetual curacy of Lord Petre who is lord of the manor and the Disney
Buttsbury annexed, joint yearly valde £561, with residence, trustees are the chief landowners. The area is 2,678 acres;
in the gift of Lord Petre and held by the Rev. Lewis rateable value, £7,198; and the population in 1881
Parkin M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford, rural dean of was 926.
Ingatestone and surrogate. Almshouses for twelve poor Pa1ish Clerk, J oseph Poole.
Catholics were founded in 1557 by Sir William Petre and Rate Collector tf .A.s.vistant OIJerseer, Hy. Joseph Gardner
rebuilt by William Lord Petre in 1840; the income is £184-]' POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank & Govern-
In 1776 the Rev. Thomas Ralph left by will 208.. to be given ment Annuity & Insurance & Telegraph Otfice.-Henry
in bread at Easter; in 1804 Rosamond Bonham left the James Stuarl, postmaster. Letters arrive from London
dividend of £100 £3 per Cent. Consols for Sunday schools; at 3.15 & 10 a.m. & dispatched at 3 & 9 p.m.;
in 1806 Mrs. Hannah Rayner left £50 Navy Five per Cents. also dispatches to Colchester, Ipswich & Norwich at 9.15
for the benefit of ten almshouses for the poor for ever. This p.m. LETTER Box closes at 9 p.m. for all letters
last charity is now, however, merged in that of Sir William POST OFFICE, Mill green. John Camp, receiver. Lett.ers
Petre. Fairs for black cattle are .held here on the 1St and through Ingatestone arrive at 7.30 a.m.: dispatched at
2nd of December in each year. IngatestoJle Hall, once a 6.45 p.m. on week da.ys & at 10 a.m. on sunday. The
seat of the Petre family, is a very ancient irregular pile nearest telegraph office is at Ingatestone
and one of the few fine mansions of the olden time left in WALL LETTER Box, Ingatestone hall, cleared at 8.15
Essex; erected in the fifteenth century, it was a grange or p.m. on week days & sundays
summer residence, belonging to the abbey of Barking and INSURANCE AGENT-London Assurance, F. J. Coverdale
was originally built with two quadrangles and a stately SCHOOLS : -
tower gateway, of which only three sides of the inner court Quick's Memorial School (mixed), built in memory of Mrs.
now remain, an octagonal staircase turret in the south-east Quick, who died in 1871, for 40 children, with an average
corner of the quadrangle, forming one of its principal attendance of 35; Miss Mahala Shearing, mistress
features; in 1855 a priests' "hiding place" was discovered National (girls'), built about 1840, with an average attend-
beneath a small room on the middle floor, down to which, ance of 60; Mrs. Keith, mistress
through a trap in the floor, an ancient ladder conducted; Catholic (mixed), built for about 30 children; Miss LOllisa
the mansion contains some ancient tapestry, exhibiting Thompson, mistress
scripture subjects, an antique chest for vestments and other The village boys attend the school at Fryerning
relics; it is now occupied by several Catholic families and Railway Station, George Baldock, station master
attached is a chapel, dedicated to SS. Erconwald and CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD-Henry Hewitt, from Mount-
JEdilberga, with a resident priest. Trueloves, a handsome nessing, tues. fri. & sat.; & to Romford, wednesday
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Marriage Albert Christey, farmer, Hall
Barthropp Philip George, Maisonette Baker Harman, beer retailer & shop- farm,Ingatestone hall
Caldecott Edwin, Trueloves keeper, Mill green Nash Thomas, grocer, draper, clothier
Coverdale Frederick Jobn, I~oatestone Bunn James, Bell inn & news agent
hall Cable Richard, beer retailer & sbopkpr Nichols Jas. farmer & miller, Mill green
Disney Mrs. The Hyde Camp Henry, shoe maker Palmer James, brick & tile. maker &
Eyre John Joseph, Mill Green house Camp John, shoe maker & sub-post- farmer, Avenue terrace
Jephson Mrs. Mill green master, Mill green Rutter Arthur Robert, young gentle-
Jones Mrs. Avenue terrace Coverdale Frederick John, land agent men's school
Last Very Rev. Canon George MlR. to Lord Petre, Ingatestone ball Savill Abraham, farmer, Mill green
[Catholic], Ingatestone hall Denman Ann (Miss), boys' school,In- Self George, farmer, Heybridge farm
Loughnan-Hamilton Alexander, Ingate- gatestone house Smith Ernest Payne, farmer, Grange
stone hall Eve James, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Smith Josiah Jonn. builder & ironmngr
Magnus Harry, Ardtully Mill green Spellor George, hay dealer, Mill green
Malcolm Lawrence, Huskards Foreman Stephen, farmer, Woodbarns Stuart Henry J ames, chemist & drug-
Parkin Rev. Lewis M.A. [rector, rural Freeman William, farmer, Mill green gist, & agent to W. & A. Gilbey, wine
dean & surrogate], Rectory Hamblin Samuel, 15aker & spirit merchants, & postmaster
Perkins Miss J ulia, Avenue terrace Havers Raymond, coal merchant Such Henry, farmer & cattle salesman
Read Miss, Heybridge cottage Howell Henry, baker & confectioner Warren William, mat maker
Reeves Boleyne, Spelfeathers Ingatestone tJ Fryerning Gas Li,qht tJ Wells & Perry, junrs. coal merchants,
Rogers Thomas, Avenue house Coke Co. (Georg-e P. Smith, sec. & Railway station
Walmsley Henry, Ingatestone hall manager) Winstanley Clement, surgeon & medical
Winstanley Clement Luen Francis John, insurance agent, officer
Wood Lieut.-Col. George W. Nithsdale Avenue terrace [For other names in Ingatestone lee FRYER-
house Mays Robert John, Crown, & farmer lUNG.]
INGRAVE is a pleasant village and parish, 2! miles are Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor and George Alan
south-east of Brentwood station and 20 from London, on the Lowndes esq. The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The
road to Orsett and Tilbury, in the Southern division of the chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,792
county, Barstable hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood acres; rateable value, £2,780 10S.; and the population in
county court district and police division, Barstable rural 1881 was 524.
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. The Parish Clerk, Joseph Boardman.
church of St. Nicholas, appropriated to the use of this and POST OFFICE.-William Henry Wood, receiver. Letters
the adjoining parish of West Horndon, stands close to the arrive from Brentwood at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 6.20
high road and is a red brick building consisting of chancel p.m. & II.50 a.m. on sunday. The nearest money order
and nave, with a massive tower at the west end containing office is at Heron Gate. Brentwood is the nearest tele","Taph
5 bells, hung in 1738: in the chancel floor are brasses to office
Margaret, daughter of John Fitz-Lewis and wife of John SCHOOLS:........
Holland, Duke of Exeter, ob. 17 August, 1400 and to John Catholic (boys), built in 1875 for 40 children, with an
Fitz-Lewis and his four wives in heraldic dresses, c. 1500. average attendance of 25 (snpported by Lord Petre);
The register dates from the year 1560. The living is a Francis Owen, master; (girls) the Sisters of Mercy are
rectory, united with that of West Horndon, joint yearly the teachers
value £460, with residence and 80 acres of glebe, in the gift National (mixed), built in 1870 for 80 children, with an
of Lord Petre and held by the Rev. Henry Davis Heatley average attendance of about 40 ; Miss E. K. Taylor, mist .
M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The principal landowners CARRIER.-Esau Boardman, to Brentwood, daily
Abbott Miss Guy James, Park house, Heron gate COMMERCIAL.
Bamber Very Rev. Canon James [Catho- Heatley Rev. Henry DaVIs M.A. Rectory Ablin John Golding, baker
lic chaplain at Thorndon hall] Nagle Garrett, The Grange Bird Joseph, linen draper
Blatch :\Irs Turville Thomas, Fir cottage Blatch James Eades, butcher

BoaromanEsau,cabproprietor&carrier Edwards Charles, builder &parish clerk Oliff Hugh, bricklayer
Boardman Joseph, builder for East Horndon Playle Louisa (Miss), dress maker
Boardman WaIter, timber merchant Edwards John, assistr overseer for East Selby J onathan LL.D. middle-class school
Boardman William, farmer, Salmon's Horndon. West Horndon & In~rave Sheldon John, GrlJe1l,Man
farm Hawkins John, market gardener Such William, tailor
Bullingham Robert, boot & shoe maker Manning Elijah, carpenter Whitby Benjamin, fanner, Glebe farm
Cast James, baker Magleston Joseph Henry, beer retailer Wood William Henry, shopkeeper, &
Cutting Arthur, Cricketers Offin Jessie (Mrs.), farmer, The Hall post office I

INWORTH is a village and parish situated on a pleasant part of the cost of restoji.tion. The register dates from the
eminence near the Blackwater, r mile and a half south-east year r73I. The living "" a rectory, valued at £~07 yearly,
from Kelvedon station, 5~ miles north-east from Witharn with 54 acres of glebe land and reSidence, in the gift of
and 43~ from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Thomas Poynter esq. and held by the Rev. Robert Denn
hundred of Lexden and Winstree union, Maldon county Long M.A.. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. W. S.
conrt district, rural deanery of Coggeshall, Brchdeacomy of Calvert esq. of East Bergholt, is lord of the manor: there are
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All other manors running into the parish. The chief land'"
Saints is a small and ancient building, consisting of chancel owner is Thomas Bridges esq. The land is chiefly arable
and nave, with a wooden belfry and I bell; the nave and and undulating; a portion of it is light and gravelly, but
chancel are separated by a wall of great thickness, pierced most of it is good fertile loam. The area is 1,555 acres;
by three arches of rude and irregular masonry, the central rateable value, £2,245 Ss.; and the population in 1881 was
arch being the loftiest; the south porch is of Early English 677.
character; in 1876 this church was restored and reseated Pm'ish Clerk, Alfred South.
and a handsome embattled tower of red brick erected, which POST OFFIcE.-David Hills, receiver, Tiptree heath. Letters
now contains 5 bells 1 the font is octangular and is sup- through Kelvedon dispatched at 7.30 p.m. Telegraph offie&
ported by a cylindrical shaft: there is a memorial in the at Kelvedon
church to John Angier, a former rector, who died 28th Fe- National School (mixed), built in 1861 for So children, with
bruary, 1731: Thomas Bridges esq. contributed the principal an 3\'erage attendance of 19; Mrs. Caroline Collins, mist
Long Rev. Robert Denn M.A. Rectory Cooper Joseph, farmer 'Shave James Mayhew, farmer
Braddy Wm. Turner, brick & tile maker Fairhead Golden, farmer Wilks Charles, farmer & beer retailer
Cocks Frederick, farmer Moss John, beer retailer
KEDINGTON is a. parish in Risbridge. union, partly in this county, but principally in Suffolk: particulars will be
found in Kelly's Directory of Suffolk.
KELVEDON (anciently called EASTERFORD) is li parish parish contains an area of 3,167 acres; rateable value,
and station on the Great Eastern (Colchester) railway, in £8,761; and the population in 1881 was 1537.
the Easte~ ~ivision of the county, Braintree un~on .and hun- GORB PIT, in Feering parish, is a suburb of Kelvedon, on
dred of '" It ~m, Colchester county court dIstrIct, .rural the other side of the Blackwater, over which is a bridge,
deanery of WItha~, archdeaconry of Colc~ester and diOcese supposed to have taken its name from a battle fought there.
of St. Albans, 4 miles north-east !Tom WItham, 4 11 from Parish Clerk James Howard.
London, 8 south-east from Bramtree, 8 north-east f r o m ' .
Maldon and 3 south from Coggeshall ; it consists of one street POST, MONEY ORDER ~ TELEGRAPH OFFICE & SaYlDgs•. B~nk
lighted with gas, about a mile in length, standing partly on & Government AnnUIty &. Insur~nce Office.-Mark W ilham
rising ground on the north-western bank of the river Meade, postmaster. Malls .arrIve from London at 10.3 0
Blackwater, over which is a bridge to Inworth and on the a.m·,5· 15 & 10·30 p:m.. ; dIspatched to London at 12.80,
ancient and main road from London to Colchester. The 4. 20 & 10 p.m. ; dehvered at 7 & 11.20 a.m. k 6 p.m.
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a stone building, in the Box closes at T2·3 0 & 9 p.m. for down letters & 10
Pointed style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a square for up letters .
tower surmounted by a shingled spire and containing 5 INSURANCE AGENTS~­
bells; during the years 1876 and 1877 the church was restored County Fire, J. J. Hall
by subscription at a cost of £3,000; the bells being rehung, Manchester ~Fire, W. Siggers
the nave partially restored and a new pulpit was also set up; Norwich Union Fi1'e, J. Orst
the chancel was restored at the cost of the lay rector, the Pkceni:r Fire, J. Cawston
late Sir Thomas Sutton Western bart. ; carved oak choir Rayal E:J:change, J. Fuller
stalls and reader's desk placed in the chancel and a new and Registrrn- of Births tf Deaths, Mark W. Meade
beautiful east window inserted. The register dates from SCHOOLS:....,.
the year 1858. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £564, National et Infant (mixed), established about 1813, for 200
with residence and including 54 acres of glebe, in the gift of children; William Webb Thorne, master: Miss Elizabeth
the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. George Peter Faircloth, girls' mist.: Miss Sarah Ann Meade,infants' mist
Bennett If.A.. ·of St. Catherine's college, Csmbridge, and British (mixed)~ built, &c. 1635 for 120 children, with an
surrogate. Sir T. C. C. Western bart. of Felix Hall, is the average attendance of 100 j John Orst, master; Miss FJ
impropriator of the great tithes. There is a Catholic chapel Hanwick, infants' mistress
dedicated to St. Mary Immaculate and St. Michael: also CONYEYANCE:-
Congregational chapels and a meeting house for the Society Railway Station, James Myson, station master
of Friends. A fair is held here on Easter Monday. Charities Omnibus leaves from near the railway station,for Coggeshall
amounting to £16 yearly, arising from lands in East Thorpe, 745 & 10.30 a.m. & 5.20 p.m.; returns 8.30 a.m. 12.10 &
are distributed in bread. Felix Hall, the seat of Sir Thomas 7 p.m ..
Charles Callis Western bart.J.p. stands about a mile off; it FIys from the' Star & F1eece' to meet all the trains
is a modern building, elegantly fitted up, standing in a CARRIERS:-
fine park and has a good view over the valley of the Charles & Edward .Moore, to Colchester, mon. wed. & sat.
river Blackwater. Kelvedon is divided into two manors, of returning the same days; to Chelmsford mono tues. thur.
which the Bishop of London and Sir T. C. C. Western bart. frL & sat. returning the same days
are respectively lords; the latter is the chief landowner. The Henry & Daniel Pudney's waggon passes through from
land is arable and mixed; subsoil, gravel and loam. The Coggeshall to the' India Arms,' .Leadenhall street, London,
chief crops are Wheat, barley, turnips, beans and peas. The tues. & fri. returning thurs. & sun
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fuller Mrs. John Siggers Mrs. Henry
Ackers James Galpin Richard Smith Rev. Albert [Congegational]
Archer Mrs Gooday Joseph Smith Charles
Bennett Rev. George Peter M.A. [surro- Henry Rev. Frank [Catholic] Smith James
gate), Vicarage Jacobs Mrs Smith Miss, St. Marys
Birdseye Mrs Meade Mrs Smith Miss
Bretnall Mrs Moore Mrs r Sm~th M~
Chickell Miss, Ormond lodge Page Mrs. . . I Smlt~s M1s:'
Cobb Nathaniel Payne Rev. Rupert WilhamB.A..["CUrate] Sparhng M1SS
Davison Mrs Powell John B Turner Mrs
Edwards Richard Powell Thomas Varenne Ezekiel George .
England Thomas . Revett Mrs. Western Sir ThQ~8i1 Charles. ,calllS
Foster Charles Row WilIiam . bart. D.L., l.J1. Fellx 4all
Frere Mrs. John Rudkin Joseph Wiseman John
Youngman Miss Harriet Doughton James, ironmonger IOsborn Eli, china & glass db·, &; grocer
COMMERCIAL. Earnie Edward, Star ~ Fleece Osborn Elijah, gardener) .
Barleyman Thomas Hughes, draper, Fuller Edwin Raven, grocer Osborn Joseph Turner, shoe maker &;
hosier & haberdasher Fuller Emily (Mrs.), plumber &; painter leather seller
Barratt George, farmer, Kelvedon hall Fuller John, brewer Osborn Robert, shoe maker
Beckwith Thomas, butcher Galpin Richard, surgeon Palmer Samuel, grocer
Belchem John, beer retailer Garrard James, butcher Polley Joseph, jun. plumber &<:
BenTJett Samuel, farmer Godfrey William, printer, stationer & Pye Sarah (Mrs.), baker
Bibby William, beer retailer &; shopkpr bookseller Raven .John, seed grower
Bonner William, fruiterer Hall John James, chemist Raven Joseph, farmer
Braddy Elizabeth (Mrs.), cabinet maker Hicks James Robert, baker Rayner Samuel Felton &; Sons, .coach
&; ironmonger . Hinsley Samuel, 1Vhite Hart builders, & Queen's Head
Braddy William Turner, builder & brick Hunwick James, fellmonger Rogers Paul, miller
&; pipe maker Isbern Thomas, baker Rowell Richard, Railway ta'Vel'n
Bridge Edwin, cabinet maker 'Kelvedan Gas Light ~ Coke Co. Limited Scott William Henry, coffee rooms
Britton Thomas, carpenter (John B. Powen, sec.) Seabrook Silas, grocer & draper
Butler Edward, farmer, Ewell hall King William, saddler Shemeld Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer &; drpr
Cawston John, painter, plumber &; Last Joseph, baker Siggers WaIter. bricklayer &; builder
ironmonger Lingley Joshua, blacksmith Taber James, farmer
Cheek William, greengrocer Luck (Mrs.), corset maker Tunmer Maria & Caroline (Misses),
Cook David, cabinet maker Meade Mark William, post master, rate i dress makers
Cornwell David Herbert, tailor collector & registrar of births &deaths Tunmer William, blacksmith
Cornwell George, corn merchant Moore Charles & Edward, temperance Turner John, Angel; good commercial
Cornwell J onah, glover hotel, jobmasters & carriers; good accommodation
Crampin John, baker accommodation for horses; well Unwin Ralph, farmer
Cranmer George, boot maker aired beds; omnibuses to &; from Varenne Ezekiel George, surgeon
Cranmer WIlliam, farmer Coggeshall daily Warner Edward, seed grower
Cranmer William, jun. Victoria Moy Thomas, coal merchant Warwicker Mary (Mrs.), maltster
Crow Mrs. dress maker Nelthorpe Francis, academy, Kelvedon Wheeler (Mrs.), baker
Cutts William, seed grower school Wilsher John, beer retailer
Deeks John, seed grower Nichols Henry, builder & carpenter Wood Charles Page, farmer
Docwra George & Co. millers Nichols John, farmer, Park farm Wroy Paul, hair dresser
KELVEDON HATCH acquired its present name with residence, in the gift of and held by th~ Rev. Samuel
before the time of King Edward the Confessor; it is a village Slocock M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. The charities
and parish in the Western division of the county, Ongar are £35 yearly value, arising from rent of land and are given
hundred and union, Brentwood county court district, Lam- bi-annually in money to the poor. Kelvedon Hall, the seat
bourne rural deanery, ES5ex archdeaconry and St. Albans of Ec1ward Carrington Wright esq. is a splendid mansion,
diocese, near the river Roding, 20 miles from London, 3 surrounded by woods, plantations and an ornamental piece
south from Ongar and 5 north-north-west from Brentwood. of water: attached to the hall is a Catholic chapel. The
The church of St. Nicholas is a structure of brick, re- chief landowners are Edward Carrington Wright esq. who is
built about a century ago and consists of chancel and lord of the manor and John William Fane. The soil is
nave, with a small spire containing l: bell: there are mixed; subsoil, ellly and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
several monuments and brasses to the Luther, Wright and oats and barley. The area is r,665 acres; rateable value,
Dolby families, dated r608, r653 l;l.lld r656: one of these, £2,883; and a scattered population in r88r of 375.
dated r638, is thus inscribed: "Fratres in unum. Heere Parish Clerk, Thomas Henry Cawdron.
lytls Richard and Anthonie Lvther esquires, so trvly loving POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Joseph
brothers that they lived neere fortie years joint hovse- Aloysius Ryan Rorke, receiver. Letters arrive from
keepers together at Miles, without anie accompt atwixt Brentwood at 5.20 & r1.45 a.m.; dispatched at a.m.
them:" another to Jane Lvther is without date and runs & 7.25 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Chipping
thus: "Sleepe heere sweet sainte till the trompe awake thee, Ongar
and for Himselfe revive thee, that first did make thee:" the Board School (mixed), under the Kelvedon school board,
church was restored in r873, at a cost of £380, by sub- erected with master's house in r880, at a cost of £II50,
scription. The register dates from the year r561. The for 80 children, with an average attendance of about 27;
living is a rectory, yearly value from the rent-charge £497, Thos. Hy.Cawdron, master; Miss Sarah Cawdron, mistress
Edmunds William Henry Wright Edward Carrington ;T.P, Kel- Littlechild George, farmel', Pump farm
Fane Rev. Fredk. Adrian Scroope M.A. vedon hall Newcomb James & William, millers
[vie-ar of Norton Mandeville], Priors Boreham Charles, builder Rorke Joseph Aloysius Ryan, grocer, &
Keating Mrs Brown Edwd. blacksmith & wheelwright post office
Royds John J.P. Brices park Fitch James, boot maker Samuels Archer, bricklayer
Slocock Rev. Samuel M.A. Rectory Knightbridge Henry, butcher
XIRBY (or KIRBY-LE-SOKEN), divided into Upper and I held by the Rev. Samuel William Stagg. The Wesleyans
Lower, is a parish and station on the Tendring hundred and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel. The charities
branch of the Great Eastern railway, is one of the three comprise £100 South Sea annuities: th~ deeds were lost for
liberties called the Sokens, the chief of which is at Thorpe: I a considerable period, during which time the interest dou-
it is in the Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred I bled the original amount, which was £50. Two acres two
and union, Harwich county court district, rural deanery of roods of land left by an unknown donor produce about £6
Harwich, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, . per annum, as rent, which is also applied to charitable uses.
on a creek of the sea running into Hanford Water, 2~ miles Edward Cbapman esq. of Harwich, is lord of the manor: a
west from Walton steamboat pier, r2 south-west from f court leet is held at the Ship inn, July 26th. R. Blanshard
Harwich, 12 south-east from Manningtree and 15 east from esq. John Salmon esq. Col. Williams and Mrs. Cardinal are
Colchester. Kirby has a wharf on the creek. The church I the principal landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, prin-
of St. Michael is an ancient structure of flint with stone cipally clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans
dressings, consisting of chancel, nave of 3 bays, aisles, : and peas. The area is 4,757 acres, including water, 839;
north porch and an embattled wp..stern tower containing 5 rateable value, £6,246; and the populatioIJ in 1881 was 972.
bells, one dat~d 164I, three 1729 and one. 1778 .: the chancel ~ HORSEY is a marsh island, 2 miles long and a mile and
was restored m I87~ and the nave and ~usles. m 1873! at a a half broad, lying in a bay adjacent and used for grazing,
cost of £3,000, chIefly .thro~h the hbera.!-Itr of. R~chard I having a few houses and a ford to the main land. There
Blanshard esq. The mam portIOn ?f the bUll~mg IS ill the I are also Pewit Island, a large marsh; Skippers Island (or
~arly Deco~ted style, the. tower,bemg ,a.dded m the ~erpen- Holmes) and other small islands.
dlCular perIod: there are five stamed wmdows, of whIch that . . (
at the east was erected by R. Blanshard esq. in memory of KIRBY CROSS IS a hamlet qf Klrby. on on~ 0 the. cross
his wife, who died in 1866: the modern stone pulpit is roads fro~ Thorpe to W~lton: Upper Street. IS a hamle~ on
Decorated: the ancient font Perpendicular. The register the same lme or road. Sneatmg IS half a mile west.
dates from the year 1681 and includes registrations from Letters arrive from Colchester at 6.5 a.m.; dispatched at
Walton-le-Soken from 1798 to 1812. 'fhe living is a vicarage, 6.25 p.m. The neares~ money order & telegraph office is
yearly value £230, with residence, in the gift of trustees and at Walton-on-the-Naze . I
Stamp J)illtribuwr, William Finer Fire Engine, WaIter Brown, superintendent
Nati01U1l. &hool (mixed), built. in 1872, for 170 children, with Rail'way Station, George Fredk. Solomans, station master
an average attendance of u5; John Wm. Balm, master
Burrell Miss Cook Henry, Red LiQ1l Oxborrow Robert, blacksmith
Cock William James, The Yew Trees Eade William Harry, Rail1MY tavern Palmer Samuel, farmer
Kidby Edward Easey William, farmer Salmon John, farmer, Sneating hall
Shum Mrs. Jane, Hill house Finer William, shopkeeper Scowen William, shopkeeper
StaggRev. Samuel William, Vicarage Fisher John, farmer, Blue Horse Shipperd James, shopkeeper
Gray Dennis, butcher Skeet Frederick, grooor & draper
Jackson Thos. Rd. beer retlr. &carpentr Smith Henry, Hare eJ Hounds
Baker Jane (Mrs.), fanner, Meer's fann Lambert John, farmer Sparling Robert, miller & baker
Bird James, plumber &: painter ' Low Ambrose, farmer, Brick barn Stone Hector, farmer
Brown Daniel, wheelwright Main William, farmer, Horsey island Ward Jonathan, boot maker
Brown WaIter, butcher &: machine Moles John, Ship inn Wolfe Frederick, blacksmith
owner &superintendent of fire engine Mumford Rt. Rand, farmer, Kirhy hall Wrinch Leonard, farmer, Birch hall
LAINDON IS a parish, in the Southern division of the county, Board School for 60 children, with an average attendance of
Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district and 52; Miss Edith Rose Pepper, mistress
police division, Billericay union, Barstable rural deanery, .
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles ~assl~d0J? (or Battelsdon), though now annexed to
from Pitsea railway station, 3 south from Billericay, I Lamdon, IS saId to have. been formerlr a. tow~. Th~ c.hur~h
on the road to Tilbury 25 from London 6 north- of the Holy Cross standmg on an emmence, IS a bmldmg m
east from Orsett and 8 so~th-eas' from Brent~ood. The the Perpendicular style and consists of chancel, nave, south
church of St. Nicholas, standing on rising ground, at porch and a. western tower containing 3 bells. dated r637
some distance from the village, consists of chancel, nave, and 1756 : I.n 1880 the c~ancel was thoroug:hly restored and
south aisle, divided from the nave by an arcade of two bays new oak c~oll' stalls were mtroduc~ : a curlOUS tab~et .on the
and a tower with spire containing 5 bells, two of which are no~th wall of t.h~ nave rec~rds tha~ m 1702 the p~l'lShI?nerl!
dated 1588 and 1619: originally, as is supposed, Early Eng- paI~ eleven shIllIngs and SIxpence m the pound, accordin.g to
lish in style. the subsequent restorations are Perpendicular theJr rental, for the re:storatlOn of the .chur~h. .The reg;ster
a.nd the edifice is now (1881) being thoroughly restored at a dates from 1808, pre,:"lOu~ records beIng at Lamdon. .fhe
cost of £r,700, from designs by Mr. F. Chancellor, of rectory house was bUIlt m 1869 by the late rec~r, asSIsted
Chelmsford: there is a piscina and in the aisle a. recess by a loan of £1,500 from Queen Anne's bo~nty ; hIS su?Cessors
supposed to be the founder'S tomb, which has been carefully are thus addressed on a marble slab, mtroduced mto the
preserved. The register dates from the year 1636 . The wall of the outer hall:-
living is a rectory, to which Bassildon is annexed, joint "If thou chance for to fi~d
yearly value £779, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans A new ~ous~ to thy mmd,
and held by the Rev. John Mathias Procter M.A. of Trinity And bUIlt WIthout thy cost, .
and late fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. A school board, Be good to the poor"as God glYes thee store,
consisting of five members for the parish of Laindon Bassi!- And then my money s not lost.
don and Lee Chapel was 'constituted in Decembe; 1873 "JOHN F. CoLLS D.D. Trin. Coll. Camb.
The Bishop of London , is lord of the manor. The" princi- "Recto. I' 0 f L am
. d on-cum.- Bas~1'ldon:" .
pal landowners are Edward Woodward, Lord Petre, Ezekiel . Accordmg to Morant, Barstable Hall, m thIS parIsh, gtv~
L. Dove and C. C. Lewis esqrs. the Rev. Dr. Bellamy, of ItS name to the hundred.. A bequest. of [,200 was made m
St. John's College, Oxford and the Hon. Mrs. Yarde- 1862 by Samu~l Lea~e GIbbons, the mterest to b.e given !'O
Buller. The soil is heavy clay; sub-tl0il, clay. The chief the poor of thIS l?arlsh. Joseph Moss .an~ DaVld Morrm
crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and clover. The esqrs. ~n~ the MISSes Ede are the prm~Ip~1 landowners.
area is 237 2 acres' rateable value £2262' and the The soIl IS heavy, strong land. The pnnclpal crops are
population'in 1881 ~as 332 , exclusive' of Bassildon. wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and clover. The a~ .is
Parish Clerk, James Hornsby. - 1,638 acres; rateable value, £1,610; and the population ID
POST OFFlCE.-Thomas RopeI', receiver. Letters arrive 1881 ,,:as I57· .
from Brentwood 'Did Billericay at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 5 Pansh Clerk, George BrIdge.. .
p,m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at POST OFFICE.-Geor~e ~ray?rook, receIver. L~tters amve
Billericay from Brentwood vid BlllerlcaJ at 9.3? a.m. ; dIspatched at
John Puckle in 161 4 endowed a school with an income of ~ p.m.. T~e nearest money order office & telegraph office
[,65 per annum, arising from land in Laindon ; the school is IS at BlllerlCay
now closed & the endowment is controlled. by a body of Lee Chapel (East Lee or Ley, signifying the east
7 trustees (the rector generally acting as chairman) & pasture) was formerly an extra-parochial district, but is
applied under a new scheme, partly in rewards to children now a parish in Billericay union, about a mile and a half
attending the board school & partly to the poor of Great south from Laindon church: it was formerly a distinct
Burstead & Laindon; there is also a small charity of [,4 manor and is a chapelry: the chapel, which was anciently a
a year, from land in Fobbing parish, left by an unknown chantry, is now demolished: it contains 490 acres; rate-
donor able value, [,409; and 3 inhabitants. Major Bailey and
Clerk to &k()()l Board, Henry F. Robertson (of Billericay) T. C. Swinborne esq. are the impropriators of the tithe.
Laindon. Kettle George, Fortune of War Braybrook Geo. shopkpr. & post office
Thompson Thomas Mead James, beer retailer Chittock Wm. farm bailiff to trustees
Miller Wi!liam~ blacksmith of the late Daniel Archer
COMMKRCIAL. RopeI' Thomas, fanner, Watch house Gardiner William, farmer
Bayford Jonathan, wheelwright Sparrow William, farmer Moss Joseph & Chas. farmers, Fairfield
Buckenham Eldred, frmr. Laindon pond Stammers Richard, farmer Offin Abraham, farmer & landowner
Cole William, farmer, Puckles Woodard Edward, landowner & farmer, Symonds Robert, farmer
French Robert, farmer Thrift farm Wood James, beer retailer
Green John, Duke's Head .
Harrison Edward, farmer, Blue house BasslldoD. Lee Chapel.
Horslin James, farmer Procter Rev. John Mathias M.A. Rectory Prewen, farm bailiff to T. C. Swin-
Jefferies James, farmer Archer Alfd.Raynham, farmer,Mote frm borne esq
LA.M:ARSH is a village and parish, situate on the is a rectory, yearly value £380, with residence, in the gift
navigable river Stour., near the borders of Suffolk, in the of trustees and held by the Rev. Charles Baker Teesdale M.A.
Eastern division of tM county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury of Christ Church, Oxford. Here is a small Baptist chapel.
union and.county court district, Hed.ingham rural deanery, John Henry Sperling esq. and the Rev. Charles Teesdale lIU.
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, zi miles are lords of the manor. The principal landowners are
north-west from Bures station, 6 north-east from Halstead Walter Joseph Parmenter, Edmund Cooke and William
and 5 south-east from Sudbnry. The church of the Holy Garrard esqrs. The soil is light land; subsoil, various.
Innocents is a small structure in the Early English style, con- The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,245
sisting of chancel and nave, with a round tower and octagonal acres; rateable value, £2,259 i and the population in 1881
spire and was restored. in 1869_ The register of baptisms was 274.
dates from IS5S i burials and marriages. 1:1;56. The living I Parish Clerk, Zachariah Potter
Letters through Colchester, 'Vid Bures. LETTER Box cleared National School (mixed), built in 1875 for 55 clnldren, with
week-days at 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 10.55 a.m. The nearest an average attendance of 35; Mrs. Mary Ann Hume
money order &telegraph office is at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk , mistress
Goldsmith Mrs Cooper Charles, shoe maker I Messent Zacchens, farmer, Street farm

Parmenter WaIter Joseph Cooper Charles, jun. Lion, & bricklayer Nott John, farmer, Polsteds
Sanderson Rev. James [curate] Cousens George, farmer, Speaks I Nott Joseph, farmer
Teesdale Rev. Chas. Baker M.A. Rectory GoldsmithSarah(Mrs.),lndownr. & frmr POOd William, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Haywood Wm. whiting maker &:farmer WebberFrdk.maltster&frmr.Newmans
Cant William, farmer, Shrubs Messent Arthur, farmer, Daws hall
LAMBOURNE, mentioned in Domesday, is a parish amounting to about £30, arising from a house and land,
and village in the Western division of the county, Ongar for the poor and for repairing the church. Bishops Hall,
union and hundred, county court district of Romford, in this parish, now the seat of General William Mark
rural deanery of Lambourne, archdeaconry of Essex and Wood, was the residence of Henry Spencer, the warlike
diocese of St. Albans, on the road from London to Chipping Bishop of Norwich: this prelate, bred to arms in Italy,
Ongar and on the left bank of the river Roding, 13i miles in the service of Pope Adrian, also an Englishman,
from Whitechapel and Shoreditch, 7 from Romford, 8 south- obtained the Bishopric of Norwich as a reward for
west from Ongar and 5 south from Epping; the nearest his services and held the see from 1370 to 1408;
railway station is at Theydon Bois. The church of St. in Richard the Second's time, he suppressed the insurgent
Mary and All Saints is a very ancient building, consisting rising in the counties of Norfolk, Cambridge and
of chancel and nave and a small turret containing 3 bells: Huntingdon against the capitation tax levied by parliament.
the north doorway has aNorman arch, with billet mouldings; That portion of the parish called Lambuurne end contains all
it contains a monument to the celebrated Thomas Wynnyffe, that remains of Hainault forest, a charming woodland of 314
bishop of Lincoln 1642-54, for some time rector of this acres awarded as a parish common by the Enclosure Corn-
church; here also is buried his father, John Wynnyffe, gent. missioners 1862. General Wood is lord of the manor and
of Sherborne, Dorset, ob. 1630, let. 92. The register of principal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The
baptisms dates from 1582; marriages and burials, 1584. chief crops are wheat, barley, beans &c. The area is 2,#0
The living is a rectory, tithe-rent charge £510, with 34 acres; rateable value, £4,887; and the population in 188t
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Corpus Christi was 856. ABRIDGE is a hamlet on the London .road.
College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. Henry Albert POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank, Abridge.-
Goodwin M.A. late fellow of that college. Here is a chapel Richard Bryant, postmaster. Letters by mail cart are
of ease, called Trinity church; enlarged in 1877, so as to seat received through Romford; arrive at 6.20 a.m. ; dispatched
nearly thrice the number seated by the old chapel, but owing at 6.25 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Chigwell
to limited ground space it became necessary to erect a Board School, built in 1879 for 150 children, with an average
gallery; an organ has recently been placed in the church. attendance of 120; .Miss Laister, mistress
Here is also a Congregational chapel. There are charities INSURANCE AGENT-Guardian, R. Wood
Lambourne. Saward Jacob, farmer, Patch park Dennis Samuel, shopkeeper
Davis Rev. F. T. Taylor Thomas, Bee Hive hotel, Lam- Douglas George Cox, surgeon
Goodwin Rev. Henry Albert M.A. bourne end Dunham Robt.blacksmith &: ironmonger
{rector], Rectory Taylor Wm. farmer Flack Abraham, shopkeeper
Tinnoth John Abridge. Fuller Henry, butcher
Wood Gen. Wm. Mark D.L. Bishops hall EscottMrs Handley William, blacksmith
Wood Robert Hooper Horace Hargreaves Percy, brewer & maltster
COMMERCIAL. Hudson John Harris Martin, saddler
Boyd Martha (Mrs.), baker Lawrence Geo. Poplars Heard Alfred John, shopkeeper
Crane Samuel, landowner & farmer, Mantz Edward, Chestnut cottage Hudson Frederick George, carpenter
Arnold's farm Willis WaIter Krailing William, bread & biscuit
Doe Daniel, farmer Windus Arthur Edward Maryon William, Blue Boar
Houghton Daniel, farmer, St. John's Adlam John, tailor Reader William, baker
Kemsley William Joseph, farmer, Lam- Azlett Wm. beer retailer Rutter Elizabeth (Mrs.), White Ha1·t.
bourne hall Bonner John, drain pipe maker Skikelthorpe John, plumber & glazier
Knight Chas. farmer Bryant Rd. shoe maker & postmaster Towras John, harness maker
RandallGeorge, farmer, New farm Cavill James, wheelwright Woolley Arthur Hy. grocer & draper
LANGDON (LAINDON HILLS or LANGDON HILLS) is a muted at £400 yearly, with 30 acres of glebe and residence,
parish in the Southern division of the county, Orsett union, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul, to whom the
.Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district, Orsett parish anciently belonged and held by the Rev. Euseby
rural deanery,Essex archdeaconryand St.Albans diocese,beau- Digby Cleaver M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. The principal
tifully situated on one of the highest hills in the county, com- landowners are Major Bailey and Joseph The
manding a splendid view over the Thames and the rich land- snbsoil is clay, gravel and sand. The chief crops are wheat
scapes of Essex and Kerlt, 6 miles south from Billericay, 31 and beans. The parish contains 1,801 acres; rateable value,
from London, 4 north-east from Orsett and 9 north-east '£1,802; and the population in 1871 was 288.
from Tilbury Ferry and is in the Orsett police division; the WEST LEE (or Leigh) anciently belonged to Edith,
nearest railway station is at Stanford-le-Hope,3 miles south. daughter of Godwin, Earl of Kent and queen of Edward the
The old church of St. Mary the Virgin and All Saints, Confessor: it was formerly a distinct parish, but in 1432
situated on the west side of the hill, consists of chancel, nave was united with Langdon, of which it has become a aamlet.,.
and north chapel: the building is now used only as a The chapel has long since disappeared.
mortuary chapel. A parish church, of the same dedi- Pm';'sh Clerk, James Monk.
cation as the old one, was built in 1877, on the top of the POST OFFICE.-Wm. Turner, receiver. Letters from Rom-
hill and consists of chancel, with nave, south aisle, north aisle ford, t,hrough North Ockendon, arrive at 9 a.m. LETrER
divided from the nave by an arcade of 3 bays and massive BOX in wall cleared at 3 p.m.; sundays I I a.m. The
western tower containing 3 bells: the church is a fine nearest money order & telegraph office is at Horndon-
example of the Early English style: the east window is on-the-Hill
stained. The register of baptisms and burials dates from Parochial School (mixed), for 60 children, with an average
1686; marriages, 1690. The living is a rectory, tithes com- attendance of 42; Miss Florence Skelton, mistress
Cleaver Rev. Euseby Digby M.A.. Rectory Hopwood Henry,farmer, Nightingales Parker Edward, farmer
Westwoods Samuel, Goldsmiths Mingay Alfred, Crown inn, & livery Parker Henry, farmer, Hall farm
Allen George, wheelwright stables; pleasure parties contracted Tinworth William, shoe maker, Dry st
Giblin John, farmer, Wesley hall for Tween Wm. shoe maker, &post office
LANGENHOE is a parish, situated on the borders of the from 1660; burials, 1678; marriages, 1681 ; some
marshes, in the Eastern division of the county, Winstree marriages belonging properly to this parish will be
hundred, Lexdeu and Winstree union, Colchester county fOllDd in Colchester registers. The living is a rectory,
court district, Mersea rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry yearly value £446, with residence, in the gift of
and St. Albans diocese, about 7 miles south from Colchester r Lord CarlingforlCand held by the Rev. William Parkinson
and 3 from Wivenhoe station, on the road into Mersea Island M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Lord Carlingford,
and 55 from London. The church, assigned in recent times who is lord of the manor, T. B. Pertwee esq. and Jas. Alfred
to St. Andrew, is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, Wright are the principal landowners. The soil is mild
nave and tower. The register of baptisms dates loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
12 j
beans, The area of th6 parish, much of. 'which is marsh LETTBR Box deaTed at 7.30 p.m.; letters through Col-
land, is ~,~4 acres; :rateable jValue~ £1OI,.IP4;1ll1ld ihe popu- chester, 'IIid Abberton. The nearest money order & tele-
lation in 1881 was 234. graplLoffice is at Colchester
PEWET"!' ISL&ND, in the creek between Mersea Island and '
the mainland, contains some 49 or 50 acres of marsh and Natio1Ull School (mixed), built 187 8, for about 50 children,
belongs to Lord Carlinglord. with an o.vemge attendance of 35; mistress, Mrs. Sussn
Parish Clerk, John Greenleal, • Perry
Parkinson Rev. William ¥.A.. Rectory Hughes Robert, boot & shoe maker Wright James Alfred, landowner &
Brand Robert, coal dealer Pertwee Thomas Barnard, landowner & farmer, Crouch house
Goody Arthur Josep~ Red Lion farmer, Langenhoe lodge
LANGFORD is a village, parish and station on the Maldon The living is a rectory, yearly value £294, with residence, ill
branch of the Great Eastern railway, in the Eastern division the gift of the Hon. Mrs. Byron and held by the Rev. Frederick
of the county, hundred of Thnrstable, Maldon 'Union and Thom88 Tayler. The Hon. Mrs. Byron, is lady of the
county 'COurt district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, manor and principal landowner. The soil is light;
archdaaconry of Colchester and diocese- of St. Albans, a mile subsoil, gravel and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans
and a. half north-west from Maldon, 43 miles from London and barley. 'fhe meadows here are \'eTY fertile. The a.rea
and 4l sonth-east from Witham, named from the long ford is about 1:,076 acres j rateable value, [1,915 j and the popu.
over the Blackwater. The Chelmer and Blackwater canal lation in 1881 was 231.
passes through the parish. The church of St. Giles is in the Pari.~h Clerk, Thomas Ward.
Early Norman style, consisting of chancel, na'\l'e and south POST OFFICE.-William Beadle, receiver. Letters through
aisle, with a wooden spire and belfry containing 3 bells: the Maldon arrive at 7 B.m. j dispatched at 5.15 p.m. Hey-
church is now being restored by the Hon. Mrs. Byron, the bridge is the nearest money order & telegraph office
oost laeing estimated ~t £3,000. Too register Of baptisms NatWnal8chool (mixed), built in 1874 for 40 children, with
dates from 1558 And of marriages and burials from 1559. an average attendance of 30; Miss Eliza Hobby, mistress
Barrett Henry John, Langford park
Hanbury Bampson, Langford park
rNunn W. T I Wood James, blacksmith
I Tayler Rev. Frederick, Rec;:tory Wood John, fanner, Langford hall
LANGHAM is a parish, in the Eastern ~ivision of the yard is a small building er~ted by the Rev. J. T. Hurlock
county, Lexden hundred and union, Colchester county court, D.D. a former rector, in 1832 and designed as a place of daily
district, Dedham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry instruction for poor girls of the parish in the principles of the
and St. Albans dioces~ lying on the navigable river Stour, Church of England ~nd for the reception of poor and infirm
over which is a bridge and pn the bordllrs of Suffolk. -4 miles between the hours of service. Here is a Baptist chapel.
north from Ardleigh station,S east from N~land, 13 south- £6 13s. 4d. dE:rived from Love's .charity, left in 1564 by
west from Ipswich, 1 west from Manningtree. and 1 north- Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley, is distributed yearly in-
east from Colchester. The church of St. Nary, a handsome clothing. Lord Asbburton, who is lord of the manor and
stone building in the Early English style, consists of chancel, ThOmas BIyth, Samuel Robert Blyth and William Page esqrs.
nave, south aisle and a western tower containing 5 bells: this are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
church was erected at the end of th~ qth century on the generally gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
site of a former Normau church: there are floor-stones in the beans and peas. The area is 2,896 acres; rateable value,
chancel to members of the Umfreville family, who formerly £4,864 7S. 6d.; and the population in 1881 was 670.
possessed lands in the parish, with the dates 1596 and 1681 ; Parish Clerk, John Banes.
in the south. aisle is a canopi,ed recess, sup~osed ,to .hav:e fo:r- POST OFFlcB.-John Whellam, receiver. Letters from Col-
merly contamed t~e founder s to";lb ; t~ere IS a plscma .m t~e chester, vid Stratford (Suffolk) at 8 a.m. j dispatched at
chance~ and one In the so.ut!I alille: ID ~he .south al.sle 18 5. ° .m. The nearest mone order &: telegraph office is
an anCient poor's box, conSISting of a solId pIece of tImber t3D~h In Y
about 4 feet in length, with a small receptacle for money cut a • a
in the centre. The register dates from the year 160g. The lIere I~ a School Board; Rev. G. H. Kemp, clerk. Board,
living is a rectory, yearly value £640, with 62 acres of glebe meetmgs are held once a quarter
and residence, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchyof Board School, built in 1848 & enlarged in 1872, for 150
Lancasterand h-eld by the Rev. Edward Chauncy Ellis M.A. of children, with an average attendance of 95; William
Trinity College, Cambridge, and suqogate. In the church- Thomas, master; Miss Eva Jane Murrells, mistress
Blyth Thomas, nighfields Borham William Hart, farmer & miller, Mnnson Henry, cattle dealer, Grove oot
Dove Henry Draper, Langham hall Langham mill Osborn John, wheelwright
Ellis Rev. Edwd. Chauncy M.A. Rectory Dove Henry Draper, farmer & land agent Osborn Samuel, farmer, School lane
Kemp Rev. George Henry [Baptist] to Lord Ashburton, Langham hall Osborn Samuel, wheelwright
Kemp John, Langham Wick Felgate WiIliam, grocer & farmer PageWm.fnnr.& landowner,Valley farm
Pechey William, Highfields Folkard Hy. cattle dlr. & frmr. New ho Seaborne William, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Fmncis Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Motts farm SimsonWm. fnnr. & vet.surgeon,Park la
Barren Enos, baker, Ipswich road Johnson Edwin Mark, miller, Langham Smith Isaac, shoe maker
:Barren Baml. cart & van builder & frmr Wind mill Soutb.gate Nathan, beer retailer
Barrell SamQ.el, jun. 'rate collector Leach Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer Stopes & Son, maltsters
Blyth Saml. Blomfield, fnur. Hill farm Lee William, seed grower Tobias Amelia (Mrs.), baker, Park lane
Blyth Saml. Robt. farmer & landowner Leeks Henry, Greyhound TomkinsWm.Nathaniel,frmr. Park farm
Blyth William, farmer Lilley Henry, grocer & bricldaler Whelam John, blacksmith
LANGLEY, formerly a parochial .chapelry annexed to seating 375 persons and ~ Methodist chapel built in 1862 and
Clavering, was, in February 18705, formed into 81 separate seating 100 persons. W. and S. Death esqrs. are lords of the
\ benefice. in. Clavering haH hundred and ~ffron Walden manor of Langley Hall The principal landowners are Baron
union. and county court district, rural deaner~ of Newport, Dimsdale, l\'1essfS. W. and S. Death and the trustees of John
Colchester archdeaconryandSt.Albans diocese,3ir miles north- Patten esq. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The crops are
west from Clavering church. The chapel of St. John the principally on the four-course shift. The area is 1,617 acres,
Evangelist existed here in the time of King Henry n. and rateo.ble value, £1,651 ~ the population in 1881 was 400.
ill a small building, oonsisting of chancel, nave, south porch LBTTE~ Box cleafed at 3.0 p.m
and a low western tower containing 4 bells. 'fhe register of Letters through Bishop's Stortford, delivered about nooID
baptisms dates from 1678; marriages and burials, 16<)0, Clavering ia the nearest post office & Newport. the
The living is a vicarage, yearly value [180, with residence, nearest money order & telegraph office
newly Quilt !lot a cost of £1,500. and is in the gift of the Gover- Paroc/4ial School, bllilt in 1856 for 70 children, with .all(
n01'8 of Christ's Hospital and held by the Rev. William . average attendance of 441 supported by voluntary
Godber A.x.O.L There is a. Baptist chapel, built in 1828 and contributions ~ Miss Jane Anne Johnston"mistress
French Rev. Joseph [Baptist) • I . Driver Amos, carpenter Pilgrim Joseph, farmet
Godber Rev. WilliaD\ A.x.C.L. rvicar~ DriVer ~ames, carpenterl Pilgrim Thomas, farmer
• 'eOMlllERCIAI;. r Fonston, Henry, blacksmith Prentice James, beer retailer
.8asham ~erick, farmer GMrge George, Bull, Lower ¥reen Prentice Williatn, blacksmith
Basham WilIiam, farmer HO'l1gbj;on William, farmer- Rumble Jona$, beer retailet .
..-- (!}aton 'John, farm bailiff~' 14688rs. LawGeor~fanner Wa.te'r$Ch~.prop.ofthrashjngmachine"
J Woodham &: Sampson Death Law Joseph, shopkeeper Wilson Joseph, hu.r~le maker
~hambe1'8 Rober1l, s~op"keepe~ Pa.r;i8h JalJ\e8, sh\?pkeepet, lVisbey ~rg~t $hopkee~
LATCHINGDON and SNOREHAM were mangold wurtzeI. The area of the parish is 3933A. 3R. ~2P.
~Uy tWQ parishes, but are now united botb for civil -and rateable valne, £5,171; and the population in 1881 was 545.
~e.siastical purposes, they are in the Eas~ern division of the At SNOREHAM: was fonnerly a church, dedicated to St.
count)", Dengie hundred; Maldon union and county court dis- Peter, erected by the noble family of Grey of Wilton, its
trict and Dengie rural deanery'. Essex archd~aconry and St. attached parish consisting only of one farm house called
Alb~ns dlocese; 5 miles southreastlromMaldon-station and 6 Snoreham Hall; the inhabitants now attend Latchingdon
north~we$t from .5urnham, bounded on the south by the river church; a sermon was formerly preached annually under a
Crouch and on the north by the Blackwa.ter. Christ Church, tree in the parish, but the custom has long been discontinued.
at Latchingdon, is a strnctureQf E:entish rag, in the Decorated Area., 399 acres; rateable value, [,278 Ss.; the populatioB in
style, consecrated November 14th, ;r857 and consists of 1871 was 194.
chancel, nal'"e, south porch and a turret at the west end con- LALLING (or Lawling), now B farm, r mile north, on a
taining 2 bells! there is an octagonal 1ltone font: the creek of the Blackwater, was given by Brithnoth, Earl of
stained wiudow~f five lightl'l was erected by C. O. Pulley Essex,to the church of Canterbury in 991, the year in which
esq. to his parents: the part of the old church is still standing. he was killed at Maldon in conflict with the Dan8S. Her6wa8
The ~egister dates fFom the year 1725 and is in good condi- formerly a. chapel, of which the foundations are still trae&-l
tion. 'l'he living is a rectory, nett yearly value £660, with able.
residence and about 50 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Arch- Parish Clerk, Thomas Hitch.
bishop of Canterbury and beld by the Rev. Richard Edward POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
Formby B.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford and rural dean of Bank.-Miss Frances Bernard, reCfliver. London & other
Dengie, and surrogate. ',the rectory house,. about a mile south letters by mail cart through Maldon arrive at 7 ~.m. ; dis..
of the church, stand& on a pleasant .eminence, commanding . patched 10 a.m. & at 6.15 p.m. The LETTER Box is closed
extensive views. A fair is held annually on the 2nd of June. at 6 p.m. Telegraph office is open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m
There is a police station, with a dwelling for the superin- National School (mixed),built in 1852 for 120 children, with
tendent. the lo<)al force lJonsis~s of a superintendent and one an average attendance of 70f Charles Samuel. ..Thonuui.
constable. Charles Old~er Pulleyesq. who is lord of the Smith, master; Mrs. Frances Mary Ann Smith, mistress
m~nor, W. Howard Flanders esq. John Wood esq. and Lord CARRIERS to Maldon, daily; to Burnham & Southminster,.
Rayleigh ll,re the principal landowners. The soil is a strong daily; to Dengie, Bradwell, Tillingham & Steeple, monday~
clay; l'iubsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and wednesday & friday; to Chelmsford, tue.sday & friday
Formby Rev. Richard Edward B.A. f J.P. Cowling George, beer retailer & baker Pulley Chas. Oldaker, fnnr.Butterftelds
Trector, rural dean & surrogate], Curties George, farmer Richardson Fredk.farmr.Snoreham hall
Rectory Deeks William, blacksmith Rutledge George, inspector of police, of
Barritt Robert, Tyle h a n · , Dines Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper weights & measures, & under the"
Pulley Charles Oldaker, Butterfields Freeman Charles, cattle dealer sale of food & drugs act
COMMERCIAL. .) Freeman Frank, farmer Sadler George,beer retailer &machinist
Attenborough George, farmer, Lawing- Freeman George, cattle dealer &c. The Enginee'rs' Arms fine spark.
smiths farm • . . Hills Wllliam, baker ling ales &c
Barritt Robert, farmer, Tyle hall Hitch Thomas, shoe maker Sharp David, beer retailer
Bridgemarsh B1'ickfields C9. Lin~ited,' Knights Thomas, farmer Smyth Thomas, coal dealer
& 28 Budge row, London e,c. (Luke Larter Arthur, grocer & draper, Snore- Taylor John Burridge, Red Lion
. Bishop, manager) . 1 ham house Tischler Louis Hermann, tailor & drapl'
Cowlen Frederick George; wheelwrigl}t .!-saver Wm. Robt. corn & seed merchllt Tischler Martha(Miss),millnr.&dressma
& blacksmith London Stock Brick Co. Limited Whiffen William, farmer
LATTON (or Lacton) is a parish and. +illage on the Stort late Rev. Julius Arkwright, formerly rector of this parish,
navigation and borders of Hertfordshire, in the Western and a stone reredos. The register dates from the year 1.567.
division of the county, lIarlow hundred, Epping union, The living is a vicarage, endowed with rectorial tithes,yearly
Waltham Abbey countyoourt dist.rict, Ha-rlow J'liLral deanery, value £480, with residence, in the gift of T..oftus Wigram
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, one mile from Arkwright esq. and held by the Rev. William OliverM.A. of
Burnt Mill station, on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) rail- Trinity College, Cambridge. About 4 miles from the church
way, one mile and a half south-west from ,Harlow, 21 miles are some of the remains of the Priory of St. John the Baptist,
• from London, 8 south from Bishop's Stortford and 8 north- founded some time previous to 1291; it is a building in the
west from Ongar. The church of St. John the Baptist is a Early English style and is. now used as a barn. L. W.
small building standing on rising ground and consisting of Ark\lTight esq. is lord of the manor and principal. landowner•.
chancel, nave, south porch and a square embattled tower The soil is various; subsoil, clay and gravel I The chief
cont~ining 3 bells: adjoining the north side of the chancel crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 1,605 acres;.
is a small chapel dedicated to the lIoly Trinity and the rateable value, £4,155; and the population in t881 was 232•.
Virgin Mary and built by Sir Peter Arderne, Chief Baron of Sexton, Ftederick Wright.
the Exchequer in tbe reign of. Henry YI.: a chantry was Letters through Harlow, delivered at 8 a.m. The nearest
also founded here by the same judge and dame Catherine. money order & telegraph office is at Harlow
his wife, whose tomb, with brass etli~ies and the date 1467, School (mixed), built in 1830 for 60 children1 with a~
remains: there are several stained windows, inserted by the average attendance of 35 ; Miss Gardner, mistress
Arkwright Missesj Mark hall Btown Frederick, farmer King Edwin, Sun Whalebone- et
Dickenson Bernard . Glassock Edmund, miller & farmer, Nicholls William, builder
OliveI' Rev. William M.A. Vicarage _. Latton mill Potter Isaae, fannet"
Armor Chas.farmer,Bush Fair common I Houghton Thos. farmer, Bush Fair ha
HIGH LAVER is< a parish in the Western division of sane quam quas sibi laudi, tibi in exemplum proponeret~·
the county, Ongar w~on and hundred, l)unmow county vitia una. sepeliantur. Morum exemplum si qureras, in
court district, Ongar ruraJ. deanery, Essex aa-chdeaconry Evangelio habes ; vitiorum ntinam nusquam; mortalitatis
and St. 41lbans dioc~se,.'i miles $outh-east irom Harlow certe (quod prosit) hie et ubique.
station and 4 north~west from Ongar • 'rhe chln"Ch of All .. Natum Anno Domini 1: 63 2 , Aug. 29, Mortuum, A.P.
Saints is a. low buiLding~ consisting o( chancel, nave, south 170 4, Oct. 28, memorat hrec tabula brevi et ipsa inte-
porch and a western battlemented towerw~th shingled spire, ritura."
containing I bell t the earliest portions (If the structure
belong to the Early English period, an example« which is Which is thus rendered 1 - •
founddn three lancet window8 $~ the eastrend : in the belfry .. Stay, passer~by,~Nearthis place lies John Locke. To
is & small but good Dec6ra~ window I the font is Perpen- your question,-What sort of man ll'&8 hell-He answers
d,i(fular; ~t was l'fllltored in .t865 r in the g1"aveya.rd is buried that he was of middle rank and fortune, and was contented
tljt,e g~!:l8-t patriot and ,philosopher Jolm Lock.e~who died at therewith; of learned tastes and habits, he only reached the
the Boot Qf 0teEI in J:r'04--- and. whose ·tQmb was restored ID point of consecrating his learning to the causeof truth above
1865,1 ih~ ~I\tin epitaph, ~M written by pimself.. and is as all things. You will discover this from his writings; and
follows I , " p .' I r I ' · these will m01'e faithfully exhibit to you the rest of his
·.t' Siste, viator,-lli.p jux~.situs, filst. Joha.nnes. Locke.. Si char.acter than the .sUSpectedl testimoniaL of .an epitaph.
<IDl'ljs fuer\~ .D)gwt. ~il:lqita~ J1Jwi< ~nwntuQl se vixisse Whatevet virtues he had, they were-not eDOngh to .putlo~
r~~nQeti Ji~rili; inJ),itu~".w~ue taQtum profecit;. ut ward as a matter of ,glory So him,. nor as .an esample to
v~J.jt&ti. pniqe .lita.reJi.1 Jl0tl~:l. ~iIlti4tlilliWlliisces ... qure~ thee. Let his faults be ,buried with him. If all
q~de ~.i,"llliqU\W1~~rjJidl\~Qi~~PM>Qllt, quam. example of good life, you. have one. in the GOl'Ipel; 'Would
E"pitap}Jii,sus~~~~~cI ,irtJlte~ si il.wui babui~, minor6S. tha.' tJlere. were nowhere aDJr ;of bad life; of the shortness of



lile, you have an example (may it profit theA) both here and Mandeville Rodwell M.A.. of Exeter -College, Oxford. There
everywhere. is a ehapel of ease at Malching Green, the gift of the Rev. F.
"His birth, on August 29th" A..D. 1632; his death, Miller, of Kineton, Warwickshire. The manor « High
October 28th, 17°4, is recorded by this tablet, which itself Laver is held by Mrs. Wright and others. The trustees
must perish ere long." of the late J. W. Perry-Watlington esq. are lords of the
There is a brass to Edward Sulyard and his wife Myrabyll, manor of High Laver Hall and principal landowners. The
c. 1500, with 4 sonS and I daughter; and many altar-tombs soil is various; subsoil, clay'and gravel. The chief crops are
in the churchyard to the Masham family, Baron Masham, wheat, beans and oats. The area is 1,894 acres; rateable
of Otes, in this parish; among them to Lady Masham, wife value, £2,633; and the population in 1881 Wa&477.
of Samuel, first Baron Masham and formerly known as Parish Clerk, George Brown.
Abigail Hill, Queen Anne's favourite. The register of
baptisms dates from 1553; burials, 161 4; marriages, 1616; LETTER Box cleared at 4. 15. Letters are delivered through
and is curious as containing a most complete record of the Ongar office at 9 a.m. The nearest money order &
briefs for collections in this church for nearly ]00 years. telegraph office is at Harlow
The living is a rectory, yearly value £500, with residence, National School, built in 1867 for 100 children, with an
in the gift of Captain Budworth and held by the Rev. Robert average attendance of 92; James Winger, master
Heath Thomas Cooper Thomas, builder Metson Alfred, farmer
Rodwell Rev. Robert Mandeville M.A.. Gingell George, farmer, High Laver hall Pratt Arthur, Chequers
Rectory Godfrey Charles beer retailer & Redington John, farmer
Benson Tobias, farmer, Tilegate wheelwright Robinson Waiter, blacksmith
Bines Morris, farmer Godfrey Thomas Alfred, wheelwright Symes WaIter, farmer
Byford Daniel, shopkeeper Hazlewood Charles (Mrs.), farmer
LITTLE LAVER is a parish, I mile to the east of I Palmer and held by the Rev. Sydney Charles Beaochamp
High Laver and 5 miles north from Ongar, in the Western M.A.. of Queen's College, Oxford.· Harman Paul David
division of the county, Ongar hundred and union, Dunmow Meyer esq. is lord of the manor of Little Laver Hall i
county court district, Ongar rural deanery, Essex arch· Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon-Wilson bart. is lord of the
deaconry and St. Alhans diocese. The church of St. Mary manor of Envilles. The principal landowners are Herman
the Virgin is a small rubble building, consisting of apsidal P. D. Meyer esq. Sir S. M. Maryon-Wilson hart. and
chancel nM'e, vestry, organ chamber, porch and a belfry William Henry Poynder esq. The soil is various; subsoil,
containing 1 bell: the church was restored and enlarged in clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The
1872 by the late Rev. Richard Palmer, rector of Purley, parish contains 968 acres; rateable value, £1,304; and the
Berks, then patron, in memory of his brother, the Rev. population in 1881 was IIO.
Henry Palmer: a font was restored from remains of a Pa1'ish Clerk, Henry Caton.
former one: all the seats are of massive oak, handsomely LETTER Box cleared at 4 p.m. Letters are delivered through
moulded: 80me of the communion plate is of the period of Ongar at 10 a.m. The nearest money .order & tele-
Edward VI. The register of baptisIns and burials dates graph office is at Chipping Ongar
from 1538 i marriages, 1541. The living is a rectory, yearly The children of this village attend the school at High
value £260, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. H. Golding- Laver
Beauchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A.. Cooper Thomas, farmer Lucking Alfred, farm bailiff to H. P. D.
Rectory Lake Elizabeth &.Ann (Misses),Leather Meyeresq. J.P
Meyer Capt. Berman Paul David J.P Bottle Roast Stephen, miller
Meyer Mrs. The Grange Matthews Samuel Porter, farmer Towns William, farmer
)'[AGDALEN LAVER is a parish, in the Western Francis Clark esq. is lord of the manor and principal land-
division of the county, Ongar hundred, Epping union, owner: courts leet are held yearly at Epping. The soil is
Dunmow county court district, Ongar rural deanery, Essex mi,xed; subsoil, clay. The crops are cereals. The area is
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 5 miles south-east 1,228 acres; rateable value, £1,646; the population in 1881
from Harlow station, 5 north-west from Ongar, 5 north- was 166.
.east from Epping and 24 from London. The church of St. Sexton George Brown
Mary Magdalene, restored in 1875, is an ancient building , • •
-consisting of chancel and nave and a wooden belfry con- LETTER Box cleared at 3.30 p.m. Letters are delivered
taining ~ bells. The register of baptisms and marriages thro~h Ongar at 10 a.m. The nearest money order
-dates from 1557; burials, 1558. The living is a rectory, office lS at Harlow
'yearly value commuted at £310, in the gift of Charles Jones Endowed School (High Laver), founded in 1862, with an
. esq. and held by the Rev. Charles Garrett Jones. John endowment of £999 ; Mrs. Maria Seagrave, mistress
Adams Leonard Edwards James, farmer Lucking Charles, farmer
.Jones Rev. Chas. Garrett, Rectory James John, farmer Lucking William, fanner
Bretton Samuel, farmer J oslin George, farmer Tucker J oseph, farmer
-Crane John, beer retailer King Henry, beer retailer Willis Henry, farmer, Rolls farm
LAWFORD (or LALFoRD) is a parish and an ancient consil;ts of a double aisle with a gallery on the north side
place, formerly belonging to King Harold n. and in the a single aisle on the south and a porch: in 1826 the church
Eastern division of the county, Tend ring hundred and union, was enlarged by IIO free sittings in addition to 45 previonsly
Colchester county court district, Ardleigh rural deanery, provided: in 1841 the present gallery was erected, affording
·Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, I! miles 60 free sittings: in 1864 the body of the church wasreseated.
'west from Manningtree and 7 north-east from Colchester. a new timber roof fixed, the fine tower arch opened out and
"The Great Eastern railway passes through and the Manning- a stained west window placed in the tower: the church, as
tree station is in this parish. A part of the town of Man- restored and refitted in 1853 and 1864, has about 350
ningtree extends into this parish. The ancient church of St. sittings, all of which are free: the tower, rebuilt in the
Mary is a building of brick and flint and consists of chancel seventeenth century, is substantially built of brick and
-and nave and a tower containing 3 bells, one dated 1667 and stone: outside the chancel door are the graves of the Rev.
the other two 1714: it occupies a commanding situation on John Edes, rector here for 43 years (1515 to ]658) and of
an eminence and stands away from the high road, about a the Rev. William Brett Whitfield, rector for 25 years j
quarter of a mile north-east from the village: the chancel he died in 1847 and before his death ordered a sum of £400
is spacious and lofty and contains some interesting stone to be invested in 3 per Cent. Consols, the dividends to be at
carving, although much mutilated, together with piscina the disposal of the rector for the time being, in order that
and sedilia and has some remains of old stained glass in he may annually distribute and dispose of the same amongst
thEt windows ~ the buttress outside the chancel has om a- the sick and aged poor of the parish j he also invested lA
mental niches enclosing statues, one of which has been sum of £300 in 3 per Cent. Consols, the interest to be de-
recently uncovered; there are also 80me mutilated stone voted toward the perpetual maintenance of a Sunday school
heads on the walls: in 1853 the chancel was restored by the for the children of the parish of Lawford, in the principles
late rector, Dr. Merivale, now dean of Ely! a chancel arch of the Established Church, under the control of the rector
was formed, a newoak roof constructed, the old high·backed or curate for the time being, 8S well as towards the payment
;.ewe removed and the present oak benches with carved of salaries to the master or mistress and the other necessary
poppy heads substituted: the stained east window is & expenses: OD the north side of the chancel are monuments
memorial to the late Thomas Nunn esq. of Lawford house: to Edward Waldegrave esq. and Joan his wife, with two
the nave is a much plainer structure than the chancel and kneeling figures carved in stonef 1584: beneath the ehancel
floor is the family vault of the Waldegraves, of whom A smaller manor, called Faites and Wades, also belonging to
Edward Waldegrave died in 1621 and his widow, Lady Sarah the Rev. R. C. Hales, is held nnder Lawford Hall and ex-
:Bingham, in 1634: here also lies buried the Rev. Thomas tends into the parishes of Dedham and Ardleigh. The prin-
Harris, formerly rector of Lawford, who died 28th March, cipal landowners are E. H. Lushington, Thomas William
1699: the church plate includes a paten, dated" Easter Nnnn .T.P. Francis Morgan Nichols .T.P. and Gosnall Page
Day, 16g6" and was given by the Lady Whaley, wife of Mr. esqs. The soil is light; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops
Harris, rector of Lawford: at the western entrance to the are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,679 acres ; rate-
churchyard is a house built by Mr. Pecksale and left by him able value, £5,976; and the population in :I881 was 814-
with an acre of land. to the sexton for the time being, pro- . [The names of persons residing in the portion of this
vided he keeps it in repair and pays eight shillings yearly to parish which forms part of the town of MANNINGTREB will
Lawford Hall. The register dates from the year 155 8. The be found nnder that heading.]
living is a rectory, yearly value £640. with residence and 40 Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Frostick.
acres of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge
and held by the Rev. Edward Kennedy Green M.A. formerly POST OFFICE.-Thomas William Spooner, receiver. Letters
fellow of that college. The poor have the proceeds of a arrive from Manningtree at 7'a·m.; dispatched at 7·20
farm, left in 17 2 3 by John Leech, of East Bergholt, Suffolk, for p.m. The nearest money order office is at Manningtree
clothing and education. There are almshouses built, from National School (mixed), built in 1873 (in place of an older
money left in the year 1867 by Mrs. Cox, of Lawford Place, building, erected in 1848), on land given by }<'. M. Nichols
for the use of six poor persons. Lawford has two principal esq. of Lawford hall, at a cost of £1,000, raised by volun-
manors: Lawford Hall, belonging to Francis Morgan tary contributions; there is space for 117 children, with
Nichols esq. .l.P. and Dale Hall to the•Rev. Richard Cox Hales. an average attendance of 59; Frank Amos, masfur
:Bendall Offwood, Colchester road Bendall Offwood, sen. oil mills Rainbert Frederick, corn miller
Dobree Joseph Hankey, Lawford place Bettles Charles, farm bailiff to Francis Richardson Thomas Rumsey, farmer,
Dnnnett Harry Norman, Abbot's manor MorganNichols esq.Lawford Hall frm Holly lodge; & Jenning's farm, Little
Green Rev. Edwd. Kennedy M.A.Rectory Conway Stephen, beer retailer Bromley
Johnson Samuel, The Grange Cropley Samuel, King's Arms, & farmer Richardson William H. farmer, Dale hall
Nichols Fras. Morgan .l.P. Lawford hall Johnson Samuel, farmer, The Grange, & Causeway farm
Nunn Thomas Wm. .l.P. Lawford house Lawford house, Aldham, Goldings, Shulver William, wheelwright
Payne Robert Glandfield, Coopers & Humberlands Spooner Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COllIMERCIAL. farms Tricker John, farmer, Lower farm
:Baker Charles Robert, farmer Morgan Wm. Hy. miller, Sherborne mill Unwin William, blacksmith
:Barnes Geo. Edward, Railway tave1'n Payne Robert, jun. wheelwright Watling Edward, shofeeper & beer rUr
LAYER BRETON is a parish in the Eastern division is a Congregational chapel, built in 1798 and rebuilt and en-
of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, larged in the year 1860, in connection with which is a school,
Colchester county court district, ..ural deanery of Coggeshall, capable of holding 100 scholars: here is also a Friends'meet-
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, I ing house. Mr. John Tiffin, who is lord of the manor and
situated on the Lare, 6 miles south-west from Colchester I Mr. William Bird are the principal landowners. The chief
and 8 east from Witham. The church (dedication unknown) crops are wheat, beans and barley. The soil is loamy; sub-
consists of chancel and nave and contains a tombstone, soil, sandy. The area is 954 acres; rateable value, £1,447;
robbed of its effigies, to Alice, formerly wife of Nicholas and the population in 1881 was 293.
:Breton, who died May 6th, 1392; there are other monuments Parish Clerk, John Wilsmore.
also defaced. The register of baptisms and burials dates POST OFFICE RECEIVING HousE.-Mrs. Wilsmore, receiver.
from 1765 and of marriages from 1755. ThA living is a Letters through Kelvedon arrive at 9 a.m.; leave at 6 p.m.
rectory, yearly value £332, with residence, in the gift of the The nearest money order offices are at Kelvedon & Col-
Rev. William Blow M.A. and held by the Rev. William Blow, chester & telegraph office at Tolleshunt D'Arcy
jun. JII.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. On the Heath. The children of this village go to the school at Birch
:Barrett Mrs. Bird William, farmer & landowner, Root George, farmer
:Blow Rev. William, jun. M.A. Rectory The Lodge Smith Dl. frmr. Crows & Stamps farms
Gripper Mrs. White house Chamberlain David, shoe maker Tiffin John, farmer & cattle dealer,
Walford Rev. Thos. [Congregational] Huntley George, blacksmith Manor house
:Barrett Waltp,r, farmer & landowner Law Richard, Hare ~ Haunds I
Wheeler William, farmer
LAYER-DE-LA-HAY deriving its name from its College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of Berechurch. Here
ancient possessors, the family of de-la-Hay, is a parish, are Congregational and Primitive Methodist chapels. There
situated on the road leading from Maldon to Colchester, are two manors viz. Layer-de-la-Hay and Birch; the former
about 4 miles south-west frol,Il Colchester, in the Eastern belongingto O. E. Coope esq. M.P. the latter to James Round
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and esq. M.P. who are the principal landowners. The soil in
Winstree union, Colchester county court district, Mersea parts is light; subsoil, gravelly; and in other parts the soil is
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans loamy; subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat, beans
diocese. The village is pleasantly situated on an eminence, and barley. The area is 2,824 acres; rateable value, £3,454;
one mile south of the river Roman. The church (name un- and the population in 1881 was 689.
known) is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, LAYER CROSS is a hamlet of Layer-de-la-Hay, at which a
south aisle and a tower containing 5 bells: in the chancel is cross formerly existed.
a tomb, with recumbent figures of Thomas Tey, ob. 1500 and Parish Clerk, Simon Barton.
Jane, his wife and a floor stone inscribed to Christian. wife POST OFFIcE.-Charles Appleby, receiver. Letters through
of Joshua Warren of Layer-de-la-Hay, ob. 23 June, 1500. The Colchester arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.15 p.m.; &
register of baptisms dates from 17°2; burials,1678 ; marriages, on snnday dispatched at 9.55 a.m. The nearest money
:I703. The living is loo vicarage, yearly value £80, with order & telegraph office is at Colchester
residence and 7 acres of glebe,in the gift of 1. Saunders esq. and National School (mixed), built in 1837 for :I50 children, with
held by the Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow Price B.A. of St. John's an average attendance of 100; Miss Sarah Smith, mistress
Clarey William Bullock George, grocer & draper Richardson William, farmer, Rye farm
Grimwood Mrs. Burton Charles, shopkeeper Royce Henry, farmer, Gate farm
Price Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow B.A. Candler George, Fox inn Royce William, miller
Vicarage Clarke William, farmer, Wick farm Sanders Alfred, farmer & maltster
COMMERCIAL. Demon John, carpenter Scott Thomas, bakel'
Allen John, boot & shoe maker Dennis William & Carter, farmer, Layer Theobald William, shoe maker
Appleby Charles, farmer Row's farm Tiffen George, farmer, Keln farm
Baker Benjamin, jun. fa1'Iller Gentry Daniel, beer retailer Walford Edwin, farmer, }<'ields farm
Baker William, farmer, Wood House & Hicks Robert, bricklayer & Hill farm
Needles Eye farms Hunwick Chas. wheelwright&blacksmth Walford William. farmer, Hall farm
:Brown John, market gardener Porter Wm. farmer, Burnt Down farm
LAYER MARNEY is a village and parish, in the Roman river, 47 miles from London, 5 east from Kelvedon
Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred. Lexden station on the Great Eastern railway and 7 south-west from
and Winstree lUlion, Colchester county court district, rural Colchester. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a strnc-
deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and ture chiefly in the Perpendicular style and consists of
diocese of St. Albans, seated on a brook which falls into the. chancel, nave, aisles, chapel, entered from the north
aisle, $out4 po].'CJ;l. I'nd ~ western towel' cd brick con- 1 portions now this iltately tower, though MW
taining 3 bells; th~ whole edifice, including the porches .ruinous, is .till an imposing pile and consistB Qf a lofty
aJ;ld tower, is embattled: the end of the aisle consti. centre, lighted by two large square-headed WindoWll .cf
tutes the Marney chapel. wbich, with the chancel, has been S lights, flanked at each angle by ao octangular tower
entirely restored at a, cost of £I,4QO; it was begun by Henry, of 8 storeys. in height, with windows in each face and
the first Lord Marney, who, in his will, directed its comple· terminating in it battlemeoted parapet; these- toWll1.'S,
tion and the erection of a tomb to himself and his two wives, rising from high ~ound, command a very extensive riew
Thomasine and Elizabeth. John, Lord Marney, by will in over the surrounding country, particularly to the west
1524, also appoints his burial here and gives directions for and eastward oven tte sea: a part of the adjacent building
his tomb. This chapel now contains the alabaster tomb of is occupied as 8. farm house. Miss Keziah Peache is lady of
William Marney, 1414, l'emoveQ hither from the chancel the manor and she, with Sir William Neville Abdy hart.
and other memorials of that illustrious family; there are the Trustees of Croydon School, James Round esq. M.P. and
also in the church monuments to Robert Camock, ob. March St. Bartholomew's Hospital are principal landowners. The
1:, r585; Nicholas CorseIlis esg. 'Ob. Oc1l. 19, 1674, let. 70 soil is heavy I subsoil, loamy, The chief crops are wheat,
and others, with some shields of anns. The register dates oats and beans. The area is 1,973 acres i rateable value,
from 1742 of baptisms and marriages and of burials from £2,243 and the population in 188r was 258. .
1743. The living is a rectory, yearly value £466, with resi- Sexton John Bell l
dence, in the gift of the Rev. C. J. Cartwright and held by j'. .. . . .
the Rev. Thomas Everard Cartwright M.A. of St. Mary Hall, There IS a briCk reCeiVing box ID the Village, cle.ared at 6.20
Oxford, surrogate. Layer Marney Hall, one of the. earliest p.m.; sunday~, 1t:?2O a.m. Letters are deliver~d from
and largest brick buildings erected in England, was built Kelvedon, whICh 18 ,the, money order office i the
in 1520 by Henry Lord Marney and was quadrangular nearest telegraph office IS at Tlptree heath
in plan, enclosing a spacious court: of this magnificent National School (mixed), built in r850 for 50 children, with
structure only the great entrance tower and a few other an average attendance of 40; Miss Sarah Harnes, mistress
Cartwright Rev. Thomas Everard M.A. Edwards Thomas (Mrs.), beer reta.iler r Ley James Boys, farmer, Almonds
[surrogate], Rectory Everitt Charles William, White Horse,; farm
Barratt WaIter, farmer & landowner &; wheelwright Sach Stowers, farmer
Blyth Charles &; Mark, farmers Hutley Jonathan, blacksmith &; shopkpr Sparrow William, lilack Lion
Dennis Samuel, farmer . Lavender Nathaniel, farmer
LEIGH is an ancient place, named in Domesday and rectory, yearly value £400, with residence, in the gift of the
.situated in the P!¥t of Maldon, ou Hadleigh Ray, opposite Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev Walker King !r1.A.
Canvey Island and is in the Southern division of the county, of Oriel college, Oxford, rural dean of Rochford, and BUrro-
Rochford hundred, union and county court district and in gate. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Leigh has a custom
Rochford rural deanery, E9Mx archdeaconry and St. Albans house and there is a coastguard station. In the parish
diocese, on the road from South End to Tilbury and has a numerons Roman coins ha,'e been found. The principal
station on the Tilbnry and Southend railway, 4 miles west landowners are Orrnond Barnard esq. Anhur Hentall,
from Southend, 5 south·west from Rochford a.nd 39 from J. F. Smith, Anthony Blackburn and George Miller esqs.
London. The town, which consists of one street, is situated and Mrs. Johnson. The area is 2,331 acres, of which 1,016
:on a creek of the river Thames and immediately behind it are ooze, the remainder arable and pasture; rateable value,
rises a bold and steep hill, on which stand the church £3,740; the population in 1881 was 1,697.
and the rectory house. The 'Church, of St. Clement, ron- POST, MONEY ORDER & TET.EGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank,
sists of chancel; nave, north aisle, chapel, south porch and Government Annuity & Insurance Ottice.-George Young,
.a western tower containing 6 bells; the chapel belongs to receiver, Letters from Chelmsford arrive at 7.30 a.m. &;
the Perpendicular period; the chancel was lengthened in from London at 10.33 a.m.; dispatched to London at I I
18 72 at a cost of kr 900, and has been entirely Tebuilt in the m & 6 .45 p.m.; & t 0 Ch eIms f ord a t 3.45 pm
a.. .
Decorated style; it has 4 stained windows; in the church
aTe monumental brasses of the Haddock family, 1453, of INSURANCE AGENTS :-
.Richard Chester, master of the Trinity House, 163 2 and Liverpool of London of Globe Fi,'e of Life, W. Foster
others of the families of Chester, Salmon, Ireland and Price; .iJ1anchester Fire! H. R. Thompson, Eden lodge
there is also a fine mural monument with demi-effigy of PuBLrc OFFICERS:-
Robert Salmon, mlt!:lter of the Trinity House, 1641 and Assistant Water Bailiff, Thomas Turnnidge
another to the wife of the distinguished Admiral Sir Edward Chief Boatman of Coastguard, George Graham; here are alsa buried two eminenll naval com- Principal Coast o.fficer of C1Utomll of ])eputy RecM11tf' 'Of
manders, Capt. Price, 1709 and Capt. Rogers, 1683: Wrecks, William Cummins
among the tombs in the churchyard are those of Admiral SCHOOLS: '
Sir Richard. Haddock and his son, Admiral Nicholas Had- Naticmal, built in 1869 for 200 childreu, average attendance
dock, both celebrated officers and of Captain William Good- 120; Arthur John Ray, master i Mrs. Emma Ray, mistress
lad, master of the Trinity House, 1639: several historical Infant, Miss Elizabeth Harvey, mistress f
monuments were removed and destroyed at the restoration Mrs. Herscltell's (mixed), for abont 100 children, average
of the church about ~838. The register of baptisms dates attendance, 73; Miss Annie Young, mi!ltress
from 16840 burials 1685, marriages 1691, The living is a Railway Station, WaIter Brown, station master
Anderson John, Leigh house I Bentall Pendrill, farmer, Leigh hall Harrison Wm. H~·. baker & shopkeeper
Bentall Pendril, Leigh hall Bolton William, marine store dealer Harvey George, plumber
Borredell James ) Brewer Samuel & Son, butC'hers Harvey George, jun. painter •
Foster William, Pittington house Brown James, saIlmaker Harvey Stephen, farmer
Goldstone Henry Busby Ann (Mrs.), grocer Heelas James M.D. surgeon
Heclas James M.b Carey Oliver, shopkeeper Joscelyne Frederick James, blacksmith
Herschell Mrs. Ridley Choppin Henry, Bell Joscelyne James, metal dealer
Hepsey Solomon, St. Clement's villas Churchyard George, ship smith &c Kelly Samuel, shopkeeper .
King George Codlin Richard, tailor Noakes Robert, Crooked Bdlet
King Henry William, Leigh hill Cotgrove Abraham, shopkeeper Osborne Daniel, King's Head
King Rev.Walker M.A. [rural dean & sur- Cotgrove Henry, smack owner Osborne WilIiam, baker
rogate], Rectory Dawson George, United Brethren Parsons - , fanner
Marsh George, Melrose villas Dearn Edmund, engineer & machinist Partridge Annie & Jane (Misses) ,drapers
Miller George, Belfairs lodge Eaton James, Ship inn Partridge John, coal merchant
Neate John Emery George, sen. smack owner Partridge William Isaac, fishmonger
Smith ReV'. John William (vresteyan} Emery George, jun. grocer Phillips & Peeping, surgeons
Thomson Henry Emery John, draper Phillips William, shoe maker
Withers George Emery John, smack owner Quiltel' Nathan, boot maker
COMMERCIAL. . Emery Matthew, shopkeeper> Rand Joseph, baker
Aldridge John, grocer & baker Emery Robert Frederick, grocer Robinson William Edward, Smack
Barnard Benjamin Williams. l,laker & Gas WO'l'ks. (William Foster, proprietor) Shaw Thomas, linen draper
flour &; corn dealer Girling James & Henry, coal & salt Smith Emma (Mrs.), Coal HolI
Bayford Frederick, coal dealell 1merchants (WaIter Brown, agenth l Smith Jane (Mrs.), draper
Belcham Henry, bntcher Railway station; chief district office, I Spence Andrew, fanner, West hill
;Bentall Arthur, farmer & \aniowner I Southend, See advertisemen* I Spence John, jnn. farmnr, Leigh house
Spenc& John,. farmer, Lapwater hall Thompson John, ba~ } . V'u:tcnU Pottery Co.L;m. (George Mil18,
SUlTidge Benjamin,. shopkeeper Thorp William, builder manager at 'Works), potters
8urridge David, 'COwkeeper. Tomlin Daniel & Thomas, coal .t.. salt Watson Charles Edward, grocer
Surridge Henry Ellis, Peter Boat J. merchants YOWlg George, post office ,
Thompsoo Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Turnidge Thomas, fishmonger ,
GREAT or MUCH LEIGHS, mentioned in Domes.- bell-ropes{sold. by'order of the Poor La1t 'Commissioners;;
day ~t1.rvey, lies on the River 'fer and is a parish of scattered also an acre of land, afterwards exchanged for 2 acres, known
houses-in the Eastern and Western divillions of t.he county, aa" Cole Hill Mead," to find a load of pea-straw to litter the
Chelmsford union; -Chelmsford and Witham hundreds, Brain- chul'ch in winter. There are two charities: a benefaction of
tree county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, £25 annuallY,left by Mrs. Fortune Watts, of Great Leighs,
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, t mile east in 1698 foi'the poor and another of about £6, left by MrS.
of the road from Chelmsford to Sudbury, 7 miles north east Beadle, of Great Leighs, in t822, for seven poor persons who
from Chelmsford, 5 south west from Braintree, 7 west from mostly attend public worship: it has been recently decided
Witham and 36 from London. The church of St. Mary the (I8gr) to build two ~lmshou~ in the parish. The Rev. G.
Virgin is an ancient edifice, consisting of chancel, nave, south H. Bowman and Joseph Tritton esq. are lords of the manot-:
porch and a round tower of fiint and stone, surmounted by the latter is the principal landowner : John Corsbie Browh
an octagonal shingled spire, containing 5 bells and a clock; Corsbie ~sq. of Beyton, Suffolk, is also' a 'Considerable- land-
the nave-; the "Oldest part of 'the- church, is Norman 'With owner. The soil is mixed; ~ubsoil, clay and gravel. The
Perpendicular Windows and there are three Norman win- ~hief crops are wheat, barley, beang &c. The area is 3,055
dows with wide splay; the inner doorway of the porch is acres; gross rateable 'talue, £4.831; and the "pOpulation in
Nomian and there is a fine Norman doorway at the west end '1881 was 753.
of the tower, with zig-zag mouldings; the chancel is Deco- , -ClfATLEY is ft hamlet of Great Leighs, on the high road to
rated: in the head of the east window, in stained glass, is a 14th Colchester, extending towards Braintree~ f2; miles north'-
century shield of" France ancient :" on north of chancel is west. .
an Easter sepulchre and on the south side are four rich Parish Cle'rk, WiHiam Newman. f
sedilia: in the chancel is the mutilated brass effigy of a priest POST OFFICE, Chatley.-Joseph Collard, receiver. Lettel"B
c. 1370 and the brass of Ralph Shelley, rector of this church arrive through Chelmsford at 9.40 a.m.; dispatched at
'1414, also imperfect: in 1867 the church was restored at 11. 5.25 p.m. ' The nearest money order & telegraplt- ~ffices
cost of £720. The Tegister dates from the yel"l\- 1578. The are at Great WaItham •
living is a rectory, yearly value £878, with residence, in the SCHOOLS ;- •
gift of Lincoln College, Oxford and held by the Rev. William Bo«rd School (mixed), under the Great Leighs School Board,
Kay D.D. formerly fellow of that college. The rectory house, built in :r845 for 120 children, with an attendance' of ,
rebuilt in 1869, is a large white building, with stone dress- 85:J the buildings were originally erected for III British
ings, standing in its own grounds and is pleasantly situated, school, at a eost of about- £350, but are now leased to
A School Board for the united district of -Great and Little the School Board ~ George Rhodes, master: & Mrs.
Leighs, 'Composed of five members, was formed here in March, Rhodes, mistress
,1875. The Baptist chapel was erected at tile 501e expense of National (mixed), Miss BaileY, mistress, fol" about 90
Joseph Tritton esq. of Norwood, Surrey. A hotlse was given children, with an average attendance of 66 & supported by
by an unknown donor, at a period not recorded, to bur .'Voluntary Bubscriptions, government grant & school fees •
Great Leighs. " Chatley.· Neville William, shoe maker
Kay Rev. William D.D. Rectory Brown Miss, Moulsham hall . Newman Henry, beer retailer
Tritton Joseph, Lions hall COMMERCIAL.' Revell Thomas, manure agent
Browq William, jun. farmer, Old farm Archer Charles, St. Ann's Castle Smith Henry, coal dealer
Gowers Samuel, gardener to Joseph Arnold Richard,farmer,Goodman'sfrm I Smith Samuel, general dealer
Tritton esq. . Brown John (exors. of), farmer & land- Smith Wm. shoe maker &: beer retailer
Holland Thomas, grocer owner, Moulsham h a l l ' , Stokes Peter, farmer
Quilter Thomas, farmer, Whitehouse Conard Joseph, shopkeeper,& post office 1 Taylor Henry. wheelwright
Riley Alfred, farmer, Allsteads CousiJ;ls George, farmer, Gate house Taylor WiHiam, wheelwright
Smith John, farmer, BishopshalI . GoodayThos.farmer&maltster,Fulborne Whitney George, farmer
Smith Wqliam, far\ner Hawkes George, carpenter , Willis Waiter, blacksmith
Stockes Samuel, blacksmith \ Itolland George, builder &. carpenter Worrin Wm. Nathan, implement a~enl
Worrin Charles, miller Joslip~ Samuel, farmer, Poors land. Wright Sarah (Mrs.), butcher
LITTLE LEIGHS is a pleasant parish in the octangular fon1l, placed on clustered shafting, but no brasses;
Western di\'\sion !Of the county~ Chelmsford union and there are a few mural tablets; a few OpeB benches of r41h
hundred, Braintree county court district, rural i deanery century. work are still left, as also some panels. of Tudor
of Chelmsford, archdea.conry ~ Essex and diocese of St. linen pa.ttern; at about 8i~ feet from the east end of the
Albans, close to the Chelmsford and Sudbury road and on south wall is a fine monumental memo~i:d in good presel'l-
the river Ter, 7 miles north-east from Chelmsford and 5 vation,. consisting !Of an arch,enclosing a recumbent effigy
south-west from Braintree. I The church of St. John within a niche, Bix fee~ six inches long, by two feet wide,
the Evangelist, situated on rising ground, ahout half a mile built into the wall: the tomb is decorated IIIld appears to
to the west of the high road from Braintl1ee to Chelmsford, date from about the middle of Edward Ill.'s reign, .A.D.
is in the Early Norman style, possibly about 1085 and 13.50: the head of the niche is formed by a fine lC8nopiell
which, judging by later insertions" lVas repaired about the ogee arch, 6 feet high, exquisitely carved into a cinquefoil,
years 1220 and 1350 and again at the- eommencement each foil being double cusped; an elaborate finial surmounts
of the present century; the building is a plain 'oblong, the arch and lofty pinnacle:l, .richly carved, rise at the
about 60 feet long by I,7 feet broad, all under one extremities, the crocketing consists. of leaves and acomJI
roof; there is a wooden tower, with shingled spire contain· and the sparulrils betweeB the cusps are delicately worked
ing 'I bell, at the west end and .a south porch; the walls into heads and foliage,the material is clunch,stillsoft and IlQW
are of flint and stone ~nd are verv thick;. the ca5tern end through the lapse of time toned down to a heautiful cream
was probably in the first instaD(:e pierced by It round colour~ which gives all the details. of the workmanship the
headed triplet; but it has now a modem casement and. its appearance of being cut out of the finest Caen stone; Within
upper portion, at a height of about 1:1 feetfrom the ground, 'this canopied niche lies the full-length recumbent
has been destroyed, with possibly the ~riginal chancel rrof; figure of It priest. life-size<4 appropriately vested,
a thin, modern wall supports the existing window, but there the head resting on a cushion placed lozenge-wise,'
are portion! of the< old wall which project botn ways, with the face upwards and supported by ..IIOme figures now
the outside being of such thickness as to require roofing; undistinguishable and the-figure, together with itsaccessories~
there is no chancel arch, but the of the roof are carved out of a solid block of oo~, the figure generally
.and a beam 'Of 'too old 'Food-loft in the flOOi' sufficiently and especially the folds of the draper}"~ being exceedingly.
indicate the distinctien I in tha north,. wall is..a: 1mlall well executed ~ the hands are crossed o.ver the- breast and
Decorated window of two lights, with a quatrefoil above, while joined at the palms, the fingers pointing toward "the face t;
towa:rd.s th~ west in both walls are the original small round- the feet aro point~ but without any mark of shoes and
headed Norman windows, with the glass close to the OUUlr rest upon & round cushion, which is supported.. by two
wall and the- inside .splay Vel',! deeply formed:.. iwo. marked figures;. the whole is for the most part in excellent preser4
characteristics of their early date; in the. south wall is a vation and although the history of this monument is
priest's doorway, neaT to which is a la.ncet window, ~layed entirely unknown, it possesses a special archleological value
internally at different angles a.nd shortened bJ the.lower .a8 being one Df -the J/ery few 'Specimens of the wooden
part b6ing made -into Jo.6 -square compart.ment ~ ahIo an effigies existing in England and the only known eDlllple of



the 'Wooden effigy of a priest: in the churchyard is a stone huildings; the t6th centnry porter'. lodge and adjacent
coffin and a ,coped stone coffin lid, with carved ornament. buildings are still used as a farm house. and inside the
The register dates from the year 1630. The living is a lodge, on the right of a square court, .tands the fine gate-
rectory, yearly value £385, with residence and 19 acres of wa.yof the priory, a massive quadrangular edifice, of red
glebe, in the gift of and held by the Rev. John Green brick, in the Tudor style, consisting of three stories, with
B.D. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Leighs Priory, pannelled and embattled turrets at the angles and iD.
2 miles south of Felsted, was fOWlded by Ralph nearly as perfect a condition as when granted by Henry
Gernon in 1229, in the reign of Henry Ill. for A~ VIII. to Sir Richard Rich. John Badeley esq. who is lord
tine Friars aud Black Canons: it stood a little more of the manor, Guy's Hospital and J. Corsbie Brown
than a. mile north of the church, in the extreme part Corsbie esq. are the principal landowners. The soil il
of the parish adjoining Felsted and had large and sta.tely mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
buildings and an extensive park and gardens: at the barley and beans. The area ill 1,056 a.cras; rateable value,
Dissolution in 1536, it was valued ab £141148. 8d. and was £1,801; and the populationiul881 was 125.
granted to Sir Richard Rich, who built an elegant banquetting Parish Clerk, Da\'id Galley.
house, laid out the gardens afresh and added to the park; LETTER Box at Great Leighs. Letters from Chelmsford.
he afterwards formed a third, called" Little Leigh Park" and Felsted is the nearest money order & telegraph office
his posterity flourished here for upwards of a century in A school board of 5 members for the Wlited district
great splendour: after being the seat of the Duke of of Great and Little Leighs, was formed here in March,
Buckingham it passed into the possession of Guy's Hospita.l, 1875; the British school at Great Leighs was then leased
to which it sull belongs; the governors of that charity on and is now used by the board
coming into possession destroyed an the buildings save the The children of this village attend the schools at GraM
gate house and a few other portions, now used as farm Leighs
Green Rev. John B.Do Rectory Mann Joseph, beer retailer & shopkpr Willis Charles, shopkeeper
Finch Jacob, farm bailiff to J. C. B. Porter Charles, farmer, Priory farm Wilson G~rge, blacksmith
Corsbie esq. Worrocks farm Simons Richard, farmer, Little Leighs Wiltshire John, shoe maker
RockIey William,farmer, Warrens farm hall
LEYTON (or Low LEYTON) is a parish, in the Southern POST OFFICE (Higher Office), Leyton greeno-Mrs. Marion
division of the county, Becontree hundred, rural deanery of Holmes, receiver. Dispatch, 8 & 10 B.m. 1,5,9 & 11.5 p.m.;
Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, delivery, 8.20 aom. 2, 7 & 9 p.m
West Ham union, Bow county court district and is within RECEIVING HousE, MONEY ORDER OFFICE & SaYings Bank,
the jurischction of the Central criminal court and metro- Church road.-Mrs. Anna Sauz6, receiver. Letters dis-
polita.n police, si miles from London, with a station on the patched, 9.30 1245, 4-30, 8.40 & 10.50 p.m. Money
Great Eastern railway: it is governed by a local board of orders issued & paid from 9 a.m. till 6 pom
health, consisting of 15 members and adjoins Walthamstow RECEIVING HOUSE, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICB,
and Stratford, being pleasantly situated on the banks of the Savings Bank, Government Annuity & Insurance Office,
river Lee, from which its name was derived: it was a High street. - Frederick George Thompson, receiver.
Roman settlement and is supposed to be the site of the Letters dispatched at 9.50 a.m. 12.55. 4.45, 8.50 & I I p.m.•
ancient Durolitum: many Roman antiquities have been dis- delivery from Higher Office
covered, such as foundations of buildings, a subterranean LOCAL BOARD;-
arched gateway and coins. The church of St. Mary is a Clerk, Ralph Vincent, Fernbank, Leytonstone
plain brick building, in the Perpendicular style, consisting Medical Officer, A. Peskett H.D. High street
of chancel, nave, aisles and a western tower containing a Surveyor, Alfred Ashbee, I Thornhill road
clock: all the windows are stained: in the chancel is a me- Surveyor oj Roads, Benj. Tiedeman, Cambridge ten'ace,
morial to John Strype, the celebrated historian and anti- Grange Park road
quary, who held this vicarage for 68 years and was buried Inspector oj Nuisances, William Benson, 155 Vicarage road
here in 1737, at the age of 94: in the north aisle is the monu- Collector, Charles Fredk. Thos. 3 Grove villas, Thornhill rd
Dlent of Charles Goring, second and last earl of Norwich, INSURANCE AGENTS : -
who died in 1670-1: there is also a monument to Sir Michael Church oj England, J. Golding, High street
• Hickes, who for some time resided at Ruckholts and died County .l<"'ire, W. Harris
there in 16I~ and there are other memorials of this family Emperw Life 4' Fi"e, W. H. Clayton, I Harsley villas,
up to 1723: here too was buried W. Bowyer, the printer, Capworth street
J737 and Sir John Strange, Master of the Rolls, 1754: Nwthern ..4.ssurance, H. J. H. Tel1"kesbury, I Wilmot cot-
there are brasses to Drsula Gasper, 1493, with two Latin tage, Wilmot road
verses; to Tobias Wood esq. his wife, with 7 sons and 5 PhCBni:c Fire, A.C. Browne, King's Lynn house, Vicarage rd
daughters, c. 1620; to Lady Mary Kyngestone, I7S5 and Queen, G. P. Hardy, 3 Boscombe villas, Thornhill road
to Robert Rampstone, 1585, who left 208. for the poor: there Royal Ezcha1lfle, J. Hicks, 2 Louise villas, Thornhill roed
are 800 sittings, of which 400 are free. The register of PuBLIC EsTAlILISHMENTS : .
baptisms and marriages dates from the year 1575; burials, Lcmdon Master Bakers' Pensirm Society'• ..4.lm~house., Lea.
1617. The living is a -vicarage, yearly value £450, With Bridge road, J. W. Dosell, hon. sec
residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. James Lunt Metropolitan Police Station,Lea Bridge rd.Hy.Craggs,inspctr
:MA of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. All Saints' Ve,try Hall, Church road, Robert Thomu Wragg, clerk
Church is a plain brick building, erected by subscription in PLACES OF WORSHIP, with hours of Services:-
J:8640 at a cost of about £~,5OO and consecrated January St. Marg'. Church, Church road, Rev. James Lunt M.A..
1865: the east window and two others in the chancel are vicar; I I a.m. 3, &; 6.30 p.m
stained. Here are Baptist, Congregational, Wesleyan and .All Saints' Chapel of Ease, Capworth st.; I I a.Ul. 6'30p.m
Christian chapels and a metropolitan police station in the Baptut Chapel, Vicarage road, Rev. J. S. Morris, mmister;
Lee Bridge road and almshouses belonging to the London I I a.m. 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 pom
masters bakers' pension society: there is also a volunteer Christian Brethren Chapel, Goldsmith road, ministers
fire brigade with station in Church road: there are chari- various; I I a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; tues. & thurs. 7.30 p.m
ties producing £77 yearly, distributed in bread. Sir Thomas Conffregational CJuzpel, Grange Park road, Rev. J. Hoatson,
Roe, an oriental traveller, was born here in 1580. There are minister; u a.m. 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 pom
several fine old houses: Eltoe house, long the residence of Wesleyan Chapel, High street, Rev. Thomu F. Lockyer D.&.
the late Cardinal Wiseman, is in Chureh lane; Ruckholt minister; I I a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; tues. &; sat. 7 p.m
house was the seat of the Hicks family and near the ScH.OOL8:-
station, but has been rebuilt. The Rev. John Pardoe is lord Board, Church road (mixed), built in 1876 for 760 chil- I
of the manor and principal landowner. The area is 2,272 dren, with an average attendance of 500; James Webb,
acres; rateable value, £92,958; the population in 1861 was master; Miss Clara Lee, mistress
4,794, in 1871, 10,394, and in 1881, 2~,990, including Leyton- Natimuzl, fOWlded by Mr. Ozler in 1697, & enlarged in 1877;
stone. The population of Leyton local board district in the school will hold 380 children &; has an aver. attendance
~881 was 25,40S. of 350; master of boys~8Chool, Thomas Toop; mistress of
KNOTTS GRE.KN and Lee Bridge are the names of localities girls' school, Mrs. Bell; mist. of infants' school, Mrs. Apps
in the parish, formerly regarded 8S hamlets; at the latter is Pow IAw (Catholic), Park place
a station on the Great Ea&tern railway and at the former is St• ..4.gM' Orphanage (mixed), with an aver. attend. of ISO
)fr. G. Barclay'. observatory. RAILW.&.Y STATIONS:-
'S; At RUCKHOLTS, obscured by treea, are the remaiJUl of Leyton, Robert Turner, station ma.ste1
ancient entrenchments, with a square double embankment, Lea. Bridge, Alfd. Howard, station ma.ster
100 feet in diameter, secured by a moat. CARRIERS TO LoNDON-E. Dowse & J. Taylor i daily
PRIVATE RESIDE:NTS. Brown Frederick, 8 Park place DayReubenWm.,5Hopevils.Capworths'
AbelArthur, 3 LlI,xton ter. Sedgwick rd Brown Thomas Burnett, Esk villa, Day Robert, 2 Raymond viIs. Burchell rd
Abery John, Poplar villa, Shrubland I'd Grange Park road Dean John Thos. I Lilas viIs. Vicarage rd
Albiston Reuben, Park villa, Wilmot rd Brown William, s:Florence villas, Grange Dempsey William Churchill, Carlton
Aldom Joseph Rufus M.A., F.R.G.S. Sal- Park road villa., Lea Bridge road
way house Brown William Thomas, 9 Manor cot- Denford John, Station cot. Lea Bridge rd
Aldous Thomas, Sussex cottage, High st tages, Park road Deval William J ames, 2 Linton cottages,
AlIen David William, 5 Boscombe villas, Browne Alexander Coghlan, King's Lynn Wilmot road
q'hornhill road house, Vicarage road Dibb John, I Clifton villas, Amberley rd
AlIen Thomas, Alma cots. Burchell I'd Buck William, I Clyde ter. Capworth st Dickson Mrs. 2 Westborne terrace,
Anderson John WaIter, 10 Pleasant Bunn Mrs. Myrtle villa, OliveI' road Grange Park road
terrace, Murchison road Burkitt Alfred Whaler, 2 Hendon villas, Digby Thos. 2 Arnold vils. Capworth st
Andrew Miss. Leyton house, High street Church road Digman Mrs. 7 Station road
Andrew Mrs. Leyton house, High street Burr Ebenezer, Rye villa, Barclay road Dixon A1£d. I Church viIs. Goldsmith rd
Arnott George William, 2 Parkside Bussey William, Finlay villa, Church rd Dixon William Brandall, 5 Laxton ter-
houses, Church road Bussey William, jun. 3 Bryn villas, race, Sedgwick road
Ashby Josiah, 2 Grange ter. Church rd Grange Park road Dodsley James Henry, 2 Forest villas.
Ashby Richard Baughan, Forest lodge, Butterworth Mrs. 2 I<'lorence villas, Lea Bridge road
Whipps cross Grange Park road Dolman John, I Grange Park road
Ashcroft Henry, 3 Grange Park cot- Byass William, Leyton park, Leyton rd Dolman Mrs. 10 Albany road
tages, Grange Park road BY6rs Mrs. 3 Florence ter. Lea Bridge I'd Dossett Daniel,Shingleton ho.Burchell rd
Austin Thomas, 2 Aylesbury villas, Caley John Frederick, 4 Overton ter- Dowell Mrs. 3 Victoria vils. Thornhill rd
Grange Park rd race, Amberley road Dye Chas. Jas. I Princes ter. Hurley rd
Bachman M. A. I Brickhall villas, Vicar- Camp J ohn,4 Bridgewater terrace, Gold- Earl Wm.Hy.I Bryn vils.Grange Park rd
age road smith road Edwards Thos. Ih-y cottages,Burchell rd
Badger William Bassett, Alpine villa, Campbell James John, I Thornhill road Edwards Wm. 4 Arnold vils.Capworth st
Vicarage road Capper George Copeman, Lea Bridge rd Eidmann Mrs. 8Vicarage tel'.Vicarage rd
Bailey Charles John, 2 Clifton terrace, Carr Alexander, 6 Barclay road Elkins James, Crofton cottage, Lea
Church road Carter Thomas Charles,20akleigh villas, Bridge road
Baillie Metcalfe, I Avenue road Goldsmith road Elliott John, 1 Grange Park road
Baker Marchant, 2 Beekford villas. Cash Wm. In.50vertufi ter. Amberley rd Elliott Thomas Henry, Richmond villa,
Capworth street Chambers William George, 6 Laura Lea Bridge road
Baker Robt. Wrentham villa, Church rd villas, Capworth street Ellis Alfred Charles, 6 Avenue road
Baker Washington, 8 Albany road Chapman Thomas C. IQ Manor cottages, Elson Thomas, 8 Laxton ter.Sedgwick rd
Banning Mrs. 5 Avenue road Park road Essex J ames Charles, 4- Florence villas,
Barber George, 5 Amberley road Chessman Georg-e, Fairmount cottage, Grange Park road.
Barclay Joseph Gurney, Knotts green Goldsmith road Evers George, 2 W68tward-Ho cottages,
Barker John, I Linden cots. Burchell rd ChewGeo. 3 Florence vils.GrangePark rd Thornhill road
Barnes William Herbert Pemberton, Chew James Fermor, GoJ<lman house, Farley Rev. Ebenezer James [Baptist].
Carisbrook villa, Lea Bridge road Grange Park road Vicarage road
Barton John, 2 Brechin viIs. Russell rd Chilver Algin, 8 Manor cottages, Park I'd Fear Wm. 3 Pleasant tel'. Murchison I'd
Barton Michael, 5 Rose cottages, Russell Clark Alfred James, 2 Leyton cottages, Finke Hy.John,3 Ellen viIs.Grange P~.rd
road ThornhiJl road Findley Alexander, Rockwardine villa,
Bartholomew Robert, Burchell road Clark George, Adelaide vil.Goldsmith rd Grange Park road
Bateman Roben, 2 The Grange, Grange Clarke John, 6 Primrose ter.Vicarage I'd Finemore James Harman, 5 Essex villas~
Park road Clarke John Edward, 5 Sussex villas, Lea Bridge road
Bates Waiter, 9 Station road Faraday road . Fletcher J oseph, I The Grange, Grange
Baverstock WaIter Wm. 6 Albany road Clarke Wm. Connaught house, Grange Park. road
Bayst Mrs. Meadow cottages, Lea Park road Flockyer Rev. Thomas Frederick B.A.
Bridge road Clarke William, 5 Park place [WesleyanJ,I Forest viIs. Lea Bridge rd
Beames Frederick, I Leyton villas, Mur- Clayton William H. .I Harlsey villas, Franklin Jas.3Pleasant ter.Murchison rd
chison road . Capworth street Freeman George, Minnie cot.Vicarage rd
Bear Frank, 6 Westward-Ho cottages, Cole Arthur, Osmond house, Church rd Frost Edwin, Beaumont ho.Beaumont rd
Thornhill road Collier Herbert,2 Clara viIs. Sedgwick I'd Gallaher J ames, Leyton green
Beard William George Jessop,6 Cam- Colliss David, 5 Westoorne terrace, Gardner Arthur Henry, 6 Boscombe
bridge terrace, Grange Park road Grange Park road villas, Thornhill road
Bearman Edward George,3 Primrose Cook Geo. 2 Fairlight villas, Vicarage I'd GardnerChrstphr.IFernlea vls.Wilmt.rd
terrace. Vicarage road Cook John, 2 Barclay road Gardner Miss, 60vert{)n ter.Amberley rd
Bedford Mrs. 5 Carlton terrace CookJohn03 Norfolk villas, Grange Pk.rd Garrod Mrs. 7 Avenue road
Be1£our James Duncan, 4- Boscombe Coombs Charles, I Raymond villas, Geale Alfred, I Fairmount vils.Leyton rd
villas, Thornhill road Burchell road . Geeves WaIter, MaIden ho. GrangePk.rd
Bell Alfred, ... Rose viIs. Grange Park rd Cope George, Burchell road Geggie William Cockburn, Kersey's.
Bell Sydney, 5 Cambridge terrace, Cormack Alex. Sinclair, I I Station road Vicarage road
Grange Park road Courtley Isaac, 3 Carric's cottages, Bur- George Chas. Jsph. 2 Oak vils. Oliver rd
Bertling Louis, Blandford cot.Wilmot rd chell road George Robert, 4- Thornhill road
Bibbs Mrs. 3 Clare ter. Grange Park rd Crawford Mrs. 2 Stanley viIs. Wilmot rd Germany James Wilham Arthur, 2
Biggs .Benjamin, Capworth street Crook Mrs. The Poplars, Lea Bridge rd Lilas villas, Vicarage road
Bird John, 8 Belgrave tel'. Church road Cumbers Charles, 1I Beaumont road Gernat Francis, 3 Russell road
Bissmire Mrs, I Goldsmith cottages, Cunningham Benjamio, 3 Westoourne Gibbings Wm. The Rookery, Park place
Goldsmith road villas, Grange Park road Gibson Rbt.Tylr.fAlbany rd.LeaBrdg.rd
Bitten Robert, Stock villa, OliveI' road Curtis Mrs. Fernleigh villa, Church road Gilbert Chas.s Primrose tel'. Vicarage rd
Blair Geo. Thos. Essex ho. Vicarage I'd Dabbs Arthnr Henry, 3 Belmont villas, Gillingham Alfred George, Capworth
Blakeley Edward, 3 The Grange, Thornhill road lodge, Capworth street
Grange Park road Daisley Edward, I Clifton tel'. Church rd Glassborow Edward Thomas, I Rose
Blyth Frederick Delacourt, The Lea- Dale Mrs. 2 Pompon villas, Vicarage I'd villas, Grange Park road
sowes, Capworth street Dangerfield Mrs. Wilmot cot. Wilmot rd Glover WaIter, Kelsalllodge, Church rd
Bonner Charles, High street Daniels Wm. Williams vil. Barclay road Godwin J ames, 3 Carlton terrace
Boote Benjamin Edward William, I DaveyHy.Ths.IFairlight viIs.Vicarage I'd Godwin Thomas, 10 Station road
Overton terrace, Amberley road Davey Mrs. Great house, Leyton road Goodwin Edwd. Rt. Cliftcotte, Oliver rd
Borwick Joseph Charles, Knotts green Davey William Thomas H.D. Leyton rd Gorton George, Nelson cot.GrangePk.rd
Bottomley John, 6 Essex villas, Lea Davies Mrs. I Primrose ter. Vicarage I'd Gorton John George, jun. Ivy cottage,
Bridge road Davis Edward James, 2 Primrose ter- Grange Park.mad
Jlouette Frantine, Grange Park road race, Vicarage road Gorton Robert, I MarlbotlO' terrace,
Branch William Edward, 2 Manor cot- DavisGeo.Harry,Woodland vil.Barclayrd Amberley road
tages, Park road Davis Hy.Th08.6Rose oottages,Russell rd Gould Henry", 2 Mary Ann villas, Lea
Brimley Saml. I .Alfred viIs.Goldsmith rd Davis John, 9 Pleasant tel'. Murchison rd Bridge road
Broad Wm. I Hope villas, Capworth lit Davis Jsph. C. 4 Rose cottages,Russell I'd Gowland Richard Simmons, 2 Ivy cot-
Brooks Edwin, 5 Russell road DawsoD Wm, .... Grace viis. Vicarage rd tages, Burchell road.
186 LEYTON~ ESSEX.- [ K:ELlr's
Grtlbam JOhIlyTMUiB8 viJls. 'rhomhill'l'd Jones Mrs. MUl'Chisoll "'ball Mi tchell John, '0 Lexder.' tilIas, GoJ~
Graham Thos. y Victoria. viis.Thornhill rd Jones Ml'&. The HoHies, Park piaea' ~mith road
GTay Albert, Oliver hOU8&, 01ivel''1''Oad· Jorgensen William, 6 -LeytOll' 'Tillas, Mitchell William R. '4 Clyde tem.ce,
Gray Gha8. Lincoln lodge, Vicarage I'08.d Grange Park road Capworth--etreet
Gray John, I Golby villa, Goldsmith rd Kaemena Garrett, Thornhill hoUse, Mobbs John;!2 Aven~ toad
Green Alber4 Lime villa, Chn.,ch rood Tbemhill road Molina Demetrius, I Grange> Park
Green WiUiam, S Clifton UlP. Church rd Keates Alfred, I Ph~fti:ll? te1'l'ace, Fara- J cottages, Grange Park road JI
Greenwood James ld.D. Shmbland Tilla, dayTood, Moore George, MaFie villa, Oliver road
Vicarage1J!ood KeedwellThos.PorlIand vil.GrangePk. rd Morgan Wm. Hy.8 Oliver'ster. Oliver'rd
Grimmo Mrs. !a Myrtle viIs. Leyton road Keene Wm. In. 3 Hope' vile. CapwortlT st Morley William, Huxley road
Grosvenor Austin Harry, Goldsmith rd KelfOTd John; l' Wingmore terrace, Morris George, Shrublaftd villa, Shru1J.
GrogOOll Perey, Everg-reen cottage, Capworth street land road j •

Vicarage rood Kennedy Angus,IGrnge.Pk:fls.Chrch.rd Morris Jsph. II Craven "Hit. Vicarage rd

Guilla1!l:me Frederick, 6 Russell road Kett Mrs. Vicarage road· MorrisonAlex. 2 Feldon vHs. Vicaragerd
Gurly WaIter John, Grange Park road Kidd Miss, Lea lodge', ;Park place Mountain William George,. 1 Arnold
Hacker HY.4Burdettter. Grange Park rd King John, East London eottage, Lea villas, Capworth -street
Haigh Benj. 8tanley villa, Lea Bridge rd Bridge road Muers John, I AlOOny road
Hakeman Louis,2Bryn vils.GrangePk.rd KingStev-en,LookePidge vil.Shrubland rd Munn Tho8.:I Ghesnut viis.Goldsmith I'd
Hall Nathaniel,4 BurcheU road King Thomas, Shrubland road Murdoch Wm. 3 Albion viis. Wilmohd
Barcourt G-eorge, Linooln cot.Wilmot rd King Wm. I Hendon villas, Church Td Musgt'ove Ralph Nowell, 3 Myrtle villas,
flarding Goorge, I Goldsmith road Kingdom ReVI W. 8. Edward {eut'8te], Leyton road
Barding Rd. " Peldon 'ViIs. Viearage rd ~ Burdett tenace, Grange Park road Neale Edward, 12 Pleasant terrace',
Hardy Geo. 3 Boscombe vils.Thornhill rd Kingdom Mrs. 3 Burdett terrace, Murchison road
Harris Alfred, 3 Belgrave tel'. Church rd Grange Fark road ' NeleonHoF&tio,Thornhill vil.ThornhilI rd
Hams Miss, I James' 'COttages, Grange Laman Hr. I Oak villas, Lea Bridge I'd Nicholls. Charles, I Albion 'Villas, Lea
Park road Lamb Alexandel", I,'y house, High et Bridge road
Harnson Matthew, ~ Grange Park 1'oad Lambkin Wm. ~till cottage, Wilmot rd Nicks Mrs. :3 Clifton villas, Amberleyrd
Haselden Wm. Clyde tel'. Cap-worth st LamploughArthur, Shrubland l'oad Noble Robt.5 The Grange, Grange Pk. 'I'd
Haslip Lems Christopher, Thornhill Lane George, 8yborn ho. Lea Bridge rd North Henry,:3 Hope vils.Capworth at
lCottages, Thomhill road Langbridge James Yewitt, II Torridge N ott Edward Hal'l'Y, II Thomhill road
Haslop Mrs. Edith villas, Church road villas, Vicarage road Noyes Frank, I Ellen viIs. Grange Pk. rd
Haycock Charles Frederick, Durham Law Wm. 5 Rose viis. Grange Park rd Oates James Forrester, 3 Grange ter-
villa, Grange Park road Lawrence Joseph Samuel, Alfred villa, race, Chureh road
Hazleton William, I Russell road Sophia road Odger WilIiam Henry, 5 Richmond
Heagerty WiUiam Browne, 4 Albion Leach Wm. I Ferndale, Vicarage road villas, High street
villas, Wilmot road Lefever Fredel'ick, Cleeve, Vicarage Td Oldham Charles, 12 Albany road
HeasmanFras.2GrangePk.vls.Church rd Leigh Nathaniel, I Kenwick villas, Oliver Edwd. Lorne cot. Grange Prk. rd
Henderson John, I Aylesbury' villas, Grang.e Park rood Oppermann Carl,:I Albany road
Grange Park road Lethaby Mrs. I Leyllon cottages, Orrin Jsph. Colchester ho.Goldsmith rd
Herbert Mrs. 6 Station road Thornhill road Osborne OWeD, Parkside ho. Church rd .
Higgins William. 2 Amberley 1'Qad Lewis Edwin,4 Pleasant terrace, Mur· Otton Charles, KnoWs green
Hill Rowland Henry; 2 Elizabeth villas, chison road Ouston WilIillm Carter, 4 Princes ter.
Lea Bridge road Lewis Geo.Matt. Lela cot. Goldsmith rd race, Huxley road
Hill 'Thomas Blanchett, Thornhill road Lines Thomas, Primrose road Oxborough Goorge William, Chichester
Hills William, 4 Eltoe tel'. Carlisle road I Lloyd Rev. Morgan [Congregational], hoose, Goldsmith road
Hoatson Rev. John [C<Jngregational], Goldsmith road Paddon Thomas, Grove ho. Thornhill rd
>I- Fairll'lount villas, Leyton road Lloyd Charles, I I La'rton terrace, Paetow Frederick Cresar,6 Vicarageter
Hockley William Charles, Bartholomew, Sedgwick road Pagett Mrs. 2 Buroett tel'. Grange Pk. rd
Sunnyside, Capworth street Lloyd Fredk. 6 Ferulea viis. Wilmot rd Paine JohnHy.Tbe Cottage,Amberley rd.
lIoldsworth Mrs. Blaendool. villas, Lea LongworthHY.9Prvdnce.cts.Gldsmth.rd Pannell George, 4 Russell road
Bridge road LouisErnst.Vlntne.I Delaprie tel'.High s' Park Wm. '1 ROBe cottages, RU8selll'llad
Holland William, Etloe cot. Church road Lunt Rev. James M.A. [vicar], Vicarage Parker Edmund Shirley, I Rugb~' villas,
Holmes George Edward, 1 BllTCliell rd Lusby George Thoma!!l, la James' cot~ Vicarage road
Holt Peter Henry, Alfred hOUl~e, Fara- tages, Grange Park road Pearson Geo. I James' Tils. Capwo.rth st
day road Lynch Wm.s Essex viIs. Lea Bridge rd Penn WiIliam l"rederick, Wilmot road
Hook Charles, 6 Clifton tel'. Church rd Lyon Henry John, 3 Amberley road Perkins Edward, Murchison road
Hooper Edward, 2 Rose cottages, Rus· MackaySml.I Chesnut yils.Goldsmith rd Perkins William Tress, S Albany road
sell road McLeisch Robert, North D8ron villa, Peskett Alfred H.D. High street
'Hopwood William, I Perseverance ter- Grange Park rood Peterson Peter, I Pleasant terrace,
race, Goldsmith road March WiIliam; S Pleasant terrace, Murchison rood
BorneI' GeorgeMarchant, Pioneer lodge, Murchison road Pettit Mrs. Parklands, Russell roacl
Church road Marriage Samuel, lZ OliveI' ter. Oliver I'd Pewtress Thomas Edward, Beanmonhd
Hughes Edwd.Beckford vils.Capworth st Marshall Hy. South Tiew, Goldsmith rd Pfaff JulilW, I AlbioR villas, Wilmot I'd
Hughes William, Park road MarshallMrs.J Hannah villas,Russellrd Phillips Alfred, 7 Barelay road
Hugliss Hugh, Ivy villa, Grange Pk rd Martin Felix, I Westbourne villas, Piercy Hy. r Oakleigh vils. Goldsmith rei
Hume Mrs. I Rose villas, Vicarage road Gran~ Park road Pines Philip, ~ Belgrav8 tel'. Church rei
Hunn In. I Cornwall cottages, Sophia rd Martin WiIliam Thomas, 0 Park place Pinnock Peter, 8 Grange Park road... l
Hunt JOhR Alfred, Parkfield, Park place Martorell Carlos Ramon, Church road Povey Thomas, 3 Oliver ter, Olirer'l"di
HydeI' Henry, ~ Delaprie te'r'. High st MasonJohn,2 Russell oottages,Russell rd Pracy Henry Charles, Shrnbland villai,
lngram Frederick, ~ Be1mont "villas', Masterman Edward; Kno1lt's green Capworth street
'rhornhill road Maud Cha.rles GJynas, 3 Oak villas, Lea Praey William, Clyde place, Capwarth at
Innocent Charles John, 8 Albany road Bridglt road Puzoy Stpn. 4 Laxton teP. Sedgwiok I'd
Isbell Arthur,Suffolk house, Capworth st Maunder Arthur, :I Claremont villas, Quince Mrs. y Lea Bridge road
Jackson Charles, I CarltoJl terrace Th0rnhiU rood Raven Mrs. I Elizabeth villas, Lea
Jackson Jesse, Grove bouse Mayes Hy. IIi Manol' I'd. Lea Bridg1l rd Bridge road
James John Burrough; SI Fmntine Mefert Hent'Y lames, 2' Rose vllla8, Rawlings Mrs. 4 Delaprie tel'. High si
villa8, Grange Park rood Grange Park TOad Raynor George, la James' villast Cap"
Jarman GeO!"ge; 7 Bridgewatel" urrace, MilesJohn,:I EUenvillas, Grange Pa.rk rd wort h street
Goldsmith road " Millet MJ'lt. , I..ea Bridge< 'I'Oad Read Cbarlejl Henryt' 2 Brickhill 'Villas,
Jay Henry, la Cornwell eoM. 80phiB td MiIle-r Samuel H. Faraday Mad Vicarage road
J'ewell William,3 Clyde tel'. Capworth st Mills Alfred Rought1 rClarernon' villB~ ReddeD Wm. Thorn'o~ Ley ho. Highst
Jobson HY.4 Hope villas, Capworth -st ThomhiU road. Reeve Sml.3 Claremont vils.Thornhill rd
,John80n 1Py.~ Norfolk vlls. Grange Pk I'd Mills Hy. Penny,S P8t'k villas, :Park rd Re....ew William EdlV8rd, 3 Burcbell rd
Jones Rev. Philip JrelandB..... {cOI'ate of MiJIe-JUlThames'Vils. Grange Park Id Reid Mftlo. 1:1: Vicarage terrace !/
St MaIj"s} l ' \ " Mill!! Tboit. 'rhamel-vils.Grange Park rcl Reid Thomas, 2 Cuba villas, RusseH rd
Jones Edwd. Brooklands, Lea Bridge rd Minuto' iJo8ephj Q1 Braybrook ~lla8, Beynold. HenT¥ Wm""4 Amberley road
Jones HY.7 Oliver te1"l'aC&, OliTeP ,.oad £ ViCIWl\ge road J , Reynolds John, la LauralCottagas.. Clap'
JODes John, 2 Gol~ymI8. (i()Idlmlith rd Mi'Chell Wm.Augost~ Poeaobel', worths'~' I

Richardson William, 1 Pleasant terrace, Tarrant Henry Lawrence, Vicarage road Abbott,.. Bush Mot.H.. &; eo.. dail'J1llen,
Murchison road I Taylor Joseph, Acacia cottage, High st. Le>1ion road; &; at Highroad, Leyton-
Riddle Thomas, Loui.\la villa, Church rdt Terene.ry Thomas, -4 Westw~d-Ho .cot.-
Rigby Charles, 5 Beaumont rood . tages, Thornhill road , ., Absolon WaIter John, florist, 148 Lea
Rivett Wm. Primrose villa, Vicarage I'd Tewson Edwd. Grove ho. Knott's green Bridge gardens
Robb Thomas Gordon, I Braybrook Thistle Robert, ~ Albion viI. Wilmot I'd I Adams James, tailor, Grange road •
villas, Vicarage road .. Thomas MrsJ Blaendool villas, Lea Adamll Rowland, chemIst, Higb streei
Robb Thomas Gordon, jun. g Clare . Bridge road ,I .. 1 Adamson Wm. tobacoonist,Leyton road
terrace, Grange Park road Thomas T. Nicholls, 3 Barclay road Aldom Joseph Ruins MA., PH.D. com-
Robb William Lamb, :2 Park pI. Park I'd Tborpe Mrs. Xi Beaumont villas, Beau- mereial schoo11 Salway house &
Roberts Mrs. KnoWs green. mont road j .. 1 r) ladies' college, Cambridge house
Robertson Thomas, Wansbeck villa, Tidd William, 5 Arnold viI. Capworth st Alexander Sarah(Mrs.),florist,Church rd
Grange Park road Tiddiman Joseph,Springcot. Wilmotrd AUan William, baker, Lea Bridg&road
RobinsonFredk.Cambridgevils.Oliverrd Tiedeman Henjamin, I ()ambridge ter- AlIen Joseph William &; Son, builders 8/;
Robson Geo. 2 OakhurstcotSl. High st race, Grange Park road I contractors,Joseph villa, Wihnotroad
Rockett Alfred, 3 Westward House cot- Todd Mrs. a Station road Allnutt Fredk. Wbacconist, Leytonmaa
tages, Thornhill road Toplis Richard, sen. I Oak vil. OliveI' I'd Allworthy Mal'Y Ann (Mrs.), ftorist, 9 '"
Rodger William, Lea villa, Vicarage I'd Trudgett Mrs. The Grange, Grange f 10 Lea Bridge g_dens
Rolfe Nicholas Hall, I Barclay road Park road , Almond Thomas, commercial traTeller,
Roope Charles Henry, The Firs, High st Trudgett Thomas Neal,. 1: Park cot- 2 James' villas, Capworth street
Ross Francis, 7 Fernlea villas, Wilmot I'd tages, Grange Park road 1 AndrewMary Ann(Miss), baker, High M
Rottger Augustus, I Boscombe villas, Trundle Jsph. 2 Grange vii. VicarageI'd Aplin Julia (Mrs.). tailoress, 49 Fara-
Thornhill road Tunnicliffe WaIter, 2 Overton terrace, day N>ad .
Rubery Henry Charles, 14 Manor road Amberley 'road Argent James, greengrocer, High street
Ruston Joseph, Park road Turnbull V\'allis, 4 Primrose terrace, Arrow Henry, confectioner, Leyton rd
Ruston Mrs. 4 A'''enue road Vicarage road Ashbee Alfred, surveyor to the local
Ryland Henry, Capworth street Turner William j 1 Oakhurst cottages, board,1 Thornhill road
Sampson Thomas, Marlborough' villa, High street Ayers William, boot maker, Highstreet
Lea Bridge road I Tyndall Charles, 9 Vicarage terrace Ayres William, builder, I Brechin "illas,
Sanders James, Elizabeth cottage, Vanwick Frederick, 8 Providence cot- Russell road
Thornhill road tages, Goldsmith road Bailey George, station master, Railway
Sansum William, 3 Avenue road Vasey Samuel, 'I Florence villas, Grange station, Lea Bridge 'road
Saunders George, 4 Marlboro' terrace, Park r o a d ' Baker William, greengrocer, High street
Amberley road Vine Edward, Maud villa, Vicarage road Baldwin Thomas & Son, nurserymen &
Scales Tholf. Leyton viI. Grange Pk. I'd Waller George,Burdett house,Church I'd florist, Edith nursery, Burchell roa.d,
Schmidt Henry, Park road Ward George Reuben, 7 Providence Vicarage road .
Scott Chas. 3 Arnold viIs. Capwortb st cottages, Goldsmith road Bangham Jas. fishmonger, Crescent I'd
Scott Miss, I Stanley villas, Wilmot I'd Ward William, 2 Fairmount villas, Banham William, greengrocer,. High st
Scott Thomas, Goldsmith road . Leyton road . Bardsley John, dairyman, Leyton road
Seear Frederick, I1 Albany road Warren Chas. I Pompon vils.Vicarage I'd Barnard Wm. umbrella ma. Leyton road
Settles George, May villa, Church road Warwick Alfred Steven, 6 Manor cot- BaITon Robert, grocer, Leyton road
Shaw Robt. 1 Laxton tel'. Sedgwick I'd tages, Park road Barton Edmund Thomas, florist, 18
ShenstoneJohn, Trent villa, Vicarage I'd Watson Joseph, 10 Laxton terrace, Lea Bridge gardens
Shenstone William Henry, 8 Manor Sedgwick road BassEdwinWm.beerretailer,Vicaragerd
road, Lea Bridge road Watson Thomatl Jas. 5 Lea Bridge road Bax Frederick, corn chandler, High st
Shephard Rd. 4 Florence terrace, Lea Watson Walter~ 4 Clifton tel'. Church I'd Bayliss John, fishmonger, Carlisle road
Bridge road Watts Valentine Wilde, East hill,Knott's Heesley George, tin plate worker, Ley-
Simmons Hy. Surrey vil.Grange Park I'd green ton road t
Simonds John, Etloe house, Church road Waugh Chas. 4 Belgrave ter. Church I'd BeIlamy Frederick, blacksmith, Lea
Sims John, I Laura. cots. Capworth st Weatherfield Wm. Arthur, Burchell rd Bridge road
Smart William Rillley, il Craven villas, Webb James,5 Belgrav6 ter. Church rd Bennett John, carpenter, Goldsmith I'd
Vicarage road Webb Mrs. Woodbine villa, Tyndall road Benson William, inspector of nuisances
Smith Edwin Matthew, 3 Thornhill road Welch Thomas Alfred l 8 Richmond to the 19Cal board, :1:55 Vicarage road
Smith Mrs-4 Cambridge terrace, Gt:ange villas, High street Bentley Robert, greengrocer,High street
Park road WeIler John Chas. Rushton ha. OliveI' I'd Benton Henry, greengrocer, Leyton rd
Smith Sidner, Tavistock villa, Lea West Joseph, The Green BeresfordWilliam,famler,Warreufarm,
Bridge road West WaIter Hy. Hope viI. Sophia road Leyton road
Smith Thos. Poplar cot. Vicarage road Wheeler Alfred, 3 Rose villas, Grange Biddle Jane (Mrs.), stationer &c. 8
Snow George, 4 The Grange, Grange Park road . ' Park road
Park road Wheildon Mrs. Rose villa, Vicarage road Binnall Samuel Alfred, Olivtrr Twist,
Soar Arthr. 8 Pleasant tel'. Murchison rd Whetstone Mrs. Beaumont road Church road
Spencer Chas. 1 Clare tel'. Grange Pk. I'd White Alfred George, 8 Avenue road Bishop Annie (Mrs.), laundres~ Prim.-
Spill Daniel, Chingford hall, lIigh street White George, 5 Station road rose road
Staite George, Cleve, Vicarage road Whiting Thomas John,4 Essex villas, Blakeborough Mary Ann (Mrs.), laon-
Stanley George Joshua, 2 Grove villas, Lea Bridge rood dress, Goldsmith road
Thornhill road Wilkins William John, 2 Leyton villas, Blayney Arthur, waterer~ grower,
Stanle)' Henry, 6 Sussex viI. Faraday I'd Murchison road Goldsmith road
Starnes George Samson, 2 Grange Park Williams Wellington, Park ho. Park pI Blyth Frederick Delacourt,iToryilU'I;ter,
cottages, Grange Park road Wilson Miss, 3 Cambridge terrace, Grange road
Statham Wm. 3 Clifton tel'. Church rd Grange Park r o o d , Body John & Co. buildenJ & contractors,
Steed Amos Geo. Ash cot. Thornhill rood Wilson Wm. Fairlight house, Leyton I'd Burchell road
Stickbury Frederick, 9 Laxton terrace, Winnington Joseph, 2 Burchell road Bolton Maltby E. beer retailer, Park rd
Sedgwick road Wooderson Fredk. Holmedale, OliveI' rd Bradley Henry, florist, BurcheIl Mad
Stilwell Charles Henry, 5 Barclay road Woodhouse Williamt Agincourt villa Bramble Jsph. shopkeeper, CapwonlLSt
Stokes George, I Myrtle viI. Leyton rd Russell road Britt Joseph, shopkeeper, Highstreei
Stow Edward, 2 Rugby viI. Vicarage I'd Woods William, Goldsmith .J'oad Hrockland Richard, marine store dealer,
Stringer John, r6 Manor road, Lea Wortley Arthur, 12 Station road Crescent road
Bridge road I Wye Thomas Henry, 6 Florence villas, Brotherston Thos.harness ma.Leyton rd
Stuck Alfred, 5 Clyde tel'. Capworth st Grange Park road . Brown John, house decorator, High s~
Sturgess Geo. Isabella yiI. Lea Bridge rd Yeoman Kossuth Mazzini, I Montrose Browning Wm. coal dealer, Leyton road
S.nderland George, 3 Stanley villas, villasf Shrubland road Hroxup William, greengrocer, High at.
Wilmot road Young Luther, Huxley road Buck Sophia Mary (Mrs.)" school, J:
Sllnley William Henry, Vicarage road Young WilIiam, Ewelme cot. 'fyndall rd CI)'de ~errace, Capworth street
Swift Frederick, 7 Laxton terrace, Sedg- Zores Adolphus, 3 Rose oots-. Russell rd Buck William, artist, I Clyde terrace,
wick r o a d ' Zores Emil, 1. Cuba villas; RusaeIl road Capworth street .t
Swift Thomas, 4 Myrtle If'jl. Leyton I'd CO~MERCIA1.. Buckingham RichiL gardener,Grange rd
Talbot Anthony, Inkerman cottage, Abbott Samuel, wine & spirit merchant, Bull MarthaAgnes (Mrs.), ladies' school.
Thornhill road I 1 Leyton road j I 3 Laura cottages, Capworth street
Bundy William, haberdasher, Park road Eaton Charles, corn chandler, Leyton rd Harcourt George, artist, Lincoln cottage,
Burgess John, cowkeeper, Beaumont rd Eustace Henry, grocer, Church road Wilmotroad
Burrell Julia (Miss), provision dealer, Eve David, boot ma. & clothier, High st Harris Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 3
High street Fairhead WilIiam Walterr market Belgrave terrace, Church road
Butcher James, grocer, Grange road. gardener, Park road Harris Wm. timber merchant, High st
Butcher Robert, butcher, Leyton road. Farmer Richd. cabinet ma. Grange rd Harris William, greengrocer, Leyton rd
Campbell Ellen Mary (Mrs.), confec- Farrah William, grocer, Leyton road Hart Charles, nurseryman, Beaumont rd
tioner, Leyton road Faulkener Edward, travelling jeweller, Haselwood Charles, news agent, Cres-
-Cannon John, commercial traveller, 1 3 Perseverance ter. Goldsmith road cent TOad
Carrie's cottages, Burehell road Fever Thomas Richard, naturalist, 63 lit Hawkes Geo.shopkeeper, 8haftesbury rd
Canwell Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), draper, 64 Lea Bridge gardens Hay Robert, master mariner, I Grange
Leyton green Field Joseph & Son, boot & shoe makers, terrace, Church road
Cargill Margaret Mitchell (Miss), fancy . 5 Lea Bridge road Hayhow Henry, cowkeeper, Carlisle rd
-draper, Leyton road Finch Wm. provision dealer, Carlisle rd Head 600. greengrocer, Lea Bridge rd
Carle Henry, baker, Leyton road Finemore James Harman, physician,s Heins Heinrich Rudolph, cabinet maker,
Carr Eliza (Mrs.), 4& 5 Lea Bridge gdns Essex villas, Lea Bridgeroad I Clyde terrace, Capworth street
Carron William Burgess, commercial Fitch Esther(Mrs.),dress maker,Oliverrd Henwood Willoughby Birty, boot maker,
traveller, 1 LintolllfCOttages,Wilmot rd FIoyd Goorge, farmer, Ruckholt farm; Crescent road
CarvilleHenrietta(Mrs.),mantle maker, Beehive farm, Barking side & Wood- Hibbert David, G"enadier, Church road
Leyton road ford bridge, Woodford Hick,. Alfd. Wm. cab proptr.Capworth st
Casboutt Annie &; Alice (Misses), dress Foley James, furniture dealer, 5 Park rd Hicks John, insurance agent, 2 Louise
makers, I Burchell road Forsey John, tobacconist, 75 Lea Bridge villas, Thornhill road
Chalkley Henry, gen. dealer, Church rd gardens Hills Henry Wm. chemist, Carlisle road
Chambers John Thos. cowkpr. 7 Park pI Fox William Albert &; Co. chemists, Hingley William, grocer, High street
Childs Thos. cowkeeper, Crescent road Leyton road Hingston John, draper, High street
Christmas Alfred George, grocer, Lea Fraser John, nursery, Lea Bridge road Hobart John & Son, corn chandlers,Lea
Bridge road Free Charles, greengrocer, Carlisle road Bridge road
Clark George, lead & glass merchant, Freeman Drury, commercial traveller, Hoggard John, fishmonger, Grange road
Leyton road Lilac cottage, Vicarage road Holdstock Charles, baker, High street
Clarke William, marine store dealer, Freeman Frederick, corn chandler, Holmes Marion (Mrs.), grocer & post-
Crescent road Park road mistress, High street
Clayden George Henry, corn chandler, Fryatt Joseph, corn chandler, High st Hooper Robt. oil & colorman, High st
Church road Gable Edward, stationer, Leyton road Hopping Justina (Mrs.), dress maker,
Clement George, timber mer. High st Gardener Denms,grocer &c.Beaumontrd Church road
C1enshaw James Henry, coffee house Gardner Rose (Miss), ladies' school, Housden Charles, painter, Goldsmith rd
keeper, Lea Bridge road Vicarage terrace Hughes Edith (Mrs. ),preparatory school,
Cole Frederick, greengrocer, Leyton rd Garward Jas. blacksmith, High street 4 Westborne terrace, urange Park rd
Collier James, florist, 21 & 22 Lea Gibbings William, architect & surveyor, Hughes James, plumber, High street
Bridge gardens The Rookery, Park place; S 31 Hull Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Lea.
Collins Joseph, greengrocer, Grange rd I Bloomsbury street; w.e Bridge road
Commander Joseph, shopkeeper, Beau- Gibbings George, builder, 10 Manor rd Hunt Thomas, shopkeeper, Park road
mont road Gilbert George boot maker, Leyton rd Hurst Geo. minrLwatr.manuf.Knott's gr
Conway Joseph John, commercial tra- Gill Alex. furniture dealer, Leyton road Hutchings Robert, boot maker,S Park
veller, 1 Essex villas, Lea Bridge road Gill Henry, fishmonger, Leyton road terrace, Church road
Cook Aug. florist, The Ferns,Vicarage rd Gill Richard, confectioner, Leyton road Ilett Alfred, block cutter, I Manor cot-
Cooper George, baker, Church road ! Gladwin Emma (Mrs.), provision dealer, tages, Park road.
Cooper Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 8 Leyton road IIsley James, tailor, High street
Beaumont road. ' Goddard Mary (Mrs.), teacher ofmnsic, lsaa.cs Fredk. Hamson, painter, High st
Cornish Alfred, builder & decorator, High street lBzard Francis Benjamin, shopkeeper,
Church road Goddard SI. linen draper, Lea Bridge rd Lea Bridge road
Cornish Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Golding Alfred, gas fitter & bell hanger, Jack80n Jesse, bnilder & contractor &.
High street High street contractor for the Leyton local
Couch Charles, commercial traveller, 1 GoldingJames, stationer, Leyton road board, Grove house
Providence cottages, Goldsmith road Golding William, Three Blackbirds inn, Jepps Edward Hilton, oilman, 3 Park rd
Cousens Th08. gree~cer, Leyton ro~d I High ,street .
Craggs Henry, police mspector, Police Goldsmith Damel, shpkpr. Beaumont rd
Jollifiee James John, chimney sweeper,
High street
station, Lea Bridge road Goldstone Geo. shpkpr. Lea Bridge ra Jones Charles, blacksmith, High street
Crane Henry, greengrocer, Park road Goodbody Maggy (Mrs.), milliner, 3 Kimbell Napoleon, draper, High street
Cmnley Joseph, shopkeeper, Grange rd Fairliglrt villas, Vicarage road King George, baker, Church road
Dace Wm.housedecorator,Burchellroad. Goodey James Robert,oil & colorman, King George, cabinet maker, Leyton rd
Dadson George, shopkeeper, High street High street Kingsley WaIter, commercial traveller,
Dare Robt. Levi, beer retailer, Church rd I Goodwin James, saddler, High street a Victoria villas, Thornhill road
Davey Charlotte Elizabeth (Mrs.), pri- Gould Heury, surgeon, 2 Mary Ann Knight Annie (Mrs.), laundress, 17
vate asylum for ladies, Greathouse, villas, Lea Bridge road Faraday road
Leyton road Green Benjamin Henry, window blind Knight John, painter, 17 Faraday road
Davey William Thomas lI.D. surgeon, maker, 6 Faraday road Knight Matthew John, master mariner,
Leyton road Green Thomas, builder, Leyton road 4- Grange Park road
Danes William, boot maker, Oliver road Green Thomas, ostrich feather dyer, Lamb Alfd. GrtfJJMund, Lea Bridge rd.
Davis Edward, estate agent, Vicarage rd Leyton road Lamb William, coal dealer, Leyton road
Davis James, King William. the FOU1·th, GreensladeJohn, grocer, 2 Essex terrace, Lambert John, pawnbroker, Leyton rd
High street Church road Land Goo. L. fancy repository, High st
Davis Thos. boot 81: shoe maker, High st Greenslade Wm. greengrocer, King st Langfield Henry, shoe maker, Leyton rd
Dawson John, coach builder, High street Greenwood James, )(.D~ surgeon, Laskey Thos. bricklayer, Capworth st
Dee Wm. In. oil &. colorrnan, Leyton rd Shrubland villa, Vicarage road Lawrence In. shopkeeper, Beaumont rd
Dick Robert Clegg, colliery agent, Gregory George, brass finisher, Prim- Lawrence Wm. beer retlr. Beanmont rd
Myrtle cottage, Vicarage road rose road Lawson William, plumber, Capworth 8t
Dickens James, farm bailiff for G. D. Greig Alfred James, provision dealer, Lea Bridge .Di3trict Gal 00. (William
Jones esq. Lea Bridge road Manby road Thorman, man.), Lea Bridge road
Dimmer Anni~ (Mrs.), dreaJ8 maker, Grist Charles, butcher, High street LM HaJ,l Asylum. (branch of A811:e
High street Guerin Timothy, stone mason, High st Oounty .Asylum) (William Thomas
Dixon W. boot &;shoe maker, Leyton rd Gurly Waiter John. surgeon. Grange Davey, medical officer; Christopher
Dowding Wm. music seller, High street Park road George Riley, attendant),Capworth et
Druce John, builder, High street Haines John, grocer, High Sf,reet Lead Matthew Henry, hair dresaer,
Durien Francis Ernest, painter sc. Ley- Hair William, boot maker, High street Grange road
tJD green Hall Eden Jesse, shopkeeper, Sophia rd Lee Julia & 8arah (Misses), ladies'
Dyke Emma (Mrs.), grocer, Vicarage rd Halliday William, shopk.eeper, High st school, 10 Vicarage terrace
East Lmdon Water WfYI'ks (Johnson V. Hammond,Church rd Littlechild Charles,cowkeeper, High et
Jefiree, manager), Lea Bridge road Hancock Geo. boot & shoe ma. Leyton rd Long William~ florist, Amberley ~d

Loveland Henry, watch jeweller, 2 Proctor George, shopkeeper, King street Thomas Chas. Fredk. rate collector for
Carrie's cottages, Burchell road Pudney J ames Andrew, Prince of IVales, local board, 3 Grove vils.Thornhill rd
Luck David, wheelwright, High street High street Thompson Fred. Geo. agent for W. &; A.
Marsh William, cowkeeper, Thornhill I'd Pyner Wm. blacksmith, Beaumont rd Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, Post
Marshall Wm. Munt, carpenter, High st Radley Samuel, shopkeeper, Crescent rd office, High street
Maskell Richard, linen draper, Leyton I'd Ransom Fred. tobacconist, Leyton road Thorpe Charles, greengrocer, High st
Mason George, gardener, High street Rawlings Robt. boot make1', Crescent rd Thurston George, dairyman, Park road
Mason Joseph, blacksmith, Grange I'd Rayner Albert, builder, 3I Hughenden Tiedeman Benjamin, surveyor of roads,
Matterface John, news agent, Leyton I'd terrace, Leyton Toad Cambridge terrace, Grange Park I'd
May James, commercial traveller, 2 Rayner Charles Spurgeon, buildeI', Till Frederick, greengrocer, Manby road
Boscombe villas, Thornhill road Manby road, Leyton Toad Todd James, oilman, Crescent road
Mayhew Mark, wheelwright, High st Read John Danl.linen draper, Church I'd TompkiJJ.s William Thackery, marine
McCombie Louis P. grocer, Church I'd Reed William, Shopkeeper, Leyton road store dealer, Carlisle street
Metropolitan Police Statioll (Henry Reynolds John & WaIter, Lion'" Key, Toplis Richard, boot maker, 3 Essex
Craggs, inspector), Lea Bridge road Leyton road terrace, Church road
Metzner Francis Thompson,linen draper, Rice WaIter Hy. linen draper, Leyton rd Troy James, carman, Crescent road
Lea Bridge road Richer Harry, provision dealer, High st Turnbull F. & S. & Co. cardboard
Miller Alfd. plumber & glazier, High st Rickett, Smith & Co. coal mers. Station makers, Beaumont road
Miller Horatio, commercial traveller,3 Roebuck Benj. florist, 8 Lea Bridge I'd Turner Robert, l!tation master
Grace villas, Vicarage road Routledge Charles, grocer, Leyton Toad Turner William Thomas, builder, 6
Mills Joseph, Hare " HQUnds, Lea Rutty Sl.Geo. tin plate worker,Leyton I'd Grace villas, Vicarage road
Bridge road Sauze Anna (Mrs.), stationer, Post Tyler Henry, butcher, High street
Minns William, plumber, Leyton road office, Church road Upton Henry, butcher, High street
Monahan H. boot & shoe :rna. Leyton I'd Sayer David, builder, High street Vestry Hall, (Robert Thomas Wragg,
Montgomery Edwd. butcher, Leyton I'd Sayer James Edward, builder & deco- clerk) Church road
Moore John, carpenter, 5 Providence rator, Burchell road Veryard Robert, glass dealer, Church rd
cottages, Goldsmith road Scholes Jacob, nurseryman & florist, Walker J olteph J osiah, news agent &
Moule Wm. shoemaker, Beaumont I'd Bridge nursery, Lea Bridge road hair dresser, High street
Mounter George, painter, Chnrch road Scott Henry, watch & clock ma. High st Walker Robert Stevens, poor rate col-
Mudd Alfred, painter, Carlisle road Seears James, provision dealer, High st lector for Leyton & Leytonstone, 3
Mudd Henry William, jun. house de- Shenstone & Co. pianoforte key makers, Grove villas, Thornhill road
corator, Crescent road Grange road Wallace Samuel, boot maker, Park rd
Mumford Chas. cowkeeper, Knott's gr Shrimpton Charles, provision dealer, WaIters James, master mariner, 5
Mundy Alfred William, commercial Beaumont road Westward-Ho cottages, Thornhill rd
traveller, 6 Clyde terrace, Capworth st Sienesi Benj. walking stick mfr.Sophia I'd Ware Charles, carman, 12 Beaumontrd
Murray Henry, gardener, Capworth st Sienesi Benjamiu, jun. walking stick Warhurst Stephen, saddler, Park road
Newell Fredk. gardener, Grange Prk. I'd maker, Beaumont road Warren Albert, boot maker, Carlisle I'd
Nice Wm. coal merchant, Leyton road Sime John, shopkeeper, Carlisle road Watmough Henry, furnishing iron-
Nichols James, coffee house, Leyton rd I Simmonds William, slater, High street monger, Leyton road
Nickelson Alfd. shopkeeper, Faraday I'd I Simmons John, butcher, Church road Webb James, master of board school,
Norton Edwd. clock maker, Crescent I'd Simpson Hy.window blind ma.Leyton I'd Park terrace, Church road
OliveI' Alfred, Baktn·.q' A1'1nS, Lea Simpson Jalnes, beer retailer, Leyton I'd Weston George, hair dresser & tailor,
Bridge road Simpson Wm. beer retailer, Church rd 16 Park road
Osborn James, Holly Bush, Grange rd I Skelton Rd. M.R.C.V.S. vet. snrgn. High st Westfield George John F.R.S., L.C.P.
Osborne Geo. laundry, Grange Park I'd I Skinner George, oilman, Grange road boarding schl. Leyton coIl. Leyton I'd,
Osborne James, plumber, Goldsmith rd I Smerdon William Fullwood, debt col- Whale Andrew, greengrocer, Crescent rd
Osmend William, oilman, Carlisle road lector, Alpha cottage, Sophia road White Charles, watch finisher, 18
Othen Edward, boot maker, Grange I'd Smith Alfred, commercial traveller, I Faraday Toad
Parks Frederick, furniture broker, 10 Arnold villas, Capworth street White Thomas, baker, Leyton Toad
Richmond villas, High street Smith Edwin Matthew, accountant, 3 Wildsmith Benjamin, furniture dealer,
Partridge Danl. tobaccnist.Lea Bridgll I'd Thornhill road Lea Bridge road
Paul Joseph Mason, beer retailer, Smith Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 8 Williams Martha (Mrs.), mantle maker,
Leyton road Burchell road I Torridge villas, Vicarage Toad
Payne Benjamin, boot maker, High st Smith Jane (Mrs.), dairy, High street Wilson Albert M.B. surgeon, 6 Delaprie
Pells John, wardrobe dealer, 8 Clyde Smith John, jun. florist, 147 Lea Bridge terrace, High street
terrace, Capworth street gardens' Wilson George, shopkeeper & cooper,
Penn Wm. Fredk. plumber, Church I'd Smith William, florist, Wilmot road Church road
Perrotton Frncis. box ma. I Amberley I'd Snelling Chas. insurance agnt.Manby rd Wilson George William, shopkeeper, 9
Perry John, bricklayer, High street Solomon Henrietta (Mrs.), beer retailer, Clyde terrace, Capworth street
Peskett Alfred M.D. surgeon, High street Capworth street Wilson Jane (Miss), dress maker,
PettitAdelaide Elizabeth (Miss), school, Spiel'S Wiiliam, chemist, Lea Bridge I'd Leyton road
Parklands, Russell road Spillman,76 Lea Bridge grdns Wilton Margaret (Mrs.), fancy reposi-
Pettit Thomas John, greengrocer, Stokes Amos,coach buildr. Lea Bridge I'd tory, 5 Delaprie terrace, High street
Beaumont road Stratford Henry, pianoforte tuner, I Wiltshire Fanny(Mrs.),hosier,Church rd
Phelp Brothers, printers, Leyton green Belmont villas, Thornhill Winwright Richard, carman, High st
Phillips J n. Ayres, accntnt.sVicarage ter Stratford Wm. mechanical engineer & Wood ChaTles H. grocer, Lea Bridge rd
Phillips Annie (Miss), confectioner, patent fire bar maker, Leyton road W~od John, sen. boot maker, High st
High street Streeton William Thomas, oilman, Lea Woolgrave Jas. builder, 13 Beaumont rd
Phillips Susannah (Mrs.), boot maker, Bridge road Woolley Wm. shopkeE'per, Beaumont rd
I2 Faraday road Stribling Albert Chas. eutler, High st Wright George, beer retailer, Church rd
Pickford Edith (Mrs.), school, Murchi- Sweet James, nurseryman, Church I'd Wright George, butcher, Essex terrace,
son road Swift George Ford, grocer, Leyton I'd Church road
Pike Robt. Hy. shopkeeper, Crescent I'd Swift Thomas Charles, {lommission Wright Wm. Johnson, builder,Huxley rd
Poupard Albert George, milliner & pro- agent, Myrtle cottage, High street Wyborn Edward,fried tishshop, Kingst
vision dealer, 6 Park road Tanner Joseph, beer retailer, Leyton I'd Yerrell John, boot maker, Wilmot road
Pritchard Hy. boot maker, Beaumont I'd Thomas John, boot maker, High street Young William, shopkeeper High stret •

parallel to it, with many suburban villas
LEYTONSTONE is a hamlet of Leyton, running stone building consisting of small chancel and nave, with a
and a station on light and graceful square tower with four crocketed pinnacles
the Great Eastern railway and is a separate ecclesiastical at the western end containing a clock and 6 bells; there are
parish, formed in 1845, 2 miles north from West Ham and 600 sittings. The register dates from the year I8J8. The
5~ from Whitechapel, on the road from Stratford, over the Ihing is a vicarage, yearly value £304.Fwith residence, in
Forest, to Epping and Ongar, it is in the Southern division of the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev.
the county, Bow county court, West Ham union, rural WilliamJamesBettison M.A. of Corpns ChristiCollege, Cam-
deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex, diocese of St. bridge, and surrogate.
AIbans and is in the Eastern Metropolitan postal district, HARROW GREEN is an ecclesiastical parish formed in
the jurisdiction of the Central criminal court and metro- 1879, from the parishes of Leytonstone, Leyton 'Wanstead,
politan police. The church of St. John the Baptist is a West Ham and St. Paul, Stratford, New Town. The church,
of The Holy Trinit.y isa building in the Early English st.yle, Plu:enix Fire, Payze Bros. High road; H. J. Emerson, High.
erected in 1878, at. a cost of £6,000 and consists of chancel, road and W. H. Warmisley, 2 Marian villas, Hainault road
derestoried nave and aisles: there are 800 sit.tings, all free.: Queen, W. Arber, High road •
The register dates from the year 1876. The living is a: Sun .Fire, W. Long, High road
vicarage, yearly value £300,with resieIence, in the gift of the PUBLIC ESTABLISH1I1ENTS:-
Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Henry Ferdinand ]l1etropolitan Police Station :-Inspectors in charge: James
Battiscombe, Theological Associate, of King's College, I Hawkins, Samuel Castle, James Scudmore & '\'illiam
London. The Congregational church is a handsome build-· Bodger
ing, in the Lombardo-Gothic style, erected in r877-78, from I St. Pat1-ick's Catholic CemeteJ'Y, He,-. Alfred W. Dolman,
designs by Mr. J. Lewis Banks A.R.I.B.A. of Finsbury circus: administrator
the cost, including site, was between £8,000 and £9,000: West Ham Union WOl'klw1lse, Holloway down, :Frederic
there are sittings for 1,000. There is also a "\\'esleyan Hilleary 1I1.A., ?rI.L. clerk to the guareIians & supt.
Methodist chapel in High road and a Baptist chapel in registrar; Rev. E. Thomas James, chl\plain j Thos.
Fairlop road, built in 1877. The West Ham union house is I Jas. Valiance M.D. medical officer; Samuel Hughes,
situated here. The population of the district in 1861 was master; Mrs. Jane Hughes, matron
2,396; and in 1871, 4,914. St:HOOLS : -
Parish Clerk, Henry John Emerson. Board (mixed), Harrow g-reen, built in 1877 & since en-
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings larged for I,2oo children; average attendance, 1,100;
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Oflice.-::\Iark I WiJliam Wire, master
Chapman, postmaster. Dispatch 10 a.m. 12.45, 5, 9 &: Board (mixed), Kirkdale road, built in 1875 for 800 children,
12 p.m. Sundays at 8 p.m.; delivery, 8 a.m. 12, 2.30, with an average attendance of abuut 700; ~irneon
5,6.45 & 9.30 p.m I Gray, master; Mrs. Delacourt, mistress
POST OFFICE, Harrow green.-James Joseph Freeman, Bet/mal Green Industrial, opened in 1868 for 450 chilJren,
receiver. Letters dispatched at 10 12.45, 4.50 & average attendance, 400; James Parr'ish, superinten-
8.50 p.m dent; Rev. W. J. Bettison M.A. vicar of Leytonstone,
County Fire, J. W. Forge, High road Children's Home 0/ Laundry, Forest place
Gum'dian, F. Watkins, 4 Mornington terrace Railway Station, William Jarvis Bennett, station mas~er
Royal Exchange, E. Cains, High road ' CARRIER TO LmmON-J. Taylor, daily
[For LEYTONSTONE ROAD, see I Bare Edwin, Ruthven vil. HainauIt I'd I Bird Fredk. Aug. Florence ho. Han'ey rd
STRATFORD.] Barling Alfred, 2 l;nion road Bird ·Wm. Gros\'enor house, High road
PRIVATE RESIDEKTS. BarnardJoseph William,Willowcottage, Birkett Alfred George, Frampton villa,
Abbott Philip,Dunrobin viI. Hainault rd Mornington road l\Iornington road
Abbott Walter, Plimont villa, Percy rt! Barnard :\lrs. Acacia cottage, Percy rd Bishop Henry, Ockley villa, Fairlop rd
Adams Henry John, 4 Yale terrace, Barnes Juan, Palamos, Fairlop road Bishop James, 6 Forest place
Colworth road Barnett Richard Henry, 9 Toronto road Bishop Wm.5 Hoekmead vil.WooeIriff reI
Adams Mrs. 13 Rosindell tel'. Fairlop rd Barl'att John HuttOIl, Loreley villa, Blake Herb. I Deyonshire cot. Lytton rd
Adamson Mrs. 4 Albion ter. Lancaster rd Woodriff road Bland Arthur G. 13 Barclay road
.Aldrett Edward, Frances villa, Wood- Barrett Leonard, 10 Barnett's terrace, ) Bland Geo. 6 Colworth tel'. Colworth reI
house road Colworth road Blotield Mrs. Catherine villas, Cohden rd
.Alderton Alf. Clifton cottage,Barclay rd Barrett Mrs. 40 Toronto road I Bluntsom Benj. 5 Lancaster ter. High reI
.Alexander Mrs.3 Drayton ter.Drl\yton rd Barrow Henry, Arracan villa, Fairlop rd Badger Wm. I Argyll ter. Lancaster rd
Alexander Robert Forrest, 3 Drayton Barry Charles, 25 Lansdowne road Boome George Fairbank, Woodriff rd
terrace, Drayton road Bateman Chas. Poonah villa, Cobbold rd Booth Rev. William Henry [Vresleyan],
AlIaway Wm. 4 Rosindell tel'. Fairlop rd Bates Mrs. St. Michael, Hainault road Howard villa, Hainault road
Allaway William Henry, I Rosindell I Battiscombe Rev. Henry FereIinand Booth William Brutus, 16 Lil1ton road
terrace, Fairlop road Th.A.K.C.L_ Holy Trinity vicarage, Boswell John, 5 Albion tel'. Lancaster nl
Allen Arthur, Shanklin viI. Hainault reI Birkbeck road B08worth Thomas, High road
AlIen Charles, 23 Lansdowne rd Battiscombe James Valentine, Elm cot- Buutell Mrs. 2 Glendower vil.Haryey reI
Alien George, Edgar villa, Percy road tage, Cowley road Bowles Jas. Walnut Tree cot. High reI
Allen Richman, Edgar villa, Perey I'd Baxter Charles, Woodhouse road Bowman Alexander Douglas, 8trath-
Allen Wm.Thos.Elmcottage,Hainaultrd Baxter John, Cotham villa, High road clyde, Bulwer roaeI
Anderson William, 8 Cecil road Baxter John Geo. Carlton ha. High I'd BowmanGeo.Chas.Clmltn.vil.Haillaultrcl
Andrew John Mann, Woodland villa, Bazin Ardre, 4 Grove ter. Fillebrook rd Bowman James, Cashall road
Mornington road Beat!nell Thomas Fawcett, 5 Beacontree Boyce Arthr.13 Alhion ter. Lancaste; reI
AndrewRt.Jsph.Clifton ho.Beachcroft I'd terrace, Mornington road Bradenburg Capt. Windsor viI. Lyttonrd
Andrews Chas. \Vards villa, Hainaultrcl Bean Mark, I Holly viIs. Cambridge pk Bradford He,". John [Baptist], Ivy bank,
Andrews Jas. 4 Queen's ter. FerndaIe I'd BeattieSamI.Alf.2Cleopatr,wiI.Lytton rd Park road
Andrew8JamesSmith,6Queen'sterrace, Beattie """illiam Edwin, 1 Barnett's Bradley Wm. ""allace, 17 Harvey road
Wallwood road terrace, Colworth road Bradshaw Mrs. 8 Kirkdale road
Ann Alfred, Alice villa, Barelay road Beavan Fredk. Geo. Lytton ro~cl Brady James, 8 Argyll ~er. Lancaster ru
Annetts Hector James, Lytton road Beck Charles Sharland, Colorado house, Braithwaite, Ht. 2 Grove vil.Drayton rd
Anthony John R. Fairlop road Drayton road Branson Hy. 6 Agnes ter. Lancaster reI
AppIeford John H. 3 Saunders terrace, Beckers John, 13 Toronto road Braylle Hy.Aug. Lyndhurst, Hainaultrd
Wellesley road BehareIl Charles J ames, 3 Barclay villas, Brett Francis WiIliam, John's villa,
Arch Arthur, 7 Barclay ter. BarcIay rd Barelay road Hainault road
Archer Chas. In. 3 Laura ter.Cobden rd Bell James William, Fairlop road Brewer Wm. Leyton house, Fairlop reI
Arnold Alfred, 53 Ley Spring road Bell Mrs. Marienheim,Vtoodriffe road Brine Fras. I Hainault viIs. Hainault rd
Arrowsmith Geo. 2 Linton tel'. Union ru Bennett Alf. 7 AIbion ter. Lancaster rd Britton Thos. Hankow viI. Birkbeck reI
Ashbolt Thos. 3 Edith cotts. Cobden rd Bennett Cornelius, 2 Colworth terrace, BrooksWm.x6Colworth ter.CuIworthreI
Ashby Fredk, 2 Lime villas, Hainault rd Colworth road Brookes In.4 Edmund's ter.Lancaster rd
Ashley AI£. Clarendon villa, Fairlop rd Bennett Mrs. Grove villa, Grove road Broome Mrs. 2 Mary villas, Birkbeck rd
Ashill Mrs. 4 Pembroke ter. Cobden I'd BentonJas. I Murray villas,Hainaultrd Breomhead Geo. J. Denver, Prayton rd
AubreyWm. Hy. Mary's vils.HainauIt rd Benwell James CasIey, Fairlop road Broun Augustus Francis. I I Grove
Austin Arth.Fenner,2Bellvils.Woodriff I'd Beresford Charles Blake, Bedford lodge, yillas, Mornington road
Aves .Alfred, 4 Harvey road Hainault road Brown Edwd. Cornwall viI. Hainault I'd,
Ayton Jonathan, Mornington road Berlin Edw~d, !l Albert ter. C:.tthall rd Brown Fredk.Geo.3 Holly vils.Cowley I'd
Bagg Rt. I Bridlington viIs. Hainault rd Berry Mrs. Oscar villas, HainauIt road Brown Henry Greenwood, I Roaenhcim
Bagley Wm. 2 .Alexander vil.Hainault rd Best Thomas, Bulwer villa, Lytton road villas, Haiuault road '
BakerFredk.Wm.PembrokeHo.Fairloprd Bettispn Rev. William James M.A,. Brown James, 10 }<'orest place
Baker George, Forest [surrogate],Vicarage, High road ,Brown Jas. Lancaster villa, Birkbeck rd
Baldree Henry, I Argyle street BettIes Frncis.7 Montague vii!). Forest rd Brown John, Eastwood house, }<'airlop rd
Bales Thomas David, Carlton villa,Lans- BiddelL James, Violet house, Hainault rd BfQwn Joseph, 22 Clarence rQad I
downe road Bilson Wm. Ebenezer villa, Barclay rd Brow» Louis G. Delta ho. Drayt<)J). road
Ball Hy. Shard, Fairlawn,l\Iornington ru Binks Mrs. Straflord ho. Hainauit road ,Brown Mrs. 10 A!:Ihbourn tel'. lfart:ow rd
Bannerman In. Bl\Y viI. Morningtou I'd .BirchJames, 9 Rosindell tel'. Fairlop rd Brown Wm. Keljwick villa, FiLlebrook:rd
BarbeanLouis,INorfolkvils.Haina.wtrd BirchnaIl Alfr~ Charles, .. Frances Brumley John, 5 Yale tel'. OQlworth rd
Barber William, 8 G.roye rQad , • cottages, Hvward rOflcl .BruntoJ;l :Mrs. 41"airlop ter. l"airlpp ;rd,
Bryant Alex. '9 Clifton tel'. Beachcroft I'd , Cotton MISSt Davis lane EllisOlt Mrs. Ada villa, Woodri:lf road'
BryantWm.4Wallwood ter.Wallwood rd Cowan Jas. 3 Grova ter: Fillebrook rd Elms Chas. 7 Lame ter. Lansdowne td
Burden Thomas George t J: lYIorden Craig Charles, Marrickville,WaHwood rd Elward James Harcourt, HowaTd road
villas, Hainault road Craoston Edwin, 7 Hainault ter~ Emetson A.rthn~ Chnrchil~ Elm ~
Burgess Ebenezer Augustus, 72 Albert Craufield Mrs. 3 Lansdownevils.High rd villa.,. High road
terrace, Cathall road Creed Richard, Gwyder lodge, Forest Emerson Joshua Henry, ~ Argyll
Bursill Frail. Thos. Beech 'Y'il Hainault rd Cripps Wm. Lutterworth viI. Fairlop rd terrace, Lancaster road
Burton In. 8 Barnett's ter. Colworth rd Crocker Edwin JamCSt SI' Toronto road Epworth Frederick, 18 Linton toad
Burton Wm. Roslyn villa; Hainault rd Cross Alfred Finney, .53 Grove villas, Evans Edward It. .tames, 2 Albiorl
Busch Otto, Cathall road Mornington road terrace, Lancastet road
Bushell Charles Adolphus, 6 Clifton ter Cronmire Ashley Albert Henry, .Rose Evan8 Fredk. 5 Holly vils. Cambridge pk
Bushell Wm. 4 Forest pI. Beachcroft rd cottage, Wallwood road Ewin Alfred, Northington ho. High rd
Busk James, 2 Robert VilSl Howard rd Crouch William Manning, 7 Rockmead :Excell George, York villa, Birkbeckroad
Bydawell Franeis, 25 Linton road villas, W90driff road Eyres Edwin, Brooklands, Fairlop Toad
Cakebread Chas.3 Essex vils.Hainault rd Ctowley William, 7 Clarence road Fair Henry, The Shrublands, High road
Callow Abraham J oseph, 3 Union road Cumming John Francis, Helesbro'villa, Fairchild Mrs. Clara cot. Harvey road
Campbell Hugh, 1 Drayton terrace, Wallwood road Farmon Mrs.6 Barnett's ter.ColwoI"th rd
Drayton road Cnnning Henry, Drayton road Fearon Augustus, Paris ho. Hainault rd
Carless Francis T. Park Grove road Cuttriss Henry Kybert, Compton house, Fennell William Christophel', Hotne
Carpenter Chas.Harrow villl.Birkbeck rd Wallwood road villas, Hainault road l
CarpenterGeorge Benjamin,18 Rosindell Dakin Hy. In. Thornhill vil.Wallwood rd Feud Will~am, 4- Linton te"!'. Union rd
terrace, Fair lop road Davenport Jsph. 3 Mary vils.Birkbep.k rd Field Henry, 9 Albion tel'. Lancaster Td
Carpenter 'rhos.Harrow viIs. Birkbeck rd Davey John Jas. Suffolk viI. Cobden rd Fife Wm. rrhorniebank viI. Hainault ro
Cau Watson,Kingsbrook ho. Hainault rd Davie8 Charles William, 5 Hainault Fisher Richard, 3 Forest viIs. Forest 'toad
Carter By.Wm. ~ Essex ..,ils. Hainaultrd terrace, Hainault road Fisher Robt. 5 Primrose cot. Lytton rd
Carwardine Samuel James, :2 Ado. Davis Chas. 2 Grosvenor viIs. Fairlop rd Fi.sher Sam!. Herbert cot. Cobbold road
terrace, Lansdowne road Davis Charles, Park Grove road Fitz-Maurice Thomas, Carolina villa,
Castle James, Chester vil.Mornington rd Davis Mark Thos. Albert vii. Temple st Mornington road
Catchpole Miss, 6 Saunders terrace, Davis Mrs.3 Guernsey viIs.Beacheroft rd Flanders Jabez, !AI Linton'toad
Wellesley road Davis Samuel, 9 Kirkdale road I Fleming James John, 6 Kirkdale road
CattlinFredk. 2 Woodriff ter. Woodriff rd Do.vis William Harcourt, Beachcroft rd Fletcher Alex. 14 Barclay ter. Barclay rd
Chambers AlOOrt John, 7 Lansdowne rd. De Gruchy Thoma$, St. Kilda villa, Foote Alfred, 5 Lama ter. Cobden road
Chambers Alexander, a EartoD. villas, Hainault road . ' Ford John James, Park GroYe road
Mornington road :pellacourt Thomas Alfred, 39 Grove Foreman Alfred, 14 Toron~ road
Chapman Alexander Charles, Grace villas, Mornington road Forge James William; High road
villat South West road . Dement Charles, May cot. Cobden road Fortune Wm. :2 Oxford ter. Birk'beck rd
Chap~an Arthur, 4 D.ayton terrace, Denman Thomas, :2 Saunders terrace, Fowkes Thomas Dobson, 3 Plimsoll
Drayton road . Wellesley road I terrace, Lansdowne road
Chapman Francis, 15 Perey road Derby Albert William, Beaconsfield Fowler Geo.Wm.3 Harvey ter.Harv~y rd
Chapman John George, :2 .Bushwood house, Hainault road Fowler William M.P., J.P. Forest house;
villas, Mornington road ~ Derbyshire Samuel, 14 Mornington & Reform & Devonshire clubs S.w. &
Charlesworth Jesse Thomas, Forest terrace, Union road City club e.c
Chater William, Charlton, Grove road Disney William Henry, 6 Cobden road Frampton In. I Ado. tel'. Lansdowne rd
Chatterton Peter,Glen viI.Mornin"ooton rd Dispecker Sigmund, Highfields, Hain- Freeman Wm. 4 Harvey tel'. Harvey I'd
Cheetham Geo. Elmina eot. Lytton I'd sult road Fretwell Fred, Oaklands, Bulwer toad
Cherry Clarence,Carlton villa, Fairlop rd Dittmel' fly. Daisy viII Mornington rd Frooms Henry, Poplar 'Villa, Woodriff rd
Cherry Henry, 6 Primroseter. Lytton rd Dixon James Francis, 26 Toronto road Fulcher William Jas. Amy villa, Cecil rd
Chester James Thomas, 16 Toronto rd Dixon Thomas, The Hollies, Cowley I'd Gadsby Mrs. 5 Harvey road
Chidley John George, 5 Forest place Dobson 1\Irs. Fairlop lodge, Fairlop road Gage John, 2 Emily villas, HarroW' rd
Christey Mrs. 30 Toronto road Doggett Henry,Leytonston~vii. Highrd Galilee James R. Bulwer road
Church George, Harrow green Doig Jas. Hawthorn vil. Mornington rd Gander James, 2 Lancaster villas,
Church WaIter, 3 Emily ter. Cobden rd Dolan Thos. :Navan ho. Woodhouse rd ~ancaster road
Clark Mrs. 6 Barclay road Dolman Ja,s. I Agnes tel'. Lancaster rd Garrard John, Apsley ho. Cambridgepk
Clark Samuel Edward, Harvey road Donaldson Rnbert, Midlothian villa, Geary Wmr9 Barclay tel'. Barelay I'd
Clark Henry Nelson, Malvern villa, Hainault road Ghinn Thomas, Warwickshire villa,
Hainault road DonaldsonThos.:2Cedar viIs.Montague I'd Cowley road
Clarke William Alfred, 2 Kent villas, Donovan Geo. Farnley gro. Queen's I'd Gibbons GeorgeWilliam Manby,I Gains-
Mornington road Douglass Geo.9 Ashbourn ter.Harrow I'd boro' villas, Fairlop road
Clay Henry Avondale, Hainault road Dovey Alexander WaIter, 2 Hainault Gibbons Richd. Muncaster, Wallwood rd
Cleaver Wm. Highbury villa, High road terrace, Hainault road Gibbons Wm. Kent cot. Mornington rd
Coates Alfred, Albert vil. South West rd Downs William, Charlston,Fairlop road Gildawie The Misses, 1::2 Rosindell
Cockwell Mrs. 3 Lancaster tel'. High rd Drane Alfred, 4 StanIey tel'. Union road terrace, Fairlop road
Coffin George Poore, r Barry terrace, Draper Jas. Sea Shell viI. Beachcroft rd Gill James, Pleione, Hainault road
Hainault road DFing Francis Clemont, 6 Arlington Gillingham Wm. Cedarcot.Wallwood rd
Coffin James, 3 Barry ter. Hainault rd villas, Fairlop road GlaserAlbrt.Laverstockho.Fillebrook rd
Collier Robert, Birchington ho. High I'd Drinkwood Albert Edward, Dorset Glaysher William, 61 Ley Spring road
Collingwood Thos. Wm. Park Grove rd villa, Fairlop road Godbold William Henry, High road
Collins James, I Harvey ter. Harvey rd Dril'et William, High road Goddard Edgar, Labnrnum villa
Collins John Henry, II 8tanhope villast Dryden Thomas, 7 Kirkdale road Godfrey John, !2 Somerset terrace,
Birkbeck road Drysdale Jas. 6 Lancaster tel'. High rd Lansdowqe road
Collins Joseph Pullen, Chesnut Tree Dumbell In. 12 Mornington ter.Union rd Godwin William Edwin, Florence! villa,
house, High road Dungey John, Hilldrop, Bulwer road Fairlop road
Collins William Davis, Chesnut Tree Dunham Wm. Lorina viIs. Howard rd Gold Peter, Amery house, Fillebl'ook rd
house, High road Dunn Edward Ralph, The Oakst Goldby George, 10 Woodriff road
Combs Frederick, 3 Forest place Fillebrook road , • GoldbyHa'rry,Clayton villa,WallW'Ood rd
Cook Ebenezer, 9 Clarence road Eales John, 7 Colworth ter. Colworth.rd Golder Edward, Ferryside, Fairlop road
Cook Thos. Fairlight viI. Mornington rd Earl Samuel, 6 Holly villas, Cowley road Goodall Hy.Arthr.Fenwick ho.Fairlop rd
Cooper Charles Joseph, H.arrow road East Josiah, Wallwood road Goode William, 2 Devonshire Villas,
Cooper Frank George,. 2 Rockmead Eastco1it Harry, Endsleigh t Hainault rd Mornington road
villas, Woodriff road Ebert Peter, 3 Pembroke ter. Cobden rd Goold Morgall", 3 Lytton road '\
Cooper FrankWm.Gainsboro'ho.High I'd Echlin In. Wm. Mary's viis. Hainault rd Goodship Edwin,2 Essex vils.Birkbeck rd
Cooper Mrs. Stone Crop ho.. Hainaultrd Edmed MrS.:3 GrosvenorviIs. Fairloprd Goodwin Daniel, Lancaster cottages,
Cooper Wm. Fillebrook lodge, Fairlop rd Edwaros Henry, Cobbold road _ -l Lancaster Toad '
Coram. John, '2 AlOOrt villas, Cowley rd Edwards Rt. Fairwood vii. Hainault rd Goodwill WaIter, 5 Barelay Toad f
Corbett.T,homas'5'7 LeySpring road Edwal'd8 Wm.Hy.Wroxton, Hainault'l'd Gorden William George, r BnshwOOd
Corbishley William Henry" S Co:wley Elgar Oharles, );2 Clarence road. J villas, Mornington road
cottages, Cowley road . . . • Ellicott SaIllBOD, 9 Albert ter. Cathall rd Graham Fras. Y Alben vils. C01Vlet rd
Cott 600. 2 Devonshire cot•. Lyt~n rd EllioU John Hawkinl!l, High road Graham Miss, Buxton house, Forest

Grant Charles, Percy cottage, Percy I'd Hollingsworth Henry Joseph, 3 Cowley Kelsey Edward George, 6 Union road
Graveley Geo. Cyphrenes viI. Fairlop I'd villas, Cowley road Kennard Joseph Ashby, 7 & 8 Morn.
Gray Siemon, Argyll villa, Kirkdale rd Holmes Basil, 3 Holly vils. Cambridge pk ington terrace, Union road
Green Mrs.3 Edmund's ter. LancasterTd Homewood John, 3 Lansdowne road Kerr Alex. Alexander villa, Hainault rd
Greenfield George, 1: Perseverance cot- Homewood Thomas,Cedar viI. Harvey rd Kerr James King :M.D. Worsleigh,
tages, Forest road Hook Adam, 3 Essex vils. Birkbeck I'd High road
Greenhall Thomas,S Glendower villas, HookeChas.Willmott,Hartley,Fairlop rd KerwinEdwinHy.Inchcolm,Wallwood rd
Harvey road Hoppett George, 4 Clarence road Kettelwell Mrs. 2 Kirkdale road
Greenslade Charles John, 1:9 Albert ter- Horn James, 5 Essex vils. Birkbeck rd Kidney Richard, 15 Grove villas, Moro-
race, Cathall road Horn Jas. Geo. Woodbine ho. High I'd ington road
Gregory George Rowland, Amelia cot- Hornblow Alfred William, 9 Barnett's KiUick Fredk. ~ Arthur tel'. Cowley rd
tage, Cobden road terrace, Colworth road Kimpton Thomas,Rokebyvi1.So. West I'd
Grinter Thos. Belmont viI. Lancaster I'd Home Hy. Wm. Fern viI. Mornington rd Kind Wm. Wellesley Idge. Wellesley rd
Guest John,S Toronto road Horner Emil, St. Hildas, Fairlop road King Arthur Harry, Elizabeth villa,
Guillermo Albin, Hopwood villa, Beach· Houselander Henry, Lavington villa, Mornington Toad .
croft road Hainault road King Frank, Orwell villa, Cobden road
Guy Edward, Elm cottage, Forest Houston John, 5 Agnes tel'. Lancaster rd KingJas.John,17 Rosindell ter.Fairloprd
Hackett William Sheppard, Lansdoune How Charles, 2 Mansell cots. Forest Td Kirk Jsph. 2 Fairlight viI. Hainault rd
villa, Wallwood road Howard Mrs. 1: Queen's tel'. Ferndale rd Laing William Perey, 1: Oxford terrace,
Haines John, 4 Laura tel'. Cobden road Howard WaIter, Esk villa, Hainault Td Birkbeck road
HakeI' Hubert, Oarl villa, Hainault road Howell Mrs. Aston villa, Cobden road Laird George Reeves, 8 Gros\"onor villas,
Hallett William, 17 Toronto road Hoy John, The Retreat, High road Fairlop road
Hamilton Geo.3Arlington vils.Fairlop I'd Hubbuck Wm. Hughenden, Hainault I'd Lake Henry, Frankswill ho. Hainault rd
HammondGeo.Ernestvil.Morningtonrd Hughes Wm. 3 Stanley tel'. Union road Lamb J n.Hy. 5 Barnetts tel'. Colworth rd
Hammond Mrs. 1 Clifton vils. Percy I'd Huice Albert, Wood Villa road Lamb Samuel Arthur, 19 Clarence road
Handscombe Thomas, Park Grove road Hulbert JohnC.9 Primrose ter.Lytton I'd LambertAlbert,3Florence ,;ls.Cowley rd
Hannam George, 7 Percy road Humphreys William, 27 Linton road Lane Mrs. Devonshire house, Fairlop rd
Hannant Alfd.5 Arlington vils.Fairlop rd Hunter Robert William, I Barton villas, Lane Wm. 35 Grove viis. Mornington rd
HarborowEdward,2 Mornington terrace, Birkbeck road LangleyEbenezerArchibald,Lancaster rd
Union road Hurley WaIter, 2 Heathfield villas, Langridge Arthur, I Barelay terrace,
Harburn Wm. 2 Barclay tel'. Barclay I'd Lytton road Barclay road
Harding Henry Thomas, 4 Harvey road Hurt William, Malvern cot. Percy road Lawford John Alfred,1: Colworth ter-
HardingJas.IOMornington ter.Union I'd Husk Mrs. Birchingtoncottage,High I'd race, Colworth road
HarmerSaml. Hainault ho. Hainault I'd Hutchinson George Andrew, Ivy bank, LaWTence Henry Simes, 8 Ashbouro
Hamott Thomas Cooper, 21 Toronto I'd Park road terrace, Harrow road
Harper HenryGeorge,Lyons,Hainault I'd I Hyslop Robt. I Denmark tel'. Harvey rd Lawson William James, :3 Clifton ter-
Hams Alfred, Fairholme, Fairlop road Iles William, 6 Laura tel". Cobden road race, Beachcroft road .
Harris Chas. In. Woodside, Wallwood. I'd Ingram Arthur, IO Argyll terrace, Lan- Leathes William, Enfield ho. Fairlop rd
Harris Mrs. 3 Momington tel". Union I'd caster road Leech Mrs. 3 Beachcroft road
Hams WiUiam James, Lancaster oot- Ingrey Charles, Mornington road Leggett John William, 10 Linton road
tages, Lancaster road Innes Mrs. I Fillebrook road Leney Wm. 7 Argyll tel". Lancaster rd
Hamson Samuel Botham, 8 Forest pI JacksonJas. Brenhilda ho. Wallwood I'd Lester Henry Edward, Gainsborough
Hart Frederick, 24 Toronto road Jackson Matthew, 1: Devonshire villas, lodge, Gainsborough road
Harvest Percy, 19 Ashbourn terrace, Mornington road Lewis John Edmund, I Emily villas,
Harrow road James Rev. E. Thomas [chaplain to the Harrow road
Harvey Edwin, 1:4 Albert tel". Cathall I'd West Ham union], 3 Beacontree Lewis Philip Wm. I La.ura ter.Cobden rd
Harwood Henry, 3 Albert tel'. Cathall I'd terrace, Mornington road Leyden Thos. 7 Arlington viIs. Fairlop rd
Hastrup Thomas, Walhvood road Jarman Henry John, 2 Bradford villas, Lightbody William, 6 Guernsey villas,
Hawkes Elijah, Cathall road Drayton road Beachcroft road

Hawkins Wm. 3 Elm vils. Hainault I'd JalTett Edward, 3 Bushwood villas, Lilley WiUiam, 7 Agnes tel'. Lancaster rd
~awkins William Henry, 14 Ashbourn Mornington road Linklater Henry,Victori a vii. Hainault rd
terrace, HalTow road Jarvis Frederick, I Yale tel". Colworth rd Linom John Thos. Mead viI. Colworth rd
Hay William, Edmund vil. Hainault I'd Jarvis Richard, Devon house, Bulwer rd Lindsell Jas. Southbury ho. Bulwer rd
Haydon Henry, I Hainault terrace, Jay John, 23 Toronto road Lister Alfred, Park Gro,-e road
Hainault road Jeffrey Alex. 2 Pembroke tel'. Cobden rd Lister Arthur J.P. Sycamore ho. High rd
Hayes Henry,Myrtle cot. Mornington I'd Jeffreys 'rhOS.2 Trinity viIs.Lancaster rd Lister WiIliam Short, I Grosvenor villas,
Hayes John,18 Ashbourn tel". Harrow rd Jeffreys William, 3 Mornington road Fairlop road
HayhoeGeo.Wm.18 Albertter.Cathall I'd Jenkins John, 12 Linton road Lloyd George John, Hope cot. Lytton rd
HaynesWm.Saml.High Lea,Wallwoodrd Jenkins William, to Toronto road Lloyd Horatio, Arg)'le street
Hayward George, 2 Stanhope villas, Jennings John, 4 Albert tel". Cathall rd Lockwood Edgar, Slluth West road
Birkbeck road Jennings Wm. 2 Lansdowne vils.High rd Logan Edwd. 2 Gainsbro' viis. Fairlop rd
Hayward Thomas, 1: Rockmead villas, Jeune Henry, 4 Essex nls. Birkbeck rd Long William, 3 Argyll tel'. Lancaster rd
Woodriff road Johns Henry, I Grove nls. Drayton rd LoveJsph.Thos.Poplar viI.Morningtn. rd
Hayzelden Fred.k. Norton viI. Fairlop rd Johnson Arlhur, Rosyln villa, Morn- Lowman Thomas Stone, 2 Fairlop road
Hellmund Franz, Percy bouse, Percy I'd ington road Lowrey Amos,Laurel viI. Mornington rd
Henry Arthur Wellesley, Inchcombe, JohnsonChas.Howard viI.Mornington rd Lucas William, Wellesley road
Fairlop road Johnson Hy. 4 Barnett's ter.ClIlworth I'd Luey Georg-e, 2 Beaehcroft road
Hett Isaac, 7 Drayton tel'. Drayton I'd Johnson John Elles, Dacre villa, MacClarenWm.sDrayton ter.Drayton rd
Hewett Edwd. Rugby viI. Birkbeck I'd ault road Macdonnell Jas. I Lime viis. Hainault rd
Hewett George, Tamar cot. ,Lytton I'd Johnson Nathaniel James, 3 Russell Machin Percy J ames, Sydney villa,
Hewett WaIter, Headington villa, Mom- villas, Howard road South West road
ington road JohnsoD Samuel, 20 Ashbourn terrace, Macintosh John, 2 Julia tel". High road
Higgins Thomas Baker, 6 Denmark ter- Harrow road Mackenzie Laul'ance, Mount Oarron,
race, Harvey road J ohnson Samuel Joseph,4 Lansdowne rd Hainault road
Hill Edward, 12 Woodriff road Johnson Wm. Hy. Maud viI. Hainault I'd Mackie Robert Bruce, 23 Clarence road
Hill George, Forest villas, Grove road J ohnston Arthur Charles, 21 Clarence I'd Mackintosh George, 3 Clarence road
Hilton John Edwin, Drayton house, Johnston Henry John, Lancaster road McMillen John, 7 GrollVenor villas,
Drayton road JonesEdwd.lo Colworth ter.Oolworth I'd Fairlop road
Hince Albert, 2 Woodville road Jones George, Jessamine viI. Fairlop I'd Macpherson Archibald, 37 Grove villas,
Hoare Edward, Rosebank,South West I'd Jones Henry, Holly villa, Lytton Toad Mornington road
Hobbs Richard, :3 Hainault villasj J ones Mrs. l' Lancaster tel". High road Mainwaring Edwin, Poplar vil.Lytton rd
Hainault road Jones William, Claremont vii. High rd Mann Noah, 2 Grove' road
Roekley Henry, 24 Clarence road Judd WiUiam, Hope villa, Hainault 1'd Mansell Mrs. 6 Drayton tet. Dra)"tidtl I'd
Hoffman Adolph, 7 Bamett'. terrace, Kay In. Downie, 2 BarryteJ'. Hainault rd Marchant John, 2 Sta.nley ter. Union rd
Colworth road Keable William, GrottQ cot. High road Marder Mrs. Lincoln cottage, Sanson rd
HoJdsworth John, Oamaru, Wallwood I'd Keal In.Gray, I Damley vils.Birkbeck I'd Marks ( hristophel' Beaven, S Grosvenor
Holdnp Charles, 6 Wallwood terrace, Keen Alfred,I6 Colworth ter.Colworth rd villas, Fairlop road
Wallwood l"ood Keith Thomas, ... Denmark terrace Marks H~·. John, I Julia tel'. High 'road
• .
Marsden Samuel Henry, I Barclay villas, Pamplin John, Cathall road Rainer Edward Isaac, 5 Lansdowne vils.
llarclay road Pargeter Thos. Forest villa, Fillebrook rd High road
Marshall Mrs. Lemna ho. Gainsboro' rd Parker John, 5 Laburnam vils.Lytton rd Ramsden James, I Bell viIs. Woodritfrd
Martin J ames, 2 Maud viIs. Colworth rd Parker Steven, 3 Queen's ter.Ferndale rd Ramsey AI!en, Hillswicke vil. Queen's rd
Martin Mrs.I Bourt{)n cots. Lancaster rd Parker William Geo. Devonshire villa, Ramsey Samnel, Stanley cot. Co~ley rd
Martin Reuhen, 2 Mannering villas, Cowley road Rea Edward, 7 Albert ter. Cathall road
Ferndale road Parks In. Alf. 8 Lancaster ter. High rd Read Wm. Chas. 17 Albert ter. Cathall'i
Martin Thomas Beecham, Maud villas, Parks Wm. 2 Alice villas, Birkbeck road Read Wm. Daniel, I Saunders terrace,
Mornington road ParnhamJohn'7 Primroseter.Lytton rd Wellesley road
Mason James, 34 Toronto road Parnham Mrs. I Fairlight villas, Reckenzaurn Anthony C.B. 4 Julia ter.
Matthew John, 23 Linton road Hainault road High road
MatthewsJas.3 Glendower vil.Harveyrd Parsons Hy. 5 Mary villas, Birkbeck rd Reed Alfred, Hill Top, WaIlwood road
Matthews WaIter, 2 Queen's terrace, Parsons Henry Robert,2 Lime villas, Renant Chas. Hy.Fernleigh, Hainault rd
Wallwood road Mornington road ReynoldsGeo.2C)Grove viI.Morningtonrd
Maund James, 18 Harvey road Partridge In. 3 Ada ter. Lansdowne rd Reynolds Mrs. 3 Sanson ter. San86n rd
May John, I Robert viis. Howard road Partridge Wm. I Forest villas, Forest rd Rich James George, 2 The Lindens,
Mayes Robt. SI. 4 Lytton viIs. Lytton rd Pasmore Albert Tom, 13 Grove villas, South West road
Maylen John, Alexander cot. Forest rd Mornington road' . Richard In. Wald, Quorn vil. Fairlop rd
Medgett Thomas, 3 Beachcroft road Patten Jas. jun. I Cowley viIs. Cowley rd Richards Wm. Fredk. 3 Devonshire viIs.
Meech Francis, Cowley cot. Cowley road Patten Mrs. Cowley house, Cowley rd Lytton road
Meek Alfred,4 Gainsboro'villas, Fair- Payne Charles, Fernleigh, Grove road Richardson Edward, I Florence villas,
lop road Payne Geo. 12 Albion ter. Lancaster rd Ferndale road
Meeks Mrs. 10 Cecil road Payze Nathaniel John, 17 Grove villas, Richardson James, I Richardson villas,
Meeson Mrs. Holly lodge, High road Mornington road Hainaolt road
Metcalfe George, Park Grove road Payze Philip Charles, Hainault road Richie George, Lytt{)n road
Metcalfe Mrs.IO Wallwood terrace, Wall- Payze Rayrnond Guy, 17 Grove villas, Rickards John Laurie, Hollybush, Lan-
wood road Mornington road . caster road
Middleton William Thomas, 7 Rosin- Payze Richard, jun. Wallwood villa, Rivett Joseph, 4 Lancaster ter. High rd
dell terrace, Fairlop road Gainsborough road Robbins Mrs. Chelmsford ho. Fairlop I'd
Miller Charles, 6 Clarence road Peach John, 10 Clarence road Roberts John William, 33 Grove villas,
Mills John Larkin, I Lansdowne villas, I Peachey In. Thos. Primrose, Fillebrook Mornington road
High road l Pearman Noah, Ash vil. Mornington rd Roberts Jas. Hy. 1 Plimsoll tel'. Lans-
Milman 'rhos. Francis, 'rhe Anchorage, Pease William Hy. 2 Mornington road downe road
Hainault road I Pedley J oseph, Fern villa, Ferndale rd Robertson Mrs. 2 Sydney villas, Morn-
Minto Andrew, 2 Barton vils,Birkbeck rd Perry Mrs. 9 Grosvenor vils.Fairlop road· ington road
Moll Frederick, I Mornington terrace, I Perry Wm. Homer viI. Wallwood road Robertson Rd. 8 Barc1ay tel'. Barelay I'd
Union road Peter Rev. Lewis Godolphin M.A. [curate Robinson Mrs. Bratant villa, Morning-
. Moojen Edmund,Penton villa, Cowley rd of Holy 'rrinity1, 2 Mary villas, Birk- ron road
Moojen Henry, I Sydney villas, Mor- beck road Robinson Wm. 6 Barclay ter. Barclay rd
nington road . Peters Robert, 3 Kirkdale road Rodgers Geo. 'Vm. 11 Harnett tel'. Col-
Moon Edward Henry Rowland, Plym i Petrie Henry Alexander, Forest view, worth road .
villa, Wallwood road I Hainault road Rogers Geo. 13 Albert tel'. Cathall road
Moore Mrs. Holloway down Pettit Fredk. 1 Albion tel'. Lancaster rd Rogers Robt.6 Pembroketer. Cobden I'd
Moore William, 2 Percy road Pickford John Henry, Eversfield villa, Rogers Wm.Cambridgevil.Hainaultrd
Moore William Arthur, Woodside villa, Hainaolt road Root SarnI. 4 Arlington viIs. Fairlop I'd
Woodriff road Picot George, 6 Grove tel'. Fillebrook rd Rogues Egbert, 5 Brindleton villas,
Morgan Jas. Hy. St. Alphege, Bulwer rd , Pinckney Henry, 2 Forest road Hainault road
Morgan Thos. Waverley house, High rd I Pitt Henry, Woodriff tel'. Woodriff I'd Ross Mrs. 2 Fairlop tel'. Fairlop roai
Morris Mrs. 5 Union road I Pitt Thos. 2 Cowleycottages, Cowleyrd I Rover John, 4 Toronto road
Morton In. 3 Marian villas, Hainaolt rd Plumley Hy. B.A. Plumley villas, Wall- Rowbotham Chas. 2 Rosenheim villas,
Morton Richard, Park villa, Grove road wood road Hainaolt road
Moss George, 4 Union road Podger Robert William, Sefton villa, Rowe In. Devonshire viI. lleachcroft rd
Muller Albt. I Oxford gdns. ~rayto~ I'd Hainault road . I Russell Fredk. I ~.l?ert ~r. Cathall road
Mullings Thos. John, Ashbrldge VIlla, Pollard Matthew Chas. 8 Lmton road Ryan James>3 TrlDlty nls. Lancasterrd
Colworth road Popart Chas. Sutton house, Drayton I'd Sage Thomas, Pleasant View villa,.
Mumford Frands, Beachcroft road Pope Arthur, Aspen villa, Wallwood I'd Woodriff road
Mumford Frank, 5 Cobden road Potter Thomas Henry, May villa, Sampson Wm. Haughton viI. HlLrveyrd
Mumford Hv. Wye villa, Wallwood I'd Mornington road Saol David, Dover house, Fairlop road
Mumford Mrs. Fernlea Hulwer road Potter Wm. Hy. I Waltham viIs. Birk- Saonders James John, Lansdowne road
Monday Mrs. I I Barcl;y ter. Barclay I'd beck road Saunders John Morris, I Eva villas,.
Musgrove Christopher George, Stanley Poulter John, Montrose viI. Hainaoltrd Montague road
villa Grove Green lane Poulter Sydney Herbt. 7 Spring Leyter Saunders Robert Henry, 9 Cecil road
Nappe; James, 5 Clarence road Poulter Thos. James, 9 Forest place Savage Sam. Tarrett,Sussx.cot.PercyTd
Nelson Elliot, 'Wallwood road Poulter Wm. Robt. Herbert villa, Hain- Scales Joseph, Newlands, Bulwer road
Newland Francis, Alexander villa, Birk- ault road Schriefer J n. 12 Oak vils. Park Grove rd
beck road I Powell Wm.sen.Brighton vil.Hainaultrd Scorgie John, 5 Wadley road
Newman Henry, 19 Toronto road Powell William, juiJ.. 2 Murl"cl.Y villas, Scott Frederick, 7 Wallwood terrace
Nickolls Hy.Wm.3 Emily vils.Harrow I'd Hainault road Scrivener Charles Thos. Langley villa,.
Norris Jsph. Elizabeth ho. Lancaster rd Prebble Henry William, Fairlawn, Wallwood road
Northcott Charles, 10 Barclay road Mornington road Sefton David Heywood, Horace villa,
O'Brien Daniel, I St. James' villas, Price James Gillespie, 2 Wallwood ter Wallwood road
Woodhouse road. Price Wm. Eton villa, Hainault road Seymour James Alexander, I I Albion
Oddy Wm. 7 Harvey terrace, Harvey rd Price Wm. Fredk. I I Colworth tel'. Col- terrace, Lancaster road
Olley In. Jsph. 5Rosindell ter. Fairlop rd worth road Shanks WiIlism, Park Grove road
Onion Henry, 4 Mary viIs. Birkbeck I'd Prideaux John, Hainaolt road Sharenberg Robert, 12 Barnetts terrace,.
Orme John, Panama, Drayton road Priest Miles, 2 Lorne tel'. Lansdowne I'd Colworth road
Orton Geo. 9 Denmark ter. Harvey rd Pringuer Edward John, 4 Wadley road SharpeAlfred,04Primroseter.Lyttonrd
Osborn Hy. Edwin Knowles, RutIand Prior Herman L. Ivy cottage, Forest Sharpe William Ward, 2 Florence viIs.
lodge, Hainaolt road Procter J n. 6 Rockmead viIs.W oodrifI rd Cowley road
Osborne Charles John, 10 Kirkdale I'd Protheroe William Henry, Clarendon Sheffield Wm.1 Ferndalevils.Draytonrd
Osborn Philip, Argyle street villas, Hainaolt road Shepherd John, Pleione viI. Birkbeck rd
Owers William, II & 12 Forest place Prnetz Louis, Orus villa, South West I'd Sheppard Alf. 2 Philip villas, Morning-
Oxborough George William, Moray ho. PufIett Miss, Eliza villa, Woodville road ton road
Hainault road Quincey Harcout't, Lime villa, Lytton rd Sheridan Wm. Henry, I Grove terrace,
Packer Thos. 1 Fairm'nt ter.llirkbeck rd Quincey Mrs. Harcourt, Lime villa, Fillebrook road
Palmer Fredk. 5 Colworth terrace, Col- Lytton road Shields John, 2 Lansdowne road
worth road Quiney Alf. 3 Colworth tel". Colworth rd Shipley Charles, 6 Lancaster villas, Lan-
Palmer John, Clifton vil. South Westrd RafIee James,2 &sindell ter.Fairlop rd caster road
Shorter Raymond, 2 Cowley villas, Thomas Frederick James, 6 Wadley rd Webb Chas. 4 Clifton tel'. Beachcroft rd
Cowley road Thompson Benjamin, :a RusseU villas, Webster Thomas Henry, 3 Barnetts
Simkins Mrs. I Arthur tel'. Cowley rd Howard road terrace, Colworth road
SimmonsGeo. Sandown cot. Percy rd ThompsonHy.G.PineGroveviI.Fairloprd Weige George Frederick, I Stanhope
8impole Henry, Emily house, Forest rd Thompson Mrs.Harrow vills.Birkbeckrd villas, Birkbeck roa.d .
Single Mrs. Braemer villa, Fillebrook rd Thompson Ralph,4 CowleyviI.Cowleyrd Wellsteed Charles, 13 Cla~ftce road
Skelt EOOnezer, Lilian viI. Wallwood rd Thomson Augustus, Scandinaviahousa, Welsh Charles, 6 Julia tel'. High road
flkelt Joseph, Rosindell villa, Fairlop rd Bulwer road West WiUiamHollaway, Down house
Skelt Mrs. 10 Rosindell terrace Thomson Geo. Fredk. 3 Wallwood tel'. WestcottJohn,Haywood, Hainault road
Skene Mrs. Rosa cottage, High road Wallwood road Wheeler Charles, 7 GrBve road
SlaiterThos. Branksome viI. Hainaultrd Thomson Hy. I Nyewood viI!. Morning- Wheeler John Jas. Ferndala, Ley Spring
Slatford Wm. 2 Agnes ter. Lancaster rd ton road White Charles, Marian vils.Hainault rd
Sleightholm Robt. York vil.Wallwood rd Thorman HY.4sGrove vils.Morningtn.rd White Frederick, Delta ho. Drayton rd
Sloman Geo. 7 Clifton tel'. Beachcroft 1'1;1 Thurgood Alfred, 7 Toronto road White GeOl'ge, Holme cot. High road
Small William, I Lansdowne road Tillett William, Drayton road Whybrow Henry, Kirkdale villa, Kirk-
Smith Alfred, 2 Ferndale viIs. Drayton rd Tilley J ames, 5 Sanson tel'. Sanson rd dale road
Smith Arthr.Hy.21 Albertter.Cathall rd Timbrell Aubrey Augnstus, Alvin villa, Wickham Thos. Cromwell ho. High rd
Smith Edwin Frederick George, Emma' Cathall road Wickham Thomas William, 4 Holly
villa, Forest road Tingle Henry, I Elm villas, Hainault rd villas, Cambridge park
Smith George, Wallwood road Tingle John Thomas, 21 Grove villas, Wiles Joseph, Ash villa, Grove road
Smith Henry, Ethel villa, Hainault rd Momington road Wilkinson George Noble, R{)yal lodge,
Smith Mrs. Esther road Tipper Sml. 2 N yewd vils.Mornington rd High road
Smith Mrs.Leyspring vil.Mornington rd Titley Thos. 16 Albion tel'. Lancaster rd Wilkinson Mrs. 9 Grove villas, Mom~
Smith 81. I Grove viIs. Mornington rd Todd Wm. 5 Lome tel'. Lansdowne rd ington road
Smith Watson, Percy house, Hainault rd Tolley Temple George, 2 Guernsey viis. Willams George, 2 Argyll terrace~
Smith Wm. St. Ethelberg, Fairlop road Beachcroft road Lancaster road
Smith William, I Grove road Tomlin Miss, 2 Laura tel'. Cobden road Williams Edward William, Cobdenroad
Snow Alfred George, 22 Florence road Tomlin Robert, Park Grove road Williams John, Eleanor villa,Harrow rd
Snow Geo. Morris Elliott, 2 Fillebrook rd Toms Robert, S Julia terrace, High rd Williams John, 28 Toronto road
Sorrell James, Laurel vil. Hainault road Tons Richard, Rose cot. Woodhouse rd Williams Justus Liebig, 1: Beacontree
SouthcottMrs.sWoodriff ter.Woodriff rd TookeyWm.Hall,2 Lytton viIs. Lytton rd terrace, Mornington road
Sparks James, Catherine viIs. Cobden rd Tothill Egerton,BoscomOO vils.Hainlt.rd Williams Lewis, Cambrian cottage,
Spicer Chas. Edmund, Park Grove road Tottingham Waltr.Overton,sToronto rd Wallwood road
Sproul Wm. Jessie's cottages, Barclay rd Toyne Francis, Upton lodge, Hainault rd Williams Richard Owen, Glasels, Fille-
Spurgeon Jos. 2 Harvey tel'. Harvey rd .Trebeck Charles, 10 Grosvenor villas, brook road
~purt Richard, Amboyna ho. Fairlop rd Fairlop road Williams WaIter, Park villa,Hainault rd
Standing Thomas, Grove Green lane Treeton Benj. Avenue ho. Mornington rd Williamson Thomas, 4 Cathall road
Stanning George, 2 Elm viI. Hainault rd Trott Frank, Vine cottage, Barclay road Willis John Wm. 18 Toronto road
Stark George N. Sunnyside, Fairlop rd Tucker Rd. I Lytton villas, Lytton rd Willis Mrs. Elm villa, Fillebrook road
Steel David, 2 Beacontree terrace, Morn- Tuckmell Benjamin, 1: Glendower villas, Wills Edwin, 3 Richardson villas, Hain-
ington road . Harvey road ault road
Steel Laurance, 4 Hainaul~ terrace, Turner Charles, 7 Cowley cot.Cowley rd Wilson Albert II.B. I Essex villas, Hain-
Hainault road _ Turner James, Harrow road . ault road
,Steer George, Lytton cottage, Lytton rd I 'rurner Waiter Pickett, High road Wilson James, Mary eottage, Temple st
.Steer Thos. George, J:I Wallwood tel'. Turpin George Frederick, 7 Wadley rd Wilson Mrs. 5 Grove vils.Mornington rd
Wallwood road Turquand Samuel James, Acacia lodge, Wilson William Henry', Upton "Villa,
~Stepto Edwd. Lilac cot. Mornington rd Wallwood road Grove road
,Steveus Henry, 1: Toronto road TyIer Mrs. 2 Holly vils. Cambridge pk Wing Fredk. 8 Agnes tel'. Lancaster rd
.Btevens WaIter, 15 Toronto road Tyser Henry, High road Wire Alfred Philip, 13 Mornington ter-
.-Stewart In.2 Plimsoll ter.Lansdowne rd 'fyteAlfred John,A}fred ho.Colworth rd ra('8, UniOD road
, Stile S. Alfred Dyson, I The Lindens, Ulyett Joseph Wm. Ada vil.Barclayrd Wise Mrs. 10 Albion ter.Lancaster road
South West road Upton Geo. 4 Plimsoll ter.Lansdowne rd Withers William F. 3 Harvey road
F Stocken Mrs. Ivy villa, Harvey road Vallentin Oscar Ferdinand, Amalia Withers Thos. Rhodes, 13 Forest place
Stocks Mrs. Lytton road villa, Hainault road . Wolff August, Strafford viIs. Hainalt.rd
"Stoken Mrs. Malvern villa, Harrow road Vesper William, 2 Harvey road Wood Arthur Curnmins, ~ Wistaria
8tonard Louis J. Fernside, Fillebrook rd Vile William,II Denmark ter.Harvey rd villas, Eirkbeck. road
Stone RoOOrt, 19 Cowley road Vinals Roman, Colon villa, Drayton rd Wood Benj. I Cedar viis. Montague rd
, 'Stoodley WIlL 2 Darnley vils.Birkbeck rd Vincent Ralph, Fernbank, Fairlop road Wood Benjamin Higgins, I Colworth rd
Straight David, Stone Crop h01Jse, Hain- WOOdell Thomas, 38 Toronto road Wood George Thome, High road
ault road Wadley Ezekiel, 9 Colworth t.errace, Woodley Edwin, I Wallwood villas,
, Streak Henry, Forest viis. Fillebrook rd Colworth road , Wallwood road
_Stroyle Mrs. Elgin villa, FairIop road Walker Benj. 8 Denma.rk tel'. Harvey rd Woodley Thomas, l3 Wallwood villas,
_Stuart John Douglas, Cromartie villa, Walker Edmund, Chalcott nI.Hainlt.rd Wallwood road
Hainault road _ Walker Fredk. Camden villa, Percy rd Woodhouse Richard, 16 Forest road
, Stuart Wm. 3 Hainault ter. Hainaultrd WaWs Ransome, Said house, Fairlop rd Woodward Rev. George Joseph B.A.
Stuttle RoOOrt, 3 Wadley road Ward Joseph Griffiths,.xI Toronto rd [senior curate], 10 Barclay terrace,
• Summers Henry AlOOrt, 2 Morden vils.. Ward Mrs. 8 Laburnum viIs. Lytton re Barclay road
Hainault road Wardill Jonathan, Muston lodge, Hain- Woolfe.Henry,Fernwood ho.Hainault rd
,-Sutherland Wm.TheLimes, Hainault rd ault road Woostel' George, ~I Forest road - ,
..8withinbank. William, 2 Sydney villas, Wareham John, J:I Harvey road Workman Lester William, Hampton
Harrow road • Wannisley William Harman, 11 Manan house, Harrow road . I
.:Symonds WaIter, J. Alfred villas, Wood- villas, Hainault road Worskett Samuel,Daisy villa,Fairlop rd
house road Warner Hy. Belmont villa,Fillebrook rd Wl'ench Chas. In.4Nonnater.Unioo re
~abrum Burnett, 6 Forest place. Waters Arthur,8 Rosindell ter.Fairlop rd Wright. Charletl Elvy, Thorn 'tiDa,
'"Tagg Gel}. Chas. Kendal cot. Percy rd Watkins Francis, 4 Momington terrace, Haimmlt road I . I

'Tapling William, I Kirkdale road Union road " Wright Henry,g Oxford ter.Birkbeck rd
''Tarr Edward, 6 Toronto road WatsonAIex. G. Ashley"Wallwood road Wright James, Fern cottage
~rarrant Thos. 3 Rosindell ter. Fairlop rd Watson James Seaton, Fairholme house, Wright James, !l3 Groye villas, MominS'"'
Taylor George, 36 Toronto road Fairlop road ton road... ~ i .
Taylof Geo.Jn. 3 Albion ter.Lancaster rd WatBon Mrs. a Barnetts terrace, Col- Wright Jspb. Laurel cot. Monlague rd
Taylor John, Caroline cottage,CPWlllY rd worth road .. ... Wynn John, Bramblings. Fair,lop road)
Taylor John, 14 Claren~ rol,ld Watson Ralph, )Varkworth. house, Bul~ Yale Wm. 1:0 Yale tel'. Colwol'th road)
Taylor John, I Mansell rotts. Forest rd mer road Yewen Caleb Henry, Ha1"l'Ow roadJ
Taylol' Rt. Wilmington viI. Wallwood rd Watter Mrs. 4 LansdoWDevillall,High rd Youldin Edwin, I I Rosindell tAm&ee,
Taylor Wm. 2 Florencerils.Femdalefd Wa.J Wm. 1W;estborough vils.Forestro. Fairlop road 1-
Terrell Ja8. ~ Grove -vils.Mornington rd Weaver Geo. Emily viI. Mornington N YOUtlg Francis Henry', "X Lime Jrillas,t
'l'harp John Alfred~4 Beacontree tel'. Webb John Thomas, 3 Perseverance Mornington road to
Mornington road J(U,..> ,..1 cottages, road j Q )..,. l. 6 Young William, Flonnce bOo Faidop rd.

COMMERCIAL. Cane William, carpenter,Lansdowne rd agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine "
Abbott. Bush M. H. & Co. coal mer- Cardo James & S0Ilt boot & shoe spirit merchants, High road
chants, carmen & dairymen, furni- makers, High road Dyer Henry & Son, undertakers,High rc\
ture removed & warehoused, High Carter & Cole, bricklayers, Cecil road Dyer Sarah (Mrs.), poulterer, High stone
road & Leyton road, Leyton Cartel' Jane (Miss), tbccnst. Harrow rd Eagle Charles, plumber, Hollo-way roac\
Ager William, boot maker, Temple st Caswell Isabella (Mrs.), saddler & har- East Robert, butcher, Harrow green
Aiano John, tailor, Leytonstone road nass maker, Harrow green Easy Edwiu James, builder,Cecil rpad
Alcock Hy. Stacy, buildr. Wallwood rd Cateou Edmund, boot & shoe maker, Ebert Peter, baker, Harrow green
Angliss Samuel Austin, The Green Man, Cathall road Edridge Henry, grocer, Hig4 road
High street Chaplin Arthur Edward, draper, milli- Edwards Agnes (Mrs.),school,3:a Crowu't
Ansell William, beer retlr.Crownfield rd ner, hosier & furnishing warehouse, field road
Anspach Jacob, baker, Holloway road High road Edwards John, greengrocer, Victoria rq
Anthony John R. auctioneer, Fairloprd ChaimsonovitzEUeson Prosper,tobacco- Elemes George, earthenware dealer. 64
Arber William,builder, High road nist, High road Crownfield road
Argent Wm. plasterer, Holloway down Chapman Mark, baker, High road Ellis John, shopkeeper, Montague road
ArnelI Henry, paperhanger, Harrow rd Chapman Rd.Jn.carman,7Crownfield rd Elmer Sarah (Miss), mllnr. Harrow gm
Ashley Alfred, solicitor, Clarendon Choldcroft Christopher James, h~ir Elson John, wardrobe dealer, Forest rq
villa, Fairlop road dresser, Harrow green Elvin Samuel, fancy repository. 6 'rhe
Bacon Fredk. oil &; colorman, High rd Christmas William, <lhimney cleaner, Grove, High road
Bailey Jane (Mrs.), ladies' school, Kirk- Woodhouse road Embleton Arthur, grocer, Crownfield rd
dale toad Clare Rebecca (Mrs.), I'lhopkeeper, 46 Emerson Henry John, printer, High l"d
Bailey John, shopkeeper, Victoria road Crownfield road . England Frederick, builder, I RusseU
Bains Mary (Mrs.),milliner,6 Harvey rd Clare Saml. John, grngrocr. Harrow rd villas, Howard road ~
Baker William, shopkeeper, Forest road Clarke &; Dunham, manufacturers of Esse~ Farm Dairy (.Henry Gardnert,
Baker William Ebenezer, beer retailer, flour mill machinery, JIarrow green; proprietor), Harvey road ,
Dunmow road north & 69 Mal'k tane e.c Ess~ Mineral Water (JQ. nigh road
Ballard John, watch maker, High road Claydon & Harley, joiners, 6 Argyle st Everard Robert, shopkeeper, Esther rd
Balls George, baker, Harrow green Clayton Alfred, livery stables,Harvey rd Farrant Abraham, lmker. White house,
Banes John, eating house, High road Clift Jane (Miss), linen draper, High I'd High road
Banks George, shopkeeper, Union road Clinch Wm. J. haberdasher, Cathall rd. Fennell Alfd. oil &colorman,Harrow grI\
Bardwell Matthw. coffeerms.:ijarrow gn Cochrane Georget ma~ter mariner, 47 Finney Samuel, tailor, Percy road
Barford Thomas, Red Li(}n, High road Grove villas, Mornington road . Flack & Sons, oilmen, High road
Barnard J n. boot &; shoe ma. Church la Cockburn Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker" Flower William, farmer. Forest farm
Barnett Samuel, grocer, Park road 8 Hainaultr terrace, Hainault road Forest Steam Lau1l.dry Works (The)
Barrett Wm. shopkpr. Lower Temple st Collier John & Co. grocery stores &c. (Whit~ & Roge1'$, prop1'$.), lIigh road
Barry James, shopkeeper, Gladstone rd High road Forge J ames William, l'rchitect, High r<l.:
Barth Charles Edmund, clothes cleaner, Collier Samuel, baker, Lower Temple st. Fouracres & William$, lath rellders,
15 Albert terrace, Cathall road Collins John Henry, artist, I Stanhope Lansdowne road
Bartlett Arthur Eves, master mariner, villas. Birkbeck road Fox Wm. Albert & Co.ellmists.Cathall rd

3 Derwent villas, Birkbeck road ColliusJoseph Pullen, solicitor, Ches· Francis Mary (M1'$.), school, Sanson rd
Bartlett William Henry, tin plate nut Tree house, High road Franklin Sarah Anll (Miss),dreS$ maker,
worker, 7 Holloway down Conyer Richard,beer rtlr.Lansdowne rd Forest road
Battiscombe James Valentine, solicitor, Colwill & Co. linen drapers, High road Freeman James Joseph, grocer, Harrow
Elm cottage, Cowley road Combll Thomas,pawnbroker,Harrow gn green, & Post office
Bauer Christian, baker, Crownfield rd Coombs Thomas,dairy,62 Crownfield rd Fros,t Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeperll 5 Cat-
Beard John, plumber, High road Comwr Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, hall road
Beaumont Hy. cowkeeper,Beachcroft.rd Forest r o a d . Frost Emma (Miss)., ~ool, Lytton col-
Bell Arthur, plumber, Cecil road Cooper Frank William, surgeon, Gains- lege, FaiI-lop road
Bellamy Fredk. blacksmith,Holloway dn , OOro' house, High road Fryer John .Biden, master mariner, ~
Bennett William Jarvis, station master Cooper John Thomas, working jeweller, ~liC(' Tillas, Birkbeck road
Bent Samuel, farmer,Green Grove farm Crownfield road . Fuller Ebenezer, locksmith & gas fitter,
Bethnal Green Indu~trial Schools Cornish David Stphn. grocer, Harrow rd High road
(David Papworth, supt. ; Mrs. Emma Cottrell Fredk. plumber, Holloway rd Fuller William AlIen, shopkeeper, Lans.
Lydia Papworth, matron t. Rev. (J()X Matilda (M1'$.), fancy draper, 3 downe road
William James Bettison M.A.. chap- Market place, High road _ Gardner John, dyer. High road
lain), High road Cox Thomas, -chair maker, Harrow rd _ Garner Henry, shopkeeper, 54 CrQWIl-
Bexfield Geo. SI. com.trav. 3 Colworth rd Creed Bd. architect, Gwyder ldg. Forest field road ; _ I
Binks Valentine William, dairyman, CreHin Cresar, oil & colorman, Har- GJ'yford Frederick, corn &; flOUl' mer-
Lansdowne road. . row road - chant, Harrow green
Bissland Alexander, gardnr.Dra.yton rd CriSp6 Samuel Jabez,. beel" retailer, Gentle William & Son, tailol"!!t High rd
Blackburn Hy.shopkprLowerTemple at Victoria road ' . . Gibbs William, Ilhoe maker, High road
Blount Wm.bulclng.material dlr.High rd Crofts Al~ert Edward, commercial Gidney Fredk. stone mason., Howard cl.
Boggiss James, shopkeeper, Fo~t road traveller, 6 Mornington road Gilbert George, grocer~ Harrow green
Basworth John, pork butcher, High I'd Cross Joseph, floris~ Drayton ,-oad Gill Henry, boot maker, High road
Boyland James, bricklayer,Colworth rd Cullen William, baker, High road Gingell George L.D.S. :R,C.8. Img. dentist.
BraceyJn. teacher of music, Colworth rd Cunningham Edward, greengrocer, 6 Lansdowne villas, High road.
Brady Wm. Albt.ho.decorator,Forest rd Harrow green . I Girling Jas. & H. coal merchan~ Rail-
Brafield William, chinB dlr. High :road 'D'Alth John,provision dlr. Holloway l'd 'Way station, ' ...
Bragger Robert, builder, Barelay road Davis Elizbtb. Lucy (Mrs.),dress maker, Godbold H. W. & Co. millinel'8t ~iers~
Britton William B. mason, Avenue road '13 Colworth terrace, Colworth road . outfitters & laoemen &; fancy drapers.
Brooker Henry, groCeF, Crownfield nl Day Il'oomas dr; Son, accountants, la High road \0
Brooks JOsePh, butcher, Cathall road, Florence road . - Golding Alfred, tailor, g. Rollow,ay road
Brown John, shopkeeper, Forest road Day John, Clarendon villa, High road GoodlD8D Waltr. buildel\ fark Gl'OVe~
Brown William,marine Iltore dlr.Cecil rd Dench Jess6; CQwkeeper, Harrow road Graves .William. teacher, of music, 3,
Bryett George, tailor, Harrow green Dickinson Alfred, farme~ Dyers' Hall Grove villas, Momington road
Bull Ezekiel, horlle dealer, Montague rd farm, Grove Green lane " Gmy SimeQn, head -master of ,Leytou-
Bull Seth, blacksmith, Montague road Dimsdal~ William Edward, IUiademy, 5 board school, Kirkdale road .
Bnllen William Bobert,. k .estate : Grove terrace, Fillebrook road I J Griffitp Geo. chiJnuey cleaner, Park.rd
J agen~ valuer & appraiser, 2' Bonrton Dowle William, greengrQCer~ High road G-riggB Waltel',. carpenter, Howan! road
iCottages,.Lancaster road ' Driver John, oil &; colorman, Harrow l'd Gl"OS8 Charles, commereial traveller,:a
Burden Edward A. boot ma. Harro'" rd Driver . Mary Sn.sammh (M1'$.)" book.. Lancaster 1ertaee, High road
Burden Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, .seller, High road ,. ~ .I Grngeon Arthur, tailor, Harrow fOOd
s Harrow road . ~. . , Dukes: Jo8hua L.C.P'. boaTding BChool, Gudgeon -(.iep. bQot makel\ Denmark st.-,
Butteriield Walter, Ilhopkpr. Victoria ni t £ambridge park '1 f • Gunn George R. &; Co. ~tate agents.- 2
Bygrove Wm. greengroce1',6 Cathall rd bunn James, D138ter mariner",.Rose . Ebenezer villas, Lancaster road (I.,
Cains Edward, builder. High road .., , t •rilla, ·L-ytton road.' li<- rrl l "Gnnton Wnl'. greengrocr. Lansdowne \'d
Campbell Luke Glen. 'Wiue & beer putch Frank &; Co. grocers, cheese- Guthrie Peter, oil &: colorman, Holloway
dsaler, Leytonstone
, rood . J I mongers, -wine & spirit merchants, • down, High road
Haley Richard, fishmonger, 1 Market Kavanah Matt, brickfayer, 7 Cecil road. Morphett Marian (Mrs.)&Emma(Miss),
place, High road Keaws John Joseph, estate agent, Wall- ladies' 8!!h1. I Clifton wr. Beachcrft. rd
Halford Ann France8 (Mrs.), oilman, wood lodge, Hainault road Morse Wm. Peter, tobcnst. Harrow gm
Cobdeu road Kemp William, carpenter, Church lane Mottley Thos. coffee ho. Woodhouse rd
Halford Thos. Thatched House, Leyton- Kerr James King M.D. surgeon, Word- Moyse William, boot maker, Cecil road
stone road leigh, High road Mullett Alfred, picture frame maker,
Hambly James, carpenter, 2 Clarence rd Kersop John, tobacconist, Harrow road Holloway down
Hampton Richard, oonfectioner, Ley- Kettle Alfred Colville, grcr. Victoria rd Newbery John, bricklayer, Hollowy.dwn
tonstone road King John, chimney cleaner, Crown- Newlands John, rope maker,6 Belgrave
Harbour Hy. jnn. greengrcr.Crownfld,rd field road terrace, Union road
Harding William, oilman, Howard rd Kingston John Thomas, boot maker, Newman Geo. greengrocer, Harrow rd
Harper William, florist, Hainault road Harrow green Newson Edga'r Wm. tobaccnst. High rd
Harris Alfred, surgeon,Fairholme,Fair- Kingston John Thomas, jun. cabinet Newton Wm,Hy.&Son, bldrs. Harrowrd
lop road maker, High road Nice Henrietta Rose (Miss), Crown,
Harris Jsph. boot maker, CT(}wnfield rd Kipping Charles, fruiterer, High road High road
Hams Joseph, The Elms, High road Knott Robert, ironmonger, High road Nicholls Albert, builder, Harrow road
Hart Thomas, pork butcher, 3 South- Labrum & Crowhurst, grocers, Cat- Norman Alfred,linendraper,Harrow grn
wood terrace, High road hall road North Alexander, hair dresser,Cathall rd
Haseltine William, furniture dealer, Lakeman Jasper Jas. chemist & dentist, North Met1'opolitan Tramways Co. car
Leytonstone road High road manufacturers, Union road; office, 24
Hatton Arthur, butcher, Harrow green tamb Wm. & Son, plumbers, Leyton- Finsbury place, London e.c
Hawkins Wm. chimney cleaner, High rd stone road Northwood Enoch, carpenter, High rd
Hawksworth George, builder, Argyle st Lambert Wm. shopkeeper, Holloway rd Northwood George, Bell, High I'oad
Hay William,maswr mariner, 3 Edmund Latter Edward Chas. commercial trav. Nonon Emma (Miss), dress maker,
villas, Hainault road 1 Cleopatra villas, Lytton road Barclay road
Hayes Emily (Mrs.),news agent, Crown- Lawrence Henry Simes, accountant, 8 Nurse Jsph. french polisher, Harrow I'd
field road Ashbourn terrace, Harrow road Oliver Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker,
Hayes John, ham & beef dealer, Har- Lawrence James Thos. beer retailer, Cecil road
row green Leytonstone road Orchard Elizabeth (Mrs.), linen draper
Helmore Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' Laws Alexander, greengrocer, High rd &C. Harrow green
school, Florenda villa, Lancaster rd Laws Robert Henry, master mariner, 1 Outran Mary Ann Eli1.abeth (Mrs.),
Henning Hy. firewood dlr. Norman rd Ebenezer villas, Lancaster road ladies' school, l"orest cottge, Lytton rd
Hewett Gee). builder, Grove ho. High I'd Lawson John, boot ma. Lansdowne rd Overett Geo.chimny.swpr.Momingtn.rd
Hicks Henry HaTtley, painter, High rd Le Heup SI. beer retailer, Harrow gm Palmer Andrew, horse dealr. Cobden rd
Hitchcock Chas.grngrcr.Hollowaydown Lee Charles Christopher, baker, High rd Papworth David, superintendent of the
Hitching Joseph"builder, 2 Waltham Lewsey & Lee, grocers, High road Bethnal Green industrial schools,
villas, Birkbeck road Leyton tf Leytonstone Independent High road
Hodgkinson Jas. general draper,High rd (Wm. Driver, publisher; published on Parker <.reorge, beer retailer, High road
Hofley John, florist, Lansdowne road friday), High road Parker Solomon, boot maker, Cobden rd
Holden Edward &; Son, house decora-I Leytonstone et Wanstead Building Parkes Geo. cabinet maker, Victoria rd
tors, Wellesley road Society, High road Parkins George, pork butcher, High rd
Holmes John James, coffee house, 8 Lintott Fredk, Thomas, oil &; colorman, Pattison Joshua Matthew, linen draper,
Holloway down Harrow green High road
Hooper Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. Chester st Loader Hy. provision dlr. Holloway rd Payze Brothers, corn & seed merchants,
Hopson Chas. Cowley Arms, Harrow go I Lodge & Gee, french polishers, Cecil rd bruising, grindery & crushing mills,
Howe George Frederick, earthenware' Long William, fancy repository, High rd High road
. dealer, Woodhouse road I Low Benjamin Thomas, weaver, 2 Payze Raymond Guy, solicitor, 17 Grove
Howe William, butcher, Harrow road Edmunds terrace, Lancaster road villas, Mornington road
Howlett James, agent for Imperial fire Lucking Hy. Juhn Lockwood, grocer, Peace Alfred, carrier, Park road
office, 41 Orove viIs. Mornington rd Leytonstone road • Peartree George, butcher, Harrow gm
Hubbard Henry, hair dresser, Church la Lynn George, boot maker, Union road Peckham ebas. John, house decorator, 5
Hubbard William, corn chandler,Crown- Maidment baRe; earthenware dealer, 9 Florence road
• field road Holloway down Pedley George, baker, Crownfield road
Hulett George, tobacconist, Dunmow Mallinson Richd.cattle dealer,Harrow I'd Perkins Geo. coal dealer, Holloway rd
road north Mancer Edwn.Thos.greengrocer,High rd Perkins. Geo. Wm. coal dlr. Harrow grn
Hume Martha (Mrs.), day school, 25 Mancer John, greengrocer, Forest road Pettipher Robert Waiter, coal agent, 21
Grove villas, Mornington road Mann Charles, oil &colorman,68 Crown- Lascelles road
Hussey Harriet Stoddon (Mrs.), semi- field road Petty James, fishmonger. Cathall road
nary, High road Mann Wm,Jas. greengrocer,Harrow grn Place Francis (Mrs.), dress ma. High rd
Hutchins Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 MarkbyJoseph,barness maker, High rd Platten Edwd. cab proprietor, High rd
Guernsey villas, Beachoroft road Markby Thos. boot & shoe ma. High td Plummer Alfred, tobacnst. Harrow rd
Hutt Mark, furniture dealer, High road Markham Hy.boot & shoe ma.Cathall rd Polley Hy. oil & colorman, Cathall rd
Impey George, carman, Beachcroft road Marks Annie(Miss),ladies' school,1 J ulia Ponsford Rd. -wheelwrt. Leytonstone rd
Ingrmn A. & Co. wine & spirit mer· terrace, High road Poole Tom, linen draper, Harrow green
chant&, Beachoroft road Marsh Geo. linen draper, Harrow green Poulson John, builder, Harrow green
Isaacs J6S. Plough 4" Harrow, Leyton- Mason Wm. Geo. linen draper, High rd Poulton In. carpenter, Low. Temple st
stone road Matthews Theophilus & Son, chemists & Pound William, tobacconist, High road
Jackson Alexander Harker, Birkbeck, druggists, Harrow green Power Cornelius, firewood dealer,
Union road Matthley Mal:k, coal agent, Cobden rd Forest road
Jacques James Thoma.'i, watch & clock May Louisa (Mrs.), dress ma. Forest rd Prebble Henry William., architect, Fair-
maker, Holloway rood May Wm. Fredk. commercial traveller, lawn, Mornington road
James William, carman, Harrow-road 7 Grove villas, Mornington road Priest Robert, smith, High road
Jeffersonl Alex. tobacconist, Harrow gm McOullum Wm. Danl. ins. agt. Cecil rd Prior Joseph Hy. commercial traveller,
Jems Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 104 McDenll(~tt Thomas,boot & shoemaker, 1: Florence villas, Cowley road
Crownfield road WelIesley TOad Protheroe & Morris, auctioneers &
Johnson James, painter, !! Belgrav8 Meatyard Stphu.. butcher, Crownfield rd estate agents, High TOild
terrace, Union road Merry Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Protheroe Alexander, nurseryman
Johnston jun. &; Co. timber, brick, slate', Crownfield road Pryke Oscar, aarpenwr, Forest road
cement & drain pipe merchants, Metcalfe Frank,. music eeller, Park PryorWm. furniture dealer, Holloway rd
agents ror J. Bazeley White & Brds. Grove roa<l Rain Robert, tin plate worker, Cacil rd
portland cement, High road & Miller Wm. chimney sweepr. Harrow gn Randall John Thomas, toy dealer, Lans-
Howard :road Mills & Co. tobacconists, Holloway down d<JWIle rood
Jones James, plumber, Harrmv green Mills Edwd. gTeengrocer, Avenue road Rands John, shopkpr. 208 Crownfieldrd
JOBes Wm. plmbr. &C. 70 Cro'Wnfield rd Moore Alfred, teacher of music, Belgrave Rayner Charlea tGeorge, marine store·
JordanJane Maris (Mis8),dre88 maker, "Villa, Momington road dealer, Holloway road
6 Argyll terrace, Lancaster road Moore John Miles, wood engraver, Redgrave Wm. builder, t Union road
Jullian Emma Loui68. (Mrs')r milliner, WellesleY'Toad. Reeve Jam~ builder, Denmark .treet
Harrow green Morgan Wm.1ishmonger, High road Jleeve Jas. prOvision dealer, Hollowy. rd
Revitt Joseph, grocer, &, agent for W. Spratt William, cowkeeper, Argyle st Ward John, nurseryman & florist, Wa1l 4

& A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, Sproul Wm. Hy. & Co. coal mers. Har- wood nursery, Wallwood road
Harrow green & Cathall road row grn.; &. 1 High st. Stratford hrdg tJ Wardell Thomas Alfred, beer retailer,
Reynolds Jsph.boot&shoe ma. Cathall I'd Stafford Geo. Jas. blind maker, High I'd 66 Crownfield road
Rice Ellen (Mrs.), haberdasher, Lans- Staines William Hemy, insurance agent, Warnett William, estate agent, II Albert
downe road 178 Crownfield road terrace, Cathall road
Richardson Thos. fishmngr. Holloway I'd Stancombe Alired, boot ma.Holloway I'd Warren Frederic & Co. coal merchants,
Richmond Daniel, shopkeepr, Harrow I'd Stay WilliamAugustus, house decorator, Railway station
Richold John Aaron, coach painter, Barc1ay road Warrington William, umbrella maker,
Harrow green Stevens Hy. bookslr.& news agt. High rd Cathall road
Rickwood Abel, bricklayer, Fernleigh Stevens Isaac, blacksmith, Cathall rd Waters Charles, baker, High road
villa, South West road Stevens John, tailor, Church lane Watkins William Richard, commer~
Ridgewell Geo. cowkpr. Montague I'd Stoffer Noah, fishmonger, Park road traveller, Lytton road
Ridlington Eliza (Miss), boot & shoe Strutt Robert, news agent, Cathall I'd Watson Albert, carpenter, Denmark st
maker, High road Stubbings Rt. wheelwright, Montague rd Watson Albert James, butcher, High rd
Ringwood Samuel, contractor, Portland Stuhldreer Adolphus & Son, bakers, Watson Ralph, s,olicitor, Warkworth ho.
house, Holloway road Harrow road Bulwer road
Robey GeorgQ Austin, relieving officer, Tagg William, house decorator,Frances Watts Margaret Stanley (Mrs.), Wood
West Ham union, No. 6 district, cottages, Grove Green lane House tavern, Harrow road
Woodhouse road Tanner Charles William, coal merchant, Webster Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeepeT,
Robinson Adlington (Mrs.), preparatory High road; & Stratford Argyle street
school, 6 Grosvenor villas, Fairlop rd Taylin George, nurseryman, Park road Weir Alfred, provision dlr. Harrow I'd
Robinson Wm. cowkeeper, Harrow road Taylor Ann(Mrs.), linen draper, High I'd West Richard Arthur, shpkpr.Cobden rd
Root Alfred, baker, Holloway down Taylor Edward, corn chandler, High I'd West William, rigger&; stevedore, Hollo-
Rudderburn Mary Ann (Mrs.), school, Taylor George, tailor, Elm villa, Morn- way Down house
Cecil road ington road I Wheeler Charles, dairy, Wadley road
Rudderford Wm.bird dlr.Holloway down Taylor Henry, farrier, Park road
Sage Philip, hair dresser, Cathall road
l Wheeler Wm. florist, Holloway down
Taylor Wm. Lewis, carpenter, Park rd White George, toy dealer, Cecil road
St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery (Rev. Taynton :Elizabeth (Mrs.), hosier, 40 White Philip Edmund, seedsman, florist
Frederic Rymer D.D. administrator), Crownfield road &; horticultural builder, Harrow green
Union road Tench George, cowkeeper, Forest road White William. plumber &C. Victoria I'd
Salmon Thomas, dairy, High road ThirkettleWm.Charles, house decorator, WifIen Thomas Cowland, painter, Bale
Sandrock Jacob, baker, High road Temple street cottage, Wallwood road
Saville Wm. Ellis, butcher, Hollwy. dwn Thomps(ln Annie (Mrs.), preparatory Wilding Geo. Wm. plumber &C. High rd
Sawyer Thos. Chas. beer dlr. Cathall I'd school, Mornington road Wilkinson Mercy Janet (Miss), ladies'
Sayee Stephen, shopkeeper, Forest road' Thompson Chas. outfitter, Harrow gm school, Oak villa, Grove road
Sayers Edward, insurance agent, Lans- I Thompson Drury Freeman, commercial Wilks Alfred, carman, Harrow road
downe road traveller, 6 Harvey tel'. Harvey I'd Willborne Rd. (Mrs.), coal dlr. Chester st
Seymour William Robert, house decD- ~ Thorn George, beer dealer, Lascelles I'd Williams Richard, tailor, Victoria road
rator, Harrow road I Thurston WaIter,boot&shoe ma. High rd Wilmott Wm. Jas. bookseller, High I'd
Shannon Eliza (Mrs.), haberdasher, IIO Tillett Benjamin, builder, Drayton road Wilson Albert M.B.surgeon,IEssex villas,
Crownfield road Titmus Charles, florist, 1 Harvey road Hainault road
Sharpling William, insurance agent, 2 Townsey John, confectioner, High road Wilson Arthur, beer retailer, Park road
Frances cottages ! Trew Frederick, shopkeeper, CathalI I'd WilsonMary(Mrs.),dressmaker,6Albert
Shaw Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 60: Tripp Hemy, oil &; colorman, 38 terrace, Cathall road
Crownfield road I Crownfield road Wire Bros. builders, Dunmow rd. north
Sheeman Alice (Miss), dress maker, Tuck Alice (Mrs.), shopkpr. Harrow I'd Wiseman David & Son, plmbrs. IWest st •
Holloway road Tuckett Robert, shopkeeper, Forest I'd Wiseman Chas. greengrocer, Cathall rd
Simkins George, coffee house, High I'd I Turner John, watch ma.Holloway down Wiseman Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Simkins James, wardrobe dealer, Lans- I Turner In. wardrobe dJI'. 2 Hollwy. dwn Lascelles road
downe road I Turner Waiter Pickett, surgeon, High rd Wood Agnes (Mrs.), dress maker, Rose
Simpson Harnet (Mrs.), beer dealer Tyler Edward, carman, Hainault road villa, Grove road
Victoria road ITyser Henry, surgeon, High road Wood Henry &Wm. plasterers, High rd
Sims Wm. shopkeeper, Leytonstone rd . UffindellAnne (Miss),fncy.repos.High I'd Wood George Thorne, builder, surveyor
Skelton Rd. M.R.C.Y.S. vet. surg. High I'd Underwood Thomas John Preston, car- &; dealer in building materials,High rd
Slade James, grocer, Union road I penter, Forest road Wood John, jun. boot maker, Church la
Smith George, cab proprietor, High rd I Upton John Thomas, butcher, High I'd Wood Susan (Mrs.),fancydraper, Hollo-
Smith George, dairy, 20 Florence road Upton Morris, mastr.mrnr.9WoodrifI rd way down
Smith Hamilton, cowkpr. Lansdwne. I'd Vant William Henry & Co. tailors, WoodhoustJ Brewery Co. (Henry BetheIi,
Smith Jas. earthenware dlr. Forest I'd Mornington road manager), Cecil road
Smith Jsph. beer retailer, Crownfield I'd Verrall Geo. Arthur, boot ma. Esther I'd Woodruff Elizabeth (Miss),dress maker,
Smith Saml. drain contractor,Wadley I'd Vickery Cbas. shpkpr. 94 Crownfield I'd 8 Holloway road
Smith Sarah(Mrs.),shopkpr.Harrow gm Vincent Andrew Whyte, grocer, Crown- Wreford Geo. whlwrght. Leytonstone rd
Smith Wm. Harnngton, bricklayer, field road Wright Alex. gmgrcr.Dunmow rd.north
Harringtoncottage, Mornington I'd WakelingMoses,cornchndlr.Harrowrd Wright Anna Maria (Miss), cab pro-
Smither&Cox,dressmas.lo Morngton.rd Walding Wm. farm bailiff to Wm. A. prietor, Forest
Snazel James, bricklayer, Sanson road Dickinson esq. Grove Green lane Wright Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,
Snow John, boot maker, Harrow green Walker Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, Leytonstone road
Satchel' ma.Victria.rd Holloway down Wright Thos.Wm. blind ma. Montag. rd
South Elizabeth (Miss),teacher of music, Ward Emily (Miss), dress maker, Hollo- Wright Wm. hair dresser,Woodhouse rd
4 Colworth terrace, Colworth road way road Yewen Caleb Hy. surgeon, Harrow roall
SpiceI' Mark, shopkeepr. Lansdowne I'd Ward John, boot maker, Holloway road Yewen Charles, 108 Crownfield road
LINDSELL is a village and parish in the Western division parish was held by Ulmar, but it was given by the Conqueror
of t,he county, Dunmow hundred, union and county court to Eud9 dapifer. The .Pirot, Tibetot, Wentworth, North
district and in Dunmow rural deanery, Essex arcbdeaconry and other families were formerly owners here and Priors
and St. Albans diocese, on a brook feeding the Chelmer, Hall was held by the Priory of St. Valery, in Picardy, bu~
about 4 miles north-north-east from Dunmow, near the road since the year 1508 by New College, Oxford. There are three
from Dunmow to Bardfield, 8 east from Elsenham railway manors in the parish: Priors Hall, Lindsell Hall and Lashley
Btation and 4 south-east from Thaxted. The church (name Hall; the Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxford, are
unknown) consists of chancel anti nave and a tower con- lords of Priors Hall. The principal landowners are Sir G. R.
taining 3 bells and was appropriated to Walden Abbey: it Dalton Fitzgerald bart. the trustees for Lady Brooke, New
contains a fine old Norman arch and was restored internally College, Oxford, J. Cutts esq. the Hon. Sir J. B. Byles knt.
in 1873. The register dates from the year 1568. The living and Mr. Gibbons. The soil ill heavy land; subsoil, clay. The
is & vicarage, yearly value £~4. in the gift of Mrs. Packeman chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area of
and Mrs. Church and held by the ReT. Alexander John thtl parish is 1,986 acres; rateable value, £2,646 108.; and
Rogers X.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge: a residence was the population in 1881 was 274-
built in the year 1868 by the vicar. Before the Conquest the

HOLDERS GREEN, a. mile north-west and lJUST'AR:O GREEN, Chelmsford. The nearest money ocder & telegraph oflicee
a mile north, are hamlets in this parish. are at Dunmow & Thaxted
Parish Clerk, William Wren. Board School (mixed), under the Lindsell school board,
built in I877 for 90 children, with an average attendance
tET'l'ER"Box cleared on week-days at 4.30 p.m. Letters from of 50; Miss Sarah Elizabeth Emmett, mistress
Rogers Rev. Alex. John M.A. Vicarage Cornell Wm. farm bailiff, Lindsell hall Sweeting WaIter, farmer,Holders green
Ambrose Charles, farmer, Brazen head Harvey Aaron, blacksmith, & Crown inn Townsend William, farmer, Duck end
Bambridge Charles, carter Philpot WaIter, beer retailer Turner Peter, shopkeeper
Challis Jas. Rootsey, farmer, Lashley hI Smith Thomas, farmer, Priors hall West Alfred, miller & baker I

LISTON is a village and parish,. 3 miles north-west from College, London. John Lambert esq. is lord of the manor
Sudbury, in the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford and the principal landowner. Liston Hall is a handsome
hundred, Sudbury union and cOWlty court district, Heding- modern brick building, situated on an eminence in 8 well-
ham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans wooded park, the residence of Lieut.-CoL Palmer J.P. The
diocese, ~ituate- on the river StoUt; which separates it from soil is clay and gravelly; subsoil, gravel. The chie( crops
Suffolk. The church (dedication .unknown) is a small and are wheat and beans. The area is 631 acres; rateable value,
ancient edifice of Perpendicular character and consists of a [,1,2II; the population in 1881 was 123_
'chancel, nave, & mortuary chapel in'ected by Lieut.-Col. ~. .
Palmer and a. western tower conta.ining 3 bells. The register Letters through i::iudbury 8.rrlve at 8 a.m. & are delivered
dates from I599- The living is a rectory, yearly value [,163, by foot post. Mellord 18 the nearest money order &
with residence, in the gift of John Lambert esq. and held by telegraph office
the. Rev. Thomas Ruggles. Fisher, Theol. Assoc. o{ .King's Tile children of this parish attend board school at Borley
FisherRev.Thos.RugglesT.A.X.c.L.[rectorJ I Palmer Lieut.-COl. Fredk.J.p. Liston hall I Steel Henry, miller
LITTLEBURY is a parish and compact village, in the the gift of Ldl'd Braybrooke- and held by the Rev. Joseph
Western division ot the county, hundred of Uttlesford, Wix M.A. of St. Peter'S College, Cambridge. The Working
Saffron Walden Wlion and COWlty court district and in Men's reading room was opened in 1878 and has an
SaffroI! Walden rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and attached library of 30 volumes. Charities amounting to
Bt. Albans diocese, seated on the Granta or Cam and £30 yearly, left by Dr. Covel, formerly rector of this parish
the ancient Roman and modern road, It miles north-west and other benefactors, are distributed in money and kind.
from Saffron Walden, 2 north from Audley End station and Lord Braybrooke is lord of the manOl' and principal land-
40t by road from London. In the reign of King Edgar, in owner. The soil is various, principally light; subsoil, chalk
the ninth century, this place belonged to a monastery in the and graV'el. The. crops generally on the fourcourse shift.
Isle of Ely. The church of the Holy Trinity, standing within The parish contains 3,413 acrM; rateable value, £8,242;
the area of a Roman encampment, is a plain stone building and the population in 1881 was 795.
of considerable antiquity, consisting of chancel, nave of three LITTLEBU:R'Y GREEK, 2 miles west-south-west from the
bays, with clerestory, aisles, north and south porches and church is a hamlet of Littlebury.
a square tower containing 6 bells: the building, excepting Parish Clerk, William 8oorle.
the chancel, was restored in I87Q-l, the cost being defrayed POST OFFICE.-Frederick Wright, receiver. Letters arrive
hy subscription and the chancel was rebuilt in 1875, with from Saffron Walden at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7.30 p.m.
organ chamber and vestry, at the sole cost of Lord Bray- week days & 12 p.m. on sundays. The nearest money
brooke: the chancel contains a. flne reredos which, with the order & telegraph office is at Saffron Walden
~tained east window, was the gift of Lady Braybrooke, in Here is a Free school, fOWlded as is supposed by Thomas
memory of her sister the Hon. Augusta Maude, who died Button esq. with an endowment 'Of £60 per year, arising
Dec. 25, I857: there is also an ancient font. The register fro~ lands & tenements near the town, a schoolhoUBe
dates from the year 1544. The living consists of a rectory with master's residence was built in 1865, at a cost of
~nd discharged vicarage, valued at £300, with residence, in about [,1,°5°; Frederick William Hooper, master
Burrell John, Rectory farm Burrell John, farmer. nectory farm Mason James, shopkeeper
Emson Edmund, Littlebury greeq Dew John, shopkeeper Pettit Geo. The Hoops, Littlebury grn
Duke Charles & Benjamin,farmers.
Wix Rev. Joseph M.A. Vicarage
Wix Rev. Gyril Poynder 13.A. [curateJ
Wolle Mrs. Birch
Edwards George, butcher I Savill James, farmer, Littlebury green
Serjeant Edward, farmer, Bordeaux
EmsonEdmuud,farmer,Littleburygrn Webb Mary Ann (Mrs.), Queen's Head
COMMERCIAL. Hardwick Ann (Mrs.), baker . Working Men's Reading Rwm (Rev. C.
Abrabam John Williami beer retailer Hazell WaIter,. blacksmith P. Wix B.A. sec.) ,J

& wheelwright. KingThomas&Henry,millers,maltsters Wright AlIen James, Falcon

Barnard George Hayden, coal mel"" & farmers, Littlebury mills Wright Harry, bricklayer
chant, Great; Eastern railway Lyles John Toovey, farmer_ Bordeaux Wright Sarah (Mrs.), grocer
LOUGHTON is a parish and polling place for the Western in the gift of and held by the Rev. John WhitakeT Maitland
division of the -county, in Epping union,. Ongat' hundred, X.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridg&. >
Waltham Abbey oounty eouI't district, Essex archdeaconry, The memorial church of St.oNicholas, standing partly on
rural deanery -of Chigwell and diocese of St. Albans and is the site of the original church was er/Cted in 1877, by M1'll.
within the metropolitan police district, with a station near Whitaker Maitland, in memory of William Whitaker
the river Roding and two local stations on the Woodford and Maitland esq. her sons and all those members Qf the
Chipping Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway: it family who lie in the churchyard. The brasses taken
formed -6 portion of the endowments bestowed by King from the old church are now placed here and include g bl'l\!l8
Harold on Waltham AbbeY' and contained .. part of the ~1figies to John Stonnard, I54I and his wive8 Joan and
abbey lands until the dissolution Qf that monastery. The Catharine l another brass with the effigy of a man with a
parish consists of one long @treet, diverging from a straight ruff round his neck, in the costume of the 16th century BDd
line towards DebdeR green and i. ut miles from Shoreditch an inscription to William Nodes gent. who died in 1594
imd Whitecha.pel church, 6 8Onth-east from Waltham Abbey, and his 6 sons over whose head. their christian names are
9 north-west from Romford and 4 south from Epping (on given: there are also brasses to the Wroth family, 'the
the borders of the. foreet .of ithat- name} amid rural and earliest dating from 1673: Queen Elizabeth is .said to
picturesque scenery. visited the Stonnard's here in 1561. •
'J The church of St. John the Baptist i8 an ugly brick build- The churoh of St. Mary the Virgin; erected. 1871 Ind
fug, the main portion of which was erected in 11 modem consecrated. June Stb1 1872, is a building in the Early
~pecies of t' Norman" in 1846 and consists of chancel, nave, English style, consisting- of chancel, nave and south aisle
transepm and a low central towe. containing 8 belle, of end is & chapel of, and served by, the mot.hel' charch
'which th~ tenor 'WeigbB 19 Cfl.; these date from 1866 to of St. John the Baptist. h
x874, the 5th bell being 1'8-e38t in the tonner year from Here are Baptist and We8leyanchapels, and six almsho1l8e8,
two bells dated 1621 and r6SS respectively) 'While Nos. I and JI founded in r8l2'J by Mnt. Whitaker, for "'the aged and in6rlll
'Were purchased from the proceeds< of a- bazaaT;' No. 3 })OOI' Bnd eharities producing £3()l yearly by oomrious
'kiven by Mrs. John Gatt, of Armley house, Leed" and. Nos. perllOD.S in small d bequest8, the- interest amounting
6 and 7 are memorials to William Whitaker Maitland eeq. to snms of £1 and npwardsJ. 'fhere is & metropolitan police
tmd Emma, wif~ 'Of J. C. Rohrveger Mq.: the chancel is a statienj iituated ~n the High 'l'oad imd occupied by a
~!'tioJ1 of the- ancient church aDd retains its piscina and 8eetion of. the N~ divisio~ 'with a force of ~ iJlBpect0r8, S
Wilia ~ the building "Wall enlarged 'and p6nly "f'e-oselUed -acting 'Sergeantll 'and [0 poliee eonlltabIes, in charge 'Of
in 1877. The register dates from the :reap 1673. The Loughton and part of' Buckhurst hill. The BOil ill clay;
living is a rectory, yearly value £518, with residence, subsoil, sand. The chief crop. are wheat, oatll, peas and roots.
The area is 3,894 acres; rateable value, £16,824; and the Guardian, W. J. D'Oyley,jun
population in 188:1: was 2851. Royal Exchange, C. J. Holwell
Farish Clerk, James Ashpital. Metropolitan Police Station, High road, John Fry, Inspector
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. Rate Collector ~ Surveyor of Highways, Edwd. Wm. Salter
1\Iaria Barton, reCf'iver. Letters dispatched to London Registra-r of Births ~ heaths, Relieving 4" J1accinatiem.
10 a.m. 12·55, 4.55 & 9.30 p.m.; delivered 8,3° s.m. Officer, Samuel Wilks
1.15,4.3°,7.3° p.m. Telegraph office open from H a.m. Tax Collector, John Dean
to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m SCHOOLS : -
WALIJ LETTER BOXES, York hill, cleared 8.30 a.m. 3.30 p.m.; National (boys & girls), George P. Clarke, master; Mrs.
Goldings hill, cleared 7.30 a.m. 4 & 7.30 p.m.; High road, Jane Fuller, mistress
cleared 8 a.m. 4 p.m.; no sunday collections British (mixed), built in 1844, for 110 children, with an
INSURANCE AGENTS:- average attendance of 75; Arthur William Higgitt, master
British Empire Mutual, C. Gould, Brook villa RAILWAY STATIONS : -
County Fire, W. J. Cuthbert, High road Loughton, William Money Murfitt, station master
Emperor Life ~ Fire, R. Parker, Albion farm Chigwelllane, William Henry Kent, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Mayor Arthur, Rose bank Carr Charles, butcher, England's lane
Alien Robin, Woodbury hill I Mills John, Shrubbery Cheek Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, Mon
Andrews Henry, The Grange Moore William, Suuuyside, Albion hill ghyr cottage
Avila Josiah Benjamin, England's lane Morris Charles, Claremont villa Chilton John, provision dealer
Ayling Miss, Forest road Murch Spencer Harris, Goldings park Cook Wm. Edwin, builder, Lower park
Bidder Bartholomew Parker, Beech ho Nathan James, Claremont Cooke Frederick, picture frame makers
Brawn Samuel, Meads Owgan Fras. Alleyn, Upper' park Forest road
Brown William, Hill side Parker Richard, Albion cottage Cousins Samuel, fishmonger
Christian Walter Thomas, 2 Eaton villas Pelly Leonard, The Old Rectory • Cutchey Christopher George, account·
Clarke Charles, The Cedars Perkins Mrs. I Washbrook villas ant & photographer, York cottages-
Clarke Geo. Plush, 2 Wailhbrook villas Pope Edward, Clynder Cuthbert Charles, furnishing iron..
Clements Thomas James, Goldings hill Powell Henry, High road monger, tiu, zinc, copper, brass lead,
Collier Charles, The Laurels, Trap's hill Ragge John. 2 Elm villas steel & electro plate, lamps &; gas
Crace Henry Winfield,Elm villas Rhodes Rev. William M.A. [curate], fittings, plumbing, painting & glazing
Crow Lot Zoar, Holly lodge Goldings hill oils, white & red lead &C. agricultural
Cubitt James, 5 Eaton villas Richardson William Josiah, Beta lodge implements, blacksmith & Wheel"
Cunningham Henry Edmond, The Roberts Ellis, 2 Park "Tillas wright, Sheffield house, High road
Eower, High r o a d , Rogers Thomas George, 3 Eaton villas Cuthbert Edwn. boot & shoe ma.High rd
Cutting William, Elm house Rohrweger Jnlius Charles, Uplands Cuthbert Jemima Matilda (Miss),mllnr
Dally John, 4 Eaton villas Rooke Mrs. The Ferns, Upper park Cuthbert WaIter John, builder, High rd
Dawkins Thomas, Forest house St. Alphonse Charles, jun. The Cedars Dean John, tax collector, Staples road
Deacon Octavins, Golding'shill Scott Miss, Elm villas Doyley William, architect & surveyor
Dennison Mrs. 3 Albert cottages Searl William James, Bartholomew vills Egan Edmond, architect & surveyor,
Doddemeade Sydney, 4 Elm villas Seweil William Henry Holmdale
Douglas Robert,6 Eaton villas Sharp Robert Harrison, 2 Claremnt.vils Elwood Thomas, gardener
Doyley William Smith Thomas William, 2 Beckford viIs Farmer Eliza (Mrs.), butcher, Smart's la
Eaton James, Sunny Bank cottage Stock William, Rose villa, Forest road, Forster James, carpenter & undertaker,
Edmonds WaIter John RustaIl, York hI Upper park York hill
Edwards Charles James, Rose cottage Stott Thomas,Nafferton lodge Forster Thomas, carpenter
Egan Edmond, Holmdale Swan Joseph, I Albert cottages Gardiner Ha1'1.'iet (Mrs.), gro. Forest rd
Faviell Frederick Henry, The Cottage, Sworder John Smith, 3 Park villas Gardner Henry, farmer, Beach farm
Albion hill Tickling Francis John, 4 Park villas Giles Edward, boot & shoe ma.. High rd
Fenn Joseph William, I Beckford villas, Tillott Mrs. High road Gingell John, farmer
Upper park Tobin Frank James,2 Victoria villas Girling James & Henry, coal merchants
Fickling William, Loughton lodge Vickers Edward, The Pollards (Thomas Richardson; agent)
foster Jsph. Henry Godwin, Glenthorne Vivian Rev. William Henry [Congrega- Goddard Robert Harvey, Plume of
Furnival Charles, 6 Park villas tional], Salcombe house Feathers; good accommodation for
Gavin Adam, Aspen villa Wade James Archer, Goldings hill . trade & annual dinners, bean feasts,
Gellatly Peter WaIler Miss private parties, cricket. quoits, baga-
Godwin John Henry, Fir bank Westhorp Theophilus, Holmhurst telIe & first class stabling, High road
Gould ChalkIey, Brook villa Westin Wm. HenrY,3 Brook cottages Gould G. & Sons, farmers, corn dealers
Gould George, Trap's Hill farm Wilks J ames, Rose bank &: coal merchants, High street &; Trap's
Gould George Sydney, Trap's Hill farm Williams John ;t.P. Debden hall Hill, Borders & Albionfarms
Gould John Herbert, Trap's Hill farm Young George Haward, Victoria place Gower Rebecca. (Mrs.), lndress. Highrd
Gould John Rose, Brook villa COMMERCIAL. Green Edward, shopkeeper
(iould Mrs. Trap's Hill house Adams Absalom, carpenter, High road Greenaway John, earpntr. Baldwin's h
Gritliths John Charles, 1: Eaton villas Anderson Edward, Royal Standard GresswelI Rd. plumber, gas & hot water
Hartridge William Robinson, Albion hill hotel; good accommodation for engineer, smith & farrier, Station road
Hickman John Henry, York hill .parties, first class stabling Grout Emma(Mrs.),shpkpr.Baldwn.'s rd
Hickman Napoleon Joseph, York hill Arnill William, blacksmith Gront George, beer retailer
Hitch Alexander, Swiss cottage Ashpital James, builder Grout In. shopkpr. & beer rtlr.York hill
Howard Col. SI. LloydJ.p., D.L.Goldings Avila Frederick, butcher, High road Gnssin Charles, baker
Howard Thomas Ayres William Thomas,plumber,painter, Hagar George, cowkeeper
Humby Mrs. Prospect house glazier & gas fitter, High road Halls John, cowkeeper, Golding's hill
Humm Moses, Chester lodge Bailey Henry, chemist, High road; & HarriH Martin, saddler
RundIey Francis Philip. Lower park Buckhurst hill Harrison Francis George, Crown. good
Huskisson Joseph, I Victoria villas Baker Charles, builder, Forest road accommodation for trade & annual
Jones George Thomas. The Laurels, Baker George, beer retailer, High road dinners, bean feasts & private parties,
Baldwin's hill Baker In. seedsman & florist,Forest rd cricket, bowls, qnoits&: billiards
Kempton Richard Button,5 Park viIs Bannister WiUiam, baker, York hill Heather Amelia (Mrs.), beer retailer,
King Mark William Barrett Anne (Miss), ladies' school, Smarl'slane
Langdon Mrs. Thorpe cottage Alms cottage Hills Frank, boot maker
Lauer Peter, Albion house, Albion hill Barrett William Henry, nautical instru- Hilton Claude, farmer, HadfieId farm
Le-Riche Capt. George, Brook cottages ment maker, Alma. cottage Holloway Joseph Charles. BChool for
Lewis William Thomas, Alghers house Barton Elizabeth (Mrs.), stationer yonng gentlemen, J: Park lJIillas
Locklin Robert, Chestnut cottage Basham Thomas, house decorator Howe George, wheelwright
Lodge Charles George, Forest road . Bevern Charles, tailor, Forest road Kimmings William, baker
McKenzie Alexander. Warren house _ Booth Henry, tailor, Forest road Lems & Owgan, surgeons, Alghers ho
Maitland Rev. John Whitaker :M.A. Booth John, tailor, Smith's cottage Lincoln Henry, farmer
Loughton ha.ll BraybrookWilliam, bricklayer,Forestrd Looker Arthur, greengrocer
)laitland Mrs. Manor ho. Goldings hill Buck Simon, shopkeeper, Smart's lane Magson James, shopkeeper, Smart's la
Marshall John Bunce Henry, carman, High road Marritt Wm. shopkeeper, Smart's lane
Maynard Jonathan, boot maker Re:rnolds William, coffee rooms Trimby Lebbeus, florist & seedsman.
Mills John, solicitor, Shrubbery Richardson Wm. Josiah, carman See advertisement
Murdoch Johanna (Mrs.). shopkeeper, Sacller In. & Sons, jobmasters, High rd Vivian Mary Jane(Mrs.),boarding school
England's lane Salter Edward William, assistant over- for young ladies, Salcombe ho. High rd
Murfitt WilJiam, station master seer & rate collector, Bartholomew Waklin Jesse, cowkeeper, York hill
Newton Augustus, King's Head villas, High road Ward Robert, grocer, England's lane
Nottage John, grocer.. High road Salter Ephraim In. job master, High rd Warren William, blacksmith
Nunn Thos. Taversham, coal & corn Salter George, shopkeeper, Station road Watkins James, grocer, High road
merchant, Epping house Searl William, grocer Webb, Cathariue Anfie (Mrs.), dress
Padfield Stephen, farmer, Loughton Seekamp John, beer retailer; good ac- maker, Belle Vue cottages, Smart's la
Bridge farm commodation for parties, first-class West James, Bull's Head
Parker John William, boot &sboe lDaker stabling, Smart's lane White Samuel, butche~
Pether Charles, butcher, Forest road SeweIl J ames, teacher of music Wilks Samuel,registrar of births&deaths
Potter Henry,farmer,Alderton Hall farm Sinclair Janet (Miss), draper, High road & vaccination officer, Goldings
Price John &Benjamin,grocers&drapers, 'reverson Henry, butcher Wood William Thomas, boot maker
& agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & Thomas Francis, Holly Bush Wright Edward, fishmonger
spirit merchants Thompson WaIter Thompson, stationer, Young Conrad, Royal Oak
Rapley In. timber dealer, Bank cottage Caxton house Young Louis Frank, beer retlr. York hill

MALDON is a parliamentary and municipal borough, buttresses at the western end and terminating in a spire: it
seaport and terminal station of a branch of the Great contains 6 bells, respectively dated 1799, 1740, r707, r636,
Eastern railway from Witham, a polling place for the 17r4 and 1740: this church is said to have been originally
Eastern division of the county, a market town and the head founded by IngelrJC, a Saxon nobleman, before the year
of a union and county court district, 44 miles from London, 1056: and part of it including the tower was restored in r628,
sj south-east from Witham, 18! south-west from Colches- a brief being granted for the purpose by Charles I. 'fhe
ter, 14! from Chelmsford by railway via Witham and ra! by register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory,
road, r2 south-east from Hraintree, r61 south from Cog- net yearly value £280, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter
geshall, 26! south from Sudbury, 88~ from Yarmouth,8r of Westminster and held by the Rev. Thomas Smith, Theol.
from Norwich, 35~ from Ipswich, 84~ from Lowestoft, 37 Assoc. of King's College, London. There are Baptist, Con-
from Harwich, 55 from Cambridge and 45! from Wood- gregational, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels and
bridge; in Dengie hundred, Maldon rural deanery, Essex a meeting room for the Society of Friends. The Cemetery
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. The town is delight- on the London road has two chapels and comprises 4 acres.
fully situated on a hill rising abruptly from the south bank The church of St. Peter, situated in the centre of the town,
of the river Blackwater aud near the junction of the Chelmer fell into ruins (the tower excepted) about 1665 and on the
navigation, the higher parts commanding extensive and site of it Dr. Plume, then Archdeacon of Rochester and a
beautiful views of the surrounding country: it has several native of Maldon, erected about 1704 a brick building
good streets containing excellent shops and dwellings: the adjoining the tower to contain his library, which he presented
inhabitants are well supplied with water and the town is to the town, bequeathing also a fund for its support and for
lighted with gas, is paved and has an illuminated clock. The the supply of new books: the library, now under the care of
corporation consists of a mayor, four aldermen and twelve the Rev. Edward Russell Horwood M.A. consists of about
councillors, recorder, treasurer, town clerk, borough magis- 6,000 volumes, principally theological and many of them
trates, coroner, clerk of the peace and other officers: the very rare and valuable works: the tower is a massive pile
corporation has jurisdiction over the borough and by sea 25 of rough stone embattled, with a spiral staircase in an
miles eastward of Knowle Sands and is also the urban sani- octangular turret at the north-west angle: it contains a
tary authority: the parliamentary borough, which includes clock. Dr. Plume also provided by his will for the educa-
the parish of Heybridge, formerly returned two members tion and clothing of ten poor boys of Maldon and Mundon
to parliament, but by the .. Representation of the People and for the apprenticing of two such bo:rs : also the sum of
Act, 1867," it now returns one only. The municipal £30 per year was left in payment of the stipend for
borough consists of three parishes :-All Saints', St. Peter's weekly lectures. The Freemasons have a lodge within this
and St. Mary's : of these the first two, on account of the building. These boys are now educated by the master of
smallness of the emoluments, have been united for ecde- the National schools.
siastical purposes. The church .of AllSaints', standing in The Town or Moot Hall, or D'Arcy Tower, is a lofty and
the highest part of the town, is a building of stone and flint, ancient brick building named from Robert D'Arcy, who in
principally in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, the the reign of Henry V. was the king's escheator for this
tower being late Norman: it consists of chancel with aisles, county and married a rich widow of Maldon, who with her
a nave of four bays and south aisle, formerly a chapel con- husband is buried in the church of All Saints in this town,
taining three chantries, founded by Robert D'Arcy esq. of having founded and endowed three chantries therein. On
Danbury: this chapel has since been extended to the whole the ground floor is the police station, on the first floor the
length of the church, its double piscina and an oil painting' court room, where the quarter and petty sessions are held
of the " Last Supper," which doubtless overhung the altar, and on the second floor a c'luncil chamber containing some
~ing replaced in the new east wall: at the west end rises a oil paintings of Queens Elizabeth and Anne, Charles lI.
singular and almost unique triangular tower with pinnacles George Ill. and Dr. Plume. In October, 188r, an illuminated
at the angles and terminating iD. a hexagonal spire: it con- clock with chimes was erected by George Courtald esq. H.P.,
tains a peal of 6 bells, three of which are respectively dated J.P. member for the borough, at a cost of £400.
r707, 1770 and 1799: there are 80memonumentBof the 17th The Public Hall in High street, was erected in 1859 and
century to theD'Arcy, Wentworth, Jetfrey, Vernon, Steevens contains reading rooms, museum and the library of the
and Cammock families and marble floor stones of the 16th Mechanics' Institute; the hall is let for concerts and
centnry to various members of the Vernon family: the east lectures.
window is stained and on the south side of the chancel is a There are also police and fire engine stations, assembly and
memorial window of four lights, erected in 1848 to the billiard rooms, two banks and a savings bank.
memory of Henry Coape esq. by his widow and children: The Gas works are situate in Bigh street.
the pulpit and font are both elaborately carved in the The Railway station is a building of stone and red and
Decorated style: in 1867 the church was thoroughly white brick, in the Elizabethan style. The Custom House,
restored and reseated at a cost of about £1,200 and in I.877 situate at Fullbridge, is an old brick building.
further improvements and restorations were made at a cost Yearly fairs are held on the first Thursday in May and
of £3.000. The register dates from the year 1556. The September 13th and 14th for cattle. A large shipping trade
living is a vicarage, with St. Peter's annexed, yearly value is carried on in corn, coals, lime, chalk, hay and straw and in
£309, with residence and 40 acres of glebe land, in the gift of oilcake, manures and timber. There are maltings, flour mills,
and held by the Rev. Edward Russell Horwood X.A. of .Brase- ropewalks, boat-buildingyards,lirne-kilns,salt-works,a brew-
nose College, Oxford, rural dean of Maldon and surrogate. ery, a brick and tile yard, steam saw mills, timber yards, sail
The vicarage house is a large and ancient building adjoining lofts, an Iron foundry, an agricultural implement and machine
the churchyard. The church of St. Mary,situated iD the lower manufactory and on the river Blackwater an extensive
part of the town on the bank of the river, .is B spacious fishery.
building consisting of chancel, June, vestry,.. large north Until I.86S the port was free, but the Maldon HarboupAct.
porch and a massive brick wwer supported by immense paB88d in that year, iave power to widen and deepen the

Tiver and to levy tolls on shipping coming within the juris- by three slender Purbeck columns: the general style is Per-
diction of the commissioners; vessels loading or unloading p-endicular, but there are portions of earlier date. Here was
in Heybridge Basin, however, are still free. buried Henry Bourchier, EaTI of Essex, who died April4t~
The Reform Club, situate in High street, in the very centre 1483, together with Isabel his countess and the Lady Mary
of the town, was founded in 1:874 by E. H. Bentall esq.late Nevill: the remains of the abbey have been converted into
M.P. for the boroug-h and comprises reading and conversa- a farm dwelling, the property of John Baker esq. who is lord
tion rooms, library and billiard rooms and the usual of the manor.
accessories of a club: in the rear are quoit grounds, skittle The principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical Com-
alleys and pleasure grounds, where g'cl.rden parties are occa- missioners, Samuel Baker esq. John Baker esq. Miss
sionally held: it numbers some 400 members. Staines, Mrs. Pattisson and the Rev. John Bailey.
The principal hotels are the King's Head and the Blue
Boar. The population in 1871: was 5,586 and in 1881 was 5.468'
Beeleigh Abbey (a house of the Premonstl'atensian order), viz. :-All Saints' parish, 1,143, area 55 acres; St. Mary's,
is situate ahout 1 mile west of the town: it was founded by 1,384, area 1,827 acres; St. Peter's, 2,931:, area 1,626 acres;
Robert de Mantell, A.D. u80, and dedicated to St. Nicholas: rateable value All Saints', £3,835; St. Mary's, £4,35 2 ; St.
at the Dissolution nine canons were maintained on this Peter's, £10,261. The popUlation of the municipal borough
foundation, the revenues of which Dugdale estimates at in 1881 was 5,476 and 01 the parliamentary borough 7,128.
£156 16s. uid.: the most perfect relic of the edifice was Pari.~h Clerk of All Saints' if St. Peter's, Waiter Loker.
the chapel, 36 feet by 18 feet, with a groined roof, supported Parish Clerk of St. Mary's, Charles Dam.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
Savings BaIfk & Government Annuity & Insurance Office,
High street.
J. C. Float I R. Blaxall
A. C. Freeman E. A. Fitch
Mails arrive at 4.40 & I I a.m. & at 6 p.m. The letters AUTHORITY.
are delivered at 7 & II. 35 a.m. & 6.1:5 p.m. Mails are Town Clerk cj- Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authmty, Arthur
dispatched for London & all parts at 11.30 a.m. 3.40 & Evans, Silver street
7.30 p.m. far Burnham, Southminster, Latchingdon, Clerk of the Peace cj- Coroner, William Crick, Gate street
Althorne, Steeple, Tillingham, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, at Treasu1'er, W. K. Digby, High street
5.40 a.m. & 12 noon, returning at 7 p.m.; & to Heybridge, Medical Officer, Edwin Parker Gutteridge, High street
Goldhanger &c. at 5.40 a.m. & return at 6 p.m.; & to Auditors, John Smith, Fredk. Geo. Green & John Rogers
Langford, Woodham, Waiter, Stow Maries, Purleigh, Borough SUMJeyor, Henry Francis Christie, London road
Hazeleigh & Cold Norton at 6.5 a.m. & return at 6 p.m.; Head Constable, George Wombwell, Fambridge road
Money orders are granted & paid daily, excepting sunday, Inspector of Nuisances, vacant
from 9 till 6 Inspector of Wei,ghtsif Measures,GeorgeWombwell, Town hi
l'OST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank, Wantz To'wn Crier, William Angier, Gate street
corner Water Bailijf, Job Handley
George Courtald esq. J.P. Cut hedge, Halstead, Essex; & Henry Ward M. P. Hicks
Reform club, London s.w W. M. TufneIl W. Humpherys
Returni1~[J Officer, The Mayor. J. G. Sadd A. Warren
H. T. Eve J. C. Float
John Oakley Parker esq. Woodham Mortimer, chairman Clerk, Arthur Evans, Silver street
Rev. Henry Russell Horwood M.A. Maldon INSURANCE AGENTS.
Thomas Daniel Fearon Tatham esq. Althorne Accident, A. Evans, Silver street
R. E. Formby esq. Latchingdon British Empire Mutual, Fred Carter, Chigborough
George Parker May M.D. Maldon Church of England, H. J. Thorp
Christopher William Parker esq. Woodham Mortimer 4-
City of London Fire, Norwich cj- London cj- Accident Star
Clerk, William Codd, Market hill Life, John Rogers, London road
Petty Sessions are held at the Police station, Latchingdon, County Fire, D. Wallworth, High street
every alternate saturday. The following places are within Econmnic L~fe, T. Isaac, Rosslyn house ~
their jurisdiction :-Althorne, Asheldham, Bradwell, Burn- Essex cj- Suffolk Equitable Fire, E. May, High street
ham, Cold Norton, Crixea, Dengie, Fambridge north, General Hailstorm, E. May, High street
Hazeleigh, Heybridge, Latchingdon, Mayland, Mundon, Hand-in-Hand, J. C. Freeman, Gate street
Purleigh, St. Lawrence, Southminster, Steeple, Stow Imperial Life, E. May, High street
Maries, Tillingham, Woodham Mortimer, Woodham Liverpool if London et Globe, A. Evans, Silver street
WaIter London Assurance, W. Knight, Wantz road
MAGISTRATES OF THE BOROUGH. Manchester Fire, W.K. Digby, High street
Rev. Edward Russell Horwood M.A. The Vicarage, Maldon Northern Assurance, R. Baxter, Fambridge road
George Parker May M.D. West house, Maldon Norwich Union Fire, J Rogers, London road
Thomas Tomlinson esq. High street, Maldon Phamix Fire, E. J. Bridge, High street
W. Humpherys esq. High street, Maldon Queen, W. Wyatt, London road
James Barritt esq. West square, Maldon Royal Farmers if General, E. Hance, Fullbridge
Henry Ward esq. Beeleigh cottage, Maldon Provident Life, D. Wallworth
Sampson Hanbury esq. Langford grove, Maldon Sun Fire, W. R. Blowers, High street
Henry Thomas Eve esq. Fullbridge, Maldon PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Alfred Warren esq. Hill house, London road, Maldon Cemetery, London road, J. C. Freeman, clerk to the burial
John GrangeI' Sadd esq. The Chase, Maldon board & registrar; Stephen Cable, keeper
-Clerk, Arthur Evans, Silver street, Maldon Corporation Fire Engine Station, London road, 1. W..
Petty Sessions held at the Moot hall tuesdays & fridays Hawkes, captain
CORPORATION. Cou,nty Court, London road (office, at the Court house)..
John Thomas Abdy esq. LL.D. judge; Charles Godfrey,
RECORDER-Hugh Cowie esq. 8 Fig Tree court, Temple, Lon- Romford, high bailiff; William Codd, registrar; Henry
don e.c Codd, deputy; James Rogers, broker; Joseph Knight~
MAYOR-Henry Thomas Eve esq. Fullbridge, Maldon bailiff. A county court is held every two months. The
ALDERMEN. parishes in the district are: Althome, Asheldham, Beck-
Until 1883. Until 1:886. ingham, Bradwell, Burnham,Great Braxted, Little Braxted,
G. P. May M.D. J.P James Barritt Cold Norton, Cricksea, Dengie, North Fambridge, Gold-
J. G. Sadd 1
H. B. Eve
hanger, Hatfield, Peverel, Hazeleigh, Heybridge, lnworth.
Langford, Latchingdon, Maldon, Mayland, Mundon, Pur-
Until 1882. Until 1883. leigh,Saint Lawrence, Southminster, Ste6ple,Stow Maries,
Alfred WaITen Thomas Tomlinson Tillingham, Tollesbury, TolleshWlt Darcy, TolleshWlt
William Humphreys John Rogers Knights, Great Totham, Little Totham, Ulting, Wickham
Joseph Sadler Stephen Clarke Bishops, Woodham Ferris, Woodham Mortimer, Woodham.
S.A.N.Rutt A. P. Clear Walter
~O2' •
Cu.stom HouSe, Angue Macnab, collector & surveyor; W. B. Guroner fqr the Northern IJivi&ion of the County, William
Johnson, examining officer &c. ~ Joseph Finch & W. Rey- Codd, Market hill
nolds, outdoor officers; principal coast officer, J. Richmond Deputy Stewm'd of the M ano1's of Steeple ()range 4' M arylandf
(Burnha.m); T. H. Barbrook (Rochford) ;. Willism Cum.; Wm. Crick, Gate Iftreet
mins ~LQigh)!; Joseph Handley, William Clark, Jam~ ReceivM' of W,.~ck jrMt Belleroy Creek to Haldon, Angtl.8
Stebbenf! & Charles Chaney, Trinity pilots Macnab'
Essex 4' Suffolk Equitahle Fire Engine Station, High street, School Atteni&tnce Officer, vacant
Edwin May, superintendent; George Smith, fireman Ship A!Jentsfor the "Port, H. G. Warwicker, WaIter LokeI' &
$SSe$ (2nd) Rijle Volunteers (G. company), County court, J. Knight, High street
London I:oad, W,illiam Humpherys, captain; E, P. Gut.- Steward of the Manors of Bocking, Bri,qhlin green, Hocklt!!!
teridge, assistant surgeon 4' Rayleigh, Arthur Evans, Silver street
Inland Revenue 0lce, King's Head hotel, High street PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of service.
~amp.r9ffilceH' ~lh'g tstretet, Richard Poole, sub-distributor All Saints' Church, Rev. Edward Russell Horwood :M.A.
:Lown ...... CiU, Ig S ree vicar & rural dean; JI a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at tweke. St. Mary's Church, Rev. Thomas Smith T.A.K.C.L. rector;
'Maldon union comprises the following parishes :-Maldon 1.1 a.m. & 3 p.m d
d1 MC : . t All S . t s P 'St M
am s, t. eter s, . aI'y, 0
C Id Nort
on, or
N th Fnends' Meeting House j 10.30 a.m. ~ 6 p.m.; we . 10.30 a.m
IJaptist Chapel, Church street, Rev. Alfred Dye, minister;
Fambridge, Hazeleigh, Lachingdon, Mundon, PuI'leigh, Stow 0 0
& 0
Maries, Woodham Mortimer, Woodham WaIter, Ulting &; 10.3 a.m. 2.3 6.3 p.m.; w .7.30 p.m
Langford. Dengie district: Althorn, Asheldham, BradwelI, Baptist Chapel, Crown lane, Rev. Charles Chapman,
. k D . M I d S" L S th minister; 10·3° a.m. & 6.3
Burn h am, Cr!c sea, engIe, ay an , ... awrence, ou - Conuregational Chapel, Rev. John G. Hughes. minister;
0 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

minster, Steeple, Tillingham. Thurstable district: Great & 0

Little Braxted,Goldhanger, Heybridge,Tollesbury, Tolleshunt 10.3 a.m. 6.3 p.m.; t urs. 7. 1 5 p.m
Darcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Tolleshunt Major, Great Totham, Primitive Methodist Chapel; 10.30 a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
Little Totham & Wickham Bishops; the population of the w,7'3o p.~'h l &
nnion in 1881, was 23,809; rateable value, £144,770 l
es e.lI an ape; 10.3 a.m. 6.3 0 p.m.; mono 7.30 p.m
Clerk, Alfred Crick Freeman, Gate street . Gospel Hall; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Assistant Clerk rt Accountant, Edward Hance, Fullbridge Christadelphian, David HandleYl presiding brother; 10·30
Relieving Officers ~ Collectors to the Guardians, All Saints' a.m. tIE 6.30 p.m
district, W. Baldwin.Wautz road, Maldon j Dengie district, SCHOOLS-
J ames Fisk,Southminster ; Thurstable district, R. J.Croome, Grammar, founded by Ralph Bruder in 1608, who endowed
Tolleshunt Darey it with £300, subsequently invested in the purchase of
Vaccination o.fficers-All Saints' 4' St. Peter'! registration 20 acres of land in the parish of Hatfield Peverel; the
districts,A. C. Freeman, Gate street, Maldon; Southminster, school was further endowed by Dr. Plume with two houses
Bradwell ~ Tollesbury registration districts, Edward Hanee, in the High street of Maldon; these two bequests yield
Fullbridge . an annual income of £60, the master receiving £6 for
Medical Officers 4' PUblic Vaccinators-AllSaints' district, every town boy under 12, £9 for every boy over 12 &
J. Haywood, Maldon; Bradwell district, G. Coombe, £12 each for boys of any age living out of the town j all
Tillingham ; Braxted district.C. de Lisle Brock L.R.c.p.Edin. boys paying alse an entrance fee of £x IS.; the school is
Witham; Burnham distl'ict, R. S. Coombe, Burnham I managed by a body of 9 governors; Market hill, Rev.
St.Mary district, T. Tomlinson, Maldon; se. Peter district, Thomas Layton Pearson B.A. master
G. P. May M.D. Maldon; Southminster district, A. La.ttey British, Market hill, built in I~43, for 240 children, with an
L.R.c.p.LOnd. Sonthminster; Tollesbury district, J. H. I'verage attendance of 19o I Frederick William Moss,
Salter, Tolleshunt D'Arcy master; Miss Amy Moss, mistreslf
Superintendent Registrar, William Codd, Market hill; deputy, National, London road, built for 441 children, average
Henry Codd, London road . attendance 240; Jsph. Dines, mstr. ; Miss Annie Todd; mist
Registrar of Marriafles, vacant St. Mary's (infant), Milll'oad, built in 18740 for 125 children,
Registrars of Births ~ Deaths, St. Peter's sub-distrkt, Edward average attendance 90; Miss Augustia Louisa Flambe,
Hanee, Fullhridge,Maldon; All Saints'. sub-district, William mistress
Baldwin,Warnrod, Maldon; Tollesbury sub-district,William NEWSPAPER.
Otway, Tolleshunt D'Arcy; Southminster sUb-district, Maldon Express, High street, Richard Poole, publisher;
Arthur Lattey, Southminstel'; Tilli1l!Jltam sub-dist1'ict, published saturday
Gorton COQmbe, Till,ingham .
Workhouse, erected in 1873, at an expense of £20,000, on a RAILWAY.
site facing the Spital road; a red brick building, of modern- Great Eastern (Witham ~ Maldon Bl'anch), Frederick Blythe,
ized form :>f Gothic, from the centre risell a clock tower 'station master; Mrs. Hickford, parcels agent
with a striking clock & in front there is a chapel; the Omnibuses to the Railway station to meet each train, from
premises are calculated to hold 450 persons &; cover Blue Boar & King's Head hotels
about five acres; Charles R. Timperley, master; Rev. T. CARRIERS.
L. Pearsoq B.A. chaplain; Thomas Tomlinson, surgeon; BRADWELL-Alfred Gladwell, monday, wednesday & friday
Mrs. Timperley, matron BURNHAM-David Cross, from' Swan,' tuesday., thursday lit
RURAl< SANI'l'ARY AUTlIORITY. sat. ; Charles Withams, from 'Swan,' mono wed. & friday
Clerk, Alfred Crick Freeman, Gate street CHELMsFoRD-Gharles Holmellt from hiB house, every fridu.y
Medical OffiCe1', Arthur Henry Downes M.D. Chelmsford COLCHESTER-Charles Holmes, from his house, every sat
Inspector. John Baker, Fambridge road LONDoN-Chas. Wm. Burrells, from his own house, High st.
PUBLIC OFFICERS. tuesday & thursday to ' Saracen's Head,' Aldgate, London
Clerk to the Burial. BfJfLrd. J. C. Freeman, Gate street MUNDON, LATCHlNGDON, ALTHORNE & OSTEND David Cross,
Clerk to the Commission.erH" l!f Land of Income Taxes jor from' Swan,' tuesday, thunday & saturday
IJengie ditrision, William Coad,Market hill . . PURLEIGK........Joseph Brand, from' White Horse,' monday,
Clerk to the Commissioners of Property 4' Income jor wednesday, thursday et saturday
• the Bormr.gk of .t.l{aldon, Arthur Evans, Silv~r street STEEPLE-Ernest Har~ from' Swan,' tuesday, thurs. & sat
Olerk 10 School A ttendance Committee, Arthur EvanB, Silve'r st SoUTHMINSTER, LATCHINGDOli &; ALTHORNE-J'oseph Liver-
Clerk to th't! Tntstees of (Breeder's) Grammafl School, Olerk more, from' Swan,' daily, sunday excepted
to Ht's. Wentworth's Oharity, Wm. Crick, Gate street TILLlNGHAM, MUNDON & MAYLAND Ernest Hart, from
GJllectors of Poor'sRates,G. Reedel', Spital yoad; S. Spurgeon, 'Swan? tuesday, tlhursday et saturda.y
Silver street; &; RobertBaxter,Fambridgeroad WITHAM Sayers, from '~wan,' tuesday, thursday& sst
<:COllectors cJ froperty .j- Income Tax, Samuel Spnrgeon, Mail cart to Burnham & Southminster, daily
Silver street; IOI'Ml Saints', St. Peter's, W. K. Digby, High Omnibus, Reeve, from • Railway Bell,' to Burnham & South-
street; &- H. Beymour, for St. Mary's, High street minster, monday, wednesday, friday It saturday
l.I PIUVATE :RESIDENTS. Bea.le Joseph, Mill road Bentall Frederick Arthur, Fullbridge I
Abram$ Charles; Maldon hall Beale Mrs. Beeleigh road Bettl John, The Lodge, London road
•Alsop Mm. Wantz road Bell Mrs. The Treel Bland. T. El8ey,. The I"riary
Ashley Arthur, Fambridge r()Qd Bell Samuel, High street Bourne John Robert, WBntz road
Attenborough Williain, I"riary Belsham Mi88, London road Boyes Charles, 'fenterfieid cottage
BalTitt James, W~nt",orth house Bentall Anthony, Church house Branwhite Misses, Cromwell cottage
~ Baxter ltobert, Fambridge road BentaM Arthur, Market hill Bridge Rev. Robt. Lee :B•.L LoDdoa <Id
Buter Samuel, High street Rental! E. Ernest, Fullbridge hoWle Bridge Edgar J. High street
Brown Frederick, Market hill • Gutteridge Edwin Parker, High street Pearson Rev. Thomas Layton B..A.
Bulley Miss, Spital road Hailes John, Wantz road {head master of the grammar school,
Bygrave John J oseph, High street Hanee Miss, Spital road Plume lecturer • chaplain of the
Carter Miss, London road Handley Dd.[Christadelphian],Wantz rd union1 High street I
Carter Charles J. Friary Hanson Edward, High street Pitcairn John, Be8leigh road
Chapman Rev. Charles IBaptistJ, Wel- Harding George Summerling, High st Poliey The Misses, High street
lington road Hart Miss, Rylstone lodge, London road Ram Miss, Wantz road
Christie Henry Francis, London road Chas.Belvedere house, Crossrds Raymond John, 'Wantz road
Clarke Henry, Market hill Hawkes Miss, Wellington road Richardson Misses, High street
CIarke Stephen, Market hill Hayes Thomas, Market hill Riley Mrs. Wantz road
plarke William, Market hill Hicks Mr~. Wantz road Robinson James, Fullbridge
Clift The Misses, Wellington road, Hicks George, London road Rogers Arthu£ John, Fambridge road
Codd GeOl'ge, I;ilver street Horwood Rev. E. Russelllll.A.,J".P.[vicar, Rogers James, Fambridge road
Codd Henry, Spital road . Tural dean & surrogate], Vicarage Rogers John,. London road
Codd WilIiam, Silver street Howard Mrs. Cromweli villa Rush Thomas John, High street
Cook William John, Spital road HowaI'd John Thomas, North street Rutt Stephen A. N. High street
Copsey Arthur, Wantz road Hughes Rev. J.ohn Gwynne [Congre- Sadd Alfred Granger, Hill oouse
Cottee Reuben, London road gational], London road Sadd John Granger, The Chase
Crick William, Gate street Humpherys Edward, Market hill Sadler Joseph, High street
Cross Alfred, Silver street Humpherys William, High street Sadler Mrs. High street
Cross Stephen, London road Hurrell Charles, Spital road Sansom Henry John, High street
Davey Charles, London road Hurrell George, Wantz road Scarf Mrs. Alcove villa. Wantz road
Death Henry, Market hill Jay Mrs. London road Seymour James Howell, High street
De Cean Mrs. High street Johnson WilIiam, Spital road Shuckburgh Mrs, Highlands
Devenish Thomas, Wantz road Jones Mrs. Ivy cottages, London road Smee Mrs. 'Wantz road
Digby George Wyatt, Cromwell hall Jordan Thomas, High street Smith Rev. Thomas T.A.K.C.L. [rector
Dines James William, Beeleigh road Joslin Misses, Spital road of St. Mary's], Market hill
Dines Joseph, London road Kelsey William Freer, London road Soffe John Robert, London road
Dye Rev. Alfred [Baptist], London road King Mrs. Wantz road Stone John, Maldon brewery
Dyer Abraham, High street Lane Rev. Thomas [Primitive Metho- Strutt James, Wellington road
Elston Mrs. Ivy cottage, London road dist], Wantz road , Taylor Mrs. London road
Evans Arthur, Cromwell house ,. Lewi~ John, High street . Thompson Samuel,Belvedere pI.Cross rd
Eve Henry Thomas, Fullbridge Low John, Mill road Thorn Alfred, High street
Eve Robert Henry, Fullbridge' I Martin George I<'rederick, Wantz road Tiffen Josiah, Spital road
Eyre Charles James, Fambridge road. May Edwin, High street TOOd Miss, London road
Farrand Mrs. London road May George Parker M.D.,;r.P. West house TomIinson Mrs. Spital road
Finch Miss, High street May Miss, Western villas, London road TomIinson Thomas, High street
Float John Charles, Fullbridge Miles Miss, Spital road Townsend Miss, Wantz road
Foster Joseph, Market hill Miles George, Wycke cottage, Spital rd Trussell Albert, Fambridge road
Freeman Alfred Crick, Market hill Moss Frederick Wm. Fambridge road Wade William, Spital road
Freeman John Crick, London road Mulley Mrs. High street Ward Henry, Beeleigh cottage .
Freeman Mrs. London road Newman John, Cross road Warren Alfred, Hill house, London road
French William, High street· Nightingale Rbt. Woodbine cot.Cross rd White Thomas, Wantz road
Frost William, Wantz road Parker Mrs. Spital road Wire Thomas James Harvey, Silver st
Gepp William, Alcove villa, Wantz road Parker Charles, High street Worraker Henry Charles, Spital road
Good Mrs. Wellington road Pattisson Mrs. High street Worraker Thomas, Spital road
Gowers Edmund, London road Paul Mrs. Wantz road Worraker Thomas, Wantz road
Green Henry, Spital road Piggot Mrs. High street . Wright John, Spital road
COMMERCIAL. Borrodell William Harvey, White Horse, High street
Adams Jahles, rope & twine maker, Wantz road Brewster Frederick John, Volunteers' Arms, Wantz road
AlIen John, music selier, Wantz road Bridge Edgar Jeremiah, printer & stationer, High street
Andrew Charles John, watch maker, High street Burgan William (Mrs.), dress maker, High street
Angier William, town crier, Gate street . Burnes Benjatnin, clothier & furniture dealer, Spital road
Ashley James, tailor, High street BurreHs Charles William, carrier, High street
Awberry William, draper, High street • Bush Alfred, shoe maker, FuIlbridge
Bacon EHen (Mrs.), stay maker, Wantz road Byford Cornelius, thrashing machine proprietor, Spital road
Baker John, inspector for rural sanitary authority, Fam- Cable Stephen, keeper of cemetery, London road
bridge road . Camping George, cabinet maker, High street
Baldwin William, registrar of births & deaths for All Saints' Canham Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
sub-district &; relieving officer, Wantz road Canham Charles, shopkeeper, High street
BaIls Josiah, boot & shoe maker, High street Carter William, master mariner, King street
Barbrook Hannah (Mrs.), marine store dealer &C. Church 8t Cater Charles, tailor & letter carrier, Tenterfield
Barbrook Sarah (Mrs.), Castle, North street Cater Isaac (Mrs.), baker, High street
Barnard Alfred, jeweller, High street Cemetery (J. C. Freeman, clerk to the burial board & regis-
Barnard William, shoe maker, Silver street trar; Stephen Cable, keeper), London road
Barritt James, farmer, Wentworth house Chaney David, Queen's Head, The Hythe
&sham Ernest Albert, monumental mason, designs & esti- Chillman William Henry, grocer, High street
mates for every description of stone, marble &; granite Christie Henry Francis, borough surveyor, London road
work; inscriptions engraved & monuments repaired, Clark Frederick, boot maker, Wantz road
Monumental works, FuHbridge • Clark William, clothier, High street
Basham William, yacht, ship & barge builder, Bath place Clayton George, saddler & harness maker, High street
Bate Samuel, gunsmith, High street, Clear Albert Prime, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent, High at
Baxter Samuel, bricklayer & plasterer, High street Cockett George Henry, carpenter & builder, Union lane
Beale James, upholsterer, High street Codd Henry, solicitor, deputy registrar of county court k
Beckwith William, baker, Wantz road deputy superintendent registrar, London road
Bentali Anthony & Son, linen drapers, High street Codd William, solicitor, clerk to county magistrates & corn-
Bentall Brothers, twist drill manufacturers, Fullbridge works missioners of Hundred taxes for Dengie & superintendent
BettB John, surgeon, The Lodge, London r o a d . registrar & registrar of county court & coroner for the
Bickmore Mary Ann (Mrs.), pork butcher, Silver street Northern division.of the county, Market hill
nland T. Elsey, wine & spirit &; ale & porter merchant; also Coote Charles, baker &; shopkeeper, High street
l agent. for Bass'Sf Allsopp's, Wortbington & Co.'s& Aitchi- Corporation Firt: EllfIine StatiOJl. (J. W. Hawkes, capt.),
BOn &; Co.'a pale ales, The Friary; & at 27 Mincing lane, London road
London e.c ' , . ) County Court (J. T. Abdy esq. LL.P. judge; William Codd,
Blaxall Robert, butcher, Market hill registrar; Henry Codd, deputy registrar; Charles God-
Blowers Daniel, pork butcher, High 8treet • frey, high bailiff), London roacl f
Blowers William Randall, saddler & harness maker, High at Cracknell Jsph. horse breaker, Tenterfield cottages, Wantz rd
>Blythe Frederick, station master, Railway station Crick &; Freeman, solicitors, Gate street
Boreham J08iab, boot & shoe manufacturer, High street Crick Geo. Edwd. pharmaceutical chemist & dentist, High st


Crick William (firm, Crick &. Freeman), solicitor,.. clerk of Grammar School (Rev. Tb-oroas Layton Pearson B.A. master),
the peace & coroner for the borough of Maldon, deputy Market hill
steward of the manors of Steeple Grange & Mayland & Gray & Son, !>rewers, maltsters &; spirit & corn merchants,
commissioner for oaths, Gate street Maldon brewery; & at Springfield Road brewery, Chelms-
Cromar Kate (Miss), girls' school, Cromwell hill ford
Cross Stephen & Son, corn & seed merchants, High street Greatrex Thomas & George, saddlers, High street
Curtis Robert, linen draper, High street Green Frederick George, tailor, High street
Custom House (Agm18 Macnab, collector & surveyor) Gregsten S. A. (Mrs.), ladies' day & boarding sch. West chase
Daughtry William, professor of music, Wantz road Grimwood William, farmer, Spital farm
Davis Charles, boot & shoe maker & parish clerk of St. Gripper Joseph, iron merchant, Fullbridge
Mary's, High street Gwynne'George J. R. & Co. confectioners, & fancy repository,
Davis George, bricklayer, Mill road High street
Davis Michael, house agent &; boot & shoe maker, Mill road Halliday William, tailor, Wantz road
Death Sarah Ann (Mrs.), basket maker, Market hill Halliday William James Scotch, draper, Wantz road
Death Thomas Alexander, baker, North street Hance Edward, assistant clerk to the guardians, registrar of
Dedman Joseph, picture frame maker, High street births & deaths for St. Peter's sub-district & vaccination
Dedman William, coach builder, High street officer, Fullbridge
Devenish William, baker, Market hill Handley Benjamin, bath proprietor, The Hythe
Dibben William, hair dresser &c. High street Handley Charles, fruiterer, High street
Digby George Wyatt, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Handley Charles Murrell, butcher, High street
Silver -street Handley George David, baker & confectioner, High street
Digby William King, furniture dealer k collector of taxes Handley Henry, baker & confectioner, High street
for St. Mary's district, High street Handley Henry, beer retailer & baker, North street
Dines Joseph, builder, High street Handley Job, fancy repository, High street
Dykes Samuel, greengrocer, High street t Handley Joseph, trinity pilot, Wantz road
Eley Golden, tobacconist, High street Handley WilIiam, clothier & fruiterer, High street
Ellis Samuel Heury M.B.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Spital rd Hanson Edward,manager of London &: County bank,High at
Elsey Charles, pharmaceutical chemist, High street Harding George Summerling, billiard table manuf. High st
Embleton William, baker, Spital road Harold William, boot make~ Wantz road
Esse:c Provident Society (Joseph Dedman, collector), High st Hams Jas. & Chas. wheelwrights, blacksmiths kc. High at
Esse:c (2nd) Rifle Volunteers (G. company) (William Harvey Thomas James, coach builder, New street
Humpherys, captain; E. P. Gutteridge, assistant surgeon), Harvey John, Rose <t Crown, High street
headquarters, County court, London road Hawes Charles, hay &: straw merchant, Cross road
Esse:c 0/ Suffolk Fire Engine Station (Edwin May, superin- Hawkes John Wilson, plumber, High street
tendent), High street Hayes Thomas&: Son, wholesale wine &: spirit merchants, &;
Evans Arthur, solicitor & commissioner, town clerk, clerk agents for Allsopp's Hurton ales, Market hill
to borough magistrates, clerk to tax commissioners for Hazleton William Cable, tobacconist &c. High street
Maldon borough, to harbour commissioners & to school/ Hearne George, plumber & glazier, Silver street
attendance committee; steward of manors of Hockley, I Hearn Sarah (Miss), girls' school, Silyer street
Rayleigh, Bocking & Brightlingsea, Silver street I
Heale James, sail maker, Cross road
Eve Henry Thomas & Co. corn, coal, seed, oil cake & manure Hewes 8tephen Woods, baker, Wantz road
merchants &; maltsters, Fullbridge; &: at Heybridge Hickford William, Prince of Wales, Market hill
Eve Charles, watch maker &: jeweller, High street Hickford Elizabeth Samh (Mrs.), Blue Baar hutel, High st
Everard Joseph, postmaster, High street Hicks Marven Porter &: Son, grocers, High street
Eves James, beer retailer, Church street Hicks Charles, corn, seed &: flour warehouse, High street &;
Ewers John, shopkeeper, Church street Fullbridge
Fairhead Golden, farmer, Jenkins farm Hicks James, Three CUpll, Wantz road
Farrow George, tailor, High street Hitch Edward Albert, refreshment rooms, &; beer retailer,
Filby Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Fambridge road High street
Filby William, farmer, Fambridge road Holmes Charles, coal dealer & carrier, Wantz road
Finch Caleb & Samuel, watch makers, High street Howard John Thomas, ship, yacht, barge &; boat builder,
Finch George John, plwnber & glazier, High street repairer &c. North street, The Hythe
Finch Joseph, outdoor customs house officer, Mill road Hudson James, carter &; cowkeeper, Gate street
Finch Samuel, boat & barge builder, The Hythe Humpherys William, linen draper, High street
Finch William Handley, baker. North street Illand Revenue Office, King's Head hotel, High street
Fitch Edward A. farmer, Brickhouse farm Isaacs Thomas, corn merchant, & agent for Lindley, Bott &;
Ford Maria (Mrs.), Rail1vay Bell, near the station Co. sack & bag contractors, Ro~lyn honse, Chelmsford
Foremau George, gas fitter &c. Spital road Jeffries Harry, tailor, High street
Foster Abraham, heer retailer, Wantz road Jolly Emma Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Freeman Alfred Crick (firm, Crick & Freeman), solicitor & Jones Mary (Mrs.)~ wardrobe dealer, Wantz road
commissioner for oaths, steward of manors of Mortimerll Jordan Thomas, manager of gas works, High street
in Preston, Suffolk & Lawling hall, Latchingdon & clerk to Jordan William, coal & oil merchant &0. Spital road
Maldon union & vaccination officer for All Saints' & St. Keeble Anne (Mrs.), 'lhina .t: glass dealer, Wantz road
Peter's registration districts, Gate street Keen Charles, cabinet maker, Wantz road
Freeman George, Queen Victoria, Spital road Kelsey WiIliam Freer, draper, High street
Freeman John Crick (firm,. Crick & Freeman), solicitor, Kelsey WilIiam Golding, grocer, & agent for W. &; A. Gilbey,
commissioner in mpreme court, secretary to Maldon I wine & spirit merchants, High street
Mutual Marine Insurance Association, Limited & clerk to Kerridge Charles, pig dealer, Mill road
the burial board & registrar of cemetery f(}r parishes of Kerridge John, tobacco pipe dealer, High street
All Saints' &: St. Peter's, Gate street Ketley Charles, pork butcher, Market hill
Freeman James Price, grocer, Wantz road Kevan James, photographer, Market hill
Freeman William, greengrocer, High street Knight Joseph, bailiff to county court, High street
French Oxley Arthul'. fishmonger, High street Knight Martha (Miss), dress maker, High street
Frost James, shoeing & blacksmith, Fambridge road Knight Thomas, clothier, Market hill
Frost John Charles, blacksmith, Causeway Lawrence Joseph, Plough-et Sail, Wantz road
Frostick Robert, jnn. chimney sweeper, Bull lane Leopard's Hired Sacks (C. Hicks, agent), High street
Fuller James, boot maker, High street Lewin William, baker & confectioner, High street
Furlong James, plumber & gIa.zier, Fambridge road Lewis Elizabeth 8arah. Mary Ann (Misses), glass ok china
Gale Hamet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wantz road dealers, High street
Gill Elizabeth (Mrs.), shoeing smith, London road Library 0/ Reading Room (Dr. Plume's) {Rev. Edward.
Gill Henry Sylvanus, oonfectioner, Fullbridge Russell Horwood X.A. librarian) ; opea from 9 till [daily
Gill John Henry, baker, Wantz road Literary 4" Mechanic,' Institute (Robert Baxter, sec.. ; Charles
Gower Henrietta (Miss), depot of the Christian Knowledge Croxon, librarian), High street
Society, High street Livermore Samuel, beer retailer, High street
Gower Henry, fancy dealer, High street Locker WaIter, ship broker, Fullbridge
Gower James, confectioner, High 8treet Lond07l 4' Cfm,lIty .Banking CL Limited- (Edward Han80n,
Gower William, gardener & seedsman, High street. manager), High etreet; draw on head office, Sal Lombsrd
Gozzett Henry, builder &e. Mount pleasant street, London I.a

Low John Bruce, sail maker, The Hythe Rush Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker, High street
Macnab Angus, collctr. &: Burvyr. to the customs, Customs ho Rutt Stephen Abbott Notcutt, corn, coal, bil cake, seed &:
Maldon .Association for the Prosecution of Felons (Edwin manure merchant & lime burner, Fullbridge
May, secretary) Rutter George, wheelwright, Station road
Maldon Barge Insurance Co. Limited (John Rogers, sec.); Sadd John & Sons, english &: foreign timber merchants & im-
office, London road porters; slate, tile & drain pipe merchants, ship owners,
Maldon Express (Richard Poole, publisher; published satur- wharfingers, & steam saw mills, adjoining the Grea\
day), High street Eastern railway
Maldon Gas Li,qht Co. Limited (Thomas Jordan, manager; Sadler & Son, sail makers, The JIythe
Digby & Evans, solicitors); works, High street Samms John William, grocer, High street
Maldon if Heybridge Co-operative SrJeiety, Limited (William Samms Mary (Mrs.), market gardener, Spital road
Cobbold, sec.; John Dyer, manager), Fullbridge Sansom Henry John, manager of Messrs. Sparrow & Co.'s
Maldon if Heybridge ~Wutual Benefit Building Society,Silver st bank, High street
Maldon Iron Works Co. Limited (J. C. Float, manager), Sargeant Charles, marine store dealer, Wantz road
agricultural implement manufacturers, iron & brass Sargent Waiter, Chequers, High street .
founders &C. Fullbridge Saunders George, Dolphin, &: fishmonger, High street
MaldonLoan Company, Limited (John Rogers, sec.; Crick & Saunders Leonard, general dealer, High street
Freeman, solicitors); office, London road . Savings Bank (Edgar Jeremiah Bridge, actuary), High
MaldonMutual Marine Insurance .Association, Limited (John street; open third tues. in every month from 12 till 2
Crick Freeman, secretary); office at Messrs. Crick &: Scofield William, currier &: leather cutter, High street
Freeman's Searles James, fruiterer & seedsman, Fullbridge
Maldon Permanent Benefit Building Society {John Rogers, Seex Emma (Mrs.), White Hal·t, Fullbridge
sec.; Crick & Freeman, solicitors) ; office, London road Seymour James Howell, collector of taxes for St. Mary's
Maldon Property Purchase Company, Limited (J. G. Sadd district, High street
esq. chairman: Digby & Evans, solicitors) Shawyer Samuel, Ship if Anchop, choice foreign wines &
Maldon Public Hall Company, Limited (William King Digby, spirits, well matured whiskies, excellent bitter &; fine old
hon. sec.; Digby & Evans, solicitors), High street ales, High street
Maldon Water Supply Company, Limited (John Rogers, sec. i Shipwrecked Fishermen if Mariners' Royal Benevolent
Crick &: Freeman, solicitors) ; office, London road 6'ociety (W. K. Digby, hon. agent)
Mann James Barrett, grocer, High Rtreet Simpson William, baker, North street li
Markham Charles, Borough Arms, &: farmer, Wantz road Simpson William, clothier, hatter, grocer & provision mer-
Marlar John, boot & shoe maker, High street chant, High street i & at Chelmsford •
Marrison John, boot & shoe maker, High street Singer Manufacturing Company, sewing machine manu-
Marvin Alfred, Ship, Market hill facturers (WaIter Bishop, agent), High street
Mason William, shopkeeper, Spital road Sloman Frederick Charles, shopkeeper, High street
Matthews Hepzibah (Mrs.), baker, High street Smee James, blacksmith, wheelwright &: hay & straw dealer,
MatthewsJoseph, shopkeeper, High street Mill road
May & Gertrude, surgeons, High street Smith Bros. manufrs. of Smith's worldly treasure, London rd
May Edwin, accountant & agent to the essex & suffolk Smith Jonas &George, builders, Wantz road
equitable fire & imperial life &: general insurance Smith David, carpenter & builder, 13 Albert pI. Beeleigh rd
offices, High street Smith George (Mrs.), milliner, High street
Mead Edward, beer retailer, Gate street • Smith. John, farmer, Beeleigh road
Mechanics' Institute (R. Haxter, hon. sec.; Mr. Croxon" Smith Joseph John, farmer, Market hill
librarian), Public hall, High street Smith Robert, currier & leather seller, High street
Metham James, Welcome Sailor, Fullbridge SmIth Samuel, draper, High street
Middleditch Edward, confectioner, High street South Joseph, beer retailer, Fullbridge
Miles John, hair dresser, Market hill South William, carter, London road
Miles Mary Ann (Mrs.), berlin wool repository, Market hill Southgate Thomas, corn & flour dealer, High street
Miller Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist & china dealer, High street Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (H. J. Sansom, manager),
Newman John, bricklayer, Cross roads, Wantz High street; draw on Barclay & Co. London e c
Nickols David, clothier, High street Spells William, boot maker, Wantz road
Nightingale Basil, artist, Cross road Spurden Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, High street .
Nightingale Robert, artist, Cross road Spurgeon Arthur Samuel, registrar of marriages of Maldon
Nightingale Robert Truman, tobacconist, Market hill union, inspector of nuisances & school attendance officer
Nunneley Edward Rowley, draper &c. High street & collector of taxes for St. Peter's district, King street
Orth William Henry, ironmonger, Market hill Spurgeon Samuel, house agent & collector of poor's rate &
Orton Annie (Miss), girls' school, High street taxes for All Saints' & St. Peter's district, Silver street
Orttewell Frank, manufacturing, furnishing & general iron- Spurgeon William, boot & shoe maker, Princes street
monger, High street Stables Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, North street
Pamplin William, boot maker, Wantz toad Staines Mary Ann (Miss), farmer, Maldon Wick
Parker Charles Hurrell, coal merchant, The Hythe Stamp Office (Richard Poole, sub-distributor), High street
Perry James, seed grower, Silver street Stebbens James, trinity pilot, Hythe
Perry Joseph, tobacconist, & fancy repository, Fullbridge Steward John, S'wan, High street
Pledger Richard, farmer, Great Beeleigh Stone John, manager for Gray & Sons, Maldon brewery
Poole Richard, bookseller, printer & stationer & sub-dis- Stowers William, shoe maker, Mill road
tributor of stamps, High b'treet Stratford John, boot & shoe maker, High street
Pooley William, lodging house, Spital road Stratford Samuel Ferguson, plumbel' & glazier & collector
Porter Henry, pork butchel' & tea dealer, High street of taxes for St. Peter's district, High street
Potter Sarah (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, Market hill Stringer Alfred James, boot & shoe maker, North street
Potter Thomas, grocer, High street Strutt William, farmer & hay dealer, Mill road
Prior Henry, furniture dealer, Market hill 'few Robert Edward, baker, High street
Pyman William, gardener, New street Thompson Agnes & Ada (Misses), berlin repository, High st
Radley George, cooper, High street· Thompson David, Bell, Silver street
Ratcliffe Samuel, farmer, Little Beeleigh I Thorp Hayward, greengrocer, High street
Rayner Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Spital road Tiffen Josiah, boot maker, High street
Rayner Henry, gardener, Spital road Timperley Charles R. governor of workhouse, Spital road
Reeder George, assistant o,-erseer, collector of poor rates &: Tomlinson Emmeline (Mrs.), school, Spital road
letter carrier, Spital road Tomlinson Thomas, surgeon, High street
Reform Clu1J (Arthur Copsey, sec.; T. McElwee, manager), Turner Richard Charles, tailor, Market hill
High street Turpin William, Star, Wantz road •
Revett Philip, King's Heaafamily ~ commercial hotel, & in- -Underwood Frederick, butcher, High street
land revenueotfice, High street Unwin Joseph, fruiterer, High street
Richardson Alfred. brewer, Wantz road Unwin Uriah, shopkeeper, Wantz road • •
Rogers A..9hur John, accountant, London road Wadee George, butcher, High street
Rogers James, auctioneer &: secretary to the Maldon Perma- Wallworth David, pharmaceutical chemist, High street
nentBenefit Building Society, Maldon Water Works Co. Ward Charles, farmer, Beeleigh grange
Maldon Loan Co. &: Maldon Barge Insurance Co. London rd Ward Henry, smallware dealer, High street
Ruff Rt. traveller for Maldon Iron Works Co.Lim.Fullbridge , Warren Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Church street
Warren & Humphreys, corn, coal & oil cake & manure mer- Worraker Thomas, salt merchant, Butt lane
chants, Rayleigh wharf Worraker Thomas, shipowner & spirit mer. Market hill
Warwicker Hy. Geo. saddler & harness maker, Market hill Wrake John Joseph Yell, White Lion, Fullbridge
White William Charles, grocer, High street Wright David, Duke of Wellington, London road
Willet Nathaniel, gas fitter, Wantz road Wright Richard, blacksmith, North street
Williamson Edward, beer retailer, High street Wright Thomas, painter & glazier, Market hill
Wincup Priscilla (Miss), day school, Wantz road Wright William, butcher, High street
Wombwell George, head constable of borough police & in- Wyatt William, boarding school, London road
spector of weights & measures, Fairbridge road Young Men's Ch1'istian Association (L. Bentall, hon. sec.),
Woodcock Edward, Queen Adelaide, High street Market hill
Worraker Henry Charles, ironmonger, High street
MANNINGTREE is a small market town and parish, Bishop of London and afterwards Archbishop of Canter-

on the Great Eastern railway and the southern bank of the: bury. The register of burials dates from 1695; baptisms
navigable river Stour and is a polling place for the Eastern! and marriages, 1696. The liVing is a vicarage, yearly value
division of the county, in Tendring hundred and union, Col- £165, in the gift of the rector of Mistley and held by the
chester county court district, Ardleigh rural deanery, Col- Rev. Charles Allen Evans Beley M.A. of St. Mary Hall,
chester archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans, 60 miles Oxford. The vicarage house was restored in r877 at a cost
from London, 10 south from Ipswich, rot from Hadleigh, 12 of £870. There are Congregational and Wesleyan Metho-
west from Harwich, 8i north-east from Colchester, 30t from dist chapels. In the year 1813 the sum of £27 IOS. 9d. in the
Chelmsford and 361 from Bury. There are railway stations, I then 4 per Cents. was purchased by subscription among the
each about half-a-mile from the town, at Lawford and at inhabitants and vested in trustees, the dividends arising
Mistley, the latter on the Harwich branch. The town in- . from which were to be paid to the clergyman of Manningtree
eludes the parish of Manningtree and parts of the parishes: on Easter Monday in every year for a sermon to be by him
of Mistley and Lawford. (The names of those persons re- preached after evening service on the Good Friday preceding
siding in the portions of those parishes forming part of the the same; this amount now stands in the new £3 per Cents.
town will be found under Manningtree and the remaining in the names of four trustees. An important trade is carried
under their respective parishes.) The church or chapel at- on in corn, malt, coals and timber and there are very ex-
tributed to St. Michael is a building chiefly of late Perpen- , tensive malting establishments in the town and adjoining
dicular charactell, erected in 1616 and consisting of nave parish. The Corn Exchange, in High street, is a stone struc-
and a clock tower with 1 bell and has been twice enlarged, ture, built in 1865 at a cost of about £1,600 and is also used
the last addition at the east end being made in 1839, when for concerts. A small market is held every Thursday and a
175 additional free seats were added; a monument was fair on Thursday in Whitsun week. The reading room was
placed in the chapel by the inhabitants in 1748 in memory built in 1849; there are also two banks and a savings bank.
of the pious Thomas Osmond, who suffered martyrdom in Thomas Glover Kensit esq. of 25 Bnrton street, Berkeley
the town in 15I5 and there is also a memorial to Thomas square, London, is lord of the manor of Mistley-cum-
Tusser, 1580: the interior was restored in 1874: the Manningtree. The area is 17t acres of land and a small
organ was erected in 1857: the altar piece, a large portion of water j rateable value, £2,920; the population in
oil painting, representing our Saviour, was the gift of 1881 was 945.
Edward Daniel Alston esq. in 1823: the communion plate p,. h Cl 'k J W D .
includes a chalice given in r663 by William Lord, then a1 1S eJ,. . owmng.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Burial Board, David Mustard, High street
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, South Inland Revenue 0fficeJ', Thomas Cullovin, High street
street.-Henry James Titlow, postmaster. Letters arrive .jJ£edical OffiCe]' to the 3rd, 4th 0/ loth Di;;trict of Tendl'ing
from London & all parts at I.55 a.m & from London at Union, Thomas Peat, High street
J LIS a.m.; dispatched at 1.25, 3.30 & 1045 p.m. Superintendent Regi;;trar oj Tendring Union, David Mus-
Box closes at 1.15, 3.15 & la p.m.; to Ipswich & tard; deputy, Charles Mustard, High street
Harwich at 1.15 p.m. Letters are delivered at 7 a.m.; SuJJ-Distributor of Stam.p.~, David Mustard, High street
second delivery at II.30 a.m. Post office savings bank Town SurveyO'l', George Fenter, Quay street
open from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. Postal orders issued from 9 PLACES OF WORSHIP:-
a.m. till 7 p.m St. Michael's Church, Rev. Chas. Allen Evans Beley M.A. vie
INSURANCE AGENTS:- Congngational Chapel, South street, Uev. Thomas C.
Econrnnic Life, C. Taylor, High street Williams, minister
Hand-in-Hand, F. B. Capon Wesleyan Chapel, South hill, Rev. Charles Hillyard & Rev.
Law Union .Fil·e 0/ Life, S. S. Parsons, South street J oseph Robinson, ministers
Norwich Union Fire, D. Mustard, High street SCHOOLS :- :
Plu13nix Fire, J. B. Winter, High street National, Manningtree & Mistley, built in 1814 by volun-
Royal Exchange, J. H. Folkard, High street tary donations for 150 children, with an average attend-
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- . ance of 130; George Thomas Taylor, master; Miss Sarah
Custom House, Mistley, John Piper, principal officer Cant, mistress
Corn Exchange, High street, Joseph Bishop West, hon. sec TVe;;lff!Jan, Mistley (mixed), built in 1854 for 159 children,
Fire Engine Station, Waterside, George Fenter, supt with an average attendance of 125; Jm;eph Stone, master
Inland Revenue Office, White Hart hotel, High street, CONVEYANCE:-
Thomas Cullovin . Railway Station, James Pinner, statiun master
PuBLIC OFFICERS:- Omnibus from White Hart hotel. High street, to meet
Assistant Overseer, Samuel Strutt Parsons, South street every train
Clm'k to the (}ommissiQnel's oj Taxes, to Deput.y Lieutenants er CARRIERS TO:-
to the Magistrates jor the Hundred of Tendring, to the COLCHESTER-John Thomas Wilson, wed. & sat
Guardians, to the Rural Sanita-ry Authority ~ to the IpSWIcH-John Thomas Wilson, every tues. & fri
A.ssesS1nent Committee of, Tendring Union ~ to Ardleigh THORPE-LE-SoKEN-John Dumerton, ' Packet,' wed
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ' Goody Charles, South street I Sizer Mrs. South street
Alston Alfred Ernest, High street Harvey Samuel Smith, High street Smith Miss, Ohurch house, High street
Alston John Edward, South street Hillyard Rev. Chas. [Wesleyan] ,South st Stone Joseph, Oxford road '
Beley ReV'. Charles Allen Evans M.A.. Leigh Edward Henry, North str~t Taylor Charles, High street
[chaplain ofTendring union] ,Vicarage Leigh George, South street Taylor Georg" Thomas, South stroot
Benc.all Frederick James, South street Mustard David, High street Webber Misses, North villa
Bendall Offwood, jun. Colchester road Mustard William, High street West Joseph Bishop, High street
Brooks Mrs. South street Norton·William, Oxford road COMMERCIAL.
Butler J oseph Richard, High street Owen Miss, South street . Alexanders',Birkbeck,Barclay & Buxton,
Chaplin Miss, South street . Page Charles, South street bankers, High street (Charles Taylor,
Clench Augustus Robert, High street Page Mrs. South street manager); draw on Barnetts',Hoares',
Cook John Will M.D. High street Parsons William, Brook street Hanburys' & Lloyds', London
Cox W. Henry George, South street. Powell Mrs. High street • Alston Edward John & Sons, br9wers,
Edwards William Webh, South street Peat Thomas, High street maltsters & wine & spirit merchants,
FiskJohn, Oxford road Pulley Miss, South street High street '
Folkard James Harvey, High street Robinson Rev. J8ph. [We81eyan],High st Baldwin George, milk seller, Brook et '
Barker Charles Frederick James, Packet Frostick James, blacksmith, High street the Tendring Hundred Provident Be-
hotel commercial 9- posting establish- Gas Works (F. Maldon, sec.; Thomas nefit & Sickness Society, High street,
rnent, & wine & spirit mer. I High st Watts, man.), Oxford road & Mistley; & 7 Furnival's inn, Hol-
Balls G-eorge, baker, Brook street Gibling Hobert William, baker, South st born, London e c
Benclall Offwood, agricultural imple- Goddard George, Cock inn, Brook street Nevill Geo. shopkeeper, Brook street
ment maker, machinist & ironfounder, Goodrum Betsy (Mrs.), dress maker, Nightingale Roht. beer retlr. Station rd
Lawford iron works Oxford road Page Charles, maItster, South hill
Bird Chas. plumber, & beer rtlr. ~tour st Goodwin Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository, Parsons & Son, plumbers & glaziers &
Birkdale William, hair dresser, South st South street general contractors, South street
llloom James, saddler, Station road Goody & Son, ale & porter merchants, Parsons Samuel Strutt, assistant over-
Bolton James, Red Lion, South street South street seer, South street
Braybrook John Joseph, beer retailer, Gowen WiIliam, shoe maker, South st PaskeIl Robert Thomas, baker, High st
Brook street Greenwood WiIliam, Cpicketers' Arms, & Peat Thomas, surgeon, High street
Broom Henry, shoe maker, South st butcher, High street Pittock Jsph. Nun, fishmonger, South st
Bunnett Wiliam, cooper, Brook street Groom Anne (Mrs.), grocer & draper, Poole & Edwards, butchers, High street
Cant James, shopkeeper, High street High street Porter Charles, chimney sweeper, Quay
Cant Samuel Long, glazier & painter, Hammond Samuel, boot maker, High st Porter Thomas Geo. chimney sweeper,
Brook street Harvey Samuel Smith, grocer, draper & South street
Capon Francis B. builder & contractor wine merchant, High street Price John, umbrella maker, South 8t
& auctioneer, Brook street Hibberd Jas. IVkite Hapt hotel & inland Ralph William, basket maker, Oxford rd
Chisnall Alfred, corn, coal & salt mer- revenue office, High street Read Chas. Albt. watch maker, South hI
chant, North street Holland & Co. whitesmiths, South street Sadler James, patent leather manufac-
Clench Augustus Robert, manager of Home Robert, news agent, bookseller & turer & boot & shoe maker
London & County bank, High street stationer, & agent for the Scottish Sargent Alfred, beer retailer, South st
Clover George Thos. carpenter, High st Accident Insurance Co. Station road Sawyer Samuel, furniture bro. Waterside
Cook Jdmes, beer retailer, South street Johnson Alfred Thos. outfitter, High st Saxby Wm. Wood, hair dresser, South st
Cook John Will M.D. physician, High st Killick Albert, carter, High street Seagers Elizabeth (.NIl's.), Flag inn, Col-
Cowell James WilIiam, King's Head, King Benjamin, grocer & provision chester road
& builder, High street ' dealer; & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Sealey $dwd. Jas. watch maker, High st
CrackneIl Chas. linen draper, High st wine & spirit merchants, High street Simmons Richard, fishmonger, High st
CuIlovin Thos. inland rev. off. High st Lambert Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, Sta- Sutton & Co. parcel office (Charles
Curtis Charles, builder, Regent street tion road Frederick James Barker, agent),
Curtis William James, brewer's agent Lankester Samuel, shopkeeper, High st Packet hotel, High street
& shopkeeper, South street Leigh Edwd. Hy. fellmonger, Station rd Taylor & Jes8up, timber & slate mer-
Day Alfred, blacksmith, Station road Lilley Benjamin, baker, Regent street chants, steam sawing & planing mills,
Dent Thomas, saddler, High street London 9- County Bankin.9 Co. Limited Salt Office quay
Disney Ann Howard (Mrs.),ironmonger, (branch) (Augustus Robert Clench, Taylor Charles, n}anager of Alexander
High street manager), High street; draw on head & Co.'s bank, High street
Downing Arthur, watch & clock maker, office, London Taylor In. Wm. vetrnry. surgn. Mill la
High street Long Chas. Hy. pork butcher, South st Titlow Jas. tailor & woollen drpr. High st
Downing John Walker, tin plate worker, Long Sarah Elizabeth (Miss),shopkeeper, Tompson Chas. Hardy, solicitor,High st
High street South street Tweed John Ainger, baker, South hilI
Dowsing George, fire wood dlr. Brook st Long John Wm. butcher, South street Vincent Geo. beer retailer, Brook street
Earthy James, furniture dlr. South st Manningtree 9- Mistley Reading Rooms Wagstaff Thos. greengrocer, York street
Edwards Elizh. (Miss ),school, York bdgs (J. T. Salisbury, sec.), South street Ward Walter, shopkeeper, South street
Fenter George, carpenter & town sur- Meadows George, fruiterer, South street Watts Thomas, stationer, High street
veyor, Waterside Mustard Cbas.dep.supt.registrar,High st White Susannah (Mrs.), tobacconist,
Finch Emma (Miss), shopkpr. Brook st Mustard David, solicitor, clerk to the South street .
Fitch Henry, rope maker, Station road guardians & superintendent registrar Winter John BilIingsby; chemist, High st
}<'orsdick Isaac, baker, High street of 'fendring union & sub-distributor Worth Harry, saddler & beer retailer,
Free Robert, maltster of stamps, High street Quay street
Frost Wm. (Mrs.), beer retailer, High st Mustard Wm. solicitor, &> secretary to

MANUDEN (or MANEWDEN) is a parish in the Western tional chapel. A pleasure fair is held on Eastel'·' Monday.
division of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishop's Stort- Manuden House, a large, plain modern mansion, the seat of
ford union and county court district, Newport rural deanery, Mrs. Thomas, is situated in the village. Manuden Hall is a
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, on the large and ancient building the seat of Robert Gosling esq.
river Stort, 2 miles north-west from Stansted station, 34 who is lord of the two manors, Battles Hall and Manuden Hall
from London by road and 4 north from Bishop's Stortford and principal landowner. The soil is mixed, but principally
and the Lee navigation. The church of St. Mary, given by heavy; subsoil, clay, chalk and gravel. The crops are on .
Richard de CornevilIe and Alice his wife to the monks of St. the four and five course shifts. The area is 2,486 acres;
Melan, in Bretagne and formerly a cruciform building rateable value, £3,777; and the population in 1881 was 721.
underwent a thorough restoration in 1864 at a cost of £1,200 MALLOW GREEN is one mile and a half west.
and consists of chancel, nave, north transept, south aisle and
porch and an embattled tower surmounted by a spire and Parish Cle1'k, Isaac CIark.
containing 5 bells: a richly-earved screen separates the POST OFFlCE.-Charles Warren, receiver. Letters received
chancel and nave. The register dates from the year 1561. throngh Bishop's Stortford by Stansted arrive at 8 a.m.;
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £215 commuted tithes, dispatched at 6,45 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
with residence and three acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir C. graph offices are at Stanstead Mountfitchet &; Bishop's
Horne and Mrs. B. A. Thomas and held by the Rev. Joseph Stortford
Bernard Forster M.A. ()f Trinity College, Cambridge. The Bom'd School (mixed), erected in 1877 for 200 children, with
vicarage house has been restored. Lannoy Arthur Couss- an average attendance of 120; Miss ElIen Bryden, mistress
maker esq. of Westwood, Surrey, is impropriator of the CARRIERS-Tharby, to Cambridge, monday returning tues-'
tithes, which
are commuted at £630. Here is a Congrega- day; Bush, to Stortford, thursdays
" ,

Barker John Burls Arthur, grocer & draper Newman John, carter
Burls Charles, Rectory farm . Burls Joseph Robert, farmer Nottage Frederick, farmer
Forster Rev.Jsph. Bernard M.A.Vicarage Bush James, beer retailer &tailorPhillips George, blacksmith
Gosling Robert D.L., J.P. Manuden hall Caton Henry, farmer, Up end Phillips William, blacksmith
Liveing Miss . Chopping Thomas, miller Reed WilIiam, shoe maker .
Thomas Mrs. Manuden house Clayden Cha1'les, farmer, Peynton hall Robertson Emily (Miss), dress make1"
Tuck M r s , CoweIl Joseph, farmer, Battles hall Tedder William, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Franklin John, stud groom to R. Gos. Tharby Ellen (Miss), dress maker.
AlIen Robt. huntsman to R. Gosling esq ling esq , Tharby Thomas, carrier
Baker William, farmer Horner George, baker Totmam Samuel B. farmer, Mallows gr
Baseley James, Cock Horner·Thomas,hay dealer dt butcher Ward Henl'y, bricklayer
Bird Charles, farmer Moss Frederick, wheelwright Warren Charles, grocer & postmaster
Brand Chas. blacksmith & beer retailer Moss William, tailor & shopkeeper Watts Ann (Mrs.), fellmonger


GREAT MAPLESTEAD is an ancient parish, 3! dean of Hedingham. Here is a chapel for The Brethren.
miles north-west from Halstead and not ,far from the road In this parish is the Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen
to Haverhill and Sudbury, in the Eastern division of the Women, erected in 1867 at the sole cost of Miss E. Barter;
county, Hinckford hundred. union and county court district the foundress has endowed the institution with £250 a year
of Halstead, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester arch- as 8 salary for the warden, who must be So clergyman of
deaconry and St. Albans diocese. The village lies high, the the Church of England; the buildings are constructed for
parish sloping towards the river Colne. The church of St. 35 penitents, who may be received from any part of the
Giles is a building in part of Early Norman date, consisting United Kingdom, with a preference for the counties of Essex
of apsidal chancel, nave, north aisle and a massive square and Herts ; the management of the institution is entrusted
tower of flint with cut stone quoins, the tower was for to a council of 50 of the leading clergy and laity of the two
many years covered with plaster, on the removal of which, counties; for its maintenance it is dependent on voluntaIJo
in 1861, it was found that the western part of the tower subscriptions and on washing and needlework done by the
was in brick. The date 1612 was visible on it and the penitents; the bishop of the diocese is visitor and the
legend is that at this date this half of the tower, together present warden is the Rev. Charles Henry Cope :M.A· of
with the west end of the south aisle were destroyed by Lincoln College, Oxford, appointed in 1877. Dines, or Dynes
lightning, and restored as now seen in brick: the ancient Hall, the seat of Hy. John Sperling esq.D.L.lord of the manor
quoins are retained; the stained glass window in the north and chief landowner, is a handsome brick mansion, in a
aisle is a memorial to Mrs. Marsden: the body of the finely wooded park. The other principal landowners are
church is of the Late Decorated style; the edifice was en- Robert Hanbury and James Brewster esqrs. The soil is
larged by the addition of a. north aisle and re-seated in the I mixed loam and gravel; subsoil, various. The chief crops
year 1861 and the chancel was restored in 1866 by Miss I are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area is 1,940
Barter in memory of Mrs. Gee: in a chapel on the south of acres; rateable value, £3>374; the population in 1881 was
the nave are two monuments: one in memory of Sir John 394. .
Dean knt. and another to his lady, Anne daughter of Sir Parish Clerk, John Kemp.
Drue Drury ; on the first beneath an arch supported on POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Hannah Hawkins. sub-postmistress.
pillars of black marble is the effigy of the knight reclining Letters through Halstead, arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at
on his a1'JIl and above the figures of eight children; the 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
monument of lady Dean is more elaborately executed at Castle Hedingham
and bears her figure and that of her son iu armour at her National School (mixed), built in 1863, for 70 children, with
feet. The register of baptisms and marriages dates from I an average attendance of 57; Miss Elizabeth Bluill.
1697; burials. r678. The living is a vicarage, yearly yalue mistress: the school & mistress's house were ·erected •
['210, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. Canon Fraser at the expense of Mrs. Gee, on land presented by
:M.A. of South Weald, Brentwood and held by the Rev.Edgar Robert Hanbury esq. : they are of red brick, with stone
Siritt Come MoA. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, rural mullions; the architect was Wm. White esq. Wimpole st
Cope Re",. Charles Henry :M.A. [Warden Broyd Benjamin, shoe maker
I King Wm.Horatio,fanner,Hop Pole frm
of the House of Mercy],Old Vicarage Chapman William,farmer,Barrett's hall Metson Charles, miller, Hull mill
Corrie Rev. Edgar Siritt :M.A. [rural dean Collis Arthur Bentall, frmr. Byham hall Newton George, farmer, Ducking house
& diocesan inspector of schools], Cooper Robert, farmer Nice Samuel, blacksmith
Vicarage I Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen Rayner John, farmer, Purl's hill
Sperling Henry John D.L.jJ.p.Dynes hall I Women (Rev. Charles Henry Cope Rayner Thos. farmer, Gt. Chelmsloe ho
Urell John M.A. warden; Mrs. Dorothy Walker, Rule Mary Ann (Mrs.). fanner
COMMERCIAL. lady superior) Taylor Sarah (Miss), farmer, Mill farm
Argent Alfred. beer retailer Drnry John, shopkeeper Wright Henry, carpenter
LITTLE MAPLESTEAD is an ancient parish in the said formerly to have had the privilege of sanctuary and was
Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead rebuilt in 1854, the circular west end and the semi-circular
union and county court district, Hedingham rural deanery, chancel being strictly preserved; the font is Norman and of
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese and is about extremely rude and simple execution. The register dates
6 miles south-west from Sudbury and the Stour navigation from the year r688. The living is a vicarage, yearly value
and 2j north from Halstead. A preceptory for Knights ['100, including 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees'
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem was founded here by of Davis's. Charity and held by the Rev. John Frederick
Juliana de Burgo in II85, the round church of which now Harward :M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here
the parish church of St. John of Jerusalem, is an example is a Congregational chapel. The trustees of Davis's
of the pure Decorated style, one of the few churches in Eng- charity are lords pf the manor and 'fith James Brewster
land of the class to which the Temple church in London esq. J.P. and George De Horne Vaizeyesq. are the prioci-
and those of St. Sepulchre at Cambridge, Northampton and pal landowners. The soil is clay and loam; subsoil,
some few others belong and is specially interesting as being ,·arions. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
the latest of these and the smallest of the round churches, turnips. The area. is 1,062 acres; rateable value,
the diameter of the circular part being only about 26 feet £1,766; and the population in 1881 was 261.
and the whole length, including the apsidal chancel, little POST OFFICE.-James Simmons, sub-postmaster. Letters
more than 60 feet. The circular portion or nave, consists of through Halstead arrive at 7 a.m; dispatched at 6 p.m.
a peristyle, six piers, each formed by three shafts set round Halstead is the nearest money order & telegraph office
a triangle and supporting pointed arches of simple but good A School Board of 5 members, three for Maplestead & two
design,those running to the outside wall resting on corbels; the for Gestingthorpe was formed in 1874
windows are mostly of two lights; the western entrance is Boa1'd School (mixed), built in 1874 for 72 children, with an
through an arch adorned with a. double row of quatrefoil average attendance of 55 j Miss Mercy Raven, school-
ornament,. the head terminating in a finial; this church is mistress
Brewster Chas. Edwd. Maplestead hall Callow WaIter, pig dealer Gentry Arthur, baker & shopkeeper
l"airbank Rev. Fredk. [Congregational] Carpenter Henry, carpenter Hearn George, fanner, School farm
Downes James, farmer Lewsey Isaac, bricklayer
OOMlrIERCIAL. Fairhank Fredk. farmer, Gallant's farm Shave Henry. farmer
Bentall Charles A. farmer, Gage's farm Felton James, Cock inn Shave Sarab (Mrs.), farmer, Lye'sfarm
Callow Ann (Mrs.), beerrtlr. & shopkpr Gatward William, butcher & farmer Watkinson Thomas, blacksmith
MARGARETTING is a parish in the Western division bably dates from the latter part of the 14th century: this
of the county, Chelmsford. hundred, union and county eourt church is & noble example of the Early Perpendicular style
district,Ingatestonernral deanery,Essexarchdeaconryand St. of the period of Henry VI. highly elaborated and still com-
Albans diocese, on the Roman and modern road from Lon- plete in design ~ the arches of the nave arcade are early
don to Colchester, 2S miles from. London by road, 4 south- specimens off<lur-eentred Perpendicular work, springing froOl
west from Chelmsford. and the Chelmer navigation, 5 north elustered columns with richly moulded capitals and bases;
from Billericay, 7 north-east from Brentwood and 2 north- the font is a magnificent work of the same date, 3 feet It
east from Ingatestone station. The church of St. Margaret, inches in height and 2 feet 6 inches in diameter, octangular
restored in :I870 and situated one mile tiouth of the village in form and panelled and highly moulded in the plinth as
consists of chancel, nave, $)uth aisle with chapel. vestry, well as in the shaft and top; the north porch is a fine ex-
north and south porches and a wooden tower with ample of timber work, the design is perfect and of the carved
spire at the west -end containing ... bells, each of which bears tracery and other ornamental work much still remains. The
a dedication in old English characters; the smallest, dedi.. register dates front the year 1628. The living is a vicarage,
cared to St. John, is perhaps the oldest in Essex and pro- yearly walue ['150,. with residence and 5 acres of glebe land
in the gift of the Rev. Mordaunt Barnard M.A. of Christ's manor of Coptfold Hall, are chief landowners. The soil is of
College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. Mordaunt Roger a mixed character; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are
Barnard B.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. William Baker wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is 2,259 acres;
esq. is impropriator of the great tithes. Coptfold Hall, the rateable value, £7,080 10S.; and the population in 1881 was
seat of the Hon. Arthur Charles Augustus Petre J.P. is a 526.
modern mansion pleasantly situated on an eminence, in a Pm'ish Clerk, Samuel Rice.
small and thickly wooded park. Eweland Hall stands in a Assistant Ot'erseer if Rate Collect01', William Clift.
park, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Lucy Firmin, postmistress. Letters
country; it is the residence of Thomas S. Parry esq. Pea- arrive through Ingatestone at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 7 p.m.
cocks, a short distance from the high road on the east and Nearest money order & telegraph office is at Ingatestone
near the village, is the handsome residence of Francis Lewis INSURANCE AGENT, Manchester Fire, W. Clift
Shaw Merewether esq. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor National School (mixed), for 90 children, with an average
of Margaretting Hall and the Hon. A.C. A. Petre, lord of the attendance of 60; Miss Louisa Mann, mistress
Barnard Rev. Mordaunt Roger B.A. COMMERCIAL. Monk Ebenezer, baker
Vicarage Baker George, farmer, Parsonage farm Ottley Charles, Black Bull
Firman George Bright WaIter Charles, Red Lion Parnell (Mrs.), farmer, The Tye
Hemsley J ames, Ivy Hill cottage Clift Wm. commission agt.& rate collectr Poole Alfred, farmer, Margaretting hall
Humphrys James, Ponders Earee Edmund, wheelwright & black- Poole Anna (Mrs.), farmer, Margaret-
Justice Charles smith ting hall
Merewether l'ras. Lewis Shaw, Peacocks Elliston Joseph, beer retailer Poole Geo. jun. farmr. Killigrew's farm,
Merrington John, Whites place Firmin Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper Speight, farmer, Whites bridge
Parry Thomas S. Eweland hall Flack Richard, overlooker for the Hon. Warren (Mrs.), farmer & landowner,
Petre Hon. Arthur Charles Augustus A. C. A. Petre The Tye
J.P. Coptfold hall Hutton Charles, farmer, The Tye Willis Geo. White Hart inn, The Tye
Pool Mrs. Margaretting hall Justice Henry, grocer &: butcher Wolton Thomas, farmer & cattle dealer,
Wolton Thomas, Canterburys Knightbridge Thomas, farmer, Bear- Canterbury
Wrightson Leonard Butler, Lynedoch man's farm Wright Stephen, Sp1'ead Eagle inn
MARXSHALL is a small parish, in the Eastern division Honywood, is a large and handsome Elizabethan building
of the county. hundred of Lexden, Braintree union, county standing in a well wooded park, stocked with fallow deer:
court district of Halstead, Halstead rural deanery, Colchester here li"ed Mrs. Mary Honywood, who died in 1620, aged 93
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 2 miles north-west and saw of her own issue 16 children, J:I4 grandchildren,
from Coggeshall, 5 north from Kelvedon station and 7 east- 228 great-grandchildren and 9 great-great-grandchildren,
north-east from Braintree station. The church of St. being a total of 367 descendants. Mrs. Honywood is a lady
Margaret, adjoining the hall, has been almost entirely rebuilt of the manor and the principal landowner. The soil is strong
at the sole expense of Mrs. Honywood and consists of loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crop is wheat. The
chancel, baptistery, vestry and organ chamber: the sedilia area is 804 acres; rateable value, £1,010: and the population
and credence are of marble: there are a few marble tablets in 1881 was 42.
of the Honywood family, including that of Mrs. Mary Vtrryel', John Andrews.
Honywood (temp. James I.), mentioned below. The regis-
ter dates from the year 1585. The living is a rectory, Letters through Kelvedon, via Coggeshall, which is the
~oss yearly value £3 10, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. nearest money order & telegraph office & is within one
Honywood and held by the Rev. WaIter Octavius Peile M.A. mile by the field-path
of Magdalen College, Oxford. Marks Hall, the seat of Mrs. The children of this village attend the Coggeshall 8\.:hool
Hebden Frederick, The Cradle house
Honywood Mrs. Marks hall
I Shead Arthur, farm bailiff to Mrs. Hony- Peile Rev. WaIter Octalius M.A. Rectory
, wood, Marygolds
MASHBURY is a village and parish, in the Western di- Chignal. T. W. Bramston esq. who is lord of the manor
vision of the county, Dunmow hundred, Chelmsford union and Lord Rayleigh are the principal landowners. The soil
and county court district, Chelmsford rural deanery, Essex is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 6 miles north-west and beans. The area 815 acres: rateable value, £1,058 ; and
from Chelmsford station, 9 south from Dunmow and 33 from the population in 1881 was 142, chiefly engaged in agricul-
London. The church (unnamed) is a small structure of tural pursuits.
the Norman period, consisting of chancel and nave and a GOLDING WELLS is one mile north-west
belfry containing 3 bells. The register of baptisms Pa1'ish Clerk, James Ketley.
dates from the year 1539; marriages, 1540; burials, 1546. LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. Letters by foot post through
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Chignal St. James Chelmsford. High Easter is the nearest mon ey order
and Mary, joint yearly value £430, in the gift of trustees of office, the telegraph office is at Chelmsford
Wm. B. S. Barnes and held by the Rev. Barrington Syer The children of this village go to the school at Chignall St.
Barnes B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, who resides at James
Dennis John, farmer, Mashbury hall
Petts J ames, shopkeeper
I Tween William, Fox inn I Wardour Josepb, miller & farmer

MATCHING is a village and parish, in tbe Western erected at Matching Tye, in connection with the Congrega-
division of the county, Harlow hundred, Epping union, tional chapel at Hatfield Heath. Sir H. J. Selwin-Ibbetson
Bishop's Stortford county court district, HarIow rural bart. M.P. is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 The soil is various, mostly heavy; subsoil, clay and gravel.
miles east from Harlow station, 5 from the Stort navigation, The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The parish,
9 north-east from Epping, 7 south-east from Bishop's Stort- watered by a tributary of the Stort, has an area of 2,385
ford, 7 north-west from Ongar and 30 from London. The acres; rateable value, £30396; and the population in 1881
church of St. Mary consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south was 598.
porch and an embattled tower cont~in!ng 5 bells, recast in OVliSlIAM, or Househam, is a hamlet of Matching, recorded
1~75; the ch~rch was nearly rebuilt lU 1875 at ~he cost of in" Domesday Book," and which once had a district chapel.
S~r H. .T•. Selwm-Ibbetson bart. M.P., I.P. : the pulPIt. was the MATCHING TYE is three-quarters of a mile south-west and
gIft of. RIchard Glasscock esq. of Downham H.all, lU 162.4: WATERMAN'S END I mile south-east. ~ a brass to John Ball~tt gen.t. 1638, WIth. other lU- Parish Clerk James Radley.
scnptlOns to members of thIS famIly. The regIster dates ' .
from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value POST OFFICE.:-James Wood, rece~ver. Letters through
£160, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of Felstead Harlow .arrIve at 8,35 a.m.; dIspatched at 5·3? p.m.
school, on the nomination of the Bishop of Rochester and Harlow IS the nearest money order & telegraph office
held by the Rev. John Houghton M.A. of Corpus Christi School (mixed), built in 1874 for 120 children, with an
filollege, Cambridge. In 1875 a Congregational chapel was average attendance of 70; Miss H. A. Morris, mistress
Ayres Richard Wm. Matching Tye Bourne Charles, shopkeeper Martin Charles, grocer & draper
Houghton Rev. John M.A. Vicarage Brown Peter, farmer PooleS. Sandford, fanner, Matching hall
Macilwain George Dennis Alfred, beer retailer Pratt Thomas, farmer & hurdle maker
COMMBRCIAL. Dunning Thomas William, fanner Quare Daniel, farmer
Britton George, farm bailiff to Sir H. J. Griffin Thomas, farmer, Househam hall Quare Ernest, farmer
Selwin-Ibbetson bart M.P., ;S.P Mansfield James, farmer Quare Tudor Brain, maltster &; farmer
Rixon George (Mrs.), shoe maker Silcock Frederick, saddler Thurgood James, farmer
Saville John, blacksmith Staines Thomas, farmer, Brick house Wood James, shofl maker
Sawkins John, beer retailer Stone Susanna (Miss), farmer Wood William, shopkeeper
Searle William, baker Tadgell William, shopkeeper Wright William, Fox, Matching Tye
MAYLAND, anciently called Meilanda, is a parish,8! amount to about £2 yearly, left by William Aylett, late of
miles south-east from Maldon and 4 north-west from Burn- this place. A school board has been established here for the
ham, in the Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred, united parishes of Althorne and Mayland. The Governors
Maldon union and county court district, Dengie rural of St. Bartholomew's Hospital are lords of the manor. The
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. The principal landowners are John Page esq. the trustees of the
church of St. Barnabas, erected in 1867 by subscription, is late John Solly esq. and the lords of the manor. The soil is
an edifice in the Early English style and consists of chancel, heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The Chief crops are wheat,
nave, vestry, south porch and a stone turret on the eastern beans and barley. The area is 2,030 acres; rateable value,
gable of the nave, containing I bell: there is an elegant £2,516; and the population in 1881 was 246.
brass lectern: the stained east window, illustrating subjects Parish Cle1'k, James Harrington.
from Holy Scripture, is a. work of great beauty and there LETTER Box contiguous to the school cleared at 9.35 a.m. •
are eight other stained windows: on the floor of nave is a & 5.30 p.m.; sundays, 5.55 p.m. Letters through l\Ialdon
ledger stone: the walls of the chancel are richly decorated 'Via Althorne. The nearest money order & telegraph office
with scriptural texts. The register of baptisms dates from is at Southminster
the year r748; burials, 1765; marriages, 1754. The living Board School (mixed), under the Mayfield & Althorne
is a vicarage, yearly value £170, in the gift of the governors School Board, built in 1876 at a cost of £1,600 for 130
of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London and held by the children, with an average attendance of 90; Roland
Rev. William Carus-Wilson B.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. Balle, master; Mrs. Mary Ann Halle, mistress. There
The rectorial tithes, commuted at £41I, belong to the is a teachers' residence attached to the schools
Gm'emors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital; the vicarage is CARRIERS pass through here daily for Maldon & to Chelms-
a substantial residence near the church. The charities ford every tuesday & friday
Carus-Wilson Rev. Wm. B.A. Vicarage Cardnell John, miller Percival Wm. Percival, ho. decorator &c
Cracknell George, The Hall Clarke Henry, farmer Purkiss Annie (Mrs.), dress maker
Page John Cracknell George, farmer, The Hall Purkiss Charles, beer retailer
Solly Mrs Page John, farmer Witney James, farmer, Highlands
BWlting John, farmer
MERSEA (the Marsh Isle) lies 10 miles south from Col- the building. The register dates from 1738. The living is
chester station, about 6 miles from Wivenhoe station and 61 a vicarage, yearly value £230, in the gift of James Eglington
from London, between the mouths of the rivers Colne and A. Gwynne esq. and hel(rby the Rev. Thomas Ralph Mussel-
Blackwater and is separated from the mainland by Pyefleet white M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford, rural dean of Mersea
creek, famous for its oysters, a causeway on the north side and surrogate: the Rev. John Tickle of Wargrave, in the
called the" Strode" or "Stroude," which is dry at low water, county of Berks, by will bearing date 1812, bequeathed to
affording the necessary means of communication; the length tIre vicar and churchwardens of the parish of West Mersea
of Mersea from north-east to south-west is about 5 miles, £200, to be invested, after his wife's decease, in the £3 per
its greatest breadth about z: it possesses many natural Cent. Consols, for theo education of poor children to be
beauties, is well wooded and diversified with hill and dale. nominated by the vicar. During the progress of alterations
On the sea coast the shore is bold and commanding, but in the Wes$ Mersea Hall, about 1730, a very fine tesselated
northwards flat and shelving and skirted by salt marshes; pavement was discovered, ZI! feet in length and 18i feet in
the island farms are dh;'ded by thick hedge-rows and the breadth: the hall stands immediately contiguous to the
enclosed fields generally small: the springs are excellent. church and from excavations made in the churchyard, it
It is divided into two parishes East and West Mersea-and would appear that the whole extent of it is underlaid with
is in the Eastern di,;'sion of the county, Winstree hundred, this pavement, upon which, indeed, very many lie buried.
Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester county court district, Dr. (,'romwell Mortimer, secretary of the Royal Society,
Mersea rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. visiting this spot in 1:740, conceived it to have once been the
Albans diocese; the whole island being defended by a dyke villa of a Roman prretor, but it has otherwise been regarded
or sea-wall. The area is $,322 acres; the population of the by Dr. Stukely as the remains of an ancient templa dedi-
island in I881 was 1,36z. cated to the goddess Vesta, which once stood on or near the
East :Mersea is I I miles south from Colchester, next site of the church. The Counts of the Saxon shore are said
the Colne. The church of St. Edmund, a building of the by Morant to have had their residence adjacent to this
14th century, exhibits a mixture of the Perpendicular and temple on the site now occupied by West Mersea hall. There
Decorated styles and, standing on a declh;'ty at the east end is a Congregational chapel, with burial ground and school-
of the island, consists of chancel, naye, north aisle, north room attached and a Wesleyan chapel. Mrs. Round, who is
chapel and a stone embattled tower, formerly llUnDounted lady of the manor and Alexander Bean esq. are the principal
by a beacon and still serving as a landmark: it contains landowners. The soil is rich loam and stiff clay; subsoil,
2 bells. The register dates from the year 1720. The living part gravel and part clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
is a rectory, yearly value £400, with residence, in the gift of and beans; there are also a great number of flower seeds
the Crown and held by the Rev. William Henry Goddard grown. The area is 3,365 acres; rateable value, £4,853;
M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford: the rectory house was and the population in r881 was t,082. Close to West Mersea,
built in the year r860. Mrs. Round is lady of the manor. in Salcott creek, are two small islands, one of which is called
The principal landowners are Mrs. Round and Mrs. Sandford. Cobmarsh Island.
The soil is mixed; 8ubsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops Pari"h Clerk, Alfred ThomM Bullen.
are wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and mangold-wurtzel. POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Manasseh
'The area is f,957 acres; rateable value, £2,413; and the Banks, receiver. Letters arrive through Colchester by mail
population in r88t was ~80. cart at 5.25 a.m.; dispatched at 7 p.m.; the telegraph
Parish Clerk, Robert E l l i s . . office is at Brightlingsea
POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Susanna Fincliam, receiver. Letters INSURANCE AGEWT.-Su1t Fire, J. Tborpe
arrive from Colchester at 5.15 a.m. ~ dispatched at 1.15 Coast Gmml Station., WiIliam Larman, chief officer
p.m. West Mersea is the nearest mo~y order office; the Assistant Oversen', J. Thorpe
telegraph office is at Brightlin.gsea. PILLAR LETTE& Box SCHOOLS :-
cleared at 6.15 p.m National, built in 1870 & endowed with £6 6s. per annum,
National School (mixed), built in 1860, for 80 children with a.rising from the interest upon £200 in the 3 per cent. con-
an average attendance of 40 llols left in 1:812 by Rev. John Tickle. The llChoolwill hold
CARRIER TO COLCHESTER.-George Death, to the 'Plough,' 110 children &; has an average attendance of 100; John
tues. thurs. &; sat. ; returning same evenings Thorpe, master; Mrs. Harriet Thorpe, mistress
West Mer8~a is a parish, 10 miles south from Col- Wesleyan (mixed), will hold 10, with an average attend-
chester, having a coast-guard station, with a chief officer I ance of 63; Miss Agnes Rees, mist1'eS8
and a staff of ten men. The church of SS. Peter and Paul CARRIERS TO CoLCHESTBR.-George Cudmore, mono wed. &
consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and a tower containing sat. ; William Rudlin, tues. thurs. fri. & sat. to ' Plough; ,
5 bells: the archway from the na.veinto the tower is Norman JamesSach, mono wed. fri. -t sat. each stopping at , Plough 1
and Roman brickwork enters largely into the structure of & returning same evenings
East Mersea. COHMERCIAL. Cant Samuel, farmer, Ivy house
Goddard Rev. Wm. Hy. K.A. Rectory Cockrell William Worledge, farmer, Death George, carrier
Mustard John, Reeves hall East Mersea Hall farm Glilnn John, farmer


Mead Samuel, Dog tf Pheasant Brand George, Victory, & oyster mer- Munson Joseph, blacksmith
Prentice Edward, farmer, North farm chant, Barrow Hill farm Munson Robert, wheelwright
Prentice William, farmer, Fen farm Cock Charles, farmer & landowner, Munson William, Fo::r:
Wood Moses, farmer Lackesley hall Neville Abraham, boot & shoe maker
Woodward John, farmer Cock Daniel, farmer, Brick house Page James, farmer, Bocking hall
West Mersea. Cock John Reuben, farmer, Weather- Pullen Elijah, seed grower
cock farm Pullen George, seed grower
Bilton Alfred Cook Elijah Longstaff, oyster merchant Pullen George, jun. Rose
Gatrill Rev. James Matcham [curate] Cudmore George, carrier Rudlin William, carrier
Green Hugh, Strood Eagle Hy. In. coal mer. Strood wharf Sach J ames, carrier
Musselwhite Rev. Thomas Ralph M.A. Green Bugh, surgeon, Strood Smith George Frederick, miller & baker
[vicar, surrogate & rural dean] Hempstead James,grocer & oyster mer Smith James, beer retailer & shopkpr
Shaw William, Rose Bank cottage Howard Adam, oyster merchant Smith J ames, boot & shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Ladbrook Emma (Miss), grocer Traveller William Henry, White Hart
• Ames James Stuck, baker & farmer Ladbrook John Carter, bricklayer White Wm. & Son, farmers & grocers
Bacon John, farmer Mason Geo. farmer, Bower Hall farm Wyatt Thomas, shipwright
Boley Thomas, farmer, Haycock's farm May Henry John, oyster merchant
MESSING, anciently written Massinges, Methings, is a to be preached annually on the 15th of April, being
village and parish in the Eastern division of the county, the anniversary of his death. A fair is held on the first
Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester Tuesday in July. Messing is supposed by modern anti-
county court district, rural deanery of CoggeshaU, arch- quaries to be derived from Saxon words signifying the
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 3 miles "Field of Trampling," on account of a bloody engagement
east from Kelvedon station, 6 south-east from Coggeshall, 8 fought here between Queen Boadicea and the Romans: a
south-west from Colchester and 44 from London, on the large farm called Harborough Hall, probably took its name
northern borders of Tiptree heath, part of which is within from being the site of the encampment: curious Roman
this parish. The church of All Saints is an old building, jars have occasionally been dug up. There was formp.rly a
which has been considerably enlarged aud now consists of family seat belonging to the Luckyns, through whom the
chancel, nave, two modern transepts and a tower of red property came to the Earl of Verulam. Hill house, the
brick, containing 3 beUs and a clock: the chancel is lined residence of Richard Edward Rann esq. is pleasantly situa-
with oak panelling of the time of J ames I. and has a restored ted in a park a short distance from the village. The Earl
piscina: the eastern window is a fine specimen of etained of Verulam, who is lord of manor and Richard Edward
glass, supposed to be by Van Lint: an effigy of wood, sup- Rann esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is gravel
posed to represent Sir William De Messing, founder of the and clay; subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat,
church, formerly occupied a recessed arch in the north wall, beans and barley. The area is 2,468 acres; rateable value,
but has been unfortunately destroyed. There remains the £3498; the population in 1881 was 641.
brass figure of a lady, date c. 1530, the inscription of which Parish Clerk, William Dowsett.
is missing; and an inscription only to John Porter, yeoman, POST OFFICE.-James Harvey, receiver. Letters are
ob. April 29th, 1600: the font is finely carved: 518 sittings received by foot post from Kelvedon; delivered at 7 a.m. ;
in this church are free. The register dates from 1690' The dispatched to Kelvedon at 7.15 p.m. 'fhe nearest money
living is a vicarage, yearly value £439, with residence adjoin- order office, telegraph office & post office savings bank is
ing the church and 36 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl at Tiptree heath
of Verulam and held by the Rev. Charles Henry Bowly M.A. National School (mixed), for 110 children, with an average
of Exeter College, Oxford. The charities consist of 40s. attendance of 90; Frederick Amos, master
to the poor, to be given on the 26th of April and 40s. left CARRIER TO COLCHEsTER-Bennett, from Imworth; passes
by Capt. John Chibborne for a sermon on Mortality, through, tuesday & saturday
Bowly Rev. Charles Hy. M.A. Vicarage Cowlin John, saddler & shopkeeper Ranson G. Daniel, farmer, Park farm
(diocesan inspector of schools) Dowsett William, blacksmith Rush Hayward Hy. maltster & farmer
Hutley Mrs Dyson Thomas, Prince of Wales inn Rush William, seed grower
Rann Richard Edward, Hill house Goody John, Queen's Head Sach William, King's Al'ms
Rigg Mrs Green George, baker Sibley Henry, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Harvey James, shoe maker, & post office South George, boot & shoe maker
Moore Edward, farmer, The Lodge THORN CHARLES THOMAS, family ale &
BlythJohn, jun.farmer, Bouchier's hall Moore John, farmer, Harborongh hall porter brewer
Brown Wm. Thos. carpenter&whlwright Moss John, seed farmer, Threshelfords Thorn Samuel, Crown inn, & builder
Brunwin William, Oak inn Newby Nathan, grocer & draper Tiffen William, King's Head
Burls Alfred, wheelwright Parish William, farmer, Hill farm
MIDDLETON is a parish, in the Eastern division of the 1700. The living is a rectory, yearly £500, with residence,
county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county in the gift of and held by the Rev. Oliver Raymond LL.B.
court district, rural deanery of Hedingham, Colchester arch- of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The rectory house is beautifully
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 8 miles from Halstead and situated, with a small park in front and contains a splendid
2 south from Sudbury statio~ and on the Stour navigation. collection of oil and water colour paintin~s by English~
The church (name unknown), is a small but ancient build- Dutch, Flemish, French and Italian masters. Capt. Walter
ing, consisting of chancel and nave and a wooden belfry St. George Hurke, is lord of the manor and the principal
with spire, containing J: bell and has some Norman re- landowner. The soil is clay, loam and gra\'elly; subsoil,
mains: the interior has been restored and enriched with various. The crnef crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
stained windows: it has a curious door, two Norman arches The area is 890 acres; rateable value, £1,662; and the
and a fine oil painting of the "Annunciation," by Schiavone, population in 1881 was 165
as an altar piece, presented by the Rev. Oliver Raymond, LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. Letters received through
rector: there is in the chancel a. black marble slab, with Sudbury, which is the nearest money order & telegraph
thfl figure of an ecclesiastic in white marble and an in- office
scription to James Samison, formerly rector of Middleton, N(ltional School (mixed), built in 1875, for 40 children, with
who died in 1349. The register dates from the year an average attendance of 34; :Miss Cansell, mistress
Andrews Rev. Robert B.D. Rectory I Raymond Rev. Oliver LL.D. Rectory I Turpin Edward, farmer, Middleton hall
MISTLEY (formerly called Mistly Thorn) is a parish tant) for canal barges, and abounds 'with fish. There is a
and village, pleasantly situated on the south bank of the station on the Great Eastern railway,. Harwich line, in the
Stour, I mile east from the town of Mal1ningtree, n miles centre of the village and near to the quay. St. Mary's,
west from Harwich and 63 from London, in the Easter. consecrated in 1:871, in place of the old Stour church, was
division of the county, Tendring hundred and union, Col- built at a cost of about £5,000, during the incnmbencyof
chester county court district, Ardleigh rural deanery, Col- the late Rev. It. Hayne D.D. on a site given by the Rev. C.
chester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese: it commands F. Norman M.A. of Mistley Place, and is a fine specimen of
extensive and picturesque views of the river Stour and ad- the Early Decorated style: it is of Kentish rag, with Bath
joining county of Suffolk. There is a substantial quay, stone dressings, pleasantly situated in what is called The
which was much extended in 1849 and a consLderable trade Park and consists of apsidal chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles,
.is carried on in corn, malt and coals. The Stour is navi- vestry, organ chamber and a tower with spire, 140 feet in
gable as far as Mistley for vessels of 250 tons, to Manning- height: an arcade of 5 simple Pointed arches on the south
tree for vessels of 100 tons, and to Sudbury (20 miles rlis- side and .. on the north siue, supported bv massi¥e c~'lin-
drical columns of red Mansfield stone, with plain moulded pal landowners are the Rev. CharlesF.NormanM.A. Thomas
capitals, divides the na,'e from the aisles: there are 5 G. Kensit esq. and the Messrs. George. The soil is of a
stained windows, 3 of which are the gift of the Rev. C. F. mixed character; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
Norman: there are open sittings for 540 adults and 60 are barley, wheat and oats. The area is ~,II5 acres; rate-
children, many of which are free: an elaborately carved able value, £7.498; and the population in 1881 was 1512.
pulpit, of marble and caen stone, has been presented by [The names of persons residing in the portion of this
Thomas William Nunn esq. : the font was given in 1870 by parish which forms part of the town of Manningtree will be
Mrs. Norman, of MistIey Place and is cut from a block of found under that heading.]
alabaster, supported on serpentine colwnns with (:arved Parish Se:J:tm, Richard Sage.
capital and base: the lectern was the gift of the late J. T. POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRA.PH OFFICE & Savings
Ambrose esq.: the tower and spire were erected at the cost • Bank.-Miss Eliza Chisnall, receiver. Letters arri,e from
of Rev. C. F. Norman. There are several memorial tablets Manningtree at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched at 7.40 p.m
at the west end, removed here from the old church, includ- Cu.vtom Hou8e, John Piper, principal officer
ing one to Richard Rigby esq. 1730 and another to the Police Station if Petty Sessions House, New road, Thomas
Right Hon. Richard Rigby M.P. Paymaster General of the GilIis, inspector.
Forces, 1788. The living is a rectory, united to the vicarage Norman Natimal Schools, with master's house, erected in
of Bradfield, joint J'early value £916, with residence, in the 1862 at a cost of £4.000 & endowed with £50 per
gift of the Rev. C. F. Norman M.A. and held by the Rev. annum, arising from 26 acres of land situated at Lawford
Leighton George Hayne MUS. DOC. of Queen's College, Ox- and devised by the late Edward Norman esq. of Mistley
ford, surrogate and coryphreus of the University of Oxford, Place: the school will hold 170 children & has an
who resides at Bradfield. The school-chapel of St. John's, average attendance of 150; John Thomas Salisbury,
HORSLEY CROSS, situated about 2 miles south-east, is a master; Mrs. Flora Salisbury, mistress
picturesque apsidal brick building with a lofty fIeche, Railway Station, Edwd. King, station master & goods man
erected by subscription, in 1863 and licensed for Divine INSURANCE AGENT-Farmerll tf General, C. N. Brooks
service. Thomas Glover Kensit esq. of 25 Bruton street, CARRIER.-James Wilson, to Ipswich, tues. & fri.; to Col·
Berkeley square, London, is lord of the manor. The princi- chester wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baxter John Wyncoll, ironmonger & James Rosannah (Mrs.), baker
Avis Mrs. 3 George's terrace beer retailer Jennings George, master mariner
Berry Samuel, Albert villa Brooks WiIliam 0& Son, maltsters, corn, J ennings WiIliam, master mariner .
Blyth William, Park cottage seed, oil cake, ale & porter & coal Keeble Samuel WiIliam, beer retailer &
Borham Mrs. The Green merchants,wharfingers&shipowners; patent medicine vendor, Grape vine
Bradlaugh Mrs & at Colchester Kerridge Hy. jun. cattle dlr. & butcher
Brooks Charles Norman Brown Robert, blacksmith King Edward, station master & goods
Brooks William Burrell Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), infant manager
CaBdler J ames school, Aberdeen villas Lending Library, Portishead house
Chisnall William, High street B:rford John, cattle dealer Mann John, master mariner, New road
Constable John Matthew, Elm cottage Candler 8arah (Mrs.), servants' registry Manning Charles & William, wheel·
Cooper Mrs. C. High street office wrights & smiths, Horsley Cross road
Flitton James, 11 The Green Capon A. E. (Mrs.), dress maker, I Manning Samuel, master mariner,
Folkard Miss George's terrace Chapel cut
Free Robert, The Elms Carrington Wm. E. master mariner Manning William, beer retailer, Horsley
Freeborn Lieut..col. William, Park ldge ChisnaIl Eliza (Miss), postmist. High st Cross road
Frost Miss S. 5 New road ChisseIl Chas. master marnr. 3 The Gn Mason Alf. Cl"OSS bm, Horsley cross
Gardener Mrs. MistIey house ChisseIl In. master marnr. 2 The Gm Mauldon Frederick, shopkeeper
Gorbell Jacob, Mill house Chissell Joseph, master mariner Mauldon Frederick Maltby, academy
Harvey John Cook Thomas, farmer, Dickley hall Mead Henry, coal merchant
Harvey Samuel, Barnfield house Cook Wm. Thos. farmer, Dovehouse fm Page George, farmer, New hall
HoIlis Samuel, Dorset house, New road CrackneIl Samuel, master mariner Parsons William, painter
Howlett William Davey Rd. master mariner, Fountain ho Peake J ames, carman
Kensit-Norman Edwd. J.P. Mistley Idg Disney (Mrs.), blacksmith Piper Arthur, insurance agent, High st
King Daniel, James' terrace English Ellen (Miss), school Piper John, principal officer of customs,
Long Henry, Barnfield cottage Essex Lunatic Asylum (branch of) (J. High street
Lovell Edward Wm. Cliff cottage W. Cook M.D. medical attendant; Geo. Rowland Charles Henry, insurance agt
Mauldon Mrs. The Green Clark,superintendent), Brunswick ho Rowland Edward, pilot
Mead Henry, New road Eteen John, pilot, The Green Rumsey William, master mariner
Moore Mrs. 6 New road Fenn Fenn, ship carpenter &boat builder Sharp Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker &grocer
Mustard William, Stour villa Finch John, coal meter Southgate Charles, shoe maker
Norman Rev.Charles Frederick :M.A., l.P. Finch John, master mariner, Paris villa Spendley Francis, master mariner,
[rural dean of Ardleigh & surrogate], Free Robert, maltster, coal &c.merchant, Chapel cut
Mistley place Saccharine works & Mistley wharf; & Spendley J ames, baker, New road
Robb Mrs. High street at Manningtree; Thorpe & Stratford Stanford Arthur Henry, corn merchant
Robinson John Frederick, 8 The Green Frost Jarmin, shipwright Steward Charles, builder, Mistley park
Sadler James, New road Gardener Samh (Mrs.) (& Miss), board- Stone Thomas, master mariner, Crimea
Smith Thomas, New road ing school for young ladies, Mistley ho cottage, New road
StringfeIlow William GiIlis Thos. inspector of police, New rd Sutcliffe Alfred S. organist, Alma house
Taylor Charles, The Abbey Goddard James, beer retailer Suteliffe Thomas L. &Son, boys' school,
Williams Rev. Thomas[Congregational], Harvel' John, master mariner, I The Alma house
Park villa Green Taylor Walter, blacksmith & beer -e-
COMMERCIAL. Haxell John, Waggon if Horses, New rd tailer, Mistley heath
Ainger George,shoe maker& shopkeeper, Hayward James, beer retailer Thompson Robert, master mariner
Horslel' Cross road Horlock Horatio, master mariner, Tovill Charles Samuel, brick maker
AIlen Jeremiah, beer retailer Aspen cottage Webb Ernst. & Arthr. frmrs. Abbots hall
AlIen Robert A. & Sons, merchants; Horlock Richard, barge owner, 9 The Gn Whitmore John, shopkeeper
branch stores, Quay HorlockRobt. master marnr. 12 'fheGn Wilson James. beer retailer & carrier
Barker Joseph, farm bailiff to Rev. C. F. Howlett Wm. registrar of marriages Wilson William, Thorn inn
Norman, Mistley farm Hunneyball Elizabeth (Mrs.), Lord Wright Annie E. (Mrs.), dress maker,
Baxter William, grocer, draper &c IJeJl1lUln 6 The Green
llIIORETON is an ancient parish in the Western division and 1789. The interior of the chancel was restored in 1868
of the county, Ongar hundred and union, Brentwood county and the nave in 186g, by subscription; the exterior of the
court district, Ongar rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and chancel wall and the whole of the north wall being re-built and
St. Albans diocese, about It miles north of the road from new windows inserted mainly at the expense of the present
Epping to Ongar, 3 miles north-west from Ongsr station, rector. There is an ancient font apparently of Purbeck
3 north-west from Ongar,6! north-east from Epping and marble, finely carved with fleurs-de-lis; a mural monument
la~ from London. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a of marble is inscribed to George Goodwin, rector here for
small building, partly in the Early English style, consisting 63 years, who died in 1623. The register dates from the
of chancel and naye and a tower of brick with a shingled spire year 1558. The living is a rectory, yearly valne £344. with
eontaining 5 bells, dated respecth'ely 16271 1633, 1712, 1751 residence and about 90 acres of glebe, in the gift of St.


John's college, Cambridge and held by the Rev. Arthur I and Mr. William White Alger. The soil is a. heavy loam;
Calvert M.A. late fellow of that college. There is a COllgre- subsoil, clay. Tha chief crops are wheat, barley and beans.
gational chapel at the south end of the village. There are The area is 11421 acres; rateable value, £2,416; and the
several charities amounting to £20 yearly, distributed in population in 1881 was 453.
clothes to the poor every Christmas: Ann Brecknock left by Parish Clerk, Nathaniel Marrable.
will, in 18°4, £200, the interest to be applied in repairing POST OFFICE.-Arthur Robert Webster, receiver. Letters
the grave of herself and husband, the residue to the poor; arrive from Brentwood at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m.
in 1699 Jonathan Car,'er gave £5 for the poor of Moreton; The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Chipping
()ther benefactions are the interest of £200 to the clerk of the Ongar
ehurch and the interest of £100 to the beadle. Mr. William Pu1Jlic Elementary School, built in 1821 for 85 children, with
White Alger is lord of the manor. This manor was held an average attendance of 6o; there is a dwelling house
of the king in capite, by serjeanty of finding one man with with garden attached & the school has an endowment of
a horse valued at IOS., 4 horse-shoes, a leather sack, and one £24 per annum, arising from land left in 1821 by the
iron fastening, whenever the king should happen to go into Rev. William Wilson M.A.; James Gratrix, master; Mrs.
Wales. The principal landowners are George Freer esq. Jane Gratrix, mistress
Alger Mrs. The Wood Butcher William, farmer Pain Wm. White Hart, & blacksmith
Calvert Rev. Arthur M.A. Rectory Church Maria (Mrs.), farmer Prentice David, hurdle maker
.spurgin Thomas Church Samuel, farmer, Herrietts farm I Rider Thomas, Nag's Head
COMMERCIAL. Clark William, cattle dealer Rippon Alfred, miller
Alger William White, farmer & land- Eve John Chaplin, farmer, Bundish hall Spurgin Thomas, surgeon
owner, Nether hall Gingell Daniel James, farmer, Ham- Tarbert John, farmer
Balls Harry, drpr. & grcr. Castle stores mond's green 'frundle John, farmer
Ball Sydney, baker & grocer Gingell Daniel Taylor, frmr. Upper Hall Webster Arthur Robert, baker
Binder Charles, shoe maker & farmer Maryon Richd. hurdle maker & farmer I WhitnaIl Alfred, farm bailiff to The
Boram William, carpenter Overall William, farmer, Crosslees & Ironmongers' Company
Branch James, shoe maker Leap~r's farm __
MOUNT BURES is a parish pleasantly situated on and held by the Rev. Nathaniel Davies M.A. of Pembroke
the south bank of the rh-er Stour, opposite St. Mary college, Oxford and Prebendary of St. Davids. The poor
~Suffolk), in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden have a yearly share, with some surrrounding parishes, of
hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester county Love's charity, amounting to £14 6s. 2d. per annum, arising
·court district, Halstead rural deanery, Colchester arch- from land left in 1564 by Thomas Love of Little Harkesley
deaconry and St. Albans diocese. This village is said to and which has since been sold and the money invested in
-derive its distinctive name from an artificial mound here, £3 per cent. consols. The Baptists have a chapel here.
about 80 feet in height, near the church, covering about I<'or many ages the parish belonged to the noble family
.an acre of ground and encompassed by a dry moat; of Sackville, who sold it in the sixteenth century to
but no tradition exists as to the time when it was raised. John Dister. Harris Hill esq. and William Gerard
The parish is crossed by the Stour Valley railway and is 1 esq. and the Rt. Hon. Sir John Barnard Byles, are the prin-
mile from the Bures station, 5! miles south from Sudbury cipallandowners. The soil is loam and strong clay; subsoil,
.and 8 from Colchester. The church of St. John, in the clay and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
Norman st)-le, is an ancient structure, consisting of chancel, barley. The area is 11404 acres; rateable value, £2,359;
nave, transepts, south porch and a central tower with spire; and the population in 1881 was 276.
it was thoroughly restored, transepts added and the tower Parilih Clerk, Joseph Hunt.
and spire rebuilt in 1875 ; in the chancel are monuments to the
Rev. Philip Gurdon M.A. a former rector and his wife, son LETTER Box cleared at 9.15 p.m. Letters from Colchester.
.and daughters, dated 179 2 : during the restoration a double Bures St. Mary is the nearest money order & telegraph
piscina was found, which has been placed in the south side office
()f the chancel. The register dates from the year 1540. Mixed School, built in 1874 to accommodate 60 children,
The living is a rectory, commuted tithe rent-charge £455 with an average attendance of 40; Miss Ellen Cook,
~'early, with residence and 25 acres of glebe, in the gift of mistress
Davies Rev. Nathaniel M.A. [rector & Holton Edwd. farmer, Mount Bures hall Newman Frederick, farmer
Prebendary of St. David's], Rectory Hunt Joseph, farmer, Spendpenny farm Newman Joseph, miller
Davies Rev John Henry B.A. [curate] King John, jun. farmer Pettitt Peter, farmer
.Bull Henry, Thatchers' A1'1nS Lay Hobert, farmer Pettitt Arthur, farmer
Doe Frederick, miller Newman Arthur, farmer Sawyer James, blacksmith
.MOUNTNESSING is an ancient parish and village, in Here are charities, by which about £22 arising from land are
the Western division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, distributed in bread for the benefit of the poor residents in
Billericay union, Brentwood county court district, Barstable the parish, given fortnightly in the winter. Here are
.ruml deanery, Essex archdeaconryand St. Albans diocese, 3 Wesleyan Methodist and Congregational chapels. Thoby
miles north-east from Brentwood, 21 from London, 2 south Priory was founded between 1I41 and II51 by Michael
from Ingatestone station and 4 west-north-west from Billeri- Capra, Roisi his wife and William their son and dedicatetl
cay,on the road to Chelmsford. 'fhe church of St. Giles consists to St. Mary and St. Leonard; taking its name from Tobias,
()f chancel, very short nave, aisle, south porch and a wooden the first prior, to whom the founders granted many valuable
tower within the nave supporting a spire and containing 1 emoluments: it was for Augustine canons and at the
bell, inscribed" Sancte Jacobe, ora pro nobis." On entering dissolution the revenues were estimated at £75 6s. lo!<L; it
this church, which belongs to the Early English period, it is now the residence of Philip Colley esq. Blencowe's •
.appears to be a portion only of an ancient building, and is trustees and Lord Petre are lords of the manor. The
three bays in length, the western bay being screened off by principal landowners are Lord Petre, Blencowe's trustees
:a partition; the capitals of the piers and columns are richly and the Rev. C. G. Gratton-Townsend. The soil is mixed ;
moulded, two having foliage in high relief; the timber work subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
supporting the spire and constructed in the reign of Henry The area is 4,120 acres; rateable value, £7,160; and the
VII. has been much altered and is now bound together with population in 1871 was 893.
:.iron; III the tower is an old oak chest hewn out of a solid tree; Parish Clerk, J ames Piper.
;in the chancel is a brass to JO~Ill Peers of ~rnold_ Hall, 1583, POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-William
o?e roof sl?ans the nave and aIsles, ~ smgular and Spackman, receiver. Letters arrive from Brentwood at 8
~hspr~portlOn~te eff~ct; the west f~ont, WIth SIX buttre~ses, a.m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph office
.IS an mterestmg brIck fa<;ade and IS dated 1653; a stamed is at In!!"atestone
window was placed in the chancel in 1869 by the present . '" .
vicar, who also (owing to the church being 2 miles distant Natwnal Sc/wool (mIxed), Henry Weston, master
from the village) erected a small iron church in 1873. for National Infants School (mixed), endowed with £35 per
the greater convemence of the inhabitants. 'fhe register annum arising from land and cottages left by Amy
dates from the year 165+ The living is a vicarage, yearly English; in 1873 the school was enlarged to receive 40
value £150, in the gift of Lord Petre and held by the Rev. additional children; Caroline Alexander &Susan Alexander,
.Richard Yeoville Macnamara, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, mistresses
London. Lord Petre is impropriator of the great tithes. CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD-Henry Hewitt, tues. fri. & sat
Barham George, Adelaide cottage
(;olley Philip, Thoby priory
I Mat80n Miss
Lewis Richard Dibden, Melchett place Macnam ~ a Rev. Rd. Yeoville T.A.K.C.L.

lvIayott Joseph, Alma cottage. Groom J08eph, threshing machine pro- Perry Benjamin Henry, farmer, Great
COMMERCIAL. prietor Cowbridge farm
Agnis Joseph, Miller Hawkins In. beer retailer & shopkeeper Perry John, farmer, Mountnessing hall
Bannister Richd. farmer & hay dealer Hempleman Arthur Alfred, farmer, Pyrke Thomas, Geol'ge 4' Dragon
Barker Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer & horse Lawness Self George, farmer, Marlbrooks
dealer, Westlands Hills Henry, grocer & shoe maker Smith John, farmer, Beacon's farm
Brittain Alfred, beer retailer Maskell James, beer retailer Spackman Wm. farmer, & post office
Cross John, farmer & builder Nash Thomas, grocer & draper, clothier Spackman Wm. Whitewood, wheel-
Cumbers George, farmer, Woolwards & news agent; & at Ingatestone wright, blaeksmth.carpntr.&ulldrtkr
Gentry John Henry, boot & shoe maker Nicholas Alfred, farmer, Arnolds farm Thompson James, farmer, The Grange
Gilbert William Woolwards, farm bailiff Nicholls James, farmer, Belhnan's farm Wilkinson Charles, beer retailer
to William Mackinnon esq ParIby John, farmer Wright Darby, tailor
MUCKING, anciently written Mokkingand Mucinga, is a adjacent aisle being lighted by three lancet windows. The
-parish I mile south from the Stanford·le-Hope station on the register dates from the year 1558. The living is a ,'icarage,
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway and on a creek of tithes commuted at £200 )'early, in the gift of the Dean and
the Thames of the same name, in the Southern division of Chapter of St. Paul's and held by the Rev. James Henry
the county, Barstaple hundred, Orsett union, Gra"esend Bridge M.A. of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Here
county court district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex arch- was formerly a nunnery, a cell of Barking Abbey, to which
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4! miles north-east of it belonged. The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's were the
Tilbury Fort,5! east from GraJ's and about 27 from London. impropriators and lords of the manor, but their estate has now
The church of St. John the Baptist, almost wholly re-built passed into the hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners,
in 1852, consists of chancel (restored and lowered to its who with the trustees of the late A. Z. Cox esq. are the
ancient level in 1879), nave, south aisle and an embattled principal landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, graveL
tower of stone containing 3 bells, dated respectively, 1632, The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2,217
1579 and r665; in the chancel, which is of large dimensions acres of land and 336 of water; rateable value, £3,822; and
and nearly unique, is a three-seated sedile and a double the population in 1881 was 251.
piscina; this part of the structure, 33 feet by IS, is a fine MUCKIKG FORD, I mile south-west, is a hamlet of this
specimen of the Early English style and was probably parish.
built in the reign of Henry Ill. but underwent considerable Letters are received through Romford. The nearest money
alteration prior to the Reformation; its 15th century roof order office is at Stanford-le-Hope & telegraph office at.
was removed in 1849 and re-constructed; the north side Horndon-on-the-HiIl.
has an elegant arcade of three arches, supported on two Natio-TUll8chool (mixed), built in 1855 for 60 children, with
small •and graceful octagonal columns of Purbeck marble, the an average attendance of 38; Miss E. J. Barnes, mistress
Bridge Rev. James Henry M.A. [vicar] Clark William, farmer, The Rookery shopkeeper, Mucking; & blacksmith,
Brown William, Geol'ge t/ Dl'agon, Clark Wm. jun. farmer, Walton's hall Mucking ford
Mucking ford Dowsett Jesse, fanner Richaroson Thos. Wm. nurseryman &
Clark Arthur, farmer, Mucking hall POOd Benjamin Cranmer, Crown, & market gardener, Mucking ford
MUNDON is a parish and village, near a creek of the school, Maldon. The Hall is the residence of Mrs. Solly.
Blackwater estuary, 3 miles south-south-east from Maldon Sir Thomas C. C. Western bart. is lord of the manor and
and 12 south-east from Chelmsford, in the Eastern di.ision principal landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, strong clay.
of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and county The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 4,295 acres,
court district, MaIdon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry of which 534 are water; rateable value, £3>314 Ss. 6d. ; and
and St. Albani:l diocese. The church of St. Mary is a plain the population in 1881 was 320.
edifice built in part of stone and standing east of the village; Parish Clerk, lsaac Gentry.
it consists of chancel and nave and a square belfry of wood POST OFFICE.-Henry Cooper, receiver. Letters arri,-e from
at the west end, supported by a massive hexagonal abut- Maldon at 6.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 10.20 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
ment. The register of baptisms and burials dates from the The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Latch-
year 1741; marriages, 1755. The living is a vicarage, ington, whIch is 2 miles distant
yearly value £160, with 10 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Parochwl School, erected in 1880 for 60 children, with an
Duchy of Lancaster and held by the Rev. William Stuart, average attendance of 42; Miss Sarah Ann Peck, mistress
M.A. of King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. The vicarage CARRIERS TO MALDON.-From Bradwell-near·the-Sea &
house was built in 1868. Two children from this parish are, Steeple, monday, wednesday & friday; from Burnham &
under the will of Dr. Plume, sometime Archdeacon of Southminster, every day; from Tillingham & Steeple,
Rochester, entitled to gratuitous instruction at the Grammar tuesday, thursday & saturda~'
Solly :Mrs. The Hall Cooper Henry, wheelwright Granger Isaae, farmer
Stuart Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Deeks John, White HOl'lJe inn Nix Frank, fanner
Carter Henry, baker & grocer Deeks John, brickla)-er Perry Joseph, farmer, Limbourne park
Cooper Charles, blacksmith
N A VESTOCK is a village and an ancient parish, on the a person named Prince also left £275, £3 per cent. annuities,
south of the ROOing, in the Western division of the county, the interest, £8 per annum, to be similarly distributed.
Ongar hundred and union, Brentwood county court district, Dudbrook is the residence of the Right Hon. Lord Carling-
Lambourne rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. ford P.c. who is lord of the manor; his lordship, Sir William
Albans diocese, 4 miles south from Ongar, 7 north-north- Neville Abdy hart. W. H. Hurrell M.D. Lady Nea,-e and
east from Romford, s: north-west from Brentwood station Magdalen College, Oxford and Lieut.-Gen. F)'tche, are chief
and 23 from London: this parish belonged to the cathedral landowners. The soil is clay and gravel; subsoil, clayey.
of St. Paul in the reign 01 King Edgar. The church of St. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
Thomas the Apostle exhibits a. mixture of the Early English 4t19~ acres; rateable value, £6,000; and the population in
and Decorated styles and consists of chancel, nave, south 1881 was 834.
aisle and a wooden tower with shingled spire containing 5 Parish Clerk, James Harris.
bells, dated 1649: there are many tablets to the Waldegrave NAVE STOCK: SIDE is a hamlet, 3 miles from Hrentwood
family of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including station and a mile and a half south-east from Nal-estock
a mural monument to the first two Earls of Waldegrave, church. Navestock Heath is 1 mile south and Horseman
ob. 1741 and 1763; there is also a brass to Agnes Makyn, Side 2 miles south.
1589 and her husband, Richard Makyn, groom in the POST Ol;'FICE, Shonks Mill.-James Harris, receiver. Letters
chaundrye to King Edward VI. ob. 1549: in addition aI"ri"e from Romford v;t2 Stanford Riyers, at 8.30 a.m.;
to these is a. large tablet containing a coloured life size bust, dispatched at 5 p.m. There is a WALL Box at the !lchool,
supported by columns and embellished with coats of arms, Navestock Heath, cleared at 4.55 p.m. The nearest money
to John Green, sergeant-at-law in the time of Charles order office is at Kelvedon & telegraph office is at Haver-
I. with Latin verse. The register dates from the year ing. Letters from Navestock Side are received through
1538. The living is a vicarage, :,-early value £4241 with Kelvedon Hatch tlid Brentwood ; telegraph office at Haver-
residence I mile south of the church, in the gift of Trinity ing.atte.Bower
College, Oxford and held by the Rev. William Berkley M.A. School (mixed), built in dl37 for IS0 children, with an aver-
01 that college. John Green left in 1625 £70 to be invested age attendance of 70, Nln'estock Heath; John HoldeD~
in land, the proceeds to be distributed annually to the poor; master
Carlingford Right Hon. Lord P.C. Dud- Dellar Danl. bricklayer, Navestock side Miles Robert, farmer, Skips corner-
brook; & 7 Carlton gardens & Athe- Goodwin Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Newcomb James, farmer, Beacon hill
nreum &: Brooks' clubs, London s w baker, Navestock side retailer, Horseman side
Berkley Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Grayling John, beer retlr.Curtis Mill gm Pain Henry, G1"een .JEan inn, & cattle
Bull John, Navestock hall Heslop Joseph, carpenter dealer, Navestock side
COMMERCIAL. Lenny William, fanner, Lodge fann, Pratt It'rank, farmer, Loft hall
Baker Mary (Mrs.), fanner, Waterhales Passingford bridge Price William, farmer, Yew Tree farm
Barker James, farmer, Waterhales Martin Cheney, Plough inn Richardson Henry, boot maker
Bennett J oseph, shopkeeper & carpenter, Miles John, farmer, Howlet Hall & Saggers Wm. beer retlr. Horseman side
Navestock side Tadmor farms Seal Charles, farmer, Jenkins farm
Bridges James, farmer, Curtis Mill grn Miles John Arthur, fanner, Rose hall Seal William, farmer, Brook farm
Brown Joseph, blacksmith Mollett Charles, fanner, Waterhales & ~tock Jas. beer retailer, Navestock side
Coleman William, fanner, Bois hall Joshlings farms Wakeling Henry, blacksmith, Nave-
Coombe William, estate bailiff to Lord Mott Daniel, farm bailiff to Philip Chap- stock side .
Carlingford lin esq
NAZING (or NASING) is a parish, in the Western division in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev.
of the county, Waltham hundred, Epping union, Waltham Robert Plume WaIler M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge.
Abbey county court district, Harlow rural deanery, Essex Nazing Park is now occupied under a long lease by Robert
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 7 miles north-west Hentyesq. Sir Herewald Wake bart. is lord of the manor
from Epping,4 north-east from Waltham Abbey, 3"~ east and chief landowner. The soil is chiefly heavy; subsoil,
from Broxbourne station and the Lee navigation, 5 east from clay. 'The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The
Hoddesdon,9 south-east from Hertford and 17 from London; area of the parish is 3,893 acres; rateable value, £6>480.
bounded on the west by the river Lee and connected with About 450 acres of the extensive commons and waste
Hertfordshire by' a bridge near to the Broxbourne railway grounds of the parish have been enclosed. The population
station; it was given by King Harold H. to Waltham Abbey. in 1881 was 1,738.
. The church of All Saints is a stately pile of flint and rubble, Pmish Clerk, George Smith.
standing on a hill and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle L~tters from London, by way of Waltham Cross, arrive by
and an embattled tower containing 5 bells, all dated 1779: the post at 8.20 a.m.; dispatched at 5.45 p.m. The nearest
church was restored in 1874 at a cost of £600 and a new mORey order & telegraph office is at Broxbourne .
organ erected. The register dates from the year 1559. Board School (mixed), built in 1878 for 130 children, with an
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £300, with residence, . average attendance of 73; Robert Brown, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beningfield Thomas, Cl'01fm hotel Palmer Ralph, farmer
Bury Charles James J.P. St. Leonards Bridgman James, fanner Pegrum Alfred, carpenter
Edenborough Mrs. Nazing cottage Bridgman Sophia (Mrs.), farmer Pegrum James, farmer
Henty Robert, Nazing park Bugg Henry, farmer Pegrum Joseph, farmer
Miller Mrs Burton Charles, grocer Pegrum Samuel, farmer
Nicholls Abraham Clarke John, beer retailer Pegrum Susan (Mrs.), farmer
Palmer Col. George J.P Clayden Amelia (Mrs.), fanner Pegrum Thomas, shopkeeper
Palmer George.jun. J.P Crawley John, farmer Riley James, King Harold's Head
Smily Samuel, Greenleaves Dellar Charles, wheelwright Standingford George, farmer
Standingford William Gray John, farmer Taylor John, farmer
Tayleur William, Snows Hodge Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer Warders John, Red Lion
Waller Re,·. Robert Plume M.A. Rectory Low Fraucis, blacksmith Webb Arthur, hay dealer
Marking Henry, farm bailiff to R. C. Webb Charlotte (Mrs.), Crooked Billet
COMMERCIAL. Palmer esq Webb George, Sun
Argent Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Nicholls George,farmer Welch Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer, Small
Bailey William, Coach et Horses Nicholls William, farmer drinks
NETTESWELL (or NET'rLESWELL) is a parish and J. Phelips esq. and held by the Rev. Heathcote AlIen Wake
village, in the Western division of the county, Harlow M.A. University College, Oxford. Charles J. Phelips esq. who
hundred, Epping- union, Waltham Abbey county court is lord of the manor and Loftus Wigram Arkwright esq. are
district, Harlow rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. the principal landowners. The soil is various, chiefly heavy;
Albans diocese, I mile south from Burnt Mill station, 2 miles subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley
south-west from Harlow, 5 north from Epping-,9 north-east and roots. The area is 1,531 acres; rateable value, £3,488 ;
from Waltham Abbey and 24! from London; it was one of and the population in 1881 was 332.
the parishes given by King Harold H. to Waltham Abbey. Parish Clerk, Thomas Harmer.
The church of St. Andrew is a small building consisting of POST OFFICE.-Thomas Hazelton, receiver. Letters through
chancel, nave and a wooden turret with spire at the west end Harlow arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 6.45 p.m.; on sun-
containing 3 bells: in one of the walls is some singular orna- day 10.45 a.m. The nearest money order office is at
mental brickwork: there are brasses to Thomas Lawrence and Harlow
Alys, his wife, 1522; and to John Bannister gent. 1607 and Burnt Mill station is situated in this parish
Elizabeth, his wife, with 3 sons and I daughter. The I National School (mixed), built in 1872 for 70 children, with
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, an average attendance of 47; endowed with about £35
yearly value £205, with residence, in the gift of Charles yearly left in 1779 by WiIliam Martin; Hy. Shaw, master
Cox William, Spurriers ChurchWmJarmer. Netteswell common Hazelton Thos. blacksmith & shopkeeper
Wake Rev. Heathcote ABen M.A. Church Wm. shopkeeper, Tye green Jackson Wm. Greyhound, & wheelwright
Rectory Clements George, Chequers Rickett John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Coleman Frederick, farmer, Bury fann Sear WiIliam, farmer
Brown Alex. farmer, Netteswell common Gayford Robert, miller Wing William, blacksmith
Church Reuben, farmer, Tye green Hall James, station master
NEVENDON (or NEWENDON) is an ancient parish, in value £230, in the gift of trustees and held by the
the Southern division of the county, llarstable hundred, I Rev. Edward Manners Dillman Pyne RA. of Emmanuel
Billericay union, in the county court district and police College, Cambridge. George Jackson esq. is lord of the
division of Brentwood. Danbury rural deanery, Essex arch- manor. The land is held by several proprietors. The soil
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 29 miles from London, 6 is hea,)" loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
south-east from Billericay and 3 north from the Pitsea wheat and beans. The area is 991 acres; rateable value,
station. The church of St. Peter was thoroughly restored £10302; and the population in 1871 was 176.
in 1875 in the Early Eng~ish style and now consists of Pa1'ish Clerk, Charles Smith.
chancel, nave and vestry, WIth a small wooden bell turret on .
the western gable containing I bell: the windows of the Letters from 9helmsford, through ~attle Bndge, by mes"
chancel are stained and it retains an aumbry: in the north senger, arrn'e at 8 a.m. returnm~ a.t 4030. p.~. The
wall of the nave is a cinque-foiled piscina niche; there are nearest money order & telegraph office IS at BIllerlcay
traces of a" stoup" near the south doorway; the register National School (mixed), for 40 children, with an &Yerage
dates from the )Oear 1669. The living is a rectoI)', rearly attendance of 36; Mrs. Rosina Murrar, mistress
Pyne Rev. Edward Manners Dillman Pigott William, farmer, Nevendon Hall Upson David, shopkeeper
B.A. [rector] . & Frampton farms Vaughan Alfred, Jolly Cricketer,
Bell Abraham, beer retailer


NEWPORT.-This ancient villa~e, formerly a market formerly a house of correction. Bricks are made in the -
town, stands on the river Granta, or Cam and the Roman parish. Shorlgrove, the seat of William Charles Smith esq.
and modern road to Cambridgeshire and was originally J.P. is one mile north, on the other side of the Granta: the
called Newport Pond, from a large pool at the south end of mansion is beautifully situated. on an eminence and over-
the street: the parish is in the Western division of the looks a. sheet of water, in a finely wooded park, which is
county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden union and well stocked with deer. William Charles Smith esq. J.P.
county court district, Newport rural deanery, Colchester who is lord of the manor and Colonel Alfred Molyneux B~'ng
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 3 miles south from J.P. are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed chalk and
Saffron Walden, 9 north from Bishop's Stortford, 41i from gravel; subsoil, clay, gravel, brick earth and chalk. The
London and 7 north-west from Thaxted. Here is a station crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and roots. 'fhe area is
on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway. The church 1,714 acres; rateable value, £6,122; and the population in
of St. Mary the Virgin, a building of Perpendicular 1881 was 992.
date, is situated in the highest part of the village and Parish Clerk of Sexton, Henry Searle.
consists of a chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, tran- POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings
septs, south porch and a lofty western tower with em- Bank & Government Insurance & Annuity Oitice.-Charles
battled turrets containing 6 bells; the tower was rebuilt William Debnam, postmaster. Letters arrive from
and the rest of the church, with the exception of the Bishop's Stortford at 5.20 & 12.15 a.m. & dispatched 9.35
chancel, restored. in 1858-9. The register dates from thp. a.m. & 7.15 p.m. Box closes at 7 p.m
year 1558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £300, INSURANCE AGiJNT:-
with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and Queen, L. R. Mitchell
held by the Rev. George Frederick Tamplin M.A. of St. John's SCHooLS:-
College, Oxford. The Congregational chapel is a large Free Grammar, founded in 1588 by Mrs. Joyce Frankland,
building, originally erected in 1777 and rebuilt in 1879: it of London, with an endowment of 1.600 per annum,
will now seat 500 persons; there is also a good schoolroom, arising from investments & landed property; the funds
used on Sundays and for meetings. There was fonnerly a of the charity having lately increased, new buildings
hospital for lepers here, called St. Leonard's Hospital, were erected in 1878 for a master & 2S boarders; the
founded in the reign of John, by Richard de Newport; this education comprises Latin, French & German & the usual
building is still standing, but is used as a farmhouse. There English subjects, the tuition fees being 1.6 per ~'ear &
are charities amounting in all to £60 per annum and arising board fees £35 per )'ear. The school is managed by a
chiefly from land left by John Covill and Agues his wife, body of I I governors, of whom Rev. J. Jackson is chair-
Mrs. Lettice Martin, of Crishall and other donors; the man; there are now 44 boys in attendance; William
most important is a fann of about 40 acres, with a farm- Waterhouse M.A. master
house vested in trustees, the rent of which is distributed Board School, under the School Board, built in 1874 for
annually, on Hock Monday (the second Monday after 172 children, with an average attendance of 130; Luther
Easter), amongst needy people of this parish. Gas works Mitchell, master; Mrs. Caroline MitcheIl, mistress
were erected in 1867 and the streets are lighted by Railway Station, James Drage, station master
this means. A piece of enclosed ground, of about 4 acres, CARRIER-George Reid, to Saffron Walden, on wednesdays
is used as a recreation ground. There is a police station, & saturda)'s
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barr Edward, architect Housden George, Coach of Horses
Barnard Geo. Hayden, Parsonage house Buck John, wheelwright Johns Charles, plumber & gla;t;ier
Barr Edward Bunten John, plumber & glazier Johns George, shopkeeper
Brook Henry Bunten William Robt. Rose 0/ Crown Longstaffe Edgar, artist
Burgess Rev. Robert Burdett M.A. [rec- Cann Elijah, beer retailer Mascall Thomas, butcher
tor of Chickne)'] Carter Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Monk Alfred, tailor
Clark Miss & coal dealer Newell Joseph, saddler
Crane Mrs Cornell Sarah & Rebecca (Misses), dress Newell William, saddler
Havers Mrs makers Searle Joseph, chimney sweeper
Holland John Day WiIliam, farmer Shirley Thomas, farmer, Pond cross
Hutchin Rev. John [Congregational] Debnam Chas. Wm. watch & clock Smith William Alexander M.A., M.B. sur-
Lilly Mrs maker, & post office geon, Belmont house
Longstaffe Edgar Debnam Josiah, Three Tults Staines In. By. builder & undertaker
Perry Richard Edwick Charles, fanner Stanley George, basket maker
Probert Charles Kentish Flood Henry, superintendent of police, Tincken Henry James, Hercules
Saich George John inspector of weights & measures & Townsend George, engineer, boiler
Skipper David under the sale of Food & Drugs Act maker, millwright & maker of agri-
Smith Mrs Free Emma (Mrs.), farmer cultural implements
Smith William Alexander. M.A., M.B. Free Gl'wnmal' School (Wm. Waterhouse Trott Philip, builder
Belmont house M.A. master) Trott Wm. Revett, Star of Gal'ter
Smith William Chas.D.L.,J.P. Shortgrove Gas Company, Limited (William Wells, Turner George Watson, beer retailer
Tamplin Rev. Gen. Fredk. M.A. Vicarage sec. & manager) Watson Frances (Mrs.), day school
Waterhouse William M.A. [master of free Gayford John, farmer, Hospital farm Watson Kidman, tailor
grammar school], School house Gayler David, baker & brick maker Watson Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Hancock John, grocer & draper 'Wedd Chas. baker & shopkeeper
Archer Martha (Mrs.), butcher Hayden John, blacksmith Wells William, relieving oiticer & re-
Banham William, shoe maker Holgate John, shoe maker gistrar of births &; deaths
Earnard Abram, grocer &- draper Holgate Joseph, boot & shoe maker Wells William Henry, assistant overseer
Barnard George Hayden, coal merchant Holman Robert, blacksmith & rate collector
& fanner, Parsonage house Hopper Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Wright William, shopkeeper
NORTON MANDEVILLE is an ancient parish, in resides at Kelvedon Hatch. J. L. Newall esq. who is lord of
the Western division of the county, Ongar hundred and the manor and Mr. John Caton, Mr. Bennett and Mr. J. C.
union, Brentwood county court district, Ongar rural Caton are the principal landowners. 'fhe soil varies con-
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, about siderably; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, beans
4 miles north-east from Ongar station, 7 south-west from and barley. The area is 728 acres; rateable Yalue, £1,097;
Chelmsford and 24 from London. The church of All Saints and the population in 1881 was 94.
is a very small building, consisting of chancel and nave, Parish Clerk, William Skingsley.
with a small shingled spire containing 1 bell. The register Letters from Ingatestone. The nearest money order & tele-
of baptisms dates from 1538; marriages and burials, 1539. graph office is at Chipping Ongar. There is a WALL Box
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £83, in the gift of on Norton Heath, cleared at 5 p.m
George Capel Cure esq. and held by the Rev. Frederick School (mixed), built in 1874 for 25 children, with an ayerage
Adrian Scroop Fane B.A. of Trinity college, Oxford, who attendance of 25; Miss Martha Jones, mistress
Wilson John I Caton John Cooch, fanner & cattle Richardson Geo. farmer, Dodd's farm
Caton John, farmer & cattle salesman, , salesman, Norton house j Webb Hannah (Miss), grocer
Readings j Makings Maria (Mrs.), blacksmith

BLACK NOTLEY, mentioned in Domesday Book,is an I county court district, Witham rural deanery, Colchester
undulating parish and pleasant village, in the Eastern divi- archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, situated near the
sion of the county, Witham hundred, Braintree union and I river Brain, or Podsbrook, 2 miles south from Braintree, I


mile north from Bulford station, on the Maldon, Witham the church. Many antiquities were found in this parish in
and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, which 1852 and it was the birthplace in 1579 of the learned
intersects the parish and 40 miles from London, on the road William Bedell; the latter was the son of a blacksmith in
from Braintree to Witham. The church of SS. Peter and the village, he died 1709 and is buried in the churchyard
Paul is a small edifice of flint with stone dressing in the Nor- where a monument was erected over his grave, which Dr.
man style, the massive walls being about four feet thick and Compton, Bishop of London, caused to be removed into the
consists of chancel, nave, organ chamber, south porch of church, but it has since been replaced on its original site:
carved oak and a belfry at the western end of the nave con- the tomb has a long Latin incription, eulogising his studious
taining 5 bells and surmounted by an octagonal shingled and unambitious life. The charities amount to £54 yearly,
spire: the. church was restored in 1879 at the sole expense arising from Coker's and Kitchen's charities: Mary Kitchen,
of two ladies, the entire cost being about £3,0CX): it is seated by will dated 4th Dec. 1722, gave £10 yearly to this parish,
throughout with solid oak and has a carved oaken screen which is charged on premises in the parish of St. Botolph,
dividing the chancel and nave of considerable artistic merit: Bishopsgate and is now in the hands of the corporation of
the chancel has two piscinas and sedilia and the roof is of the City of London. Thomas Hanbury esq. of Ashburton
ancient carved oak: there are two stained windows, that at House, Croydon, is lord of the manor and principal land-
the east end being a memorial to Lieut. W. G. Overton, who owner. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
died 7th December,1859: at the west end is a stone inscribed wheat, barley, oats and grass. The area is 1,936 acres;
to Edward Nottidge M.A. a former rector of this parish, in rateable value, £3,°48; and the population in 1881 was 1881.
memory of whom the late restoration was in part effected. The Row GREEN, with a small cluster of houses, is a ham-
register dates from the year 1570. The living is a rectory, let about I mile west. near the road from Braintree to
yearly value £497, with residence, in the gift of ~t. John's Chelmsford.
College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. Thomas Overton IJeputy Pal,ish Clel'k, William Dodd.
B.D. formerly fellow of that college. At an early period LE'ITER Box on the London road cleared at 6.30. Letters
Black and White Notley formed but one village, but on its through Braintree, which is the nearest money order &
coming into possession of Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of telegraph office
Essex and Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, these two powerful National School (mixed), for 108 children, with an average
nobles are said to have founded churches, each upon his own attendance of 80 & supported by a government grant,
land, as was then customary, for the use of his tenants. volnntary subscriptions & school fees; Miss Susan Walford,
The manor house of Black Notley, or Gobians. stands near mistress
King Newton Eley Charles, Green Dragon Mortier Abraham, calf dealer
Overton Rev. Thomas B.D. Rectory Emery Stephen, boot &; shoe maker Mortier John, Reindeer
Pool Mrs. Hall Fuller William, blacksmith Musgrove Joseph, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Gentry John, pig dealer Nichols William, farmer
Appleton William, farm bailiff to Os- Golland George, farmer, Lindus wood Pannell William, corn dealer &; shopkpr
mond Barnard esq Hammond John, shopkeeper Rayner William Castlefranc, farmer; &
Butcher Thomas, carpenter Hardy Samuel, market gardener at Bocking
Challis Daniel, farmer, Buck farm Hawkes 'William, maltster Saunders Charles, calf dealer
Clarke Edmnnd, beer retailer Heam John, farmer; & at Braintree Sorrell Charles Blower. farmer,Stantons
Cook George, cattle dealer Legerton Alfred Thomas, miller Willis George, farmer, Ludham hall
Dines Samuel, farmer Martin William, beer retailer & horse Wood Thomas, farmer, Friar's farm
Dodd William, shoe maker slaughterer
WHITE NOTLEY is a village and parish, with a f!lanor of White Notley was possessed by the family of
station on the Braintree branch of the Great Eastern rail- Engaine for several generations up to the year 1399. The
way, seated in a valley on the road from Witham to Brain- principal landowners are J. 1". Wright, who is lord of the
tree, 4 miles south-east from Braintree, 4 north-west from manor and Jeffery Grimwood esqs. and the trustees of the
Witham, in the Eastern dil'ision of the county, Witham late Rev. W. T. Bullock. The soil is heavy clay; subsoil,
hundred, Braintree union and county «:ourt district, Witham clay and gra,·el. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans and beans; peas are extensively grown here for the London
diocese, close to the river Brain or Podsbrook. The church markets. The area is 2,228 acres; rateable value, £3,079 ;
[name unknown] is a small edifice of flint stone and brick and the population in 188r was 438.
and was built on the site of an older church, a great portion OAKLANDS is a detached hamlet, about 4~ miles north-
of the chancel, erected about 1210, still remains: the present west: here is Oaklands, the seat of Robert Parris esq. a
building was restored in 1874-5, at a cost of £350 and con- handsome modern mansion, pleasantly situated in park-like
sists of chancel, nave and aisles, south porch and a small grounds close to the high road.
wooden tower with an octagonal shingled spire; an arcade SLAMONDSEYOr Slamsey, is also a hamlet on the left of
on either side of 3 bays divides the nave from the aisles. the road from Little Witham to Hraintree.
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a Parish Ulerk,Joseph Challis.
vicarage, yearly value £270, with residence and 13 acres of POST OFFICE.-George Harrington, receiver. Lettersarrh·e
glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by from Witham at 3.50 a.m.; dispatched at 8.50 a.m. daily.
the Rev. William Francis Fraser M.A. of Emmanuel College, The nearest money order &; telegraph offices are at
Cambridge. The poor have £10 yearly, left by Jeffery Witham
Grimwood in 1840. Thomas Whitbread, by will, dated National School (mixed), for 90 children, with an average
November 21st, 1862, devised 2A. IR. 24P. of land, the pro- attendance of 8o; MissE. \Vedlock, mistress
ceeds to be distributed annually to the poor in bread. The Rail1cay Station, Mrs. Eliza Dover, station master
[Marked thus'" should have letters addre8l!ed Challis Henry, PlfJuglt Harrington George, baker
via lSraintlee.] Challis William, farmer, Littlebury Josling Joseph, farmer
Barnard Abraham Chappell Henry William, Cross Keys, Mansfield WilIiam, farm bailiff to E. F.
Brewster Edwin Frederic, The Hall & brewer & assistant overseer Brewster esq
Fraser Rev. 'Ym. !"rancis M.A. Vicarage Collins John Samuel, shopkeeper Mortier Geo. John, farmer, Lawn farm
*Hall Thomas, Great Slamsey Easter Joseph, shoe maker Rayner Jonathan, farmer
*Parris Robert J.P. Oaklands !,'airhead Alfred John, farmer,8tanfields TorribleThomas, shopkeeper
COMMEHCIAL. Farthing Benjamin, blacksmith 1 Tunbridge John, farmer, Elm farm
Barnard Abraham, farmer, Fambridge Hammond John, farmer 1

GREAT OAKLEY is a village and parish, situated on an ahnshouse for four aged women of the parish. There is
Ramsey Creek, a feeder of the Stour; it is in the Eastern a fine old Norman font of polished marble, standing on five
division of the county, hundred and union of Tendring and pillars of stone; the church was restored in 1880, when·the
Harwich connty court district and in the rural deanery of galleries were removed and the pews re-placed by open
Harwich. archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. benches at a cost of £400, defrayed by general contributions;
Albans, 6 miles south-west from Harwich, 5 north from during the process of alteration the workmen while level-
Thorpe-le-Soken station, 4 south from ·Wrabness station ling the floor discovered a large flag stone, in the centre of
(Harwich line), 7 south-east from Manningtree, 14 from which was a slab of marble inlaid, bearing au inilcription to
Colchester and 65 from London, on the road from Colchester Sarah Savell. daughter of Thomas Saven, of Great Oakley,
to Harwich; the church of All Saints is an ancient building, ob. 16th of March, 1619, which has been incorporated with
partly Norman and consisting of chancel and nave and a the pavement of the church. There are sittings f~r 320.
helfr)' containing 1 bell : in the nave is a tablet to the Rev. The register dates from the year 1673. The living is a
Richard Drake M.A. rector of the parish in 1718, who erected rectory, tithes commuted at £900 a year, with residence and

60 acres of glebe, in the gift of St. J ohn'sCollege, Cambridge Pm·ish Clerk, John Golby.
and held by the BeT. John Howard Marsden B.D. canon POST OIo'FICE.-Thomas Cole, receiver. Letters arrive from
residentiary of Manchester and formerly fellow of that Harwich at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. The nearest
college. The Wesleyans haV'8 a chapel in the village and money order office is at Dovercourt
the Primitive Methodists one· at Stones Green. The
manorial rights are vested in Miss Bull. The land belongs ScHooLS:-
principally to Guy's Hospital, London, J(}hn Salmon esq. .l'{ational (mixed), built in 1872, for 150 children, with an
and the Rev. Charles F. Norman. The country is hilly and a,'erage attendance of 60 ; Miss Mary ll'ish, mistress
the soil is excellent, being a mixture of loam, clay .md Wesleyan (mixed), built in 1872, for 100 children, with an
gravel; the subsoil is loamy. The chief crops are wheat, average attendance of 60; Esther Hannah Sproson,mistress
barley, beans and peas, The area is 3,049 acres; mteable CARRIER TO CoLCHESTER-William Keeble, mono wed. &;
value, £5,560; and the population in 1881 was 913. sat.; Daniel Runnels, sat
Bull Miss, Great Oakley hall Budd Sarah (Mrs.), shpkpr. Stones grn Lucas Daniel, wheelwright
Cooper Edward Carpenter Benjamin Abel, butcher May James, shoe maker
Fenn Rev. Anthony COX B.A. [curate] Carter Martha (Miss), baker Mayhew George, farmer
Joy Robert Sizer, Friths fann Carter Thomas, farmer, Malton farm Murrils Priscilla(Mrs.), grocer & draper
Marsde~ Rev. John Howard B.D., l.P. Claxson Fredk. May BUlih, & plumber Nunn Hobert, farm bailiff to Miss Bull,
[canon of Manchester], Rectory Cole Robert Swinborne, farmer & land- The Hall
Rarner Mrs owner, seed grower &brewer, Holt Inn Offord By. farm bailiff to E. Cooper
Sewell Miss Cole Thomas, boot & shoe maker esq. Mardens farm
Stanford :Mrs. Houbridge hall Cooper Edward, farmer & landowner Offord William Scower, baker
C01tlMERCIAL. Cousins Sarah (Miss), day school Rarner William, shoe maker
Allsop Daniel, blacksmith Dancey Susannah (Mrs.), Three Cups Reynolds Daniel, Swan, Stones green
Angier Robert, carpenter Dodson Robt. blacksmith, Stones green Rogers Rd. threshing machine propt'ietr
Barnard Mary Ann (Mrs.),farmer,Block Finch William, builder & brick maker Skipper George Salter, farmr. Wash frm
farm, Stones green Goby James, boot & shoe maker Smith Samuel, bailiff to John Salmon
Biggs Geo.butcher & frmr. at Beaumont Golby Wm. jun. beer retailer, Stones gr esq. Great Oakley lodge
Blowers Edmund,grocer & linen draper Howes Joseph, farmer, Blain's farm Snare Robert, glove maker
Blowers Richard, saddler Joy Frederick Thos. farmer, Stone hall Stanford Arthur Henry, corn merchant,
Bones Emma (l\Irs.), dress maker Joy M!lurice Fras. miller & corn mercht Honbridge hall
Bones Gabriel, blacksmith Joy Robert Sizer, jun. & Fredk. Charles St.mford Charles Maurice & Alian
Branson Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper farmer, Frith's farm Septimus, farmers, Houbridge hall
Budd Abrabam, shopkef'per, Stones grn Keeble William, carrier & beer retailer Stanford Charles Maurice, farmer,
Budd Caleb, shopkeeper, Stones green Ling ·Wm. market gardener &; thatcher auctioneer &; "aluer, Brooklands
Bull Maria (Miss), farmer & landowner, Lomas John, shopkeeper Taylor James, jun. veterinary surgeon
The Hall Lord Eliza (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker & farmer, Dengewell hall
LITTLE OAKLEY is a parish in the Eastern division Manningtree anG held by the Rev. George Burmester M.A.
of the county, hundred and union of Tendring, Harwich of BaIliol College: Oxford, and surrogate. Here is a Wesleyan
county court district, rural deanery of Harwich, archdea- chapel. Sir Charles R. Rowley bart. who is lord of the
conry of Colchester and St. Albans diocese,2 miles north- manor and the Re,'. Charles F. Norman are the principal
east from Great Oakler, 4 south-west from Harwich, 4 landowners. The soil is of mixed nature; and the subsoil,
south-east from Wrabness station, 16 from Colchester and clay and sanO. The crops are wheat, barley, oats, beaM
67 from London. The church of St. Mary is an ancient and peas. 'fhe area is 1,029 acres of land and 90 of water j
building, partially of the Decorated and Perpendicular period, rateable ,-alue, £ 1,827; and the population in 1881 was 320.
consisting of chancel, nave and a tower at the west end Parish Cl8l'k Mrs Ann Deex
containing 4 bells: the rector has recently restored the , . . . .
stone work of the chancel, which contains a beautiful piscina POST OIo'FICE.-Mrs. Jane De~x, rec~I I'er. Letter~ recen'ed
on the south side and a fine niche on each side of the east by foot post through HarWICh arrn'e at 7 a.m ; dIspatched
window. The register dates from the year 155 8. 'fhe living at 6.50 p.m. Dm'ercourt is the nearest money order office
is a rectory commuted at £415 yearly, with residence and .Natiolwl Se/tool (mixed), built in 1844, for 60 children, with
30 acres of glebe, in the gift of David Mustard esq. of I an average attendance of 48 j Miss Roscow, mistress
Burmester Rev. Geo. M.A., l.P. Rectory Long Abraham, market gardener Sewell Eade, farmer, The Hall
Cooper Edward, Little Oakley hall Merchant George. shopkeeper Stock Samuel, farmer, New House farm
Sewell Eade, The Hall Newman Joseph, Cherry Tree Wantner Russell,farmr. Lit. Oakleyhall
Garrett William, market gardener Newton William, shopkeeper Webber Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper
NORTH OCKENDON (also called WOKINDON and of - Badby gent. and wife successively to Robert
OCKENDON OI<' THE 8EVEN FouN'rAINs, from the number of Lathum and William Ardall, c. 1530; and more modern
spriugs in the parish) formerly belonged to King Harold H.; memorials to the Russells of Stubbers. The register dates
it is a parish in the Southern division of the county, from the year 1570. The living is a rectory, nett yearly
Chafford hundred, Orsett union, Romford county court value, £500, with residence. in the gift of Richard Benyon
district, Chafford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and esq. ana held by the Rev. Robert Townsend Crawley 11.A.
St. Albans diocese, 6 miles north from Grays station, 61 of Christ Church, Oxford. In the spring of 1858, some
south east from Romford, 5 from Rainham station and 18l labourers employed in trenching fields about a mile and a
from London. The church of St. Mary Magdalene consists half east of the village and partly in Hulphall, came upon ,
of chancel, naye, north aisle, Poyntz chapel and an em- the site of a Roman or Early English burial ground,
battled western tower of flint and stone containing 5 bells, cast ascertained to extend over about 16 acres; the graves being
by Miles Graye, of Colchester, in 1621 : the architecture of this of various sizes and shapes and easily discernible by the
church is chiefly Transition, the north and south doors blackness of the earth they contained, the natural soil being
being circular headed, while the columns of the nave, though a yellow clay_ The charities are of £67 yearly value,
cylindrical, support pointed arches: in 1858 Richard arising from £200, left in 1640 by Richard Poyntz esq. and
Benyon esq. of Englefield, Berks, thoroughly restored it at applied to the purchase of Steddillg Hill farm, at Horndon-
a cost of £1,000, when the ancient font, formerly attached on-the-Hill; this benefactor also gave £50 for the purchase
to one of the pillars of the nave, was unfortunately of communion plate. Richard Benyon esq. (lord of the
destroyed: the chapel on the north side, dedicated to the manor) and Lt.-Col. Champion Russelll.p. of Stubbers, are
Virgin and for mallY years the burial place of the 8ucces- the principal landowners. The soil is various j subsoil,
l!Iive lords of the manor, still retains some ancient heraldic gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans and peas. The
glass: there are here many ancient and valuable memo- area is 1,709 acres; rateable value, £3,003; and the popula-
rials to the families of Poyntz and Littleton, from the reign tion in 1881 was 329.
of Henry IV. to 1714, including the brass, with effigies, of Parililt Clerk, William Cole.
William Poyntz esq. and Eli7.abeth hill wife, 1502; and that
of John Poyntz esq. son of William Poyntz Bnd patron of POST OFFICE. James Ooe, receiver. Letters through
the church, WIth four shields, 1547; on a larg-e plain 8tone Romford ; delivery commences at 7 a.m.; dispatched at
of grey marble is an inscription in Longobardic character8 = 5·45 p.m. The nearest money order office is at South
"Johaa bauchon gist y cy/, possibly to one of the Beau- Ockendon & telegraph office at Rainham
champs, whose arms are found in one of the windows; National8cltool (mixed), built in 1842, for 60 children, with
there is also a brasl with inscription to 'fhomasyn, daughter an average attendance of 50; Miss Hogben, mistress

Crawley Rev. Robert Townsend M.A. I Bunter Wm. farmer, White Post farm Eve William, farmer, Manor house
[diocesan inspec. of schools], Rectory Coe James, grocer, &; post office Hayward John S. farmer, Baldwin's fm
Russell Lt.-Col. Champion J.P. Stubbers Cole William, market gardener Hunt & Birls, farmers, Home farm
Russell John Branfill, Stubbers Cresse~' Thomas, blacksmith Lamb Thomas,farmer, The Hall
Surridge John, Russell cottage Dodd Charles, market gardener Nix Philip, baker
COMMERCIAL. Eldridge John, steward to Lt.-Col. C. West Samuel, grocer & beer retailer
Bailey Joseph, Old White Horse Russell J.P
SOUTH OCKENDON (also called WOKINDON and exhibits a series of fine mouldings and rests on a portion of
OCKENDON ROKELY) is a parish and village in the Southern the original Norman font of Purbeck marble: the church
division of the county, Chafford hundred, Orsett union, also retains an ornamental hour-glass stand, a relic of
Romford county court district, Or8ett rural deanery, Essex Puritan days: the gabled porch is a wooden structure of
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4~ miles north from the 15th century, underpinned with brick and flint work:
Grays station, 8 south-east from Romford station, 5 from the north doorway is a choice specimen of Norman detail.
Rainham station and 18 from London. The church of St. enriched with billet and chevron moulding and beaded
Nicholas partially rebuilt and restored in 1866, principally wreaths. The living is a rectory, yearly value £828, witb
at the expense of Richard Benyon esq. of Englefield House, residence, in the gift of the Rev. Percival Laurence M.A. and
Berks, consists of chancel, na\'e, aisles and a circular em- held by the Rev. Julius Henry Rowley M.A, of Magdalene
battled tower containing I bell, dated 1678: it is a structure College, Cambridge. Here are a Wesleyan and a Congre-
(,f flint, with stone facings in the Early Pointed style of the tional chapel. Here are several ancient mounds. Richard
12th and 13th centuries and appears to have been very Benyon esq. is lord of the manor and principal landownel".
carefully built, the walls of flint being occasionally bonded The soil is various; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are
with blocks of stone and layers of tiles, while the masonry wheat, barley, oats and peas. The area is 2,936 acres;
of the windows and doors is delicately wrought, the cornices rateable value, £5,810; the population in 1881 was 1,193.
enriched with carved bosses and the parapets embattled; Pa1'ish Clerk, James Purchell.
the tower is rubble built, 14 feet in diameter at the interior POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Mrs•
.base, with walls 4 feet in thickness, the lower storey, 17 feet Caroline Smith, postmistress. Letters through Romford ;
6 inches high, is open to the nave by an Early Pointed arch, delivery commen~es at 7 a.m. in summer & 7.30 a.m.
the second storey is lighted by three llindows at unequal winter; dispatched at 5.30 p.m
distances from the floor and the belfry by four windows, INSURANCE AGENT.-County ~Pire, T. Davey
shortened when this storey was lowered: the chancel opens SCHOOLS : -
by two Early arches into a lofty north chapel, the windows National, built in 1863, for 97 children, with an average
of which were singularly but carefully altered in the 15th attendance of 110; Thomas Parker, certificated master;
century: the nave is separated from the north aisle by two assistant mistress, Miss M. A. Wright (this school is
arches and a half-arch of Early Perpendicular character and abont to be enlarged)
on the south side are two noble windows of the same date: Infants' School, built in 1879, for 80 children, with an
the elegant Perpendicular font is octangular, with deeply- average attendance of 59; Miss C. A. Kilmaster, mistress
screened panels enclosing quatrefoils on each face, the shaft CARRIER TO LONDON-Henry Abraham Welsh, mondays
has elongated panels with cusped arches and the plinth & fridays, returning following days
Mason A. Haynes Delarue William, shopkeeper Sorrell Thomas, butcher
Morison Rev. Joseph [Congregational] Hayden Albert Driver, beer retailer Springham Arthur, wheelwright
Rowley Rev. Julius Henry M.A. Rectory Larkin George, clothier & draper Springham William Fredk. blacksmith
Sturgeon Charles, The Hall Manning Abraham,farmer, Great Moor- Sturgeon & Slms, farmers
Sturgeon Edwin, The Grange lands Sutton Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Sweeting Samuel, jun Manning Richard, farmer Turp James, Plough
COMMERCIAL. Mason A.Haynes L.R.C.P., L.F.p.s.surgeon Wagstaff Robert, farmer, Groves farm
Bard John, bricklayer Mead Geo. Thos. boot & shoe maker Wallis Stephen, farmer, Pollards .
Bridge Hobert, butcher Mead Walter, beer retailer Waters Thomas, farmer, Lit. Moorlands
Bruce Henry Thos. grocer, draper &c Moore Daniel, shopkeeper WebsterWalter John, baker & corn dlr
Burchell James, shoe maker Pruce William, saddler Welsh Henry Abraham, carrier
Cliff John, farmer Rainbird William, grocer & baker "'right Joseph, King's Head
Collis Thomas, tinman & ironmonger Smith Caroline (Mrs.), grocer, dr'aper, Wright "'alter, butcher
Davey Isaac, carpenter & builder post office &c
CHIPPING ONGAR (or ONGAR AD CASTRA) is 1796 £50 Old South Sea Annuities, the interest to be distri-
an ancient town and parish and a polling place for the buted on the 1st of January to the poor. Lady Jane H.
Western dh'ision of the ·county, the head of a union and the Swinburne, of Holmwood, Henley-on-Thames, is lady of the
chief place of the hundred bearing its name, in Brentwood manor. The principal landowners are Lady Jane H. Swin-
county court districi, Ongar rural deanery, Essex arch- burne, George C. Cure, Captain Philip John Budworth,
deaconry and St. Albans diocese; it is on the west bank of Pemberton Barnes and J. B. Newall esqrs. The market
the river Roding and east of the Cripsey brook, on the is held on Saturday and a statute fair on the 12th of October
road from Stratford and close to the road from Epping to ~·early. The area is 498 acres; rateable value, £3,774;
Chelmsford and is the terminus of the Great Eastern and the population in 188r was 992.
railway branch from Loughton, 7 miles east from Epping, Pa/'i8h Clepk, John Marrable.
11 west from Chelmsford, 8 north-west from Brentwood POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings
and 21 miles by road and 24 by rail from London. Over Bank & Government Annuity &; Insur',tllce Office.-
the Roding is a brick bridge of three arches. The town is "'illiam Scruby, recehoer. Letters arrive at 5.45 a.m.
within the area of an old entrenchment and consists chiefly & 12.30 & 6.45 p.m.; dispatched at 9.45 a.m. 3· & at 7
of one street on the main road, situated on the rising bank & 8 p.m
of the ri"er, with.a good view. petty sessions are held here COUNTY MAGISTRATES, ONGAR PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION_
every Saturday in the Police station. The church of St. Right Hon. Lord Carlingford P.C. Lord-Lieut. of Essex,
Martin is a small structure, mainly in the Early English Dudbrook, Brentwood
style and partly constructed of Roman bricks, consisting of Sir C. C. Smith bart. Suttons, Romford
chancel, nave and a belfry with spire containing 2 bells: it Capt. P. J. Budworth, Greensted hall
contains a monument to the Lady Jane, cousin of the Lord Rev. E. J. Reeve M.A. Rectory, Stondon Massey
Protector Olh-er Cromwell: foundations of Roman remains J. L. Newall esq. Forest hall, High Ongar
are said to ha"e been dug up in the churchyard: funds are E. Carrington Wright esq. Kelvedon hall
being raised for the enlargement of the church. The register Captain Herman P. D. Meyer, Little Laver hall
dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, yearly Major-Gen. F~-tche C.S.I. Pyrgo park, Havering-atte-Bower
value £127, in the gift of Lady Jane Swinburne and held by Clerk to the ~Wa!!istrates, C. Smith, High Ongar
the Rev. J ames Tanner M.A.of Pembroke College, Oxford, sur- Petty &ssioM are held at the Petty sessions room, Police
rogate. The cemetery is opposite the railway station and
is under the management of the Ongar Burial Board. There
is a Congreg-ational chapel. In 1869 a Catholic church was
I station every saturday. The places included in Ongar
petty sessional division are the same as the union, except
Doddinghurst & Theydon Mount
erected, dedicated to St. Helen A drill hall was built in INSURANCE AGENTS:-
1873 by subscription for the 1st Essex (Ongar) Volunteers. Hand-in-Hal1d, W Scruby
Many Roman remains have been found here and there are ManchelJter Fi1'e, W. Hancock
some relics of the old castle. Mrs. Septame Mitchellleft in N01"'wich Union Fi1'e, R. J. Chapman

Royal Exchange, C. Foster JWedical OJficer
Sun Fire, C. Mott- Clerk, Charles Smith, High Ongar
ONGAR UNION. Inspector of Nuisances, Richard Stokes, High Ongar
Board day every alternate tuesday at the Town hall.
The union comprises twenty~ix parishes viz. Abbots PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
Roothing, Beauchamp Roothing, Berners Roothing, Black~ Cemetery, Charles Mott, clerk to the burial board
more, Bobbingworth, Chipping Ongar, Doddinghurst, Fyfield, Essex (l~t) Rifle Volnnteers (G company), Drill hall, H. D.
Greenstead, High Laver, High Ongar, Keh'edon Hatch, P. Meyer, captain; G. Hancock, drill instructor
Lambourne, Little Laver, Moreton, NaYestock, NOl'ton Police Station, Charles Foster Robinson, inspector & in-
MandeviJle, Shelley, Shellow 1l0wells, Stanfora Rivers, spector of weights & measures & under the food & drugs
Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney, Stnndon Massey, act; & two constables
Theydon Mount, WiIIingdale Doe & Willingdale Spain; Town Hall
the population of the union in 1881 was 10,669; rateable PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
value, £72,290 Cle~'k of the Peace fm' the County er to the Gene1'al "Weeting,
Clerk to the Guardians, Charles Smith, High Ongar of the Lieutenancy, Henry Gibson
Relieving er Vaccination 0ffiCe1's,. No. 1 district, F. Tnompson, Stamp .Dist1·ibutoJ', Charles Mott
Stanford Rivers; No. 1& dist1'ict, A. Horrell, Fyfield Trust School, endowed with the rents of five houses in
I U'.1uiry et School A ttendance Officer, Richard Stokes, r.
the town & now producing 78 yearly &left by J oseph King
High Ongar in 1678; it was re-organisea in 1869 & enlarged in 1873 at a
Medical Officers er Public Vaccinat01's" No 1 district, T. cost of £320 to meet the requirements of the Elementary
Spurgin, Moreton; No. 12 district, J. R. White, Stondon Education Act, 1870; the school now educates upwards of
Massey; No. 3 district, F. D. Potter, Chipping Ongar: 100 children from the parishes of Chipping Ongar & SheIIey
No. 4- district, G. C. Douglas, Abridge; No. 6 district, J. & is managed by 12 trustees; Charles Rose, master
Clegg, High street, Epping Railway Station, James WiIliams, station master
Supe1'intendent Registrar, Charles Smith, High Ongar CARRIERS TO:-
Registrars of Births, Deaths er Maniages, Chipping Ongar, T. Thompson, Stanford Rillers j BobbingsW01·th CHELMSFORD James Cornell, from his house, monday &;
sub-distl'ict, Augustus Woodward Horrell, Fyfield friday, at 8.30 a.m. returning from King's Head inn same
Registrar of .Zlfarriages, Rev. F. T. Davis, Lambourne afternoon 3 p.m
Workhonse, Stanford Rivers j a plain red brick structure, LONDoN-George Bretton, from his house, tuesday &
cost £4,416; Robert William Low, master; Rev. F. EIliot, friaay at 4 p.m. returning wednesday & saturday from
chaplain; H. M. Grattan, surgeon; Mrs. E. Low, matron Saracen's Head, Aldersgate at 1 p.m. & Hull at 2 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carter Benjamin, baker Lambert Thomas William, farmer,
Bailey Miss, Castle street Chapma~ Anne (Miss), fancy repository Castle & Home farms
Christie Alexander Henry, Wilderness Chapman R. James, chemist & druggist Lamplough Henry Edward, KiTlf/'a
Clark Wm. ChigneIl, Grammar school Childs Henry, linen draper Head commercial lwteler posting hmCS6
Coe WiIIiam Clark Dr. William Chignell, private Lawrence John, confectioner
Foster Charles grammar school Lucking Joseph, corn dealer
Gibson Henry, Whitehouse Clark Samuel, liV'ery stable proprietor; Mead Thomas, baker
Gibson Mrs good accommodation for hunters Mott Charles, china &C. dealer, stamp
Grattan Matthew Henry, Ongar house Cook Nathan, coach builder distributor& clerk to the burial board
Hancock William . Cornell James, shopkeeper Mott Charles Amos, furniture dealer &
Kennett Thomas Henry CoveIl John, fa.rmer, Bowes farm ironmonger
King William Cowee John, cattle dealer Noakes, Thomas, shopkeeper
Loud Mrs. The Hermitage Cowee Thomas, butcher Noble Frederick, builder
Nicols Rev. David Charles [Catholic] Esse.T:' (1st) Rifle "Volunteers (G compy.) Parker Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist
Noble Frederick (Herman P. D. Meyer, capt. j G. Han~ Parker Thomas, dairyman
Noble Miss cock, drill instructor), Drill hall Parkhurst Joseph, clothier & draper
Potter Frank Dobson Fewell Alfred, confectioner Parsons Samh (Mrs.), baker
Sargent George Foster Charles, auctioneer Penson James, ironmongel
Sammes Edward Fuller Edwin, Crown's inn Perry John, beer retailer & shopkeeper
Smith Charles Gas WO/'ks (exors. of James Griffiths, Potter & Spurgeon, surgeons
Starkey Francis proprietors) Potter Thomas, The Cock
Tanner Rev. James M.A.[rector & surro~ Gibson Henry, solicitor, clerk of the Prentice William, White HQrse
gate] peace for the county & of the Regan )Iichael, Lion hotel
Webster Mrs general meetin~ of the lieutenancy Reynolds Christopher Jas. coal mrcImt
COMMERCIAL. Giffin James, boot & shoe maker Reynolds EIIen (~Irs.), dress maker
Almond Nicholson, veterinary surgeon Girling James & Henry, coal merchants Reynolds Mary (Miss), day school
Ashdown Alfred, draper (James Mast, agent); chief district Robinson Charles Foster, inspector of
Auger James, beer retailer & fishmonger office, Southend. See advertisement police & weights & measures
Barlow Henry, builder, timber mer-J Grattan Matthew Henry, physician & Rose & Son, tailors & hatters
chant, undertaker & cabinet maker surgeon, Ongar house Rowden Chas. John, watch & clock ms
Barltrop Absalom, blacksmith Hammond Henry Hazzery, painter & Scruby WiIliam, stationer, & post office
Bishop Elizabeth Parker (Mrs.), ladies' plumber Searle George, nurseryman & seedsman
boarding & day school, Roden house. Hancock George, photographer Silcock Frank, cricket outfitter
See alh-ertisement Hayward Robert, grocer Silcoek Jonathan & Frank, harness mas
Eretton George, Bell Holt Frederick. greengrocer Smith AIma, hair dresser
Bridge Jeremiah, boot & ehoe maker Horide John, grocer & tea dealer Smith Chas. wine merchant &auctioneer
Brown Charles & Sons, grocers Houchin Charles, tailor Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (WaIter
BurgessGeorgeAlfred, stationer&printer Johnston Catherine (Miss), ladies' schl Patrick Fenn, agent); draw on Bar~
Camp George, butcher Kerr John, ironmonger clay, Benm & Co. London
Canllan Jane (Mrs.), fancy repository Keys James, boot & shoe maker Suckling Thos. blacksmith & whlwrght
Cemetery (Charles Mott, clerk to the Lacey Peter, boot & shoe maker Ward Da\oid, chemist, & agent for W. &
burial board) Larkin George, clothier & boot dealer A. Gilbe)', wine & spirit merchants
HIGH ONGAR lies 1 mile north-east from Chipping Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The charities amounting in
Ongar and 23 from London, on the road to Chelmsford and the aggregate to £10 are yearly distributed in bread and
near the river Roding. The parish is in the Western divi- clothing: they consist of numerous small legacies from 108.
sion of the county, hundred and union of Ongar, Brentwood upwards. Among the seats in this parish are Forest or
county court district, Ongal' rural deanery, Essex arch- FoIIyott's Hall; Chevers, 80 named from a. family who held
deaconry and St. Albans diocese. The church of St. Mary it in the reign of Edward Ill.: Ashe Hall, originally be--
the Virgin is a building in the Norman style and consists of longing to the Frenles family and afterwards to the Mild~
chancel and nave and a square brick tower erected in 1858 mays and Paslow Hall belonging to a. manor given by
and containing 5 bells, dated. 1610, 1728, 1746, 1773 and Harold to his abbey at Waltham, besides several ma.nors.
1822. The register dates from the year 1538. The living The principal landowners are J. L. Newall esq. J.P. 6eorge
is a rectory, yearly value £:1,282, with residence, in the Capel Cure and Edward Cleeve, Abraham Caton, 1. C.
gift of and held by the Rev. WiIliam Henry Bond H.A. of Bennett esq. and trustees of E. Disney. The soil is
gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and POST OFFICE.-Edward Knights, receiver. Letters from
roots. The area is 4,381 acres; rateable value, £7,531 and Brentwood arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4.45 p.m.
the population in 1881 was 1061. Letters for Nine Ashes through Ingatestone. The nearest
ASTELYNS, otherwise Gapps, a hamlet in this parish, is money order & telegraph office is at Chipping Ongar
remarkable for its ancient'seat, now a farm: here Thomas National School (mixed), built in 1867 for 125 children, with
Howard, duke of Norfolk, is said to have concealed himself an average attendance of 8o; Thomas Daunt, master;
when charged with high treason for abetting Mary Queen Mrs. Ann Daunt, mistress
of Scots. Infant School, built in 1865, for 60 children, with an a"erage
Parish Clerk, Edward Mead. attendance of 33, Nine Ashes; Mrs. Thirza Collett, mistress
[Marked thus t receive letters through French James, farmer, Nash hall Radrick Richard, carpenter
Ingatestone.] Graves George, chimney sweeper Saltmash Henry, grocer
Bond Rev. Wm. Henry M.A. Rectory Hodgson George, Red Lion inn Shaw WaIter, Two Bl'ewel's
Charrington Nicholas Edward, Marden Holgate Benjamin, wheelwright Smith Charles, solicitor, clerk to magis-
Ash house Inge John, farmer, Chevers hall trates for the Ongar division, clerk to
Chisholm Rev.Samuel [Congregational], Jordan Mannasseh, bakel" the guardians, assessors' committee
Marden Ash King William Joseph, watch maker & rural sanitary authority of Ongar
Cure Arthur Capel, Slate house,Marden KnightSaml. wheelwright, Nine Ashes union & to commissioners of taxes
Ash tKnight Sam!. jun. wheelwrt. NineAshes & to the school board of Dagenham &
Firmin George Peppercorne, Ashley Knights Edwd. shopkeeper, & post office superintendent registrar & steward of
house, Marden Ash tLocke John, White Horse, Nine Ashes the manors of Stondon & Bobbing-
Gilbert Josiah, Marden Ash' ' tMalyon Rt. marine st. dlr. Nine Ashes worth, Landview house, Marden Ash
Low Rev.Chas. B.A. [curate],Marden Ash t Marriott Charles, farmer, & shopkeeper tSmit h Frank, farmer, Spurrier
Newall John Lightfoot J.P. Forest hall Nine Ashes Smith Samuel, farmer, Glebe
Smith Chas. Landview ho. MardenAsh Martin Uriah, beer retailer, Marden Ash Snape Frank, farmer, The Wonts
COMMERCIAL. t Maryon J oseph, farmer, Nine Ashes Spurge John, farmer, plumber, painter
Allen Charles, shopkeeper, London road Mills Victoria (Miss), dress maker & glazier, Cooper's Hill house
tAmos Robert, farmer, Larkins farm, Mills William, boot & shoe maker, tSteabben Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,
Nine Ashes Marden Ash Orchard farm
Archer William, bricklayer tMullucks Emily(Mrs.),frmr.NineAshes Stokes Richard, farmer, tax collector &
Baker Matthew, farmer, Wardens Mullucks John, farmer inspector of nuisances & school in-
Barltrop Henry, blacksmith tOliver Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Nine quiry & attendance officer to the rural
Bean Henry, farmer, Paslow hall Ashes sanitary authority of Ongar union
Burton Alfred Edwin, farmer Palmer Jonathan & James, brewers Turner 'I\'alter, beer retailer
tCaton Abraham,farmer & cattle sales- & maltsters, Marden Ash Wheal George, Wheat Sheaf
man, Nine Ashes tParker William, farmer, Blewgates Witham James, fishmonger
tDay George, beer retailer, Nine Ashes Pearson Josiah, beer retailer & shopkpr tWoolorton Jeremiah, farmer, New ho
Derham Edwn. beer retailer,Marden Ash Phillips George, shoemaker
ORSETT (the Horse's heath) is a village, parish and College, Oxford and rural dean of Orsett. Here is aLiter-
head of a union in the Southern division of the county, I ary Institute erected by the late R. B. Wingfield-Baker
Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district, Orsett f esq. of Orsett Hall in 1860, at which lectures and concerts
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, are given twice in the month from October to May.
4 miles north-east from Grays station, 10 south from Brent- Here is a Congregational chapel erected in 1843, the
wood, 6 north from Tilbury Fort, 13 south-east from Rom- I Primitive Methodists have one at Baker Street. Charities,
ford and 21 from London via Rainham. The church of St. I amounting to £150 yearly, arising from benefactions left
Giles and All Saints is a building of flint with stone faeings, in 1495 by Thomas Hotofte, by Alice, wife of Isaac
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle with transept and Heminge, in 1643, as well as by Ambrose Gilbert D.D.
chapel, and a western tower of brick with a dwarf spire and others are distributed in bread, fuel, clothing and
containing 5 bells. This church was of Norman founda- money, at the discretion of the rector. Orsett Hall is
tion and rebuilt in the 13th century, but underwent exten- the seat of Captain Digby Hanmer Richard Wingfield D.L.
sive alterations both in the Decorated and Perpendicular lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil and
periods; it is entered on the south by a fine Norman door- subsoil are various in different parts; the chief crops are
way and presents a grand and spacious interior; the nave, the usual cereals and vegetables. The area is 4,220 acres;
five bays in length, is separated from the north aisle by a rateable value, £8,353 ; the population in 188t was 1496.
fine arcad~, the arches springing from circular or clustered BAKER STREET is I mile west and nearer Grays and the
~hafts while two very fine arch~s open from t~e chan~el Thames. '
mto .the north <;hapel; the ~ast ~ndow of four lIght.s With Pal'ish Clerk Richard Ridgwell
flOWIng tracery In the head, IS staIned; on the south Side a r e ' .
three sedilia with Purbeck shafts and a trefoil-headed POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savmgs
piscina. An elegant screen of the ~4th century separates Bank.-William Powe~l, receiver. Letters arrive from
the north aisle from its chapel and has some traces of Romford at 7 a.m.; ~Ispatched at 5 p.m. Box: closes at
colouring; the tower was rebuilt early in the 17th century 4.5 0 • L~TTER Box III the wall, Baker Street, cleared
and has in its north wall a brass plate recording the bene- 5 p.m. daIly
faction of Thomas Hotofte 1495; the font is Perpendicular: INsu.R~NcE A~ENTS :- .
a vestry was built by the rector in 1865 and the chancel B1'ttts~ El'!ptre Mutual, W. Woollmgs, Baker street.
aisle re-opened in 1870; the church will now seat about 600. PhuJnt:£ Ftre, W. Powell
The church plate includes a flagon and paten, given by Mrs. Que.en, S. Sanders, Baker street . .
Margaret Silverlock in 1575 and two silver alms-dishes Reltan~e if East of ~n.'1land Mutual Life, G. BIddell
given by D. Harper and the Rev. Thomas Harper in 1677 Sun Fzre, Mrs. S. Fmch
and 1705. There are brasses to Thomas Latham, 1485 ORSETT UNION.
and Jane his wife (effigies lost) with one son and two Board Day, alternate thursdays, I I a.m
daughters, to Robert Kinge, parson, 1584, at. 47, with verses Orsett union comprises the followiug parishes viz.:-
in Latin and English, a small mural brass of a civilian, 1535 Aveley, Bulpham, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, East
and another of six children, c. 1520. A large marble tomb Tilbury, Fobbing, Grays 'fhurrock, Homdon-on-the-Hill,
commemorates John Hatt, attorney of the City of London Langdon Hills, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North Ockenden,
and once owner of this lordship, with a recumbent figure, South Ockendon, Orsett, Stanford-le-Hope, Stifford, Wes~
robed; in the chancel are mural monuments to the family Thurrock and West Tilbury; the population of the union in
af Baker and a brass to Dorothy Williamson, who reached 1881 was 16,286 ; rateable value, £89,743 .
the great age of 104. Within the communion rails are the Clerk, Robert Lloyd Williams, Grays
memorials of four rectors of this church: Rev. William CollectO'r to the Guardians, William Henry Sackett
Gilbert D.D. 1640; Rev. Matthew Styles D.D. sub-rector of Relieving et Vaccination Officer, John Phillips, Grays
Exeter College, Oxford and proctor, ob. 10 Aug. 1652; and Medical Officers if Public Vaccinators, Orsett district, Rea
the Rev. M. Usko, ob. Dec. 31st, 1841. The register of Corbet, Orsett; Stanford-le-Hope district, A. W. Mercer,
baptisms and burials dates from 1669; marriages, 1670. Stanford-le-Hope; Gray's distrtet, A. T. Roworth, Grays ;
The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge [1,225, with 10 Ockendendistrict, Alfred Haynes Mason,South Ockenden;
acres of glebe and residence built in 1843by the Rev. I. Aveley district, M. J. De Brent, ATeley; Orsett Hamlet
Blomfield, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held district, Arthur Clarke, Stock
by the Rev. Richard Thomas Whittington M.A. of Brasenose Superintendent Registmr, George Biddell, Orsett


Registl'ar of Births ~ lJeaths-Ol'sett sub-district, Rea Medical Officer, Rea Corbet, Orsett
Corbet, Orsett; Ockenden sub-dist1'ict, John Phillips, Grays Inspector of Nltisances, George Watts, Horndon-on-the-Hill
Registrar of Marriages, Ray Tyrrell, Horndon-on-the-Hill; Police Station, King, serjeant in charge & I officer
J)eputy, A. Woolings
School Attendance O.fficer, Geo. Watts, Horndon-on-the-Hill An.~on's Chm'ity ~ National School, with an endowment of
Wm'khouse, for 200 inmates, was built in 1837 at a cost of £13 0 per annum, educates about 90 children, 14 boys
about £9,000 ; WaIter Francis Vick, master; Rev. R. T.
Whittington M.A. chaplin; Rea Corbet, medical officer; being taught free; Charles Rowley, master; Mrs. Aune
Mrs. Mary Sills, matron; Miss Lydia Wade, school- Rowley, mistress; Miss Alice Sharples, infants' mistress

mistress; Miss Edith Watts, nurse CONVEYANcE.-Harding's omnibus from the George inn to
RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. Grays railway station to meet the 9.5r a.m. & 4.54 p.m.
Cle1'k, Robert Lloyd Williams, Grays up trains & 10.21 a.m. & 5.14 & 5.40 p.m. down traiI18
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bright Richard, farmer, Baker street I Kimmings William, carpenter
Andrews Mrs Butler John }<'ield, farmer, Grey Goose Lite1Ytl'y Institution (Rea Corbet &;
Brand Mrs. Wingfield villas farm, Baker street Charles Rowley, joint secs.)
Corbet Mrs. Wingfield villas Carter John, shoe maker, Baker street North Richard, plumber & decorator
Corbet Rea M.R.C.S., L.S.A Clark Golden, grocer & wheelwright, Oakley George, grocer & draper
Cripps Samuel George, Orsett college Baker street Owers Hy. shoe ma. & shopkpr. Baker 8t
Fordham Mrs. Springfield villas Cliff Henry, farmer, Poplars Pigg In.Thos.baker,seedsmn. & corn dlr
Greenaway Daniel, The Old Rectory Cole Phillip J. King's Arms, Baker st t Powell Wm. grcr.linen drpr.&post office
Greenaway Mrs Corbet Rea M.R.e.s., L.S.A. surgeon, I RidgeweIl John, market gardener
Potts Rev. J. E. [curate] medical officer & public vaccinator & RidgeweIl Thomas, farmer
Sackett Mrs. Henry, Fern villa registrar of births &; deaths for the Roberts Richard, earthenware dealer
Tahnash Mrs. Springfield villas Orsett sub-district ; medical officer of Sackett Miss, farmer
Whittington Rev. Rd. Thos. M.A. [rural health & for the workhouse & to the Sackett William Henry, assistant over-
dean & chaplain of the union] ,Rectory 2nd Essex A.V seer & collector of poor rates
Wingfield Capt. Digby Hanmer Richard Cripps Samuel George, Orsett college Sanders SI. baker &; news agent, Baker at
D.L. Orsett hall; &; 2 Lowndes square, Dansie Simon, Swan Sanders Samuel, jun. plumber, painter
London s.w Elsden Thomas, shopkeeper &c. Baker street
COMMERCIAL. l!-ssexP"ovidentSociety (Branch) (John Schooling Robert, shoe maker
Archer William, saddler Phillips, collector) . Schooling William, shoe maker
Ashford William, farmer Eve George, farmer Spitty Alfred Charles, farmer
Aylen Charles, George inn ~ posting Finch John, wheelwright, smith &c SpurgeonJames, bricklayers' prasterer
house, &; farmer Finch Susannah (Mrs.), preparatory Stock William, CQck inn
Aylett William, shopkeeper school Stubbs Joshua, beer retlr. Orsett heath
Beard Richard, beer retailer Gay Henry, farmer, Baker street Sutton Thomas, market gardener &
Biddell George, surveyor & superin- Harding Robert, Crown marine store dealer
tendent registrar & steward to Capt. Hollowbread Stephen, farm bailiff Sutton William, shop keeper
D. H. R. Wingfield, Orsett hall Howard Charles, carpenter, joiner &c Wood William, grocer &c
Boatman James, watch maker Jackson William, farmer, Cennaways Woollings Alfred, baker & corn dealer
Bray Mary (Mrs.), Greyhound, Orsett Joslin WaIter, farmer, White house WOflllings William, miller & farmer,
heath Judd Stephen, smith &; farrier Baker street
Bridge George, butcher Keeling George, grocer Wordley George, farmer
OVINGTON is a parish, in the Eastern division of the joint yearly value £547, with residence at Ovington, in the
county, Hinckford hundred, Risbridge union, Haverhill gift of and held by the Rev.Charles John Fisher M.A. of Jesus
county court district,Yeldham rural deanery,Colchester arch- College, Cambridge. The children attend the school at Til-
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 2 miles south from Clare, 7 bury. The trustees of the late John Mayor Green esq. who
east from Haverhill and 10 north from Halstead. The church, are lords of the manor and J. R. Vaizey esq. are the princi-
assigned in modern times toSt. Mary, is small and ancient, pal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay. The chief
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a wooden towel' with crop is wheat. The area is 705 acres; rateable value, £r,031;
spire: it has been re-seated with open benches, the chancel and the population in 1881 was 132.
restored. and a stained east window inserted. The register Letters from Sudbury through Clare, which is the nearest
dates from the year 1559. The living is a rectory, united money order & telegraph office. Letters delivered by
with the rectory of Tilbury and the chapelry of Allbrights, foot post at 9 a.m
Fisher Rev. Chas. John M.A. Rectory Parker Alfred, beer retailer Smith John, blacksmith
Ewer William, farmer, Oyington hall Smee Elijah, boot maker Twitchell John, cattle dealer
Fox Bertha (Mrs.), farmer, Hole farm
PAGLESHAM (or PAKLESHAM) was in 1066 given by Flanders, France and Holland. William Andrews esq. who
Ingulf to Westmimlter Abbey: it is a parish in the Southern is lord of the manor, James F. T. Wiseman esq. and 8ir
division of the county, Rochford union, hundred and county George Samuel Brook&Pechell bart. are the principal land-
court district, Canewdon rural deanery, Essex archdea- owners. The soil is middling loam; subsoil, gravel. The
comy and 8t. Albans diocese,S miles north-east from Rach- chief crops are beans, wheat and barley. The area is 1,678
ford,9 north-east from Southend and 51 from London, on a acres; rateable value, £3,601; and the population in 1881
creek of the river Crouch,behind Wallasea and opposite Burn- was 497 ; the population of that part of Wallasea Island be-
ham. The church of St. Peter is a building in the Perpen- longing to Paglesham, in 1881 was 29.
dicular ~tyle, consiflting of c~ncel, nave ~nd an embat~led EAST END is a hamlet a mile and a half south-east. A
tower WIth 2 bells. Th.e regtster of bapt~s~s .and bunals I part of Wallasea. Island is in this parish.
dates from 1719; marrIages, 1733. The hvmg IS a rectory, .
the tithes are commuted at £560, with rectory house, in I Pa'N~h Clel'k, Edward Woolf. ..
the gift of the Bishop of Peterborough and held by the Rev. I The chddren attend an elementary lIChoolm the VIllage
James Hams H.A.. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The chari- POST OFFICB.-George Rice, receiver. Letters arrive from
ties amount to £27 yearly. Many persons are engaged here Rochford at 9.45 a.m.; dispatched at 3.45 p.m. The
in the o)'soor fishery, large quantIties being exported to, nearest money order &: telegraph office is at Rochford
Harris Rev. James M.A. Rectory Meeson WiIliam, farmer Robinson David, carpenter
Wiseman James F. F. The Chase Payne William, beer retailer Sewell John, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Quy Thomas, oyster merchant Smith Charles, shoe maker
Gardiner Henry, Punch Bowl Rice George, shopkeeper & post office Smith John, oyster mercht. Graplands
Hall William, boat builder Robinson Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper &: Wiseman Frederick, oyster merchant
Kemp Henry, Plough & Sail post office WisemanJames F. F. oyster mer.&frmr
P ANFIELD is a pleasant village and parish, in the pendicula.r style and consists of chancel, with organ
Eastern dirision of the county, Hinckford hundred, Braintree chamber, nave, & fine old oak porch and ... small equate
union and county court district, rural deanery of Braintree, tower with 3 bells at the west end, surmounted by
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. AlOOns, 3 miles an .octagonal shingled spire: in 1858 the church Wall
north-wel!t from BraintJ'ee atation, 45 from London and restored at a cost of £1"'-00: on the south side of the
near the river Pant. The church of St. Mary is a small nave is a piscinllo: there are three stained windows, filled at
edifice of flint with Bath stone dressings in the Per. the 'COst of the present patron: the east window of Slightl
being a memorial window to his family: the church is of this religious house were restored on the establishment of
seated with open benches and will hold 170. Among persons peace and the inmates continued in their enjoyment till
of note interred here are John Cotton esq. ancestor of the 1414, when all alien priories were totally suppressed and
• family of that name, of the Hall manor and Alice, his wife, their property vested in the crown: after the Dissolution in
1525: also Richard Beale esq. 1712. The learned John 1538, it was granted to Sir Giles Cape!. Panfield Hall,
Ouseley, scholar, divine and antiquary, was rector here from erected in the year 1546, is a fine building, with a quad-
1668 to 1694. The register dates from the year 1569. The rangular tower and handsomely clustered chimneys; it is
living is a rectory, tithes commuted at [,502 10S. yearly, now occupied as a farmhouse. The trustees of Guy's
with residence and 9 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held Hospital, who are lords of the manor and Captain Hender-
(since 1852) by the Rev. Edward James Hill M.A. of St. son are the principal landowners. The 80ilis loam; subsoil,
John's College, Cambridge, rural dean of Braintree and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and grass.
surrogate. The rectory house is close to the church. A The area is 1,475 acres; rateable value, [,2,168 ; and the
school board of 5 members was formed here in 1875. Half population in 1881 was 122.
a mile north was formerly a priory of Benedictine monks, PENNY GREEN is half a mile north-east.
subordinate to the abbey of St. Stephen, at Caen, in Nor- Parish Clerk, John Butcher.
mandy, from the gift by Waleran Fitz-Ralph in 1070, of his Letters received through Braintree, which is the nearest
little manor of Panfield to that house. On the outbreak of money order & telegraph office. WALL LETTER Box
hostilities between England and France in the 13th century, cleared at 5.30 p.m. on week days & 8 a.m. on sundays
it was seized by Edward n. in 1285 as an alien priory, in Board School, built in 1875 at a cost of between £300 and
order to prevent money being carried thence to the enemy, [,400 including the site, for 80 children, with an average
a policy repeated by Edward Ill. in 1337-8. The possessions attendance of 54; Miss M. B. Cole, mistress
Hill Rev. Edward James M.A., J.P. I Byford Henry, farmer, Great Priory Mann Robert, farmer
[rural dean & surrogate], Rectory 1 Grub William, shoe maker Newman Wm. Smith, frmr. Panfield ha
Barnard John, farmer, Lightwater JOlilcelyne James Robert, farmer, Pan- Newman John Barker, Bell
Butcher George, wheelwright & smith field farm Rashbrooke Chas. farmer, Little Priory
Butcher John, blacksmith Kiddy John, farmer Snow Joseph, beer retailer
GREAT PARNDON is a village and parish, in the vent for canons of the Prremonstratensian Order, founded
Western division of the county, Harlow hundred, Epping or endowed by Roger and RObert de Parringdon and
union, Waltham county court district, Harlowrural deanery, Clement, son of Reginald, but removed in 1I8o to Beleigh,
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 2t miles south- or Littl~ Maldon Abbey, where Robert Mantell had built a
east from Roydon station, 3i south-west from Harlow, 6 I monastery, dedicated, to St. Nicholas. Earl Cowley, who is
nort.h from Epping, 10 east from Hertford and 20 from lord of the manor, St. Thomas' Hospital, L. W. Arkwright
London. The church (name unknown) stands on rising and Joseph Todhunter esqrs. are the principal landowners.
ground and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and a The soil is various; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief
tower with spire containing 4 bells, three of which are crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 2,21I
respectively dated 1613, 1779 and 1613, the fourth simply acres; rateable value, [,3,772; and the population in 1881
bearing the inscription" Praise the Lord": the stained east was 495.
window is a memorial to the family of Johnson and was I Pari~h Clerk, William Fairchild.
inserted in 1877: the reredos was presented by Mrs. Powell. 1POST OFFICE.-George Tarling, receiver. Letters are re-
The register of baptisms and burials dates from 1547; ceived through Harlow, arrive at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched
marriages, 1754. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge at 5.15 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
£599, with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the is at Harlow
governors of St. Thomas' Hospital, Earl Cowley and B. H. National School (mixed), built in 1861 for go children, with
Adams esq. and held by the Rey. Henry Willoughby Adams an average attendance of 58; Miss Margaret Bateman,
M.A.. of Exeter College, Oxford. Here was anciently a con- mistress
Adams Rev. Henry Willoughby M.A.. I Brown John, beer retailer I Lawrence Samuel, farm bailiff to Joseph
Rectory Brown Samuel, farmer, Brockleys I 'fodhunter esq. J.P
Hudson Mrs I Carter William, farmer Mallinson Juhn, farmer
Steels Rivers Church Stephen, farmer Press Thomas, farmer, Cook's farm
Todhunter Joseph J.P. King's Moor ho Day George, farmer Tarling George, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Green James John, farmer Teece Alfred H. Cock
Bentley John Alston, furniture broker Harris James, farmer Warren Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Brown Alfred, builder Jackson Frederick, wheelwright I Whiting Moses, blacksmith
LITTLE P ARNDON stands on the navigable river L. W. Arkwright esq. and held by the Rev. Richard Leslie
Stort, which separates it from Herts, 1 mile from Burnt Mill Scott M.A.. Trinity College, Dublin. Parndon Hall, a hand-
~tation on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway and 3 some modern mansion of red brick with Portland stone
miles west from Harlow, in the Western division of the dressings, is the seat of Loftus Wigram Arkwright esq. J.P.
county, Harlow hundred, Epping union, Waltham county lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is
court district, Harlow rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry mixed; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley
.and St. Albans diocese. The church of St. Mary is a small and roots. The area is 534 acres; rateable value, [,1,948;
.stone structure, consisting of chancel and nave, with one bell; the population in 1881 was 122.
it was rebuilt in 1868, principally at the cost of L. W. Ark- . .
wright esq. The register dates from 1660. The living is a. Letters throug-~ Harlow, whICh IS the nearest money order
rectory, yearly value £215, with residence, in the gift of and telegraph office.
Arkwright Loftus Wigram J.p.Parndon Scott Rev. Richard Leslie M.A. [vicar] Clark Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Rye hill
hall Clark George, butcher & grocer Westrup Edward, miller
Bush Capt. W
PATTISWICK (PATESWICK or PARSWICK) is a parish in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Saml.
the Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Brain- Bawtree Baird M.A. I.'If Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The
tree union and county court district, rural deanery of Hal- Bishop of London is lord of the manor. The principal land-

.stead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, owner is Osgood Hanbury esq. The soil is loam and clay;
47 miles from London, 3 north west from Coggeshall, 4 east subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
from Braintree station and 6 north from Kelvedon station. barley. This parish was anciently a hamlet of Feering and
'The church of St. Mary Magdalen is a small and plain contains 1,297 acres; rateable value, £1,883; and had a
;structure, the chancel of which has recently been restored population in 1881 of 340•
.at a cost of £600, including the addition of an organ Parish Clerk, William Clarke.
chamber, the substitution of oak instead of deal for the
fittings land uncovering the inner timbered roof: the east LETTER Box cleared at 5 p.m.; sundays 9·30 a.m. Letters
window, a memorial to Eleanor Willet Tritton, has been received through Braintree. The nearest telegraph &
presented by her husband. 'fhe architect was Mr. Dampier, money order office is at Coggeshall
of Colchester. The register dates from the year 1677. The National School (mixed), for 96 children, with an average
living is a rectory, commuted at [,340 IOS. with residence, in attendance of 43; Miss Harriet Church, mistress
Baird Rev. Samuel Bawtree M.A. Rectory Clarke William, farmer Smith Joseph jnn. farmer, Hall farm
Amos George, farmer Ely John, blacksmith Webster John, miller, Blackwater mill;
Buck William, Compasses inn Emerson Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper & at Bradwell
-Carter Rosetta (Mrs.), grocer Hobbs George, farmer


PEBMARSH is an anCIent village and parish, 3i miles by the Rev. AugustUB George Kirby of Trinity Hall,
north-east from Halstead and 6 south from Sudbury, in the Cambridge. There are charities of about /"7 yearly, left by
Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead the Hon. and Rev. Edward Harbottle Hucknall. Mrs. Puller
union and county court district, Hedingham rural deanery, is lady of the manor. 'rhe principal landowners are Arthur
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese and is Puller, Charles William Start and John Collis esqs. The
traversed by a feeder of the Colne. 'rhe church of St. John soil is chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. 'rhe chief crops are
the Baptist is an old building, consisting of chancel, nave of wheat, beans and oats. The area is 2,024 acres; rateable
4 bays with cIerestory, aisles and a western embattled tower value, £31499; and the population in 1881 was 516.
containing a clock and 3 bells: the stained east window is a DAGWORTH is threfWluarters of a mile north-west.
memorial to Francis WaIter Grimskm and was inserted in Parish Clel'k, Peter Hearn.
1876: there is an ancient brass in the chancel of a knight
in armour, cross-legged, and belie'Ved to represent a member POST OFFIcE.-George Lee, sub-postmaster. Letters arrh'e
of the Fitzralph family, c. 1370, this is a fine and large through Colchester to Bures, by mail cart, thence by foot
canopied brass, but much mutilated: the interior was post to Pebmarsh, at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.
restored and re-seated in 1877. The register of baptisms The nearest money order & telegraph uffices are at Bures
dates from 1648; burials, 16S5; mariages, 1654. The living and Halstead
is a rectory, )'early value £500, with residence and about F1'ee School (mixed), built in 1850 for 80 children, with an
20 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Verulam and held average attendance of 77; Mrs. Ann Watts., mistress
Kirby Rev. Augustus Geo. M.A, Rectory Clark Thomas, King's Head &; farmer Farrow Harriet(Mrs.),fmr.Msl'\'el'sgrdn
Malins Rev. George lBaptist] Collis Hannah Susannah (Mrs.), farmer, Hearn Shadrach, farmer, Gibbs farm
Start Charles William, The Moat Byndes farm Hicks George, farmer
Stebbing John Collis John, maltster, farmer & land- Lee George, grocer, &; postmaster
Thompson Mrs owner, Hill farm Nott George, farmer, Dagworth
Wells Charles Creffield Thomas, baker Nott Henry, farmer, Collin's farm
Dixey George, shopkeeper Rodick E. L. &; H. silk throwsters
COMMERCIAL. Dixey William, pork butcher Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.) &; Son, saddlers i
Barker Henry, miller Eldred James, blacksmith & at High street, Halstead
Binks Joseph, farmer, Vinell's farm Eldred John, beer retailer &; baker Stebbing Hobert, farmer, Stanley hall
Carpenter Stephen, baker Eldred Joseph, wheelwright Whiting George, shopkeeper
PELDON (or PELTINGTON) is a parish, in the Eastern College, Dublin. John Pratt esq. is lord of the manor and
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Wins- the Rev. Carter Hall of the rectorial manor. The principal
trPe union, Colchester county court district, Mersea rural landowners are Mrs. Burgess, James LeighAspinwall, G. W.
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, on Gibson and John Pratt esqs. The soil is heavy loam; sub-
the road from Colchester to Mersea Island, 71 miles south soil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, barle)', oats and beans.
from Colchester, 5 from Wh'enhoe station and 56 from The area is 2,186 acres; rateable value, £2,723; and the
London. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, erected in the population in 1881 was 458.
15th century, stands on a hill on the site of an ancient chnrch Parish Clerk, William Pooley.
recorded in Domesday Book and is a building in the Perpen- POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Sarah Cooper, receiver. Letters arrh'e
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave and a stone tower: through Colchester at 4.40 a.m.; dispatched at 7.40 p.m.
the church was thoroughly restored in 1859 by subscriptions The nearest money order office is at West Mersea &; tele-
at a cost of about £908, in the course of which several graph office at Colchester
remains of an Early Norman church were discovered. The NationalSrhool (mixed), built in 1836 & enlarged in 1881,
regi!'ter of baptisms dates from 1725 ; burials 1728 ; marriages fo-r 100 children, with an average attendance of go; Miss
1776. The living is a rectory, tithe commuted at £582, Temperance Vince, mistress
with 25 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. CARRIER TO COLCHBl:lTER-Geo. Christmas, to the' Plough,'
F.F. Starbuck and held b)' the Rev. Carter Hall M.A. of Trinity mono thur. &; sat. returning in the evening
Hall Rev. Carter M.A. Rectory Harvey Elijah, beer retailer &; farmer Simpson Charles, poulterer
COMMERCIAL. Holland Golden, farmer, Haxell's farm Theobald James, baker
Bawtree Francis, farmer, The Cottage Neville Thomas, farmer, Rolls farm Went William, miller
Bean Alexander, farmer, Peldon hall Nice Edward, Plough White William & Son, grocers
Cocks Daniel, fanner Osborne John,fanner Wilsmer George, farm bailiff for Mrs.
Eagle Henry John, farmer, Peet hall Pasfield John, grocer Burgess, Peldon lodge
Fairhead Wm. fanner, Brick House fnn Pullen George, Rose
PENTLOW is a parish on the borders of Suffolk situated erected by the Rev. Edward Bull M.A. formerly rector here,
on the rlver Stour, I mile from Cavendish station on the to the memory of his father: it is considered a fine specimen
Gl'l'at Eastern railway, 4 miles east from Clare and si north- of architectural art and has a spiralstaircsse to the top from
west from Sudbury, in the Eastern division of the county, which a fine view is obtained, above 46 churches being
hundred of Hinckford, Sudbury union and county court visible. The charities are of £27 ~'early value, arising from
district, Yeldham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry a farm in PentIo,," left by Mrs. Susan Gooch of Great Liver-
and St. Albans diocese. The church of St. George con- more, and are administered by a body of trustees of whom
sists of apsidal chancel, nave, south porch and a round tower the rector is one. Henry Pearl esq. is lord of the manor.
at the west end containing 5 bells; on the north side is a The principal landowners are Robert Orbell esq. Henry John
chapel, containing a very fine monument with recumbent Sperling and Henry Pearl esqs. and Rev. Felix Edwaro
figures of George Kempe ob. 1606, John Kempe esq. his son Pepys Bull, Rev. John Foster and the Christian Knowledge
and Ellino-r his wife, together with the kneeling figures of Society. The soil is clay, loam and gra"el; subsoil, various.
their children, 10 daughters and 4 sons: the chancel contains The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is
memorial tablets to the families of Mathew and Bull and a 1,847 acres; rateable value, £2,504 i and the population of
curious old tomb of the Feltons. 'rhe register dates from the parish in 1881 was 293.
the year 1539. The living is a rectory, yearly tithe rent- Parish Clerk, John Dedham.
charge £518, with residence and 27 acres of glebe, in the LETTER Box cleared. at 6 p.m. Letters through Sudbury.
gift of and held by the Rev. Felix Edward Pepys Bull B.A. of The nearest money order office is at Clare
Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1859 an octagon tower in Parish School (mixed), built in 1876, fo-r 100 children, with
the Tudor style, standing in the rectory grounds, was an average attendance of 54; Miss Ida Steer, mistress
Bull Rev. Felix Edward Pepys B.A. Oldham Joshua, Pentlo,," hall Offard Daniel, farmer, miller & maltster,
Rectory Orbell Robert Pagnells ash ; & at Cavendish, Suffolk
Bull Mrs. Rectory Evans Thomas, Hardy, blacksmith Orbell Joseph, farmer, Skelletto &
Chickall Miss, Buntings Garrett Joseph Stammers, miller Hogg's fann
Offard Daniel, Pagnells ash Orbell Robert, fanner & landowner Thurgood Charles, beer retailer
PITSEA is a parish and village with a station on the latter places and 33 from London. This parish was known
Tilbury and Southend railway, in the Southern division of at the time of the Conquest and then belonged to Ulueva
the county, Barstable hundred, Billericay union, Rochford the wife of Phin: the chu-rch of St. Michael is an edifice in
county court district, Rochford rural deanery, Essex arch- the Perpendicular style, standing on a picturesque knoll
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, sitnated chiefly on 8 penin- and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an em-
sula fonned by the creeks and on the high road from Grays battled western tower containing 3 bells: the church
and Tilbury Fort to Rochford and Southend, ahout 12 miles was rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in 181I. The
from each of the two former and 10 from each of the two, register of baptisms dates from I688; burials, 1738:


marriages, 1757. The living is a rectory, yearly value clay. The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is
£420, with a glebe of 16 acres, in the alternate presentation 2,014 acres; about 300 acres are in Canvey Island, which
of the Hon. Lydia Frances Dawnay and the Rev. G. island is comprised in nine parishes i rateable value, £2,603 i
Heathcote and held by the Rev. Henry Hasted B.A. of and the population in 1871 was 292.
Magdalene College, Cambridge. The Hon. Miss Dawnay Parish Clel'k, William Spunner.
and H. Blencowe esq. hold the manorial rights of Pitsea
Hall and Chalvedon Hall, respectively, in this parish; tho Letters from Chelmsford through Rayleigh, which is the
latter is lay impropriator of £r70 tithes; the Rev. G. nearest money order &; telegraph office
Heathcote and the Hon. Miss Dawnay are the principal I The children attend the school at Bowers Gifford
landowners. The soil is stiff clay i subsoil, almost yellow I Railway Station, Alfred Fife, station master
Hasted Rev. Henry B.A.. [rector] Fitch William, general dealer Gregory Joseph, farmer, :Brick house
Baker William, farmer, Pitsea hall Freeman Stephen, carpenter Jeffries Sidney, farmer
Cole John, coach builder Giding James & Henry, coal & salt Thorogood Alfred, Railway
Crooks Robert, blacksmith, & Bull merchants (Alfred Fife, agent), Rail- Warner William, cowkeeper
Fife Alfred, station master, & agent to way station; chief district office, Willsmer John, baker & miller
J. & H. Girling, coal merchants &c Southend. See advertisement
PLAISTOW.-Plaistow ward comprises the larger July 26th, r870 and is a stone building in the Early English
portion of West Ham parish in the Southern division of the style, consisting of chancel, nave and aisles. The register
county, Becontree hundred, West Ham union and local I dates from the year 1870. The living is a vicarage, yearly
board district, Bow county court district, diocese of St. value £r89, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St.
Albans, archdeaconry of Essex, Barking rural deanery and Albans and held by the Rev. George Godsell M.A. of Hertford
within the jurisdiction of the Central criminal court and College, Oxon. The Baptists, Wesleyans, United Free Metbo-
Metropolitan police; the place is in the Eastern metro- dist Church, Primitive Methodists, Society of Friends and
politan postal district. The most thickly populated part of Congregationalists have each places ofworship here. The East
the district is 4! miles from Whitechapel church, by the London cemetery, opened in 1871, comprises 43 acres and
Commercial and East India Dock roads, having the river contains two chapels. Broadway House, situate about a
Lee on the west. The London and Tilbury Railway Com- quarter of a mile from the railway station, is a Home for
pany have two stations here and the Great Eastern branch destitute little girls, established in r872 and supported by
line to North Woolwich has a station in the Barking road, voluntary contributions; it will hold 60 children and is
Canning Town. An iron bridge was constructed over the under the superintendence of Miss Lee. The Poplar Small
river Lee in 1810. On the r9th of June 1844, Plaistow Pox and Fever Hospital, in Southern road, was erected in
was constituted an ecclesiastical parish, formed from the 1880 and comprises two large brick buildings forming four
mother parish of West Ham. St. Mary's church com- wards and containing upwards of 80 beds i in an adjoining
pleted in r830 at a cost of £4,800, consists of chancel, nave block are medical officers' and stewards' rooms, matron's
and aisles and has sittings for about 450 persons; a monu- apartments &C. A police station was erected in 1863; the
ment has been erected in the church to the late Sir John local force consists of 4 inspectors, 5 sergeants and 54
Henry Pelly. The register dates from the year 1830. The constables. The Plaistow Ward includes Plaistow (proper),
living is a vicarage, yearly value £240, in the gift of the Canning Town south of the Barking road and Silver Town.
vicar of West Ham and held by the Rev. Richard William The population of the Plaistow Ward of the West Ham
Bishop Marsh M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. St. Local Board district in 1871 wag 23,371 and in 1881,5°,138.
Peter's iron mission church, in Pelly road, was licensed by The population in 1871 of St. Mary's was 3,448 and in 1881
the Bishop of St. Albans, October 29th, 1877. St. Andrew's 7,859; area, 220 acres; rateable value, £r30.296; St.
is an ecclesiastical parish formed in r871 from the parish of Andrew's population, 3,251 in r871 and in r88r, 9,069.
St. Mary, Plaistow and is in the civil parish of West Ham. Pa1'ish Clerk (St. Mary's) Archibald McDowall.
The church was consecrated hy the Bishop of Rochester on '
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, 64 High St• .A.-mh·ew's Church, St. Andrew's road, Rev. George Godsell
street.-William Samuel Potter, postmaster M.A. vicar; rO.30 a.m. 3.30 p.m. & 6,3° p.m.; wednesday
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE &; Savings Bank & Govern- & friday 7.30 p.m
ment Annuity & Insurance Office, Market house, Barking St. Mary's Church, St. Mary's road, Rev. R. W. B. Marsh
road.-Charles Stickland, postmaster M.A.. vicar i n a.m. & 6,3° p.m.; wednesday & friday
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank, I St. James' 7.30 p.m
terrace, Stratford road.-John Sexton, receiver St. .A.ndrew's MlSsion Church ~ Sclwol, Whitwell road;
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & SavingB Bank, I Queen's 7 p.m
square.-John A. H. Budget,t, receiver St. Peter's Mission Iron Church, Petty road; I I a.m, &
County Fire, H. Parker Friends' Meeting House, North street; occasional services
Queen, N. Anstey, r Kent street, Barking road Barking Road Tabernacle (Baptist), Rev. Robt. Hope
Sun (Fire), G. A. Smith, Barking road Gillespie, pastor; I I a.m., 6.30 p.m. ; wednesday 7.3op.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Christian Mi.~sion Chapel, Upper road i Wm.Booth, minister;
J) lspensary, Ba aamit s ree,t A. EKed. enn y L.R.C.P. Ed·m. occasional services
& R . J . Carey M .. · I 0 ffice1
A m edlea sCE
' ; . . W"l
1 son, sec Congreoational
J Church Union, Baalam street, Rev. R.
East LondQ1l, Cemetery, Grange road, Edmund Littler, Partner, pastor; I I a.m. 6 p.m.; wednesday 7.30 p.m
man. & sec. i Rev. Geo. GodselI M.A. (Church of England); Primitive Methodist Chapel, Stratford road; II a.m. 6.30
Rev. T. J. R. Temple (Congregational), Rev. James Griffith p.m. ; tuesday 7.30 p.m
(Baptist), chaplains United Free Methodist Church, Pett)· road; II a.m. 6.30
Metropolitan Police StatUm, K Division, Barking road, p.m. ; thursday 7.30 p.m
Eccles Golding, Alex. Wallis, Timothy Crosier & J. G. Wesleyan Chapel, High street, Rev. J. Kirklan, minister;
Sheraton, inspectors II a.m. 6.30 p.m. i friday 7.30 p.m
Paplar Fever" Small Pox Hospital, Weston road, William SCHOOLS-
Wickman, surgeon West Ham School Board, Balaam street (boys, girls & infants)'
Small Pox Hospital, Western road, John Moor L ..R.C.P. Edin. for 307 boys, 230 girls & 178 infants, with ~n average at-
medical officer tendance of 307 boys, 220 girls &; 178 infants; Alfred Brown,
Temperance Hall, North street, Mrs. MarylaAnn West, master; Miss Amelia Hannah Roods, mistress; Miss
hall keeper Harriet Franks, infants' mistress
PUBLIC OFFICERS. West Ham Boa1'd, &hool (mixed), for 270 boys & 240 girls &;
Collector of Poor Rate6 for Plaistow, Archibald McDowall, infants (mixed), with an average attendance. of 200 boys &
Rushbrooke house, Barking road 220 girls & infants; Wm. John Pickworth, mas.. .e r ; Miss
Registrar of Bi1'ths ~ Deaths for West Ham m-district, Matilda Riley, mistress; Miss Rose Clark, assist. mistress
Rev. Rd. Wm. Bishop Marsh M.A. Prospect house. High st St. Mary's National (boys, girls & infants), St. Mary's lodge,
Relieving Officers for West Ham Union, No. 2 district, Fredk St. Mary's road; bnilt in r837, for 220 boys, 150 girls &
Geo. Burston, 8 Victoria road ; No. 3 district, Wm. Orme, 200 infants, with an average attendance of r80 boys, r30
Lena cottage, Stock street; No. ... district, Edwin Randall girls & r50 infants; William Gallop, master; Miss A. M.
Elliott, Bedford villa, Selwyn road Ledbur3', mistress; Miss Ste,·ens, infants' mistress
Bt• .A'Rdrew's National \mixed), St. Andrew's road, buil~ in CONVEYA:NC~.
1873, for 180 boys &; 180 girls &; infants (mixed), with an RAILWAY STATIONS:--.
average attendance ofI~5 boy!! &; 130 girls & infants; Charles Stati()fC, Toad, William Chalk, station master
Callis Vickery, master; M1'8. Miriam Harper, mist're8s Upton Park, Queen'. sq. F. G. Breedon, station master f

St. Peter's (girls &; infants), Petley road, for 120 girls & 200 To Poplar Railway Station, from' Abbey Armi,' Barking
infants, with an average attendance of 70 girls & 160 io- rollod, daily
fants; Miss Hannah Willies, mistress; Miss M. Fraucis, CARRIRRS TO LONDON-William Perry, daily; Jaroea
infants' mistress Leftley, from Barking, comel! through daily, except wed
PRIVA'r:B RESIDENTS. Earle Frank, 18 St. Andrew's road Mackinnon AndreWt J; Elm Tree villas,
Adams Mrs. Richd. 12 St. Andrew's I'd Eaton James, Park cottage, Junction I'd Balaam street , .
Adams W. Frome cottage, Balaam street Ebsworth Edward, 1 Crown villas, Mackrow George ColbYt Essex lodge,
Alexander Rev. David [Presbyterian]. I Greengate street Greengate street
Victoria villas, Cacil I'd. Upton manor Elden John Edward, 4 The Crescent, McLachlan David James, 2 Clifton vii·
Alexander William, 17 St. Andrew's I'd Upton manor las, Balaam street
Allison John Allison Zachariah, Gran- Ellis RoOOrt Owen, Marlboro' villa, Mainwood William,4 Herbert terrace,
ville, Selwyn road . Dacre road, Upton manor Grafton road south
Allwright WaIter, The Crescent, Upton Emery William, 13 Selwyn road Malim George Charles Edward, St.
manor Evanson Geo.IRaglan cot.Grafton I'd. 80 Dunstan's house, Balaam street
Anderson Miss, Balaam street T Evington Charles, Loft ho. New ;Barnst Marsh Rev. Richard William Bishop
Anderson 'fhomas. M.B. The Towers, Ewing James, 14 St. Andrew's road M.A.. [vicar of St. Mary's], Prospect
Queen's road Fairfax Henry, 2 Selwyn road house, High street .
Annstrong H. J. "10 Sehvyn road Fennell Rd. Thos. Alma vii. Barking I'd Martin Alfred Jackson,7 Church street
Ashley John Thos.5 Lee tel'. Barking I'd Fisher Mrs. BruDstock cot. Balaam st Massa Thomas, I I Balsam street.
Baird Samuel Craig, 7 The Crescent, Forster John, 19 North street Mead C. Sion villa, Barking road
Upton manor . Foster Rev. Josiah [Congregational], Milne John, 18 St. Andrew's road
&llardWm. ~ Herbert ter.Grafton Hazel house, Balaam street Mofflin Edward EIgar, 1 Upton vill~,
Banes G. E. Chestnut cottage, High st Fraser Daniel, 3 St. Andrew's road Stratford road, Park T
Barker Frederick G. I Selwyn road Furniss Wm. 3 Lorne tel'. Grafton rd. 80 Molenkamp Douwe, 3 Balaam street
Bamett Benjamin Longridge, Bleak Furssedonn Charles, I Park road Natzler Francis, 1I Selwyn road
house, Greengate street Geddes Christopher, ~ George cottages, Nethercot Hy.The Crescent,Uptonmanr
Bell Mrs. Aron cottage, Barking road Barking road Norman William Watson, 12 The Ores:-
Benham A. W.22 Howard's road Gillespie Rev. Robert Hope lBaptist], 7 cent, Upton manor . .
Biggs Harry P. 6 Chesterton crescent Abbey terrace, Barking road Obbard George Frederick, 4 Crown
Blackton Thos.The Crescent, Upton mol' Glover Henry, 8 St. Andrew's road villas, Greengate street
Blake Wm. 1 Grecian viis. Howard's rd Godsell Rev. George M.A. St. Andrew's Palmer In. ~ The Crescent, Upton roanr
Bofil J osph. 3 Herbert tel'. Grafton I'd. so vicarage, St. Andrew's road Parkin80n Henry, 13 The Crescent,
Bonner ~udson, Litchfield viI. Selwyn rd Grafton John Christopher, Herbert Upton manor
Boucher Frederick, Rugby viI. Selwyn I'd cottage, Grafton road 80uth Parks Stephen, 11 Park road
Bradbridge Elliott, S The Crescent, Grafton William Francis, Windmill Parsons John Frederick, I Richmon~
Upton manor ' cottage, Graftoft road south terrace, Balaam street
Brady John Howard, Howard villa, The Grew Thomas, Thomas viI. Northern rd Partner Rev. R. [Congregational], 8
Terrace Griffithll John, D'Urban hp. Stopford I'd Stopford road , .
Bragg Mrs. The Crescent, Upton manor Gurr Albert, 8 Abbey tel'. Barking road Paterson A. T. ~ Chesterton crescent
Brereton Mrs. 3 Chester ter. Pelly road Hackwell Wm. 8 Ashburton tel". High st Payne Robert, 14 Nut Tree terrace,
Bright Oharles James, .Waldon villa, Harrison William Thomas, 2 Elm Tree Broadway
Cecil road, Upton manor villas, Balaam street Payne William, 11 St. Andrew's road
Bromley Edwd. 12 Nut Tree tel'. Brdwsy , Ratton Robert P. 10 St. Andrew's road" Perfect Rev. Thomas, High street
Brook Wm. 3 Richmond tel'. Balaam st Henbeck Frederick Emanuel, 8 Lee Peterson John, Vine lodge, North street
Brooke James, 21 North street" terrace, Barking road Petrie Charles Adolphus, Derby villas,
Brown Alfred, 3 Lee terrace, Barking rd I Henley WilIiam Thomas, Chesterton Selwyn road .
Bullocke Gustavus Spieker, 5 St. An- house, Balaam street Phillips James, '15 St. Andrew's road
drew's road Hills Hom ce, Walpole bd. The Terrace Pickworth John William, I AlOOn villas,
Burgess James, I Howard's road Home D. M. 8 Selwyn road • The Terrace 1 ••
Button Hr. 2 Grecian viIs. Howard's td Hopper Edwin, 2 Chester tel'. Pelly road Playle ThOlll. I Dacre rd. Upton manor
Cameron Geo. 2 Lorne tel'. Grafton rd. so Horn Charles, I St. Goorge's villas, PoIson Bennett, 5 Howard '!J -road
Cameron John, 7 St. Andrew's road The Terrace Preston Arthnr, 7 Stopford road
Castle G. Holly house, Barking road Horwood Fdk4I'he Crescent,Upton mnl' Puzey Tom, 5 Stopford road
Chalk Edwd.The Crescent,Upton manor Howell John, Albion cot. Northern road Ramsay In. 3 AlOOrt viIs. The Terrace
Chapman Henry, 4 Chesterton road Howell William, 2 Park road Ramsden H. Grove house, High street
ChastonAlfred Herbert, 4 Lome terrace, U8wlett Mrs. 21 Balaam street Randall John, 4 Station road
Grafton road south Huff Geo. 5 St. George's vls. The Terrace Read Charles Edward C,E. 5 Queen's
Cleveland Jonas, lfield ho. Howard's rd Huggett George, Eastcott viI. Selwyn rd square, Upton park \ I

Clinch Thomas, 4 St. Andrew's road lnglis William Wesley, 4 St. George's Revitt Wm. ,I) Abbey tel'. Barking road
Coo Ernest James, 3 Selwyn road villas, The Terrace Reynolds Mrs. 4 Christendom place,
Cole James Jarvis, 10 Abbey terrace, treland Chs. F. 4 Rayleigh tel'. Upton pk Barking road
Barking road • Isbills James, 3 St. George's villas, The Richards Thomas, ~ Victoria villas,
Conroy Edward t 4 Lee ter. Barking I'd Terrace Cecil road, Upton manor
Coppen William, 3 Christendom place, James Edgar T. 3 Park road Richmond In. 4 Abbey tel'. Barking I'd
Barking road James Hy. 5 Herbert tel'. Gra£ton I'd. so Rivett William, 12 Park road
Cox Mrs. 2 Stacey villas, High street- Jeyes John, Richmond ho. Richmond st Robbins Jabn, 4 Stopford road
Crockett I. 13 St. Andrew's road I Kahl Albert, Prospect house, High st RoOOrtson Mrs. 1 Clifton vils.Balaam st
Curtis C. The Hall, Balaam street' Kendall John, 3 Howard's road Roote John, Hockley cott. Northern rd
Danaher Jas.Williams,Manor ho.High st Kennedy Alfred Edward, 71 Balaam st Ros8 RoOOrt, 6 Abbey tel'. Barking rd
Dal'ke Capt. William Leonard, The Kingsman Geo. I George cots.Barking rd R uffle John, 6 Stopford road
Willows, ~tratjord Park road Kirklan Rev. John [Wasleyan], Wesley Salter Mrs. 3 Station road
Davies John,I Herbertter.Grafton rd. so house, Selwyn road Sanderson Charles, I Stopford road
Davis James, 2 Stopford road Kitchener SamL 2 Lama tel'. Barking rd Sa"ill Richard. la Chesterton road
Day Hel'bert, Rose Vine villas, Dacre Lee Miss, Broadway house Schwazel' George, 9 Abbey terrace,
road, Upton manor Leeming J. u Chesterton crescent Barking toad
Deacon H. T. Rose cottage, Stopford I'd Leeming Thomas Henry, foI!-ee terrace, Scott William, S Park road \
Dennis Mrs. 7 Lee terrace, Barking road Barking road Seale Elijah John, 9 Balaam street
Donovan J. J .. 2O Howard's road Lewis Mrs. 10 Nut Tree tar. Broadway Seeley George, Elm Tree hQuse, Green·
Dove William, 9 St. Andrew's road . Lems William, Richmond villa, Rich. gate street
Drew Richard Phillips I.P, I North st mond street SeweIl Edward Wait, Rawstorne house,
DunfordRobert,Kennettcot.Barkingrd Loye Wm. 4 Dacre road, Upton manor Richmond street
Dutton Joseph, 3 Rayleigh tel'. Upton pk Mclnnes James, 6 Park road SeweIl Henry, Balaam street
Dyer William, 2 Albert viis. The Tetrace Mackay J ames, 68 Balaam street Sharp Thomas, I St. Andrew's road

Sharpe John Stephen, 6 Herbert ter- Taylor N. F. 2 St. Andrew's road Watson Misses, I Chester ter_ Pelly I'd
race, Grafton road south Thatcher Mannering, 12 Selwyn road Weathersby Joseph, Henry villa, Nor-
Sharpe Mrs. S Lorne tel'. Grafton I'd. sth Thomas John, 3 Abbey ter.Barking I'd thern road
Sharpe William A..ttenborough, Percy Thompson Joseph, ThQ Crescent, Up- Webb Mrl'l. Clyde house, Balaam street
villa, 8elwyn road ton manor Wellington Herbert Mortleman, Lame
Shaw Andrew, Lanra ho. Barking I'd Thompson Mrs. R. H. The Hermitage, house, Stopford road
Shelitoe Wm. HY.1Grafton road north St. Andrew's road Wells A. J. Linden cottage, Selwyu I'd
Sherlock Henry, 9 Park road Thomson Andrew, Liverpool lodge, Wentworth Stephen Thomas, 3 Cecil
Shorey Frederick William, Lime villa, Howard's road road, Upton manor .
New Burn street Thomson John Henderson, 6 Lee ter- Whalesley John, Sheffield house, Rich-
Simpson J oseph Simpson, Gladstone race, Barking road . mond street
villa, Selwyn road Timbrell Horatio,Stafford viI. Selwyn I'd Whitelegg Thomas, 6 The' Crescent,
Sims John, 3 North street Tomiins R. W. 10 Park road Upton manor
Smith William, Christendom house, James, '2 Christendom place, Whitelock J. I Cecilroll.d, Upton manor
Barking road , Barking road Woodforde. Alfred M.B. Richmond col-
Soulby Miss, The Hermitage, St. An- Tregerthen William, 4 Park road lege, High street
drew's road Trew Thomas Vernon, 3 Cecil road, Worts William John, 23 Balaam street
Spencer William Thomas, Oriental Upton manor Wilson Barry Watson,2 Aerial villas,
villa, Anne street Tricker Reuben, 10 The Crescent, Howard's road -,
Stanton J. 7 Chesterton crescent Upton manor· Wilson Charles Eustace, Milton cottage,
Stevens Thomas, 8 Chesterton crescent Troughton William Henry, I Lee ter- High street '
Stevenson John, 2 Richmond terrace, race, Barking road Wiltshire G. 20 St. Andrew's road
I ,
Balaam street Twiman Thos. I Stacey villas, High st Wise Thomas John, 19 Balaam street,
Stewart John,3 Crown villas, Green- Vause William, I Upton tel'. Church st. Wishart Mrs. Brooklyn house, High st
gate street . Vincent George, 75 Balaam street Wray Mark Thomas, The Crescent,
Strangeways Rev.James Michael Henry Vizer Mrs. 5 Station road Upton manor
M.A. [cnrate of St. Mary's],I1 The Walker Wm.Crichton,6 St.Andrew's I'd Wright George, 7 Selwyn road , '

Crescent, Upton manor Warmington Edwd.3 Stacey Tils.High st Wykes William, 7 Park road
SwiftEdwd. 8TheCrescent,Upton manor Watson Thomas Forsyth, 4 Chester Young Wm. Laurel house, Balaam at ,
Tarrant Isaac, 2 North street terrace, Pelly road Yonnger Rev. Thos.21 St. Andrew's I'd
. COIDIEIWIAL. Buttery George Eugene, corn chandler, 72 Balaam street
Abrey George, provision dealer, 18 Augur's cot. Barking I'd Byars William, baker, 70 High street ...
Adams & Glynes, mkt. gardeners, Morley's corner, Barking I'd Caines William Samuel, printer, I I St. Mary's tel'. Pelly I'd
Adams Daniel, shopkeeper, Howe road . Callaghan Henry & Co. benzoline refiners, Meredith street·
Aldridge Cornelius Frank, corn. traveller, I Richmond st Calley William & Thomas, brass & cock founders, Barking rd
Anderson Thomas M.B. physician & surgeon, The Towers, Calliford Charles, confectioner, 14 High street
Queen's road Cannon Daniel, grocer, Stratford road, Park.
Armsby J. B. baker, 5 Pelly road Cardinall William, grocer, 2 Richmond street .
Arnold Fred. Hamilton, outfitter, 5 Eliza tel'. Barking I'd Cardo J. & Sons, leather sellers, 9 Croydon tel'. Barking I'd
Arnold Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Southern road . Carlisle William, fruiterer, I Nevill's Market tel'. Barking I'd
Aughlie Henry, shopkeeper, 8r Tilbnry road Carter Henry, marsh bailiff to the essex sewers commis-
Avis William, beer retailer, 121 Tilbury road sioners, Bellis house, The Terrace .
Back Alfred, butcher, 6S Tilbury road Cassidy Michael, shopkeeper,46 Croydon road
Bailey Elizabeth & Mar)' (Misses), drapers, Market place, Castle Geo. & Co. grocers, 4 Nevill's Market ter. Barking rd
Balaam street Chace James, shopkeeper, 69 Whitwell road
Barber Thomas, shopkeeper, 30 St. Mary's road Chalk Arthur & Co. brick, lime & cement merchants, Rail-
Barker Alfred, oil & colorman, 6 Pelly road & 33 Balaam st way station
Barker Frederick Griffith!l, chemist, 8 Victoria tel'. High st Chalk William, station master, S Grafton Road north. .
Barnard Robert, pig dealer, 27 Charles street, Whitwell road Chandler George, marine store dealer, I I Prince's terrace .
Barnes Robert William, stationer, Stratford road, Park Charlton Harriett (Mrs.), bookhead band maker, Pelly road
Barrett Waiter John, dairyman, 49 Whitwell road Chart Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, Richmond street
Bass Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Newland tel'. Argyle st Cherry George, greengrocer, 26 Chesterton road
Batt William John, bedding manufacturer, 213 Western I'd Chilton Frederick, baker, 3 Victoria terrace, Barking rOttd
Beale Charles Daniel, bricklayer, Providence cot. Station I'd Clapperton William John, Railway tavern, IX Railway ter-
Beecroft Joseph, carpenter, Albert l:oad· , , race, Plaistow road .
Belcher Thomas, cowkeeper, 2 Charles street, Whitwell road Clark Josiah, shopkeeper, I Church lltreet
Benjamin Saul, boot maker, 31 Balaam street Clark William, tobacconist, 4 Victoria terrace, Barking road
Bennett James Thomas, beer retailer, l &: 2 Victoria ter- . Clayto"n James, cooper, :r Station road ' .
race, Barking road ' , Clement William, coffee house, I Alice cottages, Plaisoow rd
Bennett John, grocer, 2 Victoria terrace, Barking road Cocks & Bowen, pawnbrokers, High street
Bennett Josiah, beer retailer, Denmark street ' Cohu Thomas, Black Lion, wine & spirit merchant. &: ale &
Bentley Henry, dairyman, 2 Beaconsfield terrace, George I'd stout bottler, High street
Berry Alfred Charles, shopkeeper, 7 King street CokeI' Edward, cowkeeper, Greengate street
Bersant Richard, butcher, Jane street Cole William, wholesale confectioner &c. see' Miller & Cole '.
Bird Thomas, greengrocer, I Pelly road Coleman John, shopkeeper, 60 Balaam street
Blackman Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Adine road Cook Edgar Quinton, greengrocer, 39 High street
Bloomfield Israel; grocer, 3 Market place, Balaam street Cooper Charles, insurance agent, S Newland tel'. Argyle st
BIyth Emma (Mrs.), midwife, 3 Laura terrace, Barking road Cooper Charles, pork bntcher, I Plaistow place, High street
Boddy HenI'j", grocer & cheesemonger, 46 High street Cooper George, baker, 72 Balaam street
Bodkin Henry Walter, baker, 2 Victoria bldgs. Barking I'd Cooper George Joseph (Mrs.), fancy draper, 20 Balaam st
Bond George, plumber, 82 Tilbury TOad ' Cooper John William, coal merchant, Albert road
Bowen Richard, pawnbroker, see Cocks & Bowen Cooper John William Wild, shopkeeper, 48 Howard's road
Boythe Alfred, beer retailer, Samson street Cooper William, blacksmith, Milton street, Park
Rradfield John, oilman, 72 High street Cooper William Sutherland, shopkeeper, Argyle street .
Brand Joseph, boot maker, I Market place, Balaam street Cordery George, steam saw mills, Barking road & Star lane
Brown Emma (Miss), school, S Maud road, Park Cotgrove James, fishmonger, 7 Charlotte tel'. Barking road
Brown George, boot & shoe maker, I Brown's road Coulson John, beer retailer, 2 & 4 High street
, Brown John, draper, Olive hous~, Argyle street ' Cousins John, boot maker, 10 Beaumont road
Buckingham Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 Park terrace, St. Cox Jane Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, I Tilbury road
Mary's road Cox Thomas, academy, I Tilbury road
Budgett John Alfred HenrY,surgeon, I Queen's sq. Upton pk Craig Thomas, estate· agent, 26 Croydon road
Buller William, greengrocer, I Eliza terrace, Barking road Crick Stephen, shopkeeper, I Frank street
Bunyard Frederick, butcher, 2 Pelly road Cripps George, butcher, 13 Auckland terrace, Tilbury road
Burstow Frederick George, relieving officer, 2nd district Crozier Timothy, inspector of police, Police statn. Barking I'd
West Ham union, 8 Victoria road Cubbins Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 AlOOrt terrace,
Burton Obadiah, butcher, 40 Balaam road Prince Regent's lane
Burwood Samuel, greengrocer, 9 Howe road Cullemore William George, tobacconist, 38 Balaam street
Bush Henry, oil & colorman, Prince's terrace Curtis Robert Leabon, auctioneer, The Broadway
CurIe Philip Henry, shopkeeper, IS King street Goodridge Fredk. shopkeeper, 5 Castle terrace, Barking road
CUl'wen John &; Sons, music printers &; bookbinders, North st Gornell Frances (Mrs.), dyer &;cleaner, High street
Dadd Frederick, cabinet maker, 4 George's ter. Barking rd Gostling James, shopkeeper, Market place, Balaam street
Daisley Mary Ann (Mrs.), fried fish shop, 68 Whitwell road Gover C. M. (Mrs.), ladies' school, 4 CecH road, Upton manor
Dallistone John, cowkeeper, 2 Warmington street Gowers Joseph, shopkeeper, 3 Victoria road, Barking' road
Danaher James William, surgeon, Manor house, High street Grafton Henry George, builder, Pelly road
Darby Edward Woolward, beer retailer, 10 Kellanel's road Graham George, A bbey A mu, Barkiug ~ad
Davies Jabez, grocer, High street Grantham John, shopkeeper, 8 Railway tel'. Plaistow road
Davis Henry, cowkeeper, 21 Abbey street Graves William, boot &; shoe maker, Greengate street
Davie John, shopkeeper, Denmark street Gray Elizabeth (Mrs.), coffee house, 6 High street
Davy Henry, chemist, I Victoria buildings, Barking road Gray Thomas, greengrocer, I Philip street, King street
Dawkins Joseph, painter, &ale street north Green Charles, hairdresser, I Market terrace, Balaam street
Day & Thomas, pawnbrokers,s Croydon terrace, Barking rd Grew Susannah (Mrs.), drawing inst. ma. 5 Libra rd. Park
Day Charles, coffee tavern, Pelly road Gritfiths John, boot maker, New Barn street
Day Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Victoria road Griggs Richard, boot maker, Denmark street
Dean Thomas, shopkeeper, 60 Croydon road Uroves John, builder, 1 Howard's road
DelleI' Elzbth. (Mr8.), beer retlr. 8 Victoria bldgs. Barkingrd Hackwell Wm. & Co. engineers &; soap makers, Plaistow rd
Dempsey John, cowkeeper, 3 Victoria road, Barking road Hale SI. wine &; spirit dealer, 6 Victoria terrace, Barking rd
Dennis Charles, grocer, The Cyprus, Barking road Hallett Wm. greengrocer, Market place, Stratford rd. Park
Dennis James, draper, 8 Prince's terrace Hammett Benjamin &I Lewis, pawnbrokers, 8 Charlotte
Dennis Spencer, lIhopkeeper, Whitwell road terrace, Barking road
Dever80n Arthur Willia~ shopkeeper, Grayton road north Hammond Chas. shopkeeper, 17 St. Ann's cottages, Grangerd
Dibel John, greengrocer, 39 James street Hammond Harriet (Miss), shopkeeper, I Radnorstreet
Disley Wm. Chiverton, bird stuffer, 5 Market pI. Balaam st Handley Alice (Miss), shopkeeper, 5 Beaumont road
DOOge Charles, greengrocer, 7 Victoria buildings; Barking rd Hands William, ironmonger, 58 High street
Donovan William, greengrocer, 16 Balaam street Hansen John, fishmonger, 65 Balsam street
Dowles Thomas, boot maker, 4 George street Hardisty Edward, butcher, Richmond street
Drane Henry Joseph, grocer, London road Harrington George, oilman, Barking road
Draper Edward, marine store dealer, 45 Webb street Harrison Edward William, haberdasher, 44 High street
Drawater William, boot &; shoe maker, 2 St. James's terrace, Hatch William, beer retailer, Jane street
Stratford road, Park Hay Henry, insurance agent, 3 Chesterton crescent
Drummond Wm. Maron, tobacconist, 2 Plaistow pI. High 8t HaybaU Simeon ThOB. boot maker, 3 Victoria ter. Barking rd
Dunn Henry, shopkeeper, 8 Albert terrace, Prince Regent's la Hayer William, tobaccouist, 16 Stanley street
IJurable Boot Co. 2 Victoria buildings, Barking road Hayes Thomas, butcher, 4 Victoria buildings, Barking road
Eames George, watch maker, 2 Eliza terrace, Barking road Haynes Waiter, tripe dresser, Fir Tree cottage, Barking road
Earl John, hassock maker, 20 Broadway Beaken George, stevedore, 3 Grafton road, South road
Ea." Lonium Cemetery (Edward Little, manager &; see.; Rev. Heaton Henry, oil & colorman, Fulwell house, Barking rd
George Godsell :M.A. Church of England; Rev. T. J. R. Hempel Alexander, stevedore, 3 Gordon street
Temple, Congregational; Rev. James Gritfith, Baptist, Henbeck Frdk. Emanuel, surgeon, 8 Cise ter. Barking road
chaplains) ; Grange road Hendlt"y WilIiam, shopkeeper, 8 Kelland's road
Easterford George, coal dealer, Stratford road, Park Benson Wm. Castle taIJtrn,Barkingrd. &;L01'd Raglan,High st
Eastwick William, greengrocer, 4 Plaistow place, High street Heward John, boot maker, 48 High street
Edey William Robert, shopkeeper, 47 Webb street Hewitt Charles William, provision dealer, 47 Grange road
Edridge William, grocer, 14 Balsam street Hewitt John, plasterer, 8 Norfolk crescent, St. Mary's road
Elliott Edwin Randall, relieving officer for West Ham union, Hibbs Charles, builder, Liverpool house, Balaam street
No. 4 district, Bedford villa, Selwyn road, Upton manor Higgins Richard Abrabam, (..'onfeetioner, 6 Prince's terrace
Ellis Henry, builder, Frank house, Frank 2ltreet Higgs Samuel, Old GreyhQund, Balaam street
Ellis John, builder, 10 Grange road Bill Henry, shopkeeper, 4 Brook's road
Engelhart Rugo, hair dn-"sser, 7 Croydon terrace, Barking rd Hill William, Libra Arms, Stratford road., Park
Evans Henry Griffithe. stone &; marble mason, 36 King's Hind Manha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Upper road
road, Upton park Hindes Chas.James Robt.gasfitter,9 Charlotte tel'.Barking rd
Evans Thomas, beer retailer, I Victoria terrace, High street Hindes Charles John Roben, beer retailer, Anne street
Evans Thomas linen draper, Abbey house &; 4 Victoria Hislop James, baker, I~ Balaam street
buildings, Barking road Hitchen James, cowkeeper, Greengate street
Falkus Rd. Uriah, shorthand writel', I Elm vil. Greengate st Hoffmann Lewis, mast. mariner, 2 Raglan cot.Grafton rd. 8th
I<'aroell Charles, baker, 1 Croydon place, Barking road Holgate James Henry, shopkeeper, Browns road
Faulkner John, shopkeeper, lA, Kent street • Holmes William, nurseryman, High street
Fells James, shopkeeper, 18 St. Ann's cottages, Grange road Holton John, shopkeeper, Junction road
Felton Charles, cowkeeper, Surrey street Hom~ for IJestitute Little Girls (Miss Jane Lee, founder &;
Felton Charles, jun. firewood dealer, Surrey 8treet superintendent), Broadway house
Filley Thomas Samuel, shopkeepel'. 35 King street Horner Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist,Market pI.Stratford rd.Park
Finter John, shopkeeper, 69 Balaam street Howe John, hosier, 5 Victoria buildings, Barking road
Ford Samuel, grocer, 26 High street Howlett James, builder, 21 Balaam street
Fowler Hy. Wm. oil &; colorman, Croydon place, Barking rd Hudson Joseph, beer retailer &; shopkeeper, :I Grange road
Francis George, corn chandler, 133 Balaam street Hudson Miles, builder, Western road
Freeman Edwd.James, shopkeeper, :I Grange tel'. Grangerd Hughes Henry, grocer, Stratford road, Park
French Lewis, ironmonger, 3 Charlotte ter. Barking road Bull Samuel, boot & shoe maker,s Broadway
Freshwater William, Earl Derby, London road Hull Samuel, jun. shopkeeper, 10 Howe road
Frost Thomas Henry, cowkeeper,68 Howard's road Inns Thomas, tobacconist, 3 Castle terrace, Barking road
Frye Frederick Charlwood, grocer, see Leverett &; Frye Ireland Mary Jane (Mrs.), FOl'est~l's' hotel, Whitwell road
Fulcher Edward, builder, contractor &; joiner, London road Irons James William, beer retailer, New Barn street
Gallop M. (Mrs.), school, 9 Selwyn road Irons Robert, shopkeeper, Denmark street
Gardiner Henry, chimney sweeper, North street Ivory John, market gardener,s Church street
GardiRer Rd. Filmer, teacher of music, Albert vil.Barking rd Jacobs James William, shopkeeper, Milton road, Park
Garrad James, pork butcher, 131 Balaam street Jeans Samuel, coffee house, 7 Station road
Garrod J ames, stone &; marble mason, Grange road Jennings In. farm blLiliff to the Bermerside estate,Barkingrd
Goory Charles, builder, 8 Station road Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Co. Limited, also creosote
Gebbett John James, cowkeeper, 29 Anne street manufacturers, disil'lfeotant soap works, Richmond street
Gibbs Richard, oil &; colorman, St. Mary's road Johnson Philip, china &; glass dealer, a Nevill's Market
Gibbs Thomas Robert, marine store dealer, Victoria road terrace, Barking road
Gibbs Wm. greengrocer &; jobmaster, 2 Market ter.Balaam st Johnston Henry, lime &; cement. merchants, Ashburton
Gilbert J oseph &; Sons, builders, 2 Libra road, Park terrace, High street
Gillord Edward,~m. trav. 2 Crown villas, Greengate street Jones George, baker, London TOad
Goote1' Robert, beer retailer, 1 Grange villas, Grange road Jones Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Argyle street
Golding Eccles, police inspector, Police station, Barking road Kebbell James, boot & shoe manufacturer, 5 Victoria
Gomm William, shopkeeper, Jane street buildings, Barking road
Goodchild George Charles, plumber, Balaam street Keen thomas Edward, builder, Howe road
Goodman Charles, market gardener, Greengate street Kemp William, oil & colorman, 9 Queen's sq. Upton park
Kennedv J. B. & A. E. surgeons, Balaam street Nurse Edward James, furniture dCf\ler, 67 High lltree1;
Kerslake Thomas, baker & corn chandler, I Devonshire O'Brien John, boot & shoemaker, Graftonroad south
place, Barking road . Ockley John, oil & colorm:!m, 9 Victoria terrace, High street
Kidd George Watson, T1'ossachs hotel, Barking road Orme WiIliam, relieving officer, West Ham union, No. 3
Kidder Mary Eliza (Miss),ladies' school, 3 Church street district, Lena cottage, Stock street
Killham Jas. boot & shoe maker, 3 Railway ter. Plaistow rd Ovenden Fredk. John, watch ma. I Railwayter. Plaistow rd
Killick Henry, dairyman, 8 Queen's square, Upton park Paddick John, shopkeeper, Beale street north
Kingsland Thomas, baker, Milton road, Park Page Joseph Comley, linen draper,6& 7 Queen's sq.Uptonpk
Kingsman William John, beer retailer, 137 Balaam street Palmer Henry John, oil & colorman, 2 Pelly road
Lamb Nichol~Henry,draper,37 High street Palmer John, shopkeeper, Greengate street
Largie Samuel James, grocer, Market place, Balaam street Parker Henry, fancy stationer, 18 Balaam street
Lawrence George, dyer, 6 Victoria buildings, Barking road Parker Henry, eating house, 7 Victoria terrace, Barking rd
Lawrence James William, carver & gilder, Milton st. Park Parkinson John, beer retailer, Denmark street
Lawrence Thomas John, cowkeeper, Anne street Parnwell John Benson, builder, contractor & steam sawing
Laws James, coal dealer, 13 Charles street mills & joinery works, Whitwell road
Ledger John, plasterer, Stratford road, Park Patmore Henry, butcher, Stratford road, Park •
Legg David, Green Gate, Greengate street Patrick John, greengrocer, 30 Newton's terrace, St. Mary's rd
Lester Edward, builder, veJiletian blind manufacturer &c. 7 Paulter Richard, greengrocer, 9 Station road
Alice cottages, Plaistow road Payne Edward, shopkeeper, 21 Webb street
Leverett & Frye, grocers & wine & spirit merchants & Payne In. Bale,oil & colorman, 4 James' ter.Stratford rd.Park
agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, I Pearce Richard, shopkeeper, 5 Victoria terrace, Barking road
Croydon terrace, Barking road; & at 10 Conningham ter- Pearman Geo. Hy. dining rooms, 4 Charlotte ter. Barking rd
race, Uxbridge road, Shepherd's bush w.; & The Parade, Pearson George, grocer, 62 High street
North Finchley n Peck Robert, provision & coal dealer, 67 Northern road
Lewis Charles, builder, Walnut house, Balaam street Pedrick Andrew, chimney sweeper, Milton road, Park
Lewis Charles Jas. tobacconist, 5 Victoria terrace, High st Pendred Samuel, shopkeeper, 4 Radnor street
Living Charles, grocer, Cross street Peploe George, marine store dealer, 29 Balaam street
Lockridge Samuel, dairyman, 6 Adine road Perry Stephen, photographer, 19 Abbey street
Longhurst James, greengrocer, 47 Whitwell road Perry William, carrier & cab proprietor, Albert road
Loveridge George Staple, butcher, 2 Queen's sq. Upton pk Pettit & Co. boot & shoe warehouse, Market pI. Stratford rd
Low Mary Ann (Mrs.),cow~eeper,25 Balaam street Pettitt J n. sewing machine agent,3 Hook End cot. Barking rd
Low Wm. Jas. cattle dealer, Rose cottage, Greengate street Phair John, shopkeeper, 12 Radnor street
Lumbach Wm. pork butcher, 2 Croydon terrace, Barking rd Pilgrim Abel, Lamb tavern, Milton road, Park
Lungley David, bookseller & news agent, railway station Pinkhurst Emma (Miss), dress maker, Albert road
Lungley William, furniture remover, Sweet street Plaisto1o Dispensary (A. E. Kennedy L.R.C.P. Edin. & R. J.
Lunn Maria (Mrs.),.shopkeeper, Brown's road Carey, medical officers; C. E. Wilson, sec.), Balaam street
McDowall Archibald, collector of poor rates for Plaistow, Pledge & Lloyd, butchers, I Victoria buildings, Barking road
Rushbrooke house, Barking road Plumridge Frederick, draper, 3 Selbourne terrace, Tilbury rd
McMillan John, shopkeeper, Stratford road, Park Pollett Ellen (Mrs.), ladies' school, Toft lodge, Howard 1"oad
Magrath Thomas Carlton, master mariner, 7 Ashburton Pool Richard, greengrocer, 135 Balaam street
terrace, High street Poole George, tailor, 28 High street
Mann & Benford, emery cloth manufacturers, Kelland's rd Poplar Fever 4" Smallpox Hospital (William Wickman, sur-
Mannering Jane (Mrs.), book & tract depot, 38 Jane street geon), Western road
Mansell Thomas, shopkeeper, 21 Howe road Postance George, shop & office fitter, 71 Queen's road; &
Marriott George, greengrocer, ~ Grange road tobacconist, 5 Queen's square, Upton park
Marsh Rev. Richard William Bishop M.A.. registrar of Potter Arthur William, baker, 10 Prince's terrace
births & deaths for West Ham sub-district, Prospect Potter William Samuel, chemist, &post office, 64 High street
house, High street Potton WaIter George, shopkeeper, Milton road, Park •
Marsh Thomas, bookseller, 5 Charlotte terrace, Barking rd Poulter William, oil & colorman, High street
Marsh William, beer retailer, 52 Balaam street Powney George, joiner, 5 Chesterton crescent
Martin Alfred Jackson, architect, 7 Church street Prictor Samuel, builder, 128 Tilbury road
Martin Francis, corn dealer, 2 Constance street Priest Samuel, market gardener, St. Mary's road
Maskell John James, butcher, 60 High street Probert William, earthenware dealer, 4 Upper road
Maskell Sarah (Miss), confectioner, 54 High street Prosser Evan, builder & china, glass &c. dealer I, &; furniture
Mason George Holt, printing ink manufacturer, Anne street dealer 2, Charlotte terrace
Mason Thomas 1Yilliam, grocer, I Broadway Radburn Joseph, Prince f?f Wales, 64 Tilbury road
Massa Thomas, architect & surveyor, 11 Balaam street Radley Samuel, blacksmith, Denmark street
Mathews Thomas, shopkeeper, New Barn street Randall Peter, shopkeeper, Western road
Matthews Henry William, plasterer, Grafton road south Rayment William, carman, I Hook End cottages, Barking I'd
Matt.ock George, butcher, Stratford road, Park Read & Co. grocers, 7 Victoria terrace, High street
Mears John, stone & marble mason, Jane street Read Chas. Edward, civil engineer, 5 Queen's sq. Upton park
Mellin Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Abbey street Read George, estate agent, 51 Tilbury road
Miller & Cole, wholesale confectioners, George street Reed Thomas, thatcher, Church street •
Miller Alfred John, grocer, 61 & 63 Tilbury road Reggis Morris, shopkeeper, 2 Upper road
Millett Thomas Philadelphia, Earl of Beaconsfield, Grange rd RegiIl-, hair dresser, I Upper road
Mills Alonzar, mrkt. grdnr. Cumberland farm, New Barn st Reynolds Edward, tobacconist, I Station road
Minns Wallis, shopkeeper, 20 St. Mary's road Richards Ann (Mrs.), corn chandler, 2 Victoria tel'. High st
Minter Frederick Villiers. cowkeeper, Beale street north Ridgwell William, greengrocer. Stratford road, Park
Mitchell John, gasfitter, Charlton street, Park Ring George Edward, chimney sweeper,3 King street
Moore John, greengrocer, Whitwell road Robinson llenjamin George, beer retailer, Beale street north
Morris John, bookseller & news agent, 10 Pelly road Robinson Christopher, builder, Wingfield lodge, Balaam st
Morrison Chas. Sutton, watch & clock ma. Grafton rd. south Robinson Stephen, greengrocer, 125 Tilbury road
Moss Thomas, marine store dealer, u8 Balaam street Robinson William, shopkeeper, 52 Constance street
Moxam George, shopkeeper, I Jane street Rochester James, oilman, 8 Grange road .
Moxon William, stationer, 3 Victoria buildings, Barking road Rock Henry Martin, china, glass & earthenware dealer, 10
Mullaly Patrick, cowkeeper, Surrey street Queen's square, Upton park
Muller Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 Maud road, Park Rogers Harry, pig dealer, Denmark street •
14usson Alfred, fruiterer, 4 Abbey street Rogers William Henry, oilman, 4 Victoria ter. Barking road
Nash William, shopkeeper, 69 High street Roote Mary (Mrs.), baker, Whitwell road
Neall Joseph, cowkeeper, 47 Balaam street Rose, Smith & Co. timber merchants, Richmond street
Nevill Frederick Sampson, butcher, 5 Nevill's Market Rowe James Stanley, fishmonger, 8 High street
~rrace, Barking road; & cowkeeper, Outram street Royston James, hosiar, 12 Pelly road
Newson ~muel, oilman, I St. George's terrace, Barking rd Ruffle John, analytical chemist, Stopford road
~ewton John, fishmonger, 4 Market place, Balaam street Russell Constant Eli7.abeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,S Pelly road
Nicholls John. greengrocer, 3 Victoria terrace, High street St. Dunstan'~ Club tf Institute (G. C. E. Malim, president;
Noms Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 3 NeviIl's Market terrace, Edward White, secretary), St. Dunstan's house, Balaam it
Barking road Sansom William, greengrocer, 2 Prince's terrace
'Yorth Eugene, dairyman, 50 High street Sawyer Thomas Charles, beer retailer, 58 Croydon road
Salmen Samuel & Son, timber, bricks, tiles, slates, drain i Thomas William, pawnbroker; see Day & Thomas
pipes, lime, cement, yorkshire stone, staffordshire goods Thomp80n Joseph, chandler's shop, 9 Brown's road ,
& terra cotta merchants, Railway station, London road. Thompson William, baker, 4 Castle terrace, &rking road
See advertisement ThreadwellAlfd.Jn.writer & grnr.2 Rayleigh vls.Barking rd
Schmidt Charles, baker, Whitwell road Thurston James, boot maker,4- Victoria terrace, High street
Scott, Scott & C(}. file manufacturers, Richmond street Thurston John, boot maker, 5 Argyle street
Scott John, fishmonger, 3 Plaistow place, High street Tonic Sol-Fa Press (In. Curwen & Sons, prs). North at
Scott Robert James, cowkeeper, St. Mary'a road Trader John, butcher, 3 Grange road
Sea.rle Richard, dairyman, 12 Prince's terrace Tredwen Charles G. Old Coach t!" Hor.~es, 3 Broadway
SeweIl Edwd. Wait, lead & glass mer. 6 Castle ter. Barkingrd Trevethan John, linen draper, 6 Victoria terrace, High st
Sexton John, baker, & post office, I St James'terrace, Strat- Trew Goorge Archibald, Lord Nelson, Pelly road
ford ~oad, Park Trice Henry, shopkeeper. Whitwell road
Seyfried Christian, marine store dealer, :I Woodbine cot- Tricker Lydia (Mrs.). ladies' school. 10 The Crescent,
. tages, Samson street Upton manor
Slielitoe Kennett George, grocer, Market pl.Stratford rd.Park Trundle & Co. chemists, 10 Charlotte terrace, Barking road
Sheppard James Goorge, whip thongma. 6 & 7 Libra. rd.Park Turner Frank, house decorator, 26 Howard road
Sheraton J. G. inspector of pGlice, Police station, Barking rd Turner Frederick Charles, builder, Broadway
Shergold Jamel!l Thomas, quarter-master-sergeant, Holly Turner Joseph, draper, Victoria house, Barking road
cottage, Barking Foad Upton Park Estate Office (William Pettit, commissionaire
Short Rebecca (Mrs.), pig dealer, 43 Warmington street in charge), I King's road, Upton park
Shrimpton Elizabeth (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, High st Verney Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 32 Jane street
Simmonds William, grocer.4 Croydon terrace, Barking road Vincent John, tobacconist, 4- Grange road
Simmons William Henry, Lord Stanley, St. Mary's road Viney Lizette (Miss), dress maker, Albert road
Simpson Charles, shopkeeper, 4 Beaconsfield ter. Grange rd Wagstaff Henry, butcher, 6 Cro~'don terrace, Barking road
Slade Thomas, laundry, Pelly road . Wagstaff James, Northumberland Arms, Barking road
Slater (John), Son & Slater, silk manufacturers, West Ham Waits Ge(}rge, chemist, 2 Goorge's terrace, Barking road
silk mills, Argyle street Walker WiLliam, insurance agt. 5 Clydesdale ter. Beaufoy rd
Smith W. & Son, undertakers, XI North street & High street Wallis Alex. inspector of police, Police statIOn, Barking road
Smith Alfred, butcher, Broadway; & nurseryman, Eastern rd Wal':lley William, builder, Vine cottage, road
Smith Caroline Ann, J utili. Vernon & Agnes Septima (Misses}. Warne WaIter, watch maker, 6 Charlotte terrace, Barking rd
ladies' school, I Balsam street Warren James, provision dealer, 8 Alice cots. Plaistow rd
Smith Elizabeth Annie (Miss), fishmonger,S Prince's terrace Washington Wm. beer retailer & shopkpr. Brooks I'd. Park
Smith Goorge Alfred, miller & corn merchant, B6rking Road I Watkins James, fishmonger, 46 Webb street "
granary & 2 Kelland's road Watkins John, shoeing smith, New Barn street
Smith Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 3:I James street Wat80n Victorine (Mrs.), pig dealer, 2 Woodbine cottages,
Smith John, tobacco pipe, 3 Prince's terrace Samson street
Smith Thomas Bidney, beer retailer, 1 Constance street , Wat80D William, tobacconist, 3 Market terrace, Balaam at
Smith William, butcher, Stratford road, Park Watts Alfred, plasterer, Western road
Smith William, shopkeeper, 54 Howard road Webb George, fancy stationer, :I Carlton terrace,Barkingrd
Smithers Charles, venetian blind maker, Upper road Welham Charles, hair dresser, 12 High street
Snell George, boot maker, Librp. road, Park Wells Alfred, ginger beer maker, Stratford road, Park
Soloman John, greengrocer, 85 Croydon road Wells Richard, fancy repository, High street
~tephensJas.drawinginstrumentmaker,Stratfordroad,Park Wells William, french polisher, 98 'filbury road
Stevens Elizabeth (Mrs.), earthenware dealer, 2 Station road West Ham 4- Barking Brickfield DJ. Limited (Thomas
StevenS{)n James, baker, Denmark street . Sharp, secretary), Broadway
Stewart Thomas Frederick, builder, London road West Ham Small Pox Hospital" (John Moir L.R.C.P. Edin.
Stickland Charles, grocer, Market house, Barking road i oilk med. offr.; Mrs. Caroline Dodson, matron), Western rd
colorman, Barking road; &ironmonger, Victoria. buildings, Whatnell Thos. licensed hawker, Rugby cottage, Howe rd
Barking road Wheeler George Frederick, boot maker, 3 Church street
Stillwell Henry, shopkeeper, 3 Libra road, Park Whistler J. B &. Son, corn merchants, High street
Stockdale Samuel, beer retailer, Broadway White William, carpenter, 5 Chester terrace, Pelly road
Stokes Peter, wheelwrights 10 Balaam street White Wm. horse dealer & aowkeeper, Greengate street
Stoner Charles, shopkeeper 14, & carpenter 28, Howard rd White William R. butcher, 6 Victoria buildings, Barking rd
Strutt Edwin, gas fitter,s Church street I Wilkins Arthur, beer retailer, I Pelly road ,
Strutt Hy. ham & beef dealer, 2 Devonshire place, Balaam st Wilkins James, picture frame maker, ~tratford road, Park
Strutt John, saddler &; harness maker~ 24 High street Williams John, shopkeeper, Western road
Styles Henry, draper, Stratford road, Park Willoughby John, hosier, 8 Croydon terrace, Barking road
Suckling Sarah AnD (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Pelly road, Wilsher Isase. chandlers' shop, 26 Warmington street
SyerJames Fredk. tobacconist, 2 Railway tel'. Plaistow road WilS{)n Charles Eustace, solicitor, Milton cottage, High at
Tabor William Burls, baker, High street Window Samuel, baker &. grocer, 80 Tilbury road
.Taffs Ellen & Deborah (Misses),dress makers, 16 High street Winkfield John Thomas, shopkeeper, 27 Balsam street
Ta:ffs Henry, dyer & cleaner, 16 High street Wood John, beer retailer, 1 Grafton road north
Tagwood Etlther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 Croydon road Wood WaIter, carman, 5 St. Mary's terrace, Pelly road
Tanner William, shopkeeper,9 Prince's terrace Wood Wm. bldg. material dlr. Hampden cottage, Barking rd
Tatlock Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' school, 23 Queen'll rd. Upton pk Woodcock Clarence Corti, house decorator, 13 Prince's ter
Taylor Charles, linen draper, 3 Croydon terrace, Barking I'd Woodforde" Alfred III.B. surgeon, Richmond cottage, High at
Taylor Edwin, beer retailer, 24 Wannington street Woodward Wm. Robert, china & glass dealer, Richmond st
Taylor ~eorge, builder,s Goorge's terrace, Barking road Woolridge Martha (Misl'). news agent, 5~ High street
Temperance Hall (Mr& Mary Ann West, keeper), North st Working Men's Club (J. S. Chapman, sec.), London road
Theobald William, fishmonger, 56 High street Wyatt HenI1·. builder, 8 Balaam street
Thodey & Son, copperplate printers, 64 & 66 Balaam street Yallop Wm. stationer & bkslr. 3 Devonshire pt Balaam st.
Thomas John, shopkeeper, Denmark street Young Frederick George, .shopkeeper, 22 Balsam street I
PLESHEY is an ancient town, consisting chiefly of a long Nicholas: the tower and transepts of the existing church
..treeb of. .small houses and, notwithstanding its present of Holy Trinity are the mutilated remains of a fine cruciform
mean condition, was once a place of great impGrtance and double-aisled church, of Late Decorated character, which
the seat of the High Constables of England from the earliest belonged jointly to the parish and to a college of nine
institutiOll of that office till nearly four centuries after the priests, founded here by Thomas of Woodstock,6th son 'Of
Conquest: it is situate. on B small feeder of -the Chelmer, in Edward HI. in 1393 and endowed by him with the titheB:
the Western division of the county, Dunmow bundred, the college fell with the lesser monasteries in 1536, when
Chelmsford llIlion and county conrt district, I'ural deanery the revenues were £143 12S. 3d. and of severclor marble
of Roding, archdeaconry of Esses and diocese.of st. Albans, tombs of the family of the foundel'. which enriched the
8 miles north"wesl1lrom -Chelmsford station, 7 80uth-east chancel, only three or four slabs stripped of their brasses
from DnnmO'W ~d 37 from -London. The :first parish church remain: little was left. of the stroeture in the timeof Comp"
d :Pleshey W88 consecrated and .endowed between a244 and ton; Bisbop of London, who built ... .small nave ()!\ itl ruins
;j[25~, in the time ~f the good Earl of HerefoM,:,cbeaides the in 1708 and a chancel W88 added about forty years afier br
old church there we~ two. chapels, one within the astle Samuel Tufnell esq. which is adorned with mural monn-
and the other attached. tQ the churea''dedicated to- ·S~ menta of his family, he-aIsa repaired the. tower, re-calt the
5 bells and hung them anew. The church was completely Eleanor,daughterofJoan,widowofHump)n-ey,EarlofHereforo,
restored by J. J. 'rufnell esq. aud the late vicar, at a cost of Essex and Northampton and was here basely arrested,
£3,000 and contains three stained windows, the large west hurried to the Thames, put on shipboanl and conveyed to
window being a memorial placed there at the expense of the Calais, where after a short imprisonment he was murdered,
parishioners in remembrance of their late vicar. There is through the treadlery of his nephew, King Richard IL
an old churchyard, now desecrated, in which the parish Here also, in 1400, John Holland, Earl of Exeter, was
church stood before the college was built. The register beheaded by the populace, in revenge for his share in Prince
dates from the year 1656. The living is a vicarage, yearly Thomas'murder. The materials of the. castle, which after
value £145 with r.esidence, in the gift of J. J. Tufnell esq. his death fell to decay, were used about 1600 to build the
and held by the Rev. James Hales DOllner, Theo. Associate of lodge, which in its turn was taken down in x767: the vast
King's College, London. The Dean and Chapter of West- earthworks, the mount, with its singular bridge and the
minster are the impropriators of a portion of the tithes. two moats, still attest the ancient grandeur and strength of
The town was anciently called Tumbelstoun, 01' the town of the castle. The manor became part of the Duchy of Lan-
the Tumuli and here it is supposed was formerly a Roman caster in 1521 : three farms, constituting two-thirds of the
camp: the remains of a strong fortress erected by the parish, belong to J. J. Tufnell esq. The soil is a chalky
Normans still exist and are attributed, with some probability, clay, with flints and chalk fossils. The chief crops are wh6llot,.
to Geoffrey de Magnaville, Earl of Es!!ex, who, as possessor barley and oats. The area is 726 acres, 627 being arable;
of this place, held by repute the office of Great Constable of I rateable value £1,269; and the population in 1881 was 302.
England; he was slain in II44, at the siege of Burwell PLESHEY BURY lies to the west; RAWFUL GREEN is halt
Castle, but his third son William, eventually inheriting the a mile north-east; LINKTAIL GREEN, :r mile north-east;
estate, obtained a licence from Henry Il. to fortify his castle HARVEYs, x mile north-west.
at Pleshey, which continued to be the seat of the High Con- Pa1-ish Clerk, David Harman.
stables of England till some time after 1400: he died in POST OFFICE.-Joseph Deamer, receiver. Letters through
II89: the keep of this castle is elliptical in form and haS Chelmsford. Arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched 6 p.m. The
It circumference of 890 feet; the vallum with a noble foss, nearest money order & telegraph office is Great Waltham
is in part very perfect, and the four roads leading into the Parochial Mixed School, built with mistress' house in 1872
camp can be easily traced. Here dwelt Thomas de Wood- at the expense of J. J. TurneIl esq. with an average
stock, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Edward Ill. who I attendance of 50 & is supported by voluntary subscripo
came into pol'lsession of this estate by his marriage with tion; Miss Gowen, mistress
Donner Rev. James Hales T.A.K.C.L. Deamer Joseph, grocer & draper Matthews John R. farmer, The Mount
Vicarage Dowsett Herbt. frmr.& Indownr.Park fm Owers George, boot & shoe maker
. COMMERCIAL. Everitt Charles, farmer Philpott Chas. shoe maker & beer retlr
Bohannan Geo. White Horse, & builder Everitt Stephen, maltster Quilter Philip, farmer & horse dealer
Campen John, carpenter Harmond Charles, bricklayer Quilter Philipjun. farmer,Plesheybury
Darby Thomas Churchman, farmer & Hasler William, blacksmith Rayment John, butcher
engineer, Lodge farm Hitching George, farmer, Linstead farm Saltmarsh Rayment S. boot maker
PURLEIGR is a village and parish, situated upon an principallandowllers. The soil is a heavy loam; subsoil,
eminence: the scenery around it is bold and romantic, the heavy loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats,
land undulating and from every point there .are extensive with some pasture land. The area is 5,578 acres; rateablE\
views; it is 4 miles south from Maldon,44 from London and value, £6,954 7S.; and the population in 1881 was 822.
10 south-east from Chelmsford,in the Eastern divisioR Qf the HowE (or HOE) GREEN, in t/,lis parish, half a mile south,
county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and county court was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury, under the
district, Maldon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. jurisdiction of the Dean of Bocking. Here is a Congrega-
Albans diocese. The church of All Saints is an edifice in tional chapel.
the Decorated style, situate on a hill, cohsisting of chancel, Parish Clerk ~ Assistant Overseer, Frederick Borrett.
nave, aisles, south porch and an ancient embattled tower of POST OFFICE.-Frederick Borrett, receiver. London & other.
flint and stone containing a clock and 5 bells: the nave is letters through Maldon, by foot 'post, at 7.45 a.m. ; dis-
of three bays and has at the western end a large gallery: patched at 4.30 p.m. Maldon is the nearest money order
the pulpit and reredos are elaborately designed and there is· & telegraph office
an octagonal font and one stained window. The register of About a mile and a half from the church is a school, SUp"
burials dates from 1592, baptisms and burials from 1662 : ported by the rector and near the church is a Free school,
these records are in good condition. The living is a rectory, endowed with £32 a year, for the education of poor
annexed to the provostship of Oriel College, Oxford, tithes children of both sexes of this parish
commuted at £1,729 198. 'with about 80 acres of glebe and The National School, contiguous to the church, is a building
a good residence and held by the Rev. Edward Hawkins D.D. in the Tudor style, erected in 1833 & enlarged in 1872,
:Provost of Oriel College, Oxford. The benefactions amount with a master's residence attached; there is room for lI8
to £4 9s. yearly,diskibuted to the poor in bread and the yearly children, the average attendance being 83 ; Edward Henry
rent of three acres of land is paid to the churchwanlens for McCarthy, master; Mrs Sarah McCarthy & Miss Laura
ecclesiastical purposes. A fair is held on the 15th of June. In Brand, mistresses
the parish, near Latchingdon, is a police station. J. W. Irvine CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD, Frederick Brand, tue. & fri.; &
esg. who is lord of the manor, and W. Tufnell esq. are to Maldon, mono wed. thurs. & sat
Kemp Miss, 'fhe Limes . Denny David, beer retailer Peck Samuel, wheelwright
Raven George, Wash farm . Filby James, shopkeeper Playle Thomas, wheelwright
WitherbyRev.RobertHale M.A.[curateJ, Freeman Thomas,farmer,Dygood's frm Raven Charles, miller
Rectory Frost William, blacksmith Raven William, farmer, Wash
/. . COMMERCIAL. Gandy Brothers, farmers, Mosklyn's Rutt Pattison, farmer, Avenals farm
Allen James, beer retailer, Round bush GraylingWilliam, grocer & draper Sanders John Decks, baker
Auger George, frmr.LittleSouth house GrimwadeCharles, shopkeeper Snow John, bricklayer
Eall James, farmer Hall Stephen (Mrs.), shopkeeper Spooner Edward, higgler
Brown Chas. farmel, V\Tymark's farm Jarvis JO!!6ph, shoe maker Stevens Henry, farmer, Purleigh hall
Cettee Mark, family grocer, tea dealer Keeling Abraham James, blacksmith Stock Samuel, farmer, Round bmh
& provision merchant; draper & Keys M,ark, pianoforte tuner Taylor Abraham,frmr.MashHouse farm
general warehouseman, dIr. in every Knight Daniel, shoe maker Theobald Ephraim, horse slaughterer
class of woollen goods &c Last Robt. Charles, plumber & glazier Valentine Alfred, beer retailer
Croxon Cranmer, butcher & salesman Mann Leonard Samuel, baker Warren Rowland Morris, builder, Bur-
Croxon .Jane (Mrs.),Bell inn, & butcher Matthams William, shoe maker lington cottages
Curtis George, farmer . Mead Daniel,farmer, The Wick Wilkin George, fanner. "Taltoo's hall
Death George, For ~ Hounds- Nix Robert, farmer, Hoe green
QUENDON is a small pari8h and village, a portion of 8OuthfromNewportstation,bothontheGreatEastern(Cam-
which, .comprising the houses on one sid& of the street, is in bridge) railway, 34 from London, 6 south-west from Saffron
the parish of Rickling: it is in the Western division of the Walden and 6 north from Bishop's Stortiord and the Lea
county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden union and navigation. The church (dedication unknown) is a small
county court district, Newport mml deanery, Colchester structure of rubble, stone and flint, principally in the Early
afchdeaconry and St. ·Albans diocese, on the high road from, English style and was rebuilt in 1861, when a south aisle
London to Newmarket and near the source of the river 1was added: it consis~ of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch,
Cam;'-J ~es .qortll;west from Elsenham station and 2i vestry and a small turret at.the west end containing 1 bell
a reredos in mosaic was erected in 1881. The register dates Pm'ish Clerk, George Bray.
from the year 1687. The lill'ing is a rectory, learly value
£16~, with residence, in the gift of Lt.-Col. Alfred Molyneux The POST OFFICE is situate in the parish of Rickling;
.Byng and held by the Rev. James Marius Tayler. QuendoI1 George Gardiner, receiver. Letters through Bishop's
Hall, the seat of Lt.-CoI.Alfred Molyneux Byng D.L. is a square Stortford arrive at 6 a.m.; dispatched 7.40 p.m. The
brick building, pleasantly situate in grounds well nearest money order & telegraph offices are at Newport
stocked with deer. Col. Byng is lord of the manor and chief & 8tansted Mountfitchet
landowner. The soil is mixed, heavy and light; subsoil, The children attend the National School at Rickling, which was
gra"el, clay, with little chalk. The chief crops are wheat, erected in 1873, for r30 children, at a cost of £1,000, for the
barley and oats. The area is 643 acres; rateable value, parishes of Rickling & Quendon, under 110 committee of
£1,575; and the population in 1881 was 178. . management; the average attendance is 96
Biscoe Capt. Robert J.P. Quendon court Patmore Miss I Mumford Thomas, grocer & draper

Byng Lt.-Col. Alfred Molyneux D.L. 'fayler Rev. James Marius, Rectory Perring William, drover
Quendon hall Dixon Alfred, King's Head Wortley John, carpenter
RADWINTER is a parish and village, beautifully Henry Bullock esq. and Lady Brooke alternately and held
situate on the upper part of the river Blackwater, which is by the Rev. John Frederick Watkinson Bullock B.A. of St.
here called the Pant or Freshwell and flows through a Peter's College, Cambridge. St. Pris' Well, in this parish, is
picturesque and well-wooded country and is in the Western a source of a feeder of the Pant. WaIter Henry Bullock
division of the county, Freshwell hundred, Saffron Walden esq. and Lady Brooke are owners of the manor and principal
union and county court district, Sampford rural deanery, landowners. The soil is clay, subsoil, gravel. The chief
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese: it is 5 crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 3,802 acres;
miles east from Saffron Walden station, 5 north from rateable ...alue, £4.694 lOB; and the population in 188r was
Thaxted, 8 south-west from Haverhill and 46 from London. 842.
The church of St. Mary the Virgin, is a building in the BROCKELLS i!l I mile 8outh-east; STOCKING GREEN is I
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, with clerestory mile north-west.
aisles and a massive embattled west end tower, with spire Parish Clerk, John Reynolds.
containing a clock with chimes and 6 fine-toned bells, five of LETTER Box dearerl at 5.30 p.m. week days; II.30 a.m.
which are dated 1616 and a new one being added in 1877: sunday. Wimbish is the nearest money order office &
there is a south porch: the church was enlarged and the Saffron WaIden nearest telegraph office
chancel rebuilt in the year 1869 and the tower and spire were National School (mixed). built about 1853, for ISO children
restored and a turret built in 1877. The register dates from & considerably enlarged in 1877, with an average attend-
the year 1638. The liying is a rectory, yearly value £700, ance of no; John Ward, master
with 64 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of WaIter CARRIER-Joshua Ruse, to Saffron Walden every day
Bullock Rev. John Frederick Watkinson Gowlett Reuben, farmer, Cutbush Ruse Ambrose, farmer, The Park
B.A. Rectory Gray James, assistant overseer, Grange Ruse George, farmer, Bulls farm
COMMERCIAL. Gray Thomas, farmer, Grange Ruse Harriet (Mrs.), farmel', Lower ho
Bedford Robt. H. farmer, Richmond's Kettridge James, farmer, Gibb's farm Ruse William, farmer, Jenkernox
Bird Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Paynes Kettridge Thomas, Plough Ruse William, Lion
Carter John, farmer, New house Kettridge WaIter, beer rtlr. & carpenter Starling William, fanner, Gt. Brockhold
Chapmau Charles, farmer, Tilekilns Mascall Swan, butcher Swann Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Davies John, farmer, Radwinter hall Mascall Thomas, shoe maker & farmer Turner John, blacksmith
Downbam AlIen, carpenter Moore Henry, miller Underwood William, blacksmith
£mson Daniel (exors. of), fanner, Little Moore Sophia (Mrs.), miller Welch Henry Jas. farmer, Bendysh hall
JJrockhold Myhill William, farmer, Hill fann Willings John, fanner, Broaditch
Freeman John, thatcher Newell Edwin, saddler Woodley Daniel, farmer, Godfreys
Gowlett James, fanner, Cowlass hall Potts Frederick, shoe maker .
& Sullen's Reynolds John, tailor
RAINHAM (from ryne, a watercourse and ham, a village) 'held by the Rev. Henry George Roche LL.B. of St. John's
is a village, parish and station on the London and Southend College, Cambridge; the Rev. Mortimer Manley M.A. of
railway, in the Southern division of the county, Chafford Queens' College, Cambridge, is curate in sole charge: the
hundred, Romford union and county court district, Chafford brilliant clerical satirist, Charles Churchill, was once curate
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, here, and in describing in verse the effect of his rural dis-
3 miles north-west from Purtleet, 12 by rail from London, courses, says : "Sleep at my bidding crept from pew to pew."
7l north-west from Grays and 5 east from Barking: the In accordance with the directions of various ancient bene-
village forms a considerable street on the London road and factions, bread is given to the poor e"ery Sunday; 109. for
the Ingerbourne brook, (lver which is a bridge and has a preaching a sermon on Ascension Day and a smaller sum of
quay on the creek, at its mouth, in the Thames. The church 4s. for the parish clerk on the same day. R. W. Hall Dare esq.
of SS. Helen and Giles (the only one in England dedicated! who is lord of the manor, the trustees of the late J. G. Crosse
to these saints jointly) is an old Norman structure and con- I esq. and Sir Tjlomas Barret Lennard bart. are the principal
sists of chancel, nave, south aisle. porch and a low massive landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravelly. The
tower at the west end containing 3 bells, one dated 1618 and chief crops are ngetables, great quantities of which are
the others 1670: the nave, six bays in length, is divided from grown for the London markets. The area is 30312 acres;
its aisles by heavy arcades of semicircular arches, resting on rateable value, £9,502; and the population in 1881 was 1,246.
square columns, with circular shafts at the angles, banded and Parish Clerk, WiIliam Gentry.
showinlf extensiv~ traces.of red colouring: a.grand Nor~an POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICB &: Savings Bank.
arch, hlgWy enrIC~ed WIth che',!on mouldmg, opens ID.tO -George Mayhew, receiver. Delivery commences at 7 &
t}1e chancel, the wI~dows of whIch hl've been greatly ~IS- II.30 a.m.; dispatched at 2.25 &; 6 p.m. to post office,
figured: .the towe~ IS constructed of coursed rubb!e, Wlt~ Homford &; 9 p.m. direct to London
ashlar c01gns and IS entered frQm the nave by a plam semI- . . .
circular Norman arch one tall lancet and three Norman INSURANCE AGENT-PluEnuc F~re, M. Harvey, LIme Tree ha
windows lighting its basement. The register dates from National Sc~ool, ~illiam J~~nings, ~ertificated master;
the year 1665. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £43 0 , 1\;I1's. Am,eh~ Jenmngs, certIficated ~ustress
with residence, built in 170r and four acres of glebe, in the Ratl1IJay Statton, Frank Rowland, statIOn master
gift of the trustees of the late John Godsalve Cr08se esq. and, CONVEYANCB Coach to & from Romford on wed. only
Abbott Mrs. Brick house Blows Charles, baker Gentry William, baker
Brady Rev. Nicholas M.A. [rector of Bourne John Dupre, coal &; coke mer- Havis James, Angel inn, & lighterman
Wennington], Rainham hall chant & general carman Hennessey Thomas, shopkeeper"
Harvey William, Rainham ferry Brooks Ainger, wheelwright Hij Francis John, grocer & farmer
Rowell Thomas Church Jamll8, Phrzni3: Hill Mary Ann (Miss), linen draper are,
Manley ReT. Mortimer K .•• [curate in Circuit John Cubis (trustees of), far- Howell William James. builder &c
charge], Vicarage mers & market gardeners Humphreys Ardley John, frmr. Aylets
:rtobinson C. F. Berwick house Clapham Jane (Mrs.), Three Crowns,.) Kelley Arthur, saddler & harness maker
Russell Robert, Bright's Rainham ferry King Lucy (Mrs.), smith &; farrier
Wolton Thomas, South hall Daldy &; Co. coal merchants Manning Abraham, farmer, Moor hall
COMMERCIAL. Farrow George, draper & boot maker Manning William, frmr. Berwick ponds
Barnes W. J. manufacturing chemist Farrow William Richard, shopkeeper Ma.skell Jeremiah, draper & grocer

Mayhew George, sub-postmaster &; as- Parsons John Wallace, tailor Swann Henry, manager to the trustees
sistant overseer Randell James, Bell of the late John Cubis Circ..'Uit, farmers
Mayhew Samuel, butcher Rowland Frank, station master &; market gardeners
Miller &; Johnson, chemical manure Russell Robert, farmer &; market gar- Valentine John, beer retailer
works, Rainham ferry dener, Bright's farm Warner William, beer retailer
Parker Charles, hair dresser Salamon &; Co. tar distillers, Ferry road Wilson George Henry, chemical manure
Parker Lewis, boot & shoe maker Saxby George, lighterman works, Rainham ferry
RAMSDEN BELLHOUSE is a parish and village, Edward Pendarves Gibson B.A. St. Peter's College, Cam-
27! miles from London, on the high road from Billericay to bridge, who resides at Stock. Here is a Congregational
Rochford, 3 miles east from the former and 14 west from Chapel. Sir J. H. Johnson, who is lord of the manor and
the latter town, 8 south from Chelmsford, IQ east from Messrs. Brunwin, Berens, Grey, Lucas, Hatchman and the
Brentwood and 6 east-south-east from Ingatestone station: trustees of Mrs. Helsham-Jones are the principal land-
it is in the Southern division of the country, Barstable owners. The soil is strong, heavy and mixed; subsoil,
hundred, Billericay union, police and county court district of clay; on the sides of the hill the land is ligh1l and gravelly
Brentwood, Ingatestone rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry loam. Wheat is chiefly grown. '!'he area is 2,660 acres;
and St. Albans diocese. The church of St. Mary the Virgin rateable value, £3,207: the population in 1871 was 483.
is a building in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, Parish Clerk, James Bridge.
nave, south porch and a western tower terminating in a POST OFFICE.-Charles Stanley, receiver. Letters arrived
shingled spire and containing 3 bells: the nave has been from Brentwood via Billericay at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at
entirely rebuilt at a cost of about £850, raised by public 5-45 p.m. No post on sundays. The nearest money order
subscriptions and was reopened in June 1881. The register of &; telegraph office is at Billericay
baptisms and burials dates from 1562, marriages from 1565. Rate Collector, George Clark, Downham
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Stock, joint yearly Church School (mixed), built about 1872 for 80 children
commuted value £885, with about 50 acres of glebe, in the gift with an average attendance of about 60; Miss M. Dennis,
of the trustees of Mrs. E. P. Gibson and held by the Rev. mistress
Browne Rev. Charles Elrington [curate Fincham Jonathan, baker & farmer Piper Stephen, boot ~ shoe maker
in charge] Holmes John, farm bailiff to W. A. Pettitt Elijah, beer retailer &; carpenter
Watts Alexander Tooke esq. The Ball Poulton AlIen, thatcher & haybinder
COMMERCIAL. Jackson George, farmer Stanley Charles, blacksmith
Bull William, farmer Mee Joseph, farmer Sutton John, wheelwright
Champion Richard, farmer Mott Thomas, boot maker Wenmen John, White H()/"se
Cooper Samuel, farm bailiff to Sir J. H Netherwood (Mrs.), farmer Wood Thomas, farmer
Johnson, Park farm
RAMSDEN eRAYS is a village and parish on the who re sides at Billericliy. There is a charity left by one
river Crouch, in the Southern division of the county, Bar- Gibbon, being the interest of £100, which is distributed
stable hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood county court annually in coal~. John S. Davies esq. who is lord of the
district, Ingatestone rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and manor, Wilson Gilbert esq. and Capt. Digby H. R. Wing-
St. Albans diocese, on the high road from Billericay to field D.L. and Sir John H. Johnson, are principal land-
Rochford; from the latter place it is I4 miles west and from owners. The soil is mixed, inclining to heavy; subsoil,
the former 3 south-east, 9 east from Brentwood station and chiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and oa1:.8.
26 from London. The village takes its name from 8 family The area is about 1,453 acres; rateable value, £1,826; the
of De Crei, who were owners of the manor in the 13th and population in 1881 was 226.
14th centuries. The church of St. Mary is a small but Parish Clerk, George Clark.
pretty Gothic edifice, restored in 1871 and consists of chancel Letters from Brentwood by foot post through Billericay,
and nave and a tower containing 2 bells: a stained window which is the nearest money order & telegraph office
was placed in the chancel in 1873, in memory of the late Rate Collector, George Scholding
Miss Robertson, of Inches. The register of baptisms and Relieving Officer, Edward W. Cottee
burials dates from 1558; marriages, 1572. The living is a National ;School (mixed), built in 1862 for 100 children, with
rectory, yearly value .£400, in the gift of and held by the Rev. an average attendance of 50; Miss Edith Thompson,
James J. Douglas Hoysted RA. of Trinity College, Dublin, mistress
Da"ies John Smallman Clark William, grocer Scholding George, grocer, provision
COMMERCIAL. Gentry Charles, shoe maker dealer &; draper &; rate collector
Chapman William, shoe maker Gower WaIter, farmer, Crays hall Stokes William, farmer
Clark George, blacksmith Hamilton Richard, Fox tf Hounds Surridge Richard Barnard, farmer,
Cottee Edward, registrar of births &; Harrington Samuel, baker & shopkeeper Great Barnes
deaths & relieving officer for Eastern Hymas Thomas, hay dealer Thompson James, farmer
district, Crays hill Mead Thomas, wheelwright Tune John, Shepherd 4" IJog
'RAMSEY is a village and parish on the east nuities, the annual interest arising therefrom being £5, to
coast, in the Eastern division of the county, Tendring be applied to the relief of the poor of this parish, under the
hundred and union, Harwich county court district, Ardleigh direction of the minister and two churchwardens. There
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans are two manors, Michaelstow and Ramsey. Edgar WaIter
diocese,3 miles from Wrabness station, 3! miles west from Garland esq. who is lord of the manor of Michaelstow and
Harwich, 68 from London, 16 north-east from Colchester George Simpson Hardy esq. of Ramsey and A. Hempson
and 7! east from Manningtree. The church of St. Michael and the Rev. E. K. Norman, are the principal ll\ndowners.
is situated on a hill and consists of chancel and nave and a The soil is mixed, as is also the subsoil. The chief crops are
tower at the west end containing 5 bells: in 1874 it was oa1:.8, barley, wheat, beans and peas. The area is 3,612A. 2R.
reseated with open benches; in the chancel is a monument 32P. of land and 1.455 of water (abont 700 acres of land
to Daniel Burr (1782), and Elizabeth, his wife (1783). The have been recovered from the sea by emba.nkment); rate-
register dates from the year 1645. Theliving isa discharged able value, £6,678; and the population in 1881 was 800.
vicarage, yearly value £301, with residence, in the gift of Near Stourwood farm copperas has been worked; in frOnt
the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. William Guise of it is Copperas Bay.
Tucker M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge.., late chaplain Parish aerk, Isaac Brown.
of Greenwich Hospital and head of the Chaplains of the POST OFF1CE.-Thomas Ellis, receiver. Letters arriTe from
Royal Navy. There is a chapel for Wesleyans. Charities Harwich at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. The neares~
amounting to £20 yearly are distributed in bread and money order office is at DOTercourt -
clothes, including a bequest left in 1807 by a son of Daniel Church oj Ellgland Elementary School (mixed), built in
and Elizabeth Burr, who resided long in this parish, con- 1867 for 135 children, with an ayerage attendance of 73;
sisting of £164 13s. 4d. bank £3 per cent. consolidated an- Miss Mary Ann Shipp, mistress
Girling Mrs. Primrose hall I COMl\IBRCIAL. Ellis Stephen, Castle inn
Hardy George Simpson, Ramsey hall; Brampton John, farmer, Poplar house, Farrington George, ma.rket gardener
&; Jacques hall, Bradfield Brick Kiln &; Bowl farms Gla.dwin Charles, baker
Hempson Amis, Hill house Brooks John, miller &; baker Gross Samuel, market gardener
Bewell Blanchard Daniel, Stourwood cot Button John, shopkeeper Hardy George Simpson, farmer &; land-
2quirrell John Randfield, Ramsey lodge Deex Richard, beer retailer owner, Ramsey hall; &; Jacques hall,
Tucker Rev. Wm. Guise X.A. Vicarage Ellis Thomas, blacksmith Bradfield

Hempson Amis, landowner, farmer & Norman George, farm bailiff to Amis Taylor David, veterinary surgeon,
maltster, Hill house Hempson esq Thompson James, farm bailiff to Geo.
Irlam William, farmer, South hall Palmer Osborn, farmer, Burnt house S. Hardy esq
King Samuel, blacksmith Rayner James, farmer, South house Thorp John Ribbans, grocer &c.
Lucas Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rowland Abraham, farm bailiff to John I Ward William Oxford, Lord Nelson, &
Lucas George, carpenter & wheelwright South esq. Foulton hall market gardener
Lucas Malpas L. farmer, East New hall Rowles Edward, bailiff to Edgar Waiter Woodard Alfred, shopkeeper
Lucas Thomas Rogers, farmer, Michael- Garland esq I Wrinch Wm. Hy. farmer, Roydon hall
stow farm; & Green farm, Upper SeweIl Blanchard Daniel, farmer, Stour- Young Thomas, relieving officer & regis-
Dovercourt wood cottage trar of births & deaths
Newman Adelaide E. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stammer Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
RAWRETH (or RAURETH) is a parish, situated near fellow of that college. There are wharves at Battle Bridge.
the river Crouch, over which is a bridge, called Battle The Master and Fellows of St. John's college, Cambridge,
Bridge, communicating with Retwndon; it is in the who are the lords of the manor of H.awreth Hall and Sion
Southern division of the county, Rochford hundred, union College, London, who hold the manorial rights of'the manor
and county court district, Rochford rural deanery, Essex of Beeches, are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy
archdeaconryand St. Albans diocese, on the high road from loam; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat and
Rochford to Chelmsford and London, 8 miles north-west beans. 'fhe area is 2,377 acres; rateable value, £3,261;
from Rochford,3 north-west from Rayleigh, 31 from London the population in 1881 was 331.
and 7 north-east from Pitsea station. The church of St. Sexton J Livermore.
Nicholas is nOW (1881) being rebuilt, with the exception of ' .
the tower, at a cost of about £2,500, from designs by the LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m,. week days. & 8 a.m sundays:
Rev. Ernest Geldart, 'fheol. Assoc. of King's College, letters from Chel~sfo.rd vld Battle b~ldge. The nearest
London: the style will be Late Perpendicular. The register money orde\ o~lce IS at. Battle bridge. The nearest
dates from 1539. The living is a rectory, yearly value £700, telegraph office is at Rayleigh
with residence, in the gift of Pembroke College, Cambridge School (mixed), built in 1873, for 70 children, with an
and held by the Rev. Godfrey George Kemp M.A. formerly average attendance of 42; ¥iss Helen Freeth, mistress
Clark Mrs. Trynde de Bayes Clark Isabella (Mrs.), farmer, Trynde Meeson Arthur John, farmer, Telfords
Kemp Rev. Godfrey George M.A. Rectory de Hayes &; Lubbards Lodge arms Sawkins William, Carpenters' Arms, &
Meeson Arthur John, Telfords Grout Daniel B. farmer, Shotgate farm blacksmith
Allen Henry, farmer MeesonWilliamMerryfield, miller, Battle White Geo. Herbert, farmer,Burrels frm
Carter William Joseph, farmer, Beeches bridge
RAYLEIG H is an ancient town on the road from London Bank.-Miss Ellen Steer, postmistress. Letters arrive
W Rocbford and is 34 miles from London, 4! from the South from Chelmsford at 3.40 a.m.: second arrival from Lon-
Benfleet railway station, 16 'from Brentwood, 13 from don 12.15 a.m.; third arrival at 7.5 p.m. from Southend
Chelmsford, 10 east from Billericay, 3 from the wharves at & Rochford; dispatched at 7.5 p.m. & 9 p.m. Delivery
Hull Bridge, 7 north-west from Southend and 5 west from commences at 7.30 a.m. & 12.30 & 7.15 p.m. Letters are
Rochford, in the Southern dh'ision of the county, hundred, dispatched by foot post to Bowers & South Rentieet at
union and county court district of Rochford, Rochford rural 6 a.m.: return at 5.30 p.m. & to H.awreth, Runwell &
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. The Wickford at 12.30 a.m Box closes at 6.45 p.m. & 9 p.m.
town is well situated in a commanding position and consists Money order office open from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m
of one wide street of considerable extent. The ancient INSURANCE AGENTS:-
church of the Holy Trinity stands on rising ground at the Guardian, '\'. C. Rose, Barringtons
upper end of the town and is principally in the Perpen- ~Tor1Vich Union Fire, J. Blomfield
dicular style, although some parts are of an earlier daw; it Ph(Znix Fire, J. B. Burrell
consists of chancel with aisles, separated from it by arcades Royal Exchan.qe, W. Pissey
of two bays, nave of 4 bays and a massive western Sun Fire, J .. Belcham
tower, with embattled turret containing 6 bells. The PUBLIC OFFICERS:
register dates from the year 1548. The living is a rectory, Assistant Overseer 0/ Deputy Registrar of Births 0/ Deaths,
yearly value [,955, with a glebe house, in the gift of trustees Edward Judd
and held by the Rev. J oseph Duncan Macvicar M.A. of Trinity RegistraJ' of Births 4' Deaths 0/ Relieving O.fficer, J. P.
College, Cambridge. Here is a Baptist chapel. A fair for Williams
horses and cattle is still held on Trinity Monday in each year. A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1872
In April, 1849, several curious and ancient Roman coins Clerk to School Board, George Wood, solicitor, Rochford
were ploughed up in this parish. At the upper end of the Board Schools, built in 1862-4, for 90 children, with an
town are earthworks, the remains of a castle first built hy average attendance of 70; (boys) Sidney Smith, master i
Swene, who owned the place at the time of Domesday Sur- (girls) Mrs. Sarah Williams, mistress
vey and was the founder of the De Essex family: these con- CARRIERS TO:-
sist of a UlOund with an oval-shaped base, surrounded by CHELMSFORD J. Rollingson, tues. & fri. 8 a.m.; & omnibus
ramparts and ditches; hence is a fine view over the neigh- from Rochford, tues. & fri. 8 a.m. returning same days
bouring peninsula. Alfred Wyatt Digby esq. is the lord of 6.30 p.m
the manor; MajorlFaneand Mrs. Henry Finch are the princi- LONDON-Thomas Pease & Son, from the Crown inn
pal landowners. The area is 2,873 acres; rateable value, ROCHFORD Thos. Pease & Son from the Crown inn, wed
£5,673; the population in 1881 was 1,326. SOUTl{ BENFLRET-Omnibu8 twice daily from' Crown,' to
Parish Clerk, Edward Judd. meet the first up & down train & in the afternoon to meet
POST & MONEY ORDE~ & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings up & down train
• PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baker George, shopkeeper Clemance William, grocer &. clothier
Barnard Charles J ames Baker John, Paul Pry Coller Cornelius, tailor
Belcham Mrs. George Baker Samuel, carpenter Cook John, boot & shoe maker'
Blomfield William Baldwin Henry, builder .it undertaker Croxson Henry, painter & glazier
Curtis Mrs Barker Charles, horse clipper Deeley Mar)" & Emma (Misses), ladies'
Dickins Rev. William [Baptist] Barnard Charles J ames, insurance agent school
Finch Mrs Belcham John, auctioneer, draper & Devenish Jas. C,'mvn hotel tJ posting he
Finch Henry farmer Dixey George William, butcher
Grayson Frands Dorrell Belcham William Isaac, jun. farmer Dixon Chas. Gainsford, clothier &draper
Knightbridge Charles Bingham Thomas, lamp dealer Edwards In. beer retailer & blacksmith
MacvicarH.ev.Jsph. Duncan M.A. Rectory Blomfield J osiah, linen & woollen draper Edwards Thomas, Half Jloon
Nockells Rev. William M.A: Brewer William George, baker Everett George, White Horse
Oftin Thomas W. Down hall Britton Henry, farmer Fidgeon Emily (Mrs.). beer retailer
Richmond Mrs Britton John &. Samuel, millers, Ray- Finch Henry, farmer & horse dealer
Rose Mrs. Barringtons leig-h mill Freeman George, tailor
Brown J ames, miller Frost Richard, grocer
Thurston Frank J. Brewery house
Webster Mrs . Burrell John Benjamin, chemist Fuller Elizabeth (Mrs.), shDpkeeper
Carter William Henry, farmer, Lime ho Gas Works (John Belcham, sec.)
COMMERCIAL. Chalk Henry, greengrocer Gilson Samuel, grocer .
Adey J osiah Aaron, confectioner .' Cbapman Wm. engineer & farmer GraysoQ Fra.ncis.Dorrell, surgeon.
Hainsworth William, bricklayer Moss James, hair dresser Syer James Neville, plumber & glazier
Henson Robert, collegiate school Offin Thomas W. farmer & Iluctioneer, Thorogood Daniel, shopkeeper
Howard George, marine store dealer Down hall; & at Rochford Totman Thomas. bill poster
Hudson William, Golden Lion Olley George, boot & shoe maker Upson Arthr. Jas. saddler & harness ma
James Ann Carter (Mrs.), dress maker Pease Joseph, baker Wallis Edward, painter
James John, shoe maker Pease William, farmel.' Webb Joseph, carriage builder
• J udd Edward, assistant overseer, deputy Pissey William, pharmaceutical chemist Webster Joseph, butcher
registrar of births & deaths for Ray- &, stationer Wen James, beer retailer
leigh sub-district & inspector of nuis- Porter Charles, baker Wenden Mark, farmer
ances to the rural sanitary authority Rainer John, watch maker White Ernest Alfred, corn dealer
of Rochford union Reading Room 9" Dramatic Club (Coos. Wicks Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner
Laver John Atkins, farmer, Turret ho Witham, hon. sec) Williams John Pryce, registrar of births
Lawrence J oseph, pork butcher Saward George, hair dresser & deaths for Rayleigh sub-district &
Lincoln James, Drovers' Arms Smith Henry, bricklayer relieving & vaccination officer for 2nd
Linggood William & Geo. blacksmiths Sneezum George, baker . district, Rochford union
Loker J ames, shoe maker Sopwith 8arah & Caroline (Misses), Witham Henry, wheelwright
Loker William, grocer academy Woolston John, brewer, wine & spirit
Mays William, cooper Sparrow Coos. Hy. & Son, vet. surgeons merchant, Anchor brewery '(Frank
Milson James, ironmonger Spinks John Edwards, grocer, & agent Thurston, brewer & manager)
Moore Edward Henry, furniture broker for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers
Moore George, marine store dealer Stewart George, saddler

RAYNE (or RAINE) is an ancient, pleasant village and. Rayne Hall, now a farm house, is close to the church and
parish, on the river Brain, or Podsbrook, with station on the is a brick building; the old part was erected by the Wells
Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow snd Braintree Railway, in the family and the later by Sir Giles Capel, between 1510 and
Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Brain-I 1520. The manor house of Baynard's or Raynes was
tree union and county (,'ourt district, rural deanery of Brain- I situated in the north part of this parish, in an enclosure
tree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, I called Chapel Field, upon a small ascent near the river, where
2 miles west from Braintree, 7 east from Dunmow, II north-, there are still visible marks of the house and moats that en-
east from Chelmsford and 40 from London: the village is compassed it and in the hollow from the road to the house
on the road from Braintree to Bishop's Stortford. The I were fish ponds. Edw. Symonds M •.\.. rector here, temp.
church of All Saints, rebuilt in 1840, is a brick building in I Chas. I. was a learned author and wrote various political
the Tudor style and consists of chancel with vestry, nave, and theological works. Dr. Richard Kidder, bishop of Bath
aisles and a lofty embattled tower with crocketed pinnacles, and Wells, 1691-17°3, a famous divine, was also rector of
built by Sir Wm. Capel, whose arms appear in the brickwork I Rayne from 1664 to 1674. Here are the extensive works of
near the foundation~ on either side of the belfry door and Messrs. Barnard & Lake, agricultural implement makers
containing a clock and 5 bells: the old church, supposed to and iron fonnders, for many years noted as the makers of
have been built te1np. Henry n. was very famous in Catholic I the" Rayne's plough;" these works give employment to a
times for an altar and chapel erected in south aisle to the: great number of hands; on the Podsbrook is a corn mill.
honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary; of the present structure The interest of £167, left by Mr. Ralph Polley of this parish,
the nave is by far the most ancient part and is believed to in August, 1831, is distributed in bread. Clay used in the
be part of the original foundation; the tower was raised by making of white bricks is found here. The principal land-
Sir William Capel, whose arma appear on it; in 1867 the owner is the Earl of Essex, who is also lord of the manor.
chancel was restored at the cost of the present rector: the A school board of 5 members for the united parishes of
east window is of 4 lights and stained and was refilled about Felstead and Rayne was formed in 1878. The soil is l08m
1858 by the present rector to the memory of his brother: and mixed soil; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
there are several muralmonnments and one large brass, in are wheat, barley, oats, peas and beans and grass. The
an excellent state of preservation, to the Capel fannly, whose area is 1,676 acres; rateable value, £2,803; and the popula"
arms are incised thereon; there were interred here Sir Giles tion in 1881 was 4°4- .
Capel, 1556 and his wife: Sir Edw. Capel, 1577 and his Parish Clerk, Samuel Hance~
daughter Grace, 1587; Sir Henry Capel, 1588 and Katherine, POST OFFICE.-Thomas Hawkes, receiver. Letters arrivE!'
his wife; Henry Capel esq. 1615 and Thomas, son of Sir by cart from Braintree at 5.15 a.m.; dispatched at 64S
Arthur Capel, 1621: there is also a brass inscription to p.m. sunday included. The nearest money order &;
Lady Manners, 1572, with a Shield of arms. The register telegraph office is at Braintree
dates from 1558. The living is a rectory, yearly value £480, ~ Board School (mixed), erected, with master's house, in 1878
w~th residence, in the gift of. the Earl of Essex and held by I (in Felstead parish), for 200 children; James Calder Nichol,
the Rev. William Spence Hemming M.A. of Christ's College, : master; Mrs. Nichol, mistress
Cambridge, and surrogate. I Railway Station, John Thompson Dales, station master
Dyer John Balls & Newman, auctioneers &; estate Hockley William, beer retailer
Hemming Rev. William Spence K.A. agents; & at Braintree & Castle- Laszell Fanny Charlotte (Miss), Cherry
[Surrogate], Rectory Hedingham Tree
Lake Frederick Crompton Barnard &; Lake, iron & brass founders Newman Owen Edward, wine &; spirit
Lake William & agricultural implement makers merchant
Livermore Charles . Brunwin Geo. Alfd. farmer, Haverings Newman Oswald Robert, brewer
Newman Mrs. Samuel CorneU William, boot maker Newman Wm.Smith,frmr. Mount's frm
Newman Oswald Robert Darby Henry, farmer, Broadfields Page Henry, beer retailer r
Newman Thomas Harry" Davey Thomas, farmer, Rayne lodge Potter Joseph, blacksmith
Peene Mrs . Dodd Robert, shopkeeper Rolfe Thomas, miller &; farmer, Pound
Rolfe M i s s ' . Dyer Peter, shoe maker Schofield Charles, Black Swan
Tabor Miss Fuller William, baker Scruby 'Henry Thomas, farmer
Andrews Richard, farmer, Old hall' .
Hawkes Thom,as, grocer. I
~tammers John, ba, ker
\ •
r ,,' •

RETTENDON, in Domesday "Ratendune," is a parish north-west from Rochford. The church of All Saints is an
and -scattered village, a portion of which· is at BATTLES edifice in the Perpendicular style and consist8 of chancel,
. ;BRIDGE, on the river Crouch, supposed to be 80 named from nave, north aisle and an embattled tower, with conical tiled
an engagement fought here between Edmund lronside and roof rising above the embattlement, containing 5 bells' in
Canute the Dane, on St. Luke'1l day, J8th October, :1016. the chancel is ... sumptuous marble monument. to Edmund
This stream is navigable for barges and small craft, up to Humfrey esq. with his effigy reclining on a slab and the
this point; there are se\'~ral large stores" and an extensive right hand on an open book; at tlie back part .of the tomb
Wharf frontage. There ia an iron bridge on brick piers, are two full-length figures on an ample pedestal of white
erected in 1872-3. This is a very ancient place, having marble: on the right a man in armour and on the left a
belonged in 613 to a,. nunnery in the Isle of Ely: it is in the female: two Corinthian pillanl tlUpport the canopy, undell
Western division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union which are displayed- the family arms with military trophies
and. eounty court district, Danbury' r:u.ral- deanery, Essex and various omament81 this .Edmund Hnmfrey died ..
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese on the high road from bachelor, 12th June, 1727, d. 53. leaving all his estate herel
Chelmsford to Rochford, 9 miles south-east from Chelmaford, to William Fytcbe esq. of Danbury Place: there are brasses
SIlOnh-West from Rayleigh, 3g from London by road and ~ iD the floor to Richard Cannon esq. a benefactor. t9 \ho
parish, ob. 20th December, 1605 and to Richard Humfrey 1 an unknown lady and is let for £15 per annum The Re't'.
gent. half brother to Richard Cannon esq. whom the said A. W. Bullen, 01 Great Baddow, is lord 01 the manor.
Richard Cannon made his heir, ob. 21st December, 1607: The New England Co. and William Taylor Meeson are the
the brass records his 3 sons, Richard, William and Edmund: principal landowners. The soil is heayy; the subsoil, clay;
there is also the bras8 of a civilian and 2 wives, c. 1540, producing excellent crops of wheat and beans. The area is
with 3 son8 and 4 daughters; a. 3rd wife, 80me children and 3,932 acres; rateable value, £5,334; and the population in
inscription missing: the north aisle has been at some 1881 was 720.
period added. to at its eastern end: the upper part of this ..4.ssistant Overseer, Stephen Kendal.
building appears to have been occupied. by a recluse; it is Parish Clerk, Joseph Jones.
no"!' used. for Sunday school and oth~r. pu:poses. The POST OFFICE, Rettendon. _ Katherine Jenkins, receiver.
regtster dates from t~e year 167 8. The hvmg. IS a re~tory, Letters received through Chelmsford; delivered at 7.0
y~rly value £7 65, With 80 acres glebe and reSIdence, J~ the a.m.; dispatched at 7.45 p.m. The nearest money order
gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev.Samuel Wilkes office is at Battles Bridge
Waud M.A. late fellow and tutor of Magdalene College, Cam- . .
bridge. There wa8 formerly an endowed school here, but it POS~ OFFICE,. Rettendon tu~plke.--.~amuel JarVls, re-
is now abolished and its buildings will shortly be pulled. celver. Dehv~red 7 a.m;; dl~patched 2·30. p.m .
down. The Congregationalists have a chapel at Battles Board Sch?ol, WIth master s reSIdence, erected for 150 chil-
Bridge and Retten:lon Common. There are charities dren, ~lth an average attendance of 120; Robert N.
amounting in all to about £27, part of which (£10) received. Worthington, master
from Cannon's charity, is noticed under West HanningfieJ.d, CARRIERS TO CHBLMSFORD.-Mrs. Katherine Jenkins,lridays
where the poor widows of Rettendon haye a yearly rent charge & William Harrod, tuesday & friday, returning same day.
of 40s. out of Helman's farm, left by Ann Humfrey; the other The Rochford coach (Bush's) passes through here for
portion of the charity (.'onsists of 10 acres of land, given by Chelmsford tuesdays & fridays, returning same day
Meeson Wm. Merryfield, Rettendon pI Gray Charles Harrison, maltster, Bat- l\Ieeson William Merryfield, corn mer·
Richens Mrs tIes bridge chant & miller, The Wharf, Battles
Waud Rev. Samuel Wilkes M.A. Rectory Harrod William, fanner, Pound farm bridge & Hide hall
COMMERCIAL. Harrod William, jun. beer retailer Meeson William Taylor, coal &; lime
Bass Daniel, fanner Jarvis Samuel, shopkeeper merchant, Battles bridge
Belcher John Argent, farmer, Brick Jenkins Katherine, farmer Mott Charles, fanner, Rawlings
House farm Kendal John, butcher Nevill Henry, blacksmith
Bell WaIter, farmer, Haye's farm Kendal Stephen, farmer & assistant Oddy Rolomon, shopkeeper
Benson James Geo. shopkeeper & baker overseer & collector of poor rates PaVltt George, farmer, Battles bridge
Bone Charles, carpenter, Battles bridge Key George, beer retailer Pavitt, William, surveyor
Bone Jas. Edwd. carpentr. Battles bridge Mabbett Robert, fanner Pitts William Lawrence, grocer, draper
Brown George, blacksmith Mann Edward, Hawk, & farmer, Bat- & postmaster, Battles bridge
Clark William, wheelwright tIes bridge Saunders Chas. beer reUr. Battles bridge
Enwright Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer Mann George Hy. baker, Battles bridge Wright James, farmer
Green Thos. Bell, Rettendon common Meeson Arthr. frmr. Wharf, Battles brdg
BICKLING is a parish, in the Western division of the three-quarters of a mile frorr. the church and long retained
county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden union and something of its ancient grandeur: the premises originally
eounty court district, Newport rural deanery, Colchester formed a quadrangle, with an embattled gateway and were
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 2! miles south-west surrounded by a moa.. Major-General Inglis C.B. is lord of
from Newport station, 7 south-west from Saffron Walden, 6 the manor and with John Phillipps Judd esq. l.P. and J.
north from Bishop's Stortford and 34 from London. The Laird esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed,
church of All Saints is a building in the Early English style, heavy and light; subsoil, gravel and clay. The crops are
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, porch and a western generally on the four-course system. The area is 1,330
tower containing 5 bells: a carved oak reredos was erected acres; rateable value, £2,012; and the population in IB8t
in 1879 and an oak screen separates the chancel and nave ~ was 452.
the interior was restored in 1865. The register dates from POST OFFlCB.-George Gardiner, receiver. Letters through
the year 1660. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £168, Bishop's Stortford arrive at 6 a.m.; dispatched at 7.40
with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, the p.m. The nearest money order &: telegraph offices are at
great tithes being in the impropriation of the Dean and Newport & Stansted Mountfitchet
Chapter of St. Paul and held by the Re.,.. John Collin M.A. of National8chool, erected in 1873, at a cost of [1,000, for
Emmanuel College, Cambridge. There is a small place of the parishes of Rickling &: Quendon, for 130 children,
worship belonging to the Congregationalists. Rickling with an average at~endance of 96; Misses Alice & Kate
Hall, an ancient building and now a farmhouse, stands about Johnson, mistresses
CoIlin Rev. JohnM.A.,J'.P. Vicarage Gardiner George,grocer,draper &; post- Laird James, farmer &: landowner,
Crick Rev. Thomas M.A. [curate] master, Quendon street Church end
.1udd John Phillipps I.P Hams Alfred, Cricketer,' Arms, Rick- Patmore William, cattle dealer & farmer
Stephens CeciI James, The 'views ling green Samuel William, Coach ~ H(JJ'ses
COMMERCIAL. Hayden ehas. bla('ksmith, Rickling grn Sawkins Jas. wheelwright, Rickling gm
Bimten Latimer Archer, Coach tf H01'ses Hayden Richd. farmer, Rickling green Smith George, carpenter, Rickling grn
Bright John, tailor, Rickling green Johnson Samuel, butcher flmith William, bricklayer, Rickling grn
Godefroy Samuel David, farmer Laird Charles, farmer, Rickling hall Wright Wm. shoe maker, Quendon at
RIDGWELL is an ancient village and parish, situ- The living is a discharged vicarage, yearly value £300, with
ated on a. Roman military way. Many Roman and residence, in the gift of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge
Welsh coins and antiquities and the foundations of a Roman and held hy the Rev. Francis Thomas Hurst M.A., late
Tilla have been found here ~ it is in the Eastern division of fellow of that college. Here is a Congregational chapel. In
the county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead union, Haverhill 1318 Ridgwell had a market and fair. St. John's College.
county court district, Yeldham rural deaner~', Colchester Cambridge, are lord" of the manor and with JosephCornell,
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 2! miles from Bird- Mrs. Way and Mrs. Homer, ~t. Catherine's College and
brook station on the Colne Valley branch. of the Great Queens' College, Cambridge, are the chieflandowner8. The
Eastern Railway, 4 miles 8Outh-west from Clare,4 south- soil ill loam, clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. !fhe chief crops
east from Ha....erhill and 10 north-west from Halstead. The are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,717 acres; rateable
church of St. Lawrence is • building in the Perpendicular value, £3o')I(}2; and the population in 1881 was 657.
atyle, consisting of chancel, with north aisle, nave of four Parish Clerk, Cyril Smee.
bays, with c~e~estory, north aisle an~ a. western e.~b~ttled. POST OFFlCB.-Goorgll Gunn, receiver. Letters arrive from
tower, contammg .? bells; there are plllcma an~ ~e~ll11~ In the HaIstead (per mail cart) at 6.40 a.m.; dispatched a'
chancel, the remal~ ?f a fine oak 8creen dlVl~lDg It from 6.5 p.m. The nearest money order & tlgph. office is at Clare
the nave; the pulplt 18 late Jacobean: the stauc88e to the .
rood Ion 8till exists and is entered through the north aisle: biSURAl'CB AGBNT-Manchelter FIre, J. H. Moore
the church was restored in the year 1871: near the chancel National School (mixed), built in 1865 &: enlarged in I8~,
ia a fine spring, or well, which, with the Ridgway, gi't'88 for Ilm children, with an anrage attendance of 85; Mrs.
name to the villager The register dates from the year 156~. Carolina Campion, mistre88
BaTtrup William
Dixon George
IFitch Miss
Hemsted Henry Kimmings
Burst Rev. Francis Thos. M.A. Vicarage
Tonkin Re..... Benjamin [Congregational]

COllDlERCIAL. 1Giblin Charles, farmer, RidgweIl hall Sharp Henry, farmer, Essex hall
AlIen Thomas, beer retailer Grindley J oseph, blacksmith Sharp Mary Ann(Mrs.), farmer, Essex hi
Ashplant Henry, grocer &draper I Gunn George, tailor & postmaster Smee David, shoe maker
Basham George, farmer, Great Norton I Jarvis George, baker & grocer Smyth George, King" Head.
Burgess William, farmer ,Lockwood John, farm bailiff to Joseph Steed James, plumber
Chaplin John Richard, farmer & land-' Cornell esq. Causeway farm Taylor William, shopkeeper
owner, Three Chimneys Mitson Moses, beer retailer Twinn Henry, hurdle maker
Chaplin Joseph C. miller , Moore John Henry, boot maker Ward David, blacksmith
Chaplin William Merrington, miller & Norden William, farmer, Hill farm Ward Emily (Miss), dreSll maker
farmer, Moat farm ' Osborne Isaac, boot maker Ward Robert, carpenter
Cock John English A. butcher Pannell John, farmer Whitlock William, farmer
Cole Thomas, higgler I Reeve Fredk. Rd. farmer & beer retailer Yeldham Thomas, farmer, Little Norton
RIVENHALL is an ancient parish in the Eastern stone bridge of three arches by which the mansion is
division of the county, hundred of Witham, Braintree union approached from the south; it is the property of the Western
and county court district, rural deanery of Witham, arch- family and is now in the occupation of Mrs. Steele. The
deaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St. Albans, situated parish comprises five manors; Sir T. C. C. Western bart. •
on the Cressing brook, and 8 miles south-east from Brain- is the principal landowner and lord of the manors. The
tree, 39 from London, and I mile north-east from Witham land is principally arable; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are
station. The church of St. Mary and All Saints consists of wheat, barley, turnips and beans. The area is 3,589 acres;
chancel and nave and square tower with I bell and was rateable value, £6,363; and the population in 1881 was
restored 1878; the east window is enriched with stained 6g0.
glass of the time of Rufus, obtained from Normandy by the Parish Clerk, Joseph Springett.
present rectnr, and presented by him: there is a very fine POST OFFICE.-Elijah Rayner, postmaster. Letters re-
monument to Sir Ralph and Lady Wiseman, dated 1594, ceived through Wltham at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7 p.m. ;
and several costly tombs to members of the Western family, sundays, 12 p.m. wall letter box opposite the FOir at
including that of William Western esq. ob. September 22, Rivenhall End; cleared at 6.55 p.m.; 8uudays at 11.40.
172 9, (Pt. 36. The register dates from the year 1639. The The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Witham
living is a rectory, yearly value £800, with residence and
13 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir T. C. C. Western bart. Naticmal School (mixed), built 18 55; will hold 120 children
and held by the Rev. Bradford Denne Hawkins M.A. of Pem- & has an average attendance of 60; Miss Louise Henrietta
broke College, Oxford. There are charities amounting ~ 'Waters, mistress
£14 IOS. for fuel, left in 1615 by Sir Thomas Wiseman and CARRIERS TO:-
. in 1784 by William Bollan. The remains of a. Roman villa CHELMSFORD Charles & Edward Moore, on mono tues.
were once found near the church and a tesselated pavement thurs. fri. & sat.: William Cant's cart passes through from
could be traced for fOUF hundred yards. Rivenhall Place is Kelverton tues. & fri. returning same days
a rectangular modern mansion of dressed flints standing on LONDoN-Pudney's waggon passes through Rivenhall End
rising ground in a park of 100 acres, which has an orna- from Coggeshall, to the' India Arms,' Leadenhall street,
• mental water of about 500 yards in length: over this is a mono tues. & fri. returning wed. thurs. & sunday
Basden Edward Weeks Spencer Beckwith Joseph, farmer, Whitehead's Potter Abraham Wm. farmer, Withers
Coles William farm Potter George, farmer, Hoo hall
Fortescue Rev. Arthur Trosse [curate] Constable Arthur Henry, farmer Shelley Frederick, Prince of Wales
HawkinsRev.BradfordDenneM.AoRectory Cutts Jasper, grocer Taber & Cullen, seed growers
Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland l.P. Holliday James, beer retailer Upson James, farmer, Stover's hall
Durwaros Holmes Wm. grocer & provision dealer Upson Robert, farmer, Boar sty
Steele Mrs. Rivenhall place Hutley Henry, blacksmith Wager William, FOir
Thorden Mrs Hutley John, farmer, Hall Warwicker Anthony Cooke, farmer,
COMMERCIAL. Hutley William, farmer, Park gates Park pales
Beckwith John, Western ANn.5 King James, wheelwright
ROCHFORD.-This ancient town is situated on the small A corn exchange was built in 1866, at a cost of £1,000, by
river Roche, a confluent of the Crouch, which is navigable a limited company. In this district is held the" Lawless or
for vessels of considerable burthen to Broomhills, within a Whispering Court," in pursuance of a singular manorial
mile of the town and has two bridges j it is a union town, tenure: the court is held in the open air on King's Hill, ad-
head of a county court district and a polling place for the joining the town, on the midnight of the first Wednesday
Southern division of the county, in the hundred of its name, after Old Michaelmas day or between that time and cock-
St. Albans diocese, Essex archdeaconry and Rochford rural crowing, the steward opens the court in as Iowa voice as
deanery, 40 miles from London, 12 south from Maldon, 191 possible, nevertheless all absentees are to be heavily fined and
south-east from Chelmsford, 6 east from Rayleigh and 4 submit to other forfeit8; the whole business is transacted
north from Southend. The town consists of four streets of in whispers, minutes beiug made with a coal in place of pen
irregular houses, paved and lighted with gas and is ap- and ink. Rochford Hall is part only of the old mansion,
proached from the west through an avenue, upwards of a formerly the abode of Queen Anne Boleyn and of Lord
mile in length, of elm and oak trees of singular beauty, Rich, afterwards Earl of Warwick; it is occupied by
planted by Sir James Tilney: it is supplied with water from a farm bailiff. James Tabor esq. is lord of the manor,
the river and springs and there are two artesian wells of and Arthur Tawke, Wm. Taylor Meeson and George Wood
considerable depth. The church of St. Andrew is a stone esqs. are the principal landowners. The neighbouring
building in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, country is a rich tract of land and well adapted for corn,
nave, aisles, vestry and porch, with a lofty western tower of which is mostly shipped for the London market. The area
brick, containing 3 bells: this tower was built, it is said, by is 1,855 acres; rateable value, £5,847; the population in
Lord Rich and bears the Boteler arms, a circumstance which 1881 was 1,665, including inmates of workhouse.
rather favours the belief that it was erected by the Ormond Pm-ish Clerk, Thomas Robert Hunt.
family: there is a brass to Maria Dilcok, 1514: the church POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank
is about a quarter of a mile from the town and was com- & Government Annuity & Insurance Office.- J. D.
pletely restored and re-seated in 1862, when three stained Garrood, postmaster. Letters arrive from Chelmsford
windows were inserted in the chancel, the parishioners have by mail cart at 4.30 a.m.; dispatched to Prittlewell,
since presented an oak lectern. The register dates from the Southend, Wakering, Southchurch & Shoebury Fort at
year 1678. The lilTing is a rectory, tithes commuted at 4.30 pom.; dispatched to Barling, Paglesham, Canewdon,
£595 with a good rectory house and a glebe of 65 acres, in Leigh & Hadleigh at 6 a.m. First delivery of letters at
the gift of the Earl Cowley and held by the Rev. Benjamin 7 a.m.; second delivery at 12.30 noon; first dispatch for
Cotton MoA. of Trinity College, Cambridge. A School board London box closes at 8.55 a.m.; general dispatch to
of 7 members was formed in 1871. The COIle<TI'eg'dtional- London & all part!! box closes at 5.50 p.m.; with extra
ists and Wesleyans have each a chapel here. There are alms- stamp till 6 p.m. Money order ~ savings bank open from
houses for six poor people, founded by Robert Rich, first Earl 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. WALL LETTER Box, Stroud Green,
of Warwick of that name, who died in 1618 ; there are other cleared at 6.20 p.m
charities producing £50 yearly. A market is held on CoUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE ROCHFORD PETTY
Thursday for corn: and two yearly fairs, on Easter Tnesday SESSIONAL DIVISION.
and on the Wednesday after 29th September. There is a James Tabor esq. Earl's hall, Prittlewell, chairman
police station, with a local force of a sergeant and 7 constables. A. Tawke esq. The Lawn, Rochford


Sir Chat"les Nicholson bart. Hadleigh. W9Tkl/.()Us~, built in 1837, for ~60 inmates, at a cost of
Robert Henry Heygate J. esq. OaklandB, Leominster' '£5,000; R. F. Moss, master ~ Rev. E. H. FothergiU B.l.
John Page esq. Southend chaplain; Thomas King 1II.D. surgeon; Mrs. M088, matron
John Baker esq. Hockley , RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. !
Edward Arthur Wedd esq. Great Wakering .
Charles Albert. Tabor esq. Great Sutton Clerk, William Gregson, Rochford
Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Joseph Arthy, Rochford Medical Officer, Edward E. Phillips, Southend
Petty SessiQn$ held every thursday at the County court.. Inspectf»', Edward Judd, Rayleigh , •
The places in the division are Ashingdon, Barling, Canew· PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
don, Canvey Island, Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stam· County Court, held monthly alternately at Rochford &
bridge, Great -Wakering, Hadley, Rockley, Leigh, Little Southend; John Thomas Abdy LL.D. judge: William
Stambridge, Little Wakering, Paglesham, Prittlewell, Gregson, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff: Henry
Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Southchurch, Shoebury Wood &; William Carter Wood, under bailiffs. The l:oul1
(North & South), Shopland, Southend, South Fambridge, house is a handsome building, erected in J859 at 8 cost of
Sutton, Thundersle,. & Wallasea Island near £3,c)OO; the following places are within the jUrisdic.
I:-rsuRANcE AGENTS:- . tion of the court :-Ashingdon, Barling, Bowers, Gifford,
London .Assurance, W. Qny Canewdon, Canvey Island, Eastwood, Foulness, Great
Manchest~ Fire, A. J. Arthy Stambridge, Great Wakering, Hadleigh, Hockley, HulI-
Norwich Union Fi"e, K Jackson bridge, Leigh, Little Stambridge, Little Wakering, North
Phanix Fire, A. Harrington • Benfleet, Paglesham, Pitsea, Prittlewell, Rawreth, RaY"
S1tn Fire, W. Gregson . leigh, Rochford, Shoebury (North & South), Shopland,
ROCHFORD UNION. . South Benfleet, Southchurch, Southend, South Fambridge,
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly Sutton, Thundersley, W81lasea Island &; Wickford
Rochford union comprises the following places viz.:-+- Inland Revenue Office, held at ~ King's Head'
Ashingdon, Barling, Canewdon, Canvey Island, Eastwood, Cu.!tom House, Thomas Handley Barbrook. officer
Foulness, Great Stambridge, Grealll Wakering, Hadleigh, Police Office, John Megraw, se.l'jeant
Havengore, Bawkwell, Ho~kley, Leigh, Liitle Stambridge, Stamp 0.iJic~, Jesse David Garrood, sub-distributor
Little Wakering, North Shoebury, Paglesham, Prittlewell, PuBLIC OFFICERS :-:- ,
Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shopland, Soutb Benfleet, Clel'k to Commissioners of Taxes, A. J. Arthy
Southchurch, South Fambridge, South Shoebury, Sutton & Clerk to Highway Boara, William Gregson
Thundersley. The population of the union iD 1881 was Clerk to the School Board, William Gregson
23,6~n: rateable value, £133,525 . Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Jesse David Garrood
. {

Clerk to Guardians, William Gregson, Rochford SCHOOLS : -

RelieVing g. Vaccination Ojficers, 1St district, SI. Thos. Gwynn, Board, built in 1877, at a cost' of about £4,000, for 200
Rochford: 2nd district, John Pryse Williams, Rayleigh children, with an average attendance of 1S4; (boys) Aneal
Medical Officers 4' Public Vaccinators, Hadlei[Jh dist1'ict, Culling, master; (girls) Miss Louisa, M. Phillips, mis-
Francis D. Grayson, Rayleigh; Prittlewell district, Edward tress; (infants) Miss Rena OIley, mistress
E. Phillips, Southend; Rayleigh district, Frands D. Gray- CoNVEYANCE TO SoUTHEND STATION. - Omnibus from
son, Rayleigh; Rochford district, Thomas King 1II.D. Cricksea Ferry calls at' New Ship' to meet the first up
Rochford; Wakering dist. Wm. A. Raper M.D. Gt.Wakering train, returning winter months about 4-45 p.m. & summer
Superintendent Registrar, William Gregson, Rochford; de· months 1 p.m. except tuesday, friday & sunday
puty, George A. Carver, Rochford ~ CARRIERS TO:- 1
Re.qistrar- of Marriages; Henry Wood, Rochford; deputy, OHELMSFORD (through Ra)'leigh)-Bush, tuesday & friday,
William Carte:r Wood, Rochford to & from ~ King'l! Head,' Chelmsford, leaves Rochford at
Registra1" of Birtlu & Deaths, Prittlewell sUb-district, George 7 a.m. & Chelmsford at 3 p.m
Bigsby, Park ter. Southend; deputy, A. F. Godward, High st LoNDON-Tbomas Pease, from' New Ship,' thursday moro-
" Southend; Roch/ord sub-district, Thomas King 1II.D. Roch- ing; leave the Catherine "'neel inn, Aldgate, London,
ford; deputy, Samuel Thomas Gwynn, Rochford.; Rayleigh tuesday & friday
sub-dist1ict, J. P. Williams, Rayleigh; deputy, Edward SoUTHEND-fScott, from his own house to Prittlewllll,
Judd, Rayleigh; Wakering sub-district, WiIliam A. Raper Southend, daily & Wakering, friday; John Brown, daily,
, 1II.D. Gt. Wakering; deputy, J. Eo Catmull, Gt. Wakering with goods from railway station
Pl;lIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Henry, shopkeeper deputy registrar of births &; deaths
Aithy Alfred .,Toseph Burgess George (exors. of), plumber for Rochford sub-district .
Arthy Mrs. Butcher Jacob, greengrocer Hardy William, plumber &; painter (
Birch George Peregrine Carey, Stilwell &; Birch, engineers, con- Harper Henry, draper
Carey Arthur tractors for steam culttvation &; Harrington Arthur, chemist &; stationer
Cotton Rev. Benjamin M.A. RectOTY' makers o( Carey & Crossby's. patent Harvey Daniel, beer retailer
Grabham Mrs. Lavenders digger; steam ploughing & engineer- Hedgecock John, boot & shoe maker
Gregson Fredel'ic ing works . Hunt Alfred (Mrs.), dress maker
Hayward Rev. ThoR. [Congregational] Carver Goorge A. deputy llUpt.registrar Hunt Thomas Robert, tailor
Jackson JMward ',I'rotter Chapman John, farmer, Strond green Jackson Edward Trotter, manager of
Kernot Mrs County Court (J. T. Abdy LL.D. judge; branch bank (Messrs. Sparrow, 'Iut·
King Thomas H.D William Gregson, registrar) nell &; Co. of Chelmsford)
Rankin Hugh Gripps Richard, farmer, Stroud green Johnson Hephzibah (Miss), dressmaker
Tawke Arthur D,L., J.P. The Lawn I Charles Godfrey, high bailiff Kemp Nathan, builder
Wallis Arthnr Davies Samuel, shopkeeper Kent Henry, tailor
Wiseman Mrs. Fir Tree house Essex Prtnrident Soc, (David Ling, col.) King Thomas M.D. surgeon & registrar
Wood George, Lock's bill Frands Jabez & Sons, printers &c.; & of births & deaths for Rochford sub-
Wood Mrs at Southend. See advertisement district
CO~CIAL.· Garrad Samuel, builder Lancaster William, baker •
Allen John, builder Garrood Jesse David, ironmonger, & Ling David, cabinet maker
Allen Mary (Mrs.), dress maker post office,& sub-distributor of stamps Ling Eliza (Mrs.), baker
.j\rthy Alfred Joseph, solicitor & clerk Gas Work" (John Cowling, manager; Ling William, beer retailer
to commissioners of taxes George Wood, secretary) Luker Henry & Co. wine & spirit mer-
ABbey Robert, plumber & glazier Gladw.eIl Joseph, shopkeeper chants &; brewers: & at Southend
Barbrook Thos.Handley,customs officer Golding George, bricklayer Marsh Mary Ann (Miss), linen draper
Barnes William, beer retailer Goodman George, saddler & harness ma Marven Samuel, coal dealer
Baynes George, shoe maker Gregson W1lliam &; Frederic t solicitors; May Robert, greengrocer
Beard Lavinia (Mrs.), blacksmith & at Southend M:cBryer Thomas, saddler
Beeson Richard. Muncey, Old Ship, Gregson William, solicitor (firm, W. & Meeson William, fanner &; coal mer-
• commercial & posting house F. Gregson), registrar of Rochford & chant, Great Doggetts
Bertram John, beer retailer Southend county court; 8uperinten· Moss Francis, hair dresser
Bishop George, shopkeeper dent registrar & clerk to the. ~ar- Naunton George, watch & clock maker
Bishop William, draper dians, to the highway board & Roch- Offin Thomas William, auctioneer; &
Blanks Henry, shoe maker ford & Rockley school boards & at Rayleigh
Bloomfield Henry, carter Southend local board Peck John, fanner, Gustard haU
Bowell William, boot & shoe maker Gwynn Samuel Thomas, relieving & Playle George, baker
Brown Charles, King'8 Head vaccination officer, No. 1 district & Popplewell Thomas, baker


PoppleweU Thomas, linen draper Simmons Edward, veterinary surgeon 1 Webster Godfrey, butcher Ir s. •
Potter Thomas John &; Son, grocers Sims Harry, grocer~ provision dealer· White John, boot. & shoemakel'f '
Price Chas. beer retailer, Stroud green & wine merchant Whittingham John & Waiter, engineel"9
\Prior Henry, New S h i p ' Smith John, Rose.f CrotOn· & agricultural implement makers &
Quy William, ironmonger Smith Samuel, baker coach builders l.
Raynham Sarah (Miss), ladies' school Smoothy William George, engineer, Wiggins Susannah (Miss), milijnel' i!
Reeves John, farmer boiler maker & shoeing & gen. smith Winterbon G.eorge, linen drapeJ' o.I
Rice Stephen, tailor Sorrell William, tinman Wood Grorge k Soo, solicitors-; k .at
Richmond WaIter Jsph.master mariner Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (chief Southend ~
Rockfard Cho'l'al Society (Henry Mann, office, Chelmsford; Edward Trotter Wood .George (finn, G. W Ol)d & Son),
hon. sec.) . . Jackson, manager) ; draw on Glyn& solicitor, clerk of Prittlewell, Waker-
'Rochford Coffee .f Reading Rooms Co. Co. London ing United, Stambridge United, East-
(Mrs. Martha Hales Whittingham, Staggs Thomas Lewin, baker wOQd & Rayleigh school boards &;
manageress) Stock WaIter, butcher • Canewdon charities •
Sach Philip,farm bailiff to Jas.Tabor esq Stock William George, butcher j ." Wood Henry, registrar of marriages
Scott Frederick, grocer, & agent for W. Thorogood Timothy, gardener .' Wood Willjam, shopkeeper fI
& A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants Underwood James, watch maker I Wood William Carter, accounta.n~ &
Scott Henry, stationer &; confectioner Wallis Arthur, insurance agent I' '. deputy registrar of marriages
Shelley E. & Sons, grocers Warren James, butcher • '. Woods G.eorg~ J.llarlborougk Heaf(
ROMFORD is an ancient market town and ~ilwaystation, yearly valu~ £700, i;the gift of New CollegJ, Pxfo~ and
head of a union and of a county comt district and a polling held by the Rev. William Mimnder Hitehcock M.A. of Wad-
place for the Southern division of the county, in the rural ham College, Oxford and hon. canon of Durham Cathedral

deanery of Chafford. archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of I and surrogate. St. -.Andrew is all e~lesiastical parish formed
St. Alhans, seated on the little River Rom, whence it derives in 1863 from the mot,hel" pari&h;. .tpe ~hurch; erected in
its name, on the high road from London to Colchester, 12: 1863, is a plain building of stoJ;le, in the Pe~ndicul~r
miles from Whitechapel,. 17 south-west from Chelmsford, I style, consisting of ,chaIJ.cel, n1lV6$ south aisle and porch,
8 north-east from Barking and 6 south-west from Brent- I with a belfry, rising from the west end, surmounted by a
wood: the town originally consisted chiefly of two streets,' spire and containing t bell ~ there is one 8tained window
crossing each other at right angles; the principal street and in the chancel. The register dates from the year 1863.
that in which the cattle market is held is a wide thoroughfare, The living is a rectory, yearly value £?,06, ill the gift 10f
of considerable length, running from west to east and in re- I New College, Oxford lLnd held by the Rev. William Ja~es
• cent years several now streets have been added on the southern; Skllton M.A. of Corpm~ Ghristi college, Cambridge, and
side of the town. The Great Eastern railway passes on a i surrogate. The 'Congregati£lnal church in South .$treet,
lofty embankment at the bottom of South street and has I opened on July igth, 1877r is a Gothic structur.e of Kentish
separate stations for goods and passengers. The town is rag stone, with tower and spire( 60 feet in heighli 4lld
.governed by a local board of health and the parish is' was built, at l cost; including site, of about l5,?Of!: "there
.divided into four wards viz.: Romford Town, Collier Row, are 470 sittings. The old Congregational church IS clpsed.
Harold's Wood and Noak Hill. Romford is the'capital of The Baptist chapel was erectecl in' 1847: a Wesleyan
the liberty of Havering-atte-Bower and lies within it; this chapel in 1827; a Catholic chapel dedicated to St. EdwaM
liberty, comprising the three parishes of Hornchurch, Rom- ! the Confessor in 18$3 and a Primitive Methodist chapel in
ford and Havering, has an· ancient, peculiar and separate 1875: each of these chapels has a Sunday school !attached
jurisdiction, granted by varioult charters from the time of to it. The old Cemetery is near the market place.° . A Jiew
Edward the Confessor, whose original grant has since re-If Cemetery, situate on the .Dagenham road, about OJ16 mile
ceived many additions and confirmations: it is independent I from the town, was opened in October, 1871 t itcontain8..S!
of the 'County, appoints its own magistrates, has a clerk of I acres of enclosed and 31 of unenclosed ground,two.mortuary
the peace, coroner, quarter and petty sessions, courts of! chapels and a porter's lodge. Charities ~ Roger Reed,. of
record and ancient demesne and a county court and is I Havering, by will dated 14th FebruaTy; 1482, left' his: "new
governed by a high steward and three justices: all business I built place in Jay's Mead, otherwise called Hoo Croft,'~'for Rve
relative to the liberty is transacted in the town of Romford. ! poor men: there are now six almshouses foot men .and.two for
The Liberty quarter sessions are held on the Thursday suc- I widows: one almsman, who keeps 'the ,accounts and pre-
ceeding .the county quarter sessions and petty sessions I 8eJTeS order, called.~' the ..ruler," receives £3'5 pe1- !\Jmum,
every Thursday for the purposes of the Criminal Justices 1 the other men ['26, the widows £20; all being supplied
Act. 'fhe church of St. Edward the Confessor, erected in 1 with clothes, coals and medical aid: ~lothe8 aro6 distributed
1850 on the site of the old parish church, is a handsome· from. the BUrplus to the. poor of Romford, HOrnCNlTch
building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings in the and Dagenham. Robert Ballard in 1660 devised twc) hoases
Later Decorated style and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, in Romford to the .churchwardens fo~ thlli repair.' m the
with chapels and an embattled tower with spire 162 feet in highways: these were let. on lease ih 1824 ~ M~, W.
height, tower on the south, containing a clock and 8 bells Hunter for about 21 year5, at a rent of £20 per annmn,
dated respectively 1850, 1756, I704, 1651 and three others the lesser covenanting to rebuild and keep them in repair.
1636, one being undated: the fine east window was given William Armste~d, of Hornchurch, gave to the poor of
by Col. Graves in memory of his wife: there is also a Romford ['2, arising from 1\ farm at Hay Green, and
stained window in the south aisle to the memory of Edward distributed in br.ead and mORey and Andrew Reynold!#, by
Ind esq.: in the north aisle of the church is & stately will dated· October .1th, 1626, £3 also as a rent charge.
monument" with alabaster effigies of himself and his lady in Lewis Betts,. by will dated 18th January, 1~69, left 20S.
kneeling attitudes to Sir Anthony Cooke (preceptor to King 0 repair a causeway leading to the church, £4 for ap-
Edward VI.) ; he died June n, 1576: the Latin inscription prenticing and £20 to the poor on New Y,ear's Day.
on this monument enumerating the various members of his Haonah Richardson left in Il;IIl £3 I3so 6d. from navy
family is supposed to have been furnished hy his daughters, annuities for .the 'poor of Romford, who also have halt the
who were among the learned females of that age: against rent of Webster's Tile Kiln, in Ha-roId Wood ward. Lady
the south wall of the chancel formerly stood the fine monu- Burleigh's charity, -eriginally 1.130, is ,now only £100.
ment, now in the porch, of Six George Hervey of Marks; Here are a branch of the LondOn" and County Bank and
he had previously been sheriff of Essex, 38 Eliz. and was, a Mechanics' Institute; also gas workS'. Here Bre also the
at the time of his death, loth August, 1605, lieutenant of extensivB brewing' establishment of Messrs.Jnd, CoOM nd
the Tower of London, where he died; but was buried here Co. The market for cattle and COI'fi, one of the largest
on the south side of the chancel, with heraldic honours: around London, is held .every Wednesday. A fair is held
there is a long inscription in gilt letters on a slab of black on June 24th. Here are 'the headquarters of the A and B
marble, to himself, his wife and various members of his companies of the'Ist Essex Rifle Volunteers, the A company
family: also in the porch, bnt previously on the south wall CaptainGrimston Abel Smith and the B com-
of the porch, immediately west of the Hervey monument, is pany by Capt. Hy. W. Smith. There are alIB.shouses,~o1iIlded
the stately tomb, with her recumbent effigy of Anne Ca-rew, by Roger Reeds in 1784, for ten persons and several other
raised by her famous son, George, Lord Carew and even- charities. Franc!s. Quarles", the celebrated flllthf>r of the
tually Earl of Tones; she was the daughter of Sir Nicholas ~Bookof Emblemsl'wasbornin 1592intheold:manot-house,
Hervey, Knt. and sister of Sir George Hervey and married called Stewards\ which ma-nor beeame1he property of that

George, third son of Sir Edmond Carew; he died 15th of family in 1588 ~ he was: educated at Cambridge and 00-
June, 1583 and his wife, 27th August, I 605, at. 76: the church came cup-bearer to the Queen of Bohemia and afterwards
will seat 1,102 persons. The register dates from the year secretary tot Archbishop Usher, whom he- accompanied to
1561 and is in very good condition. The liVing is a vicarage, Ireland: this resolute adherence to the royal cause during
the civil war occasioned him much loss, both of property, rateable value, [«,u5; the population of the parish in
books and MSS. and is thought to have hastened his death, 1871, was 8,239 and in 1881, 9,173; and of the Local Board
which took place in 16..t4. Gidea Hall, half a mile east District in 1881, 6,861.
of Romford, is the residence of J. Hamsey esq. and Charles ('JOLLIER Row, 2 miles north-west; HARB STREET, I
William Johnson esq. f Marshalls, on the north of the town, mile north-east; and PROSPECT PUCE, I mile north, are
is the property of Mrs. MacIntosh and is at present occu- hamlets in the parish of Romford. At NOAB: HILL hamlet,
pied by Ralph G. Price esq. I.P. Priests, the seat of Thomas 4 miles north-east, is a. chapel of ease to Romford, served
Mashiter esq. is on the Havering road, I mile north. Market by one of the clergy from the parish church: there is also
gardening, grazing and agriculture form the chief occupa- a National school.
tions of the people. The parish contains about 9,173 acres; ParilJh Olerk. Chas. Bamford, Stanley lodge, Eastern I'd
Official Esta.blishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST, MoNEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank Registmrs of Births &- Deaths, Ilford sull-district, Alfred
& Government Annuity & Insurance Office, South street. Sherman, Gt. Ilford; Bm·king Town suh-distl'ict, R. D.
-Henry Betts, postmaster. Arrivals :-From London" Wilding, Barking; Hornchul'ch sub-district, F. Stratford,
3.~ &; 8 a.m. & 2 & 6.15 p.m.; Grays, 7 p.m.; Horndon- I Hornchurch; Romford sub-district, Thomas WiIliam
on-the-Hill, 6.50 p.m. &; Abridge 7.50 p.m. Dispatches ; - Capron, Romford
To London, 3.20,9 & II.30 a.m. &I: 3.20, 4.30 & 8.30 p.m. WQl'khouse, close to the town, was built in 1838 & will hold
LETTER Box closes at IOp.m. Town PILLAR BOXES cleared i 59.... inmates; it cost £9.500; master, \'Bcant; Rev. James
at 8.25 &; II.IS a.m. & 4.5 & 8.20 p.m. Letters delivered! Goodday M.A. chaplain; ~orris Fasham Davey, surgeon;
in Romford at 7.30 &; 9.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6 p.m Mrs. Mary Ann Wilkes, matron; Miss Emma Slater,
LooAL HoARD. (
Board day first monday in every month Clerk, William Smith, Market place, Romford
Clerk, Alfred Henry Hunt, South street . Medical 0fficer,.A. Wright, Sou~h str~t, R?mford .
Medical Officer, Alfred Wrigbt, South street Inspector of Nuzsances, G. HamIlton, Vlctona road, Romford
Inspector of Nuisances if Surveyor, Jsph. Turvey, Market pI PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
Collector, AlOOrt Harvey, High street Almskouses, North street
. Cemetery (New). Dagenham road; Alfred Henry Hunt,
Joseph Fry esq. Fair Kytes, Hornchurch clerk to the burial board
Charles Peter Matthews esq. The Bower, Havering Corn Exchange High street Thos. Chapness manager
Ralph George P~ce esq. Marshall's ~rk, Romford County Court,' John Tho~ Abdy LL.D. 'judge: Henry
Clerk to th~ Mag~strates, Haynes & Chftou, South:street Skehell Haynes, registrar: Charles Godfrey, high bailiff;
Petty ~es8'tons ~eld every thursd~y. Th~ .f~llowmg places f office, South street. The county court is held in the
are ID~luded ID the Petty SeSSIOnal DIVISIOn :-Romford, court house, near the railway station, once a month; the
Havermg-atte-bower & Hornchurch following parishes are within the jurisdiction of this
INSURANCE AGENTS:- court: Ab~idge,. Aldborough Hatch, Aveley, Barki~g
British Empire Mutual, W. B. Lake, High street &; D. J. Creek, Barkmg Side, Beacontr~ Heath, .Buckhurst HIll,
Custance, Brentwood road <?hadwell, Chadwe!l Heath, ChIgweU, Chlgwell Row, Col-
British Workman, J. G. Dudley, Eastern ter. Eastern road her Row, Corbet sTye, Cranbam, D8.l$'enham, Great
Clerical if Medical, A. W. Hunt, South street Ilford, Hare street, Harold Wood, HaverlDg-~tte-Bower,
Commercial Union, R. J. Benton, Aveley Hornch"';lrch, Lambourne, Lambourne End, Little .Heath,
County Fire, F. Ellis, South street No:"k Hill, Ockendon. NortJI. Ockendo.n So~th, Ramham,
Economic Life, E. PertlVee, High street Ramham Creek, Ramham Ferry, R~ppleslde, Romford,
Guardian, T ChampH6S8 Romford Common, Rush Green, Sqmrrel Heath, Staple-
Liverpool 4' '.London if Globe, J. W. Lasham, High street f~rd Abbot, Stapleford Tawney, StifIord, Upminster, Wen-
London Assura7U:e, D. Heard, North street mngton & Whalebone Gate
Manchester Fire, T, Robinson, The Library Cou:t Hoose, South street . .
Northern. Asnwance, J. R. A, Hulse, Junction road, Poltce Ojfi~e, Court boo South st. Thos. SImmons, mSp6Ctor
Southend St. Edward s I!all, Market place .,
Norwich UniOft Fire, C. J. Macarthy, Market place Essex (2n~) Rifle Volunteers (A & B compames), Gl'lmston
PJu:eniz Fire, E. Pertwee, High tltreet & H. W. Smith, 2 A~l Smith, capt. commandant of A company &; Henry
Crichton villas SmIth of B company
Qu,un, T. Davey,2 Western road & A. H. Harvey, High st Essex (1st) Artillery Volunteers (No. 8 battery), John Wm.
Royal Excha1l!fe, I. Y. Collier, High street Lasham, capt. commandant
Sun Fire, A. H. Hunt, South street PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
Clerk to the Commissioners of Tazes for B eacontl'e~ .f
RoJlFOBD UNION. Havering divisions, Clerk of the Peace 4" Keeper of the
Board day, tuesday, weekly. Records of Liberty, Clerk to the Commissioners of Sewers
Romford Union comprises the parishes of Barking, Cranham, 4" Havering, Dayenham 4' other LetJels, H. S. Haynes,
Dagenham, Great Warley, Havering, Hornchurch, Rain- South street
ham, Romford, Upminster &. Wennington. The popula- Coroner for the Liberty of Havering-atte-Bower, H. S.
tion of the union in 1881 was 36,877; rateable valu, Haynes, South street
£23 6 ,428 Joint Clerks to the Magistrates for the Liberty of Have'I-ing-
Clerk, William Smith, Market place, Romford atte-Bower, Haynes & Clifton, South street
Collector to the Guardians, Chaa. Culling, Gt. Ilford & 'rhos. Clerks to the Petty SessiQ1l for the Dist1-ict of the Half
Wm. Capron, Romford Hundred of BeacQntree, Haynes & Clifton, South street
lUlieving O,lficers, No. I di.9trkt, Charles Culling, Gt. Ilford; Clerk to the Magistrates of the Orsett Division, North Sur-
No. 2 dutrict, Chas. Robt. Emblin, Havering cottage, ridge, South street
Carlisle road, Romford Clerk to Burial Board, Alfred Henry Hunt, South street
VaccinatiOft Officers, Chas. Culling, Gt. Dford & Thos. Wm. Clerk to School Board, William Smith, Market place
<'-apron, Hare street, Romford CollectfYl" to NeuJ Oxford Tythe 4' to St. Andrew Tythe,
Medical O,fficers, No. I: district, H. McClure M.D. Romford; Charles William Harvey
No. :3 district. A. Wright, Romford; No. 3 district, H. H. Inland Rfi1Jlnue Qfficer 4' Inspector 01 Corn Returm, Geo.
Mason, Barking; No. 4 district, J. Shimeld, Great Ilford; Fred. Revill, Tin<lall villas, BrentwoOO road
No. 5 district, W. .Bruorton, Hornchurch; No. 6 district, Inspector of Weights if Measures, Thomas Simmons,
E. CaIlaway, Barking; No. 7 district, A. W. Wallis. Marketplace
Brentwood. Registra1' of Probate Dutie, of Supervuor of Inland Revenue,
Puhlic Vaccinators, A. Wright, Romfottl; H. H. Mason, Richd. Tozer, Swinbnrn villa, Eastern road
Barking; J. Shimeld, Great Ilford; W. Bruorton, Horn- School Board Officer, George Ralph, Victoria road
church; E. Callaway, Barking; A. W. Wallis, Brentwood. Surveyors of lligh'lJJ(lys r Collier tlJard, Thomas Sawyer,
Superintendent Registrar, Wm. Smith, Market place, Rom- Mowbrays fann; Harold's Wood ward, George Edward
ford; deputy, W. D. Heard, Romford rood, Newhall j Noak Hill ""al·d, Mark Taylor, Noak
Registrar, l!.f Marriage~ R. D. Wilding, Barking & Th08. Hill
William Oapron, Romford I Vestry Clerk, Alfred Henry Hunt, South street
rLACES OF WORSHIP with hours of service: in the funds. For apprenticing out of this school twu
"st. Edward's Church, Rev. Canon Wm. Maunder Hitch- poor boys of Hornchurch &; one of Romford, Mary Shide
cock M.A.; Rev. H y. ,... ·11
.lWl.l war
d Burgess M.A.; ""L ReT. £ in 1714, £200,
left, R be which
H was invested. in M' a realMcharge
Joseph Hardwick Pemberton, curates; II a.m. 2.3 0 10; Henry 0 rt easman, master; 188 ary
... 6.30 p.m.; wed nes d ay II a.m. & 7 p.m. &; fTI'daY:II a.m
"" Woodland,
k mistress;
C Mrs.Susannah Long,infants'mistress
St. Andrew's District Church, St. Andrew's road, Rev. C urch, Forest, ollier row, George Barnes, master
William James Skilton M.A. rector; 11 am. & 6.30 p.m.; Natirmal, Noak hill, Miss Maria Ashby, mistress
thursday 11 a.m St. Andrew's (mixed), St. Andrew's road, James Bryant,
Chapel of Ease, Noak Hill master, erected in 1843, has space for 260, with an anrage
Catholic Chapel, St. Edward's square, Rev. Joseph Wm. attendance of 190
W rIg . ht Drew, pries;
. t 8.30 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; d'l al y Catholic (mixed), St. Edward's sq. erected in 1856, holds 58
8 .30 a.m. &; thursd ay 3.30 p.m children;averageattendance4o; Miss Julia Casey,mistress
R ,-f. d"C' ( . ed) M .
Baptist Chapel (8alem), London road, Rev. James McLaren om" or .s.>actory mix , rs. Mary Ann Watson,mIStress.
S teven; 11 a.m. &; 6 p.m. ; mon day 7.30 p.m ThiS school was given in 1841 byd the Great Eastern rail-
Congregational Church, South street, Rev. Fredk. Sweet; way for the education of the chil ren of their workpeople;
11 a.m. &; 6 .30 p.m. ; th ursd ay 7 p.m
it will accommodate 80 &; has an average attendance of 68
Primitit.e Methodist Chapel, Victoria road, Rev. Hy. Car- CoNVEYANCE:-
den; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. sundays Railway Station, South street, Charles Henry Woodcock,
Wesleyan Chapel, High street, Rev. Ralph Green; 11 a.m. station master
&; 6 .30 p.m.; t uescIay 7 p.m Mail cart from' Golden Lion' to Horndon-on-the-Hill
Ebenezer Church et .Mis~'ion Hall, Collier row Omnibus to Rainham, twice on wednesday, from the
, White Hart '
SCHOOLS :~ Poel's mail cart from h18' h N th t t to
Albion Street Boa1·d School (mixed), was built in x865, it Grays & Abridge own ouse, or s ree ,
has room for 200 children; average attendance 180; Mrs.
Clark, mistress NEWSPAPERS:-
National, was erected in 1710 as an endowed school; it has Essex Independent et Farmers' Gazette (Taylor & Robbins,
room for 256 boys, with an average attendance of 250; publishers; published mono wed. &; fri.); South street &
for 156 girls, with an average attendance of 154; & for 76 High street
infants, with an average attendance of 76 ; on the Essex Times, (Wilson &; Whitworth, publishers; published
foundation of Joseph Bosworth &; rebuilt in 1727, the wed. &; sat.); High street
present boys' school was added in 1835 &; by a new Essex Weekly News, (Taylor &; Robbins, publishers; pub-
scheme of the Court of Chancery in 1833 it is open to lished friday); South street & High street
children of the three parishes of the Liberty; it is now CARRIERS TO LONDON.-G. Hoppe, from his own hOUse,
combined with the national school, 45 boys & 20 girls High street, daily, at 9 a.m.; returning same day; William
being on the foundation: the property of the school Manning, daily, at 11 a.m. from his own house, North
consists of two cottages in Hornchurch lane, a plot of street, returning same day; W. Poel, from his house,
ground upon which stands Bosworth's buildings & £r,200 North street, daily, returning same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burdon Geo. Heath ho. Squirrels heath Dinsdale Miss, 2 Rosebank villas, Vic-
Abrahams In. Brooklands, Eastern rd Burgess Charles, Western road toria road
Abbott SamI. I Fernsidevils.Carlisle rd Burningham James, Penrose terrace, Disnay Thomas, Mayvillas, Victoria rd
Adams Alfred, Market place Victoria road Drayton Miss, Prospect pI. Collier row
Adams Thomas,Nassau ho. Westernrd Burroughs Walter,1 Heathcote villas, Drew Rev. Joseph William Wright
Adams Wm. 3 Eastern villas,Eastern rd Eastern road [Catholic], St. Edward's square
Adams -, Oaklands, Brentwood road Burrows Mrs. North street Dugelby Jas. Elm cottage, Victoria rd
Allack Edward, Fern Side villas, Car- Campbell Mrs. 3 Tregenna terrace, Dunball Robert Thomas,Western house,
lisle road Victoria road Western road
Allam Edwin Clark, Normanhurst Canon Mrs. Moss lane Durrant Henry, Squirrels heath
AlIen Francis, Garfield ldg. Carlisle rd Carder Frederick, Western road Dye Charles, London road
AlIen George, Elm bank, Victoria road Carter Henry, Victoria road Earnest Mrs. Westmorland villa, Vic-
Arnold Mrs. Dalcoath ter. Victoria rd Carter Mrs. Western· road toria road
Ashmole Miss, Como cottages, North st Carter Mrs. Richard, I Brookland villas, Edgar Henry Augustus, Market place
Austin Geo. 1 Brent villas, Carlisle rd North street Ellis Fordham, Como cotts. North st
Bailey George, Vallas villas, Western rd Carter Wm. 3 Bellevue pI. London road Ellis Fordham, jun. North street
Baker James, 4 Tregenna terrace, Vic- Caswell Thomas, Hurst leigh, June- Embeeson Jas. Ada villas, Victoria rd
toria road tion road Fenton William Henry, Western road
BamfordChas. Stanley lodge, Eastern rd Catterwell Moses,6 Bellevue pl.Londn.rd Finch Miss, North street
Bardwell William Cockerell,Fern bank, Champness Thomas, Claughton house, Flemons Mrs. 3 Sion ter. ·Western rd
Eastern road Eastern POad Frost Rd. Geo. Oakleigh, Western rd
Barnett Mrs. Dalston villas, Westernrd Charlton The Misses, Ovingham,Brent- Garrard Mrs. Aberdour ho. Western rd
Barker Mrs. Noak hill wood road Gentry Miss,Prospect place,Collier row
Barton Alfred, The Pavement Clark George, Milton cotts. Victoria rd George George, Victoria road
Beamish Isaac, Holly cot. Western rd Clark Rd. Geo. Western vils. South st George Wm.Weaver, Harold Wood hall
Beamish Mrs. I Rose villas, Western rd Clayden Mrs. Oxford viIs. Brentwood rd Gilbey Mrs. Melbourne lodge, South st
Bedford Edward Wilson, The Paddock Clifton Wm.Hy. Eastbury ho.London rd Gilpin Miss, North street
Belsham Alfred, 2 Rose viIs. Western rd Cobb David, The Ferns, London road Gray Mrs. London road
Betham J. E. Elves cottage, Rush grn Cobb William, The Pavement Green Rev. Ralph [WesleyanJ, Marion
Bescoby Charles, Fernleigh, Victoria rd Cole Stephen Eades, Bath house, Brent- villa, Victoria road
Bird Albert, Hampden cot. Collier row wood road Gressell Cooil H.Bellevue ho.London rd
Bird Thomas, Canons, North street Collier Francis, Junction road Gunn John,3 Penryn ter. Victoria road
Black Jas. Fern Bank villa, Eastern rd Collins Charles, Wes~rn road Guyatt John, 3 Rosebank villas, Vic-
Blakeley Miss, Woodbine terrace Collier Mrs. Alpha villa, Victoria road toria road
Blakeley Wm.Carlton villas, Victoria rd Conder Edward, Elm hurst Habgood William James, 4 St. Mary's
Bloomfield Chas. Beech viis. Victoria rd Coope Edward, Sycamore cottages, terrace, London road
Bose WilIiam Balgores, Hare street London road Hall Henry, The Pavement
Bourne Mrs. Gresham cot. Market pI Cumbers Francis, Compton house, Hammond Charles, Market place
Bowen Cecil, 6 Tregenna terrace, Victoria road Hammond Edwin, Clyde vils.Eastern rd
Victoria road Cunningham William Henry, Catons, Hammond John Wm. Arnsby villa,
Bowen Henry,Western villa, Western rd London road London road
Brazier Henry Frederick, Sycamore Curtis Mrs. Claremont viIs. Victoria rd Hammond J oseph Samuel, Hill house
cottage, London road Daldy Octavius George, South street Hammond Joseph Samuel, jun~ Oak
Brown Fredk. Eaton villa, Eastern rd Davey Noms }<'asham, Western lodge, lodge, Western road
Brown Hy. 2 Brent villas, Carlisle rd South street Hanna James, South street
Brown Miss, Como cottages, North s10 Davey Theophilus, Western road Harris Arthur, Greenash vii. Eastern rd
Brown Philip, Osborne house, Milton rd Davies Thomas Bird, 9 Osborne terrace, Harrold William,Eude villas,Victoria rd
Bunn Charles, 3 St. Mary's terrace, Carlisle road Harvey Albert, Eastern road
London road Dennis John Charles, 1 St. Mary's Harvey Charles, Eastern road
Burbrow Mrs. North street terrace, London road Hawes John, East house, North street

Beard Darrant, North street Makfn: Rev.Robert [Baptist],Claremont Sands John, Priory, Noak hill
Hester Henry,Ann'Villa, Shaftesbury I'd villa, Junction road Seymore Robert, Squirrels heath
Hills Arthur, lZ Woodbine terrace- Mann Miss,Claremont villas,Victoria rd Shepherd Horatio, Tregenna. terrace,
Hitchcock Rev.. William Maunder M.A. Manttlm John,Eude villas,Victoria road Victoria road
(vicar,hoD. canon & surrogate], North March David, Western road Simmons Thomas, Cavendish villas
street cor • March ThOl!.l Rosebank vils.Victoria rd Skilton Rev. Wm. Jas. K.A.[rector of St.
Hobson J ameS l 2 Eastern vils.Eastern rd Marchant Mrs. 2 Victoria cottages, Andrew's,& surrogate],St.Edward's sq
Hocking Mrs. Tregennllo terrace London road Smith G. A. The Ferns, South street
Hod80n Edward, Sydney villas, Brent· Martin.Alfred, High street Smith Henry, Woodland cot. London rd
wood road Mashiter Thomas, Priests Smith James, 3 Woodbine terrace
Holloway Fnk.Hannah villas,Eastern rd Ma.shiter WiIliam, The Elms Smith Joseph, Hill house
Horry William Smith, Hill lodge, Vi~ Mason John,Grosvenor villa,Eastern rd Smith Mrs4 Eastern viis. Eastern rood
toria road Mathew Richard William, North street Solomon Mrs.Camden villa, Victoria rei.
Hughes Mrs. Sion villas, Western road Matkin Joseph, 1: Western road Spencer John, Western road
Hulae John Rd. Augustus, Junction I'd Matthews Thos.Junction vils.Eastern rd Stankowski Alphonse, I Eastern villas,
Humphreys Charles, Western road Meadmore William, Market place Eastern road
Hunt Alfred Henry, Romford hall Medcalf Mrs. Western road Stannard Richard,Chelmsford villa,Vie-
Hustler Chas. Devereux, Victoria road Mister John, ~ Penryn ter.Victoria road toria road
Hymmg Horace, Market place Mooney Jas.Belmontvils. Victoria road Starbuck Charles, Narboro' house, Vie-
Ind Miss, South.street Moore Edward Thomas, 2 Claughton tON road
Ings Matthias t 7 Bellevue pl.London rd villa, Eastern road Steven Rev. Jas. McLaren [BaptistJ,St.
Innes Wm. Jas. 4 Sion ter. Western I'd Moore Frederick, Squirrels heath Edward's square
Jackson James,Prospect pI. Collier row Morgan James, Dorcas viIs. Victoria rd Stephenson John Robert, Chelmsford
James John, Clarence villa, Victoria rd Moss James, St. James' villa,Victoria I'd villa, Victoria road
Jameson Hugh Wm. Sunnyside, Brent- Moss Mrs. St. Edward's square Stowell A. J. High street
wood road Neave Lady, Dagenam park Sully Joseph, May villas, Victoria road
Jarvis Wm.George,Yew tree,Londonrd Norrish Samuel, Hornchurch road Surridge North, Hare Street road
Jennings John,York villas,Victoriaroad Oxley Alfred James,l: Victoria cottages, Sweet Rev.Frederick [Congregational],
John80n Charles William, Gidea hall London road The Manse, Western road
JohnsonLewis, Eaton villas,Eastern rd Palmer Miss, 2 St. Mary's terrace, Tasker Mrs. Myrtle vils.Victoria road
John80n Robert,Park villas, Hare street London road Tavener Mrs. Primrose viis. Victoria rd
Johnstone Mrs. Fairlawn villas, Vic- Palmer JOhn,2 Tregenna ter.Victoria. rd Taylor Joseph, Lawn, Collier row
toriaroad Palmer Mrs. Wellesley villa, South st Thompson D. Charles, Manor house,
Jones Evan, 4 Rosebank villas, Vic· Palmer Wm. Bury house, London road Squirrels heath
toria road PateI'son Mrs. Park lane, Brentwood rd Thompson Qeo. In. Park viis. Hare st
Joyes- Alfred Miller, Laureate cottage, Peacock John Pickering,Ripton cottage, Thernton James Henry, Howfield villa,
Como street Hare street Western road
Kel1ey Conrod, Wolseley road, Dagen- 1 Pears Mrs. Dalcoath ter. Victoria road Tozer Richd. Swinburn vii. Eastern rd
ham road . 1. Pelcher John, S Bellevue pI. London rd Trott James John, The Pavement
Kimberley Miss, Ada viIla,Victoria road Pemberton RoOOrt, Hare hall, Hare st TuckeT John, Squirrels heath
King Alfred, I Penryn tel'. Victoria road Penton George Henry, Cecil house, St. Turnbull Fdk. Roche villas, Victoria rd
King AHred Murrels, Carlisle road Edward's square Turner Mrs. Clyde villas, Eastern road
Kirkpatrick Charles, Melton cottages, Phemister James, Carlton villas, Vi~ Turpin Thomas William, London road
Victoria road toria road Viall Mrs. Lamorna. ter. Victoria road
Knox Andrew, Vine cottage, North st Phillips Frederick William,The Laurels, Wakeford George, Iloily 10. Eastern rd
Knox Geo. Prospect house, Collier row Eastern road Walker Wm. Western ho. London road
Lagden Mrs. Eastern road Pierce Samuel, Eden villas, Victoria rd WaIters Robert, Holme ldg. London rd
Lake Isaac, High street Pink John Thomas,Laurels, Western rd Watson James, Penrose tel'. Victoria rd
Langford WilIiam Henry, n Osborne Pisk Edgar, 7 Osborne ter.Carlisle road Way William, High street
. terrace, Ca.rlisle road Platten Thomas, Junction road Webb James, The Ferns, Eastern road
LashamJohn William, High street Porter Charles, Brentwood road Wells Fredk. Emma viI. Shaftesbury rd
Lawton Edward Harding, Oaklands, Poston Mrs. South street Wells Joseph, The Elms, Eastern road
- Squirrels heath Potter Charles, North street
Lea Henry William Hope, I Cavendish Potter John, 1: Sion ter. Western road.
Westgate Frederick, Market place
Whittingham Matthew, Noak hill
villas, South street Potter Joseph, 4 Be11evue pI. London rd Whitmore Henry, Victoria road
Lee Benj. B. D. Oak bank,Victoria road Price Ralph George J.P. Marshall's pk Wilkinson Wm. 2 Sion ter. Western rd
Lee John. Parkside villa, Victoria road Purssell Mrs. Arnsby villa,London road Williams Joseph Morgan, Laurie hot188,
Legg Alexander Kennedy,Manor house, Ralph Simon, Primrose villa,Victoria I'd St. Edward's square
Victoria road Ramsey John, Gides hall Williams Thomas, Squirrels heath
Lewis John, Beech villas, Victoria road Ray John, St. Edward'8 square Williams William Preston, AMen cot-
Level' Thomas Bird,Io Osborne terrace, Revill George Frederick, Tindall villas, tage, Junction road
Carlisle road Brentwood road Wilson Frederick, The Retreat
Lloyd Wm. Chas. Oxford villas, Brent- Rich Geo. jun.The Lymes,Brentwood rd Winmill Field, Chesnut cot. Hare street

wood road Richards Mrs. Parkside vils. Victoria I'd Winn James, Noak hill

Loder John,FrankliD ho.Hornchurch rd RobersoD. Benj.The Cottage, London rd Wood Henry, Rose cottage, London rd
Luke Samuel Hillyard,Hampden house, Rook Jas. Lamorna ter. Victoria road Woodhouse Mrs. Hornchurch road
Collier row Rotton Chas.Gothic cottages,Carlisle rd Wright Alfred, The Lodge, South street
McClure Henry M.D. 2 Brookland villas, Russeil Wm. Russell ho.Squirrels heath Wright lsaac, 4 Penryn ter. Victoria rd
North s t r e e t . Rust Mrs. Gothic cottages,Carlisleroad Wright Mrs. Belmont vils. Victoria rd
Mallin80D Wm. Myrtle viis. Victoria rd Ryle ThoB. Sydney villas,Brentwood rd Young William John, Squirrels heath.
COIUlERCIAL. Barnard James, shopkeeper, George street
Abrahams William Henry, timber merchant, Hornchurch rd Barnes Robert, farmer, (back of) High street
Adams Emily (Miss), dress maker, Market place Barnes William, dairyman, Brentwood road .
AlOOrt & Sons, dentists, Ludgate hill, London; attendance Barnes William, farmer, Great Mawneys
every thursday at Mrs. Clube's, Market place Barton Alfred, auctioneer & estate agent, The Pavement
Algar James, baker, Albert road Batty Joshua Spencer, currier & leather merchant, High st
Allam Edwin CIark, architect & surveyor, Normanhurst, & Beal Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, Market place
timber merchant, South street Beaumont Thomas, harness maker, Squirrels heath
Allan George, New Mill inn Heckett George, harn,ess maker, South street
Anderson Thomas, pork butcher,Highstreet Bentley Fancy (Mrs.) oil & colorman, Market place
Atkinson John William, solicitor, Crown chambers, South st Bentley George Charles, fruiterer, South street
Axon Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Andrew's road Betlis Clars. (Miss), confectioner, I Bedford villas, Victoria rd
Axon Joseph & Henry, pork butchers, Hig-h street Best Willia.m, farm bailiff to Mrs. Drew, Eaton grange,
Backlep George, greengrocer, Brentwood road Romford common
Bacon Ricllard, beer retailer, Brentwood road Bettis George, fish dealer, High street
Baker EliZlll (Miss), dress maker, North street Black James, boot maker, High street
Bangs William, fruiterer, Hare street Black William Henry, builder, Albert road
Banks Lydia (Mrs.), secondhand clothes dealer, High Blaxall Henry, butcher, South street .. w
Blakeley & Co. fancy drapers & dress makers, &: post office, Dowsing James Edward, builder, London road 'f
Victoria road Drake Amelia (Miss), dress maker, South street
Bloomfield Benjamin, farmer, Noak hill Draper William, saddler, North street
Boream George, Ray dealer, London road Dunoombe Benjamin, shopkeeper, 3 Bedford vils. Victoria rd
Booth Henry, carpenter, High street Dndley John George, superintendent of agents for British
Bracher Edward, florist, Shaftesbury road Workman Life Insurance Company, Eastern ter.Eastern rd
Brand David, boot & shoe maker & draper, London road Ebsworth Francis, Old Windmill ~ Bells, Market place
Brazier James, marine store dealer, High street Edwards Edward John, commercial traveller, Eastern road
Bridge Henry, hurdle maker, Dagenham road Ehrhurt John, Compasses, London road
Bright lsaac, Lamll, Market place Ellingworth James, Park farm, Hare street
Brooks Thomas, Bell inn, Collier row Ellingworth John, greengrocer &C. Market place
Brown Benjamin, haulier, Romford common Ellis Fordham, grocer, South street
Brown Denham, wheelwright, Romford common Emblin Charles Robert, farmer; relieving officerJ No. 2
Brown Francis Whitley, grocer, Market place district, Havering cottage, Carlisle road
Brown Waiter, King's Head~ Market place Essex (1st) .Artillery Volunteers (No. 8 batter~·). (John
Burgess Charles, fancy repository, South streei William Lasham, capt. commancant)
Bury John, jun. fishmonger, South street Essex Equitable Permanent Building Society, South street
Bush William, greengrocer, Market place Essex Independent tJ :Farmers' Gazette (Taylor & Robbins,
Bush William, hay & straw dealer, Albert road publishers; published monday, wednesday & mday);
Butcher James, shopkeeper, St. Andrew's road South street & High street. See advertisement
Capron Thomas William, registrar of births, deaths, mar- Essex Provident Society (John HammoJld, collector), The
riages & vaccination officer, Hare street Pavement i branches at Brentwood & Stratford
Carter Ernest John, bailiff to county court, Lime Tree Essex (1st) Rifle Volunteers ,A &: B companies) (Grimston
villas, Victoria road Abel Smith, capt. commandant of A company;. Hy. WmJ
Carter Frederick, iron founder, Queen street Smith, capt. commandant of B company; Joseph BreW
Carter George, baker, 25 Waterloo read Mumford, drill instructor)
Cemetery (New) (Alfred Henry Hunt, clerk to the burial Essex Times (Wilson & Whitworth, publishers; published
board), Dagenham road wednesday & saturday), High street
Cemetery (Old) (Alfred Henry Hunt, clerk to the burial Essex Weekly News (Taylor & Robbins. publishers & pro..
board), High road prietors; published friday), High street & South street r
• Champness Thomas, auctioneer, surveyor &: estate agent, & at Chelmsford &C. See advertisement
Corn exchange, High street Estaugh William, White HIl.rt, Hare street
Chaplin John, farmer, Noak hill Felstead William, basket maker, High street
Chapman James, beer retailer, High street Fitch John, baker, North street
Chessbro Robert Henry, draper, Victoria road Fletcher Edward (successor to Charles Wm. Harvey).
Child Wm. Daniel, manager of Romford gas works, South st stationer & news agent, High street
Clark Alfred, beer retailer, Squirrels heath Fletcher Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner, Market place
Clark George, coach builder, Noak hill Fletcher Samuel, auctioneer & pawnbroker, Market place
Clark John, tailor, Shaftesbury road Flowers Henry, baker, Market place
Clark Peter, watch maker, South street Follwell Freelerick, florist & seedsman, Victoria road
Clarke Benjamin, butcher, Market place Fowle Benjamin, clothier, Market place
Clube Maria (Mrs.), ladies' school, Market place Fox William Henry, White Hart family ~ commercial h9tel
Cockerton James Samuel, farmer, North street ~ posting house, High street
Cole George Alfred, dairyman, Carlisle road French William, horse dealer, Eastern road
Collins John Thomas, grocer, St. Andrew's road Fulcher William, shopkeeper & carman, Milton road
Collis George, beer retailer, Market place Gardner William, land surveyor, Rose oottage, London road
Cook Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, London road Gay William, market gardener, Thornton house, Rush green
Cooper Alfred, butcher, High street Gibson Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Waterloo road
Cooper George, pork butcher, High street Gilbey George King, corn, seed & coal merchant, South
Cooper Richard, straw dealer, Albert road street &: Crown chambers, South street
Cooper Harry, dairyman, Market place Gill Martin Hicks, classical & commercial school, London rd
Cooper Thomas, Ship inn, Hare street Golding Henry, beer retailer, North street
Coppen William, tobacco pipe maker, High street Goodeve Richard, greengrocer, High street
Copsey William &: Son, cabinet makers, Market place Goodwin Charles, plumber., Waterloo road
Copsey George, cabinet maker, Market place Goodwin Sarah (Miss), baker, High street
Corn Exchange (Thos. Champness, manager), High street Green Joseph, greengrocer, Shakespeare road
Cornell Thomas William, boot maker, North street Griffitbs Griff, cabinet maker & upholsterer, St•.Andrew's rd
Cornick Edward John, Sun, Collier row Guiver Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, Queen street
Coulson John, beer retailer, Romford oommon Gunn Charles, boot & shoe maker, High street
County Court (John Thomas Abdy esq. LL.D. judge i Henry Gunn Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school, Norfolk house, Eastern rd
S. Haynes, registrar i Charles Godfrey, high bailiff); Hale James, boot maker, Waterloo road
office, South street Halls Nonnan, ironmonger, Market place
Cousins Frederick, marine store dealer, High street Hamilton George, inspector of nuisances to the l'Ul'at
Cox Frederick, mason & letter cutter, South street sanitary authority, Victoria road
Crabb Sarah (Mrs.), Durham .Arms, Albert road Hamm Joseph, blacksmith, Angel yard~ High street
Craig John James, clothier, Market place Hammond Alfred James, King's .Arms, Market place
Crewdson Arthur, tailor, High street Hammond Joseph Samnel, builder &:; contractor, Hill house
Cumberland James, chimney sweeper, High street Hanna J ames, surgeon, South street
Cumbers Francis, tailor, 14 Waterloo road Harman John, White Hart, Collier row
Cumbers William, farmer, Maylands Hardy Henry Thomas, printer, George street
Daldy & Co. coal merchants, South street Harvey Albert, rent &: debt oollector & c:>llector to the local
Dandy John, hair dresser, High street board, High street
Dart Alfred, oilman, Victoria road Harvey Allred, auctioneer & estate agent, High street
Davey Abraham, builder, Market place Harvey Arthur, builder, North street
Davey Norris Fasham~ surgeon, Western lodge, South street Harvey Charlotte (Mrs.), chiua & glass dealer, Marllet place
Davey Theophilus, estate agent, Crown chambers, South st Hawes John, farmer, East house, North street
Davies Charles, wire worker, North street Haws Thomas Waters, farmer & land surveyor, Bell house
Davis Charles, beer retailer, High street Haynes & Clifton, solicitors & commissioners, South street;
Davis Eliza (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, South street & at Stratford .
Davis Evan Henry, butcher, Victoria road I Hedger Henry, academy, Regent house, Market place
Davis Samuel, beer retailer, London road Hedges John, shopkeeper, Albert road
Dennis William, boot maker, Albert road Hervey George William; saddler, High street .
Diviny John, coal dealer, Queen street Hill & Sons, bankers (wednesdays only), Market place
Dodson Alfred & Emily (Miss), grocers & bakers, St. Hinds John, stationer & builder, Market place
Andrew's road Hodson Jessie (Miss), ladies' school,-Victoria road
Dodwell Amos, grocer & baker, Victoria road Hollingsworth Hilery (Mrs.), fancy basket;. maker, High st
Dodwell Eber John, butcher, George street Holmes Louisa (Mrs.), tobacconist, Highstreetr
Dowsing Herbert, plumber &c. London road Humphrey Henry, :fishmonger,. High street I
Hunt & Williams, solicitors & commissioners, South street I Palmer James, general dealer, Well yard, High street
Hunt Alfred Hy. (firm, Hunt & Williams), solicitor & clerk Palmer Richard, horse dealer, Red house, High street
to the local board & bunal board &; vestry clerk, South st Parish Alfred, boot maker, George street
Idle Henry, farmer, Brooklands farm Peck Charles, boot maker, Market place
Ind, Ooope &; Co. brewers, High st.; & at Burton-on-Trent Pertwee Edward, pharmaceutical chemist, High street
Ingram Mark. baker, High street Peters John, engineer & beer retailer, St. Andrew's road
Jennings Robert, Blucher'. Head, Market place Phillips Henry, wood carver, Carlisle road
Jones Charles, Woolpack inn, High street Phillips Joseph, confectioner &; corn merchant, High street
Kemsley Joseph William, farmer, Warren's & Gobbin's Pilborough George Charles, hair dresser, South street
farm, Collier row Pinfold Robert, chimney sweeper, Market place
Kibble William, farmer, Collier row Pink John Thomas, general & furnishing ironmonger, bar
King George, bricklayer, Shaftesbury road iron &; oil merchant, &; agent for Flavel's patent prize
Kistler Hannah (Mrs.), fancy repository, High street kitchener, High street: &; at Barking
Knox Andrew, collector of market tolls, Market office Podd George Edward, farmer & surveyor of highways for
Ladies' High School (Mrs. Gill & Miss Watson, principals), Harrolds Woodward, Newhall
Victoria house, London road Poel WilIiam, carrier, North street
Lake William Bentall, watch maker & jeweller, High street Poole WilIiam, Squirrel's Head, & baker, Squirrels heath'
Landon James, professor of music, St. Edwards road Porter Joseph, coach builder, South street
Large Edward, ])olphin inn, Market place Poston James Roger, butcher, High street
4sham John William, pharmacist (from Savory & Moore), Potter Charles, surgeon, North street
High street Potter John, beer retailer, Dagenham road
Lawrence Edward, farmer, Collier row Potter Joseph, boot maker, St. Andrew's road
Lea Hy. Wm. Hope, solicitor, I Cavendish villas, South st Prictor James, carpenter, Brentwood road
Lee Joseph, farmer, Park farm, London road Pullan George, tailor, High street
Lee William John, farmer, Pigtail farm, London road Ralph George, school board officer, Victoria road
LeMere May & Jesse (Misses), ladies' school, North street Ramsey David, shopkeeper, Queen street
Letts Henry (finn, Wed.lake & Letts), solicitors, St. Ed- Randall Edward, blacksmith, Collier row
ward's square Rawlings Brothers, florists, Old Church •
~evy Abraham, watch maker, High street Ray John, farmer, Great Petitt's farm
Levy Solomon, herbalist, High street Read Samuel, saddler, Market place
'Limbrick John. eating house, Market place Reed George, cabinet maker, St. Andrew's road •
Literary ~ Mechanics' Institute, (C. P. Matthews, vice Reynolds Emily (Mrs.), earthenware dealer, Albert road
president; Lewis Pitts, hon. sec.; John Spencer, jun. Revill George Frederick, inland revenue officer & inspector
hon. librarian) of corn returns, Tindall villas, Brentwood road
Little John, Rising Sun, South street Reynolds Emily (Mrs.), earthenware dealer, Albert road
LodeI' Mary Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, Dalston villas, Reynolds Peter, Golden Lion hotel, wholesale & retail wine &
Weston road spirit merchant, post horses & traps of every description,
London Clothing Company, clothiers, South street horses jobbed by day, month or year, High street
London ~ Oounty Bank (branch) (A. J. Stowell, manager), Reynolds Rebecca (Mrs.), general dealer, High street
High street Ribbons John Washbourn, grocer &; ale &; porter merchant,
Longley George, draper, Market place also appointed agent &; sole bottler for the district of Ind,
JLncss Bessie (Mrs.), china &; glass dealer, High street Coope &; Co.'s celebrated ale &; stout, George street
L)'nn Robert, tailor, 4 Waterloo road Rich Charles, Bull inn, &: cattle dealer, Market place
Macarthy Christopher Innis, chemist, Market place Rich George, cattle dealer, Rose villa, The Pavement
McClure Henry, physician &: surgeon, 3 Brookland villas, Rich George, jun. cattle dealer, the Lymes, Brentwood road
North street Rich George, sen. cattle dealer, Victoria villa, Victoria road
'McDonald Daniel, tailor, Market place Rich John, Cock ~ Bell, Market place
Makin Alice (Miss), ladies' school, Claremont viI. Junction rd Roach James, farmer, Noak hill
Mann John, farmer, Little Petitt's farm Roach WilIiam, Bear inn, & farmer, Noak hill
Manning Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hare street Robinson Emma (Miss), confectioner, South street
'Manning William, carrier, North street Robinson Samh (Miss), ladies' school, St. Andrew's road
Mantell Frederick Lewis, Star, South street Robin80n Thomas, stationer & bookseller, High street
March Samh & Emma (Misses), fancy repos. Market place Romford Gas ~ Ooke Co. Limited (William Daniel Child,
March David, draper, Market place manager), South street
March Thomas, hair dresser, Market place RookeElizabeth (Miss), stay maker, Market place
Martin Henry, tobacconist, High street Rooke James, stay maker &; glass cutter, South street
Martin John, blacksmith, High street Rou~hton George, fishmonger,4 Bedford villas, Victoria rd
Matthew Richard Hare, boot maker, High Iltreet Ruffle Richard, grocer, High street &: Victoria road
Mays William Rust, builder, Park lane, Brentwood road Sas Fran<;ois Charles, cabinet maker, Market place
Mead John, shoe maker, Market place Sawyer Thomas, farmer & surveyor of highways for Collier
Meadmore Wm. nurseryman, seed.sman & florist, Market ward, Mowbray's farm
place. See advertisement Scrivener -, farmer, Great Goose's farm
Mee Samuel, butcher, High street Scruby Joseph, wholesale & retail grocer & tea &; provision
Milbon J obo, builder, Queen street &; wine & spirit merchant, High street
Millbank Joseph, grocer, George street Seabrook John &; Phillip, farmers, Crowlands
Millbank William, grocer, High street Sheave Joseph, dairyman, Market place .
Miller Edward, shopkeeper, Rowford common Shelford Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 Waterloo road
Milner Arthur, oil merchant, Shakespeare road Silcocks Edward, plumber, High street
Minus Thorna8, grocer & baker, High street Simmons Peter, travelling draper, George street
Moore Mildred (Mrs.), beer retailer, Collier row Simmons Richard, beer retailer, Victoria road
Morecraft Edward Walli8, fancy repository, Market place Simmon8 Thomas, inspector of police &; of weights &
Mumford Joseph Brett, drill instructor to the A & B corn- measures, Market place
panies of the 1st Essex rifle volnnteers, South street SlipperWilliam Thomas, coach builder, North street
Mundy Alice (Miss), milliner, High street Smee Edward, boot maker, Albert road
Mundy Annie Melina (Miss), teacher of music, London road Smee Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Mundy George, jun. house &: general agent, London road Smith Charles, butcher, Hare street
Mundy George, sen. baker, High street Smith Frank, corn &; coal merchant, High street
Muskett William, baker & confectioner, Market place &; Smith James, fruiterer, High street
South street Smith James Holme, farmer, Nook hill
Na8h Stephen, coal merchant, South street . Smith John, butcher, High street
Nicholls John, gardener, Oarlisle road Smith John Bevous, comer, Market place
Noble John, architect, Vine cottage, North street Smith John, shopkeeper, George street
Norris Hy. Swan hotel, wine & spirit merchant, Ma.rket pI Smith William, clerk to the guardians of Romford union
Ottley Mark, shopkeeper, Hare street Romford school board & to Lambourne united district
Ottley William, hay & stmw dealer, Noak hill school board; to the governors of Ford's charity, Dagen-
Oxley John, rag merchant, London road ham; to the rural sanitary authority; treasurer to the
Pain C. &; Bros. horse slaughterers, Hare street Liberty of Haverina-·atte-Bower & superintendent regis-
Pain William, cattle dealer, Romford lodge trar, Market place
Smith Richard, shopkeeper, Market place Wallis &; Cane, drapers & carpet warehonsemen, South et
Smith Samuel Simpson, Victoria, Victoria road Wallis Benjamin, grocer, Market place
Smith Thos. By. com. traveller, Junction villas, Eastern road Wallis John, watchmaker, South street
Smith Thomas Henry, stationer, Market place Wallis Nathaniel, boot &; shoe maker, Collier row
Smith William Dykes, basket maker, North street Watts William, bricklayer, 38 Waterloo road
Spencer John, wholesale grocer & tea dealer &; wine & spirit Wedlake &; Letts, solicitors, St. Edwal'd's square
merchant, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mer- Wedlake Thomas William &: Co. agricultural implement
chants, Market place makers, South street &; St. Andrew's st. ; &; at Homchurch
Spencer William Thomas, comb maker, St. Andrew's road Wells Frederick, assistant clerk to the justices for the half-
Spurge James, pork butcher, South street hundred of Becontree, Emma villa, Shaftesbury road
Staines William &; Thomas, blacksmiths, Hare street Wenn John, beer retailer, Squirrels heath
Stankowski Alphonse, artist, 1 Eastern villas, Eastern road Westgate Frederick, family draper, Market place
,stebbings Robert, hair dresser & cutler, Market place Wheatley Edward Grey, boot maker, Market place
Stephens William, Laurie Arms, St. Andrew's road Whitcher John, photographer, South street
Stone Denny, draper, Market place White David, cooper, Market place
Stowell A. J. manager of London & County bank, High st White Emma (Miss), preparatory school, Western road
Stromeyer Fredk. Wm. prof. of mus. Western viI. South st White Henry Freshwater, builder, North street
Summers John, gamekeeper to E. Saville esq. Noak hill Whitmore Henry, Victoria flour mills, Victoria road
Taylor &; Robbins, printers, publishers & proprietors of the Wiffen John, Fo:c ef Hounds, South street
'Essex Weekly News,' the' Essex Independent &: Farmers' Williams RobeTt Lloyd, solicitor &; commissioner (firm, Hunt
Gazette,' & of the' Braintree & Bocking Advertiser,' South &; Williams), South street
street; & High street, Chelmsford &c. See advertisement Wilson &; Whitworth, printers &; publishers of the 'Essex
Taylor Henry, linen draper & clothier, Market place Times,' High street; branches at Brentwood &; Stratford
Taylor Joseph David, clothier, High street Winfield Henry, farmer, Hare street
Taylor Mark, farmer &; surveyor of highways for Noak Hill Woodhouse Alfred, boot maker, High street &; Market place
ward, Noak hill Woodrow James Prevost, academy, Claremont house,
Ta-ylor Thos. Frederick, corn factor, I Park la. Brentwoodrd Junction road
Thimbleby Marianne (Miss), dyer &C. South street Woodward Thomas, earthenware dealer, Victoria road
Thorogood George, carpenter, Waterloo road Woolley Charles, beer retailer, ROmford common
'fozer Richard, supervisor of inland revenue, Swinburn Wray James &; Co. grocers, High street
villa, Eastern road Wright Brothers, bicycle & tricycle manufacturers, lathe &;
Turner William, farmer, Manor farm, Noak hill engineers' tool manufacturers, Romford bicycle works,
Turpin Thomas, shopkeeper, I Waterloo road South street
Turvey Jonas, inspector of nuisances &; surveyor to Romford Wright Alfred, surgeon, South street
local board, Market place Wright Charles, lathe & tool maker, Geerge street
Underwood Charles, smith, White Hart yard, High street Wright Thomas, Unicorn inn, Hare street
Underwood Elijah, shoeing & jobbing smith, Market place Wynn James, farmer, Earlswood farm
Waldron Alfred, solicitor, St. Andrew's road Yull Alfred Samuel, plumber, Market place
Wallace Charlotte (Mrs.), Sun, London road Yull James Edward, Liberty Arms, Waterloo road
THE RODINGS (or ROOTHINGS), are a cluster of smallagricul- BERWICK BERNERS (or Barwick Berners) is a hamlet of
tural parishes, in the Western division of the county, unions Abbott's Roothing, which chooses a constable of its own.
and hundreds of Dunmow and Ongar, Dunmow county court Parish Clerk, Stephen Whitbread.
district and in the rural deaneries of Roding and Ongar, POST OFFICE.~James Perry, receiver. Letters from Brent-
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, established wood through Ongar, arrive 9.30 a.m.; dispatched 3.15
before the time of the Confessor and situate between Ongar p.m.;. sundays dispatched at 10:15 a..m. The nearest
and Dunmow, on the upper part of the river Roding. The money order & telegraph office is at Ongar
district is considered very fruitful. The churches possess Parochial (mi:ced) School, with an average attendance of 18 ;
little of architectural grandeur. Roman remains are Mrs. Purdy, mistress
occasionally found scattered over this district. The soil is Ayth R th' il f L d d
heavy' subsoil clay. The chief crops are wheat barley rop 00 lng, 30 ~ e~ rom on on ~n
and be'ans ' J 5i south-west from Dunmow, IS 1ll Dunmow umon
Th . d h I ' h and hundred and Roding rural deanery. The church
di e area an
h t e popu atlOn
' for t ese several places, ac- 0
f St• Mary the V"lrgm . .IS an ed"fi'
1 ce m the E ar1y
cor ng to t e return of 1881, IS as follows:- English style, consisting of nave, a belfry with spire
- - -
and 3 bells bearing the following inscriptions: 1st,
Rateable " Huic fratris Simonis Andrei nomen habet"; 2nd,
Acres. Popula-
tion. value. "Virgini atque matri resonat Campana Marie"; 3rd, "De
I celis missi nomen habeo Gabrielis": the lancet windows
High Roothing . 1,777 447 £2,5 89 in the chancel are stained. The register dates from the
Aythrop Roothing . 1,393 237 1,713 year 1559. The living is a rectory, yearly value £372, with
White Roothing . 1,79° 398 2,9 85 residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Henry Lud-
Morell Roothing , .. 830 25 - gater M.A.. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Charles Livermore
Leaden Roothing . 1
9 3 179 1,234- esq. who is lord of the manor, W. O. Caton, Frederick
Margaret Roothing .. 1,226 225 1,5 19 John Matthews, Joseph Porter Matthews, Thomas Allaker
Abbott's, or Abbess, Rooth- Aldham, B. Peacock esq. and Gobert's Charity are the

mg . 1,602 23 1 1,919 principal landowners.
Berwick Berners . 390 107 - Letters from Chelmsford through Dunmow. High Easter
is the nearest money order office;. the telegraph office is
Berners Roothing . 1,050 86 1,01 7
Beauchamp Roothing . 1,3 11 23 1 1,593 at Dunmow
- - Parochial (mi:ced) School (supported by voluntary contribu-
tions), with an average attendance of 26; Miss Marion
Abbott's Roothing 27 miles from London and Tresham, mistress
6 north from Ongar station, in the Ongar hundred
and union and in the rural deanery of Ongar, takes its Beauchamp Roothing is a parish, 26 miles from
name from the circumstance of its having of old belonged London, 5 north-east from Ongar and 10 south-west from
to the Abbess of Barking. At the Dissolution, Henry VIII. Dunmow, in Ongar hundred and union and rural deanery
sold the estate to Robert Chertsey. The church of St. of Ongar. The church of St. Botolph is small, consisting
Edmund was completely restored and enlarged in 1867 and of an embattled chancel, nave and tower with 4 bells and
consists of a. chancel, nave, porch and an embattled tower was thoroughly restored in 1870; there are several stained
with a. small spire and 3 bells: the east and west windows windows and two memorial windows in the nave. The register
are stained. The register dates from the year 1560. The dates from the year 1688. The living is a rectory, yearly
living is a. rectory, yearly value £323, with residence, in the value £2440 with residence, in the gift of and held by the
gift of and held by the Rev. Lawrence Capel Cure B.A. of Rev. William Bond M.A.. of Corpus Christi college, Cam-
Balliol College, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel. bridge. Robert Parris esq. is lord of the manor and
The parish clerk is endowed with a rent-charge of £2 per princiJlAllandowner.
annum. Sir H. Selwin-Ibbet8()n bart. H.P. is lord of the BIRDSGREEN is a hamlet, 11 mile S()uth, partly of
manor of Rookwood Hall, also the principal landowner. Beauchamp Roothing and partly of Willingale Doe,

Mrs.lonathan Whitbread.
SezttmfJlIlI, Margaret Roothing is 29 miles from London, 7 nortlr
Letters from Brentwood through Ongar by foot post. The east from Ongar station and 8 south-west from Dunmow, in
nearest money order & telegraph office is at Ongar Dunmow union and hundred and Roding rural deanery..
Parish School, Mrs. C. Dodd, mistress The church of St. Margaret consists of chancel, nave and
Berner8 Roothing is a parish, in Dunmow hundred a bell turret containing 1 bell; the south door and windows,
and Ongar UnIon and Roding rural deanery, 7 miles of Norman architecture, deserve remark. The Yegister
north-east from Ongar and 9t. south-west from Dunmow. dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, formerly
The church [dedication not known] is small and eonsists belonging to the Abbey of St. Albans, yearly value £22~,
of chancel and nave. The register dates from the year with 43 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the ReV'.
:1538. The living is a corney or donative, yearly value F. B. Shepherd and other trustees and held by the Ret.
£63, in the gift of Colonel Bramston and held by the Francis Burton Shepherd lU. of Oriel College~ Oxford.
Rev. Alfred Richard Du Cane M.A. of Trinity College, Here is an endowment of 308. to be given in bread;
Cambridge, who is rector of and resides at Willingale Doe. James Bentley esq. by deed of gift, 1865, gave the sum
Patish Clerk, Samuel Roots. of £400, the interest of which, amounting to £1'2 yearly,
Letters from Brentwood through Ongar, which is the nearest is to be applied in keeping the churchyard and walls in
money order & telegraph office , good repair. Here are the headquarters of the Margaret
The children of this place attend the school at Willingale Roothing Benefit Society, numbering over soo memberS<.
The lords of the manor and the principal landowners are the
High Roothing is 31 milt'>S from London and 4 south- Rev. R. C. Smith and University College, Oxford.
west from Dunmow, in Dunmow union and hundred and MARKS HALL, a farm house, seems to have been an in-
rural deanery of Roding; it was given by Leofwin, in the dependent chapelry; it pays tithes to the rectory of Stondon
-reign of King Edward the Confessor, to a monastery in the Massey.
Isle of Ely. The church of All Saints was restored in 1855, Parish Clerk, George Wasket.
at a cost of nearly £1,000 and is a low building, consisting Letters from Chelmsford through Dunmow, by foot post
of chancel and nave and a bell turret with 2 bells. The every morning, which is the nearest money order & tele-
Tegister dates from the year 1538. The living ill a rectory, graph office
yearly value £391, with residence and 24 acres of glebe in Here is a school, endowed by the Rev. Dr. D'Oyley, a former
the gift of the Earl of Roden and held by the Rev. Edward rector of this parish, with £14 and by James Bentley esq.
Maxwell M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The Earl of with £20: the school is managed by the rector
Roden is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Mixed School, with an average attendance of 40; Miss
Parish Clerk, George Barnard. Turtill, mistress '
POST OFFICE.-8imon Owers, receiver. Letters from
Dunmowat 7.35 a.m. i dispatched at 5 p.m.; also PILLAR White Roothing, supposed to have been so named
POST Box cleared at 5 p.m. Dunmow is the nearest from the whiteness of the church, is 29 miles from London,
money order & telegraph office; no sunday post 8 south-west from Dunmow and 5 east from Sawbridge-
,Parochial School (mixed), with an average attendance of worth station, in Dunmow union and hundred and Roding
64; Miss Holgate, mistress rural deanery. The church of St. Martin exceeds in im-
portance, as a building, any other of the Roding churches
Leaden Roothing is 28 miles from London, 7 Dorth- and is seen from a considerable distance: it consist8 of
east from Ongar station and 7 south-west from Dunmow, in chancel, nave and an embattled tower with spire containing
Dunmow union and hundred and Roding rllral deanery. 5 bells: it was thoroughly restored in 1879, at a cost of
Here was a place called" Leaden Wash," where a turnbridge £1.700, including the building of a vestry and organ
was made for the convenience of carriages and foot-passengers chamber and the purchase of a new organ, providing stalls
crossing the water. The church [dedication unknown] is for the chancel and suitable oak benches. The registerdates
small, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden h hI' . 1 1
belfry with spire containing 3 bells: it was restored in 1866. from t e year 1547· T e ivmg IS a rectory, year y va ue;
'The register of baptisms and burials dates from 1572 i including 80 acres of glebe, about £600, with residence, in
marriages, 1752 • The living is a rectory, yearly value £23 0 , the gift of Sir Spencer M. Maryon-Wilson bart.and held by the
in the frift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. Rev. Jacob Hugo North M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
"'- The lords of the manor are Edward Parns esq. of Mascalls
William Charles Colton RA. of Queen's College, Oxford. Bury and George Edward Frere esq. of Marks Hall. The
'There is a Congregational chapel in conjunction with the principal landowners are Edward Parris esq. G. E. Frere
Abbotts Roothing and High Easter chapels, the respective hn dJ h S k
ministers of these places doing the duty. Captain James esq. Jo A. Payne esq. an 0 n toc esq.
Odams, who is lord of the manor, Thomas Millbank, Charles MORELL ROOTHING, formerly a distinct parish, is now
Livennore, Loftus Arkwright and Mrs. Foy are the principal united to White Roothing.
landowners. Sext01l, T. Stone.
Parish Clerk, John Mott. POST OFFlCE.-Edward Davis Green, receiver. Letters
~OST OFFlcB.-William Dawkins, receiver. Letters from ~rom Chelmsford received through Dunmow. Received
Chelmsford through Dunmowarrive 8.45 a.m.; dispatched 9.15 a.m.; dispatched 2.45 p.m. The nearest money order
3.54 p.m. Dunmow is the nearest money order & tele- & telegraph offices are at Sawbridgeworth &: Hatfield
graph office Broad Oak. No sunday post
Xi:ced School, with an average attendance of 18; Mrs. Smith, Board School (mixed), built in 1873, for 99 children;
mistress I William Bayley, master
Abbot's Roothing. I Matthams Geo. fanner, Friars grange Chetwode & Grubbe, farmers, Earners
'Cure Rev. Lawrence Capeln.A. Rectory Oliver James Bril (exors. of), fanners Roothing hill &; Parsonage
Rattee Rev. James A. [Congregational] & landowners, Mon.ks Hi hin
Barker Joseph,farmer, Berwick's farm Shead Jo~n? blacksmIth gh Root g.
Field Marshall, farmer Stokes WIlham, farmer, Keers Maxwell Rev. Edward M.A. aectory
Joshua Robert, farmer, Fairlands COMMBRCIAL. .
Mailen WaIter fanner Nether street Beauchamp Roothing. Bacon Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer
Metson James: farme;' Parker's fann Bond Rev. William M.A. Rectory Bacon John, carpenter _
Millbank Thomas, farmer, Nether street Parris Miss, Long Bames Boosey James (Mrs.), farmer, ]JoweDs
Thurgood James, farmer, Rookwoods COMMERCIAL. Bowtell WaIter, plumber
&; Abbott's hall Archer Sarah (Mrs.), beer rtlr.Birds grn Boyton Joseph, baker
Westwood William, Anchor Blowes In. Parker, shpkpr. Butt hatch Coote WiIliam, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Whitbread Henry beer retailer Crouchman Richard, farmer Henry Cooper
t • Groves William, farmer, Butt hatch &; Crabbe James, farm bailiff to Robart
Aythrop Roothlng. -Slade farm Marsh esq. Pennyfeather's farm
Lndgater ReT. Henry M.A. Rectory Rust Frank, farmer, Wood end Dowsett Joseph, farmer &; landowner l.
COMMERCIAL. Speller George, hay dealer & fanner, & Gray George, machinist
Aldham Thomas Allaker, farmer &; land- ,swan inn, Birds green Grout Henry, blacksmith ~ If
owner, Highams Stanley Francis, farm bailiff to Robert Harrington Moses, shopkeeper t
Ayletll Mary Ann (Mrs.), Carpenters' Parris esq. Long Barnes fann Keeble John. shoe maker
Arms Tucker J. (Mrs.), fanner, Hornos fann Owers Charles, shoe maker
Caton Wm. OliTer, farmer &; landowner Walden John, fanner, Willis's farm Owers Simon. grocer It provisioudealer
Clayden Thomas. grocer &; draper ReaTes James, beerretailel'
Large Charles, Windmill, & miller Earners Roothing. Salmon Mary (Mrs.), shpkpf.. &hawker
Livermore Wm. farmer, Aythrop hall ,Challis Jesse, farmer, Elms Smith Alfred, fanner, Broadgate8

Smith John, farm bailiff to Robert Margaret Roothing. :Boosey Abraham, farmer. LuC&S
• Marsh esq. Tarvet's farm Britton Charles, blacksmith
Smith Samuel, farmer, Gower's farm Shepherd Rev. Francis Burlon K,A. Brown Denbam, carter ~
Staines Goorge, Black Lion > ,
Rectory Dawkins George, bricklayer
.. Staines Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, 'Porters Gooday Joshua, farmer, Marks hall Dawkins James, bricklayer
Sweeting Elizbth. (Mrs.)Jrmr.Ware frm Maylen Henry (exors. of), miller k far- Green Edward Davis, grocer & dra~\"
Tanner Mary (Mrs.), miller & beer retlr mer; Waplesmill Groves Edmund, farmer, Kingstons
Thurley Robert, bncklayer Millbank Thomas, farmer, Garnish hall Groves Frederick, farmer. Walkers.
· West J ames, farm bailiff to Mrs. Smith, & Whitehall Morrell Roothing ,
High Trees & Dugates Roots Mary (Mrs.), grocer &c Halls Thomas, farmer, ColTille hall
Wilson Geo. (exor~. of), farmer,New hall Smith Peter, farmer, Brick house Josling Robert, farmer, Manwoods
Witham Samuel, shopkeeper & tailor White B.oothing~ Mann Sargeant, Whalebone
Matthams WaIter, farmer, Graylands
Leaden Roothing. Bacon Miss Elizabeth . Monck John, wheelwright
Colton Rev. Wm. Charles B ..... [rector] Ford Rev. James Madden [curate] Newell John, shoe maker
Allen William, grocer & draper Morgan George . Newton John, mason
Boosey Hannah Bridgett (Mrs.), King Morgan Miss . Oliver Alfred, farmer, Marks hall
William IV North Rev. Jacob Hngo M.A. Rectory Parris Edward, farmer &; landowner
Dawkins William, beer retailer & farmer Parris Edward, Mascall's bury Mascall's Bury
JO!;lling Abraham, farmer, Langland Roast John' Roast Benjamin, miller
Monk J onathan, butcher Roast Mrs . Savill Hrbrt. Smith, beer rill'. &; grocer
Mott John, carpenter Smith Mrs. Emma, Kingstons Scott WaIter, Black Hwse
Nunn Frederick, 'wheelwright COMMERCIAL. Staines Albert, farmer, Warwicks
Reed William, farmer, Granary farm Bott Joseph Fennell, farmer, Cammas Vale Henry, machinist
Thurley James, bricklayer hall, Morell, Roothing ,
ROXWELL is a parish situate on the Can, a feeder of 1558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £250, with
the Chelmer, in the Western division of the county, Chelms- residence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of New College,
ford union, hundred and county court district, Roding rural Oxford and held by the Rev. Thomas John Heam M.A.
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4i I formerly Fellow of that college, rural dean of Roding and
miles west from Chelmsford station,9 east from Ongar and surrogate. Skreens Park is situate about It mile west from
30 from London. The church of St. Michael, an edifice in the village; the mansion is an old square brick building,
the Late Decorated style, was enlarged and thoroughly re· the property of Colonel Thomas Harvey Bramston and
paired in 1854; it consists of a chancel and nave, with a occupied by Edward Gibson esq. Lord Petre, who is lord of
· north aisle, porch and a wooden turret containing 3 bells: the manor, and Col. T. H. Bramston are chief landowners.
in the south angle of the chancel is a marble mural monu- The soil in some places is of a clayey nature and in others
ment to Chief Justice Sir John Bramston, who, in 1635, pur- gravel and produces excellent corn. The area is 4.755
chased the manor of SkreensofThomas,secondsonofRichard, acres; rateable-value, [,7,014 IOS.; and the population in
l:st Earl of Portland: Sir John was the eldest son of Roger 1881 was 814-
Bramston, of MaIden and, bec~ming a barrist,er of t~e.Mid~le CHALK END is 2 miles north-east; BLACKWALL is I mue
Temple, "Y'as afterwards appo~nted the UmversIty south-west; BOYNTON half a mile north.
()f Cambndge .and m8:de ser]eant-at-la~ ID :£62 3: ~e sub-, Parish Clerk William Cheek.
sequently received vanOU8 other promotIOns and arrived at ' ....
the dignity of Lord Chief Justice of England in 1635; he is POS1: ?FFICE.-Mrs. Mary M. Knight! receIver. Letters aye
said to have been a man of profound learning, solid judg- receiVed through Chelmsford, arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dlS-
, ment, integrity of life and gravity of manner: he died in patched at 6 p.m. & on sundays at 9.30 p.!U. T~e nearest
September, 1654, (Pt. 78 and was buried here: along Latin ~oney ()~der & telegraph. office & post pffice savmgs bank
inscription records his careel' and recounts his virtues: in IS at Wnttle !
the chancel is also a mural monument with a bust and in- Assistant Overseer, John S Ray I •
scription to the Hon. Mary Byng, wife of the Hon. Edward National School, built in 1834 by T. W. Bramston esq. for
Byng and daughter and co-heiress of John Bramston: 170 children, with an average attendance of 140;' J ames
she died March 31,1744, lEt. 37: here also is an inscription Webb, master; Miss Sarah Jane Sibley, mistress
to Thomas Younge, of Niviland and Roxwell, gent. and CARRIERS TO & FROM: CHELMSFORD The Willingale carriers
his wife Katheren, 1593. The register dates from the year pass thl'ough on monday, wednesday & friday

Abbot Mrs . Christy James, farmel', Boynton hall Perry Thomas, boot & shoe maker.
Christy James, Boynton hall Cogdale James, bricklayer Cooksmill green
Cooch Mrs Cogdale John (Mrs.), blacksmith Ram William, farmer, Newland hall
Gibson Edward, Skreens park Crouchman Martha (Mrs.), butcher Ray In. Shepherd, milleT, steam, water
Hearn Rev. Thomas John M.A. [rural Darby George (Mrs.), shopkeeper & & wind mills, & collector of poor's rates
dean & surrogate], Rectory , beer retailel', Radley green Simons Charles, farmer, Broadgates
Webb James, Roxwell house Fogg Samuel, beer retlr. Boynton cross Simons Hugh, Chequers
. Gandy George, wheelwright Stokes William, Hare if Hw,nds '
COMMERCIAL. . Knight Mary (Mrs.), baker Tippler William &; Waters, landowners.
Ball Geo. 'Wm. grocer & provision dealer Lucking James (Mrs.), beer retailer, farmers & brick makers, Duke's
Boyton Henry,farmer,Hoe street, Lord's Cooksmill green Warren John, Cherry Tree
land & Christopher's Metson Robert, farmer, Pooty pools Wiffen Chas. Sydney, farmer, Hill farm
Buries Wm. (Mrs.),frmrl. Armswick frm Metson Samuel, farmer, Radley green Wright Henry, shopkeeper &; farmer
Butler George, farmer, Bolden hatch Millbank Charles, farmer, Blow's farm Young Michael, farmer, But.t hatch
'Challis James~ farmer, Elms farm Oddy Frederick, boot & shoe maker Young Solomon, farmer, Thatches farm
ROYDON (or WOODREDON) 1&1 an old town, parish and Alfred Pyne B.A. formerly fellow of St. Peter's College,
station on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway, on the Cambridge. The old schoel house, pleasa':Itly situate on
borders of Hertfordshire, in the Western division of the The Green, has been repaired by James Goddard esq. and
county, Harlow and Waltham hundreds, Epping union, in it are now held a workman's club and a penny savings
Waltham county court district, Harlow rural deanery, Essex bank. There is a Congregational chapel.. Nether Hall,
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese; it is 22 miles from near here, an ancient ma.nsion, of which only the gate-
London, 5 south-west from Rarlow, 5t east from Hertford way now stands, formerly belonged to the Colte family,
'and -7 north-west from Epping; it is on the Stort naTigation, whose remains are deposited in the chancel of the church
. ""vel' which is a bridge; it was formerly a market town. and commemorated by Beveral Tery handsome bra.sses:
The church of St. Peter, repaired in 1854. consists of the existing gateway is CODstructed of brick,. with a semi-
chancel, naTe and an embattled western tower, with a small hexagonal tower on each side of the entrance and bears
spire containing a clock and 6 bells: in the church are the arms of the family supported by ~ colts; the whole
brasses to Thomas Colte esq. '4 Edwardi regis consul honorio- pile when complete was surrounded by a moat and -.a
tlcus," 1471 and Joan his wife; to John Colt esq. 1521 and wall: the property is now in the possession "Of John Archer
his wives, Mary and Elizabeth; to Elizabeth, wife of John Houblon esq. of Hallingbury Place. Roydon Lodge, now
Stanley ~ent. J:589, with 5 children and the figure -of a nnoccupied, is a modern building, pleasantly situate. with
civilian, c. 1580. The register dates from the year .1567. pleasure grounds sloping to the river Stort and close to the
The livingis a discharged vicarage, yearly value '£150, with railway station. Earl Cowley is lord of the maner and the
residence, in the gift of Earl Cowley and held by the Rev. principal landowners are James Goddard, Hen1"1 Cox

Wilkinson, Thomas -caBin, John Archer Houblon esqrs. Sir IN8URANCB AGENT-Rayal E~cka'1lfle, J. Pamphilon
Charles Booth bart. and Charles James Phelips esq. and A mnall endowment, amounting to £400 & producing
Winchester College. The soil is mixed, mostly heavy; Bub- about £18 yearly, given I>y John Manning in 1752 for
soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and educational purposes, haa been la.tely I!lold by the Eduea--
turnips. The area is 3,031 acres; rateable value, £8,802; tion department, the proceeds going towards defraying
and the population in 1881 was 841. the expense of the Board 8chools which have been erected.
Parish Clerk, James BarltTop.
POST OFFICE.-Wm. Charles Camp, receiver. Letters Board School-Under the Roydon 8chool board; built in
through Ware, arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4 p.m. 1876, for 160 children, with an average attendance of 94 ;
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Wm. Durrant Bunn, master; Miss Emma Bunn, mistress
Stanstead Railway Station, Edmund Hull, station master
Benham Alfred Clark John, beer retailer Neale Robert, baker & shopkeeper
Lee Rev. Henry [Congregational] Cook Abraham, shoe maker Page Nelson, farm bailiff
Pyne Rev. Alfred B.A.. Vicarage I Cook Louisa (Mrs.), Fisk tf Eels Pamphilon John, plumber & glazier
Pyne Dillman I Cowell James, farmer Parish Arthur Fredk. farmer, Page fnn
Sibley Joseph, Broadley house Cwulall William, farmer Parish Joseph, farmer, Nether hall
Fairchild James, bricklayer Pearman James, farm bailiff to Mr.
COMMERCIA.L. Green George, wheelwright I John James Green
Acres John, farmer Hale John, farmer, Low hill Runnacles Harcourt, brick maker
Akers John, farmer. Roydon temple Keep Rebecca (Mrs.), threshing ma- Baling John, blacksmith, Roydon hamlet
Barltrop James, blacksmith chine proprietor Sessions J"mes, farmer, Low hill
Bigg John, blacksmith Kitchiner Hy. farmer, Roydon hamlet Shirley Wm. farmer
Brown Amy (Mrs. ), Fox ~ Goose,Roydon Large Edmund, Temple inn Smith Benjamin, White Hart
hamlet I Lawrence Ruth, baker Taylor William, carpenter
Cannon Simon (Mrs.), saddler, Roydon Lawrence Thomas Rowley, grocer Traveller Thomas, beer retailer
hamlet Lee Henry. farmer I Wavell Leonard, New inn
Challis James, beer retailer Littlechild John, farmer Webb John, farmer
Chapman John, farmer Mann Samuel, Green Man. Wilson Sarah (Mrs.), Black S·wan
Charter Thomas, farmer Moore Thomas, but<:her Wright DaYid, beer retailer
R UNWELL is a scattered village and parish, in the and there are piscinre both in the chancel and in the aisles:
Western division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union several windows are stained. The register of baptisms dates
and county court district, Danbury rural deanery, Essex from 17II ; marriages. 1755; burials, 1768. The living is a
. archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 6i miles from Pitsea rectory, yearly value £570, with a good residence and 2 acrea
station, 29 from London,4! north-west from Rayleigh, 10 of glebe, in the gift of Mr. Harris' trustees and held by the
aouth-south-east from Chelmsford and 6 east from Billericay, Rev. J ames Henry Beresford Harris LL.B. of Sidney Sussex
near the banks of the Crouch: it was gi\Ten by King Athelstan College, Cambridge, rural dean of Danbury, and 8UrN-
to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's in 930. The church gate. New Runwell Hall is a. modern brick building,
of St. Mary the Virgin is a small edifice, in the Perpendicular pleasantly situate on an eminence, commanding exten-
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle separated from sive views: it is the seat of Thomas Kemble esq. I.P
the nave by an arcade of 5 bays and a western embattled lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is rich
tower with a short spire coutaining 3 bells: there is an loam; subsoil, loam, producing excellent crops of wheat,
ancient monument, with effigies in brass, to Eustace Sulyard barley, oats and beans. The area is 2,059 acres; rateable
esq. (1547) and Margaret (Ayloff) his wife (1586-7), who value, D~,540; and the population in 1881 was 333.
are represented in a kneeling posture, with an inscription; Parish Clerk, WiUiam Wright.
she died 5th February, 29 Eliz.; Edward Sulyard, "the last Letters through Chelmsford, vid Wickford. Battles bridge
of his house and of his family," died, as appears from another is the nearest money order office. Second delh'ery, day
monument in the chancel, the 7th November, 16<)2; and on mail, through Rayleigh, at 1 o'clock
the south wall of the chancel is a black stone slab, with in- .National School (mixed), built in 1866, for 66 children, with
scription to Sir Thomas Raymond, a justice of the King's an average attendance of SI ~ Miss Susanna Silver, certifi-
Bench 1680 to '.1683, ob. 1685: in the chancel is a hagioscope cared mistress
Harris Rev. James Henry Beresford Clarke John Benjamin, Qudrt Pot Mott William, farmer
LL.B.[rnral dean & surrogatel,Rectory Cornwall Job, beer retailer Office Thomas W. farmer
Kemble Thomas J.P. Runwell hall Kemble Thomas, farmer & landowner Totman James, farmer, Lindsford
Carter Abraham, carpenter
SAFFRON W ALDEN is a municipal borough, mar-l nating in octagonal turrets, Wlth plain elongated spireletB ;
ket and union town and head of a county court district, with the present belfry, containing 8 bells and slender spire, was
a station on the Great Eastern railway (branch from Audley added in the year 1831 to the old tower, after a design and
End, in the parish of Wendens Ambo), 451 miles by rail and I under the direction of Thomas Rickman, the well-known
40 by road from London, 14! from Cambridge, 12 from architect, the old wooden belfry and spire having been r.
Royston and 7 north-west from Thaxted, near the borders of I moyed; further alterations being made in 1859-60, under the
Cambridgeshire: it is the chief place in Uttlesford hundred direction of R. C. Hussey esq. of London: in 1876 the church
and is a polling place for the Western division of the county, was again restored, under the superintendence of W. Butter-
in Saffron Walden rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconl'y field esq. as architect, when the whole of the windows on the
and St. Albans diocese. The town is governed by a corpor- I north and south sides were renewed, as also the large window
ation, consisting of a mayor, four aldermen and twelve town at the west end of each aisle: the fine porch on the south side
councillors, who also compose the board for carrying out the I and the similar one on the north being at the same time
Local Government Act, with town clerk, coroner, recorder I repaired: the patron, Lord Braybrooke, in addition to sub-
and bench of magistrates. The police arrangements are' scribingvery liberally to the restoration of the nave, intends,
under the conntyconstabulary. The town consists of several as lay rector, to put the chancel into a corresponding state
streets, paved and lighted with gas and contains many good of repair, including the renewal of 6 large windows: in the
buildings. Here are water works, constructed in 1862 by a south chancel is the marble tomb of Thomas, Lord Audley
company and supplied by an artesian well, 1,00-4- feet deep; X.G. Chancellor to Henry VIII. ob. r544, «t. 56; and a
the gas and water works are the property of the corporation. memorial to two sons of Lord Braybrooke, who fell in the

The church of St. Mary the Virgin, a spacious and magni- Crimean war: beneath the communion table is the Howard
ficent stone structure,. is a fine specimen of the Late vault, where lie the six earls of Suffolk who last held Audley
Perpendicular style, chiefly built in the reign of Henry VII.; End and one Lord Howard of Walden, with his two wives:
the chancel, with some portion of the eastern nave, being in the north chancel is an altar tomb to John Leche, above
the work of Lord Chancellor Audley and most of the re- mentioned: the entire length of the church, including the
maining portion erected by the Rev. John Leche, vicar from eastern porch, is 200 feet aml its breadth 82, the height of
1489 to 1521; lluccessive repairs in the years 1721, 1792 and the tower being 85 feet and of the spire, in addition, roS
1793 cost nearly £,8,000, to which Lord Howard, who died feet. The register dates from the year 1558. The
bere in 1797, munifkoently contributed: the church now living is a vicarage, yearly Talue £300, with residence,
consists of chancel with aisles of nearly equal width, nave, in the gift of Lord Braybrooke 1lond held by the Rev.
with aisles Bnd a clerestory mpported by light clustered George Edward Jelf K ..&.. sometime student of Chris'
columns and covered with an oak Toof, large south porch Church, Oxford, and .canon l'esidentiary of Rochester.
and a western tower, 8upported by bold buttresses termi· The Congregational chapel in Abbey lane was founded in
:l66S and rebuilt in 18Il: in the burial-ground adjoining a reign of King Stephen, on a previous foundation of Anglo-
schoolroom has been erected at a cost of over [,1,000, which Saxon origin: this fortress, which stood in the highest pan
is used as a Sunday school. The Ba.ptist chapel in the High of the town, appears to have been of great strength. after
street, originally built in the year 177-4. gave place in 1879 the style of the castle of the De Veres at Hedingham, the
to the present chapel, a building in the Italian style with Bath walls being constrncted of small flints strongly cemented
stone dressings, erected at a cost of [,2,500 and seating 600: and faced with stone: all that now remains is the donjon
the old chapel is now used as a SWlday school There are or keep, about 25 feet in height: the hollow space on the
also places of worship for General Baptists, Particular Bap- western side was the cell of the prisoners who were confined
tists, the Society of Friends, Wesleyan and Primitive Metho- underground and in the year I780 a large portion of this
dists. The public cemetery, on the Sewards End road, about was below the surface; the earth which formed the rising
half a mile from the town, has two mortuary chapels and ground has been 8ince cleared away. On the common near
comprises about 5~ acres. The Corn Exchange is a the town is a singular antiquity called the Maze, supposed
modern structure in the Italian style built in 1847-8, with a by Dr. Stukeley to have been a British CUTSUS or exercising
domical tower containing an illuminated clock. A Town ground for soldiery, formed by a number of concentric
Hall in the Early English style was erected in 1879 at the circles with four outworks, all cut in the chalk. On the
sole expense of G. S. Gibson esq. the total cost being from opposite side of the town are the remains of an ancient
• [,6,000 to [,7,000: it contains an assembly room, 65 feet by encampment called the Pell or Battle ditches, the south
32 feet, accessible from the market place by two stone stair- bank of which is 730 feet long, 20 feet high, So feet broad at
cases, each 6 feet wide and has a gallery at the east end and the base and 6 or 8 feet broad at the top and the west bank
in addition council chamber, court room (where the quarter 588 feet long, but whether they were part of the outworks
and petty sessions are held), two apartments for magistrates, of the castle, or were cast up by the besiegers, or whether
juries and committees and a muniment room: the ground they belong to an anterior period, is not known: in 1876
floor is occupied by police cells. There are two banks, two upwards of 200 skeletons were found in a meadow adjoining
iron foundries, a brewery and a steam flour mill and a saw the Battle ditches and with them some bronze and iron
mill. Malting is extensively carried on here. The spacious instruments,one of these skeletons having beads and pendants
Market place contains a fountain, exhibited in the Great upon it. In II36 Geoffrey de Mandeville, or Magnaville, the
Exhibition of 1862 and erected here by Mr. G. S. Gibson and first Earl of Essex of that house, founded a priory about a mile
Mrs. G. W. Gibson. The bank of Messrs. Gibson, Tuke and westward of the. town, ..subsequently converted into an abbey
Gibson is a building of red brick with stone dressings and in II91, the revenues of which at the Dissolution were
facings and occupies a commanding position in the Market reckoned at [,406 15s. lId. yearly: it was then granted to
place. The market, held on Saturday, i~ well attended and Sir Thomas Andley, Lord Chancellor, who soon after ob-
there are fairs on the Saturday before Mid-Lent Sunday tained license to enlarge his park, by enclosing 200 addi-
and the Monday following, the 1st and 2nd of November, tional acres, this grant including the manor of Walden: the
held on the Common, a public ground of IS acres. The present mansion, called Audley End, was built by Thomas
Saffron Walden Museum was founded in 1834 and contains Howard, Earl of Suffolk, whol!e father married Margaret,
a fine collection of zoological and geological specimens, only surviving danghter of the Chancellor and widow of the
Roman and other antiquities and ancient coins. The Lite- Hon. Henry Dudley, slain at Quinton and is said to have
rary institution, established in 1832, is connected with the cost [,190,000: it is a noble building, in the Tudor, Gothic
reading-room and public library, which contains about 6,000 and Classic styles and has a fine chapel: the grounds are
volumes. There is a horticultural society, dating from well laid out and the park large, in which the river Cam, by
1819 and a. volunteer fire brigade, formed in 1865. The being widened, forms a fine sheet of water: through the
Hospital in the London road is a structure in the Gothic park, which is pleasantly diversified by hill and dale, are two
style, erected in 1866, at a cost of about [,5,000, left for the public walks, one northward, towards Littlebury and the
purpose by the late Wyatt G. Gibson esq. since which his I other leading to the village of Audley End: Lord Bray-
widow has given [,4,000 towards the maintenance of the brooke, the owner of this estate, is in right thereof the
hospital, which is now available for 40 patients: since visitor of Magdalene College, Cambridge and has the
the erection of the building in 1866 the west wing has been I nomination of the master. The principal landowners are
added, containing a convalescent ward on the ground floor, Lord Braybrooke, G. S. Gibson, E. B. Gibson and Joshua
another above and two fever wards, with a large room and Clarke esqrs. The borongh is co-extensive with the parish,
kitchen for nurses: washhouse and laundry have also been which contains 7,416 acres; rateable value, £23,861; and
added at a COb1. of about £1,500, of which [,1,200 was con- had a population in 1881 of 6,061.
tributed by Mrs. W. G. Gibson. The District Infirmary, AUDLEY END is I mile south-west with a station on the
situated o~ the outskirts of ~he town off the Deb<;len road, Great Eastern railway and a junction of the line through
~as e~tabbs?ed for the recept~on of persons suffermg from Saffron Walden to Bartlow: here is a working men's insti-
mfectlOus dIseases and cont:ams. two wards, one for males tute, maintained by subscription. LITTLE WALDEN is a
and the other fo~ female~, WIth SIX beds each. The Cattle hamlet 2 miles north-north-east, with 1 Congregational
market, opened m 1834. IS compact and well arranged: Mr. chapel used also as a day school. SPRINGWELL is 2! miles
H. J. Cheffins' yard, situated between the Market pl~ce and on the' Cambridge road, near the river Cam; the pari~hM of
Cattle market, for the sale of fat cattle, sheep and pIgS, ·was Saffron Walden and Little Cheste-rford meet here and the
established in 1860 and commanding a good supply of stock boundary runs through a farmhouse in the occupation of
from the surrounding parishes is well and regularly attended Mr. Frederick John Welch.
by purchasers. There are almshouses founded by Roger . . . ..
Waldine, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1400, re-established SEWA~DS END IS a ham~et 2 mlles east, WIth a chapel,
by King Edward VLin 1550 and since augmented by various erected 10 1847 on gr?u~d gn-en ~y Thomas W. ~ayton esq.
donors, four having been erected during the )'ear :1881: the u!1~er the <?hu~ch Bmldmg Act: It was enlarged 10 I87~ and
present annual income is about [,1,000: each inmate having dIvme seryIce IS held every Sunday after~oon at 3 0 clock
two rooms and receiving 7s . 6d. weekly, besides other allow- by the. vlcar .of Saffr<;Jn. Walden and. hls. cur~t:es: a day
ances. There are also numerous small charities which schoolls held m the orlgmal chapel, whIch IS dIVIded from
have been amalgamated and are now administered ~nder a the church proper .by foldin~ doo~s. There is a small 8Choo~­
scheme of the Charity Commissioners, dated 28th April, chapel here belongm~ to the Baptists. The .Tower, the ~l­
1871, by local trustees: the total income f-rom these sources de~~ of Thomas "estrope Ga):ton esq. Is.a large brIck
amounts to about [,45°, which is principally distributed in bmldI!1g ~anked by four towers, sltuated on hIgh table land,
clothing, food and coals. On Castl~ hill was a castle, sup- I standmg 10 grounds of 36 acres.
posed to have been built by Geoffrey de Magnaville, in the I Parish Clerk, William Pursey, Museum street.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST, MONEY ORDER & TBLEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Meadows, postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, Market by foot messenger at 7.30 a.m.; & dispatched at 6.30 p.m.
hill.-William Stock Spicer, postmaster. Letters from week days. Sundays arrive at 7.30 a.m.; & dispatched at
London arrive at II.30 p.m.lo a.m. & 4.15 p.m.; delivered :12 noon
at 7 & 10·30 a.m. & 4-3° p.m. Box closes at 1 I a.m. I.30, COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR. THE W ALDEN DIVISION.
7 & 9.30 p.m. Letters can be posted until II.IO W. C. Smith esq. Shortgrove, Newport. chairman
a.m. :1;.35 & 9.45 p.m. with One extra. stamp_ Letters Lord Braybrooke, Audley end, vice-chairman
are forwarded for delivery by mesengers to Great Rev. J. Collin M.A. Rickling rectory
& Little Chesterford, Debden, Elmdon, Hempstead, Hinx- Robert Fuller-Maitland esq. Norman house, Stansted
ton,Ickleton, Littlebury, Radwinter, Strethall, "TendeUl Mountfitchet
Ambo, Wendon Lofts & Wimbish at 6 a.m Robert Gosling esq. Hassobury, Farnham
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE, Sewards End.-ArthuJ' Harold Edmund Brng esq. Wicken Bonant

GeOl'ge Wilham Bre'wis esq. Che8terford park Ho~till, London road, A. N. Jones, H. Stear &: H. J. Buck,
.W. Fuller-Maitland esq. Stansted Monnttitchet i , medical offiCflr8 ; John Gilling, dispenser; Arthur Midgley,
Major Francis Tower, Thremhall priory, Bishop's Stortford sec.; Mrs. Bemice Winter, matron -
John Phillipps Judd esq. Rickling Inland Rntmue Office, Church -street; John B08wort~
Richard Archer Houblon esq. Bartlow, Cambridge· supervisor; Thomas G. Osborne, officer
Captain Robert Biscoe, Quendon court - Museum, Castle hill, Tho'mag Day Green, sec.; George
John Raymond Cely-Trevillian esq. Debden hall Nathan Maynard, sub-curatoI'
Cooil James Stephens esq. The Views, Rickling Town Hall, Market place, John C. Cmssell, keeper
Clerks to the Magistrates, Joseph Thomas &: Turner Collin, Volunteer Jlire Brigade, Engine house, Police station, Hill st
Saffron Walden, , SAFFRON W ALDEN UNION.
Petty 8esmona are held a.t the Town hall once a fortnight Board day, saturday, fortnightly, at II.
The places in the division are l Arkesden, Ashdon, Bartlow The union comprises 24 parishes viz. :-Arkesden, Ashdon,
Hamlet, Berden, Birchanger, Chesterford (Great), Ches- Chrishall, Clavering, Debden, Elmdon, Chesterford (Great
terloro (Little), Chishall (Great), ChishaIl (Little), Chris- & Little), Hempstead, Langley, Littlebury, Great &
hall, Clavering, Debden, Elmdon, Elsenham, Ji'arnham, Little Sampford, Newport, Quendon, Radwinter, Riclding,
1 Hadstock, Henham, Heydon, Langley, Littlebury, Manu- Saffron Walden, Strethall, Wendon Lofts, Wendens Ambo,
den, Newport, Quendon, Radwinter, Rickling, Stansted Wicken Bonant, Widdington &; Wimbish; the population
Mountfitchet, Strethall, Ugley, Wendens Ambo, Wendon of the union in 1881 was 18,588; rateable value, £105,088 •
Lofts, Wicken, Widdington, Wimbish Clerk, William Thurgood, High street
CORPORATION. Relieving Officers et Collectors to th6 Guardians, No. I
MayO'r, Thomas Day Green district, Charles Johns, High street, Saffron Walden; No.
RecQ'J"der, Hugh Cowie 2 district, William Wells, Newport; No. 3 district, William
Aldermen, Joshua Clarke, J. G. Emson, G. S. Gibson &: Bethell, Radwinter
Thomas Day Green Vaccination Officers, H. Stear, Little Walden; W. A. Smith,
CQ'Uncillors, Joseph Lecand Taylor, James Archer, Edmund Newport; 1£. Reynolds, Steeple Bumpsted
Birch Gibson, John S. Robson, Benjamin Tomson Thur- Jfedical OjiCel'J, No. I dist1-ict, W. Sunderland, Thaxted;
good, 'r. P. Canning, William Starling, Stebbing Leverett, No. 2 district, R. Reynolds, Steeple Bumpsted; No. 3 dis-
Joseph Bell, Herbert Taylor &: William SpiceI' trict, W. A. Smith, Belmont house, Newport; No. 4 dis-
OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION &: URBAN SANITARY trict, F. Edwards, Furneux-Pelham ; No. 5 district, W. A.
AUTHORITY. Smith, Belmont house, Newport; No. 6 district, H. Stear,
Treasurer, John Thomas ¥rye, Bridge street Saffron Walden; No. 7 district, J. E. N. Whitlock, The
Town Clerk 4- Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Wm. Limes, Linton, Cambs
Bennett Freeland Public VaccinatOTJ, H. Steal', Little Walden; W. A. Smith,
Clerk of the Peace, William Bennett Freeland Belmont house, Newport; &: R. Reynolds, Steeple Bumpsted
Coroner, William Bennett Freeland Superintendent Registrm", William Thurgood, High street,
Medical Officer, WiIliam Armistead Saffron Walden .
Surveyor, John Wilson . Reg-Mt1'ars of 1'f[a1"'ringes, WaIter Spencer, Clavering; Wm.
Inspector of Nuisances, James Blackmore Bethell, Radwinter; &: Alfred G. Perring, Saffron Walden
jJfanager of the Gas Works, Charles Wright Registrars of Births if Deaths, Saffron Walden mb-distl-ict,
Manager of the Water Works, John Wilson Charles Johns, High street; Newport suh-distl-ict, W.
Collector, Richard Thompson , Wells; Radwinter sub-district, W. Bethell, Radwinter
WO?'khouse, built in 1831 for 3II inmates, at a cos~ of
BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. £7,500, is situated on the Seward's End road, about three-
Alfred Nicholas Jones esq
,George Stacey Gibson esq
The Mayor
John Green Emson esq
Joshua Clarke esq
quarters of a mile from the town; G. B. Hamblin, master;
the Rev. Canon Jelf M.A. chaplain; Henry Stear, surgeon;

Clerk to Bm'()Ugh Magistrates, Wm. Thurgood, High street Mrs. Amy Hamblin, matron
Petty Sessions held fortnightly at the Town hall RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.

INSURANCE AGENTS. Clerk, William Thurgood

British Empire Mutual, F. Johnson, Church street Medical Officer, William Armistead, Cambridge
County Fire, Thurgood &: Cox, High street Insperlor of Nuisances, James Blackmore, Saffron Walden
-Guardian, J. Green, Railway foundry PUBLIC OFFICERS.
London Assurance, N. Starling, Church street Assistant Overseer, Frederick Henry Ruse, Ashdon road
Manchester Fire, S. J. King, Castle street & F. J. Whiffin, Clerk to Burial Board, Simeon John Kingo, Castle street
South road Cle'rk to Commissioners of Ta:resfor Freshwell Di1Ji;;ion 4-
Norwich Union Fire, J. T. Collin & Turner to tlte Trustees of the Am.algamated Charities, William Ben-
Phmniz, Herbert Taylor, High street nett Freeland, High street
Protector Endowment, B. T. Thurgood Olerk to Commissioner;; of Taxes fO?' Linton Division, Joseph
PrO'Dident Life, O. Reynolds; Thurgood &; Cox, High street Thomas Collin, Church street
Queen, W. Douglas, Myddylton place Clerk to the GOVer1lO?'S of the Grammar School, James GDr·
Railway Passengers,' N. Starling, Church street don Bellingham, High street
Royal Exchange, S. Leverett, Market place Inland Revntue 0./Ji.cer, Thomas G. Osborne, Church street
Royal Farmers', Freeland &: Bellingham, High street Inspector of PolJce, of Weights if Measures et Under the
Sun Fire, Nockolds &; King, Church street ~ale of Food 4' Drugs' Act, George ,Allen, Hillstreet
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Sub-Di5t1-ibutor of Stamps, Simeon John King, Castle stree'
Supervism' of Inland Revenue, John Bosworth, Church s~
Cambridgeshire (1St) RifltJ Volunteers (I company) ; head Tou-n Crier, John Evenett, Gold street
quarters, Market place; J. G. Bellingham, captain
- , commanding PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of eemce.
Oemetery, Seward's End road; Simeon John King, clerll to Parish (!hurch of St. Mary th~ Virgin, Rev. Canon George
the burial board j Frederick Wright, keeper Edward Jelf M.A.. near; ReT. James John Daniels &; ReT.
Corn. Ezchang~ I 060. Samp80n B.A. curates; 8 & n a.m. 3 &: 6.30 p.m.;
OQ'Unty Constabulary Station, Hill street j George AlIen, in- daily at 8 a.m. &; 5 p.m.; wed. &: fri. 8 &: Ir.30 a.m. &
spector '" 4 constables 7.30 p.m
Otmnty Court, Town hall, W. H. G. Bagshawe Q.c. judge; Society 0/ FrUrula' Muting HO?Ue, High street; 10 a.m.
Joseph Thomas Coliin, Tegistrar & high bailiff, &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 10 a.m
S! Church street. A eonnty court is held bi-monthly; Baptist Chapel, High street, Rev. A. Rollason, minister;
• the. following .is a list 0( places within its jurisdic- rO.30 •.m. 6'3op.m.; wed 1.75 p.m
tion:, in Essex ~ Arkesden, Ashdon, Bartlow Hamlet, Baptist Chapel (Ge'TU1"al), Hill street, Rev. J. A. Brinkworth,
Chesterford (Great &; Little), Chrishall, Clavering, Deb- minister I IG.45 •. rn. ~.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
den, Ehndon, Hadstock,. Hempsted,. Langley, .Littlebury, BaptilJl Chapel (Particular), London rd. ministers nrious;
Newport, Quendon, Radwintel", Rickling, Saffron Walden, ,IQ.30 a.m. Ii:; 6.30 p.m.; thul'S. 1.30 p.m '
Sampford (New &; Old), Strethall, Wenden. Ambo, Wendon BaptiBt School Chapel, Seward's end
Lofts, Wicken, Widdington, Wimbish: in Cambridgeshire : CongregatiUTUll Chapel, Abbey lane, Rev. Henry Pepper;
L Abington (Great & Little), Bartlow, Duxford, Hilder- 10.30 •.m. ,& 6.30 p.m. ~ wed. 7.30 p.m
Bham, Hinxton, Ickleton, Linton & Pampisford C01IfITegatiU1lQ1 Chapel, Little Walden .
District Infirmaryft Debden. road, John Bird, caretaker . Th~ Brethren (Lemure hall), Hill street; rO.30 a.m. 11.30 &
Mrs. Mary Bird, nurse J 6.30p.m.1 mOD. & fri. 1.30 p.m
Primitive ,iJIethodist Chapel, Ca.stle street, Rev. Robert while the girls give special attention to needlework:. the
Thompson, minister; 10.45 a.m.,2'30 & 6,30 p.m.j- thurs. school was first established in ClerkenweU in J.1fYl ;
1p·m removed to Park lane, Croydon. in the autumn of 1825
Wesleyan Chapel, Castle street, Rev. William Hargreaves ,and to Saffron Walden in 1879 and is the oldest
Cooper, minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m foundation school in the Society of Friends I George
Frederick LiImey, head master; E. A. Williams BA..
SCHOOLS. • head teacher; Miss A. G. Brown, girls' head teacher

The Royal Grammar School, now situated in the Ashdon ~ Charity 8clwol was founded in 1711 by Thomas Penning
road, is a very old foundation originally established aud endowed by him with a sum of £500, since which it
in 1483 by license from the Abbot of Walden and re- has been aided by many other benefactors: this charity
endowed in 1525 by Dame Johanne Bradbury and her educates 15 boys and IS girls, who are taught at the
brother John Leche: in the next reign Sir Thomas National School and paid for out of the emlowment,
Smith, secretary to Edward VI. and a native of which produces about £120 yearly: a new scheme, how-
Walden, u''3ed his influence to obtain from the king a ever, is now (1881) in course of preparation by the Charity
charter by which the Grammar School was r".\ised to the Commissioners '
dignity of a Royal foundation: in 1879 it was re- Naticmal, Castle street, erected in 1845 for 140 boys &; 120
modelled and the endowment further augmented under girls; average attendance, 130 boys & 90 girls; Wyndham
• a scheme drawn up by the Charity Commissioners and in Butt, master; Miss Fanny Watson Hardingham, mistress
1881 the school was remond to its present site: the new Infant Naticmal, Museum street; erected in 1817, for 150
buildings are intended to receive 100 day boys and 25 children; average attendance, 89; Miss Jane Myers, mist
boarders and were designed by Mr. E. Burgess, the total Mixed National, Seward's end; erected in 1847 for 80 chil·
cost being about £4,500, funds for defraying which haTe dren; average attendance, 65; Miss Jane Thurgood, mis1i
been obtained partly from the original endowment and British (boys), East street; erected in 1838, for 250
pll.rtly from the proceeds of other local charities, which children, with an average attendance of 150; HenryJames
have been transferred with the consent of the Charity Hillen, master
Oommissioners to the use of the Grammar School, British (girls), Roos lane; erected in 1852, for 280 children;
additional aid being obtained from public subscriptions: average attendance, ISO; Miss Annie Neal, mistress
Lord Braybrooke gave 2! acres of land as a site and an British (infants), Roos lane; erected 18S~; capacity for
additional acre has been hired by the governors to 120; average attendance, 80; Miss Jane Wilsou, mistress
increase the size of the playing field: twelve exhibitions, British (mixed), Little Walden; erected in r871, for 50
in the form of remission of school fees, are granted children; average attendance, 44; Miss Hannah Smitk,
to boys from the schools in the parishes of Newport, mistress
Widdington and Littie Chesterford, as well as from CONVEYANCE,
Saffron Walden: the present head master, the first under RAILWAY S'rATIONS:-
the new scheme, is tM Rev. R. M. Luckock M.A. late Saffron Walden, Thomas Chadwlck, station master
scholar of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge j Alfred J. Audley End, William Saward, station master
Skinner, assistant master
OMNIBUS from Saffron Walden station to all parts of town
The Friends' School, (boys & girls), Debden road. This
occupies a commanding position fronting south- CARRIERS:-
wards towards Debden road and northwards to the William P. &; T. Chalk, from their office, Gold street, for
town and was commenced in June, 1876, the school being the Great Eastern railway company; to railway station,
removed into the new buildings in July, 1879: these form delivering goods in the town & adjoining parishes
a substantial structure of red brick, for 9Q boys and 60 A.RKESDEN-Ezra Francis, from' Greyhound,' saturday
girls, designed by E. Burgess esq. of London and Leicester CAl'rlBRIDGE-Thomas Reed, from his house, Castle street,
and cost nearly £3°,000: they include a large assembly wednesday & saturday
. room, with four boys' and as many girls' class rooms, be- CHRISHALL-Thomas Pigg, from' Hoops,' every saturday
sides a fine dining and lecture hall: the grounds cover 16 & Moses Rogers, from' Green Dragon,' saturday ,
acres and are well laid out in playgrounds, tennis courts, CaVERING Stepheu Flack, from • Greyhound,' every sat
cricket- field and garden: the children are mostly FINCHINGFIELD & BRAINTREE-Wasty, from 'Greyhound,'
members of that Society, coming from London and all HllMPSTHD William Reader, from' Greyhound,' every sat
parts of the south of England, the annual cost for each HEYDoN.......Francis WaIters, from' Greyhound,' every sat
pupil's board and education varying from £30 to £36 NEWPORT & WIDDINGTON-George Reed, wed. &; sat
. per annum: the aim of the managers is to give a sound RADWINTER-Joshua Ruse, from' Duke of York,' every sat
English education, Latin and French being taught in SAMPFORDs-William Ward, from 'Hoops,' wed. & sat. ;
the upper classes of both departments: there is a good James Gowlet, from' Greyhound,' every saturday
boys' workshop with a skilled instructor in carpentry; THAXTEn-Jas. Greenwood, from' Duke of York,' every sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clarke Joseph F.S.A. The Roos I Francis Mrs. Hill street
Ackland Bryans Thomas Limbert LL.M. Clarke Joshua, Fairy croft, Audley road Freeland William Bennett, High street
Westfield Clayden Daniel, High street Freese Miss, Debden road
Ackland William Fitzroy, 4 Audley ter Clayden Mrs. Common Freestone George, Fairy Croft road
Appleton William, High street 'Collin Turner M.A. Church street French Mrs. Rose villa, Mill lane
Archer Henry, South road Cook William Thomas, West terrace Frye John Thomas, High street
Atkinson John Parldnson, High street Cooper Rev. William Hargreaves [Wes. Gayton Thomas Westrope, The Tower,
Barker Buttress, Seward's end leyan], Castle street Sewards end
Ba1'1' Miss, Common Cowell Mrs. South road Gibson Edmund Birch, Elm grove,
Ba1'1'ett John, Mill lane
Barton DaTid, High street
Beard Samuel, High street
Cox Henry Carew, Audley road
I Audley r o a d '
Curtis James, Fa.iry Croft villa, Fairy Gibson George S. Hill house, High st
Croft ro'.d
Gillson Mrs. Audley house, Thaxted rd.
Beard Samuel, jun. High street Dalton Rev. Prebendary M.A. The Green Ernest, Londou road
Bell Joseph, Church street Vicarage Green John, South road
Bellingham James Gordon, High street Daniels Rev. James John [curate], Green Thomas Day, London road
Bird Samuel, Castle street Church street Greene Mrs. Church lane-
Blenkinsop Misses, High street Day Miss, West terrace Griffinhoofe Mrs. Church street
Brand Mrs. Church street Dennison Mrs. Cemetery road Guy Mrs. South road ;
Braybrooke Lord, Audley end; &; 42 Dix Dick, West road Hambury Barclay, Freshwell house
Upper Brook street w.; &; Travellers' Dix Robert, London road Hardwick Mrs. Museumstreet
&; Boodle's clubs, London !.'ID Drane John, Cemetery road Harley Edward, Church street .
Brinkworth Rev. Jabez Arthur, Elsden Mrs. South road HarTey Charles James, CemetetY road
l General Baptist], Hill street Emson Frank Everitt, High street Hayden Mrs. High street ,
Brown Ambrose, Cemetery road Emson John Green, High street Haylock Mrs. sa Audley terrace
Buckingham Frederick Thomas, High st Erswell Mrs. Common Holmes Miss, Museum street.
Butcher Robert, West road- Erswell Mrs. Market row Hosley William Seymour, Audley end.
Camp Benjamin Andrews, London road Eyres Mrs. Church street Housden Herbert, Thaxted road
Canning William,Brooklyn Tilla, Hillst Feetham Robart, Cemetery road. Hull Miss, King street
Cheffins Heury Joshua Foster Alfred, London &; County bank Humphreys James, CopthaU
Clarence Cha.rles, High street
Clarke John, Th8 Roos
I Foster George, Hill street Hunt Miss, Audley villas
Fowler ReT. Alfred Enoch K.A. High si Jay Thomas Adams, Mill lane
Jealous William, Church Iiltreet Pitstow Nathan, West road Stokes George, High street
J elf Re¥. Canon 600. E. lI.A. Vicarage Pledger George, Church street Swift Mrs. West road
J ohnson Mrs. Church IltrEle1r Poole Mrs. High street Taylor Douglas Day, Grove lodge
Johnson Thomas Rider, Church street Porteous Georgf', Bellevue, Debden road Taylor Herbert, Market place
Jones Alfred Nicholas. High street Pott Septimns, King street Taylor Jsph. LeCand, Farmadine house
King Major William Affleck, Walden pI Prior Joseph, Rose cottage, Mill lane Terry Samuel, High street
King 6oorge, High street Rayment Mrs. Ba.nk house, King street Thomas Mrs. Cross street
King Sirneon John, Castle street Redhead William, Church street Thompson Captain Bird, Walden hall,
Lagden WilIiam, West road Reed Henry, Debden road Little Walden
Laver Mrs. Market place Richards Joseph, Debden Toad Thompson ReV'. Robert [Primitive
Lawrence Henry Newman, Audleyend Rippon Alfred Albert, London road Methodist], South road
Leonard Misses, Museum street Robinson Miss, High street Thurgood Benjamin Tomson,TheGrove
Leverett Miss, Market place Robson John Stephenson, Linden lodge, Thurgood Richard Driver, South road
Lewis Mrs. :r Audley terrace London road Thurgood William, High street
Unney George Fredk. [head master], Robson Jsph.Jn.Falcon grove,Audley I'd Thurston Mrs. High street
Friends' school Robson Walter, Illawarracot.DebdenI'd Traylen Mrs. High street
Long Charles, South road Rollason Rev. .Alfd. [Baptist],Audley ~ Tuke William Murray, Windmill hill
Luckock Rev. Reginald Mortimer lI.A. Rule Mrs. Bridge street Tween Alfred Waiter, South road •
[head master], Grammar school Ruse Henry, Rose villas, Cemetery I'd Viney AUred Elliott, Bank ho.Market pI
Major Mrs. High street Sampson Rev. George B.A. [curate], Wade Charles Martin, High street
Mansfield Miss, London road Abbey lane Ward Miss, London road
Marsh George, High street Scruby Mrs. Market street Watson Mrs. High street
Midgley Arthur, Larchmount Scruby Theodore Robinett, Mount Wedd James, Gold street
Miller John Henry, The Priory Pleasant road I Whiffin Frederick James, South road
Moore Mrs. Church street SOOw Mrs. South road I Whiffin George, Station road
Nash John Lucas, Castle street Simons Mrs. Church street Williams Edwin Arthur B.A. [head
Newton George, London road Simpson Thomas, Market hill teacher Friends' school], Mount
Newton William, Thaxted road Singleton Mrs. High street Pleasant road.
N ockolds Martin, Castle Hill house Smart Seth Joseph, Grove cottages I Willis James, High street
Nockolds Miss, Reed cottage, .Audley rd Smith H. Ecroyd, West road Wilson Miss, High street
Nott John William, Cemetery road Smith Miss, High street Worledge Mrs. East street
Nott Mrs. Cemetery road SpiceI' William, West road Wootton Mrs. Market row
Ogilby Mrs. South road Stark Edward, Common ',,"right Frank, Cemetery road
Pars Edward, Rose villas, Cemetery rd Starkey Robert, West road Wright Richard, Springwell
Parsonage Charles Tester, West terrace Starling Miss, 3 Audley terrace Wright Samuel, Cemetery road
Passmore William Hy. Grove cottages Starling Nainby, High street Young George, Rose villas, Cemetery
Pepper Rev. Henry [Congr~0'3tional], Starling William, High street I road
Gold street Steal' Henry, Market place
COMMERCIAL. Brook Edward Read, miller, CopthaU mill
Abbey Coffee Tavern ef Commercial Hotel (G. A. Castill, Brookes William Thomas, commercial tra\'eller, I Richmond
manager), High street See adYertisement terrace, Cemetery road
Acco Emma (Mrs.), glover, High street Brown Thomas, beer retailer, Gold street
Ackland & Son, solicitors, King street; & at Bishop's Stort- Brown Thomas, dyer, George street
ford & Sawbridgeworth Bunten James Cropley, plumber, Cross street
Ackland Bryans Thomas Limbert LL.H. solicitor (firm, Ack- Burch Robert, chemist & dentist, High street
land & Son), King street Burgess Alfred, shoe maker, Freshwell street
Ackland William Fitzroy, 8OlicitoI', & secretary to Saffron Burningham James William, depOt of Society foI' Promotin~
Walden 2nd Benefit Building Society (firm, .Ackland & Christian Knowledge, Church street
Son), King street Burningham Susannah (Mrs.), dress makeI', Church street
Adams James, brazier, East street Burton John, saddler & harness maker, High street
Allen George, inspector of police, Hill street Bush Ob'ddi'~h, baker, Park place
.Anderson Zillah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Castle street Butcher Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, High street
A.I'cheI' George, shopkeeper, Castle street Butcher Joseph, bakeI', Grove place
ArcheI' George Howes, painter, Castle street Butterfield Ann lsabella (Mrs.), hair dresser, & fancy reposi-
. Archer Henry 6oorge, butcher, King street tory, Market place
ArcheI' J ames, farmer, London road Byatt Henry, baker, Castle street
.Armstrong William, watch maker, Church street Cambridgeshire (1St) RiJU Volunteers (I company) (J. G.
Atkinson John Parkinson, surgeon, see Harley It .Atkinson Bellingham, capt. commanding), Market place
.Audley End Working .llfen's butitute (Robert Henry Walker, Canning Thomas Peter, grocer, Market row
secretary), Audley end Carter William Charles, Rose t! Cro10n lwtel, Market place
Aygers William, beer retailer, Copthall Cattell Henry, coach maker, High st~t
Bacon Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer. East street Cemetery (Simeon John King, clerk to the burial board;
Badman George, chimney sweeper, & George, George street Frederick Wright, keeper), Seward's End road
Badman James, chimney sweeper, George street Chadwick John K. Railway Arms, &; coal merchant,
Banks Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Seward's end Station road
Barker Elizabeth (Mrs.), Cro'fD'l'l., Little Walden Chalk William, Patmore & Thomas, coal merchants, & agents
Barker James, confectioner, Market hill for Great Eastern Railway Co. Gold street
Barker William, butcher, Church street Chamberlain Charles, blacksmith, George street
Barnard Geo. H. coal mercht. High st. & Railway station ChateI' Wm. nurseryman, seedsman & florist, Walden nursery
Barnard Thomas, tailor, High street Cheffins Henry Joshua, auctioneer, land surveyor &; valuer,
Barrett Harriett (Mrs.), dress maker, Thaxted road proprietor of the Saffron Walden fat stock sale yard;
Barrett Mrs. ladies' seminary, Cambridge house, High offices, King street; also at Great Dunmow
street. See advertisement Church of England Temperance Society (B. Hanbury, sec)
Barton David, tailor, King street Clark Alfred, wheelwright, Grove place
Baynes Benja.ndn., shopkeeper, Thaxted road Clark Joseph, farmer, Cinder hall, Little Walden
Beans Benj. rope, twine & sack maker, Little Walden road Clarke John, farmer, Roos farm
Beard Samuel &Son, drapers, High street Clarke Joshua, maltster, High street
Bell Wilham & Sons, contractors et timber merchants Clayden Esther (Miss), milliner et dress maker, West terrace
Bellingham James Gordon (firm, Freeland & Belling-ham), Coo John, beer retailer, Castle street
. solicitor, & clerk to governors of grammar school, High st Coo John Francis, wheelwright, South road
Bird Charles, furniture dealer, Bridge street. See advert Callin Joseph Thomas & Turner, solicitors. Church street
Bird Hezekiah, furniture dealer, East street CornellRosanna (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London road
Bishop William, horse tramer, Gold street Cornell Simeon, basket maker, Cross street
BlackmoreJames, inspector of nuisances, Town hall CorneIl William, beer retailer, Seward's end
Boardman-Arthur, printeI' & stationeI', Market place CQrpuI"atim Ga6 Worb (John WilSOD, see.; Cha.rles Wright,
.llosworth J ohu, supervisor of inland revenue, Church .treet Dlanager), Thaxted road
Bowtle Charles, oommercial traveller, High street Corporatim Water WQ1'b (John Wilson, sec. 4\ manager),
Brand Thomas, boot maker, High street Hill street
. 253
County Court (W. H. G. Bagshawe esq. Q.C. judge; Joseph Housden Joshna, farmer, Audley End road
Thomas Collin, registrar &; high bailiff), Town hall Hughes John Thomas, cooper'" wheelwright, Hill street
CoweIl John, butcher, cattle dealer &; farmer,Market passage Humphreys John, shoe maker, Fairyeroft road
Cowell Bobert, shoe maker, High street Hunt Frances (Miss), seminary, Audley villas
Cowell Wm. boot maker, shopkeeper &; beer retlr.Audley end Hunt William, Green Dragon, Market hill
Cox Henry Carew, solicitor (firm, Thurgood & Cox), High st Inland RfJ11eT1ue Office (John Bosworth, supervisor; Thomas
Day Christopher George, clothier, Market hill G. Osborne, officer), Church street
Day Francis Thomas, photographic artist, Gold street Ives Amos, chimney sweeper, Albert place
Day James, Queen's Head, & builder, High street James John, watch maker, King street
Day WiUiam, grocer, Debden road Jeffrey Charles, boot maker &; leather seller, Market row
Day WiUiam Henry, cabinet maker, High street Jeffrey Henry Charles, boot maker, Market row
District Infirmary (John Bird, caretaker; Mrs. Mary Bird, Jilling Frederick, bailiff to Lord Braybrooke, St. Aylotts &;
nurse), Debden road Bird's farms
Dix, Green & Co. cement manufacturers &; plaster merchants, Johns Charles, registrar of births & deaths for the Saffron
North Essex cement works. See advertisement Walden sub-district, High street
Dix Dick, builder, West road . J ohnson Thomas &; Son, ironmongers &; founders, Church at
Douglas William, builder, Myddylton place Johnson Frederick, architect, Church street
Downham Charles, beer retailer & butcher, Thaxted road Jones Alfred Nicholas, surgeon, High street
DownhamEmma (Miss), dress maker, High street Jopson Henry, beer retailer, Hill street
Downham Richard, Fox, Seward's end Kemp Annie Bunting (Miss), dress maker, Castle street
Earnshaw Charles, cabinet maker, Bridge street Kent Richard, coach builder, Hi~h st. See advertisement
Edwards Arthur, coal dealer, Debden road Kettle John, grocer, Castle street
Emson John Green & Son, wholesale grocers, Market place Kettley Charles, farmer, Seward's end
Erswell Edgar W"illiam, builder, Market row King Thomas & Henry, millers, South road
Erswell Martha (Miss), shopkeeper, Market row King George, land agent &c. see Nockolds &; King
Esse:r: Provident Societ./f (Obadiah Bush, collector), Park pI KingSimeon John, land surveyor, distributor of stamps &
Evenett John, town crier, Gold street clerk to the burial board, Castle street
Edwin Hannah (Miss), shopkeeper, Freshwell street Lagden Joseph, farmer, Seward's end & Thaxted roads
Farrow Henry, beer retailer, East street Lagden William, corn &; flour dealer, Church street
Flack Charles, baker, Castle street Langley Joseph, baker, Castle street
Foster Alfred, manager of London & County bank, Market pI Lawrence & Son, coal merchants, Station road
Forsdike Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London road Leverett Stebbing, draper, grocer &: outfitter, Market place
Francis Waiter, boot & shoe factor; repairs neatly executed; Levi Charles, boot &; shoe maker, West road
Gold street List George, shoe maker, Cross street
Free Jonas, farmer, Mitchels, Little Walden & Monkshall frm List William, shoe maker, King street
Freeland &; Bellingham, solicitors & agents for Royal Literary Institution if Public Lib1'ar'Y (Henry Stear, hon.
Farmer's Insurance Co. High street sec.; George Nathan Maynard, librarian), King street
Freeland William Bennett, solicitor, .town clerk, clerk of the Littlechild Thomas, machinist, Fairy Croft road
peace, clerk to the urban sanitary authority &; coroner for London if County Banking Co. Limited (Alfred Foster,
the borough (firm, Freeland &; Bellingham), High street manager), Market place; draw on head office, 21 Lombard
Freestone Ernest, beer retailer, Market row street, London e c
Friend Arthur Henry, grocer, Market passage Long John, farm bailiff to E. B. Gibson esq. Rowley hill
Friends' School (George Frederick Linney, head master; Lovell William, shopkeeper, East street
Edwin Arthur WiUiams RA. head teacher of boys; Miss A. Low Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, Freshwell street
G. Brown, head teacher of girls), Debden road Lyall Harry William, solicitor (firm, Probert, Wade &
Frye John Thomas, organist & professor of music, High st Lyall), East street
Fuller Benjamin Henry, draper &; clothier, Cross street Machon Henry, chemist &; druggist, King street
Furlong & Son, gun makers, King street Marking Isaac, butcher, Church street
Gardiner Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, Cross street Marking Robert, farmer, Copthall
Gatward Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, London road Marsh David, miller, South road
Gatward Henry, watch maker, High street Marshall Joshua, butcher, West road
Gayler Edward, farmer, Turnip Hall farm Martin George, whitesmith, Fairycroft road •
C:Tayler Henry, marine store dealer, Hill street Matthews Alfred, butcher, Debden road
Gibson, Tuke & Gibson, bankers, Market place; draw on Matthews Jane Elizabeth (Mrs.), miller, Chalk lane
Dimsdale, Fowler & Co. London; opeft daily 9 a.m. to Meadows Arthur, baker, & post office, Seward's end
4 p.m. & saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; at Bishop's Stort- Miller John Henry, veterinary surgeon, Common
ford & Sawbridgeworth Morgan Samuel, cutler, Castle street
Gillett David, fruiterer &; gardener, High street Moule John, shoe maker, Seward's end
Gilling John, pharmaceutical chemist, Market hill Munton Caroline (Miss), day school, Common
Glover Susan (Miss), milliner, High street Museum (Thomas Day Green, sec.; Geo. Nathan Maynard,
Gosling Alfred Pearson, High street, draper sub-curator), Castle hill
Gowlett Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Pounce hall Mynott Samuel, farmer, Seward's end
Gramma1' School (Rev.R. M. Luckock M.A.head mast~r; Alfred Nockolds &; King, land agents &; surveyors, Church street
J. Skinner, assistant master), Ashdon road Nunn Thomas, general dealer, Cross stTeet
Green Charles, blacksmith, Little Walden Osborn John, beer retailer, Little Walden road
Green Elijah, builder, Thaxted road Osborne Thomas G. inland revenue officer, Church street
Green John, iron founder &; agricultural implement maker, Palmer William, grocer, draper &; clothier, Debden road
llitilway foundry Pamment Rebecca (Miss), fancy repository, Market hill
Green Julius, Duke of York, &; builder, High street Penning William, beer retailer, Gold street
Greene William & Son, painters & plumbers, Hill street Perring Alfred George, stationer, bookbinder, printer &: fancy
Guyver Nathaniel, wheelwright, Mill lane repository, High street
Hagger Charles, furniture dealer, Market street Pettitt Charles, beer retailer, Castle street
Halls Thomas, shoe maker, Freshwell street Pettitt James, beer retailer, Castle street
Hardwick Thomas, fishmonger &; game dealer, King street Pidduck Sidney, commercial traveller, High street
Harley & Atkinson, surgeons, Church street Pigram William, baker, High street
Hart Henry & Son, printers &; stationers, King street Pigrum Mary Ann (Mrs.), leather seller, High street
Harvey Mary Ann & Ellen (Misses), milliners, Hill street Pilgrem Charles Henry, tailor, High street
Hill Henry Swan, pork butcher, Church street Pilgrim Edmund, Hoops inn, King street
Hockley Charles, upholsterer, High street Pitcher William Josiah, baker, Gold street
Horman Henry, confectioner, High street Pitstow Frederick, plumber & decorator, Bridge street
Horticultural Society (Herbert Taylor, sec) Pitstow Nathan, Eight Bells, Bridge street
Hosley WJ.1liam Seymour, land steward to Lord Braybrooke, Pledger Thomas, Greyhound, High street
Audleyend Pluck J. & Co. general outfitters, Hill street
Hospttal (A. N. Jones, H. Stear &; H. J. Buck, medical Pond Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Castle street
officers; John Gilling, dispenser; Arthur Midgley, sec.; Porter John, corn factor, Gold street
Mrs. Bernice Winter, matron), London road Prime Jacob, blacksmith, Seward's end
Housden Emma (Mrs.), fanner, Sheer hill Probert Charles Kentish, solicitor (firm, Probert, Wade 4k
Housden Helen (Miss), dress maker, East street LyaIl), East stree~

Probert, Wade & Lyall, solicitors, East street 7I'aylor J. W. &; J. L. brewers &; spirit merchants, High et
Pryer SU8annah (Mrs. J, shopkeeper, Hill street Taylot' Allen, fishmonger, Castle street
Pursey William, bookbinder, Museum street Taylor George Moss, tinman & brazier, Castle street
RaIlings Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker, East street Taylor Henry, beer retailer, Castle street
Reed Thomas, shopkeeper, Castle street - Taylor John, gardener, Cemetery road
Richardson WaIter, tailor, High street ) Taylor Tlwmas, ironmonger & cutler, Market hill. See advt
Rippon Alfred Albert, tobacconist, King street Thompson Richard, rate eollector, Castle street
Roberts James William, bair dresser, Market row Thurgood Benj. Tomson & Son, land agts. & auctnrs. King si
Robinson Nathaniel, commeteial traveller, West road Thurgood & Cox, solicitors &; agents to the Provident Life
ROBBON & SONS, wholesale & retail grocers, drapers & fur- & County Fire Offices, High street
niture dealers, King street I Thurgood William, solicitor, clerk to borough magistrates
Rose Daniel,.King's .A.rm." Market hill &; to Saffron Walden Union, superintendent registrar &;
Rule Harry Martin, veterinary surgeon, Common clerk to the Rural Sanitary Authority (firm, Thurgood
Rule Matilda (Miss), farmer, Little Walden & Cox), High street
Ruse Frederick Henry, assistant overseer, Ashdon road Total Abstinence Society (A. W. Tween, sec.)
Rutland James, shoe maker, Debden road TOtcn Hall (John C. Crussell, keeper), Market place
Saffron Walden Btdlding Society (William Fitzroy Travis Joseph, naturalist, Hill street
Ackland, sec.), King street . Trowel' Percy, Cross Keys hotel, High street & King street.
Saffron Walden " Esse.r- Mechanics' Permanent Benefit See advertisement
Building Society (Frederick Henry Ruse, sec.), Town hall Turner Jabez, stone mason, Station road
SajJhm Walden Provident Society (W. B. Freeland, sec.) Vert James, gardener to Lord Braybrooke, Audley end
Samuel Sarah (Mrs.), saddler, East street Vines Alfred & Son, grocers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey,
Saunders Esther (Miss), dress maker, High street wine &; spirit merchants, King street
Savill Alfred & William, cattle dealers, East street Volunteer ~Ji'ire Brigade, Engine house, Police station, Hill st
Savill David, farmer, Little Walden road Wabon Robert William, confectioner, King street
Savill Jesse, cattle dealer, East street Wade Chas. M. solicitor (firm, Probert, Wade & Lyall) , East st
Savill William, baker, East street Ward Emma (Mrs.), fancy repository, King street
Savi1l!Js' Bank (George Stokes, sec. open on Fridays, 12 to Ward Joseph, building surveyor, Common
2 p.m.), King street Watson Charles & Son, bakers, London road
Scruby Theodore Robinett, wine & spirit merchant, Market Watson Charles, baker. High street
street & Hill street Watson WaIter, White H01'se, Market street
Shedd Frederick, baker, Castle street Webb Angelina (Mrs.), dress maker, Hill street
Shepherd William, pork butcher & poulterer, Bridge street Webb James, shoe maker, London road
Silk Joseph, earthenware dealer, Cross street Webster Jas. clerk of works to Lord Braybrooke, Audley end
Simmons Brothers, drapers, High street Wedd Peter, saddler & harness maker, King street
Singleton & Nicho]son, general ironmongers, King street Whiffin Geo. & Sons, bldrs. & cntrctrs. Station rd. .k Debden rd .
Smith Eliza (Mrs.), hair dresser, King street Whitehead Osborne, stone &; marble mason, Hill street
Smith George, shoe maker, Castle street Whitehead Rankin, paiatel', glazier &; china dlr. Church st
Smith William Francis, beer retailer, London road Wilkinson John & Son, tailors, Bridge street
Solomon Henry, hatter, Church street Willet Frances (Miss), dress maker, London road
Sorrell Richard Henry, grocer & draper, High street Willett John Hales, butcher, High street
SpiceI' William, farmel', Westley's farm Williams Richard Atkinson, aerated water manufacturer,
Spicer William Stock, postmaster oil & lamp merchltnt; works, Freshwell st. See advert.
Starling W. & N. wine & spirit merchants, Church street Wills Robert, china dealer, Market hill
Start George, cabinet maker, High street Wilson John, borough surveyor, Town hall
Steal' Henry, surgeon, Market place Winters Geo. fnnr. Little Walden prk. &; Little Walden hall
Stevens William Sellar, fruiterer, &c. King street Wiseman Edward, farmer, Bears hall, Seward's end
Stokes George, maltster & corn merchant, High ~treet Wright Robert Dennis, florist &; seedsman, Fairycroft nursery
Sutton &; Co. carriers (Joseph Freestone, agent), Gold street Wright Thomas, builder, Castle &; Museum streets
Tatham Samuel, lime burner, Little Walden road Wyatt Frederick, tailor, London road
Taylor Joseph Lecand & Henry AIgernon, malt fctrs. High st Wyatt Thomas, tailor, George street
ST. LAWRENCE NEWLAND is a small parish of £550, with residence and 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
scatt.ered houses, near the south bank of the Blackwater Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. John William Mills
estuary, I r miles east-south-east from Maldon, 8 north-by- N.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. William Robert
east from Burnham and 19 east from Chelmsford, in the Ellis esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners
Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon are William Robert Ellis and Joseph Birkby esqs. and
union and county court district, rural deanery of Dengie, Mrs. Rolfe. The soil is of a loamy nature; subsoil, loam.
archdeaconry of Essex. and diocese of St. Albans. 'fhe The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas. The
church of St. Lawrence, rebuilt in 1879 of Kentish rag, is a area is 2,820 acres, of which 740 are water; rateable valutl,
structure in the Perpendicular style, consisting of a chancel, £2,421; the population in 1881 was 2HI.
nave, north porch, vestry and a tower with spire = the cost Sexton, William Martin.
of rebuilding WM £1,700 and there are sittings for 150. LETTER Box. cleared at 9.30. Letters through Maldon.
The register of baptisms and burials dates from !l704; The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Tillingham .
. 1705.. The living is a rectory, yearly value School, Miss Hannah White, mistress
Ellis Henry Veun, West Newlands Cardnell Geo. farmer,Bleak House farm Maskell J ames, farmer, East Newlands
Ellis William Robert Harrington William, farm bailiff to Seed Jas. & Brigg, farmers, Motts farm
Mills Rev. John William N.A. [diocesan Henry Venn Ellis esq Witney William Frederick, farmer, St.
inspector of schoolsJ, Rectory Manning James, farmer Lawrence hall
Attenborough John, frmr. The Stonefnn
ST. OSYTH parish is on a creek of the Colne, opposite all four belong to the Darcy family, but the inscriptions are
Brightlingsea. in the Eastern divisicn of the county, undated: in the chapel of the south aisle is a mural tablet
Tendring hundred and union, Colchester county court to Briant Darcie. high sheriff of the county, ob. 25th Dec.
district, 4 miles south from Great Bentley and Thorrington 1587 and Bridget hi~ wife, with other members of his family t
stations, on the Tendring hundred branch of the Great in the same chapel is the recumbent effigy of John Darcy,
Eastern railway, 12 l!outh-east from Colchester, I2 south- serjeant-at-law, in hi!!! robes, ob. '15th March, t638: on the
west from Walton steamboat pier ~ some parts of this south side of the chancel are mural tablets to Lucy,
parish, which is very extensive, are high, including Beacon Countess of Rochford, who died in 1773 and to the Right
Hill, but a great portion is marsh land. The church of SS. Honourable William Henry, 4th Earl Rochford X.G.
Peter and Paul is a large and ancient structure, in the ambassador and 8ecretary to George Ill. who died in 1781 :
Early Perpendiculat style, Originally built of rubble and there is a modern tablet in the north aisle to Benjamin
flints, in the same manner as the priorytmildings adjoining:j Golding lLD. founder of Charing Cross Hospital,
it consists of chancel, nave, north south a.isles, with in 1863. The register dates from 1666. The living, of
eastern chapels and south porch and a massive embattled which the tithes formerly amounted to £2,000 IL year, is
tower at the west end, containing S bells: on each side of donative, yearly value of £145, in the gift of the trustees of
the chancel are <the monumental recumbent effigies, in the late W. F. Naesau and held by the Rev. William Long-
alabaster, of a knight and his lady, with armorial bearings more Watts, THEO. Assoc. of King'lI •College,
London.. There are chapel&- for Wesleyans and Sweden-- with many ~thef devices .and monograms, with the date
borgians. The poor have £12 yearly in fuel and clothing, I527: the hall presents some fine specimens
Here are oyljter beds. This is one of the oldest places ia of paintings froODl celebrated masters upon its richly..carved
the county and was originally part of the Royal demesne of oak panp.eUing ~ the park, ()f a50 acres, is well studded with
King Canute, who granted it w Earl Godwin, by whom it trees, among which are llOm& fiBe cedars of LebanoD t- &~
was given to Christ Church, Canterbury and at the Conquest the east end of the Doulle are extensive vineries, a conserva--

was transferred to the Bishops of London ~ it was formerly tory and peach houS&. Sf. Clares, now a farm house,. .one
called Chich, but takes its present name from St.Osyth, mile 1I0uth~ from th$ village presents a very ancient
daughter of Frithwald, a Mercian prince, who built a appearance: the entnmce tQ the farm bnildings is through
nunnery· here, of which she was first abbess and where in a. circular headed flint ston& gateway of the Decorated
653 she was martyred by the Danes: on the site .of the period: it was once surrounded by a moat and has been
nunnery, probably destroyed by the invaders, Richard de the residence of the. Dean family fop over ~ years. OD the
Belmeis, .of London, in the reign of Henry I. founded a coast are a battery and three martello towers. The manor is
priory for canons of St. Augustine, within the precincts of vested in trustees: the principal landowners are lohn
which hewas himself buried in :1:127= he bequeathed the Roberts Kirby, Sir John Henry Johnson .T.P. and Charles
church and tithes to the canons, who elected as their first Brandreth esqrs. The soil is good mixed: subsoil, gravelly
abbot or prior William de -Corbeuil~ afterwards Archbishop and sand. The chiet; crQps are wheat, barley and oats.-
of Canterbury: he died in II36, leaving large benefactions The ,area is 8,571 acres of land and. I,IOO acres of water;
to this house: valuable charters were granted it by Henry rateable 'Value~ £13,789 io aJ;J.d the population in I871 was
H. and in Abbot Vyntoner'll time it was Jargely rebuilt, the I,502.
gateway, abbot's tower and other portions now remaining BWCK HOUSE WICK, a very anCIent house, for some
being erected in that period: at the Dissolution its revenues centuries connected with the Howard family, is on a creek on
werevaluedat£7585s.8d.yearly: it is now,inits modernized the coast, a mile.and a half south-west from St. Osyth.
form, the residence of Sir John Henry Johnson .l.P. and'is WIGBOUO WICK is another farm on a creek, a mile and a.
entered throngh a ,gate house, elaborately covered with half south. LEE WICK is a mile and a half south-west.
panelled work in flint and stone, consisting of an arched Parish Clerk, Frederick Pearce.
entrance, with flanking towers: the whole is embattled. and POST, MONEY ORDEa & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings
is supposed to have been erected about the. reign of Bank, Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-Miss
Henry VII: the Abbot's tower and a portion of the Crypt Maria Norman, receiver. Letters arrive from Colche.ster
constitutes its most ancient features: in the quadrangle is & are delivered at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 7.20 p.m
a range of old buildings in the Tudor style, with an INSURANCE AGENT-Phamix Fire, J. Newcomb
octagonal observatory: there is a lofty clock tower of Nati01/,al School, built in 1853, for 280 children; average
modern date and two smaller ones: in the front of the attendance, I50; Frederick Pearce, master; Miss Eliza.
mansion is a fine I6th century oriel window, on which the Bacon, infants' mistress
initials of Abbot Vyntoner are frequently repeated, along CARRIER. TO COLCHESTER-James Cole, daily
Graham Mrs Cole James, 'carrier Lord William, butcher
• Hunt William Cole Robert, 'White Ha,·t Mayhew Fred.erick, farmer
Johnson Sir John Henry J.P. The Priory Cook John, baker Miller Samuel, beer retailer
Latten Mrs Cross George & Pearl, Lee wick Norman Hy.jun.butchr.&assist.overseer
Manning Stephen Agard Cross Frank, farmer, Frowick hall Page Charles, beer retailer &bricklayer
Matson Misses Cross Robert, farmer, Hill house PiggWm. Smith,Red Lion,& blacksmith
Newcomb James ' Cummins Thomas, painter Pollard Blemell, carpenter
Watts Rev. Wm. Longmore T.A.X.C~L. Dale Alfred, farmer, Brazierg farm Pope James, shoe maker
[incumbent] Dale Elzbth. (MrS.), farmer, Wyer's hall Porter Charles, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Damels .Tames William, butcher Ramplin Wm. butcher & beer retailer
farmer, Block house, Wick
Bacon John, Flag
Archer Fredk.miller & corn merchant & Dean John, farmer, St. Cleres hall Richer Edmund, whf'.elwright
DeMaid James, carpenter & sexton Salmon Mark, hay trusser
of cemetery Salmon Robert (Mrs.), farmer
Baker George, carter I Frost Charles Frederick. maltster' Smith Philip, baker
Blyth William, farmer, Park Gibson William, farm bailiff ~Sir John Smoothy Elizabeth (Mrs.), Ship
Butcher John, g r o c e r ' Henry Johnson ' Soens John, beer retailer
Canham Thomas, baker Gosling George, farmer Warner J ames, horses let for hire
Carter James & Co. seedsmen & florists Graham George, carpenter
I Warner William, shopkeeper
(Robt. Gardiner, manager), Seed farm 1Hardy Langley T. grocer & draper Watsham Samuel, shoe maker
Cemetery (Theophilus Philimon Ruffell, Humphrey George Frederick, saddler Webb George, farmer, Earl's hall
registrar; James de Maid, sexton) Jackson Eliza (Mrs.), King's Arms Went John, seedsman
ChamberlainMaurice,hairdresser&bakr KidbyWilliam, timber sawyer Woodward William, baker
Clark Joseph (Mrs.), farmer }Last John, farmer Wright William, grocer, draper, furni- •

Cole Charles, beer retailer . 1Lin~ Thomas, baker ture dealer & broker
SALCOTT (or SALCOT WIGBOROUGlI) is ll.'village and William Hall esq. and Sir William Neville Abdy bart.
parish in the Eastern division of the county, Winstree and held by the Rev_ Edward Musselwhite. A fair for
hundred, Lexden and Winstree union and Colchester county pedlery is held on September 4th. Salcott appertains to
court district and in the rural deanery of Hatfield PeverelI, the adjoining manors of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Abbott's Hall
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, I I and Barn's Hall. The land is held by small owners. The
miles east from Witham, 9 north-east from Maldon, 8~ soil is heavy; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are whe,;lt,
south-south-west from Colchester, situate on Salcott creek, beans and oats. The area is 255 acres, of which a part is
which is navigable. The church of St. Mary is a building salt marsh; rateable value, £462; the population in 1881
of stone in the Early English style, with a square embattled was 233.
tower: the chancel has been entirely destroyed: it stands :Parish Clerk John Boley
near the creek which separates this place from Virley ~ a , . .
devise of land, the rent of which amounts to £8 yearly, was L~R Box cleared at 5.30 p.m. Letters through Kelv~on.
made many years ago for the repairs of the church: the The ~earest money ord~r & telegraph offi?6 & sa~
church has sittings for ':120 persons, all free. The register bank 18 at To.ueshunt D Arcy, but there 18 a receIVlDg
dates from the year I587. The living is a. rectory, united house at Messmg
in I879 to. Salcott Virleydoint yearly value £140, of which .National' School (mixedh built in I867, for 80 children,
£75 tithe rent-charge and £65 rent 'of farm at Fambridge, in with an average. attendance of about 50; Miss Jane White,
the gift of Edward Qoxwell esq. Rev. Frederick Watson and mistress j ,

Emeny A. thatcher LedgeTton Charles, farm bailiff to John Smith Charles Henry, miller
Lawrence William, shopkeeper Bunting esq Smith Henry, farmer
Leatherdale J. farmer Murrell Samuel, hay & straw merchant I Thompson At.Rising Sun, & shoe maker

GREAT BALING is a parish and ancient village Dunmow and, Braint~ee branch-of the Great Eastern rail-
nicely wooded, near the Podsbrook stream, in the Eastern way, 6 miles north-west. froIll Braintree, 6
division of the county. Hinckford hundred, Braintree union from DunmQw and 43 froIn London. The church of St.
and county court distrIct~ rural deanery of Braintree, arch- Jamea is ~ puilding ()f flint and stone, consisting of chancel,
deaconry of Colchester 1l.Ild diocese of St, Albans, 3~ miles nave, south porch and a .small ,Early English tower,
north-west from Rayne station on the Bishop's Stortford, :with- embattled parapet, originally detached from the church

and containing a clock, erected in 1722 and ~ bells, one of at an early period, is distributed annually to the poor in
which is dated 1-623: the chancel is Perpendicular and the fuel and clothing. In 1726 John Smith left an annuity of
nave Decorated: on the north side of the chancel is a small £1 to be distributed quarterly in bread. The GroTe is a
chapel with a monument to Bartlet Bridger Shedden, dated fine old mansion, with portico over the principal entrance;
1782 and others: during 1857 and 1864 the Early English it stands in a. well-wooded park of about 50 acres and is
chancel was entirely rebuilt in the Perpendicular style, the the residence of Captain Jasper Nicolls Harrison. William
nave being at the same time restored, the church re-seated, Villiers Fowke esq. is lord of the manor and the principal
two galleries removed and the arch enlarged in the lower landowner. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief
part of the tower: in the north wall of the nave is a crops are wheat, barley, oats and grass. The area is 1,651
doorway, now blocked up and in the south wall, near the acres; rateable value, £2.423 ; and the population in 1881
entrance, is a stoup for holy water: the east window was was 347.
added in 1866 and is a. memorial to Mrs. Fowke, widow of POST OFFICB.-William Henry Pickford, receiver. Letters
W. Fowke esq.: the church possesses an ancient chalice of are received from Braintree at 6.30 a.m.; delh'ered
hammered silver, without date or inscription. Theregister immediately; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. Great Bardfield
dates from the year 1715. The living is a discharged is the nearest money order & telegraph office
vicarage, tithes commuted at £142, with residence, in the
gift of William Villiers Fowke esq. and held by National School (mixed), built, with mistress's house, in
the Rev. Thomas William Elrington, L.Th. of University 1872, for 70 children, with an average attendance of 47;
College, Durha.m. The rent of a field, lA. 2R. 14P. bequeathed Miss Bessie Sibley, mistress
Elrington Rev. Thos. William L.Th. Butcher William, farmer Mortier Waiter, The Oak
Vicarage Clark George, wheelwright Pickford William Henry, grocer, draper
Bamson Capt.Jasper Nicolls, The Grove Darby Charles &: John, frmrs. Park fm &: postmaster
French Arthur John, bricklayer SearJeant ehas. farmer, Pudney farm
COMMERCIAL. Green Wltr. Shirley, frmr. Muchmores Spencer John, farmer, Peacock's farm •

Adcock Joseph, White Hart Martin ArOOr, fann bailiff to W. V. Tanner George, builder; &:; at Shalford
Allen Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer Folke esq Whitlock Philip, fanner, Saling hall
Ambrose Lewis, farmer, Piggott's farm Morecraft Agnes (Miss), boarding Woodward Francis Spooner, farmer
EaT'llard Abraham, fnnr. Boarded barn school for young ladies & gentlemen
LITTLE BALING (or BARDFIELD SALING) is a very year 1706. The living is a donative, yearly value £75, in
ancient parish lying near the Podsbrook river, in the West- the gift of William Sandle esq. and held by the Rev. Robert
ern division of the county, Freshwell hundred, Dunmow Steward Dobson M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The
union, Braintreecounty court district, rural deanery of Samp- Rev. William Edward Lionel Lampet I.P. is lord of the
ford, archdeaconryof Colchester and diocese of St. Albans; manor. The principal landowner is Mr. Joseph Smith. The
4! miles from Rayne station, 7 miles north-west from Brain- soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
tree and 6 north-east from Dunmow. The church, or chapel barley, oats and graM. The area is I,II~ acres; rateable
of St. Peter, was founded in 1380 and is a small Decorated value, £1,601; and the population in 1881 was 299.
edifice, of flint and stone consisting of chancel, nave, south Letters from Braintree 'llid Great Saling, which is the nearest
aisle with porch and a lofty round tower at the west end post office. The nearest money order & telegraph offices
containing I bell, dated 1768. The register dates from the are at Great Bardfield
Dobson Rev. Robert Steward M•.&.. [in- Metson John, farmer, Bett's farm Smith George, farmer, Purples
cumbent] Philips Hy. jun. miller &: farmer, Saling Smith Joseph, farmer & landowner
Drane George, blacksmith mill & Hitchcock &:; Rosey Hall farms Thorogood William, beer retailer
Howland James, shopkeeper Rawlinson, fanner, Pollards farm
LITTLE SAMPFOltD is a parish in the Western divi- register dates from the year 1563. The Ih-ing is a rectory,
sion of the county, Freshwell hundred, Saffron Walden yearly value £700, with residence and 59 acres of glebe, in
union and county court district, Sampford rural deanery, the gift of New College, Oxford and held by the Rev. William
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, I mile south SeweIl M.A. and formerly fellow of that college. The aggre-
from Old Sampford, on the river Freshwell or Pant, 9 south- gate amount of charities from several sources, including a
east from Saffron Walden station and 4 north-east from bequest, by will of Gertmde, daughter of William Peck, who
ThaxtOO. The church of St. Mary the Virgin consists of died Aug. 28, 1705, is £16 19S. which is distributed in bread,
chancel, nave, north aisles and a tower with spire containing coals and clothing. Mrs. F. A. Schroeter is the principal
1 bell: a vestry has been added on the north side of the landowner and lady of the manor. The soil is sandy loam;
chancel and stalls placed in the chancel: on the chancel walls subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
are inscriptions to Sir Edward Green kt. ob. 22nd June, 1550 area is 3,233'&'. 3B. 4P.; rateable value, £3,997; and the popu-
and Margery his wife ob. 25th March, 1530, a monument lation in 1881 was 343.
with effigies, to William Tweedy esq. an officer in the army Parish Clerk, John Stock.
of Queen Elizabeth and his wife Mabe~, da.ughter of .Sir LETI'EB Box cleared at 4.30 p.m. Letters from Braintree
Henry Curwen, kt. ob. 7th July, 1~5 : 10 the nort~ aIsle through Finchingfield by foot post. rrhe nearest money
are several ~onu~ents to the famdy of ~eck, ?f WhICh the order office &: telegraph office is at Finchingfield
most magmficent IS a tomb about 12 feet hIgh WIth an effigy . . .
of fine workmanship, lying on a mattress and inscribed 'l'he chddren of thIS village go to the Board School at Great
above to Bridget, wife of William Peck, of Sampford Hall, Sampford
b. 14th June, 1712, (Et. 31; the others date to 1770. The CARRIER-William Antsey to Braintree daily
Beddall Augustus, Little Sampford hall COMMERCIAL. Phillpott John, builder
Eustace Rev. Robert Henry M•.&.. [vicar Anstey Wm. Fighting Cocks, & carrier Portway WilIiam, farmer, Mill hall
of Old Sampford], The Grange Byatt William, farmer, Hawkes Richardson Arthur, fanner, Green farm
Gunter Rev. Wm. B.A., B.N. [curate in Dawson Eli, shopkeeper Smith John, farmer, Sparrows hall
charge, St. Mary's] Gray Frederick, farmer, Clock house Tofts James, farmer, Tews
Johnson Mrs. High trees Giblin Joseph, farmer, Highgates Wisby George, farmer, Maynards
BeweIl Rev. William M•.&.. Rectory Mills Alfred, fanner, Howlets Woods WiIliam, farmer, Blackhouse
Willett Thomas, The Lodge Pettit Caroline (Mrs.), miller, Mill house
OLD SAMPFORD (or SANFORD) 1J a parish and on either side, the piers supporting these being clustered on
village in the Western division of the county, Freshwell the north and octagonal on the south side: there are monu-
hundred, Saffron Walden union and county court district, mental memorials here to James Calthorpe gent. ob. 28
Sampford rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. May, 1694, (Et. 65, to several members of the family of
Albans diocese, situate on the Freshwell or Pant, which fre- Burrows, 16<}4-1786, the Rev. John Gretton .&..B. ob. March
quently overflows: it is an ancient place, which in the reign 2nd, 1788, (Et. 34 and Thomas Smith esq. of Great Bard-
of Edward the Confessor was a royal domain; it is 4 miles field, 1736: in the churchyard is an obelisk to Jonas Watson,
north-east from Thaxted, 8 south-east from Saffron Walden buried there July 4th, 1693 and erected by his son, Colonel
and 45 from London, on the road from Braintree to Saffron Jonas Watson, afterwards killed at the siege of Carthagena,
Walden. The church of St. Michael is an ancient strue- in 1741, mt. 58: the ReT. W. Sworder, vicar here from 1701
ture, consisting of chancel, nave, aislelJ and a western em- to 1726, was the auth01' of several religious books and
battled tower, containing 5 bells: the chancel is of the sermons. The register dates from the year 1559. The
Decorated period and is fitted with stone stalls, formed by living is a vicarage, with Hempstead annexed, joint yearly
triple-clustered pillars, supporting elegant trefoil arches: value £300, in the gift of Myles Formby esq. and held by
the aisles are separated fro.m the nave by four pointed arches the Rev. Robert Henry Ell8tace Jl,A.• of St. Peter'. College,

Cambridge, rural dean and surrogate. The reetorial tithes The area is 1,562 &CreIl; rateable value, £2,553 158.;' the
are in the hands of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. population in 1881 was 881.
Here is a Baptist chapel. Mrs. Catherine Riley, who died TIN DON END, a mile and a half west, is a hamlet.
in 1820, left by will £200 for distribution: this sum, in- POST OFFICB.-John Mountford, postmaster. Letters from
vested in bank annuities, is divided amongst the pool' of Braintree arriye at 8.45 a.m.; dispatched a$ 3.45 p.ll.
Great and Little Sampford. The straw-plait manufacture The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Finch-
,. is carried on here and there is a fair held on Whit-Monday. ingfield
Benjamin Thomas Thurgood esq. is lord of the manor. 'rhe Board School, under the Sampford school board, erected
principal landowner is Mrs. F. A. Schroeter. The soil is 1877, for 120 children, with an average attendance of
loam; subsoil clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley. -1°5; Mi68 Elizabeth Veall, mistre68
Betts Rev. Thomas [Baptist] Gowlett Charles, shopkeeper Savill James, farmer, Mill fann
Rayment Joseph, Tindon End house Graves Ann (Mrs.), gardener Siggs William, farmer, The Hole
Stone Cyrus Gray George, carpenter ~mith William, farmer, Market farm
COMMEltCIAL. Gray William, carpenter Spooner Chas. Hurrell, farmer, Byeballs
Hitching WaIter, Red Lime Spurgeon Edwin, miller
Archer Emma (Mrs.), butcher & dealer Housden Henry, farmer, Park pale Starling Peter, fmI'. & miller, Road farm..
Basham John, bricklayer Johnson James, thatcher Thomason Robert, farmer, Joslins
Brooks James, farmer, Spriggs Mountford John, shopkeeper Tofts George, farmer, Free Roberts
Clark John, farmer, Cabbages Philpott Charles, Black Bull Webb Henry, veterinary'surgeon
CoweH Peter, fmI'. ThistJey fm. & houses Philpott Wm. wheelwright & shopkeeper Westley John, farmer, Bush farm
Drain Charles, miller Piggott William, Cock, & carpenter Willison Hannah {Mrs.), shopkeeper
Everitt Charles, thatcher Piper Robert, farmer, Parsonage farm Wright George, blacksmith
Goodwin 'rhomas, shopkeeper Porter Steward, tailor Wright Geo. furniture broker & farmer
Gouldstone Benjamin, shoe maker Rayment Joseph, farmer, Tyle hall Wright Seth, farmer
Gouldstone Robert, blacksmith. Reynolds Elzbth. (Mrs.), farmer, Mill fm Wright William, farmer, Dove house
SANDON (or SANDOWN) is a village and parish closely Cambridge, in 1623, was first presented to the rectory of St.
adjoining Great Baddow and situated on a 88ndy hill, Martin Ongar, London and held also the vicarage of St.
whence its name; it is in the Western division of the county, Giles-in-the-fields; in 1639 he proceeded to D.D. was
Chelmsford hundred, union and county court district, appointed prebendary of St. Paul's and chaplain to the King:
rural deanery of Danbury, Essex archdeaconry and St. being a staunch loyalist, on the breaking out of the civil
Albans diocese, 3 miles south-east from Chelmsford station, war he was deprived by Parliament of this living in the
7 west from Maldon and 32 from London, on a considerable year 1641, upon which he went to Oxford and published the
brook, a feeder of the Chelmer and on the road from Polyglot Bible in six vols. folio: at the Restoration he. was
Chelmsford to Rochford. The church of St. Andrew consists reinstated in his livings and in 1660 made Bishop of Chester,
of chancel, nave, north aisle and a square embattled tower but he died 800n after his consecration, November 29th,
of brick, with a stair-turret at the N.E. angle, containing 5 1661. Stevyn's charity of £18 yearly, left in 1497 by John
bells: in the chancel are two marble tablets to the Rev. Stevyns, of Sandon and Agnes his Wife, is equally divided
Francis Knipe B.D. and Rev. - Buckley, former rectors of for the repairs of the church and distribution in money.
this parish, whose tombs are in the churchyard aud one to Col. Archibald Impey Lovibond .l.P. is the principal land-
Ann, wife of the Rev. Brian Walton D.D. noticed below; she owner and lord of the -manor. The Rev. Sir Brook George
belonged to the family of Claxton, of Suffolk and died May Bridges bart. rector of Blankney,Lincolnshire, F.C. Rasch esq.
2sth, 1649, cet.43: in the churchyard is a tomb of the Hodg- .l.p. and Col. S. B. Ruggles Brise M.P. are also landowners. The
son family, descendants of the Earls of Lindsey: in the soil is light and of a mixed nature. The chief crops are
, church are several hatchments and in the chancel a brass to wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,278 acres; rateable
Patrick Fearne, 'late parson' and his wife, c. 1580, with the value, £3,677 158.; and the population in 1881 was 466.
fragm~nts of two .sc~olls and shields, !h~ effigies belonging BUTTS GREEN, la miles south-east; HoWB GREEN, a mile
to whICh are ml~Slllg: there are slttmgs for about 500 and a half south, are places in this parish.
perso~s. The ~egJ.ster dates from .1551" ~n old men.'0ran- Parish Clerk, Job Goodall.
dum 10 t.he reglster says. t~e (,'ontrlbutlOn 10 the parlsh of Assistant Overseer William Henry Stibbard.
Sandon towards re-bmldlng St. Paul's church, London, . '
was 2OS. and was paid by the Rev. H. Pughe, then curate, Let~rs arrIVe from Chelmsford at 7 a.m. & 12 noon & are
to the Bishop of London, 1678. The living is a rectory, dlspatch~a~ 7 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
tithe rent-charge l:ommuted at £707, with residence, in the graph office 18 at Great Baddow
gift of Queens' College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. National School (mixed), built in 1848 for 100 children,
Stanley Taylor Gibson B.O. of that college. The learned with an average attendance of 80; Miss Elizabeth List,
Brian Walton D.D. editor of the Polyglot Bible, became mistress
rector of this parish, Jan. 15th, 1635: he was born at (lARRIERS TO CHELMSFORD Dunmow passes through here
Cleveland, Yorkshire, in z600and graduating at Peterhouse, daily from Danbury, returning 88me day
GibsonRev.StanleyTaylol' B.O. [rector] 1 Belcher William, farmer, Potash farm 'Pledger John Portway, farmer, Sallllon
Marsham Charles Alfred Olney .l.P. 1 Bewers David, farmer, Southlands lodge, & landowner, Little Baddow
Sandon lodge Bewers John, farmer,Sandon hall Ratclif'fe Chas. Sydney,frmr. Sandon pI
Pite Mrs. Graces cross Card Robert, shopkeeper Ratcliffe Samuel, farmer
Polley William, Levitts Devonish Epht'aim, wheelwright Raven Evan & Edwin, frmrs. Howe fin
Rasch Frederick Carne J.P. Woodhill Fewell James, farmer, Gilbert hunt Riley 'rhomas, farmer, Mill hill
Riley William, Woodhill Grainger Isaac, farmer, Sporhams Robinson WaIter Vorler, farmer, Grov~
Ratcliffe Miss, Rose cottage Hughes James, Peasons Stibbard Wm. Hy. blacksmith. farrier &
Moss William, shopkeeper wheelwright, assist/LIlt overseet &
COMMERCIAL. Phillips Preston Charles, agricultural collector of poor's rates
Barnard William, Old C1'own, & baker machinist, The Bridge house Whittingham Wm. farmer, Butts grn
SHALFORD is a straggling parish and small village William Bigge, of Redfans, in the parish of Shalford and
situated in a valley on the river Pant, in the Eastern divi- Susanna his wife, eldest daughter of Thomas Jernegan, of
sion of the countr, Hiuckford hundred, Braintree union Stebbyng, Essex, gent. she died 15th October, 1615; and
and county court district, rural deanery of -Braintree, arch- her husband, 1st September, 1616; this monument was
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 5 miles erected by Henry Bigge their son: the nave is divided from
north-north-west from Braintree station, 7 miles south-west aisles by an arcade of three bays JQn either side; the
from Halstead and 50 from London. The church of St. clerestory is lighted by 6 two-light Decorated windows; the
Andrew is an ancient edifice of flint and stone in the tower arch opening into the nave is of fine proportions;
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south there is a hagioscope: the church was restored in 1872,
porch and a square tower containing 5 bells: the chancel is cost /'.1,200 and is seated with open benches to hold 261:
divided from the nave by an old oak screen: on the south embe(Ided in the chancel wall, inside, is au incised mOll1l-
side of the chancel are pisci~re and three sedilia and a mental brass, dated 1537. The register dates from 1558
canopied recess, under which is a tomb supporting a stoue The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £327, with.
slab, once enclosing a brass: in the north and south aisles residence, in the -gift of the Dean and Chapter of Bath and
are similar canopied tombs with shields of arms but with- Wells and held by the Rev. Henry Bennet Phelips M.A. of
out any inscription ~ embedded in the east end of the chancel Christ's College, Cambridge. A vicarage house was erected
wall is an incised brass with an inscription in Latin to here by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1877, wben an
itlon ehul'Ch was bailt at Jasper's Green, having seats 1oi-' SHEERING HALL, a farm house and brewel'y, a tuiles south.,)
200. There were here three manors: those of Shalford Hall, east, had anciently a free chapel. Jasper's Green is !a mileio
Nichols and Abbot's Hall: the latter derives its name from south.
having belonged to the abbey of St. Osyth and is a modern Parish Clerk, Henry White. '- . r
building of white brick, built in 1823, standing in a park of POST OFFlCE.-Alfred Toomas Blanks, receive... Letters
50 acres and the residence of Humphrey Richard George arrive from Braintree, '!lid Great Baling, at 8.1sa.m.; dis-
Marriott esq. I.P. who is lord of the manor and, with patched at 5 p.m. daily. The nearest money ordett &.
Alfred Legerton esq. a principal landowner. Th& soil is telegraph office is a' Weathersfleld
mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel and clay. The chief crops are WALL LETTER Box a.t Ponds Green, eleared at 5.30 ,
wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,455 acres; rateable Church School, (mixed), tor 140 children, with an a\'erage
value, £3,Bgt; and the population iA 1881 was 730. attendance of uo; William Richard Taylor, master
Fitch Mrs J Blanks Samh (Mrs.), blacksmith & beer GIadwin Thomas, fanner, HubbardS'
Legerton John Stock, Whitehouse retailer Legerton John Stock, jun. landowner'
Marriott Humphrey Richard Geor~, Byford Fredk. Jas. farmer, Roselands &; farmer, Little's farm
J.P. Abbot's han Byford Porter, farmer, Dine'. farm Ling Herbert, farmer, Shalford han
Phelips Rev. Hemy Rennet M.A. Carder Joseph, bricklayer Sparrow George, farmer, Killhogs
Vicarage Church Charles, beer retailer Tanner Edward Page, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Claydon George, farm bailiff to Charles Tanner George, carpenter
Anen Frederick, farmer Walker Tabol' esq. Roofeme Thompson Jas. thatcher, Jasper's green>
Alien Sarah (Mrs.), beer rtlr. &; shopkpr Edwards &; Jeffrey, grocers Willis Porter, brewer, maltster&farmer,
Bearman Samh (Mrs.), Gem'ge Fitch Chas. maltster &; farmer,Tan office Sheering hall
Blanks Alfred Thomas,' coach bnilder Gepp Williltm, gardener West Daniel, miller & assistant overseer

SHEERING is" parish in the Western di1'ision of the I manor houses, are in the parish, but now occupied as farmsJ
county, Harlow hundred, Epping union, Bishop Stortford Cl W. F. Glyn esq. I.P. is lord of the manor and principaL
county court district, Hadow rural deanery, Essex arch- I landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel.
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, situated on high ground The chief crops are wheat, barley and heRns. The area ilJ
eetween the Pincey brook and the< river Start, 3l miles 1,628 acres; rateable value £5,481; and the population in
north~as' from Harlow station and t.he wharfs on the 1881 was 543.
Soort, ~ south-east from Sawbridgeworth 8tation~ 6 south I COWICXS is one mile north' Durrlngton is one south-·
from Bishop's Stortford and 26 from London. The church west '
of St. Mary the Virgin consists of chancel, nave, vestry and P~rish Clerk John Bacon
a square tower containing 4 bells, dated respectively, I and 3,. , '. .
:r619 ~ 2, 1682 ~ 4. :1702. The registe1" datell from the yeal" I.'osT OFFlcE.-John Ba~n, recen'er. Letters a~ recen'ecl

:155 8, The living -is a rectory, yearly value £5CYJ, with I through Harlow; arnve at 7 a.m. C I2 a.m.; dispatched
residence in the gift of Christ Church Oxford and held by I at 9. 15 a.m. &; 6.~ p.m.: sundays at 1,0.50 a.m.. Th~
the Rev.' Edward Hill "M.A. formed; student (fellow) of I nearest Ploney order &; telegraph offie~ is at Harlow
Christ Church, hem. e&nOB of St. Albans, rural dean of School (mixed), built in 1830 for 200 children, with an
Harlow, and surrogate. Sheering Hall and Quiekbury, both average attendance of 80; Miss Smith, mistre8S
Silk Robert, Clyde house Chapman Heuben, wheelwright Mitchell Mary (Miss), shopkeeper
GIyn Clayton William Feak M.A., :T.P. Ebdy William, Old Cock, &; carpenter Peacock William, shopkeeper
Durrington house Fenton John, farmer, Quickbury Prior James Charles, carpenter &:; beer
Hill Rev. Edward M.A. [hon. canou, rural Hazlewood Charles, farmer retailer
dean, surrogate &. diocesan inspector Horden Fredk. farmer, Sheering hall Stallibrass Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer
of schools, Rectory Hutchin Fanny (Miss), blacksmith Warwick James, RailU'ay inn
Stock John, .cowicks Linsell Jonathan, baker Whitnall William Sherwood, farmer
OOMVE~IAL. Littler Henry, farmer
Camp James, Crown, &; \llacksmith MitcheU James, shoe maket
SHELLEY is an ancient village and parish, near a feeder interest of both is applied for the benefit of the poor of the
of the Roding, in the Western division of the .ounty, Ongal' parish, the latter being distributed by th& rP-Ctor in beef,
hundred and union, Brentwood county court district, Ongar bread and coals on Christmas day. The children of this
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, parish are entitled to attend the school a~ Chipping OngaTI
situated one mile north from Chipping Ongar and 2I from SOOIley Hall, the se&t' of James lIod80n.Tomlinson esq. but
London. The church of St. Peter is a small brick building. now occupied bY' Mr. Samuel William Blyth, is an ancient.
rebuilt in :rau upoathe site of the old church, with.a. western and picturesque pile, with the date 1587 in projecting figures
turret of wood containing I bell: there is a brass with oVe'l'the doorway, still in good preservation; in the entrance
effigies to Jo hn Green, 'Ob. 1"626, cd. 89j his wife, ret. 7r hall is an oak carving, in the Elizabethan style, about 20 feet
and 16 children: tradition has it that 7 of thell6 were sons, square: the Hall was thoroughly restored in the originat
to each of whom he left a Planor and that he and his wife style in .869. Near the Hall is the :rectory where Bishop
lived to see. II.I descendents. The register of baptillms dates Newton '\l"l'Ote his "Commentaries." J. H. Tomlinson esq.
from 1689; burials, :r687; and marriages from 1709; owing is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The BoiL is
to the ruinous condition of this church at the beginning of mad; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,. barley and
the present century, entries were llometimes made in the roots. The area is 586 acres; rateable value, £1,150; the
registers of High Ongar. The living is a rectory, yeady population in 1881i. was aoo.
value £241, with residence; in. the gift of J. H. Tomlinson EDlNGFORD BRIDGE is to the south-west.
esg. and held by the Rev. FranclS John Newton M.A. of D u r - . .
ham University. There is a. .charity, amounting to £100, PaI"lsh Clerk, James Patient.
given byHarvey Kimpton in 1817, and distributed in February J-ETTERS from Brentwood through Chipping Ongar, which
by the overseers; and another, given by William Bullock, is the nearest money order &; telegraph office. There is ~
in 1822, of £333 6s. 8d. 3 per ~ent. .Annuities: the WALL Box at the Red Cow, cleared at 5 p.JP. daily
Newton Rev. Francis .In. M.A, Rectory prar're~' Thomas, farmer1 Bridge farm 1Snape Frank, farmer, Bllaroed barn§
Blyth Samuel William, mechanical f Sanders-Rosa Eliza (Mrs.), ladies' board- Spells John, Red CoW'
engineer &landowner, Shelley Hall I ing school, Shelley house I Steward Mary (Mrs.),fanner, Mott'l:\fm
SHELLOW BOWLES is g parish ll.nd village, 6t Rev'. Alfred Rich8l'd Du Can. X.A. of Trinity Collegej Cam-
miles north..east from Ongar station and 2'J from ;London, bridge. I The tithes were commuted in 1840 at £120 yearly I
in the Westetn division of the county, Dunmow hundred, Colonel T. H. Bramston iIllord of the manor and ohief land-
Ongar union, Chelmsford county court district, Roding ownel', The 80il is various; subsoil, l08myl . 'fhe 4!hief
roral deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, crops are wheat, barley, bean. and oats. The 1U'ea is 45~
The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a small brick building; BerM; rateable wIue" £651 to and the population in 1881
eonsisting of chancel and nave, with a belfry of wood con.. was no.
taining I bell: it was rebuilt in 1754 by a brief -and the all8i&o Parish Olerk Thomas Lod~e. I

tance of the neighbouring gentry,. pa.rticularly T h o m a . ' . .

Brarnston esq. :I.'he register dates from the year 1555. 'rhe ~ters from Brentwood throu~h Qngar, "'QICD ~ the neares~
living ilt a rectoryt consolidated with WUlingal~ Dolt and 'mQney order & telegraP4 office
Berners Boding in the year 1798, by faculty, yearly lTalue The children from this parish .oa.ttend tht echool at
[,500. in the gift of Colonel T. H. BramstoD- and held by the Willingale Doe I
Davie$ Mrs. The Parsonage Bush Richard, fMmer, Shellow cross- Smith Thomas, farmer, The Ball
Mather Rev. Harry Sneyd [curate], j

Hel'mitage '
SHENFIELD is a village aud parish, adjoining Brent- of £3 yearly value are distributed in bread. The
wood to the north-east, situated on the high road to Chelms- manor house of Fitzwalters, in this parish, was some
ford, 18 miles from London; the l'oad to Billericay and years ago destroyed by fire; it was formerly held by
Rochford branches off here; it is in the Southern division the serrice of presenting a. pair of gilt spurs a\ the
of the county, hundred of Barstable, union of Billericay, king's coronation. There are two manors in this
Brentwood county court district, Barstable rural deanery, parish; Earl Cowper K.G. is lora' of the man01' of Shen-
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albansdiocese. The church of field and the Rev. Charles G. Gratton Townsend is lord of
St. Mary the Virgin consists of chancel. nave, north aisle, the manor of Fitzwalters and with the Countess Tasker,
organ chamber, south porch and a western tower con- principal landowners. The soil is loamy: subsoil, clayey.
taining 4 bells, surmounted by a wooden shingled spire; it The chief Cl'OPS are wheat, barley and !lats. The area is
was thoroughly restored in 1863 at a cost of upwards of 2,397 acres; rateable value, £10,566; and the population
£ 1,000 and enlarged in 1868 at a cost of £870: in the in 1871 was 1,232, viz.:, 984 attached to the pa.rish church
chancel is a memorial stained window to the Rev. C. J. Yorke, and 248 attached to the district of, Warley~
late rector: there is a fine carved oak reredos, a beau- Parish Clerk, William Curtis.
tiful font of Carrara marble and at the west end under the LETTER Box cleared at 2.40, 6.30 & 8 p.m. on week days k
tower is an altar tomb of mll,rble with recumbent figure to at 8 p.m. only on sundays. Letters through Bnmtwood.. .
Elizabeth, wife of Timothy Robinson, of Gwersett, in the which is the nearest money order & telegraph office
county of DeQ.bigh, ob. 23 July, 1652. The register dates National Schools, erected in 1865, with dwellings for the
from the year 1539. The living is a. rectory, yearly value teachers, at a cost of £1,200 &: enlarged in .1869 at a
£560, with residence, in the gift of Earl Cowper K.G. and cost of £670. There is room for 250 children; the averag&
held by Rev. Thomas Pattinson Ferguson M.A. of Trinity attendance is 18o; George Cole, master; Miss Emily
College, Cambridge and rural dean of Barstable. Charities Swannell, mistress; Mrs. Jane Gadsby, infants' mistress
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Landon Harcourt Palmer Deeks Isaiah, blacksmith, Shenfiel.d Cotll
Barnes Joseph Thomas Lewis EdwinJames, The Cottage EvansElizabeth (Mrs.), beer retaile~
Bishop Miss Macmullen Lieut. - General Stephen Hope Archibald, laundry & market gal"
Barry Major; Pri6ry lodge Francis. The Hermitage dener, The Common
Bloomfield Miss Martin Mrs. Cottage place' Lagden Jeremiah, farmer
Britten David ,Newman Mrs. Shenfield common Lawrence Henry", veterinary surgeon
Brown Misses I Newton Major W. JamesJ.p. Homewood Littlechild John, Eagle 4- Child
Burgess Chas. 'rhos. Shenfield cottage 1Raven Thomas, The Common' Osborn Charles,. cattle deale~ ComtllQIL.
Burgess Wm. James, Glantham house I Roffy Mrs Osborn George, pig dealer, Commoll
Campbell Francis, Mill hill Roffey Mrs. C Osborn James, carpenter, Common
Couchman Colone1 William Dunda.s j Savill Mrs. Shenfield house Osborn Thoma~ ,.{J·tichoke, Common
R.A. Cornsland villa. Simmons Edward, The Firs. Common Osbol'n William, pig dealer, CommQn
Courage Edward, Shenfield place Spackman Miss Pizzey Benjamin, wood turner )
Da\'ies John, Mill Hill cottage Tasker Countess, Middleton hall Randall James, beer rih:: Shenfield COn)."
Doughty James Tower Miss, Cottage place Ray Henry William, blacksmith
Downing James Wynn, Trevethan Townsend George,Fitzwalters 8immons Ellen (Mrs.), day school
Ferguson Rev. Thomas Pattinson M •.'\.. Watson Mrs. Cottage place Stock Charles, farmer ;
[rural dean & diocesan inspector of ; Wheeler Mrs. Shenfield common Thompson Ann (Miss), baker & shopkpl"
schools], Rectory I WhiQfield Miss Walker William Henry, farmert Shen~
Forster William, Ivy house I COMMERCI,AL. field hall & at lJrentwood
Fry Mrs f Adkins Ashley, shoe maker Waterman Theodosia (Mrs.), dress
Harper Thomas Etheridge, Shenfield vU l Aldridge James Wilby, army contract-or maker, Shenfield common
King George & baker, Mill house Weal Thomas, pig dealer, The Common
Knight Mrs Boreham George, bird stutfer Whitby ,William, shopkeeper
Landon Edwd. Palmer, Roden house Cook James, Green I)-ragon White John, builder
Landon Frank, The Lodge. ' pumbersJohn, farmer, Brick House fm Winterborn John Taylor, builder
NORTH SHOEBURY is a parish in the Southern Sidhey Sussex College, Cambridge. The great tithes are of
division of the county, union, hundred and county court the annual yalue of £400; Major Onslow impropriator. G;J
district of Rochford, CanewdOlt rural deanery, Essex arch- Welch esq. of Cheltenham, who is" lord of the manm' 'and'
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles east from Southend, James Taylor esq. are chief landdWtler3. The children at-
on the banks of the Thames. The church of St. Mary the tend schools at Great Wakering & South Shoebury. The
Virgin is an ancient stone building, principally in the Early soil is variable; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
English style and has undergone considerable alterations: it are wheat, barley, peas and beans. The area is 1,086 acres;
consists of chancel and nave. with a tower terminating in a rateable value, £2,256 i the population in 1881 was 196.
shingl~d spire and contai~ing 2 bells:. there is a. pi~cina and ~exton Golden Strutt.
an anCIent font. The regIster of baptIsms and bUrIals dates j , •
from the year 1686; marriages,11)95. The living is a vicar- Letters received from Ohelmsford & Southend. LETTER Box
age, -yearly value £185 with residence, in the gift of the Lord in wall cleared at 4.30 p.m. Great Wakering is the
Chancellor and held by Rev. Edward Cooper Wills 1I1.A. of money order & telegraph office
Asplin Mrs. White hons6; Clarke Katberine. & Annie (Misses), Parsons Christopher, farmer, The Hall
Parsons Christophel', The lIall" ' farmers, Moat farm Poynter WaIter, farmer
Wills Rev, Edwd. Cpoper :M.A. Vicarage Green Alfred, grocer :{:tunacrel:l )Villiam, farmer
~entonPhilip,jun.frmr.&atGt.Wakering Haw,ldns Qharles, blacksmith ,
SOUTH SHOEBURY is parish at the meuth of the £400 with residence, in the gift- of Colonel and Mrs. Durie v
Thames, in the Southern division of the c6unty, county and held by the Rev. Edwal'd Bristow Phillips Wynne LL.B.
court district, hundred and union Of Rochford, Canewdon of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Here are flOme remains
rural deanery, Essex archdea.conry ·and 81.·· Alban8 of a Danish camp. The brick WQTks of J. Jackson &: Co}
diocese, 1 miles from Rochford, T' 5 miles .east from are very extensive; 20 million& are made yearly,; maIm
Southend and 45 from London. A road runs across the bricks of the finest qnality al'e manufactured here. v
Maplin Sand at low water to Foulness Island; 011 the sand, SHOEBURYNES!t is Q point -of land in this parish where
nearly opposite, is the Nore light. The church of St. An- Her Majesty's School of Gnnnery has been established;
drew, a small and ancient building, was formerly & ehapel to officers and non-eommissioned officers go through a COU1'l!8
PrittleweU Priary, it eonsists of. chan~ navel south porch of training in theoretiCQI and practical gunnery and rostlY'
and a western tower containing I bell ~ originally Norman experiments are made,· "frith every hew pattern of onlnane&
in style, subsequent restorations, including that of the and warlike projectile. Mrs. Dale Knapping is lady of the
tower, have left it. almost. wholly Perpendicular ~ the manor and principallandowneF. The Soil ilt sandy loam:
chancel arch is a well-preserved example of 12th century subsoil, I58nd and gravel. The chief crops are barley, pea~
work ~ there is a leper window and a hagioscope now built and beans. The area is 1,010 acres ; rateable value, £5,799 ;
up; most of the windows are stained: in the nave is a brass and the population in 1881 was 2,122, of whom 848 werp
to Dale Knapping esq. who died 1878". The register dates soldiers in the barracks. •
from the year 1704. Th~ living MJ a 1'eCtory, yearly' value Sexton, Golden Strutt. •
POST, MoNEY ORDER & Tl'ILBGJUPH OFFICB & Savings .Assisttlllt Superintendent of EJ:p~~'lIMnt8, D. D. T..
Bank,8hoeburyness.-William Coupe, postmaster. Letters O'Callaghan B.A
Brrive from Southend at 6.35 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched Secontl A.fsistant SuplJl'intendent oJ Erperilllents, Capt. F.M:.
at 9 B.m. & ..P S p.m Goold-Adams
ScHOOL OF GUNNERY. .A~iutant, Capt. H. W. J. Hubback B.A
Commandant ~ Superintendent (Col. on the Staff), Col. F. W. Quartermaster, Samuel Cox B.A
Hastings B.A INSUH.ANCJll AOENT-Jlan.c"'e$ter Fire, W. Coupe
Chief InstTU£tor, Lieut.-Col. J. F. Betty R.A National School (mixed), built in 1862 for 175 children;
BriVade Major, Major A. N. Pearse B.A WiIliam Cox, master: Mrs. Elean(){' Cox, mistress
PRIVATB BESIDENTS. Morgan Capt. F. C. R.A Church George Wm. refreshment room
Bally Capt. J. F. B.A O'Callaghan Capt. D. D. T. B.A Chnrch John, shopkeeper
Betty Lieut.-Col. J. F. B.A Pearse Major A. N. B.A Cook Edwd. Wm.boat bldr. I Church st
Bourns Daniel Chas. Grose L.B.C.P Edin. Riley J. [conductor of supply] Coupe WiIliam, chemist & stationer
[surgeon m a j o r ] ' Saunders Capt. A. A. K.A Foulger Robert,linen draper; & at Grea~
Browne Rev.Ralph Chas.L.TH.[chaplain] Spalding Charles Wakerinjt
Cox Samuel B..A. quarter master] Trench Major C. B.A Gamham Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Drennan Rev.Hugh[Presbyterian],Pier Woollcombe Major E. B.A GiIlett Thomas, baker
house Wyone Rev. Edward Bristow Phillips Glasscock George, plumber
Duncan Major F. B.A LL.B. Rectory Golding Henry, shopkeeper
Goold-Adams Capt. F. M. B.A COIDfli1BCIAL. Green WilIiam, shopkeeper
Hanis Frederick Alfred L.B.C.P. Edin. Alp James, builder, High street Harris James, coal merchant
B.A. [army surgeon] Alp William, farmer Higgleton James Bloomfield, butcher
Hastings Col. Francis Wilham R.A. Armstrong Charles, tailor Kirkwood Wm. Shoeburyness taverlJ
[commandant & superinteudent] .Ayl~ng John, Cambridge /wtet Knapping Mrs. Wm. farmer, South
Hime Major F Ballyard James, baker, High street Shoebury hall
Hubback Capt. H. W. J_ B.A Bradley Lawrence, lodging hoU88 Millbank John, cab proprietor
Jackson Josiah, Chapmans Brand John Joseph, chief officer of Murray William, cab proprietor
KeateCol. E coastguard Shoeburynes$ Brick Works (J. Jackson
Knapping Mrs. Dale, Suttons Carr Mary (Mrtl.), shopkeeper & Co. proprietors; Edmund Withers,
Knapping Mrs.Wm.South Shoebury hall Cause Eliza (Mrs.), grocer manager)
Lloyd Major F. T. B.A Chilton Elizabeth (Mrs.), linen draper Stallibrass WiIliam, farmer

SHOPLAND is & parish in the Southern division of the Thackeray M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, who resides at
county, Rochford hundred, union. Bnd eounty court district, Southend. The vicarage receives a modus from four farms
Canewdon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. in Foulness Island; Mrs. C. Hogg is the lay impropriator.
Albans diocese, 45 miles from London, 2 miles 80uth-east The parishioners voluntarily subscribed to build a school in
from Rochford and 3 miles north~t from Southend. The 1873 for boys and girls, which is situated on the borders
church of St. Mary is an ancient· building, originally of the of Sutton and Shopland. The chief landowners are Algernon
Norman period, with additions in the Early English Bnd Holt White, Philip Benton and John W. Stallibrass, esqs.
Decorated Btyles: it consists of chancel, nave and south The soil is mixed and London clay; subsoil, gravel and clay.
porch, with a spiral bell turret on the western gable: there The chief crops are wheat, bal'ley, beans, peas and potatoes.
are sedilia and a piscina niche in the chancel: the font is The area is 1,039 acres j rateable "alue, £1,677: the popula-
Early English and in good preservation: there is a brass to tion in 1881 was 86.
Thomas Stapel, sergeant-at.arms, with his effigy in armour Parish Clerk, James Wallace.
and an inscription in French 1371: a window of four-lights
has been filled with stained glass by the family of the late Letterll from Chelmsford through Rochford, which is also
Mr. Benton. The register dates from the year 1620. The the nearest money order dt telegraph office •
living is a vicarage, yearly value £87. in the gift of the The children of this parish attend the school at Great
rector of Great Sutton Bnd held by the Rev. Frederick Sutton
Norton James, farm. bailiff to J. W'I Holmes William, shopkeeper
Stallibrass esq Rickett Thomas, farmer, Shopland hall
Williams John, farmer, Butlers farm

SIBLE HEDINGHAM is a parish and village in the are chapels for the Baptists and Congregationalists. Chari-
Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead ties amounting to £7 138. left in 1631 by Mr. Joseph Aliston,
union and county court district, Hedingham rural deanery, of Kingsholm, Suffolk Bnd in I6&} by Thomas Jeggon are
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Aibans diocese, pleasantly distributed in bread. The Rev. Moses Cook left in 1732
situated. on the west bank of the river Colne, on the road seven acres of land in trust for distribution in Bibles and
communicating betweeu Braintree, Halstead, Sudbury and Prayer books and also a farm of 34 acres, the rent to be
Haverhill, 1 mile from Castle Hedingham station on the i appropriated to the repairs of the church. Here is the
Colne Valley railway, 4 north-west from Halstead,7 north Chantry House, built originally for the reception and enrer-
from Braintree and 8 south-west from Sudbury. The parish iainment of pilgrims by the friemls and executors of Sir
is lighted with gas. The church of St. Peter is a tine build- John Hawkwood and still called .. The Hostage"; it is now
iog, erected in the reign of Edward Ill. consisting of chancel, occupied as a farm house. A reading room with library now
nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles and a western containing 150 volumes was established in 1879. l..ewis
battlemented tower containing 5 bells: the chancel has four Ashhurst Majendie esq. who is lord of the manor, John
stained. windows: in this church was once a cenotaph to the Cuttl!l esq. and R. Hanbury esq. are the principal land-
famous Sir John Hawkwood, of which little now remains owners. The 8(,il is light and partly clay; subsoil, gravel.
but a fragment of the canopy: there are, however, figures 'fhe chief crops are wheat, barley and peas. The area is
of hawks sculptured on different parts of the church corn- 5,394 acres; rateable value, £ 10,3°1 ; and the population iD
memorating the benefactions of his son and family. HBWk- 1881 was 1925.
wood was born here in the reign of Edward n. being the son of &xton, Robert Boreham.
Gi.lber~ Hawkwood a ~n~e.r an~ was bou~d apprentice to a POST OFFICE.-Joseph Steward Spurgeon, postmaster. Lon-
taIlor In London, but dlshklng his occupa.tlOn he ~nte~ed the don & other letters are ~ived from Halstead by mail
a~y of E~ward Ill. 88 a common soldier and Ul thiS ser- cart; arrive at 5,30 a.m. deliveTed. at 1 a.m. dispatched at
V1C8 bore hlln~lf 80 gallantly that he ~a8 ad~anced to the 6.50 p.m.; the LETTER Box is closed at 6.40 p.m. but letters
ran~ of captam and was afterwards .~Dlghted, on the con- can be posted until 6.45 p.m. by affixing an extra stamp.
elUSion of the war he became a mlhta~y ~~venturer and WALL Box at Church street cleared. at 6 p.m. The nearest
the dreaded leader ~f bands ()f cond?~tler~ ID France and money order & telegraph office ill Bt Castle Hedinghdm
;I:taly, where he married the lady Domilla, mace of the D u k e . . .
of Milan; and at length, loaded with hOnOll1'8 and riches, Revzst"ar of MarrUlfle$ for the Hal$tead Unzon, .Toseph
died at> Florence in 1:394 and was buried in the cathedral, St;eward Spu;geon
nnder a lumptuoua monument. The. register of baptisms Rev~strar of Blrth$.if .Death~, ~effery Mayn . .
date.. from 1680; burials,. 1682; marriages, 1684. The Nattonal8chool (mixed), bUllt ID 18:'-5. for 220 children, WIth
living ill a rectory, tithes commuted at £1,515, with 65acre8 B.n average.attendance of 160; ~~lham C~ke, master
of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Railway StatIon, Charles Pearson " Illett, statIOn m&srelj )
Henry Warburton B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. Here. CABBIER 1'0 BRAINTREB-eharlee Read, mOD. wed. fri. &sat
PRIVATE RESIDBNTS. Carter Robert Sargent, shopkeeper t Kendell John, fanner
Burke Uleek John ~.P Chaplin Richard Henry, coal merchant Kendell William, baker
Broughton He.... Fm Robert M.A. (John Newman, agent) King William, bricklayer
[curate], Davanants Clarke Frederick, 1f'hite Horse, brewer Leonard William, farmer, Prayor's farm
Capes George AugusttU H &; butcher Letch Thomas, higgler
Carey Francis Coe Charles, gardener Letch WaIter Moses, beer retailer
Deeks Mrs Conway Edward, Windmill Lock John, farmer &; seed grower
Fearon Charles, Grove house Coppin George, tailor Mayn J effery, accountant, &; vaccination
Fitch Charles John Horner Corder William, brick maker officer & registrar of births &; deaths.
Grubb Mrs Cornish Orbell, brick maker for Hedingham sub-district
Hardy Mrs. Sidney villa Coult Frederick George, Joiners' Arms, Metson Charles, miller &; farmer, Ma-
Hearn James, Grays &; carpenter plestead mills
Johnson Edwd. Killingworth, Baker's fm Deeks Thomas, farmer, Sparrows Moor John Edwd. farmer, Wash farm
Johnson Miss, Baker's farm Dyson Samuel, gardener Moy Thomas, coal merchaut.
Moor John Edward Eley Thomas, miller &; corn merchant, Mullings Thomas, shopkeeper &; farmer
Newborn Miss Tower mill Orbell John, carpenter .
Richardson Thomas I.P Finch Arthur, Half Moon Pettit John, shoe maker
Rolston Mrs Fitch Henry, grocer &; draper Pettit Lewis, plumber &; glazier
Root Miss Flack Charles Henry, farmer Pettit William, blacksmith
Steward Miss, Elm cottage Fowler Henry, shoe maker Pryke John. shoe maker
Thorp Sidney French John, gardener Purkis Isaac, cooper
Warburton Rev. Henry B.A. Rectory Gas Works (Thomas Moy, lessee; I Rarner William, farmer .
Webster Mrs. Hill cottage George Ransome, manager) Ridgwell Samuel, farmer, Hill farm
Wilkinson John, Toaket hOtUe Gatward Samuel, farmer Roast Charles, ]Jell
Gatward William, cattle dealer Robinson John, farmer, Slough
Gibson Geo. beer retailer & carpenter Smith Lewis, farmer, Brook farm
Abrahams Geo. farmer, Roots farm Gibson John, bricklayer Smith Thos. blacksmith &; beer retailer
.Abrahams WiUiam, leather seller Goodchild Geo. Hicks. farmer, Graves Spurgeon Joseph Steward, grocer, dra-
AlIen Robt. coal merchant, Railway sta hall; &; at Toppesfield per, registrar of marriages for Hal-
Ames Jane (Miss), dress maker Goodchild Samuel, farmer, Blois stead union, &; post office
Ames Samuel, seed grower & florist, Hale Richard Scott, farmer Start George, baker
flint &; pebble stone quarry owner, Hall Thomas, farmer Steward lsaac, Black Horse, &; higgler
soft sand for builders &; brick makers, Harrington Wm. farmer, BlooIllJll farm Stribleng Lewis, blacksmith
Hawkwood farm Hart William; grocer & draper; &; at Taylor John, brick maker
Ealdwin John, farmer Castle Hedingham Taylor Vero William, maltster
Boreham Ann (Miss), baker Hearn James, farmer Thorp Sidney, surgeon
Erett Robert, Three Sugar Loaves, &; Hills John, seed grower Toswell George, nurseryman
bricklayer Hockley Ann (Mrs.), fruiterer Toswell William, Swan
Butcher David, butcher &; baker Humphreys Samuel, farmer White Henry, blacksmith
Eutler & Rayment, thrashing machine Inee Robert, shoe maker Willis Thomas Savill, coach builder
owners Jenkinson Geo. hair dresser &; shopkpr Wiseman William, toy maker
Butler Charles, potato dealer Johnson Edward Killingworth, artist, Yeldham John, carter
Carr William, farmer, Morris green Baker's farm
SILVERTOWN (near North Woolwich) ID the ecclesias- London in August, 1862. The register dates from the year
tical parish of St. Mark, Victoria docks, and formed out of 1862. The living is a perpetual curacy, yearly value £300,
the civil parish of West Ham, is so named from the Messrs. in the gift of the Bishop of London and held by the Rev.
Silver, who established here the large works of the India Henry James Bodily, of St. Bees. A small mission church
Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Company, for WestSilvertown is now (Dec. 1881) in course of erection.
Limited: here are also large chemical works, suzar re- Here is a place of worship for Wesleyans.
fineries and the works of the Gas Light and Coke Company. Parish Clerk, Henry Smith.
This place, part of which lies in the county of Kent, is in the POST & MONEY ORDBR OFFICE &; Savings Bank &;
Eastern Metropolitan postal district and Bow county court Telegraph Office, Market place
district, Barking rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and
St. Albans diocese, and has a station on the Great ScHOOLS:-
Eastern railway (North Woolwich line). The ecclesi- lioa1'd (infants), for 320 children; Miss Emily ~'right,
astical parish of St. Mark was formed in 1864 and mistress
comprised and included North Woolwich, now a St. Ma1'k's Natirmal School (mixed), for 350 children, with
separate ecclesiastical parish and portions of the an average attendance of 300 ; Miss Jane Murray, in-
parishes of East and West Ham, with a population fants' mistress; William Henry, master
Ln 1871 of 12,954. St. Mark's church, near the Victoria Railway Statirm, Alexander Shambrook, station master
docks, built after the designs of S. S. 'Ieulon esq. is in Lssex Rifle rolunteers (4th), headquarters &.. orderly room,
the Decor'd.ted style, with walls of coloured brick and 10 Cook's terrace; £Iugh A. Silver,lieut.-eol.; Capt. H.
(.'Onsists of chancel, nave, aisles and a tower surmounted by P. Molineux, adjutant; John Vance M.D. surgeon;
.a spire containing ~ bells: it cost about £8,000, raised chiefly Rev. Richard Whittington M.A. hon. chaplain; No. I &;
by subscription: there are 850 sittings, all free and 4, 5 &; 6 companies at Hackney; No. 2, Stratford, J.
unappropriated: the church was consecrated by the Bishop of Edwards, captain; No. 3, Silvertown, J. Barwick, captain
[For names in Royal Albert Docks see Barnes Wm. Hy. coffee rooms, I Gordon Chapple Jabis, eating house, 7Arthurter
Canning Town.} terrace, North Woolwich road Clayden Alfred, baker, 4 Gordon terrace,
• PkIYATB RESIDENTS. Barwick Caroline &; Henderson Mary North Woolwich road
Bailey John, india rubber works (Mrs.). dining rooms,2 Mickelbergter CulledgeWm.boot&
Barwick James, 4 Winchester street Bell Bros. butchers, 7 Gordon terrace. Deglow Julius, hair dresser, 3 Mickle-
..Bodily Rev. Henry James, St. Mark's North Woolwich road berg terrace
parsonage Bennett Arthur John, Ram tavern, Duncan James, sugar refiner, Clyde whf-
Fraser Roderick, la Winchester street North Woolwich road D)'er Morten Simmons, greengrocer, 8
McKinlay Jame8, Factory house Blow John, shopkeeper, 9 Arthur ter Gordon terrace, North Woolwich road
Owen John, 15 Gordon terrace, North BradfieldHy.carman,North Woolwichrd Ellis William, blacksmith, Gray st
Woolwich road Brevetor Thomas, estate agent, 9 Essex Rijle J70lunteerli (4th) (Hugh A.
'Wilton John, gas works Constanee street Silver, lieut.-col; Capt. H. P. Molineux
CO:M:MBRCIAL. Broadbent In. shopkeeper, 12 Cook'ster adjutant; John Vanee HoD. surgeon;
Albrow Nathanl. greengrocer, IX Tate rd Brown James, shopkeeper, 16 Gordon Rev. Richard Whittington M.A. hon.
Andrew Joseph,shopkeeper,Constancest terrace, North Woolwichroad chaplain; J. Barwick, Capt.comman-
Archer AlIen Penton, oil &; eolorman, 1 I Browne Samuel, linen draper,9 Markt. pI dant of C company); orderly room, 10
Gordon terrace, North Woolwich road Burt, BonIton &; Haywood, timber mer- Cook's terrace
Rain Robert, shopkeeper, I Andrew st chants, &; tar &; creosote works Farmer Thomas &; Co. manufacturing
Haker Jane (M1"so), shopkeeper, 13 Gor- Butt Fredk. Henry, news agent, Hud- chemists, Hall's wharf
dou terrace, North Woolwich road son's cottages, North Woolwich road Feast Thomas, carman
Ball William, Royfd .A.1"m$, Winchstr. st Chapman Messel &; Co. chemical manufs

:Finch (Mark) & Co. vitriol, chemical & Sheffield; & 21 Grainger street west, Salmon Frederick J ae, Graving Dock
artificial manure manufacturers, SiI- .NewcaSltle-on-Tyne taVtil'n, North Woolwicb .road. !
vertown chemical works James William Henry, beer retailer, 17 Schmidt Charles, shopkeeper~ 17 Gray st
.. Fishel' Emma. (Mrs.), shopkeeper,. I Gordon terrace. North Woolwich rd Scar William, grocer, 6 Gordan terrace,
Emma terrace Keiller James & Son, wholesale & export North Woolwich road
Fleet Robert, fanc)' repository, North confectioners, Tay wharf Shambrook Ale:lC.stn.mstr.3-2 Wnchstr st
Woolwich road , Kennard Frederick, beer retailer l 36 Silvel·to'wn, Canning l'mv7l 4' Victoria
, o-lett Robert, fancy repository, North Oriental road Dock Freehold Lnd. 1j-1Jldng. Co. Lim.
•. " Woolwich road , ,Kingston George, Royal ..4lbert (Fras. Alfd.White, sec). I Micklbrg.rer
Oas Light ~ Coke Co. (The) (John Wil- Kirby Theodore.. oilman, 7 Market place, Silver town Coal Co. (J. Forrest, secre-
. ton, engineer), Silvertown station Castle. See advertisement tary), Railway station
Geller John, butcher, 16 Andrew street Knight John & Sons, soap &; candle Simmons Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 18
Girdwood Margaret (Mrs.), oil & color- manufadurers COllstance street .
man, North Woolwich .road LeaderHenry, fishmonger, 8 Arthur ter Simpson William & Co. petroleum iIn-
..Glover Henry, chemical manufacturer & Lovelock Edwd. oilman, 8 Constance 8t porters, Manhatton wharf
merchant; oil of vitriol, muriatic acid, Lyle Abraham & Sons, sugar refiners, Smith George, grocer,s Market place
nitric acid, sulphate of alumina &c. North Woolwich road Smith In. shopkeeper, Lower Andrew st
Tower chemical works, Macey J n. dining rooms, ID Constance st Sneary Charlotte (Mrs.), coffee house, 3
Goodridge Wm. shopkpr. 35 Andrew st. McKenzie Wm. shopkeeper, 6 Arthnr ter Ura"ing Dock ter. North Woolwich rd
Goodwin Bros. coal merchants, carmen Marsh Sarah Eliza (Mrs.), linen draper, Solder Casper, boot & shoe maker, 19
& contractors, Railway stations & at I Mickleberg terrace Constance street
North row, North Woolwich Maxey Thomas, neWI! agent, 14 Gordon Spencer, Ch.apman & Co. chmicl. manufs
GrayWm.Chas.diningrooms, terrace, ~orth Woolwich road 'Tate Henry & Son, sugar retiners
(ireat Eastern Railway Goods nepVt Moir John, surgeon, Arthur terrace Thompson Martha (M\s&) , linen draper.
(Joseph Gardner Whitehead,collector); Morgan Henry, dining rooms, 6 Con- 5 Constance street
North Woolwich road stance street Turner Charles & Sons, varnish manu-
Haryott Richard, dining rooms, 9 Hud- Morgan Thos. greengrocer, 4 Cook's ter facturers, North Woolwich road
•. son's cottages, North Woolwich road Ohlendorff & Co. guano manufacturers, Vance Wm. J. surgeon,7 Cook's terrace
. Hewitt Wm. shopkeeper, 13 Con stance st North Woolwich road Walker James, dairyman, 9 Gordon
Holland Wm. greengrocer, 3 Emma ter I Owen John, surgeon, IS Gordon terrace, terrace, North Woolwich road
Howe James, greengrQcer, 17 Andrew st North Woolwich road Walmsley H. ll. & Sons, malt roasters.
Hudson William, shopkeeper, 1 Gordon Peirson Francis James, Railway hotel North Woolwich road
terrace, North Woolwich road Pollard Thomas, 35 Oriental road Welsh 'rhos. shopkpr. I I Winchester st
Hyam Geo. fishmonger, 15 Constance st Price Alfd. Edwn. grocer, 3 Constance st Wenninger Geo. butcher, 44 Oriental I'd
India Rubber, Gutta Pel'cha Ij- Telegr:aph Price Elizabeth (~lrs.), eating house, 8 Williams Sarah (Mrs,), shopkeeper.
Works Co. Limited; & at Persan- Market place Amelia street
beaumont, .France; warehouse, lOO ReadJn.Parker,cowkpr.19 Constancest Willialllil 'rhos. dining rooms, Albert r-d
Cannon street,-London e.e.; branches, Robinson Andrew Augustus, private Woolgar Alfd, green gro. 43 Oriental rd
52 Castle street, Liverpool; 20 estate office, 34 Oriental road Winterbottom Edwin Platt, shopkeeper.
Dixou street, Glasgow; 35 Kirkgate, 8. Bm'nabas .1Iissio1l, House, 12 Gordon 2 Uordon terrace, ~orth Woolwich I'd
Bradford, Yorks.; IQ Castle street, terrace, North Woolwich road
SOUTHCHURCH lies near the shore, at the mouth of terbury; the church and manor having been given in 824-
the Thames, opposite to the West Knock Sand; it is a I to Christ church, Canterbury; the rectory house has been
parish, in the Southern division of the county, hundred enlarged and beautified. G. A. W. Welsh esq. of Cheltenham,
ceunty court district and union of Rochford, Callewdon is lord of the manor of Southchurch and J. Y. Burgess ·esq.
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, owns the manor of Thorpe Hall. The chief landowners are
.3 mile and a half east from Southend, 5 miles south-east G. A.W.Welsh, J. Y. Burgess and J. W. Stallibrass esqs. The
.from Rochford and 44 from London. The church of the soil is mixed; subsoil, gra"el and clay; the chief crops are
Holy Trinity is a small building, erected in the twelfth wheat~ barley and beans. The area is 1,84JA. IR. 6p. in-
century, consisting of chancel, nave, fine south porch and a cluding I8a. OR. 24P. in Cam'ey Island; rateable valuet
bell turret with shingled spire, containing I bell: it was £4,132.. The population in 1881 was 527.
thorougWy res~ored in the year 1857,.chie~y a~ the ex~~se SOUTHCHURCH WICK is about a quarter of a mile north-
of the rector, a~ded .by a sm~ll parochial rate an~ contams I east, on rising ground and has a fiue view over the MedwaYt
several memonal wmdows.; I~ the cha~cel are t~vo. te~essed 'Thames and neighbouring islands.
tombs, an aumbry and a plscma ; there IS also a plscma III the Parish Clerk James Pitcher.
south wall of the nave; the church plate dates from 1681-2. . '
The register dates from the year 1695. The living is a Letters ,arrlve from Southend at 6.3 0 & .11.30 a.m,; LETTER
rectory, tithes commuted at £800 yearly, with residence I Box m wall c1eare~ at. 4.40 p.m. The nearest money
and 60 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Can- order & telegraph office IS at Southend
terbury and held by the Hev. Josiah Bateman M.A. of Jrational School (mixed), built in 1851 for 72 children, with
,Queens' College, Cambridge, Hon. Canon of Canterbury; I an average attendance of 70; }lrl!. l\lary Anne Lodder,
this living is one of the peculiars of the Archbishop of Can- , mistress
Assheton Mrs. Eleanor lodge Absalom Charles, lodging house, 7 Ash- Matthews Samuel, shopkeeper
Barton Mrs. 2 Sydney villas burnham terrace Noble Jas. lodging house,1 Sydney villas
Bateman Rev. Josiah'M.A. [rector] Ardley John,lodg. house, 2 Prospect ter Norton James, farm bailiff to J. W.
Butterfield Edward,-2 Edinboro' villas Coningsby George, nurseryman I Stallibrass esq
Drnmmond John, 1 Edinboro' villas Cottis John, Rose inn I Robinsoll Abraham, lodging house, :)
Hopwood Thomas, 6 Ashburnham ter Dunnett Alfred, saddler Ashburllham terrace
Little Philip, Nore ,-ilIa " Dunnett FitzwiJliam Sparling. lodging I Robinsoa Abraham P. lIalfway tavern
Norman Richard, 14 Ashburnham ter house, 3 Ashburnham terrace I Sandforu Robert, machinist .
Scales. Edward Home, Edwards' villas Francis ehas.WordIey, farmer, The Wick Stebbing John, White lIorse
Stallibrass Frederick, Thorpe hall Gridley Geo. lodging ho. I Prospect ter Thompson Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging
, COMMERCIAL... Keyes Brothers, millers house, 12 Ashburnham terrace
A1lerton Alex. Rice, farmer, The Oaks Keyes Wm. farmer, Southchurch hall Whittingham Willialll, wheelwright

. SoUTHEND is a. modern town, watering place, railway and and Princess Charlotte in 1804. The bathill~ here is good.
steambQat station, very pleasantly situated near the mouth, but the tide recedes to the extent of about a ;mile, 'rhe
nf the. Thames and nearly opposite to Sheerness: it is a streets are clean and are lighted ~'ith gas .and the houses
,b.a.mlet o( the parish of Prittlewell, but was in 1842 formQd are 8upplied with 80ft water. Steamerll run to and from
into a. separa~ .parish for ecclesiastical purposes and is 4 I London several times a. day during the swnmer mouths, ~
miles south from .Rochford, '16 south from Maldon and 42 well as to Sheerness, Rochester and Gra.vesend. The pier is
from London: being a polling place for the. Southern divi- a mile and ~ quarter in length ",nd has a. tramway on it
~on of the county, in Rochford hundred, union a.nd county for passengers to and frOl.n the steamers: it cost in erection
court district, ,rura,l deanery of Ca,newdon, archdeaconry of altogether about £420000. b~t was sold to th~ Great Easter(l
Essex and diocese o( 8t Albans: it first sprung into notice Railw.ay Company for £17,000, f;r~l1l), ~hoJ;ll it was again
as a 'watering place from a visit of the late Queen Caroline purchased in rS75 by the lOC1il board. A sea wa,ll anQ


•~omenade io... visitors, considerably ove.. a mile in length, £323 a year, with residence,-in th~l'ift of ~he :Bishop of
have been made by the ana. the x:liff has St. A..lbans and beld by the ReT. Thonia&, Osmotherley Reay
.heeD plant~ and laid out. The London, Tilbury tuld South- B.A. of...Exeter OoI.lege, Odord, 'l'Ol'aI'dean of Canewdon,
end railway connects this place with London and halt its a.nd surrogate.tJ. The representativee of.- the late Sir
terminus here. Steamboats also ply dllily from-the piel! in Ar1llldell Neave bart. are the lay inipropriaton.. tAll
summer. The town ia governed by a local 'board .of Saints' parish 'Was . ..tonned in -October,. 1&77"; the
kealth, established in dl66 and eon»isting of. twelve mem- present church is B temporary Btrnct1ll'6 of iron. The
bers... The church of St. John the .Baptist is ...tone build- registe... dates from the yeat' [ J. The "living is a vicar-
,ing of mixed lIt-yIes, consisting Qf .chancel, nave,. aisles and age, value £150 yearly; in the gift oJ. Keble College,
transepts and.orgau. chamber: the nave was built in :1840 Oxford and held by the Rev. Percy Howard Droosten B.A. of
land aililles.added 1&oor.: the chancel Wall erected in. 11 87li-3 : Exeter College, Oxford,'who was presented tc the benefice
the transepts are only temporary I in .the north,transept by the trustees at the fonnationof the district. A cemetery,
c:ifl a IIltained wind~w,. fonuerly in the. chancel 1 there are four acres in extent, with a mortuary chapel, situated in
• eate ior .bovt J:,ooo. persons. The regisoor dates from the Southend rood, was-opened in 188:1, theehnrchyard having
year 1842. The living is a vicarage, yearly value. £6oIy in been closed by ~er of the privy ccuucil" Here is a charity
addition to the pew rents and fees, in the gif.t of the Right of £35 aunual value, arising from lands in Great Stanbridge
Revt Robert Eden D.n. (who is now Bishop of Moray and and commonly !called ~ Brown's charity,'" usually distributed
Ross), as trustee and held by the. ReVlJ Thomas WiUiam in money at Christmas. Herer was once a priory of Cluniac
Herbert; surrogate. A School Boa-rd ()f 5 members was monks- dedicated. to St. Mary and founded by Robert de
formed here in 1877. The Baptists, Ccngr.egationalists, EsS6x or Fitt·Swain in, the reign of Henry n. .and 8u~rdi­
.Wesleyans and Peculiai' People have chapels here~ Trinity nate to the great m()nastery of that order at Lewes in Sussex,
Church is the first Reformed Episoopal church lin the the I revenues ()f which at the IDissolution 'Were £,194
United Kingdom and the melllorial stone..was laid on the ['48. Sd. po:rtion of the priory 1I.0W nmaining is 'the
3rd of December, 1877.' The Congregational church; Cliff property.of and occupied by J. Farley Leith esq. Q.c., M.P.
town, is a Gothic structure ..erected in.. 01866 at a. cost of Daniel Robert Scmtton esq. is lord of the manor; James
£3,000, with a tower containing an illuminated clock. A Tabor esq. D.L., J.P. and the representatives of the late Sil
Wesleyan chapel in the Early English style was erected in Arunooll Neave bart. are chief landowners. The80il is rich
1870 in Park road and will seat 400 people. The Catholic loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
church of Our Lady Help of Christians and St. Helen beans and barley. Excellent bricks are made here.
Empress, situated close to the town, was erected in Milton is a hamlet of Prittlewell, close to Southend and
'1:868, at " cost of more than £2,000 .and consists. of .the Thames and '8aid to have been anciently a distinct
chancel; and three ..side chapels, with bell turret con- parish till part of it was swallowed up by the sea, the re-
taining :I ,bells: adjoining the church is an 'lrphanage: mains of the church about a century since were visible at
there are also a convent and a home for the aged, destitute low water. The names of the inhabitant8 now included
poor and for infirm children at Nazareth house, LOJldon ~n Southend. The whole parish of Prittlewell contains
road; these institutions at present contain 30 adults and 70 5,586 acres; rateable value, £39,906; and the population is
children. The police station in Alexandra street was erected 1871 was 4,589 and in 1881,7,764.
in 1874 at a cost of £4,250. The Priory Lodge of Freemasons Pa1ish Clerk, Arthut Burley.
-(No.' 1,000) is held at the Middleton hotel, A Public Hall was INSURANCE AGENT-N01·thern A.ssuran~, H. Dowsett
erected in 1872 at a cost of about £3,000 by a Limited POST, MONEY ORbER & TELEGRAPH OFFICJi:, Savings Bank
Liability Company: it contains a large ball fitted with stage &, Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-James
a.nd other accessories for concerts and entertainments, with Clover, postmaster. Letters arrive from London & all
seats for about 700 persons; Mr. J. H. Wardell is lessee: parts at 7 & 11 a.m. & 7 p.tu.; dispatched at 10.55 a.m.
here also are the offices of the local board and a club room. 2.5, 5 & 6.40 p.m.; with an extra stamp ten minutes
The Rochford County Court is held at the Public Hall every later. The 5 p.m. is for Eastern Counties only, by mail
alternate month~ for list of places in the district flee Roch- cart ~ on sunday box closes at 6.30 p.m
ford. There is a coffee tavern and mechanics' institute I •
the latter wasiounded in 188r and has over 150 members. . Sun-OFFICES.
The population of the town in 1871 was 2,808 and in 1881, POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings .)3ank, MariJle
8,064. The area of the parish of St. John is 403 aCl'es; the parader-Henry Thomas powsett, receiver. Letters col-
population in 1871 was 2,836 and in r881, 4,400. lected 9.55 a.m. 1.50,4.35 & 5.50 p.m
Prittlewell is a.n ancient village and the mother parish POST & MONEY .oRDER & Savings Bank, Park lltreet......
of Southend, in the Southern division of the county, Roch- Charles WJ Barnard, receiver~ Letterscollected 9.55 a.m..
Jiord hundred and 'union, Essex archdeaconry, Canewdon :1.4°,4-55 & 6.15 p.m
.rural deanery a.nd St. Albans diocese, on the road from POST & MONEY ORDER & Savings Bank, Southchul'ch road.
Southend to Rochford, I mile Dorth from Southend, 3 miles
south from Rochford and 42 from London; it is a picturesque
T. Murrell, receiver: Letters collected ?45 a..m. r. 5
4·,50 & 5.45 p.m
village and consists of two streets on the slope of a hill, at PILLAR LETTER BOXES cleared on week days only. 'Marine
right angles to each other. The church of St. Mary the parade, cleared at 9.10 a.m. & f.50 &. 4.40 p.m.; Nelson
Virgin, situated at the top of the hill at the intersection of the street cltared at 10 a.m. 2 & 5 p.m.; Lower Southend
two streets, is on& of the largest and in an architectural
cleared at 9.35 a.m. 1.50 & 4-35 p.m.; Southchurch road,
point of ",iew one of the most interesting in the county and clea,red at 9.15 a.m. & 4.45 p.m. Money brder office
consists of chancel, nave, south aisle, terminating in a open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m
spacious chapel and a stately Perpendicular tower contain-
ing a peal of 6 bells, the. tenor weighing 16cwt : taken as a POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE &; f'avings 13a.nk, Prittlewel)t.
whole the building may be said to date from the fifteenth -William Wallis, postmaster. Letters arrive from Roch·
century, but remaiusexist of much eaTlier work; the-tIuee fOTd at 5.10 a.ll). &. from Southend at 12 a.m. &. froII\
westernmost arches, dividing the nave fr()m the aisle, are .of Chelmsford at &10 a.m.; dispatche(jl a.~ 5.40 ~o. Rochfow
the thirteenth century and the testoration, carried out from ftL Chelmsford~ pt 9.45 a.ill. r.45 & 5.50 p.m. to Southend
ldesigns by Ewan Christian esq. in 1872, has disclosed the LOCAL BoARD OFFICES, Public hall, Alexandra street
fact that they were cut through a wall of much greater age, Cle1·k, William GTegson
containing remains cl .early Norman windows; the north Medical Otfico, William England Phillips
wall of the ehancel .also shows traces {)f au arch blocked SU7Vey.fJ~ ~ IMl"Ctor 0/ Nuisancts, Arthur CaytonJ
up and is -composed of Roman brick.ll: the church is built Collelltor, Thomas MeUOl"
Ichiefly of Kentisb rag stone, the walls being surm01lllted by IN8Ull.ANCE AOEN'l'S:- .
a rich and singularly JlP.rfect embattled parapet of flint and ComliWTcial Union, T. Dowsett, High street
stone chequer 'Work; the restoration has cost up to the pre- County Fire, '1'. Goodman & J. Martin
seni timeovet" £5,000; raised by voluntary subscriptions+ lit ,Liver]WOl 4' Lfntdon .f Globe, W. WaUlrhouse, .I Cape)
new oak roofhaTing been put iu throughout and the building terrace, Cliff town J
seated with ()peD benches in teak, llhe ehancel stalls being Lfnulon As.ru41nce, C. WO()suam, High st.l'eet.
richly carved. ': the' pulpit is of Caen stone, enriched with Lwulol& ~ Lancashire, F. I. Cumine; High street
ma.rble shafts, the central panel -eontaining a bas-relief: six Northern A.MUrance, G. R. Daw80n, High 8treet•
•lrta.ined windoJf8 have been presented and a north M'ind()W' N~TWich U1iiolll Fire, T. 1". Barrett, The Bankt High $treet t
in the nave has also beeR recently filled: ()ver the iChancel Phani:r Fir~ (). M. King, 8 Marine parade r
-arca & large mural painting on canvas has been placed by Q!.f£en.; F. GaroD, N e1s0ll &treat
the parishioners in memo..." of the late vicar_ The regi9ter Rf1JIol. Ezeltallfl', Mra. Fox
of baptisms dates from 1649; 'Of marriage& and burials Sun Ft~ W H. Allen, High street
from 1645. The living is .. vicarage, •tithe commutation W~stmi1/.Ster Fire, C. Floyd. ~5 Cambridge terrace


PUBLIC ESTABLISH:MBN'I'S:?"""" Ctmgregatitmal Chapel, Rev. J oseph WiIliams, minis.
C8ast Guard Sta,ion, Wm. Valldeveear, boatman in charge ter ;. J: I> a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thnrsday 7 p.m
Polict Station, Alexa.ndr8 street, Samuel Hawtree, supt Wesleyan Ohapel, Rev. Wm. Francia Faulding; u a.m. k
Prittlewell Cemetery, Southend road, W. Gregson, clerk to 6.30 p.m
the burial board ScHOOLS :-:-
Public- Hall, Alexandra street, J. H. Wardell, lessee Natirmal. Mrs. E. Raven, mistress
St. 8tephtm's Con'ltale.fcent Home, Mrs. Louisa Taylor, matrn EruiQWed (Prittlewell). erected in 1868, at a cost (If .bout
Stamp Office, Chal'les Woosnam, High street, distributor £1,500, chiefly tbrough the munificence of the Heygate
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Market street, W. Baker, captain family, with an endowment from land of £36 per annum;
PUBLIC OFFICERS:- these schools hold 17S children &; have an average
Clerk to the School Board, George Wood attendance of ISO; Peter Dent, master; Mary Ann
Inspector 'Of Weights Measures under the Sale of Food 4- Horton. infants' mistress
IJrugs Act, Samuel Hawtree, Alexandra street London Road Board Schools. erected in 1880 for 300
Medical Officer f(YJ' Rochford Rural Sanitary Authority, children; average attendance 240 j Wm. Horaee Norman,
Edward England Phillips, Broadwater house master
Piet Master, Wm. Chignell NEWSPAPERS : -
Registrar of Births t! J)eaths, Geo. Bigsby, Park terrace S01ttheruJ Observer, Royal Library, John Taylor, jun. pub-
Stamp Distributor, Charles Woosnam. High street lisher; published saturday
Superinttmdent of Police, Samuel Hawtree, Alexandra street S01tthend Standard. Alexandra street, John Osborne pub-
Vestry Clerk, William Gregson, Alexandra street lisher; published friday
PLACES OF WORSHIP with times of Service : - Railway Station, John Brown, goods agent; Arthur John-
St. JohR. tht Baptist Ohurch, Southend, Rev. Thos. Wm 80n Philcox, station master
Herbert M.A. vicar; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m CoNYEYANcE.-8mith·s from Cricksea ferry, thl'ough Roch·
St. .l#fary the Virgin Church, Prittlewell. Rev. Thomas ford, in time for the 8.20 up train, mono wed. thurs. &
Osmotherley Reay B.A. vicar j I I a.m. k 7 p.m.; thursday sat. returning from Southend in summer months at 6.20
7.30 p.m p.m. j winter months 4.10 p.m
All Saints' Church, Porter's town, Rev. Perey Howard
Droosten B.A. vicar; I I a.m. &; 3.30 & 7 p.m CARRIERS TO:-
Trinity Ch1tTch (Reformed Episcopal),Rt. Rev. Thos. Huband PRITTLKWBLL-John Bl'own &; Benjamin Howard, daily
Gregg D.D•• M.D.; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m ROCHFORD-Scott. daily
Catholic Church of our Lady Help of Christians cJ St. WATEB CoNVEYANCE-8team vessels from the piel'. during
Helen Empress. Rev. John Moore, priest the summer, twice a day, to &; from London; George &
Baptist Tabernacle, Rev. J. G. Wilson, minister; IX a.m. Emanuel Vandel'Vord's barges to St. Olave's wharf,
& 6.30p.m.; thursday 7 p.m Tooley street
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. De Bary Charles William Rudolph, 4 Hemsworth William, St. John's villas,
Ablett JC)hn Dean, 10 Cambridge ter Prittlewell square Cliff town
Addison Spencer, The Gro\e Deeping Geo. Davidson. B Royal ter Herbert Rev. Thos. Wm. M.A. [yicar &
Adey Mrs. Grange villa. Sutton street Dettmar Charles, 2 Wilson road surrogate]
AlIen William, 10 Albyn terrace Dettmar Henry, 1 Clifton terrace BeygateJames,8 & 9 York place
Baddams Mrs. I BeJford villas, Park rd Dixon Capt. Thos. Park terrace Heygate, Rev. William Edward M."'.
Baker Edwin Potter, Hamlet road Dobson Charles, 2 Tiptree villas Grovefield house
Balleras John,S Runwell terrace Donovan Daniel, 3 Royal terrace Hudson John, II Warrior square
Baylis Samuel, Glan-Mor, Cliff parade Douglas Wm. Florence villa, Cliff par Inglis Mrs. Warrior square
Beard J oseph, 3 Cliftou terrace Draper Edwd. Herbert, 10 Prittlewellsq Ingram C. Fortescue, 7 Cliff Park villas,
Belcham Charles, 3 Kilmarnock villas Droosten Rev. Percy Howard B.A. [vicar Park road
Belcham Wm. Isaac, 12 Cliff Park of All Saints', Prittlewell], Connaught Ingram Matthew Lisle, 3 Lome villas
villas, Pal'k road villas, Southchurch road Inman Robert Matthews, I Cromwell pI
Bell James, 2 Alexandl'8 terrace Eastwood Chas. Handley, Burton villa Innes Mrs. Park crescent, Park road
Besant Samuel Chas. 2 Prittlewell sq Edmonds Mrs. 19 Wilson road lalfon lsaac, Seaton house, Marine ho
BlackaU Col. Robert, 6 Sussex terrace Ehn Miss. Westbourne villa, South- Jeffries Wm. ~ Milton villas, South·
Blight Samuel, 2 Leigh villas church road church road
Bright Chas. Park terrace, Park road Evett8 Mrs. Pol'tadown villa, Milton rd Jeune Hy. AUd. 3 Park villas, Park rd
Brighten Wm. Green, Argyle ho.Cliff tn Fache Chas. Jam"", 8 PritUewell square Johnstone Jeremiah Charles, Cl'eevelea
Britton James, Newark ho. London rd Fairhead William Miles, 5 WellingtQn house, High street
Britton Saml. Henfrey ho. London rd place, Lower Southend Jones George Francis, High street
Brown George, Milton house Faulding Rev. Wm. Francis [Wesleyan], Kelly BY' James, 6 Albyn terrace
Brown John, Recko house, Milton Wesley manse KelIy Wm. ~ Park villas, Park road
Brown John, Milton stl'eet Fennell Coates, The Green, South- Kilworth Mrs. 3 Whitegate villas
Browne Rev. Ralph Chas. L.TH. [chap- church road Lacell Mrs. 4 Cromwell place
lain to the forces at ShoeburynessJ, Firman Fredk. Crescent villa, Park cres Lambert Mrs. 9 Albyn terrace
11 Cliff Town parade Fitzgerald Wltr. B.A. 24 Cambridge ter I,..ancsster John Locke, Oakleigh house,
Buller MajorWltr. Gregory,s Albyn ter Fothergill Mrs. Park road Cliff town
Burke Miss, 3 Avenue l'oad Francis Jabez, 41 Milton street Langton John, Belgrave villas
Burrows Mrs. I I Royal terrace Frazer Ml'S. 12 Belmont villas Lawrence James, 1 Albyn terrace
Canton MillS, Cumberland house Garon Frank, Ilford house Le Cal'beri Joseph, I Albyn te1'l'3C8
Cal'penter Wm. I r Cliff Park villas. Ginman Geo. Webster, 4 Alexandra viis Ling George, 12 Prittlewell square
Park road Glen Gray. 18 Wilson road Lowe Alfred, Shawfield house, Hamlet
Carr Matthew .Alfd. 4 Park vil. Park rd Goodchild Miss, 23 Cambridge terrace Lowe Mrs. 3 Cromwell place, Cliff town
Carter Mrs. 12 Albyn terrace Goodman Alfd. Perey, 11 Alexandra viIs Luckin~ Christphr. u Cliff Town parade
Cassel Wm. I W ilson road Goodman Thomas. 9 Prittlewell square Luker Henry, Farringdon house
Cause Abel, Flora viI. Southchurch rd Gould Mrs. 5 Lorne villas Lukes William Ford, 17 Wilson road
Cause Thomas, Linden villas, Milton st Grant Mrs. Carlton house Mann Mrs. I RUDwell terrace
ChaHis William Edward. 3 Park ter Greenwood Wm. Avenue tel'race Marsh John, 4 Queen'. villas, Queen's rd
Chignell John, Cliff Gregg Right Rev. Thos. Huband D.D., Martin Joseph, Avenue terrace
Church Robert, 5 Avenue road JI.D. [Reformed Episcopal], Park rd Matthew Alfred, Holland house, Hamlet
Clarke Mrs. 3 Albyn terrace Gregson William, III Royal terrace Matthews Mrs. lI5 Cambridge terrace
Cole Mrs. Park crescent, Park road Hall Lieut. Edward CorrinA'fion a.N. McOavin Miss, 9 Cliff Park viIB. Park rd
Covney J ames, 3 Grosvenor place Brooklyn house, Cliff town Mead Miss, I Kilmamock villas
Cox Mrs. 7 Park terrace Harrington :twIrs. St. Edmund.t- villa, Merci.el' Major Charles, !Z Cambridge oor
Cranfield William, 2 Whitegate villaSJ Park road Meggy Mrs. Halstead ho. Cliff parade.
Cross Mrs. 5 Cliff Town parade Hatch Rev. Hy. John K."'.Ivicar of Miller Hugh, Greaham villa, South-
Crowhurst John, 14 Avenue road Little Stambridge], 6 Gloucester ter church road
Cummings Miss, The Elms, Avenue rd Hayne Geo. 8 Cliff Park villas, Park Td Mioux Rev_ Paterne [Catholic], Naza-
Cushing Mrs. Armada villa, South- Hemman Fredk. Wm. St. John'. college reth house
church road Hemmann John Rudolph X.A. St. M0<»'8' RevJ JohD. [Catholic], ) Cape
Davies Miss, Msrlborough house Jobn'. college terra.oe, Cliff Wwn

Morgan Mrs. 3 Leigh villas Slater Miss, 00 Avenue road Webb Josiah, Avenue terrace
Morphey Henry, Avenue terrace Smallwood Mrs. 1 Park villas, Park rd Webb Mrs. Henry, Eton villa, Cam-
Moss James, 8 Park terrace Smith William James, I Queen's villas bridge TOad
Nalty Wm. Valentine, 3 Queen's villas Squire Mrs. 12 Lorne villas Wells Charles, 6 Pleasant row, Lower
Nason Mrs. I Lorne villas Stilwell Arthur Finnis, 4 Leigh villas Southend •
Neale Thompson, Frankleigh Stone Charles Henry Augustus L.B.V.l'. Wells Mrs. 2 Runwell terrace
O'Sullivan Capt. Eugene Overbeck B.A. Edin. I Park villas, Park road Whnr ThOll. Carisbrook Tilla, Hamlet rd
I Warrior square Stubbs Thos. Jas. Esperance vil. Park rd Williams Rev. Joseph [Congregational],
Orpwood Mrs. 6 Bellevue terrace, South- Swaine Mrs. 13 Royal terrace I Belmont villas, Cliff town
church road . Swaine Mrs. George, 17 Royal terrace Wilmot Rev. Henry JI.~ [curate of
Page John ;f.P. 16 Royal terrace Taylor Richard, I I Belmont villas Southchurch], 2 Armada villas,South-
Parker James Cooke, 13 Brewery road Tennear Mrs. 5 Royal terrace church road
Paxon William, 3 Park cres. Park road Thackeray Rev. Frederick M.A., M.B. Wilson Charles, 2 Belmont villas
Peyton Capt. Henry, 6 Runwell terrace [vicar of Shopland], 9 Royal terrace Wilson Rev. J. G. [Baptist], :n St.
Phillips Edmund, Lonsdale villa Thorn Harry, 3 Sussex terrace John's road
Phillips Edward England L.B.C.P. Edin. Threadgold Mrs. 4 Tiptree vils. Cliff twn Withers James, 4 Clifton terrace
Broadwater house Trowell Thomas, 13 Albyn terrace Witney Mrs. I Albert villas, Milton street
Phillips Edward Henry, 16 Wilson road Turner Geo. Aylesbury viI. Porter's twn Wood Edward, Parade pI. Cliff town
Potter Miss, 14 Royal terrace Vandervord Emanuel, I Grosvenor pI Waoder Reuben, Ingle side, Milton road
Pritchard John, 4 Royal terrace Vandervord George, Rayleigh house Woodhams Francis Edward, 4 South-
Quy Miss, Earl's villa, Park road Vandervord James Wilson, Minerva church road
Reeve Joseph, I Cambridge terrace house, Lower Southend Woodhead Miss t 6 Park terrace
Reeve Miss, 3 Belmont villas Vipin Henry W. 13 Marine parade Woollings Thomas, 5 Park terrace
Richmond J ames, 7 Royal terrace Walkley Mrs. 6 Marine parade Young David N. Ferncote, Milton
Scott Edwd. 2 Park crescent, Park road Walton Mrs. 13 Prittlewell square Young Mrs. 8 Lome villas .
Secretan Martin Woodhouse, Avenue rd Wardell John Andrews, I Devereux Youngman Edward, 14 Lome villas
Seymour Henry, 6 Lorne villas terrace, Cliff town
COMMERCIAL. Bingham William Hill, wine & spirit 11; beer merchant, Wine
Absalom Robert, lodging house, 6 Grosvenor place lodge, Alexandra street
Absalom William, fish salesman, 14 Marine parade • Birch George, Min""a hotel, Lowe-r Southend
Adcock Richard, chimney sweeper, Royal mews Birchell John, lodging house, 3 York place
Albright George Nicholson, lodging house, 8 Park street Blackburn HI' lodging ho. 2 Wellington pI. Low. Southend
Aldham Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Oxford terrace Bland Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Avenue road
Aldham William, lodging house, Grove road Bloomfield William, joiner, Milton road
Alexandra Yacht Club (A. Lucking, hon. sec.), Public hall, Bodgener William & Co. paperhanging & varnish warehouse,
Alexandra street 6 Milton terrace
Allan J oseph, cab proprietor, 7 Pleasant row, Lower Southend Bonfield In. bathing machine prop. 4 Albert pI. Low. Southnd
Allen George, builder, I Avenue road, Cliff town Bonfield Mary Ann (Miss), lodging house, 27 Marine parade
Allen Saml. boot & shoe ma. I Pleasant row, Lower Southend Boosey Maria (Mrs.), nursery, & florist, High street
Allen William Henry, builder, & fancy repository, High street Bossi Mary Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker, Alexandra street
Allerton Alexander Rice, farmer, The Oaks Bradley John, general smith, Royal mews
Anderson Anne (Miss), lodging house, 7 Cliff Town parade Bradley William, bathing machine proprietor, Milton street
Andrew William, lodging house, 3 Runwell terrace Bradshaw Wm. F08sett, prof. of music, 19 Cambridge terrace
Ardley John, master mariner, 2 Prospect terrace Bragg Hannah (Miss), lodging ho. 6 Cashiobury ter. Cliff to.
Arnold Thomas, farmer, Thames farm Brand Joshua, lodging house, Alice villa, Brewery road
Attridge George, gardener, High street Brand Mark, lodging h"use,7 &:ott's villas, Lower Southend
Austin Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Scratton road Brand Mark, lodging house, 2 York terrace
Ayres Mrs. lodging house, Worcester villa Brasier Edward, barge owner, 24 Marine parade
Bagle~' William, shoe maker, 68 Park street Brasier John Bell, ship & barge owner, 2 Thames villas,
Baker Joseph, lodging house, 20 Scratton road Brewery road
Baker William, fancy repository, 18 Alexandra street Brewer Samuel & Son, butcher, 21 Alexandra street
Barker Thomas, lodging house, York place Bridge Kate (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Lome villas
Barnard Charles William, baker, &a post office, Park street Brighten William Green, solicitor & commissioner for affida-
Barnard Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 22 Cambridge ter vits & perpetual commissioner, Argyle house, Cliff town
Barratt Thomas Firman, agent for Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. Brightwell John Rumbelow, linen draper, High street
bankers, High street Britton John & SamI. millers &; corn dlrs. steam flour mill
Barrette Lucy (Mrs.), lodging house, Milton street Brooks Chas. master mariner, I Clifton cotts. Low. Southend
Rartlett Henry, tobacconist, High street Brooks Elizabeth (MTs.), lodging hOUse, I Cambridge villas
Baseler Henry J. cab proprietor &; contractor, Royal mews; I Brooks Emma (Miss), lodging hOUse, 25 Marine parade
& at Southchurch. See advertisement Brooks John, bathing machine proprietor, 4 Prospect row,
Bastow William, shopkeeper, Milton street Lower Southend
Bates Robert Seaman, carman, London road Broomfield William John, shopkeeper, Southchurch road
Baxter Robert, lodging ho. 19 Scott's villas, Lower Southend Brown Geo. John, plumber & glazier, Queen's road
Bedwell George, boot & ehoe maker, 36 Marine parade & 14 Brown John, carman & contractor, 34 Milton street. See advt
Alexandra street Brown Wm. lodging ho. ~ Celia cottages, Lower Southend
Bedwell Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6 Wellington place, Bucknall Sal"ah (Mrs.), lodging house, Lower Southend
Lower Southend Bugg William, boot & shoe maker, High street
tieeby It'rederick John, lodging house, 12 Cromwell place Rurles Davd. boarding & refreshment ho. 9 & 10 Marine par
Beecher Henry & Co. grocers, 17 Alexandra street Bntler Julia (Miss), lodging house, 4 Devereux terrace,
Beeson James, plumber At glazier, Milton place, Cliff town Cliff town
Belcham Charles, butcher, High street Cadman Emma. (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Devereux terrace
Belcham Francis, butcher, Park street Cackett Thomas, dairyman, 7 Alexander terrace
Belcham Francis, farmer & dairyman, London road Caister Frank, draper,!2 Nelson terrace
Belcham Francis Wm. mealman & cab proprietor, High street Campbell John George, baker&confectioner,20Alexandrast
Bellingliam David C. dealer in pianofortes &c. I Nelson street Campkin Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Scratton road
Beney Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Cashiobury terrace Cane Alfred Joseph, ironmonger &; whitesmith, High street
Bender Edward, tailor, 63 Park street . Carter Mary (Miss), lodging house, 6 York place
Bennion Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 27 Cambridge Cass William, lodging house, 6 Marine parade
terrace, Cliff town Cater Charles, lodging house, 8 Cashiobury terrace
Benson Agnes (Mrs.), lodging hOl_lSe, I I Cambridge terrace Cater George, lodging house, 5 Capel terrace, Cliff town
Bentall Z. (Miss), stationer, & fancy repository, Royal library Cater Isaiah, lodging house, 20 Cambridge terrace
Benton Edward, npholeterer, Milton street Cattell Charles, lodging honse, Lower Southend
Berry G-eorge, butcher, Nelson ~treet & High street Cause William, fann bailiff to Mrs. Killworth, 4 Shrubb
Berry James, plumber, 108 Park street villas, Porter's town
Bigsb:r George, registrar of births & deaths for PrittleweU Cayton Arthur, sU1'\'eyor & inspector of nuisances to the
sub-district, Park terrace . local board, Xorth meadow
Bingham William Hill, .A lexandra family 4" cummercial Champ Charles, private Mtel, S &; 6 Clifton terrace ~ also
hotel & livery stables, Alexandra street restaurant on the Esplanade-

Champ Charles, jun. fruiterer & tobacconist, Marine parade French Robert J. butcher, 2 Hamlet road
Cheeswa.o lsabella (Miss), ladies' school, 7 Prittlewellsquare Frost John. master mariner, 14 Scott's villas, Low. Southend
Chennery John, gardener. 66 Park street ·Frost William Henry, lodging house, 8 Scratton road
Chignell William Joseph, linen draper, Grove terrace Frost William, lodging house, 29 Scratton road
ChilUs Edmund, lodging house, 4 Grove road Games Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 23Scratton road
Childs Henry, loJging house, 3 Grove terrace Ga,rdner Louisa. (Mrs.), lodging house. 5 ('J3shiobury rer·
Childs Thomas, lodging house & pl~sure boat proprietor, .race, Cliff town
15 Beratton road I Gardiner William, watch maker, 2 Southchurch road
Choppin Elizabeth {Mrs.), lodging house (comfortable k con- Garon.& Co. provision dealers, Hamlet rond
, venient), I I Nelson street Garon l"rederick, general furnishing & builders'ironmonger
Clark Johu.lodging house, 100 Park street &; house agent, Nelson street, Cliff town
Clayton Rebecca (Mrs.), lodging ho. 10 Cliff Town parade Giggins Christopher William, greengrocer, fruiterer &;
Clemence Robert, Piei' family 0/ commercial hotel, Grove poulterer, 19 Alexandra st.reet
road.. See advertisement Girling James & Henry, wholesale & retail coal, coke & sal~
Clements Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging ho.8 Capel ter.Cliff town merchants & colliery owners (J. A" Wardell, district
Cohen Rayrwr (Mrs.), lodging ho. 6 Devereux ter. CUff town agent) ; chief district office, Railway station; depOts at
.Cole Henry, general stores, Old road , Low street, Leigh & Pitsea ; also at London & principal
Colier William Henry, refreshment rooms, 28 Marine parade stations on Gt. Eastern railway & branches. See advert
Coller Charles, boot & shoe maker, Lower Southend Giuver Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Cromwell place
Consel'vative Association (J. Reeve, sec) Godward Abraham Francis, deputy registrar of births &;
Cooch George, gl'ocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & deaths for Prittlewel! sub-district, High street
spirit merchants, 2 Nelson street, Cliff town Godward Arthur John, master mariner, 4 Gros,Tenor place
Cook Arthur William, house decorator,90 Park street Godward Thomas, blacksmith, 7 Grosvenor place
Cook Charles, lodging house, 3 Marine parade Gooch Robert, greengrocer, I Hamlet road
Copping Joseph, lodging house, 4 Oxford terrace Going & Hills, fishmongers, High street
Cornel! Elizabeth (Mi&s), lodging house, High street Goodman Thomas, archt. & srvyr. 9 Prittlewell sq.Cliff town
Cornwell William, boot & shoe maker, Scratton road Gosling Naomi (Mrs.), dress maker l 2 Cromwell place
Coshall William, shopkeeper, Colmine street Gosling William,lodging house,s Scotts villas, Low.Southend
Cotgrove John, fishmonger, 23 Alexander street GrangeI' Lydia (Miss), lodging house, 5 Sussex terrace
Cracknell Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 York place Grant Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Southchurch road
Cripps Mary Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Marine parade Green Ann (Mrs.), lodging bouse, 3 Prittlewell square
GroxsonEdward George,blacksmith & farrier, Low. Southend Green William, outfitter, High street
Cutley Alfred.. laundry, Queen's road . Gregson William & Frederic, solicitors, Alexandra street
Cumine Frederick James, stationer & news agent, toys,wools Griffin William, grocer, 10 Nelson street, Cliff town
& fancy goods, "The Old Toy shop," High street. See advt Hammond William, aerated water manufacturer, London rd
Currie John James, hair dresser, High street Harris Theophilus John, general draper, 3 & 4 Nelson street
Curtis James, coach trimmer, Milton street Harrington John Frederick, chemist, 38 Alexandra street
Cushing Rebecca (Mrs.), lodging house, I Avenue road Harrison James, grocer, 41 Park street
Daniels Jonas, lodging house, 17 Marin.e parade Harvey Robert, l!ark hotel, London road
Darke Samuel & Son, builders &c. Nelson street Hassell Henry, pawnbroker, High street
Davis George, shopkeeper, the Hamlet Hawtree Samuel, superintendent of police &, inspector of
Dawson Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house,9 Cromwell place weights & measures under the sale of food & drugs act,
Dawson George Robert, chemist, High street Alexandra street
Dawson Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Cromwell place Haynes Mary lMrs.), lodging house, 2 Lorne villas
Deadman George, shopkeeper, London road Hayward Arthur & Co. linen drapers, 47 Marine parade
Denne Richard. general dealer,25 Scratton road I Heddle 'WilIiam, linen draper, 32 Park street
Dennis Benjamin, ~J:[ilton Arms, Southchurcb road Heigho Daniel, lodging house, I I Scratton road
Dennis Henry, Cliff' hotel, & livery stables, wine & spirit mer~ Heyhoe Frallcis, stone, marble & monumental mason, High
chant, Hamlet road street. See advertisement
Dennis Henry, builder, carpenter, painter, plumber, gas & Hill Alice (Miss), lodging house, 4 Avenue road
hot water fitter, Hamlet road Hill Thomas William, lodging house, Queen's road
Dennis Thomas, carpenter & builder, Park str{'et , Holm Hans Peter, painter, High street
Digby & Evans, solicitors, High street; & at Maldon Holmes Adolphus, lodgiljg house, I York place
Digby Isaae, lodging house, 9 Scratton road Houghton Charles, shopkeeper, 3 Hamlet road
Downes & Co. boot & shoe makers, 18 & 19 Market place Hudson John, solicitor & commissioner, Warrior square
Dowsett Henry Thomas, grocer & provision de.'tler, & post Hunsdon James, confectioner, 36 Alexandra street
office,43 Marine parade Hyde Henry, carpenter, London road
Dowsett John, hair dresser, 106 Park street Ingram C. Fortescue, preparatory school for public schools
Dowsett Thomas, fancy repository, house, land & estate & universities, 7 Cliff Park villas, Park road
agent, pianoforte & house furniture warehouse, & iron· Ingram James, baker, 4 Marine parade
monger, High street & Alexandra st. See advertisement I Ingram Robert, master mariner, IS Marine parade
Durham Amelia (Miss), dress maker, 5 Sussex terrace Ingram Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Alexandra terrace
Duprey Frederick, shoe maker, 49 Park street Imnan Rbt. Matthews, physician & surgeon, I Cromwell pi
Edwards William, lodging house, 2 Avenue road Innes John & Sons, grocers, Southchurch road
Elliott John, lodging house, 2 Marine parade Ivimey Robert & Co. tailors, Nelson terrace
Ellis Martin, lodging house. Grove road JarmanGeorge, boot & shoe maker, I Royal mews
Emmop.s Jall1es, horse dealer, 7 Hall11etr{)ad Jefferys George, gardener, 3 Albion villas, Brewery road
Evans Williall1 Richard, FalC()n family 0/ commei'cial hotel Jeffries William, auctioneer & valuer, land &; estate agent &;
& livery stables, wine & spirit merchant, Marine parade. surveyor, 2 Milton villas, Southchurch ro-clod
See advertisement Jobson William, lodging house, 8 Avenue road
Eve Charles Henry, watch maker, 12 Alexandra street Johnson Kate (Mrs.), lodging house, 27 Scrattcn 1'000
Evenden Alfred, lodging house, 4 Grove terrace Jones George Francis, surgeon, High street.
Everitt John, bricklayer, 96 Park street Jotham Julia Marian & Eli7.abeth Frances (Misses), ladies'
Estate O./fice (William Waterhouse, agent), Alexandra school, r, 2 & 3 Cashiobury terrace, Cliff town
street, Cliff town Ray Samuel, lodging house, 11 Cromwell place
J<'aircloth Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 22 Scratton road Kelly Hy. hs. M.R.C.Y.S. veterinary surgeon, 6 Albyn terrace
Felton Robert, lodging house, Prittlewell street Remp William, lodging house,s &ratton road
Fenton William, gardener, York cottage . I Kernot Henry Finch, grocel', 18 Ha.mlet road
Finch John, lodging house, 7 Cambridge terrace~ Cliff town King Chas. Montague, pharmaceutical chemist, 8 Marine ps
Fitt Mary (Miss), midwi~e,4 Park road King SUBan (Mrs.), druggist, 46 Marine parade
Flick, Charles,lodging house, 6 Prittlewell square King Isaac, grocer, London road
Foster Richard, tailor, Grove road Knott Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 26 Scratton road
>Jl'IJ~ Richard, manager, Ruyal Hotel stores, High street Knowles Henry, sail maker &; ship chandler, 1 Thames villas l
Francis Jabez & ~on, printers & bookbinders, Market place, Lower Southend
High S'treet; & at Hochford. See advertisement Knowles & Barnetson, tailors, Market place
Franks Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 14 &ratton road Kraushaar Wm. Abraham, dyer & cleaner, 22 Alexandra st
I Freeman John~ baker. Lower Southend Lambert Henry, boot & shoe maker, Lower Southend
French Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Sussex terrace I Langmead Danl. lodging house, 3 Ox~ord terrace
Latter John William,lodging house, 19 Scratton road Perkins William, horse dealer, 9 Park street
.,Lawrence&unu.e4 hoarding ho, Westward house, Cljfton v~ Peters Saml. Joseph, boat bldr. &; shipwright, Sydenham cot
Lawton Ephraim, photographer, High street Peter.'! Wm. Hy, Poat blur. k. shopkeep?r, IQ l\'Iari,n~ parade
Layzell Jamesj draper, Southcburch road. ! Peters Wilham,lodging house, 4- York place .
Legett George, lodging house, 16 Scratton road ' Philcox Arthur Johnson, station master, 3 Cambridge teI'
.Lewin George, shopkeeper, 14 Park street PhiUips & Deeping, I'l'J.rgeon,s, High street
Lilly John, Cricketers' hotel, & bait stables, Hamlet . . Pigram ChaSe baker &; oorn deal~r, 9 Suttoastreet .
Lilly Louisa (Miss), lodging house, 4 Capel tel'. Cliff town Pinkerton Jane (Mrs,), lodging house, 19 Avenue roa.d
Lingwood Job~ lodging ho.6 Sc;ott's vills. Lower Southend Plenty Edwin William. Washburp, refreshment rooms, 39
Little Robert, lodging house, 10 CromwelU place . Marine parade •
Lodder Wil\iam Alfred, watch maker, High street Pocklington bldr. & wheelwright, J.ondon road
Lott James, sail maker, 5 YOl;k terrace, Brewery road PocklingtonM.A...~H. T. (Misses), library, stationers'& fancy
I;.ucldng Chrlstopher,col'll factor,Granaries, nr.Railway &tatn repository & depot for .aritisb & Foreign ,Bible Society,
Lucking 'l'homas, butcher., 8 Grosvenor place ( . , ! . 3 Nelson terra~e •
Luker Henry & Go. brewers d, wine & spi.rit UlElrchauts, ifhe Popplewell Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging hoqse, 17 8cQtt'lI villas,
Brewery; & at Rochford Lower Southend,
.:\Ic.Gowan Mary (Miss), dress maker, 15 Brewery road . ropplewell WilliaIP, pastry cQOk, confectioner &; baker, 8
Maling G. Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging hOl,lSe, 23 Avenu~ road. :Nel;:;on terri\ce, Cliff town .
:Marsh Edwin Payne West, boat builder, Beach Porter Samuel, dairyman, I I Scott's villas, Luw;er Southend
(Martin George, lodging house, 4.Alexandra terrace r , Porter Samuel, fishmonger, Marine parade

Martin Matilda (~Irs.), lodging house, 10 Hamlet road . Potter Ann (Miss), lodging house, 4 Runwell terrace
~Iartin William Alfred, lodging house, 4 Scratton road Potter John, shoe maker, Prittlewell fields
.:\Iascall James, lodging house, 17 Scratton road Potter Wm. J;llarket gardener,5 Pleasant row, Low. Southend
~1:fasonic Lodge (Priory), No. 1,000 (J. A. Wardell, P.lI. sec) Potton Louisa (Miss), lodging boo 8 Runwell tel'. Cliff town
~Iason Henry, plasterer & modeller,61: Park street , Price Celia (Miss), ladies' boarding school, Gloucester ho.use,
.Matthews Edward, lodging house, 30 Scratton road Alexandra road
.May Henry, lodging house, 6 Royal terrace Public Hall (J. A. Wardell, lessee), Alexandra street
May Joseph, dairyman, Alexander street Purser Elizabeth (~'Iiss), lodging ho. 2 Capel ter, Cliff town
.Jfechanics' Institute (George Lingwood, sec.), Alexandra st Pratt Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Albyn terrace
:\Ieek Richard James, mechanical engineer,.I Milton villas, Ratford Isaac Sherwood, prof. of JUusic, I Whitegate villas
Southchurch road Raven Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging hpuse, High street
~Iiddleton William; Hope, Marine parade Raven John, lodging house, I Gloucester terrace
Miller Thomas, rate collector, 8 Hamlet road Ray Charles (Mrs.), poultel'er&c. 5 Nelson tel'. Cliff town
:Mills Josepb, lodging house, 2 Bolton villas Ray Charles Edward, lodging house, 12 Scratton road
:VIills John Edward, lodging house, 9 Cliff Town parade Ray Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Cliff Town parade
.rIilton Hall Brick Co. (Thos. Dowsett, man. dir.) See advt Ray William, lodging house, 8 Cliff Town parade .
}Iinton & Coxworthy, boarding school, Grove house Reding Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Cromwell place
:\1itchell Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, I Scratton road Ra) ner William,. carman, Milton street
)'Iontgomery Joseph, lodging house, 3 Tiptree villas Reeve Joseph, auctioneer, land & estate agent &, land sur-
.Moore Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, Beech cottage veyor, I Cambridge terrace. Cliff town; & 93 Gracechurch
Moore J ames William, lodging house,S Marine parade street, London e. e
.Morgan Philip Hy. dispensing chemist, I Nelson terrace Ritford Thomas, lodging house, 31 Scratton road
~Iorrison Jas. Henry, lodging house, IS Cambridge terrace Robinson Abraham William, bathing machine proprietor,
:\Iurrell John, lodging house, 1 Cliff Town parade Beecb house, Lower Southend
:\iurrell Richard Glass, nurseryman, Lower Southend Robinson John, tailor, 14 Park street
)'Iurrell William, fishmonger, 26 Marine parade Robinson William, lodging ho. I Scott's vills. Low. Southend
:Vlurrell Wm. general draper, 3 Southchurch road Robinson ·William, lodging house, 3 Alexandra terrace
:Myall George, lodging house, I Marine parade Robinson ·William, lodging house, Grove road
:Myall Mary E.(Mrs.) , lodging hO.26 Cambridge ter. Cliff town Rogers Lucinda (Mrs.), lodging ho. I Prittlewell sq. Cliff tn
~Iyall Richard, lodging house, 7 Cashiobury tel'. Cliff town Rogers l\1ary (~Irs,). lodging house, I I Prittlewell square
)Iyall William, Ivy House hotel & refreshment rooms, 21 & 22 Runacres William, carman & contractor, 34 Milton street
Marine parade. See advertisement Russell Jane (Mrs,),lodging hO.I6 Scott's vills. Low.Southend
~Yazaretk House. home for the destitute & infirm (Mrs. M. Rutter Charles, carman, 51 Park street
Brennan, superioress), London road Rutter George, chimney sweeper, Park street
~icholls Arthur, Rail'way tavern, Nelson street St. John's College (John Rudolph Hemmann M.A. head
Norden Samuel, builder, Prittlewell street master), Cliff parade
Osborne Geo. master mariner, 2 Scott's villas,Low. Southend SLWm:Ij's Convent 0/ 01'phanage, London road
Osborne In. pub. of the' Southend Standard,' Alexandra st St. Stephen's Convalescent Home (Mrs. Louisa Taylor.
Osborne John, greengrocet & coal mer. &.c. 6 Alexandra st matron), Lower Southend
Osborne Robt. lodging ho. 3 ScoWs ,'illas, Lower Southend Sams Robert, lodging house, 21 Scratton road
Osborne Robert, Army 0/ Navy hotel 0/ tavern, & wine & Savell George, shopkeeper, Old road, Lower Southend
spirit merchant, Lower Southend. See advertisement Scott Andrew, lodging house, High street
OsborneThos.mastermariner,I2 Scott's villas,Low.Southend Scott James, Royal fmnily 0/ commercial hotel, & livery
Packham Joseph, linen draper, High street stables, High street
Page John, lodging house, 3 Victoria pt Lower Southend Scott James, builder, ironmonger & timber mer. Royal hotet
rage Joseph, bathing machine proprietor, I Victoria place, Scott Elizabeth (~Irs.), lodging house, 24 Scratton road
Lower Southend Scudder Henry, farmer, Hamlet lodge
Page Jsph. jun.lodging house, IS ScoWs vills.Low.southend Secourable Henry Frank, photographer, High street
Page Maria (Mrs.), laundress, I Prospect row, Low.Southend Sewell William Alfred, coal merchant, Alex1\ndr:l street
Page Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Scratton road Shepherd Francis, tailor, 8 Market place
Page William, Castle, Lower Southend Shipwrecked ,}.fm'iners' Society (J. B. Brazier, sec)
Paine &.Orbell, grocers &c. High street Simons William John, butcher, corn dealer & greengrocer,
, Paine Mary (Miss), Seymour house, ladies' school Devonshl1'e house, London road
P~lley John, lodging house, Albion house, Brewery road Singer .1:fanujactw'ing Co. sewing ma. mkrs., Alexandra road
Palmer Dr. Clayton, boarding school, Cliftonvillp. Smith Catherine (Mrs.), lodging ho. I Celia cots.Brewery I'd
Parsons Edwd. lodging house, Victoria cot. Lower Southend Smith George, butcher, 7 Wellington place, Lower Southend
Parsons Edwd. master mariner,I3 Scott's viIs. Low.Southend Sneezum & Co. bakers & corn dealers, Milton road
Parsons Geo.lodging house, 10 Scott's viIs. Low. Southend South Essex Equitable Investment 4- A.dvance Co. Limited
Parsons Thomas, lodging house, 40 Marine parade. (Thomlts Dowsett, agent), High street
. Partner Joseph, lodging house, 17 Cambridge terrace Southend Gas Light 0/ Coke Go. (Sept. Penny, A.M.I.C.E.
Partridge John, grocer, Alexandra street manager; Charles Dobson, clerk).; office, I I Alexandra st
Pawley John, grocer, Prittlewell street Southend Standard ,John Osborne, publisher; published
Payne Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging ho. ,18 Cambridge terrace friday), ~ Alexandr. street
Pearl Hannah (Miss), lodging house, 2 Dcyereux terrace Soll.th6fld Obm'vel' (-!ohn Taylor, jnn. publisher; publishQd
Pearl Robert, lodging house, 3 Cliff T~wn parade saturday), Royal hl)rary
;pegram Susan (Mrs.), lodging house, :;& Cliff T9WII para,de Bouthenif" Wat/w n,ro.l'ks Office (George Lingwood, superin·
;Penny Septimus A.M.I.C.E. maI4gas works, Low.-&uthend - t~ndent), 8, 'cambrIdge terrace .
ferkins Waller, cab proprietor, 2:[ :\Iiltop street , Southgate j.:hzabetp & France.$. f~bsses), boys' seh.London rd
268 80UTltEND. l:SSEX. [KELL\"S
BoWl'sy William, builder, 23 Park street Underwood Albert, mastet' mariner,S Elm cot. Low. Southend
Sparling Charles Peter, baker, Lambert street Vandervord George & Emmanuel, corn merchanta &;
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. banken (chief office, Chelmsford) carriers, Lower Southend
(sub-branch), (Th~mall Firman Barrett, agent), High streetj Vandeveear Wm. captain of coast guard, 't Fern villas
draw on GIyn, MiIIll & Co. LondQll Vellenough Frederick.lodging house, 9 Belmont Yillaa
Spendelow Benj. & Son, builde1'8 & contractor8, Milton st Victma Coffee PUblic HO'UlItJ (Edward Bowmaker, propri&-
Stammers Robert, saddler, 16 Aleundra st1"OO~ tor), Alexander street. See advertisement
Strapps John, stationer &C. 38 Marine parade Voisey Henry, cabinet maker, I I Cambridge road
Stark Rose (Mrs.), linen draper, 6 Hamlet road Volunteer Fir~ Qrigade (W. Baker, mpt.), Market street
Starr Bowkett Building Society (No. 224) (A. Lucking, Bee.), Wade Wm. lodging house, 5 GroBvenor pI. Lower Southend
Public hall, Alexandra street Wager Robert, grocer, ~ Albert terrace, Lower Southend
Stevenson Henry Gallopine, fancy draper, High street Wakeling George, restaurant, High street
Steward William J amelt, builder & contraetor & proprietor Wakeling James, lodging ho. 6 Albert pI. Lower Southend
of Southend Park & Milton Hall gravel pits, :a8 Park st. Walkley John Charles, stationer, 7 Marine parade
See advertisement Walla.ce Jarne8, lodging house, 28 Scratton road·
Stewart Robert, oyster dealer, Lower Southend Warren Lovell, boot & shoe maker, High IItreet & Nelson st
Stillmao Jo. farm bailiff to Wm. Douglas, Hamlet Bank cot Wasbum Hy. shopkeeper, I Claremont rd. Lower Southend
Stone Charles Henry Augustus 'L.R.C.P. min. physician & Waterhouse William, agent to Cliff Town estate, I Capel
surgeon, r Park villas, Park road terrace, Cliff town
Storey E-euben Charle8, plumber, Princess street Webster William &; J oseph, butchers, 4 Nelson tel'. Cliff town
Streeter 'fimothy, builder & contractor, Mill house Whale Edward, chimney sweeper, 24 Park street
Symington & Freeman, drapers & clothiers} 6 Nelsoo street White Charles, marine store dealer, Hamlet road
Taylor WiIliam & Co. grocers & wine merchants, High st White John, lodging hOUse, 3 Devereux terrace ,
Taylor Edwin, Terminu8 hotet & Railway station refresh- White Richard. baker, High street
ment rooms White Stephen, lodging house, 6 Cambridge terrace •
Taylor James, lodging house, 2 Bedford villas, Park road Whittick Edward, shoe maker, 9 Hamlet road
Taylor John, jun. publisher of the • Southend Observer,' Whur Thomas, builder & carpenter, painter &; plumber, gas
Royallihrary & hot water fitter, Hamlet road
Ta)'lor Mrs. dress &I mantle maker, Park road WiIliamson Goorge, lodging house, ~2 Sutton street
Taylor Richard, hay corn dealer, Alexandra street WiIlingale WaIter Henry, lodging house, ~ Cambridge villas
Tarlor Richard Charles, oil -& colorman, London road Wilson Collingwood, shopkeeper, Lower Southend
Tessier Henry, oilman, High street Wilson WilIiam Arthnr, bicycle maker, 13 Market place
Thompson .John, aquarium collector, York place Wood George & Son, solicitors, commissioners for oaths &I
'rhorby John, lodging house, 8 Scott's villas, Low. Southend perpetual commissioners, High street; & at Rochford
Thorn James, Britannia, Lower Southend Wood Eliza (Mrs.), lodging ho. I York ter. Low. Southend
Thorn Harry, dentist, 3 Sussex terrace Wood Jonathan, lodging hOUse, 5 Belmont villas
Thorogood William, lodging house, 2 Oxford tel'1"8~ Woodcock James DeCarle, bakel' & corn dealer, High street
TOOd James, lodging house, 4 Scott's villas, Low. Southend Woodharn Francis Edward, butcher, 4 Southchul'ch road
'fooke George, lodging house, 7 Capel terrace Woodhams Francis Edward, builder, contractor & under-
Travill WiIliam, lodging house, 16 Cambridge teI'race taker, Sutton street. See advertisement
Trigg John, beer retailer, Southchurch road W oosnam Charles, wine & spirit merchant & stamp dis-
Trigg William, Foresters' A1'71I.', Lower Southend tributor, High street
Trundle Francis, Ship hotel, Marine parade Wright Lonisa (Miss), lodging house, 4 Cliff Town parade
Tucker John Francis, plumbers & glaziers, High stl"eet Wykes Charles, confectioner, II & 1~ Market place
Tully Thomas, lodging house, 1 Devel"eux terrace, Cliff town Wright Robert, stone mason, Nelson street
TW)'cross William, grocer, Milton 8treet Young &; Co. wine & spirit & bottled beer merchants, High
T~·ler Frank, decorator, 8 Alexandra terrace street. See advertisement
Tyner SI. lodging house, 4- Pleasant row, Lower Southend Young John, seedsman, tlorist & nurseryman, High street &
Undentood John CremeI', barge owner & hay, straw & corn Cliff Town nurseries
dealel', Lower Southend
PRIVATE RESIDENTs, Bragi' James, carpenter Kilpin William, grocer
Bell Miss, M~·rtle house Bragg Wm. ~binet ma. & furniture dlr Knight Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
(',ook George, Bridge houso Capp George, baker Lynn Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Gosset Daniel Wright, Root's hall fJemetery (W. Gregson, clerk to the Mead John, King's Head
Hall Thomas Hunter, Sutherland lodge burial board), Southend road Millbank Charles, saddler
Hooman George, The Elms Curtis Thomas, Blue Boar Price Frances (Mrs.), baker
Howard James, Sion villa Dawson Ann {Mrs.), baker Prittleu'ell Coffee House (J. Thorogood,
Leith John Farley Q.C., M.P, St. Mary'8 Dean Arthur Jarnes, farmer, Hemstalls proprietor)
Priory; & 5 Paper buildings, Temple Deed Jarnes, shoe maker Saunders Stephen, shoe maker
t.e. & 8 Dorset square n.w. &; Brooks'Deed Phrebe (Miss), news agent Shipton John, saddler
club &W London Douglas Wm. brick manufacturer Smith Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith
McEwen Colonel R. B. Millfield Dowsett Henry, ironmonger & boot & 8pendelow Benjamin & Son, builders
Natusch Charles Francis, Lee house shoe maker & leather seller Spendelow John, bricklayer
Reay .Rev. Thomas Osmotherley 1l.A. Dowsett WiIliamr boot. shoe &; cll;)thing Swainsbury Joseph, shopkeeper
[rural dean & surrogate], Vicarage warehouse Tabor Charles Albert,frmr. The Temple
Rutherford Mrs. " Fullford Thomas, dairyman Tabor James, farmer, Earl's hall
Spendelow Benj. Bencroft villa Glldsden Miriam. (Miss), preparatol)' Thorogood John, basket ma. &; grngrcr
Tabor Charles Albert, The Temple school, The Elms Wade James Potter, butcher
Tabor James D.L., J.F. Earl~ hall Garon William E-yder, painter &c Wade Thomas, draper
Wood Frederick, Elm lodge Garrard Joseph, beer retailer Wallis William, grocer &; postmaster
COMMERCIAL1 Goodman John, pork butcher Ward Henry Thomas, upholsterer.
Baker John, farmer, Colemanl Hall Amelia (Miss), boarding school cabinet maker & undertaker, &;
BarDl~·rd Samuel, ironmonger Hart George, Sp1'lad Eagle conmurrfial contractor for removals -
Bentall A.rthur, farmer im~ 4' pOl>ting house -1 Ward Samuel, shopkeeper
Bentall Arthur" jun. farmer, Barlanq's Har,'oy George Arthur~ workmg putler Warran James, shopkeeper
Rental! Ja)" farmer, Folly farm Hockett Riphard, shopkeeper Warrell William, butcher
Benneworth Abraham, wheelwright JlowardHenry,grocer&provisiondealer Webb Charles, draper & grocer
Bragg George, Golden Lion &wine &; spirit merchant; &at Hockley White George, baker & draper & outfitter
Bragg Sarah Anq (Miss).. baker &; ~1. Howard Jame8 Benjamin, carman ·Whitehead Samuel, beer retailer
dealer L I Hutton John. \>riok maker Wolf William, blacksmith
SOUTHMINSTE Et. is a pRrish .ha large nJlage And London. The nllag& is pleasantly situated on a peninsula
& pollin~ place fop tlMl Eastern division of the county, ill between the riYer8 Blackwater and Crouch and near the
Dengie hundred, Maldon union and rounty court di~trict, German Ocean .aod, at a nry early date, belonged to
Dengie-mral deanery, ES8eX archdeaconry and St. Albanll the Bishop of London. 'The parish contains se."e1'8l good
diocese, 10 miles lOuth-eallt from. Maldon (ita Dearest l'esidence8, fIOlh8 8Ub~antial inns and ehop8 and jl "ell
railway atation). ~ Bortlr from Bumham and 5~ froUl ligh1ied with gas. The church of St. Leoual'd is a large and


ancient cruciform building in the Perpendicular style, consist-- Da vies. The soil ill heavy loam;. BUbsoil, clay.r The chief
ing of apsidal chancel, transepts, nave, north porch and a lofty crops are wheat and barley, the latter being especially one
well-proportioned tower a.t the west end containing a clock and some grass land.' The area is 6,261 acres t -rateable
and 6 bells: .the nave contains three ancient brasses, with value, £1s),215: and the population in 1881 was 1,311.
Latin inscriptions to Edward Bridge esq. 1666 and John King POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &; Savings
gent. 1634. The register dates from 1702. The living i& a Bank.-roWilliam Harvey, receiver. Letters through
vicarage, yeatly value £418, with residence, in the gift of Maldon, by mail cart, arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. ;
the governors of the Charterhouse, London and held by the dispatched 9 a.m. & 5.25 p.m
Rev. George Campion Berkeley M.£. of Pembroke College. Southminster Local Cpw·!ting .Jcleeting, John ~. Prior, hOD
Oxford. Opposite the church is & literary institute, with secretary; R. A.. Brice, judge
reading room. Here are Congregational and Baptist PuBLIC OFFICERS:-
chapels. On the wall at the east end of a chapel in South- Registrar cif Births ~ Deaths, Arthur Lattey K.D
minster Hall yard, many years since converted into a barn, Relieving o.fficer ~ Assistant Overseer", James Fisk,
was this inscription: "Anno incarnationis 1573 capella North street '
redificata in memoriam Beatre M.V." Gas works have National School (mixed), built in I86S fOF 256 childrell, with
been established. The poor have £15 yearly, left by an average attendance of 172; John Fleming, master;
William Aylett, of Mayland. which is distributed in bread Mrs. Rhoda Fleming, mistres»
and fuel. The principal landowners are the governors of CARRIERS TO ,.,..- "
the Charterhouse, who are lords of the manor, the trustees CHELMSFORD-John Hazelton, every tuesday & friday
of Chelmsford Grammar School, J. F. Fortesque, John Page MALDON-Mrs. Hannah Livermore, daily
and William Page esqs. and the trustees of the late Mrs. Great eastenj, Railway, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cook Charles, bricklayer &; builder Pickman Thos. stationer.\ shoe maker
Berkeley Rev. George Campion M.A., Cook Elias! beer retailer Pipe John, shopkeeper h.
I.P. Vicarage Cooper EliJah, boot & shoe maker Pipe Samuel, draper & clot ler
Clarke Thomas, New moor Dennish William, cooper &:: basket maker Pipe WiIliam, beer retailer
Dennish Mrs. Hall road Dines John, Greyhound Preston WaIter Garnham, grocer, &;
Kemp John, Northwick Dixey Charles Matson, Rose ~ Crown inn agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &;
Kemp John Fitch, Wellingtons Downing Charles, butcher spirit merchants
Lattey Arthur, West villa Drain William, White Hart, High street Prior John Smith, draper, & agent to
Page Francis Elvin, Old moor Ely William, carriage builder &c Sparrow &; Co. bankers
Page William, The Hall English Charles, White Horse Raven Miss, haberdasher '
Ridgeway Rev. George [Congrega- Fisk James, assistant overseer & Reeve Charles, mail 'bus proprietor
tional], The Limes relieving officer Robinson Harriet (Mrs.), farmer,
• Squires Rev. Jsph.[Primitive Methodist] Gas Company (William Page, chairman: Lunendale
J. S. Prior, secretary) Rumsey Joseph & Son, blacksmithS'
COMMERCIAL. Harvey William &; Son, grocers &:: Smith WaIter, saddler & harness maker
Amey Charles, watch &; clock maker drapers, & post office Smith Ben, boot & shoe maker
Bishop Henry, builder Hasler Robert, tailor & draper Smith In. (Mrs.), saddler & harness ma
Bishop William, beer retailer Hurrell Clement Henry &:: William Sparrow, TufneH, Parker, Woodhouse&
Blanks Edward, wheelwright & black- Asbey, veterinary surgeons Tufnell, bankers (John Smith Prior,
smith &c Kemp John Fitch, farmer, Wellingtons agent); draw on Barclay, Bevan &;
Brice Robert Alfred, King's Head Lattey Arthur ThR.C.P. Lond. surgeon, Co. London
Brockis Henry, Queen's Head & registrar of births & deaths,West vii Spells Ernest, fanner, Spratts
Bruce Thos. plumber, painter &:: glazier Litn·aT"!! Institute (J. S. Prior, sec) Spells Mary & Emma (Misses), bakers
Camping John, market gardener Livermore Hannah (Mrs.), carrier Stammers Henry, builder, Hall road
Camping John, jun. farmer Noakes Benj. beer retailer & carpenter Stammers Wild, builder &; undertaker
Camping William, house decorator Olley Thomas, baker & confectioner Stillman Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Cant WaIter, baker Page William, farmer, The Hall Summers Jonthn. Stacey, miller &; baker
Carter Stephen, watch maker Pannell Henry (Mrs.), young ladies' Totham Elizabeth &; Son, butchers
Chapman John, shopkeeper school Webb Fredk. Brooks, chemist &:: druggist
Clarke Thomas, farmer, New moor Peacock James William, tailor Wilson John. boot & shoe maker

SPRINGFIELD is a parish in the Western dilision of; are four almshouses, founded by unknown benefactors, fouI'
the county, Chelmsford hundred, union and county court I others ha,'e been erected on the Green, two in 1863 and twO'
district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of in 1875, by Robert WiIliam Peacocke esq. and two more were
Essex and diocese of St. Albans, lying to the east of Chelms- erected to the memory of the late Mrs. John Seabrook by
ford and connected with that town by two bridges crossing I her daughters in 1879. Perry's charity of £6 £3s. 4d. is
two branches of the river Chelmer, which surround the I distributed in fuel and £40 yearly, derived from the Church
small island styled Mesopotamia, being also on the basin I Trust Estate, is left for the use and reparation of the church
formed by the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation Corn-I and the surplus if any for the use of the poor. A vestry
pany, who have made the river Chelmer navigable from hall was erected in 1873. Her Majesty's prison 'Snd tha
Chelmsford to Maldon, where it falls into the Black- ,I offices of the county constabulary are both in this parish, par-
water; this undertaking was completed in 1799, at a cost of ticulars of which are given under Chelmsford. The Rev. A.
£40,000, raised in 400 shares of £100 each: Richard Coates Pearson, who is lord of the manor, Sir H. B. P. St. John
esq. of this parish,. the resident engineer, died in 1822. I Mildway bart. and M. B. Peacocke esq. are the principal
Springfield derives its name from various springs falling into: landowners. The soil is light generally; subsoil, clay. The
the Chelmer and has a cut from that rh·er running through I chief crops are wheat, barley, mangold wnrtzel and turnips.
it, on which are the gas works and wharves. The railway 'The area of the parish is 2,878 acres. ot which .1,8* are
runs through the parish parallel with the Colchester road. arable, 808 pasture and 140 in house gardens and roads;
The church of All Saints consists of chancel and nave, with rateable value,£13,737; the population in 1881 was 2,528.
an embattled tower containing 5 bells and has 9 stained I Parish Clerk, William Mason.
,,!,indows: it has .been re:>tore.d by r.ublic subscription; one. POST 'OFFICE, Springfield street.~William Benton, jun.
SIde of the tower IS thus ,~nscrlbed---: Prayse God for all the receiver. Box closes at 2.10 &; 7.40 p.m.; sundays, 12.10
Good, 1586: The regISter ~ates ~om the ~ear p.m. Letters delivered through Chelmsford at7 & I I a.m.
~586. .The hvmg consl.sts of two rectorl~ ~mted--Sprmg- Chelmsford is the nearest money order & teleO'raph ~ffice
field RIChard and Sprmgfield poswell-Jomt yearly value e
£1,016, with residence; the glebe is 55 acres and the tithes '3cHCJ?LS:-'- • . . . .
were commuted in 1842 for a )'early rent charge of £866; it Nah0na.l: (boys &.gtrls), Sprmgfield VIllage; bUIlt 1I~ 18~4.. for
uin the gift of and held by the Rev. Arthur Pearson M.A. of 3 00 chl!dren, WIth an avera~ attenda~e of.250 • W~lham
Trinity College, Cambridge, rural dean of Chelmsford, and Henry rhom~ master; MISS. L. Hams! mIstress.; Inf~nt
surrogate. Trinity chapel, at Springfield hill, is & bnilding in sch~1 added 10 [SB? for 60 c~111dren # Ml.88 Rose ~l, mIst
the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, western porch NatuJlud !nja'Rt, Sprmgfield hIll, for 84 chIldren ; MISS Mary
and bell turret: it was built in 1843 by subscription, at a cost of Legg, mIstress
more than £2,000, on land given by Lady Mildmayand is CARRIER TO toNDON-Herbert Markham, from ))uke'»
fitted up with open benches with 400 free sittings. There I Head yard, Springfield road, tues. thurs. &Iri. See advert
Aubrey George lIenry, Springfield villa Barnes William. 2I: Randulph terrace
Adams Miss, Randulph terrace I Barnard Jamess Meadow side. Beadel William Jas. 8pringfield LyoD8

270- spklNC4FIEtn. ESSEf:

Bright'Ml'8. Linden cottage Howl~tt 'Williatti,lof3 Randulph 'terra~ Pel'!')' MisS, flfimblftnds
Brown Jame8, Alyn rottag8 . Jaekeon l'Baac, sLower tet'1'a.ce P9I"l'Y WaitM' W. Mount hill
Bushell Theodore Fredk. 8 Randnlph ter .r'Ohnson WilIiaII1, 8 Springfield terrace Petre Hon. Henry Wm.D.:r.. Springfleld plt
Chilvel'8 Thon11r8, Lower terrace J Ke\'an Dooglaw, Lytmter. Springfield rd Pitts Roheni Zaceheu!t, The Acacias.
Cooke CblWle9 M. '1 Springfield terrace Larrgham Willillm, Springfield hill Po~tz MajM' William Henry :R.M.L.!.
Courtney Re1'. Stanley ThomM Lea.pingwell Miss Caroline,3 Chelmet' ter {ehief ronstRble-of Essex] ,8pringfid. et
'l'.A.K.-e.L. (.oclll'ateJ, Ashtoti house, Lesturgeon Ml'8. Springfield road Pudney Mrs. Prospect terrSpringfield rd
Springfield r o a d . Lumley Rev. WiHiam Faithfull A.t.e.If. Rhymer Mrs. Lower terrace
Crush TIle MisseS', Chelmer Ice [chaplain ofH.M.prisonJ,Chaplain's ho ScriveB William Hy. 2() Randulph ter
Davis Mrs. Springfield bill McGQrre'I'Y eapt. Hemi [governor of 8eabrook John, Oak Tree lodge
Douglas Mrs. Meadow side H.M. prison] Seabrook Mis8-, Upper terrace
Fox Mrs. I t Randulph terrace- Mead ArthUT, TM Cedal'8 Self John, 3 'frinity ter1'llce
Gepp Chas. Bramston Osbome, Up. tar Morton Alfred, jun. Trinit)· e<Jttage Simmons Mrs. Meadow side
Gilmore John, 8 Chelmer terrace Muggeridge Mrs. 19 Randulph terrace Btoneham Mrs. 16 Randulph terrae&,
Grimwood James, Meadow side Nokes Albert, r Trinity terrace Springfield hill
GFippel" Joseph, Springfield road Noms .Tames Alfred, Mead()w side lStott Mrs. 4 Springfield terrace
Hamilton Rev. George BUl"ton M.A:. Norton John, 4 Lower terrace- SuttheryFrank Pellett, 8pringfieldlodge
Meadow side Palmer Frederiek, Meadow side Vavasseur Miss, 9 Randulph terr\lce
Harrison Basil Henry, Springfield road Parchment Mrs. ro Randulph terrace Watts John, Faircross house
Hey Mrs. 4 Trinity terrace PearllOn Rev. Arthur IlI.A., l.P. [ruml Whall Rev. Edward Haversham M.A.
Hicks Henry, Springfield mill 'dean & ~lUrrogate], Rectory, Spring...- [curate], Meadow side
Hirst Jobn, Prospect terrace· field green Wilcock Thomas, 2 Trinity terrace
Holgate WyndhaIIl, Springfield house Pemberton Mrs. Springfield Dukes Wilson Robert, Springfield road
COMMERCIAL. i i King Alphonse Jame~, bef.r retailer, Randulph terra~
Argent Ann (Mr8.), Two .QrellJtJr~, $pringfiekll'~cl j Langston George, White Hart
Barnard, James. builder, Spriogfield hill .1 Markbam Herbert. carrier to & from London & furniture
Ba~es Arthur, marketgaroener" Harbour lane, J remol'al contractDr, Duke's Head ~'ard, S.rrin~field road.
Beadel John Henry, tailor', Springtield road JjJ See advertisement
Bedford Artbur, ~aker, SpringtieLd road Markham Waiter (Mrs.), Dukh Head, Spriugfield road
Bedford George, boot & shoe maker, Springfield road Mead Arthur 4.K. IDSt. C.E. engineer &; sec. t9 the gas works,
Benton Wm. wheelwright & blacksmitb, Springfield street Springfield road
Benton Wm. jun. blacksmith & post m.aster, SpringJield st.. Murre)l WiUiam Barlwell (Mrs.), TJtJ'ee Cups. Springfield rd
Bloomfield Wm. carpenter &; builder, Springfield road Pirkis James AIgernon, oil, colour &; salt merchant, Spring
Boltwood Charles, corn deale~, Springtield hill field wharf lk 66 High street; & 55 Duke st. Chelmsford
Brown &; Son, cpal & timber wercl1an1!s, Coates' wharf; ~ Pitts Robert Zact,:heus, surgeon, The Acacias
railway depOt. Chelmsford ;Pledger Adolphus, farmer, Nabbotts
Bullett Henry, Ilhopkeeper, Springfield green 1 Pledge~ Silas, fanner, Old lodge
Caton WaIter, watch maker, Springfield road Porter Henry. baker, 8pringtield hill
Chelmsford. PM Light ~ Coka. COlnpany (Arthul' ~Iead A~. Porter Martha (Mrs.), lodging bouse keeper, 6 Che1mel" ten
rost. C.E. engineer. sec,), SpriIlgtield road Reeve James Stacey,linen draper. Springtield road
Clark Henry, butcher, Springfield 5treet I Reynolds Thomas. fanner, Holders fann
Coe Emma (Miss), fancy J;epository, Sprilleoiield road ReynQlds Thomas, butcher, Spring6eld street
Coppin & Son, grocers &; provision rnereilaots,' 27 &. ~8 Ridley T. D. &: Sons, maltsters
Springfield road -' I Saunders Mary Ann (Mrs.), Tulip i~nt Church lane
Crisp Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer, Springfield wh&rI 'it' Saunders Samh (Mrs.), lodging house. S Chelmerterrace
Darby Ch~rlel} Daniel, grocer &; tea dealer, wine, provision, Sharpington William, carpenter, Church lane
hop &; corn. merchant, flonr {acoor.,- grocers' & general Smee Abmham, boot & shoe maker, Church lane
trades valuer, 18 Springfield rd.; &29 Moulshm.sU CJIlnlsfrJ ~mith, Jsph. k Jas. Christy, millers & fanners, Sandford mill
Dodd Georg'\l beer r~tai1er, Springfield streetj Smith Hy. farm ba.iliff to W. J.13eade esq. Sp~iugfielq hall 1
Dodd Thoma~ shopkeepeI'l, Springfieldl'ltreet Smith Henry, tailor, 14 Randulph terrace
Drake William, Qoot & shoe maker, Sp~nlrfield strl¥lli Smith John. timnan & brazier, ~pdngfield hill
Fennel," Golden, cattle dealer, Springfield street Staines Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, 12 Lower terrace
Gannon Sydney James, watch ma.ker, 'Springfield hilL Thorn Theodore, 8utVQyor, Springfield road:
Glimore John, "ailor, B LO,W6I' terrace Thorne Cornelim Jspll. insuranee agent, Randulph terra~
Gilmore Mary Ann (Miss). dress ma.kerr,. 8 Cbeltnet ~t:i'ace Timson William. paintel',Springfield street
Guiver Frede:rick~ Th~ ~lvta, Haithou\" lane Turner Sarab (Miss), dress maker, Lower terrace
Gui1"er Sarah (Mis!t), beel' retailer, SpringfieW hill Ward Willia.m, greengrocer, Cbureh lane
Hammond Samuel, baker, 8pringfle1d hill Webb Charlea Harvey, beer retailer, Springtield hill
Harris Cbaries;-assistlmt overseer &; collector of poor's mtei; Wells & Perry, juos. ~oal ~erchants, Springfield wharf
Springfield 8treet I" Wenden Chrisoopher Johli, btitcher,Springfield road
Hawkins George- Henrj (MrS.), plumber, p6inter~ .hoUse White J-oseph Henry, farmer & landowner, Pease's Hall farm
decorator &c. Springfield road Willsher Henry, beer retailer, Springfield street
HayooC!k ,lames, baker, Springfield road Wingro,"e Charles, cattle dealer, Lion terrace
Hedgececk Sa.rah ~MT8;), Flou.qh, Springfieltl Wray James Hanley~ stone & marble ma.son, Bprimgfield fU
HicksAHenrYt mille:tl, Springfield mill Wray .L H. (Mrs.), sewing machine & ladies' outfitting wal'&'
Hirst John, private tutor', Prospect terrace house, Springfield road
Hunt; 'l'homas, academy, Springfield I'oad
STAMBOURNE is a 'dllage and parish in the Eastern Lancaster and held by the Rc,'. Alfred Master M.A. of Uni-
division of the countr, Hinckford hundredfHalstead union versity College, Durham. Here ia a chapel for Congregll-l
and county court distrlCt. Heding-ham rural Veanery, Colches- iionalists, of which the Re,·. James Spurgeoij. {grandfather
ter archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 3! miles 8outh· of the Rev, C. H. Spurgeon. of London) was the pastor for
west worn Y ~ldhB.m railway IJtatiorl, -6 seut~west fTom ClllPe. many years. ',l'here M 8 charity of /'7 yearly value left by
.50 from London., ,. 8duth-eal!lt from HavMTin and '1d from David Pla)"1 and distributed in clothing', Lewis 'I'D"~'
Hal8tead lmd lies 11 little' tD the 80atb m- the toad' Iron\ CbI· ·who is lord ot the manor and M. C. Ruffle and th& trustees.
ohester to CatnbPidg~. TM ~hJ~ 8tl.IpeUl'r coh~i!ltl& of of Robert lIntton are the principal landowners I The soil ~
chance~ na,'e, north aisle and a massive western knret of' heavy; Bubsoil, l;>hle da)". The chief crops are wheat, barle)')
Norman dliU! oOOJ:'ltaining ~ ,bells, one of whicb ill inscribed oats and beaus. The area. is J:,842. acres; rateab~ value-If
" San~ Tboma, ora Jint Dobiltutl the rower had been pierced £2,993 ~ and thepopnlation in 18811 was 434-
with. Joopholea fur shooting ~<nU {rom, !Which M'8 new 1 STAMBOUIlN:M G-REEN~ I mile south-west and WESTLEY,
filled "With 'PIll$telI~ th8~l!tained e&8t. wlDOOW .xhibit.' the J::ND, half a mile north, are hamfets 01 this pl:)rish.
arms ~f thQ MaeWWiam fainil~ who JODe6. resided in !this Parisll Clerk, Walter Wiffen,
parish; in the chancel is an inscribed stone 110 GQL.1ohn Lt;ttets are receh'ed through HaIstea<l LETl'lm lJoxltlearetl
Fairwell, deputy-goYel"nop of. the tower 0L
London pnder, at 4.30 ll.m. ~ on sunday at 10.4';. 'rhe Jlearest Dl.Olle.r
WilliamIJI; he died at Stambourne, nth .July" 17IOt The order & telegraph office lit at Castle Bedingham
tegister dates from 1559 and 18 in good COndition. The National School8 (mixed), built in 1861 for 80 childran, witrl
living i. II~, 1efLrly wlul'l £500, "With residence Itnd ~ '1\rt'at'e1"R'ge'1ltltendance of 7df Mr9l. Emiiy Jessie Bo,,"yef',
acrelof glebe, in the giftt1jf ~hf'! Chancellor of the Duchy'Of lmt~M ~
Houchin Rev. In.-{). [Congregati<mal) Making Ambrose,frmr.Little Collinsfnn Smith William, fanner, New MUM
Mastel' ReT'. Alfred M.A. Rectory Martin WiIliam, blacksmith Unwin Daniel, farmer UO(l
Smith Ml's Mitson James, farmer . Unwin Daniel, jun. farmer. miller .I
"OOMMERCIAL. Ruffle- Jeffrey, farmer, Green Unwin Joseph, farmer 1
Coppin Samuel, Red Li()'ll, Ruffle Wm. John, fanner, Cbureh farm Wells Emma (Mrs.), shopkpl'l..& bakel'1i
Hardy Joseph, shopkeepel' Smee John, shoe maker I Whiffin Edward, Butcherr .AmI~
Heslar Charles, beer retailer Smith Benjamin, farmer, Great Tagley Willet John, fanner, The Hall ~l
Jams Joseph Choat, baker &; grocer < .

GREAT STAMBRIDGE (or STANBRIDGE) received 1881. irhe Governors of the Charterhouse are lo~ pf 4u~
its adjunct from a bridge over the Broomhill or Roche river; manor and own part of the land. J. F. T. Wiseman 18 lord
it is a parish iD the Southern division of the county, Roch- of the manor of Barton Hall, otherwise Breton Hall and owns
ford huudred, union and county court district, Canewdon Hempton Barns. The soil is heavy loam ~ subsoil, clay\
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, The crops are general. The area is 2,591 acres; rateable;
one mile and a half north-east from.. Rochford, 49 miles value,£3,406; and the population in 1881 was 293,locluding
from London by way of Southend. si north from Southend 6 in that part of Wallasea belongi~ to Gr~t Stambridge..
railway s1lation and 13 south from Maldon. The church Sexton, William Merven.
of St Mary the Virgin and All Saints, pleasantly seated on A school board of 7 members was formed in 18779' for ~
rising ground, consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and a district including Great & Little Stambridge, 'Wal1asea
tower with spire containing I bell; the church was originally island, part of Canewdon & part ~ ElI8twoodJ aterlt.-rf»
Norman but the prevailing style is now Perpendicular. school ~oar~ George Wood, Roehford
The register dates from the. year 1563. The living is a. BOOfl"d School, with an average attendance of 59; M.r~ Luc)'
rector~y, yearly value £700, with residence and 24 acres of Jago, mistress .
glebe, in the gift of the Govertwrs of the Charterhouse, Lon- Letters from Chelmsford through Rochford. LETTER JJox iJJ
don and held by the Rev. George Wilson Keightley M.A. of wall cleared at 4.30 p.m. ~ on sundays, ~SI noon. 1'Wt.
Pembroke College, Oxford: a xectory house was built in nearf'.st money order & telegraphic office is ~t Jloobford 'I
Keightley Rev. Geo. Wilson 'ALA. Rectory Lockwood Edward, grocer Turner Williamj1anneI\ Brick hflUS8 1
Bollock John Robert, bake" & grocer Moss JameB, farmer ThorneJ3.@,machine owner 4& maObinislI
Boosey Henry, Royal Oak Rankin Alfred Mottram, farmer Whittingham Samuel, blacksmith !
Clark Thomas, Shepherd tf Dog Rrxu:h Rivet" Oyster Fishery Co. Limited
LITTLE STAMBRIDGE is a parish in the Southern I at Great Stambrldge. Here are the extensive flour mills an4
division of the county, Rochford hundred, union and county wharf of Messrs. Rankin; ~ large sttl8In mm was built bl"
court districti, Rochford rural deanery; Essex arehdeaconry them in 186g, at an expense of between £5,000 and £6,~
and St. Albans diocese, half a mile north from Great Stam- on the bank of the River Roche, which gives great facilities
bridge. The church of St. Mary is a brick building, con- for traffic. James Tabor esq. is lord of the manor and
sisting of chancel, nave, vestry, porch and a small wooden principal landowner. The soil is clay and mad; subsoil,
tower with spire: it was restored in r870 at an outlay of I clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas and beans.
about £280, raised by subscription, the chancel being re- The area. is 600 acres; rateable valne, .4"1,44~; tile porula-
stored at the expense of the rector. The register dates from tion in ;t881 was 164.
1?59. The living is a rectory, yearly value £177, in the PaJ~h Clerk Henr Kent
gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. Henry ,y./
John Hatch M.A. of Magdalene college, Cambridge, who Letters from Chelmsford through Rochford, which is th~
resides at Southend. The children attend the Board School nearest money & telegraph office •
Cowling John, Cherry Tree 1 Hart George, cowkeeper & fanner, RankinAlfredMottram&Hugh~tnillers
Cross Henry, sen. farmer, Little Stam- Myrtle lodge I & coal merchants
bridge hall Wiseman Alfred, oyster merchant I

STANFORD-LE-EOPE is lj. village and parish on work consisted among other things in the renewal .of th.,
Mucking Creek, near Hope Reach, on the Thames, Rlld nave and chancel roofs, the walls being uniformly raised two
station on the London and Southend pailway, which has a feet higher all round; the nave and aisles were at the same
branch from here to Thames Ha,·en, in the South~rn division time relIJid with wood blocks, the tower rebuilt to a height
of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union, Brentwood of 20 feet, the rood-loft stairs and door ~epaired, th~,tncient
county .court district,. Orsett rural deanery, Essex arch- font dating from about 1217 renewed, a. 14th centu17lesse1'
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 6 miles north-east irom or low-side window opened. five new stained ;windpw~,in,
Tilbury Fort, 6 north-east from Grays, r6 south-east from serted ,and warming apparatus set up jn llo .crypt, con,
Romford and ~6 from London. The church of Bt, Margaret, strucred SoP the purpose; during the restoration 3 cunom
standing on a rising ground, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, fresco was \Ulcovered, conjectured to represent "Jaoob'"
each with an eastern chapel, or chantry and a tower on the dream~" the church was re-opened April 29, IB7a. by,the
north side containing 5 bells, dating from 16g4 to 17°3: the Bishop of St. Albans : a further sum of £2,000 is needed t<l
chancel is a fine specimen of the Decorated period ef Edward complete the tower, re-caa1i. three Iuf tlie bellidanlldinisB
Ill. and retains three sedilia and 8 piscina! a very fine other part& of the edifice. The registeP of baptisms and
areb, springing from low cloistered shafts opens into the buI'ials date9 from :1680; marriages, 1688. The living is •
north chapel and is partly filled with excellent oak SCl'een. rectory, gross yearly value £800, with residence, in the gift
"'ork, in a niche in the north wall of the ~hancel is an altar of -and held by the Re"'~ John Edmllnd 8edgwiek m.D,.; ()f
tomb of Perpendicular date, beneath a crocketed ogee arch, it Trinity College, bubHn and lUl eundem M.A>. of Oxford, Here M
has formerly borne 8. brass effigy and inscription, now lost; a penny savings bank and clothing club, of which the rector i.
the nave is separated from the aisles by arcades of Early treasurer. Here is a Weslt:}"an chapel, erected in 1869, &veral
English and Decorated work and the Motb Aisle has 8 charities, amounting to £47 158. 4". are distributed yearl"
panelled roof of massive oak and a dool'! 0f like character ~ partly in fuehnd bread and partly appropriated 110 Ilehool pur..
the south chapel i8 appendant to th6 manor of Hanenbroolt poses.John Ser&tton esq.whois lord ofthemanor,John George
and is enclosed by a strong and high latticed gate, at the east Eve, John, Thomas Mashiter a.nd! WilliaM Wil80D,
end is a corbel of the ancient altar stone and 8 plain painted esq!J. are the- principal landowners. The ilOil is light and
piscina; the basement of the tower was formerly a chantry heavy;, subsoil, gravel and sand. The dlief crops ara wheat
and the brackets supporting its altar Temain ~ the font is an and beans.. The area is 20419 -acres of land, much bf which
exceedingly beautiful dtlsign of Early English date, much is marsh and 678 acres of water; rateable value,. £,*,581 ~
mutilated, as is 61so its ancient oaken canopy 1 the l'liOutb Qnd tb~ population in. t881 "WaS 829. I !
chapel is (''l"Owded with llhe m~>nument8 1>f the FethersWn~ Parish Clerk WilliatIi Bearman.
from 169E> to "1774 and of theIr SllCCeS801"8, the Scrattons, to '
1841: on 'the east wall of the chancel is B memorial to POST &; MONEY ORpn OFFl~E & Savings .Ba.t;llf.,4 Office for
Richard Champion ~\ tJbl 1599 and an inscribed Blab W sale of Stamps & LiceDsea--JQbq. GreeJ;l,. l;eee;v6l\i ,Let-
Thomas Alleyn s. T.P. a former rectOl\ ob. 16n)' here also ters received through. BomforQ a~ 1t a.~. } J4iJPBtcltfld at
was buried, Dec. U; 'I7~1, Jacob Rousignac M.A. and in 12·30, 3.45 & 7 p.m. ~B week days & 6·30 QD sl1ndl\Y~. The
1718, his wife Magdaleno; outllide .the west! walll4)f the telegraph office iJ. a~ H0n\4oJl.()D~the-lMU f h
chureh is an elaborately:~rdted1;omb, with • canopied Nati01lal (mixed) School, built in 1'875 Itn' ~SO children, With
slab ~tfixed to the 1f3~I, lDSCI'lbed to- James Adam8, of New an average attendance of r50~ Edwnd F1'ostick, tna-ster;
Jenkms, esq. who ~led 9th Oct. 1765 ~ the church was Mrs. Frostick assistant mistress •
thoroughly restored In :1877-8, at. cost-of more th8D £3,GOOJ, ,
of which about £1,000 was cor.ttributed by the rector; -thi. Railway StatW~ E. W. Raymellt,.Jttatioll ~~te.

BIyth Mn Boonnan CbaB. Spencer, miller & baker 1Mayes John, fanner & landowner
Boorman Thomaa Butcher George, bricklayer Mercer Arthur Wyatt X.R.C.Il., L.S•.&.
Dexter Thomu Cowell Samuel, blacksmith surgeon, medical officer for the Stan..
Forward Frederick Henry Daldy &: Co. coal mers. Railway station ford-le-Hope district of the Orsett
Haslop Uriah Deed William, carpenter, New road union, Admiralty surgeon &; agent
Mercy Arthur W)'Btt Dent Thomas Allen, butcher Nash I<Tederick, shOtl maker
Orbell Charles Ellis Ambrose, barge owner Nash William, shoe maker
Sedgwick Rev. John Edmund D.D. Eve John George, fanner & landowner, Nokes John, cannan &:coal merchant
Rectory Oak fann Nott Thomas, King'. Head
Wilson William, Moore place Fitch George, be"r retailer &c Penny Savi1lfl1l Dank (Rev. J. E. BedS'""
COMMERCIAL" Frostick Charlotte Emily (MI'8.), grocer wick D.D. treasurer)
. & baker Rolfe Isaac John, nurseryman & floriet
Amos Harry, grocer Frostick Wm. grocer &: draper, & agent Smith Goorge, cannan
Bayford Thomas, engineer for W.& A. Gilbey, wine &: spirit mers Smith Percy H. fal'lRer
Bewers Patrick George, junl butcher Gentry John, wheelwright 8tevens William, Rail!oay tavern
Bewers PBtrick G. fanner ~ Green John, linen draper, clothier, furni- Sullings Thomas, builder & undertaker
Brand Lewis, carpenter I ture dealer, & post offk-e Wackrell John, shoe maker
Blyth &; Squire, brewers &; brick makers I Hunting Horace, plumber , Ward E. A. (MI'8.), fancy repository
STANFORD RIVERS is supposed to have derived union. Mary Rayner left £400 in 1871 to be invested in
its name from a stony ford through the River Roding; the India 5 per Cents; the interest is annually distributed to the
addition, Rivers, from the family of Rivers who resided in poor of the parish in clothing. The principal landowners
the parish in 1213; it is a widely-scattered parish in the are Sir C. C. Smith bart. who is lord of the manor, George
Western division of the county, hundred and union of Ongar, Capel Cure esq. and Thomas Wilson esq. The soil is clay or
Brentwood county court district, Lambourne rural deanery, heavy loom i subsoil, clay, gravel, or sand. The chief crops
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 19 miles are wheat, barley, beans &c. The aT'ea is 4.296 acres;
from London, 3 south-west from Ongar and 7 south-east rateable value, £6,968; and the population in 1881 was 975.
from Epping, on the road to London. The church of St. LITTLEBURY is 1 mile east from the church. TOOT HILL
Mary is a building in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, is 2 miles north-west.
nave and square wooden tower with spire, containing 2 Parish Clerk, James Woolmore.
bells: in the south wall of the nave is a brass, with the kneel- POST OFFICK.-William Pavitt, postmaster. Letters from
ing figures of a lady and six children and an inscription to Romford arrive at 8 a.m.; delivered at 8.15 a.m. dis-
•• Anne Napper, late the wife of William Napper gent. and patched at 5.45 p.m. Toot Hill.-Edward Garrett, sub-
daughter of William 8helton esq. ob. 1584." In the chancel postmaster. Letters arrive from Brentwood at 8.45 a.rn.;
is another brass, to .. Catherine Mvlcaster, wife of Charles diBpatched at 4.30 p.m. The neaTeSt money lit telegraph
Mvlcaster," to whom she was married 50 :r ears, ob. 1609· office to both is at Chipping Ongar
The Petres were formerly large proprietors here and there are
many flat stones in the chancel inscribed to members ofthis Chipping Ongar rn.i01& Workll(nue, Robert William Low,
family. The register dates from the year 1558. The living master; Mrs. Ellen Low, matron; Rev. Frederick Elring-
is a rectory, yearly value £1,00'], with residence, in the gift ton Elliot M.A. chaplain; M. H. Grattan, surgeon
of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and held by National School (mixed), built in 1850 for 120 children, with
.he Rev. Robert RoHeston B.A. of University College, Oxford. an average attendance of 100; Ralph Southern, master;
Here is B Congregational chapel and a workhouse for Ongsr Miss Helen Southern, mistress
Elliot Rev. Frederick Elrington ),1..6.. Freeman John, jun. fanner, The Lawns Piggott Jane (Mrs.),beer retailer,Toot hI
[chaplain to the Ongsr union] Hutchins WilIiam, hay carter I Read William, shoe maker, Toot hill
Heckford Mrs Knights Edward, farmer, Berwick farm Rudd Henry, blacksmith
Pierson Leopold, The Wayletts Lane George, shopkeeper RusseU WiIliam Williamson, farmer,
Rolleston Rev. Robert B.A. Rectory Mason George, White Bear Ongsr Park hall
Millbank Charles Alfred, fanner, Bur- Smith Peter, fanner, Steers
COMMER.CIAL. rows fann, Toot hill Staines William, wheelwright, Toot hill
Baker John, farmer, Cesslands, Toot hill MillbankWilliamAppleby,Widows fann, Surridge Danl. miller & fanner, Toot hill
Baker Wilson, farmer, Toot hill Toot hill Thomp80nTheodore,registrar of births &
Boor William, fanner, Toot hill Mitson Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper deaths &relieving &vaex:ination officer
Carter Thomas, fanner, Traceys Mugleston Robert Bakewell, fanner, Tucker James, hay carter
Christy David, farmer, Stanford hall Littlebury Turpin Beni. farmer, Blakes, Toot hill
Edwards Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Owers John, Green Man,& baker, Toot hI Waltham John, fanner, Mitchells
Freeman John, cattle dealer & fanner, Palmer James, fanner, Bridge farm Wilson William, shopkeeper
Murrell's farm Pavitt William, wheelwright
STANSTED MOU NTFITCHET is & parish and studs and IL red robe and trimmed with fur; the figure
station on the Greal EBlitern (Cambridge) railway and a reposes under a highly-decorated arch, tile inscription
polling place for the Western division of the county, in nearly illegible: there is also IL monument to his wife,
Uttlesford hundred, Bishop's Stortford union and county Lady Middleton, with a similar recumbent effigy; she
court district, Newpor1 rural deanery, Colchester arch- was killed by a stag in Stansted l'ark. ~ under a
deaconry and St. Albans diocese. This ancient village is on large pointed arch in the north aisle of the chancel
the Roman and modern high road from London tu Cam- is the figure in itone of a mailed knight cross-legged,
bridge, 3 miles north of Bishop's Stortford and close to the with hill feet upon a couch&nt lion and two angels BUp-
Jiver Stort, on a tributary of which it stands. The town porting his helmeted head. The register dates from the
consists of two streets, one side of one of which is in the year 1558. The living is a discharged vicarage, yearly value
hamlet of Benfield; it contains Borne good. houses and is £306, with residence, in the gift of W. Fuller-Maitland 68Cl.
partially lighted with gas.. The parish of Stansted is one of X.P. and held by the Rev. Thomas Garnham Luard
the largest in Essex and is computed to be nearly 40 miles H.A. of Wadham College, Oxford, and rural dean of
in circumference from Ugley to Elsenham: northward it Newport. The Society of Friends and Primitive
extends to Birchanger and Takeley and westward W Bishop's Methodists have places of worship here. The Congre-
Stortford in Herts and Farnham in Essex. The church of gational chapel, erected at a cost of about £1,700, raised by
St. Mary the Virgin is a large structure, consisting of chancel, subscription and opened in July 1865, will seat 500 persons.
built in 1120, nave, north chapel, two north and one south Charities producing about 1..50 are distributed in bread and
porches and a square brick tower containing 5 bells, built in clothes yearly. Here are & ateam corn mill and maltings;
1692: this church has been supplied with 200 £ne sittings, bricks and drain pipes are made in the neighbourhood. The
-towards the expense of which' the Society fol' Enlarging Central Hall oomprises the Post Office, Literary Institute,
Churches and Chapels contributed [200t on the floor of the Reading Rooms and Lecture Hall A recreation ground,
chancel, on a small brass plate in the cover of a stone coffin consisting of two acres, waa given. by William Fuller-
of pyramidal form, is an inscription in characters, partly Maitland esql in 1861. Here are the remains of a castle,
8axon and partly Gothic, to Robert de Bokkyngg, first vicar supposed to have been built by William GerDon, surnamed
of this church, who died 22nd SeptembF, 1361 ~ there is also Montfitchet and situated .bout half a mile north-west-by-
against the south wall of the chancel a tine marble monu- west from the church. The priory of Th~mhall, dedicated
ment to Sir Thomas Middleton, with his effigy in a recum- ~ tlt. James,.tood a miles south, by the lide of Hatfield
bent poeition and 'Clad in a lUit of plat4t armour with gilt Forest. and 'W88 founded by Rober' Montfichet for Black



'Benedictine canons: some members of the familiell of De POST, MoNEY ORDBR &; TBLBGRAPH OFFICE &; Savings
Vere, Barrington and Montfichet were buried in the priori, Bauk.-Miss Rochester, receiver. Letters by way of
the revenues of which at the Dissolution were estimated at Bishops Stortford arrive at 6 a.m. &; I2.30 p.m.; dispatched
£70 I9s. 3d. per annum; S3me small remains of it still exist. at 9 a.m. & 8 p.m. week days; on sundays, dispatched at
Stansted Hall, the seat of W. Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P. is 8 p.m. only
occupied by Lord Gardner; it is an Elizabethan building of INSURANCE AGENTS-County Fire, W. Pavitt; Guardian, A.
red brick with stone dressings and facings, situated about :r Welch
mile east of the rilJa~e and near the site of a hall which was PuBLIC OFFICERS:-
pulled down h~out the year I8I3; it stands in a well-wooded RfJ[Jistrar of Births if Deaths for Stansted Distl-ict 4-
park of about 400 acres, bounded on the north by the Great Relieving O.fficer, Henry Hockley
Eastern railway. Hargrave, the seat of Mrs. Pulteney, is Inland Revenue Officer, John C. Puckey
.situated about I mile north-north-west from the railway SCHOOLS:-
station. W. Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P. who is lord of the Church of England (mixed) &; Infants' School, built in I837
manor and R. Gosling esq. are the principal hmdowners. by the Rev. Josias Torriano, then vicar, at a cost of up-
The soil is mixed, some heavy, with some good lo.~my soil; wards of £1,000, for 250 children, with an average atten-
subsoil, clay, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, dance of 2IO; Heury Harvey Douglas, master; Mrs.
barley, beans and roots; there is some good grazing land. Sarah Ann Douglas, mistress
The parish contl\ins au area of 4,I93 acres; rateable value, British, originally built in 1835 &; rebuilt in I862 at the
£II.093; and the population in 188I was 1,923, inclusive of cost of the Congregational Chnrch & the Society of
Beufield. Friends; it holds I20 children, with an average atteudance
BENTFIELD END (or Benfield) is a hamlet, with a popnla- of 90 &; is chiefly supported by these two sects; Samuel
tion in 187I of 527. R. Gosling esq. is lord of the manor B. Geller, master
and principal landowner. AILSA STRKET is a mile aud a half Railway Station, G. Starling, station master
north and BURTON END half a mile south-east from the CARRIERS TO LONDON pass through on tuesdays &; wed-
church. nesdays, returning thursdays &; fridays
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arche~ Richard, tin plate worker Norris Caroline (Mrs.), hosier, dealer &;
Biyth Henry A. Croft house Bedlow Wm. wheelwright & blacksmith stationer
Blyth James, Wood house Brett John, blacksmith' Parish Charles, beer retailer
Brown Calverley Brinley William, tailor Pavitt William, commercial agent
Chester Mrs. Pines hill Caygill Joseph, land steward to W. F. Pavitt William Lord, grocer &; draper,
Chipperfield Mrs Maitland esq. I.P. Burton end &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey, wine &;
Chisenhale-Marsh Mrs. Stanstel house Chapman Henry, boot maker spirit merchants
Cross John, Bell Vue. hot1:'H Clarke George, beer retailer Peacock Thomas, bricklayer
Davies Rev. Daniel [Congregational] Clarke William, harness maker Phillips Geo. grocer &; baker, Benfield
Fennell Mrs :Francis Charles, butcher & greengrocer Phillips Joseph, farmer, Hole fann
Francis Miss Francis Joseph, watch maker Pledger Benjamin, shoe maker
Freelove Markwell, Benfield cottage Freelov8 Francis In. commission ageut Pomphret James, carter
Gardner Lord, Stansted hall; &; 46 GREEN JOSHUA &; CO. general drapers, Potter HiUary Ratcliff,plumber &; glazier
Dover street w. &; Brooks' &; White's milliners &; dress makers, tea dealers, Potts George, photographer
clubs, London s.w grocers & provision merchants, iron- Pryor Benj. beer retailer, BuTton end
Gilbey Henry Parry, Reed cottage mongers, dealers in earthenware &; Puckey John Courtenay, inland rev.
Green Joshua gll;lss, wholesale &; retail officer .....
Griggs Th~s. farmer, Burton end Ramsey William, coach builder
:r~e~~!~~:y Haggerwood John, beer retailer RatcliffChristphr.Jas.plumber,glazier&c
Holgate Thomas Hayues Sydney, surgeon Rogers S. S. &; Co. brewers & corn &;
Kemmis Mrs. Norman house Heathcote John, Bell coal merchants
Kidd William Henry Hicks Edwd. & Sons, maltsters, millers Rogers John, King's Anus
h [1 & coal merchants Salmon Charles, baker
Lu'tl'd Rev. Thos. Garn am M.A. rora Hicks Alfred, farmer, Ailsa lodge Sanders Arthur, baker & grocer
dean], Vicarage Hicks Charles, farmer, Benfield place Sanders Arthur, builder
Marsh Jamas
Miller Mrs Hicks Chas. jun. fanner, Benfield green Sanders Mary (Miss), watch maker
Mumford Mrs Hockley Hy. relieving officer &registrar Snow George, bricklayer
Patmore Mrs Huggins Rose (Mrs.), chemist Snow Otter, Rose et Orrnun
Pulteney Mrs. Hargrave Ives Samuel, beer retailer, Benfield Spalding John, harness maker
Rogers Mrs. The Elms Jay John, Three Cnlts Spencer Ed. Stacey,frmr. Benfield bury
Rosedale Rev. Wm. Elliot B.A. [curate] Lawsou Rebecca (Mrs.), milliner Spencer William Stacey, maltster &;
Seabrook William, Woodfield Levey Emily (Mrs.), milliner & dress ma corn merchant, Benfield bower
Spencer Mrs. Tudor house Levey George, horse dealer Stamted Mountjitchet Gas Co. Limited
Spicer Mrs. Woodfield Levey Thomas, carpeuter (James Marsh, secretary)
Tower Major Francis l.P. Thremhall Literary Institute et Reading Rooms Starling William. station master
. (Harford Green, secretary) Tofts Frederick, farmer, B\trton end
W~l~~r.rlfred Little George (Mrs.), Barley .lJfow Trigg Henry, farmer, Bury lodge
Welch Mrs. The Chesnuts Martin Elizabeth & Mary (Misses), grcrs Welch Samuel, surgeon
Welch Samuel Mascall John, butcher Whall William, boot maker
White William, The Rise Mayhew Samuel, fly proprietor Wilkins John, tailor
Newman William, farmer, Parsonage Wilkinson William, cowkeeper
COMMERCIAL. farm Wisbey Edward, miller
Amey William, beer retailer Nonnan Charles, ginger beer manufaetr
STANWAY f}arish takes its name from its situation on Edward I. probably by one of the Belhouse family. The
the Roman stoneway which forms the present high road chapel of St. Allbrights (or St. Ethelbert) has for several
from London to Colchester and Bishop's Stortford, about Ii centuries been used as the parish church and is a small
miles east from the Marks Tey junction on the Great structure of the Early Norman period, consisting of a chancel
~astern railway, in the Eastern division of the county, Lex- elongated from the ancient chancel in I826, nave, south
den hundred, Lexden and Winstree union, Colchester county aisle, north porch and a wooden turret containing 3 bells:
court district, Coggeshall rural deanery, Colchester arch- the building has recently been restored from plans by the
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles west from Col- late Sir Gilbert Scott, which included the erection of the
chester, 47 from London and 6 east from Coggeshall' The south aisle: this edifice was in all probability one of the way-
manor formerly belonged to King Harold and afterwards to side chapels erected by our forefathers for the purpose of
William the Conqueror, but in the Norman period became affording temporary rest to pilgrims and travellers: these
divided into 7 distinct manors, which in the main exist to were simply places of transit in which the wayworn traveller
the present date. The old church of All Saints, the remains might find a brief repose at the hours of prayer, or relief
of which are near the Hall, about 2 miles south-east from during a toilsome journey, the religious offices being per-
the rectory, has been in disuse from the time of Cromwell formed by some member of the religious house possessing
and was unroofed and the timber and lead sold during the the advowson; this particular chapel was from its position
civil wars; it originally consisted of chancel, with aisles, nave, convenieut to those travelling along Ikenild street, the old
north porch and western tower, of which the last three, now highway adjoining and opposite to it on the turnpike road,
more or less dismantled, remain; it was built in the time of formerly stood a hospitium or hospice for the reception of
ESSEX. [KKLLY'S the owner Qj whi~.b. property has a.lways beel1-8ubjeot ~v. J., W. TO/lllinson•• thomas De Horne apd William
W ~ quit-rent, payable ~Q ~e lectoll of the parish. i'he Woodward esqa, Mn. .Birch and Mr. Thomas Wagstaff. The
registers date trO{Jl, the year ;1:704 !loo. are in exeeUent SQiL is gravel and sand;, subsoil, very light. The chief crops
prEl8ervatioIk The living is a rectorYt yearly value .4738, are wheat, peas and barley. The area is 3,329A. lB. 2P.;
with 79 acres {)f glebe and residence, in the gift of the presi- rateable valu~ £Q,300. and the population in r88r was 8~2.
dent and fellows of Magdalen College, Oxfo~ "nd beld by Clerk and $e;rton (St. Albright's), William Millet.
the Rev. Richard Humphrey Hill D.C.L. Precentor and Canon Clerk fln~ S~ton. (AU Sl\ints'), William Wacle.
of Bangor, formerly Informator in GramlJl1t,r at that college, POST OFFlCB, London road.-John Bunting, receil'P1" Let~rtl
Here is the workhou~ for the ,Lexden aud Winstree union, J through Colchester arrive- at 7.So a.m.; dispatcl!& at 6.45
which will hold 350 inmates\ .A fail" is beld hereon April 23 rd . p.1D..r\ The nearest money ·-order oflke is at LeWcn. "
Stanway All Saints IS an ecclesiastical parish. formed wlegmph office Marks Tay
in :I845 from the civil parishes of Lexden and Stanwa~'. .All
Saints church, on the Maldon road, about 2i miles south. L~~de1t, if Winstree Union H'()'lts~, Aifred Gosling, mast{ll";
east from St• .Albri~ht8, was erected by subscription in 1 845, Mrs. Gosling, matron: ReT. Eustace Hy. Crate, chaplain;
at a cost of £2,935 ",nd is a handsome sfructure of brick, H. Laver, surgeon
quoined with Caen stone, in the Decorlloted style, with a low ScHOOLS:-
tower containing 3 bells and surmounted by a spire. The National (mixed), for II3 children, with an average attend.
living js a vjcarage, endowed with £180 yearly, with resi- ance of 90: Miss Lizzie Hettridge, mistress ,
dence, in th~ gift of the Bishop of St .Albans and held by the National (All Saints') (mixed), for 60 clrtldren & averages
Rev. Horace Fuller Rackham X.A. Qf l'e.l11bJ:oke College, the same number; Miss Mar)' Jane Cartwright, mistress
Cambridge. r • CABRIlms TO : -
The principaf landowners in the undiVIded parish CoLCHESTER---.'fhe carrierll from B~intree & Kelvedon pass
are Thomas H, HarrisoR esq. Mrs. Harrison, James through, wednesday & saturday ,
Round esq. M.:f.~. 9. (i'reen esq. Sir '1;1 C. C. Western baI't\ COOOESHALL & COP}'ORD monday, wed. fri. & sat
Stanway. I Fennel" William, farmer, Cat::h bells Stanway All Saints.
Freeland ~r8. T.l,Ie Villa ':J I Francis Willia~, builder Green Henry Egerton, Kingsford
Hill Rev. Richard Humphrey D.e.L. Gan~ John Chnstlas, fanner H~w~ Mrs. Oa~ cottage
[canon of Bangor &4ioce.san inspectot Alfred" master of Lexden & Hltchm Mrs. Ohv~rs .
of schools], Rectory WlD.stree UnIOn hous~ . Keyes Mrs. An Samts' VIlla
Manley Leopold Fredk. Tb.e cedars
fortway P e t e r ,
I Houl~mg Sam~el, relIevmg officer & May Thomas, Stanway hall
regIstrar of blrths & deaths
Surridge J oseph Smit.h Stanway Cottage Howe John,. S:wan, & carpenter Butcher Henry, rate c(]lJecwr & funner,
, J ohnson Wllliam, seed grower Butcher's !!1'''.en I
COMMEBCIALi Manley Leopold Frederick, artist, The Eagle Herbert vnarles,fanner,GosbecU
Bridges Georgo K. farmer; Old House j Cedars Folk8rd WilIiam, farmer
fann • 1Miles Lucy (Miss), iarmcr, Beacon end Hockley WiIliam, bricklayei'
Bullock Samuel, blacksmith Pettitt Henry John, road surveyor' Ponder Edwd. beer retlr. Bntcher's grw
Button Edmund, engineer Saunders George H. baker Shelton George, seed grower
Clay Misses, boardiug school, Chitts hill. Wagstllff John, butcher Wade Henry, Leather Bottle
Dudley George, farmer, Black pits I Wagstaff Thomas, farmer Woodward Hr. fhnF. Stanway Hll.n-fatnl
Farthing George, farmer' I Wass John, baker & shopkeeper
, . Woodward Mrs. farmer, Brick Wall frm
STAPLEFORD ABBOTS is a parish, lying just off Oriel College, Oxford. Charities, producing £8, ar~
the Ongar road, on the. south side of the Boding, in the Well.. distributed in bread and meat. Albyns, built by InigoJone5t
tern division of the county, Ongar hundred and union, Rom· i& the residenC6 of William Clarke Gellibrand esq. and.the
ford county court district. Lambourne rural deanery, Essex propel'tyof Sir William Neville Abdy bart. William Pem~
archdeaconry and St.. .Albans diocese, 6 miles south-east hemn Barnes esq. is lord of the manor. The principal
from Epping,6 northfrom.Rornfordstation, r6 from London, landowners are Her Majesty the Queen, Sir William ~ftville
and 6 south-west from Ongar. In the year rOlo this village Abdy bart. Sir .charles C. Smith bart. and General Mult
was given to the abbey of Bury St. Edmunds. The church Wood. The soil ill mixed; sobsoil, yellow clay~ The chief
of St. Mary is an edifice in the Early English style- and con- crops ate wheat, barley, beans and roots. The ~rea is 2,~4
sists 6f chancel, nave and a square brick towel' containing 11 acr68; rateable value, £30361; and the population in 18&1 was
bells: the tower was rebuilt in :I815 and the church in :I862: 492.
there are mural tableta to .the Abdy family and a memorieJ. Parish Clerk, Francis Dawkins.
to Francis Stonards, ~55S and Lucy, his wife, 1596, daughter LXTTBB Box cleared at 6.55. Letters through Romford i
of Sir Clement Higham kt. Lord Chief Baron during the the nearest money order office is a~ Staplef(}rd Tawney &
time of Queen Mary. The register of baptisms and burials telegraph office is at Havering
dates from r653 ; marriages, 1692. The living is II rectory, ~ooL:.......
yearly value £540, with. residence, in the gift of the Lord Board School (mixed), for 60 children, with an average
Chancellor and beld by the Rev. Thomas Cochrane M.A. of attendance of S5; Mrs. Hort, mistress 1
Cochrane Rev. Thomas M.A. Rectory Balls Herbert, miller Mollett John Edwin, fnnr. Battles laaH
Gellibrand William Clarke, Albyns Dawkins Francis, wheelwright Staplefordhall& Fitch's& Mott.sfnns
Goodday Rey. James M.A. [chaplain of French William, farmer, Boylands oak Potter William, farmer, Church farm
Romford union]. Tysea house Freshwater George,fanner Stevens Charles, miller & farmer
Taylor Miss, Black bu,sh, Abridge .' Gardner Henry, Royal Oak Surridge Thomas, farmer.
Hurrell Richard, Plouyh WilIey John, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Lenny Mark,farmer, Olives farm Wood Chas. jun. farmer, Bourne bridge
Aylatt Henry, shopkeeper Lenny Mark, jun. farmer Wood Eliza (Mrs.), frmr. Martin's HerD
Baber Henry Frampton, farmer, Kirtons McMurray John, farmer, Lenney's farm Young Richard Stokes, farmer
Balcomb J oseph, fa,rmer,. Martin's Hem Marlie Alfred Henry ~ farmel"" The Grove
STAJ;»X.EFORD 'tAWNE~, which 1; this adjunct family, dated 1420: at the restoration two stone coffinll w~re
irom a family ot Tany, who owned it in the reigJ;l oJ Henry discovered in the chancel. The register dates from the year
Ill. is a pariih, on the north side of the Roding, opposite to r558. The living is a rectory, with that of Theydon Mount
Stap1eford Abbots, in the Western division of the county, aunexed, joint yearly value about £800, with residence~ in.
hundred ami union of Ongar, Romford county court dis- the gi£t of Sir W. Bowyer Smijth bart.andheld by the Rev.,
tric~ Lambourne ,ru,ra+ deanery, Essex archdeacon:ry and LewisNewcomen Prance M.A,. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
diocese of Rt. Albans, 5 miles south-west from Ongar,. 5 miles Charities amounting to about £25, derived from interest oD,
south-east from Epping, 1 north frQm RQmford a:n,d 1-1 frqm Consols, are yearly Wstributed. Snttons, the seat of S~r
London. The cburcb of St. Mary is l.& small ~nd ancient Charles Cunliffe Smith bart. J).L., J.P., is a modern building,
.structure. consisting of chancel, navE;, south ai&le an<l. l\o situated in ~ fiI1#lly wooded park near the rive.r.Jloding. 8~r
belfry with s,virfl containing 2 bells: an organ wa~ pre- WilIiam Bower Smijth bart, is lord ()~ th~ manor and p~n~h
sented in 1873 by' Reginald H. Prance esq. ; the ~hurcQ VIIS pal landowner. Tlw soil is mixed j sl;lb8oil, heavy clay_ 11lA
restored in r861 Of public subscription, at Q cost of £r,2QO, ~hief crops af~ wheat,. ~arley~ Q/lQPS anc! roots" The llorel!o is.
towards rhich tSir C. C, Smitq. bart. liberally contriln~t~: ,1,619 acres'r rateablf va.l~, ,c:2.:a91 ~ and the POPUJa..tioll ill-
there are murfll tablets to the Smith tamilJl rud maJIy.ffat ~8al wa, a2a~ f
stonea to that of ,tuther from 1619 aud iate):' ~ ~n the chancel Farisk Cl,e1J, ThQJllU :MerriJa~·.
is a tQmb witb So b:ras$ jnscription ~Q. 3. me~&;r Q:f tpe~CQtt f "~~GF9~D l!;RIDq,B ~ ~ plac~~ this ;parillh.
~os~ &. MONEY ORDER .oFlnCE &. Savings Bank.-WiUiam Chwrck School (mixed), built. in 1874, for 60 children, with 11.11'
PittaUl. receiver'. Letters through. Romford &. Epping average attendance of 30~ Miss Elizabeth Nancy<lollinge;
arrive a.t 6 a.m.i dispatched at 640 p.m, The nea,rest mistress
telegraph office is at Havering-atte.-Bower
Harked thus t receive their letters through Fitch Cornell, fanner, HoWfields Sworder William &; &n, auctioneers &
Epping. Fry John Lovell, farmer, Suttons fann farmen, The Han; & at High street-.
Cooper l\Irs tMiller James, John & Hugh, farmers, Epping ,
Prance Rev. LeWIS :N"ewcomen ){.~. New farm Sworder William, farmer, The trall
Rectory Miller Daniel, farmer, Wood hatch Threader John, farmer
Smith Sir- Charles CnnEtIe bart. D.L., Pittam William, shopkeeper ,& flost office Threader Rebecca (Mrs.), beerretairer'.
. J.P. Sllttons tStubbins Thomas, farmer, Common, Common
Dawkins Samuel, blacksmith Theydon mount
STEBBING (in Domesday" Stibinga" and '~Stabinga"}is the gift of W. Fuller-Maitland esq•.)(.¥. who-is impropria1:lm
lit :village and parish. situated on high ground, on a brook of the great tithes a.nd held by the Rev.r Augustns RoIJertr,
which falls into the Chelmer, in the Eastern division of the Bingham Wright M.A. of Queen's College,-<hford. H12"eare
county, hundred of Hinckford, union and count)' ,:ourt dis-, schools and places of worship for Congregationalists, Met~
trict of DUIllllOW, rural deanery o~ Braintl'ee, archdeaconry dists and the Society of Friend9". ,A Sunday flChool, ,in
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, B miles north-east of connection, with the Congregational church, was erected in
Dnnmow,7 west of Braintree and 41 from London. The 1877, at a cost of about [,700 and cunsists of-tlne large room
church o( St, Mary the Virgin, standing in the highest part of and five class rOUIDS; about. 160 children are in rt',gulalJ
the village, is a fine specimen of the Decorated style of the llttendance I the large room is. used during the week fol'
early part of the 14th century ~ it consists of chancel, with a lectu.res and concerts. The reIlt of certain cottages is applied
sacristy, nave, aisles, south porch and a tower with spire in part payment of expenses of National and Sunda.y schools)
at the west end cont<l.iuing 5 bells, one 1772, one 1799 and and that of others is applied to the purchase of clothes, which
three 1839: the chancel has a. noble east window, with are given away at Christmas and Easter; there is also a
coupled columns on the jambs, of Edwardian date, but charity called Smith's Charity, left in 1869 by Charles Smith..
the .p1alijons and tracery are Perpendicular; on the south and distributed in doth<'& The rent of certain -lands,.
side are sedilia with lofty arches, cusped and springing from amounting to [,~ 18i. per annum, is gi~n ll:Way periodically)
triple columns: the piscina is also a. good example of the in bread. A school board of five members was formed here
period.: on the south side are three douhle-ligh~ windows, in 187l:t Some tIradein malting and brick making is carried
the wes.ternmost, prolonged downwards, forming a lowside on here a.nd on the river are two flour mills. Near the--
window; the bold and finely moulded chancel; with its village is an artificial. mound, BUl'l'oundedr by a moa.t, ()n
ri~ ,stOJ;le tracery, forms a. screen magnificent ooth in which, accDrding to tradition,.a. castle formerly stood<. Thl8
design and workmanship; it <:onsistsof three openings, with place once belonged to the Pe~rells and the FerrerS'. .A fait
~Iender .clustered columns j in the centre opening, springing is held yearly on the loth of July fol' calves and cattle. The
from the capitals of the columns, was ~ canopy and at the Earl of Essex is the principal landowner and lord of the
springing grotesque figures; this ,fine work Wa.lJ partially manor of Porters1 Hall. Thomas Daveyesq.{)f Rayne Lodge
mutilated in the 15th century for the .erection (If a Perpe~ is lord of the manor .of Priors or Friars Halll The floil is
dicular rood screen, which has in its turn disappeared; the various; subsoil, clay and gravel. 'fh6 chief C1'QPS aI'e
principal part of the design, however, remains: the nave has wheat, beans and barley. The area is 4,38~ acres: rateable
five bays, formed by lofty arches Qn.clustered columns, sup- value, [,6,822; and the population in 18817 was 1,II8.·
porting a clerestory with triple-light Perpendicular windows: r BRAN END is l: mile north.
the roof is open timbered and of the same date: in the west DUCK END is la miles.
end of the south aisle, formerly a chapel, are the remains of LUBBER HEDGES ~ miles north-east.
a fine piscina, next a buttress south of this was tile approach STEBBING GREEN ~ mile south-east.
to a gallery crossing the aisle and leading to the rood loft: POST OFFICE.-Thomas ThOJrogood, receivel". Letters
in the north-east corner of the north aisle was an entrance through Chelmsford, by foot post, from: Throws, arrive. at
to a narrow staircase in the substance of the chancel wall, I 7 It.m.; delivered a.t 7 a.m., The nearest mcme~ order &
the door <If. exit being on the ohancelside: the sacristy, also telegraph office is a.t Dunmow. LE'l"l'ER Box -at Bran End
a part of the ancient work, has a third piscinar the south cleared at. 5 p.rn.; on sunday at 10.30 a.m
porch, nobly proportioned, has eo superbly moulded doorway Registrar of Births t! J)~athSy William Linsell
and the remains of a. holy.water stoup: the tower, four SCHooLS:-
stories in height and carefully built of rubble. concrete) is of . School Board~ erected, with masters house, a11 a. cost 9(1
the same age as the church and opens into tM nave by a £~,200, to hold, in the mixed tiChool; 150 & 4n the infant&'
grand arcR; the upper stories are gained by shol'tJadders of 94- scholars ~ John Lee, master; Mrs, Loo; mistl'ess; Miss
considerable age. The register of burial$ dates from 1712; Grigsby, infants'mistress .
bapi:isms and burials from J:713. The living is a vicarage, CARRIER TO LONDON-Charles Lewsey, friday, tQ j Saracen'8i
vicarial tithes commuted at, £351 )'early, with residence, in Head,' Aldgilote, returning on sunday
Beckett Rev. Wm. H. [C<mgregational] Byford Alfred, farmer, Hill farm MeadowS Harvey, grocer &; lbaper
Clarke Miss . Byford James, farmer, Collops Metson George, farmer', Lubber hedges
Easton Mrs Chopping John, miller, Town mill Metson Tbomas; fa.:vmer,Ltlbbel' hedges.
Messent Mrs Chopping Samuel Davey I brick & drain Overall William, farm011 Ford farm '
Puplett Mrs pipe maker Parr Richard, blacksmith
Rogerson J ames, Parsonage farm· Chopping Wm.miller & fanner,Bran end Perry William, chimney 8wooper
Whitehead Mrs. Bran end Collins Henry, ooer retailer, Bran end Philpot William, seedsman
Wright Rev. Augustus Robert Bingham Dixon Thomas Ridley, maltster Ridley T. D. &; Sons,. IDaltsters
M.A. Vicarage Emms Hannah (Mrs.), Red Lio1t Riley Josiah, farm6l', LubbeP hedge8
COl\IMERCIAL. Ereth John Charles, farmer, Cowlands Ruffell (Mrs.) &; Son; Mach, cart & gig
Acres George. farmer, Poplar farm Franklin Robert, baker, Bran end builders & wheelwrights
Barker Josiah, beer retailer & black. Gowers Samuel, shoe maker, Bran end Saggers Joseph, shoe maker
smith, Duck end Grout Arthur, Bell Salmon John, beel' :reta.iler, The Green
Barnard Wm. maltster &frmr. Holt's fm Lewis William, buteher Salmon John, jun, cooper .
Barritt Joseph, farme... Lewsey Charles, Ki'llfl's Head Savill Fredk. harnessma. ~ &atDnnnl1'
Bavin John, Green .Jfail, Bran end Lewsey Sarah (Mrs.), farmel' Smith Hy. Cla.rke, farmer, Stebbing gm
Britton William. cattle dealer Linsell William, grocer & draper & regis,. Smith William, higglerl t
Burton George Y. White Hart trar of births & deaths Tlwrn Joseph,.thatoher~Bran end
Bush Job, carpenter, Stabbing green l\Iarshall Dan, farmer, William.'& farm Thorogood James, baker.
Bush William, shopkeeper l\Iassey John B. fanner, Stebbing parade Thorogood Thomas', -shoe 1nakerl
STEEPLE (or STEEPLE-CU~~STA.);,6ATE)is a village and ing, consisting-of :nay~ sonth poreh and,. beU-eot1l'itdrin the
parish in the Eastern dhisiQn of the county, Dengie hun- roof I,I.t the west end, containing 2 bells: an oetagona} font,
dred, Maldon union and county court district, Dengie rural the bowl of which has long lain in thechurchya.rd,is shortly
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, situated to be restored to its original position. The..JegisteL dates
~ear the soll-th b~~ ~f the e~tultry of .the. Blackwaterf 9 from ~he yeaI' 1'666. •The living is 11 Ticarage; yee.riy-valae
miles south-east,from MaJ.d<lJ:\ ¥U\.tiM, .19 ~t; from Chelms- I£150, in the gift-E)f the Reov. SiI' Brook George Bridges bart.
io~ Q north from Burnha,m J'nd. 4S.. from L~Ild~. ~he l.and.T. T. Hun! esq. alternately and held by theReT~.Thomas
church of St. LawrenQtl ~nd .Ml &intus.a.smaU plainJmildr I·NQI."wood P.erkws JtLA, of St.-Johil's College, ·CambrIdge. -A

vicarage house, pleasantly sItuated upon an. eminence, was 'rhis priory was in existence in II76 and was dedicated to
erected in 1881. A Congregational chapel, in the Gothic St. Mary Magdalen, but was suppressed by Wolsey, 18 Hen.
style, with day school attached, was erected in 1857. The VIII. when its revenues were estimated at £43 8s. 60.. Ram.
charities amount to £':~ 16s. 60.. yearly in connection with sey Isle was anciently part of Stangate ana had a Church,
the Southminster charities, distributed to the poor. A which was also destroyed.
fair is held here on Whit Wednesday. The chief land- Se:cton, William Raven.
owners are the governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, LETTER Box cleared at 9.45 a.m. Letters through Maldon.
who are lords of the manor, the trustees of H. Cline Southminster is the nearest money order &telegraph office
esq. and the trustees of J. Jolly esq. The soil is of a
heavy nature; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and National School (mixed), built in 181 9, enlarged in 1869 &
beans. The area is 2,804 acres; rateable value, £3,3 19 15s . ; to be again enlarged shortly; it now holds 80 children,
the population in 1881 was 506 . with an average attendance of 40; Miss Ellen Lansley,
STANGATE (or STANEGATB), now a hamlet of Steeple, for- mistress
merly had a church, a portion of the mins of which are still 001lfJregational School (mixed), built in 1875, for 69 children,
standing, the original piscina remaining intact. A priory of with an average attendance of 54; Miss Elizabeth Ann
Cluniac monks was founded here by the predecessors of the Labrun, mistress
priors of Lewes, to which monastery it was subordinate. CARRIER TO MALDON-Mon. tues. wed. fri. & sat
Perkins Rev. Thomas Norwood M.A. Carter John, family grocer, general Cole Daniel, boot &: shoe maker
Vicarage draper & assistant overseer & school Grimwade William, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. attendance officer Keeble Simeon, beer retailer
Attenborough Geo. farmer, Steeplegate Cook John, farm bailiff to John Wood Mizzen Joseph Daniel, Sun 4' Anc/tOr
Blanks Edwd.blacksmith & wheelwrght esq. Grange farm Nunn Joseph, draper
Bryant Comelius, barge owner Dash Frederick, wheelwright, black- Pudney George, Star inn
Cant Elijah, baker smith, agent for agricultural imple- Smith Robert, harness maker
Cardnell Edmund, baker ments &c.; churchwarden &c J Spooner Samuel, baker & farmer

STEEPLE BUMPSTEAD (or BUMPSTEAD-AD-TuR- which this place derived its name, formerly stood near the
RIM) is" village and parish in the Eastern division of the road leading from Haverhill to Baythom Bridge, wheN en.
county, Hinckford hundred, Risbridg~ union, Haverhill trenchments are to be seen. Moyns Park, a handsome
county court district, Yeldham rural deanery, Colchester Elizabethan residence surrounded by a moat crossed by a
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 3 miles south from bridge and standing in a well-wooded park, is the propertv
Haverhill station, zt miles from Sturmere station, 3 miles of Maj.-Gen. Cacil Robert St. John Ives I.P. Bower Hall,
from Birdbrook station on the Colne Valley railway and 10 a beautiful seat close to the village, is the property of
east from Saffron Walden. The church of St. Mary is a Bendyshe William Walton esq. George Shaw esq. is lord
finely-proportioned building in the Perpendicular style, the of the manor. The principal landowners are Maj.-Gen.
lower portion of tower being Norman and consists of chancel, Cecil Robert St. John Ives I.P. and Bendyshe William
elerestoried nave of 4 bays, aisles and a tower containing S Walton esq. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief
bells: it has a curious old alms box and in the chancel a crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and potatoes. The area
piscina and two sedelia: the church was completely restored is 3,296 acres; rateable value, £5,772; and the population
in 1880, whlJll the remains of a rood screen, rood loft stair- in 1881 was 1,044.
~ and a le~r wiD:dow in the. chancel were discov~red: the POST, MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Josiah
~tamed east wmdow IS, a memonal to the Wal:on f~mily: there Chapman, receiver. Letters arrive through Newmarket
IS another to the famIly Gf Gent: the masslv~ sIlver ~hurch vid Haverhill at 8.30 a.m. delivered immediately; dis-
plate bears t~e arms <tf Bendyshes, to whlc~ famIly the patched at 4.30 p.m. except on sunda)·, when they are
ehur?h contams se~eral fine monument~, pa~lcularl'y t~at dispatched at 9.30 a.m. The nearest telegraph office is
of SII' Henry Bendlsh, the last male hell', WIth a hfe-slze Haverhill
effigy of the baronet and a figure of his infant son Henry,
beneath a pediment supported on twisted columns, ob. 3 SCHO?LS :- . .. .•
Sep. 1717; a pyramidal monument of grey xnarble, with Natuma~ (mlxed~, bUllt m 1854 k enlarged m 1875 ~or
busts in low relief on a medallion commemorates Sir John 180 children, WIth ao average attendance of 96; MISS
Bendish bart. 1707 and Martha, his wife, 1703. The register M~~ha E!'ans, mis~r~ ..
of baptisms dates from 1676; marriages and burials, 1689_ Brttlsh (mIXed), bUllt ID 1818, fo! 70 chIldren. ~th an
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £400, with residence, average attendance of 60; MISS Ahce Foreman, mistress
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. CARRIERS TO:-
Charles Meares Powell M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here HAVERHILL-Charles Willis, daily
is a Congregational chapel. The cemetery, about an acre in LoNDON-George Dare, from his own house to 'Saracen's
extent, was opened in 1867. The steeple or tower, from Head,' Aldgate, every thursday
.Barker Guylott Choat Joseph, builder Humphrey Arthur, cattle dealer
Dix George Clark John, tea dealer & draper Humphrey Benjamin, watch maker
Ives :Major-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John Claydeo Robart, butcher Humphrey George, shoe maker
I.P. Moyns park Clayden Thomas, shopkeeper Humphrey Thomas, carpenter
ldaidment Rev. Henry [Congregational] Claydon William, butcher & farmer, Humphry Mary Ann (Miss), dress ma
Powell Rev. Chas. Meares M.A. Vicarage Parsonage farm J ackson Hulett, baker
Reyuolds Robert Claydon William, wheelwright Jarvis George, farmer, Smiths' green
Walton Bendyshe William, Bower hall Coe Elijah, miller & farmer Lovett William I. grocer & draper
Willett Mrs Coo Lydia (Mrs.), farmer, Freeze's farm Martin John, farmer, Walton ...
COMMERCIAL. Colman Geo. John, farmer, Garlands Pannell Daniel, fanner
Baines Emma & Mary Ann (Misses), Cowell Daniel, tea dealer Pannell Elizabeth Homer (Mrs.),
fanners, Lower house Cowell Thomas, saddler fanner, Blois
Balls Edmund, farmer Curtis Robert, Red Lion commercial inn Pannel! Frederick, farmer
Barker Benjamin, carpenter Dare Francis, corn merchant Pannell William, shoe maker
Barker George, carpenter Dare George, carrier Playle Charles, plumber & baker
Barker Joseph, grocer & draper Dare Richard, baker & grocer Reynolds Robert,surgeon
Barker WiUiam, plumber &re Dix John, carpenter Shannan Richard, hurdle maker
Barrett Jsph. beer retlr. & wheelwright Dix WaIter, carpenter Smoothy James, beer retailer
Baynes WaIter, miller, Old Hall mill Fitch Phcebe & Sophia (Misses), school Smoothy Thomas, shoe maker
Bowtell Albert Edwd. grocer &; draper Fitch Joshua, farmer, Rylands farm Suckling John dr Wm. saddlers At millers
Bryant Lewis, gardener Fitch Samuel, butcher Turner William, blacksmith
Bunroo Charles, boot maker Gunn Emma. (Mrs.), Fo:c ~ Hounds Willett Samuel, farmer, Letchley
Bunton John Wesley, baker Gunn George, tailor Willis Charles, carrier
Chapman Josiah, stationer & tea dealer, Gunn Thomas, tailor" beer retailer Willis Charles, tailor
&; post office Hitchin Joseph, brick~ayer Wood Charles, thatcher
Choat Harry, farmer Honghton James, farmer, Old hall
STIFFORn is an old parish and picturesque village, trict, Orsett mral deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St.
standing on high table land, intersected throughout by the AlbaD8 diocese, g miles north from Grays station, 19 from
Marditch brook, in the Southern division of the county, London and 10 Bouth-east from Romford, on the road to
Chafford hundred, Orsett union, Romford county court di&- Southend. The church of St. Mary consists of chancel,
nave, !outh aisle, chapel, north porch and a western tower wife:" he died 6th December, 1:622 and SU!an, his wife, 26
surmounted by an octagonal shingled broach spire and con- August, 1621: I above, on the dexter side, is the figure of
taining 3 bells, two of whicb bear date 1737 and 1635, a William Lathom, habited in & cloak with hanging sleeves
smaller bell being placed outside the spire under a kind of and a ruff round his neck;. his wife wears .a high-erowned
dormer: the nave has two arches on its south side, resting hat, ruff and a long cloak: the fifth brass is that of .. Ann
on a circular pillar, with Early English features: the aisle Lathom, ye daughter of Thomas Lathom of Stifford gent."
has a Perpendicular window, filled with !tained glass as a ob. 25 December, 1627: a.bove the inscription is a female
memorial to Frances Elizabeth de Wette: the chancel arch figure in a hooded cloak: the last of the series is that of
is of the same period: its rood screen has gradually been "Elizabeth Lathom, the wife of Thomas Lathom of Stifford
lost, but the beam is now incorporated in the reredos, above gent." ob. 14th September, 1630, with a female effigy in the
which is a good Decorated window of three lights, also attitude of prayer, habited in a loosely-fitting sleeved robe,
stained: a single arch opens into the chantry, lighted by 8 with a veil and ruff: the pulpit, retaining an hour-glass
triplet of stained lancets at the east end and retaining a frame, is dated 16II: the church was restored in 1862, at a
small pointed piscina iu its south wall: the font is an cost of £1500, when the roofs were renewed, the tracery of
example of Early English: in the sacrarium is a flat stone the chancel windows also renewed, the south aisle rebuilt,
with a marginal inscription, quite perfect, in Lombardic the tower arch thrown open, the interior reseated and
letters: "David: De: Tillebery: gyt: ici: Dev: De: S'alme: several windows filled with stained glass: during the pro-
Ayt: Mercy: Amen: " the slab bears five crosses, as though gress of the work, frescoes were disclosed, in the chantry
it had at one time served as the mensa of an altar: this and nave, of Zacharias and St. Dunstan. The register
.David Tillebery died, according to existing records, in 1330: dates from the year 1568. The living is a rectory, yearly
there are 6 brasses in the church, the oldest is inscribed, value £507 gross, with residence, in the gift of Captain
" Orate p anima dni Radulphi Peichehay quondam rectoris Digby Wingfield, as lessee of the Broderers' Company and
istius ecclie: " above is a demi-figure in Eucharistic vest- held by the Rev. William Palin J.P., M.A. of Trinity College,
ments viz.: chasuble, alb and amice, with the fylfot cross Cambridge. Captain Wingfield is lord of the manor
on the apparels: the date is probably about 1370 or 1375: and principal landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel
the second, now on the nave floor, consists of a priest in a and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and
shroud, the legends at the head and feet being lost; date oats. The area is 1,597 acres of land and 38 of water;
about 148o: in his upraised hands is a heart bearing the rateable value, £2,763; and the population in 1881 was 286.
letters M.C.Y. (Mercy) : the third, affixed to the east wall, Sexton, James Purser.
has an invocatory inscription to ~~ John Ardalle, gentylman, POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Mary Ann Christmas, sub-postmistress.
sumtyme lord of Stifford and Anne his wife," ob. 31 May, Letters through Romford j delivery commences about 7
14°4: above are the figures of a man in civil costume a.m.; dispatched at 5.15 p.m. The nearest money order
guarded with fur and girt with an ornamental waistbelt, to & telegraph office is at Grays
which is attached a gypciere or purse and of his wife in the Parochial School, erected in 1840, at the cost of the late R.
costume of the period and at each corner of the slab is a B. Wingfield-Baker esq. & supported by Capt. Wingfield:
shield of arms: also in the east wall is a brass inscribed to it holds 50 children & has an average attendance of 34;
"William Lathom gent. late lord of Stifford and Susan his Miss Humphrey, mistress
Beech Wm. Philip J.P. Stifford lodge Clark Prances (Mrs.), grocer Wagstaff Frederick,farmer, Coppid hall
Cragg Major Wallace W. Ford place Davies John Edward, farmer Wagstaff Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Stifford
Palin Rev. William M.A., J.P. Rectory 1 Holland Sarah (Mrs.), farmer clays .
Palin W. Long , Posford Joseph, wheelwright Warren John Ephraim,Dog 4" Partridge
Bowley George, blacksmith 1

STISTED (or STISTEAD) was given by Godwin, Earl of to the Prince of Wales: the parsonage house was rebuilt
Kent, father of King Harold n. to Christ Church, Canter- in 1839. This parish shares in the benefits of the Free
bury, in 1°46; it is in the Eastern division of the county, school of Earls Colne. The Congregationalists have a small
Hinckford hundred, Braintree union, county court district chapel. In 1822 the Rev. Charles Onley left a yearly rent-
and rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese charge of £12 out of the Stisted Hall estate to be distributed
of St. Albans, on the banks of the Blackwater, 3 miles east- yearly to the poor in coals. STISTED HALL, built about
north-east from Eraintree, 4 south from Halstead, 4 west 1825, is a noble mansion of white brick, with a portico over
from Coggeshall and 45 from London. All Saints' church the principal entrance, standing in a park of 130 acres, with
is an ancient edifice of flint and stone consisting of chancel. numerous groups of stately forest trees and is the seat of
with vestry, nave, aisles, porches and a square tower on Onley Savill-Onley esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and prin-
the south side containing 6 bells and supporting an octagonal cipallandowner. The manor of Stisted Hall belonged for
shingled spire; the chancel, Early English, is lighted by some time to the monks of Christ Church in Canterbury
five lancets, exquisitely fitted with stained glass; the nave previous to the conquest, but was then seized by Odo, Bishop
is divided from the aisles on either side by a Norman arcade of Bayeux, being afterwards restored to their lands. The
supported on round columns of large size with carved abaci prior and monks remained in possession till the dissolution
and is lighted by a clerestory pierced with three cinquefoil of the house in 1539, when its property was transferred to
openings on each side; on the south side of the nave is a the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. The soil is loam and
piscina: in 1844 the tower was rebuilt by Onley Savill clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
Onley esq. when the chancel was also renovated, and the I barley. The area is 2,967 acres; rateable value, £40433 ;
Decorated nave restored by the late Rev. Charles Forster and the population in 1881 was 745.
B.D. at a cost of £ 2,00?; in the chancel are mural monu- TUMBLER GREEN is I mile north-east; WOOLLENLEY
ments to. Mar~, wife of the Rev. ~amnel Jackson; GREEN I mile north-west.
~ec.tor of Stlsted 1!1 1742 • OJ:.l the north sl~e of the chancel Parish Clerk Alfred Warren.
mSlde. embedded m the wall, IS a brass to Ehzabeth, daughter ' . .
of John Glasscock, gent. of Roxewell and wife of John POST OFFIC~.-Augustus Holton, ~ecelver. Letters arrIve
Wyseman gent. dated 15 84. The register dates from the from Bramtree at 7.45 a.m.; dIspatched at 6 p.m.; 10
year 1538. The living is a rectory, commuted at £750 a a.~. on Sundays.. The nearest money order & telegraph
year, with 154 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of offices are at Bramtree
the Archbishop of Canterbury and held by the Rev. Charles WALL LETTER Box at the Rectory cleared at 5.30 p.m
Feral Tarver M.A. of King's College, Cambridge, canon of Parish School (mixed), William Rutherford, master; Miss
Chester, chaplain in ordinary to the Queen, hon. chaplain Mary Ann Hawkes, infants' mistress
Bridge Francis Cressy, Henhams Chamberlain Stephen, butcher Jeggo William, shoe maker
Savill-Onley Onley D.L., J.P. Stisted hall Clark James, grocer May Fredk. maltster & farmer, Gowers
Tarver Rev. Chas. Feral M.A. [canon of Cooper John, miller May William, farmer, Covenbrook hall
Chester], Rectory I Corder Charles, bricklayer & plasterer Rankin Richard, bricklayer
Cousens Geo. jun. farmer, Jenkins Rayner William, farmer; & at Bocking
COMMERCIAL. Ely Mary Ann (Mrs.), Black Lion, & Smith Peter, farmer, Boultwood
Ardley John Harrington, frmr, Baytree blacksmith Taylor George, wheelwright
Baker Jonathan, farmer, Kentish farm Hawkes James, beer retailer Warren Alfred, shoe maker
Baynes George, farm bailiff to Onley Hawkes John, thatcher Young lsaac, shopkeeper & shoe maker,
Savill-Onley esq. Hall farm Herbert Samuel, beer retailer Blackwater
Brown William, farmer Houlton Augustus, cooper

STOCK (or HARFORD STOCK) is a parish and pleasant road from Chelmsford to BiIlericay, 3 miles south-east from
village situated on the summit of a range of hills on the Ingatestone station, 3 north from BilleriCOlY, 5 south-west
278 STOCK3 ,ESSEX. [ It~Ltlyts
fr{ltJ) Opelmsford and wr from London" in- the- Western esq. Of Bo~ham, tw.r of which are fnt' pOOl' Pel'SOl1S'"Uf thil3
division of the a()UIlty~ Ohelmsford union, hundred anli county ~arish -and two fut' the poor of th~ parish of Boreham,' 'The
C0urt district, Ingatest9lterul'Aloereanery, Essex archdeaconry endo~lllent now- produces about 43 $ich pet seai'>; I '.Foe
and. St. Albans Qioeese. The- chureh -of An Saint! is an 'Chief landowner is Lord Petr!!, who IS also lord of the manor.
ancient building in the Decorated style, oonsisting t)f chancel, The soit is light ~ subsoil, white sand and gravel i 'lleat'
nave, north ais~ and &' timber tewer with Ilhingled ' Galley Wood, on the verge of the parish, a stiff loant pre-
eontaining 3 bells 1 the- chnrch undel'went extensive TeI. 1"aBs, fonnerly called by the inhabitants brick and poitea.rth.o:
pairs in too years 1847-8 'When· ,he interi01' was entirely stock bricks derive their n8lUe from thisplace. The 1\i'ea i~
reseated and the-chan<lel rebuilt ~ the oosll-window'in1lerted 1,849 acreS'; rateable Tame, £3,139 ~ and the population i~
in 1879 wu the gift of MT8. Caoke, whn also- presented .. t88r was 565. . '-
"eredos of stone in 1881 i' on 'an ~ltar 1iomb is 8 brass to Pari~k Clerk, Charle$ Martin. ~. , If
.Richard Twedye esq. if.P. ob. 28 Jan. 1574 with his effigy in PosT & MONEY ORDER OFFICB & Savings Bank.-Alfred
armour in 11. kneeling posture; above- is an escutcheon of Hunt, receiver. Letters arrive through Ingatestone
arms and bel9w eight verses in English recording his at 7.20 a.m.; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. & 10.15 a.m. {la
public .services and benefactions to this parish. The l'egistBi' Iluuday. The nearest telegraph office is at Ingatestone j

dateS' from the yOOl" 1563.' The living is a l'ectory, with SCl'IOOLS:- . I,
R:unsden Bellhouse annexed, joint ~eaply ?alue commuted. Ohurch of England, foT" ·this & the adjoining parish of
at £885, 'Witk a.bout 50 acres of glebe,.in the gift of the Buttsbmy (boys', girls' & infants'), built in ~839 for 141'
trusteell of Mrs. E. P. Gibson and held by Rev. Edward clrildre~ with an average attendance of abont lIO~
Pend~rve8 Gibsoo RA. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Thomas J ohns, master; Miss Annie Browning,' 1ISirl8tant
Lilystone Hall, the residence of Wm. GHlow esq. is pleasantly mistress . I

placed cOn an emineIW6 enjoying extensive view!t of the Catholic (St. Joseph's), avera~ attendance of about '29
tSUITonnding . country ~ there is·1) Catholic chapel in the . children; Miss Elizabeth Griggs, mistress • I

grounds dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Here i1l CARRIERS- TO CHEJ,M8FORD.-James Lazell, monday, wed-
a Congregational chapel. There are four almshouses in the nesday & frida)'; Waiter Taylor, tuesday & friday; to
parisb fOROOed by the above-mel'ltioned Richard Twedye Ingatestone, Waiter Taylor, daily. .
PRIVATB RRSIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Martin Charles, dail1'man
Cologan Rev. William H. [Catholic], Askew George, relieving officer & regis- Mott James, boot & shoe maKer
Lilystone h a l l . trar of births & deaths Mott James jun. boot & shoe maker
Carter Mrs Bacon John, Cock Norris Herbert lsaae, baker
Clark Mrs ' Bird John, plumber, painter & glazier Norris Thomas lsaae, farmer
Cole Mrs Blyth Isaac, farmer, Bellmans Passfield Henry, ~rk butcher
Cooke Mrs. Stock lodge Brazier John, drillman & shopkeeper Riley Luey (Mrs.), day school
Corker William Clover Joseph, miller Sewell James, pork butcher
Daxey Mts Harvey John, fanner Taylor WaIter, carrier
Foster Stephen J6hn . Hunt Alfred, butcher Taylor William, fanner
Gibson Rev. Edward Pendarves B.A.. Jal'vis Henry, bricklayer & shopkeeper Thorogood Joseph, farmer
[rector] Jordan James, Old King'8 Head Warner John, coach builder
Gillow William, Lilystone hall Low William Henry, baker White Joseph, beer retailer '
Parker William' Madle James, market gardener White Samuel, thrashing machine
Slater Miss. &'tock lodge Makings Alfred, saddle & harness maker owner & farmer
STONDON (or STONDON MASSEY, or DE MARCI, the is in the gift of and held by the Rev. Edward James Reeve
8tony down). is a parish in. the Western division of the M.Jr. of St. Peter's CoIleg-e, Cambridge and rural «eMl.~
county, Ongar hundred and union, Brentwood county court Ongar, and surrogate. 'There are 5 acresC811ed Giles charity
district, Lambourne rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and left in 1:574 by Henry Giles,of London, with 5 cottages thereon,
St. Albans diocese, 3 mileS' south-east. from Ongar station, the rent of which, about £17, is diatributed to the pooi' 8f
6 north-west from Brentwood and 132 born London I the the parish: these ~re enlarged and rebuilt by Philip
village consis1;B of a few. scattered houses. Th~ churoh of Herman Meyel"' in 1859; there is also a house and piece of
SS. Peter anp. Paul is a sman building and has been restored land bequeathed f(}lf' the purpose of buying bell-ropes ffIP the'
and enlarged by publiC} sllbscripton. with the additien of 8 church and 58. yearly to 6 or 8 poor widow8, to buy
memorial chapel erected to her late husband, PhilipHerman them waisteoat9, charged on a farm called Brfmk·t1'ee8,
Meyer, by his widow: the ohurch othe;rwise '€oosists of parish of Hatfield, Broad Oak in this county. The widow of
-chancel, nave and shingled belfry with spire oontaining 3 Philip H. Meyer esq. J.P. (now Mrs. Baker) is lady of too
bells j there are mural tablets to the How and Ta-ylot fami· maHor and chief landowner. Stondon Hall is the property
lies and in the tlave is an ancient bmss e~ellentJy pl'esel'ved of Messrs. J smell and Robert John French. The soil is
with fuU length figures-of a man and his wife and an inscri~ mixed j tmbsoil, elay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
tion to Rainold Johngwortb. oh.. 17th April, 1573; the barley. The arE'S is 1,001 acres; rateable TaIlle, £2,025 ~
pulpit and reading d~8k ~l'e of .finely carved oak with the and the population in 1881 was 261.
date 1630 and an oaken screen apparently of the flame Pa?-ish Clerk, William Wrenn. .
period, separates the navEl and ohancel. The register dates Letters throngh Brentwood. There is 8 WALL LETTER Box
from the year 1708 and is said to be very defeotive, especially at the school, cleared at 6 p.m. & 8 a.m. 6n sundays. The
in burials. The living is a.. rectory with residence and 70 nearest money ordel' office is at Kelyedon Hatch &I
acres of glebe: the tithes were commuted at £416, of which telegraph office at Chipping Ongar ,.
£80 is payable from Marks Hall estate i~ the parish o( National 8chOf'l (mixed), built in 1S-44, ror 50 childrel'1,
Margaret Roothing, where was anciently a chapelry, the with an average attendance of 36 ; Miss :Martha Prodgel';
duties of which were performed by the rector of Stondon : it mistress
Elder Henry Hugh, Stondon place Barnes George, commission agent Thomas Richard, farmer, Soap 'house
Reeve Rev. Edward James M.A., 1:1'. Cook Edward, farmer, Canons farm Thomas William, farmer, ShivQrs
[rural dean of Ongar, & surrogate], Gann WaIter, builder Tyler George, farmer bailiff to Cap/.
Rectory Lambert Thos, Wm. farmer, Hallsford AnthonYt Little Myless ,.
Silvanus John, Brook farm Mansfield Rd. grocer & provision dealer Watts Hammond, farmer
Marriott Edwd. fnnr,Woolmonger's frm Webb J ames, farmer, Whipples farm
Mugleston Thomas, farmer, Clap gate Webster Oli"er John, D1-icklayei's' Arms
Asser Willianl, farmer' Pryke Jamee, beer retailer & blacksmith Wooltorton Henry, farmer ri

STOW MARIES, sa named J,om a family of Mareys or considerable expense in 1870-: the original piscina
de St. Mary'&, who held this maI\or under Humphrey de remains, B' alsl;la wer)' intere8ting trefoiled crocketted niche
lJohun, Earl of Hereford and &ls~, till 1389 and is a parish ~n in tbe north"6a8tem wall of the nave: there is an octagonal
the Eastern division of ihe county, Dengie hundred, Maldon font ~ lhere sre sittings for 120 persons. The 'register dates
union and county court district, Maldon rural deanery, Essex from the year 1559. The liTin&! is a reatory4 tithes com.
arehdeaconry and dioe~a$e ot St•.Albllns, 7 miles south-by~ mutelbt£&>o.. with resideooe,in the gift of anjfJbel.dJby too
west from Maldon station .and ;1.1• .south-east from Chelm.. Ran James Coling B .... jOf St. John's College,. {Jambridgel
ford, bounded on the south by the rinr Crouch. The church Lady Falkland'. charity of £:a 28. )'early, the. inwres'
(If St. Mary and St. Mal'garet is an ancient structure, chiefly on, {.70 left iR 117&, is for bread. The principal landowners
in the Perpendicular style, consisting 01 chancel, nave, south are Captain Prowse, Henry Sewell esq. and Rev_A W~
porch and a wooden belfry, surmounted by a short spire Blore. lI'he soil is strong clay: subsoil cl~y', ThEt' chief
at the WI'8~' end 'lCOntainingo one bell, .the building was re- crops are wheat and beans; there is .. large area t>f-pasture'
ltmd.. trM area is 2444 actes' : rateable value, £i,'522 ; and ; .; dfspatched ht-4 p.tu.' L-atchingdou'& MaIatm are
the population in 188 I was 248. .. .. , ' the 'nearest money order- &. 'telegraph uffice8 ,..,>, ,

Parish Clerk, Samuel Pond. School (mixed), built in 1872 for $0 children, With an average
POST OFFICE.-William Graylin, sub-postmaster. Letters 'attendance of 4Z; Miss Harriett Anne Knight, mistress
are received through Maldon by fGot 'post; arrive at 8.30 CARRIER to Chelmsford every friday •

Coling Rev. J ames RA Rectory' . family grocer & general draper, pro- Pond lMward, baker & beer retailer
Carder Joseph, farm bailiff to Alfred vision merchant &c. china, glass & Pond Samuel, wheelwright' .
Hutleyesq earthenware d e a l e r ' Pudney bailiff to HenrySewell
Carter Charles, farm bailiff to' Capt. Green George,farmer'& coal merchant, esq. Stonehall & Little 1Vhitmans
Prowse, Great Haye& ' Little Hayes W:right Robert, Wheatsheaf.
Graylin William, sub-postmaster, Mann Samuel, blacksmith "
. ".'~'" 1;o,t'".,'''.' •• 4

. .. , ".

STRATFORD (or STRATFORD LANGTHORNE), the ford of the and a turret with 1 bell:. there are sittings for 1,250 per-
street or Roman way from London to Colchester, a polling sons, half of which- are free. The register dates from De-
place for the Southern division of the county, is a suburb of cember IOth t 1864. The living is a 'Vicarage, yearly value
London and lies on the -east side of the navigable river Lea £300, in the' gift -of" five trustees -and held by the Rev.
and on the Great Eastern railway, whence the Colchester William Spencer M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford, who
and the Cambridge and the Blackwall and North WooI- resides at Forest gate. The area is 236 acres; the popula-
wich and, the Woodford -and the Tilbury and South- tion in 181'£ was 3,73°. ~
end branch lines diverge: there are three stations, viz. There is a Presbyterian church in Leytonstolle road.
Stratford central station, Stratford Bridge and Maryland The Catholic church of St. Francis of Assisi, opened May
Point :it is 3£ miles
. thfTom .Shoreditch,
f h t is a wardd of the
' h'parish
h 12th ,1 868' t I b ild'mg In
,IS arec angn ar u
. the Ital'laD s t y Je. WI'th
o f W es t H am, m e umon 0 t a name an WIt III t e l l t th h ta" b 11 d
jurisdiction of the central, criminal court and metropolitan a s~ed tower :v~r£6 e p~r,~ ~~n ~mng I e an was
police, in the Bow county court district, rural. deanery of I erec a a cos ~ ~OOQ. I ~l sea ~~.. .
Barking, archleaconryof Essex and diocese of St. Albans 'l;'he Congregatlon.ahsts, Ba~tlsts, Prlmltnre MethodIsts,
and in the Eastern metropolitan postal district: it is united Umted Free MethodIsts and'"' esleyans have chapels here.
to Stratford-Ie-Bow, in Middlesex, by a bridge over the river The Town hall, a building in the Italian style, opened
Lea: tramways are laid down from the Broadway to Ald- July 7th, 1869, by Sir Thomas Western, lord lieutenant of
gate. the COllllty and is situated at the corner of ""est Ham lane
Stratford is included in the local board district of West Ham. and the Broadway ~ Stratford, with a frontage of 102 feet in
St. John's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in r844 from the Broadway and. 112 in West. a~m. lane. The fa<;ade
the mother parish of 'West Ham; the church situated in the to~ard.s the Broadway has two p1'lI?-clpal storeys, from
centre of the town where the main road from the east of whICh III front of the entrance IS projected a colonnade of
London diverges t~wards Romford and Leytonstone, . is an rusticated work, ris~ng ~nto ~ spacious balcony supported .on
-edifice in the Early English style and was built in r834 as a columns and termmatmg Ill. a .balustraded parapet, WIth
chapel of ease to the parish of West Ham, becoming 13. parish of statuary: above .thls IS a suppl~meut~rr sto.rey
church about 1859 ; it was erected at a cost of £23,000, of SimIlarly tr~ated; to. the rIght o~ the, mam bmldmg IS a
which £18,000 was raised by snbscription and the remainder well-propor~lOned tower 100 ,feet ID heIght, crowned by a
advanced on security of the rate~ I the church consists of coved. dO.ll11cal roof.. supportmg a smal~ turret, and vaqe:
chancel, nave, aisles and tower: the land was given by the t~e prlll~lpal front IS ~f ston~, the portICO and other I?or-
late Lord Mornington then Tylney' Long Wellesley Pole twns bemg adorned WIth pohshed columns of red gramte:
esq. of Wanstead and T. Humphreys esq. kll:ds of the I this. building is .occupied b~ the o~cers of the local board,
manor. The register dates from theyear 1859. The living engmeer and surveyor, .nmsance lllspector, school board,
is a vicarage so constituted in 1868, yearly value £3 10 and vestry clerk and of varIOUS local collectors and ~as on the
is in the gift of the vicar of West Ham and held by the Rev. ground. floor a larg~ hall 79 !ee~ long, 30 feet :WIde and as
Raymond Perey Pelly M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. I man~· hIgh; a fire-brIgade .statIOn IS on the ,,".est SIde. Messrs.
The area is 301 acres"; the population in 1871 was 10,834. Lewls Ange~l and John Glles were ~he archlt~ctS. . .
Christ Church is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 185 2 On the .~n:er Lee are flour. nuns, chemIcal and.. prm1i
from the mother parish of 'Vest Ham ~ the church, in High works, artdicml manure fact.orles, so~p .and. candle works,
street, erected ill 1851, is a stone building in the Decorated vesta and match .manufactoTles and d\stllle1'les. ~ market
iityle, consisting of chancel, nave and aisles, with tower and ~o: ,:egetables, fl'l1lt, roots ~nd stra~. has been estabhshed, ad-
spire. The register dates from the year 185 2 . The living is Jo:mng the Stratford BrIdge statlOn, by the Great Eastern
a vicarage, yearly value £3 00, with residence, in the gift of r~l~way company, who have constructed warehouses and
trustees and held by the Rev. Charles William Servante. sldmgs for the development of the trade. . .
The area is 405 acres; the population in 18 71 was 4,000. The abbey of S~ratford Langthorne for qlsterCIan monks
STRATFORD NEW TOWN, formerly called HUDSON'S TOWN,was !ounded here m 1,134, th~ abbot of whICh.was a.lord of
IS a part of Stratford. adjoining the Angel lane railway Parliament and of whICh the lllCOme at the dIssolutIOn was
station.' £573 15s. 6d.: there are now no remains of the building,
St. Paul Stratford New Town was formed into an eccle- except perhaps the Abbey mills. George Edwards, the
siastical p~rish from the mothe~ parish of 'West Ham, in naturalist, was born here in 1692 and was also buried here.
I865. The church, situated in the Maryland road, is a plain The population of the Stratford ward in the West Ham
brick building, consisting of aspidal chancel, nave, aisles. local district in 18-71 was 23,286.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST & MONEY ORDER & TELBGRAPH OFFICE, Savings B1dlding Inspector, T. H. Raiman
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, branch Chief Sanitary Inspector, WiUiam Horn
of eastern district, Martin street· . . Inspector af Nuisances, William Evans &; 1Villiam Allen
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICES & Savings Banks, 288 Collectors, Thomas 1Vatton, Charles W. AshdoWR & J. J.
Romford road-William Stock, receiver;. 137' Romford Richardson
road-Alfred Taoks Harding, receiver; Market place, INSURANCE! AGExTS:-
Leytonstoneroad, New town-Robert Canham, receiver; County Fire, G. Gwinn, 7 the Grove; J. Henden; P. 're
64 High street John Osborne, receiver; 271 High street Little, 372 High street; H. Ough, 62 Rornford road ,
-John Lines, receiver; Leyton Toad, New town~John Guardian, lL Frewer, Heath lodge, ~\venue road, Forest gate'
Butler, reeeiver; 170 Maryland l'oad-8idney Thomas Hand-in-Hand, F. C. Blackburn, Rokeby house .
Fisk & Co. receivers. ". Phceni:r Fire, G. More, 267 Romford road; A. E. Smith,
pn.LAR LETTHR BoXES, Broadway; Maryland Point; & ah 153 Romford road; &; T. Willis, 158 The GroTe
Stratford & Stratford Bridge railway stations. Provident Lift', P. T. Little, 372 High street.; & H. Ough,
WEST HAM LOCAL BOARD. 62 Romford road .
Offices, Town hall, Broadway.' Queen,.(t. W. Miller, Elm ~de, Deanery road
Clerk, Frederic Edward Hilleary M.A' l M.L Sun Fire, J. Rivett, High stree"
Medical Officer, Thomas Drake PuBLIC' ESTABLISHMBNTS: .
Engineer <f Suneyor, Lewis AngeH e.i: Essex (1st) A1·tillery ToZunU!e'l'.~ (comprising 10 batt~ries)~
. A.wstcm$ SUNey01' 1. G. Killey bead quarteri of the brigade & NOl!.3 to 7 & 9 & 10



batteries, Romford road~ Samuel L. Howard, It.~l.; United F1't~ Methodist CltUl'cll, Bridge road; I I a.m. &
Capt. Augustu8 J. Hill R.II.A. adjutant; Edwin J. Scott, 6.30 p.m.; mono 7. 30 p.m
quarter ma8ter ; John B. Kennedy & Rae Corbet, surgeons; WtMleya1l Chapel, The GroTe; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
SI. Evans, surgeon; Rev. Wm. Spencer H.A. acting 1 p.m. & Mt, 8 p.m
chaplain Rational Christian Church, Broadway, ReT. Thomas Crow~
Inland Revenue Office, The Grove, W. C. Lock, surveyor of minister; 11 a,m. et 6.30 p.m
taxes; James Hayford, supervisor of inland Tevenue SCHOOLS:-
Magistrates' Court RoQ1Tl., Great East.ern road, open every Wed Ha,.,~ School Boad, offices, Town hall; clerk,
day except saturdays & sundays; magistrates meet every Jeremiah Self: architect, J. T. Newman, senior assistant.
wednesday; Clifton & Haynes, clerks • clerk, C. W. Carrell; superintendent of visitors, Henry
Metropolitan. Police Station, West Ham lane Madden
Town HaU, Broadway, Charles Iyan, keeper Board Schools, Channelsea road, D. Webbe, master; Miss
West Ham Burial Board~ Town han, Jeremiah Self, clerk E. 8tevenson, mistress; Miss Alice Hovell, infants' mis-
West Ham Fire Brigade, Station, .Broadway, Wm. Jones, tress; High street, John William Smith, master; Miss
superintendent Annie Ware, mistress i Mrs. Emily Silversides, infants'
PtmLIC OFFICERS:.- mistress: Maryland Point, William Crouch, head master;
GeOl'ge Baldock, Henry Herbert, John S. Ashplant, assis-
Clerk to the Burial Bom'd, Jeremiah Self, The Grove
tant masters; North street, Nelf 'rown; Miss Cl;l.roline-
Clerk to the West Hmn Board of Gum'dians 4' the .Assess- Parker, mistress
menl Committee, Frederic Ed'ward Hilleary M.A. X.L. Abbey School, John E. Dam, master i Miss ElIen Simonds~
Town hall, Broadway girls' mistress; Miss Sophia Stevens, infants' mistress
Collector of Water Rate, Charles P. Hurann, Disraeli road British (Stratford & West Ham), Bridge road, J. J.
Inland RevenlUJ Officer, Frederick Abbott, 12 Romford road Morrell, master; Mr. Sidler,', Mr. Edwicker, assistant
Collector of Poor Rates, WiHiam Hopkins masters
Registmr of Births & Deaths, Thomas James Vallance M.D. Grey Girls, Miss Mary Tebbs, mistress
Romford road Christ Church National, High street, Mrs. Emily Moorman,.
Registrar of Marriages, Charles WiIliam Ashdown, 241 mistress
Romford road National, Chart square, Henry John Millard, master ~
Relieving Officer, No. I district, West Ham union, J. George Housden, assistant master; Miss Gabrilla Stilly~
Carter, High street mistress; Mrs. Marian L. Brasuer, infantll' mistress
Superintendent Registrar, Frederic E. Hilleary X.A. X,L. St. Paul's Natitmal, Maryland road (boys & girls), A. J.
Town hall; deputy, John J ames Mulley~ Florence villa, Clarkson, master; J. Coatee, J, Cross & T, Potter, assis-
Water lane tant masters; Mrs. Eliza I ay, mistress; Mrs, Mary
Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Jas. Bayford; 154 The Grove Goodwin, assistant mistress; Miss Emma Rayson, infants~
Surveyor of Ta.xes, Thomas Wallace Foyer mistress
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with hours of services:- Catholic (mixed), Grove Crescent road, James Gillis Cock-
St. John's Church, Broadway, Rev. Raymond Perey Pelley burn~ master
M.A. vicar; I t a.m. & 6.30 p.m. i week days 8 a.m. & Free Ragged, Chapel street, Alfred Jennings, master i Miss
7.15 p.m Edith Baker, mistress
Christ Church, High street, Rev. Charles William Servan te, Great Eastern Railway (boys), Maryland street, Charles
incumbent; 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. i thur. 8 p,m Buckingham, master
St. Paul's Ohurch, Maryland road, New town, Rev. WilIiam NEWSPAPERS :-:-
Spencer X.A. vicar; 11 a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; daily 8 Essex Times 4' Romford Telegraph, 20 Broadway, Wilson k
p,m. ; saints' day 9 a.m Whitworth, proprietors; published 'WP.dnesday & saturday
St. John's Mi5sion Chapel, Chant square; 11 a.m & 8.30 Stratford Express, 20 Broadway, Wilson & Whitworth,.
p,m.; wed. 7 p.m proprietors & publishers i published Saturday
Catholic Church of St. Francis of A5sisi. Grove Crescent Stratjwd et South J:..'!su Advertiser, 272 High street, O. T.
road, Rev. Francis Verhagen; Rev. Germain Verleyer; Little, proprietor i published friday
Rev. Aidan McCarthey (guardian); Rev. W. James Egan; Stratfwd Times, 20 Broadway, Wilson & Whitworth, pro-
Rev. Rede Wrigley & Rev. Columban Ellison, priests; prietors & publishers; published wednesday
8. 9, 10 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily 6.30, 7 & 8 a.m. i .RAILWAY STATIONS ':-.-
tues. wed. thur. & fri. 8 p.m Central, Station street & Angel lane, Henry Clark Francis,.
Presbyterian ChUl'ch, Leytonstone road, Maryland, Rev. station master
Geo. Wilson, minister; I I a.m. & 6,30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p,m Maryland, Samuel Woods, station master
Baptist Chapel, Carpenter's road, Rev. Geo. Head Towner; Stratford Bridge, Bridge road,lsaac John Pryke, statim)
11 a.m.; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m master
Baptist Chapel, Romford road (110 appointment as yet) CONVEYANCE TO LoNDON:-
Baptist Chapel, The Grove, ReT. J. H. Banfield, minister; Omnibuses from the Swan hotel, Broadway, to the
I I a.m, & 6.30 p.m.; mono & wed. 7.30 p.m • Dolphin,' Oxford street every half hour, from 8 a,m. t()o
Congregational Mission Room, Leyton road, New town; 7 lop.m
p.m.; wed. 7.45 p.m Tramway cars fr lm Broadway to .Aldgate every 5 minutes.
Crmgregational Church, Grove Crescent road, Rev. James from 1.30 a.m. to I I p.m. ; from Broadway to Leytonstone-
Knaggs, minister; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m; thur.7 p.m every 15 minutes from 8 a,m to 10 p,m.; tramwayomni-
Primitive Methodist Chapel, Chapel street; 11 a.m. & 6.30 buses from 'Princess Alice,' Romford road, every half-
p,m.; thur. 7.30 p,m hour from 8.15 a.m. to 10 p.m
Primitive Methodist (Ebenezer) Chapel, Henniker road, CARRIERS TO LONDON.-William Bushman & R. Sholl pass.
New town; 11 a,m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 1.30 p,m through from West Ham, daily. Carriers from IUord~
Primitive Methodist Chapel, Major road, New town; I I a.m. Romford, Barking, Plaistow, Woodford & Leytonstone
& 6.30 p.m,; wed. 7'30 p.m pass through daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Angell Lewis C.B. Burleigh ho. The Grove Barber Mrs. I I Deanery road
Ablett John Chas. 2 Grove Crescent rd Appleton Henry, 245 Romford road Barber Mrs. 6 Manbey rd. Stratford gn
Abrahams Robert, 169 Romford road Archer Miss, 6 Mrkt. pt Leytonstone rd Barker Andrew, 178 High street
.Alexander Fredk. John, Margery Pk. rd Armstrong Edward, 10 Manbey grove, Barlow Benjamin Irlam,I90Romford rd
.AlIen Dvd. 14 Manbey gro. Stratford gn Stratford green Barnard Henry, 19 Vicarage lane
.AlIen David, 326 Romford road Ashdown Ohas.WiIliam, 241 Romford rd Barnell Goorge, 304 Romford road
.AlIen Goorge, 51 Batavia oottages, Ashley James, 103 Romford road Earrett Joseph~ 316 Romford road
Chandos road, New town Atherton John, 199 Romford road Barrett Rt. Montague, 26<} Romford rd
.AlIen George, 3 The GroTe Atkinson Jas. Erato vii. Leytonstone rd Bartram Robt. Chas. 201 Romford I'd
AlIen Mrs. 2 Batavia cottages, Chandos Atkinson John Wm. 143 Romford rd Bastard Richard, 198 Romford road
TOad, New town Atkinson Mrs. 105 Romford road Batting John, 1 Leah tel'. Stratford go
Allen Mrs. 8 Romford road Badcock Mrs. 294 Romford road Buter Frederick,4 Argyle ter.Water la
.Allinson Mrs. 188 Romford road Bailey Mrs. 154 Romford road Bayford Jas. 8 HolIyter.Leytonstonerd
Allman Austin Henry, 44 Manbey grove, Bailey WilIiam. 119 Romford road BayleyWm.Chas.6 Chobham rd.New tn
Stratford green Balding Thomas, 192 Romford road BeaD Mrs. 63 Romford road
AUtre Capt. Wm. Geo. 239 Romford I'd Ball Mrs. 20 Chobham road, New town .8eIl.r Henry, 185 Romford road
Alment Edward, 19+ Romford road Banfield Rev. J. H. [Baptist], Edith villa, Beard Mrs. Disraelhoad
AndersoD James, 159 Romford road Water lane Beardwood WilIiam, 356 Romford road

Bearman Charles, 23 Manbey grove Cottee Chas.Rd.ISLeah ter.8tratJord go Gentry JohIlt I Crownfield place, Ley-
Begent Thomas, 331 Romford road Cottee William, Stratford grellD tollBtone road
Bell Archibald, 27 Vicarage lane Coulbowen AlOOrt, 17 Vicarage lane Gibbs James, 2 Crownfield place, Ley",
Bennett Mrs. 125 Romford road Courtney Geo. Hy. RutJand ho. The Gro tonstone road
Biddle George, Sidney house, Water la Coward James, Holly villa, I Water la Gidney Jeremiah WIJl. 200 Romford. rd
Birch Morris, 2]6 Romford road Cowbro Lewis, 183 Romford road Gilders George, 3 Grove viis. The Grove
Bishop Thomas, 312 Romford road Cowland J oseph, The Grove Gillham Alfred, I Beaconsfield villas,.
Blake Mrs. 4 Argyle ter. Msrgery Pk. rd Cowles Charles, 37 Broadway &; West Disraeli road
Blows Joseph Thomas, The Grove Ham lane e Gillies Malcolm, 4 Waddington terrace.
Blyth Mrs. The Elms, Stratford green Cox Alt. 48 Manbey gro. Stratford gn Windmill lane, New town
Boardman Clement, Magnolia house, Cox John Wm. Fredk. 119 Romford rd Girling Samuel Jamea, 30 ManOOy
Stratford green Cox Wm. 84 Chobham road, New town grove, Stratford green
Boardman Henry, 2 Romford villas, Craig William, 15 Vicarage lane Gissing John. 86 Chobham rd..New tWD
Leytonstone road Creed Thomas Brittain, 2 Manbey Park Gladding Robert, 217 Romford. road
BOtTodell Thos. 14 Leak ter. Stratford gn terrace, The Grove Glenny Mrs. 336 RomftJrd road
BoultonJas. 21 ManOOy gro. Stratford gn Croney Thomas Charles, Augusta villa, Glover William, 10 Romford road
Boulton William, 14 Deanery road Margery Park road Goodman \Villiam, 4 Grove villas
Breeze Herbert Glendenning, 45 Chob- Crowley Wm. Henry, 179 Romford rd Goodson William L.R.C.P. Edin. 3BuxtoD
ham road, New town Curtis John, 148 The Grove yillas, Le)'tonstone road
Bremner Mrs. 135 Romford road Cumberland Arthur, 229 Romford road Goss James, The Cedars, Stratford gra
Brent George, 161 Romford road Curtis Edwin,Mortimer Idg.Romford rd Gower Frederick, 168 High street
BreSiY Edward, 209 Romford road Curtis Mrs. 61 Romford road Graham William, 115 Romford road
Brice John. 2 Cliff terrace, Manbey Dangerfield Frederick George,43 ChoD- Gray Andrew, Newlyn ho. Water lane
Park terrace, Grove ham road, New town Gray Tom Edward, Fern lodge,Leyton-
Brice Mrs. 2 Chobham road, New town Davis Charles Henry, 49 Broadway stone road
Brock Edward, 191 Romford road Davis Henry Louis, 108 Romford road Gredley Edmund, 1 Gurney villas, Ley-
Brooks Capt. William James Tayer, Davis Pool Field, Eliza cottage,Chandos tonstone road
Milton house, Grove, Crescent road road, New town Greenwood Paul Alex. 334 Romford rd
Brooks John, 66 Chobham road Dawson Hy. 31 Chobham rd. New town Gregar William, I Grove Crescent road
Brown Alfrd.4S Manbey gro.Stratford gn Dawson William, May lodge, Leyton- Gritliths John, 4 Crowndale place, Ley-
Bryce David Raphael,34 Chobham road, stone road tonstone road
Newtowu Deason Mrs. 41 Chobham rd. New town Griffiths \\'il1iam, Willifred cottage,
Buchan Greigg, 9 Romford road Deason William, I Norris place, High st Margery Park road
Buchan Peter M.D. 9 Romford road Dellow Frederick, 196 Romford road Grogono Walker Atkins L.R.C.P. Edin.
Budgett John Alfred Henry, The Grove Dexter RoOOrt, 206 Romford road 216 High street
Buffham John, 5 Argyle ter. Water la Dickson John Robert, 255 Romford rd Grunbaum Herrman AlOOrt Otto
Buffham Seth, 34 Manbey grove, Dorton John, 6 Maryland point,Leyt{)n- Emil, 10 William street
Stratford green stone road Gunn Henry, 18 Manbey grove, Strat-
Bullions Mrs. 186 High street Dowsett Jas. IQ Chobham rd.Newtown ford green
Bullock Mrs. 66 Romford road Drake Arthur John L.R.C.P. Lond. 2 Gwinn George, 7 The Grove
Burford Ephraim, 3 Crownfield place, Romford road Habgood Charles, 7 Margery Park road
Leytonstone road Drake Thomas, 207 Romford road Hall John Rodger, The Grove
Burford James, 18 Burford street Duck Robert, May bnk. Margery Pk. rd Hall Mrs. William, The Grove
BurnettRobt.19Manbey gro.Stratford gn Dutton Miss, 25 Chobham road Hamilton John Burnett L.B.C.P. Edin.
Burrows Hy.1 Ingham pl.Leytonstone rd Eccles George, Chesnut ho. The Grove 34 Maryland point
Burt Col. Geo. Raymond, 82 Romford rd Edenborough Clarence, I Northumber- Hanscomb Robert, 202 Romford road
Burton Mrs. 140 Romford road land terrace, Margery Park road Hardy Mrs. 57 Chobham rd. New town
Bush Frederick Augustus, Fraser house, Edgington Miss, 4 Ponder ter. Water la Hargreaves Henry, 177 Romford road
Margery Park road Edwards Geo. Canning, 178 Romford rd Harmer Samuel, 4 Holly terrace, Ley.
Cameron William, 54 Margery Pk. rd Edwards George Wm. 86 Romford rd tonstone road
Canham Herbert, 277 Romford road Egan Rev. James [Catholic], Grove Harrington John, 167 Romford road
Carter Albert, 4 Chobham rd. New town Crescent road Harris George,II6 Chobham rd.Newtn
Carter J ames, I Grove villas, The Grove Ellis Joseph, I Gurney cottages, Ley- Hart John Cecil,205 High street
Carter John, 184 High street tonstone road Hart Mrs. 123 Romford road
Carter William, 180 High street Ellis William Henr)', 5 Waddington Harveston WiIliam, Avenue cottage,,-
Cartwright Zachariah, 203 Romford rd terrace, Windmill lane, New town Manbey road
Cassleton Edmund. 55 Romford road Ellison Rev. Columban [Catholic], Haskew Waiter Ceeil, 26 Chobham
Catchpool Mrs. Lay cot. Leytonstone rd Grove Crescent road road, New town
Catley J. 80 Romford road Evans James, 2 Gurney villas, Leyton- Hasted William, 98 Romford road
Chalkley Henry George, Romford roae! stone road Hawkins Frederick, I Valentine villas,
Chandler Wm. 4 Pk. ter. Margery Pk. rd Evans John, 94 Romfordroad Disraeli road
Chapman Sampson George, 3 Wadding- Evennett Edward Lawrence, 1I8 Chob- Hay William, 5 Grove Crescent road
ton terrace, Windmill lane, New town ham road, New town Hazell William, 51 Chobham rd.New tn
Chatwood John, 4 Beaconsfield villas, Fairman Robert, 42 Manbey grove, Hedingtoll Joseph, 8 Market place,
Disraeli road Stratford green Leytonstone road
Cheffin John, 219 Romford road Fenwick John, 7 Holly terrace, Leyton- Henderson Thomas Mowbray lLD. 172
Chester Horace, 12 Manbey groYe, stone road The Grove
Stratford green J<'ern Mrs. 53 Romford road Hepburn Thomas, 22 Chobham road,
Childs Mrs. 9 Market pI. Leytonston rd Field Mrs. 308 ~omford road New town
Chubb Henry Thomas, 3 West Ham Finch Alexander, 2 Valentine ,'illas, HerOOrt Joseph,37 Chobham rd.New tn
villas, Leytonstone road Disraeli road Hetherington Thomas, 10 Holly terrace,
CJark John, lnverwey house, Margery Findlay J ames, 270 Romford road Leytonstone road
Park road Fisher Thomas, 197 Romford road Hewes Thomas, 246 Romford road
Clark J n. 28 Manbey grove, Stratford gn Fitzpatrick Samuel, 2 Waddington ter- Hill John Victor, 23 Vicarage lane
Clarke Wm. John, 195 Romford road race, Windmill lane, New town Hilleary Frederic Edward M.A., M.L.
Clay Mrs. 6 The Grove Focknell Edmund, 33 Maryland point Bleak house, Stratford green
Clegg Wm. 23 Chobham rd. New town Foot George Wilkinson, 338 Romford rd Hilleary Gustavus Edward, 187 Rom·
Clement Mrs. I Argyle ter. Water Jane Forsyth Woodford, 328 Romford road ford road
Clifton Kenyon Edward, 6g Romford rd Fox James, 244 Romford road Hine Alfred Leonard, Eppingdale, Ley-
Coates Nicholas ·Ohas. 152 Romford rd Froggett Mrs. 1 Wanstead villas, Ley- tonstone road
ColeAlexander,Richmond ho.Romford rd tonstone road Hitchcock J oseph, 46 ManOO,- grove,
Collier Edwd. 139 Chobham rd. New tn Frost Mrs. I Chobham rd. New town Stratford green
Collins Mrs. 32 Maryland point Fry Charles Jas. 3 Argyle ter. Water la Hodges James, 15 Manbe:r grove, Strat-
Colquhoun Robt. Hy. 124 Chobham rd Fuller George, 21 I Romford road ford green
Compton John, 162 Romford road Fuller John, 164 Romford road \ Holdsworth William, Deanery house,
Cook James, 7 Argyle terrace, Water la Gall Charles, 3 Maria ter. Stratforit grn' Stratford green
Cook John, 138 Romford road Geere Thomas, 59 Broadway I Holdway Thomas, 102 Romford road
Cooper Mrs. 4 Westbury road Geere WaIter, 175 Romford road I Holford Th08. Constantine, 342 High 8\


Honam~ J 3mesChaTte8,Mat'g~I1· McDonl\ld.Jo'hn, B~ TiUa,Deaneryrd Prendergasf. Re¥. '(..Jam.. Fi.I'lild..
Holland Mrs. 230 RomfOl"d road . _ McPhersOll George, ~ Argyle terrace, Th. A.X,O.L. I Vicarage lane • J.
Hollings'Worth Wm.Thos.56Romford I'd Margery Park, 'rood- , . tI Preston Stanley Riohd. ~¥t The Grove- t
Holloway Mrs. 22 Manbey grove~ Stt~t- Mainland Capt. Davidl' 8 The Groye· Price Mrs. Hertie ,;lla, Water lane- .•
ford green Mainw.aringCharles, S Northumberland Friddy Samue)., I ManaiY, YiUas, Man...
Holmden Alfred, 10 Msrgery Park Toad terrace, Margery Park road • bey gr&T8, Stratfom .green (
.Holmes FTancis, Mande villa,Disraeli M ManseU James, Crowntield house, Ley- Punnett Wm. Florence. villa.,. Disraeli td
Holdsworth W. J. 3 Grange terrace, tonstone r o a d , • RandaIl Htntry, IQ Deanery l'oad
• Stratford g r e e n . MarshaU Jsph. Gilbert Blail', Martin st RandaIl Hy. 9 Manbey gro. Stratford gm
Holtermann William,3o Maryland point Martin Arthll1' Burnett, !256 Romford m Ratcliff Roberti d Romford road
Hopwood. James, 122 Chobham road, Martin: Frederick Samuel, High Meades Rayment Arthur, 11 Manbey .grove,
New town house, Martin street Stratford green
Homsey WiUiam Ge6. !2Il High street Mather Robert Brod.i~ l Deanery road Rayner Stilling1leet,38 Angel pl.New two.
Hose Joseph, 320 RomfoM road MathiesoD James, 74 Romford road Rea John,Milltield ho.Grove Crescentrd
Hosfo.rd John Strond L.B.C.I'. Edin. The Maw Jas. Blenheim ho. Margery Pk. rd Rea Thoma8, 114 Chobham rd. New two.
Grove May James Pearson, 32 Romford road Richards John, 318 Homford road
Howell John, 6 Ingham place, Leyton- Maynard Miss, 2 Argyle tel'. Water lane Richard80n Miss, 260 Romford road ,
stone-road Mean BenjamiR, 176 Romford J:oad.· RichardaOll Mps. 49 Chobham Toad,..
Hudson John; 36 RomfoTd road Meech Peter, 146 Ramfonl road New town 1
Hughes William, 157 Romfom road Meeson John~ J7r Romfom road Rickett James,2 West Ham vi-llas, Lay...
Huntley Hoadley Joseph, 3 :park ter- Mickleread David, 64 Romford road tonston& road i • .
race, Margery Park road Milne Thomas. 218 Romford, Toad Rivett Jame8, 34 Romford road
Hussey Charles, J48 Romford roan Mitchell Adorn, 3 Wanstead villBs, ~ Rivett. Lewis, 3Q Manley groTe, St1'8t..
Hutchion William, 25 Manbey grove, tonstone road fom green
Stratford green Mitchell James, Leytonstone road Rix Edward, 145 Romford road
Imrie John,"] Grove Crescent road Mitchell Mrs.l Maria tel'. Stratford grn Robbins James •.:is. 190 Chobham t'oad,
Inkpen Wm. 19 Chobham rd. New town Mitchell William, 176 High street New to",n
Jackson 080. Lime villa,Leytonstone rd Mitcheson John, 'rhe Grove Roberts George, ~:n5 Romford road
Jefferies John, 174 High street Moore Henry, 360 Romford road Roberts Robert, Bay ldge.Stratfrd. green
Jeune Frederick Chas. 106 Romford rd Mool'e Henry Charles,67 Romfom road Roberts Waiter, 193 Homford road.
Jex Robert Yaxley, Dupplin house, Moore Mrs. 214 Romford road Rolfe Philemon, 3S4 Romford road
Romfom road More George, 261 Romfom road RoUe Walter,4 1 Manbey grove, Strat·
JexWm.Orlando,ClarenceTls.Deanry.rd Morley John, 302 Romfordoroad
I foro green
Jobson Wm. 27 Chobham m. New town I Morris Benjamin Reed, 39 Chobham Rosenbaum Louis~ 29 Manbey grove, .
Johnson William, 172 High street Toad, New town Stratforo green
Jones George, 184 Romford road MorrisJames,IHollyter.LeytOOlstonerd Ross Charles, 2 TheHollies,Strtfrd.~
Jones William, 249 Romford road Morsley John, 210 Romford mad Ross Charles, 212 HQmford road
Josling Mrs. 13 Deanery road Mulley John Jas. Florence villa,Water la Rumbold William John, Pl)'lIlpton
KaIl William, 40 Margery Park Toad Musson Thomas, 71 Romforo place villa, High street
Kennedy In. Blydesteyn,165 Romford rd I Nash Chln'les, Trent villa, WateT lane Russell Maurice,2 Grove ..-ils. The Grove
Kennett Hezekiah, 5 Ingham place, Neat William, 1 Cornwall villas, Mar- Ryder Henry JohR, 141 Romford road
Leytonstone road • gery Park TOad Sampson WIlliam, 322 Romford road
King In. 2 Argyle ter. Margery Park m Needham Joseph, 240 Romford road Sanderson Charles. 10 Romford road
King Mrs. 76 Chobham road, New town Newman Jolm Thomas,224 Romford rd Sandys Henry Marton, Qi Vicapage lane

King Mrs. 5 Vicarage lane ~ Newton Georgo,9 Maryland point Sansom Jolul Dowding, 6 Holly terrace,
Kinnard WilIiam Hal'rison, I Sycamore Nicholas LleweHyn, 54 Romford road Leytonstone r08d
villas, Leytonstone Toad Nicholas Richard Goo. 69 Romford rd Sanson William, 129 Romford road
Kirby George Foster, 4 The Gl'O,-e Nicholas Thomas Black, 232 Romford rd Saul Mrs. The Orange, Stratford green
Kirk Mrs. 78 Romford road' Nicholls Henry, 6 Arg)'le tel'. Water la I Savill Ebenezer, The Hollies, Strtfrd_grn
Kitson James, 142 Romford road ~ Noms Mrs.31 Manbey gpo.Stratford gm Seott George- Tickell, 92 Romford r8ad
Knaggs Rev. James [Congregational], NortbChss. I Manbeygro.Stratfordgrn Seott Joseph, Willow ho. Stratford grn
173 Romford road North George, 3 Manbey villas, Manbey Soovey Andrew, 287 Romford road
Knight Thos. 21 Chobham rd. New two grove, Stratford green Sears Miss, 2 Alma st. Strtfm. New twn
Kraushaar Wm. Jas. 2 Margery Pk. vIs North Samuel Eli, 186 Romford road Sedders Henry William, 183 High st
Lake Wm. Ed. 29 Chobham rd. New twn Oakey Geo. 5 Park vl~. Margery Pk. rd Sedgwick Richard, 3 Maryland point
Lamarque Frederick, 23 Romford road O'Brien Russell J. IlI.B. 2'J!2 Romford rd Self George,Roxburgh ho. 57 Romfrd. rd
Lambert Joseph, 248 Romford road OdClyMrs.2Sycamore vls.Leytonstone rd Servante .He,-. Charles William, Christ
LaneThos.2Wanstead vls.Leytonstne. rd O'KeefeChas.34Manbeygro.Strntfrd. grn Church vica.rage, High street
Lankester Rbt.Laurence,15oRomford rd Ough Henry, 62 Romford road Sesemann Henry, 6 Crownfield place,
Latter John Atherton, 29 Vicarage lane Owen Samuel, 110 Romford Toad Leytollstone road
Lee George, 268 Rom(ord Toad Page Joseph, 265 Romford road Sharp Ueorge James, 2 Clarence villas,
Lee Henry, Fairlight house, Deanery rd Palmer In. T. 80Chobham m. New twn Deaneryroad James, 3 Argyle tel'. Margery PIt. rd Palmer Thomas William, 5"1 Broadway Sharp Mrs. 205 Romford road
Lee James, 236 RomfoTd road Paris James, 53 Mll.rgery Park road Sheldrick George, 51 Romford road
Lee Mrs. Hopeburn ho. Margery Pk. 1'0 Parker HenrY,78 Chobham rd. Newtwn ~hepherd John,47 Chobham rd. New tn
Lee William Harris, 163 Romfom road Parker James, 203 High street Small George William, Eva villa, Ley-
Lewis Jas. 8 Chobham road, New town Passingham George, 243 Romford road ton8tono road
Line George, 3S Chobham M. New town Paulin Thomas, 314 Romford road Smallwood Miss, 3 Holly terrace, Le~··
Line Thomas, Disraeli road Peck Richard, 59 Romford road tonstone road
Ling Mrs. 144 Romf01'd road Pedley Mrs. S2 Romford road Smeeton James, 9 Grove Crescent road
Lintott Mrs. 296 Romford road Perkins Thomas, 61 Broadway Smellie William,.90 Romford road
LivermoTe Wm. Chas. !250 Romford I'd Perrie Williarn, 112 Romford road Smith Alfred Edward, 153 Romforo rd
Loane John, 238 Romford Toad Perry Jacob, Stanley house, Disraeli rd Smith Jt'rederick, 84 Homford Toad
Lockett James, 221 Romford road Perry Mrs. 50 Manbey gro. Stratford grn Smith John Moore, Hokeby ho. Brdn,.
Luckin In. 5 Manbey gro. Stratford grn Peters Charles, 222 Romford road Spare Mr8. 3 Chobham road, New toWll
Lysnar Edward, 139 Romford road Peters Peter, Monte Christo, Romford rd Spencer Mrs. 13 Deanery road
MacAllen George, 6 Waddington teT- PilklngtonMrs.43Manbey Spink Wm. 4 Huxton viis. Leytnstne rd
race, Windmill lane, New town . Pincombe David, I Park te1'n\ce, Mat- Springall John, Plymouth Tilla, High s1i
J4cCarthey ReT. Aidan [Catholic] ,Grove gery Park Toad SpringeI' William, 155 Romford road
Crescent road Pitchford John, Manbet house,Water 1& Squires Henry, IiI Huxton ,:illas, Leyton-
lIcCarty John Winspea-re H.D. I Claren- Pitman MrIL33 Manbey gro.Stratford gn stone road
don terrace, Leytonstone road· Platt MrS. 228 Rornford road Stafford Thomas Lee, lI6 Mllnbey grove,:
McCleary John, 11 Vicarage lane Pollard Jas. 5 Holly tel'. Leytonlltone I'd Stratf01'd green •
McDonald Edwin. 16, l\1anbey grofe, Pollam ;Jame8" William, t Ar~le tor- SteTen8 Edw~rd, 9 Holly terrace, J.&y-
Strntford green race, Margery Park road tonstone road
lIcDonald George, 330 Romford. i'o~d POTter Mrs. 149 Romford road Ste..ene John Jeavea, "54 Romford road
}ilcDougall John, I Waddingto~ terra~, Poupa~ Charles Geo. '¥Jt Romford rd StimsoD Edward Charles, l76 The GrOT.
Windmill laae, New town Powers Frederiek, '147 Romford road Stimson Frederi,ck, 176 Tbe <iron

Stocker Charle& L.R.e-.P. ~ond. Western . gery Park road. •
Stockdale Geo. 53 Chobham I'd. New tn • Tueker Robert, '2 Cromwell yillas, Mar- "White ' William, 58 Romford road
Whitehall Mrs. 12 Deanery road
house~ Romford r o a d ' Turner Mrs. Essu villa, Deanery road Whiteb,ouse Thomas Gill M.D.., 1 Mary-
Stokes, John Edward, 2 Bll3consfield Upton Thomas ,Edward, 49 Manbey land point
villas, Disraeli road grove, Stratford green Whiteman Wm. 9 Chbhm. I'd.. New twn
Swllery David,Deanery road . Valder Robert, 2 Manbeyvillas, ManbeJ' Whitemarsh In. 17 Chbhm. rd. ~ew tn
Stursburg John Peter, 358 Romford rd grove. Stratford green Wilcox Mrs. 310 Romford rDad
Swiney James, 257 Romford road ValIance Thos. Jas. M.D. 27 Romford rd Wilkins Robert, Disraeli road
Symmons Edwin, 324 Romford road Yerhagen Rev. Francis [Catholic},Gro\"e Williams Wm. Alfrd. 242 Romfon! road
Tait Edwd.27 Manbey grve. Strtfrd. grn Crescent road Willis Thomas, 158 The Grove
Tanner Arthur, 182 Romford road Verleyen Rev. Germain [Catholic], Willmott Mrs. 13 Vicarage lane
Taplay Hy. 18 Chobham road,New twn Grove Crescent road . Willy Frederick. Elm vil:Deanery road
Taylor Mrs. 4 Grove Crescent road yernon Rev. Charles {Baptist], 5 Mary- Wilton Leonard, 158 J.lomford road
Taylor William, 47 Manbey grove. land point • Winney Hy. Collingwd.13 Romford rd
Stratford green Vile Charles, Holly lodge, LeJ'tonstne rd Wire Benj. Park ho. Margery Park road
-Teller Thomas Joseph, 55 Chobham I'd Volckman Charles, jun. 160 Romford rd Wood Alfred, Lynton house, Manbey
Tharp William Hentley, 29 Romford rd Walker Mrs. 20 Manbey grve. Strtfrd gn grove. Stratford green
Thompson Miss, 100 Romford road Ward Mrs. 65 Romford road WQodman Geo. 12 Chbhm. rt.LNew tW\l
Thorman Edwd. ay~ Union st. High st Watkinson Thomas, 164 Hi/,\"h street Woods Samuel, 8 Grove Crescent road
1'horman John, 3 Grove Crescent road Watton Thomas, 31 Romford road Woollett John,.6 Grove Crescent road
Thornhill Mrs. 180 Romford road Wayman Richards, Park villa,. Manby Woolmot George~ 4 Mari.~ terrace"
Thorpe Henry. 16 Chobham rd. New tn Park terra~, Grove Stratford green \
TitfQrd Charles, 285 Romford road Webb Frederick, ~ Westbury road, Wrighey Rev. Bed~ [Catholic], Grove
'Iindell Alexander, 204 Romford road ""ebb George Samuel, 252 Romford rd Crescent road
Tipping Wm. Robt. 31 Maryland point Wesley James l<'red)t. 275 Romford road Wright Alfd. {Tarred, 283 ROmford rd
Topham Mrs. 80 Chobham rd. New twn Wesley William, 290 Romford road Wright Frederick Edwin, '5 ChobhaI\!
Towl "TiIliam,lo4 Romford road West Moses Ebenezer, 3 Crowndale road, New town
Towoor Rev. George Head [Baptist], 9 place, Leytonstone road Wright William, I Buxton villas, Ley-
Vicarage lane White In. Crown vil. Margery Park I'd tonstone road
Trimmer Francis, Eppingdale, Leyton- White Mrs. 13 Manbey grve. Strtfrd. gn Yates George, 8 Margery Park road
stone road White Mrs. 72 Romford road Youdan Geo. 2 Holly tel'. Leytonstnerd
CO!IMERCIAL. Bayley Henry, linen draper. LeJ'tonstone road
Abbott Frederick, inland reveIllle officer, 12 Romford road Baylis John, leather seller, 322 High street
Aiano Henry, wire worker, 236 High street Beacon Coffee Tavern Co. 262 High street '.
AldersonJanet (Mrs.), confectioner,& 2 Le)'ton I'd. New town Beck William, pawnbroker, 14 Windmill lane, New town
Alexander Frederick John, surgeon, Margery Park road Beckwith Henry, farrier, 2941Iigb street
Alderson John, rope &; twine manufacturer, Marshgate lane Bedingham Brothers, china &; glass ~areho. 56 Leyton rd
Allen &; Co. steam boiler composition manufrs. Vicarage la Bell cj- Black (The) 1Jfatch Co. Limited, manufacturers of
AlIen Alfred, boot maker, Martin street wax vestas &c.; & at Newton heath, Manchester; St.
AlIen Edward, grocer. 50 Bridge road . George's works, York; & 727 Duke street, Glasgow
AlIen Wm.inspectr. of nuisances to the local board, Town hall Bell Charles, plp.mber, 132 Vicarage lane .
AlmentEdwd. & Co.manufactrng. & brewers' chmsts. High st Bellinger Wm. John Clark, beer retailer, 75 Maryland road
American Co. boot &; shoe makers, 76 Broadway . BennettJohn, Coach cj- Horse", 104 Broadway
• Anderson Josepb Henry; linen draper, 4 Maudley terrace" Beresford Charles, beer retailer, Brydges road, New tuwn
Leytonstone road - Bessant Frank, market gardener, Romford road
Andrews Charles, stone mason, 83 Windmill lane . Biggs William. cutler. 82 Broadway
Annison Joseph Hy. cheesemonger. 122 The Grove I Bish George, ~mith & engineer, 123 High street
Appleford Edward, dairy, Windmill lane Blackmore William, tobacconist, 96 Chapel street
Appleford George, carriage builder. Windmill la. New town Blackwell d:; CO.llrinting ink makers, Sugar House lanE:
Appleford James, cowkeeper, Major road, New town Blackwell Francis, baker, 188 Chobham road, New town
,t\rliss John Henry. Albion, Bridge road , Blencowe George, greengrocer, 79 MarJIand road
Armes Charles, baker, 31 Leyton road . Blott Algernon Howard, butcher, see Metcalfe & Blott
Arnold Thomas, dining rooms, 86 High street , Blows Joseph Thomas, baker, no The Grove
Ashby Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 306 High street Blows William, beer retailer, 13 Maryland point
Ashdown Charles "\'illiam, registrar of marriages for "'est Boake & Co. manufacturing chemist, "'arton road 1
Ham union, & collector of rates for the local boa.rd, 241 Boardman Clement, linon draper, 58 to 64 Broadway
Romford road Boast Jonathan, grocer & cheesemonger, 32 Manbey street
Ashton « Green, Limited, slate merchants, High street Bodilly Ralph Hacker & Co. grocers, 382 High street
Atkinson John William, solicitor, Great Eastern road Boman William WaIter, house decorator, Great Eastern I'd
Axten George, grocer,S Maryland point Bond Samuel, linen draper, 9 & 10 Maryland point
Bacon Frederick, oil & colorman, 57 Vicarage lane Bone John, horse dealer, 19 Chapel street
Baird William, travelling draper, 5 The Grove • Bone William, tailor, 37 Martin street
Bairstow Sarah (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 5 Bridge road Booker John, tobacconist, 13 Bridge street
Baker Edward & Sons, black lead manufrs. 135 High street Borer Bichard, grocer, 1 La,'ender street
Baker &; Phillips, house decorators, Il7Chobham rd.New town Bowman Charles Andrew, professor of .music, I Romford
Baker George, tobacconist, I Bridge road villas. Leytonstone road
Baker Letitia Ellen (Miss), confectioner, 81 Maryland road Bradley Wm. coffee rOOmS,S Clarendon tel'. Leytonstone rd
Bale S. & Son, boot makers~ 8 Maryland tel'. Leytonst<me I'd Bragger Norah (Mrs.). beer retailer, Chandos road, New toWQ
Bale WaIter, boot & shoe maker, 208 High street Brayshaw John, house agent, 29 Maryland point
Bane Robert Bond, beer retailer. 65 Maryland road Breeze Louis, herbalist, medieal botanist & vapour bath pro-
Banes & Son, cowkeeper, 63 Broadway prietor, 407 High street
Banes Henry Hampton, dairy, 118 Romford road Bressey John & Son, pawnbroker, 326 High street
Banes John, dail'J"lllan, 146 The Grove Britton Henl'J', greengrocer, r Lett road .
Bannerman James, confectioner, 17 Maryland point . Brock Edwd. Archbd. whisky distiller, see Phillips..\ Brock
Bansted John, oilman, 204 High street Brooks Charles, Angel, 30 Broadway .
Barbel' John. pig dealer, Marshgate lane Brooks George, beer retatler, 263 High street
Barnard Jabez & Cl}. boiler coating composition manufac- Brooks George, butcher, 51 Angel lane
turers, 170 High street . Brooks George, jun. butcher, I02 Broadway
Barnard Henry, greengrocer, 106 Broadway Brooks Joseph, butcher, 2 Clarendon tel'. Leytonstone road
Barnes John, stay maker, 43 Angel lane Brown Annie (Miss), toy dlr. 5 Ma1')'land tel'. Leytonstone rd
Barrett Joseph, solicitor. 316 Romford road T Brown David, baker,Suffolk villa, Leytonstone road
Hartel Charles. greengrocer, 61 High street Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.), ironmonger, 93 Leyton I'd. New ~wn,
BarWn Frederick, shopkeeper, 90 Vicarage lane Brown Fanny (Mrs.), grocer,24 Maryland point
Bastard Segar Richard, solicitor, 198 Romford J,'oad 1 Brown Mary (Mrs.), milliner, 45 Angel lane
Batting Willi."m, cvrn dealer. see Wbite & Batting Brown Peter, shopkeeper, 13 Lavender street
Battley Joseph, grocer, 239 High street . Brown Stephen~ blacksmith, 17 Chapel ~treet
Baxter Stephen, shopkeeper, 114 Rnmford road Brown 'l'hos. earthenware dealer, see Tidman k Brown
Ba;>'ford James, supervisor of inland revenue, 154 The Gruve Brown W. vegetable salesman. Stratford market
Brutty William, FreemasO'R.'s hotel, 342 Romford street Cornish & Co. grocers, 99 Vicarage lane
llryce David Raphael, accountant, 34 Chobham rd.Newtown Cornwall Charles, Royal, Leytonstone road
Buchan Greigg M.B. surgeon, see Nicholson & Bnchan Cottrell Henry, watch maker, 10 Bridge road
Buchan Peter M.D. surgeon, see Nicholson & lluchan Courtney Gea. Henry, boot ma.4 Broadway & 142 The Grove:
Buckle Henry, tailor, 19 Maryland point Cowland Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 55 Stanley road
Buckle WilIiam, builder, Great Eastern road Cowles Charles, chemist & dentist, 37 Broadway
lludgett John Alfred Henry, Burgeon, The Groye Cox &:: Co. tobacconists, 200 High street
Bullard William, beer retailer, Great Eastern road Cox Alfred, greengrocer, 20 Waddington street, New town
Bullock James, shopkeeper, 2 Shrewsbury villas, Water lane Cox Annie (Miss), tobacconist, Water lane
Burgess James, boot & shoe maker, 88 Vicarage lane Cox Emma. (Mrs), oil wareho. Maryland ter. Leytonstonerd
Burningham Hy. berlin wool repository, 56 Broadway Cox George, tea dealer, III Romford road
Burridge Alfred, undertaker, 233 High street Cox Samuel, cheesemonger, 41 Leyton road, New town
Burrows Thomas, boot maker, 4 Bridge road & 90 Broadway Cox William, upholsterer, 49 Angel lane
Burton William, hosier & outfitter, 332 &: 334 High street Craddock Frank, hair dresser, 46 Broadway
Button Daniel, stone mason, Ingham house,Leytonstone road Craddock George, toy dealer, 66 Broadway
Button James Morgan, boys' academy, 262 Romford road Craddock Henry, boot maker, 24 Romford road
Byne Hy. WaIter, Chobham Arms, 62 Chobham rd. New town Craigie Francis, tobacconist, 88 High street
Callaghan Henry, oilman, 291 Romford road Cripps Henry, oilman, 83 Leyton road, New town
Camp William, beer retailer, I Angel place, New town Crispe James Hammond, beer retailer, 99 Chapel street
Campbell Peter & Co. dyers &:c. 130 The Grove Crispin William Henry, smelting works, Marshgate lane
Canham Robert, baker & post office, 64 High street Cropper Sarah Ellen (Miss), beer retailer, 96 Maryland road
Cannock Chas. Watkyn, ttyprop. 102 Chobha.m rd. New town Cross Henry, shopkeeper, Station street, High street
Capron, Bryne &: Co. grocers, 26 Broadway Cr08sley Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 315 High street
Cardoza In.Isaac, buil<.ler, 67 Chobham road, New town Cruickshank Susan (Miss), ladies' school, 292 Romford rd
Carlish Charles, tailor, 34 Broadway CrutchfieldJames, beer retailer, 222 High street
earr Frederick, grocer, 26 WindmiIllane, New town Culley John Robert, oil & colourman, 276 High street
Carter Wm. jun. &: Co. coppersmith, High street Cumberland WilIiam, greengrocer, Water lane
Carter Benjamin, Blue Boar, 328 High street Cumbers Chas.printing ink manufs. see Johnstone &::Cumbers
Carter Charles, baker, Francis street, New town Curtis John, solicitor, 148 The Grove; &: 7 Union court, Old
Carter J. relieving officer for No. I district, West Ham Broad street e.c
union, High street Curtis Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 92 Leyton rd. New town
Carter James, furniture dealer, 108 The Grove Curtis Robert Leabon, auctioneer, 148 The Grove
Carter John, beer retailer. 403 High street Cutbush Joseph, beer retailer, 17 Waddington st. New town
Carter Sydney Charles, gas fitter, 124 Major roa.d, New towu Dace James, pianoforte wareho. 5 Alexander ter. The Grove
Carter William J ames, pI umber &C. 5 I Bridge road Dallinger Frank, Canteen, Vicarage lane
Cartlidge William Horace, hair dresser, 6 Martin street Dane & Co. printing ink manufacturers, Sugar House lane
Cartwright Wm. Bryan, chemist, 2 Whitehall, Leytonstone rd Dann Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 270 High street
Carver John, butcher, Leytonstone road Dann Wilham, saddler, I Manby Park villas, Grove
Casselton Bros. slate & stone mers. Phamix wharf, High st Davis & Redkay, greengrocers, 41 Vicarage lane
Catchpool James Palmer, grocer, Carpenter's road Dam & Co. sewing machine maker, 144 The Grove
Challener Edward, tobacconist, 40 Leyton road Davis Alfred, marine store dealer. Chapel street
Chambers Fredk. Lovell, clock &: watch ma, 26 Marylnd. point Davis Chas. Hy. man. of London & County Bank, 49 Broadwy
Chambers James, tobacconist, 6 Devonshife ter. High street Davis Oliver, grocer, 186 Chobham road, New town
Chandler William, shopkeeper,20 Bridge street DaviM William Henry, jeweller, 184 The Grove •
Chapman Henry, shoe maker, Well street, Maryland point Davy David, corn & tlour dealer, 68 High street
Chapman William, grocer, Great Eastern road Day Isaac Morey, linen draper, 188 The Grove
Chapman William, linen draper, 354 & 356 High street Day John, blacksmith, Francis street
Charles William, beer retailer, 25 Waddington road Day Zillah (Miss), ladies' school. 278 Romford road
Charlton William Da\;es, beer retailer, 377 High street Daybell 8arah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Henniker rd. New town
Chettins John, builder, Bridge road IJeaconesses'Institution (Miss Sealy,lady supt.), 73 Romfrd.rd
Childs Ii'rederick, baker, 27 Chapel street Deason Charles &:: Son, timber merchant, 231 High street
Chinnery Samuel, dairyman, Martin street Deason Charles Thomas, timber merchants, 48 Maryland ra
Olapp Samuel, upholsterer &:: furniture dealer, 2I4t 282 & Deason Eleanor (Miss), hosier, 68 Broadway
284 High street Denison Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 397 High street
Claringbull Edwin, marine store dealer, 317 High street Dennis Henry, hosier, 43 Vicarage lane
Clark George, greengrocer, 67 Abbey lane Denny Matilda (Mrs.), tobacconist, 138 The Grove
Clark George,lead & glass merchant, Leyton rd. New town Devey Charles E<.lward, linen draper, 293 Romford road
Clark John, coffee rooms, 93 High street Dick Robert & James, boot makers, 272 High street
Clark Robert Samuel, chandler's shop, I Albion street Dickinson Robert, chemist, 98 Broadway
Clark William Robert, greengrocer, 36 Martin street Dilworth John, dairyman, 146 Maryland road
Clarke Charles Thomas, bricklayer, 3 Carpenter's road Dipple Richard, Railwall hotel, Martin street
Claydon Jane (Mrs.), fancy repository, 4 Angel lane IJirect SUPP~1/ Associatwn, Limited, pro\'ision merchants, 9
Clempson Henry, grocer, 39 Vicarage lane Maryland terrace, Leytonstone road
Clutterbuck Chas. Edmund, glass stainer, 18 Marylnd. point Dix & Hotchen, bakers, 318 High street
Coake Thomas James, oil & colonrman, 94 Maryland road Dodd Rosetta (Mrs.), provision dlr. 176 Leyton rd. New two
Cocks James Charles, tobacconist, 86 Windmill la. New twn Dodwell Fredk. baker, Maryland terrace Leytonswne road
Cogswell Thomas, pawnbroker, 250 &; 252 High street Dorton William, Railway tavern, Angel lane
fl'Coleman George, grocer, Margery Park road Dowley Thos. Augu!tus, hosier, 3 Whiteha.ll, Leytonstone rd
CoIJinge Ashton, clog maker, 17 Angel lane Down John, engineer, 36 MSIJ'land road
Collins James, watch maker, 46 Martin street Dowsett John, grocer, 146 Major road, New town
Collins Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Leyton road, New town Drake Thos. & Arthur John, surgeons, 2 Romford road
Colton James Hobert, beer retailer, East street Drewery George William, shopkeeper, 37 Angel lane
Colyer Richard, beer retailer, 26 Abbey lane Druitt Thomas & Co. stone mason, High stre~t
Comerforp Michael Hy. H.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, 4 Romford rd Druitt Jabez, stone mer. & monumental mason, 72 High st.
Connolly Henry, plumber & gasfitter, 20 Chapel street Duckinfield William, tool dealer, 7 Martin street
Connor &: Anderson, shirt & collar dressers, 202 High street Duttin Stephen, shopkeeper, Chandos road, New town
Convent of Jesus ef Mary, Stratford green Duncombe John George, news agent, 255 High street
Cook EOward &; Co. hard &; soft soap manufacturers & Du Barry & Co. Limited, millers, Marshgat.e lane
melters &; refiners of tallow, East London soap works, How Dupree George Albert &, Freclerick William, wire workers, "
Cook Edward &:: Co. steam bone mills &; manufacturers of Devonshire terrace, High street
special bone manures, Bow Durrant A.lfred, butcher, 34 Leyton road, New town
Cook Annie (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 16 Maryland point Dustow Stephen, builder, 7 Chobham road, New town & see
Coomber Henry, dairyman, 18 Vicarage lane Knight & Dustow
COQmber John, greengrocer, Chapel street Dyas Emma (Mrlil.), dyer, 174 The Grove
Cooper &:: Royal, oilmen, 97 Chapel street &, Rokeby street Dyer Thos. & Gen. cheesemongers, X62 Chobham rd. New twn
Coote George. shoe maker, SI Chapel street Earps T. & Co. vegetable salesmen, Stratford market
CGotes James, carman, 4 Margery Park road Eastgate William, chandlers' shop, Waddington st. New two
Cope WilliaIQ Henry, oilman, 7 Colchester ter. .Angel lane Eaton Jane (Mrs.), ladies' 8chool, Disraeli road
Ebdon Henry Francis, baker, 383 High street Gilders George, hay, straw & vegetable salesman, 4 '" 15
Eddington William, bone boiler, Marshgate lane Stratford Bridge market
Edwards Albert, music seller, Martin street Gillett Henry, cheesemonger, 162 Maryland point
Edwards Edward, plumber, 116 Romford road Gladstone & Co. coal merchants, Bridge road
Edwards James Henry, greengrocer,70 & 72 Leyton road Glover Jane (Mrs.), omnibus proprietor, 55 Broadway
New town Glover Richard M.R.C.T.S. veterinary surgeon, 53 Broadway
Edwards Owen grocer, 384 High street Glynn David, butcher, 35 Chapel street
Ellenger George, baker, Martin street Goddard & Ghosley, fur skin dyers, Warton road
Elliott John & Co. dairymen, 62 Lett road Godfrey Frederick, tobacconist, 73 Vicarage lane
Ellis Philip, china & glass dealer, 79 Windmill la. New town Golding Edward, shopkeeper, 35 Windmill lane, New town
Ellison Egbert, vegetable salesman, 18 Stratford Bridge mkt Golding George, shopkeeper, 28 Angel lane
Emmott Arthur, builder, 266 Romford road Goldstein David, hair dresser, 77 Maryland road
England William, tobacconist, Leytonstone road Gollop George, fruiterer, 2 Broadway
Essex (1st) A rtillel'Y Volunteers (comprising 10 batteries) (SI. Gooch Caroline (Mrs.), toy dealer, 49 Vicarage lane
L. Howard, lieut.-col.; Wm. Brooks & Edmund Garrett, Goode Charles, dairyman, Henniker street, New town
majors; Capt. Augustus J. Hill, adjutant; Edwin J. Goodey John, shopkeeper, Chandos road, New town
Scott, quarter-master i Rev. William Spencer M.A, chap- Goodson & Robbins, physicians & surgeons. 190 Chobham rd.
lain); head quarters, Romford road Goodwin Thomas, hair dresser, 125 Le~'ton road, New town
Essex Loan Office (Michael Nathan), 268 High street Gossling Geo.Wm.cheesemonger,3Maryland ter.Lertonstn.rd
Essex Times tf Romford Teleg1'aph (Wilson & Whitworth, Gould Edward, shopkeeper, I Carpenter's road
prprs. & publishers; published wed. & sat.) ; 20 Broadway Govier Albert, boot maker, 4 Alexander terrace, The Gro"e
Evans Isaac & Co. grocers, 54 Broadway Govier John, Engineers' Arms, 17 Alma street
Evans John, hair dresser, 18 Angel lane Gowar Stephen, carriage builder, 29 Broadway
Evans Wm. insptr. of nuisances to the local board, Town hall Grant John, butcher, 366 High street
Evennett Charles, tailor, 10 Market place, Leytonstone road Gray's Chalk Quarries Co. Limited (Alfred W. Channer, sec.;
Everard Josiah Thomas, shopkeeper, 31 Abbey lane John Meeson, manager), High street .
Fardell Thomas, tobacconist, 5 Martin street Great Eastern Railway Boys' School (Charles Buckingham,
Farnham John, marine store dealer, 224 High street master), Maryland street
Farnhardson Jas. boot maker, 6 Lavina terrace, Angel lane Great Eastern Railway Engine tf Loco'1notive Works (J. W.
Faver Geo. Waddinqton Arms, 27 'Waddington st. New town Worsdell, locomotive engineer), Station street, New town
Field Henry, boot & shoe maker,3 Market pI. Leytonstone rd Gt'eat Eastern Railway Mel-hanics' Institute (Charles James
Field William, undertaker, Prospect cottage, Romford road Horn, sec.), Maryland street, New town
Finch William, p,'ince of Wales, Leyton road, New town Greaves Charles, hatter, 3 Colchester terrace, Angel lane
Finegar James, zinc worker, 6 Albion street Greaves James Rd. pawnbroker, I Whitehall, Leytonstone rd
Finigan John, zinc worker, 35 Martin street Green Godfrey & Son, clothiers, 98 Leyton road, New town
Fisher Mary Ann (Miss), dairy, Leytonstone road Green Henry, furniture dealer, Leytonstone road
Fisk Sidney Thos.& Co. grocers, &post office, 170 Maryland rd Green James, rent collector, Water lane
Flack & Sons, oilmen, Alexander terrace, Grove Green Nathaniel, tobacconist, 44 Carpenter's road
Flack James, cheesemonger, 3 Broadway Green Richard, clothier, 3 Maudley terrace, Leytonstone I'd
Flaxman Samuel George, wbolesale confectioner, Salway rd Green Robert, grocer, 73 Bursford road
Flindell William, butcher, 275 High street Green Thomas, timber merchant, Burford road
Flude William. hair dresser, 11 Broadway Gregar William, builder & contractor, Warton road
Forrow Francis, beer retailer, 106 Chapel street Gregory & French, brick makers, Wharf, High street
Forster Richard, shoemaker, 325 High street Griffin Charles Matthew, shop front builder, 8 Colchester
Foster James, beer retailer, 21 Angel lane terrace, Angel lane
Foster James, wheelwright, Angel lane Griggs Samuel, chandler's shop, 91 High street
Foster John, chemist, 313 High street Grimwade James, baker, 60 Leyton road, New town
Foulkes Samuel, tobacconist & confectioner, 4 & 5 Lavina Grogono Walker Atkins L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, 216 High st
terrace, Angel lane Griinbaum Herrman Albert Otto Emil, dentist, 10 William s~
Fowler Charles, glass cutter, 242 & 244 High street Gutteridge George John, butcher, High street
Fox William Albert & Co. chemists & druggists, 27 Leyton Gwinnell Henry, tobacconist, 30 High street
road, New town Haines George, fruiterer, 228 High street
Fox John James, greengrocer, 277 & 361 High street Halford Vincent John, beer retailer, 273 High street
Francis George, beer retailer, I Maryland street, New town Hallett Elzbth. (Mrs.), tobacconist,& dining rooms, 54 Hi2"h st
Freeman Joseph & Son, Stratford House school for young Hallpike Bros. oilmen, 8 Maudley terrace, Leytonstone road
gentlemen, 88 Romford road Halls William Harding, wine & spirit merchant, 4 Maryland
Freeman Charles, tailor, 63 Maryland street, New town terrace, Leytonstone road
Freeman William, dairy, 87 Vicarage lane Hamblin William, Bay Tree, 67 Vicarage lane
F,'ench Asphalte Co. Limited (John Knight, sec.), Sugltr Hamilton John Burnett L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, 34 Maryland
House lane point
French Charles Frederick, vegetable salesman, 6 Stratford Hammond John, tailor, 96 Vicarage lane
Bridge market Hammond Wm. Hy. tailor, 2 Alexander place, The Grove
Fricker John Richard, shopkeeper, Martin street Hampton Jane (Mrs.), coffee rooms, Leytonstone road
Friedmann Henry, photographer, 126 The Grove Hancock David, general smith, 367A, High street
Frith Martha Sarah (Mrs.), corn dealer, 206 High street Hanney Rayner John, greengrocer, Falmouth st. New Town
'Frost Samuel, corn dealer, 139 Leyton road, New town Hanton William, greengrocer, West street, New Town
Fuller Ann (Miss), dressmaker, 3 Vicarage lane Harbour Henry, greengrocer, 20 Maryland point
Fuller George, coal merchant, Leyton road, New town Harding Alfred Fooks, oilman, & post office, 137 Romford I'd
Fuller Thomas, butcher, 34 Lett road Harmer Hannah (Mrs.), milliner, 2 Alexander tel'. The Grov6#
Gadsby William, basket maker, 25 Maryland point Harmer Martin, cab proprietor, Martin street
Gallery George, herald painter, 166 High street Harper Uriah, grocer, Rokeley street
Gallon & Co. coach builders, Angel lane Harris Thomas Horatio & Sons, tallow melters & bone
Gambiragio Louis, confectioner, 246 High street boilers, Marshgate lane; & soap & candle makers, 10, 12,
Gardiner Charles, greengrocer, SI Maryland road 14 & I6 Hewett street, Curtain road e.c
Gardiner Edward, stationer, Great Eastern road Harris Jesse, boot & shoe maker, 23 Maryland point
Gardner James, tobacconist, 393 High street Harrison George & Hy, bakers & shoe warehouse, High st
Gardner John, fancy repository, 391 High street Harrold George, butcher, 297 Romford road
Gas David, shopkeeper, 48 Lett road Hart Charles, greengrocer, 74A, Angel lane
Gee Edward, french polisher, see Lodge & Gee Hart Louisa (Mrs.), hatter, 48 Broadway
Geere Thomas & WaIter, timber merchants, High street Hart Thomas, pork butcher, IO Broadway
Gentle John, tailor, 11 Maryland point Hart Thomas, pork butcher, 22 Maryland point
Gentry Joseph Gates, ironmonger, 112 The Grove Har,'ey & Neville, rice starch manufacturers, 85 High street
Gentry William, wine merchant, 50 Broadway Harvey J ames, coffee rooms, 3 Angel terrace, Angel lane
Ghosley John D. fur skin dyer, see Goddard & Ghosley Haslam Geo, & Thos. barge owners & lightermen, 4 High st
Gibbons John, boot & shoe maker, 72 Martin street Batt Augnstus Frankland, butcher, 33 Leyton rd. New town
Gibbs Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 Maryland point Hay George, confectioner & wine &; spirit merchant I5 &; 17,
Gjlbert Richard, hair dresser, 240 High street & baker 40 & 42, Broadway
Gilders Charles, greengrocer, 9 Le)wn road, New town Hay Margaret Frances (Mrs.), Fox ~ Hounds, 18 High st

Haycock William Thomas, greengrocer, 381 High street I Jackson Thomas Wrn. provision dealer,. ~36 Leytoa 1"~
Hayden'i'homas, livery stables, 2 Vicarage lane f • New town I
Hayd~n William_ shoeing smith, 101 High street , Jacob George, dairy, 9 Maryland street, New town
Haydon Thomas, job master, Romford road James Benjamin, cowkeeper,22 Angel place, New town
Hayward George, auctioneer, 168 The Grove Jaques Robert, marine store dealer, Hennilrer rd. New toWD
Heath Wlllia,m, beer retailer, Union street, North street Jarman Henry, butcher, 54 Leyton road, New town
Hebblewhite-Godwin, linen draper,.I4 Maryland point Jeffery Alfred, patent marine glue works, Marshgate 1a.1I.ej:
Helmore & -Commeriord, veterinary forge, 339 High street (late of Brunton work~, Com nercial street e)
Hemming William, groeer, 114 Ma-jor rood, New Town Jenkills Hannah (Mrli.). oil warehouse• .I28 Leyton road,
Hemmings George, boot maker, Manbey road New town
Hetnpleton Thomas, gas fitter, Leytonstone road Jen80n & Nicholson, varnish, japan & color manufacturers..
Henderson Thos. Mowbray M.D. physician, 172 The Grove Warton road I office & warehouse, 65 Goswell road,
Herbert George, boot makeF, 44 Leyton road, New Town London e.c
Herbert George, oil & colorman, 46 Leyton road, New Town Jeremy Emma Maria (Mrs.), ladies' Bchool,40 Manbey grove
Herrman Edwd. cheesemonger,28 Leyton road, New Town Jervis Thomas,.saw maker,218 High street
Herson Leonard, plumber, 20 Leyton road, New 'fown Jeune & Co. Lim. cork carpet manufacturers, Sugar Howe la
:Herson.Samuel, plumber, Leytonstone road Jewson Alfred, haberdasher, 4 Devonshire terrace, High lit
Hester Henry, confectioner, 192 High street Joel John, fishmonger, 320 High street I
lIibber~ WiUiam Gunthorp, The George, 12 Broadway Johnson & Cumber, printiug ink manufacturers, Sugn
Hickman Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 Abbey lane House
HickroanRobert, shopkeeper, 69 Abbey lane John80n George & Son, oil &, co1orman, 379 & 405 High st.
Hicks Fredeti<;k, dairy, 91 Leyton road, New TOWJ1 J ohnson Samuel Henry & Co. chemical & brewer's engineer.!!,
Hillard Thomas, corn dealer, 47 Vicarage lane Carpenter's road
HiIleary Frederic Edward M,A., M.L. solicitor, clerk to the Joh1/.Son's Sacchal"Um Co. Limited (E. H. O'~eill, managiDg
West Ham board {)f guardians, to the local board & director), Carpenter's road
supt. registrar, Town hall, Broadway Johnson Francis, l'orkshire Grey, 337 High street
Hills George, cheesemonger, 7 Broadway J ohnson William, beer retailer, 33 High streat
Hillyer Henry, grocer, cheesemonger & <Jilman, Martin st Johnson William, wardrobe dealer,301 High street •
Hillyer Henry, jun. tobacconist, Martin street Johnston David Fredk. ~ retailer, ~27 High street
Hine Alfd. Leonard L.R.C.P. Lond. surg. see Trimmer & Hine Joint James, oilman, 45 Lett road
lIitchcock Cba,rl~ll, fruiterer, 24 Broadway . Jolly George, milliner, 55 Vicarage lane
Hitchcock Joseph; greengrocer, 80 Windmill la. New Town JQnes Elizabeth (Mrs.), furniture dealer, IrI4 ~larylan4 l'oad
Hodson Harry & Co. colour manufacturm-s, Sugar House la. Jones John, butcher, 168 Maryland road •
Holbrook Rd. k Son, engineers & machinists, 45 Martin 8t Jones Samuel, Falmouth Arms, 53 Maryland road
Holden Joshqa, ham &; beef dealer., Leytonstone roa.d, Joseph Lazarus, tobacconist, 308 lIigh street
Holford ThQTna~ Con8tantine L.D.S. surgeon dentist & Judd Samuel, shopkeeper, 30 Bridge road
chemist, 342 & 344 High $treet . Jull Herbert, corn dealer,s Market place, Leytonstone road
Holliday Hy. Benj. pawnbroker, 154 Le:yton road, New Town Karz. John, baker', 38, New town
Hood In. Alfred, firewood merchant, Norway wharf, High st Kedd William, haberdasher, 164 Mar~'land road
Hopson John, saddler, Martin street & 28 High street Kemp Alfred, painter, 279 High street
Hopwood & Co. cl~thiers, 1 Colchester terrace, Angel lane Kemp Robert, Thl'ee Pigeons, 122 Romford road
Horn Wm. chief sanitary inspctr. to the local board, Town hI Kennedy George & Co. plumbers &C. 2 Norris place, High st
Hornby George, elothier,39 Leyton road, New Town Kennedy J. B. & A. E. surgeons, 9 Broadway
Horw()od Joseph, ironmonger, 19 & 21 Broodway Kersey Joseph WilIiam, greengrocer, 35 Vk'arage lane
Hosford John 'Strond L.R.C.P. Edin., physician, The Grove Kettle Alfred, shopkeeper, Henniker street, New town
Hosking Edward Joseph, saw mill~ Frederick street Kibby William, ironmonger, 94 & 96 Broadway
Hotchen John Hobart, baker, see Di~ & Hotchen Kelley J. G. assistant surveyor to the local board, Town hall
HoU£dea Charles, scale & weight maker, 3 Devonshire Kilon~k William, beer retailer, 124 Leyton I'd. :New town
terraoo, ,High street Kimber James, beer retailer, 29 Abbey lane .
Howards &; Sons, manufacturing ehemists, High ,street Kimpton William, furniture de11er, 140 The Grove
Howell James, toy dealer, 311 High street Kincey.John DoublefKing's Head, 36 Broodway
Hubbard Bros. wine & spirit merchant, 117 Romfordroad King Frank, Cart if Horses, Leytonstone road.
Hubbard Samuel, grocer, 95 Vicarage lane King John, chimney sweeper, Well street, Maryland point
Hudsoo Francis Mead, eheesemonger, 385 High street Kirk Haberson Joseph, auctioneer, 127 Romford road.
Hudson Sohn, architect & surveyor~ 36 Romford road I Kite William George, coffee rooms, 33 Broadway
JiluUGeo:cge, butcher, 335 High street Knight & Dustow, builders, Falmouth .street, Xew town
Humfryes Thomas, coach maker, Lncy cottage, Chandos Knowler Charles John, .PrinceSil Alice, Romfordlload
road, New Town , Lamb Richard, fishmonger, 76 Chapel street
:Humm -GeQ. furniture dealer, 86 Leyton rd. New TowD Lance John & Son, bakers, 37 "icarage lane
Hunt Fred. James & Co. Bow Bridge soap works, High st Land & Co. gas & hot water engineers, 43 Broadway
Hunt Jared Terrett & Son, Limited (Alfred T. Hunt,manag- Langford Charles, hair dre13ser, 78 Vicarage lane
ing director), 1;>OJl6 merchants, Bow Bridge works, High st Lanham WilIiam, carman, Martin street
Hunt fohn HarJuau & Co. match, vesuvian & wax vesta. Large Alfred Barling, ~ilman, 95 Leyton road, Xew toW.ll
manufacturers, 'Ward road, High street . Lascelles Wm. Hy. concrete building manufr. Sugar Ho. ia.
Hun~ WjUiam, shopkeeper, :J; Angel terrace, Angel lane Laver WilliaD;l., coal merchant, High street
Hunter Henry, shopkeeper, 40 Windmill lane Lawrance Francis Burdett, Yorkshire Grey,8 Maryland point
Huntley Bros. vegetabl~ salesman, 3 Stratford Edge. mrkt Lawton William, grocer, 5S Carpenter's road
HUPCuD) Charle~ rhilip. water rate eollec~or, Disraeli road Lee Wm. Son & Co. grey stone lime wks. Stratford whf.High st
Hurry WiUiam, undertaker, 82 Angel lane. Lee Alfred, beer retailer, I Burford road
1Iussey Thomas, shirt dresser, 3 Romford road Lee Charles, shopkeepe~l 1.33 lIigh street
Hutchins & Co. outfitters, 210 & 212 High street Lee Henry, builder, 74 Vicarage lane ,
Hutohinson William, boot & shoe maker. 33' Vicarage la.n~ Leete William Alexander, baker, 84 Angel lane
Hyde Bessy (Miss), shopJc.eeper, 6 Bridge road LeftIy Leonard, tailor, 6 Maryland terrace, Leytonstone xc.l
Hymas Edward, shopkeeper, 72 Vicarage lane Lemere James, oil & colorman, 6 Broadway
Ichaboe GuanG Stores (Daniel de fass, proprietor), Sugal' Lemon Thomas, Tl:!legrap~ 805 Leyton road. New town
I;Iouse lane, High street; office, 128 Leadenhall street e.o, Lemon Tom Summer, pawnbroker, 151:1 Maryland roa.~
lIes Benjamin &rCQ. napbtha, benzoie" benzoline dilltillers. Levey & Lester, tobacconists, 232 Hi"h street
lead, colour & varnish manufacturers, oil merchanbJ 41: Lewis David & Co. coal merchants, The Grove
dry salters, Magnet chemical works, Marshgate l~ne ~ Lewis John, linen draper, p6 & 1I8 The Grove I
Magnet wharf, High street Lewis Josiah y tobacconist, I Leyton toad, New town
I vimey J oseph, IDlilsic selle~, 2 Market place, Leytonstone. I'd Lidbury Edmund, fishmongeI;, 40:\: High street
lnd,Cogpe.&j Co. Romford & Burton a.les stOl"es, ~roadway Lines John, provi,Sion. dealer, & post Ottice,271- High 8tret:~
Ingram John. butcher, ~Q Abbey lane .' Ling David, cal;l proprietor, Frederick street • •
Inlrtn4T ./lttJenUt Otfke (W. O. Lock, suz;veyor!}.f taxe&f Lingley GeOl"ge, grocer,..:J ;Mark,et plaoo, Leytonstone.roa~ .J3a);ford.: snpervisQr of ,inlaud reven.ue~ Fred~~ Linn John, greengrQOe~\ 27 Angel lane
Abbott. ()fficer), Tlle yrove t", .. List Joseph. phatog,rllpher. 6A, .Market place, Le.ytoDs~oner~
.Jackson Minna (Mrs.)-, tobacGonist, :2 CoJcbester ternwe, Little Philip Thos. pllin~r k lltationer, lk proprietor (Jf Jth~
Angella~e Stf;ltford &Bouth EN~~ .4<l~~ti8er,' 37~ IiigQ 8tree~ J
Litton & Co. chemists &. urugglsts, SI Vicamge lane Morris George,.haJll,- beef &. tongue dealer., 70 Blloadwaoy
Locker William, tool dealer, 33 Angel lane . Mortimer James, Esse.x Arms, Leytonstone road
Lodge &; Gee, french polishers, Frederick 8treet Moss Abraham, clothier, 234 &. 3 Io-High street
Lomas Annie (Miss), teacher Df music, 109 Romford road Moss Alfred, stationer, 52 Broadway . .
Lomas Sarah (Miss)., tarpaulin manufactory, 238 High st :Mott Emily (.Mrs.). ladies' school. 25 Romford road
London 0/ Cou,nty Banking C()mpan.l/,.Litnite~(Charles Henry Mounter Charles, beer retailer, 43 Maryland road , .
Davis, manager). 49 Broadway; draw on head office, Moy Thomas, coal. lime, cement. brick & tile &; slate m~·
Lombard street, London e c chant, Angel lane
Lord Frederick James, photographer, 307 High street Mullen John, tailor, I The Grove .
Lovibond J n. &. Sons, brewers & wine merchants, 22OA,High st Mulley Frederick, secretary to West Ham, Stratford .&f.out4
Lncas Jas. temperance coffee hOt 22 Waddington st. New tn Essex dispensary, 28 Manbey grove
Lncas Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, 30 Leyton road, New town Mulley John James, deputy supt. registrar & collector to the
Luck &. Co. pianoforte manufacturers, 2 The Grove I guardians of 'Vest Ham union, Florence villa, Water la~
Lunniss William, hair dresser, Leytonswne road ~ Munday John, butcher, 58 High street
Lyons Timothy, JI'arsh Gate,66 High street f Nash Jabez & Co. furnishing ironmongers"L~ytonst.oQe,,~
Lysnar Edward, dentist, 139 Romford road ~ Nash Charles, boot & shoe maker"75 Vicarage lape ,
Macaire George,. Castle, 156 Leyton road, New town INash Charles, glass & china dealer, 75 Broadway ,•
McCandlish Alexander, draper, Clifton viI. Leytonstone road William James. tobacconist & stationer, :Hb .High si
McCarty John Winspeare M.D. surgeon, I CIarendon terrace, Neville George, boot maker, 13<4- 1'00 Grove·; I •
Leywnstone road Newins James, tailor, I I Waddington street, New town
McDonald George, architect, 330 Romford road Newland Amelia (Miss), confectioner, 5 Maudley terrace,
McGovarin Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 3 Maryland villas, '. Leytonstone road .
Leytonstone r o a d . f Newland Geo. Wm. Railway J.:avel'n, 14 Bridge road
)1cMicken Martyn, pork butcher, 3 Shrewsbury viIs. Water la Newland John James, hair dresser, 4 Maryland point
McNess James, shoe maker, 7 Windmill lane, New town ' Newman & Co. grocers, 65 Lett road
Maddiss John, beer retailer, 94 Major road, New town I Newman Chas. Francis, greengrocer, Martin street _
Jf'a.qistrates' Court Room (Clifton &; Haynes. clerks), Great: Newman Hy. John, furniture dealer, :;! La,,'ina tel". Angel la
Eastern road , INewman John Thomas, architect, 224 Romford road
Maguire Benjamin, hosier, 376 High street : Newman Rosetta (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Chapel street ..
Maisey David, butcher, 31 Bridge road : Newson George, jobmaster, ROIl).ford road
Malone Thomas, Lord Henniker, The Grove I Newstead Henry, clothier. 316 High street

:Mansfield Charles, carman, 61 Chobham :road, New town _ Newton George, beer retaIler, ~53 High street
Mansfield Cornelius, builder, 42 Chobham I'oad, New town . Nicholls Thomas, shopkeeper, 124 Abbey lane
Markwick Laban, tailor, 76 Windmill lane, New wwn ) Nichols John, wardrobe dealer. 5 Angel lane

Marrable William, greengrocer. 134 Leyton rOAd, New Town Nicholson & Buchan, surgeons, 9 Romford roa4 .
Marrable William, shopkeeper, 12 Warwn road "Nicholson Wilfred, varnish manufacturer, see Jeuson &
Marshall Chas. Jas. plumber & gasfitter, 8 Maryland point I Nicholson
Marshall Joseph. earthenware dealer, 87 Windmill lane I Nickelson Thomas, baker, Henn,ikel1"road• .:sew town
Marshall Joseph Gilbert Blair, engineer & surveyor, Martin st. Noble Robert, boot & shoe ma~er,..s Leyton rQad,New toWll
Martin & Co. music sellers, ~ Whitehall, Leytonstone road ,North Metropolitan Tramways CO. 33A, Broadway
Martin El ward, macpinery dealer, Sugar House lane North Ch2.rles, carpenter, :Manbey rOlld
Martin George Edward, King of Prussia, 47 Broadway I Norton Thos. & Son, builders & contractors, Frederick lltreet
Martin JamesWilliam, builder & contracwr, 148A,TheGrove NuttallAlbert, beer retailer, Romford road
Martin Thomas, green~rocer, Waddington street, ~ew town Oakley Richard, shopkeeper, 9 Bridge road .
Mason George, butcher, 226 High street O'Brien Russell James M.B. physician, 272 Romford road
Mason Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, East street , . ,O'Connor \Vood, boot & shoe maker, I I & 12' Bridge road
Matthews J tmes & John, hatters, 146 The Grove Offord James, grocer, 78 High, street
Matthews James, engineer, Marshgate lane , I O'Grady Hen.ry~ news agent, 241; Hjgh street

Matthews William, window blind manufacturer, 49 High st, Oldroyd Alle11, tobacconist, 364 High street
Maw Catherine (Miss), ladies' school, The Ferns, The Green Oliver George William, batter, 2 Martin street
Maw James, lime, cement, tile, drain pipe &. fire brick mer- Orgwood Frederick, shopkeeper, 201 High street
chant, white & red suffolk facing bricks, depot for red &; Osborn Charles, cheesemonger,r4 Martin street
blue staffordshire terra-metallic ridges, stable &; other James, tobacconist, 59 Chapel street
_ pavings, Yitrified blue bricks, tiles &c. agent for Jackson & Ough Henry, architect, 62 Romford road .
Garside's patent roofing tiles, Harrow Bridge whf. High st Outing John. ,coffee rooms, 3 Lavina terrace, Angel lane ,
May James Pearson, solicitor, 32 Romford road Overton William & Sons, wheelwrights, Martin street..,
May William, grocer, 289 ~"omford road I Owens John Edward, tobacconist, 2Ii Leyton I'd. New town
Mayfield Myers, herbalist, 80 Leyton road, New town I Pa~n Henry, shopkeeper, Falmouth street, New town .
Mays Robert, carpenter, 62 Martin street Pamter John, wardrobe deall:'r, 69 Maryland st. New town
Medcalf & Blott, butcher8, 3 8 Broadway Palmer Elizabeth & Catherine (Misses), ladies' schoql,96
Medcalf Ralph, butcher, 3 Angel lane Romford road
Medcalf Robert, butcher, 84 Leyton road, New wwu Palmer & Co. oil & candle works, Warton road
Mee Leopold George, beer retailer, 29 Leyton rd. New town Palmer James, surveyor, 56 Chobham road. ~ew town
Meggs Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladder maker, 47 High street Palmer Jsph. Thos. printing ink manufacturer, Marshgatela
Meiklejon John Bean, linen draper, 42 & 127 Leyton road Palmer Thomas Wilham, solicitor, SI Broadway
Mein William & Co. smiths &. engineers, Hope iron works. Pan11el John, beer retailer, 221 High street
Station street, High street Parrott George Charles, painter, 130 Leyton I'd. New town
Merrett Henry, harness maker, SI High street Parsons Thomas, shopkeeper, Henuiker road, New town
Merry William, greengrocer, 62 High street Pasmore James, tailor, 266 High street ,
Merry William, shopkeeper, 39 Chapel street Patent Victoria Stone Co. (Geo. Locke, man"J, 284 High st
Meyers Albert, grocer, 45 Leyton road, ~ew town Paterson James & Co. engineers, Albion street
Mickleborough Edward, fruiterer, I Maryland villas, Leyton- Patey Charle1;\, baker, 55 Carpenter's road
stone road Payn & Co. carpenters, 121 Leyton road, New town
Miller Arthur, chemist, 295 Romford road Payne Alfred John, furniture dealer, 248 High street
)'Iillist John, french polisher, I William street Payne Thomas, shoe maker, 235 High street
Mills Janet (~Irs.), Two Brewers, 197 High street Payne Wm. musical iustrmut. ma. 52 Leyton rd. New town
Mitchell J6hn George, vegetable salesman, 12 & 13 Stratford Pearson Anne (Mrs.), confectioner, 156 Major I'd. New towu
Bridge market . Pepprell Edwin, shopkeeper, 20 Mar~-land street, New towQ
Mitchell Samuel, confectioner, 141 Leyton road, Xew town Percy John, butcher, 160 Major road, New town
Moan James, dairyman, Martin street Perry &. Co: builders, Sugar House lane
Mobbs Charles, stationer, 83 Vicarage lane Perry Arthur Thomas, butchet, 2 Maryland po,int
Moll F. S. perfumery manufacturer, Carpenter's road Peters Frederick, to1;lacconist, 287 High street
Monkman Eliza (~liss), grocer, 70 High street Petre Louis, baker. 32 Lett road
:Moore Samuel, painter, 96 Major road, New town Philbrook John, tobacconist. Station street, High street
),IooreSarah (.~lrs.), lIaJ']'OW inn, 84 High street Phillips & &nck, whisky di.still.ers, Warton road
:Moorhouse Emma (.:\irs.), Lion 4' Lamb, 37 Chape~ street Phillips Edward. stationer, 19 Leyton road, New t{)wn
:\:lore Georl;e, architect, 267 Romford road Phillips James, dairyman, 36 & 38 Leyton road, ~ew toWtl
Morphett Frederick Wood, aCcoWltant, 142 The Groy,e Phillips John, house decorator, see Baker & Phillips.
PUn Mart Ann (Mrs.), tool dealer, Leytonstone road Rmsell John, coffee rooms, 82 Windmill lane
Pinn Henry, butcher, 55 Maryland road Ryder Henry John L.B.C.P. Edin. surgeon,141 Romford road
Piper Bucer, draper, 59 Chobham road, New town Ryron Thomas Benson, shirt & collar manufacturer, Ling.
Pittman Charles, oilman, 72 Chapel street field villa, Chandos road, New town
Pittman Henry, boot maker, 7 Romford road Sackett Richard, zinc & tin plate worker, 92 High street
Platten Henry, asphalte manufacturer, Sugar House lane St.Mary of h"'gypt's Home(Miss Sophialngersole, superioress),
Plummer Robert, clothier, 7 Bridge road Water lane
Plummer Robert, tailor, 132 The Grove Sanders Henry, watch maker, 3 Martin street
Polley John & Co. pharmaceutical chemisti, 360 High street Sargent Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer, Hennikerst. New town
Ponder Charles, hat & cap maker, Martin street Saunders Henry & Co. wine merchants, & agents for W. &: A.
Ponder Wm. picture frame maker, The Grove Gilbey, wine &: !Ipirit merehants, 46 Broadway
Ponsford George, beer retailer, 1 Maryland point Saunders Sam, beer retailer, Francis street, New town
Poole Jas. & Co. corn chandlers & bakers, 35 Leyton road, Savage Geo. &: Son, ho. decorators, 7 Market pI.Leytonstne.rd
New town Savage Betsy (Mrs.), tobacconist, 28 Romford road
Poole Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs.), Gi'een Man, 194 High street Savill Brothers, ale & porter brewers; india pale ale for
Porter James Raven, milliner, 363 High street exportation, Stratford brewery
Porter Thomas, coal merchant, Burford road Sayer Caroline (Mrs.), saddler, 292 High street
Potter WaIter Thos. provision dlr. 48 Leyton rd. New town Sayer Mary Ann (Mrs.), news agents, 21 Maryland point
Pratt Alfred, linen draper, 2 Maryland vils. Leytonstone rd Scammell Joseph, toba<.-'COnist, 29 Chapel street
Pratt Charles, cheesemonger, 46 Lett road Schleicher Ot1o, oil & gorease manufacturer, Warton road
Pratt Robert, butcher, see Weller & Pratt Schwab William, baker, 9 Abbey lane
Preston Richard, beer retailer & grocer, 136 Vicarage lane Scott Wm. Thos. & Co. Crown sulphur wrks. Marshgate la
Preston Stanley Richard, solicitor, 142 The Grove Scott Alfred, painter, 41 Broadway
Friddy Samuel, jun.linen draper, 22 Broadway, & hosier, 2 Scott Henry, greengrocer, 31 Chapel street
Bridge road Scoular Henry, machinist, 71 Vicarage lane
Primble Henry, tobacconist, 45 Vicarage lane Serine John, grocer, 348 Romford road
Printing Ink 4" Statiqnery Co. Sugar House lane Sedgwick George Alfred, solicitor & vestry clerk, Town hall
Privet Richard, shopkeeper, New street Self Jeremiah, clerk to the school & burial boards,The Grove
Puxley Charles, oilman, 158 Major road, New town Sellman Josepb, baker, 7 Alma street
Quelch Eliza (Mrs.), cheesemonger, 32 High street Sexton John, baker, 97 Vicarage lane
Quick William, upholsterer, Leytonstone road Shambrook Charles, oilman, 63 Chobham road, New town
Raiman T. H. building inspctr. to the local board, Town hall Sharp Robert, cowkeeper, 21 Chapel street
Ramsay Samuel, stat1Oner, 3 Leyton road, New town Shaw John, shopkeeper, 70 Angel lane, Broadway
Ratcliff Daniel R. sawing,planing, moulding & veneer mills, Shaw Samuel, oilman, 305 High street
Bow bridge Shea Joseph, rag merehant, 333 High stt'eet
Rawlings Joshua, confectioner, 136 The Grove Shean John, boat builder, High street
Rayner James Robert, baker, 373 High street Shearman William, coffee rooms, 4 Colchester tel'. Angel la
Read Geo. Thos. vegetable salesman, I Stratford Brdg. mrkt Shepherd George, hatter, 1 Devonshire t~rrace, High street
Read Louisa (Mrs.), rag merchant, 365 High street Sheppard James George, whip thong maker, Chapel street
Redkay Alexander, greengrocer, see Davis & Redkay Sherwell Henry, coach builder, Leytonstone road
Reed Alfred, builder, Burford road Shimwell & Co. (late E. Morwood & C().), manufacturers of
Reeve Charles, woollen draper, 290 High street patent rolled large tin & terne sheets ~ iron & tin plate
Reeves Thomas, chandler's shop, 51 Bridge road merchants, Bridge road
Regan James, coffee rooms, 199 High street Short George, beer retailer, Angel place, Leyton road
Heid John, beer retailer, 76 Vicarage lane Sills Joseph, shopkeeper, 25 Leyton road, New town
:Revell John Aldridge, grocer, 59 Vicarage lane Simes Richard George, grocer, 387 High street
Heynolds George, boys' school, 279 Romford road Simmons George Layton, draper, 164 Chobham road
Heynolds John, beer retailer, Plashet lane, Romford road Simmons William, gas fitter, 4 Martin street
Rich Goorge Edward, oilman, Leytonstone road Simpson James, tailor, 39 Broadway
Richards J ames & Son, hatters, 3 Bridge road Singer Manufacturing Co. 45 Broadway
Richardson David, watch maker, Leytonstone road Single Arthur, auctioneer, estate agent & surveyor, 178
Richardson Harry, beer retailer, 29 Angel lane The Grove
Richardson J. J. collector of rates for the local board, Skaife John, haberdasher, 5 Colchester terrace, Angel lane
Town hall Skeets Thomas, vegetable salesman, 17 Stratford Brdg. mrkt
Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants, High st. & Angel lane Skelton Robert, veterinary surgeon, 18 Maryland road
Ridpath Andrew, greengrocer, 259 High street Slater Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Henniker road, New town
Rippin Henry William, brush maker, Warton road Smart Martha (Miss), cork manufacturer, 80 Angel lane
Ritchie William & Son, merchants, jute spinners & power- Smith Brothers, grocer, 16 k 18 Broadway
loom linen manufacturers, Carpenter's road; city office, Smith Bros. & Co. tar &: grease manufacturers, Marshgate la
6 Lime street e.c Smith Eleanor &: Elizabeth (Misses), fancy repository, 4
• Rivett James, funeral furnisher, High street Whitehall, Leytonstone road
Robbins Alfred, sign writer, 3 Ingham pI. Leytonstone road Smith John & Co. printers, 47 Angel lane
Robbins James M.B. surgeon, see Goodson & Robbins Smith Arthur John, pork butcher, 47 Lpyton rd. New town
Roberts WaIter & Co, wharfingers, Rowatt's wharf, High st Smith Augustus, brush manufacturer, Marshgate lane
Roberts Henry, butcher, 367 High street Smith Charles Cooper, corn dealer, Harrow bridge, High st
Roberts In. Reynolds, linen draper, 80, 84, 86 & 88 Broadway Smith Frederick, baker, 7 West street, New town
Robinson Henry, coffee rooms, I Devonshire ter. High st Smith Frederick, corn merchant, 336 High street
Robinson Henry Lance, tobacconist, 78 Broadway Smith George, carpenter, The Gro,oe
Robinson Lance, dyer &: scourer, 82 Broadway Smith George Thomas, house decorator, 25 High street
Robinson SamI. blind ma. 4 Clarendon tel'. Leytonstone rd Smith James, beer retailer, 395 High street
Rogers Alfred, greengrocer; Vicarage lane Smith James, leather seller, 399 High street
Rogers Emma (Miss),ladies' school, 52 Chobhamrd. New tu Smith John, shopkeeper, 52 Waddington road, New town
lWgers George Fredk. corn merchant, 299 High street SmithJohnMoore, architect &surveyor, Rokeby ho.Broadway
Rogers John, cabinet maker, 142 Leyton road, New town Smith Thomas William, butcher, 93 Vicarage lane
Rogers John, Li01l., 74 Angel lane Snow Peter, grocer, 2 Stanley road
Rogers Richd. Wm. cabinet maker, 374 High st. &: Martin st Sorrell Thomas, smith, 90 Chapel street
Rogers Samuel, shopkeeper, 94 High street Sorrell William Edwin, grocer, Leytonstone road
Romain Samuel Anidger, watch maker, 303 High street Southern Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 264 Romford road
Rose Henry, butcher, I Broadway Spinks Richard & Son, hair dressers, 11 Le)oton rd. New twn
Ross John, general dealer, 12 Waddington street, New town Spinks Richard, Eagle ttrlJern, Chubham road, New town
Rothenburg James, Manbey Arms, Manbey street Spratt Leslie, milliner, 1'28 The Gron
Rowe Edwin Samuel, dyer, 4 Angel lane . Hpratt Leslie William, linen draper, 92 Broadway
Royal Edward, oilman, see Cooper & Royal Springall John, engineer, Harrow Bridge iron works, High st
Ruff Joseph, watch maker, 103 Leyton road, New town Sproul Wm. Hy. &: Co. coal mers. High st. Stratford bridge
Rule Deborah (Mrs.), dairy, 13 Waddington street, New town Staines George, baker &: beel' retailer, Chant street
Rumbold William John, wheelwright & cart & van builder, Standard Loon O.fJice (WilIiam Randall, sec.), 2 Ponder ter·
Harrow bridge, High street race, \\"ater lane
Russell & Co. potato salesmen, 8 Stratford Bridge market Stanstield WiUiam Edwal'd, c'othier, 367 High street
Stapley William Mercer, plumber, Disraeli ;road Vonand Robert, pork butcher, 369 High street
Starkey Charles, shopkeeper, 23 Angel lane Wacey Robert, butcher, 31 Vicantge lane
Stebbing Emily (Mrs.), grocer, 324 High st. & 5 Broadway Wade Thomas, beer retailer, 26 Leyton road
Steel Brothers, paper stainers, Leytonstone road ·Wade William Mark, zinc worker, Leytonstone road
Steel George, smith, High street Wait James, Bird-in-Hand, 314 High street
Steele John, beer retailer, 144 Maryland road Walker Edward Charles, tobacconist, 91 Vicarage lane
Steer Joseph, violin maker, 166 Maryland road Walker Joseph, watch maker, 36 Windmill lane. New town
Stepper John, pork butcher, 53 Vicarage lane Walker Thomas, shoe maker, 43 Manbey street
Stibbard Martha (Mrs.), stay ma. 3 Alexander ter. The Grove Walmsley George Sackett, licensed maltster, 26 High street
Stimson Edwin Chas. architect & surveyor, 176 The Grove WaIters Charles, coffee rooms, Great Eastern road
Stimson Frederick, baker, 265 High street WaIters Henry William, coffee rooms, 300 High street
Stock William, stationer, & post office, 288 Romford road Walton Thos. collector of rates for the local board, Town hI
Stockdale Charles, harness maker, 375 High street Warne JOShua, tailor, 75 High street
Stockdale George, boot maker, 100 Leyton road, New town Warren Frederick & Co. coal merchants, Martin street
Stocker Mary (Mrs.) & Elizabeth, Emily, Annie & Mai Warth John, vegetable salesman, 5 Stratford Bridge market
(Misses), ladies' school, I I Romford road Warwick George, haberdasher, 44 Martin street
Stocker Chas.J. L.R.C.P. LOnd. surgeon,Weston ho.Romford rd Warwick William, boot & shoe maker, 76 Angel lane
Stoffell & Co. grocers, 12 Maryland point Waterman Thomas, carpenter, 27 Martin street
Stoffell Thomas, beer retailer. New street Watkins & Son, Swan hotel, 31 Broadway
Stollery David, shopkeeper, 48 Manbey street Watkins John, earthenware dealer, 371 High street
Stoneham William, boot maker, 132 Leyton rd. New town Watkinson Stallwood Frederick, beer retailer, 35 Lett road
Stratford Co-operative Society (Albert Coleman, sec.), 6oA, Watson William Hurrell, clothier, 14 Broadway
Maryland street, New town Wangh Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 94 Burford road
StratjlJrd Express (Wilson & Whitworth, proprietors & pub- Way Frederick John, Commercial hotel, Martin street
lishers; published sat.), 20 Broadway Wayland Henry John & James, watch makers, 380 High st
Stratford if South Essex Ad1Jertiser (P. T. Little, proprietor; Wayman Richard, carpenter, Leytonstone road
published fri.), 272 High street Wayte Mary Ann (Mrs.), chandler's shop, 129 High street
Stratford Times (Wilson & Whitworth, proprietors & pub- Webb Charles, greengrocer, 81 Vicarage lane
lishers; published wed.), 20 Broadway Webb George, oil & colorman, 103 Vicarage lane
Strong Brothers, builders & contractors, Carpenter's road Webb J amell,builder,Brydges rd. & 64 Chobham rd. New town
Styles John, butcher, 71 Abbey lane Webb Paulin, greengrocer, 36 Lett road
Summers Robert, provision dealer, 137 Leyton rd. New town Weeks Thos. & Wm. lime & cement manufactrs. Burford rd
Symes Albert, Carpenter's A nns, Carpenter's road Welch Henry, plumber &c. 1 Burford road
Syrett William, butcher, 7 & 8 Angel lane Weller & Pratt, butchers, 32 Broadway
Taffs John William, beer retailer, Well st. Maryland point Wells Caleb, Dorset Arms, 58 Leyton road, New town
Tanner Charles W. & Sons, coal & corn mers. 351 High st Wesley James Frederick, architect, 275 & 274 Romford road
Taplow & Co. wine & spirit mers. 4 Whitehall, Leytonstone rd West Ham Burial Bom"d (Jeremiah 8elft clerk) ; office,
Tappenden John, boot maker, 264 High street Town hall, Broadway
Taylor Charles, painter &C. Martin street West Ham Conservative Clv1J (R. T. Wragg, hon. sec.), 3S
Taylor Harriet (Mrs.), professor of drawing, 4 Maryland pt Surillain terrace, Broadway
Telleby Joseph, dairyman, 2 Maudley ter. Leytonstone road West Ham Fire Brigade Station (William Jones, supt.)t
Temple & Co. wholesale & general furnishing ironmongers, Broadway
bellhangers, gas fitters, whitesmiths, locksmiths, braziers, West Ham Gas Works (James Madge, sec.; Edward Henry
tinmen, stove & range manufacturers & agricultural Thorman, man.), Union street, High street
implement agents, High street West Ham Liberal Association (Frederick Close Blackburn,
Thomas Edward, sign writer, 215 High street sec.), Rokeby house, Broadway
Thomas Owen, draper, see Williams & Thomas West Ham School Board (Jeremiah Self, clerk) ; office, Town
Thompson Fredk. stationer, 3 Clarendon ter. Leytonstone rd hall, Broadway .
Thompson Henry, beer retailer, Henniker road, New town 'Veston & Co. tobacconists, 13 Windmill lane, New town
Threadwell George, photographer, 288 High street Wetjen Diederich, beer retailer, 4 Shrewsbury villas, Water la
Threlford Thomas, cabinet maker, 23 & 25 Broadway Wheeler William, cowkeeper, Warton road
Thurgood John Bonham, beer rtlr. 97 Leyton rd. New town Whenn Robert, baker,6 Maryland point
Thurston Ann (Mrs.), grindery dlr. 90 Leyton rd. New town Whimp John, stationer, 75 Leyton road, New town
Tidman & Brown, earthenware dealers, 120 The Grove White & Batting, corn dealers, 132 The Grove
Tilley James, chimney sweeper, Burton court, High street White Alfred, coffee rooms, 8 Broadway
Tillotson Fanny (Mrs.), tobacconist, 25 Martin street White George Frederick, oilman & ironmonger,l60 Chob-
Tindale Alexander Curtis, tobacconist, 378 High street ham road, New town
Tingey Henry, cabinet maker, 21 Romford road White Henry, auctioneer, 6 Romford road
Tisdell William, laundry, 280 R!)mford road White John, ginger beer maker, Martha street
Tomlinson Wm. blacksmith, 3 Manbey Park villas, Grove White Richard, stay maker, 30 Romford road
Tompkins Charles, boot & shoe maker, 52 Lett road Whitehouse Thomas Gill M.D. surgeon, 7 Maryland point
Trench William, baker, 186 Leyton road, New town Whitemore George, hosier, 41 Angel lane
Trimmer & Hine, surgeons, Eppingdale, Leytonstone road Whittingham Samuel, grocer, 52 High street
Trott Robert, baker, 108 Chapel street Whittle Henry, beer retailer, 1 Windmill lane
Trow & Son, dining rooms, 27 Broadway Whitworth Jason Catley, printer, see WHson & Whitworth
Turbytield William, umbrella maker, 114 The Grove Whoorwood James, hair dresser, 355 High street
Turner Ann I. (Mrs.), Old Black Bull, 13 Broadway Whybro David, Rising Sun, Romford road
Turner Arthur, tailor, 267 High street Whymark William, butcher, 128 Maryland road
Turner George, hatter, 362 High street Wicks Thomas George, linen draper, 278 High street
Turner Joseph, confectioner, 6 Colchester ter. Angel lane .Wier Frederick James, tinman, 6 Waddington st. New town
Turner Josiah, beer retailer, 121 High street Wilkie Jessie (Miss), baker, 126 Leyt-on road, New town
Turner Marlton William, stone mason, Manbey stree~ Wilkinson Charles, painter, 25 Angel place, New town
Turner Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 6 Angel lane William William Alfred, corn & flour merchant, 409 High st
Turner Thomas William, boot & shoe maker, 34 Angel lane Williams & Thomas, linen drapers, 44 Broadway
Turner William, coffee rooms, 280 High street Williams Henry Prydderch, chemist, 88 Leyton rd. New twn
Tyler Edward, butcher, Leytonstone road Williams ,samuel, firewood merchant, 127 High street
Underwood James, baker, 67 High street Williams Thomas, beer retailer, 348 & 350 High street
f) Universal Bedding Warehouse, 190 The Grove
. ValIance Thomas James M.D. surgeon & registrar of births
Williams William Brown, vegetable salesman, 16 Stratford
Bridge market
& deaths for the Stratford sub-district, 27 Romford road Willis Henry, shopkeeper, Francis street, New town
Vanderpant Fredk. butcher,S Devonshire terrace, High st Willis Thomas, solicitor, 158 The Grove
Van de Wall & Co. lamp black makers, Marshgate lane Willmott & Co. v~ble. salesmen, 14 Stratford Bridge mrkt
Veale Jonathan, linen draper, Leytonstone road Willmott George, beer retailer, 8 Waddington st. New town
Victoria Wine Co. 124 The Grove Wilmar Charles, shopkeeper, 15 Lett road
Vincent George Herbert, clothier, 304 High street Wilson & Whitworth, printers & publishers of the 'Essex
Vincent Robert, watch & clock ma. 75 Windmill la. New town Times & Romford Telegraph,' 'Stratford Express' &
Volckman William & Charles, wholesale confectioners, 338 & 'Stratford Times,' 20 Broadway
340 High st.; & 101 Bishopsgate St. within, London e.c Wilson George, grocer, 116 MaIJ'land road
Wilson Stephen, professor of music. I Ponder ter. Water la. Woods & Co. clothiers, I Lavina terrace, Angel la-ne
Wilson Thomas, plumber. 40 Manbey street Woods William, butcher, 184 Chobham road, New town -1
Wilton John & Son, candle works, 28 Broadway Woods William HalIsgrove, beer retailer, 302 High street
Wimbush Richard Nelson, baker, Windmill lane, N~w town Wooster George, butcher, Angel lane
Winkley Samuel, bntcher, 358 High street Wright George, hair dresser, Great "Eastern road
Winstone Benj. & Son, printing ink manuf. Sugar House la- Wria-ht William, wholesale stationer, Leytonstone road
Wintle George, dairyman, 257 High street I Youdan Geol'ge, butcher, 15 Maryland point
Witherick Samuel, confectioner, 174 Leyton road, New town Young Everett Isaac, baker,6s Chobham road, New town
W ODd & Co. sewing machine makers, 180 The Grove Young William, white lead & oil & colour warehouse, 100
Wood Alfred, boot & shoe ma. 166 Chobham road, New town Broadway & 5 Romford road
Wood Alfred, watch & clock maker,72 Broadway Yuris Charles, confectioner, 220 High street
Wood Charles, beer retailer, Leytonstone road Zerfass Karl, baker, 160 Maryland road
Wood William, butcher, 4 Market place, Leytonstone road
STRETHALL is Ilr parish in the Western divi!'lion of living is 8 rectory, yearly value £250, mcluding the glebe,
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden union and in the gift of the trustees of the late Archdeacon Raymond
county court district, Saffron Walden rural deanery, Col- and held by the Rev. Joseph ColIin, who resides at Elmdon.
chester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4' miles north- 'The trustees of the late Archdeacon Raymond are lords of
west from Audley End railway station, 4 north-west from the manor and chief landowners. Mr, Edmund Enson, who
Saffron Walden, 3 south-west from Great Chesterfield and resides at Littlebury Green. farms the whole Qf the parish.
46 from London. The church to St. Mary the Virgin, is an The soil is principally light; subsoil. chiefly chalk. The
ancient Norman structure, consisting- of a chancel, nave and crops are on the five-course system. The area is 606 acres;
rower: the chancel is separated from the nave by a very mteable Talue, £687; and the population in 1881 was 43.
fine Norman a.rch; in 1368 it was completely restored and Letters through Saffron Walden, which & Great Chester-
a stained window was inserted in 1872 as a memorial to ford are the nearest money order & telegraph offices
Mrs. Collin, of Elmdon. The e&rlies1; existing register is Qf Private School, under the management of the rector; Mrs.
the date of 1769, the preYious ones ha.ving been lost. The Alice Law, mistress
STURMERE (orStourmere, i.e. the Mere on the Stour) I f1tone have been established here upwards of 140 years.
was formerly a very considerable place, having Haverhill Sturmere Hall, occupied 8S a farmhouse, is an ancient
600 Ketton as hamlets; it is a parish and station on the building, pleasantly situated on rising' ground near the
StoUT Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, in the church and was formerly surrounded by a moat l Q part of
Eastern division of the county". Hinckford hundred, Rig.. which still remains. Sidney Stanley esq. is lord of the
bridge union, Haverhill oounty court district, Yeldham manor. The Purkis family are the chief landed proprietors.
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albanll The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
diocese, 15 miles north-west from Halstead and a mile and 945 acres; rateable value,£1,730 ; and tbe population in 1881
a half south-east from Haverhill. The church attributed was 374-
to St, Mary is an ancient building, in t\ mixed style of archi- POST OF.FICE.-Harry Ruse, receiver. Letters arrive by
tecture and consists of chancel, nave a.nd a western tower mail cart from Halstead at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 5.20
containing 3 bells: it was thoroughly restored and re-seated p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
in 1877. The stained east window was presented by Mr. Haverhill
Henry W. Jackson, of Haverhill. The register dates from The Local .school Board, united with that of Haverhill,
the year 1733. The living is a rectory, yearly value £237, cousists- of 5 members, 4 for Haverhill & ~ fo., Sturmere.;
with residence and 13 acres of glebe, in the gift of the ReV'. clerk, Mr. John Bigmore, Hav61'hill
G. H. Fletcher M.A. of Gloucester and, held by the Rev. Board School (mixed), built in r876, for 94 children, with~n
George Henry Ridley :Fletcher B.A. of Exeter College, average attendance of 54 ~ Mrs. Henry Gowel', mistress
Oxford, and surrogate. The nurseneiJ of Mr. Henry Dilli- Railway Station, WiUiam Wesley Tollady, master
Fletcher Re,', George Henry Ridley B.A. I BoW)'er Thomas, blacksmith Gower Stephen, carpenter &; builder
[surrogate], Rectory Curtis John, Red Lion Gurteen Jabez, farmer. Couples farm •.
Purkis Charles Blomfield Debenham Arthur Noah,relievingofficer Inee George, beer retailer
Purkis Mrs. Abbots hall Dillistone Henry,nurseryman,seedsman Martin John. farmer, Pokemill r
COMMERCIAL. & florist Purkis Charles Rlomfield, farmer
Bow-tell Jas. Daniel, draper & tea dealetl Gardner Ambrose,farmer,Sturmere hall RUMe Harry, saddler & shopkeeper
GREAT SUTTON is a parish, in the Southern division Island, in. the gittorand held bytbeRev.J"osiahCramptonM.A.
of the county, Rochford hundred, union and county court of Trinity College. Dublin. Tbe manorial rights were resigned
district, Canewdoll rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and to the parish by Chester Moor Hall esq. James Tabor esq. is
St. Albans diocese, 45 miles from London, J. mile 8outh-east chief landowner. The soil is rich Joam # subsoil, clay. The
from Rochford and 2! miles north from Southend railway crops are general. 'The area i8 721 acres ~ rateable value,
station. The church of All Saints is a stone buildingf con~ £1,447; and the population in 1881 was 144.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a tower with spire Parilih Cle,.k, Jllmes Wallace.
containing I bell, in the Early English and Decorated styles, Letters from Chelmsford through Rochford. LETTER Box
the churcb retains sedilia and was thoroughly Testored in in wall cleared a.t 4.4.; p.m.l -on sundays at 11.30 a.m.
r869, at a cost of nearly £700. The register of baptisms The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Rochford
and burials dates from 1741 i marriages, :1751. The living National School for the joint parishes of Great Button &
is a rectory, the tithes commuted in r839 at l.2.CJO, with Shopland, erected in 1873, for 5.2 children, with an a\'erage
residence and 10 acres of glebe, llolso. moons from Fpulness attendance of 30 5 Mr.ll. Joy, mistress
Crampton Rev. Josiah M.A.. Recrory I BurIes Stephen, market gardene., ReeYes John Robert, fsrtner, Ne'" house
Tabor Charles Albert J.P. Button hall j Cro,s Henry! jnn. larmer, Fleet hall Tabor Chas. Alberl, farmer, Sutton hall
TAXELEY is a village, parish and station on the branch Honblon, James Ross, J. W. PatD1Q1'e and W. R. Hawkes
on the Great Eastern railway from Bishop's Stortford to esqrs. The soil is clay and loam; subsoil, mixed.' The
Braintree, in the Western division of the county, Uttlesford crops are wheat, barley, beans and roots, ~he area is
hundred, Dunmow union and county court district, rural 3,187 acres; ratea'ble nlue, £40302; and the population in
deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese, 1881 was 824.
of St. Albans, 4 miles west from Dunmow, 36 from London BAMBER, or BAMBROWS GREEN, is a mile and a half north,'"
snd 4 east from Bishop's Stortford, on the road to Dnnmow. east; SMITH'S GRREN t half a mile past i MOLE HILL GItEEN~
The railway station is situated within the parish of Hatfleld 2t miles north. .
Broad Oak, but is called Takeley station. The church of St. Se:rt07t, George Panett.
Mary is an old building, consisting of chancel, nave, south POST OFFICE.-Robert Lambert, postmaster. Letters by way
aisle, porch and an embattled tower, containing 4 bells and of Chelmsford, srri"e at 6.15 s.m.; dispatched a.t 5.50 p.m..
surmounted by small spire: the chancel was restored il} 'The nearest money order & telegraph offices are a~ Dun~
1874, at the same time the parishioners added a chancel mow & Hatfield 13road Oak
arch and organ chamber. The register dates from about t,he SCHOOLS:-
3'ear 1662. The living is a V"icarage, )'early value £300, with National (mixed), Brewer's end. with an aver/tge ~ttendan~
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by of 68; Mrs. L. Bunting, certificated mistress
the lleV'. Robert Hart M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cam- National (mixed), Mole Hill green, with an aV2rage attendt
bridge. The parish is divided into se\reral small manor.s. snce Qf 40 ; Miss E. Fencott. mistress
The principal lando-wners are New College, O~ord and iT.~. Railwuy Station, HeDfY J<'a.rnham, etatioo masteJ'
Potter William, farmer, Street
RaIlings Charles, beer retailer &; farmer,
Mole Hill green .r
Speller Hobart,. shoe maker, Street
Speller Thomas, .grocer &; draper~ &
agent for W, &; A. Gilbey't Jrine &;
spUit merchants. ...
Stokes Henry, Lion ~ L(lmb, &; cattle dlr
Stokes Mary (Mrs,), grocer &; draper
Vincent John, Grem Man, Street
Warman William, Four Ashes )
Webb John, land steward to the Easton
estat~, Mortivals
White James, fanner &; landowner-
White John, flour &; corn dealer, Street
Wildman William, tailor &; beer retailer,
Bambrows green
Wybrow James, farmer, Taylor's fartn,

Hardy James, Iana &; estate agent &; Maskell Jacob, farmer, Grove house Stanford Stanley Fredk. farmer, Wolf's
farmer, The Hall Sargent William, Crown, & blacksmith Thompson Charles, farmet"j Old hall
Kent William, grocer &; draper Seggers John, shopkeeper Thompson John S. farmet", Brocket'll
Low George, fanner, Brett's hall Sorrell Joseph, farmer Tricker John. farmer. Hill fann
Mash 8arah (Mrs.), grocer &; draper Sorrell Joseph, jun. farmer
TERLING is an ancient parish in the Eastern division of Ranulph Peveril. In 1269 it was held under the Bohuns,
the county, Witham hundred, Braintree union, Chelmsford Earls of Hereford and Essex, by the Bishop of Norwich, who
county court district and in the rural deanery of Witham, had a palace and park here, besides a large chapel having
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, situate privilege of sanctuary, which gave shelter to the celebrated
on the Ter, a feeder of the Chelmer, 3i miles west from Hubert de Burgh in the reign of King HenryIII.: it was also
Witham, 7 south from Braintree, 37 from London and 2 miles a residence of King Henry VIII. and several acts of this king
east from Hatfield Peverel station, on the Colchester line of are datel from Terling, particularly the patent creating Sir
the Great Eastern railway. The church of All Saints is an . Edward Seymour, Viscount Beauchamp, in 1536, in which
ancient Norman structure, standing in the centre of the I )'ear he gave his manor to Lord Chancellor Audley. The
parish and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and house, built by the late John Smith esq. is now the seat of
a square tower containing a clock and 5 bells recast in Lord Rayleigh aqd is very pleasantly situated in a park of
1808 and supporting an octagonal shingled spire: inserted :lOO acres, intersected by the river Ter and surrounded by
in the wall of the south aisle are two ancient brasses with effi.- extensive woods with stately forest trees. Lord Rayl~igh is
giestoJohnRochesteresq.ob.3IstMarch,I584,histwowives lord of the manor and chief landowner. The land is
and twelve children; and to William Rochester esq. ob. Sep- principally arable; subsoil, clay and gravel. The area is
tember 2nd, 1:558 and his wife Elizabeth ob. 29th July, 1556; 3,205 acres; rateable value, £4,625; and the population in
beneath are 12 lines of English rhyming verse and on the 1881 was 586.
brass of John ~ochester an inscription in v~rse. The~e FARSLEY is I mile south-east· TERlIUTTS is 2 miles south-
are other mutIlated brasses of a man and hiS WIfe, 1430, m t '
the nave and of a man in annonr, with his ,vife, c. J490, in we~. '"h Cle'rk Jam s Pearson
the south aisle. Built into the wall on the inside of the ans ,e .
tower are two stones with inscriptions recording how POST OFFICE.-:-William ~right, receiver. Let~rs received
Solomon Monk and 8arah his wife, with others of that family, through Wltham, dehvered at 8.30. a.m.; dlspa~hed at
set these stones during the rebuilding of the steeple, May 6 p.m. The nearest money ord~r offices are at WItham &
IQ and n, 1732. The register dates from the yl'..3.r 1538. H~tfield Peverel, the latter bemg the ne:trest telegraph
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £370; in the gift of office. PILLAR Box cleared at 5.45 p.m.; sundays, 10.45
Lord Rayleigh and held by the Rev. Charles Boutflower B.A. a.m.
of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Here is a Congre- Nati()'fUl], School (mixed), built in 1841 for 120 children, with
gational chapel. There are charities of about £34 yearly, an average attendance of 90. The school has an endow-
derived from land left by Henry Smith. A fair is held here ment of £10 per annum, arising from a rent charge on
OIl Whit Monday. Terling Place was once appendant '!'royes farm,left by James Holding Strutt, for the educa-
to Ely cathedral, but separated from that see by tion of 10 boys; WaIter Frederick Spikes, master
William the Conqueror, ",ho gave it to his favourite, CARRIER.-William Thoroughgood, to Witham, daily
Rayleigh Lord, Terling place; & Cousins Joseph Laver, farmer, Three Russell George, shopkeeper
Athenreum & New University clubs, Ashes farm Sayers Thomas, general dealer
London s.w Doe Charles Joseph, miller Smith Wm. thrashing mchn. proprietor
Boutflower Rev. Charles RA. Vicarage Drain James, farmer Terling Co-operative Society, Limited
Goodday Arthur Robt. J.P. New house Guilder William. baker (William Charles Nisbett, manager)
Strutt Hon. Edward Gerald Hammond James, fa1' Thoroughgood Wm. shopkpr. & carrier
Vennel Rev. Robson [Congregational] Harris George, blacksmith Tuff Waiter, farmer, Ringers
Alliston James, Rayleigh Arms Harris Thomas, blacksmith Turner Henry, carpenter
Bolton George William, farmer, Ley- Isted Thos. estate clerk to Lord Rayleigh Turner Joseph, bricklayer
lands & Scarletts Lewis John, farmer WalfordSarah(Mrs.),earthenwaredealr
-Bridge Charles Peter, farmer Loker Frederick, baker Wood John, farmer, Sparrows
Bright William, wheelwright Middleditch Henry, beer retailer Wood William, shopkeeper
Bruce William, farmer Middleditch Louisa (Mrs.), beer retailer Wright William, tailor
Butcher Deborah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Richardson Charles, farmer
GREAT TEY in the tenth century belonged to Algal', Cambridge and held by him. Here is a charitj' of £33
Earl of Mercia: it is a parish, in the Eastern division of yearly, derived from 13 acres of land, left by S. Hills esq.
the county, Lexden and Winstree union, Lexden hundred, in the reign of Elizabeth. There is also a charity of about
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Halstead, £9 yearly, arising from rents of cottages given by the
Colchester archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester, situate present rector, the Rev. W. Walsh M.A. A fair is held
on the river Roman, 7 miles west from Colchester, 4 north- here on Trinity Monday. Mrs. Mary F. Reeve is lady
east from Coggeshall and 3 from Marks Tey station. The of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is rich
ancient church of St. Barnabas, standing on a. height, con- loam; subsoil, loam and clay. The chief crops are wheat
sists of a chancel and two small transepts with a. square and barley. The area is 2,503 acres; rateable value, £4,340 ;
tower of pure Norman work erected in the eleventh century, and the population in 1881 was 691.
and eontaining 8 bells: the nave and aisles were pulled 'fEy CROSS is I mile north-west; CHECKLEYS, half a mile
down in 1829. The register dates. of baptisms and marriages, north-east; PATTOCK GREEN, half a mile north
from 1559; burial~, 1560 and is in good condition. The Parish Clerk, William Herman.
living is a vicarage, yearly value £215, in the gift of the Letters arrive from Keh'edon at 9 a.m. & are dispatched at
Rev. William Walsh M.A. and held by the Rev. Roger Taylor 5.50 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Cogges-
BuTton M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There is also hall; the telegraph office is at Marks Tey
a sinecure rectory which extends over Chappel-on-Pontis- National School (mixed), built in 1872, for ISO children,
bright, yearly value £800, with rectory house, also in the with an a.verage attendance of 102; Miss Hannah Cook,
gift of the Rev. William Walsh M.A. of St. John's College, mistress
BuTton Rev. Roger Taylor M.A.. [vicar] Dyer John, carpenter Nice Edw8rd, butcher
Lockwood'The Misses Emberson Harriet .Overett (Mrs.), far- Norton Hercules,fanner,Lambert's fnn
Lay John Watson J.P. Walcotts mer, Windells farm Sadler Jordan, carpenter, Broad green
Walsh Rev. William M.A., ;T.P. Rectory Eves Absolom, wheelwright Sharp James, fanner, Uphall fann
COMMERCIAL. Fairs John, boot & shoe maker Smith & Son, blacksmiths & wheel-
Bickmore Gardner, frmr. Bucklers farm French John, fann bailiff, Elm farm wrights
Bickmore Thomas, farmer, Flories farm Goodey Jeremiah Stannard, farmer, Ward Joseph, Eiqht Bells
Coggeshall et North Essex Co-operative Tey brook Willsher Walter;beer rtlr. Broad green
et IndU8trial Society (branch of), Hy. King Charles, blacksmith Winson Henry. Chequers
Thedem, manager Lay John Watson, farmer
LITTLE TEY is a parish, in the Eastern division of the to St. Albans (Verulamium),7 miles west from Colchester, 3
(,-ounty, Lexden and Winstree union, Lexden hundred, Col- north-east from Coggeshall and Ii from the Marks Tey
chester 'COunty court district, Halstead TUral deanery, station. The church of St. James is a small building con-
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, close sisting of chancel and nave, with a small wooden tower and
to the ancient Roman rQad from Colchester (Camalodunnm) , I bell: the south door is Norman. The Rev. Erasmns Laud,

rector here in 1641, rebuilt the parsonage house and barn annually distributed in coals to the poor. John W. Lay esq.
and is chiefly memorable on account of the cruel usage he who is lord of the manor and Mrs. Honywoodaretheprinci-
received from the Colchester mob, merely, as is supposed, pal landowners. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay.
from his bearing the same name as Archbishop Laud. The The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 486
register dates from the year 1660. The living is a rectory, acres; rateable value, £756; and the population in :l88:r
gross yearly value £223, with residence, in the gift of Balliol was 67.
College, Oxford and held by the Rev. William Adderley Letters through Kelvedon. The nearest money order office
Franci~ M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge and domestic is at Coggeshall.
chaplam to the Earl of Meath. The Rev. George Pawson, "
late rector of this parish, left £200, the interest of which is The children of this village go to the school at Marks Tey.
Francis Rev. Wm. Adderley M.A.Rectory Wilsher J ames, farm bailiff to Golden
MARKS TEY, so called from a family of De Mark, by principal landowners are Rev. John Ambrose M.A. who is lord
whom it was held under the Mandevilles, is a parish in the of the manor,Mr. Thomas Swinborne, the Right Hon. Sir John
Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and ~arnard Byles, Round's Trustees and Messrs. Thomas Car-
Winstree union, Colchester county court district, Halstead rington Wilson and John Wagstaff.' The soil is rich loam
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and diocese of St. and clay; subsoil, gravel and fine sand. The chief crops
Albans, adjoining Little TeY,5 miles west from Colchester are corn, beans and roots. The area is 1,19:r acres; rateable
and 4 east from Coggeshall; the Great Eastern railway has value, £3,577; and the population in 1881 was'1-II.
a station here, with junction for Bures, Sudbury and Colne LONG GREEN and POTTS GREEN are to the south-west.
Valley, 46! miles t1"om London. The church of St. Andrewis SextQ1l Newman Rayner
a building of the thirteenth century,consisting of chancel,nave' .
and a wooden tower with I bell: on account of its extremely POST OFFICE.-~eorge Warren,post~aster. Lettersthrough
dilapidated condition, it is in contemplation to erect a new Colchester arnve at 8.15 a.m·i dIspatched at 6.10 p.m.;
church on a more convenient site, retaining the present sundays IO.IS a.m. Lexden IS the nearest money order
church as a mortuary chapel. The register dates from the office
year 1560. The living is a rectory, yearly value £300, with POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE, open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week
residence and 32 acres of glebe, in the gift of Miss Gray and days only j and from 8 till 10 a.m. on sundays
held by the Rev. Wm. Morgan Jones. Marks Tey Hall, National School (mixed), built in 1866 for 120 children, with
which is the property of the Rev. J. Ambrose M.A. is to the an average attendance of 1°3; George Tebbutt, master
south of the London road; part of the moat still remains. The Railway Station, George Jeffries, station master
Tampion Daniel &; pipe manufacturer, Marks Tey Ponder Robert, cooper
Jones Rev. William Morgan, Rectory Brick works. 'See advertisements Rayner Newman, blacksmith
Wilson Arthur, Palmer's farm Fincham Edwd.farmer,LongGreen farm I Swann Charles, farmer, Godbold farm
Wilson Frederick William, Ivy house French Chas. carpenter &; wheelwright Wagstaff Samh Ann (Mrs.), fmr.Ch. ho
Wilson Thomas Carrington French George. shopkeeper Warren Charles, Red Lion
COMMERCIAL. Garrett Joseph Stammers, maltster Warren George, grocer, post office
Blackwall Elijah, Trowel 0/ Hammer Layer Shadrach, Priltce of Wales WILSONT. C. & SoNS, farmers & corn &
CoLLIER WILLlAM HOMAN, brick, tile Moss 'Walter Thomas, farmer seed merchants
THAXTED is an ancient town, near the source of the 89, his wife Anne, July 9th, 1681, tet. 30 and others. The
Chelmer, on the road from Chelmsford to Saffron Walden; register dates from the year 1558. The living is 8 vicarage,
• it is a parish in the Western division of the county, Dunmow yearly value £460, with residence, in the gift of the trustees
hundred, union and county court district, Dunmow rural of the late Viscount Maynard and held by the Rev. Geo.
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 6 Edward Symonds M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford, and
miles north from Dunmow, 7 north-east from Elsenham surrogate. There are Congregational and Baptist chapels
station, 7 south-east from Saffron Walden and 42 from and 8 meeting house for the Society of Friends. Samuel
London. The town was formerly a borough, incorporated Purchas, the author of the two curious and interesting books
by charter from Philip and Mary; the charter was confirmed called" Purchas: his Pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World
by Queen Elizabeth and again with additions, by J ames I. and the Religious Observances of all Ages" and" Purchas :
but the corporation was extinguished in the quo warranto his Pilgrimmes," was born here in 1577: he studied at
persecution of James n. in 1687. The town is lighted Cambridge and entering the Church became chaplain to
with gas. Archbishop Abbott and published the first of these works in
The parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, but by others 1613 and the second in 1625 ; he was highly esteemed for his
ascribed to St. John the Baptist and St. Laurence, is a large learning, piety and faithful discharge of his duties, but
and fine structure, in the late Perpendicular style, the whole eventually died in poverty and distress caused by the
fabric is embattled and supported by strong buttresses, ter- expenses of publishing his books, about 1628. The total
minatingin canopied niches and consistsofa chancel ana nave, amount of charities for various purposes is about £1,000
.each with north and south aisles, south transept and porch, yearly. Yerdley's charity, conditionally bequeathed.- temp.
much enriched and a western tower with crocketed spire, i Henry VI. by Thomas Yerdele, was realised on the failure
strengthened by flying buttresses, the total height of tower 1 of all his issue in 1498; William, Lord Maynard, by will,
and spire being 181 feet, the tower contains 8 bells and a 1I in 1698, left £4,000 for various charitable objects. A fair is
clock: in 18I4 the spire was struck by lightning and the I held on the Monday before Whit Monday and another
rebuilding in 1821 cost upwards of £1,000: although. on the 10th of August for cattle. Horham hall, about
the style of this church, generally speaking, is Perpendicular, I 2 miles west, is a fine castellated Gothic edifice, partly
the pillars and arches of them belong to an earlier date, ap- I covered with ivy: it was built by Sir John Cutts,
parently the latter part of Henry Ill. or the beginning of who died in 1520; at that time it was of much larger
Edward 1's. reign; the south aisle and transept were dimensions than at present: one wing and the chapel were
probably completed in the time of Edward Ill.; subse- I taken down about the middle of the last century and other
.quently the south porch was added and about 1337, or 'portions in the year 184:r and 1843: this was the residence
rather later, the north transept and north aisle were begun: of the Princess Elizabeth during the reign of Queen Maryand
by Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March and Ulster, who suc-I she subsequently visited it when Queen in 1571; it is now
ceeded to the manor (If Thaxted, but the paintings in that I the property of the Rev. George West M.A., .T.p.late rector of
aisle are of Edward IV's. reign: the tower and spire were, Sealsby, who is lord of the manor. and occupied by WaIter
it appears, erected by Edmund, son of Roger, last Earl of Charles Goldsmith esq. J. Cutts esq. is lord of the manor
March, uncle of Richard. Duke of York, father of Edward of Fitzralphs, in this town. The principal landowners are
IV. and the chancel with its aisles by that monarch himself, Rev. G. West M.A., .T.P. Guy's Hospital, Lady Brooke and J.
in or about 1465: the length of the church is 183 feet, and Cutts esq. The soil is heavy; subsoil, gravel and clay.
its width 87 feet; it contains font, with an enriched spire- The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
like cover, some remains of a screen and relics of the fine 6,~51 acres; rateable value, £8,9~8 128.6<1. and the popula-
stained glass with which the windows were once filled: on tion in 1881 was 1,914.
the north door is a brass plate inscribed "Orat.e p. aiii.b MONI STREET is I mile south; BARDFIELD END GREEN,
Henrici Boyton et Johis" and in the north transept the I mile east; CuTLER'S GREEN, .:r mile west; WOOD END
figure and arms of the Earl of March: there is also the GREEN, a mile and a half north-west; HQRHAM, a mile and
figvre in brass of a priest in academical dress, c. 1450 and half south-west; DAIRY GREEN, I mile south-west; SIBLEY'S
inscribed memorials to the Rev. Robert Barnard II.A. GREEN, a mile and a half south; BorroN END, a mile and a
vicar here for nearly 50 Jears, who died 26th June 1726, (Pt. halhlOrt.h-east; and YARDLEY, I mile north-west.


Parish Clerk, Charles Palmer. Inland Revenue o.ffic~, 1I.t the Swan commercial hotel,
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Richard B. 'Bandinel, officer
Bank.-Mrs. Eliza Newell, postmistress, Watling street. Registrar of Births, Deaths rJ Marriages for Tha:cted 8'Ub.-
Letters arrive by mail cart from Dunmow at 7.30 a.m. & dist1-ict, Frederick Edward Britton
4 p:rn. & delivered between 8 & 9 a.m. & 4.15 p.m. & dis- Board School, built in 1880, for U9 boys, II7 girls & 139 '
patched at 7.30 a.m. & 5. 10 p.m. Bag made up at 5 p.m. infants, with an aveTage attendance respectively of 108~
~ The box is always 'Open. On sundays delivered at 7.40 84 & (y;; John Richa"d Moseley, master; Miss Alexandrina
a.m.; dispatched at II.40 a.m Hendrie, mistress i Miss Emma Hannah Bentall, infants'
British Empire Mutual, H. Cornell
Manchester Fire, W. Breckon
Norwich Union Fire, T. Franklin
l-QNDON...,....Qeorge Giblin, to the' Saracen's Head,' Aldgate,
every fJ;iday morning, returning on sunday at 2 o'clock;
Royal Exchange, B. Cornell , .Joseph Prior, tuesday, to the' Saracen's Heaclt' ,Ald&'Rte,
PUBLIC ES'l'ABLlSHMENTS : - . returning Thursday at 2 o'clock
Stamp O.ffice, Benj. Cornell, sub-d.stribl1tor of stamps ELSENHAl\l STAT1pN-Mrs. Emma Clark, daily.
. PRrv.ATE RESIDE~TS. Brand Thos. farm bailiff, Sharpe's farm Lowe Robert, miller ,
.Earnard Miss ' Briglit Isaao, blacksmith Luttman & Beavan (Mesdames), ladie~
Barna11l Mrs. Newbiggen street Britton Frederick Edward, butcher .& boarding SCh901. f
Breckon William registrar of birthsldeaths & marriages Mansfield John, farmer, Lower fat'm~
Burrows Mrs Brock Joseph, farmer, Gladwyns Cutler's green .
Buttle Mrs Brock Frederick, farmer, Folly mill Martin ~·m. Hughes, farmer, Goldings
Chaffer Yrs . Bunting Charles, cattle dealer Mascall Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker.
Chaffer MrS. Daniel Bush John, shoe tnaker Nevitt Lydia (Mrs.)~ tailoress
Fitch Yrs CaOOn William, shoe maker Newell Eli1.a (Mrs.), saddler & harness
Franklin Arthur r Chaffer Danl. fellmonger & woolstapler maker & postmistress
Franklin Douglas Challis John, fishmonger Newell J oseph, saddler & harness maker
Franklin Miss Clark Emma (Mrs.),coal dealer & carrier Palmer Charles, gardener
Franklin Mrs Cooper Joseph, millwright Palmer William, gardener
Goldsmith Walter Charles, Horham hall CornellBenjamin,grocer,draper,valuer, Patient Joseph, beell retailer
Halstead Mrs sub-distributor of stamps & agent for Perry Arthur William, chimney sweeper
Hockley MillS W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mrchnts Powell James, 8amcen's. Head
Phillips Mrs Comell Henry, farmer, Blunts Prior Joseph, carrier
Stubbing Robert Crisp Joseph, farmer, BardfieldEnd gm Purl Charles, veterinary surgeon, New-
Sunderland William, The Tannery Davies Arthur, farme", Armigers biggen street
Symonds ReV'. G-eorge Edward 1II.A., J.t>. DaviesWm.farmer & builder,Boyton end Ramsey Lydia (Mrs.), ir<mmonger
[SUtTOgateJ, Vicarage ' Day Arthur, bake1' Ratcliff Orlando Emanuel, plumber &
Webb Mrs. Newbiggen street Dennison John, tea dealer builder
White Mrs. Hwewood "ilia Everitt Charles, shoe maker Reading Room (Thomas White, sec)
Wise ThomaS' l,-. Everitt Hannah (Mrs.), grindery dealer Rentell Thomas, wheelwright
COMMERClAt. Francis Samuel,poultry dealer & carrier, Ridgwell William~ Cock inn, postiJld ~
Andrews 10seph, farmer, Cabbages Cutler's green commC'rcial house
.Andrews Mordecai. Charlell, brewer, Franklin John, farmer, Terriers Rogers Wm. wheelwright,Newbiggen ~
• maltster & wood dealer Franklin Thomas & Son, auctioneers Rolph George Hurrull, castrator & beer
Archer Samue~ Ki11f!'s Head inn Franklin WilIiam (exors. of), farmer, retailer •
Audus ,Arthur, grocer & draper Park fann Rolph Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
13andiIfal Richard Bulkeley, inland l"reeman Laura (Mis,s), day school Ruffle Robert Blackman, farmer, Rails
revenue ()ffioer I Giblin Robert Seville, farmer, Buck- Rust James, pharmaceutical chemist
Rarker Raynor~ blacksmith inghams Sayi!l George, beer retailer '
Ba!ker Reuben, blacksmith i Gilder Peter, farmer. Howe's ball Savill Joseph, baker
13arker Richll-rd. beer retailer, Bardfield Greenwood James, corn dealer Scruby Joseph, farmer, Parsonage farm
End green . Grout Charles, carpenter, joiner & Smith John, farmer, Hunts farm
Barker Walter. Star- inn undertaker Smith Joseph, farmer, Thaxted lodge
Barltrop .Reuben,. blackfUXlith, Cutler's Halls George, farmer. Water hall Smith Samuel, farmer, Causeway end
green Harvey Bros. frmrs. BardfieldEnd gr n Spr.ent Susan Fry (Mrs.), glover
Bamard Abraham, farmer & cattle dlr. Heath Frederick Charles, Fox t! Hounds Stone Charles, baker
Totman's Holland Joseph, farmer, Woodhams Sunderland William, surgeon
Barnard John, farmer, CopthalI Houghton WiIliam Henry, Sun l'haxted Gas Go'rnpany, Limited (Thos.
Bamard John, butcher Jordan James, farmer, Dairy green White, sec)
Hamard John, farmer, Rails, Bardfield Kifford Frederick, Rose rJ Grown Townsend William, maltster & farmer
End green Lawrance Robert, draper & grocer • Tredgett John, farmer, Claypits ,
Barnard Martha (Mrs.),fancy repository Lee George. confectioner Turner James, tailor
.Earnard Robt. farmer, Monk Street farm Leeder Taylor, farmer,Richmond's farm Twine John, Swan commercial inn
Barnard Thomas, farmer, Yardle~'s Leeder Thos. Wm. farmer, Yardley hall Tyler Benjamin,farmer,Freeman's farm
Barrett Arthur, farmer & beer retailer Legerton Jo~eph, farmer, The Gravel Tyler Peter, farmer, Goddard's farm
Barrett Samuel" farmer, Mill hill pits & Hill farm Unwin Thomas, cooper
Barrett Samuel, grocer & draper Lindsell Samuel, shoe maker Wadley William, farm bailiff
Bayford Mary (Mrs.), seed dealer LindseIl Thomas, fishmonger Webb WiIliam. watch maker
Bowtell John, baker & ironmonger List Joseph, boot & shoe maker Wishey Wm. beer retailer & cattle dlr
'TREYDON BOIS (or 'rHOYDOlt BOlS) is a parish and Mrs. Elizabeth Wild, the interest of which is distributed,.
station on the Ongar branch oftbe Great 'Eastern nilway, one-sixth part to poor widows and the remainder among' the
-in thf! Westerrl division of the county, Ongar 'hnndred, general poor; there are also foul' almshouses, fonnded in
'Epping union, Waltham Abbey county court district, Lam- 1753 by the late Benjamin Smart esq;then lord of the manor,
bourne rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans for pool' widows. The- trustees of the late Robert Westley
diocese ~ it is bounded by the Roding and the highway from Hall Dare esq. -are lords of the manor and principal land-
London to Ongar; a considerable portion of it consists of forest owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil. ~lay. The chief crtlpS
mnd-whence the. adjun~nd is situated ~ miles south Bre 'Wheat, barley, roots &c. The area is 2,176 acres: rate-
of Epping and 8 south-west of Ongar. The church of St. able value.lS,439; and the population in 1881 was 875. i ~
Mary, an edifice of Ted brick and stone, Was built in 1:852, Ptrnf,h Clerk, WiIliam Pearce. rr
the old ch~rch, dating from the middle of the fifteenth. cell- POST OFFICE.--J~mes Hampton, ~ub-postmaster_ ~ettei's
tntr and 8lt~ted half way betw~n Theydon and AbrIdge, arl'iV6 at 8.29 a.m. from Epping; dispatched at 10.45 a.JIt.
havmg fal~en ID~O decaY=.Jt. consl~ts of chancel a~d naveand &; 6.30 p.m. Tht nearest money order & telegraph office
It tower WIth 8plre oontammg- 3 bene. The regtster dates ia at Epping
from 77'11 only, the fllder register books having: been stolen. " . . I
TI:ie living is a vicarage, yeaTly'Talue £200, with residence .A.tuor" ColJ.ectw of ;Duu, Wllllam FrancI8 Mansfield •
iLnd 3 8Cl'~ of glebe, in the gift of M1'll. Hall Dare Ilnd held National School (mixed), built in '1'840 for 80 ehildrenl ltith.
by the Rev. Charlefl Edward Campbell :a.A. and eX-lICholar of . an 8'Verage attendance of 51: Miss Eliza Cornwall, mlstree8
Trinity College, Dublin. Here ill • chsrity of £1,000 left by Railway Station, Frederick Clark, ltation mamer


PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Moss WaIter, Manor villas Foster James, builder
Barsham Mrs Nichols William Henry J Gingell James, corn merchant
Bell William Henry..
Birk Frenz William, Woodland8
( l
Pallett Robert By. Chas. Theydon hall Gingell John, corn merchant
Penfold Arthur Goose William, beer retailer
Brents Edward Perkins Richard • Green Luke, Forest Gate
Brown Frederick, Rose mount Bawling Reginald Hall Charles, beer retailer
Brown Henry . Robinson Arthur St. John Hompton James, shopkeeper
Campbell Rev. Chas. Ed. B.A. Vicarage Robshaw GeorgeHenry J ones Frederick, farmer
Creswell Cha.rles .. Savage WaIter Mansfield William Francis, baker
Cruikshank John, Fernside Seymour Michael Maynard Phrebe (Mrs.), beer retailel'
Debenham Mrs Skinner Charles Weeding Spruzen Arthur, grocer
Docwra Goorge Smith William Todd David, brick maker
Gelley Louis Symes l"rederick Warman Geo. farmer, Little Gregorys
Gordon John COMMERCIAL. Wederell Eliz. (Mrs.), farmer, Hall farm
Groombridge Charles Bliss ~athaniel, farmer, Blackacre Wederell William, farmer & auctioneer,
Hutchinson Edward, Manor villas Catlin George, Bull Parsonage farm
Jones Edward Clarke William, plmnber Wederell Wm. jun. farmer, Piggott farm
Jones Joseph, Manor villas CQttee John, blacksmith West Thomas, farmer
Josolyne WaIter Sims, Purlieu Dawkins Joseph, wheelwright Wilson William, boot maker
Kent George Felstead J ames, beer retailer Wood J ames, butcher
Memory Alfred Flowers Charles, farmer
THEY DON GARNON is a par.ish in -the Western and village school. The register dates from the year 1852..
division of the county, Ongar hundred, Epping union, Wal- The living is a vicarage, with an endowmentfromMiss Archer
tham Abbey county court district,Lambourneruraldeanery, Houblon and a voluntary grant from the rector, the joint
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, adjoining Epping, yearly value being about £ 300 and is in the giftof Miss Archer
6 miles west from Ongar. The Epping railway station and Houblon and held by the Rev. Richard Fort M.A. of St. J ohn'lI
also a portion of the town of Epping, called Hemnall or College, Oxford.
Back street, are both in this parish. The church of All The charities of the parish produce about £80 per
Saints consists of a chancel, nave, two porches and a tower annum, derived from land left about 1780 by Lady \-Vent-
oontainin~ 5 bells I the tower was built by Sir John Crosby, worth and six almshouses for poor widows, four of
of Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate street. London, in 1552: there which, founded in 1602 by Lady Ann Sydney Fitzwilliam,
are monuments in the church to Sir John Archer, knt. are each endowed with an income of £4 yearly, the other-
appointed Justice of the Common Pleas, 1659. ob. Feb. 8th, two receiving a like yearly sum from the parish. Here js
'1681; to Anne, wife of Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, of Milton, in the the workhouse of the Epping union, with about 120 inmates.
county of Northampton, knt.lord-deputy of Ireland; she died Gaynes Park, the seat of William Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh
I.I June, 1602 and was the foundress of almshouses in this esq. is a fine building, commanding extensive views of the
parish ~ to Mary Archer, daughter of John, Earl Fitzwilliam surrounding country. W. S. Chisenhale-Marsh esq. who i~
and wife of John Archer esq. of Coopersale, in this parish; lord of the manor of Theydon Garnon, Hemnalls and Gaynes
she died Sept. 10,1776: to Denton Nicholas esq. M.D. and Park and Sir W. Bowyer Smijth hart. are the principal land·
Jane, his wife, 1714 and to Sir Charles Dun, knt. and Joan, owners. Coopersale House, the seat of Miss Archer Houblon,
his wife, 1617-4°: there is also a fine marble monmnent, is situated on a declivity, to the right of the road to Epping;
with a sarcophagus and medallion portraits to William Eyre Iit was held by the Archer family from the time of Henry V.
Archer esq. M.P. for Berks, Susanna, his wife and others of I who is said to have changed the name of this family from
this family, with inscriptions from 1739 to 1751 and me- Dubois to Archer on the occasion of a. shooting match at
morials to the following rectors of the parish: William Havering, when one Simon Dubois, his attendant at Agin-
Kyrkeby, 1458, brass, with effigy and arms: James Meggs, court, acquitted himself so remarkably as to win from the
S.T.P. with other members of his family, 1665-72; Strotherd king this distinction. The soil is various; subsoil, London
Abdy M.A. archdeacon of Essex and 21 years rector, 1773 clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The
and John Nicholas, 1721: there is also an inscription, almost area is 3,161 acres; rateable value, £7,102; and the pupu-
illegible, to Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Waldegrave, of lation in 1881 was 1,315.
Smalridge, 1556 and numerous ~nscribed stones of modern The area -of Coopersale parish is 600 acres; and the
date: the church has been partIally restored, for the most population in 187 1 was 63 8.
part at the expense of the rector and the churchyard has
also been enlarged. The registers are complete, with few Sexton, James Furlong.
exceptions, from the year 1558: the Manor Court Rolls, LETTER Box cleared at 7.15. Letters are received by foot
from an early date, are also kept in the vestry chest. The post from Epping, which is the nearest money order &:;
living is a rectory, yearly value £700, with residence, in the telegraph office
gift of Sir William Ne,-ille Abdy bart. and held by the Rev. Epping Union Workhouse, Rev. Frederick Henson B.A. chap-
Sir Cavendish Hervey Foster bart. RA. of Magdalene College, lain; Joseph Clegg, surgeon; Frederick Moore, master;
Cambridge, rural dean of Lambourne, and surrogate. Mrs. Ellen Moore, matron
CooPERSALE, the portion of the parish adjoining Epping, NatimwJ. School (mixed), built in 1850, for 180 children,
was formed into an ecclesiastical 1852, in the Chig- with an average attendance of 130 & suppotted by 8ub-
well rural deanery: the church of St. Alban is of flint, con- scriptions & endowed charities; Miss Elizabeth Jane Cole,
sisting of chancel and nave and was erected at the expense mistress. This parish is united to Epping fol' ;National
of Miss Archer Houblon, who also built the vicarage house School purposes
, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Larkin Henry Mills Thomas Jas. farmer, Garnish hall
Baxter George Nicholls John, The Hemnalls Mills Benjamin Johnson, road surveyor
Blott Jonathan, Coopersale hall Pearson William, Red grove for town side of Epping & Theydon
Chappell Miss Shorter Jam~ Garnon & poor rate collector
CJ:Iisenhale-Marsh Wm. Swaine, Gaynes Tait Major John C. J.P Mower Arthur, beer retailer
park Wates Arthur Mower Arthur Wm. baker & grocer
Egerton Charles Chandler,Kendallodge Windus John Nickerson Joseph Thomas, builder
Finlay Mrs. Theydon grange I COMMERCIAL. Pegram Alfred, farmer, Bridge farm
Fort Rev. Rd. ll.A. [vicar of Coopersale] Burden John (Mrs.), blacksmith Rumball Daniel, farmer
Foster Rev. Sir Cavendish Hervey bart Cole William, Merry Fiddlers Smith James, farmer, Hobb's cross
B.A. [rural dean & surrogate], Rectory Fitch Samuel, farmer South James, farm bailiff toJ. Blott esq
Gattrell Mrs Jones Josiah, farmer, Blunt's farm Stevens Henry, butcher &: beer retailer
HenSQn Rev. Francis BoA. [curate &: Jordan James, farmer Styles John, brick maker
chaplain of the union]. Kemsley Jos~h, farmer, Watson William., farmer
•Houblon Miss Archer, Coopersale house Miller Henry John, farmer Willis Dan, farmer
- THEYDON MOUNT is a parish in the Western divi- lightning and destroyed in the seventeenth century, was
sion of the county,Ongar union and hundred, Brentwood rebuilt by Sir Will~am Bowyer Smijth, Ist bart. of that
county court district, Lamboume rural deanery, Essex name and oonsists of chancel and nave and an embattled
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 7 miles south-west tower oontaining I bell and contains monuments of the
from Ongar, 3 south-east from Epping station and 17 from Smijths from I577 to 1815, inclnding a canopied tomb, with
Londtm, on the bankl!l of the Roding, near Abridge, on the effigy to Sir Thomas Smijth kt. principal secretary of state
London road. The church of St. Michael which was struck by to Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, I577 and Philippa his
wife, 1578 and another fine tomb with effigies to Col. Sir Smijth bart. l.P. who is lord of the manor and principal land-
William Smijth, of Hill Hall kt. D.L. 16z6,erected by Bridget, owner. The soil is mixed; 8ubsoil, London cfay. The
his widow. The register dates from the year 1564. The .chief crops are wheat, barley, roots and beans. The area is
living is a rectory, united with that of Stapleford Tawney, 1.500 acres; rateable value, £1,852; and the population in
joint yearly value about £800, in the gift of Sir William 1881 was 148.
Bowyer Smijth hart. and held by the Rev. Lewis Newcomen Parish Clerk, Thomas Merriday.
Prance M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, who resides at LETTER Box cleared at 7.15. Letters from Epping, the
Stapleford Tawney rectory. Hill Hall, the seat of the nearest money order & telegraph office
Smijths, is a quadrangular mansion, built in the reign of Church School, built in 1846 for 50 children, with an average
Queen Elizabeth, and now occupied by Sir W. Bowyer attendance of 31 : Miss Emily Clapson, mistress
Smijth Sir William Bowyer bart. l.P. Merriday Thomas, blacksmith ISmith John (Mrs.), farmer
Hill hall Miller Thomas, farmer I Stubbins Frederick, shoe ma~er
THORPE-LE-SOKEN is a parish and village and is lord of the manor of the Three Sokens. Edmund Adolphus
station on the Tendring hundred branch of the Great Eastern Church is coroner for Thorpe, Kirby and Walton-on-the-
railway an<;l a polling place for the Eastern division of the Naze. Stephen Martin Leake esq. J. H. Burnley esq. the Earl
county, in the hundred and nnion of Tendring, Harwich of Onslow, Mrs. Hamilton, Capt. Grant, J. Y. Watson and
county court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, arch- the Governors of Guy's Hospital are landowners. The soil
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, situate on I is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
the road. from Colchester to Walton-on-the-Naze, near the I wheat, barley and oats. The area is 3,203 acres; rateable
Landermere Creek of Hanford Water,5 miles west from value, £7,053 ; and the population in 1881 was 1,091.
'Walton steamboat pier, 6 from Clacton-on-Sea,9 south-east POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Bank.
from Manningtree, I t south-west from Harwich, 12 east -William Wilby, postmaster. Letters arrive from Col·
from Colchester, and 66 from London; this is the chief chester at 5.45 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at 6.45 p.m. ;
place of the liberty of the Sokens, comprising the parishes sundays 5.45 p.m
of Thorpe, Kirby and Walto~ (see Walton-on.~he-Na'le). COUNTY MAGISTRATES sitting here.
The church of St. Mary conSIsts of chancel, WIth o r g a n . . ,.
chamber and north chancel aisle, nave of 5 bays, aisles,north I NlCho~ FranCls Morgan esq J ohnson S1r John Henry
porch and a massive red brick embattled tower at the west chanman. Bateman .John esq
end containing 5 bells: the body of the church was I Nunn Thomas Walter esq Barton RlChd. Bolton LL.D
thoroughly rebuilt of rubble stone in 18 76, at a cost of Watson Joseph Yelloly esq Norman Edward K. esq. D.L
£4,5 00, one of the largest contributors' being Sir William Norman Rev. Chas. Fredk
Gull M.D. whose early years were connected with this parish; Petty Sessions for this division are held at the Police
the north porch and outer walls of the north aisle are em- station every monday fortnight alternately with Mistley.
battled: the tower is of the Perpendicular period; an early Here the records of the Sokens are kept. The fol-'
Perpendicular oak screen divides the south aisle from the lowing places are included in the petty sessional division:
organ chamber; the font dates from about the same period; Beaumont, Great Bentley, Little Bentley, Great Clacton,
a stained east window was inserted in 1876 as a memorial with Clacton-on-Sea, Little Clacton, Frating, Frinton, Great
to the late Mr. Leake, with a small one on the south side of Holland, Little Holland, Kirby, Great Oakley, Little Oakley,
the chancel to Mrs. Leake ; at the west end of the south St. Osyth, Ramsey, Thorrington, Thorpe, Walton-on-tbe-
aisle is another to James Rolph, who erected and partially I Naze and Weeley
endowed the National School and died in 1874: the chancel PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
contains several monuments, includiJl.g the sculptured figure Assistant-Overseer, William Nicholson
of a warrior of the time of Edward I. with a cushion under Inspector of Nui:.ances ~ School Atte-ndance Officer to th~
his head and a lion at his feet and above a shield with the Rural Sanitary Authority, George Henry Sasse
arms of Salberghe: in the western porch is a tablet to Inspector of Police ~ of Weights if Measures et under the
Thomas Wharton esq. of Gray's Inn, secretary to Queen Sale of Food ~ Drugs Act, S. Robert Womack
Henrietta, wife of Charles 1. ob. 6 Aug. 1669, ret. 47. Registrar of Births <j- Deaths, Theophilus Philemon Ruf'fell;
The register dates from the year 1682. Among the burials dep'ltty, George Henry Sasse
of the 17th century occur many French names, probably Relieving Officer, Theophilus Philemon Rut'fell
Huguenot refugees, one of which is still perpetuated in Sub-IJiStrilntt01' of Stamps, John Worters
h Comarques " Hall, a fine old edifice a mile west of the Sw"'Veyor to Clacton-on-Sea Special Drainage Dist1-ict, George
church. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £400, with Henry Sasse
residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees and SCHOOLS :~
held by the Rev. Abraham Henly Rumboll M.A. of Corpus Natifmal (mixed), built in 1870, with new 'll-ing added 1881,
Chris\i college, Cambridge, and surrogate. Here are for ;dO children, with an average attendance of 160;
Baptist and Primitive Methodist chapels, the fonner was William Tucker Henley, master
erected in 1802, of which the celebrated Dr. Andrew Fuller Railway Statifm, James Rushbrook, station master
was at one time minister. Near the station are two large CARRIERS TO:-
malthouses. Thorpe Hall is the residence of Capt. Farnell; COLCHESTER-John Moles, monday, wednesday &: saturday
Comarques is the residence of Mrs. Davey and the Grange, of IpSWICH-John Dumerton, tuesday, returning on wednsdy
J. Y. Watso.n esq. J.P. Edward Cbapman esq. of Harwich, MANNINGTREE-John Dumerton, friday
Davey Mrs. Comarques hall Field George, farm bailiff to Daniel Merrit Wm. King's Head, Landerrnere
Farnell Captain, Thorpe hall Sewell esq. Kent's hill Mills James, corn merchant
Hadler Rev. Edward Sidney [Baptist] Foulger Hy. farmer & horse slaughterer Nichols J ames, Rose et C1'ou'1l, &: plumber
Hill Mrs. Culver house Free Robert, maltster; & at Mistley, & painter
Ivens Arthur Somers Manningtree & Stratford Nicholson William, butcher, farmer &:
Manthorpe Maurice Levett, The Abbey Gifford Joseph, builder assistant overseer .
Miller Thomas, The Laurels Gifford William, builder Nicholson William (Mrs.), coal mer-
Osmond Edward Gilders Robert, miller chant & farmer, New hall
Rumboll Rev. Abraham Renly M.A. Goodwin William Henry, watch maker Offord William, corn merchant
[surrogate], Vicarage Green John Horace, farmer, White hall Parker Arthur, coal dealer
·Watson Joseph Yelloly F.G.S.)J.P. Grange Hacklett Emma (Mrs.), grocer & draper Porter James, farmer, The Elm
COMMERCIAL. mrchnt.Thorpe ldge Rudling Edward, shoe maker
Abbs George, blacksmith Hill &: Maskell, grocers &: pork butchers Rudling William, painter & plumber
Almond John, beer retailer Holby James, shopkeeper Rufl'ell Theophilus Philimon, registrar
Andrews Samuel, grocer & draper !vens Arthur Somers L.R.C.P. Edin. of births & deaths, relieving officer
Barton Daniel, saddler &: harness maker surgeon . &; registrar of St. Osyth cemetery
Bennewith Charlotte (Miss), milliner James In. frm. blf. to Chas. Hempson Sasse George Henry, inspector of nui-
Bockin Charles, farmer Keeble Charles, Maid's Head, & builder san(,'es &school attendance officer tQ
Bowles Samuel, hail"' dresser Keeble Samuel John, baker Tendring rural sanitary authority,
Bradford George, eoach painter Kerridge Thomas Curtis & Sons, railway deputy registrar & surveyor to Clac-
Carter William, cattle dealer contractors , ton-on-Sea special drainage district
Comer Charlotte (Mrs.), wine &: spirit Lines John, veterinary Burgeon Scott Mary Ann (Mrs.), Bell inn
merchant Manthorp Maurice Levett M.R.C.S.,L.S.A. Skeet William Alfred, tailor
Dumerton John, carrier surgeon Thompson William, jun. fnnr. Rose cot
Elvish Robert, fanner Marshall George, aerated water manfr Watson Joseph Yelloly, farmer & land-
Field William, saddler & harness maker Martin Robert George, shoe maker owner, The Grange


Wells John, boot maker Womack S. Robert, inspector of police, Worters John, grocer & draper & SUD-
Wilson Sidney, boys' boarding & day sch of weights & measures & under the distributor of stamps
Wilson John, blacksmith Sale of Food & Drugs Act •
THORRINGTON (or THORINGTON) is a parish and of the manor,Caius College,Cambridge,Mr. EdwardAuston
station on the Tendring hundred branch of the Gl"f'.at and Mrs. W. W. Hawkins are the principal landowners.
Eastern railway, in the Eastern division ()f the county, The soil is of a light sandy nature j part of the ground lies
Tendring hundred and union, Colchester county court dis- high, but theTa are about 100 acres of marsh. The chief
trict, St. Osyth rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and peas. The area is
St. Albans diocese, 8 miles south-east from Colchester and r,930 acres j rateable value, £2,866; and the population in
60 from London. The chnrch of St. Mary Magdalene is a r881 was 429.
building in the Transition style consisting of a nave and Parish Clerk, William Death.
north aisle, with a tower of flint and stone containing 5
bells and was thoroughly restored in r866. The register POST OFFICE.-EphraimAndrews, receiver. Letters arrive
f)f baptisms and burials dates from 155 8 , marriages, 1553. from Colchester at 7. 1 5 a.m. j dispatched at 742 p.m.
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Frating, joint 'rhe nearest money order office is at Brightlingsea &
yearly value £800, in the gift of St. John's College, Cam- telegraphotficeat Wivenhoe
bridge and held by the Rev. Robert Bickersteth Mayor ll.D. National School (mixed), built in r865 for 90 children, with
formerly fellow of that college, hon. canon of St. Albans and average attendance of 86; William Thomas Beaumont,
rural dean of St. Osyth. There is a chapel for Wesleyan master; Mrs. Sarah Ann Beaumont, mistress
Methodists. St. John's College, Cambridge, who are Ibrds Railway Station, Frederick Hunter, station master
Brooks Rev. Henry Saml. M.A. [curate] Death William, boot & shoe maker Manning Thomas, baker
Bacon Mrs. Hannah Pound farm Frost Wm. Stutter,frmr.Thorrington hll Porter Charles, farmer, Gatehouse
COMMERCIAL. Gosling Henry, Red Lion Rodwell Frederick, blacksmith
Bacon James, farmer, Goldacres Harper Barnabas, beer retailer Salmon Simon, farmer
Bacon William, beer retailer Harper Henry, farmer & brick maker Wright Thomas, farmer & beer retailer
Carr John, shopkeeper Hart Albert, carpenter
Cooper Frederick, miller Lord .Tonathan, farmer
THUNDERSLEY is a parish, in the Southern d;vision Bosanquet esq. is lord of the manor. The principal land-
of the county, Rochford union and county court district, owners are the Re,'. William Robert &sanquet and Major
partly in Barstable, but chiefly in Rochford huudred, Roch- Fane. The soil is loam j subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
ford rural dean~ry, Essex archdeaconry, St. Albans diocese wheat, beans and clover. The area is 2,545 acres i rateable
and liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster. situate near the value, £2,456 j the population in 1881 was 515.
high road from Grays to.Southend, 3 6 miles from London, DAWES HEATH is a hamlet a mile and a half east.
3 south-east from RayleIgh, 7 from Southend and 3 from . ' .
the railway station at South Benfleet. The church of St. Letters thro.ugh RayleIgh S.O. by foot m~ssen~er, arnve at
Peter is a small and ancient building standing on an emi- 7 a.m. j dIspatclfed at 4 p.m. RayleIgh IS the nearest
nence and consisting of chancel, nave of 3 bays, aisles and money order & telegraph office
a tower with shingled spire containing 2 bells. The register National School (mixed), built in 1356 by the Rev. William
dates from the year 1569. The living is a rectory, gross Robert Bosanquet, of Rock, Alnwick, on ground given by
yearly value £640, with residence, in the gift of William him, for lOO children, with an average attendance of 60 ;
Wreford Major esq. and held by the Rev. William Wordsworth the school is chiefly supported by Mr. Bosanquet j Miss
Talfourd M.A. of New College, Oxford. Charles Polleine B. Lloyd, mistress
Talfourd Rev.. ·Wm. Wordsworth M.A. Harvey Stephen, farmer Lincoln John, hurdle maker & farmer
Rectory Jenkins Joseph, beer retailer Potter Samuel, farmer, Dawes heath
COMMERCIAL. Mayne William, farmer & steward' to Shelley Samuel, wheelwright
Baker Samuel, carpenter Rev. Rbt.Wm. Bosanquet, Lit. Tarpot Thorington Geo. shopkpr. Dawes heath
Bull Joseph, White Hart Newman Herbert,farmer & seed grower, Thorington Jas. hurdle ma. & shopkpr
Dean Wm. farmer, Thundersley lodge Wayburn farm Ward Arthur, farmerf Park farm
LITTLE THURROCK is a parish, near the banks of chalk, known as" Cunobelin's Gold Mines" and sometimes
the Thames. in the Southern division of the county, Bar- called" Dane-holes," where it is said the Danes used to lurk
stable hundred, Orsett union, Gravesend county court and hide their plunder. There are also chalk pits. Captain
district, Orsett rural deanery. Essex archdeaconry and Wingfield, who is lord of the manor, W. L. Landfield
St. Albans diocese, I mile east from Grays station, 2 miles and Major Russell are the principal landowners. The soil
north-west from Tilbury Fort and 22 from London. The is clayey j subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans
ehurch of St. Mary is a small stone building, consisting of and peas. The area is I,348 acres of land and 157 of water j
chancel and nave: it was restored in 1878-9. when a singular rateable value, £3,°5°; and the population in r 881 was 451.
arch was discovered on the south side of the nave, on which Pm'ish Clerk, William Evered.
was a curious old fresco painting. The register dates from
1654. The living is a rectory, yearly value £5 2 3 lOS. POST OFFICE.-James Waters, sub-postmaster. Letters
with residence and 8i acres of glebe, in the gift of and through Romford arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 4 p.m.
held by the Rev. Cornwall Smalley M.A. of St. John's College, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Grays
Cambridge and J.P.: the rectory house stands on high ground, National School (mixed), built in 1872 for 70 children j'
eommanding an extensive view of the rh-er -Thames and Mrs. Ruffell, mistress
the county of Kent. Here is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, CARRIER TO ROMFORD-Williapi West, wednesday, return-
erected in 1876. Here are some remarkable caverns in the ing same day
Dunk Edward, Whitehall . . Cook Mary (Miss), farmer Grimwood,Thompson & Son, brick mas
Srn alley Rev. Cornwall M.A.,J.P. Rectory Freeman Alfred, Ship inn Hambrook Edward, Bull inn
Vellecott Humphrey, Terrells hall Fordham Alfred Walker, market gar- Vellecott Humphrey, farmer
'Watts Miss dener. cowkeeper & carman Waters James, baker & grocer
'William Rohert Hamilton, The Hall Gentry Abraham, carman Wisbey Edward, thrashing machine
• COMMERCIAL. Globe Cement, Brick, Whiting ~ Chalk owner & farmer
Alien Golden, farmer, Hall farm Co. (The) (John Grimwood, manager)
WEST THURROCK is a parish, 3 miles east from Purfleet and late, in the same style, while the south chantry is modern
xl west from Grays stations, I I south-east from Romford Gothic: the material is chiefly flint, banded, in the case of
.and 19 from London, in the Southern division of the county, the tower, with stone: this church built on the river bank
Chafford hundred, Orsett union, Gravesend county court and far away from the nearest house, was erected, it is
district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and supposed, soon after the murder of Saint Thomas 8. Becket,
St. Albans diocese. The church of St. Clement is an for the convenience of pilgrims going to his shrine at Canter-
ancient structure, consisting of chancel, nave, north tran- bury: in the north chantry there are two full-sized effigies
,sept, aisles and a low embattled tower, at the west end, in alabaster of a knight and his lady" representing Sir
containing l bells, dated 16321 the nave and aisles are the Daniel Halford knt. patron of the living, who put in the
oldest part and date from rather early in the Lancet period: east window in 1623: in the chancel floor is this inscription,
the chancel and west chantry are Decorated, some windows in Roman letters, on a let in a slab of shell marble:

in the aisles and chantry Perpendicular, the tower being "Kat-herina Ridinge Filia Homfridi Hales obiit Decimo
I3tlxto Dit'! .Decembris anno domini 1591, anno retatis sure Pur:fieet is a hamlet of West Thurrock and a station on
vicesimo quarto/' • Another brass is that of Humpbrey the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, xCi miles from
Heies ob. Oct. 10, 1584, and his son of the same name, ob. London,6i west from TilburY,7 from Gra"esend and 4!
Jsn~ 2~ fI58S, ltillh eighteen elegant Latin lines containing west from Gmys; it is situated on rising ground and near..
a suceession of punS ~n iihe name of Hays or Heies: A ree- the mouth of Ithe Mardikh streamj which is crossed by a
tanguIsr slab near the ea.-st. end of th& tlhancel floor, is· bridge and here fonns a little harbour. The Botany
inscribed......." Nichol(a)s: Ferobavd ~ gist: ici w- dev: de: sa ~ gardens, 8. place of considerable resort in summer, are
alIne % eyt: merci t'~ and iD. the centre is. matri-x: of a '\;sited by obtaining 8 ;ticket from the hotel. Here are the
flol'iated or088, with i!. demi-figure in the head. "The register Government powder magazines, consisting of storehouses-;
of marriages dates from 1868; bmials, 1681; baptisms, 1683. barracks, officer's quarters and a good quay. The manor
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £31:l, with residence, fonnerly belonged to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
in the gift of Samuel Whitbread esq. I.P., D.L., M.P. for and was called 4 Portflete' and there was then It ferry over the
:Bedford and held by the Rev. Thomas Aldersey Morley M.A. Thames. The' Cornwall,' reformatory ship (Capt. Morrell
of Trinity College, Dublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist R.N. commander) is moored off the shore. There is a,.
chapel, el'ected in x876 : there are traces of a monastery chapel-ot-ease attached to the churcb of West Thurrock in
still extant. Samuel Whitbread esq. M.P. the Tunnel Cement which services are held. ~ In 1871 the population of Purfleet
Company, JohI!' Edward Curtis esq. and others are- the (excluding the garrison of 323) was 163_
priD.cipal landowners. The soil is loamy; 81lbsoil, chalk. POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &; Savings Bank"
The chief crops are wheat, beans and peas. There is much Purfleet.~DRvid .Erice Maxted, receiver. Letters arrive
marsh land here. The area is ~"ooo aCFes of land and ,/00' from Romford at 7.10 & from London at 8.40 a.m.; di8~
of water; rateable Talue, ,£8,913; and the population iD. patched at n.50 B.m. & 5.10 & 9.15 p.m
1871 was. l,r65 and in 1881,1,906, which includes ,Purfteet, j GmMl"Ttment Powder Magazines, Heroort James Mills, assis-
with the soldiers in the garrison and the persons on board I tant commissary-general of ordnanee, in charge; Charles
the reformatory ship' Cornwall,' of{ Purfleet. William Gritlith, hon. brigade surgeon.; Jooathan Rose,
Parish Clerk John Francis canteen keeper
, . Boal'd &hool {mixed), under the West Thurrock school
POST OFFICE.-Charles Bonnington, receiver. Letters ar- board i Arthur Carter, clerk, Gravesend; built in 1879 for
rive from Romford at 7.15. a.m. & from London at It.30; 170 children, with an average attendance of J50; Edward
dispatched at &.45 a.m. &- at 4.40 p.m. The nearest Davis, mast. ; Mrs. Dsvis, mist. ; Miss Condy, infants' mist.
Jlloney order,& telegraph office is at Grays, 2 miles & Purfleet, Noah Green, certificated master
Purfleet, 3 miles RailuJa'!lStation, Edward William Rayment, station master
West ThurroCk. Hutton William, shopkeeper Purfieet.
Morley Rev. Thomas Aldersey M.A. IJdle WEildlia~ &boCharlesk' beer retailers Gr[ihffith bs.urgdeon-major] Charles Wm.
Vicarage ones wm, otma er on. rlga e surgeon
Morley The MislWl . Li01l. Cement Works (Wtlliam C. I Mills Asst.-Coms.-Gen. Herbert James
Atkins(m, accountant) j office, 39 Morrell Capt. R.N.
COMMERCIAL. Lime street, City' 6.C Whitbread Samuel M.P., D.L., I.P. ; &; 10
Avery Alfred Burfoot, draper &c. Malloney Edward, grocer Ennismore gardens, Prince's gate &;
Baldwin Thomas, Old Ship Mead James, Fox ~ GOO~6 Brooks' Club, London s. w
Brand John Thomas, smith &; farrier Parker Sydney Ernest, grocer Barnes David, waterman
Button William, baker Philbey Abel, builder &c Beaumont William, grocer & dairyman
Cox & Palmer, grocers &; drapers & Spooner Isaac James, butcher Blows James, butcher
agents for W. &; A. Gilby, wine & Taylor James T. grocer & beer retailer Bode John, draper
spirits merchants Tucker William, eating house Cass John, waterman •
Curtis John Edward, funnel' Tunnel Portland Cement Works Co. Cox & Pahner, grocers & drapers, &
Cutting William Henry, builder, wheel- Limited (W. M. Leake, sec. ~ George agents for W. &; A. Gilbey, wine &;
wright &; baker . J Warner, manager) spirit merchants
Ellis Wm. coal db. greengrocer&frmr Vellacott William Humphrey, farmer Joslin Clement, farmer, High house
Gibbs &. Co. Limited, Portland eement, Wilson David, grocer & beer retailer South Charles H6llry, baker
lime, whiting &; brick works (David Woods George, farmer, Home farm Wingrove John George, Royal hotel
Wilson, manager} Woods William, farmer, Hunt's farm
TILBURY-juxta-CLARE, in the northern part of of and held by the Rev. Charles John Fisher M.A. of Jesus
the county, must. not be confounded with the places.of College, Cambridge, who resides at;.. Ovington. John
similar name in the south: it is in the Eastern division of Robert Vaizey esq. .T.P. who is lord -of the manor and Lewis
the county,. Hinckford hundred, Halstead union and county John Way esq. D.L., .T.P. of Tilbury Court, are the principal
court district, Yeldham rural deanery, Colchester arch- landowners. Thesoilisclay; subsoil,chalkandgravel. The
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, on the river Colne and chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 850 acres; rate-
t mile north of the road from Colchester to Cambridge, 2 able value, £1,524; 3IIld the population in 188.1 was 226.
miles north from Yeldham sta.tion, 4 south-west from Clare Pal'ish Clerk, Mark Goody.
and 7' south-east from ,Haverhill. The church (name nn- Letters are posted a1 Little Yeldham. Box cleared at 5.30.
knpwn) is all ancient; building, C(>nsisting- of chancel and Letters through Halstead. The nearest money order &
nave and a western tower containing 2 bells. Th& regill!ter telegraph offices are at Clare & Castle Hedingham
of baptisms and burials dates from 1561: marriages, 16II. National School (mixed), built in 1857 for 70 children, with
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of O~;ngton and the an a.\'erage attendance of 54; Miss Elizabeth Hughes,
chapelryof Allbrights, joint yearly value, '£547, in the gift mistress
Way Lewis John I.P•• D.L. Tilbury court Peacock Louisa (Mrs.), beer retailer I Twinn Henry, hurdle maker
Burgess Wm. farmer, Lit. Meadowend Pudney John Wm. farmer, 'l'ilbury hallj
WhitlockWm.Firmin,frmr.Meadow end
Goody Enoch, shopkeeper
EAST TILBURY ls a 'parish on the banks of the entire width: the chancel is B very perfect specimen of the
Thames in the Southern dh'ision of the cQunty, Barstable same style in the reign of Henry Ill. and has a tomb to Sir •
hundred, Orsett union, Gravesend county court district, Henry Knight, another inscribed to John Rawlinse, ob. Sept.
Orsett rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans 13, 1698 and a brass to William de Bordfield. The register
diocese, 4 miles east from Tilbury Fort, 6 eMti from 6rays, dates from the year 1627. The living is a vicarage, tithe
one mile and a half east from Low Street station and 2S rent charge commuted at £240, with residence, in the gift
from London: it was the seat of St. Chad, Bishop' of i,he of the Lord Chancellor Bnd held by the Rev. Herbert John
- East Saxons-, whose reputed stone coffin lies in the cburch~ Edward Barter. The Wesleyan5 have a chapel here. Coal-
yard: "there are here also the remains of some earthworks. house fort ill! a strongly fortified place on the' south side of
The church of Stl lbrgaret is an -ancient' building of the the Thames, 3 miles from Tilbury ~nd forms a triangle "With
Traneition- Norman and Lancet- periods, consisting of the Shornmead and 'Cliff forts on the opposite side of the
chancel, nave and nortb oaisle, with 8. wooden ~lfry 8ur~ 'fiver; it is mounted. with 20 gnns and is occupied at
rnountetl bya short spire on the western gable and contaill" ordinary times by 1& detacpment of TO men under a master
iDg g bell~ only. 9ne of which, however, cast by William gunner:' there are officers' qnarters and barracks for
Oldfield il\ :1'629, ia fit fot US&':' the lofty stone tower 8f the married men: this fort would,.on an emergenc., hold about
cllUl'Ch if! said to have been battered down by the Dutch 250 men. There is no manor. The principa1landowners
fleet in the reign of 1Jbarles n.: the nave open into the aTe Mrs. Williams, the Right Hon. Sir Henry Cotton, Mr.
chancel by a beautiful Early English arch spanning its Henry Cole, the trustee8 of Rochester bridge and the trustees •
Of Whirechapel charity school. The soil is loamy; subsoil, at 2.30 p.m. ; sundays at I I p.m. 'Ibe nearest money
gravel. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is order & telegraph office is at Homdon-on-the-Hill
2,134 acres of land and 1,289 of water; rateable value, Church of England School (mixed), built by the Rev. W. G.
£3,687; and the population in 1881 was 390. " Goodchild, with an annual grant from. parish funds of £rS',
POST OFFICE.........Edward Deeks, sub-postmaster. Letters for 60 children, with an average attendance of So; Miss
arrive from Romford viii Grays at 9.15 a.m. ; dispatched Annie Ellingford, mistress
Barter Rev. Herbert John Ed. Vicarage AspIin Frances Dalton (Mrs)" farD!er, Mott Richar~ grocer ~ ( ·
Williams Mrs. Rectory house Tilbury p l a c e . Phillips Henry, Ship
Williams Edward, Tilbury house Asplin Fra.ncis, farmer, St. Clere's Potter Jacob, grQcer &c
Wright Mrs. Deeks Ed. grocer, farmer, & post office Rawlings William George, wheelwrighti
WEST TILBURY isa parish, in the Southern division rateable value, £3,227 and the population in rSSI was 347.
of-the county, Harstable hundred, Orsett union, Gravesend TILBURY FORT is in West Tilbnry 8o1ld Chadwell parishes,
county court district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex arch..- ~ miles from the village of West Tilbury, on the ferry ()ver
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 miles east from Grayrt the Thames above Hope Point, opposite Gravesend and was
and 24 from London. The Low Street'station, On the a blockhouse, built by Henry VIII.: here, in 1588, Queen
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, is in this parieh. Elizabeth reviewed the 31'IIly, amonnting to 17,000 ment
The church of St. James is an ancient building in the Early raised to meet the Spanish Armada:, it was afterwards eoI1-
English style and consists of chancel, nave, small porch and -verted into a regular fortification by Charles H. and is now
had a battlemented tower with short spire, containing 5 heavily armed: the chapel in Tilbury Fort, on the site of
bells, dating from 1621 to 1694: the church was restored in the ancient West Lee Chapel, dedicated to St. Mary Mag..
1879-80 : the church is said to have been despoiled in 1648 dalen and used for many years as a billiard and reading room,
by the troopers of Lord Fairfax, when on their way to the was restored to its original use by the Rev. R. H. Killick,
siege of Colchester, the edifice being, for the time, turned late rector of Chadwell. Extensive military works have also
into a etable. The communion plate includes chalices pre- been erected both here and at East and West Tilbury. Here
sented in 1]62 and 1797 by Mrs. Jane Harrison and the (in Chadwell parish) is the Tilbury station of the London,
Rev. Sir Ad. Gordon bart. rector, 'Who also presented a silver Tilbury and Southeml Railway, erected in 1854. Tilbury is
flagon in ):800. The register of baptisms dates from 1546; a considerable steamboat 'Station, with a regular setvice to
burials, 1540; marriages, 1567. The living is a. rectory, and from Southend, Sheerness, Margate and Ramsgate;
yearly value, £558, with residence and 47 acres of glebe, in the ferry steamboat also plies to and from Gravesend half-
the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev: .lames hourly from '7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in summer and hourly in
Bonamy Dobree M.A of Corpus Christi -college, Cambridge. winter; fare 3d. .
Archbishop Laud was rector of this place in the year 1615 : Parish Clerk, James Austin.
accordi~g to Bede! this was the seat oi a monas~eT'Y, founded POST OFFICE. _ William Hart, receiver. Letters through
n~der SIgebert, km~ of th~ ~ast Saxons, by St. ~had, first Romford~arrive at 8.35 a.m. ~ dispatched at 3 p.m.;
bishop of Ea~t An/{lm. WlthI~ the lan~s belongmg to t~e sundays 2 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
rnan?~ of '" est ~Iibury a mm~ral sprmg, famoue for Its office is at Grays .
medICmal propertIes, was found m 1727 by Mr. John Kella- . ..
way, who made a well in 1734. J. Burnesll esq. is lord of Board School (mIxed), u~det" the.," est Tilbury School board,
the manor and principal lamtowner. The soil is loamy; erected 18 77 for 60 chJldr.en, WIth an average attendance
subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, peas and of 56; Mrs. Symonds, mistress
potatoes. The area is 1,866 acres of land and 255 of water; Low Street Railway Station, Chas. Maple Ansell, station mstr
Dobree Rev. Jas. Bonamy M.A. Reotory I Girling J. & H. coal & salt merchants Hart William, grocer, & post office
Giles I. W I (Thomas Henry Hunt, agent), Low Hunt Thos.Henry, beer retailer & grocer
I Street station; chief district office, James Joseph, miller & farmer
James Thomas
Capon Robert, shoe maker
I Southend. See advertisement
Green John, King's Head
I Major John Ellis (Mrs.), fanner
8awell James, farmer & landowner
Cole Henry, farmer, Low street I Harris William, baker I Such John, blacksmith •
TILLINGHAM is a parish and large pleasant village, I distinguished Royalist and is distributed to the poor; there
7 miles north-east.-by-north from. Burnham and I4 east- are also ahnshouses endowed with £20 a year founded by
south-east from Maldon railway station, in the Eastern the same benefactor for four poor people. There are Baptist,
division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon union and Congregational and Primitive Methodist chapels and a place
coUllty court district, Dengie rural deanery, Essex archdea- of worship for the Peculiar People. A public coffee and
coury and St. Albans diocese: the village is very pleasantly reading room was established in 1881 by the vicar. The
situated about 3 miles from the German Ocean, but the lords of the manor are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
parish extends to its borders. This place was given by Ethel- The principal landowners are James Jackson, Thomas Jack-
bert, Bretwald of England and King of Kent, to the cathe- sou esqs. Miss ""illes and Mrs. Pattison and the Dean and
dral of St. Paul 1,200 years ago. The church of St. Nicholas, Chapter of St. Paul's. The village has been much improved
which stands in the centre of the village upon 8. fine open by the erection, in r881, of some remarkably picturesque
space; is an ancient stone building in the Early English and cottages by the Dean and Chapter of St.. Paul's, who pre-
Perpendicular styles, repaired in 1708 by a J.,x rate on t.he viously purchased and removed, at a considerable outlay,
inhabitants and the south aisle rebuilt in 1866; it consists several dilapidated tenements. There is rr.uch land here-
of chancel, nave (with an arcade of 4 bays On the south formerly marsh, but now drained and under cultivation..
side), south aisle and porch and a square embattled tower at The soil is various; subsoil, gravel and loam. The crops
the west end containing 5 bells, the tenor dated 1684 and are wheat, beans, barley, oats, turnips, mangold wurtzel and
the fourth bell 1707; theee bells are very rich in tone, but on the land near the sea, white mustard, coriander and
owing to the dilapidated state of the framing they cannot caraway seeds are grown. The area is 4,135 acres; rateable
be rung: the tower was much damaged by lightninlZ' to- value, {,,6,714 ; and the population in 1881 was 1,012.
wards the close of the last century and has not yet been Partsh Clerk, Edward North.
completely res~red; th~ piscina.and sedilia are still intact POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEG.llAPH OFFICE & Saving8
and the font IS a beautiful. specimen of Early work.1 the~e Bank.-James Pond, postmaster. London & otheJ' letters
are. brasses to Edward WlOt esq. ob. July, 15 84, WIth t-wo are received through Maldon, 'Via Southminster at 845
Latm verses to Lady Margare.t Wyott, ob. 1.5 26 and to John a.m. dispatched at 4.30 p.m
Wakeman, ob. 1584. Tht'l regIster dates from the year 1562.. .
The living is a vicarage, commuted rent-charge £335 15s . I ReflMtrar of Btrt~s t! Deaths, Roberl Go~n Coombe
with 13! acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean Coast Guard Statum, George Terry, officer ID charge
and Chapter of St. Paul's and held by the Rev. William Coase National School (mixed), built in r868 & enlarged by the
Miller, TheoI. Assoo. of King's College, London. The addition of a new infant school in 1881, the school now
TeCtorial commuted rent; amounts to £797 17s. which holds 240 children, with an aTerage attendance of 180;
together with about £1,000 a year derived from certain lands Edward North, master
in the parish belong to the Dean and Chapter of St. P'dul's CARRIERS TO:~
.and is applied, after deducting a grant to ten poor livings in CHELMsFORD-John Wright, Alfred Pond &; Dobson, tues.
the county, to the repair of 'the cathedral. The charities &: fri. returning same days
amount to about £16 8s.. yearly, chiefly derived from land . MAt:ooN-Ernest' Hart, tnes. thurs. & ~t. returning Mme
bequeathed in the year 1652 by Colonel Gregory Baker" days • •
• Coombe Hobert Gorton
Crabb Henry George, The HaJI
I Croxon Charles, Reddings
Jackson James, Leggett's farm
' I Jack.son James, Sampson's
1Jackson Thomas, Bridgemans

Miller Rev. William poase Goyner Robert, farm bailiff to Jamea
T.A..K.C.L. Osborne John Wm. plumber & painter
Vicarage Gale Peijcock Thomas Fletcher, baker
COMMERCIAL. Hart Alfred, grocer &draper Pearson Mary (Mrs.), Cock inn
Argent Henry, blacksmith Hart Edward Albert, grocer & draper Playle Eliza (Miss), milliner
Aylett Robert, wheelwright Hart Ernest, carrier Pointer Samuel, farmer, Thrashers
Baxter Thomas, blacksmith Hart Stephen, grocer & draper Pond Alfred, carrier
Blunden James, gardener &c Hawkins Henry, farmer, Shinglefoots Pond James, bakr. shopkpr. &: postmtr
Bullock Alfred Ernest, butcher Hedgley James (exors. of), farmer, Dots Raven Wm.propr. of thrashing machine
Chenery Charles, shopkeeper Mellons Rayner Alfred, saddler
Collins Charles, carpenter Houghton John, watch maker & jeweller Rodda Benjamin, carpenter & builder
Coombe Robert Gorton, surgeon & Hubbard William, blacksmith Rodda J ames Harris, carpenter
registrar uf births & deaths Jackson James, farmer, Leggetts Sewell Thomas, grocer & draper
Cooper Emily (Mrs.), grocer Jackson James, farmer, Sampsons Simpson Francis (Mrs.), beer retailer
. Crabb Henry George, farmer, The Hall Jackson Thomas, farmer, miller & land- Spurgin William, agricultural imple-
Croxon Charles, farmer, Reddings owner, Bridgemans mentagent
Dines Elizabeth (Mrs.), ptraw hat maker Kemp Henry, Swan inn; choice foreign Taylor Robert J ohh, painter
Dow Benjamin, marine store dealer wines & spirits; well-matured whiskies; Turner John, farmer, Hill farm
Dowsett J oseph, bricklayer ales & stout of first class quality; fine Turner Marshall, farmp.r, East Hyde
English Joseph, shoe maker bitter ale of superior quality Turner William, farmer
Everitt Charles, Cap ~ .Feathers Lay Frederick, baker Wildish Thomas, baker
Guiver John, farmer, Blackbirds I Mitson Elijah, shoe maker

TILTY is a parish in the Western division of the county, his figure in armour, IS62 and his wife May, 3 sons and 2
Dunmow hundred, union and county court district, rural daughters; to Margaret, wife of George Tuke esq. of Layer
deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Marney, IS90, with 3 sons, 3 daughters and 3 infants in
St. Albans, 4 miles north-north-west from Dunmow, 10 swaddling clothes and an inscription to Thomas, of Thakely
north-east from Bishop's Stortford and 5 west from Elsenham Abbot, c. I460, with four Latin verses. The register of
station. Tilty was formerly owned by Cistercian monks baptisms dates from 1725; burials, I724; marriages, I727.
and the remains of a fine abbey founded A..D. II52 by the The living is a vicarage, yearly value £200, with resi-
Earl of Derby are still standing; the revenue at the Dis- dence, in the gift of Lady Brooke and held by the Rev.
solution was £In 9S.4d. The parish church of St. Mary William Gibson B.A.. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
the Virgin, consisting of chancel and nave, is in the Decorated A Sunday school here is attended by between 40 and 50
Eng-lish style: the tracery of the chancel windows and par- children. Lady Brooke, of Eadton lodge, is lady of the
ticularly that of the east window is very fine: the latter is manor and, as heiress of the late Viscount Maynard, sole
of five lights, the centre light rising above the others and landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clay and gravel:
the two on each side combining upwards into arches with the chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is .
foliated tracery; the head of the window is filled by geome- I,053 acres; rateable value, £I,295; and the population in
trical tracery elaborately worked; the gable is surmounted I88I was 93.
by a large floriated. cross and on either side of the window, Parish Clerk George Barker.
the mouldings of which are carried down to the string ,
course, are canopied arches with over arches flanked by LETTER Box cleared at ~ p.~. Letters from Chelmsford
pinnacles: in the chancel are brasses in good preservation through Dunmow, whICh IS the nearest money order &
to Gerard Danet esq. of Bronkynsthorp, Co. Leic. counsellor telegraph office.
to King Henry VrII I520 and his wife Mary, with 5 sons The children of this village go to Broxted & Great Easton
and 6 daughters; to George Medeley, of Tyltey, esq. with schools
Gibson Rev. William B.A. Vicarage Butcher John, hurdle & rake maker Smith Hofgaard, farmer & miller
Battle Wm.(Mrs.), farmer,Cold harbour Randall John (exors.of),farmers,Tilty hI Stock John Jas. farmer, 'filty grange
TIPTREE HEATH was formerly part of the Great forfeited on his attainder. Tiptree Hall, the seat and famous
• Forest of Essex: it embraces portions of six parishes viz.:- agricultural establishment of the late J. J. Mechi esq. is in
Inworth, Messing, Tollesbury, TolIeshunt D'Arcy, Tolleshunt this parish, about 4i miles south-soutb-east from Kelvedon
Knights and Great Wigborough, is mostly enclosed and station: this place when it came into his possession was a
was formed into an ecclesiastical parish in I859: it is in the very poor farm, with a naturally bad soil, but by superior
Eastern division of the county, bundred of Lexden, union of management was made to yield abundant crops of all
Lexden and Winstree, county court district of Maldon, rural sorts: it comprises about I28 acres, on which Mr. Mechi
deanery of CoggeshaIl, archdeaconry of Colchester and e;xpended upwards of £uxJO in draining, improving and
diocese of St. Albans; 8 miles east from Witham and 3 from erecting steam- machinery for irrigating, the application of
Kelvedon station. The church of St. Luke is a plain brick liquid manure and other purposes of the farm and in the
building, consisting of chancel, nave and aisle and was erection of a handsome modern residence and extensive and
.erected in I855 by subscription at a cost of about £1,800; well-arranged farm buildings: as a model farm it has
there are 500 sittings, all of which are free. The register greatly attracted the attention of farmers and others
dates from the year I8S7. The living is a rectory, nett interested in the science of agriculture. The principal
yearly value £275, with residence and I3 acres of glebe, in landowners are Sir W. Neville Abdy, bart. J. Gurdon Rebow
the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. esq. J. H. Bridges esq. Mr. Edward Harvey and Mr. C.~.
Frederick John Ross Laurence M.A.. and a.C.L. of Exeter Wilkins. The soil is plastic clay and gravelly; subsoil,
College, Oxford, rural dean of Coggeshall and surrogate. clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas and
Here is also a Congregational chapel with school, founded beans, mangolds and turnips. The area is 3,000 acres; the
in I720. Wix's charity consists of £IOO Consols, the population in 1871 was 984.
interest of which is distributed yearly. A fa~r is Pariah Clerk, Frederick Hill.
he~d here on July 25th. Here formerly stood Tlpt~e .Assistant Overseer, George Banham.
PrIOry, a house of black canons of the Augustme ,
Order, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas; it POST, MONEY. OR~ER & :r'ELEGRAPH OFFI?E & Savings
may be traced to the reign of Edward I.; the family of Bank.-Davld HJll~ receIver. Letters arnve from Kel-
Mountcheaney were its principal benefactors; this was one vedon at 7 a.m.; dIspatched at 7.35 p.m
of the forty small monasteries granted to Cardinal Wolsey in School (mixed), built with mistress's house in I863, for I70
1:523 for the endowment of his proposed colleges at Ipswich children, with an average attendance of 100; Miss Alire
and Oxford and was then valued at [,22 16s. 4d. but it was Taylor, mistress
Bagell Rev. Henry [Congregational] Brett rsaac, farmer Kent John, bricklayer
Laurence Rev. Frederick John Ross M.A.., Brett Thomas Partridge, farmer &; mar- Keys William, beer retailer & farmer
S.C.L. [rector, rural dean &; surrogate], ket gardener Kingsley John, farmer, Brook hall
Rectory Bright Benjamin, shoe maker Moss Henry, Ship
Mechi Mrs. Tiptree hall Brunwin Wm. shopkpr. &; beer retailer Near Joseph Burton, booksellel"
COMMERCIAL. Burls Alfred. wheelwright Pennock John, beer retailer
Alliston Edwin, shopkeeper & carpenter Comell Charles, coal dealer Ransom George Daniel, miller, farmer
Austin George, boot &; shoe makel1 Crampin Jemim" (Mrs.), shopkeeper &;landowner
Balham Richard, beer retailer Uarvey Edwa~ farmer &; landowner, Rawlinson David, jun. butcher &; dealer
Banham George, seed grower & rate col The Grove Rogers John, beer retailer
Bennett William, Anchor, & carrier Howes ·Walter, blacksmith Rogers Samuel WilIiam, farmer
Sibley Henry, baker,corn dealer & frmr Tiptree ()o-operfl,tiv~ Society, Limited Wass John, 2Tocel"
Simpson George, wheelwright (George Kemp, manager) Wilkins Arthur Chas.farmer,Trewlands
Stubington Edward, grocer & draper Wadley James, baker Wilks John, farmer
TOLLESBURY is a parish and large fishing village yearly, arising from lands at Tolleshunt Knights, leftjn 1652
near the Blackwater estuary, in the Eastern diYision of the by Robert Taillor, is for bread. Alexander McMulfen esq.
county, Thurstable hundred, Maldon union and county court is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the
district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry of trustees of the late Capt. R. R. Isherwood,Sir Charles DuCane,
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 9 miles east-north-east Grimwood Grimwood esq. and the Rev. E. R. Benyon. The
from Maldon, 48 from London and 10 south-east from soil is various; subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops
Witham. Here is a coastguard station. The church of St. are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 6.780 acres, of
Mary is a large stone building in the Early English style, which a large j)Ortion is saline pasture, called saltings;
consisting oi. a modem chancel and nave, with an embattled I rateable value, £8,009; the population in 1881 was 1.434,
tower at the west end containing 6 bells: the church con- mostly employed in oyster dredging.
tains some memorials of the family of Gardiner, of Bour- Parish Clerk, George Anthony.
chier's Hall: in 1872 it was restored by subscription, at a POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-William
cost of about £2,300, there are 5 stained windows and Walford, receiver. Letters arrive from Kelvedon at 9
sittings for about 300 persons all of which are free. The a.m. ; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. Telegraph office, Tolles-
register dates from the year 1558. The living ~s a vicarage, hunt D'Arcy
yearly value £539, with residence and 12 acres of glebe, SCHOOLS:-
in the gift of and held by the Rev. John Casson Battersby National (mixed), built in 1855, for 180 children, with an
M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge: the Rev. Edward average attendance of 120 ; Mrs. Annie Calver, mistress
Richard Benyon M.A. is impropriator of the great tithes. Oongregational (mixed), built in 1859; average attendance
The Congregational chapel in this village, erected in 1864, I 120; Miss Eliza Binnington
has a school and bnrial ground attached. This place is cele- I CARRIERS TO:-
brated for its oysters, the beds of which are formed in a COLCHESTER-Veal Weavers, mono tues. tburs. & sat.;
broad creek of the Blackwater, from which large quantities George Anthony, wed. & sat
of young oysters are transferred to beds on the coast of ?v,[ALDoN-William Harvey, daily .
Kent and there fed for the market. Taillor's charity is £8 I KELVEDoN-George Anthony, mono & tues
Anstey Rev. Wm. M. [Congregational] BowlesJn. shopkeeper & oystermerchnt Ledgerton Henry, farmer, Rolls &
Battersby Rev. In.Casson M.A.Vicarage Calver Theophilus, assistant overseer & Borehams
COMMERCIAL. rate collector Posford John, miller & farmer
Anthony Alfred, blacksmith Chatterson Adam Elisba, oyster mercht Root Joseph, farmer, High hall
Anthony George, carrier Cottes James, farmer Rose Robert, Hope
Anthony William, King's Head Drake James, shipwrightlt Seabrook Robert Carrington, farmer,
Banyard Frederick, oyster merchant Fairhead Alfred, farmer & grazier Carrington farm
Banyard George, shopkeeper Golding John, farmer, Bohun's hall Sharp George, farmer, Garlands
Banyard John, shopkeeper Hammond George, Hoy Smith Joseph, farmer, Bouchiers hall
Banyard William, Plough tf Sail, & Harvey George. baker Thompson Herbert, farmer, Tudwick
oyster merchant Harvey William, carrier Walford William, shopkeeper
Beecham John, blacksmith Heard John, baker & shopkeeper Weavers Marlah (Miss), tailor, shop-
Bowles Margaret (Mrs.), oyster mer- Jay Captain, farmer, Mell farm keeper & beer retailer
chant Lewis Alethea (Miss), straw bonnet mkr Weavers Vcal, carrier & beer retailer
TOLLESHUNT D'ARCY is a parish and large vil- great tithes and held by the Rev. Robert Vernon Ottley
lage in the Eastern division of the county, Thurstable Graves B.A. St. John's College, Oxford. Here is a
hundred, Maldon union and county court district, rural Congregational chapel. The poor have the benefit of
deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry of Colchester £32 2S. IOd. yearly from a charity left by Henry Smith
and diocese of St. Albans, pleasantly situated on an eminence esq. of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, in the year 1626. A pleasure
near the estuary of the Blackwater, 49 miles from London, fair is held annllilly on the nth of June. The representa-
7 north-east from Maldon and 9 south-east from Witham. tives of the late Capt. Isherwood are lords of the manor of
The church of St. Nicholas is chiefly of stone, in the Perpen- Bouchiers Hall and J.Gurdon Rebow esq. of D'Arcy Hall. The
dicular and Decorated styles and consists of chancel, nave, principal landowners are trustees of the late J. G. Grim-
north aisle,part of which constitutes the D'Arcy chapel and wood esq. John Gurdon Rebow esq. and Mr. Bonell. The
at the west end is an embattled tower containing 5 bells: in soil is vanous; subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops
the D'Arcy chapel is the stately figure, in brass, of a knight are wheat and barley. The area is 3,142 acres; rateable
in armour, with an inscription to John de Boys esq. formerly value, 4,823 ; and the population in 1881 was 823.
lord of this manor, ob. I5th Aug. 1419; another knightly Parish Clerk, Isaac Taverner,
figure represents Anthony D'Arcy I.P. ob. 18 Oct. 1540; POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
there are inscriptions to Katherine, wife of Thomas D'Arcy Bank.~Edward Wm. Emery, receiver. Letters arrive
esq. ob. 7 July, 1535 and several others of that name: in from Kelvedon at 8.I5 a.m.; dispatched at 6.15 p.m
the windows are some shields of arms: in 1880 the church Registrar oj Bi1,ths .f IJeaths, William Otway
was restored by subscriptions, at a cost of £450 and has a Relieving 0.tficer, Roger James Crome
stained window presented by Joshua Nunn esq. to the National School (mixed), built in 1864, for 170 children,
memory of the Perry family: the church has about 300 with an average attendance of 128 ; Henry J ackson, master
sittings, all of which are free. The register of baptisms CARRIERS TO : -
datel!! from 1560, of marriages from 1582 and of burials COLCHESTER-Weavers, tuesday, thursday & saturday;
from 1583. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £250, in Anthony, monday, wednesday & saturday
the gift of John Gordon-Rebow esq.lay impropriator of the KELVEDoN-Anthony, tuesday & friday
Beckwith Miss Emery Edward, tea dealer Ottway Norris. veterinary surgeon
Brown Mrs Emery Edward William, stationer Ottway Wm. registrar of births & deaths
Graves Rev. Robert Vernon Ottley RA. Feun Norris, farmer, Tudwick Page Benjamin, farmer
[vicar] Gardener James & George, maltsters Page Orbell, wheelwright
Salter John Henry Goodchild John, farmer, Fraine farm Page Robert, farmer
Seabrook Mrs Graystone Arthur (Mrs.), machinist & Rudrnm William, Red Lion
COMMERCIAL. millstone maker Sach J ames, farmer
Blaxall Henry, baker Hearn Thomas, bricklayer Sadd Thomas, Wheatsheaj, & baker
Blaxall Mary Ann (Mrs.), boardng. schl Holmes WaIter, boot maker Salter John Henry, surgeon & local
Blaxall William, grocer & baker Hudson Joseph, grocer, draper & stamp secretary to the Poor Law Medical
Bunting Henry, farmer, Brook farm distributor Officers' Association
Bunting John, farmer & landowner Hume John, Thatchers' A.rms Sanders Charles, farmer
Cause Maria Shuttleworth (Mrs.), har- Ketley Susan (Mrs.), butcher Seabrook Robt. (Mrs.), farmer, The Hall
ness maker Lavender Alfred, butcher Seabrook Robel."t Carrington, farmer ~
Cr~e Roger James, relieYing officer Lord John, farmer, Tudwick landowner, Martins farm
Emeny Abraham, blacksmith Mayell William, wheelwright Wisbey John Thomas, Queen's Head
TOLLESHUNT KNIGHTS is a scattered parish 1 ments have been dug up; it is in the Eastern division of the
and seems to be in the line of an ancient Roman way from I county, Thnrstable hundred, Maldon union and county court
Maldon to Colchester, as, near Barnwalden, Roman pave- . district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry of

Colchester and diocese of St. AlOOns, 43 miles from London, and held by the Rev.Samuel David Rees. Abdy's charity of £12
9 not'th-east from Maldon, 8 south-east from Witham and.; 16s.4d. yearly, arising from lands in Tollesbury, i. for bread.
south-east from Kelvedon station. The church of All Saints Here is a Congregational chapel, erected in 186+ Sir
is an isolated building, consisting of chancel and nal'e, with William Neville Abdy bart. is lord of the manor and the
'3 belfJ!' of 'Wood, containing z bells and surmounted by a principal landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, the same:- The
shingled spire: in the chancel is a dilapidated effigy of a chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2,079 acres;
Knight Templar and some defaced monuments of the Pates- tateable value, £2,947 ; and the population in 1881 ~as 404.
hall family: the church has been thoroughly restored by Parish Clerk, Alfred Smith.
the present rector, at his sole expense and a stained east ',l'he LETTER Box is at 'riptree Heath. Letters through Kel-
window has been inserted by two other benefactors; a west 'Vedon. rriptree Heath is the nearllst money Qrder &;
window, now in course of construction, is the gift of Sir W. telegraph ()tfice
N. AMy bart.:: the church has about: 250 sittings. The •
register of baptisms and burials dates from the J'eal" 1695 The children of this attend the sclwol at Tipttee
and of marriages from 1696. The living is a rectory, yearly Heath
value £558, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Obancellor CAllRIER TO C<lLCMESTER-H. Drain, wednesday & saturdar

;aees Rev. Samuel David, Rectory Drain Hezekiah, carrier Mead William, Pog Pheasant et )
Eley Arthur, wheelwright Palmer William, blacksmith
COMMERClA'L. Hall Charles, farmer, Manifold 1't;ick Posforo John, farmer
Alvis John, farmer, Four chimneys Harrington William, farmer Seabrook Richard, farmer, Grove hall
Blogg George, shopkeeper Harvey Edward, farmer & landowner Stopher Joseph, farmer, Park farm
BlythJn. farmer & landowner, Barn hall Kent Joseph, bricklayer . 'Vilkin Arthr. Chas. farmer, Trew lands
Brown George, Rose ef Crown. Kingsley John, farmer, Brook hall
TOLLESHUNT MAGNA (or MAJOR) an appellative 1589; burials, 1559; and marriages, 1561. The living is a
corrupted from one Malger, who held it at -the time of the vicarage, yearly value £187, in the gift of and held by the
Domesday survey, was also afterwards known as Becking- Rev. George Henry Turner. Here is a Congregational
ham and is a parIsh in the Eastern division of the county, chapel. An ancient brick gateway, with four embattled
Thurstable hundred, Maldon uniort and county court sis- turrets, is all that remains of the Manor House, formerly
trict, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry 'Of the seat. of the Beckingham family. The New England
Colchester and diocese oj St. Albans, 47! miles from Lon~ Company, who are lords of the manor, Jeffrey G. Grim-
don, 5 north-east from Maldon and 8 south-east from wood esq. Robert Francis esq. and the Rev. C. B. Leigh, are
Witham. The church of St. Nicholas is half a mile south- the principal landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, loam
east of the village and comprises a chancel, nave and brick and gravel. The chief crops are wheatl beans and barley.
tower with 3 bells ~ in the church is a memorial with. The area is 2,184 acres; rltteable value, £3,288; and the
effigies and an inscription to Robert Higham and Helbice his population in 1881 was 405.
wife: he, died 23 June, 1427;, and other inscriptions to Pa1-is4 Clerk, John Grout.
Robert Hlgham, secundus, ob. 10 August, 142 9 and Margaret Lett th h W'th b f t t A LETTER Box if!
his wife, and Robert Higham, tertius, ob. 4 February, 1460 ers roug 1 am y 00 pos. ,
and Johanna. his wife, daughter of Thomas Barrington: ~leared at 5 p.m.; sundays at I I a.m. T~leshunt D Arc!
there was formerly a chapel on the north of the chancel, 18 the nearest money order &; telegraph 0 ce
containing a stately monument to Stephen Beckingham of National School (mixed), built in 1878, for 70 children, with
Tolleshunt D'Arcy and Avis his wife, daughter of Sir Henry an average attendance of 50; Miss Emma Chatterson,
Tyrrell kt. Df Therne. The register of baptisms dates from mistress
Horsnail William • Cowell Henry, farmer, Gate farm GurtOft Stephen, Bell
Dudley Thomas, blacksmith & assistant Humphrey Reuben, farmer
COMMERCIAL. overseer Mayn James, farmer
Belsham Joseph, jun. shopkeeper Francis Abraham, farmer Page Robert, farmer, Rtaines farm
Bewers Abraham, farmer, Manor farm I Frost William, farmer, Parsonage farm Pagett William, grocer
Brett Thomas Partridge, farmer I Grout John, wheelwright & beer retlr Pig~ot Jas. Algernon, farmer, Manor hall
Bunting John, jun. farmer Gtlrton Joshua, farmer
TOPPESFIELD is a parish in th& Eastern division of value £940, with residence, in the gift of the Crown and
the county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead union and county held by the Rev Charles Johnson Taylor M.A. of St. John's
corlrt district, Yeldham rural deanery, Colchester arch~ College, Oxford. -There: is '8. Congregational chapel. The
deaconry and. St. Albans dioeese .and lies south of the· road charities amount to about £30 a ,.ear" for repairs en tho.
from Colchester to Cambridge, about a mile and a half from church, relief of the poor and education. There are three
Yeldham station on the Coln6' Valley railwl\'Y~ gmile$ south~ manors, Benvick and Scotness and Camoys, .of which
east from Haverhill, 8 nor.tb-west irom Halstead and 50 Arthur Samuel Sampson esq. is the lord. The principal
from London: it is elevated and healthy, the ehurch and landed proprietors are A. ~,Sampaon esq. and H. Speding
village being 1280 feet above the sea-Jevel and ~ther parts of esq. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops .are
the parish considerably higher even than this. The ohurch wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 30320 acres;
of St. Margaret is an edifice built in l:5[l),d.U the Perpendicular rateable value, £5.566; and the population in 1881 was 861.
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and a tower con· Pa~-isk Clerk, vacant.
ta.ining 5 ~lls: in the ch~m:el are monumen~s to the. Rev. POST O:rFIcE....,....Daniel Chatters, receiyer. Letters through
Richard Kmg, a former :Vlcar; to Dorcas, WIfe. of Wllham Halstead arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched 5 p.m. The nearest
Sm~th esq. w~o deceased 18 Decem,ber, 16303 and w~s money order & telegtaph office is at Castle Hedingham
burIed at CressIDg; to Rev. Robert Wllde, rector here I n . . . . ..
1690 and to Rev. Richard Willett, rector, who died ir. 173 1 : .Natwnal. School (ml~ed), bUIlt ID 1~56 Qn a. site gIVen by
there is an inscription on brass ID William Cracherod, gent. A. S. Slmpson esq. was for 200 children, WIth an averagQ
15 85 and Elizabeth his wife, ISl7 with another brass with attendance of no ; Charles Lane, master .
figures of a man and womall and ,an inscription to John CARRIERS TO 1 -
Cracherowd and Agnes his wife, 1513, with other memorials BRAINTREJt--,-o(}eorge Butcher, wednesday
of this name. The register of baptisms dates from 1559 LoNDoN-William Danes, from his own house, on wednes-
marriages and burials, ;l560. The liv~g is '" rectory, yearly day, t~ the f Saracen's Head'; leaves on thursday
Small Rev. Thomas [Congregational] Dowsett Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper Mumford Edward, thrashing machine
Taylor Rev. Chas. Johneon M.A. Rectory Fenn Harrisoo, farmer owner & farmer
-COMMERCIA~ Firmin William, higg-ler Pannell J oseph, shopkeeper
Ashby Joseph, farmer, Woodleys Goodchild George Hicks, farmer, Hoses -Seaman Charle», Green Hmi
Barker George, blacksmith, wheelwright fann; & at Sible Hedingham Smee John, shoe maker
& brewer , I Goodchild Thomas, farmer~ Gunses Smee Thomas, shopkeeper & carpenter
Butcher Henry, beer retailer Hardy Robert, shopkeeper Smith William, blacksmith
.Butcher James, grocer & draper Letch Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer 8tewa,rd Lems, miller
. :Butcher James, jun. miller Marking Charles Rider M.R.c.Y.8. vetel Steward Richard. farmer. Hurrel18 f8T1D
Chatters Daniel, shoe maker ,& post office rinary surgeon 1 Whitlock Simoo Quy, farmer,Gaynsfords
Clarke Benjamin, fanner, Flowers haU Metson Henry, farmer~ Goosleyll Whitlock Wa.lter., farmer ,J.
.Darby Charles, farmer, Berwick hall Metson Joseph, farmer, Mortimore's .....
CiirREAT 'l'OTHAM i8 a parish which extends from 3 to don and 411 from London; in the Eastern division of the
A miles eouth-east from Witham, is 3 to 4 north from Mal- oount~'r hund~ of Thufstable, Ma~don uniou and county
court distric~ rural deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdea- stain~d window in the chancel to his memory. The regis-
-eonry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans and includes ter dates- from the year 1557, but is more or less irregular
OSEY, an island in the Blackwater estuary. Beacon Hill, to to the year 166c}. The living is a discharged vicarage, yearly
the north, is about 700ft. above the level of the sea and com- nett value £200, held by the Rev. Henry Taylor Williamson
mands an extensive prospect in every direction; a single E}'re M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. The patron is Mrs'.
beacon still remains, placed on the hill at the time when Honywood, Marks Hall,Essex, who holds the great tithes
Napoleon I. threatened to invade England; a tree near the valued at about £700 per annum. There are Wesleyan
summit of the hill is used by mariners as a landmark. The Methodist and Congregational chapels. A school board for
church of St. Peter is a small but ancient edifice, certainly the parish was formed in the year 1875. There are alms·
existing before the year 1222 and was given by Maurice de houses for 'three married couples and three widows, erected
Totham, temp. Henry I. to the nuns of Clerkenwell, to in 1855, by William Goodday, of Drury farm, Colchester.
whom also the rectory was appropriated in the reign of Mrs. Honywood, of Marks Hall, Coggeshall, who is lady of the
Richard I. and a. vicarage ordained, of which the prioress manor, Sir Charles Du Cane and Harvey Foster esq. are the
and convent had the patronage until the suppression of principal landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel and
this house by Henry VIII: it consists of chancel and nave loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The
and a wooden belfry with 6 bells, surmounted by a small al"ea is 2,679 acres; rateable value, £4,825 ~ Bnd the popu-
spire and was thoroughly restored in 1878 and a new north lation in 1881 was 750.
aisle added from the designs of Mr. J. J. Clarke, 6 bells, Parish Clerk, Golden Wendon.
replacing the former two being also hung and the church- POST OFFICE, Maldon road.-Thomas Oakley Kinsbury,
yard laid out afresh: the cost amounting to about £2,000, receiver. Letters through Witham aTrive at 8 a.m. ; disc-
was chiefly borne by Mrs. Honywood, the rector and the patched at 6 p.m. The nearest money order offices are at
patron of the living: in the floor of the chancel is a brass Maldon & Witham; telegraph office, Heybridge. A brick
with two female figures, each surmounted by a shield of LETTER Box, placed near the' Compasses,' is cleared on
arms and an inscription to Elizabeth, wife of Richard Coke week days at 6 p.m
esg. and daughter of John Pilborough, Baron of the School BOQ1'4 School, erected in 1875, for :{40 llbildren, with
Exchequer who died 24th December, 1606. The an average attendance of 108; Isaak Munro Rees,
tenantry of the late W. P. Honywood esg. have placed a master; Mrs. Maria Rees, sewing Jnistress
Baternan Charles, Rose cmtage Cooper John, fanner & brick & earthen- Grout. Waiter, farmer
Bugg Mrs. Wickbam lodge ware manufacturer Hall B. C. farmer, Lofts
Easty Samuel, The Firs Cottee Mark, farmer King Alfred, beer retailer I
Eyre Rev. Henry Taylor Williamson Coult Albert Edward, grocer &; draper King James, farmer
M.A. Vicarage Crumpen Elizabeth (Mrs.), Bull inn King James, trav.elling draper
Green Joseph Edwin Fabiaus I Dudley Daniel, boot & shoe maker King Samuel, blacksmith & beer retailer
Orth William Henry . Dudley William, Compasses Kingsbuy Thomas Oakley, shopkeeper
Reeves Re,". Arthur [Wesleyan] Eaves Cbas. WaIter, Prince of Wales StebbingsGeorge, farmer,Waldon hous.e
Steveus Rev. John [Congregational] Fenn William, shopkeeper Strutt James, farmer
COMllIERCIAL. Foster Harvey, farmer & landowner Wager Herbert, Shoulder oJ Mutton
Bateman ·Wm. farmr. Goat Lodge farm Frost Benjamirr, miller Ward Alfred, carpenter r
Brown Robert, miller &; landowner GentryThos. agricultul"al machinemakr Wendon Golden, farmer, Beacon hill
Burnby Matthias, farmer, Slough house Grout James, wheelwright &; blacksmith Wright Arthur, farmer I

LITTLE TOTHAM is a parish situate on a small solidated with the rectory of Goldhanger, not in eharge,
brook in the Eastern division of the county, Thurstable joint yearly -value £957, in the gift of and held by the Rev.
hundred, Maldon union and county court district, rural Charles Brian Leigh RA. of Christ's College, Cambridge, who
deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry of Colchester j resides at Goldhanger. Mrs. English is lady of the manor.
and diocese of St. Albans, 42 miles from London, about 3 'rhe principal landowners are Mrs. Honywood and John
north-east from Maldon and 6 south-east from Witham. r Carter esg. The soil is various; subsoil, mostly gravel.
The church of All Saints is a small building consisting of The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is
chancel and nave, with a square tower of flints and wooden 1.263 acres; rateable value, £2,009 Ss. ; and the populationin
belfry: the western doorway within the porch is a highly- 1881 was 293. I

finished specimen of Norman llrcbitecture; in the chancel Parish Clerk, Waiter Halls. , ,
is an inscription to the Rev. John. Lasby and Elizabeth hill NearestLETTE~-Boxat Tolleshunt Magna. Letters through
wife, second daughter of Richard Sammes esq.: he "Was Witham, Tolleshunt D'Arcy & Heybridge are the nea-rest
rector of this parjsh with Goldhanger and died iq 1703 ; money order offices: the telegraph office is. at Tolleshunt
there is also an inscription to John Sammes esq. ob. D'Arcy
18th Oct. 1606 and dame Isabel his wife. The register NatiO'llal School (mixed), built in 1846, for 70 childr.en, with
dates from the Jear 1558. The living is a rectory, con- an average attendance of 69;. MI5. Dudley, mistress
,Belsham Charles, general dealer Fairhead William Francis, farmer, Quy Mark, shopkee~r r
Belsham Kitty (Mrs.), beer retailer Little Renters Wager Lydia (Mrs.), poulterer &; beer
,Bromley Matthias, farmer Fordham Thomas, White Horse retailer
Carter Charles James,farmer, Rook hall Humphreys Mary (Mrs.), Eagle Wakelin Fredk. farmer, "Bateman's frm
Carter Maria (Mrs.), farmer, The HalL Mayne Arthnr James j farmer
TWINSTEAD '(OR TWINSHEAD)', recorded in Domes- 1610, with 5 daughters, the figure of a son being lost. The
day Book, is a parish in the Eastern division of the county, register dates from the year 1567. The living is a rectory,
Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county court yearly value £300, with residence and 13 acres of glebe, in
district, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry the gift of the Lord Chancellor and held by the Rev. Thomas
and St. Albans diocese, 4~ miles south from Sudbury Myers RA. of Trinity College, Cambridge.. There .are -no
station on the Stout"" Valley railway and 5 north-east from manorial rights. 'rheprincipallandowners are the trustees
Halstead station on the Colne Valley railway. The church of King Viall esq. William Andrews esq. and Jacob
of St. John the Evangelist is" a beautiful building of red Manning Cook esq. The soil is loam and clay; llubsoil,
brick, in the Geometrical or Middle-Pointed style and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans an~
consists of chancel and naye and a bell turret, containing peas. The area is 1,054 acres; rateable valuable, £];,566;
I bell ~ the walls "'Of the interior are decorated throughout and the population in 1881 was 200. I
with ornamental brickwork and tiles laid in pattern: all Pm-ish Clerk, Charles Dh::ey.
the glass in the chancel is stained: the entran,?e from the Letters received through Sudbury, which is the' nearest
nave into the chancel is by tbree equal arches of stone, a money order & telegraph office
peculiarity ilupposed to be confined to four churches in Ch'Urch of England Etementll'J"y ~lwoi (mixed), built in
England: the stone font is surmounted by a canopy = here 1857 for 52 children, with an avel"3g~ attendan~ of 32;
are brasses to Isaac 'Wyncoll esg. and Mary his wife, Miss Alice Ingram, mistress
Cook J"acob Manning Rose farm I English William, carpenter .Turpin .John Marlin, farmer. Twin-
Myers Rey. Thomas RA. Rectory ~ Hale Elizabeth (Mrs.h beer retailer stead hall
Clarke Samuel, carpenter Harrington Charles, shoe maker Weaver Fredk. shopkeeper.\ bricklayer
Cook Jacob Manning, farmer, Rose farm Pearson Daniel, blacksmith . , Weaver James,. J
Cressall James, shoe maker· j Pyke Maurice, farmer, relh8m hall

UGLEY (OR OAKLEy)........The name of this parish has been locality abounding in .oaks; and according to Morant the
variously pronounCo"ld. Quercetum appears to have been name has been corrupted, by the pl'onunciation of the Nor-
the name by which it was known to the Roman.s-, from the man elerks, from Oakley to Ugley: it is in the Western
division of the count)'. Clavering hundred, Bishop's Stort- M.P. Major-Gen. Inglis, J. P. Judd, S. Sandford Poole, James
ford union and county court district, Newport rural Newman esqs. and Christ's Hospital are the principal land-
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, on owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay, gravel and chalk.
the high road from London to Newmarket and near the The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. 'rhe area is
Great Eastern railway (Cambridge line), 2 miles north-west 2,720 acres; rateable value, £2,657; and the population in
from the Elsenham station, 5i north from Bishop's Stort- 1881 was 400.
ford and 33 from London by road. The church of St. Peter BOLLINGTON, now a hamlet of Ugley, half a mile south-
is an ancient building in the Early English style, consisting wllst, belonged to King Harold and was formerly a distinct
of chancel, nave, south porch, organ chamber and square parish with a church of its own, a portion of which on its
brick tower with 3 bells and was completely restored and a being pulled down was re-erected as a chapel on the south
transept added in 1866; a chapel on the south side was side of Ugley church and has been rebuilt by S. Sandford
originally built from the ruins of Bollington church. The Poole esq. the owner of Bollington Hall. Wades Hall is
register dates from the year 1560 . The living is a vicarage, about half a mile west-south-west i both of these halls are
yearly value £160, with residence, in the gift of the now occupied as farmhouses and held off-hand.
governors of Christ's Hospital and held by the Rev. George
Atkinson Crossle M.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. OAKLEY GREEN is I mile south.
Charities, left by Robert Buck, 1620; Thomas Buck, 1679; Parish Clerk, James Reynolds.
and Edward Sandford, 1863, amount to £43 yearly and are POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Naomi Wright, receiver. Letters
chiefly distributed in coal and clothing. Orford house, the through Bishop's Stortford, arrive at 4.50 a.m. ; dispatched
seat of Mrs. Chamberlayne, a fine old building about I mile at 8 p.m. Stansted Mountfitchet is the nearest money
south from the church, was erected by Admiral Russell, order & telegraph office
afterwards Earl of Orford. R. Gosling esq. who is lord of National School (mixed), built about 1860, for 100 children.
the manor, Mrs. Chamberlayne, W. Fuller-Maitland esq. with an average attendance of 70; Miss Elizh. Jacobs, mis
Chamberlayne Mrs. Orford house I Beard John, farmer, North hall I
Osborn John, White Hart .
Crossle Rev. Geo. Atkinson M.A.Vicarage Brooks John, shopkeeper Rand Thomas, farmer, Fieldgate
. Newman James Clayden Joseph, Chequers Robinson In. Geo. farmer, Oakley hall
Robinson John George, Oakley hall Hayden John, blacksmith Wiffen Charles, shoe maker
Wiffen William, Oakley green Luckin Joseph, farmer, Parsonage farm Wright Naomi (Mrs.), shopkeeper
ULTING is a parish on the north bank of the river the gift of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge and held by
Chelmer, 8 miles east-by-north from Chelmsford and 21 the Rev. Newell Vicary Fowler B.A. late fellow of that
south from Hatfield station, in the Eastern division of the college. Sir George Brooke Pechell bart. is lord of the
county, Witham hundred, Maldon union and county court manor and with Col. Impey Lovibond and John Sampson
district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry of Piggott esq. principal landowners. The soil is light,
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All gravelly; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
Saints, formerly a small ancient Gothic building, with beans, turnips and mangolds. The area is 1,147 acres; rate-
chancel and nave, wooden turret and spire, was restored in able value, £1,797 Ss. i and the population in 1881 was 163.
1:873 by subscription at a cost of £1,000, when the east, Parish Clerk, John Goodwin.
west and south walls of the chancel were partially rebuilt, LETTER Box cleared at 4 p.m. Letters received through
new windows added, the turret and spire re-constructed Maldon, which is the nearest money order office; tele-
and 110 new pulpit and lectern added; it was also re-seated graph office, Hatfield Peverell
thronghout with oak and an oak porch was erected on the All Saints' School (mixed), built in 1865, for 60 'Children,
north side. The register dates from the year 1723. The with an average attendance of 30 i Miss Clara Hintan,
living is a vicarage, yearly value £164 8s. with residence, in mistress
Fowler Rev. Newell Vicary B.A. Vicar- Aldham Thomas, farmer, Ulting hall Garratt Samuel, farmer, Wick farm
age Brooks Hy. farmer, Crouchman's farm Turuer Alfred, beer retailer
Piggot John Sampson, The Elms Francis Thomas, farmer, Stock hall
UPMINSTER is a parish and pleasant and healthy inscriptions to John Stanley, citizen & goldsmith, of London,
village, on the Ingrebourne brook, in the Southern division 1626; to Hamlett Clarke gent. of London and Alice his
of the county, Chafford hundred, Romford union and county 2nd wife, widow of Ralph Lathum and their children, she
court district, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of died 7th July, 1636 and to two daughters, perhaps Mary
Essex and diocese of St. Albans, situate on an eminence, and Martha (1624), daughters of Ralph Lathum: here also
3~ miles south-east from Romford sta.tion and 151 from are several shields with the arms of the Goldsmith's Corn"
London. The church of St. Lawrence was rebuilt in the pany, Lathum, &c.: several loose brasses of Dencourt
Early English style with the exception of the tower, in 1862 (1455), Wayle (1545) and others, were in 1859 in the
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle and porch and a possession of Mr. Johnson, of Gaines : in the north
tower with spire rising to a height of 90 feet and contain- willdow are the arms of Engayne, Deyncourt and Lathum:
ing 3 bells: there are two stained windows in the chancel, there are various other monuments in the church to the
the smallest and most ancient of which is inscribed, families of Esdaile (1793-r838) and Branfill (1709-1843),
"Sancte Gabriele, ora pro nobis" and the other two dated two in the nave to the Revs. W. J. Hopkins and J. H.
respectively 1583 and 1602: the nave is separated from the Wharrie M.D. former rectors, ob. 1780 and 1824; and another
chancel by an arcade of pointed arches of unequal span, in the chancel to George Hyla Holden, midshipman of
supported by four clustered cylindrical shafts with well- of H.M.S. Vesuvius, who, with a number of the crew, died
moulded capitals, the difference in style showing that the of fever in the Gulf of Mexico, August 18th, 1846, tet. 18.
church was enlarged by the north aisle a ftlw years after The register dates from the year 1543. The living is a
its erection: the nave dates from the reign of King John rectory, yearly value £1,000, with residence and 22 acres of
and is an example of Transition style with details of a glebe, in the gift of the representatives of the late Rev.
pronounced Norman character, the south wall of the H. A. Holden and held by the Rev. Philip Melancthon
chancel retains traces of sedilia and piscina: in 1771 the Holden, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, London. The
north aisle was cased with brick and almost rebuilt and is celebrated Dr. WiIIiam Derham F.R.S. author of "Physico
enclosed by an open oak screen of the time of Henry VI. and Astro-Theology," was rector of this parish from 1689
finely carved, coloured and gilt; its eastern end was to 1735: he was born at Stonghton, near Worcester, Nov.
formerly the charity of the D'Engaine family and 'was 26th, 1657 and became one of the most indefatigable and
appropriated to the manor of Gaines i it was rebuilt by Sir distinguished members of the Royal Society and being
James Esdaile kt. in 1771, as appears from a tablet on the eventually made Canon of Windsor in 1716, he died April
east wall: the font is octagonal, supported on a slender 5th, 1735. Here are two Congregational chapels. Frith's
panelled shaft and belongs to the Perpendicular period: charity, of £4 lOB. yearly, is for bread. Upminster Hall,
the tower is believed to be also of King John's reign and the seat of ·Champion Edward Branfill esq. is an ancient
its rubble walls are 2 feet 6 inches thick; its first story has timbered mansion dating from the reign of Henry VI. and
three single-light windows with acutely pointed arches and for nearly two centuries has been the seat of the same
the belfry story is lighted by four double-lancet windows: family i it stands in pleasure grounds finely wooded and
of the numerous effigies, shields of arms and inscriptions commands extensive views of the surrounding country,
once found here, there remain in the north aisle the brass reaching into Kent and Surrey. Hill Place, a modern
effigy of Geerardt D'Ewes, eldest son of Adrian D'Ewes, Elizabethan mansion, stands in well-kept pleasure gronnds,
descended from the ancient lords of Kenel, in Gelderland, adjoining the high road, is the occasional residenc&- 6f
who settled in England early in the reign of Henry VIII. I Countess Tasker. Gsines Park, a modern built Elizabethan
he died 12th April. 1591 t also on the north chancel wall! residence, surrounded by extensh'e shrubberies and planta-
tions and ornamented by •
a tine piece of water, is the POST OFFICB, Corbets Tey.-William Smith, postmasteT.
residence of Henry Joslin, jun. esq. Col. Branfill if) lord of Letters from Romford arrive at 6.0 a.m. ; dispatched at
the manor of Upminster Hall, formerly known as Waltham 6 p.m. Hornchurch ja the nearest money order &;
HaD, bein~ one of the I7 manors ~ven by Harold in I062 telegraph office
to the abbey founded by him at Waltham: it was pur-
chased by Capt. Andrew Branfill of the Earl of Gains- INSURANCB AORNT-Phm&iz Fir~, Mrs. C. E. MartIn
borou~h, in 1685. The principal landowners are Col. SCHOOLS :-:-
Branfill and Henry Joslin, jun. esq. The chief crops are British (mixed), founded Sept. 26th, 18.';0 &; opened Feb.
corn and ve~etables. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. 28th, 1851 for 90 children, with an average attendance
The area is 3.373 acres. rateable value, £9,260; and the of 70; Miss Mary Emma Heath, mistress
population in 1881 was 1,202. Nati07/,al (mixed), opened March 25th, l851, for 90 children,
CoRBETS TEY, I mile south and HACTON, I mile south- average attendance 65; George Frederick West, master
west are hamlets of this parish.
POST OFFICE, Upminster.-Miss Emma Lee. postmistress. CARRIERS &c. ~ee HORNCHURCH &; RoMFORD.-Qmnibus
Letters arrive from Romford at 5.30 a.m. & 12 at noon; leaves C,orbets Tey 8.30 a.m. for Romford &; returns from
dispatched at 2.50 &: 6.15 p.m. The nearest money order Romford railway station at 5.30 p.m. daily, sundays
office is at Hornchurch excepted; William Patience, proprietor
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Hook William, builder, Brook house
Abraham Thos. miller, Upminster mill Humphrey Wm. carpenter &; painter
A~r Mrs. Park corner Battin George, beer retailer Joslin Henry, farmer
Blundon Mrs. Hunts Battin William, baker Knightbridge Henry, butcher
Branfill Cha.mpion E,l. The Hall Battson Edward, farmer &: cab proprtr Lee Emma (Miss), grocer &; post mist
Carter Rev. Alfred Morgan B.A. [Con- Brown Daniel, farmer, Birds lane Leech James, blacksmith, Corbets Tey
gregational] . Burrell Wm. George inn, Corbets Tey Manklow Eliza (Mrs.), grocer &; beer
Crosse Mrs Clarke Richard, farmer &: hurdle retailer, Corbets Tey
Crosthwaite Mrs. West lodge maker, Corbets Tey Manning Abraham, farmer, Kiln farm
Grant John James, The Common Clavdon Alfred, Shepherd et Dog, The Manning Edward, farmer, The Common
Haigh Edward Henry, Milfield house Common Martin Stephen Thos. (Mrs.), plumber
Havers John Cory, New place Conway Charles, Huntsman et Hounds, Mason David, farmer, Hall farm
Hayward John, Hill side Corbets Tey Rowe Geo. shoe maker & rate collector
Holden Rev. Philip Melancthon Th. Cressey John, blacksmith, The Common Rowe Wm Hy. grocer, draper &; tea dlt"
A.K.C.L. Rectory Day Henry, Bell inn Shuttleworth Eliza (Mrs.), farmer
Irlam William, Hacton house Eldred James & Joseph, blacksmiths Smith William,wheelwright,CorbetsTey
Joslin Henry, Hoppea hall E"ve George, cattle salesman & farmer, Thorogood Samuel Bayton, farmer~
Joslin Henry,jun. Gaines park Fox hall Martin's farm
Livermore Miss Fayers WiIliam, White Hart, Hacton Turner William, grocer
Mason Rev. Geor~e [curate], Oak cot. Franklyn William, boot &; shoe maker Tween Charles, farmer, Corbets Tey
Rowe William, High house Gay William, farmer, Corbets Tey Williamson William, farmer, Birds farm
Tasker Countess, Hill place Hazlewood John, grocer, Corbets Tey Wilson & Hook, brick, tile &; drain pipe
Triggs Henry, Bridg-e house Hitch Edward, baker . makers
Wilshere Richard Harris, Mavisbank Hook Edward, builder Wilson Thos. Lewis, bldr. & undertaker
V ANGE (or FANGE) is a village and parish on a creek of RA. of Trinity College, Dublin. The principal landowners
the Thames, in the Southern division of the county, Barn- are T. Morrin esq., Norwich Hospital, the trustees of Joseph
stable hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood police division Pocklington esq. Thomas Kennett esq. and Arthur Tooke
and county court district, Orsett rural deanery, Essex esq. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The chie f
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, on the high road from crops are wheat, beans and clovet. The area is 1,670 acres ~
Grays and Tilbury to Southend, 9 miles north-east from rateable value, £1,953; and the population in 188r was 152.
Tilbury. 7 south from Billericay and nearly 2 from Pitsea Pari5h Clerk Elijah Johnson
station. The church of All Saints is a small building in the ' ... .
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel and nave, with a Pos~ OFFICE.-Susannah Phllbps, receiver. Let~rs !e..
small wooden bell turret on the west ~able, containing 1 bell: celved from Romf~rd through Horndon-on-the·Hlll arrIve
the east window is filled with stained glass of ancient design. at IO·3 0 a.m.; dIspatched at. 1.30 p.m. The neare~t
The register dates from the year 1558 . The living is a money order & telegraph office IS at Horndon-on-the-Hlll
rectory, yearly value £300, with residence, in the gift of Major 'Church School (boJ s &: girls), built in 1825 for 40 children,
Spitty D.L., l.P. and held by the Rev. Henry Edward Wright with an average attendance of 35; Miss Tonbridge, mist
Moss Alfred Blazey Jesse, Barge inn Phillips William, shopkeeper
Pocklington Charles, Vange hall Dow John, farmer Pocklington Charles, farmer, Shonks &
Wri~ht Rev. Hy. Edward B.A. Rectory Mansfield William, blacksmith Vange hall
Bird Anthony Geo.Five Bells,& shopkpr Moss Alfred, farmer Rust & coal mrcht.Vange whrf
VIRLEY (or SALCOTT VIRLEY) is a parish in the Eastern Watson and W. Hall esq. alternately and held by the Rev.
division of the count~·, Winstree hundred, Lexden aud Edward Musselwhite, who resides at Salcott. Abdy'scharity
Winstree union, Colchester county court district, rural of £6 8s. Id. is for bread and clothing. Sir William Neville
deanery of Mersea, archdeaconl."V of Colchester and diocese Abdy bart. is lord of the manor and the principal landowner.
of St. Albans, 8 miles south-south-west from Colchester and The soil is heavy; subsoil 1 the same. The chief crops are
7 south-east from Kelvedon, separated from Salcot by a wheat, oats and barley. The area is 632 acres; rateable
creek. The church of the St. Mary the Vir~in is a small value, £756; the population in 1881 was 86.
and ancient building. consisting of chancel and nave, with a Parish Clerk William TurnaO'e .
wooden bell cot and I bell, but is not now used. The re- ' J0 • •

gister of baptisms dates from the year 1628; burials, 1633; LETTER Box cleared at 3.30 p.m. Letters delivered from
marriages, 1732. The living is a rectory, annexed to Salcott ~elverlon. The n~arest money order & telegraph office
in 1879, yearly value £140, in the gift of Edward Coxwell IS at Tolleshunt D Arcy
esq. and Sir William Neville Abdy bart. the Rev. Fredk. The children of this village go to the Salcott school
Bright Thomas, blacksmith I MurreU Robert, 1f'kite Hart, &.coal merchant
GREAT WAXERING is an ancient parish in the of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Henry
Southern division of the county, Rochford hundred, union Malim B.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. Here are
and county court district, Canewdon rural deanery, Essex chapels for Congregationalists and Primitive Methodists.
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, lying near the coast J. W. Stallibrass, Edward Arthur Wedd ;T.P. Philip
and the Mapliu Sand, 6 miles south~ast from Rochford and Bentou, Philip Renton, jnn. and navid Movim esqrs. are the
5 north-east from Southend. The church of St. Nicholas is principal landowners. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay.
a stone building. principally Norman, with Perpendicular The crops are general. The area is 2,784 acres; rateable
additions: it consists of chancel, nave. north aisle, porch and value, £6,51 I; and tha population in 1881 was 1,236 and 39
a western tower. surmounted by a shingled spire and con- in Rushley and great Potton lslands belonging to Great
taining 3 bells, cast in 1808, the tenor bell weighing 8 cwt. ~ Wakering parish.
there are traces of mural paintings in the nave: the font is POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings
Norman. The register dates from the year 1604. The living Bank & Government Annuity & Ins· rance Office.-
is a vicarage, yearly value £285, with fesidence, in the gift l"rederick John Webb, postmaster. ;Lc~:3rs arr've {rem r

• •

Southend a.t 7 a.m. & i.30 p.m; dispatched at '8..55 & Board School (mixed), built in 1876 for 280 children, with

4 p.m j Rn f avera~e attendance of r40 I Edward Charles Lay-

~chool Boa.rd, clerk, George Wood, Rochford ,., master ~ Mrs. Lay, infants' mistresa
Benton Philip, jun. Oldbury Collin Jamell, cab proprietor OliveI' .rames, butcher •
. Malim Rev. Henry RA. Vicarage Cook Frederick, beer retailer, MiIlhead Panton Henry, farmer
OliveI' Rev. Samuel [Congregational] Cooper Georg~ clock & watch maker Parsons Wm. farmer, Winters farm
Raper William Augustus H.D Cripps, blacksmith Porter William, baker
Wedd Edward Arthur :T.P Dennis Thomas, tailo.r RaperWilliamAugustus M.D. physician
Whitaker Mrs Fellingham Thomas, linen draper & registrar of births & deaths for
COHMERCIAL. French Charles, market gardener Wakering sub-district
Alp George, blacksmith French William, market gardener Rutter D. & C. llrick makers
Archer Samuel Rogers, grocer , Frost Samuel, baker Saward William, baker
.A.ylett Alfred, grocer Fulcher Geo. Nathan, White Hart inn Scruby Joseph, grocer & draper
Bailey Thomas; builder Goodman Jas. saddler & harness maker Simpson John, Exhibition inn
Baker .James, shoe maker Gratton Thomas, hawker & shopkeeper Smith Edwin, baker
Bennewith Henry, wheelwright Eliza (Mrs.), Red Lion South Henry, baker
Benton Philip, jun. farmer & landowner, Guiver Frederick, saddler Taylor Samuel, boot &; shoe maker &;
Oldbury; & at North Shoebury' Harvey Stephen. grocer & draper leather sellet'
Bolding WiIliam, cab proprietor Holmes William, shopkeeper Warren William, butcher
Burgess George, bricklayer - Howard George, barge owner Webb Edwd.ArthrJrmr.Landwick frm
Buxton William, grocer & china & Howard John, barge owner Webb Frederick In. draper & clothier,.
glass dealer Howard Joseph, shopkeeper' &: post office
Byatt Joseph, Bell Hudson Thos. farmer, Great Potton frm Webb John, butcher
. Cassen John, shopkeeper Kemp James, Anchor inn Wiggins William, shoe maker
Catmull James Thomas, farmer Mansfield William, shoemaker Wiggins Wil1iam Thomas, builder
Catmull John Edward, farmer & deputy Mimpress George, master mariner Wilson Aubrey, shopkeeper
registrar of births & deaths forWaker- Moron David, farmer, Wick Wood Golden, shoe maker
ing subo-district Norton J. farm bailiff to ;(. W. Stalli- Wright Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Colegat.e Eliza (Mrs.), lames' school brass esg
LITTLE WAXERING is adjacent to Great 'Wake. a sim'ilar window in the chancel. The register of baptisms
ring and equally ancient: it is- a parish in the Southern dates from 1715; burials, 1719; marriages, 1725. 'l'he
division of the county, Rochford union, hundred and county living is a. vicarage, nett yearly value £200, with residence,
court district, Canewdon mral deanery, Essex archdeaoonry built in 7869 on the glebe, in the ~ft of St. Bartholomew'8
and St. Albans diocese. LITTLE POTTON and NEW ENGLAND Hospital, London and held by the Rev. William Mayou
ISLANDS and a part of Wallasea Island are in this parish. I Daniel B.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. M. B. Peacock esq.
The church of St. Mary is ~ stonl!l building in the Perpen- is lord of the manor of Barrow Hall in this parish.
dicula1' style, consisting of chancel, na'Ve and 3 James Tabor esq. PhilipBenton, sen. esg. Capt. Wingfieldand
tower surmounted by & shingled spire and containing- Felix H. Webbel' esq..are chief landowners. The soil is
3 ancient undated bells: in 1878 thtl chancel was restored variable; subsoil, light clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
and the floor raised and re-laid: during the restora- barley, beans. peas and potatoes. The parish contains 2,582
tion a Norman window, murally decorated, was discovered I acres; rateable value,£2,898; the population in 188fWas 268.
and was carefully preserved and built-in: jn the nave is an L,tters from. Chelmsford through Rochford by foot post,
an aTChed recess supposed to have contained the arrive at 8.30 a.m. LETTER:ijox in wall cleared at ,3.20
founder's tomb: the ohurch retains its sediIia and a very p.m.; on sundays at 9.15 a.m. The nearest money order
perfect piscina: the east window is a memorial to Henry & telegraph office is at Great Wakering
Wix,o.f WalthamsOOw and was erected in 1880, there is also j Th~ children attend the board school at Barling
BenOOn Philip, The Hall I Burgess Edward, bricklayer Parsons William, farmer, Wick farm
Daniel Rev. Wm. Mayou B.A.. Vicarage Cockerton William, farmer Pissey Louisa (Mrs.), farmer
BenOOn Philip, farmer, The Hall Gillman WIll. nurseryman, & Castleirm Rickett Thomas, farmer
, , , ; ;; ;


WALTHAK ABBEY (or Waltham Holy Cross) is a parish present day. On the death ofthe Confessor, Harold ascended
and ancient town lying opposite to parts of the counties of the throne, but being defeated and at Hastings by
Middlesex and Herts, the navigable river Lee, in several William the Norman, his body was brought hither, with
branches, running through the town; it is the head of a those of Gurth and Leofwin, his brothers and interred here
county court district and a polling place fOl'the Western by Githa., their mother; their place of sepulture i! supposed
division of the county, in Edmonton union and in the half to have been in the choir or eastern chapel, in confirmation
hundred of Waltham, rural deanery of Chigwell, arch- of which it is stated that in the reign of Elizabeth, a rich
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, about one mile grey marble tomb was discovered and, from the pillareted
from the Waltham station of the Great Eastern railway supports and cross fieury, little doubt exists that it covered
and 14 m.iles from Shoreditch. A local board of health has the remains of the'ill~fated Harold and his gallant brothers.
been established as well as burial and school boards. The The abbey lands were seized by William and apportioned
parish is in the Metropolitan Police district and a police among his followets; King Henry H. however, recovered
station was erected in Sun street in 1:876, petty sessions the scattered endowments and re~endowed and re-dedicated
being held at the County court on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. the church to the Holy Cross and St. Lawrence, exchanging
The town of Waltham Abbey, which consists of cme main the monks for regular canons. Henry Ill. was also It
street and several others branching from it, derives its name great benefactor 'Rnd often, amidst the many changes he
and origin, according to Ogborne's "" History of Essex"" experienced, retired to the Abbey of Waltham : this monarch
from the following circumstance :-Toni, &tandard-bearer to bestowed on the town the privilege of holding its fairs a.nd
Canute the Dane, attracted. by the abundance of game in weekly market. King Henry VIII. possessed a house in
this locality, built a. small station which gradually grew Romeland and it was here that the first seed'! of the Re-
into a village peopled by his vassals and retainerS'; he also formation were sown. The abbey had continued from its
erected a church, in which to deposit and preserve a relic of foundation for 478 yearll, when, on the 23rd March, 1540, it .
the Holy Cross, said to have been brought here by a miracle. was surrendered to Henry VIII. by Robert Fnllel", the last
The estate seems rapidly to have increased, and when it Abbot, at which time its revenues '8mounted to [,1,097
descended to Athelstan, on the death of his father Toni, it yearly, the Abbot also l'anking' 88 a peer of parliament. All
was regarded as a. great possession. Athelstan, however, that noW' remains of thl!l once famous abbey is the nave.
by his prodigaJity soon dissipated his wealth and the- whole which constitutes the present church or Holy Cr088 and St..
appears to have passed to the Crown, for Edward the Con- Lawrence; its original form waif that of 8 cross. with a.
fessol: bestowed it on his brother~in-Iaw Harold, Son of Earl lofty'square tower in the cent1'&, rising from fout' arches
Godwin, who greatly enlarged and. enriched the abbey, en- and opening to the choir, nave, and transepts; but the tow~
dowihg 1; witr. man:" of his former possessions, which, con- and everything to the eastward of it is nm\' gone; ~b the
necte<i witiI it a =-&..ulets or townships, are traceable to the eastern end of the present structure the fine- arch, which
.. ESSEX. W AtTHAM ABB£'Y. :307
formerly led from the nave to the tower, although about £50, to be given in bread. A market is held on
filled in, is plainly discernible, and on One of the jutting tuesdays, granted as already stated by King Henry Ill. j
ruinous ends of the south transept may be seen a portion and fairs are held on the :l4th of May, June 9th and
of two rouna-headed arches, ornamented with zig-zag o-rna- 25th and 26th of September. On the banks of the Lee is a
ment : at the west end of the present building is a square large Government establishment for refining saltpetre and
rower with a peal of 6 bells, erected in 1556 and affording a the manufacture of gunpowder. Here are also breweries,
good view of the valley of the Lee and of the Abbey build- flour mills and manufactory of percussion caps. Sir
ings: a door and window in one of the buttresses on the south Herewald Wake bart. and C. W. Sotheby esq. are lords of
side have been restored at the expense of the incumbent's the manor; the principal landowners are Sir Herewald
family: the existing fragment consists of seven bays, with Wake, Sir T. F. Buxton bart.and R. B. Colvin esq. WaItham
round arches, on massive circular piers, both euriched with Holy Cross is a large parish, consisting of the township of
zig-zag ornament; it is singularl~rinteresting architecturally Waltham Abbey and the hamlets of Holyfield, Upshire and
as a very early example of the so-called Norman style, if Sewardstone, containing u,870 acres; rateable value,
indeed some part of it is not anterior to the Conquest; the £38,897; and the population in 1881 was 5,368. Waltham
triforium arches are bold lmd simple, but those of the Abbey township has an area of 741 acres and a population
clerestory han three openings. Beside the south aisle is a of 2,998.
lady chapel of the Decorated period, with a crypt, considered Sewardstone is a hamlet of Waltham Abbey about ...J..
to date from the 14th century, circ. 1316: the crypt is large ~2
and consists of two bays of quadripartite vaulting, with miles south on the road to Chingfo-rrl. The area is 3,022
small windows, which do not appear to have ever been scres.
glazed, it has been used as a burial place for the family of LETTER Box cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 6.3 0 p.m. Letters through.
Morgan, of Warlies and others: at the west end of the Chingford. Nearest money order & telegraph office is d~
chapel is a fine six-light square-headed window with rich Chingford
tracery,. but that of the four windows on th~ south side is BOltrd School,~built in 1874, for 136 children, with an average-
new; there is a restored Norman doorway leading into the attendance af 70; William Robertson,master ; Miss Louisa. .
south aisle of the church, on the right of which remains a Clarke, mistress
fragment of ancient diapered work; this chapel was once a High Beech is 4 miles south-east and is an ecc1esias~
chantry and subsequently served as a school-room, the first tieal parish, formed in 1837 and is situate on the borders of-
schoolmaster recorded after the Reformation being John Epping Forest, about 12 miles from London. The church of
Matthew, who held that post in 1598: there are mural St. Paul now in disuse, is a plain brick building with bell
brasses in the church to Edward Stacy, 1555 and his wife turret. Holy Innocents church, opened for Divine sen;ce
Katherine, 1565, (Rt. 78, with twelve English verses ~ and to in 1873, is a Gothic stone building, consisting of chancel,._
Thomas Colte esq. 1559 and his wife l\Iagdalen, who placed nave, transepts and spire, with. peal of .13 bells which are
the memorial :l576 and died 1591, with 6 sons' and 4 played by machinery. The register dates from the year
daughters. In the south aisle is the large tomb of Sir 1837. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £'19°, in the
Edward Denny kt. and Margaret his wife, with recumbent gift of the bishop and held by the Rev. Josiah Norton M.A. of
effigies: there are many floor stones to the families of Hil- St. John's College, Cambridge. Schools are being erected.
lersdon, Floyer, RudhaU, Naylor and ledgers from which by Thomas Charles Baring esq. to. hold 100 children. The
brasses of abbots have been removed. The register dates area is 1,500 acres and the population in 1871 was 535.
from the year 1563. The living is a donative, valued in p,arish Clerk, George Hunt.
1834 at £100 per annnm, in the gift of the trustees of the LETTER Box cleared at 8 a.m. & 3.40 p.m. Letters througb
Earl of Norwich and held by the Rev. James Francis M.A. Loughton
of Christ's College, Cambridge, rural dean of Chigwell. National School, John Titt, master
There are chapels for Baptists, Wesleyans and the Upshire (or UPSTRA) is a hamlet of Waltham, 1 mile
Brethren. The cemetery was opened in 1857, occupies east, including several villages. The area is 4.107 acres.
about four acres and contains two mortuary chapels. Holyfield is another hamlet I mile north. The a,rea is .
There are almshouses, besides a few bequests, value, 3,146 acres.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Royal Gunpowder Factory,Colonel C. B. Brackenbury R •.!F
Bank.-Mrs. Catherine Sarah Bavister,postmistress, High superintendent; Captain H. S. S. Watkin R.A. assistant
Bridge street. Letters received from Waltham Cross. superintendent; J. AnseIl, chief clerk; F.A.Renshawe,clerk
Dispatched at 8 & 11 a.m. 3.45, 7.50 & 9.30 p.m. Delivered PUBLIC OFFICERS :_
at 7 & 9.30 a.m. 2.3 0 & 7 p.m. Sundays, dispatched Clerk to Magistrates t! to the Locat, Burial t! School BOal'ds"
.12.30 p.m. j delivered 7 a.m Hubert Gough, High Bridge street
Collector of Poor Rates, Wm, Rol'ert Clark, River view
LOCAL BOARD. Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas Stamper, Sun street
Offices, High Bridge street Registrar of Births t! Dt;aths, Alfred George Cook, High
Clerk, Hubert Gough Bridge street
~Kedical o.fficer, Arthur Priest , Relieving Officer, WaIter WilliaIl). Dew, Franchise place
Sltrveyor" Inspector of Nuisances, Charles William Wiggs VestrfJ Clerk, Joseph Dalby, High Bridge street
Collector, George Eversfield PLACES OF WORSHIP, with hours of services:........
INSURANCE AGENTS : - Parish Church of Waltham Abbey, or Waltha1'11. Holy Cross~
Commercial Union, Eversfield & Rose Rev. James Francis M.A. incumbent j 1:7 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
London Assurance, A. & A. MarshaIl wednesdays, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m
Plueni:c Fil'e " Pelican Life, S. Chetwood, Sun street Holy Innocents Church, High Beech, Re,,·. Josiah Norton M.Ap
vicar; 10 -a.m. & 6.30 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS : - Baptist Chapel, Paradise row, Rev.' William Jackson,.
Cemetery, Hubert Gough, clerk to the burial board; .Joseph minister;- I I a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; wednesday, 7.30 p.m
Todd, supt. High Bridge street Baptist Chapel, Fountain place, Rev. W. Winters F.R.K.S-
County Court (held monthly), High Bridge street j John minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wednesday 7.30 p.m
Thomas Abdy LL.D. judge; William John Bruty, regis- Baptist Chapel, Church street; IX a.ID. & 7 p.m. ; thurs-
trar; H. J. Jenour, high bailiff; the district of the court daY,7P·m
comprises: Cheshunt, Chingford, Enfield Lock & Enfield l'he Brethren Chapel, Quaker lane ;- 1 I a.m. & 7 p.m. .
Highway (Middlesex), Epping, Latton, Magdalen Laver, Wesleyan Chapel, Quaker lane; 10.30 a.ID. & 6 p.m.; wed-
Loughton, Nazing, Netteswell, North Weald Bassett, nesdaY,7 p.ID
Great & Little Parndon,. Roydon, Theydon Bois, Theydon
Garnon, Waltham Abbey & Waltham Cross (Herts) SCHOOLS:-
Fire Engine Station, Church st.; John Martin Button, supt Board (boys), :Milwn street, erected 1874. capacity 637.
Herts (Ist) Rijle Volunteers (H company), Sun street; average attendance 580; George Middleditch, master j
Captain Joseph William Melles, commanding; Rev. J. (girls), Miss Ann Walker, mistress: Miss Emma Morgan,
Francis R.A. hon. chaplain; J. Tointon,sergeant-instructor infants' mistress
Inland Revenue Ojfice, Thomas Stamper, officer Leverton's (boys & girls), Quaker lane, founded in I823 by
Metropolitan polzce Station, Sun street; 2 inspectors, 2 Thos. Leverton, of London, who left £6,000 in 3 per Cent.
acting sergeants & 14 constables ' Consols, reduced by legacy duty tQ £5,378 :l7s. 5d. for
Royal Engineer Department, Major W. R. Slacke R.E. educating k. clothing 20 boys &; 20 girls: the sch~ol has
divisional officer anincomeof£161 yearly & is managed by a body of 12

trustees, of which the Rev. J. F. Frands M.A.. vicar, is Warliel (mixed), Copthall green, Miss Eliza Plant, mistress
chairman, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart. is a trustee; CARRIER TO & FROM LONDoN-Robert Hole, d~jiy .
Frederick Ward.. master; Miss Lucy Elizabeth Ward, RAILWAY CONVEYANcE.-Great Eastern Railway station,
mistress Waltham
Waltham Abbey. Bea~es Elijah, shopkpr. High Bridge st Emery Joseph, far~er, Wood green
Benmgfield & Paine,land & p.stateagents, Eversfield Geo. auctionr. Sewardstone st
PRIVA~.BES~DENTS. High Bridge street Fire Engine Station (In. Martin Button,
Allsup James, HIgh BrIdge street Bensted Jas.Geo. grocer, High Bridge st superintendent), Church street
Barrow ~~muel, Cla"erhambury Bentley In. builder & contractor, Sun st Franklin Jas. carpenter, Se~rdst:one st
Bates Wilham John, Parsonage Blount Thomas hair dresser Sun street Frost John, coffee huuse, High Bridge st
Beck Wm. The.Limes, Seward~tonerd Bolton John, co~keeper, Waitham lane Gardener William, b1;1ilder, Romeland
Bentley Fredenck Joseph, ThrIft cot Bond Arthur, watch maker, Sun street Gearing Emily (MISS), Wake Arms,
Bentley John, Sun street . Bott Matthew, farmer, Dallancefarm Epping road
Brackenbury Col. Charles B. B.A. HIgh Bradstock Wm. Cbas. wine mer. Sun st Gibson Adolphus, boot & shoe maker,
Bridge street Brett Thos. & John, farmers, Holyfield High Bridge street
Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. D.L., J.P. Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkpr. Sun st Giles Timothy, Cock inn, High Bridge st
Warlies park Bruty William (firm, Duffield & Bruty), G1ascock Geo. wbeelwrigh~,Copth.allgrn
Carr James, The Lawn, Church street solicitor High Bridge street Godfrey Thos. shoe ma. High Bridge st
CaH James, jun. The Hollies Bryers Sa~l. boot ma. Sewardstone st Goodchild In. Chas. butcher, Market pI
Chapman Charles, Sewardstone road Burial Board (Hubert Gough, clerk), Gough Hubert (firm Jessop & Gough),
Colvin Richd. BealeJ.p. Monkham's hall High Bridge street solicitor, clerk to the magistrates,
Corble George, Bridge house Butterfield Dnl. boot ma. High Bridge st local, burial & school boards, High
Cornwell William, Sun street Button John Martin, plumber, South Bridge street
Duncan Thomas, High Bridge street place, Sun street Gowler Warrington, tailor, Sun street
Edenborough Mrs. Thrift hall Carr James & Sons, millers, Waltham Greatrex William, baker, Paradise row
Francis Rev. James M.A. [incumbent], Abbey mills Green Edward, farmer, Holyfield
Farm Hill house Carr Frank, butcher, High Bridge st Gregory William, Croum, Copthall grn
Gardener William, Romeland Carr Frederick, farmer, Reeve's gate Gritfitbs Jesse, fishmonger, Market pI
Gibbons Harry, Farm hill Carter David, market gardener, Se- Griffiths In. Marriott,chemist, Markt. pI
Glass Donald, Epping road wardstone street & High Bridge st Hanchet Edwin & Arthur, statuaries &;
Gough Hubert, High Bridge street Carter David John, nurseryman & seeds~ masons, ~un street
Hatherill Charles, Copthall green man, Market place Hanchet William Daniel, confectioner,
Henderson John Brodie, Sewardstone st Carter Lydia (Mrs.), farmr.CopthaIl grn Church street
Jackson Rev.Wm. [Baptist],Paradise rw Cemetery (Hubert Gough, clerk to the Hanson William, farmer, Pick hill
Johnston Rev. Francis Burdett B.A. burial board; Joseph Todd,supt.) Harding William, farmer, Copthall gm
[curate], Farm hill Chalk Jsph. teacher of music, Farm hill Harker James, farmer, Skillet's Hill frm
Jones Miss, High Bridge street Chamberlain Wm. boot maker, Sun st Harris James, Sun inn, Sun street
Joyce Robert George, Farm hill Champuess Ernest, farmer & cowkeeper, Hartland Wm. grocer, Sewardstone st
Knowler John Thomas, High Bridge at Cold hall Harwood Frederick George, watch &;
Lancaster Arthur, Honeylauds Chapman Charles, butcher & farmer, clock maker, High Bridge street
Lawrence Mrs. Farm hill Sun street Hawkins James, ho. decrtr.
Lee Charles, Sewardstone road Chapman Thomas, farmer, Abbey farm Hayes Samh (Mrs.), pork butcher, High
Lee George Herbert, Sewardstone I'd Chapman Thos. jun. farmer, Holyfield Bridge street
Marshall Charles F. Sewardstone road Hall farm Heasman John WaIter, florist, Ferns
Marshall Mrs. The Laurels, Farm hill Chetwood Stephen, auctioneer & malt- hollow, Copthall green
Morse John, Sun street ster, Sun street Henderson John Brodie :M.D. surgeon,
Newland Charles, Sun street Clark Daniel, farmer, Copthall green Sewardstone street.
ParkiusonRev.Edwd.[curate],Parsonage Clark Wm. Chas. greengrocer, Markt. pI Hert.~ 1st Battalion Rifle Volunteers
Parnell John J.P. Green yard Clark William Roberts, collector of· (H Campany) (Capt. Joseph William
Parnell Mrs. Green yard poor's rates, River view Melles, commanding), Sun street
Priest Arthur, Sewardstone road Clatworthy Thos. White Horse, Markt.pI Hicks Jane (Miss), ladies' school, High
Rogers Andrew, Epping road Clayden John, corn merchant & seeds- Bridge street
;Sanders Miss, Forest side man, Sun street Hudson WaIter, cowkeeper, Sun street
8hacklady William B. Sun street Cleverly Geo. beer retailer, Woollard st Hume Robert, farmer, Maynard's farm
Skerman John, Farm hill Cleverly John, beer retailer, Fountain pI Hyde John, farmer, Beech Hill farm.
'Slacke Maj. Wm. R. R.E. Powder Mill la Cobb Wm. wheelwright, Sewardstone st Imperial Bank, Limited (branch), High
SpiceI' Miss, Farm hill Cole George farmer, Aveylane Bridge st. (attendance on tuesdays
Sydmondson George, Upshire hall Collingridge John, farmer, Sudbury frm only); head office, 6 Lothbury e c
'Tuckwell Miss, Sewardstone road Colyer WaIter, saddler & harness maker, Inland Revenue Office (Thomas Stamper,
Wakefield William Thomas, Farm hill Sun street officer), Sun street
Waller Miss, Fa.rm hill Convalescent Home (Miss Maria Hibbert, Izard Samuel, cowkeeper, Church street
Watkin Capt. Henry S. S. B.A.. High matron), Copthall green James Henry Isaac, grocer, Sun street;
Bridge street Cook Alfred George, registrar of births & &; draper, Market place
Webb Miss, Wood green deaths, High Bridge street Jennings Jas. beer retailer, Wood green
Webster William, The Firs, Farm hill Cook Chas. carpenter, Sewardstone st Jessop & Gough, soletrs. High Bridge st
Webster William, sen. Sun street Cook Thomas, Volunteer, Honey lane Jessop Austin, beer retailer, Honey
White Miss, Farm hill Cook William, baker, High Bridge st Lane vale
Winters Rev. W. F.R.H.S. [Baptist], The Cook William, blacksmith, Sun street & Joyce F. & Co. percussion cap manufac-
Churchyard Copthall green turers, Farm hill
Wulff Henry John, Wylde woods Copperwheat John, White Lion, Sun st King Ann (Mrs.), market gardener,
yates John Charles, Sun street Corne Charles, tailor, High Bridge st Abbey gardens
COMMERCIAL. County Court (John Thomas AbdYLL.D. King Jas. beer retailer, High Bridge st
Allam Charles, farmer, Woodridden frm judge; William John Bruty, registrar; Knight Eliza (Mrs.), Ordnance Arms,
Allam William, farm bailiff to Sir Thos. H. J. Jenour, high bailiff), High High Bridge street
F. Buxton bart. Copthall green Bridge street Knightley Chas. shopkeeper, Romeland
Allen James, grocer, High Bridge street Cuthbert Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Law William, beer retailer, Romeland
Allenson James, saddler, Sun street Milton street Lawrence WaIter, builder, Sun street
Allsup James, solicitor, High Bridge st Dellar John, Greyhound inn, Sun street Lee George Herbert, pale ale, stout &:
Alps John, ironmonger, Sun street Dew WaIter Wm. relieving officer, family ale brewer, Waltham Abbey
Appleby Wm. farmer, Reeve's gate Franchise place brewery. See advertisement
Archer Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Duffield & Bruty, solicitors, High Littlechild Wm. farmer, Copthall ween
Baker's entry Bridge street Luck Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Armstrong Wm. beer retlr. Copthall grn Dunn James, beer retlr. Sewardstone st Sewardstone street
Avis Thos. tobacconist, High Bridge st Dyer Richd. George, tobacconist, Sun at Lumsden John & Co. (drapers, grocers,
lfarker Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Dyer William, greengrocer, Market pI & wine & spirit merchants, Sun st
Sewardstone street Ellis Charles, farmer, Cobden End farm Macklin Geo.pawnbroker,High Bridge st
BaTisteI' Catherine Sarah (Mrs.), draper Ellis John, farmer, Copthall green . Marsh Caroline (Mrs.), brazier, High
& milliner, High Bridge st. & Mkt. pI Ellis William, shopkeeper, Copthall gm Bridge street

... ~'


Marshall Ainsworth & Austin, chemists Staines Julia Ann (Mrs.), Red Lion, Bartholomew Edward, Fainnead lodge
& grocers, High Bridge street Market place Beevers Mrs. Lippitt's lodge
Mason Charles, shoe maker, Sun street Stamper Thomas, inland revenne officer, Carter Richard, Torwood.
Morse John, artificial flower manufac- Sun street Curtis Edwin Richard, The Cottage
turer, Sun street Stevens John Edmund, plumber, High De Voy Mrs. Beaulieu
Mumford George, tailor, Franchise pI Bridge street Edwards Arthur Janion .T.P. Beech Hill
Nash Audrew, butcher, Sewardstone st Stone Mary Ann (Mrs.), registry office park; & 112 Queen's gate, London S:ID
Nottage Joseph, farmer, Quinton hill for servants, High Bridge street Edwards Robert .T.P. Beech Hill park
Page WaIter Wm. baker, Church street Stout Julia (Mrs.),frmr. Broomstick hall Ellis George, Manor farm chandler,HighBridge st Strange George, confectioner, Sun st King Morris, Beaulieu
Parcell Frederick, shopkeeper, Seward- Symondson George, land & estate agent, McCarthy John, Bellair
stone street Upshire hall Norton Rev. Josiah M.A. Vicarage
Parish William, farmer, Copthall green Taylor John, farmer, Haze hill Pettit William, Rose cottage
Parker Edward, brewer, High Bridge st Taylor Samuel, wheelwright, Sun street Potter Thomas, Fairmead cottage
Parkins Sarah (Mrs.), Green Dragon, Teat William, boot & shoe maker, Roddick Geo. Springfield ho. Lippitt's hI
Market place High Bridge street Sotheby Major Charles William Hamil-
Pegrum Christopher William, provision Thompson Wallis, grocer, Green yard ton .loP. Manor house
dealp-r, Franchise place Tointon Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Trezevant Charles Edward, Manor cot
Pelling George Marshall, grocer, & Sun street Wood Wm. Henry, Alder Grove lodge
agent for W. & A.Gilbey, wine & spirit Trapp Eliza (Mrs.), bookseller, Sun st COMMERCIAL.
merchants, Sun street Turnham Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, Carter George, Duke of Wellington
Phipps Charles, New inn, Sun street High Bridge street Chilton John, Robin Hood
Phipps John, tailor, Market place Tyler Samuel, baker, Sun street Clark Cornelius, blacksmith
Piper John, butcher, High Bridge street Upton Esther (Mrs.), stationer, High Ellis George, farmer, Manor farm
Ponder Chas. beer retailer, Copthall grn Bridge street
Elves Joseph, King's Oak
Poulson John William, Coach ~ Horses, Upton Jesse, boot maker, Market place Hunt Charles, shoe maker, & post office
Baker's entry Walker Jeremiah Banks, beer retailer, Hunt George, cowkeeper & vestry clerk
Powell Thomas Clement, Three Tuns, Crook mile
Hunt John, juu. carpenter, Mott street
Market place Walker Lewis John, pot & drain pipe
Priest Arthur, physician & surgeon, manufacturer, Wood green Hunt John, sen. farmer, Lippitt's hill
Lane Henry, Owl, Lippitt's hill
Sewardstone road Walker :Frances Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Potter William, beer retailer
Pryor Henry, beer retailer, Pick hill Breach Barnes
Pryor Thos. farmer, Copthall Lodge frm Waltham Abbey if Cheshunt Weekly Roddick George, farmer, Lippitt's hill
Puddephatt Thomas Williams, linen Telegraph Newspaper (George Wetton Stone Alfred, farmer, Lippitt's hill
draper, Sun street Cowing, proprietor & publisher; Sewardstone.
Pugh & Richards, linen drapers, Sun st published friday), Sun street PRIVATE RESIDENTS.
Reed Eleanor (Mrs.), china dealer, High Waltham Abbey Literary Institute
Bridge street (James Carr, jun. sec.), Church st Binge Edward, Yardley cottage
Reed Frederick, boot maker, Romeland Webster Charles, farmer & cattle dealer, Butcher Major William D. Luther ho
Reynolds John, farmer, Copthall green Warlie's & Prince's farms Chatfield Hobert Edward, Woodlands
Reynolds Samuel, boot & shoe maker, Weston Fredk. shopkpr. Sewardstone st Gibbs William Arthnr, Gilwell park
Church street Wheeler Arthur Jones, King's Arms, Hickman Henry, Elizabeth villa
Richards John Edgcome, linen draper, High Bridge street Melles William, Sewardstone lodge
see Pugh & Richards White William Cecil & Co. corn, seed &; Mills Peter, The Grange
Robertson William Gilmour, academy, coal merchants, Sun street &; High Paget James Robert, The Chesnuts
Waltham lane Bridge street Paget Richard, The Cottage
Roddick Andrew, farmer, Quinton hill Wiggs Chas.Wmosurveyor to local board Reid John, Balcony house
Royal Gunpowder .Factory (Col. C. B. & sanitary inspector, Quaker lane COMMERCIAL.
Brackenbury R.A. superintendent; Williams Jane (Miss), toy dealer, High Ashcombe John, farmer
Capt. H. S. S. Watkin B.A. assistant) Bridge street Barratt Joseph, farmer
Rule John, Green Man Wingfield Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Chatfield Hobert Edwd.chemical mannfr
Saich Robert, shopkpr. Seward8tone st Epping road Cockburn Thomas, Royal Oak
School Board (Hubert Gough, clerk), Winters William, stationer, Churchyard Coventry Charles, Fox if Hounds
High Bridge street Wood Wm. refreshment hOUse, Sun st Coxshall George, farmer, Spencer farm
Searle James, blacksmith, Sewardston st Wright Geo. Reynolds, miller, Sun st Izard John, farmer, Carroll's farm
Seignior Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Mills Peter,frmr.& landownr.TheGrange
Copthall green High Beech. Patmore Charles, farmer
Sharp George, fishmonger, Market pI PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rule Thomas, beer retailer
Sibley Thomas, Three Compasses, Se- Arrowsmith Arthur John, Arabin ho Salmon William, butcher
wardstone street . Baring Thomas Charles M.P., D.L., .loP. Saville Charles, smith & engineer
Siggers Joseph, boot ma. Greenfield st Wallsgrove house; & Carlton, United Shott Wm. farm bailiff toWm.Melles esq
Skinner Wm. Welsh Harp, Market pI University, St. Stephen's s.w. & City Watts bailiff to P. Mills esq
Speller Chas. beer retlr. High Bridge st of London clubs, London s.w Wicks John, beer rtlr. Sewardstone grn
GREAT WALTHAM (or MUCH WALTHAM) is an upper dais Sir Anthony in full armour, on the lower, his wife
ancient village and parish in the Western division of the in the costume of the period; attached to the tomb on the
county, Chelmsford hundred, union and county court dis- pavement. also recumbent, are two male infants and one
trict, Chelmsford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and female; both the tomb and figures are in excellent preserva-
St. Albaus diocese, on the Chelmer river,s miles north from tion: there are slabs with brasses to Thomas Wiseman and
Chelmsford station and 33 from London, on the road from his wife, with fnll length figures (I589) and to Sir Richard
Chelmsford to Dunmow. The church of SS. Mary and I Everard knight and his wife (I611 and I617): a slab on the
Lawrence is a large flint and stone edifice, in the Late Per- i wall of the south aisle perpetuates the prowess and fortunes
pendicular style, with a Norman tower and Nonnan founda- I of another of the Everard family, who was lost on the
tions in the chancel: it consists of a capacious chancel with Goodwin Sands, Nov. 27th, I703 : the church plate is antique
clerestory added in I6th century, nlllVe with clerestory and and curions, the chalice is very massive and bears date I632
arcades and four bays, north (I875) and south (I500) aisles, and one of the plates is still older. The register dates from
western tower, surmounted with a characteristic bell cot the year I703. The living is a vicarage, tithe-rent charge
containing a peal of bells of various date from I58I to I796 £400, with three acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
(the tenor weighing 28 cwt.) and a large south l'0rch with Trinity College, Oxford and held by the Rev. Henry Edward
fine oak roof: there are many stained windows, that at the Hulton M.A. of that college. Trinity College, Oxford, owns
east end is to the late Mr. Tufnell and the west window of the: the rectorial tithes, which are commuted at £ I,800 with I24-
north aisle to the late Rev. J. H. Dyer, 34 years vicar: at acres of glebe. The charities amount to about £30 yearly,
the eastern end of the north aisle (removed from its position arising from Lord Rich's, Straigh':,'s, Shuttleworth's and
in the nave when the aisle was added) is a beautiful tomb, other charities and are distributed in clothing and bread.
erected by Sir Anthony Everard, knight, to the memory of his Langleys, the seat of John Jolliffe Tufnell esg.JoP. is a large
wife ob. I611, he died in I6I4 before its completion and it mansion pleasantly situated on rising ground near the river
recounts his death in that year; upon it are two full length Chelmer and is surrounded by an extensive and well-wooded
figures with their heads resting upon their hands: on the estate; the park is stocked with deer; this estate formerly
belonged to the Everard family, but was purchased by that Pm'isk Clerk, James Tunbridge.
of the present OlVller in 17°5; the mansion was about this Assistant Overseer and Registrar of Births.
time rebuilt of red brick with stone facings and has been Robert Dannstt.
since much improved. John J. TufneU esq. J.P. is lord of
the manor and principal landowner. The soil is of a mixed POST, Mo~'"EY ORDER & 'fELlilGRAPH OFFICE & 13avings
nature j subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, Bank. - Ahraham Green, postmaster. Letters. from
barley and beans. The 3rea, including the ecclesil\stical Chelmsford arrive by mail cart at 4 a.m.; delivered at
parish of Ford End, is 7,335 acres; rateable value. £12,612; 7·~O a.m. & I p.m. Box closes at 1·5 & 7·30. p.m.
and the population in 1881 was 2,349. Letters may be posted until 7.45 p.m.with an extra stamp.
BROADS GREEN, half a mile south-west; CHATHAM GREEN, Letters for Chatham Green go vid Little Waltham
~ miles north-east. National School, built in 1847, for !Z50 children; John R.
At HOWB STREET, 1. mile north, is a Primitive Methodist Sydes, master j Miss Fanny Anne Joslyu, mistress; Miss
Chapel, built in 1861. A. Barnes, infants' mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Britton Wm. shopkpr. Chatham green . Lucking William, butcher 1
Marked thus • receives his letterS throngh Cobb George Robert, steward to J. J. Matthams Wm. frmr.Fitz-Andrew's fnu
Little Waltham. Tufnell esq. I.P. Chatham hall Mead George, farmer, Hyde
Balguy John I.P. Waltham house Coote Jonas, farmer, Fitzjohns farm Milbank George, builder, Howe street
Dannatt Robert Dannatt Rt.registrar of births & deaths Newman Ju. C. farmer, Absol Park frm
HultonRev. HenryEdwardM.A. [vicar], Dannatt Wm. farmer, Margate woods I Phillips Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Vicarage Dowsett Charles, bricklayer Howe street
Snow William Dowsett Philip Reuben, farmer, Wal- Pyne Benjamin T. farmer, South house
80rrell Henry thambury Rayment Charles, Windmill
Tufnell John Jolliffe I.P. Langleys Dowsett Robert, bricklayer Ridley T. D. & Sons~ millers, Howe st
Tufnell Miss, Wallops Franklin Edmund, tailor Robinson John, farmer, Chalk's farm
COMMERCIAL. French George, farmer, Humphreys Rogers Alfred, plumber & glazier
Beddall John, farmer, Warnel:s Green Abraham, post master Snow William, jun. carpenter
Bentall John, farmer, Old Park farm Hardy George, beer retailer Stock Jas. farmer, Walnut Trees farm
Bigg Harriet (Mrs.), baker Harris Joseph, Green Man Taylor Edward William, Sir Bells
Boultwood Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper *Hasler John, farmer, Chatham green WalEs David, Rose 0/ C1'own
Bradshaw Robert, farmerf Old Shaw8 Hawkes Chas. miller, Chatham green Ward Thomas, blacksmith
Brewer & Sons, grocers & drapers Josling Thomas, farmer, Chatham gm Wilkerson Alfred, saddler & harnessma
Brewster Sarah (Miss), ladies' school, Lucking Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Willers Samuel, harness maker
Howe street Howe street Wright Richard, grocer & draper
Bridge Joseph, beer retailer, Broad grn Lucking George, farmer, Owen's farm Young George, blacksmith
LITTLE W ALTHAM is a village and parish in the in trust for the repair of the church and pious uses; he died
Western division of the county, hundred, county court 27 Feb. 1558 and its income is derived from 122A. 3R. 35p •
district and union of Chelmsford, rural deanery of Chelms- This charity is under a scheme of management drawn up
ford, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese,4 miles by the Court of Chancery in 1835 and apportioned to (I)
north from Chelmsford station and 33 from London, situate sustaining, repairing, enlarging or otherwise improving the
on the river Chelmer, on the road from Chelmsford to Brain- parish church,(2) to the maintenance of a schoolmaster and
tree. The church of St. Martin is a very ancient edifice in mistress: and to the payment of incidental expenses for
the Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave, teaching and for school buildings, the balance to be distri1
with a square tower at the west end containing a clock and buted every year to the poor, particularly the aged, widows
5 bells, dated respectively 1632, 1634, 1657, 1731 and 1821: and infirm persons. Aleyn's charity of £500, foundec;l in
there is a winduw and a door of the Norman period in good 1663 by the John Aleyn, above-mentioned, is invested in 65
preservation: the south poroh is a later addition (about acres of land and is appropriated (I) to apprenticing POOl:
1500) and partially hides the exterior view of the north boys of the parish, (2) to the repairs of the church and
Norman window: in the pavement of the nave are chancel; the balance to be distributed among the poor.
two slabs with brasses j one, with the full-length figure of a Henry Savill Young esq. is lord of the manor. The princi-
knight in armour, is inscribed to John Waltham esq. 'lord pal landowner is M. W. Bird esq. The soil is mixed j sub-
of this Vill,' ob. 21 December, 1418 ; the other, near it, com- soil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
memclrates his son, Richard Waltham, next possessor pf the mangold. The area is 2,227 acres; rateable vaJ.ue, £4,314;
lordship, ob. 27 October, 1426: there is also a mural and the population in 1881 was 580.
tablet to John Alleyn, a benefactor to the parish and fourth BLASFORD HILLS, half a mile south.
son of the Rev. Giles Alleyn, a former rector of Little Parish Clerk, James Linnett.
Waltham; this John died 26 June, 1663. The register Assistant Over.fur, Robert Dannatt, Great Waltham
dates from 35 Henry VIII. The living is a rectory, nett POST OFFICE.-George Beardsley, Letters are re-
yearly value about £600, "l\ith residence, in the gift of ceived through the Chelmsford office at 8 a.m. & 12.30
Exeter College, Oxford and held by the Rev. James Peers p.m. Box closes at 12.25 &; 6.25 p.m. The nearest money
Tweed M.A. late fellow and tutor of that college. A Congre- order & telegraph office is at Great Waltham
gational chapel was built 18°3, at an outlay of £800 and
has a Sunday school attached, supported by subscriptions. Elementa1'Y School (mixed), built in 18 57, for 134 children:
Poole's charity was founded in 1557-8 , by Roger Poole, it is partly endowed from Poole's charity, as specified
yeoman, a native and inhabitant of this plac'8, who, at the above & has an average attendance of 95 children; William
date specified, settled certain lands called' Channels' and Hooper. master
• Colemans ' on Richd. Sorrel and other persons of this parish, CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD John Lucking, daily
Marked thus" are in Great Waltham Surry Mrs. James Joice WilIiam, farmer, Stonage farm
parish. Tweed Rev. James Peers M.A. Rectory Josling William, cooper
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wells Joseph, Woodhouse Keeble George, farmer, Channel's farm
Linnett Charles, thatcher
*Bedford Mrs. Albion house COMMERCIAl.. *Mansfield James, grocer
Bird Maurice William, Walt.ham hall Bearsby Geo. &: Co. drapers, &; post office Poole J ames, farmer, Pratts
Cole Absalom Bedford Charles Frederick, Bell inn Reeve James, wheelwright
Fowler Rev. Joseph [Congregational] Brewster Wm. farmer, New Park farm *Rust Frederick, farmer
Goodchild Arthur Burton Arthur, boot & shoe maker Skinner Henry, grocer
Baslar James *Campen Lewis Waiter, White Hm"t Snow Peter, farmer, Long's farm
Ling Henry Quie, Merefield Campen M. (Mrs.), farmer, Be~teads *80rre11 James, butcher
Mockett Matt, Lodge Cant Phillip, farmer *Stubbins George, wheelwright
Quilter Mrs . Charge Thomas, saddler Swal1olf' Daniel, beer retlr. Blasford hill
Rust Frederick John, Foxtons Darby John, farmer, Sheepcotes farm Wells Joseph. farmer
Silvester George, Blasford hill Goodchild Arthur. surgeon Young Henry, baker
W ALTHAMSTOW is • parish adjoining Leyton, in the with four stations on the Walthamstow and' Chingforo
Southern di,-ision of the county, jurisdiction of the Centl"al branch of the Gteat Eastern railway and is situated I mile
criminal court & Metropolitan police, Beoontree hundred, from the navigable river Lee and 6 miles from Shoreditch
West Ham union, Bow county court district, rural deanery church. The name is of Saxon origin~ being derived from
of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 'weald' (wood),' ham I (a manor) and 'stow&f ~a place).
Some idea may be formed of the extent of t.he parish when acrea t J'Steable valne, £71~88';J; and.. the populat.ion in I8';X
it. is stated that it rontains over 50 miles of roadway. In was n,C>g2; a.nd in 1881 21.697.
the neighbourhood, which :fOnD8 part of Epping Forest, are Parish Clerk, Barnet Thomas Preston.
many villas and suburban PeSidenees of the wealthy classes. P"OST" & MoNEt' ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICB, Savings
The parish is lighted with gas and the eilber- light. The Bank &; Government Annuity & Insnl'ance Office, Orford
church of St. Mary is an edifice Qf brick, consisting of chan- :to&d.-Frederick Smith, receiver. Letters dispstched at
eel, nave, aisles and a tower at the western end containing 8 & 10.15 a.m., 5, 9 & :It p.m
6 bells: the original church is supposed to have been built at
a very early period, but the present structure seems to have POST, MONEY ORDER OFFICB & Savings Banks. Wood
been erected in 1535 by Sir George Monox, who was Lord street.-William Smith, receiver. Letters dispatched
Mayor of London in 1514: in the chapel at the east end are at 9. 20 a.m. 12.3°, 4.40 &; 8.15 p.m. Delivery from
the effigies, in brass, of Sir George and his lady and there Orford road
are other brasses and many monuments of celebrated Hoe street. James Muir, receiver. Letters dispatched 9.30
persons, including one to Elizabeth, Lady Merry, ob. 1632: a.m.• r2·3 0, 4.55, 8.50 & II.25 p.m
galleries and a stained wooden roof were erected in 1876. Whip's Cross........Winter & Son, receivers. Letters dispatched
The register of baptisms dates from 1652; marriages, 1649 ; at 940 a.m~ 12.30, 4.50 ~ 8.r5 p.m. .D~ivery from
and burials, 1645. 'fhe living is a vicarage, yearly value Orford road
£650, with residence, in the gift of Simeon's trustees and St. James' street.~Robert Cawthorn, receiver. Letters
held by the Rev. Thomas Parry M.A. of Wadham College, dispatched at 9.:ZO a.m. 12.~5, ".1.5 & 8.1S p.m. Delivery
Oxford. St. Saviour's church, Markhouse TOad, is a stone from Orford road .
building in the style of the 13th century and 'C6nsists of Boundary rOaAl.-Henry Hudson, receiver. Letters dis-
chancel, nave, aisles and a tower with spire, containing 8 patched at 9.30 a.m, 12.30, 4.40 & 8.10 p.m. Delivery
, bells and was erected and endowed in the year 1874, at the from Orford road
expense of Richard }<'oster and John Knowles esqrs. The LOCAL BOARD:-
register dates from the year 1841. The living is a vicarage, Clerk, Gilbert Houghton
in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Medical Officer, Frederick Arthur Best, Church hill
Thomas H. Grantham Robinson, of Trinity College, Dublin. SUMJeyor, G. B Jerram; assistant, Samuel Ward
St. James' is a chapel of ease to St. Saviour's, built in 1840. In.spector of Nuisances, G. B. Jerram
'fhe church of St. Peter, on the forest, is a. brick building Collector, William T. Prockter, Greenleaf lane
and consists of chancel and nave and a tower with 2 bells. INSURANCK AGENTS:- •

The register dates from the year 1844. 'fhe living is a Accident, T. Hambly, Bank
"ricarage, in the gift of the vicar of Walthamstow and held County Fire,F. E. Devereux,Woodstreet; & E. H. Hamilton,
by the Rev. Frederick Quarrington M.A. of Pembroke College, Markhouse road
()xford. The area is 800 acres; population in r87r was 1,137· Emperor Life tt Fire, W. Reading, Hoe street
St. John's church, Chapel End, is a stone building. The Guardian, J. Cossar, Hagger lane
register dates from the year 1844. The living is a vwarage; LMulon Assurance, W. A. Meakin, NethercoteGrove road
in the gift of the vicar of Walthamstow and held by the Norther1l. Assurance, J. W. Baker, 6 Chestnut villas,
Rev. William Douglass B.A. of Hatfield HalL, Durham: the Granville road
area is I,5OO acres; the population in r871 was r,915. The Phani:lJ Fire, C. W. Routledge, Union road; J. Higham,
consolidated chapelry of St. Stephen was formed in 1880 Daisy bank\ Prospect hill; & E. J. Lewis, Orford row
from the parishes of St. Mary~ Walthamstow and 'St. Mary, Queen, G. W. Tatlock, Granville terrace, Granville road
Le~'ton; and the church of St. Stephen, situate in Grove Royal Exchange, H. Glover, Wood street
road, was consecrated April 6th 1878 and is a brick building Sun Fire, R. F. Budd & Co. Wood street i.
in the. Early English style. and consists of chancel, nave, Westminster t! General Life, A. W. L. Gomperty, East
aislesl transepts, baptistery and a turret containing I bell: avenue, Orf()rd road
a tower will a.t BOrne fu~ure time be built at the nOl'th-~est. \ PuBLIC ESTAELISHMENTS:-
corner: the church will seat 6~0. pe~sons.. The re~lstel' Cemetery, Gilbert Houghton, clerk to the burial board
dates from the year l878. The h~ng IS a ~ICarage, "lth an John WaIter Amey, keeper •
endowment of £30 and pew r~n~8, tu th~ gift of trustees and Essex (1st) Rijle Volunteers (E company) ~ head quarfurs,
held by the R~v. Ethelbert. Willlc,tID Bullmger D:D. Ca;"t~ar Church Hill road; G. C. Capper, capt. commandant •
F.R.G:S. The fo~ hall, situate ID Orford road, IS a bmldl;"g North Metropolitan Volunteer Fire Brigade Station, Chesnut
of brick an~ stone tn the Modern F~eIlCh style, en;cted, With walk; Charles Langdale, engineer
the excep~lO~ of. the old hall,. whICh forms portion of the Town Hall, Orford road, George Chaplin, hall keeper
~resent bmldmg, 1~ 1876, at & cost of ab~ut £4,5 00 ; Mr. J. H. 'Vaccination Station, Thomas Scoresby-JacksOD M.D.
Swa.n was the a.rchltect: here are~he Vestry and ~ocal .aud vaccinator
B~lI:I Board offices. St. .Andrew s <:hapel of ea~ 18 an IrOn 'Vestry Office Town hall William Houghton vestry clerk
bmldmg. There are places of worship for CatholIcs, C()ngre- " ,
gationalists, Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists and Baptists j PUELIC OFFICERS t -
also a Working Men's Club and Institute and a Social Club. Collector of Queen's Taxes, William Reading, Hoe street
The Cemetery was opened.October rst, 1872; it comprises Rate CollectOl' ef- Assistant Overseer, WilliaIll Jas. Liddiard,
eleven acres and contains tW() chapels: here is also the Copeland road
public mortuary. There are ten almshouses, for 10 married Registrar l?f Births tt Deaths, Thoma. Scoresby-Jackson lIl.D
couples, founded by Mrs. Jane 8elina Collard in the year Relievin.9 Officer, Henry WaIter Thaiu, Granton terrace
18I1, each couple receiving 48. weekly. There are other PLACES OF WORSHIP & time of service;- ~
almshouses for thirteen inmates, founded by Sir George St. Mary's Church, Rev. Thomas Parry M.A. vicar l Jl a.m.
Monox in the year 1527 and also six almshouses for six de- 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. II a.In. & 7 p.m
cayed tradesmen's widows of the parish, founded by Mary 'St. James' Church~ St. James' street, ;Rev. 'l'homas H.
Squires in 1795: the charities altogether amount to £1,166 G. Robinson, vicar; 8 & 11 a.m.; 1 p.m
7So ud. George Gascoigne, the poet, was born iD Waltham- St. John'. Church, Chapel end, Rev. William Douglass B.A.
.stow. At the close of r873 the parish was converted into all vicar; I I a . m · .
urban sanitary district. A public dispensary was opened. St. Peter's Church, Forest, Rev. Frederiek Quarrington :M.A..
in November 1873; members pay a small sum weekly vicaq II a.m. & 3.30 P ID
while ill ~ three of the medical meu of th~ parish l Messrl\. St. Saviour's !.Jhurch,. Markhouse road, Rev. Thomas H~ G.
Twining, Shadwell and Best, give their services gratuitously, Robinson, vicar; 8.30 & I I a.m. 3 & D.30 p.1o.; wed. 7.30
each one attending on two days of the week. The principal p.m
portion of the parish belonged, in the reign of Edward the St. -Stephen'a Church, Grove road, R8l'_ E. W. Bullinger
Confessor, to Waltheof, son of Seward, Earl of Northumber- D.D. vjcar; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.w
land, who submitted to William the Conqueror: after th~ Catholic Chapel, Rev. Francis Rhi~ ,Pries\; 9 & 11 a.In. &
Conquest, Waltheof became w great a favourite that Wiliiam 3 p.m
created him Earl of Northumberland. Northampton and Baptist Chap~l, Maynard road, ReT. I. Copeland ~ 10 & II
Huntingdon and married him to his niece Judith, by wh()m a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thur8. 7.30 p.m I
he was ultimately betrayed. Imd .suffered execution at Will"l COngTeyational Church, Marsh st. ReT. Sam!. Cj:lDwa1 B.A,. l
chester in 1075 ~ the estate. subsequently passed to Ralph, 1I a.m. & 6.30 p3D.. j, wed. 7.30 p.m .
Earl of Warwick f afterwards to Edmund, Duke of Somerset; Congregational ()hapJJl, Wood st. Rev. William Hy. Hooper
then to Sir George Rodney and 8ubsequently to the May- ,Cun.qregational Ckurch (Trinity), Orford road, ~.,.. Jo~
nard family. The principal landowners are Messrs. Mills William f:llis. minstr.; IX a.m. & 6,30 p.m. S wed. 7.30 p~
and Warner. The soil is gravel; subsoil, clay and gravel. The Primitivll ~fethodist Chapel, Marsh street, iReYt 'thomas
chief crops are wheat, grass and roots. The a~ is ...413 ,Jack.son; XI a.m. & 6.30 p.w. i tQurS. 7.30 p.m cl

Wesleyaft Chapel, Prospect hill, Rev. Thomas F. Lockyer I Natiimal (boys'), Crfol'd road, built in t866 for 386 chil-
B.A.; IX a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ~ thUl'll. 7 p.m \ dren; average attendance, 331 I William Urry, master;
ScHOOLS:- (girls'), Church end; Miss M. Richardson, mistress
Forest School, an institution in connection with King's Central Infallt, Churchyard, erected in 1828 for 150 chil·
College, London, was founded in 1834 by a number of the dren; average attendance, qo; Miss Merritt, mistress
resident gentry of the neighbourhood.: there are about St. John's, Chapel end, Miss Wheatley, mistress
130 pupils &; in each year two scholarships of £45 &; St. Saviour's, Markhouse road, Joseph Blythe, master
£35 respectively are given: the chapel, licensed for the Miss Rowe, mistress
Church of England, is a Gothic building erected by sub- St. Peter's, The Forest, Miss E. E. Holgate, mistress
scription in 1856 &; was enlarged by the liberality of Board, Boundary road (girls' &; infants'); Miss Kite, mistress
the neighbouring gentry in 1874: the gymnasium is Board, Higham hill; Thomas William Liddiard, master;
108 feet by 40 feet. President, the Right Bev. Lord Bishop Miss Cane, mistress
of St. Albans; head master, Rev. Frederic Barlow Guy Board, Marsh street; William Thornton, master; Miss
D.D. Lincoln College, Oxford; second master, Rev. Thomas Sarah Mitchell, mistress
Edward Barlo".- Guy M.A. Oriel College, Oxford; resident Board (girls' &; infants'), Shernhallstreet; Miss Ellen Catt,
masters, Rev. Frederick John Poole M.A. Lincoln College, mistress; Miss Ellen Makin, infants' mistress
Oxford; James Deacon Holt B.A. Queen's College, Cam-
bridge; F. Godfrey Grey lU. Magdalen College, Oxford j Miss Barclay's, Chestnut walk
Gordon Colville B.A. Pembroke College, Oxford; William Oatholic (mixed), ShernhaU place; Miss Emily Catherine
Walker B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge; Felix de Quincey Alle~en, mistress
Marsh B.A. St. John's College, Cambridge; Robert Bmce Board, Wood street (temporarily held); Henry Donald, mstr
Boswell M.A. Lincoln College, Oxford; Charles Henry Board, Whip's cross (girls'), Miss Pearcey, mistress
Cowley, King's College, London; Charles VauI, University
of London; Arthur Simms, MUS. HaC. New College, Ox- RAILWAY STATIONS:-
ford, organist &; choirmaster j non-resident masters, Arthur St. James' Street, Alfred Fredk. Jeffery, station master
J ames Stark, of the Royal Academy, drawing; Frederick Hoe Street, Frederick Holdich, station master
J ..Weightman, of the University of London, natural Wood Street, Henry Woodcock, station master
science; resident superintendent of the gymnasium &t: Hale End, Daniel Honnor, station master
swimming bath, Charles Vaux esq NBWSPAPER.-Walthamstow 4" Leyton Guardian (Robert
St. John's Home Industrial (Catholic), Shernhall street, Willis, printer &; publisher, Orford road; published friday)
built in 1873 for 150 boys; John Webb, superintendent
St. Mary's Orphanage, Wa.lthamstow house; Mrs. Amelia CARRIERS TO LONDON.-E. Dowse &; Alfred Peace, Mile Ena
Ellis,8uperintendent road; daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Benbow Frederick Thomas, The Limes, Brown Mrs. Leslie house, Orford road
Clarendon road Brown Wm. Higham cot.Woodford side
Aichison John, 6 Pembroke road Bennett Arthur,Turretldg.Prospect hill Brown Wm. Josiah, Wingfield cottage,
.Aitchison John, Grosvenor Park road Bennett Chas. 2 Hope viIs. Granville rd Wingfield road
Alcock 'rhos. Croxley viI. East avenue Benson Samuel George, Sylvester vil- Browning Chas. The Laurels, The Drive
Alderton Wm. George, Pembroke road las, Boundary road Bruton Wm. Shillingford house, Stain·
Alexander George, 7 Albert terrace, Bentley Robert, Fordham villa, Orfrd.rd forth road
Pembroke road Benwell Mrs. 4 Pembroke pt Pmbr. rd Bryant Mrs. 1 Kenilworth villas, Pros·
Allardice Mrs. Mysore ho. The Drive Bernard Mrs. Berwick ho. Marsh street pect hill
Allinson In. L.R.C.P. Edin. 2 Orford villas Bernard Norman, Berwick ho. Marsh st Budd Mrs. Wood street
Ames Jsph. Geo. Lime vil.Granville road Berthoud Alphonse Henri, Hale end, Buffham Thos. H ughes, 4 Connaught rd
Anderson Wm. 1 York villas, Salisbury Woodford Bollinger Rev. Ethelbert William D.D.
road Best Frederick Arthur, Church hill [vicar of St. Stephen'sJ, Church end
Andrere Mrs. Higham lodge Bidwell Arthr. Aubury viI. Greenleaf la Burgess In. Jas. Newlands, Prospect hl
Andrews Chas. Hy. Norfolk ho. Wood st Bidwell George, Clay street Burgess Nehemiah, 1 S~'l\"ester villas
Appleby George, 8 East avenue Bigg Charles, Palmerston road Burman Wm. Clifford villa, Copeland rd
Ashby Rd. Childs, Newlands, The Drive Blakeney Joseph, 3 Courtenay terrace, Burns Edward, Pembroke road
Austin John, 33 Northcott road Marsh street -Burrows John, Albany house,Hoe street
Austin Wm. I Rock villas, Maynard rd Bland George, Victoria tel'. Albert rd Burton J ames, Fern lodge, Clarendon rd
Ay-Ies Mrs. Lome road Bliss St. Clair, 4 Gladstone terrace, Bushell William Henry, 2 Sylvester ter
Bacon Alfred, Craig-y-don, Granville rd Clarendon road Butler Mrs.l Rose cottages,Boundary rd
Bacon Jacob P. Vine house, Wood street Blythe John, Gamuel villas, Gamnel rd Byford William Henry, Markhouse rd
Baker 5 Albert tel'. Pembroke I'd Boorne Chas. James, Fair lawn,Marsh st Callen J ames, Fern cottage, Hoe street.
Baker George, Strathmore, Prospect hill Booth Ebenezer WaIter, I A1bion road Capuron Mrs. Clarendon road •
Baker John Arthur, 14 Albert terrace, Booth William, Oakhill Carpenter Mrs. May villa, Prospect hill
Pembroke road Borwick Alfred, Higham hill Carter Hy. John, Wentcliffe, 'rhe Drive
Baker John William, 6 Chestnut villas, Borwick George, Elm house, Clay street Carter Henry William. The Limes
Granville road Borwick Robert, The Cedars,Hoe street Carter Thos. Myrtle ho. Stainforth rd
Baker Mrs. Denmark viI. Clarendon I'd Boswell Mrs. 3 Orford villas, Orford rd Cecil Wm.I Labumum cots.Ma)"nard rd
Baker Thos. I Rochefort villas, Hoe st Boswell Robt. Bruce X.A. Forest school Champ Alfred, Prospect hill
Bales Hy. Granville tel'. Granville road B6ttomley Capt.Albert David,Milton rd Chapman James, Church hill
Ballans Thomas, 3 West avenue Bowers Charles Dennis, Prospect hill Chappeal Wm. 2 Rose cots.Boundary rd
Bambridge Philip, Greenleaf lane Bowers John, .Albany house, Hoe street Chettins Wm. Hy. 3 Rosebank, Marsh st
Barber Frank E. Hillcote, Church HI. I'd Bradley Charles, Markhouse road Chilwell Miss, Mornington house, Cla-
Barclay Miss, The Forest Bradshaw Thos.MeadoW' lodge,Grove rd rendon road
Barham Cornelius, Holly mount, Hoe st Branch John, 5 Camden villas, Grosve. Chinnery Mis8,2 Shakespeare viIs.Hoe st.
Barnes Miss, Forest lodge, Hale end nor Park road Chivel'8 William, 8 Northcott villas
Barralet WiIliam, Markhouse road Breckels John Hy. Rochester, 23 Syl- Churchhouse Alf. Wm. 7 East avenue
Barrett Chas. 7 Carisbrooke tel'. Hoe st vester terrace, Markhouse road Churchhouse George, 3 'I'enby villas,.
Bartholomew Charles AugustWl, Gr08- Breewood Rev. ThomM [Baptist], 11 Pembroke road
venor house, Hoe street Albert terrace, Pembroke road. Clark James, Athlone ho. Shernhall st
Bartlett Miss, Montague house Brewer John Wm. Rose cot.St.James' st Clark James, 7 Rosebank, Marsh street.
Barton John, Boundary road BriantMiss, Markhouseroad Clark John William, Granville road
Bateman Mrs. Chesnut house, Marsh st Bridger James, Beulah house,Beulah I'd Clark WaIter Thomas, Wingfield road
Bateman Saml. Lime cots. St. James' st Briginshaw In. Park viIs. Grsvnr.Pk. rd Clarke" Ebenezer, Grove road
Eateman Wm. Henry, Northcote road Bristow Wilham, GrOllvenol' Park road Clarke Ebnu.jun.Sunny bnk.Prospct.hl
Bax Fredk. Langdale house, Marsh st Britton Mrs. 3 Richmond villas, Hoe st Clarke Mrs. Seymour, Northootts,.
Bayliss Hy. Harriet villa, Pembroke rd Broad Mrs. Grosveno't Park road Marsh street
Beale Edward, Grange ho. Prospect hill Broadbridge Frederick, 41 Northcott rd Clements Mi88. Beulah villa., Beulah rd
Bean Alfd. Hy. Addison lodge, The Drive Hrochard Gustav, ~ Wiltshire villas, ClerkeFrdk.Wm.60rford vils.Orford rd
Beck Wm. Michael, Ferndale, The Drive Grosvenor Park road Cluff Wm. GeOl'ge, The Yews, Hoe st
Beeching Walter, Granville road Brook Edward Advens, t West avenue COCk8 Mrs. Bellevue, Greenleaf lane
Bell John Jas. Lea villa, Copeland road Brown John Whitley, r Carisbrooke Colley Charles, Wilson street
Bellinger Fredk. I Hope vHs. Copelnd.rd terrace, Hoe street Collier George Wil80n, 6reenleaf lane
Bellis In. Edwd.2Albion vils. Maynrd;rd Brown J sph. Warwick 'ril•. Maynard rd Collier Henry, Hoe .treet

Collinson William Richa.rd, Woodburn Godlee John Llster, Whips cross Howard David, Rectory manor
villa, Hoe street Goo.lee Mrs. Whips cross Howard William Waddington,May villa,
Conway Rev. Samuel B.A.. [Oongrega- GoldbyWm.2Francesvillas,Queen'n"d Church Hill road
tionalJ, Marsh street Good John Lewis, Lewis cottage, Alex- Howards Eliot l.p.Cleveland ho. Hoe st
C-ook Chas. 7 Park cots.Grosvenol' Pk.rd a.ndra road Howes William Howes, Wraxhall house,
Cook Laurence, Roxburgh, Prospect hI Goodchild John Eastly, Prospect Hillldg Greenleaf lane
-Cooper Bernard,Fern lodge,Higham hill Goodchild Joshua,Forest view,The Drive Hudson Francis Mead, Mansfield house,
Cooper Mrs. Essex hall, Higham hill Goodes EbenezerSamLIvyside,Orford rd Marsh street
Cooper Sidney,Friar's watch,Higham hI Gopp John I ve, Combrune villa, Church Hudson Mrs. 4 Rosebank, Marsh stred
Cornish John, ~ Richmond villas,Hoest Hill road Hughes Hy. Pierce, The Priory, Clay st
Oowley Charles Henry, Forest school Gould Ebenezer, Grove road Humbey Henry, Palmerston road
Creek Henry, Boundary road Gover Henry Frederick, 4 Chestnut Hunt Mrs. 3 Belgrave villas, Grosvenor
<A-essy Robert James, 4 Oourtenay villas, Granville road Park road
terrace, Marsh street Graham Charles,2 Laburnum cottages, HuntleyWalterCharles,Fernside,Churcb
Cruickshanks Charles C. Brandon villa, Maynard road Hill road
Granvilleroad Gravatt Harry James,6 Camden villas, Hurst Edmund, 4 Belgrave terrace,
CuflleyThos.Naunton,Walthamstow Idg Grosvenor Park road Granville road
Currey Wm. St.James'vils.Greenleaf la Gravatt Thomas, 1 Belgrave villas, Hyde Jas. Granville villas, Granville I'd
Daniel Chas.Greenleafldg. Greenleaf la Grosvenor Park road Idle James Brougham, The Forest
Dansie Robert French,9 Albert terrace, Gravatt Thomas, jun. 6 Belgrave villas, Ironside Miss, 5 East avenue
Pembroke road Grosvenor Park road Isle John, Tower Hamlets road
Davidson Mrs. Albert road Graves Mrs. Eagle lodge, Marsh street beney Mrs. 5 Carisbrook tel'. Hoe st
Davies John, 25 Sylvester terrace Gray Edwin, 6 Prospect road Ivimey Mrs. 8 Silvester tel'. Markho. rd
Deane ,Black Horse lane Gray WiIliam Aveling, Palmerston road lzod Theodore Charles, The Hawthoms,
Dearden Mrs. Dunedin villa, Hoe street I Green Geo. Sewell, Fernleigh, Prospct. hl Tower Hamlets road
Deitigsman Frederick,I Chestnut villas, Green Mrs. Black Horse lane Jackson Herbert, Wood street
Granville road Gregory John, Sky peals, Hale end Jackson Robert John, Davenport house,
Delforce George, 17 Sylvestar terrace Grimwood George Augustus, Shern hall Church street
Denham Miss, Camden villas, Gros- Grout Mrs. Prospect villa, Prospect hill Jackson Waiter, Kempton, Prospect hill
venor Park road Groves Wm. 4 Camden villas, Gros'\"enor I Jackson Wm. Howard, Rosina viI. Hoe st
.Dennis Samuel Francis,The Hawthorns, Park road Jackson William Robert, Hale end
Tower Hamlets road I Gunson Edward Richard, Prospect hill James Charles, Park villa, Copeland rd
Derisley William, Grosvenor house, Guy Rev. Frederick Barlow D.D. [head Jannings Henry, 10 Somerset villas,
Grosvenor Park road master], Forest school Granville road
Despointes Francis, 14 Sylvesterterrace . Guy Rev. Thomas Edward Barlow M.A.. Janson Henry, Elm lodge, Clay hill
Dilly Edward, 24 Northcott villas [second master], Forest school Janson The Misses, Church end
Dingley John, 7 Sylvester terrace Hackforth J oseph Purslove, Grange J anson Mrs. Alfd.Holmcroft,Church end

Dipper Wm. Ventnor cott. Greenleaf la bank, Hoe street Jerram George Bestell A.H.I.C.E. Long-
Dockrell Wm. ~ Albert ter.Pembroke I'd Hagmaier Joseph Louis, Laurel cottage, sight house, West Avenue road
Doubell Mrs. Wood bury viI. Plmrstn. rd Beulah road Jerrold Robert, Grosvenor cottage,
Douglass Rev. William B.A. [vicar of Hall Miss, Markhouse road Grosvenor Park road
St. John's], Higham hall Hambly Thomas, Bank, Orford road Jewitt Daniel Engleburtt, 2 Denmark
DumbleHoratio,flawlish viI.Granville I'd Hamilton J. Thornbury villa, Wood st cottages, Grosvenor Park road
Eastes Henry, 3 East avenue Hardcastle Miss Ellen, I Shakespeare Johnson Frederick, Clock ho. Marsh et
Echalaz Ferdinand Antonio, Uplands" villas, Hoe street Johnson Hugh Antholly,1 Palmerston rd
. Higham hill : Harding WiIliam Woodhouse, 5 Syh-es- I Johnson Robert, Whip's cross
Edmonds Mrs. Granville road ter villas, Boundary road I Jones George, Mabel villa, Clarendon rd
Edwards Edmd.c.E.2Bortn.vils.Marsh st Harper Robert, East view, Addison road Jones Thomas, 2 Camden villas, Gros-
Eglington Henry, St. James' house, Harris Thos. Mary villas,Greenleaf lane i venor Park road
Greenleaf lane Harrison Edwin, Bellevue cot. Hale end Jones Thomas Prowett, Eagle lodge,
Elisha James, Markhouse road Harrison Joseph James,Cambridgevilla, i Marsh street
Elliott 'rhomas, Union road Greenleaf lane Justins James, 22 Sylvester terrace
Ellis Rev. John Wm. [Congregational], Harvey Mrs. Pembroke road Keates Thomas, Grosvenor Park road
Myrtle villas, Church Hill road Haslehurst Wm. H. Hillcrest, The Drive Kelsey Hy. Riehd. Aldbury, The Drive
Ellison Mrs. 3 Wingtield road Hastings Mrs. Zurich ho. Prospect hill Kemp James, Orford house, Oriord I'd
Ellison William Clark, Springfield, Hayman Philip Charles, Devonshire Kemp Owen, Ingleside, The Drive
Prospect hill lodge, The Drive I Kemp Robert, 8 Orford viIs. OI'ford rd
EIsden Wm. Mary villas, Greenleaf lane Heap Mrs. Forest rise Kendall Perey, Murrell cottage, Gros-
Estall Edwd.Austin,1 Ea.aven.Orford I'd Heath Jas.6 Park cots.Grosvenor Pk. rd venor Park road
Falshaw Fredk. Hy. Grosvenor Park I'd Henderson Arthr.Shrublands,Wyatt'sla Kennett John, 16 Sylvester terrace
Felton Ebenezer, Grosvenor Park road Herbert SI. Leicester villa, Clarendon I'd Keohan Mrs. Oak villa, The Drive
Field Samuel, Prospect hill Hesse Fredk. Marie villa, Church Hill I'd Kidston Filmer, Coppermilllalle
Fielden Rev. Wm. Sutcliffe Haslam, Hesse Thf)mas, Copeland road Kilsby Edward Charles, 3 Shakespeare
[Congrgtnal.],Forest Dean,The Drive Heward Barclay, Fern hill, Haggar lane villas, Hoe street
Finch Edward, 1 The Yews, Hoe street Hibell Jsph.Sunnyside vil.Markhouse rd King Stephen, 4 East avenue
Fisher Mrs. Ottawa house, Orford rd Higham James, East avenue King Wm. Clarendon ho. Clarendon I'd
Fladgate Ths.Wm.Beaufrt.ldg.Prspct.hl Higham John, Daisy bank, Prospect hill Kingsbury Mrs.Howard viI.Clarendn. rd
Fleet Edward, Woodhouse, Wood street Hill Rev. Benj. Goslett, Pembroke road. Kingsbury Wm. Geo. 3 Pembroke place
FordhamMrs.Laburnumvils.Maynardrd Hill Capt. Higham lodge, W oodford side Kinnear Patrick, Lindon ho. St. J ames' st
Forrest In. Park viI. Grosvenor Pk. I'd Hill Joseph John, by house, Marsh st Kirkland Frederick, Beulah road
Fowler Henry,Thomwood ho. Orford rd Hilliard Henry John, Grosvenor Park rd Kirkland William, Northcott road
Foxon George, Granville road Hinton Alfred, Hill side, Prospect hill Knott Edwin, Florence vii. Prospect hI
Fraser James,6 Albert ter. Pembroke rd Holms Thomas, Harrington villa, Gran- Kytfin Edward WaIter, 2 Victoria ter-
Free Mrs. 4 Carisbrooke tel'. Hoe street ville road I race, Albert road
FreegardJn.Frdk.5 Orford vils.Orford I'd Holt James Deacon RA. Forest school Lamert Mrs. The Forest
Freeman William, Belgrave villas,Gros- Hooker Charles Humphries, Chestnut Lancaster Samuel, Shernhall street
venor Park road cottage, Chestnut walk I Langt.on Mrs. 5 Grosvenor Park road
Frost George. Globe house, Barclay rd Hooper Rev. William Henry [Congre-. Latham Jas. North View ho. Orford rd
Gardiner William, 6 Northcott villas gational], 11 East avenue LawesTJIos.2 Richmond viIs.Maynard rd
Gee William, Tower Hamlets road Hooper George, Vallentin road Lawrence Charles Alfred, Gloucester
Gigney Wi!liam Thomas, 7 Chestnut Hooper Henry, Grosvenor rise villa, Hoe street
villas, Granville road Homer William Sims, Fern hill Lea Edwd. Thos. May villa, Granville rd
Gillett Cornelius, Marsh street Horton Joshua, Willow cottage, Hale Lechner Herr Alfred, Forest school
Gillett In.Cornels. 5 Rosebank,Marsh st end, Woodford Lee Barnard,I Richmnd.vls.Maynard rd.
Glanfield George, The Chestnuts, Hale Houghton Gilbert, Fairholme,The Drive Lefever William Henry, Granville road
end, Woodford Houghton William, Hoe street Leigh Nathaniel Wm. We. av.Orford rq
Glass Chas. In. 3 Marmion tel'. Hoe st HoughtonWm. jun.Oakdale, Prospect hI Lewis Mrs. Park Hill vii. Church Hill I'd
Glencross Ths.Sidmth.vilil.Palmerstn.rd How Miss, :I Rock villas, Ma;rnard road I Ley Francis, Granville road

814 ESSEX. •

Lidbury Edward Austin, Q Carisbrook~ Pinching Horace, J:leuIah road StoneGeorge,ITenby villas,Pembroke l'd
terracec, lIoe street Pitt Charles, Mark40use ;road, 1 Stone Theodore, 4 Belgrave villas, Gros-
tiebehentz Mrs. Eden roac:l Pockett Hy.. 6 Courtenay ter. J:darsh at venor Park .road
LipsoD George, ;Pembroke road Pocock Roland Geo. 8 Pembroke road Stowell Hilton, " Copeland villas, CIa-
l.ivermore lsaae, Forest rise Poole Rev. Fredc. John M ..&.. Th~ Forest ,rendon ;road j
Livingst,on Edwin Brockholst,7 Orfrd.vls Poole George, 6 Rosebank, Marsh street Sutherland Mr/t. Dnniston cottage.
Lloyd Ernest, The Wynn», Clay street Poths Herrnann, 3 Valle~tine villas,Val, Tower Hamlets<
Lloyd Mrs. Robert Newman, Shirley lentine road Suttcm George H.B.C.i. Marsh street
cottage, The Drive Potts Hy. Vardill, GrQsvenor ~ot. Hoe st Swan In. Hy. ~ Carisbrooke tel'. Hoe st
Lockett; Mrs. 5 Pembroke place Pound Hy. Wm. St. Stephen'a, The Drive Sweet Williarn Francis, Summer lawn.
Longmoro William Alexander, Brighton Pritchard Geo.Sm!,. Holly bank, Marsh at Prospect hill
villa. Prospect hill Pritchard Jas. 'rhe Poplars, Haggar lilo Tanner Edward, 5 Clarendon road
Long Dixon, Vicarage cot. St. James' st Punch Jas. Denmark house, Forest rise Tanner Miss, Laurel cot. Beulah rd
Long George, The Hollies, East avenue Putnam Mrs. Summit road TarI."ant Edwin, 8 Rosebank, Marsh st
Longmore Geo.7 Courtenay ter.Marsh st Putney Mrs. Cedar villa, Granville I'd Tatlock John Wooster, J Granville ter
Lumley Alfred Alexander, ~ Chestnut Quarrington Rev. Frederick M.A. St. Tayler Ernest Edward, St. George's
villas, Granville road Peter's vicarage, Forest villas, Shernhall street
Lynn In.Bateman,Marsh ho.St.James'st Ramsay George, 13 SylvesteJ: terrace Taylor Mrs. Clock house, Clay street
McCall John, Priory lodge, Hoe street Ratcliffe Jas. 2 Courtenay tel'. Marsh st TaylorWilliam Strangeman,Eastavenue
McCall William, Woodlands, Wood st Read John Francis IJolcombe J.\,. Terry WaIter, 2 Grosvenorvillas,Hoe si
Mace William, Wood End hOT Wood st Chestnuts, Hoe street Thomas Ebenezer Grove, St. Mark's
Macefield J oseph, Pembroke road Redfern Wm.Berriman, May vl.Clndn rd villa, Church Hill road
Maclaurin Daniel,:I Rosebank, Marsh st Reed Charles, Oak Hill lodge, WoodCord Thomas JohnWilliam, Mapperley house,
McLean David Comrie, Forest rise Reeve Gilfrid, 2 Gladstone ~errace Woodford side
McLellan Fdk. Ryan,Gro.cot. Pembrk.rd Clarendon road Thomasett Mrs. Church Hill house
Makepeace Rev. Charles Du Gard RevellFras.Chas.8 Somerset ter.Grnvl.rd Thomasett 'l'heodore Frederick, Oak-
M.A.. [curate of St. Peter'li\]1 St, Ste.. Rhing Rev. Francis [Catholic], Shern-' hurst, Forest rise
phen's college _ hall street Thompson George, 3 Palmerston road
Makepea.ce Charles Du Gar~ Torville; Richards Thos. I Grove villa, Grove rd Thorpe Colonel Edward Buller, Thorpe
Prospect hill . RichardSOD Edwd. Wm. Pembroke road Coombe, Clay street
Marsh Felix de Quincey B.A. Forest schl Rigg John, I Victoria ter. Albert road Tidswell Joseph.,Holmwood,St.James' s'
Martin Hy. 3 Carisbrooke terrace, Hoe st Rippon Miss, Grosvenor Park road. TofIt Albert, I Gr.osvenol' villas, Hoe st'
Marshall Alfred, Laural bank, The Drive RobbinsEdwd.3Copeland.vls.Clarndn.rd TomlinsoD Edward. Earlham villa,
Martin Edward John, Markhouse road Robertson Mrs. Grosvenor park road Copeland road
Martin Jas. Hy. Channing, Church hill RobiQson Rev. Thomas Harrison Gran- Tovell Richard, Clarendon road.
MartinMrs.3 Gladstone OOr,Clarendon I'd . tham, St. Saviour's vicarage Towers Wm. Edwd. Holly Idg.Haggar la
Massingham Jas. Hermon ,oil. Orford I'd Robinson WaIter VorleY,4 Orford viis Tracey John Ibbitson, Wingfield house,
Maud Wm. Albt. Airedale ldg. Prospct.hl Robison Gavin Fullerton, Gmnville rd Hale end
Maynard Jas. banesbury ho. Chapel end Rogers John Henry, Oaklea, The Drive Trent Walter Fredk.22 Northcott villas
Mercer Fras. Montier, Field ho.. Marsh st Roper Mrs. Shernhall street Trigg James, Lady bank., Marsh street
Meredith Mrs. 2 Pembroke place Rouquette Mrs. Elm house., Marshstreei Trow John, Mary villas, Greenleaf lane
Milbourn Thomas, Cato 4nnetta villa, Rose Mrs. ~ Rochefort villas, Hoe street Trubridge Mrs. 24 Pembroke road.
Clarendon road Rousseau Jean, Clarendon I'd Tuck Wm J as.. Normandy ho.Orford rd
Miller Mrs. Norfolk villa, Stanhope I'd Rufus John Alfred, Granville road Tudor Edward Scripps, Hainaulthouse,
MiUington Thos.Alex.Avnu.ho.Orford rq Saggers Thomas Henry John, Acacia Forest rise .
Millns John Thomas, ~ Tenby villas, villa, Clarendon road Tunks Charles George, Hale End house
Pembroke road Sanders Thomas, Granvilla road Tunks Mrs. Hale End house
Mills Edward Thomas, Granville road Sargeant Mrs. Brooks croft, Clay street Twining Edward, Chestnuts, Marsh st
Modlin J obn Rt. Holly ldg. Shernhall st Sarvent Wm, Florence lodge, The Drivq Tyler William WatBon, Church hill
Molyneux Samuel, 2 Clarendon villas Sawyer William, 3 Sylvester terrace 'l'yrrell WaIter, 12 Sylvester terrace
Moore Theodore, Whip's cross Schutzeichel' Frederic1\, Granville road Unthank Mrs. Grove villas, Grove rd
Moore1Ym.Turle,Forest view,Forest rise Scoresby Jacksorl Thomas M.D. Hoe st Vine John, n Courtenay ter. Marsh st
Morgau David Th.omas, Whip's cross Scott Jas. Benjamm, Rowans, The Drivq Wakefield George, 9 East avenue
Morphew Henry Wm. l5 Sylvester ter Scott Richard, The Drive Walker William B.A. Forest school
Morris Mr$. I4 Palmerstone road Scott Thos. Robt. 6 Clifton ter. Granvl.rd Waller Mrs. 3 Rochelort villas, Hoe st
Morris Septimus Th.omas, Trellis cot- Scott William, Cynthia ho. Clarendon rd WallerThos. Bromhamlodge,Higham hl
tage, Pembroke road Scrutton James Ezekiel, 4 Valleutine Ward Francis, West Avenue road
Morrison James, 5 Pembroke road villas, Valentine road Watkins Leonard Richd. 4 Northcott vils
Mumford Alfred, Eastfield ha. March st Sewell Robert Hy. I Grosvenor Park rd Watling William, I Leopold road
MurdocbWm.8t.Geo.'s vils.Shearnhall st Shadwell St.Clair Brockway,1 Orford vb Watts Claude, Elm villa, Higham hill
Mustoe Wm. Anima cot. West avenue Shenton Francis .Tames,S Clarendon Wells Edwd. Arthur ~I.A. Forest school
Nathan Henry, Shea.rnhall street villas, Wingfield road Wells Joseph, 8 Courtenay ter.Marsh st
NeIson Thomas, Markhouse road Shepherd Wm. Henry, I I Albert road Wells Mrs. Providence cot. Beulah roat!
Newbery Edward, Essex grov~, Clay st Sherman Welby, J: Grassmere villas, West Mrs. 4 Victoria tel'. Albert road
Nicholas William, The Drive Copeland road WhitakerGeo.Woodland vil. Clrndn. rd
Nicholas Chas. Wm. Grosvenor Park rei Shields Chas. 2 Woodhn. cot. Prospect rd Whitaker William, East avenue.
North Wm. l'farlbro' villa. Higham hill Short George, Braeside, Prospect hill Whitmore Miss, Lime Tree viI.Marsh st
N ugent Thos. I Albert viIs. Pembroke rq Silvester Louis,1 Albion yds. Maynard rd Whittingham Miss, Ivy cot. Beulah I'd
Nunn William, Tower Hamlets road Simms Arthur lWS. pAc. oxon. Forest Whittingham WaIter llasden, North
Ogilvie David, Aielie cot. Elmsdale rd school view, 'rhe Drive ,
Parnham Thos.I Rhoda vils.Granville rd SimODS Robert, 2 West avenue \Vhittingham William Elliott, Comely
Parry Rev. Thomas M.Ar Lvicar of St. Siuden William, Marsh lltreet banks, Orford 1"oad
Mary's]. Church hill Slack .lames, Shady side Wildash John aenrYt Clarendon lodg6\o
Parry Weston, St.Geo. '8 vIs. Shernhall rd Slater Miss, 1 Frances villas, Queen's rd Clarendon road
PatmoreGeo.2 Florence vilB.Grauville rd Smith Headly Marshall, 4Sylvester ter Williamson John, Grove place, Marsh st
Payne .Joseph, 2 East avenue Smith Mrs. Manor house, Chapel end t Wilsou Henry Newman, 5 Bel~ave
Payton Thomas, Markhouse road Smith John, Markhouse road villas, Grosvenor Park road
Peart Benjamin, I t Sylvester terrace Smith Mrs. Bortot;l, villas( Marsh st Williams Thomas, Kerdiston house,
Peel J ame8; Arden lea, The Drive Smith Thomas Ravenscro(t, ~he Drive West Avenue road )
Pelly Capt. Richard WilsOJ~ B.N., D.L., Smith Thomas Arnold, 7 Gladstone Wilson 'Mrs. 9 Selborne terrace.
~.P., F.B.G.S., Forest rise terrace, Clarendon road Wingrove William Tringham, Grov.
Pelly Mrs. Church end Spence Alex. Douglas house, Tl}e Drive house, Marsh street
Penfold Alfred, Park pI. Clarendon rd SpurwayFredk.Jn. North bank, Clay sf, Worboys Robert, 7 pourtenay terr~
Perry Henry, Melrose, Prospect. hill Steer Mrs. Mark villa, Union Mad Marsh street t
Pfotzer Hy. Victoria lodge, Prospect hl SteggaJl f..eopold, 21 .sylV8.'3~r ~rr<J,ce WorkDUln William pay,.,1>enmarl\ viU8I\
Phillips Benj. Sunnyside, Church hill rcl Stevens Miss, .clay street L Clarendon road
Phillips Thos.Agres,2Yorkvls.Salsbry.rd Still Edwd, St.George'svds.l:)hernhal1s~ Workman.J.ohn, Church road
Phillipson Mrs. ~arkhouse foad, Stock Alfd. Geo,2Wngfld.qots.Wngfld.r4 Wra~g Frl'nces, Phurc<:h hill )

Wright Jesse, Abingdon villa, Hoe st Blackwell Simmonds, confectnr.Wood st Cook Riehd. boot maker, Chestnut walk
Wright Mrs. 6 East avenue Blake Mary Ann (Mrs.), grcr.Markho. I'd Coope!' Edward, seedsman, Grosvenor
Wright Robert, Devon lodge, Orford rd Blake 'William, stone mason, Boston road Park road
Yeate8 George M.D. Grove road Blumer George, bee~retailer, Forest Cooper John, beer retailer, W oo<i8tree~
Young George, Manor road, Higham hI Roniface Henry, builder, Telford road Cornell Frederick, fruiterer & green-
YoungWilIiam,9 Courtenay ter.Marsh st Bowden Richard, butcher, Boundary I'd grocer, Eden road & Marsh street
COMMERCIAL. Boyce John, tailor, Grove Jllace Cossor John, carpenter, Hagger lane
Abbott James, builder, contractor & Boyden Henry, grocer, Beulah road Cowland Geo. boot & shoe ma. Marsh s~
house agent, 4 Sylvester road Brackley Daniel, beer retailer, St. J ames' Cox Henry, watch maker, Selborne I'd
Abbott Jas. corn chandler, Maynard rd road, Tower Hamlets Cramer R. prof. oC music, Woodford side
Adams J. hatter, Wood street Bradley Frederick, baker, Wood street Creel' Wm.Oscar, hairdresser,Beulah rd
Adams John, dairyman, Bonndary road Bradshaw Jas.Hy. butcher,Chestnut wlk Crippen Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), girls'
.A.dams J. gasfitter, Union road Brewer Luey Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging seminary, Marsh street
.A.ldridge George, South Grove road house, 3 Globe terrace, Maynard road Cripps James, grocer, Chestnut walk
Allaway George, oil, colour & italian Briden William, cheesemonger, Wood st Crisp George, boot & shoe maker,
warehouse, 9 Market place, Wood st BrightEdward, ironmonger,'Vood street GrosV'enor rise east
Alien Charles, plumber, West street Bristow Ann (Miss), day school, 3 Park Crisp WiIliam, ironmonger & china
AlIen Evan, oilman, Grosvenor Park I'd cottage, Grosvenor Park road dealer, 'Wood street
Alien George, builder, Lime Street place, British Workman Coffee House (Harry Crockart Emma (Mrs.), statnr. Marsh s~
Marsh street Randall, man.), Vallentin road Crockford James William, beer retailer,
AllenJohn,grocer,Stanley ter.Queen's I'd Brown Edward, .lVag's Head, Church end Hagger lane
.A.llinson & Shadwell, surgeons, 2 Orford Brown David,egg mer.GrosvenorPark I'd Cross M. watch maker, Alexander road
villas, Orford road Brown James Hall M.R.C:V.S.L. vet. sur- CroydonFrederick, grocer, Pembroke rd
Amey Joseph, builder, contractor, house geon, Summit I'd.; & at Wanstead e Cullen Thomas, greengrocer, 6 Station
& estate agent &undertaker,Beulah rd Brown Jsph. watch ma. 6 Pembroke 'I'd place, Selborne road
Anderton Charles, smith, West street Brown Samuel, carman, Wood street Curties Emma (Mrs.), milliner,Marsh st
Archer George, Cock, Marsh street Brown John Dallison, registrar of births Curtis Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Archer John, bricklayer, Boston road & deaths for Walthamstow district, Beulah road
Arnold Frederick Thomas, nurseryman, Church Hill road Cuthbert Edwin &: Co. plumbeJ's &; gas-
Summit road Budd R. F. & Co. grocers & corn & wine fitters, Wood street
Astley William Henry, photographer, merchants, Wood street Daine15Fredlf. fishmonger, Cambridge rd
Forest rise Burial Board (Gilbert Houghton, Dalton John Geo. beer retlr. Hagger la
Aylett Lydia(Mrs.),shopkeeper,Mal'sh st clerk); offices, Town hall, Orford I'd DaItonJohn Geo. beer retlr. Higham I'd
Baalham Robert Spree, draper, Wood st Burkin Richard, butcher, Chingfol'd I'd Danby John, shopkeeper, Boston road
Bailey Mary Ann (Mrs.), habetdasher, Burrows Thomas, shoe maker, Wood st DarvillGeo. boot &0: shoe wareho.Marsh s~
Grosvenor rise east Bussell J ames, horsehair & fi bre dresser, Dayey Wm. florist, Grosvenor Park rd
Bailey Samuel, builder, Wingfield road Boston road Dawes Henry,beer retailer, Boundary rd
Baker Daniel, builder, Grove road But,terworth ·Wm. beer retlt. Netley I'd DayJ sph.Wm. & Son,li"erryB oat,Ferry la.
Baker Henry, optician, St. James' st CalveI' Charles, wheelwright, Marsh st Day Joseph, beer retailer, St. James' st
Balding Charles Francis & Co. coal CalveI' Henry, blacksmith, Hagger lane Day Joseph John, picture frame maker"
merchants, Wood street CalveI' James William, tailor & outfitter, Wood street
Balding Thomas, saddler, 'Wood street Grosvenor Park road Dean Thomas, shoe maker, Eden road
Bambury Jacob Joseph, builder & brick CarrBenjamin,ironmonger,Boundary I'd Deane - , surgeon, Black Horse lane
& tile mer. IExeter villas, Selborne rd Carter Charles, shopkeeper,Marsh street Deason Alfred John & Co.timber dealers,
Barker Bros. grocers, Marsh street Cashford Charles, builder, I Hichmond Church path, Maynard road
Barker retlr. Essex gro.Clay st villas, Hoe street Dee Wm. In. oil & colorman, Marsh st
Barltrop Edward, farmer, Chapel end Casey David Gilbert, CrJnl11wn Gate, DevereuxFredericEdwd.chemst.Wood st
Barnes Bartlett, shopkeeper, St..Tames' Markhonse road Docketty John, working cutler, Shern-
road, Tower Hamlets Cavalier Alfred, dairyman, 'Wood street hall street
Barr George Thomas, Castle Tavern, Cemetery (Gilbert Houghton, Clerk to Dockrill John, earpenter~ 2 Albert ter-
Grosvenor rise east the burial board j John WaIter Ame)', race, Pembroke road
Barrett proprietr.Chestnut wlk superintendent), Queen's road Dongray Henry, bookbinder, Beulah I'd
BartonChas. florist,Park villa,Queen's I'd Challis Charles, builder, Higham hill Dowd Daniel, shoe maker, Boundary I'd
Barton Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Chaplin George, hall keeper, Town hall, Downing Wm. watch ma. Chestnut walk
16 Selborne road Orford road Drummond William John, grocer,
Bass Samuel, plumber, Wood street Charlton James, beer retailer, Hale end, Markhouse road
Batty Arnold Robinson, leather seller, Woodford Dunn & Gabriel, stone masons, 6
Beulah road Cheshire Thomas, greengrocer, Marsh st Queen's terrace, Queen's road
Baughan George,grocer &c.Chingford I'd Chitlings Joseph & Co. grocer,Grosvenor East London Water Works (John Simp-
Beard David Edward & Co. clothiers, Park road son, engineer), Woodford New road
4 Market place, Wood street Children's Hospital Home (Mrs. Eliza- Eaton Henry, butcher, St. James' street
Beasley Richd. coffee ho. Chestnut walk beth Radford, matron), 7 Brandon I'd Eden Charles, dentist, Pembroke road
Beaten George, shopkeepel', Clarkson rd Chitty Benj. stationer, St. James' street Edgar George, oil & colorman, Wood st
Beck William Michael, solicitor, Fern- Chitty John, florist, Markhouse road Edington Mary (Mrs.)', L01"d, Baglan,
dale, The Drive Chivers Frederick, earthenware dealer, Shernhall street
Bedford rtlr.Chestnut walk St. James' street Edmeads In. greengrocer, Boundary rd
Beech Robert, shopkeeper, St. James' st Clark Stanley, linen drpr. Markhouse I'd Edmunus (Mrs.), school, Lime villas.
Bell James, grocer, Greenleaf lane Clements Mary Jane (Miss), young Granville road
Bellett John, general dealer, Grove pI ladies' sch1)ol, Beulah viIs. Beulah I'd Edwards Harry, butcher, Orford road
Bellows Robert, commercial traveller, Clifton George, Rising Sun, New road Ellis William. shopkeeper, North road
. 2 Spring villas, Maynard road Clover Jas. jun. pork butcher, Wood st Embleton Wm. beer retailer, Marsh st
BenchWilliam,fishmonger, St.James' st Clover James, shopkeeper, Markhonse Emery George, linen draper, :l &; 2
Bennett William, builder, 28 Black place, Boundary road Orford road
Horse lane Clover John, poulterer, Marsh street Enever Thomas, carman, Marsh stree1;
Bennett Wm. dairyman, lllack Horse la Coakham John, carpenter, Rose cottage, English James, carpenter, Marsh street
Benson SI. teacher of music,Boundary I'd Summit road Essex (ISt) Ri.Jte ~Volunteers (B Com-
Bernard Norman L.D.S. dental surgeon, Coakham Thos. greengrocer,Church end pany) (G. C. Capper, captain com-
Berwick house, Marsh street CoatesChas.dyer&c1eaner,17 Selborne I'd mandant), Church Hill road
Berry William George, china & glass Coates Thos. Aug. beer rtlr. Grove I'd Eustace Robert, grocer, & agent for W.
dealer, 3 Orford road . Cole &; Bird (Misses). school, Orford I'd & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants
Berry WiIliam, shoe maker, Maynard rd ColemanWm.Jas. stone mason,Grove I'd Orford road
Best Fredk. Arthur. surgeon,Church hill Coles James, baker, Marsh street Evans Richard, pork butcher, Wood st
Bevan Richard,shopkeeper,Boundary I'd Collen ArthurDanby,baker,Marsh street Eveling James, toy dealer, 'Wood street
Binnington John Josiah. grocer &;c. see Collier Brothers,brewers,Essex brewery, Evennett John, corn merchant, St.
Pitman & Binnington St. J ames' street James' street
Bird }'rank, coffee house, Wood stree~ Collins Edward, boot & shoe maker, Farrout John, shoe maker,Markhouse rd
Bird George, organist, Orford road Marsh street Fenn Marian (Mrs.), harness maker, Str
Blackmur E. ironmonger, Boundary I'd Combs John, confectioner, St. James'st James' street
Field Joseph, toy dealer, Marsh street Hart WaIter, picture rd . Jeffery Alfred Frederick,station master,
Fish Thomas, boot maker, Collard road Harvey Joseph, shopkeeper, Lower St. James' street
Fitch Jas. cabinet maker, Pembroke rd Clarkson road Johns Fredk. boot maker, St. James' 8t
Fleming James Dowell, grocer,Orford rd Hatcher Clement, carman, Coppermillla. J ones Ernest, boot & shoe maker, Marsh
Fletcher Benjamin, whitesmith, Wood st Hawkins Amy (Mrs.), grocer, Clay st street &; Wood street
Floyd Richd. wardrobe dealer. Marsh st Heath & Co. general draper"" St. James' Jones Frank, linen draper, Wood street
Ford Henry Alfred & Co. tobacconists, street; & at Rornsey & 7 Fore street, J ones J awes Francis, Gl'ove tavern,
Chestnut walk - Upper Edmonton Grove road
}<'ordham Edwd. grocer, St. Stephen's rd Hemsted Bros. brick merchants, Hoe Jones John, farmer, Markhouse road
Forest School (The Rev. Frederick Street statioo Jones William In. baker, Markhouse rd
Barlow Guy D.D. head master; Rev. Besse Thomas Winn, commercial tra- Judd Arthur, tailor, Wood street
Thomas Edward Harlow Guy M.A. veller, 6 Grassmere villas, Copeland rd Kain John, plumber, Milton road, Tower
second master), Forest side • Hibbard DaYid, fancy draper, 3 Parade, Hamlets
Fox James, piauoforte tuner, Ebenezer Hoe street Keit Charles, saddler, Chapel end
villas, Maynard road Higgins Joseph William, commercial Kempster Thomas, harness maker, St.
Foxwell Geo. Edwd. florist, Gamul road traveller, 6 Herbert road James' street
France Geo. Hy. job master, Elm road Hill Rev. Benjamio Goslett, academy, Kendall Eltringham, professor of music,
Freestone - , grocer, Chingford road Pembroke road 2 Denham villas, Copeland road
Frieake George Robt. Minter, auctioneer Hill Wm. Thos. public house broker, Kendall Percy, science lecturer, Murree
& estate agent, 1 Parade, Hoe street 2 Belgrav6 villas, Grosveoor Park rd cottage. Grosvenor Park road
Fuller Edward, builder & contractor, Hills William, cowkeeper & dairyman, Kenyan Wm. Thos. toy dealer, Beulah rd
Beulah road 5 Market place, Wood street King John, tailor, Summit road
Fuller George, carman, Marsh street Hingle Emma (Mrs.), greengrocer, Kingston John Thomas, bricklayer,
Fuller Robt. linen drpr. Higham Hill rd Boundary road Woodford New road
Furness Robert, oilman, Boundary road Hitchman In. farmer, Wadham Idg. & Kinnear William, commercial traveller,
Gazeley William, beer retailer, 8 ~tation Bulls farms, Hale end 7 Northcott villas
place, Selborne road Hobson Pressley, grocer, Boundary rd Kirrage Robt. bricklayer, Colchester rd
Genever Edward, beer retailer, Union rd Holdich Fredk. station master, East av Kittle Frederick, grocer. Wood street
Gibbard Samuel, parish engine keeper, Holland Matthew, fishmonger, Marsh st Knight Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
ValIentin road HolwelI Abraham Charles, baker, St. Clarkson road
Gibbard Thomas, plumber, Orford road Jame,' street Kottritsch Charles,commercial traveller,
Gilbert William, farmer, Black Horse la Hooper & Davis, house agent, Gros- 1 Floreoce villas, Granville road
Gill Wm.Spicer, sign writer, Maynard rd venor Park road Langbein Theodore, commercial tra-
Glover Henry, grocer &: provision mer- Rooper William, horse hair & fibre veller, I Rosebank, Marsh street
chant. & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, dresser, Cambridge road Langham Henry, greengrocer, Wood st
wine, & spirit merchants, 5 & 6 Wood Hopewell John, butcher, Shernhall st Leakey Joseph, boot maker, Marsh st
street; & Mare st.& Wells st.Hackney Hopkinsoo J<'redk. farrier, see Cassidy & Leakey WaIter, picture frame maker,
Goldthwaite Charles Henry, grocer &c. Hopkinson Marsh street
Church end Hopper Mary Ano (Mrs.), dress maker, LecomberJo. wood turner, Ch!lstnut wk
Goldthwaite Oliver Charles,confectioner, Wood street Lee George, bricklayer, Pembroke road
Church end Roughing Wm. painter &C. Higham hill Lee Hy. Higham Hill tavern,Higham hI
Good Brothers, builders, Pembroke road Houghtoo Gilbert, solicitor, Town hall Lee Henry, nurseryman, St.James' road,
Good Waiter, tailor, Burdett villa, Houghton William, solicitor & vestry Tower Hamlets
Clarendon road clerk, Town haU Le Fevre Geo. William, florist, Beulah rd
Gray Edwin, jun. ho. agnt. 7 Prospect rd Hoult William, grocer, Grove road Lewis Sarah (Miss), ladies' SCh004
Gray Edwin, jun. coal merchant, Hoe How Thomas, bricklayer, Vallentin rd Hereford house, Church Hill road
street & ~elborne road How Thomas, jun. builder, Chantry Liddiard William James, poor rate col-
Greathurst chandler,Marsh st villas, Copeland road lector & assistant overseer,Copeland rd
Greenwood George, beer retailer &: boot How Wm. lath render &:c. Clarksou rd LimbyAndrew,boot maker,2 Selborne rd
maker, St. Stephen's road Howard George, beer retlr. Greenleaf la Lipscomb Louis Henry, builder, con-
Gregory Charles James, draper, Victoria Howard Stephen,florist, Cambridge road tractor & decorator, Henlah road
cottages, Heulah road Howell John & William, plumbers & Lloyd Ernest, solicitor, The Wynns,Clay
Gregory Wm. Arthur, brick ma.Wood st zinc workers, Marsh street street; & Leyton
Greening Eliza Ann (Mrs.),dress maker, Rowell John, zinc worker, St. James' st Lofts Wm. beer & wine retailer,Marsh st
13 Selborne road Howes Jawes, fishmonger, Wood street London if Provincial Bank, Limited
Gntfin J & seedsman,Forest rise Hubbert Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, (Thomas Hambly, man.),Orford road.
Grimshaw John, tailor, Maynard road Higham hill • draw on Glyn, Mills & Co. London t.e
Grimshaw Wm.shopkeeper, Maynardrd Hudson Emwa (Miss), teacher of music, Longhurst James, zinc worker, Wood st
Groom Wm. linen draper, Higham hill 2 Lansdowne villas, East avenue Love Joseph, oil &colorman, Orford rd
Groome Richd.Wm. boot ma. Marsh st Hudson Henry, grocer, Boundary road Lovell Samuel, shopkeeper, Marsh street
Gross Maux,watchmakr. LongfelIow rd RuggettGeorge,wine& spiritmerchaot, Lovett George, builder, Beulah road
Grout Robt.pianoforte tuner,tleulah rd 1 Station place, Selborne road Lyle & Sutton, surgeons, Marsh street
Groves Wm. carpenter & joiner,Wood st Hughes In. boot & shoe ma.Boundaryrd Macaire James, Old Crooked Billet,
Gude Charles, old building material Humm George, furniture dealer, 3 Chapel end
dealer, Mayoard road Market place, Wood street McDaniel Wm. Frederick, Bell, Clay st
Gymer Robert, shopkeeper, Richard's pI Hunt Mary Ann (Mrs.), brick maker, McDonald Jas. butcher,Grosvenor Pk.rd
HadlandJas.OhestnutTree,Chestnut walk Higham hill Machon George, shoe maker, Marsh st
Halfhead Robert & John, farmers,Salis- Hundey Charles Richard, Coach if McNalIy Edward, greengrocer. Wood st
bury hall, Chapel end Horses, St. James' street Makepeace Charles du Gard M.A. boys'
Halford James, IJuke of Cambridge, Huntley WaIter Charles, coal merchant, boarding school, St. Stephen's college
Boundary road St. James' street & Hoe St. station Manders & Oxley,chair makers, Chelms-
Hall R. & J. general drapers, Marsh st Iuch }<'rederick, baker, Shernhall street ford road
Hall Frederick, grocer, Albert road Indermaur Charles Herman, watch Manders Victor, photographer, Hoe st
Hall William, linen draper,Boundary rd maker, Wood street Marrison Frederick, corn dealer,Wood st
Hallows Wm. Gough,Chequers, Marsh st lnoes James Alexander, writer & Marshall Swan, grocer, 17 South grove
Hamilton Edmund Harry, chemist, grainer, 34 Brandon road Marshman maker,Orford rd
Markhouse road Ireland John, tobacconist, Wood street Marston Freak. lioeo_draper & clothier,
HammondWilliam,baker &confectioner, lson Henry,tinplate worker, Maynard rd Wood street
Marsh street IssanchouC. (Miss),ladies' school,Salis- Maunder Ellen (Mrs.), lioen draper,
Hanks Rosetta (Mrs.), mechanical toy bury road Orford road
maker, Colchester road Jackson - , auctioneer, 5 Selborne road Mayling John, stationer, Wood street \
Harding John, painter, Clarkson road & Hinkswood villa, Hale eod Maynard Thos. undertaker, Church end
Harknett drssr.Marsh st Jackson Rchd. corn dealer,Markhouse rd Mead lsaac, grocer, Marsh street
Harper In. chmny. swpr. Shernhall st Jackson Robert John, solicitor, Daven- Melvill Arthur, ironmonger, Wood ~t
Harper William, lioendraper, Orford rd port house, Church road Meredith Alice (Mrs.),stationerMarsh st
Barris James, bookseller, Beulah road Jacobs Arthur Benj.painter &c. Wood st Merry Elizh. (Mrs.), dairy, Selborne rd
Harris Lewis, carpenter, Maynard road Jarvis Joseph, commercial traveller, Miles Jobn & Co. furniture removers,
Barris & wine retlr. Beulah rd Rose villas, Heulah road St. Stephen's road

Miles William Browne, commercial tra- 'Pluckrose Alexander William, confoo- Scarlett Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
veller, Granville road tioner, Chestnut walk Chnrch end
Miller Henry &; Co. corn mers. Orford rd Porter Thomas, shopkeeper, 1 Netley rd Scoresby Jack80n Thomas K.D. surgeon.
Millson William, painter, Marsh street Potter William George, Windmill, registrar of births '" deaths '" vacci-
Mitchell Charles, butcher, Wood street Gr08venor Park road nator, St. Hilda's, Hoe street
Montgomery Eli, butcher, Beulah road PoupardSarah (Miss), dress ma.Sth.gro Seaman Geo. blacksmith, Colchester rd
Moore James, RayalStandard, Clay at Powell James, job master, Selborne road Searle Henry, marine store dealer, St.
• Moore Wm. watch maker, Boundary rd &; Church end James' road
Morgan John &; Son, clothiers, Wood st Powne Mary Ellen (Mrs.),ladies' school, Sheridan Wm. Henry, chimney sweeper,
Mortimer Louise (Mrs.), dress maker, Orford college, Orford road Hale end, Woodford road
1 Lansdowne villas, East avenue Preston Barnet Thomas, parish clerk, Shillinglaw Jsph. news agent &stationer,
Mossman Charles, house decorator Beulah road Grosvenor Park road
Nuir James, baker &; confectioner, Preston Edward, nurseryman, florist &; Sidey Rd. Arthur, plumber, Beulah road
Boundary road &; 2 Parade, Hoe street seedsman, Elm road Sills Samuel, plumber, Maynard road
Mumford Thomas, butcher, Marsh st Pretlove Jane (Mrs.), greengrocer, St. Simmond Hen.lodgng. ho. Clarendon rd
Murray Emily Ann (Mrs.), glass &;china James' street Simmons George, greengrocer, Gros-
dealer, Marsh street Prior William, baker, Beulah road venor Park road
Neale Job, shopkeeper, Milton road, Probert Thomas, carpenter &; builder, Simpson Alfred, plumber, Aubury road,
Tower Hamlets I Boston road Tower hamlets
Newman Ann &; Sarah (Misses), hosiers Pryor & Co. tea dealers, Osborne house, Simpson Geo. locksmith, Marsh street
& haberdashers, Marsh street I Beulah road Sinden Wm. linen draper, Orford road
Sinnott James, farmer, Higham hill
Nicholls John Alexander, tobacconist, 7 : Pryor John, upholsterer, Vallentin road
Parade, Hoe street Public Dispensary (Edward Twining Sizer Wm. carpenter, Church hill road
Nightingale Thos.provision dlr. Marsh st St. Clair, .B. Shadwell &; Frederick Skelton Richard M.R.C.V.S. veterinary
Norman William Matthew,coffee rooms, Arthur Best, hon. surgeons),Orford rd surgeon, Marsh street
Marsh street Putnam 'Edwin, baker, Wood st Smith Charles WiIliam,carpenter, Gros-
North Metropolitan Volunteer Fire Putnam Norris, watch maker &; beer venor rise east
Brigade Station (Charles Langdale, I retailer, Wood street Smith Edwin, saddler, Chestnut walk
engineer), Chestnut walk Radbourne Jas. cowkeeper, Haggerlane Smith Fredk. printer & stationer, &; post
Norwood Oswald, butcher, Boundary rd Rainbird John, baker, Boundary road office, Orford road
Norwood William Ambrose Charles, Rainbow Thos.frmr. Hale end,Woodford Smith George, grocer, Marsh street
butcher, Milton road, Tower Hamlets Rayner, Chas. confectioner, Selborne rd Smith James, news agent, Boundary rd
Nunn William, coal dealer, Wood street Rayner Geo. draper, Marsh street Smith Joseph Saml. farmer, Chapel end
Nunn ·Wm. Harper, tobacnst. Beulah rd Read Francis, bricklayer, Boston road Smith Thomas Jonah, beer retailer,
Olford William, turncock, West street I Read Wilbam Geo. shopkeeper, Groverd Vallentin road
Ormond &; Hales, grocers, cheese- Reader Charles, shopkeeper, Herbert rd Smith Wm. shopkeeper, Alexandra road
mongers, oilmen, ironmongers, patent Reading Emily &; Fanny (Misses), photo- Smith Wm. Richard, fancy draper, 7
medicine vendors &; general dealers, graphers, Hoe street Station l'lace, Selborne road
Pembroke road _ Reading William, collector of Queen's Snaith David, tobacconist, Wood street
Osborn C. E. linen draper, Boundary rd t'\xes, Hoe street Snaith Wm. tailor & stationer, Wood st
Osborne Martha (Miss), fancy draper, Reed James Anthony, builder & con- Social Club (Richard Rivett, sec.),
Grosvenor Park road • tractor, Church end Boston road
Page Wm. &;Son, greengrcr.Maynard rd Revell John, boot maker, Wood street Snow John, shoe maker, 4 Grove road
Pallet &Co.clothiers,6 Market pl.Wood st Reynolds Edman, boot maker, Union rd Snowden Elizabeth Mary (Miss), dyer &;
Pamplin &;Son,nurserymen,Woodstreet Richardson Robert Mead, hair dresser, cleaner, Selborne road
Parcel John, painter, Grosvenor rise east Church lane Solomon John, florist, Queen's road
Parker Frank, china dealer, Wood street Richardson Sarah (Mrs.), (lueen's Arms, Songhurst John, butcher, Beulah road
Parks Horace jun. brick maker, Black: Orford road Songhurst Waiter John, butcher, Mark-
Horse lane ' Richer Thomas, baker, Wood street house road
Partridge Horace, boot maker, Wood st Rickett, Smith &; Co. coal merchants, Sorrell Benjmn. shopkpr. Greenleaflane
Patchett John, family grocer, provision I Hoe Street station Southan Edwd. fly. coffee ho. Wood st
merchant & purveyor of meat &; Ricketts Benjamin, house agent, 6 Sparey Alfred Jas. boot makr. Orford rd
country-fed pork, St. James' street I Crotty's terrace, Brunswick street Sparrow Jas. greengrocer, Benlah rd
Paton Jas. milliner, 2 Lower ter. Hoe st Riddiford Thos. shopkeeper, 2 Collard rd Spencer Wm. linen draper, Boundary rd
Payne Charlotte (Mrs.), tobacconist,' Robbins John Edward, tailor, Beulah rd Spicer Thomas, builder, Higham hill
Selborne road Roberts Wm. oil &; colorman, Marsh st Spicer, William, grocer, Higham hill
Payne In.Thos. greengrocer, Clarkson rd Robertson Thomas David Deane,farmer, Spray Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, Chest-
Peacock Abraham, Plough, Wood street Thorpe hall, Hale end nut walk
Peel James, artist, Arden lea, The Drive Robinson Jas. beerretailer,Marshstreet Spry John, grammar school, Lansdowne
Pegrum Caleb, baker, Wood street Rogers Ann (Miss), milliner, Beulah rd villas, East avenue
Pegrum .Joshua, grocer, Wood street Rogers Edwin, bricklayer, Grosvenor Stace &; Baker, ginger beer makers, '!'he
Penn Alfred Henry, builder,Marsh street rise east Forest
Penn Charles, florist, Ravenswood road Rousseau Emile, electrotypist, Stanley Stacey Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, Eden rd
Penn Charles Ebenezer, gasfitter, Gran- villas, Clarendon road Stammers John, bricklayer,Willow walk
ville road Rousseau Gustave Jean, french pro- Stanborongh Saml.shpkpr.Chestnut wlk
'Penn Jas. Fredk. stationer,Markhouse rd fessor, Clarendon road Stanger Robert, greengrocer, Wood st
Penn W. J. plumber, gas fitter, glazier, Routledge Chs.Wm.insur.agt04Union rd Stephenson J oseph, dairymn. Herbert rd
house &; ornamental decorator, beer Routledge Isabella (Miss), fancy draper, Stevens James, beer retailer, Wood st
engine maker, paper hanger, grainer Church end Stevens John, wheelwright, Wood st
&c. 13 South Grove road Rowe William, marine store dealer, St. Stevens Joseph, painter, Higham hill
Penrucker Jsph.boot maker,Maynard rd Stephen's road Stevens Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 22
Percival William, builder & brickmaker, Rudland Geo. fishmonger, Boundary rd Selborne road
Selborne road Ruggles James, timber dealer, Orford rd Stevens Wm. Joseph, grocer, Boston rd
Pettit William &; Son,garden pot makers, St.' James' Coffee House (Mark White, Stewart Stephn. tumcock, Boundary rd
Higham hill manager), St. James' street Stockbridge Stephen, grcr. Boundary rd
Pettit Robt. Walter,dairyman, Marshst St. John's Home Industrial School Stockdale William, baker, Beulah rd
Pettit Wm. carpenter, 6 Sylvester road [Catholic] (John Webb,supt.),Shern- Stocks George Buckingham, verger of
Phelp Brothers, printers, Beulah road hall street St. Stephen's, Copeland road
Pilcher Charles, hatter, Wood street St. Mary's Orphanage (Mrs. Amelia Stockwell Chas. shopkeepr. VaIlentin rd
Pinneger George William John, wood Ellis, lady supt.), Walthamstow house Stokes David, linen draper,Chestnut wlk
carrer, Clay street Saltwell George, builder, carpenter, Stokes George, fishmonger, Wood street
Pitman &; Binnington, grocers & pro- undertaker & house decorator; general Stone William, blacksmith, Marsh street
vision merchants, wine, spirit & repairs, Marsh street Storey David John, grocer, Selborne
bottled beer merchants, post & money Sargent Geo. cab proprietor,East avenue road &0 St. Stephen's road
order office & savings bnk.St. J ames' st Saunders Arthur, chemist, Orford road Styles Richd. hairdresser, St. James' st
Pledger &; Son, undertakers, Wood street Savi1l!Js Bank (William Benson, sec.), Swan John Henry, architect &; surveyor,
Pledger house, Chestnut walk Wood street Prospect hill
Pledger Edwin J ohn,grocer, Wood street Sayer Chas.Fredk.plumbr. Pembroke rd Sweetman &;Dupree,grcrs.Longfellow rd

318 VI A1.t1t A'MSTOW'. ESSEX. [ Kl:.tLV'S

Swift John JllI8. shopkeeper~ CIarksOn rd Wacks- John, tlommercial t~avener~ :l~ Wilkins Wm. tailot, Alexandra road

Taff Francis &Son, upholsterers,cabinet Albert terrace, Pembroke roa'C\ Williams Ernest, wardrobe dlr, Marsh sf;
& blind ma'kers~ licensed 'valuers & Wadsworth Thos. butcher, Grove Toad Williams Geo.french polshr.Boundary rd
hotise agents, St. 'James' ~treet Waldron John, baker, Chestnut walk WilliamsLucy (Mrs.),shopkeeper~Forest
TaylOl'Samllel, basket tnaker, Wood st Walker John, coal merchant, New town Williams Wm. Potter, hair drsr. Wood st
Taylor Thos. haberdasher, Greenleaf la falker WaIter William, wheelwright, Willis Rt. printer &: stationer, Orford rd
Thairt Henry' WaIter', relieving officer Wingfield Toad Wills Etlward Arthur1chimney sweeper,
for No. 8 district.. W~st Ham union, WalIis Chas. baker~ Grosvenor Park 'I'd St. James' street
t Grenton terrace WaIter WilIiam Thos. cabinet maker, Willsmer Geo. timber merchant, Hoe st
Thomas Tom Nichols, lob master, Alexandra road ~ Wilson Sarah & Emily (Misses), linen
( Whip's c r o s s ' I Walthamstow' et Leyto71 Guardian drapers, Wood street
Thompson Geo. groceI', Shel'DallstI'eet (Robert Willis, printer & publisher i Wilson Eli, builder & contractor, Holly
Thompson Wm. Henry~ Swan, 'Wood st published friday), Orford road lodge, Vallentin Road wks. & Northrd
Thorntotl William Schwamenkruge, TValthamstow Permanent Benrp,t Build- Wilson John, boot maker, Eden I'oad
boot & shoe maker, St. James' street in.,! Society (Wm. Hy. Clayton, sec.): Wimp Henry, builder, 13 Selborne ter
Thurpe Wm. coffee tavern, Selborne I'd office, Town hall, Orford road Wimp Ida (Miss), school, 13 Selborne ter
Tibball A.1fred, grocer, Wood street Ward John, shoe maker, 'Wood street Winch Thos. corn chandler, Chesnutwlk
'rice Chas. fruiterer &:c. 5 Parade, Hoe st Ward Saml. highway surveyr. Orford rd Windridge Fredk. John, perambulator
Tickner Mary Ann (Miss/' beer retailer, Ware James, beer retIr. Cambridge road maker, Beulah road
Chapel end Warren Frederic & Co. coal merchants, Wingtield James, baker, Grove road
Tilbury Eliza (Md.', draper & shop- Hoe Street station' . Wingrove Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper,
keeper, Boundary road Warren Albert, plumber, r Albert ter- Higham street
Tipper Alfred, butcher, MaTsh street race, Pembroke road Winter & Sons, grocers, Chestnut walk
Tite Benjamin Michael & Sons, coal Waterman Jas. shopkeeper, Chapel end Wood Katherine (Miss), private school,
merchants, Hoe Street station Webb WiIliam Alfred, pawnbrokers' Beulah road
Toll Ephraim, carpenter, Grove Toad salesman, 7 The Pavement, Wood st Woodard Hy. horse slaughterer, Wood st
Town Hall (George Chaplin, keeper), Webster Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Woodham William James, \leer retailer,
Orford road Milton road, Tower Hamlets Shernall street
Trevalliun Wm. dairyman, Shernhall st Webster Thomas, stone & marble mason, Wool Chas. shopkeeper, 16 Sth. Grove rd
Tripp Henry, oilman, Chestnut walk Alexaildra road Working .I.lfen's Club 0/ Institute (Geo.
Tubby James, builder & contractor, WellsThomas,pawnbrkr.Chestnutwalk Lewis Manders, sec.), Marsh street
J Chnrch Hill t'd.; workshp. Vallentin l'd Wells Joseph, baker, ~hernall street Workman John, builder, Church Hill
TnckerJoseph,born dealer, Marsh street West Jas. marine store dealer, Boston rd road &- Orford road
Turner Alfred, faTIDer, Clay street West Williarn, grocer, I Sonth Grove rd Wragg Francis, farmer, Hale end
Tyler Ed. Lewi,s, dairyman, Chnrch hill Weston Samuel, boot maker, Beulah rd Wren Sarah (Miss), fancy repository.
Tytler James Geo. oilman, Beulah rd Wheeler {\J.roline (Mrs.), dress maker, Beulah road
Twinin~ & Yeates, surgeons, Grove road Chestnut walk Wright Charles William, fancy reposi-
& Ma.rsh street Wheeler Joseph, chemist, Marsh street tory, Chestnut walk
Underwood Alfd. grngrcr. Markhouse I'd & Beulah road Wright Daniel. butcher, Beulah road
Vat>cination Station (Thomas ScoresbY-1 White Letie & Nellie (Misses), dress Wright Fredk. baker, Higham Hill road
Jack90n M.D. llublio vaccinator), makers, Clarendon ldg. Clarendon rd Wright Robert, grocer, Maynard road
Vestry room. Orford road I White Alfred, shopkeeper. Wood street Wright 8arab (Mrs.), milliner, Beulah I'd
Varley Theophilus,grocer. Marsh street White George, greengrocer, 5 Grove rd Wright William, butcher, Wood street
Vass Daniel, corn chandler,.5 Station White Henry, cowkeeper & dairyman, Young & Marten, lead & glass mer-
place, Selborne road Pembroke road & Marian grove chants, Vallentin road
Venimore Thomas. C. fancY reposit{)ry, White Samuel, shopkeeper, Aubnryroad, Young James, fluke's Head, Wl)od st
Gr08venor Park road I Tower Hamlets Young J ames, nurseryman, Clay street
Vestry Office (William Houghton, clerk), White Wm. Hy. shopkpr. Cambridge rd Youngman Benjamin, fanner, Elms
Town hall Whiter Jas. wardrobe (Ur. Vallentin rd farm, Coppermilllane .
Vince Ann (¥rs.), dairy, The Forest Wilkes Wm. 'rhos~watch mkr. Beulah rd
• I •

WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE (or WAIJrON-LE-SOKEN) univalves with the pullus unimpaired: fossil remains have
is a parish, watering place and terminal station on the been found of huge beasts, supp<>sed by some geologists to
Tendring E:undred branch of the Great ~asterp railway, in be elephants, drowned neal.' here on the invasion by Claudius
the Eastern division of the county, hundred. and union of Cresar, but by others regarded as antediluvian remains:
Tendring; Harwich county court district, rural deanery of PJT1tes and coprolites are collected here from the shore and
St.Osyth, archdeaconry of Ollchester and diocese of St. Albans : cliff and, nodules of calcareous clay or septaria for Roman
it is in a great measure cut off from the main land by a deep cement ~ copperas works formerly existed here and a con-
inlet from the sea near Harwich, being 67 miles from Lon- siderable quantity of the mineral is still obtained from the
dOll,7! south from Harwich by water and 14 by land and 7i beach. The toWIl is lighted with gas, well drained
ea.staso1.1th-east from TendTing and 18 east from Colchester: about to be supplied with fure water: the management of
the town lies between the sea-cliffs -and Walton creek, much the town is under a loea board of commissioners who also.
frequented by sportsmen in quest of wild fowl, on the head form the lucal urban sanitary authority: there are several
of which stand powerful tide and wind mills: the air is salu· good hotels including the Marine, the Clifton, the Portobello
brioU!l'and bracing- and the bea-ch consisting of sand and fine and the Albion: assembly rooms are attached to the Marine
shingle is well adapted fot bathing and affords le' pleasant, and Clifton botels, So bijou theatre being also connected with
pt'omenade, the ebb tide leaving a. hard smooth sand: the I th~ fqrmer ~ at the east end of the town is a coastguard station
south cliffs &djQining th~ 1,own have bren protected from the \ with, chief officer and 12 men: the pier is 800 ft. 10]lg and
encroachments of the sea. and laid out for building with { by an Act of Parliament dated 19th Feb. 1878, the extension
pleasant walks and 1'1aut~tion8, sheltered from the north of ,the -present pier is authorised for a distance of 355 feet~
with a wide view sea.ward: Walton is Qounded on three together with other improvements for the accommodation
sides by the sea, the land: tertni~ating' in a bold promontQry of steamboats and other vessels: this, however. remains to be
called the" Naze," on which stands WaltQn Hall and adjoin. accomplished: many yachts resort here and water excur-
ing it is a. lofty tower built by the cQrporation of the Trinity sions form the prevailing amusement, an annual regatta
House in t79~: the south slopes and seaward summit of this being held in:.August: during the summer season steamers
elevmed land are being laid ont (or building, the former rnn daily to and from London, Clacton-on-Sea and Harwich
under the name of" South Park," the latter as ~ Walton and $everal times a day from Harwich up the river Orwell
Naze Park": application to parliatt¥nt is be~ngmade (1882) to,I~Wich: this and the aqjoining liberties of Thorpe and
for 8 railway to .connect W!1.lton-on..the-Naze 'With Harwich Kirby are c,alled the Sokens from a Saxon word implying
by 11 line passing along- the west side of the Nllze, <:rossing privilege: llome of the peculiar privileges enjoyed were
Hanford W&ter by a bridge1tDd thence through Pewit island, exemption from archdeaconal and commissary Jurisdiction,
Oakley.'ley and Ramsey Ray now called Parkeston-: the power to administer and execute laws for themselves and
coast here IIJ entirely composed. of the crag formation, eqnal rights of a. wife with her busband in the ownership of
famous for its abundance of fossils and i$ frequently Te- land: the Sokens were given by King Athelstan to St. Paul's
sorted to "by' geologists! 'the red crag here 'found is con- some titne prior to 4.D. 941: formerly the. parish extended
sidered the ~ldest in England and alone 'Of all the' red crag' much further -Out to sea and mins are said to have been dis-
beds yields sh.eIls in the conditions in which ~heir inmates covered.. on shoal called the West Rocks,9 miles from shore.
died.....biTalv~ not unfrequently with both valves united and. The parish church of All Saints was partially rebuilt of stone

in 1873 and the remainder is now (1882) in course of con- loam,crag and sand: subsoil,clay and gravel. Thechieferops
struction in the Early Decorated style;' when complete are wheat, barley, oats &C. The parish coutains2,600 &.cresol
it will consist of chancel with vestry and organ chamber, land and 600 of water: rateable value, [7,735: and the
nave of five bays, south aisle and" a western embattled tower resident population in 1871 was 1,070 j llnd in 1881, 1:,376,
80 feet high; the whole cost being defrayed by public sub- which. is also the-local board district; but in full season it
scription: the old building of red brick was consecrated by is about 5,000.
Bishop Porteus in 1: 804 in place of an ancient edifice, which, POST, MONEY ORDER. & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
with the churchyard and every house near it but one, had Bank.-William Daniels, postmaster. Letters arrive from
been entirely swept away by the encroachments of the sea
in 1798 : a Prebendal stall in St. Paul's, London, which takes Colchester at 6.20 B..m & 12.10 p.m ~ dispatched at u.JO
its name from an estate engulfed by the sea, but formerly & 6.10 p.w.. Box clQSesat 6 p.m. During the months of
part of this parish, is now called ~Prcebenda Consumpta per June, July, Aug. & Sept. there is an extra dispatch at
Mare.' The register of baptisms dates from 1730 ; marriages, 7. 1 5. for which the box closes at 7·5 p.m
1688 j burials, 16c)o; some of the later registers are at INSURANCB AGENTS : -
Kirby-Ie-Soken: in the burial book the following extract Commercral Union, C. R. Chandler, 3 Everett terraoo
appears-~ 1764, John Pittman, vicar; Allen Walker, curate. COlmty Fire. A. G. Rickarby
No burials this year, tbe only instance of it this century.' Royal Exchange, E. Dorling
The living is a vicarage, yearly value £17I, with residence, United Kingdom Provide",t, W. E. Turner, Osborne house
in the gift of trustees and held by the Rev. James Theodore URBAN SANITARY AUTHORITY:-
Cooke M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The Primitive Metho- The Walton Improvement Commissioners
dists have a chapel here and the Society of Friends a meeting Clerk, Thomas A. Middleton
house. The Congregational church is in Station road. There . lfedical o.fficer, 'Maurice Levitt Manthorp
are about 30 acres ofland left chiefly by Mr. John Badler, in Surveyor, Collector if Inspector, Edward Forster Harvey
1.563, for the good of the poor, the income. of which is Coastguard Station, John Henry Davie, chief officer
managed and distributed by trustees, under the direction of Essex (~na) R~fte Volunteers (H. company) (Captain Fredk,
the charity commissioners. Two parcels of land formerly Smoothy, commanding)
belonging to the poor anq :yielding respectively £15 and Assistant Overseer '.f Poor Rate Collector, Chas. Woodroffe
£4 10S. annually have beeIJ. submerged, as have also the Town Crier, Amos Grant, High street
greater portion ()f 2 farms, comprising 90 acres of land ,National ;School; built in 1853 & enlarged in 1872 & 1878,
purchased in i793 by the governors of Queen Anne's for 230 children, with an average attendance of 190;
- bounty for the augmentation of the living of Holy Trinity In. Winchester, master; Mrs. Harriet Winchester, mist
church, Colchester. A fair is held here on July 3rd. RailtcayStation, Robert Scott, station master
Edward Chapman esq. of Harwich, is lord of the manor. CARRIER TO COLCHEsTER-Benjamin Bowles (van), tuesday,
Edward Ad~lphus Church, of Colchester, is coroner for the thursday &; saturday
district called the Sokens. Sir John Henry ,.fohnsOR, Richard WATER CONVEYANCE.. Steamboat to London arrives & re-
Blanshard, Robert Warner and Peter S. Bruff esqs. are the turns daily (during- summer only) ; leaying each place ati
principal landowners. The soil is fertile, consisting chiefly of 9.30 a.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bowles Benjamin, carrier, North street Flanders Joseph, grocer, High street &
Archer Mrs. William, Alfred place Brannon Philip, architect & civil engi- Newgate street
Brannon Philip,Walton Naze park neeI', consulting, sanitary, fireproof- Fleck Frederick, Marine family If
Bryant Miss Elizabeth, Saville row ing ~ marine engineer, Walton Naze commercial hotel & hQardip.g & post-
Bryant Miss Mary, Saville row park. . See advertisement ing house f

Burman James Moffatt, High ~treet Britton Joh,n, lodging house, Pier street Flory Robert, hair dresser, Statton road'
Cooke Rev. Jas. Theodore M.A.. Vicarage Brooke Thomas C. circulating library, Flory Thomas, lodging house
Cutcliffe Mrs. Mary Sophia, Saville pI fancy repository, photographer, book- Foote Thos. lodging house, Munster ter
Dorling Edward, Alfred terrace seller, stationer, & pianofortes for hire Freeman Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging
Eede Thomas, Walton Naze park Burgess Robt. Henry, tailor, South cliff house, 8 South terrace
Fitch William, Richmond villas Button Susan (Miss), lodging house, Gardiner William, bakel\& confectioner,
Goss Mrs. High liitreet Richmond villas Tower cottage .
Griffin George L. Rustic lodge Carter Stephen J ames, bathing machine Garrod lsaac, lodging house, 5 Sid-
Havens William Rawdon, Cliff house owner,2 Pavilion villas mouth terrace
Horton Rev. M. S. [Congregational] Carter William, baker, North street Gas if Water Works Co. Limited
Howe WaIter, High street Cason Caroline -(Mrs.), lodging house, (William Pearson, manager)
Howell Miss, Brunswick ho. Saville st South crescent Ga,tward WaIter Willia,m, private hotel,
Hubbard Mrs. William, 3 P.avilion ter Chandler Charles, first-class furnished Marine terrace
King Mrs. Station road apartments, "3 Everettterrace Gladwell John, thatcher, High street
Latchford Benjamin, High street Chandler Thomas lodging ho. Tower ter Gould 8arah (Mrs.), lodging house..
Manners Capt. Douglas, South crescent Clarke Miss, lodging house, Tower ter Tower terrace
Mollady Edward R. Newgate street Cliftrnt Grand. Hotel (David Sheppard) GJ"lI,nt Amos, town crier, High street
Rickarby George, High street Cole David, farmer, Hill farm Gray Dennis, butcher, High street
Shelley Samuel, 4 Sidmouth terrace Cole Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 GrayWm.(Mrs,),lodgingho.Martello rd
Spratlin John, High street South crescent Green Mary Ann (Mrs.), first-class
Taylor Mrs. la East terrace Colling, John, greengrocer, Tavern st furnished apartments.. 5 Everett ter
Trimen Mrs. Saville row Co-operative Society (A. F. Yeadon, Halls Abraham, pleasure boat owner,
Tnrpin John Findlay, Saville row manager), High street Station road
Warner Robert, East terrace Coulman James R. builder, Saville st Hart Wm. lodging house, Saville row
Welby Erasmus, 7 Pier crescent, Cracknell Samuel, butcher, Newgate st Harvey Edward Foster, surveyor, in-
Welham Robert, 6 Sidmouth terrace Cross John J. lodging house, Pier eres spector of nuisances & collector to the
Wilmhurst Thos. Saville ho. Saville lit Cutcliffe Mary & Elizabeth (Misses), local board
Wilson Barnabas, Morton house seminary, Saville street • Hearne Octavius Thos. Albion, High at
COMMERCIAL. Cutter Hy. kldging house, 4 Everett ter Herbert Jas. (Mrs.), greengr. High st
Aldridge Wm.lodging ho. Lombardian pI Cutter & Mason. pleasure boat proprtrs Horrex Arthur, shoe dealer, Newgate st
Archer John, miller, Mill house Daniels William, fancy repository, & Hubbard Richard C. camera obscura..
Aylett Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, post office, High street The Naze
Marine parade Daniels William, jnn. lodging house, Jackson Alfred, lodging ho. Station rd
Baker Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, South crescel).t James Hy. baker dr car owner, High st
Saville street Davie John Henry, chief officer of the James Thomas, car owner, Kirby road
Barnden Arthur, furniture dealer, coastguard Juffs James, gardener, & lodging
Tavern street . De-Meray Jules Hocmelle, gentlemen's hou..o;e, Field lodge
Barnden Elisha, undertkr. 2 South cres school . King Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 &;
Barrell William, farmer & steward to Downes Wm. greengrocer, Sidmouth st 6 South terrace
Peter Bruff esq. Burnt House farm Eagle John W. farmer, Walton hall Lee George, lodging house, Martello rd
Batchelor Fredk.lodging house, Pier at Eede Thomas, builder & contractor, McKay. John (Mrs.), lodging house, 1
Bates Hy. George, bathing mac. owner shop -fitter & general decorator, Wal- South terrace
Batt John B. draper, Tavern street t<>n Naze 'park. See advertisement Mann Mrs. lodging ho. Martello rd
Bloom William Riddelsdell, (lIuen's Esse:r (ftnd) Rijle Volunteers (H. com- Marks Henry, lapidary Newgate street
Head, High street pany) (Captaiq- Fredk. Smoothy, Mason Emma (Mrs.), l~ging house, 2
Bond Chas. (Mrs.), tobacconist, Alfred pI commanding) I Everet1; terrace
Mills, . Errington, Bawtree & Co. Potter Jonathan P. butcher, High street Turner William Benjamin, printer &
bankers (Thomas- Wade, manager), Randall Charles, Pqrtobello hotel, & bookseller, Osborne house, High st
open mono wed.. & fri. 12 till 4 grocer & draper Turpin Ann Rackham (Mrs.), lodging
during summer, fri. only 12 till 3 in Rickarby Arthur G. pha.rmaceutical house, Navarino place
winter, Marine place; draw on Glyn, chemist Turpin John,plumber &; glazier,North st
Mills, Currie & Co. London e.c RiddelsdeIl .Henry, smith, grocer & Walton-on-the-Naze Pier 00. Limited
Moore James, builder, High street draper, North street (DaTid Sheppard, agent)
Morgan Fredk. lodging ho. Adelaide pI Riddelsdell Thomas Creffield, ironmon- Walton 4" Olacton Gazette et Visitors'List
Neale Elizabeth (Mrs.), Bath Hquse inn ger, High street 4" Harwich 4" Dovercaurt .Advertiser
Netley Edwd. beer retailer, Newgate at Roy Allen, plumber &c. High street (Benbam &; Co.prop1'9. Colchstr.; Wm.

Nevard Harry, lodging ho. 6 M!l.rineter Sallows Robert, bathing machine B. Turner, local publisher; published
Norton Henry. baker, & first class fur- owner, High street wed. afternoon), Osborne ho. High st
nished apartments, 3 South terrace Saunders Thos. farmer, Whiteho. farm Ward Robert, car proprietor, Station rd
Norton Jas. lodging ho. 4 Richmond vii Scott George Bunting, gardener, East Warner Robert &: Co. engineers & iron
Oxley Jonas, fishmonger, Suffolk street Cliff cottage founders, manufacturers of hydraulic
Palmar Samuel, grocer & linen draper, Scott Robert, station master machinery of everydescription,pumps
High street SimeyGeo. pleasure boat prop. North st for irrigation, mining purposes, brew-
Palmer Samuel Rackham, baker & con- Simey :t..ucy (Miss), lodging house & eries, chemical works kc.; sanitary
fectioner, Marine place bath keeper engineers & bell founders to Her
Payne Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, Simmonds Cornelius, lodging house, Majesty; & 8 Jemn crescent, Lon-
4 Richmond villas Martello road don e.c .
Pearson William, manager of gas & Smith WaIter, lodging house,& pleasure Weeley Caroline (Miss), lodging house,
water works; agent for P. S. Bruff boat owner 4 Navarino place
esq. & first-class furnished apart- Sparrow Samuel, beer retIr. Suffolk st Welch Alfred, lodging house,Newgate st
mants, I South terrace Taylor Peter, carter, & lodging hOUse, 3 Welham Robert, surgn. 6 Sidmouth ter
Pinner Adam,lodging house, Saville row South crescent White Mrs. lodging house, High lltreet
Polley David, lodging house, Pier at Taylor Thomas Wm. grocer,2 Marine pI Wilson Barnabas, lodging house, Sid-
Polley Edward, fishmonger, High street Terris Robert, jun. pleasure boat owner, mouth terrace
Polley George, lodging house,& pleasure New Pier street Wilson William, tailor, Marine place
boat owner, Marine lodge Theatre (Frederick Fleck, proprietor) Woolston Eliza (Mrs.), fancy reposi-
Polley Robert, pier master, Tower cots Townes Robt. lodging house, High st tory, I High street
Potter George, boot & shoe ma.North st Tuffin Eliz. (Miss), lodging ho. High st Woolston Jame.'l, tobacconist,Tavern st
• Potter Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, Turner William & Sons, greengrocers, Wright James, confectioner, High
Eugene house, Saville street fruiterers & farmers, Osborne house strt:et, k lodging house, 4 South ter
W ANSTEAD is a parish in the Southern division of the Friends' meeting house. At New Wanstead the Weavers'
county, jurisdiction of the Central criminal court and Metro- Company have erected a block of almhouses in lieu of those
politan police, Becontree hundred, West Ham union, Bow situate in Potter's fields and Old Street road, London. The
county court district, Barking rural deanery, archdeaconry charities for distribution amount to £37 yearly. Earl Cow-
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, a mile and a half north- ley is lord of themanor. At Lake House, south-west of Wan-

west from Ilford, 200 yards south from Snaresbrook station, stead park, Thomas Hood wrote his novel of "Tylney Hall ":
7 miles from Whitechapel or Shoreditch churches, on the this house was originally built as a summer-bouse to the
banks of the river Roding and is in the eastern metropoli- park. At Wanstead is a metropolitan police station. The
tan postal district. Wanstead appears to have derived its area is 2,002 acres; rateable value, £42,751 j the population
name from the Saxon words wan (white) andstede (mansion) in 1871 was S,II9; and in 1881, 9,410 (including inmates of
and is first mentioned as having been bestowed on St. the Infant Orphan Asylum). The popUlation in tbe local
Peter's, at Westminster, by one AUric, which grant, it is board district in 1881 was 4.468.
said, was confirmed by Edward the Confessor: at the Snaresbrook is a hamlet of Wanstead, on the Wood-
Domesday Survey it was held of the Bishop of London by ford road and station on the Great Eastern railway, 6!
Ralph Fitz Brien its annual value being 40S.: in the reign miles from Shoreditch and Whitechapel churches. Here is
of Henry Ill. it passed. by marriage to William de Hunter- the Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum. This institution
combe, at which time it was held upon suit and service to was first established in 1827, for the maintenance, clothing
the Bishop of London. In the reign of Henry VIII. Giles. and education of the children of British merchant seamen, de-
Bon of Sir John Heron, who married the daughter of Sir ceased, from all parts of the 'World: up to the year 1880
Thomas More, refusing to acknowledge the supremacy of more than 1.400 children have enjoyed the benefits of this
the king, was attainted, his estates forfeited and Wanstead charity and there are now 270 in residence, the premises
forming part thereof) passed to the Crown. In 1549 Edward being available for a full complement of 300: children are
VI. granted it to Lord Rich, whose son in 1577 sold it to elected to vacancies by the votes of the governors, no child
Robert Earl, of Leicester, from whom it passed to the being elected unless it polls 50 votes: candidates for election
families of Mildmay, Child, Tylney and descended ultimately must also be over 7 and under I I years and free from all
to Miss Tylney-Long, who married the Hon. W. P. T. L. disease or infirmity and must further be recommended by a
Wellesley: it is now the property of the Earl Cowley. Here governor and approved by the board of management: the
stood a splendid mansion, built by Sir Richard Child in 1715, institution is under the patronage of the Queen and is con-
but since demolished: some of the Bourbon princes resided trolled by a committee of 16 gentlemen: the present build-
here in their exile,during the time of the first Napoleon. A ings were erected in 1861 and opened in 1862; Mr. R. W.
beautiful grotto, built at immense expense by the late Hackwood, sec. ; Mrs. Hackwood, matron.
Countess of Mornington, is now the only remaining monu- Parish Clerk, John Miller, Wellesley road.
ment of this finely situate estate. A tesselated pavement POST, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
and other Roman antiquities were found in the park in 1735. Bank.-George Bodger, receiver. Letters dispatched at
The church of St. Mary, rebuilt in 1790, isa brick structure 9.15 a.m. 12.30, S & 9 p.m. week days only. Delivery
in the Classic style, cased with Portland stone and consists from Leytonstone
of chancel, na"e and aisles, supported on pillars of the PILLAR LE'M'ER Box, Snaresbrook, cleared at 9.15 a.m.
Corinthian order and a. Doric portico, surmounted by a 12.15,4.55, 8.50 & II.20 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 only
'Cupola resting pn eight I~nic columns and terminating in a
small bell turret containing a clock and I bell: it contains URBAN SANITARY AUTHORITY.
a sumptuous marble monument, with recumbent effigy of (Jlerk, John Rogers Jennings, 30 St. Swithin's lane, London e.c
Sir Josiah Child bart. merchant, ob. 1699 and in a niche above Medical Officer,. :Frank Argles IlI.R.e.p. Edin. Hermon lodge,
is a statue of the same person, it contains 600 seats (appro- Wanstead
priated). The register dates from the year 1640. The Surveyor, John Thomas Bressey, Wanstead
living is a. rectory, yearly value £700, with residence, in the Illspectur, Andrew Duan
gift of Earl Cowley and held by the Rev. Morton Drum- CoUect01', John Sutton Al;>bott, Nightingale lane
mond M.A.. of Caius Colleg~ Cambridge. Christ Church, a INSURANCE AGENTS:-
cha.pel of ease to St. Mary's, erected and opened. in 1861, is a. Oounty Fire, I. L. Hurley & J. Mill~r
stone building in the Decorated style and consists of chancel, London A.ssurance, R. S. Stable, Cleveland road, George
nave, aisle and a. western tower containing a clock ~ the lane, Woodford
church will seat about 650 persons. ,There are Congrega- Norwich Union Fi"e, j, C. Gray, I Wellington road
tional, Wesleyan and Primith'o Methodist chapels and a Royal .F;zcn(1.nge, A. Miller, Fitzgerald road

PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- 1 Cun!!,oegational Cfhapel, Grove road, ~Rev. Nicbo1as Barvey'
Infant Orplw.n As.Vlum, erected by subscription in 1841 k I minister; 11 a.m. 6.30 p.m. : tburs. 7.30 p.m

Princess ~uise Home 4" Natiorud Societ.ll for Protection of

opened in 1843, for 600 children; Miss lsabelb Larnder, Primitive Methodist Chapel, George lane, Rev. R. S. Blair,
matron Rev. C. H. Lightfoot, ministers, II a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; wed.
7.30 p.rh.
Young Guols, Woodhouse; Alfred Morgan Gillbam, sec.; 1Vesleylm Chapel, Hermon hill, Rev. Wesley Butters,
Mrs. Mary Ann Talbot, matron II a.m. 6.30 p.m.; wed. 1 &; fri. 8 p.m
.iJfetropolitan Police Station, Albert Dauncey, inspector Society of Friends' J.lfeeting House
We8vers' Alm.~houses, ~ew Wanstead ; Alfred Carr, sec SCHOOLS:-
.J.lIerchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum, Snaresbrook, Richard
PUBLIC OFFICERS:- W. Hackwood, sec.; Mrs. Hackwood, matron; office, 132
Collector of Pour Rates, Alfred Miller, Fitzgerald road Leadenhall street e.e
Registmr l!f Births c! Deaths, John Miller, 48 Wellesleyrd Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead, built ill' 1841 &; now
Surveyor of Roads, Andrew Duan containing 600 children; Heury William Green, sec. ; Miss
Tax Collector, John Sutton Abbott lsabella Larnder, matron; office, 100 Fleet street e.c, mis-
. . National, Robert Sheaf, master; Miss Kate White
PLACE3 OF WORSHIP, wIth hours of servlces:- tress; Mrs. Abigail Sheaf, infants' mistress
St. Mary's Church, Rev. Morton Drummond M.A.. rector; Railway Station, Snaresbrook; Edwd. Drew, station master
Rev. Henry Duckett M.A.. cnrate; II a.m. 3.30 p.m. I CoNVEYANCE TO LoNDON. See WOODFORD .
Christ Church Chapel-of-Ease, I I a.m. 6.30 p.m ; wed. 8 p.m CARRIERS TO LoNDON pass through daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I CoUins Miss, 60 WeUesley road Haddon Wilberforce, Rose cott. Green
Abbott Wm,. Oak lodge, Cambridge park CoUins Mrs. Wanstead lodge Hamilton James B. 36 Grove road
Absolom Mrs. Rose bank, Hermon hill Compton Hy. Dunedin vil.Cambridge pk Hanks James, The Shrubbery, Grove rd
Amor Thomas, Aldum lodge, Cann Cook Joseph, Lynton cottage, Fitz- Harcourt George, 34 Wellesley road
Hall road gerald road Hawkes Samuel, 28 Grove road
Andrews P. Neville, 29 Grove road Coombe William,27 Wellesley road Heisch Percy Frederick, Wellesley lodge,
Ansell William Benjamin, Belmont I Cooper Chas.Josph. Ann's viI. Harrow I'd Cambridge park
house, Cann Hall road Cormack Cecil Bratt, George lane Hilberry l<'rancis, The Lanrels, Cam-
Argent William John, 1 Nightingale Cornell John James, Devonshire villa, bridge park
villas, Nightingale lane Cann Hall road Hill Christopher, The Elms
Argles Frank, Hermon lodge Cousens John Schot, 12 Grove road Hill Francis Christopher, Wanstead pk
Ashbridge John, Ashmoor, Hermon hill Cox Chas.1 Wellingtn.vils.Cambridge pk Holloway Charles, Cann Hall road
Attridge Samuel, 2 Nightingale villas, Craske Joseph, 2 Confidence villas, Home Frederick, 8 Mornington villas,
Nightingale lane Pevensey road Wanstead park
Avila James, 6 Wellesley road Crouch WaIter, 20 Wellesley road Hookway In. Forest lodge, Hermon hill
Bacon AlId. Russell house, Cann Hall I'd Cumming Alfred, 56 Wellesley road Honse J oseph, 4 Borthwick road
Beard F/ederick, 24 Wellesley road Dale John Lee, Douglas ho. Hermon hill Howes Geo. Ed ward, 36 Wellesley road
Beckett Mrs. 6 Borthwick road Dale Capt. Metcalfe, Cambridge house, Hurley James, 31 Wellesley road
Beckingsale George,5 Grove road Cambridge park Hnrry Rev. Nicholas [Congregational],
. Bell James Houghton, Brooklands, Her- Davies Capt. Horatio David, Little II Grove road
man hill Blake hall Innes J ames,3 Grove road
Bentley Augustus 'Villiam, Bute house, Deal Mrs. London road Irvine Robt. Osborne ho. Cann Hall rd
Cann Hall road Deneke Robert, 2 Hermon hill James Mrs. 7 Mornington villas, Wan-
Bergen Henry, 46 Wellesley road Dettmar John, The Cottage, Green stead park
Bertram William Falkner, 5 Wellesley I'd Docwra Clifford, I Evelyn villas, Her- J effrey!! Charles, 14 Borthwick road
Biddle Thomas, 1 Confidence villas mon hill Jennings Miss Margaret,Hall ho.High st
Pevensey road ' Donaldson Adam John, 2 Mornington Jones In. Hy. 2 Evelyn vils. Hermon hI
Blackman Geo. Grove viI. Cambridge pk villas, Wanstead park Kearns William Mosson, Lake house
Blair George, 25 Wellesley road Dring Francis, The Briars, The Flats Kiddle Edward Benjamin, 3 Ramsey rd
Bland Mrs. High street Drummond Rev. Morton M.A. Rectory Kindersley Capt. Robert Messor Moles-
Blewitt Mrs. The Limes Ducket Rev. Henry M.A. [curate], 54 I worth, Clock house
Bonton Charles, The Oaks, Hermon hill Wellesley road King James AlIen, 12 Borthwick road
Borton Henry, Hermon hill Durrant James, 6 Mornington villas, Kit~hen George, 19 Grove road
Boyd Miss, 2 Grove viIs. Nightingale la Wanstead park KmghtDonald, Herald cot. Wansteadpk
Brabazon George, 3 Mornington villas, East Albert Chas. Grove viI. The Green Kruse George, 7 Ramsey road
Wanstead park Ellerson Egbert, 18 Borthwick road Kruse Henry, Oaklands, Hermon hill
Braddock Thomas, 38 Wellesley road Ellis Rd.Adam,TheCJOttage, Georgelane Lambert Stubbs, 63 Leyton road
Bradley Albert James, 1 Forest villas Emery George, Deal house, London rd Lane Fras. Geo. Glengall viI. London rd
Brand William Burnam,4 Mornington Emery Thomas, 5 Nightingale lane Liddell John William, 31 Grove road
villas, Wanstead park Enzer Mrs. 2 Oaklands, Hermon hill Liddle Mark Anthony, Emerald house;
Brewer Hy.Leicester villa, Wellington I'd Evans Alfred Foster, Stamford house, Cambridge park
Briar Frederick, 12 Mornington villas, Hermon hill Lucy Thomas, 67 Leyton road
Wanstead park Fabin Augustus Frederick, Draycotts' Lyon H. Fir Tree cottage, George lane
Briscoe Mrs. 26 Grove road villa, The Green Mace Charles, Lorne house, Grove road
Brotberton Joseph, 2 Mapperley villas, Farbridge John, Ryton ho. Hermon hill Macintre Peter, Winifred house, Cam'"
London road Farish Thomas, Manor villa, London I'd bridge park
Brown John, Mornington vil.London I'd Finnis Thos.Quested[aldermn.] ,Park gt Macomie John, Mary villa, London road
Brown John, 4 Wellesley road Fish George, Alexandra ho. Hermon hill Maple George, 16 Ramsey road
Bumpus William Henry, Wanstead Flatt Geo. 3 Grove viIs. Nightingale la Marshall George, Fern ho. Cann Hall rd
villa, London road ForeshewFred.H. The Ferns,Hermonhl Marston William, IS Borthwick road
Cameron Edwin, 3 Grove villas, Night- Foreshew Mrs. 23 Grove road Masterman Henry, High street
ingale lane Fowler Charles J. 2 St. James'villas, Merritt William, 3 Borthwick road
Caulton Mrs. 3 Wellesley road Woodhouse road Metcalf George. 4 Nightingale villas,
Charlton John, Sheridan house, High st Fraser John, Hermon ho. Hermon hill Nightingale lane
Clark Henry, 3 Wellington villas, Cam- Freemot Harry, IS Cann Hall road Millington William Hy. 40 Wellesley rd
bridge park Fretwell John, York lodge, Hennon hill Mills John Baker, Mellendean lodge,
Clark J ames George, 4 Wellington villas, Freudentheil Gottleib, Lausanne villa, Cambridge park
Cambridge park Hermon hill Moll Frederick Samuel, 9 Borthwick rd
Clark Mrs.Mornington lodge, The Green Frost Stephen, 4 Albert vils.Wellingtn.rd Moore Sherwood Marfrey, Orford house,
Clarke Geo. Fredk. Fellside, London I'd Gall John, I I Mornington villas, Wan- Wellington road
Clarke In. H. Highbnry Idge. London rd stead park Morgan Charles, I4 Grove road.
Clarke Mrs. The Poplars, High street Gander Mrs. I Borthwick road Morgan David John, Great Blake hall
Clayden Mrs. 47 Wellesley road Gardom Mrs. 18 Grove road Morris Samuel, 8 Borthwick road
Cockett John Edward, Evergreen lodge, Gilbert Mrs. Cintra ¥illa, Hermon hill Moseley Edward, :16 Grove road
High street . Green Henry William, The Mall Mnmford Matthew Jas. Chestnut villa,
Cocquerel Eugene, Holly hill, London rd Griffith Charles, W oodside, Hennon hill Cambridge park
Collingwood Miss, 6 Grove villas, Night- Griffith Mrs. 18 Wellesley road Nelson William George,Pembroke lodge,
ingale lane Gunner Wilham, :17 Borthwick road Cambridge park
322 WAl<lSTEAD. ESSEX...
Nunn Alfred, 30 Welle&ley road West Robert Charles, 10 Wellesley road I Godfrey Henry Edward, baker, Night-
Nutter Mrs. George laue Westcott William George, Dunmore ho ingale road
Otter Mrs. Mabeg villa, Cann Hall road Westwood Charles, Ryton ho. Hermon hI : Gray John Charles, drill instructor,
)'almer Charles James, 13 Borthwick rl Wheeler William Edward, I York villas, Wellington road
Palmer Charles James, 5 Mornington Cann Hall road Hay George,greengrocer,Nightingale rd
villas, Wanstead park White Timothy, Grange villas, Cam- Hepworth Thos. beer retlr.Woodbinepl
. Parker Joseph Wilton, ZJ Grove road bridge park ' H i c k s Cecil, teacher of music, 2 York
Parsons Mrs. Mornington road Wighton Thomas, 5 Borthwick road villas, Cann Ball road
Pearce Mrs. 7 Grove road Wilco x Henry, 16 Borthwick road Hills Jane (Mrs.),dress ma.41 Wellsly.rd
Peckett Wm. Standfield ho. Cann Ball I'd Wilkinson Geo. Horatio, Grove house, Holmes Charles, cowkeeper, The Flats
Pennyfeather Charles, Oak Tree cottage, High street How J osephWm. florist, 58 Wellesley rd
London road Wilkinson William, Lindum cottage Hudson Israel,glass & china warehouse,
Perry Robert, J; Welles:ley road Willes Wm. Cambridge ldg. Hermon hI I Morningtoll terrace
Pertwee Fredk. Springvale, Hermon bill Williams Joseph William, 65 Leyton rd Hudswell John Barlow, wafer paper
PlaxtQn The Misses, Ivy house, Wan- Willmott George, London road maker, Harrow road
stead flats Wolff Mrs. St. A!kmnnd's, Hermon hill Hutt David, Cuckfield A'"1fls, High st
Prockter Edward, Graydon cottage, Woodmansee Henry, May viI. London I'd Infant Orphan Asylum (Hy.Wm.Green,
Wanstead flats Worster Joshua Wm. Mornington te!' sec.; .Miss Isabella Larnder, matron);
Procktor Henry, Dudley cot. London rd Wykes Jsph. I Grove viIs. Nightingale la office, 100 Fleet street, London e.c
Randle Mrs. 2 Wellington villas, Cam- Yeoman Wm. Florence vil. Cann Hall rd Jameson JohnAndrew,shopkpr.TheF1ats
bridge park Joliffe John, builder, 64 Wellesley road
Reynolds Charles Henry, 9 Grove road King William, beer retailer, High street
Rhodes Benj.lMapperley viIs. London I'd Abbott Elizabetb (Miss), ladies I!chool, KnightThosJrmr.Roding frm. George la
Robinson Andrew Augustus, Oak hall Wellington road Lake Arthur BentaD,corn chndlr.Highst
Rogers Charles Ogle, Woodland cot- Abbott John Sutton, collector of rates Lake Chamberlayne Hickrnan, farmer,
. tage, London road to local board & tax collector, Night- Cann Hall road .
Rose Mrs. The Cottage, Bermon hill ingale lane Lawson Wm.stone mason, Station road
Routledge Mrs. 28 Wellesley road Adams Edward, provision' dealer, Van- Lloyd Robert, gardener,43 Wellesley rd
Ruffles John Alfred, Oak cot. London I'd sittart road LookerJohn,jnn.stone mason,Hermonbl
Rule Mrs. SI Wellesley road Adnams Elizabeth (Miss), preparatory Looker Wm. cowkeeper, Woodhouse rd
Sainsbury Edward, 6 Grove road school, Harrow road Mackay Peter &; Co. timber merchant,'
Sherwin Jas.Wm. Hope vil. Cann Hall rd Argles & Hankes, surgeons, Hermon 10 Pevensey road, Forest gate '
Simson William John, 34 Grove road ADen J n. &Sons, cowkeepers, London rd Maddams William, Georgc 4" J)ragon,
Snell Edward Scotsburn, Treverbyn, Baxter Thos. blacksmith, Vansittart rd High street
Cambridge park Eeard Brothers, Fir Tree, Ilermon hill Martin John, upholsterer, High street
Speck William, Myrtle cot. The Green Beckwith Geo. W. builder, 69 Leyton I'd Maskell Jas. beer retailer, Hermon hill
Squires Thomas, London road Berry James, boot &; shoe ma. High st Maughfling John, butcher, High street
Stanley Samuel Hague, 17 Grove road Bird Thomas, draper, Mornington ter Mead Hy. lohn, cowkeeper,Pevensey rd I
Stevens George, London road Bodger Ge()rge, baker, Mornington tar Middleton John, shopkpr. Cann Hall rd
Stevens Thomas, 3 Nightingale villas, Bostock Thomas, carpenter, The Flats Miller Alfred, collector of poor rates for
Nightingale lane Bressey John Thomas, surveyor to the Wanstead & Woodford parishes, Fitz-
Stiles John, 2 Wellesley road local board gerald road
Still Thomas, 9 Wellesley road Brown James Hall !:x.R.c.v.s.r;. veteri- Miller John, register of births &; deaths
Styles Charles, :12 Wellesley road nary surgeon, High street; & Sum- for Leyton sub-district,48 Wellesly.rd
Styles ThO$. Ashenden, 14 Wellesley"rd mit road, Walthamstow Mulliner Wm. boot & shoe ma. High st·
Sumpter George Daniel, Lake cottage, Bullock Arthur Edward, greengrocer, Newml'n John & Sons, (/081 merchants,
Wanstead park . Vansittart road Cobbold road
Teague Benjamin, 14 Ramsey 'road Cassels Thomas, greengrocer~ Mom- Nightingill Thomas, carman, The Flats-
Tegg Miss, 8 Wellesley road ington terrace Pearce Wrn.Fredk.academY,33 Grove re 1
Thick Chas. Newbury viI. Cann Hall rd Chambers Geo. butcher, Cann Hall road Penn George, estate agent,Cann Hall rd
Thomas Charles Henry, 7 Borthwick rd Chinnery Geo. plumber &C. Hermon hill Pepperell Thom~ shopkeeper, C~nn
Thomas Mrs. 32 'Grove road Chinnery RObert FOI'ster, plumber, Hall road '
Thomson Robert, 2 Borthwick road Wanstead cottage, London road Perrin J ohn,haberdasher,Nightingale I'd
Thorn Thos. Oak lodge, Wellington rd Clarke Emily (Mrs.),grct.Nightingale.rd Pilcher Charles, carpenter. George litne'
Thorp Thoma,s Hart, Dowgate,. Cam- Clarke Thos. greengrocer, 17 Cowley rd Police Station,(Albert Dauncey,inspctr)
bridge park Clayden WaIter Hempstead, grocer, & PorterThos.boot & shoe ma.Wanstead pI
Thorogood James, 62 Wellesley road agent for W. & A. Gilbey. wine & Post ;Margaret" (Mrs.), Nightingale
Thurgood J ames Nash, :I Grove road spirit merchants, High street tav61"R., ~ ightingale lane
Tibbs John Evan, 52 Wellesley road Clements Thos.greengrocer,CannHallrd Princess Louise Home ef National
Trigg William, 36 &amsey road Collingwood John, boot. & shoe maker, Society for the Protection of Young
Trinder Frederick, 16 Wellesley road Nightingale lane Gids (Alfred Morgan Gilham, sec.;.
Turner George, 2 Fernbank villI', Cam- Cook Richard, florist, Cann Hall road Mrs. MaFy Ann Talbot, matron),
bridge park Cooper William,boot maker,Cobbold rd Woodhose; office, 26 New BrQad
Trotman Sanders. 22 Wellesley road Cornhill Joseph, grocer, London road street, City e.e
Tyerma.n David Edward, I Mornington Croft & Co. family grocers, wine, spirit Ray Mrs.Beddy, lodging house,The Mall
villas, Wanstead park & bottled beer merchants, 7 Morn- Reim Charles, baker, George lane
'fyler Thomas Fredk. 24 Wellesley road ington terrace Richards John, fforist, Woodbine place
Tyser Augsts. Wm. Eagle ho. The Flats Crow George,shopkeeper,Woodhol1se rd Robey George Austin, relieving officer
Tyser Richard B. 6 I Leyton TOad Day Sarah(Miss),dress ma.u Cowley rd to the West Ham district, Miiford
Venables Thomas, Glascott, Park gates Denham Jas. farmer, Nightingale farm villa, Woodhouse road
Vines Charles Richard, East lodge Dennison Jacob, grocer, High street Robinson TOOs. beer retailer,Cobbo1d rd
Vyse William, 26 &amsey road :Qauncey ,Albert, inspector of police, Rowe J ames, shopkeeper, Cann Hall rd
Walker Charles, 10 Borthwick road Police station Rudd John, florist, Nightingale road
Walker Hy. Montpelier ho. Hermon hill Davis&Diaper,ph~rmaceuJ;iCl1Jchemists, Sedgley J ane(MiiiS),tobacconist,TbeMaD
Walker In. 4 Grove viIs. Nightingale la. Mornington telTace Shephard Georg8, builder, The Mall·
Walker Miss, Elm hall, George lane East & Mtrnday, brickmakers Sheridan Geo.chmny.swpr.23 Cowley rd
Walker William Henry, George lane East Thos. cowkeeper, Nightingale bm~ SimmoD8 Amy (Mrs.), school, ~9 Wel-
Waltets Mrs. Brucecottage, Londo;n rd Easton Mary (Miss), semin~ry, :eark lesley road .
Walton Mrs. The Green ~ottage, Wanstead park Skennerton
WarringhamWm.Carlton viI.Hermon hI Ewe~ William, butcber, George lane Sladden Mrs. Harriet, preparatory
Warskitt Frederick~ Brigden house, Farmery Jsph.stationer,Mornington ter school, 49 Welles1ey road
Cann Hall lane Fenton William, ~ngrocer, Georg~ la Smith John, Dub cfI Edin1rlt1y~Night ..
Waters Alfred Charles, It Wellesley I'd Fitch Henry & Son, (lOBI dooler" Colh ingale road
Watson Nicholas Ross, 44 Wellesley road bold road Smith Samuel, carpenter, Cowley road
Wattll Rt. J; Fernbank viL Cambridge pk Fletcher JaB. greengrocer, Woodbine pl Spackman Jemima (Mrs.), ijtati.oner,
Wayland H. G. 38 Grove road Foden Charles, /folly 'rree, the Flats . Vansittart rood. • •
Webster Charles, lal Wellesley road Foulger Fredk.Sharp,plumber,The Flats Spencer Thomas Wm. Robt. tailor,H1gh
Weller George, The Mp.ll Gillen George,butcber,~ightiDgaleroad street & Sherborne villa,Woodford

Spraggs Moon Edward,stone mason, t Clipperdale Samuel D_ Powerscroft; Newling Benjamin, Perey lodge. I"';
Freemenster~ Vansittart road ColderoottJsph. Woodvillevil.Clvlnd.rd Nicholls In. Elrington viL Cleyeland rd
Stacey Benjamin, agent for Prudential Cole William, Dogmersfield 'Nicholson Ebenezer,MelnHJe, Clarndn.zd
life, Harrow road Cook James William, Wentworth house Norman Rev. William ¥.A. [chaplain to-
Stock Frederick, carman, London road Cooper Miss, Sylvan cottage, Sylvan I'd Want orphan asylum]
Tarling Thomas James, coal merchant, Crump James Henry, Ellesmere lodge Oades William Dalkeith, Lansdowne r<l
13 Borthwick road Davison Robt. Eleanor cot. Cleveland rd Oxlade Gilbert .Alexander" Clarence
Taylor George, boot &; shoe maker,Mor- Deas Robert, Lothian villa house, Lansdowne road
nington terrace Dennia George Barnard. 1. Louisenheim Peake Robert, Valley lodge,Woodford rd
Thompson In. plumber &c. Cowley rd villas, Cleveland road Pearce William, Trefula
Thompson Martha (Mrs.),haberdasher, Dobson Mrs Peters FrancisSarille,Lansdownehouse.-
Cowley road Ellis Mrs. Snaresbrook house Lansdowne road
Thorne Frederick, dairy, High street FarmerFrederickJoshua, I Stephenson's Pinching William, Springfield ..
Tillier Mary Ann (Miss), laundress, The villas, Cleveland road Pitt Squire In. Melrose vil.Lansdwne.rd
Flats Finley Mrs. Ivy villa, Cleveland road Plenderleith In. Liddel vU. Cleveland rd
Trotman Louisa (Mrs.), ladies' school, Forge William, Hollybush house Port Arthr.WmLnsdwn. vU. Lnsdwn.rd
22 Wellesley road I Foster Wm. EastLenhm.ldge.Clvlnd.rd Potter Edwin WaIter, Balsham rillatt
Trotman Sanders, inspector of Fraser John, nurseryman Sylvan road •
sives for S. Essex, 22 WeUesley road Freeman Jsph.Albury vil.Lansdowne I'd Rasin Thos. Cleveland ho. Cleveland. I'd.
Turk George, carver & gilder, 6 Albert Frewer In. Edwin,Seaton Idge.Sylvan rd Read Ernest Arnold, 2 Tavistock. villas.-
villas, Wellington road Frost Alfred John, Woodland house, Tavistock road ,
Twholy Daniel, beer retlr. Vansittart rd Fry William Storrs, Rosect:0ft Robinson Edwd.Danbury Idg.Bedford r4
Vail Edward, shopkeeper, George lane Garbutt John Laurenco, Rose villa, Robinson GeoI'ge, Hollybush r
Vena-bles Josha.blacksmith kc.The Flats Cleveland road Robson Wm. Roding ho. aeveland rd
Waldridge Sml.blacksmith, Pevensey I'd Geere Alfred, The Oaks Rusher Thomas, Augustus ho. Eagle la.-
Warren Frdc.& Co.coal mrs.9Wellesly.rd Gibb William, Brooke house Russell Alfrd.ITavistock viIs.'l'avstck.rd
W eafJlnil .Almshouse~, London road; Gilbey Edmnd.Graham vil.Cleveland I'd Salmon Jas. Melford lodge, Cleveland I'd
office <Alfred. Carr, sec.), 70 Basing- Gowland Mrs. Laurel viI. Lansdowne I'd Scott WaIter llrloB. Martham hous.e If
hall street, London e.c GrantJas.Brown,Montrosl!viI. Clvlnd.rd Siffken Miss, Gowan lea ..
. Weloh Charles, shopkeeper, George la Gray William, Inverskip cottage . Skinner Fredk. 2 Eagle vU. Cleveland rd
Weller George, surgeon, The Mall Green Robert RusseIl. Clifton cottage, Smith Geo. Keeble,Nascoit ho.Clvlnd.rd .
Wilding Geo. Wm. painter &C. High st Clenland ..oad .... SmithJas. 2 Louisenheim vils.Clevlnd.rd
Wilkins()tl Fredk. greengrcr. Cowley rd Greig Peter, :I Lincoln viIs. C}eveland I'd Smith Noah, Qllok Yilla, Clevel~nd road}
Willmott Frederick Lathbury, builder, Hack John, The Cottage Snow Frederick Augustus ')'
Mornington terrace, ,Handmaun Adolph, !OI 1.orne villas, Solomon Lacy,Southwld.ldge.Clvlnd.rd,
Willoughby Charlotte (Miss), fancy re- Lansdowne road . _ Stap In. I HannibalviIs.Cleveland road
,pository, High street . Harper Augustus, 2 Louisenheim villa~ Stevens John, Littlehurst,.cleveland rd
Willoughby Wm. beer retailer,Lndn. I'd .Cleveland road Stoddart Jas.Fernwood ho.Lansdwne.,ro
Wilmot Wm. carpenter, Nightingale I'd Harrold Joseph, Wanstead hall . . Stokes John, Maycroft .... . .
Winter Chas. timber mercht. Leyton I'd ' Hempleman Fdk.Clevlnd. Idge.Clvlnd.rd Taylor Wm. 3 Homely vils.Lansdwne.rd.
Witham Waltr. horse slaghtr.Pevnsy. rd Heseltine Geo. Hippolyte, Stanley lodge, Taylor William, Rosebank, Cleveland I'd,
Woolnough John, beer dlr. Vansittart I'd Bedford road . Tevener Charles, St. John's lodge
Workman's Institute (William Fent()u,. Higgs George Frederick, The Hollies,. TewsonEdwd.Arthr.Hollybnk.Sylvn. rd
sec.), Gec>rge.lane Cleveland road . Thomson Andrew, Jessamine villa,
Worster Joshua. William, surgeon den- .Hill Frl\ncis Charles, Gwynne lodge Lansdowne road
. tist, Mornington terrace . . Hill John, I Homely viIs. Lansdowne rd Tickle William Wilson, White house "
Wright Edwin Charles, draper, High st Hiscock Mrs. 2 Linden viIs. Bedford I'd TidmasJan.8aml.ILinden vils.Bedfrd.rd.
Yardley Daniel, tailor, :I Cowley read. Hoare Charles, Sefton viI. Cleveland I'd Towers Edward, Springfield, Sylvan rd
f 'Snaresbrook - - ' Hobbs Wm. Ingleside, Lansdowne rd DUmer Michael, Ashole ho. Cleveland rd
. • Hogg William Henry, Hope villa. ! Usher Thomas John, Gothic house
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hookway John, Forest lodge Vesper George, Fair view, Cleveland rd'
Adamson John, 2 Rochstr. vils. Clvlnd.rd Hopcraft Thos_ The Grange, Sylvan rd Vig()r Fredk.Geo.IEagle vils.Clevelnd.rd
Allan Edwin Clerk,Newlands,Lusdwn.rd Horrell Geo.Hy.Brockhill,Lansdowne I'd Waddington Thomas Flesher. Woodland.
Andrew Theodore,Kent viI. Tavistock I'd Howlett W tn.2 Lincoln YiIs.Clev.eland I'd view, Cleveland road •
Angrove William Collier, St. Aubyns Hudson William, Glen cot. Cleveland rd WalkerChas.IRochester vils.Clevelnll.l'd_
Attwater Hy. St~ Helens, Cleveland rd H utchison George, Snaresbrook hall . Warin Richard, Husthwaite,. Clevlnd. rd
Bain David, Waratah, Cleveland road: Hutton James, Ivy bank. ._, Watson Mrs. Wentworth, Lansdowne rG.
Baines Mrs. Sylvan road . lies Benjamin, Lake house Westwood Joseph, The Lake .,.
Baines William, Newbold, Forest lodge Irnott George Washington, Fern bank, Whitehead Robert Samuel, Westcombe;
BatesFrederick,1 Lorne vils.Lnsdwne.rd 'ravistock road lodge, Lansdowne road
Bates Richard, The Hawthorns . Jag() James, Woodholme,Lansdowne~WilesWm.llrl.D.Beaufort ho.Lnsdowne.rd
BatesWm.Hy.TrafIordlodge,Clevlnd. I'd Johns Richard Lipson, Fernlea villa, Winter Lewis Miller Wilmot Clements
Beamish Frederick William, Hainault Cleveland road Womersley Albert
lodge, Lansdowne road .Johnson Wm. Whittle, Wingfields,. Woodrow Thomas John, Sisland cot-
Bell Andrew, 3 Trina viIs. Cleveland rd Eagle lane tage, Bedford road T •

Bennett Sa.muel Barker lIt.D. Green Heys Kemp Thomas Langley, Bedford road Wright Charles Augustus,Carlton lQ<1ge.
Bliss Henry, Woodbury . Kirkness Edward Charles, The ~imes, Sylvan road
~olton James Stevenson, Granville Cleveland roaq • Wright James, Fern cottage
villa, Cleveland road . Knights William, Oak villa, Eagle lane .
Bond John James, Bellevue, Clevlnd.:rd Lacey James, Rntland viLLansdowne rd COMMERCIAL..
Boucher Charles~ Mornington lodge Lindus Hy. Knockholt Idge.Lnsdwne rd Bennett Samuel Barker, physician..
Boumphrey Thos.Glnthrn.ldg.e.Sylvn.rd Lloyd Thomas John, Hawthorn villa Green heys, Waterloo road
Breffit John, Rosslyn villa, Sylvan road Lockyer Geo. Sussex viI. Lansdowne I'd Brooks Daniel, blacksmith, Eagle
Brightwell Rbt. Wm. Nrflk.vil.Clvlnd.rd Marriage John, Haworth, Sylvan road Brown Arthur Haigh, solicitor, )lean..-
Brown Arthur Haig, Beaufort house, Marryat Rev. James B.A. [Baptist1- fort house, Lansdowne road
Lansdowne road Fern villa, Bedford road Cocks James John, builder, Tavistock rd
Bulling Robert Frederick, Carisbrooke, Mearns Andrew, 2 ~tephenson's villas, Cox Martha & Ruth.. (Misses), day
Lansdowne road Cleveland road school, Woodlands
Bursill Mrs. Melita villa, Cleveland road Meekin Frank, Tilney house, Eagle lane Drew Edw. station mast.Railway station
Buttress Robert Frederick, Addison viI MillingtonWilliamAlexander,2 Homely Fraser John, nurseryman
Cathie John George, 2 Hannibal villas, villas, Lansdowne road Fdpp Percival Kossuth, nurseryman &..
Cleveland road - Minett In. Thos. Oswald ho.Clevelnd.rd florist, The Woodford nurseries,Tavis-
Cawker Samuel, Devon villa, Bedford I'd Moodie In. Gorrie, Craigie lea, Clvlnd.rd tock road
ChameB Charles Timothy Du Baisson, Moore Wm. Hy. IV}'( viI. Lansdowne rd GiI'ling James k Henry. coal merchants..
Sylvan 1'Oad .j, • ' . Miiller Mrs, x Trina, villas, Cleveland rd. Railway station; chief district office. Abel~ Woodford road.. Munday George JaQl,es, Fernside Southend.. See advertisement J
Chapman Miss, Woodford road Nathan Edward Henderson,staffa house Masson John, master mariner, Clarence
Clayton George, Redlands, Cleveland. I'd Nettleship Henry John, The Hollies ~ villa,. Cleveland road .. ,

Herchan:l Seamen', OrphaR .48J1lum Stockings John· Charle8, collector for Wiles WilIiam :M.D. surgeon, Beaufort
(Rd. w. Hackwood, sec. ~ Mrs. Hack- East London water works, Lake house house, Lansdowne road
wood, matron) Warren Fred. & Co.roal mrchts. Station Williams Edwin, Eagle
Scott WaIter •.B. surgeon, Martham ho
GREAT WARLEY (or WEST WARLEY, or WARLEY nave and south aisle, with a small steeple-shaped turret.
ABBESS) is a. parish and village in the Southern division of The priest in charge is the Rev. C. I. MoncrieffSmyth. Lord
the county, Chat'ford hundred, Romford union, Brentwood Headley, who is lord of the manor and Richard Benyon esq.
county court district, rural deanery of Chafford, arch- are the principal landowners. The soil is clayey; subsoil,
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, 6 miles east loam, with patches of gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
from Romford, 18 from London, and 3i south from Brent- beans, barley and peas. The acreage is-arable, 1,339 ~
wood station. The church of St. Peter, restored in 1860, is pasture, 1,017; common (now enclosed), 159 and wood,
a brick building, consisting of chancel and nave and a 209; rateable value, £6,762. The population of the parish
western tower terminating in a low spire: the east and in r88r was 1,3°5.
south windows in the chancel are stained and on the north WARLEY STREET is a portion of Great Warley.
side of the chancel is a mural monument with a demi-effigy
to Gyles l<leming, gent. ob. r8 Oct. r623, and to Giles Parish Clerks: St. Peter, George P. Kemp; Chri5t
Fleming his son, 1633. The register dates from 1539 and is Church, William Cudby.
in excellent preservation. There is also a curious list of POST, MONEY ORDER OFFICE & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &
.. Briefs," dating from the year r709 to 1768. The living is a Savings Bank, Warley common.-James Hayes, sub-post-
rectory, gross yearly value £520, with residence, in the gift master. Letters from Brentwood arrive at 6.30 a.m. &
of St. John's College, Cambridge and held by the Rev. Ham- 12.30 & 6 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.10 a.m. & 12.30 & 7.15 p.m
mond Roberson Bailey M.A. late fellow of that college. POST OFFICE, Warley street.-John Crossingham, receiver.
Christ Church ecclesiastical parish was formed in r855 out Letters arrive by foot post from Brentwood at 7.15 a.m.
of those portions of Great Warley, Shenfield and South & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 2 & 6.25 p.m. The nearest
Weald parishes, which are in its immediate neighbourhood. money order office is at Warley common
The church is a brick building with stone facings, in the SCHOOLS :-
Early English style and consists of nave and aisles, Christ Church Natio1U1l (boys & girls), built for 260 children,
with a battlemented tower at the west end contain- attendance 230; George Morris, master; Miss
ing I bell: the church was enlarged in 1877. The regis- Annie Inkster, mistress
ter dates from the year r855. The living is a vicarage, School (boys & girls), Lower WarIey, built in r843, for 40
yearly value £270, with residence, in the gift of trustees and, children, enlarged in 1870 for 70, average attendance 40;
held by the Rev. Thomas Henry Bunbury BoA. of Trinity Miss Ellen Vivian, mistress
College, Dublin. The Catholic church of the Holy Cross Infant School, Crescent road, in connection with Christ
and All Saints was erected in 1881 (in connection with that Church National, built in 1875, for r20 children, average
of the Sacred Heart at Brentwood) at a cost of about £1,600 attendance 100; Miss Maria Bennet, mistress
and is a Gothic edifice of Keutish rag. consisting of chancel, Assistant Overseer, William Gibson
Bailey Rev. Hammond Roberson M.A I Turnbull William Abbot, The Lea
L Haynes Joseph, farm bailiff to J. C.
Rectory Turrall 'rhos.W.r Albrt. vls.Woodmn. rd Goode esq. Hall farm
Barker Wm. F. Sutton ho. Warley road 'furvey Thomas, Warley road Ives William Dunning, beer retailer
Barlow Robert, Albert road Willmott Frederick, Warley place Jiggins Samuel, beer retailer. AlOOrt at
Beeson Thomas, Tower house Windsor Mrs. Neyland house, Warleyrd Kempster William, Headley Arms
Brook Charles, Arnold house Wootton George, Woodman road Lockwood Fredk. coal dlr. Woodman rd
Brown George, Warley road Young Henry, 2 Albert villas Morris, Henry. boot & shoe maker
Bunbury Rev. Thomas Henry B.A. Young Henry Edward, Woodman road Nicholls Rooort, beer rtlr. Woodman rd
Christ Church vicarage COMMERCIAL. NoOOs George, The Thatchers' Arms inn
CampOOll Alexander Arthur, Warley ter Baker Jesse, grocer Norfolk James Robt. bldr. & blacksmith
Coleman Hy. North villa, Woodman rd Barnard Thos.Horse Artillery,& butcher Norfolk William, The Prince Albert inn,
Callins Maj. John Alexander,Chaplyn ho Bocock Thomas, tailor Warley road
Cook Mrs Brook Charles, Warley collegiate school, NunnFredk.grocer&beerrtlr.Warleyrd
Davies Henry, North End house Arnold house Parker James William, farmer,Normans
De Artime Jose, The Glen Bruty Samuel, bricklayer Partridge Agur, baker
Dines William, 4 Albert villas Burls William, laundry, HeadIey com Perkins Charles, boot & shoe maker
DuOOrley Lieut.-Col. Henry,Warley villa Cemetery (William Gibson, clerk to the Pinchon John, farmer, Monks
Everett Mays, North vils.Woodman's rd burial board; Jeremiah Bacon,sexton) Rickwood Ann (Mrs.), Horse 4" Groom,
Foster Maj. Bryan H. Newport house Church Joseph, cooper Warley common
Gibson William, Warley terrace Church Moses, photographer Sandford Frederick, tailor
Hambidge William Clark Frederick, farmer, Harts house SavillEd.marinestoredlr.Woodman'srd
Hammond John I Clark Saml. Handley, carpenter to Lord Savill Stephen James, pork b.tcher
Heseltine Evelyn, The Goldingil Headley's estate, Harts Wood cottage Scriveller John, builder, carpenter, un-
Ind Edward D.L., J.P. Coombe lodge Cornell Edward, beer retailer, Warley rd dertaker & wheelwright
Jerome Thomas, WarIey terrace Cronin Samuel, carter, Albert street Seabrook Emma (Miss), frmr. Brick ho
King Frederick Robt. Woodman's road Cross Robert, beer retailer Shelley Chas.hldr.&cntrctr.Woodmanrd
Lucking Charles, Warley road Cross William, carman & thatcher Shelley Mark, cabinet maker, Fred ter-
Mildred Henry, Warley house Crossingham John, postmaster, grocer, race, Woodman road
Moody John R.N. Hulmers corn, flour & offal merchant Shepheard Daniel, tailor
Ogg William Anderson, Hampton house Crow John, boot maker, WarIey road Shortt George Henry.. Princess Ale:r·
Parson Miss, Pleasant cottage Cudby Sarah (Mrs.), linen draper andra, Warley road
Payne William, Prospect lodge Cudby Thomas, carpenter, Vine cottage Smith Charlotte Maria (Mrs.), The
Pidgeon Jonathan Sills, Worley elms Day Robert, beer retailer Soldiers' hotel, Warley road
Pizzi Jsph. A. Lombardian cot. Queen st Evans James, farmer South Essex Water Works (Thomas
Playle Mrs Foker William, Foz Beeson, manager)
Polley James, Warley street Germaney John, bricklayer Sparrow Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Relf Daniel, Rose cottage Gibson William, collector of rates & Warner - , farmer, Claytye farm
Relf Richard, Rose cottage taxes for Great Warley, Warley ter Weal Wm. Edmd. pig dlr. Woodman rd
Rose CaI.James A.D.C. Brookland house Hammond John, builder & contractor Wilson John, farmer, Fenn farm
Simpson Dll.vid, Alma cottage Harris In. Porteen, cattle dealer &frmr. Wood Frederick, thrashing machine
Smyth Rev. C. J. Moncrieff [Catholic], Dickinson's & VO"Uchers farms; resi- owner, Albert street
Warley road dence, The Poplars, Brook st.Brentwd Wood Richard, proprietor of thrashing
Stewart-Nolan Mrs. Rothesay cottage, Harris Thomas, farmer, Dickinson's machines, Warley road
Warley road I Haws Daniel, farmer, Bury house
Sowter Rev. Joseph A.K.C.L. [chaplain to Hayes James, pharmaceutical chemist, [For other names in Wa"rley road,
County Lunatic asylum], Warley ter I & post office see BRENTwooD.l
LITTLE W ARLEY is a parish and village about I and St. Albans diocese. Before the Norman accession it
mile east from Great Warley, seated on an eminence with a belonged to the cathedral of St. Paul. The church of St.
commanding prospect, in the Southern division of the county, Peter is a plain building of brick with stone dressings stand-
hundred of Chafford, Billericay union, Brentwood county ing at a consideral»e distance from the village and consists
court district, Barstable rural deanery, Essex archdeacQD.ry of chancel and nave, with a western tower containing I
small bell: in the chancel are two marble monuments with' and in 1871, 1,367' (inclusive of r,I96 military-in the barracks).
canopies, to Dorothy wife of Sir Denner Strutt, lord of this Parish Clerk, William Mumford.
manor, who died 1641 and to Sir Denner Strutt, without Letters through Brentwood. Warley common is the nearest
date and a second to Dame Mary Stmtt, who died in 16,54- money order office
The register dates from the year 1539. The living is a Parochial School (boys &; girls), Miss Lucy Parson, mistress
rectory, yearly value £287 10S. with residence and 37 acres MILITARY.
of glebe, in the gift of David Roberts esq. and held by the REGIMENTAL DISTRICT No. 44-Depot ofth~ Esse:e Regiment.
Rev. Henry Jones Henry IlI.A. of St. John's College,Cambridge. Lt.-Col. commanding Regimental District Col. Jas. Rose A.D.e
The Chappington charity, left in 1709 by Hugh Chapping-I Paymaster of Regimental district, Major J. A. Collins (Staff
ton of Little Warley, arising from a house and 17 acres of Paymaster)
land, produces £30 a year, £15 of which is applied towards Medical Officer, W. L. Gubbins IlI.B
the support of the schools and the remainder for other ESSEX (RIFLES) MILITIA (3RD BATT. Essex Regiment.)
charitable purposes. On the common there are barracks Lieut.-Col. Commandant, Col. Frederick George Whitehead
for the training of recruits for the depot of the Essex regi- Instructor of MU3ketry, Captain Frederick C. Romer
ment: these are capable of containing about fifteen hundred .Adjutant, Major Richard E. Barry •
men: adjoining is a garrison chapel of which the Rev. John Quartermaster, Norman Linwood
Arden Bayley M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, is the chaplain. WEST ESSEX MILITIA (4Tl1 BATT. Essex Regiment.)
Lord HeadIey is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Lt.-Col. Commandant, Col. 8amuel Brise Ruggles-Brise C.B
The Boil is clayey; subsoil, stiff loam. The chief crops are Instructor of Musketry, Captain M. Robson
wheat, beans, peas and barley. The area is I,651 acres; Adjutant, Major Reinhold B. Bald
rateable value, £30394; and the population in 1861 was 475 Quartermaster, C. Costelore
Henry Rev. Henry Jones M.A. Rectory Bloomfield William, farmer Knjghtbridge Charles, farmer
Scoffield Mrs. Buxton Frederick George, farmer Pinchon WaIter, farmer
Wynne Mrs. Warley lodge Clark George, farmer &; steward to Lord Seabrook Edward, farmer
AlIen Daniel, Greyhound Headley Tanner William (Mrs.), farmer •

NORTH WEALD [l3ASSETTJ is a scattered' value £445, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St.
parish, and station on the Great Eastern (Ongar) railway, Albans and Mrs. Pemberton-Barnes alternately and held by
in the Western division of the county, hundreds of Ongar the Rev. Louis Arthur Cockerell B.A. of Balliol College,
and Barlow, Epping union and county court district, Ongar Oxford. Arthur Giles Giles-Puller esq. is lord of the manor.
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Alban's diocese, The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the principal land-
3 miles north-east from Epping, 8 north-east from Waltham owners. The soil is chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief
Abbey and 20 from London. The church of St. Andrew crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is
situated in the centre of the parish (the houses and hamlets 3,777 acres; rateable value, £5,967; and the population
being mostly on the outskirts all round), consists of chancel, in 1881 was 1,002.
nave, lady chapel and well-proportioned red brick tower of Parish Clerk, Samuel Blatch, jun.
some 200 years later date than the nave, which probably Letters received through Epping at 9 a.m.; dispatched at
belongs to the thirteenth century: the chief features in the 5.20. p.m. The nearest money order &; telegraph office
church is a handsome arch of moulded bricks connecting the is at Epping.
nave with the tower: the church is in good repair, having National School (mixed), rebuilt in 1869, for 180 children,
been reseated in 1849, new roofed in 1865, the chancel with an average attendance of 72 j William Edward
rebuilt in 1867 and the lady chapel reseated in 1873. The Buxley, master
register dates from 1557. The living is a vicarage, yearly Railway Sta.tion, Thomas Low, station master
Bawtree Samuel l.P I Clark & Winch, builders, contractors, Redington Margaret (Mrs.), Black-
Cockerell Rev. Louis Arthur B.A. Vica- wheelwrights & farmers smiths' Arms, & poulterer
rage Clark William, cattle dealer Smith & Ellis, farmers
Crane Thomas, Wood side Cook David, wheelwright Smith William & Thomas, carpenters &;
Dakin Fisher, Thornwood cottage Harris George, beer retailer beer retailers
Holmes James Hart George, farmer & landowner Smith In. Thos. auctioneer &; estate agt
James William Law James, farmer Symonds William,farmer &; landowner,
Laxton Richard Law John, farmer Weald place
Marsh Mrs I Law William, farmer Tarling James, farmer
Oldfield Mrs. Thornwood lodge Leaversuch Wm. fellmonger, The Elms Tarling Louisa (Mrs.), farmer
Symonds William, Weald place Mansfield Robert, beer retailer Thurlow Morris, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Pain lsaac, blacksmith Tucker Henry, farmer
Baker Jame~ blacksmith Pegrum George, beer retailer Tyser Richard, baker
Blatch Sam!. Jas. carpenter & whlwrght Poulton Henry, KiTlfl's Head Willis Robert, farmer
Brown Geo.steward for W. Symonds esq Poulton William, carpenter I
Winch Frederick, Bull f Horse Shoe
Broad Jacob, Rainbow f IJove Rayment Wm. Talbot, &; blacksmith Wood James, hay dealer ,
SOUTH WEALD (" the south wood") is an extensive Rev. Charles A. Belli, late vicar and the remaining £2,000
parish, bisected by the London road at Brook street, 2 miles by O. E. Coope esq. If.P.: the site, of about 2 acres, was the
west from Brentwood station, 5 north-east from Romford gift of Christopher J. H. Tower esq. ;f.P. of Weald Hall: the
and 17 from London and seems to have existed in the time church is in the Early English style, built of flint and mbble,
of King Harold, by whom it was given to Waltham Abbey; with stone quoins and dressings and consists of chancel,
it is in the Southern division of the county, Billericay union, nave, south aisle, north porch and a towel' with spire con-
hundred of Chafford, Brentwood county court district, taining 5 bells on the north side: the church is furnished
Chafford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans with open oak benches and will seat about 2g0: there are
diocese. The church of St. Peter consists of chancel, nave, seven stained windows: the arehitect was Ernest Lee esq. of
south aisle, south porch and a western tower containing 6 James street, Bedford row, London. The register dates
bells and a clock: the lay rector's chancel, situated at the from the year 1540. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly
east end of the south aisle, is divided from that part of the value £500, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St.
church by a carved oak screen and from the chancel by a Albans and held by the Rev.Duncan Fraser M.A. of Trinity CoI-
gilt iron railing: there are six stained windows, including lege, Cambridge, hon. canon of St. Albans mral dean of Chat-
the east and west windows: the carved stone font is dated ford and surrogate. Ten almshouses, in the Elizabethan style,
1662: there are numerous monuments of the last and were erected about 1856 from designs by Mr.Teulon, architect,
present century to the Smith and Tower families, at one of London. The parishioners have the right to send their
time lords of the manor of Calcots in this parish: there is children to Brentwood Grammar school. The impropriator
also a brass, taken from the tomb of Sir Anthony Browne, of the great tithes is Christopher John Hume Tower esq. l.P.
Justice of the Common Pleas, ob. May 6, 1567, from whom C. of Weald Hall, which is remarkable for having been the
J. H. Tower esq. and others of the Tower family are de- residence of Queen Mary and formerly the seat of Sir
tlCended : the chureh is seated with open oak benches and was Anthony Browne, the founder of the GrammsJ: school of
restored in 1868. A chapel of ease (St. Paul) to the parish Brentwood and almshouses here: the mansion has been
church has been erected at BENTLEY and was consecrated on most elaborately restored and many of the roolIl8 are of
November grd, 1880, by the Bishop of St. Albans: the sum large dimensions, in which there are some good specimeus
of £22,000 was subscribed for the. erection of the chureh of tapestry and a fine collection of china: the hall is richly
8nd parsonage and as an endowment for a curate, not less decorated and has also s?me very beautiful paintings, among
than £20,000 having been munificently contributed by the these being a very large one by RuOOM of a lioness and
. cubs: there is also some old carved oak furniture in good CoXTIE GREEN, 2 miles north; PILGRIM'S HATCH, 2 north.
preservation: the lawn immediately in front of the hall is east and BROOK STREET, I mile south, are populous hamlets.
laid out with flower beds, on which are repeated the main Assistant Overseer, William Garrard, Pilgrims hatch.
features of the ceiling of the hall, producing a pleasing Parish Clerk, Horace Bright.
effect. '.rhe park is undulating and well timbered and con- POST OFFICE.-Horace Bright, receiver. Letters from
tains traces of a circular camp, surrounded by a single Brentwood arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 12 noon; dispatched at
ditch. Near the church is Belvedere Tower, commanding a 12.30 & 6.15 p.m; sundays, 11 a.m. The nearest money
fine view over the surrounding country. Situated on an order & telegraph office is at Brentwood
eminence, about three-quarters of a mile from the Brent- •

wood station, stands the County Lunatic Asylum, an POST OFFICE, Pilgrims hatch.-William Garrard, receiver.
Elizabethan building, richly decorated, which was opened in Letters through Brentwood arrive at 5 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. ;
1853: in 1864 three additional blocks of buildings were dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & 7-40 p.m
erected, affording room for 75 more patients and in 1871 LETTER Box, Coxtie Green, cleared at 5 p.m. week days;
another block for 250 female patients, the whole premises 10 a.m. sundays
being now available for about 800 patients, whilst it is in- County Lunatic Asylum, WarIey road, Donald Cochrane
tended still further to enlarge the buildings with the view Campbell M.D. superintendent; George Amsden M.B. & C.
of receiving an additional number of 450: the wards are G. Smith L.K.Q.C.P. Ire1. assistant medical officers; Rev.
spacious and airy, IDany commanding an extensive prospect Joseph Sowter A.K.C.L. chaplain j Thomas Morgan Gepp,
and the building is approached from the Warley road by a Chelmsford, clerk to the visitors; William Michael Tuf-
carriage drive: there are upwards of 120 acres of land con- nell, Che.knsford, treasurer & treasurer of benevolent
nected with the asylum, including Brentwood Hall and 30 fund; Charles Rayner, steward & clerk; Miss Elizabeth
acres purchased in 1873, part of which is appropriated as Hillier, matron; Miss Martha Langley, assistant matron.
a cemetery and _the remainder used as a farm and kitchen- Visiting days to patients, 1St & 3rd thursdays in the
garden and pleasure grounds; the farm and garden being month
cnltivated by the patients nnder the superintendence of SCHOOLS : -
attendants. The principal landowner is Christopher John School (mixed), built about 1856, for 124 children, with an
Hume Tower esg. J.P. who is nISI} lord ·of the manor. average attendance of 70; Frederick Smith, master .
The soil is clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats School (mixed & infants), Bentley, for this & the adjoin-
and barley. The area is 5,037 acres; rateable value, £ 17,000 ; ing paril'hes of Kelvedon & Navestock; built in 1864, for
. and the population in 1871 Was 2,994, exclusive of Brent- 120 children, at a cost of about £450, with an average
wood. , attendance of 108; Benjamin Cooper, master
South Weald. Brown John, carpenter, Coxtie green Stokes Jas. "'ebb, farmer, Lincoln's fm

. Brown Wm. blacksmith, Langton's frge Stone Henry, farm bailiff to C. J. H.
Case John William, professor of music, Tower esq
.Amsden Geo. M.B. Asylum, Warley rd organist of parish church & conductor Tavener Samuel, beer retlr. Coxtie gm
Arrow Lady, Lupwns of Brentwood musical society Taylor David (Mrs.), Chequers
,Belli Rev. Chas. Almeric M.A. [precentor Cooper Benjamin, master of Bentley Whipps John, farmer, Serpent's hall
of St. Paul's cathedral], Vicarage district school, Bentley Whittaker Christr. T01rer Arms, & frmr
Campbell Donald Cochrane M.D. Asylum Fitch Wltr. boot & shoe ma. Coxtie grn Wood William, builder, Pilgrims Hatch
Coope Octavius Edward M.P., D.L., I.P. Garrard William, provision dealer, far- Woods James, Black Horse
Rochetts; & 41 Upper Brook street mer, & post office, Pilgrims Hatch Woollands Geo. White Horse, Coxtiegrn
'W. & Carlton club S.w. &; City club Hall Collinson, managing director to [For names in Warley road, see
e.c. London the Short Horn DairyCo.Lim.Ditchley BRENTwoon.]
Corrie .Arthur Brandreth, Bishop's hall Hall Richard Brown, farm bailiff to the Brook Stre6t.
Fraser Rev. Duncan :&l.A. [vicar, hon. Short Horn Dairy Co. Limited Andrews Mrs. Weald view
canon of St. Albans, rural dean of Hammond George, farmer & market Annesley Col. Robert Michael Smith,
Chafford & surrogate], Gilstead han gardener, Pilgrims Hatch Talbot house
Graham Col. Sir Lumley bt. Howhatch Hammond John, builder & contractor, Cook James William, Knowle house·
Hall Collinson, Ditchlpys WarIey road Evans William, Henley place
Hammond John, Warley road Hammond William, farmer & market McMahon Maj. Donat Edmund, Broms·
Harris Henry, Rose cot. Pilgrims Hatch gardener, Hullett's farm grove house
Hirst Frederick Hotham, Great Ropers Hawkes Hy. beer retlr. Pilgrims Hatch Morgan George, Moat house
Horton John Henry, Mascalls Hemingsley Francis Josiah, farm bailiff Parlby Miss
Lescher Mrs. Boyles court to Mr. A. Too,-ey, Pilgrims Hatch Pells Mrs. Henley place
Matthews Charles William, Langtons , Hitchi~g George, Red Lion, & farmer, W~llis Mrs. Twickenham villa
Petre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund CoxtIe green Wllls Edgar C. W. Brook house
J.P. Oakhurst Ives Sydney, hay binder, Coxtie green COMMERCIAL.
Pollexfen Rev. Robert Taylor B.A. [cur- i Knight Hy. blacksmith, Pilgrims Hatch Ar.thy Charles, agri('ultur~l. engineer,
ate], Pilgrims Hatch I Lagden George, farmer, Crow's green l~plementagetl.t & machllllst; estalr
, Pope \\TilIiam, Coxtie green I Lawrence Edward, farmer lIshed 18 years; lngrebourne works
. Ripley Rev. William [curate in charge Manning James Mann, baker & farmer, I Arthy Henry ThDmas, engineer
of St. Paul's chapel of ease], Par.! Oak villa, Pilgrims Hatch Bennett George, carpenter
sonage, Bentley : Moir J ames, farm. bailiff to the Short Bennett Thomas, carpenter
• Saunders William Harris, Pilgrim house Horn Dairy Co. Limited Bennett William, baker
_Smith Charles Catterson L.K.Q.C.P. IreI. Moss Frederick, miller, Bentley mill Brown Eli7.abeth (Mrs.), dress maker
Asylum, "-arley rd Nicholls George, market gardener & Cole George, miller & corn merchant,
Taylor Misses, Coxtie green frmr. Downsell's frm. Pilgrims Hatch Brook Street mill
" Toovey Arthur, Pilgrims Hatch. Pain Henry, farmer & cattle dealer, Cumbers Thomas, beer retailer
Tower Christopher John Hume D.L.,J.P. Halfway house ,Goodchild WiIliam Joseph, farmer,
. Weald hall Pain Thomas, horse dealer, Coxtie grn I Brookland's farm
Walmsley Richd. Joseph, Pilgrims hall Rainbird Fredk. bricklayer, Coxtie grn ,Harris John Porteen, cattle dealer &
Woods Bernard, Danbury house, Pil- Rainbird Thos. bricklayer, Coxtie grn farmer, The Poplars .
grims Hatch Rayner Charles, steward & clerk to the Hopkins James, }'leece inn
county lunatic asylum, Warley road Horsnell George, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Scrivener Henry & Alfred,wheelwrights, Knight Thomas, Nay's Head
.AlIen Daniel, farmer, Moat Honse farm, Coxtie g r e e n . Knight Wi,lliam, hay carter
Pilgrims Hatch . Shelley Samuel, inspector of nuisances r.fann John, Bull inn
Bowers Thomas, farmer, Gent's farm, ShoTt Horn IJairy Co. (The), Limited Reynolds Sa;rnuel, farmer
Pilgrims Hatch . (Collinson Hall, man. direc.),Ditchleys Smith John James (Mr$.), farmer
.Bright Horace, watch ma. & parish cIrk Smith George, farmer, Coxtie green . Wingrave,William, bJ:wksmith
WEELEY is 8. village and parish and station on the Colchester. The Holland brook runs through the middle of
Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, in the parish. The chur~h of St. Andrew, a mile south-east of
the Eastern division of the county, Tendring bundred and the village, was a very ancient edifice, but the main portion
union, .Colchestel' county court district, St. Osj"th rural of the structure was entirely rebuilt by subscription in JaBI,
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans, at a cost of about £3,000: it now consists :of chancel, nave
9 miles west from Walton steamboat pier, 61 from London, of 3 bays, north aisle with orgaR c:hambeJ,' at the ~st end,
3:8 .south.west from Harwicb..and. 10·soutb.eallt Irl;)D1 Ilolith porch,wd jts original en~b~ttled. western ,t" ~t ;wi
~ bm-k containing 2 bells: the style Of the -whole is Perpell- rateable value, £3B88; and the population in 187:1 was 639.
dicu1ar: the chaneel was built by -the rector at a cost of Parish Clerk, Joseph Lait.
£ 625: the credence table is formed of! an ornamental POST, MoNEY ORDER Ai; TELEGRAPH OFFICE k Savings
column found in the south'Ws.llof thecbanoel, fonning part of Bank.-Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Margernm, postmistress.
-J&D ancient piscina, which had been embedded: the old 14th Letters arrive from Colchester at 5.20 a.m. & 3.15 p.m;
-<lentnry font was also restored and placed at the west end dispatched at 7. 1 5 p.m. j no second delivery on sundays
of the nave. The register dates from the year 1562. The
living is a discharged rectory, yearly value £580, with resi- National School, with an endowment of £948. per annum,
fdence and '7 acres of glebe, in the gift of Brasenose College, arising ~rom the r~emption of the land=tax npon the rec-
Oxford and held by the Rev. John Harding X.A. of that col- to!y which w~left m 1823 byMary Je~erson ~ theschool,
lege. Near to the church are the antique wrought iron, WIth. teache~ house,. w~ erected m ~866 &; a cla8s
gates which once formed the entrance to the ancient hall. I room added 10 187 8 I It WI~ hold I()(). ,children &. has an
• The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have each 1& chapel a.verage at~ndan~. of 84; M.lss Ha~h Young, IWStress
-here. .John Weeley esq. who is lord of the manor, Mrs. Railway Statum, William CurtlS, station master
-:CaI'dinall, Sir Charles Rowley b&rt. and the Rev. William CARRIERS pass through to Colchester..- Turner, from
Yorick Smythies B.A. are the chief landowners. The soil is Walton-on..Naze, monJ wed.,&; sat.; Bowles, from Walton-
~oh clay and loam and produces good crops of wheat, beans, ml-Naze, thurs. & sat.; Bennett, from Little Clactol,\, wed.
barley and green crops generally.. The.area is 2,087 acres; & SJlt. all returning same days 1" I 1

Harding-Rev. John MA.. Reotory Canham Th09. agricultural implement May Wm. farmel',GotteridgeHaHfarm
Smith Mrs. Weeley hoose maker, timber merchant, & ila.W mills Mustard William, coal merchan~
Smythies Rev. William Yorick B.A. Elliston James, shoe maker Page Henry, RailfJ)ay inn
Hill Side house- Gibbs Harriett (Mrs.), fanner Palmer Francis, shoe maker
Weeley John, Manor house Green John, farmer, Heath . Partridge WaIter In. furmer;FoIty1ann
Weeley Mrs. Manor house Grimwood Thomas, miller & fanner Pattrick James, cattle dealel'
OOMMERCIAL. Hayhoe William, chimney sweeper Plane .Jacob, seedsman & fanner
Barker Thomas, farmer, Brook farm Herbert James, shopkeeper, Heath Simmonds Thomas, farmer

llloom Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hicks Peter Baines, farmer, Brick ho Smith Clement, butcher
Blowers Edward, seedsman &c Holmes Hubt.Jn. carpenter & wheelwrt Smith James, beer retailer
Blowers John, grocer & draper King Jehu, shopkeeper Smith Peter, brick & drain tile maker
Bridgeman Annabella (Mrs.), d1'ess niB. King William, beer retailer Sorrel George, farmer, Hawkslann
Bridgeman Charles, bricklayer ' Lord George, farmer, Rose cottage Sparrow Joseph, fanner, Ash farm
Butler Samuel, news agent LuC3s George, Black Boy StepheWl Joseph, cattle dealer
llyles Alfred, brewer Manning William, cattle dealer Thorpe Wm. Edwd. fanner, Pond farm
Catchpole William, baker Margerum Jas. baker &.assist. overseer Webb William, butcher
WENDENS AMBO (C9mprising GREAT "nd LITl'LB family, c. 1410. The register dates from the year 1710.
WENDEN) is a parish situated on a feeder of the Cam near The living is a vicarage, yearly value £2z:J, with residence,
its confluence, in the Western division of the county. Uttles- in the gift of the Marquess of Bristol and held by the Ray'.
ford hundred, Saffron Walden union and county court John Jackson M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. The
district, Saffron Walden rural deanery, Colchester arch- poor participate in a charity left about three centuries ago by
deaconry and St. Albans diocese: the Great Eastern rail- Mrs. Lettice Martin, of CrishaH, to the amount of £13 148. Bd.
way has a station (Audley End) here and the junction of yearly. 'The Congregationalists have a small 'Chapel here.
the liue to Saffron Walden and Haverhill: Lord Braybrooke Lord Braybrooke is lord of 'the manor and the principal
has built the Neville Arms inn at the station ~ it is 43! miles landowner. The crops are on the four-course syste~. The
from London on the high rood to Newmarket and :z! south- soil is principally light; :Subsoil, chalk. The area is 1,383
west from Saffron Walden: these parishes were united in acres; rateable value, £3,612 SS. od.; and the population in
1662, at the request of the inhabitants and with the consent 1881 was 359.
(of the Earl of Suffolk, patron of the two churches; that of CLANVER END is r mile west.
Little Wenden, which formerly stood on the left side of the Letters arrive by foot post from Saffron Walden at 8 a.m.;
;road from Wendon Lofts to Great Wenden, being ruinous, collected from a box near Mr. CornwelPs at '6.45 p.m. on
-was pulled down. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a week days & n.15 a.m on sundays. The nearest money
small and ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave, order & telegraph office is at Saffron Walden .
clerestory, aisles, south porch and low western tower con- Board School, erected in 1881, for 70 children I average at--
taining 5 bells j s. screen divides the nave from the chancel: tendance, 50; Mrs. Ann Sharpe, mistress .
there is a brass of a man in armour, perhaps of the Loveney Railway Station, Audley End, Wm. Saward, station master
Collin Joseph Thomas Cornwell Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Wen- Holland Alfred, miller, Wenden mills
Jackson Rev. John M.A. Vicarage den hall Reeve Thos. & Henry, fanners, Rookery
Nicholson William, Rose cottage Cornwell WiIliam, farmer, Wenden pI Saich WaIter lsaac, Ne'Ville .Arm! ~
COMMERCIAL. Cotterell Edmd. farmer, Clanver end posting establishment
Barker WiIliam, shoe maker " Francis Alfred, brick & tile maker Savill Ann (Mrs.), Bell, & farmer
Barnard George Hayden, coal mer- Ham Thomas, Fighting Cocks Seabrook WaIter, farmer, Bulse farm
chant, Station, Audleyend Havers WiIliam, shopkeeper Thomas Samuel, blacksmith
WENDON LOFTS is a parish in the Western division mansion of brick, dating from 1579,. is pleasantly llitus.ted
,;of- the county, UttIesford hundred, Saffron Walden union and commands an extensive view to the south: it is the seat
aud county conrt- district and in Saffron Walden rural of John Wilkes esq. lord of the manor and aole landowner.
--deanery" Col~hester archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans, The soil i~rincipany hea,-y, with BOme mixed; subsoil,
6 miles west from Saffron Walden and ... west·~orth-west chalk~ Thei'chief crops are barley, wheat and roots. 'fhe
from Au.dley End station. The church of St. Dunstan. is & area is 177A. SiR. 26p.; rateable value, £996 12S. 6d.; and
small building of black flint with stone dressings, situated the population in 188r was 56. A~ Duddendoe End, 2
in the -grounds of "and close to Lofts Hall; it consists of miles south, there is a building liceWled for divine services.
chancel, nave, north aisle and a western tower mrmounted conducted by the vicar of Elmdon.
by 4 pinnacl~s : the fittings . o~ the interior are enti~ly of POND STllEET is half a. mile south.
~k: there IS If: brass to Wilham Lucas a~d ~ath~rlDe hiS Parish. Clerk Frank Negus.
wife, c. 1450. "WIth figures of these and their children. The . '
register of baptisms dates from 1674; burials, 1675. mar- Letters arnve through Saffron Walden by f?Ot messenger
riages, 1678. The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of at 9 a.m. & collected at..6 p.m. .Elmdon w the nearest
hElmdon annexed, joint yearly value £356 nett, including 26 post & money order office & Saffron Walden the nearest
acres of glebe with residence, in the gift of John Wilkes esq. telegraph office
and held by the Re1": Edward Wiles Gilbert JI.A. of Jesns Nationol &hool (mixed), Duddenhoe End, with an average
College, Cambridge. LmtHall, an ancient Elizabethan attendance .,f 30; Miss Eliza Godfrey, mistress
WiHtes John, Lofts ball
• .~
I · COXMBRCIAL. IRolfe Francis, farmer, Hope farm
Rolfe Henry, fanner, Pond street
. - .
Nottage George, fanner & miller
WENNINGTON is a parisnand \Tillage, near the shore diocese. of St/". Albans. ~l
miles bom .Rain-
of the Thames, in the Southern division of the county, ham station, 5 miles south from Romford, la north-west
£h&fford lumdred. Romford Wlion and county ceun district, from Purfleet and .14 from·LondoD. r'I' Ht.
~~4&aDe~ ~. Cbaffoid, :&I' < of. Essu. .nd Pete. ~ all'8.BCient--b-oildiug .of, c8an0el,lIl&YfJ,
north aisle and a square embattled tower containing 3 bells, of land, without house, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor
dated 1662, but only one is in use : this church was origin- and held by the Rev. Nicholas Brady M ..\.. of Trinity College,
ally of Nonnan foundation, of which the chancel retains Cambridge, who resides at Rainbam Hall. There is no
some traces, as well as of the Lancet period; but the struc- manor. The trustees of the late R. W. Hall Dare esq. and
ture was almost entirely rebuilt and probably enlarged in Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard hart. are the principal land-
the fifteenth century: in the south wall of the chancel is a owners. The trustees of the late J. C. Circuit own about 80
plain acutely-pointed piscina: the tower is of small dimen- acres. The soil is gravelly and sandy; 8ubsoil, gravel. .A
sions and built of Kentish rag ~ tbe font, an octagonal large portion of the parish is marsh land used for pasture.
ba8in, on a shaft and plinth, is fifteenth century work ~ some l The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas and other vegetables
ancient oak benches with finials remain ~ the pulpit is for market. The area is 1,570 acres; rateable value, £3,327 ;
Jacobean: in the chancel is a small and curious mural and the population in 1881 was 196.
tablet of alabaster, with kneeling figures and an inscription Church O.ificial, William Phillips.
to Henry Bust M ..\.. rector of this church, who died 16th Jan. POST OFFICli1.-Reuben Edwards, sub-postmaster. Letters
1624 and his wife Margaret, who died 22nd Dec. 1625; through Romford, delivery commences at 7 a.m.; dis-
below are verses in Latin and English and above a shield of patched at 5.40 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
arms: there is also an inscription to William Gordonman, graph office is at Rainham
bur. 4th Feb. 1609. The register dates from the year 1654. Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 70 children, with an
The living is a rectory, yearly value £421 58. and 4 acres average attendance of 34
Swann Henry, Wennington hall
Wiggins Frederick, The Willows
Dean Joseph, shopkeeper
R. W. Hall Dare esq. East hall l
Earps Joseph, steward to the exors. of Kidd John 41; Co. chemical works
Lee Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper

WETHERSFIELD is a parish and ancient village ~ it landowners are J. Pyne esq. J. Cutts esq. Henry
is near the Blackwater, in the Eastern division of the Edwards Paine esq. lord of the manor of Wethersfield and
county, Hinckford hundred, Braintree union and county Henry Edwin Garrod, lord of the manor of Codham Hall.
court district and rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops
and St. Albans diocese, 6! miles north-west from Braintree are wheat, barley and beans. The area of the parish if!
railway station, 8 east from Thaxted, 7 west from Halstead 4,213 acres; rateable value, £7,070; and the population in
and 47 from London. The church of St. Mary Magdalen is 1881 was 1.453.
an ancient ~di.fice, consisting of chancel, nav:e , ai~les and a BLACKMORE END, 2 miles east, is a hamlet of this parish.
tower contatnmg 6 bells an~ a clock: the mtenor of ~he The church of St. Mary the Virgin was erected. in 1867, at
church was wholly restor~ m 18~6-7, as well as t~e exter.t0r a cost of about £1,23 0, near to the hamlet of Blackmore
of the chancel ~nd two wmdows m t~e south aISle. whIch End and the cure of the chur("h and a specified district is
as w~ll as two rn the chancel a~e starned. The. regIster of now attached to the lectureship founded by WaIter Wiltshire,
baptls~s ~ates. from 164 8 ; b~lrla~s, 1647; marnages, ~701. under the Act of 7 and 8 Vict.; the Rev. Arthur Walker is
The VIcarIal tIthe co~mutatlOn m 1~36 was £37 6, WIth 2 the lecturer and curate in charge.
acres of glebe and reSIdence, but has sIDce been reduced by . .
stubbing the hop grounds to about £33 8. The living is a B:EAZLEY E~D IS a hamlet 2i mIles south-east.
vicarage, nett yearly value about £290 , in the gift of the Deputy Pansh Clerk, George Love, sexton.
Master and fellows of Trinity Hall, Cambridge and held by POST, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
the Rev. William Marsh M•.\.. formerly fellow and tutor of Bank. - George Wicks, receiver. Lettel"S arrive from
Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The ecclesiastical commissioners Braintree (by cart) at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5.15 p.m
.are now the rectors. The rectorial tithe apportionment (in SCHooLS:-
1836) amounted to £918. In 1634, WaIter Wiltshire, of Natirmal4" Charity, erected in 1842 & enlarged under the
Great Windsey, in Finchingfield parish, who died in 1641, Education Act of 1870, for 175 children, with an avp-rage
left the farm, comprising 105 acres, now producing a rent attendance of 170; Richard Frauk Bush, certificated.-
(gross) of [,100 yearly, for a Sunday afternoon and Thursday master; Mrs. Lucy Bush, mistress
morning lecturer. Here is a Congregational chapel. From St. Mary's National, Blackmore end, erected in 1875, for 125
.£80 to £100 is yearly distributed in bread and coals to the children, under the same act; Mrs. Sophia Potter, certi-
,general poor. Thomas Fitch, left by will in 1702, several ficated mistress
benefactions for educating and clothing poor boys of this Infant CharitYt Stammers green; Mrs. Jane Cordwell,
parish. Great Codham Hall, to which a chapel was mistress
formerly attached and in which divine service was held till Miss Dorothy Mott, a maiden lady, erected a free school
the reign of Elizabeth, is now a farmhouse. The during her life-time for girls & endowed it with £12 yearly
vicar of Wethersfield now resides at the Manor house CARRIER TO BRAlNTREE - baae Scott, every monday,
and is owner of part of the estate. The principal wednesday, friday &; saturday
Banhury Charles, Sandhills Cornell King Viall, farmer f Sumners Metson Henry, farmer, Little Wrights
Glover Robert, The Hall hall, Blackmore end Mountford John, shoe maker
Marsh Rev. Wm. M.A. [vicar], Manor ho Cornell William. basket maker
Newman Thomas Beddall Cuming John, saddler
.Saunders Re..... Barnard Wilkes [Con- Dale James, blacksmith, Beazleyend
I Newman Samuel. farmer
Oakley Richard Fairlam, engineer
Ottley Robert t coal dealer
gregational] Davey Chr£stopher, farmer, Dane's vale Ottley Robert, jun. coal dealer
Smee Thomas Edwards Fredk. Woods, grocer &; draper Parmenter Wm. farmer, Russell's farm
"Thompson Lt.-GeneraICharlesWilliam, Fitch Samuel, miller, Codham mill & Pal"Sons Thomas, farmer, Pouchers..
Wethersfield place Wethersfield mill Potter Emma (Mrs.), plumber & glazier
Walker Rev. Arthur [curate & lecturer] Gosling Henry, beer retailer Raven Elizabth.(Mrs.),brewer& maltster
Warren Rev. William Quin Th.A..x.C.L. GunnSaml.wheelwright,Blackmore end I RaveR Thomas William, brewer, & Dog
[curate] Halls Frank & Sidney, farmel"S, The 1Root Thomas, saddler
COMMERCIAL. Waver, Blackmore end Smith Humphrey, blacksmith, Black-
Adams EIlen (Ml"S.), farmer, Hole farm Hardy Joseph, farmer, Whitehall more end
Ashby John, Red Lion, blacksmith Hasler Thomas, tailor Smith lames, grocer &; draper, Black-
Ashby Robert, farmer, Pattens Hasler Thomas, sen. assistant overseer more end
Bacon Reuben, shoe maker, Black- Hoddy William &; Thomas, farmers, Sorrell George, farmer, Great Wrights,
more end Codham Little park Blackmore end
Banbury Charles, relieving & vaccina- Hutton Thomas, veterinary surgeon Stanes Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer &;
tion officer & registrar of births & Joyce Thomas, farmer, Grays shopkeeper
-deaths for Finchingfield sub-district Joyce Wm. miller & livery stable keeper I Suckling Henry, shoe maker
Bowtle Henry, baker &; corn dealer Killingbeck Arthur, beer retailer, Black- 'fanner Joseph William, grocer & draper
Brand Robert, farmer & miller, Great more end Thompson Alfred, baker
Codham hall Lawrence Alfred, pig dealer Wakeling Samuel, coal dealer & farmer
Byford Albt. Thos. Bull, Blackmore end Lending Libra1'Y (R. F. Bush, librarian) Wallace John,fanner, Parsonage
Carder John, bricklayer Livermore Katherine (Mrs.), frmr.Hook Wallace King, farmer, Stammers farm
Cardpr Thos. bricklayer, Blackmore end Metson Charles, wheelwright Wenden James, butcher
Chapman Luey (Miss), school Metson Harriett (Mrs.), farmer, Black· Whitlock WaIter, farmer, Bakers farm
-Clark George, farmer, W oolmers~ Black- more end- Wicks Thomas t cQoper i; carpentea.
more end
WICKEN BONANT (or WICKli1N BONHUNT) is a 8malll in the adjoining pari8h of Arke8den and passing through
pariJh, situated on the banks of a winter brook (which rises this parish falls into the Cam, at Newport), in the Western
division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden private chapel attached, fitted with stalls and a stained
union and county court district, SaffronWalden rural deanery, window; it was built by the late TeCtor a~ a cost of £5.000.
Colchester archdeaconry and St. AlOOns diocese, 2 miles west- The Brick House, the residence of John Pollitt esq. was built
by-south from Newport railway station, 5 south-west from by William Bradbury esq. who died in I622 and is a small
Saffron Walden and 10 north from Bishop's Stortford. The structure, with ornamental gables and the arms of the Brad-
church of St. Margaret originally dated from the middle of bury family over the door. The Bonhun~ Farm is situated
the eleventh century and was in part rebuilt at the latter about half a mile from the church, adjoining which is the
end of the twelfth century: a portion of the nave and desecrated chapel of St. Helen, which existed as far back 88
chancel arch was again rebuilt at the end of the thirteenth the tenth century :- it consists of a small chancel and nave of
century; but excepting the addition of a JWrch in the six- very early Norman work and is now used as a barn: two
teenth century, nothing appears to have been done to the stone coffins and human bones were dug up in a close adjoin-
church till the early part of the eighteenth century, when ing, and it is probable that this was formerly a parish church,
the tower either fell or was taken dOltn and the bells were but the parish becoming consolidated with Wicken it fell to
then placed in a wooden cot over the west gable of the nave: decay. The Hall, now a farmhouse, adjoins the church; it
the present structure was restored and in part rebuilt, in was formerly surrounded by a moat. The principal land-
1858-9, by John Hauson Sperling esq. of Kensington and owners are W. C. Smith esq. .T.P. of Shortgrove. John Pollitt
consists of the original Early English chan<:el restored, to esq. of Brick House and Harold Edmund Byng esq. .T.P.
which a nave, south porch and tower have been added in The soil is heavy on the hills and mixed; IJUb80il, chalk,
the Decorated style, the belfry stage of the tower has eight with some gravel in the lowland; in the valley the crops are
large traceried windows and contains 3 bells and the whole principally on the four-course shift. The area is 84I acres;
IS capped by a stone broach spire: the whole of the windows rateable value, £1,130 I7s. 6d. ;. and the population in I881 ..
are stained, the chancel is stalled and divided from the nave was 162.
by a carved oak screen: the nave is seated with open Parish Clerk, Richard Wisbey.
benches: the pulpit is of stone. The registers date from the Letters through Bishop's Stortford, tJid Newport, arri.,e at
year 1588. The living is a rectory, yearly value £300, with 8.30 a.m. A LETTER Box has been placed in the wall of
residence and 45 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held by the vicarage grounds, which is cleared at 6 p.m. on week
the Rev. William Blowers Bliss M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- days, no collection on sundays. The nearest money order
bridge. The rectory house was formerly on the north side &; telegraph office is at Newport
of the churchyard, but was burned down in 1590 ; the present National School (mixed), for 60 children, with an average
house on another site, is in the Medireval style and has a attendance of 35; Miss Mary Ann Dunkley, mistress
Bliss Rev. Wm. Blowers M.A. Rectory Giffen Henry, farmer Negu!! Samuel, farmer, Lower farm
Byng Harold Edmund .T.P Living Zachariah, miller Smith Robert, Tkru Hors~SM63.&;frmr
Pollitt John, Brick house
WICKFORD is named from its situation at a ford of principal landowner is Col. Fane. The soil is mixed f IJIlb-
the Crouch, in a hollow between Billericay and Rayleigh, soil, heavy loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
where a village by this name existed in the time of King beans and peas. The area is 1,758 acres; rateable Talue,
Edward the Confessor: it is in the Southern division of the £2,833; and the population in 1871 was 49r.
county, Rochford police division and county court district, Parish Clerk, Henry Maddox.
Barstable hundred, Billericay union and in Barstahle rural POST OFFICE.-John Salmon, postmaster. Letters through
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 29 Rayleigh arrive at 7.5 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at
miles from London, 5~ east from Billericay, u west from 6 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Battles
Rochford on the road between the two towns and 5 north Bridge & telegraph office at Rayleigh
from Pitsea station. The Crouch is here crossed by three
bridges. The church [name unknown1 consists of chancel, INSURANCE AGENT-Guardian, J. Gigney
nave and a bell turret at the west end containiJlg 2 District SurgeO'n to Billmcay Union, John Marshall
bells; the church was rebuilt in 18 76 by voluntary contribu- School (mixed), built in 1861, for 75 children, with an
tions in the Early English style: there is a stained win- average attendance of 50; Mrs. Eliza Flack, mistress
dow in the nave to Henry Abbey Bell, who died in 1877. CARRIERS TO:-
The register of baptisms and burials dates from 1538; CHELMSFORD-Moses Murray, friday; Conard Thomas,
marriages, .1561. The lh'ing is a rectory, gross yearly value from Nevendon, passing through Wickford e.,ery friday
£484, with residence and about 40 acres of glebe. in the gift Edward Cox, tuesday & friday
of Richard B. Berens esq. and held by the Rev. James LONDON-Thomas Pease &; Son, from Castle inn, mono
Lukin. There is a Congregational chapel, seating IS0. The thurs. & fri.; &; Rochford, mono wed. &; sat
A,:cher David Carter Samuel, builder Marshall John, surgeon
Garlick Rev. George [Congregational] Clark George, builder Mead John, wheelwright
Lukin Rev. James, Rectory Cox Edward, beer retailer &; carrier Moyse William, shoe maker
Marshall John Dean George, wheelwright Perry Henry, shoe maker
Barnes George, grocer &; draper Elgie John, carpenter Rushbrook Elijah, .,eterinary surgeon
Bartlett James, general dealer Franklin Henry, shopkeeper Salmon John, baker &; shopkeeper. &;
Bell George, shopkeeper Gigney James, saddler, harness maker, post office
Bell Thomas, farmer, Beeches ironmonger, oilman &; upholsterer; Stone Henry, farmer, Wick farm
Brunwin George, farmer &; landowner &; at East Hanningfield. See advert Upson David, harness maker
.Bull William WaIter, blacksmith Leicester Abram, farm bailiff to E. P. Wendon Mark, farmer
Bull John, Castle inn Copland esq Wright Thomas, butcher
WICKHAM BISHOPS, on the banks of the Black- from .1663. The old church, a small and ancient edifice
water, has been from time immemorial in the possession of not now used, stands at some distance from the village.
the Bishops of London, who occasionally resided here: it The living is a rectory, yearly value £470, with 90 acres of
5tands on one of the highest points in the county and com- glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans
mands a beautiful and extensive view from all points; it is and held by the Rev. Ralph Clutton B.D. late fellow of Em-
a parish, village and station on the Maldon branch railway, manuel College, Cambridge, rural dean and surrogate. On
401 miles from London, ut north-east from Chelmsford, 31 an eminence adjoining the parish, at ~he edge of Tiptree
north from Maldon and 2! south from Witham, in the Heath is a beacon, erected during the time of the threatened
Eastern division of the county, Thurstable hundred, Maldon invasion of Napoleon I. Wickham Hill House, the farm of
union and county court district and in the rural deanery of John Polley, is pleasantly situated neat" the summit of the
Hatfield Peverell, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of hill. The Bishop of London is lord of the manor. John
St. Albans. The church of St. Bartholomew, consecrated Wright esq. is the principal landowner. The land is ehiefly
September 185°, was erected by the late Miss Leigh, arable and light; subsoil, gravel and sand. The chief crops
daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Leigh, formerly rector of are wheat, beans snd barley. The a1'e8 is I,534 acres;
this parish, at a cost of about £4,000, from designs and rateable value, £2,805 I28.; and the population in I88I was
under the superintendence of Ewan Christian esq. architect; 535.
it is built of Kentish rag and Caen stone and consists of . ParisIJ Clel·k. Charles King.
chancel, nave, aisles, porch and a tower with lofty spire con-
taining I bell; the church is furnished with a finely can-m POST OFFICB.~Abraham Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters
font with lofty oak cover, stolle pulpit and organ; nearly receil"ed through Witham at 1.30 a.ID.; dispatched at 6.40
the whole of the windows are stained. The register of bap- p.m.; sunday at ):2.40 a.m. The nearest money order &
tisms and burials dates from the year I662 a.nd marriages telegraph office is at Witham
Nat:ional School (mixed), built in 1850 at the sole expense Miss Minnie Hughes, mistress. There is a BchooJ library
of the Rev. Stratford Leigh, formerly curate of this parish, of 350 volumes
, for about 100 children., with an average attendance of 72; I CARRIER 'I'O LONDON-Manen, to Three Nuns' inn, Aldgate
Butler Rev. Thomas Robinson [curate] Brown Abraham, baker Polley John, farmer, Wickham Hill ha
Church Joseph Brown Moses, shopkeeper Rogers Charles, bricklayer
Clutton Rev. Ralph B.D. Rectory CandleI' Henry, blacksmith South Charles, shopkeeper
Dixon Thomas CoHins Henry, thatcher Sparks Ann Maria (Mrs.), grocer
Dixon Robert Walker, Wickham place Dixon Thomas Butler, miller & farmer Spooner Benjaluin" wheelwright
Western Thomas Whitehall ·Dixon Henr)' Silvester, farmer, White Stebbings George, stock dlr. High hall
'COMMERCIAl". House farm Warren William. Morris, Carpenters'
Bacon Firman, boot & shoe maker Fairhead Louisa (Miss), farmer Arms, & carpenter
Beck Catherine (Miss), dress maker Grout Alfred, farmer, The Grange Williams Arthur Borrett, Chequffl's '
Bridge Samuel, shoe maker Marvin David, carrier Wright John, farmer, Wickham ball
WICKHAM ST. PAUL received its addition from acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St.
having belonged to the Cathedral of St. Paul since the tenth Paul, who are the ordinaries of the place and lords of the
century; it is a parish in the Eastern division of the 'County, manor, which was formerly a peculiar, exempt from the
Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union and county court dis- I,visitation of the archdeacon ,and held by the Rev. Henry
trict, Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaeonry Clarke M.A. of Durham University. Here is a Primitive
and St.· Albans diocese, 4 miles south-west from Sudbury Methodist chapel. The landowners are John A. Copeland
station; 51 from London, 5 north from Halstead and 3 north· esq. Mr. Ambrose Ruffle and several smaller owners. The
from Castle Hedingham station, near the source of a brook Isoil is a strong loam and sand; subsoil, mixed, The chief
falling into the Stour. The church of All Saints is a small/ crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area is
building in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, 1,225 acres; rateable value, £1,846; and the population in
nave, north aisle and transept and an embattled western' 1881 was 354. .<

brick tower with four pinnacles and containing 3 bells: the Parish Clerk Isaac Johnson.
'chancel and nave were refitted and the windows of the . ' . .
latter restored and enriched with stained glass at the expense Letters through Balstead dally at 9 a.m. ; dIspatched at 5 p.m.
of the late rector: the church was thoroughly reswred and ?y foot post. T~e nearest money order & telegraph office
a transept added to the north aisle in 1866. The register of IS at Castle Hedmgham
baptisms and burials dates from 170x; marriages 1754. The Church of England School (mixed), built in 1852 for 60
living is a. rectory, yearly value £"407, with residence and :20 children, with an average attendance of 56
.Clarke Rev. Henry M.A. rectory Hardy James, shopkeeper & farmer Partridge Harvey, farmer, Brick wall
Gardiner Edward, Hall Hardy John Robert, farmer, Copy ho Smith Ambrose, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Johnson Lucy (Mrs.), farmer Turp James, whiting maker
Bull William, miller & farmer Ruffle Ambrose, farmer & landowner, Walford Jonathan, Ship inn, & shopkpr
Gardiner Edward, farmer, Hall Park farm
WIDDINGTON ii an' ancient parish in the Western Oxford. The Congregationalists have a chapel, erected in
division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden 1858. Widdington Hall had formerly a distinct chapel, now
union and county court district, Newport rural deanery, converted into a parlour of Widdington Hall farm. Here
Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 41 miles are two manors. J. Raymond Cely-Trevilian esq. is lord of
from London, 2 south-west from Newport railway station the manor of 'Viddington with Veyses; and New College,
on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway and on the ri\Ter Oxford, of the manor of Priors Hall. The principal land-
Cam, 5 south-west from Saffron Walden and 8 north-north- owners are New College, Oxford, W. C. Smith esq. Lord
east from Bishop's Stortford. The church of St. Mary the Braybrooke, J. R. Cely-Trevilian esq. and Griffiths Smith
Virgin is a small building principally in the Early English esg. The soil is mixed and heavy; subsoil, clay and chalk.
style and consists of chancel, nave and a western tower sur- The chief crops are cereals, generally on the four-course
mounted by four pinnacles and containing 3 bells, the whole shift. The common lands inclosure is just completed. The
chnrch was restored in 1872-73, at a cost of £2,500 (ex- area is 2,oz8 acres; rateable value, £4,362; and the popula-
eluding the chancel);. the tower being rebuilt' from the tion in 1881 was 377.
foundations of the old one, which fell down in 1871 : all the Parish Clerk, William Reed.
windows except those on the north side are stained; all the POST OFFICE.-Joseph Holgate, receiver. Letters through
font, the gift of the Rev. W. J. Copeland, rector of Farnham, Bishop's Stortford arri ,-e at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. ;
is designed from the fragments of an old font found in on sunday, dispatched at 9 p.m. Newport is the nearest
the modern wall at the west end of the nave: an additional money order & telegraph office
burial-ground wall consecrated by the Bishop of Rochesteron National School (mixed), built in 1863, for 104 children,
the re-opening of the church. The register dates from the with an average attendance of 65; Miss Mary Rebecca
year r666. The living is a rectory, yearly value £570, with Hawkins, mistress
residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held by the CARRIER TO SAFFRON WALDE!.I."-George Reed, on wednes-
Rev. James Charles Lett Court M.A: of Exeter College, days & saturdays
. Brown Mrs Canning George, yeast dealer Reed George, baker
Court Rev. Jas. Chas. Lett M.A. Rectory Cox James, Fleur-de-Li!> Reed William, carpenter & parish clerk
Hayden William, Newlands :Free Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Ringers fnn Salmon Edmund, shopkeeper
Painter A l f r e d . Holgate Joseph, grocer & shoe maker Stanley William, thatcher
Smith Griffiths ' Newport Thomas, farmer, Prior's hall Thurgood Joseph, William the Con-
COM~{ERClAL. Perry George Woodcock, farmer & queror, & carpenter
Barnard George Hayden, farmer miller, Windington hall Wright James, boot &: shoe maker
Brand Robert, shopkeeper . Pettitt William Henry, blacksmith
WIDFORD (the derivation of which is supposed to be held by the Rev. WiUiam Buswell B.A. of Queens' College,
Wideford,over the' river Can, a feeder Qf the Chelmer) is a Cambridge. . The charities are of the yearly value of £,22
parish in the Western division of the, county, Chelmsford derived from Consols and stock left by Lady Falkland, the
union,hundrf1d and Co lInty court district, Ingatestone Rev. Dr. Saunders and Messrs. Benjamin Sargeant and
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. AJbans diocese, Labouchere, and is given partly in bread on I::lundays and in
On the ancient Roman· and modern road from London to clothes and coals at Christmas. Hylands, a spacious mansion
Colchester. A part of the village is in the parish of Chelms~ in the midst of a large and well-wooded park, commanding
ford, from which station it is distant 2 miles south-west. extensive views of the surrounding country, is the seat of
The church ()f St. Mary is a stone structure in the Pointed Arthur Pryor esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor and chief
Gothic style of architecture, erected in 1862 on the site of landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel aDd clay.
fln older edifice and consists of chancel, nave, with north The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley, turnips, mangolds
aisle and an arcade of 4 bays and a western tower with and clover. The area is 6g:a acres i T"dteabJe value, £,3,227;
pinnacle$ containing 6 bells, of the same date as the church and the population in x881 was 300. .
and surmounted by an octagonal spir~ rising to the height Sexton John Daimes.
of 145 feet: the present church was bUIlt at the sole e x p e n s e ' "
of Arthur Pryor esq. J.P.: there is It remarkable tomb in POST OFFICE.-Mrs. M3~y ~atmeg, recetver. Letteu
the churchyard, to the memory of Viscountess. Falkland, ob. through Chelmsford. (whICh IS the ~earest money order &;
1776, , The register dates from the ye~r 161 9; I The living I telegraph office) ar1'lve at 7 a.m.; dIspatched at 6.3 0 p.m
is a. rectory, tithes £251 )'early, ,with 19 aares Parochial School (mixed), for SI (,:hildren, with an average
of glebe and residence, in t!).e gift o-f .artbur PrJlpr esq..and e attj3l}dance,o{ 45 i Miss :Elizalfico!!t mistre'is,
[The na.mes marked.... are in the parish of Blackburn James, carpenter I Pannell Henry, farmer, Widford hall
CheJOlsfonl.] *Calver George, optician Raynor Henry, farmer
Buswell Rev. William B.A. Rectory I Cheveley Charles, farmer & landowner, *Shelley John, blacksmith
Cheveley Charles, Widiord lodge Widford lodge t Thorn Ann (~lrs.), White Horse
Hitchcock George Samuel, Mount cot Clarke Francis, beer retailer I *"Walker "·illiam, Silent Woman
Pryor Arthur D.L., I.P. Hylands park Hughes George Thomas, grocer I
GREAT WIGBOROUGH is a parish in the Eastern Cambridge. Near the church is a curious tumulus. There
division of the county, "~instree hundred, Lexden and are two manors viz. Abbots Hall and "Barn Hall: the
Winstree union, Colchester county court district, rural manorial rights of the former are held by the representatives
deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of the late Mr. Cline: Sir William Neville Abdy bart. is lord
of St. Albans, 7 miles south-west from Colchester,8 south of Barn Hall. The principal landowners are Mr. Charles
,from Marks Tey station and I I north-east from Maldon. Hutley and Mr. Charles Harvey. The soil is heavy; sub-
Anciently the parish belonged to the Abbess of Barking and soil, strong loam. The chief crops are wheat and beans.
is so recorded in the Domesday Survey: it afterwards passed The area is 2,585 acres; rateable value, £2,766; and the
to the priory of St. Osyth. The church of St. Stephen is population in 1881 was 421.
situated on the top of a hill and consists of chancel, nave parish Clerk, James Cadman.
and stone tower. The register of baptisms dates from 1602; Letters from Colchester '!Jid Peldon. The nearest money
burials 1570 and marriages 1560. The living is a rectory, order & telegraph office is at Tolleshunt D'Arcy. There
united to Little Wigborough in 1878, joint yearly value is a PILLAR Box, cleared at 5.15 p.m
£,655, with 96 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of National School (mixed), built in 1854, for 60 children, with
and held by theRe\'. Frederick Watson M.A.. of Caius College, an average attendance of 40; Miss Julia Foddy, mistress
Watson Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Cause Maria Shuttleworth (Mrs.), HarveyChas. frmr.landowner&cQrn mer
King's. Head,.& harness maker Hyam Samuel, hawker
COMMERCIAL. Clark Thomas, shopkeeper Hutley Charles, farmer & landowner,
Abbott William, fanner Cook John, wheelwright Abbots hall
Alen Samuel, farmer Fairweather Samuel, farm bailiff to Pilgrim Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr.
Balls John, beer retailer Rev_ John Papillon, of Lexrlen, Sea- Richard Keeble
Bonner Matthew, farmer brough & Moulsham farms Wilton John farmer
LITTLE WIGBOROUGH is a parish about I mile The manor and land chiefly belong to the Governors of the
south-east from Great Wigborough, near the marshes and Charterhouse, London. The soil is heavy; subsoil, loamy.
creeks or the estuary of the Blackwater, iu the Eastern The chief crops are wheat, beans and a considerable
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Wins- quantity of pasture. The area is 1,168 acres; rateable
tree union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery value, £1,039; and the population in 1881 was 91.
of Mersea, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Sexton, John Wright.
Albans. The church of St. Stephen, standing near the sea Letters through Colchester; Tolleshunt D'Arcy is the nearest
shore, consists of chancel, nave and tower. The register of money order & telegraph office. PILLAR LETTER Box
baptisms dates from 1586; burials, 1588; marriages, 1592. cleared at 5 p.m
The living is a rectory united with Great Wigborough in National School (mixed), built 1875, for about 50 children,
1878, joint yearly value £655, in the gift of and held by the with an average attendance of about 20; Miss Ada
Rev. Frederick Watson M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. Whatham, mistress
Carter Challis, farmer, Copt hall I Cock John Reuben, farmer I Wright John, farmer
WILLINGALE DOE (or WILLINGEHALL D'Eu, or \ and daughter of Sir Thomas Joycelyn kt. ob. 1613:
ROKELY) is a parish in the Western division of the county, on the south side are full length figures in brass of a. man
Dunmow hundred, Ongar union, Chelmsford county. court and his wife: the inscription attached to the former is
district, Roding rural deanery, Essex archdeaconryand St. effaced but the latter appears to be a daughter of Homfrey
Albans diocese, si miles north-east from Ongar station, 29 Turrell, of Turrell Hall, in this county, ob. 1582. The register
from London and 10 west from Chelmsford. The church dates from the year 1570. The living is a rectory with
of St. Christopher is an edifice in the Decorated style of Shellow Bowles and Berners Roding, yearly value £'45°, in the
Edward Ill's reign and consists of chancel, nave and gift of Colonel T. H. Bramston and held by the Rev. Alfred
north aisle and western embattled tower, rebuilt in 1853 Richard Du eaneM.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Colonel
and containing 4 bells, dated 1610, 1632, 1634 and 1797; at T. H. Bramston is lord of the manor and the principalland-
the same time the north wall of the nave, the most ancient owner. The soil is various; subsoil, loamy. The chief
part of the church, was destroyed and a north aisle built; crops are wheat, beans, barley and oats. The area is 1,7°5
the font is an octagonal one of Perpendicular date, to acres; rateable value, £2,455; and the population in 1881
which period also belongs the east windows j sedilia have been was 423.
formed ?y the prol.ongation downw~rds of a window on the TORRELL'S HALL is a hamlet in this parish. WALLS GREEN,
sou~h sIde: is on the south SIde of ~he chancel, con- RADLEY GREEN and MARVEL GREEN (or Currier's Green)
cealmg t~e plscma, a fine m~mument to Richard ":yseman, are about 2 miles east.
of To:all sHall, 1618 and hiS son R~bert, 164 1 ;. thiS monu- Parish Clerk James Little.
ment IS constructed of black and white marble, m two com- ' . ' .
partments, with columns and arched heads springing from POST OFF1C~.-MISS Sarah Ann Cousms, ~stmlstress.
< a continuous corbel in the wall: under the arches are two Letters arriVe from Brentwood at 9 .a.~.; dlspatc~ed at
small kneelinO' figures in high relief below which on the 4·30 p.m.; sunday, 11.30 a.m. Chippmg Ongar 18 the
table of the ~onument, lies a recumbent life-size effigy: the nearest money order & telegraph office
design is surrounded with shields and other devices and has National School (mixed), built in 1863, for 150 children, with
been painted and gilt; and at the end of the nave a brass an average attendance of 103 j George Frederick Harwood,
'With full length figure of Dorothy wife of Thomas Brewster master; Mrs. Amy Den)"8 Harwood, mistress
Du Cane Rev. Alfred Richd.M.A..[diocesan Cousins Sarah Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Lucking Samuel, farmer, SawJers
inspector of schools] Rectory & post office Maylen Charles, miller
Lucking John, Elm cottage General Stores (John Hy. Joslyn, man) Palmer James, shoemaker
COMMERCIAL. Hemsted Benjamin, Maltsters' Arms Patmore Richd. farmer,Windmill farm
Brewster Sarah (Mrs.), grocer Jackson Arnold,farmer, Torrell's hall Pearle William,farmer, Warden hall &
Brittain John, blacksmith Joslyn John Henry, beer retailer Rowes farms
Brittain Joseph, grocer " Lucking Arthur, farmer, Smiths & Skingley James, beer retailer
Caton William OliveI', farmer, Diggings . Clap gates Tanner Frederick, Bell
WILLINGALE SPAIN (or SPAIN), anciently i belfry with spire containing 2 bells: the chancel, 25
· belonging to the family of de Hispania, is a parish near the, feet by 16 feet, has undergone considerable alterations :
· Roding, 26 miles from London, si north-east from Ongar ~ north and south· are two double-light Perpendicular
• and 8i west from Chelmsford, in the Western division of f windows of the reign of Henry VI.; the east window
· the county, Dunmow hundred, Chelmsford county court I was originally of large dimensions, but at a modern restora-
district,Ongar union, Roding rural deanery, Essex arch- tion a new east window, prepared in the first instance for a
j deaconry and St. Albans diocese. The church of All Saints, neighbouring church, "Was inserted here, the excess of space
· the southern and more ancient of the two churches, is a filled in with masonry and the outline of the old window
• ",mall structure in the Early English style, of the reign of obliterated: the nave 40ft. by ~8ft. 6in. has, on the north
"I Henq Ill. consisting .of. chancel, mUte and a w~n side, lan~t winqows. splayed Pll t~ wide and on the south
others of a later date: the porch is modern, but the door- at £ 3~5, with residence and 14 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
way is a curious relic, constmcted with very thin bricks and Crown, on the nomination of the Bishop of St. Albans and
entirely destitute of mouldings; the ancient and highly- held by the Rev. William Russell Parker M.A. of Corpus
WTought ironwork, made to the form of the arch, is of cor- Christi college, Cambridge. The children of this parish are
responding date: the primitive ladder and supports of the educated at Willingdale Doe and the Radley Green National
ancient belfry remain, the latter being massive timbers schools. Miss Brocket is lady of the manor and principal
spanning the nave in an arch-like fonn: the octagonal font landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, marl. The-chief
is an elegant example of Perpendicular work, ornamen- crops are wheat and barley. The area is r,I70 acres; rate-
ted at the top with quatrefoils and rosettes, while the shaft is able value, iI,S80; and the population in 18Bl was 207.
arched with cusps and the plinths are finely moulded: there
is a fine stained window at the east end to the Rev. Henry J. MILLER'S GREEN is half a mile north; and WITNEY
Parker, Eliza his wife and two of their children and a mural GREEN I mile west.
tablet to some members of the Brockett family. The register Letters through Brentwood. The nearest money order &;
dates from the year IS76. The living is a rectory, commuted telegraph office is at Chipping Ongar
Brocket Miss Spain's, hall Brown Sarah (Mrs.), fanner, Brook end Francis Robert Jas. (exors.of),farmer,
Parker Rev. Wm. Russell H.A. Rectory Cutting Samuel, farm bailiff to Miss Minsons, Hulks & Otley fanns
Brundish William, farmer, Hodgkins & Brocket, Bridge farm Millbank Chas.Hemy,farmer,Bassett's
Rockwells Day Saml. beer rtlr. & farmer, Parnell's
WIMBISH and THUNDERLY.-WnmrsH is a soil is principally clay, in some parts of a gravelly nature;
large and very scattered parish, in the Western division of subsoil,blue clay. The crops are principally on the four-coUl'88
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden union and shift. The extent of the united parishes is 4,862 acres; rate-
county court district, Dunmow rural deanery, Essex arch- able value, £5,345 and the population in 1881 was 846.
deaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4! miles south-east from THUNDBBLY, once a distinct parish, was in 1425 united
Saffron Walden, 46 from London, 4! from Thaxted. The with Wimbish : the parish church, which stood on the left
church of All Saints consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, of the road leading from Thaxted to Walden, has long ceased
south porch and a tower rebuilt of brick after its partial to exist, but the foundations are still to be traced. Thun-
destruction by lightning in 1756; it contains 3 bells of derley Hall, now a farmhouse, is 21 miles west: WIMBISH
which the tenor Is dated 1734 and the third 1599: the GREEN is I! miles south. There is a mission room at How-
church has been partially restored and the chancel has been let end for all denominations, built in 1874; also a Boam
rebuilt in the Decorated style. The register dates from the schoolfor ISO children, erected in 1876.
year 1572 and contains a list of the vicars from 1361. The Pariah Clerk, Henry Matthews.
living is a vicarage, with that of Thunderly annexed, joint .
yearly value £270, with residence, in the gift of the trus- POST OFFICE, MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-Henry
tees of the late Samuel Walsh esq. and held by the Rev. Matthews, receiver. Letters through Saffron Walden are •

Robert James Walsh, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. conveyed from there by messenger to the' Maple,' Had-
George Stacey Gibson esq. is lord of the manor of Wimbish. winter, where they are met by the Wimbish messenger
The principal landowners are George Stacey Gibson and T. at 8.0 a.m. 'rhaxted is the nearest telegraph office
W. Gayton esqrs. Brasenose College, Oxford; Christ's Board School (mixed), under the school board, built in 1876
College, Cambridge; the trustees of St. Andrew's Holborn for ISO children, with an average attendance of 112; Mi5 8
and Mrs. Birch Wolf, St. Leonards-on-Sea, with others. The Ellen Quilty, mistress
Walsh Rev. Robert James, Vicarage Howard Charles, farmer, Lower house Parkin John, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Jeffery John, farmer, Upper green Redgwell Edward (Mrs.), farmer
Andrews Martha (Mrs.), farmer,HaweS" Kettley Charles, farmer, Tiptofts, Frogs Constables
farm green & Cole end Rushforth James, farmer, Maypole
Andrews William, farmer Ketteridge John,bricklayer,Lowr. green Salmon Hannah (Mrs.), White Ha?"
Baynes John, farmer Marshall Charles, shoe maker Howlet end
Blanks William, wheelwright Matthew8 Henry, shoe maker Savill George, cattle dealer &: farmer,
Buck Benj. wheelwright & shopkeeper Munson George, miller Gunt8r's farm
Bull Edwd.Herbert,frmr.Freeman's frm ! Myhill Henry, farmer, Wimbish han Scmby Thos. Westrop, frmr. Broadoaks
ChapmanAnn {Mrs.), beerrtlr. Up. go Mynott John, fanner Siggs John, farmer, New house
ClaydenJohn, farmer, Upper green Mynott William Huntington, millet', Stalley David, beer retailer Lower gm
Emson Anna (Mrs.), farmer, Westleys Lower green Winder Mattw.Hy.frmr.Thunderly hall
Goldthorp Arthur,blcksmth.Howletend Noms Joseph, farmer, High garret Wiseman Edward, frmr. Rowney lodge
Gray Charles David, Butchers' Arm$ Pallett William, fanner, Elder street Wiseman Joseph, farmer, Elms farm
WITHAM with CHIPPING HILL is a.n ancient oh. June 1lI7th, 1697, ~t. 44 and to three vicars of the
town on the river Guith, or Podsbrook, near its confluence church: the Ven. Jonas Warley D.D. ob. August 9th, 17~
with the Blackwater, on the ancient Roman and modern OJt. 73 i the Ven. Andrew Downes M.A. ob. October 19th, 1820,
high road from London to Colchester and on the Great 0t.78 and the Rev. Joseph Jefferson M.A., F.B.A. ob. Decem-
Eastern railway, which has a station here, a branch line bel' 28th, 18~1, tet. 61. The register of baptisms and
between Maldon and Braintree joining the main line at this marriages dates from 1669 and of burials from 1678. The
point; it is 6 miles north from Maldon, 14 miles south- living is a vicarage, yearly value £473, with a glebe hOUi16
west from Colchester, 7 south-west from Coggeshall, and 103 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans
8 north-east from Chelmsford, 8 south-east from Brain- and held by the Rev. Alfred Snell M.A. of Trinity College,
tree and 38 from London and is a polling place for Cambridge, boo- Canon of St, Albans, rural dean of
the Eastern division of the county and the chief place of Witham, and surrogate. All Saints' church, a chapel depen-
the hunjred, in Braintree union and county court district, dent on the parish church, consisting of chancel, nave and
deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese aisl6.5, was erected in 1842, at a cost of £5,000, defrayed by
of St. Albans. The town is lighted with gas and has a subscription: the land was given by the late W. H. Pattisson
board of health, established in 1852, the members of which esq.: it is in the Early English style, of dressed black flint
meet on the last Saturday in every month at the Public hall. and white brick quoins and contains 701 sittings, 401 of
The church of St. Nicolas is an ancient but spacious and lofty which are free: the Congregational chapel was rebuilt in
edifice, with walls partially built of Roman brick and con- 1840, at a cost of £1,700; the congregation dates from 1715.
sists of chancel, nave, aisles, a fine porch and several stained There are Baptist andWesleyan Methodist chapels: the Society
windows: the great BOuth door is the most ancient feature in of Friends have a meeting house: there is a Catholic church,
the present structure, being of the twelfth century,though the dedicated to the Holy Family, built in 1851. There are 3
body of the church l\ppears to be at least two hundred years different blocks of almshouses in the parish, one being con-
later the date named being 1:327: the church was repaired nected with the Nonconfonnists, the others in cha.rge of
in the year 1877 under the direction of Mr. Joseph Clarke, trustees: the total income of these charities amounts to
when the upper part of the tower wae rebuilt, two bellS' re- about £180 yearly: the most ancient endowment is that of
cas~ the galleries removed Rnd the church partially re- Thomas Green esq. which dates from 1491 and supports 18
seated: the cost of the whole was about £2,000. The persons Bnd other charitiee, amounting to £57 yearly, distri-
church contains a tine monument! to John Southoote, at butedin bread and fuel. The market, which wBsformerlyheld
justice of the Queen's Bench from r561 to '1585, in 'Which I un Tuesday evenings on Chipping hill,where the parish church
yeaT he died, April 18th: the tomb bears the effigy of him- is situated, is now discontinued. Here are a branch bank
self and his wife and has an inscription in Latin: there are Bnd a eavings bank. Fail"ll are held on the Friday and
othen to Sir Robe" Nevill, 1593; Robert Barwell, gent. I Satul'day in WhiuW1 week and on June 4th -at Chipping
hill. There is a literary institution with 200 membeTs and manors is Ilubject to a fine of one year's value upon the
a library of about 1.500 yolumes and a police station. where death of the owner or a transfer of the property, to be paid
sittings of the magistrates are held every alternate Tuesday. by the successor or purchaset"; if, however. the person
The local police force consists of a superintendent, I sergeant taking the property were born within the manor, or be
and 2 constables. On Chipping hill are the remains of a already a tenant of it, no such fine is payable: this custom
circular camp, with a double vallum. Lord Rayleigh is a is peculiar and there are but few instances in which it pre-
landowner and lord of the manor of Blunt's hall. There are vails. The vicar is lord of the Vicara.,o-e manor. The land
other manors within the parish, namely, the Newlands, is principally arable and level; subsoil, gravel The area is
Chipping Manor and the Vicarage Manor: of the two former 3,633 acres; rateable value, £ 140705; and the population in
Sir Charles Du Cane is the lord: all property within these 1881 was 2,966, which is also the local board district.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office.-Miss Commercial Union. H. E. ffennell, High street
Garrett, postmistress. Deliveries commence at 7 & 11.10 2/fanchester Fire, E. King
a.m.; box. closes for London &c. at 9.40 am. & 2.20, 4 & Norwich Union Fire, R. P. Green
IQ p.m.; for down letters at 9 a.m. & IQ p.m PluBnix Fire, S. T. Davies
PILLAR LETTER Box near the Church at Chipping hill is Royal Exchange, Mrs. Wilson
cleared at 7.30 p.m.· on sundays at 12 noon PUBLIC EST~LISH~ENTS:-:-
, County Pohce Statwn, Gmthavon street, James May. super-
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE WITHAM: DIVISION:- intendent, a sergeant & two constables
Rev. C. G. Gretton Townsend, chairman, Berwick place, Essex (2nd) Rifle Volunteers (E company), WaIter Payne,
Hatfield Peverel Gepp, major .
Lord Rayleigh, Terling place Inland RevenueOjJi<!e.' White Hart,'Edwd. Lynch, exciseman
The Rev. C. B. Leigh, Goldhanger PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
Lieut.-Col. S. G.'Savill, Witham Assistant Overseer, Stephen Carter
Lieut.-Col. Lucas, Witham Clerk to the Commissioners of Land Tax, Richard Stevens
The Hon. C. H. Strutt, Hatfield Perevel Clerk to Commissioners cif Property .f Income Taxes.
Sir Charles Du Cane K.C.M.G. Braxted park John Cook
Rear-Admiral Luard C.B. Witham lodge Registrar of Births.f Deaths, William Edwin Shoo
A. W. Ruggles-Brise esq. RivenhaIl Re.qistrar of Marria.qes, Harry Everard
A. R. Gooddayesq. Terling Sub-Distributor of Stamps, W. E. Shee
Charles Page Wood esq. Scrips, Kelvedon PLACES OF WORSHIP:-
Osgood Hanbury esq. Holfield grange, Coggeshall St. Nicolas Church, Chipping hill, Rev. Ail. SneIl M.A. vicar
Sir Wm. O'Malley bart. The Grove, Witham All Saints' Church, chapel of ease
Robt. Parris esq. Oaklands, White Wotley Catholic Church, Rev. William Baines, priest
Sidney Pattisson esq. CoggeshaIl Baptist Chapel, minister various
Wm. Michael Tufnell esq. Hatfield Peverel, Chelmsford Congregational Chapel, Rev. John Barton Dadd, minister
J. Wright esq. Hatfield Peverel Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, ministers various
Clerk to the Magistrates, William Bindon Bloob, Witham SCHOOLS : -
Petty Sessions are held at the nounty Police station every National, built in 1842, for 220 children; Charles Cranfield.
alternate tuesday master; Miss Ada Fox & Miss Annie Valler, mistresses
The places in the division are-Bradwell, Great Braxted, British, built 1837. average attendance, 110; Charles
Little Braxted, Great Coggeshall. Little Coggeshall, Cres- Burnett, master
sing Fairstead, Faulkbourne, Feering, Goldhanger, Hat- British Infant, Miss Charlotte Inglesby, mistress
field Peverel, Inworth, Kelvedon, Longford, Markshall, ChippinrJ Hill Infant, average attendance 57; Mrs. l\Iary
Messing, White Notley, Pattiswick, Rivenhall, Terling, Ann Raven, mistress
Little Tey, Tollesbury. 'rolleshunt, Darcy, Tolleshunt G1'eat Eastern railway, Robert Daniels, station master
Knights, Tolleshunt Major, Great Totham, Little Totham, CARRIERS:-
Ulting, Wickham, Bishops, Witham Pudney, passes through from Coggeshall to the 'In~ia
LOOAL BOARD. Arms,' Lime st. London, tues. & fri.; returning wed.
Offices, Public Hall. thurs. & sun
Board day, last saturday in every month. Charles & Edward Moore, from Kelvedon. throngh Witham
Cle1'k, John Cook to Chelmsford, mono tues. thurs. fri. k sat. returning
Medical Officer, William Gimson Gimson M.D same day
Surveyor, Inspector cif Nui.3ances .f Collector, Stephen Carter Lake, to Maldon, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Heley Mrs. Chipping hill Wheeler James, Chipping hill
Archer Samuel, Christmas house Howard-Vyse Major-General Edward, COMMERCIAL.
Baines Rev. William [Catholic] The Lawn
Bawtree Frank Postle Hull Miss, Chipping hill Abbot James, boot & shoe maker,
Berdel Thomas Hunt Abraham Chipping hill
Blake Mr~. Chipping hill Hutley Mrs Abrey 'rhos. auctioneer & estate agent
Blood William Bindon King William Adams George, farmer
Bramston Miss, Chipping hill King Miss, Mylor house Ainsworth BradIord Henry, glazier &;
Brock Charles de Lisle Luard Vice-Admiral William Garnham painter, Chipping hill
Butler William, Holly bank C.B., .l.P. Witham lodge Ardley William, baker
Calthorpe Miss, Chipping hill Luard Miss Bailey Thomas, Globe, & brewer
Carwardine Mrs Lucas Lieut.-Col. William James .l.P. Barwell Henry, butcher
Church Mrs The Wilderness Barwell JS"ewman. pork butcher
Cook John Mens Alfred Bawtree Frank Postle (firm Stevens.
Cox Mrs. Grove terrace Mitchell Miss, Avenue house Bawtree & Stevens), solicitor
Dadd Rev. In. Barton [Congregational] Murrell Mrs. Rosslyn house Beard William, coach builder
Dale Mrs. Chipping hill Newman Miss, The Limes Best George, Albert, Railway station
Darville Col. William, Witham house Nottidge Mrs. Freeland villa Blackie Thomas Morell, young gentle-
Dixon Henry Silvester O'MalleySir William bart.J.p.The Grove men's boarding school, Chipping hill
Du Cane Mrs. The Grove Potter Miss, Millfield Blake J oseph William, Spotted IJog
Fleuty Miss Proctor Alexander G Blood William Bindon, solicitor, clerk
Fraser Archibald Henry Rowan Henry B. B.A. [H. M.'s Inspector to .the
. magistrates & perpetual com-
Everard Harry, Cambridge villa of Schools] Chipping hill IDlSSlOner
Ewin Mrs. Millfield Savill Lieut.-Col. Samuel George J.P. Blyth Edward Mark, miller & corn mer-
Fraser Archibald Henry Smith Mrs chant, Witham mills
Gimson William Gimson M.D Smith Thomas, Chipping hill Boreham Jane (Mrs.), corset maker
Goodday Septimus, Tiptree villa SneIl Rev. Alfred M.A. [hon. canon, Bowles Henry. teacher of music
Gooding Mrs rural dean & surrogate], Vicarage Brewster Alfred J ames, shopkeeper
Halland Rev. John Thos. RA. [curate of Stevens Charles Richard Bridge William, pork butcher
All Saints], The Parsonage Stevens RiChard Brock Charles de Lisle, surgeon
Hannar Peter. The Poplars Tomkin Thomas Marchant Brown Chas. corn & seed mer. & maltster
Hart Mrs. Guithavon street Tyler William Brown David, butcher

Burgess Jane Dorca9 (Mrs.); Whit'· Hutley Ja8. & Philip. frmr8. Powerf han RruJt John, saddler, Chipping hill
HQr,e, Chipping hill I Hutley John, farmer, Elm hall Rust. William, butcher, Chipping hill
Cal'lick John, beer retailer, Ohipping hl Jewell Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker I Sach John Chaplin, cabinet maker &~
Challis ThomalJ/ veterinary surgeon, Johns W. & T. fellmongers; & at upholsterer ,
Chipping hill Chelmsford Savill John, poulterer &; fruiterer,
Chaplin Sarah (MI'll.), butcber King Edward, grocer & draper Chipping hill
Chilman Henry, White Hm't commer- King WilIiam, tallow chandler Savings Bank (Francis Speakman,actu~
eial inn et posting hou.~t! Ledger Wm. coal merchant. Maldon rd ary; open on tuesdays from. 1 to 3),
Clayden Thomas, tea dealer' , Lewis Charles, painter &e Guithavon street
Cock Reuben, farmer, OliV"er's fann Literary Institution 4" News Rooms. Sayer Alfred, boot & shoe maker
CokeI' Walter, reporter • (Sir Charles du Cane K.e.H.G. pl'esi- Sayel' George, engineer
Colyer Allen, watch & clock maker dent; S. T. Davies, hon. sec. & librarn Sayer Henry, Beehive, & cooper
Cooper Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Loveday William, watch maker & jewel- Sayer James, carman
Coote In. jun. cabinet ma. &upholsterer ler; & at Chelmsford Scrivener William. miller, Blue mills
Cottis Elias, beer retailer Malyn James, cab proprietor Shead WaIter, boot & shoe maker
Courtman Chrstphr. George et Dragon Mann Jessie (Mrs.), dress maker Shee William Edwin, registrar of births
Cranmer J ames, boot & shoe maker , Mann Frederick, academy & deaths .
Curtis Annie (Miss), milliner, High st Manning James Oakshott, Georfle Simpson William, shopkeeper
Daniels Robert, station master, Railway May James, superintendent of police Slythe James, statuary &; monumental
station . Mayhew John Newton, fishmonger & mason, Railway station
Davies Samuel Thomas, photographic poulterer Smith Arthr. corn mill'. Chipping
artist & accountant . Mayhew William, .An.qel Smith Edward Chas. draper & grocer
Day John, printer~ bookseller & statnr Mead Thomas, baker &: confectioner Smith Frederick, basket maker
Drake Fras. grocer, tea & provision mer Mills, Errington, Bawtree & Co. (of Smith Henry, coal merchant
Ellis Robert, clothier Colchester), bankers (Alfred Menns, Smith Juseph, builder & contractor,
Essex Provident Society (T. Fish, col- manager), draw on Glyn, Mills &; Chipping hill
lector Co. London e.C: Smith Robert, steam brewery, wine &
Essex (~nd) Rijle Volunteers (E comp.) Moore Robert, carpenter & builder spirit mer. & dealer in malt & hops
(Maj.WalterPayneGepp,commandant} Mortimer Hy. caTpenter & undertaker Smith Thomas, corn & seed merchant
Everard Harry, registrar of marriages Moy Thos. coal, oil cake &; general mer Smyth James &; Sons, patent drill
Faulke George, tailor Munday William, CrmlJn manufacturers
Fish Thomas, hatter & furrier . Newman ThomasWilliam, leather dealer Speakman Francis, actuary to the With-
Fleuty William, wheelwright Norris John, confectioner am Savings Bank, Guithavon street
Ford Annie (Miss), ladies' school Nunn Eliza (Miss),Sread Eaglefamily Stevens, Bawtree & Stevens, solicitorS'
Fraser Archibald Henry, surgeon et commercial hote Stevens Richard (firm, Stevens, Raw-
Fuller James, boot manuf. High street Nunn Samh (Miss), fancy repository tree &Stevens),solicitor,commissioner
Fuller Thomas, blacksmith & farrier Page Wm. bricklayer, plasterer & slater for oaths, clerk to the commissioners
Fuller William Henry, upholsterer &c Patten John, pork butcher &; baker of land taxes, secretary to Gas Co .
Gamble James, bricklayer & plasterer Pavelin David, shopkeeper Strutt Lawrence, farmer, Blunts farm
Garrett Henry" tailor & china & Peacock CbaTles,. baker Stonebam Jane (Mrs.), blacksmith
earthenware dealer • Pearce.James, coach builder Tomkin Thos. Marchant, surgeon & pro-
Garrett William Hailstone, saddler Pluck Josiah George, boot & shoe ma prietor of a private lunatic asylum
Gimson William Gimson M.D. surgeon Polley David, farmer, Chipping hill Towns Hy. beer retailer, Chipping hill
Green Robert Poynter, pharmaceutical Priddy Arthur Hy. wine & spirit mer Turner Hem')', Swan
chemist & dentist Proctor & Gimson, surgeons Tyler WaIter, boot & shoe ma.Maldon rd
Groves William- Benjamin, tailor Quy Edward, blacksmith, Chipping hill Wadley John, graceI', Chipping hill
Hamblin George, grocer & beer retailer, Reed William, furnishing ironmonger & Wakelin Joseph, fanner, Freeborns
Chipping hill tin plate worker . Wallis George, shopkeeper .
Handley Samuel, Red Lion Rees Brothers, linen & woollen drapers, Ward Frns. Eben. chemist & stationer
Hannar Peter, agent & manager to hosiers & milliners Ward Thomas, van proprietor for the
Smyth & Sons, patent drill manufs Resbury Henry, chimney sweeper remova.l of furniture &c
Hicks Thomas Marvin, grocer, & agent Resbury Thomas, chimney sweeper Willsher Abraham, builder
for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers Richards Chas. carpenter, Chipping hill WiUsb6l' Sarah (M1'8.), milliner
Higgin Hy. Wm. Carpenters' Arms Rickards & Son, <'3binet makers, up- Wilson & Son, general ironmongers .
Bodges William, brewer hoIsterers & paperhangers Witham Gas et Coke Co. Limited (Rchd.
Holmes James, carpenter, Chipping hill Roberts Charles, Bell inn Stevens, sec.; Robt. Robinson, man.),
Hook Thomas, Woo/pack, &; baker' Rowe Mary Ann (Miss), tobacconist &; Gas works
Hnbbard WaIter, shopkeeper hair dresser Wood Charlotte (Mrs.), tea dealer
Huckle David, farmer, Cocks,farm Rowe Octavius, nurser~'man Wright Robert, saddler & harness ma
WIVENHOE is a parish and junction station on the The living is a rectory, yearly value £440, with 50 acres of
Tendring Hundred railway and a polling place for the glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees of N.Cresar<A>rsellis
Eastern division of the county, in Colchester division of Lawton esq. and held by the Rev. John Baillie D.D. of Trinity
Lexden hundred, Lexden 'ttnd WinstTee union, Colchester College, Cambridge. A Congregational chapel was erected
county court district, Dedham mral deanery, Colchester in 1846 by Mr. Thomas Sandford. The Wesley8DS have also
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese,S miles south-east a. place of worship here. The cemetery is Bituated about
from Colchester and 55 f,.om London; it stands on a gentle half a mile from the church and comprises 11 acres. The
declivity on the Colne and may be caned the port of dol- sum of £500 was left by the late Miss Mary Ann SandfOl'd
chester, as the larger description· of' vessels here receive and fOl' building and endowing six almshouses for six widows
discharge their cargoes. Wivenhoe also forms, with Bright-who han been born and resided all their lives in the parish,
lingsea and Rowhedge, a member of the Cinque Port -of preference being given to the widows of seamen,. The chari-
Sandwich in Kent. There is a gMd quay and the population ties amount to £13 lOS. yearly. A fair is held on the 4th of
is largely -engaged in the fishery of oysters and soles. The September yearly. Ship and yacht building is carried oiJ.,
town is lighted with gas. The line to Brightlingsea starts here and boats for the oyster dredging trade are 'lISt') builti
from here. The church af St. Mary the Virgin is il. building here. Wivenhoe Park, the residence of Hector 10hn Gurdon-
of stone, consisting of chancel with south aisle, nave, aisles, Rebow esq. RA. is a handsome modern mtmsion, aoout a mile.
embattled tower with clock and 5 bells and was restored in and a half noHP the village; the grounds are- extensive-,
the yeat 1860 at an expenditure of about £3,000: it contains- wooded and well stocked with deer. The trustees of N. C.
three ancient brasses in good preservation to Sir Thomas Corsellis LawtOll esq. are lords of the manor. 1 At thlJ
Westeley, chaplain to the O>ttntess of Oxford,oo. 1"535: to .4 Domesday Su~y' the manor of Wivenhoe was held by
William, Viscount Beanmorrt and Lord Bardolf, with triple Robert Gernon &8 part of his barony of Stansted Mount-
and Buper--canopy; the side-mafts 'ar6' gone, but there is a fichet: in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries it was held
marginal inscription with the date 1:501 ~ the third is to by the De Vere family, Earls of Oxford and was sold by the
Lady Elizabeth Scroope, second wife of John de Verej Earl seventeenth.earl in 1657 to Nicholas Corsellis, an ancestorof'
of Oxford and widow of William, Viscount Beaumont, :£537, the present owner~ whose fa.mily.was long seated at Wivenboo.
in coronet and heraldic mantle, with triple and super-canopy Hall, .. fine old mansion with pleasant grounds on the north-
and marginal inscription, botbmuch mutilated. The register west side of the village and now occupied by James JacksoD-
of baptisms dates from 1566 burials and marriages, l560. esq. The principal owners of the land are HectOl'JohnGurdon.
Rebowesq. and the trustees of N. C. Corsellis Lawton esq.1INSURANCE AGRliTS : -
The soil is light; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are Pluzniz Fire, J. Harrey
wheat, barley and roots. The area is 1,572 acres of land P1'ofectofo EndmInnent, J. Pryer
and 25 of water; rateable value, £7,102; and the population Clerk to tIM: Burial Board 4" tbe Inspect1Jr6 fOll'Ligltting,
in 1881 W38 2,219. Adolphus E. Church, Colchester
" . p ., C" k J h S . h Town Crier, Henry Havens
.L:J. ctzng arzs'l ~er, 0 n Inlt • )IT t' , er h l for 330 ch'ldr
.Ha lOJZQII oC 00, 1 en, Wl'th an average a t-
POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank tendance of 26g; David Collins, master; Mrs. Adelaide
k GOTernment Annuity &; Insumnce Office.-Joseph Edwin Cutmore, mistress; Miss Emma Jones, infants'mUitre88
"Wilkins, postmaster. Letters arrive from Colchester at Railway Station, William H. Ketcher, statioo master
4.10 a.m. &; 2.10 p.m.; dispatched at 10-40 a.m. & 8-45 p.m. CARRIERS TO COLCHESTER-Moses Appleby, 1;0 'Swant
Box closes at 8.15 p.m daily: George J. Bell, to' Sea Horse,' daily
Baillie Rev. John D.D. Rectory Cooper Charles, fanner, Park farm John HarfJey Yacht 4" Ship Building
Benwell The Misses Crosby Robert, baker Company, Limited
Bowen Lieut.-Col. Ranger cottage Cuthbert Edward, plumber Jolliffe William, gardener
Brown Henry, The Cottage Death George, shipowner Jones John, ferryman
Gurdon-Rebow Hector John B.A., D.L., Dennis James Cheveley, butcher Jones William, shipowner, &; .Anchor
J.P. Wivenhoe p a r k . Denton William, shipowner JubyWilliamFrederick, draper, milliner,.
Husk James, Quay house Doyland Sarah (Mrs.), Greyhound & china warehouse .
Jackson James, Wivenhoe hall Durrell David Martin, sail maker Lilley Frank, master mariuer
Ling Charles Arthur Squire ElIis Charles, master mariner Ling Charles Arthur Squire, surgeon
Pittuck James, Anglesea road Ellis Chas. jun. master mariner Madder William, sail maker
Round Edmund, Elaine cottage Forsgate Thomas, mastl"r mariner Mason James, master mariner
Squire Samuel Nathaniel Franks William, baker Mason J ames, jun. master mariner'
Wilkins Jotleph Edwin, High street' Free Institute (E. Harvey, sec) Mason Robert James, master mariner
COMMERCIAL. - Gardner James, Rose et Crown Moore James, grocer
Abbott William Abraham, carpent~r, Girling John William, farmer, Wiven- Mortlock Charles, miller
Wivenhoe cross "hoe farm Murrell Benjamin, master mariner
Appleby Moses, carrier Goldsmith William, tr.nion Flag inn, Page Daniel, master mariner
Barr Benjamin, fruiterer 'Wivenhoe cross . - Penny Ebenezer, master mariner
Barr Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper Goodwin John Arthur :Frederick, Penny Robert, master mariner
Barrell Danl. carpenter, Wivenhoe cross G"osvenor hotel, & carpenter Pittuck George, master mariner ..
Barrett Earn, farmer, Vine farm Goodwin Samuel William, sail maker, Plane Hurrine John, master mariner
Barrett Frederick, confectioner Goodwin Thomas, Black Boy hotel Polley Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bates Charles, butcher, Grimes David, butcher & beer retailer Price Francis John, ship chandler
Bates James, pilot 'Hagger Joseph, Red Lion, & carpenter Proctor Isabel(Miss),Jadies' schl.Bigh st
Bell George, carrier Hall Daniel, Pa1·k hotel Rayner George Miles,master mariner
Blyth Isaac, shipowner" Ham Edward, biscuit baker Rayner William, master mariner
Brown William J ackson, baker Ham J ames, master marinet Scoffield Chas. Brcwery tave1"n, & painter
Brown William Lankester, grocer Ham Nathaniel Rogers, Falcon Scrutton Frederick, fanner •
Browne William & Son~ rope makers, Ham Robert, baker ScnddarMary Ann (Mrs.),Railway hotel
Wivenhoe cross " Ham Thomas, master mariner . Shead William, shipowner
Browne Harry, master mariner Ham Wm. mstr. mariner & ship chandlr Simmons William, baker
Burgess Robert. builder Harlow William, master mariner Smith Daniel Frands, builder
Bush ISMc, boot & shoe maker Hams Isaac, boat builder Southgate Daniel, beer retailer j

Catt Samuel, blacksmith & beer retailer, Harvey Geo. & Son, coal mers. Gothic ho Squire Samuel Nathaniel, surgeon
"Wivenhoe cross Harvey Abraham, shipowner ~tebbing George, grocer
Cemetery (Adolphus ];;. Church, clerk to HarTey Henry, master mariner Stewardson "William, hair dresser
the burial board; John Smith, sexton) Harvey Stephen, shipowner' Taylor William, beer retailer
Chamberlain Philip, boot maker HarTey William, master mariner Wadley Henry, master mariner' ~
Chapman Edgar & Daniel, builders Hayward Geo. Richard, draper & grocer Wadley William, master mariner
Chapman Daniel, bricklayer' Heath Bros. coal & oyster merchants Ward Thomas, fanner
CokeI' Richard, fish dejl.ler Holder James, beer retailer WentEmma(Mrs.),frmr.Wh·enhoo dross.
Cole Daniel, master mariner Howe Charles, baker Wilkins Joseph Edwin, naval architect
Cole David, master mariner Husk James, yacht builder High street . r
Colne Yacht Club (J. E. Wilkins, sec) Husk James, jun. boat builder Wivenhoe Gas Company (Isaac Blyth,
Cook George Samuel, master mariner Hyde Jane (Miss), ladies' school Bec. i Francis Price, collector) •
WIX is a village and parisb in the Eastern division of the chapel here. .A fair is held hera on Septembe\" ,t8th.
county, hundred and union of Tendring, Harwich county Edgar WaIter Garland esq. is the lord of the chi~
court district, rural deanery of Ardleigh, archdeaconry of manor. Maurice Constable, Edward Clay Eagle, thl' ~ev"oj
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 5 miles east-south-east Charles F. Norman t Nathanie) (lutting Cuttillg esq.
from Manningtree, 8 west-south-west from Harwich, 12 from Charles William Grant esq. Thomas Tashmaker Busk. ~sq.
Colchester aud 2! from the Bradfield and Wrabness stations and - Henderson esq. are the principal. landowners; f The
on the Manningtree and Harwich railway. This parish Pond Hall estate belongs to Lord BelIew. The soil is loamy;
formerly belonged to Edith, Queen of Edward the Confessor; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and greeIl
a nunnery for Benedictines was founded here in the time of crops generally. The area is 3,090 acres I T8teable walue,
King Henry I. by WaIter Mascherell, his brother Alexander £50439 IOS.; and the population in 188:t w~s 621.
and sister Edith and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary; it Parish Clfffk William Neal.
was amply endowed by the founders and subsequent bene- ' .. . - .
factors and its revenue at it$ suppression was estimated at :POST OFFICE.:-Wilham Paskell, t~cel\"eI'. Letters arrIve
£9 2 12S. 3d. The church of St. Mary, partly -rebuilt in from Manmngtreeat 8.15 a.m.; dlspa~hed at 6p:m. Th41
17°40 is a small and plain building, consisting of chancel and nearest lDoney order office is at Mannmgtree
nave and there is a. detached beUry situated i,n the centre of ScHooLS:-
the churchyard containing 1 bell. The register d~tes ..National (mixed), built in 1843, for 96 children, wUh all
from the year 1500 and is in good eondition. The living is a.verage lattendance of. 60 &: .enlarged. to its presen.
a vicarage, yearly value augmented to £190, with residence, capacity in 1879; )\1rs. Elizabeth Fry, mistress
lately impro,-ed at a cost of £400, in the gift ()f trustees and Webleyan (mixedh built in 1872, for 85 clJ.ildren, with a.n
held by the Rev;. Thomas OJdham. 'fhe Wesleyans hav~ a average attendance of 45 ; Mrs. Anne Elizbth. J>agkeU, mis
Eagle Mrs. Vine cottage Constable Manrice Geo. farmer Red ho Eagle Edwd. .clay"~farm~ Bpringfarm
Oldham Rev. Thomas, Vicarage Constable Maurice,farmer &; landowner, El1is Samuel, blacksmith
Simson Misses, Pond hall \\o1rite House farm Everson Wm. builder & brick maker &;
COMMERCIAL. Cutting Hy. Robt. shopkeeper&beerretlr- 6ssistant OTerseer
Bird John, farm bailiff to Wm. .Brooks, Cutting Na-thanl. Cutting, fanner Golby William, beer retailer . landowner, Dairy House farm Hoddy Enos, market gaTdener "
Brooks Jsph. grocer &; draper, Wix gn Eagle Charles, fanner, Park Hall farm Johnsou Edward, farmer, "Carbonel's
Burge Arthur, Waggon inn, &: "baker, Eagle Chas. Edmd.frmr. Taylor,Abbey Hall farm
Wix cross fnn.WillowHall frm.& BurntAsh frm Kindred. John, miller
King Daniel, boot & shoe maker Paskell William, jun. blacksmith Simson Elizabeth (Miss), farmer, Pond
Lawrance John, shoe maker Pearson J ames, market gardener Hall farm
Low George, dairyman Rainbert James, farmer, Wix green Taylor James, farmer, Clay hall
Morris Thos. (exors. of), irmr. Lodge fm Rayner John, assistant overseer ror Gt. Winterflood John, earthenware dealer
Nunn Thos. Douglas, grocer & draper, Oakley Wix Parish 4" School Penny Bank,(Rev.
Wix cross Roper Matthew, White Hart, Wix green Thomas Oldham, sec. & treasurer)
Paskell Wm. wheelwright &I carpenter Sorrell Philip, farmer. Blue house
WOODFORD is an ancient -parish, with two stations on POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings
the Great Eastern railway and is situated in Epping Forest, Bank &; Government Annuity &; Insurance Office, Wood-
9 miles from London: in the Southern division of the ford green.-Miss Elizabetb Hoye, postmistress. Letters
county, West Ham union, Becontree hundred, jurisdiction of dispatched at 9.50 a.m. 12.45, 3.20, 4.45 &I 9.30 p.m. &
the C,entral criminal court and Metropolitan police, county delivered at 8.15 a.m. 1.15, 4.30 & 8.30 p.m
court district of Bow, Barking rural deanery, ar..-:hdeaconry POST OFFICE. Woodford Bridge.-Henry Shepherd, re-
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans ; it formed a portion of ceiver. Letters dispatched at 10 a.m. 12.50, 4.50 &
the endowment bestowed by King Harold on Waltham 9.30 p.m. Delivery from Chigwell Road
Abbey and was held by that monastery until its dissolution. POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank, Orchard
The parish is divided into four parts or localities-namely, House, George lane.-John Pearce, receiver. Letters
Woodford, Woodford Green, Woodford Wells and Woodford dispatched 9.10 a.m. 3.45. 8.30 & n.5 p.m. Delivery from
Bridge. That part called simply Woodford lies nearest the Leytonstone
George Lane station, but the other three localities are nearer •
PILLAR LETTER Box, Whitehall road.-Cleared at 9 a.m.
the Woodford station. The Local Government Act was 12·30, 3.40 & 9 p.m
adopted in 1873. The church of St. Margaret is a WALL LETTER Box, GeOl'ge lane.-Cleared at 9.15 &
building, chiefly in the Early Englis!:l style and was II.I0 a.m. 3.45 &I 8.30p.m.; Salway Hill, 9.15 a.m. 12.30
rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in 1817, at 4.30 &I 9 p.m.; ~nakes Lane, 8·45 & 9 a.m. 1.30, 4, 8-45 &
a cost of £9,000: it consists of nave and aisles and an 9 p.m.; Hale end, 9 a.m. 2.20 & 9 p.m.; no sunday collection
embattled western tower of brick containing a clock: LOCAL BOARD :-OfficesJ Woodford Dreen
in the churchyard is a yew tree, J4. feet in circum- Clerk, Robert Martin
ference at 3 feet from the ground, which 70 years ago had a Medical OjJicer, William George Groves
spread of 180 feet. The register dates from 1638. The Surveyors, Hooper &I Lewis, Local board offices
living is a rectory, yearly value £550, with residence, in the Collector, Alfred Miller
gift of Earl Cowleyx.G. and held bythe~v. AlbertHughes M.A. Inspector of .Nuisances, 'William Rolloway, Horne lane.
of St. John's College, Oxford. The Congregational church, Woodford green
built in 1873, is a Gothic building and consists of a large INSURANCE AGENTS:-
and lofty apsidal nave, aisles, transepts and a tower with a County Pi"e, E. Poultney, 4 William villas
spire together 145 feet high; it will seat 800: there are Edinboro'Life, C. F. & W. Hartnell, George lane
schools attached. The Wesleyan Methodist chapel in Derby Emperor Life 4" Fire, A. J. Liddle
road is a brick building erected in 1876. Woodford Hall is Guardian, J. T. Robins, Church end
a convalescent home for the poor of London, without pay- Northern Assurance, E. J. Brutton, High road
ment and receives about 80 patients suffering from any form Pht£nix Fire, J. W. Kemsley, Oak:field, Snakes lane &I R.
of disease not contagious. Charities producing £73 are dis- W. Stacpoole, Clare lodge, Snakes lane
tributed yearly. The custom of Borough English prevails Queen, J. 'r. Bousfield, Inglewood lodge, Chelmsford road
in these manors, of which Earl Cowley K.G. is the lord and Sun Fire, J. D. Hooper, Woodford Wells; & J. Noble, Vine
also the principal landowner. The soil is loam and gravel; cottage, North street, Romford
subsoil, clay. Westminster Fire 4" General Life. J. S. Bailey, Wood-
At WOODFORD GREEN there are Congregational and Wes- ford Wells
leyan chapels and a Congregational Mission chapel and school PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
at Snakes lane. The Woodford Art and Industrial Society Fire Engine Station, William Holloway, superintendent
was established in 1877 by the leading ladies of Woodford, Gladstone's (M1·s.) Convalescent Home, Woodford Hall,
assisted actively by Mr. T. J. Taylor, honorary secretary, for Miss Emily Simmons, lady superintendent
the encouragement of local amateur talent. There are Metropolitan Police Stations, Woodford Wells, James
yearly exhibitions, including works of art on loan, which Hocking, inspector; &I Woodford Bridge, Sergeant Haigh
have increased in importance and success year by year. Rescue Society's Home for Gids, Woodford Wells (Nos. I
The society embraces in its operations the parishes of & 2) Knighton cottages; Mrs. Sarah Dunscombe & Miss
Woodford, Chigwell, Chingford and Wanstead. M. A. Reid, matrons
WOODFORD BRIDGE. situate about :a miles north-east on PuBLIC OFFICERS:-
the road to Chigwell, is an ecclesiastical parish formed in Clerk to School Board, Joseph Edmund Stacpoole, Wood-
1854. The church of St. Paul, erected in 18541 is a building ford green
of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and tower, Registrar of Birthlf 4" Deaths, William James Liddiard
with a small spire on the north side, containing I bell: the Relieving Officer, Arthur Albert Mathews, Buckingham
church will seat 400. The registers date from the Jear villas, Buckingham road
1854. The living is a vicarage, yearly value about £200, Road Surveyor, William Holloway
with residence, in the gift of the rector of Woodford and PLACES OF WORSHIP, with hours of services:-
held by the Rev. Charles Blackmore Wailer M.A. of Worcester St. Mary's Church, Woodford, Rev. Albert Hughes :M.A.
College, Oxford. The area is I,IOO acres; population in rector; 8 & II a.m. 6.30 p.m.: saints' days, 7.30 a.m. &
I871, 1,188. 5 p.m. ; wednesdays & fridays in Lent I I a.m. ; wednesdays
WOODFORD WELLS is a. consolidated chapelry constituted in Advent & Lent 7.30 p.m
Oct. 29, 1875. All Saints' church is a stone building in the St. Paul's Church, Woodford Bridge, Rev. Charles Black-
Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, north transept and more Wailer :M.A. vicar; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
aisles: opened November, 1874, at a cost of £6,000 and will All Saints' Church, Woodford Wells, Rev. Nicholas Richard
seat 600. The register of baptisms dates from 1874 and Fitzpatrick :M.A. vicar; IT a.m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wednee-
that of marriages from 1876. The living is a vicarage, days, 7.30 p.m
yearly value £380, with residence, in the gift ofE.N. Buxton, Congregational Church, Woodford, Rev. Edward Thomas
Hugh Barclay and the Bishop of St. Albans; the Rev. Egg, minister, I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.: wednesdays, 7.15 p.m
Nicholas Richard Fitzpatrick IU. of Trinity College, Cam- Congregational Chapel, Woodford Green, minister vacant;
bridge, is the vicar. There is a Metropolitan police station II a.m. & 6':30 p.m.; wednesdays, 8 p.m
here occupied by a section of the N division, with 8 force of Congregational MiasiO'll Room, Snakes lane, Woodford
5 inspectors and I9 polic& constables, who supervise the dis- Green; 6.30 p.m.; thursdays, 7 p.m
tricts of Woodford and part of Buckhurst Hill. The area Wesleyan Chapel, Derby road, Woodford, Rev. Henry Hays
of the entire parish is 2,146 acres; rateable value, £44,231; McCnllah, minister; II a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ~ mondays.
the population in 1871 was 41609 and in 1881 7,142, which is 8 p.m. & wednesdays, 7 p.m
also the local board district. Wesleyan Chapel, Woodford Green
Parish Clerk, Edward Ne\\"IIlan, Woodford SCHOOLS:-
Sexton, Woodford Bridge, Robert Whittam Board School, Church:fields, date of erection I 873, enlarged
POST, MONEY ORDER &; TBLBGRAPH OFFICE & Savings 1878; Samuel John Taylor, master; Miss AIice MilIicent
Bank, Woodford.-George Thomas Liddle, postmaster. Hackney, mistress; Miss Alice Newman, infants' mistress
Letters delivered from Woodford green; dispatched Board School, Woodford Green, Robert Spragg, master;
9 a.m. 12.0, 4 & 9 p.m Mrs. Mary Spragg, mistress

National, Woodford Bridge, Charles Henry Venning, RAILWAY STATIONS :-:-
master; Miss Annie Taylor, mistress George Lane, Frederick Garwood Randall, station master
N"EwsPAPRR:- Snake':J Lane, Fredk. William Clarke, station master
CARRIEB TO LONDOlf-Mrs. Martha Peace, daily, re-
Woodford Times, Woodford Green, published saturday turning the same day

through Leytonstone.] Burt George, The Laurels, Derby road

{Harke I thne - receive their letters Bursill Rich. 2 Milton viIs. Carnarvon rd *l'1eming Mrll. Moncaster Tilla, May-
bank road, George lane
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burton John, lvinghoe, Grove hill I*l'1ude Edwin, Irene cottage, Daisy road,
Aiken William, Rose villa, Stanley road Buxton Mrs. Camden villa, Fullers road George lane
*Allars Robt.Wm. AgnesviI.Latchett rd' *Byford Thomas, Engleside villas, l'1udeJamesWilliam,Sunnycroft,Chelms-
*Amoss Miss, Maybank road, George la Maybank road, George lane 'ford road east
Andrews Frederick, Grove hill *Challon John, 5 St. Thomas' villas, *Foot George Edmund, Latchett road,
*Asbey George Robert, I Mizpah l'illas, Maybank road, George lane 'George lane
Cowslip road, George lane Chamberlain Henry George, :l l'1orence Forrow Alex. I Swiss villas, Derby road
Aukland Joseph CharleswOt'th,Heacham villas, Chelmsford road west , *Forster William East, Lenham lodge,
lodge, Buckingham road Chambers Richd. Stanley ho. Derby rd Cleveland road
Aukland Joseph James, The Poplars, *Chandler Lewin, Erin villa, Maybank Fowler Mrs. Glebe lands, Church end
Buckingham road road, George lane I *Fox Mrs. 7 Primrose terrace, PrimroSQ
Aves Wm. John, Essex villa, Derby rd *Chandler Mrs. Naze villa, Maybank' road, George lane
*Ball Harry, 6 Primrose terrace, Prim- road, George lane I*Fox Wm. Robt. Frithman, George lane
rose road, George lane Chapman Miss, Church end Franks In. Hy. Bedford villa, Fnller's rd
Ball Samuel Joseph, Stafford house, Chinnery Miss, Church end i Fraser James, Fern villa, Derby road
Chelmsford road west Chinnery Robert,Stanley ter.Stanley I'd Freeman Joshua Charles, I C)'Prus
Barfoot Samuel, Salway hill *Clark Mrs. Myrtle villas, Maybank vill~ Buckingham road
*Barker Thomas Hearn, Hearn cottage, road, GeoI'ge lane *Frost In. Hales, I Alma viI.Primrose rd
Maybank road, George lane Clarkson Joseph, 2 Lime vils. Derby I'd Fry Hy. Gordon, Studley royal, Grove rd
Barnes Robt. Yallowley, 7 The Crescent Clay John Dodd, St. Alban's cottage, *Fuller Samuel, Maud villa, Maybank
Barnes Wm. Thos. Hawthorne villa, Salway hill road, George lane
Derby road Colman Geo. Snow, Zante cot. Derby rd Garlaud Richard, 3 James tel'. Peel road
*Baron Fredk. 2 Crescent villas, Mlly- Coleman Mrs. 2 Denmark terrace, Car- Gay Arthur, I Elizabeth ter. Peel road
bank road, George lane narvon road George Mrs. Melbourne viI. Derby road
Baxter Thomas, The Roses Collier Charles, Earl villa, Grove road *Gibberd Rev. John Edward [Congre-
*Beer James Thomas, Elizabeth villa, *Comfort Gilbert Humphrey, 2 Ham- gational], 2 Eleanor villas, Maybank
Crescent road north, George lane burgh villas, Cowslip road, George la road, George lane
Bell Hy. Ftzwm. South villa, Derby rd Conquest Herbert, Salway hill Giles Ebenezer, 2 Capel villas, Chelms-
Benton Mrs. Salway lodge, Salway hill Conquest Mrs. Church end ford road west
Berger Mrs. Grove lodge, Church end Cooper Henry, Ivy house *Goff Richard,Myrtle villas,Maybank rd
Bianchi Albert Edw.Ann'svil.Stanley rd *Coppin Edward, I Crystal villas, Cow- Golding Henry Thomas, Fairview,
Bianchi Antonio, jun. The WoodI'ow, slip road, George lane Chelmsford road east
Derby road CoveI'ly Charles James, Elizabeth cot- Gooch Sydney Alfred, I Woodland Tillas,
Bianchi Antonio, Lincoln ho.Church end tage, Chelmsford road east Church End
BillingsJn.Mattockvil.Chelmsfordrdwest Cox Fredk. Wm. 2 Oak villas, Derby rd *Good Harry Falkner, Sherborne villas,
Billings Robert,Westbury villa, Chelms- *Cox Walter, Oak cottage, Primrose Cowslip road
ford road west road, George lane *Goodbarne Mrs. Anindel villa, Chelms-
*Birch Thomas Denny, Sabina villa, Cressy Sidney, Albion cot. Derby road ford road west
Maybank road, Georgelane Crouch Pearce Henry, Grove hill GOt'don Wm. Lime villas, Derby road
*Blake Edwin John, Fern Lea, Latchett Crowther John Cooper, 3 Lorne villas, *Gough Mrs. 2 Primrose terrace, Prim·
road, George lane Buckingham road rose road, George lane
*BlakeThomas Austin,2 Made cottages, Cuff Walter,2William vils.Carnarvon I'd Grant James, Dee side, Grove hill
Cowslip road Davies James William, Manor house, Green Frederick, Lea Mount villa,
Blakistone John George, I Clive villas, Hermon hill I Chelmsford road east
Carnarvon road *Davison Mrs. Hazel cottage, Maybank *Green William WaIter, 3 Woodgrange
Blayney Alexander Henry, Peel road road, George lane villas, Daisy road, George lane
Bligh John, Norwood villa, Grove hill DebenhamArthur,I Chelmsford rd.west *Greenlaw Henry Tucker, Lyme cot-
Blunsum James, 3 Buckingham villas, *Denington George, I Crescent villa, tage, Maybank road, George lane
Buckingham road Maybank road, Georgelane Griffin Alfd. Hill side, Chelmsford rd. ea
*Blyth Henry,Dunedin viI. Maybank rd *Dilke Amos, I Queen terrace, Prim- *Hadley Isaae, Tudor house, Hermon
*Blyth Mrs. Mounthawk ho.Maybank rd rose road, GeoI'ge lane hill, GeoI'ge lane
*Bodger Thomas, Bourn cottage, May- Dlxon George, I Blydon villas, Chelms- Hall Nelson, Church End
bank road, George lane ford road west Hanslow Jas. Woodfrd. cot.Bcknghm. rd
Booth Geo. Wm. Mill cot.Woodford side Dolamore Ben, 2 'rhe Crescent *Harding Charles Frederick, Eden
*Boulton Thomas Curtis, Kelso lodge, *Dnnn Mrs. 3 Primrose terrace, Prim- house, Maybank road
Primrose road rose road, George lane Harrison Charles Richard, N urembergh
Bourke James, Repton lodge, Chelms- *Dyer JohnJames,Cowslip rd.George la villa, Derby road
ford road west *Easton Mrs. Waterford cottage, May- Harrison Smith J.P. Elmhurst
Bousfield William, Inglewood lodge, bank road, George lane *Hartnoll Charles Francis, Oak Tilla,
Chelmsford road west Edgcumbe Frederick, Mayville,Chelms- Hermon hill, George lane
BousfieldWm.Jeune,OaklandviI.Grovehl ford road east Haskins Samuel, Lime villa, Derby road
Boyton Thos.Edw.8 Derby vils.Derby rd *Edwards Samuel James, I . Marie Haslehurst Edward, Fuller's road
Bradshaw Charles Henry, Gloucester cottages, Cowslip road, George lane Hayton Robert, Woodbine cottage,
villa, Derby road Elliott Thomas, Middleton house, Chelmsford road east
Brayne Francis William,I The Crescent Chelmsford road west Hearn Geo. Holmcroft, Chelmsford I'd w
Brigham Edwin, 2 Derby viIs. Derby rd *Elsey Edwin Ravenscroft, 2 Alma Heraud Claudius William, Maglona villa,
Brooke George, Beech hall, Hale end, villas, Primrose road, George lane Derby road
Woodford side *Endicott Samuel White, Crescent road Hicks James Lyenn, 4 Lorne Tillas,
Brown Daniel, St. John's, Derby road north, George lane Buckingham road
*Brown Frederick Osmond,The Laurels, England Richard,Bayford house,Chelms- *Hill John William, I St. Thomas villas,
Maybank road, George lane ford road west Maybank road, George lane
Brown Mrs. Chelmsford road east English Capt. William, The Priory, *Hill Miss, 2 Elizabeth villas,George lane
Brutton Edward J ames, 3 Cyprus villas, Buckingham road Hipsley In.Hy. 2 Lorne vil.Bucknghm.rd
Bnckingham road *Escott Wm. I Orchard villas, George la Hobbs Edward, Murton villa, Chelms-
Buecker Mrs. Nurembergvilla,Derby rd Faust Carl, The Limes, Church End ford road west
*Bnllard James, Violet road, George la *Fawcett William, Fern villa, Maybank HodgeAlfred, Fairview, Fuller's road
Bumpus J ames, Kenilworth house, road, George lane Hodges J ames, Denmark terrace, Car-
Chelmsford road west Finch J osiah, Blue Bell cottage, Chelms- narvon road
*Burden William Thoma!J, Primrose ford road east *Hodges Thomas, :l Queen's terrace,
villas, Primrose road, George lane *Fitzgerald John, Woodbine villa, May- Primrose road, George lane
*Burford Richd. Falcon ho. Hermon hI bank road, George laM Holder Wm. ~ St. James' ter. Peel road

*Holliday James, Sherwood cottages, Mannd J oseph, I Victoria villas,Derby rd *Riley Jsph. Vine vIs. Victoria
Victoria road, George lane Mayell William, Burnham villa, Car- Roberson Mrs.2 Woodbine vls.Stanley rd
*Hollington Geo. Loudonho. Hermon hI narvon road Roberts John Reynolds, Sahvay house,
*Hollock William, 12 Moultrie terrace, Medcalf Wm. :r Stanley villas, Stanley rd Salway hill
Cowslip road, George lane Medland John Rowe, 2 Woodbine villas, Robertson Edward Bruce M.A., M.B. St.
Holloway Alfred, 2 Buckingham villas, ·Chelmsford road west Hildas, Grove hill
Buckingham road Mileson Edward Abel, Garforth villa, *Robinson Charles B.A. Vine cottage,
Holloway William C.S.I. Souta side, Stanley road Woodville road, George lane
Church end; & E. I. United Service Miller Hiram, Grove house, Grove road *Robson John James, Cecil villas, May-
& Empire clubs, London s:w Miller John, Clifton house, Grove road bank road, George lane
HoofI John Phillip, Aylesford cottage, Miller Miss, I Woodbine villas,Stanley rd *Robson William, Roding house, Cleve-
Chelmsford road west *Mills Alfred, Victoria road, George lane land road. George lane
*Hooff John Wi1liam, 4 Primrose ter- Mills In. Primrose viI. Chelmsford rd. ea Ross John, Hebburn villa, Grove hill
race, Primrose road, George lane *Molson Frederick, Vine villas, Victoria Rowland Mrs.Edith vil.Chelmsfrd. rd.ea
Hughes Rev. Albert lLA. Rectory . road, George lane Saunders Charles Rogers, I Lilian cot-
Hunt Mrs. Alexander villa, Stanley road *Monday William, Hermon villa, Her- tages, Derby road
*Hunter Edward, I Eleanor villas, May- mon hill, George lane Savage William, Woodford lodge
bank road, George lane *Monk Henry, 4 Rose cottages, Albert Scarborough Thomas, The Limes,
Hyett George Goold, Forest side, Car- road, George lane Chelmsford road west
narvon road *Moore Sidney, Grove hill Secretan Henry,2 Victoria vils.Derby rd.
*Hyett Thomas, Horn cottage, Victoria Morison John, 2 Woodford Hall villas, *Self Robert, St. Swithin's cottage, May.
road, George lane Chelmsford road west bank road, George lane
Ide Thomas, Hope lodge Morton Edwin, 4 CJ'prus villas, Bucking- Shephard J oseph, Rose Bank villas,
Inee George, Chelmsford villa, Chelms- ham road Chelmsford road east
ford road west Morton J ames, 10 The Crescent Shubotham George Harrison, Clifton
*Isaac Frederick, Stafford house, Her- *Must Miss, Laurustina villa, George la villa, Derby road
mon hill, George lane *Myers Mrs. Herman, Bremen villa, Simonds William Henry, Beechworth
*Janes Mrs. Ann villa, George lane Hermon hill, George lane lodge, Grove road
*Johnson Richard Edward, Violet cot- Nathan Henry, 2 Swiss villas, Derby rd Single Washngtn.The Grove,Church end
tage, Violet road, George lane Newman Joseph, Belmont villa,Derbyrd Skaife Mrs. Salway hill
Johnston Thomas, Cumberland lodge, *Nicholas John, Fairlight villa, May- *Smaldridge Wm. Victra. rd. George la
Chelmsford road east bank road, George lane Smeeton Albert Robert,3 Denmark ter-
*Johnstone Arthur James, Clabury Nicholson Miss,2 Woolstonvils.Stanley rd race, Carnarvon road
villa, Latchett road, George lane Nicolls Wm.2 Roslyn villas,Carnarvon rd Smith Henry, 5 Derby villas, Derby rd
J ones Erasmus, I Lorne villas, Bucking- Oldham Charles, 2 Warwick villas, SmythArthurWeatherley,Carlisle lodge,
ham road Chelmsford road west Chelmsford road west
Kent Ralph, 3 William viIs. Carnarvon rd Osborn Thomas, I I The Crescent Snow WaIter Geo. Oak villa, Derby rd
*Kidd George Hubbard, Tyburnia cot- Oxley Frederick, Gro-re Hill villas Southcott Samuel, Buckingham villa,
tage, Daisy road, George lane Page Alfred, 2 Blyden villas, Chelmsford Buckingham road
Kind J ames, I Ash villas, Fullers road road west Spiller Frederick Hutchinson, The
Kirby Edward, Knappa villas, Derby rd *Parkin Henry Thomas, York villa, Retreat, Buckingham road
*Knight John, Elm villas, Cowslip road, Maybank road, George lane *Stable Rt. Scott, Cleveland rd. Geo. la.
George lane Pascoe James Rogers, Pyrmont *Stapleton George Bamford, Percival
Knott Thomas Frederick, I Woodford Passmore Henry, St. Mary's lodge, house, Maybank road, George lane
Hall villas, Chelmsford road west Grove road . Stedman Chl"istoffer, Stanley hOUse,
Knowles Mrs. Salway hill *Pattison James John, Fawley lodge, Stanley •
*Koppel Coosar Augustus, :r Hamburgh George lane *Steere Thomas Warner, 2 W oodgrange
villas, Cowslip road, George lane Peace Charles, Church end villas, Daisy road, George lane
*Lampitt Edward, Glenville, Primrose Pegler Charles Laurence Allan Erring- Stephens Daniel Woolcott,Truby house,
road, George lane ton, Cuba cot.Hale end, Woodford side Church end
*Lash George, 9 Moultrie terrace, Cow- Pepys Robert Edward., 5 The Crescent, StevensJohn,IoMoultrie terrace,Cowslip
slip road, George lane Grove hill road, George lane
Lasham John, 6 The Crescent Percival J ames Edward, Brooklyn lodge, *Stiles Joseph John, Myrtle cottage,
Lewis Joseph Carpenter, Red lodge, Chelmsford road west Primrose road, George lane
Chelmsford road west *Perry Joseph William, Rose villa, May- Stockings Robert, 4 Denmark terrace,
Liddle Alfred lsaac, Capel villa, Chelms- bank road, George lane Carnarvon road
ford west *Peters Joseph, Woodbine cottage, *Stokes William, Primrose villa, Prim-
Liddle Geo. Thos. Percy villa, Grove hin Victoria road, George lane rose road, George lane
Litchfield Edwin, Chelmsford road west *Philp Richard, Malvern villa, Primrose Street Ed. Hy. Newton villa, Stanley rd
Little Frederick Alfred, Chepstow lodge, road, George lane *Stumbles Wm.Hy.sDerby vls.Derby I'd
Chelmsford road west Pick James, Holly cottage, Derby road Sugden William, Little Monkhams
Littlejohn Thomas, 4 The Crescent * Pigeon Henry, Woodbine villa, Victoria *Symonds Edmund, Eagle house, Her-
*Littlejohn Thomas, Elscomb cottages, road, George lane mon hill, George lane
Primrose road, George lane Pond Francis,2 Clive vils. Carnarvon rd *Symonds Thomas, 7 Moultrie terrace,
Lockyer Alfred, Molesey villa,Stanley rd Poole Joseph Henry, I Myrtle villas, Cowslip road, George'lane
*Lomax Kelly Nazer, :r Milton villas, Chelmsford road west *Taylor Albert, Hope cottage, Maybank
Primrose road, George lane *Potter William James, Thorganby road, George lane
Lounds Robert, Grove hill lodge, Crescent rd. north, George la Taylor Mrs.TheBriars,Chelmsford rd.we
*Love Samuel Cole, Cowslip cottage, Poultney Edward, 4 William villas, Taylor Robert, Grove hill
Cowslip road, George lane Carnarvon road Taylor William,Addington villa,Chelms.
Lovell Fredk.Willow bnk. Buckinghm. rd *PowellMrs.Grange villa,Maybank road, ford road west
McCullagh Rev. Henry Hays [Wesleyan George lane Thalsino Demetrius, ZanteviI. Derby rd
Methodist], 2 Ash villa, J<'ullers road Puryer Joseph, I Lammai villas, Buck- *ThompBon Ernest William, 5 Primrose
*McMillan James Ash, I Clabnry villas, ingham road terrace, Primrose road, George lane
Latchett road, George lane Quelch Jas. Fremontvil.Chelmsfd.rd.we Thorne Edwin,gWoodland vil.Church rd
Mann John, Spring villa, Fuller's road *Ransome Frank Purvis,Maybank roall, 'Ihorpe James, J Woodbine villas.
Maitland Rev. Adam Gray [curate], 2 Georgelane Chelmsford road west
Woodland villas, Church End Read Chas. Oak Hillldg. Woodford side *Thurgood Thomas, Woodbine cottages,
Marshall John Hayes, I Ebor house, *Reeve William, Glo'ster vii. George la Victoria. road, George lane
Buckingham road *Reeves Luther, Prospect cot. George la *Tijon Charles James Robert, 2 Milton
*Marshall John William, Engleside *Reeves Mrs. Prospect cot. George la villas, Primrose road, George lane
villas, Maybank road, George lane Rey Albert Edward, Warwick villas, *Trengrove Mrs. Arbour cottage, Violet
*Marshall Thomas, 2 BreWs villas, Chelmsford road west road,Georgelane
Primrose road, George lane Reynolds Henry, Chelmsford road west Tucker Jas.Dougls. Corinth viI.Derby ra
Marlin Moses, Northampton :villa, Reynolds Robt.Barc]aYJ.p.theShrubbery Turner Jonathan, Albert villa,Derby rd
Chelmsford road west Rich Wm. Hope vil.Chelmsford rd.west Turner Mrs. Church end
Mason Charlefl Barradine, DaUiy bank, *.Richmond Henry, Elm cottage, Prima *Turquand Leonard, 3 Moultrie terrace,
Derby road rose road, George lane Cowslip road, George lane
Turtle Frdk.M.D.Kirkmead,Church fields hon. sec.); c!ub room, White Hart Judge Th'omas, beer retailer, Salway hill
Underwood James, Grove hill hotel, Church end Kennard Wm. Frs. dairymn. Church.end
*Verry George 'Ward, Clematis villa, Blumsom James,.Napier Arms *Knightbridge WItr. butcher, George la
Hermon hill, George lane *Booth Frances Mary (Miss), ladies' *Lehrle Alfred, linen draper, George la
Vesper George, Church end school, Leigh ho. Primrose cl. Lewis Joseph Carpenter, architect &
Vesper Thomas, 12 The Crescent Brett John,stone mason, Peel road surveyor, Red 10. Chelmsford rd. we
Vohmann Frederick, Carnarvon villa, Brett Thomas, stone mason, Peel road Liddle Thomas &. Sons, grocers, &; post
Carnarvon road Brown Arthur Haig, solicitor, Chelms- office; & at Assam house &; 5 Glad-
Volland Charles, 5 Denmark terrace, ford road east stone terrace, Church end
Carnarvon road BruttonEdward James, solicitor (firm, Lloyd Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, Sal-
*Wade Charles, Florence villa, May- Cummins, Pegler & Brutton),High rd way hill
bank road, George lane Bursill Thomas, butcher, Church end Long Isaac, butcher, 3 Gladstone terr
*Wade James David, 8 Moultrie terrace, Butcher J oseph, blacksmith, Chur'ch end Lowe Mary Ann Emily (Miss), dress
Cowslip road, George lane Carter Arthur, florist, Church end maker, Chelmsford road west
"Talker Andrew James,St.Alban's house, Chilton John, farmer,Gt.Monkhamsfrm Lowe Thos. builder, Chelmsford rd. we
Salway hill Chinnery Robert & Son, builders *Mackrow &; Smith, timber, lime &;
Walter Wm. Melbourne viI. Derby rd Chinnery Chas.Wm.plumber,Fuller's rd cement &c. merchants, Steam Saw
*Ward Job Henry, 3 St. Thomas' villas, Christie Margaret (Miss), preparatory mills &; joinery works, George lane
Maybank road, George lane school & kinder garten, Grove Hill Malivoire Henry, painter,S Victoria reI.
"'arner Compton, Rookery, George la house, Church end Hermon hill
Watts Thos.Robert St. Bedes,Grove hill Clark "'iIliam,wheelwright,Church end Martin Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker,
*Watts Walter,1 Bretts villa, Primrose Clarke Arthur Dale, nurseryman & 5 James terrace, Peel road
road, George lane seedsman, Church end Mathews Arthur Albert, relieving
Webster James, 2 Elizabeth ter. Peel rd Cockrell Benjamin Brett, boys' school, officer, for No. 9 district, West Ham
"'elford Jonathan Cope, Grove hill Washington road, Grove road union, 1 Buckingham villas, Bucking-
*Wells George, Aberdeen cottage, Cow- *Cowland James, grocer, 3 Maybank ham road
slip road, George l a n e . road, George lane *May Thomas William, builder, May-
Wells In. Jsph. 2Stanley vIs. Stanleyrd *Cox John, baker, Maybank rd. Geo. la bank road, George lane
Whait John William, Rose Bank villas, Cubitt Jos. boot & shoema. 8 Grove ter *Metcalfe Julia Caroline &; Son, oilmen~
Chelmsford road east Cummins, Pegler & Brutton, solicitors, Maybank road, George lane
*Whaites Charles Woolfrey, 6 Moultrie High road; & at 4 Union court, Old Milborrow Thomas, builder, Stanley rd
terrace, Cowslip road, George lane Broad street e.c Miller William Stpn. baker, Church end
Wheeler Henry, 1 Elm vils. Derby road *Davis & Diaper, chemists, George lane Moss Richard, painter,2 Lammas villas,
White Alexander Francis,Rosebank,The Dowle WiIliam, printer, 4 Maybank rd Buckingham road
Crescent Druce Jonathan .Ambrose, butcher, 5 *Must (Miss), preparatory school for
.White In.Rosecot. Albrt. rd. George la Grove terrace day scholars & boarders, Lauristina
White JosephBroster,Gibraltarcottage, *Dyer John Jas. farmer, Cowslip road, villa, George lane
Chelmsford road east George lane Newen Wm. boot & shoe mkr. Stanley rd
White Thos.Sunnyside,Chelmsford rd.ea *Dyett John Joseph, builder, 2 Cr)'stal Norman Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Whitehurst Mrs. Chelmsford road east villa, Cowslip road, George lane Church end
Whittingham Francis Murton, High rd Edgcomb John Richard, carpenter, *Norris Henry, sign board writer, Daisy
Whybrow Richard,7Derbyvils.Derby rd builder, house decorator & funeral road, George lane
*Wiley William, Sherwood cottages, furnisher, Church end Okey M. & J & Co. baby linen, juvenile
Victoria road, George lane Edgcumbe Frederick, artist, 1 May villa, clothing, fancy drapery &; haberdshry.
*Williams Henry, Carisbrooke house, Chelmsford road east establishment, I Gladstone terrace
Chelmsford road west Evans Elizabeth Emily (Miss), prepa- Osborn Thos. builder, I I The Crescent
Williams Miss, Essex villa, Grove hill ratory school, Grove hill *Pearce John, builder, plumber, house
Willis George, 4 St. James'ter. Peel rd *FentonAnn (Mrs.),beer retailer, Chig- decorator & sub-postma. Orchard ho
Wilmer Horace, 9 The Crescent well road, Leytonstone *Pearce Naomi Miss, fancy repository,
Wilson Joseph, Clifton lodge, Groye hill Finch Henry, shopkeeper, Salway hill Orchard house, George lane
Wilson Thomas,1 William villas,Carnar- Fuller J ane & Winifred (Misses),grocers, Pedler Louisa (Mrs.), laundress, Stanley
von road Fuller's road terrace, Stanley road
Witherby Alfred, Church end Gale William & George, brick makers, Pegler Chas. Laurance Allan Errington,
Woodfield Thomas Goldsmith, Martha Chigwell road, Leytonstone solicitor (firm, Cummins, Pegler &
villa, Chelmsford road east Genever Charles, nurseryman & seeds· Brutton). High road
W oodhead Frederick, h'Y cottage, man, Derby road Perrin Job, fancy repository, & leather
Chelmsford road east *George Lane Institute (Rev. Adam seller at Snakes lane, Salway hill
Woodhouse Elijah, I Woolston villas, Gray Maitland, sec.), Victoria road, Perry Ann (Mrs.), White Hart commer-
Stanley road George lane cial if family hotel, Church end. See
Woodhouse James, Foxley ho. Grove rd Gladstone's (1IfT's.) Convalescent Home, advertisement
Woodhouse Lewis, I Roslyn villas, Car- Woodford hall (Lieut.-Col. Neville, Phair Joseph, hosier, I Grove terrace
narvon road hon. sec; Miss Emily Simmons, lady Pickering Edward, draper, 9 Grove terr
Woodhouse James, Foxley ho. Grove rd I superintendent) Plowman Orlando, shopkeeper, Carnar-
*Wooding Thos. Latchett rd. George la Godbehear Catherine (Mrs.), laundress, von road
*WooldridgeGeorge Henry,4St.Thomas' Church end Poole & Bass, florists, Derby road
villas, l\Iaybank road, George lane Gregory James, grocer, Victoria road, Randall Stephen, laundryman, 6 Derby
Wooldridge Henry, Don side, Grove hill George lane villas, Derby road
Yeates John, 2 Elm villas, Derby road Grove Road Mission Hall, Grove road Ranger Francis, builder, Grove end
*YoungJohn, 2 Orchard vils. George la Gullett William Henry, boot &; shoe Raue Barthold, boot &: shoe maker, I St.
*Young Mrs. Mizpah villas,Cowslip road, maker, Salway hill James'terrace, Peel road
George lane Guthrie Peter, oil & color merchant, 6 *Riley Joseph, builder, 2 Vine villas.
Young "'m.Thos.Craig millar,Grove rd Grove terrace Victoria road, George lane
Younghusband Joseph, 2 Cyprus villas, Hall & Hyett, upholsterers & cabinet Robertson Edward Bruce M.A., H.B.
Buckingham road makers, Church end Edin. St. Hildas, Grove hill
COMMERCIAL. *Hardman George, boot &; shoe maker, Robins John Thomas, chemist, Church
Adams James, florist, Salway hill Maybank road, George lane end; & Woodford green
Allan Frank, grocer, George lane; & at *Hartnoll Charles Francis & William, *Robson John James, builder &. contrac-
Woodford green auctioneers, surveyors & land & estate tor, Cecil viIs. Maybank I'd. George la
*Alp Alfred, beer retailet, George lane agents, George Lane station; & 8 Rolstone Charles, baker, 4 Gladstone
Back Henry Thomas,George,Church end London street e.c. See advertisement terrace, Church end
Back William, boot maker, Church end Hickman Geo. florist, Chelmsford rd. ea Sampson Geo. insurance agt. Grove end
Bangs William, builder, Fuller's road Hitch Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Sal- *Shedden Sarah (Mrs.), baker, Victoria
Barclay Frederick, stationer,2 Grove way hill road, George lane
terrace, Church end Hollow & Caulton, corn & flour dealers, *Skennerton Jas. cowkeeper, George la
Bass WilIiam, florist, Derby road 5 Grove terrace Smith Frederick, corn chandler,2 Glad-
Beacontree Debati1lfJ c! Philanthropic Huxtable Francis Haydon, baker, stone terrace, Chnrch end
Club for Rendering Unsecta'rian As- Church end *Soundy J ames Scholefield, linen draper.
sistance to the Poor (John Nicholas, *Jay Herbert, poulterer, George lane 1 Maybank road, George lane


*Spencer Thomas, tailor, Cowslip road, Messer Thomas, builder Kemp Henry, Prospect cottage, Pros~
George lane Plummer Julian, beer retailer pect road, Snake's lane
*Spiller Frederick Hutchinson, solicitor, Pluckrose Thomas, boot maker Kemsley JosephWm.Oakfield,Snake's la
The Retreat, Buckingham road Rabey Harriet &J essie (Misses) ,drapers, Keymer Edward William, Eagle house
*Stable Daniel Wintringham, solicitor, & agents for Connell's Lea Valley Lea.tham Charles Alfred, Croft house,
Cleveland road, George lane cleaning &dye works, Upper Clapton Snake's lane
.Stable Robert Scott, surveyor, Cleve- Rackham Henry, tailor Lesoeuf Edward Frederick, High Elm
land road, George lane Rackham Job, baker Letchford Robert Michael, Prospect ho
Stanley Robert, livery stables proprietor, Reason Charles, blacksmith Lowe Edward
Church end SeweIl Robert Russell M.B.surg.Claybury Macleod Beckman, Fir Tree cottage
*Stark Wm. brick maker, Crescent rd. Shepherd Henry, builder & sub postmstr Manning Rev. William B.A. [curate of
George lane Skingley Henry, corn & flour dealer All Saints]
Stewart Alfd. Charles, sanitary engineer, Smith Susannah Grace (Mrs.), dress ma Martin Henry, Douro villas, Snake's la
Church end Smith William Arthur, saddler Martin J ames, Douro villa, Snake's lane
Stubbings SI. shopkpr.New rd.Georgela Stevens Henry, dairyman Martin Robert, North view, Snake's la
*Summers Frederick, builder, Violet rd. Whittam Maria (Mrs.),lanndres& Meayers Walter,Sylvan viis. Snake's la
& Snakes lane Mills John, Snake's lane
*Tanner & Sons, coal merchants, George
Woodford Green. Morrison Alexander Cameron, 2 Ray
Lane station PRIVATE RESIDENTS. villall, "'est Grove road
*Thomas George, farmer, Chigwell road Anderson William, Eagle cottage Nash Edwd. Claremont Tilla, Snake's la
Tonkin Leeming, butcher, Fuller's road Atchison Rev. Geo. [United Free Metho- Nathan Edward, The Ferns, Snake's la
Turtle Fredk. M.D. physician, Kirkmead, dist] , Snake's lane Newman John Hill, Belgrave villas
Churchfields Atkey Frederick,Charteris ho. Snake's la Nicholls Miss
Wales Fanny (Mrs.), fancy repository, Austin George, Prospect hall Nicholson George Henry
7 Grove terrace; & W oodford green Bade Miss, 3 York villas, Snake's lane Noble Henry, Clarendon villa
*Ward Bernard, shopkeeper, Victoria BarclayHenryFordD.L.,J.p.Monkhams Northcott James Smith, Carlton cots
road, George lane Barker Frank Cowling, Heatherdale, Norwood Charles Morgan M.P.,D.L. Hig-
*Warren Fredc. & Co. coal merchants, Snake's lane ham hall; & Reform club, Pall mall,
George Lane station Baxter Miss, Fir Tree house, Snake's la London s. to
West Jas. grocer, Grove end, Grove rd Bell Saml. Fitzwilliam, West Gro\'e rd Orr Thomas, Workman, Rowallan,
Whiting John, sewing machinist, 3 Bentley John, Mountash, Snake's lane Snake's lane
Grove terrace, Church end Benton G. Ambrose, Ray ho. Snake's la Owen Geo.2 Ray's villas, West Gro1'e rd
'Whittingham Francis Murton, auc- BoseHenry, Ann's villas,West Grove rd Page Joseph, 2 Manor cottages
tioneer for the sale of houses, land, Bowley Wm. Groveldg. West Grove rd Palfreeman John, Alma ter. Snake's la
furniture or farming stock, surveyor, Bragg Mrs. Belbrook, Snake's lane Palmer George Albert, Camden villa,
house & land agent, licensed valuer Brown William, Higham cottage Prospect road, Snake's lane
for probate & agricultural valuer, Buckley Mrs. Broom hill Palmer Mrs. Hazlehnrst, Snake's lane
High road; & at 5 Bishopsgate street, Bull Wm. Ann's villas, ""est Grove road Payze Richard, Oporto vil. Snake's lanQ
Cornhill e.c Bush Mrs. Walnut Tree cottage Pige Mrs. The Larches, Snake's lane
Wood Sarah Lee & Casborn Lydia Camden Miss, Verbena cot. Snake's lane Pratt Benjamin, Thornleigh, Snake's rd
(Misses),ladies' school, Grove road Chilton Charles Priggen John Carston, 4 Madeira villa,
Young Charles Richard, boot & shoe Chilton Henry, Horne lane Snake's lane
maker, Church end Clarke Rev. Joseph M.A. Linden house Ringen John, Chesnuts, Prospect road,
Clark Hy. Robt. Simla ctge. Snake's la Snake's lane
Woodford Bridge. Cook Edward Rider, Woodford house Robarts Nathaniel Frands, Rosebrae,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cockett Mrs Glengall road, Snake's lane
Bonner Henry, Gwynne house Cook Henry, Wensley house Robertson George, 3 Madeira villas,
Bremner Alex. Bramwell, Claybury hall Cook Mrs. Eagle cottage Snake's lane
Chomley Henry Cooper Daniel, The Holly's Rolph William Fisher, The Willows
Clapham Alfred Henry, Thurlby house Cordeaux Mrs. Woodside cottage Salisbury Robert Bell, Aigburth, Glen-
,clarke William George Cremer Rudolph, Elm terrace gall road
Cluse William Dawson Mrs. 2 Madeira villas, Snake's la Sammons Thomas, Carlton cottage
.cook Thomas Butcher, Providence cott Doggett Jabez, Ivy cot. West Grove rd Sapsworth George
~ooper Thomas, Elizabeth villas Dorrington - , Alton lodge Sawyer Frederick John, Douro villas,
Jackson Charles Henry, The Gales Dykes Mrs. Anworth house, Snake's la Snake's lane
-Jones Miss Ellis Arthur William, I Madeira villas Seare Charles, Alma tel'. Snake's lane
Loader Thomas Bennett, Woodford ho Francis David, Maida viI. Snake's lane Shaw Mrs. 3 Manor cottages
Millington George Sharp Freeman Charles Edward, Glengall Shepherd George, The Terrace
Noble George Richard cottage, Snake's lane Smith Mrs. 2 York villas, Snake's lane
Rackham Job, Elizabeth villas Gadsdon Henry, Sylvan viIs. Snake's la Spicer James J.P., D.L. Harts
Sewell Henry, Claybury Gaicher Chas. Cedar cottage, Sltake's la Spong Mrs. Lime Tree cottage
. SeweIl Robert Russell H.B. Claybury Geer Edwd. Oporto villa, Snake's lane Stacpoole J oseph Edmond, Clare lodge,
Sutton Mrs Gibbons Thos. Fir Tree cot. Snake's la Snake's lane
Thorp Frederick Chippingham house Good Henry, Hermitage, Snake's lane Stacpoole Robert 'Ward, Clare lodge,
Tighe Charles, ROding house I Groves William Geo. Woodfordhouse Snake's lane
Io\Valler Rev. Charles Blackmore K.A. I Hall George, 4 York villas, Snake's lane Steel J ames, The Terrace
Vicarage Hand William Henry, Martha cottage, Stevens William, Norfolk villas
Watkins WaIter, Great Gales Snake's lane Sugg Mrs. Rose villa, Prospect road
-Woodroffe William, The Elms Harris Charles Henry Aston, Aston ho Taylor Mrs. May villa, West Grove rd
Heathfield Ernest, Silverdale, Snake's la Tholander Eleiser, Villa de Portugal,
COMMERCIAL. Hart William, Richmond cottage Snake's lane
Bird George, plumber Hebert Jas. Dean, Alma villas, Snake's la Tozer Alfred, Ivy lodge
Bursill Henry, butcher Henwood Edward Aagustus, Horne la Vigne Henry, The Oaks
Cook Thomas Butcher, artist, Provi-
dence cottage
Hill Capt. Augustus R.M.A. Higham Idg
Hooper Miss, Carlton cottages
Walker Henry Morris, Home cottage,
West Grove road
Croome SUB8n (Mrs.), baker Howes William, Prospect road Walthew William Henry, I Ray villas,
Dixon John Henry, baker Hyder Edward, Belgrave villas West Grove road
Dyer Francis William, cowkeeper • Ireland William Francis, Eleanor house, Webb Thomas, Hope cottage
Gould Esther (Mrs.), White Hart West Grove road White Robert, Alma ter. Snake's lane
Graystone Charles, grocer Ives Henry Stephen Whitehead Charles J oseph, Elm villa,
Green Charles (Mrs.), fancy repositor, Jewell Joseph, 3 Prospect rd. Snake's la Snake's lane
Gregory Henry, shopkeeper Johnston AndrewD.L., l.P. The Firs Whitta Mrs. Ray lodge, West Grove rd
Harris lsaac Robert, florist J olley Edwin Charles, Rose cottage Williamson Thomas, The Terrace
Harwood Charles, wheelwright JonesJames, High Elm Winter Joseph Thomas, The Terrace
Johnson Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Kaye Henry Edward, Forest lodge Wisbey Mrs. Alma terrace, Snake's lane
Jones John, greengrocer Kebbell George, The Terrace Wise George, t Manor cottages
Linnet James, Crown 4" Crooked Billet Kelly Richard Roper, Horbury house, Zimmerman Mrs. Carlton cottage
Mead William, shopkeeper Snake's lane Zimmerman Wm. Woodbrry.Snake'srd


COMMERCIAL. Legg Mary Watson (Mrs.), linen draper Breading John Rimmington. Blanchal'd
Abraham John & Son, grocers; & at McDonald Robert Wm. photographer, house, Whitehall road
Buckhurst hill Sylvan villas, Snake's lane *Breeze In. Saunders, Queenbol'Ough vil
Allan Frank, gro. stores; & at George la Martin Charlotte (Miss), schl Elm gro Burdett Wm. Fern bank, Momington rd
AlIen Frederick Smith, carpenter, Miller Alfred, collector to the local bd *Buxton Edward Northward D.L., J.P.
Prospect road, Snake's lane Morter Edward, builder Kuighton house
A~'1"es Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Newman Edwd. stationer, & agent for Carter Mrs. Whitehall road
Sylvan cottage, Snake's lane G. J. Glover, dyer & cleaner, Hackney Comfield William, I Momington villas
Ayres James, house decorator, Sylvan Nimmo John, hairdresser *Darvill Philip, Whitehall lane
cottage, Snake's lane Pavitt William, stationer *Devitt Henry, Hill side, EppingNew rd
Baines Joshua Hy. hair dresser, Mill la Peace Martha (Mrs.), carrier, Snake's la *Dorling Rev. Wm. [Congregational], 2
Bannister Edward, carpenter & joiner, Pentridge Frank, hair dresser Knighton villas
The Square Perrin Job, boot & shoe ma. Snake's la Durant WiIliam Gage, Whitehall road
Barnett Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Pernn William Hy. boot & shoe maker Egg Rev. Edwd. Thos. [Congregational],
Fisher's cottages, Snake's lane Pettipher Henry Alfred, saddler Sidney villas, Prospect road
Bell WaIter William, grocer, Snake's la Prengen Charles Jessop, beer retailer Elkington John, Woollahra
Blows James, butcher Rashbrook Joseph, carman Evans Edward Reid, Morningtonhouse,
Bradshaw Louisa (Mrs.), grocer, TheSq Read James William, coach builder & I Momington road
Bullen Mary AI1n (Miss), dress maker wheelwright, Snake's lane; & coach Fit~atric;k Rev. ~icholas Richard K.A.
Bunton Ann (Mi!ls), dress maker, builder & harness maker, at Wood- [VIcar of All Samts'], The Parsonage,
Matilda cottage, Snake's lane ford Wells Prospect road
Bunton Albert James, contractor & Robins John Thomas, chemist Foottit Wm. Pine lodge, Whitehall road
cowkeeper, West Grove road Roots William, carman, Home lane Fox Wm. The Beeches, Whitehall road
Campin Susannah (Mrs.), grocer & 5aunders William, cowkpr. Chingford1a. PraseI' Edward, Gothick lodge, Mom-
provision merchant, Snake's lane Scott Geo. boot & shoe ma. Snake's la ington road
Carter Henry, gt'eengrcr. Chingford la Scott James, fishmonger, Castle yard *Frey Arthur Abraham, Albion cottage
Ghigwell, FVoodjord ~ Loughton Gas Co. Sellar Jonathan, plumber, Grove road, *Gardner Percy, 4 Whitehall lane
(Allan Brown, manager; Edward Snake's lane I *Gardner Samuel,S ·Whitehalllane
James Holwell, sec.), Snake's lane Siggers Alfred, grocer, draper & china *Gardner Thos. Oak Lea, Whitehall lane
Clarke Frederick William, station mstr & glass dealer *Gould Frank Carruthers, 10 Knighton
Clarke William, boot & shoe maker, Slater Josiah, florist, Snake's lane villas
Grove road, Snake's lane Smith Eliz. (Miss), fancy repository *Gourley William, 4 Knighton villas
Coller Wellesley Mason, boot & shoe Smith William J ames, farrier & general Green Saml. Woodlands, Mornington rd
maker, I Victoria cottages, Prospect smith, High street I Grove Alfred, Rose cottage
road, Snake'S lane Stacpoole & Son, solicitors, Clare *Hallett Cyrus, I Knighton villas
Collins Mary (Miss), dress maker lodge, Snake's lane I *Hallett Mrs. sen. 9 Knighton villas
Cooke Samuel, t.ailor . Stacpoole Joseph Edmond (firm, Stac- Hardy . Charles, I Mornington villa8~
Cox Charles, bwlder, HIgh street poole & Son), solicitor & clerk to the I Mommgton road
Cox Henry, boot & shoe ma. The Square school board, Clare lodge, Snake's la Halsey Wm. The Homestead,Prospect rd
Cr~ssy Mary A~n. (Mrs.), dress maker Stacpoole Robt. Ward (firm, Stacpoole Hol!oday ~enry Benjamin, Cleveland
CrICks John, mIllmer & Son), solicitor, Clare 10. Snake's la I villa, Whitehall road
Crump Wm. Chas. corn dlr. The Square Stammers Emily Matilda (Mrs.) shop- Hooper James Drummond
C?tforth Samuel, draper keeper, Castle yard ' Hooper Mrs. 2 Albert viIs. Whitehall rd
Dlpple Geo. Hy. watch & clock maker Stephens Francis Richmond, ironmngr Hooper Mrs. Fairfield
Doye Eleanor A~gusta (Mrs.), bak~r Stokes James, builder I H~tchinso~ Richard Wright, 4 Morn-
ElllOtt Thomas, Job master, Snake s la Tann Wm. Hy. beer retailer, Snake's la, lDgton Villas
England James, boot & shoe maker Taylor Maurice, greengrocer Snake's la Kaye Frederick, Oakleigh, Manor road
Enness Charles, boot maker Taylor Thos. coach painter, Chingford la Kebbell. George, 4 Momington villas,.
Ensom Alfred, The George & Dragon Veltz Emilie (Madame), private school Mornmgton road
temperance hotel, The Square Woodford college, Essex house '*Kibble Frederick, Norton villa
Ernteman George, tailor Wales Fanny (Mrs.), fancy repository· Landon T. P. Florence villas
Everard Edwd. art decorator, Elm ter & at Grove terrace ' Latter WaIter R.A.M. Little Knighton
Faint Chas. marine store dlr. Castle yd Wanliss John, dairyman, Snake's lane Martin Henry. 3 Momington villas~
Feast William, fishmonger, Snake's la ""ard John M.R.e.V.B. veterinary surg. Mornington road
Freshwater Susannah (Miss), confectnr I' The Terrace Mason Thomas, Sidney viI. Prospect rd
Franklin George, Castle hotel; first Waterman Stphn. gardener, Snake's la May Miss, Forest cottage, Whitehall rd
class accommodation j good billiard Wells Henry, builder, contractor & Mead John, Fern bank, Mornington rd
room & .stabling undertaker Miller James
GirlingJames & Henry, coal merchants j Williams Edward, brick master, Ray *Morris Edward James, Springfield,
chief district office, Southend. See Lodge road, Snake's lane Epping New road
advertisement Willatts Henry, dairyman, Chingford la *MorrisEdward,St. Hurst view,Epping
Groves Wm. Geo. surgeon, Woodford ho Willis Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, New road
Hards Alfred, watch & clock maker, Leaver cottage *Muir Robt. Wm. Woodlands, White-
Snake's lane Witham George, blacksmith, Mill lane hall lane
Harr~s William, tailor, The Square Woods J ames, general smith, gas & hot N!coll F~ederick, 2. Florence villas
Bamson Henry, fishmonger water engineer, locksmith & bell- NlColl MISS, The LImes
Heard Emily (Miss), shopkpr. Castleyd hanger, Snake's lane Noble Henry, High road
Hill Frederick John, fireman, Elm grove Woodjord .A rt if Industrial Society *Oliver Frederick J ames, The Hollies,
Holloway Wm. inspector of nuisances (Samuel John Taylor, hon. sec) Whitehall lane
to the local board & road surveyor, Woodjord Times Newspaper (published *P~n~stan James, 3 Knig~ton .villas . saturday j James Jones, proprietor) PhIlllpson.~erberl,2 SmI~h Villas .
Howe Wdham, greengrocer, Mill lane Wooldridge Henry, coal merchant, Potter Wilham, 6 Mommgton VIllas,
Hoy Cresar, butcher Railway station Mornington road
Hoy Elizabeth Williams (Miss), shop- Woollard Arthur, Rose" Crown *Prince Charles Edward, High road
keeper & postmistress Wright George, baker, Castle yard Pritchard Mrs. Forest road
Hustwaite Alice (Miss), ladies' school, Working Men's Institute (Charles Read Thomas, Manor house
Th.e Priory. Enness, sec) Ree~ Willia~ Edward, 5 Mornington
Jenkms WIlllam, saddler, collar & Young John Railway tavern Snake's la VIllas, Mornmgton road
harness'maker, High street " * R e y n o l d s Henry Bion, Epping New rd
Jessops James, carman, Mill lane Woodf~rd ~ells. Roberson Mrs. 2 Belgrave cots. Forestrd
Jones James, printer & stationer [Marked thus - receive letters through Schwier Emst Louis Victor, Woodland
Kaye John, pill manufacturer Buckhurst Hill.] house, Whitehall road
Kemsley Joseph William, auctioneer, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Schwinge Frederick, Hanover house
valuer, estate agent & farmer, Oak- *Ashby Frank Robotham,6Knighton viIs *Shadbolt Fredk. Toulmin, 5 Knighton
field, Snake's lane *
Ashby Mrs. 6 Knighton villas villas
Ketts William, fly proprietor *Bamard Albert, Oak han *Sif'fken Bernard Ernest William, Forest
Knight William, carpenter & builder Biddell James, High road side, Epping New road
Ladbrook Ephraim, florist, Snake's lane Bolton Charles, Lynworth villa Siggers Alfred, 2 Momington villas

Skelton Benjamin COMMERCIAL. Martin Richd. house agent, High road
Smither William, Nottingham villa Appleby John, Horse tf Well *Miall Ellen (Miss), high class private
*Souter James, Hawthorne viIS". High rd Arnill Henry, blacksmith, Whitehall rd school for the daughters of gentlemen,
Spicer Albt. Brancepeth ha. Whitehall rd Bailey Joseph Salmon, grocer Darwen house, High road See advert
Spring Henry, Smith villas *Clayton William, cowkeeper, Darvell Perrin James John, boot & shoe maker,
Steadman William T:J.omas, 3 Albert cottage, High road Whitehall road
villas, Whitehall road Cole Edmund Burr, Tl'at,ellers' Friend Price George, laundry, 5 Belgrave cot-
Steinhoff Godfrey, Hepworth house, Connell Sarah Ann (Mrs.), grocer tages, Forest road
Whitehall road *Cunnington Lama (Miss), preparatory *Prince Chas. Edward, surgeon, High I'd
Stone Edwin, 2 Mornington villas, & boarding school for young gentle· Read Jas. Wm. coach builder & harness
Mornington road men, 7 & 8 Knighton villas maker; & wheelwright & coach-
Strickland WaIter, 1 Albert villas, Francis Joseph, carman, Forest road builder at Snake's lane, Woodford go
Whitehall road Green Chas. tchr. of music, Florence viis Rescue Society's Hmne f01' Girls (Mrs.
Sykes George Frederick Holly B.A Griggs James, greengrocer Sarah Dunscombe & Miss Margaret
*Tee Thomas James, Hadleigh lodge, Harrison Jasper, cowkeeper,Forestroad Ann Reid,matrons),1&2 Knighton cots
Whitehall lane Holloway Alfred, builder Robinson Charles, baker
*Tozer Augustus Hall, 6 Whitehall lane Hooper & Lewis, suryeyors, & surveyors Saunders James, corn chandler
Von Limburg Frederick William, Crom- to the local board Searl Wm. Davis, carpntr. Whitehall rd
well house, Mornington road J essop Augsts. fly proptr. 1 Florence viIs Sykes Geo. }'redk. Holly B.A. academy
Webster Richd. Albert cot. Whit hall rd Kebbell George, solicitor, 4 Mornington Taylor Wm. wheelwright & gnrL smith
Wheeler Edward, Whitehall road villas, Mornington road Warmington Henry, coach builder &
Whitehead John, 3 Smith villas Kitchen Annie (Mrs.), laundress, 4 wheelwright
Wilson Mrs. 3 Mornington villas Belgrave cottages, Forest road Warmington Minnie(Miss), drest! maker
*Woolfe Fredk. Hawthorne viI. High rd Latter WaIter RA.M. teacher of music, Wilkinson Job, tailor
Young Edward William, 3 Florence viis Little Knighton
WOODHAM FERRERS is a village and parish, 1 held by the Rev. Robert St. John Shirreff M.A. of Wadham
pleasantly situate on the slope of a high hill, in the Western College, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel. [,17
...division of the county, Chelmsford union and hundred, per annum, bequeathed by Lady Falkland in 1776,
Maldon county court district, Danbury rural deanery, Essex is distributed in bread: other charities, amounting to
archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 10 miles north-west £30 yearly, derived from land left in r730 by Mrs.
from Rochford, 3 north from Hull Bridge wharf on the E. Woolard, which is gh'en in coals to the poor. Lord
Crouah, 6 south-west from Maldon and 9 south-east from Rayleigh is lord of the manor and principal landowner~
, Chelmsford. 'fhere is still standing part of the ancient I The soil is a stiff clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
mansion of Archbishop Sandys. The church of St. Mary was wheat, beans, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 4048r
built by Robert Earl Ferrers in the reign of Hemy n. and con- , acres; rateable value, £5,377; and the population in 1881
sists of chancel, nave, aisles, wooden porch and a belfry with was 673. A part of BYCKNACRE is in this parish, where ,
r bell: there is a mural monument of marble on the north there is a Wesleyan chapel; the remainder is in Danbury
side of the chancel with an inscription as follows:- parish.
"Cecilie, wife of Edward Sandys, Archbishop of York and Parish Clerk, Thomas Wright.
-daughter of Thomas Willford, of Cranbrook, in Kent esq. sister POST OFFICE.-Thomas Pitts, postmaster. Letters through
to the worthy souldiers Sir James Willford and Sir Thomas Chelmsford arrive at 8.45 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m
Willford." "She dep'rted this life constant in Christian faith, POST OFFICE, Bycknacre.-David Upton, receiver. Letters
. 5 Febi. r61O, at ye rising of ye sun "-the Archbishop having arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched 5-40 p.m. No sunday business.
pre-deceased her in r558: the memorial was erected by her The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at Battles
eldest son, Sir Samuel Sandys kt. in 1619, he being then Bridge & Danbury
• sheriff of Worcester; on the same monument are records Assistant Overseer, Henry Stevens
of other -members of this family. The register dates from National School (mixed), built in 1846 for r50 children, with
the year r558. The living is a rectory, commuted at £950, an average attendance of 75; George Grossmith, master
in the gift of the Rev. Sir Brook George Bridges bart. and CARRIER TO CHELMSFORD Peter Wright, friday
Ashworth .A.lired Ildgars Hawes Jesse, farmer, Charity farm Pearl Fredk. farmer, Champions farm
Millard C. P. Eyott'8 Hawes Joshua, farmer Pitts William Lawrence & Thomas,
Robertson Rev. Wm. [Congregational] Hills James (Mrs.), Whalebone grocers, drapers, & post office
: Shirreff Rev. Robt. St. John M.A. Rectory Kerridge DI. farmer, Woodham Hall frm Richardson Thomas, farmer, Allan's hill
COMMBRCIAL. King William, farmer, Edwins hall Richardson Thos. jnn. farmer,Brook inn
Beard Jonathan, farmer, Brazel Kirkham John, farmer Sheldrick John, hZl.rness maker
Boreham Alfred, Brewers' Arma Lewin Robert, blacksmith Stevens Henry, Eagle, baker, & overseer
Brewster Thomas, grocer & beer re- Livermore William, shopkeeper Upson David, grocer & draper, & post·
taller, Bycknacre Martin James, farmer, Lodge farm office receiving house, Bycknacre
'Chapman John, beer retailer Martin Nicholas, blacksmith & beer Waller Henry, farmer, Berketts hall
. Cooper Samuel, wheelwright & smith retailer Whitwell John, farmer, Peatlands fann
. Croxon Abram B. farmer, Horseshoe frm Orriss John, beer retailer Wright Thomas, parish clerk
Eaton Robert, carpenter Pertwee Albert, farmer, The Fen farms Yeoman Timothy, farm bailiff to A.
Ely Nathaniel, farmer Pettitt Susan (Mrs.), Bell Ashworth esq
WOODHAM MORTIMER. (or LITTLE WOODHAM) Frewen Maude M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There
is a parish in the Eastern division of the county, union and are benefactions to the poor of the amount of £9 per
county court district of Maldon, Dengie hundred, Maldon annum, being the interest on £300, two-thirds of which
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, was left in 1786 by Susannah Meard and £100 in 1766 by
from 2 to 3 miles west-south-west from Maldon and 7 east Sarah Vicountess Falkland, the whole sum is given away
from Chelmsford. The church of St. Margaret is an weekly in bread. The Coopers' Company of London ha\"e
ancient edifice in the Perpendicular style, consisting of an estate here, left to them by William Alexander esq. to
chancel, nave, north transept, south porch and a wooden whom they have erected an obelisk near to the church.
belfry, surmounted with a spire at the west end and con- Woodham Mortimer Place, the seat of John Oxley Parker
taining 3 bells; on the north side of the chancel are esq. D.L., •.P. is a modern residence standing in a pleasant
mural monuments to James Wright, r795 and Sally his park: it occupies the site of an ancient residence once the
wife, r824 and to the Rev. Nicholas Griffinhoofe M.A. seat of the Mortimers, from whom this parish took its name.
formerly rector of this parish, who died 7th July, r789. aged J ames Round esq. M.P. is lord of the manor. The principal
73; the south side marble monument to Edward Codd esq. landowners ara John Oxley Parker esq.•.P. the Coopers'
178o: the church has elaborately carved oak reredos, pulpit Company and Jeoffrey Grimwood Grimwood esq. The
and reading desk and a fine -octagonal font: the original soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are
piscina remains in the south chancel wall: the sittings in the wheat, barley, oats J1nd turnips. The area is r,380 acres;
church were increased by the erection of a north transept rateable value, £2,rr8 15s.; and the population in r881 was
and galle1"y in r842 and has now 205 sittings, 44 of which 332.
areJree. The register of marriages and burials dates from Parish Cle,,.k Thomas Aylett.
1664; baptisms, 1731. The living is a rectory, yearly ,
value £352, with residence and 45A. 12R. of glebe, in the POST OFFwE.-William Barltrop, receiver. Letters arrive
gift of James Round esq. M.P. and held by the Rev. Charles from Maldon at 7.•0 a.m.; dispatched at 4-3° p.IO. The

nearest money oTder &; telegraph offices are at Maldon average attendance of 97; Mrs. Ann Aylett, mistress;
& Danbury Miss Elizabeth Aylett, infants' mistress
School (mixed), built in 186{, for T20 children, with an
Hilton Arthur George D. The Lodge Parker John Oxley D.L., I.P. Woodham Uilton Robt. R. P. farmer, The Lodaooe
Hilton Robert Ryther Popplewell, The Mortimer place Middleditch Earn, miller
Lodge Barritt Samuel, farmer, The Hall Ringe Isaac, blacksmith
Larking Henry, 'rindals farm Barltrop William, grocer, &; post office Stebbings, William, baker &; grocer
Maude Rev. Chas. Frewen M.A. [diocesan Bowen John, beer retailer Taylor Abraham, farm bailiff to John
inspector of schools], Rectory Bryant Frederick, farmer Oxley Parkerl.p
Parker Christopher Wm. I.P. The Grange I Elgie Edward, Royal Oak .
WOODHAM W ALTER is a picturesque village and dence and 45A. 2R. 31P. of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. Coles
parish in the Eastern division of the county, unioB and and.held by the Rev. Robert Henry Falkner M.A.ofTrinity
county court district of Maldon, Dengie hundred, rural College, Dublin. The Baptist chapel erected in 1881
deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of is a Gothic edifice and will seat no persons. M.
St. Albans, 3 miles west from Maldon, 9 east from Chelms- W. Bird esq. of Waltham Hall, Chelmsford, is lord of tha
ford. The parish is bounded on the north by the river manor. The principal landowners are the trustees of the
Chelmer and watered by a rivulet. The church of St. late Jeremiah Pledger esq. E. Gibson esq. and Charles
Michael was built in 1562 by a licence obtained from Queen Ward esq. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The
Elizabeth, by Thomas, Earl of Essex and consecrated April chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and turnips. The area
srd, 1564: it is a brick edifice in the Perpendicular style is 246IA. 3R. 38p. ; rateable value, £4,005; and the popula-
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, north porch and a tion in 1881 was 524.
wooden belfry with spiI:e, containing 3 bells: the church was Pm'ish Clerk, John Green.
restored and reseated ID 1867, at a cost of about £32.5 and .
has sittings for about 330 persons: the chancel, belfry and POST .0FFlcB.-Mrs. Ruth Gozzett, .postmIStress. Letters
some of the windows were restored by general subscription arrive from Maldon at 8.40 a.m. ; dlspatc~ed at 4 p.m. The
in 1878: there is an octagonal font and the east window of nearest money order & telegraph office IS at Maldon
three lights is stained. The register dates from the year,. National School (mixed), built in 1871, for 120 children,
burials, 1558; baptisms, 1568; marriages, I681. The living with an average attendance of 75; Miss Elizabeth Ellen
is a rectory, tithes commuted in 1844 for £506, with resi- Hawkins, mistress
Bygrave Henry William, Shrubbery Davis Joseph, wheelwright Ham James, carrier &; shopkeeper
Falkner Rev. Hobert Hy. M.A. Rectory Davis William, beer retailer Overall James Henry, Bell
Garratt Samuel, Hoe mills Garratt Samuel, farmer, miller & corn Smith 'rhomas, blacksmith
Speakman Henry, The Lodge merchant, Hoe mills Speakman Henry, farmer, Lodge farm
Gozzett Henry, builder & farmer, Hatch- Stowell Jeremiah, thatcher
COMMERCIAL. man's farm Wallis Henry, beer retailer, The Queen
Allington Thomas, baker Gozzett Ruth, post office Victoria inn, blacksmith &c. situated
ClearAlbrt.Prime, frmr.Wt. Bowers frm Green John, grocer, gardener & assist- opposite Baptist chapel
Davis Hannah (Mrs.), farmer,Frog's hall I ant overseer
NORTH WOOLWICH is a portion of Woolwich parish, esqs. the North Woolwich Land Company, W. F. Henley esq.
and part of the county of Kent, but on the north bank the War Office, London and St. Katharine's Dock Company,
of the Thames and surrounded by and locally in the county and the Gas Light and Cake Company, whose works at Beck-
of Essex, in the Eastern metropolitan postal district, nnion ton, covering an area of 40 acres, are partly in NorthWoolwich
and county court district of Woolwich, rural deanery of and partly in Barking. The area of this portion of the parish
Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans is about 400 acres, or one-third of the whole parish of Wool-
and within the jurisdiction of the Central criminal court wich. ThepopulatioRin 1871 was 1,455 ;and im88I,including
and metropolitan police. Here is a terminus of a branch vessels in harbour, 3,678.
line of the Great Eastern railway. Steamboats ply between POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE &: Savings Bank.
North Woolwich and Woolwich (Kent) every few minutes in -Charles Peter Schramm, receiver. Letters arrive at
connection with the railway. This. place was formerly in- 8 & IO.30 a.m. & 12.30 & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 &;
eluded in the ecclesiastical parish of St. Mark, Victoria docks, I I a.m. & I.IQ & 7 p.m
from which it was separated in February, 1877 and formed SCHOOLS:-
into a separate ecclesiastical parish. The church of St. John National (boys), erected 1875, for 240 boys, with an averag~
the Evangelist was erected in 1872, at a cost of about £8,000, attendance of 180; Thomas Henry Ford, master
raised by voluntary contributions and is a brick and stone Girls, for 250 girls; average attendance 130; Miss Burrows,
building, consisting of chancel and nave and a turret con- mistress
taining I bell and has sittings for 800 persons: a stained Infant, for 250 children; average attendance no; Miss
window has recently (1882) been inserted. The living is a Oates, mistress
vicarage, yearly value about £180, with residence, in the gift Railway Station, William Brown, station master
of the Bishop of St. Albans and held by the Rev. Charles Bull Metro[iolitan Police Station, CIl\rk Varrow & John Jackson"
M.A. Cantuar. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel. There inspectors
is a metropolitan police (inspector's) station of the K division. [For further particulars relating to Woolwich parish, see
The principal landowners are George Reid and J. F. French KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF KENT.]
Beale Frederick, Beckton Clamp George, Royal Standard Gage Thomas John, manager of the
Bull Rev. Charles M.A. Vicarage Cocks William, baker Beckton gas works canteen, Beckton
Fenner William Henry, Beckton Crampton Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper Gas Light if Coke Co. (The) (George
Jeffery \Villiam, AzofI villa. Crowe George, coffee house Careless Trewby, engineer; Frederick
Poynter William Cullum Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Beale, deputy engineer; Lewis
Steele William, Albert villa Downton J. & Co.engineers,New Beckton Thompson Wright, 2nd assistant
'I'rewby George Careless, Beckton house Ellis William, smith & farrier; & at engineer: Henry Fenner, manager
Vance William John Silvertown of the tar & sulphate works), The
Wright Lewis Thompson, Beckton Farrar Samuel Joyce, undertaker Beckton station
COMMERCIAL. Feast John Hobert, greengrocer Gathercole Wl1liam, grocer
Anderson Peter James, potato dealer Fenton Joseph, grocer Goodale John Charles, tobacconisi
Ardren Richard, shopkeeper, Beckton Forsey Thomas Tizzard, butcher & Goodwin Brothers, coal merchants, ear-
Avery Thomas, marine store dealer dairyman, Beckton men & contractors; & at Railway
Benzey Frederick, shopkeeper Fox Mark, shopkeeper station, Silvertown
Birchall Joseph, shopkeeper Foster M. B. & Sons, ale & beer mer- Hall John(Mrs.), dress ma. New Becktn
Bodman Hy. Abraham, pawnbroker chants; export stores, Victoria stores Hall Snsan (Mrs.), coffee house, New
Brightmore Thomas & John, builders Francis William, cowkeeper Beckton
Brown \Villiam, station master Frost John, boot & shoe maker Halliday John, station master, Beckton
Cade Sarah (Mrs.), news agent Fulford John, Old Barge House Harris William, pattern maker, wood
Canning Charles Henry, beer retailer, Fuller G. A. & A. dredging contractors, "turner &carpenter,sream joinery wks
New Beckton sand, gravel & ballast merchants & Hart Thomas, beer retailet'
Carlisle William John, coffee house licensed lightermen, Barge House Hewiett Henry, hair dresser
Castle Robert James, butcher landing wharf, draw dock & mud Holloway Thomas, Henley Arm~
Chatterton Samuel, linen draper shoots; office, Lion wharf, Millwall e Hornsey Edward, beer retailel'-
Hutchinson Roben, beer retailer Palmer James, beer retailer Stafford Henry, shopkeeper
Jackson Frederick Maltby, baker Pamplin Jarvis, farrier Stemp Louisa (M1"8.), California
Jackson John, inspector of police Parker Henry, beer retailer I Stevens John & Sons, engineers
Jacobs George, corn chandler & cowkpl' Phillips William, beer retailer I Stroud .Alfred, fishmonger
Jarrett Edward, coffee rooms Police Station (Clark Varrow &; Johll I Sussems Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Johnson John, provision dealer Jackson, inspectors) I Sussems Thomas, carman
Jones George, beer retailer Pooley Wm. dining room, New Beckton ' Syme David, grocer
Jones William James, greengrocer Price Charles WaIter, grocer Taylor George, boot &; shoe maker
Jordon F. boot maker Public Vaccination Stati07& (Kent) (Wm. Thompson Frederick Wm. hair dresser
Keeling Joseph, painter &c John Vance, vaccination officer) Vance William John, surgeon
King George, shopkeeper, Beckton Rapley Thomas, shopkeeper Van Ryson John, baker
Leach Charles, coal dealer Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants Varrow Clark, inspector of police
Leaclt James, estate agent, New Beckton Rowley Elizabeth (Mrs.), fish dealer Wagner Charles, butcher
Leeson Henry, fried fish shop Rudd Frederick, secondhand clothes dlr I Walker John Nathaniel, watch make\"
Lock George, tobacconist Schramm Chas.Peter, baker,& post office Warnett Waiter, shopkeeper
Luckman Henry, chimney sweeper Search James, shopkeeper Wbtson John, oilman &c
Mabey Alfred, hair dresser Sharp William, painter West Edward, Three CrOtlmS
Murphy Jeremiah, Kent .d.rm8 Smith Clara Brook (Mrs.) & Henry Wieland George, butcher
Norman James, boot maker Brook, chemists Wyatt John, cowkeeper
Norman John, boot maker Smith Edwin, tobacconist Wyatt Thomas, greengrocer
Page James, draper Smith John, coffee house YOWlg John, coal dealer
Pain William, oil & colorman Spring Charles Henry, provision dealer
WORMINGFORD il'l a parish, on the navigable Stour, from a bequest in 1564 by Thomas Love,of Little HorkesIey,
in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden union and for the benefit of this and other parishes, are distributed
hundred, Colchester county court district, Dedham rural yearly. John J. Tufnell esq. who is lord of the manor and
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, 4 Thomas George Hallum esq. are the principal landowners.
miles east from Bures station and 10 from Halstead, 6 north- The soil is light loam and clay; subsoil, loam and clay.
west from Colchester. The church of St. Andrew is a The chief crops are wheat, barley aud oats. The area is
building in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave of 21331 acres i rateable value, £3,931; and the population in
4 bays, north aisle, south porch and a western tower con- 1881 was 477.
miuing a clock and 3 bells, dated 1591: in the chaucel are a Parish Clerk, William Gilby.
piscina .and three stained windows, the eas~ window being a POST OFi'ICB.-Mrs. Sarah Death, receiver. Letters received
memonal to the Rev. Geor~e Tufnell, late near.: the church through Colchester at 6.3 a.m.; dispatched at 9 p.m. The
was thoroughly restor.ed ID 1869""70 , seated. WIth open oak nearest money order at telegraph office is at Bures S~
benches and an organ mtroduced. The regIster dates from Mary
the year 1557. The living was formerly a Ticarage, but h a s . . . . .
been endowed with part of the great tithes, yearly nIue Nattrmal School (mIxed), bU1l~ for l?O chIldren, aD
£369, with residence, in the gift of J. J. Tufnell esq. and average attendance of 59; .MISS EmIly Purchase, mIstr~
held by the Rev. Thomas Pilkington Tufnell lU.• of Wadham CARRIBRS TO COLCHESTBR-WiIliam Sach, mono wed. thurs.
College, Oxford. Charities, producing £45, deriTed in part fri. & sat.; Edward Leggett, daily
Clark George Philip Berry James, Crown, & blacksmith Hallum Thos. Geo. farmer, Grove fann
Hallum Thomas George, Groye farm Boggill Elizabeth (Mra.), farmer, Worm- Hitchcock Cornelius., miller
Haggis-Rolfe Capt. Frands Douglas»J.p. ingford Garnons Leggett Edward, grocer & carrier
Maidstones grange Bouttell Abraham, farmer Pettitt Frank, farmer, Church Hall farm
Pilgrim ld:rs Death Jemima (Mrs.), grocer Sach William, carrier
"rutnell Rev. Thos. Pilkington )(.A. Vicrge Gilby William, saddler & harness maker Scott Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer
COHllilRCIAL. Green William Stannard, farmer, Wor- Wilby James, boot & shoe maker
Barker Frederick, grocer &; baker minuford hall
WRABNESS is a parish and station on the Great the Lord Chancellor and held by the Re"!". Patrick Fenn B.A..
Eastern railway, 6 miles east from Manningtree,6t west of St. John's College, Cambridge. The Wesleyans have.
from Hamch and 15 north-east from Colcheater, in the small chapel here. There is a charity of 6s. Bd. per annum,
Eastern divisiou of the county, hundred and union of Ten- distributed in bread. Edgar Waiter Garland esq. who is
dring, Harwich county court district, rural deanery of lord of the manor, the trustees of the late Francis Richard-
Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. lIOn and Thomas Glover Kensit esq. are the chief land·
Albans: it derives its name from its situatiou on a ness or owner.. The soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil, clay and
promontory in the frith of the river Stour and ilJ situate on sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans.
the main road leading from Harwich to Jd:anningtree. The The area is 1,076 acres of land and 415 of water; rateable
Church of .All Saints is a plain building, consisting of chan- yalue, £1,964 i and the population in 1881 was 210.
eel and nave: the belfry, containing I bell, is situated in the Parnn Clerk, William Rowland.
churchyard and being overgrown with iry present» a Yery' Letters received from Manningtree tlid Bradfield. The
picturesque appearance: in the chancel is a tablet to the PILLAR Box closes at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order
Rev. Robert Riche (1728), twenty-seven years rector of this office is at Manningtree
parish and forty-eight years vicar of Ramaey. The register Nati~ School (mixed), built in IB72 & enlarged 1873 for
of baptisms dates from 1650; burials, :r681 i marriages, I 50 children, with an average attendance of 42 i Miss
1684. The living is a rectory, tithes commuted at £3'X) I Rosa Elizabeth Threadwell, mistress
yearly, with residence and 58 acres of glebe, in the gift of Railway Station, Goorge NWln, station master
Fenn Rev. Patrick B.A. Rectory Hamm John, farmer Richardson Edward Norman, farmer
OOlDlERCIAL, Hunneyball Thomas, Black Boy & landowner, Wrabness hall
Chisnall Jd:ary Ann (Mrs.), farmer Johnson Nary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Richardson John Thos. farmer, New ho
Fisher Edward, farmer Monger George, Wheat Sheaf Robinson Robert, farmer, Share farm
Garnham Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Dim- NWln George, station master Sage William, market gardener
boPs farm Paskell Archibald, blacksmith
WRITTLE, formerly a market town, is a parish near an inscription to Edward and Dorothea Pinchon and near
the river Can, a feeder of the Chelmer,ou the road from it another monument, also of marble, representing a father
Chelmsford to Ongsr, in the Western dirision of the county, and mother with four sons and six daughters: above ou &
hundred, county court district and union of Chelmsford, brass plate is an anonymous inscription: here is also an in~
Chelmsford rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. scribed plate to Edward Elliott, of Newland, Essex, ob. 22.
Albans diocese,lZi miles west from Chelmsford station and Dec. 1595, (Bt. 60: on the south side of the chancel is a
Chelmer navigation. The church of All Saints is a spacious memorial ;[4 feet high and 1 feet wide, to Sir In. ComyD.8
building in the Early English and Perpendicular styles and knight, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, July.6, 1738 to
consists of chancel, a clerestoried nave entirely rebuilt in Nov. 1740: he died 13 NOT. in that year, aged 73 and the
;[879, at a cost of about £1,000, aisles and lofty stone tower, monumeut was erected by his nephew and beir, John
rebuilt in 1802 and containing 8 bells: the church has a Comyns, of Hylands esq. in 1759: on the chancel floor are
Norman font: on the north .ide of the chancel is a marble inscribed ledgers of stQne and marble to John Pinchon, of
monument consisting of two pillars supporting a cornice Writtle, son of Sir Edw. Pinchon, ob. July 30, 1654; John,
and enclosing various allegoorical figures and .ubjecta with his f1on, 1672 and Anne, wife of the latter, 1675; and to the

Rev. John Birch LL.B. rector of Corringham and vicar of and his wife. Lord Petrie, who is lord of the manor and
Margaretting, Essex, besides eeveral memorials to the A. Pryor esq. are chief landowners. The soil is various,
Comyns family and the Petres, of Fithlers, including one to clay and loam; subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are
Elizabeth, wife of In. Petre esq. ob. Aug. 1658: on the east wheat, barley, clover, beans and roots. The area is 8,6]2
wall of the north aisle is a brass to Edw. Hunt, of WrittIe, acres; rateable value, £15,351; and the population, in-
gent. and his wife, 1605-6: a small brass to Constans, cluding Highwood, in 1881 was 2.412•
.. meyden daughter" of John Berners esq. 1524 and a Highwood is a hamlet and ecclesiastical parish formed
third, only perfect in part, to Wm. Pinchon esq. 1592, his in 1876 from that of WrittIe, from which place it is ~ miles
wife Rose, 6 sons and 3 daughters: in the nave is the figure south-west, 5 miles west-south-west from Chelmsford and
of a man in armour (of the Hyde family) with his wife, c. 4 miles north from Ingatesone railway station. The church
1500, 6 sons and 2 daughters: also in the chancel are the of St. Paul is a plain brick building consisting of small
figures of two men in armour and two ladies with groups chancel, nave and a bell turret at the west end containing
of children; the inscription, now lost, was to Thomasina, I bell: it was erected in 1842 as a chapel of ease to Writtle
daughter of Thomas Heveningham, jun. and wife sncces- and contains 300 sittings. The living is a vicarage, endowed
sively of Thomas Berdefield, John Bedall and WaIter by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners with an annual gran~
Thomas gent. 1513: of another fine brass, all that now of £50, also by New College, Oxford (who are the patrons),
remains is a scroll with the word .. Mercy 1J; and there with tithes amounting to £121 gross value, with residence
linger also two shields c. 1580. The register dates from the and held by the ReT. Molynenx Sheffield Crampton Fitz-
year 1634. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £600, hardinge Hardinge B.A. of New College, Oxford. There are
paid by stipend from New College, Oxford, with residence two National schools, one at Highwood, with house for the
and beld by the Rev. Andrew Douglas Stacpoole V.A. form- mistress, the other at Radley Green. The area of the parish
erly fellow of that college, who is non-resident; the Rev. is 3.400 acreliJ; and the population in 1881 was 665.
John Benwell Seaman ll.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge, Parish Clerk, James Clarke.
is curate in charge. On WrittIe Green there is a Congre- Sexton (Highwood), James Skingley.
gational chapel. Here are almshouses for six people. Here POST, MONBY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savin~
is an extensive brewery with maltings carried on by Messrs. Bank. Joseph Geo. Wenden, postmaster, Writtle Green.
Pattisson & Co. who are also owners of the gas works. Letters arrive from Chelmsford at 7 a.m. & at 12 noon;
Within this manor a curious custom prevailed in early dispatched at 9.35 a.m. &; 7 p.m. Highwood sub-office,
times, called "Leppe and Lasse," under which every cart for the sale of stamps &; receiving letters, which are dis-
coming to a part called c. Greenbury," except the carts of patched at 5 p.m. Cooksmill Green.-WALL LE'l'TER Box
peers, paid 4d. to the lord of the manor: Greenbury is cleared at 5.30 p.m. week days only at eaeh place
supposed to have been a market-place and had therefore lN8URANCB AGENT:-
this privilege granted to it. Dr. John Bastwick, born at London Assurance, S. Dickson
WrittIe in 1593 and afterwards a physician at Colchester, Assi.~tant Overseer ~ Collect()T of Poor Rates, Joseph George
was a person of considerable notoriety in the seventeenth Wenden
century: being a good Latin scholar and possessed of no Inland Revenue Officer, William Hawkins
mean ability, he embarked in a literary career and un- SCHooLS:-
fortunately for himself attacked the then flagrant abuses National ~ Blencowe's Oharity, Churchyard, erected in
of the church and persisting in this course was first 1848, for 200 children, with an average attendance of rso;
heavily fined and thrown into prison and afterwards, William Waldren, master; Miss Kate Robinson, mistre88 i
together with Prynne and Burton, condemned to the Mrs. Mary Velliard, infants' mistress
pillory and deprived of his ears: in 1640 Parliament re- National, Highwood, Miss Harriet Gasson, mistress
versed these sentences and ordered him a reparation of National, Radley green, Highwood, Mrs. A. Quare, mistress
£5,000 out of the estates of his prosecutors, of which, in CARRIER TO & FROM CHBLMSFORD-William Sewell, Bridge
16+\, 8ufficient was received for the mainrenance of himself street, daily
Writtle. Collins James, baker &; shopkeeper Pamplin James, farrier &; blacksmith
PRIVATE RESIDllINTS. Collis David, shoe maker Pearson George, baker
Addy Mrs. Writtle green Corder Edward, farmer, Reed's farm Pitts Mary Ann (Mrs.)~ shopkeeper,
Baker Miss, Roman's house Crozier George, Carptmter's Arms Oxney green
Barlow John Nathaniel, Writtle green Dennison Charles John, baker Poole Edward, harness maker
Rarlow Miss, WrittIe green Dickson Samuel, estate agent &; sur- Ridley T. D. &; Sons, maltsters
Boyce Thomas, Roman'liJ place veyor, Writtle green Roberts Chas. farmer, St. Christopher's
RuddellRev.Jas.Frncs.[Congregational] Downs Daniel, farmer, Montpelier farm RoUe broker, Oxneygra
Clark James, Roman's place Dowson Joseph, farmer, Moor hall Rosling Edward, farmer, Melbourne
Dickson Samuel, Writtle green Fitch George, shoe maker Rumsey Jas. grocer &; baker, Oxney gn
El'"ans Misses, Roman's place Franklin Arthur, tailor Saltwell Jesse, shoe maker
Godfrey Mrs. Warren cottage Goward James, dairyman Saltwell Waiter, shoe maker
Harvey James, Oxney green Granville Stephen, beer rtlr. Oxney grn Sewell William, carrier, Bridge street
Hilliard George Bridge, Oxney house Gray Charles Harrison, maltster Shaw Brothers, bakers & grocers
Hull Thomas Read, Chignall road Green James, carpenter Shead Henry Newell, corn merchant,
Johnson Alfred, Writtle green Griggs George, bricklayer Writtle green
Pattisson Wm. H. Luard, The Manse Griggs John, farm bailiff to Mr. DiCk. Shedd Ebenezer, surgeon & surgeon t6
Seaman Rev. John Benwell V.A. [curate son, Oxney green j . 2nd Essex rifle volunteers, Writtle pI
in charge], Vicarage Grove Jas.Horse ~ Groom,Chelmsfrd. rd Simons Thomas, butcher
Shedd Ebenezer, Writtie place Harrington John, seedsman, Dairy farm' Southgate Susannah Margaret (Mrs.),
Smith James, Roman's place HawkinlJ WiIliam, inland revenue officer miller
Thomas Mrs. Writtle green Hill Henry George, draper & grocer Staines Alfred, farrier, Oxney green
Tunmer John George Hunt Alfred Richard, tailor Summerfield Jabez, plumber &; glazier
Usborne Thomas ;l.P Hutley Thomas Henry, grocer WallaceAnn (Mrs.), Chequers,Oxney go
Woodhouse Hobert ;l.P Longmead Inns Joseph, grocer Wallace George, wheelwright
Woodhouse Robert, jnn. Longmead Jones Frederick, farmer, Newney green Watkins Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school
Kennell Harry, Rose ~ Grown, &; builder Watkins James, boys' school
COMMERCIAL. Little William, pig dealer Wenden Joseph George, butcher, &
Baker Robert, farmer Lucking J oseph William, farmer, assistant overseer &; collector of poor'.
Barlow John Nath. surgeon, Writtle gm Lordship farm rates, &; post office, Writtle green
Beach W. & Son, leather manufacturers, :Malyon John, farmer I White Rachel (Mrs.), butcher
WrittIe oil leather mills; &- at Rains- Mann Henry Fredk. plumber .\ glazier : Whybird Peter, farmer, Gray's farm
ford road, Chelmsford Marden Alfred, thatcher . Highwood.
Blyth William, fanner &; landowner, Marden Reuben, thatcher, Oxney green . .
Sturgeon's farm Milbank George, farmer, Benedict oats i Gard~n Misses, Wnttle park
Brazier Henry, bricklayer Miller John farm bailiff to Thomas Hardinge Rev. Molyneux Sheffield
Castledine William, veterinary surgeon Usborne /p C~mpton Fitzhardinge RA. Vicarage
Challis John William &; J ames, farmers, Miller John Star J effkms George, The Hands
Bush fann, Oxney green Mitchell Ja:Ues, shopkeepet" Rosseter William, Horsfrith park
Challis David, beer retailer, Bedel's end Oxbrow John, Cock ~ BfJU COMHERCIAL.
Chapman Rd.W. blacksmith, Bedel's end Pattisson W. H. L. & Co. brewers, malt- Blanks Charles Ruffell, blacksmith
Christy James, farmer, The Warren sOOrs &; wine & spirit merchants &; Challis Daniel, farmer, Branwoods
Collicott William, tailor owners of &,all works, WriUle brewery: Dove Charles, farmer

Ellis Arthur, Fo:r r! GoostJ Metson Benj. farmer, Barrows farm Skingley James, beer retailer
Flack Alfred, Cock Nash Thomas, farmer, Fithlers' fal"m Warren Wm. miller, Cooks Mill green
Flack Goorge, painter &c Nicholls Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Winks Theodore, farmer
Jl'yson R. farmer Perry John, Green Man, Edney green Woods James, l!hopkeeper
Gandy John, farmer, Eusens farm Poole James, farmer & landowner Wybro John, farmer
Hornsby George, shopkeeper Quare Alfred, wheelwright
GREAT (or LOWER) YELDHAM is an ancient poorer inhabitants were married. There is an almshouse,
parish on the river Colne and on the high road from Col- comprising six. tenements, founded in 1694 by John
chester to Cambridge and is a station on the Colne Valley Symonds esq. of this parish. The Yeldham great oak,
railway, in the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford standing in the centre of the village, at 4 feet from the
hundred, Halstead union aud couuty court district, Yeld- ground is 30 feet in girth. Spaynes Hall, the residence of
ham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and St. Albans Lieut.-Col. A. George Way "".P. is a fine mansion on the east
diocese, 7 miles north-west from Halstead and 5 south-west bank of the river Colne and takes its name from the family of
from Clare. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient build- Spain, or De Hispania, who held the manor in the reigns of
ing, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, Henry Ill. and Edward I. Spencer (Xrange, the residence
south transept, porch 'and a western tower with four pin- of Mrs. Way, is in this parish. Lieut. Col. George Way is
nacles, containing 6 bells: the chancel, containing piscina lord of the manor of Spaynes : Lewis J. Way esq. is lord of
and sedilia, is divided from tl1e nave by a carved oak screen, the manor of Great Yeldham. The principal landowners
the font surmounted by a canopy of the same material; are Earl Amherst, Lieut.-Col. George Way, Lewis J. Way
there are two stained windows, one in the transept being a and the trustees of John Whitlock esqs. The soil is rich
memorial to John Way and Francis E. Merewether, 1870: loam and clay, and sandy; subsoil, various. The chief crops
in the south chancel, or chapel. is a monument of black are wheat, beans and barley. Hops are cultivated in the
marble and alabaster to John Symonds, of Great Yeldham, neighbourhood. The area is 1,820 acres; rateable value,
esq. who deceased Feb. 29,1692 and a mural monument to £3,629; and the population in 1881: was 599.
Richard Fitz-Symonds, 1680: there are inscriptions on Parish Clerk, Daniel Bartrnp.
brass to Mary Wife of Samuel Weely, 1692: Elizabeth wife POST OFFICE.-Mrs. Eliza Fuller, postmistress. Letters
of John Symonds esq. 1666 and Orlando Fitz-Symonds esq. from Halstead arrive at 6 a.m. Box closes at 6 p.m.
1691 and some effigies supposed also to belong to the Symonds The nearest money order & telegraph offic& is at Castle
family: an elegant memorial commemorates the Dowager Bedingham
Viscouutess Bateman, who died Feb. 19, 1769. The register SCHOOLS:-
dates from 1653. The living is a rectory, commuted at Endo1ved, founded in 1694 by John S)'1l1onds esq. of Great
about £5°7, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift Yeldham, with an endowment of 1.58 ros. yearly derived
of the Rev. William James Earle MA. and held by the Rev. from landed property called" Kettles," in Halstead: the
John Marten Cripps M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge: school is managed by a body of 8 trustees; chairman,
the Rev. William James Earle M.A. of St. John's College, Lewis John Way esq.; Charles Applegate, master
Cambridge, is curate in sole charge. Here is a Baptist National (mixed), built in 187+, for II7 children, with an
chapel. The building now used as an endowed school was average attendance of 60; Miss Mary Want, mistress
originally employed for dressing a dinner when any of the Railway Station, Joseph Pittock, station master
Barclay Rev. Berben William Th.~.K.c.L.1 Butcher Henry, beer retailer Medson James, farmer
[curate] Chapman Cornelius John, wheelwright Pooley Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker
Earle Rev. William James M.A. [curate Finch Thomas, shopkeeper Ray Samuel, farmer
in charge], Rectory French Geo. blacksmith & wheelwright Rice Charles. beer retailer & baker
Goodchild Mrs Goldstone William, saddler Sibley George, farmer
Newby Charles . Goodchild Thomas, corn & seed mer- Smith Charles, plumber &c
Smith Rev. Isaiah [Baptist] chant & farmer, Hill house Smith Mary (Mrs.), baker
Way Lt.-Col. George Augustu8 J.P. Graves Juhn Andrew, farmer Smoothy John, shoe maker
Spaynes hall Groves John, coal, lime & slate mer- Turner Nehemiah, boot maker
Way Mrs. Spencer grange chant, Railway station; & at Brain- Telford & Ratcliffe,steam plough ownrs
Whitlock Mrs. Great Yeldham hall tree & Dunmow Westwood Artbur, grocer & draper
COI'rlMERCIAL. Gurteen Jabez, farmer, Weybridge farm Whitlock Francis, farmer, Lovingtons
Boosey William, watch maker Hardy George & Son, builders Whitlock Hy. Ed. farmer, coal, corn &
Boreham Mira (Mrs.), White Hart Hest.ler Jonah, carpenter artificial manure mer. & brick ma
Bowyer Henry, farmer Ives H{'nry, blacksmith Whitlock John (exors. of), farmer &
Bowyer James, butcher Mantle William, relieving officer for landowner, Great Yeldham hall
Briggs John, farmer Halstead union Wright Sannders, carpenter & beer rtlr
LITTLE (or UPPER) YELDHAM is a parish John's College, Oxford, rural dean and surrogate. James
in the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford huudr~d, Spalding Gardiner esq. who is lord of the manor, Lewis
Halstead union and county court district, rnral deanery of John Way esq. and Mr. George Unwin are the prindpalland-
Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. owners. The soil is clay, loam and gravel; subSOil, clay.
Albans, 2 miles from Yeldham station and 8 north-west from The chief crops are wheat, beans a.nd barley. The area is
Halstead. The church of St. John the Baptist, is a small build- 938 acres; rateable value, £1,673; and the population in
iug consisting of chancel, nave and a small wooden tower con- 1881 was 289.
taining 2 bells dated 1678; there is a piscina in chancel: the Parish Clerk, Robert Smith.
interior was restored in 1876 and is seated with open LETTER Box closed at 5.30. Letters through Halstead
benches. The register of baptisms dates from 1564; '!:ill Great Yeldham. The nearest money order & tele-
burials and marriages; 1586. The living is a rectory, graph office is at Castle Hedingham
yearly value £275, with residence, in the gift of the Lord National School (mixed), built in 1857, for 60 children, with
Chancellor and held by the Rev. John Gaselee M.A. of St. an average attendance of 46; Miss Amy White, mistress
Gaselee Rev. John M.A. [rural dean & Gardiner William Canning, farmer, Ship Stephen, farm bailiff to Alfred
surrogatel, Rectory Yeldham hall Donnison
Ambrose John Thos. farmer, Hyde farm Lawrence Thos. beer retailer, North end Smith Joseph, carpenter
Barker Josiah,Horse Shoes, & blacksmith Pearson John, beer retailer &; shoe Smith Robert. carpenter
Cooke William, thrashing machine maker, North end \ Smith WaIter, carpenter
owner, Marshy farm Rumball Jas. farmer &maltster, Sewells

s )


In order to afford space for the addresses, the abbreviation "esq." for esquire, has no longer been appended. to each
name in the "Court Directory." It should be understood that such should be added to the name of every gentleman in
the following pages to which no inconsistent addition is affixed.
Abbett Wm. Geo. Japonica villa, New ' Adams Miss, Randulph terrace, Spring- Alexander Rev. David, 1 Victoria villas,
London road, Chelmsford field, Chelmsford Cecil road, Upton Manor, Plaistow e
Abbey Frank, 29 Idmiston rd. Forest ga e Adams Mrs. Red ho. Oolchester rd.Hlstd Alexander Frederick John, Margery
Abbott Charles Edward, Rayne road, Adams Mrs. 13 Rosindell terrace, Fairlop Park road, Stratford e
Bocking, Braintree road, Leytonstone e Alexander George, 7 Albert terrace,
Abbott Edwin, Trinity street, Halstead Adams Mrs. Richard,12 St. Andrew's Pembroke road, Walthamstow
Abbott Miss, Ingrave, Brentwood road, Plaistow e Alexander Mrs. 3 Drayton terrace, Dray-
Abbott Mrs. Brick ho. Rainham, Rmfrd Adams Percy, Red house, Halstead ton road, Leytonstone e
Abbott Mrs. Holly ldg. Hornchch. Rmfrd Adams Thomas, Nassau house, Western Alexander Robert Forrest, 3 Drayton
Abbott Philip, Dunrobin villa, Hainault road, Romford terrace, Drayton road, Leytonstone,
road, Leytonstone e Adams W. Frome cot.Balaam st.Plaistwe Alexander William, 17 St. Andrew's road,
Abbott Samuel, Fern. Side villa, Carlisle Adams Wm. 3 Eastern villas, Eastern Plaistow e
rlmd, Romford road, Romford Alger Danl. Great Canfield, Dunmow S.O
Abbott WaIter, Castle road, Colchester Adams Wm. 65 Hampton rd.Forest gte e Alger Mrs. Great Canfield, Dunmow S.O
Abbott Waiter, Plimont villa, Percy Adamson John, 2 Rochester villas, Cleva- Alger Mrs. The Wood, Moreton, Brentwd
road, Leytonstone e land road, Snaresbrook e Allack Edward, Fernside villas, Carlisle
Abbott William, Oak lodge, Cambridge Adamson Michael, 5 Custom House ter. road, Romford
park, Wanstead e Lilliput road, Canniug town e Allam Edwin Clark,Normanhurst,Rmfrd
Abdy John Thomas LL.D., J.P. Great Adamson Mrs. 4 Albion terrace, Lan- Allan Jsph. 2 Carnarvon rd. Forest gate e
Baddow house, Chelmsford caster road, Leytonstone e Allard Charles, Wilton road, Great Ilford
Abel Arthur,3 Laxton terrace, Sedg- Adamson Thomas,s8 Hampton road, AllardFredk.F.IGroveter.GreatIlford
wick road, Leyton Forest gate e Allard Mrs. 2 Gro\'e villas, Great Ilford
Abercrombie Rev. Richard, Wellesley Addison Chas. Ed. 2 Head st. Colchester Allardice Mrs. Mysore house, The Drive,
villa, Leyton road, Forest gate e Addison Spencer, The Grove, Southend Walthamstow
Abery In. Poplar vil.Shrubland rd.Leytn Addy Mrs. Writtle gn.Writtle,Chlmsford Allars Robert William, Agnes villa,
Ablett John Charles, 2 Grove Crescent Adey Mrs.Grange vil.Sutton st.Southend Latchett road, George la. Leytonstone
road, Stratford e Adkins Ashley, Hradfordstreet, Bocking, Allaway William, 4 Rosindell terrace,
AblettJn. D. 10 Cambridge ter.Southend Braintree Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Ablewhite Mrs. 5 Globe terrace, Forest Ady Ven. William Brice M A.. Rectory, Allaway William Henry, 1 Rosindell
lane, Forest gate e Little Baddow, Chelmsford terrace, Fairlop road, Leytonstone 8
Abrahams John, Brooklands, Eastern Agar Mrs. Park corner, Upminster AlIen Arthur, Shanklin villa, Hainaul1i
road, Romford Agate Wm. Coolmore, Clacton-on-Sea, road, Leytonstone e
Abrahams J sph.69 Gurney rd.Forest ga e Colchester AlIen Charles, 23 Lansdowne road,
Abrahams Robert, 169 Romford road, Ager George, 17 North hill, Colchester Leytonstone e
Stratford e Ager Wm. 47 Hampton I'd.Forest gate e Allen David, 14 Manbey grove, Strat.
Abrams Charles, Maldon hall, Maldon Aggio Hy. WilllJughby, Head st.Colchstr ford green e
Abrey Samuel, Ardleigh, Colchester Aichison In. 6 Pembroke rd.WaIthmstw Allen David, 326 Romfordrd.Stratford.
Absolom Mrs.Rosebk.Hermon hI.Wnstde Aiken Wm. Rose viI. Stanley rd. Woodfrd AlIen David William, 5 Boscombe villas,
Ackers J ames, Kelvedon Ainslie Miss, The Rolls,Inks grn.Chingfrd Thornhill road, Leyton
Ackland Bryans Limbert LL.M.Westfield, Aitchison J. GrosvenorPk.rd.Walthmstw Allen Elliston, The Grm'e, Ballingdon,
Saffron Walden Aitchison William,Alpha cot. Chadwell 8t Sudbury
Ackland William Fitzroy, 4 Audley Akers John,S Claremont rd. Forest gate e Alien Francis, Garfield lodge, Carlisle
terrace, Saffron Walden Albiston R. Park villa, "'"ilmotrd.Leyton road, Romford
Acland Rev. Charles Lawford M.A. Alcock Charles, Sunnyside, Chingford Allen Fredk. 53 Windsor rd. Forest gate e
Royal grammar school, Colchester Alcock Thomas, Croxley villa, East AllenGeorge,2 Batavia cottages, Chandos
Adams Rev. Henry Willoughby M.A. avenue, Walthamstow road, New town, Stratford e
Rectory, Great Parndon, Harlow Alderslade Mrs. I Bromwell vils.Brentwd Allen George, Edgar villa, Perc," road,
Adams -,Oaklands,Brentwood rd.Rmfrd Alderton Alfred, Clifton cottage, Barclay Leytonstone e
Adams Alfred, Market place, Romford road, Leytonstone e AlIen Geo. Elm bIlk. Victoria rd. Romfrd
Adams Alfred, 4 Roman villas, Roman Alderton William George, Pembroke Allen George, 3 The Grove, Stratford e
road, Colchester road, Walthamstow Allen Golden, High house, Gra;)'"S
Adams Edgr. Tarry, The Cottage,Halstd Aldham Arthur Thomas, Ivy villa, Thurrock, Romford
Adams Frederick Augustus, Booth's Carnarvon road, Forest gate e AlIen John,3I Claremontrd.Forestgatee •
cottages, Barking road, Canning tn e Aldis Robert William, 3 Belle Vue \illas, Allen John, Hill house, Buckhurst hill
Adams Hy. A. J.P. Wynters grnge.Harlow North Station road, Colchester Allen Mrs. 2 BataTia cottages, Chandoa
Adams Henry John, 4 Yale terrace, Aldon Jsph. Rufus l\I.A. Salway hoLeytn road, New town, Stratford e
Colworth road, Leytonstone e Aldous Mrs: High st. Brightlingsea S.O Allen Mrs. 78 Osborne rd. Forest gate,
Adams Hy. R. I80sborne rd. Forest gte e Aldous Thos. Sussex cot. High st. Leyton Allen Mrs. 8 Romford road, Stratford e
Adams In. Thos. Stone grange, Halstead Aldrett Edward,Frances villa,Woodhouse AlIen Richman, Edgar villa, Perer road,
Adams Leonard, Magdalen Laver,Ongar road, Leytonstone e Leytonstone e
S.O Aldridge AlIen G. Bllrrack st. Colchester AlIen Robt.The Cedars, Bulmer, Sudbury
Adams Miss, High street, Ralstead .Alecock Mrs. Provident place, Colchester Allen Robin, Woodbury hill, Loughton

.Allen Thos. Alma cot.Burchell rd.Leyton Andrews James, 5 Station rd. Harwich Ash Mrs. St. Lawrence house, Bocking,
AlIen William, 10 Albyn tel'. Southend Andrews Mrs. Orsett, Romford Braintree
AllenWilliam, Hadleigh villa,Clacton-on- Andrews Mrs. Weald view, Brook street, Ashbolt Thos. 3 Editb cottages, Cobdeo
Sea, Colchester Brentwood road, Leytonstone e
AlIen William Henry, Jireh lodge, Andrews P. Neville, 2q Grove road, Ashbridge John, Ashmoor, Hermon hill,
Sebert road, Forest gate e Wanstead e Wanstead e
AlIen William Thomas, Elm cottage, Angell Lewis C.Ji1. Burleigh house, The Ashby E. 54 Windsor rd. Forest gate e
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Grove, Stratford e Ashby F.R.6 Knighton viIs. Buckhurst hI
Allenspack Isaac, Oak cottage, Prince's Angle Sidney Butler, The Viaduct, Ashby Frederick,2 Lime villas, Hainauli
road, Buckhurst hill Lexden, Colchester road, Leytonstone e
AIlinson John L.R.C.P. Edin. 2 Orford Angold Henry, 1 Walton villas, Sebert Ashby Josiah,2 Grange terrace, Church
villas, Orford road, Walthamstow road, Forest gate e road, Leyton
Allinson Mrs. 188 Romford rd.Stratford e Angove William Collier, St. Aubyns, Ashby Mrs.6 Knighton vils.Buckhurst hI
.AJlison John Allison Zachariah, Gran- Snaresbrook e Ashby Richard Baughan, Forest lodge,
ville villa, Selwyn road, Plaistow e Ann Alfred, Alice villa, Barclay road, Whipps cross, Leyton
Allman Austin Henry, 44 Manbey grove, Leytonstone e Ashby Saml. Jsph. 4 Trinity ter.Maldon
Stratforn green e Annesley, Col. Robert Michael Smith, road, Colchester
Allport R. L. I St.Kilda vils. Buckhmst hI Talbot house, Brook street, Brentwood Ashcroft HenrY,3 Grange Park cottages,
AlIsup J. High Bridge st.Waltham Abbey Annetts Hector James, Lytton road, Grange Park road, Leyton
Alltre Capt. William George, 239 Leytonstone e Ashdown Charles Wm. 241 Romford
Romford road, Stratford e Ansell In. Albert rd. sth. Buckhurst hill road. Stratford e
Allum Mrs. Sheffield villa, Essex street, AnsellWilliam Benjamin,Belmont house, Ashley Alfred, Clarendon villa, Fairlop
Forest gate e Cann Hall road, Wanstead e road, Leytonstone
Allwright WaIter, The Cr~scent, Upton Anstey Rev. Wm. M.Tollesbury,Kelvedon Ashley Arthur,Fambridge road, Maldon
manor, Plaistow e Anthony John, Eastern rd. West Ham e Ashley Jas. 103 Romford rd. Stratford e
Alment Edwd.194 Romford rd.Stratfrd e AnthonyJohn R.Fajrlop rd.Leytonstone e Ashley John Thos. 5 Lee terrace, Bark-
AIsop Mrs. Wantz road, Maldon Appleby Geo. 8 East aven.Walthamstow ing road, Plaistow e
Alston Alfd. Ernst.High st. Manningtree Appleby John, I7 Roman rd. Colchester Ashmole Arthur,Back st. Great Ilford
Alston Edwd.J. Gt.Bromley hall,Colchstr Appleford Mrs. Little Coggeshall, KeI- Ashmole Hy.J. 3 The Terrace,Gt. Ilford
Alston Henry, West Bergholt, Colchester vedon Ashmole Hy.Wm.3The Terrace.Gt.Ilford
Alston John Edwd.S<mth st.Manningtree Appleford John, 2 Rock villas, Clova Ashmole Miss, Como cottages, North
Ames Joseph George, Lime villa, Gran- road, Forest gate e street, Romford
ville road, Walthamstow Appleford John H. 3 Saunders terrace, Ashmole Mrs. 4 Adelaide tel'. Gt. Ilford
Amor Thomas, Aldum lodge, Cann Wellesley road, Leytonstone e Ashmole Wm. 2 Hainault tel'. Gt. llford
Hall road, Wanstead e Appleford W. 117 Gurney rd.Forest gte e Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lecture
Ambrose Rev. John 1I•.&.. Copford lodge, Appleton Hy.245 Romford rd. Stratford e house, Dedham S.O
Colchester Appleton Wm. High st. Saffron Walden Ashworth Alfred, Ildgars, Chelmsford
Amer Joseph, 25 Buxton rd.Forest gate e .Arch Arthur, 7 Barclay terrace, Barclay Asplin Mrs. White house, North Shoe-
Amery J.Aubery viI.Field rd. Forest gte e road, Leytonstone e bury, Chelmsford
Amoss Miss, Maybank road, George Archer Charles John,3 Laura terrace, Assheton Mrs. Eleanor lodge, South-
. lane, Leytonstone e Cobden road, Leytonstone IJ church, Southend
Amsden George K.B. Asylum, Warley Archer David, Wickford, Chelmsford Atchison Rev. Geo. Snakes la. Woodford
road, South Weald, Brentwood Archer Hy. South road, Saffron Walden Atherton In.l99 Romford rd.Stratford e
Anderson Alexander, Wallace lodge, Archer Miss, 6 Market pI. Leytonstone Athill Mrs. 4 Pembroke terrace, Cobden
High road, Chadwell Heath road, Stratford e road, Leytonstone e
Anderson Benjamin, Dunmow S.O Archer Mrs. Kelvedon Atthill Robert Chapman, The Laurels,
Anderson Jas. 159 Romford rd. Stratfrd e Archer Mrs. WiIliam, Alfred pt Walton- Great Bentley, Colchester
Anderson John, Leigh house, Chelmsford on-the-Naze S.O Atkey Frederick,Charteris house, Snake
Anderson John WaIter, 10 Pleasant Archer Samuel, Christmas ho. Witham. lane, Woodford
terrace, Murchison road, Leyton Archer Wm.Ivyvils.Hamlet rd.Chlmsfrd Atkin J.G.41 Claremontrd.Forest gate e
Anderson Miss, Balaam st. Plaistow e Arden George, Pinckard,8 The Avenue, Atkins Sml.E. East Ham ho.East Ham 11
AndersonRobt. Cambridgerd.Colchester Colchester Atkinson Henry, Laurel mount, Warley
Anderson 'Thomas K.B. The Towers, Argent Edward, New street, Halstead road, Brentwood .
Queen's road, Plaistow e Argent Wm. John, 1 Nightingale villa, Atkinson James,Erato villa,Leytonston6
Anderson Wm. 8 CeciI rd. Leytonstone e Nightingale lane, Wanstead e road, Stratford e
Anderson Wm.Eagle cot.Woodford green Argles Frank, Hermon ldg. Wanstead e Atkinson In. G.33 Buxton rd.Forestgte8
Anderson William, 1 York villas, Arkwright Loftus Wigram I.P. Parndon Atkinson John Parkinson, High street,
Salisbury road, Walthamstow hall, Harlow Saffron Walden
Anderton Benjamin, Yew villas, WarIey .Arkwright Misses, Mark hall, Latton, Atkinson John Wm. 143 Romford road,
road, Brentwood Harlow Stratford e
Andrade Alex. Yew Tree viIs. Gt. Ilford Armfield Rev. Hy. Thos. M •.&.. Rectory, Atkinson Mrs.I05 Romford rd.Stratfrd e
Andrere Mrs. Highamldg. Walthamstow Colne Engaine, Halstead Attenborough Wm.l"riary, Maldon
Andrew John Mann, Woodland villa, Armstrong Edward, 10 Manbey grove, Attridge Samuel,2 Nightingale villas,
:Mornington road, Leytonstone e Stratford green e Nightingale lane, Wansteade
Andrew Miss, Leyton ho. High st.Leyton Armstrong H. J.IO Selwyn rd.Plaistow e Attwater Henry, St. Helens, Cleveland
Andrew Mrs. Le~1;on ho. High st. Leyton Arnold Alfred, 53 Ley Spring road, Ley- road, Snaresbrook
Andrew Robert Joseph, Clifton house, tonstone e Attwood Rev. Wm.Denton 1I..&.. Rectory,
Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e Arnold In. Lexden st. Lexden, Colchestr Little Bentley, Colchest(lr
Andrew Theodore, Kent villa, Tavistock Arnold Mrs. Dalcoath terrace, Victoria Attwood Geo. Ethelred.,8ir Isaac's walk,
road, Snaresbrook e road, Romford Colchester
.A.ndrew William, 1 Wilton viIs. Gt. Ilford .A.rnott Geo. Wm. la Park Side houses, Aubert H. Victor,nSaxby vils.Plashet e
Andrews Rev. Lancelot Hales K ..&.. Little Church road, Leyton Aubrey George Henry, Springfield villa,
Baddow, Chelmsford Arrow Ladv,Luptons, S.Weald, Brentwd Chelmsford
Andrews Rev. Peter, Grafton villa, Ham Arrowsmith A. Arabian ho. High Beech Aubrey Wm. H. Mary's villas, Hainault
Frith road, Forest gate e Arrowsmith Geo.2Linton terrace,Union road, Leytanstone tJ
Andrews Rev. Robert B.D. Rectory, road, Leytonstone tJ Auger Mrs.Warner's hl.Burnhm.Maldon
Middleton,Sudbury Arthy Alfred Joseph, Rochford S.O Auger Mrs.William,The Lawn,Burnham
Andrews Abraham,Mt.Caroline, Chngfrd Arty Jsph. Bridge,73High st.Chelmsford Maldon
Andrews Charles, Wards villa, Hainault Arthy Mrs. Aldham, Colchester Aukland Joseph Charlesworth,Heacham
road, Leytonstone e Arthy Mrs. Rochford S.O lodge, Buckingham road, Woodford
Andrews Charles Henry, Norfolk house, Asbey Geo.Robt.1 Mizpah villas,Cowslip Aukland JOE'eph James, The Poplars,
Wood street, Walthamstow road, George lane,Leytonstone e Buckingham road, Woodford
Andrews Frederick, Grove hill, Woodford Ashby Richard ChiIds, Newlands, The Ault Rev. Ebenezer, Clavering, Bishop's
Andrews Henry, The Grange, Loughton Drive, Walthamstow Stortford
Andrews James, ... Queen's terrace, Ash Fredk.James, Hill house, Chadwell, Austen John James, Greenwood hall,
Ferndale road, Leytonstone e St. Mary Grays S.O Uhigwell row
Andrews James Smith, 6 Queen's Ash Mrs. Chadwell hall, Chadwell, St. Austin Arthur Fenner, 2 Bell villas,
terrace, Wallwood rd. LeytoWltone, Mary, Grays S.O Woodriffroad, Leytonstone 6
Austin G.I Brent vils.Carlisle rd.Romfrd' Baird Rev. Samuel Bawtree V.A. Ree-' Balls Edward Hash, Rolls pk. Chigwell
Austin Geo.Charltonvillas,Buckhurst HI tory, Pattiswick, Braintree Balls James Mayhew, The Nunnery,
Austin Geo. Prospect hI.Woodfrd. Green Baird Charles Burrows, Lincoln villa, Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Austin John,33Northcottrd.Walthmstw Ham Frith road, Forest gate t Balls Mrs. Florence villa, Broomfield
Austin Misses, Dedham S.O Baird Samuel Craig, 7 The Crescent, road, Chelmsford
Austin Mrs. DedhamS.O Upton manor, Plaistow t Balls Thomas John, 6 Priory te~
Austin Thos. 2 Aylesbury villas,Grllnge Baiton Hy. 59 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Wellesley road, Colchester
Park road, Leyton Baker Rev. John Julius M.A. Rectory, Bally Capt. J. F. B.A. South Shoebury,
Austin W. F. Box villa, Warle)" road, Little Hallingbury, Bishop's Stortford Southend
Brentwood Baker Benjamin, High st. Brentwood Balson T. J. 2 Park Side viIs. Gt. Dford
Austin Wm. I Rock villas, Maynard Baker Benjamin, 5 Hythe hI. Colchester Bamber Very Re.... Canon James, In-
road, Walthamstow Baker Charles Patrick, Coval cottage, grave, Brentwood
Auston Mrs. Great Bentley, Colchester Rainsford road, Chelmsford Bambridge Philip, Greenleaf lane, Wal-
Aves A. 4 Harvey road, Leytonstone e Baker Daniel, 5 Albert terrace, Pem- thamstow
Aves Wm.John, Essex villa, Derbyroad, broke road, Walthamstow Bamford Charles,Stanley lodge, Eastern
Woodford Baker Edwin Potter,Hamlet rd.Southend road, Romford
Avila James, 6 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Baker Edwyn,54 Buxton rd.Forest gate e Banbury Charles, Sandhil18, Wethers-
Avila Josiah B. England's la. Loughton Baker Frederick Wm. Pembroke house, field, Braintree
Avis Mrs. 3 George's terrace, Mistley, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e BanesG.E. Chestnut cot.Hi. st.Plaistow e
Manningtree Baker George, Forest, Leytonstone t Banfield Rev. J. H. Edith villa, Water
Ayles Mrs. Lorne road, Walthamstow Baker George, Strathmore, Prospect hill, lane, Stratford e
Ayling Capt. Henry,I St. John's terrace, Walthamstow Banham Abraham, Bergholt road, Mile
Buckhurst hill Baker Henry, Forest villa, Manor park, end, Colchester
Ayling Miss, Forest road, Loughton East Ham e Banks DavidEdwd.33 Church st.Harwich
Ayres Richd."'m. Matching Tye,Harlow Baker James, 8 Railway st. Chelmsford Bannatyne Rev. Charles M.A. Rectory,
Ayton Jnthn.Mornington rd.Leytnstne e Baker James, 4 Treyenna terrace, Vic- Aldham, Colchester
Bache Rev. Wm. Chas. M.A. Alresford, toria road, Romford Banner Henry, 2 Earlham cottages,
Colchester Baker John I.P. Whitbreads, Hockley, Forest lane, Forest gate e
Bache Frederick,Wellesley house,Leyton Chelmsford Bannerman John, Bay villa, Mornington
road, Forest gate e Baker John Arthur, 14 Albert terrace, road, Leytonstone e
Bachman M. A. I Brickhall villas,Vicar- Pembroke road, Walthamstow Banning Mrs. 5 Avenue road, Leyton
age road, Leyton Baker John William, 6 Chestnut villas, Banning Mrs. 53 West Ham lane e
Back George, Rose valley, Brentwood Granville road, Walthamstow Bannister Maj. George, The Warrens,
Back Hatfield James, The Hill house, Baker Marchant, 2 Beckford villas, Cap- Feering, Kelvedon
Dedham park, Dedham S.O worth street, Leyton Barbean Louis, I Norfolk villas, Hain-
Bacon Alfred, Craig-y-don, Granv"ille Baker Miss, Roman's house, Writtle, ault road, Leytonstone t
road, Walthamstow Chelmsford BarberRev.HY.59 Windsor rdJ"orestgte e
Bacon Alfred, Russell house, Cann Hall Baker Misses, 72 Duke st. Chelmsford Barber Alfred Richardson, Carlton villas,
road, Wanstead e Baker Mrs. Ballingdon, Sudbury Wellesley road, Colchester
Bacon Edward, Ilford hall, Gt. Ilford Baker Mrs. Denmark villas, Clarendon Barber Edward, Tower lodge, Sebert
Bacon Frank Francis, 21 Windsor road, road, Walthamstow road, Forest gate e
Forest gate e Baker Mrs. 3 North hill, Colchester Barber Frank Edwin, Hillcote, Church
Bacon Jacob Perkins, Vine house, Wood Baker Mrs. Verandah cottage, Crown Hill road, Walthamstow
street, "Walthamstow street, Brentwood Barber George, 5 Amberley rd. Leyton
Bacon Miss, White Roothing, Chelmsford BakerMrs. 4 Victoria Grove vils.Brentwd Barber Geo.64 Osborne rd. Forest gate e
Bacon Mrs. Castle road, Colchester "Baker Mrs. Whitmore villa, Wellesley Barber Mrs. IT Deanery road,Stratford e
Badcock Mrs.294 Romford rd. Stratford e road, Colchester Barber Mrs. 6 Manby gro.Stratford gm e
Baddams Mrs. I Bedford villas, Park Baker Robert, Wrentham villa, Church Barber Mrs.The Parsonage, Dedham S.O
road, Southend . road, Leyton Barber Peter,65 Gurney rd.Forest gate e
BadeMiss,3York vils.Snake's la.Woodford Baker Samuel, Broad Street green, Hey- Barber Thos.The Park,Brightlingsea S.O
Badger William Bassett, Alpine villa, bridge, Maldon Barber Wm. 8 Grove rd. Leytonstone e
Vicarage road, Leyton Baker Samuel, 58 High st. Chelmsford Barclay Rev. Herbert "William T.A.K.C.L.
Bagg Robert, I Bridlington villas, Hain- Baker Thomas Brain, Meyrick crescent, Great Yeldham, Halstead
ault road, Leytonstone e Mersea road, Colchester Barday Henry Ford I.P.,D.L. Monkhams,
Bagley William, 2 Alexander villas, Baker Thomas, Rochefort villas, Hoe Woodford Green
Hainault road, Leytonstone e street, Walthamstow Barclay Jsph. Gurney,Knotts grn.Leytn
Bagshaw Miss, 2 Orwell terrace, Dover- Baker Washington, 8 Albany rd. Leyton Barclay Miss, The Forest, Walthamstow
court, Harwich Baker William, Church st. West Ham e Bardwell William Cockerell, Fern bank,
Bailey Rev. Hammond Roberson M.A. Balaam Jas.I East cot. Hythe hI. Colchstr Eastern road, Romford
Rectory, Great Warley, Brentwood Bald Maj. Reinhold Baker, The Hollies, Bare Edwin, Ruthven villa, Hainault
Bailey Arthur, Gloucester lodge, Avenue Brentwood road, Leytonstone t
road, Forest gate e Balding Thos.192 Romford rd.Stratford e Bare Mrs. Crouch street, Colchester
Bailey Charles John, 2 Clifton terrace, Baldree Henry,I Argyle st. Leytonstone e Barfoot Samnel, Salway hill, Woodford
Church road, Leyton Baldry Frederick, 6 Creffield terrace, Barham Charles James, Ingoldsby villa,
Bailey George, Vallas villas, Western Creffield road, Colchester Avenueroad, Forest gate e
road, Romford BaldwinEdmund,I54 Manor st.Braintree Barham Cornelius, Holly mount, Hoe
BaileyJ. india rubber works, Silvertown e Baldwin William, 80 High st. Braintree street, Walthamstow
Bailey John, Chigwell Row Bale Maj. John Edward, 9 Creffield ter- Barham George, Adelaide cottage,
Bailey John Thos. Priory st. Colchester race, Creffield road, Colchester Mountnessing, Brentwood
Bailey Miss,Castle st.Chipping Ongar S.O Bales Henry, Granville terrace, Gran- Baring Thomas Charles M.P., D.L., .T.P.
Bailey Mrs. I The Limes, Ham Frith ville road, Walthamstow Wallsgrove house, High Beech 8.0.;
road, Forest gate e Bales Thomas David, Carlton villa, & Carlton, United University & St.
Bailey Mrs. 154 Romford rd. Stratford e Lansdowne road, Leytonstone e Stephen's clubs S.w. & City of London
Bailey Thomas, Hollybrook, Bell Vue Balguy John .l.P. Waltham house, club, London e.e
road, Colchester Chelmsford Barker Andrew, 178 High st. Stratford e
Bailey Wm. 189 Romford rd. Stratford e Ball Harry. 6 Primrose terrace, Prim- Barker Buttress, Seward's end, Saffron
Baillie Rev. John D.D. Rectory, Wiven- rose road, George lane, Leytonstone e Walden
hoe, Colchester Ball Henry Shard, Fair lawn, Momington Barker Frank Cowling, Heatherdale,
Baillie Metcalfe, I Avenue road, Leyton road, Leytonstone e Snake's lane, Woodford Green
BaillieMrs.Albertldg.Crescentrd.Bmtwd Ball Mrs. 20 Chobham road, New town, Barker Fred. G. I Selwyn rd. Plaistow e
Rain David, Waratah, Cleveland road, Stratford i! Barker Guylott... Steeple Bumpstead,
Snaresbrook e Ball Samuel Joseph, Stafford lodge, Haverhill
Baines Rev. William, Witham Chelmsford road west, Woodford Barker John, 4 Ham ter. West Ham la e
RainesJesset47 Claremont rd.Forest gte e Ball Wm. B. 74 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Barker John, I Linden cottages, Bur-
Raines Miss, Halstead house, Trinity BallansThos.3 West avenue,Walthamst chill road, Leyton
street, Halstead Ballard William, 2 Herbert terrace, Barker John,Manuden,Bishop'sStortford
Baines Mrs. Sylvan road, Snaresbrook e Grafton road south, Plaistow e Barker Miss, by cottage, Cla-vering,
Baines Wm. N. Forest lodge, Snaresbrk e Balleras John,S Runwell ter. Southend Bishop's Stortford.

Barker Miss, Meadow side, Rectory lane, Barnes Rd. Saxty, Espla-nade, Harwich Barton Michael, 5 Rose cottages,Russell
Chelmsford Barnes Wm. Herbert Pemberton, Caris- road, Leyton
Barker Mrs.Cla:vering,Bishop's Stortford brook villa, Lea Bridge road, Leyton Barton Mrs. 2 Sydney villas, South·
Barker Mrs. Noak hill, Romford Bames. William Thomas, Hawthorne church, Southend
Barker Mrs. Whitmore villas, Welles- villa, Derby road, Woodford Barton Richard Boulton LL.D., J.P. Stou\'
byrd, Colchester Barnett Benjamin Longridge, Bleak lodge, Bradtield, Manningtree
Barker Thomas Heam, Hearn cottage, house, Greengate street, Plaistow f) Barton William, St. James' street,
Maybank rd. George la.Leytonstone e Bamett Charles,loo Moulsham street, Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Barker William,5 Pepys st. New town, Chelmsford Bartram Robert Charles,201 Romford
Harwich Barnett Misses, Melrose vls.Buckhrst. hI road, Stratford e
Barker William F. Sutton house,Warley Bamett Mrs. Dalston villas, Western Bartrup William, Ridgwell, Halstead
road, Great Warley, Brentwood road, Romford Barwell Mrs. Stanstead house, Crouch
Barkworth T. Lit. West Hatch, Chigwell Bamett Brigade-surgeon Oliver C.S.I. IS street, Colchester
Barling Alfred,2 Union rd.Leytonstone e The Avenue, Colchester Barwell William Tyler, Beech view,
Barlow Benjamin Irlam, 190 Romford Barnett BenjaminOwen Barnard,Feering, Epping New road, Buckhurst hill.
road, Stratford e Kelvedon Barwick Jas. 4 Winchstr. st. Silvertwn.e
Barlow John Nathaniel, Wr ittle green, Bamett Richard Henry, 9 Toronto road, Basden Edward Weeks Spencer, Spring
Chelmsford Leytonstone e house, Rivenhall, Witham
Barlow Miss, The Cottage, Bradfield, Barns Robert John, Beverley villa, Baskett Charles Edward, Lorrain villa,
Manningtree Beverley road, Colchester Gray road, Colcheeter
Barlow Miss, Writtle green, Chelmsford Barr Edwd. Newport, Bishop's Stortford Basnett M. J. Heath cot. Chadwell heath
Barlow Robert, Albert road~ Great Barr Miss, Common, Saffron Walden Bass Charles William, hJ' cottage, Bark-
Warley, Brentwood Barrager Edmund, Grove villa, Earlham ing lane, Great Ilford
Barlow Wm. Chigwell road, Chigwell grove, Forest gate e Bastard Rd. 198 Romford rd. Stratford e
Barnard Rev. Mordaunt Roger B.A. Barralet Wm.Markhouse rd.Walthmstw Bateman Rev. Josiah 1II.A. Southchurch,
Vicarage, Margaretting,Ingatestone Barrand William, Tile Ro:rd, Dover- Sonthend
Bamard Rev. Robert, High Easter, conrt, Harwich Bateman Charles, Poonah villa, Cobbold
Chelmsford Barratt C. F. 1 Hannah ter.Buckhurst hI road, Leytonstone e
BarnardAbraham,\VbiteNotley,Witham Barratt John Hutton, Loreley villa, Bateman Charles, Rose cottage, Great
Barnard Albert,Oak hall, Buckhurst Hill Woodriff road, Leytonstone e Totham, Wltham
Barnard Charles James, Rayleigh S.O Barratt Samuel, 72 Hampton road, Bateman Jas. UpI'. Railway st. Braintree
Barnard George Hayden, Parsonage Forest gate e Bateman Mrs. Chestnut house, Marsh
house, Newport, Bishop's Stortford Barrett Charles, 7 Carisbrooke terrace, street, 'Walthamstow
Bamard Henry, I 9Vicarage la.Stratford e Hoe street, Walthamstow Bateman Robert, 2 The Grange, Grange
Barnard James, Meadow side, Spring- Barrett Hy. In. Langford park, Maldon Park road, Leyton
field, Chelmsford Barrett John, Burses, Hutton,Brentwood Bateman Samuel, Lime cottage, St.
Barnard John Clapt()n,8utherland house, Barrett John, Mill lane, Saffron Walden James' street, Walthamstow
Dunmow S.O Barrett Jsph.316 Romford I'd. Stratforde Bateman WiIliamHenry,Northcottroad,
Bamard John Fuller, Pointwell villa, Barrett Leonard, 10 Barnett's terrace, ViTalthamstow
Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon Colworth road, Leytonstone e Bates Edward, Epping
Bamard John Markland, Galleydean, Barrett Miss, Church street, Coggeshall, Bates Frederick, I Lorne villas, Lans-
Galleywood common, Chelmsford Kelvedon downe road, Snaresbrook e
Bamard Joseph William,Willow cottage, Barrett Mrs. Layer Breton, Kelvedon Bates Mrs. St. Michael, Hainault road,
Mornington road, Leytonstone e Barett Mrs. 40 Toronto rd. Leytonstone e Leytonstone e
Barnard Miss, Thaxted S.O . Barrett Robert Montague, 269 Romford Bates Rd. The Hawthorns, Snaresbrook e
Bamard Mrs. Acacia cottage, Percy road, Stratford e . Bates W. J. Parsonage, Waltham Abbey
road, Leytonstone e Barrett Thomas Simon, 4 Beverley road, Bates Waiter, 9 Station road, Leyton
Barnard Mrs. Harlow Colchester Bates William Henry, Trafford lodge,
Bamard Mrs. Lower house, High Easter, Barrick William, Downs, Dunmow S.O Cleveland road, Sharesbrook e
Chelmsford Barriff John, 2 Challenger villas, Dover- Bath Edward, 8 The Limes, Manor park,
Barnard Mrs.Newbiggen st.Thaxted S.O court, Harwich East Ham,
Barnard Mrs. Piper's honse, Harlow Barringer James, 6 Margery Park road, Bathe Anthony, Epping New road, Buck·
Barnard Mrs. 5 Trinity terrace, Maldon West Ham e hurst hill
road, Colchester Barringer James,6 Woodgrange place, Bather Joseph, North street, Colchester
Bamard Mrs. W. Olives, Dunmow 8.0 Woodgrange road, Forest gate e Bather Miss, I The Hollys, North Station
Barnard T. Little Oddons, Little Can- Barritt Edwd. M. Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfd road, Colchester
field, Chelmsford Barritt James, Wentworth ho. Maldon Batt Rev. Charles M.A. 8 Albert place,
Barnard William Canning, The Bank, Barritt Robt. Tyle hI. Latchingdn. Mldn Chelmsford
Dunmow S.O Barron Fredk. 2 Crescent villas, May- Batterham Samuel, Fernside cottage,
Bamardiston Maj. Nathaniel J.P. The bank rd. George lane, Leytonstone e Church street north, Colchester
Ryes, Little Henny, Sudbury Barrow Henry, Arracan villa, Fairlop Battersby Rev. John Casson M.A. Vicar-
Barnardiston Nathaniel Clarke J.P. The road, Leytonstone e age, ToUesbury, KelV"edon
Ryes, Little Henny, Sudbury Barrow Mrs. Fryeming, Ingatestone Batting John, I Leah tel'. Stratford gm e
Bamardo Thomas James M.D. Mosford Barrow Samuel, Claverhambury, Wal- Battiscombe Rev. Henry Ferdinand, Holy
lodge, Barking side, Ilford tham Abbey Trin.vicarage, Birkbeck rd.Leytnstn. e
Barnes Rev. Barrington Syer X.A. Chig- Barry Major, Priory lodge, Shenfield, Battiscombe James Valentine, Elm cot-
nal St. James, Chelmsford Brentwood tage, Cowley road, Leytonstone e
Eames Rev. Henry Broughton B.A. Barry Chas. 25 Lansdwn. rd. Leytnstn e BattramMrs.Raynerd.Bocking,Braintree
Vicarage, Great Ilford Barry Geo. 39 New London rd. Chelmsfd Battrum Ed. 32 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e
Bames Arthur, 3 Grafton viI. Gt. IIford Barsham Mrll. Theydon Bois, Epping Batty Rev. Thos. I Chapel st. Colchester
Barnes Geo. 304 Romford I'd. Stratford Barter Rev. Herbert John Edward, Baverstock Wltr.Wm.6 Albany rd.Leytn
Barnes John Stuck, The Casina, Lexden Vicarage, East Tilbury, Grays 8.0 Bavin Geo. Palmerston rd. West Ham e
road, Colchester Bartholomew Charle» Augustus, Gros- Bavin Thos. Palmerston rd. West Ham e
Barnes Jsph. Thos. Shenfield,Brentwood venor house, Hoe st. Walthamstow Bawtree Edward William, Abberton
Bames Juan, Palamos, Fairlop road, Bartholomew E. Fairmead ldg. High bcb house, Colchester
Leytonstone e Bartholomew Robt. Hurchell rd. Leyton Bawtree Frank Postle, Witham
Barnes Miss,6 Abbeygate tel'.Colchester Barlhropp Philip George, Maillonette, Hawtree John, Gafwell house, West
Bames Miss, Forest lodge, Hale end, Ingatestone Lodge road, Colchester
Woodford, Walthamstow Bartlett Rev. Robert Edward M.A. Rains- Bawtree Mrs. 3 Priory terrace, Wellesley
Barnes Miss, 23 Lower road, Chelmsford ford lodge, Chelmsford road, Colchester
Bames Mrs. 2 Albion villas, Maldon Bartlett Hy. Rd. Rowhedge, Colchester Bawtree Mrs. Geo.2I Queen st. Colchstr
road, Colchester Bartlett Miss, Montague house, Claren- Bawtree Octavius, West lodge, West
Bames Robert Yalloroley, 7 The Cres- don road, Walthamstow Lodge road, Colchester
cent, Woodford BartoD Alfred, The Pavement, Romford Bawtree SarnI. J.l". Nrlh. Weald, Epping
Bames William, 21 Randulph terrace, Barton David, High st. Saffron Walden BawtreeSmith, Maltinghouse, Bradfield,
Springfield, Chelmsford Barton John, Boundary I'd.Walthamstow Manningtree
Barnell William Charles, Oakhall, Epping Barton John,"2 Brechin 'Villas, Russell Bax Frederick, Langdale bQuse, Marsh
New road, Buckhul'st hill road, Leyton street, Walthamstow
Baxter Chas. Woodhouse rd.'Leytnstne e Beard William George Jessop, 6 Cam·,Beley Rev. Charles A. Evans M.A. Vicar-
Baxter l"rederick, 4 Argyle terrace, bridge tel'. Grange Park rd. Leyton age, Manningtree
Water lane, Stratford e Beavan Frederick George, Lytton road, Belfour James Dnncan, -4 Boscombe
Baxter Fredk. 18 Windsor rd. Forest gt e Leytonstone e villas, Thornhill road, Leyton
Baxter Geo. Theydon Garnon, Epping BeardwoodWm.356Romfordrd.Stratfrde Bell Alfred, 4 Rose villas, Grange Pa.rk
Baxter John, Cotham villa, High road, Bearman Charles, 23 Manbey grove, road, Leyton
Leytonstone e Stratford green e Bell Andrew, 2 Trina villas, Cleveland
Baxter John George, Carlton honse, Bearman Edward George, 3 Primrose road, Snaresbrook e
High road, Leytonstone e terrace, Vicarage road, Leyton Bell Archibald, 27 Vicarage la. Stratfrd e
Baxter Miss, Fir Tree house, Snake's Beater Rev. Orlando, Vicarage, Cressing, Bell H. F. South viI. Derby rd. Woodford
lane, Woodford Green Braintree Bell Jamel'l, 2 Alexandra tel'. Southend
Baxter Robt. Fambridge road. Maldon Beattie Samuel Alfred, 2 Cleopatra villas, Bell J ames Houghton, Brooklands, Her-
Baxter Samuel, High street, Maldon Lytton road, Leytonstone e mon hill, Wanstead e
Bayliss Henry, Harriet villa, Pembroke Beattie WiIliam Edwin, I Barnett's ter- Bell Jas. Wm. Fairlop rd. Leytonstone e
road, Walthamstow tace, Colworth road, Leytonstone e Bell John James, Lea villa, Copeland
Baxter Thomas, The Roses, Woodford Beauchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A. road, Walthamstow
Bayford James, 8 Holly terrace, Leyton- Rectory, Little Laver, OngarS.O Bell Joseph, Church st. Saffron Walden
stone road, Stratford e Beaumont Geo. jun. Manor rd. Colchstr Bell Miss, Myrtle ho.Prittlewell,Southend
Bayley Rev. John Arden RA. Devonshire Beaumont George Frederick, Church Bell Mrs.Avon cot. Barking rd. Plaistow e
house, Warley road, Brentwood street, Coggeshall, Kelvedon Bell Mrs. Marienheim, Woodriff road,
Bayley William Charles, 6 Chobham Beaumont Joseph, Church street, Cog- Leytonstone e
road, New town, Stratford e geshall, Kelvedon Bell Mrs. The Trees, Maldon
Baylis Rd. I Durhamvils. Buckhurst Hill Beavan Rev. Alfred Edward M.A. Holy Bell Samuel, High street, Maldon
Baylis Samuel, Glan-Mor, Cliff parade, Trinity vicarage, Hatfield, Harlow Bell Samuel F. West Grove road,Wood-
Southend Beavis Mrs. Springrd. Brightlingsea S.O ford green
Bayliss Charles Jenkins, Carlton house, Beck Charles Sharland, Colorado house, Bell Sidney, 5 C'\mbridge terrace,
Barking Side, Ilford Drayton road, Leytonstone e Grange Park road, Leyton
Bayliss Thomas George, I Conland vil- Beck Edward, 108 Gurney rd. Forest gt e Bell Wm. Hy. Theydon Bois, Epping
las, Sebert road, Forest gate e Beck William, The Limes, Sewardstone Bellamy Fredk. New st. Dunmow 8.0
Bayly Mrs. The Cottage, Chigwell row road, Waltham abbey Bellamy Harry Luke. 4 Windsor terrace,
Bayst Mrs. Meadow cottage, Lea Bridge Beck William Michael, Ferndale, The Barking road, Canning town e
road, Leyton Drive, Walthamstow Bellamy Henry, 3 Falmouth terrace,
Bazin .Andre, 4 Grove terrace, Fillebrook Becker Charles Otto Gustavus M.D. Eld Forest lane, Forest gate e
road, Leytonstone e lane, Colchester Belli Rev.Charles Almeric M.A. Vicarage,
Beach Mrs. Brooklyn villa, Rainsford Beckers In. 13 Toronto rd. Leytonstone e South Weald, Brentwood
road, Chelmsford Beckett Rev.Wm. H.Stebbing, Chelmsfrd Belling G. F. Manor Park rd. East Ham e
Beach Mrs. 13 Broomfield road,Chlmsfrd Beckett Frederick Robert, Hamlet road, Belling Mrs. New town,Brightlingsea S.O
Beach Mrs. 20 Duke street, Chelmsford Chelmsford Bellinger Frederick, I Hope villas, Cope-
Beach Nathaniel Benjamin, Rainsford Beckett Henry Charles, 2 Magdalene land road, Walthamstow
road, Chelmsford place, Glebe road, Chelmsford Bellingham James Gordon, High street,
Beach William, Rainsford I'd. Chelmsford BeckettMisses,29 Broomfield rd.Chlmsfrd Saffron Walden
Beadel Rev. Frank M.A. Great Holland Beckett Mrs. 6 Borthwick rd. Wanstead e Belli\! John Edward, 2 Albion villas,
lodge, Colchester Beckett Philemon, 30 Broomfield road, Maynard road, Walthamstow
Beadel Thomas, Witham Chelmsford Bellman Rev. Arthur Horatio M.A.
Beadel William James,Springfield Lyons, Beckett William Cornelius, I Magdalene Vicarage, Henham,Bishop's Stortford
Springfield, Chelmsford place,Gleberoad, Chelmsford Belsham Alfred,2 Rose villas, Western
Beadell Mrs.5 St.George's sq.West Ham e Beckingsale George, 5 Groverd. Wanstd e road, Romford
BeadJestone Geo.4 Oakley vils.Bckhrst.hl Beckwith Benjamin, Hythe hl. Colchester Belsham Hy. J. Up. Railway st.Braintree
Beadnell Thomas F. 5 Beacontree tel'. BeckwithGeo.W. 69 Leyton rd.Forest gt e Belsham Isaao Boucherns, Heybridge,
Mornington road, Leytonstone e Beckwith Joseph Hawkins, 5 Hythe hill, Maldon
Beal Edward John, South pk. Gt. Ilford Colchester Relsham Miss, London road, Maldon
Beal Thos. Hog hill, Dagenham, Romford Beckwith Miss, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Belsham OliveI' Dl. Heybridge, Maldon
Beale Edward, Grange house, Prospect Kelvedon Belsham William, 2 Albion villas, Mild-
hill, Walthamstow Beckwith Misses, Gt. Holland, Colchester may road, Chelmsford
Beale Fredk. Beckton, North 'Voolwich e Beddall Augustus, Little Sampford hall, Belton In.Rd.67 Hampton rd.Forest gt e
Beale John, 3 Sherbourne villas, Sebert Braintree Benbow Frederick Thomas, The Limes,
road, Forest gate e Beddall Hy. Daw st. Finchinfld. Braintree Clarendon road, Walthamstow
Beale Joseph, Mill road, Maldon Beddall Miss, Prospect house, Finching- Bence Edmund, 19 Sutherland terrace,
Beale Mrs. Beeleigh road, Maldon field, Braintree Chelmsford
Beales Mrs. Prospect ho.South st.Oolchstr Bedford Charles, Cobham house, Barking Bendall Fredk. Jas. 8th. st.Manningtree
BeallWm.Grierson, Billericay,Brentwood road, Canning town e Bendall Offwood, Colchester road, Law-
Beames Frederick, I Leyton villas, Mur- Bedford Edwd. W. The Paddock,Romford ford, Manningtree
chison road, Leyton Bedford Mrs. Albion house, Little Bendall Offwood, jun. Colchester road,
Beamish Frederick W. Hainault lodge, Waltham, Chelmsford Manningtree
Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e Bedford Mrs. 5 Carlton terrace, Leyton Bendick David, I Singleton villas, Caer-
Beamishlsaac,Hollycot.Wstrn.rd.Romfrd Bedingfield Henry, 4 Westbourne ter- narvon road, Forest gate e
Beamish Mrs. I Rose viis.Wstrn.rd.Rmfrd race, Mildmay road, Chelmsford Benham A.W.22 Howard's rd. Plaistow e
Bean .Alfred Henry, Addison lodge, The Bedwell Mrs. 72 High street, Colchester Benham Alfred, Roydon, Ware
Drive, Walthamstow Bedwell Mrs. 47 North hill, Colchester Benham Mrs. 61 Crouch st. Colchester
Bean Mark, I Holly villas, Cambridge Beech William, Cranham place, Romford Bennell James, 69 Duke st. Chelmsford
park, Leytonstone e Beech Wm.Philip J.p.Stifford Idg.Romfrd Bennell Mrs. Brook street, Colchester
Bean Mrs. 63 Romford I'd. Stratford e Beeching WItI'. Granville I'd. Walthmstw Bennell Thos. Portland rd. Colchester
Bear Frank, 6 Westward-ho cottages, Beer J ames T .Elizabeth villa, Crescent rd. Bennett Rev. Geo. Peter M.A. Vicarage,
Thornhill road, Leyton north, George lane, Leytonstone e Kelvedon
Bear Henry, 185 Romford rd. Stratford e Beers John, 165 Coggeshall I'd. Braintree Bennett Alfred, 7 Albion terrace, Lan-
Beard Barney, Stoneham street, Cogges- Beeson Thomas, Tower house, Great caster road, Leytonstone e
hall, Kelvedon Warley, Brentwood Bennett Arthur, Turret lodge, Prospect
Beard Edward, Green s~reet, Plashet e Beevers Mrs. Lippitt's lodge, High Beech hill, Walthamstow
BeardEdwn.West.ho.Lexden rd.Colchestr Begent Thos. 331 Romford rd. fltratfrd e Bennett Charles, 2 Hope villas, Gran-
Beard Frank,East st.Coggeshall,Kelvedon Begrie Alex. David, Chelmer villas, Duke ville road, Walthamstow
Beard Fredk. 24 Wellesley rd.Wanstead e Street fields . Bennett Cornelius, 2 Colworth terrace,
Beard In.Church st.Coggeshall,Kelvedon Beharell Charles James, 3 Barclay villas, Colworth road, Leytonstone tJ
Beard Joseph, 3 Clifton ter. Southend Barclay road, Leytonstone tJ Bennett Elkanah,6 Carew ter. Chlmsfrd
Beard Miss, The Lodge, Colne Engaine, BelchamChas.3Kilmarnock vils.Southnd Bennett Henry, Western villas, Water-
Halstead Belcham John, Rayleigh S.O loo road, Brentwood
Beard Mrs. Disraeli road, Stratford e Belcham Mrs. George, Rayleigh S.O Bennett John, go Osborne I'd.Forest gt e
Beard Samuel, High st. Saffron Walden Belcham William lsaac, 12 Cliff Park Bennett Lowen, Chester villa, Cape}
Beard Sam], jun. High st. Saffron Walden villas, Park road, Southend road, Forest gate e

Bennett Mrs. 6 Church terrace, Barking Berry Samuel, Albert villa, Mistier, Birch John, 7.... Hampton road, Fores'
road, Canning town! Manningtree gate !
Bennett Mrs. Edina villa, Ham Frith Berthoud .Alphonse Henri, Hale end, Birch Morris,276 Romford rd. Stratford tJ
Toad, Forest gate e Woodford, Walthamstow Birch Thomas Denny,Sabinavilla,May-
Bennett Mrs. Feering lodge, Kelvedon Bertling Louis, Blandford cottage, Wil- bank road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Bennett Mrs. Grove villa. Grove road, mot road, Leyton Birchnall Alfred Charles, I Frances
Leytonstone t! Bertram William F. 5 WelIesley road, cottages, Howard rd. Leytonstone t!
Bennett Mrs.125 Romford rd.Stratford t! Wanstead e Bird Albert, Hampton cottage, Collier
Bennett Samuel Barker 1I.D. Green Besant Samuel Charles, 2 PrittlewelI row, Romford .
Heys, Snaresbrook e square, Southend Bird Alfred, .... Coryton yHs. Albert road,
Benson Rev. Thomas B...&.. Rectory, Bescoby Charles, Fernleigh, Victoria Forest gate t! •
North Fambridge, Maldon road, Romford Bird FrederickAugustu~,Florencehouse,
Benson Alfd.33 Broomfield rd.Chelmsfrd Best Fredk. A. Church hill, Walthmstw Harvey road, Leytonstone e
Benson Samuel George, Sylvester villas, BestT.Bulwervil.Lytton rd.Leytonstne e Bird John, 8 Belgrave terrace, Church
Boundary road, Walthamstow Betham J. E. Elves cottage, Rush green, road, Leyton .
Benson William, 2 Prospect terrace, Romford Bird Maurice William, Waltham hall,
Crescent road, Brentwood Bettison Rev. William Jas. M.A. Vicar- Chelmsford
BentallAnthony,Church house, Maldon age, High road, Leytonstone e Bird Samuel, Castle st. Saffron Walden
Bentall Arthur, Market hill, Maldon Bettles Francis, 7 Montague villas, Bird Thos. Canons, North st. Romford
Bentall E. Ernest, Fullbridge house, Forest road, Leytonstone ! Bird WilIiam, Grosvenor house, High
Maldon Betts Rev. Thomas, Old Sampford, road, Leytonstone!
BentalI Edward Hammond,The Towers, Braintree Birder Wm. Bloomfield rd. Chelmsford
Heybridge, Maldon Betts In. The Lodge, London rd. Maldn Birdseye Mrs. Kelvedon
Bentall Ezekiel Hy. Elm villa, Halstead Betts Thos. 90 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e Birkett Alfred George, Frampton villa,
Bentall Fredk. A. Fullbridge, Maldon e Betty Lieut.-Col. J. F. Rd. South Shoe- Mornington road, Leytonstone!
Bentall Mrs. 6 Hamlet terrace, Baddow bury, Southend Birkett William Henry, Trinity house,
road, Chelmsford Beran :=lml. Alf.Maidenburg st.Colchestr Old Heath road, Colchester
Bentall Pendril, Leigh han, Leigh, Beveridge James, Rose cottage, Junc- Biscoe Capt. Robert .T.P. Quendon court,
Chelmsford tion road, Brentwood Bishop's Stortford
Bentall William, 10 Hamlet terrace, Beves WItI'. Thos. Cambrdg.rd. Barking Bishop Major John Fitzsimmons, The
Baddow road, Chelmsford Bewers Chas. Beverley cottage, Bever- Turrets, Lexden road, Colchester
Bentall William Rufus, Holloway road, ley road, Colchester Bishop Hy. 19 Claremont rd. Forestgt t!
Heybridge, Maldon BewersW.2 Wellngtn.ter.New rd.Brking Bishop Henry, Ockley villa, Fairlop
Bentley Augustus William, Bute house, Bianchi Albert Edward, Ann's villa, road, Leytonstone e
Cann Hall road, Wanstead e Stanley road, Woodford Bishop Hy. Edwd. 4 Grove pI. Gt.llford
Bentley Edward John, Florence villa, Bianchi Antonio, Lincoln house, Church Bishop Jas. 6 Forest pI. Leytonstone t!
Wakering road, Barking end, Woodford Bishop Miss, 3 Queen street, Colchester
Bentley I<'rederick Joseph, Thrift cot- Bianchi Antonio, jun. The Woodrow, Bishop Miss, Shenfield, Brentwood
tage, Waltham Abbey Derby road, Woodford Bishop Thos. 312 Romford rd. Stratfrd ~
Bentley John, Mountash, Snake's lane, Bibhs Mrs. 3 Clare terrace, Grange Bishop Wm. 5 Queen's tel'. Great Ilford
Woodford Green Park road, Leyton Bishop William, 5 Rockmead villas,
Bentley John, Sun st. Waltham abbey Bickmore Ptr. Coggeshall rd. Braintree Woodriff road, Leytonstone e
Bentley John Thornton C.E. 68 High Bicknell Rev. Charles Vincent, Vicarage, Bissmire Mrs. I Goldsmith cottages,
street, Colchester Good Easter, Chelmsford Goldsmith road, Leyton
Bentley Mrs. Portland road, Colchester Biddell J ames, Violet house, Hainault Bitten Rbt. Stock villa, Oliver rd. Leyton
Bentley Robert, Fordham villa, Orford road, Leytonstone ! Black Lieut.-Col. Wilsone C.B. 4 Abbey
road, Walthamstow Bidder Bartholomew Parker, Beech field, Colchester
Benton George Ambrose, Ray house, house, Loughton Black Charles Crofton, Hill house, Pal-
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Biddle Geo.Sidney ho.Water la.Stratfrd.e merston road, Buckhurst hill
Benton J ames, I Granville terrace, Biddle Thomas, I Confidence villas, Black J ames, Fern bank villa, Eastern
Caernarvon road, Forest gate! Paveney road, Wanstead ! road, Romford
Benton James, I Murray villas, Hajn- Bidwell Arthur, Aubury villa, Greenleaf Blackall Col. Rt. 6 Sussex ter. Southend
ault road, Leytonstone e lane, Walthamstow Blackall Rev. Samuel M.A. Vicarage,
Benton In. Sunnyside, Aveley, Romford Bidwell George, Clay st. Walthamstow Earls ColnE', Halstead
Benton John Wheeldon, Hope cottage, Bigg Chas. Palmerston rd Walthamstow Blackbum Rev. Joseph, High street,
High street, Great Ilford Bigg Mrs. Messing, Kelvedon Brightlingsea S.O
Benton Miss,Shadyside,Aveley,Romford Biggs Alfred, 4 Hanover vills. Avenue Blackbum M. 44 Hampton rd.Forest gt t!
Denton Mrs. Salway lodge, Salway hill, road, Forest gate e Blackie Robert,Valley farm, Clacton-on-
Woodford Biggs Benj. Capworth street, Leyton Sea, Colchester
Benton Philip, The Hall, Little 'Waker- Biggs George, New Mose hall, Beau- Blackman George, Grove villa, Cam-
ing, Chelmsford mont, Colchester bridge park, "'anstead e
Benton Philip, jun. Oldbury, Great Biggs H.P. 6 Chesterton crscnt. Plaistw.e Blackman G. Park I'd. Ml\nor park, East
Wakering, Southend Biggs Jas. Westbury lodge, Brentwood Ham e
Benwell James CasIey, Fairlop road, Biggs Thomas, Milton rd. Great Ilford Blackshaw Rev. Samuel, Great Bard-
Leytonstone! Billings John, Mattock villa, Chelmsford field, Braintree
Benwell Misses, Wivenhoe, Colchester road west, Woodford Blackton Thomas, 1 The Crescent, Up-
Benwell Mrs. 4 Pembroke place, Pem- Billings Robert, Westbury villa, Chelms- ton manor, Plaistow !
broke road, Walthamstow ford road, Woodford Blair Rev. Richard S.4 Perkin terrace,
Beresford Charles Blake, Bedford lodge, Billopp Rev. Willill.m Thomas Nicholls Barking road, Canning town e
Hainault road, Leytonstone e B.A. Vicarage, Greenstead gn. Halstead Blair Alexander Hugh, 24 King's road,
Bergen Henry, 46 Wellesley road, Billups Joshua, Dover house, Barking Upton park e
Wanstead e road, Canning town e Blair Gao. 25 Wellesley rd. Wanstead t!
Berger Mrs.Grove Idgoe.Chch.end~Wdfrd Bilson William, Ebenezer villa, Barclay Blair G. T. Essex ho. Vicarage rd. Leyton
Berkeley Rev. George Campion M.A., road, Leytonstone e Blake Edwin John, Fern Lea, Latchett
J.P. Vicarage, Southminster, Maldon Bilton Alfred, West Mersea, Colchester road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Berkley Rev. William 1I.A. Navestock, Binder In. Jas. Ongar road, Brentwood Blake Herbert, I Devonshire cottages,
'" Romford Binge Edwd. Yarley cot. Sewardstone Lytton road, Leytonstone,
'"Berlin Edward, 2 Albert terrace, Ca- Bingham Rev. Samuel Henry B.A. Blake Horatio Francis, Lothian villa,
thall road, Leytonstone e Vicarage, Braintree Capel road, Forest gate e •
Bennond Mrs. Princes rd. Buckhurst hI Bingham Edwd. High rd. Buckhurst hill Blake Mrs. 4 Argyle terrace, Margery
Bernard Mrs. Berwick house, Marsh Binks Mrs. Strafford house, Hainault I'd. park road, Stratford e
street, Walthamstow Leytonstone e Blake Mrs. Chipping hill, Witham
Bemard Norman L.D.S., R.e.S. Berwick Binney Chas. H. Iliord lodge. Gt. Ilford Blake Thomas Austin, 2 Marie cottages,
house, Marsh street, Walthamstow Binnington Richard, ~ Capel terrace, Cowslip rd. George la. Leytonstone e
Berry C. 56 Claremont rd. Forest gate! Manor park, East Ham ! Blake William, I Grecian villas,
Berry Henry, Cambridge I'd. Barking Birch George Peregrine, Rochford S.O Howard's road, Plaistow!
Berry Mrs. Oscar villas, Hainault road, Birch James, 9 Rosindell terrace, Fair- Blakeley Edward,3 The Grange, Grange
Leytonstone , lop road, Leytonstone e park rc-ad, Leywn


Blakeley Miss, Woodbine ter. Romford Blythe John, Gamuel villas, Gamuel Booth Wm. Oak hill, Walthamstow
Blakeley William, Carlton villas, Vie- road, Walthamstow Boothby Asst.-Commissary General
toria road, Romford Boardman Clement, Magnolia house, Basil Charles, Wimpole house, Wim-
Blakeney Joseph, 3 Courtenay terrace, Stratford green e pole lane, Colchester
Marsh street, Walthamstow Boardman Henry, 2 Romford villas, Boreham John Squire, Parson's heath,
Blakistone John George, I Clive villas, Leyttmstone road, Stratford e Greenstead, Colchester
Carnarvon road, Woodford Boardman Wm. Hull, 41 Duke street, Boreham Jonah, Lion walk, Colchester
Bland A. J. 13 Barclayrd.Leytonstone e Chelmsford Borham Mrs. The Green, Mistley, Man-
Bland Chas. We. Stockwell st.Colchester BoaseW. H.Jane viI. Sebert rd.Forest gt e ningtree
Bland George, 6 Colworth terrace, Col- Boby Mrs. The Limes, Crouch street, Borradaile Hrbt. C. Grays Thurrock S.O
worth road, Leytonstone e Colchester Borredell J ames, Leigh, Chelmsford
Bland George, Victoria terrace, Albert Boddington Mrs. The Bury, Clavering, Borrett Mrs. 5 King's Head st. Harwich
road, Walthamstow Bishop's Stortfuro Borodell John Bateman, Great Bentley,
Bland Mrs. High street, Wanstead e Bodel Wm. E. Clarence vIs. Buckhurst hI Colchester
Bland Mrs. West Stockwell st. Colchester Boden Thos. Harold lodge, Harold wood, Borrodell T. 14 Leah ter. Stratford grn e
Bland T. Elsey, The Friary, Maldon Hornchurch, Romford Borton Hy. Hermon hill, Wanstead e
Bland William, Myrtle villas, Brentwood Bodger Thomas, Bourn cottage, May- Borwick Alfred, Higham W. Walthamstw
Blatch Mrs. Ingrave, Brentwood bank road, George lane, Leytonstone e Borwick Geo. Elm ho.Clay st.Walthmstw
Blayney AlexanderHy. Peelrd.Woodford Bodger Wm. I Argyll terrace, Lancaster Borwick Jsph. Chas. Knotts grn. Leytn
Blazey S. 119 Gurney rd. Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e Borwick R.The Cedars,Hoe st.Wlthmstw
l31enkinsop Misses,High st. Saffron Wldn Bodiley A. G. 52 Hampton rd. Forest gt e Bose Henry, Ann's villa, West Grove
Blewitt Mrs. The Limes, Wanstead e Bodily Rev. Henry James, St. Mark's road, Woodford Green
Bligoh John, Norwood villa, Grove hill, parsonage, Silvertown e Bose Wm. Balgores, Hare st. Romford
Woodford Bodkin William M.D. The Cloisters, New Boswell John,S Albion terrace, Lancas-
Bligh Samuel, 2 Leigh villas, Southend London road, Chelmsford ter road, Leytonstone e
Bliss Rev. Wm. Blowers M.A. Rectory, Bofill Joseph, 3 Herbert terrace, Grafton Boswell Mrs. 3 Orford villas, Orford
Wicken Bonant, Bishop's Stortford road south, Plaistow e road. Walthamstow
Bliss Henry, Woodbury, t'lnaresbrook e Boggis Jas. Cottage place, Chelmsford BosweH R. B. M.A. Forest sch.Walthmstw
Bliss St. Clair, 4 Glaclstone terrace, Boggis Simon Golding, 10 East hill, Bosworth Thomas, High rd. Leytonstn e
Clarendon road, Walthamstow Colchester Bott Lindley, The Limes, Broomfield,
Blofield Mrs. Catherine villas, Cobden Boggis-Rolfe Capt. Francis Douglass l.P. Chelmsford
road, Leytonstone e Maidstones grange, W ormingford, Bott Miss, Hatfield, Chelmsford
Blomfield ..Ven. Alfred M.A. Rippleside, Colchester Bott T. Fuller, 58 Osborne rd. Forest gt e
Barking Boghurst-Fisher Henry, 104 Moulsham Botten Charles, Stanwell st. Colchester
Blomfield John, Bradford st. Bocking, street, Chelmsford Bottomley Capt. Albert David, Milton
Braintree Bolingbroke G. J. 5 Albert pI.Chelmsford road, Walthamstow .
Blomfield Mrs. 2 Trinity st. Colchester Bolingbroke Geo. John, jun.2 Arundel Bottomley John, 6 Essex villas, Lea
Blomfield Robt. Military rd. Colchester houses, New London road, Chelmsford Bridge road, Leyton
Blomfield William, Rayleigh S.O Bolton Rev. James, Osborne house, Boucher Rev. Thomas, Church street,
Blood Rev. Howell Pattisson Lewis M.A. Dovercourt, Harwich Bocking, Braintree
Rectory, West Bergholt, Colchester Bolton Charles, Hawthorn cot. Chingfrd Boucher Chas. Mornington 10.Snresbrk e
Blood William, Bindon, Witham Bolton Chas. Lynworth viI.Woodfrd.Wlls Boucher Frederick, Rugby villa, Selwyn.
Bloomfield Chas. Beech villas, Victoria Bolton James Stevenson, Granville villa, road, 1'laistow e
road, Romford Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Bouette Frantine, Grange Pk. rd. Leyton
Hi.oomfield John, Bradfield terrace, Bonallack WaIter, 2 Woodgrange place, Boughton Robert, I Rock villas, Clova
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Forest gate e road, Forest gate e
Bloomfield Miss, Shenfield, Brentwood Bond Rev. Wm. M.A. RR.ctory,Beauchamp Boulton Jas. 21 Manby gro.Stratford gn e-
Bloomfield Wm. Blackmore,Ingatestone Roothing, Brentwood Boulton Thomas Curtis, Kelso lodge,
Blott J. Whalebone ho. Chadwell heath Bond Rev. Wm. Henry M.A. Rectory, Primrose rd. George la. Leytonstone e'
Blott Jonathan, Coopersale hall, They- High Ongar, Brentwood Boulton Wm. 14 Deanery I'd. Stratford e·
don Garnon,Epping Bond Henry, Keble villa, High road, Boumphrey Thomas, Glenthorne lodge,
Blow Rev. William, jun. M.A. Rectory, Buckhurst hill Sylvan road, Snaresbrook e
Layer Breton, Kelvedon Bond John, Charlton villas, Mildmay Bourchier Staff Commander William S.
Blows Jsph. Thos.TheGrove,Stratf01'de road, Chelmsford Grays Thurrock S.O
Bloxham F. J.16 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Bond John Geo. Mill house, Baddow I'd. Bourdillon Thos. l.P: Horkesley ball,.
Blundell Thos. Hainault house, Chigwell Chelmsford Colchester
BlundonMrs.Hunts,Upminster,Romford Bone John J. Hollyfield, Manor park, Bourke James, Repton lodge, Chelms--
Blunsum James, 3 Buckingham villas, East Hume ford road west, Woodford
.Buckingham road, Woodford Bond John James, Belle vue, Cleveland Bourne In. Robt. Wantz road, Maldon
Bluntsom Benjamin, 5 Lancaster tel'. road, Snaresbrook e Bourne Mrs. Gresham cottage, Market
High rd. Leytonstone e Bonner Charles, High street, Leyton place, Romford
Blyth F. Delacourt, The Leasowes, Cap- Bonner Edgar, 10 Station rd. Harwich Bourns Daniel Uhas. Grose,Sth.Shoebury
worth street, Leyton Bonner Hy. Gwynne ho. Woodfrd. bridge Bousfield William, Inglewood lodge,
Blyth Henry, Dunedin villa, May Bank Bonner Judson, Litchfield villa, Selwyn Chelmsford road west, Woodford
road, George lane, Leytonstone e road, Plaist,ow e Bousfield William J eune, Oakland villa,.
Blyth Henry A. Croft house, Stansted, Bonton Charles, The Oaks, Hermon hIll, Grove hill, Woodford
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Wanstead e Boutell Chas.3 Chestnut viIs.Forest gate ff
Blyth James, Wood house, Stansted, Boome Geo. Fairbank, II Woodriff road, Boutell Mrs. 2 Glendower villas, Harvey
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Blyth Miss, Grange house, Little Dun- Boon John, Jessie villa, Leyton road, Boutflower Rev. Chas. RA. Vicarage,
mow, Chelmsford Forest gate e Terling, Witham
Blyth Miss, Mason villa, New London Boorman T. Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford Bouttell Robert, 2 Lexden villas, North
road, Chelmsford Boorne Charles James, Fair lawn, Marsh street, Colchester
Blyth Mrs. Mounthawke ho. May Bank street, Walthamstow Bowen Lieut.-Col. Ranger cottage,.
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Boote Benjamin Edward William, 1 Wivenhoe, Colchester
BIyth Mrs. The Elms, Stratford green e Overton ter. .A.mberley rd. Leyton Bowen Cecil, 6 Tregenna terrace, Vic-
Blyth Mrs. Stanford-le-Hope, Romford Bootes Earnest Butler, I3 Wellington toria road, Romford
Blyth Robert, Mount pleasant, Broom- street, Colchester Bowen Francis, 5 Whitta tel'. Little Ilford
field road, Chelmsford Booth Rev. Wm. Hy. Howard villa, Bowen Henry, Western villa, Western
Blyth Samuel William, Shelley hall, Hainault road, Leytonstone e road, Romford
Brentwood Booth Ebenezer WaIter, I Albion road Bowen Hy.Storer,1 Grove vils.Brentwood
Blyth Thomas, Fremnells, Downham, Walthamstow Bowerbank Edward William, 2 Grafton
Brentwood Booth Geo. 39 Claremont rd.Forest gate e villas, Queen's road, Buckhurst hill
Blyth Thomas Highfields, Langham, Booth G. H. 34 Hampton rd. Forest gte e Bowers Major Charles D'Obree, Mey-
Colchester Booth Geo. Wm. Mill cot. Woodfordside rick crescent, Colchester
Blyth William, East hill, Colchester Booth Mrs. Barrett's farm, Dedham S.O Bowes Cyrus Benjamin, 2 Park villas, •
Blyth William, Park cottage, Mistley, Booth William Brutus, 16 Linton road, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
Manningtree Leytonstone e Bowers C. D. Prospect hI. Walthamstow
Bowers In. Albany ho.Hoe st.WIthmstow Branch Henry, Meraea road, Colchester Brewertnn Samuel Robert, Ortnond
Bowles J. Walnut Tree cottage, High Brand Mrs. Church st. Saffron Walden house, Buckhurst hill
road, Leytonstone e BrandMrs.Wingfield vils.Orsett,Romford Brewis George William 1.1'. Chesterford
Bowley William, Grove lodge, West Brand Thos. Meyric~ crescent, Mersea park, Saffron Walden
Grove road, Woodford Green road, Colchester Brewster Major Cardinal l.P., D.L.
Bowly Rev. Charles Henry M.A. Vicar- Brand William Burman, 4 Mornington Greenstead hall, Halstead
age, Messing, Kelvedon villas, Wanstead park, Wanstead B Brewster Charles Edward, Maplestead
Bowman Alexander Douglas,Strathclyde, Brand William pegram, 8 Beverley road, halll Halstead
Bulwer road, Leytonstone e Colchester Brewster Edwin Frederic, The Hall,
Bowman George Charles, Charlton villa, Branfield Miss, 23 Broomfld.rd.Chlmsfrd White Notley, Witham
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Branfill Champion Edward, The Hall, Brewster Jas. J.p.Ashford lodge,Halstead
Bowman Jas. Cathall I'd. Leytonstone e Upminster, Romford Brelfster Sturgeon Nunn, The Gate
Bowman Miss, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Brannon Philip, Walton Naze park, house, White Colne, Halstead
Bowness Mrs. 33 King's Quay st.Harwich Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Briant Miss, Markhouse I'd. Walthamstw
Bowtell Mrs. 58 Qronch street,Colchester Branson Henry, 6 Agnes terrace, Lan- Briant Wm. III Gurney I'd. Forest gte
Bowyer Wm. Little heath, Chadwell st caster road, Leytonstone e Briar Frederick, 12 Mornington villas,
Bowyer William, Mariana villa, Forest Branwhite Misses, Cromwellcot. Maldon Wanstead park e
lane,. Forest gate e Braund John, I Grove villas,East Ham e Brice Charles, 28 King's -rd. Upton pk e
Bowyer William, Woburn villa, Ham Brawn Samuel, Meads, Loughton Brice John, 2 Cliff terrace, Manbey
Frith road, Forest gate e Bray Mrs. 8 George street, Harwich Park terrace, Grove, Stratford e
Box Misses, Heath 10.Lexden, Colchester Bray William, 8 West street, Colchester Brica Mrs. 2 Chobham road. New town,
Box Mrs. Alfred road, Brentwood Braybrooke Rt.Hon. Lord p.c.Audley end, Stratford e
Boyce Arthur, 15 Albiotl terrace, Lan- Saffron Walden; & 42 Upper Brook Brice Thos. Palmerston rd. West Ham e
caster road, Leytonstone e streetw.; &Travellers'&Boodle's clubs, Bridge Rev. Jas.Hy. M.A. Mucking,Rmfrd
Boyce Thomas, Roman's place, Writtle, London s w Bridge Rev. Rt. Lee RA. Lndo. rd. Maldn
Chelmsford Brayne Francis W.ITheCrescnt.Woodfrd Bridge Edgar J. High street, Maldon
Boyd Miss, 2 Grove villas, Nightingale Brayne Henry Augustus, Lyndhurst, Bridge Francis Cre&Sy, Henhams,Stisted,
lane, Wanstead e Hainault road, Leytonstone e Braintree
Boyes Charles, Tenterfield cot. Maldon Brazier Henry Frederick, Sycamore Bridge Miss, Laurel gro. Doverct.Harwch
Boyle Henry, 4 Claremont pl.Forest ga e cottage, London road, RomfOrd Bridge Thomas, Ramsey Tyrrells, Butts-
Boys John, Beech road, Clacton-on-Sea, Breading John Rimmington, Blanchard bury, Ingatestone
Colchester house, Whitehall rd. Woodford Wells Bridge Thomas, Littell Morley, Castle
Boyton Thomas Edward, 8 Derby villas, Breading Mrs. 4 St. Kilda villas, Buck- Hedingham, Halstead
Derby road, Woodford hUl'st Hill Bridge Wm. I Chestnut viI. Forest gate e
Brabazon George, 3 Mornington villas, Breckels John Henry R. ~3 Sylvester BridgeI' James, Beulah hOUse, Beulah
Wanstead park e terrace, Walthamstow road. Walthamstow
Bracy George Edward,2 Maldon villll,S, Breekon William, Thaxted S.O Bridges Rev. Thomas Pym B.A. Rectory,
Gladding road, Little Ilford Breed Wm. Hamlet road, Chelmsford Danbury, Chelmsford
Brackenbury Col. Charles B. B.A. High Breeden Frederick George, Talbot ter- Bridgen William, Rose Tree. cottage,
Bridge street, Waltham Abbey race, Grays Thurrock 8.0 Epping New road, Buckhurst hill
Bradbridge Elliott, 5 The Crescent, Breewood Rev. Thomas, I I Albert ter- Brigham Edwin, 2 Derby villas, Derby
Upton Manor, Plaistow e race, Walthamstow road, Woodford
Bradbrook Frederick Robert, West Berg- Breeze Herbert Glendenning, 45 Chob- Brighi Chas. Park ter. Park I'd. Southend
holt, Colchester ham road, New town, Stratford e Bright Charles James, Walden villa,
Bradbrook George, Warwick house, Breeze John Saunders, Queenborough CecH road, Upton Manor, Plaistow e
West Bergholt, Colchester villa, Buckhurst hill Bright In. Bradfrd. st. Bocking,Braintree
Bradbrook Mrs. Myland villa, Mile end, Breffit John, Rosslyn villa, Sylvan road, Bright Mrs. Linden cottage, Springfield,
Colchester Snaresbrook e Chelmsford
Braddock Thos. 38 Wellesley rd.Wanstd e Bremner Alexander Bramwell, Clay- Bright William, Stoneham street, Cog-
Bradenburg Capt. Windsor villa, Lytton bury hall, Woodford Bridge geshall, Kelvedon
road, Leytonstone e Bremner Coles Frederick, Hurstleigh, Brighten William Green, Argyle house,
Bradford Rev. John, Ivy bank, Park Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Cliff town, Southend
road, Leytonstone e Bremner Mrs. 135 Romford I'd. Stratfrd e Brightwell Robert William, Norfolk villa,
Bradlaugh Mrs. Mistley, Mannin~ree Brenan Rev. Robert Hardy M.A.Vicarage, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook 11
Bradley AlbertJas.I Forest vils.Wanstd e Grays Thurrock S.O Brightwell William,Linton hous6,Crouch
BradleyChas.Markhouse rd.Walthamstw Brent Edward, Theydon Bois, Epping street, Colchester
Bradley E. 41 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Brent Geo. 161 Romfonl rd. Stratford e Briginshaw John, Park villas, Grosvenor
Bradley J oseph William, Hainault gore, Brereton Mrs. 3 Chester terrace, Pelly Park road, Walthamstow
Chadwell Heath road. Plaistow e Brignell Wm. John, 8 East hI. Colchestr
Bradley William, The Cedars, MaIdon Bressy Ed. 209 Romford
road, Colchester Bretnall Mrs. Kelvedon
ra.Stratford e Brimley Samuel, I Alfred villas, Gold-
smith road, Leyton
Bradley Wm.W.I7Harvey rd.Leytnstne e Brett Capt. Edward l.P. Fisher's, Wakes Brimson Rohert, lI5 Gurney road,
Bradshaw Charles Henry, Gloucester Colne, Balstead Forest gate e •
villa, Derby road, Woodford Brett Maj.-Gen. William Freeland, 20 Brine Major Bruce B.E. Government
Bradshaw Mrs. 8 Kirkdale rd.Leytonstn e The Avenue, Colchester house, Harwich
Bradshaw Thomas, Meadow lodge,Grove Brett Francis William, John's villa, Brine Francis, I Hainault villas, Hain-
road, Walthamstow Hainault road, Leytonstone e ault road, Leytonstone 6
Brady Lady, Forest lane, Forest gate e Brett George, 14 The Avenue, Colchester Brinkworth Rev. Jabez Arthul1, Hill
Brady Rev. Nicholas H.A. Rainham hall, Brett Miss, 31 Head street, Colchester street, Saffron Walden •
Romford Brett Mrs. Colne place, Wakes Colne, Briscoe Mrs. 26 Grove road, Wanst.ead e
Brady Henry, Holly lodge, Dovercourt. Halstead Bristow W.Grosvenor Pk. rd.Walthmstw
Harwich Brett Mrs. Fisher's farm, Wakes Colne, Britten Arthr. 4 Havelock ter. Gt. Ilford
Brady James, 8 Argyle terrace, Lancas- Halstead Britteu David, Shenfield, Brentwood
ter road, Leytonstone e Brett Mrs. Rose valley, Brentwood Britton Rev. James Pownall T.A.:K:.C.L.
Brady John Howard, Howard villa, Brett Mrs. 3 Woodgrange cottages,Forest Chappel, Halstead
The Terrace, Plaistow e lane, Forest gate 6 Britton James, Newark house, London
Bragg Mrs. llelbrook, Snake's lane, Brett Wm. In. 2 Grove viIs. East Ham e road, Southend
Woodford Green Brettingham Rev. Thomas Clarke B.A. Britton Mrs. 3 Richmond villas, Hoe
Bragg Mrs. The Crescent, Upton Oxford villa, Oxford road, Colchester street, Walthamstow
manor, Plaistow e Brewer Henry, Leicester villa, Welling- Britton Robert, ... Granville tenace,
Braham Walter,30 e ton road, Wanstead 6 Mildmay road, Chelmsford
Hraithwaite Robert, s Grove villas, Brewer John William, Rose cottage, St. Britton Samuel, Henfrey house, London
Drayton road, Leytonstone ~ James' street, Walthamstow road, Southend· ,
Bramston Miss, Chipping hill, Witham Brewer William. Bell Vue llouse, Ham Britton Thomas, Hankow villa., Birk-
Branch John, S Camden villas, Gros- Frith road, Forest gate " beck road, Leytonstone e
venor Park road, Walthamstow Brewer William, Leyton house, Fa.irlop Brixey Edwd. Tilley, 33 West et. Barwch
• Branch William Edward,2 Ma.nor cot- road, Leytonstone fJ Broad Willia.m, I Hope villas, Capworth
tages, park road, Leyton Brewers Wm.6sClaremont I'd.Forest gt e street, Leyton ,
Eroad Mrs. Grosvenor Pk. rd. Wlthmstw Brown Alf.Bocking end,Bocking, Brntree Brown MrS'. Ebley,Queen's rd.Brentwood
Broadbridge Frederick, 4r Northcote Brown AI£. 45 Manbey gro.Strtfrd. grn e Brown Mrs. R. !Z Bodfair, Little ChElfJter.
road, Walthamstow Brown Ambrose, Cemetery road, Saf- ford, Saffron Walden
Broadbridge Thomas, Palmerston cot· fron WaJden ' B r o w n Philip, Osborne housel Milton
tage, Palmerston road, Buckhurst hill Brown Arthur Haig, Beaufort house, road, Romiord
Broadhurst B. E. Grange court, Chigwell Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e Brown Robert, New street, Halstead
Brock Charles de Lisle, Witham Brown Augustus Francis, IX Grove Brown R. G. Goodmays, Chadwell heath
Brock Edwd. :t.9I Homford ra. Stratfrd e villas, Mornington rd. Leytonstone e Brown Samuel, Saxon villa, Sebert road,
Brock Miss, The Cottage, Queen's road, Brown Benj. 8 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Forest gate e
Colchester Brown Calverley,StanstedMountfitchet, Brown Thomas B. Esk villa, Grange
Brochard Gustav, 2 Wiltshire villas, Bishop's Stortford . Park road, Leyton
Grosvenor Park road, Walthamstow Brown Chas. Torquay house, Crouch st. Brown Walter William, 4 Westbury
Brocket Miss, Spain's hall, Willingdale Colchester terrace, Brentwood
Spain, Brentwood Brown Dl. St. John's, Derby rd.Woodford Brown William,5 Florence liillas,Grange
Brockhurst Geo. Avenue ho. Chingford Brown Edward, 3 Camp lodge, Military Park road, Leyton
Brodwick Dennis, 57 Osborne road, road, Colchester Brown Wm.Higham cot.Woodford green
Forest gate e Brown Edward, Cornwall villa, Hain- Brown William, Hill side, Loughton
Broke Horace J.P. Gladwyns, Hatfield, ault road, Leytonstone e Brown William, Keswick villa, Fille-
Harlow Brown Fredk. Eaton villa, Eastern road, brook road, Leytonstone ~
Bromfield Bezaleel, Chapel hill, Halstead Romford Brown William Fordham .t.P. Grand
Bromhead Thomas Graham, 85 East Brown Frederick, Market hill, Maldon courts, Felsted S.O
hill, Colchester Brown Fredk. 8 Park place, Leyton Brown William J osiah, Wingfield cot-
Bromley Edward, 12 Nut Tree terrace, Brown Frederick, Rose mount, Theydon tages, Wingfield road, Walthamstow
Broadway, Plaistow e bois, Epping Brown William Lewis, Earlham villa,
Bromley John Bourne, Castle Heding- Brown Frederick George, 3 Holly Earlham grove, Forest gate e
ham, Halstead villas, Cowley road, Leytonstone e Brown William Thomas, 9 Manor cot-
Brook Charles, Arnold house, Great Brown :Frederick Osmond, The Laurels, tages, Park road, Leyton
Warley, Brentwood Maybank road, George lane, Woodford Browne Rev. Charles Elrington, Rams-
Brook Edward Advens, I West avenue, Brown George M.D. 9 Head st. Colchester den Bellhouse, Brentwood '
Walthamstow Brown George, Milton house, Southend Browne Rev. Ralph Charles L.Th. IX Cliff
Brook Henry, Newport, Bishop's Stortfrd Brown George, Primrose hill, Brentwood 'fown parade, Southend
Brook Mrs. Stockwell house, East Stock- Brown George, Warley rd. Gt. WarIey BrowneAlexander Coghlan,King's Lynn
well street, Colchester Brown Henry" 2 Brent villas, Carlisle house, Vicarage road, Leyton
Brook William, 3 Richmond terrace, road, Romford Browne Tom, 10 Westbury rd. Brentwd
Balaam street, Plaistow e Brown Hy. 100 Osborne rd.Forest gate e Browning Charles, The Laurels, The
Brooke Lord M.P., D.L., J.P. & Lady, Brown Henry, The Cottage, Wivenhoe, Drive, Walthamstow
Easton lodge, Dunmow j & Stable Colchester Browning Mrs. Great Clacton,Colchester
yard, St. James' palace j & CarIton Brown Henry, Theydon bois, Epping Browning Mrs. Hill house, Clacton-on-
club, London s.w Brown Henry Greenwood, I Rosenheim Sea, Colchester
Brooke Rev. Henry Edwd. 3 Orwell ter- villas, Hainault road, Leytonstone e Brumley John,5 Yale terrace, Colworth
race, Dovercourt, Harwich Brown James, Alyncottage, Springfield, road, Leytonstone e
.Brooke C. 3 Charlton vils.Buckhurst hill Chelmsford Brunell Hy. Eva cottge. Chadwell heath
Brooke George, Beech hall, Hale end, Brown James, Bocking end, Braintree Brunton Mrs. 4 Fairlop terrace, Fairlop
Woodford Side Brown Jas. IQ }<'orest pI. Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Brooke George, Eastbury house, Ripple- Brown J ames, Greenstead ho. Colchester Brunwin Rev. Peter Maxey B.A. Ree-
side, Barking Brown James, Lancaster villa, Birkbeck tory, Bradwell- juxta - Coggeshall,
Brooke J;as. 21 North st. Plaistow e road, Leytonstone e Braintree •
Brooker Rd. 56 Buxton road,Forest gtee Brown Jas.Wm.22 Gurneyrd.Forestgte e Brunwin Henry Tweed, Park house,
Brookes John, 4 Edmunds terrace, Lan- Brown John, Eastwood house, Fairlop Bradwell-juxta - Coggeshall, Braintree
caster road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e Brunwin Misses, Park house, Bradwell-
Brooking Chas. Henry M.D. Felsted S.O Brown John, Milton street, Southend juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree
Brooks Capt. Wm. Jas. Tayer, Milton Brown John, Mornington villa, London Bruorton Wm. Hornchurch, Romford
ho. Grove Crescent road, Stratford e road, Wanstead e Bruton J oseph, 3 Hanover villas, Avenue
Brooks Rev. Henry Samuel M.A. Thor- Brown John, Recko ho. Milton, Southend road, Forest gate e
rington, Colchester Brown John, 4 Wellesley rd. Wanstead t Bruton William, Shillingford house,
Brooks Chas. N. Mistley, Manningtree Brown John Lensey, Hythe hill, Colchstr Stainforth roadfWalthamstow
Brooks Edmund, New road, Grays Brown John Whitley, I Carisbrooke Brutton Edward James, 3 Cyprus villas
Thurrock S.O terrace, Hoe street, Walthamstow Buckingham road, Woodford
Brooks Edmund Wright, Duvals, Grays Brown Joseph, 22 Clarence road, Ley- Bruty Mrs. IQ Sutherland tel'. Chehnsfrd
Thurrock S.O tonstone e Bryarlt Alexander, 9 Clifton terrace,
Brooks Edwin, 5 Russell road, Leyton Brown Joseph, Warwick villas, May- Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e
'Brooks James Thomas Collier, York nard road, Walthamstow Bryant Benjamin, 34 Broomfield road,
villas, Queen's road, Buckhurst hill Brown Louis G. Delta house, Drayton Chelmsford
Brooks John, 66 Chobbam rd. Stratford e road, Leytonstone e Bryant Chas.J.93 Gurney rd. Forest gte e
Brooks Mrs. South street, Mannington Brown Miss, Como cottages, North Bryant Miss Elizabeth, Saville row, Wal-
Brooks William, 15 Colworth terrace, street, Romford ton-on-the-Naze S.O
Colworth road, Leytonstone e Brown Miss, Moulsham hall, Chatley, Bryant Miss Mary, Saville row, Walton-
Erooks William, Mistley, Manningtree Chelmsford on-tlie-Naze 8.0
Broom Nathaniel, Hythe hill, Colchester Brown Miss, The Chase, Halstead Bryant Mrs. t: Kenilworth villas, Pros-
Broome H. Albert rd. sth. Buckhurst hill Brown Misses, Shenfield, Brentwood pect hill, Walthamstow
Broome Mrs. 2 Mary villas, Birkbeck Brown Mrs. 10 Ashbourn terrace,Harrow Bryant Oliver, New ho.Greensted, Ongar
road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e Bryant William, 4 Wallwood terrace,
Broomhead George J. Denver, Drayton Brown Mrs. Bradford street, Bocking, Wallwood road, Leytonstone e
road, Leytonstone e Braintree Bryce David Raphael,34 Chobham road,
Bretherton Joseph, 2 Mapperley villas, Brown Mrs. Chelmsford rd. east, Wdfrd New town, Stratford e
London road, Wanstead e Brown Mrs. 10 Crouch st. Colchester Brymer J. H. 19 Gurney rd.Forest gate e
.Brough Mrs. 5 Trinity street, Colchester Brown Mrs. Forest side, Chingford Buchan Greigg, 9 Romford rd.Stratford e
Broughton Rev. Fred Robert M.A. Brown Mrs. 5 Margery Park road, Buchan PeterM.D.9Romford rd.8tratfrde
Davanants,Sible Hedingham, Halstead West Ham e Buchanan Frank, 5 Grange vils.Gt.Ilford
Broughton Frederick, East hill, Colchstr Browr. Mrs. Foulkbourn hall; Witham Buck Charles, Trinity villa, Halstead
Eroughton Mrs. East hill, Colchester Brown Mrs. Leslie house, Oxford road, Buck Mrs. 48 Gurney road, Forest gate e
.1:lrown Captain James, 61 Hampton Walthamstow . Buck William,I Clyde terrace, Capworth
road, Forest gate e Brown Mrs. 20 Mildmay rd. Chelmsford street, Leyton
Brown Rev. Samuel Christmas B.A. Brown Mrs. 31 Queen street, Colchester Buck William, Dereham place, Lexden
Vicarage, Great Clacton, Colchester Brown Mrs. South street, Colchester road, Colchester
Erown Rev. WaIter, Mersea rd. Colchstr Brown Mrs. Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvedon Buck William Richard,West Ham house,
Erown Alfred, 3 Lee terrace, Barking Brown Mrs. Widdington, Bishop's West Ham lane e
road, Plaistow e Stortford J • BuckinghamW.76Buxton rd.Forest gte e

Buckingham Frederick Thomas, High Burden William Thomas,Primrose villas, Burt G. The Laurels,Derby rd.Woodf~1T<I
• street, Saffron Walden Primrose rd. George la. Leytonstone e Burton Rev. Roger Taylor M.A. Great.
Buckingham George Alfred, The Cedars, Burdett William, Fernbank, Mornington Tey, Kelvedon
Chadwell heath road, Woodford Wells Burton James, Fern lodge, Clarendoll
Buckingham Mrs. 32 Claremont road, Burdon George, Heath house, Squirrels road, Walthamstow
Forest gate e heath, Romford Burton John, 8 Barnett's terrace, Col-
Buckle John, Great Bardfield, Braintree Burford Ephraim, 5 Crownfield place, worth road, Leytonstone e
Buckley Mrs.Broom hl. Woodford Green Leytonstone road, Stratford e Burton John, Ivinghoe, Grove hill,.
Buckmaster Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage, Burford Jas. IB Burford road, Stratford e Woodford
Epping Burford Miss, 17 Windsor rd. Forest gte e Burton John J oslin, Dunmow S.O
Budd Mrs. White house, Bradfield, Man- Burford Richard, Falcon house, Hermon Burton Mrs. Main road, Harwich
ningtree hill, Leytonstone e Burton Mrs. 140 Romford rd. Stratford
Budd Mrs. Wood street, Walthamstow Burgess Rev. James, Halstead Burton Robert, Suther villa, Sebert
Buddell Rev. James Francis, Writtle, Burgess Rev. Robert Burdett M.A. New- road, Forest gate e
Chelmsford port, Bishop's StoI"tford Burton S. Felsted, Chelmsford
Budgett John Alfred Henry, The Grove, Burgess Chas. Western road, Romford Burton William, Roslyn villa, Hainault
Stratford e Burgess Charles Thomas, Shenfield cot- road, Leytonstone e
. Budworth Capt. Philip John .T.P., D.L. tage, Shenfield, Brentwood BurtweU George, New road, Brentwootl
Greensted hall, Ongar Burgess Ebenezer Augnstus, 12 Albert Bury' Charles J ames .T.P. St. Leonards,
Buecker Mrs. Nuremberg villa, Derby terrace, Cathan road, Leytonstoue e Nazing, Waltham Cross
road, Woodford Burgess J ames,1 Howard's rd. Plaistow (J Bury John, Chigwell row
Buffham John, 5 Argyle terrace, Water Burgess John James, Newlands, Pros- Rusch Otto, Cathall road, Leytonstonee-
lane, Stratford e pect hill, Walthamstow Bush Frederick Augnstus, Fraser house,
Buffham Seth, 34 Manbey grove, Strat- Burgess Mrs. Chapel street, Colchester Margery Park road, Stratford e
ford green e Burgess Wm. Ongar road, Brentwood Bush G. Fern villa, Clova rd. Forest gte e
Euffham Thomas Hughes, J: Connaught Burgess Nehemiah, 1 Sylvester villas, Bush Miss, Dymok road, Hornchurch,
road, Walthamstow Boundary road, Walthamstow Romford
Bugg Mrs. Wickham lodge, Great Tot- Eurgess William James, Glantham Bush Mrs. Walnut Tree cottage, Wood-
ham, Witham house, Shentield, Brentwood ford Green
Eull Rev. C. M.A. Vicarage, Nth.Wlwich e Burke Capt. Walter St. George, The Bushell Charles Adolphu8, 6 Clifton ter-
Bull Rev. Felix Edward Pepys B.A. Rec- Auberies, Bulmer, Sudbury race, Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e
tory, Pentlow, Sudbury Eurke Miss, 3 Avenue road, Southend Bushell Theodore Frederick, 8 Randulph
Bull Rev. Henry Dawson Ellis II.A. Rec- Burke Ulick John, Sible Hedingham, terrace, Springfi~d, Chelmsford
tory, Borley, Sudbury Halstead Bushell Wm. 4 Forest pI. Leytonstone eo
Bull John, Navestock hall, Romford Eurkitt Alfred Whaler, 2 Hendon villas, Bushell Willlam Henry, 2 Sylvester ter-
Bull Miss, Great Oakley hall, Harwich Church road, Leyton race, Markhouse road, Walthamstow
Bull Mrs. Dunmow S.O Eurls Charles, Rectory farm, Manuden, Busk James, 2 Robert villas, Howard
Bull Mrs. Rectory, Pentlow, Sudbury Bishop'sStortford road, Le:rtonstone e
Bull William, Ann's villas, West Grove Burls John, 24 Mildmay I'd. Chelmsford Bussell Mrs. 10 Osborne rd. Forest gate e
road, Woodford Green Burls Mrs. 23 Sutherland ter.Chelmsford Bussey William, Finlay villa, Churcb
Bullard James, Violet road, Georgelane, Burlton Rev.Francis Jenks M.A,Vicarage, road, Leyton
Leytonstone e South Bentleet, Chelmsford Bussey William, jun. 3 Bryn villas,
Bullen Maj. WaIter Gregory, 5 Albyn Burman James Moffatt, High street, Grange Park road, Leyton
terrace, Southend Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Buswell Rev. William B.A. Rectory,
Bullen Rev. Abraham William M.A. Vine- Burman J n. 56 Windsor rd.Forest gate e Widford, Chelmsford
yards, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Burman William, Clifford villa, Cope- Butcher Major William D. Luther house,
Bulley Miss, Spital road, Maldon land road, Walthamstow Sewardstown
Bullinger Rev. Ethelbert William D.D. Burmester Rev. George M.A., J.P. Rec- Butcher Edmund, BaIlingdon, Sudbury
Church end, Walthamstow tory, Little Oakley, Harwich Butcher John, Hope villas, BuckhU!'st hI
Bulling Robert Frederick, Carisbrooke Burnell Edward, The Elms, Chappel, Butcher John William Cubitt, King's
villa, Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e Halstead Quay street, Harwich
Hullions Mrs. :186 High st. Stratford e Burnett Rev. William, Queen's road, Butcher Mrs. Hill house, Colne Engaine,
Bullivant Wm. Woodlands, Chigwell row Brentwood Halstead
Bullock Rev. James George M.A. Derby Burnett Rt.I9 Manbey gro.Stratford gne Butcher Robert,Westrd.Saffron Walden
house, The Avenue, Colchester Burnham Charles, Forest terrace, Butler Rev. Thomas Robinson, Wickham
Bullock Rev. John Fredk. Watkinson B.A. Manor park, East Ha.m e Eishops, Witham
Rectory, Radwinter, Saffron Walden BurninghamJas.Penroseterrace,Victoria Butler Captain Henry Samuel, 19 Os-
Eullock Mrs. :14 Osborne rd. Forest gate e road, Romford borne road, Forest gate e
Bullock Mrs. 66 Romford rd.Stratford e Burns Edward, Pembroke road, Wal- Butler Edward,Cheshunt ho.Forest gtBe
Bullock WaIter Henry, The Warren, thamstow Butler William, Hill house, Danbury,
Foulkburn, Witham Burns Wm. Hen. Copt hall, Epping Chelmsford
Bullock William, Ford street, Aldham, Burnside Rev. Henderson, 4 Park villas, Butler Joseph Rd. High st. Manningtree
Colchester Sebert road, Forest gate e Butler Miss, New hall, Boreham, Chelms-
Bullocke Gustavns Spieker, 5 St. An- Burnside Rev. John Charles T.A.K.C.L. ford
drew's road, Plaistow e Vicarage, Cornish Hall end, Braintree Butler Mrs. 1 Rose cottages, Boundary
Bulman Mrs. 17 Station road, Harwich Burr Ebenezer,Rye vil.Barclay rd.Leytn road, Walthamstow
BumpusJas. Kenilworthhouse, Chelms- Burrage John, 6 Woodgrange villas, Butler William, Holly bank, Witham
ford road west, Woodford' Forest lane, Forest gate e Butler William S. Summerhill lodge,
Eumplis William Henry, Wanstead villa, Burrell John, Rectory farm, Littlebury, New London road, Chelmsford
London road, Wanstead e Saffron Walden Butlin George, I Queen's vils.Chingford
Eunbury Rev. Thomas Henry B.A. Great Burrell Miss, Kirby, Colchester Butt Thomas Frederick, Fernley, Bock-
Warley, Brentwood Burroughs Waiter, J: Heathcote villas, ing, Braintree
Eundock Rev. Samuel, 3 Victoria. road, Eastern road, Romford Butterfield Edward, 2 Edinboro' villas,
Brentwood Burrows Henry, I Ingham place, Ley- Southchurch, Southend
Bunn Charles, 3 St. Mary's terrace, tonstone road, Stratford e Butterfield John, Westbury cottage,
London road, Romford Burrows John, Albany house, Hoe street, Rippleside, Barking
Bunn John, Fearnley villa, Sebert road, Walthamstow Butterworth Charles, 3 Gurney road,
Forest gate 6 Burrows Mrs. North street, Romford Forest gate e
Bunn Mrs.Myrtle villa, Oliverrd. Leyton Burrows Mrs. 1 I Royal ter. ~outhend Butterworth Mrs. 2 Florence villas,
Bunter Richard Warren, Cranham hall, Burrows Mrs. Thaxted S.O Grange Park road, Leyton
Romford Bursill Frands Thomas, Beech villa, Buttery Mrs. 41 Buckingham road,
Burbrow Mrs. North street, Romford Hainault road, Leytonstone e Forest gate e
Burchell John Philipj Mark's gate, Bursill Mrs. Melita villa, Cleveland Buttle Joseph,Newhouse, Alphamstone,
Dagenham, Romford road, Snaresbrook 6 Colchester
Burck Christopher Gottfried, Mount cot- Bursill Richard, 2 Milton villas, Car- Buttle Mrs. 'rhaxted S.O
tage, Military road, Colchestel' narvon road, Woodford ButtonEbnzr.23Claremont rd.Forst.gte 8
Eurden Thomas George, I Morden villas, Burt Colonel George Raymond, 82 Rom- Button Henry,2 Grecian villas, HOlYard's
Hainault road j Leytonstone , ford road, Stratford e road, Plaistow e
EuttressRt.F. AddiSQn viI. Snaresbrook e Canning AlIen Taylor, The Cedars,Halstd Carter Mrs. AlOOrt road, Braintree
Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell J.P., D.L. Canning Wm. Old Mead, Henham, Carter Mrs. 12 .Albyn terrace, Southeud
Warlies park, Waltham Abbey Bishop's Stortford Carter Mrs. 2 Carew terrace, ChlmsforJ
.Buxton EdwardNorth D.L.,3".P. Knighton Canon Mrs. Moss lane, Romford Carter Mrs. Stock, Ingatestone
house, Buckhurst Hill Cansdale Arthur, Castle road, Colchester Carter Mrs. Western road, Romford
Buxton Mrs. Camden villa, Fullers road, CansdaleWIlliam, Castle road, Colchester Carter Mrs. Whitehall rd.Woodfrd. Wells
Woodford Cant Wm. J: Ventnor villas, Wellesley Carter Mrs. Richd. 1 Brookland villas,
Byas Mrs. New road, Brentwood road, Colchester North street, Romford
Byass William, Leyton park, Leyton Canton Miss, Cumberland ho. Southend Carter Richard, Epping
road, Leyton Capel Rev. Horatio Bladen, Rectory, Carter Richard, Forwood, High Beech
Bydawell Francis, 25 Linton road, Ley- Great Easton, Dunmow Carter Seth, 67 Buxton, Forest gate e
tonstone , Capes George Augustus H. Sible Heding- Carter Theodore, Chesnut villa, Queen's
Byers Mrs. 3 Florence terrace, Lea ham, Halstead road, Barking
Bridge road, Leyton Capper George Copeman, Lea Bridge Carter Thomas, Myrtle house, Stainforth
Byford John, 2 Portland villas, Barking road, Leyton road, Walthamstow
road, Canning town e Capuron Mrs. Clarendon rd.Walthamstw Carter Thomas Charles, l3 Oakleigh
Byford Thomas, Engleside villas, May- Carder Frederick, Western road,Romford villas, Goldsmith :road, Leyton
bank road, George lane,Leytonstone e Cardinall Durrant Edward Pritchards, Carter Wm. 3 Bellevue place, London
ByfordW.H.Markhouse rd.Walthamstow Halstd.& Manor ho. Tendring, Clchster road, Romford
.Bygrave Henry William, Shrubbery, CardinallMrs.Manor ho.Tendrng. Clchstr Carter Wm. Gladding road, Manor park,
Woodham Walter, Maldon Carey Rev. Canon James Gaspard Le East Ham e
JJygrave John Joseph, High st. Maldon Marchant M.A. Vicarage, Boreham, CarterWilliam, 14 Globe terrace, Forest
..Byng Lt.-Col. Alfred Molyneux D.L. Chelmsford lane, Forest gate it
Quendon hall, Bishop's Stortford Carey Arthur, Rochford S.O Carter Wm. 92 Gurney rd. Forest gate e
Byng Harold Edmund J.P. Wicken Carey Francis, Sible Hedingham, Halstd Carter William, ISO High st. Stratford e
Bonant, Bishop's Stortford Carey Richard John M.A. St. John's ho. Carter Wm. Hole fm. Belchamp,Sudbury
.Byrne Col. T. Edmund R.A. 1: Crouch Barking road, Canning town it Carter Wm. Palmerston villa, Palmer-
street, Colchester Carey Wm. High st. Brightlingsea S.O stoOn road, Buckhurst Hill
..caddell Rev. Henry M.A. ~t. Peter's Carless Francis T. Park Grove road, Carter Wm. Sutherland house, Palmer-
vicarage, 52 North hill, Colchester Leytonstdne e . ston road, Buckhurst Hill
Cade Wm. 7 Grove terrace, Great Ilford Carlingford Rt. Hon. Lord P.C. Dudbrook, Cartel' Wm. Hy. Holly Lodge cottages,
fCresar Julius L.B.C.P. Edin. 4 & 5 Marine Brentwood j & 7 Carlton gardens j & Dovercourt, Harwich
terrace, Victoria Dock road e Brooks'& Athenreum clubs, London s.w Carter Wm. Thomas Pocock, Ascot
..cakebread Charles, 3 Essex villas, Carman Alfred, 6 George street, Harwich villas, Gray road, Colchester
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Carman Geo. Wm.4TheAvenue,Colchstr Cartlidge Isaae,39 Church st. Harwich
-caldecott Edwin, Trueloves, Ingatestone Carman Mrs. 2 Priory terrace, Wellesley Cartwright Rev. Thomas Everard M.A.
<Jaldwell Paulus Gerald, 23 Windsor road, Colchester Rectory, Layer Marney, Kelvedon
road, Forest gate e CarmanRussell John, 3 George st. Hrwch Cartwright Zachariah, 203 Romford
ICaley John Frederick,4 Overton terrace, Carnegy Capt. Patrick Alexander Wat- road, Stratford e
Amberley road, Leyton son, Gatwick ho. Billericay, Brentwood Carus-Wilson Rev. Wm. B.A. Vicarage,
{Jailaway Edward, Cambridge rd. Barkng Carnell Edward Herbert Maisonette, Mayland, Maldon
<Callen James, Fern cottage, Hoe street, Gray road, Colchester Carver Frederick Chas. Priory lodge,
• Walthamstow Carpenter Charles, Harrow villas, Birk- Little Dunmow, Chelmsford
-callendar Rev. William B.A. Blackmore, beck road, Leytonstone it Carver James,6 George street, Harwich
Ingatestone Carpenter Geo. Benj.IS Rosindell terrace, Carwardine John I.P. Colne priory,
<Callow Abraham Joseph, 3 Union road, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Halstead
Leytonstone e Carpenter Mrs. May villa, Prospect hill, Carwardine Mrs. Witham
Calthorpe Miss, Chipping hill, Witham Walthamstow Carwardine Samuel Jas. 2 Ada terrace,
.calvert Rev. Arthur M.A. Rectory, Carpenter Thomas, Harrow villas, Birk- Lansdowne road, Leytonstone e
Moreton, Brentwood beck road, Leytonstone e Case Robt. 21 Sutherland ter.Chelmsford
.calvert Angustus Bresson, Ordnance Carpenter Wm. :n Cliff Park villas, Cash Wm. John, 5 Overton terrace,
house, Harwich Park road, Southend AmOOrley road, Leyton
·Camden Miss, Verbena cottage, Snake's Carr Alex. 6 Barclay road, Leyton Cassel Wm. 1 Wilson road, Southend
lane, Woodford Green Carr James, Church st. Waltham Abbey Cassidy Maj. Fredk. Young, Gunhill
tCameron Edwin, 5 Grove villas, Night- Carr Jas. jun.The Hollies,Walthm.Abbey house, Dedham S.O
ingale lane, Wanstead it Carr John, 6 Park View viIs. Forest gate e Cassidy Thos. The Curateage, Gt. Ilford
(Jameron George, 2 Lorne terrace, Carr Matthew Alfred, 4 Park viIs. Prk. I'd Cassleton Edmund, 55 Romford road,
Grafton roa.d south, Plaistowe Carr Watson, Kingsbrook ho. Hainault Stratford e
Cameron In. 7 St. Andrew's I'd. Plaistow e road, Leytonstone e Castell Geo. Sunny villa, Capel road,
.cameronWm.54MargeryPk.rd.Strtfrde Carrington Very Rev. Henry M.A. Forest gate e
Camp Benjamin Andrew, London road, Deanery, Bocking, Braintree Castell Wm. r Sherbourne villas, Sebert
Saffron Walden Carswell Wm. Primrose hill, Brentwood road, Forest gate e
Camp John, 4 Bridgewater terrace, Gold- CartayneWm.I2Claremont rd.Forest gt e Castle G. Holly ho. Barking I'd. Plaistow e
smith road, Leyton Carter Rev. Alfred Morgan B.A.. Up- Castle James, Chester villa, Mornington
<Campbell Rev. Charles Edward B.A. minster, Romford road, Leytonstone e
Vicarage, Theydon Bois, Epping Carter A. H. Blenheim villa, Little Iliord Castle John, Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester
.campbell Alexander Arthur, Worley Carter Albert, 4 Chobham road, 'New Caston Miss, 27 Osbornerd. Forest gate e
terrace, Great Warley, Brentwood town, Stratford e Cathchpool Alfred, Mile end, Colchester
'Campbell Donald Cochrane M.D. Asylum, Carter Charles, Billericay, Brentwood Catchpool Edward, Feering Bury, Manor
South Wea.ld, Brentwood Carter Charles J. Friary, Maldon house, Feering, Kelvedon
.(Jampbell Francis, Mill hill, Shenfield, Carter Daniel, Myrtle cottage, Princes Catchpole Miss, 6 Saunders terrace, Wel-
Brentwood road, Buckhurst Hill lesley road, Leytonstone e
Campbell Hugh. 1 Drayton terrace, Carter Edward Hunt, Fairfield house, Catchpool Mrs. Highfield, Lexden road,
Drayton road, Leytonstone e Duke street, Chelmsford Colchester
Campbell Hugh, Wall end, East Ham e Carter Felix, Crosby house, Chigwell row Catchpool Mrs.Lay cottage, Leytonstone
oCampbell James, 2 Abbey villas, Clova Carter Frederick, Billericay, Brentwood roa.d, Stratford it
road, Forest gate e Carter Henry, Victoria road, Romford Cater Mrs. 3 Provident place, Colchester
Campbell James L.B.C.P. LOnd. The Carter Henry John, Wentcliffe, The Cates Francis,Broadgroves,Dunmow S.O
Grange, Chigwell row Drive, Walthamstow Cathie John George, 2 HanDibal villas,
CampbellJas. In.I Thornhillrd.Leighton Carter Henry William, 2 Essex villas, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e
.campbell Mrs. 3 Tregenna terrace, Vic- Hainault road, Leytonstone e Cathles George,50 Buxton rd.Forest gate
toria road, Romford Carter HenryW.The Limes,Walthmstow Catley J. 80 Romford I'd. Stratford e
Candler James, Mistley, Manningtree Carter James, I Grove villas, The Grove, Catling Edward, Grape villas, Warley
CamBer Wm. New st. Brightlingsea S.O Stratford e road, Brentwood .
CanhamHerbert,277Romfurd rd.Strtfrd e Carter John, 184 High street, Stratford e Cato Rev. John, Summer hill, Lexden
Cann Geo. Daniel st. New twn. Harwich Carter Miss, London road, Maldon Colchester
Canning Wm. Brooklyn villa, Hill st. Carter Miss, 6 Verandah place, West st. Catterwell Moses, 6 Bellevue place, Lon-
Saffron Walden Colchester . don road, Romford
358 CA..., ESSEX. rK~LLY'S
Cattlin F)oedk. 2. Woodriff ter. Woodriff Chapman Charles, Sewardstone road, Chign~ll Wm. Queen street, Colchester
Toad, Leytonstone , Waltham Abbey Childs Mrs. 9 Market place, Leytonstone:
CauIton Mrs. 3 Wellesley rd. Wanstead ~ Chapman Francis, 15 Percy road, Ley- road, Stratford ~
Caumbe Rchd.go Buxton rd.Forest gate /I tonstone 6 Chillingworth Andrew, The Hall, Brad..
Cause AbeI, Flora villa, SouthchuTch Chapman Hy. 4 Chesterton rd. Plaistow e well-juxta-Mare, Maldon
road., Southend Chapman Jas. Church hill,Walthamstow Chilton Charles, Woodford green
Cause ThoID&8f Linden "illas, Milton Chapman .John George, :I Bushwood Chllton Henry, Horn la. Woodford gTeeB
street. South6nd villas, Mornington rd. Leytonstone e Chilver Rev. Charles Samuel K.A. The.
CavillJohn James:O.A. High st. Halstood Chapman Joseph, 3 Lime eottages, Vicarage, Aldborough Hatch, Ilford
Cawker Samuel, Devon villa" Bedford Manor park, East Ham e Chilver Algin,8Manorcot.Park rd.Leyton
road, Snaresbroolt /I Chapman Miss, Church end, Woodford Chilvers Thomas, Lower terrace, Spring\
(Jawston Mies, Folly ho. High GaT'l'ett, Chapman Miss,Woodford rd. Snaresbrk e field, Chelmsford
Braintree Chapman Mrs. 2 Myrtle villas, Ham Chilwell Miss, Mornington house, Clar~
Cawthorn Mrs.3 Frith road, Forest gate e- endon road, Walthamstow
Cecil William, I Laburnum cottages, Chapman Sampson Geo. 3 Waddington Chinchen In. 7 Park vils.Chadwell Heath
Maynard road, Walthamstow ter. Windmill la.New town, Stratford e Chinery Chas. I Lorne place, Maldon rd.
Cely~Trevillan John Raymond J.P. Deb- Chapman Thomas C. to Manor cottages, Colchester
den hall, Saffron Walden Park road, Leyton Chinery Mri. North street, Colchester
Chaffer Mrs. Thaxted S.O Chappeal William, ~ Rose cottages, Chillery Samuel, 53 Manor at. Braintree
Chaffer Mrs. Daniel, ThaxtedS.O Boundary road, Walthamstow Chinnery Miss, Church end, Woodford
Chalk Arthur, Cambridge rd. Barking Chappell Miss, Theydon Garnon, Epping Chinnery Miss, 2 Shak6"dpeare villas,.
Chalk Edward,3 'fhe Crescent, Upton Chapple William, Stanley villa, Waker- Hoe street, Waltha.wstow
manor, Plaistow ., ing road, Barking ChinneryRt.Stanly.ter.8tanly.rd.Woodfd
Cha.lkley Henry Geo. Plashei hall, Rom- Charles Wm. x Camden villas, :Field Chipperfield Mrs. Stansted Mountfitchet,.
ford road, Stratford e road, Forest gate e Bishop's Stortford •
Chanen Geo. Caleb, Cambridge road, Charlesworth Rev, William Henry, 3 St. Chisenhale-Marsh Mrs. Stanatead house,.
Barking John's villas, Buckhurst Hill Bishop's Stortford
Challis AUgustUB 6eo. The Chestnuts, Cbarlesworth J. T. Forest, Leytonstone, Chisenhale-Marsh Wm. Swaine, Gaynes.
High road, Buckhurst Hill Charloton John, Sheridan house, High park, Theydon Garnon, Epping
Challis Wm. Edwd. 3 Park tar. Southend street, Wanstead e ' Chisholm Rev. Samuel, Marden Ash,.
Challon John, 5 St. Thomas' villas, May- Charlton Misses, Ovingham, Brentwood High Ongar, Brentwood
bank road, George lane, Leytonstone road, Romford Chisnall Wm.Highst.Mistley,Manningtre
Chalmers Andrew, Elizabeth viI. Forest Charrington Nicholas Edward, Ma.rdon Chisolm Mrs. 4 St. John's terrace, St.
lane, Forem; gate t1 Ash house. High Ongar, Brentwood John's street, Colchester
Chalmers Charles, Forest gate " Charrington Spencer, Great Gearies, Chitham Captain Robert, 3 Kingston.
Chalmers Wm~ Bryce, Valance~ Chad- Barking Side, Ilford terrace, Crowhurst road, Colchester
well Heath . Chaston Alfred Herbert, 4 Lorne ter- ChithamRd.Anchor vil.Castlerd.Colchstl"
Chamberlain Charlesj Princes road, race, Grafton rd. South Plaistow tl Chitty Aynott John James,DedhamS.()
Buckhurst Hill Chater William, Charlton, Grove road, ChiversW.8Northcottvils.Walthamstow
Chamberlain Henry George, la Florence Leytonl;tone " Choat Geo. 5 Granville terrace, Mildmay-
vils. Chelmsford road west, Woodford Chatfield R. E. Woodlands, Sewardstone road, Chelmsford
Chamberlayne Mrs.Orford hoose, Ugley, Chatterton Peter, Glen villa, Mornington Choat Mrs. I Cottingham terrace, Dover-
Bishop's Btortford road, Leytonstone e court, Harwich .
Chambers .Albert John, .'J Lansdowne Chatwood John, .. Beaconsfield villas, Chomley Henry, Woodford Bridge
road, Leytonstone e Disraeli road, Stratford e Chopping Mrs. 70 London rd. Braintroo
Chambers Alex. 2 Barton villas, Morn- Cheek Mrs. Felsted 8.0 ChristeyMrs.3oToronto rd.Leytonstone it
ington road, Leytonstone It Cheetham George, Elmina cottage, Christian WaIter T. 2 Eaton villas,.
Chambers Geo.17 Albert sq.Forest gate e Lytton road, Leytonstone It Loughton
Chambers John, TheLdge. Buckhurst HI Cheffin John, 219 Romford rd.Stratford e Christie Alexandel' Henry, Wilderness,.
Chambers Richd. Stanley house, Dery Cheffins Henry, Easton manor, Dunmow Chipping Ongar B.O
road, Woodford Cheffins Henry Joshua, Saffron Walden Christie Hy. Francis, London rd. Maldon
Chambers Thos. 4 Forest la.Forest gate e Cheffins Peter James, Little Easton, Christopher John, Court lodge, Avenue
ChambersWltr.iI~Park vils.Chadwell hth Dunmow S.O road, Forest gate It'
Chambers Wm. Geo. 6 Laum villas, Cheffins William Henry, 3 Rosebank, Christophers Rev. William John, High
Capworth street, Leyton Marsh street, Walthamstow street, Great Ilford
Chamen Charles TimothYl Du BuiSBOn, Oherry Clarence, Carlton villa, Fairlop Christy J ames, Boynton haU, Roxwell,.
Sylvan road, Snaresbrook road, Leytonstone e Chelmsford
Champ Alfred,Prospect hLWalthamstow Cherry Henry, 6 Primrose terrace, Christy Mrs. BrQoklands, :Hroomfield,.
Champ Joh~ '" High street, Chelmsford Lytton road, Leytonstone (J Chelmsford
Champness Thomas, Axe st. Barking Cheshire Mrs.1 Holland villas, Alexander Chrystall Charles Bowman, Forest villa,.
Champness Thomas, Claughton house, road, Colchester • Princes road, Buckhurst Hill
Eastern road, Romford Chessman George, Fainnount cottage, Chubb Henry Thomas, 3 West Ham
Chancellor Fredc. III High .st. Chelmsford Goldsmith road, Leyton villas, Leytonstone road, Stratford e
Chandler Edward, 52 Claremont. road, Chester Edward., 96 Osborne road, Church Adolphus Edgar, Crouch street,.
Forest gate e • Forest gate e Colchester
Chandler .Lewin, Erin villa, Maybank Chester Horace, Ila Manbey grove, Strat- Church Alfred, The Mount, Birchanger,.
road. George lane, Leytonstone a ford green (J Bishop's Stortford
Chandler Mrs. Na.ze villa, Maybank road, Chester J as.T. 16 Toronto rd.Leytnstone e Church Chs. Braiswick,Lexden,Colchestr
George lane, Leytonstone e Chester Mrs. Pines hill, Birchanger, Church Geo. Harrow grn. Leytonstone B'
Chandler Wm. 4 Park terrare, Margery Bishop's Stortford Church Henry In. Crouch st. Colchester
Park road, Stmtford It Ch~ster Mrs. Pine$ hill, Stansted Mount- ChurchJabez Edwd.13Hallst.Chelmsfol'd.
Chaplin Joseph; Harlow . :fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Church John, Epping
Chaplin Miss, South street, Manningtree Chevalier A. J. M.A..Great ho.Dedham 8.0 Church J sph.Wickham, Bishop's Witham
Chaplin Mrs. Harlow Cheveley Chas. Widford ldge. Chelmsford Church Mrs. Witham
Chaplin Philip, Feltimores, Harlow Cheveley George, 17 Duke st. Chelmsford Church Robert, 5 Avenue rd. Southend
Chaplin Samuel, West Lodge road. Lex- Cheveley Miss, Billericay, Brentwood Church Thos. Jas. Queen's rd. Brentwood
den road, Colchester Chew George, 3 Florence villas, Grange Church WaIter, 3 Eniily terrace, Cobden
Chaplin Thomas, Harlow ,Park road, Leyton road, Leytonstone e
Chapman Rev~ Chas. Wellington road, Chew James Fermor, Goodmau. hOllse, Churchhouse Alfred William, 7 East,
Maldon Grange Park road, Leyton avenue, Walthamstow
Chapman Rev. Henry La. Grange Cheyne Rev. Thomas Kelly H ...... Tendring ChurchhouS6 George, 3 Tenby villas,.
Dougan, Cambridge road, Bm-king rectory, Colchester Pembroke road, Walthamstow
Chapman Abel,Wdford. rd. Snarsbrook e Chickall John, Foxearth; Sudbury Churchouse George Edward, I Maldon
Chapman Alexander Cbas. Grace ¥illa, ChickallMiss,Buntings,Pentlow,8udbury villas, Wadding road, Little Ilford
South West road, Leytonstone e Chickell Miss, Ormonde lodge, Kelvedon Churohyard John Goddard,34 Osborn&
Chapman Arthur, 4 Drayton te't. Dray- Chidley In.Geo.5Fol1estpl.Leytonstonee road, Forest gate e.
• ton road, Leytonstone eo Chignall Mrs. 10 St, John'8 st. C.olchester Chute Rev. TheophiluB DlloCr8 B.A.. White
Chapman Edwd. 4il Church et. Harwich Chignell John, Cliff, Southend.. J Colne, Halstead

Clabburn C. H. :M.B. 1 Camp vils. Colchstr Clarke John H. Highbury lodge, London Clinch Thos.4 St.Andrew's rd.Plaistow e
Clapham Alfred Henry, Thurlby house. road, Wanstead e ClipperdaleSl.D.Powerscroft,Snaresbrook
Woodford bridge ClarkeJoseph, Upper Dovercourt, Dover- Closson In. Hurst grn.Brightlingsea S.O
Clapham Wm. Blackborne, Dunmow S.O court, Harwich Clough Jas. 12 Brmfld. row, Chelmsford
Clarence Chas. High st. Saffron Walden Clarke Josh. Fairy croft, Audley road, Clover Ebenezer, Mill ho. Dedham S.O
Clarey Wm. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchester Saffron Walden Clover Miss, Richmond house, Maldon
Claridge William, Lion walk, Colchester Clarke Miss, 43 Manor street, Braintree road, Colchester
Clark Alfred James, 2 Leyton cottages, Clarke Miss, Stebbing, Chelmsford Clover Owen, Linden house, Halstead
Hornhill road, Leyton Clarke Miss,The Rise,Cold Norto;n,Maldn Clowes Frederick J osepb, Barrington
Clark Chas. 47 Windsor rd. Forest gate e Clarke Mrs. 3 Albyn terrace, Southend lodge, Chigwell Row
Clark Frank Edward, Blandford villa, Clarke Mrs. 1. H. 33 New London road, Clowes Rd. Ardleigh pk. Ardleigh,Clchstr
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Chelmsford Clowes Richard Septimus,Norfolk house,
Clark George, Adelaide Tilla, Goldsmith ClarkeMrs.ThePoplars,Highst.Wanstd e Harold wood, Hornchurch, Romford
road, Leyton Clarke Mrs. Seymour, Northcotts, Marsh Clubb Mrs. 4 Cambridge place, Military
Clark Geo. ,10 Latimer rd. Forest gate e street, Walthamstow road, Colchester
Clark George, Milton cottages, Victoria Clarke Richd. S. 43 Manor st. Braintree Clubb Mrs. Lion walk, Colchester
road, Romford Clarke Stephen, Market hill, Maldon Clubb Mrs. Northgate street, Colchester
Clark George F. 3 St. John st. Colchester Clarke Thomas, New moor, South- Cluff William George, The Yews, Hose
Clark George James, Chadwell Heath minster, Maldon street, Walthamstow
Clark Geo.Philip,Wormingford,Colchestr ClarkeWilliam,Connaught, house,Grange Cluse William, Woodford bridge
Clark Henry,3 Wellington villas, Cam- Park road, Leyton Clutton Rev. Ralph B.A. Rectory, Wick-
bridge park, Wanstead IJ Clarke William, Market hill, Maldon ham Bishops, Witham
Clark Henry Robert, Simla cottage, Clarke William, 5 Park place, Leyton Coakes William John, Prospect cottage,
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Clarke William Alfred, 2 Kent villas, Princes road, B:1Ckhurst hill
Clark James, Athlone house, Shernhall Mornington road, Leytonstone e Coal' Rev. Charles John :M.A. Old Heath
street, Walthamstow Clarke Wm.J. 195 Romford rd.Stratford e road, Colchester
Clark Jas. Roman's pI.Writtle, Chelmsfrd ClarksonAlfrd.Jas.13Buxtn.rd.Forst. gt e Coates Alfred, Albert villa, SOuth West
Clark J as.7 ClarksonJsph.2Lime vils.Derby rd.Wdfrd road, Leytonstone e
Clark James George,4 Wellington villas, Clarkson Mrs. Alfred road, Brentwood Coates Nicholas Charles, 152 Romford
Cambridge park, Wanstead e Claughton Right Rev. Thomas Legh D.D. road, Stratford e
Clark John, Inverury house, Mal'gery [Lord Bishop of St. Albans], Danbury Coats Henry, Cambridge road, Barking
Park road, Stratford e palace, Chelmsford; & Belgrave man- Cobb Alfred, 5 St. Mary's terrace, East
Clark In. 28 Manbey gro. Stratford gm e sions, Gt. ~orge st. London s.w Lexden road, Colchester
Clark John W. Granville rd.Walthamstw Claughton Rev. Piers Leopold B.A. The Cobb Chas. Hythe ho. H:vthe hl.Colchstr
Clark Joseph, Trinity street, Halstead Rectory, Hutton, Brentwood Cobb Dvd. The Ferns, London rd.Rmfrd
Clark Line, 68 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Clay Hy.Avondl. Hainaultrd.Leytonstn e Cobb Nathaniel, Kelvedon
Clark Miss, Newport, Bishop's Stortford Clay John Dodd, St. Albans cottage, Cobb William, The Pavement, Romford
• Clark Mrs. 6 Barclay road, Leytonstone e Salway hill, Woodford Cobb Wm. Hy. Hythe hill, Colchester
Clark Mrs. High street, Halstead Clay Miss, 3 Queen street, Colchester Cobbell Arthur Thos. Brightlingsea S.O
Clark Mrs. Lowestoft villa, Maldon Clay Mrs. .Brook street, Colchester Cobbold Lucas Temple, 14 Wellington
road, Colchester Clay Mrs. 6 The Grove, Stratford e terrace, Harwich
Clark Mrs. Mornington lodge, The Clayden Daniel, High st. Saffron Walden Cobbold Nathaniel Fromanteel, Beverley
Green, Wanstead Clayden John, 2 Gurney rd. Forest gate e lodge, Lexden road, Colchester
Clark Mrs. Myrtle villas, Maybank road, Clayden Mrs. Common, Saffron Walden Cobbola RowlandTownshend,TheLodge,
George lane, Leytonstone Clayden Mrs. Oxford villas, Brentwood Dedham S.O
Clark Mrs. Stock, Ingatestone road, Romford Coble John, 41 Windsor rd. Forest gate e
Clark Mrs. Trynde de Hayes, Rawreth, Clayden Mrs. 6 Queen's tel'. Great Ilford Cochran Rev. Algernon Home B.A. Gold-
Chelmsford Clayden Mrs. 47 Wellesley rd.Wanstead e hanger, Maldon
Clark Richd. 73 Hampton rd. Forest gate Claydon Isaae, 99 Manor st. Braintree Cochran John Hy. 82 West st. Harwich
Clark Richard George, Western villas, Clayton George, Redlands, Cleveland Cochrane Rev. Thomas M.A. Rectory,
South street, Romford road, Snaresbrook e Stapleford Abbots, Romford
Clark Robt. Ingham, West Ham abbey e Clayton Misses, 1 Selkirk vils.Chelmsford Cock Mrs. Causeway, Dunmow S.O
Clark SI. Ed. Harvey rd. Leytonstone e Clayton Mrs. 3 Albert place, Chelmsford Cock William J. The Yew Trees, Kirby,
Clark W. T. Wingfield rd. Walthamstow Clayton W. H. 1 Harlsey villas, Capworth Colchester
Clark Wm. 16 Claremontrd.Forestgatee street, Leyton Cockayne Mrs. 9 & 7 Cliff villas, Dover-
Clark WilIiam Chignell,Grammar school, Cleaver Rev. Euseby Digby M.A. Rectory, court, Harwich
Chipping Ongar S.O Langdon, Romford Cockayne Mrs. Dunmow S.O
Clark William, Eastern rd. West Ham e Cleaver William, Highbury villa, High Cockerell Rev. Louis Arthur B.A. Vicar-
Clark William George, Woodford bridge road, Leytonstone e age, North Weald, Epping
Clarke Rev. Beaumarice Stracey, Vicar- Clegg Charles, Balkerne hill, Colchester Cockett J. E. Evergreen lodge, High
age, Boxted, Colchester Clegg Joseph, Epping street, Wanstead e
Clarke Rev. Henry M.A. Rectory, Wick- Clegg William, 23 Chobham road, New Cockett Mrs. Woodford Green
ham St. Paul, Halstead town, Stratford e Cockle Mrs. 39 Victoria terrace, Dover-
Clarke Rev. J oseph M.A. Linden house, Cleghorn RH.50Claremont rd.Forest gt e court, Harwich
Woodford green Clement Mrs. 1 Argyle terrace, Water Cocks Fredk. 31 Buxton rd.Forest gate
Clarke Arthur, The Limes, Buttsbury, lane, Stratford e Cocks Jas. 67 Gurney rd. Forest gate e
Ingatestone Clementi-Smith Rev. A. E. :M.A. Rectory, Cocks Mrs. Bellevue, Greenleaf lane,
Clarke Benj.Albion vls.Maldon rd.CIchstr Chadwell, St. Mary Grays 8.0 Walthamstow
Clarke Charles, The Cedars, Loughton Clements Rev. William Fredetick, 1 Belle Cocksedge Mrs. 79 Gurneyard, Forest
Clarke Charles, The Hall, Cold Norton, Vue villas, North station rd. Colchester gate e
Maldon Clements Cary, Head street, Halstead Cockshot Henry, Mark's gate, Dagen-
Clarke Ebenezer, Grove rd.Walthamstow Clements Horace, 1 Lime villas, Field ham, Romford
Clarke Ebenezer, jun. Sunny bank, road, Forest gate e Cockshot John, Mark's gate, Dagen-
Prospect hill, Walthamstow elements Miss, Beulah villa, Beulah road, ham, Romford
Cla-rke George Frederick,Fellside,London Walthamstow Cockwell Mrs. 3 Lancaster terrace, High
road, Wanstead e Clements S. 39 Windsor rd. Forest gate e road, 14lytonstone e
Clarke Geo. P. 2 Washbrook vils.Loughtn Clements T. J. Golding's hill, Loughton Cocquerel Eugene, Holly hill, London
Clarke Henry, Market hill, Maldon Clench Augsts. Rt.25 High st.Colchester road, Wanstead e
Clarke Henry Nelson, Malvern villa, Clerke Frederick William, 6 Orford Codd George, Silver street, Maldon
Hainault road, Leytonstone e villas, Orford road, Walthamstow . Codd Henry, Spital road, Maldon
Clarke John, 6 Primrose terrace, Vica.r- Cleveland Jonas, lfield house, Howard's Codd WilIiam, Silver street, Maldon
. age road, Leyton road, Plaistow e Coe Alfred, Albert road, Braintree
Clarke John, The Roos, Saffron Walden Cliff A. 35 Osborne road, Forest gate e Coo Ernest Jas. 3 Selwyn rd. Plaistow e
Clarke John, Upper Dovercourt, Dover- Clift Misses, Wellington road, Maldon Coe Mrs. Orchard cottage, Forest side,
court, Harwich Clifton Kenyon Edward, 69 Romford Chingford
Clarke John Edward, 5 Sussex villas, road, Stratford e Coe William, Chipping Ongar S.O
Faraday road, Leyton Vlifton William Henry, Eastbury house, Coffin George Poore, 1 Barry terrace,
Clarke Joseph, The Roos,Saffron Walden London road, Romford Hainault road, Leystonstone e

Coffin James. 3 Ba-rry terrace, Hainault Collins John Henry, I Stanhope villas, Cook J. W.Wentworthho.SnaresbrookeI
road, Leytonstone e. . Birkbeck road, Leytonstone " Cook Jas. 7 Argyle ter. Water la.Stratfrde
Coker John S. The Place, Borley,Sndbry Collins Joseph Pnllen, Chestnut Tree Cook James William, Knowle ho. Brook
Colbert Rt. 59 Claremont rd.Frst. gte e house, High road, Leytonstone • st. South Weald, Brentwood, Essex
Coldercott Joseph, Woodvillevilla,Cleve- CoIlins Miss, 60 Wellesley I'd. Wanstead e Cook John, Witham
land road, Snaresbrook CoIlins Mrs. 32 Maryland pt. Stratford e Cook John, 2 Barclay road, Leyton
Cole Capt. Martin Geo.Rose val. Brentwd Collins Mrs. Wanstead lodge,Wanstead e Cook John, 3 Norfolk villas, Grange Park
Cole Absalom, Little Waltham,Chlmsfrd Collins Wm. Brook Ho. farm, Chigwell road, Leyton
Cole Alexander, Richmond house, Rom- Collins William Davis, Chestnut Tree Cook John, 138 Romford rd. Stratfot"d e
ford road, Stratford e- house, High road, Leytonstone e Cook In. Will M.D. High st. Manningtree
Cole Alfred, Laurel cottage, Gray road, Collison Albert, Great Bromley lodge, Cook Josepb, Lynton cottage, Fitzgerald
Colchester Great Bromley, Colchester road, Wanstead
Cole Arthnr, Osmond house, Church Collison Henry, Great Bromley lodge, Cook Joseph, 42 Tower Hamlets road,
road, Leyton Great Bromley, Colchester Forest gate e
Cole George, Billericay, Brentwood Collison Mrs. Great Bromley lodge, Cook Laurence, Roxburgh, Prospect.
Cole George, 2 Eastgate street, Harwich Great Bromley, Colchester hill, Walthamstow
Cole J.J.Abbey ter.Barking rd.Plaistow e Colliss David, 5 Westborne terrace, Cook Mrs. Eagl~ cot. Woodford green
Plaistowe Grange Park road, Leyton Cook Mrs. Great Warley, Brentwood
Cole Miss, East Hordon, Brentwood Collyer Nathnl. Wm. Brenton, St. Helena Cook Rd. Cranbrooke lodge, Gt. Ilford
Cole Mrs. Stock, Ingatestone villa, Queen's road, Buckhurst hill Cook Thomas, Fairlight villa, Morning-
Cole Mrs. Park cres. Park I'd. Southend Collyer Rd. 13 Claremont rd. Forest gate ton road, Leytonstone e
Cole Stephen Eades, Bath house, Brent- Colman Mrs. 2 Sonthi!le& villas, Latimer Cook Thos. Hurst viI. Brightlingsea 8.0
wood road, Romford road, Forest gate e Cook Thomas Butcher, Providence cot.
Cole Thomas, Mount house, Harwich Colman William, Leamore villa, Ham Woodford bridge
road, Colchester Frith road, Forest gate e Cook WaIter, Myliss lodge, Palmerston
Cole Thos. South viI. Billeri~ay, Brntwd Cologan Rev. Wm. H. Stock, Ingatestone road, Buckhurst hill
Cole Wm. Dogmersfield, Snaresbrook Colquhoun Robert Henry, 124 Chobham Cook WiIlia:n, 8 Roman road, Colchester
Cole William, Laurel cottage, Palmer- Toad, Stratford Cook William John, Spital road, Maldon
ston road, Buckhurst Hill Colson Miss, 2 Crown villas, Queen's Cook William Thomas, West terrace,
Cole William, South street, Colchester road, Brentwood Saffron Walden
Coleman Chas. 18 The Avenue,Colchestr Colthup Wm. Richard, 26 Latimer road, Cooke Rev. James T. M.A. Vicarage,
Coleman George Snow, Zante cottage, Forest gate e Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
Derbv road, Woodiord Colton Rev. William Charles B.A. Cooke Charles M. 3 Springfield telT'ace,
Coleman Henry, North villa, Woodman Rectory, Leaden Roothing, Chelmsford Springfield, Chelmsford
road, Great WarIey, Brentwood Colvin Richard Beale J.P. Monkham's Cooke Mrs. Stock lodge, Ingatestone
Coleman Miss, 6 St. Mary'sterracewest, ball, Waltham Abbey Cooke Robertson, Edmund tel'. Ham
Lexden road, Colchester Combs Fredk. 3 Forest pI. Leytonstone e Frith road, Forest gate e
Coleman Mrs. 2 Denmark terrace, Car- Comerford Micbael Henry, 4 Romford CoombeGeo.Gorton,Tillingham,Maldon I
narvon road, Woodford road, Stratford e Coombe Robt. Oorton, jun. L.R.C.P. Edin.
Coles William, Rivenhall Witham Comerford Mrs. 3 New villas, Wood- Burnham, Maldon
Coling Rev. J ames ll.A. Rectory, Stow grange road, Forest gate e Coombe Wm. 27 Wellesley rd.Wanstead e
Maries, Maldon Comfield William, I Mornington villas, Coombs Charles, I \ Raymond villas,
Coller Duffield WiUiam, 8 Carew terrace, Woodford Wells • Burchell road, Leyton
Chelmsford Comfort GilbertHumphrey, :I Hamburgh Coope Edward, Sycamore cottages,
Colley CharIes, Wilson st. Walthamstow vils. Cowslip I'd. George la. Leytnstne London road, Romford
Colley Hy. 75 Hampton I'd. Forest gate Compton Henry, Dunedin villa, Cam- Coope Octavius Edward H.P., D.L., J'.P.
Colley Philip, Thoby priory, Mount- bridge park, Wanstead e Rochetts, Brentwood; & 41 Upper
nessing, Brentwood Compton In. 162 Romford rd. Stratford e Brook st. 10. ; Carlton club S.w. & City
Collier Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Porrett knt. Conder Edward, Elm hurst. Romford club e.e. London
P.C., D.L. Bigods hall, Dunmow S.O Conder Edward, Wyldburg lodge, Cooper Rev. John M.A. The Rectory,
Collier Rev. Thomas Grey M.A. Vicarage, Havering-atte-Bower, Romford Beaumont, Colchester
Upper Dovercourt, Harwich Conder John Garwood, Hamlet house, Cooper Rev. Wm. Hargreaves, Castle st.
Collier Chas. Earl viI. Grove I'd. Woodford Moulsham, Chelmsford Saffron Walden
Collier Charles, The Laurels, Traps hill, Connor John, Elm cottage, Forest gate e Cooper Alfred, 7 Pekin terrace, Barking
Loughton Conquest Herbert, Salway hill, Woodford road, Canning town e
Collier Edward, 139 Chobham road, New Conquest John, Granville lodge, Pal- Cooper Bernard, Fern lodge, Higham hill,
tOWJl, Stratford 6 merston road, Buckhurst hill Walthamstow
Collier Francis, Junction road, Romford Conquest Mrs. Church end, Woodford Cooper C. J. Ann's villa., Harrow road,
Collier G. Wilson, Greenleaf lane, Conroy Edward, 4 Lee terrace, Barking Wanstead _
Waltharnstow road, Plaistow e Cooper Charles, Joseph, Harrow road,
Collier Henry, Hoe street, Walthamstow Constable John Matthew, Elm cottage, Leytonstone 6
Collier Herbert, 2 Clara villas, Sedgwick Mistley, Manningtree Cooper Dnl. The Hollys,Woodford green
road, Leyton Constable Stephen, 17 Buxton road, Cooper Edward, Great Oakley, Harwich
Collier Mrs. Alpha villas, Victoria road, Forest gate e Cooper Edward, Little Oakley lodge,
RQmford, Essex Conway Rev. SI. B.A.. Marsh st.Wlthmstw Little Oakley, Harwich
Collier Robert, Birchington house, High Conybeare J. C. St. Leonard's grange, Cooper Frank William, Gainsboro' house,
road, Leytonstone Fryerning, Ingatestone High road, Leytonstone 6
Collin Rev. John M.A., J.P. Vicarage, Cooch Mrs. Roxwell, Chelmsford Cooper Frank G. 2 Rockmead villas,
Rickling, Bishop's Stortford Cook Rev. James Henry, BarkiJtg road, Woodriff road, Leytonstone 6
Collin Rev. Jsph. Elmdon, SaffronWaldn Canning town 6 Cooper Geo. 45 Hampton rd. Forest gt 6
Collin George Franklin, Parsonage farm, Cook Charles. 7 Park cottages, Grosvenor Cooper George, Queen's rd. Brentwood
Henham, Bishop's Stortford Park road, Walthami!ltow Cooper Henry, Ivy house, Woodford
Callin J oseph Thomas, Wendens Ambo, Cook Ebenezer, 9 Clarence rd. Lytnstne e Cooper Ja.mes, Great Clacton, Colchester
Saffron Walden Cook Edmund, The Grove, Great Henny, Cooper Jas. Corner's stones, Welsley rd.
Collin 'Turner M.A. Church st. Saffron Sudbury Hrentwood
Walden Cook ~dmund Miall, Methlick villa, Cooper J n. 30 Claremont I'd. Forest gate 6
Collingwood Miss, 6 Grove villas,Night- WarIey road, Brentwood Cooper In. Millington house. Danbury,
ingale lane, Wanstead 6 Cook Edwd. Crix ho. Hattield, Chlmsfrd Chelmsford
Collingwood Thomas Wm. Park Grove Cook Edward Rider, WoOOford house, Cooper Miss, Sylvan cottage, Sylvan rd.
road, Leytonstone 6 Woodford green Snaresbrook e
Collins Maj. John Alexander, Chaplyn Cook George, Bridge house, Prittlewell, Cooper Mrs. 23 hill, Colchester
house, Great WarIey, Brentwood Southend Cooper Mrs. Essex hall, Higham hill,
Collinson William Richard, Woodburn Cook George, 2 Fairlight villas, Vicarage Walthamstow
villa, Hoe street, Walthamstow road, Leyton Cooper Mrs. Flawn villa, Prinoe's road,
Collins Charles, Western road, Romford Cook Gloucester, I Queen's rd. Gt. Ilford Buckhurst hill
Collins Hy. 6 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Cook Hy. Wensley house, Woodford grn CooperMrs.22NewLondonrd.Chelmsfor~
Collins James, 1 Harvey terrace, Harvey Cook Jacob Manning, ROS8 farm, Cooper Mrs. Stone Crop ho. Hl\inault rd.
road, Leytonstone e Twinstead, Sudbury Leytonstone I
Cooper Mrs. 8tapleford Tawney,Romford Corrie Rev. Edgar 8iritt M.A. Vicarage, Cox Rev. John Charles M.A. Vicarage,
Cooper Mrs. 4 Westbury rd. Stratford e Great Maplestead, Halstead Felsted 8.0
Cooper Mrs. A. B. East hill, All Saints, Corrie Arthur Brandreth, Bishop'& hall, Cox Charles, I Wellington villas, Cam-
Colchester South Weald, Hrentwood bride park, Wanstead e.
Cooper Mrs. C. High street, Mistley, Cory Fredc. Chas. M.D. Queen's road, Cox Frederick William, iJ Oak villas,
Manningtree Buckhurst hill Derby road, Woodford
Cooper Sidney, Friar's watch, Higham Cory Fredc.Wm. Queen's rd.Buckhrst. hI Cox Hy. Carew,Audley rd. SaffronWaldn
hill, Walthamstow Cosens Hy. 18 Claremontrd. Forestgtee Cox John William Frederick, 119 Rom-
Cooper Thos. Etzbth. vills. W oodford bdg Cotman George F. Grove villa, Clacton- ford road, Stratford"
Cooper Thomas White, The Hall, Great on-Sea, Colchester Cox Miss, Albert villa, Prince's road,
Bentley, Colchester Cott George, 2 Devonshire cottages, Buckhurst hill
Cooper William, Abbey lodge, Clova rd. Lytton road, Leytonstone e Cox Mrs. Grove terrace, Witham
Forest gate e Cottee Chas. Rd.I5 Leah ter.Stratfd. gn e Cox Mrs. King's Quay street, Harwich
Cooper William, Fillebrooklodge, Fairlop Cottee Reuben, London road, Maldon Cox Mrs. 7 Park terrace, Southend
road, Leytonstone e Cottee Wm. Stratford green, Stratford e Cox Mrs. 2 Stacey viIs. High st.Plaistow (J
Cope Rev. Chas. Henry M.A. Old vicarage, Cotter Rev. J oseph Rogerson B.A. St. CoxRchd.Dunton Idg.Dunton,Brentwood
Great Maplestead, Halstead Mary Magdatene rectory, Colchester Cox 81. R.A. South Shoebury, Southend
. Cope George, Burchell road, Leyton Cotterill William, 2 The Limes, Manor Cox Thomas, The Ferns, Westbury road,
Copeland Rev. Wm. John B.D. Rectory, park. East Ham e Brentwood
Farnham, Bishop's Stortford Cottingham Francis, 4 Cottingham ter. Cox fhomas Henry, 4 The Hollys, North
Copeland Mrs. 2 Clifton villas, Earlham Dovercourt, Harwich Station road, Colchester
grove, Forest gate e Cottingham Miss, Dovercourt, Harwich Cox WaIter, Oak cottage, Primrose road,
Copeland Patrick, Hillcote, New road, Cottingham Robert Martin Johnson, George lane, Leytonstone e
Buckhurst hill The Elms, Great Chesterford S.O Cox William, 84 Chobham road, New
Copeland Wm. Junction rd. Brentwood Cottis Crispus, Epping town, Stratford e
Gopland Alfred, Spergula house, New Cottis Reuben, E p p i n g ' Cox Wm. Spurriers, Netteswell, Harlow
London road, Chelmsford Cottis William; Epping Coyle Alfred, Carloon villas, Great Ilford
Copland Henry, Broomfield pt Broom- CottiA William, jun. Epping Crabb Henry George, The Hall, Tilling-
held, Chelmsford Cotton Rev. Benjamin M.A. Rectory, ham, MaldoR
Copland John Albert, Bellefield, New Rochford S.O Crabb JohD Seabrook, Branwoods, Great
London road, Chelmsford Cotton Miss, Davis lane, Leytonstone e Baddow, Chelmsford
Copland Mrs. Alfred John, I Rodney Couchman Col. Wm. Dundas R.A. Corns- Crabb Mrs. Baddow place,Great Baddow,
villas, New London road, Chelmsford land villa, Shenfield, Brentwood Chelmsford
Copland Mrs. John, Thornwoods, New CoulbournAlbt.I7Vicaragela.Stratforde Crabb Richard Hatley, Baddow place,
London road, Chelmsford Coulsher Philip William, 3 Whitta ter- Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Copland Mrs. William, 2 Rodney villas, race, Little Ilford Crabtree John, Shrublands, Halstead
New London road, Chelmsford Coulsill Mrs. 24 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Crace Henry Winfield,Elm vils.Loughtoll
Coppen Wm. 3 Christendom place, Bark- Couns Miss, 20 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e Cracknell Geo.The Hall,Mayland,Maldon
ing road, Plaistow e Count WiHiam Thomas, Lexdenville, Craddock J. 33 Claremont rd. Forest gte e
Coppin Edward, I Crystal villas, Cowslip Shrub end, Lexden, Colchester Craddock Mrs. 5 Essex st. Forest gate e
road, George lane, 1.eytonstone e Courag~ Edward, Shenfield place, Shen- Craddock Val1ghan, I Sussex villas, Ham
Coppin Jas.Bawtree, Craven viI. Brentwd field, Brentwood Frith road, Forest gate /I
Coppin John, The Limes, Rawstron rd. Court Rev. James Charles Lett M.A. Cragg Maj. Wallace W. Ford place,
Colchester Rectory,Widdington, Bishop's Stortfrd Stifford, Romford
Coppillger Capt. Thomas S. Cambridge Courtauld Captain George M.P., J.P. Cut Craig Charles, Marrickville, Wallwood
terrace, Military road, Colchester hedge, Halstead; &; Reform club, road, Leytonstone tJ
Copsey Arthur, Wantz road, Maldon London s.w Craig Donald, 3 Conland villas, Sebert
Coram John, 2 Mbert villas, Cowley rd. Courtauld Mrs. Bridge house, Bocking, road, Forest gate e
Leytollstone e Braintree Craig Wm. I5 Vicarage la. Stratford tJ
Corben John, 55 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Courtauld Mrs.. George, The Lodge, Crampton Rev. Josiah V.A. Rectory, Gt.
Corbet Mrs. Wingfield vils.Orsett. Romfd Bocking, Braintree. Sutton, Chelmsford
Corbet Rea M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Orsett, Romird Courtauld Sydney J.P. Bocking place, Crane Miss,4Claremont terrace,Mildmay
Corbett Rev. John, 4 Abbeygate terrace, Braintree road, Chelmsford
Colchester Courtley Isaac, 3 Carrie's cottages, Crane Mrs. Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Corbett Rev. John Reginald M.A. St. Burchell road, Leyton Crane Thomas, Woodside, North Weald,
Botolph's vicarage,Priory st.Colchester Courtney Rev. Stanley Thos. Th.A.K.C.L. Epping
Corbett Mrs. 27 Buxton I'd. Forest gate e Ashton house, Springfield road,Spring- Cranfield Wm. 2 Whitegate viIs.Southend
Corbett 'fhomas, 57 Ley Spring road, field, Chelmsford Cranston Edwin, 7 Hainault terrace,
Leytonstone e • Courtney George Henry, Rutland house, Leytonstone e
Corbishley Mrs.83 Gurney rd.Forest gt~ e The Grove, Stratford e Craske Edmund James, 2 Beverley villas
Corbishley Wm. Henry, 8 Cowley cotts. Courtney Mrs. 23 Osborne rd. Forest gt e east, Beverley road, Colchester
Cowley road, Leytonstone e CousensHenry,Queen'srd.Buckhursthl Craske James, Waterford house, Field
Corbishley Wm. Stephen, 3 Idmiston rd. Cousens John Schot, 12 Grove road, road, Forest gate e
}<'orest gate e Wanstead e Craske Joseph, 2 Confidence villas,
Corbl~ George, Bridge ho.Walthm.Abbey Cousins George, Cressing, Braintree Pevensey road, Wanstead e
Corby Mrs. Grove Hill ho. Dedham S.O CousinsWm.24Sutherland ter.Chelmsfrd Crate Rev. Eustace: Henry, Rose Tree
CordeauxMrs.Woodsidecot. Cove W. Henry George, South street, cottage, Ardleigh, Colchester
Corden Mrs. Morelands,High st.Brentwd Manningtree Craufield Mrs. 3 Lansdowne villas, High
Corder Hy. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Coverdale Frederick John, Ingatestone road, Leytonstone e
Corker William, Stock, Ingatestone hall,Ingatestone Crawford Mrs. 2 Stauley villas, Wilmot
Corley Mrs. 7 Palmerston rd.West Ham e Coverly Charles J ames,Elizabeth cottage, road, Leyton
Cormack Alex. S. I I Station rd. Leyton Chelmsford road, Woodford e Crawley Rev. Robert Townsend M.A.
Cormack Cecil B. George la. Wanstead e Covney J ames, 3 Grosvenor pI. Southend Rectory, North Ockendon, Romford
Cornah Rev. Joseph B.A. New st.Halstead Cowan James, 3 Grove terrace,Fillebrook CreamCornelius,ColneBank rd.Colchestr
Cornall Mrs. North street, Halstead road, Leytonstone e Creed George, Epping
CorneU John James, Devonshire villa, Coward James, Holly villa, Water lane, Creed R. Gwyder Idg. Forest, Leytonst e
Cann Hall road, Wanstead Stratford e Creed Thomas Brittain, 2 Manbey Park
Cornell Joseph, Baythorn park, Bird- Cowbro Lewis, 183 Romfrd. rd.Stratfrd e terrace, The Grove, Stratford e
brook, Halstead Cowell Ebenezer, The Clays, Ashdon, Creed William, Frith cottage, Ham Frith
ijornellJsph.7 Osborn tel'. Little Ilford Cambridge road, Forest gate e
Cornen Mrs. 28 King's Quay st. Harwich Cowell John WaIter, Westbourne place, Creek Henry, Boundary rd.Walthamstw
Cornell Mrs. Norfolk cottages, Prince's Bath road, Colchester.J Cremer Rudolph, Elm ter.Woodford grn
road, Buckhurst hill Cowell Mrs. South road,Satfron Walden CressyRobertJames,4Conrtenayterrace,
Cornish John, 2 Richmond villas, Hoe Cowland Joseph, The Grove, Stratford e Marsh street, Walthamstow
street, Walthamstow Cowles Charles, 37 Broadway, Stratfurd e Cressy Sidney, Albion cottage, Derby
Cornwall Rev. John Fitzalan, Danbury, Cowley C.H. Forest school,Walthamstow road, Woodford
Chelmsford &; West Ham lane e Cressy Thomas A. The Cedars, Clacton-
Cofnwell Wm. Sun st. Waltham Abbey Cox Alfrd. 48 Manbey grv.Stratford gm e on-Sea, Colchester
Creswell Charles, Theydon Rois, Epping Cruickshanks Chas. {jhristphr. Brandon Cuttriss Henry Kybert, Compton house,
CresweIIJohnChas.BiIlericay,Brentwood villas, Granville rQad, Walthamstow Wallwood road, Leytonstone 8
Crick R6\1'. Tbomllolul.A. Rickling,Bishop's Crump Jas. H.Ellesmere Idg. Snaresbrk e Cutts John, Little Bardfield hall, Little
Stortford Crump Miss; 3 Fitzwygram terrace, Bardfield, Braintree
Crick William, Gate smet, MaldonJ Crouch street, Colchester Cutts Wm.41 New London rd.Chelmsfrd
Cridge John, 12 West street, Colchester Crush Mrs.32 New London rd.Chelmsfrd Dabb Samuel, 3 Glenwood villas, Leyton
Cripps Samuel George, Orsett college, Cmsha. Misses, 4 Chelmer terrace, road, Forest gate 6-
Romford Springfield, Chelmsford Dabbs Arthur Henry'1 3 Belmont villas,
CrippsWilliam,Lutterworth villa,Fairlop Cubltt James, 5 Eaton villas, Loughton Thoruhill road, Leyton
road, Leytonst6ne 8 Cuff WaIter, 2 William vil~ Carnarvon Dadd Rev. John Rarton, Witham
Crisp Shepperd, Hawthdrn tetlJ Barking road, Woodford Daisley Edward, 1: Clifton. terrace,
Critchley Sydney,IO Roman rd.Colchestr Cuffiey Thomas Naunton, Walthamstow Church road, Leyton
CrittaU Miss, Bradfor4 street, Bocking, lodge, Walthamstow Dakers Philip, 2 Sherbourne viUas,Sebert
Braintree Culf William, New street, Halstead road, Forest gate 8
Crocker Edwin James, 21 Toronto road, Cullen Jas. 17 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Dakin Fisher, Thornwood cottage, North
Leytonstone , Culling ChaS.7 Hampton rd.Forest gate t Wea.ld, Epping
CrockettJ. J:~ St. Andrew's M. Plaistow 6 Cullingford James, New st. Dunmow S.O Dakin Hellry John, Thornhill TiIla,
Crofti James, 8 BlU:W8 I'd. Forest gate e Oullingford Richard Wincup, 8 St. Wallwood. road, Leytonstone e
Croger Richd. Yew Tree villas, Gh Ilford John's street, Colches1;erl Daldy Octavius Geo. South st.. Romford
Crompton Rt. 43 Osbome rd. Forest gt 6 Culverhouse Jabez, Chemscott villa, Daldy Thomas. Hythe hill, Colchester
Croney Thomas Charles., Augusta. villa, Wellesley road, Colchester Dale Capt. Metcalfe, Ol.mbridge house,
Margery Park road, Stratford 8 Cumberland Arthur, 2:019 Romford road, Cambridge park, Wanstead e
Cronmire Ashley Albert Henry, Rose Stratford 8 Dale John Lee, Douglas house, Hermon
cottage, W ~llwood Toad, Leytonstone 6 Cumbers Ohas. 11 Beaumont rd. Leyton hill, Wanstead e
Cronmire J ohu Martin, Rose cottage, Cumbers Francis, Compton house, Dale Mrs. Chipping hill, Witharh
Blackmor6j Ingatestone- Victoria road, Romford Dale Mrs. 2 Pompon villas, Vicarage
Crook Mrs.The Pophus, Lee Bridge road, Cumming Alfd.56Wellesley rd.Wansted 6 road, Leyton
Leyton Cumming Johu Francis, Helesborough Dally John, 4 Eaton villas, Loughton
Crosbie Henry, 18 Buxton rd. Forest gt e Tilla, Wallwood road, Leytonstone e Dalton Rev. Prebendary Charles Brown
Crosby William, Park, Colchester Cummings Miss, 13 Cliff 'Villas, Cliff :M:.A. The Vicarage, Saffron Walden
Cross Alfred, Silver street, Maldon road, Dovercourt, Harwich Dalton Rev. Samuel Neale K.A. Foulness
Qross Alfred FinneY;t 53 Grove villas, Oummings Miss, 'fhe EIlllB; Avenue island, Southend
Mornington road, Leytonstone e road, Southend Dalton Rev. William Browne M.A. Rec·
Gross E(,iw~1'd George, 34 Gurney road, OundyWm.Aca.cia viis.Burnham,Maldon tory, Little Burstead, Brentwood
Forest gate e Cunning Hy. Drayton rd. Leytonstone e Dalton William RuffeIl FoR.Cos. Cliffe
Cross George, 9 Roman rd. Colchester Cunningham Benjamin, 3 Westborne l'oad, Dovercourt, Harwich
(foss John~ Belle Vue house, Stansted villas, GTange Park road, Leyton Dampier Ed. In. Wimpole la. Colchester
Mountifitchet; Hish€lp's Stortford Cunningham Henry Edmond, The Danaher J. W.Manor ho.High st.Plsto", e
Cross Mrs. 5 Cliff Town par. Southend Bower, High road, Loughton Dangerfield Frederick George,43 Chob-
Cross Stephen, London road, MaldoD Cunningham William Henry, CRtons, ham road, New town, Stratford e
OJ."oss William, The .A,venuej Colchester London road, Romford Dangerfield Mrs. Wilmot cottage, Wil-
Cross William Horton, 5 Windsor tElr- Cunnington Aug. London rd. Braintree mot road, Leyton
race, Barking road, Canning town (J Cnnnington Herbert J. Great square, Daniel Re.... William Mayou BoA. Vicar-
Crosse Hy. Vine cot. Field rd. Forest gte e Braintree age, Little Wakering, Chelmsford
CrOS$e Mrs. Upminster, Romford Cure Rev. Lawrence Capel B.A. Rectory, Daniel Charles, Greenleaf lodge, Green-
Crossle Rev. George Atkinson M.A. Abbott's Roothing, Brentwood leaf lane, Walthamstow
Vicarage, Ugley, Bishop's Stortiord Cure Arthur Capel, Slate house, Marden Daniell Edgar Sands, East hI. Colchester
Crossley Thomas, 6 Crichton's villas, Ash, High Ongar, Brentwood Daniell Rt.Thos.East Donyland, Colchstr
Brentwood rd. Hornchnrch, Romford Curre William, St. James' villas, Green- Daniell Shepherd Thomas, west Stock·
CrosthwaiteMra.West lodge,Upminster, leaf lane, Walthamstow well street, Colchester
Romford Currie Rev. Frederick Hill M.A. Brick Daniell Thomas Brett, Heath house,
Crouch Charles, 3 Loua '\l:illas,.. A.venue House frm. Lit. Dunmow, Chelmsford West Bergholt, Colchester
road, Forest gate e Curtis C. The Hall, Balaam st. Plaistow e Daniell William Wilberforce. Spreading
Crouch John, Shanklin villa, Tilney Curtis Edwin, Mortimer lodge, Romford Oak farm, West Bergholt, Colchester
. rood, Sebert road,Fovest gate Il road, Stratford 8 Daniels Rev. James John, Church street,
Crouch Pearce H. Grove hill, Woodford CnrtisEdwin R. The Cottage,High Beech Saffron Walden
Crouch W. 23 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Curtie George, Chappel, Halstead Daniels William, Flint cottage, Chigwell
Crouch William Manning, " Rookmead Curtis James, Fairy Croft villa, Fairy road, Chigwell
villas, Woodriffe, Leytonstone e Croft road, Saffron Walden Daniels William, Williams villa, Barclay
Crouch Wyatt W. JUl. 'rhe College, Curtis John, 148 The Grove, Stratford e road, Leyton
Clacton-on-8ea, Colchester Curtis Joseph, Edith Tills, Avenue road, Dannatt Rt. Gt. Waltham, Chelmsford
Crouchman Mrs. Dunmow S.O Forest gate, Dansie Roberi French, 9 Albert terrace,
Croughton Miss, Sir lsaac's wlk. Colch$tr Curtis Mrs. Claremont villas, Victoria. Pembroke road, Walthamstow
Crow Henry WentJ, Eversleigh cottage, road, Romford Darby Rev. Edward Geo. B.A. Billericay~
Portway, West Ham 6 Curtis Mrs. Creffield villas, Oxford Brentwood
Crow Lot Zoal', Holly lodge, Looghton road, Colchester Darby Alfred, Meadow side, Broomfield
Crow Thomas, Church st. West Ham e Curtis Mrs. Fernleigh villa, Church road, Chelmsford
Crowe Miss, Shwe GatehoUBe,Colchester road, Leyton Darby Miss, ~ Mildmay I'd. Chelmsford
Crowfoot Henry, Chigwell.Row CUl"tis Mrs. Rayleigh S.O DIArcy~Irvin& Capt.. St. George Caul-
CrowhurstJQnn, I4AvenuerdoSouthend Curtis Mrs. 61 Romford rd. Stratford e fieldlt.N.Cliffho.Dovercourt,Harwich
Crowhurst Mrs. 6 St. James! place, Curwen John Speneer, Herne house, Darke Capt. William Leonard, The Wil-
Forest lane, Forest gate ~ Upton lane, West Ham e lows, Stratford rd. Park, Plaistow e
CrowleyWm.7 Clarence rd.Leytonstone e Curwen Spedding, 8 Margery Park road, Darken Horace, 24 Crouch st. Colchester
Crowley William Henry,179 Romford West. Ham I Darken Robert Wort, Landport villa,
road, Stratford 8' Curwen Thomas Herbert, Grove villa, Manor road. Colchester
Crowther Rev.Jsph.Gt.Bentley,Colchestr Earlham grove, Forest gate tJ Da.rlow William, Redclyffe house, Green
Orowther John Cooper,3 Lorne villas, Cushing Mrs. Armada villa, South- street, Plashet .,
Buckingham road, Woodford church road, Southend Darvill Phillipl Whitehall la. Bckhrst. hI
Croxoll Charles, Reddings, Tillingham, Cnstanea Daniel, 6 Kyme l'oad, Horn- Darville Col. Wm. Witham ho. Witham
Maldon church, Romford Davenport Joseph,3 Mary villas, Birk·
Croyden Mrs. The Laurels, :Fingringhoe, Cutcliffe Mrs. Mary Sophi8l, Saville beck road, Leytonstone _
Colchester place, Walton·on.the-Nare 8.0 Da.vey Charles, London road, Maldon
Croydon Frederick, 1 Roman villas, Cutler James Henry, Clare villas, Upton Davey Charles, Virginia. villa.,- Princes
Roman roadf Colchester lane, West Ham e. road, Buckhurst hill
Crnchley Georg.. Frederick,l 4' Wood- Cutmore Geo. 57 Leyton rd..Forest gate e Davey Ebenzr, n: Park vils. Chadwll.htb
grange villas,Forest lane, Forest gate e Cutmore Henry, Linton road, Barking Davey Franeis, Dedham So0
Cruikshank John, Fellnside,. Theydon Cutting Mrs. Bradfield, Manningtree Davey George, Dalma cottage, Crescent
Bois, Epping Cutting William, Elm house, Loughton road, BrentWQod
Davey George, The Nutshell, Stock lane, Davis Mrs. 3 Guernsey villas, Beach- de Artime Jose, The Glen, Great Warlen
Fryerning, Ingatestone croft road, Leytonstone e Brentwood
Davey George, Orange place, Mildmay Davis Mrs. 54 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Deas Raben. Lothian vil. Snareshrook It
road, Chelmsford • Davis Mrs. Springfield hill, Springfield, Deason Mrs. 41 Chobham road, New
Davey Geo. Wm. Hawthorn ter. Barkng Chelmsford 'town, Stratford e
Davey Henry Thomas, I Fairlight villas, Davis Pool Field, Eliza cottage, Chandos Deason William, I Norris pI. High street.
Vicarage road, Leyton road, New town, Stratford, Stratford e
Davey John James, Suffolk villa, Cob- Davis SI. 9 Kirkdale rd. Leytonstone e Death Caleb Monson, 2 Kingston terrace,
den road, Leytonstone Davis Thomas, 5 WoodsUlck villas, Crowhurst road, Colchester
Davey Miss, Dedham S.O Sebert road, Forest gate e Death Henry, Market hill, MaldoJl
Davey Mrs. Comarques hall, Thorpe-Ie- Davis William George, Chigwell Deaville George, x7 Maria street, New
Soken, Colchester Davis William Harconrt, Ganges villa, town, Harwich
Davey Mrs. Gt. house, Leyton rd. Leyton Beachcroft road, Leytonstone 8 De Bary Charles William Rudolph, 4-
Davey Mrs. Stock, Ingatestone Davis William Jefferson, Chigwell Prittlewell square, Southend
Davey Norris Fasham, Western lodge, Davison Henry, 62 West street, Harwich Debenham A. Chelmsford rd. we. Woodfd
South street, Romfotd Davison M;rs. Hazel cottage, Maybank Debenham Chas. 15 King's rd. Upton pk it
Davey Robt.42 Hampton rd. Forest gt e road, George lane, Leytonstone e Debenham MrS'. Theydon Bois, Epping
Davey Theophilus, Western rd. Romford Davison Mrs. Kelvedon de Bitre Henry Denis, I Clifton villas,.
Davey William Geo. Palmerston house, Davison Robert, Eleanor-cot. Cleveland New road, Grays, Romford
Palmerston road, Buckhurst hill road, Snaresbrook e De Brent Mortimer In. Aveley, Romford.
Davey Wm. Thos. M.D. Leyton rd. Leytn Dawes Rev. Henry Pelham B.A.. Vicar- De Bucher Fras.2 Queen's viIs. Chingfrd
Davids Rev. Thomas William, 4 St. age, Asheldham, Maldon De Cean Mrs. High street, Maldon
. George's square, West Ham e Dawes Mrs. Myrtle villas, Warley road, Deeks Mrs. Bible Hedingham, Halstead
Davidson Mrs.Albert road,Walthamstow Brentwood Deeping George Davidson, 8 Royal
Davidson William, Cottage p1.Chelmsfrd Dawkins Thomas, Forest road, Loughton terrace, Southend
Davie Robert, 80 Osbome rd. Forestgt e Dawson Captain John R.N. 4 Pembroke De Gruchy Thomas, St. Kilda villa,.
Davies Capt. H.D.Lit.Blake hall,Wnstd e villas, Dovercourt, Harwich Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Davies Rev. Daniel, Stansted Mount- Dawson Major Edward B. Beach road, Deitigsmall N. Frederick, r Chestnut.
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester villas, Granville road, Walthamstow
Davies Rev. David J ones M.A.. Rectory, Dawson Rev. Edward Goodall T.A.K.C.L. Delamare Mrs. Epping
North Benfleet Rectory, Belchamp Otten, Sudbury Delaway .August Derouet, Dalefield,.
Davies Rev. John Henry 1l.A.. Mount Dawson Alfd.46 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Palmerston road, Buckhnrst Hill
Bures, Colchester Dawson Charles Jas. High st. Gt. Ilford Delforce G. 11 Sylvester ter. Walthmstow
Davies Rev. Prebendary Nathaniel M.A.. Daw90n Chas. J. Cambridge rd. Barking de Lisle Rev. Hirzel Carey M.A.. Vicarage~
Rectory, Mount Bures, Colchester Dawson Edward, Brook hall, Finching- Galleywood common, Chelmsford
Davis Chas. H. 49 Broadway, Stratford I! field, Braintree Dell Charles, BilIericay, Brentwood
Davies Charles W. 5 Hainault terrace, Dawson George, The Plain, Epping Dell Charles, 4 Taniwha tel'. Forestgte~
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Dawson Henry, 31 Cbobha'll road, New Dellacourt Thomas Alfred, 39 Grove:
Davies Edwd. Alfred, Linton rd.Barking town, Stratford e -villas, Mornington road, Leytonstone e,
Davies Henry, North End house, Great Dawson John Samuel, Woodlands,Capel Dellow Fredk. 196Romfordrd.Stratfrd~
Warley, Brentwood road, Forest gate e Dement Charles, May cottage, Cobden
Davies James, James street, Barking Dawson Mrst Camden lodge, Warley road, Leytonstone e
Davies James William, Manor house, road, Brentwood Dempsey William, Carlton villa, Lea
Hermon hill, Leytonstone e Dawson Mrs. 2 Madeira villas, Snake's Bridge road, Leyton
Davies John, I Herbert terrace, Grafton lane, Woodford Dendy Richard,S Crichton's viIs. Brent-
road south, Plaistow t Dawson William, 4 Grace villas, Vicarage wood road, Hornchurch, Romford
Davies John, Mill Hillcottage,Shenfield, road, Leyton Dendy William, Hornchurch, Romford
Brentwood Dawson William, May lodge, Leyton- Deneke Robt. la Hermon hI. Wan$tead (';
Davies In.25 Bylvesterter.Walthamstow stone road, Stratford 8 Denford John, Station cottage, Lea.
"Davies John Smallman, Ramsden Crays, Day .Alexander, Holly house; Broomfield Bridge road, Leyton
Brentwood road, Chelmsford Denham Miss, Camden villas, Grosvenor
Davies Miss, Marlborough ho. Southend Day Arthur, Artillery street, Colchester Park road, Walthamstow
Davies Misses, Warescot honse, Warley Day Charles, 74 Duke street, Chelmsford Denington George, I Crescent villa..
road, Brentwood Day Frederick, Harlow Maybank rd. George la. Leytonstone (';
Davies Mrs. The Parsonage, Shellow Day George, Maldon villas, Avenue road, Denman John Flaxman, Newport villa,.
Bowells, Brentwood Forest gate' Ham Frith road, Forest gate e
Davies Mrs. I Primrose terrace, Vicar- Day Herbert, Rove Vine villa, Dacre rd. Denman Thomas, Bellevue villa, St.
age road, Leytou Upton manor, Plaistow e George's square, West Ham e
Davies Mrs. Prospect cottage, Military Day Miss, West terrace, Saffron Walden Denman Thomas, 2 Saunders terrace,.
road, Colchester Day Mrs. Billericay, Brentwood Wellesley road, Leytonstone e
Davies Rees, 2 Roman road, Colchester Day Mrs. Secretaries, Bures hamlet, Dennis Samuel Francis, The Hawthorns',
Davies Thomas Bird, 9 Osborn terrace, Colchester Tower Hamlets road, Walthamstow
Carlisle road, Romford Day RW.5 Hopevils.Capworthst.Leyton Denne Wm. 87 Buxton rd. Forest gate It
Davis Capt. C. 2 Atherton rd. Forest gt e Day Robert Newcombe, Harlow Denney Joseph, East street, Coggleshall.
Davis Rev. John, Harwich Day Robert, 2 Raymond villas, Burchell Kelvedon
Davis Rev. J. Teesdale, Oak Tree cot- road, Leyton Dennis Edwin, Priory street, Colchester
tage, Epping Day WaIter, Otakou villa, New Toad, DenniB George Barnard, I Louisenheim
Davis Rev. Leonard, Burnham, Maldon Buckhurst Hill villas, Cleveland 1"oad, Snaresbrook e
Davis Rev. Thom!ls, Harwich Daynes Wm. Dean, Terrace viI. Brentwd Dennis John Charles, I St.. Mary's ter-
Davis Charles, 2 Grosvenor villas, Fair- Deacon H.T. Rose cot. Stopfd.rd. Plastwe race, London road, Romford
lop road, Leytonstone e Deacon Octavius, Golding's hill, Loughtn DenI1ls Miss, 64 Crouch st. Colchester
Davis Chas. r 5 New London rd.Chlmsfrd Deal Mrs. London road, Wanstead e Dennis Misses, 2 Brunswick pI. Roman
Davis Chas.Park Grove rd.Leytonstone e Dean H.Dymoke rd.Hornehurch, Romfrd road, Colchester
Davis Edward James,2 Primrose terrace, Dean J. T. I Lilas villas, Vicarage road, Dennis Mrs. 7 Lee terrace, Barking road,
Vicarage road, LeytoD Leyton t Plaistow e
Davis George Harry, Woodland villa, Dean In.2 Buckingham rd. Forest gtee Dennis Mrs. 5 Provident pI. Colchester
Barclay road, Leyton Dean Rev. William John M.A. Rectory, Dennis Samuel John, The Oaks, Beau-
Davis H. L. 108 Romford rd. Stratford e Ashen, Sudbnry mont, Colchester
Davis Henry Thomas, 6 Rose cottages, Deane-, Black Horse la. Walthamstw Dennis Stephen Sibley, Middleborough,
Russell road, Leyton Deane Frederick, Hypatia villas, Earl· Colchester
Davis James, 2Stopford road, PlaistoW' e ham grove, Forest gate 8 Dennis T, H. ~ High street, Chelmsford
Davis John, 9 Pleasant terrace, Murchi- Deane Henry Griffin, 5 St. Mary's ter- Dennish Mrs. Hall road, Southminster~
son road, Leyton race, West Lexden road, Colchester Maldon
Davis J oseph C. 4 Rose cottages, Rnssell Deane Miss, The Lodge, Upper Dover- Dennison J. W.Wakefield ldg. East Ham (t
road, Leyton court, Harwich· Dennison Mrs. ~ Albert cots. Loughton
Davis Mark Thomas, Albert villa, Deans Rev. J. Park I'd. Brightlingsea S.O Dennison Mrs. Cemetery road, Saffron
Temple street, Leytonstone e Dearden Mrs. Dunedin villa, Hoe street, Walden
Davis Misses, High street, Halstead Walthamstow Denny John, Back street, Brentwcod \

• •

Denny Captain D'Arcy R.N. II Belton Disney Lt.-Col. Edgar John D.L., J.P. Donner Rev. James Rales Th.A.K.C.L.
villas, Dovercourt, Harwich 10 Priory terrace, Colchester Pleshey, Chelmsford
Denny Rev. William, New town, Bright- Disney Wm. Hy. 6 Cobden rd.Leytonstne Donovan Daniel, 3 Royal tel'. Southend
lingsea S.O Dispecker Sigmund, Highfields, Hainault Donovan George, Fhrnley grove, Queen's
Denny John, 4 Queen's tel'. Great llford road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Denny Wm. Whalebone la. Chadwell hth Ditcham Henry, 37A, West st. Harwich Donovan J. J. 20 Howard's rd. Plaistow e Noailles Countess, The Hut, Fryer- Dittmer Henry, Daisy villa, Mornington Dore John,2 Bexley villas, Carnarvon
ning,Ingatestone road, Leytonstone e road, Forest gate e
Denovan Rev. William Hunter M.A. 6 Dix Dick, West road, Saffron Walden Dore John, Langford cottage, Victoria
Edmund tel'. Ham Frith rd. :Forest gt e Dix Geo. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill road, Buckhurst Hill
!Dent William Richard, Harlow Dix Robert, London rd. Saffron Walden Dorling Rev. William,2 Knighton villas,
Denton Chas. East Stockwell st. Colchstr Dixey William, Great Clacton,Colchester Buckhurst hill
Denton Charles E. Roman rd. Colchester Dixon Capt. Tharpe lodge, Hornchurch, Dorling Edward, Alfred terrace, Waltoo-
Denton William Charles, 39 Hampton Romford on-the-Naze S.O
road, Forest gate e Dixon Capt. Thomas, Park ter. Southend Dorrington -, Alton ldg. Woodford Grn
Derby Albert William, Beaconsfield Dixon Alfred, I Church villas. Goldsmith Dorton John, 6 Maryland point, Leyton-
house, Hainault road, Leytonstone e road, Leyton stone road, Stratford e
Derbyshire Samuel, 14 Mornington ter- Dixon Edw. Austin, 27 Head st. Colchestr Dossett Daniel, Shingleton house, Bur-
race, Union road, Leytonstone e Dixon George, iUydon villas, Chelmsford chell road, Leyton
Derisley George Capel, Rabbits farm, road west, Woodford Doubell Mrs. Woodbury villa, Palmers-
Little Ilford Dixon George, Ridgwell, Halstead ton road, Walthamstow
Derisley William, Grosvenor ho. Gr08- Dixon Henry Silvester, Witham Doughty James, Shenfield, Brentwood
venor Park road, Walthamstow Dixon Jas.Frcs. 26 Toronto rd.Leytnstn ~ Douglas Maj. Hugh Alexander, 6 Vic·
Derrett Mrs. 3 Woodstock villas, Forest Dixon John, Manor ho. Borehm.Chelmsfd toris Grove villas, Brentwood
lane, Forest gate e Dixon Miss, 2 Albert place, New London Douglas Lieut. Archibald G. :a.N. 3 Mil-
pespointes Francis, I4 Sylvester terrace, road, Chelmsford ton villas, Dovercourt, Harwich
Walthamstow Dixon Mrs. Dunmow 8.0 Douglas Arth. 9 Hampton rd.Forsetgt e
Dettmar Charles, 2 Wilson rd. Southend Dixon Mrs. New street, Braintree Douglas George Cox, Abridge, Romford
Dettmar Henry, 1 Clifton tel'. Southend Dixon Robert Walker, Wickham place, Douglas Mrs. Meadowside, Springfield,
Dettmar J. The Cot. Green, Wanstead 6 Wickham Bishops, Witham Chelmsford
Deval William James, 2 Linton cottages, Dixon Thos. 33 Mildmay rd. Chelmsford Douglas Robert, 6 Eaton viis. Loughton
Wilmot road, Leyton Dixon Thomas, The Hollies, Cowley DouglasWilliam, Florence villa, Cliff par.
Devenish Thomas, Wantz road, Maldon road, Leytonstone ~ Southend .
Deverell Francis, 3 Park View villas, Dixon Thos. Wickham Bishops, Witham Douglass Rev. William B.A. Higham
Forest gate e Dixon William Brandall, 5 Laxton hall, Walthamstow
Deveson Edward, Cambridge rd. Barking terrace, Sedgwick road, Leyton Douglass George, 9 Ashbourn terrace,
Devitt Henry, Hill side, Epping New Dobree Rev. James Bonamy M.A. Harrow road, Leyton road e
road, Buckhurst Hill Rectory, West Tilbury, Romford Dove Henry Draper, Langham hall,
Devlin Mrs. 1 Oakley vilt!. Buckhurst HI Dobree Joseph Hankey, Lawford place, Langham, Colchester
De Voy Mrs. Beaulieu, High Beech S.O Lawford, Manningtree Dove Mrs. 2 Westbonrne place, Lexden
De Will Auguste, 7 West street, Harwich Dobson Rev. Jsph. P. 27 Duke st.Chlmsfrl road, Colchester
Dexter Miss, The Crouches, Aldborough Dobson Rev. Robert Steward M.A. Little Dove Wm. 9 St. Andrew's rd. Plaistow e
Hatch, Ilford Saling, Braintree Dovey Alex. WaIter, 2 Hainault terrace,
Dexter Robt. 206 Romford rd. Stratford e Dobson Charles,2 Tiptree viIs. Southend Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Dexter Thos. Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford Dobson Mrs. Fairlop lodge, Fairlop road, Dowding Alex. W. Woodman M.B. Dur-
Dezalle Charles Broce, 2 Clarence villas, Leytonstone e ham ho. Barking rd. Canning town e
Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Dobson Mrs. Snaresbrook e Dowell Mrs. 3 Victoria villas, Thornhill
Dibb J oho, I Clifton villas, Amberley Dockl'ell William, 2 Albert terrace, road, Leyton
road, Leyton Pembroke road, Walthamstow Dowley Thomas, 60 Claremont road,
Dibley Mrs. 2 East hill, Colchester Docwra Clifford, I Evelyn villas, Hermon Forest gate e
Dick Surgeon-major Forbes M.D. Abbey hill, Wanstead e Downes Arthur Hy. H.D. 16 New London
Gate house, Colchester Docwra George, Theydon Bois, Epping road, Chelmsford
Dick Frederick Charles B.A. Chigwell Docwra George William, 3 Beverley Downing James W;ynn, Trevethan,
Dickarson Hobert, Providence villa, terrace, Beverley road, Colchester Shenfield, Brentwood
Sebert road, Forest gate e Doddemeade Sidney, 4 Elm viis. Loughtn Downs William, Charlston, Fairlop road,
Dickins Rev. William, Rayleigh S.O Dodkins Mrs. Edmonton ter. Idmiston Leytonstone e
Dickenson Bernard, Latton, Harlow road, Forest gate e Dowsett Alfred, Ennerleigh cottage,
Dickson John Robert, 255 Romford Dodsley James Henry, 2 :Forest villas, New London road. Chelmsford
road, Stratford e Lea Bridge road, Leyton Dowsett James, 10 Chobham road, New
Dickson Mrs. g Westborne terrace, Dodson Miss,Castle Hedingham,Halstead town, Stratford e
Grange Park road, Leyton Doe Mrs.Martin vii. Baddow rd.Chlmsfrd Dowsett Miss, Lansdowne villa, New
Dickson SI.Writtle gn. Writtle,Chelmsfrd Doggett Henry, Leytonstone villa, High London road, Chelmsford
l>iegton Wm. I I Idmiston rd. Forest ga e road, Leytonstone e DowsettSml.36Claremont rd.Forest gte e
Dietrichsen James Mark, Woodland cot- Doggett Jabez, Ivy cottage, West Grove Doyley William, Loughton
age, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill road, Woodford green Drake Arthur John L.:a.C.P. Lond. 2
l>igbyGeo. Wyatt,Cromwellhall,Maldon Doig James, Hawthorn villa, Morning- Romford road, Stratford e
Digby Mrs. Elm lodge,Heybridge,Maldon ton road, Leytonstone , DrakeJohn,gSt. George's sq. WestHam e
Digby Thomas, 2 Arnold villas, Cap- Dolamore Ben, 2 The Crescent, Woodford Drake Mrs. Spring rd. Brightlingsea 8.0
worth street, Leyton Dolan Thomas, Navan house, Woodhouse Drake Thos. 207 Romford rd. Stratford e
Digman Mrs. 7 Station road, Leyton road, Leytonstone e Drake William, I LabUl"num villas,
Dilke Amos, I Queen terrace, Primrose DollondMiss. 2 Grape villas,Warley road, South park, Great Ilford
road, George lane, Leytonstone Brentwood Drane Alfred, 4 Stanley terrace, Union
Dilly E. 24 Northcott viIs. Walthamstow Dolman James, I Agnes terrace, Lan- road, Leytonstone it
Dines James Wm. Beeleigh road, Maldon caster road, Leytonstone , Drane John, Cemetery rd. Saffron ~1dn
Dines Joseph, London road, Maldon Dolman John, I Park rd. Leyton Draper Edward Herbert, 10 Prittlewell
Dines William, 4 Albert villas, Great Dolman Mrs. 10 Albany roaa, Leyton square, Southend-
WarIey, Brentwood Donald Thos. 2Hamptonrd. Forest gate e Draper James, Sea Shell villa, Beacbcroft
Dines Wm. Avis, South st. Colchester Donaldson Capt. William,20 Hampton road, Leytonstone e
Dingley In. 7 Sylvester ter. Walthamstw road, Forest gate e Drayton Miss, Prospect place, Collier
Dinnick Rev. Joseph, New st. Halstead Donaldson Adam John, 2 Mornington row, Romford
Dinnock Rev. Tim.IS AI~rt rd.Braintree villas, Wanstead park, Wanstead e Drennan Rev. Hugh, Pier bouse, South
,Dinsdale Miss, 2 Rosebank villas, Vic- Doualdson Robert, Midlothian villa, Shoebury, Southend
toria road, Romford Hainault road, Leytonstone ~ Drew Rev. Heriot Stanbanks B.A. South
Dipper William, Ventnor cottag~, Green- Donaldson Thomas, 2 Cedar villas, Mon- Hanningfield, Chelmsford
leaf lane, Walthamstow tague road, Leytonstone e Drew Rev. Joseph William Wright
,nisnay Thomas, May villas, Victoria Done John, 3 Victoria Grove villas, St. Edward's square. Romford
road, Romford Brentwood Drew Rev, Nicholas, 5 Widdecombe tel'.
Disney Mrs. The Hyde, lngatestone Donnelly R. St. John's green, Colchester Barking rd. Canning town 8

Drew James, Drayton villa, Princes road, Dunt Wm. Chas. Trinity st. Halstead Eaton Jas.Parkeot. Junction rd. Plaistw c
Buckhurst hill Dunthorpe William John, Orange place, Eaton Jas. Sunny Bank cottage, Loughtn
DrewRchd.Philps.J.p. I Nrth. st.Plaistw e Mildmay road, Chelmsford Eavery Joseph, Heybridge basin, Maldon
Dring Francis, The Briars, The Flats, Durrant William Gage, Whitehall road, Eayrs James, Portland road, Colchester
Wanstead e Woodford Wells Ebert Peter,3 Pembroke terrace, Cobden
Dring Francis Clemont, 6 Arlington Durell Richard, 3 Shirland villas, Ave- road, Leytonstone e
villas, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e nue road, Forest gate e Ebsworth Edward, I Crown villas,.
DrinkwateT Sydney H. Church house, DU1'1'ant Andrew, Bishops Hall farm, Greengate street, Plaistow e
Dedham S.O Chelmsford Eccles George, Chestnut house, The
Drinkwood Albert Edward, Dorset villa, 'Durrant Henry, Squi1'1'els hth. Romford Grove, Stratford e
Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Durrant James, 6 Mornington villas, Ecclestone William, 3 Orchard place,.
Driver William, High I'd. Leytonstone e Wanstead park, Wanstead e West Ham lane e
Droosten Rev. Percy Howard B.A. Con- Durrant Mrs. Palmerston rd.West Ham e Echalaz Ferdinand Antonio, Uplands,
naught viIs. Southchurch I'd. Southend Durrell WItI'. Thos. 20 George st.Harwich Higham hill, Walthamstow
Druce Rev. Gerald William M.A. Vicar- Dutton John, Cottage place, Chelmsford Echlin John William, Mary's villas,.
age, King's Quay street, Harwich Dutton Joseph,3 Rayleigh ter.Upton pk e Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Drummond Rev. Morton M.A. Rectory, Dutton Miss, 25 Chobham I'd. Stratford e Eddington Sylvanus, Cottage plac~
Wanstead e Duvall John Wm. Head st. Colchester Chelmsford
Drummond John, I Edinboro' villas, Dye Rev. Alfred, London road, Maldon Edenborough Charles, Little Gearies,.
Southchurch, Southel'ld Dye Charles, London road, Romford Barking Side, Ilford
Drummond Perey, 102 Osborne road, Dye Charles James, I Prince's te1'1'ace, Edenborough Clarence,:l: Northumber-
Forest gate e Huxley road, Leyton land tel'. Margery Park I'd. Stratford e
Drury Capt. Theodore, Cressland villa, Dyer Abraham, High street, Maldon Edenborough Mrs. Nazing cottage,.
_ Alresford, Colchester Dyer John, Rayne, Braintree Nazing, Waltham Cross
Dryden Thos. 7 Kirkdale I'd. Leytnstn e 'byer John James, Cowslip road, George Edenborough Mrs. Thrift hall~ Waltham
Drysdale James, 6 Lancaster terrace, lane, Leytonstone e Abbey
High road, Leytonstone e Dyer Miss, 54 New street, Chelmsford Edgar Henry Augustus, Market place,.
Duberly Lieut.-Col. Henry, Warley villa, Dyer Mrs. Roslin villa, Queen's road, Romford
Great Warley, Brentwood Buckhurst hill Edgcumbe Frederick, Mayville, Chel~-
Dublet Thos. Church road, Little TIford Dyer William, 2Albert villas,The Terrace, ford road east, Woodford
Du Cane Sir Charles X.C.M.G., D.L., I.P. Plaistowe Edgington Miss, 4 Ponber tel'l'ace, Water
Baxted park, Witham Dyke Maj. F. H.23 Crouch st. Colchester lane, Stratford e
Du Cane Rev. Alfred Richard M.A. Rec- Dykes Mrs. Anworth house, Snake's Edinborough Frank Dudley, 2 Claremont
tory, WiUingale Doe, Brentwood lane, Woodford green road, Forest gate e
Du Cane Mrs. The Grove, Witham Eade Mrs. 2 Creflield terrace, Creffield Edinger Philip, Rocklands, Palmerston
Duck Robert, May bank, Margery Park road, Colchester road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Stratford e Eagle I"rancis,The Hall,Brightlingsea S.O Edmed Mrs. 3 Grosvenor villas, Fairlop
Ducket Rev. Henry M.A. 54 Wellesley Eag-Ie George William, Paul's hall, road, Leytonsi:one e
road, Wanstead e Belchamp, Sudbury EdmondsMrs.GranviUe rd.Walthamstow
Duckett Mrs. 53 Claremnt. rd.Forest gt e Eagle Miss, Alexander house, Lexden Edmonds Mrs. 19 Wilson I'd. Southend
Duckworth William N. The Rectory, road, Colchester Edmonds WaIter John Rastall, York
Ardleigh, Colchester Eagle Mrs. Vine cott. Wix, Manningtree hill, Loughton
Duff Thos. 26 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e Eagles James, Rhoden villa, Princes Edmonds Wm. 2 Buxton I'd. Forest gate e
Duffield James, Great Mascalls, Great road, Buckhurst Hill Edmunds William Henry, Kelv~don
Baddow, Chelmsford Eagles Miss,2 Bay vil.Warley rd.Brentwd hatch, Brentwood
Duffield Mrs. I St. Mary's terrace east, Eales J ames, Eveas villas, Latimer road, Edridge Mrs. Harlow
Lexden road, Colchester Forest gate e Edwards Rev. Frederick B.A. Harlow
Duffield William Ward, Broomfield road, Eales John, 7 Colworth terrace, Colworth Edward Rev. John, Rectory, Easthorpe,.
Chelmsford road, Leytonstone e Kelvedon
Duffill John, 2 Cumberland villas, Ham Earee Rev. William, Rectory, Alpham- EdwaTds Albert, 2 The Firs, Upton lane,.
Frith road, Forest gate e stone, Colchester West Ham e
Dugelby J ames, Elm cottage, Victoria Earl Samuel, 6 Holly villas, Cowley road, Edwards Alfred, Eden villa, Ham Frith
road, Romford Leytonstone e road, Forest gate e
Dughan Rev.JohnJ.Dagenham,Romford Earl Wm. Henry, I Bryn villas, Grange Edwards Arthur Janison J'.P. Beech Hill
Dullaforce Hy. 59 Leyton I'd. Forest gt e Park road, Leyton park, High Beech 8.0
Dunball Robert Thomas, Western house, Earle Rev. William, Harlow Edwards Chas. Jas. Rose cot. Loughton
Western road, Romford Earle Rev. William James M.A. Rectory, Edwards Edmund C.E. 2 Borton villas,.
Dumbell John, 12 Mornington terrace, Great Yeldham, Halstead Marsh street, Walthamstow
Union road, Leytonstone e EarleFrank,19St.Andrew'srd.Plaistowe Edwards Edward, Hazlehurst huuse,.
Dumble Horatio, Dawlish villa, Gran- Earle John Charles, Harlow Clova road, Forest gate e
ville road, Walthamstow Earle Joseph, The Priory, High street, Edwards George Canning, 178 Romford
Duncan Major F. R.A. South Shoebury, Brentwood road, Stratford e
Southend Early Rev. John Bush M.A. 18 Crouch Edwards George William,86 Romford
Duncan Capt.Rt.56 Hampton e street, Colchester road, Stratford e
Duncan Thomas, High Bridge street, Earnest Mrs. Westmorland villa,Victoria Edwards Hy. Cobbold I'd. Leytonstone e
WaItham Abbey road, Romford Edwards Henry Richards J'.P. Hillands,.
Dunford R.Kennett cot.Brkng.rd.Plstw e Earthy Edwin, Shell cottage, Grove road, Dedham S.O
Dungey John, Hilldrop, Bulwer road, Chelmsford Edwards Richard, Kelvedon
Leytonstone e Earthy Richard, Pleasant house, King's Edwards Robert I.P. Beech Hill park,.
Dunham William, Lorina villas, Howard road, Brentwood High Beech S.O
road, Leytonstone e East Albert Charles, Grove villas, The Edwards Robert, Fairwood villa, Hain-
Dunk Edward, Whitehall, Little Thur- Green, Wanstead e ault road, Leytonstone e
rock, Grays S.O East Arthur, Rosslyn villa, Ham Frith Edwards Saml Jas. I Marie cots. Cow-
Dunn Rev. Clement, Manor ho.Lit. TIford road, Forest gate e slip road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Dunn Edward Ralph, The Oaks, Fille- East Joseph Thos. North end,WestHam e Edwards Thomas, I Ivy cottages, Bur-
brook road, Leytonstone e East Josiah, Wallwood I'd. Leytonstone e chell road, Leyton
Dunn Mrs. 3 Primrose te1'1'ace, Prim- East Mrs. Stoneham street, Coggleshall, Edwards William, 4 Arnold villas, Cap-
rose road, George lane, Leytonstone e Kelvedon worth street, Leyton
DunnThos.1 Grafton viIs. Buckhurst hill Eastcott Harry, Endsleigh, Hainault Edwards William Henry, Wroxton,
Dunnett Harry Norman, Abbotts manor, road, Leytonstone e Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Lawford, Manningtree Eastes HY.3 East avenue, Walthamstow Edwards William Webb, South street,
DunnettWm.Hrbt.Stour ho.Dedham S.O Easton Mrs. Stebbing, Chelmsford Manningtree
Dunningham Alfred Wells, Fern cot- Easton Mrs. Waterford cottage, May- EedeThomas,Walton Nazepark,Walton-
tage, Newtown, Harwich bank l'oad,George lane, Leytonstonee on-the-Naze S.O
Dunningham 'l'hos.Jn'34Easthill,Clchstr Eastwood Charles Handley, Burton Egan Rev. James, Grove Crescent Toad...
Dunnoghue William,6 Woodstock villas, villa, Southend Stratford e
Sebert road, Forest gate e Easty Samuel, The Firs, Great Totham, Egan John, Desmond villa, Victoria
Dunsford Mrs. Sunnyside ho. Chingford Witham road, Buckhurst hill
Egan Edmond, Hoblldale, Ldugltton 8.0 Elphinstone Henry WaIter, Kempton Evans Alfred Fostel\ Stamford house,
Egerton Charles Chandler J.l'. Kendsl vjlla, High road, Buckhurst Hill Hermon hill, Wanstead 6
lodge, Epping Elrmgton Rev. 'fhos. William L.Th. Vi- Evans Arthur, Cromwell house, Maldon
Egg Rev. Edward Thomas,Sidney villas, carage, Great Saling, Braintree Evans R. James, 2 Albion terrace, Lan~
Prospect road, Woodford Wells Elsden Mrs. South road, Saffron~Walden caster road, Leytonstone tI
Eglington Henry, St. James' house, Elsden William, Mary villas, Greenleaf EvansEdward Reid, Mornington house...
Greenleaf lane, Walthamstow lane, Walthamstow Mornington road, Woodford Wells
Ehn Miss,Westbomnevilla,Southchurch Elsdon Mrs. Head. street, Halstead Evans Frederick, 5 Holly villas, Cam~
road, Southend EIsey Edwin Ravenscroft, ~ Alma villas, bridge park, Leytonstone e
Eidmann Mrs. 8 Vicarage terrace, Primrose rd. George lane, Leytonstone Evans Hy. 71 Hampton rd. Forest gte e
Vicarage road Elson Thomas, 8 Laxton terrace, Sedg- Evans Henry Gritliths. 36 King's road,
Eisdell Miss,Casina cottage,Lexden road, wick road, Leyton Upton park 6
Colchester EIston Mrs. Ivy cots. London rd. Maldon Evans James, 5 Atherton rd. Forest gte e
Elce William, Hainault- road, Chigwell Elton Miss, Princell green, Dedham S.O Evans J ames, 2 Gurney villas, Leyton-
.Elden John Edward, 4 The Crescent, Elvidge'f. W. 56 Gurney rd. Forest gatee stone road, Stratford e
Uptonmanor, Plaistow e Elward .Tames Harcourt, Howard road, Evans John, 94 Romford rd. Stratford e
Elder Henry Hugh, Stondon place, Leytonstone e Evans Misses, Roman's place, Little
Stondon, Brentwood Elwell Rev. Henry M.A. Vicarage, Chelmsford
Elgar Chas. 12 CIa-renee rd.Leytonstonee Potter street, Harlow Evans Mrs. Head street, Halstead
~lisha J. Markhouse rd. Walthamstow Elwes Rev. Frederick B.A. Vicarage, EvansRd.Zoar viI. Leyton rd.Forest gte e
Elkington In. Woolahrs, Woodford Wells Gestingthorpe, Halstead Evans Samuel M.D., L.R.C.P. Lond. 27
Elkins James, Crofton cottage, Lea Elwes Hy. H. Cambridge rd. Colchester West street, Harwich
Bridge road, LeytoIl Elworthy 'f. 31 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Evans Wm. 2 Cliff viI. Doverct. Harwich
Ellerson Egbert, 18 Borthwick rd.Wnstde Ely Geo. Skitter,Maria st. New tn.Hrwch Evans William M.D. 1 Glen villas, Leyton
Ellicott Samson,9 Albert terrace, Cath- Ely James, Coggeshall road, Braintree road, Forest goate e
all road, Leytonstone e Ely William Wayland, Albert place, EvansWm.HenleypI.Brookst.Brentwood
Elliot Rev. Fred:erick Elrington M.A. Coggeshall, Kelvedon Evanson George, 1 Raglan cottage,
Stanford Rivers, Romford EmbersonJas.Ada viIs.Victoria rd.Rmfrd Grafton road south, Plaistow e
-Eiliot Rev. Henry' Lettsoill M.A. Vi- Embleton Rev.Saml. 12 Hall st.Chlmsfrd Eve Henry Thomas FuUbridge, Maldon
carage, Gosfield, Halstead Emerson Arthur Ohurchill, Elm Tree Eve Rd.Lennardhouse, Avetey, Romford
Elliot George 2 Granville terrace, :M:ild- villa, High road, Leytonstone 11 Eve Robert Henry, FuIlbridge, Maldon
may road, Chelmsford Emerson In. Fredk. Billericay, Brentwd Evennett Edward Lawrence, lIS Chob-
Elliott Dep. Asst. Corns. Gen. J.P. Mey- EmersonJoshua Henry, 9 Argyll terrace, ham road, New town, Stratford e
rick crescent, Colchester Lancaster road, Leyt.onstone e Everard HarrY,Cambridge villa,Witham
Elliott Edmund Frederick, Maybank, Emery Alfred,29Gurney rd.Forest gate e Everett Chas. 2 Whitta tel'. Lit. IIford
Palmerston road, Buckh.urst Hill Emery G. Deal ho.London rd.Wanstead e Everett Cowlin,Rye ho.Feering,Kelvedon
Elliott John, 10 Globe. terrace, Forest Emery Thos.5 Nightingale la.Wanstead e Everett Frederick WaIter, Winnock
lane, Forest gate-e Emery Wm. 13 Selwyn rd. Plaistow e road, Colchester
Elliott JohnW' Grange Park road, Leyton Emson Edmund, Littlebury green, Everett Henry, 2 Park place, Hythe hill,
Elliott John H. High rd. Leytonstone e Littlebury, Saffron Walden Colchester
Elliott Mrs. 22 Idmiston rd.Forestgatee Emson Frank Everitt,Highst.Saff.Wldn E,"erett Hy. In. Wimpole la. Colchester
Elliott 'rhomas, Middleton house, Emson In. Green, High st. Saff. WIden Everett James, 2 Cavendish villas, Earl-
Chelmsford rood west, Woodford Emson Reginald, Luxford cottage, Bark- ham grove, Forest gate e
Elliott Thomas, Union road, Markhouse ing lane, Great Ilford Everett Joshua, Coggeshall rd. Braintree
road, Walthamstow Emson Robert, Fern cottage, Alexander Everett Mays, North villas, Woodman's
Elliott Thomas Henry, Richmond viIlll., road, Colchester road, Great Warley, Brentwood
Lea Bridge road, Leytbn Endicott Samuel White, Crescent road Everett Mrs. Brook street, Dedham S.O
Ellis Rev. Edward Challncy M.A.Rectory, north, George lane, Leytonstone e Everett William, Blundeston house,
Langham, Colchester England Richd. Bayford house, Chelms 4
Capel road, Forest gate e
Ellis Rev. John William, Myrtle villas, ford road west, Woodford Everett William, 4 Wellington place,
Church Hill road, Walthamstow England 'fhomas, Kelvedon Crouch street, Colchester
Ellis A. W. Madeira. viis. Woodford Grn England Thos.Rye Millho.Feering,Klvdn Everitt Rev. Charles M.A. All Saints
Ellis Alfred Chas.6 Avenue rd. Leyton English Capt. William, The Priory, rectory, High street, Colchester
Ellis Arthur, 10 Hampton I'd. Forestgt e Buckingham road, Woodford Evers George. 2 Westward House cot-
Ellis Oharles, South street, Colchester English Mrs. Bradfield, Manningtree tages, 'fhornhill road, Leyton
Ellis Charles Edward, Langford house, Enson George, 2 Saxby villas, Plashet e Evetts Mrs. Portadowne villa, Milton
Queen's road, Buckhurst hill Ensor George Lewis, Slewins farm, road, Southend
Ellis Edward, 34 Albert rd. Forest gate e Hornchurch, Romford Evington Charles, Loft house, New
. Ellis Fordham, Como cottages, North Ensor John, Museum street, Colchester Barn street, Plaistowe
street, Romford Ensten John, Forest villa, Stag lane, Ewin Alfred, Northington house, High
Ellis Fordam, jun. North street,Romford Buckhurst Hill • road, Leytonstone e
Ellis George, 18 Charles terrace, Manor Enzer Mrs. 2 Oaklands, Hermon hill, Ewin Mrs. Millfield, Witham
park, East Ham' Wanstead e Ewing Jas.I4St.Andrew'srd. Plaistow e
Ellis George, Manor farm, High Beech Epworth Frederick, 18 Linton road, Excell George, York villa, Birkbeck
Ellis Hy. Venn, West Newlands, Maldon Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Ellis Jas. Brook ho. Woodford, Chingford El'rico Vincenzo, 86 Osborne road, Eyre Rev. Henry 'faylor Williamson
Elhs Joseph, 1 Gurney cottages, Leyton- Forest gate e M.A. Great 'fotham, Witham
stone road, Stratford e Errington George Henry D.e.L., J.l'. Eyre Chaa. Jas. Fambridge road, Maldon
Ellis Martin, 14 King's Head st. Harwich Lexden park, Colchester Eyre John Joseph, Mill Green house,
Ellis Mrs. Snaresbrook ho. Snaresbrooke ErswelI Mrs. Common, Saffroh Walden Ingatestone
Ellis R.A.'fhe Cottage, e ErswelI Mrs. Market row, Saffron Wldn Eyres Edwin, Brooklands, Fairlop Toad,
EIlis Robert OweD, Marlboro' villa, Dacre Escott Mrs. Abridge, Romford Leytonstone "
road, Upton Manor. Plaistow e Escott Mrs. Rose valley, Brentwood Eyres Mrs. Church st. Saffron Walden
Ellis William Henry, 5 Waddington tel'. Escott William, 1 Orchard villas, George Fabin ~ugustus Frederick, Draycott's
Windmill lane, Newtown, Stratford e lane, Leytonstone e villa, The Green, Wanstead "
Ellis William Robert, St. Lawrence, Escreet Rev. John.Hempstead, Saff. Mdn Facer John, J Cavendish villas, Earlham
Newland, Maldon Essex James Charles,4 Florence villas j grove, Forest gate..,
EIlisden Rd. Westbourne pt Lexden I'd. Grange Park road, Le~'ton Fache Chas. James,8 PrittlewelI square,
Colchester Estall Edward Austin, I East avenue, Southend
Ellison Rev. Colutnbll.n, Grove Crescent Orford road, Walthamstow Fagel William, fa' Long new, Manor
road, Stratford e Etherden 'fhos. Wm. West st. Harwich, park, East Ham e
Ellison Mrs.Ada viI.Woodri1!rd.Lytnstne Ettwa.rd' Jas. 1 Kyme road, Hornchurch Fair Henry, The Shrublands, High
Ellison Mrs.3 Wingfield rd. WaIthamstow Bomford road, Leytonstone e
ElIison William Clark, Springfield, Pros- Eustace Rev. Robert Henry M.A. The Fairbank Rev. Frederick, Little Maple-
pect hill, Walthamstow Grange, Little Samford, Braintree stead, Halstead
Elms Charles, 7 Lorne terrace; Lans- Evans Rev. Arthur FitzGerald M.A. Fairchild Mrs. Clara cottage, Harvey
tone rvad, Leytonstone e Vicarage, Coggeshall, Kelvedon road, Leytonston8 ~
Eloy Mrs.Coggeshall rd.Rocking, Brntree Evans Rev. W. F. M.A. Felsted, Chelmsfrd Fairchild Mrl1.3 Victoria roai,Brentwood



Faircloth William Henry, 13 Chapel Fenn Geo. Green,The Rookery, Ardleigh Flnnis Thomas Quated, Park 'gate,
street, Colchester FennJn. Ardleigh hall,Ardleigh,Colchstr Wanstead e
Fairfax Alfred, Eveas villas, Latimer Fenn Joseph William., r Beckford villas, Firman Chas. George, Hatfield, Hadow
road, Forest gate e Upper park, Loughton Firman Frederick, Crescent villa, Park
Fairfax Henry, 2 Selwyn I'd. Plaistowe Fenn Mrs. 5 Queen street, Colchester crescent, Southend
Fairhead Geo. St. Mary's viI. Balkerne Fenn Patrick Burgess, Old Moze hall, Fil'man Geo. Margaretting, Ingatestone
lane, Colchester Beaumont, Colchester Firman Miss, 2 Broomwell viIs. Bltentwd
Fairhead John, Florence villa, Sebert Fennell Coates, The Green, Southchurch Firman Mrs. 2 The Avenue, Colchester
road, Forest gate e road,Southend Firman Woolmer Robert, Belchamp
Fairhead Mrs.87 Coggeshall rd.Braintree Fennell Mrs. Stansted Mountfitchet, WaIter, Sudbury
Fairhead Mrs. West Bergholt,Colchester Bishop's Stortford Firmin George Peppercorne, Ashley ho.
Fairhead William Miles, 5 Wellington FenneH Richard Thomast Alma villa, Marden Ash, Ongar S.O
place, Lower Southend, Southend Barking road, Plaistow e . Firmin Mrs. Colne Engaine, Halstead
Fairman Robert, 42 Manbey grove, Fennell WilliamChristopher,Homevilla, Fish George, Alexandra house, Hermon
Stratford green e Hainault road, Leytonstone e hill, Wanstead e
FalknerRev. Robert Henry M.A. Rectory, Fennel' Henry, 3 The Holly's, Station Fish Mrs. 142 Manor street, Braintree
Woodham Waiter, Maldon road, Colchester Fish William Ge()rge, Nightingale hall,
Falshaw Frederick Henry, Grosvenor Fennel' Mrs. The Lodge, High road, Chingford Hatch, Woodford
Park road, WaIthamstow Buckhurst Hill ' F i s h e r Rev. Charles. John M.A. Rectory,
Fancourt J. 9 Claremont rd.Forest gte e Fennel' W. H. Beckton, Nrth. Woolwich e Ovington, Sudbury
Fane Rev. Fredk. Adrian Scroope M.A. Fenning R. Denton viI. Ardleigh, Colchtr Fisher Rev. Thomas Rug-gles 'I'".A.K.C.L.
Priors, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood Fenton C. F. jun. Culver st. Colchester Rectory, Liston, Sudbury
Faning Rev. James Frederick Edmund Fenton William Henry, Weston road, Fisher Charles, Hypatia villas, Earlham
M.A. School house, Brentwood Romford grove, Forest gate 6
Faning Mrs. 2 Westbury tel.'. Brentwood Fenwick John, 7 Holly terrace, Leyton- Fisher John, The Square, Great Clacton,
Fairbridge John, Ryton house, Hermon stone road, Stratford e Colchester
hill, Wanstead e Ferguson Rev. Thos. Pattinson M.A. Rec- Fisher Mrs. Aldesbrook villa, Manor
Farey Herbert Samuel, t Grange villas, tory, Shenfield, Brentwood park, East Ham 6 1
Great Ilford Fern Mrs. 53 Romford road, Stratford e Fishet Mrs. Brunstock cottage, Balaam
Farish T. Manorvil.London rd.Wanstd e Ferres W. ~I Claremontrd. Forest gate e street, Plaistow tJ
Farley Rev. E. J. Vicarage road, Leyton Ferry Rev. Wm. T.A.K.<J.L. The Grange, Fisher Mrs. 2 Gregory villas, Clova road,
Farman Fredk. Shrublalld I'd. Colchester Greenstead green, Halstead Forest gate e
Farmer Frederick Joshua,1 Stephenson's Feud William, 4 Linton terrace, Union Fisher Mrs. 3 Hawthorn terraee, Barking
villas, Cleveland I'd. Snaresbrook e road, Leytonstone e Fisher Mrs. 3 The Avenue, Colchester
Farmer Henry, Victoria house, Roman Fickling F. J. 4 Park villas, Loughton Fisher Mrs. Ottawa MUSe, Orford road,
road, Colchester Fickling Wm. Loughton Idg. Loughton WaIthamstow
Farmer Miss, East Stockwell st. Colchstr Field Albert, Camden house, Princes I'd. Fisher Rd. Avery villa, Woodgrange
Farmon Mrs. 6 Barnett's terrace, Col- Bnckhurst Hill road., Forest gate 6
worth road, LeytoilStone e Field Henry, 9 Albion terrace, Lancaster Fisher Richard, 3 Forest villas, Forest
Farnell Capt. Thorpe hI.Thorpe-le-Soken, road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Colchester Field Mrs. 308 Romford I'd. Stratford e Fisher Robert, 5 Primrose cottages,
Farquharson Charles,4 Church terrace, Field Sam!. Prospect hall, Walthamstow Lytton road, Leytonstone e
Barking road, Canning town e Fielden Rev. William Sutcliffe Haslam, Fisher Robert Blake, Norman villa,
Farran JOShua, Bangalore villas, Butt Forest Dean, The Drive, Walthamstow Sebert road, Forest gate e
road, Colchester Fielder Alfred, The Shrubbery, Queen's Fisher Samuel, Herberteottage, Cobbold
Farrand Mrs. London road, Maldon road, Brentwood road, Leytonstone e
Farrar Alfred, 7 Idmston. I'd. Forest gte e Fielder Charles Alfred, The Laurels, Fisher Thomas, 3 Gregory villas, Clova
Farrar John, 56 Leyton I'd. Forest gte e Queen's road, Brentwood road, Forest gate, e
Farren WiIliam, Balkerne la. Colchester Fife William, Thornisbank villa, Hainault Fisher Thos. 197 Romford rd. Stratford e
Farrer Rev. Wm. M.A.Belchamp,Sudbury road, Leytonstone Fisher William, I Manor terrace, Sebert
Farrow Mrs. Jas. Hill ho. Chappel,Halstd Finagen William Bernard, Abbey lodge, road, Forest gate e
Farrow William Hastings, Hill house, Abbey road, West Ham e Fisk John, Oxford roadt Manningtree
Chigwell Finch Alexander, 2 Valentine villas, Fisk Mrs. Gaybowers cottage, Danbury,
Faulding Rev. Wm. Francis, Wesley Disraeli road, Stratford e ' Chelmsford
Manse, Southend Finch E.TheYews, Hoe st. Walthamstow Fiteh Charles John Homer, Sible
Faunch George, WiIton villas, Gt. Ilford Finch Henry M.D. 7 North hill, Colchester Hedingham, Halstead
Faunch William, I The Limes, Manor Finch Henry, Rayleigh S.O Fitch Henry, Orchard villas, Hamlet
park, East Ham e I<'inch J osiah, Blue Bell cottage, Chelms- road, Chelmsford
Faust Carl, The Limes, Church end, ford road east, Woodford • Fitch Joseph, 14 Albert road., Braintree
Woodford Finch Mark, 1 The Poplars, Upton lane, Fitch Miss, Ridgwell, Halstead
Faviell Frederick Henry,The Cottage, West Ham e . Fitch Mrs. Epping .
Albion hill, Loughton Finch Miss, High street, Maldon Fitch Mrs. Shalford, Braintree
Fawcett William, Fern villa, Maybank Finch Miss, North street, Romford Fitch Mrs. Thaxted S.O
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Finch Mrs. Artillery street, Colchester Fitch Mrs. Nunn, 44 Duke st. Chelmsford
Fax Mrs. Albert road, Braintree Finch Mrs. Gladstone I'd. Buckhurst hill Fitch Philip Turner, Princes road, Buck-
Fear William, 3 Pleasant terrace, Finch Mrs. Prospect terrace, Chelmsford hurst hill
Murchison road, Leyton Finch Mrs. Rayleigh 8.0 Fitch Samuel Hill, Parsloes, Dagenham,
Fearn Rev. Herbert Matthew B.A. Arkes- Fincham J. Fredk. Trinity st. Colchester Romford
den, Bishop's Stortford Fincham J. Castle ter.Castle I'd. Clchster Fitch S. W. 21 Huxton road, Forest gate
Fearon Augustus, Paris house, Hain- Fincke Henry John, 3 Ellen villas, Fitch Wm. Richmond villas, Walton-on-
ault road, Leytonstonee Grange Park road, Leyton the-Naze S.O
Fearon Charles, Grove house, Sible Fidder William, 6 Saxby villas, Plashet e Fitt Mrs. Oak vil. Queen's road, Barking
Hedingham, Halstead Findlay Jas. 270 Romford rd. Stratford e Fitzgerald John, Woodbine villa, May-
Feather Waiter T. 16 Sutherlaad terrace, Findley Alexander, Rockwardine villa, bank road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Chelmsford Grange Park road, Leyton Fitzgerald Waiter B.A. 24 Cambridge
Feeley W. L. 6 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e Finemore James Harman L.R.o.p.Edin. terrace, Southend
Feetham Robert, Cemetery road, 5 Essex villas, Lea. Bridge I'd. Leyton e Fitz-Maurice Thomas~ Caroline villa,
Saffron Walden Finer Thomas Owen, 4 Windsor road, Mornington road, Leytonstone e
Felgate Robt. Roger, I Joypl. Colchester }i'orest gate e , Fitzpatrick ReV'. Richard M.A. Th~ Par-
Fell Joseph, 37 Idmiston, Forest gate e Finlay Lt.-Col. H. M. B.A. 3 Abbey field, 80nage, Prospect rd. Woodford Wells
Felton Chas. Fern Tit Cres. I'd. Brentwd Colchester Fitz-Patrick Mrs. Great Stomforos, Back
Felton E. GrosvenorPark I'd. Walthmstw Finlay Archibald, 7 Custom H~use ter- street, HrentW'ood
Fenn Rev. Anthony COX B.A. Great race, Lilliput road., Canning town e Fitzpatriclll Samuel, 2 Waddington tel'.
Oakley, Harwich Finlay Mrs. Theydon grange, Theydon Windmill I&. New town, Stratford et
Fenn Rev. Patrick RA.. Rectory, Wrab- Garnon, Epping . . Fladgate Thomas William, Beaufort
ness, Manningtl'ee Finley Mrs. Ivy villa, Clevelal}d road, lodge, Prospect hill, Walthamstow
Fenn Cooper,Good hI. Ardleigh, Colchstr Snaresbrook 6 Flanders Jabez, 21 Linton road, Leyton-
Fenn F.3Globe ter.Forest la. Forest gte e Finney J. Rradford, Bocking, Braintree stone e
Flatt George,3 Grove villas, Nightin- Forrow Alex. Swiss vils. Derbyrd.Wodfd Fox Henry, Low street, Chingford
gale lane, Wanstead tJ Forster Rev. Joseph Bernard M.A. Vicar- Fox Jas. 244 Romford road, Stratford e
Flatt Herbert, 9 Glenwood villas, Leyton age, Manuden, Bishop's Stortford Fox Mrs. 47 Gurney road, Forest gate e
road, Forest gate /!l Forster John, 19 North st. Plaistow /!l Fox Mrs. 7 Primrose terrace, Primrose
Flatt Mrs. 2 Park View viIs. Forest gate e Forster William, East Lenham lodge, road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Fleck Mrs. Barking Side, Ilford Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Fox Mrs. I I Randulph terrace, Spring-
Fleet Edward, Wood house, Wood street, ForsterWilliam, Ivy ho.Shenfld. Brentwd field, Chelmsford
Walthamstow Forsyth Woodford, 328 Romford road, Fox Robert, Hockley, Chelmsford
Fleming James John, 6 Kirkdale road, Stratford e Fox William, The Beeches, Whitehall
Leytonstone e Fort Rev. Richard M.A. Theydon GarnoD, road, Woodford Wells
Fleming John, Chadwellstreet Epping Fox William Robart, Frithmans, George
Fleming Mrs. Moncaster villa, Maybank Fortescue Rev. Arthur Trosse, Riven- lane, Leytonstone e
road, George lane, Leytonstone hall, Witham Foxhall William, 1 Ethell villas, Idmiston
Flemons Mrs. 3 Sion terrace, Western Fortune William, 2 Oxford terrace, road, Forest gate e
road, Romford Birkbeck road, Leytonstone e Foxell Rev. William James B.A. Chnrch
Fletcher Rev. George Henry Ridley Forward FrederickHy.Stainford-le-Hope, house, Chigwell
B.A. Rectory, Sturmere, Halstead Romford Foxon Geo. Granville I'd. Walthamstow
Fletchel' Alexander, 14 Barclay terrace, Forward William John, 4 Glen villas, Foyne William, Dorset villa, King's place,
Barclay road, Leytonstone e Leyton road, Forest gate e Buckhurst hill
Fletcher Fredk. Thomas, Chigwell row Foskett Rt. 2 St.John's tel'. Buckhurst HI Frampton John, 'Z Ada terrace, Lans-
Fletcher George, 2 Westbourne terrace, Foster Rev. Sir Cavendish Hervey bart. downe road, Leytonstone e
Mildmay road, Chelmsford B.A. Rectory, Theydon Garnon,Epping Francis Rev. David Hughes B.A. The
:Fletcher J oseph, 1 The Grange, Grange Foster Major Bryan H. Newport house, Vicarage, Stephenson street, Canning
Park road, Leyton Great Warley, Brentwood town e
Fletcher Mrs. 2 Queen's tel'. Gt. Ilford Foster Rev. John ll.A.,J .P. Rectory, Fox- Francis Rev. James :M.A. Farm Hill house,
Fletcher Thomas Wayland, 1 RusselI earth, Sudbury Waltham abbey
villas, Capel road, Forest gate e Foster Rev. John Charles, 19 Coggeshall Francis Rev. William Adderley M.A.
Fleuty Miss, Witham road, Braintree Rectory, Little Tay, Kelvedon
Flinton William Fountain,. 83 Buxton Foster Rev. John F. Foxearth, Sudbury FrancisAbrahamKershaw,Crouchstreet.
road, Forest gate e Foster Rev. Josiah, Hazel house, Balaam Colchester
Flitton James, I I The Green, Mistley, street, Plaistow e Francis Alfred,EastBay house, Colchester
Manningtree Foster Alfred, London & County bank, Francis Camngton, Tymperleys, Trinity
Float John Charles, Fullbridge, Maldon Saffron Walden street, Colchester
Flockton Marcus, Waterloo crescent, Foster Charles, Chipping Ongat' S.O Francis Charles, Milton villa, Harlow
Ongar road, Brentwood Foster Charles, Kelvedon Franois David, Maida villa, Snake's lane,
Flockyer Rev. Thomas Frederick B.A. Foster George, Hill st. Saffron Walden Woodford green
1 Forest villas, Lea Bridge rd. Leyton Foster Hy.Westst. Coggeshall,Kelvedon Francis Francis Philip, Tymperleys,
FlowersWilliam, Hornchurch, Romford Foster James Thomasin I.P. Pontlands, Trinity street, Colchester
Flude Edwin, !rene cottage, Daisy road, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Francis Jabez, 41 Milton street, Southend
George lane, Leytonstone e Foster Joseph, Market hill, Maldon Francis Miss, Stansted Mountfitchet,
Flude James William, Sunnycroft, Foster Joseph Henry Godwin, Glen- Bishop's Stortford
Chelmsford road east, Woodford thome, Loughton Francis Miss, The Hamlet, Little Cogge-
Foakes Edward Thomas I.P. Westbury Foster Mrs. Albert villas, Maldon Toad, shall,Kelvedon
house, Dunmow S.O Colchester Francis Miss, Tymperleys, Trinity street,
Focknell Edmund, 33 Maryland point, Foster Robert, Belle vue, Land end, Colchester
Stratford e East hill, Colchester l"rancis Mrs. Ballingdon, Sudbury
Folkard James Barvey, High st. Man- Foster Rt.2 Cliff ter.Doverconrt,Harwich Francis Mrs. High st. Brightlingsea S.O
ningtree Foster Stephen John, Stock, Ingatestone Francis Mrs. Hill street, Saffron Walden
Folkard Miss, Mistley, Manningtree Foster Wm. 108 Osborne I'd. Forest gt e FrancisRobert, High st. Brightlingsea S.O
Folkard Mrs. Church st. north, Colchestr Foster William, Pittington house, Leigh, Francis WilIiam, 7 George st. Harwich
Folkard Mrs. H. Dedham S.O Chelmsford Franklin Arthur, Tbaxted S.O
Folliott William, Heath ho.Chadwell hth Fostel'William Henry, 106 Osborne road, Franklin Douglas, Thaxted S.O
Foot George Edmund, Latchett road, Forest gate e Franklin, 4I Victoria terrace,
George lane, Leytonstone e Foster William James, 4 Rose terrace, Dovercourt, Harwich
Foot George Wilkinson, 338 Romford Bowards road, Forest gate e Franklin James, 3 Pleasant terrace,
road, Stratford e Fothergill MajorWm.Billericay, Brentwd Murchison road, Leyton
Foote Alfred,S Laura terrace, Cobden Fothergill Rev. Ernest Henry B.A. Ash- Franklin Miss, Thaxted S.O
road, Leytonstone e ingdon, Chelmsford Franklin Mrs. Thaxted S.O
Foottit William, Pine lodge, ~'hitehall Fothergill Rev. Percival Alfred B.A. Franklin Robert James, 2 Albert '-illas,
road, Woodford Wells F.R.A.S. Rectory, Fambridge (south), Albert road, Forest gate
Forbes Rev. John Gregory MoA.Vicarage, Rochford Franks James Richard, 34 King's Quay
Hatfield, Harlow Fothergill Mrs. Park road, Southend street, Harwich
Ford Rev. James Madden, White Roo- Fountain Robert, 4 Kingston terrace, Franks John Henry, Bedford villa,
things, Dunmow S.O . Crowhurst road, Colchester Fuller's road, Woodford
Ford Henry, Mill house, Chelmsford Fowkes Thomas Dobson, 3 Plimsoll Frankton William, Forest side, Epping
Ford Bwd. Morton cot. Sth. pk. Gt. Ilford terrace, Lansdowne I'd. Leytonstone e Fraser Rev. Canon Duncan M.A. Gilstead
Ford John Holden, Luiton rd. Barking Fowler Rev. Alfred E. B.A. High street, hall, South Weald, Brentwood
Ford John JameB, Park Grove road, Saffron Walden Fraser Rev.WilliamFrancis M.A.Vicarage,
Leytonstone e Fowler Rev. Joseph, Little Waltham, White Notley, Witham
Ford Miss, 8 Provident place, Colchester Chelmsford Fraser Alexander, Devon house, High
Ford Mrs. Grays Thurrock S.O Fowler Rev. Newell Vicary B.A. Vicarage, road, Buckhurst hill
:Fordham Mrs. Laburnum villas, May- Ulting, Maldon Fraser Archibald Henry, Witham
nard road, Walthamstow Fowler Charles J. ~ St. James' villas, Fraser Danl. 3 St. Andrew'srd. Plaistow e
F "rdham Mrs. Springfield villas, Orsett, Woodhouse road, Wanstead e Fraser E6lward, Gothic lodge, Morning-
Romford Fowler GeorgeWilliam,3 Barveyterrace, ton road, Woodford Wells
Foreman A. 14 Toronto I'd. Leytonstone e Harvey road, Leytonstone e Fraser James, 6 Albert terrace, Pem-
Foreshew Frederick H. The Ferns, Her- Fowler Henry, Thornwood house,Orford broke road, Walthamstow
mon hill, Wanstead (I road, Waltbamstow Fraser Jas. Fern vil. Derby I'd. Woodford
Foreshew Mrs. 513 Grove I'd. Wanstead e Fowler Mrs. Glebe lands, Church end, Fraser Jas. 59 Gurney rd. Forest gate e
Forge Jas. Wm. High rd.Leytonstone e Woodford Fraser Jas. 26 Windsor rd. Forest gate it
Forge Wm. Hollybushho. Snaresbrook e Fowler Trevor, Epping Fraser John, Hermon house, Bermon
Forman Joseph Averill, Elm villa, Fowler WiUiam M.P., I.P. Forest house, hill, Wanstead e
Prince's road, Buckhurst Hill Leytonstone el ~ & City of London Fraser Mrs. 12 Belmont villas, ~outhend
Formby Rev. Richard Edward B.A., 1.P. Club, London e.c Fraser Roderick, 2 Winchester street,
Rectory, Latchingdon, Maldon Fowler William HenrY,7 Granville ter- Silvertown (I
Formby Edwd. Highfield ho. Brentwood race, Mildmay road, Chelmsford Free Mrs. 4 Carisbrooke terrace, Hoe
Jl'orrest John, Park villas, Grosvenor Fox Cecil, The Plas, Chingford street, Walthamstow
Park road, Walthamstow Fox George, la Selkirk villas, Chelmsford FreeRobt. TheElms,MistleY,Manningtree
Freeborn Lieut.-Col. William, Park lodge, Fry Alfred Thos. High street, Halstead Gal"dner Lord, Stansted hall, Bishop's
Mistley, Manningtree Fry Chas. Jas. 3 Argyle terrace, Water Stortford; & 46 Dover street w. &
Freeborn James, 37 Manor st. Braintree lane, Stratford Brooks' & White's clubs, London s.w
Freegard John Frederick, 5 Orford villas, Fry Danby Henry, Plashet e Gardner Capt. Ed. 42 e
Orford road, Walthamstow Fry Henry Gordon,Studley Royal,Grove Gardner Christopher, I Fernlea villas,
Freeland Mrs. The Villa, Stanway, Col- road, Woodford Wilmot road, Leyton
chester Fry Joseph J.P. Fair Kytes, Hornchurch, Gardner Frederick Henry, Church
Freeland William Bennett, High street, Romford street, Coggeshall, Kelvedon
Saffron Walden Fry Miss, Plashet e Gardner Matthias, Church street,
FreeloveMarkwell,Benfield cottage, Stan- Fry Mrs. Stenfield, Brentwood Coggeshall, Kelvedon
sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Fry Wm.Storrs,Rosecroft,Snaresbrook, e Gardner Miss, 6 Overton terrace, Am-
FreemanAlfredCrick,Market hill, Maldon Fry In. Thos. High st. Saffron Walden berley road, Leyton
Freeman Charles Edward, Glengall cot- Fryer John, 3 Beulah cottages, North Gardner Mrs. Bridge house, Little
tage, Snake's lane, Woodford Station road, Colchester Coggeshall, Kelvedon
FreemanGeorge,Minniecottage,Vicarage Fuge William Haydon, Bradford street, Gardner Prcy. 4 Bckhrst.HI
road, Leyton Bocking, Braintree Gal"dner SI. 5 Whitehall la. Buckhrst. HI
FreemanJohnCrick,Londonroad,Maldon Fugeman John, 3 The Limes, Manor Gardner Thomas, Oak lea, Whitehall
Freeman Joseph, Albury villa, Lans- park, East Ham e lane, Buekhurst Hill
downe road, Snaresbrook e Fuleher William James, Army villa, Gardom Mrs. 18 Grove rd. Wanstead e
Freeman Joshua Charles, I Cyprus villas, Cecil road, Leytonstone e Garland R.3James ter.Peel rd. Woodford
Buckingham road, Woodford Fulford Miss, 7 St. John's st. Colchester Garland Thomas, 1 Westbourneterrace,
Freeman Mrs. London road, Maldon Fuller Chas. Vine cot. Butt rd.Colchester WeHesley road, Colchester
Freeman Sam1. Up. Dovercourt,Harwich Fuller Geo. 211 Romford rd. Stratford e Garlick Rev. George, Wickford, Battle's
FreemanWilliam,Belgrave villas, Grosve- Fuller J ames, Gt. Bardfield, Braiatree Bridge S.O
nor Park road, Walthamstow Fuller Jas. 22 Hampton rd. Forest gt e Garner William, 63 Hampton road,
Freeman William, 4 Harvey terrace, Fuller Jas. 38 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Forest gate e
Harvey road, Leytonstone e Fuller In. 164 Romford rd. Stratford e Garon Frank, lliord house, Southend
Freemot Hy. 16 Cann Hall rd. Wanstead Fuller Mrs. 4 Idmiston rd. Forest gate e Garrad Misa, Secretaries, Bures Ham-
Freese J. H. M.A. Felsted, Chelmsford Fuller Mrs. John, Kelvedon let, Colchester
Freese Miss, Debden rd. Saffron Walden Fuller Samuel, Mund villa, Maybank Garrad Mrs. Chas. Lexden rd.Colchestef
Freestone George, Fairy Croft road, road, George lane, Leytonstone Garrad William, Brook house, Bures
Saffron Walden , Furniss William, 3 Lorne terrace, Hamlet, Colchester
French Rev. Joseph, La!1t11' Bishop's Grafton.road south, Plaistow e Garrard John, Apsley house, Cambridge
Stortford Furnivai Charles,6 Park vils. Loughton park, Leytonstone e
French Charles, Takeley, Chelmsford Furse Mrs. Forest gate e Garrard Mrs. Aberdour house, Western
French Edward, Milton villa, Queen's Furssedona Chas. I Park rd. Plaistow e road, Romford
road, Brentwood Fytche Lieut.-General Albert C.S.I., ;D.L., Garrard William Baker, 18 North hill,
FrenchJohn,2 Camden villas, Fieldroad, J.P. Pyrgo park, Romford Colchester
Forest gate e Gaee Rev. Frederick Aubert M.A. Bat- Garratt Mrs. Harlow
French Mrs. Grays Thurrock S.O hng, Chelmsford Garratt Samuel, Hoe mills, Woodham
French Mrs. Rose villa, Mill lane, Saffron Gadd Samuel, Minerva villa, Albert WaIter, Maldon
Walden road south, Buckhurst Hill GarrettEdmund,Shrewsbry. ho.Plashet e
French Mrs. Robert, Baddow road, Great Gadsby Mrs. 5 Harvey rd. Leytonstone e Garrett Edward, 2 PaImerston road,
Baddow, Chelmsford Gadsdon' George John, Park villa~ West Ham e
}<'rench Thomas, Hamlet rd. Chelmsford South park, Great Ilford ,: Garrett Henry Newson, Great Baddow,
French William, High street, Maldon Gadsdon Henry, Sylvan villas, Snake's Chelmsford
Frere Mrs. John, Kelvedon lane, Woodfol"d Green Garrod Mrs. 7 Avenue road, Leyton
Freshwater William, 10 Park villas, Gage John, 2 Emily villas, Harrow road, Garstang Mrs.l Gurney rd. Forest gate e
Chadwell Heath Leytonstone e Gaselee Rev. John M.A. Rectory, Little
Fretwell Fred, Oaklands, Bulwer road, Gaicher Charles, Cedar cottage, Snake's Yeldham, Halstead -
Leytonstone e lane, Woodford Green Gatrill Rev. James Matcbam, Westl
Fretwell John, York lodge, Hermon Gale George, The Hall, North Faro- Merses, Colchester
hill, Wanstead e bridge, Maldon Gattrell Mrs. Theydon Garnon, Epping
Freudentheil Gottleib, Lausanne villa, Gale James Theobald, Oplands, Brad- Gatward James, Swiss cottage, Finch-
Hermon hill, Wanstead e well-juxta-Mare, Maldon ingfield, Braintree
Frewer John Edwin,Seaton lodge, Sylvan Galilee Jas. R. Bulwer lrd. Leytonstone e Gavin Adam, Aspen villa, Loughton
road, Snaresbrook e Gall Chas. 3 Maria tel'. Stratford green e Gawler H. L. Chadwell st.Chadwl.Heath
Frewer Robart, Heath lodge, Avenue Gall J.II Mornington vils.Wanstead pk e Gawler Mrs. Atherton rd. Forest gate e
road, Forest gate e Gall Mrs. South street, Colchester Gay Arthur, I Elizabeth terrace, Peel
Frey Arthur Abraham, Albion cottage, GallThomas,4Kymeroad,Hornchurch, road, Woodford
Buckhurst Hill Rornford Gay WaIter, Rose terrace, Greenstead
Froggett Mrs. 1 Wanstead villas, Leyton- Gallaher James, Leytoh green,Leyton road, Colchester
stone road, Stratford e Galloway ArthurWilton, Epping Gayton Thomas Westrope, The Tower,
Frooms Henry, Poplar villa, Woodriff Galpin Richard, Kelvedon. Sewards end, Saffron Walden
road, Leytonstone e Gamble Robt. 10 Osborne rd. Forestgt e Gaywood James, Gt. Baddow,Chelmsfrd
Frost A. J. Woodland ho. Snaresbrook e Gamman Joseph, 7 Claremont road, Geach William Henry, 12 Victoria. ter-
Frost Charles, 6 Globe te~race, Forest Forest gate e race, Dovercourt, Harwich
lane, Forest gate e Gandar James, 2 Lancaster villas, Lan- Geale Alfred, I Fairmount villas, Leyton
Frost Edwin, Beaumont house, Beau- caster road, Leytonstone e road, Leyton
mont road, Leyton Gandar John, Burton villa, Avenue Geary William, 9 Barclay terrace, Bar-
Frost George, Globe house, Barclay road, Forest gate e clay road, Leytonstone e
road, Walthamstow Gandar Mrs. I Borthwich rd. Wanstead e Geddes Christopher, 2 George cottages,
Frost Jas. 68 Leyton road, Forest gate e Garbutt John Lawrence, Rose villa, Barking road, Plaistow e
Frost John Hales, I Alma villas, Prim- Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Gee Wm. Twr. Hmlets. rd.Walthamstow
rose road, George lane, Leytonstone e Garden Misses, Writtle park, Highwood, Geer E. Oporto vIs. Snake's la. Woodford
Frost Miss S. 5 New road, Mistley, Chelmsford Green
Manningtree Gardener Mrs. Mistley house, Mistley, Geere Alfred, The Oaks, Snaresbrook e
Frost Mrs. I Chobham road, New Manningtree Geere Thomas, 59 Broadway,Stratforde
town, Stratford e Gardener William, Romeland, Wal- Geere WaIter, 175 Romfordrd. Strtfrd e
Frost Mrs. Eliza, Walton villas, Cref- tham Abbey Geeves WaIter, MaIden house, Grange
field road, Colchester Gardiner Edward, Hall, Wickham St. Park road, Leyton
Frost Mrs. Maria, 3 Lorne place, Mal- Paul, Halstead Gefferson Frederick Charles, 840sborne
don road, Colchester Gardiner James Spalding, Borley lodge, road, Forest gate e
Frost Richard George, Oakleigh,Western Borley, Sudbury Geggie W. C. Kersey's, Vicrge. I'd. Leytn
road, Romford Gardiner William, 6 Northcote villas, Geldart Rev. Ernest, Rectory, Little
Frost Stephen, 4 Albert villas, Welling- Walthamstow Braxted, Witbam
ton road, Wanstead e Gardner Arthur Henry, 6 Boscombe Gellatly Peter, Longhton
Frost William, Wantz road, Maldon villas, Thornbill road, Leyton Gelley Louis, Theydon Bois, Epping
Gellibrand William Clarke,Albyns,Staple- Gigney William Tholnas, '7 Chestnut Glass Chas. John, 3 Marmion terraee~
ford Abbots, Romford villas, Granville road, Walthamstow Hoe street, Walthamstow
Gently Hy. 66 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Gilbert Rev. Edward Wiles H.A. Vicarage, Glassborow Edwd. Thos. I Rose villas;
Gentry John,"I Crownfield place, Ley... Elmdon, Saffron Walden Grange Park road, Leyton
tonstone road., Stratford e Gilbert Charles. 5 Primrose terrace, Glasscock Mrs. Harlow
Gentry Miss. Prospect place, Collier row, Vicarage road, Leyton Glasspool Amold George.,I Hanover viIs.
Romford Gilbert Josmb, MardenAsh, Ongar S.O. Avenue road, Forest gate e
George Chief Paymaster James, 21 The Gilbert Misses, Old Heath cot. Colchestr Glaysher Wm. 61 Ley Spring road, Ley-
Avenue, Colchester Gilbert Mrs. Cintra villa, Bermon hill, tonstone e
George Charles Joseph, 2 Oak villas, Wanstead e Glen Gray, 18 Wilson road, Southend
Oliver road, Leyton Gilbert Mrs. Linden house, Grays GIencross Thomas,Sidmouth villas, Pal-
George George, Victoria rd. Romford Thurrock S.O merston road, Walthamstow
George Mrs. 6 King's Head st. Harwich Gilbey Edmund, Graham villa, Cleveland GIenny Capt. Samuel,Great field,Ripple-
George Mrs. Melbourne villas, Derby road, Snaresbrook e side, Barking
Toad, Woodford Gilbey Henry Parry, Reed cottage, Stan- Glenny Benjamin Wallis, White house,
George Robert, 4 Thornhill rd. Leyton sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford East street, Barking
George William Weaver, Harold Wood Gilbey Mrs. Melbourne lodge, South Glenny Edwd.Ash viLQueen's rd.Barking
hall, Romford street, Romford Glenny Mrs. 336 Romford rd.Stratford It
Gepp Rev. Edward Fras. H.A., 1.P. Gilbey WaIter, Elsenh~ ball, Bishop'S Glenny Thos Wallis, Linton rd. Barking
Vicarage, High Easter, Chelmsford Stortford Glenny Wm. Wallis l.p.Cecil ho. Barking
Gepp Rev. Nicolas Parker B.A. St. James' Gildawie Misses, 12 Rosindell terrace, Glover Hy. 8 St. Andrew's rd. Plaistow It
rectory, East hill, Colchester Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Glover Richd.. 53 Broadway, Stratford e
Gepp Charles Bramston Osborne, Upper Gilders George, 3 Grove villas, The Glover Robert, The Hall, Wethersfield.
terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford Grove, Stratford It Braintree
Gepp Thomas Morgan, New st.Chelmsfrd Gilders Rhoderick, 16 Hythe hl.Colchestl' Glover Wltr.Kelsalllo.Church rd.Leyton
Gepp WaIter Payne, New st. Chelmsford Gilderson Robt. Cleveland viIs. Gt. Ilford Glover William, Romford rd. Stratford It
Gepp Wm. Alcove villlo,Wantz rd. Maldn Giles Ebenezer,2 Capel villas,Chelmsford Glyn Clayton Wm.Feak I.P. Durrington
Gepp Wm. B. Bank, High st. Chelmsford road west, Woodford house, Sheering, Barlow
Germany James William Arthur, 2 Lilas Gill Ed. In. The Firs, London rd.Brntroo Glynn Wm. Hawthorn ho. East Ham e
villas, Vicarage road, Leyton Gill Jas.Pleione,Hainalt.rd.Leytonstone It Godbehea.r G. Chingford hatch,Chngfrd
Gernat Fran~is, 3 Russell road, Leyton GillardSidneyWright,Hollylodge,Abbey Godber Rev. Wm. A.K.C.L. Vicarage.
Ghenn Thomas, Warwickshirevilla,Cow- road, West Ham e Langley, Bishop's Stortford
ley 1'0ad, Leytonstone t1 Gillespie Rev. Robert Hope, 7 Abbey Godbold Wm.Hy.Highrd.Leytonstone e
Gibb Wm. Brooke house, Snaresbrook e terrace, Barking road, Plaistow e Godbolt Charles, 4 Prospect terrace,
Gibbard William, Linton road, Barking Gillett Cornelius, Marsh st. Walthamstw Crescent road, Brentwood
Gibbens Rev. William B.D. Chignal GillettJohnCornelius,sRosebank,Marsh Goddard Rev. William Henry H.A.
Smealey, Chelmsford street, Walthamstow Rectory, East Mersea, Colchester
Gibberd Rev. John Edward, 2 Eleanor Gillham Alfred, I: Bea.consfield villas, Goddard Edgar, Laburnum villa, Ley-
villas, Maybnk. rd.. Leytonstn It Disraeli road., Stratford It tonstone e
Gibberd Thomas, Rye Mill house, Gilliat Arthur, Hadleigh ho.HadleighS.O Godden Rev. Wm.Worcester M.A. Vicar-
Fooring, Kelvedon Gillies Malcolm, 4 Waddington terrace, age, Elmstead, Colchester
Gibbings W. The Rookery,Prk.pLLeyton Windmill lane, New town, Stratford It Godfrey Chs.Harrow lodge,Hornchurch,
Gibbons George Wm. Manby, I Gains- Gilligan Rev. James, The Presbytery, Romford
boro' villas, Fairlop rd. Leytonstone e Linton road, Barking Godfrey Henry Thos. 40 Hampton road,
GibbonS Harry,Farm hI.Waltham Abbey Gillingham Alfred George, Capworth Forest gate It
Gibbons Richd. Muncaster, Wallwood lodge, Capworth street, Leyton Godfrey John,2 Somerset ter.Lansdowne
road, Leytonstone It Gillingham William, Cedar cottage,Wall- road, Leytonstone e
Gibbons Thos. Down ho. Dunmow S.O wood road, Leytonstone It Godfrey Miss, Ascot villas, Gray road,
Gibbons Thomas, Fir Tree cottage, Gillock Fredk.White Post la. Little Ilford Colchester
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Gillow William, Lilystone hall, Stock, Godfrey Mrs. Warren cottage, Writtle,
Gibbons William, Kent cottage,Morning- Ingatestone Chelmsford
ton road, Leytonstone , Gillson Mrs. Audley house, Thaxted road, Godloo Mrs. Whips cross, Walthamstow
Gibbs Alfred, Moss villa, Maldori Toad, Saffron Walden Godlonton Wm. Belgrave villa, Prince's
Colchester Gilmore John, 8 Chelmer terrace,spring- road, Buckhurst Hill
Gibbs Francis Washbourne, Holly house, field road, Chelmsford Godsell Rev. George X.A. St. Andrew's
New London road, Chelmsford Gilpin Miss, North street, Romford vicarage, St. Andrew's rd. Plaistowe
Gibbs James, 2 Crownfield place, Leyton- Glpin Thos. Rose cot. New two. Harwich Godson Rev. Geo. St. Alban H.A. Mouls-
stone 1'0ad, Stratford e Gilson James, Shrubland rd. Colchester ham vicarage, St.John's rd.Chelmsfrd
Gibbs Wm. A. Gilwell pk. Sewardstone Gilson Miss, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Godwin George James, 4 St. John's viis.
Giblin Miss, Manor cottage, Blackmore, Gilson Misses, 70 Duke st. Chelmsford Buckhurst Hill
Ingateston.e Gilson Samuel Page, 2 Albert cott~ooes, Godwin James, 3 Carlton terrace,Leyton
Gibson Rev. Edward Pendarves B.A.. Roman road, Colchester Godwin John H. Fir bank, Loughton
Stock, Ingatestone Gilson Wm. W.3 Queen's ter. Gt. Ilford Godwin Thomas, IO Station rd. Leyton
GibBon Rev. Henry BoA. Rectory, Fyfield, Gimson Wm. G. H.D. Witham God:win Wm. Edwin, Florence viI. Fair-
Brentwood Gingell James, Wood house, North end, lop road, Leytonstone,
Gibson Rev. Stanley Taylor B.D. Sandon, East Ham It G()ff Richard,Myrtle villas, Maybank rd.
Chelmsford GiBger Wm. Henry, Carlton villas,Wel- George lane, Leytonstone e
Gibson Rev. William RA. Vicarage, Tilty, lesley road, Colchester Goff Robt. 27 Windsor rd. Forest gate e
Chelmsford Ginman George Webster,"" .Alexandra, Gold Charles, The Limes, Birchanger,
Gibson Edmund Birch, Elm grove, villas, Southend Bishop's Stortford
Audley road, Saffron Walden Girdlestone Wm. Myrtle Villas, Hamlet Gold Peter, Amery house, Fillebrook rd.
Gibson Ed. Skroons pk.Roxwll.ChelmBfrd road, Chelmsford Leytonstone e
Gibson Ed. Wm. 3 King's rd. Upton pk e Girling Mrs. Primrose hall, Ramsey, Goldby G. 10 Woodriff rd.Leytonstone e
Gibson GeorgeS.Hillhouse,Highstreet, Harwich Goldby Harry, Clayton villa, Wallwood
Saffron W:llden Girling Samuel James,30 Manbey grove, road, Leytonstone fJ
Gibson Hy.Whiteho.Chipping Ongar S.O Stratford green e Goldby William, II Frances viIs. Queen's
Gibson Jas. 33 Idmiston rd.Forestgtee Gissing John, 86 Chobham road, New road, Walthamstow
Gibson Miss, New road, Brentwood town, Stratford e Golder Edward, Ferryside, Fairlop road,
Gibson Mrs. Chipping Ongar S.O Gladding R,217 Romford rd. Stratford e Leytonstone e
Gibson Philip, Charlton villas, Mildmay Gladding Thomas,.3 Woodgrange place, Goldicutt In. Arbuthnott, Chadwell hth
road, Chelmsford Woodgr'a.nge road, lforest gate, Golding Rev. George Blew H.A.. The
Gibson Robert Taylor, 4 Albany road, GIadwell Hy. 5 Cliff terrace,Dovercourt, Lodge, Manor Park cemetery, East
Lea Bridge road, Leyton Harwich Ham
Gibson William, Warley terTace, Great Glanfield George, The Chestnuts, Hale Golding Hy. '!'hos. Fairview, Chelmsford
Warley, Brentwood end, Woodford, Walthamst.ow road east, Woodford
Gidney Jeremiah William, 200 Romfotd GIaser Albert, Laverstock house, Fille- Goldsmith Mrs. Samarsh, Colchester
road, Stratford. brook road, Leyronstone If Goldsmith WaIter Chas. H-orham hall,
Giffard Stephen, Dunmow 8.0 Glass DonaJd,Epping rd.WaJtham Abbey Thaxted S.O

Goldstone Henry,Leigh, Chelmsford Gopp John,Ive,Combrune villa, Church Graham Charles, Gt. Clacton,Colchester
Golledge Hy. 4 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Hill road, Walthamstow Graham Charles, 2 Laburnum cottages,
Golledge Robert John, 35 Buxton road, Gorbell Jb. Mill ha. Mistley,Manningtree Mayuard road, Walthamstow
Forest gate e Garden William George, 1 Bushwood Graham Francis, 1 Albert villas, Cowley
Gooch Brooks, The Hall, Hornchurch, villas, Mornington road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone tl
Romford Gordon Fraser, Forest lodge, Leyton Graham John, Great Clacton, Colchestr
Gooch Geo. 90 Osborne rd. Forest gate e road, Forest gate e Graham John, 1 Louise villas, Thornhill
Gooch Mrs. Ballingdon, Sudbury Gordon Frederick, Ellerslie, High road, road, Leyton
Gooch Mrs.Earlham vil. Earlhatn grove, Buckhurst hill Graham Miss, Buxton house, Forest,
Forest gate e Gordon John, Theydon Bois. Epping Leytonstone e
Gooch Mrs. Great Sutton, Hornchurch, Gordon William, 1 Lime villas, Derby Graham Mrs. 8 Queen's ter. Gt. IlfoOO
Romford' road, Woodford Graham Mrs. St. Osyth, Colchester
Gooch Sidney Alfred, 1 Woodland villas, Gorton George, Nelson cottage, Grange Graham Thomas, IVictoria villas,Thorn-
Church end, Woodford Park road, Leyton hill road, Leyton
Good Harry Falkner, Sherborne villas, Gorton John George, jun. Ivy cottage, Graham Wm. 115 Romford rd.Stratfrde-
Cowslip rd. George la. Leytonstone e Grange Park road, Leyton Grant C4arles, Percy cottage,Percy road,
Good Henry, Hermitage, Snake's lane, Gorton Robert, 1 Marlboro' terrace, Leytonstone e
Woodford Green Amberley road, Leyton Grant Jas. Dee side, Grove hill, Woodfrd
Good James Thomas, 2 Laburnum vils. Gosling Misses,Bradford street, Bocking, Grant James Brown, Montrose villa,
South park, Great Ilford Braintree Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e
• Good John Lewis, Lewis cot. Alexandra Gosling .Mrs. John, Bradford street, Grant John James, The Common,
road, Walthamstow Bocking, Braintree Upminster, Romford
Good Mrs. Wellington road, Maldon Gosling Oliver, Bradford street, Bocking, Grant Mrs. Carlton house, Southend
Goodhall Hy. Arthur, Fenwick house, Braintree Grant Mrs. 4 Milton villas, Dovercourt,
Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Gosling "Robert J.P. Hassobury,Farnham, Harwich
Gooday Joseph, Kelvedon & Manuden hall, Bishop's Stortford Granville Charles, Church road, Barking
Goodbarne Mrs. Arundel villa, Chelms- Goss Jas. The Cedars, Stratford green e Grapes George Jonathan, Pownall cres-
ford road west, Leytonstone Goss Mrs. Albert road, Braintree cent, Mersea r01.d, Colchester
Goodchild A. Little Waltham,Chelmsfrd GossMrs.High st.Walton-on-the-NazeS.O Grattan Matthew Henry, Ongar house,
Goodchild John Eastly, Prospect Hill Gosset DanielWright, Root's hall,Grittle- Chipping Ongar S.O
lodge, Walthamstow well, Southend . Gravatt Harry James, 6 Camden villas,
Goodchild Josh. Forest view, The Drive, Gough H.High Bridge st.WalthamAbbey Grosvenor Park road, Walthamstow
Walthamstow Gough Mrs. 2 Primrose terrace, Prim- Gravatt Robt.49 Windsor rd.Forest gte e
Goodchild Miss,23Cambridge ter.Sthend rose road, George lane, Leytonstone e Gravatt Thomas, I Ilelgrave villas,
Goodchild Mrs. GreatYeldham,Halstead Gould Chalkley, Brook villa, Loughton Grosvenor Park road, Walthamstow
Goodday Rev. James M.A. Tysea house, Gould Ebenezer, Grove rd.Walthamstow Gravatt Thomas, jun. 6 Belgrave villas,
Stapleford Abbots, RomfoOO GouldF. 10 Knighton vils.Buckhrst.Hill Grosvenor Park road, Walthamstow
Goodday Arthur Robt. J.P. New house, Gould Geo. Trap's Hill farm, Loughton Graveley George, Cyphrenes. viI. Fairlop
Terling, Witham Gould George Sidney, Trap's Hill farm., road, Leytonstone e
Goodday Septimus, Tiptree vil. Witham Loughton Graves Capt. Alex. Hope, High House
Goodday Wm. The Cannons, Layer rd. Gould Geo.Wm.Chigwelllodge,Chigwell farm., Upper Dovercourt, Harwich
Colchester Gould Henry, 2 Mary Ann villas,Lea Graves Rev. Robert Vernon Ottley B.A.
Goode John C. The Grange, Queen's Bridge road, Leyton Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon
road, Brentwood Gould John, lA, Globe terrace, Forest Graves Henry, Osborne st. Colchester
Goode W. 2 Devonshire villas, Morning- lane, Forest gate e Graves Henry, The Cottage, Gt. JUord
ton road, Leytonstone e Gould J n. H. Trap's Hill farm,Loughton Graves Mrs.Eagle 10.Marsh st.Wlthmstw
Goodes Ebenezer Samuel,Ivyside,OrfoOO Gould John Rose,Brook villa, Loughton Gray Albert, Oliver ho. Albert rd.Leytn
road, .Walthamstow Gould Mrs. Colneford hill, Earls Colne, Gray Andrew,Newlin house, Water lane,
Goodey Jas. Fredk.Portland rd. Colchstr Halstead Stratford e
Gooding Rev. Chas. Denham, Burnham, Gould Mrs. 5 Lorne villas, Southend Gray Chas. Lincoln 10.Vicarage rd. Leytn
Maldon Gould Mrs. Trap's Hill house, Loughton Gray Charles Harrison, Goldlay house,
Gooding Mrs. Witham Goult Elijah, 55 & 57 West Ham lane e Baddow road, Chelmsford
Goodlee John Lister, Whips cross, Wal- GoultHenry,I6 Broomfield rd.Chelmsfrd Gray Charles Wing, Perces, Greenstead
thamstow Goult James, SI West Ham lane e green, Halstead
Goodman Rev. Godfrey D.D. Rectory, Gourley William~ 4 Knighton villas, Gray Edward Jas. Endlebury, Chingford
Fairsted, Witham Buckhurst hill Gray Edwin, 6 Prospect rd. Walthamstw
Goodman Alfred Percy, 2 Alexandra vils. Gover HenryFrederick, 4Chestnut villas, Gray G.Suffolk vils. Clova rd. Forest gt e
Southend Granville road, Walthamstow Gray In. 1 Golby vil. Goldsmth.rd.Leytn
Goodman James,1 Woodlands, Queen's Govett Rev. James Lewin, Burnham, Gray John, 41 Osborne rd. Forest gate e
road, Buckb.urst Hill Maldon . Gray John Edwar~ 1 Abbey villas,
Goodman T. 9 Prittlewell sq. Southend Gowar William Henry A. Rose valley, Clova road, Forest gate e
Goodman Wm.4 Grove villas,Stratford e Brentwood . Gray Martin, Avenue road, Brentwood
Goodship Edwin,2 Essex villas,Birkbeck Gower Frederick, 168 High st.Stratford e Gray Mrs. London road, Romford
road, Leytonstone e Gower William Henry Alfred, 1 Myrtle Gray Mrs. 4 Springfield la. Chelmsford
Goodson Wm. L.R.C.P. Edin. 3 Buxton villas, Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Gray Simeon, Argyll villa, Kirkdale
villas, Leytonstone road, Stratford e Gowers Edmund, London road, Maldon road., Leytonstone
Goodwin Rev. HenryAlbert M.A. Rectory, Gowers W. J. Harold wood, Hornchurch, Gray Thomas, Stewart house, Upton
Sambourne, Romford Romford cross, West Ham e
GoodwinBenjamin Paternostr.Esplanade Gowing Frederick William, Mile End Gray Tom Edward, Fern lodge, Leyton-
house, Harwich road, Mile end, Colchester stone road, Stratford e
Goodwin Daniel, Lancaster cottages, Gowing H. J. 3 Taniwha ter.Forest gate e Gray Walter, Pbcenix bouse, New Lon-
Lancaster road, Leytonstone e Gowland Mrs. Laurel yilla, Lansdowne don road, Chelmsford
Goodwin Edward Robert, Cliftcotte, road, Snaresbrook e Gray Wm. Inverkip cot. Snaresbrook e
Oliver road, Leyton Gowland Richard Simmons, 2 Ivy cot- Gray Wm. A. Palmerston rd. Wlthmstw
Goodwin Miss, Esplanade ho. Harwich tages, Burchell road, Leyton Grayson Francis Dorrell, Rayleigh S.O
Goodwin Miss Charlotte, Esplanade Grabham Mrs. Lavenders, Rochford S.O Greatheed Rev. Samuel Stephenson M.A.
house, Harwich Grafton John Christopher, Herbert cot- Rectory, Corringham, Romford
Goodwin Mrs. 3 Westbury ter. Brentwd tage, Grafton road south, Plaistow e Greaves Thomas, 5 Queen's 00. Gt. Ilfrd.
Goodwin Wltr. 5 Barclay rd.Leytonstne e Grafton William Francis, Windmill cot- Gredley Edmund, 1 Gurney villas, Ley-
Goody Charles, South st. Manningtree tage, Grafton road south, Plaistow e tonstone road, Stratford e
Goody Henry, Eastwell house, Lexden Graham Sir Lumley bart. How Hatch, Green ReV". Edward Ko M.A. Rectory,
road, Colchester South Weald, Brentwood Lawford, Manningtree
Goody Hy. SidneY,4 Head st. Colchester Graham Capt. RedrifI cottage, Barking Green Rev. John BoD. Rectory, Little
Goody Mrs. ~ Ventnor villas, Wellesley road, Canning town e Leighs, Chelmsford
road, Colchester Graham Capt. John, 61 Osborne road. Green Rev. Ralph, Marion villa, Victoria
Goold Morgan, 3 Lytton rd. Leytonstn e Forest gate e road, Romford
Goold-Adams Capt. F. M. B.A. South Graham Rev. Arthur EtOllgh B.A. Great Green Rev. William M.A. Little Clacton,
Shoebnry, Southend BromIey, Colchester Colchester
Green Albert, Lime viI. Church I'd. Leytn Gregg Right Rev. Thomas Huband D.D., Groom Samuel Robert l.P. 40 Church
Green Alfred, Barking la. Great Ilford M.D. Park road, Southend street, Harwich
Green Charles, Crepping hall, Wakes Gregory Geo. Shrewsbury I'd. Plashet e Groom William, 40 Church st. Harwich
Colne, Halstead Gregory George Rowland, AmeliI' cot- Groombridge Chas.Theydon Bois,Epping
Green Charles, Great Chesterford S.O tage, Cobden road, Leytonstone tl Grosvenor A. H. Goldsmith road, Leyton
Green Daniel Abbott, Donyland place, Gregory John, Sky peals, Hale end, Grout Mrs. Prospect villa, Prospect hill,
East DonyJand, Colchester Walthamstow Walthamstow
Green Ernest, London I'd. Saffron Waldn Gregson Frederic, Rochford S.O Grove Alfred, Rose cot. Woodford Wells
Green Frederick l.P. Hainault lodge, Gregson Robert, 2 Lorne place, MaIden Grove Mrs. Dynes, Great Baddow,
Chigwell Row road, Colchester Chelmsford
Green Frederick, Lea Mount villa, Gregson Wm. 12 Royal tel'. Southend Grove Misses, Ha~ley cottage, Wellesley
Chelmsford road, East Woodford Greig Major Banks Robinson :a.A. 29 road, Colchester
Green George Sewell, Fernleigh, Pros- Culver street, Colchester Groves George, Mile end, Colchester
pect hill, Walthamstow Greig John, Laura road, Earlham grove, Groves John, Upper Railway street,
ureen Hy. Pants hill, Barking side, llfra Forest gate e Braintree
Green Henry, Spital row, Maldon Greig Peter, I Lincoln villas, Cleveland Groves Mrs. Rayne road, Bocking
Green Henry Egerton l.P. Kingsford, road, Snaresbrook 6 Groves William,4 Camden villas, Gros-
Stanway All Saints. Colchester Gressell Cooil H. Bellevue house, London venor Park road, Walthamstow
Green Henry Wm. The Mall, Wanstead 6 road, Romford Groves W.G.Woodford ho.Woodford gm
Green Hugh, Strood, West Mersea, Col- Gretton Mrs. Upper park, Dedham S.O GrowseMrs. The Red house, Brentwood
chester Grew Thomas, Thomas villa, Northern Grubb Mrs. Sible Hedingham, Halstead
Green John, 9 Park viIs. Chadwell heath road, Plaistow e Grubb Richard Theodore L.B.C.P. Edin.
Green John, South road, Saffron Walden Grey Rev. Frederic Thomas M.A. Little West house, Harlow
Green JohnH. Bradfieldhl. Manningtree heath,Chadwell street,Chadwell Heath Grunbaum Herrmann Albert Otto Emil,
Green Joseph Edwin, Fabians, Great Grey Frederick, 4 Capel terrace, Manor 10 William street, Stratford e
Totham, Witham park, East Ham e Guernsey Jas.7Windsor rd.Forest gate e
Green Joshua, Stansted Mountfitchet, Griffin Alfred, Hillside, Chelmsford road Guest John, 5 Toronto rd.Leytonstone e
Bishop's Stortford east, Woodford Guillaume Frederick,6 Russell rd.Leytn
Green Miss, White house, Factory lane Griffin George L. Rustio lodge, Walton- Guillermo Albin, Hopwood villa, Beach-
east, Halstead' on-the-Naze S.O croft road, Leytonstone e
Green Mrs. 4 Albert place, Chelmsford Griffin George L. Queen st. Colchester Gull Daniel, 20 Roman road, Colchester
Green Mrs. Black Horse la. Walthmstw Griffin Mrs. West, 2 St. Mary's terrace, Gunn Edwin Stephen,3 West st. Harwich
Green Mrs. Colne vHs. Lexden, Colchstr Lexden road, Colchester Gunn Henry,I 8 Manby grocer, Stratford
Green Mrs. S6 Crouch street, Colchester Griffin Mrs. 9 Trinity street, Colchester green e
Green Mrs. 3 Edmund's terrace, Lan- Griffin Thomas John Cornish, Lime Gunn John, 3 Penryn terrace, Victoria
caster road, Leytonstone e cottages, Manor park, East Ham e Toad, Romford
Green Mrs. 2 Sutherland tel'. Chelmgfrd Griffin Wm. Victoria rd. Buckhul'st hill GunnerWm.I7Borthwick rd.Wansteade
Green Mrs. The Terrace, Great Horkes- Griffinhoofe Mrs. Church street, Saffron GunningChas. IGeorgevils. Buckhurst HI
ley, Colchester Walden Gunson Edwd.R. Prspct. hI. Walthmstw
Green Robert Russell, Clifton cottage, Griffith Surgeon-Major CharJesWilliam, Gunter Rev. William B.A., B.N. Little
Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Purfleet, Romford Bampford, Braintree
-Green Samuel, Woodlands, Mornington Griffiths Charles, Woodside, Hermon Gunton William, New road, Grays
road, Woodford Wells hill, Wanstead e Thurrock S.O
-Green Septimus, I Jessamine \"illas, Griffiths Mrs. 18 Wellesley rd.Wanstead tl Guppy William, Marstongate, Queen's
Crescent road, Brentwood Griffiths Chas.Jn. I Eaton vils.Loughton road, Buckhl.l1'st hill
Green Thomai'l Day, London road, Griffiths John, 4 Crowndale place, Ley- Gurdon-Rebow Hector John B.A., D.L.,
Saffron Walden tonstone road, Stratford e l.P. Wivenhoe park, Colchester
Green Wm.Albert I'd. south,Buckhrst. HI Griffiths John, D'Urban house, Stopford Gurly WaIter J. Grange Park rd.Leyton
Green William, 5 Clifton terrace, Church road, Plaistow 6 Gurney Hamilton Brook, 43 Claremont
road, Leyton Griffiths In.Holly ho.Field rd.Forst. gte e road, Forest gate e
Green William Cooper, Elgin lodge, Griffiths Mrs.69 Claremont e Gurr Albert, 8 Abbey terrace, Barking
Chadwell Heath Griffiths Robt.I26 Osborne e road, Plaistow e
Green Wm. Walter, 3 Woodgrange viIs. Griffiths William,Primrose hI.Brentwood GutteridgeEdwin P. High street,Maldon
Daisy road, George la. Leytonstone e Griffiths William, Willifred cottage, Guy Rev. Frederick Barlow D.D. Forest
Greenacre Benj. Ballingdon, Sudbury Margery Park road, Stratford e school, Walthamstow
Greenacre Richd. Ballingdon, Sudbury Griggs Arthur, Bridge street, Halstead Guy Rev. Thomas Edward Barlow M.A.
Greenall Thos. 4 Whitta ter. Little Ilfrd Grigsby Rev. David, Henham, Bishop's Forest school, Walthamstow
Greenaway Daniel, The Old Rectory, Stortford Guy Edwd.Elm cot.Forest,Leytonstone e
Orsett, Romford Grigson Mrs. B Castle Gate st. Harwich Guy James, Park house, Heron gate,
Greenaway Mrs. Orsett, Romford Grimmo Mrs. 2 Myrtle villas, Leyton Brentwood
Greene Rev. Charles Phillip B.A. Vicar- road, Leyton Guy Mrs. South road, Saffron Walden
age, Coggeshall, Kelvedon Grimstead Wm. Hamlet I'd. Chelmsford Guyatt John, :3 Rose Bank villas, Vic-
Green Mrs. Baddow hall, Chelmsford Grimston WaIter Edward, Whitehouse, toria road, Romford
Greene Mrs. Church la. Saffron Walden Bures hamlet, Colchester Gwillim Mrs. 3 Church terrace, Barking
Greenfield George, I Perseverance cot- Grimwade Henry, Head st. Colchester road, Canning town 6
tage, Forest road, Leytonstone 6 Grimwood Geo.A.Shernhall,Walthmstw Gwinn George,7 The Grove, Stratforde
Greenhall Thomas, S Glendower \"illas, Grimwood James, Meadow side, Spring- HabberstyMiss,SirIsaac's walk,Colchstr
Harvey road, Leytonstone e field, Chelmsford Habgood. Charles, 7 Margery Park road,
Greenham Rev. Frederick John M.A. Grimwood John, I Ingram ter.GraysS.O Stratford tl
Holy Trinity vicarage, Halstead Grimwood Mrs. Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Col- Habgood James, 56 North hI. Colchester
Greenhill Mrs. 6 St. George's square, chester Habgood William James, 4 St. Mary's
West Ham e Grimwood Thomas, Lexden, Colchester; terrace, London road, Romford
Greenhill Saml. 7 Queen st. Colchester & at Weeley Hack John, The Cottage, Snaresbrook e
Greenlaw Hy. Tucker, Lime cot. May Grinstead Rev. Charles M.A. The Vicar- Hacker Henry, 4 Burdett terrace,Grange
Bank rd. George lane, Leytonstone tl age, Ingrave road, Brentwood Park road, Leyton
Greenslade Charles John, 19 Albert ter- Grinter Thomas, Belmont villa, Lancas- Hackett William Sheppard, Lansdowne
race.. Cathall road, Leytonstone e ter road, Leytonstone ~ villa, Wallwood road, Leytonstone 6
Greenwood J. Ashby house, Warley's Gripper Joseph, Springfield road,Spring- Hackforth Joseph, Dalkeith villa, Capel
road, Brentwood field, Chelmsford road, Forest gate ~
Greenwood. James M.D. Shrubland villa, Gripper Mrs. Whitehouse,Layer Breton, Hackforth Joseph Purslove, Grange
Vicarage road, Leyton Kelvedon bank, Hoe street, Walthamstow
Greenwood. John Augustus, Castle road, Grogeon Percy, Evergreen cottage, Hackwell William, 8 Ashburton terrace,
Colchester Vicarage road, Leyton High street, Plaistow e
Greenwood Miss, Boistield, Halstead Grogono Walker Atkins L.B.C.P. Edin. Haddon W. Rose cot. Green,Wanstead e
Greenwood. Paul Alexander, 334 Rom- 216 High street, Stratford tl Hadler Rev. Edward Bidney, Thorpe-Ie-
ford road, Stratford e Groom Mrs. Church street, Harwich Boken, Colchester
Greenwood. Wm. Avenue tel'. Southend Groom Richard, Ormon villas, Leyton Hadley lsaac, Tudor house, Hermonhill,
Gregar Wm. I Grove Cresct. rd.Strtfrd e road, Forest gate tl George lane, Leytonstone e


Haeusler Herr Rudolph, Church house, Halstead Mrs. Thaxted S.O Hanson Edward, High street, Maldon
Dedham S.O HaltridgeJohn, Worcesterlodge,Avenue Harborow Edward, 2 Mornington ter-
Hagan A. 54 Hampton I'd. Forest gate e road, Brentwood race, Union road, Leytonstone e
Hagell Rev. Hy. Tiptree heath,Kelvedon Hambidge Wm.Great Warley,Brentwood Harburn William, 9 Barclay terrace,
Hagger Mrs. Great Chesterford S.O Hamblion Mr's. 6 Provident pl.Colchester Barclay road, Leytonstone e
Hagmaier Joseph Louis, Laurel cottage, Hambly Thomas, Bank, Odord road, Harcourt Alfred, East road, West Ham e
Beulah road, Walthamstow Walthamstow Harcourt George, Lincoln cottage, Wel-
Haigh Benjamin, Stanley villa, Lea Hambury Barclay, Freshwell house, met road, Leyton
Bridge road, Leyton Saffron Walden Harcourt Geo. 34 Wellesley rd.Wanstd e
Haigh Edward Henry, Milfield house, Hamilton Capt. Andrew, Gore pit, Harcourt Robert, Park hill, Chingford
Upminster, Romford Feering, Kelvedon Hardcastle Miss Ellen, 1 Shakespeare
Hailes John, Wants road, Maldon Hamilton Rev. George Burton M.A. villas, Hoe street, Walthamstow
Hails Miss, Rose cottage, Dedham S.O Meadow side, Springfield, Chelmsford Harden Hy. 43 Hampton rd.Forest gate e
Haines John, 4 Laura terrace, Cobden Hamilton George, 3 Arlington villas, Hardie Alexander Robert, 30 Ichmiston
road, Leytonstone e Fairlop road, Leytonstone e road, Forest gate e
Hakeman Louis, 2 Bryn villas, Grange Hamilton J. B. 36 Grove I'd. Wanstead e Harding Rev. John M.A. Rectory, Weeley,
Park road, Leyton' Hamilton John, Thornbury villa, Wood Colchester
HakeI' gubert, Carl villa, Hainault road, street, Walthamstow Harding Rev. William M.A. Vicarage,
Leytonstone e Hamilton John Burnett, 34 Maryland Hockley, Chelmsford
Hale Thomas, Diamond villa, Maldon point, Stratford e Harding Charles Frederick, Eden house,
road, Colchester. Hamilton John Hamilton, Ardley lodge, Maybank I'd. George la. Leytonstone e
Hales Francis R. 42 Church st. Harwich Hardley green, Hornchurch, Romford Harding George, I Goldsmith I'd. Leyton
Hales Miss, 12 Wellington I'd. Harwich Hamilton William Thomas,3 Hampton Harding George Summerling, High
Halfpenny Mrs. I Acorn villas, Brent- road, Forest gate e street, Maldon
wood road, Hornchurch, Romford Hammett Edward, I Arthur villas, Harding Hy.T.4 Harveyrd.Leytonstone e
Hall Capt. Thomas Richard, New road, Forest lane, Forest gate e Harding James, 10 Mornington terrace,
Grays Thurrock S.O Hammett Lewis, Dunn cottage, Barkirg Union road, Leytonstone e
Hall Lieut. Edward Corrington R.N. road, Canning town e Harding Richard, 4 Peldon villas,
Brooklyn house, Cliff town, Southend Hammock W. G. Myrtle cot. Great Ilford Vicarage road, Leyton
Hall Rev. Carter M.A. Rp.ctory, Peldon, Hammond Rev.WilliamM.A.Ashdonhall, Harding-Newman Rev. Thomas D.D.
Colchester Cambridge Great Clacton, Colchester
Hall Rev. Edmund M.A. Rectory, Mile Hammond Charles, Market pI. Romford HardingWilliam Woodhouse, 5 Sylvester
end, Colchester Hammond Edwin, Clyde villas, Eastern villas, Boundary road, Walthamstow
Hall Rev. Edward 8tephenson M.A. 7 road, Romford Hardinge Rev.Molyneux SheffieldCramp-
Westbury road, Brentwood Hammond Francis, Pactolius houee, ton Fitzhardinge RA. Vicarage, High-
Hall Alexander, The Oaks, Little Ilford, Palmerston road, West Ham e wood, Chelmsford
Ilford Hammond George, Ernest villa, Morn- Hardman Rev. H. C. Brewer's end, Hat-
Hall Collinson, Ditchleys, South Weald, ington road, Leytonstone e field, Harlow
Brentwood Hammond J. W. 5 Chas. tel'. Little Ilford Hardwich Mrs. White house, Dedham 8.0
Hall Edward, 16 Baddow I'd. Chelmsford Hammond In. Great Warley, Brentwood Hardwick Alfd. 5 Latimer rd.Forest gte e
Hall Edwd. 14 Chesnut viIs. Forest gate e Hammond John, Warley road, South Hardwick Mrs. Museum street, Saffron
Hall Frederick William,.2 Camp yillas, Weald, Brentwood Walden
Military road, Colchester Hammond John George, 6 Windsor ter- Hardwicke Edward Hamshar, Heron
Hall George,4 York villas, Snake's lane, race, Barking road, Canning town I! gate, East Horndon, Brentwood
Woodford Green Hammond John William, Arnsley villas, Hardy Charles, 1 Mornington villas,
Hall Henry, The Pavement, Romford London road, Romford Mornington road, Woodford wells
Hall John, 17 Baddow road, Chelmsford Hammond Jsph. Saml Hill ha. Romford Hardy Chas. Whytes Tyrrells, Buttsbury
Hall John, 73 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e Hammond Joseph Samuel, jun. Oak Hardy Charles Edward, The Limes,
Hall John Henry, Grays, Romford lodge, Western road, Romford Crescent road, Brentwood
Hall John Rodger,The Grove, Stratford e Hammond Miss, .2 Cliff road, Dovercourt, Hardy George, 3 Boscombe villas,
Hall In. Wm. 23 Mildmay rd.Chelmsford Harwich Thornhill road, Leyton
Hall Joshia Walker, 16 Latimer road, Hammond Mrs. I Clifton villas, Percy Hardy George, Clifton vils. Little Ilford
Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e Hardy George Simpson, Ramsey hall,
Hall Miss, Markhouse I'd. Walthamstow Hammond Mrs.3.2St.John's st.CJOlchester Ramsey, Harwich; & Jacques hall,
Hall Mrs. Grays Thurrock S.O Hammond Thos.4 TheAvenue,Colchester Bradfield, Manningtree
Hall Mrs. Holymead house, Mile end, Hammond William Bennett, Travancore Hardy Jas. The Hall, Tendring,Colchstr
Colchester house, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Hardy J n. J sph. 146 High st. Colchester
Hall Mrs. William,The Grove, Stratford e Hampton Hy. 15 Roman I'd. Colchester Hardy Mrs. 57 Chobham road, New-
Hall Nathaniel, 4 Burchell road, Leyton Hanam Robert Charles, Lancaster house, town, Stratford e
Hall Nelson, Church end, Woodford Mildmay road, Chelmsford Hardy Mrs. 9 St. Mary'sterrace west,
Hall Thomas, Great Slamsey, White Hanburg Rev. John Capel M.A. Rectory, Lexden road, Colchester
Notley, Braintree Little Bromley, Manningtree Hardy Mrs. Sidney villa, Sible Heding-
Hall Thomas Hunter, Sutherland lodge, HanburySampson,Langfordpk. Maldon ham, Halstead
Prittlewell, Southend Hance Miss, Spital road, Maldon Hardy WItI'. Oak vil. Crscnt.rd. Brentwd
Hall William Charles,Russell villas, Capel Hancock William, Chipping Ongar 8.0 Hare Major Edward Henry, 2 Abbey
road, Forest gate e Hand Mrs.Albert pI. Coggeshall, Kelvedn field, Colchester
Hall William Edward, 1 Bodfair, Little Hand William Henry, Martha cottage, Hare George, I Granville terrace, Mild-
Chesterford, Saffron Walden Snake's lane, Woodford Green may road, Chelmsford
Hallams Thomas Robert, 44 King's Head Handley David, Wantz road, Maldon Hare George, jun. .2 Swaffham villas,
street, Harwich Handmann Adolph, .2 Lorne villas, Mildmay road, Chelmsford
Halland Rev. John Thomas B.A. The Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e Hare Richard Frederick, 2 Charlton
Parsonage, Witham Handscombe Thomas, Park Grove road, villas, Prince's road, Buekhurst hill
Hallett Cyrus, :r Knighton villas, Buck- Leytonstone e Hare Robert M. Henry, 5 Hamlet ter-
hurst Hill Hanemame Madame,1 Park villas, Chad- race, Baddon road, Chelmsford
Hallett Mrs. 9 Knighton viI. Buckhrst. ID well Heath Hare Thos. 32 Idmiston I'd. Forest gate e
Hallet Wm. 17 Toronto rd.Leytonstone e Hanks James, The Shrubbery, Grove Hargreaves Henry, 177 Romford road,
Hallett William, 4 Woodgrange place, road, Wanstead e Stratford e
Woodgrange road, Forest gate e Hanly Joseph, 2 Priory terrace, Welles- Harley Edward, Church street, Saffron
Halls Charles, Portland road, Colchester ley road, Colchester Walden
Halls Julian Octavius Percy, 20 Suther- Hanna James, South street, Romford Harman James, Halesworth villa, Clac-
land terrace, Baddow road, Chelmsford Hannam Geo. 7 Perey I'd. Leytonstone e ton-on-Sea, Colchester
Halls Mrs. I St. John's terrace, St. John's Hannant Alfred, 5 Arlington villas, Fair- Harman Mrs. 3 Osborn tel'. Little Ilford
road, Chelmsford lop road, Leytonstone e Harman William Thomas, Meyrick
Hallum Thomas George, Grove farm, Hannar Peter, The Poplars, Witham crescent, Mersea road, Colchester
Wormingford, Colchester Hanscomb Rt.202 Romfrd. I'd. Stratford e Harmer Samuel, Hainault house,
Halse Frank, 5 Gurney I'd. Forest gate e Hansford Mrs. I I Osborne rd. Forest gt e Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Halsey William,The Homestead,Prospect Hanslow J ames, Woodford cottage, Harmer Samuel, 4 Holly terrace,Leyton-
road, Woodford Wells Buckingham road, Woodford stone road, Stratford e


Harnor George Miller, Park honse, Harrison Mrs. 86 London rd. Braintree Harwood William Henry, 8 West Stock~
High road, Buckhurst hill Harrison Saml. Grove ho. Forest gate e well street, Colchester
Harnott Thomas Cooper, 22 Toronto Harrison SamI. B. 8 Forest pI. Lytnstn. e Haselden William, 7 Clyde terrace, Ca~
road, Leytonstone e Harrison Smith J".P. Elmhurst, Woodfrd worth street, Leyton
Harper Augustus, 2 Louisenheim villas, Harrison Thos.Birehanger place, Bishop's Haselum Thomas Martin, Carlyle villa
Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Stortford Earlham grove, Forest gate e
Harper Henry George, Lyons, Hainault Harrison Thomas Haynes, Copford hall, HaskeJ' WaIter CeciI, 26 Chobham road,
road, Leytonstone e Colchester New town, Stratford e
Harper Robert, East view, Addison road, Harrison Thomas Henry, 66 Leyton Haskins Sl.Lime viI. Derby I'd. Woodford
Walthamstow road, Forest gate e Haslam Miss, !3 Fitzygram terrace,
Harper 'I'homas Etheridge, Shenfield Harrison Vincent Frederick, Albright Crouch street, Colchester
villas, Brentwood Leigh, Buckhurst Hill HaslarJames, LittleWaltham,ChelmsCrd
Harpley Jas. 94 Buxton I'd. Forest gate e Harrison William, 1 Albert villas, Albert Haslehurst Edward, Fuller's I'd. Woodfrd
Harrap Mrs. Avondale villa, Clova road, road, Forest gate e Haslehurst William Henry, Hillcrest,
Forest gate e Harrison William Thomas, 2 Elm Tree The Drive, Walthamstow
Harrington John, 167 Romford road, villas, Balaam street, Plaistow e . Hasler Fredk. I Ellerslie viIs. Chelmsfrd
Stratford e Harrisson Francis, Earl's Coloe, Halstd Hasler Mrs. Charles, Dunnow S.O
Harrington Mrs. St. Edmund's villa, Harrisson Henry,Colne Ford mill, Earl's Hasler Mrs. William, Dunnow S.O
Park road, Southend Colne, Halstead Haslett Charles, Cambridge I'd. Barking
Harrington Thomas Baker, Meyrick HarrissonJohn Oates,Greatsq.Braintree Hasley Mrs. Milton cottage, Queen's
crescent, Mersea road, Colchester Harrisson Miss, Earl's Colne, Halstead road, Buckhurst Hill
Harris F. A. army surgeon B.A. South Harrisson Mrs. Earl's Come, Halstead Haslip Lewis Christopher, Thornhill
Shoebury, Southend Harrold Jsph.Wansteadhall,Snaresbrk e cottages, Thornhill road, Leyton
Harris Rev. James M.A. Rectory, Pagl~ Harrold William, Eude villas, Victoria Haslop Mrs. Edith viIs. Church rd.Leyton
sham, Rochford S.O road, Homford Haslop Uriah, Stanford-Ie-Hope
Harris .Rev.. James Henry Beresford Harrowell Rev. Thomas B. Rayne road, Hassell William, 7 Granville terrace,
LL.B. Rectory, Runwell, Chelmsford Braintree Caernarvon road, Forest gate e
Harris Alfred, 3 Belgrave terrace, Hart Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage, Takeley, Hasted Rev. Hy. B.A. Pitsea, Chelmsford
Church road, Leyton Chelmsford Hasted William, 98 Romford road,
Harris Alfred, Fairholme, Fairlop road, Hart Chas. 76 Osborne road, Forest gt e Stratford e
Leytonstone e Hart Fredk. 24 Toronto I'd. Leytonstone e Hastings Col. Francis William B.A.
Harris Arthur, Greenash villa, Eastern Hart Henry, Birch, Colchester South Shoebury, Southend
road, Romford Hart Henry, 42 Duke street, Chelmsford Hastings Mrs. Zurich house, Prospect
Harris Booth, Clovelly house, Norwich Hart John Cecil, 205 High st. Stratford e hill, Walthamstow
road, Forest gate e Hart Miss, Epping HastrupTh08.WaIlwood rd.Leytonstone e
Harris Charles Henry Aston, Aston Hart Miss, Rylstone lodge, London road, Hatch Rev. Hy. John M.A. 6 Gloucester
house, Woodford green Maldon terrace, Southend
Harris Charles John, Woodside, Wall- Hart Mrs. Guithavon street, Witham Hatch John, Vale cottage, Princes road,
wood. road, Leytonstone e Hart Mrs. 123 Romford road, Stratford e Buekhurst hill
Harris Ed. Hillside cot. Buckhurst hill Hart Mrs. Sutherland ho. Dunmow S.O Hatch Miss, Holly cot. Copford, Colchstr
Harris Ewd.Myrtlevil. North st. Barking Hart Richard, Stowting villa, Mersea Hatch Wm. Bradwell-juxta-Mare,Maldn
Harris Francis, Heath villa, Ham Frith road, Colchester Hatfield George, Castle road, Colchester
road, Forest gate e Hart Talbot, Hadleigh cot. Hadleigh S.O Hatherill Charles, Copthall green, Wal~
Harris Francis B.A. Nether Priors, Hart WaIter, The Yews, Great Baddow, tham Abbey
Halstead Chelmsford Hatton Robert P. 10 St. Andrew's road,
Harris Capt. James, 56 Osborne road, HartWm.Richmond cot. Woodfordgreen Plaistowe
Forest gate e Hartigan AIlan Stewart B.A. 9 Mildmay Hauxwall Mrs.61 Windsor rd. Forest gt e
Harris Frederick Alfred L.B.C.P. Edin. road, Chelmsford Havens Mrs. Donyland hall, East Dony-
South Shoebury, Southend Hartley Charles, Dunmow S.O land, Colchester
Hams George, n6 Chobham road, New Hartnoll Charles Francis, Oak villa, Havens William Rawdon, Cliff house,
town, Stratford e Hermon hill, George la. Leytonstone e Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
Harris George, Forest viIs. Little mord Hartridge WilIiam Robinson, Albion Havers Arthur, Fryerning, Ingatestone
Hams Geo. Wm. Nether Priors, Halstd hill, Loughton Havers John Cory, Newplace,Upminster,
Harris Henry, Rose cottage, Pilgrims Harvest Perey, 19 Ashbourn terrace, Romford
hatch, South Weald, Brentwood Harrow road, Leytonstone e Havers Mrs. Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Harris Isaac, !3 Belgrave terrace, Roman Harveston William, Avenue cottage, Haward William, Castle road, Colchester
road, Colchester Manbey road, Stratford (J Hawes Colonel George, Holly lodge,
Harris John, Great Burstead, Brentwood Harvey Albert, Eastern road, Romford Lexden, Colchester
Harris Miss, 1: Jamas' cottages, Grange Harvey Alfred, Haveringwell house, Hawes Charles, Belvedere house, Cross
Park road, Leyton Hornchureh, Romford roads, Maldon
Harris, Mrs. n Latimer I'd. Forest gte e Harvey Chas. Eastern road, Romford Hawes John, ~ Beulah cottage, North
Harris Mrs. 3 Mornington terrace,Union Harvey Charles James, Cemetery road, street, Colchester
road, Leytonstone e Saffron Walden Hawes John, East ho. North st. Romford
Harris Thomas, Mary villas, Greenleaf Harvey Edward, Great lodge, Great Hawes John Arthur, Leas house, Cogges-
lane, Walthamstow Bardfield, Braintree hall, Kelvedon
Harris Thos.5 Palmerston rd.Wst.Ham e Harvey Edwin, 14 .Albert terrace, Cathall Hawes Mrs. Oak cottage, Shrub end,
Harris Wm. 49 Buxton I'd. Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e Lexden, Colchester
Harris ·WilIiam James, Lancaster cot- Harvey Fredk.57Hamptn. I'd. Forest gt e Hawes Mrs. Oak cottage, Stanway, All
tages, Lancaster road Leytonstone e Harvey George, 7 Woodstock villas, Saints, Colchester
Harrison Captain Jasper Nicolls. The Sebert road, Forest gate e Hawkes Elijah, Cathall rd. Leytonstone e
Grove, Great Saling, Braintree Harvey James, Oxney green, Writtle, Hawkes Miss, Wellington road, Maldon
Harrison Rev. Canon William M.A. Chelmsford Hawkes SI. M.D. 28 Grove I'd. Wanstd e
Rectory, Birch, Colchester Harvey John, Mistley, Manningtree Hawkins Lieut.-Col. Septimus M. I.P.
• Harrison Alfred, Forest cottage, Little HarveyJsph.Jn.15Hamptn.rd.1"orestgt e AlresCord hall, Colchester
heath Chadwell sj;. Chadwell Heath Harvey Mrs. Dunnow S.O Hawkins Rev. Bradford Denne M.A.
Harrison Charles Richard, Nuremberg Harvey Mrs. 8 Junction road, Brentwood Rectory, Rivenhall, Witbam
villa, Derby road, Woodford Harvey Mrs. Pembroke rd. Walthamstow Hawkins ehas. 55 Leyton I'd. Forest gt e
Hamson Edwin, Bellevue cottage, Hale Harvey Samuel, Barnfield house, MistIey, Hawkins Charles Henry I.P. Maitland
end, Walthamstow Manningtree house, Colchester
Harrison James, Mary villa, Idmiston HarveySaml.Smith, High st.Manningtree Hawkins Frederick, 1: Valentine villas,
road, Forest gate e Harvey William, Rainham ferry, Rain- Disraeli road, Stratford e
Harrison In. 23 Bank street, Braintree ham, Romford Hawkins Henry, Burnham, Maldon
Harrison Joseph James, Cambridge vil. Harvey William, Robert's villas, Princes Hawkins John James, Cupola house,
Greenleaf lane, Walthamstow road, Buckhurst hill Bumham, Maldon
Harrison Matthew, l2 Grange Park road, Harwood Alfred Charles,9 Glen villas, Hawkins Mrs. 10 Leyton terrace, Leyton
Leyton Leyton road, Forest gate e . road, Forest gate e
Harrison Mrs. I Palmerston road, West Harwood Henry', 3 AIbert terrace, Hawkins William, 3 Elm villas, Hainault
Ham e Cathall road, Leytonstone f road, Leytonstone If

Hawkins Mrs. .Alresford hall, Colchester Heame Wm. 8 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Henry Rev. Frank, Kelvedon
Hawkins William Henry, 14 Ashbourn Heasman Francis,2 Grange Park villas, Henry Rev. Henry Jones M.A. Rectory,
terrace, Harrow road, Leytonstone (1 Church road, Leyton Little Warley, Brentwood
Hawkins William John, ,15 Buxton rd. Heath Hy. 31 Osbome I'd. Forest gate e Henry Arthur Wellesley, Inchcomb,
Forest gate e Heath James,6 Park cottages, Grosvenor Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Haws John, I Long view, Manor park, Park road, Walthamstow Henshaw Edmund, 2 Woodstock villas,
East Ham e Heath Thomas, High Laver, Ongar Forest lane, Forest gate e
Hawthorn William, The Laurels, Epping Heathcote Robert Boothby, Friday hill, Henslowe Capt. Spencer, J; Queen street,
Hay William, Edmund villa, Hainault Chingford Colchester
road, Leytonstone e Heathfield Ernest Silverdale, Snake's Henson Rev. Francis B.A,. Theydon
HayWm. 5 Grove Crescent rd. Stratford e lane, Woodford Green Garnon, Epping
Haycock Charles Frederick, Durham Heatley Rev. Hy. Davis M ..\. Rectory, Henty Robert, Nazing park, Nazing,
villa, Grange Park road, Leyton Ingrave, Brentwood Waltham Cross
Hayden Mrs. High st. Saffron Walden Hebden Frederick, The Cradle house, Henwood Edward Augustus, Home
Hayden William, Newlands, Widding- Markshall, Kelvedon . lane, Woodford Green
ton, Bishop's Stortford. Hebert .Tames Dean,Alma villas, Snake's Hepburn Thomas, 22 Chobham road,
Haydon Hy. I Hainault terrace, Hain- lane, Woodford , . New town, Stratford e
ault road, Leytonstone e Heckford Capt. Nathaniel, Martaban Hepworth Alfred George, ~ Clint house,
Hayes Rev. Henry T.A..K.C.L. Vicarage, villa, Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
Canvey Island, Chelmsford. Heckford Mrs. Stanford rivers, Romford Hepworth WaIter, 3 Maria street, New
.Hayes A. B.A. Felsted, Chelmsford Heckford Samuel, Princess. street, town, Harwich
Hayes Henry, Myrtle cottage, Morning- Colchester Heraud Claudius William, Maglona
ton road, Leytonstone e Hedge Charles Edward, North Hill villa, Derby road, Woodford
Hayes John, IS Ashbourn terrace, brewery, Colchester Herbert Rev. Thos. Wm. M.A. Southend
Harrow road, Leytonstone e Hedge Mrs. Greenstead I'd. Colchester Herbert Joseph, 37 Chobham road,
Hayes Thomas Market hill, Maldon Hedges Francis Robert Whitcombe, 12 New town, Stratford e .
Haynes William Samuel, High Lea, Windsor road, Forest gate e Herbert Mrs.54 Claremont rd.Forest gt e
Wallwood road, Leytonstone e Hedgley Mrs. Delameres, Bradwell- Herbert Mrs. Great Chesterford S.O
Hayhoe George William, 18 Albert ter. juxta-Mare, Maldon Herbert Mrs. 6 Station road, L!lyton
Cathall road, Leytonstone e Hedington Joseph, 8 Market place, Herbert Samuel, Leicester villa, Claren-
Haylett Mrs. 7 Station road, Harwich Leytonstone road, Stratford e don road, Walthamstow
Haylock Mrs. 2 Audley terrace, Saffron Hedley J oseph, 42 Victoria. terrace, Herbert Thomas, Rose villa, Dymoke
Walden Dovercourt, Harwich road, Hornchurch, Romford
Hayman Philip Charles, Devonshire Heelas James M.D. Leigh, Chelmsford Herbert Wm.Church st.Bocking,Braintre
lodge, The Drive, Wlllthamstow Heisch Percy Frederick, Wellesley Herman A. Hugh, South pk. Gt. lliord
Bayman Sidney Arthur L.R.e.p. Lond. lodge, Cambridge park, Wanstead e Hernaman Samuel John, J; Park.. road,
Epping Heley Mrs. Chipping hill, Witham Hythe hill, Colchester
Rayne Rev. Leighton George MUB. Doe. Hellen Miss, Priory lodge, Wellesley Herring Claude, Field house, Field road,
Rectory, Bradfield, Manningtree road, Colchester Forest gate e
Rayne l"rederick, St. Thomas' hill, Hellen Thomas, South Hanningfield, Herschell Mrs. Ridley, Leigh, Chelmsfrd
Hrentwood Chelmsford Hersom Sam!. 46 Buxton rd.Forest gate e
Hayne George, 8 Cliff Park villas, Park Hellmund Franz, Percy house, Percy Hertslet Mrs. 43 New street, Braintree
road, Southend road, Leytonstone e Heseltine Evelyn, The Goldings, Great
Haynes Henry Shekell, The Billett, Helme Edward Thomas, The Lodge, WarIey, Brentwood
Hornchurch, Romford Hornchurch, Romford Heseltine George Hippolyte, Stanley
Haynes Sydney, Stansted, Mount- Helmore William Reynolds, I New lodge, Bedford road, Snaresbrooke e
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford villas, Woodgrange rd. Forest gate e Hesse Frederick, Marie villa, Church Hill
Hayton Robert, Woodbine cottage, Helps James, 22 Crouch st. Colchester road, Walthamstow
Chelmsford road east, Woodford Helps William, 22 Buckingham road, Hesse Thos. Copeland rd. Walthamstow
Hayward Capt. Philip Martin, Hainault Forest gate e Hester Hy.Ann vil.Shaftesbury rd.Rmfrd
road, Chigwell Row Helsdon GeOl"ge, Main road, Harwich Hetherington Thomas, 10 Holly terrace,
Hayward Rev. Thomas, Rochford S.O Hemman Frederick William, St. John's Leytonstone road, Stratford e
Hayward Geo. 5 King's rd. Upton park e college, Southend Hett Isaac, 7 Drayton terrace, Drayton
Hayward George, 2 Stanhope villas, HemmanIi John Rudolph M.A. St. road, Leytonstone e
Hirkbeck road, Leytonstone e John's college, Southend Henbeck Frederick Emmanuel, 8 Leo
Hayward George Anstice, Lexden, Hemming Rev. William Spence M.A. terrace, Barking road, Plaistowe
Colchester Rectory, Rayne, Braintree Heward Barclay, Fern hill, Haggar lane,
Hayward Hy. Winnock, 5 Head street, Hempleman Fredk. Seaborne, Cleveland Walthamstow
Colchester lodge, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Hewes Thos. 246 Romford rd. Stratford e
Hayward John, Hill side, Upminster, Hempson Amis, Hill house, Ramsey, Hewett Edward, Rugby villa, Birkbeck
ltomford Harwich road, Leytonstone e
Hayward Miss, Castle Hedingham, Hempson Mrs. Bradfield lodge, Brad- Hewett George, Tamar cottage, Lytton
Halstead field, Manningtree road, Leytonstone e
Hayward Miss, Lexden cottage, Lexden, Hemsley J ames, Ivy Hill cottage, Mar- Hewett Rbt. Roden Idge.North st.Barkng
Colchester garetting,lngatestone Hewett WaIter, Headington villa, Mom-
Hayward Thomas, J; Rockmead villas, Hemsted Henry Kimmings, Ridwell, ington road, Leytonstone e
Woodriff road, Leytonstone e Halstead Hewitt 'rhomas, Lime cottages, Manor
Hayzeldon Frederick, Norton villa, Hemsworth William, St. John's villas, park, East Ham e
.Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Cliff town, Southend Hey Mrs. 4 Trinity terrace, Springfield,
Hazell William, SI Chobham road, New Henderson Arthur, Shrublands, Wyatt's Chelmsford
town, Stratford e lane, Walthamstow Heygate Rev. William Edward M.A.
Hazlehurst 'Yilliam, Rose cottage, Henderson John, I Aylesbury villas, Grovefield house, Southend
Chingford Grange Park road, Leyton Heygate James, 8 &9 Yorkpl. Southend
Hazleton William, J; Russell rd. Leyton Henderson John Brodie, Sewardstone Heywood Hy. Greenwoods, Buttsbury,
Heagerty William Browne, 4 Albion street, Waltham Abbey Ingatestone
villas, Wilmot roa.d, Leyton Henderson Mrs. 2 Church terrace, Bark- Heywood Mrs. Stock cottage, Buttsbury,
Heard Darrant, North street, Romford ing road, Canning town e Ingatestone .
Heard John, Forest villas, Little lliord Henderson Mrs. 3 Granville terrace, Hibell Joseph, Sunnyside villas, Mark·
.Hearle Mrs. Trinity cottage, Beverley Mildmay toad, Cbelmsford house road, Walthamstow
road, Colchester Henderson 'l:homas Mowbray H.D. 172 Hickey Rev. David, 5 Widdecombe ter-
Hearn Rev. Thomas John M.A.Rectory, The Grove, Stratford e race, Barkingroad,Canningtowne
Boxwell, Chelmsford Hendry J n. 68 Hampton rd. Forest gt e Hickman Hy.Elizabeth vil.Sevrardstone ~
Hearn George, Holmcroft, Chelmsford Henniker Sir Brydges Powell hart. D.L., Hickman John Hy. York hill, Loughton
road west, Woodford J.P. Newton hall, Dunmow S.O Hickman Mos. J.Gt. Baddow,Chelmsford
Heam J ames, Grays, Sible Hedingham, Henley William 'rhomas, Chesterton Hickman Napoleon J oseph, York hill,
Halstead house, Balaam street, Plaistow , Loughton
Heam Robert, Belchamp Otten hall, Hennemeyer Emil, Adelaide villas, Hicks Herbert Timperley, The Hall,
Sudbury • Victoria road, Colchester Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon

Hicks Charles,FelstOO. Bury, Felsted 8.0 Bilton John Edwin, Drayton house, Bodge Richard, 4 New villas, Wood-
Hicks George, London road, Maldon Drayton road, Leytonstone e grange road, Forest gate e
Hicks Hy. Springfield mill, Chelmsford Hilton Robert Ryther PoppleweU, The Hodge Samuel William, Devon villa,.
Hicks James Lyenn, 4 Lome villas, Lodge, Woodham Mortimer, Maldon Queen's road, Buckhmst Hill
Buckingham road, Woodford Hime Major F.South Shoebury,Southend Hodge William Rundell, Magdala house~
Hicks Miss, Coggeshall road, Braintree Hince Albert, 2 Woodville road, Leyton- Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
Hicks Mrs. Wantz road, Maldon stone e Bodges James, 1 Denmark terrace, Car-
Hicks Thomas, Stansted Mountfitchet, Hind Andrew Paris, Linton I'd. Barking narvon road, Woodford
Bishop's Stortford Hinds James M.B. High street, Halstead Hodges Jas. 15 Manbey gro. Strtfrd. gn t
Hickson William John, The Ferns, Capel Bine Alfred Leonard, Eppingdale, Bodges Miss, 37 New Lond. I'd. Chlmsfrd
road, Forest gate tJ Leytonstone road, Stratford e Hodges Thomas,2 Queen's terrace, Prim-
Higdon Richard, Chigwell rd. Chigwell Hines Charles, 5 Kent terrace, Victoria rose road, George lane, Leytonstone ~
Higgens O. E. M.A. Felsted, Chelmsford road, West Ham e Rodson Charles M. Harlow
Higgini Thomas Baker, 6 Denmark Hinton Alfred, Hill side, Prospect hill, Hodson Edward, Sydney villas, Brent-
terrace, Harvey road, Leytonstone e Walthamstow wood road, Romford
Higgins Wm. 2 Amberley road, Leyton Hipsey Solomon, St. Clement's villas, Hodson Thomas, Fryerning, Ingatestone
Higgs George Frederick, The Hollies, Leigh, Chelmsford lloffman Adolph, 7 Barnett's terrace,.
Cleveland road, Snaresbrook Hipsley John Henry, 2 Lome villas, Colworth road, Leytonstone e
Higham Jas. East avenue, Walthamstow Buckingham road, Woodford Hogarth Waiter Henry, The Laurel~
Higham John, Daisy bank, Prospect hill, Hirst Frederick Hotham, Great Ropers, Chadwell Heath
Walthamstow South Weald, Brentwood Hogben Stephen, 1 Southsea villas, Lati-
Bilberry F. The Laurels, Cambridge Hirst John, Prospect terrace, Springfield, mer road, Forest gate tJ
park, Wanstead tJ Chelmsford Hogg Wm. Hy. Hope villa, Snaresbrook t
Hilditch R. 46 Hampton I'd. Forest gt tJ Hiscock Mrs. 2 Linden villast Bedford Holden Rev. Philip Melancthon Th. A.L.
Hill Captain, Higham lodge, Woodford road, Snaresbrook e C.L. Rectory, Upminster, Romford
side, Walthamstow Hitch Alex. Swiss cottage, Loughton Holden Josiah Elliott, Albert road,.
Hill Capt. Augustus It.M.A. Higham Hitchcock Rev. Canon WilliamMaunder Forest gate e
lodge, Woodford Green M.A. Vicarage, North street, Romford Rolder William, 2 St. James' terrace~
Hill Rev. Canon Edward M.A. Rectory, Hitchcock Geo. Samuel, Mount cottage, Pell road, Woodford
Sheering, Harlow Widford, Chelmsford Holdsworth Cyril, 7 Ham terrace, West
Hill Rev. B.G.Pembrke. rd.Walthamstow Hitchcock John Bloomfield, 40 North Ham lane e
Hill Rev. Edward Jas. M.A., .T.P. Rectory, hill, Colchester Holdsworth John, Oamaru, Wallwood
Panfield, Braintree Hitchcock Joseph, 46 Manbey grove, road, Leytonstone e
Hill Rev. Canon Richard Humphrey Stratford green e Holdsworth Mrs. Blaendool villas, Lea
D.C.L. Stanway, Colchester Hitchcock Mrs. Bay lodge, Danbury, Bridge road, Leyton
Hill Christopher, The Elms, Wanstead tJ Chelmsford Holdsworth William, Deanery house,.
Hill Daniel, 40 Head street, Colchester Hitchcock Wm. The Limes, Grove road, Stratford green e
Hill Edward, Lindhurst villa, Howard's Chelmsford Holdsworth William, 104 Osborne road,.
road, Forest gate e Hitchin Jas. Newrd.Grays ThurrockS.O Forest gate e
Hill Edwd. 12 Woodriffrd.Leytonstone tJ Hitchin Mrs.Olivers,Stanway, .All Saints, Holdup Charles, 6 Wallwood. terrace~
Hill F. C. Gwynne lodge, Snaresbrook e Colchester Wallwood road, Leytonstone e
Bill Francis C. Wanstead pk. Wanstead e Hoare Charles, Sefton villa, Cleveland Holdway Th08. 102 Romford rd. Strtfrd e:
Hill George, Forest villa, Grove road road, Snaresbrook e Holford Thomas Constantine, 342 High
Leytonstone tJ Hoare Edward, Rosebank, South West street, Stratford e
Hill Jeremiah, Fernleigh, WarIey road, road, Leytonstone e Holgate Thomas, Stansted Mountfitchet,.
Brentwood Hoare William Webster, 19 St. John's Bishop's Stortford
Hill John, 1 Homely villas, Lansdowne street, Colchester Holgate Wyndham, Springfield house,.
road, Snaresbrook e Hoatson Rev. John, 4 Fairmount villas, Chelmsford .
Hill In. Victor, 23 Vicarage la. Stratford tJ Leyton road, Leyton Hollamby James Charles, Margery Park
Hill John William, 1 St. Thomas' villas, Hobbs Edward, Murton villa, Chelms- road, Stratford tJ
Maybank I'd. George la. Leytonstone tJ ford road west, Woodford Holland James Forster, 4 Forest villas,.
Hill Joseph John, Ivy house, Marsh Hobbs Henry, Boxted lodge, Boxted, Manor park, East Ham e
street, Walthamstow Colchester Holland In. Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Hill Miss, 2 Elizabeth villas, George lane, Hobhs Henry, 4 Glenwood villas, Leyton Holland Mrs.Gastons,Little Hallingbury,.
Leytonstone e road, Forest gate tJ Bishop's Stortford
Hill :Mrs. Culver house, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Hobbs Hy. 7 Taniwha ter. Forest gate e Holland Mrs. 230 Romford I'd. Strtfrd...
Colchester Hobbs Henry, jun. Ivy place, Braintree Holland William, EtIoe cottage, Church
Hill Mrs. Elm vil. Warley rd. Brentwood Hobbs Henry Richard, 16 Idmiston road, road, Leyton
Hil: Rowland Henry, 2 Elizabeth villas, Forest gate e Hollaway Henry, 3 St. Leonard's terrace,.
Lea Bridge road, Leyton Hobbs Miss, Bradford street, Booking Maldon road, Colchester
Hill Thos. Oakfield lodge, WarIey road, Braintree Holliday James, Sherwood cottages, Vic-
Brentwood. Hobbs Richard, 2 Hainault villas, Hain- toria road, George lane,Leytonstone eo
Hill Thomas B. Thornhill road, Leyton auIt road, Leytonstone e Holliday Thomas William, 2 Plaistow
Hilleary Frederic Edward M.A.., M.L. Bleak Hobbs William, Ingleside, Lansdowne grove, West Ham e
house, Stratford green tJ road, Snaresbrook tJ Rollies Rev. David Samuel, Little Bad-
Hilleary Gustavus Edward, 187 Romford Hobling Rev. William Burnard, Cam- dow, Chelmsford
road, Stratford e bridge road, Barking Hollingsworth Henry Joseph, 3 Cowley-
Hillersdon Rev. Frederick Harcourt M.A.. Hobson Arthur, Queen's road, Gt.llford villas, Cowley road, Leytonstone e
Heydon, Royston Hobson Isaiah, Epping villa, Epping Hollingsworth Wm. Thomas, 56 Romforn.
Hilliar William, Carlton place, Roman Hobson James, 2 Eastern villas, Eastern road, Stratford e
road, Colchester road, Romford Hollington George, Loudon house, Her-
Hilliard George Bridge, Oxop.y house, Hockey HY.24 Clarence rd.Leytonstone e mon hill, Leytonstone e
Writtle, Chelmsford Hocking Mrs. 5 Tregenna terrace, Vic- Hollis Samuel, Dorset house, New road,.
Hilliard H.J.Grosvnr.Pk.rd.Walthamstw toria road, Romford MistIey, Manningtree
Hills Arthur, 2 Woodbine tel'. Romford Hockley Edward, Sandon lodge, Chigwell Hollock William, 12 Moultrie terrace,.
Hill Henry F. Chalkney house, White Hockley George Arthur, 12 Mildmay Cowslip I'd. George lane,Leytonstone (J
Colne, Halstead' road, Chelmsford Holloday Henry Benjamin, Cleveland.
Hills Horace, Walpole house, The Ter- Hockley Miss, Thaxted S.O villa, Whitehall road, Woodford Wells-
race, Plaistow e Hockley Miss Caroline,Sakeley, Chlmsfrd Holloway Alfred, 2 Buckingham villaSp
Hills John, 8 George street, Harwich Hockley Mrs. Rose villa, High Easter, Buckingham road, Woodford
HillsMrs.Green frm.EarlsColne,Halstead Chelmsford Holloway Chas. Cann Hall rd. Wanstea<i
HillsMrs.Myrtlecot.Earls Colne,Halstead Hockley Mrs. Thaxted 8.0 HoUoway Frank Hannah villas, Eastern.
Hills William, 4 Eltoe terrace, Carlisle Hockley William Charles Bartholomew, road, Romford
road, Leyton Sunnyside, Capworth street, Leyton Holloway In. 12 Idmiston, Forest gate t
Hillyard Rev.Chas.8onth st.Manningtree Hodge Alfred, 2 Clifton villas, New road, Holloway Mrs.22 Manbey gr.Strtfrd. go e
Hilsden Joseph, Priory street, Colchester Grays, Romford Holloway William C.8.I. Southside,
Hilton Arthur GeoJ'ge D. The Lodge, Bodge .Alfred, Fairview, Fuller's road, Church end, Woodford; E. I. UnitNl
Woodham Mortimer, Maldon Woodford Service &; Empire clubs, London B.W
Holloway Thomas Renry, The Caprons, Hooper Miss,Charlton cots. Woodford gn RousdenHrbrt.Thaxted rd.Saffm.Waldn
Hutton, Brentwood Hooper Mrs. Fairfield, Woodford Wells House Josph. 4 Borthwick rd. Wanstead
Holman Robt. I Latimer rd. Forest gt e Hopcraft Thomas, The Grange, Sylvan Houston John, 5 Agnes terrace, Lan-
Holmden Alfred, 10 Margery Park road, road, Snaresbrook e caster road, Leytonstone e
Stratford tJ Hope Joseph, I Camp lodge, Military Houselander Henry, Lavington villa,
Holmes Basil, 3 Holly villas, Cambridge road, Colchester Hainault road. Leytonstone tJ
park, Leytonstone e Hope Mrs. Havering grange, Havering- How Charles, 2 Mansell cottages, Forest
Rolmes Benjamin, Brewery house, Hom- atte-Bower, Romford road, Leytonstone tJ •
church, Romford Hopkins Mrs. 6 Hawthorn ter. Barking How Miss, 2 Rock villas, Maynard road,
Holmes Edward, Bocking end, Bocking, Hopper Edwin, 3 Chester terrace, Pelly Walthamstow
Braintree road, Plaistow e Howard Captain Daniel, Station house,
Rolmes Francis, Maud villa, Disraeli rd. Hoppett George, 4 Clarence road, Ley- Harwich
Stratford tJ tonstone e Howard Col. Samuel Lloyd l.P. Gold-'
Holmes Geo. Edwd. 7 Burchell rd. Leyton Hopwood J ames, 122 Chobham road, ing's, Loughton
Holmes Henry, Grey towers, Langton New town, Stratford e Howard Surgeon-Major Frank M.D.
park, Hornchurch, Romford Hopwood Joseph, East Stockwell street, Mersea road, Colchester
Holmes James, North Weald, Epping Colchester Howard Capt.DJ.Railway statn. Harwicb
Holmes Miss, Museum st. Saffron Wldn Hopwood Joseph Cook, Surrey villa, Howard Capt. William, 3 St. Mary's
Holmes Richard Messer, The Gravel, Lexden road, Colchester ter. west, Lexden road, Colchester
Coggeshall, Kelvedon Hopwood Thomas, 6 Ashburnham ter. Howard D. Rectory manor, Walthamstw
Holmes Richard Bird, The Hamlet, Cog- Southchurch, Southend Howard Danl. 36 Church st. Harwich
geshall, Kelvedon Hopwood William, I Perseverance ter. Howard Edward,The Hollies, Cambridge
Holmes Wltr. Wm. St. John's st.Colchstr Goldsmith road, Leytou road, Colchester
Holmes William Miller, Forest villa, Horlock Mrs. Essex house, Barking Howard George,3 Bodfair,Little Chester-
Forest side, Chingford road, Canning town e ford, Saffron Walden
Holms Thomas, Harrington villa, Gran- Horn Charles, I St. George's villas, The Howard Jas. Sion viI. Prittlewell, Sthend
ville road, Walthamstow Terrace, Plaistow e Howard Jas. Princes rd. Buckhurst Hill
Bolroyd Major Tyssen, Donyland lodge, Horn James, 5 Essex villas, Birkbeck Howard John Thomas, North st. MaIdon
East Donyland, Colchester road, Leytonstone e Howard Miss, The Nook, Fryerning,
Holsworth W.J.3 Grang. ter. Strtfrd. gn e Horn Jas. Geo.Woodbineho. Leytnstne e Ingatestone
Holt In. Vine cott. Priory rd. Plashett tJ Homblow Alfred William, 9 Bamett's Howard Mrs. Cromwell villa, Maldou
Holt J. D. B.A. Forest schl. Walthamstow terrace, Colw.orth road, Leytonstone e Howard Mrs. I Queen's terrace, Fern~
Holt Peter Henry, Alfred house, Fara- Homcastle Arthur, Grays S.O dale road, Leytonstone e
day road, Leyton Home Henry William, Fern villa, Howard Thomas, Loughton
Holt Walter,North street, Barking Mornington road, Leytonstone e Howard WaIter, Esk villa, Hainault
Holtermann Wm.30 tJ Homer Emil, St. Hildas, Fairlop road, road, Leytonstone e
Holwell Abraham,I Milton villas, Princes Leytonstone e Howard Wm. 55 Crouch st. Colchester
road, Buckhurst Hill Horner Geo. Marchant, Pioneer lodge, Howard William Waddington, May villa,
Holwell Edward John, Queen's villa, Church road, Leyton' Church Hill road, Walthamstow
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Horner Wm. Sims, Fern hI. Walthamstw Howard-Vyse Maj.-Gen. Edward, The
Homann August, Lynton villas, Queen's Homer Mrs. The Howe, Halstead Lawn, Witham
road, Buckhurst Hill Hornsby Thomas, 3 Abercorn villas, Howards Eliot l.P. Cleveland house, Hoe
Home D. M. 8 Selwyn road, Plaistow e Forest lane, Forest gate e street, Walthamstow .
Home Frederick, 8 Mornington villas, HornseyWm.Geo.2II High st.Strntford e Howden Joseph James, Woodlark cot-
Wanstead park e Horrell George Henry, BrockhiII, Lans- tage, Field road, Forest gate e
Homeyer Henry, I Oak villas, Sebert downe road, Snaresbrook e Howe WaIter, High st. WaIton-on·the-
road, Forest gate e Horry William Smith, Hill lodge, Vic- Naze S.O
Homewood John, 3 Lansdowne road, toria road, Romford Howel Arthur, Priory street, Colchester
Leytonstone e Horseman William Bumell, Bumen Howell John, Albion cottage, Northern
Homewood Thomas, Cedar villa, Harvey house, Quadrant st. Canning town e road, Plaistow e
road, Leytonstone e Horsley Miss, Darlington villa, Linton HoweII John, 6 Ingham place, Leyton-
Honey Frederick, Cromwell house, road, Barking stone road, Stratford e
Havering-atte-Bower, Romford Horsman Frederick J. S. Hollybrook, Howell Michael, Maltese cot. Rainsfrd. I'd
Honywood Mrs. Marks hall, Markshall, Belle Vue road, Colchester Chelmsford
Kelvedon Horsnail Mrs. Coggeshall rd. Braintree Howell Miss, Brunswick house, Saville
Hoof Mrs. 1 Westbury ter. Brentwood Horsnaill Wm.Tolleshunt Magna,Withm street, Walton-on-the-Naze 8.0
Hoofi John Philip, Aylesford cottage, HortonRev.M.S.Walton-on-the-NazeS.O Howell Mrs. Aston villa, Cobden road,
Chelmsford road west, Woodford Hort{)n John Henry, Mascans, South Leytonstone e
Hoofi John Wm. 4 Primrose ter. Prim- Weald, Brentwood Howen Thomas, Rainham, Romford
rose road, George lane, Leytonstone tJ Holton Joshua, Willow cottage, Hale Howen Thomas Henry, Haveringwell
Hook Adam, 3 Essex villas, Birkbeck end, Woodford, Walthamstow viI. HaveringwelI, Hornchurch, Romfd
road, Leytonstone e Horwood Rev. Edward RusseII M.A., l.P. Howell William, 2 Park road, Plaistow e
Hook Chas.6 Clifton tel'. Church road, Vicarage, Maldon Howes George Edward, 36 WelIesley
Leyton Horwood Fredk. 9 The Crescent, Upton road, Wanstead e
Hook-Child Arthur, Gresham house, manor, Plaistow e Howes Wm. Prospect rd. Woodford gn
New town, Brightlingsea 8.0 Hose Joseph, 320 Romford rd.Stratford e Howes William Howes, WraxhalI house,
Hooke Charles Willmott, Hartley, Fair- Hosford In.Stroud,The Grove,Stratford e Greenleaf lane, Walthamstow
lop road, Leytonstone e Hosley William Seymour, Audley end, Howlett Mrs. 21 Balaam st. Plaistow tJ
Hooker Charles Humphries, Chestnut Safiron Walden Howlett William, Mistley, Manningtree
cottage, Chestnut walk, Walthamstow Houblon Frdk. A. Forest lodge, Epping Howlett William, 2 Lincoln villas,Cleve-
Hookway J. Forest lodge, Snaresbrook e Houblon John Archer D.L., l.P. Halling- land road, Snaresbrook e
Hookway John, Forest lodge, Hermon bury place, Bishop's Stortford Howlett William,13 RanduIph terrace,
hill, Wanstead e Houblon Miss Archer, Coopersale house, Springfield, Chelmsford
Hooman George, The Elms, Prittlewell, Theydon Garnon, Epping Howse Alfred, I Prosser terrace, Bark-
Southend Houchin Rev. Ebenezer Mathew, Fel- ing road, Canning town e
Hooper Rev. William Henry, I I East stead S.O Howship Charles Joseph, The Hollies,
avenue, Walthamstow Houchin Rev. In. C. Stambourne, Halstd Sebert road, Forest gate e
Hooper Edward, 2 Rose cottages, Rus- Houchin Rev. John Wesley, Fryerning, Hoy Arthur, 24 Gurneyrd.Forestgate e
sell road, Leyton Ingatestone Hoy John, The Retreat, High road,
Hooper Geo. Vallentin rd. Walthamstow Hough Mrs. St. Mary's road, Gt. Ilford Leytonstone e
HooperHy.Grosvenorrise,Walthamstow Houghton Rev. John M.A. Vicarage, Hoy Jsph. 74 Gurney rd. Forest gate tJ
Hooper Horace, Abridg-e, Romford Matching, Harlow Hoysted Rev. James J. Douglas RA.
Hooper James, Swiss cottages, Clacton- Houghton Rev. Rt. RA. Xew st. Halstead Billericay, Brentwood
on-Sea, Colchester Houghton Gilbert,Fairholme,The Drive, Hubback Capt. H. W. J. B.A. South
Hooper Jas. Drummond, Woodford wells Walthamstow Shoebury, Southend
Hooper Jas. T. The Limes, Chadwell hth Houghton Wm. Hoe st. Walthamstow Hubbard Mrs. Cambridge I'd. Colchester
Hooper Mrs. 2 Albert villas, Whitehall Houghton William, jun. Oakdale, Pros- Hubbard Mrs. William, 3 Pavilion ter-
road, Woodford Wells pect hill, Waltbamstow race, Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
Hubbard William, 3 Coryton villas, AI- Hunt Joseph, The Grove, Woodford Hyming Horace, Market place, Romford
bert road, }<'orest gate e Hunt Joseph, 1 St. John's terrace, Buck- Hyslop Robert" I Denmark terrace,
Hubbuck William, Hughenden, Hainault hurst Hill Harvey road, Leytonstone 6
road, Leyoonstone 6 Hunt Miss, Audley villas, Saffrn. Walden Ibbetson Major George Ernest, Heath
Huckman John, Clifton villa, Chapel Hunt Mrs. Alexander villa, Stanley road, house, Little heath, Chadwell street
road, Manor park, East Ham 6 Woodford Ide Thomas, Hope lodge, Woodford
Hudelston Mrs. Arley cottage, Princes Hunt Mrs. 3 Belgrave villas, Gros"enor Ido William,7 Ethell villas, Idmiston
road, Buckhurst Hill Park road, Walthamstow road, Forest gate'
Hudson Francis Mead, Mansfield house, Hunt Mrs. Hill cottage, Warley road, Ide Jas. B. The Forest, Walthamsrow
Marsh street, W 801 thamstow Brentwood lIes Benjmn. Lake house, Snaresbrook e
Hudson John, Abridge, Romford Hunt Reuben, Earls Colne, Halstead Iles William, 6 Laura terrace, Cobden
Hudson John, 2 Warrior sqre. Southend Hunt William, St. Osyth, Colchester road, Leytonstone e
Hudson J. 36 Romford rd. Stratford e Hunt Zachariah, Earls Colne, Halstead Impey Maurice, 31 Mildmay road,
Hudson Mrs. Great Prandon, Harlow Hunter Rev.RalphWalter George, Turret Ohelmsford
Hudson Mrs. 4 Rosebank, Marsh street, villa, Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester ImrayWm.24 Claremont rd.Forest gate e
WalthamsOOw Hunter Edward, I Eleanor villas, May- Imrie J. '1 Grove Crescent rd. Stratford e
Hudson William, Glen cottage, Cleveland bank road, George lane, Leytonstone e Ince George, Chelmsford villa, Chelms-
road, Snaresbrook e Hunter Robert William, I Barton vjllas, ford road, Woodford
Huff George,5 St. George's villas, The Birkbeck road, Leytonstone e Ind Capt. James Algernon, The
Terrace, Plaistow iJ Hnnter Thos. 5 Roman villas, Roman rd. Minories, Fas' hill, Colchester
Huggett George, Eastcott villa, Selwyn Colchester rnd Edward D.L., I.P. Coombe lodge,
road, Plaistow, Huntley HoadIey Joseph, 3 Park ter- Brentwood
Hughas Rev.. Albert M.A. Rectory, Wood- race, Margery Park road, Stratford tJ Ind Miss, South street, Romford
ford Hunt]ey WaIter Thomas, Fernside, Ingerfield Alfred, 8 Globe terrace,
Hughes Rev. George, 16 Hordle street, Church Hill road, Walthamstow !,'orest lane, Forest gatEl e
Dovercourt, Harwich Hurley James, 31 Wellesleyrd. Wnstd e Ingham Rev. Jabez, 10 New London
Hughes Rev. John Gwynne, London Hurley Mrs. 2 Woodlands, Queen's roa.d, road, Chelmsford
road, Maldon Buckhurst Hill Ingleby C. M. LL.D. Valentines, Gt. IUord
Hughes Charles Alfred, Argyle villas, Hurley WaIter, :I Heathfield villas, Ingles Rev. Dvd.• .A.. Vicarage, Halstead
Crescent road, Brentwood Lytton road, Leytonstone e Inglis Jas. Chnrch st. north, Colchester
Hughes Edward, Beckfield villas, Oap- Hurnar.d Mrs. Hill ho. Lexden,Colchester Inglis Mrs. Warrior square, Southend
worth street, Leyton Hurrell Charles, Spital road, Maldon Inglis William Wesley, 4 St. George's
Hughes Henry Peirce, The Priory, Clay Hurrell George, Wantz road, Maldon vill,as, The Terrace, Plaistow e
street, Waltha.mstow Hurry Rev. NeWs. n Grove rd. Wnstd e Ingram Rev. Delaval Shafto M.A..
Hughes Jas. Peasons, Tandon, Chelmsfrd Hurst Rev. Francis Thomas M.A.. Vicar- !,'elsted 8.0.
Hughes Mrs. Sion viis. Wstrn rd. Romfd age, Ridgwell, HaIstead Ingram Arthur, 10 Argyll terrace, Lan-
Hughes Thomas, Berkshire villa, Queen's Hurst Edmund, 4 Belgrave terrace, caster road, Leytonstone ,
road, Buckhurst Hill Granville road, Walthamstow Ingram C. Fortescue, 7 Cliff Park villas,
Hughes William, Park road, Leyton Hurt William, Malvern cottage, Percy Park road, Southend
Hughes William, J.57 Romford road, road, Leytonstone , Ingram Frederick, 2 Belmont villas,
Stratford e Husk James, Quay house, Wivenhoe, Thornhill road, LeyOOn
Hughes William, 3 Stanley terrace, Colchester Ingram Matthew Lisle, 3 Lorne villas,
Union road, Leytonstone e HU51k Mrs. Birchington cottage, High ~outhend
Hughes William Winch, The Pell, Grays road, Leytonstone e Ingram Mrs. Netley road, Barking Side,
Thnrrock S.O Huskisson Jsph.rVictoria vils.Loughton llford
.Hugliss Hugh, Ivy villa, Grange Park Hussey Chas.148 Romford rd.Stratford e Ingram Mrs.A. Juke's villa,Barking Side
road, Leyton Hussey Thomas, :3 Leamore villas, Ham Ingrey C. Mornington rd. Leytonstone e
Hulbert John C. 9 Primrose terrace, Frith road, Forest gate, lngll Matthias, 7 Bellevue place, Lon-
Lytton road, Leytonstone e Hustler Charles D. Alpha villas, Victoria don road, Romford
Hulbert Thos. I Taniwha ter. Fm'eat gt e road, RomIord Inkpen William, 19 Chobbam road, New
Hull Miss, Chipping hill, Witham Hutchin Rev. John, Newport, Bishop's town, Stratford,
Hull Miss, King street, Saffron Walden Stortford Inman Edwin Henry, Colchester road,
Hull Thomas Read, Chignall road, Hutchin Mrs. Harlow Halstead
Writtle, Chelmsford Hutchinson Edward, Manor villas, roman In. 63 Osoorne rd. Forest gate ,
Hulse John Richard Angustus, Junction Theydon Bois, Epping Inman Mrs. Colchester road, Halstead
road, RomIord Hutchinson George Andrew, Ivy bank, Inman Robert Matthews, I: Cromwell
Hulton Rev. Henry Edward M.A. Vicar- Park road, Leytonstone e place, Southend
age, Great Waltham, Chelmsford Hntchinson John, Fairlight, Palmerston runes James, 3 Grove road, Wanstead e
Humbey Hy. Palmerston rd. Walthmstw road, Buckhurst Hill lanes Mr8. I Fillebrook rd. Leytonstone tJ
Hwnby Mrs. Prospect hOUS8t Longhton Hutchinson Misses, 27 Bromtield road, Innes Mrs. Park crescentt Park road,
Hume Mrs. I Rose villas, Vicarage road, Chelmsford Southend
Leyton Hutchinson Richard Wright,4 Morning- Innes William James, Sion terrace, 4
Humm Georget I Hythe hill, Colchester ton villas, Woodford Wells Wastern road, Romford
Humm Henry, Hythe hill, Colchester Hntchion William, 25 Manbey grove, Innocent Chas. In. 8 Albany rd. Leyton
Humm Moses, Chester lodge, Loughton Stratford green e Inwood Mrs. Holly Lodge cottages,
Humpherys Edwd. Market hill, Maldon Hutchison Christopher Clark A.R.O.S.I. Dovercourt, Harwich
Humpherys William, High st. Maldon 28 Windsor road, Forestgate ~ Ireland Chas. Fredk. 4 Rayleigh terrace,
Humphreys Chas. Western road, Romfd Hutchison George, Snaresbrook hall, Upton park e
Humphreys Edward, Chadwell heath Snaresbrook e Ireland William Frances, Eleanor ho.
.Humphreys Jas. Chingford hall,Chingfrd Hutley Mrs. Messing, Kelvedon West Grove road, Woodford Green
Humphreys James, Copthall, Saffron Butley Mrs. Witham Irlam William, Hacoon house, Up-
Walden Hutt Thomas, 2 Newbury villas, Sebert minster, Romford
Humphreys William, 27 Linton road, road, Forest gate e Irnott George Washington, Fern bank,
LeytonsOOne e Hutton James, Ivybank, Snaresbrook e Tavistock road,Snaresbrook IJ
Humphry James, Ponders, Margaret- Huxham Rev. Richard Ash, 18 St. John's Ironside Miss, 5 :East avenue,Walthmstw
ting,lngatestone road, Chelmsford Irvine Rev. John William M.A.. St. Mary-
Humphry Jsph. T. Epping plain, Epping Hyde Henry, 42 Buxton rd. Forest gate , at-the-Walls' rectory, Colchester
Hundley Fras. Philip, Lower pk. Longhtn Hyde James, Granville villas, Granville Irvine Roberct Osborn house, Cann Hall
Hunn John, I Cornwall cottages, Sophia road, Walthamstow road, Wanstead e
road, Leyton Hyde WiIliam t Providence villas, Buck- Irving William John, The Hall, Good
Hunsdon Miss, 1: Hainault ter. Gt.mord hurst Hill Easter, Chelmsford
Bunt Rev. David, 7 Margery Park road, Hyder Edward t Belgrave villas, Wood- Irwin Rev. Jas. Little ChisbaIl, Royston
West Ham e ford Green Irwin Mrs. Lindene, Lexden, Colchester
Hunt Abraham, Witham Hyder Henry, 2 Delaprie terrace, High lrwin-Packington James, Bourne villas,
Hunt Alfred Henry, Romford hI. Romfrd street, Leyton Prince's road, Bnckhurst Hill
Hunt Henry Charles, Engell house, Hyett Thomas, Horn cottage, Victoria lsaac Frederick, Stafford house, Hermon
Princes road, Buckhurst Hill road, George lane, Leytonstone, hill, Leytonstone ,
Hunt John Alfd. Parkfld. Park pl.Leyton Hyam William, Elmstead, Colchester Isbell A. Suffolk hOo Capworth st.Leyton

Isbills James, 3 St. George's villas, The Jalfon Isaae, Seaton house, Marine Jennings John, Crichton villas; Back
Terrace, Plaistow e parade, Southend Brentwood rd. Hornchurch, Romford
Isle John, Tower Hamletsrd.Walthmstw James Rev. Thomas, 3 Beacontree ter- Jennings In. XI Essex st. Forest gate e
Ivens Arthur Somers L.B.C.P. Edin. The race, Mornington road, Leytonstone e Jennings John, Rowhedge, Colchester
Limes, Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester James Rev. Thomas,Vicarage, Havering- Jennings John, Gork villas, Victoria
Iveny Mrs. 5 Carisbrooke terrace, Hoe atte-Bower, Romford • road, Romford
street, Walthamstow JamesC.Park viI.Copeland rd.Wlthmstw Jennings Miss, Hall ho High st.Wanstd e
Ives Maj.-Gen. Cecil Robt. St. John ;T.P. James Edgar T. 3 Park rd. Plaistow e Jennings Mrs. 2 Frederick place, Butt
Moyns park, Steeple Bumpstead, James Henry, 5 Herbert terrace, Graf- road, Colchester
Haverhill ton road south, Plaistowe Jennings William, 2 Lansdowne villas,
Ives Rev. Alfd. 6 Buxton rd.Forest gate e James H.Stag Idg. Stag la. Buckhurst hI High road, Leytonstone if
Ives Edward,47 Osborne rd.Forest gate e James John, Clarence villa, Victoria Jephson Mrs. Mill green, Ingatestone
Ives Henry Stephen, Woodford Green road, Romford ' Jerome Thomas, WarIer terrace, Great
Ives Miss, Pk. vils. Portway,West Ham e James John Burrough,2 Frantine villas, Warley, Brentwood
Ives Robert, 85 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Grange Park road, Leyton Jerram George EesteR A..M.l.e.B. Long-
Ives Thomas, 8 Denmark place, North James Mrs. 7 Mornington villas, Wan- sight ho. West Avenue rd. Wlthmstw
Station road, Colchester stead park e Jerrold Robert, Grosvenor cottage,Gros-
Ives Wm. Edwd. Artillery st. Colchester James Thos. West Tilbnry, Grays S.O venor Park road, Walthamstow
Ivimey Edward, 44 Claremont road, James William, Ardleigh, Colchester Jessopp Mrs. London road, Braintree
Forest gate e James Wm. North Weald, Epping Jeune Frederick Charles, 106 Romford
Ivimey Mrs. 8 Silvester ter.Walthmstw Jameson Hngh Wm. Sunny side, Brent- road, Stratford e
Ivory John, Tanner street, Barking wood road, Romford Jeune Henry, 4, Birkbeck
Izod Theodore Charles, The Hawthorns, James Mrs. Ann villa, George lane, road, Leytonstone 11
Tower Hamlets road, Walthamstow Leytonstone e Jeune Henry Alfred, 3 Park villas, Park
Jackman Jas. I Beulah cottages, North Jannings Henry, 10 Somerset villas, road,Southend
Station road, Colchester Granville road, Walthamstow Jewell Joseph, 3 Prospect road, Snake's
Jackson Rev. Edwin Sandys B.A.. Forest Janson H,Elm Idg.Clay hI.Walthamstow .o!j.lane, Woodford Green
villas, Prince's road, BuckhurstHill JansonMisses,Church end, Walthamstw Jewell William, 3 Clyde terrace, Cap-
Jackson Rev. John M.A. Vicarage, Wen- Janson Mrs. Alfred, Holmcroft, Church worth street, Leyton
dens Ambo, Saffron Walden end, Walthamstow Jewitt Daniel Engleburtt, 2 Denmark Jarman George, 7 Bridgewater terrace, cots. Grosvenor Pk. rd. Walthamstow
Jackson Charles, I Carlton tel'. Leyton Goldsmith road, Leyton . JexEdwd. Whalebone ho. West Ham lae
Jackson Chas. Edward,2 Sebert road, Jarman Henry John, 2 Bradford villas, Jex Robert Yaxley, Dupplin house,
Forest gate e Drayton road, Leytonstone e Romford road, Stratford e
Jackson Charles Henry, The Gales, Jarrett Edward, 3 Bushwood villas, Jex William Orlando, Clarence villas,
Woodford Bridge Mornington road, Leytonstone e Deanery road,Stratford e .
Jackson Edward Trotter, Rochford S.O Jarvis Rev. George P. Olive View house, Jeyes John, Richmond house, Richmond
Jackson Geo. 32 Albertrd. Forest gate e Dunmow S.O street, Plaistow e
Jackson George, Lime villa, Leyton- Jams Alfd. T. 40 Osborne rd.Forest gte e Jobb Wm. 32 Osborne rd. Forest gate _
stone road, Stratford e . Jarvis Charles John, Violet villa, Prince's Jobson Henry, 4 Hope villas, Capworth
Jackson Geo. Langley, New rd. Harwich road, Buckhurst Hill street, Leyton
Jackson Herbt. Wood st. Walthamstow Jarvis Frederick, 1 Yale terrace, Col- Jobson William, 27 Chobham road, New
J acksoll lsaac, 5 Lower terrace, Spring- work road, Leytonstone e town, Stratford e
field, Chelmsford Jarvis Richard, Devon house, Bulwer Johns Henry, I Grove villas, DraytoD
Jackson lsaac, Oak villas, Warley road, road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Brentwood Jarvis WilIiam George, Yew tree, Lon~ Johns Richard Lipson, Fernlea villa,
Jackson James, Brenhilda house, Wall- .don road, Romford Cleveland road, Snaresbrook ~
wood road, Leytonstone e Jay Alfred, 1 Cumberland villas, Ham Johnson Sir John Henry ;r.p. The Priory,
Jackson James, Leggatt's farm, Til- Frith road, Forest gate e · St. Osyth, Colchester
lingham, Maldon Jay Henry, 2 Cornwall cottages, Sophia Johnson Rev. Henry Frank LL.B.Rectory,
Jackson James, Prospect place, Collier road, Leyton Chelmsford .
row, Romford Jay John, 23 Toronto I'd. Leytonstone e Johnson Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage,
Jackson James, Sampson's, Tillingham, Jay Mrs. London road, Maldon Hornchurch, Romford
Maldon Jay Thomas Adams, Mill lane, Saffron Johnson Alfred, Writtle green, Writtle,
Jackson James, Wivenhoe hI. Colchester Walden Chelmsford
Jackson James Cook, Chadwell St. Jealous Wm. Church st. Saffron Walden Johnson Arthurt Roslyn villa, Morning-
Mary, Grays S.O Jecks Herbert Lucas, Talbot villas, ton road, Leytonstone e
Jackson James Thos. 7 Manor Park Princes road, Buckhurst Hill Johnson Charles, Howard villa, Morn-
road, East Ham e Jefferies John, Billericay, Brentwood ington road, Leytonstone e
Jackson Jesse, Grove house, Leyton Jefferies John, 174 High st. Stratford e Johnson Chas. Wm. Gidea hall, Romford
Jackson Josiah, Chapmans, South Shoe- Jefferson Mrs. Manor house, Little Johnson Edwd. Killingworth, Baker's
bury, Southend Chishall, Royston farm, Sible Hedingham, Halstead
Jackson Matthew, I Devonshire villas, Jeffrey Joseph, 2 Sussex villas, Ham Johnson Frederick, Clock house, Marsh
Mornington road, Leytonstone e Frith road, Forest gate e street, Walthamstow
Jackson Miss, High street, Brentwood Jeffrey Wm. Azoff viI. NorthWoolwich e Jobnilon G. Vale Brook villa, Ching-
Jackson Miss, Rose bank, Brentwood Jefferys Alexander, 2 Jasper villas, ford Hatch
Jackson Mrs. 4 Belmontvillas, Southend Grays Thurrock S.O Johnson George, 3 Caernarvon road,
Jackson Mrs. Rayne road, Braintree Jeffkins George, The Hands, Highwood, Forest gate e
Jackson Robert, 4 Falmouth terrace, Chelmsford Johnson Ge01'ge, Grange hill, Chigwell
Forest lane, Forest gate e Jeffrey Alexander, 2 Pembroke terrace, Johnson Henry, 4 Barnett's terrace,
J ackson Robert, Rose bank, Brentwood Cobden road, Leytonstone e Colworth road, Leytonstone 6
Jackson Robert John, Davenport house, Jeffreys Charles, 14 Borthwick road, Johnson Henry, I Norfolk villas, Grange
Church road, Walthamstow Wanstead e Park road, Leyton
Jackson Walter, Kempton, Prospect hI. Jeffreys Thomas, 2 Trinity villas, Lan- Johnson Henry John, Hill cottage,Great
Walthamstow caster road, Leytonstone e Easton, Dunmow
Jackson William, 25 Buckingham road, Jeffreys William,3 Mornington road, JohnsonH.A.1 Palmerston l'd.Wlthmstw
Forest gate e Leytonst(}ne e ' Johnson Jas.Gentry,Lion walk,Colchestr
Jackson William Howard, Rosina villa, Jeffries William, 2 Milton villas, South- Johnson John Elles, Dacre villa, Hainault
Hoe street, Walthamstow church road, Southend road, Leytonstone e
Jackson Wm. Robt. Hale end, Walthstw Jeffs Thomas Busby, 2 Trelawney villas, Johnson Joseph, t Myrtle.cottages, Field
J ackson W. H. 82 Gurney rd. Forest gt e Forest lane, Forest gate e road, Forest gate e
Jacobs In.12New London rd. Chelmsfrd Jelf Rev. Canon Geurge Edward M.A. Johnson Lewis, Eaton villas, Eastern,
Jacobs Mrs. Kelvedon Vicarage, Saffron Walden road, Romford
Jacobs Thomas, Wayside villa, Harold Jenkins In. 12 Linton rd. Leytonstone e Johnson Miss, Baker's farm, Sible Red-
wood, Hornchurch, Romford Jenkins Wm. 17 Latimer rd. Forest gte e ingham, Halstead j
.rago J ames, Woodholme, Lansdowne J enkins Wm. 10 Toronto I'd. Leytnstne e J ohnson Miss, Church street, Coggeshall
road, Snaresbrook e Jennings John, 4 Albertterrace, Cathall Johnson Mrs. Alexander cottage, Alex-
Jago John, New street, Halstead road, Leytonstone e ander road, Colchester

380 JOB ESSEX. •

Johnson Mrs. Church st.Saffron W-alden Jones Edwin, 20 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Joyes Alfred Miller, Laureate cottage,
.Johnson Mrs. Head street, Colchester J ones Evan, 4 Rose Bank villas, Victoria Como street, Romford
Johnson Mrs. High street, Halstead road, Romford Joynea Rev. Canon Richard B.D. Rectory,
Johnson Mrs. High Trees, Little Sam- Jones Frederic, Avenue house, Avenue Great Holland, Colchester
ford, Braintree road, Forest gate e Judd Jas. F. 13 Hampton rd. Forest gt e
Johnson Mrs. Hope house, LittJe Bur- Jones Fredk. R. 41 High st.Colchester Judd John Phillipps D.L., J.P. Rickling,
stead, Brentwood Jones George, Jessamine villa, Jrairlop Bishop's Stortford
J ohnson Mrs. IO Osborne st. Colchester road, Leytonstone e J udd Wm.Hope vil. Hainault rd.Lytnstn e
Johnson Mrs. The Bungalow, Little Jones George, Mabel villa, Clarendon Judges Mr8; Epping
Baddow, Chelmsford road, Walthamstow Judson Charles, Eastern ldg. Gt. nrord
Johnson Nathaniel James, 3 Russell Jones George,184 Romfordrd.Stratforde Jump James, Blake hall, Bobbingworth,
villas, Howard road, Leytonstone e J ones George Francis, Clarence house, Brentwood
JohnsoD Richard Edward,Violet cottage, High street, Southend Just Mrs. Orwel1 terrace, Clacton-on-Sea,
Violet road, George lane,Leytonstone e Jones George Thomas, The Laurels, Colchester
Johnson Rt. Park villas, Hare st.Romfrd Baldwins hill, Loughton Justice Chas. Margaretting, Ingatestone
Johnson Robert, Whip's cross,Wlthmstw Jones Henry, 7 Charles terrace, Manor Jnstins James, 22 Sylvester terrace,
Johnson Robt. Jas. Manor pI. Braintree park, East Ham e Walthamstow
Johnson Samuel, 20 Ashbonrn terrace, Jones Henry, Holiy villa, Lytton road, Kaemena Garrett, Thornhill house,
Harrow road, Leytonstone e Leytonstone e Thornhill road, Leyton
Johnson Samuel, The Grange, Lawford, Jones Hy. 7 Oliver ter. Oliver rd.Leyton Kahl A. Prospect ho. High st. Plaistow e
Manningtree J ones Hy. Shrublands, Lexden, Colchstr Kall Wm. 40 Margery Pk. rd. Stratford e
JohnsonSamueIHy.F.c.s.WestHamhaIl, Jones Henry William, Plum hall,Mersea Kay Rev. Canon William D.D. Rectory,
Sebert road, Forest gate e road, Colchester Great Leighs, Chelmsford
Johnson Samuel Joseph, 4 Lansdowne Jones Henry Williams, Shrublands, Lex- Kay John Downie, 2 Barry terrace,
road, Leytonstone e den, Colchester Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Johnson Thomas Rider, Church street, Jones James, Castle hOUse, Dedham 8.0 Kaye Frederick, Oakleigh, Manor road,
Saffron Walden Jones Jas. High elm, Woodford green Woodford Wells
Johnson Wm.33Hampton rd.Forest gte e J ones John,61 Bnxton rd. Forest gate e Kaye Hy. E. Forest lodge,Woodford Grn
Jobnson Wm. 172 High st. Stratford e Jones John, 2 Golby villas, Goldsmith Keable William, Grotto cottage, High
Johnson Wm. Manor place, Braintree road, Leyton road, Leytonstone e
Johnson William, Spital road, Maldon Jones John, Longfield hOUse, Havering- Keal John Gray, 1 Darnley villas, Birk-
J ohnson William, 6 Springfield terrace, well, Hornchurch, Romford beck road, Leytonstone e
Springfield, Chelmsford Jones John Henry, 2 Evelyn villas, Her- Keal Mrs. 4 Havelock ter. Gt. Ilford
JoOOson William, Sndbury rd. Halstead mon hill, Wanstead e Kean Miss, 4 Boleyn terrace, Green
Johnson William Henry, Maud villa, Jones Joseph, Manor villas, Heydon street, Plashet e
Hainault road,Leytonstone e hois, Epping Kearns Wm. M. Lake honse, Wanstead e
Johnson William W. Wingtields, Eagle Jones Miss, High Bridge street, Wal- Keate Col. E. Sonth Shoebury,Southend
lane, Snaresbrook e tham abbey Keates Alfred, 1 Phrenix terrace, Fara-
Johnston Rev. Francis Burdett B.A Jones Miss, Ivy cott. Londonrd. Maldon day road, Leyton
Farm hill, Waltham Abbey Jones Miss, Woodford Bridge Keates Thomas, Grosvenor Park road,
JohnstonAndrw.J.p. The Firs,Wdfrd. gn Janes Mrs. Avenue terrace, Ingatestone Walthamstow
Johnston Arthur Charles, 21 Clarence Jones Mrs. 7 Lancaster terrace, High Keating Mrs. Kelvedon hatch,Brentwood
road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e Kebbell George, 4 Mornington villas,
Johnston Arthur James, Clabnry villa, Jones Mrs. Mnrchison road, Leyoon Mornington road, Woodford Wells
Latchett road,George la.Leytonstone e J ones Mrs. The Hollies, Park pi. Leyton Kebbell Geo. The Terrace,Woodfol"d Grn
Johnston Henry John, Lancaster road, Jones Samuel MoA. High st. Brentwood Keebele Mrs. II Roman road, Colchester
Leytonstone e Jones WaIter, 38 New London road, Keedwell Thomas, Portland villa,Grange
JoOOston James, Kent cottage, Queen's Chelmsford Park road, Leyton
road, Buckhurst Hill Jones Wm. Claremont villa, High road, Keeling Chas. B. Hamlet rd. Chelmsford
Johnston Robert C. V.B. 1 Priory house, Leytonstone e Keeling Frederic John, 7 St. Mary's
Crouch street, Colchester Jones Wm. 249 Romford rd. Stratford e terrace, West Lexden rd. Colchester
Johnston Thomas, Cumberland lodge, Jones William Legeyt, Hova. villas, Keen Alfred, 16 Colworth terrace, Col-
Chelmsford road east, Woodford Sebert road, Forest gate e worth road, Leytonstone e
Johnstone Rev. William Henry M.A. Jones-Lloyd John R. Bellevue, Chingford Keen Thomas, The Cottage, Chigwell
Vicarage, Berden, Bishop's Stortfard J ones Thomas, 2 Camden villas, Gros- Keene William John, 3 Hope villas, Cap-
Johnstone Frederick Charles, Harold venor Park road, Walthamstow worth street, Leyton
wood, Hornchurch,Romford Jones Thomas Prowett, Eagle lodge, Keeton Thomas William, S Park View
Johnstone Jeremiah Charles, Creeyelea Marsh street, Walthamstow villas, Forest gate e
house, High street, Southend Jordan Thomas, High street, Maldon Keight Edwin, Forest lane, Forest gate e
Johnstone Mrs. Fairlawn villas,Victoria Jorgensen William, 6 Leyton villas, Keightley Rev. George Wilson M.A. Rec-
road, Romford Grange Park road, Leyton tory, Great Stambridge, Chelmsford
J ohnstone Thomas Meredith,Cambourne Joscelyne Edward, 76 High st. Braintree Keigwin Chas. D. Hospital rn. Colchester
villa, Roman road, Colchester J oscelyne Mrs. 64 London rd. Braintree Keir AIeL 14 Idmiston rd. Forest gate e
Jolley David, Low street, Chingford Joscelyne Mrs. Rayne road, Booking, KeithThos.4Denmarkter.Leytonstonee
J alley Edwin Charles, Rose cottage, Braintree Keith William,The Cornwalls,Brentwood
Woodford Green Joshua John, 1 Oak terrace, Hornchurch Kelford John, 1 Wingmore terrace, Cap-
JoIley John, Clarendon villa, Crouch road, Hornchurch worth street, Leyton
street, Colchester Joslin George, Beverley road, Colchester Kellett Robt. Guy, Trinity st. Halstead
Jolly William Frederick, 72 Osborne Joslin Henry, Hoppea hall, Upminster, Kelley Conrod,Wolseley road, Dagenham
road, Forest gate ~ Romford road, Romford
Jonas Frederick Maulkin, Chrishall Joslin Henry, jun. Gaines park, Up- Kelly Alexander, Spriggs oak, Epping
grange, Chrishall, Royston minster, Romford Kelly Charles, Glen terrace, Leyton road
Jones Rev. Charles Garrett, Rectory, Joslin Henry Crush, 23 The Avenue, Forest gate ~
MagdalenLaver,Ongar Colchester Keliy Hy. James,6 Albyn ter. Southend
Jones Rev. Philip Ireland B.A. Leyton JosHn Miss, 6 Sutherland terrace, Bad- Keliy Richard Roper, Horbury house,
Jones Rev. William Morgan, Rectory, dow row, Chelmsford Snake'Blane, Woodford green
Marks Tey, Colchester Joslin Misses, Spital road, Maldon Keliy Wm. ~ Park villas, Park road,
Jones Alfred Nicholas, High street, Joslin WiIliam Samuel, Dnnmow S.O Southend
Saffron Walden Josling Mrs. 13 Deaneryroad,Stratford e Kelsey Edw. Geo.6 Union rd.Leytnstne
Jones Edgar I.P. The Elms, Great Bur- Josolyne WaIter Sims, Perlieu villa, Kelsey Henry Richard Aldbury, The
stead, Brentwood Theydon Bois, Epping Drive, Walthamstow
Jones Edward, Brooklands, Lea Bridge Josselyn Charles, Braiswick lodge, Kelsey Wm. Freer,London rd. Maldon
road, Leyton Lexden, Colchester Kelso Capt. Red park, Great Horkesley~
Jones Edward, 10 Colworth terrace, Jourdain Fdk. I Rose terrace, Howard's Colchester
Colworth road,Leytonstone ~ road, Forest gate tI Kemble Rev. Edward X.A. Rectory,West.
J ones Edward' Theydon Bois, Epping Joy Robert Sizer, Frith's farm, Great Hanningfield, Chelmsford
Jones Erasmus, I Lorne villaB, Bucking- Oakley, Harwich Kemble ThomaB ".P. Runwell hall,
ham road, Woodford Joyce R. G. Farm hill, Waltham Abbe)' Chelmsford
Kemmis Mrs. Norman house, Stansted Kettle Thomas, Church street, Cogges- King Morris, Beaulieu, High Beech S.O
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford hall, Kelvedon King Mrs. 76 Chobham road, New town,
Kemp Rev. Geo. Henry, Langham, Kettlewell William John, Providence Stratford 8
Colchester villas, Victoria road, Buckhurst Hill King Mrs. Church road, Barking
Kemp Rev. Godfrey George M.A. Rec- Kevan Douglas, Lyon terrace, Spring- King Mrs. Station road, Walton-on-the-
tory, Rawreth, Chelmsford field road, Springfield, Chelmsford Naze S.O
Kemp Rev. John M.A. Dacca house, Key William Henry, 2 The Poplars, King Mrs. The Gravel, Coggeshall,
Queen's road, Colchester Upton lane, West Ham 8 Kelvedon
Kemp Alexander Davison, Burnt house, Keyes Misses, Shrub end, Lexden, King Mrs. 5 Vicarage lane, Stratford 8
Pudding lane, Chigwell Row Colchester King Mrs. Wantz road, Maldon
Kemp Dominique, Catholic reformatory, Keyes Mrs. All Saints villa, Stan way All King Newton, Black Notley, Braintree
Plashet 8 Saints, Colchester King Robert, 65 Buxton I'd. Forest gt e
Remp Henry, Prospect cottage, Prospect Keymer Ed. W. Eagle ho. Woodford Grn King Simeon In. Castle st. Saffron Wldn
road,Snake's lane, Woodford green Keymer Miss,3 Wellington place, Crouch King Stephen, 4 East avenue, Wlthmstw
Kemp J. Orford house, Orford road, street, Colchester King Steven, Lockeridge villa, Shrub-
Walthamstow Kibble Fredk. Norton viI. Buckhurst Hil land road, Leyton
Kemp John, Langham wick, Langham, Kidby Edward, Kirby, Colchester King T. J. Wharf ho. High st. Gt.llford
Colchester Kidd Geo. Hubbard, Tyburnia cottage, King Thomas M.D. Rochford S.O
Kemp John, Northwick, Southminster, Daisy I'd. George lane, Leytonstone e King Thomas, Shrnbland road, Leyton
Maldon Kidd Miss, Lea ldg. Park place, Leyton King Thomas,Westburyhouse,Westbury
Kemp John Fitch, Wellingtons, South- Kidd William Henry, Stansted Mount- road, Buckhurst Hill
minster, Maldon fitchet, Bishop's Stortford King W.The Laurels,Upton la.West Hm e
Kemp Miss, The Limes, Purleigh,Maldon Kidder John, 2 Grange viIs. Grt. nford King William, Chipping Ongar S.O
Kemp Mrs. Summer hI.Althorne,Maldon Kiddle Edward Benjamin, 3 Ramsey King William, Clarendon house, Claren-
Kemp Owen, Ingleside, The Drive, road, Wanstead e don road, Walthamstow
Walthamstow Kidney Richard, I5 Grove villas, Morn- King Wm. 36 Hampton I'd. Forest gate e
Kemp Robert, g Orford villas, Orford ington road, Leytonstone e King William, I Hendon villas, Church
road, Walthamstow Kidston Flmr.Coppermillla.Walthmstw road, Leyton
Kemp Thomas Langley, Bedford road, Kieser Charles, York villa, Queen's King William, Witham
Snaresbrook e road, Buckhurst Hill Kingdom Rev. W. S. Edward, 3 Burdett
Kempson Matthew, Oaklands, Halstead Killey James George C.B. 3 Janson road, terrace, Grange Park road, Leyton
Kempton Green Robert Bishop, Abbey Leytonstone road; Forest Gate e Kingdom Mrs. 3 Burdett terrace, Grange
road, West Ham e Killick Frederick, 2 Arthur terrace, Cow- Park road, Leyton
Kempton R. B. 5 Park villas, Loughton ley road, Leytonstone e Kingsbury Mrs. Howard villa, Clarendon
Kemsley Joseph William, Oakfield, Kilsby Edward Charles,3 Shakespeare road, Walthamstow
Snake's lane, Woodford villas, Hoe street, Walthamstow Kingsbury William George, 3 Pembroke
Kenchington Isaac William, Chauntler Kiltoch Mrs. Villa Rosa, St. George's place, Walthamstow
road, Canning town e square, West Ham e Kingsman George, I George cottages,
Kendal Joseph, 2 Singleton villas, Kilworth Mrs.3 Whitegatevils. Southend Barking road, Plaistow e
Caernarvon road, Forest gate e Kimberley Miss, Ada villa, Victoria Kinnard William Harrison, I Sycamore
Kendall John, 3 Howard's I'd. Plaistow e road, Romford villas, Leytonstone road, Stratford tl.
Kendall Percy, Murreecottage,Grosvenor Kimpton Thomas, Rokeby villa, South Kinnear Patrick, Lindon ho. St. James'
Park road, Walthamstow West road, Leytonstone e street, Walthamstow .
Kendon Henry,5 Leyton terrace, Leyton Kidd J. Ash villas, Fuller's I'd. Woodford Kinsey-Morgan Augustus, I3 & 1:4
road, Forest gate e Kind William, Wellesley lodge, Wellesley George street, Harwich
Kennard Augustus, I Charlton villas, road, Leytonstone e Kipping Charles,I Charles terrace,Manor
Buckhurst Hill Kindersley Capt. Robert Messor Moles- park, East Ham e
Kennard Joseph Ashby, 7 & 8 Morning- worth, Clock house, Wanstead e Kipps In.Kent vil.Ham Frith I'd. e
ton terrace, Union I'd. Leytonstone e King Major William Affieck, Walden Kipps Mrs. Kent villa, Ham Frith road,
Kennedy A. E. 71 Balaam st. Plaistowe place, Saffron Walden Forest gate e
Kennedy Angus, r Grange Park villas, King Capt. John Rooper, Alexandra Kirby Rev. Augustus George M.A. Rec-
Church road, Leyton villas, Alexandra road, Colchester tory, Pebmarsh, Bures S.O
Kennedy John, Blydesteyn, 165 Romford King Rev. John Freeman BoA. Green- Kirby Alfred, II3 Gurney I'd. Forst. gt e
road, Stratford e stead, Colchester Kirby Alfred, 2 Westbourne terrace,
Kennedy T. 16 Osborne I'd. Forest gatee King Rev. Walker M.A. Rectory, Leigh, Wellesley road, Colchester
Kennedy T.S.28 Osbornerd. Forest gate e Chelmsford Kirby Edwd. Kappa vil.Drby.rd.Woodfrd
Kennett Alfd. 31 King's I'd. Upton pk e King Rev. William, Fordham manse, Kirby Geo.Foster,4The Grove,Stratford e
Kennett Hezekiah, 5 Ingham place, Ley- Colchester Kirby SamI. In. Jas. Grays Thurrock S.O
tonstone road, Stratford e King Alfred, I Penryn terrace, Victoria Kirby Thomas, 26 Queen st. Colchester
Kennett John, 16 Sylvester terrace, road, Romford Kirby Thos. Dipton, Fairlawn,Brentwood
Walthamstow King Alfd. Murrels, Carlisle rd. Romfrd Kirk Joseph, 2 Fairlight villas, Hainault
Kennett Mrs. Mersea road, Colchester King Arthur Harry, Elizabeth villa, road, Leytonstone e
Kennett Thos. Hy. Chipping Ongar S.O Morllington road, Leytonstone e Kirk Joseph, West Bergholt, Colchester
Kent George, Theydon Bois, Epping King Daniel, James' terrace, Mistley, Kirk Mrs. Danbury, Chelmsford
Kent John, St. Mary's cottage, Church Manningtree Kirk Mrs. 78 Romford road, Stratford e
street south, Colchester King Frank, Orwell villa, Cobden road, Kirkby Mrs. 5 Creffield terrace, Creffield
Kent Ralph, 3 William villas, Carnarvon Leytonstone e road, Colchester
road, Woodford King Frederick Robert, Woodman's road, Kirklan Rev. J oho, Wesley house, Selwyn
Kent Stephen, 14 Maria street, New Great Warley, Brentwood road, Plaistow e
town, Harwich King George, Leigh, Chelmsford Kirkland Fredk.Beulah rd.Walthamstow
Keogh Mrs. Buttsbury, Ingatestone King George. High st. Saffron Walden Kirkland Wm. Northcott I'd. Wlthmstw
Keohan Mrs. "Oak villa, The Drive, King Geo. 36 Osborne I'd. Forest gate e Kirkman Mrs. Clark's cottage, Epping
Walthamstow King George, Shenfield, Brentwood New road, Buckhurst Hill
Kepple Henry, Harlow King Hy.Wm. Leigh hI. Leigh, Chlmsfrd Kirkness Edward Charles, The Limes,
Kernot Mrs. Rochford S.O King James Allan, 12 Borthwick road, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e
Kerr Alexander, Alexander villas, Wanstead e Kirkpatrick Charles, Melton cottages,
Hainault road, Leytonstone e King James John, 17 Rosindell terrace, Victoria road, Romford
Kerr James King M.D. Wordleigh, High Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Kitchen George, IgGroverd. Wansteade
road, Leytonstone e King John, 2 Argyle terrace, Margery Kitchen James Frederick, 3 Earlham
Kerr Thomas, 8 Park viI. Chadwell Hth Park road, Stratford e cottages, Forest lane, Forest gate e
Kerridge Thos. Bourne viI. Buckhurst HI King John, East London cottage, Lea Kitchener Samuel, 2 Laura terrace,
Kershaw Rev. John Albert M.A. Gram- Bridge road, Leyton Barking road, Plaistow e
mar school, Duke street, Chelmsford King John, Halstead Kitching Albert George, Rydal lodge,
Kerwin Edwin Henry, Inchcolm, Wall- King John, 2 Oak villas, Sebert road, Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester .
wood road, Leytonstone e Forest gate e Kitching Wm. 4 Saxby villas, Plashet e
Kett Mrs. Vicarage road, Leyton King Mark William, Loughton Kitson Jas. 142 Romford rd. Stratford e
Kettelwell Mrs. 2 Kirkdale I'd. Leytnstn e King Miss, Lexdon road, Colchester Kitson Thos. 28 Claremont rd. Forest gt e
Kettle G. 2 Lime viIs. Field rd. Forest gt e King Miss, Mylor house, Witham Kittle Fredk. Hill house, Aveley, Romford


KittoeCapt. Markham, Clarendonbouse, Lake Miss, The Grove, Grays Thur- Lansdell Lawson Henry, Earls Colne,
Manor park, East Ham B rock S.O Halstead
Kluht Rev. Alfred, Billericay, Brentwood Lake Mrs. Prospect plac~ Colchester La Riviere William, Maldon villas,
Knaggs Rev. James, 113 Romford road, Lake William, Rayne, Braintree Avenue road, Forest gate e
Stratford. Lake William, Welborne villas, Upton Larkin Geo. St.Thomas' hill, Brentwood
Knapp .A.rthur, 6 Grove ter. Gt. Ilford cross, West Ham e Larkin Henry, Theydon Garnon,Epping
Knapping Mrs. Dale, Suttons, South Lake William Edward, 29 Chobham Larkin Mrs. 8 Windsor rd. Forest gate e
Shoebury, Southend road, New town, Stratford ~ Larkin Thomas, I Crown villas, Queen',
Knapping Mrs. William, South Shoebury Lakeman J n. 24 Hampton rd.Forest gt , road, Brentwood
ball, Southend Lalorre Joseph, Buckingham villa, Larking Henry,Tindal's farm,Woodham
Knewstub Hollis Charles, Hadleigh 8.0 Howard's road, Forest gate e Moriimer, Maldon
Knigbt Anthony, St. John's cottage, Laman Henry, I Oak villas, Lea Bridge Larter William Rouse, 49 Claremont
:North Station road, Colchester road, Leyton road, Forest gate e
Knight John, Elm villas, Cowslip road, Lamarque Frederick, 23 Romford road, Lash George, 9 Moultrie terrace, Cow-
George lane, Leytonstone e Stratford e slip road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Knight Miss, Hospital road, Colchester Lamarque Mrs. I: The Firs, Upton lane, Lasham John, 6 The Crescent,Woodford
Knight Mrs. Bower house, Clacton-on- West Ham e Lasham John Wm. High street,Romford
. Sea, Colchester Lamb Alex. Ivy house, High st. Leyton Lass Edwin,Bank ho. High st. Braintree
Knight Mrs. Dunmow S.O Lamb Alfred, Westbury lodge, King's Last Very Rev. Canon George M.R.
Knight Mrs. 28 Hampton rd.Forest gate e Place road, Buckhurst Hill Ingatestone hall, Ingatestone
Knight Mrs. Shenfield, Brentwood Lamb John Henry,s Barnett's terrace, Last Edwd.57 Windsor rd. Forest gatee
Knight Mrs. 3 W.est street, Harwich Colworth road, Leytonstone e Last Henry, 45 Duke street, Chelmsford
Knight Mrs. Wm. High street, Halstead Lamb Joseph, 6 Queen's rd. Grea.t Ilford Last Miss, IS Broomfield rd. Chelmsford
Knight Thomas, 21 Chobham road, New Lamb SI. A,,19 Clarence rd.Leytonstone e Last Mrs. F. C. 46 Duke st. Chelmsford
town, Stratford B Lambert Albert, 3 Florence villas, Latchford Benjamin, High street, Wal-
Knightbridge Charles, Rayleigh S.O Cowley road, Leytonstone e ton-on-the-Naze S.O
Knights William, Oak villa, Eagle lane, Lambert John, Old heath, Colchester Latham James, North View house, Or-
Snaresbrook e Lambert Joseph, 248 Romford road, ford road, Walthamstow
Knobel Edward Ball, Bradford street, Stratford e Latreille Frederick, Earlham grove,
Bocking, Braintree Lambert Mrs. 9 Albyn terrace, Southend Forest gate e
Knopp Geo. SI. 42 North hill, Colchester Lambert Rt.70 Osbornerd. Forest gate e Latten Mrs. St. Osyth, Colchester
Knopp Samuel George, Mersea. house, LambertStubbs,63Leytn.rd.Wansteade Latter John Atherton, 29 Vicarage lane,
Magdalen street, Colchester Lambkin William, Still cottage, Wilmot Stratford'
Knott Edwin, 1'1orence villa, Prospect road Leyton Latter WaIter R.A..M. Little Knighton,
hill, WalthamstolY Lamert Mrs. The Forest, Waltbamstow Woodford Wella
Knott Thomas Fredk. I Woodford Hall Lampet Rev. Wm. Edwd. LionelM.A.,J'.P. Lattey Anhur L.R.C.P. LOnd. West
villas, Chelmsford road we. Woodford Vicarage, Great Bardfield, Braintree villa, Southminster, Maldon
Knowler John Thomas, High Bridge Lampitt Edward, Glenville, Primrose Lauer Peter, .Albion house, .Albion hill,
street, Waltham Abbey road, George lane, Leytonstone e Loughton
Knowles Henry Walter, Hawthorne Lamplough Arthur, Shrubland rd.Leytn Laugham William, Springfield hill,
house, North street, Barking Lancaster Captain Peter, 1 Claremont Springfield, Chelmsford
Knowles Mrs. Salway bill, Woodford road, Forest gate e LaundySaml.A.64Buxton rd.Forestgtee
Kn01 Andrew,Vine cot. North st. Rmfrd Lancaster Arthur, Honeylands,Waltham Laurence Rev. Frederick John Ross
Knox George, Prospect house, Collier Abbey M.A.., a.C.L. Rectory, Tiptree Heath,
row, Romforo Lancaster John Locke, Oaldeigh house, Kelvedon
Koppel Cresar Augustus, I Hamburgh Cliff town, Southend Laurence Rev. Richard ll.A. Rectory,
vils. Cowslip rd. George la. Lytnstn e Lancaster Saml. Shernhall st.Wlthmstw Chigwell Row
Kortwright Augustus, :Furze hall, Fry- Landfield Charles, Grays Thurrock S.O Laver Henry, I Trinity street,Colchester
erning, Ingatestone Landon Edward Palmer, Roden house, Laver Miss, 24 London road, Braintree
Kraushaar William James, 2 Margery Shenfield, Brentwood Laver Mrs. Market place,SaffronWalden
Park villas, Stratford e Landon Frank, The Lodge, Shenfield, Laver Wm. Robt. Latchingdon, Maldon
Kruse Getrrge,7 Ramsey rd. Wanstead e Brentwood Law Rev. Henry, Clacton-Qn-8ea, Col-
Kruse H. :[ Oaklands, Hermon hill,Wan- Landon Harcourt Palmer, Shenfield, chester
stead e Brentwood Law William, Low street, Chingford
Kurly Frank, I I Charles terrace, Manor Landon T. P. Florence vIs. WoodfordWlls Law William, 5 Rose villas, Grange
park, East Ham « Lane Rev. Thos. Wantz road, Maldon Park road, Leyton
Kydd Jas.. 4 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Lane Francis George, Glengall villa, Lawes Thomas, 2 Richmond villas,
KyffinEdward Walter,2Victoria terrace, London road, Wanstead e Maynard road, Walthamstow
.Albert road, Walthamstow Lane George, Syborn house, Lea Bridge Lawford John Alfred, :[ Colworth ter-
Kyne Very .Rev. Canon John M.R. In- road, Leyton race, Colworth road, Leytonstone e
graTe road, Brentwood Lane Mrs. Devonshire house, Fairlop Lawkin Abraham, 3 Westbourne ter-
La'Barte Rev. Wm. White M.A. Lexden, road, Leytonstone, race, Mildmay road, Chelmsford
Colchester Lane Richard, 18 Trinity st. Colchester Lawrence Captain Francis, Main road,
Lacey Charles C. Maldon ?d. Colchester Lane Thomas, 2 Wanstead villas, Ley- Harwich
Lacey James, Rutland villa, Lansdowne tonstone road, Stratforde- Lawrence Charles Alfred, Gloucester
road, Snaresbrook tI Lane William, 35 Grove villas,Morning- villa, Hoe street, Walthamstow
Ladd Mrs. 48 Buxton road, Forest gate e ton road, Leytonstone e Lawrence Ebenezer, 39 Gurney road,
Laddell William Henry, I Lexden villas, Langbridge James Yewitt, 2 Torridge Forest gate e •
North Station road, Colchester villas, Vicarage road, Leyton Lawrence ErnestWilliam,!<'orest terrace,
Lagden Mrs. Eastern road, Romford Langdon Mrs.Thorpe cottage, Loughton Manor park, East Ham tJ
Lagden Wm. West road, Saffron Walden Langford William Henry, 11 Osbome Lawrence Geo. Poplars, Abridge, Rmfrd
Laing Rev. Charles Edward, West Lock- terrace, Carlisle road, Romford Lawrence Henry Newmaft, Audley end,
well street, Colchester Langley Ebenezer Archibald, Lancaster Saffron Walden
Laing Rev. William X.A. Westfield, ro~ Leytonstone e Lawrence Henry Simes, 8 Ashboum
Lexden road, Colchester Langley Mrs.25 Gurney rd..Forest gate e terrace, Harrow road, Leytonstone ,
Laing Mrs. West Stockwell st. Colchester Langlois Fred.erick, '7 Glenwood villas, Lawrence James, 1 Albyn tel'. Southend
Laing William Per(lY, I Oxford terrace, Leyton road,Forest gate e Lawrence Joseph Samuel, Alfred "illa,
Birkbeck road, Leytonstone c Langridge Arthur, 1: Barclay terrace, Sophia road, Leyton
Laird George Reeves, 8 Grosvenor villas, Barclay road, Leytonstone e Lawrence Mrs. Helion Bumpstea.d,
Fairlop road{ Leytonstone e Langton John, Belgrave villa, Southend Haverhill
Lake ReT. Henry Ashton M.A. Vicarage, Langton Mrs. Docklands, Fryerning, Lawrence Mrs. Eltham -villa, Sebert.
Castle Hedingham, Halstead Ingatestone road, Forest gate ,
Lake Fredk. Crompton, Rayne, Braintree Langton Mrs. 5 Grosvenor Park road, Lawrence Mrs:Farm hill,Waltham Abbey
Lake Geo. 10 Idmiston rd. Forest gate e Walthamstow Lawrie Mrs. Sloe hOUse, Halstead
Lake Henry, Frankswill house, Hainault Langworthy John, Dunmow S.O Laws Alfred, Carlton villas. Great Ilford
road, Leytonstone e Langwonhy Miss, Dunmow S.O Laws Wm. Boxted hall, Boxted,Colchstr
Lake Isaac, High street, Romford Lankester Robert Lawrence, ISO Rom. Lawson William; foI Sebert villas, Seber14
Lake James, North end, Little Ilford ford road, Stratford e road, Forest gate ~
Lawson John, Danbury, Chelmsford Le Gross Conston, J: Woodgrange villas, Lewis Richard, Fryerning, Ingatestone
Lawson William James, 2 Clifton ter- Forest gate e Lewis Richard Dibden, Melchett place,
race, Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e Leigh Rev. Charles Brian B.A.., J.P. Mountnessing, Brentwood
Lawton Edward Harding, Oaklands, Rectory, Goldhanger, Maldon Lewis Saml. The Orchard, Chigwell row
Squirrels heath, Romford Leigh Edwd. Hy. North st. Manningtree Lewis William, I Park villas, Sebert
Laxton Richard, North Weald, Epping Leigh George, South street, Manningtree road, Forest gate e
Lay John, 10 High street, Colchester LeighNathaniel,1 Kenrick villas,Grange Lewis William, Richmond villa, Rich-
Lay John Watson J.P. Wallcotts, Great Park road, Leyton mond street, Plaistow e
Tey, Kelvedon Leigh Nathaniel William, West avenue, Lewis William Partridge, 4 St.Leonard's
Lay Mrs. Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester Oxford road, Walthamstow terrace, Maldon road, Colchester
LayzellRev.Robert,Ashdown,Cambridge Leith John Farley M.P•• 't.e. St. Mary's Lewis Wm. Thos. Alghers ho. Loughton
Lazell Geo. Martin, 2 Ivy pI. Colchester priory, Prittlewell, Rochford; & 5 Lewry Geo. 84 Gurney I'd. Forest gate t
Lea E. T. Mayvil.Granville rd.Wlthmstw Paper buildings, Temple e.c.; 8 Dorset Ley Rev. Gerald Louis Henry M.A.
Lea Henry William Hope, I Cavendish sq. n..W. & Brooks' club s.w. London Coggeshall, Kelvedon
villas, South street, Romford Lemere J ames, Odessa I'd. Forest gate e Ley Francis, Granville I'd. Walthamstow
Leach Chas. 5 Woodford tel'. Forest gte e Le'Mesurier Thomas Augustus, 2 Bever- Leyden Thomas, 7 Arlington villas, Fair-
LeacB Miss, Westbury villas, Brentwood ley villas, Colchester lop road, Leytonstone e
Leach Mrs. 17 Crouch st. Colchester Lemon Robert, Swiss Chalet, Sussex Lidbury Edward Austin, 6 Carisbrook
LeachW. I Ferndale,Vicarage rd.Leyton road, Colchester terrace, Hoe street, Walthamstow
Leachman Rev. Edmund M.A. Vicarage, LeMotte Rev. William M.A. Vicarage, Liddell In. Wm. 31 Groverd.Wanstead e
Chrishall, Royston Helion Bumpstead, Haverhill Liddle Alfred Isaac, Capel villa, Chelms-
Leake F.Cliftonvil.Queen'srd.Bckhrst.m Leney William, 7 Argyll terrace, Lan- ford road west, Woodford
Leaning Harry, I9 North hI. Colchester caster road, Leytonstone e Liddle George Thomas, Percy villa,
Leaper Wm.East st.Coggeshall,Kelvedon Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett bart. D.L., Grove hill, Woodford
Leapingwell Miss Caroline, 3 Chalmer l.P. Belhus, Aveley, Romford Liddle Mark Anthony, Emerald house,
terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford Lennard Thomas Barrett, jun. J".P. Cambridge park, Wanstead e
Leatham Charles Alfred, Croft house, Bellius, Aveley, Romford Liebehentz Mrs. Eden rd. Walthamstow
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Leonard Misses, Museum street, Saffron Light Mrs. Manor road, Braintree
Leathes Col. Hill de Massenden, Bank- Walden Lightbody William,6 Guernsey villas,
sea house, Dovercourt, Harwich Le-Riche Capt.Geo.Brook cotts.Loughtn Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e
Leathes William, Enfield house, Fairlop Lermit Rev. Gerald Thomson M.A., Lightfoot Thomas, Oakhurst, Chigwell
road, Leytonstone e LL.D. Grammar school, Dedham S.O Lighton William, Forest view, Epping
Le Carberi Joseph.1 Albyn ter.Southend Lermit Laurence H.Gould ho.Ddhm S.O New road, Buckhurst Hill
Lechner Herr Alfred, Forest school, Lescher Joseph Francis D.L., I.P. The Lilley Samuel, Salway house, Queen's
Walthamstow Hall, Hutton, Brentwood . road, Buckhurst Hill
Le Creu Geol'ge, 6 Chapel terrace, Lescher Mrs. Boyles court, South Weald, Lilley Thos. Angle view, Clacton-on-Sea,
Manor park, East Ham e Brentwood Colchester
LedigoThos.37Buckingham rd.Forestgte Leslie Mrs. 9 Taniwha tel'. Forest gatee Lilley William, 7 .Agnes terrace, Lan-
Lee Rev. Henry, Roydon, Ware Lesouef Edward Frederick, High elm, caster road, Leytonstone e
Lee Barnard' I Richmond villas; May- Woodford Green Lillie Rev. John Edward Sutherland,
nard road, Walthamstow Lester Henry E. Gainsborough lodge, Rectory, Wakes Colne, Halstead
Lee Benj. B. B. Oak bank, Victoria road, Gainsborough road, Leytonstone e Lilly Mrs. Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Romford Lestsr J n.Primrose vil.Linton rd.Barkng Linch Capt. Geo. Benjamin, Pier head,
Lee C. Sewardstone rd. WalthamAbbey Lesturgeon Mrs.Springfield road,Spring- Victoria docks, Canning town e
Lee George, 268 Romford rd.Stratford e field, Chelmsford Linder Samuel Oakfield, L<>ughton road,
Lee George Herbert, Sewardstone road, Letch J as.5 Albert cotts.South st.Clchstr Buckhurst Hill
Waltham Abbey Letchford Robert Michael, Prospect Lindop Alf. 23 Gurney rd. Forest gate e
Lee H. Fairlight ho. Deanery rd.Strtfrd e house, Woodford Green Lindus Henry, Knockholt lodge, Lans-
Lee J. White ho. North end, East Ham e Lethaby Mrs. 1 Leyton cottages, Thorn- downe road, Snaresbrook e
Lee James, 3 Argyle terrace, Margery hill road, Leyton Line George., 35 Chobham road, New
Park road, Stratford e Lethbridge Capt. Edward, 7 Beverley town, Stratford B
• Lee James, 236 Romford rd. Stratford e read, Colchester Line Thomas, Di51raeli road, Stmtford e
Lee In. Parkside vil.Victoria I'd. Romfrd Lever Thomas Bird, 10 Osborn terrace, Lines Thomas, Primrose road, Leyton
Lee Joseph, 7I High street, Colchester Carlisle road, Romford Ling Chas. Anhur S. Wivenhoe,Colchstr
Lee Miss, Broadway house, Plaistow It Leverett Miss,Market pl.Saffron Walden Ling George, 12 Prittlewell sq. Southend
Lee Mrs. :14 Gurney road, Forest gate e Lewis Albert, West Ham la. West Ham e Ling George Bruce, I .Arundel house,
Lee Mrs. Hopeburn house, Margery Lewis Charles Carne, Mansion house, New London road, Chelmsford
Park. road, Stratford e High street, Brentwood Ling Henry Quie, Merefield, Little Wal-
Lee Samuel, Butt road, Colchester Lewis Chas. C. jun. Shenfield vil.Brentwd tham, Chelmsford
Lee Thomas, 4 Gregory villas, Clova Lewis Edwin. 4 Pleasant terrace., Mur- Ling John, 74 High street, Chelmsford
road, Forest gate e chison road, Leyton Ling Mrs. I44 Romford I'd. Stratford e
Lee William, Dedham S.O Lewis Edwin James, The Cottage, Ling Wm. S. High st. Brightlingsea S.O
Lee Wm. H. 163 Romfrd. rd. Stratfrd e Shenfield, Brentwood Lingham Rev. Thomas Lawford B.A.
Leech Mrs. 3 Beachcroft I'd. Leytnstne Lewis George, I Wellington villas, Rectory, Fordham
Leech Mrs. 27 Culver street, Colchester Albert mad, Forrest gate e Linklater Henry, Victoria villa, Hainault
Leech Mrs. Dunmow S.O Lewis George Matthew, Lela cottage, road, Leytonstone e
Leeman Rev. Alfred M.A. Starling lodge, Goldsmith road, Leyton Linnett Mrs. Rose valley, Brentwood
Buckhurst Hill Lewis James, 8 Chobham road, New Linney George Frederick,Friends' school,
Leeming .T. 11 Chestertoncres.Plaistow e town, Stratford e Saffron Walden
Leeming Thomas Henry, 2 Lee terrace, Lewis In. Beech vils.Victoriard.Romfrd Linnington Geo.Ed.Plashet cot.Plashet~
Barking road, Plaistow e Lewis John, High street, Maldon LinomJohnThomas,Mead villa,Colworth
Lefever Fredk. Cleeve, Vicarage rd.Leytn Lewis John Edmund, I Emily villas road, Leytonstone e
Lefever Wm. Hy.Granvillerd.Wlthmstw Harrow road, Leytonstone tJ • Linsdell James,Southbury house,Bulwer
Lefroy Rev. Anthony William H. M.A.. Lewis Joseph Carpenter, Red lodge, road, Leytonstone e
The Rectory,East Horndon,Brentwood Chelmsford road west, Woodford LinsdellMrs.gCambridge terrace,Military
Lettley Charles,2 Denmark place, North Lewis Mrs. '!: Audley tel'. Saffron Walden road, Colchester
Station road, Colchester Lewis Mrs. 12 Eastgate street, Harwich LinsellGeo.Darby,Finchingfield,Braintree
Legerton Rev. WaIter, Bellevue house, Lewis Mrs. Gladding road, Manor park, Lintott Ed.46 Claremontrd.Forest gate e
Primrose hill, Brentwood East Ham e Lintott Mrs. 296 Romford I'd. Stratford e
• Legerton John Stock, Whitehouse, Shal- Lewis Mrs. 10 Nut Tree terrace, Broad- Lipson Geo. Pembrokerd. Walthamstow
ford, Braintree way, Plaistow e List Richard, 60 London road, Braintree
Legerton Mrs. Hal'low Lewis Mrs. Park Hill villa, Church Hill Lister Alfred, Park Grove rd.Leytonstn e
Legg Alexander Kennedy,Manor house, '1'oad, Walthamstow Lister Arthur I.P. Sycamore house, High
Victoria road, Romford Lewis Mrs. 15 St. John st. Colchester TOad, Leytonstone e
Leggett George,' 19 Charles terrace, Lewis Mrs. 5 Woodgrange villas) Forest Lister William Short, I Grosvenor villas,
Manor park, East Ham e lane. Forest gate e Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Leggett In. W. 10 Linton rd. Leytnstn e Lewis Philip William, I Laura terrace, Litchfield Edwin, Chelmsford road west,
Leggett Mrs. Oak 10. Forest side, Chngfd Cobden road, Leytonstone e Woodford

Litcbfield Wm. 114 Oshome, Long Henryt Barnfield cottage t MistleYt Ludgater Rev. Henry M.A.. Rectory,
Little Frederick Alfred t Chepstow lodge, Manningtree Aythrop Roothing, Chelmsford
Chelmsford road west, Woodford Long James t 73 East hill, Colchester Lufkin Rev. Henry Everitt M.A.. East
Little Philip, Nore villa, Southchurch, Long William,3 Argyll terra.ce,Lancaster Donyland, Colchester
Southend road, Leytonstone , Lufkin George, Priory street, Colchester
LittlehalesHev.WalterGoughM.A.Rectory Longland Frederick, 4 Woodstock villas, Lufkin Robt. Low. gm. BrightlingseaS.O
Bulphan, Romford SebertroadtForest gate' LukeSl.H.Hampdenho.Collierrw.Rmfrd
Littlejohn Alexr. 7 Queen's rd. Gt. Ilford Longmore George, 1 Courtenay terrace, Luker Henry. Farringdon ho. Southend
Littlejohn Thomas, EIscomb cottages, Marsh street, Walthamstow Lukes Wm. Ford, 17 Wilson rd. Southend
Primroserd. George la. Leytonstone e Longmore William Alexander, Brighton Lukin Rev. James, Rectory, Wickfordt
Littlejohn Tholl.4 The Crescent,Woodford villa t Prospect hill, Walthamstow Battles Bridge 8.0
Littler Edmundt Wallerscote, Portway, Longstaffe Edgar, Newport, Bishop's Lukin Rev. William Hugo B.A. Rectoryt
West Ham e Stortford Downham, Brentwood
Liveing Miss,Manuden,Bishop'sStortford Longuehaye Wm. Hutton, Brentwood Lumley Rev. William Faithfull A.K.C.L.
Livermore CharIeSt Rayne, Braintree Longworth HenrYt 9 Providence cot- Chaplains house, Springfield, Chelms-
Livermorelsaac,Forest rise,Walthamstw tages, Goldsmith road, Leyton ford
Livermore Miss, Upminster, Romford LordGeorgeHenry,Florencevilla,Queen's Lumley Alfred Alexander, -2 Chestnut
Livermore Miss t Woodlands, Little Bad- road, Buckhurst Hill villas. Granville road, Walthamstow
dow, Chelmsford Loud Mrs. The Hermitaget Chipping Lunn William t Lime villas, Manor park t
Livermore Miss Sarah Eliza Hirrel,Syca- Ongar S.O East Ham e
more viI. New London rd. Chelmsford Loughnan-Hamilton Alexander, Ingate- Lunt Rev. Jas. M.A. Vicarage, Leyton
Livermore Mrs. Dunmow 8.0 stone hall, Ingatcstone Lupton Lewis Thos. Ray ho. Forest gt e
Livermore William Charles, 250Romford Louis Ernest Valentinet 1 Delaprie ter- LUTaschi A. Eliza vil. Essex st. Forest gt e
road, Stratford e race, High street, Leyton Luraschi Alexander, 1 Louis villas,
Livingston Edwin Brockholst,7 Oxford Lounds Robert, Grove hill, Woodford Avenue road, Forest gate ~
villas, Walthamstow Louth Joseph, Tanner street, Barking Lusby George Thomas, 2 James cottages,
Llewellyn Rev. James, Colville house, Love Joseph Thomas t Poplar villa, Mor- Grange Park road, Leyton
Wellesley road, Colchester nington roadt Leytonstone e Lusby Wm. Rookery house, Great l1ford
Lloyd Major F. T. R.A. South Shoebury, Love Samuel Cole, Cowslip cottage, Cow- Luxmore Douglas, Fingringhoe lodge,
Southend slip r.oad, George lane, Leytonstone ~ Fingringhoe, Colchester
Lloyd Lieut. John David A.T. Pownall Love William 4 Dacreroad,Uptonmanor, Lynch James, Washington villa, Forest
crescen4 Mersea road, Colchester Plaistow e lane t Forest gate e
Lloyd Rev.Morgan,Goldsmith rd.Leyton Lovegrove Joseph, Oak villas, Ham Frith Lynch Mrs. The Cottage, Havering-atte-
Lloyd Alfred, Wakefield ho. East Ham e road, Forest gate e Bower, Romford
LloydCharlestIILaxton terrace,Sedgwick Lovell Rev. R. H. Dulcote t Fairlop road, Lynch William t :3 Essex villas, Lea
road t Leyton Leytonstone e Bridge road t Leyton
Lloyd Ernest, The Wynns, Clay streett LovellEd.Wm.Cliff cot.Mistley,Maningtr Lynn Rev. J. H. 5 Osbom rd. Forest gt e
Walthamstow Lovell Frederick, Willow bank, Bucking- Lynn John Bateman, Marsh house, St.
Lloyd Frederick t6 FernIea villas,Wilmot ham road t Woodford James' street, Walthamstow
road t Leyton Lovell Mrs. 13 The Avenue, Colchester Lyon H. Fir Tree cottage, George lanet
Lloyd George John,Hope cottage,Lytton Low Rev. Charles B.A. Mardon Ash, Wanstead e
road, Leytonstone e Ongar S.O Lyon Henry C.B. Melrose villa, High
Lloyd Horatio, Argyle st. Leytonstone e Low John, Mill road, Maldon road, Buckhurst Hill
Lloyd Mrs. :I Eagle terrace, Upton lane, Lowe Col. Arthur S. Howard l.P. Gos- Lyon Henry John, 3 Amberleyrd.Leyton
West Ham e field hall, Halstead; & 76 Lancaster Lyons Surgeon William Joseph M.D. J!
Lloyd Mrs. 99 Moulsham st. Chelmsford gate, Hyde ParA t London 10 Creffield villas,Wellesley rd. Colchester
Lloyd Thomas Evan, 2 Optic villas,May~ Lowe Alfred Shawfield house, Hamlet, Lysnar Edwd. 139 Romfordrd. Stratfrd e
nard road, Walthamstow Southend Lyster Mrs. 6 Westbury road, Brentwood
LloydThos.J.Hawthorn vil.Snaresbrook e Lowe Edward, Woodford Green Maberley Mrs. 12 St. John's st.Colchester
Lloyd William Charles, Oxford villas, Lowe Frank t I Woodstock villas, Sebert Mabson Rd. Rous, 5 South pk. Gt. Ilford
Brentwood road t Romford road, Forest gate e MacAllen George, 6 Waddington terrace,
Loader Chas. 43 Gurney rd.Forest gate e LoweMrs'3 Cromwellpl.Clifftwn.Sthend Windmill lane, New town, Stratford e
Loader T.B.Woodford ho. WoodfordBdge Lowe Thomas Ralph, Stanley lodge, Macandrew William J.P.Westwood houset
Loane.John 238 Romford rd. Stratford e Wellesley road t Colchester Little Horkesley, Colchester
Locke George, Eske villa, Princess road, Lowman Thos.S.2 Fairlop rd.Leytonstn e McCall J. Priory lodge, Hoe st.Wlthmstw
Buckhurst Hill Lowndes George Alan D.L., I.P. Barring- McCall William, Woodlands,Woodstreet,
Locke-King The Hon. Peter John D.L. t ton hall, Hatfield, Harlow Walthamstow
l.P. Good Eastert Chelmsford Lowrey Amos t Laurel villa, Mornington McCarthey Rev. Aida.n, Grove Crescent
Lockett Jas. 221 Romford rd. Stratford e road, Leytonstone e road, Strntford e
Lockett Miss, 5 Pembroke pl.Walthmtsw Luard Vice-Admiral William Garnham McCarthy John, Bellair, High Beech S.O
Lockett Mrs. 3 St.Kilda vils.Buckhrst.Hl C.B., J.P. Witham lodge, Witham McCarty John Winspeare H.D. 1 Claren-
Locklin Robt. Chesnut cottaget Loughtn Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A., l.P. don terrace, Leytonstone rd. Stratfrd e
Lock:.wood Leiut-Col. Amelius R. Mark Vicarage, Aveley, Romford MacClaren William,5 Draytou terrace,
D.L., J.P. Bromleys, Harlow Luard Rev. Thomas GarnhamM.A.Vicar- Drayton road, Leytonstone e
LockwoodEdgr.South West rd.Lytnstn e aget Stansted Mountntchet t Bishop's McCleary John, Vicarage la. Stratford e
Lockwood Miss, Mansfield roadtBeverley Stortford McOlure Henry M.D. 2 BrookJa.nd villas,
road, Colchester Luard Miss, Witham North street, Romford
Lockwood Misses, Great Tey, Kelvedon Lucas Lieut.-Col. William James l.P. McCullagh Rev. Henry Hays,2 Ash villa,
Locker AlfredtMolesey villatStanley road, The Wilderness, Witham Fullers road, Woodford
Woodford Lucas Frederick, Park villas, Capel road, McDermottJn.C.TheGrove,DedhamS.O
Lockyer Georget Sussex villa,LansdoWlle Forest gate e McDonald Edwin, 16 Manbey grove,
road, Snaresbrook e . Lucas William, BillericaYt Brent\Vood Stratford green e
Loder John, Franklin housetHornchurch Lucas Wm. Wellesley rd. Leytonstone e McDonald Geo.330 Romford rd.Stratfrd e
road, Romford Luckin James, Rochester villa, New McDonald John, Sussex villa t Deanery
Lodge Charles Geo. Forest rd. Loughton London road, Chelmsford road, Stratford,
Lofts Mrs. Helion BumpsteadtHaverhill Lnckin In.5 Manbey gro.Strtford.grn e MacDonaldMontague,Arleyvilla,Princes
Logan Edward,2 Gainsborough villast Lucking CharIest Warley road, Great road, Buckhurst Hill
Fairlop road, Leytonslione e Warley, Brentwood Macdonnell James, I Lime villas t Hain-
Lomax Kelly Nazer, I Milton villas, Lucking Christopher, 12 Cliff Town ault road, Leytonstone e
Primrose rd. George la. Leytonstone e parade, Southend Macdougall Rev.Alx.HighGarrett,Brntre
Long Rev. Robert Denn M.A. Rectory, Lucking John, Elm cottage, Willingale McDougall John, 1 Waddington terrace,
Inworth, Kelvedon Doe, Brentwood Windmill lane, New town, Stratford e
Long Charles, 70 Duke street,Chelmsford Luckock Rev. Reginald Mortimer M.A. Mace Cha8. Lome ho. Grove rd.Wanstd f)
Long Charles, South rd. Saffron Walden Grammar school, Saffron Walden Mace Wi11iam, Wood End house, Wood
Long Dixon, Vicarage cottage, St. James' Lucy Geo.:2 Beachcroft rd. Leytonstone e street, Walthamstow
street, Walthamstow Lucy Thomas, 67 Leyton rd.Wanstead e Macefield Jsph. Pembroke rd.Wlthmstw
Long Georget The Hollies, East avenuet Ludford Harry Alsop, Mander villa, Gray McEwen Col. R. B. Millfield, Prittlewell t
Walthamstow road, Colchester Southend

Macey William, Tangier house, Cann Main Miss, 4 Prospect tel'. Chelmsford. Manthorpe Mrs. Church street, Cogges-
Hall road, Wanstead Main WaIter, Great Clacton, Colchester hall, Kelvedon
McGavin Miss, 9 Cliff Park villas, Park Main Wm. 4 Osborn tel'. Little Ilford Manttan John, Eude villas, Victoria road,
road, Southend Maine WaIter, The Laurels, Clacton-on- Romford .
McGorrery Cpt.Hy.Springfield,Chlmsfrd Sea, Colchester Mantz Edward, Chestnut cottage, AI-
M'Guire Benjamin, I Abercorn villas, Mainland Capt. David, 8 The Grove, ridge, Romford
Forest lane, Forest gate e Stratford e .. Manus Rev. John M.A. Shrewsbury
Machin Jas. E. 7 Provident pI. Colchester Mainwaring Col. William George C.I.E. road, Plashet e
Machin Percy James, Sydney villa, South The Bowls, Chigwell Row Maple George, 15 Ramsey I'd. Wanstead e
West road, Leytonstone e Mainwaring Charles, 5 Northumberland March David, Western road, Romford
Macilwain George. Matching, Harlow terrace, Margery Park I'd. Stratford e March Thomas, I Rosebank villas, Vie-
McInnes James, 6 Park road, Plaistow e Mainwaring Edwin, Poplar villa, Lytton toria road. Romford
Macintosh John, 2 Julia terrace, High road, Leytonstone e March William, 5 Pleasant terrace,
road, Leytonstone e Mainwood William, 4 Herbert terrace, Murchison road, Leyton
McIntosh Mrs. Havering park, Havering- Grafton road south, Plaistow e Marchant Geo. C. Avenue I'd. Forest gt e
atte-Bower, Romford Mairfan Richard, 2 Mary Ann villas, Marchant Henry, Northbury house, Tan-
Macintre Peter, Winifred house, Cam- Avenue road, Forest gate e ner street, Barking
bridge park, Wanstead e Maitland Rev. Adam Gray, 2 Woodland Marchant John, 2 Stanleyterrace, Union
Mackay J ames, 68 Balaam st. Plaistowe villas, Church end, Woodford road, Leytonstone e
MacKay John, Meyrick cres. Colchester Maitland Rev. J. W. M.A. Loughton hall, Mal'chant Mrs. 2 Victoria cottages, Lon-
Mackay Peter,9 ParkView viIs.Forest gt e Loughton don road, Romfol'd
Mackay Samuel, I Chesnut villas, Gold- Maitland Mrs. Manor house, Golding's MarchantWm.Vicaragevil.Axe st. Brkng
smith road, Leyton hill, Loughton Marder Mrs. Lincoln cottage, Sanson
McKellow Rd.I2 Maria st. New tn. Hrwch Majendie Misses, Damyons, Castle road, Leytonstone e
McKenzieAlex. Warren house, Loughton Hedingham, Halstead Marjoram Jas. 3 Hythe hill, Colchester
MacKenzie Donald,9 Elizabeth terrace, Major Mrs. High street, Saffron Walden Marks Christopher B. 5 Grosvenor
Latimer road, Forest gate e Makepeace Rev. Charles Du Gard M.A. villas, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Mackenzie Laurence, Mount Carron, St. Stephen's college, Walthamstow Marks Henry John, I Julia terrace
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Makepeace Charles Du Gard Torville, High road, Leytonstone e
MackeyMiss,IDerbyvils.Northst.Clchstr Prospect hill, Walthamstow Marks Matthew, 5 The Limes, Manor
Mackie Robt.B.23 Clarence rd.Leytnstn e Makin Rev. Robert, Claremont villa, park, East Ham e
McKinlay Jas. Factory ho. Silvertown e Junction road, Romford Marriage Edward, 83 East hI. Colchester
Mackinnon Andrew, 1 Elm Tree villas, Malcolm Lawrence, Huskards, Ingatstne Marriage Edwd. Burgess,East st.Clchster
Balaam street, Plaistow e Maiden Misses, Asheldham hall, Maldon Marriage Henry, Ayletts, Broomfield,
Mackintosh George, 3 Clarence road, Malim Rev. Henry B.A. Vicarage, Great Chelmsford
·Leytonstone e Wakering, Southend Marriage J. H. Sylvan I'd. Snaresbrook e
Mackmurdo WaIter George, Beechmont, Malim George Charles Edward, St. Marriage Lawrence, Fingrith hall, Black-
Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Dunstan's ho. Balaam st. Plaistow e more, Ingatestone
McKnechney William, 45 Windsor road, Malins Rev. Geo. Pebmarsh, Bures S.O Marriage Miss, Broomfield road, Chelms-
Forest gate e Mallas Mrs. 52 Buxton I'd. Forest gate e ford
Mackreth Henry William, Park villas, MallinsonWm.3 Claremont rd. Forest gt e Marriage Miss, 73 Duke st. Chelmsford
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Mallinson William, Myrtle villas, Vic- Marriage Mrs. Cavall hall, Chelmsford
Mackrow George Colby, Essex lodge, toria road, Romford Marriage Pbilip, Broomfield mill, Broom-
Greengate street, Plaistowe Maltwood Thomas, Elmfield, Chingford field, Chelmsford
McLachlan David James,2 Clifton villas, Maning Rev. Thomas Anthony M.A Marriage Sampson, Parsonage, Broom-
Balaam street, Plaistow e Vicarage, Canewdon, Rochford S.O field, Chelmsford
Maclaurin Daniel, 2 Rosebank, Marsh Mauley Rev. Francis Hardwick B.A. Marriage Samuel, 2 Oliver terrace,
street, Walthamstow Felsted, Chelmsford Oliver road, Leyton
McLean D. Comrie, Forest rse.Wlthmstw Manly Rev. Mortimer M.A. Vicarage, Marriage Wilson, 12 East hill, Colchester
McLean Mrs. Portland road, Colchester Rainham, Romford Marriott Humphrey Richard George J .P.
McLeisch Robert, North Devon villa, Manley Leopold Frederick, The Cedars, Abbott's hall, Shalford, Braintree
Grange Park road, Leyton Stanway, Colchester Marriott John, East Stockwell street,
McLellan Frederick Ryan, Grove cot- Mann Augustus, Mount Edgecnmbe Colchester
tage, Perr.broke road, Walthamstow villas, Latimer road, Forest gate e Marriott Joseph,2 Durham villas, Buck-
Macleod Beckman, Fir 'free cottage, Mann Chas. 25 Mildmay I'd. Chelmsford hurst hill
Woodford Green Mann Frederick, Claremont, Clacton-on- Marryat Rev. James RA. Fern villa,
McLewin James, Whittington villa, Sea, Colchester Bedford road, Snaresbrook e
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Mann Hy. 22 Claremont I'd. Forest gate e Marsden Lieut.-Col. Frederick Carleton
McMahonMajorDonatEdmd.Bromsgrove Mann In.Spring viI. Fuller's rd.Woodford C.B., J.P. Colne house, Halstead
ho. Brook st. South Weald, Brentwood Manu Joseph, Claremont, Clacton-on- Marsden Rev. Canon John Howard B.D
McMillan James Ash, I Clabury villas, Sea, Colchester l.P. Rectory, Great Oakley, HarwicR
Latchett road,George la.Leytonstone e Mann Miss, Claremont villas, Victoria Marsden Samuel Hy. 1 Barclay villas
McMillen John, 7 Grosvenor villas, Fair- roa.d, Romford Barclay road, Leytonstone e
lop road, Leytonstone e MannMrs.Ivyvils.Hamletrd.Chelmsford Marsh Rev. Richard William BishopM.A
Macmullen Lieut.-General Stephen Mann Mrs. I Runwell terrace, Southend Prospect house, High st. Plaistow e
Francis, The Hermitage, Shenfield, Mann Mrs. Savernake lodge, Chelmsford Marsh Rev. William M.A. Manor house,
Brentwood Mann Noah, 2 Grove I'd. Leytonstone e Wethersfield, Braintree
McNab Duncan Robert, Epping Mann Rt. 4 Provident place, Colchester Marsh Felix de Quincey B.A. Forest
Macnamara Rev. Rd. Yeoville Th.A.K.C:L. Manners Capt. Douglas, South crescent, school, Walthamstow
Vicarage, Mountnessing, Brentwood Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Marsh George, High st. Saffron Walden
MacNaught Miss, 2 Stanley villas, Earl- Manning Rev. Frederick James D.D. St. Marsh George, Melrose villas, Leigh,
ham grove, Forest gate e Leonard's rectory, Hythe hill, Clchstr Chelmsford
Macomie In. Maryvil. Londn. rd.Wnstde Manning Rev. Wm.B.A. WoodfordGreen Marsh James, Stansted Mountfitchet,
McOstrich James, Low street, Chingford ManningMrs.Montague vils.Chadwll.Hth Bishop's Stortford
Macpherson A. 37 Grove villas, Mor- Manning Stephen Agard, St. Osyth, Marsh John, 4 Queen's villas, Queen's
nington road, Leytonstone e Colchester road, Southend
McPherson George, 5 Argyle terrace, Manning William, Bay cottage, Halstead Marsh Miss, North lodge, North street,
Margery Park road, Stratford e Mannock Horatio,Hamlet I'd. Chelmsford Colchester
McRitchie Capt. Alex. 49 Hampton road, Mannoch J. C. 11 Buxton rd.Forestgatee Marsh Mrs. North Weald, Epping
Forest gate e Mansell J ames,Crownfield house, Leyton- Marsh William, 3 St. John's terrace, St.
Macvicar Rev. Joseph Duncan M.A. stone road, Stratford e John's street, Colchester
Rectory, Rayleigh S.O Mansell Mrs. 6 Drayton terrace, Drayton Marshall Alfred, Laurel bank, The Drive,
Madden Hy. 86 Buxton rd. Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e Walthamstow
Madge James, Parkford villa, Ham Frith MansfieldMiss,London rd.SaffronWalden Marshall Charles, Little Henham hill,
road, Forest gate e Manson Alexander, 6 Glen villas, Leyton Henham, Bishop's Stortford
Magnus Harry, Ardtully, Ingatestone road, Forest gate e Marshall Charles F. Sewardstone road,
Maidment Rev. Henry, Steeple Bump- Manthorp Maurice Levett, The Abbey, Waltham Abbey
stead, Haverhill Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester Marshall John, Loughton
Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, 4 St. MartorellCarlosRamon,Church rd.Leytn Mauldon Christie Edwin, Ballingdon
Mary's ter. east, Lexden rd. Colchester Martorell Mrs. 2 Avenue I'd. Forest gate e Sudbury
Marshall Goorge, Fern house, Cannhall Mash Mrs. :£ Abbeygate tel'. Colchester Mauldon Mrs. The Green, MistIer,
road, Wanstead e Mashiter Thomas, Priests, Romford Manningtree
Marshall George, r Portland villas, Mashiter WiIliam, The EhIUl, Romford Maund J oseph, I Victoria villas, Derby
"Barking road, Canning town e Maskell Adolphus George, Waltham road, Woodford
Marshall Henry, South view, Goldsmith villas, London road, Chelmsford Maunder Arthur, 2 Claremont villas~
road, Leyton Mason Rev. Alfreg William X.A. Vica- Thornhill road, Leyton
Marshall James Nssh, Forest view, New rage, Dedham S.O Maverley William Edwin, 4 Edith ter-
road, Buckhurl't Hill Mason Rev. George, Oak cottage, Up- race, Victoria road, West Ham e
Marshall In.Wickford,Battles Bridge S.O minster, Romford Mavery Francis, Swiss cottages, Sebcrt
Marshall Josph.G.B.Martin st.Stratford e Mason Rev. George Holditch 1I.A. Cran- road, Forest gate e
Marshall John Hayes, Ebor house, Buck- ham, Romford Maw James, Blenheim house, Margery
ingham road, Woodford Mason A.Haynes,South Ockenden,Rmfrd Park road, Stratford e
Marshall John William, Engleside villas, Mason Charles Harradine, Daisy bank, Maw Miss, The !<'erns, Stratford green e
Maybank rd.. George la. Leytonstone e Derby road, Woodford Maw Thos. 41 Buxton I'd. For£st gate e
Marshall Leanard, The Tenace, Wood- Mason George, Orchard villas, Hamlet Mawhood Richard, Myrtle villas, Hamlet
ford Green road, Chelmsford road, Chelmsford
Marshall Mrs. Lemna house, Gains- MasonHughH.Abbey Idg.East st.Barking Maxin E. 17 Claremont I'd. Forest gate e
borough road, Leytonstone e Mason Jas. 34 Toronto I'd. Leytonstone e Maxwell Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory~
Marshall Mrs. :£ Hannah villas, Russell Mason Jasper~ Belton cot. Chigwell Row High Roothing, Dunmow S.O
road, Leyton Mason John, Grange hill, Chigwell May Abraham, 2 Laurel cottages, North
MarshallMrs. Street,Takeley,Chelmsford Mason John, Grosvenor villa, Eastern Station road, Colchester
Marshall Mrs. The Laurels, Farm hill, road, Romford MayC.O. Suttons gt.Hornchurch,Romfr:l
Waltham Abbey Mason In.2 Russell cots.Russellrd. Leytn May Daviu,37 Claremont rd. Forest gt c
Marshall Thomas, 2 Bretts villas, Prim- Mason Misses, Cambridge lodge, Cam- May Edwin, High street, Maldon
rose road, George lane, Leytonstone e bridge road, Colchester May George Parker M.D., l.P. West house.
Marshall Thomas, 2 Roker place, St. Mason Mrs. Belvedere house, Danbury, Maldon
James' road, Forest gate e Chelmsford May John, I Robert villas, Howard road~
Marsham Charles Alfred. Onley l.P. San- Mason Robert, 2 Belle Vue villas, North Leytonstone e
don lodge, Sandon, Chelmsford Station road, Colchester May James Pearson, 32 Romford road,
Marson Arthur, 15 Idmiston road, Mason Thomas, Sidney villas, Prospect Stratford e
Forest gate e road, Woodford Wells May Miss, Forest cottage~Whitehallroad~
MarstonWm.lsBorthwick rd.Wanstead e Massa Thomas, 11 Balaam st. Plaistow e Woodford Wells
Marten Henry, 3 Carisbrooke terrace, Massingham James, Hermon villa, Or- May Miss, Western villas, London road~
Hoe street, Walthamstow ford road, Walthamstow Maldon
Martin Alfred~ High street, Romford Master Rev. Alfred. M.A. Rectory, Stam- May Mrs. Laurel grove, New London
Martin Alf. J. 7 Church st. Plaistow e bourne, Halstead road, Chelmsford
MartinArthurB.256 Romford rd.Strtfrd t! MastermanEdward, Knott's gm. Leyton May Oliver, Oak lodge,Albert road south,
Martin David, 4 Queen st. Colchester Masterman Henry, High st. Wanstead e Buckhurst Hill
Martin Edward., 3 Southsea villas, Lati- Mather Rev. RalTY Sneyd, Hermitage, May Thomas~ Stanway hall, Stanway All
mer road, Forest gate e Shellow Bowells, Brentwood Saints, Colchester
Martin Edward John~ Markhouse road, Mather Robert Brodie, :£ Deanery road, Maybury William Augustus, jun. M.D. 9-
Walthamstow Stratford e West Stockwell street, Colchester'
Martin Felix, I Westborne villas, Grange Mathew Richard Wm. North st. Romford Maydwell W. 30 Gurney I'd. Forest gt e
Park road, Leyton MathewsJn.Gurney,Durban ho.Plashet e Mayell William, Burnham villa, Oar-
Martin Fredk. 2 Osborne st. Colchester Mathews Thomas, Plashet ho. Plashet e narvon road, Woodford.
Martin }<'rederick Samuel, High Meades Mathieson Jas. 74 Romford I'd. Stratfrd e Mayer Robert Alfred, Forest gate e
house, Martin street, Stratford e Mathison Lieut.-Col. Robert, I St. Mary's Mayes Henry, 12 Manor road, Lea Bridge
Martin Geo. Fredk. Wantz rd. Maldon terrace west, Le-xden road, Colchester road, Leyton
Martin Henry, Douro villas, Snake'S Matignon Louis, Belmont villas, Bnck- Mayes Robert Samuel, 4 Lytton villas,
lane, Woodford Green hurst Hill Lytton road, Leytonstone e
Martin Henry, Gothic villa, Wakering Matkin Joseph, I Western rd.. Romford Mayger Jsph. 8 Kyme road, Hornchurch,
road, Barking MatsonAlfred,New London rd.Chelmsfrd Romford
Martin Henry, 3 Mornington villas, Matson Miss, Mountnessing, Brentwood Mayhew Hy.Rayne rd.Bocking, Braintree
Mornington road, Woodford Wells Matson Misses, St. Osyth, Colchester Mayhew Mrs. Earls Colne, Halstead
Martin J. H. C. Church hI. Walthamstow Matterson William Key, Hawkenbury, Maylen John, Alexander cottage, Forest
Martin James, Douro villa, Snake's lane, Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill road, Leytonstone e
Woodford Green Matthew Alfred, Holland house, Ham· Maynard James, Danesbury house,
Martin James, Hythe hill, Colchester let, Southend Chapel end, Walthamstow
~lartin James,2 Mand villas, Colworth Matthew In. 23 Linton rd. Leytonstone e Maynard Miss, 2 Argyle terrace, Water
road, Leytonstone e Matthews Arthur, 4 Sunderland terrace, land, Stratford e
Martin James William, Maud villa~ Park Chelmsford Maynard Mrs. Billericay, Brentwood
road, Portway~ West Ham e Matthews Charles P. l.P. "Bower house, Maynard Mrs. Church road, Barking
Martin Jas. W. 3 Avenue I'd. Brentwood Havering-atte-Bower, Romford Mayne J. P. 48 Windsor rd.. Forest gate e
Martin John, Earls Colne, Halstead Matthews Charles William, Langtons, Mayor Rev. Canon Robert Bickersteth
Martin John, Rowhedge, Colchester South Weald~ Brentwood B.D. Rectory, Frating, Colchester
Martin Joseph, Avenue ter. Southend Matthews James~ 3 Glendower villas, Mayor Arthur, Rose bank, Loughton
Martin Miss, Flora house, Greenstead Harvey road, Leytonstone e Mayott Joseph, A1ma cottage, Mountnes~
road, Colchester Matthews Josiah, 5 Kyme road, Horn- sing, Brentwood
MartinMoses,Northampton villa,Chelms- church, Romford Mays Edward.,:£ Kent terrace, Victoria
ford road west, Woodford Matthews Mrs.25Cambridge ter.Southnd road, West Ham e
Martin Miss, Aveley, Romford Matthews Mrs. :£ Cliff road, Dovercourt, Meacham Rudrum, I George st. Harwich
Martin Mrs. I Burton cottages, Lan- Harwich Mead Arthur~ The Cedars, Springfield,
caster road, Leytonstone e MatthewsSaml.Porter,Campions,Harlow Chelmsford
MartinMrs.Cottage pl.Shenfield,Brentwd Matthews Thomas, Junction Yillas, Mead C. Sion viI. Barking I'd. Plaistow e
Martin Mrs. :3 Gladstone terrace, Claren- Eastern road, Romford' Mead George, Kitts villa, Pahnerston
don road, Walthamstow Matthews WaIter, 2 Queen's terrace, road, Buckhurst Hill
Martin Reuben, 2 Manvering villas, Wallwood road, Leytonstone e Mead George, Main road, Harwich
Ferndale road, Leytonstone e Matthews WiIliam, Ashwells, Earls Mead Hy. New rd. Mistley, Manningtree
Martin Robert, North view, Snake's Colne, Halstead Mead John, Fern bank,Morningtonroad,
lane, Woodford Green Maud Charles Glynes, 3 Oak villas, Lea Woodford Wells
Martin Thomas, 23 West st. Harwich Bridge road, Leyton Mead Miss, I Kilmarnock viIs. Southend
Martin Thomas, Wo6dlands, Galleywood Maud William Albert, Aired-ale lodge, Mead William Maxfield, I Falmouth
common, Chelmsford Prospect hill, Walthamstow telTace, Forest lane, l"orest gate /J
Martin Thomas Beecbam~ Maud villas, MaundJames, 18 Harvey I'd. Lytnstone e Meade Mrs. Kelvedon
Mornington road, Leytonstone _ Maude Rev. Charles Frewen X.A. Rectory, Meadmore William, Market pI. Romford
Martin Wm. Thomas, 6 Park pt Leyton Woodham Mortimer, Maldon Meadowcroft Misses, Boxted, Colchester
Meadows Rev. William Spencer Hams Metcalfe Geo.Park Gro. rd.Leytonstonee Millington George Sharp, Woodford
M.A. Vigarage, Chigwell Metcalfe Mrs. 10 Wallwood terrace, Bridge
Mearns Andrew, 2 Stephenson's villas, Wallwood road, Leytonstone e Millman Mrs. Oak villa, Prince's road,
Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e Meyer Capt. Herman Paul David J.P. Ruckhurst Hill
Mears Benj. 176 Romford rd. Stratford e Little Laver, Ongar S.O Millns John Thomas, 2 Tenby villas,
Mears Charles Joseph D'Oley, Roding Meyer Henry James, 2 Rose villas, Pembroke road, Walthamstow
house, Great Ilford Grange Park road, Leyton Mills Assist.-Comms.Gen.HerbertJames,
Meayers WaIter, I Sylvan villas, Snake's Meyer Mrs. The Grange, Little Laver, Purfleet, Romford
lane, Woodford Green Ongar S.O Mills Rev. John William M.A. Rectory,
Mechi Mrs. Tiptree hall, Kelvedon Mickelborough William, 9 Charles ter· St. Lawrence Newland, Maldon
Medcalf Mrs. Western road, Romford race, Manor park, East Ham e Mills Alfred, Victoria road, George lane,
MedcalfWilliam, I Stanley villas,Stanley Micklefield William Fayres, Oak villas, Leytonstone e
road, Woodford Crescent road, Brentwood Mills Alfred Rought, I Claremont villas,
Medgett Thomas, 3 Beachcroft road, Mickleread David, 64 Romford road, Thornhill road, Leyton
Leytonstone e Stratford e Mills Edward Thomas, Granville road,
Meclland John Rowe, 2 Woodbine villas, Middleton Surgeon-Major John M.D. Walthamstow
Chelmsford road west, Woodford Mersea road, Colchester Mills George, Belmont park, Chigwell
Mee Edward D. Wick place, Bulphan, Middleton James M.D. Great Baddow, Mills George, IQ Buxton rd. Forest gte e
Romford Chelmsford Mills Henry Penny, 5 Park villas, Park
Mee Mrs. 2 Grove villas, Brentwood Middleton Thos. A. Crouch st. Colchester road, Leyton
Meech Francis, Cowley cottage, Cowley Midgley Arthur, Larchmount, London Mills James, Thames villas, Grange
road, Leytonstone e road, Saffron Walden Park road, Leyton
Meech Peter, 146 Romford rd. Stratford e Milbank James, New London road, Mills John, Primrose villa, Chelmsford
Meek Alfred, 4 Gainsboro' villas, Fairlop Chelmsford road east, Woodford
road, Leytonstone e Milbourn Thomas, Cato Annetta villa, Mills John, Shrubbery, Loughton
Meek Mrs. Birch cottage, Forest side, Clarendon road, Walthamstow MiIlsJohn,Snake's lane,Woodford Green
Chingford Mildred Henry, Warley house, Great Mills John Baker, Mellendean lodge,
Meekin Frank, Tilney house, Eagle lane, Warley, Brentwood Cambridge park, Wanstead e
Snaresbrook e Mildred Mrs. Brook house, Chigwell Mills John Larkin, I Lansdowne villas,
Meeks Mrs. 10 Cecil road, Leytonstone e Miles Geo. Wycke cot. Spital rd. Maldon High road, Leytonstone e
Meers George Crittall, Woodham house, Miles In. 2 Ellen vils. Grange Park road, Mills Mrs. 36 Crouch street, Colchester
Barking road, Canning town e Leyton Mills Mrs. Hampton house, Upton lane,
Meeson Arthur John, Telfords, Rawreth, Miles John, Forest lane, Forest gate e West Ham e
Chelmsford Miles Mrs. Dunan villa, Earlham Mills Peter, The Grange, Sewardstone e
Meeson In. 171 Romford rd. Stratford e grove, Forest gate e Mills Thomas, Thames villas, Grange
Meeson Mrs. Holly lodge, High road, Miles Miss, Spital road, MaIden Park road, Leyton
Leytonstone e Miles Mrs. Rayne road, Braintree Milman Thomas Francis, The Anchorage,
Meeson William, Merryfield, Rettendon Miles William, Edmonton terrace, Id- Hainault road, Leytonstone e
place, Rettendon, Chelmsford miston road, Forest gate e Milne In. 18 St. Andrew's rd. Plaistow e
Meggy Andrew, 2 Waltham villas, New Mileson Edward Abel, Garforth villa, Milne'rhos. 218 Romford rd. Stratford e
London road, Chelmsford Stanley road, Woodford Milnes, Rev. William Norton, 2 Kensing-
Meg~' Mrs. Halstead house, Cliff Millard C. P. Eyotts, Woodham Ferrers, ton villas, Roman road, Colchester
parade, Southend Chelmsford Milton John, 2 Elizabeth cottages, Albert
Meggy Robert Smith, Warley road, Millard William, Essex hall, Colchester square, Forest gate e
Brentwood Miller Rev. Chas. M.A. Vicarage, Harlow Minett John Thomas, Oswald house,
Meiter Charle!J William, Mill house, Miller Rev. Edmund B.A. 82 East hill, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e
Queen's road, Brentwood Colchester Minter Wm.Lower gn.Brightlingsea S.O
Melhado Gordon, 12 Westbury road, Miller Rev. William Coase T.A.K.C.L. Minto Andrew, 2 Barton villas, Birkbeck
Brentwood Vicarage, TiUingham, Maldon road, Leytonstone e
Melles W.Sewardstone lodg.Sewardstone Miller Chas. 6 Clarence rd. Leytonstone e Minuto J oseph, 2 Braybrook villas,
Mellish C. Fern viI. Newrd.Buckhurst HI Miller George, Belfairs lodge, Leigh, Vicarage road, Leyton
Mellish Mrs. Fryerning, Ingatestone Chelmsford Mioux Rev. Paterne, Nazareth house,
Melson John, I Lorne vill~s, Forest lane, Miller Henry, I I Wellington rd.Harwich Southend
Forest gate e Miller Hiram, Grove house, Grove road, Mister John, 2 Penryn terrace, Victoria
Memory Alfred, Theydon Bois, Epping Woodford road, Romford
Mendham James, 3 Roker place, St. Miller Hugh, Gresham villa, South- Mitchell Adam, 3 Wanstead villas,
James' road, Forest gate e church road, Southend Leytonstone road, Stratford e
Mens Alfred, Witham Miller James, Woodford Wells Mitchell Jas. Leytonstonerd. Stratford (I
Mens Edwin, Dedham S.O . Miller In. Clifton ho. Grove rd. Woodfrd Mitchell John, 2 Lexder villas, Gold-
Mercer Arthur Wyatt, Stallford-Ie- Miller In. H. The Priory, Saffrn.Walden smith road, Leyton
. Hope, Romford Miller Miss, The Rookery, St. John's Mitchell Miss, Avenue house,1Vitham
Mercer Francis Montier, Field house, street, Colchester· Mitchell Miss,163Coggeshall rd.Braintree
Marsh street, Walthamstow Miller Miss, I Woodbine villas, Stanley Mitchell Mrs. I Maria ter. Stratford gn e
Mercer George, I Verandah place, West road, Woodford Mitchell Mrs. 21 St. John's st. Colchester
street, Colchester . Miller Mrs. Fairfield villa, Birchanger, Mitchell Wm. 176 High st. Stratford e
Mercer Waiter, Whalebone farm, Chad- Bishop's Stortford Mitchell William Aug. Boscobel, Park
well Heath Miller Mrs. 6 Lea Bridge road, Leyton place, Leyton
Merchant Rev. James, Talbot terrace, Miller Mrs. Nazing, Waltham Cross Mitchell William R. 4 Clyde terrace,
Grays Thurrock S.O Miller Mrs. Norfolk villa, Stanhope Capworth street, Leyton
Mercier Major Charles, 2 Cambridge road, Walthamstow Mitcheson John, The Grove, Stratford e
terrace, Southend Miller Mrs. Stansted Mountfitchet, Mixer Mrs. Dedham hall, Dedham f:.0
Mercier Cyril, S8 Claremont road, Bishop's Stortford Mobbs John, 2 Avenue road, Leyton
Forest gate e Miller Mrs. I4 Wellington rd. Harwich Mockett Matt, Lodge, Little Waltham,
MerckEdward, Aldersbrook villas,Manor Miller Samuel H. Farad'l.Y road, Leyton Chelmsford
park, East Ham e Miller Thomas, The Laurels, Thorpe-Ie- Modlin John Robert, Holly 10dge,Shern-
MeredithMrs.2Pembrke. pI. Walthmstw Soken, Colchester hall street, Walthamstow
Merewether Fras. Lewis Shaw, Peacocks, Miller Wm. 3 Roman villa, Roman road, Moffatt Mrs. Southbury house, Hart
Margarettillg, Ingatestone Colchester street, Barking
Merlens In. 58 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Milligan Rev. Henry Mawson B.A. Moffin Edward EIgar, I Upton villas,.
Merriman Major William R.E. 8 Camp Vicarage, Althorne, Maldon Stratford road, Park, Plaistow e
villas, Military road, Colchester Millington Miss, Westbury villas, Mogge Henry, Lyndhurst lodge,Earlham
Merriman Hy. J.Princes rd. Bckhrst.Hill Brentwood grove, Forest gate e
Merrington John, Whites place, Marga- Millington Thomas Alexander, Avenue Moggridge Col. John Y. R.E. Abbey
retting,Ingatestone hOUse, Orford road, Walthamstow house, St. John's green, Culchester
Merritt Wm. 3 Borthwick rd. Wanstead Millington William Alexander, 2 Homely Mohrmann Joseph, 19 Hampton road,.
Messent Mrs. Stebbing, Chelmsford villas, Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook Forest gate e
Metcalf George, 4 Nightingale villas, Millington Wilham Henry, 40 Wellesley Moir John, 22 Hope terrace, Lilliput
Nightingale lane, Wanstead e road, Wanstead e road, Canning town e
Molenkamp D. 3 Balaam st. Plaistow e Morgan George, Moat house, Brook Moss Alfred, Vange, Romford
Molina Demetrius, 1 Grange Park street, Brentwood Moss Fredk. Wm. Farnbridge rd.Maldon
cottages, Grange Park road, Leyton Morgan Jas. T. Cambridge I'd. Barking Moss George, 4 Union I'd. Leytonstone tI
Moll Frederick, I Mornington terrace, Morgan James, Dorcas yillas, Victoria Moss James, 50 Osborne Pd. Forest gate e
Union road, Leytonstone e road, Romford Moss James, 8 Park terrace, Southend
Moll Frederick Samuel, 9 Borthwick Morgan James Henry, St. Alphege, Bul- Moss James, St. James'villa, Victoria
road, Wanstead e wer road, Leytonstone e road, Romford
Moll Oscar, 1 Saxby villas, Plashet e Morgan James Thos. Tanner st.Barking Moss Mrs. St. Edward's square,Romford
Mollady Edward R. Newgate street, MorganMat.I03 Gurneyrd.Forest gate e Moss Saml. 9 Taniwha tel'. Forest gate e
Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Morgan Miss, White Roothing,Chelmsfd Moss Thomas, The Lodge house, Broom-
Molson Frederick, Vine villas, Victoria Morgan Mrs. Fawley ho.East st.Barking field, Chelmsford
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Morgan Mrs. 3 Leigh villas, Southend Moss Water, Manor villas, Theydon
Molyneux Samuel, 2 Clarendon villas, Morgan Thomas, Mile end, Colchester Bois, Epping
Walthamstow Morgan Thomas, Waverley house, High Moss William Henry, 20 Charles terrace,
Monday William, Hermon villa, Hermon road, Leytonstone e Manor park, East Ham e
hill, George lane, Leytonstone e Morgan William Henry, 8 Oliver's ter- Mostyn WaIter, 'ryerning, Ingatestone
Monk Henry, 4 Rose cottages, Albert race, OliveI' road, Leyton Mothersole Mrs. 23 Head st. Colchester
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Moring Henry,ManorPark rd.EastHam e Mott Capt Chas.Augustus, Pleona lodge,
Monkhouse Mrs. High street, Brentwood Morison Maj. Frederick de Lemare, Victoria road, Colchester
Montagu Rev. James B.A. Rectory, Wellesley ho. Wellesley I'd. Colchester Mott Edward, 3 Granville terrace, Caer-
Hawkwell, Chelmsford Morison Rev. Joseph, South Ockenden, narvon road, Forest gate e
Moodie John Gorrie, Craigie Lea, Cleve- Romford Mott Fredk. Wm. Railway st.Chelmsfrd.
land road, Snaresbrook e Morison John, 2 Woodford Hall villas, Mott George, Warley road, Brentwood
Moody John R.N. Hulmers,Great Warley, Chelmsford road west, Woodford Mott Mrs. Clifton cottage, Buttsbury,
Brentwood Morley Rev. Edmund, Northst.Halstead Ingatestone
Moody Richard Mallins, Montford house, Morley Rev. Thomas Aldersey :M.A. West Mott Mrs. 173 Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Chigwell Row Thurrock, Romford Moull Mrs. Western villas, Brentwood
Moojen Edmund, Penton villa, Cowley Morley In. 302 Romford I'd. Stratford e MouIson Mrs. Welborne villas, Upton
road, Leytonstone e Morley Misses, West Thurrock,Romford crescent, West Ham e
Moojen Henry, 1 Sydney villas, Morning- Morley Mrs. 9 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Mountain William George, 7 Arnold
ton road, Leytonstone e Morley William, Huxley road, Leyton villas, Capworth street, Leyton
Moon Edward Henry Rowland, Plym Morphew Henry William, 15 Sylvester Mour Wm. 53 Hampton I'd. Forest gate e
villa, Wallwood road, Leytonstone e terrace, Walthamstow Moxley John, 2 Granville terrace, Caer-
Mooney James, Belmont villas, Victoria Morphey Henry, A,renue tel'. Southend narvon road, Forest gate e
road, Romford Morrell Capt. R.N. Pur:leet, Romford Muers John, I Albany road, Leyton
Moor In. E. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Morrell James, 2 Ethell villas, Idmisoon Muggeridge Mrs. 19 Randulph terrace,
Moore Rev. Carter William Daking :M.A. road, Forest gate tJ Springfield, Chelmsford
1 Carlton villas, MaIden I'd. Colchester MorrisBenjamin Reed,39 Chobham road, Muhm Frederick, Ferndale lodge, Earl-
Moore Rev. John, 3 Capel terrace, Cliff New town, Stratford e ham grove,Forest gate e
town, Southend Morris Chas. Claremont villa, Loughton Muir Robert William, Woodlands,White-
Moore Rev. John James Stevenson M.A., Morris Edward James, Springfield, hall lane, Buckhurst Hill
LL.D. Vicarage, Dagenham, Romford Epping New road, Buckhurst Hill Muller Albert, I Oxford gardens, Dray-
Moore Alfred, Double house, Aldborough Morris Edward S. Hurst view, Epping ton road, Leytonstone e
hatch, Ilford New road, Buckhurst Hill Miiller Mrs. I Trina villas, Cleveland
Moore Edward Thomas, 2 Claughton Morris Frederick Evelyn,West Stockwell road, Snaresbrook e
villas, Eastern road, Romford street, Colchester Mulley John James, Florence villas,
Moore Frank, 6 The Avenue, Colchester Morris George Frederick, I Florence Water lane, Stratford tJ
Moore Frederick, Squirrels hth. Romford villas, Roman road, Colchester Mulley Mrs. High street, Maldon
Moore Geo. Marie viI. Oliver I'd. Leyton Morris George, Shrubland villa, Shrub- Mullings Thomas John, Ashbridge villa,
Moore Hastings, 76 Hampton road, land road, Leyton Colworth road, Leytonstone e
Forest gate e Morris James, I Holly terrace, Leyton- Mumford Alfred, Eastfield house, Marsh
Moore Henry, 360 Romford rd.Stratford e stone road, Stratford e street, Walthamlltow
Moore Hy. C. 67 Romford I'd. Stratford e Morris John, Earl house,Earlham grove, Mumford Arthur Geo. Bank buildings,
Moure John Bartholomew Giles Gidley, Forest gate e Colchester
Fyfield house, Fyfield, Brentwood Morris John, High street, Halstead Mumford Francis, Beachcroft road,
Moore Mrs.Church street,SaffronWalden Morris Joseph, 2 Craven villas, Vicarage Leytonstone e
Moore Mrs. 6 The Avenue, Colchester road, Leyton Mumford Frank,s CoMen rd.Lytnstnee
Moore Mrs. Holloway down, Leytnstne e Morris Mrs. I4 Palmeston rd.Walthmstw Mumford Henry, Wye villa, Wallwood
Moore Mrs. Kelvedon Morris Mrs. 5 Union road, Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Moore Mrs.6 Newrd.Mistley,Manningtre Morris Samuel,8 Borthwick rd.Wanstead Mumford James, Balmoral villa, Clova
Moore Mrs. Prospect villas, Warleyroad, MorrisSeptimus Thomas,TrelIiscottage, road, Forest gate e
Brentwood Pembroke road, Walthamstow Mumford J.W. F.7 Adelaide ter.Gt.nford.
Moore Mrs. 214 Romford road,Stratford e Morris T. J. 22 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Mumford M. J. Chesnut villa,Cambridge
Moore Sherwood Marfrey, Orford house, Morris William, 39 Buckingham road, park, Wanstead e
Wellington road, Wanstead e Forest gate e Mumford Mrs. Fernlea, Bulwer road,
Moore Sydney, Grove bill, Woodford Morris Rev. J ames, Meyric crescent,:Mer- Leytonstone e
Moore Theodore, Whip's crs.Walthmstw sea road, Colchester Mumford Mrs. Stansted Mountfitchet,
Moore Thomas, Whalebone lodge, Chad- Morrison Alexander, 2 Peldon villas, Bishop's Stortford
well Heath Vicarage road, Leyton Mumford T. 3 Grove place, Gt. nford
Moore William, Billericay, Brentwood Morrison Alexander Cameron, 2 Ray Mumford William, Bower, Clavering,
Moore William, New road, Harwich villas, West Grove road, Woodford Gm Bishop's Stortford
Moore Wm. 2 Perey road, Leytonstonee Morrison Jas. 5 Pembroke rd.Wlthmstw Munday Geo. J. Fernside, Snaresbrooke
Moore William, Sunnyside, Albion hill, Morrison J n. 37 Windsor rd.Forest gte e Munday Mrs. I I Barclay terrace,Barclay
Loughton Morse John, Sun st. Waltham Abbey road, Leylionstone e
Moore William Arthur, Woodside villa, Morsley In. 210 Romford rd. Stratford e Mundy Edward, Elizabeth villa, Palmer-
Woodriff road, Leytonstone e Moroon Alfred, jun. Trinity cottage, ston road, Buckhurst Hill
Moore William Henry, Ivy villa, Lans- Springfield, Chelmsford Mundy Henry Neave, Sp~Oakcottage,
downe road, Snaresbrook e Morton Alfred George Edwin,Clarendon High road, Buckhurst .lilll
Moore Wm. Turle, Forest view, Forest house, New London road, Chelmsford Munger John, 10 Essex st. Forest gate'
rise, Walthamstow Monon Edwin, 4 Cyprus villas,Bucking- Muniou Jas. 16 Windsor rd.Forestgatee
Morant Geo. C. High house, Brentwood ham road, Woodford Munn T .2Chesnut vIs. Gldsmth.rd.Leytn
More George, 267 Romford rd.Stratford e Morton Jas. 10 The Crescent, Woodford Munro Donald, Whitehall, Chigwell row
Morgan Captain F. C. B..A. South Morton John, 3 Marian villas, Hainault Murch S. H. Goldings park, Loughton
Shoebury, Southend road, Leytonstone e Murdoch Hy. J. Cromwell I'd. Brentwood
Morgan Chas. 14 Grove rd. Wanstead e Morton Rd. Park viI. Grove rd.Lytnstn e Murdock William, 3 Albion villas, Wil·
Morgan D. J. Gt. Blake hall, Wanstead e Morton Rt. Ruthrfrd. Star stile, Halstead mot road, Leyton
MorganDvd. T. Whip'scross,Walthmstw Moseley Edwd. 16 Grove rd. Wanstead e Murdoch William, St. George's villas,
MOO'gan Geo.White Roo$ing,Chelmsford Moss Alfd. 18 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Shernall street, Walthamstow

Murfin John, 2 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Neave Lady, Dagenam park, Romford NicholasWm. The Drive, Walthamstow e
Muriel Rev. William Carter M..&.. Rectory, NeedhamJsph.240 Romford rd.Stratfrd e Nicholl Charrington, Bovills hall, Ard-
Debden, Saffron Walden Neill Alex. 57 Claremont rd. Forest gate e leigh, Colchester
Murray John White, 2 Hannah terrace, Nelson Elliot,Wallwood rd. Leytonstone e Nicholl Charrington,jun.East hl.Colehstr
Buckhurst Hill Nelson Horatio, Thornhill villa, Thorn- Nicholl Conrad R. M.A. I Moulsham
Murray Mrs. Cambridge rd. Colchester hill road, Leyton street, Chelmsford
Murl:ay Mrs. 2 Clarendon villas, Cliff Nelson John, I Victoria villas, Forest Nicholls Rev. Henry G. The Parsonage,
road, Dovercourt, Harwich lane, Forest gate e Dedham S.O
Murray William, Main road, Lower Nelson Thos. Markhouserd.Walthamstw Nicholls Abrhm. Nazing, Waltham cross
Dovercourt, Harwich Nelson William George, Pembroke lodge, Nicholls Charles, I Albion villas, Lea
Murrell Mrs. Rosslyn house, Witham Cambridge park, Wanstead e Bridge road, Leyton .
Musgrave Christopher George, Stanley Nethercot Henry, The Crescent, Upton Nicholls Henry, IQ Argyle terrace, Water
villa, Grove Green mne, Leytoustone e manor, Plaistow e lane, Stratford e
Musgrave Edgar,Manor house,Danbury, Nettleship Hy. J. The Hollies, Snaresbrk Nicholls Jas. M.D. 68 Duke st. Chelmsfrd
Chelmsford Neville Hon. & Rev. Canon Latimer M.A. Nicholls John, Ebrington villa, Cleveland
Musgrove Ralph Nowell, 3 Myrtle villas, Rectory, Heydon, Royston road, Snaresbrook e
Leyton road, Leyton Newall John Lightfoot J.P. Forest hall, Nicholls John, The Hemnalls, Theydon
Musselwhite Rev. Thomas Ralph M.A. Ongar S.O Garnon, Epping
West Mersea, Colchester Newbery Edward, Essex grove, Clay Nicholls Miss, Woodford Green
Musson Thos. 71 Romford rd.Stratford e street, Walthamstow Nicholls WaIter Jas. I Beulah cottages,
\-Must Miss, Laurustina villas, George NewbornMiss,SibleHedingham,Halstead North Station road, Colchester
lane, Leytonstone e Newby Charles,Great Yeldham,Halstead Nicholls Wm. I Crescent rd. Brentwood
Mustard David, High st. Manningtree Newcombe James, St. Osyth, Colchester Nichols Rev.David C.Chipping Ongar S.O
Mustard John, Reeves hall, East Mersca, Newham Rt. 2 St.Kildavils. Buckhrst. HI Nichols Charles William, Grosvenor Park
\Jolchester Newland B.E. Temple house, East Ham e . road, Walthamstow
Mustard William, High st. Manningtree Newland Chas. Sun st. Waltham Abbey Nichols Fras. Morgan J.P. Lawford hall,
Mustard William, Stour villa, Mistley, Newland Francis, Alexander villa, Birk- Manningtree
Manningtree beck road, Leytonstone e Nichols Wm.H.IIo Gnrney rd.Forest gt e
Mustoe William, Amina cottage, West Newling Benj. Percy lodge, Snaresbrook Nichols Wm. Hy. Theydon Bois Epping
avenue, Walthamstow Newman Rev. Thomas Harding D.D. Nicholson Ebenezer, Melrose, Cj arendon
Mutimer Wltr. A. Earls Colne, Halstead Nelmes, Hornchurch, Romford road, Snaresbrook e
Myers Rev. Thomas B •.&.. Rectory, Newman Charles Parker, Rayne road, Nicholson George Hy. Woodford Green
Twinstead, Sudbury Bocking, Braintree Nicholson Miss, Balkerne lane, Colchestr
Myers Mrs. Herman, Bremen villa, Newman Frederick, 1 Francis villas, Nicholson Miss, 2 Woolston villas, Stan-
Hermon hill,Georgelane,Leytonstone e Avenue road, Forest gate e ley road, Woodford
Myhill Mrs. Boreham place, Boreham, NewmanHy.19 Torontord.Leytonstone e Nicholson Mrs. Nightingale terrace,
Chelmsford Newman Jas. Ugley, Bishop's Stortford Broomfield road, Chelmsford
~agle Garrett, The Grange, Ingrave, Newman James Smith,34 Mildmay road, Nicholson Thos. William, The Poplars,
Brentwood Chelmsford High road, Buckhurst Hill
Nairn James, Park house, Little Ilford Newman John, Cross road, Maldon Nicholson Wm. Rose cottage, 'Wendens
Nairne Rev. John D. M.A. Fairfield,Duke Newman John Hill, Belgrave villa, Amho, Saffron Walden
street, Chelmsford W oodford Green Nickisson John, Brent house, Brentwood
Nalborough Geo. 4 Church st. Harwich Newman In.T. 224 Romford rd.Strtfrd e Nickolls Henry William, 3 Emily villas,
Nalborough Mrs. I Cleve villas, Dover- Newman Joseph, Belmont villa, Derby Harrow road, Leytonstone e
court, Harwich road, Woodford Nicks Mrs. 2 Clifton villas, Amberley
Nalborough Mrs.Charles,4 Cliff terrace, Newman Miss, The Limes, Witham road, Leyton
Dovercourt, Harwich Newman Mrs. North place, Great Bard- Nicoll Frdk.2Florence vils.'Voodfrd.Wells
Nalborough William John, 2 Cleve villas, field, Braintree Nicoll Miss, The Limes, Woodford Wells
Dovercourt, Harwich Newman Mrs. Shenfield common, Shen- Nicolls Arthur, Broomfield, Chelmsford
Nalty William Valentine, 3 Queen's field, Brentwood Nicolls William, 2 Roslyn villas, Carnar~
villas, Queen's road, Southend Newman Mrs. Samuel, Rayne, Braintree von road, Woodford
Nanson Rev. Robert Vipond LL.B. Newman Oswald Robt. Rayne, Braintree Nightingale Robert, Woodbine cottage
Aldham, Colchester Newman Roben Kimber Jordan, Brent- Cross road, Maldon
Napper Jas. 5 Clarence rd. Leytonstone e wood cottage, High street, Brentwood Nind George Frederick Pitt, Walton
Nash Rev.FrederickGiffordM.A.Vicarage, Newman Thomas Beddall, Wethersfield, villas, Creffield road, Colchester
Clavering, Bishop's Stortford Braintree Nix John B. Billericay, Brentwood
Nash Alexander, Haverstock villa, Pal- Newman Thos. Harry, Rayne, Braintree Nix William, Billericay, Brentwood
merston road, Buckhurst Hill NewmanWilliam George,3 Capel terrace, Noad Stephen Innes, Chigwell Row
Nash Chas.Chelmer ho.Heybridge,Maldn Manor park. East Ham e Noakes E. R.&.. Felsted, Chelmsford
NashChas.Trentvil.Waterla. Stratforde Newman William Oswald, Felsted Mill Noble Chas. Atkins, GraysThurrock S.O
Nash Edward, Claremont villa, Snake's house, Felsted -S.O Noble Frederick, Chipping Ongar S.O
• lane, Woodford Green Newnum Rev. John Henry M.A. The Noble Geo. Richard, Woodford Bridge
Nash Geo. 2 George viIs. Buckhurst Hill School house, Brentwoo·l Noble Henry,Clarendon viI.Woodford Gn
Nash John L. Caitle st. Saffron Walden Newsome Francis, 3 Newbury villas, Noble Henry, High rd. Woodford Wells
Nash Joseph, 56 London road, Braintree Sebert road, Forest gate e Noble Miss, Chipping Ongar S.O
Nash Mrs. 7 Carew terrace, Chelmsford Newson John, Crosby villa, Earlham Noble Robert, 5 The Grange, Grange
Nash Mrs. Sion house, Birchanger, grove, Forest gate e Park road, Leyton
Bishop's Stortford Newton Major W. James .l.P. Home- Noble T. W. Felsted, Chelmsford
Nash Searle Jas. East Horndon, Brentwd wood, Shenfield, Brentwood Nockells Rev. William M.A. Rayleigh S.O
Nash Thomas Gifford, Manor house, Newton Rev. Francis John M.A. Rectory, Nockolds Martin, Castle Hill house,
Great Chesterford S.O Shelley, Brentwood Saffron Walden
Nason Mrs. I Lorne villas, Southend Newton Geo. London rd. Saffron Walden Nockolds Miss, Reed cottage, Audley
Nathan Edward, The Ferns, Snake's Newton Geo.9 Maryland point, Stratfrd e road, Saffron Walden
lane, Woodford Green Newton Mrs. Hollies, Palmerston road, Nokes Albert, 1 Trinity terrace, Spring-
Nathan Edwd. H. Staffa ho. Snaresbrk e Buckhurst Hill field, Chelmsford
Nathan H. Shernhall st. Walthamstow Newton Wm. Thaxted rd.SaffronWalden NoIf Augsts. 8 Taniwha tel'. Forest gate e
Nathan Hy. Swiss vil. Derbyrd.Woodfrd Nice Hy. 8 Roman road, Colchester Norman Rev. Charles F. M.'&'., J.P. Mist-
Nathan James, Claremont, Upper park Nice Mrs. Ballingdon, Sudbury ley place, Mistley, Manningtree
Natusch Charles Francis, Lee house, Nice Mrs. Carlton villa, New London Norman Rev. Wm. M.A. Snaresbrook e
Prittlewell, Southend road, Chelmsford Norman Alfred, Carnarvon villas, Forest
Natzler Francis, II Selwyn rd. Plaistow e Nicholas John, Fairlight villa, Maybank lane, Forest gate e
Neale Edward, 12 Pleasant terrace, road, George lane, Leytonstone e Norman Edward Kensit .l.P. Mistley
Mnrchison road, Leyton Nicholas Llewellyn, 54 Romford road, lodge, Mistley, Manningtree
Neale Miss, Cottage place, Chelmsford Stratford e Norman James, Hill state, Dovercourt,
Neale Thompson, Frankleigh, Southend Nicholas Richard George, 68 Romford Harwich
NeatWilliam, I Cornwall villas, Margery road. Stratford e Norman John Musgrove, Head gate,
Park road, Stratford e Nicholas Thomas Black, 232 Romford Colchester
Neate John, Leigh, Chelmsford road, Stratford e Norman Thos. 88 Gurney rd. Forest gt e

390 Non ESSEX.. [KiLty'S
Norman Richard, 14 Ashburnham Oakley William, Head street, Halstead Orrin Joseph, Colchester house, Gold-
terrace, Sonthchurch, Southend Oates James Forrester, 3 Grange ter- smith road, Leyton
Norman William, Dunbeath house, race, Church road, Leyton Orth Wm. Henry, Gt. Totham, Witham
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Obbard George Frede-rick04CroWD villas, Orton George, 9 Denmark terrace, Har-
Norman William Watson, 12 The Cres- Greengate street, Plaistow ~ vey road, Leytonstone e
cent, Upton manor, Plaistow ~ O'Brien Daniel, 1 St. James' villas,Wood- Osborn Henry, 2 Fernlea road, New
Norris James Alfred, Meadow side, house road, Leytonstonee town, Ha-rwich
Springfield, Chelmsfo-rd O'Brien Patrick, North street, Colchester Osbom Henry Edwin Knowles, Rutland
Norris J oseph, Elizabeth house, Lancas- O'Brien RusseIl James M.D. 272 Rom- lodge, Hainault road, Leytonstone e
ter road, Leytonstone e ford road, Stratford e Osborn John, 16 The Avenue, Colchester
Norris Mrs. 31 Manbey gro. Stratfrd. gn e O'Callaghan Capt. D. D. T. B.A. South Osborn Mrs. I Grafton viIs. Great Ilford
Noms Thomas, Sherfield house, Grays Shoebury, Southend Osbom Mrs. Rose cot. Chappel, Halstead
Thurrock S.O O'Connor Mrs. Rose valley, Brentwood Osborn Mrs. 16 The Avenue, Colchester
Noms Thomas William, Cedar villas, Oddy Mrs. 2 Sycamore villas, Leyton- Osbom Thos. I I TheCrescent,Woodford
Grays Thurrock S.O . stone road, Stratford e Osborne Major John Forster P. New
Norrish Samuel, Hornchurch rd. Romfrd Oddy William,7 Harvey terrace, Harvey hall, Ardleigh,Colchester; & Whitehall,
North Rev. Jacob Hugo M.A. Rectory, road, Leytonstone e Old heath, Colchester •
White Roothing, Chelmsford Odger William Henry, 5 Richmond villa, Osborne Arthur Thomas, St. Botolph's
North Alfred, Grove villas, Great Ilford High street, Leyton street, Colchester
North Chas. I Manbey gro. Stratford gn e Offard Daniel, Pagnells Ash, Pentlow, Osborne C. J. IoKirkdale rd.Leytnstone e
North George, 3 Manbey villas, Manbey Sudbury Osbome Frederick WiIliam, Dymoke
grove, Stratford green e Offin Chas. I Victoria. Gro. viI. Brentwd road, Hornchurch, Romford
North Hy. 5 Adelaide tel'. Great Ilford Offin ThomasW.Down hall,Rayleigh S.O Osbome Henry G. Remington house,
North Hy. 2 Hope viIs. Capworth st.Leytn Offin Wm. Hutton ho.Hutton,Brentwood Dymoke road, Hornchurch, Romford
North SI. Eli, 186 Romford rd. Stratfrd e Offin WiIIiam, 5 Westbury rd.Brentwood Osbome Owen, 1 Park Side houses,
North William, Marlbro'villa, Higham Offord John Edey, Gages, Belchamp, Church road, Leyton
hill, Walthamstow Sudbury Osborne PhiIip, Arg)'le st. Leytonstone e
NorthcottChas.Io Barclayrd.Leytonstn e Ogg William Anderson, Hampton house, Osmond Edwd.Thorpe-le-Soken, Clchstr
Northcott James Smith, Carlton cot- Great Warley, Brentwood Osmotherly Geo. Sir Isaac's wlk.Colchstr
tages, Woodford Green Ogilby Mrs. South road, Saffron Walden O'Sullivan Capt. Eugene Overbeck B.A.
NorthcottMrs.rCaemarvon rd.Forest gte Ogilvie David, Aielie cottage, Elmsdale 1 Warrior square, Southend
Norton Rev. Hector B.A. Vicarage, road, Walthamstow Oswald Rev. Henry Murray M.A.Rectory,
Great Bentley, Colchester O'Grady Mrs. 3 Eagle terrace, Upton Great HaIIingbury, Bishop's Stortford
Norton Rev. Josiah M.A. Vicarage, High lane, West Ham e Otten Mrs. Mabeg villa, Cann Hall road,
Beech S.O O'Gmdy Mrs. Park cot.Lexden, Colchstr Wanstead e
Norton Qeo. Seymour, High st. Halsted O'Keefe C. 24 Manbey grove, Stratford Otten Charles, KnoWs green, Leyton
Norton John, 4 Lower terrace, Spring- green e Ottoway Alfred John, 2 Globe terrace,
field, Chelmsford Oldaker J. B. I Queen's ter. Great TIford Forest lane, Forest gate e
Norton John, Sydney villa, Cranbrook Oldaker Mrs. The Terrace, Great Ilford Ough Henry, 62 Romford rd. Stratford e
park, Great Ilford Oldfield Mrs. Thornwood lodge, North Ouston WiJliam Carter, 4 Prince's ter-
Norton Mrs. 2 Ham tel'. West Ham la e Weald, Epping race, HuxIey road, Leyton
Norton William, Oxford rd. Manningtree Oldham Rev. Thomas, Vicarage, Wix, Overington Mrs. Chadwell Heath
Norwood Charles Morgan M.P., D.L. Manningtree . Overton Rev. Thomas B.D. Rectory,
Higham hall, Woodford Green; & Oldham Chas. 12 Albany road, Leyton Black Notley, Braintree
Reform club, London s.w Oldham Charles, 2 Warwick villas, Owen Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory, Brad·
NottBenjamin,Alexanderhouses,Lexden Chelmsford road west, Woodford well-juxta-Mare, Maldon
road, Colchester Oldham George, Manor road, Colchester Owen George, 2 Ray villas, West Grove
NottEdwd.Harry,2Thornhillrd.Leyton Oldham Joshua, Pentlow hall, Pentlow, road, Woodford Green
NottJn.Wm.Cemeteryrd.SaffronWalden Sudbmy Owen Henry, 24 King's rd. Upton park e
Nott Miss, Head street, Halstead Oldham Mrs. St. Thomas' mount, Owen John, 15 Gordon terrace, North
Nott Mrs. Cemetery rd. Saffron Walden Brentwood . Woolwich road, Silvertown e
Nottidge Mrs. Freeland villa, Witham OliveI' Rev. Sml. Gt.Wakering, Southend Owen Miss, South street, Manningtree
Noyes Frank, 1 Ellen villas, Grange Oliver Rev. William M.A. Vicarage, Lat- Owen Samuel,IIoRomford rd.Stratford e
Park road, Leyton ton, Harlow Owers Henry John, 7 The Limes, Manor
Nugent Thomas, I Albert villas, Pem- Oliver Rev. William M. M.A. Rectory, park, East Ham e
broke road, Walthamstow Bobbingworth, Hrentwood Owers Wm.n&I2 Forest pl.Leytonstne e
Nunn Alfred, 30 Wellesley rd.Wanstead e Oliver Edward, Lome cottage, Grange Owgan Francis Alleyn M.R.C.S. Loughton
Nunn Charles Rushbrooke F.R.G.S. The Park road, Leyton Oxborough G-eorge William, Chichester
College, Clacton-on-Sea, Colcbester Oliver Frederick James, The Hollies, house, Goldsmith road, Leyton
Nunn Edwin J ohn,Camulodunum house, Whitehall lane, Buckhurst Hill Oxborough George William, Moray
Lexden road, Colchester Olley John Joseph, 5 Rosindell terrace, house, Hainault road, Leytonstone ~
Nunn Frederick J. Brunswick house, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Oxbrow Charles, 8 Hall st. Chelmsford
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Olliver Hy. 37 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Oxenham William, 13 Victoria terrace,
Nunn Henry, Butt rOf..d, Colchester Olliver Mrs. Fryerning,Ingatestone Dovercourt, Harwich
Nunn John, Pownall crescent, Mersea O'l\1alley SirWilliam bart.l.p. The Grove, Oxlade Gilbert Alexander, Clarence
road, Colchester Witham house, Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e
Nunn Mrs. F. Marine parade west, O'Neill Rev. Owen Alfred Welekind B.A. Oxley Alfred James, I Victoria cottages,
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Maldon road, Colchester London road, Romford
Nunn Roger Sturley, The Oaks,Lexden Onion Henry, 4 Mary villas, Birkbeck Oxley Fredk.Grove Hill villas, Woodford
Toad, Colchester road, Leytonstone e Oxley Robert, ~I West street, Harwich
Nunn Thomas Wm. I.P. Lawford house, Oppermann Carl,2 Albany road, Leyton Oxley WaIter, 4 Durham villas, Buck·
Manningtree Oram Charles, 6 Glenwood vilIas,Leyton hurst Hill
Nunn W.Tower Hamletsrd.Walthamstw road, Forest gate e OxspringG.68 Roscoest. Canning town e
Nunn W. T. Langford, Maldon Orbell Cbas. Stanford-le-Hope, Romford Packe Rev. WiIliam James M.A. Vicarage,
Nurse Edward, 3 Sutherland terrace, Orbell Robert, Pentlow, Sudbury Feering, Kelvedon
Chelmsford Orleur Francis, 60 Albert rd. Braintree Packer Thomas, 1 Fairmount terrace,
Nutter Mrs. George lane, Wanstead e Orme John, Panama, Drayton road, Ley- Birkbeck road, Leytonstone {J
Nutting David, Gt. Burstead, Billericay, tonstone ~ Packman Mrs. Edinburgh villa, Ham
Brentwood Ormes Osmond, 1:3 Roman rd. Colchstr Frith road, Forest gate e
Nutting Henry, Upton house, Upton Orpen Daniel, Castle street, Colchester Paddon Thomas, Grove house, Thornhill
lane, West Ham e Orpen Robert, Beverley villas, Creffield road, Leyton
Oades WiIliam, Dalkeith, Lansdowne road, Colchester Paetow Frdk. Csr. 6 Vicarage tel'. Leyton
road, Snaresbrook e Orpwood Mrs. 6 Bellevue terrace,80uth- Page Rev. Arthur Charles KoA. Head st.
Oakey George, 5 Park villas, Margery church road, Southend Halstead
Park road, Stratford e Orr Thomas Workman Rowallan, Page Alfred, 2 Blyden villas, Chelmsford
Oakley Gao. 89 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Snake's lane, Woodford Green road west, Woodford
Oakley Henry, Manor cottage, Forest Orrell Captain Stepben, Albert cottages, Page Arthur In. 22 King's rd. Upton pk t
road, Little Dford Roman road, Colchester Page Charles, South street, Manningtree

Page Charles, The Hall, Pengie, Maldon Palmer Miss, 2 St. Mary's terrace, Lon- Parmenter Mrs. 54 London rd. Braintree
Page Francis Elvin, Old moor, South- don road, Romford Parmenter S. C. The Limes, Braintree
, minster., Maldon Palmer Mrs. Grav-ellane, Chigwell Pll.rmenterSilas,Bradford street,Bocking,
Page Henry James, Cliff hall, Clacton- Palmer Mrs. Hazelhurst, Snake's lane, .Braintree
on-Sea, Colchester Woodford Green Parmenter\\1tr.Jsph.Samarsh,Colchestl'
Page James, Eastlands, Bradwell-juxta- Palmer Mrs. Roman cottage, Roman Parmenter William Charles, .Bevingdon •
Mare, Maldon road, Colchester . house, Belcbamp Otten, Sudbury
Paeo-e John, Mayland, Maldon Palmer Mrs. Wellesley viI. South street, Parmiter Rev. John B.A. 28 Broomfield
Page John I.P. 16 Royal ter. Southend Romford road, Chelmsford .
Page In. Knight, Holly cot. Chadwell st Palmer T. Wm. 51 Broadway, Stratfrd e Parnell J. l.P. Green yd. Walthll.m Abbey
Page Jsph. 2 Manor cots. Woodford Gn PalmerWm. Bury ho. London rd.Romfrd Parnell Mrs. Green yd. Waltham Abbey
Page Jsph. 265 Romford rd. Stratford e Pamphilon In. Ongars, Hatfield, Harlow Parnham John, 7 .Primrosa ter. Lytton
Page Miss, Cromwell road, Brentwood Pamplin John, Cathall rd. Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e
Page Mrs. 2 The Holly's, North Station Pannell George, 4 Russell road, Leyton Parnham Mrs.I Fairlight villas,Hainault
road, Colchester Panzera Lieut. Francis Wm. 42 King's road, Leytonstone e
Page Mrs. Kelvedon Quay street, Harwich Parnham Thomas, I: Rhoda villas, Gran-
Page Mrs. South street, Manningtree Papillon Rev. JohnM.A. Rectory, Lexden, ville road, Walthamstow
Page Mrs. Woodlands house, Great Colchester Parr Edmd. Clarence cottage, Clacton-
Horkesley, Colchester Papillon Thos.Manor ho. Lexden,Clchstr on-Sea, Colchester
Page Robert,Downhall,Bradwell-juxta- Parchment Mrs. 10 Randulph terrace, Parris Edward, Mascall's bury, White
Mare, Maldon Springfield, Chelmsford Roothing, Chelmsford
Page Thomas, 34 Church st. Harwich Pargeter Thomas, Forest villa, Fillebrook Pams Miss, Long Barnes, Beauchamp
Page Wm. The Hall, Southmnstr. Maldn road, Leytonstone e Roothing, Brentwood
Pagenhopf Lewis, 44 Osborne road, Paris Jas. 53 MargeryPk. rd.Stratford e Parris Mrs. I Wellington place, Crouch
Forest gate e Parish Josiah, 8 Head street, Colchester street, Colchester
Pagenstecher GustaT, Cedar cottage, Parish Wm. 40 Albert rd. Forest gate e Parris Rt. I.P. Oaklands, "''bite Notler,
Portway, West Ham e Park Alexander, 2 Park villas, Sebert Braintree
Paget Jas. Rt. The Chestnuts, Sewrdstn road, Forest gate e Parry Rev. Thomas M.A. Church hillt-
Paget Richard, The Cottage, Sewardstn Park David, Hall rd. Heybridge, Maldon Walthamstow
Pagett Mrs. 2 Burdett terrace, Grange Park Elphinstone, 27 Latimer road, Pa.rry Thomas S. Eweland hall, Mar...
Park road, Leyton Forest gate e garetting, Ingatestone
Pain Mrs. 3 Cliff terrace, Cliff road, Park James, 60 Hampton rd. Forest gte PaTryWeston,St. George's villas,Shern-
Dovereourt, Harwich ParkWm. I Rose cots. Russell rd. Leyton hall street, Walthamstow
Pain Wm. 21 Idmiston rd. Forest gate e Parker ReT. William Russell M.A. Rec- Parry Wm. 29 Osborne rd. Forest gate'
Paine John Henry, The Cottage, Amber- tory, Willingale Spain, Brentwood Pars Edward, Rose villas, Cemetery road,
ley road, Leyton Parker Charles, High street, Maldon Saffron Walden
Painter Adolphus, Aldborough hall, Parker Christopher William I.P. The Parson Miss, Pleasant cottage, Great
Aldborough Hatch, Ilford Grange, Woodham Mortimer, Maldon WarIey, Brentwood
P<tinter Alfd. Widdington, Bishop's Strtfd Parker Edmund Shirley, :I Rugby villas, Parson Wm.Cheshunts,Boxted,Colchestr
Painter Charles, Aldborough hall, AId- Vicarage road, Leyton Parsonage Charles Tester, West terrace,
borough Hatch, Ilford Parker Edward Richard, Belmont castle, Saffron Walden
Painter Frederick William, Omega cot. Grays Thurrock 8.0 Parsons Christopher, The Hall, North
Chadwell street Parker Geo. High st. Brightlingsea S.O Shoebury, Chelmsford
Painter In. 58Windsorrd. Forest gate e Parker Henry, 78 Chobham Toad, New Parsons George, Bellingham house,
Pakeman John, I I Globe terrace, Forest town, Stratford e Queen's rO!l.d, Buckhurst Hill
lane, Forest gate e Parker James, 203 High st. Stratford e Parsons Henry,5 Mary rillas, Birkbeck
Palfreeman John, Alma. terrace, Snake's ParkerJas.C. 13 Breweryroad,Southend road, Leytonstone tJ
lane, Woodford Green Parker Jas.Wm. 6 Adelaide ter.Gt.Ilford Parsons Henry Robert, 2 Lime villas,
Palin Rev. William M.A., l.P. Rectory, Parker John,S Laburnum villas, Lytton Mornington road, Leytonstone e
Stifford, Romford road, Leytonstone e Parsons John, 31 West street, Harwich
Palin W. Long Stifford, Romford Parker John Oxley D.L., I.P. Woodham Parsons John Frederick, I: Richmond
Pallant Thos. 28 Queen's rd. Great Ilford Mortimer place, Maldon terrace, Balaam street, Plaistow tJ
Pallett Rt.Hy.Chas.Theydon hall, Epping Parker Joseph Wilton, 27 Grove road, Parsons Miss, Priory street, Colchester
Palmer Col. Georgel.p. Nazing,Waltham Wanstead e Parsons Mrs. Mornington rd.Wanstead f!.-
Cross Parker Miss, CheImer cottage, Great Parsons William, Brook st. Manningtree
Palmer Lieut.-CoL Fredk. I.P. Liston Baddow, Chelmsford Partner Rev. R. 3 Stopford rd. Plaistowe
hall, Sudbury Parker Mrs. Spital road, Maldon Partridge D. Sockett hall, Chigwell row
Palmer Arthur, Fernside, Queen's road, Parker Richard, Albion cot. Loughton Partridge Henry, Alexandra house, Butt
Buckhurst Hill Parker Steven, 3 Queen's terrace, Fern- road, Colchester
Palmer Charles James, 13 Borthwick dale road, Leytonstone e Partridge John,3 Ada terrace,Lansdowne
road, Wanstead e Parker W. 6 Idmiston rd. Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e
Palmer Charles James, 5 Mornington Pa.rker William, Stock, Ingatestone Partridge Jsph. Hy. 9 East hill, Colchestr
villas, Wanstead park e Parker William George,Devonshire villa, Partridge William, I: Forest villas, Forest
Palmer Edwd. N. 68 High st. Chelmsfrd Cowley road, Leytonstone e . road, Leytonstone e
Palmer Frederick, 5 Colworth terrace, Parkes Edward, 32 East st. Colchester Partridge William Parsons, Elmstead
Colworth road, Leytonstone e Parkhouse James, 3 Woodlands, Queen's hall, Colchester
Palmer Frederick, Meadow side, Spring- road, Buckhurst Hill Pascoe James R. Pyrmont, Woodford
field, Chelmsford Parkin Rev. Lewis MoA. Rectory, Ingatstn Pasmore Albert Tom, 13 Grove villas,
Palmer Frederick Paul, 4 Francis villas, Parkin Henry Thomas, York villa, May- Mornington road, Leytonstone It
Avenue road, Forest gate e bank road, George lane, Leytonstone e Passingham George, 243 Romford road,
Palmer Geo.155 Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd Parkin Wm. Henry, 59 West Ham lane e Stratford e
Palmer George, 2 Queen st. Colchester Parkillson Rev. Edward, Parsonage, Passmore Henry, St. Mary's lodge, Grove
PalmerGeorge,jun.l.p.Nazing,Waltham Waltham Abbey road, Woodford
Cross Parkinson Rev. S. Parsonage st. HaIstead. Passmore W. H. Grove cots. SaffronWldn
Palmer George Albert, Camden villa, Parkinson Rev. "'illiam M.A. Rectory, Paterson A.T. 2 Chesterton cres.Plaistw e
Prospect road, Snake's lane, Woodford Langenhoe, Colchester Paterson J ames, Eastern rd.West Ham e
Palmer Henry, Billericay, Brentwood Parkinson Henry,I3 The Crescent,Upton Paterson Mrs. Park lane, Brentwood
Palmer James, Ham Frith house, Ham manor, Plaistow e road, Romford
Frith road, Forest gate e Parks John Allfrey, 8 Lancaster terrace, Patison Mrs. 32 Windsor rd. Forest gate e
Palmer John, Clifton villa, South Weilt High road, Leytonstone e Patmore Fredk. Goston ho. Dunmow 8.0
road, Leytonstone e Parks Stephen, 11 Park road, Plaistow e Patmore George, 2 Florence villas, Gran-
Palmer John, 2 The Crescent, Upton Parks William, 2 Alice villas, Birkbeck ville road, Walthamstow
manor, Plaistow e road, LeytonsliOne 6 Patmore Miss,Quendon,Bishop's Stortfrd
Palmer John, 2 Tregenna terrace, Vic- Parlby Miss, Brook street, Brentwood Patmore Mrs. Stanst( d Mountfitcbet,
toria road, Romford ParIby Misses, Eastfield lodge, Victoria Bishop's Stortford
Palmer John Thomas, 10 Chobham road, grove, Brentwooo. Paton Fredk~ 9 Kin.g's rd. Upton pa.rk e
New town, Stratford ~ Parmenter Mrs. 28 AIbert rd. Braintree Patten J. jun. I Cowley villas, Cowley
Palmer Mrs. 61 Claremont rd. Forest gt e Parmenter Mrs 16 Beverley rd.Colchestr road, Leytonstone ~

Patten Ml"fl. Cowley house, Cowley road, Pearson Rev. Thomas Layton JU.. High Perkins Richard, Theydon Bois, Eppinlr
Leytonstone /J street, Maldon Perkins Thos. 61 Broadway, Stratford,
Pattison James John, Fawley lodge, Pearson C. H.•.A. Felsted., Chelmsford Perkins Wm. Tress, S Albany rd. Leyton
George lane, Leytonstone /J Pearson Geo. I James' villas, Capworth, Perrie Wm. 1HZ Romford rd. Stratford 8-
Pattison Miss, 2 St. Mary's vils.Wellesley street, Leyton Perrier A. 35 Hampton rd. Forest gate e
road, Colchester Pearson Mrs. 7 Atherton rd. Forest gate e Perry Rev. Thomas Waiter, Vicaraget
Pattison Mrs. Hamlet road, Chelmsford Pearson William, Red grove, Theydon Ardleigh, Colchester
Pattisson Mrs. High street, Maldon Gamon, Epping Perry George, Ferndale, Epping NeW'
Pattisson Sidney I.P. The Abbey, Cogges- Peart Benjamin, I I Sylvester tel'. Mark- road, Buckhurst Hill
hall, Kelvedon house road, Walthamstow Perry H. Melrose,Prospect hI. Wlthmstw
Pattisson William H. Luard, The Manse, Pease Thos. Davey, Billericay, Brentwood Perry Jacob, Stanley house, Disraeli I'd.
Writtle, Chelmsford Pease Wm. H. 2 Mornngtn. rd.Leytnstn e Stratford e
Pattrick John Robson, 3 Cliff villas, Peat Thomas, High street, Manningtree Perry Joseph William, Rose villa, May-
Dovercourt, Harwich Pechey Wm.Highflds. Langham,Colchstr bank road, George la.Leytonstone e
PattrickMiss,Hill ho.Dovereourt,Harwch Peck Rd. 4 Daniel st. New town, Harwich Perry Miss, Shrublands, Springfield,.
Paul Alfred, I Buxton road, Forest gate e Peck Richard, 18 Roman rd. Colchester Chelmsford
Paul Mrs. 51 Leyton road, Forest gate e Peck Richard, 59 Romford rd. Stratford e Perry Miss,2 Westbury viIs. Brentwood
Paul Mrs. Wantz road, Maldon Peck William, Cromwelllodge,Wellesley Perry Mrs. 50 Manbey gr. Stratford gm e
PaulinJ.W.38 Claremontrd.Forest gatee road, Colchester Perry Mrs. 9 Grosvenor villas, Fairlop
Paulin Tbos. 314 Romford rd. Stratford e Peckett Alfred M.D. High street, Leyton road, Leytonstone e
Pawley Richard,Capel road, Forest gate e Peckett William, Stanfield house, Cann- Perry Mrs. Whykeham house, Queen's.
Pawsey Mrs. Finchingfield, Braintree hall road, Wan!1tead e road, Barking
Paxman Jas. Hill ho.Hythe hl.Colchester Pedley Alfred, Hamlet road, Chelmsford Perry Rd. Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Paxman Mrs. South street, Colchester Pedley Joseph, Fern villa, Ferndale road, Perry Robt. I Wellesley I'd. Wanstead e
Paxon William, Oak villas, Ham Frith Leytonstone 6 Perry WaIter W. Mount hill, Springfield,.
road, Forest gate • Pedley Mrs.S2 Romford road, Stratford e Chelmsford
PaxonWm.3 Park eres.Park rd.Southend Peel Capt. Francis, Boxted ho. Colchester Perry William, Homer villa, Wallwood
Paxon William, jun. Ham Frith villa, Peel Jas. Arden lea,The Drive,Wlthmstw road, Leytonstone e
Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Peel Mrs. Colne park, Halstead Pertwee Rev. Arthur H.A. Vicarage..
Payne Sir Philip M. Hill house, Hatfield, Peene Mrs. Rayne, Braintree Brightlingsea S.O
Chelmsford Pegg Mrs. 102 Moulsham st. Chelmsford Pertwee Charles, Claremont villa, New
Payne Rev. Rupert Wm. E.A. Kelvedon Peggs Mrs. 38 Crouch street, Colchester London road, Chelmsford
Payne Charles, Fernleigh, Grove rood, Pegler Charles Laurence Allan Erring- Pertwee Frederick, Springvale, Bermon
Leytonstone e . ton, Cuba cot. Hale end,Woodford Side hill, Wanstead e
Payne Frederick., Epping Peile Rev. Thomas Williamson, The Pertwee James Frederick, 1 Denmark
Payne George, 12 Albion terrace, Lan· Rectory, High road, Buckhurst Hill place, North Station road, Colchester
caster road, Leytonstone e Peile Rev. Waiter Octavius •.A. Rectoryl Pertwee Joseph, Crouch st. Colchester
Payne James, 22 Sutherland terrace, Markshall, Kelvedon Pertwee Misses, 12 New London road..
Baddow road, Chelmsford Pelcher John, 5 Bellevue place, London Chelmsford
Payne Jsph. 2 East avenue,Walthamstow road, Romford Pertwee Misses Jane & Eliza, 2 Ellerslie
Payne Miss, :r'riory lo.Hatfield,Chelmsfrd Pells Mrs. Henley pI. 7 Brook st. Bmtwd villas, Chelmsford
Payne Robert, Lawford, Manningtree Pelly Capt. Richard. Wilson R.N., D.L., Pertwee Mrs. Elm cottage, Writtle road t
Payne Robert, 14 Nut Tree terrace, l.P., F.R.G.S. Forest rise, Walthamstow Chelmsford
Broadway, Plaistow e Pelly Rev. Frederick Wm. RA. Belchamp Pertwee Mrs. Great Baddow, Chelmsford:
PayneSaml.Albertrd.nth. Buckhrst hll WaIter, Sudbury Pertwee Mrs. 5 St. John's terrace, St..
Payne William, Prospect lodge, Great Pelly John G. Broomhill, Chigwell John's street, Colchester
Warley, Brentwood Pelly Leonard, The Old Rectory,Loughtn Peter Rev. Lewis Godolphin •. A. 2 Mary
Payne Wm. 11 St. Andrew's rd. Plastw e Pelly Mrs. Church end, Walthamstow villas, Birkbeck road, Leytonstone e
Payton Thos.Markhouse rd.Walthmstow Pemberton Mrs. Round house, Havering- Peters Charles, 222 Romford rd. Strtfrd eo
Payze Nathaniel John, 17 Grove villas, atte-Bower, Romford Peters Francis Saville, Lansdowne house..
Mornington road, Leytonstone e Pemberton Mrs. Springfield Dukes, Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e
Payze Philip Charles, Hainault road, Springfield, Chelmsford Peters Joseph, Woodbine cottage, Vie-
Leytonstone e PembertonRbt.Hare hall,Hare st.Romfrd toria road, George lane, Leytonstone e-
Payze Raymond Guy, 17 Grove villas, Pemberton-Barnes Mrs. '.rhe Hall, Ha- Peters Peter, Monte Christo, Romford:
Mornington road, Leytonstone e vering-atte-Bower, Romford road, Stratford e
Payze Rich. Broomfield, Chadwell heath Penfold Alfred, Park place, Clarendon Peters Rt. 3 Kirkdale rd. Leytonstone e-
Payze Richard, Oporto villa, Snake's road, Walthamstow Peterson John, Wine lodge, North street,.
lane, Woodford Green Penfold Arthur, 'l'heydon Bois, Epping Plaistowe
Payze Richard, jun. Wallwood villa, Penistsn James, 5 Knighton villas, Peterson Peter, 1 Pleasant terrace, Mur-
Gainsboro' road, Leytonstone e Buckhurst Hill chison road, Leyton
Peace Charles, Church end, Woodford Penn Wm. Fredk. Wilmot rd. Leyton Petre Lord, Thorndon hall, Brentwood;
Peach John, 10 Clarence rd. Leytonstn e Pennington Miles Henry, Norfolk vil- & 135 Portland place, London 'ID
Peachey John BiIlericay, Brentwood las, Buckhurst Hill Petre Hon. Arthur Chas. Augustus l.P.
Peachey John Thomas, Primrose, Fille- PennyfeatherCharles, Oak Tree cottage, Coptford hall, Margaretting, Ingtestne
brook, Leytonstone e London road, Wanstead e Petre Hon. Fredk. Charles Edmund l.P
Peacock John Pickering, Repton cott- Pemose Wm. Henry l.P. Lower park, Oakhurst, South Weald, Brentwood
ages, Hare street, Romford Dedham S.O Petre Hon. Henry William, Springfielcl
Peacock Peter, 4 Widdecombe terrace, Penton George Henry, Cecil house, St. place, Springfield, Chelmsford
Barking road, Canning town 6 Edward's sq. Romford Petrie Charles Adolphus, Derby villa~
Peake Robert, Valley lodge, Woodford Pepper Rev. Hy. Gold st. Saff'ronWalden Selwyn road, Plaistow e
road, Snaresbrook e Pepys Robert Edward, 5 The Crescent, Petrie Henry Alexander, Forest view,.
Pearee Charles Thomas H.R.e.S. Princes Grove hill, Woodford Hainault road, Leytonstone 6
road, BuckhurstHill PercivalJames Edward, Brooklyn lodge, Pettit Frederick, I Albion terrace, Lan-
Pearce Miss, S3 Osborne rd. Forest gt e Chelmsford road west, Woodford caster road, Leytonstone e
Pearce Mrs. 7 Grove road, Wanstead e Perfect Rev. Thos. High st. Plaistow e Pettit Mrs. Parklands, Russell rd. Leyton
Pearce William, Trefula., Snaresbrook e Perkins Rev. Thomas Norwood H.A. The Pettit WiIliam, Rose cot. High BeechS.O
Pearman E. 88 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Vicarage, Steeple, Maldon Pettitt Mrs. William, Cantyre cottage,.
Pearman Nosh, Ash villa, Mornington Perkins Andrew, :I Grosvenor villas, Coggleshall, Kelvedon
road, Leytonstone e Earlham grove, }4'orest gate e Petts Edward WaIter, Chestnut villa"
Peal"fl Mrs. Dalcoath terrace, Victoria Perkins Edward., Murchison rd. Leyton New London road, Chelmsford
road, Romford Perkins Herbert, I Seabourue villas, Pewtrees Thos. E. Beaumont rd. LeytoDl
Pearse Major A. N. B.A. South Shoebury, Sebert road, Forest gate e Peyton Capt. Henry, 6 Rummell terrace"
Southend Perkins Miss, Avenue ter. Ingatestone Southend
Pearse John, Manor Park rd. East Ham e Perkins Mrs.I Washbrook vils. Loughton Pfaff Julius,1 Albion vils.WiImot rd.LytD
Pearse Wm. H. 6 Claremont rd. e Perkins Orlando, The Mount, Queen's Pfander Frederick, WalIington West.
Peal"SQn Rev Arthur It.A., J.P. Rectory, road, Brentwood street, Coggleshall, Kelvedon
Springfieldgreen,Springfield,Chlmsfrd Perkins Robert Edward, 32 Broomfield Pfotzer Henry, Victoria lodge, Prospect
Peal"SQn Rev. Daniel, Linton rd. Barking road, Chelmsford hill, Walthamstow
Phelips Rev. Henry Bennet M.A. Vicar- Pilkington Rev. Richard M.A. J: Ham Pollexfen Rev. Robert T. B.A. Pilgrims
age, Shalford, Braintree terrace, West Ham lane I' hatch, South Weald, Brentwood
Phemister J ames, Carlton villas, Vic- Pilkington Mrs. 43 Manbey grove, Strat- Polley J ames, Lexden, Colchester
toria road, Romford ford green 6 Polley Jas. Warley st .Gt.Warley,Brntwd
Philbrick Frederick Blomfield, Scarletts, Pinchin John, Alfred. villa, Forest lane, Polley Misses, High street, Maldon
Old Heath road, Colchester Forest gate e Polley Wm. Levitts, Sandon, Chelmsfrd
Philbrick Miss, 2 Florence villas, Roman Pinching H. Beulah road, Walthamstow Pollitt John, Brick ho. Wicken Bonant,
road, Colchester Pinching Wm. Springfield, Snaresbrook e Bishop's 8tortford
Philbrick Mrs. T. M. Dunmow S.O Pinckney Hy. 2 Forest rd. Leytonstone e Pollock Jas. 2 Margery Prk.rd.We. Ham e
Philbrook Fredk. 7 Roman rd. Colchester Pincombe David, J: Park terrace. Mar- Pollock Mrs. 4 Kent ter. Victoria road,
Philby Henry Adams, Chigwell gery Park road, Stratford e West Ham e
Philcox Harrington, J: Jasper villas, Pincombe Misses,5 Sutherland terrace, POllY John, Lawn vil. Ham Frith road,
Grays Thurrock S.O Chelmsford Forest gate e
Phillips Fredk. Rev.HornchurcR, Romfrd Pines Philip, 2 Belgrave terrace, Church PoIson Bennett, 5 Howard's rd.Plaistow e
Phillips Alfred, 7 Barclay road, Leyton road, Leyton Pond Francis, 2 Clive villas, Caernarvon
Phillips Alfred, Lexden, Colchester Pink In. T. Laurels, Western OO.Romfrd road, Woodford
Phillips Benjamin, Sunnyside, Church Pinnock Peter, 8 Grange Park 00. Leytn Pond J. 4 George villas, Buckhurst Hil
Hill road, Walthamstow Pipe SamI. 44- Gurney rd. Forest gl\te", Ponder Henry, Charlotte cottage, Towe
Phillips Ebenezer, 9 Kyme rOM, Horn- Piper George, Manor house, Great Hamlets road, Forest gate I'
church, Romford Horkesley, Colchester Ponder J.Glyn vil.Sebert rd.Forest gate e
Phillips Edmund, Lonsdale viI. Southend Piper Misses, Dunmow S.O Pool Mrs. Hall, Black Notley, Braintree
Phillips Edward England, Broadwater Pisk Edgar, 7 Osborn terrace, Carlisle Poole Rev. Fred.eric John M.A. The
house, Southend road, Romford Forest, Walthamstow
Phillips Edwd. By.16 Wilson rd. Southnd Pitcairn John, Beeleigh road, Maldon Poole Rev. Samuel Gower A.C.K.L. 14-
Phillips Frederick WiIliam, The Laurels, Pitcher George William, 2 Arthur villas, Windsor road, Forest gate e
Eastern road, Romford Forest lane, Forest gate e Poole G. 6 Rosebnk. Marsh st. Wlthmstw
Phillips Geo. Cranbrook park, Gt. Ilford Pitchford John, Manbey house, Water PooleIsaac, I I Sutherlnd.ter.Chelmsford
Phillips Geo. C. 3 Caxton ter. Chelmsford lane, Stratford e Poole Joseph Henry, I Myrtle villas,
Phillips Jas. 15 St. Andrew's rd. Plaistw e Pite Mrs. Graces cross, Sandn. Chelmsfd Chelmsford road west, Woodford
Phillips John, 29 Buxton rd. Forest gte e Pitman Mrs.33Manbey gro. Stratfd.grn e Poole Mrs. High street, Saffron Walden
PhiIlips John, Home villa, Brentwood Pitstow Nathan, West rd. SaffronWalden Poole Mrs. A.Margaretting hall, Ingtstne
Phillips Mrs. Thaxted 8.0 Pitt Chas. Markhouse rd. Walthamstow Pooley Mrs. 42 Priory street, Colchester
Phillips Samuel, 10 St. Mary's terrace Pitt Geo. 1 Ember villas, Buckhurst Hill Popart Charles, Sutton house, Drayton
west, Lexden road, Colchester Pitt Henry, Woodriff terrace, Woodriff road, Leytonstone e
Phillips T. J. 35 Windsor rd. Forest gte e road, Leytonstone e Pope Arthur, Aspen Yilla, WalIwood rd.
Phillips Thomas Ayres, 2 York villas, Pitt John S. 17 Hackrd. Canning town e Leytonstone e
Salisbury road, Walthamstow Pitt Squire John, Melrose villa, Lans- Pope Edward, Clynder, Loughton
Phillips Wm. T. 9 The Avenue, Colchestr downe road, Snaresbrook e Pope John BazIly, Kite lodge, Seber1i rd.
PhiIlipson George William, 2 Walton Pitt Thomas, '2. Cowley cottages, Cowley Forest gate e
villas, Sebert road, Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e Pope Samuel, Forest villa, Queen's rood,
Phillipson H. 2 Smith vils.WoodfordWells Pittock Ralph, 18 Haddow rd. Chelmsfrd Buckhurst Hill .
Phillipson Mrs. Markhouse I'd. Wlthmstw Pitts Robert Z. The Acacias, Springfield, Pope Wm. Coxtie green, South Weald,
Philp Richard, Malvern villa, Primrose Chelmsford Brentwood
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Pittuck James, Anglesea I'd. Wyvenhoe, Popham Misses, The Gravel, Coggeshall,
Philpot Mrs. 5 The Terrace, Gt. Ilford Colchester Kelvedon
Philps Rev. Alfred D. The Manse, East Pizzi Joseph Antonio, Lombardian cot. Pople Joseph, 60 Buxton 00. Forest gtee
street, Coggeshall, KelYedon Queen st. Great Warley, Brentwood Port Arthur William, Lansdowne villa,
Phipps Francis Wm. Manor st. Bl'aintree Plater Henry, 6 Latimer rd. Forest gte e Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook e
Phipps Wm. Henham, Bishop's StortfoOO Platt Mrs. 228 Romford rd. Stratford e Porteous George, Bellevue, Debden road,
Pick James, Holly cottage, Derby road Platten Herbert, South park, Gt. Ilford Saffron Walden
Woodford Platten Thomas, Junction rd. Romford Porter Rev.Geo.Farnham,Bhp's. Stortfrd
Pickering George William, Bellevue, Platten Thomas William, South park, Porter Charles, Brentwood rd. Romford
Upper Dovercourt, Harwich Great Ilford Porter Charles, 3 Dunbarton vils. Ham
Pickford John Henry, Eversfield villas, Plaxton Misses, Ivy ho. Wanstead flats e Frith road, Forest gate I'
Hainault road, Leytonstone I' Playle Mrs. Great Warley, Brentwood Porter Henry, New street, Halstead
Pickworth John Willi1\m, I Albert villas, Playle Thomas, J: Dacre road, Upton Porter Hyem, Bank st,reet, Braintree
The Terrace, Plaistow e manor, Plaistow e Porter In. 2 Upper Railway st.Braintree
Picot George,6 Grove terrace, Fillebrook Pledger Geo. Church st. Saffron Walden Porter Mrs. 149 Romfol'd rd. Stratford e
road, Leytonstone e Pledger John P. Hammonds,Little Bad- Porter Wm. 45 Osborne rd' Forest gte tt
Pidgeon Jonathan Sills, Worley elms, dow, Chelmsford Porter William, 27 Queen st. Colchester
Great Warley, Brentwood Pledger Jsph. A. Borehamldge. Chelmsfd Portway Augustus, High st. Braintree
Pidgeon Josiah, Fern bank, Forest gate I' Pledger Mrs. Rothmans, Great Baddow, Portway Peter, Stanway, Colchester
Pierce George, 2 Park viIs. ChadwellHth Chelmsford Postans Rev. Geo. Chetwode, New Lon-
Pierce John Timbrell J.P. Frettons, Dan- Plenderleith John, Liddel villa, Cleve- don road, Chelmsford
bury, Chelmsford land road, Snaresbrook e Postans Chas. Rose mount, Brentwood
Pierce SI. Eden viIs. VIctoria 00. Romford Plum Miss, 9 Haddow rd. Gt. Baddow, Postans Mrs. 2 St. Leonard's terrace,
Piercy Henry, I Oakleigh villas, Gold- Chelmsford Maldon road, Colchester
smith road, Leyton Plum Mrs. 25 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Poston Mrs. South street, Romford
Pierson Leopold, The Wayletts, Stanford Plumley Henry B.A. Plumley villa, Wall- Poths Hermann, 3 Vallentin villas, Val-
rivers, Romford wood road, Leytonstone e lentin road, Walthamstow
Pige Mrs. The Larches, Snake's lane, Plummer Mrs. Perey villas, Alexa'hdra Pott Septimus, King st. Saffron Walden
Woodford Green road, Colchester Potter Charles. North street, Romford
Pigeon Henry, Woodbine villa, Victoria Pockett Henry, 6 Courtenay tel'. Marsh Potter Edwin WaIter, Balsham villa,
road, George lane, Leytonstone e street, Walthamstow Sylvan road, Snaresbrook e
Piggin Alfred,50 London road, Braintree Pocklington Chas. Vange hall, RomfClrd Potter Frnk. Dobson, Chippng Ongr.S.O
Piggot JohnS. The Elms, Utting,Maldon Pocock Roland George, 8 Pembroke rd. Potter James William, I Brunswick pL
Piggot Mrs. High street, Maldon Walthamstow Roman road, Colchester
Piggott Rev. Henry, Hope house, Clac- Podger Robert William, Sefton villa, Potter In. I Sion ter. Western rd.Romfrd
ton-on-Sea, Colchester Hainault road, Leytonstone e Potter Joseph, 4 Bellevue place, London
Piggott William Parker, Fern bank, Point William Jbn. Northumberland vil. road, Romford
Church road, Buckhurst Hill Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Potter Miss, Millfield, Witham
Pigot Joseph, Woodthorpe, High road, Poll Mrs. 3 Carew terrace, Chelmsford Potter Miss, 14 Royal terrace, Southend
Buckhurst hill Pollard James, 5 Holly terrace, Leyton- Potter Mrs. 5 Carew terrace, Chelmsford
Pilditch Rev. J. S.C.L. Abberton, Colchestr stone road, Stratford e Potter T. Fairmead cot. High Beech S.O
Pilgrim John, Great Chesterford S.O Pollard Jas. William, I Argyle terrace, Potter Thomas Henry, May villa, Morn-
Pilgrim John, 9 King's Head st. Harwich Margery Park :road, Stratford I' ington road, Leytonstone e
Pilgrim Mrs. Earls Colne, Halstead Pollard Matthew (;harles, 8 Linton road, Potter William, 6 Mornington villas,
Pilgrim Mrs. Wormingford, Colchester Leytonstone t: Mornington road, Woodford Wells
PotterWm. 18 Idmiston rd. Forest gate "Prevost Alfred, The Cottage, Queen's Pudhey Misses, CoppinJ hall, Great
Potter William Henry,.. Waltham villas, road, Buckhurst Hill Clacton, Colchester
Birkbeck road, LeytonlOtone e Price Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow B •..\. Pudney James, Church st. Coggeshall r
PotterWm.James,Thorganby lo.Crescent Vicarage, Layer-de-Ia-Hey, Colchester Pudney Mrs. Prospect ter. Springfield
road north,George lane, Leytonstone e Price James Gillespie, " Wallwood ter- road, Springfield, Chelmsford
Potts Capt. William, 48 Hampton road, race, Leytonstone e Pudney Robert, Earl's Colne, Halstead
Forest gate e Price John Thomas Griffiths,3 Adelaide Puffett Miss,Eliza viIla,Wood Villa road,
Potts Henry Vardill, Grosvenor cottage, terrace, Great Ilford Leytonstone e
Hoe street, Walthamstow Price Mrs. Bertie viI. Water la. Stmtford e Pugh Mrs. Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Pouley Julius,:t Earlham cottages, Price Mrs. r Victoria termce, Dover- PulleyChas. Oldaker,Butterfields,Latch-
Forest lane, Forest gate e court, Harwich ingdon, Maldon
Poulter John, Montrose villa, Hainault Price Ralph G. ~.P. MarshalIs pk.Romfrd Pulley Miss, South street
road, Leytonstone e Price William, Eton villa, Hainault road, Pulleyn Mrs. Acacia villa, Queen's road,
Poulter Robert, 17 Charles termce, Leytonstone e . Barking
Manor park, East Ham 8 Price William, High street, Halstead Pullinger Mrs. Hawkwood ho.Chingford
Poulter Sydney Herbert, 7 Spring Ley Price Wm. 116 Osborne rd. Forest gate e Pulteney Mrs. Hargrave park, Stansted
terrace, Leytonstone 11 Price William Frederick, II Colworth Mountfitchet, .Bishop's Stortford
Poulter Thos.Jas. 9 Forest pl.Leytonstn , terrace, Leytonstone e Punnett William, Florence villa, Disraeli
Poulter William Robert, Herbert villa, Price Wjlliam Lillwall, Fir villa, Warley road, Stratford ~
Hainault road, Leytonstone e road, Brentwood Puplett Mrs. Stebbing, Chelmsford
Poultney Edward, 4 William villas, Car- Priddy Samuel, I Manbey villas, Manbey PurdieWm.59 Hampton rd.Forest gate e
narvon road, Woodford grove, Stratford green e Purkis Chas. Blomfield,Sturmere,Halstd
Poulton J. H. 95 Gurney I'd. Forest gt e Prideaux In. Hainault rd. Leytonstone e Purkis Mrs.Abbots hall,Sturmere,Halstd
Poulton Mrs. Bifrons hQ. Axe st. Barking Priedie Geo.Chadwell St.Mary,Grays S.O Purssell Mrs. Arnsby villa,London road,
Pound Henry William, St. Stephen's, Priest Arthur, Sewardstone road, Wal- Romford
The Drive, Walthamstow tham Abbey Purvis Mrs. Culver street, Colchester
Pounds Thomas, I Elizabethan terrace, Priest Miles, 2 Lorne terrace,Lansdowne PuryerJoseph,1 Lammas villas,Bucking-
Latimer road, Forest gate 8 road, Leytonstone e ham road, Woodford
PountneyJn.W.Great Baddow,Chelmsfrd PriestleyThomasPotter,NorthEnd house, Putnam Mrs. Summit I'd. Walthamstow
Poupard Charles George, 270 Romford East Ham IS Putney Mrs. Cedar villa, Granville road,
road, Stratford e Priggen John Carston, 4 Madeira villas, Walthamstow
Povey Thomas, 3 OliveI' terrace, OliveI' Snake's lane, Woodford Green puzey Steven, 4 Laxton terrace, Sedg-
road, Leyton Prime Edward, lA, Queen st. Colchester wick road, Leyton
PowellRev.CharlesMeares K.A. Vicarage, .Prince Charles Edward, High road, Pu:r.ey Thomas, The Langford's, Buck-
Steeple Bumpstead, HaverhiU Buckhurst Hill hurst Hill
Powell Rev.Francis Pery Hutchisson BoA. Price George, 5 Rose terrace, Howard's puzey Tom,S Stopford road, Plaistow e
Acacia hill, Queen's road, Barking road, Forest gate e Pye George, 14 Orwell terrace, Dover-
Powell Rev. Robert, East street, Cogges- Prince Hy. 55 Hampton rd.Forest gate e court, Harwich
hall, Kelvedon Pringuer Edward John, 4 Wadley road, Pye George Gard A.R.I.B•..\.5 Camp villas,
Powell Henry, High road, Loughton Leytonitone e Colchester
Powell John B. Kelvedon Prior Alfred Jesse, 2 St. John's terrace, Pyne Rev. Alfred B.A. Vicarage,Roydon,
Powell Mrs. Grange villa, Maybank road, St. John's street, Colchester Ware
George lane, Leytonstone e Prior Alfred In. 2 St. John's ter Colchestr Pyne Rev. Edward Manners Dillman
Powell Mrs. High street, Manningtree Prior Asher, Havergal house, Victoria B.A. Nevendon, Chelmsford
Powell Mrs. St. Thomas' hill, Queen's road, Colchester Pyne Dillman, Roydol), Ware
road, Brentwood Prior Herman L. Ivy cottage, Forest, Quarrington Rev. Fred.erick V.A. St.
Powell Nathaniel D.L., I.P. High road, Leytonstone 8 Peter's vicarage, Walthamstow
Buckhurst Hill Prior John, Burnham, Maldon Quash John Thomas, Northbury house,
Powell Thomas, Kelvedon Prior Joseph, Rose cottage, Mill lane, North street, Barking
Powell William, Brighton villa, Hain- Saffron Walden Quelch James,Fremontvilla,Chelmsford
ault road, Leytonstone e Prior Miss, Alexander road, Colchester road west, Woodford
Powell William, jun. :a Murray villas, Prior William, Head street, Halstead Quennell In. Cooper, High st.Brentwood
Hainault road, Leytonstone ~ Prior-Johnson Mrs. Great Baddow, Quilter Mrs. Earl's Colne, Halstead
Powers Frederick, 147. Romford road, Chelmsford Quilter Mrs. Little Waltham, Chelmsfrd
Stratford e Pritchard George Samuel, Holly bank, Quince Mrs. 7 Lea Bridge road, Leyton
Poynter WilIiam, North Woolwich e Marsh street, Walthamstow Quincey Harcourt, Lime villa, L;rtton
Poyntz Major William Henry R.V.L.I. Pritchard James, The Poplars, Hagger road, Leytonstone e
Springfield court, Chelmsford lane, Walthamstow Quincey Mrs.Harcourt,Lime vil. Lytton
Poyntz William 'fhomas, Hope (lottage, Pritchard John, 4 Royal terrace,Southend road, Leytonstone /J
-High road, ,Buckhurst Hill Pritchard Mrs. Forest rd.Woodford wells Quiney Alfred, 3 Colworth terrace, Col-
Pracy Henry Charles, Shrubland villa, Pritchard Rt.Clt.Church st. West Ham e worth road, Leytonstone e
Capworth street, Leyton PrittoveWilliam,Fern villas,ChadwellHth QuineyWiIliamJohn,Abbey, Abbey lane,
Pracy Wm. Clyde pI. Capworth st. Leytn Probert Charles Kentish, Newport, West Ham e
Praill Wm.Colnerd.CoggeshaU,Kelvedon Bishop's Stortford Quinton John,7 King's rd. Upton park IS
Prance Rev. Lewis Newcomen M.A. Rac-- Prockter Edwaro, Graydo.a cottage, Quy Miss, Earl's villa,Park rd. Southend
tory, Staplefot'd Tawney, Romford Flats, Wanstead e .Rackham Rev. Horace Fuller M.A. Vicar-
PrattHenjamin,Thornleigb, Snake's lane, Proctor Henry, Dudley cottage, London age, Stanway All Saints, Colchester
Woodford Green road, Wanstead , RackhamJob,Elizabeth viIs. Wdfrd.Brdg
PrattJames,IIWestbury road,Brentwood Procter Rev. John Mathias ILA. The Radcliffe Major General William Pollux-
Prebble Henry William, ,Fairlawn, Mom- Rectory, Bassildon, Brentwood fen C.B. Grey Friars,East hI. Colchester
ington road, Leytonstone ~ Proctler John, 6 Rockmead villas, Wood- Eadley William, Lime viI. Chigwell Row
Prendergast Rev. lames Fitzgerald riff road, Leytonstone e &admall John, ~ New viIs.Wood Grange
T.A.K.C.L. I Vicarage lane, Stratford e Proctor Alexander G. Witham road, Forest gate e
Prentice Samuel, Grange hill, Chigwell Proctor James, Chigwell road, ChigweIl Raffe James, 2 Rosindell terrace, Fairlop
Press Wm. 30 Buxton rd. Forest gate ~ Prosser Mrs. 7 Head street, Colchester road, Leytonstone e
Prestige HOOley, 2 Clarendon villas, Protheroe William Henry, Clarendon Ragge John, 2 Elm villas, Loughton
Wingfield road, Walthamstow villa, Hainault road, Leytonstone e Raincock Mrs. Waltons,Bartlow Hamlet,
Prestney Robert, Butt road, Colchester Proudfoot ThomaS', Church street, Cambridge
Preston Capt.HenryEdward, 6 St. Mary's Coggeshall, Kelvedon Rainer Edward lsaac, 5 Lansdowne viIs.
terrace east, Lexden road, Colchester Pruetz Louis, Orus villa, South West High road, Leytonstone tJ
Preston Arthur, 7Stopford I'd. Plaistow" road, Leytonstone e . Raison Henry, Chadwell Heath
PrestonMortimer,3Grove viIs.EastHam e Pyrke William Henry, 62 London road, RaIling Thomas John, Winwick. lodge,
Preston Mrs. Clifton villas, New London .Braintree Winwick road, Colchester
road, Chelmsford Pryor Arthur D.L.,I.P. Hylands park, Ralph Simon,Primrose villa,Victoria I'd.
Preston Stanley Richard, ~ The Grove, Widford, Chelmsford Romford
Stratford, PuckridgeA. F. Forest hOt ChigwellRow Ram Miss, Wantzroad, Maldon
Prethy Wilham, Priory hOUBet/ Crouch Puckridge Frederick, Forest house, Chig- Ramsay Gool'ge,Museum house, Barking
street, Colchestev well Row road, Canning town,
Ramsay Geo.I3 Sylvesterter.Wlthmstw Raymeht Joseph, Tindon End house, Reeve Rev.Charles Robert B.A. Rectory,
Ramsay John, 3 Albert vils.The Terraee, Old Sampford, Braintree Great Henny, Sudbury
Plaistow e Rayment Miss, South park, Great Ilford Reeve Rev. Edward James M.~., 1.P.
Ramsden H. Grove ho.High st.Plaistow e Rayment Mrs. Bank house, King street, Rectory, Stondon, Brentwood
Ramsden James, I Bell villas, Woodriff Saffron Walden Reeve Gilfrid, ~ Gladstone terrace.
road, Leytonstone 6 I Raymond Rev. John Mayne St. Clere Clarendon road, WaIthamstow
Ramsden Robert,Clifton villas,Field road, M.A. The Hall, Belchamp WaIter, Reeve Joseph,I Cambridge tar.Southend
Forest gate e Sudbury Reeve Miss, 3 Belmont villas, Southend
Ramsey Allen, Hillswicke villa, Queen's Raymond Rev. Oliver LL,B. Rectory, Reeve Miss, Broomfield villa, Broom-
road, Leytonstone e Middleton, Sudbury field, Chelmsford .
Ramsey John, Gidea hall, Romford Raymond Rev. Oliver Eo M.A. Bulmer, Reeve Samuel, 3 Claremont- Villas,
Ramsey Samuel,Stanley cottage,Cowley Sudbury Thornhill road, Leyton
road, Leytonstone e Raymond Charles, Lexden, Colchester Reeve William, Gloucester villa, George
Rand Stephen Chamberlain,Head street, Raymond John, Wantz road, Maldon lane, Leytonstone e
Colchester RayneMrs. 161 Coggeshall rd.Braintree Reeves Rev. Arthur,Gt.Totham,Witham
Randall Henry,I2 Deanery rd.Stratford e Rayner George Collins,I Caxton terrace, Reeves Boleyne,Spelfeathers,Ingatestone
Randall HY.9 Manbey gro.Stratford gn e Chelmsford Reeves Henry Gordon,6 Hampton road,
Randall Herbert Wormald, New street, Rayner Hy. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Forest gate e
Dnnmow S.O Rayner Mrs. Albert road, Braintree Reeves James,98 Oshorne rd.Forestgtee
Randall John, 4 Station road, Plaistow e Rayner Mrs. Great Oakley, Harwich Reeves Luther, Prospect cottage, George
Randall Mrs. Dunmow S.O . Rayner Mrs. High street, Halstead lane, Leytonstone e
Randall Richd. Lime viIs. Chigwell Row Rayner Stillingfleet, 38 Angel place, Reeves Mrs. Prospect cottage, George
Randall Richd.G.Brook ho. Dunmow S.O New town, Stratford e lane, Leytonstone e
Randall Thomas, 15 West st. Harwich Rayner William, 2 Coryton villas, Reeves William Edward. 3 Burchell road,
Randle Mrs.2 Wellington vils.Cambridge Albert road, Forest gate e Leyton
park, Wanstead e Raynor Rev. George M.A. Rectory, Reid Cecil Frederick, Overhall, Colne
Randolph Rev. Edwd. Seymonr Leveson Hazeleigh, Maldon Engaine, Halstead
B.A. Vicarage, Great Chesterford S.O Raynor George, 2 James' villas.. Cap- Reid John, Balcony house, Sewardstone
Rankin Hugh, Rochford S.O worth street, Leyton Reid Mrs. I Vicarage terrace, Leyton
Rankin Jabez, Great square, Braintree Rea Edward, 7 Albert terrace, Cathall Reid Thomas, 2 Cuba villa.s, Russell
Rann Richard Edward, Hill house, Mes- road, Leytonstone e road, Leyton
sing, Kelvedon Rea John, Millfield house, Grove Relf Daniel, Rose cottage,G-reat WarIey,
Ransome Frank Puryis, Maybank road, Crescent road, Stratford e Brentwood
George lane, Leytonstone e Rea Thomas, 114 Chobham road, New Relf Richard, Rose cottage, Great War-
Ranson George, I Globe terrace, Forest town, Stratford e ley, Brentwood
lane, Forest gate e Read Charles,Oak Hl.ldg.Woodford Side Remington James Thomas, Sebert
Raper William Angustus M.D. Great Read Charles Edward C.B. 5 Queen's villa, Sebert road, Forest gate e
Wakering, Southend square, Upton park (1 Renaut Charles Henry, Fernleigh, Rain·
Raphal Miss, Stockwell hall, Little Bnr- Read Charles Henry, 2 Brickhill villas, sult road, Leytonstone e
stead, Brentwood Vicarage road, Leyton , Rendall John George, SI Windsor road,
Rasch Frederick Carne J.P. Woodhill, Read D. H. 10 Taniwha ter. Forest gte e Forest gate e
Sandon, Chelmsford Read Edward, Benlah cot. Great Ilford Rendall T. Felstead, Chelmsford
Rasin Thos. Cleveland house, Cleveland Read Ernest Arnold, 2 Tavistock villas, Renshaw John George, Maisonnette,
road, Snaresbrook e Tavistock road, Snaresbrook e North street, Colchester
Ratcliff Miss, Rose cot.Sandon,Chlmsfrd Read Frederick, 77 West st. Harwich Reven Francis Charles, 8 Somerset ter-
Ratcliff Mrs. Waterloo road, Brentwood Read John Francis Holcombe •. p. Chest- race, Granvill road, Walthamstow
Ratcliff Robt.208 Romford rd. Stratfrd e nuts, Hoe street, Walthamstow Revett Mrs. Kelvedon
Ratcliff Wm. W. HainauIt,Chigwell Row Read Miss, Heybridge cot. Ingatestone Revill George Frederick, Tindal villas,
RatclitIe James, 2 Courtney terrace, Read Robert, 29 Queen st. Colchester Brentwood road, Romford
Marsh street, Walthamstow Read Thos. Manor ho. Woodford Wells Revitt William, 5 Abbey terrace, Bark-
Ratcliffe Wm. 8 Hamlet terrace.Baddow Read William Charles, 17 Albert ter- ing road, Plaistow e
road, Chelmsford race, Cathall road, Leytonstone 6 Rew Rev. Charles B.D.Rectory,Cranham,
Rattee Rev. James A. Abbotts Roothing, Read William Daniel, I Saunders ter- Romford
Brentwood race, Wellesley road, Leytonstone e Rey Alberi Edward, I Warwick villas,
Ratto John Lems, Ember lodge, Albert Reay Rev. Thomas Osmotherly B.A. Chelmsford road west, Woodford
road south, Buckhurst Hill Vicarage, Prittlewell, Southend Reynolds Rev. Samnel Harvey M.A.
Raven George,The ''''ash farm,Purleigh, Reckenzaun A. C.E. 4 Julia terrace, Vicarage, East Ham e
Maldon High road, Leytonstone e Reynolds C. H. 9 Grove road,Wanstead e
Raven Miss, Fryerning, Ingatestone Redcliffe J. 27 Claremont rd.Forest gate Reynolds George, 29 Grove villas, Morn-
Raven Mrs.I Elizabeth villas,Lea Bridge Reddell William Thornton, Lanark villa, ington road, Leytonstone If .
road, Leyton Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Reynolds Hy. Chelmsford rd. w.Woodfrd
Raven Thoma'l,John's cottage,St. John's Reddell William Thornton, Ley house, Reynolds Henry Bion, Epping New road,
green, Colchester High street, Leyton Buckhurst Hill
Raven Thomas,The Common, Shenfield, Redding Mrs. 8 Cambridge terrace, Reynolds Hy.Wm. 4 AmberIeyrd.Leyton
Brentwood Military road, Colchester Reynolds John, 2 Laura cottages, Cap-
Ravenscroft George, 34 Victoria terrace, Redfern William Berriman, May villa, worth street, Leyton
Dovercourt, Harwich Cla...endon road, WaIthamstow Reynolds Mrs. 4 Christendom place,
Rawkins Thomas George, Swiss cottage, Redgwell Thomas, 2 Hamlet terrace, Barking road, Plaistow If
Sam's green, Great Ilford Baddow road, Chelmsfl)rd Reynolds Mrs. 3 Sanson terrace, Sanson
Rawling Reginald,Theydon Bois,Epping Redhead Wm.Church st.SaffronWalden road Leytonstone e
Rawlings Mrs. 4 Delaprie terrace, High Redward Charles, 5 Glen villas, Leyton Reynolds Robt. Steeple Bmpstd. Haverhl
street, Leyton road, Forest gate e Reynolds Robert Barclay •.P. Shrnb-
Rawlings Thos. Portland rd. Colchester Reece William Edward, 5 Mornington bery, Woodford
Rawlins William, Cheam cottage, Pal- vils.Mornington rd. Woodford Wells Reynolds WaIter, Engell house, Princes
merston road, West Ham e Reed Alfred, Cromwell road, Colchester road, Buckhurst Hill
Rawlinson William, 2 Dunbarton villas, Reed Alfred, Hill top, Wallwood road, Reynolds William, Portway house, Up.
Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Leytonstone e ton cross, West Ham e
Ray John, St. Edward's sq. Romford Reed Charles, Oak Hill lodge, Woodford, Rhing Rev. F. Shernhall st.Walthamstw
Ray Miss, The Ferns, Westbury road, Walthamstow Rhodes Rev. William M.A. Goldings hill,
Brentwood Reed Henry,Webden rd.Saffron Walden Loughton
Rayleigh Lord, Terling place, Witham; Reed James Murray, South pk.Gt.Ilford Rhodes Benjamin, I Mapperley villas.
& Athenrel!1m & New University clubs, Reeland Peter Yorde, Victoria house, London road, Wanstead e
London s:w Victoria road, Buekhurst Hill Rhodes Miss, Colne park, Halstead
Rayleigh Dowager Lady, Tofts, Little Rees Rev. Samnel David, Rectory, Rhymer Mrs. Lower terrace, Springfield,
Baddon, Chelmsford Tolleshnnt Knights, Kelvedon Chelmsford
Rayment Arthur, 11 Manbey grove, Rees George, Oakhurst, Chigwell Rice Rev. Thomas Prichard, Exmouth
Stratford green e Rees Samuel, I t Cliff villas, Dovercourt, terrace, Grays, Romford
RaymentMiss, Paulatim Idg.Chdwll.Hth Harwich Rice ReT.Wm. Edmd.Earls Colne,Halstd
3~6 RId ESSEX. [ KELL't'S
Rich James George, The Lindens, South Riley Joseph, Vine villa, Victoria road, Robertson Edward Bruce M.A., 'M.B., :M.O
West road, Leytonstone e George lane, Leytonstone e Edin. St. HUdas, Grove hill, Woodford
Rich William, Hope villa, Chelmsford Riley Mrs. Wantz road, Maldon Robertson George, 3 Madeira villas,
road west, Woodford RileyWm.Wood hill, Sandon, Chelmsfrd Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Richard John Wald, Quorn villa, Fairlop Ringen John, Chestnuts, Prospect road, Robertson Hy. Finch, Billericay, Brntwd
road, Leytonstone e Snakes lane, Woodford Green Robertson In. 24 Windsor rd.Forest gte e
Richards Charles,32 King's rd.Uptn. pk e Ringrose Richard, 9 Granville terrace, Robertson John James, The Cottage,
Richards John, 318 Romford rdBtratfd e Carnarvon road, Forest gate e Bradtield, Manningtree
Richards Jsph. Debden rd. Saffron Wldn Ripley Rev. William, The Parsonage, Robertson Mrs. I Clifton villas, Balaam
Richards Mrs. Parkside villas, Victoria Bentley, South Weald, Brentwood street, Plaistow e
road, Romford Rippon Alfred Albert, London road, Robertson Mrs. Grosvenor Park road,
Richards Thomas, I Grove villas, Grove Saffron Walden Walthamstow
road, Walthamstow Rippon Miss,GrosvenorPk.rd.Wlthmstw Robertson Mrs. 2 Sydney villas, Morning-
Richards Thomas, 2 Victoria villas, Cooil Rist Mrs. 6 St. John's terrace, St. John's ton road, Leytonstone e
road, Upton manor, Plaistow e street, Colchester Robertson Richard, 8 Barc1ay terrace,
RichaMs William Frederick, 3 Devon- Rist Robt. Green, 'rhe Laurels, High Barc1ay road, Leytonstone e
shire cottages,Lytton rd.Leytonstone e street, Brentwood Robertson Thomas, Wansbeck villa,
RichardsonRev.Jn. H ..&.. High st.Gt.Ilford Ritson Joseph, Portland road, Colchester Grange Park road, Leyton
Richardson Edward, J: Florence villas, Rivett George, 13 Globe terrace, Forest Robertson Wm. 85 Buxtn. rd.Forest gte e
Femdale road, Leytonstone e lane, Forest gate e Robey George, Austin house, Norwich
Richardson F.Aiward, New rd. Brentwood Rivett James, 34 Romford rd. Stratfrd e road, Forest gate e
Richardson Edward William, Pembroke Rivett Joseph, 4 Lancaster terrace, High Robin Ezekial, Tijuca house, Park road,
road, Walthamstow road, Leytonstone e Little Ilford
Richardson Frederick, Lexden,Colchestr Rivett Lewis, 32 Manbey grove, Strat- Robins Miss, Palmrstn. cots. Bckhrst HI
Richardson Geo. Wick, Burnham, Mldn ford green e Robinson Rev.Jsph.High st.Manningtree
Richardson James, J: Richardson villas, Rivett Wm. 12 Park road, Plaistow e Robinson Rev.Thos.Harrison Grantham,
Hainault road, Leytonstone 8 A...,. Rivett William, Primrose villa, Vicarage St. Saviour's vicarage, Walthamstow
Richardson J n. E. Forest cot.ChigwellRw road, Leyton Robinson Andrew A. Oak hall, Wanstead
Richardson Miss, 260 Romford road, Rix Edward, 145 Romford rd. Stratfrd e Robinson Anthony George, Shenfield
Stratford e Ri:x: Thomas, Winnock road, New Town lodge, Brentwood
Richardson Miss, 2 Woodgrange villas, field, Colchester Robinson Arthur St. John, Theydon
Forest lane, Forest gate e Roan William Vaughan, The Ferns Bois, Epping
Richardson Misses, High street, Maldon New road, Buckhurst Hill RobinsonCharles B.-\.Vine cottage,Wood-
Richardson Mrs. 49 Chobham road, Roast John, White Roothing, Chelmsfrd ville road, George lane, Leytonstone e
New town, Stratford e Roast Mrs. White Roothing, Chelmsfrd Robinson Edgar, Cretfield villas, Oxford
Richardson Mrs. Sebert rd. Forest gate e Robarts Nathaniel I<'rancis, Rosebrae, road, Colchester
Richardson ThomaSJ".F.Sible Hedingham, Glengall rd. Snake's la. WoodfordGrn Robinson Edward, Danbury lodge, Bed-
Halstead Robb Mrs. High st.Mistley,Manningtree ford road, Snaresbrook 8
Richardson William, 7 Pleasant terrace, Robb Thomas Gordon, I Braybrook Robinson Ephraim, 92 Bu:x:ton road,
Murchison road, Leyton villas, Vicarage road, Leyton Forest gate e
RichardsonWm. J. Beta lodge, Loughton Robb Thomas Gordon, jun. 2 Clare Robinson Frederick, Cambridge villas,
Richens Mrs. Rbca. Rettendon,Chelmsfd terrace, Grange Park road, Leyton OUver road, Leyton
Riches'rhos.Wellington st.Brghtlgsa.S.O Robb William Lamb, 2 Park place, Park Robinson Geo. Hollybush, Snaresbrook
Richie George, Lytton I'd. Leytonstonee road, Leyton RobinsonHenry,Crouchhouse,Cranham,
Richmond Henry, Elm cottage, Primrose Robbins Edward, 3 Copeland villas, Romford
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Clarendon road, Walthamstow Robinson James, Fu1lbridge, Maldon
Richmond Jas. 7 Royal tel'. Southend Robbins Edward, The Limes, New Robinson James, Grove lodge, Gt. Ilford
Richmond John, 4 Abbey terrace, Bark- London road, Chelmsford Robinson James,The Green, Dedham S.O
ing road, Plaistow e Robbins James M.B. 190 Chobham road, Robinson JohnGeorge,Oakley hall,Ugley,
Richmond Mrs. Johnson, 10 Orwell New town, Stratford e Bishop's Stortford
terrace, Dovercourt, Harwich Robbins John, 4 Stopford M. Plaistow , Robinson John Frederick, 8 The Green,
Richmond Luke, New road, Dovercourt, Robbins Mrs. Chelmsford house, Fairlop Mistley, Manningtree
Harwich road, Leytonstone 11 Robinson Matthew, 52 Gurney road,
Richmond Mrs. Rayleigh S.O Roberson Benj. The Cottage, London Forest gate e
Rickarby George, High street, Walton- road, Romford Robinson Miss, 4 Carew tel'. Chelmsford
on-the-Naze S.O Roberson Mrs. 2 Woodbine villas, Stan- Robinson Miss, East hill, Colchester
Rickards John Laurie, Hollybush, Lan- ley road, Woodford Robinson Miss, High st. Saffron Walden
caster road, Leytonstone e Roberts Arthur David, Court villa, Robinson Mrs. Brabant villa, Mornington
Rickett James, 2 West Ham villas, Ley- Avenue road, Forest gate e road, Leytonstone e
tonstone road, Stratford e Roberts Arthur Milson, High road, Robinson Mrs.28 New Lndn. rd.Chlmsfrd
Rickwood George, 97'&', High st.Colchstr Buckhurst Hill R"binson Waiter Vorley, 4 Orford villas,
Rickwood G. jnn. 28 Culver st. Colchstr Roberts Chas. SI Osborne rd. Forest gt e Walthamstow
Riddle T. Louisa villa, Church rd.Leyton Roberts Edmund J.F.Burghsted, Le:x:den, Robinson William, 6 Barc1ay terrace,
Rider Joseph Henry, Mt. Edgecumbe Colchester Barclay road,Leytonstone e
villas, Latimer road, Forest gate e Roberts Edward, Berden hall, Bishop's Robinson Wm. 19 Buxton rd. Forest gt e
Ridges John George, 8 Windsor terrace, Stortford Robinson Wm. Hy. Cottage pl.Chlmsfrd
Barking road, Canning town e Roberts Ellis, ~ Park villas, Loughton Robison Gavin I<'ullerton, ul"d.nville road,
Ridgeway Rev. George, The Limes, Roberts Geo. 215 Romford rd. Stratford e Walthamstow
Southminster, Maldon Roberts James Mackenzie,Heath cottage, Robshaw George Henry, 9 Manor villas,
Ridgewell Thomas, Ipswich rd. Colchstr Dedham S.O Theydon Bois, Epping
Ridley Charles Ernest,The Elms,Broom- Roberts J ames Henry,1 Plimsoll terrace, Robson George, 2 Oakhurst cottages,
field road, Chelmsford Lansdowne road, Leytonstone e High street, Leyton
Ridley Miss, Felsted 8.0 '" Roberts John, Queen's rd. Buckhurst HI Robson John James, Cecil villas, Mary-
Ridley Thomas Dawson, 4 Clarendon Roberts John Reynolds, Salway house, bank road, Leytonstone e
terrace, Cliff 1"<1. Dovercourt, Harwich Salway hill, Woodford Robson John StephenSOD, Linden lodge,
Ridley Thomas Dixon, The Elms, Broom- Roberts John William, 33 Grove villas, London road, Saffron Walden
field road, Chelmsford Mornington road, Leytonstone e Robson Joseph John, Falcon grove,
Ridley Thomas Herbert. Barking, Essex Roberts Mrs. Knott's green, Leyton Audley road, Saffron Walden
Ridley Waiter, Hartford end,Felsted S.O Roberts Robt. Bay lodge, Stratford gm e Robson Walter,Illawarra cottage,Debden
Ridout Rev. John Dowell X.A.. Little Roberts WaIter, 193 Romfrd. rd. Strtfrd e road, Saffron Walden
Canfield, Chelmsford Robertson Rev. Wm. Woodham Ferrers, Robson William, Roding house, Cleve-
Rigby Charles, 5 Beaumont rd. Leyton Chelmsford land road, George lane, e
Rigby Rev. John, New hall, Boreham, Robertson Alexander, 3 Margery Park Robson William, Roding house,Cleveland
Chelmsford road, West Ham e road, Snaresbrook e
Rigg J. IVictoria ter.Albrt.rd.Wlthmstw Robertson Charles Henry de Grey, Rock Edward Guard, 2 St. John's villas,
Rigg Mrs. Fryerning cot. Ingatestone Billericay, Brentwood' Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
Rigge John Morton, Grays Thurrock S.O Robertson Donald, 13 King's road, Up- Rockett .Alfred, ~ Westward boo cottages,
Riley J. South Shoebury, Southend ton park e Thornhill road, Leyton
Rood Mrs. The Lictors, New London Rose Rev. Frederick B.A. The Rectory, Ruggles-Brise Col. Samuel Brisa M.P
road, Chelmsford Greensted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood C.B., D.L., ,T.P. Spains hall, Braintree
ROOdick George, Springfield house, Lip- Rose Henry, Beacontree viI. Field road, & Carlton club, London 8.W
pitt's hill, High Beech S.O Forest gate e Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland .l.P.
Rodger Wm. Lea viI. Vicarage rd. Leyton Rose Mrs. Barringtons, Rayleigh S.O Durwards, Rivenhall, Witham
Rodgers George William, I I Barnetts Rose Mrs. 2 Rochefort villas, Hoe street, Rule Mrs. Bridge street, Saffron Walden
terrace, Colworth road, Leytonstone e Walthamstow Rule Mrs. 51 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e
Rodgers Samuel, Dunan villas, Earlham Rose Mrs. The Cottage, Hermon hill, Rumbles Thomas, I Swaffham villas,
grove, Forest gate e Wanstead e Mildmay road, Chelmsford
Rodick Septimus, Earls Colne, Halstead Rosedale Rev. William Ellito B.A. Stan- Rumbold William John, Plympton villa,
Rodwell Rev. R. Mandeville M.A. Rectory, stead Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford High street, Stratford e
High Laver, Ongar S.O Rosenbaun Louis, 29 Manbey grove, Rumboll Rev. Abraham Henry M.A.
Rodwell James Medows, Dedham S.O I::Jtratford green e Vicarage, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester
Rofe James, Norfolk villa, Princes road, Ross Capt. Jas. 37 Osborne rd.Forest gt e Rumilly Alfd. 62 Hampton rd. Forest gt e
Buckhurst Hill Ross Rev. Robert, Emmanuel vicarage, Rumsey Chas. 36 Buxton rd. Forest gte
Roff John Ebenezer, Meyrick crescent, Earlham grove, Forest gate e RunnaclesEdwd. Parsonage st. Halstead
Mersea road, Colchester Ross Chas. 212 Romford rd. Stratford e Runnacles H. Colchester road, Halstead
Roffey John, Clock house, Braintree Ross Chas. :a The Hollies, Stratford grn e Ruse Henry, Rose villas, Cemetery road,
Roffey Mrs. Shenfield, Brentwood Ross Francis, 7 Fernlea villas, Wilmot Saffron Walden
Roffey Mrs. C. Shenfield, Brentwood road, Leyton Rush Thomas John, High street, Maldon
Rogers Rev. Alex. John M.A. Vicarage, Ross George, Church st. north, Colchstr Rushen Samuel, Rose valley, Brentwood
Lindsell, Chelmsford Ross James, Hatfield, Harlow Rusher Thomas, Augustus house, Eagle
Rogers Rev. Chas. Henry M.A. Felstead Ross In. Hebburn viI. Grovehl.Woodfrd lane,Snaresbrook
Rogers Andrw.Epping rd.Walthm.Abbey Ross Mrs. 2 :Fairlop terrace, Fairlop Rushton Edgar, 2 Woodstock villas,
RogersArthurJn.Fambridgerd.Maldon road, Leytonstone e Sebert road, Forest gate e
Rogers Charles Ogle, Woodland cottage, Ross Rt. 6 Abbey ter. Barking rd. PIstw e Russell Lieut.-Col. Champion D.L., J.P.
London road, Wanstead e Rosseter William, Horsfrith park, High- Stubbers, North Ockendon, Romford
Rogers George, 13 Albert terrace, Cathall wood, Chelmsford Russell Rev. A. F. M.A. Rectory, Chingfrd
road, Leytonstone e Rossiter Wm. Forest View ho. Chingfrd Russell Rev. Harry Wright B.A. Watford
Rogers James, Fambridge road, Maldon Rosslyn Earl of, Eastonlodge, Dunmow; Russell Rev. John B.A. Holy Trinity
Rogers John, Hill ho. Burnham, Maldon & 51 Grosvenor street, London w parsonage, Barking rd. Canning twn e
Rogers John, London road, Maldon Rotson Alex. 16 Gurney rd. Forest gte e Russell Alfred, I Tavistock villas, Tavis-
Rogers John Henry, Oaklea, The Drive, Rottger Augustus, 1 Boscombe villas, tock road, Snaresbrook e
Walthamstow Thornhill road, Leyton Russell Frederick, 1 Albert terrace, Cat-
Rogers Miss, Epping place, Epping Rotton C. Gothic cots. Carlisle rd.Romfrd hall road, Leytonstone e
Rogers Miss, Rayne road, Bocking, Roughton Louis,6 Park viI.Chadwell Hth Russell John Branfill, Stubbers, North
Braintree Round Edmund, Elaine cottage, Wiven- Ockendon, Romford
Rogers Mrs. Anglesea villa, Clacton· on- hoe, Colchester Russell Maurice, 2 Grove villas, The
Sea, Colchester Round Misses, Holly trees, East hill, Grove, Stratford e
RogersMrs.TheElms, Stansted, Bishop's Colchester Russell Rt. Bright's, Rainham, Romford
Stortford Round Mrs. Birch hall, Colchester Russell Vernon, 5 Park vils.Chadwell Hth
Rogers Robert,6 Pembroke terrace, Cob- Round Mrs. Geo. East Hill ho. Colchstr Russell William, Russell house, Squirrels
den road, Leytonstone e Rouquette Mrs. Elm house, Marsh street, heath, Hornchurch, Romford
Rogers Thomas, Avenue ho. Ingatestone Walthamstow Rust Frederick John, Foxtons, Little
Rogers Thos. Geo. 3 Eaton viIs. Loughtn Rousseau GustaveJean, Clarendon road, Waltham, Chelmsford
Rogers William, Cambridge villa, Hain- Walthamstow Rust Geo. John, 6 London rd. Braintree
ault road, Leytonstone e Routledge Mrs.28 Wellesley I'd. Wanstd e Rust Mrs. Gothic cot. Carlisle I'd. Romfd
Rogerson James, Parsonage farm, Steb- Rover In. 4 Toronto I'd. Leytonstone e Ruston Joseph, Park road, Leyton
bing, Chelmsford Row George Cummins, 156 Manor Ruston Mrs. 4 Avenue road, Leyton
Rohrweger Julius Chas.Uplnds. Loughtn street, Braintree Rutherford Mrs. Prittlewell, Southend
Rolfe Miss, Queenborough, Braintree Row William, Kelvedon Rutt Stephen A. N. High street, Maldon
Rolfe Miss Rayne, Braintree Rowan Hy. B. B.A. Chipping hill,Witham Ryan James, 3 Trinity villas, Lancaster
Rolfe Nicholas Hall, 1 Barclay rd. Leyton Rowbotham Charles, 2 Rosenheim villas, road, Leytonstone e
Rolfe Philemon, 354 Romfrd. rd. Strtfrd e Hainault road, Leytonstone e Ryan J sph. Michael M.B. East hI. Colchstr
Rolfe Robert White, Rose valley, Brntwd Rowden Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory, Ryder Henry John, 141 Romford road,
Rolfe Wltr. 41 Manbey gro. Stratfrd. gn e Birchanger, Bishop's Stortford Stratford e
Rollason Rev. Alfred, Audley road, Saf- Rowe Rev. Alfred Wm. M.A. Felsted S.O Ryland Henry, 2 Harlsey villas, Cap-
ron Walden Rowe John, Devonshire villa, Beachcroft worth street, Leyton
Rolleston Rev. Robert B.A. Rectory, road, Leytonstone e Ryle Thomas, Sydney villas, Brentwood
Stanford rivers, Romford Rowe Mrs. North bridge, Colchester road, Romford
Rolph Thos. B. 4 Hamlet ter. Chelmsfrd Rowe Wm. High ho. Upminster, Romfd Sach Fredk. Queen st. Coggeshall,Kelvdn
Rolph William Fisher, The Willows, Rowland Benjamin, Upper Dovercourt, Sach John, Albertpl. Coggeshall,Kelvdn
Woodford Green Harwich Sackett Mrs. Hy. Fern viI. Orsett, Rmfrd
Rolston Mrs. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Rowland Mrs. Edith villa, Chelmsford Sadd Alfd. Granger, Hill house, Maldon
Rook James, Lamorna terrace, Victoria road east, Woodford Sadd John Granger, The Chase, Maldon
road, Romford Rowlandson Rev. William Henry M.A. Sadler Edward, Queen street, Colchester
Rooke Mrs. The Ferns, Upper park Rectory, Great Braxted, Witham Sadler Jas. New I'd. Mistley, Mningtree
Rookwood Joseph Jesse, 62 Buxton rd. Rowley Rev. Julius Henry M.A. Rectory, Sadler Joseph, High street, Maldon
Forest gate e South Ockenden, Romford Sadler Mrs. High street, Maldon
Roope Chas. H. The Firs, High st. Leyton Roworth Alfred T. Grays Thurrock S.O Sadler Mrs. 1 Morrant terrace, Lexden
Root John, Palmerston I'd. West Ham e Royds John J.P. Brises park, Kelvedon road, Colchester
Root Miss, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Hatch, Brentwood Sadler Robert Stebbing, Old house,
Root Misses, Castle Hedingham, Halstd Royle T. The Cedars,Portway,West Hm e Great Horkesley, Colchester
Root Mrs. 57 Crouch street, Colchester Roynon John, Havering Park farm, Sage Thomas, Pleasant View villa,
Root Samuel, 4 Arlington villas, Fairlop Havering-atte-Bower, Homford Woodriff road, Leytonstone e
road, Leytonstone e Rubery Hy. Chas. 14 Manor rd. Leyton Saggers Thomas Henry John, Acacia
Roote John, Rockley cottage, Northern Ruck-Keene Rev. BenjaminB.A. Copford, villa, Clarendon road, Walthamstow
road, Plaistow e Colchester Saich Geo. In. Newport, Bishop's Strtfrd
Roper Mrs. Shernhall st. Walthamstow Rudhall John, The Elms, Grays Thur- Sainsbury Edwd. 6 Groverd. Wanstead e
RopeI' Roht. 29 Hamptonrd.:Forestgtee rock S.O ~ainsbury Wm. Noel, Burnham, Maldon
Roper Wm. 37 Broomfield I'd. Chelmsfrd Rudkin Joseph, Kelvedon St. Albans, Lord Bishop of (RIght Rev.
Roper Wm.Hy. 35 Broomfld. rd.CWmsfrd Ruffell Wm. Billericay, Brentwood Thomas Legh Claughton D.D.), Dan-
Roques Egbert, 5 Brindleton villas, Ruffle John,6 Stopford road, Plaistow e bury palace, Chelmsford; & Belgrave
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Ruffles John Alfred, Oak cottage, Lon- mansions, Great George st. London s.w
Rose Col. James A.D.e. Brookland house, don road, Wanstead e St. Alphonse Charles, jun. The Cedars,
Great Warley, Brentwood Rufus John A. Granville I'd. Walthmstw Loughton
Rose Col. WiUiam, Dunmow 8.0 Rugg Frank Armstrong, Providence Sale Miss, 6 Albert terrace, New London
Rose Fredk. 50 Windsor rd. Forest gate e house, Plashet e road, Chelmsford


Salisbury Robert Bell, Xigburth, Glen- Saw Mrs. The Grange, Stratford green e Scott Rev. William Langston M.A.
gall road, Woodford Green Saunders Capt. A. A. B.A. South Shoe- Church end, Dunmow S.O
Salmon James, Melford lodge, Cleveland bury, Southend Scott Charles, 3 Arnold villas, Capworth
road, Snaresbrook e Saunders Rev. Barnard Wilkes, Withers- street, Leyton
Salmon John, Great Clacton, Colchester field, Braintree Soott Chas. 52 New street,.chelmsford
Salmon John, 8 Priory terrace, Wellesley Saunders Charles Rogers, 1 Lilian cot- Scott Daniel Allen, Russell house,
road, Colchester tages, Derby road, Woodford Buckhurst Hill
Salmon Miss, Wave cottage, Mildmay Saunders Ebenezer,Eastho. Dedham S.O Scott Edgar Webster, 9 Westbury road,
road, Chelmsford Saunders Edward,Pelham villa, Earlham Brentwood
Salmon Mrs. I Kensington villas, Ro- grove, Forest gate e Scott Edward, Falmouth villa, Earlham
man road, Colchester Saunders George, 4 Marlboro' terrace, grove, Forest gate e
Salmon William, High street, Brentwood Amberley road, Leyton Scott Ed. 2 Park cras. Park rd. Southend
Salmon William, Mayell villas, Clacton- Saunders George, Rosendale, Cottage Scott Edwin, Claremont house, Cam-
on-Sea, Colchester place, Chelmsford bridge road, Colchester
Salt Mrs. Crown street, Brentwood Saunders James In. Lansdowne road, Scott Frederick. Albert cottage, Carnar-
Salter John, Ballingdon, Sudbury Leytonstone e von road, Forest gate e
Salter John Henry, D'Arcy house, Tolles- Saunders John Morris, 1 Eva villas, Scott Frederick, 7 Wallwood terrace,
hunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Montague road, Leytonstone t Leytonstone e
Salter Mrs. 3 Station road, Plaistow e Saunders Mrs. Adeane villa, Princes Scott Gea. T.92 Romford rd. Stratfrd e
Saltmarsh George, 31 New London road, road, Buckhurst Hill Scott James Benjamin, Rowans, The
Chelmsford Saunders Nth!. Hallfield ho. Dedham S.O Drive, Walthamstow
Saltmarsh In. 2 St. John's rd. Chelmsfd Saundel's Nathaniel, jun. Albany house, Scott Jsph. Willow ho. Stratford green,
Saltmarsh Miss, 8 Sutherland terrace, Dedham S.O Scott Miss, Elm villas, Loughton
Chelmsford Saunders Robt. H.9 Cecil rd. Leytnstn e ScottMiss,Stanley vils,Wilmot rd.Leyton
Saltmarsh Thomas Joseph, The Nur- Saunders William Harris, Pilgrim house, Soott Richard, flte Drive, Walthamstow
series, Moulsham, Chelmsford South Weald, Brentwood Soott Robert, Birchwood, Dedham S.O
Sames Thomas Frederick, Meyrick eres- Savage Samuel Tarrett, Sussex cottages, Scott Baml. 30 King's rd. Upton park e
cent, Mersea road, Colchester Percy road, Leytonstone e Scott Thomas, 2 Eden place, Wellesley
Sammes Edward, Chipping Ongar S.O Savage WaIter, Theydon Bois, Epping road, Colchester
SammonsThos.Carlton cot.Woodford Gn Savage Wm. Woodford lodge, Woodford Scott Thomas, Goldsmith road, Leyton
Sampson Rev. George B.A. Abbey lane, Savelle James, Junction I'd. Brentwood Scott Thomas WaIter, 6 Clifton terrace,
Saffron Walden Savile Hon. Mrs. Arthur, Heydon house, Granville road, Walthamstow
Sampson Thomas, Marlborough villa, Royston Scott Walter M.B. Martham house,
Lea Bridge road, Leyton Savill Lieut.-Col. Saml.Geo. J.P. Witham Snaresbrook e
Sampson William, Haughton villas, Savill Capt. Joseph Edward, 10 The Scott William, Cynthia house, Clarendon
Harvey road, Le:ytonstone e Avenue, Colchester road, Walthamstow
Sampson Wm. 322 Romford rd.Stratfrd e Savill Alfred, Elmswood, Chigwell Scott William, 5 Park road, Plaistow e
Samuels George, Priory st. Colchester SavillEbenezer,The Hollies,Stratfordgnt Scott Wm. "\\''bitlock, North st. Colchstr
Sanders Albert, The Avenue, Colchester Savill Martin, The Lodge, Chingford Scovell Robert, 89 Osborne rd. Frst. gte e
Sanders Charles L.R.C.P. Edin. The Hay- Savill Misses, Ten Mile villa, Chigwell Scovey Andrew, 287 Romford road,
lands, Chigwell Savill Mrs. Boleyns, Bocking, Braintree Stratford e
Sanders Edwin J oseph, Gostwycke, Savill Mrs.Shenfield ho.Shenfield,Brntwd Scratton Miss, Gosfield cottage, Gosfield,
Cambridge road, Colchester Savill Mrs. The Limes, Chigwell Halstead
Sanders Evatt SaUows, 19 The Avenue, Savill Phlp. Churchfield ho.Chigwell Row Scriven Captain William R.N. Grays S.O
Colcbester Savill Richard,2 Chesterton rd.Plaistow e Scriven William Henry, 20 Randulph
Sanders James,Elizabeth cottage, Thorn- Savill-Onley Onley D.L., J.P. Stisted hall, terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford
hill road, Leyton Braintree Scrivener Charles Thomas,Langley villa,
Sanders Martin Luther, 20 Station Saville Joseph, East hill, Colchester Wallwood road, Leytonstone e
road, Harwich Sawer Wm.Oak bk.Ongar rd.Brentwood Scruby Mrs. Market st. Saffron Walden
SandersMiss,Forest side,Waltham Abbey Sawyer Frederick John, Douro villas, Scruby Theodore Robinett, Mount
Sanders Robert,. Trinity villa, Lexden Snakes lane, Woodford Green Pleasant road, Saffron Walden
road, Colchester Sawyer Wm. 3 Sylvester tel'. ~1thmstw Scrutton James Ezekiel, 4 Vallentin
Sanders Thos.Granville rd.Walthamstow Saxty In. 3 Trinity street, Colchester villas, Vallentin road, Walthamstow
Sanderson Captain Jacob, 2 Seabourne Scales C. 44 Windsor road, Forest gate e Scrutton Mrs. Gt. Clacton, Colchester
"illas, Sebert road, Forest gate e Scales Edward Home, Edwards "illa, Scully James, Lion lodge, Bidder street,
Sanderson Rev. Jas. Lamarsh, Colchstr Southchurch, Southend Canning town e
Sanderson Charles, 70 Romford road, Scales Joseph, Newlands, Bulwer road, Seabrook Henry Pledger, Buckshorn,
Stratford e Leytonstone e Boreham, Chelmsford
Sanderson Chas. I Stopford rd.Plaistowe Scales Thomas, Leyton villa, Grange Seabrook John, Oak Tree lodge, Spring-
Sanderson Thos. 69 Hampton rd. Forest Park road, Leyton field, Chelmsford
gate e Scanes Rev. Hy. Hythe hill, Colchester Seabrook Miss, Butlers', Broomfield,
Sandford Henry, 9 High st. Colchester ScarbOl'oughThomas,TheLimes,Chelms- Chelmsford
Sandford Mrs. Hedingham castle, Hal- foro road west, Woodford Seabrook Miss, Upper terrace, Spring-
stead Scarf Mrs. Alcoye vil.Wantz rd. Maldon field, Chelmsford
Sandle William :I.P. Park hall, Great Scarff William, 1 Elizabeth cottages, Seabrook Mrs. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Klvdn
Bardfield, Braintree Albert square, Forest gate e Seabrook William, Boreham, Cbelmstrd
Sands John, Priory, Noak hill, Romford Schmidt Henry, Park road, Leyton Seabrook William, Brent hall, Boreham,
Sands Mrs. 63 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Schriefer J. 12 Oak ,·ilIas, Park Grove Chelmsford
Sandys Henry Morton, 25 Vicarage lane, road, Leytonstone e Seabrook William, Wood field, Stansted
Stratford e Schutzeicher F. Granville rd.Walthmstw Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Sansom Henry John, High st. Maldon Schwager George, 9 Abbey terrace, Seabrooke Chas. The Echoes, Grays
Sansom John Dowling, 6 Holly terrace, Barking road, Plaistow e Thurrock S.O
Leytonstone road, Stratford e Schwier Ernest Louis Victor, ·Woodland Seabrooke James, Grays Thurrock S.O
Sansom Mrs. West, Stockwellst.Colchstr house, Whitehall rd. Woodford Wells Seabrooke Jonathan, Grays, Romford
Sanson Wm. 129 Romford rd. Stratford e Schwinge Frederick, Hanover house, Seale Elijh. In. 9 Balaam st. Plaistowe
Sansum Chas. Hy. East hill, Colchester Woodford Wells Seaman Rev. John Benweil M.A.Vicarage,
Sansum William, 3 Avenue road, Leyton Scoffield Mrs. Little Warley, Brentwood Writtle, Chelmsford
Sapsworth George, Woodford Green Scoresby-Jackson Thomas M.D. Hoe Seaman Rev. Meshach D.D. Rectory,
Sargent Chas. I Newbury villas, Sebert street, Waltbamstow Greenstead, Colchester
road, Forest gate e Scorgie In. 5 Wadley rd. Leytonstone e Seaman Mrs. Coval road, Chelmsford
Sargeant Mrs. Brooks croft, Clay street, Scotcher William, Clifton villas, New Seare Charles, Alms terrace, Snake's
Walthamstow London road, Chelmsford lane, Woodford Green
Sargent George, Chipping Ongar 8.0 Scott Rev. Canon Thomas :M.A. West Rear! William James, Bartholomew
Sarl WaIter, I20sborne I d. Forest gate e Ham, vicarage, Portway, West Ham e villas, Loughton
Sarvent William, Florence lodge, The 8cott Rev. J ames, 9 Wellington terrace, Sears Miss, 2 Alma at.Stratford New trt e
Drive, Walthamstow East Ham e Seathard Wm. Grayshaw lodge, Gt.llford
Saul David, Doyer house, FairIop road, Scott Rev. Richard Leslie H.A. Vicarage, Seeretan Henry, 2 Victoria villas, Derby
Leytonstone, Great Parndon, Hadow road, Woodford

Secretan Martin Woodhouse, Avenue Sharp George James, 2 Clarente villas, Sherlock Henry, 9 Park road, Plaistow e
road, Southend Deanery road, Stratford e Sherman Samuel, 107 Gurney road,
Secrett Mrs. Maidenburg st. Colchester Sharp Mrs. 46 Gurne, rd. Forest gate e Forest gate e
Sedders Hy. Wm. 182 High st. Stratfrd e Sharp Mrs. 205 Romford rd. Stratford e Sherman Welby, I Grassmere villas,
Sedgwick Rev. John D.D. Rectory, Bird- Sharp Peter, 4 Claremont rd. Forest gt e Copeland road, Walthamstow
brook, Halstead Sharp Robert,42 Gurney rd. Forest gate e Sherrin George, Bleak house, New
Sedgwick Rev. John Edmund D.D. Sharp Robt.H.2 Claremont vils.Loughtn London road, Chelmsford
Rectory, Stanford-Ie-Hope. Romford Sharp Thos. I St. Andrew's rd. Plaistow e Sherwin James William, Hope villa,
Sedgwick Douglas,Curfew house,Church Sharp William, Hope villa, King's Place CannhaIl road, Wanstead e
street, West Ham e road, Buckhurst Hill Sherwin Mrs.2g Claremont rd.Forest gt e
Sedgwick George Alfred, Ivy house, Sharpe Alfred, 4 Primrose terrace, Shields Charles, 2 Woodbine cottages,
Church street, West Ham e Lytton road, Leytonstone e Prospect road, Walthamstow
Sedgwick Rd. 2 Maryland pnt. Stratford e Sharpe John Stephen,6 Herbert terrace, Shields J n.2 Lansdowne rd.Leytonstone e
Seear Frederick, n Albany rd. Leyton Grafton road south, Plaistow e Shimeld James, Salisbury ho. Gt. Ilford
Seeley George, Elm Tree house, Green- Sharpe Mrs. 5 Lorne terrace, Grafton Shipley Charles, 6 Lancaster villas,
gate street, Plaistow e road south, Plaistow e Lancaster road, Leytonstone e
Sooley Mrs.Hova vils. Sebert e Sharpe William Attenborough, Percy Shipstone Thos. Wiseman LL.D., FH.D.
Seen Adolphus, 19Windsor rd.Forest gte e villa, Selwyn road, Plaistow e Arlington house, West Ham lane e
Sefton David Heywood, Horace villa, Sharpe William Ward, :2 Florence villas, Shipton Mrs.Edmonton terrace,Idmiston
Wallwood road, Leytonstone e Cowley road, Leytonstone e road, Forest gate e
Segers Mrs. Albert villa, Maldon road, Shave Mrs. 2 Woodstock villas, Sebert Shirreff Rev. Robert St. John M.A. Rec-
Colchester road, Forest gate e tory, Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford
Selby Jonathan LL.D. Heron gate, East Shaw Rev. Charles Henry, Castle Hed- Shorey Fredk. Wm. Lime villa, New
Horndon, Brentwood ingham, Halstead Burn street, Plaistowe
Self George, Roxburgh house, 57 Rom- Shaw Frederick,Shrewsbury rd.Plashet e Short Chas. r6 Hampton rd. Forest gt e
ford road, Stratford e Shaw Mrs. 3 Manorcots.Woodford green Short Geo. Braeside, Prospect hill,
Self John, 3 Trinity terrace, Springfield, Shaw Mrs. South road, Saffron Walden Walthamstow
Chelmsford Shaw Robert, I La:x:ton terrace, Sedgwick Short Mrs. 167 CoggeshaIl rd. Braintree
Self Robert, St. Swithin's cottage, May- road, Leyton Short WaIter, I Priory villas, Wellesley
bank road, George lane, Leytonstone Shaw William, Rose Bank cottage, West road, Colchester
SeIlon John Wm. Gore L.R.e.F. Lond. Mersea, Colchester Shorter James, The Limes, Epping
M.R.e.s., L.S.A. Fairview, Grays Thur- Shead Alfred Chas.9 West st. Colchester Shorter James, Theydon Garnon, Epping
rock S.O Sheath Frederick Brown, Gladding road, Shorter John, Grange hill, Chigwell
. Selwin-Ibbetson Sir Henry John bart. Manor park, East Ham e Shorter Miss, Little Haylands, Chigwell
M.P., D.L., J.P. Down hall, Hadow: & 16 Shedd Ebenezer, Writtle place, Writtle, Shorter Raymond, 2 Cowley villas,
J ames street, Buckingham gate; & Chelmsford Cowley road, Leytonstone e
Travellers', St. Stephen's & Carlton SheermanEdward, 79 Moulsham street, Shorter Thos. Holly house, High road.
clubs, London s.w Chelmsford Buckhurst Hill
Selwood Mrs. 9 Atherton rd. Forest gte e Sheffield William, I Ferndale villas, Shotter Mrs. Blandford villas, Queen's
Servante Rev. Charles William, Christ Drayton road, Leytonstone e road, Buckhurst Hill
Church vicarage, High st. Stratford e Sheldon Arthur, Holly house, Kingshead Shout Augustus Charles, 14 New London
Sesemann Henry, 7 Crownfield place, hill, Chingford road, Chelmsford
Leytonstone road, Stratford e Sheldon HenrY,3 Rose terrace, Howard's Shubotham George Harrison, Clifton
Settles Geo. May viI. Church rd. Leyton road, Forest gate e villa, Derby road, Woodford
SeweIl Rev. William M.A. Rectory, Little Sheldon Robert James, 3 Durham villas, Shuckburgh Mrs. Highlands, Maldon
Sampford, Braintree Buckhurst Hill Shum Mrs.Jane,Hill ho.Kirby,Colchester
Sewell Benjamin, Sudbury rd. Halstead Sheldrake Robert, Mile end, Colchester Shuter Joseph, Sebert rd. Forest gate e
SeweIl Blanchard Daniel, Stourwood Sheldrick Geo. 51 Romford rd. Stratford e Shuttleworth John, Queen street, Cog-
cottage, Ramsey, Harwich Shelitoe William Henry, 4 Grafton road geshall, Kelvedon
SewelI Daniel, Beaumont hall, Colchester north, Plaistow e Sibbald Mrs. 37 North hill, Colchester
SeweIl Eade, The Hall, Little Oakley, SheIley Samuel, 4 Sidmouth terrace, Sibley James, Hembry ho. ChadweIl st
Harwich Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Sibley Jsph. Broadley ho. Roydon, Ware
BeweIl Frederick, Elmhurst, Upton lane, Shellitoe Hy.jun.2 Hawthorn terr.Barkng Sibley William, 59 Bu:x:ton rd. Forest gt e
West Ham e Shellitoe Wm. Cambridge road, Barking SidneyMrs.The Laurels,Bulmer;Sudbury
SeweIl G.C.I Maple villas, Buckhurst hill Shenstone John, Trent villa, Vicarage SifIken Bernard Ernest Wm. Forest side,
Sewell Henry, Balaam street, Plaistow e road, Leyton Epping New rd. Buckhurst Hill
SeweIl Hy. Claybury, Woodford bridge Shenstone William Henry, 8 Manor road, SifIken Miss, Gowan lea, Snaresbrook e
SeweIl Miss, Great Oakley, Harwich Lea Bridge road, Leyton Siggers Alfred, 2 Mornington villas,
SeweIl Mrs. 2 Mersea road, Colchester Shenton Francis James, 5 Clarendon \Voodford Wells
Sewell Robert Henry, I Grosvenor Park villas, Wingfield road, Walthamstow Siggers Mrs. Henry, Kelvedon .
road, Walthamstow Shephard J oseph, Rose Bank villas, Siggers Mrs. William, Albert place, Cog-
SeweIl Robert Russell M.B. Claybury, Chelmsford road east, Woodford geshaIl, Kelvedon
Woodford Bridge Shephard Richard, 4 Florence terrace, Silberrad Arthur Pouchin, Sunnycroft,
SeweIl Thomas Francis, The Grove, Lea Bridge road, Leyton High road, Buckhurst Hill
Colne Engaine, Halstead Shepherd Rev. Francis Burton M.A. Rec- Silcock Richard, 5 Falmouth terrace,
SeweIl William,New hall,BradweIl-ju:x:ta- tory, Margaret Roothing, Chelmsford Forest lane, Forest gate e
Mare, Maldon Shepherd Arthur,5 Capel terrace, Manor Silk Robert, Clyde ho. Sheering, Harlow
SeweIl William Henry, Loughton park, East Ham e Silvanus John, Brook farm, Stondon,·
Seymore Robt. Squirrels heath, Romfrd Shepherd George, The Terrace, Wood- Brentwood
Seymour Henry, 6 Lorne vils. Southend ford Green Silverstone Mrs.rrMildmay road,Chelms-
Seymour James Alexander, 11 Albion Shepherd Horatio, Tregenna terrace, ford
terrace, Lancaster road, Leytonstone e Victoria road, Romford Silverstone Thomas James, 3 Elizabeth
Seymour James Howell, High st. Maldon Shepherd John, 47 Chobham road, New cottages, Great Ilford
Seymour Michael, Theydon Bois, Epping town, Stratford e Silvester George, Blasford hill, Little
ShackladyWm.B.Sunst.WalthamAbbey Shepherd John, Pleione villa, Birkbeck Waltham, Chelmsford
Shadbolt Frederic Toulmin, 5 Knighton road, Leytonstone e Silvester Louis, I Albion villas, Maynard
villas, Buckhurst Hill Shepherd William Henry, I I Albert road, Walthamstow
Shadwell Rev. Arthur Thos. Whitmore road, Waltharnstow Simkins Mrs. I: Arthur terrace, Cowley
M.A. Rectory, Little Ilford Sheppard Alfred, 2 Philip villas, Morn- road, Leytonstone e
Shadwell St. Clair Brockway, I: Orford ington road, Leytonstone e Simmons Benj. I Windsor rd. Forest gt e
villas, Walthamstow Shepperd A. Ed. Laurel house, Chingford Simmons Edward, The Firs common,
Shaftain Alfd. 102 Buxton rd. Forest gt e Sheppherd George, 14 Claremont road, Shenfield, Brentwood
Shanks Wm.Park Grove rd.Leytonstonet; Forest gate e Simmons Frederick John, 2 Glen villas,
Sharenberg Robert, 12 Barnett's terrace, Sherbourne John, Edmund terrace, Ham Leyton road, Forest gate e
Colworth road, Leytollstone e Frith road, Forest gate e Simmons George, Sandown cottage,
Sharman C.E.2 Milton viIs. Buckhurst ID Sheridan William Hy. I: Grove terrace, Percy road, Leytonstone e
Sharp Col. Henry James, Old house, Fillebrook road, Leytonstone e Simmons Henry, Surrey villa, Grange
Bocking, Braintree Shering Miss, Linton road, Barking Park road, Leyton


Simmons Henry, Chigwell Slaiter Thomas, Branksome villa, Hain- Smith Charles, Kelvedon
Simmons Mrs. Meadow side, Springfield, suIt road, Leytonstone ~ Smith Chas. Landview house, Marden
Chelmsford Slaney Mrs. North bridge, Colchester Ash, Ongar S.O
Simmons Thos. Cavendish viI. Romford Slaney W. Lutwych, North bdg.Colchstr Smith David, Linton road, Barking
Simms Arthur MUSo B.A.C. oxon. Forest Slater Miss, :30 Avenue road, Southend Smith Denny, 55 Gurney rd. Forest gt ,
school, Walthamstow Slater Miss, I Frances villas, Queen's Smith Edward, St. Mary'slodge, Lexden
Simms John Edward, Lancaster house, road, Walthamstow road, Colchester
Sebert road, Forest gate ~ Slater Miss, Stock lodge, Stock, Ingtstn Smith E. T. Beverley road, Colchester
Simon Rev. Thos. London rd. Braintree Slatford William, ~ Agnes terrace, Smith Edwin Frederick George, Emma
Simonds Hy. South villas, Great Ilford Lancaster road, Leytonstone e • villa, Forest road, Leytonstone e
Simonds In. Etloe ho.Church rd. Leyton Slaughter Peter, Junction rd.Brentwood Smith E. M. 3 Thornhill road, Leyton
Simonds William Henry, Beechworth Sleightholm RoOOrt, York villa, Wall- Smith Elliott, 94 Osborne rd. Forest gt,
lodge, Grove road, Woodford wood road, Leytonstone e Smith Fredk. 84 Romford rd. Stratford,
SimoDs Rev. Sandford Bettles, Gould Slocock Rev. Samuel M.A. Rectory, Smith G. A. The Ferns, South st. Romfd
house, Dedham S.O Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood Smith Geo.42 Claremont rd. Forest gt e
Simons Mrs. Church st. Saffron Walden Sloman George, 1 Clifton terrace Smith George, 3 Hamlet terrace, Bad-
Simons Robt. 2 West av. Walthamstow Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e dow road, Chelmsford
Simpkin William Robert, 9 Provident Sloper Arbuthnot John, Hog hill,Dagen- Smith Geo. Wallwood rd. Leytonstone ,
place, Colchester ham, Romford Smith Geo. Ernest, Priory st. Colchester
Simpole Henry, Emily house, Forest Sloughgrove JohnWilliam, Brook house, Smith George Keeble, Nascott house,
road, Leytonstone e Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e
Simpson David, Alma cottage, Great Small Rev.Thomas, Topplesfield, Halstd Smith Grif. Widdington,Bishop's Stortfd
Warley, Brentwood Small George, Delameres, Bradwell- Smith H. Ecroyd, Westrd.SaffronWaldn
Simpson D. C.Graydon vils.Forest gate e juxta-Mare, Maldon Smith H. E. 8 Castle road, Colchester
Simpson Geo.2 St. John's tel". Chelmsfrd Small George William, Eva villa, Ley- Smith Headly Marshall, 4 Sylvester
Simpson Hy. 2 Taniwha ter.Forestgte e tonstone road, Stratford e terrace, Walthamstow
Simpson Jas.32 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Small Jas. Oak cot. Forest side,Chingfrd Smith Henry, 5 Derby villas, Derby
Simpson Joseph Simpson, Gladstone Small Wm. Chingford hatch, Chingford road, Woodford
villa, Selwyn road, Plaistow e Small Wm. 1 Lansdowne rd. Leytnstn e Smith Henry, Ethel villa, Hainault
Simpson Mrs. North street, Colchester Small William George Easthall, Brad- road, Leytonstone e
Simpson Thomas,Church street, Cogges- well-juxta-Mare, Maldon Smith HenrY,5 Woodgrange place,Wood-
hall, Kelvedon Smaldridge William, Victoria road, grange road, Forest gate e
Simpson Thos.Market hl.SaffronWalden George lane, Leytonstone Smith Henry, Woodland cottage,
Simpson William, MeIford villas, New Smalley Rev.Cornwall M.A., .I.P. Rectory, London road, Romford
London road, Chelmsford Little Thurrock, Grays S.O Smith Henry William, Crichton villas,
Sims John, I l.auracottages, Capworth SmalleyJames,170sbornerd.Forestgtee Hornchurch, Romford
street, Leyton Smallwood Miss, 3 Holly terrace, Ley- Smith James, Kelvedon
Sims John, 3 North street, Plaistow , tonstone road, Stratford e Smith J ames, 3 Louisenheim villas,
Sims Miss, Hubbard's hall, Harlow Smallwood Mrs. Park villas, Park road, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook e
SimsoD Misses, Pond hI. Wix, Mningtree Southend Smitb Jas.Roman's pI. Writtle, Chelmsfd
Simson Mrs. Church st. nth. Colchester Smart Seth J. Grove cots. Saff. Walden Smith James, 3 Woodbine tel". Romford
SimsoD Mrs. Geo.Buttsbury,Ingatestone Smart William Ridley, I Craven villas, Smith John, 85 Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Simson Wm. In.34 Grove rd.Wanstead e Vicarage road, Leyton Smith John, Hill ho. Chapel st. Colchstr
Sinclair Alx.Mainrd.Dovercourt,Harwch Smartt Miss, Buckhurst villa, Queen's Smith John, Markhouse rd. Walthmstw
Sinclair William, 3 Ethell villas, Idmis- road, Buckhurst Hill Smith John, Park farm, HadleighS.O
ton road, Forest gate e Smee J n. 2 Claremont pI. Forest gate e Smith John, The Limes, Burnham,Maldn
Sinden Wm. Marsh st. Walthamstow Smee Mrs. J. Adstocks, Great Baddow, Smith John Moore, Rokeby house,
Single Mrs. Braemar villa, Fillebrook Chelmsford Broadway, Stratford e
road, Leytonstone e SmeeMrs. Wantz road, Maldon Smith John Philip, Chigwell
Single Washington, The Grove, Church Smee Thomas, Wethersfield, Braintree Smith John William, I Laurel cot.
end, Woodford Smeeton AlOOrt Robert, 3 Denmark North Station road, Colchester
SingletonRev.GeorgeEdw.Hatfld.Harlw terrace, Carna.1"Von road, Woodford Smith Joseph, Dunmow S.O
Singleton Rev. Thos. M.A. Birch,Colchstr SmeetonJ.9 GroveCrescent rd.Stratfrd e Smith Joseph, Hill house, Romford
Singleton Harry,2 Chatham town,North Smellie Wm. 90 Romford rd. Stratford e Smith Joseph, Sylvan villa, Gt. Ilford
Station road, Colchester Smily Samuel, Greenleaves, Nazing, Smith Joseph Alfred, Orchard lodge,
Singleton Mrs. High st. Saffron Walden Waltham Cross New London road, Chelmsford
Sizer Mrs. South street, Manningtree Smith Sir Charles Cunliffe bart. D.L., SmithLeny,Church la.Bocking,Braintree
Skaife Mrs. Salway hill, Woodford .T.P. Suttons, Stapleford Sawney, SmithMinden,Belmontvils.BuckhurstHl
Skeen Alfred, 44 Buxton rd.Forest gate e Romford Smith Miss, Church house, High street,
Skelt Ebenezer, Lilian villa, Wallwood Smith Rev. Albert, Kelvedon Manningtree
road, Leytonstone e Smith Rev. Francis E. M.A. Rectory, Smith Miss, Claremont house, Victoria
Skelt Joseph, Rosindell villa, Fairlop Hadstock, Cambridge road, Colchester
road, Leytonstone e SmithRev. Isaiah,Grt.Yeldham,Halstead Smith Miss, Dunmow park, Dunmow 8.0
Skelt Mrs. 10 Rosindell terrace, Fairlop Smith Rev. In. Wm. Leigh, Chelmsford Smith Miss, Fryerning, Ingatestone
road, Leytonstone e Smith Rev. SamI. Edwd. B.A. St. John's Smith Miss, High st. Saffron Walden
Skelton Benjamin, Woodford Wells vicarage, Bush end, Hatfield, Harlow Smith Miss, Hockley, Chelmsford
Skelton HY.35 Idmiston rd. Forest gte e Smith Rev. 'l'homas T.A.K.C.L. Market Smith Miss, Kelvedon
Skene Mrs.Rose cot.High rd.Leytnstne e hill, Maldon Smith Miss, St. Mary's, Kelvooon
Skerman In. Farm hI. Waltham Abbey Smith Rev. Vincent A.K.C.L. Fisher Smith Miss, Sudbury road, Halstead
Skill George, Ford end, Chelmsford street, Barking Smith Misses, South lodge, Great
Skilton Rev. Wm. James :M.A. St. SmithA. 4 Alexander vils.Buckhurst hill Bardfield, .Braintree
Edward's square, Romford Smith Alfred, 2 Ferndale villas, Drayton Smith Mrs. Birchanger cottage, Birch-
Skingley Henry, Wakes hall, Wakes road, Leytonstone e anger, Bishop's Stortford
Colne, Halstead Smith Alfd.E. 53 Romford rd. Stratfrd e Smith Mrs. 1 Borton villas, Marsh
Skinley Joseph, Linton road, Barking Smith Algernon, West cot. Great Ilford street, Walthamstow
Skinner Rev. William, IX Claremont Smith Arthur Henry, 21 AlOOrt terrace, Smith Mrs. 4 Cambridge terrace,
road, Forest gate e Cathall road, Leytonstone e Grange Park road, Leyton
SkinnerC.Weeding,Theydon Bois,Eppng Smith Augustus,43 New London road, Smith Mrs. 4 Eastern villas, Eastern
Skinner Frederick,2 Eagle villas, Cleve- Chelmsford road, Romford
land road, Snaresbrook e Smith Benjamin, Fernside, Havering- Smith Mrs. Esther road, Leytonstone e
Skinner William, Melrose villa, Ham atte-Bower, Romford Smith Mrs. Manor house, Chapel end,
Frith road, Forest gate e Smith C. C. Asylum, Warley roa.d, Walthamstow
Skipper David, Newport,Bishop's Strtfrd South Weald, Brentwood Smith Mrs. 5 Ham ter.WestHam lane e
Skrimshire Rev. Arthur James M.D. Smith Charles, Chipping Ongar S.O Smith Mrs. Kelvedon
Rectory, Hadleigh S.O Smith Charles, Crichton villas, Brent- Smith Mrs. Kingstons, WWte Roothing,
Slack James, Shadyside, Walthamstow wood road, Homchurch, Romford Chelmsford
Slackie Major William R. R.B. Powder Smith Charles, la Grosvenor villas, Smith Mrs. Leyspring villa, Morning·
Mill lane, Waltham Abbey Earlham grove, Forest ga.t8 , ton road, Leytonstpne ,
Smith Mrs. 2 Maple viIs. Buckhurst Hill SneIl Rev. Oanon Alfred M.A. Vicarage, Spencer Rev. In. M.A. Eastwood, Obhnfd
Smith Mrs. Newport, Bishop's Stortford Witham . Spencer Charles, Brooklands,Birchanger,
Smith Mrs. Park lane, ColcheRter SneIl Edward Scotsburn, Treverlyn, Bishop's Stortford
Smith Mrs. 30 Queen street, Colchester Cambridge park, Wanstead e Spencer Chas. 7 Buxton rd. Forest gate tJ
Smith Mrs. Stambourne, Halstead SneIl Frederick J. Dunmow S.O Spencer Charles, 1 Clare terrace, Grange
Smith Mrs. The Laurels, Dunmow S.O SnossweIl Rev. C. SS Manor st. Braintree Park road, Leyton
Smith Mrs. I Weald villas, South park, Snow A. G. 21 Florence rd.Leytonstonee Spencer John, Western road, Romford
Great Ilford Snow Frederic Augustus,Snaresbrooke Spencer Misses, Daunces, Clavering
Smith Mrs. Weeley ho. Weeley,Oolchstr Snow George, 4 The Grange, Grange Bishop's Stortford
Smith Mrs. Witham Park road, Leyton Spencer Mrs. 13 Deanery rd. Stratford tJ
Smith Mrs. 2 York villas, Snake's lane, Snow.George M. E. 2 Fillebrook road, Spencer Mrs. Queen's road, Brentwood
Woodford Leytonstone e Spencer Mrs. Tudor house, Stansted
Smith Mrs. Charles, Dunmow S.O Snow Simon, Coleraine, Little Baddow, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Smith Mrs. E. Balkerne hill, Oolchester Chelmsford Spencer William Thomas, Oriental villa,
Smith Mrs. William, Greensted house, Snow W.G. 1 Oak vil.Derbyrd. Woodford Anne street, Plaistow e
Greensted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood Snow Wm. Great Waltham, Chelmsford Spendelow Benjamin, Bencroft villa,
Smith Noah, Oak villa, Cleveland road, Snow William, Waltham villa, Princes Prittlewell, Southend
Snaresbrook e road, Buckhurst Hill Speding Charles Brogden l.P. Astle
Smith Percy, The Oottage, Ohingford Snow William Henry, Murton villa, house, Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Smith Samuel, 1 Grove villas, Morning- Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Sperling Henry John DoL. ,l.P. Dynes hall,
ton road, Leytonstone e Snowden William, 2 Edith villas, Sebert Great Maplestead, Halstead
Smith Samuel Dowell, Radc1iffe house, road, Forest gate e Spicer Albert, Brancepeth house, White·
East Ham e Soar Arthur,8 Pleasant terrace, Mur- hall road, Woodford Wells
Smith Sidney, Tavistock villa, Lea chison road, Leyton Spicer Oharles Edmund, Park Grove
Bridge road, Leyton Soffe John Robert, London road, Maldon road, Leytonstone e
Smith Sydney Davis L. 4 Beverley Solly Ernest, Hill view, High road, Buck- Spicer Frederick, Icy lodge, Earlham
terrace, Beverley road, Colchester hurst Hill grove, Forest gate e
Smith Thomas, Chipping hill, Witham Solly Mrs. Mayland, Maldon Spicer James l.P., D.L. Harts, Wood-
Smith Thomas, New road, Mistley, SoIly Mrs. The Hall, Mundon, Maldon ford Green
Manningtree Solomon Lacy, Southwold lodge, Cleve- Spicer Miss, Farm hill, Waltham Abbey
Smith Thomas, 3 Park villas, Gt. Ilford land road, Snaresbrook e Spicer Mrs. Woodfield, Stansted Mount-
Smith T. Poplar cot.Vicarage rd. Leyton Solomon Mrs. Camden villa, Victoria fi tchet, Bishop's Stortford
Smith Thomas, The Downs, Dunmow road, Romford SpicerWm. West road, Saffron Waldel\,.
Smith Thomas Arnold, 7 Gladstone ter- Soper Mrs. 4 The Terrace. Great Ilford Spill D. {lhingford hall, High st. Leyton
race, Clarendon road, Walthamstow Sorre11 Henry, Gt. Waltham, Chelmsford Spiller Fredk. Hutchinson, The Retreat,
Smith Thomas, RaYenscroft, The Drive, Sorrell James, Laurel villa, Hainault Buckingham road, Woodford
Walthamstow road, Leytonstone e Spink William, 4 Buxton villas, Ley-
Smith Thomas William, 2 Becldord Sorrell Mrs. 18 Friars place, Chelmsford tonstone road, Stratford e
villas, Upper park, Loughton Sotheby Major Charles William Hamil- Spitty MajorThomas Jenner D.L., l.P. BiI-
Smith Thomas Winniatt,7 Albert place, ton l.P. Manor house High Beech S.O lericay, Brentwood
New London road, Chelmsford Soulby Miss, The Hermitage, St. An- Spong Mrs. Lime Tree cot. Woodfrd. grn
Smith WaIter John, 2 Grape villas, drew's road, Plaistow e Spooner Daniel, Belvedere house, Burn-
Warley road, Brentwood Souter James, Hawthorne villas, High ham, Maldon
Smith Watson, Percy house, Hainault road, Buckhurst Hill Spooner John, Lee villa, Avenue road,
road, Leytonstone e Southcott Mrs. 5 Woodriff terrace, Forest gate e
f1mith Wm. Brook farm, Ohappel, Halstd Woodriff road, Leytonstone e Spooner Mrs. Ballingdon, Sudbury
Smith William, Christendom house, Southcott Samuel, Buckingham villa, Spooner Mrs. Ongar1'oad, Brentwood
Barking road, Plaistow e Buckingham road, Woodford Spooner T. Albt. viI. Avenue e
Smith William, Gladding road, Manor Southern Wm. 6 Roman road, Colchester Spragg WaIter, 9 Globe terrace, Forest
park, East Ham e Southgate James, Mansfield cottage, lane, Forest gate e
Smith Wm. Great Bardfield, Brain tree Barking road, Canning town e Sprague Henry, The Plain, Epping
Smith William. :I Grove. rd. Leytnstne e Sowerby Mrs.3 Alexnder. vils.Bckhrst.m Spratley Alfred, 3 Osborne rd. Forest gt tJ
Smith Wm. Hawthorne viI. East Ham e Sowman Mrs. 12 Globe terrace, Forest Spratlin John, High street, Walton-on-
Smith Wm. St. Ethelberg, Fairlop lane, Forest gate e the-Naze S.O
road, Leytonstone e Sowman William, 2S East hill, Colchester Spring H. I Smith viIs. Woodford wells
Smith William, Theydon Bois, Epping Sowter Rev. Joseph A.K.C.L. Warley ter- Springa11 John, Plymouth villa, High
Smith William Alexander M.A., M.B. race, Great Warley, Brentwood street, Stratford e
Belmont ho. Newport, Bishop's Stortfd Spackman Miss, Shenfield, Brentwood Springer Wm.lssRomford rd.Stratforde
Smith William Charles D.L., J.P. Short- Spalding Chas.South Shoebury,Southend Sproul WilliBm, Jessie's cottage, Barclay
grove, Newport, Bishop's Stortford Spare Mrs.3Chobham rd.New tn.Strtfrd e road, Leytonstone e
Smith W. G. Odessa road, Forest ga te e Sparkman John, 6 Granville terrace, Spurgeon Geo. 4 Caxton tel'. Chelmsford
SmithWm.Gorbutt,6Whitta ter.Lit.Ilfrd Mildway road, Chelmsford Spurgeon Joseph, 2 Harvey terrace,
Smith Wm. Jas. I Queen's viis.Southend Sparks Rev. Francis Monkhouse, Cres- Harvey road, Leytonstone e
Smith William John, 7 Windsor ter- cent house, Billericay, Brentwood Spurgin Mrs. Ballingdon, Sudbury
race, Barking road, Canning town e Sparks Rev. George, Grayi S.O Spurgin Thomas, Moreton, Brentwood
Smith Zachariah, 2 Anglesea villas, Sparks James, Catherine villas, Cobden Spurrell Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory,
Dovercourt, Harwich road, Leytonstone e Faulkbourn, Witham
SmitherWm.Nottinghm.vI.Woodfrd.Wlls Sparling Miss, Kelvedon Spurrier Rev. Edward, 1 St. Mary's
Smiths Miss, Kelvedon Sparling Mrs. I I East hill, Oolchester villa, Wellesley road, Colchester
Smoothy Frederick, Bradford house, Sparling Philip S. St. John's st. Colchstr Spurt Richard, Amloyna house, Fairlop
Bocking, Braintree Sparling WaIter Bryant, Creffield house, road, Leytonstone e
Smoothy Miss, Bra.dford street, Bocking, Gray road, Colchester Spurway Frederick John, North bank,
Braintree Sparling William, Creffield house, Gray Clay street, Walthamstow
Smoothy Mrs. Bradford house, Bock- road, Oolchester Squier Samuel Westwood l.P. Horndon-
ing, Braintree' Sparrow Rev. Basil James Harold M.A. on-the-Hill, Romford
Smyth Sir William Bowyer bart. J.P. Gosfield, Halstead Squire Mrs. 12 Lorne villas, Southend
Hill hall, Epping Sparrow Mrs. Gosfield pI. Gosfld. Halstd Squire Mrs. North end, East Ham e
Smyth Rev. C. J. Moncrief, Warley road, Sparvel-Bayly John A. J.P., F.B.A. Burgh- Squire SI. Nathaniel, Wivenboe, Colchstr
Great Warley, Brentwood stead, Billericay, Brentwood Squires Rev. Jsph. Southminster, Maldon
Smyth Rev. SamI. Buxton :M.A. Rectory, Spashett Wm. Hy. Lay st. Great Ilford Squires Henry, 2 Buxton villas, Leyton-
East Hanningfield, Chelmsford Speakman Henry, The Lodge, Woodham stone road, Stratford e
Smyth ArthurWeatherley,Oarlisle lodge, WaIter, Maldon Squires Thomas, London rd. Wanstead.
Chelmsford road west, Woodford Speck William, Myrtle cottage, The SquirreIl John Randfleld,Ramsey lodge,
~mythMrs. York viI.Maldon rd.Colchstr Green, Wanstead e Ramsey, Harwich
~mythies Rev. William Yorick B.A. Hill Spence Alexander, Douglas house, The Squirrell Mrs.Rosecot.Dovercrt.Harwich
Side house, Weeley, Oolchester Drive, Walthamstow Stable Robert Scott, Cleveland road_
lSmythies Francis, Head St. ho. Oolchstr Spencer Rev. William M.A. 6 Forest lane, George lane, Leytonstone e
~mythies John K. Gt. Bentley,Colchester Forest gate e Stackpoole Mrs.38 Hamptn. rd. tJ


Btac'kpoole JOSepb Edmund, Clare lodge, Steer Edw8rd,1 Church terrace, Barking Stilwell ChM. Hy. 5 Barclay I'd. Leyton
Snakes lane, Woodford road, Canning town e Stimson E. C. 116 The Grove, Stratford~
Stackpoole Robert Ward, Clare lodge, Steer George, Lytton cottage, Lytton Stimson F. 116 The Grove, Stratford e
Snakes lane, Woodford Green road, Leytonstone e Stint Mr8. 15 Albert sq. Fores~ gate e
Stafford T.L.26 Manbey gro.Strtfrd.grn e Steer Mrs. Mark vI. Union I'd. Wlthmstw StockAlfred. George,2 Wingfield cottages,
Stagg Rev. Samuel William, Vicarage, Steer Thomas George, 11 Wallwood tel'. Wingfield road, Walthamstow
Kirby, Colchester Wallwood road, Leytonstone e Stock John, Cowicks, Sheering, HarIow
Staines Alfrad, Lexden rd. Colchester Steere Thomas Warner, 2 Woodgrange Stock Miss, The Firs, Maldon rd.Colchstl'
Stair, 7 Osborne rd. Forest gate evils. Daisy rd.George la.Leytonstone e Stock Mrs. I Lion walk, Colchester
Staite George, Cleva, Vicarage rd. Leytn Steggall L. 2 Sylvester tel'. Walthamstow Stock Wm. Rose viI. Forest rd.Loughtoa
Stallibrass Frederick, Thorpe hall, South- Steinhoff Godfrey, HeplVorth house, Stock-Bush Thomas, Clavering, Bishop's
church, Southend Whitehall road, Woodford Wells Stortford
StaUibrass In. Waylett,EastwoodBury, Stent James, Bridge house, Victoria I'd. Stockdale George, 53 Chobham road,
Eastwood, Chelmsford Buckhurst hill New town, Stratford e
Stallybrass Rev. Thomas Edward B ..&.. Stephens Cecil James, The Views, Rick- Stocken Mrs. Ivy villa, Harvey road,
Waverley, Atherton I'd. Forest gate e ling, Bishop's Stortford Leytonstone e
Standing Thomas, Grove Green lane, Stephens Daniel Woolcott, Truby house, Stocker Charles J. L.R.C.P. LOnd. Weston
Leytonstone e Church end, Woodford house, Romford road, Stratford e
Standingfol'd Wm. Nazing, Wlthm. Cross Stephens Miss Goldsboroughs, Chingford Stockings Robert, 4 Denmark terrace,
Stanford Mrs. Honbridge hall, Great Stepbenson A. 15 Claremont rd. Frst. gt e Carnarvon road, Woodford
Oakley, Harwich Stephenson John Robert, Chelmsford Stocks Mrs. Lytton rd. Leytonstone e
-Btainnier By.I Park Side villas, Gt.Ilford villas, Victoria road, Romford Stoddart James, Fernwood house, Lans.
Stankowski Alphonse, I Eastern villas, Stephin.,G"S John, Hurstbourne. villa, downe road, Snaresbrook e
Eastern road, Romford Sebert road, Forest gate e Stokes George, High st. Saffron Walden
Stanley Rev. J. H. Linton rd. Barking Stepney Rev. William, High st. Gt. Ilford StokesGeo. I Myrtle vils.Leyton rd.Leytn
Stanley George Joshua., 2 'Grove villas, Stepney Wm. Hy. 4 Grove tel'. Gt. Ilford Stokes John, Maycroft, Sna.resbrook e
Thornhill road, Leyton Stepto Edward, Lilac cottage, Morning- Stokes John Edward, 2 Beaconsfield
Btanley Henry, 6 Sussex villas, Faraday ton road, Leytonstone e villas, Disraeli road, Stratford e
road, Leyton Steven Rev. Jas. McLaren, St. Edward's Stokes John T.Broomfield rd. Chelmsford
Stanley Miss,7 Cliffter.Dovercrt.Harwich square, Romford Stokes Mrs. Malvern villa, Harrowroad, .
8tanley SL H. '17 Grove rd. Wanstead e Stevens Rev. John, Gt. Totham, Witham Leytonstone e
Stannard Miss, Rose cottage, Great Stevens Rev. Thomas H.A. St. Luke'. Stokes William, Primrose villa, Primrose
Horkesley, Colchester parsonage, Boyd road, Canning town e road, George lane, Leytonstone t
Stannard Richard, Chelmsford villas, Stevens Charles Richard, Witham Stollery David, Deanery I'd. Stratford t
Victoria road, Romford Stevens Edward, 9 Holly terrace, Ley- Stonard Louis J. Fernside, Fillebrook
Stannard Wm.3I WindsorI'd. Forest gt e tonstone road, Stratford t road, Leytonstone e
Stanning George, 2 Elm villlls, Hainault Stevens George, London rd. Wanstead e Stone Charles Hy. Augnstus L.R.C.P.
road, Leytonstone e Stevens Hy. I Toronto rd. Leytonstonee Edin. I Park vHs. Park I'd. Southend
Stanton J. 7 Chesterton cres. Plaistow e Stevens John, Littlehurst, Cleveland I'd. Stone Cyrus, Old Sampford, Braintree
Stap John, I Hannibal villas, Cleveland Snaresbrook e Stone Edwin,2 Mornington villas, Morn-
I:oad, Snaresbrook e Stevens John, 10 Moultrie tel'. Cowslip ington road, Woodford Wells
8tapleton George Bamford, Perch-al ho. road, George lane, Leytonstone e Stone Frank, Forrest villas, Manor park,
Maybank I'd. George la. Leytonstone e Stevens In. J.254 Romford rd.Stratford e East Ham e
Starbuck Charles, Narboro' house, Vic- Stevens Miss, Clay street, Walthamstow Stone George, I Tenby villas, Pembroke
toria road, Romford Stevens Mrs. Billericay, Brentwood road, Walthamstow
Stark Edward, Common, Saffron Walden Stevens Richard, Witham Stone John, Maldon brewery, Maldon
Stark George N. Sunnyside, Fairlop I'd. Stevens 'rhos. 8 Chesterton cres. PIstow e Stone Joseph, Oxford reI. Manningtree
Leytonstone e. Stevens Thomas, 3 Nightingale villas, Stone Miss, I Napier villas, Queen's road,
Starkey Francis, Chipping Ongar S.O Nightingale lane, Wanstead e Buckhurst Hill
Starkey Robt. West road, Saffron Walden Stevell8 Wltr. 15 Toronto rd. Lytnstne e Stone Roht. 19 CowlE"Y rd. Leytonstone e
Starling Miss, 3 Audley tel'. Saffrn.Wldn SteveDs Wm. Norfolk vils. Woodford grn Stone Theodore, 4 Belgrave villas, Gros-
Starling Mrs. Manor I'd. Colchester Stevenson John, 2 Richmond terrace, venor Pal'k road, Walthamstow
Starling Nainby, High st.Saffron Walden Balaam street, Plalstow e Stone Thomas, 7 Verandah place, West
Starling Wm. High st. Saffron Walden Stevenson Mrs. 25 Hamptn. rd. Frst. gt e street, Colchester
Starnes George Samson, 2 Grange Park Steward John, Whitta house,Little Ilford Stoneham Mrs. 16 Randolph terr3Ce,
cottages, Grange Park road, Leyton Steward Miss, Elm cottage, Sible Hed- Springfield hI. Springfield, Chelmsford
Start Charles William; The Moat, Pel- ingham, Halstead Stoodley William, 2 Darnley villas, llirk-
marsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk Stewart Rev. Francis H ..&.. Rectory, Dod- beck road, Leytonstone e
Statham William, 3 Clifton terr. Church dinghurst, Brentwood Stopes Arthur 0.84 East hI. Colchester
road, Leyton Stewart Alfred, Myrtle villas, Brentwood Stopes Christopher, East hill, Colchester
Staveley WiIliam, TyrolCll6 Tilla, Sebert Stewart James, Northian villa, Crescent Storey R. RIO Claremont rd.Forest gte e
road, Forest gate. e road, Brentwood Storr Rev. John B.A. Rectory, Great
Steadman William Hawthorn8, Harro~ Stewart James Francis, 40 Claremont Horkesley, Colchester
gate place, Alexander road, Colchester road, Forest gate e Stott Mrs. 4 Springfield terrace, Spring-
Steadman William Thomas, 3' Albert Stewart John, 5 Beverley terrace, Bever- field, Chelmsford
villas, Whitehall rd. Woodford Wells ley road, Colchester Stott Thos. Nafferton lodge, Longhton
Steal' Henry, Market pI.&ffron Walden Stewart John, 3 Crown villas, Greengate Stow Edward, 2 Rugby villas, Vicarage
Stearn Joseph, 5 Verandah place, West street;., Plaistowe road, Leyton
street, Colchester, Stewart John, 2 Plimsoll terrace, Lans- Stowell A. J. High street, Romeord
Stebbing In. Pebmrsh. Bures S.O.Suffik 1iowne road, Leytonstone e Stowell Anthony John, High st. Brentwd
Stebbing Robert Renee, Bouchiers hall, Stewart SI.Hy.2I Hamptn. rd.Forst. gt e Stowell Hilton, 2 Copeland villas, Clo.-
Aldham, Colchester Stewart Nolan Mrs. Rothesay, Warley rendon road, Walthamstow
Stebbing William, GallQway cottage, road, Great Warley, Brentwood Strachan George, W. High st. Halstead
Little Clacton, Colchester Stickbury Frederick, 9 Laxton terrace, Strahan Mrs. 10 Wellington rd. Harwich
Stedman Christopher, Stanler house, Sedgwick road, Leyton Straban William John, 2 'fhe Hollies,
Stanley road, Woodford Stickney Mrs. South street, Colchester Forest lane, Fore~ gate ~
Stedman Mrs. 3 Roman road, Colchester Stiddig A. G. 2 Holly viIs. Buckhurst hill Straight Davicl, Stone Crop house, Hain-
Steed Am08 GeQrge~A$h cottage, Thorn- Stiles Alfred Dyson, I The Lindens, ault road, Leytonstone e
hill road, Leyton South West road, Leytonstone e Straight Wm. G. H. New st. Chelmsford
Steel David, ~ Beacontree terrace, Morn- Stiles John, 2 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Strangways Rev. James Michael H. H.A.
ington road, LeytOllstone e Stiles Joseph John, Myrtle cottage, XI The Crescent, Upton manor,
Steel Jas. The Terrace. Woodford green Primrose I'd. George la. Leytonstone e Streak H. Forest villas, FilIebrook road,
Steele L. 4 HaiJ1.ault ter_Hainault road, Still Edward, St. George's villas, Shern- Leytonstone ~
Leytonstone e hall street, WaIthamstow Street Edward Henry, Newton villa,
Steele Mrs. Rivenball place. Witham Still Thomas, 9 Wellesley rd. Wanstead Stanley road, Woodford
Steele Wm. AlbtJ villa, North Woolwich, Stilling William, 1: Faithful vmas, eref- Street JShU8. Henry vil.Mile end, Clchstr
Steels Rivers, Great Parhdon, Harlow field road, Colchester Strickland WaIter, I Albert villas, Whit~
Steer Rev. SI. Castle Hedingham, Halstd Stilwill Arthur F. 4 Leigh ,·ils. Southend hall road, Woodford Wells
Stringer Edwin Thomas, Princes road, Sutton Mrs. Woodford Bridge Tagg George Charleg, Kendal ~ottage,
Buckhurst Hill Swain John, 8 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Perey road, Leytonstone ~ .
Stringer John, 16 Manor road, Lea Swaine Rev. James B.A. Braiswick, Lex~ 'fait Major John C. J.P. Theydon
Bridge road, Leyton den, Colchester Garnon, Epping
Stringfellow Wm. Mistley, Manni.ngtree Swaine Mrs. 13 Royal terrace, Southend Tait Edwd.-27 Manbey gro.Stratford gn _
Strong Mrs. 13 Osborne rd. Forest gate tJ Swaine Mrs.George,17 Royal ter.Snthend Talbot Anthony, Inkerman cottage,
Strong Mrs. 8 St. Mary's terrace west, Swallow Rev. Richard Dawson M.A.. ThornbiIl road, Leyton
Lexden road, Colchester Grammar school, Chigwell Talbot Goo. Akers, 5 Forest la.Forest gt •
Stroyle Mrs. Elgin villa, Fairlop road, Swallow Nathan, Debden,Saffron Walden Talfourd Rev. Williain Wordsworth,
Leytonstone e Swan Edgar, St. Ann's house, Harwich Rectory, Thundersley, Rayleigh S.O
Strutt Hon. Edward G. Terling, Witham road, Colchester Talmash Mrs. Springfield villas,Orsett,
Strutt James, Wellington road, Maldon Swan John Henry, 2 Carisbrooke terrace, Romford
Strutt Miss, 14 Hythe hill, Colchester Hoe street, Walthamstow Tampion Daniel, Marks Tey, Colchester
Stuart Rev. William M.A. Vicarage, Swan Jsph. I Albert cottages, Loughton Tamplin Rev. George Frederick M.A.
Mundon, Maldon Swann Henry, Wennington hall, Wen- Vicarage, Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Stuart John Douglas, Cromartie villa, nington, Romford TanehiIl J ohn,57 Buxton rd. Forest gate e
HainauIt road, Leytonstone e Sweet Rev. Frederick, The Manse, Tanner Rev.James M.A..Rectory,Chipping
Stuart Mrs. I Eden hill, Wellesley road, Western road, Romford Ongar S.O
Colchester Sweet William Fr~ncis, Summer lawn, Tanney Arthur, 182Romfordrd.Strtfrd~
Stuart William, 3 Hainault terrace, Pt-ospect hill, Walthamstow Tanner Edwd.S Clarendon rd. Wlthmstw
Hainault road, Leytonstone e Sweeting F. W. I Claremont terrace, Tanner Miss, Laurel cottages, Beulah
Stuart William Wyatt, Sunnyside, New Mildmay road, Chelmsford road, Walthamstow
road, Buckhurst Hill SweetingSL jun. 8th. Ockenden,Romfrd TannerriIlJ.3St.George'ssq.WestHame
Stubbing Mrs. Castle Hedingham, Halstd Swete Rev. Henry Barclay D.D. Rectory, Taplay lIenry, 18 Chobham road, New
Stubbing Robert, 'fhaxted 8.0 Ashdon, Cambridge town, Stratford e
Stubbs Thomas James, Esperance villa, Swift Edward, 8 The Crescent, 'Upton TaplingWm.1 Kirkdalerd.Leytonstonee
Park road, Southend manor, Plaistow e Tarr Edwd. 6 Toronto rd. Leytonstone e
Stuck A.. 5 Clyde ter.Capworth st. Leyton Swift Frederick,7 Laxton terrace, Sedg- Tarrant Edwin, 8 Rosebank,. Marsh
Stumbles William Henry, 4 Derby villas, wick road, Leyton street, Walthamstow
Derby road, Woodford Swift In. Hy. Aldborough Hatch, Ilford Tarrant Henry L. Vicarage road, Leyton
SturdyFredk.70 Hampton rd.Forest gte 8 Swift Mrs. West road, Saffron Walden Tarrant Isaac, 2 North street, Plaistowe
Sturgeon Alfred, Grays hall, Grays Swift Thos. 4 Myrtle vils.Leyton rd.Leytn Tarrant Thomas, 3 Rosindell terrace,
Thurrock S.O Swinborne George Philbrick, Sunnedon Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Sturgeon Charles, The Hall, South Ock- house, Coggeshall, Kelvedon Tarver Rev. Canon Charles Feral M.Al.
enden, Romford Swinborne Thomas Chalk, Mount park, Rectory, Stisted, Braintree
Sturgeon Edwin, The Grange, South Coggeshall, Kelvedon Tasker Countess, Middleton hall, Shell--
Ockenden, Romford Swindells Mrs. New street, Halstead field, Brentwood; & Hill place, Up-
Sturgess George, Isabella villa, Lea Swiney Jas. 257 Romford rd. Stratford e minster, Romford
Bridge road, Leyton Swinstead Bernard, Park road, Clacton- Tasker Miss, Melville lodge, Brentwood
Stursburg John Peter, 358 Romford on-Sea, Colchester Tasker Mrs.Myrtle viLVictoria rd.Rmfrd

road, Stratford e ' Swinton AlIen Chisholn, 11 Hampton Tate Thomas, 2 Crescent rd. Brentwood
Stuttle Robt. 3 Wadley rd. Leytonstone e road, Forest gate (J. Tatham Thomas Daniel Fearon D.L., J.l".
Stuttor Misses, Earls Colne, Halstead Swithenbank William, 2 Sidney villas, Althorne lodge, Maldon .
Styles Chas. 12 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Harrow road, Leytonstone e Tatlock W. I Granville ter.Walthamstow
Styles T. A. 14 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Sworder Edward, Hall, Birchanger, Taunton Rev.Charles Edwd. M.A. Harlow
Suart Major William Swainson R.E., J.P. Bishop's Stortford Tavener Mrs. Primrose villas, Victoria
The Bower, Chigwell Row Sworder In. Smith, 3 Park vils.Loughton road, Romford
Suart Alfd. Pettit.s, Pudding la. Chigwell Sykes Geo. Fredk. Holly, Woodford Wells Tavener WaIter, Stagsdene, Epping New
Suckling E. J. Talbot vils.Buckhurst Hill Symes Frederick, Theydon bois, Epping road, Buckhurst Hill
Suckling Mrs. Dunmow S.O Symington R.20 Claremont rd.Forest gt e Taverner Mrs. Queen's road, Brentwood
SudburyMrs.IS9 Coggeshall rd.Braintree Symonds Rev. Edward RA. Dedham S.O Tawell Frederick, Eden house, Earls
Sudworth Samuel, 3 Claremoht terrace, Symonds Rev. George Edward M.A., .t.P. Colne, Halstead
Mildmay road, Chelmsford . Vicarage, Thaxted S.O Tawell Jas.Augnstus,Earls Colne,Halsted
Sugden Wm. Little Monkham, Woodford Symonds Edmund, Eagle house, Hermon Tawell Mrs.Elm cot.Earls Colne,Halstead
8ugg Mrs. Rose villa, Prospect road, hill, George lane, Leytonstone e Tawke Arthur D.L., I.P. The Lawn,
Woodford Green Symonds Henry, 4 Ethell villas,Idmiston Rochford S.O .
Sully Hy. 18 Idmiston rd. Forest gate e road, Forest gate e Tayler Rev. Frederick Thomas, Rectory,
Sully J sph. May vils.Victoria rd.Romford Symonds Thomas, 7' Moultrie terrace, . Langford, Maldon
Summers Henry Albert, 2 Morden villas, Cowslip road, George la.Leytonstonee Tayler Rev. James Marius, Rectory
Hainault road, Ley'tonstone e Symonds WaIter, I Alfred villa, Wood- Quendon, Bishop's Stortford
Sumner Matthew Henry, 8 Claremond house road, Leytonstone e Tayler Ernest Edward, St. George's
road, Forest gate e Symonds Wm. Weald pI. N.Weald,Eppng villas, Shernhall street, Walthamstow
Sumner William,1 Avenue rd. Forest gt e Sydmondson GeOl'ge, Upshire hill, Wal- Tayler Rowland, Queen st. Colchester
SumpterG. D. Lakecot.Wansteadpark e tham Abbey Tayleur William Snows, Nazing, Wait-
Sunderland George, 3 Stanley villas, Symmons Edwn.324 Rmfrd. rd. Strtfrd e ham Cross
Wilmot road, Leyton Symmons Rt. F. 12 Queen st. Colchester Taylor Rev. Charles Johnson M.A. Rec-
Sunderland William, The Tannery, Tabor Charles,6 Kent terrace, Victoria tory, Toppesfield, Halstead
Thaxted S.O road, West Ham e Taylor Rev. Geo. John M.A.. Vicarage,
Sunley William Hy. Vicarage rd. Leyton Tabor Charles Albert I.P. Sutton hall, White Colne, Halstead
Surflcll Miss, Prospect villas, Warley Chelmsford Taylor Albert, HQpe cottage, Maybank
road, Brentwood • Tabor Charles Albert, The Temple, road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Surridge George, Clare cottage, Bartlow Prittlewell, Southend Taylor Alfred, 2 Carlton villas, Maldon
Hamlet, Cambridge Tabor Frederick,Bradforlistreet,Bocking, road, Colchester
Surridge John, Russell cottage, North Braintree Taytor Charles, The Abbey, MistIey,
Ockendon, Romford Tabor Geo. Upper Railway st. Braintree Manningtree
Surridge J oseph Smith, Stanway cottage, Tabor J ames J.P., D.L. Earl's hall, Prittle- Taylor Chas. High street, Manningtree
Stanway, Colchester well, Southend TayIor David, Earls Colne, Halstead
Surridge North, Hare Street rd. Romford Tabor John English, Bovingdon hall, Taylor Douglas Day, Grove lodge,
Surry Mrs. Jas. Lit. WaIthm. Chelmsfrd Bocking, Braintree Saffron WaIden
Sutherland Mrs. Ormiston cottage,Tower Tabor Miss, Hurst gm. Brightlingsea S.O Taylor Edwd. Eljh. Odessa rd. Forst. gt e
hamlets, Walthamstow Tabor Miss, Military road, Colchester Taylor George, 4 Castle terrace, Castle
Sutherland William, The Limes,Hainault Tabor Miss, Rayne, Braintree road, Colchester
road, Leytonstone e Tabor Miss R.S. Crouch street,Colchester Taylor George, Earls Colne, Halstead
SuttheryFrank Pellett,Springfield lodge, Tabor Mrs. Baddow lodge, Chelmsford Taylor George, Daniel st. New town,
Springfield, Chelmsford Tabor Samuel, Fenns, Bocking,Braintree Harwich
Sutton Geo. M.R.C.S. Marsh st. 'Wlthmstw Tabrum Burnett, 6 Forest pl.Leytnstne e Taytor Geo. 36 Toronto rd.Leytonstone e
Sutton Miss, High street, Hatsteud Tubrum William, Moseley, East hall, Taylor George John, 3 Albion terracc,
Sutton Mrs. 7 Queen's tel'. Great Ilford Colchester Lancaster road, Leytonstone e
Taylor Geo. Jo. Manor hall, East Ham _ Te1'l'ell James, ~7 Grove vils. Morning- Thompson G. 3 Palmerston rd.WltbmstW'
Taylor Geo. Thos. South st. Manningtree ton road, Leytonstone e Thompson G.32 King's Head st. Harwich
Taylor Henry, Fern villa, Ham Frith Te1'l'Y Samuel, High st. Saffron Walden Thompson Geo. John, Park villas, Hara
road, Forest gate e Terry WaIter, 2 Grosvenor villa, Hoe street, Romford
Taylor Henry Mason, 36 Broomtield street, Walthamstow Thompson Henry, Leigb, Chelmsford
road, Chelmsford Tetley Rt. B. The Hazels, Dunmow S.O Thompson Henry George, Pine Grov.
Taylor Hy.Wm. I Provident pt Colchstr Tevener Chas. St. John'llla. Snaresbrk e villa, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Taylor Herbt. Market pI.Saffron Walden Tewson E. Grove ho. Knott's grn.Leyton Thompson Jabez, 75 Buxton road
Taylor John, Caroline cottage, Cowley Tewson Edward Arthur, Holly bank, Forest gate e
road, Leytonstone e Sylvan road, Snaresbrook e Thompson J. 72 Gurneyrd. Forest gate e
Taylor In. 14 Clarence rd. Leytonstone e Thackeray Rev. Frederick :MoA., :M.B.9 Thompson Joseph, The Crescent, UptoD
Taylor John, Earls Colne, Halstead Royal terrace, Southend manor, Plaistowe
Taylor John, I Mansell cottages, Forest Thalsino Demetrius, Zante villas,Derby Thompson J. 3 Park vils.Chadwell Heath
road, Leytonstone e · road, Woodford Thompson Miss, Myrtle vils. Brentwood
Taylor John William Wintle, 4 Wood- Tharp JohnAlfred, 4 Beacontree terrace, Thompson Miss, roo Romford rd. Stratf,
stock villas, Forest lane, Forest gate e Mornington road, Leytonstone e Thompson Mrs. SI Buxton rd. Forest gate
Taylor Jsph. Acacia cot. High st. Leyton Tharp William Henthley, 29 Romford Thompson Mrs. Pelmarsh, Bures S.O.
Taylor Jsph. Lawn, Collier row,Romford road, Stl'll.tford e Suffolk
Taylor Joseph LeCand, Farmadine Thatcher Mannering, r2 Selwyn road, Thompson Mrs. r05 Gurney road, Forest.
house, Saffron Walden Plaistowe gate,
Taylor Miss, Black bush, Abridge, Thaw A. Laura ho. Barking I'd. Plaistw e Thompson Mrs. Harrow villas, Birkbeck
Stapleford Abbots, Romford Theobald Alfd. P. Oak cot. Chelmllford road, Leytonstone e
Taylor Miss, 10 Head street, Colchester Theobald Edgar R. Oak cot. Chelmsford Thompson Mrs. R. H. The Hermitage,
Taylor Misses, Coxtie green, South Theobald James, The Eedfords, Haver- St. Andrew's road, Plaistow e
Weald, Brentwood ing-atte-Bower, Romford Thompson Ralph, 4 Cowley villas, Cow-
Taylor Mrs. The Briers, Chelmsford Thick Charles, Newburyvilla, Cann Hall ley road, Leytonstone e
road west, Woodford road, Wanstead Thompson Samuel, Belvedere place,
TaylorMrs. Clock ho.Clay st. Walthmstw Thistle R. 2 Albion vils.Wilmotrd. Leytn Cross road, Maldon
Taylor Mrs. 2 East terrace, Walton-on- Thitchener Mrs. 26 New London road, Thompson Thos. Junction rd. Brentwood
the-Naze S.O Chelmsford Thompson Thomas, Laindon, Brentwood
Taylor Mrs. 4 Grove Crescent road, Thitchener Thomas, 101 MOulsham st. Thompson Warwick William, Warwick
Stratford e Chelmsford villa, Avenue road, Forest gate e
Taylor Mrs. London road, Maldon Tholander Eleisel', Villa de Portugal, Thompson Rev. William Stephen :M.A.~
Taylor Mrs. May villa, West Grove Snake's lane, Woodford green J.P. Rectory, Fobbing, Romford
road,Woodford Green Thomas Charles, Clarendon house, Pal- Thomson Andrew, Jessamine villa, Lans-
Taylor Mrs. Millville house, Brentwood merston road, Buckhurst Hill downe road, Snaresbrook e
Taylor Mrs. James, Rose Valley house, Thomas Charles Henry, 7 Borthwick Thomson Andrew, Liverpool lodge,
Brentwood road, Wanstead Howard road, Plaistow e
Taylor N.I<'.2 St. Andrew's rd. Plaistol'f e Thomas D. 35 Claremont rd. Forest gt e Thomson Andrew, Swiss villa, Clacton-
Taylor Richd. I I Belmont viIs. Southend Thomas Ebenezer Grove, St. Mark's on-Sea, Colchester
Taylor Robert, Grove hill, Woodford villa, Church Hill road, Walthamstow Thomson Augustus, Scandinavian
Taylor Robert, Wilmington villa, Wall- Thomas Francis, I Dunbarton V1llas, house, Bulwer road, Leytonstone e
wood road, Leytonstone e Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Tbomson David, Sir Isaae's wlk. Colchtr
Taylor T. S. 8 Atherton rd. Forest gte e Thomas Frederick James, 6 Wadley Thomson F. 3 Grange vills. Great Ilford
Taylor Thomas, Bradford street, Bock- road, Leytonstone e Thomson George Frederick, 3 Wallwood
ing, Braintree Thomas Frederick William, 5 St terrace, Wallwood road, Leytonstone e
TaylorThos.34Claremontrd.Forestgtee Kilda's vil.Queen'srd. BuckhurstEill Thomson Henry, I Nyewood villas,
Taylor Thomas Edward, r Melrose villas, Thomas James H. Haylands, Chigwell ;Mornington road, Leytonstone e
Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Thomas John, 3 Abbey terrace, Barking Thomson John Henderson, 6 Lee ter-
Taylor Thos.Prcy. Lexden I'd. Colchester road, Plaistow e race, Barking road, Plaistow e
Taylor Vero William J.P. Castle Hed- Thomas In. William, Mapperley house, Thomson Mrs. Ham Frith rd. Forest gt ~
ingham, Halstead Woodford side, Walthamstow 'fhomson R. 2 Borthwick I'd. Wanstead ~
Taylor W. 47 Manbey gro. Stratford gn e Thomas Joseph Charles, Hainault villa, Thomson Robert, 4 Woodbine terrace,
Taylor William, Addington villa, Westbury road, Buckhurst Hill Barking road, Canning town e
Chelmsford road west, Woodford Thomas Mrs. Blaendool villas, Lea Thorman Edward Henry, Union street,
'raylor W. I Edith viI. Sebertrd.Frst. gt e Bridge road, Leyton High street, Stratford e
Taylor William, Edmonton terrace, Thomas Mrs. Cross st. Saffron 'Walden Thorman Henry, 45 Grove villas, Mom-
Idmiston road, Forest gate e Thomas Mrs. 32 Grove road, Wanstead e ington road, Leytonstone e
Taylor William, 2 Florence villas, Thomas Mrs. 26 Hampton rd.Forest gte Thorman John, 3 Grove Crescent road,
Ferndale road, Leytonstone e Thomas Mrs. Manuden house, Bishop'. Stratford e
Taylor William, 3 Homely villas, Lans- Stortford Thorn Alfred, High street, Maldon
downe road, Snaresbl'ook Thomas Mrs.Writtle green, Chelmsford Thorn Harry, 3 Sussex terrace, Southend
Taylor William, Rosebank, Cleveland Thomas T.Nicholls, 3 Barclayrd.Leyton Thorn Thomas, Oak lodge, Wellington
road, Snaresbrook e Thomas T. H. London road, Braintree road, Wanstead e
Taylor Wm. J. 5 Chesnut viIs. Forest gt e ThomasettMrs.Church Hill ho.Wltmstw Thornber Joseph, Edmund terrace, Ham
Taylor William R. X.A. Clifton house, Thomasett Theodore Frederick, Oak- Frith road, Forest gate e
Avenue road, Brentwood hurst, Forest rise, Walthamstow Thornden Mrs. Rivenhall, Witham
Taylor Wm. S. East avenue,Walthamstw Thompson Lieut.-Gen. Charles William, Thorne Edwin, 3 Woodland villas,
Teague Benj. 14 Ramsay rd. Wanstead Wethersfield pLWethersfield,Braintree Church end, Woodford
Tee Thomas James, Hadleigh lodge, Thompson Captain, Chadwell Heath Thornhill Mrs. 180 Romfd. rd. Stratford e
Whitehall lane, Buckhurst Hill Thompson Captain Bird, Walden hall, Thornhill William, Laburnum villa,Ham
Teesdale Rev. Charles Baker X.A. Rec- Little Walden, Saffron Walden -Prith road, Forest gate e
tory, Lamarsh, Colchester Thompson Rev. Robert, South road, Thornton James Henry, Howfield villa,
Tegg Miss, 8 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Saffron Walden Western road, Romford
Teller Thomas Joseph, 55 Chobham Thompson Arthur, 51 Gurney road, Thornton Miss, Prospect villas, Warley
road, Stratford e Forest gate e road, Brentwood
TempleEdmund,480sbrne. rd.Forst. gt e Thompson Benjamin, 2 Russell villas, Thorogood W. Billericay, Brentwood
Temple Thomas Malcolm, Shakespere Howard road, Leytonstone e Thorp Colonel Edward Buller, Thorp
villas, Grays Thurrock S.O Thompson C. 19 Roman road,Colchester Coombe, Clay street, Walthamstow
Temple William,Bennett's Castle house, Thompson D. Charlcs, Manor house, Thorp Frederick. Chippingham house,
Chadwell Heath Squirrels heath, Romford Woodford bridge, Woodford
Templeton John, 3 Crichton villa.!!, Thompson Daniel,59 New st.Chelmsford Thorp Sidney, Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Brentwood rd. Hornchurch, Romford Thompson Darius Cbarles,Manor house, Thorp Thomas Hart, Dowgate, Cam-
Templeton John, 30 Windsor road, Squirrels heath,Hornchurch, Romford bridge park, Wanstead fJ
Forest gate e Thompson Edward, 3 George villas, Thorp Henry, r6 Chobham road, New
TenneaT Mrs. 5 Royal ter. Southend Prince's road, Buckhurst Hill town, Stratford ,
Terenery Thomas, 4 Westward House Thompson Ernest Wm. 5 Primrose tel'. Thorpe James, 1 Woodbine villas,
cottages, Thornhill road, Leyton Primrose rd. George la. LeytQnstone e Chelmsford road west, Woodford
Thorpe Mrs. I: Beaumont villas, Beau- Titford Chas. 285 Romford rd. ~tratford e Tozer Augustus Hall,6 Whitehall lane,
mont road, Leyton Titley Thomas, 16 Albion terrace, Lan- Buckhurst- Hill
Thorpe Mrs. The Bower, Boreham, caster road, Leytonstone e Tozer James, 2 Christendom place, Bark-
Chelmsford T'iver Mrs. 3 Haiwmlt ter. Great lliord ing road, Plaistow e
Threadgold Mrs. 4 Tiptree villas, Cliff Tobin Fnk. Jas. 2 Victoria viI. Loughton Tozer Richard, Swinbum villa, Eastern
town, Southend Todd Edwin, 3 The Poplars, Upton lane, road, Romford
Thurgood James, 62 Wellesley road, WestEam e TraceyEdward,2Chesnutvils. Forestgt If
Wanstead e Todd Miss, London road, Maldon Tracey John Ibbitson, Wingfield house,
Thurgood Alf. 7 Toronto rd. Leytonstn e Todd Mrs. 8f;tation road, Leyton Hale end, Walthamstow
Thurgood Benjamin Tonson, The Grove, Todd William, 5 Lome terrace, Lans- Tracey Joseph Mayhew, Rose cottage,
Saffron Walden downe road, Leytonstone e High street, Great Ilford
Thurgood Charles, Prospect villa, Buck- 'fodhunter J oseph .T.p.King's Moor house, Travers George, 3 Francis villas, Avenue
hurst Hill Great Parndon, Harlow road, Forest gate e .
Thurgood J. N. I: Grove road, Wanstead e Tofft Albert, I: Grosvenor villas, Hoe Traylen Geo. I: Hawthorn tel". Barking
Thurgood Richard Driver, South road, street, Walthamstow Traylen Mrs. High I:lt. Saffron Walden
Saffron Walden Tolke Rev. Richard R. BoA. Bamston, Treasure Mrs. Buttsbury, Ingatestone
Thurgood Thomas, Woodbine cottages, Chelmsford Trebeck Charles, J:O Grosvenor villas,
Victoria rd.George lane, Leytonstone e Tolley Temple George, 2 Guernsey villas, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
Thurgood Wm. High st. Saffron Walden Beachcroft road, Leytonstone e Treeton Benjamin, Avenue house, Morn-
Thurlow C. Arthur, 9 Station rd. Harwich Tollman Mrs. 1:2 Gurney rd. Forest gt , ington road, Leytonstone e
Thurlow John Youngman, Hollycroft Tomkin Thomas Marchant, Witham Tregerthen Wm. 4 Park rd. Plaistow e
house, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill TomkinsEdward,Stanley house,Palmerl!- Trench Major C. R.A. South Shoebury,
Thurlow Robert Youngman, Holly Hurst ton road, Buckhurst Hill \ Southend -
house, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Tomkins Miss, 4 Margery Park road, Trenemen William, 26 Claremont road,
Thurmer Richard Frederick, 76 Gurney West Ham e Forest gate e
road, Forest gate e Tomlin Fredk. 13 Windsor rd.Forest gt e Trengrove Mrs. Arbour cottage, Violet
Thurmott Mrs. I: Beverley terrace, T.omlin Miss, 2 Laura terrace, Cobden road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Beverley road, Colchester road, Leytonstone e Trent- WaIter Frederick, 22 Northcott
'l'hurston F. J. Brewery ho. Rayleigh S.O Tomlin Rt. Park Grove rd. Leytonstone e villas, Walthamstow .
Thurston Jabez, 4 Carnarvon road, Tomlins R. W. 10 Park rd. Plaistow e TrentWilliamNewbury,Newburyhouse,
Forest gate e ._ _ Tomlinson EdwRl'd, Earlham villa, Cop&- Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
Thurston Mrs. High st. Saffron Walden land, Walthamstow Trew Thomas Vernon, 3 Cecil road,
TibbsJ.Evan,52 Wellesley rd. Wa'nstead e Tomlinson Mrs. Spital road, Maldon Upton manor, Plaistow e
Tickle Wm. W. White ho. Snaresbrook e Tomlinson Thomas, High street, Maldon Trewby G. C. Beckton ho.Nth.Woolwch IJ
Tidboald Miss, Weston villa, New London Tompson Charles Hardy, 1:7 Beverley Trezevant Charles Edward, Manor cot-
road, Chelmsford road, Colchester tage, High Beech S.O
Tidboald Thomas, Tavistock house, New Tompson Mrs. 17 Beverley I'd. Colchstr Tribbett Mrs. Heron's nest, Chingford
London road, Chelmsford Toms Robert, 5 Juliah terrace,High road, Tribble Charles, 10 Elizabeth terrace,
Tidd William, 5 Arnold villas, Capworth Leytonstone e Latimer road, Forest gate e
street, Leyton Tonkin Rev. Benj. Ridgwell, Halstead Tricker Reuben, 10 The Crescent, Upton
~iddeman Rev. Edmund Spepser M.A. Tons Richard, Rose cottage, Woodhouse manor, Plaistow e
The Vicarage, Childerditch,Brentwood road, Leytonstone e Trigg Edward, Cacai villa, Clova road,
'Tiddiman Joseph, Spring cottage, Wil- Tookey William Hall, 2 Lytton villa.s, Forest gate e
mot road, Leyton Lytton road, Leytonstone e Trigg J.Lady bnk.Marsh st.Walthamstw
Tidmas James Samuel, I Linden villa!, Tooley A. Norfolk cots. Buckhurst Hill Trigg Richard, 6 Elizabeth terrace,Lati~
Bedford road, Snaresbrook e Toovey Arthur, Pilgrims hatch, South mer road, Forest gate e
-Tidswell Joseph Holmwood, St. James' Weald, Brentwood Trigg William, 36 Ramseyrd. Wanstead
street, Walthamstow Topham Mrs. 80 Chobham road, New Triggs Hy.Bridge ho. Upminster,Romfrd
'Tiedman Benjamin, I: Cambridge ter- town, Stratford e Triggs John, Taniwha house, Forest gt e
race, Grange Park road, Leyton Topham William, Marlborough house, Trimen Mrs. Saville row, Walton-on~
Tiffen Josiah, Spital road, Maldon Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill the-Naze S.O
'fighe Chas. Roding ho. Woodford Bridge Toplis Richard, sen. I: Oak villas, Oliver Trimmer Rev. William M.A. Vicarage,
Tighe Henry. 55 Osborne rd. Forest gt e road, Leyton Broomfield, Chelmsford
'Tijou Chas. Jas. Robert,2 Milton villas, Toppell John, 25 King'sQuay st.Harwich Trimmer Francis, Eppingdale, Leyton.
Primrose rd. George la. Leytonstone e Torpey William, 2 Forest villas, Princes stone road, Stratford e
TilcockJohn, Manor street, Braintree road, Buckhurst Hill Trimm Mrs. Crescent road, Brentwood
·Till John Smith, The Laurels, Palmer- Tose Joseph, 25 King's road, Upton pk If Trinder FrOOk. 16 Wellesley rd. Wanstd ~
. ston road, Buckhurst Hill Tothill Egerton, Roscombe villas, Hain- Tripp Frederick, 2 Rose terrace,Howard's
T"111ett Mrs. 2 Holland villas, Alexander ault road, Leytonstone e road, Forest gate e
road, Colchester Tothurst Thomas, Clifton villas, Manor TrippWilliam,IClarendon vils.Forest gt ~
Tillett Robert, 9 R.oman road, Colchester park, East Ham e Tritton J oseph, Lions hall, Great Leighs,
'Tillett William, Drayton rd. Leytonstne e Tottingham WaIter Overton, 3 Toronto Chelmsford
Tilley James, 5 Sanson terrace, Sanson road, Leytonstone e Trotman S. 22 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e
road, Leytonstone e Toulmin Rev. Frederic Bransby M.A. Trott Frank, Vine cottage, Barclay road,
Tillott Mrs. High road, Loughton Vicarage, Hatfield Peverel, Chelm&ford Leytonstone e
'I'imbrell Aubrey Augustus, Alvin villa, Tovell Richd.Clarendon I'd. Walthamstw Trott Jas. John, The Pavement,Romfrd
Cathall road, Leytonstone e Tower Maj. Fras. ~.P. Thremhall priory, Trotter Raymond Douglas, Epping
'Timbrell Horatio, Stafford villa, Selwyn StanstedMountfitchet,Bishop's Strtfrd Troughton William Henry, I Lee terrace,
road, Plaistow e Towel' Christopher John Hume D.L., .l.P. Barking road, Plaistow e
Timms Arthur J ames, Oak lodge,Grange Weald hall, Brentwood Trow John, Mary villas, Greenleaf lane,
hill, Chigwell Row Tower Miss, Cottage place, Shenfield, Walthamstow

Timms Wm. 5 Claremont pt Forest gt e Brentwood Trowell Thomas, 1:3 Albyn ter. Southend
'Tindell Alex. 204 Romford I'd. Stratford e Towers Edward, Springfield,Sylvan road, Towles Alfred, Osbome street, Colchestr
TingleHenry, I Elm villas,Hainaultroad, Snaresbrook e Trubridge Mrs. 24 Pmbrok.rd.Wlthmstw
Leytonstone e . Towers William Edward, Holly lodge, Trudgett Mrs. The Grange, Grange
Tingle John Thomas, 21 Grove villas, Haggar lane, Walthamstow Park road, Leyton
Mornington road, Leytonstone e Towl William, 104 Romfordrd. Stratfrde Trudgett Thomas Neal, I Park cottages,
'Tinnoth John, Sambourue, Romford Towner Rev. George Head, 9 Vicarage Grange Park road, Leyton
Tipler - , PlOOgden, Henham, Bishop's lane, Stratford e Trundle Joseph, 2 Grace villas, Vicarage
Stortford· Townsend Rev. Charles George Gretton road, Leyton
Tipler Mrs. Great Canfield, Dunmow S.O M.A., J.P. Berwick pt Hatfld. Chelmsfrd Trussell Albert, Fambridge rd. Maldon
'Tipper George, 7 Forest terrace, Manor Townsend George, Fitzwalters, Shen- Trustrum In. 23 Albert rd.Forest gate e
park, East Ham e field, Brentwood Tuck Rev. Thomas Ridout M.B. Epping
Tipper Samuei, 2 Nyewood villas, Mom- Townsend Miss,Hutton lodge,Brentwood Tuck Adolphus, 2 Lorne villas, Forest
ington road, Leytonstone , Townsend Miss, Wantz road, Maldon lane, Forest gate e
Tipping W.R. 31: Maryland point,Strtfrde Toyne Francis, Upton lodge, Hainault Tuck John, 2 Ember viIs. Buckhurst hIll
TipsonWilliam Samson, 540sborne road, road, Leytonstone e Tuck Mrs. Maunden, Bishop's Stortford.
Forest gate e Tozer Alfred, Ivy lodge, Woodford Grn Tuck Mrs. Orchard vil.Highst Brentwood


Tuck William ~ames, Normandy house, Turner Wm. 4 Gurney rd. Forest gate ~ Vallance Thos. Jas. M.DI ~'1 Romford
Orford road, Walthamstow Turpin G. F, 7 Wadley I'd. Leytonstne e road, Stratford e
Tu~ker Rev. W. Guise X.A. V~1'age, Turpin John Findlay, Saville row, Wal- Vallentin Oscar Ferdinand, .Amalia villa,
Ramsey, Harwich r ton-on-the-Naze S.O Hainault road, Leytonstone e-
Tucker Rev. William Hill X.A. Rectory, Turpin Thomas William, London road Vance Wm. John, North Woolwich e
Dunton, Brentwood Romford Vandervord Emanuel, I Grosvenor place,
Tucker James Douglas, Corinth villa, TurpinWilliam,Lyncroft,Earlham grove, Southend
Derby road, Woodford Forest gate e Vandervord George, Rayleigh ho. Sthnd
Tucker John, Squirrels heath, Romford Turquand Leonard, 3 Moultrie terrace, Vandervord J ames Wil80U, Minervli
Tucker Richard, I Lytton villas.. Lytton Cowslip rd.George lane, Leytonstone e 4ouse, Lower Southend, Southend
road, LeytoJl8tone 8 Turquand Samuel James, Acacia lodge, Vane Wm. Hamilton,3 Windsor road,
Tucker RobeTt, 2 Cromwell villas, ~ar· Wallwood road, Leytonstone /I Forest gate 6
gery Park road, Stratford. Turrell Thomas W. I Albert villas, Vanwick I<'rederick, 8 Providence cot-
Tucker Sydney, 13 Hampton road, Woodman rd.Great Warley,Brentwood tages, Goldsmith road, Leyton.
Forest gate e Turtle Frederick H.D. Kirkmead, Church Varenne Ezekiel George, Kelvooon
Tucker William, ] Shirland villas, fields, Wgodford ~ Varley Henry, IS WindBoJ' rd.l"orestgt e
Avenue road, ~orest gatee Turtle Henry, I Bay villas, Warle:rroad, Varley Mrs. Epping
Tuckwell Benjamin, 1 Glendower villas, Brentwood Varnish Henry'P I Woodgrange place,
Harvey road, Leytonstone e Turvey Thomas, Warley road, Great Woodgrange road, Forest gate e
Tuckwell Miss, SewardBtone l"oad, Wal- Warley, Brentwood Vasey Samuel, 1 Florence villa('l, Grange
tham Abbey Turville Thomas, Fir cottage, Ingrave, Park I'oad, Leyton
Tudor Edward Scripps, Hainaul~ house, Brentwood Vaughan Rev. Matthew LL.B. Vicarage,
, Forest rise, Walthamstow Tutill George, Red house, Upton lane, Finchingfield, Braintree
Tudor William, Queensberry, }luckhurst West Ham 8 Vaughan WaIter Henry, Sunniugdale,
Hill Tweddle William Goodfellow, Derwent Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
TufneU Major Arthnr J olliffe J.P. villa, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Vause Robert, 68 Huxton rd. Forest gt t
LangIeys, Gt. Waltham, Chelmsford Tweed Rev. James Peers H.A.. Rectory, Vause William, I Upton. terrace, Church
Tnfnell Rev. Frederick H.A.. Rectory, Little Waltham, Chelmsford street, Plaistow,
Fryerning, Ingate&tone, Essex. Tweed James, Little Baddow hall, Vaux John Henry, ~ Cliff vUIas, Dover-
Tnfnell Rev. George Cressner K •.4-. Chelmsford court, Harwich
Rectory, Little Easton, Dunmow TwoodMrs. St. John's street, Colchester VauI. In. Hy. King's Quay st.
Tnfnell Rev. Thomas Pilkington Iq.. Tween Alfred WaIter, South road, Vavasseur Mias, 9 Randulph terrace,
Vicarage, Wormingford, Colchester Saffron Walden Springfield, Chelmsford
+,ufnell John Jolliffe.1.F. Langleys, Great Twiman Thomas, I Stacey villas, High Veley Arthur Curtis, Nokes place, Great
Waltham, Chelmsford street, Plaistow e Baddow, Chelmsford
Tufnell Miss, W~llops. Great Waltham, Twining E.Chestnts.Marshst.Wlthmstw Veley Frederick Thomas, Yverdon
Chelmsford Twitchett James, 3 Edith terrace, Vic- house, New London road, Chelmsford
Tufnell Wm. Micha.el D.L.,.1.F~ Hatfield toria road, West Ham e Vellecott Humphrey, Terrells hall,
place, Chelmsford Tyer George William, Grosyenor lodge, Little Thurrock, Grays S.O
?-,nfnell William Neville I.F. Folly house, Avenue road, Forest gate" Venables T. G. Park gates, Wanstead e
Bocking Tyerman David Edward, 1 Mornington Venoent T. 101} Gumey rd. Forest gate e
Tufnell-T)'I'ell Major John Lionel 1.~. villas, Wanstead park e Vennell Rev. RobBon, Terling, Witham
Boreham house, Chelmsford; Ca.rl~on Tyle1' Quartermaster Harry William, 5 V~nell Godfrey, 32 London :td.Braintree
&; Army & Navy clubs, London I.'ID Cambridge ter. Military rd.Colchester Verhagen Rev. FraIU;is, GroTe Crescent
,,"uke William Murray, WindnUll hil}., Tyler Miss, Ford lodge, Southend, Horn- road. Stratford ~
Saffron Walden church, Romford Verlanuer Mrs. 7 Trinity st.-Colchester
Tunks C. G. HaleEnd ho. Walthamstow Tyler Mrs. Earls Coln/\ Halstead Verleyen Rev. Germain, <ir!lve Cres-
Tunks Mrs. Hale End ho. Walthamstow ;fyler Mrs. ~ Holly villas, Cambridge cent road, Stratford IJ
Tunmer In. Geo. Writtle, Chelmsford park, Leytonstone e Vernon Rev. Cb~rlt;l8, S Maryland point,
)'unnicliffe Waiter, 2 Overton ~rrac", Tyle1"T. F. 24 Wellesley road, Wanstead e Stratford ~
Amberley road,LeytoIl TyIer W. W. Church hill, WaIthamstow Verry George Ward, ClematiB villa,
Tupper Ferdinao.d, Fe&'ing, Kelvedon Tyler Wllliam, Witham Hermon hill, Leytolliltone 6
Tupper Richmond, Hamlethouse, Little Tyndan Charles, 9 Vicarage tar. Leyton Vesper George, Church end, Woodford
Coggeshall, Kelvedon ..~ Tyrrell W.Ill< Sylvestel' ter.Waltha.m.stow Vesper George, I<'air view, Cleveland
'l'ur11bull Frederi~k,Roche villas,Victoria Tyser'Augustus William, Eagle house, road, Snaresbrook e
road, Romford The Flats, Wanstead e. Vesper Thomas, 12 The Crect. Woodford
Xurnbull thomas, Bradford street, Boo\.- ;ryser 131ytestyne, 61 Leyton road, Vesper Wm. -3 Harvey rd. Leytonstone e
ing, Braintree Forest g~te e Viall Mrs. Lamorna terrlj.ce, Victoria
Turnbull Wallis, 4 Primrose terrace, Tyser Henry, High road, Leytonstone e road, Romford .
Vicarage road, Leyton Tyser R. B.6ILeyton road, Wanstead 6 Vickers Edwd. The Pollards, LOllghton
'l'urnbull William Abbot, The r.ea, Gr~t Tyser William, Eagle boo Forest gate 6 Vigne Henry, The Oaks. WoodIord Orn
Warley, Brentwood Tyte Alfred John, ,Alfred house, Col- Vigor Fredericlt George, I ,Eagle villas,
.Turner Rev.Fredk.Wm.High at.HalstMd worth road, Leytonstone 4 Cleveland road, Snaresbrook /I
'~urner Charles, ~ Covley pottages, pffinell William, Cambridge villa., lIam Vile Charles, Holly lodge, Leytonstone
Cowley road, Leytonstone e Frith road, ;Forest gate e.. road, Stra.tford 6
rrnrner George, Ayl8$buryvillas,Porter'1l pl1mer Michae1, Ashole house, Cleveland Vile WilIiam, u: Denmark tertace, Har-
town, 50uthend ! road, Snar6sbl'Oo~ e vey road, LeytonstoIle e
Turnew George, 3 Fernban~ villa, OJm- U\ph Mrs. Spring la. Lex.den. Colchester Vinals Rowan, Colon villa, Drayton
bridge park, Wanstead e Ulyett Josep~ William, Ada villa, .»ar- road, Leytonstone ,
~umer George Beresford, Eas1j hill, day road, Leytonstone (J Vincent George, 75 Balsam st. .plaistow e
Colchester Underwood James, Grove hill,WGodford Vincent Ralph, Fernbank, Fairlop road,
Tumer Ja.mes,Harrow rd. Le,ytonstonee Underwood Joseph, Brightlingsea S.O Leytonstone e
'fumer James, 10 Saxby villas, P,lashet e Ul1win Misses, Church street,Coggeshall Vine Edward, Maud villa,. Vicarage
Turner John Joseph Candler, Groye Unwin Stephen, 2 Morrant ter~e, road, Leyton
villiJ.t North Station road, Colchester Le:xdeu roa.d~ Colche~r Vine John, I I Courtenay terrace, Marsh
Turner John Rootsey" Quee~ street, Upton GEl9rge, 4 P~\l ~rraceJ Lans- street, Walthamstow
Coggeshall, Kelvedon downe toad, Leyoonstone e Vines Chas.. R. East lodge, Wanstead e
Tumer J onathan, Albert ,ma, Derbr Uptoq 'fhomas Edward,,49 ;Manbe>, Viney Arthur Elliott, Hank h()use, Mar-
road~ Woodford l grove, Stratford green.. ket place, Saffron Walden
Turner Mrs. Clyde vir F.':astern rd.Rmfd Urell John, Great Maple&teal;\, J:Ialstead Vipiu Henry W. 13 Marine parade,
Turner Mrs. Church 6lSd~ Woodford Usborne :rhornas J.p.Writtle,Che[msford Southend
Turner Mm ;Essex vill~ :pea.nery road, UsherThomas J.Qothic ho.Snaresbrook t Vivian .llev~ William ~enry, Salcombe
Stratford , .1 Uzielli Mrs. ~ Acorl) villas. Brentwood house, Loughton
Turner MrsTK~lvedon road, HOI'nchurch, Romfor<l Vizer Mrs. 5 Station llOad, Plaistow 6
Turner Mrs. London road, B~a.¥ttreet V:¥zeyJob~Rt.D..n.~I.P.Attwoods,HalstedVohmann Frederick, Carnarvon lIilla,
'furner WaIter ..P.High r~. Leyoonston.e '6 Valder ,Jioberi, !a Manbey v~ Manbey Carnarvon road, Woodford
Turner William. 1 OakbUl"s\. cottages, grove, Stratford green" Volckman Charles, jnn. 16Q Romford
Bigq l'ftreet, Leytoo. V~~ Vhal'les, l23, S~tion road, aarwich road, Stratford ,
Volland Charles, 5 Denmark terrace, Walker W. B.A. Forest school, Wlthmstw Ward Mrs. Church house, Tendring,
Carnarvon road, Woodford Walker William, Whitehall, Chingford Colchester
Von Limburg Frederick William, Crom- Walker W.C.6 St.Andrew's rd. Plaistow e Ward Mrs. 8 LaburnaOl villas, Lytton
well ho. Mornington rd. Wdfrd. Wells Walker W. G. 14 Priory st. Colchester road, Leytonstone e
Vowleo Charles, 38 Church st. Harwich Walker Wm. Hy. George la. Wanstead e Ward Mrs. 65 Romford road, Stratford ~
Vyse William, 26 Ramsey rd. Wanstead Walkley Mrs. 6 Marine parade,Southend Ward Mrs. 3 Westbury rd. Brentwood
W-ackrill Mrs. Osborne house, New Walks Wm. Robert, Barking side, Ilford Ward W. H.K. B.A.St.Mary's col.Harlow
London road, Chelmsford WaIlace Alexander M.D., M.A. Trinity Ward William, 2 Fairmountvillas, Ley-
Wackrill Samuel, Chandos house, New house, Culver street, Colchester ton road, Leyton
London road, Chelmsford Wallenson In. 69 Osborne rd. Forest gt e Wardell Rev. William Henry M.A. St.
Waddell Thomas, 38 Toronto rd. Lytnstn WaIler Col. George Henry. :r~ The Giles' rectory, Mersea rd. Colchester
Waddington Thomas Flesher, Woodland Avenue, Colchester Wardell John Andrews, I Devereux
view, Cleveland road, Snaresbrook /} WaIler Rev. Charles Blackmore M.A. terrace, Cliff town, Southend
Wade Andrew, 60 Osborne rd. Frst. gt e Vicarage, Woodford Bridge Wardill Jonathan, Muston lodge, Hain-
Wade Charles, Florence villa, Maybank WaIler Rev, Robert Plume M.A. Rectory, -ault road, Leytonstone e
road, George lane, Leytonstone e Nazing, Waltham Cross Wardle Rev. William, 17 St. John'.
Wade Chas. M. High st. Saffron Walden WaIler G. Burdettho.Church rd. Leyton street, Chelmsford
Wade Duncombe, Idminston road, Waller John,Larkswoodlodge,Chingford Wareham John,II Harvey road, LeJ-
Forest gate e WaIler John Gray, Beech house, Forest tonstone e
Wade Jas. Archer. Goldin!"s hI. Lou&hton side. ChinO'fnM Wll:rin Ri"l.n_.l rr_.~L' ·' ~.
• - - --0 - - onp - 0---- _ ... .........".. u, .LLUl:JLUWtu'tlCt VleTelanCl"
Wade Ja:mes David, 8 Moultrie terrace, WaIler M~ss, Farm hill, Waltham Abbey road, 8naresbrook ~
CowslIp road, George la. Leytnstone e WaIler MISS, Loughton Waring Henry Lessenden villa Lexden
Wade Mrs. Bowling green, Dunmow S.O WaIler Mrs. 3 Charles terrace, Manor road, Colche;ter '
Wade Mrs. 7 Sutherland tel'. Chelmsford park, East Ham e . Waring Miss, Anchor villa,Crouch street,
Wade Thomas, Carlton ho. Roman road, WaIler MrS. 3 Rochefort villas, Hoe Colchester
Colchester street, Walthamstow Warleigh Rev. Henry Smith, Sydney
Wade W. de Vins, Dunmow 8.0 WaIler Thomas, Bromham ldg. Higham villas, Maldon road, Colchester
Wade William, Spital road, Maldon hill, Walthamstow Warmington Rev. Edward James :M.A.
Wadley E. 9 Colworth terrace, Colworth WaIler William, Cambridge villas, Ham Rectory, Dengie, Maldon
road, Leytonstone e Frith road, Forest gate e Warmington Charles Lewis, Little
Wagener John, Langtons, Hornchurch, WaIlett Duncan, l St. John's villas, Langtons, Hornchurch, Romford
Romford Buckhurst Hill Warmington Edward, 3 Stacey villas,
Wake Rev. Heathcote AlIen M.A. Rec- WaIlace Abm. 6 Windsor rd. Forest gt e High street, Plaistow e
tory, Netteswell, Harlow Wallis Albert Wm. High st. Brentwood Warmington Miss, Bush elms, Horn-
Wakefield Geo. 9 East av. Walthamstow Wallis AIgernon, 49 Osborne road, church, Romford
Wakefield Wm.Thos. Frm.hI. Wlthm.aby Forest gate e Warmisley William Harmann, 2 Marian
Wakeham Miss, Marshalls, London road, WaIlis Arthur, Rochford S.O :villas, Hainault road, Leytonstone e
Braintree Wallis Harry, Bay cottage, Ingrave Warner Benjamin, Lawn lodge, Upton
Wakelin Frederick. Goldhanger road, road, Brentwood . lane, West Ham e
Heybridge, Maldon Wallis Miss, High street, Brentwood Warner Compton, Rookery, George
Wakelin H. Park vils. Capel rd. Forst. gt e Wallis Mrs. Twickenham villa, Brook lane, Leytonstone e
Wakelin John Waters, Fairview house, street, Brentwood Warner George, Osborne house, New
Victoria grove, Brentwood Wallis Ransome, Said house, Fairlop town, Harwich
Wakeling WaIter, Dunmow S.O road, Leytonstone e Warner Geo.R.Manorfarm,LittleIlford
Wakely Reuben, Chingford gn. Chingfrd Wallis William Emerson, 1: Lucerne Warner Henry, Belmont villa, Fille-
Walford ReT. Thos. Albert rd. Braintree villas, Grays Thurrock S.O brook road, Leytonstone e
Walford Rev. Th(}S. Layer Bretn.Kelvedn Walmington J. 158 Manor st. Braintree Warner John, 34 St. John's st.Colchester
Walford.Alfrd. Rose bk.Rose hi. Braintree WalmsleyHy.lngatestonehl.IJlgatestone Warner Mrs. Lawn lodge, Upton lane,
Walford Mrs. 4 St. Mary's terrace west, Walmsley Richard. Joseph, Pilgrim's West Ham 8
Lexden road, Colchester hall, South Weald, Brentwood Warner Robert, East terrace, Walton-
Walker Col. John, Broom hill, Mersea Walsh Rev. Robert James, Vicarage, on-the-Naze S.O
road, Colchester Wimbish, Saffron Walden Warner Robert, Scravells, Broomfield,
Walker Rev. Arthur M.A. Wethersfield, Walsh Rev. William M.A., l.P. Rectory, Chelmsford
Braintree Great Tey, Kelvedon Warner Thos.W.Causeway,Dunmow 8.0
Walker Rev. Thomas Andrew M.A. The Walsham William Henry, Cedar villa, Warren Rev. William Quin Th.A.K.C.L.
Vioarage, Barking Side, Ilford Manor park, East Ham e Wethersfield, Braintree
Walker .Alfred,3 Clarendon villas, Cliff WaIter Mrs. 8 Broomfield rd. Chlmsford Warren Alfd. Hill ho. London rd.Maldon
road. Dovercourt, Harwich Waiter William, Melbourne villas, Derby Warren Charles, I Pompon villas,
Walker Andrew James, St. Alhans house, road, Woodford Vicarage road, Leyton
Salway hill, Woodford WaIters Mrs. Broce co.ttage, London Warren James, BeIlevue house, Dover-
Walker Benjamin, 8 Denmark terrace, road, Wanstead e court, Harwich
Harvey road, Leytonstone e WaIters Robert, HoIme lodge, London Warren Robert William, 6 Charles ter-
Walker C. IO Borthwick rd. Wanstead e road, Romford race, Manor park, East Ham e
Walker Charles, 1 Rochester villas, Cleve- Walthew William Henry, I Ray villas, Warren Thomas, Tamworth villa, Earl-
land road, Snaresbrook 6 West Grove road, Woodford Green ham grove, Forest gate e
Walker Edmund, Chalcot villa, Hainault Walton Bendyshe William, Bower hall, Warren Wm. Priory street, Colchester
road, Leytonstone e Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Warren Wm. South street, Colchester
Walker Frederick, Camden villa, Perey Walton Edwin William, I Sebert villas, Warren William, William's .walk,George
road, Leytonstone e Sebert road, Forest gate 6 street, Colchester
Walker Fredk. 79 James rd. Forest gte e Walton Mrs. l3 PrittleweIl sq. Southend Warringham William, Carlton villa,
Walker Henry,Montpelier house,Hermon Walton Mrs. The Green, Wanstead 6 Hermon hill, Wanstead e
hill, Wanstead e Warburton Rev. Henry BoA. Rectory, Wal'skitt Frederick, Bridgen house,Cann
Walker Henry Morris, Home cottage, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Hall road, Wanstead 11
, West Grove road, Woodford Green Warburton William, Octagon house, Warwick Alfred Steven, 6 Manor cot-
Walker John, 4 Grove viUas, Nightingale Dedham S.O tages, Park road, Leyton -
lane, Wanstead e , Ward Francis, West Avenue road, WasteIl William, 2 Alexander villas,
Walker Miss, Elm hallrGeo. la.Wansted e Walthamstow Buekhurst Hill
Walker Miss M. C. 63 Crouch st. Colchstr Ward George Gepp, The Mill, Hey- Water Arthur, Theydon Garnon,Epping
Walker Ml"&. 20 Manbey e bridge, Maldon Waterfall Charles, 14 Latimer road,
Walker Mrs. I MargeryPk.rd.WestHam e Ward George Reuben, 7 Providence ForesD gate e
Walker Ml"lI. Melford villas, New London cottages, Goldsmith road, Leyton Waterhouse William M.A. School house,
road, Chelmsford Ward Henry, Beeleigh cottage, Maldon Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Walker Robert, HOi"Ilchurch, Romford. Ward Job Henry, 3 St. Thomas' villas, Waterman William Charles, I Lime
Walkel'T. 31 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Maybank rd. .Geor~e la. Leytonstone e Tree villas, Buckhurst Hill
Walker Thomas, Lime cottages, Manor Ward Joseph Griffiths, IX Toronto Waters A. C. I I Wellesley rd.Wanstead e
park, East Ham ~ road, Leytonstone ~ Waters Arthur, 8 Rosindell terrace,
Walker William, Western hoQSe, Lon- Ward Miss, Loridon rd. Saffron Walden Fairlop road, Leytonstone e
don road, Romford Ward Mrs. Cambridge road,. Barking Waters Ernst. Ed. South prk. Gt. Ilford

408 wA'r' ESSEX. [KELLV'S

Waters James D. Mount Echo,Chingford Waud Rev. Samuel Wilkes H.A. Rectory, Webster W. sen. Sun st.Waltham Abbey
Waters Thos. 18 Station road, Harwich Rettendon, Chelmsford Wedd Edwd. Arthur I.P. Great Waker-
Watkin Capt. Henry S. S. R.A. High Waugh Charles, 4 Belgrave ter. Church ing, Southend •
Bridge street, Waltham Abbey road, Leyton Wedd Jas. Gold st. Saffron Walden
Watkin Benjamln, 4 St. John's terrace, Way Lt.-Col. Geo. Augustus J.p.Spayues Wedlake Thomas William, White house,
Buckhurst Hill hall, Great Yeldham, Halstead Hornchurch, Romford .
Watkins Francis, 4 Momington terrace, Way Lewis John I.P. t D.L. Tilbury court, Weeden Henry, 4 Elizabeth terrace,
Union road, Leytonstone e Halstead Latimer road, Forest gate tI
Watkins L R.4 Northcott vils.Wlthmstw Way Mrs. Little Chishall, Royston W8edin H.32 Hampton rd. Forest gate tI
Watkins W.Great Gales, WoodfordBridg Way Mrs. Spencer grange, Great Yeld- Weeley In. Manor ho.Weeley, Colchester
Watkinson John, Lyudhurst cottaga, ham, Halstead Weeley Mrs. Manor ho. Weeley, Colchstr
Meyrick crescent, Colchester Way Mrs. Chas. Cranham ldge. Romford Weige George Frederick, I Stanhope
Watkinson Mrs. Colne place, Earl's Way William, High street, R8mford villas, Birkbeck rd. Leytonstone tI
Colne, Halstead Way William, 1 Westborough villas, Weightman Frederick James, Oak villa,
Watkinson Thos. 164 High st. Stratford e Forest road, Leytonstone tI Caernarvon road, Forest gate,
Watling Wm. I Leopold rd. Walthmstw Wavish James, Norwich rd.Forest gate e Weir Rev. John B.A. The Grove, Great
Watlington Mrs. Perry,Moor hI. Harlow Wayland H.40 Buxton I'd. Forest gate ~ Horkesley, Volchester
Watson Capt. James, Proctor villas, Wayland H. J. 38 Grove I'd. Wanstead ~ Welby Erasmus, 7 Pier crescent, Walton-
Capel road, Forest gate e Waylett Wm. Richd. Billericay, Brentwd on-the-Naze S.O
W'a.t~R.Av. Frederick :H.A. Rectory. Wayre Chaa. York ho. Hatfield,Harlow Welch Alfred, 20 Queen st. Colchester
•••- - --
- ........ -. .,~
.. , - - -
'l"IJ'_ _ L • 1~ • .1 g""'_"'~AtI U tfi+ h f:
Great Wigborough Colchester Wayman ~lCllara rarK VUJl&, J.U.,UlUy ,. ~lo.;U .ti.U"':U, u ,~~un .'<! fJ~,
'Watson Albt. 15 Osbo;ne rd.Forest gate e Park terrace, G;ove, Stratford tI Bishop's Stortford
Watson Alexander G. Ashley, Wall wood Waymouth George, Carlton villa, Clac- WelchC. ~7 Hampton I'd. Forest gate t
road Leytonstone ~ ton-on-8ea, Colchester Welch Mrs. The Chestnuts, Stansted
Watso~ Edward, Forest lodge, Mbert Weakley Samuel, Kinton huuse, Pal- Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
road south, Buckhurst Hill merston road, West Ham tI Welch Mr8. The Downs, Dunmow S.O
Watson Henry, James villa, Forest lane, Weakley Samuel Joseph John K.D. Welch Samuel, Stansted Mountfitchet,
Forest gate e Osborne ho. Osbome rd. Forest gate ~ Bishop's Stortford
Watson James, Orwell road,Clacton-on- Weathersby Joseph, Henry villa, Nor- Welch Thomas Alfred, 8 Richmond
Sea. Colchester them road, Plaistow e villas, High street, Leyton
Watson James, Penrose terrace, Victoria Weatherfield Wm. A.Burchell I'd. Leyton Weld Surgeon-Maj. WiIliam WaIter, 4
road, Romford Weaver George, Emily villa, Morning- Camp villas, Military road, Colchester
Watson JamesSeaton, Fairholme house, ton road, Leytonstone e Welford Jnthn. C. Grove hill, Woodford
Fdirlop road, Leytonstone e Webb Alfred, 4 Grafton villas, Gt. Ilford Welham Robert X.R.e.S. 6 Sidmouth
WatsonJoseph, 10 Laxton ter. Sedgwick Webb Alfred, Ivy villas, Hamlet road, terrace, Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
road, Leyton Chelmsford Weller George, The Mall, Wanstead t
Watson Joseph Yelloly F.G.S., lP. Webb Benj. Lorne cottage, Shrubland WeUerJ.C. Rushton ho.Oliver rd.Leyton
Grange, Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester road, Colchester Weller James Charles, Myrtle villa,
Watson Misses, I Chester terrace, Pelly Webb Charles, 4 Clifton ter. Beachcroft C1acton.on-Sea, Colchester
road, Plaistow e road, Leytonstone e Weller In. Clifton viI. East st. Barking
Watson Mrs. 2 Barnett's terrace, Col- Webb Fredk. 2 Westbury rd. Stratforde Wellington Herbert Mortleman, ·~rne
worth road, Leytonstone e Webb G. S. 2$2 Romford rd.Stratford tI house, Stopford road, Plaistow tI
Watson Mrs. Cottage place, Shenfield, Webb Henry, Jeanette villa, Avenue Wells A.J.Linden cot. Slwyn.rd.Plaistw tI
Brentwood road, Forest gate e Wells Charles, Pebmarsh, Bure." 8.0
Watson Mrs. High st. Saffron Walden Webb Henry,22 Mildmay rd.Chelmsford Wells Chas. 6 Pleasant rw. Low.Southend
Watson Mrs. 60 West street, Harwich Webb James, 5 Belgravtl tel'. Church Wells Edward Arthur X.A. Forest
Watson Mrs. Wentworth, Lansdowne road, Leyton school, WalthamstoW'
road, Snaresbrook ~ Webb J ames, Roxwell ho. Chelmsford Wells Frederick, Emma villa, Shaftes-
Watson N. R. 44 WeIlesley rd. Wanstd e Webb James, The Ferns, Eastern road, bury, Romford
Watson Ralph, Warkworth house, Bul- Romford Wells Frederick, OaIHands, Chelmsford
wer road, Leytonstone e Webb J. Mortil'"als, Takeley, Chelmsford Wells George,Aberdeen cottage, Cowslip
Watson T. J. 5 Lea Bridge rd. Leyton Webb John Smith, Cherry tree, Crockle- road, George lane, Leytonstone e
Watson Thomas, The Chesnuts, Epping ford, Ardleigh, Colchester Wella Henry, 32St. Botolph at.Colchester'
New road, Buckhurst Hill Webb John Thomas, 2 Perseverance Wells Henry Collings ~.P. The Lodge,
Watson Thos. Forsyth,4 Chester ter. cottages, Forest road, Leytonstone e Broomfield, Chelmsford
Pelly road, Plaistow e Webb Josiah, Avenue ter. Southend Wells John Joseph, 2 StanIey villas,
Watson Thomas Ward, I Fitzwygram Webb Miss, Wood gm. Waltham abbey Stanley road, Woodford
terrace, Crouch street, Colchester Webb Mrs. Clifford house, Queen's road, Wells Joseph, 8 Courtenay terrace,
Watson Walter,4Clifton terrace,Church Buckhurst Hill Marsh street, Walthamstow
road, Leyton WebbMrs. Clydeho.Balaam st. Plaistwtl Wells Jsph:rhe Elms,Eastern rd.Romfrd
Watson William Charles, 4 Melrose Webb Mrs. Fence Piece road, Barking Wells Jsph. F. Barnston ldge. Chelmsford
villas, Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Side, Ilford WellsJ08eph,Woodhouse,LittleWaltham,
'Watson William Hudson, 2 Hanover Webb Mrs. 81 Moulsham st. Chelmsford Chelmsford
villas, Avenue road, Forest gate e Webb Mrs. Newbiggen st. Thaxted S.O Wells Miss, Cemetery cottage, Broom·
Watter Mrs. 4 Lansdowne villas, High Webb Mrs.Wdbne.viI. Tyndall rd.Leyton field road, Chelmsford
road, Leytonstone e Webb Mrs. Henry, Eton villa, Cambridge Wells Miss, I Clarendon villas, Cliff
Watton T. 31 Romford road, Stratford e road, Southend road, Dovercourt, Harwich
Watts Rev. Wm. Longmore T.A.K.C.L. Webb Samuel Jonas,Gt. Chesterford S.O Wells Mrs. Providence cottage, Beulah
• St. Osyth, Colchester Webb Thos. Hope cot. Woodford Green road, Walthamstow
Watts Alex. Ramsden Bellhouse, Brent- Webb Wm. Wimpole lane, Colchester Wells Mrs. ~ Runwell terrace, Southend
wood Webher Misses, North viI. Manningtree Wells Thomas, 2 Roman villas, Roman
Watts Claude, Elm villa, Higham hill, Webber Mrs. 89 Gurney rd. Forest gatetl road, Colchester
Walthamstow Webster C. 21 Wellesley rd. Wanstead e Wellsteed. Chas. 13 Clarence rd.Leytnst e
Watts George, Mersea road, Colchester Webster Edward Alfred, I Charford ter. Wellsteed Ml"8. ~6 King's Quay st.Hrwch
Watts John, Faircross house, Spring- Lower Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Welsh Charles, 6 JuIia terrace, High
field, Chelmsford . Webster F. 2 Oakley vils.Buckhurst Hill road, Leytonstone tI •
Watts John, Stour cottage, Lower Webster James, 2 Elizabeth terrace, WelstedJohn,4 Westburyrd.Brentwood
Dovercourt, Harwich Peel road, Woodford Wenden Jsph. 46 North hill, Colchester
Watts Lent John, 90 High st. Colchester Webster Mrs. Chipping Ongar 8.0 WendenMisses,14Broomtield rd.Chlmsfd
Watts Miss, Little Thurrock, Grays S.O Webster Mrs. Hill cottage, Sible Hed- WendonBackhouse,Gt.Bromley,Colchstr
. Watts Robert, I Fernback villas, Cam- ingham, Halstead Went Ml"8. Chequer Tree house, East
bridge park, Wanstead e Webster Mrs. Rayleigh S.O Donyland, Colchester
Watts Thomas Roberts, St. Bede's, Webster Richard, Albert cottage, White- Wentworth Stephen Thomas, 1lI Cooil
Grove hill, Woodford hall road, Woodford Wells road, Upton manor, PlaistoW' f
Watts Valentine Wilde, East hill, Webster Thomas Henry, 3 Barnett's Wesley James Frederick, g74 &; 275
Knott's green, Leyton terrace, Colworth road, Leytonstone e Romford road, StraUord 11
Watts WaIter, I Brett's villas, Primrose Webster William, The Firs, Farm hill, Wesley WIJl.llI90 Ron:'ord rd.Stratford tI
road, George lane, Leytonstone tI Waltham Abbey West Ezra, CoggshlI. rd.Bocking,Bmtree
- ,
WestFrederickRedclyffe,Bradford street, WhitbreadSamuel M.P., D.L.,J.P. Purfleet, Whitlock Mrs. Gt. Yeldham hI. Halstead
Bocking, Braintree Romford; & 10 Ennismore gardens, 'Whitmarsh John, 17 Chobham road,
West George F. The National School Prince's gate; &Brooks' club,Londn s.w New town, Stratford e
house, Upminster, Romford V\'bitby Rev. In. The Avenue, Colchester Whitmore Frank, 22 Duke st. Chelmsfd
West Joseph, The Green, Leyton'e Whitby E. 25Claremontrd.Forestgatee Whitmore Henry, Victoria rd.Romford
WestJosephBishop,High st.Manningtree Whitby Miss, Cambridge house, The Whitmore John, Main road, Harwich
West Moses Ebenezer, 3 Crowndale Avenue, Colchester Whitmore Miss, Lime Tree villa, Marsh
place, Leytonstone road, Stratford e White Sir Thomas J.P. Great West street, Walthamstow
West Mrs. 61 Gurney road, Forest gate e hatch, Chigwell Whitta Mrs. Ray lodge, West Grove
West Mrs. 4 Victoria terrace, Albert White Rev. Richard Henry M.A. Rectory, road, Woodford Green
road, Walthamstow Little Bardfield, Braintree WhittinghamI<'rancisM. High rd. Wdfrd
West Mrs. I I Windsor rd. Forest gate e White A. 51 Hampton rd. Forest gate e Whittingham Matthew,Noak hl.Romford
West Mrs. John, London road, Braintree White Alexander M. Beach road,Clacton- Whittingham)diss, Ivy cottage, Heulah
West R. C. 10 Wellesley rd. Waustead e on-Sea, Colchester road, Walthamstow
West Richard, Gray road, Colchester White Alexander Francis, Rose bank, Whittingham Waiter Basden, North
WestW.HollowayDown ho.Leytonstone e The Crescent, Woodford view, The Drive, Walthamstow
WestW. H. I Hopevil.Sophiard.Leyton White Alex. M. 4 North hill, Colchester Whittingham William Elliott, Comely
Westbeach Mrs. Thanet villa, Queen's White Alfred G. 8 Avenue road, Leyton banks, Orford road, Walthamstow
road, Buckhurst Hill White Charles, I Marian villas, Hainault Whittington Rev. Rd. Thos. M.A. Rec~
Westcombe John Richard, 25 Broom- road, Leytonstone e tory, Orsett, Romford
.field road, Chelmsford White Charles William, The Chesnuts, Whur Thomas, Carisbrook villa, Hamlet
Westcott J ohn,Haywood., Hainault road, Chadwell Heath road, Southend
Leytonstone e White Frederick, Delta l1ouse, Dl':1jtnn Why~,t.t Chas. S. 9 George st. Harwich
Westcott William Geo. Dunmore house, road, Leytonstone e Whybrow Henry, Kirkdale villa, Kirk-
Hermon hill, Wanstead e WhiteGeo.Hdme cot.High rd.Leytnstn e dale road, Leytonstone e
Western Sir Thomas Charles Callis ba~. White George, 5 Station road, Leyton Whybrow Richard, 7 Derby villas, Derby
D.L., J.P. Felix hall, Kelvedon White Jas. I Westbury vils. Brentwood road, Woodford
Western Thomas, Whitehall, Wickham White James Robert RA., M.B. Home Wickens Samuel, Forest la. Forest gate e
Bishops, Witham cottage, Blackmore, Brentwood Wickham 'rhos. Cromwell house, High
Westgate Frederick, Market place, White John, Crown villa, Margery Park road, Leytonstone e
Romford road, Stratford e Wickham Thomas Wm. 4 Holly villas,
Westho~ Miss, 27 Crouch st. Colchester White John, I Rose cott.ages, Albert road, Cambridge park, Leytonstone e
Westhorp Thos. Holmhurst, Loughton George lane, Leytonstone e Wicks James, 26 Head street, Colchester
Westhorp William Haste, Dovey bank, White Joseph Broster, Gibraltar cottage, Wicks James, jun. Dereham place,
Palmerston road, Buckhurst hill Chelmsford road east, Woodford Lexden road, Colchester
Westin Wm. H. 3 Brook cots. Loughton White Miss, 60 Albert road, Braintree Wicks Thomas William, Beverley house,
Weston Richard, Ballingdon,Sudbury White Miss, Farm hill, Waltham Abbey Lexden road, Colchester
WestwoodCharles,Ryton house,Hermon White Mrs. Hazlewood viI. Thaxted S.O Wiffen William, Oakley green, Ugley,
hill, Wanstead e V\'bite Mrs. 13 Manbey gro. Strtfrd. grn e Bishop's Stortford
lVestwood J. The Lake, Snaresbrook e White Mrs. 10 Mildmay rd. Chelmsford Wiffin Jas. Fredk. Myrtle vils. Brentwood
Westwoods SamI. Goldsmiths, Langdon, White Mrs.Oakwood,Chigwell rd.Chigwl Wigg Mrlil. 2 Lime 'free villas, Prince's
Romford White Mrs. 72 Romford I'd. Stratford e road, Buckhurst Hill
Whait John William, Rose Bank villas, White Mrs. 55 Windsor rd. Forest gatee Wiggins Frederick, The Willow, Wen-
Chelmsford road east, Woodford White Robert, Alma terrace, Snakes nington, Romford
Whaites Chas. Woolfrey, 6 Moultrie tel'. lane, Woodford Green Wigston Miss, Oxford lodge, Oxford
Cowslip rd. George lane, Leytonstone e White Robert, Pounder villa, Barking road, Colchester
Whalesley John, Sheffield house, Rich- road, Canning town e Wighton Thomas, 5 Borthwick road,
mond street, Plaistow e White Robert Owen l.P. Over hall, Wanstead e
Whall Rev. Edward Haversham III.A. Gestingthorpe, Halstead Wilcock Thomas, 2 Trinity tel'. Spring-
Meadow side, Springfieid, Chelmsford White SI. 171 Coggeshall rd. Braintree fi~ld, Chelmsford
Wharton Thomas, Holly house, New White Thomas, Sunny side, Chelmsford Wilcocks John, Low street, Chingford
London road, Chelmsford road east, Woodford Wilcox Henry, 16 Borthwick road,
Whateley Rev. John B.A.Vicarage, Elsen- White Thomas, Wantz road, Maldon Wanstead e
ham, Bishop's Stortford White Timothy, Grange villa,Cambridge Wilcox Mrs. 310 RomfoI'd rd. Stratford e
Wheatley Chas. H. Church rd. Lit. Ilford park, Wanstead e Wild James, 98 Buxton rd. Forest gate e
Wheeler Alfred, 3 Rose villas, Grange White Wm. 10 Atherton rd.Forest gate e Wildash John Henry, Clarendon lodge,
Park road, Leyton White William, High street, Brentwood Clarendon road, Walthamstow
Wheeler Chas.7 Grove rd. Leytonstone e White William,The Rise,Stansted Mount- Wiles J oseph, Ash villa, Grove road,
WheelerDanI.n New London rd.Chlmsfd fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Leytonstone e
Wheeler Daniel Martin B. 6 New London White William, 58 Romford rd. Stratford Wiles William M.D. Beaufort house, Lans-
road, Chelmsford White William, I Woodbine terrace, downe road, Snaresbrook e
WheelerE. Whitehall rd.Woodford Wells Barking road, Canning town e Wiley William, Sherwood cottages, Vie-
Wheeler G. 18 Hampton rd. Forest gate e White William Miller, The Rookery, toria road, George lane, Leytonstone e
WheelerGeo.23 Hampton rd.Forest gte e St. John's street, Colchester Wilkes John, Lofts hall, Wenden Lofts,
Wheeler Geo. 44 North hill, Colchester White William Stewart, I George villas, Saffron Walden
Wheeler Hy.I Elm viI.Derbyrd.Woodfrd Forest lane, Forest gate e Wilkin Misses, Great Bromley, Colchstr
Wheeler James, Chipping hill, Witham Whitehall Mrs. 12 Deanery rd. Stratfd e Wilkins Albert, 4 George street, Harwich
Wheeler In. J. Ley Spring rd. Leytnstn e Whitehead Charles Joseph,. Elm villa. Wilkinson J oseph Edwin, High street,
'Wheeler Miss, EastStockwell st. Colchstr Snakes lane, Woodford Green Wivenhoe, Colchester
Wheeler Mrs. Shenfield common,Brntwd Whitehead J. 3 Smith vils.WoodfrdWells Wilkins Robert, Disraeli rd. Stratford e
Wheeler Thomas William Tyler, Senn Whitehp,ad Mrs. Bran end, Stebbing, Wilkins William John, 2 Leyton villas,
Kings, Chadwell Street e Chelmsford Murchison road, Leyton
Wheeler William E. York villas, Cann Whitehead Robart Samuel, Westcombe Wilkinson Rev. George, 24 New London
Hall road, Wanstead e lodge,Lansdowne road, Snaresbrook ~ road, Chelmsford
Wheildon Mrs. R06e villa, Vicarage Whitehouse Thomas Gill M.D. 7 Mary- Wilkinson George Horatio, Grove house,
road, Leyton land point, Stratford e High street, Wanstead e
Whetstone Mrs. Beaumont road, Leyton Whitehurst Mrs. Chelmsfd.rd.ea.Woodfd Wilkinson George Noble, Royal lodge,
WhiffinFredk.J.South rd.Sll.ffronWalden Whitelegg Thomas, 6 The Crescent, Up- High road, Leytonstone e
Whiffin Geo. Station rd. Saffron Walden ton manor, Plaistow e Wilkinson James, Eastholme, Clacton~
Whinfield Miss, Shenfield, Brentwood Whitelock J.I Cecil road, Upton manor, on-Sea, Colchester
Whitaker Capt. Brownings,Chigwll. Row Plaistow e Wilkinson John, Toaket house, Sible
Whitaker Geo. Woodland viI. Clarendon V\-'hiteman William, 9 Chobham road, Hedingham, Halstead .
road, Walthamstow New town, Stratford e Wilkinson Mrs. 9 Grove villas, Morning-
Whitaker Mrs. Gt. Wakering, Southend Whiting Alfd.45 Claremont m.Forest gt e ton road, Leytonstone e
Whitaker W. East avenue, Walthamstw Whiting Thomas, 3 Melrose villas, Ham Wilkinson Thomas, Park villas, Portway,
I Whitbourn F. Loxford hall, Great Ilford Frith road, Forest gate e West Ham e .
Whitbourn Henry, East street, Barking Whiting Thomas John,4 Essex villas, Lea Wilkinson William, Lindum "Cottage,
Whitbread Fredk. Cambridge rd.Barking Bridge road, Leyton Wellington road, Wanstead e
410 Wl~ ESSEX. [K~LLY'S
Wilkinson William; !i Sion ter. Western Willis George, 4 St. James' terrace, Peel Wilson William, Moore place, Stanfordt
road, Romford road, Woodford le-Hope, Romford
Wilks James, Rose bank, Loughton Willis James, Hlgn street,Saffron Walden Wilson William Henry, Upton villa,
Willans Thomas Church, Dunnow S.O Willis J n. W. 18 Toronto rd. Leytns' ne ~ Grove road, Leytonstone e
Willcocks Henry Wm. Squire, 81 West Willis Mrs. Elm villa, Fillebrook road, Wilton John, Gas works, Silvertown e
street, Harwich Leytonstone e Wilton Lnard.158 Romfrd. rd. Strtfrd e
Willes Miss, The Vicarage,GreatBaddow, Willis Mrs. Fryerning, Ingatestone Wiltshire G.I;W St.Andrew's rd.Plaistow e
Chelmsford Willis Mrs. Hempstead, Saffron Walden Windle Rev. John M.A., l.P. Horndon-on-
Wiles William, Cambridge lodge, Her- Willis Thomas, 158 The Grove,Stratford e the-Hill, Romford
mon hill, Wanstead IJ Willis WaIter, Abridge, Romford Windmill Wm. Holly ho.Tanner st. Brkng
WillettJ. Braintree ho. Northst. Barking Willis Wltr. E. 20 Latimer rd. Forst. gt 6 Windmill William Henry, jun. Holly
WillettMrs.SteepleBumpstead,Haverhill Willmott Charles, 2 Jessamine villas, house, Tanner street, Barking
Willett Thomas, Coggeshall, Kelvedon Crescent road, Brentwood Windsor Arthur H.Bristol house, Avenue
Willett Thomas, The Lodge, Little Willmott Frederick, Warleyplace, Great road, Brentwood
Sampford, Braintree Warley, Brentwood Windsor Mrs. Neyland house, WarIey
Williams Rev. Daniel Rowland M.A. Willmott George, London rd. Wanstead e road, Great Warley, Brentwood
Rectory, Bowers Gifford, Rayleigh 8.0 WilImoU H. 53 Buxton rd. Forest gate e WindU8 ArthurEdward.Alridge,Romford
Williams Rev. J oseph,:I Belmont villas, Willmot.t Mrs. :I3 Vicarage la. Stratford e Windus John, Theydon Gamon, Epping
Cliff town, Southend Wills Rev. Edward Cooper M.A. Vicarage, Windus John William, Epping
Williams Rev. Stephen Frederick M.A. North 8hoebury, Chelmsford WindU8 Miss, Epping
Cold Norton, Maldon Wills Edgar C. W. Brook house, Brook st. Wing Frederick, 8 AgI!eS tcr&~, Lan-
WiUiams Rev. 'fhomas, Park villa, South Weald, Brentwoo1 caster road, Leytonstone e
Mistley, Man!:!h:gti'60 , Wills Edwin, 3 Richardson villas, Hain- Wing Mrs. 6 Havelock ter. Great Ilford
Williams Alfred Edward, Friday Wood ault road, Leytonstone e WingfieldCaptainDigby HamnerRichard
house, Berechurch, Colchester Wills J sph. :I: Woodgrange cots. Frst. gt t! D.L. Orsett hall,Romford; & 2 Lowndes
WJlliams C. H. M.A. Felsted, Chelmsford Willson Henry Newman, 5 Belgrave square, London .i.W
Williams Charles, London & County villas, Grosvenor Pk.rd.Walthamstow Wingrove William Tringham, Grove
bank, High street, Chelmsford Willy Frederick, Elm villa, Deanery house, Marsh street, Walthamstow
Williams Edward, Tilbury house, East road, Stratford e Winmill Field, Chesnut cottage, Hare
Tilbury, Grays 8.0 Wilmer Horace, 9 The Crescent, Woodfrd street, Romforo.
Wiiliams Edward William, Cobden road, Wilmhurstfhomas, Savillehouse, Saville Wino James, Noak hill, Romford
Leytonstone, street, Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Winney Hy. C. 13 Romfrd. rd. Stratford e
Williams Edwin Arthur B.A. MOWlt Wilmot Rev. Henry M.A. 2 Armada villas, Winningten Joseph, 2 Burchell rd.Leyton
Pleasant road, Saffron Walden Southchnrch road, Southend Winny Frederick George, 1 Albert road
Williams Fredk. Mann, Dunnow S.O Wilshere Richard Harris, Mavisbank, south, Buc'khurst hill
Williarns George, 2 Argyll terrace, Lan- Upminster, Romford Winslow Rev. James Stephen B.A.
caster road, Leytonstone e Wilson Rev.G.Maryon M.A., J.p.Vicarage, Vicara",ooe, Great Burstea14 Brentwood
Williams Hy. 84 Buxtn.rd. Forest gate t! Great Canfield, Dunmow S.O Winstanley Clement, Ingatestone
Williams Henry, Carisbrooke house, Wilson Rev. George M.A. Clifton villa, Winter James, Dane lodge, Epping
Chelmsford road west, Woodford Ham Frith road, Forest gate e Winter James, High street, Brentwood
Williams Henry, Suffolk villas. Clova Wilson Rev. J. G. XI St. John's road, Winter J. Carlton viI. High st. Brentwood
road, Forest gate e Southend Winter Jsph.T.The Terrace, Woodfrd.Gn
Williams Herbert, Bank bldngs. Clchstr Wilson Rev. William Linton If.A.Oak- Winter L. M.W.Clements,Snaresbrooke
WiJIiams John I.P. Debden hall,Loughtn hurst, Hainault road, Chigwell Winter Miss, 86 East hill, Colchester
Williams John, Eleaoor villa, ,Harrow Wilson Albert :M.B. ~ Essex villasJ Hain- Winter Mrs. St. Thorna$' hill, Brentwood
road, teytonstone eo ault road, Leytonstone iJ Winterford Henry, Rose cottage, Hamlet
Williams J n. 28 Toronto rd. Leytnstone t Wilson Arthur, Palmers farm, Marks road, Chelmsford
Williams Jsph. 65 Leyton rd. Forest gte e Tey, Colchester Winters Rev. W. F.R.K.S. The Church-
Williams Joseph Morgan, Laurie house, WilsonBarnabas, Mortonhouse, Wa.lton- yard, Waltham Abbey
St. Edward's square, Romford on-the-NazeS.O Winterton Charles, Hope cottage, Bark-
Williams Jsph. W. 65 Leytan rd. Wnstd t! Wilson Barry Watson, 2 Aerial villas, ing TOad, Canning town e
Williams JUstu8 Liebig, I Beacontree Howard's road, Plaistow e Wire Alfred Philip, 13 Mornington ter.
terrace, Mornington rd. Leytonstone e Wilson Chas. 2 Balmont villas, Southend Union r~, Leytonstone e
Williams Lewis, Cambrian cottage, Wilson Charles Eustace, Milton cottage, Wire Benjamin. Park house, Margery
Wallwood road, Leytonstone e ' High street, Plaistowe Park T41ad j Stra.tford-e
WiUiams Micbael, Gt.. Baddow, Chlmsfd Wilson Frederick, The Retreat, Romfot'd. Wire Charles, J, Military rd. Colch~
'williams Miss, Essex vil. Grove hl.Wdfrd Wilson Frederick William, Ivy house, Wire John, 71 Gurney rcl Forest gate e
Williams Miss" 4 Morrantter. Lexden rd Marks Tey, Colchester Wire 'rhos. Jas.Harvey, Silver at.Maldoa
WilIiams Mrs.51 Clarement rd.Forst. gt e Wilson J ameS, Mary cottage, Temple st Wisbey Henry, 4 Denma.rk place, North
Williams Mrs. Rectory housEl, East Til- Leytonstone 6 Station road, Colchester
bury, Grays 8.0 Wilson John, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Wisbey Henry Claplain, 4 Denmark pt
Williams Oliver John, lJ Orwell terrace, Wilson ;rn. Norton Mandeville, Ingatestn North BtatiOll ~oad., Colchester
Dovercourl, Harwich Wilson John Elisha, Wyatt'. green, Wisbey Miss, ijalkernelanel Colchestetr
Williams Richard Owen,! Glasdo, Fille- Blackmore, Ingatestone Wisbey Mrs. Alma. terrace, Snakes lane,
brook road, Leytonstone t1 Wilson John William, UQ Osborne road, Woodford Green
Williams Robert Hamilton, Th~ Hall, Forest gate IJ Wise Geo. l Ma.norcott. WoodfordGreen
Little Thurrock, Grays S.O Wilson Joseph, Clifton lodge. Grove hill, Wise Mrs. 10 Albion terrace, Lancaster
WilliamsRobt.Lloyd,GraysThurrockS.O Woqdford road. Leytonst.oDe"
'williams Thomas, Kerdiston house,. West Wilson Miss, High street, Saffron Walden Wise Thomas, Tha.xsted S.O
Avenue roade Walthamstow Wilson Miss. 3 Cambridge terra.ce, Wise Thomaa John, 19 Balaam street,
WiIliam Thomas, ~quirrels heath, Rmfrd Grange Park road, Leyton Plai~w~
'williams W. L. QAtherton rd. Forest gt e Wilson Mrs. 5 Grove villas, Mornington Wiseman Sir William balft,. Th4;\ Grange,
Williams WaIter. Park villa, Hainault 'road, Leytonstone , Hattield, Harlow
road, Leytonstone ~ Wilson Mrs. 3 Mornington villas, Wood- Wiseman James J. J. The Chase,
Williams W. Park ho. Park pla.ce, Leyton ford Wells Pagleshl;\mj Rochford 8.0
WilliamsWilliam,Edmundterrace,Ham Wilson Mrs. Oak. hall, East Ham 6 Wiseman John, Kelvedon.
Frith road, Forest gate e. Wilson Mrs. 9 Selborne ter.Walthamstow Wiaeman Mrs. Avenue cottage, Clacton-
Williams William Alfred, 242 Romford Wilson Robert, Springfield road, Spring- on-8ea., Colchester
road, Stratford, field, Chelmsford Wiseman Mrs. Fir Tree ho.Rochford 8.0
Williams William Preston,Arden cottage, Wilson Spenrer. 10 Windsor rd.;Forest gt e Wishart Mrs, Brooklyn hOUBe; High
Junctionroad, Romford Wilson Th08. Pitt pl.Gt. Baddw.Chlmsfrd street. Flaistow ,
Williamson John, Grove place, Marsh Wilson Thos. ~ Mark's 'fey, OoJchester Witherby Rev. Robert Bale M.A(.
street, Walthamstow Wilson Thos. Draper, Gt.Cla.ctn.Colchstr Rectory, Purleigh, Maldon
Williamson T. 58 Buxton road,Forest gt e Wilson W. Fairligh1i ho. LeytDi.rd. Leyw Witherby Altred, CbWAlhend, Woodford
WillisP180n T. The Terrace,WoodfordGrn Wilson. WUliam, Grange house & Clarf- Witherick J0ll6ph,.19 k 8l .BWtton road,
WilliamsonThos'4Cathallrd.Leytnstone e mont road, Fores' gate e Forest gate ,
Williamson Wm. Geo. Millho, Braintree Wilson William. Gt, CJ.a.cton, Colchester Withers Aaton, BrandoB "illa~Gt. IIford
Willis Henry, Great Chesterford 8.0 Wilson WiIliam, ~onth prk. Great Ilford Withers George, Leigh, CheJ,msfQrd
Withers James, 4 Clifton ter. Southend Woodhead Mrs. 6 Wellington terrace, WorlandJames,Coalthurst house,Bark-
Withers T. C, 13 Forest pLLeytonstonee New road, Barking ing road, Canning town e
Withers Wm.3 Harvey rd. Leytonstne e Woodhouse Elijah, I Woolstone villas, Worledge Mrs. East st. Saffron Walden
Witney Mrs. ;Eo Albert villas, Milton Stanley road, Woodford Worraker Hy. Chas. Spital rd. Maldon
street, Southend Woodhouse James, Foxley house, Grov~ Worraker Thomas, Spital road, Maldon
Witney Mrs. London road, Braintree road, Woodford WorrakerThomas, Wantz load, Maldon
Wittey George CharIes, I Priory terrace, Woodhouse Lewis, I Roslyn villas, Caer- Worrin Hastings, Bourchiers,Little Dun-
Wellesley road, Colchester narvon road, Woodford mow, Cbelmsford
Wittey Henry, Beverley Road house, Woodhouse Mrs. Hornchurch road, Worsley Edward Thomas, 9 Windsor
Beverley road, Colchester Romford terrace, Barking rd. Canning town e
Wix Rev. Cyril Poynder B.A. Littlebury, Woodhouse Rd.16Forest rd.Leytonstne e Worster Joshua William, )fornington
Saffron Walden Woodhouse Hobert J.P. Longmead, terrace, Wanstead e
Wix Rev. Joseph M.A. Vicarage, Little- Writtle, Chelmsford Worth WaIter, Maldon road, Colchester
bury, Saffron Walden Woodhouse Roberti, jun. Longmead, Wortley Arthur, 12 Station I'd. J.,eyton
Wix Edwin WaIter, Dunmow S.O Writtle., Chelmsford Worts Charles James, Fordham lodge,
WoWgemuth Conrad, So. prk. Gt. Ilford Woodhouse William, Agincourt villa, Fordham, Colchester
Wolfe Mrsl Birch, Littlebury, Saffron Russell road, Leyton Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity st. Colchester
Walden. WoodingThomas, Latchettroad, George Worts Wm. J. 23 Balaam st. Plaistow ~
Wolff August, Strafford villas, Hainault lane, Leytonstone 6 Wragg Francis, Church hill,Walthmstw
road, Leytonstone e Woodley Edwin, 1 Wallwood villas, Wray Mark Thomas,TheCrescent.Upton
Wolff Mrs. St. Alkmunds, Hermon hill Wallwood road, Leytonstone e manor, Plaistow e
Wanstead e Woodley T. 2 Wallwood villas, Wall- Wren Rev. Thomas M.A. Vicarage, Hey-
Wolseley-Cox Lieut.-Col. Clement,Heron wood road, Leytonstone • bridge, Maldon
gate, East Horndon, Brentwood Woodman George, 12 Chobham road, Wrench Ch:l.r!~ John, .. Nui'ma terrdoce,
Wolton Thomas, Canterburys, Marg-::.- ~~Q" WWll, Stratford e Union road, Leytonstone e
rottilig-, Ingatestone Woodmansee Henry, May villa, London Wrench Mrs. I St. John's terrace, St.
Wolton Thomas, South hall, Rainham, road, Wanstead e John's street, Colchester
Romford WoodrofIe James, St. John's green, Wrenn William, Chadwell Heath
Womersley Albert, Snaresbrook e Colchester Wright Rev. Augustus Robert Bingham
Womersley Pelham, The Lillies, Upton Woodroffe William, The Elms, Wood- M.A. Vicarage, Stabbing, Chelmsford
lane, West Ham e ford Bridge WrightRev.HenryEdwardB.A.Rectory,
Wood Gen. William Mark, Bishops Woodrow Thomas John, Sisland cottage, Vange, Romford
hall, Sambourne, Romford Bedford roa.d, Snaresbrook e Wright Alex. 33 Osborne I'd. Forest gt e
Wood Lieut.-Col. George W. Nithsdale Woods Bernard, Danbury house, Pil- Wright Alfd. The Lodge, South st.Rmfrd
house, Ingatestone grim's hatch, Brentwood Wright Alfred Garred, 283 Homford
Wood Hev. Henry Thellusson M.A. Vicar- Woods Charles, 6 Maria. street, New road, Stratford 6
age, Great Chishall, Royston towu, Harwich Wright Charles Augustus, CarIton lodge,
Wood Alfred, Lyntou house, Manbey Woods Richd..Sharringtonhonse,Warley Sylvan road, Snaresbrook e
grove, Stratford green e road, Brentwood . Wright Charles Elvy, Thorn villa,
Wood Arthur Cummins,. 2 Wistaria Woods S. 8 Grove Crescent rd. Stratford Hainault road, Leytonstone e .
villas, Birkbeck road, Leytonstone e Woods William, Goldsmith I'd. Leyton Wright Edward Carrington J.P. Kelvedon
Wood Benjamin, I Cedar villas, Monta- Woodward Rev. George Joseph B.A. 10 hall, Brentwood
gue road, Leytonstone e Barclay ter. Barclay rd. Leytonstone e Wright F. 3 Buxton road, Forest gate e
Wood Benjamin Higgins, I Colworth Woodward Mrs. 14 Cruikshank rtlad, WrightFrnk. Cemeteryrd. Saffron Wldn
road, Leytonstone e Forest gate e • Wright Frank, 26 King's 00. Upton pk e
Wood C. 6 St. Kilda viIs. Buckhurst hill Woodward Edwin Thomas, Palmerstol'l Wright Frederick Edwin, S Chobham
Wood Charles Page l.P. Scrips, Little road, West Ham 6 road, New town, Stratford e
Coggeshall, Kelvedon Wool Bright, 3 High street, Colchester Wright George, 7 Selwyn rd. Plaistow e
Wood E. Parade pI. Cliff town, Southnd Wool Bright, Woodville, Clacton-on-Sea, Wright George Lucas, Coombe cottage,
Wood F. Elm ldg. Prittlewell, Southend Colchester Cranham, Romford
Wood F. Hutton pk. Hutton, Brentwood Wooldridge George, 2 Faithful villas, Wright Henry, 3 Oxford terrace, Birk-
Wood George, Lock's hill, Rochford S.O Creffield road, Colchester beck road, Leytonstone e
WoodGeo.Thorne,High rd.Leytonstone e Wooldridge George Henry, 4 St.Thomas' Wrigh"\i Isaac, 4 Penryn terrace, Victoria
Wood H. Rose cot. London rd. Romford vils.Maybank rd.George la.Leytnstne e road, Romford
Wood Jas. 6 Palmerston rd.West Ham e Wooldridge Henry, Don side, Grove hill, Wright Jas. Fern cottage, Snaresbrook e
Wood Miss, Potter street, Harlow Woodford Wright J ames, 23 Grove villas, Morning-
Wood Mrs. I Nightingale terrace,Broom- Woolfe Frederick, Hawthorne villa, High ton road, Leytonstone e
field road, Chelmsford road, Buckhurst Hill Wright James, Fern cot. Leytonstone e
Wood Mrs. Rochford S.O Woolfe Henry, Fernwood house, Hain- Wright Jesse, Adingdon villa, Hoe
Wood Mrs. 46 Windsor rd. Forest gate e ault road, Leytonstone e street, Walthamstow
Wood Mrs. Solbys, Hadleigh S.O Woollcombe Maj. E.R.A.South ~hoebury, Wright John J.P., D.L. Hatfield priory,
Wood Mrs. Ellen, 36 New London road, Southend Chelmsford
Chelmsford Woollett Rev. Charles, Presbytery, Wright In. 17 Hampton rd. Forest gt e
Wood Robert,Lambourne, Romford Priory street, Colchester Wright John, Spital road, Maldon
Wood Thomas, Priory street, Colchester Woollett John, 6 Grove Crescent road, Wright Joseph, S George st. Harwich
Wood Thomas, jun. 101 Hythe hill, Stratford e WrightJoseph,Laurel cottage,Montague
Colchester Woollings Thomas, sPark ter. Southend road, Leytonstone e
Wood William Henry. Alder Grove Woolmore H. G. Chingford grn. Chngfrd Wright L. T. Beckton, North Woolwich e
lodge, High Beech S.O Woolmot George,4 Maria terrace, Strat- Wright Miss, 2 St. Mary's terrace east,
Woodard Edward, Billericay, Brentwood ford green e Lexden road, Colchester
Woodard Thomas Frederick, 21 Duke Worskett Samuel, Daisy villa, FairIop Wright Misses, Mill hill, HarIow
street, Chelmsford road, Leytonstone e Wright Mrs. Belmont villas, Victoria
Woodcock Charles, 6 Oak terra-ce, Horn- Woolston Chas. F. 9 Saxby vils. Plashet e road, Romford
church road, Hornchurch Wooster Geo. 21 Forest rd. Leytonstone e Wright Mrs. 6 East avenue, Wlthmstw
Woodcock Miss, Butt road, Colchester Wootton George, Woodman road, Great Wright Mrs. East Tilbury, Grays S.O
WooderR.Jugleside,Miltonrd.Southend Warley, Brentwood Wright Mrs. Malting house, Bradfield,
Wooderson Frederick, Holmedale, Oliver Wootton Mrs. Market row, Saffron Wldn Manningtree
road, Leyton Wootton William Charles, 4 Chestnut Wright Mrs. South street, Colchester
Woodfield Thomas Goldsmith, Martha villas, Forest gate e Wright Philip, Copford place, Colchester
villa, Chelmsford road east, WOodford Worboys Robert, 7 Courtenay terrace, Wright Rd. Springwell, Saffron Walden
Woodfine Mrs. Hornchurch, Romford Marsh street, Walthamstow Wright Robert, Devon lodge, Orford
Woodforde Alfred M.B. Richmond cot- Wordley George Oswald, East Horndon, road, Walthamstow
tage, High street, Plaistow e Brentwood Wright SI. Cemetery rd. Saffron Walden
Woodhams Francis Edward, 4 South- Workman John, Church end, Wlthmstw WrightThos.Parish,sSaxbyviI.Plashet e
church road, Southend Workman Lester William, Hampton Wright William, 1 Buxton villas, Leyton-
'Voodhead Frederick, Ivy cottage, house, Harrow road, Leytonstone e stone road, Stratford e
Chelmsford road east, Woodford Workman William Day, Denmark villas, Wright William, Eyston hall, Belchamp
Woodhead Miss,6Park terrace,southend Clarendon road, Walthamstow WaIter, Sudbury

Wright William, Field road, Forest gate fJ' Yeates G. M.D. Grove rd. Walthamstow Young John, Guildford lodge, Brentwood
Wright Wm. r The Terrace, Great Ilford Yeates In. ~ Elm viIs. Derby rd.Woodfrd Young John, ~ Orchard villas, George
Wright Wm. Wellesley road, Brentwood Yeoman Kossuth Mazzini, I Montrose lane, Leytonstone fJ
Wright William Henry, Oakbum,Epping villas, Shrubland read, Leyton Young Luther, Huxley road, Leyton
New road, Buckhurst Hill Yeoman William, Florence villa, Cann Young Mrs. 8 Lorne villas, Southend
Wrightson Leonard Butler, Lynedoch, Hall road, Wanstead fJ Young Mrs. ~ Mizpah villas, Cowslip
Margaretting, Ingatestone Yewen C. H. Harrow road, Leytonstone fJ road, George lane, Leytonstone fJ
WrigleyRev.Bede,GroveCres.rd.Strtfrde Yolland Rev. Bartholomew StephenM.A.. Young William, 9 Courtenay terrace,
Wroughton Thomas Coleman, Wangey Vicarage, Ford end, Chelmsford Marsh street, Walthamstow
house, Chadwell Heath Yonge Col. W. L. R.A.. The Cedars, Abbey- Young Wm.Ewelme cot.Tyndall rd. Lytn
Wulff H.J.Wylde woods,Waltham Abbey gate street, Colchester Young William, Florence house, Fairlop
Wyatt Rev. Richard, 2 Cottingham ter- Yonge Rev. Denys Nelson B.A.. Vicarage, road, Leytonstone e
race, Dovercourt, Harwich Broxted. Dunmow S.O YoungWm.Laurelho.Balaamst.Plaistwe
Wyatt Frederick Augustus, Moat cot- York Mrs.York vil.Sebertrd.Forestgt fl YOWlg Wm. A. 12 Osborne rd.Forest gt e
tage, Heybridge, Maldon Yorke Capt.Wm. 2 Lexden rd. Colchester Young Wm. C. 22 Windsor rd. Forest gt e
Wyatt Hadfield, East Stockwell street, Youdan George,2 Holly terrace, Leyton- YOWlg Wm.Jn. Squirrels heath, Romford
Colchester stone road, Stratford e Young William Thomas, Craigmillar,
Wyatt Robt. 63 Claremont rd. Frst. gt e Youldon Edwin, I I Rosindell terrace, Grove road, Woodford •
Wye Thomas Henry, 6 Florence villas, Fairlop road, Leytonstone e Younger Rev. Thomas, 21 St. Andrew's
Grange Park road, Leyton Young Capt. Charles Richd. Dysart ho. road, Plaistow fJ
WJrkes Joseph, I Grove villas, Nightin- Pier aven. Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester YounghusbandGeorgeEdward,Orchard
gale lane, Wanstead e Young Capt. William, Astrican villa, villa, Manor park, East Ham e
Wykes William, 7 Park road, Plaistow e Howards road, Forest gate e Younghusband Josepb. 2 Cyprus villas,
Wyman Mrs. Grove house,Chigwell Row Young Rev. J ames, 2 Hainault terrace, Buckingham road, Woodford
Wyness Wm. 16 Kmg's Head st.Harwich Grea~ Ilford Youngman Edwd. 14 Lorne vils. Sthend
W:ynn John, Bramblings, Fairlop road, Young A. 5 Caemavon road, Forest gt e Youngman Miss, Keh"cd:m
Leytonstone e Young Alex.Bradford st. Bocking,B1"8.intr Yull Thomas, Clatterfoot End house,
Wynn Rev. Edward Bristow Phillips Young David N. Ferncote, Milton,Sthend Fyfield, Brentwood
LL.B.Rectory,southShoebury,8outhnd YoungE.W.3Florencevls.WoodfordWlls Ziegele A. Little Friday hill, Chingford Mrs. WarIey lodge, Little War- Young Francis Henry, I Lime villas, Zieger T. E. 23 Osbome rd. Forest gate e
ley, Brentwood Mornington road, Leytoustone e ZimmermanMrs. Carltn.cot.Woodfrd.Gn
Yale William, 10 Yale terrace, Colworth Young George, Manor road, Higham Zimmerman William, Woodberry,
road, Leytonstone e hill, Walthamstow Snakes lane, Woodford Green
Yates Geo. 8 Margery Pk. rd.Stratford e Young George, Rose villas, Cemetery Zipplett Ralph George. 7 Creffield ter-
Yates J. C. Sun street, Waltham Abbey road, Saffron Walden race, Creffield road, Colchester
Yates Mrs. Erin villa, Epping New road, Young Geo. Haward,Victoria pl.Loughtn Zollonger Augnstus, Mansfield lodge,
Buckhurst Hill YoungHy.~Albertvils.Gt.Warly.Brntwd Earlham grove,Forest gate e
Yeadon William Scrivener, Hythe hill, Young Henry Edward, Woodman road, Zores Adlph.3 Rose cots.Russell rd.Leytn
Colchester Great Warley, Brentwood Zores Emil, I Cuba viIs. Russell rd.Leytn


AOADEMIES. Agents-Ale & Porter. Agents-General
See 8c1uJols-Pri1late. See Ale 4" Porter Merchants. Munday Geo. jun. London rd. Homford
ACOOUNT BOOK M A N U _ A g e n t Bankers. Pearson Edmund, Althorne, Maldon
F AOT URERS. Barnard William C. Dunmow S.O Agents-Land House & Estate.
Durrant Edmund & Co. 90 High street, Agent-Brewers. Abbott Jas. 4 Sylvester rd. Walthamstow
Chelmsford See also Ale tJ Porter Merchants. Abrey Thomas, Witham
AOOOUNTANTS. Curtis Wm. Jas. South st. Manningtree AIDey Joseph, Beulah rd. Walthamstow
Marked thns t is an Associa.te of the Institute Agent-Brick~A Bshllm&oleNWilliam, HThigh Nstreet, Gt'CIlforld
of Chartered Accountants. . a s ewman, e unnery, ast 6'
Atkins Ellis Charles, Trinity house, Wlseman Wm. Thos. 56 & 57 The Ex- Hedingham, Halstead ; & at Braintroo
Queen street, Brightlingsea S.O change, Southwark s.e. See adVl"rt & Rayne
Barber James, 57 High street & 65 Agents-Business. Barnard WaIter, Albert road, Braintree
Crouch ~t~eet, Colcheste~. See advert Norman W. G. & Son, Barking road, Barton Alfred, The Pavement, Romford
Bradley William, St. John s street, Col- Canning town e Beningfield & Paine, High Bridge street.
chester; & at lIrightlingsea . Waltham abbey
Bryan James G. Castle road Colchester Agents-Coal & Colliery. Bentall Ezekiel Henry, High st. Halstead
Bryce David Raphael, 34 Ch~bham road Dick R. C. Myrtle cot. Vicarage rd, Lytn Bradley William, St. John's street; & at
New town, Stratford e ' Bartrip Geo. jun. Chingford grn.Chngfrd Brightlingsea, Colchester
Cottee John William,2 Claremont ter- Fife Alfred, Pitsea, Chelmsford Brayshaw J. 29 Maryland pnt. Stratford e
race, Mildmay road, Chelmsford Harris J. Smith's grn. Takeley, Chlmsfrd Breveton T. ~ Constance st. Silvertown e-
Cutchey C. G. York cottages, Loughton MarsdenA. C. 3I St. John's st. Colchester Bullen William Robert, 2 Bourton cot-
Davies Samuel Thomas, Witham Matthley Mark, Cobden rd, Leytonstone e tages, Lancaster road, Leytonstone e
Day Thos.&Son,I8Florencerd.Lytnstne Pettipher Robert WaIter, 21 Lascelles Byford Thomas, Epping
Gregory Elijah, The Retreat, Potter's road, Leytonstone e Champness Thomas, Corn exchange,
street, Harlow A e ts 0 . i High street, Romford
Hammond Henry, Church road, Leyton g n - ommlSS on. Chatting W. Ripple ter. Rippleside,Brkng-
. Lawrence Hy. Simes, 8 Ashbourn terrace, Barnes George, Stondon, Brentwood Clear Albert Prince, High street, Maldon
Harrow rd. Leytonstone e. ; & 22 West Clark John Fluett, 8 Charles terrace, Coote Geo.Smeetham hall,Bulmer, Sdbry
Ham lane e !dan~r park, East Han." e Cottingham Francis, 4 Cottingham ter-
Kenny E. Hy. Little Easton, Dunmow Ch!t WIlham, Margarettmg,Ingatestone race, Dovercourt, Harwich
LuckingJ.Bank chmbrs.New st.Chlmsfrd Elhott George, Church street, Cogges~all Coult Arthur Thomas,6 Stanley terrace,.
Mace Thomas, Great Bardfield, Braintree Gant Rd.l!p: Doverct. Doverct. HarWICh P?rtway, West Ham e
Marrable Edward William, Epping Gosnell WIlha~, Butt road, Colchester CraIg Thos. 26 Croydon rd. Plaistow e
May Edwin, High street, Maldon f
Freelove Fr~nCls ohn, Stansted Mount- Craske Edmund J ames, 35A , Head street,.
Mayn Jeffery Sible Hedingham Halstd fitchet, BIshop s Stortford Colchester

Morphett F. W. I{2 The Grove,St~atforde HamIllond D. H. 28 Albert rd. Braintree Darby Alfred, 97 High '3treet, Chelmsford
Neave Henry Wm. High st. Chelmsford Lester James, 2 Butt ~oad, Colchester Darken Horace,.24 Crouch st. Colchester
Phillips In. Ayres, 5 Vicarage ter. Leyton Pal~er E~,!d. N. 68 HIgh st. Chelmsford Davey TheophIlus, Crown chambers,
tPyeGeo.3 Bank buildings, Colchester; Pav~tt ~illIam, Stansted Mountfitchet, S~uth street, R:0mford
residence, I4 Orwell ter. Dovercourt ~shop s St:o~tford . . Da,:s E~ward, VI.carage road, Leyton
Rogers Arthur In. London rd. Maldon Robmson W~lham Postans, BraIswIck DaVlS MlChael, Mill road, Maldon
Rogers John London road Maldon c.ottage, MIle end, Colchester Day Thomas, Broomfield, Chelmsford
Smith E. M.'3 Thornhill r~ad, Leyton SWif~ Thomas Charles, Myrtle cottage, Dickson Saml.Green,Writtle,Chelmsford
Stanford & Duvall, Trinity chambers, :S:lgh s~r~et, Leyton Dowsett Thomas,High street &Alexander
Culver street Colchester WhIte WIlham, Dunmow S.O street, Southend. See advertisement
Wood William Carter, Rochford S.O Agent-Concert. Fenn & Co. I46 High street & Ardleigh
. . hall, Colchester
AOETIO AOID MANUFAC- Mattacks Underwood BenJamm, I4 Head Field Albert, Camden house, Princes
TURERS. street, Colchester road, Buckhurst hill
Dunn &; Co. Stirling chemical works, Agents-Dyers. Fr~nk Wm. Queen's road,. Buckhnrsthill
Abbey lane, West Ham e Ager George & Sons, 27 High street, Fneake George Robert Mmter, I Parade,.
•• Colchester. See advertisement Hoe street, Walthamstow .
AER ATED WATER MANU- Strange E. 25 Long Wyre st. Colchester Fuller Charles, Headgate auctIOn rooms,.
FACTURERS. Colchester
See Soda Water tJc. Manujactu1'ers. Agents-Forwarding. GaronFrederick,Nelson street,Cliff town,
Chalk Wm. Patmore & Thos. Gold street, Southend
AGENTS. Saffron Walden Gray Edwin,jun·7 Prospect TIl."'1thmstw
. . Freestone Jsph. Gold st. Saffron Walden Griffin George Lainson,I8 & 19 High Fuller Thos. The Park, Brightlingsea S.O street, Colchester. See advertisement
Savill John William, Dunmow S.O Green Wm. I Wellington rd. Harwich Gunn George R. & Co. 2 Ebenezer villas
Webb Chas. B. R. Magdalen st. Colchstr Johns?n W. & Son, Railway coal depot, Lancaster road, Leytonstone e '
Bram~r~e Haltridge In.Railway station,Brentwood
Browne T. B. ISO Queen Victoria street, Page Wllllam J~ffries, Dedham 8.0 Hardy Jas.The Hall,~endring,Colchester
London e.c. See advertisement Pendle John, HIgh street, Halstead Harman lames, Marme parade, Clacton-
Agents-Agr·cult al l I t Sadd Joseph, William's walk, George's on-Sea, Colchester
. J. UT mp emen. street, Colchester Hartnoll Charles Francis & William,
See AgNcultural Implement Manu- Sutcliffe Thomas, I Myrtle villas, Dover- George Lane station,Leytonstone e. ,. &
facturers Agents. court, Harwich 8 London street e,c. See advert

414 AGE • ESSEX.
AGENTS, LAND &C. continued. AGRIOULTURAL IMPLE- Hunt &; Tawell, Atlas works, Earls Oolne,
Harvey Alfred, High street, Romford MEN~ MANUFAOTURERS & Halstead
Heritage George, 5A, Widdecombe ter- AGENTS. *Keep Mrs. Rebecca, Roydon, Ware
race, Barking road, Oanning town e Marked thus· are A.gents. Martin Charles, Blackmore, Ingatestone
Billiard George Bridge, Bank chambers, *Arthy Charles, Ingrebourne works, *Mumford Edward,'roppesfield, Halstead
New street, Chelmsford Brook street, South Weald, Brentwood Myall John, Bannisters grn. Felstead 8.0
Hind Andrew Paris, Linton rd. Barking Asten & Benneil, Greenstead! Colchester *Newman George,Gt. Bentley,Oolchester
Holland Joseph, 57 Manor st. Braintree Barnard & Lake, Rayne, Bramtree *Rainbert John, Bradfield, Manningtree
Hooper & Davis, Grosvenor Park road, Bendall.Offwood, Lawford iron works, *Raven Edward, New road, Halstead
Walthamstow ManDlogtree *Raven William, Tillingham, Maldon
Jeffries William,2 Milton villas, South- Bent,all Edward HaIDI?-0nd & Co. Hey- *Rogers Richard, Gt. Oakley, Harwich
church road, Southend brIdge works,""Heybrldge, Maldon tSeaborne Nathaniel, Ardleigh, Colchstr
Keates John Joseph, Wallwood lodge, Boynes George, Lexden, Colchester *Smith William, 'rerIing, Witham
Hainault road, Leytonston~ tJ Canham 'l:'homas, ~eeley, Colchester Telford &Ratcliffe (steam plough), Great
Kemsley Joseph William Oakfield Carey, Stilwell & BIrch, steam plough- Yeldham Halstead
Snakes !:tne, Woodford gr~en 'ing & engineering works, Rochfora S.O Thorne Jas: Gt. Stambridge, Chelmsford
Leach Jas. New Beckton, North Wlwich e Catchpool, Stannard & Stanford, 122 *Twyford John Forster Whalebone lane
Marley Thomas, WarIey rd. Brentwood High st. & Foundry yard, Colchester Becontree heath, Ro~ford '
Martin Richard, High rd. Woodford wells Coleman & Morton, New London road, Unwin Alfred J. (contractor), steam
Mundy Geo. )un. London rd. Romford * Ch~lms~o~d . ploughing works, East st.'Coggeshall
Nockolds& Kmg,Ohurchst.Saffron Wldn CottlS Wilham & SOIUl, ~ppmg *Waters C. Langley, Bishop's Stortford
Norma~ W. G. & Son, .Barking road, OuthbertC.S~effieldho.HIgh rd.Loughtn *White. Samuel, Stock, Ingatestone
Canmng to'!"'n e . *Dash Frederlck, Stee~le, Maldon . *Wisbey:K Little Thurrock, Grays 8.0
Nunn Fredenck J. :8ronswlCk house, Davey, Paxman & Co. Standard Iron *Wood Frederick Albert street Great
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester works, .The Hyt~e, Colchester Warley, Brent~ood '
Oldaker Jas. RI Queen's ter.Great Ilford D?wns Km~, Gestmg,thorp,e, Halstead *Wood Richard, WarIey road, Grea.t
Palmer Edward Newman, 68 High ~llbertMana(Mrs.),Graysrhurrock S.O Warley, Brentwood
street, Chelmsford Green George, Clatterbury lane, Ola\'er- Worrin Hastings Bourchiers Little
Penn George, Cann Hall road, Wanstead ing, Bishop's StorU'ord Dunmow Chel~sford '
Portway Augustus, 61 High st. Braintree Green ~n.H.allway foundry, Saffron Wldn '
Protheroe&Morris,High rd.Leytonstone e *Ha:wk1D8 Aaron, Heath,Hatfi~1d,Harlow ALE & PORTER MERCHANTS
Read George, 51 Tilbury Toad, Plaistow e J osh~ H. & J. 108 & 109 High street, & AGENTS.
Reeve Joseph, I Cambridge terrace, Cliff Maldenburg street, Colchester; & See also Agents-Bre'Wertl.
town, Southend stand, 47 New Corn market. See advt Marked thus. Rre Agents.
.Ricketts Benjamin, 6- Crottys terrace *Monk Albert, ilillericay, llrentwood *Beard John, Church Street brewery,
Brunswick street, Walthamstow ' Pash Joseph Brittain, next the Corn Coggeshall
Rickwood George & Son, 9 8 to tal High exchange, Chelmsford Bingham. William Hill, Wine lodge,
street, Colchester. See advertisement *Pertwee & Co. Boreham, Chelmsford Alexandra street, Southend
Rodwell James Medows, Dedham 8.0 Smyth James & Sons, Witham Bland T. Elsey, The Friary, Maldon
Sexton & Grimwade, Head street Col- *Spurgin William, 'rillingham, Maldon Brooks William & Son, Mistley, Man-
chester; & Hadleigh,suffolk; & Wher- *Temple & Co. High stree~, Stratford e ningtree; & at Colchester
stead hall, Ipswich 'rownsend Geo. Newport, Bishop's Strtfrd Bruce Marshall, Stanwell st. Colchester
Single Arthur, 178 The Grove,Stratford e Wedlake Thomas William & Co. South *Claydon Isasc, Great square, Braintree
Smith In. Thomas, North Weald, Epping street, St. Andrew's street, Romford ; *Cohn Thomas, High street, Plaistow e
Sparrow John, 39 Chapel st. Colchester &. a~ Hornehurch Croft & Co. 7 Mornington ter. Wanstd t
Spurgeon Samuel, Silver street, Maldon W~~t~mghamJn. &Walter,Ro~hTord S.O Daniell BrotherS & CrQokes, Heybridge,
Stanford & Duvall, Trinity chambers *w Ilhams &; Co. 152 & 153 HIgh street, :Maldan
Culver street, Colchester ' Colc~ester Fewling Zachariah, 5 Harrington ter-
Surridge Joseph Smith, jun. Mount *Worrm Wm.Nathan,Ohatley,Chelmsfrd race, Fisher street; & Beckton road,
house, C o g g e s h a l l . Canning town e
Symondson G.Upshire hall,Wlthm. abbey Richmond & Chandler, Manchester; Foster M. B. & Sons, Victoria stores,
TaffFras.&Son,St.James'st.Walthamstw Makers of chaff North Woolwich e
Thurgood Benjamin 'romson &; Elon,King cutters, corn Gooch Herbert John, George st. Harwich
street, Saffron Walden crushers. malt Goody & Son, South street, Manningtrer
Towse Brothers, Public hall, Clacton-on- mills, linseed *Hayes Thos. & Son, :Market hI. Maldon
Sea, Colchester mills, palpers, Ind, Coope & Co. Romford & Burton ale
Tyler EH, Bocking end, Braintree turnip cutters, stores, Broadway, Stratford e.; Nor-
Tyler SI. Bocking end, Bocking, Brntree root washers, thumberland wharf, London road,
Warnett William, :u Albert terrace, .>. turnip drills, Brentford; & Market place, Enfield
Cathall road, Leytonstone e kneading 1Ba- *J ossel}'n Charles, Factory la. Colchester
Waterhouse William, :r Capel terrace, chines, horse Kemp Henry, Tcllingham, Maldon
Cliff town, Southend gears, steam- Lay & Wheeler, 10 High street, Col-
Whitehead Thos D. Forest la. Forest gt ing apparatus &C. Catalogues on chester. See advertisement
Whittingham Francis Murton,High road, application; Melbourne exhibition, Lemere J3Illes, Earlham cross, Wood-
Woodford 3 highest awards for chaff cutters; grange road, Forest gate e
Williams George Henry, 55 Stephenson horse gear works; corn crushers Lovelock Louisa & Son, 4 Tickfortl ter-
street, Canning town e AGRIOULTURAL race, Victoria Dock road e
Willoughby & Son, High street, Grays; OWNERSr:rACHINE M.iller J. H. 39 St. Botolph st. Colchester
& at Gravesend Marked tbus. are 'l'hrnshinFl' Machine Owners NICholl & Co. Rosemary road, Clacton-
Agents-Manure MarKed thus t are Drillmen. on-Sea, Colchester
£' h ' h J. *Ardl W·ll· A I d' fa G Osborne A. 'r. St. Botolph st. Colchester
",raI?P orn r omas ohn Deek. t7 ey I lam, y war s rm, 05- Pascall G. W. 4 6 & 47 Hi h st. Chelmsfrd
HIgh street, Chelmsford. See advert field, Halstead M h g
Lawes' Chemical Manure Co. Limited *Binn~y Charles Hibbert, Grea.t Ilford pe~:M~n rs. 8ara Carter, Altht>rne,
(E. W. Petts, agent), Chestnut villa, tBraZIer John, Stock, Ingatestone Pltman & D'inhinrrton St James' street
New London road, Chelmsford *Brown John, Gt: Baddow, Chelmsford Walthamstow t> , • ,
Revell Thomas" Chatley Chelmsford Brown I WaIter,
R Klrby,S·Colchester
1 d' h *R'bb
Ions J 0 h nras ,., hb ourn Geor....e
Theobald & Sons New goods railway *But er (\>: ayment, Ib e He mg am, t t R fo d 't>
station & ltailw'ay arches, Chelmsford Halstead .. sa~J::s'Al~:t ~ High street Colchester
. *Byford Cornel1U8, Spltal road, Maldon W . n ' ,
... A~nt-8hippm8". . *Cooke William, Marsh farm Little alhs enry, ~oodham WaIter, Maldon
"llhams Ohver In.2 Market 5t.HarWICh Yeldham, Halstcad Y , Young & Co. Hl~h street, Southend
Agent-Silk. *Dale WaIter Jas. Buttsbury, Ingatestne AMERICAN LEA THER OLOTH
Shead George W. 152 High st. Braintree Downham Philip, Chrishall, Royston MANUFAOTURERS.
Agent-Wine &: Spirit. :Drage'rhomas, Chrishall, Royston Leathe,. Cloth Co. Limited (Henry Cooper,
Darnes Thomas, H4fh street, llrentwood Foster Edmund, Hatfield, Harlow man. director) .Abbey rd. West Ham f
Green John Abraham South Benfleet ' .
See En:Jinef/l',-...A,[J1'iCtlltural. *Groom Jsph. Mountnessing, Brentwood See Chmists-Analytical.
ANIMAL PRESERVERS. Goodey Jas. Fredk. Portland rd.Colchestr Longstaff Edgr.Newport,Bishop's Strtfrd
See Bird et Animal P1'efJervers. *Goodman Thomas, 9 Prittlewellsquare, Manley Leopold Frederick, The Cedars,
ANTHRACINE MANUFACTR. Cliff town, Sonthend Stanway, Colchester Benjamin, Hythe quay & 5 Hythe :Hayward Hy. W. 5 Head st. Colchester N~cke~s Edouard! 75 Duke st. Chelmsford
hill Colchester. See advertisement Hudson In. 36 Romford rd. Stratford e N~ght~ngale Basd, Cross road, Maldon
, Jackson Chas. E. 2 Sebert rd. Forest gte e NIghtmgale Robert, Cross rd. Maldon
ANTIQ U~ CHINA DE:ALE RS. J ohnson Fdk.:El. Church st.SaffronWaldn Parish J osiah, 8 Head street, Colchester
See Cklna Dealers Antlque. Johnson George, 3 Carnarvon road, PeeIJas.Ardenlea,TheDrive,Walthmstw
APPRAISERS & VALUERS. Forest gate e Prentice James, Parsonage st. Halstead
See also Auctioneers. *Lewis Joseph Carpenter, Red lodge, Stankowski Alphonse, 1 Eastern villas,
Ashmole William, High street, Gt~Uford Chelmsford road west, Woodford Eastern road, Romford
Barber James,57 High street, Colchester McDonald Geo.330 Romford rd.Stratfrd e
Bullen William Robert, 2 Bourton cot- Martin Alfred J. 7 Church st. Plaistow e ARTISTS' COLOURMAN.
ta~es. Lancaster road, Leytonston~ e *Massa Thos. I I Balaam st. Plaistow e Robinson SI. 17 Salisbury rd. Little llford
Cheffins Henry Joshua; offices, Kmg More Geo. 267 Romford rd. Stratford e .
street, Saffron Walden; & at Great *Morris Frederick Evelyn, West Stock- ASPHALTE MANUFAO-
Dunmow well street, Colchester TURERS
Clear Albert Prime, High street, Maldon Newman J n.T. 224 Romford rd.Stratfrd e .. •
Cornell Benjamin, Thaxted S.O Noble John, Vine cots. North st. Romford BenJamm, Hythe quay & 5 Hythe
Craske Edmund J ames, 35A, Head street, Ough Henry, 62 Romford rd. Stratford e hill, Colchester; address for letters &
Colchester • *Pertwee Charles, local board of health, telegrams, Colchester. See advert
Darby Alfred, 97 High st. Chelmsford Bank chambers, New st. Chelmsford Balaam & Tucker, New quay, Colchester
Darby Charles Daniel, 18 Springfield rd. Prebble Henry William, Fairlawn, Morn- Croggon & Co. 4 2 Upper Thames street,
& 29 Moulsham street Chelmsford ington road Leytonstone e London e.c. ; & at LIverpool It Glasgow
Darken Horace, 24 Crou~h8t. Colchester *Pye George' Gard A.R.I.B.A. 3 Bank French Asphalte Co. Lim. (John Knight,
Fenn & Co. 1:46 High street & Ardleigh buildings, Colchester; & 32 Bedford sec.), Sugar House lane, Stratford t
hall, Colchester row, London w.c Platten Hy. Sugar House la. Stratford t
Fuller Charles,Headgate auction rooms, Roberts Jas. M. Heath cot. Dedham S.O ASPHALTER
Colchester Scargill Walter, Essex Hall rd. Colchester . .•
Hilliard George Bridge, Bank chambers, Sherrin George, Crane court, High Hardy Mrs. Caroline, 17 FrIars place &
New street, Chelmsford street, Chelmsford New London road, Chelmsford
Jeffries William, 2 Milton villas, South- *Smith John Moore, Rokeby house, ASSOCIATIONS.
church road, Southend Broadway, Stratford e
Kemsley Joseph Wm. Oakfield, Snakes Spooner John, Lee villa, Avenue road, See Societies.
lane, Woodford green Forest gate e ASYLUM3-LUNATIC.
Palmer Edward N. 68 High st. Chelmsfrd Spooner Thomas, Albert villa, Avenue
See Lunatic Asylu1n8.
Rickwood George & Son, 98 to 101 High road, Forest gate e
street, Colchester. See advertisement *Stimson Edwin Charles, 176 The Grove, A UCTIONEERS.
Sexton & Grimw~de, Head street, Col- Stratford (] See lso A raise1's
chester; HadleIgh, Suffolk; & Wher- Swan J ohnHy. Prospect hl.Walthamstow a pp ..
stead hall Ipswich *Waymouth GeorO'e Carlton villa Clac- Marked thus • are also Apprlllsers.
Stanford &' Duvall Trinity chambers ton-on-Sea, Colch~ster ' Abrey Thomas, Witham
Culver street, Coichester ' Wesley James Frederick, 274 & 275 Rom- Anthony In. R. Fairl?p rd. Leytonstone t
Stanford Charles Maurice Brooklands ford road Stratford e Archer James, IpSWICh road, Colchester
Great Oakley, Harwich' , *Whitmore'Frank, 22 Duke st. Chelms- *Ashmole William, High st. G~eatIlford
Taff Francis & Son, St. James' street, ford; & 14 Devonshire sq. London e.c Balls & N~wman, Rayne,. Bramtree; &
Walthamstow . *Winter James Dane lodge Epping at 45 HIgh -5treet, Bramtree; & The
Wand Mark, Ley street, Great mord ARMY ~ NAVY' CON_Nunnery, Castle Hedingham
Whittingham F. M. High rd. Woodford TRACTORS Barton Alfred, The P~vement, Romford
WiIlonghby & Son, I!igh street, Grays;. . . Belcham Jo~n, RayleIgh. S.O
& at Gravesend Aldrldge Jas.W.Mlll ho.S~enfield,Brntwd Bentall Ezekwl Henry, Hlgh st. Halstead
AQUARIUM COLLECTOR Cole 'fhomas Do,'e, 46 .HIg h street, Col- Biggs Rober~, Victoria rd. West ?am e
. chester. See advertisement Capon FranCls B. Brook st. Mannmgtree
Thompson John, York place, Southend Flux Joseph (washing), I Cambridge Champness Thomas, Corn exchange,
ARCHITECTS. terrace, Military road, Colchester High street, Romford
Marked thus - are also Surveyors. KavanaghJohn, 174, 175 & 176 Magdalen *Cheffins Henry Joshua; offices, King
*Allam Edwin Clark Normanhurst & street, Colchester st.SaffronWaldenj also at Gt. Dunmw
South street Romfo~d . Strange Edwd.25 Long Wyre st. Colchstr Chetwood Stephen, Sun st.Walthm.abbey
*Barr Edwd. Newport, Bishop's Stortfrd Swann Chas.(meat), 8 Queen st. Colchstr *Clear Albert Prime, High st. Maldon
*Brannon Philip, Walton Naze park, ARTIFICIAL FLOWER Coote George, Smeetham hall, Bulmer,
Walton-on-the-Naze S.O. See advert MANUFACrURERS. Sudbury
*Chancellor Frederic,2 Highst.Chelms- Con d 'tJOh Aldb h t Gt Ilf d *Cra~keEdmundJ.35A,Headst.Colchstr
ford' & at 8 Finsbury circus London e e M Ul h n ' torWouglthCO . Abb' or CurtIS Robert Leabon, 148 The Grove,
Creed ,RIchard,
. ,F
Gwyder lodge, . ore sJt0 ,n' Sun s. a am
orse ey S tra tford e. & The Broa d way, PIalstow
Leytonstone e ARTIFICIAL MANURE *Darby Alfred, 97 High st. Chelmsford
Dampier Edward John, I I St. John's MANUFACTURERS. Darken Horace, 24 Crouch st. Colchester
street, Colchester See Manure Manufacturers. Eversfield George, Sewardstone street,
*Darken Horace, 24 Crouch st. Colchestr Waltham Abbey
Darken Robert Wort, Landport villa, ARTISTS. *Fenn & Co. 146 High street & Ardleigh
Manor road, Colchester Barber Alfred Richardson, Carlton villas, hall, Colchester
Dawson Charles James, Cambridge road, We-Hesley road, Colchester . Fletcher Samuel, Market pt Romford
Barking; & High street, Great Ilford Barratt Charles Ford, 1 Hannah ter- Foster Charles, Chipping Ongar S.O
*Dennison John William, Wakefield race, Buckhursthill Franklin Thomas & Son, Thaxted S.O
lodge, East Ham e Baskett Charles Edward, Lorrain villa, Frieake George Robert Minter, I Parade,
*Doyley William, Loughton Gray road, Colchester Hoe street, Walthamstow
*Ebbetts & Cobb, I Church street north, Buck Wm.I Clyde ter.Capworth st.Leytn *Fuller Charles, Head gate, Colchester
Colchester Collins John Henry, 1 Stanhope villas, Grice Henry Dowling, 10 King's Quay
*Egan Edmund, Loughton Birkbeck road, Leytonstone t! st. & Albemarle st. New town, Harwich
Firman Woolmer Robert, Belchamp Cook Thomas Butcher, Providence cot- Haltridge In. Railway station, Brentwd
Waiter, Sudbury; & at Friar street, tage, Woodford bridge Hartnoll Charles Francis & William,
Sudbury, Suffolk Edgcumbe Frederick, Mayville, Che\ms- George Lane station, Leytonstone e. ;
Fletcher Thomas Wayland, I Russell ford road east, Woodford & 8 London st. e.e Seeadyertisement
villas, Capel road, Forest gate e Hall Wm. E. I Bodfair, Little Chester- Harve} Alfred, High street, Romford
*Flockton Marcus, Waterloo crescent, ford, Saffron Walden. See advt Hawkins Chas. Magdalen st. Colchester
Ongar road, Brentwood Harcourt George, Lincoln cottage, Wil- Hawkins John Jas. Burnham, Maldon
Forge Jas. Wm. High rd. Leytonstone e mot road, Leyton Hayward Geo. 168 The Grove,Stratford t!
*Gibbings William, The Rookery, Park Johnson Edward Killingworth, Baker's *HiIliard George Bridge, Bank cham-
lane, Leyton farm, Sible Hedingham, Halstead bers, New street, Chelmsford.
AUCTIONEERS continued. Anurew Miss Mary Ann, High st. Leyton Bright Simon, North st. Dunmow B.O
Jackson, 5 Selborne road &: Hinksworth AnspackJacob, Holloway rd. Leytonstn ~ Brock William, Bobbingworth,Brntwood
villa, Hale end, Walthamstow Anspack William, 32 Hudson's road, Brooks John, Ramsey, Harwich
*Jeifries William, ~ Milton villas, South- Canning town e Brown A. Wickham Bishops, Witham
church road, Southend Ardley William, Witham Brown David, Suffolk villa, Leytonstoue
*Kemsley Joseph William, Oakfieldj Armes C. 31 Leyton rd. Newtn. Stratfrd road, Stratford e
Snakes lane, Woodford green Armsby J. B. 5 Pelly road, Plaistow 6 Brown Edward, Aveley, Romford .
Kirk Haberson Joseph, 12'] Romford Arthy James, Little Bentley, Colchester Brown Goo. Galleywood oom.Chelmsfrd
road, Stratford e Attridge William, Blackmore, Ingatestn Brown Wm. J. Wivenhoe, Colchester
Lawrence George James, Epping Aulmann Philip Peter, 3 Market terrace, Buck Philip, White Colne, Halstead
Lingwood Edgar, 32 St. B~tolph street, Barking road, Canning town e Buck Philip Benj. High st. Dunmow S.O
Colchester Aylett Thomas, Takeley, Chelmsford BuckinghamWm. Sth.Benfleet,Chlmsfrd
Lufkin Henry, 4 Hall street, Chelmsford Babister Alfred,3 Trinity place, Barking Bull Charles, Amity road, West Ham e
*Nightingale Robt. 45 North hI.Colchestr road, Canning town e Bullock Wm. 35 Crouch st. Colchester
*Norman W. G. &; Son, Barking road, BackerJ.ILeyton ter.Leytn.rd.Forestgte Bunn James, Runsell green, Danbury,
Canning town fI Bacon J ames ,Heath, Hatfteld, Harlow Chelmsford
Nunn Frederick, Brunswick house, Bagley Thos. High st. Brightlingsea S.O Bunton John Wesley Steeple Bump-
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Baker William, Green street, Plashet 6 stead, Haverhill
Offin Thomas William, Rochford S.O; & Ball Sydney, Moreton, Brentwood Burge Arthr.Wixcross,Wix,Manningtree
at Rayleigh Balls George, Brook street, Manningtree Burrell Arthur, Gt. Burstead, Bmtwood
Oldaker J ames Blake, I Queen's terrace, Balls Goorge, Harrow grn. Leytonstone 6 Burrell Mrs. J ohn,HorJlchurch,Romford
Great llford Bambridge Philip,5 Forest villas, Leyton Burton John, Great Chishall, Royston
Palmer EdwardNewman, 68 High street, road, Forest gate e Bush Obadiah, Park pI. Saffron Walden
Chelmsford Banks Richd. Thos. jun. Grays, Romfrd Butcher David,Sible Hedingham,Halsted
Peake Thomas, 12 Railway terrace, Bannister William, York hill, Loughton Butcher Joseph,Grove pI.SaffronWalden
Forest lane, l"orest gate e BanyardJ.High st.Sth.Shoebury,Southnd Buttery William Eugene, 20 Woodstock
Portway Augnstus, 61 High st. Braintree Barber Frederick,Wormingford, Colchstr street, Canning town e
Protheroe & Morris, High rd. Leytnstn e Barker G. 36 Hallsville I'd. Canning tn e Button William, West Thurrock,Romfrd
Reeve J oseph, I Cambridge terrace, Barber J as:rhos. Maidenberg st. Colchstr Byars David,39 Plaistow gro.WestHam e
Cliff town, Southend Bamard Benjamin Wm.Leigh,Chelmsfrd Byars Wm. 70 High street, Plaistow e
Rogers James, London road, Maldon Barnard Charles Wm. Park st. Southend Byatt Henry, Castle st. Saffron Walden
Salter Wm. 55 King's Quay st. Harwich Barnard William, Sandon, Chelmsford Cable George,32 Moulsham st. CWmsfrd
Sexton & Grimwade, Head street, Col- Barrell E. Ipswich I'd. Langham, Colchstr CalveI' Hy. Chas. Coggeshall I'd. Brntree
chester; &; at Hadleigh, Suffolk; & Bartholomew WItI'. Earls Colne, Halstead Campbell John George, 20 Alexandra
Wherstead hall, Ipswich Barton Samuel, Grinstead rd. Colchester street, Southend
Shrimpton Caleb, Wellesley I'd. Colchstr Batchelor Jas. White Post la. Little Ilford CandleI' Henry H. Head street, Halstead
SingleArthur, 178 The Grove, Stratford e Batten William, Upminster, Romford Canham Robert, 64 High st. Stratford e
Smith Charles, Chipping Ongar S.O Bauer Christian, Crownfield rd.Lytnstn 6 Canbam Thomas, St. Osyth, Colchester
Smith Edward, 6 North hill, Colchester Bauer In.J. 75 Chatsworth I'd. Forest gt e Canning Matthew, Chatsworth road,
Smith John Thomas, Nrth.Weald,Epping Beard Fred.erick Rd. Dagenham, Romfrd Forest gate e
*Stanford & Duvall, Trinity chambers, Beard Wm. Henry, Hornchurch, Romfrd Cant Elijah, Steeple, Maldon
Culver street, Colchester BearmanH.Bradford. st.Bocking,Braintre Cant WaIter, Southminster, Maldon
Stanford Charles Maurica, Brooklands, Bearman J.Church st. Bocking,Braintree Capp George, Prittlewell, Southend
Great Oakley, Harwich Beckwith William, Wantz road, Maldon Cardnell Edmund, Steeple, Maldon
Steam Alfred, 2 Alexander terrace, Bark- BedfordArthur,Springfield rd. Chelmsfrd Carle Henry, Leyton road, Leyton
ing road, Canning town e Belcham Mrs. Emma, Fisher st.Barking Carpenter Stephen, Pebmarsh, Bures
Snrridge Joseph Smith, jun. Mount Belling Thomas, Broadway, Barking S.O. Suffolk
house, Coggeshall Bennett William. Brook st. Brentwood Carrington Edgar W. East st. Colchestr
Sworder William &Son, The Hall, Staple- Benson James Geo.Rettenden, Chelmsfrd Carter John & Soo, 13 & 14 West street,
ford Tawney, Romford ; & High street, Bentley Henry, Barrack st. Colchester Harwich • •
Epping Berry Alfred, Ballingdon, Sudbury Carter :Benjamin. Chipping Ongar 800
Thorn Abraham In. High st. Brentwood Bigg Mrs. H. Gt. Waltham, Chelmsford Carter Charles, Fraucis street, New
'fhurgood Benjamin, Tomson &; Son, Biggs Benjamin, Ardleigh. Colchester town, Stratford e
King street, Saffron Walden Binks Benjamin, Chapel hill, Halstead Carter George, High street, Romford
Turner James, High st. Grays, Romford; Bird George, Foulness island, Southend Carter Geo. 25 Waterloo road, Romford
&; at 14 Victoria pI. Gravesend, Kent Blackwell Francis, 188 Chobham road, Carter Henry, Muodon, Maldon
Tyler Sam, Head street, Halstead . New town, Stratford e Carter In. W. Pudding la. Chigwell row
Wederell William, Parsonage farm, Blaxall Hy. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Carter Miss Martha, Gt.Oakley,Harwich
Theydon Bois, Epping BlaxaU Wm. ToHeshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedn Carter ~amuel Jas.Grays Thurrock 8.0
White Henry, 6 Romford rd. Stratford e Blows Charles, Rainham, Romford Carter William, North street, Walton-
*Whitehead Thos.D.Forest la.Forestgte e Blows John, Broadway, Barking on-the-Naze S.O
*Whittingham Francis Murton, High rd. Blows Jsph.T. no The Grove, Stratford e Cast James, Ingrave, Brentwood
WoodJord; 5 Bishopsgate st.Cornhl 6.C Bodger Geo. Mornington ter.Wanstead e Catchpole William, Weeley, Colchester
*Willoughby &: Son, High street, Grays, Bodkin Henry WaIter, ~ Victoria build- Cater Mrs. Isa.a.c, High street, Maldon
Essex; & at Gravesend ings, Barking road, Plaistow e Chamberlain Mrs. Elizabeth, Queen
BABY LINEN WAREHOUSE BoHock In. R. Gt. Stambridge,Chlmsfrd. street, Brightlingsea S.O
OkeyM.& Jo&CO.I Gladstone ter.Woodf;d Boorman Charles Spencer, Stamford-Ie- Chamberlain Maurice,st. Osyth,Colchstr
Hope, Romford Chapman Edwd. 32 East hI. Colchester
. B.AG MANUFACTURERS. Boreham Miss Ann, Sible Hedingham, Chapman Mark, High rd. LeytonstQoe e
Rltchie W. &Son, Carpent~rrdoStratfr~ e Halstead Chatters Geo.Hempstead,SaffronWalden
Thames Sack ~ Ba[l Co. ~Robe~t Davle, Boughtwood T. Gt. Baddow,Chelmsford Cheek Peter, South street, Colchester
sen. manager),Bldderst.Cannmgtwne Bowles H. The Green, Copford, Colchstr Cheverton John, Broomfield rd.Colchstr
BAKERS. Bowtell John, Thaxted S.O Chignell J ames, Magdalen st. Colchester
Ablin John Golding, Ingrave, Brentwood Bowtle Henry, Wethersfield, Braintree Childs Frederick,27 Chapel st.Stratford e
Anger Mrs. M. A. 24 New st. Braintree Bowtle John, 75 Coggeshall rd.Braintree Chilton Frederick, 3 Victoria ten. near
Aldridge J. W. Mill ho. Shenfld. Brentwd Boyd Mrs. Martha, Sambourne,Romford Castle tavern, Barking rd. Plaistowe
Aldridge John, Leigh, Chelmsford Boyton Joseph, High Roothing, Dun- Clark Edward, Canewdon, Rochford S.O
Algar James,Albert road, Romford mow S.O Clark George, Chadwell heath
Allan William, Lea Bridge road, Leyton Brackett Thomas,Gt.Bardfield,Braintree Clark Robert, High Garrett, Braintree
Allen Henry Thomas, Epping Bradley Frederick,Wood st.Walthamstw Clarke Henry Goswick, 24 Maria street,
AUenJohn, Horndon-on-the-Hill,Romfrd Bragg Miss S8rah Ann, Prittlewell, New town, Harwich
Allington Thos.Woodham Walter,Maldon Southend Clarke Jas.Parsonge. down,Dunmow 800
Alston Israel, Corringham, Romford Braine Frederick, Chingford CIsrke Samuel, 10 Market st. Harwich
AIston Jas.Horndon-on-the-Hill,Romford Brewer William George, Rayleigh S.O Clarke Thos.H.82 Moulsham st.Chlmfrd
Alt George Thomas, Fordham, Colchestr Brewster Jonathan, King's Head street, Clayden Alfred, 4 Gordon terrace,North
Ames J ames Stuck, Wt.Mersea,Colchestr Harwich; & Bradfield, Manningtree Woolwich road, Silverstown e
Amey William, Tidings hill, Halstead Brica Charles, Hatfield, Harlow Clayden Peter, Potter street, Harlow
Amos Wjlliam Hy. Billericay, Brentwood Briggs JosiahJ Boxted, Colchester Clayden William,West Bergholt,Colchstr
B.\K 417
CoatesSamuel,Churchend,DunmowS.O Everard Charles, Bradford street, Bock- Handley Henry, North street, Maldon
Cocks William, North Woolwich e ing, Braintree Hardwick Mrs. Ann, lcittlebury, Saffron
Cole William,Axe st. & North st.Barking Everett George, Good Easter, Chelmsfrd Walden
Coles James,Marsh street, Walthamstow Everitt Jsph.Chopping, High st. Halstead Hardy Saul, Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Collen Arthur D.Marsh st.Walthamstow Fairweather Edgar, 126 High st. Clchstr Harman Lewis, High street, East Ham e
Collier Samuel, Lower Temple street, Fardell Charles, I Croydon place, Bark- Harrington Geo. White Notley, Witham
Leytonstone e ing road, Plaistow e Harrington S.Ramsden crays,Brentwood
Collins James, Writtle, Chelmsford Farrant Abraham, White house, High Harrington Wm. Earl's Colne, Halstead
Cook John, St. Osyth, Colchester road, Leytonstone e Harris Geo.Isaac, Heath,Hatfield,Harlow
Cook Wm. High Bridge st. Walthm. abby Felgate Charles, Alberton, Colchester Harris T. J. 24 Townfield st. Chelmsford •
Cooke Edwin, 3 Alfred st. Canning twn e Fenn Mrs. Margaret, Lower Queen's Harris Wm. West Tilbury, Grays S.O
Cooper George, 72 Balham st. Plaistow e road, Buckhurst hill Harrison Geo. & Hy. High st. Stratford e
Cooper George, Church road, Leyton Finch William Handley, North st. Maldn Harrison Wm. Henry,Leigh,Chelmsford
Coote Charles, High street, Maldon Fincham J onathan, Ramsden, Bellhouse, Harter F. 12Quadrant st.Canning town e
Coppin WaIter Carter, Sidney street, Brentwood Harvey & Gamman (Leonard Savill,
Hrightlingsea S.O Fincham Mrs. Louisa, II Baddow road, man.), High street, East Ham e
Cottee Alfred, Buttsbury, Ingatestone Chelmsford Harvey George, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Cottee Septimus, Baddow road, Great Fincher James, Fobbing, Romford Harwood Alfd. In. Factory la. Colchester
Baddow, Chelmsford Fitch John, North street, Romford Hay George,4O&42Broadway, Stratforde
Cottis George. Chapel hill, Halstead Flack Charles. Castle st. Saffron Walden Haycock James,Springfieldroad, Spring-
Cottis William, Grays Thurrock S.O Flowers George, Dagenham, Romford field, Chelmsford
Cowling George, Latchingdon, Maldon Flowers Henry, Market place, Romford Hayden Wm. Bennett, High st. Gt.Ilford
Cox George, Billericay, Brentwood Flowers William, High st. Great Ilford Haylett Geo. Thos. High st. Brentwood
Cox John, Maybank road, George lane, Folkard John, Hythe hill, Colchester Hazell Rd. Wm. Forest la. Forest gate e
Leytonstone Forsdick Isaac, High street, Manningtree Heard John, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Coyle William, Chapel place, Great nfrd Franklin Joseph, Rayne road, Bocking, Heintze Robert, 7 Brindisi terrace, Lilli-
Crabb John, Great Braxted, Witham Braintree put road, Canning town e
Crampin John, Kelvedon . Franklin Rt. Bran end,Stebbing,Chmsfrd Hewes Stphn. Woods, Wantz rd. Maldon
Craske John, 21 Tindal st. Chelmsford Franks William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Hicks James Robert, Kelvedon
Cretfield Thomas, Pebmarsh, Bures S.O. Freeman J n. Lower Southend, Southend Hicks J oseph, 32 High street & 90 Duke
Suffolk French William, Harlow street, Chelmsford
Cresswell George, 145 & 147 Coggeshall Frick Adam, 8 Hope terrace, Barking Hicks Thomas Frederick, Felsted S.O
road, Braintree road, Canning town e , Hill Alfred, Hornchurch, Romford
Crick Herbert, I Salisbury place, Her- Frost Samuel, Gt. Wakering, Southend Hills William, Latchingdon, Maldon
mit road, Canning town Frostick Mrs. Charlotte Emily, Stan- Hislop James, 12 Balaam st. Plaistow e
Crismas Samuel, 21 Priory st. Colchestr ford-le-Hope, Romford Hitch Edward, Upminster. Romford
Cromack Jabez, Forest st. Forest gate e Fuller WilIiam, Rayne, Braintree Hockley Charles, 10 New st. Chelmsford
Croome Mrs. Susan, Woodford bridge Gannaway Mrs. Jane, 24 Victoria Dock Holdstock Charles, High street, Leyton
Crosby Robert, Wivenhoe, Colchester road e Hollingsworth Charles, High st.Halstead
Crossingham Albert, 2 Winchester ter- Gardiner William, Tower cottage, Wal- Holwell Abraham Charles, St. James'
race, Howards road, Forest gate e ton-on-the-Naze 8.0 street, Walthamstow
CrowfootGeorge, Legg st. Chelmsford Garling James Jacob, 20 Long Wyre Honey Henry, 59 Church street & 4
Cullen William, High rd. Leytonstone e street, Colchester Market street, Harwich
Cutting Wm. Hy. West Thurrock, Romfd Garling WaIter, West Bergholt, Colchstr Hook Thomas, Witham
Cutts Isaac, Finchingfield, Braintree Gasson J n. Ford st. Aldham, Colchester Homer Geo.Manuden, Bishop's Stortford
Dare Richard, Steeple Bumpstd. Haverhl Gates Alexander, High street,Brentwood Hotchen John Rt. 318 High st.Stratford e
Davis John Samuel, 5 West Ham lane e Gattey Wm. Fage, Broadway, Gt. Ilford see Dixon & Hotchen
Dawson Mrs. Ann, Prittlewell, Southend Gayler Dvd. Newport,Bishop's Stortford House John, 2 Roscoe st. Canning town t
Day Alfred, High Easter, Chelmsford Gentry Arthr. Little Maplestead,Halsted Howe Charles, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Day Arthur, Thaxted S.O Gentry William, Rainham, Romford Howell Henry, Ingatestone
Deane &; Son, Regent house, Clacton-on- Gerres William, Green street, Plashet e HoweIl Jas. Great Bromley, Colchester
Sea, Colchester Gibbons Frederick, 4 Star place, Dover- Hoy William, Great Chishall, Royston
Death Thomas Alex. North st. MaIdon court, Harwich HummJames,Barrackstreet,Colchester
Dennison Chas. John, Writtle, Chelmsfrd Gibling Rbt. Wm. South st. Manningtree Hutchin Mrs. Emma, Potter st. Harlow
Devenish William, Market hill, Maldon Gill Edward, Dagenham, Romford HutchinS!. Epping New rd.Buckhrst. hill
Dilliway George, Burnham, Maldon Gill John Henry, Wantz road, Maldon Hutchings Chas. jun. East st. Colchester
Dines Rt. Thos. Magdalen st. Colchester Gill Thomas, Maidenburg st. Colchester HuxtabIe Frncs. H. Church end,Woodfrd
Dix & Hotchen, 318 High st. Stratford e Gillett Thos. South Shoebury, Southend Inch Frederick, Shernhall st. Walthmstw
Dixon John Henry, Woodford bridge Gladwin Charles, Ramsey, Harwich IngramJames,4Marineparade,Southnd
Dodson Alfred & Miss Emily, St. GodfreyH.E.Nightingalerd.Wansteade Ingram Mark, High street, Romford
Andrew's road, Romford Godfrey T. West Stockwell st. Colchestr Isbern Thomas, Kelvedon
Dodwell Amos, Victoria road, Romford Goodey Wm. D. Parsonage st. Halstead Jackson Geo. 59 Plaistow rd.West Ham f!
Dodwell Fredk. Maryland terrace, Ley- Goodman Thomas,Warley rd.Brentwood Jackson H.Steeple Bumpstead, HaverhiU
tonstone road, Stratford e Goodwin H.Havering-atte-Bower,Rmfrd Jackson James, Earls Colne, Halstead
Dorlin Joel, steam mills, Great Holland, Goodwin Miss Sarah, High st.Romford James Henry, Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
Colchester Goodwin Mrs. Sarah, Navestock side, James John Henry, Rowhedge, Colchstr
Dorneman William, 7 Stanley terrace, Romford James Mrs. Rosannah, Mistley, Man-
Portway, West Ham e Greatrex William, Paradise row, Wal- ningtree
Double Joseph, Dedham 8.0 tham abbey Jarvis George, Ridgwell, Halstead
Douglas James, Greenhill gro. Little Ilfd Green George, Messing, Kelvedon Jarvis Joseph C. Stambourne, Halstea1
Dove Mrs. Eleanor Augusta, Woodford Green S. III & II3 Manor st. Braintree Johnson James, Aveley. Romford
green; & at Chigwell row Green William, 4 Manor street,Braintree Johnson James, East street, Barking
Drake James Hy. High st. Brentwood Grimwade James, 60 Leyton road, New Johnson James, King's road, Barking
Dunmow William, Horne row, Danbury, town, Stratford e Johnson Josh. New Writtle st. Chlmsfrd
Chelmsford Grisson Mrs. Hannah, Lexden street, Jolly Thos. Chas. Great Bentley, Clchstr
Dyson Jam~, Castle Hedingham, Halstd Lexden, Colchester Jones George, London road, Plaistow e
Eastwood James, Chadwell St. Mary, Guilder William, Terling, Witham Jones Wm. J. Markhouse rd. Wlthmstw
Grays S.O Gundall Hy. 13 Station rd. Forest gate e Jordan John, 2 Railway place, Liliput
Ebdon Henry Francis, 3~3 High street, Gussin Charles, Loughton road, Canning town e
Stratford e Gutteridge Hy. Cromwell rd. Brentwood Jordan Mannaseh, High Ongar, Brentwd
Ebert Peter, Harrow grn. Leytonstone e Ham Edward, Wivenhoe, Colchester Josling Thos. Great Baddow,Chelmsford
Eldred In. Pebmarsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk Ham Robert, Wivenhoe, Colchester Karz John, 38 Windmill lane, New town,
Ellenberger Hurghard, 99 Woodstock Hamblin Samuel. Ingatestone Stratford e
street & 51 Trinity st. Canning town e Hammond Samuel, Springfield hill, Keeble Saml. J. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Clchstr
Ellenger George, Marrin st. Stratford e Springfield, Chelmsford Kemp Andrew, Belchamp, Sudbury
Ely Mrs. Elizth. 17 Notley rd. Braintree Hammond Wm. Marsh st. WaIthamstow Kendell Wm. Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Ely Jas. Bridge st. Coggeshall, KeIvedn Handley George David, High st. MaIdon Kerslake Thomas, I Devonshire place,
Embleton William, Spital road, Maldon Handley Hemy, High street, Maldon Barking road, Plaistow e
. 27

41~ BAK • ESSEX. [ KELLY'~
BAKERs-continued. Millns & Son, North street, Barking P!ayle Matthew, High st. Brentwoocl
Kesler August, 14 Hallsville road,. Can- Minns Thomas, High street, Romford Pond Edward, Stow Maries, Maldon .
ning town e Model John, 23 Montesquieu st. & 53 Pond James, 'fil1ingham, Maldon
Killingbeck Henry, Church rd. Barking HallsviJIe roall, Canning town ~ Poole James & Co. 35 Leyton ro&:d, New
Killingbeck John, Great Chesterfield 8.0 Monk Ebenzr. Margaretting, Ingatestne town, Stratford e
Killingbeek John, High st. Great Ilfor:d Monk William, New street, Halstead Poole William, Sqrrirrels heath, Romfrd
Kimmings William, Loughton Moore Cornelius, Hatfield, Chelmsford Popplewell Thomas, l~ochford S.O .
King Frederick Charles, 136 Bidder Morrell Wm. CoggeshaB rel. Braintree Popplewell William, 8 Nelson terrace,
street, Canning town 6 Morris Henry, 6 Kent terrace, Hermit Cliff town, Southend
King George, Church road, Leyton road, Canning town e Porter Charle'l, Rayleig-h 8.0 .
King Mrs. Jane, Grays Thurrock S.O Morrison Brothers, Woodgrange bakery, Porter Henry, Springfielu. hilI, Spring-
Kingsland T. Milton Rd. pk. Plaistow 6 Earlham cross, Forest gate e field, Chelmsford
Knight Mrs. Mary, Boxwell, Chelmsfrd Moss James, Canewlon, R()chford S.O Porter Wm. Great Wakcring, Southend
Krailing William, Abridge, Romford Mount David, Church st. Cog.geshall Potter A. W. 10 Prince's ter. Plaistowe
Kurtz Charles, Church st. West Ham e Mower A. Wm. Theydon G.ll'non,Epping Potton James Sllow,B0reham,Chelmsfrd
Ladbrooke Johnson, Ford street, A.ld- Muir James, Boul1uary road & Hoe Powell S. A. 140 Moulsham st. Chlmsfrd
ham, Colchester street, Walthamstow Prance Jsph. jun.ut. Hardfield,Braintree
Lamb John, 76 Bidder st. Canning twn e Mumford J. Billericay, Brentwood Price Mrs. Frances, Prittlewell, Southnd
Lambach Peter William, 8 Queen's Mumford Peter, 61 Victoria Dock rd e Prior Jamos, Butt roa 1, Colchester
road, Canning town e Mundy Georg-e, sen. High st. Hmnford Prior John, Low street, Chingford
Lambert Mrs. Mary Ann, Station Musgrove William, SLoneham street, Prior N. The Gra.vel, Cog~e.'lhal1, Klvdn
road, Manningtree Coggeshall, Kelvedon Prior Wm. Beulah road, \Valthamstow
Lambert Robt. So Ou.essa rd. Forest gt e Muskett William, Market place & South Putnam Eclwin, Wood st. Walthamstow
Lancaster William, Rochford S.O street, Romford Pye Mrs. Sarah, Kelvedon
Lance John & Son, 37 Vicarage lane, Neale Robert, Roydon, Ware Pyne Wm. George, 2 Dolphin cottages,
Stratford e Nelle Freuk. 71 Victoria Dock road e Lilliput roau, Canning town ~
Laugley Joseph, Castle st.SaffronWalden Nichols Mrs. Eliza, Britlge street, Quint Samrrel, Hubbartl st. West Ham e
Last Wm. & Geo. Hythe hill, Colchester Cog.geshall, Kelvedon Rackham Job, Woodford bridg-e .
Last Josepll, Kelvedon Nickelson Thomas, Henniker road, ~e" Klinbird John,Boundary rd.WaHlunstw
Law Henry, Hadleigh S.O town, Stratford e Rainbird Wm. South Ockenden, Romfrd
Lawrence G. South Benfleet, Chelmsfrd Niesner P. 1 Vincent st. C,mning town e Rand Joseph, Leig-h, Chelmsford
Lawrence Norman Staines, Epping Nix Philip, North OckencIen, Romford Rashbrouk lL\LVliddleborongh,Colchstr
Lawrence Ruth, Roydon, Ware Norm~m Abner, 30 King Henry street, Ihshbrooke Jnthn.C.IL\llin;lLon,i:l udbry
Lawson John, 127 Rathbone street, Stoke Ne\vingt()n n. ; & 41 Peter street, H.,wen Henry, Fryernin!;" In!;atestone
Cauuing town 6 Canning town e H.ayen William, Heybri,lge, ~hldon .
Lay FreLlerick, TilIingham, Maldon Norris Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 Nevill's Market Rayner Jas.R"bt.373 High st.Stratford e
Lay ton R. 1 & 2 Anchor st. Chelmsford terrace, BJrking roaLl, P!aisto\,. e Rarner Samuel, Trinity st. H dstea 1 •
Lee Charles Christopher, High road, Norris George, Althorne, M:alcIon Reauer William, Alridg-e, Romford
Leytonstone e Norris Herbert Isaac, Stock, Ingatestone Reed G. Wid lillgton, Bishop's Stortfonl
Lee William, High street, Halstaad Norris John, 40 Victoria Dock road e Reim Chas. George la. east, Wanstd e
Leete WilIia.m Alexander, 84 Angel Norton Henry, 3 South terrace, Walton- Rice Charles, Great YelJham, Rdsteacl
lane, Stratford e on-the-Naze S.O . Richards Hobt.7 Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd
Leftley John, North street, Barking Offord Wm. Scower, Gt. Oakley,Harwich Richaruson Wm. S'lI1dpit rd. Braintree
Letch Thomas Augustus, Great Bard- OliveI' William, Hatfiehl, Chelm.,ford Richer Th()ma~, Wool st. 1Yalthamstow
field, Braintree Olley Tham \8, 8outhlllinster, 1\'hllon Riches Ge Irge-, Gt. Clacton, Colchester
Leveridge James, Layer rd. Colchester Osborne WilIiam, Brrrnham, Maldon Robin'lon Ch \rles, WlIO'lford wells
Lewin 'Villiam, High street, Maldon Osborne William, Leig-h, Chehmford Robinson Wm.64 HpI'mit st.Canningin e
Lewis Robert, Heybriclge, Maldon Owers J. 28 Lower Railway st. Braintree Hock H. 56 ]{athbone st. Cdnnin; tWlI e'
Lilley Banj. Regent st. Manningtree Owers John. Toot hill, Brentwood Rolstone CIHu·les. 4 Gladstone terrace,
Lilly Wm.West Hanningtield,Chelmsfrd Page Wltr.W.Clmrch st. Waltham abbey Church elltl, WOllclford
Ling Mrs. Eliza, Rochford S.O Palmer Geo.Bradford st.llockng.Brntree Root Alfd. 1 H lllllwaydowll, Leytmtn e
Ling Thomas, St. Osyth, Colchester Palmer Samuel R"ckh,lln, :YI:trine plaee, Root Mrs. ;-'Llry, 1Yhitwell rd. Plaistow e
Linsell Jonathan, Sheering, Harlow Walton-on-the-~aze8.0 Rose Thomas, MiJtlleborou,gh, Colchstr
Littlebury G. 120 Magdalen st. Colchstr Parker Wm. 122 Manor st. Braintree Rouse :\Irs. .\llry, GreeIl, Great Clac-
Loeber Louis, 1 Catherine street, Can- Parsons G. 7 Alexaudra st.Canning- twn e tOil, Colchester
niug town (J P,lrsons Mrs. S. Chipping Ongm S.O Rowe Jeptha, Bures hamlet, Colchester
Loker Frederick, Terling, Witham Parsons William, Hroomtield, Chelmsfrd Rowley lhl. Andrw. Bctrkiug- side, Wad
Loveday Mrs. Abigail, Elm Ion, Saffron Partridg-e Agur, Gt. Warley, Brentwood Rowley Richard Henry, Chigwell
Walden Paskell H.obt. Thos. High st.Manningtree Rum:lcy Jas.Oxne)' g-1l.Writtle,Chlm.,frd
Low Wil!iam Henry, Stock, Ingatestone Patey C. 55 Carpenter's ru. Stratford e Sadd Isaac, Ec\rl's Colne, Halstead
Lunn George, Prospect pI. Forest gate e Patrick Jamcs, Buhner, Slldblll'y Sarld Thos. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kel",edon
)fann George Hy, Battles bridge, Ret- Patten John, Witham Salmon Charles, Stamtecl Mountfitchet,
tendon, Chelmsford Pattrick Frederick,Orwcll road, Clacton- Bishop's Stortforu
Mann Leonard Samuel,Purleigh,Maldon on-Sea. Colchestl'r Salmon John, WickforJ, Battles bridge
Manning James Mann, Oak villa, Pil- Peacock Charles, Witharn Salter Mrs. 1{ebecca, 9 St. Austin's lane,
grims hatch, Brentwood Peacock Thos. Fletcher, Tilln~llln. ~ndn Harwich
Manning Thos. Thorrington, Colchester Peake Chas. \Vm. Elm:ltcad, Colchester Samuel George, Epping
Mansfield WiIliam Francis, Theydon Pearee G. Arkwrig-ht st. Canning- town e Samuel George, Harlow
bois, Epping Pearson George, Writtlp, Chelmsford i:lanrlers Arthlll', Stau'Jtpd Mountfitchet,
Margerum James, 'Veeley, Colchester Pearson John,, l\'LtldoIl Bishop's Stortford
MarkhamAlfd.II9 Moulsham st.Chlmsfd Pease Joseph, Rayleii,{h 8.0 Sanders John Decks, Pllrleigh, MaIJon
Marrison Henry, High st. East Ham e Pedley Geo. Crowntield rtl.LeytoIlstone e Sanders SI. lttker st. Orsett, Homford
Ma.rtin James, Ashclon, Cambrid~e Pegrum Caleb, Wood st. Waltham'Jtow Sandrock Jacob, Hi~h rd. Leytonstone e
Mason Mrs. Sarah, Ut. Brsted. Brntwd Perry Thomas, Great Chesterford S.O Sargrnt Robert, NfJrth street, Halstead
Matthams Mrs. Ht'pzihah, High st. Mlun Petre Louis, 32 Lett road, Stratford e SauIHlers Evett,Stoneham street,Oogges-
Maysent F. Castle Hcdingham, Halstd Phillips George, Benfield, Btallsted hall, Keh'edon
Mead Thomas, Chipping Ongar 8.0. Mountfitchet, Bishup's Stortfortl ~aullders Geo. H. Stan way, Culchester
Mead Thomas, Witham . Phillips W. H. II Market pI. Forest gte 6 i:lannders Rohert, Church street,Cugges-
Meadows A. 8eward's end, Sffrn. Waldn Pig-g John Thomas, Orsett, HOlllford hall, Kelvedrm
Merry John, High gtreet, Brentwood Pigram Caas. 19 Sutton st. Southend Savill Joseph, Thaxted S.O
MihilI John, Little BardJit'ld, Hraintree Pigram William, High st. t;affron Walrln Savill WilIiam, East st. Saffron Walden
Miller Mrs. Eliy..a , Argent street, Pilgrim Robert, Great Che3terford 8.0 Sa ward Benjamin, Harlow
Grays Thurrock 8.0 Piper WilIia.m M,lrtin, 82 & 84 High Saward Wm. Great Wakcl'illg,Southend
Miller Mrs. Mary Ann,Grys. Thrrck.s.O street, Braintree Scarborollgh Jas Hr.Station rd.Frst. gt e
Miller WiIlium Lewis Uabriel, 6 King's PitcherWm.Josiah,Gold sU;iaffrn.Waldn Schiel Jacob,Forty-acre la.Cannillgtwn ~
Quay street, H!\.rwich Pittard Raldwin, Field road,Forest ga.te e Schmidt Cha.rles,WhitwelI rd.Plaistow e
Miller Wm. Stphn. Church ewl, WUfrd Playle Chas. Steeple Bumpstead,Haverhl Schmidt John, West IIam lane e . I

Mills George, r,s, Tindal st. Chelmsford Playle George, Hochford 8.0 Schrulllln Chas. reteI'~ NorthWoolwwh e-
Schwab Wm. 9 Abbey lane, Stratford /I 8yms A. I Ford's market, 'Calming tu , Window Samuel, 8o-'l'ilbury rd.Plaistow ~
Scott Jas. North street, Halstead Tabor Wm. Burls, High st, Plaistow /I Wingfield James, Grove rd.Waltharnstow
Scott Thos. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchstr Taylor John, Burnhanl, Maldon . WireHatveY.43 St. Botolph st. Colchester
Scott Walter, Birch, Colchester Tew Robert Edward; Maldon ~ . Wiseman J. E. High st. Brightlingsea S.O
Seaman Shadrach, 35 North hI. Colchstr Theobald James, Peldon, Colchester Woodcock Jas. DeCarle,High st. Southnd
Searle Wm. Matching, Harlow Thomas George Alfred, Bergholt road, Woodroffe S. Middlesbrough,' Colchester
Sellman Joseph,7 Alma street,Stratford e Mile end, Colchester . Woodward Wm. St. Osyth, Colchester
Sefton John, I St. James' terrace, Strat- Thompson Alfred,Wethersfield,Braintree Woolard John & Son, Head st. Halstead
ford road, Park, Plaistow e .. ThompsonMissAnn,Shenfield,Brentwood Woollings Alfred, Orsett, Romford . >
Sexton John, 97 Vicarage lane, Stratford Thompson John, Leigh, Chelmsford· Wright & Son, i:6 Crouch st. Colchester
e; & Upper PlaistoW' e Thompson WiUiam, 4" Castle terrace, Wright B. Havering-atte-Bower, Romfrd
Sharp Mrs. Elizbth. Heath, Dedham S.O Barking rcmd, Plaistow e WrightFredk.Higham Hill rd.Wlthrnstw
Sharp Mrs. M. A. Mistley, Manningtree Thorogood Isaac, Military rd. Colchester' Wright G. Castle yard, Woodford green
Shaw Brothers, Writtle, Chelmsford Thorogood' .lames; Stebbing, Chelmsford Young Everett Isaac,65 Chobham road,
Shaw Thomas Hy. 96 Victoria Doek rd e Throssell William, North street, Barking New town, Stratford e '1

Shead Walt.rr & 13 Church st. Braintree Thurgood John H. Harlow Young Henry, Abbey rd. West Ham ~
Shedd Fredk. Castle st. Saffron Walden Tizley Charles; Hatfield, Harlow' Young Hy. Little Waltham, Chelmsford.
Shedd John, 50 Duke st. Chelmsford Tobias Mrs. Amelia,Parklane, Langham, Zerpass Kar), Maryland rd. Stratford e
Shedden Mrs. Sarah, Victoria Toad, Colchester \
George lane, Leytonstone e . Tomalin Mrs. Mary Jane, Chingford BAKER-MUFFIN.
Shepherd M. Sidney st.Brightlingsea S.O TraveIl William, Fyfield, Brentwood Carley T. 26 NeW' Writtle st. CheInisford
Shepherd Thos. Magdalen st. Colchester Trench William, :r86 Leyton road, New
Shepherd William, I Hartley terrace, town, Stratford /I . " . " BAKING POWDER MANUFRS.
Beckton road, Canning town /I Troster S. SI Scott st. Canning town /I Sinclair R. & Co. Brickfields, West Barn e
Shepherd Wm. StanweU st. Colchester Trott Robert, 108 Chapel st: Stratford e . . ,
Sibley Henry, 'fiptree heath, Kelvedon Tuffen David, Great Henny, Sudbury BALLAST MERCHANTS.'
Simmons Jabez & Son,High st. Halstead TurnerGeo.Bradwell-juxta-Mare,Maldon Fuller G. ·A. & A. Barge House landing
~immons William,Wivenhoe, Colchester. Turner Mrs.Louisa,King's rd. Brentwo'od wharf & drnw dock; North Woolwich
Simon C.I29 Lilliput rd.Canning town e' Tweed Charles, North street, Colchester· e; office, Lion wharf, Millwall ~ .
Slmpson William, North street, Maldon TweedJn. Ainger,Southhill,Manningttee Sankey John Hart,' Iron bridge'& EsseX"
Skinner Jesse,LoW'.grn.BrightlingseaS.O Tylor Edward, Billericay, Brentwood ' wharves, Canning town e
SmithChristopher,Downham,Brentwood Tyler Samuel, Sun st. Waltham 'abbey . ."
Smith Edwin, GreatWakering,Southend Tyrrell Mrs. Mary, Hornchurch, Romfrd BANKERS.
Smith F. 7 West st. New twn. Strtfrd e Tyser Richar.<l, North'Weald, Epping Alexander!!', Birkbeck, Barclay &: Buxton
Smith Geo. Fredk. West tel'. Colchester Underwood Jas. 67 High st. Stratford e (CharlesTaylor,manager),High street,
Smith J ohn,Middle Mead,Little Baddon, Vale Daniel, Magdalen street, Colchester Manningtree; &(branch from Ipswich,
Chelmsford Vale Geo. Lester, Magdalen·st. Colchester open on saturdays from I to 5 o'clock)
Smith Joseph, Burnharn, Maldon Vale James, Great Horkesley, Colchester 23 High street, Colchester; draw on
Smith Mrs.Mary, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Van Ryson John, North Woolwich e" Barnetts', Hoares' & Do. London
Smith Phillip, St. Osyth, Colchester Wackrill George, 47 Duke st. Chelmsford Colchester Ba»k (Round, Green & Co.),
Smith Samuel, Rochford 8.0 .' Wackrill John, Burnham, Maldon 9 High street, Colchester; branch,
Smith William .In. High st. Brentwood Wadley.latnes, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Brightlingsea ; fridays
Smorthwaite .lames, Heath st. Barking Wagner Charles, North Woolwich e Colchester ~ Essex Bank, see Mills,
Sneezurn &Co. Milton road, Southend Waldron .In. Chesnut walk, Walthamstw Errington, Bawtree & Co
Sneezum George, Rayleigh S.O WallisChas.GrosvenorPk.rd.Walthmstw Cox, Cobbold & Co. Kinglg. t Quay
Snel! William, Shed lane, Declham 8.0 WallisWltr.Edwd.Illgrave rd. Brentwood street, Harwich; 'draw on Willhtm~,
Snow John, Great Chesterford S.O Warren Mrs. R. Lit. Coggeshall,Kelvedon Deacon & Co. London
SoamesWm. Sir Isaac's walk,Colchester Wash Geo. I I St. Botolph st. Colchester Gibson, Tuke & Gibson, Market
Song-er Isaac;West Stockwell st.Colchstr Wass John, Stanway, Colchester place, Saffron Walden; at Bishop's
South Charles Henry,Purileet, Romford Watars Chas. High Toad, Leytonstone e Stortford & Sawbridgeworth; draW'on
South Henry, Gre.f\tWakering,Southend Waters Jas. Little Thurrock, Grays S.O Dimsdale, Fowler & Co. London; open
Southgate Geo. Great Baddow,Chelmsfd Watkins J .H. 2sGrenvillest:Canning tn e daily 9 to 4 p.m; saturdays 9 to S p.m
Spalding George, Danbury; Chelmsford Watson C.&Son,Londonrd.SaffronWaldn Hill & Sons (wednesdays only), Market
Sparling Chas.Pet.Lambert st.Southend Watson Benjamin, Dedharn S.O - place, Rornford . .' ,"
Sparling Robert, Kirby, Colchester Watson Charles, High st. Saffron Walden Imperial Bank Lim. (sub branch); High
Sparling Shadrach John, Pier avenue, Watson Jas. I King's rd. Canning town e Bridge st. Waltham abbey (attendance
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Watson John, Stoneham st. Cogg-eshall on- tuesdays only) ~ draw on head
Sparrow Geo.West Hanningtid.Chernsfd Watts S. & Son, Main rd. Dvrcrt. Hrwch office, London e.c .I . • I
Spells Misses Mary & Emma, South- Webster Arthur, Queen st. Brentwood' London ~ County' Banking {]f}. Limited
rninster, Maldon Webster Arthur R. Moreton, Brentwood (Chelmsford branch) (Chas. Williams,
Spemlley Jas. New rd. Mistley, Mningtre Webster W. J:Sonth Ockenden, Romford 'manager), High street, Chehnsford ~
Spooner Samuel, Steeple Maldon Wedd Chas. Newport, Bishop's Stortfol'd (Augustus Robert Clench, 'manager)
Springett In. Stockwell st. Colchester Wells Mrs. E. Stambourne. Halstead' 2$ High street, Colchester; (Edward
Spurgeon Fredk. Barking la. Gt.llford Wells George, Alresford, COlchester . John' Gill, manager) High street,
Staggs Thomas Lewin, Rochford S.O Wells G. 164 Moulsharn st. Chelmsford Braintree; (Anthony. John Stowell,
Staines George,Chant street, Stratford e Wells Joseph, Shernhall st. Walthamstow manager), High street, Brentwood;
Staines James, Dunnow 8.0 ' Wells William, I Star buildings, Bidder (Edward John Gill, manager) .Market
Staines Mrs. Mary Ann, 12 Lower street, Canning town e hill, Coggeshall, Kelvedon: (George
terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford Went Joseph, Bulpham, Romford Walker Stl'achan, manager) High st.
Stammers John, Rayne, Braintree ' West Alfred, Lindsell, Chelmsford Halstead; {Edward Hanson, manager)
StannardRich. 5Broomfield rd.Chelmsfd Wheeler Miss Martha, East street, Cog- High street, Maldon; (Augustus R0bt.
Start Geo. Sible Hedingham, Halstead geshall, Kelvedon Clench,managel') High street,Manning-
Stebbings W.WoodhamMortimer,Maldn Wheeler Mrs. Kelvedon ·'tree; (A. J. StoweU, manager) ·High
Stevens Hy.Woodham Ferrers,Chelrnsfd Whenn Robert; 6 Maryland point, Strat- street, Romford; open daily 9 tD 4
Stevens James, Hornchurch, Romford ford e.; & 2 Broadway, Forest gate e p.m.; saturdays 9 to 5 p.m. (Alfred
Stevenson Jas. Denmark st. Plaistow e White George, Prittlewell, Southend' Foster, manager) Market place, Saf-
Stimson Freclk. 26S High st. Stratford e White Richard, High street, Southend fron Walden; & (Charles Henry Davis,
StockdaleWrn. Beulah rd.WaIthamstow White Thomas, Leyton'roacl,'Leyton ' . manager) 49 Broadway; Stratforcl e;
Stone Charles, Thaxted S.O . Wildish Thomas, Crown st. Brentwood draw -on head office, 21 Lombard
Strowiger Charles, North st. Colchester Wildish Thomas, Tillingham, Maldon street, London e.c·
Strutt Wm . Parsonage street, Halstead Wilkie Miss Jessie, 126 Leyton road, London 'of Pro"/)incial Bank, Limited

Stuhldreer Adolphus & Son,' Harrow New town, "Stratford e (bTanches) (Thomas Reginald Hey-
road, Leytonstone e Wilks Miss E. Primrose hill, Chelmsford gate, manager), Grays ThurTock S.O ;
Sudburg Hobert, Bridge st. Halstead " Willings F. H. PaTsonage'st. Halstead & (Thomas Harnbly, manager ~ hours
Summers Jnthn. S. Sthminster. Maldon Willsmer John, Pitsea,' Chelmsford 9 to 4,'S p.m. sat'.)· Orford road-,
Sutton Felix, 32 Stephenson- -street, Winrbush Richard Nelson,Windrnilllane, Walthamstow ; draw on head office,
Canning town' e ' '.", .. New town, Stratford e . 7 Bank buildings, Lothbury ; & Glyn,
Syrnonds Wait. Bartlow hamlet, Camb Window G.W.7S tn e Mills & Co. Lornbard street e.c
BANKER8-Ctmtinuea. Ridgwell Jame8, Hadleigh 8.0 Ayere William, Copthall, Saffron Walden
Mille, Errington, Bawtree & Co. 3 Sarr William, Chrishall, Royston Avis William, 121 Tilbury rd. Plaistowe
High etreet, Colchester; (Thomas Simons John, Greenstead, Colchester Aylett William, Abridge, Romford
Wade, manager; open mondaye, Smith Frederick, Witham Bacon Mrs. C. High Roothing, Dnmw.S.G
wednesdays et fridays from 12 till 4 Smith Wm. Dykes, North st. Romford Bacon James, Hornchurch, Romford
during Bummer: fridayB only 12 tillg Sowman Daniel, Barra('k st. Colchester Bacon J.W. Helion Humpstead, Haverhill
in winter) Marine place, Walton-on- Sowman Henry, East street, Colchester Bacon Mrs. M. East Bt. Saffron Walden
the-Naze S.O; Orwell road, Clacton- Stanley Geo.Newport, Bishop's Stortford Bacon Richd. Brentwood road, Romford
on-Sea, Colchester & (Alfred Mens, Taylor Samuel,Wood st. Walthamstow Bacon William, Pelham's la. Colchester
manager) Witham: draw on Glyn, Thorogood John, Prittlewell, Southend Bacon William, Thorrington, Colchester
Mills & Co. London t.e Thurlow G. II5 Lilliput rd. Canning tn e Bail John, 93 St. James' rd. Forest gt e
Round, Green & Co. 9 High street, Col- Turner Samuel & Son, 8 ldoulsham Bailey Levi, Barking side, Ilford
chester; sub branch, Sidaey street, street, Chelmsford Bailey W. 53 Bumham Bt.Canning twn e
Brightlingsea, on fridays; draw on Westrop R:Castle Hedingham, Halstead Bailey William. Linton road, Barking
• Barnetts', Hoares' & CQ. Lombard BATH PROPRIETORS Baily William, Cranham, Romford
street, London e.c . • Baker George, High road, Loughton
SpalTow, TufneIl, Parker, Woodhouse Breeze L. 4°7 street, Stratford e Baker Harman, Mill green, Ingatestone
& Tufnell, High street, Chelmsford; Hadley Ben]amm, The Hythe, Maldo~ Baker James, Elmdon, Saffron Walden
branches (John Jeffries, agent), Howard Raymond,Dovercourt, Harwich Baker W.E. Dunmow rd. nth. Leytnstn (';
BilIel"icay, Hrentwood; (Hyem Porter, 11?'gTam ~hos. Wm. 1 Grove ter. Suthnd Baking John, Fingringhoe, Colchester
chief clerk) Bank street, Braintree; Slmey MISS L. Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Balham Richal"d, Tiptree hth. Kelvedon
(WaIter Patrick Fenn, agent) Chip- BATHIN G MACHINE Balls John, Gt. Wigborough, Colchester
ping Ongar S.O; (James Edward PROPRIETORS. Balls Mrs. M. 6~ Forest st. Forest gate e
Pegram, man.) East st. Coggeshall, nates Hy. Geo. Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Bane R. B. 65 Maryland rd. Stratford e
Kelvedon; (WaIter Tweed, manager) Bonfield John, 4 .\lOOrt place, Lower Banbam George. 26 Anchor st. Chlmsfd
Epping; (John Morris, manager) Southend, Southend Bann~ster H~n!'Y' High st. Brentwood
High street, Halstead; (H. J. Sansom, Bradley William,Milton street, Southend Banmster Wl1ham, Grays Thurrock 8.0
manager) High st. Maldon; (Edward Brooks John, 4 Prospect row, Lower Barker Mrs. Catherine, Church end,
Trotter Jacksoo, mana~er) Rochford Southend, Southend Clavering, Bishop's Stortford
S.O; (Thomas Firman Barrett, agent) Carter Stephen J.Pavilion rillas,Walton- Barker Mrs. Charlotte, Lexden, Colchstr
HIgh street, Southend; (William C. on-tbe-Naze S.O Barker G. Essexgrv. Clay st.Walthmstw
Barnard,agent)Dunmow S.O; Harlow: Cattermole Alfred Beach road, Clacton- Barker J. Duck end, Stebbing, Chlmsfrd
&; (John Smith Prior, agent) South- on-Sea, Colchester Barker R. Bardfield End gn. Thaxted.S.O
minster, Maldon; draw on Barcla" Howard Raymond, Dovercourt, Harwich Barker William, BilIericay, Hrentwood
Bevan & Co. London Page Joseph, I Victoria place, Lower Barltrop Hammond, Amberdon end,Deb-
BANKERS' AGENT Southend, Southend den, Sa~r.on Walden
See.A. ent-Bankers'. • Robin80n AbrahamWilliam,Beach house, Dames Wl1ham, Rochford 8.0
g Lower Southend, Southend Barrack Samuel, Harlow
BARGE BUILDERS. Sallows R..High st. Waltn-on-the-Nz.S.O Barren Josiah, Belchamp Otten,Sudbury
Sec Boat" Barge BuiUera. BEDDING JllIANUFACTURERS Barrett Arthur, Thaxted 8.0
. Barrett Job, Great Chesterford S.O •

BARGE OWNERS_ Ba~~ Wm. In.213 ~estern rd. Plaisto!" e BarrettJ. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill
See Boat" Barge Owners. GrIffin George Lamson, 18 &; 19 HIgh Barrett Richard, Great Chesterford 8.0
BARRISTER s~reet, Colches.ter. See advertisement Barwood Daniel, 5 Church str Harwich
Church Henry John barn;ter Crouch U1Utlersal BeddIng Warehouse, 190 The Bass Edwin W. Vicarage road, Leyton e
street Colchester' , Gron, Stratfo~ e . T" Batt George, Lilliput rd. Canning two If
, Bates Mrs. Mane EhzaOOth, I 'Ictona Battin George. Upminster, Romford
BASKET & SIEVE MAKERS. Dock road e . Baxter John W. MistIey, Manningtree
Ambrose Ephraim, 17 Moulsham street, BEEF DEALERS. Baynes John, 32 Head street, Colchester
Chelmsford Beard Josepb, Chappel, Halstead
Ambrose Thomas, Burnham, Maldon See Ham 4' Beef IJealer,. Beard Richard, Orsett, Romford
Archer Frederick, Harlow BEER RETAILERS. Beardwell ISRac, Boxted, Colchester
Eranch Frederick, 19 Station rd.Harwich Marked tbuI. are Wine Retatle1'll. Beardwell J. Wst. Hergholt, Colchester
Bywater William George, 7 Havelock Abby G. West Hanningfield, Chelmsford BeckettW.Baddow rd.Gt.Baddow, Chmfd
terrace, Great Ilford Abraham In. Littlebury, Saffron Walden Beddall B. 25 Hallsville rd. Canning tn,
Cadby Thomas, North st. Halstead Adams John, 76 Victoria Dock road e Bedford C. Chestnut walk, Walthamstow
Coker William, Grays Thurrock 8.0 Adams Simon, Great Bardfield,Braintree Belchem John, Kl'lvedon
Cooper WaIter William,High st.Halstead Aeard Charles, Baddow road,Chelmsford Bell Abraham, Nevendon, Chelmsford
CorneD Simeon, Cross st. Saffron Waldn Aldous Richard, Fishlft" street, Barking Bellinger W. J.C.75 Maryland rd. Strtfrde
Cornell William, Wethersfield, Braintree Aldridge G. 8th. Grove rd. Walthamstow Belsham Mrs. K. Lit. Totham, Witham
Death Mrs.Samb Ann, Market hI.Maldon Alexander Charles, Goldhanger, Maldon Bennett James Thomas, 1 & 2 Victoria
Dennish William, Southminster, Maldon Alland James, 13 Head street terrace, Barking road, Plaistow e
Dobson Gea. Edwd. Back st. Brentwood AlIen J. Round bush, Purleigh, Maldon Bennett Josiah, Denmark st. Plai8tow e
Felstead William, High street, Romford Allen Jeremiah, Mistley, Manningtree Benton John, Green lane, Chadwell hth
Forward John, 2 Railway te1Tace, Forest AlIen Mrs. M. A. Finchingtield, Braintree Beresford C.Br;ydges rd.New twn.Strtfd e
lane, Forest gate e AlIen Mrs. Sarah, Great Saling,Braintree Berry John, North street, Barking
Funnell Alfred,Little Clacton, Colchester AlIen Mrs. Sarah, Shalford, Braintree Bertram John, Rochford S.O
Gadsby W. 25 Maryland point, Stratfdt Allen Thomas, Ridgwell, HaJstead Bezant John, Ballingdon, Sudbury
Gibbs Henry, 106 High st. Braintree Almond John, Thorpe-le-Soken, Clchstr Bibby William, Kelvedon
Grout William,Dutton hill,Great Easton, Alp Alfred, George lane, Leytonstone e BigdenA.nSwanscmb. st. Canning two e
Dunmow Ambrose G. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Bine8 Frederick, North hill, Colchester
Hall Henry, East street, Barking Amey William, Stansted. Mountfitchet, Rinks Edward, Queen's road, Brentwood
Hayward lsaac,6 Lower Railway street, Bishop's Stortford Binks Mrs. Eliza, Broadway, Barking
Braintree AndersonMrs.Z.Castle st.SaffronWalden Binks George Samuel, Axe st. Barking
Hollingsworth Mrs. Hilery, High street, Audrews Charles, East street, Barking Bird Abraham, Canvey island, Chelmsfd
Romford Andrews James, HuImer, Sudbury Bird Charles, Stour street, Manningtree
King John, Billericay, Erentwood Andrews Robert. Great Chesterford 8.0 Bird George, Dedham S.O
Lee Wm. Hetion Bumpstead, Haverhill Ansell Wm. Crownfield rd.Leytonstonee Bishop Wm. Southminster, Maldon
Monk William, Great Hallingbury, Appleby Thomas, Boxted, Colchester Bixby G. Bennet's Castle lane,Rippleside,
Bishop's Stortford Archer Mrs. Sarah, Birds green, Barking
Mount William, Market end, Coggeshall, Beauchamp Roothing, Brentwood Blaizby George, Dagenham, Romford
Kelvedon Argent A. Great Maplestead, Halstead Blanks Mrs. Sarah, Shalford, Braintree
'ParsoDSOn Chas. High street, Halstead Argent DRYid, North street, Barking Blomfield John, Magdalen st. Colchester •
Parsonson Richard, Ballingdon,Sudbury Armstrong W. Copthall gn.Wlthm. abby Blows Wm. 13 Maryland point, Stratfd 6
ParBonson Thomas, North st. Colchester Amold Mrs. L. 8ulTex, Feering, Kelvedn Blumer George, Forest, Walthamstow
Prior Charles, Dunmow S.O Atterton John, Fisher street, Barking Blyth Frederick, East street, Barking
Prior John, Dunmow 8 0 Attway William, East street, Colchester BIyth Samuel, Ardleigh, Colchester
Ralpb William, Oxford rd. Manningtree Auger James, Chipping Ongar 8.0 Bolton Maltby E. Park road, Leyron
&nd J. Golden hI. Military rd. Colchstr Challis James, Roydon, Ware Cracknell Mrs. E. Bradfield, Manningtre
Booth Mrs. Maria, Hythe quay, Colchstr Chamberlain Mrs. Elizabeth, Queen Cramer Geo. Maidenburg st. Colchester
Eoreham Mrs. E. Cromwell rd. Colchstr street, Brightlingsea S.O Crane John, Magdalen Laver, Ongar
"Boreham Joseph, Fryerning,Ingatestne Chambers John, Horne row, Danbury, treasey Daniel, Bradwell-juxta-Mare,
Bowen In. Woodham Mortimer,Maldon Chelmsford Maldon
Boythe Alfred, Samson st. Plaistow it Chapmau Mrs. Ann, Upper green, Wim- Crisp Mrs. Martha, Springfie1d wharf,
llrackley Daniel, St. James' road, Tower bish, Saffron V\'aIden Springfield, Chelmsford
Hamlets, Walthamstow Chapman James, High street, Romford Crispe James Hammond, 99 Chapel st
Bradnam Robert, Magdalen st. Colchstr Chapman In.Woodhm. Ferrers, Chlmsfd Stratford e
Bragger Mrs. Norah, Chandos road, New Chapman Thos. Boreham, Chelmsford Crispe SI. J. Victoria I'd. Leytonstone ~
town, Stratford it Chapman WaIter, Brick end, Broxted, Crockford James William, Hagger lane,
Brand Chas. Manuden, Bishop's Stortfrd Dunmow S.O Walthamstow
Brand Fredk. Elmdon, Saffron Walden Charles William, 25 Waddington road, Cromarty Mrs. Jessie, 20 Victoria ter
Brand T. West st. Coggeshall, Kelvedon Stratford it race, Lilliput road, Canning town it
Braybrook In. J. Brook st. Mannir;gtree Charlton James, Hale end, Woodford, Cropper Miss Sarah EIlen, 96 Maryland
Brewer Chas. Queen's rd. Buckhurst hI Walthamstow road, Stratford it
Brewer Joseph, Shirley st. Canning twn it Charlton William Davis, 377 High Cross DnI. 125 i.illiput rd. Canning twn it
Brewster Thomas, Bycknacre,Woodham" street, Stratford e Cross Mrs. Hannah, Butt's green, Han-
Ferrers, Chelmsford Cheek Mrs. Eliza, Cressing, Braintree church, Romford
llridge Mrs. Eliza, Hornchurch, Romfrd Cheek Jos. West Hanningfield, Chlmsfrd Cross Robert, Great Warley, Brentwood
Bridge Joseph, Broad green, Great Cheetham Jos. Junction rd. Brentwood. Crozier Samuel, Felstead S.O
Waltham, Chelmsford Childs Mrs. Susannah, 50 Maidenburg Crozier SI. Littley gn. Ford end,Chlmsfrd
lJright Thos. Little Dunmow, Chelmsfrd street, Colchester Crutchfield Jas. 222 High st. Stratford e
:Brittain Alfred, Mountnessing, Brentwd Church Charles, Shalford, Braintree Collum Mrs. Mary A. North Woolwich e
.Britten Mrs. H. Gt. Burstead, Brentwd Church Edwd. Gt. Bromley, Colchester Cullum Thomas, Billericay, Brentwood
.Brookes Mrs. Mary, lIavering-atte- Church Mrs. M. Lit. Bromley, Maningtre Cumbers PhiI. Tower hI. Brentwd. Essex
Bower, Romford Clark Alfred, Squirrels heath, Romford Cumbers Thomas, Brook st. Brentwood
Brooks George, 263 High st. Stratford e Clark James, Great Easton, Dunmow CundyThomas North,25 Custom House
Brown Charles, Chapel hill, Braintree Clark John, Roydon, Ware terrace, Lilliput road, Canning town ~
.Brown John, Great Parndon, Harlow Clark Mrs. Mary Ann, Back st. Gt. Ilford Curtis Jonas, Queen's road, Barking
.:Brown Mrs. M. A. Gt. Easton; Dunmow Clark Edmund, Black Notley, Braintree Cutbush Joseph, 17 Waddington street,
:Brown Mrs.Phcebe,London rd. Braintree Clarke Francis, Widford, Chelmsford New town, Stratford it
Brown Mrs. R. Becontree hth. Romford Clarke George, Stansted Mountfitchet, Cutcher Charles, 27 Rathbone street,
.Brown Thomas, Gold st. SaffronWalden Bishop's Stortford Canning town ~
Brown Thos. Little Baddow, Chelmsfrd Clarke Jas.Parsonage dwn. Dunmow S.O Cutting Henry Robt. Wix, Manningtree
Broyd John, Grays Thurrock Clarke John, Nazing, Waltham cross Cutting John, Little Bentley, Colchester
.Broyd Samuel, I<'ordham, Colchester Clark SmI. Mill la. Takeley, Chelmsford Daines Chas. South Benfleet, Chlmsford
llrunwin Wm, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Cleverly G. Woollard st. Wlthm. abbey Daines Thos. Finchingfield, Braintree
13uckingham Mrs. H. A.West Ham lane e Cleverly J. Fountain pI. Waltham abbey Dalby Francis, Lexden, Colchester
]Joll Mrs. S.New road,Dagenham,Romfd Clithero Wm. Church st. West Ham e Dalton J. G. Higham hill, Walthamstow
Bullard William,Gt.Eastern rd. Stratfd it Clowton M. Tilkey, Coggeshall, Kelvdon Dalton Willet, 11 Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd
.Bunn Charles, Gt. Bardfields, Braintree Coates Thos. A. Grove rd. WaIthamstow Dansie Mrs. Jane, Castle Hedingham,
'13unn James, 12 Baddow rd. Chelmsfrd Coo Amos, Causeway end, Felstead S.O Halstead
.Bunting George, Fordham, Colchester Coe Henry Johnson, Colchester road & Darby Edward Woolward, 10 Kelland's
.Bunting Sam, Hill green, Clavering, Higham hill, Walthamstow road, Plaistow it
Bishop's Stortford Coe John, Castle street, Saffron Walden Darby Mrs. George, Radley green, Rox-
Burgess George, Hill green, ClaTering, Cole Chas. St. Osyth, Colchester well, Chelmsford
Bishop's Stortford Cole Thomas, Adborough hatch, TIford Dare Robert, Church road, Leyton
Burrell WaIter, Ongar road, Brentwood. CoUins Hy. Bran end, Stebbing, Chlmsfd Davey Alfred, 2~ Moulsham st. Chlmsfrd
..Burton Edgar, Old heath Collins George, Market place, Romford Davey Mrs. Henry, 172 Moulsham street,
.:Bush Charles, Feering, Kelvedon Collyer Rd. Landsdwn. rd. Leytnstone e Chelmsford
Bush James, Manuden, Bishop's Stortfd Collyer Richard. 6 Oxford terrace, Van- Davis Charles, High st. Romford, Essex
:Bush Mrs. R. Birchanger,Bishop'sStortfd sittart road, Forest gate ~ Davis Henry, Back street, Brentwood
Buswell Hy. Alfd. Epping green, Epping Colton Jas. Robert, East st. Stratford e Davis Samuel, London road, Romford
Butcher Henry, Great Yeldhm. Halstead Colyer Richd. 26 Abbey lane, Stratford it Davis William,Woodham Walter,Maldon
Butcher Henry, Toppesfield, Halstead Conway Stephen. Lawford, Manningtree Davison William, Railway terrace, Forest
.Butcher Samuel, Mt. pleasant, Halstead Conybeare William, XI Broomfield road, lane, Forest gate ,
.:ButcherWm. Bradfd st.Bocking,Braintre Chelmsford Dawes Hy. Boundary rd. Walthamstow
.ButterworthWm. Netley rd. Walthmstw Cook Elias, Southminster, Maldon Dawkins Wm.Leaden Roothing,Chlmsfrd ,
Eyford James, Bradfield, Manningtree Cook Frederick, Millhead, Great Waker- Dawson Henry T. XI George st. Harwich
-Cable Richard, Ingatestone ing, Southend *Day George, Nine ashes, High Ongar,
Cakebread Alfred, Mill end, ClaTering, Cook George, Rowhedge, Colchester Ingatestone
Bishop's Storlford Cook James, South street, Manningtree Day Joseph, St. James' st. Walthamstow
CallowMrs.Ann,LittleMaplestead,Halstd Cook Mrs. Mary Ann. London rd. Rmfd Day Robert, Great Warley, Brentwood.
Calver Mrs. C. Coggeshall rd. Braintree Cooke Alfred, Belchamp, Sudbury Day Samuel, Parnell's, Willingale Spain,
Camp Wm. I Angel pl.New twn.Stratfd e Coombe Mrs. Sarah, Burnham, Maldon Brentwood
'*Campbell Luke Glen, Leytonstone Cooper Jas. Coggeshall road, Braintree Daybell Mrs. Sarah, Henniker road,New
road, Leytonstone e Cooper John, Wood st. Walthamstow town, Stratford it
Cane Henry, Great Chishall, Royston Cooper William,79 Hemsworth street, Deal William, Tiding's hill, Halstead
Canu Elijah, Newport, Bishop's Stortfrd Canning town e Deeks John, 3 Short Wyre st. Colchester
Canning C.H.NewBecktn.Nth.Woolwch e Coote Am9s, Barnston, Chelmsford Deex Richard, Ramsey, Harwich
(}areyC.134&I3SLilliput rd.Canuing tn ~ Coote Amos, Chlmsfrd. rd. Dunmow 8.0 Deller Mrs. Elizabeth,8Victoria buildings
,()arey John, 127Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd Copsey Henry, Bradford street, Bocking, Barking road, Plaistowe
Carlick John, Chipping hill, Witham Braintree Dellow Wm.Greenhill grove, LittleIlford
Carrington Samuel, 18 West st.Harwich Corder Henry, Gestingthorpe, Halstead Dench John, Barking side, Ilford
Carter Geo. Clavering, Bishop's Stortfrd cornen Edward, WarIey road, Great Dennis Alfred, Matching, Harlow
'Carter George. Manor road, Barking WarIey, Brentwood Denny David. Purleigh, Maldon
Carter John, Artillery street, Colchester Cornell W. Seward's end, Saffron Waldn Derham Edwin,Marden Ash, High Ongar
'Carter John, Grays Thurrock S.O Cornwall Job, Runwell, Chelmsford Brentwood
Carter John, 403 High street, Stratford e Coston William, Pledgden green, Hen- Digby Wm, Cricks green, Felsted S.O
Carter Mrs. M. A. Newpt.Bishop's Stortfd ham, Bishop's Stortford Dines William, Mile end, Colchester
\Carter 'rhomas, North Woolwich road & Cottis Elias, Witham Dixey George, Bulmer, Sudbury
I Princess street, Canning town e Coulson John, 2 & 4 High st. Plaistow e Dixon Levi, Henham, Bishop's ~tortford
Carter Thomas, 7 West Ham lane e Coolson In. Romford common, Romfrd Dockerill Geo. Wood la. Chadwell heath
oCatt Samuel, Wivenhoe cross, Wivenhoe, Cowell Wm. Audley end, Saffron Waldn Dockrill George, Five elms, Dagenham,
Colchester Cowling George, Latchingdon, Maldon Romford .
oChallis Charles, 52 Forest st.Forest gte it Cowper Charles, Heybridge, Maldon Dodd George, Springfield street, Spring-
Challis D. Bedel's end, Writtle,Chelmsfd Cox Edward, Wickford, Bat_le bridge field, Chelmsford
BEER RETAILERS continued. > Gibson Geo. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Herbert Samuel, Stisted, Rrain.tree
nore Mr!l: Susan, Military rd. Colchester Giffen Dll4lJ.Little HalIiugbury, llishop's Heslar Charles, Stllmbourne, HaJstead
))ownes Henry, Ardleigh, Colchester· Stortford Hewett Juhn, Harking lane, Great lHord
Downham Charles,Thaxted roo.d,Stdlrofl Gilby John, High street, Braintree Hext J as. Stone, 16 Ouessa rd. Forest gte e
Walden Ginman WiIliam, Hatfield, Chelmsford Higham Alfred, 76 Woodstoc.:k stree~
Drewry Absolom, North street, Halstead Gladwell G. A. Great Burstead,Brntwood Canning town e
DunnJas.Sewardstonest.Walthamabbey Goater Robert, Graug6 VillilS, Grange Hills Joseph, Great Chesterford S.O
Durrant WilIiam. '.l'e.ndring, Colchestev road, Flaistow r Hindes Chas. In. R. Anue st. I'laistow ,.
Edlin Henry, Homford rood, Little Ilford Goddard Jamesj Mistley, Manningtree Hitch Edwd. Albert, High st. Maldon
J<~wards John{ Rayleigh S.O I • • Godfrey Chas.l:Iigh Laver, Ongar Hitchcock John, Heath, DOObum S.O
Edwards Mrs. 'rhomas, Layer Marney, Godfrey Thomas, ,, Bishop's Bockley Mrs. Sarah, Hippleside, llarking
Kelvedon ., Stortford Rockley William, Rayne, Braintree
Eldred Johnj Pebmarsh,Bures 8.0 Suffik Golby William, Wix, Manningtree Holder James) Wivenhoe, Colchester
ElIiott Thomas, Buttsbury, Ingatcstone Golby WilIiam, jun. Stones green, Gt. Holland J onas, George st. Canning twn If
Ellis CharlllS, Little Easton, D\lnmow I,Oakley, Harwich· . Holland William, Rippleside, Barking
Ellis Edward, I Stephenson street, C~n- G8:ding Henry, North street, Romford Holliday James, RivenIH~1J, 'Witham ,
ning town!!' I Gooeh John, Vincent tavern, Vincent Hopper Aungier A.loo Victoria Dock rd e
EllisWiIliam,!Iardleygreen,HorJl£hurcH, street, Canning town /l Bornl;ey Edwl1rd, North Woolwich e
Rornford ,Goodaker John Hy. North 8t. Barking Boward Geo. Greenleafla. Walthamstow
Elliston Jsph, Margaretting,IngatestoDi GDodman Mrs. Mary Ann, North Huward Raymond, Do\'ercourt, Harwich
Embleton Wm. Marsh 8t. W.althaIllBtow Woolwich road, Canning town e Howell Henry, 128 Lilliput road, Cann-
Emerson Tho9. Great Baddow, CWmsfrd Goody John, Fordham heath, Fordham, ing town e
EnwrightMl's.Mary,Rettendon,GU\msfrq Colchester Hudgelll"tpllll. J. Heath, Hatfield,Barlow
Evans Charles, Parsonage st. Balstead Goose William, Theydon boi~, Epping ,Hudson Jsph. I Grange road, Plaistowe'
Evans Mrs. Elzbth. Shenfield,Brentwood Gosling Benry Wethersfield, Braintree Hughes Barnl. 7 Vicarag-e la. East Ham (J
Evans Thumas, 1 V~ctoria terrace, High Gould Mrs. Elizabeth j Little Clacton, Hunt 'rhos. Hy. West TilLury, Homford
street, Plaistow e : Colchester Hunwick Arthur, Church st. Coggeshall
EV3Jls William, Trinity square, Halstead Gozrett Edwin, Billericay, Brentwood Hurley Chas. Magdalen st. Colchester
EY6Ja.mes, Mill green, lngatestone Grant Mrs. Sarah, Fordbam,Colchester Hukhinsoll In. 62 Paul st. West Barn e
Eyerett SmlJpswich rd.Ardleigh,Clchstr Hranville S.Oxney gn.Whittle,Chelmsfrd Hutchinson Hobert, :Korth W"olwich e
Everett William, Robins Bridge 1"oad, Gray James, 1"inchingfield, Braintree Hutson Hen!")', 471huton rd. F<lrest gt,'
Coggeshall, Kelvedon Gray Thomas, Fairfield row, llraintree B uzzey Thos. 20 Hoy st. Canning town it
Evel1itt G. Henham, Bishop's Stortford Grayling John, Curtis Mill green, Nave· Hpm Frederick 1\ ilIiam, West Stock~
Everitt James, Hythe hill, Colchester stock, Romford well street, Colchester
Eves Jamesr Ch{Jfch street, Maldon Green Hobert, Uaddow road, ('helm!ford Idle Wm.k Chas. W. Thurrock,Romfonl
Farnham W. Arkesden, Bishop's Strtfrd Greernl'ood G.St.otephen's rd.WHbmstw Ince George, Stunnere, llalstead
Farran George, Osborne st. Co)chestElr . Grimes David, Wivenhoej Colchester Irons Jas. Wm. I\ew Barn st. Plaistow e
Farrow Henry, East st. Saffron W;l1den Grimsey Wm.Park rd.Brightlingsea 8.0 lrvine Mrs. Mathilda, 12 Short Wyre·
Farrow Thos. Debden, Saffron WaWen Grim wade William, Steeple, Maldon street, Cokhe~ter
Feast DaII'id~ Hatfield, Harlow Grant In. 'r~leshunt Magna, Witham Ives Samuel, llenfield, Stansted Mount;.
Felstead James, Theydon bois, Epping Groom George, Dunmow S.O fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Felton Mrs. S. Gestingthorpc. Halstead Grout George, Loughton Ives W. D. Great Warley, Brentwood
Fenning Zachariah,5 Barrington terrace, Grout John, Junction road, Br.entwood Ja{.'kson Mrs. Eli7..a, 12 EtisCX st. Clchstr
Fisher Bt.& Beckton rd.C~nning town e Grlmt John, York hill, Loughton Jackson Thos. Rd. Kirby, Cokbester
Fenton Mrs. Ann, ChigweIl rcL Leytnstn GuiYer Sarah, Springficld hill, Jagger Wm. Bishop's green,Dunmow 8.0
Fidgeoll Mrs. Emily, Raleigh S.O SpringBeld, Chelmsford James Hr. W. Great llentley,Coldwstet"
Filby Mrs. Ann, 1"ambridge rd. ¥aldon ,Gunn Thos.Steeple Uumpstead, Baverhll James Wm. Henry, 17 Gunlon terrace"
Finch J. Church st. Bocking, Braintree Haggerwood Juhn, St"nsted Mount· Nurth Woolwich road, Silver-town e
Finch Peter, Gestingtborpe, Hal!1tead fikhet, .Bishop's Stortford Jarvis J. Galleywood commoll,Chlmsfrd
Finch, William, Middleborough, Colchstr Hale Mrs. Elizabeth, Twinstead, Sndbury Jarvis Samuel, Finchingfield, llraintroo
Firman James T. North street, Barking Halford Vin(,~nt J. 273 High st.l:itr;£tford Jenkins Jsph. Thundensley,Hayleigh S.O
Firmin Jsph. Great Bromley~ Colchester Hall Char~es, Theydoll hois, Epping Jennings Daniel, StanweIl st. Colchester
Fitcb Geo. Stanford-le-Hope, Romford Hamblin George, Chipping- hill, Witham Jenllings J, Wood green, Waltharn abbey
Flack George, Elmdon, Saffron Walden Hampsted J. West Bergholt, Colchester' Jessop Austin, HOlley Lane vale, Walt~
F1ack S. Clavering, Bishop's Stortford Handley Henry, North street, Maldon ham ahbey
fogg S. Boynton cross,Boxwell,CWmsfrd Hanmap. Samuel, 5 IJallsville road, Jiggins Samuel, Albert street. Great
Forlham Arthur, "34 Bidder street, Canning town e WarIer, Brentwood
.Canning town e . Hanner J.Hogg hill,Dagenbam,Romford Johnsou AIL 7 l'laistow grove, W. Ham 6'
Forrow Frncs. 106 Chapel st. Stratford ~ HardyAlfred,CastleHeddinghm.Halstead Johnson Charles,D1aC'kmore,Ingatestone-
Foster Abraham, Wantzroad, Maldon Hardy Geo. Great Waltham,Chelmsford Johnson Edward, :Milton rd. llrentwood
1"ost6l' James, 21 Angel. lane, Stratford e Harper Barnabus, Thorring"ton,Colchstr Johnson J. New WrittJe st. Clteimsford
:Fox J. 24 Shipwright st. Canning tow.\l e Hards Enos, Rowhedge, Colchester Johnson Wm. 33 High st. Stratford e
:francis Gearge. I Maryland street, New Harris George, North WeaM, Epping Johnston D. F. 227 High st. titratford e'
town, Stratford e HarriB Wm. Beulah road, Walthamstow Jolly John, &; Victoria Dock rOl\d if
Freeman Joseph, Back lane, Barking ,Barrod Wm.jun. Rettendon,Chelmsford JODes George, North Woolwfch e
Freestone E. Market rw. Saffron Walden Hart Thomas, North 'Woolwich e Jom's Jamcs Thomas, 1 Ship terrace,.
Freestone .Francis, Little Chesterford, Han-ey Daniel, Rochford S.O LilJiput road, Canning to" n e
Saffron Walden . Harvey Elijah, Peldon, Colchester Jopson H. Hill street, Saffron Walden
French H. ChatlSlvorth I'd.. Forest gate e Harvey Isaae, 27 Hallsville road, Cann- Joslyn J. H. Willingalc Doe, Brelltwood
Frost Thos. Cornish Ball end, Braintree ing town e Judge Thomas,..8alway hill, WuodEoI'd
Frost Mrs.Wm. High street, Manningtree Har"ey Mrs. S&rah" St. James' place, Keeble Samuel Wm. Grape vine).listleYJ
Frost Wm. Snowy, Heybridge, Maldon Brentwood Manningtree
Fuller Mark, Bannisters gm. FelstedS.O Hatch Wm. Jane street, Plaistow e Keeble Simeon, Steeple, Malclon
I<'uller William, DUDmow S.O Hawes Joseph, Hadstock, Cambridge Keeble William, Great OakJcy, Harwich
Furlong John James, 38A, Rathbone Hawkes & Co. 7 Ford's market, Cann- Keep Mrs. Charlotte,High st. East Ramc'
stree~ Canning town e ing t o w n . e . Kemp Edward, New street., Barking
Fynn W. H. Horndon-on-the-lIill, Rmfrd Hawkes Henry, Pilgrims hatch, South Kendall G. Castle HOOing-ham, Ilalstead
Gage James, Prince's rd. Buckhurst hill Wea-ld, Hrentwood Kennard F. 36 Oriental I'd. E:iih'crtown eo
Game George, North .!ltreet, Colchester Bawkes James, Stisted, Braintree Kent G. Bigh street, Brightlillgl;ca S.O
Gardner Geo. Ley street, Gre&t IIford Hawkins John,Mountnessing,Brentwood Kettle Fretlk. 56 \Vest street, Harwich
Garrard Josepb, PrettleweU, Southend Hayden A.Driver, Sth. Oc.:kenden,Romfrd Kettle Robert, Upper Doveroourt, Dover-
Garwood Benj. Bellevue road, Colchester Haydon A. Onslow grn. Dunmow S.O court, Harwich
Gates Jarnes, Cranham, Romford Hayward James, Mistley, Manningtree Kettridge Mrs. Charlotte, Bartlow
Ga1£ley William, 8 Station placeJ Sel- Heath Wm.Unionst.North st. 8tratforde hamlet, Cambridge- '
borne road, Walthamstow Heather Mrs. .Amelia, Smart's lane, Ketteridge Miss E. Ashdon, Cambridge
Gentry D. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colche$ter Loughton Kettridge W. Radwinter, Saffron Walden
Gentry Thomas, Billericay, Brentwood Bellen James H. Easthorpe, Keh'ooon Key George, Hettendon, Chelmsford
Gibbs Edward, Chapel hill, Ealstead Hepworth Thoi.Woodbinepl.WaDlitead e Keys William, Tiptree heath, KeIYedon.
Kidby Thomas Samuel, 5 Wellington Mead Edward, Gate street, Maldon Patient Joseph, Thaxt~d S.O
place, Crouch street, Colchester Mead James, Laindon, Brentwood Patmore Mrs.M. Forest,Hatfield, Harlow
Killingbeck Arthur, Blackmore end, Mead John, Elmstead, Colchester Patten A. Colnegrn.WakesColne,Halstd
Wethersfield, Braintree Mead Thomas, Durunow S.O Patten Geo. Little Bromley,Manningtree
Kilonback William, 124 Leyion road, Mead WaIter, South Ockenden, Romford Paul J. I. The Wave, Heybridge, Maldon
New town, Stratford e Mee Leopold George, 29 Leyton road, I Paul J oseph M. Leyton road, Leyton
Kimber James, 29 Abbey la. Stratford, New town, Stratford e Payne Mrs. Ellen,Tucker st.Canning tn e
King Alfred, Great Totham, Witham Meier Louis, Magdalen street, Colchester Payne Henry, 21 Viotoria Dock road e
King, Alphonso James, Randulph ice, Metson Mrs Charlotte, Felsted S.O Payne Wm. Paglesham, Rochford S.O
Springtield, Chelmsford Mezen Mrs. Alfred, Chadwell heath Peacock Mrs. Louisa, Tilbury-juxta-
King Mrs. Frances, Victoria Dock road e Middleditch Henry, Terling, Witham, Clare, Halstead
King Henry, Magdalen Laver, Ongar Middleditch Mrs.Louisa, Terling, Withm Pearson J ohn,North end,Little Yeldham,
King James, High Bridge st. Waltham Middleditch Thomas, 171 Moulsham st. Halstead
abbey, Chelmsford Pearson Josiah, High Ongar, Brentwood
King Samuel, Great Totham, Witham Miller Mrs. Mary A. Grays Thurrock S.O Pearson R. Belchamp Otten, Sudbury
King William, HIgh street, Wanstead e Miller Samuel, St. Osyth, Colchester Pegrum George, North Weald, Epping
King William, Weeley, Colchester Miller Thomas, Goldhanger, Maldon Penning Wm. Gold st. Saffron Walden ,
Kingsman W.J. 137 Balaam st.Plaistow e Miriams Charles, Chadwell heath I Pennock John, Tiptree ,heath, Kelvedon
Lagden Josiah, Ashdon, Cambridge Mitson Moses, Ridgwell, Halstead Pepper James, Burnham, Maldon
Law Wm. Romeland, Waltham abbey Moakson G. 114 Bidder st. Canning tu.e Pepper Mrs. S. Alfred rd. Brentwood
Lawrence James Thomas, LeytoIlStone Moore,Mrs. Mildred, Colher row, Romfd Pepper Winiam, Lexden, Colchester.
, road, Leytonstone e Moore Robert, Boxted, Colchester , Perkins George, Billericay, Brentwood
Lawrence Thomas, North end, Little Morris Mrs. Eliza, Rayne road, Bocking, Perry John, Chipping Ongar S.O
Yeldham, Halstead Braintree Peters John, St. Andrew's. rd. Romford
Lawrence Wm. Beaumont road, Leyton Morris H. 65 Rathbone st. Canning tn e Pettitt Chas. Castle st. Saffron Walden
Layzell William, Colne r.oad, Coggeshall Moss Charles, Earls Colne, Halstead Pettitt E. Ramsden Bellhouse, Brentwd
tazell Thomas, 1 Winchester terrace, Moss John, Inworth, Kelvedon. Pettitt James, Castle st. Saffron Walden
Howard's road, Forest gate e Mounter C. 43 Maryland rd. Stratford Phillips C. Birchanger, Bishop's Stortfd
Leach Robert, Boxted, Colchester Mower Arthur, Theydon Garnon,Epping Phillips William, North Woolwich e
Leach Mrs. Sarah Langham, Colchester Mugleston J. Hy. Ingrave, Brentwood Philpot Mrs. Mary,Corringham,Romford
Leatherland Mrs. Annie, George street, Mulley Alfred, Buttsbury, Ingatestone Philpot WaIter, Lindsell,Chelmsford
Harwich Mullucks P. F. Castle Hedinghm. Halstd Philpott Charles, Pleshey;, Chelmsford
Lee Alfred, 1 Burford road, Stratford e Mumford Elisha, Gt. Bardfield, Braintre Pickford W.W.8.35 Alice st. Canning tn e
Lees John, Brightlingsea S.O Murphy Dennis Silvester, 40 Hallsville Piggott Mrs. Jane, Toot hill, Stanford
Legg Samuel, Field road, Forest gate e road, Canning town e . I rivers, Brentwood ,
te Heup Samuel" Harrow green, Ley- Murray Mrs. Ann, 93 Victoria Dock rd e Pipe William, Southminster, Maldon
tonstone e ., Murrells Hy. Artillery st. Colchester PIper Hy. Street, Takeley, Chelmsford ~
Leteh Mrs. Sarah"Toppesfield, Halstead Nayler A. Northgate street, Colchester Plummer Julian, Woodford bridge
Letch W. M. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Neale W. E. 52 Queen's rd. Canning tn e Pond Edward, Stow Maries, Maldon
Lewis William, 2 Kent terrace, Hermit Netley Edward, Newgate st. Walton-on- Ponder C. Copthall grn. Waltham abbey,
road, Canning town e the-Naze S.O Ponder Edward, Butcher's green, Stan-
Lindsell John, 56 Notley road, Braintree Newman C. Rayne rd. Bocking,Braintree way All Saints, Colchester
Lines George, Chigwell . Newman Henry, Chatley, Chelmsford Ponsford G.7 Maryland point,Stratford e
Ling Wil1iam, Rochford S.O . Newman Mrs. OUiff, 10 Crawford street, Pool James, Rippleside, Barking
Livermore Samuel, High street,Maldon Canning town e , P o t t e r John, Dagenham road, Romford
Livings T. Clavering, Bishop's Stortford Newton G. 253 High street, Stratford e Potter William, High Beech
Lofts Wm. Marsh street, Walthamstow Nice Isaae, Hatfield, Chelmsford Poweli Mrs. S. Nelson st. Canning town e
London Robert, Castle road, Colchester Nicholls Robert, Woodman road, Great Pratt Mrs. Sarah, Harlow
Lord aenry, Great Bentley, Colchester WarIey Predgen Charles Jessop, Woodford green
Lovett Alfred, Linton road, Barking Nightingale R. Station rd, Manningtree Prentice Jas. Langley, Bishop's Stortford
Lucking Mrs. Jas. Roxwell, Chelmsford Noakes Benj. Southminster, Maldon Preston Rchd. 136 Vicarage la. Stratfrd e
Lucking Mrs. M. Hatfield, Chelmsford Noble Mrs. Emma, Chigwell row Price Charles, Stroud grn. Rochford S.O
Lucy Joseph, East Ham e Noble William, Dagenham, Romford Price Edward, Brickfields, West Ham e
Macey Edward, High street, Brentwood Norfolk James, Fingringhoe, Colchester Prior James Charles, Sheering, Harlow
Machell F. L. Little heath, Chadwell st Norris William, Back street, Brentwood Pryke James, Stondon, Brentwood
McMurray Fredk. Broadway, Barking Notley Wm. Smith's green, Takeley, Pryor Benjamin, Burton end, Stansted
Maddiss John, 94 Major road, New Chelmsford Mountfichet, Bishop's Stortford
• . town, Stratford e Nunn Fredk. Warley rd. Gt. Warley, Pryor Henry, Pick hill, WaItham abbey
MaI\klow Mrs. Eliza, CorOOts Tey, Brentwood Purkiss Charles, Mayland, Maldon
. Upminster, Romford Nuttall Albt. Romford road, East Ham e Putnam Norris, Wood st. Walthaml'ltow
Mann Joseph, Little Leighs, Chelmsford Oliver R. Sidney st. Brightlingsea S.O Pye Abm. Rose la. Dagenham, Romford
Mann Robert,Stanwell street, Colchester Ollett Geo. Manor road, Braintree Queary James, Chigwell row
Manning William, Horsley Cross road, Olley J ames, Cranham, Romford Radley Thos.Castle Hedingham,Halstead
,. Mistley, Manningtree Orriss J. Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford RallingsCharles,Mole Hill green,Takeley,
Mansfield Robert, North Weald, Epping Osborn Henry, High street, Great Ilford Chelmsford .
Mardell Mrs. M. Ann, Hatfield, Harlow Osborn J. Little Walden rd.Saffrn.Waldn Ramplin William, St. Osyth, Colchester
Marsh Wm. 52 Balaam st. Plaistow e Osborne Arthur, Parsonage st. Halstead Rand James, Eastwood, Chelmsford
Marshall John, Bradfield, Manningtree Ottley Chas. Horseman side, Navestock, Randall J ames, Shenfield common, Shen-
Martin Albert,BelchampWalter,Sudhury Romford field, Brentwood
Martin Henry,· Barking la. Great Illord Owers Wm. Hatfield, Chelmsford Rayner James, Ashen, Sudbury
Martin John, Belchamp, Sudbury Page Charles, St. Osyth, Colchester Rayner T. Church st. Bocking, Braintree
Martin N. Woodham Ferrers,Chelmsford Page Henry, Rayne, Braintree Reader Elijah, Becontree heath, Romford
Martin Uriah, Marden ash, High Ongar, Paice Art-hur T. High st. Brentwood Reaves Jas. High Roothing, Dunmow S.O
Brentwood Palmer E. 11 Stephenson st. Canning tn e Reeve Fredk. Rchd. Ridgwell, Halstead
Martin William, Black NotleY,Braintree Palmer Mrs. Elizabeth, Epping Reeve James, Ford end"Chelmsford
Maryon John, lhe Common, Dodding- Palmer James, North Woolwich e Reeve John Geo. Great Chesterford S.O
hurst, Brentwood Palmer William, Buttsbury, Ingatestone Reeves George, Alfred rd. Buckhurst hill
Maskell H. W. Bromley road, Colchester Pammett T. High st. Brightlingsea S.O Reid John, 76 Vicarage lane, Stratford e
Maskell J. Mountnessing, Brentwood Punnel John, 221 High st. Stratford e Reynolds Fredk. Hythe quay, Colchester
Maskell Jas. Hermon hill, Wanstead e Parish Charles, Stallsted Mountfitchet, Reynolds John, Plashet lane, Romford
Mason Joseph, Great Chesterfield S.O Bishop's Stortford road, Stratford e
Mason Peter, Chigwell Parker Alfred, Ovington, Sudbury Reynolds John, Red POlSt la. East Ham e
May J. West Hanningfield, Chelmsford Parker George, High rd. Leytonstone e Rice Charles, Great Yeldham, Halstead
Maylon L. Helion Bumpstead, Haverhill Parker Henry. North W oolwich e Richardson Harry,29 Angella.Stratford e
Maynard Edward Wilkinson, 107 Lilliput Parker William, Axe street, Barking Richardsoll Peter,Ongar rd.Dunmow 8.0
road, Canning town e Parkinson In. Denmark st. Plaistow e Richardson Thomas,Hurst green,Bright-
Maynard P. Mrs. Theydon bois, Epping Partridge A. Surrex, Feering, Kelvedon lingsea S.O
Maynard S. 76 Rathbone st. Canning tn e Partridge Sydney,Gt. Clacton,Colchester Richardson Wm. Sandpit rd. Braintree

BEER RETAILJmS--.-Continued. Hmith Jsph. Cronnfield M. Leytonstone e Trace William, Victoria Dock road 4
Rickard Joseph, Chrishall, Royston Smith Mrs. Lucy, Copford, Colchester Travellel' Thomas, Roydon, Ware
Rickett Benjamin, Chingford Smith Mrs. Martha, Chigwell row Trigg John, Southchurch 'I'd. Southend
Rippingale Thos.Gestingthorpe,Halstead Smith Thos. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Tucker Thos. L. Hythe quay, Colchester
Roberts James, Ongar road, Brentwood Smith 'rhos. J.Vallentin rd.Walthamstow Turnage Robart, Nounsley green, Hat-
Robinson B. G. Beale st. north, Plaistow e Smith Th08. S. 1: Constance st. Plaistow e field, Chelmsford
Robinson Daniel, Pledgen, Henham, Smith WilIiam, Chatley, Chelmsford Turner Alfred, U1ting, Maldon
Bishop's Stortford Smith Wm. F. London rd.Saffron Walden Turner George, Hadstock, Cambridge
Robinson Henry, Hornchurch, Romford Smoothy J. Steeple Bumpstead,Haverhill Turner G.W. Newport,Bishop's Stortford
Rgbinson JamBS, Marsh st.Walthamstow Snow Joseph, Panfield, Hraintree Turner Joseph, Great Chesterford S.O
Robinson Thos. Cobbold rd. Wanstead t Soons John, St. Osyth, Colchester Turner Joseph, Railway sq. Brentwood
Robson J. 33Woodstock st.Canning twn e Solomon Mrs. H.Capworth street,Leyton Turner Josiah, 12I High st. Stratford e
Rogers J. Halbut st. Dagenham,Romford Sorrell William, Birdbrook, Halstead Turner WaIter, High Ongar, Brentwood
Rogers John, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon South Joseph, Fullbridge, Maldon Turrell Mrs. C. Chapel street, Colchester
Rolph George Hurrell, Thaxted S.O Southern Mrs. Ann, 264 Romford Tuhoey Daniel, Vansittart rd. Wanstead
Rowland Geo.Wright,Market pl.Harwich road, e Tyas Mrs. Mary, Back st. Great Ilford
R'IIhy Beer Co. (Thomas Charles Sawyer, Southgate Daniel, Wivenhoo, Colchester Tyler James, A"eley, Romford
manager), 6 Canning terrace, Lilliput Southgate Jas. Little Bentley, Colchester Vggles Mrs. Harriet, East Hanning-
road; 16 Sydney terrace, Scott street; Southgate Nathan, Langham, Colchester field, Chelmsford
rA, &; 60 Hermit road J Catherine st.; Sparling Mrs. S. Great Clacton, Colchstr Upson Arthur, Hadleigh 8.0
47 Hack rd.; & Nelson at. Canning twn e Sparrow Samuel, Suffolk street, Walton- V sher WilIiam, Hythe hill, Colchester
BuggIes John, Waterloo rd. Hrentwood on-the-Naze S.O Vale Daniel, Magdalen street, Colchester
Rule Thomas, Sewardatone Speller C. High Bridge st.Waltham abbey Vale James, Great Horkesley, Colchester
:!lulton Henry, Heath street, Barking Spitty Jas. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon Valentine Alfred, Purleigh, Maldon
Rumble Jonas,LangleY,Bishop's Stortfrd Spurden Mrs. Sarah, High st. Maldon Valentine John, Rainham, Romford
Rungay Geo. 26 Roscee 8t.Canning twn e Staines George, Chant st. Stratford (J ValIance James, I Martha street, Keogh
Sadd lsaac, Earl's Colne, Halstead Staines James, Dunmow S.O road, Forest gate e
Sadler George, The Ellfli:neers' Arms, Stalley,Saffrn.Wldn Verney Mrs. E. 32 Jane 1'11. Plaistow e
Latchingdon, Maldon Stanes Mrs. M. Wethersfield, Braintree Vincent George, Brook st. Manningtree
Baggers William, Horsman side, Nave- Stauton Rt. 12 Plaistow I'd. West Ham e Wade Mrs. Eliz. Broadway, Barking
stock, Romford Stanway W. New Writtle st. Chelmsford Wade John James, Butt road, Colchester
St. Peir George, Barking side, llford Steele In. 144 Maryland rd. Stratford e Wade Thomas, 26 Leyton rd' Stratford e
SalmonJ.TheGreen,stebbing,Chelmsfrd Stevens Henry, Theydon Garnon,Epping Wade William, Rowhedge, Colchester
Sargent Alfred, South st. Manningtree Stevens James, Wood st. Walthamstow Wager Mrs. L. Little Totham, Witham
Sargent Mrs. Rebecca, Henniker street, ~tock Geo. W. Great Bardfield, Hraintree WalkerJeremh.B.Crook mileWaltham ab
New town, Stratford e Stock J ames, Narestock side, Romford Wall MissAlice, Beckton rd. Canning tn (J
Sargent Wm. East Donyland, Colchester Stock Samuel, High Garrett, Braintree Wall Hy. 24 Arkwright st. Canning tn e
Saunders Charles, Battles bridge,Retten- Stockdale Samuel. Broadway, Plaistow e Wallis Henry, Woodham Waiter, Maldon
den, Chelmsford Stoffel Thomas, New street, Stratford e Wallman Mrs. Sarah, Chrishall, Royston
Baunders Samuel, I"rancis street, New Stone Edwd. Prospect pI. Forest gate e Walters Frank, Heydon, Royston
town, Stratford e Stubbs Josh. Orsett hth. Orsett, Romford WaIters John, Elmdon, Saffron Walden
Savill George, Thaxted, S.O Sudbury RoOOrt, Bridge street, Halstead Ward MTS. Charlotte, Foxearth, Sudbnry
Savill Hrbrt. S. White Roothing,Chlmsfrd Sutton Peter, 31 Victoria Dock road e Wardell Thomas Alfred, 66 Crownfield
Sawkins John, Matching, Harlow Swain Henry T. Greenstead, Colchester road, Leytonstone e
Sawyer John, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Swallow Daniel, B1asford hill, Little WareJames,Cambridgerd.Walthamstow
Sawyer Thos.Chas.Cathall rd. Leytonst e Waltham, Chelmsford Warner WiIliam, Gt. Bromley, Colchstr
Sawyer T. C. S8 Croydon rd. Plaistow e 'raffs John WiJIiam, Well street, Mary- Warner William, Rainham, Romford
Sayer James, High street, Brentwood land point, Stratford e Warren George, fiigh st. Great llford
Scotcher J. Havering-att:e-Bower,Romfrd Tann William H. Snakes la.Woodford grn Warren James, Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Srotcher James John, North st. Rarking Tanner Joseph, Leyton road, Leyton Warren James, North street, Halstead
Scotcher Richard, 82 Victoria Dock rd e Tanner Mrs. Mary, High Roothing, Warrilow Wm. J.Barkingroad, Plashet e
Scott Mrs. H. Wormingford, Colchester Dunmow S.O Washington WiJliam, Brook's road,
Scott James, North street, Halstead Tansley Edward, Wood st. Chelmsford Park, Plaistowe
Soott Mrs. Mary Ann, Sam's gn.Gt.llford Tant James, Debden, Saffron Walden Watkinson Hallwood Frederick, 35
Seaborn Wm.Great Burstead,Brentwood Ta1'butt Thomas, Manor st. Braintree Lett road, Stratford e
Sea1'l..s John, Ranks green, Witham Tarling George, Great Parndon, Harlow Watling Edward, Lawford, Manningtree
Seekamp John, Smart's lane, Loughton Tatley Chris. Plaistow gro. West Ham e Weavers Miss Marlah, ToIlesbury,
Seymour James. New rd. Buckhurst hill Tavener Samuel, Coxtie green, South Kelvedon
Sharp David, Latchingdon, Maldon Weald, BrentwoOO Weavers Veal, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Shepard Mrs. Amy, BaIlingdon, Sudbury Taylor E. 24 Warmington st. Plaisrow e Webb Chas. Gilbt. Earls Colne, Halstead
Shepharrl Thomas, Aveley, Romford TaylOl' Henry, Castle st. Saffron Walden Webb Charles Harvey, 8pnngfield hill,
Shepherd Michael Sir,Barking side,Ilford Taylor Jas. Great Bromley, Colchester Springfield, Chelmsford
Shipton John, East Horndon, Brentwood Taylor James T.West Thurrock,Romford Webber Chas. Maidenburg st. Colehstr
Short'Geo. Angel pI. Leyton rd.Stratfrd e Taylor In. GaIleywood cmmn.Chelmsfrd WebberEdwd.NewtoWD,BrightlingseaS.O
Short Henry, Mersea road, Colchester Taylor W. Heath, Mistley, MaDningtree Webber Hy.Wm. .Albert sq. Forest gte e
Sidey Mrs. Eliza, Great Henny, Sudbury Taylor W.Mill End grn.Gt.Easton,Dnmw Wells Wm. 29 Cronf'h st. Colchester
Sillitoe Joseph, Borley, Sudbury Taylor William, Rowhedge, Colchester Wen James, Rayleigh 8.0
SilvesterGeorge,Alphamstone,Colchestr Taylor William, Wivenhoe, Colchester WenD John, Back Brentwood road,
Simmons Henry,Weald lane, Brentwood Thompson Henry, Henniker road, New Hornchurch, Romford
Simmons Richard, Victoria rd. Romford town, Stratford e Wen John, Squirrels heath, Romford
Simpson C.West Stockwell st. Colchester Thompson Mrs. Mary, Beggars' hill, Went George, Parson's heath, Green-
Simpson Mrs. Fras. TilIingham, Maldon Fryerning, Ingatestone stead, Colchester
Simpson Mrs.H.Victoria rd.Leytonstne e Thompson W.Chureh st.Hocking,Braintr Went Josiah, Bulphan, Romford
Simpson .Tames, Leyton road, Leyton Thorn George,LasceIles rd.Leytonstone e Went Robert, Barrack street, Colchester
Simpson WilIiam, Church road, Leyton Thorogood Wm. Little Baling, Braintree West Samuel, North Ockendon, Romford
8ivtter Israel, Stanwell st. Colchester Threader Mrs. Rebecca, Common, Westrop RoOOrt, CastleHedinghm.Halstd
Skillington Wm. Hainanlt st. Gt. Ilford Stapleford Tawney, Epping Wetjen Diederich, 4 Shrewsbury villas,
Skingley .Tames, Highwood, Chelmsford Thurgood Charle8, Pentlow, Sudbury Water lan,e, Stratford e
Skingley Jas.Willingdale DI)8, Brentwood ·fhurgood. John Bonham, 97 Leyton road, Wheeler Hy. Station I'd. Forest gate e
Smith Wm. & Thos. North Weald,Epping New rown, Stratford e Wheeler James,New st.Brightlingsea 8.0
Smit.h Chas.Castle Hedingham, Halstead Thurlow George Henry, 1: St. Luke's Whitbread H.Abbott'sRoothing,Brentwd
Smith George, Fenns, Halstead square, Canning town ~ White Joseph, Stock, Ingatestone
Smith Ja.mes, 395 High st. Stratford ~ Tickner Miss M. A. Chapel end, Walthstw White Thos. Ardleigh I'd. Dedham 8.0
Smith James, Weeley, Colchester Tinworth J. Berden, Bishop's Stortford White William, Chigwell
Smith James, West MersBa, Colchester Tobias Edward, Coxhall, Dunmow S.O White William, Field rd. Forest gate ,
Smith John, Bush end, HRtfield, Harlow TOOd David, Fyfield, Brentwood Whitehead Samuel, Prittlewell,Sonthend
Smith John, Fence piece, Bal'king side Totham WaIter, Harwich rd. Colchester Whittle Henry, I Windmilllane,stratfd e
Smith John, West bank, Barking Towns Henry, Chipping hill, Witham Whybrew Jas. Greenstead gn. Halstead

Wicker Miss Henrietta, Nth. st. Halstd Cumine Fl"ederic James, The Old toy Basham WilIiam, Bath place, Maldon
Wicks John, Green, Sewardstone shop, High st. Southend. See advt Bridges Jsph. New st. Brightlingsea S.O
Wiffen James, Hatfield, Harlow George MissAbigail,I6High st. Chelmsfd Cook Edward William,1 Church st.Sonth
Wiffin John, Burton's green, Halstead Miles Mrs. Mary Ann, Market hI. Maldn Shoebnry, Southend
Wiggins Charles, Runsell green, Dan- Pavey Miss Samh 4nn, 2 Moulsham Fenn Fenn, Mistley, Manningtree
bury, Chelmsford street, Chelmsford Finch Samuel, The Hythe, MaldoIl
'Wild William, Bamhrows green, Stenning Frederick, North st. Barking Hall WilIiam, Paglesham, Rochford S.O
Takeley, Chelmsford 'rhompson Misses Agnes & Ada, High Hams Isaac, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Wilkins Arthur, I Pelly rd. Plaistow ~ street, Maldon . Howard J.T.North st.The Hythe,Maldon
Wilkinson Chas. Mountnessing,Brentwd Vale Miss M. 12 High st. Chelmsford Husk James, jun. Wivenhoe, Colchester
Wilks Charles. Tnworth, Kelvedon Vavasseur Miss E. 13 Bank st. Braintree Marsh Edwin P. W. Beech, Southend
WilIers Mrs. Eliza, Cressing, Braintree Webb Mrs. Jane, 18 New London Miller R. Bradwell-juxta-Mare. Maldon
Willey John, Stapleford Abbot's, Romfd road, Chelmsford Pat;'ons Joh~, 31 West street & Bath-
WilliamsThomas,348 &350 High street, BIOYCLE MANUFACTURERS SIde, HarWIch
Stratford e & AGENTS Peters Sm!. J. Sydenha!B cot. Southend
Williamson Edward, High st. MaMon • Peters Wm. Hy.16 Marme par.Southend
. Willmott George 8 Wa~dington street Bragg George Jonah, 9ueen street, Puxley Mrs. J. A. Rowhedge, Colchest{lr
New town, Str~tford e ' .Colchester. See adv.ertIsement Root&DiapeT,Wate1'sde.Brghtlngsea.S.O
Willoughby Wm. London rd.Wanstead e Rlppon Ebenezer W. HIgh st. Brentwood Shean. John, ~~gh street, Stratford e
Willsher Chas. Gore pit,Feering,KehTedn WIl.son Wm. A. I3 Mar~et pI. Southend Stebbmgs Wllham, Bumham, Maldon
Willsher Henry, Springfield st. Spring- Wr~ght Brothers (& tricycle); Romford Thompson Jesse&Son,GraysThurrck.S.O
field, Chelmsford bICycle works, South street, Romford Thorn & Manhood, George st. Harwich
Willsher Waiter.,Kelvdn BILL POSTERS. BOAT & BARGE OWNERS.
W!lsher John, Kelvedon Asken Robert, East hill, Colchester Bocking Joseph, Burnhamj Maldon
W~lson Art~ur, Park Td. Leytonstone e Carswell Jas.Shenfield comn. Brentwood Brasier Edwd. 24 Marine paT. Southend
W~lson DaVld, West. Thurrock, R?mford Clark Jsph. Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon Brasier John Bell, 2 Thames }'"illas,
W~lson James, MlstIey, ManI?-mgtree Cuff Thomas, Fairfield row, Braintree Brewery road, Southend
WIlson Wm. 27 BruneI st. Canmng tn e Grice GeorO'e Eld lane Colchester Bryant CorneliWl Steeple MaIdon
W!lson Wm. Ford st. Can.ning town e Gunn Jam:s,'North hiil, Colchester Childs Thomas, 1'5 Scratt~n rd. Southnd
Wmgfield Mrs. Mary, Eppmg road, Wal- Moss J. Church st. Coggeshall, Kelvedon Cutter&Mason, Walton-on-the-NazeS.O
~ham abbey Rawlinson Richard,2 Market st.Braintree Ellis A. Stanford-le-Hope, Romford
W~nter Alfd. 27 Long Wyre st. Colchstr SMITH HENRY CHRISTOPHER, 18 New Goldsmith Edward James, 2 Bridge
W~nterflood Mrs.Ann,Gt.Clactn.Colchstr street, Chelmsford villas, Grays Thurrock S.O
Wmter~ood John, ~ Hope terrace, Totman Thomas, Rayleigh S.O HallsA.Statn.rd.Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
~arkmg. r?ad, Canmng town e Turner George, Dunmow S.O Haslam Geo. &; T. 4 High st. Stratford e
"":~sbey Wllbam, Tl~axted S.O BILLIARD ROOMS Hibbs Alfred, Duke st. Brightlingsea S.O
W/tney Samuel, High st. Great TIford . ' Horlock R. 9 The Gn. Mistly. Manngtree
~ ood Charles, Le~onstonerd. Stratfd e Lock John, Quay, HarWIch Howard Geo. Gt. Wakering, Southend
Wood James, Basslldon, Brentwo?d BILLIARD TABLE MANU- Howard John. Gt. Wakering, Southend
Wood In. I Grafton rd. north,Pl8lstow e F ACTU &ER. Howard Wm. Houth Bentieet, Chelmsfrd
WoodhamWm.J. Shernhallst.Wlthmstw · h H ard'lng G .S ummerI'lng H'Igh st. MaId on Hymas John, South Fambridge, RocWrd
W 00 ds W m. H a11 sgrove, 302 H 19 Polley George Marine lodO'e Walton-on-
str?et, Stratford e . BIRCH BROOM MAKERS. s.6
the-Naze 0 ,

Woohdge Wm. Burkest.Canmng town e Jeggo Golden, Gosfield, Halstead Richmond Mrs, Johnson, '10 Orwell
Woolley Chas.Romf~rd common, Romfd Plume Edward Bulmer Sudbury terrace Dovercourt Harwich
Woolnough J n. Vanslttart rd.Forest gte e " . ' I ' h N S0
W 00Inough J n. Van SI'ttart rd. .\Jr t d BIRD DEALERS SlmeyG.North st. W tnron-t e- aze .
ans ea . S ml'th W It W It _ m -th -Naze SO
Worraker Henry, Burnham, MaIdon Cater Charles Edmund, Middlehoro', T . ~~:t .a onr: ;. t . t
Warth Harry, Quay st. Manningtree Colchester eWrrls N' lunS' 0 ew ler 8 ree ,
W ng . ht D 'd R d W . . a lton-on- aZ6 .
aVI, oy on, are Ruddedord Wllham, Holloway down, Und od J C L S th d Sth d
Wright George, Church road, Leyton Leytonstone e W derJwo H" h' t wEr.. hOtUl' en , SOn
Wright Joseph, AnchoT st. Chelmsford a~ as. 19 s. rig mgsea ..
Wright Saunders, Gt. Yeldham, Halstd BIRD&ANIMAL PRESERVERS Whltmore John, Market st. HarwICh
WrightThos.7 Hall st. Moulshm.ChImsfd Ambrose Henry, North st. Colchester Wood Edward &; Co. So~th Bentley,
Wright Thomas, Thorrington, Colchstr Boreham GeoTge, Shenfield, Brentwood Chelmsford. & at GreenWIch
Wright Waiter, Fairsted, Witham Disley William Chiverton,5 Market place, BOILER MAKERS.
Young Jacob, 34 Hoy st. Canning tn e Balaam street, Plaistow e See Steam Boiler Makers.
Young Joseph, Boreham,Ch.elmsford Feve~ Thomas Richard, 63 &; 64 Lea BOILER COATING COMPOSI-
Young LOUIS Frank, York hill, Loughtn Bridge gardens, Leyton TION MANUFACTURERS
Humphreys Thomas Charles, Baddow .
BEER ENGINE MAKERS. road, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Barnard Jabez &; Co. 170 High street,
Penn W. J. I3 South Gro. rd.Walthmstw Newman Thomas William, Witham Stratford e
Stoeker's Prize Patent Beer Engine Rose Henry, Notley road, Braintree BONE BOILERS.
Manufactory (Saunders &; Sons), 47 Travis Joseph, Hill st. SaffTon Walden Edd' to W M h t I St tf d
....T O· f d' t L d mg n m. ars ga e a. ra 1" e
.new X or s reet, on on w.e BLACK LEAD MANUEAC- Harris Thomas Horatio & Sons, Marsh.
BELL FOUNDERS. TURERS. gate lane, Stratford e; & IO, 12, 14 &;
\\'ame1' Robert & Co. Walton-on-the- Ba~er E. & Sons, 135 High st.Stratford e 16 Hewett street, Curtain road e c
Naze;&at 8 Jewincrescent,Londone.c Brlsker Marcus & Co. Upton Park e BONE MANURE MANUFAC-
Brisker Marcus & Co. Upton Park e See Manure Manufacturers.
See Whitesmiths, Locksmiths et
Hunt Jared Terrett &; Son, Limited
BENZOLE DISTILLERS. BLOCK MAKERS. (Alfred T. Hunt, managing director),
lIes Benjamin & Co. Magnet chemical Ilett A. I Manor cotts. Park I'd. Leyton Bow Bridge works, High st. Stratfrd e
works, Marshgate lane & Magnet Linch.charles, 4 Ship terrace, Lilliput BONNET MAKERS.
wharf, High street, Stratford ~ roaeT, Canning town e
BENZOLINB REFINERS. Pratt William, Grays Thurrock S.O See Straw Hat 4' Bonnet Makers.
Callaghan Henry & Co. Meredith street, :BOARDING HOUSES.
Plaistow e See Lodging Houses. Arthy Thomas B. 81 Duke st.Chelmsford
Benham & Co. 24 High street, Col-
See also Fancy Repositories. Aldous Albert Jefferies, Waterside & Braekett Misses Eliza & Sarah, S High
Burningham Hy. 56 Broadway, Stratfd e High street, Brightlingsea S.O • street, Colchester
Carter Dansie, jun. Dunmow S.O Aldous Albert Jefferies, Waterside & Bullard J. 131 Coggeshall road,Braintree
Coakes John, Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill High street, Brightlingsea S.O Clement Jo~eph, 15 Victoria Dock road e
Crawford Miss Mary, High st. Brentwd Aldous E. Sidney st. Brightlingsea S.O &; 18 Rathbone st. Canning wwn ,


BOOKBINDERS continued. Stevens Henry, High I'd. Leytonstone e Bamard William, Silver street, Malclon.
Curwen In. & Sons, North ,st. Plaistow e Trapp Mrs. E. Sun st. Waltham abbey Barnes J. W. 161 Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd
Doe Joseph, 23 St. John's st. Colchester Turner William Benjamin, Osborne ha. Baxter J.29 Woodstock st.Canning tWR t
Durrant Edm. & Co. 90 High st. Chelmsfd High st. Walton-on.the-Naze 8.0 Baxter W. ;L 5 Stephenson st, Canning
l"rancis Jabez &, Son, High st. Southend; Warner Thos. 130 High at. Colchester town e .
& at Hochford. See advertisement Wilmott Wm. J. High rd. Leytonstone e Baynes George, Rochford 8,0
Fysh L. Wm. Odessa road, Forest gate tJI tWilson & Whitworth, High st. Homfordj Bean Alfred, (j-rove cottlloge8, Gt. I1lord
Golding George, 5 Tindal st. Chelmsford branches, Brentwood & Stratford Beardwell Geo. Artillery st. Colchester
Barvey In. Bawtree,I66 High st.Cokhstr tWright Fredk. 18 Head st. Colchester. Beazley Geo. Uerbert rd. Little IIford
Mattacks Underwood Benjamin, 14 See advertisement . Bedford G. Springfield road, SpriI)gfield,
Head street, Culchester Yallop Wm. 3 Devonshire pI. Balaam ,St. Chelmsford ,
Perring AI£. G. High st. Saffron Walden Plaistow 6 . Bcclwell George, 36 Marine parade & 14
Pursey Wm. Museum st. Sll,ffron Walden York Charles, Head street, Halstead Alexandra street, Southend .
Rudkin Wm.7 Crouch street, Colchester, Benj'Lmill Saul,31 Balaam st. Plaistowe
Saltmarsh Geo. IJ Tindal st. Chelmsford BOOX HEAD BAND MAKER. BeunelllI. 85 High st. Chelmsford
White Jas. N. 12 New street, Chelmsford Charlton Mrs. H. Pelly rd. Plaistow e Bennett Samuel, Hythe hill, Colchester
Whitfield Wm. F. East .st. Colchester " Bennett Thos.:I Balkerne lane,Colchester
.York Chas. Head st. Hulstood BOOT eft SHOE MANUFAC- Bental! David, 6 Manor street, Br3intree
, TURERS- WHOLESALE, Bentley Wm. Becontree heath, l{oD;lford
BOOXSE:r,.LERS, Fuller James, steam works, Fair- Field Berry, lligh street, Wanstead ~ •
Marked thus * are Circulating- Librariell. road, llraintree' branch establi;;h- Berry Will. M.1l.rnard road,Walthamstow
Marked thus tare l'ubhsherll, I m€nts: High at.' Chelmsford; High B!nder Chas. Bobbingworth, Brentwood
Arthy Thos. B. 8.1 Duke st. Chelmsford street, Maldon i High st. Witham; Bmder Chas. Moreton,. Brentwood.
t Benham & ~o. 24 High st. Colchester. Bank st. Braintree ; Wind hill, Bishop's B!rch, Andr~w, Tower hill, Brentwood
See advertisement Stortford; High street, Halstead Ihrd ZcphQ r. Church end,Dunmow 8.0
B-rackett Misses Eliza & Sarah, 5 High st. George Arthur Chapman, 2 Long Wyre Birkin John, Head street, Halsted
Colchester, street, Colchester. See advertisement Bishop Wm.Lower grn.BrightIingseaS.O
Brewster G. 44 Rathbone st. & Barking Knopp & Son, 38 Long Wyre st.; manu- Black Jumes, High street, Romford
road, Canning town 8' factory, Portland rd. Colchester; & at Blakeley E. T. South Bentteet, Chlmsfrd
British & Foreign Bible Society (Wm. M. 9 Ipswich; & Gt. Yarmouth mand Elias, Bclchamp, Sudbury ,
Piper, agent), 82 & 84High st.Braintree Blanks Henry, Rochford S.O
British & Foreign Bible Society Depot BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Blatch Wm. li-. North st. Colchester
(Misses M. A. & H. J. Pocklington), 3 Abbot James, Chipping hill, Witham Boreham Josiah, High street, Maldon
Nelsun terrace, Southend Adkins Ashle.h Shentield, Hrentwood Botterill Hy. Forest cot. Prince's road,
*Brooke Thos.C.Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Ager WiJIiam, Temple st. Leytonstone e J3uckhurst bill
tCarter Alfred, High street, Halstead Ainger George, Horsley Cross road, Bowell ~'iJliam, Rochford S.O
Carter Dansie, Dunmow S.O Mistley~ Manningtree . Boyce George, Great Baddow, Chlmsfrd
*Clark Charles (late Benham), 15 High AIlen Alfred, Martin street, Stratford Boyton Chas. 5 Coggeshall I'd. Braintree
street, Colchester Allen John, Layer-de-la-llay, Colchester Brain Joseph, Upton lane, West Ham e
Clarke J. H. 77 High st. Chelmsford Allen Samuel, r Pleasant row, Lower Branch James, Moreton, llrentwood
Clement Joseph, IS Victoria Dock I'd. 6. ; Southend, Southend Brand Duvid, North street, Barking
, & 18 Rathbone st. Canning town e Almond Edmnnd, Rosemary road, Cluc- Brand David, London road, Romford
Corder Wm. & Co. Pelhams la. Colchestr ton-OIl-Sea, Colchester Brand J oseph, High street, Great IIford
Carder MissMaryAnn,Headgate,Colchstr Almond SI. Great Claeton, Colchester Brand J. 1. Market pI. J3alaam st.Plstw t
*Crawford Miss M. High st. Brentwood Alston George, Bridge street, Halstead Brand Thos. High street,SaffronWalden
Davey Miss Susannah, Castle Heding- American Co. 76 Broadway, Stratford e Brett Wm. Globe crescent, Forest gate e
ham, Halstead Amey HeRry, Parsonage street, Halstcad Brewster Alex. Hornchurch, Homford
Day John, Witham Amos \\'. Horndon·on-the-Hill, RomfuJ'd Brewster John, Good Ei\ster, Chelmsfrd
Driver Mrs. M. S. High·rd. LeytoMtone e AndrewsE.Colne rd. Coggeshall,Kelvedn Brewster Thos. East Horndon, Brentwd
tDurrant Edmund & Co. 90 High street, Andrews G. WestStockwell st. Culchestr Bridge Jeremiah, Chipping Ongar 8.0
; Chelmsford Anspach Jacob, 5 Forest st. Forest gate e Bridge Samuel, Earl's Colne. Halstead
tDutton John, Tindal street, Chelmsford Anthony A. Church st. Coggeshall,Klvdn BridgeSamueI,Wickham Bishops,Withm
Edwa-rds Philip, 100 High ~t."Chelmsford Archer J. Baker's entry, Waltham abbey Bright Benj. Tiptree heath, Kelvedon
·Fenton Chas. F. SI High st. Colchester Anner J. 17 Gurney rd, Forest gate e Bright J olm, Great Barutield, Braintree
Godfrey lViIliam, Kelvedon Ashby Fredk.306 High street,Stratford e Broom Henry, South st. Manningtree
GoIding Chas-. 73 High st. Colchester Askew Thomas, Tendring, Colchester Brown Carrillgton,55C!:lurch st. Harwich
Gower Miss Henrietta, High st, Maldon Auger Robert, Water lane, Colchester Brown C. Upper Dovercourt, Harwich
Hagger .Alvin Tubal, Gt. ChesterfordS.O Austin Charles, Canewdon,Rochford 8.0 Brown Daniel, Birdbrook, Halstead
tHanly Joseph, 17 Head st. Colchester. Austin Charles, Epping Brown Elias, Earls Col ne, Halstead
See advertisement .Austin George, 'riptree heath, Keh'edon Brown Geo. I Brown's road, Plaistow e
Harvey John B. 166 High Bt." Colchester Autcl'ac George, Viotoria tel'. Warley rd. Brown J. Panfield la. Bucking, Braintree
Horne Hobert, Station rd. Manningtree I~rentwood Brown John,Farnham,Bishops Stortford
tHughes Robert Lake, High st. Halstead Ayers Wm. High strep-t, Leyton Brown Robt_ Greenhilll{r. Little IIford
King William, I3 Culver st. Colchester Back WilIiam, Church end, Woodford Brown 'rhoS.ISI High street, Colchester
Lungley D. Railway station, Plaistow e Bacon Firman, Wickham Bishops, Wthm Brown 'rhos. Little Baddow, Chelmsford
Mannering Mrs. J. 38 Jane st. Plaistow e Bacon R. B1uckmore end, Wethersfield, Broyd Benj. Great Maplestead,Halstead
*Mark Julius, 35 High st. Chelmsford Braintree Bryant .Richard, Abridge, Homford
Marsh Geo. F. Market end, Coggeshall Bagley Wm. Great Clacton, Colchester Bryers S.Sewardstone st. Waltham abby
Marsh Thomas, 5 Charlott.e terrace. Bagley Wm. 68 Park street, Southend Buckingham E.39 e
Barking road, Plaistowe Baines J oseph, Goldhanger, Maldon Buckingham J. G. 33 Crouch st. Clchstr
Mattacks Miss Henrietta Hephzibah j Baker George, Greenstead rd.Colchester Buckingham S. 28 & 29 Head street,
14 Short Wyre street, Colchester Baker James,Great Wakering, Southend Colchester. See advert
Mattacks U. B. 14 Head st. Colchester Baker James, Hythe hill, Colcheitu Bugg F. J. &Co. High street,Brentwood
Near Jsph. B. Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Baker William, Chrishall, Royston. Bugg Frederick John, 33 Long Wyre
*Nunn&Ubsdell, Clact.ol1-on-~ea, Colchtr Bale WaIter, 208 High st. Stratford e street, Colchester; 38 High street,
*Pocklington Misses M. .A. & H. J. 3 Bales S. & Son, 8 Maryland terrace, Chelmsford; & High street, Halstead
Nelson terrace, Southend Leytnnstone road, Stratford e Bugg Geo.Walton.53 Church st. Harwich
Poole Richard, High street, Maldon Balls Henry, East street, Colchester Bugg William, High street, Southend
Robinson Thos. High street" Romford Balls Josiah, High itreet, Maldon Bullingham Hobert, Ingrave, Brentwood
Rudkin Wm. 7 Crouch street, Colchester Banham Wm. ·Newport, Bishop Stortfrd Bunton Chas. Steeple Bumstead,Haverh,1
Savill John William, DUllmow S.O Bannister Wm. 3 Park road, Plashet e Burch Mrs. Sarah, Dunmow S.O.
Shear~roft Miss Phcebe A. 9 Bank st. Barker AlIen, Aveley, Romford BurchelIJames,SoothOckenden,Romford
Braintree Barker James, Felsted S.O Burden Edward Alexander, Harrow
Society for P1'0f11Otill,Cf Cla';stian Know- Wm. Wendens Ambo, Saffron road, Leytonstone e
ledge IJeprlts (Jas. Wm. llllrningham), Walden Burgess Alfred,Freshwell street, Saffron
Church street, Saffron Walden & (Hy. Ba.rnard Alfd.Wm.King's rd.Brentwood, Walden
Edwards, agent),9I High street, Col- Essex Burgess CharleS', Chigwell
chester Barna.rd J Qhn, Church la.. Leytonstone e Burgess Elijah, Broadway, Great IIford
Burgess Jas. 88 Vicarage la. Stratford e Coote George, SI Chapel st. Stratford e England J ames, Woodford green
Burgess Robert,8 Maldon I'd. Colchestr Ooppin Geo. Spring rd.Brightlingsea 8.0 English Joseph, 'fillingham, Maldon
Burrows Thomas, High road. Leyton- Coppin Shepard, King's Head st.Harwich Enness Charles, Woodford green
stone e. ; 4 Bridge I'd. & 90 Broadway, Cornell Thos. Wm.North street,Romford Escott Alexander & George, 73 Rath-
Stratford e.; & Wood st. Walthamstow Cornell William, Rayne, Braintree bone street, Canning town e
Burton Arthr. Little Wlthm. Chehnsfrd Cornwell William, Scratton rd.Southend Eustace Thomas & Son, 40 St. Botolph
Bush Alfred, Fullbridge, Maldon Cotter Philip, Mile End road, Mile end, street, Colchester
Bush George, Gren, Henham, Bishop's Colchester Evans Richd. Seaber., !OS Rathbone
Stortford Courtney· George Henry, 4 Broadway street, ('xtuning town e
Bush Isaac, 'Wivenhoe, Colchester & 142 The Grove, Stratford e ., Evans Robert, Church stl'eet,Coggeshall~
Bush John, Thaxted S.O Cousins Hardy, ~I Nelson ~treet, Can- Kelvedon
Bushell Edwd. Princes rd.Buckhurst hill niug town e . :. ,Eve David, High street, Leyton
Buss James, Dedham S.O . Cousins John,Io Beaumont rd.Plaistowe J:;ve Mrs. Myra, 13 High st. Chelmsford
Buss William, Ardleigh, Colchester Coveney A. Magdalen st. Colchester Evered "'ilEam, Grays Thurrock S.O
:Butterfield.Daniel, .High Bridge street, Cowell Robert, High st. Saffron Walden Evel'ett Samuel, 19 Hallsville road~
Waltham l\bbey Cowell Wm. Audley end.Saffron Walden Canning town /J. _
Byatt Thomas, Felsted S.O Cowles Robert, 24; Colchester Everitt Charles, Thaxted S.O
Cade John,.. North street, Colchester CowlandGeorge, Marsh st.Walthamstow Everitt Geo. Henham, Bishop's Stortford
Camp Henry, Ingatestone - ,\ Cox. Henry, The Square, Woodford grn Everitt John, Stone yard, BreIl'twood ,
.Camp John, Mill green,. Ingatestone Craddock Hy. 2 ~ Romford rd. Stratford e Everitt Samuel, New street, Halstead
Camp Mrs. Lucy,Fryerning, Ingatestone Cranmer George, Kelvedon , ' . Fairs Elijah, Church street, Coggeshall~
Campion Joseph, Danbury, Chelmsford Cranmer James, Witham Kelvedon ,
Cane Henry, Great Chishall, Royston Cressall J ames, Twinstead, Sudbury Fairs John, Great Tey, Kelvedon
Cansdale George, Gt.Horkesley,Colchstr Crisp Geo.Grosvenor rise ea.Walthmstw Farnhardson Jas. 6 Lavina tel'. Angel
Cansdale Samuel, Fordham, Colchester Crossby Joseph, Upper Dovercourt, lane, Stratford e
Cant John, West Bergholt, Colchester Dovercourt, Harwich , Farmw George, Rainham, Romford
Capon Robert, West Tilbury, Grays S.O Crow James, Hockley, Chelmsford Farrow; In. Workhouserd.Walthamstow
Cardo James & Son, High rd. Leyton- Crow John, Warley road, Great Warley, Fergusoll Charles,Broadway, Gt. Ilford
stone e. ; & 9 Croydon terrace,Barking Brentwood, . Fergusson Henry Broadway, Barking
. road, Plaistow, CrussellJn. Jas. Corringham, Romford Fergusson John, Hornchurch, Romford
Carr In. ·Wm. Kendall road, Colchester Cubitt Jsph. 4 Victoria terrace, Queen's Fewell Thomas, Chignal St. James,..
Carter John, Baker st. Orsett, Romford road &, 8 Grove terrace, Woodford Chelmsford
Carter John, Vineyard street, Colchester Cudmore _Wm•. Golden hill, Military Field Jsph.& Son,S Lea Bridge I'd. Leyton
Carter Joseph, Magdalen st. Colchester road, Colchester . Field Hy. 3 Market place, Leytonstone
Cateon Edmund,Cathall rd.Leytonstne e Culledge W. 4 Constance st. Silvertown e road, Stratford e ,
Caton William, Thaxted S.O Currie C. Wellington I'd. Forest gate e Finch Wm. Ward & Ebenezer, North
Chamberlain David, Layer Breton, Cuthbert Edwin, High road, Loughton Station Toad, Colchester '
, Kelvedon \ Daines Thos. Finchingfield, Braintree ' Fish Thomas, CollaI'd road, Walthamstw
Chamberlain Philip, Wivenhoe, Colchstr Dare Wm; Hy. 14 Victoria Dock road e . Fisher Arnold Owen, Epping
Chamberlain Wm.Sunst.Waltham abbey Darvill Geo. Marsh street, Waltbamstow Fish&' James, Great Henny, Sudbury
Chapman Charles, Northgate st.Colchstr Davey Alfred, Chigwell row ' Fitch George, Writtle, Chelmsford
Chapman George. 37 Duke st.Chelmsfrd Davey Mrs. Susannah Nrth. st. Halstead Fltch Jas. Kelvedon hatch,Brentwood
Cbapman Henry,Stansted Mountfitchet, Davey Wm. 34 Crouch street. Colchester, Fitch WaIter, CO:lCtie green, South
_ Bishop's Stortford. . I Davies William, Oliver road, Leyton Weald, Brentwood
Chapman Henry, Well street, Maryland DavisCharles. High street, Maldon Foakes William, Head street, Halstead
point, Stratford e . Davis J. Albert I'd. nth. Buckhurst hill Forster Richd. 325 High st. Stratford e
Chapman John, 6 Hope ,terracet Bark- Davis Michael. Mill road, Maldon Foster Aaron,Stanwell street,Colchester
_ ing road, Canning town e. Dayis Thomas,_ High street, Leyton Fowler Hy. Sible Hedingham, Halsteall
Chapman SamI. H. High st. ,Brentwood Davison Waltr. & Mrs. Elizabeth, 7 Mar- Fowler John, Great Easton, Dunmow
Chapman Wm. Ramsden CrilYs, Brntwd ket ter. Barking rd. Canning town e Francis J;ohn, Debden green, Debden,
Chatters Daniel, Toppesfield, Halstead Dawson Daniel, Market place, Harwich Saffron Walden
Chipchase Miss Amelia, Forest terrace, Day In. North Woolwich I'd.Canning tn e Francis Waltr. Gold st. Saffron Walden
Leyton road, Forest gate e· ,. Dean Thos. Eden road, Walthamstow Franklin Mrs. Ruchel, High st. Halstead
Chopping William, Takeley, Chelmsford Death Wm. Thorrington, Colchester Franklyn Hy. Hornchurch. Romford
Clark Charles,77Howards rd.Forest gte e Deed Jas. Prittlewell, Southend Franklyn ''fm. Upminster, Romford
Clark Frederick, Wantz ·road, Maldon Dennis W. Albert road, Romford, Essex, Freeman Mrs. Mary Ann,4S High street,.·
Clark John, Great lladdow, Chelmsford Dick Robert & James, 368 Mare street, Chelmsford
Clarke James, Osborne street, Colchster Hackney eo; & 272 High. st. Stratford £ French Charles, Gloucester house, Bark-
Clarke Robert, North street,Colchester Du.on William, Leyton road. Leyton ing road, Canning town e
Clarke Samuel, Feering, Kelvedon Dodd Wm. Black Notley, Braintree French Charles. Harlow
Clarke William, Burnham, Maldon Doe David, Hatfield, Chelmsford Frisby Benjamin, Great Chesterford 8.0
Clarke William, Grove road, Snakes Dongray Hy. Beulah road, Walthamstw Frost John, North Woolwich e
lane"Woodford green ,Dow Edward, Shiregate, Colchester Fuller Geo. Colne Engaine, Halstead
Claydon Joseph,Sheepcote green,Claver- Dowd Daniel, Boundary rd. Walthmstw Fuller James, High street, Maldon; &-
ing, Bishop's Stortford Dowles T. 4 George street, Plaistow e at Braintree, Chelmsford, Halstead &
Clayton William, Queen's rd.Brentwood Downes & Co. 18 & 19 MaI:ket place, Witham
Coates James, High Garrett, Braintree. Southend. Gadsby Geo. SamI. 4 Canning ter. Lilli-
Cole Daniel, Steeple, Maldon' Dowsett Henry, Prittlewell, Southend put rd.; & 4 Queen's I'd. Canning tn e
Cole Thomas, Great Oakley, Harwich ,Dowsett Wm. Prittlewell, Southend Gager Henry, Foxearth, Sudbury
Cole Thomas,So Maidenburg st.Colchstr Drake William,Springfield street.spring-- Gale John, 95 Odessa I'd. Forest gate
Coledough Robert, Tower Hamlets road, field, Chelmsford Garrett Ernest, Ougar road, Brentwood
Forest gate e Drawater Wm. 2 St. James' terrace, Gatward Wm.. Parliament pI. Forest gt e
Coller Charles,LowerSouthend,Southend Stratford road, Park, Plaistow Gentry Chas. Ramsden Crays, Brent,wd
Coller Wellesley Mason, I Victoria cot- Dudley Daniel, Great Totham, Witham GentryJn. Hy. Mountnessing, Brentwood
tages,Prospect rd. Snakes la.Woodford Duke Charles, Hatfield, Harlow Gentry Thomas, Billericay, llrentwood
Collingwood John, Nightingale lane, Duprey Fredk. 49 Parl\. street, Southend George Arthur Chapman, 2 Long Wyre
Wanstead e IJurable Boot Company, 2 Victoria street, Colchester.. See advertisement
Collins Edward, Marsh st. Walthamstow buildings, Barking ruad, Pli\istow e Gibbons John, 72 Martin st. Stratford e-
Collis David, Writtle, Chelmsford Durrant Wm. Fingringhoe, -Colchester Gibbs George, Grays Thurrock S.O
Conn William, Blackmore, Ingatestone Durrant William, Tenclring. Colehester Gibbs William, High road, Leytonstone e
Cook Abraham, Roydon, Ware Dyer Peter, Rayne, Braintree Gibson A. High Bridge st.Waltham abbey
Cook Henry, 44 Townfield st.Chelmsford Dyne Charles,29 Cato place, East Ham e Giffin James, Chipping Ongar 8.0
Cook John, Rayleigh S.O Eade Thomas, Great Holland, Colchester Gilbert George, Leyton road, Leighton
CookRichard,Chesnutwalk,Walthamstw Eagle. Wm. Great Bromley, Colchester Gilby Charles, Little London, Cornish
Cook Thomas, IS Trinity st. Colchester Easter Joseph, White Notley, Witham Hall end, Braintree
Cooper Charles, Lamarsh, Colchester Eastwood Thos. Coptfold ter. Brentwood GilelS Edward, High road, LoughtoJ;l.
Cooper Elijah, Southminster, Maldon Elliston James, Weeley, Colchester Gill Henry, High road, Leytonstone e
Cooper William,Cobbold rd. Wanstead e Emery S. Black. :Notley, Braintree Girlin~ R.ichard, .Station I'd. Forest. gt it
428 BOO

BOOT &; BHOE MAKERs-continued. Howard James, Elmstead, Colchester Lewls In. 126 Moulsham st. Chelmsford
Goby James, Great Oakley, Harwich Hudson John, 22 Victoria terrace, Lil- Limby A. la Selborne rd. Walthamstow
Godbold J. 61 Chatsworth rd. Forest gt e Iiput road, Canning town e Lindsell Samuel, Thaxted S.O
GodfreyT.High Bridge st. Walthm abbey Hughes In. Boundary rd. Walthamstow List George, Cross st. Saffron WaIden
GoIding Mrs. C. 10 Bank st. Braintree Hughes Robert, Langenhoe, Colchester List Joseph, Thaxted S.O
GoodingW. Albemarle st. New tn. Hrwch Hull Henry, Bartlow hamlet, Cambridge List William, King st. Saffron Walden
Goodliff Michael, High et. Great Ilford Hull Samuel, 5 Broadway, Plaistow e Lofts William, Elmdon, ~affron Waldel1
Gosling Edwin, 11 High street,Chlmsfrd Hummerstone W. Billericay, Brentwood Loker James, Rayleigh S.O
Gosling John, 50 High street, Chelmsford Humphrey George, Steeple Bumpstead. Lowther & Co. New road, Brentwood
Gouldstone B. Old Sampford, Braintree HaverhilI Loyd George, 57 North hill, Colchester
Gouldstone Charles, Epping HumphreyH. Cornish Hall end,Rraintree Lucking Charles, Boreham, Chelmsford
Govier Albert, 4 Alexander terrace, The Humphreys Chas. Magdalen st. Colchstr Lungley Alfd. High st. Brightlingsea 8.0
GroTe, $tratford e Humphreys John, Fairycroft road, Saf- Lungley Charles, 26 Priory st.Colchester
Govier Albert, 4 Earlham cross, Wood fron Walden Lungley John, New st. Brightlingsea 8.0
Grange road, Forest gate e Humph-reys Thomas, Rayne road, Bock- Lynn GeOl'ge, Union road, Leytonstone e
Gowen WilIiam. South st. Manningtree ing, Braintree McDermott'r.Wellesleyrd.Leytonstone e
Gowers SI. Bran end, Stebbing, Chlmsfrd Hunt Charles, High Beech McGovarin Thomas, 3 Maryland villas,
GranviIle Charles, Broadway, Barking Hunter George, ChigweII Leytonstone road, Stratford e
Grave8l~. Greengate 8treet, Plaistowe HunterRobert,Queen'srd.BuckhursthiII Machon George,Marshst. Walthamstow
Greenwood G St. Stephen's rd.Wlthmstw HutchingsRt.sPark !er.Church rd.Leytn MeNess James, 7 Windmill lane, New
Griffiths J oho, New Barn st. Plll.istow e Hutchinson W.33 Vicarage la. Stratford t town, Stratford e
Griggs R. Denmark street, Plaistow e Hyde Edwin H. High street, Brentwood Maine James, Chingford
Groome R. W. Marsh 8t. Walthamstow Inee Robert, Sible Hedingham. Halstead Malyon George, Blackmore,Ingatestone
Grub WiIliam, Panfleld, Braintree James James, 48 Burnham street, Can- Mann Charles Henry, Douglas terrace,
Gudgeon G. Denmark 8t. Leytonstone e ning town e Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester
Gullett Wm. H. Sahray hill, Woodford James John, Rayleigh 8.0 Manstield Rbt. Church rd. Huckhurst hI
Gunn Charle~, High street, Romford James John Hy. 42 Woodstock street, Manstield Wm. GreatWakering, Southnd
Hair William, High street, Leyton Canning town e Marlar John, High street, Maldon
Hale G. 92 Woodstock st. Canning tn t Jarman George, I Royal mews,Bouthend Markby'rhos. High road, Leytonstone e
Hale James, Waterloo road, RomCord Jarvis Joseph, Pnrleigb, Maldon Markham Hy. Cathall rd. Leytonstone e
Hale- .Tohn JesBe, Magdalen street &; Jay Jsph. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Marrison John, High street, Maldon
Winnock road, Colchester Jeffrey C. Market row, Saffron Walden Marsh Alfred,4 Market street, Harwich;
Hale R. 33 HalIsYille Td. Canning town t Jeffrey H. C. Market row, SaffronWalden &; at Ipswich
Hall George, Chingford Jeggo William, Stisted, Braintree Marsh Thomas, Ea8t street, Colchester
Halls T. Freshwell st. Saffron Walden Jewell Benjamin,20 &: 22 HallsvilIe road, Marsh Wm. Hempstead, Saffron Walden
Hammond S. High street, Manningtree Canning town e MarshaII Cbas. Wimbish,Satfron Walden
Hancock George, Leyton road, Leighton Jocelyn George, Little Hallingbll1')', Martin George, Finchingtield,llraintree
Hardman Geerge, Mayhank road, George Bishop's 8tortford Martin Rbt. G. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Clchstr
lane, Leytonstone e Johns Fredk. St. James' st.Walthamstow Martin Saml. High st. Hrightlingsea 8.0
Harold William, Want~ road, MaIdon Johnson Josepb, Barrack st. Colchester Martin William, Helchamp, Sudbury
H!\rrington Charles, 'fwinstead, Sudbury Jones Edwin, West Thurrock, RomCord Mascall Thos. Radwinter,Saffron Waldeo.
Harris Jas. Beulah road, Walthamstow Jones Ernest, Marsh street & Wood Mason Arthur Bradfield, Manningtree
Harris J. 23 Maryland point, Stratford e street, Walthamstow Mason Chas. Sun street, Waltham abbey
Harris J. Crownfield rd. Leytonstone e Jordon F. North Woolwich ~ Mason Thos. Gt. Canfield, Dunmow 8.0
Hamson G. &; H. High street, Stratford e Joslin Joseph, Billericay, Brentwood Matthams William, Purleigh, Maldon
Hart Mrs. Harriet, Ballingdon, Sudbury Juniper Joseph, 13 Little sq. Braintree Matthew Richard Hare, High st.Romford
Harvey James, Messing, Kelvedon Kebbell James, 5 Victoria buildings, Ma.tthews Abm.Bartlow hamlet,Crnbrdg
Hatfield Arthur, Head street, Halstead Barking Toad, Plaistowe Matthews Hy. Wimbish, Saffron Walden
HatfieldW.H.Lower Railwy. st. Braintree Keeble In. High Roothing, Dunmow B.O May James, Great Oakley, Harwich
Hawkes Thomas, Trinity street, Halstead KeebleW.Church st.Coggeshall,Kelvedon Mayer James, Little Bentley, Colchester
HS)'ball Simeon Thomas, 3 Victoria ter- Kerry J. Lexden st. Leden, Colchester Maynard George, Brook st. Colchester
race, Barking road, Plaistow e Keys James, Chipping Ongar S.O Maynard Jonathan, Longhton
Haydon William, Barking side, Dford Keyte William, High street, Brentwood Mead Geo. T. South Ockenden, Romford
Hayne J. 48 Townfield street, Chelmsford Kidby James, West Bergholt, Colchester Mead John, Market place, Romford
Ha7..eIl GeO'. Pung, lla &; 13 North hill &; Killham James, 3 Railway terrace, Plais· Miller Chas. Gladstone rd.Buckhurst hill
22 Head street, Colchester tow road, PlaistQw e Miller 'fheodore, Hythe hill, Colchester
Heading John, Heath street, Barking Kilt Samson, North street, Barking Mills Richard, 18 Church street, Harwich
Heading Simeon, King's road, Barking King Daniel, Wix, Manningtree Mill. Thomas, Heath, Hattield, Harlow
Heckford S. Princess st. Butt rd. Colchstr King Robert E. Buttsbury. Ingatestone MillsWm.Marden Ash,High Ongar,Brtwd
Hedgecock John, Rochford S.O KingWm. 71Rathbone st.Canningtown t Mitchell James, Fyfield, Hrentwood
Heeston Peter, 2 AIice st. Canning town e Kingston John 'fhomas, sen. Harrow Mitchell James, Sheering, Harlow
Hemmings G. Manbey road, Stratford e green, Leytonstone Mitson Elijah, Tillingham, Maldon
Henwood Willoughby Birty, Crescent Knapp SI. ~Rathbone st. Canning town e Mole ISMc, 13 Crouch street, Colchester
.ad, Leyton Knight Daniel, Purleigh, Maldon Mole Mrs. Wm. 16 'findal st. Chelmsford
Herbert G. 44 Leyton rd. Nw. tn.Btrtfrd (J Knight John, Henham, Bishop's Stortford Monahan Henry, Leyton road, Leyton
Hesters G. 21 Crawford et. Canning tn e Kohlmann Hy. 80 Forest la. Forest gate e Moore John Henry, Ridgwell, Halstead
Heward John, 48 High street, PJaistowe Kijhn Henry, Cromwell road, Colchester Moore Wm. Helion Humpstead, Haverhill
Hews G., Maldon Lacey Peter, Chipping Ongar S.O Morris Henry, Great Warley, Brentwood
Heymer William, Grays Thurrock S.O Lake William, East street, Barking Moss WiIIiam Archer, I Forest street,
Hicks Edward, 34 Queen st. Colchester Lambert G.4 Rathbone st. Canning tn e corner of Station road, Forest gate e
Hicks John, Wellington street, Colchstr Lambert Hy. LowerSouthend,Southend Mott Jame8, Stock, Ingatestone
Hill Gearge, Danbury, Chelmsford Langfield Henry, Leyton road, Leyton Mott James, sen. Stock, Ingatestone
Hills Frank, Loughton Larkin Gea. & John, Crown st. Brentwd Mott Ths.Ramsden Bellhouse, Brentwood
Hills Henry, Mountnessing, Brentwood Larkin George, Chipping Ongsr S.O Moulden Geo. A. 18 Victoria Dock road e
Hills Philip, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Last William, Upper Dovercourt, D01"er- Moule In. Seward's end, Saffron Walden
Hitch Thomas, Latchingdon, Maldon court, Harwich Moule William, Beaumont road, Leyton
Hitching Alfred. &: Ezra, Finchingfield, Lawrance John, Wix, Manningtree Mountford John, Withersfield, Braintree
Braintree Lawrence Thomas, Epping Moyse William, Cecil road, Leytonstone
Hodgson Charles Wm. South st. Colchstr LaW80n In. Lansdowne rd.Leytonstone e Moyse William, Wickford, Battles bridge
Holgate In. Newport, Bishop's Stortford Leakey Jsph. Marsh street,Walthamstow Mulliner William, High st. Wanstead ~
Holgate Jsph. Newport, Bishop's Stortfrd Lee Daniel, London hou~ Barking road, Mumford Elisha, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
Holgate J. Widdington, Bishop'e Stortfrd Canning town e Murray John, Forest st. Forest gate e
Holmes C. H. Barrack street, Colchester Lee John, Gosfield. Halstead Murrell Danzie, Burnham, Maldon
Holmes W. Tolleshunt d'Arcy, Kelvedon Leech Edward, Osborne etreet, Colchstr Nash Charles,75 Vicarage la. Stratford ~
Holt Charles, Harlow Letch Henry, 9 Short Wyre et. CoIchstr Nash Fredck. Stanford~le-Hope,Romford
lIo""x Arthur, Newgate street, Walton- Lettington Arthur, Barking la. Gt. Ilford Nash Stephen, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow
on·the·NaZ8 S.O Levi Charles, West road, Saffron Walden Nash Wm. t:ltanford-Ie-Hope. Romford
Horsnell Geo. Brook street Brentwood Levy JuIiUJt 65 .t: 100 Victoria Dock rd d Near 18a8Ct Colne rd.Coggeshall,Kel'redon
NevilleAbrahm.WestMersea, Colchester PondfleetJ"n.Bowers Gifford,RayleighS.O Sealey W. West Stockwellst. Colchester
Neville Geo. 134 The Grove, Stratford e Poole rsiah, Hawkwell, Chelmsford Sewell G. Bradford st. Bocking, Braintree
Neville William, Chatley, Chelmsford Pope James, St. OSyt;h, Colchester Seweil George,Great Bardfield,Braintree
Newcomb Luke, Gosfield, Halstead Porter Thos. Wanstead place,Wanstead e Sharpe William J .Parsonage st. Halstead
NewellJohn,White Roothing,Chelmsford Porter Wm. High Easter, Chelmsford Shead WaIter, Witham
Newen Wm. Stanley road, Leytonstone Porter Wm. H. 80 Duke st. Chelmsford Shears Alfred & William, 7 Ordnance
Newman .Wm. Canewdon, Rochford S.O Potter George, North street, Walton-on- terrace, Barking road, Canning town e
NobleR. 5 Leyton rd.Newtown,Stratfrde the-Na7.e S.O SheppardJ.I04Rathbonest.Canningtne
Nokes William,3 Friars pI. New London Potter John, Prittleweil fields, Southend Sherman William, Dedham S.O
road, Chelmsford Potter J oseph, St. Andrew's I'd. Romford Sholl J ames, High street, Great Ilford
Norman James, North Woolwich e Potter Richard, 1 Kelly I'd. East Ham e Sibley William,Berden,Bishop's Stortfrd
Norman John, North Woolwich e Potter Mrs. Sarah, Market hill, Maldon SiggersJsph.Greenfieldst.Walthamabby
Oakley James, Epping Potter Thos. Galleywood corn. Chelmsfd Simmonds In.T. Market pI. Forest gate e
O'Brien In. Grafton I'd. 8th. Plaistow e Potter Waiter, II3 High street, Braintree Simons Wilson. Grays Thurrock S.O
O'Coonor Wood, II & 12 Bdge. I'd. Stfrd e Potts Fredk. Radwinter, Saffron Walden Simpson Frederick, Epping
Oddy Frederick, Roxwell, Chelmsford Pratt Richard, Dunmow S.O Skingle Moses, Hatfield, Harlow
Oddy Joseph, Broomfield, Chelmsford PreslandJn.Farnham, Bishop's Stortford Smee Abraham, Church lane, Spring-
Olley George, Rayleigh S.O Prestney Jeremiah, 76 East hl.Colchester field, Chelmsford
Olley 'rhomas, BiIlericay, Brentwood Prestney Roht. Winnock I'd. Colchester Smee David, Ridgwell, Halstead
Orrin Ebenezer,27 St.John's st.Colchester Prior .Joseph, Essex street, Colchester Smee Edward, Albert road, Romford
Orrin WiIliam, Burlington st. Colchester Pritchard Henry, Beaumont I'd. Leyton Smee Elijah,Ovington, Sudbury
Osborn Joseph Turner, Kelvedon Pryke John, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Smee John, Stambourne, Halstead
Osborn Robert, KelYedon Puck George, Manor street, Braintroo Smee John, Toppesfield, Halstead
Osborne Arthur J. Chigwell I'd. Chigwell Quilter Nathan, Leigh, Chelmsford Smith Alfred Henry, 1: BruneI street,
Osborne Isaac, Ridgwell, Halstead RaIling WiIliam, Birdbrook, Halstead Canning town t
Othen Edward, Grange road, Leyton Raul Barthold, 1 St. James' terrace, Smith Ben, Southminster, Maldon
O,'erall Jsph. East Hanningfld. Chlmsfrd Peel road, Woodford Smith Charles, Paglesham,Rochford S.O
Owers Chs. High Roothing, Dunmow S.O Rapley Richard, East hill, Colchester Smith George, Bradfield, Manningtree
Owers George, Pleshey, Chelmsford Rawlings J ames, Trinity street, Halstead Smith Geo. Castle street, Saff. Walden
Owers Henry, Baker st. Orsett, Romford Rawlings Robert, Crescent road, Leytou Smith George, 79 Victoria Dock road it
Owers John, High Easter, Cheimsford Rawlinson Wm. Earls Colne, Halstead Smith George Chinnery, Church row,
Page Joseph, Hockley, Chelmsford Rayner In. Ford st. Aldham, Colchester Grays Thurrock S.O
Palmer Francis, Weeley, Colchester Rayner William, 1 Brassey terrace, Smith Henry, Burnham, Walden
PalmerJames,Willingale Doe,Brentwood Lilliput road, Canning town e Smith Isaac, Langham, Colchester
Pamplin William, Wantz road, Maldon Rayner William, Great Oakley, Harwich Smith James, West Mersea, Colchester
Pannell W. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhl Read Frederick, Market place, Harwich Smith Reuben, East street, CoggeshalI,
Parish Alfred, George street, Romford Read Geo. 90 Bidder st. Canning town e Kelvedon
Parker John, Coggeshall road, Braintree Read Robert, Heath street, Barking Smith Richard, Back lane, Barking
Parker John William, Loughton Read William, Toot hill, Stanford Smith Robt. Great Bardfield, Braintree
Parker Lewis, Rainham, Romford rivers, Brentwood Smith Thomas, Hadleigh S.O
Parker Solomon, Cobden rd.Leytonstne e Read William, Harlow Smith William, Chatley, Chelmsford
Parkin John, Wimbish, Saffron Walden Reed Fredk. Romeland, Waltham abbey Smith William, Great Chesterford S.O
Parnell Joseph, 136 High st. Braintree Reed Wm. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford Smith William, Hadleigh S.O
Parnwell Wm. 107 High street, Braintree Reeve Thomas, Great Chesterford S.O Smith William Webster, 1 New Writtle
Partridge Horace, Wood st. Walthamstw Reid James, Dunmow S.O street, Chelmsford
Partridge John, Stoneham street, Cogge- Revell John, Wood street, Walthamstow Smoothy In. Great Yeldham, Halstead
shall, Kelvedon Reynolds Edman, Union rd. WaIthmstw Smoothy Thomas, Steeple Bumpstead~
Pasfield Geo. 32 & 34 Bank st. Braintree Reynolds Jsph. CathaII I'd. Leytonstone e Haverhill
Pasfield Ths.Brdfrd. st.Bocking,Braintree Reynolds SamI.Church st.WaIthm.abbey Snell George, Libra Road pk. Plaistow e
Payne Benjamin, High street, Leyton Reynolds Wm. IO Eagle pI. Forest gate e Snow John, 4 Grove road, Walthamstow
Payne Thos. 235 High street, Stratford e Richardson Henry, Navestock, Romford Snow In. Harrow green, Leytonstone e
Pearson In.Nth.end,LittleYeldhm. Hlstd Ridington Miss Eliza,High rd.Leytnstn e Solder Casper, 19 Constance st.Silvertn. e
Peck Charles, Market place, Romford Riley George, Chadwell heath Scotcher W. Geo.Victoria I'd. Le~·tnstne e
PenruckerJos. Maynard rd.Walthamstw Riley Peter, Chadwell heath South George, Messing, Kelvedon
Pepper Wm.H.Main I'd. Doverct.Harwich Ringer George, White Colne, Halstead Southernwood Charles, 146 Moulsham
Percival Ths.Castle Hedingham,Halstead Rivers John, StanweII street, Colchester street, Chelmsford
Perkins Charles, Gt. Warley, Brentwood Rixon Mrs. George, Matching, Harlow Squthgate Chas. Mistley, Manningtree
Perrin Jas. In.Whitehall rd.Wdfrd. wells Rixon J~mes, IJarlow Southgate William, Ardleigh, Colchester
Perrin Job, Snakes lane, Woodford green Robinson Daniel, Pledgden, Henham, Spall J acob, North street, Barking
Perrin Wm. Hy. Woodford green Bishop's 3tortford Spall Wm. High street, Great IIford
Perrin Wm. J n. Queen's I'd. Buckhrst.hill Robinson J ames, Fobbing, Romford Sparey Alfd. Jas. Orford rd. Walthmstw
Perry David, Ballingdon, Sudbury Rogers John, 24 Long Wyre st.Colchester Sparks Alexander, Back lane, Barking
Perry George, Fryerning, Ingatestone Rose Hy. Church st.CoggeshaIl,Kelvedon Sparrow WiIliam, West Hanningfield,
Perry Henry, Wickford, Battles bridge Rose Jeremiah, Queen's rd.Buckhurst hI Chelmsford
Perry T. Cooksmill gn.Roxwell,Chlmsfrd Rose Samuel, GreenhiII gro. Little Ilford Speller Robt. Street,Takeley, Chelmsford
Pettit & Co. Market place, Stratford Rowe George, Upminster, Romford Spells William, Wantz road, Maldon
road, Plaistow e Rowland Richard, High st. Great Ilford Spencer Golding, Gt.Bardfield, Braintree
Pettit John, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Rudling Edwd.Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchstr Spencer Golding, 96 High st. Braintree
PhiIIips George, High Ongar, Brentwood Rush George,Upper Dovercourt,Harwich Spink John, Bradfield, Manningtree
Phillips Mrs. Susannah, 12 Faraday Rush Wm. Church st. Bocking,Braintree Spurgeon George,48 Bank st. Braintree
road, Leyton Rutland D. Hempstead, Saffron Walden Spurgeon William, ~ Gt. sq. Braintree
Phillips William, Leigh, Chelmsford Rutland Jas. Debden I'd. Saffron Walden Spurgeon William, Princes st. Maldon
PhiIpott Charles, Pleshey, Chelmsford RylandChas.Hempstead,SaffronWalden Stace George & James, Epping
Pickman Thomas, Southminster, Maldon Sadler James, Manningtree. Staines Benjamin, Felsted 8.0
Pilgrem Frederick William, Rayne road, Saggers Joseph, Stebbing, Chelmsford Staines Henry, Dunmow S.O
Bocking, Braintree Saltmarsh RaymentS.Pleshey,Chelmsfrd Stammers Wm. Boreham, Chelmsford
• Piper Stphn. Ramsden Bellhouse,Brntwd Saltwell Jesse, Writtle, Chelmsford Stancombe Alfred, Holloway road,
Pitchell Charles, Ardleigh, Colchester Saltwell WaIter, Writtle, Chelmsford Leytonstone e
Pittman Hy. 7 Romford I'd. Stratford e Saunders Stephen, Prittlewell, Southend Stebbing Edmund, Billericay,Brentwood
Pledger Benjamin, Stansted Mount- Saveall John, Argent street, Grays S.O Stockdale George, 100 Leyton road,
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Sayer Alfred, Witham New town, Stratford e
Pluck Josiah George, Witham Sayer Philip, Danbury, Chelmsford Stockdale George, jun. 8 Broadway~
Pluckrose Thomas, Woodford bridge Scarfe William, 13 Cambridge terrace, Forest gate tJ
PlumsteadNathan,7 Hainaultst.Gt.IIford }<'isher street, Canning town tJ Stoneham WiIliam, 132 Leyton road
Pocock Brothers, 37 High street & 27 Schooling Robert, Orsett, Romford New town, Stratford e
Botolph st. Colchester; 36 & 38 Bank Schooling William, Orsett, Rornford Stow Thomas, Nun's cut, North hill,
st. Braintree; & Market eni, Cogges- Scott George, Snakes lane, Woodford Colchester
hall, Kelvedon Scott Henry, High street, Great Ilford Stowers William, Mill road, MaIdon

430 notS ESSEX. [KEL:ty e
Boor ti Su61!! rMA'treRs-l-~tmf1nttetf. Wsylett lathes, Billerieat. BI'entwood Wedlake ~homa9 WIii. & bb. 'Uhio'it,
Stratford Johrt, Hlglrstreet, Maldon Weatherly Wrtl. Ut. Baddow, "Chelmsford iron works, Horncburch, Romford 1
Stringer Alfred James-, 'North st. Maldon Webb Benjamin, Ardleigh, Colchester branch foundty & depot, ROniford
8trtItt CharI~, 6? Manot-st. Brain'J;ree Webb Jas. LM'ldlln rd. 'Saffron: Walden. Phosphor Bronze Co. Limited, 13}
Stubbins Fredk. 'l'h~don. rot. Epping Webb John, 6 HlJwards rd. Forest gate' e Sumner street} Southlfark, London s.'
Suckling Henry; Wethmfleld, Braintree Webb T. C. Westf'ftockWeU st. Colchester BREECHES MAKERS
8ndul Samuel, Bpping Wens John, Thorpe-re-Soken, Colchester •
Swann Charl~!l, Back; street, 13rentwood Wells Wm. Princes I'd. BuckhUtllt hill Cole Thomas Dove,46 High streflt, Col-
Tappenden John. ~64- High "treat, Went William, S Market street, Hatwich chester'. See -advertisement . '-
J.. Str"tford ' . West On Samuel, BeuIah rd. WBlthamstow Howe John, 14 High street, Colehester.
Taylor Ed.wa.rd~ @ngar road, Breht'Wood Weyb!'et ..f!enry, 4g Chatsworth road, See advertisemen~ -
'l'aylor George. 'M'Ornington 'terraee, Forest gate e I
b Wansteall e ' Whall Wllliam Stansted Moutftfitchet BREWERS.
~raylor GOO'rge,'Nortb Wdolwicl1 e Bishopls Sto~ford ' Adams Thos. Francis &: Sons, Halstead)
Taylor John, {)hul'Ch' st. West Ham e WheatIey Edward Gl'iy, Market'plaee Allsopp &: Sons, Hurtot!. (Lay &: Wheele~
Taylor Sam!. Great Wakering, Southend Wheeler Ge(). F. 3 Church st. Plaistow e agents), 'I? High street, Colchester.
Teat William; High :ari~ ~t,reet, 'Wal- Whistler WilHam, Billericay, Brentwood See advertisement • .-
tham abbey; I • White John, Rochfol'd S.() Alston Edward John &: Sons, HIgh
TedrlerWnr. Mtlh'udeti,BISbtlp's Stortford Whiting 'rhoS'. Colne Engaine-, Halstead street, Manningtree . .
Theobald John, Abberton, Culchester Whitman Thomas, Chappel, Halstead AndrewS'Mordecai Charlel', Thaxted B.O
°rheobald WilI1atn, Layet'-de-la-Hay, Whitrick Edwd. 9 Hamlet rd. Southend Bailey Thomas, Witham •
Colchester Wiffen Charles, Oakley green, Ugley, Barker George, ToppesfieId, Halstead
Thomas ;Tohn, Hi'gli'Street, Leytott BishOp's Stortfotd Bass, Ratcliff & Gretton, Limite~
Thompson Arthul1 Salcatt, Kelvedon Wiggins Wm, Gt. 'WakeI'ing, S()uthend Borton (Lay & Wheeler, agents), td
Thompson William, Dagenham,Romford Wilbr James, Wormingford, Colchester High street, Colchester. See advert
Thornton Williiun Schwamenkruge, St. WiHiams Thomas, Chigwell row Beard &; Bright, Stoneham st. CoggeshaU
James' street, Walthamstow Willis Edward, 52 Priory st. Colchester BeaTd John. ChuI'ch Street brewe~
Thorogood Thom~9,8tebbing,Cheln'l.sfordWiOi~ WiHiaml High street, at. Ilford CoggeshaU
Thorpe Atttllony, Balkeme la.Colchester Wilson Francis, Axe street, BlITking Bearman Jacob, Church' street, Bocking,
Thurston &. Son, 9 St. Botolph street, WilSOII John, Eden road, Walthamstow Braintree .
'ColchestetN Wilson Jabn, Southminster, Maldon Blyth & Squier, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Rom.-
Thurston Jam,es, 4 Vicf;()ril1. terrace, Wilson William, Theydon bois, Epping ford
High 'Street, Plalstolf e Wiltshire John, Little Leighs, Chelmsfrd Bridges, Cuthbert & Co. Limited, Cros8
Thnrston John, S Al'gyle st. Plaisto,v t Windell .lames &: Son,' Pa.rk cottage, Key Store!l,Culverstreet, Colch~t~;
Thurston WaIter, High I'd. Le;rtonstone e Dedham s.o & Falcon brewery, Ipswich
'f'iffen Josepb White, Head st. HaI!ltead Windell William, Dedhatn S.O Butcher Edmund, Hallingdon, Sudbury"
Tiffen Josiah, High ~treet, MaIdOl1 Wood Alfred, 166 Chobham toad, New Byles Alfred, Weeley. Coich'ester
TinworthWm,{)ry st. Sattgdon,Romford town, Stratford e Chaplin Thomas, Harlow .
Tompkins Charles,52 Lett rd.Stratford e Wood Chas.H. '3 Queen's tel'. Bl1ckhrst hl Chappell Hy.Wm.White Notley, Witha:IIi
Toplis Richa~ 3 Essex terrace, Church Wood Golden, Gt. Wakering, Southend Clarke Fredk. Sible Hedingham, Halsted
road, Leytort f Wood James, Matching, Harlow Cobbold & CO'. North Hill brewery, CoI-
Totham James, Cressing, BI'aintree Wood John. sen. High street, Leyton e chester .•
Tredgej; EJwa-rd, Hutton, Brentwuod Wood In. jun. Church la. Leytonstone e Cole Robert Swinborne, Holt farm, Gt.
Tricker Chas. '31 Hermit st. Cannirtg tn e Wood Tho!!l. Palm, Queen st. Brentwood Oakley, Harwich \ .
Tunnicliff Francis, Chingford Wood Wm. Queen's road, BuckhUl'st hiD Collier Brothers. Essex: brewery, St~
Turner In. Hempstead, Saffron Walden Wood Willisffi< Thamas-, Loughton ,James t street, Walthamstow· ,
Turner Nehemiah, Gt. Yeldham, HIstd Woodhouse Alfred. High street &Market Crabb, Veley&Co. Gt. Baddow.Chlmsfrd
Tll1'ller Thos. W. 34 Angel lane, Strtfrd e place, Romford Daniel} Brothers & Chaplio,' Maiden·
Turrell Jsaac, High street, Brent'Wood Woodrow Chl\B. Parsonage st. Halstead' burg street; "Colchester •
Tween Wm. 'La:ttgdon, Romford Woods Thomas, North st. Colchester Daniell Thomas It Son, West BerghoIt.
Twitchett Ptr: Belchamp Waltet, Sdbry Wright Jas. Widdington ,Bishop's Strtfrd Colchester . '-
TrIer Waiter, Maldon road, Witham Wright Robt.Helion Bumpstead, Haverhl DanieH & Co. Ro'Whedge, Colclrester
Upton Jesst', Market pI. Waltham -abbey Wright Thos.Henham, Bishop's Stortford Durrant Andrew, Tindal st. Chelmsford
VerraU Geo. A. Esther ro. Leytol1stone e Wright William, Quendon street, Rick- Fielder Alfred 0.\ Co. King's rd.Brent-wood
Vickers Johtt, Green street, Plashet e ling, Bisl!fJp's Stortford . Fuller John, Kelvedon .
Vince WilIiam, Market place., Htitwich Wybrow ,19. 3 Moulsham st. 'Chelmsford Garoner E. &: Son, Little Coggeshall,
Vincombe Simon, 23 Victoria Dock td e Yates Alfred, Epping Kelvedon
Wackrell.1n. StanfieId-le-Hope, Romford Yerrell John, Wilmott road, Leyton Glermy Thomas W. Linton rd. Ba-rking
Wade Bamnel, East Stockwell st. Clchstr 'Young Chas. Richd. Church end, Wdfrd Gosling Olh-er, Bradford street,Bocking,
Wager Robt. 25 St. Jame!!' rd. Forest gt e Young lsaac. Black water, Sisted, Brntree Braintree'
Wagstaff James John, r2' Russell ter~ y & Son, SpringfieId Road brewerr,
race, Barking road, PIashet e BOTTLE M ANUFA,OTUREBS--l Chelmsford; & Maldon brewry.Maldon
Wagstaffe James, High st. Gt. Ilfol'd GLASS. Guinness, Son & Co. Dublin (Lay &
Walker Thomas, 43 Manbey st. Strtfra e See Glass Bottle ~}IanuJactUl.tI.s. Wheeler, agents), 10. High street, Col-
Wallace Samuel, Park road, Leyton -chester. See advertisement
WaHis Nathaniel, Collier row, Romford BOX MAKER. I Hargreave8 Percy, Abridge, Romford

Wallis William, N?rth street, Barking Perrottof\ Francis I Athberley ni. l.eyton Have.rll Sta~i.slans, F~'erning, In~tston
Ward Jas. IS StatlOn I'd. Forest gate e ' Hawkes Wilham,Great square,Bramtre~
Ward JohIi, Holloway rd. Leytonstone e ;SRASS FINIS H1Ui.. Hill Thomas &Jeremiah, The Brentwood
Ward .fobn, Wood street, Walthamstow . brewery,~ Warley road, Brentwood.
Ward Jonathan., Kil'by, Colchester GregOl")' Ge01'ge, Primrose ~oad, Leyton See advertisement
Ward JosP.pb Alma., New st. Halstead Hodges William, Witham
Ward WiIliam, High street, Halstead BRA.SS FOUNDERS. Holme!! Hy. & B. llornchurch, Romford
Ward Wm. 34 Mountfield I'd. Ea.!!t Ham e Asten & BenneH, Greenstesd, Colchester HOLHE8 RICHARD MESSER, Bird-in-Hand
Warren James &Son, BiIlericil.y, Brntwd Ba'rnard & Lakjt, Rayne, Braintree brewery, CoggeshaH, Kelvedon
Warrlin Albe'rt, CaI'lisle road, Leyton Catchpoor, Starmard &: Stanfohf, 122 Ind, Coope &: Co. High 'Street, Romford;
Warren Alfred, Stisted, Brailltree High st. & Fouudry yard, Colchester & at BUrOOn-on-'I'rent
Warren Isaac, Dunmow S.O Cally Wm. & Thos.Barking rd. Plaistowe Jervis Da-vid, Magdalen street,Colchestet
Warren L. High -st.& Nelson st.Soathend Catchpool, S~8hnard & Stanfotd, t22 King John K. The Gravel, CoggeshaH
Warren William, 42 High street & :r9 &: High st. & Fonndry yard, Colchester Lee 6eorge Herbert, Waltham abbey
20 Short Wyre-st.; manufaetorY,Queen Christy Fell, Bl'OOmfield Road iron breweI'y. See advertisement
street, 'Colchester workS', Chelmsford' • LO\'ibond John & Sems, 220A,High street,
Warwick Wm. 76 Angellane, StraHdl'll e Daltey, P"xtna1\'k Co. Standa'rd iron Stratford t
Watsham George, Hythe hill, Colchester workS: 'The Hytbej 'Colchester- Luke:r Hy. & Co. Tb. Brewery, South-
Wa~sham Samnet, AlresfoI'd, Colchester DickS'Ott J'Ohn, , Eld I1\0e, -Colchellte,.. , end: &: at Roobford B.O
Watsham Samnel, Elrnstead, Colchest~r DOfreD Leo Fralleis, Ha.rt street,B~I'king ManldQll A.. M. & Son, Ballingdon t Sud-
Watsha.m Samuel, St. Osyth, Colchester Downs Kinlt, Gestingthorpe, Halstead bury·
WatsOn: Wm.!25 ~je89a rd'. For'est gate t Goodwin Wm: J. Facto", la. Oolehestet' Miller Fred, High st. Brightlingses ~.O
Moye Wi1liam, White Hart hotel, High Boardman William Hull, 41 Duke street, Rogers Zachariah, Earl~ Colne, Halstead
street, Halstead· & Moulsham, Chelmsford RopeI' Wm. Broomfield rd. Chelmsford
Newman Oswald Robt. Rayne, Braintree Bott W. H.Cardfield, Hatfield, Chelmsfrd Rudduck & Co. Colne rd. Coggeshall
Nicholl (Charrington) & Co. East Hill Braddy William Turner, Inworth, Kelve- Runnacles Harcourt, Roydon Ware; &
brewery, Colchester; & Rivington don; & at Kelvedon at Halstead •
street, Shoreditch, London e.c· Brentwood Brick 0/ Tile Co. (The), Brent- Rutter D. & C. Gt. Wakering, Southend
Palmer Jonathan & James, Marden wood works, Brentwood Saunders Nathaniel & Son, Dedham 8.0
ash, High Ongar, Brentwood Bridgemarsh Brickfields Co. Limited Shoeburyness Brick Works (J. Jackson &
Parker Edward, High Bridge street, (Luke Bishop, man.), Latchingdon, Co. proprietors; Edmund Withers,
Waltham abbey Maldon; & :;!8 Budge row, London e.c manager), South Shoeburr, Southend
Pattisson W. H. L. & Co. Writtle brew- Brown James, Braintree, Chelmsford; & Smith John, New quay, Colchester
ery, Writtle, Chelmsford at 2 Broad Street buildings,London /J.C Smith Peter, Weeley, Colchester
Percival William, Selborne road, Walt- Bryan & Son, Wood street, Chelmsford Stark William, Crescent road, George'
hamstow; & Ardmore lodge, South- Chopping S1. Davey, Stebbing, Chlmsfrd lane, LeytQnstone' e .
would road, Upper Clapton CloverWilliam&Co.Hogwells, Eoreham, Styles John, Theydon Garnon, Epping
Pilgrim John Thos. Gt. Chesterford S.O Chelmsford Taylor John, Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Porter Henry, White Horse brewery, Cock Henry, Dunmow S.O Trippler Wm. & Waters, Dukes, Roxwell,
Halstead Collier William Homan, -Marks Tey brick 'Chelmsford -
Handall R. & W. (Thomas Church works, Colchester. See advertisement Todd David, Theydon bois, Epping
Willans, manager), Dunmow brew~ Cooper John, Gt: Totham, Witham Tovill Chas:' Saml. Mistley, Manningtree
cry, Dunmow S.O. See advertisement Corder Wm. Sible Hedington, Halstead Went Arthur Solomon, Great Bentley,
Hankin Jabez, C~ttle market, Orange Cornish O:rbell, SibleHedington,Halstead Rowhedge, Colchester
Tree brewery, Braintree Curtis Philip, Crockleford hill, Ardleigh, West Ham 0/ Barking Brickjield Co.
Raven Mrs. Elizabeth, Wethersfield, Colchester· " Limited (Thomas Sharp, sec.), Broad-
Braintree Curtis Philip, Greenstead, Colchester way, Plaistow e- - - , _
Haveu. Thos.Wm. Wethersfield,Braintree Daniel Brabmok, Hill house, West Berg- Whitlock Hy.Edwd.Gt.Yeldhm. Halstead:
Hichardson Alfred, Wantz road, Maldon holt, Colchester Wilkinson .Jas. 10 Anchor st. Chelmsford
Hidley T. . D. & Sons, Townfield, Douglas William, Prittlewell, Sonthend Williams Edward,RayLodgeroadJSnakes
Chelmsford &. Hartford End brewery, East & Mundy, Wanstead lane, Woodford green .
Felsted S.O English George William, Hole farm, Willis Mrs. Thomas, Felstead S.O
Hogers S. S. & Co. Stansted Mountfitchet, Bulmer, fludbury Wilson & Hook, Upminster, Romford'
Bishop's Stortford Everitt Hy.Ipswich rd. Mile end,Colchstr
Bust E. & Co. Hatfield, Chelmsford Everson William, Wix, Manningtree BRICK & TILE MERCHANTS.
Eust Alfred, Hatfield brewery, Hatfield, Finch William, Great Oakley, Harwich Bambury Jacob Joseph, 'I Exeter villas,'
Chelmsford . . Foster Charles, Epping' - Selborne road, Walthamstow :
Savill Brothers, Stratford brewery e - Francis A.Wendens Ambo, SaffronWaldn Byford John, Bridge wharf,Barking road,
Saward Abraham, Tindall st. Chelmsford French J.D. & Co.South Benfleet,Chlmfrd Canning town e
Seabrooke &: Sons, Grays 8.0 Gale Wm. &: G. Chigwell rd. Leytonstone Chalk A & Co. Railway station,Plaistow e
~mith Mrs. Elizh. Great Bardfield, Gardner M. & Son,Church st. Coggeshall' Glenny Bcnjamin 'Wallis, Town Quay
Braintree Gardner Samuel, Hornchurch, Romford; 'wharf, 13arking .
Smith Robert, Witham & at Havering-atte-Bower . . ' Groves John, Railway station,Braintree;
Stopes Christopher & Sons, Eagle brew- Gayler David, Newport, Bishop's Stortfrd & at Dunmow & Great Yeldham
cry, East hill & Langham moor, Gibbons Edward, Ballingdon, Sudbury Hemsted Bros.Hoe St. station,Wlthmstw
Colchester . Gibbs & Co. Limited (David Wilson, Johnston, jun.&Co. High road '& Howard
Bullins Henry, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow manager), West 'I'hurrock, Romford ' road, Leytonstone e
Ta~'lor J.
"T. & J. L. High street, Saffron Gilders Edwin J oseph, Rosemary road, Martin Jas. Windsor,Queen's rd.Brentwd
. Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester ' Maw James, Harrow Bridge wharf, High
THORN CHARLES THOMAS, Messing, Globe Cemmt, Brick, Whitin.'1 of Chalk street, Stratford e-'
Kelvedon Co. (John Grimwood, man.), Little Sadd John' & Sons, adjoining the Great
Webb & Gibbons, Crown brewery, Dun- Thurrock, Grays S.O Eastern railway, Maldon . _
mowS.O Grays Chalk Qlltarrus Cv. Lim. (Robert Salmen Samuel & Son, Railway station,
"-ells & Perry, 26 Duke st. Chelmsford F. MacGregor, manager; Alfred W. London road, Plaistow e. Bee advert'
Willis Porter, Sheering hall, Shalford,' Channer, secretary), Grays Thurrock Sankey John'lia'rt, Iron Bridge & Essex
Braintree S.O; office, go Lower Thames street, wharves, Canning town e .
"roodhouse Brewery Co. (Henry Bethell, London e. c.; & at High st. Rtratford Wiseman William Thomas, 56 & 57, The
manager), Cecil road, Leytonstone e Gregory & French, High st. Stratford e Exchange, Southwark s e. See advert
1"oolston John (Frank J. Thurston, Gregory' Wm. A. Wood st. Walthamstow
brewer & manager), Anchorbrewery, Grimwood, 'fhompson & Son, Grays BRICKLAYERS. .-
Uayleigh S.O Thurrock S.O. & Little Thurrock, Amey Harry, Ballingdon, Sudbury
Yerburgh Harry B. Epping . Grays S.O Archer John, Boston road, Markhouse
Young Alexander, Upper Railway street, lIarold Wood Brickfield Co. Harold wood, common, Wait hamstow " .
Braintree Hornchurch, Romford Archer William, High Ongar, Brentwood
BREWERS' AGENT. Harper,Henr~,GreatBromley,Colchester;Atkins George, Church road, Clacton-
See Agent-Brewers. . & at rhorrmgton . or:- Sea ,. C.olchester
BR EWERS' ENGINEERS Hasler Robert, Dunmow S.O ; & at LIttle Atkms ~V~lham, Gt. Bromley, Colchester
'. , . ,.' Dunmow Balls WIlham, North street, Halstead
flee En,qtneers-Brewers lj- ChemlCal. Humphrey Isaac William, Blackmore, Bard John, South Ockenden, Romford
BRICK AGENTS. Ingatestone Barker James, Hatfield, Harlow
See Agents-Brick. Hunt Mrs. Mary Ann, Higham hill, Basham John, Old Sampford, Braintree
BRICK & TILE MACHINERY Walthamstow Baxter Samuel, High street, Maldon
MANUF ACTURERS. Hutton John, Prittlewell, Southend Beale Charles Daniel,Providence cottage;
Eddington W. & S. & Co. ~ew Street iron Johnson Philip, Dunmow S.O Station road, Plaistow e
works Chelmsford . 'Jones Henry, West Bergholt, Colchester Beaumont Thomas,4z New st. Chlmsfrd
BR;CK & TILE MAKERS Lind~s Henry (David Todd, manager), Belcher Henry, Hardley green, Horn-
• Fyfield, Brentwood .' church, Romford
See also Fire Brick Mamifact/lre1'It. London Stock Brick Co. Limited, Latch- Bowtell James, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
Alien Robert A. & Sonit, Ballingdon, ingdon, Maldon Boyden Elias, East Stock well st. Colchstl'
Sudbury Mathews John, High Easter, Chelmsfrd Boyden John, 54 North hill, Colchester -
Allston Joseph, Mile end, Colchester Meeson & Wood, Rockley, Chelmsford Boyland Jas. Colwol'th rd. Leytonstone 8
llareham Charles Herbert, Tilkey, Cog- 11filton HallBl'ickCo.(ThomasDowsett, Brand Wm. 8 UpperRailwy. st. Braintroo
. geshall , man. director), Southend. See advert Braybrook Wm. Forest road, Lought{)n c
Beard Joseph, Brook farm, Fordham, Palmer James, Avenue ter. Ingatestone Brazier Henry, Writtle, Chelmsford
Colchester ' Pattrick In. & Son, Dovercourt,Har,vich Brett Robt. Sib.le Hedingham, Halstead .
Benjieet Brick 4' Tile Co. Limited (A. E. Pratt A. Main I'd. Dovercourt, Harwich Bridgeman Charles, Weeley, Colche~t~
~tacey,man.),SouthBenfleet, Chlmsfrd Pudney & Sons, Colne Engaine, Halstead Brook Sml. East 8tockweH st. Colchestr·
BentleyMr5. Mary, Fyfield, Brentwood Puxley Francis, Bradfield, Manning-tree Broyd James, Gt. BardfieId, Braintl'ee '
Bloomfield Joseph, Brook farm, Hal.~tead Rawkins & Sons, Barking lane, Gt. Ilfard IJruty Smk Great Warley, Brentwood
Blyth & Squier,Stanford-le-Hope,Romfrd Rayner Mrs. :S. Gestingthorp, Halstead Buckc John Retts, Lexden, Colchester
BRICKLlYER8-Continued. Kavanah Mtthw. 7 Cacil rd. Leytnstne e Warner Jas. 6 Denmark ter. East Ham,
Burgess Charles, Tower hill, Brentwood Kent James, .Artillery street, Colchester Watts William, Eastwood, Chelmsford
Burgess Ed. Little Wakering, Chelmsfrd Kent John, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Watts Wm. 38 Waterloo rd. Romford
Burgess Geo. Gt. Wakering, Southend Kent J. Tolleshunt Knights, Kelvedon Weaver Frederick, Twinstead, Sudbury
BurgeAs George, Hill green, Clavering. Ketteridge John;Lowergreen, Wimbish, Weaver James, Twinstead, Sudbury
Bishop's Stdrtford Saffron Walden Wells Thomas, 4 West street, Harwich
Butcher Geo. Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford King George, Shaftesbury rd. Romford Wiles J ames, North street, Colchester
Candler WaIter, Belchamp, Sudbury King Wm. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Winch William, Harlow
Carder John, Wethersfield, Braintree Kingston John Thomas, Woodford New WoodyardJ.Bardwell-juxta-Mare,Maldn
Carder Joseph, 8halford, Braintree road, Walthamstow Wright Hy. Littlebnry, Saffron Walden
CarderThomas,Blackmoreend,Wethers- Kirrage R. Colchester rd. Walthamstow Wright John Thos. Gt. Chesterford S.O
field, Braintree . Ladbrook J. C. West Mersea, Colchester BRUSH MANUFACTURERS.
Carter & Cole, Cecil rd. Leytonstone e Laskey Thomas, Capworth st. Leyton
Challis Chas. HelionBumpstead, Havrhl Lawrence M. Little Chishall, Royston Jackaman R~bt. Barrack st. Colchest~r
Chapman Daniel, Wyvenhoe, Colchester Lee George, Pembroke rd. Walthamstow Kent & Blaxdl (dealers), 103 & 104 High
Cheek George, Fryerning,Ingatestone Lewsey I. Little Maplestead, Halstead street, Colchester .
Church William, Rowhedge, Colchester Lilley Henry, Langham, Colchester ~ad~cks Alfred, 36rHlgh st. Chelmsford
Clark In. West Hanningfield, Chelmsfrd Linn George, Greatijaddow, Chelmsford Rlppm Hy. Wm. ~.arton rd. Stratford e
Clark Wm. East Horndon, Brentwood Linn Joseph, Althorne, Maldon Shead ,!homas Wllham (broom), Surrey,
Clarke C. T. 3 Carpenter's rd. Stratfrd e LissimoreBenj.EastStockwell st.Colchstr ~eermg, Kelvedon
Clarke Wm Helion Bumpstead Haverhl "l--ove GeorO'e Little Hallingbury Bis- SmlthAugustus,Marshgate la.Stratford e
Claxton W~. Thos. Dagenha~; Romfrd hop's Sto~tlord ' W e s t John & Sons, High st. Braintree
Cogdale James, Roxwell, Chelmsford Lyes John Thos. Magdalen st. Colchester . .
Collin George, Great Easton, Dunmow Maycock John, Alfred road, Brentwood Gorrmge ~lchard & Co. Brewery road,
Cook Charles, 8outhminster, Maldon MaynardJoseph,Bla.ckmore, Ingatestone Caled~nl8n road, London n. See
Cook :Mrs. Isaac, Bumham, Maldon Maynard Richd. Blackmore, Ingatestone advertIsement
Cooper Chas. jun. Lamarsh, Colchester Mead Geo. r8 Broomfield rd. Chelmsford BUILDER IN CONCRETE.
Corder Charles, Stisted, Braintree Metson George, l"inchingfield, Braintree LascellesWm. Hy.Sugar Ho. la. Stratfrd e
CowelIArthur, Gt. Hentley, Colchester Musgrove Jsph. Black Notley, Braintree BUILDERS
Crabb Chas. Queen st.Coggeshall; Keh·dn Negus Edward, Elmdon, Saffron WaIden •
Crick Charles, Bradfield, Manningtree Newbery In.Holloway down, Leytonstn e Abbott Jas. 4 Sylvester rd.Walthamstow
Curtis George; Billericay, Brentwood NewmanJohn,Cross roads,Wantz,Maldon Abraham V. Mary st. Canning town e
Davis George, Mill road, Maldon Oliff Hugh, Illgrave, Brentwood Ainger William, Epping plain, Epping
Dawkins Geo.White Roothing, Chelmsfrd Olstead Wm. Bannisters grn. Felsted S.O Alcock Hy. S.Wall wood rd. Leytonstone e
Dawkins Jas.White Roothing, Chelmsfrd Osborn James, Queen's rd. Brentwood Aldous Jas. New st. Brightlingsea S.O
Deeks John, Mundon, Maldon Osborn John, Aveley, Romford Aldous Robt. High st. Brightlingsea S.O
Dellar Daniel, Navestock side, Navestock, Page Charles, St. Osyth, Colchester Aldous Thos. High st. Brightlingsea S.O
Romford Page William, Witham Aldridge Chas. Hy. Manor rd. Colchester
Danny Robt. Little Bentley, Colchester ParksH.jun.BlackHorsela.Walthamstw Alien Joseph William & Son, Joseph
Dowsett Chas. Gt.Waltham, Chelmsford PartridgeJn. Castle Hedingham, Halstd villa, Wilmot road, Leyton
Dowsett George, Ford end, Chelmsford Patten James, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford Allen Geo. 1 Avenue rd. Cliff tn. Southnd
Dowsett Joseph, Tillingbam, Maldon Pavitt John, Aveley, Romford Allen George, Lime Tree place, Marsh
Dowsett Robt. Gt. Waltham, Chelmsfrd Peacock Thomas,StanstedMountfitchet, street, Walthamstow
Drake Joseph, North street, Barking Bishop's Stortford Allen George, 2 Mount Pleasant terrace,
Edwards John, Heybridge, Maldon Pepper John, Dunmow S.O Barking road, Canning town e
Edwards William, North st. Colchester Perry John, High street, Leyton AlIen John, Rochford S.O
Enlless Job, 22 London road, Braintree Phillibrown Geo. Broomfield, Chelmsford AlIen Wm. Henry, High st. Southend
Everitt John, 9~ Park street, Southend PortwayChas.Hempstead.8affronWalden Alp J as.High st.South Shoebury,Southnd
Fairchild James, Roydon, Ware pulfer Chas. 8r Coggeshall rd. Braintree Amey Joseph, Beulah rd. Walthamstow
Finch James, 61 Paul st. West Ham e Rainbird Frederick, Coxtie green, South Andrews Edwin, Felsted S.O
Flack Wm. East Hanningfield,Chelmslrd Weald, Brentwood Arber William, High rd. Leytonstone e
Foster Isaac, Debden, Saffron Walden Rainbird Thomas, Coxtie green, South Argent David, North street, Barking
French Arthur In. Gt. Saling, Braintree Weald, Brentwood Ashmole Arthur, Back st. Great llford
Frost Spencer, Herbert rd. Little Ilford Raison Mrs. Sarah, Fobbing, Romford Ashpital James, Loughton
Gamble James, Witham Rankin Richard, Stisted, Braintree AyresWm.l Brechin vils.Russell rd.Leytn
Garwood Samuel, Mile end, Colchester Read Francis, Boston ni. Walthamstow Bailey Saml. WinJrfield I'd. Walthamstow
Gentry George, BilIericay. Brentwood Rickwood Abel, Fernleigh villa, South Bailey Thos. Gt. Wakering, Southend
Gentry John, Billericay, Brentwood West road, Leytonstone e Baker Charles, Forest road, Loughton
Germaney J. Great Warley, Brentwood Rogers Chas. Wickham Bishops, Witham Baker Daniel, Grove rd. Walthamstow
Gibling James, Le:xden,Colchester RogersE.Grosvenorriseeast,Walthmstw Baker James, Railway st. Chelmsford
Gibson John, Sible Hedingham,Halstead Samuels Archer,Kelvedon hatch, Brntwd Baldwin Henry, Rayleigh S.O
Golden Francis Richard, William street, Seaborne William, Langham, Colchester Bambury Jacob Joseph, :I Exeter villas,
Grays rhurrock S.O Sharp George, Head street, Halstead Selborne road, Walthamstow
Golding George, Rochford 8.0 Siggers WaIter, Kelvedon Bangs William, Fuller's road, Woodford
Goodey Chas. H. Cambridge rd. Barking Silcock John, High street, Great Ilford Barber John, Grove hill, Dedham 8.0
Goody Daniel, North street, Barking Smith Henry Dunn, East Ham e Barker lsaac, Hatfield, Harlow
Gray James, Finchingfield, Braintree Smith Henry, Rayleigh 8.0 Barlow Henry, Chipping Ongsr S.O
Greenhill Hy. Great ChishalI, Royston Smith William, Rickling green, Rickling, Barnard James, Springfield hill, Spring-
Grey Frederick, Little Chishall, Royston Bishop's Stortford field, Chelmsford
Griggs George, Writtle. Chelmsford Smith William Harrington, Harrington Barnes Charles, High street, Great IlfON
Hainsworth William, Rayleigh S.O cottage, Mornington rd. Leytonstone e Beard Georg-e, Market hill &; East street,
Harden Joseph, East street, Colchester Snazel James, Sanson rd. Leytonstone t Coggeshall, Kelvedon
Harmond Charles, Pleshey, Chelmsford Snow George, Stansted Mountfitchet, Beard J. jun. Rose gn. Chappel, Halstead
Harrington John, Castle Hedingham, Bishop's Stortford Beckwith G. W. 69 Leyton rd. Forest ga e
Halstead Snow John, Purleigh, Maldon Bell William &; Sons, Saffron Walden
Heam T. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Sortwell James, Potter street, Harlow Bennett W. 28 Black Horse la.Wlthms~w
Hicks R. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchester Spendelow John, Prittlewell, Southend Bentley John, builder & contractor, Sun
Hills J. Horndon-on-the-Hill, RomIord Stammers J n.Willow walk,Walthamstow street, Waltham abbey
Hitchin J. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Stock Geo. W. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Best Chris. 40 Cathern. st. Canning tn e
lIockley Wm.Shrubend,Lexden, Clchstr Taverner Isaac, Boreham, Chelmsford Bishop Henry, Southminster, Maldon
Hockley W. Stanway All Saints, Clchstr Taverner James, Hatfield, Chelmsford Black Wm. Hy. Albert road, Romford
Horsenail R.Street, Takeley,Chelmsford Thurley Jas. Leaden Roothing, Brentwd Bloomfield William, Springfi~d road,
How Thomas,Valentin rd. Walthamstow Thurley Rbt.HighRoothing,Dunmow S.O Springfield, Chelmsford
James Thomas, Crown st. Brentwood ToddGeo.47 Martindalerd.CanningtwD e Boardman Thomas & Soa, East Horndon,
J~rvis Henry, Stock. Ingatestone Turner Joseph, Terling, Witham Brentwood.
Jarvis John, Harlow Twitchet George, Belchamp, 8udbury Boardman Joseph, Ingrave, Brentwood
Jepp E. Tilkey rd. Coggeshall, Kelvedon Ward Hy. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford Body John & Co. Burchell road, Leyton
JOhn80D fhilip, Dunmow 8.0 Ward Jsph. CIa.vering, Bishop's Stortford .Bohannan George, Pleflhey, Chelmsford
Eomface Henry, Telford rd. Walthamstw Druce John, High street, Leyton Haws Thos. Waters, King's rd. Brentwd
:Boreham Chas. Kelvedon Hatch, Brntwd Dunn George, Aveley, Romford Heath W. Gladstone rd. Buckhurst hill
Bostock Joseph, Ongar road, Brentwood Dupont Frederick, Magdalen st. Clchstr Heritage G.SA,Widdecombe ter. Barking
Eowtle R. Bradford 8t. Bocking, Braintree Dursto w Stephen, 7 Chobham road, New road, Canning town ~
Roys Abraham, 36 Fox st. Canning tn e town, Stratford e Hewett G. Grove ho. High rd.Leytnstn e
Braddy William Turner, builder & brick Dyer Henry & Sons, 12 Market place & Hibbs C.Liverpoolst.Balaam st.PIstw e
& pipe maker, Kelvedon; & at Inworth Forest street, Forest gate e.; & High Hickling Daniel W. 6 Ebenezer cottages,
Bragger Robert,Barclay rd. Leytonstone e road, Leytonstone e Hudson's road, Canning town e
Brand Charles, Albert road, Braintree Dyett John J oseph, 2 Crystal villa, Cow- Hinds John, Market place, Romford
Brickell John, Cranborne terrace, White slip road, George lane, Leytonstone e Hitching J.2 Waltham vils.Birkbeck rd.
Post lane, Little Ilford Eade Mrs. Elizabeth, Lexden, Colchester Leytonstone e
Brightmore T. & In. North Woolwich e Eady James, Colne Bank road, Colchester Hoar AlOOrt, Danbury, Chelmsford
Brightwell Wm. Blackmore, Ingatestone Easy Edwin Jas. Cecil rd. Leytonstone e Holder William, Chigwell ,
Brittain John, 9 Albert sq. Forest gate e Edgar William, Station rd. Forest gate e Holland Geo. Chatley, Chelmsford
Brown James & Alfred, Braintree Edgcomb In. Richd. Church end, Wdfrd Holloway Alfred, Woodford wells
Drown Alfred, Great Parndon, Harlow Edwards Charles, Ingrave, Brentwood Hook Edward, Upminster, Romford
Brown James, Braintree; Anchor street, Edwards Clark, Gt. Bentley, Colchester Hook W.Brook house,Upminster, Rmfrd
Chelmsford; & 2 Broad Street build- EedeThomas,Walton Naze park,Walton- Hot'lock Joseph G. Trinity cot. Barking
ings, London e.c on-the-Naze S.O. See advertisement road, Canning town e
Brown John, Grays, Romford Egan John, Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill Hosking Geo. J. Upton lane & 27 Sylvan
Buckle Wm. Great Eastern rd. Strtfrd e Elgie Mrs. S. Broomfield, Chelmsford road, West Ham e
Bulling Samuel, Sylvan rd. West Ham e Ellis H. Frank ho. Frank st. Plaistow e How Thos. jun. Chantry viIs. Copeland
Burch Benj. Bignold road, Forest gate e Ellis John, ID Grange road, Plaistow e road, Walthamstow
Burgess Robert, Wivenhoe, Colchester Ellis Thomas, I Fisher st.Canning twn e Howell Wm. J. Rainham, Romtord
Butcher John William Cubit, King's Emmott A. 266 Romford rd. Stratford e HowlettJas. 21 Balaam st. Plaistow e
Quay street & George street, Harwich England Fredk.1 Russell villas, Howard Hudson Miles, Western road, Plaistow e
Byatt Henry, Broomfield rd. Chelmsford road, Leytonstone e Jackson Jesse, Grove house, Leyton
Cains Edward, High road, Leytonstone e Erswell Edgar W. Market row, Saffron Jackson John, Paul st. West Ham e
Canler Bros. Rosemary road, Clacton-on- Walden Jarrold Robt. J. Dovercourt, Harwich
Sea, Colchester Everett H. & Son, Hythe hill, Colchester Jarvis James, Buttsbury, Ingatestone
Cant Hy. Wymark, Dovercourt, Harwich Everson William, Wix, Manuingtree Joliffe John, 64 Wellesleyrd.Wanstead e
Capon Francis B. Brook st. Manningtree Fenn Alfred, Fairfield, Chelmsford Keeble Chas. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchestr
Cardoza John Isaac, builder, 67 Chobham Fenn John, Ardleigh, Colchester Keen Thos. Edwd. Howe I'd. Plaistowe
road, New town, Stratford e Finch William, Great Oakley, Harwich Kemp Nathan, Rochford S.O
Carter Samuel, Wickford, Battles bridge Fincham Wm.ID Baddow rd.Chelmsford Kennell Harry, Writtle, Chelmsford
Cashford Charles, I Richmond villas, Foale R. 3 Alexandra ter. Barking road, King John, North street, Halstead
Hoe street, Walthamstow Canning town e Knight & Dustow,Falmouth street, New
ChaUis Charles, Higham hill, Walthmstw Folkard E. B. Balkerne la. Colchester town, Stratford e
Chambers W. A. Magdalen st. Colchester Foster J ames, Theydon hois, Epping Knight William, Woodford green
Chapman Edgar & D. Wivenhoe, Clchstr Fraucis William, Stanway, Colchester Lawrence Geo. James, Epping
Cheffins John, Bridge road, Stratford e Franklin William, Dunmow 8.0 Lawrence WaIter, Sun st. Waltham Ab
Chinnery Robert & Son, Woodford . Frost C.I Park View villas, Forest gate e Lee George, North street, Colchester
Choat & Son, Ba,ldow road & Mildmay Fulcher Edward, LondonI'd. Plaistow e Lee Hy. 74 Vicarage lane, Stratford e
road, Chelmsford Fuller Edwd. Beulah road,Walthamstow Leggett James, Buckhurst hill
Choat Jsph. Steeple Bumpstead, Havrhl Gann WaIter, Stondon. Brentwood Lester Edwd. 7 Alice cots. Plaistow rd e
Clark & Winch, North Weald, Epping Gardener Wm. Romeland, Waltham ab Letch W.E. 103 & 105 High st.Braintree
Clark George, Wickford, Battles bridge Gardner M. & Son, Church st.Coggeshall Lewis C.Walnut ho.Balaam st. Plstow e
Cockett George Henry, Union la. Maldon Garrad Samuel, Rochford S.O Linn John, 38 Buxton rd. Forest gate e
Cocks Jas. In. Tavistock rd. Snaresbrk e Geary Chas. 8 Station road, Plaistowe Lipscomb L. H. Beulah rd. Walthamstw
Cole Joshua George, Dunmow S.O Gentry M. Langthorne wks.West Hame Lissimore S. 23 Culver st. & 32 Queen
Colemau Thomas, Billericay, Brentwood Gibbings George, 10 Manor rd. Leyton street, Colchester
Cook Charles, 80uthminster, Maldon Gifford J. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester Lovett Geo. Beulah road, Walthamstow
Cook William Edwin, Lower pk. Loughtn Gifford W. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester Lowe Thos.Chelmsford rd. wst.Woodford
Cooper Thoma~, High Laver, Ongar Gilbert J. & Sons, 2 Libra road, Park, Lucas C. 3 Victoria ter.Dovercrt. Harwch
Cornish Alfred, Church road, Leyton Plaistowe Maddison William John, 20 Swancombe
Coulman James R. 8aville street, Walton- Godbold E. J. Wilton road, Great Ilford street, Canning town e
on-the-Naze S.O Godbolt & Son, Cromwell rd. Brentwood Malster James, Old heath, Colchester
Cowell J. W. High street, Manningtree Golden F. R. William st. Grays Thur- Mansfield Cornelius, 42 Chobham road,
Cox Charles, Woodford green rock S.O Newtown, Stratford e
Cross John, Mountnessing, Brentwood ; Good Bros. Pembroke rd. Walthamstow Marley Thomas, Warley rd. Brentwood
& at Hutton Goodey Jas. R. Church road, Barking Marney John, I Whilta tel'. Little Ilford
Curtis Chas. Regent street, Manningtree Goodman W. Park Grove rd. Leytnstn e Martin George, Dyers lane, Putney s.w
Curtis George, Billericay, Brentwood Gower Stephen, Sturmere, Halstead Martin Jas. W. 148A, Grove, Stratford e
Cuthbert W. J. High road, Loughton Gozzett H. Mount pleasant; & at Wood- Martin William, Burnham, Maldon
Cutting W. H. West Thurrock, Romford ham WaIter, Maldon MayT.W. Maybank Leytonstn
Darke SamI. & Son, Nelson st. Southend Grafton Hy. G. Pellyroad, Plaistow e Mayo W. R. Park lane, Brentwood road,
Davey Abraham, Market pI. Romford Green E. Thaxted I'd. Saffron Walden Romford
Davey Isaac, South Ockenden, Romford Green Julius, High st. Saffron Walden Meadowcroft Joseph, Chigwell row
Davidson Edward, Great Chesterford S.O Green Thos. Leyton road, Leyton Messer Thomas, Woodford bridge
Davies Wm. Boyton end, Thaxted S.O Gregar Wm. Warton road, Stratforde Milbank George, Howe street, Great
Day James, High street, Saffron Walden Grimes Joseph, North Gatewks. Clchstr Waltham, Chelmsford
Day In. Clarendon viI. High rd. Lytnstn Groves John, 7 Howard'8 rd. Plaistowe Milbon John, Queen street, Romford
Death George, Chadwell heath Gunn Edwin S. 3 West street, Harwich Milborrow Th08. Stanley road, Woodford
Demaid Edward, Church road, Clacton- Hagger A. M. Great Chelmsford S.O Miller John, Wakering road, Barking
on-Sea, Colchester Hall William, Grays Thurrock 8.0 Moore J.High st.Walton-on-the-Naze 8.0'
Dennett George Charles, Frankfort villa, Hamlin Geo. Barking side, Ilford Moore Robert, Witham
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Hammond Edwd. Crown st. Brentwood Mortar Edward, Woodford green
Dennis Henry, Hamlet road, Southend Hammond J. Gren.t Warley, Brentwood Morter Jas. Chatsworth I'd. Forest gte e
Dennis Thomas, Park street, Southend Hammond J. S. Hill house, Romford Moss Mrs. Jas. 49 High st. Chelmsford
Dilley A. H. Great Clacton, Colchester Hammond Josiah, Rayne I'd. Bocking, Nayler Samuel, Greenstead, Colchester
Dines J oseph, High street, Maldon Braintree Neve Frederick, Mary st. Canning to wn t
Diss Alfred, West Bergholt, Colchester Hammond J. jun. Rayne rd. Bocking, Newton William Henry & Son, Harrow
Dix Dick, West road, Saffron Walden Braintree road, Leytonstone /l
Dobson George, Butt road, Colclwster Hardy G. & Son, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Newton8amL John, 36 West st. Harwich
Douglas W. Myddylton pI. Saffron Wldn Harvey Arthur, North street, Romford Newton Mrs. Susannah,3sWest st.Hrwch
Dowsing Jas. Edwd. London rd. Romford Harvey Thos.New twn.Brightlingsea. S.O Nicholls Albert,Harrow rd. Leytonstne /l
Drake James, High street, Great Ilford Hawkings N. Fisher street, Barking Nicholls William, Latton Harlow
Drake Joseph, North street, Barking Hawksworth G. Argyle st. Leytnstn /l Nicholls Wm. Baker, Potter st. Harlow
B~JLDB:as-eontimted. Siggers WaIter, Keh·ed.on White Hy. Freshwater, North st. Romfrd
Nichols Henry, Kelvedon Sillito John, 7 Victoria road, Chelmsford White James, New road, Brentwoo<l
NicholsonF.Spring cot.Forest la. e Siseley John, ~9 Wilst Ham lane, White John, Shenfield, Brentwood
Nickerson J. T. Theydon Garnon, Epping Skrine J ames, Beac~ street, Clacton-on- Whur Thomas, Hamlet road, Southend
Nix Wm. Billericay, Brentwood, Essex Sea, Colchester Wiggins Wm. T. Gt. Wakering,Southnd
Noble Frederick, Chipping Ongar S.O Smith Jooas & George,Wantz rd. Maldon Wilding 'rhos. High st. Heybridge,Maldn
Noble Frdk. Chas. Field road, Forest gt e Smith Daniel F. Wivenhoe, Colchester Williams Thomas S. Barking side, mord
Norden Samuel, Prittlewellst. Southend Smith David, 13 Albert place. Beeleigh Willmott Frederick Lathbury. Morning--
Norfolk Jas. Robert, Gt. Warley,Brentwd road, Maldon ton terrace, Wanstead e
Norton T. & Son. Frederick st. Stratford Smith Joseph, Chipping hill, Witham Willsher Abraham, Witham
Osborn 'rhos. u: The Crescent,Woodford Smith Joshua, Hope house, Alexandra Wilson EH, Holly lodge, Vallentin road
Owers Frederick, Hatfield, Chelmsford street, Canning town, & North road, Walthamstow
Pain William, Hatfield, Harlow Smith Josiah Jonathan, Ingatestone Wilson 'rhos. Lewis, Upminster, Romfrd
Palmer Brothers, Epping Smith William, Stoneham st. Coggeshall Wilson Webb Thoma&, Sidney street,
Pamphilon John Thomas, Chigwell Snare Wm. Spurdens, Milton rd. Brntwd Brightlingsea S.O
Parker Chas. Alfred,North st.Colchester Snelling Frederick, Rhine villas, Clac- Wilson William, Albemarle" street, New
Parmenter Samuel Cstle}'; Upper Rail- ton-on-Sea, Colchester town, Harwich
way 8treet, Braintree& Church street, Sortw.eIl Henry, Epping Wimp Hy. 13 Selborne ter. Walthamsb,..
Bocking, Braintree . Sowray William, 113 Park st. Southend Winter Bros. King's road, Brentwood
Parnwell John Benson, Whitwell road, Spendelow Benj. & Son, Milton street, Winterbon In. Taylor,Shenfield, Brntwd
Plaistow e Southend & Prittlewell, Southend Wire Bros. Dunmow rd. nth. Leytl1stn t"
Payne William, Febbing, RomCord Spicer Thomas, Higham hi. Walthamstw wood Geo. T. High road, Leytonstone e
Peake Wm. Rayne rd. Bocking,Braintree StaIDes In. Hy. Newport, Bishop's Strtfd Wood Wm. Fairfield, Duke st. ChelmsCd
Pearoe Joh~ Orchard house,. George StammersHy.Hallrd.Southmnstr.Maldn Wood William, Pilgrims hatch, Soutb
lane, Leytonsoone (J Stammers Wild, Southminster, Maldon Weald, Brentwood
Penn Alfd. Hy. Marsh st. Walthamstow Stewa.rd Charles, Mistley park, Mistley, Woodhams Francis Edward, Sutton
PeroivalWm.Selborne rd.Walthamstow ; Manningtree street, Southend. See advertisement
& Ardmore lo.Southwold rd.Up.Claptn Steward William James, 118 Park street, Wooigrove Jas. 13 Beaumont rd. Leyton
Perry &. Co, Sugar House la. Stratford e Southend. See advertisement Workman John, Church Hill road &;
Philbey Abel, West Thul'Tock, Romford Stewa.rt Thos. Fredk. London rd. Plaistw Orford road, Walthamstow
PhilbeyJ.Maidstone rd.GraysThl'rck.S.O Stock George, Aveley, Romford Wl'ight Thomas, Castle & Musemn
Philpott John, New SampCord, Braintree Stokes James, Woodford green streets, Satl'ron Walden
Piggott FraDCi~ 24 Buxton rd.Fo~tgte Stokes William, 5 Grove vil. East Ham WrigM Wm. Johnl!On, Bnxley rd. Leytn
Pitt Wm. Stanwell street. Colchester Stone S. L. builder, contractor, furnish- Wyatt Henry, 8 Balaam st. Plaistow e
PorteF Thomas, High Garrett, Braintree ing undertaker, house, land &. estate BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS
PoulsoR John, Harrow gn.Leytonstone e agent, hot water fitter &. o r n a m e n t a l . •
Pratt William, Harlow decorator, Market place, Forest gate e Bowden Martm & S~IlB, 50 & 78 WOQd-
Prictor Samuel 128 Tilbury rd.Plaistow e Streeter Timothy Mill house Southend stock street, Canmng town e
Probert Tbos. Boston rd.. Waltbamstow Strong Bros. CarPenter" rd. 'Stratford e Crittall Richar:d, 27 Bank st. Braintr~
Prosser Evan, Charlotte ter. Plaistow e Slldbury William & Goorge, Bridge st. Garon Fredenck, Nelson street, ClIff
Pudney & Sons, CQlne Engaine, Halstead Halstead town, Southend
Pullen William, 41 New st. Chelmsford Sudbury WIn. jun. Bead. st. Halstead BUILDING MATERIA.L
Puxley Abraham, Bradfield,Manningtree Sullings Thos. Stanford-le-Hope, RomCrd DEA.LERS.
Ranger Francis, Grove end, Woodford Summers Fredk.Violet rd.George la.Ley- . . .
BatcHtl' Orlando Emanuel, Thaxted. S.O tonstone; & Snakes lane, Woodford Blount WJlham, HIgh rd. Leytonstone t
Rayner Albert, 31 Hughendon terr~e, Tanner George,Great Sailing, Braintree; Gude Charles, M~ynard rd. Walthamstw
Leyton road, Leyton &; at Shalford Wood Geo. T. HIgh road, Leytonstone t
RaynerChas.Spurgeon,Manbyrd.Leyton Tanner Williar;n, Victoria rd. Chelmsfrd Wood John Edward, ~harles cottage,
Read. Charles, Burnham, Maldon TaylO1' Chas, 16 St. Botolph st. Colchstr Edwar~ .street, Cannmg town e
Redgrave Wm. I Union rd. Leytonstn e Taylor George, 5 George's terrace, Bark- WO?d WIlham, J.lampden C?ttage, Bar-
Reed Alfred, BurCord road, Stratford e ing road, Plaistow ~ kmg road, Plalstow e
Reed .JI\8• .A. Church end. Walt.hamstow Thomas Thomas. Milton rd. Brentwood BUILDING SOCIETIES.
Reed Wm. 27 Buckingham N. Foreat gt e Thompson J esse & Son, GP'Yll Thurrock See Land -I- Buildi»n Societies.
;Reeve Jas. Denmark st. Leytonstone e S.O ':J "-:1
Riches Chas. Great Clacton, Colchester Thompson James Frederick, 28 &: 29 BUSINESS .aGENTS.
Riley Joseph, 2 Vine villas, Victoria road, Kell:;- road, East Ham e • &e .Agents-Busincs$.
George lane, Leytonstone Thorn Samuel, Messing, Kelvedon
llobipltOnC.Wingfieldlo.Balaam I!It'plstw e Thorogood William, Grays Thnrrock S.O B UTCRERS.
Robson John Jas. Cecil villas, Maybank Thorp William, Leigh. Chelmsford Abbott Albert Robert, 5 Victoria terrace,
r~, George lane, Leystonl!ltone Tillett Benj. Drayton rd. Leytonstone e Queen's road, Buckhurst hill I
Rodda Benjamin, Tillingham, Maldon 'food Edmd. W. Herbert rd. Little Ilford Adams John, Great Bardfield, Braintree
Roddam Cnthbert, 2 Catherine street, Trott PhiUip~ Newport, Bishop's Stortfd Abbott John, Hythe hill, Colchester
Canning town 8 Tubby James, Church Hill road; & Val- Ager Geo.. Runsell, Danbury, Cbelmsfrd
Rogers Zacba,riah, Earls Colne,.lIalstead lentin road, Walthamstow Aldous Richard, Fisher street, Barking
Roper Wm. Broomfield rd. Chelmsford Turner Edward Rootsey, East street, Alexander Joseph, Sydney street, Bright.
~unnacl~ Harcourt, Colchester road. Coggeshall, Kelvedon lingsea S.O •
Halstead; & brick maker at Roydon Turner Fredk. Ch as. Broadway, Plstw e Alward James, Great B~ntley, Colchestr
Salmon James, Park villa, Plashet, Turner William Thomas, 6 Grace villas, Amos Charles Thomas, Church street,
SaltwellGeQrge, Marsh st.Walthamstow Vicarage road, Leyton Bocking, Braintree
Sandeftl Arthur, Stansted ,Mountfit;chet, Walter Robt. Geo.c Barking side, Word Anglis8 Henry William, 6 Hallsville road,
Bishop's Stortforll , Ward Arthur Jas. Vine Ya.rd st. Clchstr Canning town, "
Saundel'8 Nat)laniel ¥i; Son, Dedham S.O Ward Jonatha,Q, J& St. ,fohn'/lst. Colchstr Anwyl Thomas Jame!l, 1 VictorIa builc,l.
Sayer Da.vid, High street, Leyton Wardley William, Vine cottage, Earking ings, Barlung Toad, Plaistow p
Sayer James Edwd. Burchel~ rd. Leyton roa.d~ flaistow • Archer Mrs. ~mma, Old SampCord,
Seott. Charles..Jolm. 8 North hill, Clchstr Warner Ja$. 49 DeQIDllrk tel'. East H:,.m e Braintree
Scott James, High street, Southend Warren ~owland Morris, Bur~ington Archer By. Geo. King et. Saffron Walden
Scrivener John,Great Warley,Brentwood cottag'es, Purleigh, Maldon Archer Mrs. Martha, Newport, Bishop's
SealeyGeorge, Main rood, lIarwich Wash Philip, Earls Qllne, Ilalstead Stortford ,
SeaIey William, Mill Hillllous~, Dllver- We1:)b Ja.mes, Bryd~ road & 64 Chob- Ashwood GeQ. Chingford grn. Chingford
court, Harwich , ham road. N~w towI\, .str~tfQrd ~ I Avilla Fr~rick, High road, Loughton
Shead William, Fingringho6t Colchester Wells Ephraim, Queen's rd. Buckhrst hI Back Alfred, 65 Tilbury TOad., Pllloistow ~
Sbelley qbal'li'S, Woqdlll8Q rO&d,. GNla~ Wel~Henry, Woodford greeIl/ Bacon Benj. jnn. TeAdring"Colchester J.
WarIer, Brentwood p. Wells Jas. Clifton ho. Doverct. Harwich Bailey Th08. Arkesden, BishQp's Stortfr!l
Shephar4 George, T4~ Mall, Wanstead' Welsted J"~n & Cq. WarIey rd.llrentwd Baker Charles. IQ] ~oodstock street.
Shepherd Chll,$. W. St.,John Whiffin ~rg6 k SOlIS, Station ro"d & Canning town ~ I n
Shepperd Henry. Woodford bridge Debdeu."food. Satl'ron WaldEln Baker Samuel. 84 Duke st. C:Pelmsford
Sherwood. O. Latimer r<l. Fo~ gate c WhiteAle~,)Iount pleasaI\t, .Dedhm. ~.O Ba.rker Heol1' Harlow ,
Sibthorp George,. Hornchurch,. Romford WlJite Ohas. I: Claremont pI. Forest gt ( Barker Wm. Church st. ~affr{)n Wl1Jdel\
435 A

Barnard John, Thaxted 8.0 Clark George, Little Parndon, Harlow Garrad Horatio Jas.Grays Thurrock 8.0
'Barnard Thomas, Gt. Warley,Brentwood Clarke Benj. Market place, Romford Garrard James, Kelvedon
Barwell Henry, Witham Clarke Fredk. 8ible Hedingham, Halstd Gates J. 68 Chatsworth rd. Forest gate t
Bates Charles, Wivenhoe, Colchester Clayden Rt.Steeple Bumpstead,Haverhill Gatward J. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Beaumont Thomas, North st. Barking Claydon William, Parsonage farm, Gatward W. Little Maplestead, Halstead
Beckwith Thomas. Kelvedon Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Gaywood Henry, Chadwell heath
Belcham Charles, High street, Southend Cock John EnglishA. Ridgwell,Halstead Gaywood J. 5 Baddow rd. Chelmsford
Belcham Francis, Park street, Southend Cole Thomas, Great Bromley,Colchester Gaywood Mrs. L. Homchurch,Romford
Belcham Henry, Leigh, Cpelmsford Cooper Alfred, High street, Romford Gaywood Thomas, Chadwell heath
Bell Brothers, 7 Gordon terrace, North Cooper George,3 Forest st. Forest gte e Geller In. 16 Andrew street, Silvertown t
Woolwich road, Silvertown e Cooper George, 112 HIgh st. Colchester Gentry J. Bradford st. Bocking, Braintree
Berry George, Nelson street & High Cooper Thomas, Heath, Hatfield,Harlow Gibbs Mrs. Sarah, High street, Braintree
street, Southend Coppen Thomas, Barking la. Gt. Ilford Gillin George,Nightingale rd.Wanstead e
Berry Wm. Pepys st.New town,Harwich Cottee James, Great Braxted, Witham Glynn David, 35 Chapel st. Stratford e
Bersant Richard, J ane st. Plaistowe Cowee Thomas, Chipping Ongar S.O Goch Robert, Earls Colne, Halstead
Bewers Patrick George, jun. Stanford- Cowell In.Market passage,SafIron "'ldn GoodchildJ.C.Marketpl.WalthamAbbey
le-Hope, Romford Cowell Wm.Clavering,Bishop's Stortford GraI]-t John, 366 High street, Stratford t
Biggs Geo.Beaumont,Gt.Oakley, Hrwch Cracknell Samuel, New~ate street, Wal- Gray Dennis, High street, Walton-on-
Biggs James Bell, Ardleigh, Colchester ton-on-the-Naze S.O the-Naze S.O. ~ & at Kirby-Ie-Soken
'BirdGeorge, Dedham S.O Creasy John J. 6 Tindal st. Chelmsford Gray William, 4 Trinity place,'-"Barking
Blatch Jas. Eades, Ingrave, Brentwood Cripps George, 13 Auckland terrace, road, Canning town e
Blaxall Henry, South street, Romford Tilbury road, Plaistow e Green Mrs. A. Fryeming, Ingatestone
Blaxall Robert, Market hill, Maldon Crouchman Mrs. Martha, Roxwell, Green Gabriel Dakin, High st. Halstead
Blows James, Aveley, Romford Chelmsford' Greeenwood E.G.4King'sHd. st.Harwich
Blows James, Purfleet, Romford Croxon Alfred J. Burnham, Maldon Greenwood Thomas Bagnall,East street
Blows James, Woodford green Croxon Cranmer, Purleigh, Maldon & Crouch street, Colchester
Bowden Rchd.Boundaryrd.Walthamstw Croxon Mrs. Jane, Purleigh, Maldon GreenwoodWm.Highstreet,Manningtree
Bowyer Hy. Castle Hedingham,Halstead Daniels' James Wm.Beach road, Clacton- Grimes David., Wivenhoe, Colchester
Bowyer Henry, Heath, Hatfleld, Harlow on-Sea, Colchester; & at St. Osyth Grist Charles, High street, Leyton
Bowyer J ames, Great Yeldham,Halstead Daniels William, St. Osyth; & Clacton- Gue J ames, High street, Great ruord
Bowyer J oseph, Potter street, Harlow on-Sea, Colchester Gutteridge George J. High st. Stratford e
Boyfield WaIter, Burnham, Maldon Darby Alfred E.43 Moulsham st.Cblmfrd Ham John. Dedham S.O .
Bradshaw James Henrr, Chesnut walk, Davis Evan H. Victoria road, Romford Handley Chas. Murrell, High st. Maldon
Walthamstow. Dayton William, Barking I'ide, Ilford Hardisty E. Richmond st. Plaistow-e
Brewer Samuel & Son, 21 Alexandra Death William, Green street, l'lashet (J Harris David, 87 Dnkestreet, Chelmsford
street; Southend; & Leigh, Chelmsfrd Dennis J ames Cheveley, 133 High street; Harris James, Manor Pk. ter. East Ham e
Brewster Robert, Warley 'rd. Brentwood & at High street,Wivenhoe,Colchester Harris John, Odessa road, Forest gate e
Bridge George. Orsett, RomCord DennisJames C. Wivenhoe, Colchester Han'is John, Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill
Bridge Robt. South Ockenden, Romford Dennis Thomas, Danbury, Chelmsford Harrison Wm. 49 Forest st. Forest gate e
Britton Daniel, Elmdon, Saffron Walden Dennis W. 17 si Moulsham st.Chelmsford Harrold Geo. 297 Romford rd. Stratford e
Britton Frederick Edwd. Thaxted S.O Dent T, A. Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford Hart Joseph, East street, Barking
Brock Charles, Manor street, 13raintree Digby Alfred, 26 New street, Braintree HattA.F.33Leyton rd.New twn.Stratfrd e
Brooks GeGrge,5 I Angel lane, Stratford ~ Digby John, Great square, B;raintree Hatton A, Harrow green, Leytonstone_
Brooks George, jun. 102. ;Broadway, Dixey George William, South Benfleet, HayesThomas,4 Victoria buildings,Bark-
Stratford e Chelmsford; & at Rayleigh S.O' ing road, Plaistow e
Brooks JO"seph, Cathall rd.Leytonstone e DodwellEber In. George street,Romford Hearn John, 70 & 72 High s1:. Braintree
Brooks Joseph, 2 Clarendon terrace, Downey John, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford HellinJames, ;136 High street,Colchester
, Leytonstone road, Stratford e Downham C. Thaxted rd. SaffronWalden Hicks Jas. Church st. Bocking, Braintree
Brown David, Witham Downing Charles, Southminster, .Maldon Higgleton J.Bloomfield, South Shoebury,
Brown WaIter, Kirby, Colchester Druce J. A. 5 Grove terrace, Woodford Southend .
Buckingham Henry Chas. Hadleigh S.O Durrant J. & E. F. 21 Market st. Harwich HillsJohn,Bridge st.Coggeshall,Kelvedon
Buckingham Wm. Sth. Benfleet,Chlmfrd DurrantA'34 Leyton rd.New tn.Stratfrd e Hills John, Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon
Bullock Alfred E. Tillingham, Maldon EastRobert,Harrow green, Leytonstone e Hodges G. Upper Railway st. Braintree
Bnnyard Fredk. 2 Pelly rd. Plaistow e Eaton H. St. J ames' street,WalthamstQw Holmes S. 10 Globe crescent,Forest gate e
Burkin Rd. Chingford rd. Walthamstow Edwards G. Littlebury, Saffron Walden HopewellJohn,Shernall st.Walthamstow
Bursill Henry, Woodford Bridge Edwards Harry, Orford rd.Walthamstow Home Benjamin JamesGall,Manor Road
Bursill Thomas, Church end, Woodford Edwards Mrs. S. J. Gt. Chesterford S.O estate, Dovercourt, Harwich
Burton Cha.rles,Station rd. Forest gate e Elwood J. Samson,7 Market st. Harwich Horne J. Main road,Dovercourt,Harwich
Burton John, Great Chishall, Royston Ennels Mrs. E. King's Quay st. Harwich Homer T. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford
Burt6n Obadiah,40 Balaam rd.Plaistow e EnnelsThomas,6I King's Quay street & Howe Wm. Harrow road, Leytonstone e
Butcher David, Sible Hedingham,Halstd. . 34 Victoria ter. Dovercourt, Harwich Howell J,Sidney street,Brightlin~:>eaS.O
Butcher Robert, Leyton road, Leyton Evans Henry, Dedham S.O Hoy Cresar, Woodford green
ByattJohn; Ashdon, Cambridge Everett Jonathan, Chappel,'Halstead Hubbard John, 3 Broadway,For~stgatee
Byfield William, West Bergholt, Clchstr Ewer William, George lan~, Wanstead e Hudson George,Little Bentley,Colchester
Camp George, Chipping Ongar S.O Fairhead Charles, Dedham S.O Hull Georg-e, 335 .High street, Stratford
Carpenter Benj. A. Gt. Oakley, Harwich Farmer Mrs. E. Smart's lane, Loughton Hume G. Bures hamlet, Colchester
Carr Charles, England's lane, Loughton Field Geo.Chas.57 Forest st.Forest gate e Hunt Alfred, Stock, Ingatestone
Can Fnk. High Bridge st. Waltham ab Field James, Epping Hunt Alfred For4~ High st. Brentwood
Carver Chas. 54 Forest st. Forest gate e Finch Richd. Great Baddow, Chelmsford lngleton Edward, 2J West Ham lane e
Carver John, Leytonstone rd.Stratford e Fitch Saml.Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill lngram Arthur, High street, (j.r~at Ilford
Carver Wm. Greenhill grve. Little Ilford Fitch ZachariahAllen,Trinity st.Halstead lngram John, 10 Abbey lane, Stratford e
Casswell George, 2 Salisbury place, Her- Flack Richd. Street, Takeley, Chelmsford J armanH.S4Leyton rd.New twnBtratfd e
mit road, Canning town e Flindell Wm. 275 High street, Stratford e Johnson Alfred, Elmstead, Colchester
Castle Ro"bert James, North Woolwich'e Folkard Richd. 41 Crouch st. Colchester J()hnson Henry, SI Victoria Dock road e
Catet William, Magdalen st. Colchester Folkard Wm. Middleborough,Colchester Johnson Maurice Sadlef~ High street,
Caton Henry, Burnham, Maldon . Fordham Miss Harriet, Homdon-on-the- Brightlingsea S.O
Chamberlaine Stephen,Stisted,Braint'ree' Hill, Romford ' . Johnson· Samuel" I Rickling J Bishop's
Chambers George, Ca-nn Hall rd.Wanstd Forsey T. Tizzard,Beckton, N.Woolwich If Stortford .
Chaplin Dean, I New London rd.Chlmfrd FosterJ.&H.Church st.Coggeshll.Kelvedn J ones John,I5S Maryland rd.Stratfo,rd e
Chaplin:Mrs. Sarah, Witham Francis Charles, Stansted l\!ountfitchet, Joyce Wm. Cattle market, Braintree
,challmafi Charles,Sunst.Waltham abbey Bishop's Stbrtford. > W Justice Hy. Margarettin~, Ingatestone
Chapman Thomas, 3 Fords tnarket, Franklyn George, Hornchurch J Romford Keen John, Fisher street, Barking ,
Canning' town.e ' , , French Robert, J.2 Hamlet rd. Southend Kendal John, Rettendon, Chelmsford
ChisnaIl G'eorge, I North hI. Colchester Fuller Henry,Abridge, Romford I Kendall Isaiah John, Burnham, Maldon
Clapham Art~ur, '18 Mo'lllsham lltreet, FUller T. 34 Let~ Toac4 Stratford ~ KerridgeHenry,jun.Mistley,Manningtree
.-, Chelmsford J Gardener John, 6 Earlham cross" Wood- Ketley Mrs. SUS\Ul, 'folleshunt D'Arcy,
Clark Henry, Springfield street, Spring- grange road, Forest gate e , Kelyedon '.'
field, Chelmsford • l . Gardner Alfred. ~end~i~g~ C91~he~te~ I fe~ Artb,u,r, Grt:a~ 28~m, ~~??:ow
436 BUT

BUTCHBRs-continued. Oliver James, GreatWakering,Southend Skipworth Thomas George, West Ran-

Key John, Dagenham, Romford Orger George, Pledgden, Henham, ningfield, Chelmsford
Kincaid James, I Everett terrace, Bishop's Stortford Smith Alfred, Broadway, Plaistow e
Lilliput road, Canning town e Ormes Alfred, Brightlingsea S.O Smith Arthur, Head street, Halstead
King Henry Thos. Grays Thurrock S.O Osborn William, Grays, Romford Smith Charles, Hare street, Romford
Kirkby James, Epping Ower~ James, Little square,Braintree Smith Clement, Weeley, Colchester
Knightbridge Geo. Queen st. Brentwood Page Hy. Chas. 13 St.Botolph st. Clchstr Smith Mrs. Eliza Browning, Church
Knightbridge Henry, Kelvedon hatch, Page Thos.Wm.14 &05 Crouchst.Clchstr street, Coggeshall,Kelvedon
Brentwood Palmer Arthur, Hainault st. Gt. Ilford Smith George, 7 Wellington place,
.Knightbridge Hy. Upminster, Romford Pankhurst Edward, 4 Denmark terrace, Lower Southend, Southend
Knightbridge James, Havering-atte- East Ham e Smith John, High street, Romford
Bower, Romford PatmoreHy. Stratford rd.Prk.Plaistow e Smith J.79 Woodstock st. Canningtwn e
Knightbridge Wait. George la. Leytnstn Pattle Robert,15 Marketstreet, Harwich Smith Richd. B. East street, Coggeshall
Knig-htbridge Wm. Thos.West Ham la e Payne James, Heath street, Barking Smith T. W. 93 Vicarage la. Stratford e
LavenderAlf.TolleshuntD'Arcy,Kelvedon Pearson James, Broadway, Barking Smith Wm.Stratfordrd. Park,Plaistow e
Legassicke Robert, Barking side, Ilford Peartree Geo. Harrow green, Lytnstn e Smith Wm. Septimus, North st.Colchstr
Lewis William, Stebbing, Chelmsford Pentecost Alf.78 Bidder st.Canning twn e Songhurst In. Beulah rd. Walthamstow
Lisle Arthur Claud, High st.East Ham e PercyJohn, 160 Major road, New town, SonghurstW.J.Markhouserd.Wlthmstw
Littlechild Jas. Epping green, Epping Stratford e Sorrell Jas. Lit. Waltham, Chelmsford
Long Chas. Hy. South st. Manningtree Perry Arthur Thomas, 2 Maryland Sorrell Thos. South Ockendon, Romford
Long ISMc, 3 Gladstone ter. Woodford point, Stratford e Spooner Isaac J.Wst.Thurrock,Romford
Long John Wm. South st. Manningtree Perry Jas.Bradford st.Bocking,Rraintree Sprosen Richard, 2 Everett terrace,
Lord William, St. Osyth, Colchester .Perry Mrs. Mary Ann, Vespasian Lilliput road, Canning town e
Loveridge George Staple, 2 Queen's terrace, East Ham e Spurrier Thomas, Aveley, Romford
square, Upton park e Pether Charles, Forest road, Loughton Stellwagen Philip, 7 Hope terrace,
Lucking Thomas, Dunmow S.O Phillips Mrs. Sarah, Bradford street, Barking road, Canning town e
Lucking Thos. 8 Grosvenor pl.Southend Bocking, Brailltree Stephells Wm.5Hermit rd.Canning twn e
Lucking Wm. Gt. WaItham, Dhelmsfrd Pickett Herbert, High street, Brentwood Stevens Hy. Theydon Garnon, Epping
Luff Wm. 9 Hallsville rd..Canning twn e Pinn Hy. 55 Maryland road, Stratford e Stock Waiter, Rochford S.O
MacDonald James,Grosvenor Park road, Pipe John, Prospect pI. Forest gate e Stock William George. Rochford S.O
Walthamstow Piper In.High Bridge st. Waltham abbey Stone T. W. I8 St. Botolph st. Colcheiter
;Maisey David, 31 Bridge rd. Stratford e Pledge & Lloyd, 1 Victoria buildings, Stowell George, Goldhanger, Maldon
Markinglsaac,Church st.Saffron Walden road. Plaistow e Styles John, 71 Abbey lane, Stratford e
Marlton LawrenceJn.High iilt.Brentwood Poole & Edwards, High st. Manningtree Syrett Wm. 7 & 8 Angel lane, Stratford e
Marshall Joshua,West rd.SaffronWalden Poston Jas. Roger, High st. Romford Taylor Benjamin, Dunmow S.O
MascallJ.Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop's Potter James, Grays Thurrock S.O Teece Charles, Epping
Stortford Potter Jonathan P. High street, WaIton- Teverson Henry, Queen's road, Buck·
Mascall Swan,Radwinter,SaffronWalden on-the-Naze S.O hurst hill; & Loughton
Mascall Thos. Newport, Bishop's Stortfd Pudney Jas. 108 Buxton rd. Forest gate e Theobald J oseph,High street, Brentwood
Maskell John J. 60 High st. Plaistowe Radburn In.n Eagle place, Forest gate (j Thompson Edward, Victoria terrace,
Mason George,226 High st. Stratford e Ramplin William, St. Osyth, Colchester Wariey road, Brentwood
Masterson William, Boxted, Colchester Randall William, Rowhedge, Colchester Thompson William, Felsted S.O
Matthews .Alf. Bartlow hamlet, Carob Ratley George, Barrack st. Colchester Thorne George, Good Easter;Chelmsfrd
Matthews Alf.Debden rd. SaffronWalden Raven Wm.Church st.Bocking,Braintree Tiffin George, Birch, Colchester
Mattock Geo. Stratford rd. Prk.Plaistow Rawlins Chas..Church st. West Ham e Tipper Alfred, Marsh st. Walthamstow
Maughfling John, High st. Wanstead e Rawlinson David, jun. Tiptree heath, Tolson James, Chigwell row
May Chas. Church st. Bocking,Braintree Kelvedon Tonkin Leeming, Fuller's rd. Woodford
MaYbew Samuel, Rainham, Romford Rayment John, Pleshey, Chelmsford Totham Elizh. & Son, S'thmnstr. Maldn
Meatyard Stph.Crownfield rd.Leytnstn tl Rayner Decimus, North street, Halstead Townsend John, 36 Victoria Dock road (j
Medcalf & Blott038 Broadway,Stratford tl Remington Alfred, 165 Moulsham street, Trader John, 3 Grange road, Plaistow e
Medcalf Ralph, 3 Angel lane, Stratford e Chelmsford 'furner Samuel, Finchingfield, Braintree
Medcalf Robt.84 Leyton road,Newtown, Reynolds Thomas, Springfield hill, Turpin Thos. In. Billericay, Brentwood
Stratford e Springfield, Chelmsford Tyler Edwd. Leytonstone rd. Stratford e
Medca1f Waiter, 78 Victoria Dock rd e Richarrlson Chas. Billericay, Brentwood Tyler Henry, High street, Leyton
Medcalf William Herbert, .Alice street & RichardsOll In.High st.Brightlingsea S.O Underwood Frederick, High st. Maldoll
no Lilliput road, Canning town e Roberts Henry, 367 High st. Stratford e Underwood S.20 & 22 Great sq.Braintree
Mee Samuel, High street, Romford Roberts John, Avenue buildings, Clac- Upton Henry, High street, Leyt-on
Miller James, Great Chishall, Royston ton-on-Sea, Colchester Upton In.Thos.High road, Leytonstone e
Mitchell Charles, Wood st.Walthamstow Robinson Chas. Odessa rd. Forest gate e Vanderpant Frederick, 5 Devonshire
MonkJonathan,Leaden Roothing,Chlmfd Robinson James, Fryerning, Ingatestone terrace, High street, Stratford e
Montgomery Edward, Leyton rd.Leyton Rogers George, Hythe hill, Colchester Wacey Robt. 31 Vicarage la. Stratford e
Montgomery Eli, Beulah rd.Walthmstw Rose Henry, Broadway, Stratford e Wade George, High street, Maldon
Moore Thomas, Roydon, Ware Rose Wm. 1 Leyton road, Fo-rest gate e Wade Jas. Potter, Prittlewell, Southend
Morgan Jas. Magdalenstreet, Colchester Rowland Wm.Hy.Station rd.Forest gte e Wadsworth Thos. Grove rd. Walthmstw
Mullucks Percival Frederick, Castle Runacres David, 89 Rathbone street, Wagner Charles, 55 & 104 Victoria Dock
Hedingham, Halstead Canning town e road e. & North Woolwich e
Mumford Thos. Marsh st. Walthamstow Rushworth William Robert, Church Wagstaff Henry, 64 Rathbone street,
Munday John, 58 High st. Stratford e street, West Ham e Canning town; 68 Victoria Dock road
Munson Jas. Boxted, Colchester Rust Wm. Chipping hill, Witham & 6 Croydon ter. Barkingrd. Plaistow
Nash Andrew, Seward.stone street, Sallows Wm.Ed.Magdalenst. Colchester Wagstaff John, Stanway, Colchester
Waltham abbey Salmon William, Sewardstone Wagstaff Timothy, Boxted, Colchester
'Neal Edward, High street, Great Ilford Saville William Ellis, Holloway downs, Waites Fredk.48 Plaistow rd.WestHam e
Neave Henry, High street, Halstead Leytonstone. e Walby George, Broomhill, Chigwell
Nevill Frederick ~ampson, 5 Nevill's Sawyer George Lambert, High road, Warran W.56 Chatsworth rd.Forestgtee
Market terrace, Barking rd.Plaistow e Leytonstone e Warren James, Rochford 5.0
Newman William Henry, 14 Long Wyre 8choch Fredk.93 Bidder st.Canning tn e WarrenJ. Billericay, Brentwood, Essex
street & 18 East hill, Colchester Scrutton Frederick, Great Olacton, Warren J. Great Horkesley, Colchester
Nice Ambrose Newman, Ballingdon, Colchester Warren W. Great Wakering, Southend
Sudbury Seabrook John, Boreham, Chelmsford Warren William, Prittlewell, Southend
Nice Edward, Great Tey, Kelvedon Selmes Geurge& William, Harlow Watson A. J. High road, Leytonstone e
Nicholson Wm. Thorpe-le-Soken,Clchstr Sergant George, Gt. Clacton, Colchester Watts Frdk. Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill
Nok,el'l Miss Caroline Elizabeth, 44 Shipley Edward, Canning st. New town, Webb C. 14 Scott st. Canning town e
High street, Chelmsford HarWich Webb John, Great Wakering, Southend
Nonnan Hy. jun. St. Osyth, Colchester Simmons A. Great Bardfield, Braintree Webb William, Weeley, Colchester \
Norris James, Felsted S.O Simmons John, Church road, Leyton Webster William & Joseph, 4 Nelson ~r.
NorwoodOswald,Boundary rd.Wlthmstw Simons Thomas, Writtle, Chelmsford Cliff town & Rayleigh, Southend .
Norwood William Ambrose Charles, Simons William John,Devonshire house, Webster Godfrey, Rochford SO
Milton rd. Tower Hamlets, Wlthmstw London road, Southend Webster Joseph, Rayleigh S.O

Weller & Pratt, 32 Broadway, Stratfrd e CABINET MAKERS. Simkin William Robert, art furniture
Wenden Christopher John~ Springfield See also Upholsterers. manufactory, North hill; workshops"
road, Springfield, Chelmsford Aylett C. Bocking end,Bocking,Braintree Head street, Colchester. See advert
Wenden Henry, Earls Colne, Halstead Barlow Henry, Chipping Ongar S.O Spurgeon Jas. Noakes, High st. Halstead
Wenden Henry, Finchingfield, Braintree Barnard D.C.& Son, 37 High st.CWmsfrd Start George, High st. Saffron W!lden
Wenden James, Wethersfield, Braintree Barnes & Son,I62 Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd Taff FrM. & Son,St.James' st.Walthmstw
Wenden Mrs. John, Little Bromley, Beckwith Caleb, Parsonage st. Halstead Threlford T.23 & 25 Broadway,~tratfrd e
Manningtree Belsham William, 181 to 186 Moulsham Tingey Henry, 21 Romford rd.Stratford e
Wenden Joseph George, Writtle green, street, Chelmsford Turner James Wm. Queen st. Romford
Writtle, Chelmsford Bond SmI.I4 & IS North hill, Colchester Tyler Ebenezer, jun. 84 High street &
Wenden Mark Guyon, High st. Halstead Bonner John, 7 Castle road, Colchester Conduit street, Chelmsford
Wenninger G.44 Oriental st.Silvertown e Bradbrook Richard~ East Stockwell Vickridge Jas. A. 53 High st. Chelmsford
White Mrs. Rachel, Writtle, Chelmsford street, Colchester VoiseyHenry, 11 Cambridge rd.Southend
White Samuel, Loughton Braddy Mrs. Elizabeth, Kelvedon WaIter W. T. Alexandra rd. 'Valthamstw
White William R. 6 Victoria buildings, Bragg William, Prittlewell, Southend Ward Hy. Thos. Prittlewell, Southend
Barking road, Plaistow e Brett Samuel, I I North hill, Colchester Wenley& Son,55 High street,Chelmsford.
Whymark W. 128 Maryland rd. Strtfrd e Bridge Edwin, Kelvedon See advertisement
Wieland George, North Woolwich e Brown & Son, Stanwell street, Colchester Wilton Stephen Thomas, Dunmow S.O
Wilcock Mrs. Mary Ann, Chigwell Buck W. J. East st. Coggeshall, Kelvedon CAKE MERCHANTS.
Willett John H. High st. Saffron Walden Buckstone B. 9 8 Odessard. Forest gate e S O'l C k M. h ~
Williams John, North Woolwich road, Camping George, High street, Maldon ee l a e ere an .
Canning town e Carlow William, Dunmow S.O CANDLE MANUFACTURERS.
Willis George, Epping Clark Josiah, I I & I:2 Lower Railway Crosfield Albert Joseph & Co. River
":inkley Sml. 358 High s~. Strat~ord , street, ~raintree bank, Dagenham, Romford
~ ood J ames, Tbeydon bOiS, Eppmg Cook Davld, Kelvedon Knight John & Sons Silvertown e
Wood William, 4 Market place, Leyton- Coote John, jun. Witham Moore Thomas & S~ns, Barrack street,
,stone road, Stra.tford e Copsey W. & Son, Market pI. Romford Plough corner & Head gate, Colchester
Woodham Francls Edward, 4 South- Copsey George, Market place, Romford Wilton In.& Son,28 Broadway,Stratforde
church road, Southend Cousins J oseph, George street,Colchester
Woods William, 194 Chobham road, New Cross Joseph J. 107 High st. Colchester CAP MANUFACTURERS.
town, Stratford e Dadd Frederick,4 George's terrace,Bark- Dalton John, 25 Victoria Dock road e
Wooster George, Angel lane, Stratford e ing road, Plaistow e Maskell Joseph,70 Victoria Dock road 6
Worraker Hobert, Heybridge, Maldon Day Chas. 42 & 43 North hill, Colchester Ponder Charles, Martin st. Stratford I
Wright Daniel, Beulah rd. Walthamstow Day Wm. Hy. lligh st. Saffron Walden
Wright G. I Essex terrace, Church road, Death Edward, 13 Queen street & CARDBOARD MAKERS.
Leyton Mersey road, Colchester Turnbull F. & S. &; Co. Beaumont
Wright G. Wellington rd. Forest gate e Durrant In. Blogg,6I Church at. Harwich road Levton
Wright J. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon EarnshawChas.Bridgest.SaffronWalden ' . CARMEN .
Wright Mrs. Sarah, Chatley, Chelmsford Farmer Richard, Grange road, Leyton •
Wright Thos. Wickford, Battles bridge Fitch George Josepb, North st. Halstead Abbott, Bush M.H. & Co. High road,Ley-
Wright WaIter, Fairsted, Witham Fitch James,Pembrokerd. Walthamstow tonstone e.; & Leyton road, Leyton e

Wright WItI'. South Ockenden, Romford French Mrs. Elizabeth, Holly cottage, Bailey James, Hope cottage, Princes
Wright William, High street, Maldon Epping New road, Buckhurst hill road, Buckhurst hill
Wright William, Wood st. Walthamstow Fulcher William, Milton road, Romford Baker George, St. Osyth. Colchester
YoudaJl G. 15 Maryland point,Stratford e Fuller George. Marsh st. WaIthamstow Bambridge Charles,Lindsell, Chelmsford
Gentry Abraham, Little Thurrock, Base Jacob, Hubbard street, West Ham e
CAB PROPRIETORS. Grays S.O Bates Robt. Seaman,London rd.Southend
Griffin George Lainson,I8 &; 19 High Bennell Samuel, Balkerne la. Colchester
Allan Joseph, 7 Pleasant row, Lower street, Colchester. See advertisement Bloomfield Henry, Rochford S.O
Southend, Southend Griffiths Griff, St. Andrew's rd.Romford Bourne John Dupre, Rainham, Romford
Baker G. Sussex rd. Lexden rd. Colchstr Hall & Hyett, Church end, Woodford Bradfield Henry, North Woolwich road,
, Barrett C. Chesnut walk, Walthamstow Harvey Chas. T. Magdalen st.Colchester Silvertown e
Battson Edward, Upminster, Romford Heins Heinrich Rudolph, I Clyde terrace, Brown D. White Roothing, Chelmsford
Belcham Francis W. High st. Southend Capworth street, Leyton Brown John, 34 Milton street, Southend.
Boardman Esau, Ingrave, Brentwood Hughes Henry Lake, High st. Halstead See advertisement
Bolding Wm. Great Wakering, Southend Jarman F.B.Castle Hedingham, Halstead Brown Samuel, Wood st. Walthamstow
Collin James,Great Wakering,Southend Keen Charles, Wantz road, Maldon Bunce Henry, Highroad, Loughton
Denny George, Hornchurch, Romford King George, Leyton road, Leyton Bunton Albert James, West Grove road,
Fitch George, High street, Brentwood Kingston J. T. jun. High rd. Leytnstn e Woodford green
Fowler Charles, Butt road, Colchester LetchJames,Headgatehouse, Colchester. Busbridge Robert, Buckhurst hill
Harmer Martin,Martin street,Stratford e See advertisement Cattermole James, Clyde villa, Clacton-
Hicks Alfred W. Capworth st. Leyton Ling David, Ro('hford S.O on-Sea
Ling David, Frederick street, Stratford e LittlewoodW.Sidney st.BrightlingseaS.O ChapmanR.J.7 Crownfield rd.Leytnstn t

Malyn J ames, Witham Mann George Thomas,Avenue buildings, Coakham John Thomas, Rose cottage,
May John, High street, Brentwood Clacton-on- Sea, Colchester Summit road, Walthamstow
Millbank J. South Shoebury, Southend Monk Albert, Billericay, Brentwood Conway James, Hoy st. Canning town e
Murray W. South Shoebury, Southend Oakley & Clark, High street, Halstead Cootes J. 4 Margery Park rd. Stratford e
Page William John, Dedham S.O OverallWm.E. 6 Springfield la.Chelmsfrd Cronin S. Albert st. Gt. Warley, Brentwd
Peggs William, 6 Lion walk &; Plough Parkes Geo. Victoria rd. Leytonstone e Cross J ames, North street, Colchester
inn stables, Magdalen st. Colchester Peacbey Mrs. Eliza, I George street, Cross William, Gt. Warley, Brentwooo
Perkins WaIter, 21 Milton st. Southend Colchester. See advertisement Dockrill Wm. New Writtle st.Chelmsford
Perry William, Albert road, Plaistow e Polley W.B.Church st.Coggeshall,Kelvdn Dutfield Henry & Geo. Victoria docks e
Pitt C. 2 Trinity terrace, Maldon road, Potter Charles, Bocking end, Braintree Ellis Geo. Parsonage down, Dunmow S.O
Colchester Prior Robt. Thos. 95 Manor st. Braintree Enever Thomas, Marsh st. Walthamstow
Platten Edward, High rd. Leytonstone e Ransom Henry, The Gravel, Coggeshall Everett Wm. Greenstead rd. Colchester
Pollard John Artist, Sussex road, Lexden Reed George, St. Andrew's rd. Romford Feast Thomas, Silvertown e
road, Colchester Rickards & Son, Witham Fordham A. W. Lit.Thnrrock,Grays S.O
RowlandJohn, Chigwell RickwordGeorge&Son,98,99 &; 100 High Francis Jsph. Forest rd. Woodford wells
Sargent G. East avenue, Walthamstow street, Colchester. See advertisement Goodwin Brothers, I North row, North
Sayer James, High street, Brentwood Rogers John, 142 Leyton ro~ New Woolwich & Railway statn. Silvertwn e
Siggers William George, Sir Isaac's walk, town, Stratford e Harris George, 2Wellington villas, Albert
Colchester Rogers Richard William, 374 High street road, Forest gate e
Smith George, Fryerning, Ingatestone & Martin street, Stratford e Harris Richard, Dunmow S.O
Smith George, High road, Leytonstone e Sach John Chaplin. Witham Harris W. G. Chatsworth rd. Forst. gt e
Watson Benjamin, Dedham S.O Sas Fran~ois Chas. Market pI. Romford Harris William, Grays, Romford
'White F. Barking road, Canning town e Scott Charles, 33 East hill, Colchester Hatcher C. Coppermillla. Walthamst{)w
Wright Miss Anna Maria, Forest, Ley- Shelley Mark, Fred terrace, Woodman Hills James, Billericay, Brentwood
tonstone e road, Great Warley, Brentwood Howard James B. Prittlewell, Southend
.. .. I -,.. .... l(

, CARMRN-continuetl. Bantock Roberf, I() Stephenson street, Davey Isaac, South Ockenden. Romford
Howard W. Shirley st. Canning town 6 Canning town e Davis &: Co. High street, Great llford
Hudson James, Gate street, Maldon Barber John, Grove hill, Dedham S.O Deal Joseph, Foxearlh, Sudbury •
HutcpIDS W.(hay),stanford rivers,Rmfrd Barber Robert, Hth. Ardleigh, Colchestr Deed Wm. New road, Stanfor~-le-Hope,
Impey Geo..Beachcroft rd. Leytonstone 11 Barker B. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Romford T'
James Henry, High street, Walton-on- Barker G. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill De Maid James, St. Osyth, Colchester
the-Naze 8.0 Barrell Daniel, Wivenhoe cross, Wiven- Demon In. Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Colchester
James Wm. Harrow road, e hoe, Colchester . Dennis Henry, Hamlet road, Southend
Jessops Jas. Mill lane, Woodford green Barrett Rd. 87 Plaistow rd. West Ham e Dennis Thomas, Boxted, Colchester
Jordan John, Shirley st. Canning town e Baskett Rt. HY.40 Chapel st. Colchester Dennis Thomas, Park street, Southetld
Keeble David, Eld lane, Colchester Bass John, Felsted S.O Dix John, Steeple Humpstead, Hal"erhiU
Killick Albert, High street,Manningtree Beaman John, Little Baddow, ChImsfrd Dix WItr. Steeple Bumpstead, HaverhiU
Knight Joseph, Aveley, Romford Beardwell Thos. Boxted, Colchester Dockrill R. & Sons,Hornchurch,Romford
Knight William(hay),Brook street,South Beaumont T. Ford st. Aldham, Colchstr Dockrill John, ~ Albert terrace, Pem-
Weald, Brentwood Beckett William, Baddow .road, Great broke road, Walthamsto"Vr
Lanham Wm. Martin street, Stratford e Baddow, Chelmsford J. Dorman John, Great Bentley,Colchester
Leftley Joseph, North street, Barking Beecroft Joseph, Albert road, Plaistow e Dowman Jas. Great Bentley, Colchester
Malyon Sm!. Rainsford lane, Chelmsford Bennett Geo. Brook street, Brentwood Downes John, Ardleigh, Colchester
Mansfield· Charles, 61 Chobham road, BennettJohn, Goldsmith road, Leyton DownhamA.Radwinter,SaffronWalden~
New town, Stratford e Bennett Joseph, Navestock side,Romford Driver Amos, Langley, Bishop's 8tortfrd
Mason Peter_ ChigwelI Bennett Thos. Brook street, Brentwood Driver Jas. Langley, Bishop's Stortford
Mason WQl. Magdalen street, Colchester Bennett Thomas, I St. James' road, Dyer John, Great Tey, Kelvedon
May E.(hay if straw),Gd.Easter,Chlmsfrd Forest gate e Eaton John, East Hanningfield,ChlmfnL
Miller T. Low. rd. Primrose hI. Chlmsfrd Bird Stephen, Good Easter, Cheltnsford Eaton Rbt. Woodham Ferrers,Chlmsfrd)
Newman In. Manuden, Bp.'s Stortford Bird Wm.Lit. Hallingbury,Bishop's Stort Ebdy William, Sheering, Harlow
Nightingill Tho8. The Flats, Wanstead e Blackburn James, Widford, Chelmsford Edgcomb John R. Chnrch end, Woodfrd
Nokes John, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford Blatch Samuel, Fyfield, 'Brentwood Elgie John, Wickford, Battles bridge
Peake James, Mistley, Manningtree Blatch Saml. Jas. North Weald, Epping Elliott John, Aveley, Romford
Pomphret Jas. Stausted .Mountfit;chet, Bloomfield William, Milton rd. Southend English James, Marsh st. Walthamstow
Bishop's $tortford Bloomfield William, Springfield road, English William, TWinstead, S:udbury
Ponder Robert, Grays Thurrock S.O SpringfieId, Chelmsford Farran George, Osborne st. Colchester
Pudney H. (cart O1oner), Church st. Cog- Bone Charles, Battles bridge, Chelmsfrd Fenter George, Waterside, Manningtrea
geshall, Kelvedon Bone Jas. E. Battles bridge, Chelmsford Fenwick William, Forest gate e
Rushbrook .Joseph, Woodford green Booth Henry, High st. Romford, Essex Fordham Sydney,Gt. Clacton,Colchester.
Rayment William, l Hook End cottages., Boram William, Moreton, Brentwood Forster James, York hill, Loughton
Barking road, Plaistow e Bostock Thomas, The Flats, Wanstead e Forster Thomas, Loughton
Rayner William, Milton street, Southend Boughtwood David, 33 Buckingham rd. Franklin J ames, Sewardstone street,
Richardson William Josiah, Longhton Forest gate e Waltham abbey
Robinson Bros. Chatsworth rd. Frst. gt e Bragg James, PrittleweU, Southend Freeman Stephen, Pitsea, Chelmsford
Roots Wm. Horne lane, Woodford green Brand Lewis, Stanford-le-Hope,Romfol'd French Charles, Marks Tey, Colchester
Runacres Wm. 34 Milton st. Southend Britton J. 40 Buckingham rd. Forest gt e Fulcher Edward, London rd. Plaistow e
Rutter Charles, SI Park street, Southnd Britton Thomas, Kelvedon Gaywood Isaac, Hatfield, Chelmsford I
Sayer James, Witham Brown Henry Robert, Mark's gate, Geary Thos. Welsley road, Brentwood
Shaw Henry, 45 Paul street, West Ham e Dagenham, Romford Gibson Geo. Sible Hedingham, Halstead
ShelIock J. 47 'l'ownfield st. Chelmsford Brown John, Coxtie green, South Weald, Godfrey James, Greenstead, Colchester'
Smith Geo. Stanfield-le-Hope, Romford Brentwood Goodrum John, Rowhedge, Colchester
Smith S. Runsell, Danbury, Chelmsford Brown J. West Hanningfield, Chlmsford Goodwin John Arthur Fredk. Wivenhoe,
South William, London road, Maldon Brown William Thos. Messing, Kelvedon Colchester
Sowman J. H~ville rd. Canning twn e Broyd John, Alphamstone, Colchester Gower Stephen, Stutmere, H~lstead
Staines William, Grays, Romford Buck Daniel, Good Easter, Chelmsford Grltham George, St. Osyth, Colche!ter
Stock Fredk. London road, Wanstead e Buckhurst Edward, Barking side, Ilford Gray George, Old Sampford, praintree
Sussems Thomas, North Woolwich e Burrell Thos. Great Burstead,Brentwood Gray Wm. Old Sampford, Braintree
Tansley Mrs. Eliza, (coal), Primrose hill, Bush John, Stebbing green, Stebbing, Green James, Writtle, Chelmsford
Brentwood Chelmsford . Greenaway John, Baldwin's hI. Loughtn
Taylor Peter, 3 South cresce~t, Walton- Bntcher Thos. Black Notley, Braintree Griggs Wltr. Howard rd. Leytonstonee,
on-the-Naze S.O Campen John, Pleshey, Chelmsford Grout Charles, Thaxted S.O
Troy James, Crescent road, Leyton Camping John, Burnham, Maldon Groves Wm. Wood st. Walthamstow '
Tucker J. (hay), Stanford rivers, Romfrd Cane Wm. Lansdowne rd. Leytonstone e Haggar William,Duton hill,GreatEaston,.
Tyler Edwd. Hainanlt rd. Leytonstone e Carpenter H. Little Maplestead,Halstead Dunmow ,
Wade James, SbirIey st. Canning town e Carter Abraham, Runwell, Chelmsford Hagger James, Broxted, Dunmow S.O
Ware CbarIes, 12 Beaumont rd. Leyton Carter Jacob, Fambridge (north),Maldon Hagger Joseph, Wivenhoe, Colchester
WestwoOO J. Birchanger, Bp.'s Stortfrd Carter James, Chapp~ll, Halstead Hambly Jas. 2 Clarence rd. Leytnstne e
Wilkes Alfred, Harrow rd. Leytonstone tl Chandler Jacob, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Hamlin George, Barking side, Ilford
Wainright Richard, High street, Leyton Clark AIr. Shrub end, Lexden, Colchestr Hammond Edward, Crown st. Brentwd
Wood Walter1 6 St. Mary's terrace, Pelly Clark Noah, Earl's Colne, Halstead Harden Samuel, Portway, West Ham e
road, Plaistow e Clark William, Great East<.lll, Dunmow Harding Thos. 'White Post la. Lt.mord
Yeldham J. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Clarke Cornelius, Felsted 3.0 Harman Jas. Old May Pole,Chigwell row
Clarke Samuel, Twinstead, Sudbury Harris Lewis, Maynard I'd. Walthamstw
OARPENTERS &; J'OINERS. Claydon &; Harley, 6 Argyle street, Ley- Harris Wm. steam joinery worksJNorth •
r tonstone e Woolwich e '
~bbott William Abraham, W"lVenhoe Clover Geo. Tho~. High st. Manningtree Hart Albert, Thorrlngton, Colchester
cross, Wivenhoe, Colchester Coakham John, Rose cottage, Summit Hawkes George, Chatley, Chelmsford
Abrey Dl. :I: Cromwell roa.d, Brentwood road, Walthamstow Heslop Joseph, Navestock, Romford
Adams Absalom, High road, Loughton Cobb Levi, Main rd.Dovercourt~ Harwich Hestler Jonah, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead
Adams S. Bradford st. Bocking,Braintree Co<;kett George Hy. Union lane, Maldon Higgs ',I'hos. 69 Buxton I'd. Forest gate ~
Alabaster W. G. Hornchnrch, Romford Collins Charles, 'l'illingham, Maldon Hogg Daniel, 3 Star terrace, New wwn,
Alderton Wm. :rower hill, Brentwood Cook Chas. Sewardstone st. Waltham ab Harwich
AlIen Frederick Smith, Prospect roa.d, Cook William, North street, Halstead Holland George, Chatlef, Chelmsford
Snake's lane, Woodford Cooper Joseph, Axe street, Barking Holmes Hubart John, Weeley, Colchester
Alliston Edwin. Tiptree hth. Kelvedon Coote Mark. Bulmer, Sudbnry Holmes James, Chipping hill, Witham
Angier Robert, Great Oakley, Harwich Cossar John, Haggar lane,Waltharnstow Howa.rd C}1arle8, Orsett, Romford
Annerau William, :1:4 Bathbone ~treetl Coult F. G. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Howe John, Stanway, Colchester
Canning town e Crampin Ishmael, Tendring, Colchester Hudson Fredk. Geo. Abridge, Romford
Ayton John, Creasing, Braintree. Crickmore Hy. Rowhedge, Colchester Hnmphrey T. Steeple Humpstead, Hvrhl.
:Bacon Ennifer, Gt.Canfield, Dunmow 8.0 Cross T. Chatsworth road, Forest gate e Humphrey William, Upminster, Romf1
Bacon In. High Roothing, Dunmow S.O Oudby Thomas, Vine cot. G"1 Warley, Hunt John, jun. Mott st. High ,Beech
Baker S. Thundersleigh, Rayleigh S.O Brentwood r Hutchings Charles, East st. Colchester
Bannister E. ':.'he Square, Woodford gm Cutting James, Tendrlng, dolchester Hutton Thos. & J. Copford, Colchester

Hutton Jopn, Birch, C~lchl.'ster Pryke Oscar, Forest M. Leytonstone e White William, 5 Chester terrace, Pelly
Hyde Henry, London road, Southend Pullen William, 41 New st. Chelmsford road; Plaisto'W e l) I ~.. •

Jackson Thos. Rd. Kirby, Colchester' ,Radrick Richard, High Ongar; Brentwd Whur Thomas, Hamlet road, Southend
.Judd CharleS, Fyfield, Brentwood' Reed John, Atkesden, BishOp's Stortford Wicks Thomas, Wethersfield, Braintree
Kemble Thomas, Althorne, Maldon Reed Wm.Widdington,BisMp~sStortford Wildigg George, ChadweU heath .
Kemp William, Church lane, Leytnstn e Richards Charles, Chipping hill,Witham Wilkinson G. W. Fryerning, Ingatestone
Kent Ephraim, Great Clacton, Colchestr Robinson D.Elsenham,Bishop'sStortford Wilmot W. Nightingale lane,Wanstead e
Kent George, High st.Brightlingsea. S.O Robinson David,Paglesham,RochfordS.O Woodroffe & Seaborne, Great Horkesley,
Kettridge Wltr.Radwinter,Saffm.Waldn Rodda Benjamin; Tillingham,' Maldon Colchester
Killingbeck John, Gt. Chesterford S.O Rodda James Harris,Tillingham,Maldon Woods John, Farnham, Bishop's Storlfd
Kimmings William, Orsett, Romford Rouse William, Burnham, Maldon Woolard WaIter, Head 8treet, Halstead
Kingsford Henry J. 17 Vansittart street, Rnggles John, Waterloo rn. Brentwood Wortley John, Quendon,Bishop's Stortfd
New town', Harwich . . Rule Henry, Balkerne lane, Colchester Wright G. Helion Bumpstead, Haverhill
Knight William, Woodf01'd green • Ruse.Wm. Helion Bllmpstea'd,.Haverhill Wright Henry; Gt. Maplestead,Halstead
Ladbrooli: Geo. Bures hamlet, Colchester Russell Henry,lo Odessa rd. Forest gte e Wright James, Helion Bumstd. Haverhl
Lake J. King's Head, Brightlingsea S.O Russell William, Cr.essing, Braiutree Wright Saunders, Gt. Yeldhm. Halstead
Lee Robert J. Chadwellst.Chadwell htb Sadler J. Broad grn. 'Gt. Tey, KelvedoIf Wright Thomas, Corringham, Romf.ord
Lee William, Priory street, Colchester Saltwell George, M~rsh st·. 'Walthmstow Young David,Bannisters gm. FelstedS.O
Levell John, Aldham, Colchester . Scrivene~ John, Great W:arley, Brentwd Young Frederick, Felsted S.O
Levey Fredlc..Bil'changer,Bishop's Strtfrd Sear! W. D. Whitehall rd. Woodfrd. wells Young lsase, Dirleton cottage, Portway,
Levey Thomas, Stansted Mountfitchet, SharpingtonW. Church lane, Springfleld West Ham 11 !

Bishop's Stortford . Chelmsford , . , . OARPET W AREROUSEMEN

Lewes James Hardy, Brightling'sea S.O Silvester G. Alphamstone, Colchester'. . ..
Lucas George, Ramsey, Harwich Simkin Wm. Robt. Art fnrniture manu- GrIffin George Lamson, 18 & I? HIgh
Lucking Mrs. Ann, Boreham,CWmsford factory, Northhilli workshopS; Head ~treet, Colchester. S~e advertlsemen~
LungleyJames, Hatfield, Chelmsford . street, Colchester. See advertisement Gllffiths W. & Co. 4 8 HIgh st. Colchestr
Mann Edward, Causeway, Dunmow S.O SimpsonThomas,.UpperDoverct.Harwich LetchJames,~.eadgatehouse,Colchester-,
Manning Elijah, Ingrave, Brentwood SizerWilliam,Church Hl.rd.Walthamstw . See advertisement
Mannington Geo. Beaumont, Colchester Skingle Mark, Hatfield, Harlow RlC~word Geor~e & Son, 9 8, 99 & lOO
.Marshall Francis, Manor st. Braintree Smoo Thomas, 'foppesfteld, Halstead. .HIgh street, Colchester. See adve~
Marshall William Munt,High st. Leyton Smith, Beaumont & Dawson, Coke street, RlCkword George & Son, 9 8 to 101 HIgb
Martin John,Hill gril.Clavering,Bishop's New town, Harwich . '8tr,eet, Colchester. See advert
Stortford' SmithWm. & Thos; NorthWeald,Epping Wallis & Can~ Soutb street, Romford .
Martin John, Finchingfleld, Braintree' Smith C\las. Wm. prosvenor, rise east, '.
Mays Robert,62 Martin st. Stratford e . Walthamstow • . Marshall &; Snelgrove, 334 tu 3:4-8 Oxford
Meadowcroft J oseph, Chigwell row Smith D. ~3 Albert pl.Beeleigh rd.Maldon street,. London 10 • 1
Miles Joseph, New road,GraysThul'1'ock Smith Edmund, West Ham lane e CARRIAGE :B'O'ILDERS~
Mills Joseph W.Manor park, East Ham e Smith Georgll, Rickling green, Rickling, See Coach ~ Carriage' Builders.
Mills Robert, Lexden st. Lexden,Clchstr Bishop's Stortford
Moore John,sProvidence cots.Goldsmith Smith George, The Grove, Stratford e . CART BUILD~RS.
r~ad, Leyton . SmithJ.IVansittart st.New twn.Harwich . Set' Van if Cart BtJ.lldersj ,
• Moore Robert, Witham Smith John, Hempstead,SaffronWalden CARTERS.
Mortimer Henry, Witham - Smit~ Joseph, Little Yeldham, Halstead See Carmen. J

Mortlock WIlliam, Priory st. Colchester Smith RQbert, Little Yeldham, Halst~d 'OARVERS WOOD
Mott John ,Leaden Roothing, Chelmsford Smith Samuel, Cowley rd. Wanstead e - .
Mott Joseph, Good Easter, Chelmsford Smith Thomas, Chigwell Barfield Arthur, Billericay, Brentwood
Mott William, High Easter, Chelmsford Smith Thomas, I I Hoy st.Canning twn e Barfield Thos. R. Fryerning,Ingatestone
Neep Robert, Ford st. Aldham, Colchstr Smith WaIter, Little Yeldham, Halstead Donald In.R.28 Chatswrth.rd.FoFestgt e
Nevard John, Mile end,' Colchester Smith William, Great Qhishall, Royston Montano'Wm. Princes rd. Bl1ckhursthl
.Newton Joseph, Harlow r Smith William, Stoneham st.Coggeshall Phillips Henry, Carlisle rd.Romfrd..Essex
Newton Joseph, jun. Harlow Smithers Charl~s, 3 Plaistow road, Pinneger Geo.W. J. Clayst.Waltbamstw
Nichols Henry, Kelvedon West Haro .' Underwood John & Rons, Queen'8 road.
:NOl:lkes Benj. Southminster, Maldon' Smyth Harry, High street, Great Ilford Buckhurst hill
North Charles, Manbey rd. Stratford e SnowWm.jun.GreatWaItham,Chelmsfrd CARVERS & GILDERS
Northwood Enoch,High road,Leytnstn e Soole William, ChrishaIl, Royston .
tOddy George F. Grays Thurrock S.O SorreIl Samuel, 3 Hall st. Chelmsford Gale AIfd. J. it 9rouch st. Colchester
()liver Chas.Bradford st. Bocking,Brntre Spackman William Whitewood, Mount- Gapp F. H. 7 High str~t, Brentwood
Orbell John, Sible Hedingham, Halstead nessing, Brentwood . Garrood Robt. f,..21 HIgh st. Chel~sfrd.
oOsborn Jas. Common,Shenfield,Brentwd Start Samuel, Merses road, Colchester La.wrence J.W. st. Park,PlslStw e
Page John, Rythe hill, Colchester Stewart John, Broadway, Barking Shlpmsn Jas. T. ~ng s rd. ~rentwood
Pagram Philip, Blackmore, Ingatestone Stibbards John, Hadleigh S.O . Tur~ G. 6 Albert villa, Welhngton road..
Parmenter Arthur G.32 New st. Brntree Stoner Chas. 28 Howard's rd.Plaistow e V\ anstead e .
J>armenter Thomas, Manor rd. Braintree Stubbings J. Hempstead, SaffronWalden CASTRATORS.
Paskell William, Wi~, Manningtree Stndd Geo. Little Bromley, Manui~gtree King Hy. I. A. Ut. Bardfield, Braintree
Payn &. CO. I2I Leyton rd. New town, Tanner Edward Page. Shalfrd.Bramtree Rolph George Hurrell, Thaxted S.O
Stratford e Tanner George, Shalford, Braintree
Payne Jolw., Great Clacton, Colchester Taylor Wilijam, Roydon, W a r e ' CATTLE DEALERS.
Payne Joseph B. I2 George st. Colchester TaylorWm.Lewis, Park rd.Leytonstohe e Alward Jas. Great Bentley, Colchester
l'ayne William, Grays S.O Thomas Geo. F. 52 London rd.Braintree Alward J. jun. Gt. Bentley &; Little
l'egrum Alfred, Nazing,Waltham cross Thornton Philip, Dedham S.O Bentley, Colchester
Pennack James, Gt. Baddow,Chelmsford Thorogood Geo. Waterloo rd. Romford Archer Mrs. E. Old Sampford, Braintree
l'errinJonathan,I5 Alice st.Canningtwn e ThurgoodJ.Widdington,Bishop'sStortfrd Bacon T. East Hanningfield, Chelmsford
l'ettit William,6Sylvesterrd. Wlthmstw Toll Ephrllim,Grove road,Walthamstow BarnardAbraham,Totman's,ThaxtedS.O
Pettit Elijah,Ramsden Bellhouse,Brntwd Turner C. Henham, Bishop'!! Stortford Bretton W. Read, Black Bull, Fyfield,
l'iggott Wm. Old Sampford, Braintree Turner Henry, Terling, Witham . Brentwood
.Filcher Charles, Wanstead UnderwoodT.J.P.Forestrd.Leytonstonee Britton William, Stebbing, Chelmsford
Pilgrim John G.Coggeshall rd.Braintree WaIler Henry, Ardleigh, Colchester Broyd Henry, Gosfield, Halstead
'Piper Geo. Brower's end,Hatfield,Harlow Ward Alfred, Great Totham, Witham Broyd William, Brook street, Halstead
Pitt Stephen, Barling, Chelmsford Ward James, Church end, Clavering, Bunting-Charles, Thaxted S.O
Plume George, Buttsbury, Ingatestone Bishop's Stortford Bush Tim, Henham, Bishop's Stortford
Plume Jesse, Buttsbury, Ingatestone Ward Robert, Ridgwell, Halstead Byford John, Mistley, Manningtree
Follard Blemell, St. Osyth, Colchester WarrenW. M.Wickham Bishops,Witham Carter W. Thorpe·le-Soken, Colchester
Poulton J. Lower Temple st. Leytnstn e Waterman T. 27 Martin st. Stratford e Clark William, Moreton, Brentwood
Foulton Wm. North Weald, Epping Watson A. Denmark st. Leytonstone e Clark William, North Weald, Epping
PowneyGeo. 5 Chesterton cres. PIstw Watts E. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Romford Cook George, Black Notley, Braintree
Prictor J ame~, Brentwood rd. Romfordl' Wayman R. Leytonstone rd. Stratford e Cook Wm. White House farm,Baddow rd.
Frior James C. Sheering, Harlow Went Alfred, Post office. Parson's heath, Chelmsford & Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford
Probert Tbomas,Boston I'd. Walth1l1stow Greenstead, Colchester CookW.jun.9 Sutherland tel". Chelmsford
440 CAT .ESSEX. [KELLyt~
CATTLB D tiJWed. Gibb.!l & Co. Limited (David Wilson, Harwich (St. Nicholas parish) (Edward
Cowee John, Chipping Ongsr S.O man.), West Thurrock, Romford Chapman, clerk to the burial board).
Oowell J. Market pas. Saffron Walden Globe Cement, Brick, Whiting 4' Chalk Upper Dovercourt, Harwich
Dowsett William, High 8t. Brentwood Co. (The) (John Grimwood, manager), Jews' Burial Ground, Cemetery road,.
Everad George, Boreham, Chelmsford Little Thurrock, Grays S.O Forest gate e
Fenne.r Golden, Spri"ootield street, Lion Cement Works (Wm. C. Atkinson, Maldon (J. C. Freeman, clerk to the
Spnngfield, Chelmsford accountant), West Thurrock, Romford burial board & registrar; Stephen
F~nner John, Brook cotta~e, Dedham S.O Pattrick J. & Son, Dovercourt, Harwich Cable, keeper), London road, Maldon
Finnan Wm. Blueho.ChIgnaISt.James, Tunnel .Portland Cement Works Co. Manor Park (Richard Marson,superin-
. Ch~lmsford . Limited (W. M. Leake, sec. ; George tendent; Rev. George .Blew Golding
FirmIn Mrs. M.A.CoIneEngame,Halstead Warner,man.),'\\-°est Thurrock,Romfrd V.A. chaplain), East Ham e
Folka~ H. New ho. Langham, C?lchester Weekes T. & W. Burford rd. Stratford e Prittlewell (W. Gregson, clerk to the:
Free Richard, Hadstock, Cambndge - burial board), Southend road, Prittle-
Freeman Charles, Latcbingdon, Maldon Francis & Co. Bridge foot, Vauxhall, well, Rochford
Freeman George, Latchingdon, Maldon Lon~on s.e Romford New (Alfred Hy. Huntt clerk to
Freeman John, Murrell's farm t Stanford CEMENT MANUFACTURER the burial board),Dagenham rd.Rmfrd
rivers, Romford - Romford Old (Alfred Hy. Hunt, clerk
Gatward W. Sible Hedingham, Halstead WATERPROOF. to the burial board), High rd. Romfordi
Goody G. Broom ho. Chappel, Halstead Smartt WItr. Queen's rd. Buckhurst bill Saffron Walden (Simeon John King,clerk
Gray G.LittleHolts,Boreham,Chelmsford to the burial board; Fredk. Wright,.
Harris John Porteen Dickersons &: CEMENT MERCHANTS. keeper),Sewards End rd. Saffrn.Wldn
Vouchers frms. Gt.W~rley, Brentwood Byford John, Bridge wharf, Barking rd. St. O~yth (Theophilus Phili~on Rnffell,
Hearpe Geo. Hepworth hall, Halstead Canning town e . registrar i James De Maid, sexton),.
Howard Robert, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford Chalk A. &Co. Railway statn. Plaistow eSt. Os;rth; Colchest,er .
HumphreyA.Steeple Bumpstead,Haverhl Glenny B.Wallis,Town Quaywhf.Barking St. Patrlck 8 Cathoh~, (Rev. Frede~ck
Johnson Fras. W. Elmstead, Colchester Groom Daniels &; Co.• office Magdalen st.' Rymer D.D. admlDlstrator), UDlOn.
Kerridge Hy. jun. Mistley, Manningtree depot,The Hythe,Colche;ter. See advrl road, Leytonstone e
Low W.J.Rose cot. Greengte. st.Plaistow e GroTes John Railway station Braintree. Steeple B~mpstead, Steeple Bumpstead"
Mallinson R. Harrow rd. Leytonstone e & at Dun~ow & Great Yeidham ' Haverhlll
Manning William" Weeley Colchester J 0 hnst on, Jun.lll' . '- Co. H'Igh road &H oward Waltham
to th .Abbey
b . I (Hubert
b d JGougb, clerk
h 'food
Medcalf R. Hempstead, Saffron Walden road, Leytonstone ~ urla oa~; osep "
George" Hockley Chelmsford J 0 h nst on H enry,.ds ! hb
urt on t errace, With
t (G'lb"\\altham
rt H abbey
ht •I k
MortierAbraham Black Notley Braintree H' h t t PI ls . t we a ams ow I e oug on, c er
MunsonHenry G~ovecottage iangham M ~ s r&ee S' ·tah °te '11 '- to the burial board; John W. Amey,.
' , , a c row ml, s am saw IDI s l.l!' keeper) Walthamstow
CoIch ester joinery wrks. George la. Leytonstone e '
NottaO'e James Blackmore Ingatestone M J H B 'd h f West Ham (Rev. Charles Sellwood 1I.A.
Olive:'William'E Coval
. .
ni Chelmsford aH~ h atmes, "'tarrtfowrd n ge w ar, & Rev. Thomas Ed. Stallybrass, chap-
Ig sree,i:lra 0 e I' . J M b 'ted t)
OsbornC .Common,Shenfield , Brentwood ,IC T· h 11 L Co. Culver s t reet & Hyth e Cams,. ow ray, supenn n en "
0 DO te d F
Page J. IS Sutherland ter Baddow road C Ih Sad.' erne ry roa, orest gate
Chelmsford . , quay, 0 c ester. ee . vertIsem~nt Wivenhoe (Adlphs. E.Church,clerk to th6'
. H H If
P a~n h S W Id B od Salmen Samuel d: Son, RaIlway statIOn, burial board' J.Smith sxtn.) Wivenho6'
. a way o..0. ea ,rentwo London rd. Plalstowe. See advert " ' .
Pa~n H. Navestock SIde, Romford Sankey John Hart Iron bridge & Essex CHAIR MAKERS.
PaID John, Great Baddow, Chelmsford h C·' t .
Pain Wm. Romford lodge, Romford w arves, a.nmng own e . Cox Thomas, Harrow rd. Leytonstone e·
PatmoreWm.Rickling,Bishop's Stortford Wood Wm. Falrfield, Duke st.Chelmsford M~nders &Oxley ,Chelm~frd.rd. Wlthmsw
Pattrick James, Weeley, Colchester OEMETERIES. ~mk~ Cha~It;s,St.Johnsgrn. Colch~ster
Payne Henry, New house Little Bromley Slmkm Wilham Robert, Art furmture
Manningtree' , Bocking (Silas Parmenter, clerk to the manufactory, North hill; workshops.
Rawlinson D. jun. Tiptreehth. KelTedon burial board), Bocking, Braintree Head stroot, Colchester. See advert
Rich Chas. Market place, Romford Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Bradwell-juxta- M
Rich G. Victoria viI. Victoria rd. Romford Mare, Maldon CHALK ERCHANTS.
Rich Geo. jnn. Rose cottage, 'fhe Pave- Braintree (Augustus Cannington, clerk Globe Cement, Brick, Whiting tf ChalTc-
ment, Romford & The Lymes, Brent- to the burial board; J onathanRuddick, Co. (John Grimwood, manager), Little-
wood road, Romford keeper), London road, Braintree Thurrock, Grays S.O
Rose P.Mill ho. Gt. Horkesley, Colchester Chelmsford (Richard Stannard, regis- Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Limited (Robt.
Saunders Chas. Black Notley, Braintree trar), Rectory lane, Chelmsford 1". MacGregor, manager; Alfred W.
Savill.A. & W. East st. Saffron Walden Chelmsford Dissenters' (George Hasler, Channer, sec.), Grays Thurrock S.O
Savill George, Gunter's farm, Wimbish, registrar), New London rd.Chelmsford Johnson W. & Son, Railway coal depot,.
Saffron Walden Chipping Ongar (Charles Mott, clerk to Braintree
Savill Jesse, East st. Saffron WaldeR the burial board), Chipping Ongar
Stephens Joseph, Weeley, Colchester City of London (Joseph Wallace, clerk; CHAMBER OF AGRICULTURE.
Stock W. Hempstead,Saffron Walden John Chapple Stacey, superintendent Essex (Ezekiel Henry Bentall, sec.),.
Stokes Henry, Takeley, Chelmsford & registrar; Rev. Charles James Fox High street, Halstead
Stubbings Robert, Boreham, Chelmsford Taylor B.A. & Rev. John Wm. Laughlin
TiffinJ.Manor ho.Layer Breton,Kelvedon X.A. Episcopal chaplains; Rev. George CHANDLERS-SHIP.
Twitchell John, Ovington, Sudbury Firth, Nonconformist chaplain), Little See Shopkeepers.
Wakeling Fredk. Goldhanger, Maldon Ilford
WarnerA.Harp ho.Eastwood,Chelmsford Coggeshall (Richard Meredith Kirkham, CHEESEMONGERS.
Webster Charles, Warlie's & Prince's clerk to the burial board), Cog~eshall Annison J. H. 122 The Grove, Strtford tf
farms, WalthaID abbey Colchester (Philip Smith Sparlillg, clerk Boast J onathan, 32 Manby st. Stratford eo
Wingrove Charles, Lion ter. Springfield, to the burial board & registrar; James Boddy Henry, 46 High streett Plaistow t
Chelmsford Cobb, supt.), Mersea road, Colchester Briden William, Wood lit. Walthamstow
Wisbey William, Thaxted S.O Dovercourt (Alfred Chaplin, sexton), Cox SI. 41 Leyton rd. New tn. Stratfordtr
Witham WaIter, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Doyercourt, Harwich Donaldson A. J. Market pI. Forest gt to
Wolton Thomas, Canterbury, Mar- East London (Edmund Littler, manager Dutch Frank & Co.High rd.Leytonstone e
garetting, Ingatestone &; secretary i Rev. George Godsell M.A. Dyer Thomas & George, 162 Chobham
Wright George, Baddow road, Great Church of England; Rev. T. J. R. road., New town, Stratford ~
Baddow, Chelmsford Temple, Congregational; Rev. James Flack James, 3 Broadway, StraHord e
CATTLE SALESMEN Griffith, Baptist, chaplains), Grange Fordham G. & Son, High st. Gt. Ilford
& &l --e. t t l ' road, Plaistow e Gillett Hy. 162,Maryland rd. Stratford tr
e e.mten a e. Grays (Arthur Horncastle. clerk to the Gos!llingGeorgeWilliam,3 Maryland ter-
CEMENT MANUFACTURERS. burial board), Grays, Romford race, Leytonstone road, Stratford (J
Brooks, Shoobridge II Co. Grays Great WarIey (William Gibson, clerk to Herrman Edward, 28 Leyton road..
Thurrock 8.0 the burial board; Jeremiah Bacon, New town, Stratford e
Dix, Green & Co. North Essex cement sexton), Great Warley, Brentwood Hills George, 7 Broadway, Stratford e
works, Saffron Walden. See advert Halstead (George Pinckard Arden, clerk Hillyer Henry, Martin st. Stratford e
Eagle Canen.t Company, J: «; ~ Trinity to the burial board; Samuel Layzell, Homersham C.High st.Grays Thrrck.S.()
street, Canning town (J supt.), Colchester road, Halstead. Hudson F. M. 385 High st. Stratford e.
• .
Jackson Leonard,3 H&rrington terrace, Cowles Charles,:I West Hall} lane e.&; 37 tRowlands Thomas Flanders, Epping _
Fisher street, Canning town e Broadway, Stratford tRust James, Thaxted S.O
Johnston Alexander, 47 West Ham la, tCrick George Edward, High st. Maldon SaundersArthur, Orford raWalthamstw
King George, Wellington rd. Forest gt Cumine Rupert Henry, 10 Broadway, Shenstone J. C. 13 High st. Colchester
Letch Mrs. Eliza, Grays Thurrock 8.0 & 2 Earlham cross, Woodgrange road, SimpsonHales,31 St.Botolph st.Colchestr
Ormond & Hales,Pembrke. rd.Wlthmstw Forest gate e Smith Mrs. CIara Brook & Henry Brook,.
Osborn Charles, 4 Martin st. Stratford e Davis &; tDiaper, Mornington terrace, North Woohrich e
Pratt Charles, 46 Lett road, Stratford e Wanstead Smith Frederick, Fryerning, IngatestonB
Quelch Mrs. Eliza, 32 High st. Stratford, Davy Henry, I Victoria buildings,Barking Spiers William, Lea Bridge road, Leyton
Wilkinson J.g<> Langthorne at.West Hm e road, Plaistow e Henry James, Ingatestone
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. Dawson George Rohert,High st.Southend tTar~well Rehd. Bocking end, Bockingp
. . DevereuxFred.Edwd.Woodst.Wlthmstw Bramtree
See EnguwCTs-Brewers' ~ Ohemu:al. Dickinson Robt. 9 8 Broadway,Stratford e Thompson William, High st. Brelltwood
CHEMICAL MANURE MANU- tDowning J. G. 55 High st. Braintree Tomlinson James, 2 Tindal sq.Chelmsfrd-
F ACl'URERS. Ellis William, Burnha:m, Maldon Trundle & Co. 10 Charlotte ter. Barking
. See Manure Manufacturers. tE.lsey Cha.rles, High street, Maldon . .r?ad, Plaistlw 6 , .
CHEMICAL MERCHANTS tFItt FranCls Edwa~d,Eroadway,BarklDg \{ aIts Geor~e,2 George s terrace,Barkmg-
. Foster John, 313 HIgh street, Stratfprd e road, PlaIstow IJ
Glover Henry, Tower chemical works, Foulsham Henry Botwright, Castle tWallworth David, High street, Maldon.
Silvertown, Victoria docks e Hedingham, Halstead, Ward David, Chipping Ongar 8.0
CHEMIST-ANALYTICAL. Fox William Albert & Co. Leyton road, Ward Francis Ebenezer, Witham
Ruffle John Stopford road Plaistow e ~eyton; & Cathall road, ~eytonstone e Warner C. D.eddington house. Lilliput.
, .' FrIth John Bruff, Market hIll, Coggeshall road, Cannmg town e
CHEMISTS-MANUFAC- Garman & CO.IO Glenwood villas, Leyton Webb Fredk.Brooks, Southminstr.Maldn
TURING. road, Forest gate e WebsterWm.Peake,25 Head st.Colchestr
See also Vitriol Manufacturers ~ also tGillingJohn,Market hl.Saffron Walden tWeddell Arthur, 105 High st. Colchestr
.Acetic Acid Manufacturers. Gooch William Hobbs, Dedham S.O Wheeler Joseph, Marsh street & Beulall
Abbey Chemical Works, Abbey lane, tGreen Robert Poynter, Witham road, Walthamstow
West Ham e Griffiths H. :I Rathbone st. Canning twn e Williams Henry Prydderch, 88 Leyton
Alment Edwd. & Co. High st. Stratford tJ Griffiths John Marriott, Market place, road, New town, Stratford e •
Baker Benjamin, Hythequay,Colchester. Waltham abbey Winter John Billingsley, High stveet.
See advertisement Groves Arthur, I Clubb's terrace,Odessa Manningtree
Barues W. J. Rainham, Romford road, Forest gate e Worts Augustine, I Market st. Harwich
Bell Thomas & Co. vitriol works, near tGuest Edwd. Percival, High st. Brentwd Yewen C.I08 Crounfield rd.Leytonstone e
Abbey mills, West Ham e Hall John James, Kelvedon
Boake & Co. Warton road, Stratford e Hamilton Edmund Harry, Markhonse CHIMNEY POT MANUFAC-
Butterfield J n. C. Barking creek, Barking road, Walthamstow TURERS.
Chapman, Messel & Co. Silvertown e Hammerton Edward, 28 High street & Smith John, New quay, Colchester
Ch¥field Robert Edward, Sewardstone 39 Culver st. Colchester. See advert Walker L. J. Wood grn. Waltham abbey
Dunn & Co. Abbey lane, West Ham e Harding J. 36 King's Head st. Harwich WentArthr.Slmn. Rowhedge,Colohester-
Farmer Thomas & Co. Hall's wharf, Harrington Arthur Lewis, Rochford S.O
Silvertown e Harrington John Frederic, 38 Alexandra CHIMNEY SWEEPERS.
Glover Henry, Tower chemical works, street, Southend Adcock Richard, Royal mews, Southend
Silvertown, Victoria docks, tHayes James, Great Warley, Brentwood Ashton James, Magdalen st. Colchester
HendenEenj.Gift Lanewks.West Ham e Hills Henry William, 2 Etloe terrace, AttwoodSml.65 Coggeshall rd.Braintree
Howards & Sons, High street,Stratford e Carlisle road, Leyton Badman Geo. George st. Saffron Walden
Kidd John & Co. Wennington, Romford Hoddy Benjamin, High street, Halstead Badman Jas. George st. Saffron Walden
Pammer Paul, Wharf st.Canning town e Hodgson Thomas, High st. Brentwood Bateman William, Hythe hill, Colchester
• South Essex Agricultural Chemical Holford Thomas Constantine, 342 & 344 Brand John, Castle Hedingham,Ha.lsUlad
Works, Abbey lane, West Ham e High street, Stratford e Bright Charles,Great Baddow,Chelmsfrd
Spencer Chapman & Co. Silvertown e Huggins Mrs. Rose, Stansted Mount- ChristmasWm.Woodhouse rd.Leytonst 6'
CH~MISTS & DRUGGIST~ fichet, Bishop's Stortford Cousins John, 18 Hall street, Chelmsford
. .' Humphreys Geo. 63 High st. Chelmsford Couzens C. 130 Moulsham st. Chelmsford
Marked thus t are PharmaceutiCal ChemlsUl. tKing C. M. 8 Marine parade, Southend Cumberland James, High st. Romford
Adams Rowland, High street, Leyton King Mrs. S. 46 Marine parade, Southend Finch J n. Queen st. Coggeshall,Kelvedon
t AlIen William Hart, 3 Liverpool ter- Kirby Samuel John, Grays Thurrock S.O Freeman Samuel, Great Chesterford S.o.
race, Barking road, Canning town e Lakeman Jasper Jas. High rd. Leytonst e Frostick R. & Son, Back st. Brentwood
Bailey Henry, Queen's road, Buckhurst tLasham John William (from S:f\rory & Frostick Robert, jun. Bull la. Maldon
hill ~ & High road, Loughton Moore's), High street,. Romford Gardinel' Henry, North st. Plaistow e
tEaker C. P. & G. 27 High st. Chlmfrd Laurence Henry French, I I Globe cres. & Graves George, High Ongar, Brentwood
Baker William Sanders, 2 Pier avenue, 5 Woodstock viIs. Forest la. Forest gt e Gray William, Dunmow 8.0
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Litton &; Co. SI Vicarage la. Stratford e Gritfith Geo. Park road, Leytollstone e
Barker F. G. 8 Victoria tel'. High street, Macarthy Christopher lnnis, Market Hale Geo. Golden Lion lane, HarwiGh
Plaistow e. ~ & 17 Victoria Dock road e place, Homford Harper In. Shernhall st. Walthamstow
Barritt Hy. 1 High street, Colchester Machon Henry, King st. Saffron Walden Harvey William, Hatfield, Chelmsford
Bates Thos. Wm. 124 High st. Colchester Marlar John, 51 High street, Halstead Hawkins Wm. High road, Leytonstone 6'
Beal R. & Son, High street, Great Ilford MarshallAinsworth & Austin,HighBridge Hayh06 William, Weeley, Colchester
Beckett T. S. 67 Victoria Dock road e street, Waltham abbey Hunter Richard, Barking la. Gt. Ilford
tBevan Chas. F. 62 Church st. Harwich Matthews Theophilus &. Son, Harrow Ives Amoa, Albert place, Saffron WaldIJ
Brown A. J. & Son, High st. Halstead green, Leytonstone ~ • Johnson Chas. Balkerne la. Colchester
Bullock Rbt. High road, Buckhurst hill tMetcalfe Wilson, 87 High st. Chelmsford Jolliffee James John, High st. Leyton
Bunker James, Heath street, Barking Michell Rchd.Dalby, 84Victoria Dock I'd eKing In. Crownfield road, Leytonstone e
Burch Robert, High st. Saffron Walden Miller Arthur, 295 Romford rd.8tratfrd 6 King J.Well st. Maryland point, Strtfrd ~
Burrell John Benjamill, Rayleigh S.O Moore Chas. Wm. 19 Bank st. Braintree Lee John, Burnham, Maldon
Bush George, 95 High street,Chelmsford Morgan Philip Hy.I Nelson ter.8outhend Luckman Henry, North Woolwich e
Campion Robert, Harlow tNix John Knowles, Eillericay, Brentwd Mead Abner, Dunmow S.O
Cartwright William Bryan,2 Whitehall, tPertwee Edward, High street, Romford Miller Wm. Harrow green, LeJotnstne It
Leytonstone road, Stratford e tPissey William. Rayleigh S.O Newton Wm. Chipping hill, Halstead
tChapman Joseph G. M.p.s.Grays,Rmfrd Polley John & Co. 360 High st.Stratford e Nye SI. -4 Tower Hamlets rd. Forest gt e
tChapman Rd. Jas. Chipping Ongar S.O Potter Wm. Sam!. 64 High st. Plaistow e Overett G.Mornington rd. Leytonstone e
Clement Jospeh, 15 Victoria Dock road Priddle Fras. I I Church st. West Ham e Pedrick A. Milton rd. Park, Plaistow it
e.; & 18 Rathbonest. Canning town e Prosser Evan Thomas (exors. of), 7 Head Pedrick Miss Fanny, Church streetp
Cole F. A. 34 St. Botolph st. Colchester street, Colchester West Ham e
tCooper & Co. 80 Gloucester road, South tRickarby A. G.Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Perry Arthur William, Thaxted S.O
Kensington s:w Robins John Thomas, Church end,Wood- Perry William, Stebbing, Chelmsford
Cooper G. B. High st. Brightlingsea S.O ford &. Woodford green . Pinfold Robert, Market place, Romford
Cordley Wm. Bains, Head st. Colchester Roper Richard, Dunmow S.O Portep Charles, Quay, Manningtree
Coupe Wm. South Shoebury, Southend tRow &; Son, 47 High street, Braintroo Porter Jasper,J3radfield, Manningtree
442 cm ESSEL [KELlY's
_ .cRIlINK!' SWEBPERS ·Cdnti1t1Ud. '1 Johnson PhiliP,2 NeviD's Market terrace, CHURN MAKER.
Po~ter Thos.Geo. South st. MaBIlingt;ee Bark~ng road, Plai~to"l'f' e Andrews Joseph Edward, 90' &; 9~ Bigh
Prmce Hy. Back la. & East st. Barkmg Juby" m. Fredk. WIv,enhoe, Colchester street, Braintree . J

Rand Joseph, Northgate st. Oolchester- Keeble Mrs. Ann, Wantz rd. Maldon CIGAR MANUFACTl1REB.
Rand Joseph, Queen street, Coggeshall Kennet~Charles, High st. Brentwood '.. . •
Reeves In. 6 Sabbarlon st. Canning tn e Knights Stephen, E~st bay, East hill, PhIlhps Joseph, 13 1 HIgh st. Colchester
Resbury Henry, Witham Colchester " C CIGA~ MERCHA.NTS.
R~bury Thomas, Wi~ham .. Lewis Mi~ses Elizabeth Sarah & Mary Otaduy p. & Co. Barwick street, Bir-.
Rmg Geo. Edwd. 3 Kmg st. PlaIstow e Ann, HIgh street, Maldon lllUlgham direct importers of HabaDa
Rodgers John, 15 Eld lane, Colchester Lewis Miss Emrn a , IS Globe crescent, cigars i ' _
Rutter Geo. Park street, Southend Forest gate e Pearson Mrs. Sarah Carter' AI-
Searle Jsph. Newport, Bishop'8Strtfotd Livingstone In. Barking la. Gt.mord thoI'ne Maldon ' \
She~dan Fredk. Albert rd. n.BckhPSt hill Lloyd Tho8. 6 H-e1"l1lit I'd.Canning town e Willi. Wllliam Porter, DunmowB.(}- >
She~dan GC?. ~3 CowleyTd. Wanst-ead f! L~hr Clemens, ~tafIord house, Bark- ULATING T.IB'DARIES
ShendllD "ilhanl Hen1l" Hale end, mg road, Canwng town ~ CIBC ~ "'" .
Woodford, Walthamstow .' Lucas Mrs. Bessie, High st. Romford ' See Booksellers.
Simmoni' John, Weald lane, Brentwood Maidment Isaac, 9 B:olloway down, OIVIL ENGINEERS.
Simmons William, Alfred rd. Brentwood Leytonstone e
Spinks John, 38 North hill, Colchester Marlow Robt. Hy. Market pI. FOl·est ~a e 8d Er,gineets-Ci11il.
Spurgeon Alfred, 24 Trinity I'd. Halstead Marshall Josepq, 87 Windmill lane, OLOQK MAKERS.
Street Wm. King's pt Bm::khul"st hill Stratford ~ . 1f h
Tetsall A. Tower Hamlets rd. Forst. gt r! Miller Mrs. Etim, High street, Maldon See ~atc Mak81's.
Tilley Jas. Burton et. High sf. Stratfrd e Millns &; Son, North street, Barking CLOG MAKERS. _
Trou.t Fr~~rick, Billericay, Brentwood Moss In:Ohurch ~t.C:0ggeshall,KelvedonCollinge Ashtol'4 11 Angel la. Stratford e
Walhs Wllham, East street,. Colchest-er Mott Charles, ChippIng Ongar 8.0 Smith Alfd. Hy. I BruneI st. Canning tn e
Ward John, Lower Railway s1:l. Braintree MUT'l"SY Mrs. E~ily Ann, Ma1"sh street, OLOTHIERS M ....TU
Whale Edward, 24 Park st. Southend Walthamstow . - A.",.. -
Wilkinson William, • 125 Moulsham Nash Chas. 75 Broadway, Stratford e .. F ACTURING. .
. st1"eet, Chelmsford Nelson Charles, 12'4 Rathbone st1"eet, Hammond Thos. Stanwell 8t.. Colchester
Wills E. A. St. James' sll. Walthamstow Canning town e . Hurst Fredk. Wm. Priory st. Colchester
Wood Daniel, I I Newton st.Canning tn e Osborn Eli, Kelvedon Hyam Moutague & Co. (Francis Barbam
Wooding Edward, 18 Francis 'Street, Parker Frank, Wood st'. Walthamstow Osbourn, manager), Abbey Gate
Canning town ~ . . j Perryman J88.35&36 Duke st.Chelmsford street, Colchester
, Probert Wm. 4 Upper'road, Plaistow ~ Moses H. E. & M. Chmch Street factory,
CHINA & GLAS~ MANU- Prosser Evan, I Charlotte teI'.Plaistowe Coggeshall ' .
F ACTURERS . r - Pyne Robert,' 6 Brindisi terrace, Lilliput Moses Henry Edward . & Maurice
Soane & SmitIi, 462 "Oxford street &: road, Canning town e " . (Samuel Drawbridge, manager),!
Kensington High street, London tI7 Quilter Mrs. Mary Ann,168 Moulsham Priory street, Colchester . .-
CHINA , GLASS & EARTHEN~ Qst1"Weet,ChHelmmsf.ordh t
uy m. y. g s rea, ren woo
. l
WARE DEALERS. Reed Mrs. Eleanor, High Bridge street, Adams John, I~ Long .Wyre street"
Bailey Thos. Joseph, High st. Brentwood Waltham abbey . Colche~!er. See a~vertlsement .
Barnes Joseph, 6 Duke st. Chelmsford Reynolds Mrs. Emily, Albert road, PIton Phlhp, St. Johns green, Colchester
Bartram George Thomas Tharpe, 44 Romford . OLOTHIERS RETAIL.
Bank street, Braintree Roberls Richard, Orsett, Romford Marked thus t are 8econdhand Clothes
Bedingham Brothers, 56 Leyton road, Rock Henry Martin, -,.0 Queen's square, . Dealen.
New town, Stratford ~ , Upton park ~ Adams John, IS Long Wyre street~
Berry Wm. Geo. 3 Orford rd. Wlthmstw SC(}tt Mrs. Phrebe. Billericay, Brentwood Colchester. See advertisement
BiggsGeo. Thos.White Post la.Lit. Ilford Soruby James-, Epping tBanks Mrs. Lydia, High st. Romford.
Brafield Wm. High road, Leytonstone e Shrimpton Mrs. Elizabeth, High Baxter Miss Sarah,. 4 Stephenson
Buxton Wm. Great Wakering, Southend street, Plaistow e _ street, Canning town e
Byford William, 46 Victoria Dock road e 8iggers Alfred, Woodford green BeaM David Edward &;. Co. 4 Market
Challis William Rose,· 10 Bloomfield Silk Joseph, Cross st. Saffron Walden place, Wood street, Walthamstow
road, Chelmsford Smith James, Forest I'd. Leytonstone e Benjamin Philip, 2 Victoria Dock road e
Cheshire Wm. 24 St. Botolph st. Clcbstr Sones In. Joseph, 8 Eagle pI. Forest ga e Brown William E. High st,reet, Halstead
Chivel'8 Fredk. St. .lames' st. Wlthmstw Stannard Chas. Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford Buck Arthur, Great Hardfield, Braintree
Colchest81' China. GlaSt1 tJ Hardware Co. Stevens Mrs. Elizabeth, Station road, Bugg, Newton & Co. High st. Halstead
(The) (John H. Coohen, manager), Plaistowe' Burch Mrs. Sarah, DunmoW' 8.0 t
5~ & 53 High street 0\ 31 k 3~ Culver Stratford Frederick Adolphl,l8, Horn- Clamp James Hill,3 St. Botolph street,
street, Colchester . church, Romford Colchester. See advertisement .
Collins Frederick, 30 Head st. Colchester Tidman & Brown, 120 The Grove, Clark William, High street, Maldon
Constable Wm. Trinity street, Halstead Stratford e Clemance William, Rayleigh 8.0
Coppin J. & Sons, 39 High st. Chlmsfrd Veryard Robert, Church road, Leyton Clinch Thomas, 66 Victoria Dock road e
Cotton C. 'U2 Lilliput rd. Canning tn iJ Walford Mrs. Sarah, Terling, Witham Cole Arthur, Burnham, Maldon
Crane Jas. Jones, I9 Chu:rch st. Hrwich Watkins John, 371 High st. Stratfo1"d e tCook Henry, Swan street, Braintree
Crisp William, Wood st. Walthamstow Whitehead Rankin, Church street tCook Mrs. Rebecca, Swan st. BI'alntree
Cunningham Alfd. 4 F()rest st. Frst. gt e Sl\ffron Walden ' Cottis William, Grays Thurrock 8.0
Dalton Asher, West Ham lane '6 Wills Robt. Market hill, Saffron Walden Craig John James, Market pI. Romford
Doe Jas. '21 Long Wyre st. Colchester Winterflood Jo,n, Wix, Manningtree Crickmore Henry, Dedham 8.0
Edwards William, West Ham iane e Wood Charles William, Queen's road Crow Joseph John, High st. Brentwood
Elemes Geo1"ge, 64 Crownfield road, & Victoria t8l'race, Buckhurst hill Day Charles & A1exander, 10 Duke
Leytonstone e ) Woodward Thomas,Victoria rd,. Romford street & 86 High street, Colchester •
Ellis 'Philip, 79 Windmill lane, New Woodward William Robert, Richmond Da.y Clrristopher George, Market hill,
town, Stratford e street, Plaistow e Saffron WaIdeu
Garrett Henry, Withani W oolley Arthnr Henl-Y, Chigwell road, Denniss Frederick, 97High st.Colchester.
Gowers Geo. East st. Coggeshall,Kelvdn Chigwell j & at Abridg~ . See advertisement
Graylin Wm. Stow Maries, Maldon Dixon Charles, Gainsford, Rayleigh S.O
Green Joshua. & Co. Stansted Mounf- OHINA DEA LER- Dowsett William, Prittlewell, Southend
fitcbet, Bishop's Stortford ANTIQUE. Ellis Robert, Witham
Hams Richard Jas Fisher st Barking' AId F . J M'U d Ch 1 f rd tElson John, Forest road, teytonstone e
Harvey Mrs. Charidtte Ma;ket place o~ raDCIll as. 1 r. e ms (l Eve David, High street, Leyton
Romford ' , CHUROH FURNISHERS. F~sher Arnol~ Ow~n, Epping
Hodgkin Chas. 3 Statn. I'd. Forest gate e Fltch Frederick, Hlgh st. Great mord
Holden William Moss '184 Magdalen Griffin Goorge Lainkn, 18 &; 19 High Fowle Behjamin, Market place, Romford
street, Colchester ' 8treet, Colchester. See advert French John, Finchingfield, Braintree
Howe G. F. Woodhouse rd. Leytnstne e Simkin Wm. Robt. Artfnrnitnre manu- tFreeman George, Green HenhaIl\J
Hudson Israel,Mrningtn. ter. Waustd t factory, N01"th hill;, ~orkshop8,Haad Bishop's Stortford
J ohnson George, 4 CI'onoo st. Colchester street, Colchester. Sea advert Fuller Benj. H. Cro88 st. Saffron 'Waldeo


. ~ .
Gentry Chas. Edw. Grays Thurrock 8.0 Colchester (Arthur Geo. 'Mumford, hon. Read Jas, W. Woodford wells &; Snake's
tGod[rey Mrs. M. 2~ North hI. Colchstr sec.) (managed by t}:le ,com.),. 7 High lane, Woodford green. ' .
Great Eastern Clothtng Company (The), street, Colchester . Rogers & Turner, Rayne road, Bocking,
4 St. Botolph st. Colchester. See advt Colne Yacht (J. K Wn~ills" sec.), Braintree
Green Godfred &; Son, 98 Leyton road, Wivenhoe, Colchester " Rowland William, HIgh st. Great IIford
Newtown, Stratford e Essex Bicycle (Frank Evans,capt.), Angel Ruffell Mrs. &; Son (&; UtU), Stebbing,
Green DavidRichard,Gray8 ThurrockS.O hote1, High street, Great)lford. Chelmsford .
Green John, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford Essex & Suffolk County, 15 High street, Sawar~ William, Eppjng . .
Green Richard, 3 Maudley terrace, Colchester. , Scott WiIliam, Dunmow 8.0
Leytonstone road, Stratford e • Harwich (Royal) Yacht Club (L. Temple Sharman &; Son, 18 &; 19 CuIv'et: str~t~ ~
Handley William, High street, Maldon Cobbold esq. treasurer; F. W. Panzera Colchester' •
Hines &; Co. 9 Market street, H~rwich. esq. sec.), Great.Eastern hotel,Harwich Sherwell H. 'teytonstone rd. Stratford _
Hockley Daniel, Heath street, Barking Maldon Reform (Arthur Copsey~ sec.; Slipper Wm. Thos. North st. Romford
Hopwood &; Co. I Colchester terrace, T. McElwee, man.), High st. Maldon Smith Sidney Stphn. Lexden, Colchester
Angel lane, Stratford e RayleighReadi~Room &; Dramatic Club Stokes Amos, Lea Bridge road, Leyton
Hornby George, 39 Leyton road, New. (Chas.Witham,hon.sec.),Ra)'leigh S,O Tabor &; Stnckey, Harlow
town, Stratford e ./ . St. Dunstan's Club & Institute (G. C. E. Tavner W. .1:80 Moulsham 8~. cplmsfrd
Horncastle Arthur, Grays Thurrock 8.0 Malim, president; Edwd. White. sec.), Warrnington Henry. Woodford wells
Howe William, North street, Barking St. Dunstan's ho. Balaam st, Plaisto'W e Warner John, Stock, Ingatestone
Humphreys Mark, Heath street, Barking The Club, St. Martin's house (J. W. Wash John, West street, Cog~eshaU
.Tonas L. L. 4 New London I'd. Chlmsfrd Duvall &; C. H. Tompson, hon. secs.), Webl> Joseph, Rayleigh S.O .
Knight Thomas, Market hill, Maldon East Stockwell street, Colchester' Went Jonathan, Mersea road, Colchester
Larkin Geo. &; In. Crown st. Brentwood Walthamstow Social (Richard Rivett, Whitby Jas,. Wm. Billericay, Brentwood
Larkin George, Chipping Ongar S.O secretary), Boston road, Walthamstow Whittingham .Tohn &; W. Rochford S.O
Larkin George, South Ockenden,Romfrd West lIam Conservative. (R. ". Wragg, Williams C. E. &; Co: Haybridge, Maldu,
Leaning Harry, Long Wyre st.Colchester hon. sec.), 35 S~rinam terrace, Broad- Willis T. S; Sible H~dinghani, Halstead ..
Leftly Fredk. W.Market pI. Forest gt e way, Stratford 4 . , ' , .,
List Joseph A. Magdalen st. Colchester . COACH PAINTERS,
LondonClothingCrnnpany,Sonth st.Romfd . CLUBS-WORXtNG MEN'S. Bradford Geo. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchstr
Marsh Alfred, 4 'Market street,lIarwich Ch' II (H' Sh tl ~) Larkin Fredk. Queen's road, llrentwood I
Marston Fredk. Wood st. Walthamstow l~e enry. ut e, manager, Richold In. A. Harrow gn Leyl;onstn e
Minns William1 34 High, st. Chelmsford F Chlg~ell(Groadp' Chigwel~th tr ') Taylor Thos. Chingford l~. Woodfrd. gn
Morgan In, &; ::Son, Wood st.Walthmstw ryermn~ eo. ercy 8 ml , easurer,
Moss A. ~34 &; 310 High st. Stratford e Fryermng, Ingates~one : . . . 00A:CH SMIl'HS.. .
Nash Thomas Mountnessing Brentwood' Halstead (8. Melhmsh, sec.), Tnmty Jenmngs Damel, Stanwell st. Colchester
&; at Ingat~tone . , • ' s~reet, Halstead ' . I I " Scrivener Mrs. Martha, Dunmow ~.O
Newstead HenrY,3 16 High st. Stratford e Plalstow (J.:8. Chapman, sec.), London Woodthorpe Geo.8andport I'd. Bramtree
Nickols David, High street, Maldon; &; road, Plmstow et: COACH TRIMMER.'
52 High street, Chelmsford Walthamstow (George LeWlS Manders,. .
Okey M. & J. & Co. I Gladstone terrace, sec.), Marsh str~t, Walthamstow CurtlS James, Mdtonstreet, So~thend
Woodford' West Ham (BenJ. Berry, sec.), West COAL AGENTS.
Pallet &; Co. 6 Market place, Wood street, Ham lane e Se~ .Auents~Coal.
Walthamstow OOAOH &: CARRIAG:&
Palmer Wm. Debden rd. Saffron Walden ' COAL &: COKE J)EALERS.
Parkhurst Joseph, Chipping Ongar S.O BUILDERS., Bayford Frederick, Leigh, Chelmsford
Parrott Fredk. 2 Leyton rd. Forest gt e Adams Adam &; AIId. 73 East hI. Colchs~r Beeton John, Wakefield I'd. East Ham e
Pepper James, Burnham, Maldon Appleford George, Windmill lane, New Bevan Thomas, Little Clacton, Colchstr •
tPhalan Thos. Poplar st. Canning town e town, Stratford e ' •. Bragg Miss S. A. PrittleweU, Southend
Pipe Samuel, Southminster, Maldon Beard William, Witham Brand Robert, Langenhoe, Cole;hester
Pluck Jabez, 28 & 30 Bank st. Braintree Blanks, Alfred Thos. ShaUord, Braintree Briner Anthony, Magdalerl st. Colchestr
Plummer Robert, 7 Bridge rd. Stratford e Cattell Henry, High st. Saffron Walden Brook" In. 73 Roscoe st. Canning town t'
Poppy William Thomas, King's Quay st. Clark George, Noak hill, Romford Browning William, Leyton road, Lerton
Market st. & I I St. Austin's la. Harwch Cliff John Wright, Boreham, Chelmsfrd Cartet Henry, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford
Quee Charles, High street, Brentwood Cole John, Boxted, Colchester' Carter Mrs. Mary Ann Newport,
tReader Mrs. A. 30 Fox st. Canning twn e Cole John, Pitsea, Chelmsford ' . . Bishop's Stortford .
tRndd Frederick, North Woolwich e Cook Nathan, Chipping Dngar 8.0 I CaviIl Cbas. W. 48 Church st. Harwich
Scott William, 47 Manor st. Braintree Crawley Samuel, Chigwell row' Clark Mrs. Emma Thaxted S.O
Simpson William, High street, Maldon Dawson John, High street, Leyton . Comell Chas; Tiptree heath, Kelvedon
Stansfield Wm. E. 367 High st. Stratfrd e Dedman WiIliam, High street, Maldorr Cuff Thomas, Fairfield row, Braintree'
Steer Hy. 58 Rathbone st. Canningtwn e Ely William, Southminster, Maldon Diviny John, Queen street, Romford
Strange E. 25 Long Wyre st. Colchester Emberson George,!23 Duke st. ~ 'Works, Dupont Philip, Bmes hamlet, Colchester
Symington& Freeman,6 Nelson st.Sthend Lion & Lamb yard, Chelmsford ' Easterford G.Stratford Rd.park,Plaist'W e
Taylor Mrs. E. High street, Brentwood Gallon &; Co. Angel lane, Stratford e Eastwell In. ~ New rd. Canning town e
Taylor Henry, Market place, Romford Gilderson Robert, High st. Great Ilford Edwards A. Debden I'd. Saffron Walden
Taylor Joseph David, High st. Romford Gowar Stephen, 29 Broadway, Stratfrde Ellis William, West Thurrock, Romford
Townrowehas. 65 High st. Braintree Green Philip, Great Clacton, Colchester Farrow George, Dagenham, Rornford )
tVale George, Magdalen st. Colchester Griggs & Buck, Bridge street, Halstead Fitch H. &; Son, Cobbold rd, Wanstead,
Vincent Geo. H. 304 High st. Stratford e Harrison Henry, Abberton, ColChester Fitch James, Burnham, Maldon
Watson Wm.H. I4 Broadway, Stratford e Harvey Thomas James, New st. Maldon Gutteridge William Henry, 60 Would-
Webb FrederickJn. Gt.Wakering,Sthend Humfryes Thomas, Lucy cot. Chandos ham street, Canning town e
Whitaker J. 36 St. Botoiph st. Colchestr road, New town, Stratford e Hammond John, Billericay, Brentwood
tWilliams John, Vineyard st. Colchester Jennings Joseph, Maldon rd. Colchester Holmes Charles, Wantz road, Maldon
Williams Joseph, Magdalen st. Colchestr Kent Richard, High street, Saffron Jenninglil Thos. Gt. Bentley, Colchester
Wilson William, 72 High st. Chelmsford Walden. See advertisement Lamb William, Leyton road, Leyton
Woods & Co. I Lavina terrace, Angel Larkin James, Queen's 'road,Brentwood Laws James, I3 Charleg st. Plaistow e
lane, Stratford e Maskell Jas. 5 Springfield la. Chelmsford Leach Charles, North Woolwich e .
Young Samuel, Mulberry gn. Harlow Norris Samuel, Felsted 8.0 Lelliott S. 26 Fisher st. Canning town e
Page John, Hythe hill, Colchester Lockwood Frederick, Woodrnan road,
CLUBS. Palmer George, 8. Baddow rd. Chelmsfrd Great Warley, Brentwood
Pearce James, Wltham Marven Samuel, Rochford S.O
Alexandra Yacht (A. Lucking, hon. sec.}, Pocklington Richd. London rd.Southend Mascall T. C. Elsenham, Bishop's Strtfrd
Public hall, Alexandra st. Southend Porter George, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Mothersole Mrs. E. Rowhedge,Colchestr
Beacontree Debating & Philanthropic, Porter. Joseph, South street~ Romford Mott Alf. Church st. Bocking, Braintree
for Rendering Unsectarian Assistance Prentice Herbert, Epping Nunn William, Wood st. WalthamstoW'
to the Poor (John Nioholas, hon. sec.); Pryke Samnel, Ardleigh, Colchester • Ottley Robert, Wethersfield, Braintree
club rooms, Church end, Woodford Ramsey William, Stansted Mountfitchet, OUley Robert,jun.Wethersfield,Braintree
Brightlingsea Churchmen's (W. Stam- BishOp's Stortford Page George, Fobbing, Romford
mers, sec.), Brightlingsea S.O Rayner SI. Felton &; Sons, KeIvedon Parker Arthur,Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchstr

COAL & CoKE DEALERS crmtinued. Fielder C. A. Railway station, Brentw<! La:1!f.elet W. L. (ex ':'-S. of), Grays
Patten James, White Colne, Halstead Fitch William, Osborne street, Colchestr Thurrock S.O
Peck Robert, 67 Northern rd. Plaistow e Francis &: Co. East bdge. 165 High st. La"ers W. Amity road, West Ham e.; &
Perkins Geo.Holloway rd. Leytonstone e lA, St. Botolph st. &: The Hythe, High street, Stratford e
Perkins Geo.W.Harrow gn.Leytonstone e Colchester Lawrence & Son, Station road, Saffron
Salmon Wm. Great Clacton, Colchester Free Robert, Saccharine works & Mist- Walden
Shadrack William,North Woolwich road, ley wharf, Mistley, Manningtree Lea & Co. L. &: N. W. R. coal depot, Bark-
Canning town e Freeman & Goodey, Fambridge (North), ing road, Canning town e
Smith Henry, Chatley, Chelmsford Maldon Ledger William, Maldon road, Witham
Smyth Thomas, Latchingdon, Maldon Fuller George, Leyton road, New town, Leedale Charles, High street, Braintree
Sutton T.12 Wouldham st. Canning twn e Stratford e Lewis David & Co. The Grove, Stratford e
WakelingSamuel,Wetbersneld,Braintree Gilbey George King, South street & Linard Wm. John (contractor), Morton
Ward John, Lower Railway st. Braintree Crown chmbrs. South street, Romford house, Lilliput road, Canning town e
Willborne Mrs. Richard, Chester street, Gilbey Herbert, High street, Gt. Ilford Lugar In. Bromley,Magdalen st.Colchstr-
Leytonstone e Gilchrist A.John& Major Horatio Nelson, London road.
Woodhead W.Greenhillgro.Little Ilford Gilders Edwin Joseph, Rosemary road, Lexden, Colchester
Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Martin Jas.Windsor,Queen's rd. Brentwd
COAL & COKE MERCHANTS. Girling J. & H. (J. A. Wardell, district Mead Henry, Mistley, Manningtree
Young John, North Woolwich e agent), chief district office, Railway Meeson William 'raylor, Battles bridge.
Abbey Wharf Coal Co. (J. M. Gilchrist, station, Southend; depots (Walter 8.0; & Great Doggetts, Rochford S.O
manager), Abbey lane, West Ham e Brown, agent), Low st. Leigh, Chelms- Mellonie Thomas (factor),49 High street;
Abbott, Bush M. H. & Co. High rd. Ley- ford; (Alfred l"ife, agent), Railway depot, Hythe quay, Colchester
tonstone e. ; & Leyton road, Leyton station, Pitsea, Chelmsford; Railway Miller Joshua & Sons, Dunmow S.O
Abbott M. & Co. L. &: N. W. R. Coal station, Buckhurst hill; (James Mast, Money Henry, 120 High st. Colchester
depot, Barking rd. Canning tn e agent), Chipping Ongar 8.0.; (Cor- Morgan Edward Henry, Little Baddow
Alden R. A. & Sons, Ballingdon, Sudbry nelius Ellis Kerry, agent), z Short mill, Little Baddow, Chelmsford
Alien Robert, Railway station, Sible Wyre st. Colchester; Railway station, Moy Thomas, Hythe quay & Head street,
Hedingham, Halstead Leytonstone e.; (Thomas nichard- Colchester; Station, Ardleigh, Col-
Ardley Mrs. E. Railway station, Halstd son, agent), Loughton; Railway chester; Hythe quay, Colchester;
Balding Charles Francis &: Co. Wood station, Snaresbrook e. ; (Thos. H. Railway station, Halstead; Kelvedon;
street, Walthamstow Hunt, agent), Low St. station, West Sible Hedingham, Halstead; Angel
Barnard Thomas & Edmund, Harlow Tilbury, Grays 8.0.; & Railway lane, Stratford e.; & Witham
Barnard Geo. Hayden, High st. & Rail- station, Woodford. See advertisement Murrell Rabert, Virley, Kelvedon
way station, Saffron Walden; Great Gladstone & Co. Bridge rd. Stratford e Mustard William, Weeley, Colchester
Eastern railway, Littlebury, Saffron Glenny B. W. Town Quay whf. Barking Nash Stephen, South street, Romford
Walden; Parsonage house, Newport, Goodey D. Fambridge (North), Maldon Newman J. &Sons, Cobbold rd. Wanstd e
Bishop's Stortford; Station, Audley Goodwin Bros. I North row, North Nice W. &Son, Cruikshank rel. Forestgt (:
End & Wendens Ambo, Saffrn.Walden Woolwich & Railway stn. Silvertown ~ Nice William, Leyton road, Leyton
Beach W. & Son, Rainsford Road depot, Gould & Sons, High street, Loughton Nicholson Mrs. William, New hall.
G. E. R. goods station, Chelmsford Gray Edwin, jun. Hoe street & Selborne Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester
Beard John, Church St. brwry.Coggeshll road, Walthamstow Nokes John, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford
Belsham Isaac & Son, Upper Railway Green, Holland & Sons (coal exporters), Nunn T. Taversham, Epping ho. Loughtn
st. Braintree; & Heybridge, Maldon Victoria docks e Osborne John, 6 Alexandra st. Southend
Blyth John George, Mile end, Colchester Green George, Little Hayes, Stow Maries, Parker C. Hurrell, The Hytbe, Maldon
Bourne John Dupre, Rainham, Romford Maldon Parker J. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon
Brooks William & Son, Mistley, Man- Gregory Alfred James, Embyn house, Partridge J. Leigh, Chelmsford; Br,
ningtree; & at Colchester Sebert road, Forest gate e at Southend .
Brown &Son, New goods station,Chelms- Groves John, Railway station, Braintree; Porter Thomas, Burford rel. Stratford e. ;
ford; & Coates whf. Springfld.Chlmsfd Dunmow S.O.; & Railway station, & Edmund terrace, Ham Frith road,
Browne John L. Hythe quay, Colchester Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Forest gate e
Byford John, Bridge wharf, Barking rd. Hardy Charles, Whytes Tyrens, Butts- Rankin AIfd. Mottram & Hugb, Little-
& G. E. R. coal depot, Canning town e burY,Ingatestone Stambridge, Chelmsford
Cackett Frederick, Hull bridge, Hock- Hardy WaIter, Sun wharf, Railway Reynolds Chrstphr. J. Chipng. OngarS.O
ley, Chelmsford station, Brentwood. See advert Rickett, Smith & Co. High street &Angel
Chadwick In. K. Station rd. SffronWaldn Hare George, Old Barrack ground, lane, Stratford e.; Barking road, Can-
Chalk William, Patmore & Thomas, Gold Moulsham street, Chelmsford ning town e.; North Woolwich e.;
street, Saffron Walden Harris James, South Shoebury, Southnd Railway terrace, Forest lane, Forest
Champion Edwin, L. & N. W. R. coal Harvey &: Brasher, Heybl'idge, Maldon gate e.; Station, Leyton; & Hoe street
depOt, Barking road, Canning town e Harvey Geo. & Son, Gothic ha. Wiven- station, Walthamstow
Chaplin Richard Henry (John Newman, hoe, Colchester; &: Head street & Robinson Thos. Phoonix mill, Ardleigh,
agent), Sible Hedingham, Halstead Hythe quay, Colchester Colchester
Cheetham Jsph. Junction rd. Brentwood Harvey Hayward, Heybridge, MaIdon Rogers S. S. & Co. Stansted Mountfitchet,.
Chisnall Alfred, North st. Manningtree Havers Raymond, Ingatestone Bishop's Stortford
Clapham George Dixon, Dunmow S.O Hawkins Aaron, Heath, Hatfield, Harlw Roofe WaIter Chas. Butt rd. Colchester
Clark John, jun. High street, Halstead Hawkins Henry F. C. (&: manager for Rudduck &: Co. Colne road, Coggeshall
Colchester Coal Co. (Edward Death, Clay Shipping Co.), Burnham, Maldon Rust William, Wharf, Vange, Romford
manager), 13 Queen st. Colchester & Heath Bros. (coal & oyster merchants), RuttS.AbbottNotcutt,Fullbridge,Maldn
Hythe quay Wivenhoe, Colchester Seabrooke & Sons, Grays S.O
Coleman William, Harlow Hernaman Samuel John, 8 Crouch Sewell W. Alfred, Alexandra st. Southend
Cooper John Wm. Albert rd. Plaistow e street, Colchester & Hythe quay Silve't'ton Coal Co. (J. Forrest, secretary),
Cornwell George, Kelvedon Hicks Edward & Sons, Stansted Mount- Railway station, Silvertown e
Cory Wm. & Son, Victoria docks e ntchet, Bishops Stortford Smith Frank, High street, Great Ilford.
Cressall G. & W. Bridge street, Halstead Hill Robt. IQ King's Head st. Harwich & High street, Romford
Crosby Charles, Rowhedge, Colchester Hine Herbert, Epping Smith Henry, Witham
Cross WilIiam, Cuhoer street & Hythe Huntley WaIter Charles, Hoe St. station Sorrell David, 18 Friars pI. Chelmsford:
quay, Colchester &: St. James' street, WaIthamstow Sproul William Henry & Co. Harrow
Daldy & Co. Railway station, Brentwood; Hunwick Arthur, Church st. Coggeshall green, Leytonstone e.; & High street,.

depots, East street, Barking &: High Hymas In. Fambridge (South), Hchfrd Stratford bridge e
street,Great Ilford; South st. Romford; Jackson L. 69 St. James' I'd. Forest gt e Stanway Randle, NewWritHe st. Chlmsfd
Grays S.O.; Rainham, Romford ; Ratl- Johnson W. & Son, Railway coal depot, Stevens John, Threadneedle st. Chlmsfrd
way station, Stanford-le-Hope, Rom- Braintree Sutton Sml. Thos. Fisher stnet, Barking
ford; & (Robert Henry Townshend, Jordan William, Spital road, Maldon Tanner Charles W. & Sons, 351 High
agent), South Benfleet, Chelmsford Kemp &: Reynolds, Bradwell- juxta- street, Stratford e.; & High road «
Deveson E. Broadway & Fisher st. Brkng Mare, Maldon George Lane station, Leytonstone e
Eagle Henry John, Strood wharf, West Kerry Ellis, 4 Bellevue villas, North Tarling T. J. 13 Borthwick rd. Wanstead
Mersea, Colchester Station road, Colchester TheobaJd & Sons, coal depot, New goods
Eve Henry Tllomas & Co. Fullbridge, Knight Samuel, Head street &: Wharf, railway station j & Railway arches,
Maldon & at Heybridge, Maldon Halstead Chelmsford
Tite Benj. Michael & Sons, Chingford; Henderson Augustus, 82 Woodstock COKE MANUFACTURERS.
Hoe st. & St. James' st. Walthamstow street, Canning town e Grays Chalk Quarries 00. Limited(Robt.
'Iomlin Daniel & Thos. Leigh, Chelmsford Holmes John J ames, 8 Holloway down, F. MacGregor, man.; Alfred W. Chan-
Tucker W. & Co. I Broadway, Forest gt e Leytonstone e ner, sec.), GrayI' S.O. ; & High street,
Vaux & Franks, Royal Naval yd. Harwch Howard W.48 Chatsworth rd.Forest gt e Stratford
1ictoria Dock Coaling Co. (coal expor- Jacobs T. 9 Rathbone st.Canningtown e COKE MERCHANTS.
ters), Victoria Docks e Jarrett Edward, North Woolwich e
Vinter J. 0. Hythe quay & St. Botolph Jeans Samuel, 7 Station road, Plaistowe See Coal !J" Coke Merchants.
street, Colchester Kite Wm. Geo. 33 Broadway, Stratford e COLLAR DRESSERS.
Walford Alfred & Co. Lower Railway st. Lewis James, 105 Victoria Dock road e See Shirt lJ' Collar Dressers.
Braintree. See advertisement Lucas James (temperance) ,22 Wadding-
Walker Johu, New town, Walthamstow ton street, New town, Stratford e COLLAR MAKERS-LEATHER
Warren Frederic & Co. Angel lane & Middleton Charles, 3 West Ham lane e See Horse Collar Makers.
Martin street, Stratford e.; George MonsearMrs.Maria,Ongar rd.Brentwood COLLECTORS-RENTS &
Lane station, Leytonstone e.; Snares- Mottley Thomas, Woodhouse road, DEBTS.
brook; 9 Wellesley road, Wanstead e.; Leytonstone e Green James Water lane Stratford"
Hoe Street station; & Hale end, Nichols James, Leyton road, Leyton Harvey Albert High street' Romford
Walthamstow 6
Nighy John, High st1"eet, Great Ilford Norton Wm. Ham ter. West Ham la e
Warren & Humphreys, Rayleigh wharf, Norman Wm.M. M~rsh st.Walthamstow Smerdon William Fullwood, Alpha cot-
Maldon Ofwood George, Railway terrace, Forest tage Sophia road Leyton
Wells & Perry, junrs. Station yard, lane, Forest gate e Tyler 'Samuel Bodking end Bocking
Duke street, Chelmsford; Springfield Outing John, 3 Lavina terrace, Angel Braintree ' "
wh~rf, Spri~gfield, Chelmsford; & lane, Stratford e '. Wetherill Arthur,' High st. Great Ilford
. ' RaIlway statIOn, Ingatestone. Pearson George, Heath street, Barkmg Whitehead Thos. D.Forest la.Forest gate e
White Wm. Cecil & Co. Sun street; & Pike Samuel, 77 Victoria Dock road e COLLEG ES
High Bridge street, WaItham abbey Pledger Alfred, Chestnut walk, Wal- •
Wbitlock H. E. Great Yeldham, Halstead thamstow See Schools lJ' Colleges.
Whitwell Coal Co. L. & N. W. R. coal Porter Robert, Bridge street, Halstead COLLIERY AGENTS
depot, Barking road, Canning town e Quorn William, Market pI. Forest gate e • •
Wood Edward & Co. South Bentley, Rayner Reuben, Queen's rd. Brentwood See A.gents Coal t! Collzery.
- Chelmsford; & at Greenwich Redington HenIJ', High street, Romford COLLIERY OWNERS.
Wooldridge H. Railway st. Woodfrd. .grn Regan Jame~,~99High street, Stratford e Girling James & Henry (J. A. Wardell,
Worlan~ James & Son, Wharf street, ReY~IOlds WIlham, Loughto~ dist. agent), chief district office, Rail-
,Cannmg town e : . Rob~nson Henry, I DevonshIre terrace, way station, Southend; depots, at Low
"orland Hen!)', 43 'VIctOrIa Dock rd e HIgh street, Str~.tford.e st. Leigh; & Pitsea ; also at London &
YeadonW.SCTIvener,Hythequay, Colchsr Russell John, 82 "mdmIllla.Stratfo~de principal stations on Great Eastern
O UST .....ANU or. St. Jame$' Coffee HQuse (Mark WhIte, railway & branches. See advert
C AL D .DI. F .£\oS. manager), St. James' st.Walthamstow
Christy Fell, Broomfield Rd. iron works, Saltau George, Barking side, Ilford COLOR MANUFACTURERS.
Chelmsford Scott William Henry, Kelvedon Clark R.lngham&Co.WestHam abbeye
Shearman William, 4 Colchester terrace, Hodson Harry & Co. Sugar House lam,.,
t OCK FOU tilDE. RS Angellane, Stratford e Stratford e
Calley Wm. & Thos. Barkingrd.Plaistwe Simkins George, High rd. Leytonstone e lles Benjamin & Co. Magnet chemical
Smith John, North Woolwich e works, Marsbgate lane & Magnet
COFFEE. ~OOMS. Sneary Mrs. Charlotte, 3 Graving Dock wharf, High street,Stratford e
See also Ihmng Rooms. terrace,NorthWoolwich rd.Silvertowne Jenson & Nicholson, Warton rd.Stratfd e
Abbott Thos. Barking rd. Canning tn e Southan Edward Henry, Wood street, Wiggins & Rihll, Victoria Dock road e
Alldis F. Ilford road, Little llford Walthamstow
Bairstow Mrs. S. 5 Bridge rd. Stratford e Stratford Thomas, Heath st. Barking Gorringe Richard & Co. Brewery road,
Baker Humphrey Lee, Culver st. Clchstr 'faylor George, Fisher street, Barking Caledonian road, London n. Bee advt
Bardwell M. Harrow gn. Leytonstone e Thorogood J. Prittlewell S.O Hubbuck Thomas & Son, 24 Lime st.
Barnes William Henry, I Gordon ter- Turner William, 280 High st.Stratford e London e. c. See advertisement
race, North Woolwich rd. Silvertown e Victoria Coffee Bar,Osborne st. Colchstr COLORMEN.
Beasley R. Chesnut walk, Walthamstow Viney William, 9 1 Victoria Dock road e See Oil & Colormen.
Bird Frank, Wood street, Walthamstow WaIters C. Great Eastern rd.Stratford e
Bradley William, 5 CIarendon terrace, WaIters Hy. Wm.300 High st.Stratforde COLOR MERCHANTS.
Leytonstone road, Stratford Ward John, New road, Barking Kent & Blaxill, I03&104High st.Colchstr
Breens George, High street, Great llford White Alfred, 8 Broadway, Stratford e Mills Chas. & Son, 96 High st. Colchester
British Workman Coffee House (Harry WiO'gins & Rihll Victoria Dock road e
Randa~l, m~n.), Vallentin rd. Wlth~tw COFFEE TAVERNS. Williams & C().1'5 2 &153 High st.Colchstr
Brooks FranClS John, North WOOIWICh .
road, Canning town e Abbey Coffee T.a'IJeT'1t ~ Comme:f:lal Hotel COLZA OIL REFINERS.
B1'oomfield Coffee House (Charles Thos. (G. A. CastIlI, manager), HI~h street, Rose Sir W. A. & Co. 66 Upper Thames
Deverill, man.), Broomfield, Chlmsfrd Saffron Wal~en. See advertIsement street, London e.c. Refiners of the
Bushell J. Prince's road, Buckhurst hill Beacon, 262 HIgh stre~t, Stratford, e " Harp Brand" pure lighthouse
Carlisle Wm John North Woolwich e Coffee Tavern (Fred.KIddle, proprIetor), colza oil
Chalk Henry: Chad~ell heath Vic~oria terrace, opposite Railway COMB MAKER
Clark John 93 High street Stratford e statlOn, Brentwood .
Clark Mrs. 'Susan, Fisher street, Barking Day Chas. Pelly road, .Plaistow e Spencer Wm.Thos.St. Andrew'srd. Rmfd
Clement William, I Alice cottages, Plais- Hop~ Coffee lJ' Readmg Rooms ~John COMMERCIAL AGENTS.
tow road Plaistowe Wmter, man.), Gt. Bardfield, Bramtree '" A t n _:_1
Clenshaw J., H. Lea Bridge road, Leyton K'ddlI .e F r ed .•.
F'et . t
1 ona errace, OppOSI e
't /Jee gen s-wommeTr;uf,(,.
Crichton Robt. Douglas, East st. Colchstr RaIl.way ~tatlOn, Brentwood . COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS.
Crowe George, North Woolwich e Phcn1.t$ (" m. Horsley,manager), Friars See Travellers-Commercial.
Dorrington Alex. High street, Brentwood place, Chelmsford . COMMISSION AGENTS.
Drake Wm. HiO'h street Great Ilford Rochford Coffee t! Readzng Room.9 Co.
Fairweather & S~ns, 15 C~ver st. Clchstr Lim.(Mrs.Martha Hales Whittingham, See Agents-Commission.
Faulkner W. Romford road, Little Ilford manager~ss),Rochf?rdS.O COMPOSITION :MANUFRS
FisherThomas Hohbs, l Platt's buildings, ~onse DavId John, HIgh st. Brentwood FOR SHIPS' BOTTOMS. .
Victoria docks e fhorpe Wm. Selborne rd. Walthamstow
Frost In.HighBridgest.Walthamabbey Victoria Coffee Publfc House (Edward Suter Hartm~nn & Co. Royal Albert
Gager Mrs. Sarah,Swain street,Brantree Bowmaker, proprIetor), A~exandra docks, Canmngt?WD" .
Gray Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 High st.Plaistw e street, Southend. See advertIsement Leadbetter& Co.Shlrley st.Cannmg twn e
Hall Mrs. Susanr New Beckton, North Workman's HalllJ' Co1[ee Tavern (Alfred CONCER'r AGENTS.
Woolwich e
Drew manager), Chlgwell row S A + r<
ee gen.s-.,AJnCC1'.
HS~ia.\~~r~;s. .Jane, Leytonstone road, COKE DEALERS. CONCRETE-BUILDER- IN.
Harvey J.3AngeI ter.ARgella.Stratford e See Coal !J" Coke IJealerlJ. See Builder in Concrete.
446 ~o~ ESSEX.

CONDENSER .AKERS. Hampton R Leytonstone rd. Leytnstn e Sedger J. E. 42 Forest st. Forest gatee
Pavey, Paxman & Co. (steam), Standard Hanchet W.D. Church st.WalthamAbbey Shead ~rs-. Susan, .13 West Ham lane e
iron works The Hythe Colchester Hancock John, 13A , St. Botolph street & Sheldnck S. 101 HIgh at. Colchester
" 11 Crouch street, Colchester Simpson G, R. Magdalen st. Colchester
CO~FECTIONERS-WHOLE- Handley George David, High st. Maldon Smith WIll. West Ham lane 11
SALE. Handley Henry, High street, Maldon Spray M. Mrs. Chestnutwlk. Wltbmstw
F1axman Sanil G. Salway Pd. Stratford e Hardy Herbert,170Moulsham st.Chlmsfd Stannard R. 5 Broomfield rd. Chelmsfrd
Bancock Bros.Cromwell road, Colchester Hay George, 15 & X7, & 40 & 42 Broad- Stephens W. Forest lane, forest gate .,
Keiller Jas. & Son, Tay whf.~ilvertown e way, Stratford e Strange Geo.Sun street, WalthamAbbey
Miller & Cole, George street, Plaistow e Heron Mrs. Mary; 1: Trinity place, Taylor David, Dunmow 8.0
Morrison, Wood & Co. Abbey lane, West Barking road, Canning town e Towsey John, High rd. Leytonstone e
Ham e Hester Henry, 192 High st. Stratford e Tracy Joseph P. 12 High st. & Culver
Richards George William, 22 Long Wyre Hicks J oseph, 32 High street & 90 Duke street, Colchester .
street, Colchl'st~r street, Chelmsford' Turner Joseph,6 Colchester tel'. Angel
Volckman William &; Charles, 338 & 340 Hicks Thomas Frederick, Felsted 8.0 lane, Stratford e
High street, Stratford e Higgins Rchd.A. 6 Prince's ter.Plaistow e Twinn Mrs. Susan, High st. Brentwood
Wood Chas. A. See Momson, Wood & Co Hoffman Frk. I Woodford ter. Forest gt e Wabon R. W. King st. Saffron Walden
Homan Henry, High st. Saffron Walden Wackrill John, Burnham, Maldon
OONFECTIQNERS AND Honey Henry, 59 Church street & 4 Watts Samuel & Son, Main road, Dover·
PASTRY COOKS. Market street, Harwich court, Harwich
Adey Josiah Aaron, Rayleigh 8.0 HoweII Henry, Ingatestone Whenn Robt. 2 Broadway, Forest gate (J
Alderson Mrs. Janet, 82 Leyton road, Hunsdon Jas. 36 Alexandra st. Southend Wicks Mrs. Sarah, Rayleigh S.O
New town, Stratford tI Joslin Mrs. Eleanor, 22 Long' Wyre Wilson Wm. Albemarle st. New town,
Arrow Henry, Leyton road, Leyton street, Colchester Harwich'
Bakel" Miss Letitia Ellen, SI Maryland Knight Miss Julia,93 High st. bhlmsfrd Witherick Samuel, 174 Leyton rd. NeW'
road, Stratford, Lake Hy. 139 L~lliput rd. Canning town e town, Stratford tI
Banks Charles, top of :High street, Col- Lawrence John, Chipping Ongar S.O Wright J. High st. Walton-on-the-Naze
chesror. See advertisement Lawrence Wm. R. 9 Eagle pI. Ft>rest gt e S.O
Bannerman J .•, Maryland pt. Strtfrd e Lee George, Thaxted 8.0 Wykes C. 11 & 12 Market pI. Southend
Barnard Mrs. Thomas, DunmoW' S. 0 Lee Harry, Baddow road, Chelmsford Yuris Chas. 220 High st. Stratford e
Barker Jas. Market hill, SaJIron Walden Lewin Willia.m, High street, Maldon Zurhorst Alfred, 26 Victoria Dock rd e
Barrett Frederick, Wivenhoe, Colchester Lowe Jas. George, High st. Great llford CONSULTING ENGINEERS.
Bedwell Mrl!. Amelia, 6 Wellington Lucas Ephraim, 54 & 55 High street, S. e E in e?' -Cons It·
place, Lower Southend, SOuthend Colchester. See advextisement 8 ng e s U l'nfl.
Bennett Charles, Dedha.1I1 S.O Lucas Mrs. Sarah, 30 Leyton road,New. CONTRACTORS.
Bettis Miss Clara, I Bl'dford villas, town, Stratfqrd e - See also Army 4" Navy COlltractors.
Victoria road, Romford Macriner Rbt.29 Hermit st. Canning tn e Abbott J. 4 Sylvester rd. Walthamstow
BlackwellSimmonds,Woodst.Wlthmstw Marsden George,. Little Hallingbury, Allen Josph. Wm. & SQIl, Joseph villa,
Boreham Geo. T. Crown st. Brentwood Bishop's'Stortford . Wilmot road, Leyton .
Boyton D. 112 & 114 High st. Braintree Maskell Miss Sarah,54 High st.Plaistowe Amey Joseph, Beulah rd. Walthamstow
Bullock William~ 35 Crouch st. Colchstr Mays Austin, Broadway, Barking Bailey James, Hope cottage, Princes
Calliford Charles, 14 High st. Plaistow e Mead Charles~ 76 'West street, Harwich road,.Buckhnrst hjll
Campbell Mrs. EllenM., Leyton I'd. Lytn Mead Mrs. Eliza, Blackmore, Ingatestn Baker James, Railway st. Chelmsford
Campbel1Jn.G.20 Alexandra. st.Southend Mead Thomas, Witham Baseley Henry I. Royal mews, Southend.
Cater Alfred, East hill, CQlchester r Merry John, ij'igh street, Brentwood See advertisement
Cater Charles Edmund, opposite the Middleditch Edward, High st. Maldon Bell William & Sons, Saffron Walden
Cattle market. Middleborough Mills George, IS Tindal st. Cbelmsford Bentley John, Sun st. Waltham abbey
Cater Mrs. Emma, Magdalen st.Colcbstr Mitchell Samuel, 141 Le)'ton road, New Body John & Co. Burchell rd. Leyton e
Cater John T. 44 Culver st. Colchester town, Stratford 6 .. Brickell John, Cranborne tel'. White
Cater William J. 27 North hill, Colchstr MorrisoD Brothers, Woodgrange bakery, Post lane, Little Ilford
Cater Wm.NathanieI, Priory st. Colchstr Earlham cross, Forest gate e Brown James & Alfred, Braintree
Clark Robert, High street, Halstead Mount David~ Church street, Cogg~shall Brown J ames, Braintree; Chelmsford;
Clarke Miss Elizabeth, Felsrod S.O Muir J ames, 2 Parade Hoe street & & 2 Broad Street buildings, London e.c
Clarke Samuel, 10 Market st. Harwich Boundary road, Walthamstow Brown John,34 Milton street, Southend.
Combs In. St. James' Bt. Wa1tham~tow }4uskett William, Market'}}lace & South See advertisement T

Cooper: E~kiel, Backing .end, Braintree street, Romford Bunton A. J. West Grove rd. Wood-fd. go
Craske John, 21 Tindal st. Chelmsford Newall Wm. 123 Lill'lput rd. Canning tn e Capon Frands B. Brook st. Manningtree
Darby Ambrs. Tt Moulsham st. Chlmsfd Newland Miss Amelia, 5 Maudley Carey, Stilwell & Birch, steam plough-
Davies A. & M. Pier avenue, Clacton-on- . terrace, Leytonstone road, Stratford IJ ing & engineering wrks. Rochford 8.0
Sea, {Jolchesror Norris Mrs. Elizabeth, Felsted ~.O . Clark & Winch,North Weald, Epping
Digby Chrstphr. C. '12 Head st. Colchstr Norris John, Witham - CrompOOn R.E.& Co.( electric machinery),
Digby Ja~es C. 14 Merses rd. (Jolchester alley Thos. Southminster, Maldon Anchor works, Mowsham st. Chelms-
Dilliway George, Burnham, Maldon Osborne William, Burnham, Maldon ford; office, Mansion House buildings,
Drake James Henry, High st. Brentwood Palmer Miss E. Billericay, Brent1food London e. c. See advertisement
Dyck Jas. tSA, Station rq. Forest gate e Palmer Saml. Rack-ham, Marine place, Eddington W. & S. & Co. New Street iron
Eve Henry, 9 Railway street, Chelmsford Walton-on-the·Naze 8.0 works, ()helmsford if & 60 Queen Vie-
Fairweather Edgar, 126 High st.Colchstr Parish James, 97 High st. Braintree toria st. London e.e
Farr & Clark, East stTeet., Barking Parker Wm. Patteraon, Dunmow 8.0 Eede Thomas, Walton Naze park, Wal-
FeweIl.Alfred, Chipping Ongal' S.O Pearson Mrs. Anne.. 1:56 MajOl' rd. New ton-on-tbe-Naze S.O. See advert
Foulkes Samuel, 4 & 5 Lavinill,--terrace, r wwn, 8ti'atford e • I \ Egan John, Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill
Angel1ane, St.ratford e Penati & Co. Prospect pI. Forest gate e Forshaw Jabez, Eagle terrace, Clacton-
Freshwater Mi5s Susanllalr, Woodfd. gn Perry Mrs. .E. 29 Duke st. Chelmsford on-Sea, Colchester
Gambiragio Louis, 246 High st. .8trtfd e Phillips MisS' Annie, High street, Leyton French Mrs. Elizabetb, Holly cottage,
Gardiner Mrs. Elizabeth, Cross street, Phillips Josepb, High street, Romford Epping New rd: Buckhurst hill
Saffron Walden .' Piper Wm. M. 82 & 84 High st. Brain~ree Fulcber Edward, London rd. Plaistow 4
GardinerWilliam,Toweroottage,Walton- Pluckrose A. W. Chestnut wlk. Wlthstw Fuller G. A. &I A. (dredging), Barge
on-the-Naze S . O . . Popplewell Wm. 8 NelsOD teT. CIifftown~ House landing wharf, draw dock &
. GenQwer Fredk. 9 Station rd. Forest gt e S o u t h e n d ' mud shoots, North Woolwich e.; office,
Gibbs Mrs. :E. 3 Maryland pt. 8trtfd e Powell S. !" 140 MQulsham st. Chelmsfd Lion wharf, Millwan e
Gill Henry 8ylvanus, FuHbridge, Maldon Prance~. ju,n. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Fuller Edward, Beulah rd.Walthamstow
Gill Richard, Leyton road, Leyton Ra..wlings J~ t3& The Grove, Stratford e Glenny Benjamin Wallis~ Town Quay
Goldthwaite O.C. Churchend,Wlthmstw Ra.yner C. Se-lOOme rd.. Walthamstow wharl, Barking I

Gower James, High street, Maldorl Richards Miss E. 76 Duke st. Cbelmsfd Godbolt & So», steam joinerr works,
Grayston Ohas. Market pI. Forest gate e Richards G~ W. 22 Long Wyre st..CIchstr Cr.omwell road, Brentwo09 ,
GundlachJacob,Queen'srd.Buckhursthl Roberts MrIl.Jane, Hillericay, Brentwood Goodwin Brothers, 1 North. row, North
Gurynne Geo. J.R. & Co. High st. Maldon Robinson Miss E. South street, Romforq , Woolwicb; &I Railwa.y statu. Silvertu
Hall %3 East hill, CeIehester 8argent RobeTt; NOl'tll ~reet, Halstead Gould G. & Sons, High st. Loughton
Hammond Wm. :Marsh -st. Walthamstow Scott Henry~ Rochford B.O
. ' .;1.
Gregar WIn. Wharton road, StMJ,tford e
<.. \0 •
• Grimes Jos. North Gate wks. Colchester Butcher Edwin, Epping 'CORDIAL MAKER.
Gunn Edwin Stephen,3 West st. Harwich Church J sph. Great Warley. Brentwood Pascall George Wm. 46 & 47 High street
Bamlin George, Barking side, llford Clayton James, I Station I'd. Plaistow ~ ,chelmsford '
Hammond John,Gt. Warley, Brentwood Cottys Robt. Ford st. Aldham. Clchstr CORK MANUFACTURERS
Hammond John, Warley road, South Cl'ow Thomas. Market hill. Coggeshall ~
Weald, Brentwood Darby Uriah, Finchingfield, Braintree Audrews J~eph Edward, 90 & 92 HIgh
Hammond J. S. Hill house, Romford Davey Geo. Wm. Duke St.flds. Chlmsfrd street, Br~mtree .
(Harris George, 2 Wellingtou vj.llas, Dennish \Yiiliam, Southminster, Maldon Hale Fred~rIck Wm. I East hill, (''lchstr
Albert road, Forest gate e Garnell George, Broadway, Barking Smart MISS Martha, 80 Angel lane,
Harris e Hitchcock John Bloomfield, 34 North Stratford e ..
Hosking George John, Upton lane & 27 hill, Colchester '- CORK CARPET MANUFAC-
Sylvan road, West Bam e Houlton Augustus, Stisted, Braintree TURERS
Jackson Jesse, Grove house, Leyton Hug~es In: Thos. Hill st. Saffron Walden Jeune & Co. Limited S~ar House lane
Jackson John, Paul street, West Ham e JerVls DaVld, Magdalen st. Colchester Stratford ~ ' ,
Jackson Joseph, Sylvan I'd. West Ham e Josling Wm.Little Waltham, Chelmsford
Johnson W, & Son, Railway coal depot, King John, Billericay, Brentwood CORN & FLOUR DEALERS.
Braintree Mann Thomas. Earls Colne, IJalstead' Abbott Jas. Maynard rd. Walthamstow
Lipscomb Louis H. Beulah rd.Wltqmstw Maskell Abraham. jnn. Frating. Colchstr Armes Charles, Wood st. Walthamstow
Martin George, Dyers lane. Putney s.w Mays William, Rayleigh 8.0 Balls WaIter, Tendring, Colchester
Martin;J. W. 148A, The Grove, Stratfd e Newman Chas. Isaac, Crown st. Brntwd Barnard Benjn. Wm. Leigh. Chelmsford
Mauldin John. 1 Church tel'. Barking Ponder Robert, Marks Tey, Colchester Bax Frederick, High street. Leyton
road. CanDIng town e Purkis lsaac. Head street, Halstead Beard Wm. Hy. Hornchurch, Romford
Moran John, 54 West st. Harwich Purkis lsaac, SibleHedingham, Halstead Belcham Francis Wm. High st. Southend
Nichols Wm. 4 Mount Pleasant terrace, Radley George. High street, Maldon Bennett Gel'. P. 30 Forest st. Forest gt e
Barking road, Canning town e Reading Joseph & Son, Birchfield cott. Blandon Hy. West Stockwell st.Clchstr
Norton 'rhos. & Son, Stratford e Barking road, Canning town t Boltwood Chas. Springfield hill, Spring-
Palmer George, Back st. Brentwood Salmon John, jnn. Stebbing, Chelmsford field. Chelmsford
Parmenter Samuel Catley, Upper Rail- Sayer Henry. Witham Bowman Mrs.. Haniet,3I Stephenson
.way st. Braintree; & Church 15t. Unwin Thomas, Thaxted S.O street, Canning town e
Bocking, Braintree Waylett Charles. Clayering. Bishop's Bowtle Henry. Wethersfield, Braintree
Parmenter Silas. Church st. Bocking, Stortford , Braine Frederick, Chingford
Braintree . White David. Market place, Romford BrewsterJonalhan, BrR(lfield, Manning-
Parnwell J. B. Whitwell I'd. Plaistow e Wicks Thomasl Wethersfield, Braintree tree; &; II King's Head st. Harwich
Parsons & Son, South st. Manningtree Wilson George, Church road. Leyton Britton John & Samuel, steam flonr mill,
Porter Thomas, High Garrett, Braintree Wright J oseph, Harltlw Southend; & Rayleigh
Puxley Abraham Cutting, Bradtield, Wyncoll Robert, Fingringhoe. Colchester Burton Robert. Dunmow S.O
Manningtree CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES. Buttery Gea. E. 7 9 ~alaam st. Plai~tow e
Reed J. Anth. Church end. Waltbmstw. .' . Cane Wm. So u6 HIgh street, Br2untree
Ridley Thomas Dawson, 4 Clarendon Bramtree.& West Esse~ Co-operAtIve & Clark George, Chadwellheath
villas; office, Parkeston, Dovercourt, Indn~rIal (Barnch "ood. manager), Clarke Miss Elizabeth, F.elsted S.O
Harwich ~ockmg. end & Church, street, Bock- Clayden George Hy. Church Td. Leyton
Ringwood Samuel, Portland house. Hol- mg, Bramtree . Coates Saml. Church end, Dunmow S.O
loway road, Leytonstone e •. Canning To~ Industrial &; Provident Cramphorn C. Warley road, Brentwood
Robson John James, Cecil villas, May- (F. H;. Martm, sec.). 107 ,Rathbonest. Crump W. C. The Square, Woodford gm
bank I'd: George lane, Leytonstone Cannmg town e .". J Curteys & Co. Glen terrace, Leyton road.
Runacres Wm. 34 Milton st. Southend Che~msfo:d ~tar Co-operatIve & InduS- Forest gate ce " '
Runnacles Harcourt Colchester· road tnal, LimIted (George Young. sec.), Davis Richard, u Station I'd. Forest gte e
Halstead' , Moulsham street. Chelmsford Davy David, 68 High street, Stratford e
,Scott Chas. John, 8 North hill, C!>lchstr Coggeshall ~ North Essex Co-operative Deal Isaac,];o Springfield la. Chelmsford
Sealey George, Main road, Harwich & Industr~al ,(John, Castle, .secretary Deal Sol,?~on H. 2 Duke !l~. Chelmsford
Sealey William, Mill Hill house. Dover-. & manager), Stoneham street, Cogges- Dunn WlllIam HenrY',. Eppmg
court, Harwich hall; (HenryThedem,branchmanager), Eaton Charles~ Leyton road, Leyton
Shelley Charles. Woodman road, Great Great Tey. Keh'edon ' , England & Bishop, Chatsworth road.
Wadey, Brentwood Colchester & East Essex Industrial. Cul- Forest gaiAi e
Smith Joseph. Chipping hill. Witham vel' st. & Long Wyre st. ~ Kendall rd. Evenett Edward,. Church st. West Ham e
Smith Samuel, Wadley rd. Leytonstone e Colchester . Farndell Mrs: ElImbeth, Coggeshall
Spendelow, Benjamin & Son. Milton st. ,Grays ThurrClck (Walter PrentIs. mall.), Flexman David, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford
. Southend Grays Thurrock 8.0 " Francis Geo. 133 Balaam st. Plaistow e
Steward William James 28 Park street Halstead Stores (H. W. Stott, man.), Freeman Frederick, Park road, Leyton
Southend. See advertisement 'Trinity street. Halstead French G. Cornish Hall end, Braintree
Stone Solomon Luke, Market place. Harwich & Dovercourt Industrial (Henry Frith Mrs. Martha Sarah, 206 High st.
Forest gate e Scott, sec.), 20. Churc~,s~. Harw!c1,l Stratford e
Streeter Timothy, Mill house, Southend Maldon & Heybridge, Limited (Wllbam Frost Samuel, :1:39 Le)'ton Toad, New
Strong Bros. Carpenter's I'd. Stratford e Cobbo~d, sec.~ John Dyer. manager), town, Stratfor~ ~
Tubby J amel;l, Church Hill rd.; workshop, Fullbridge, Maldon. . Fryatt J oseph. High street, Leyton
Vallentin road. Walthamstow Stratford (Albert Colman, sec.), 6oA, Gerres William, Green street, Plashet t
Unwin ,Alfred J. steam ploughing Maryland street, New twn. Stratford e Gould G. & Sons, High street, Loughton
works, East street, Coggeshall, Terling, Limited (Will~am ,Cl,tarles Nis- Greathurst Thos. Marsh st. Walthamstw
Wells Henry, Woodford green . OOtt, manager). Terhng, Wltham Greenwood James. Thaxted S.O .
Whiffin George & Sons. Station road & Tip~ree, Limited {George Kemp, man.), Gregory John, Heath streety Barking
, Debden road, Saffron Walden TIptr~ heath, Kelvedon ' Hewitt John, %03 Victoria Dock road e
Wilson EH, Bolly lodge, Vallentin road Walton-on~the-Naze(A.F. Yeadon, man- Hillard Thos. 47.Vicarage hi.. Stratford e
& North road, Walthamstow ager), HIgh st.Walton-on-the-Naze S,O Hobart In.& Son:,Le&.Bridgerd. Leyton
Wood Wm. Fairfi~ld, Duke st. Chlmsfrd COPPER MERCHANT. , Hollow & Caulton,Grove tel'. Woodford
WoodhamsFrancis Edward, Sutton st. J,' • . • Hubbard W. Crownfield rd. Leytonstnee
Southend. ~ee aavertisement Cuthbert Charles, Sheffield house. High. Hutchins Frederick, Low st. Chingford
road, Loughton Jackson R. Markhouse rd. Walthamstow
CONVENTS. COPPERPLATE PRINTERS. Jacobs Charles, II9 &; 120 Lilliput road,
Sef: Hospitals 4:c~ T h odey & Son,' . 64 & 66'' "'" I
n3, aam street, J
b G town'N" . h 'ur I ~ h
Plaistow e ' aco s eorge, ort " 00 WlC e
COOPE R S . arvis Samuel Finchingfield Braintree
Andrews .tosep'6 Edward. 90 & 92 High OO~PERSM;rTHS. Jeffery Edwd.'Cemetery rd. Forest gte e
street. Braintree Barnard Charles Henry, 4 King's Head Johnson James, Aveley, Romford "
Bearman George. Hatfield, Chelmsford street'& Bath side,. Harwich ' Jnll :BJ:lrOOrt, 5 Market place, Leyton-
Brown Stphn. 49 Coggeshall rd. Braintr Butcher William, Butt road, Colchester stone road, Stratf~ 4! .
Bullock Chas. 30A, Church st. Harwich Carter William; jun. & Co;, High street, Kerslake Thoma~ I Devonshire place1
Bunnett William, Manningtree Stratford eo', Barking road, Plaistow ~
Bush Thos. 4x Plai8tto~ rd.West Ham e Salter ~ohn&Sons,.NorthWoolwichnle King-William, ;Northgateat,..Colchester
448 tOR ESSEX. [ KELl.Y'S
CoRN k FlouR DE.~'LERS-continued. Simmons Thomas, Eve's corner, Dan- Landfield W. Leonard (exors. of), Grays
Lagden Wm, Church st. Saffron Walden bury, Chelmsford Thurrock S.O
Lake Arthr. Ben~all. High st. Wansteade Taylor Thomas Frederick, r Park lane, Laver Wm. R. Latchingdon, Maldon
Longhurst John. York house,. Barking Brentwood. road, Romford Ling Geo. B. 13 Tindalst. Chelmsford.
road, Canning town e Turner Charles Geo. 4 Larcher terrace, Lucas & BeaU, Billericay, Brentwood
Lucking Joseph, Chipping On"o-ar S.O Lilliput road, Canning town e Lugar In. B. Magdalen st. Colchester
Marrison Fredk. Wood st. Walthamstow Woodhouse John, Great sq. Braintree Marriage Edward & Son, East mills,
Martin Frncs. 2 Constance st. Plaistow e East street & Hythe, Colchester
MerreU George, 12 Cruickshank road, CORN & FLOUR MERCHANTS. Meeson William Merryfield, The Wharf,
Forest gate e Adams Thomas Francis &; Sons, Trinity Battles Bridge S.O.; & Hide hall,
Moss Archer &; Son, The Mills, Chad- street, Halstead Rettendon, Chelmsford
well heath Archer Frederick, Block House wick, St. Miller Henry & Co. Orford rd. Waltham-
Nash Arthur Thomas. IS West Ham la e Osvth, Colchester stow; & YI9 Clarence road, Clapton
Nash Thomas, Fryerning, Ingatestone; Beard John, Church Street brewery, Mills James, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester
& Mountnessing, Brentwood CoggeshaU Money Hy. 120 High street, Colchester
Orpen WaIter William, WaItham hall, BIyth Edwd. M. Witham mills, Witham Morgan Edward Henry, Little Baddow
Takeley, Chelmsford Brooks William & Son, MistIey, Mann- mill, Little Baddow, Chelmsford
Pallett William, High Bridge street, ingtree; & at Colchester Nunll Thomas Taversham, Epping ho.
Waltham abbey Brown Charles, Witham Loughton
Pannel! William, Black Notley, Braintree Brown Oswald, London road, Braintree Offord Wm. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester
Parkes Edward, East street, Colchester Budd R. F. & Co. Wood st. Walthaml'ltw Parker In. Bradwell-juxta-Mare,Maldon
Parmenter Hy. P. Ballingdon, Sudbury Chisnall Alfred, North st. Manningtree Parmenter Hy. P. Ballingdon, Sudbury
Payne Ja8. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Clapham George Dixon, Dunmow S.O Payze Brothers, High rd. Leytonstone e
Peake Charles Wm. Elmstead, Colchest1" Clay Shipping Co. (Henry Finch Croxon Phillips Joseph, High street, Romford
Phillips William, Station rd. Forest gte e Hawkins, coal me~hant, manager), Robinson Thomas, Phoonix mill, Ard-
Pigg John Thomas, Orsett, Romford Burnham, Maldon leigh, Colchester
Pigram Charles, 19 Sutton st. Southend Clayden John, Sun st. Waltham abbey Roger S. S. & Co.Stansted Mountfitchet,
Playle Frederick, Coggeshall road, Bock- Clover Owen, steam 60ur mills, Bridge Bishop's Stortford .
ing, Braintree street, Halstead Rogers Geo. F. 299 High st. Stratford e
Poole James &; Co. 35 Leyton road, New Cole George, Brook Street mill, Brook Rust Wm. Wharf, Vange, Romford
town, Stratford e street, Brentwood; & Billericay Rutt Stephen Abbott Notcutt. Full-
Purkis William, Aveley, Romford Cramphorn 'Thomas John Deeks, 17 bridge, Maldon
Richards Mrs. Ann,2 Victoria terrace, High street, Chelmsford. See advert Scott Charles, 52 New st. Chelmsford
High street, Plaistow e Cross S. & Son, High street, Maldon Scruby J ames, Ha~low
Richards Edwd. Church st. West Ham e Cross William, Cnlver street & Hythe Shead Hp-nry Newell, Green, Writtle,
Robinson Henry W. Queen st. Brentwood quay, Colchester Chelmsford; dr Railway ar. Chelmsfrd
Rowe Robert, Broadway, Barking Crossingham John, Gt. Warley,Brentwd Sizer John Henry, The Green, Great
Saunders James, Woodford Wells Darby Charles Daniel, 18 Springfield rd. Bentley, Colchester
Shead Wltr. I I & 13 Church st. Braintree Sp1"ingfield, Chelmsford &; 29 Mows- Smith Charles, Palmer's terrace, Grays
Sibley Henry, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon ham street, Chelmsford Thurrock S.O
Simons Wm. John, Devonshire house, Dare Francis, Steeple Bumpstd. Havrhll Smith Frank, High street, Romford; &
-London road, Southend Deveson Edward, Broadway & Fisher High street, Great Ilford
Skingley Henry, Woodford bridge street, Barking Smith }<'redk. 336 High st. Stratford e
Smith C. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Dyer Francis Wm. (& meal), Chigwell Smith George Alfred, Barking Road
Smith Charles Cooper, Harrow bridge, road, Chigwell granary & 2 Kelland's rd. Plaistow e
High street, Stratford e Eley Thos. Tower mill, Sible Hedingham, Smith Mrs. J. J. High street, Brentwood
Smith Frederick, 2 Gladstone terrace, Halstead Smith Thomas, Witham
Chu~h end, Woodford Eve Henry Thomas & Co. Fullbridge, Spencer William Stacey, Benfield bower,
Sneezum Lt Co. Milton road, Southend' Maldon &; Heybridge, Maldon Stansted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Strtfrd
Southgate Geo. Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford Evennett In. St. James' st. Walthmstw Stanford Arthur Henry, Honbridge hall,
Southgate Thomas, High street, Maldon Francis &; Co. East bridge, I65 High Great Oakley, Harwich; & at Beau-
Spalding WaIter, Model cottage, Green- street; tA, St. Botolph street &; The mont & Mistley, Manningtree
stead, Colchester Hythe, Colchester Stannard R. & W. Hull &; Distillery mills,
Taylor Edward, High rd. I.eytonstone e Garratt Samuel, Hoe mills, Woodham Colchester
'faylor Richard, Alexandra Bt. Southend WaIter, Maldon Stokes Geo. High st. Saffron Walden
Thurgood John, jun. Harlow Gayford Fredk. Harrow go. Leytonstn e Sworder Chas. B. Woodlands, Epping
Tokley Charles, Coppin's farm, Alpham- Gilby George King, South street & Tanner Charles Wm. & Sons, 351 High
stone, Colchester Crown chambers, South st. Romford st. Stratford e. & High rd. Leytonstone
Tucker Joseph, Marsh st. Walthamstow Gilbey Herbert, High st. Great Ilford Vandervord George & Emanuel, Lower
'fylor Edward, Billericay, Brentwood Gingell James, Theydon bois, Epping Southend, Southend
Underwood John Cremer, Lower South- GingelI John, Theydon bois, Epping Warren & Humphreys, Rayleigh wharf,
end, Southend Goodchild Thomas, Hill house, Great Maldon
Vass Daniel, 5 Station place, Selborne Yeldham, Halstead Whipps Arthur, Epping
road, Walthamstow Gooding William, Church st. Harwich Whistler J. B. & Son, High st.Plaistow e
Wakeling Moses, Harrow .rd. Leytnstnee Gray &; Son, Springfield Road brewery, White Wm. Cecil & Co. Sun street &
Watkins J n. 9 &ro Market pI. Forest gte e Chelmsford High Bridge street, Waltham abbey
WebsterWltr. In.Sth. Ockenden, Romfrd Green Arthnr,Dedham 8.0.; & Ardleigh, Whitlock Henry Edward, Great Yeld-
White & Batting, 132 The Gro. Strtfrd e Colchester ham, Halstead
White Emest Alfred, Rayleigh S.O Haiden Ed. Castle Hedingham, Halstead William Wm. Alfred, 409 High street,
White John, Street, Takeley, Chelmsford Harvey Chas. Gt. Wigborough, Colchster Stratford e
Winch Thos. Chestnut walk,Walthmstow Hempson Charles, Thorpe lodge, Thorpe- Wilson T. C. & Sons, Marks Tey, Colchstr
Woodcock J.]')e Carle, High st. Southend le-Soken, Colchester Wood Edward & Co. South Bentley,
Woollings Alfred, Orsett, Romford Hicks Charles, High street & Fullbridge, Chelmsford
Worland Wm. 40 Alice st. Ganningtwne Maldon Worland James & Son, 43 Victoria Dock
Young Henry, Abbey road, West Ham e Hicks Henry, Railway arches, Chelms- road & I Ordnance row, Barking road,
ford; & Springfield mill, Springfield Canning town e
CORN & FLOUR FACTORS. Hitchcock Edward Thomas, Queen's rd. CORN DRYER MANUFAC-
. Buckhurst hill TURERS.
Cramphorn Thos. John Deeks, 17 HIgh Isaacs Th?s: Rosslyn house, ~aldon Davey, Paxman & Co. Standard iron
streoet, Chelmsford. See advert Jacobs Wllham, Greenstead mills,Green- works The Hythe Colchester
Darby Charles Daniel,I 8 Springfield road, stead, Colchester "
Springfield, Chelmsford & 29 Moul- Johnson W. & Son, Railway coal depot, CORN MILL MACHINERY
sham street Chelmsford Braintree MANUFACTURERS.
Danes J. C. I 'Shirley st. Canning town e Johnson Fredk. Elmstead, Colchester W~ke Thomas Wm. & Co. Union
Lucking Christopher, granaries, near Joy Maurice Fras. Gt. Oakley, Harwich Iron works, Hornch~rch, Romfordj
Railway.station, Southend King Mrs. Jane, Grays Thurrock 8.0 branch foundry &depot, Romford
Moore J. rpper Railway st. Braintree King William, East st. CoggeshaU CORSET MAKERS.
Porter John, Gold street, Saffron Waldn Knight Samuel,Headst.& Wharf,Halsted See Stay cJ COTS" Makers.
-cOWKEEPERS. CUTLERS. Cordell Wm. Gt. .Baddow, (:helmsford
Set Dairyraen. . Cornwell Mark James, East Ham e ~
CBAPE MANU!'ACTURERS A~twood.S~ml.65 Coggshall rd.'Bramtree Coulson Mrs. S. 2 Hoy st. Canning twn e
• BIggS Wilham, 82 Broadway, Stratford e Cramp' Thomas George, 6 Devonshire
Courta~d Sam.uel & Co. C~urch 8tr~et, DockettyJohn,Shernha~st. WalthmstlV' terrace, Shirley st. Canning town e
Bockmg. Bramtree & Bramtree mills, Farmer Geo.& Hy.106 HIgh st.Colchester Dale Edward, Priory street, Colchester
Braintree; Hall street, Moulsham, Green Henry, 56 High st. Chelmsford DallistoneJn.2 Warmingtonst. Plaistw e
Chelmsford; & Balstead mills, Hal- Green James, 13 Duk~ st. Chelmsford Davis Henry, 21 Abbey stree~Plaistowe
stead HarveyGeo.Arthur, Pnttlewell,Southend Death Francis Joseph, Forest gate e
CREOSOTE M~rgan Saml. Castle st. Saffro.n Walden Dempsey John, 3 Victoria road, Barking
MANUFACTURERS Shirt Samuel, Back lane, Barkmg road Plaistow e
··et . Stebbings Robert, Market place,Romford Dench 'Jesse Harrow rd Le..·tonstone e
Budrt 'k Bou It & H aywood VI OrIa S 'bl'
rt ' trl lllg Albert CharIes, Hlg
. h st. Leyton Dickerson A., . J
I I Custom st.Canning twn e
J, ex;~' !t ~ d 0 Z: 't d Taylor Thomas, Market hill, Saffron DilworthJn 146Marylandrd Stratforde
eYR~sh ant daryt °tmp'Plo~ntos o. um e, Walden. See advertisement Dixon William Edward str~et ~hirley
le mon s ree , als w e Tr acey Thomas, Mag d aIen st. C 0 Ich ester street Canmng .' town e , t'
CRICKETING OUTFITTERS. Willis William Porter, Dunmow S.O Dobson George Edwd.Back st.Brentwood
Ballard John, 7 Duke street, Chelmsford DAIRYMEN & COWKEEPERS Dove Jesse, Billericay, Brentwood
SilcockFrank, Chipping Ongar S.O " Drake Joseph, Hornchnrch, Romford
CRICKET BAT MAKERS Abbott Bush M. H. & Co. High road, Dyer Francis William, Woodford bridge
·0 Leytonstone e.; & Leyton rd. Leyton e East Thos. Nightingale la. Wanstead 6
Br?wn George, Coval road, Chelmsford Adams Dennis, Turret pI. Great llford Ebbison Wm. 9 Crescent :rd. Plashet e
CrlCk Joseph, 88 Duke street,Chelmsford Adams John, Boundary rd. Walthmstow ElliQtt John &; Co. 62 !4ltt rd. Stratford,e
CRUCIBLE .AlIen In. & Sons, London rd. Wanstead e Ellis James, Milton road, Brentwood
MANUF ACTURERS. Anderson Geo. 5 Edward st. Canning tn e Ellis Thos. -T. I Blanch lit~ Canning towne
Crucible Company-The Pat. Plumbago Appleford Edwd. Windmill la. Stratford e Essex Farm. Dairy (Henry Gardner, pro-
(sole mfrs. of Morgan's & Salamander Appleford Jas. Major rd.New tn. Strtfrd e prietor), Harvey road, Leytonstone e
crucibles) i have received the highest Arnold Hy·S Huntingdonst.Canningtne Everitt Miss Mary An-n, 9 Victoria ter-
awards for crucibles wherever exhih- Arnold John, Dedham S.O race, Dovercourt, Harwich
ited. Battersea works, London S.t/J ArnoldJohn Simpson,New Writtle street, Felt,on Charles, Surrey street, 'plaistow e
The Morgan Crucible Company (The Chelmsford . Fisher Miss Mary Ann, Leytonstone
Patent Plumbago Crucible Co.), sole Bailes Thos. Prince's road,Buckhurst hill road, Stratford t
mfrs. of Morgan's & Salamander Bailey Adolphus, West bank, Barking FordhamAlfred Waiter, Little Thurrock,
crucibles, suitable for high &; low Baldwin George, Brook st. Manningtree Grays S.O
temperatures, last exhibit Frankfurt, Baldwin Mrs. Rebecca, Chigwell Francis William, North Woolwich (I
1881, only gold medal awarded. Banes & Son, 63 Broadway, Stratford e Freeman William, 87 Vicarage lane,
Battersea, London !t.W Banes Henry, 118 Romford rd. Strtfrd e Stratford e
Salamander Crucibles-The Morgan Banes John, I86 The Grove, Stratford Frost Thomas Henry,68 Howard's road,
Crucible Co. Battersea, London s:w Bardsley John, Leyton road, Leyton Plaistow e
CULLET MERCHANT Barker Edwd.Star p1.Dovercourt,Hrwich Fullford Thomas, Prittlewell, Southend
. • Barnard Charles, Grays Thurrock 8.0 Gebbett John J. 29 Anne st. Plaistow e
Martm Edward. Park road, Manor park, Barnes William, Brentwood rd. Romford Goode Charles, lIenniket street, New
East Ham e Barrett Wltr.Jn. 49 Whitwell rd.Plaistw e town, Stratford e
CURIOSITY DEALERS. BeaumontHy.Beachcroftrd.Leytonstnee Gould G. & Sons, High street &; Traps
Aldous Francis Jas. Mill rd. Chelmsford Beaumont Will~am, Pudrfleet, Romford hI. Borders & Alb~on faTIlls, Loughton
Gosnell WiIliam Butt oad Colche te Belcham FranCls, Lon on rd. Southen.d Goward James, Wnttle, Chelmsford
, r, s r Belcher Thomas,2 Charles street, Whlt- Gower Charles, 14 Duke st. Chelmsford
CURRIERS AND LEATHER well road, Plaistow 6 ,Grant John G.. Culv8l' st. Colchester
SELLERS. Bennett Wm.Black Horse la.Walthmstw Grant Thomas, Stanwell st. Colchester
Abrahams Wm.Sible Hedingham, Halstd Bentley Henry, 2 ~aconsfield terrace, Hadley . George, 74 Stephenson street
Andrews Joseph Edward, 90 & 92 High .Grang! roa~, Plals~o.w e Cannmg town e
street Braintree Bmks Valentme WIlliam, Lansdowne Hagar George, Loughton
Aylott J~.68 Rathbone st.Canning town e .road, Leytonstone. e . Halls. John. Golding's hill, Lought~n
Batty Arnold Robinson Beulah road Bmny Chas. Hy. WhIte Post la. Llt.llford HarrIson J. Forest rd. Woodford" ells
Walthamstow' , Bolland John, Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill Hart George, Myrtle lodge, Little Stam-
Batty Joshua Spencer, High st. Romford Bolton In. Waltham la..Wal~ham abbey bridge, Chelmsfor~
Raylis John 322 High street Stratford e Brandon Chas. Jas. 89 VICtorIa Dock rd tJ Hayhow Henry, CarlIsle road, Leyton
Cardo J. &Son, 9 Croydon te~race, Bark- Brett Samuel, Ongar road, Brentwo?d Heaps William, I Railway terrace, Fores
ing road, Plaistow e Brewer Thomas, Heath ~treet, BarklOg .lane, Fores~ gate e
Dowsett Henry', Prittlewell, Southend Bunton AlOOrt James, West Grove road, HICks FrederlCk, 91 Leyton road, New
Freestone Thos. 4 Tindal sq. Chelmsford Woodford green .town, ~t.ratford eo
Harrington William, Head st. Halstead Burgess John, Beaumont road~ Leyton Hills WillI~m, 5 Market place, Wood
Harrisson In. Oates, Great sq. Braintree Burke James, 6 Wharf st. Canmng town e street, Walthamstow
Hawkes John, Burnham Maldon BurtonJn. & Son,Magdalen st.Colchester Hitchen Jas. Greengate st. Plaistow e
.Jeffrey Chas.Market row:Saffron Walden Burton J ohn, Milita~y road, C?lchester Holland William, Rippleside, Barking ,
Levitt Samuel, North st. Dunmow 8.0 Busby John, Greenhlll grove, Little Ilford Holloway Henry, East Ham e
Moss William Archer, 1 Forest street, Butler Samuel, Back street, Great Ilford Holmes Charles, The Flats, Wanstead e
corner of Station road, Forest gate e Cack~tt Thos·7 Alexandepter.Southend Hudson James, Gate street, Maldon ,
Offin William, High street, Brentwood i Cavaher Alfred. Wood st. WalthamstowHudson WaIter, Sun st. Waltham abbey
& Billericay Chambers In. 'rhos. 7 Park place, Leyton Hunt George, High Beech
Osborn Joseph Turner, Kelvedon Champness Ernest, Cold hall, Waltham Hyde SI. 36 Rathbone st. Canning twn e
Payne & Hampton, 2 Lion wk. Colchester abbey' Ironmonger J n.4 Plaistow rd:WestHam e
Perrin Job, Snakes lane Woodford Childs Thomas, Crescent road, Leyton Izard SamI. Church st. Waltham abbey
Pigrum Mrs. Marf A~n, Hi~h street, Chinnery Samuel, Martin st. Stratford e Jacobs George, 9 Maryland street, New
Saffron Walden Clark Daniel, 3 Providence place, Wood- town, Stratford e
Prestney Rht. ChUl'ch st. sth. Colchester stock street, Canning town e Jacobs George, North Woolwich I
Scofield William, High street. Maldon Clark Wm. Fredk.St.John's st.Colchester JamesB.22 Angel pI. New twn.Stratford e
Smith James, 399 High street,Stratford e Clayton William, Darvell cottage, High Jones Richard, Oak cottage, Wilberforce
SmithJn. Bevous,Marketplace,Romford road, Buckhurst hill street, Canning town e
Smith Robert, High street, Maldon ClementsWilliam,Portlandrd.Colchester Kennard Wm. F. Church end, Woodford
Taylor Samuel, Gt. Wakering, Southend Coker Edward, Greengate st. Plaistow e Killick Henry, 8 Queen's sq. Upton pk e
Vohman George Henry, 15 lIallsville Cola George Alfred,Carlisle rd. Romford King Thos. White Post lane, Little Ilford
road, Canning town e Coomber Hy. l8 Vicarage la. Stratford t! Kirkman Benjamin, King's rd. Barking
White Henry, Union yard, Tindal street Coombs Thomas, 62 Crownfield road, Lawrence 'rh?s: In. Anue st. Plaistow t!
, &.26 BaddO'W road, Chelmsford Leytonstoll6 e Lawrence Wilham. 65 Church street
. CUSTOM: HOUSE AGE~T Cooper Harry, Market place, Romford Harwich; & Hallfarm, DOTercourt
. - • Corbett Mrs. Louisa, 4 Arthllr street, Lewis John, 73 Cha.tsworth road,
See Agent-Custom House. . Canning toWD. e Forest gate e
450 bAI ESSEX. [KE~Lt'8
DAIRnfEN & 'CoWJrEEPER$-COfttinued. Thorne Frederick+ IDg1\ it. Wanstead e Davies MM. Mary Ann; ., Marine ter-
Lewsey .Toseph, 46 Bell '& A.nchor rot- Thurston George, Park road, Leyton race, Victoria Dook road e
tages, Victoria docks, Canning to1rn e Trevallion Wm.Shernhall st.Walthmstw Davis- Jame8r :i Railway place, Lilliput
tittlechild Charles, High street, Leyton Twyford Alfred, I Somerset terrace, road, Canning town e
Lockridgoe Samuel, 6 Adine rd. Plaistow ) LeytoR road, Forest gate e GrayWm.Chas.2 ConstanclHit.Silvertwn e
Looker Writ. Woodhouse rd. Wan5tead Tyler Edward Lewis, Church hI. 'Walth-w Hall Wm. Jas. 59 Victoria Dock road e
Low Geurge, Wix, Manningtree Vaughan William, High st. Gt. TIford n Hallett Mrs. Elzbth. ~4 High st.Stratfd e
LowMrB.MaryAnn,25Balaam st.Plaistw rI Vince Mrs. Ann, The Forest, Walthmstw Haryott Richard, Hudson's cottages,
Mander W.28 Woodstock st. Canning tn e WakelingJas.8Wilberlorcest.Canning tn e North Woolwich road, Silvertown e
Marri8.1!e H. Moulsham ldg. Chelmsford Waklin Jesse, York hill, Loughton Hunter Doctor BroWn, West Stockwell
Marsh William, Thornhill road, Leyton Walker James, 9 Gordon terrace, North street, Colchester
Martin Charles, Stock, Ing:rt.estone Woolwich road, Silvertown e King Wm. Tindal street, Chelmsford
MatheTJohn,4Randallst.Canningtoivne Walker William Henry, High street, Lawrence William, 65 Church street &
May Joseph, Alexandra st. Southend Brentwood; & at Shehfield hall Hall fann, Dovercourt, Harwich
Mead Hy. In. Pevensey rd. Wanstead e Wanliss John, Snakes lane, Woodfrd. gn Limbrick John, Market place, Romford
MeTry Mrs. E. Selborne rd.Walthamstow Warner William, Pitsea, Chelmsford Lucas Ephraim,54 & 55 High street,
Messer Thomas, 13 Buckingham road, Watkins Mrs. Harriet, I Helen's terrace, Colchester. See advertisement
Fo~st gate e Tucker street, Canning town e Macey John,10 CorI$tance st.Silvertown e
Metson John, Broomfield rd. Chelmsford Wheeler Chas. Wadley rd. Leytons€ne e Morgan Hy. 6 Constance st.Sih-ertown e
Min~r Fredk.V.Beale st.north,Plaistow e Wheeler Wm. Warton rd. Stratford tJ Olive John, Heatlt street, Barking
Moan James, MaTtin streetl.Stratford e White Henry, Pembroke road & Marian, Parker Henrl·, 7 Victoria terrace,
Moss James, Wakefield st. East Ham e green, Walthamstow Barking road, Plaistow
Mullaly Patrick, Surrey st. Plaistow e White Wm. Greengate st. Plaistow e Peannan George Henry, 4 Charlotte
Mumford Coos. KnoWs green, Leyt.on Wilkinson Wm. Stansted Mountfitchet, terrace, Barking road, Plaistow e
Neall Joseph, 47 Balaam st. Plaistow e Bishop's Stortford Place Jabez, 73 Victoria Dock road e
NevillFdk.Sampson, Outramst.Plaistwe Willatts Henry, ChingfoTd la. Pooley Wm.New Beckton,NorthWlwch e
Noms WaIter A. Buttsbury, Ingatestone Williams Geor~, 2 Mill Hill house, Price Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Market place,
North E~ene, 50 High st. Plaistow e DovercoUrt, Harwich Silvertown e
Osborne John, Dedham S.O WingTove Mrs. E. Higham st.Wlthmstw Rayner Reuben, Queen's rd. Brentwood
Palmel' Joseph, Ax~ street, Barking Wintle 600. 257 High st. Stratford it Rice William, Maldon house, Hallsville
Parker Thomas, Chipping Ongar 8.0 Wright George, Epping road, Canning town e
Peck William, Forest gate e Wyatt John, North Woolwich fl Rooke Alfred,22 Prosser terrace,Barking
Petel's Wm. Odessa road, Fore!lt gate e . road, Canning town e
Pettit Robt W. Marsh st. Walthamstow DEBT COLLECTORtt Saunders William, North Woolwieh
Phillips Bros. Idmiston rd. Forest gate e See Collectors-Rent -t Debt. road, Canning town e
Phillips James, Forest terrace, Leyt.on DECORATORS Sibery Geor&,e, 5 Ship terrace, Lilliput
road, Forest gate e • road, Canmng town e
Phillips James, 36 &; 38 Leyton road, See Painters 4' House Decorators. Thompson Isaac, 5 Dolphin cottages,
New town, Stratford e Lilliput road, Canning town e
Pollard Thos. 35 Oriental rn. SMertwn e DENTISTS. Trow & Son, 27 Broadway, Stratford e
Porter Sam!. 11 Scott's villas, Lower Albert & Son, Market place, Romford Tucker Wm. West Thurrock, Romford
Sol1thell.d, Southend Alex&JonM,38New London rd.Chlmsfrd White Miss Mary Ann, 136 Lilliput
Potter James, 2 West st. Colchester Belling Goo. Fisher, Manor Park road, road, Canning town e
Pritchard Eliza., Kymerd.Hornch.Romfd East Ham e Wilks Joseph, 18 Tindal st. Chelmsford
Quint Samuel, Church st. West Ham e BemaI'd Norman L.D.S., R.e.s. Berwick Williams Thos. Albert rd. Silvertown e
Radbourne James, Hagger la. Walthstw house, Marsh street, Walthamstow
Ray Richard, 5 Winchester teTrace, Buck & Dixon, '27 Head st. Colchester, DISPENSARIES.
Howard's road, Forest gate e See advertisement See Hospitals tJc.
Read Jo. P. 19 COll.stance st. Silvertwn e Burch Robt. High st. Saffron Walden
Ridgewell Geo. Montague rd.Leytonstn e Cowles Charles, 37 Broadway, Stratford; DISTILLERS.
Rob~nson Joseph, C~esc~nt rd. Plashet e ~ West Ham lane Chidley, PhiUips & Co. Abbey Mills
Robmson J sph. Wellmgton rd. Forest gt e Crick Geo. Edwd. Old Chauntry hOUse, distillery West Ham lane e
Robinson Wm. ~arrow rd. Leytonstn e Hi~h street, Maldon Jameson j~hn & Son (Dublin) (Lay &
Rowland Robt. Field rd. Forest ~~te e Cumme R. H. 10 Broadway & 2 Earlham Wheeler l agents), IQ High street,
Rule Mrs. Deborah, 13 Waddington cross, Woodgrange rd. Forest gte e Colchester. See advertisement
street, New town, Stratford e Eden Chas. Pembroke rd. Waltbamstow
Rumbal Hy. In. Church la. Leytonstn e Gingell George L.D.9., R.e.S. Eng. 6 DOCK COMP ANII!:S.
Rumball Thos. Essex st. Forest gate e Lansdowne v'ilg. High I'd. Leytonstn e London & St. Katherine Docks Co.(Chas.
Ruse Ernest, Fence piece, Barking side Gr~n Robert Poynter, Witham NOTman, supt. of Royal Albert dock;
Salm()n Thomll6, Hig-h rd.L~ytonstone e Grunbaum HerrIDan Albert Otto Emil, W. Walker, supt. of Victoria docks;
Salmons Mrs. Ann, Harlow 10 William street, Stratford e Capt. George B. Linch, dock master;
Saunders Wm. Chingford la.Woodf~. gn Holfol'd Tholt,J-as Constantine L.D.8. Richard Holloway, assistant; Michael
Scott Robt. Jas. St. Maris rd. Plalstow 342 & 344 High. street, Stratford e Adamson, assistant engineer), Vie.
Searle Richd. 12 Prince's tel". Plaistow e Lakeman Jasper J. High rd. Leytonstn e toria & Royal Albert docks e
SelfPhilip,'21Swanscombest.Canningtne L:Vs nar Ed IS9 RomfoI'd rd. Stratford e Nelson Dock Co. Limited Royal Albert
Sharp Robt. 21 Chapel st. Stratford e Marsh William L.D.S. F.P.S. Glas. 3 St. dock e '
Sheave Joseph, M:uket place, Romford J?hn's ,terra«;e, St. J~hn's st. Colchstr Victoria Graving Dock Co. Limited (In.
Short Horn IJatry Company (1he), Smith & Tomlinson,2Tmdal sq. Chlmsfd I"enwick, man.), Victoria. docks e
Limited (Cnllinson Hall, managing Thorn Harry, 3 Sussex tel'. Southend
dir.), Ditchley's. Sth. Weald, Brentwd Worster J. W. Mornington tel'. Wanstd DOlYrESTIC MAOHINER"t"
Skennerton Jas. Geo.lane,Leytonst e AGENT.
Skennerton Thomas, jun. Woodbine DiNING BOO.S. Bragg George Jonah, Queen street,
place, Wanstead e . See also Coffee Rooms. Colchester. See advertisement
Smith Geo. 20 FIOTence rd.Leytohstn e Aberdein WJb.. Chas. Avenue buildings,
Smith Mrs. Jane. High, Leyton Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester & Eld lane, DRAIN PIPB !\tAKERS.
Smith Wm. Shirley st. Canning toWn e Colchester Bonner John, Abridge, Romford
Softley Jas. 104 Roscoe st. Canning tn e Arnold Th08. 851Iigh st. Stratfotd t Chopping Saml.Davey,stebbing,Chlmsfd
Sliarrow Charles, Holly Lodge cottage, Ashby Mrs. Bessie, 4 Victoria. Dock rd e Collier William Roman, :Marks Tey
Dovercourt, Harwich Banes John, High road, Leytonstone e brick works, Marks Tey, Colchester. -
Spratt William, ATgyle st. Lcytonstn e Barton Thomas, 3 Everett terrace, See advertisement
StephensonJsph. Herbertrd.Waltbmstw Lilliput road, Canning town e Gardner M. & Son,Churchst.Coggesball
Stevens Henry, Woodford bridge Barwick Caroline & HendersoD Mrs. Puxley Francis, Bradfield, Manningtree
Sndworth & Vann, 9 Earlham cross~ Mary, 2 Mickleber~ ter. Silvertown e Smith John, New quay, Colchester
Woodgrange M. Forest gate e Chad Richard, 24 Custom House terrace, Smith Peter (tile), Weeley, Colchester,
Surridge David, Leigh, Chelmsford Lilliput road, Canning town e WalkeT Lewis John, Wood green,
Telleby Joseph, 2 MaudIey' -rerrace, Chapple Jabez, 7 Arthur ter. Silvertwn e Waltham abbey
Leytollstoneroad, Stratford. e Clark G.H.Victoria. Dk. rd.Canningtne Went Arthu+ SolomOIl, !l6whedg&, Col-
Tench Geo. Forest road, Leytonstone e Cornwell Chas. Victoria Dock road" chester, &; at Great Bentley

Willis Mrs. Thomas, Felsted S.O Bishop William, Rochford S.O tCrow Joseph John, H'tgh st. Brentwood
Wilson & Hook. Upminster, Romford tBlackmuir Edward, 6 Victoria terrace, Crow WaIter, Buttsbury, Ingatestone
Doulton H. & Co. High street, Lambeth Queen's road, Buckhurst hill tCudby Mrs. S. Gt. Warley, Brentwood
u. ; Rowley Regis & Smethwick, Blakeley & Co. Victoria road, Romford Curdling J. F. 33 High st. Chelmsford
Staffordshire; & St. Helens,Lancashire tBlomfield John, 2 Bank st. Braintree 'tCurtis Robert, High st. Maldon
t*Blomfield Josiah, Rayleigh S.O Cutforth Samuel, Woodford green
DRAIN PIPE MERCHANTS. tBlowers Edmund, Gt. Oakley, Harwich Dale Mrs. Eliza, Horndon-on-the-Hill,
Glenny Benjamin Wallis, Town Quay Blowers John, Weeley, Colchester Romford
wharf, Barking Blyth Edward Hy. 63 High st. Braintree 1Dalziel Thomas, Dunmow S.O
Groves John, Railway station,Braintree; t Boal'dman Clement,58 to 64 Broadway, t Day Isaac M. 188 The Grove, Stratford e
&at Dunmow & Great Yeldham Stratford e t Daynes Wm. Dean, High st. Brentwood
Johnston, jun.& Co.High road & Howard Bode John, Purfleet, Romford Deamer Joseph, Pleshey, Chelmsford
road, Leytonstone tBolingbroke & Ling, 74 High street & Dennis James, 8 Prince's tel'. Plaistow e
Maw James, Harrow Bridge wharf, 2 New London road, Chelmsford +Devey C. E. 293 Romford I'd. Stratfrd e
High street, Stratford e ' tBond John George, 24,28 & 29 High ~Dickson Bobt. 62 New street, Braintree
Nicholl & Co. Culver street & Hythe st. & 9 Moulsham street, Chelmsford Dixon Charles Gainsford, Rayleigh, S.O
quay, Colchester. See advertisement Bond SI. 9 & 10 Maryland point, Strtfrd e Doubleday Jsph. & Rt. High st. Halstead
Sadd John & Sons, adjoining the Great Booth Mrs: Harriet, Dedham 8.0 Doubleday Wm. Market end, Coggeshall
Eastern railway, Maldon Bowtell Albert Edward, Steeple Bump- Drury George, Trinity street, Halstead
Salmen Samuel & Son, Railway station, stead, Haverhill Dudney Fredk. Victoria terrace, Warley
London I'd. Plaistow e. See advert BowtellJas. Daniel, Sturmere, Halstead road, Brentwood
Sankey John Hart, Iron bridge & Essex tBracher William, Field rd. Forest gate e tDunt Wm. Geo. Bridge st. Halstead
wharves, Canning town e Brand David, London road, Romford Duthie Mrs. Ellen, 43 Trillity street,
Wood Wm. Fairfield, Duke st. Chelmsfd Brewer & Sons, Felsted S. 0 Canning town e
Brewer & Sons, Gt.Waltham, Chelmsford Edmunds Mrs. Rebecca, Clavering,
DRAPERS. tBrightwell John R. High st. Southend Bishop's Stortford
See also Tailors. Brown In. Olive ho. Argyle st. Plaistow e Edwards & Jeffrey, Shalford, Braintree
Marked thus f are Linen Drapers., tBrowne SamI. 9 Market pI. Silvertown e Edwards F. W. Wethel'Sfield, Braintree
Marked thus • are Wool1e~ Drapel'8. tBrownsworth Mrs. Cl>therine,7 How- tEllis Geo. 7 Eagle place, Forest gate e
Marked thus tare Tra.vellmg Drapers. ard's road, Forest gate e tElphick James, Gray~, Romford
Ahbott Mrs. Maria, Good Easter, Bruce Hy. T. South Ockenden, Romford Emerson In. Fredk. Billericay, Brentwd
Chelmsford Buck Arthur, Great Bardfield, Braintree tEmery G. ~ & :z Orford rd.Walthamstw
tAger George & Sons, 27 High street, Bullock G. Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Colchester Emery John, Leigh, Chelmsford
Colchester. See advertisement Burls Arth. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford t Evans Thomas,Abbey house & 4Victoria
AlIen Wm. Leaden Roothing, Chelmsfd tBurton Miss Elizabeth, 7 Market place, buildings, Barking road, Plaistow e
tAnderson John, 39 Manor st. Braintree Forest gate e Evans Thomas, 4 Victoria buildings &;
t Anderson Joseph Henry, 4 Maudley Butcher James, Toppesfield, Halstead . Abbey house, Barking road, Plaistow e
terrace, Leytonstone road, Stratford e Caister Frank, 2 Nelson terr. Southend Evans Wm. James, North st. Halstead
Andrews Sam!. Thorpe-le-Soken,Clchstr Calmon Seighard, 8 Ordnance terrace, t*Farrants & Stevens, Earls Colne,
Audus Arthur, Thaxted S.O Barking road, Canning town e Halstead
AngierEzekiel,High st.Brightlingsea S.O tCanwell Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, Leyton Farrow George, Rainham, Romford
Ashdown Alfred, Chipping OngarS.O green, Leyton tFellingham T. Gt. Wakering, Southend
Ashplant Henry, Ridgwell, Halstead Cargill Miss Margaret Mitchell (fancy), Field In. Hurst green, Brightlingsea S.O
Avery Alf. B. West Thurrock, Romford Leyton road, Le~-ton Finer Henry, Rosemary road, Clacton-
Awberry William, High street, Maldon Carter John, Steeple, Maldon on-Sea; & Great Clacton, Colchester
Baalham Robert Spree, Wood street, Carter William, Burnham, Maldon Fitch Henry, Sible Hedingham, Halsteacl
Walthamstow tCaton Miss Martha, 30 Rath~one Fogden Andrew, High street, Brentwood
Bacon Mrs. Mahala, Bradfielcl, Mningtr street, Canning town e tFoley John, High street, East Ham e
Bailey Misses Annie & Eliza (fancy), Chaplin Arthur Edward, High road, tFootman &Co.15 & 17 Bank st.Braintree
East street, Barking Leytonstone e tFoulger Robert,South Shoebury, South-
Bailey Misses Elizabeth & Mary, Market tChapman Wm. 354 & 356 High street, end; & at Great Wakering
place, Balaam street, Plaistowe Stratford e Frostick J. South Benlleet, Chelmsford
!BairdWilliam, 5 The Grove, Stratford e tCharter George P. High st. Brentwood Frostick Wm. Stanford-Ie-Hope,Romford
Baker Chas. Hy. Hornchurch, Romford Chater Mrs. Harriet, Elmdon, Saffron Fuller Benjamin Henry, Cross street,
Baker Edward, Harlo\\' Walden . Saffron Walden
Balls Harry, Castle stores, Moreton, tChatterton Samuel, North Woolwich e Fuller Rt. Higham Hill rd.Walthamstow
Brentwood Chennells William, Broadway, Gt. IUord Gardiner George, Quendon street, Ric>k·
fBanks Thomas James, Queen's road, Chessbro Robt. Hy. Victoria I'd. Romfrd ling, Bishop's Stortford
Buckhurst hill tChignell Wm.Jsph.Grove tel'. Southend Gardiner Hy. Henham,Bishop's Stortfrd
tBarber Mrs. Sarah Ann, 2 Denmark tChilds Henry, Chipping Ongar S.O Giblin Henry John, Birch, Colchester
terrace, East Ham e tChilton Mrs. Elizabeth, South Shoe- Girlirig George, Harlow
Barker J. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill bury, Southend t*Girvan Alex. Head street, Colchester
Barleyman Thomas Hughes, Kelvedon Clark In. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill GladwinWm. Bannisters grn.FelstedS.O
Barnard Ab.Newport,Bishop's Stortford tClark Stanley,Markho. rd. Walthamstw Godbold H. W. & Co. (fancy), High road,
tBarnarU Alfred,Highstreet, Brentwood tClift Miss Jane, High I'd. Leytonstn e Leytonstone e '
llarnes Geo. Wickford, Battle bridge tCoates W. H. Queen's I'd. Buckhurst hill tGoddard Samuel, Lea. Bridge rd.Leyton
'Barrett Samuel, Thaxted S.O tColwill & Co. High I'd. Leytonstone e Goody Isaiah, Belchamp, Sudbury
Bartlett Edmund, Finchingfield,Brntree tColwill Charles, 5 Market pI. Forest gt e Gosling Alfd. P. High st. Saffron Walden
tBartram R. 53 & 54 Victoria Dock rd e Cooper Mrs. George Joseph (fancy), 20 Gough Thos. Hy. Ardleigh, Colchester
+Bass William, 87 Victoria Dock road e Balaam street, Plaistow e tGray Alfred, 56 High street, Colchester
"*Bateman William Henry & Son, St. tCooper Miss S. 57 Victoria Dock rd e Graylin Wm. Stow Marie, Maldon
Nicholas street, Colchester Co-operative Society(A. F.Yeadon, man.), Grayling William, Purleigh, Maldon
'Eatt In. B. Tavernstreet,Walton-on-the- High street, Walton-on-the-NazeS.O Green Joshua & Co. Stansted Mount-
Naze S.O Cork Mrs.Ann,HelionBumpstead,Havrhl fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Bavister Mrs. Catherine Sarah, High Cornell Benjamin, Thaxted S.O Green E. D. White Roothing, Chelmsfrd
Bridge st.& Market pI.Waltham abbey tComer Geo. 33 & 36 High st. Colchester tGreen John, Stanford-le-Hope,Romford
Baxter William, Mistley, Manningtree Cottee Mark, Purleigh. Maldon Gregory Charles James, Victoria cot-
tBayley Hy. Leytonstone I'd. Stratford e Coult Albert Edwd. Gt. Totaham,Witham tages, Beulah road, Walthamstow
Beard Sa'm!. & Son,High st. Saff.Walden Oox & Palmer, Aveley, Romford; Pur- Grice, Spurge & Barker, 20 Market
Beard William, Dunmow S.O fleet, Romford & West Thurrock, street, Harwich
Bearsby Goo.& Co.LittleWlthm.Chlmsfd Romford tGriffiths & Co. (wholesale t! 1'etail), 48
'. Belcham John, Rayleigh S.O Cox Mrs.MatildaCfancy), 3 Market place, High street, Colchester
t Bell Misses Alice & Katie, 95 Victoria High road, Leytonstone e Groom Mrs.Anne, High st. Manningtree
Dock road e Cracknell Charles, High st. :M:anningtree Groom William,Higham hill,Walthmstw
tBentall Anthony &; Son,High st.Maldon Cranstone Mrs. Avenue buildings, Hacklett Mrs. Emma, Thorpe-Ie-Soken,
t Bird E. R. King's Head street, Harwich. Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester. Colchester ,
fBiI'd Joseph, Ingrave, Brentwood ,Crickmore Henry, Dedham 8.0 Hagger Thomas,Little Chishall,Royston
Bird Thos. Mornington tel'. Wanstead e Crisp Charles ~ Son, Head st. Halstead tHailes Miss Martha,Gt.Chesterford S.O
ESSEX; [ KELl;. y'S
DRAPERS-continued. tLegg Mrs. MaryWatson, Woodford gn Parsons R. 34 & 35 High st. Colcheilter
Hales Mrs. Mary Ann, Hempstead, tLehrle Alfred, George lane,Leytonstone Partridge Misses A. & J.Leigh,Chlmsfrd
Saffron WaldeD! Leverett S. Marketplace,8affronWalden Pattison Joshua M. High rd. Le}instn e
Hall R. & J. Marsh street, Walthamstow Lems Henry, 8 Essex terrace, Hermit Paritt William Lord, Stansted Mount-
tHan William, Boundaryrd.Walthmstw road, Canning town e fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Halliday Wm. J. (SfOtck), Wantz road, LewisJames,8pringrd.BrightlingseaS.O Payne William Mogford. Epping
. Maldon tLewis J. II6 &nBTheGrove,Stratfrde Pickering Edward, 9 Grove ter.Woodfrd
tHalliday William Maltland Gass, Crom- Liddiard James,Great Baddow,Chlmsfrd Pickford W. H. Great Saling, Braintree
well road, Colchester Lilburn Mrs. Harriot, London house, Pipe Samuel, Southminster, Maldou
*Hamilton .Tames, 25 New London road, Warley road, Brentwood Piper Bucer, 59 Chobham rd.New town
Chelmsford Linsell George, Finchingfield, Braintree Stratford e
Hancock In. Newporl,Bishop's Stortford Linsell George Darby, Great Bardfield Piper Edmund, Dunmow S.O
Hardy Langley T. St. Osyth, Colchester & Finchingfield, Braintree Pitts William L. & Thomas, Woodham
Harper Henry, Rochford S.O tinsell Wm. Stebbing, Chelmsford Ferrers, Chelmsford
tHarpel' William,Orford rd.Walthamstw Longley George, Market place, Romford PittsWilliam Lawrence,Battles brdg.S.O
Ilarris Theophllus John, 3 & 4 Nelson LovettW.T.Steeple.Bumpstead,Haverhill Plumridge F. 3 Selbourne ter. Tilbury
litreet, Southend Lumsden J. & Co. Sun st.Waltham abbe~' road, Plaistow e
Hart Alfred, Tillingham, Maldon McCandlish Alexander, CliftEln villa,Ley- Pollard Robert, Great Clacton, Colchstr
Hart Edwd. Albert, Tillingham, Maldon tonstone road, Stratford 8 Poole Tom,Harrow green, Leytonstone e
Hart Stephen~ Tillingham, Maldon McDonald Murdoch, Eld lane, Colchestr Popplewell Thomas, Rochford S.O
Hart Wm. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Mclnnon D. T. 6 Osborne st. Colchestr Potter & Co. 42 High street,Chelmsford
Hart William, Sible Hedingham, Hal- Mclver John, St. John's st. Colchester Potter Alfred, Hatfield, Harlow
. stead; & at Castle Hedingham McLachlan George, Church st. Braintr Potter George, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford
Harvey Wm.& Son, Southminster,Maldn +McLachlan J.43Lower Railway st.Brntr Poulton Mrs. C. Gt. Bentley, Colchester
Harvey G. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon tMcLachlanR.73Lower Railway st.Brntr Powell William, Orsett, Romford
HaITey J. H. Castle Hedingham, Halstd tMacLennan Kenneth, 5 Abbeygate ter- Pratt Alfred, 2 Mar~-land villas, Leyton-
Harvey Miss Mary Eliza, High street, race, Colchester stone road, Stratford e
Brightlingsea S.O March Dayid, Market place, Homford Price John & Benjamin, Loughton
Harvey Sml S. High street, Manningtree March Mrs. E. High st. BrightlingseaS.O Priddy S. jun. 22 Broadway, Stratford e
Harvey Stephen, Gt.Wakering,Southend tMarch William, High street,Brentwood Prior John S. Southminster, Maldon
tHayward Arthur & Co. 47 Marine par- tMarsh Geo. Harrow green, Leytnstne 8 Puddephalt T. W.Sun st. Waltham abbey
ade, Southend tMarsh Miss Mary Ann, Rochford 8.0 Pugh & Richards,Sun st.Waltham abbey
Hayward George R. Wivenhoe, Colchstr tMarshMrs.SarahEliza,IMickl~bergter-Pulham William, Burnham, Maldon
Heath &Co. St. James' street, Waltham- race, Sih-ertown e Rabey Misses Harriet & Jessie, Wood-
stow &; at Hornsey i &1 Fore st. Upper tMarston Fredk. Wood st. Walthamstw ford bridge
Edmonton Martin Charles, Matching, Harlow RandaU Charles,Walton-on-the-Naze8.0
tHebblewhite Goodwin, 14, Maryland l'v:1artin D. B. 16 Short Wyre st. Colchstr Rapp A. Main rd. Do,-ercourt, Harwich
point, Stratford -e Mash Mrs. Sarah, Tendring, Colchester Rayner George, Marsh st.Walthamstow
tHed.dle William,3zPark street,Southend Maskell Jeremiah, Rainham, Ramford Rayner In. 5 & 6 Crouch st. Colchester
Henday William, 18 Junction street, tMaskell Richard, Leyton road, Leyton Read John Daniel, Church road, Leyton
Stephenson street, Canning town e tMason W. G. High road, Leytonstone e Rees Brothers, Witham
Hibbard David (fancy), 3 Parade, Hoe Mathias James John, Standard house, Reeve Chas. 290 High street, Stratforde
street, Walthamstow Barking road, Canning town e Reeve James S. Springfield road,Spring-
Hill Henry George, Writtle, Chelmsford Maunder Mrs. E. Orford rd. Wlthmstw field, Chelmsford
t Hill Miss Mary Ann, Rainham, Romfrd Mawby Misses Catherine,Emily & Mary, Revell Robert, Great Clacton, Colchester
Hingston John, High street, Leyton Great Bentley, Colchester Rice WaIter H. Leyton road, Leyton
tHitchcock Alfred Edgar, 79 Rathbone Meadows Harvey, Stebbing, Chelmsford Riddelsdell Henry, North street,Walton-
street, Canning town e Meiklejohn J. B. 42 & 127 Leyton road, on-the-NazeS.O
Hockley Daniel, Heath street, Barking Stratford e Roberts J.R.Bo, 84 & 88Brdway.strtfrd 6-
Hodgkinson J ames, High rd. Leytnstn e Metzner Francis T.Lea Bridge rd.Leyton Robson & Sons, King st. Saffron Walden
Hook Mrs. Annie, Hornchurch, Romford Michell Gilbert L. Grays Thurrock S.O Rogers Walter,ID Odessa rd.Forest gte e
Houghton Caleb, Billericay, Brentwood Millar Adam B. A.ID7 Manor st. Brntree Roome Miss Hannah, Fryerning, In-
Houghton Charles, Potter street, Harlow Moore T. & Co. 6, 7 & BSt. Botolph st. gatestone
Howchin Mrs, Susannah, Alresford, Colchester Routledge Miss t.Church end Wlthmstw
Colchester Moore Wm. Billericay, Brentwood Rowe WiIliam H. Upminster, Romford
tHowcroft John & Son,High st. Brentwd Moore Wm. Buttsbury, Ingatestone Sadd Edwd.Little Bromley,Manningtree
Hudson J. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Mudd Richd. Little Clacton, Colchester Salmon John, 50 High st. Colchester
tHumphreys William, High stl Maldon Mumford J. Berden, Bishop's 8tortford Salmon Wm. High st. Brightlingsea 8.0
tHumphTies Mrs. Lucy, White Post Mumford T. Quendon, BishopsStortford Sargeant Geo. W.Gt.Bromley,Colchester
lane, Little llford Murrell Wm. 3 Southchurch rd.Southnd Saunders Henry R. Heath st. Barking
James Hy. I. Market pI. Waltham abbey Murrills Mrs. P. Gt. Oak'ley, Harwich Saunders Richard, 5 Trinity pI. Barking
t.lohnson Mrs. Martha, Dunmow 8.0 Nash T. Mountnessing, Brentwood; & at road, Canning town e
tJohnstone Alex. Crescent rd.Brentwood Ingatestone Scholding Geo.Ramsden Crays, Brentwd
tJohnstone William, 60 New st. Braintr Newby Nathan, Messing, Kelvedon Scott William, Dedham S.O
tJones Frank, Wood street, Walthamstw Newholm Henry, 3 Victoria Dock rd e Scruby Joseph, Gt. Wakering, Southend
Juby Wm. Fredk. Wivenhoe, Colchester Newman J. Church st. West Ham e Seabrook Silas, Kelvedon
tKeddie & Fletcher,High street,Halstead Nix Mrs. Betsy, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, t*SeweII Francis Starn, Dunmow S.O
t Keddie George, 2<}Bank street,Braintree Maldon SeweD Thomas, Tillingham, Maldon
Kelley Thomas, Aveley, Romford Norman A. Harrow green, Leytnstonee ShawThomas, Leigh.. Chelmsford
Kelsey William Freer, High st. Maldon Nunn Joseph, Steeple, Maldon Shelford William, Gt. Cheaterford S.O
Kemp SmI. U. Belchamp Otten, Sudbury Nunn T. D. Wix <lross,Wix,Manningtree Shemeld ¥ra. Elizabeth, Kelvedon
Kent William, Tendring, Colchester Nunneley E. B. High street, Maldon *Sidle Thomas,3l: Long Wyre st.Clchstr
Kettle John, Great Chesterford S.O Oakley George, Orsett, Romford Eliggers Alfred, Woodford green
tKettle Thomas Hall, Mark~t hill, Cog- Okey M. & J. & Co. 1 Gladstone tel'. Simmonds William, 3lWoodstockstreet,
geshall, Kelvedon L Woodford - Canning town e .
Kimbell Napoleon, High street, Leyton Orchard Mrs. Elizabeth, Harrow green, Simmona Br081 Church st. Coggeshall,
King Edward, Witham Leytonstone e Kelvedon
tKing James, Great Totham, Witham Osborne Miss Marth~ Grosvenor Park Simmons Bros, High st. Halstead
Lack Mrs. Sarah, High st. Grays, Rmfrd road, Walthamstow Simmons Bros. B:igh st. Saffron WaldeJI.
Lake & King, Broadway, Barking Packham Joseph, High street, Southend Simmons G.L.I64 Chobham rd. Stratfrd
Lamb Miss ElizaJane,Bumham,Maldon Page James, North Woolwich c tSimpson Peter, Romford
Lamb Nicholas Hy. 37 High st.Plaistow 8 Page Joseph Comley, 6 & 7 Queen's sq. Sinclair Mrs. Janet, High rd, Loughton
Lambert Wm. Street, Takeley,Chlmsfrd Upton park e Sinden Wm. Orford road, Walthamstow
Larkin George, South Ockenden, Romfrd Page Jsph.conrad,Queen's sq.Upton pk e Skeet Frederick, Kirby, Colchester
Larter Arthur, Snoreham house, Latch- PaImerS.High st.Waltn.-on-the-NazeS.O Sloan Bugh, Church road, Barking
ingdon, Maldon Palmer W.Debden road, Saffron Walden Smith Alhert, ID Earlham cross, Wood·
Lawrance Robert, Thaxted S.O PanneIl W.Lower gm. Brightlngsea. 8.0 grange road, Forest gate e
L,yzeU James,southchurch rd.Southend Parkhurst Joseph, Chipping OngarS.O Smith Mrs. C. South Ockendon, Romfrd
Smith E. P. Blackmor~ Ingatestone Whiting J. & W. High street, Halstead Lagden Mrs. Caroline, Bradford street,
Smith Edward Charles, WithaIQ Whittaker Miss Mary Ann, .Harlow Bocking, Braintreeo
Smith George P. Fryerning,Ingatestone Wickins. Jamss W. Hig~ street, Grays Lawrence George, 6 Vlctona buildings,
Smith Henry, Dagenham, Romford Thurrock ~.O Barking road, Plaistow-e
Smith, James, Blackmore end, Wethers- tWicks T. G. 278 High street, Stratford ~ Robinsoft L. 82 Broadway, Stratford 8
field, Braintree tWillett Robert, Broadway, Barking Rowe Edwm S. 4 Augella.. Stratford e
Smith Mrs. Jane, Leigh, Chelmsford tWilliams & Thomas, 44 Broadway, Snowden MissE.M.Selbrn.rd.Walthmstw
Smith Joseph Alfred, 89 High street & Stratford e Taffs Henry, 16 High street, Plaistow e
Conduit street, Chelmsford Willingale S. Fisher street, Barking Thimbleby Miss M. South st. Romford
Smith Robert, High street, Brentwood tWillis W. 29 & 30 Botolph st. Colchester Tisdall Chas. E. 15 Duke st. Chelmsford
Smith Samuel, High street, Maldon Wills Edwd. 3 1 High street, Chelmsford DYERS' AGENTS
Smith William, Epping tWilson Misses Sarah & Emily, Wood •
Smith William Richard (fancy ),7 Station street, Walthamstow See Agents Dyers".
place, Selbourne road, Walthamstow Wilson William, Chadwell heath EARTHENWARE pEALERS
Sorrell Richd. H. High st. Saffron Wldn tWinterton George, Rochfard S . O . .
Soundy James Scholefield, I Maybank tWomersley Pelham, 32 to 34 & 39 Vic- See Chzna, Glass 4'Earthenwar4IJealtmJ.
road, George lane, Leytonstone e toria Dock road EARTHENWARE MANUFA9-
Speller Thomas, Takeley, Chelmsford Wood Mrs. Susan (fancy), Holloway TURERS.
Spencer Wm. Boundary rd. Walthamstw down, Leytonstone e • _
Spratt Leslie Wm. 32 Broadway,Strtfd e Woolley Arthur Henry, Chigwell road, C?oper John, G~eat Totham, Wltham
Bpurgeon Jsph.s.Sible Hedingham,HIstd Chigwell; & at Abridge, Romford' Fmch Geo. Gestmgthorpe, Halstead
Staines Alfd. R. 38 High st. Colchester Worters John, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchstr EATING HOUSES.
Stananought A. G. Earls Colne, Halstead Wright E. C. High street, Wanstead e See Dining Rooms
Stannard Chas. R. Danbury, Chelmsford Wright J. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon .
Stark Mrs. Rose, 6 Hamlet I'd. Southend tWright J. Queen's road, Buckhurst hill EGG MERCHANT.
Stebbing Fredk.3 Bank street, Braintree Wright James, Finchingfield, Braintree Brown D. Grosvenor Pk.rd.Walthamstw
Stevenson Hy. G. (fancy), High st.Sthnd Wright Rd. Great Waltham, Chelmsford
Stokes Alfred, High Easter, Chelmsford Wright Wm. Great Bentley, Colchester; ELECTRIC LIGHT
Stokes. David, Chestnutwalk,Walthmstw & at St. Osyth ENGINEERS~
. Stokes Mrs. Elizabeth, Railway terrace, Young Samuel, Mulberry green, Harlow Crompton R. E. & Co. Anchor Arc
Forest lane, Forest gate e • ~ works, Moulsham street, Chelmsford;
Stokes Mrs. Mary, Takeley, Chelmsford Marshall & Snelgrove, 334 to 348 Oxford office, Mansion Honse buildings, Lon-
Stone Denny, Market place, Romford street, London w don e.c. See advertisement
Strange Edward (who. 4' ret.), 30 High DRAPERS' STATIONERY Strode & Co. 48 Osnaburgh street 1I..1C.:
st. & 25 Long Wyre st. Colchester WAREHOUSE 67 St. Paul's churchyard ~.c.; It 32
Stubington Edwd. Tiptree heath, Kelvdn .... Cockspur street, London s.w
Styles Hy. Stratford rd. Park, Plaist<>w Clements & Newlmg, drapers .statiOners,
Swoffer Thomas Idenden (fancy), Lon- a~count b.ook makers & ,gum ticket, ELECTRICIANS.
don house, High street, Brentwood wmdow tIcket & drapers paper bag Cr ompton R. E. & Co. Anchor Arc works
Symington & Freeman,6 Nelson st.Sthnd warehouse (list of .prices free), 96 Moul~ham street, 9h~lmsford; office
Tanner Jsph. W. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Wood street, CheapsIde, London e.c ManSIOn ~onse bmldmgs, London fl.C.
Tanner Jsph. W. Wethersfield, Braintree DRAWING INSTRUMENT See advertIsement
Taylor Mrs. Ann, High rd. Leytonstne e MAKERS. ELECTRO PLATERS.
Taylor Charles, Ashdon, Cawbridge. Grew Mrs. Susannah, 5 Libra road, Hodd R. & Son, Minerva works, 30 & 31
Taylor Cha~. 3 Croydon terrace, Barkmg Park, Plaistow e Hatton grdn.e.c.Prize medal,Paris, 187
road, Plalstow e Stephens J. Stratford road Park PIstwe
Taylor Edwd.. Market pI. Forest gate e "ELECTROTYPIST.
Ta;ylor Henry, Mar~et place, Romford DREDGING CONTRACTORS. Rousseau Emile, Stanley villas~ Claren-
Thirtle Jas. S·9 1 HIgh st. Chelmsford Fuller G. A. & A. Barge House landing don road Walthamstow
Thompson Mrs. Martha, 5 Constance wharf draw dock & mud shoots North '
street, Silvertown e Wool~ich e. office,Lion whrf.Millwall e EMERY CLOTH MANUFAC-
Thurlow Thomas, Epping TURERS.
Tilbury Mrs. Eliza, Boundary road, DRESSMAKERS. Mann & Benford,Kelland's rd.Plaistowt
Walt,hamstow See Milliners 4' Dressmakers.
ToddRobert Geo. Goldbanger, Maldon D RILL OWNERS. EMTGRATION AGENTS.
T!evethan J. 6 Victoria ter. High street, Willoughby & Son,High street, Grays; &
Plaistowe See A91-icultural Machine Owners. at Gravesend
Tunbridge John, Billericay, Brentwood DRUGGISTS-RETAIL.....
Turner Joseph, Victoria house, Barking 8, Ch 'sts -Co T\_ ·st. ENGINEERS-AGRICUL-
road, Plaistow e ee eml ';1 .LFtUggl ~. TURAL.
Turner S. B. 179 Moulsham st..Chlmsfd DRYSALTERS. Arthy Charles,Ingrebourne works, Brook
Tyler G. 97 Woodstock st. Ca~mng twn e Iles Benjamiu & Co. Magnate chemical street, South Weald, Brentwood
Tyrrell R. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Romfrd works, Marshgate lane & Magnet. Calvert William D. Little Hallingbury,
Upson D. Bycknacre, WoodhamFerrers, wharf, High st. Stratford e , Bishop's Stortford
Chelmsford Choppen Albert J. Great Chesterford S:O
Veale J. Leytonstone road, Stratford e DYERS & SCOURERS. Gentry Thos. Great Totham, Witham
Vennell Godfrey, 39 Bank st. Braintree Barnard Henry, Head street, Halstead .
Vivian Charles, 29 High st. Colchester Barth C. E. 15 Albert terrace, Cathall ENGINEERS-BREWERS' &
Wade Thomas, Prittlewell, Southend road, Leytonstone e CHEMICAL.
Wagstaff In. Little Bentley, Colchester Bowtell Mrs. E. 123 High st. Colchester Johnson Samuel Henry & Co. Carpen~
Wagstaff Mrs. S. A. Heath st. Barking Boyton R. Sandpit road, Braintree ter's road Stratford e
Wall 1. A. Romford rd. Little Ilford Briggs P. 66 Rathbonest. Canningtwne '
Wallis & Cane (carpet warehousemen), Brown ThO!l. George st. Saffron Walden ENGINEERS CIVIL.
South street, Romford Campbell Peter & Co. 130 The Grove, Brannou Philip, WaltotJ. Naze park,
Wallis Chas. High street, Brentwood Stratford e Walton-on-the-Naze S.O. See advert
Ward Richard, Church end, Clavering, Coates Chas. 17 Selbourne rd. Wlthmstw Kelley Jas. Geo. 3 Janson rd. Leytonstone
Bishop's Stortford Coles Mrs. Mary, West Ham lane e' road, Forest gate e
Wash Hezekiah, Fobbing, Romford Dyas Mrs.E. 174 The Grove, Stratforde Lyon Henry, Melrose villa, High road,
Webb Charles, Prittlewell, Southend Gardener Wm. & Son, Market place, Buckhurst hill
Webb Mrs. Fanny, Danbury, Cbelmsfrd Forest gate e Marshal1JosephG. B.Martin st.Stratfrde
Webb Fredk. In. Gt.Wakering, Southend Gardener John, High road,Leytonstone e Read Chas. E. 5 Queen's sq. Upton pk.
tWells W. A. Post office, Doverct. Hrwch Ghosley In. D. see Goddard & Ghosley L
WestgateFredk. Market place, Romford Goddard & Ghosley (fur skin), Warton ENGINEERS-CONSULTING,.
Westhorp Mrs. M. Burnham, Maldon road, Stratford e Brannon Philip, Walton Naze -park..
Westwood A. Great Yeldham, Halstead Gornell Mrs.Frances, High st. PlaistolV e Walton-on-the-Naze 8.0. See advert
Wheattey F. R. High street, Great Ilford Hams Ebnzr. jun. 21 North hill, Clchstr
White George, Prittlewell, Southend Hood Miss- Eliza, High street, Gt. Ilford ENGINEERS-HOT WATER.
Whitehead James, Dunmow S.O Kranshaar W. A. 22 Alexandra st. Sthnd See Hot Water EngineeT$.
4Q4 E~G EBpEL [K~LLr'S
ENGIN~ERS ¥A,RI:JiE. Tansley James, fhe Gra\'el, Coggeshall. Carman :Mrs. Jane, Chipping OngarS.O
Brannon Philip, Walton Naze park Kelvedon Carter Dansie, jun. Dunmolt'S.O
Walton-on-the-Naze S.O. See adveri Townsend G.Newport, 'Bishop'sStorlford Challis Wm. Rose, 10 Broomfield road,
EllisWarrenW.Macdonough ~r .Harwich Victoria Docks E1!gine Wurh. Co. !-imited CheImsf0:d . .,
Lewis John (submarine) 1:2 Eastga~ (Clenne!.WenWlck,man.},Vlctonadckse ChapmanMlssAnme,ChlppmgOngarS.O
strei't, Harwich' Warner Robert & Co. 8 Jewin crescent, Clark Misses, High street, Halstead
ENGINEERS MECHANICAL London e.e.; ~ Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Claydon Mrs. J. 4 Angel la. Stratford e
- • Watson Richard & Co. North Woolwich Coo Miss Emma, Springfield road,
Arthy Henry Thomas, Brook st. Brentwd rd. &Royal AlOOrt docks, Canning tn e Springfield, Chelmsford
Ba-yford Thos. Stanford-le-Hope, Romfrd Wed.lake Thomas William & Co. Union Corder Miss Mary ~nn, Head gate,
Beadle W. C. A. Lillipt. rd. Canningtwne iron works, Hornchurch, Romford; Colch~er
Bentall Edward Hammond &; Co. Hey- branch foundry & depot, Romford Crawford Miss Mary, High st.Brentwood
bridge works, Heybridge, Maldon Weston Henry, North street, Halstead Crossley Mrs. Sarah, 315 High street,
Bish George, 123 High st. Stratford e White Robt.6 Gibraltar terrace, Victoria Stratford 6
Blundell Bros. Victoria Dock. road e Dock road & Royal Albert docks e Cumine Frederic James, The Old toy
BlythSamuel Wm.Shelley hall,Brentwd 'Wbittingham In. & Waiter, Rochfrd. S.O shop, High st. Southend. See advert
Braintree Iron Wurks f)(J. (The) Chapel Daniels Wm. High street, Walton-on-the-
hill, Braintree Andrew J. E. H. & Co. Waterloo road, Naze S.O
Bryant John, Greenstead, Colchester 8tockport; sol e Dowsett Thomas, High street & Alex-
BurgessWilliam James & Charles Thos. makers for the dra street,Southend. See advert
Victoria works, Ongal" rd. Brentwood United Kingdom of Durdle Miss Eliza, :124 Lilliput road,.
Button Edmund, Stanway, Colchester the Bisschoppatent Canning town e
Carey, Stilwell &Birch, 8team ploughing gas engme, paten- Ehin Samuel, 6 The Grove, High road,
& engineering works, Rochford 8.0 tees & makers of Leytonstone 6
Catchpool, Stannard &; Stanford, 122 tobacco spinning Flett Rt. Nth. Woolwich rd. Silvertown e
High street c Foundry yd. Colchester machines &c., Faul- Gardner John, 391 High st. Stratford e
Chapman John T. Gt. Bardfld. Braintree der's patent gas George Miss A. 16 High st. Chelmsford
Chapman William, Rayleigh 8.0 ~: 0 - . - : - rQaster for coffee, Goodwin Mrs. Sarah, South street,
Churchill Charles &; Co. (amencan), 28
l~.p!t ::J.I' cocoa,malt, tobacco Manningtree
----=-~~ &c. &0 Gower Henry, High street, Maldon
Wilson street, Finsbury, London e:e ENGINEERS SANITARY GreenMrs. Charles, Woodford bridge
Coleman & Morton, London Road Iron .. • Green Charles Edward KaY,4 Ordnance
works, New London road, Chelmsford Brannon Phibp, Walton Naze Park, row, Barking road, Canning town fJ
Darby T. C.Lodge frm. Pleshey,Chelmsfd Walton-on-the-Naze S.O. See advert Gwynne GeorgeJ.R.& Co.High st.MaldoD
Davel, Pannan et Co. Standard iron Stewart Alfred Charles, Church end, Handley Job, High street, Maldon
works, The Hythe, Colchester Woodford Henning Francis, Green st. Plashet e
Dearn Edmund, Leigh, Chelmsford Warner RoOOrt & ~o. Walton-on-the- HurreH Robert George, Pier avenue,
Down John, 36 Maryland rd. Stratford e Naze; &; at 8 Jewm cres. Londo~ e.c Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester
Downton J. & Co. New Beckton, North Doult?n ~ Co. Lambeth samtary Kistler Mrs. Hannah, High st. Romford
Woolwich 6 engmeermg works, Albert. emban~- Land Geo. Lovick, High street,Leyton
Eddington W. &; S. & Co. New Street ment .s.e. ~how rooms WIth appli- Long Wm. High road, Leytonstone e
iron works, Chelmsford ances ID actIOn McQueen Alexander, 32 Long Wyre
Gardin?r Patrick, Royal AlOOrt dock e ENGINEERS-T,LEGRAPHIC. street, !J0lchester
GoodWIn Wm. J. Factory lane, Colchstr I di R bber.G P h i ? T I March MIsses Sarah & Emma, Market
Go.wer Fred.erick East street, Colchester n a u , utta. erc. a "'" e e- place, Romford
Hackwell W.&;Co:Plaistowrd. Plaistowe Waphd Wo~ks Co. LIm.81lvertown e. Marsh Geo. F. Market end, Coggeshall
HarrisWm.Chartsworth rd. Forest gate e i:~G~~t:e~~r REFINERS Morecraft Ed. ~. Market pt Romford
Hayes C. F. 66 BlUton rd. Ji'orest gate fJR S' W A & C 66 U Th' Newell ~enry, HIgh .street, Brentwood
Hitchcock Henry (exors. of) 5 Ho)" ose Ir . . o. ppe"F ames Nunn MIssSarah, Wltham
. t t C . t ' street, London e.c. Sole refiners of Pamment Miss Rebecca Market hill
slbree k' Ria~nhmgrd ow&n S6 their ~xtrlJ refined engine oil for fin~t Saffron Walden' ,
H o roo c a on, 45 Martin machmeMf • •
street, Stratford (f >J Pearce MISS NaomI, Orchard house,
Hunt & Tawell Atlas works Earls Colne ENGRAVERS. George lane, Leytonstone e
Halstead' r 'Mamott George Edward, 29 Long Peck Mrs. Sarah, 17 St. Botolph street,
JacksclD Robert, Baddow road, Chelmsfd Wyre stret, Colchester· C~lchester.
Joslin H. & J. 108 & log High street j Qnilter George &; Son, 'engravers, 11 Pe~n Job, Salway ~In, Woodford
Maidenburg street· & stand 47 New Trinity street Colchester Perrmg All. Geo. HIgh st. Saffn.Walden
corn market, Colchester. S~e advert ENGRA. ~E:B.S WOOD P~rryJo~eph, Fullbridge, Maldon
Kirkaldy John Royal Albert dock e S, W, d E - • Pipe MISS Rose Ann, Prospect Jllace,
Lester & Perkhts Victoria & Royal Albert ee 9<l lIfP'avlfrs. Forest gate e
docks 6 ' ESTATE AGENTS. PockingtonMisse$ M. A. & H. J. 3 Nel-
Matthews James, Marshgatela.Stratfd e See .Agents-Land o/c. son te.rrace, Southend
Maudsley, Son & Field, Victoria docks e ESTATE OF!'ICES-PRIV 4';f~. Read MISS Ha~alt, Burnham, Maldon
Meek Richard James, I Milton villas" d . I Sands Nehenuah,2O & 21 Head street,
Southch nreh r oad, 80n thend Robmson An rew Augustus, 4 Orlenta Colchester
road SilvertQ'1fIl e S·· 1 .
Mein William & Co Hope iron works, '.. . mIth MIsses E eanor & Elizabeth, 4
· stree,
Btat Ion t Stratford e Southend~"
t H'Ig'h st ree, Al Illlam
t t Waterhouse,
Cl·ff Cl
h Whitehall
a ' 'Levtonstone
rd • Stratford e
Mumford ArthurG. Culver st. Colchester exan ra s ree, I. town,uo~t .en Smith Miss Elizabeth,Woodford green
· h 0 ls&Jay,EaWtIO
NIC ft" C0 Ich este1" 'Vpwn,
...._....°toekWell _. ••
Parkh (Wm.) ID'PettIt, commISSIon-
ad U t ' Snow Miss Marian Harlow
Nosd J. Hawthorn co~ge, East Ham e aIre ID c .arge , 1 n~ s ro , p on Spalding Fred.k. 3 Tindal sq. Chelmsford
Normandy A. Stillwell k Co. opposite park, PlaIstow e St~eles Robert, M.elbourne hous~ Bark.-
Custom House statn. Victoria docks e FANCY GOODS mg road, Cannmg town e
Oakley R. F. Wethersfield, Braintree WABEHOUSEMA!f. StenningFrederick, North st. Barking
Paterson Jalf. & Co. Albion st. Stratford e Comer George, 33 &; J6 Hi~h street Tal~o~ Mrs. Anna, 4- Everett terrace.
Peters John, St. Andrew's rd. Romford Colchester Lilhput r~adlCa~D1ng town e
Rait. GarQiner, lloyal AlOOrt docks f Uffindell MISS . HIgh rd.LeytonstoIlee
Raven Edward, New road, Halstead FANCY BEPOSITORIES. Venimore Thomas C. Grosvenor fark
Roberlso:c AleXSllder Winto.. &It Co. See alsp Berlin Wool RepositO'ries. road, Walthamstow .
Custom House engine work&, Lillipnt Alien William Henry, High st, Sonthend Wales Mrs. Fanny, 1 Grove terracet
M. &; Royal JJ~ dock,Canning tu ~ tndrewsJustus W.Gra)"s'fhurrock 8.0 Woodford. & Woodford ~een
Barille Charles, Sewardstone Baker Wm. 18 Alexandm st. Sonthen<J Ward Mrs. Emma, ~~ Ittree;
Sayer fi"eorge, Witham Barnard M:rs. Martha, ':fhaxted S.O Saffron Walden
Smoothy, William George, Rochford S.O .Bentall Miss Z. Royallibrary, Southend Waters Miss Vict. Grays 'rhnrrock 8.0'
SpriDgall Jolm, Harrow Bridge iron Brooke T. C. Walton-on-th~-Naze S.q Wells llichard, High street, Plaistow e
works, High street, Stratford _ Bull Mrs. S. 82 Duke I\t~~, Chelmsford, '1Villoughby Misl Charlotte, Hi~h street,
Stevens ,John & Sons, North Woolwich e Burgess Chas. S/>uth ~treet, Romforcl Wanstead e
Stratford William, Leyton road, Leyion Bntterfield ~. Ann Jsab¥lla, ~r~\ lVilton Mrs. Margaret~ 5 Delaprie ter-
S~'lJ1ons J. 33 Victoria road, Chelmsford place, SafIroll Walden race, High street, Le~1;on r

FAa 455
Woolston Mrs. Eliza, I High streetr ' Amos George, Pattiswick, Braintree Bagshaw.1.. Great Claydoll$, East Han-
Walton-on-the-Naz~8.0 Andrews A. Mount farm, Chingford ningfield, Chelmsford
Wren Miss 8amh, Heulah rd.Walthmstw Andrews Charles, Gridiron hall, Little Bailey,Joseph, Seven Star green.. Gop.
Wright Charles William, Chest~ut 'falk, Bardfield, Braintwe ford, Colchester
Walthamstow Andrews Mrs. Eliza, Witch trees, Hemp- Bailey Nathan, Arkesden, Bp.'s 8tortfnl
F ANWRIGH':fS stead, Saffron Walden Bailey Mrs. Rachael, BullockSt Great
• Andrews James, Mansion house, ~- Canfield, Dunmow S.O
G-osling James, Felsted 8.0 thome, Maldon Bayley Thomas. Great Becketts farm,
Gunn William, Little Easton. Dunmow Andrews J oseph, Cabbages, Thaxted s.o Arkesden, Bishop's Stortford
Searl John, Felstead Andrews Mrs. Martha, Hawes farm, Bailey W. Strood HI. frm. Dumnow S.O
Wimbish, Saffron Walden Baines Misses Emma &Mary Ann,Lowef
FARMERS & FARM BaILIF FS Andrews Richd. Old hI. Rayne, Braintree house, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill
Andrews Thoml\S, Philips Hempstead, Baines C. Clchstr. hl. Takeley, ChllDBfrd
Farmers. Saffron Walden Baines James, Grange's farm, T~keley,
Andrews W. Wimbish, Saffron WaWen Chelmsford
Abbott Jabez, Wall end, East Ham e Appleby C. Layer-<le-Ia-Hay, Colchstr Baker B. jun. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colclliltt
Abbott Wm. Gt. Wigborough, ApplebyWm.Reeve'sga. Walthamabbey Baker Charles Robert, :{.awford, Man't
Abernethy David, Home farm, Havering- Archer Alfred Raynham, Mote farm, ningtree; & at Ardleigh, Colchester
atte-Bower, Romford Bassildon, Brentwood Baker George,ParllOnage farm,MargaretT.
Ablewhite Thos. Tendring, Colchester Archer Frederick, Block House wick, St. tipg, Ingatestone
Abraham Thomas, Felsted S.O Osyth, Colchester Baker Mrs. Jane, Meer's farm, Kirby,
Abrahams George, Roots farm, Sible Archer James, Crockleford Ardleigh, Colchester
Hedingham, Halstead Colchester Baker John, Cesslands, Toot hill, Stan-
Abrey Mrs. Mary, Sadlers Bowers Archer Jas. London rd. Saffron Walden ford rivers, Brentwood
Gifford, Rayleigh S.O Archer Thomas, Dowley farm, Great Baker J. Colemans, Prittlewell, 801lthnd.
Achurch G. Rook hall, Cornish Hall end, Bromley, Colchester Baker John I.P. Whitbreads, Hockley,
Braintree ArdIey John Harrington, Baytree, Chelmsford
Acres George, Poplar farm, Stebbing, Stisted, Braintree Baker Jnthn.Kentishfm.Stisted,Brntre;
Chelmsford Ardley William, Aylward'i farm, Gos- Baker Matthew, Wardens, High Ong&r.
Acres John, Roydon, Ware field, Halstead Brentwood
Adams & Glynes, Manor farm, Barking Argent John Thompson .k Son, West Baker Robert, Writtle, Chelmsford
Adams Mrs. Ellen, Hole farm, Wethers- Bergholt, Colchester Baker Samuel, Hawkwell, Chelmsford
field, Braintree Armor Chas. Bush Fair common, Latton, Baker Thomas, Great Chishall, Royston
Adams George, Witham Harlow Baker William, Hazel end, Farnham,
Adams Joseph, Hunt's farm, I<'inching- Armstrong John, Hill farm, Ford end, Bishop's Stortford
field, Braintree Chelmsford Baker Wm. Manuden, Bishop'a 8tortfrd
Aires William Geo. Foxland, Dagenham, Arnold Mrs. Elizh. Cornish hI. Braintree Baker William, Pitsea hall, Chelmsford
Romford Arno}d Geo. Broad street, Dagenham, Baker Wm. Wood house & Needles Eytl
Akers John, Roydon temple, 'Ware Romford farms, Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Oolchester
Aldham Thomas, Ulting hall, Maldon Arnold Nicholas, HardIey green, Horn- Baker "'ilson, Toot hill, Sta,nfprd rive:ts,
Aldham Thomas Allaker, Highams, church, Romford Brentwood
Aythross Roothing, Chelmsford Amold Richard, Goodman's farm, Chat- Balcomb Joseph, Martin's Hern, Staple-i
Alen Samuel. Gt. Wigborough, Clchstr ley, Chelmsford ford Abbots, Romford
Algar Richard James, The Hall, South Arnold Thomas, Thames farm, Southend Baldwin In. Sible Hedingham, Hall$tead
Hanningfield, Chelmsford Ash Frederick James, Hill house, Chad- Ball James, Purleigh, Maldon
Alger 8tephen William, Blackhall, Great well St. Mary, Grays S.O Eallanger & Smith, Foulne$8 island,
Canfield, Dunmow S.O Ashby Joseph, Woodle)"s, Toppesfield, Southend .
Alger Wm. Fras. Deal Tree farm, Great Halstead Balll! Edmd. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhl
Canfield, Dunmow 8.0 Ashby R. Pattens,Wethersfield, Braintree Balls James Mayhe"" The lS"unnery,
AIger Wm. White, Nether hall, Moreton, Ashcombe John, Sewardstone Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Brentwood . Ashford William, Orsett, Romford Balls James Wiltsher, 4.shwell's farm~
Alison .John, Dagenham, Romford Aspilin Mrs. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Rmfrd Fairsted, Witham
Allam Charles, Woodridden farm, Wal- Asplin Francis, St. Clere's, East 'rilbury, Balls Thomas, West Bergbolt, Colchester
tham abbey Grays S.O Ball!; William, Tendring, Colchester
AlIen Daniel, Moat House farm, Pil- Asplin Mrs. Francis Dalton, Tilbury Banks Mrs.A.Seward's end,Saffm.Waldn
grims' hatch,South Weald, Brentwood place, East Tilbury, Grays S.O Bannister Fmncis, Barling, Chelmsford
AlIen Frederick, Shalford, Braintree Asser Wm. Stondon, Brentwood Bannister Rd. MOWltnessing, Breutwood
Allen Golden, Hall farm, Little Thur- Attenborough.4.. Urry, Dengie, Maldon Barber William, Church fSfID, Little
rock, Grays S.O Attenborough Edwin J. New hall, Bentley, Colcheste~ .
Allen Henry, Rawreth, Chelmsford Asheldham, Maldon Bareham Chas. Little Clacton, Colchster
Allen Joseph, Woodhouse, Great Horkes- Attenborough George, Ll\wingsmiths Barker .!loon Peter, Cold hall, Great
ley, Colchester farm, Latchingdon, MaldoI\ Bromley, Colchester &; Little Bentle:r,
AlIen Nathaniel, Cook's hall, West Berg- Attenborough Geo. 8te~ple gate, Maldon Colchester
holt, Colchester Attenborough George William, Tilling- Barker Mrs. Hannah,Valence, Clavering,
Allerton Alexander Rice, The Oaks, ham hall, Childerditch, Brentwood Bishop's Stortford
Southchurch, Southend Attenborough John, Stone farm, St. Barker J. Waterhales, Navestock, Rmfrd
Allsop Mrs. Ann Maria, Dove ho. Upper Lawrence, Newland, Maldon Barker Joseph, Berwick's farm,Apbott's
Dovercourt, Dovercourt, Harwich Auger George, Little South house, Pur- Roothing, Brentwood
Almack Henry, Ruse's, Hempstead, leigh, Maldon Barker Mrs. Mary Ann, Westll).nds,
8affron Walden Auger John, Limbem hall, Canewdon, Mountnessing, Brentwood
Alois John, Four chimney's, Tolleshunt Rochford S.O Barker 'f. Brook farm, Weeley, Clchster
Knights, Kelvedon Austin Henry Felix, Old heath, Clchstr Barker W. Littles, Gt. Bardfield, Brn1;f"e
Alp William, South Shoebury, 80uthend Auston Edwarrl, Great Bentley, Clchstr Barltrop Edwd. Chapel end, Walthmstw
Alston Ed. J. Gt. Bromley hall, Clchstr Aylen Charles, Orsett, Romford Bamard Abraham, Boarded b~rn, Great
Alston John, Penny Pot hall, Halstead Aylett Georg-e, Mole HilllP'een, Takeley, Saling, Braintree
Ambrose Charles, Brazen head, Lindsell, Chelmsford Barnard Abraham, Falllbridge, White
Chelmsford Aylett William, Mole Hill green, Take- Notley, Witham
Ambrose John Thomas, Hyde farm, ley, Chelmsford Barnard Abrhm. Totman's. That-tell S.O
Little Yeldham, Halstead BabeI' Henry Frampton, Kirtons, Staple- Barnard Geo.Marks hUI,Mar¥il,Crouches,
Ambrose Lewis, Piggott's farm, Great ford Abbots, Romford Maples & Oldhouse, DJ1IUI\ow S.O •
Saling, Braintree Baber Mrs. Mary, Waterhale~, Nave- Barnard George Hayden, Pl\rson8ie
Ambrose Mrs. Mary, Grove ha. Little stock, Romford house, Newport, Bishop'lt ~tol'tford
Bardfield, Braintree Bacon Charles, Brighili.ngaea S.O Bamard John, QQpthall, 'fha"ted S.Q
Ames Jas. Stuck, West Mersea, Clchstr Bacon Mrs. Hannah, l'oQlldfarm, Thor· Barnard In. Lightwatl'. Panfiel<l,amtree
AIDes Samuel, Hawkwood farm, Bible rington, Colchester Baroard John, &i~ &nlB~l<l EJ;ld
Hedinghatn, Halstead Bacon James, Goldacres, Thorrington, green, Thaxted 5.0 1
Amos Robert, Lorkins farm, Nine Ashes, Colchester Barnard John Hal'Yey,Breeeh& ~~rd's
High Ongar,Ingatestone Bacon John, West Mersea, Colchester farm, Great Easton, DunmQ",
456 •
FARMEILS--'-Continfted. Belcher John A.. Brick House farm,Ret- Blyth Benjamin, Billericay, Brentwood
Barnard J.K. (exora.of), Harlow ml Hrlw tendon, Chelmsford Blyth Isaac, Bellmans, Stock, Jngatestne
Bamard Joseph, Grange farm, (h'eat BelcherW.Potash inn.Sandon, Chlmsfrd Blyth In. BarI1 \l~ ToUeshnnt Knights,
Burstead, Brentwood Bell T. Beeches,Wickford, Battles bridge Kelvedon
Bamard Mrs. Mary Ann! Block farm, Bell Wltr.Hayes'll frm.Rettndn.Chlmsfrd Blyth John, Gilt House farm,bId heath,
Stones green, Great Oakley, Harwich Belsher Henry, Perry green, Bradwell- Colchester
Barnard Osmond', Hay ho. Earls Colne, jnxtapCoggeshall, Braintree BIyth John,jun.Bouchier's half, Messing,
Halstead; & Bares hamlet, Colchster Bennett Samuel, Kelvedon Kelvedon
Bamard R. Monk St. farm, 'rhaxted S.O Benson C. South Hanrnngfield,Chlmsfrd BIyth Robert Page, Ma~llole farm, Bere-
Barnard Thomas, Yardleys, ThaxtedS.O Benson C. West Hanningfield, Chlmsfrd church, Colcheste1"
Barna.rd T. C. L~er hall &; Parsonage Benson Colin, Brick House farm, West Blyth S. R. Ardleigh wick, Colchester
fa.rm, Dunmow S.O Hanningfield, Chelmsford ' Blyth Saml. Robt. Langham,Colchester i
Barnard W. Holt's fm. Stebbing. Chmsfd Benson Tobias,Tilegate,HighLaver,Ongr res. at Ardleigh
Bames Robt. back of High st. Romford Benson William, Pinnings, West Han- BIyth Thos.Fremnells,Downham,Brntwd
Bames Wm. Great Mawneys, Romford ningfield, Chelmsford BIyth Thos. White hall,Mile end, Clchstr Geo. Kelvedo. hall, KelvedoD Bent S.Green Grove farm,Leytonstone 1J Blyth William, LanghaIQ, Colchester
Barratt Joseph, Sewardstone. Bentall Archer, Blakes, High Easter, BIyth William,Park,8t.Osyth,Colchester
Barratt Wala-. LaYel" Marney, Kelvedon Chelmsford Blyth William, Sturgeon's fann,Writtle,
Barrell Samuel, Langham, Colchester Bentall Arthur, Leigh, Chelmsford Chelmsford
Barrell William, Burnt House larm, BentallA. sen. Prittlewell, Southend Blyth Wm. James, Fairsted hall, WithIn
Walton-on-the-Naze 8.0 Bentall Arthur,jun.Barlands,Prittlewell, BIyth Thos.SouthHanningfield,Chlmsfrd
Barrett Arthur, Thaxted S.O Southend Boardman William, Salmon's farm, In-
Barrett E. Vine frm.Wivenhoe, Colchster Bentall Charles A. Gage's farm, Little grave, Brentwood
Barrett Samuel~ Mill hill, Thaxted S.O Maplestead, Halstead Bockin C. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester
Barrett WaIter, Layer Breton, Kelvedon Bentall Danl.LawIl HalIfrm.High Easter, Bocock Charles, Brompton farm, Colne
Barritt COl'nelius, Hazeleigh eot. Maldon Chelmsford Engaine, Halstead
Barritt Jas. Wentworth house, Maldon Bentall J.Folly farm,Prittlewell,Southnd Boggis Mrs. Elizabeth, Warmingford
Barritt Joseph, Stebbing, Chelmsford BentalI John,Old Parkfrm. Gt. Waltham, Garnons, Warmingford, Colchester
Bamtt R. Tyle hall, Latchingdon, Mldn Chelmsford Boghurst Wm. Frating abbey,Colchester
Barritt Samuel, The Hall, Woodham Bentall Pendril, Leigh hall, Chelmsford BoleyT.Haycocksfrm.Wt.Mersea,Clchstr
Mortimer, Maldon Bentley Mrs.Ann, Red Rose farm, Black- Bolton Edward, Pimp hall, Chingford
Barritt WaIter, Aldham hall, Colchester more,Ingatestone Bolton George William, Leyland& &Scar-
Barron M. H. Lodge fm. Alresfrd. Clchstr Benton Philip,sen.The Hall,LittleWaker- letts, Terling, Witham
Basham F. Langley, Bishop's Stortford ing, Chelmsford . Bolton J. Doddinghurst, Brt>ntwood
Basham F. Thos. Pudding lane, Chigwell Benton Philip, jun.Oldbury, North Shoe- BonnerC.Pond frm.Wt.Bergholt,Colchstr
Basham George, Great Norton, Ridgwell, bury,Chlmsfrd.; & at Gt.Wkrng.Sthnd Bonner Henry John, Little Hallingbury,
Stambourn, Halsteo.d Benton Richard, Aveley, Romford Bishop's Stortford
Bashan Wm. Langley, Bishop's Stortford BeresfordWilliam, Warren farm, Leyton Bonner M. Great Wigborough, Colchestr
Bass Arthur, Bamard's farm, Debden, road, Leyton e Bonnett W.Southend,Hornchurch,Rmfr<.l
Saffron Walden Bessent Frank, Plashet Hall farm, Rom- BoorW.Toot hill,Stanford rivers,Brentwd
Bass Daniel, Rettendon, Chelmsford ford road, Stratford it Boosey A. Lucas,Wht.Roothing,Chlmsfrd
Bass Mrs. E. Debden grll. Saffron Wldn Bewers Abraham, Manor farm, Tolles- Boosey Mrs. J ames, Bowells, High.Rooth-
Bass W. Wieldbarn's, Debden, Sffrn.Wldn hunt Magna, Witham ing, Dunmow S.O
Bateman William, Goat Lodge farm, BewersDa.vid,Southlnds.Sandn.Chlmsfrd Booth Charles, Highlands, Dedham S.O
Great Totham, Witham Bewers George, Fairsted lodge, Ranks Borham William Hart, Langham mill,
Battle Mrs. W. Cold hrbr. Tilty, Chlmsfrd green, Witham Langham, Colchester
Battson Edward, Upminster, Romford Bewers John, Sandon hall, Chelmsford Bott Joseph FennelI,Cammas hall,Morell
Battson I: Hays farm, Cranham, Rmfrd Bewers P. G. Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford Roothing, White Roothing,Chelmsford
Bawtree Francis, .Abberton, Colchester Bickmore Gardner,Bucklers farm,Great Bott M. Dallance farm, Waltham abbey
Bawtree F. The Cot. Peldon, Colchester Tey, Kelvedon Bott W. Priors, Broomfield, Chelmsford
Eaxter Thomas., Goldhanger, Maldon Bickmore T.Flories farm,Gt.Tey,Kelvdn Bott W. H. Cardfield, Hatfield,Chelmsfrd
Bayatt William, Well Stye farm, Bam- Biggs G. Beaumont, Gt.Oakley,Harwich Boughtwood T. Great Burstead,Brentwd
ston, Chelmsford Biggs G. New Moze hall,Beamnt.Clchstr Boulton James, St. Swithins, Barking
Baynes John, Wimbish, Saffron Walden Biggs James B. Ardleigh, Colchester side, Ilford
Baynes Thos. Moss &; Olmstead green, Binder Charles, Moreton, Brentwood Boutell Abrhm. Wormingford,Colchester
Helion Bumpstead, Haverhill Binder John, Bobbingworth, Brentwood Bowers Thomas, Gent's farm, Pilgrims
Beale William, Gill's farm, Epping Bines Morris, High Laver, Ongar hatch, South Weald, Brentwood
Bean Alexander, Peldon hall, Colchester Binks Joseph, Vinell's farm, Pebmarsh, Bowles John, Ostend, Burnham, Maldon
Bean Henry, Paslow hall, High Qngar, Bures S.O. Suffolk Bowyer Henry, Great Yeldham,Halstead
Brentwood Binney Charles Hibbert, Great Ilford Bowyer Henry, Heath, Hatfield, Har10w
Bear Mrs_ Mary, Nethel" hall, Gesting. Bird Charles,Manuden, Bishop's Stortfrd Boxall Benj. Upper DoYercourt, Harwich
thorpe, Halstea.d Bird Edwin1 Ashdon, Cambridge Boyton Henry, Hoe street, Lord's iand &;
Bear William, Little lodge, Castle Hed- Bird George, Mill end, Sheepcote green, Christopher's, Rexwell, Chelmsford
ingham, Halstead Clavering, Bishop's Stortford Boyton R. Pickerells, Fyfield, Brentwood
Beard John, North hall, Ugley, Bishop's Bird Mrs. Mar)" Ann., Paynes, Rad- Bradbrook Frederick Robert,Dairy farm,
Stortford winter, Saffron WaldeD. West Bergholt, Colchester
Beard Jnthn. Brazel, Woodham Ferrers, Bird SI. Seven King's ill/I'm, Chadwell st Bradbrook George, 'Warwick house, West
Chelmsford Bird Wm.East Hanningfield,Chelmsford Bergholt, Colchester
Beardwell Isaa.ct Boxted, Colchester Bird William, Hempstead, Saffron Wldn Bradshaw Robert, Old Shaws, Great
Beckwith Joseph, Whitehead's fann, Bird W. The Lodge,LayerBreton,Kelvdn Waltham, Chelmsford
:Rivenhall, Witham Bird W. jun.East Hanningfield,Chlmsfrd Brampton John, Poplar house, Brick kiliJ
Beddall George,Church farm &; Pollings BIackie R.Valley fTm.Gt.Clacton,Clchstr &; Bowl farms, Ramsey, Harwich
cross, Hempstead, Saffron Walden Blewitt Edward Robed.. Dover's farm, Brand Daniel,Brook farm.ColneEngaine,
Beddall HenrY,Daw street,Finchingfield, Southend, Hornchureh, Romford Halstead
Braintree Bliss N. Black acre,Theydon bois,Epping BrandJenner,Anse)- Gallows,Hempstead,
Beddan John,Wam~r8, Great Waltham l Blomfield Frederick Wm. Beckenham Saffron Walden
Chelmsford I hall, Bi~ Colchestet BrandJohn,Church frms.Elmdon,SafIron
Beddall John Francis,Howe hall, Finch~ BIomfield John, Blamsters, Halstead Walden
• ingfield, Braintree I Blomfield Joseph, Brook farm, Halstead Brand Joseph Edmulld, Clarke'li farm,
Beddall Rutland, Brent hall, Finebingfld Blomfield Samuel, Blaokheatb frm.Bere- Belchamp Walder, Sudbury
Braintree '£hurcQ, Colchester Brand R. Bilden end, Chrlshall, Royston
Beddall Samnel 'WbiteheQ<t, !JusticeS, Bloomfield Benjamin, Noak bill,Romford Brand! Robert, Greau Codhaq). bal14
Finchingfielc4 Bl'8intree J Bloomfield- William; Tb~ Deal Tree, Wethersfield, Braintree
Bedford Roberl HJ Richmond's, Rad- Dodd.inghurs~ Brentwood Brand Thomaa, Bro:J.ted, Dunmo,," S.O
'Winter, Saffron Walden Bloomfield Wm. Little Warley, Brentwd Brand T. P. Brook hall,Foxearth,SQdbury
Belcham Francis, L&ndon td.. Southend Blowes lob" P. Maltinga &. Ward House Brand Thomas W,Little Easton,Dunmow
Belcham John, Rayleigh B.O I ., farms, Fyfield, Brentwood Branwhite Charles IJ.N:oatt frm. Gesting;
Belcham Wm.l8aae, Jun. Rayleigb B.() Blyth Cha.s.k M.Layel' Mlu"ill'J',KCllvedn thorpe, Hal~te~
BraseIl James, Low street, Chingford Brown WiUiam, Stisted, Braintree Butler John Field,-Grey Goose farm,
Brawn J.Rat's HaIl la. Dagenham,Rmfrd Brown Wm. F. J.P. Grand cts. Felsted S.O Baker street, Orsett, Romfonl
Brett T. & J. Holyfield, Waltham abbey Brown Wm. J. ButtsbU'rY, Inglttest0ne Buttle George, Upper Goulds, Alpham-
Brett Isaac, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Broyd Henry, Gosfield, Halstead stone, Colchester
Brett Thos. P. Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Broyd William, Brook street, Halstead .Buxton Frederick, Hill' farm, Childer-
Bretton Saml. Magdalen Laver, Ongar Bruce Thos. Gt. Horkesley, Colchester ditch, Brentwood
Bretton WiIIiam Read, Hobbings, Bruce Wm. Pantile frm.C@pford,Colchstr Buxton Fredk.Geo. Lit. Warley, Brentwd
Bobbingworth, Brentwood Bruce William, Terling, Witham Byatt William, Hawkes, Little Sampford,
Brewer Wm. Colne Engaine, Halstead Brundish William, HodkinlJ & Rockwells,> Braintree
BrewsterJ.Bird's frm.Boreham,Chlmsfrd Willingale Spain, Brtmtwood Byford Alfd.Hill frm.Stebbing, Chelmsfrd
Brewster William, New Park farm, Little Brunwin Gea. Wickford, Battles bridge Byford Fredenick J ames, R6Selands,
Waltham, Chelmsford BrunwinG.A.Haverings,Rayne,Braintree Shalford, Braintree
Bridge Charles Peter, Terling, Witham Bryant Frederick, Woodham .Mortimeri Byford Hy. Gt.PriOl'y,Panfield, Braintree
Bridge 'rhos. Ramsey Tyrells, ,Buttsbury, Maldell Byford Jas. Collops, Stebbing,Chelmsford
Illgatestone Bryant In. S. Mantells, Copford, Colchstr Byford Joseph (exors. ()f), Guldingham
Bridges George K. Old House farm, Stan- Buckenham Eldred, Dunton, Brentwood hall, Bulmer', Sudbury
way, Colchester 1 Buckenham Eldred, Laindon pond, Lain.J Byford Porter, Dine's farm, Shalf<iI'd,
Bridges James, CUrtlS Mill green, Nave- don, Brentwood; & at Dunton Braintree I
stock, Romfol'd Budd Wm. Great Clacton, Colchester Byford William, Northy's farm, iFinch-
Bridgman J. Nazing, Waltham cross Bugg Henry, Nazing, Waltham cross ingfield, Braintree
Bridgman Mrs. S.Nazing, Walthamcross Bull Edward Herbert, Freeman's farm, Bygrave John .Joseph, Dunmow tWycke,
Briggs John, Ashdon, Cambridge Wimbish, Saffron Walden Burnham, Maldon
Briggs John, Great Yeldham, Halstead Bull Henry Fuller, Ivy farm, Little Cackett B. Hull bdg. HockleY1Chelmsfrd
Bright Benjamin, Waltham cross, Great Dunmow, Chelmsford Cack.ett Mrs. Matilda, Sheepcote~ Hock-
Bradfield, Braintree Bull Miss M.TheHall,Gt.Oakley,Harwich ley, Chelmsford
Bright B. jun. Cross farm, Finchingfield, Bull Wm.Ramsden Bellhouse, Brentwood Cakebread James, Chatter end, Farn-
Braintree Bull ·Wm. Wickham, St. Paul, Halstead ham, Bishop's Stortford
Bright J.Hill frm.GreatBradfield,Braintr Bnllen Samuel porter, North hall, Little Campen Mrs. M. Belsteads, Little Wal-
Bright Richard, Baker st.Orsett,Romford Chishall, Royston tham, Chelmsford
Bright William, Gladfen hall, Halstead Hullimer B. S. Up. Dovercourt, Harwich Camping In. jun. Southminster, Maldon
Britton Henry, Rayleigh S.O Bullimer Mulliner Joseph, Brox & Bruces Canning William, Old Meadl Henham,
Britton J.Poulters, Ford end,Chelmsford street & Malting & Bartons & Street Bishop's Stol'tford
BrockJoseph, Gladwyns, Thaxted S.O farms & Bradfield, Manningtree Cant Geo.H.Tubswickt Mileend,Colchstr
Bromley George, Broxted, Colchester Bullock Robert, Summer house, Great Cant Herbert, Pretty Gate farm, Shrub
Bromley Hy.Mose hall,Ardleigh,Colchstr Clacton, C(\lchester' end, Lexden, Colchester .
Bromley J.Fen farm,Ardleigh,Colchester Bunker Daniel, Hatfield, Harlow Cant Phillip, Little Waltham,Chelmsford
Bromley Matthias. Lit. Totham,Witham Bunter Richd. W. Cranham hall,Romford Cant SI. Ivy ho. East Mersea, Colchester
Bromley Nathaniel, Payne's farm, Little Bunter William, White Post farm, North Cant Wm. Shrubs, Lamarsh, Colchester
Bentley, Colchester Ockenden, Romford Cardnell George, Bleak House farm, St.
Bromly Carrington, Park farm, Great Bunting Henry, Brook farm, 'rolleshunt Lawrence Newland, Maldon "
Bromley, Colchester D'Arcy, Kelvedon Carr Fredk. Reeve's gate,Waltham abbey
Brook Frederick, Folly mill, Thaxted S.O Bunting John, Mayland, Maldon Carr William, Morris green, Sible Hed-
BrookeG.Eastbury ho.Rippleside,Barking Bunting In. Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvedon ingham, Halstead
BrooksH.Crouchman's frm.Ulting,Maldn Bunting John, jun. Tolleshunt Magna, Carrington Edmund, Hall farm, Great
. Brooks J. Spriggs,Old Sampford,Braintr Witham Bromley, Colchester
Brooks R. jun. Little Bentley, Colchester Bunti~g Wm. Debden, Saffron Walden Cartel' A. Upney frm.Rippleside, Barking!
Brooks SmI. Bartlow hamlet, Cambridge Burchell William, Fobbing, Romford Carter E. Doddinghurst, Brentwood
Brooks Thomas, Sturrick farm, Great Burgess William, Little Meadow end, Carter Jas. Dunnett & Beale, Jupps hI. &
Bentley, Colchester Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Halstead The Hill farms, Dedham, Colchester
Brown Alexander, Netteswell common, Burgess William, Rigdwell, Halstead Carter Challis, Copthall, Little Wig-
Netteswell, Harlow Burleigh Charles, Manor farm, Little borough, Colchester
Brown AUrd. Grand courts, Felsted S.O Chesterford, Saffron Walden Carter Charles James, Rook 'haU, Little'
Brown Arthur, Epping green, Epping Burleigh James, Great Chesterfoyd 8.0 Totham, Witham
Brown C. Wymark's frm.Purleigh,Maldn BurIes Mrs. William, Armswick farm, Carter Mrs.G. Ostend, Burnham, Maldon
Brown Dnl. Birdsla. Upminster,Romford Roxwell, Chelmsford Cartel' J.A.Dairy ho.Lit.Bentley,Colchstr
Brown D. Crabbs green,Hatfield,HarIow Burlingham John B. Bulmer, Sudbury Carter John, New house, Radwinter,
Brown Daniel, Cricks green, Felsted 8.0 Burls Jsph.R. Manuden,Bishop's Stortfrd Saffron Walden
Brown Daniel, Ryehill, Epping Burls Martin, Gauntsend, Elsenham, Carter John Henry, Manor fami, Upper
Brown Frederick, Latton, Harlow Bishop's Stortford Dovercourt, Harwich
Brown George, Aveley, Romford Burls Martin, Hall farm, Farnham, Carter Mrs.L.Copthall grrt.WlthII1.abbey
Brown G.Gaysham hall,Brking. side,TIfrd Bishop's Stortford Carter Mrs. Maria. The Hall, Little
Brown G. Drapers, Cricks gn.Felsted S.O Burnby M. Slough ho.Gt. Totham,Withm CarterMrs.My.Ann,Alresford, Colchester
Brown James, Hawkwell, Chelmsford Burrell John, Rectory farm, Littlebury, Totham, Witham
Brown John, Barling, Chelmsford Saffron Walden Carter Thomas, Malton farml Great
Brown John (exors. of), Moulsham hall, BurrowsI.Bottles halI,Elmstead,Colchstr Oakley, Harwich
Chatley, Chelmsford Burton Alfred E.High Ongar, Brentwood Carter 'Fhomas, Traceys, Stanford rivers,
Brown John, Foraham, Colchester Burton John, Great Chishall, Royston Romford
BrownJ.Little Hallingbury,Bshp.'s Strtfd Burton Joseph, Elmdon, Saffron Walden Carter William, Great Parndon, Harlow
Brown John, Wright's farm, West Han- Bush & Smith,Stone hall,Barking si. Ilfrd Carter William, Hole farm It' Wood
ningfield, Chelmsford Bush John, Clavering, Bishop's Storttord barns, Belchamp, Sudbury ,
Brown J.East End grn. BrightlingseaS.O Bush Richard, Shellow cross Shellow Cartel' W. H. Lime house, Rayleigh S.O
BrownJoseph,Goodmay's Idg.ChdwlLhth Bowles, Brentwood l Carter Wm. Joseph, Beeches, Rawreth,
Brown Joseph, Harlow Bush 'William, The Grange, Clavering, Chelmsford'
Brown Josph. A. Sth. Benfleet, Chelmsfrd Bishop'-s Stortford Catchpool Edward, Feering Bury,
Brown Peter, Matching, Harlow Butcher Charles, Ballingdon, Sudbury Manor house, Kelvedon I
Brown Robert, Canewdon, Rochford S.O Butcher Francis, Elms hall, Colne En- Cates Francis,Broadgroves,DunmowS.O
Brown Rt. Geo. Goodmays, Chadwell hth gaine, Halstead Catmull J. E. ('rreat Wakering,Sonthend
Brown Robt. Geo. Long bridge, Barking Butcher Henry, Butcher's green, Stan- Catmull J. 'r. Gt. Wakering, Southend
Brown SI. Brockleys, Gt.Parndon,Harlow way All Saints, Colchester Caton Abraham, Nine Ashes, High
Brown Mrs. Sarah, Broo~ end, Willin- Butcher John, Little Clacton, Colchester Ongar, Ingatestone
gale Spain, Brentwood Butcher John William Cubitt, "Brook- Caton Hy. Up end, MaI1uden, 13ishop~s
Brown Thomas, Little HaITingbury hall, mans & Coles farms, Up. Dovercourt, Stortford I

Bishop's Stortford Harwich; res. King's Quayat.Harwich Caton John,Readings,~ort6n'Mandevillel

Brown T.W.Gladwyn's fl'm.Hatfld.Harlw Butcher Wm. Great Saling, Braintree Ingatestone I )
~own William, Bridge hall, Bradwell- Butcher William, Moreton, Bl'entwood Caton John Cooch. Norton hOUse, Norton
juxta-Coggleshall, ,Braintree Butlet Edward, Ewell hall, Kel~edofJ. . Mandeville, Ingatestone-
Brown William, jun. Old farm, Great Butler George, Bolden hatch, Roxwell, Caton W. O. Diggins, Willingalt'1)oet
Leighs, Chelmsford ' Chelmsford I Brentwood J
438. "Aa ESSEX.
i'AllMBR»-rontmued. Clark ATthl1r, Mucking hlill, Bomford Cole AlIen, ~bden, SatIron Walden
Caton Wm. 00\'»1', A.ythrDp, Roothing, Clark D. Q>pthall gr. WlJ1t\1am ,.,bbey Cole D. Hill fm. Walto~-on-the-NazeS.O.
£helmsfm'd. Clarlr. F.Hart'sho.Gt.Warley,Brent-wood Cole George, Avey lane, W~Uhamabbey
Challis John Wm. & James, Bush farm, Clark George, Crows heath, PO'fIJ,ham, Cole George, Billericay, Hrent\Jood
{)xney green, Writtle, Chelmsford Brentwood Cole George, Great Sir Hqghes, Great
Challis Daniel, Buck. farm, Black Clark Geo. Little Warley, Brent-,vood Baddow, ~helmsford
Notley, Braintree Clark George, Woolmera, BlackmOl'I' Cola Hy. Little Burstead, Brentwood
Challis Daniel, Bran..-oolls, Highwood, end, Wethersfield, B~intree Cole Hy.Low st.WeBtTilbury, Grays S.O
Chelmsford Clark Golding, Gt. Bromley, Volchester Cole James, Miller's fm. Debdeq, Saffron
Challis J. Elms fm. Roxwell, Chelmsford Clark Hy. Clavering, Bishop" 8tortfQrd Walden
Challis Jamea, Rootsey, LasJaley hill, Clark Borace. Hobs Aerie, Ark~en, Cole John, Boxted, Colchester
Lindsell, Chelmsford Bishop's Stortford Cole Mrs. Mary A.. Tonks fm. Chingford
Challis Jesse, Elms, Berner's Roothing, Clark M1'$. lsabella, 'l'rynde de J!ayes & Cole Philip, Mount Thrift fann, East
Brentwood. Lubbards Lodge farms, lla"1fl"~h, Horndon, Brentwood
Challis ThoUlas, Goldinghams,Braintree Chelmsford Cole R. S. Holt fm. Gt. Oakley, Harwich
Challis Wm. Littlebury, White Notl~, Clark John,OldSampford, Braintree Cole Samq}. Upperhouse, Helion Bump-
Witham Clarlt Joseph, Cinder hall,Little Walden, stead, Haverhill
Champion Richard, Ramsden, Bellhouse, Saffron. Walden Cole Wm. Puckles, Laind-on, Brentwood
Brentwood Clark Jose-ph, Clipt hedge, Lit~le Cole W. Tye com. Gt. Burstead Brentwd
Champness E. Cold hall, Walthamabbey Bentley, Colchester Coleroan F. Bury fm. Netteswi. Harlow
Chaplin John, Noak hill, Romford Clark Mrs. Joseph,8t. Osyth, Colchester Coleman W. Bois hall,Navestock,Romfd
Chaplin John Richard, Three Chimneys, Clark Luke, Debden, Saffron Walden Collin George Franklin, Parsonllge farm,
Ridgwell, Halstead Clark Mrs. Mar~ Ryehill., Little Parn· Henham, Bishop's Stortford
Chaplin T. GalleYlYoJXl oom. Chelm~ford don, Harlow . Collingridge J. Sudbry. fm. Wlthm. abby
Chaplin William Merrington, rdoot Clark T. Peb~rsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk Collis Arthur Bentall,Oddwell ; ~ Byham
farm, Ridgwell, Halstead Clark William, Aberdeen end, Debden, hall, Gestingthorpe, Halstead
Chapman Chas. Sun st. Waltham a.bbey Saffron Walden Collis David Taylor, Park's gate, Gest-
Chapman Char1ea,TilekiJrul, B.a.dwinter, Clark William, Blue house, Bowers ingthorpe, Halstead
8affron Walden Gifford, Rayleigh 8.0 Collis Mrs. Hannah Susannah, Byndes
Chapman John. BoyOOn, Ware Clark W. The Rookery,Mucking,Romfrd farm, Pebmarsh,Bures S.O.Suffolll
Chapma.n J. StroOO green, Rochford 8.0 Clark Wm. jnn. Walton hall, Mucking, Collis John, Hill farm, Pebmarsh, Bures
Chapman T. Abbey fm. Waltham abbey Romford 8.0. Suffolk
Chapman ThGmaS, jnn. Bollyfield Hall Clarke B. Flowers haU, Toppesfield, Colman George, Herkstead ~ll, Cornish
farm, Waltham abbey Halstead Hall Bnd, Braintree
Chapman William, Barrett's hl'll, Great Clarke C.The Hall, Cold Norton, Maldpn Colman Geo. John, Garlands, Steeple
Maplestead, Halstead Clarke Henry, Mayland, Maldon Bnmpstead, Haverhill
Chapman William, Perry Appletoll, Clarke John, Roos farm, Saffron Walden Colman Wm. Winohlow ball, Hemp-
Helion Bumpstea.d, Haverhill Clarke Nathaniel, Lodge farm, Upper stead, Saffron Walden
Chap:oum William, Rayleigh S.O Dovercourt, Harwich Colyer 8tephen, Good Easter, Chelmsfd
Charter Thomas, Roydon, Ware Clarke Quinton John, New hall, Tend- Constable Arthr. Hy. Rivenhall, Withm
Chetwode &; Grubbe, Berner's Roothing ring, Colchester Constable Maurice, White lIo~ farm,
hall & Parsonage, Berner's Roothing, Clarke Richard, Corbets Tey, Urminstel', Wix, Manningtrw
Brentwood Romford Constable M. G. Red bo.Wix, :Mningtre~
Cbeveley Chlls.Widford lodge, Chlmsfrd ClarkeT.Newmoor,southminster,Maldon Cook Edmund, Great Henn}', Sudbury
Chickall G. SherringpI.Blchmp.Sudbury Clarke William, Pattiswick, Braintree Cook E. Canon's fm. Stondon, Brent·wood
Chillingworth Andrew, The Hall, Brad· Clarke WilliaD;l, The Lodge, ',fendring, Cook J. M. Rose fm. Twinstead, Sudbry
well-juxta-Mare, Maldon Cplchester Cook J. Hill fm. Bures hamlet, Colchstr
Chilton Frederick, Chigwell Clarlie William, Wick farm, J..ayer-de- Cook J. The Priory, Little, Borksley,
Cbilton John, Great Monkham~ far/ll, la-Hay, Colchester Colchester
Wpodford Clayden Mrs. A. Nazing, Waltham cross Cook Miss M. Lit. Thurrock, Grays S.O
Chinery Charles, Foxearth, Sudbury Clayden Charles, Peynton hall, Manu- Cook T. Dickley hl. Mistley, Manningtree
Chinnery W31ter, Belchamp, Sudbury den, Bishop's8tortford Cook Wm. White House fm. Baddo'f rd.
Chisnall Charles, Halfway house, Gr~t Clayden John, Upper green, Wimbish, Chelmsford; & at Great Badq.ow
Bentley, Colchestel" Sail'ron Walden Cook Wm. John, Wyfield's fa.rm, Horn-
Chisnall Mrl3• .Mary Ann, Wrabness, Claydon John, The Roast, ClaYering, don-on-the-Hill, Romford
Manningtree Bishop's Stortfor4 Cook Wm. 'rhomas, Dov6rhou~~ farm,
Choat Charles, Park gate, Great Bard- Claydon Wm. Parsonage lann, Steeple ~istley, Manningtree -
field, Braintree Bumpstead, Haverhill Cooper C. Park fm.Wivenhoe, Colchester
Choat H. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Clear Albert Prime, West Bowers faqn, Cooper D. Badley hall, Ardleigh, Colchstr
Chopping Wm. Bran ~nd, Stebbing, Woodham WaIter, Maldon CooperE. Lit.Bromley h'J~~, Manniilgtree
Chelmsfom Cliff Henry, Poplars,Orsett,Romford Cooper Edward, Great Oakley, Harwich
Christy David, Patching hall, Broomfield, Cliff John, South Ockenden, Romford Cooper Edwd. Q. Easthorpe, l):eh'edon
Chelmsford Clift George, Tedings hill, Halstead Cooper John, Great Totham, Wi~ham
Christy Dllvid, Stanford b~U, Stanford Cobbold C. East Hanningfield, Chelmsfd Cooper J. H.Bounds fm.Ardleigh,.Glchstr
river5, Romford Cock Charles, Lackesley hall, West Mer- Cooper Joseph, Inworth, Kelvedon
Christy Jllmes, Boyn~1J hall, ~{)~lfell, sea, Colchester Cooper Robert, Magpie hall, Hal$tea.d;
Chelmsford Cock D. Brick ho. West Mersea, Clchstr & Maplestead
Cbristy lames, Th,. Warren, Writtle, Cock IS33c, De Beanvoir farm, Down- Cooper Thomas, Little L~n-er, O~ar
Ch,l1l\4ford ham, Brentwood Ooote G. Sw.eetham hall, Bulmer,6udbry
Christy Robert, Stev~ns, Chignal, St. Cock J. R. Little Wigborough, Colchestr Coote Jonas, Fitzjohns farm, Great
lames, Chelmsford Cock John Bellben, Weathercock farID, Waltham, Chelmsford
Chw:ch A.rtbUl', Easthorpe, Kelvedon West Mersea, Colchester Copland Edmund, Gt. Baddow,Chelmsfd
Church C.Braiswick,Mile end, Colchester Cock Reuben, Oliver's farm, Witham Coppen C. Whalebone fm. Becontree hth
ChlJleh G.Willo.- fm. Copfofd,ColcMster Cock Wm. Fuller, Howfl farm, Cornif;h Coppin Edmund, Shorjl hall, <;:ornish
Church John Henry, Aldham,(.)olchester Hall end, Braintree Hall end, Braintree
Chmch Mra. Maria,ldo1'8ton,Brentwood Cockerton James S. North st. Romford Corder E. Reed's fm. Writtle, Chelmsfd
Church R~uben, 'rye g~r,l, NetJ;eswell, Cockerton W. Lit. Wakering,ChelmsIoro Cornell Henry, Blunts, Tbax~ $.0
Barlow· Oock:rell Wm. Worledge, Ea8t Mer~ Cornell.ij.Garrettfrm.JIighGarrett,Brntr
Church &muel, HerrieW~ fa~ :M:o~ Hall farm, Colchester CornellJ.Raythom park,Birdbwok,IDstd
tOll, Brentwood Cock, Daniel, Peldon, Colchester pornell King Viall, Summers hall, Black- l
Church StcphllIl, at. Parndop., HarlOlJ Cocks fred.eric~, Inwortb, Kelvedon more end', Wethersfield, Brainiree
Church Wm. Nettleswell corn. Harlow PoeA. DalvyDS, uestingthorpe, HlUstead Cornwell Mrs. Thomalf, Wenden hall,
Chmches M. S. Dell'. fann, Cpingford CoeElijah, Steeple Bumpstead,:JIaverhill Wendens Ambo, Saffron W~lden
Circuit John Cubis (trust~ Qf),~. poe Jam~ Bouchier$ gt'IInge, Cogge.s- CornwellWilliam,Wendenplaee,Wenden&
ham, Romford" hall, KelvedOD ambo, Saffron Walden
Clark Misses Katherine ,... Annie, Moot Coe Mn. L.Steeple Bumpstead,Haverbill Coster Mrs. )lary Am1,Drinlttwa~r,Brl\d.
farm, North Shoebury.~heJmsiol'd Cok. Hy.Clay Pitdm.J'oxearth,8OOhr]r well-juxta·Ma~, Maldon
Clarlr. & Winch, North Wool4, ]f:ppUt8 Coker Richard, Elmstead, Colcb~, Cotte8 Mark, Great Totham, WithalIl
T~.J)~~ DIRECTORY.] 459
Cqtterell :Jj:dmund, Clanv,er liln~,WendeD8 Curties George, Latchingdon. ~alllon Dennis J.W.BasllmQCk.s,Ashel~m,Mldn
Ambo, Saifron Walden Curtis Arthur, flaiDf tarm.. wswich Dennis Quilter~ . n.s- ~tfield,
Cottes J aJDe[f, 'follesbury, :{relvedon road, Ardleigh, Colchester Harlow
Cottingham RoOOrt Martin JohnsolltT~ Curtis George, Purleigh, +\1aldon Dennis S. frmr. La;rer Marney,Kelvedon
Elms, Great Chesterford S.O Curtis John E. West Thurrock,Romford DennisS.J.TheO~Beaumont,Colchstr
Courtman James, Hatfield, Chelmsford Curtis Philip, Crocklefordhill, Mdleigh, Dennis WaIter George, Maltbeggar',
CourtmanW.Crab\>'s frm.Htfld.Ohlmsfrd Colchester farm, Feering, Kelvedon
Cou~ns G. Speaks, LaUlarsh, Colcheswr Curtis Philip, preenstead, Oolchester Dennis W.G.HoYela, Cogges~ll, Kelvedn
Cousens G. jun. Jenkins, Stisted,Braintre Cutting Na$aniel Cutting, Dairy l;Ionse Dennis W.G.Myland hl.Mile end,Colchstr
COU$ins C.Stocks frm.Boreham,Chlmsfrd farm,Wix, M:anningtree DennyJ.Coveney frm.Gt.Horksly.Clchstr
Cousins George, Gate house, Chatley, Cutts John, jun. Hall £ann, LiW~Barl1- Dickinson Alfred, Dyer', Hall farIll,
Cpel~ord j & at Cressing field, Braintree Grove GreeD IQ.. Leytonstone e
Cousins George, jun.Cressing,Braintree j Cutts Marcus, Hyde's, Little B~rdfield, Digby Charles, Broom hills, Braintree
& at Gate house, Chatley araintree Digby J.T. Shemmingsfrm.Birch,Clchstr
Cousins J oseph Laver,Three Ashes faflll" Dace Miss Martha,Cottop.s,Fipcpingfield, Dilley RoOOrt, Little h~th, Chadwell st
Terling, Witham Braintree Dines Samuel, Blaclt Notley, Braintree
Cpusin$ Thomas, Cressing Idg. Braintree Dale Alfred, Brllzier~ fal1D, .I:l~. Osyth, Dixey John, Gate ho. Copford, Colchester
Covell J. Bowesfrm.Chipping Ongar S.O Colchester Dixon ThO$. B. Wickham Bishops,Withm
Cowell E. Hall farm, Ashdon, Cambridge Dale Mrs. Elizabeth, Wyer's haU, St. Dixon Henry Silvester, Whitehousefarm,
Cowell. lIenry, Gl'~ ill-rm, 'l'olle$hunt Osyth, Colchester Wickham Bishops, Witham
l'dagna, Witham Dale Jas. ButtB grll.. Hornchurch,Rmfrd DixQn J. Witham'sfarm,Hatfield,Harlow
Cowell Jame$, ~Ofdoll, Ware Daniell Brabrook, Hill hoq,se, West Dixon Richd. Fores1' hall,Hatfield,Harlow
Cowell J. Market passage,saffronWalden Bergholt, Colchester Doe Daniel, Lambourne, Romford
CowellJ.R. Goldstones,A$hdon,Cambrdg Dannatt William, Margat~ woods-Great Dorman William, Nortll Benfleet
Cowell Joseph, Battles hall, l\1anuden, Waltham, Chelm$ford Dove Charles, Highwood, Chelmsford
Bishop's StortfoN. Darby Charles John, Par~s farm, Great DoveEzekiel,Hall,Doddinghurst,Breutwd
Cowell Peter, Thistley farm &; houses, Saling, Braintree Dove Ezekiel~ines,Dunton, Brentwood
Old Sampford, Braintree Darby Cbarle&,Berwic~hall,Toppesfield, Dove Hy. Draper, Langham hall,Colchstr
Cowell Thomas Benjamin,Walkers farm, Halstead Dow John, Vange, Romford
Farnham, Bishop's Stortford Darby Hy. 13roadfields, Rayne,Braintree Downes Jas. Little l'daplestead, Halstead
Cowlin Mark, Gatehouse, Good Ell.ster, Darby John, Sheepcotes farm, Little Downes William, Long rd. Dedham S.O
Chelmsford Waltham, Chelmsford Downham Mrs.8arahA.Chrishall,Roystn
Cowling Charles, Woodhall, Broomfield, Darby Thomas ChW'chman, Lodge farm, Downs Daniel, ~ontpelier farm, Writtle,
Chelmsford Pleshey, Chelmsford Chelmsford
Cox Henry, Ink's green, Chingford Dare l,\1r!l. Emma, Lophams, Cornish Dowsett H. Parldrm. Pleshey, Chelmsfrd
Cox William Henry, Elms, Great Can- Hall end, ~raintree Dowsett H. Par~ gt. For<l end, Chelmllfrd
fieId~ Dunmow S.O Dare FranCls, Blag<lon, Hempstead, Dowsett Jesse, Mucking, Romford
Coxhall Geo.8pencerfarm,Sewardstone &:ffron Walden Dowsett J. High Roothing, Dunmow S.O
Crabb Hy. G.The Hall, Tillinghm. Maldn Dayey Christopher,Dane's vale,Wethers- Dowsett Philip ReuOOn, Walthambury,
Crabb Rd. West Hauningfield, Chlmsfrd field, Braintree Great Waltham, Chelmsford
Crabb R.ll.HI. frm. Gt.Baddow,Chlmsfrd Davey Thos. Rayne 10. Rayne, Braintree Dowsett Thomas, Ford end, Chelmsford
Cracknell Benjamin, Beamland$ farm, Davey William, H~dl;)toclt, Cambridge Dowson J. Moor hall, Writtle, ChelIn8frd
Hornchurch. Romford· pavey William. Tha Chantry, Hatfield, Drain James, Terling, Witham
Cracknell Geo. The Hall, Maylnd. Maldn Chelmsford Drake David, Great Burstead, Brent'food
Crane George, Epping Davie& Arthur, A.rmiger&, Thaxted 8.0 Drake Francis, Downham, Brentwood
Crane Samuel, Arnold's farm, Lam· Davies J n. Radwinter hall,8affronWaldn Driver Mrs. Rebecca, Chadwell St. :Mary.
bourne, Romford Davies John Edwd. Sti:fford, Bomford Grays S.O
Crane Wallace, Gestingthorpe, Halsttmd Davies Wm. Boyton end, Thaxted 8.0 Dudley G. Black pits, 8tanway, Colchstr
Cranmer William, Kelvedon Davis Mr&. Hannah, Fro~'s lll~ll, Wood- Duflield James, Great ¥ajfcalli!, (heat
Crawley John, Nazing, Waltham cr08&, ham WaIter, Maldon Baddow, Chelmsford
Cripps James, Hatfield, Chelmsford Dawkins Wm.Leaden Roothing,Chlmfrd Duke C. & B. Littlebury, Saffron Wl/olden
Cripps Richd. Strond go. Rochford S.O Day Henry & Daniel, Doddinghur~t, Duke Lewis, Great Chishall, Royston
Crisp Jsph.BardfieldEnd gn.ThaxtedS.O Brentwood Dwming Thos. Wm. Matching, Harlow
CDopley Iames Richard, Park farm, Day George, Great Parndon, Harlow Durrant Andrew, Bishop'lj Hall ~rm,
Finchingfield, Braintree. pay Samuel, Parnell's, Willingale Chelmsford
GropIey Samuel, Lawford, Manningtree Spain, Brentwood Dyer D.Whiteplt. Gt. Horkesley,Colchstr
Cross George & Pearl, Leewick, St. Day Wm. Newport, Bishops' StortfOfd DyerJ.J.Cowsliprd.Georgela.LeytD$tne
Osyth, Colchester DeadmaIl John, Churchfields, .4.lthorne, Dyer B.Ravensftd.Bures hamlet,Colchstr
Cross Fk.Frowick hall, St.Osyth,Colchstr Maldon Dynes William, Dedham S.O
Cross Henry, sen. Barling, Chelmsford; Dean Arthur James, Hemstalls, Prittle- EagleT.&W.Down'shall,Belchmp.Sudbry
• at Little Stambridge well, Southend Eagle C.Park Hall fnn.Wix,Manningtree
Cross Henry, jun. Fleet hall, Great Dean John, 8t. Cleres hall, St. Osyth, Eagle Charles Edmund Taylor, Abbey
Sutton, Chelmsford Colchester farm, Willow Hall farm et Burm Ash
Cross John, Mountnessing, Brentwood; Dean William, Hunter's hall, Epping farm, Wix, Manningtree
'" at Hutton Dean Wm. Thundersley 10.Rayleigh S.O Eagle Edward Clay, Rogers farm; res.
Cross Robt.Hill house, St. Osyth,Colchstr Death Wm. Abberton hall, Colchester Spring farm, Wix, Little Jlromley,
Crouchmaa Richard, Beauchamp Booth- Deaves Chas. Wellt Bergholt, Colchester Manningtree
iug, Brentwood Deaves John, Hickford hill, Belchamp, Eagle Fras. The Hall, Mov~rOPlf & Lodge,
Crow Geo. Little Garnetts, DWlmow S.O Sudbury Brightlingsea S.O
Crow Jas.Peacons,High Easter, Chlmfrd Deeks Edward, East Tilbury, Grays S.O Eagle George WilliaIl), faul'. llall, Bel-
Crow In. Buttons, Sth.Benfleet,Chlmfrd Deeks George,Claret hall,Ashen,8udbury champ, Sudbury
Croxon Abraham Bowerman (exors of), Deeks Jas. Ashen hall, Ashen, Sudbury Eagle Hy.In. reet hall, Peldon, Colchestr
Slough house, Danbury, Chelmsford j Deen Thomas, Sparrows, Sible Heding- Eagle HerOOrt Charles, Gosbecks, Stan-
. I; Burnham ton, Halstead way-AU-Sllints, Colchester
CrOIon Abl'am B. Horseshoe farm, Deeks WaIter G. Fowes farm, Belchamp Eagle John W. Walton ball, W~ton-on-
Woodham Ferrars, Chelmsford Ot,ten,8udbury the-Naze 8.0
(ll'oxon Charles, Beddings, Tillingham, DeIf William, The Lodgl;, Great Bentley, Easey William, Kirby, Colchester
Jdalaon Colchester' Easter Alfred, Popla.r farm, Grea~ (:an-
Oroxoo Henry WiDeing, Elm green, penham Ja.mea, Nightingale farm, field, DUIlIIU>w 8.0
Danbury, Chelmsford Wanstead e Eastland Richard,Tbe HaU, CbilderQitch,
Cumbers George, Woolwards, Mount- Dennis William Il; Carter, Layel' Row's Brentwood
nessing, Brentwood farm, Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Colchester Edmund8 Jonathan, Potter Ijt, lIarlow
Cumbers In. Brick HoWJe farm, Shen- Dennis Alfred, ~onksdown wm, CoIJ- EdwardsJowe8,¥agdalen Laver,Ougar
ield, Brentwood geshall, Kelvedon Edwick Chas. Newport, Biabop'a 8tortfrd
Cumbel'JlJ William, Maylands, RomfoN Dennis Geo. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Rmfrd Elce John Coward, Chigwell,-olf
CundaU William, Roydon, Ware Dennis G. We81i Hanningfield, Chlmsfrd Eley William, Noeko'lI eroes, Great-
Currie George, Easthrook end, Dagen- Dennis James, Great Clacwn. Colchstr Braxted, With"m
ham, Romford Demri. John,Mashhury hall, Cbelmsfonl Ellinponh J. Park fnp. Hare flt.Bomfrd

46<1- Filt ESSEX: (KEL1..V'S

FAR1rJm~ti1ftud. Fen'rieio Wm:Catchbell,Stanway, (Jolchstr iFree Mrs. ~mma, lUngel"'s farm, 'Wid-
Elliott E. Little, prk. FOTd end,Chlmsfrd Fenton Enoch, Forest side, Chingford dington, Bishop's Stortford
Elliott George, Church st. Coggeshall FentonJn. Quickbury,Sheering, Harlo'W Free Henry, Hadstock, Cambridge
Ellis e. Cobden End frm.Wltltham abbey Ferris Hart, Fanmans,Alresford,Colchstr 'Free Jonas, Mitchels, Little Walden &
Ellis Georg'e', Maoor farm, High Beech Fewell J. Gilbert Hunt,Sandon, Chlmsfrd Monkshall farm, Saffron Wa.lden
Ellis J. Copthall green, Waltham a.bbey Field Jobn,·Horndon-on-the-Hill,Romfd Free Stephen, Hadstock, Cambridge
Ellis Mrs. M.W.Wires, Chrishall, Royston Field Marshall,Abbotts Roothing,Brntwd Freeman Frank, Latchingdon, MaldoIi
Ellis WilIiam, West Thnrrock, Romford Field WilfredJohn, Dunton, Brentwood Freemau John, Murrell's farm, Stanford
Elphick William, Burnham, Maldon Filby Wi11iam, Fambridge road, Maldon rivers, Romford
Elvish R. Thorpe-Ie-8oken, Colchester Fillings M. Ripple hl.Ripple side,Barking Freeman John, jun. Lawns, Stanford
Ely Miss Harriet, Easthorpe, Kelvedon Finch Henry, Rayleigh S.o- rivers, Romford
Ely J. B. White house, Birch, Colchester Finch Isaac,Hole farm, Copford,Colchstr Freeman Thomas, Dygood's farm, Put.
Ely N. Woooham Ferrers, Chelmsford Finch Richard, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford leigh, Maldon
Emberson Abraham; App's farm, West Fincham Edward, Long Green farm, Freeman Wm. Mill green, Ingateston8"
Hanningfield, Chelmsford Marks Tey, Colchester French George Humphreys, Great
Emberson Mrs.HarrietEverett,Windell's Fincham J. Ramsden Bellhouse, Brntwd Waltham, Chelmsford
farm, Gre8t Tey, Kelvedon Firmin Mrs. Harriet, Fisher's farm, French J.Nash hall,High Ongar,Brentwd
Emery Jsph. Wood gm. Waltham abbey Belchamp WaIter, Sudbury . French 1oseph, Great Burstead, Brentwd
Emsen Mrs. Annar, Westley, Wimbish, Firman Mrs. M. A. Colne Engne. Halstd FrenchR.Bull'sldg.Boreham,Chelmsforo
Saffron Walden Firmin William, Head street, Halstead French Robert, Laindon, Brentwood
Emsen Daniel (extlrs. of), Little Brock~ Fisher Abraham, Little Clacton, Oolchstr French Robert, Stanstead hall, Halstead
hold, Radwinter, Saffron Walden Fisher Edward, Wrabness, Manningtroo French Thomas, Hill house, Fryerning,
Emsoli Edmnnd, Littlebnry green,Little- Fisher John, Blue house, Kirby, Colchstr Ingatestone
bury, Saffron Walden Fisher John, Little Clacton, Colchester French William,Boyland's oak,Stapleford
Emson E. Poplarl9, Elmdon, SaffronWldn Fisher J.W.Bidwell,Lit. Clacton,Colchstr Abbots, Romford
English G. W. Hole frm. Bulmer,Sudbury Fitch A.G. Baythorn hill,Birdbrook,Hlstd French William, sen. Harlow
English John Parmentel', Black house, Fitch Chas.Tan office, Shalford,Braintree Freshwater G.Stapleford Abbots, Romfrd
Bulmel', Sudbury Fitch Cornell, Howfields, Stapleford Frost Geo.Wm. Little Clacton, Colchestr
Ereth J. C. Cowlands, Stebbing,Chlmsfrd Sawney, Romford Frost Nathaniel, Gt. Bromley, Colchestr
Evans Henry, DedhBm S.O FitchEdwardA.Brickhousefarm,Maldon Frost William, New House farm, Great
Evans Jacob, Bois hall, Halstead Fitch HrId. Street farm, Gt.Henny,Sdbry Bromley, Colchester
Evans James, Great WarIey, Brentwood Fitch Joshua, Rylands farm, Steeple Frost William, Parsonage farm, Tolles-
Eve Geo. FoX' hall, Upminster, Romford Bumpstead, Haverhill hunt Magna, Witham
Eve George, Orsett, Romford Fitch Samuel, Theydon Garnon, Epping Frost W. S. 'rhorrington hall, Colchester
Eve a.Park wood,Doddinghurst,Brentwd Flack Chas. H. Sible Hedinghm. Halstd Fry John Lovell, Sutton's fm. Stapleford
Eve Jas. Hook's end, Blackmore,Brentwd Flack Edwd. Ramsden Crays, Brentwood Tawney, Romford
Eve J. O. Bundish hall, Moreton,Brentwd Flower John, Epping . Fry P. Dairy farm, Blackmore, Ingtstn
Eve John George, Oak farm, Stanford-le- Flower Wm. Forest farm, Leytonstone e Fulford Edward, Fanton hill & Bonvills,
Hope, Romford Flowers Charles, Theydon bois, Epping North Benfleet, Chelmsford
Eve Richard, Aveley, Romford Floyd George, Buckholt farm, Leyton; Fyson R. Highwood, Chelmsford
Eve William, Manor house, North Ock- Beehive farm, Barking side, Ilford Gale G. The Hall, Fambridge (North),
endon, Romford Folkard Hy. New ho. Langham, Colchstr Maldon ..
Everett Henry, Sand Pit farm, Ardleigh, Folkard R. Marsh farm,Brightlingsea 8.0 Gale J amesTheobald,Orplands,Bradwell-
- Colchestel' FolkardWm.Shrub end, Lexden,Colchstr juxta-Mare, Maldon
Everettl James, Boxted, Colchester Folkard Wm. StanwayAllSaints,Colchstr Gandy Bros. Mosklyn's, Purleigh,Maldon
Everett J. Houchens, Fooring, Kelvedon Ford Isaae, Ashdon, Cambridge Gandy J. Eusens fm.Highwood,Chlmsfrd
Everitt Charles, Pleshey, Chelmsford Fordham Chas. A. Billericay, Brentwood Gant John Christlas,Stanway,Colchester
. Ewer Mrs.M.Westonhall,Foxearth,Sudb1 Foreman Stephen, Woodbarns, Ingatstn Gant Joseph, Pound farm, Upper Dover-
Ewer William, Ovington hall, Sudbury Forster Charles, Little Baddow,Chlmfrd court, Dovercourt, Harwich
Fairbank Alfred, Gosfield, Halstead Foster Charles, Lodge farm, Green!lted- Gardiner Douglas George, The Lawn,
Fairbank F. Gallant's farm,Little Maple- juxta-angar, Brentwood Bulmer, Sudbury
stead, Halstead. Foster Harvey, Great Totham, Witham Gardiner Edward, Hall, Wickham St.
Fairhead Golden & Son, Jenkin's farm, Foulger Hy. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester Paul, Halstead
Hazeleigh, Maldon Fox: Mrs. Bertha, Hole farm, Ovington, Gardiner J ames Spalding, Borley lodge,
Fairhead Alfred, Tollesbury, Kelvedon Sudbury , Borley, Sudbury
Fairhead Alfred John, Stanfields, White Fox: William, Felsted S.O GardinerMrs.Priscilla,Hockley,Chlmsfrd
Notley, Witham Foyster Henry, Clap bridge, Braintree Gardiner William, Bassildon, Brentwood
Fah-head G. Birch holt, Birch, Colchester Francis A. Tolleshunt Magna, Witham Gardiner William, Hall, East Hanning-
Fairhead Gulden, Inworth, Kelvedon Francis Charles Wordley, The Wick, field, Chelmsford
Fairhead Golden,Jenkin's farm, Maldon Southchurcb, Southend Gardiner W. C. Yeldham hall, Halstead
Fairhead MiBS Lonisa,Wickham Bishops, Francis Hezekiah Sadler,Scarletts farm, Gardner Ambrose,Stunnere ha.Halstead
Witham West Bergholt, Colchester Gardner Henry, Beech farm, Loughton,Peldon,ColchtrFrancis Mrs. Jane, Motts farm, Lang- Gardner Samuel, Havering-atte-Bower,
Fairhead William, Tiptree house~ Great ham, Colchester Romford; & at Homchnrch
Braxted, Witham Francis Rt. St. Clere's Hall farm, Dan- Garnham Mrs. Maria, Dimbols farm,
Fairhead William Francis, LittleRenters, bury, Chelmsford Wrabness, Manningtree
Little Totham, Witham Francis R. J. (exors. of), Minsons, Hulks Garrad William, Brook house, Bures
Fart"OW Mra. Harriet, Marvel's garden, & Ottley frms.Williug'c1leSpain,Bmtwd hamlet, Colchester
Pelmarsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk Francis T. Fordham hth.Frdhm.Colchstr Garrard Wm. Pilgrims hateb,Brentwood
Farrow William, Peverill farm, CoIne Francis Thos. Stock hat!, Ulting, Maldon Garratt Samuel, Ashingdon, Chelmsford
Engaine, Halstead. Francis William, Goldhanger, Maldon Garratt Samuel, Hoe mills. Woodbam
Farthing George, 8tanwa~ Colchester Francis Wm.Holly bo. Elmstead,Colchstr WaIter, MaldoD
Feans 1. V.Netherhall, Brdfld. Mnngtree FrankhamJohn,Chaureth green,Broxted, Garratt Sml.Wick farm, Ulting, Maldon
Feedham William, Ralph'8 farm, Great Dunmow S.a Garratt T.Smith's grn.Takeley,CWmsfrd
Cla.cton, Colchester Fra.nkham ,John, The Hall, Little Can- Garrett Arthur, Blatche8 farm, Little
Felgate John, Plain hall, Fingringhoe, field, Chelmsford Canfield, Chelmsford
Colchester Frankham John, Sheering hall, Takeley, GarrettR.Hobbs,Gt.Canfield,DnnmwS.O
Felgate. Samuel, Dedham S.O Chelmsford Garwood Charles, Mile end, Colchester
Felgate William, Langham, ColooMte1 Fmnklin Aug. Bellcnmber ha.ll, Cornish Gate .Robert, .Beverage's farm, BOrB-
Felgate Wm. Monk farm; Dedhlim 8.0 Hall end, Braintree church, Romford
Fenn C. Good hall, Ardleigh, Cmchester Franklin Augnstus; Pakes farm, Finch· Gates William, Cranbam, RomIord
Fenn G. t;..Rookery fm.Ardleigh;Cokhstr ingfield~ Braintree- Gates William, Great Chesterford 8.0-
Fenn Hm'l"i.eon, Toppesfield~ Halstead Fmnklin Henry Bewell; Little Canfield, Gstward 8. Bible Hedingham. Halste8d
FennNorris, Tndwick,'PoUeshunlID'Arcy, Chelmsford Gatward W. Little Maplestead, Halstead
Kelvedon Pnmklin John, 1'Bl'riers, ThaJIted 8.0 Gay Henry, Baker sf.. Or8ett, :Romford
Feml Patrick Burgeei; Old Mork hall, Pranklin William (exors. et). Park farm. Gay Isaac, Becontree farm. Romford
Beaumont, Colchest.ell "I'haxted 8.0 Gay W. Corbets Tey, Upminster, Romftd
Fenner Jobl11 Brook ~~ Dedham 8.0 Free Mn. E. Newport, Bishop'B Stortford Gay William, Dagenham, Romford

. ,
Gayford John, Hospital farm,. Newport, Gowlett Shadrach, High hpUBe, 'l:akeleJr, Hale John, Low hill, Roydon. Ware
Bishop's Stortford Chelmsford J Hale R.Scott,Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Gayler E.Turnip Hall farm, SaffronWldn Gozzett Henry, HatchIqan's farm,Wood- Hales James, Mersea farm, Culchester
Gibbs Mrs. Harriet, Weeley, Colchester ham WaIter, Maldon Hales James, Mile end, ,Colchester
Giblin Charles, Ridgwell hall, Halstead Granger lsaao, MlUldon, Maldon Hales Mrs. Sarah, Over hall, Bartlow
Giblin Henry, Ashwell hall,Finchingfield, Grainger I. Sporhamsj Sandon, Chlmsfd hamlet, Cambridge
Braintree Grant Ephraim, Fingringhoe,Colchester Halfhead Robert & John, SaJisbury
Giblin J. Wesley hall, Langdon, Romford GravesJ.Monk'sfm.Debden,Saff.Walden hall, Chapel end, Walthamsto1l'
Giblin Jsph. Highgates, Little Sampford, Graves J n. Andrew, Gt. Yeldham, HIst.d Hall B. C. Lofts, Grea~ Totham,Witham
Braintree Gray Alf. Home fm. Dageuham,Romford Hall Charles, Manifold wic~ 'folleshunt
Giblin Joseph, Little Bardfield, Braintree Gray F.Clock ho.Little Sampford,Brntre Knights, Kelvedon
Giblin R. S. Buckinghams, Thaxted S.O Gray Henry, America farm & Pound Hall George, Little Barrington hall,
Giffen H.Wicken Bonant,Bishop's Strtfrd House farm, Dagenham, Romford Hatfield, Harlow
Giffen Henry, Severalls, Arkesden, Gray In. Gurtons, Good Easter,Chlmsfd Hall Thomas, Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Bishop's Stortford Gray John, Nazing, Waltham cross Halls Frank & Sydney, The Waver,
Gilbert James, Lexden, Colchester Gray T. Grange, Radwinter,saff:Walden Blackmore end,Wethersfield,Braintree
Gilbert W. Black Horse la.Walthamstow Green Charles, Clatterbury ~ane,Claver- Halls George, Water hall, Thaxted 8.0
Gilder Peter, Howe's hall, Thaxted S.O ing, Bishop's Stortford Halls H.Nevaidsfm.Gt.Horkesley,Clchstr
Gilders John, Great Clacton, Colchester Green Charles, Crepping hall, Wakes Halls James, Broxted, Colchestel' .
Giles Mrs.R. Hall,Little Holland,Colchstr Colne, Halstead " HallsT.Colvilleha.WhiteRoothing,Chlms,
Gill Edward, Dagenham, Romford Green Daniel A. Donyland place, East Halls W.Tile ho.Great Horkesley,Clchstr
Gingell Daniel James, Hammond's green, Donyland, Colchester Hallum Thomas George. Gr(W~ farm,
Moreton, Brentwood Green Edwd. Holyfield, Waltham abbey Wormingford, ColchesteI' ~
Gingell Daniel Taylor, Upper ball, More- GreenGeo.Lit.Haye,Stow Maries,Maldon Hamm John, Wrabness, Manningtree
ton, Brentwood . Green George Joseph, The Hall & Red Hammond G.Pilgrims hatch; Brentwood
Gingell George, High Laver hall, Ongar Brick farm, Fingringhoe, Colchester Hammond H. Walters, Hatfield, Harlow
Gingell John, Loughton Green Isaac, Rover's Sty farm, Ipswich Hammond James, 'rerling, Witham
Girling James, Frating, Colchester road, Colchester Hammond John, White Notley, Witham
Girling James William, Red Barn farm, Green Jas. John, Great Parndon,Harlow Hammond T.(exors.of),Fairsted,Witham
Brightlingsea S.O Green J.Mercer,Ford st.Aldham,Clchstr Hammond William. Hnllett'. farm,
Girling John Wellar, Ballast Quay farm, Green John, Heath, Weeley, Colchester South Weald, Brentwood
Elmstead, Colchester Green J. The Elms,Gestingthorpe,Hlstd Hampton John, Beldams,Great Halling-
Girling John William, Wivenhoe farm, Green J. HeIlen, Bradfield hall, Mngtre bury, Bishop's Stortford
Wivenhoe, Colchester Green John Horace, White hall, Thorpe- Hanks W. Lampett's,Fyfield, Brentwood
Gladwell In. Fras. Eastwood, Chelmsford ,le-Soken, Colchester Hanson Wm. Pick hill, Waltham abbey.
Gladwin Thos.Frenches farm,Felsted S.O Green Joseph, Fordham hall, Colchester Harding W. Copthall grn. Wltllm. abbey
Gladwin T. Hubbards,Shalford,Braintree Green Mrs. Mary, Bromeshobury, Hat- Hardy Chas. Whyte'8. Tyrells, Buttsbury,
Glasscock E. Latton,Harlow; & a.t Harlw field, Harlow Ingatestone
Glasscock William, Eastwood,Chelmsfrd Green Thomas,Badley hall, Great Brom- Hardy Edward, Tidings hill, Halstead
Gloony Wm. Wallis, CecH ho. Barking ley, Colchester; & Ragmarsh, Bradfield Hardy George Simpson, Ramsey hall,
Godefroy S. D. Rickling,Bishop's Stortfrd Green T. Cooper, Brick ho. Fingringhoe, Ramsey, Harwich; & Jacques hall,
Golding John, Ashen, Sudbury Colchester Eradfield
GoIding J.Bohun's hall,Tollsbry. Kelvedn Green WaIter, Proctor, Manor farm, Hardy J. The Hall, 'rendring, Colchester
Golding Pearson,Mark's farm,Coggeshall Great Holland, Colchester Hardy Jas. Wickham St. Paul, Halstead
road, Braintree Green W. Shirley, Muchmores, Great Hardy John Robert, Copy ho. Wickham
Goldsmith Mrs. S. Lamarsh, Colchester Saling, Braintree St. Paul, Halstead
Golland George, Lindus wood, :Black GreenW.Bloomfield·s fm.Ardleigh,Clchst Hardy J.Whitehall,Wethersfid. Braintree
Notley, Braintree Green W. Simpson Fordham, Colchester Harker James, Skillett's Hill farm, Wal-
Gooch B. The Hall, Hornchurch, Romfrd Green WiIliam Simson, Breewood hall, tham abbey
GoodayH.Widney brook,Fyfield,Brentwd Great Horkesley, Colchester Harmer Mrs. Susannah, High street,
Gooday Joshua, Mark's hall, Margaret Green WiIliam Stannard, Wormingford Brightlingsea S.O
Roothing, Chelmsford hall, Colchester Harper Henry, Thorrington, Colchester
Gooday T. Fulborne, Chatley,Chelmsford Gregory J. Brick ho. Pitsea, Chelmsford Hamngton G. G. Fitzjohn's fnn. Halstd
Gooday Thomas, Hale's farm, Little Gregson Hy. South Benfleet,Chelmsford Harrington Simon, Copthall, Little Can-
Braxted, Witham Grey James, Hartford end, FeIsted S.O field, Chelmsford
Gooday Wm. Great Braxted hall,Witham Griffin T.Househam ha.Matching,Harlw Harrington William, Bloom's farm, Sible
Goodchild Geo. Hicks, Graves hall, Sible Griggs Noah, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Hedingham, Halstead
Hedingham, Halstead; & at Toppesfield Griggs. Thomas, Burton end, Stansted Harrington William, Tolleshunt Knights,
Go9dchild James, Thurstons, Finching- Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Kelvedon
field, Braintree Grimwood Thomas, Weeley, Colchester Harris Edward Ind, Heath farm, AIres-
Goodchild John, Fraine farm,TolleshlUlt Grimwood William, Spital farm,Maldon ford, Colchestelt
D'Arcy, Kelvedon Grout Alfred, The Grange, ~Wickham Hams James, Great Parndon, Harlow
Goodchild S. Blois, Sible Hdnghm.HIstd Bishops, Witham Harris John Porteen, Dickerson's &
Goodchild T. Gunses, Toppesfield, Hlstd GroutD.B.Shotgatefm.Rll'lTeth,Chlmsfd Voucher's frms. Gt. Warley, Brntwood
Goodchild T. Hillho.Gt.Yeldham,Hlstd Grout WaIter, Great Totham, Witham Hams PhilipJ.Burr'sfarm,Gti.Clacton,
Goodchild Wlngtn.Gt. Burstead,Brntwd GroyeT.OldWhiteHorse fm.Dengie,Mldn .~:.Colchester
Goodchild William Joseph, Brookland's Groves Edmund, Kingstons, White Hams Mrs. Sarah, Roman farm:, Burn-
farm, Brook street, Brentwood Roothing, Chelmsford, ham, Maldon
Goodey Jeremiah Stannard~ Tay brook, Groves Frederick, Walkers, Morrell Harris Thomas, Dickinson's, Gt. Warley,
Great Tey, Kelvedon Roothing,White Roothing,Chelmsford Brentwood
• Goody Golden, Broom house, Chappel GrovesWilliam,Butt hatch &Rlade farm, Hams Thomas, The Dickinson's, Great
Halstead . Beauchamp Roothing, Brentwood Warley, Brentwood
Goody Golden, jun.Pattocks,Chpl. Hlstd Guiver Henry, NewhaU farm,Canewdon, Harris William, Bullers farm, Little
Gesling George, St. Osyth, Colchester Rochford S.O Burstead, Brentwood
Gott Jas. Forest ho. Barking side, llford Guiver.r. Blackbirds,Tillingham,Maldon Hamson Edward, Blue house, Laindon,
Gotts Jesse, Bu1phrm, Romford Gunn John, East Mersea, Colchester Brentwood 1
Gould G. & Sons, High street & Trap's Gurteen J. Couples fm. Sturmere, Hlstd Harrod Joseph, Billericay. Brentwood
hill,Borders & Albion farms,Loughton Gurteen Jabez, Weybridge farm, Great Harrod Joseph, Buttsbury, Ingatestone
Gower WaIter, Crays hall, Ramsden Yeldham, Halstead Harrod William,PolUldfarm,Rettendon,
Crays, Brentwood Gurton Joshua, Goldhanger, Maldon Chelmsford I
Gowers Jas. Pyes, Barnston,Chelmsford Gurton J. Tolleshunt Magna, Witham Hart George, Myrtle lodge, Little Stam-
Gowers W.J.ChadwellSt.Mary,Grayll S.O Guyver James, Broxted, Dunmow S.O bridge-, Chelmsford
Gowlett James, Cowlass hall & Sullen's GUyTer Mrs. 8amh, Chaureth street, Hart George, North Weald, Epping
RMwinter, Saffron Walden Broxted, Dunmow S.O Hartwell Alfd.Cherrydownfrm.Chingfrd
Gowlett Reuben, Cutbush, Radwinter, Hagger Thomas & Stephen, Rickett's Hartwell Joseph, Chingford
Saffron Walden farm, Ashdown, Cambridge Ha1'Vey BrotherSp Bardfield End green,
Gowlett Mrs. 8arah, Pounce hall, Hagger Hagger A. Lit.Chiswell,Royston Thaxted S.O
Saffron Walden Hagger S.New house,Ashdon,Cambridge Harvey In. & Wm. Cold Norton,Maldon
462 'flAB ESSn" [KEI.LY'S
FnVERS-4~fnttilt.uetl. Hicks C. T. Hall, <it. Holland, Colchester Humphreye Ardl~y Jo~ AyleUj ltahi..
Han-ey&Thirtle,Mover'sfnn.Rippleside Hicks G. Pelmarsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk ham, Romford
Harvey Abraham, D~<rWood, Dodding- Hicks Herbert T. The HaJI, Little Cog- Humphreys SI. Sible a:edingham,Ha1~
hurst, BrentlVood geshall, Kelvedon Hunt &; Birls, Holmefann,North Ocketi-
Bartey Chas. Gt. Wigborough, Colchstl' Hicks Joseph Rouse, White's fami, den. 1tomford
HaTVey C. C. Foulness island, Southend White Colne, Halstead aunt John, sen. Lippitt'liJ hI. High :Beech
Harvey Edward, Great lodge, Great Hicks Peter B. Brick ho. Weeley, Colchstr Hunt Joseph, Spendpenny farm, Mount
Bardfield, Braintree Hicks Thomas (exors. of), Grove home, Bures, Colchester
Harvey E. The Grove, Tiptr~ heath, Little Clacton; Colchester Hunt W. J. South Hanningfld. Chlmefrd
Kelved.on I &; at Tolleshunt Knights Hill Christopher, Hatlo"," ' Hurrell J. W.Culverts,Borehm.Chlmsfrd
Harvey Elijah, Peldon, Colchester Hill Francis John, Rainham, Romford Hutchin W. Piggerells, Hatfield, Harlow
Harvey G. J. Bigods farm, Dl1nmow S.O Hills In. Prestead hall, Fearing, Kelvedn Hutley James & Philip, Benfleet Hall
Harvey Henry, Forest! ha.ll, Birchanger, Hillsden George, Manor farm, Belchamp fann, North Benfleet, Chelmsford
Bishop's Swrtford Otten, Sudbury Hutley Jas. & P. Powers hall, Witham
Harvey James, Boxted priory, Colchester Hilton Claude, Hadfield farm, toughton H utley Charles, Abbots hall, Great
Harvey Sames, Hockley, Chelmsford Hilton Robert Ryther Popplewell, The Wigborough, Colchester
Harvey John, Stock, Ingatestone Lodge, Woodham Mortimer, Maldon Hutley James, Home farm, Downhani,
'Harvey Robert, Mover's frm. Rippleside Hine George, Epping Brentwood
Harve, Robert, Reed hall, Colchester Hipsey Wm. Hy. Danbury, Chelmsford Hutley John, Elm hall, Witham
Harvey Mrs. Sarah, Houd's farm, Ford- Hitching George, Coxtil green, South Hutley John, Hall, Rivenhall, Witham
ha.m, Colchester Weald, Brentwood Hutley W. Park gates,Rivenhall,Witham
Harvey Stephen, Thundersley, Rayleigh Hitching Georg~,Linsteadfarm,Pleshey, Hutton Charles, The Tye, Margaretting,
S.O.; & at Leigh Chelmsford Ingatestone
Harvey T. Bridge frm. 8helley, Bl."entwd Hitchman John, Wadham lodge & Bulls Hyde John, Beech Hill farm, Upshire,
Harvey William, Hockley, Chelmsford farms, Hale end, Walthamstow Waltham abbey
Hasler John, Chatham green, Great Hobbs George, Pattiswick, Braintree Hyem William, Great Bentley, Colchstr
Waltham, Chelmsford Hobbs Henry, Boxted lodge, Colchester Hyham William, Keelar's farm, Blm-
Basler Robert, Throws, Little Dunmow, Hobbs H. J. Falcon hall,Goldhngr.Maldn stead, Colchester
Chelmsford Hobbs William, Doreward's hall, Bock- Hynds John, Oxen end, Little BradfieM,
Hasler T. Onslow green, Dunmow S.O ing, Braintree Braintree
Hasler Mrs. W. Truetons, Dunmow 8.0 HlJCkley Albert, Cooper's farm, 'i'akeley, Idle Henry, Brooklands farm, Romford
HastIer Thomas, Ground's farm, High Chelmsford Impey Henry John, Stacey's farm,
Easter, Chelmsford Rockley Alfred, Henham Toad, Debden, Broomfield, Chelmsford
Hawe8 lesse, Charity farm, Woodham SaffrOli Walden Impey William, Broomfield hall, Broom-
Ferre1'8, Chelmsford Hockley Mrs. Henry, Shrub's farm, Hat- field, Chelmsford
Hawes John, EMt hQ. North st. Romford field, Harlow Inge John, Chevers hall, High Onga\', •
Hawes J. Woodbaln Ferrers, Chelmsford Hockley Mrs. James, Collier Street farm, Brentwood
Hawkins Henry, Shinglefoots, Tilling- Hatfield, Harlow Ingram George Henry & James, Hedge-
ham, Maldon Hockley J. Friar's frm. Hatfield, Harlow man's farm, Barking side, Ilford
Haws Daniel, Bnry house, Great Warley, Hockley William, Warrens farm, Little Irlam W m.South hall,Ramsey, Hanvic1i
Brentwood Leighs, Chelmsford bard John, Carroll's farm, Sewardstone
lIaws Thomas Waters, Bell ho. Romford Hoddy William & Thos. Codham Little Jackson Arnold, 'fottell's hall, Willing-
Hawthorn Joseph, Gt. Bromley, Colchstr park, WetheT'Sfield, Braintree ale Doe, Brentwood
Hayden R. Rickling gm. Bishop's Strtfrd Hodge Mrs. C. Nazing, Waltham cross Jackson Daniel, Chadwell place, Chad-
Haynes Thomas, High Elm farm, Aires- Holland G. Haxen's frrn. Peldon,Colchstr well, St. Mary Grays S.
ford, Colchester
Holland James, Slough farm, Halstead Jackson Daniel M. Dunton, Brentwood
Hayward John S. Baldwin's farm. North Holland Joseph,Woodhams,Thaxted S.O Jackson Edward T.Ashington, Chlmsftd
Ockendon, Romford Holland Mrs. Sarah, Stifford, Romford JacksonG.Ramsden,Bellhollse,Brntwood
Haywood William, Lama1'8h, Colchester Hollington William, Manor farm, East Jackson J. Leggetts, Tillingham,Maldon
Hazell J. J. Great Bromley, Colchester Ham e. ; Uphall farm, Great Ilford & Jackson J. Sampson's,Tillingham,Maldn
HazeD William, Guide Post farm, Al"d- Great Britons farm, Hornchnrch Jackson Miss J. Bacon's, Dengie,Maldon
leigh, Colchester Holmes Henry, Bocking hall, Braintree Jackson T.Bridgeman's,Tillinghm.Mldn
HareD William, Wakes Colne, Halstead Holmstead Wm. Barling, Chelmsford Jackson Wm,Connaways,Orsett,Romfrd
Hazlewood Charles, Sheering, Harlow Holton Ed. Mount Bures hall, Colchester Jackson W. Jessops,Blackmore,Ingatstn~
Hazlewood Mrs. C. High Laver, Ongar Hooke Joseph, Little Hallingbury, Jaggs A. Horne row, Danbury,Chlmsfrd
Hearn George, School farm, Little Maple. BiShop's Stortford James John, Magdalen La\'"er, Ongar
stead, Halstead Hopwood H.Nightingales,Langdn.Rmfrd J ames J oseph, West Tilbury, Grays s.d
HearnJames,SibleHedingham, Halstead Horden Fredk. Sheering hall, Harlow Jarrold Robt. John,Dovercourt,Harwich
Hearn John, Black Notley, Braintree I & Horslin James, Laindon, Brentwood Jams Geor~e, Smith'S green, Steeple
at Braintref') Horwood Henry, Hall farm, Chickney, Bumpstead, Haverhill
Hearn Robert, Belchamp Otten, Sudbury Dunmow S.O ' J aTvis J oseph, River side, Fambridge
Hearn RobeTt, Old Honsefarm, Gesting-- Houghton Daniel, St. John's, Lam- (North), Maldon .
thorpe, Halstead bourne, Romford . Jay Capt. Mell farm, Tollesbury,KetvUn
Hearn Shadrach, Gibb'l! farm, Pelmal"sh, Houghton James, Old hall, Steeple Jefferies James, Gobien's farm, Great
Bures 8.0. Suffolk Bumpstead, Haverhill Burstead, Brntwd. & Laindon, Brntwd
Heam Thomas, Grove farm, Chadwell st Houghton T. Bush Fair ho. Latton,Harlw Jeffrey John, Upper green, Wimbish,
Hearn William, Park's far'm, Gesting- HoughtoB W. Langley, Bishop's Strtfrd Saffron Walden
thorpe, Halstead Housden Arthur &; Frederick, Leggetts, Jeffries Bidney, Pitsea, Chelmsford
Heame George, Hepworth hall, Halstead Debden, Saffron Walden Jegg Golden, Gosfield, Halstead
Hedgley James (exors. of), Dota Mellons, Honsden Mrs. E. Sheerhill,Saffrn. Waldn J eggo J oseph, Boons, High Garrett,
Tillingbam, Maldon Housden Henry, Park pale, Old Samp- Braintree •
Hedgley Mrs. Ma.ry, Bradwell-jnxta- ford, Braintl'ee Jenkins Katharine, Rettendon,Cbehnsfd
Mare, MRldoll Hou9den J. Audley End rd. Saffrn.Waldn Jessop Aaron,Old farm,Chingford hatch,
Hellen Jas. Hughes, Easthorpe, Kelved.on Howard Charles, Lower l1ouse,Wimbish, Chingiord
Hellen William Dixon, Poplar hall, North Saffron Walden J essop Charles, Larks wood, Chingtord
Station road, Colchester Ho""ard Robt. Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford J essop J osiah. Chirrgford hatch, Chingfd
Hempleman ArthUT' Alfred, Lawneslll, Howes Joseph, Blain'S farm, Great Jilling John, Park farm, Gt.Chestrfd.S.O
Mountnessing, Brentwood Oa:kley, Harwich Johnson David, Parker's green, Wakes
HempllOft Amis, Hill hOo Ramsey, Hntcb Huckle David, Cock'l! lann, Witham • Colne, Halstead.
Hempson Mrs. George D. Bradfield Hudson Thoma!!, sen. Blue house, Bat- Johnson Edward, CarbOhel's Hall tarm,
lodge; Manningtree ling, Chelmsford Wix, Manningtree
Hicks Alfred, Ailsa lodge, Stansted. Hudson Thomas, Great Pottoa farm, Johnson Francis Wm.E1mstea<i.Colchstr
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Great Wakering, Southend Johnson George, Grange farm, Chigwell
Hicks Chal'les; Ilenfield place, StMlsted Hudson Thos. jun. Barling~ Chelmsford Johnson Mrs. Lncy, Wickham, St. Paul,
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Hume Robart, Mayaard's lann, Wal- Halstead •
Hicks Charles, Felsted Bury, Felst.ed S.O' tham abbey Johnson Sadler G. Picket's farm, EIIl1&'
Hicks Charles, jnn. Benfield green, Stan- Bumphrey I. W. Bla<lkmore,Ingatestone tead, Colchester' ,.
sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Humphrey R. TolleshuntMagna, Wthm Johnson Samuel, Lawford, ManningtrOO' ,
J ohnson William Francis,Dedham School Kent Peter,Rectory farm,Little Chishall, Lambert Henry, Locksmiths, Finching-
farm, Great Bromley, Colchester Roysoon field, Braintree
Joice William, Stonage fann, Little Kent 8idney, GFeat Chishall, Royston Lambert Mrs. Mary, High Tree farm,
Waltham, Chelmsford Kerridge Daniel, Woodham Hall farm, West Bergholt, Colchester
Jolly Mrs. John, Hockley, Chelmsford WoodhamFerrers,Chelmsford Lambert Thomas William, Castle.\
Jonas F. M. Chrishall grange, Royston Kerridge Henry, Bradfield, Manningtree Home farms, Chipping Ongar 8.0
Jonas Wm. Bury farm, Heydon,Royston Ketley Jas. Highfield, Coggeshall,Kelvdn Lambert Thos. Wm. Hallsford, Stondon,
Jones F.Newney grn.Writtle,Chelmsford Ketley Robert, Wallace farm, Boreham, Brentwood
Jones FrMerick, Theydon boiS', Epping Chelmsford Langman William Henry; Horne row,
Jones Henry, West Bergholt, Colchester Ketley Wm. Boreham hall, Chelmsford Danbury, Chelmsford
Jones JOhn,Markhouse rd.Walthamstow Kettley C. Sewards end, Saffron Walden Last John, St. Osyth, Colchester
Jones John Angus, Greensted Hall farm, Kettley Charles, Tiptofts, Frogs green Lavender Nthl. Layer Marney; Kelvedon
Greenltted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood & Cole end, Wimbish, Saffron Walden Laver Francis John, MalYOIlSj Hockley,
Jones Josiah, Blunt's farm, Theydon Kettley Thomas William, Great Halling- Chelmsford
Gamon, Epping bury, BishOp's Stortford Laver John, Foulness island, Southend
Jones Robert, Baddow park, Great Bad- Kettridge James,Gibb's farm,Radwinter, Laver In. A. Turret ho. Rayl6gh 8.0
do,,", Chelmsford 8affron Walden Laver Robt. Blue ho.Fambridge (North),
Jordan Amos, Moat House farm, Great Kettridge Joseph, Ashdoh, Cambridge Maldon
Easton, Dunmow Keyes Wm. Southchnrch hall, Southend Law Edmnnd, Sayer's fann, Bobbing-
Jordan Arthur, Mill End green, Great Keys William, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon worth, Brentwood
Easton, Dunmow' Kibble William, Collier row, Romford Law George, Langley, Bishop's Stortford
Jordan James, Dairy green,Thaxted 8.0 KiddyJohn, Panfield, Braintree Law James, North Weald, Epping
Jordan James, Theydon Garnon, Epping King Thomas & Henry,Littlebury mills, Law John, North Weald, Epping
Joscelyne James Robert, Panfield farm, Saffron Walden; &atSaffron Walden Law William, North Weald, Epping
Panfield, Braintree King Charles, Rockwoods, Little Dun- Lawrance Wm. Hall farm, Doverconrt,
Joscelyne Robert, Manwood green, Rat- mQw, Chelmsford . Harwich
field, Rarlow . King Fredk. Augustus, Fann's, Great Lawrence Edward, Collier row, Romford
Joshua Robert, Fairlan&, Abbot's Rooth- Bardfield, Braintree Lawrence Edwd. South Weald, Brntwood
ing, Brentwood King Isaac Newton, Porter's farm, Bore- Laws Geo. Raveringwell, Hornchurch,
J oslen Thomas &; William, Phillows ham, Chelmsford' Romford .
farm, Little Baddow, Chelmsford King James, Great Totham, Witham Laws William, Boxted, Colchester
Joslin Clement, High ho.Purfleet,Romfd King John, jun.Mount Bures, Colchester Lay John Watson, Great Tey, Kelvedon
Joslin George, Magdalen Laver, Ongar King 1'hilip Hurst, Copford, Colchester Lay Robert, Mount Bures, Colchester
Joslin George, Old heath, Colchester King Thomas, North street, Halstead Leach Thos. Black brook,Gt. HQrkesley,
Joslin H. Parsonage fnn. Aveley, Romfd King Wm. Park farm, Hatfield, Harlow Colchester
.Joslin Henry, Upminster, Romford King William, Edwin's hall, Woodham Leader Thomas, Little lodge; Great
Joslin WaIter, White ho.Orsett,Romford Ferrers, Chelmsford Bardfield, Braintree
Josling Abraham, Langland, Leaden King William Horatio, Hop Polefarm, Leatherdale J. Salcott, Kelvedon
Roothing, Chelmsford Great Maplestead, Halstead Leatherdale Jas. Wakes Colne, Halstead
Josling Joseph, Stubbers, High Easter, Ringsley John, Brook hall,Tiptree heath, Ledgerton Henry, Rolls & Borehams,
Chelmsford Kelvedon; & at Tolleshunt Knights Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Josling Joseph, White Notley, Witham Kirk In.Mogg's farm,Rippleside,Barking Lee Geo. Ancona, Bunting Bridge farm,
J osling Robert, Manwoods,White Rooth- Kirk William,Rookery farm, Dagenham, Barking side, Ilford
ing, Chelmsford Romford Lee Henry, Roydon, Ware
Josling S.1'oors land,Chatley,Chelmsford Kirkham D.West Hanningneld,Chelmsfd Lee Jsph. Park fnn. London rd. Romford
Josling Thomas, Chatham green, Great Kirkham1.Woodham Ferrers,Chelmsfrd Lee WaIter, Priors farm, Hornchurch,
Waltham, Chelmsford Kitchiner Henry, Roydon hamlet, Roy- Romford
Joy Robert Sizer, jun. & Frederick Chas. don, Ware ' Lee William John. Pigtail farm, London
Friths farm, Great Oakley, Harwich Knapping Mrs. William, South Shoe- road, Romford
Joy F. T. Stone hall, Gt.Oakley,Harwich bury hall, Southend Leech Geo. Arkesden, Bishop's Stortford
Joy Jacob Joseph, Braham hall, Little Knight Chas. Lambourne, Romford Leech George, Highwood, Dunmow S.O
Bromley, Manningtree Knight GeOl'ge, Little Staggins, High Leech William, High Easter, Chelmsford
Joy William, Little Clacton. Colchester Easter, Chelmsford Leeder T. Richmond's frm. Thaxted 8.0
Joyce J. Bradford st. Bocking, Braintree Knight James, Laurance farm, Castle Leeder Thomas William, Yardley hall,
Joyce John,Liston hall,Gosfield,Halstead Hedingham, Halstead Thaxted S.O
Joyce T. Grays, Wethersfield, Braintree Knight Jas. -Padnall corner, Chadwell st Legerton Charles, Avesey farm, Great
Joyce T. Sibleys, Chickney,Dunmow 8.0 Knight Robert, Fordham pt Colchester Easton, Dunmow
Joyce William, High Easter, Chelmsford Knight Miss Sarah Ann, Tile Barn farm, Legerton John Stock, jun. Little's farm,
Judd Daniel, Harlow Maldon road, Colchester Shalf01'd, Braintree
Judd Mrs. John, Galleywood common, Knight Thomas, Roding farm, George Legerton Joseph, 'fhe Gravel pits & Hill
Chelmsford lane, Wanstead e . farm, Thaxted 8.0
Juniper John & James, Howlett's hall, Knightbridge C. Little Warley, Brntwd Legerton Thomas Winterflood, BOytoD
Chignal St. James, Chelmsford Knightbridge Thomas, Bearman's farm, hall, Finchingfield, Braintre~
Kearsley Arthr. Abbey frm. West Ham t! Margaretting, Ingatestone Lenny Mark, Olives farm, St&pleford
Kedgley Wm. 3 Castlegate st. Harwich Knights Edward, .Berwick farm, Stan- Abbots, Romford
Keeble George, Channels farm, Little ford rivers, Romford Lenny Mark, jnn. Stapleford Abbots,
Waltham, Chelmsford Knights Thomas, Latchingdon, Malion Romford
Keeble Robert, Ardleig-h, Colchester Lagden George, Crow's green, South Lenny William, Lodgefarm,Passingiord
Keeble Wm. Walnut Treefarm.Copford, Weald, Brentwood bridge, Navestock, Romford
Colchester Lagden Henry, Cowes .farm, Dodding- Leonard Mrs. S. Broxted ha]], Broxted,
Kemble Thomas, Runwell, Chelmsford hurst, Brentwood Dnnmow S.O
Kemp John Fitch, Wellingtons, South- Lagden Jeremiah, Shenfield, Brent-wood Leonard William, Prayor's farm, Sible
minster, Maldon Lagden Joseph, Sewards .end & Thaxted Hedingham, Halstead
Kemp Samuel (exors. of), Creeksea hall, road, Saffron Walden Levey George, Takeley, Chelmsford
Maldon Lagden 'l'hotl. Doddinghurst, Brentwood Lewis John, Terling, Withani
Kemp Susannah, Althorne, Maldon Laird Charles1 Rickling hall, Bishop's Lewsey Mrs. Sarah, Stebbing, Ohlmsfrd
Kemp Wm. Cross farm,Althorne,Maldon Stortford Ley James Boys, Almonds farm, Layer
Kemsley Arthur, Epping Laird James, Church end, Rickling, Marney, Kelvedon
Kemsley Jsph. Theydon Garnon, Epping Bishop's Stortford Lillie Charles, AlIen's farln, Elmstead,
Kemsley Joseph William, Oakfield, Lake Chamberlayne Hickman, Cannhall Colcheste1'
Snakes lane, Woodford green road, Wanstead it Linroln Henry, Loughton
Kemsley Joseph Wm. Warrens & Gob- Lake I. jun. Aldborough Hatch,Ilford Lincoln John, Thutldersley,Rayleigh S.O
bions farm, Collier l'OW~ Romford Lamb Thos. The Hall, North Ockenden, Lindus Henry (David TOOd, manager),
Kemsley WiIliam Joseph, Lamboume Romford • Fyfie!d, Brentwood
hall, Latnboume, Romford Lamb Wm. Clay hall, Barking side, nfrd Lines Henry, White House fsrm, Harlow
Kendal Stephen, Rettendell, Chelmsford Lambert Benjamin, Galley hall, Galley- Ling Herbert, Shalford hall, Braintree
Kendell John, SibleHedingham,Halstead wood commo~ Chelmsford Linger Joseph, Coleman'lf Finchingfield,
Ken~ Joseph, Elmdon, Saffron Walden Lambert John, Kirby, Colchester Braintree •
46A: .AB. ESSEx:.. (i:Eq.y'S
}.l'AIOlERS-o-rlO7ltinued. ;Manning James, Asheldham, Maldon Massey J. B. Stebbing par. Chelmsford
Linsdell J ohn, Roother~ Debden, Saffton Manning J. St. Laurence Newland,Maldn Masterson W. Boxted, Colchester
WaldeD. Manning Jamei Mannll O/lk villa. Pil- Mathams Wm.H. Creeksea, Maldon
Linsell Wm. Whiteheads,Hatfield, Harlw grims hatch, Brentwood Mathews J. High Easter, Chelmsford.
Lister Thomas, Broomhanging farm, Manning R. South Ockenden, Romford Mathews 'Thomas, Harlow
Crockleford, Ardleigh, Colchester Manning T. E. Hubbards farm., Horn- MatthaIlll Geo. Friars grange, Aythrop
,Littlechild David & William, Dodding~ church, Romford Roothing, Chelmsford·
hurst, Brentwood Manning William, Berwick ponds, Matthams Hy. Foulnessisland,Southend
,Littlechild George, Pump farm,Kelvedon Rainham, Romford Matthams WaIter, Graylands, White
hatch, Brentwood Mansfield Benj. Epping green~ Epping Roothing, Chelmsford
Littlechild John, Roydon, Ware Mansfield James~ Matching, Harlow Matthams William, Fitz-Andrew's farm,
Littlechild Richard, Wishfields, Dod- Mansfield J. Lower farm, Cutler green, Great Waltham, Chelmsford
dinghurst, Brentwood Thaxted S.O Matthews Austin, Chignal hall,Chignal,
Littlechild W.Copthall gn. Wlthm. abbey Markham Charles, Wantz road, Maldon St. James, Chelmsford
Littler Henry, Sheering, Harlow Markin R. Nuts farm, Ashdon, Cambridg Matthews Barnard, Ardley end, Hatfield,
Livermore John,' Langleys & Olives, Marking Robert, Copthall, Saffron Whin Harlow
Dunmow.8.0 Markwell George, 8pringate, Chickney, Matthews Cbristopher, Great Newarks,
Livermore Mrs. K. Hook, Wethersfield, Dunmow 8.0 Good Easter, Chelmsford
Braintree Markwell Thomas, Broom, Henham, Matthews Frederick John, Parsonage
Livermore ~rm. Aytbrop hall, Aythrop Bishop's Stortford farm, High Easter, Chelmsford
Roothing, Chebnsford Marriage Bros. Good Easter, Chelm,~ford Matthews John, Chappel, Halstead
Lock John, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Marriage Brothers, Hayrons farm, High Matthews John R. The Mount, Plesher,
Long H.C.The Hall, Corringham,Romfrd Easter, Chelmsford Chelmsford
Long H. C. Old hall, Corringham,Romfrd Marriage Henry & Christy James, exOTS. Matthews SI. Porter. Little Laver, Ongar
Lord Geo. Bose cott. Weeley, Colchester of Miss Marriage, Jackletts farm, Matthews William. Ashwells, Earls
Lord John, Tudwick, TolleshuntD'Arcy, Bycknacre, Danbury, Chelmsford Colne, Halstead
Kelvedon Marriage Albert Christey. Hall farm, Maughfling J n. 8outl!. Benfleet, Chlmsfrd
Lord Jonathan, Thorrington, Colchester Ingatestone hall, Ingatestone May Alfrd. Monica ho. Ardleigh,Colchstr
Lord. Willi8.Jl\t Gt. Bentley, Colchester Marriage Andrew, :New lodge, Little May Frdrck. Gowers, Stisted, Braint.ree
Lott John G. Ashen house, Sudbury Baddow, Chelmsford May Goorge, Gate farm, Birch, Colchstr
Lott Wm. Bell's farm, Little Clacton, MarriageFrederick,Barnesfarm,Spring- May Henry, Abberton, Colchester
Colchester field, Chelmsford May Thomas, Valencefrm. ChadweUhth
Law A. Brick barn, Kirby, Colchester Marriage H. Moulsham lodge, Chelmsfd May W. Covenbrook hl. Stisted,Braintree
Low A. G. Larges, Gt. Holland, Colchstr Marriage Lawrence, Fingrith hall, Black- May William, Gutteridge Hall farm,
Low G. Brett's hall, Tendring, Colchstr more, Ingatestone Weeley, Colchester
Low Ja$l Hall, Great Chishall, Royston Marriott Chas. Nine Ashes, High Ongal', Mayes John, Stanford-Ie-Hope, Romford
Lowndes G. Frating lodge, Colchester Ingatestone Mayhew Mrs. Ann,Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfd
Lucas D. Great Holland, Colchester Marriott Edward, Woolmongers farm, Mayhew Mrs. Anna, Galleywood com-
Lucas Fred, Welhams & Cow House Stondon, Brentwood mon, Chelmsford
farms, Little Bentley~ Colchester Marsh J. Hale, Little Canfield, Chlmsfrd Mayhew Frederick, St. Osyth, Colchester
Lucas Malpas Lewis, East New hall, Marsh Rt. Little Canfield, Chelmsford Mayhew George, Great Oakley,Harwich
Ramsey, Harwich Marshall C. Henham, Bishop's Stortford Maylen Henry (exOTs. of), Waples mill,
Lucas Thos. Rogers, Green farm; res. Marshall D. Dunmow farm,Dunmow S.O Margaret Roothing, Chelmsford
Dove house, Upper Dovercourt, Har-- Marshall Dan, William'sfarm, Stebbing, Mayn James, Great Braxted, Witham ;
wich: & Michaelstow farm, Ramsey Chelmsford & at Tolleshunt Magna
Luckin Joseph, Parsonage j'arm, Ugley, Martin Alfred Henry, The Grove, Maynard William WaIter, Duddenhoe
Bishop's Stortford Stapleford Abbots, Romford grange, Elmdon, Saffron Walden
Lucking A. Smiths & Clap gates, Wil- Martin C. Brook farm, Chingford hatch, Mayne A. Jas. Little Totham, Witham
lingale Doe, Brentwood Chingford Mayue William, Little Tarpot, Thun-
Lucking Chas. Magdalen Laver, Ongar Martin Charles, Hungry hall, Fordham, dersley, Rayleigh 8.0
Locking George, Owen's farm, Great Colchester Mays Robert John, Ingatestone
Waltham, Chelmsford Martin George, Belehamp, Sudbury Mead Abraham, Eastbrook farm, Becon-
Lucking Josepb Wm. Lordship farm, Martin James, Long farm, Woodham tree heath, Romford
Writtle, Chelmsford Ferrers, Chelmsford Mead Clement, Downhall, Chadwell st .
Lucking Mrs. Martha, Hatfield,Chehnsfd Martin In. Pokemill, Sturmere, Halstead Mead Daniel, The Wick, Purleigh, Maldon
Lucking Robert, Hatfield. Chelmsford Martin John, Stock's farm, Berden, Mead G. Hyde, Great WaItham,Chlmsfrd
Lucking S. Sawyer~ Willingale Doe, Bishop's Stortford Mead W. Elbows, Good Easter,-Chlmsfrd
Brentwood Martin John. Waltons, Steeple Bump- Medcalf R. Hempstead, Saffron Walden
Lucking Wm. Magdalen, Ongar stead, Haverhill Medson James, Great Yeldham, Halstead
Lugar James M.Martell's hall, Ardleigh, Martin William, Wakes Colne. Halstead Mee Edward D. Bulphan, Romford
Colchester Martin W. H. Goldings, Thaxted 8.0 Mee J. Ramsden Bellhouse, Brentwood
L)"les J. )'. Bordeaux, Littlehury, Saffron Marven Thomas, Bradfield, Manningtree Meeson Arthur,Wharf, Battles Bridge S.O
Walden Maryon Jsph. Nine Ashes, High Ongsr, Meeson A. J. Telfords, Rawreth,Chlmsfrd
Mabbett Robert, Rettenden, Chelmsford Ingatestone Meeson William, Paglesham, Rochford:
McKay Peter, Bramble ball, Hadleigh S.O Maryon Richd. Moreton, Brentwood & at Rochford S.O
McMnrray J. Lenney's farm, Stapleford Mascall T. Radwinter, Saffron Walden MeesonW. T. Great Doggetts, Rchfrd.S.O
Abbots, Romford Maskell A. Holly farm, Frating, Colchstr Messent Arthur, Daws hall, Lamarsb,
Madle T. Green's farm, Fyfield, Brntwd Maskell Jacob,Little Bentley,Colchester; Colchestet
Mailen W. Nether st. Abbotts Roothing, res. at Tendring grove MessentZaccheus, Street farm,Lamarsh,
Brentwood Maskell James, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Colchester
Main W. Horsey island, Kirby, Colchstr Maldon Metcalf Philip, Feering, Kelvedon
Major Mrs. J.E. Wst. Tilbury,Grays S.O Maskell James, East Newlands, St. Law, Metson Alfred, High Laver, Ongar
Making Ambrose, Little Collins fann, renee Newland, Mald{)n Metson Benjamin, B,arrows far~ High-
Stambourne, Halstead Maskell Richard, Dengie, Maldon wood, Chelmsford
Mallinson J. Great Parndon, Harlow Mason Chas. Pound farm, Dedham S.O Metson Charles, Maplestead mills, Sible
Mallows George, Fields, Hempstead, Mason D. Hall farm, Upminster,Romfrd Hedingham, Halstead
Saffron Walden Mason George, Bowell Hall farm, West Metson Mrs. Charlotte, Felsted 8.0
Malyon John, WrittIe, Chelmsford 1.1ersea, Colchester Metson George, Lubber hedges, Steb-o
Manu Edward, Battlei Bridge 8.0 Mason In.Emblens,Doddinghrst.Brntwd bing, Chelmsford
Mann Henry, Bulphan, Romford Mason John,. Foro's end, Clavering. Met80n Mrs. Harriett, Blackmore end,
Mann J. Little Petitt's farm, Romford Bishop's Stortford Wethersfield, Braintreu
Manu Robert, Panfield, Braintree Mason Richd. Sawkins fann, Gl'6&t Can- Metson H. Goosleys, Toppesfield, Halstd
Manning .Abraham, Great Moorlands, field, Dunmow S.O l Metson Henry, Little Wrights. Wethers-
South Ockenden, Romford Mason Richard WaIter, Ryes .lann, field,. Braintree
Manning A.Kiln farm, Upminster,Rmfrd Little Henny, Sudbl1ry Metson James, Parker'8 farm, Abbotts
Manning A.Moor hall,Rainham,Romford Mason Thomas, Elmstead, Oolchester- Roothing, Brentwood
Manning Edward, The Common, PP"' Massey Oswald Henry. Homily' farm, Metson John, BeWs farm. J..ittlll SalingJ
minllter, RomIord . Little Dunmow, Chehnsforli Braintree
Metson John, Harlow Moore E. The Lodge, Messing, Kelvedon Newman William Smith, Mount's farm,
Metson Joseph, Mortimore's, Toppes- MooreJ. Harborough hall,Mssng.Klvdn Rayne, Braintree
field, Halstead Moore J .Vicarage farm, Hockley,CWms(d Newport Thomas, Pledgden, Henham,
Metson J. Chignal Smealey, Chelmsford Moore Joseph, Tendering's farm, De" Bishop's Stortford; & at Newport.
Metson Robert, Pooty pools, Roxwell, den, Saffron Walden Newport Thos. Prion's hall, Widdington,
Chelmsford Mortin David,Wick,Gt. Wakering,Sthnd Bishop'sStortford
Metson Samuel, Brook End farm, Little Morris Thomas (exors. of), Lodge farm, Newsom Henry. Plumboro' mount,
Dunmow, Chelmsford Wix, Manningtree Hockley, Chelmsford
Metson S. Radley gn. Roxwell, Chlmsfrd Mortier Geo. John, Lawn farm, White Newton George, Ducking house, Great
Metson Thomas, Lubber hedges, Steb- Notley, Witham Maplestead, Halstead
bing, Chelmsford Mortlock Chas. Luke, Litches, Great Nicholas Alfred, Amold's farm, Mount-
Mew Henry, Eastwood, Chelmsford; & Bardfield, Braintree nessing, Brentwood
at Canewdon, Rochford S.O Mortlock Luke, Town farm, Finching- Nicholls George, Downsell's farm,
Mickley Charles, Lee Bury, Elmdon, field, Braintree Pilgrim's hatch, Brentwood
Saffron Walden Moss J. & C. Fairfield, Bassildn.Brentwd Nicholls Geo. Nazing, Waltham cross
Mighell P. Feme hall, Barking side, Ilford Moss Alfred, Vange, Romford Nicholls James, Bellman's farm, Mount-
Mihill William Reeve, Eastbrook end, Moss Benjn. Ashingdon, Chelmsford nessing, Essex
Dagenham, Romford Moss Benjn. Hockley, Chelmsford Nicholls Thomas, Epping
Milbank George, Benewct Oats, Writtle, Moss James, GreatStambridge, Chelms- Nicholls Thomas, jun. Epping
Chelmsford ford; & at Canewdon Nicholls Wm. Nazing, Waltham cross
Milbank George, Green End farm, Ford Moss In. Rook farm,Cressing, Braintree Nichols James, Mill green, Ingatestone
end, Chelmsford Moss John, Threshelfords,Feering,Klvdn Nichols John, Park farm, Kelvedon
Milbanks Arthur Joseph, Corringales, Moss In. Threshelfords, Messing, Klvdn Nichols Wm. Black Notley, Braintree
Hatfield, Harlow Moss Johu William, Church Farm, Nicholson H. Bull hI. Gt. Clactn. Clchstr
Miles J. Botny hill, Lt. Burstead, Brntwd Feering, Kelvedon Nicholson Thomas. Lower farm, Great
Miles J ohn,Howlet Hall & Tadmor farms, Moss Thos. Herons farm,Feering,Kelvdn Holland, Colchester
Navestock, Romford Moss WaIter, Colne Engaine, Halstead Nieholson Thomas, Sladbury, Great
Miles J. A. Rose hall, Navestock, Rmfrd Moss Waiter T. Marks Tey, Colchester Clacton, Colchester
Miles Miss Luey, Beacon end, Stanway, Mott C. East Hanningfield, Chelmsford Nicholson Wm.Thorpe-Ie-Soken,Colehstr
Colchester Mott Chas. Rawlings, Rettendn. Chlmsfd Nicholson Mrs. William, New hall,
Miles R. Skips corner, Navestock, Rmfrd Mott Bocking,Braintree 'rhorpe-le-Soken, Colchester
Milkbank Charles Henry, Bassett's, Wil- Mott William, Runwell, Chelmsford Nix Frank, Mundon, Maldon
lingale Spain, Brentwood Muggleston Robert, Little Claydon, Nix Robert, Hoe gn. Pur]eigh, Maldon
Millard C. P. Eyott's farm, Woodbam East Hanningfield, Chelmsford Noah Thomas, Lindsays farm, Fryern-
Ferrers, Chelmsford Mugleston Robert Bakewell, Littlebury, ing, Ingatestone
Millbank Mrs. Ann, Crippins, High Stanford rivers, Romford Norden Wm. Hill farm, Ridgwell,Halstd
Easter, Chelmsford Mugleston Thos. Clap gt.Stondon,Bntwd Norfolk Jas. Break frm. Copfd. Colchstl'
Millbank C. Blow's frm. Rxwll. Chlmsfrd Mullings Thos. Sible Hedingham, Halstd Norfolk J oseph, Garlands, Birch,Colchstr
Millbank Charles Alfred, Burrows farm, tMullucks Mrs. Emily, Nine Ashes, Norris Jas.Molehall, Debdn. Bshp.'s Stfd
Toot hill, Stanford rivers, Brentwood High Ongar, Ingatestone Norris Joseph, High Garret, Wimbish,
Millbank George, Blunts farm, High Mullucks In. High Ongar, Brentwood Saffron WaIden
Easter, Chelmsford Mumford Daniel, Elsenham place, Elsen- Norris Thos. lsaac, Stock, Ingatestone
Millbank J.Old ho.High Easter, Chlmsfrd ham, Bishop's Stortford Norton Hercules, Lambert's farm, Great
Millbank John Henry, Hall farm, Bob- Mumford Edward, Toppesfield, Halstead Tey, Kelyedon
bingworth, Brentwood Mumford R. Rand, Kirby W. Colchester Norton Hercules John, Old House farm,
Millbauk Thomas, Garnish hall & White- MunnThos.SouthHanningfield,Chelmsfd Wakes Colne, Halstead
hall, Margaret Roothing, Chelmsford Muskett Edward, Pondfield farm, Nott Benjamin, Wakes Colne, Halstead
Millbank Thomas, Nether street,Abbotts Harwich road, Colchester Nott George, Dagworth. Pebmarsh.
Roothing, Brentwood Mayhill Henry, Dawkins, Hempstead, Bures S.O. Suffolk
Millbank William, Manns farm, High Saffron Walden Nott Hy. Pebmarsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk
Easter, Chelmsford Myhill Hy. Wimbish hall, SaffronWaldn Nott Jsph. Polsteds, Lamarsh, Colchstl"
Millbank WilliamAppleby, Widows farm, Myhill William, Hill farm, Radwinter, NottW. Gentry'sfrm,Lt.Henny,Sudbury
Toot hill, Stanford rivers, Brentwood Saffron Walden Nott Wm. sen. Butler's farm, Bulmer~.
Miller James, John & Hugh, New farm, Mynott John, Wimbish, Saffron Walden Sudbury
Stapleford Tawney, Epping Mynott Saml.Seward's end, SaffronWldn Nottage :F. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford
Miller Daniel, Wood hatch, Stapleford Myzen John, Dixon's farm, Little Bard- Nottage G. Wenden Lofts, Saff. Walden
Tawney, Romford field, Braintree Nottage John, Ford's end, Clavering, .
Miller H. J. Theydon Garnon, Epping Nash Chas. Hatfield, Harlow Bishop's Stortford
Miller John, Ashdon st. Ashdon, Cmbrdg Nash Mrs. Emma, Chrishall, Roystone Nottage J. Rockells, Arkesden, Bishop's_
Miller Mrs. Morehams, Frating, Colehstr Nash Thos. Fidlers fm. Highwd.Chlmsfd Stortford
Miller Thos. Theydon mount, Epping Nathan Joseph, Epping Nottage J. Quinton hill, Waltbam abbey
Mills Alfred, Howlets, Little or New Negus Samuel, Lower farm, Wicken Nunn Francis, Cla.ering farm, Green- .
8ampford, Braintree Bonant, Bishop's Stortford stead green, Halstead
Mills Alfred, Swallow's cross, Dodding- Netherwood Mrs. Ramsden Bellhouse, Nunn George, Ashdon, Cambridge
hurst, Brentwood Brentwood Nunn J . .Bartlow hamlet, Cambridge
Mills Hy. Helion Bumpstead, Haverhill Nevard John, Boxted, Colchester Offard D. Pagnells Ash, Pentlow,Sudbury
Mills Isaac, Great Bentley, Colchester Nevard Robert, Old heath, Colchester Offin Abraham, Bassildon, Brentwood
Mills James, Great Holland, Colchester Nevard William, Gt. Horkesley, Colchstr Offin Mrs. J. The Hall, Ingrave, Brentwd
Mills Peter, The Grange, Sewardstone Nevill Thos. Rolls farm, Peldon, Colchstr Offin Thos. W. Down hall, Rayleigh S.O.; ,
Mills Thomas James,Garnish hall, They- Newcomb J. Beacon hI. Na,,-estock,Rmfd Runwell, Chelmsford; & at Rochford
don Garnon, Epping Newman Arthur, Mount Bores, Colchstr Offin Wm. Hutton hOUse, Brentwood
Mills WaIter, Green lane & Yew Tree Newman Frederick, Hammond's farm, Offord J. E. Gages, Belchamp, Sudbury
farm, Great Ilford; Lodge farm, Rip- Fordham, Colchester Offord John E. Waits farm, Belcbamp.
pleside,Barking; & The Green,Chngfrd Newman Fred. Mount Bures, Colchester WaIter, Sudbury
Minter -, Nearles farm, Havering-atte- Newman Herbert, Wayburn farm, Oliff J. Back lane, Cranham, Romford
Bower, Romford Thundersley, Rayleigh S.O Oliver A. Marks hall, White Roothing,
Mitchell J. Howes farm, Doddinghurst, Newman John, Henham,Bishop's Stortfd Chelmsford
Brentwood Newman John C. Absol Park farm, Oliver H. Lower ho.High Easter,CWmsfd
Mitchell John Henry, TheBury,Aldboro' Great WaItham, Chelmsford Oliver James Bril (exors. of), Monks,
hatch, Ilford Newman Samuel, Wethersfield, Braintree Aythrop Roothing, Chelmsford
Mitson James, Stambourne, Halstead Newman Wm. Absol park, Dunmow 8.0 Olney John, Epping
Mizen J. Mortimers, Ashdon, Cambridge Newman William, Roses farm, Childer- Orbell J oseph, Skelletto &; Hogg's farms,
Mollett Charles, Waterhales & JosWings ditch, Brentwood Pentlow, Sudbury
farms, Navestock, Romford Newman William, Parsonage farm, Orbell Robert, Pentlow, Sudbury
Mollett Edwin John, Battles hall, Staple- Stansted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Strtfd Orger Robert, Tye green, Elsenham,
ford hall & Fitch's & Motts farms, Newman Wm. Smith, Bluegate hall, Bishop's Stortford
Stapleford Abbots, Romford Great Bardfield, Braintree Orpen Mrs. Harriet Ann, Sheepen's farm,
Moor J.E.Wash frm.Sible Hdnghm.Halst Newman W. Smith, Panfield hall, Bntree Lexden, Colchester
FARMlilR8-"-continued. Parker Samuel, Lower Ford end. Claver- PerryJ.Yntnessing. ball,Essing,fJrentwd
Orpen Robert Lawrence, Rampart farm, ing, Bishop's Stortford ..r Perry J.. Limbourne pk.MWldon,Maldon
Lexden, Colchest&r Parker Thomas, Cranham, Romford Perry Mrs. Thomas, Little HalliDgbury,
OrpenW.W.Walthm.hall,Takely.Chlmsfd Parker T. MUD80DS fm.Ardleigh,Colchstr Bishop's Stortford
Osborn 8. Schoolla.. Langham, Colchestr t ParkerW.Blewgates,Hgh.Ongr.lngtstne PerryW.Clmnt.'1! hall,Hawkwell,Chlmsfd
Osborn William, Earls Colne, Halstead Parkin Samuel, Lanceley9, Helion Bump- Pertwee Albert, The l"en farms, Wood-
~sbome Mrs. C8l'oline, Coggeshall road, stead, Hav'erhill , h a m Ferrers, Chelmsford
Dedham S.O Parlby John, Mountnessing, Brentwood Pertwee J. Old hall, Boreham, Chelmsfd
Osborne G. Burkitt's farm, Dedham S.O Pannentet Wm. Russell's farm,Wethen- Pertwee T. B. Langenhoe lodge, Colehstr
Osborne George, St. Leonard's farm, field. Braintree Peters James, South Benfleet, Chelmsfd
Fryerning, Ingatestone Parnell Mrs. The Tye, Margaretting, Pettican George, Fingringhoe, Colehestr
Osborne Mrs. Jane, Ardleigh,Colehester Ingatestone Pettican G. Gate frm.Abberton,Colehstr
Osborne John, Peldon, Colchester Parris Edward, Mascall's Bury, White Pettitt Arthur, Mount Bures, Colchester
Overall William, Crosslees & Leaper's Roothing, Chelmsford Pettitt B. Warishhall,Takeley,Chelmsfd
farms, Moreton, Brentwooo Parrish Coulson D. Dagenham, Romford Pettitt Charles (exors. of), Baker's hall,
Overall William, Felsted S.O . Parrish George, Chadwell heath Bures hamlet, Colchester
O"erall W. Ford fm. Stebbing, Chelmsfrd Parrish Mrs. E. Stoop fnn. Chadwell hth Pettitt Frank, Church Hall farm,Worm-
Owen Llewellyn,Foulness island,Southnd ParrishWm.Gt.Porters,Rippleside,Brkng ingford, Colchestel"
Owers William, Hatfield, Chelmsford Parsons, Leigh, Chelmsford Pettitt Peter, Mount Bores, Colchester
PadfieldS.LoughtonBridgeJrm.Loughtn Parsons Christophe-r, The Hall, North Pettitt Zachariah, Fordham, Colchester
Page Alfred, Lodge & Maltings farms, Shoebury, Chelmsford Pettitt Zachary,Canewdon,Rochford 8.0
Ardleigh, Colchester Parsons J ames, Little Ilford PhillipsE.S.Malting frm,Lexden,Colchstl'
Page B. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Parsons Samuel, 26 King's Head street & Phillips Henry, jun. Saling mill, Hitch-
Page Charles, The Hall, Dengie, Maldon 41 King's Quay street, Harwich cock & Rosey Hall farms, Little Saling, •
Page Charles, jun. Lodge farm, Great Parsons T. Pouchers,Wethersfld. Braintr Braintree
Horkesley, Colchester ParsonsWilliam,Wick farm,LittleWaker- Phillips John, Lyles, Chaureth hall,
Page E. Viness fm.Lit. Horkesley,Clchstr ing, Chelmsford Broxted, Dunmow S.O <

Page George, Boxted, Colchester Parsons William, Winters farm, Great Phillips Joseph, Hole farm, StAnsted
Page Geo. New hall,Mistley, Manningtree Wakering, Southend MOWltfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Page James, Bocking hall, West Mersea, Partridge Benj. West Bergholt, Colchstr Phillips Peter, 23 Baddow rd. Chelmsfrd
Colchester Partridge Geo.Edwd.Cold Norton,Maldn Phillips Robert Charles, Cook's green,
Page James, Eastlands, Bradwen-juxta~ Partridge Harvey, Brick wall, Wickham Little Clacton, Colchester
Mare, Maldo:l I I St. Paul, Halstead PhillipsW.Stubbles frm.Cressing,Braintr
Page James, Great ClacWn, Colchester Partridge J. Hoe farm, Aldham,Colchstr PickfordR.Dove ho.GreatEaston,Dunmw
Page J. The Oaks, Little Bentley,Colchstr PartridgeW.J.Folly frm.WeeleY,Colchstr Pigg Thomas, Chrishall, Roystone. •
Page John, Mayland, Maldon Partridge W. P. Elmstead hall, Colchstr Pigg W. Clavering pI. Bishop's Stortford
Page Robert, Down hall, Bradwell-juxta- Pat mer George, Little Easton farm, Piggot James AIgernon, Manor hall,
Mare, Maldon Little Easton, Dnnmow Tolleshunt Magna, Witham
Page R. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Patmore Charles, Se-wardstone Pigott William, Nevendon hall & Framp-
Page Robert, Staines farm, Tolleshunt Patmore John WiIliam, Old House farm, ton farms, Nevendon, Chelmsford
Magna, Witham Takeley, Chelmsford . I Pike Thomas, Canfieldbury, Great Can~
Page William, Boxted, Colchester Patmore N. Block's arm,Hatfield,Harlow field, Dunmow s.o
Page Wm. Great Horkesley, Colchester Patmore Philip, Creeksea, Maldon Pilgrim B. Instep, White Colne,Halstead
l'ageWm.TheHall,Southminster,Maldon Patmore Richard, Windmill farm, Wil- Pilgrim Mrs. Deborah, Catley's farm,
PageWm.ValleyfrmLangham,Colchster lingale Doe, Brentwood White Colne, Halstead
Pain Henry, Halfway house, South Patmore RichardWilliam, Hall, Ponder's Pilgrim Henry, Ford's end, Clavering,
Weald, Brentwood lodge & Ashwell frms. Fyfield,Brentwd Bishop's Stortford
Pain John, Thurroeks,Clavering,Bishop's Patmore Thomas, Hatfield, Harlow' Pilgrim Joseph,Langley, Bishop's8tortfd
Stortford Patmore W. Rickling, Bishop's Stortford Pilgrim Thos. Langley, Bishop's Stortfd
PallettWm.Elder st.Wimbish,Saff.Waldn Patten Charles, Earls Colne. Halstead Pinchon In. Monks, Gt.Warley, Brentwd
Palmer Richard William, Toy farm, PattenFredk.Blue Gates frm.DedhamS.O Pinchon W. Little Warley, Brentwood
West Hanningfield, Chelmsford PavittG.Battles brdg.Rettendn.Chelmfrd Piper George, Gt. Horkesley, Colchester
Palmer James, Avenue tar. Ingatestone PawseyMrs.W.New ho.Gt.Brdftd.Braintr Piper Isaac, Bull's bridge, Hempstead,
Palmer James, Bridge farm, Stanford Payne Henry & Frederiek, Kirby hall, Saffron Walden
rivers, Romford Castle Hedingham, Halstead Piper Robert, Parsonage farm, Old
Pal mer J. Halbut st.Dagenham, Romford Payne Charles, Muney's farm, Little Sampford, Braintree •
Palmer Joseph, jun. Chadwell heath Bromley, Manningtree Pissey Mrs. Louisa, Little Wakaring,
Palmer O. Burnt ho. Ramsey, Harwich Payne Hy. Clapps frm. Bulmer,Sudbury Chelmsford
Palmer Ralph, Nazing, Waltham cross Payne Hy. Moatfrm.Birdbrook,Halstead Plane Jacob, Weeley, Colchester
Palmer Samuel, Kirby, Colchestel" Payne Henry, New house, Little Brom- Pledger A. Nabbotts,Springfld.Chelmsfd
Palmer William, Cranham, Romford ley, Manningtree Pledger John P. Hammonds, Little Bad~
Pamphilon S.A.Lea hall,Hatfield, Harlow Payne Henry, Stours, Ashen, Sudbury dow, Chelmsford
Pamplin Travel'S, North Woolwich ~ Payne Orlando,Borley Hallfnn.Sudbury Pledger John Portway, Sandon lodge,
Pannell D. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Pead Levi, Chigwell row Little Baddow, Sandon, Chelmsford
Pannel D. The Hall, Bumbam, Ma-ldon Pearl Fredk.WoodhamFerrers,Chelmsfd Pledger Richard, Gt. Beeleigh, Maldon
Pannell Mrs. Elizabeth H{)rner, Blois, Pearl William, Warden Hall & Rowes Pledger S. Old lodge,Springfld.Chehnsfd
Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill farms, WiIlingale Doe, Brentwood Plummer Robert, Butler's farm, Bel-
Pannell F. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill Pearson R. Belchamp, Otten, Sudbury champ, 8udhury ,
Pannell Henry, Widford hall, Chelmsford Pearsons Jas. BelehampWalte1',Sudbury Plummer William, Great Lodge farm,
Pannell John, RidgweU, Hals-tead Pease Mrs. Hook's End farm, Black- Castle Hedingham, Halstead l
Panoell Thos. Bumpstead hall, Helion more, Brentwood Pocklington Charles, Shonks & Vanga
Bumpstead, Haverhill Pease William, Rayleigh S.O hall, Romford
Panton Hy. Great Wakering, Sonthend Peck John, Gustard hall, Roohford S.O Podd George Edward, Newhall, Romford
Parish A. F. Page farm, Roydon, Ware PeecockW.Bilsden,Bobbingwrth.Brntwd PoddJ.H.Cleeshall,Alphamstone,Clchstr
Parish Joseph, Nether hall,Roydon,Ware Pegram Alfred, Bridge farm, The)'don Pointer S. Thrashers, Tillingham, Maldn
ParishWm. Copthallgrn.Waltham abbey Garnon, Epping Pollett William, Saffron gardellS, Horn-
Parish Wm. Hill farm,Messing,Kelvedon Pegrum George, Epping don..on-the-Hill, Romford
Parker Edward, Langdon, Romford· Pegrom James, Nazing, Waltham cross Polley DaYid, Chipping hill, Witham
Parker Hy.Hallfarm, Langdon, Romford Pegrum Joseph, Nazing, Waltham cross Polley John t Wickham Hill house, Wick-
Parker James, Fryern Manor farm, Pegrum Samuel, Nazilolg,Waltham·C1'oss ham Bishops, Witham
Dunton, Brentwood Pegrum Mrs. S. Nazing,Waltham <lross Potnel'Oy J. Duton hl.Gt.Easton,Dnnmw
Parker James William, Normans, Great Perkins' Joseph, Aldborough hatch, Ilfrd Pool James, Rippleside, Barking t
Warley, Brentwood Perkins Mrs.L.Burton,Aldboro'htch.Ilfrd Poola Alfd.Margaretting hall,Ingatesoone
Parker J n. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon Penin S. Southend, Hornchurch, Romfd Poole Mrs. Anna, Margaretting hall,
ParkerJohn Elm, Sibbold's farm,Debden, Perry Benjamin Henry,Great Cowbridge Margaretting, Ingatestone
Saffron Walden farm, Mountnessing, Brentwood Poole George, jun. Killigrew's farm,
Parker P. Millend,Claverng.Bp.'s Strtfrd Perry G.W.Wdngtn.hall,Bishop'sStortfd Margaretting, Ingatestone
Parker Robert C. Mile end, ColchesteF PerryJas.Bradfordst. Bocking, Braintree Poole James, Highwood, Chelmsford

• • , .
PooleJas.Pratts,Lit.Waltbam,Chelmsfrd Radmore Tbnmas; Hill bouS&& Brick- Reynolds Edwin &; aumes,.Lay Street
Poole Thomas, Pieroe Williams' farm, bouse farms, Ardleigb, Colchester farm, Great Ilford. i
Hatfield. Hal"low (Rainbert Jas. Wise green, ManningtTee Reynolds Mrs. Elizabetb,.Mill {ann, Old
Pooley Wm.Oak farm,Faulkbourn.Wthm Rainbow Thomas, Hale end. Woodford, Sampford, Braintree
Porritt James, Sandbeach j Bradwell- Walthamstow :, Reynolds Mrs. Mary,New quay, Colchstr
. juxta-Mare, Maldon Raison Mark, W-akes eolne, Halstead Reynolds Norman, Fyfield, Brentwood
Porter Charles, Gate house, Thorrington, Ralling Robert Stammers, Cbadwell, Reynolds Samuel, Brook It, Bnmtwood,
Colchester , I , '.. Birdbrook, Halstead 'Reynolds Thomas, Holders fann, Spnng-
Porter Charles, Great, Hallingbury, Rallings Charles, Mole Hill green, Take- field, Chelmsford
Bishop's Stortford ley, Chelmsford. Richardson Arthur, Green farm, Little
Porter Cliarles;Mountains, Dunmow S.O Ram Wm.Newland hall,Roxwell,CWmsfd Sampford, Braintreet
Porter Charles, Priory farm, Little Ramsden John, ltabbits farm; Little Richardson Charles, Brookend, Little
Leigh, Chelmsford Ilford &; Plashet e Dunmow, Chelmsford
Porter Charles, St. Osytb; Colchester Rand Thomas, Fieldgate, Ugley, Bishop's Richardson Charles, Terling, Witham
Porter George, Conies, Halstead Stortford' Richardson Edward Norman, Wrabness
Porter James,The Elm, Thorpe-le-Soken, Randall Geo.New frm.Lambourne,Rmfrd hall, Manningtree
Colchester RandaU Hy. Gt. Canfield, Dunmow S.O Richardson Fredk: Dyers' hall, Chignal
Porter Mrs. Lit.Chesterford,Saffrn.Wldn Randal1 John l(exors. of),. Tilty hill, Smealey, Chelmsford
Porter William, Burnt Down farm, Tilty, Chelmsford . Richardson Frederick, Snoreham hall,
Layer-de-la-Hay, Colcbestei Rankin Alfred Mottram, Great -Stam- Latchingdon, Maldon I
Porter Wm.Park fm. Elmstead,Colchestr bridge, Chelmsford Richardson Georgel Dodd's farm, Nm1ion
PortwayWilliam, Mill hall, Little Samp- Rausom G. Daniel, Park farm, Messing, Mandeville,Ingatestone I
ford, Braintree ' Kelvedon ' . Richardson Geo. Wick,Bumham, Maldon
Posford In. Kelvedon Knights, Kelvedon Ransom Geo. Daniel,Tiptree hth.Kelvedn Richardson I GeoTge, jnn. Man Gap,
Posford John, 'follesbury, Kelvedon Ransom William,. Bockenham hall4 Cop- Burnham, Maldon J
Potter Abraham William, Withers, ford, Colchester Richardson John 'Thomas, New house.
Rivenhall, Witham ! ' RashbrookeCharles, Little Priory, Pan- Wrabness, Manningtree
Potter Alfd. Prioryfarm,Hatfield,Harlow field, Braintree Richardson Thomas, Allan'B hill, Wood-
Potter Geo. Hoo hall, Rivenhall, Witham Ratcliff Charles Sidney, Sandon place, ham FerreTS, Chelmsford r

Potter Hy. Alderton Hall farm,Loughton Sandon, Chelmsford Richardson Thomas, jun. Brook farm,
Potter lsaac, Latton, Harlow Ratcliff Jsph. E. Hanningfield,Chelmsfrd Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford
Potter Mrs. John, Brewer's -end, Take- Ratcliff Samuel, Landon, Chelmsford Richardson Thomas Rumsey, Holly 10.
ley, Chelmsford. f,"' • Ratcliff SI. Runsell, Danbury, Chelmsfrd Lawford 1 .&; Jenning's f~ Little
Potter Robert, PaTk farm, Great Can- Ratcliff Samuel, jun. Rectory farm, Bromley, Manningtree A} •
field, Dunmow S . O ' Danbury, Chelmsford Richardson William, Rye farm, Layer-
Potter Samuel, Dawes heath, Thun- Ratcliffe Sam1. Little Beeleigh, Maldon de-la-Hay, Colchester J I
dersley, Rayleigh 8.0.; &; Hadle~h, Raven Cornwell & Wm.Feering,Kelredon Richardson William H.1 Dale hall &
Rayleigh S.O Raven Evan .&; Edwin, Howe farm, Causeway frm. Lawford, Manningtree
Potter William, Churcb farm, Stapleford Landon, Chelmsford' Riches Geo. Queen st. Brightlingsea S.O
Abbots, Romford Raven J ohn,Middle mead, Little Baddow, Rickett John, Nettswell, Harlow '
Potter Wm. Lit. heath, ChadweIl street Chelmsford Rickett Thos. Lit. Wakenng, Chelmsford
Potter Wm. StTeet, Takeley, Chelmsford Ra,,-en Joseph, Kelvedon • Rickett Thos. Shopland hal1, Chelmsford
Pound Philip Giles, Lillyputs farm, Raven Wm. Wash, Purleigh, M'aldon Rickett Thomas, Upland, Epping
Hornchurch, Romford Rawlingson William, Felsted 8.0 Ridgewell Thomas, Orsett, Romford
Poynter Walter,K Shoebury,Chelmsford RawlinsChaS.Henham,Bishop'll Stortford Ridgwell Samuel, Hill farm, Sible Hed-
Pratt Charles, Hay Green farm, Rawlinson - , Pollard's fa.rm, Little ingham, Halstead
more,lngatestone Saling-, Braintree - . Riley A. Allsteads, Gt. Leighs,Chelmsfrd
Pratt Frank, Loft hall, Navestock, Rmfrd Ray Chas. Cardinals, Foxeartb, Sudbury Riley Josiab, Lubber hedges, Stebbing.
Pratt Philip, Belchamp Otten, Sudbury Ray John, Great Petitt\! farm, Romford Chelmsford I
Pratt Thomas, Matching, HarloW' Ray Samuel, Great Yeldham, Halstead Riley Thos. Mill hill, Sandon, Cbelmsford
Prentice Edwd. East Mersea, Colchester Ray Thomas Henry, Langley mill, Hal- Ripper William, Rooktree farm, Colne
Prentice Wm. Fen farm; East; Mersea, stead; & Westwood, Colne Engaine Engaiue, Halstead t
Colchester Rayment Joseph, Tyle hall, Old Samp- Rivers George William, Mogg~ Great
Press Thomas, Cook's farm,Gt. Parndon, ford, Braintree Burstead, Brentwood ,'1
Harlow Rayner Hy. East Hanningfield,Chlmsfrd Roach James, Nook hill, Romford
.PriceJn.Hempstead hall,Saffron Walden Rayner Henry,Widford, Chelmsford Roach William, Noak hill, Romford
PriceWm.Yew Tree frm.Navestck.Rmfrd Rayner Jas. ~outh ho. Ramsey, Harwich Roberts & Son, Grays Thurrock S.O
Prigg John, Crows farm, Belchamp Rayner In.Purl's hI. Gt.Maplstd.Halsted Roberts Charles, St. t ChristQpher's,!
Waiter, Sudbury , Rayner Jonathan, White Notley, Witham WrittIe, Chelmsford I 11 •
Prime Jacob, Clavering farm, Olavering, Rayner Reuben, Gallywd. corn. Chlmsfrd Roberts E. Berden hall, Bishop's Stortfrd
Bishop's Stortford .. Raynet Thos.Castle Heding-hm. Halstead Robertson Thomas David Dean~, ThOrpe
Prime Moses, Duddenboe end, Elmdon, Rayner Thomas, Great Chelmsloe house, hall, Hale end, Walthamstow '
Saffron Walden' Great Maplestead, Halstead Robinson Abrabam, 'Cabbage Hall farm,
Pryor Thomas, Copthall Lodge. farm, Rayner W.Stisted,Brntree. ; & at Booking East Donyland, Colchester
Waltham abbey RaynerWilliamCastlefranc,BlackNotley, Robinson Mrs. Harriet, Lunendaie
Pnckridge Alt. F. Forest ho. -cbigwell rw Braintree; &; at Booking ) Southminster, Maldon
Pudney D1. Hill frm. Coggeshll. Kelvedn Rayner Wm. ~ible HediPlgham, Halstead RobinsoIl John, Chalks farm, Great
Pudney John William" Tilbury hall, Redgewell Benj.Wood's frm. Felsted S.O 'Waltham, Chelmsford •
Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Halstead Redgwell Mrs. Edward, Constables, Robinson John, Slough, Siblo Heding.
Puffett Charles, Whites farm, High Wimbish, Saffron Walden ham, Halstead I
Easter, Chelmsford Redington Jobn, High Laver, Ongar Robinsou John George, Oakley hall
Pulley Charles Oldaker, Butterfields, Redow Richard, Cracklands, Little Batd- Ugley, Bishop's'Stortfol'.L ~
Latchingdon, Maldon . l .' . I field, Braintree Robinson Mrs.Mary, Ut. &ntJey,Uchstr
Purkes Charles, Blomfield, Sturmere, Reed Charles, Little Clacton, ,Colcbester Robinson Robert, 800re farm, Wrabness,
Halstead Reed Hugh, Newsland, Little Canfield, Manningtree
Pyke M. Pelham ball, Twinstead, Sdbry Chelmsford Robinson StepheD, Yew Tree fann, Gt.
P~"Il8 Benjamin T. South house, Great Reed John, Buildings farm, bunmow S.O Hallingbury, Bishop's Stortford I
Waltham, Chelmsford I • Reed William, "Granary farm, Leaden Robinson Thomas, Phrenix mill, Ard-
Quare Daniel, Matching, HarloW' Roothing, Chelmsford leigb, Colchester
Quare Ernest, Matching, HarloW' ReeveThomasjz;Henry,Rookery,Wendens Robinson 'WaIter Vorley, GrotEJ farm,
Quare Tudor Brain, Matching, Harlow Ambo, Saffron Walden Sandon, near Chelmsford •
Quilter Isaac, Queenbl'Qugh la. BraintI'ee Reeve Frederick R. Ridgwell, Halstead Robinson William V. Grove, Sandon )
Quilter In. E. Hop gm. Feering,Kelvedn Reeve James, Danbury, Chelmsford Robinson Wm. Manning's farm, Frating,
Quilter Philip, Pleshey, Chelmsford Reeve Joseph, Barling, Chelmsford Colchester
Quilter Philip, jun. Pleshey, Chelmsford Ree"es John, Roohford S.O Roddick Andrew, Qninton hill,Waltham
Quilter Samuel, Billericay, Brentwood Reeves John Robert, New house, Great abbey . . . •
Rackstrow John, Eastwood lodge, East- Sutton, Chelmsford Roddick Gen. Lippitt's hill, High Beach
wood, Chelmsford 1 • • Reynolds J.Copthall gm. WaIthm. abbey Rogers George, Colne Engaine. Halstead

I FABVER~nti"ued. Sargeant George, Great Bromley,ClchstT Sha.rp Hy. Essex hall, Bidgwell,Halstead
Rogers John, Hill ho. Burnham, Maldon Saunders James, Widney Green, Fyfield, Sharp JaB. Uphall farm, Gt. Tey, Kelvdn
Rogers Sam!. W. Tiptree hth. KelvedoI1 Brentwood Sharp Mrs. Mary Ann, Essex hall, Ridg-
Rogers Zachariah,Earl's Colne, Halstead Saunders- Thomas, Whitehouse faum, well, Halstead.
Rolfe Charles Widford, Elmdon Bury, Walton-on-the-Naze S.O Henry,LittleMaplestead,Halstead
Elmdon, Saffron Walden Savill Abraham, Mill green, Ingatestone Shave Jas. Mayhew, Inworth, Kelvedon
Rolfe Fr&ncis, Hope fann, Winden Lofts, Savill Mrs. Ann, Wendens Ambo, Saffron Shave Mrs. Sarah, Lye's farm, Little
Saffron Walden Walden Maplestead, Halstead
Rolfe Hen. The Brooklands, Clavering, Savill D. Little Walden rd.SaffronWaldn Shave William, Mill brook, Colne En-
Bishop's Stortford Savill George, Gunter's farm, Wimbish, gaine, Halstead
Rolfe Henry, Pond street, Wenden Lofts, Saffron Walden Sheldrake Mrs. Eliza, Church house,
Saffron Walden Savill Mrs. Hannah, Coldhams, Claver- Aldham, Colchester
Rolfe Thomas, Pound Rayne, Braintree ing, Bishop's Stortford Shirley Thomas, Pond cross, Newport,
Root Geo. Games, High Easoor,Chlmsfrd Savill J.Hill fm. Old Sampford, Braintree Bishop's Stortford
Root George, Layer Breton, Kelvedon Savill Jas.Littlebury gn. Saffron Walden ShirIey William, Roydon, Ware
Root John, Bayles farm,Little Dunmow, Savill William. Curl's farm, Clavering, Shoobridge Frederick,Hatfieldbury fann,
Chelmsford· Bishop's Stortforo. Hatfield. Chelmsford
Root Jsph. High hall, Tollesbury, Kelvdn SawardJ. Patch pk.Lambourne, Romfrd Shoobridge Thos. H. Hatfield, Chelmsfrd
Roper Adam, New Redincourt, Horn- Sawell James, West Tilbury, Grays S.O Shuttleworth Daniel, Whych elms,Hom-
church, Romford Sawyer Thomas, Mowbray'& fm.Romfrd church, Romford
Roper Thos.Watch ho.Laindon, Brentwd Sayer John, Bedfords, Dunmow S.O Shuttleworth Mrs. E. Upminster,Romfrd
Roper Wm. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Rmfrd Scragg W. White ho. Gt.Clacton, Clchstr Sibley George, Great Yeldham, Halstead
Rosling Edwd.Melbrne.Writtle,Chlmsfrd Scrivener - , Great Goose's fm.Romford Sibley Henry, Messing, Kelvedon
Roes Jas. Carter's grange,Hatfild.Harlow Scruby F.Church hl.Broxted,DunmwS.O Sibley Henry, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon
Rowllnson Hy. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Scruby Henry Thomas, Rayne, Braintree Sibley Mrs.S. Farnham,Bishop's Stortfrd
Royce Hy. Cann hall,Gt.Clactn.Colchstr Scruby J sph.Parsonage fnn. Thaxted S.O Siggs J. New ho. Wimbish, Saffron Wldn
Royce Henry, Gate farm, Layer-de-Ia- Scrnby Samuel,Broxted hill,DunmowS.O Siggs Mrs. Louisa, Pamphilians,Debden,
Hay, Colchester Scruby Thomas, Moor end, Broxted, Saffron WaIden
Ruffle Ambrose, Park farm. Wickham Dunmow S.O Siggs William, The Hole, Old Sampford,
St. Paul, Halstead :scrllby Thomas Westrop, Broad oaks, Braintree
Ruffle Jeffery, Horsham hall, Helion Wimoish, Saffron Walden Simmonds Thomas, Weeley, Colchester
Bumpstead, Haverhill Scrutton Frederick, Wivenhoe, Colchestr Simmons George, Old farm, Chigwell
Ruffle Jet'frey, Green, Stambrne.Hlstead Scrntton O.P.Hurst gn.BrightlingseaS.O Simons C. Broadgates,Roxwell,Chlmsfrd
Ruffie Robert B. Rails, Thaxted S.O Scudder Henry, Hamlet lodge, Southend Simons Nathaniel, Tyegreen, Elsenham,
Ruffle William, Hellon farm, Helion Seaborn Edward, Burnt Heath mill, Bishop's Stortford
Bumpstead, Haverhill Ardleigh, Colchester Simons Rd. Little Leighs hall, Chlmsfrd
Ruflle William John, Church farm, SeabomF. Fountainfm.Ardleigh,Clchstr Simpson Charles, Hatfield, Harlow
Stambourne, Halstead Seabourn Mrs. Elizabeth, Windy farm, Simpsou Johu, Runsell green, Danbury,
Rule Mrs. M. A. Gt. Maplestead, Halstead Great Bromley, Colchestel1 Chelmsford
Rule Miss M. Little Wldn. Saffron Wldn Seabrook In. & Phlp. Crowlands, Romfrd Simson Miss Elizabeth, Pond Hall fann,
Rumball Danl. Theydon Garnon, Epping Seabrook Edward,Lt.Warley, Brentwood Wix, Manningtree
Rumball Jas.Sewells,Little Yldhm.Hlstd Seabrook Miss Emma, Brick house, Simson Wm. Park la. Langham,Colchstr
Runacres Wm.NorthShoebury,Chlmsfrd Great Warley, Brentwood Sinnott James, Higham hill,Walthmstw
Ruse Ambrose, The Park, Radwinter, Seabrook Frederick, The Grange, Curd Sizer Carrington Francis, Rt. Mary's
Saffron Walden ' h a l l & Capons farms, Little Cogges- . farm, Great Bentley, Colchester
Ruse George, Bulls farm, Radwinter, hall, Kelvedon Sizer George John, Moorlands, Great
Saffron Walden Seabrook G. Priory,Berden, Bp.'s Strtfrd Bentley, Colchester
Ruse George, Greenhouse,Helion Bump- Seabrook John, Boreham, Chelmsford Skeet E. Harveys fm. Ardleigh, Colchstr
stead, Haverhill Seabrook Richard, Grove hall, Kelvedon Skill Alfred, North End farm, Ford end,
Ruse Mrs. Harriett, Lower house, Rad- Knights, Kelvedon Chelmsford
winter, Saffron Walden Seabrook Mrs. Robert, The Hall, Tolles- Skilton Joseph, Bell House farm, East-
Ruse John, Ashdon, Cambridge hunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon wood, Chelmsford
Ruse William, Jenkernox, Radwinter, Seabrook Robert Carrington, Carrington Skinnerton Thos. Gormes fm. Chingford
Saffron Walden farm, Tollesbury, Kelvedon Skipper George Salter, Wash fann,
Rush Hayward, Broad Street green, Hey- Seabrook Robert Carrington, Martins Great Oakley, Harwich
bridge, Maldon farm, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Skipworth Thomas George, West Han-·
Rush Hayward Hy. Messing, Kelvedon Seabrook Mrs. Selina, Butlers, Becontree ningfield, Chelmsford
Rushforth James, Maypole, Wimbish, heath, Romford SmallGeorge,Delameres,Bradwell-juxta·
Saffron Walden Seabrook Thomas, Brick house, Bore- Mare, Maldon
Russell Robt. Bright's frm. Rnhm.Rmfrd ham, Chelmsford Small William George, Easthall, Brad-
RussellRobert,Mardykefarm,Southend, Seabrook Thomas, Permitt's farm, Hat- well-juxta-Mare. Maldon
Hornchurch, Romford field, Chelmsford Smith Bros. Rancliffe dairy, East Ham e
RU8sell William Williamson, Ongar Park Seabrook WaIter, Bulse farm, Wendens Smith & Ellis, North Weald, Epping
hall, Stanford rivers, Romford Ambo, Saffron Walden Smith Joseph & James Christy,Sandford
Rust Frank, Wood end, Beauchamp Seabrook W.Brent hl.Boreham,Chlmsfrd mill, Springfield, Chelmsford
Roothing, Brentwood Seal Chas. Jenkins fm. Navestock,Rmfrd Smith,,{l; Martin, Cooper's end, Elmdon,
Rust Frederick, Little Wlthm. Chlmsfrd Seal Wm. Brook fm. Navestock, Romfrd Saffron Walden
Rutt P. Avenals farm, Purleigh, Maldon Sear William, Netteswell, Harlow Smith Alfred, Broadgates, High Rooth-
Rutty G. G. The Acorns, Chigwell row Searjeant Charles, Pudney farm, Great ing, Dunmow S.O
Bach Edward, Jeffreys farm, Cressing, Saling, Braintree Smith Benjamin, Amberdon end, Deb-
Braintree Seed James & Brigg, Motts farm, St. den, Saffron Walden
Sach James, Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvedon Lawrence Newland, Maldon Smith Benjamin, Great Tagley, Stam-
Sach Stowers, Layer Marney, Kelvedon Selby Matthew, How green, Great Hall· bourne, Halstead
Sackett Miss, Orsett, Romford ingbury, Bishop's Stortford Smith B. Birch holt, Birch, Colchester
Saggars John, Becontreeheath, Romford Self George, Heybridge fm. Ingatestone Smith Charles, Ashdon, Cambridge
Salmon Edward, South house, Fingring- Self George, Marlbrooks, Mountnessing, Smith C. Chiswick ha. Chrishall, Roystn
hoe, Colchester Brentwood Smith Charles. Ware farm. Good Easter,
Salmon John, Sneating hl.Kirby,Clchstr Serjeant Edward, Bordeaux, Littlebnry, Chelmsford
Salmon Robt.G.Hall,Gt. Clactn. Colchstr Saffron Walden Smith Charles Hugh, Redbury :Iarm,
Salmon Mrs. Robt. St. Osyth, Colchester Sessions James, Low hill, Roydon, Ware Ardleigh, Colchester
Salmon Miss Sarah, Wash farm, Great Sewell Blanchard Daniel,Stourwoodcot- Smith Daniel, Crows &; Stamps farm,
Clacton, Colchester tage, Ramsey, Harwich Layer Breton, Kelvedon
Salmon Simon, Thorrington, Colchester Sewell Daniel, Beaumont hall, Colcbestr Smith D. Easthorpe ha.Easthorpe, Klvdn
Saltmarsh Mrs.Bury,High Estr.Chlmsfrd Sewell Eade,TheHall,Lt.Oakley,Harwich Smith D. Park farm, Bocking, Braintree
Sams In. Mayslnd. Gt. Easton, Dunmow Sewell Thomas Francis, The. Grove, 3mith Dudley George, Coxtons, Great
Samuel George, Becontree hth. Romford Colne Engaine, Hslstead. Canfield, Dunmow S.O
Sanders Alfred, Layer-de-la-Hay,Clchstr Shacklady John, Little hth. Chadwell st 3mith E. Lower grn. Brightlingsea 8.0
Sanders Chas. Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvdn dharp Geo. Garlands, Tollesbury,Kelvdn Smith Ernest P. Grange, Ingatestone
.FAR 469
Smith Mrs. Edward, Link farm, West Smith Mrs. Thos. Mudwall, DunmowS.O Spooner Samuel, Steeple, Maldon
Hanningfield, Chelmsford Smith WaIter, Blamsters hall, Great Sprigett Jsph. Castle Hedinghm.Hlstead
Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, Bardfield hall, Easton, Dunmow Springett James, Gt. Braxted, Witham
Great Bardfield, Braintree Smith William, Byron house, Galley- Spurge John, Cooper's Hill house, High
Smith F. Spurrier, High Ongar, Ingtstne wood common, Chelmsford Ongar, Brentwood
Smith Frederick John, Colliers wood, Smith Wm. Great Chishall, Royston Spurgeon Charles, Broxted, Dunmow8.0
Ardleigh, Colchester Smith Wm. Great Leighs, Chelmsford Spurgeon Obadiah, Woodgates, Broxted,
Smith Frederick William, Mocken Herds Smith Wm. Little Bedfords, Havering- Dunmow S.O
farm, Barnston, Chelmsford atte-Bower, Romford Squier S. W. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Rmfrd
Smith G. Bowsers, Ashdon, Cambridge Smith Wm.Market farm, Old Sampford, Squier Wm. Dunton Hill's farm, East
Smith G. Coxtie gm. Sth.Weald, Brntwd Braintree Horndon, Brentwood
Smith G. Maidens, High Easter, Chmsfrd Smith W. New ho. Stambourne, Hlstead Squires Charles,Blanketts farm, Childer~
Smith Geo. Purples, Lit. Saling,Braintree Smoothy H. Birdbrk. hall,Brdbrk. Hlsted ditch, Brentwood
Smith George Shoobridge, Kings, Little Snape F. Boarded barns, Shelley, Brntwd Staines Albert, Warwicks, White Rooth~
Easton, Dunmow . Snape F.The Wonts, High Ongar,Brntwd ing, Chelmsford
Smith Henry, Place farm, Great Bard- Snow Mrs. A. Martells, Dunmow S.O Staines George, Ray Place farm, Black~
field, Braintree Snow J. Gt. Hallingbury, Bp.'s Stortford more, Brentwood
Smith Henry, Salcott, Kelvedon Snow John, Mill house, Dunmow S.O Staines Miss M. A.Maldon Wick., Maldon
Smith H. C. Stebbing green, Chelmsford Snow Peter, Long's farm, Little Wal- Staines Mrs. Sophia,Porters, High Root-h-
Smith Hofgaard, Tilty, Chelmsford tham, Chelmsford ing, Dunmow S.O
Smith Isaac, Ashfields, Great Canfield, Sorrell Charles Blower, Stantons, Black Staines Thos. Brick ho. Matching, Harlow
Dunmow S.O Notley, Braintree Stallibrass Mrs. Elzbh. Sheering, Harlow
Smith James, Bovills, Little Clacton, Sorrell Elijah, Oakmans, Galleywood StallibrassJohn Waylett,EastwoodBury,
Colchester common, Chelmsford Eastwood, Chelmsford
Smith James, Hobbs cross, Theydon Sorrell George, Great Wrights, Black- Stallibrass Wm. South Shoebury, Stbend
Garnon, Epping more end, Wethersfield, Braintree Stammers Richard, Laindon, .Brentwood
Smith Jas. Holme, Noake hill, Romford Sorrell Geo. Hawks fm. Weeley, Clchstr Standingford Geo.Nazing,"W1tham.cross
Smith John, Alton park, Great Clacton, Sorrell Jsph. Tendring, Colchester StanfordChas. Maurice &Alan Septimus,
Colchester Sorrell J oseph, jnn. Tendring, Colchester Houbridge hall,Great Oakley. Harwich
Smith John, Beacon's farm, Mountnes- Sorrell Mark, Beaumont, Colchester Stanford Charles Maurice, Brooklands,
sing, Brentwood Sorrell Nathaniel, Rayner's, Little Clac- Great Oakley, Harwich
Smith John, Beeleigh road, Maldon ton, Colchester Stanford Stanley Fredk.Wolf's, Tendring
Smith J. Bshps. hall,Gt. Leighs,Chlmsfrd Sorrell P. Blue house, Wix, Manningtree Colchester
Smith John, Cricksea ferry, Canewdon, South Benjamin, Great Garden farm, Stannard Alfred, Greenstead hall, Green-
Rochford S.O HOl'l1church, Romford stead, Colchester
Smith John, Goodwin's farm, Wakes South J. Gt. I'd. Downham, Brentwood Stannard Alfred, Lodge farm, Elmstead,
Colne, Halstead Sowman Thomas, Sewells & Fillers, Colchester
Smith John, Hunts farm, Thaxted S.O Great Baddow, Chelmsford Stannard George, Dilbridge hall, Ipswich
Smith John, Mile end, Colchester Spackman W. Mountnessing, Brntwood road, Colchester
SmithJ. Newnhamha.Ashdon,Cmbridge Spalding Fredk. Gt. Baddow, Chlmsford Staples Fl'ederick, Manor farm, Dover-
Smith John, Parson's heath, Greenstead, Sparling In. Little Clacton, Colchester court, Harwich
Colchester Sparrow G. Killhogs, Shalford, Brntree Starling Pet. Road farm, Old 8ampford,
Smith J. Slough fm. Ardleigh, Colchster Sparrow James, Wilkin's farm, Great Braintree
Smith John, Sparrows hall,Little or New Bromley, Colchester Starling Robert, Dunjohn's farm, Green-
Sampford, Braintree Sparrow John, Rookery farm, Upper stead green, Halstead
Smith J n. The Limes, Burnham, Maldon Dovercourt, Dovercourt, Harwich Starling William, Great Brockhold, Rad-
Smith Mrs. In. Theydon mount, Epping Sparrow Jsph. Ash farm,Weeley,Colchstr winter, Saffron Walden .
Smith Mrs. In. Jas. Brook st. Brentwood Sparrow Mrs.M. A.Bradfield, Manningtre Steabben Mrs. Elizabeth, Orchard farm,
Smith Joseph, Bouchiers hall, Tollesbury, Sparrow Samuel, Smythies farm, Upper High Ongar, Ingatestone
Kelvedon Dovercourt, Harwich Stebbing Robert, Stanley hall,Pebmarsb,
Smith Joseph, Claypit hall, Great Bard- Sparrow Wm. Laindon, Brentwood Bures S.O. Suffolk
field, Braintree Speakman Henry, Lodge farm, Wood- Stebbing Robert Renel, Bouchiers hall,
Smith Joseph, Dnnmow S.O ham WaIter, Maldon Aldham, Colchester
Smith J. Ivey 'fodd, Ashdon, Cambridge Speakman Thomas, Hill farm, Faulk- Stebbing Robert Renel,Wash & Barnard's
Smith Joseph, Little Saling, Braintree bourn, Witham farms, Fordham, Colchester
Smith Jsph. Thaxted Idge. Thaxted S.O Speight - , Whites bridge, Margaretting, Stebbings Charles In. Cressing,Braintree
Smith J. jun. Hallfm. Pattiswick,Brntre Ingatestone. Stebbins George, Waldon house, Great
Smith Joseph John, Market hill, Maldon Speller George, Birds green, Beauchamp Totham, Witham .
Smith Jsph. S. Chapel end, Walthmstow Roothing, Brentwood StevensChas.Stapleford Abbots,Romford
Smith Lewis, Brook farm, Sible Heding- Speller George, Penneyfeathers, Fyfield, StevensGeo.Cambys,Dagenham,Romfrd
ham, Halstead . Brentwood Stevens H. Purleigh hall, Purleigh,Maldn
Smith Mrs. Mary, Barnston house, Speller Wm. (exors. of), Muskhams, Stevens William, Bnlphan, Romford
Barnston, Chelmsford Broxted, Dunmow S.O Steward Mrs. Mary, Mott's farm, Shelle~',
Smith Percy, Bretts, Aveley, Romford Speller William, Mnskams farm, Great Brentwood
Smith P. H. Stanford-le-Hope, Romford Easton, Dunmow Steward Richard, Hurrells farm,Toppes-
Smith P. Boultwood, Stisted, Braintree Speller William, Wood farm, Broxted, field, Halstead
Smith Peter, Brick house, Margaret Dunmow S.O Stock Thomas &; John, Chardwell &;
Roothing, Chelmsford Spells Ernest, Spratte, Sthmnstr. Maldn Forsters, Arkesden, Bishop'S Stortford
Smith Peter, Epping green, Epping SpenceAndrew,Westhl.Leigh,Chelmsfrd Stock Charles, Shenfield, Brentwood
Smith P. Steers, Stanford rivers, Rmfrd Spence John, jun. Leigh ho. Chelmsford Stock Jas. Walnut Trees farm, Great
Smith Philip (exors. of), Jaywick, Great Spence John, sen. Lapwater hall, Leigh, Waltham, Chelmsford
Clacton, Colchester Chelmsford Stock John, Clement's hill, Broxted,
Smith Philip, jun. Blue house, Great Spencer Alfred, Clavering hall, Bishop's Dunmow S.O
Clacton, Colchester Stortford - Stock John, Hutton, Brentwood
Smith Rd. Browning, East st. Coggeshall Spencer Charles, Brooklands,Birchanger, Stock In. Tye com.Gt. Burstead, Brntwd
Smith R. Lovelands, Belchamp, Sudbury Bishop's Stortford Stock In.Jas.Tilty grange,Tilty,ChlmsiOC
Smith R. Wicken Bonant,Bp.'sStortford Spencer Edward Stacey, Benfield Bury, Stock Samuel, New House farm, Littl
Smith Sml. Causeway end, Thaxted S.O Stansted Mount.fitchet,Bishop'sStrtfrd Oakley, Harwich
Smith S. Glebe, High Ongar,Brentwood Spencer John, Peacock's farm, Great Stock Sarnl. Round bush,Purleigh,Maldn
Smith Samuel, Gower's farm, High Saling, Braintree Stock Mrs. Wm. Cold Norton, Maldon
Roothing, Dunmow S.O Spicer Wm.Westley's farm,8affrn.Wlden Stokes Jas Webb, Lincoln's farm, South
Smith Samuel, Hockley, Chelmsford Spight William & Henry, Galleywood Weald, Brentwood
Smith S. New ho. Debden, Saffrn.Wlden common, Chelmsford Stokes Peter, Chatley, Chelmsford
Smith T. Park farm, Ardleigh, ColchstT Spitty Alfred, Corringham, Romford Stokes Richard, High Ongar, Brentwood
Smith T. Priors hall, Lindsell, Chlmsfnl Spitty A.C. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Romfrd Stokes William, Keers,Aythrop Roothing,
Smith Thos. The Hall, ShelloW' Bowells. Spitty Alfred Charles, Ol'sett, Romford Chelmsford
Brentwood Spooner Charles Hurrell, Byeballs, Old Stokes Wm. Ramsden Crays, Brentwood
Smith Thos. J. Clapton hall, Dnmow.S.O· Sampford, Braintree Stone AHred, Lippitt.'s hill, High :Beech

1470 'FAll .
'FARME~tintltd. albotr :Abl'aba~ Bow8I'8 'Gifiord, Ray~ Tillbrook .rOIiB~ Rivitt8 &; White House,
Stone Hecto~ Kirby, Oolchesterl leigh. 8.0. i &; all 8th. Bentleet,Chlmsfd Cornish Hall end, Braintl"OO! ('
Stone Henry, Wick ,farm, Wickford, Tanner Mrs. Wm. Lit. Warley, Brentwd Tipler George, MOBkbury, LittleHalling-
Battles bridge Tarbert.Jobn,' Moreton,Brentwood bury, Bishop'1! 8tortford 1
Stone Miss Mary,Heron l'louse,Eallt Hdrn.- Tarbun WiHiam, Belehamp, SudbUl"f Tiplcr loseph, Hatfie\d, Harlow-
dBn, Brentwood ,1 t • TargrisAbrabam,Eve1scorner; Danbury, Tipplep (Willia,m) &; Waters. Dukes
Stone Richd. The Hall,Frinton,ColehesteT Chelmsford· (l Roxwell, Chelmsford I "-
Stone Miss Susanna, Matching, Harlow TarlingJame8\ North Weald, Eppi:Rg Tofts Charles~NeW' House lann, Elsen-
Stoneham William, Cranham, RomfOl"d Tarling Mrs. Lonisa, Nth. Weald, Eppng ham, Bishop'B Stortford I
Stopbelt "lToseph, Park farm, Tolleshunt Tawell Henry, Patrick'. "farm, Wake's Toft" Frederick, Burton end, Stansted,
Knights, Kelvedorr I . Colne, Halstead ~ t Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford I
Stom Mr8. Julia; Broomstick hall, Wai- Tawell J'Ohn F. Hill fm. Aldham, Clchstr Tofts George, Free Robert~ Ok) Samp-
tham abbey ~ I Taylor Abraham, .Mash House farm, lord, Braintrea . 'I. '
Straggett Harry, Gt. Horkesley, Colchst'r Purleigh, Maldon ' I, Tofts ifames, Broad farm, Fincmngfield.

Stringer Charles,Middiafield house,Bark- Taylor .Tames, Beaumont, Colchester" Braintree m '

ing side, Ilford TaylfJ'f James, jnn. Dengewe1l hall, Great Tofts Jas. Tews, Lit. Saropford, Bmtree
Strong Jas. T. Bosgrovefarm, Chingford Oakley, Harwich~ & Clay hall, Wix, Tofts James William, Dairy farm,
Strong William, Chigwell row \ Manningtree Finchingfield, Braintree
Strutt ChaTles, Boxted, Colchester Taylor John, Haze hill, Waltham abbey Tofts John, Savend farm, Famham,
Strutt & Lawrence,White Land, Hatfield, Taylor John, Nazing, Waltham cross' Bishop's Stortford I
Ohelmsford . " Taylor Mark, Noak hill, Romford Tof~ Robed, 'I'ye green, Elsenham,
Strutt James, Great Totham, Witham Taylor Rowland, Fingringhoe, Colchestr Bishop's Stortford l
Strutt Lawrence, Blunt's farm, Witham TaylOl" Miss Sarah, Mill farm, Great Tokley Charles, Coppin's farm, Alpham-
StruttWm.Troy'sfaTm,Faulkbrn.Withm Maplestead, Halstead stone, Colchester
Stubbins' Thomas, Common, Theydon Taylor 'rhomas, Moonses, Halstead Tolson Jehu, Chigwell rQw
monnt, Stapleford Ta;wney, Epping Taylor Thos. West Hanningfield,Chmsfd Tomkins William Nathaniel,Park farm.
Stuck John Scott, Cobb's farm, Alpham- Taylor T. F. Hill fann, Gestingthorpe, Langham, Colchester
'l5tone, Colchestel"' " Halstead Tompkins J. The Hall, Aveley, Romford
Stuck Mrs. Mary Ann, Stapleford farm,. TaylorW.Bltm Hall fm.Mersea rd.Clchstr Torrance Hugh,Woodburn, The Padnals,
Alphamstone, Colchester I . Taylor William, Lambourne, Romford Dagenham, Romford
Studd Daniel, Mile end, .colchesteT Taylor William, Stock, Ingatestone Totman Abraham, The Hole, Cornish

Studd Joseph, Mile end, Colchester Taylor Wm. sen. Brook farm, Felstd.S.O Hall end, Braintree I
Stunt Robert Wright, Belchamp WaIter, TaylOl' Wm. jun. Felsted pt Felsted 8.0 Totman J. Lindsfcnd, RUD"lfell, Chlmsfd
Sudbury' TebbitAi A. Bl"8intree fm. Hatfield,Harlow Totman Samuel B. Mallows green,
Sturgeon & Sons, Groys hall & South Thackeray Robert J. G. H. Newhall farm, Manuden, Bishop's Stortford
Ockendoo hall, Grays Thurrock 8.0 Upper Dovereourt, Harwich *Totman Thomas, Old Amberdon hall,
Snch Henry, Ingatestone 'rheobald James Wm.Cressing, Braintree DeMen, Bishop's Stortford
Suckling Mrs.. Samh, Great Hoodoos, Thomas John &; Henry, Howletts ball, TOTel Thomas, Copping's farm, Brad-
Little Canfield, Chelmsford Fryerning, Ingatestone. s field, Manningtree
Sullins George, Hatfield, Harlow . I Thomas Geo. Chigwell road, Leytnstn e Towns William, Little Laver, Ongal'
Sullins William, Heath, Hatfield, Ha....ow Thomas Rd. Soaphouse, Stondon,Brntwd Townsend John, Mowden haU, Hatfield,
Sullins Wm. jnn., Hatfield, Harlow Thomas Wm. Shivers, Stondon, Hmtwd Chelmsford
Surrey Edmund, Cranbrke.frm.Gt.Ilford Thomson ....., Hockley hIt Hckly.Chmsfd TowUBend William, Duck end, Lindsell,
Surridge> Daniel, Toot hill, Stanford Thomason Peter, Slough farm, Debden, Chelmsford ..
rivers, B r e n t w o o d ' Saffron Walden • Townsend William, Thaxted. S.O
Surridge Richard Bamard, Great Bames, Thomason R. J oslins, Old Smpfd.Bmtree Tredgett Charles, Bourn farm, Bartlow
Ramsden Crays, Brentwood I Thompson C. Old hall, Tendring, Clchstr hamlet, Cambridge
,SuTridge Thos.8tapleford Abbots,Romfrd Thompson Geo. Gt. Bentley, Colchester Tredgett Fuller, Win~y farm, Ashdon,
Sutton Henry, Heydon, Royston Thompson H.Tudwick,Tollesbury,Klvdn Cambridge , ,
Swann Charles, Godbold farm, Marks Thompson Jas. Ramsden Crays, Brntwd Tredgett John, Claypits, Thaxted S.O
Tey, Colchester J Thompson James, The Grange, Mount- Tricker John, Hill fm. Tendring,Clchstr
Swann Henry. manager to the trostees nessing, Brentwood Tricker John, Lower farm, Lawford,
of the late John Cubis Circuit, Rain- Thompson John S. Brocket1s, Tendring, Manningtree , t
ham, Romford Colchester Trigg Henry, Bury lodge, Stansted
Swann Samuel, Mulberry farm, COl?ford, Thompsou Joseph, Edward's farm, Hnt~ Monntfitchet, Bishop's Stortford 1
Colchester < 'IJon, Brentwood Trim William, Epping
Sweeting Alfred, Tanners, Dunmow S.O Thompson W. Church st. Bocking, Bntre Trundle John, Moreton, Brentwood
Sweeting Chas. Philpot -end.Dunmw.S.O Thompson William, Felsted S~O ' Trussell Charles, Eastwood, Chelmsford
Sweeting Mrs.Elizabeth,Ware farm,High Thompson William, jun. Rose cottage, 'l'russell George S. Gaybowers, Danbury,
Roothing, Dunltl()w 8.0 Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester Chelmsford· .
SweetingW.Holders gn.Lindsell,Chlmsfd Thorington W. Little Clacton,Colchester Trustram Jas. Rivers hI. Boxted, Clchstr.
Swift & Rice, The Hall, Fambridge Tharn E. Wood farm,Eastwood,Chmsfd Tucker Henry, North Weald, Epping
(South), Rochford' {Thorne George, Gol'ld Easter, Chelmsfd Tucker Mrs. J. Homes farm, Beauchamp
Swinborne Thomas C. Bart hall, White Thorogood Henry, Great Blunts, Great Boothing, Brentwood ~
Colne', Halstead: &; at Cog~eshan r Burstead, Brentwood Tucker Joseph, Magdalen Lavet, Ongar
Swinbourne William, Fobbing farm, Thorogood Joseph, Stock, Ingatestone 'ruff Waiter, Ringers, Terliug, Witha.m
Fobbing, Romford Thorogood Samuel Bayton, Martin" Tnnbridge John, Elm farm, White
Sworder William & Son, The Hall, farm, UpminsteT, Romford. ~ Notley, Witham
Stapleford Tawney, Romfordj & High Thorpe Edmund, Great Bentley,Clchstr Turner &; Clark, Colne Engaine, Halstd
stTeet; Epping Thorpe William EdwaTd, Pond farm, TurneT William &; Sons, Osborne house,
SwordeT H. Hallingbury hall, Great Weeley, Colchester ~ High street, WaIt.on-on-the-NazeS.O.
Rallingbury, Bishop's Stortford . Threader John, Stapleford Tawney,Rmfd Turner Alfred, Clay street, Waltha.mstw
Sworder William, The Hall, Stapleford Thurgood Benj. Dane's farm, Debden, Turne~ 10hn, Hill fm. Tillingham, MaldR
Tawney, Romford r Saffron Walden f Turner M. East Hyde,Tillingham, Maldn
Symes WaIter, High Laver, Origarr ' Thurgood James, Matching, Harlow . Turner William, Brick hoose, GTea.t
Symes William, Wintery farm, Epping Thurgood James, Rookwoods & Abbott's Stambridge, Chelmsford
Symonds Robert, Bassildon, Brentwood Roothing, Brentwood ' J Tnrner Wm. Manor fm. Nook hI. Romfd
Symonds William, Weald place, North Thurgood Joseph, Peekers farm, Great TumeT William, Tillingham,'Maldon
Weald, Epping . Oanfield, Dunmow S.O I Turpin Benjamin, Blakes, Toot hill,
Ta-bel' James, Kelvedoll u r Thurlow Morris, North Weald, Epping Stanford rivers, Brentwood I
Taber Jas. Little Brnxted hall, Witham Tiffen Goorge, Keln farm, Layer-de-la- Turpin Edward, Middleton hI. Sudbnry
Tabor Charles Alberi .T.P. Button hall, Hay, Colchester , Turpin John M. Twinstead haUl Sndbry
Great Sutton, Chelmsford Tiffin George, Bireh, Colchester Tweed James, Little Baddow hall, Little
'Tabor Cha.rles Alberi, The Temple, Tlffin j. Manor ho. Layer Breton, Klvdn Baddow, Chelmsford JJ
• PrittleweIl, Southend ~ . Tilbrook Henry, Dl"8pers green, Helion Tween Q Corbets Tay, Upminst'. Rmfrd
Tabor J. Earls hall, Prittlewell, Southend Bnmpstead, HaveThill Tween Dl St. Dnnstan'. Fyfield, Bmtwd
Tabor John English, Bovingdon hall, TilbPOOk Thomas, Moor hall & Wainforcls Tween WiUiam, Harden's farm, Gnen·
Bocking, Braintree' ~ farm, Little Bardfieldf Braintree -' llted-juxta.-Ongar, Brentwood t ,

• •


Tyler Benj. Freema.n's fm. Thaxted S.O Warman George.,Llttle (ireg0l'YSt l'hey" Westwood .J:ohn .Waterhall, Debden,
Tyler Peter, Goddard'. fm. Thaxted 8.0 don bois, Epping . Saffron Walden ,..
Tyrrell James, Hadleigh S.O Warner -,Claytye fm.Gt.Warly.Brntwd Westw.ood Samuel Henry,. Horndon-on-
Dnwin Daniel, Stambourne, Halstead Warner Geo. Great Bromley, Colchester the-Bill, Romford
Dnwin Daniel, jun. Stambourne, Halstd Warner Geo. Rt. Manor frm. Lit: Ilford Westwood Thomas, Thristley h~ Deb-
Dnwin G. Baythorn hI. Birdbrk. Halstd Warren George, Whitleys, Cornish Hall den, Bishop's Stol'tford
Dnwin Hy. Dine's fm. Ranks grn. Withm end, Hraintree Westwood WaIter, Brockin, Claveting,
Unwin Joseph, Stambourne, Halstead Warren Mrs-. :.{'hEl Tye~ ,l\IlU'gal'etting-, Bishop's Stortford \
Dnwin Ralph, Kelvedon Ingatestone Weybrow Samuel, Simnel's farm.Halstd
Up80n J3;8. Stover'lt hI. Rivenhall, Witbm Warwicker Anthony Cooke, Park pales, Wheeler William,Layer Breton,Kelvedon
Upson John, Ivy barn, Hatfield, Chlmsfd Rivenhall, Withanr I Whife lsaac, Cl"eBSing road, Braintree
DpSOD Robt. Boat s1y, Rivenhall, Withm Warwicker Antho»y Townsend, Stock Whiffen William. Lalichingdon, Maldon
Vaizey John George, Coggeshall road, Street farm, Coggleshall, KeJvOOon. Whipps Arthur, Epping
Bocking-, Braintree . Wass Thomas, White Colne, Halstead Whipps John, Serpent's hall,.. 80utll
Vale Reader, Hatfield, Harlow Waters Thomas, Little Moorlands, South Weald, Brentwood
Veasey David, Great Horkesley, Colchstr Ockendon, Romford 0 Whithourn Francis,Loxford hall,Gt.Ilfrd
Vellacott William Humphrey, West Watson Christopher, Bird green, Claver- Whitby B. Glebe farm, Ingrave, Brntwd
Thurrock, Romford. ing, Bishop's Stortford White Wm. & Son; Abberton, Colchester
Vellecott H. Little Thurrock,Gray's S.O Watson J08eph Yelloly Ut. The Grange, WhiteWm.&Son,WestMersea,Colchester
Vince A. Wyebridge fm. Hornch. Rmfrd Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester· White George Herber~ Burrel& farm,
Yince James, Ardleigh, Colchester Watson Thomas, Mill End green, Great Rawreth, Chelmsford
Vinca James, Frating, Colchester' Easton, Dunmow ! White James, Takeley, Chelmsford
Vince John, sen. Ardleigh, Colchester Watson William, Duton hall, Great White Joseph Henry~ Pease's Hall farn'l,
Vincent Philip Bemard, Frating hall, Easton, Dunmow Springfield, Chelmsfocd
Frating, Colchester Watson Wm. Theydon Garnon, Epping White Samuel, Stock, Ingatestone
Wackett In. Rose la. Dagenham, Rmfrd Watson Mrs. William, Cranham, Rmird Whiten Wm. High st. Brightlingsea 8.0
Wade Benjamin, Bull's farm, Alresford, Watts Hammond, Stondon, Brentwood Whitlock Francis, Lovingtons.. Great
Colchester Watt8 James, Blacklands, Birchanger, Yeldham, Halstead .
Wagstaff Fredk. Coppid hI.Stiffrd.Rmfrd Bishop's Stortford Whitlock Henry Edward, Great Yeld-
Wagstaff James, Thurgood's farm, Cop- Watts Job, Grange farm, Chigwell ham, Halstead (-
ford, Colchester . Waylen Mrs. Mary Ann, MOl,lnt haU, Whitlock John {exors. of), Great Yeld-
Wagstaff Mrs. Jane, StifIord clays, Stif- Great Horkesley, Colchester ham hall, Great Yeldham, Halstea.d.
'ford, Romford Waylett Wm. R. Billericay, .Brentwood Whitlock P. Saling hI. Gt.Saling, Brntree'
Wagstaff Hobert, Groves farm, South Weatherley Hy. Low street, ChingforQ Whitlock Simon Quy, Gaynsforrls, 'rop-
Ockenden, Romford Weaver James Skingle, Felsted S.O pesfield, Halstead
Wagstaff Mrs. Sarah Ann; Church house, Weaver Kenneth, Felsted S.O Whitlock WaIter, Bakers. farm, Wetherlr
Marks Tey, Colcbester . Webb Ernest & Arthur, Abbots hall, field, Braintree
Wagstaff Thomas, Stanway, Colchester Mistley, Manningtree Whitlock WaIter, Toppesfield., Halstead'
Wakefield David, The Grange, Aldboro' Webb Geo. Earl's hall, St.Osyth; Colchstr Whitlock William, Ridgwell, Halstead
Hatch, Ilford WebbJ.Whipples farm, Stondon,Brentwd Whitlock William Firmin; Meadow end,
Wakelin Frederick, Bateman's farm, Webb John, Roydon, Ware . Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Halstead
Little Totham, Witham Webb W. Gt.Town farm,Hatfield,Harlow Whitnall Wm. Sherwd.Sheering, Harlow
Wakelin Joseph, Freeborn's, Witham Webber F. Newman's Lamarsh,Colchstr Whitney G. Chatley, Gt.Leighs,Chlmsfrd
Wakelin Mrs. Rosa Ann, Hill ho. Bmtre Webster Charles, Warlie's & Prince's Whittaker Chrstpr. South Weald,Brntwd
Wakeling David, Finchingfield, Braintree farms, Waltham abbey Whittingham William, .Butts green~
Wakeling Frederick, Goldhanger, Maldn Webster G. Canewdon, Rochford S.O Sandon, Chelmsford
Wakeling Samuel, Wethersfield, Braintre Webster Godfrey, Lands end, Bridg- Whitwell Jacob,Canewdon, RochfordS.O
Walden John, Willis's farm, Beauchamp marsh, Althorne, Maldon Whitwell Jas. Canewdon, Rochford 8.0
Boothing, Brentwood Webster John (ofPattiswick), Bradwell- Whitwell John, Peatlands farm, Wood-
WaldenJoseph T. Mashbury, Chelmsfrd juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree ham Ferrers, Chelmsford •

Walford Edwin, Fields farm & Hill farm, Wood Edward Arthur, Landwich farm, Whybird P.Gray's farm,Writtle,Chlmsfd
Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Colchester Great Wakering, Southend Wickham Thomas, Lower Wick farm,
Walford WaIter, Brundon hall, Balling- Wederell Mrs. Elizabeth, Hall farm, . Upper Dovercourt, Harwich
.don, Sudbury Theydon bois, Epping Wiffen Chas. Sydney, Hill farm, Roxwell,
Walford William, Hall farm, Layer-de-Ia- WederellWilliam, Parsonage farm, They- Chelmsford
Hay, Colchester • don bois, Epping Wiffin John, Burton's green, Halstead
Walker Charles, West Bergholt, Colcbstr Wederell William, jun. Piggott's farm, Wilkin Arthur C. Trew lands, Kelvedon
Walker Mrs. Francis Mary, Breach Theydon hois, Epping Knights,KelvOOon; & at Tiptree heath
Barnes, Waltham abbey Welch Mrs. Charlotte, Small drinks, Wilkin G.Walton's hall, Purleigh,Maldon
Walker Wm. Hy. Shenfield hall, Bmtwd Nazing, Waltham cross Wilks Charles, Inworth, Kelvedon
Wallace John, Parsonage, Wethersfield, Welch Frederick John, Springwell, Little Wilks John, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon
Braintree' Chesterford, Saffron Walden Willet In. The Hall, Stambourne, ffistd
WaIlace Kin~, Stammers farm, Wethers- Welch Henry James, Bendyshire hall, Willett Samuel, LetcWey, Steeple Bump-
field, Braintree Radwinter, Saffron Walden '- stead, Haverhill
WaIler Henry, Berketts hall, Woodham WelchJas.TheHall,Barnston,Chelmsford Williams John, Butler's farm, Shopland,
Ferrers, Chelmsford Welch Thomas, Folly 'farm & Brands Rochford
Wallis Frederick, Bulpham, Romford farm, Dunmow S.O Williams William, Chigwell
Wallis John, Jarvis hall, South Ben- Welch William, Canfield hall & Marsh Williamson William Bird'~ farm, lJp-
fleet, Chelmsford farm, Great Canfield, Dunmow 8.0 minster. Romford
·Wallis Stephen, Pollards, South Ocken- Wells James, Abberton, Colchester Willings John, Broaditch, Radwinter,
den, Romford. Well Jsph. Little Waltham, Chelmsford Saffron Walden
Waltham Edward Hawkins, MayOOlls Wells Wm. East Hanningfield, Chlmsfrd Willis Charles, Garrould's, Broxted,
farm, Rippleside Wenden Mrs. J. Lit. Bromley, Mnngtree Dunmow 8.0
Waltham John, Mitchells, Stanford Wenden Mark, Rayleigh S.O· Willis Dan, Theydon Garnon, Epping
rivers, Romford WendonG.Beacon hill,Gt.Totham,Wthm Willis George, Ludham hall, :Black.
Wanger Henry, Chingford Hatch Wendon George, Blagg's farm. Great Notley, Braintree
Wantner'R. Little Oakley hall, Harwich Bromley, Colchester. Willis George Henry, MlLrtin'J farm,
Ward Anhur; Park farm, Thundersley, Wendon Mark, Wickford, Battles bridge Hutton,Brentwood
Rayleigh S.O Wendon Nathaniel, Walnut 'free farm, Willis Mrs. Hannah,Barking side,DfQro
Ward Charles, Beeleigh grange, Maldon Great Bromley, Colchester Willis Henry, Rolls farm, Magdalen
Ward George, West Bergholt, Colchester Went Mrs. E. Wivenhoe cross, Colchester Laver, Ongar
Ward In. D. Fenn fm. Elmstd. Colchstr West Thomas, Theydon hois, Epping Willis John, Boxted, Colchester
Ward John Davie; jnn. Blue Gates farm, Westley James Fraucis, Goat Hall {ann, Willis Mrs. John, Cold Norton, Maldol1J
Elmstead, Colchester GaIleywood common, Chelmsford Willis Joseph Samuel Andrew, Fryern-
Ward Thos. Villa frm. Elmstead, Clchstr Westley John, Bush farm. Old Samp- ing hall, Fryer»ing, Ingatestone
Ward Thomas, Wivenhoe, Colchester ford, Braintree Willis .Porter, Sheering hall, Sbalford
Ward William Hy. Elmstead, Colchester Westwood George Samuel. Horndon-on- Braintree (
Warder J. Poplars, High Easter,Chmsfd the-Hill, Romford. Willis Hobert, North Weald. Epping

472 FAR .ESSEX. [KILL!'•

FARHBR8-cOntinued. Wooltorton Henry, 8tondon, Brentwood Bibbey William (to GeM'ge Coopw ,sg.),
Willmot James & William, Dame Annis Wordley George, Orsett, Romford Lexden, Colchester
I; Hales fa.rms, Fyfield, Brentwood Womn Hastings, Boul'chiel's, Little Bird John (to William Brooks (Jsg.), Spin-
Wilson T. 0; & Sons, Marks Tey, Colchtr Dnnmow, Chelmsford nells. Wix, Manningtree
Wilson Alfred, Heydon, Royston Wragg Francis, Hale end, Walthamstow Blomfield Alfred (to Colonel ])rury-Lowe
Wilson Gool'ge, Bridge farm & Roblets, Wren Charles, Eastwood, Chelmsford C.B., .T.P.), Orange hall, Gosfield,
High Easter, Chelmsford Wright Alfred, Fordham, Colchester Halstead
Wilson George (exors. of), New hall, Wright Arthur, Felsted S.O Bourne Henry (to Lord Petre), East
High Roothing, Dnnmow S.O Wright Arthur, Great Totham, Witham Horndon hall, Brentwood
WilsonJn. Fenn frm. Gt. Warley,Brntwd Wright Bent611,Potash farm, FelstedS.O BrewsterArthurRobert(to O.Bro'Um esg.),
Wilton John, Gt. Wigborough, Colchstr Wright Edward, Millbanks, Felsted 8.0 Cressing, Braintree
Winder Matthew Henry, Thunderly hall, Wright G. Helion Bumpstead, Haverhill Britton Geo. (to Sir H. J. Selmn-Ibbetson
Wimbish, Saffron Walden Wright Geo. Old Sampford, Braintree bart. M.P., D.L.,l.P.), Matching, Harlow
Windus Edward, Bridge foot, Great Wright George, West Bergholt, Colchstr Brown J. (to Alfred Savill esq.), Harlow
Easton, Dunmow Wright Henry, Roxwell, Chelmsford Cain James (to J. Wright esq.) Little
Winfield Henry, Hare street, Romford Wright James, Rettendon, Chelmsford Chesterford, Saffron Walden
Wing Alfred, West House farm, Lexden, Wright James Alfred, Crouch house, Carder Joseph (to Alfred Hutley (Jsg.),
Colchester Langenhoe, Colchester Stow Maries, Maldon
Winks Theodore,Highwood,Chelmsford Wright John,LittleWigborough,Clchstr Carter Charles (to Capt. Prowse), Great
Winters George, Little Walden park & Wright John, Smiths, Gate house, Myn- Hayes, Stow Maries, Maldon
Little Walden han, Saffron Walden chons & Oldhousefarms,Dunmow 8.0 Carver Henry (to Frank Willing esq.),
Wisbey Edwd. LittleThurrock GraysS.O Wright In.(exors. of), Ranks grn.Withm Brick ho. South Fambridge, Rochford
WisbeyNthn.Clavering,Bishop'sStortfd Wright John, Wickham hall, Wickham, Caton John (to Messrs. Woodham 4-
Wisbey Thomas, White house, Berden, Bishops Witham Sampson IJeath), Langley, Bishop's
Bishop's Stortford Wright Joseph, Boxes, Canewdon, Roch- Stortford
Wisby GeOl'ge, Maynards, Little Samp- ford S.O Cause William (to Mrs. Kill'Worth), 4
ford, Braintree Wright Seth, Old Sampford, Braintree Shrubb villas, Porter's town, Southend
Wiseman Edward, Bearshall, Seward's Wright Thomas, Thorrington,Colchester Cbamberlain Joseph (to Wm. H. IJunnett
end, Saffron Walden Wright William, Dove house, Old Samp- esq. l.P.), God's House farm,Ardleigh,
Wiseman Edward, Rowney lodge, Wim- ford, Braintree Colchester
bish, Saffron Walden Wright William, Eyston hall, Belchamp Chapman Moses (to Wm. Brooks esq.),
Wiseman George, Home farm, Chigwell WaIter, Sudbury Staciesfm.LittleBromley,Manningtree
Wiseman Isaac, Dagenham, Romford Wright Wm. Moore's farm, Felsted S.O Chittock William (to trustees of IJaniel
Wiseman Joseph, Elm's farm, Wimbish, Wrinch Leonard, Birch hall, Kirby, Archer esq.), Bassildon, Brentwood
Saffron Walden Colchester Claydon George (to Chas. Walker Tabor
Wiskar William Henry, Fullwell hatch, Wrinch William Henry, Roydon hall, esq.), Redferne, Shalford, Braintree
Barking side, Ilford Ramsey, Harwich Cook John (to James Hams esg.),Harlow
Witney Jas. Highlands,Mayland,Maldon Wybrew Henry, Great Brapted,Witham Cook John (to John Wood 63q.), Grange
Witney William Frederick, St. Lawrence Wybro John, Highwood, Chelmsford . farm, Steeple, Maldon
hall, St. Lawrence Newland, Maldon Wybrow James, Taylor's farm, Street, Coombe William (to Rt. Hon. Lord Car-
Wolton Thomas, Canterbury, Margarett- Takeley, Chelmsford lingfM'd p.c.), Navestock, Romford
ing,Ingatestone Wyncoll Thomas, Mile end, Colchester CooperSamuel(toSirJ.H.Johnson),Park
Wood Charles Page, Kelvedon Wyncoll William, Round Bush farm, farm, Ramsden Hellhouse, Brentwood
Wood Charles Page, Scrips farm, Little Copford, Colchester CooteWilliam(to Henry Cooper esq.),High
Coggeshall, Kelvedon Wynn James, Earlswoodfarm, Romford Roothing, Dunmow S.O
Wood Charles. jun. Boume bridge, Yeldham Thomas, Nortons, CornishHall CornellW.Lindsell ha.Lindsell,Chelmsfrd
Stapleford Abbots, Romford end, Braintree Couchman Jonas (to George Capel-Oure
Wood Edward, Goldhanger, Maldon Yeldham Thomas, Little Norton, Ridg- esq.), Bobbingworth, Brentwood
Wood George, Hatfield, Chelmsford well, Stambourne, Halstead Crabbe James (to ROOert Marsh esq.),
Wood John, Langford hall, Maldon Yell Joseph, Great Graces, Little Bad· Pennyfeather's farm, High Roothing,
Wood John, Sparrows, "feding, Witham dow, Chelmsford Dunmow S.O
Wood Moses, East Mersey, Colchester Young Geo. & Louis, Barking side, Ilford Cutting Samuel (to Miss Brocket),Bridge
Wood Mrs. Eliza, Martin's Hern, Staple- Young Frederick, King's farm,Ford end, farm, Willingale 8pain, Brentwood
ford Abbots, Romford Chelmsford Dean John (to exM's. of J. C. Circuit esq.),
Wood Thomas,Friarsfarm, Black Notley, Young Michael, Butt hatch, RoxwelI, Wilson's farm, North end, East Ham e
Braintree Chelmsford Dickens James (to G. D. JOMS esq.), Lea
Wood Thos.Ramsden, Bellho. Brentwood Young Rd.S.Stapleford Abbots,Romford Bridge road, Leyton
Woodard Edward, Laindon, Brentwood Young Solomon, Thatches farm, Rox- Dillaway Luke (to J. W. Stallibrass esg.),
WoodgateJohn, The Hall, Little Bentley, well, Chelmsford Foulness island, Southend
Colchester Young Thos. Ford farm, Dunmow 8.0 Doe James (to Mr. Hayward), The Loop,
Woodley Daniel, Godfreys, Radwinter, Youngman Benjamin, Elms farm, Cop- East Hanningfield, Chelmsford
Saffron Walden permilllane, Walthamstow Don George (to John Alison esg.), Forest
Woods George, Home farm, West Thur- Yull Thomas, Clatterfoot End house, farm, Barking side, Ilford
rock, Romford Tyfield, Brentwood Edwards William (to William H. IJunllett
Woods William, Blackhouse, Little •. esq. .T.P.), Rye farm, Dedham S.O
Sampford, Braintree Farm Bailiffs. Elbome GeOl'ge (to Lindsay Brown esg.),
Woods William, Hunt's farm, West .Allam William (to Sir Thomas F. BU3:ton Ardleigh, Colchester
Thurrock, Romford bart. D.L., .T.P.), Copthall green, FairweatherSaml.(toRe'U.JohnPapillon,
Woodthorpe Mrs. Mary & Edward, Waltham abbey of Lexden), Seabrough farm & MouI-
• Fanns, Aveley, Romford Ambrose John <to exors. of Abraham shams farm, Great Wigborongh, Col-
Woodward Arthur, Brick Wall farm, Saward),The Hall;Gt.Easton,Dunmow chester
Stanway, All Saints, Colchester Balls Alfd.(to Charles Ryder esq.),Jekylls, Field Geo. (to IJamelSewell esq.), Kent's
Woodward Charles, New-land ends, Cornish Hall end, Braintree hill, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester
Arkesden, Bishop's Stortford Barker Joseph (to Re1J.C.F.Norman M.A.), Finch Jacob (to J. C. B. Corsbie esg.),
Woodward Francis S. Gt.Saling,Brntree Mistley farm, Mistley, Manningtree Little Leighs, Chelmsford c
Woodward Henry, Stanway Hall farm, Barnard Thomas (to James Humphrcy Ford George (to J. W. Stallibrass esg.),
Stanway, All Saints, Colchester esq.), Normanshire, Chingford Canewdon hall, Rochford S.O
Woodward John, East Mersey, Colchstr Baynes Geo. (to Onley Saville-Onley esg. Gibson William (to Sir John Henry
Woodward Stphn. Earls Colne, Halstead D.L., I.P.), Hall farm, Stisted, Braintree Johnson), St. Osyth, Colchester
Woolf James, Ardleigh, Colchester Bell James Hay (to L. W. Ark'Wright esg. Gilbert William (to William MackiM<J'll,
WooIgar Alfd. 43 Oriental ro.Silvrtwn e .T.P.), New Hall house, Harlow esq.), Monntnessing, Brentwood
Woollard John, Colne road, Halstead Bennett Robert (to W. H. Penrose eag. Goyner Robert (to James Gale esq.), Til-
WoollinglJ Henry, Sudburys, Little .T.P.), Dedham S.O lingham, Maldon
Burstead, Brentwood Best William (to Mrs. Drew), Eaton Grimpsey Robert (to M'rs. Miller), Red
Woollings William, Avaley, Romford grange, The Common, Romford house, Little Bentley, Colchester I
Woollings Wm. Baker st. Orsett, Rmfrd BettlesChas.(toFranci821:fM'g/lnNichols Hall Richard Brown (to tM Shorthorn
Woolorton Jeremiah, New house, High esq.z.p.),Lawford Hall farm, Lawford, IJairyCompany,Limited),SouthWeald,
Ongar, Ingatestone • Manningtree Brentwood

Hampton William (to J. ...4. Houblon esq.lNorton J. (toJ. W.Stallibrasusg.), Great Watts Frederick '(to' Peter Mill, e,g.),
D.L., I.P.), Great Hallingbury, Bishop's Wakering, Southend Sewardstone
Stortford Norton James (to J. W. 8tallibrass esq.), West James (to Mrs. Smith), High
Harrington William (to Henry Venn Ellis Southchurch, Southend Trees & Dugates, High Roothing,
esq.), St. Lawrence Newland, Maldon Nnnn Robert (to Miss Bull), The RaIl, Dunmow 8.0
Hart Samuel (to Lady Brooke), Ravens, Great Oakley, Harwich Whitnall Alfred (to thit INm11lO7lfler"
Little Easton, Dnnmow Offord Henry (to Edgar Cooper esq.), Company), Moreton, Brentwood
Hart William (to Fredmck West esg.), Marden's fann, Great Oakley,Harwich Wilsher James (to Golden GoodC'!/ tag.),
Bridge farm, Braintree . Ollington Henry (to Lord Petre),Nuttie's Little Tey, Kelvedon
Haynes Joseph (to J. C. Goode esq.), Hall fann, Childerditch, Brentwood Wilsmet' George (to Mrs. Burgess),
farm, South Weald, Brentwood Patrick Henry (to Edwa1'd Richardson Peldon lodge, Peldon, Colchester
Haywood Jeremiah (to J. W. Stallibrass esq.), Little Holland, Colchester Wright Arthur Bentall (to Mrs. Pml.ber<-
esq.), Canewdon, Rochford 8.0 Payne John (to J. L.Tufnell-Tyrrell esq.), ton-BarMs) , Bower farm, Havering-
Hemingsley Francis Josiah (to A.. Too1Jey Boreham, Chelmsford atte-Bower, Romford
esg.), Pilgrims hatch, Brentwood Pertwee - (to T. C. S1vinborne esg.), Yeoman Timothy (to A. . .Ashwurth esg.)
Hill William (to Lord Braybrooke), Hey- Lee Chapel, Laindon, Brentwood Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford
don, Royston Prime Desmond (to John Parrott esg.), FARRIERS
Holmes John (to W. A. Tooke esg.), The Hill green,Clavering,Bishop'sStortford See Smiths ifc·
Hall, Ramsden Bellhouse, Brentwood Pudney John(to Henry Sewell esg.),Stowe .
Howard John (to William Brooks esq.), hall & Little Whitmans, Stowe Maries, FEATHER CLEANERS •
Golden Ferry frm.Bradfield,Manningtr Maldon DYERS.
Howlett John Hooper (to O. E. Coope esq. Purkiss Moses( to Cooper Fenn esq. ),Home Green Thomas, Leyton road, Leyton
M.P., D.L., I.P.), Park farm, Berechurch, farm, Ardleigh, Colchester Marshall William !Thomas, Brickfield
Colchester Reeve John (to Charles Hibbett Binney cottages, Barkmy rd. Canning town e
Hoy John (to John Allison esq.), Little esg.), Alborough Hatch, Ilford FELLMONGERS
heath, Chadwell street Roe John (to T. G. Nash esg.), Great . •
Humphrey John (to J. W. Stallibrass Chesterford 8.0 Chaffe: Damel, Thaxted 8.0
esq.); Eastwood, Chelmsford Rowland Abraham (to John South esg.), HunwlCk, James,. Kelvedon
Hymas John (to Charles Albert Tabur Foulton hall, Ramsey, Harwich Johns W.& T. ~~tham; & at Chlmsford
esq.), Havengore island, Southend Rowles Edward(to Edgar Walter Garland Leaversuch ":'llham, The Elms, North
James John (to Charles Hempson esq.), esq.), Ramsey, Harwich ~eald, Eppmg. .
Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester Roynon John (to jJfrs.McIntosh), Haver- Lelgh Edwd. H. StatiOn I'd. Mnm~gt~
Jams J. (to Mr. Slater), Roughill Park ing Park fann, Romford Watts Mrs. Ann, Manuden, BIshop 8
farm, East Hanningfield, Chelmsford Runacles George (to R. W. Vivers esq.). Stortford
JenningsJohn (to the Bermerside estate), Barn's farm, Althorne, Maldon PELT MANUFACTURERS•
. ~arking roa~, Plaistow e Sach Ph~lip (to James Tabor esq.), Roch- Braby Fredk. & Co. Fitzroy works,
Jillmgs Fredenek (to Lord Braybrooke), ford S.O Euston road London n w . Liverpool
St. Aylott's & Hird's arms, Saffron SalmonWilliam(toJohnBlott esq.),Mark's & Glasgow' . .,
Walde~ gate, Dagenham, Romford. Croggon & Co. 42 Upper Thames street,
Kemp EhJah (to Thomas 4" John Mathews Sargeant John Thomas (to O. Hanbury London e.c.: & at Liverpool & Glasgow
esqrs.), East Ham e . esq.), Holtield grange & Home farm, London Patent Felt Co. 4 Botolph lane,
Ketley ~amuel (to A. Manmng esg.), CoggeshaH, Kelvedon London e.c
Hadlelgh S.O Ship Stephen (to .A.~fred Donneson esg.),
Key Henry (to Lady Brooke), Heybridge Little Yeldham, Halstead FIBRE DRESSERS.
hall, Heybridge, Maldon Shott William (to William Melles esq.), Bussell James, Bost~n M. Walthmstow
Kirby William (to O. Green esq.), Great Sewardstone Hooper Wm. Cambndge rd. Walthmstw
Chesterford S.O Shead Arthur (to Mrs. Honeywood) , FILE M.ANUFAOTURERS.
Kni~htJames(toS.Serubyesq.),Henham, . Marygolds. Markshall, Kelvedon Scott Scott & Co. Richmondst. Plastw,
BIshop's Stortford Slbley George (to Edward Roberts esq.), '
Lawrence Samuel (to Joseph Todhunter Brick house, Berden, Bishop's 8trtfrd FILTER MANUFACTURERS.
esq.), Great Parndon, Harlow . Skates Charles (to the Misses Malden), DouIton & Co. High street, Lambeth s.e
LedgertonCharles(toJohnBuntmgesq.), Asheldham, Maldon London if General Water Purifying Co.
Salcott, Kelvedon Smith Henry (to W. J. Beadel esq.), Limited 157 Strand London w.C.·
Leicester Abram (to E. P. Copland esq.), Springfield hall, Springfield, Chlmsfrd sole ma~ufacturers o'f the celebrated
WJckfOTd, Battle .Bridge S.O . Smith J?hn (to Robe:t Marsh e~q.), pure animal charcoal cistern & other
LeWlS WaIter (to Farrow), Bnck Tarvet s farm, High Roothmg, filters: Water testing apparatus &
house, Colne Engame, Halstead Dunmow 8.0 Water softeninlJ' apparatus
Lewis William (to Sir Spencer Maryon Smith Samuel (to John Salmon esq.), FIRE B~B. MAKER
Maryon- Wilson, bart.l.p.), Great Can- Great Oakley lodge, Great Oakley, •
field, Dunmow S.O Harwich Stratford W. (patent', Leyton rd. Leyton
Lockwood John (to Joseph Cornell esq.), Smith William (to Mrs. Round), Hall FIRE BRIOK MANUFAO.
Causeway farm, Ridgewell, Halstead fann, Birch, Colchester TURERS
Lodge George (to J. F. Wells esg.) , Barns- South James (to J. Blott 6Sg.), Theydon K 1 J h & C N'h l' h
ton, Chelmsford Garnon, Epping nowes 0 ~ o. ort Woo WlC
Long John (to E.B. Gibson esq.), Rowley Southernwood William (to Ed'ward road, Canmng towoe
hill, Saffron Walden Catchpool esq.), Gate house, Ardleigh, FIRE OLAY MERCHANT.
Lott.Thomas (to E. H. Bentall esq.) ,Hey- Colchester. . Wood Wm. Fairfield Duke st. Chlmsfrd
brIdge, Maldon Stanley FranClS (to Robert Parns esq.), '
Lucking Alfred (to H. P. D. Meyer esg.), Long Barnes farm, Beauchamp FIREPROOF SAFE MAKERS.
Little Laver, Ongar Roothing, Brentwood Tann John (patent reliance) I I Newgate
Lucking Samuel (to J. W. Stallibrass Stillman John (to William Douglas esq.), street London e c '
esq.), Foulness island, Southend Hamlet Bank cottage, Southend ' .
Mansfield William(toE.F.Brewsteresg.), Stone Henry (to C. J. H, Tower esg. FIREWOOD DEALERS•.
White Notley, Witham I.P.), South Weald, Brentwood Chapman Alfred, Panfield lane, Bockmg
Marking Henry (to R. C. Palmtr BSq.), Taylor Abraham (toJohn Oxley Parker Clark Edwd. Blackmore, Ingatestone
Nazing, Waltham cross esq.I.F.), Woodham Mortimer,Maldon Clement Edwd. BruneI st. Canning tn e
Martin Arbar (to W. V. Folke esq.), Great Thompson James (to George S. Hardy Cook Henry,Morgan st. Canning town e
Saling, Braintree esg.), Ramsey, Harwich Dowsing George, Brook st. Msnniogtree
Miller John (to Thomas Usborne BSq.I.P.), Tipler Frederick (to J. L. Newall e$q. Felton Chas. jnn. Surreyst.Plaistow tI
Writtle I.P.), Fyfield, Brentwood Henning Hy. Norman rd. Leytonstone ,
MoirJames(totheShorthornDairyCom- Tovell James (to G. S. Hardy 6aq.), Hood John Alfred, Norway wharf, High
pany, Limited),8outh Weald, Brentwd Bradfield, Maningtree street, Stratford tI
Mott Daniel (to Philip Chaplin esg.), Tyler George (to Captain ...4nthony), Jesty James, 36Yincentst. Canningtne
Navestock, Romford Little Myless, Stondon, Brentwood Page Hy. Beckton road, Canning town e
MussettThomas (to W. Havens esq.) ,East Wadding William (to William A.. Dick- Potkin James, Artillery st. Colchester
Donyland, Colchester inson esq.), Grove Go. la. Leytonstne e Power Cornelius, Forest rd. Leytnstne e
Norman George (toAmu Hempson esq.), Walker William (to Lord Petre), Tatam lsaac, Bromley road, Colchester
Ramsey, Harwich Childerditch, Brentwood Williams Samuel, 12J High st. Stratfrd 6

.ESSEX, so
~ISIlMONGERS. Newton Jolul, 4 M~rkel place, Baldwin Thomas & Son, Editq pursery"
Anderson Henry, 46 Chatsworth ~ad, street, Plaistow. 11 Burchell road, Leyton
Forest ga.te e Q:xley JooM, Suffolk stree~, Walton-,OJr BartonC.Park vil.Queen'l!! rd.Waltlunstw
Auger James, Chipping Ongar S.O the-Naze S.O,.. "" BartonE. T. 18 Lea Bridge grdns. Leyto~
Baker Ell, New street, Chelmsford Pamell G. 98 Bidderst, Canning tQwn ~ Bass William, Derby road, Woodford
Balls Ja.xnes. 3:a North hill,~olchestel' ' Partridge Wm.lsaac Leigh, Chelmsford Bates Johnf High street, Brentwood
Bangham ,James, Crescent road, Leyton Petty lames, Cathall rd. Leytonstone tJ Bent John, Forest lane, Forest gate e
Bare John, Magdalen street, Colchester Phraez Anthony, Station rd. Forest gt e Bibby William, North street, Colchester
Bayliss John, Carlisle road, Leyton Pittock Joseph N. South st. Manningtree Boosey MJ;'s. Maria, High street, South-
Bench. Wm. Stl James' st. Walthamstow Plummer Geo. Little Bentley, Colchester end; & Eastwood j Chelmsford
Bettig George, High street, Romford Poole Jesse, 76 Forest st. :Forest gate 'J Bracher Edwd. Shaftesbury rd. Romford
Blyth John, Shlregate,. Colchester Polley Edward, High st. Walton-on-the- Bradley Henry, Burchell road, Leyton
Bragg Henry, Bridge street, Halstead Naze 8.0 \ Carr Mrs. E. 4& 5 Lea Bridgegdns.Leytn
Bury John, jun. South street, Romford Porter Samuel, Marine parade, Southend Carter James & Co. (Robert Gardinoo;
Butler Samuel Wm. Great st. J'lashet f1 Randall Geo. W. ~arket pl.Forest gatee man.), seed farm, St. Osyth, Colchastr
CalveI' John, 16 Church st. Harwich Richardson 'f. Holloway rd. Leytonstn e Carter Arthnr. Church end, Woodford
Calver Robert, Magdalen st. Colchester Roberts John, Martello terra.<:e, Clacton- Chater W. Waldennursery,Saff. Walden
Carr William, High street, Great Ilford on-Sea, Colchester Chitty In. Markhouse rd. Walthamstow
Causton Isaiah, 9 Currents la. Harwich Robin80n Thom~ Grays Thurrock S.O CollierJas.2I & 22 Lea Bridge gdns.Leytn
Cballia Jo~ 'fhaxted S.O Rogers Wm. Great Bardfield, Braintree Cook A. The Ferns, Vicarage rd. Leyton
Chapple Thomas, Heath st. Barking Ronghton George,4 Bedford villas, Vic- Cook Richard, Cann Hall road, Wanstead
Coak Geo. 6Crawford st. Canning town e toria road, Romford ! Cooper Wm. Cann Hall road, Wanstead
CokeI'. Richard, Wivenhoe, Colchester Rowe Jas. S. 8 High street, Plaistow , Cornhill George, Chingford. ,
Cole Mrs. Mary Ann, High 6t. Brntwood Rowley Mrs.Elizabeth,North Woolwich e Cross J oseph, Drayton I'd. Leytonstone e
Cooper W~lliam, 59 Forest st. Forest gt e Rudduck Samuel, Church st. Coggeshall Cullingford W.Wellington rd. Forest gte e
Cotgrove James, 7 Charlotte terrace, Rudland George, Boundry rd.Waltmstw Davey Wm.Grosvenor Pk.rd.Walthmstw
Barking road, Plaistow e ' Sadler Thomas, Magdalen st. Colchester Dillistone Henry, Sturmere, Halstead
Cotgrove J n. a3 Alexandra st. Southend Saunders Alfred, Fisher street, Barking Elmore Thomas, King's road, Barking
Cousins Samuel, Loughton . I Saunders Goorge, High street, Maldon Farrance Robert, Chadwell heath
Craven Herod, 8 ,Hallsville road, Can- Scott James, Castle yard, Woodford gm Follwell Frederick, Victoria rd. Romford
ning town e Scott John,3 Plaistow place, High street, Ford Saml. Crescent nursery, Junction
Daines Fredk.Cambridge rd.Walthamstw Plaistow 8 , road, Brentwood
.])avis Mrs. Cla1'3, 10 Ford's markei, Scotton Francis, Mal'ham house, Barking Foxwell Geo. E. Gamul rd. Walthamstow
Canning town e road, Canning town, Fripp Percival Kassuth, The Woodford
Delllley Mm. Maria, 19 King's Head Scotton f'rederick, a'l Hermit road, nurseries, Tavistock rd. Snaresbrook e
street, Harwich Canning town e Fruin John, Cemetery I'd. Forest gate e
Denney Thomas J. Currants la. Harwich Searles Mrs. Macklin, King's rd.Brentwd Green & Smith, Back la. Chadwell heath
Digby Henry, 86 Duke street & J:66 Searles Mrs. Mary, 22 Tindal st.Chemsfd Griffin James, Forest rise, Walthamstow
Moulsham Btreet, Chelmsford Sharp G. Market place, Waltham abbey Harper Wm. Hainault rd. Leytonstone e
Dowsett Charles, Heath street, Barking Simmons Richard, High st. Manningtree Harris lsaac Robert, Woodford bridge
Draper Edward, Epping Smith Miss Elizabeth Annie, 5 Princes' Harrison J. Abbey rd. Barkingside, Ilford
EburneJ:122 Rathbonest.Canningtwn e terrace, Plaistow, Heasman John WaIter, Ferns hollow,
Fairchild W. 35 King's Head st.Harwich Smith Thomas Wheaton, Dunmow 5.0 Copthall green, Waltham abbey
Feast Wm. Snakes lane,Woodford green South Jabez, I&} Moulshamst.Chelmsfrd Henry A. C. C. Oaklands, Chigwell row
Featherstonehaugh J. East st. Barking Spooner James, New street, Braintree Hickman G. Chelmsfrd rd.east,Woodford
French Edward, High street, Brentwood Spratt Mrs.Marian,89 WoodBtock 6treet, Hilsden T. Butts grn. Hornchrch.Romfrd
French Oxley Arthur, High st. Maldon Canning town' Hoftey In. Lansdowne rd. Leytonstone e
Gane W. 8. SI King's Quay st. Harwich Spurgeon WaIter, High street, Halstead How J. W. 58 Wellesley rd. Wanstead,fl
Gardiner James, 83 High st.Chelmsford Staines William, Burnham, Maldon Howard S. Cambridge rd. Walthamstow
Gentl-ySamuel, Barking la. Great Ilford Stallard G.59Rathbonest.Canning twn e Hoy William & Co. Railway ter, Forest
Gibb George, 23 Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd Stoffer Noah, Park road, Leytonstone e lane, Forest gate e
Gill Henry, Leyton road, Leyton Stokes George, Wood st. Walthamstow Kelman James, l"orest side, Chingford
Going & Hills, High street, Southend Stl'oud Alfred, North Woolwich e Kimmens John, Perryman's Farm road,
1iritl\ths J esse, Market pI. Waltham abhy Taylor Alien, Castle st. Saffron Walden Barkingside, Ilford
Haley Richard, J: Market place, High Theobald Wm. 56 High st. Plaistow e Ladbrook Eph. Snakes la. Woodfordgrn
road, Leytonstone e - Tracey Chas.t29 High street, Colchester Lavender Mark, Welsley rd. Brentwood
Halls Robert J. High street, Colchester Turnham Mrs. Elizabeth, High Bridge Le Fevre G. W. Heulah I'd. Walthamstow
Hansen John, 65 Balaam st. Plaistow e street. Waltham abbey . Long William, Amberley road, Leyton
Hardwick T.King street,saffrou Walden Turnidge Thomas, Leigh, Chelmsford Luker Joseph, New road, Buckhurst hill
~arrisol1 Henry, Woodford green Walling William, I Park road, Plashet e See advert
Harrison Henry,Queen's rd.Buckhurst hI Warren Jeremiah, Grays l'hurrock 8.0 New Plant if Bulb Co. (The) (Frederick
Harvey W. Church st.Heybridge,Maldon Watkins James, 46 Webb st. Plaistow e Horsman, man.), Lion walk, Colchstr
Hawkings Jo'seph, 4 Hudson's l"Oad, Can- Whybrow James,Fryerning, Ingatestone Overall Geo. Little Bardfield, Braintree
ning town • Wicks Henry, 3 8tephenson street, Can- Penn C. Ravenswood rd. Walthamstow
Hazell George, Middleborough, Colcbstr ning towne Poole & Bass, Derby road, Woodford
HineJolm, 4 Market place, Beckton road, Witham J ames, High Ongar, Brentwood Preston Edwd. Elm road, Walthamstow
Canning town e WoodleyCharles, Dunmow S.O Rawlings Bros. Old Church, Romford
noggard John, Grange road, Leyton Wright. Edward., Loughton Richards John, Woodbine pI. Wansteade
Holland Matthew,Marsh et.Walthamstw Wright. T. 6 Queen's rd. Canning town e Roebuck Benj. 8 Lea Bridge rd. Leyton
Howes James, Wood st. Walthamstow Rolfe IsaacJ. Stanford-le-Hope, Romford
Humphrey H. High street, Romford FISH SALESMEN. Rudd John, Nightingale rd. Wansteade
Hyam G. IS Constance st. 8ilvertown e See Sale31ne1l-Fish. Scholes Jacob, Bridge nursery, Lea
Joellohn, 320 High st. Stratford e Bridge road, Leyton
joell D. 78 Rathbonest. Canning town e FISHING TACKLE DEALER. Slater Josiah, Snakes la, Woodford gm
J OOnSOB Charles, Magdalen s,," Colchestr Willis William Porter, Dunmow 8.0· Smith J. jun. 147 LeaBridge grdns.Leytn
Lamb Richard, 76 Chapel at. Stratford e FLORISTS Smith William, WilmlJt road, Leyton
Leader Henl'y,8 Anthur ter. Silvertown e ~ Soloman John, Queen's rd. Walthamstow
Lidbury Edmund,. 401 High st.Stratfrd e See also Nurserymen et Seedsmen. Spillman G.76 Lea Bridge grdns. Leyton
Lindsell Goorge, 146 High st. Braintl'ee Abbott Edward, Ardleigh, Colchester Stoffelen Mrs. Catherine Johanna, 23
Lindsell Thomas; Thaxted S.O Absolon WaIter John, 148 Lea Bridge Prosser ter.Barking rd.Canning town e
Macklin William Joh~ Magdalen .treet gardens, Leyton Titmus C. I Harvey road, Leytonstone e
& 7 Long Wyrestreet. Colchester I Adams James, Salway hill, Woodford Trimby Lebbeus, Loughton. Soo advert
Mathewa AJ u, Sarah st.Canning 1i'WII e Alexander Mrs. Sarah.Church I'd. Leyton Wa.rd J n. W. Wallwoodrd. LeytonstoDBe
MaY' ReubeD G.eorge,J 8S Bidder streeli, Allworth)'" Mrs. Mary Ann,9 & IQ Lea WheelerWm.Holloway down,Leytustne e
Canning town • Bridge gardens, Leyton White P. E. Harrow grn. Leytonstone ,
Mayhew John Newton, Witham Ames Samnel; Hawkwood farm, Sible Wilson William, Potter street, Harlow
Morgan Wm. High road. Leytonstone e Hedingham, Halstead Woods William, Bunting Bridge ~,
MurJlell Wau6Jr1arineparade,Bouthend Baker John, Foresi road, Loughton Barking side, Ilford
• • .
Wrigb1i Robert D. Fairycroft nursery, Brand G. High street, Great Dford Dyer Marten. Bimmons, 'B GtJrdOll tet-
Saffron Walden BrandMrs.M.n:6Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd race, North Woolwich.rn. Silverto'Wn e
YOWlg ;1ohn, Bigh Street & Cliff Town Britton Henry, I Lett road, Stratford t Dykes Samuel, High street, MaidoD'
nurseries, Southend ;;- Brown Daniel, Magdalen st. Colchester Eastlrick William, 4 Plaistowplaoe,High
'FLOUR DEALERS Brown Daniel, jun. Magdalenst. Colchstr street, Plaistow e
. Brown James, Cattle market, Braintree Edmeads John, BOWldary rd.i\\'1thmst*
See CON/. tf FlOU7 Dealer.. Broxup William, High street. Leyton Edwards James Henry, 70 & 'J2 Leyton
FLOUR FACTORS. Buck William, 56 Church st. -Harwich TOad, New town, Stratford t
See Corn Ij- Flour Fa~tqrs BullerW.1 Eliza ter.Barkingrd.Plaistow'e Edwards John, Victoria rd. LeytoDstnee
• r Bullock A. E. Vansittart rd. Wanstead Ellingworth John, Market pt Romfurd
FLOUR MERCHANTS. Burley G. 77 Rathbone st. Canning twn e Ellis George, I Canning rerrace, Lilliput .
See Corn tf Flour Merchants. Burr H. Runsell go. Danbury,Chelmsfrd road, Canning town It ."
FLOUR MILL MACHINERY Burrows A. 5 S~ort Wyre s~. Colchester Ellis William, West Th~rrock, Romford
MANUFACTURERS Burton E. 22 Ahce st. Canmng to.wn- e EIs~on Edward, 2 Ford s 'JD.arket, Can-
. Burwood Samuel, 9 Howe rd. l'laustow t! mng town It • n
Clarke & Dunham, Harrow grn.Leytnst e Bush Willi'lm, Market pla:ce, Romford Elvey William, Grays, Romfol'd ' ,.,
FL'Y PROPRIETORS Butcher Jaoob, Rochford 8-.0 English George, n: Maldon nI. CoIchstr
" Bygrove W. 6 Cathall rd. Leytonstone t Everett Henry, Station road, :Forest gte e
See Jobmasters. Callender Douglas G.GraysThurrock S.O Farndell Mrs. Elizabeth, Coggeshall
. FORAGE FACTORS. Cannon William, Crown st. Brentwood Feast John Robert, North Woolwich.
Wood Edwd &:Co SouthBentley Chelmsfd Cant Charles, Maidenberg st. Colchester Featherstonehaugb In. East st. Barking
., . , Cant George, 23 Long Wyre st. Colchstr Fennell G. 87 Woodstock st. Canning tn e
FORWARDING AGENTS. Carlisle William, Green street, Plashet Fenning Daniel, 135 High st. Colchester
~ See Agents-Forwarding. Carlisle Willianf, I Nevill's Market tel'. Fenton William, George la. WansteBd. e
FRENCH POLISHERS Barking road, Plaistow e , Fletcher Jas. Woodbine pt WansteadlJ
. . • . Carter Hy. 55 Alice st. Canning town e Foster Joseph, High street, Great Ilford
BiShop Joshna, ~enmark st. Colchester Carter H. Chingford lane, Woodford gn Fox John James, 277 &; 36l High 'Street,
H~lls Joseph, MaIdenburg st. Colchester Cassells T. Mornington tel'. Wanstead t! Stratford e 1.
Kiddy John, Cha~el st. Colchester Castle James, Heath street, Barking Francis Charles, St&nsted Mountfitchet,
Lodge &; G~, Cecll road,Leytonstone 6. ; Chalk Henry, Rayleigh S.O Bishop's Stortford' "
.!'- ,FredeI'lCk str~e~, Stratford f# ., Champ O. jun. Marine parade, Southend Frank Richard Rigg, Queen's TOad,
Milhst John, I Wllham st. Stratford e Chapman C.Arkwright st. Canning twn e Buckhurst hill t ..
NlP'se Joseph, Harrow rd. Leytonstone e Cheek William Kelvedon Free Charles Carlisle road Leyton ,J
Pa~ridgeT. Albert rd. ~o.rt.h,Buckhrst hI Cherry Geo. 26'Chesterton rd. Plaistow e Freeman Wiiliam, High st:.oot, Maldon
Spmks Henry AI.fred, 'I rImty ~t.Colchstr CheshireThomas, Marsh st.Walthamstw Freeman William, 23 Woodstook street,
W~l~s Wm. 7 8 Tllbury rd. PIalstow e Chick Jas. 1 Union st. Canning town 6 Canning town, .
Wilhams G. Boundary rd. Walthamstw Clare S. J. Harrow road, Leytonstone e Gardiner C. SI Maryland I'd. Stratford e
. FRIED FISH DEALERS.' Clark C. J. II5 High street, Braintree Gardner G. 7 Hallsville I'd. Canningtn It
Daisley Mrs. Mary Ann, 68 Whitwell Clark Geo. 6'7 Abbey lane; Strat~ord e G~ntry ~h?malJ, 41 High st. Chelmsford
Toad, Plaistow e Clark Henry, North street, Barkin~ GIbbs WIlha~,2Markettetraoo,Balaam
Leeson Henry, North Woolwich 6 Clark Joh.n, 4 1 Cog~eshall rd. BraI.ntree .str~t, PlaIstow f! , f. r
Sains William, 4 Dolphin cottages, Lilli- Clark Joslah, II7 HIgh street, Bramtree G~dd~ngs R. 2 Queen s rd. Canmng tn l>
put toad, Canning town e Clark W. C. Market pt Waltham abbey G~ggIDS C. W. 19 Alexandra st. S()Uthend
Stanney Miss Elizabeth 709 Lilliput Clark W. R. 36 Martm st. Stratford t Gilders Charles, 9 Leyton road, New
road, Canning town e ' . Clarke T. 17 Cowley road, Wanstead e .town, St~tfo~ e "I,
Wyborn Edward King street Leyton Clements T. Cannhall 00. Wanstead e GIllett 'DavId, HIgh st. Saffron Wald8ft
, , Coakham T. Church end, Walthamstow Gollop George, 2 Broadway, Stratford e
FRUITERERS & GREEN- Coe Charles, 9 Springfield la. Chelmsfrd Gooch Robert, I Hamlet :road, Southend
• GROCERS. Cole Frederick, Leyton roadl Leyton Gooch Saml. Maidenberg st. Colchester
Ackland John, Heath street, Barking Collins S.O Goodeve Richard, High stteet; Romford .
Adams William, 2 Market place, Beckton CoIlins Joseph. Grange road, Leyton Gray Thos. I Philip st. King st. Plaistow e
road, Canning town. Collins M. 42 Hallsville rd. Canning twn e Green Henry, 59 Blanch st. Canning twn e
Ager Wm. 77 Roscoe st. Canning twn e Collins Thomas, St. John'sgn. Colchestr Green Joseph, Shakespea.rl'd. Romford
Albrow Nathaniel 11 Tate rd. Silvertwn e Cook Edgar Q. 39 High street, Plaistow e Greenslade William, King street, Leyton
Aldred Wm. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Cook George, Trinity street, HalstQad Greenwood Wm. Magdalen lit. Colchefltr
Allison James, Axe street, Barking Cook Jas. Gate House yard, Halstead Griggs James, Woodford Wells'
Andrews B. Abbey road; West Ham e Cook John, Market hill, Coggeshall Grimwood Mrs.Eliza.16 East hl.Colchstr
Archer John, East street,.colchester Coomber John, Chapel at. Stratford It Groves Mrs. Clara, Crown@t. Brentwood
Archer John,jun. East street, Colchester Coombs Edwd. Church st. West Ham e Gunton Wm. Lansdowne ri. Leytonllt e
Argent James, High street, Leyton Cooper G. 32 Francis st. Canning twn e Haines George, '228 High st. Stratford e
Armor James, Harlow' CornellF.Marsh st.&Eden rd.Walthmstw Hall John, Vineyard street, Oolchester
Ash Mrs M. A. :16 Moulsham st.Chelmsfd Cottee Henry, Magdalen st. Colchester Hallett William, Market place, Stratford
Backler Geo. Brentwood road, Romford Cousens Thomas, Leyton road, Leyton Road park, Plaistcrw e "
Bacon George, Tindal square, Chelmsfd Cox Alfred, 20 Waddingtoll street, New Halls Robert J. High street, Colchester
Bacon Geo. Alfd. Church st. Chelmsford town, Stratford e _ Handley Charles, High street, Maldon
Baker William, High street, Leyton Crampin James, Magdalen st. Colchestr Handley William, High 8tree'k, Maldon
Bangs William, Hare street, Romford Crane Henry, Park road, Leyton Hanney Rayner John, Falmoutll street,
Banham William, High street, Leyton Crichton RobertD.13 Church st. Harwch New town, Stratford e '.
Barbrook H. Greenhill grove,LittleIlford Cullen Thomas,6 Station place, Selborne Hanton Wm.West st. New twn.StJ'atfrd k
Barns-rd Henry, lOO Broadway, Stratfd e road, Walthamstow Harbour H. 20 Maryland point~tratfrdf-
Ban Benjamin, Wivenhoe, Colchester Cumberland WiIliam, Water la. Strtfrd e Harbour H. jun.erownfield I'd.Leytonst e
Bartel C. 61 High street, Stratford e . Cunningham E. Harrow gm. Leytonst-e Harradine John, Park'l'oad, Plashet i!
Bartholomew C. Grays Thurrock S.O Davies A. & M. Pier avenue, Clacton-on- Harrington Hy. 20 Tindal st. Chelmsford
Bates John, High street, Brentwood Sea, Colchester Harris Jas. 67 Plaistow rn. West Ham e
Beadle Geo. 174 Moulsham st. Chelmsfnl Davis & Redkay, 4l Vicarage la. Strtfrd e Harriss William, Leyton road; Leyton
Beadle Henry, NeW-London rd.Chelmsfrd Davis David, 148 Moulsham st. CWmsfrd Hart Charles, 74A,Angellane, e
Belsham William, Cronch st. Colchester Death Hy. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwch Harvey Wmi 12 St. Austin's la. Harwich
Bentley G. C. South street, Romford Dibel John, 39 James street., Plai.qtowe HasleI' C. 23 Hallsville rd. Canning twn e
Bentley Robert, High street, Leyton Dodge Charles, 7 Victoria buildings, Hampt Geo. 3 Blanch st. CtInning town e
Benton Henry, Leyton road, Leyton Barking road, Plaistow e Hay George, Nightingale rd:Wan8tead e
Here Edmund, East street, Barking Donovan Wm. l6 Balaam st. Plaistow e HaycockWm.Thos.3~hHighst.Stratfrde
Bird Thomas, I Pelly road, Plaistow e Dowle William,4 Maybank road, George Hazelwood W.Upper Dovercourt,Harwch •
Blencowe G. 79 Maryland rd. Stratford ~ lane &: High road, Leytonstone tJ Head George, Lea Bridge road, Leyton
Bonner William, Kelvedon Downes William, Sidmouth street, Wal- Head W. J. 31 Shirley st. Canning two e
Boreham A.E.ManorPark ter.EastHam e ton-on-the-Naze S.O • Heffer William, Lay street, Great llford
BracewellH.34Hallsvil. rd.Canning twn ~ Dunn William, Dovercourt, Harwich Herbert Mrs. James, High street,Walton-
Bradford Matthew,Mntfld.rd.EastHam e Durdle C. r21 Lilliput rd. Canning twn e on-the-Na.ze 8.0 l r • on. ~.
Brady Hugh, Hainault st. Great Ilford Dyer William, Market pl.Waltbam abbey Hingle Mrs. El Boundary I'd.Walthmstw
i76 FRO' ESSEX: \ [KELLY'.

FRUITl!lRERSat GREENGROCERS ' c07Itd. Musson Alfred, .. Abbey st. PlaistoW' e Simmons George, Grosvenor Park road,
Hitchcock ChM. 24 Broadway,8tratford e Nevard By. Th08. 2 North hill, ColchstT Walthamstow
Hitchcock C. Holloway down, Leytonst e Newman Charles Francis, Martin street, Simmons John, Grays, Romford
Hitchcock Joseph, 80 Windmill lane, New Stratford I! Simons Henry, 38 Drury lane, Braintree
town, Stratford (J Newman Geo. Barrowrd.Leytonstonee Simons William John, Devonshire house,
Rockley Mrs. Ann, Sible Hedingham, Newton Thomas, Back st, Brentwood London road, Southend
Halstead Nichol James, 61 Rathbone street, 1;mith James, High street, Romford
Holland Wm. 3 Emma ter. Silvertown e Canning town (J Smith Willi"m, 6 Market street, Harwich
Holt Frederick. Chipping Ongar S.O Nicholls John, 3- Victoria terrace, High &; Upper :8overcourt
Howard Geo. 71 Bidder st. Canning twn e street, Plaistow I! Soloman John, 85 Croydon rd. Plaistw e
Howe James, 17 Andrew st. Silvertown e North Archibald, I~ Victoria Dock rd e Sparks John Wm. Grays Thurrock S.O
Howe William, Magdalen st. Colchester O'Brien Timothy, Back st. Brentwood Sparrow Jas. Beulah rd. Walthamstow
Howe William, Mill lane, Woodford grn Orford Benjamin, 97 Rathbone street, Springford John, 50 Clarkson street,
Hubbard James, Grays Thurrock S.O Canning town e Canning town (J
Hut80n Henry, Barking road, Plashet I! Orrin Jas. West Stockwell st. Colchester Spurgeon Waiter, High street, Halstead
Jacobs Henry, 5 Ordnance ter. Barking Osborne Henry Wm. North st. Colchstr Stafford William, Albert rd. Forest gtee
road, Canning town e OsborneJohn, 6 Alexander st. Southend Standen William, North Woolwich road,
Jams John, North street, Barking Outlaw Robt. 36 Hermil st. Canning tn e Canning town e
Jennings Jas. 2 St. Austin's la. Harwich Page A:rthur, 44 Chatsworth road, Stanger Robert, Wood st. Walthamstow
J'essop David, Globe cres. Forest gate e Forest gate e Steggles William, Barrack st. Colchester
Jessop Fredk. Queeu's rd. Buckhurst hill Page Robert, Earlham Cl'OSS, Wood- Stevens Wm. Sellar, King st. Saffn.Wldn
Joel S!lomuel, 37 Victoria Dock road (J grange road, Prospect place &: Station Stewart John, Pallister road, Clacton-on-
Johnson Henry, Golden hill, Military road, Forest gate (J Sea, Colchester
road, Colchester Page William, Maynard rd. Walthmstw Stratford William, 6 Winchester terrace,
Jones John, Woodford bridge Pannell Thomas, 167 Moulsham street, Howard's road, Forest gate IJ
Jones William Jas. North Woolwich e Chelmsford Sutton Samuel, Broadway, Barking
Jupp Charles, 12 Eagle place, Forest gt Parker Wm. Magdalen st. Colchester Tandy John, 116 Bidder st. Canning tn e
Keep Frederick William, 1 Denmark Patrick John, 39 Newton's terrace, St. Tann R. 2 Hensworth st. Canning tn IJ
terrace, East Ham e' Mary's road, Plaistow e Targrass Philip, 1 Albert terrace, Park
Kerridge Edward, Broadway, Barking Paulter Richard, 9 Station I'd. Plaistow e road, Plashet e
KerlleY Joseph William, 35 Vicarage Payne In. Xhos. Clarkson rd. Wlthmstw Taylor Joseph, Magdalen st. Colchester
lane, Stratford e Peck James, Billericay, Brentwood Taylor M. Snakes lane, Woodford green
Kilburn Jas. 16 Junction st.Canningtn e Pettit Thos. John, Beaumontrd. Leyton Theobald William, Grays Thurrock S.O
King George, 47 Montesquieu street, Phillips Abraham, Wakeringrd.Barking Thorogood John, Prittlewel1, Southend
Canning town I! Pool Richard. 135 Balaam st. Plaistow e Thorp Hayward, High street, Maldon
King Peter, 5 Salisbury place, Hermit Poole Robt. GreenhiIl grove, Little IlIrd Thorpe Charles, High street, Leyton
road, Canning town e Pretlove Mrs. Jane, St. James'street, Thursby Isaac, Middleborough, Colchstr
King Thomas, White Post la. Little Ilfrd Walthamstow Tice ChM. 5 Parade, Hoe st. Wlthmstw
Ripping Charles, High I'd. Leytonstne e Praill William, Ongar road, Brentwood Till Frederick, Manby road, Leyton
Langham Henry, Wood st. Walthmstw Prentice Christopher, Ballingdon,8udbry Totman Mrs. Ann S. Billericay,Brntwood
Larkin Jph. 108 Lilliput rd. Canning tn e Pudney Abraham, Lower green, Bright- Turner G. 87 Rathbone st. Canningtn e
Last Frederick, 7 Baddow rd. Chlmsfrd lingsea S.O Turner William at Sons, Osborne house,
Laws Alexander, High rd. Leytonstne e Ramsey Philip, 14 King's Quay street, High street, Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
Lawson Wm. Market place, Forest gte, Harwich UnderwoodA. Markhouserd.W1thamstw
Linn John, 27 Angel lane, Stratford I! Rayner Mrs. Emma, Bridge st. Halstead Unwin Joseph, High street, Maldon
Littlebury William Harvey, 17 Long Redington Hy.High st. Grays, Romford Venton D.J.34Rathbonest.Canningtne
Wyre street, Colchester Richards George William (foreign), 22 Wagstaff Thomas, York st. Manningtree
Longhurst Jas.47 Whitwell rd. Plaistw e Long Wyre street, Colchester Walker Geo. Fabian street, East Ham e
Looker Arthur, Loughton Riches John Henry, North st. Barking Walkom Wm. 13 Scott st. Canuing tn e
Love James, Hornchurch, Romford Ridgley Wm. 26 St. Botolph st. Colchstr Ward Mrs. Jane, Forest la. Forest gate e
Macklin John, Fairfax road, Mersea Ridgwell William, Stratford road, Park, Ward Thomas (wholesale), High street,
road, Colchester Plaistow (J Brightlingsea S.O
McNally Edward, Wood st. WaIthmstw Ridley Arthur Edwin, King's place, Ward W. Church la. Springfield,Chmsfd
Malyon Mrs. Mary, 3 Baddow road, Buckhurst hill Warren William, 113 High street &;
Chelmsford Ridpath Andrew, 259 High st.Stratford e William's walk, Colchester
Mancer Alfred, SI Glenbervie terrace, Robinson Geo. 48 Odessa rd. Forest gt e Waterfield Thomas, ~7 Hudson's road,
Leyton road, Forest gate e Robinson Stpb. 125 Tilburyrd.Plaistw e Canning town I!
Mancer Edwin Thomas, High Toad, Hogers Alfred, Vicarage la. Stratford e Webb Chas. 81 Vicarage lane, Stratfd ,
Leytonstone ~ Rolph Abraham, 15I Moulsham street, Webb Paulin, 36 Lett road, Stratford I!
Mancer John, Forest road, Leytonstne e Chelmsford Wendon Mrs. Harriet, 44 Trinity street,
Manhood Nthnl. 1 St. Austin's la. Hrwch Root George, Head street, Halstead Canning town e
Nann Robert William, 10 Long Wyre Rowland William, Church st. Coggeshall Westrop R. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
street, Colchester Rudduck Samuel, Church, Coggeshall Westwood Henry, Station rd. Forest gt e
Nann William James, Harrow green, Ruffle George Newman. Dunmow 8.0 Whale Andrew, Crescent road, Leyton
Leytonstone , Rutledge Edward, 100 Bidder street, Whipps George, Cattle market, Braintree
Marrable William, 134 Leyton road, New Canning town (J White George.5 Grove rd. Walthamstow
town, Stratford e Sadler Mrs. Harriet, Church st. Coggshll Wilkinson Fredk. Cowley rd. Wanstead e
Marriott Geo. :3 Grange rd. Plaistow e Slater James, SI Harrington terrace, Wilson Frederick, Magdalen st. Colchstr
MarshaIl Hy.64 Forest st. Forest gt e Canning town e Wiseman Cbas. Cathall rd. Leytnstne e
Martin Thomas, Waddington street, Salter James, Haizleigh house, Barking Wood Henry, High street, Brentwood
New town, Stratford e road, Canning town (J Wood Joseph, Hythe hill, Colchester
May Joseph, Low. Railway st. Braintree Sansom Wm. 2 Prince's ter. Plaistow e Wright A. Dunmow rd. nth. Leytnstne ,
May Robt. Stroud green, Rochford S.O Saunders Wm. 2 Alice cottages, Alice Wyatt Thomas, North Woolwich I!
Maynard Daniel William, Magdalen street, Canning town e FUNERAL CARRIAGE
street, Colchester SaviU George, Ongar road, Brentwood PROPRIETOR •

Maynard Geo. Hy. 132 High st. Colchstr Savill John, Chipping hill, Witham. ., •
Mead Frederick, 8 Crawford. street, Scott Henry, 3 1 Chapel st. Stratford I! Slggers Wm.Geo.Slr lsaac s walk.Clchstr
Canning town e Searl Wm. 82 Bidder st. Canning tn I! FUNERAL 'FURNISHERS.
Mead~ws Mrs. Ellen, 91 Manor road, ~earles James, Fullbr!dge, ~al~on Edgcomb John Rd. Church end, Woodfd
Bramtree· . ~earle8 Mrs. Macklm, King s road, Rivett James, High street, Stmtford e
Meadows George, South st. Mannmgtree Brentwood SeweIl Francis Starn, Dunmow S 0
Merry William, 62 High st. Stratford I! Setlar William, 5 Alexander street, .
Micklebol'Ough Edward, I Maryland Canning town f!I FURNISHING WAREHOUSES.
villas, Leytonstone road, StratJord' Shead Alfred Chas. t Crouch st. Clchstr Sel! Upholneren.
Mills Edward, Avenue rd. Leyto.stone I! Shipley Edward, Canning street, New FU ITU E KERS AND
Milton Mrs. 8arah, Fisher st. Barking town, Harwich RN R BRO
Moore John, Whitwell road, Plaistow I! Shipp Josepb, 31 Wilberforce .treet, DEALERS.
Morgan Th08... Cooks ter. SilvertoWD' Canning town. Aldred Wm. Great BaddoW', Chelmsford
Asprey Mrs. Catherine. Harlow Warren Isaac, Dnnmo'W S.O Gunn William (to S. Cottrtauld u'!.),
Banks Thos. Jas.Queen's rd. Bckhrst. hill Wildsmith Benj. Lea Bridge rd. Leyton Bradford street, Bocking, Braintree
BarndenA:ravemst.Wltn-on-the-Nz.S.O Withers Joseph, 39 et 41 West Ham la e Johnson Thomas (to TIwma8 Mathew.
Barnes & Son, 162 Moulsham st.Chlmsfd Wright Geo. Old Sampford, Braintree esq.), Plashet ~
Beadel Benjamin, 14 Baddowrd.Chmsfd Wright James, Queen's rd. Buckhnrst hI Vert James (to Inrd Braylnooke), Aud-
Bently In. Alston, Gt. Pamdon, Harlow Wright William; Great Bentley, Col- ley end, Saffron Walden
Bird Charles, Bridge street, Saffron Wal- chester; & at St. Osyth
den. See advertisement Yallop James, North street, Barking GAS COMPANIES et WORKS
Bird Hezekiah, East st. Saffron Walden FURNITURE PAINTER •
Blyth Mrs. S. A. 22 Trinity st. Colchestr . . • Barking (William Bamett, manager &;
Bragg William Prittlewell, Southend Gapp Fredenck HY·1 High st. Brentwd collector), Hart street, Barking
Brayshaw Joh~, 44 Victoria Dock road e FURNI-rURE REMOVERS. Billericay (Jo~ J •.Salter, proprietor &
Bull Robert, 67 High street, Chelmsford Abbott Bush M. H. &Co. High road, Ley- ~anager), Bill~cay, Brentwood
Burrell Christopher, High st. Brentwd tonstone e; & Leyton road, Leyton e Bramtree. & B~kmg (Jabe~ Church C.B.
Carter James, 108 The Grove,Stratford t Baily J ames Hope cottage Princes road managing director), Bramtree
Chaplin J. B. Bridge st. Coggshll. Klvdn Buckhurst hill ' 'Brentwood (Thomas Jam~s Church,
Clamp J ames Hill, 3 St' . Botolph street' G'ffi G
r1 n eorge amson, YL . 8 & Y9
H' Igh manager;
Brentwood Charles Alfred Fielder, sec.),
Colchester. See advertisement street Colchester See advertisement B . htl" (Ell' Ch A k' )
Clapp Samuel, 214, 282 & 284 High Jaggers'John,East ~treet, Barking rBlg. hmtli~sea SIOS as. t Ins, sec. ,
street, Stratford .e . Letc h J ames, H ead Gate h ouse, C0 I- Burnham ng ngsea.
.IJames Perry manager' R.
Corfe W. 11 HallsvIlle rd. Canmng tn e chester. See advertisement G C 'be ) B 00' .....-ld'
' L' 1 G
C?ttIS Th k SOL 1 ill' . ' oom ,sec., ur am, .n..... on
I?~e, r~ys .urroc. ung ey W lam, Sweet street,Plalstow e Chelmsford Gas Li ht & Coke (Arthur
Dlgby Wilham Kmg, HIgh street,Maldon Markham Herbert, Duke's Head yard, M d A U INST gc E • & )
E rth J S th t M'ngt . d d . d ea ..w.. • • • engineer sec. ,
a y ames,. ou s. anm ree Spnugfiel roa, Sprmgfiel ,Chelms- Springfield rd. Springfield, Chelmsford
Fenn Mrs. Mana, Gt. Clacton, Colchester .ford. See advertisement Chigwell, Woodford & Loughton (Allan
Foley James, 5 Park road,. Ley.ton MIlesJ. & Co. ~t. Stephen's rd.Wlthmstw Brown, manager; Edward James
F~Ikard Jesse, John st. BrIghthngseaS.O Page Robert, 7 Earlham cross, Wood- Holwell, sec.), Snakes la. Woodfd. gm
~Ill Alexan.d~r, Leyton roa~, ~eyton grange road ; Prospectplace&Station Chipping Ongar (exors. of James Grif-
Gosnell Willlam, Old Cunoslty shop, road, Forest gate e fiths proprietors) ChippingOngar S 0
Butt roa~, Colchester Rickword George & Son,98 to 101 High Clacto~-on-SeaGas'& Water Co. Limi~
Green Davld Rd. Grays Thurrock S.O street Colchester See advertisement (J H . di to)
Green Henry, Leytonstone rd. Stratfd e Smith Fredk. Rain~ford rd. Chelmsford CI~~ton-:~~:' C~~~~~:; rec r,
Green John, Stanford-le-Hope, Romford Ward Henry Thos Brittlewell Southend C h 11 (W"lli D bled )
Griffiths Frederick, Dedham S.O Ward Thomas Witham ' °Eggest at t Cl amhallou ay, sec. ,
Griffiths George' Dedham S .
OW d enley & C0·55 ' HIg. h street, CheImsford . Colchesteras s ree, (Johnogges
T Browning manager·
Hagger Char1es, Market st. Saffron Wl n See advertisement WitH dfi Id' h' f 1 k) ffi '
Hasseltine Wm. Leytnstn. rd.Leytnstn e a er a e ,C le c er ; 0 ees,
· G
Hawk lDS M gd 1 t C 1h t· . Queen street, Colchester
eorge, a a en s. 0 c s r DepoS'ttory (The) for remOVlDO' & dh (J M Rod 11 ) D dh SO
Horncastle Arthur, Grays Thurrock S.O ' b De am . . we ,sec., e am.
Humm George, 86 Leyton road, New 'm(_~.!I_~~JtiW!§'*filiiiil Dunmow (A. Marshall, man.),Dnmw.S.O
town, Stratford e , .. . . Earls Colne (R. Hunt, man.), Earls Colne,
Humm George 3 Market place Wood THE DEPOSITORY. Halstead
street Walth~mstow ' EppingGas Co. Lim.(WalterTweed.,sec.),
Hutt M: Barking road, Canning town e
Hutt Mark, High road, Leytonstone e Gas Light & Coke Co. (The) (George •
Jewell Jacob, 10 & I t Victoria Dock rd e Careless Trewby, engineer; Frederick
J ones Mrs. E. 114 Maryland rd. Stratfd e Beale, deputy engineer; Lewis Thomp-
Kenny James, 8 Market terrace, Barking son Wright, second assistant engi-
road, Canning town e warehousing furniture, pictures, glass, neer; William Henry Fenner, manager
Kimpton W. 140 The Grove, Stratford e plate, musical instruments, wines, of the tar & sulphate works), The
Lambert William, ;(6 Victoria Dock rd e carriages, luggage &c.; all charges Beckton station, North Woolwich 6.;
Marquis Geo. 70 Plaistow rd. WestHam e moderate; terms post free (Arthur (John Wilton, engineer), The Silver-
Moore Edward Henry, Rayleigh S.O G. Dixon, proprietor), 12 to 17 Har- town station, Silvertown e.; (William
Morten George, Old lane, Colchester row road London 'W. See advert Bourne Wright, resident engineer),
Mott Chas. Amos, Chipping OIIg'cl.r S.O ' FURRIERS Bromley station, River Lea. side,
Newman Henry John, 2 Lavina terrace, • Canning town e.; 3 Marine terrace,
Angel lane, Stratford e Ager George & Sons, 27 High street, Victoria Dock road e
Nurse Edwd. Jas. 67 High st. Plaistow e Colchester. See advertisement Bures (Charles Grimwood, proprietor),
Parks Frederick, 10 Richmond villa.s, Cullingford Hy. S. 2 Chapel st. Clchstr Bures haInlet, Colchester
" High street, Leyton Fish Thomas, Witham . Grays (Herbert C. Borradaile, sec.),
Payne Alfd. J. 248 High st. Stratford e Friend Frederic William, 17 High street, Grays Thurrock S.O
Philips R. 113 Lilliput rd. Canning tn e Colchester. See advertisement Halstead (Charles Brown, manager),
Porter Henry, Broadway, Gt. Ilford FUSEE MAKERS Bridge street, Halstead
Prior Henry, Market hill, Maldon . . . Harlow & Sawbridgeworth (George
Prosser Evan, 2 Charlotte terrace,Bark- Barber WIIl18m & S~n, Globe works, Prior, sec.), Harlow
ing road, Plaistow e Randall street, Cannmg town e Harwich (Edward Chapman, sec. ;
Pryor Wm. Holloway rd. Leytonstone e O"AITER MANUFACTURER. Thomas Edward Shadbolt, engineer),
Puplett Fredk. Geo. East street, Barking Mills Thomas S. 10 North hill, Colchestr Bath side, Harwich
Rendall. John, 85 Woodstock street, GALVANIZERS llfo~ (GeorgeSumner,manager), Ilford
Canmng town e . • hill, Great liford
Rivers Mrs. H. A.26LongWyre st.Clchstr Braby Fredk.&Co.FI~zroywks.Enston rd. Ingatestone & Fryerning (Goo. P. Smith,
Robinson Robert & Son, High st.Brntwd London n.'W.: &Liverpool & Glasgow sec. & manager), Ingatestone
Robson & Sons, King st. Saffron Walden Croggon & Co. 42 Upper Thames street, Kelved?n (J~hn.B. Po~e~, sec.), Kelvdn
Rolfe Joseph, Oxney gn. Writtle, Chmfd London e.c.; & at Liverpool & Glasgow Lea Bndge District .(WIlham Thorman,
Savill David, Billericay, Brentwood GAL V ANIZED IRON MERS. ~anager), Lea Bndge roa~, Leyton
Savill Henry High street Brentwood C 2 LeIgh(Wm.Foster,prop.), LeIgh, Chlmsfd
S vill Ste h' J H' h'st B t od. Croggon & 0.4 Upper Thames street, MaIdon (Thomas Jordan man' Digby &
S awyer amue, a SI e, aUDln ree London e.c. ; & at Liverpool & Glasgow Evans, solicitors)·" wor'ks Hig'h street,
sP en 1 aWs. terIg 'd 'M ren. wgt0
Sheppherd Charles, 3 Railway terrace, GAME DEALERS. Maldon
Forest lane, Forest gate e See Poulterers Manningtree (F. Maldon, sec. i Thomas
Silcock Henry, Epping . Watts, ma!1')' Oxford rd. Manningtree
Smart Thomas, Station road, Forest gt e GARDENERS. Newport (William Wells, sec. & man.)
Smith William, Priory street, Colchester See also Landscape Ga1'deners 4" also Newport, Bishop's Stortford
Spencer William. Grays; Romford Market Gardeners. Rayleigh (J. Belcham, sec.), Rayleigh S.O
Thimbleby Benjamin, 3 Earlham cross, &reham .lames (to-J. G. MatthetM e9q.y, Rochford (John Cowling, manager
Woodgrange road, Forest gate e Plashet e George Wood, sec.), Rochford S.O
Thompson John W. 4 Market pt Frst gt e Gowers Samuel (to Joseph Tritton esq.), Romford (William Daniel Child, man.},
Voss William Edward, Epping Great Leigh, Chelmsford , South street, Romford
J.GM. QollPA.NIE8 &: WOIUilt-MOntinud. Williams & (h-rSII k I'~l High street, Smith Bros. & Co. Mal'8hgate Ia.Stmtfro
wffron Wald;en {Corpooation) (John Colchester. .
to WilJlon~ &00,,; Charles. W.rigbt, man..)~ Young John~ Dunmo", S.O Alder H. B. & Co. Go Fenohurch street,
Thaxted road, Saffron Walden London e.e . 1
SiW~ Hedingham (Thomas MOJl~ lessee C GAS FITTINGS MERCHANT~ Rose Sir W. A. & Co.66 UppeI' 'I'bames
George Ransome, man )~Sible Heding- Cuthbert Charles, Sheffield bous6f High oatreet, London "c. Sole manufac-
ham, Halstead road, Loughtoo, . tUl'6l'll of their Patent Infusible Rail-
Soathena <Septimu!!t "fenny ~.!J.I~~.:I:. GELATINE MANUFAC way Grease for hot & cold climates
manager j Charles Dobson, clerk); -
office, u Alexandrastreet,Southend TURERS. GREENGROCERS.
Southminster (William Page~chairman; Swinborne George P. & Co. West 8treet~ See Fruiterers ~ Gretmgrocefl's.
J. S. Prior. sec.),.Southt,ni~ster,Malcln Coggeshall GRINDERY DEALERS
Stansted Mountfitchet, Limited (James GILDERS •
Marsh; secretary), Stansted Mount- .' Bird John~ Magdalen street, Colchesoor
fitchet, Bishop's StortforQ . See Car1Jers if Gllders. Everitt Mrs. Hannah, Thaxted 8.0
ThaxtedLim.(T.White,sec.),ThaxtedS.O GINGER BEER MANUFAC- Thurston Mrs. Ann, 90 LeytoD road,
Walton-ou-the-Naze Gal & Water Works TURERS. New town, Stratford ~
Co. Lim. (William Pearson,manager), £ l e da .,." t""" -f- 'Ill .1' t GROCERS-WHOLESALE.
Walton-on-the-Naze S 0 oee 00 "a <;1 'J ~r.LanuJ ae urers.
West Ham (James Madge sec.' Edward GLASS OUTTERS . Emson John Green &Sou, Market place,
, ~ . • Saffron Walden
. -:eur{ H~~r~r:t ::a.n~g;:i" Umon See Window Glass Cutters. Manner Robert, Market hill, Coggeshall
. hree ( Ig d S , ra 0 e. Martin Thomas, 19 High street.k 56
Wit am R~h .Steveos,sec.; R. Robmson, GLASS DEALERS, Duke street, Chelmsford
W ~h,)"W(Fltha~ .
IV8ll oe
11 J I
,ranclS PrICe, co ector; saac
Blyth, sec.) Wi enhoe Colchester
See CkiRa, Gu,,8Jl t! EarthenwareDealers.
Monre Thomas & Sons Barrack street
1 h & 'd
P oug corner . Hea gate, Colchester
,Y , . ' Robson & Sons, Kmg st. Saffron Walden
~ O:AS ENGINE MAKERS. See WlndOW Glas, Merchants. Sanders Evatt & Son, 31 & 32 High street
bros~ley Bros Limited Great Marlboro' GLASS STAINER. & St. Botolph st. & Hythe whf. Clchstr
street Man~hester ' Clutterbuck Charles Edmund, 18 Mary- Scruby Joseph, High street, Romford
~H E 9 TT 0 land point, Stratford e Simpson William,76 High street,Chelms.
~ GLASS BEAD MAKER ford; & at Maldon
. Spencer John, Market place, Romford
Farmer John, Odessa road, Forest gate e GROCERS & TEA DEALERS.
GLASS BOTTLE MA.NtrFAC- Abbott Gea. Hy. Broomfield,Chelmsford
TURER. . Abbott Mrs. M. Good Easter, Chelmsfrd
SILENT GAs ENGINE Martin Ham e Abraham John & Son, Woodford green
Makers of the patent atmospheric & &: at Buckhurst hill
Otto silent gas engine3,hoists,~ifts&c. . GLAZIERS. . Aldridge John, Leigh, Chelmsford .
24 Poultry e.e. . See advertiseJllent See Patnters .. also Plumbers if Glazters. AlIanFrank WQodford green· & George
facing title page GLOVE .MAKERS-LEATHER. lane, Leyionstone e '
GAS ENGINEERS. See uatker Glove Maken. Allen Edw.ard, 5? Bridge Td. Stratford e
Gre3swell Richard Station I'd Loughton Allen J. High Bndge st. Waltham abbey
Land & Co. 43 B~adway St~tford e GLOVERS. AllenJ.Stanleyter.Queen'srd.Wlthmstw
Woods James, Snake'81a.~Woodfordgrn See Hosiers tf Glover.,. Allen Wm. Leaden Roothing, Chelmsfrd
GASFITTERS.... GLUE MANUFACTURERS.' Amos Harry, Stanford-le-Hope, Romford
• r ' " Audrews Sml. Thorpe-Ie-Suken, Colchstr J. Union road, Waltha.mstow Beach. '\\. & Son, Wrlttleoilleather mIlls, Appleby Thomas, Boxted, Colchester
Ayres Wm. Thos. High road, Loughton Wnttle, Chelmsford .. Archer S. R. Great Wakering, Southend
Barnard Charles. Henry,"," King'. Head Jefferey Alfred (pat~nt martne), ~arsh- Arter Charles, 22 High st. Chelmsford
street &: Bath side, Harwich gate lane, Stratford e Arthy Hy. In. Hlackmore, Ingatestone
Beard B.& Son, 9 S1;. John's st. Colchstr GOLD BEATERS. Arondell H. &: Co. 35 Blanch street,
Bridges Arthur James, NQrth st. Barking Arondell H &.co 5 Blanch street Canning town"
Butler WaIter John, Pelhams la. Clchstr Canning ~wn 8 • 3 , Ashplant Henry, Ridgwell, Halstead
CaMel' Sidney Charles, I24 Major road, Audu8 Arthur, Thaxted S.O !.
New town~ Stratford,,' GOODS DEPOSI'tORY. Axten Geo. 5 Maryland point, Stratford e
Connolly Henry, Chapel st. Stratford h Depl»litory (The) fm' removing & ware- Aylett Alfred, Great Wakering, Southend
Cook & Pettipher, Romford I'd. Lt. Ilford housing furniture, pictures, glass, Aylett Thomas, 'rakeley, Chelmsford
Counter Richard, High st. Great Ilford plate, .musi<:;al instruments, wines, Bacon Benjamin, Tendring, Colchester
Cuthbert Edwin & Co. Wood street, carriages, luggages kc.; all charges Bacon Mrs. Mahala, Bradfield,Manningtr •

Walthamstow moderate, terms post free (Arthur Bailey Joseph Salmon, Woodford Wells
Deards William & Samuel, Harlow G. Dixon, proprietor), 1:2 to 17 Harrow Bailey Thos. Jsph. High st. Brentwood
Dennis Henry, Hamlet road, Southend road, London IW. See advertisement Bailey William, Cranham, Romford
Farrow Henry~ I I New street, Chelmsfrd GRAINERS Bailey William, Linton road, Barking
Foreman George, Spital road,. Maldon . : Baines Hy. 2 Crawford st. CanningtoWll€
Fuller Ebenezer, High rd. LeytoDstone e See WnterA tf 'Gratners. Baker Charles Hy. Hornchurch, Romford
Golding Alfred, High street, Leyton J. GRANITE WORKERS. Baker Edward, Harlow
Hempleton T. Leytonstone rd. Stratford e Underwood John &' Sons Queen's road Baker George, Church st. West Ham e
Jackson Solomon~Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfrd Buckhurst H i l l ' , Baker Jesse, Great Warley, ·Brentwood
Johnson Wm. Upton cross, West Ham e Ball Geo. Wm. Roxwell, Chelmsford
Joslin H. k J . .:r08 & IQ(} High street; GRAVEL MERCHANT. BaJI Sydney, Moreton, Brentwood .
Maidenburgh street & Stand4n .New French Mrs. Elimbetlr, Holly cottage, Ballange1" & ~mith, Foulness island,
Corn market, Colchester... See advert Epping New road, Buckhurst hill Southend
M~rshall c. J.8 Maryland pnt. St!tfrd e GRAVEr.. PIT PROPRIETOR. Balls Harry, Castle stores" Moreton;
Mltchell In. Charlton at. Prk. PlalStow e . . Brentwood
Penn C. E. Granvillel"oad, Walthamstow Steward WIlJlam :Tames, ~8 Park street, Bank8Thomas~Queen'sI'd. Buckhursthl
Penn W. J. 13 South Graverd. Wlthmstw Southend. Bee advertIsement Banyard John, 79 Manor I'd. Braintree
Self John, 12 Kingls Quay st. Harwich GRAZIERS. Barbel" Frederick, Wormingford. Clchstr
~immon8 ~m. 4 Martin st. St~tford e Clarke O. The Hall, Cold Norton, Maldon Barber William, Grove hill, DedhamS.O
Btrott EdwlD, 5 Church st. Pialstow e Fairhead Alfred, 'follesbury Kelvedon Barker Bros. Marsh street, Walthamstow
Tanner Henry, I.~ Duke street, Chlmsfrd Gould G. & Sons, High llt4'~t & Traps Barker George, Hi~h street. Halste8d.
Temple & Co. Htgh 8t~ Stratford Hill, Borders & Albion farms, Loughtn Barker J. Steeple Bumpstead,.Haverhl11
WarnerThomasWoodcock,DnnmowS.O Hutching Wm. 6 Plevna st. East Ham e BarltropWm.Woodha~Mortlmer,Mldn
Weatherall John, George st. Colchester Barnard A. Newport, Bishop's Stortford
White George, 71 Woodstock street, GBEASE MANV-,AC't'URERS. Barnes George, Wickford, Battle bridge
Canning town e Clark Robert,Ingham & Co. Abbey lane, Barnett Samuel~ Park rd. Leytonstone e
Whur Thomas, Hamlet road, Southend West Ham Barrett Samuel, Thaxted 8.0
Willet Nathanie}, Wantz rpa.d, Maldon Schleicher Otto, W~rton rd. Stratford e Barron Robert,.Leyton road, Leyton
Bartlett Edmd. Finchingfield, Braintroo Butcher John, St. Osyth, Colchester ) Cappin & Son~ 21 &: 128 Springfield r-oad,
Barwell & Son, East Horndon, Brentwd Buxton Wm. Great Wakering, Southend Spnngfield, Chelmsfonl .
Bass Isaac, Fisher street, Barking Campbell Jesse, Victoria terrace, War- Cork Mrs.A.HelionBumpstea.d,Haverhill
Battley Henry, 52 Chatsworth road, ley road, Brentwood Comell Benjamin, Thaxted 8.0
Forest gate e Campiu Mrs. Susannah, Snakes lane, Corney Thos. Abbey road, west Ham,
Battley Joseph, 239 High st. Stratford e Woodford • Cornhill Joseph, London rd. WaIlStead II
Baughan G. ChingCord rd. Walthamstow Camping John, Bumham, Maldon Cornish.& Co. 99 Vicarage la. 8trtford e
Baxter Benjamin, Military rd. Colchestr CandleI' Henry Hammond, Head street, Cornish David Stephen. Harrow road.
Barter William, Mistley, Manningtree Halstead • Leytonstone e
Beaumont William, Purfleet, Romford Canning Thomas Peter, Market row, Gottee Mark, Pnrleigh, Maldon
Booby J. 4 Howard's rd. Forest gate e Saffron Walden . Cottis William, Grays Thurrock S.O
Beecher H. & Co. 17 Alexandra st. Suthnd Cannon Daniel, Stratford road, Park, Coult Albert Edwd. Gt. Totham, Witham
Belcham Mrs. Emma, Fisher st. Barking Plaistow e . Coultas Emest, Heattutreet, Barking
Belcham John, Althorne, Maldon Capson, Brine & Co. 26 Broadway, Strat- Cowell Danl. Steep~ Bumpstea~ HvrhI
Bell James, Greenleaf lane,Walthamstow ford e CQwland James, 3 Maybank rd. George
Bell WaIter Wm. Snakes la. Woodford gn Cardinall Wm. 2 Richmond st. Plaistow lane, Leytonstone tJ
Bennett John, 2 Victoria terrace, Bark.. Carlton James, 16 Globe eres. Forest gte Cox & Palmer, Aveley i West Thurrock f
ing road, Plaistow 6 Carr Frederick, 26 Windmill lane, New & Gurfleel, Romford
Benson George, lA, Congreve terrace, town, Stratford e Cox George, I I I Romford I'd. Stratford If
Station road, Forest gate e Carter & Son, Heath street, Barking reed Elias Henry, 12. Union 8treet~
BenstedJ. G. High abbey Carter Henry, Boreham, Chelmsford Canning town 8
Best Christopher, 40 Catherine street, Carter Henry, Mundon, Maldon Cripps Jas.Chestnut walk, Walthamstow
Canning town e Carter John, Steeple, Maldon Crisp Cbas. & Son, Head st. Halstead
Bird William, Ardleigh, Colchester Carter Mrs. Rosetta, Pattiswick, Braintr Croft & Co. 7 MorningtoJl ten. Wnstd 4
Bishop F. 2 Church st. Canning town e Carter Samuel Jas. Gray's Thurrock S.O Croney Thos. Hubbard st. West Ham e
Blake Mrs.M.A.Markhouse rd.Wlthmstw Carter William, Burnham, Maldon Crossingham J.Great WarIey, Brentwood
Blakeley E. F. South Benfleet, Chlmsfrd Carter William, High stpeet, Brentwood Crow WaIter, Buttsbury, lngatestone •
Blaxall Wm. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvdn Cartwright Wm. 6 Eagle pL Forest gt e Croydon Fredk.Pembroke rd.Walthmstw
Bloomfield Israel, 3 Market place, Castle George & Co. 47 to 49 & 52 Victoria Cullom Chas. I3 Ll>ngWyre st.Colchester
Balaam street, Plaistow e Dock ruad & 29 Hallsville road, Cann- Cutts Jasper, Rivenhall, Witham
Blowers Edmund, Gt. Oakley, Harwich ing town e I 4 Nevill's Market terrace, Dale Mrs. Eliza, HOl'ndon-on-the-Hill,
Blowers John, Weeley, Colchester Barking road, Plaistow c;. & 5 Glen- Romford
Boast J. 32 Manbey street, Stratford e be1."Vie terrace, Leyton I'd. Forest gte e DarbyCharles Daniel, 18 Springfield road
Boddy Henry, 46 High street, Plaistow e Catchpool James Palmer., Carpenter's Springfield, Chelmsford &; 1Z9 Moul-
Bodilly Ralph Hacker &, Co. 382 High road, Stratford e ' . , sham street, Chelmsford
street, Stratford e Catt WaIter Fort-in, Tindal sq. Chelmsfrd Dare Rd. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhilll
Bollock J. R. Gt. Stamhridge, Chlmsfrd Cause Mrs. Eliza, Sth. Shoebury, Sthnd Davies Jabez, High street, Plaistow e
Booth Mrs. Harriet, Dedham S.O Cearns James William Youngs, 72 Davies Joseph Codd, I Shirley street.
Borer Richard, I Lavender st. Stratford e Swanscombe street, Canning town e Canning town a j

Bowtell A. E. Steeple Bumpstead, Hvrhl Chamberlain Alexander, 4 Market terr. Davis Oliver, I86 Chobham road, New
Bowtell James David, Sturmere, Halstd Barking road, Canning town, , town, Stratford e .
Boyden Henry, Beulah I'd. Walthamstow Chapman Josiah, Steeple Bumpstead, Day Mrs. A High st. Brightlingsea 8.0
Bradd Henry, Grays Thurrock S.O Haverhill J Day William, Debbenl'd. Saffron Walden
Bradshaw Miss Louisa, The Square, Chapman Wm. Gt. Eastern I'd. Stratfrd l! Deamer J08eph, Pleshey,. Chelmsford
Woodford green Chater Ml's. Harriet, Elmdon, Saffron DeathMrs.Jemima4Worming!ord,Clchstr
Brand Frd. Joseph, North st. Barking Walden . J " Deeks Edward, East 'filbury, Grays S.O
Brand J oseph, High street, Great Ilford Chatters Geo-. Hempstead, Saffron Waldn Denne James, Station road, Forest gate c
Brewer & Sons, Felstead S.O.; & Great Cheeld James, Pier avenue, Clacton-on. Dennis Charles, 41 Victoria Dook road e.
Waltham, Chelmsford Sea, Colchester & The CyPrus, Barking rd. Plaistow fI
Brewster Mrs. S. Willingale Doe, Brntwd Chillman Wm. Hy. High street, Maldon Dennis William, 99 High st. Chelmsford
Brewster Thomas, Bycknacre, Woodham Chitlings Joseph & Co. Grosvenor Pal'k Dennison Jacob, High st.. Wanstead,
Ferrers, Chelmsford road, Walthamstow ( Dennison John, Thaxted 8.0
Brittain Jsph. Willingale Doe, Brentwd Christmas Alfrd G. Lea Bridge I'd. Ley1lon Dodson Alfred & Miss Emily,St.Andrew's
Bromley Philip Kingsbury, Bottle end, Clark Benj. Lower gm. Brightlingsea S 0 road, Romford
Lexden, Colchester Clark David, Church st. Bocking, Braintr Dodwell Amos, Victoria road, Romford
Brooker H. Crownfield I'd. Leytonstone e Clark Mrs. Fram'es, Stifford, Romford Doubleday Jsph. & Robt.High st.Halstead
Brooks Jsph. Wixgreen, Manningtree Clark George, Little Parndon, HaTlow Doubleday Wm. Market end, Coggeshall
Broom William, 29 North hill, Colchestr Clark Golden, Baker st. Orsett, Romford Douglas. James, Greenhill gro. Lit. Ilford
Brown C. & Sons, Chipping Ongar S.O Clark James, Stis~, Braintree DowsettHy.Thos·43Marinepar.Southend
Brown Arthur Edward, Bradford street, Clark J.:>hn, North street, Barking Dowsett John, :1:46 Major road, New
Bocking, Braintree Clark In. Steeple Bumpsread, Haverhill town, StJ"Btford e
Brown Mrs. Fanny, 24 Maryland point, Clark Wm. East Hanningfld. Chelmsfrd Drake Francis, Witham .
Stratford e Clark William, Ramsden Crays, Essex Drane Hy. Joseph, London rd. Plaistow e
Brown Francis W. Market pI. Romford Clark William, 7 Tindal st. Chelmsford Drawbridge T. Canvey island,Chelmsfrd
Brown William, Abberton, Colcheste1." Clarke Mrs. Emily, Nightingale road, Drummond William .John, Markhouse
Brown Wm. L. Wivenhoe, Colchester Wanstead e . road, Walthamstow
BruceHy. T. South Ockenden, Romford Clayden T. Aythrop Roothing, Chelmsfrd Drnry Georglly Trinity street, Halstead
Bucke Edward Betts, East st. Colchester Clayden Thomas, Witham Dunmow William, HOf'De row, Danburr,
Budd Robert F1axman & Co. Wood street, Clayden WaIter Hempstead,. High street, Chelmsford
Walthamstow. Wanstead e . . Dutch Frank & Co. High I'd. Leytonstn e
Budden Renry A. Station I'd. Forest gt e Clemance William, Rayleigh S.O· Dyer John & Son, :n Bank st. Braintree
Bull Mrs. Emma, Frating, Colchester Clement ehas Jas. 31 Bank et. Braintree Dyke Mrs. Emma, Vicarage rd. Leyton
Bullock Geo Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Colchestr Clempson By. 39 Vicarage la. Stratford e Eastwood J.ChadwellSt.Mary,Grays S.O
Bunn James, Russell green, Danbury, Clinch Herbert, Chigwell row I Edmunds Mrs. Rebecca, Clavering,
Chelmsford Coe James, North Ockendon, Romford . Bishop's Stortford J

Burch Edwd. F. St.h.Benfleet, Chelmsford Coleman George, Margery Park roa~ Edridge Henry, High I'd. Leytonstone e
Burls Arthur, Manuden, Bishop's Strtfrd Stratford e Edridg'e Wm. 14 Balaam st. Plaistow e
Burman James, Albert I'd. Forest gate e Collier John & Co. High rd. Leytonstonee Edwards & Jeffrey, ShalfoI'd, Braintree
Burrell Arthur, Gt. Burstead, Brentwood Collins John T. St. Andrew'g I'd. Romfrd Edwards Charles, Main road, Dovereourt.
Burrell WaIter, Ongar road, Brentwood Collison William Pen]ington, Romford Harwich
Burton Charles, Nazing, Waltham cross- road, Little l1ford • Edwards Fred.k.W. Wethersfld. Braintree
Busby Mrs. Ann, Leigh; Chelmsford Connell Mrs. Sarah Ann, Woodfocl Wells Edwards Owen, 384 High et. Stratford e
Bushell Albert Edward, 9 Duke street, Cooch George, 2 Nelson street. Cliff Edwards Richd. Bradfield, Manningtree
Chelmsford town, Southend J Ellis Fordham, South street, Romford
Butcher James, Grange road, L@yton Cook Arthur, Station rd. Forest gate e EllisW.HaI'Jleygrn.Hornchourch,Romfrd
Butcher James, Toppesfield, Halstead Coombs Edward, 28 Rathbone street Embleton Arthr. Crownfield rd.Lytnstn e
Butchel' William Freeman, 17 King's Canning town e EmeryEdwd.TolleshuntD'Arey,Kelvedn
Quay street, Harwich Cooper Mrs. Emil)', Tillingham, Maldon Emery George, juD. Leigh, Chelmsford
GBOCERS &; bA DEALBRS-COJlti1ttted. Grainger William, Broadway, Barking Hicks Henry Wm. 178 Moulsham street,
Emery Robt. Fredk. Leigh, Chelmsford Grave Charles, Heybridge, Maldon Chelmsford
English George, Althorne, MaldoD Graylin William, Stow Maries, Maldon Hicks MarveD P. 75 High st. Braintree
Eustace Henry, Church road, Leyton Grayling William, Purleigh, Maldon Hicks Thomas Marvin, Hatfield, Chelms-
Eustace Robert, Orford rd.Walthamstow Graystone Charles, Woodford bridge ford & Witham
Evans I. et Co. 5... Broadway, Stratford e Green & Everard, II9 High st. Colchestr Hill & Maskell, Thorpe-le-Soken,Colcmtr
Evans Wm. James, North st. Halstead Green Joshua & Co. Stansted Monnt- Hill Henry George, Writtle, Chelmsford
EverardAlfred,4 Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Hill Francis John, Rainham, Romford
Everett George, Chappel, Halstead Green Alfred,North ShoeburY,Chelmsfrd Hill Robert, 10 King's Head st. Harwich
Facer T. 14 Woodstock st. Canning two e Green Edward Davis, White Roothing, Hills Hemy, Monntnessing, Brentwood
Farrah William, Leyton road, Leyton Chelmsford Hills John Thomas, 18 Montesquieu
Farrant Silas, East Horndon, Brentwood Green Jobn, Woodham WaIter, Maldon street, Canning town e
Farrants JosephS. Earls Colne, Halstead Green John Coney,High street, Halstead Hills Joseph, Epping
Fawcett F. Low. Queen's rd.Buckhurst hI Green Robert, 73 Burford rd. Stratford e Hills Samuel, Grays, Romford
Felgate William, Langham, Colchester Greenslade John, 2 Essex terrace,Church Hills Thomas, High st. Grays, Romforo
Fenn John, Ardleigh, Colchester road, Leyton Hillyer Henry, Martin street, Stratford,
Fenton J08eph, North Woolwich e Gregory James, Victoria road, George Hingley William, High street, Leyton
Field John, Hurst gm. Brightlingsea S.O lane, Leytonstone e . Hobson Pressley, Boundary road, Wal-
FieldgateRogerR.16St.John'sst.Clchstr Grice Henry Dowhng, 10 King's Quay thamstow
Fincham Mrs. MaryAnn,Hithe hl.Clchstr st & Albemarle st. New town, Harwich Holgate Joseph, Widdington, Bishop's
Finer Henry, Great Clacton, Colchester Grice Joseph, 20 Market st. Harwich Stortford
Finer Henry, Rosemary road, Clacton- Griffin William, 10 :Nelson street, Clifi Holland Thomas,Great Leighs,Chelmsfrd
on-8ea & Great Clacton, Colchester town, Southend Hollands-Morris George, Prospect place,
Fisk Bidney Thomas & Co. 170 Maryland Groom Mrs. Anne, High st.Manningtree Forest gate e
road, Stratford e Hacklett Mrs. Emma, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Holmes Mrs. Marion, Hi~h st. Leyton
Fitch Henry, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Colchester Homes William, Revenhall, Witham
Flanders Joseph, High street & Newgate HaggerThomas, Little Chishall,Royston Holt Charles William, Wellington road,
street, Walton-on-the-Na7.e S.O Haines John, High street, Leyton Forest gate e
Fleming Jas. D. Orford I'd. Walthamstow Hales Mrs. Mary Ann, Hempstead, Homersham Charles, High street, Grays
Fookes Thomas, Gosfield, Halstead Saffron Walden Thurrock S.O
Ford Samuel, 26 High street, Plaistow e Hall Frederick, Albert rd.WaIthamstow Hook Mrs. Annie, Hornchurch, Romford
FordhamGeorge & Son,High st.Gt.llford Hall James, High street, Grays S.O Horide John, Chipping Ongar 8.0
Fordham E. St. Stephens rd.Walthamstw Hamblin George, Chipping hill, Witham Houghton Caleb, Billericay, Brentwood
Fosdyke Charles, Copford, Colchester Hance Wm. Raymond, Wantz rd.Maldon Houghton Charles, Potter street, Harlow
Fox William, High street, East Ham e Hancock J. Newport, Bishop's Stortford Hoult William, Grove rd. Walthamstow
Frank Richard Rigg, Queen's road, Hardy Langley 'r. ~t. Osyth, Colchester Howard & Ogden, Hockley, Chelmsford
Buckhurst hill Hardy William, Dunmow 8.0 Howard fiharles, 37 Bank st. Braintree
Franklin Mrs. E. High Easter, Chelmsfrd Harmer W. C. High st. Brightlingsea S.O Howard Henry, Prittlewell, Southend
Freeman Bros. 12 St. Botolph st Clchstr Harper Uriah, Rokeby st. Stratford e Howard Thos. Earls Colne, Halstead
Freeman J. J. Harrow grn. Leytonstn ~ Harrington Miss Elizabeth,Wakes Colne, Howchin Mrs.Susnnh.Alresfd.Colchestr
Freeman James Price, Wantzrd. Maldon Halstead Howe James, West Bergholt, Colchester
Freestone- Chingford rd.Walthamstow Harrington Isaac, Heybridge, Maldon Hubbard SI. 95 Vicarage la. Stratford e
Friend A. H.Marketpas.Saffron Walden Harrington Sam!. Billericay, Brentwood Hudson H. Boundary rd. Walthamstow
Frogley Brothers, I Market place, Beck- Hams Geo. 1. Heath Hatfield, Harlow HudsonJsph.TolleshuntD'Arcy,Kelvedn .
ton road, Canning town e Hams Richard Jas. Fisher st. Barking Hughes Geo. Thos. Widford, Chelmsford
Frost Richard, Raylei~h S.O Hams Thomas, Church path, Barking Hughes H. Stratford rd. Park, Plaistow e
Frostick Mrs. Charlotte Emily, Stanford- Harrison James, 41 Park-st. Southend Hunt Thos. H. West Tilbury, Romford
le-Hope, Romford Harsant Freeman, Lexden, Colchester Hutchin Mrs. Emma, Potter st. Harlow
FrostickJoseph,Sth. Benlleet,Chelmsfrd Hart Alfred, Tillingham, Maldon Hutchins Fredk. Low street, Chingford
Frostick Wm.Stanford-le-Hope, Romford Hart Edward A. Tillingham, Maldon Huntley Thos. Hy. Writtle, Chelmsford
Fuller Misses J. & W. Fuller's rd.Woodfrd Hart Stephen, Tillingham, Maldon Ingram Geo. Hy. Barking side, Ilford
Fuller Edwin Raven, Kelvedon Hart William, Sible Hedingham & Innes J.&Sons,Southchurch rd.Sou~hend
Gafney John, Dunmow S.O Castle Hedingham, Halstead Inns Joseph, Writtle, Chelmsford
Gallifent Thomas, Earls Colne, Halstead Hart William, West Tilbury, Grays S.O International Tea Co. (Luke Foreman,
Gallifent Thos. jnn.Earls Colne, Halstead Hartland William, Sewardstone street, manager), 20 Victoria Dock road e
Gardener Dennis, Beaumont I'd. Leyton Waltham abbey Jackson D. T. Axe street, Barking
Gardiner George Quendon street, Rick- Harvey William & Son, Southminster, James Henry Isaac, Sun street,
ling, Bishop's Stortford. Maldon place, Waltham abbey •
Gardiner Mrs.Harriet,Forest rd.Longhtn Harvey George, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Jams George,'Ridgwell, Halstead
Gardiner Hy.Henham,Bishop's Stortford Maldon Jams J sph. Choat, Stambourne, Halstd
GassonJohn, Ford st.Aldham, Colchester Harvey J. H.Castle Hedingham,Halstead J effrey Wm. Arkesden, Bishop's Stortfrd
Gasson William, Barrack st. Colchester Harvey Miss Mary Ehza, High street, Jennings C. H. Newrd. Grays, Romford
Gathercole C. I Scott st. Canning two ~ Brightlingsea S.O J ohnston & Co. 97 & 98 Victoria Dock ro e
Gatheroole William, North Woolwich e Harvey Robert, Grays Thurrock S.O Jones & Co. 83, 85 & 56.&, Rathbone
Gibbard Mrs. Esther Ann, Manor road, Harvey Samuel S. High st. Manningtree street, Canning town e
Barking Harvey Stephen, Gt.Wakering,Southend Judge Urban, High street, Great Ilford
Giblin Henry John, Birch, Colchester Hawkes Thomas, Rayne, Braintree Judges Frederick Adolphus, Stoneham
Gilbert George, Harrow grn. Leytonstn e Hawkins Mrs.Amy,Clay st.Walthamstw street, Coggeshall, Kelvedon
Gillott Miss Jane, White post lane, Hawthorn & Co. Epping Justice Henry,Margaretting,Ingatestone
Little Ilford • Hayden Thomas, I Denmark terrace, Kearley & Co. r6 Long Wyre st. Clchstr
Gilson Samuel, Rayleigh S.O Shirley street, Canning town 8 Keeling George, Orsett, Romford
Girlling George, Harlow HaylettMissElizabeth Mary,Highstreet, Kelley Thomas, Aveley, Romford
Gladwin William, Bannisters green, Brentwood Kelman Miss Frances Mary, Chingford
Felsted 8.0 Hayward George R. Wivenhoe, Colchestr green, Chingford
Glover Henry, 5 & 6 Wood street, Wal- Hayward Robert, Chipping Ongar S.O KelseyWm.Golding,Highstreet,Maldon
thamstow&Mare st.&Wellst.Hackney Hazlewood. John, Corbets Tay, Upmin- Kemp Andrew, Belchamp, Sudbury
Goldsmith Abraham, 60 Langthome ster, Romford Kemp SI. U. Belchamp Otten, Sudbury
street, West Ham e Heard Dan, Chigwell Kemp Wm. Queen's sq. Upton park e
Goldthwaite Charles Henry, Church end, Heffer Brothers, Broadway, Great IUord Kenaston Mrs. Ada, 7~ Forest street,
Walthamstow & Chadwell heath Forest gate e
Golesworthy William, Tower Hamlets Hemming William, tI4 Major road, New Kennett Chas. High street, Brentwood
road, Forest gate e town, Stratford e Kent William, Tendring, Colchester
Gooch Chas.Sidney st. Brightlingsea S.O Hempstead James;West Mersea,Colchstr Kernot H. F. 18 Hamlet road, Southend
Good Daniel, Bures Hamlet, Colchester Herbert Mrs. Elizabeth, Market hill, Kerridge Christopher, Star house, Bark-
Goody Isaiah, Belchamp, Sudbnry Coggeshall, Kelvedon ing road, Canning town 8
Gosling Frederick, 78 Chatsworth road, Hicks Marven p{)rter &Son, High street, Kettle A. C. Victoria road, Leytonstone e
Forest gate 8 Maldon Kettle John, I: Earlham cross~ Wood-
Gough Thomas Hy. Ardleigh,Colchester Hicks Arthur, Fry~ning7 lngatestone grange road, Forest gate ~
Kettle John, Castle street, Saffron Wldn May Wm. ~89 Romford rd. Stratford e Pelling Geo. M. Sun st. Waltham abbey
Kettle John, Great Chesterford S.O Meacher Edwd. Rt. GraysThurrockS.O Pelling Thomas, Broadway, Barking
Kilpin Wm. Prittlewell, Southend Mead lsaae, Marsh street, Walthamstow Phillips George, Benfield, Stansted
King Benjamin, High st. Manningtree Meadows Harvey, Stebbing, Chelmsford Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
King Edward, Witham Meyers Albert, 45 Leyton road, New Pbilpot Hy. Lewis, Dagenham, Romford
King Geo. Wellington rd.Forestgate e town, Stratford e Pickford Wm. H. Great Saling, Braintree
King lsaac, London road, Southend Millbank J oseph, George street, Romford Pike Samuel, jun. 6 Rail way place, Lil-
King Jas. J. High street, Great llford Millbank William, High street, Romford liput road, Canning town e
King Martin D. Dovercourt, Harwich Miller Alfred John, 61 & 63 Tilbury Pinchon Mrs. Mary,Hornchurch, Rmfrd
King William, Northgate st. Colchester road, Plaistow e Pinnock Henry WaIter, 16 Hallsville
Kittle Frederick, Wood st. Walthamstow Miller Mrs. Eliza, Argent street, Gray's road, Canning town e
Knott W. J. 33 North hill, Colchester Thurrock S . O · Pitman & Binnington, St. James' atreet,
Knowles Edward, North street, Barking Miller John, Wakering road, Barking Walthamstow
Labrum & Crowhurst, Cathan road, Millns & Son, North street, Barking Pitts William Lawrence & Thomas,
Leytonstone e Minns Thomas, High street, Romford Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford
Ladbrook Miss E. West Mersea, Clchstr Minter Hy. Greenhill gro. Little llford Pitts Wm. Lawrence, Battles bridge S.O
Lambert W. Street, Takeley, Chelmsfrd Monkman Miss Eliza, 70 High street, Pledger Edwin In. Wood st. Walthmstw
Largie Samuel James, Market place, Stratford e Pollard Robert, Great Clacton, Colchstr
Balaam street, Plaistow e Moore James, Wivenhoe, Colchester Porter Arthur Jas. Baddow rd. Chelmsfd
Larter Arthur, Snoreham house, Satch- Moore William, Billericay, Brentwood Porter Chas. Princes rd. Buckhurst hill
ingdon, Maldon Moore William, Buttsbury, lngatestone Porter Geo~ge, Hatfield, Harlow
Lawrance George, Takeley, Chelmsford Moore William, Market street, Harwich Porter Henry, High street, Maldon
Lawrance Robert, Thaxted S.O Morecraft Hy. S. 4 Long Wyre st. Clchstr Porter Wm. XIII Bidder st. Canning tn l!l
Lawrence Thos. R. Roydon, Ware Morris Frederick, Billericay, Brentwood Portway Benj. 60 High street, Braintree
Lawton \V. 55 Carpenters rd. Stratfrd e Moss George, West Bergholt, Colchester Potter Thos. John & Sons, RochfoM 8.0
Lazell G. M. & Son, 59 High st.Colchestr Mott Richard, East Tilbury, Grays S.O Potter Alfred, Hatfield, Harlow
Lee Miss Emma, Upminster, Romford Moultrie John, Broadway, Barking Potter George, Great Baddow, Chelmsfd
Lee G. Pebmarsh, Bures S.O. Suffolk Mountain Mrs. Mary Ann, 33 Duke Potter Jacob, East Tilbury, Grays S.O
Lee William, High street, Halstead street, Chelmsford Potter James Swaine, Hadleigh S.O
Leggett Edwd. Wormingford, Colchestr Mower A. Wm. Theydon Garnon, Epping Potter Thomas, High street, Maldon
Letch Mrs. Eliza,Grays Thurrock S.O Mudd Richd. Little Clacton, Colchester Poulton Mrs. C. Gt. Bentley, Colchester
Leverett & Frye, 10 Coningham terrace, Mumford Jas. Berden, Bishop's Stortfrd Powen William, Orsett, Romford
Uxbridge road, Shepherd's bush W. ; & Mumford Thos. Quendon,Bishop's Strtfd Pratt Wm. Low. Queen's rd. Buckhrst. hI
The Parade, North end, Finchle} n Munro John, 1 Market pI. Forest gate e Preston Richd. 136 Vicarage la. Stratfde
Leverett S. Market pI. Saffron Walden Murch Mrs. Eliza, Epping New road, Preston WaIter Garnham, Southminster,
Lewis Jas. Spring rd. Brightlingsea S.O Buckhurst hill Maldon
Lewsey & Lee, High rd. Leytonstone e MurrillsMrs.Presilla,Gt.Oakley,Harwch Price John & Benjamin, Loughton
. Liddiard J. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Nash Thomas, Fryerning, lngatestone; Price Alfrerl Edwin, 3 Constance street,
Liddle Thomas & Sons, IS Gladstone &; at Mountnessing, Brentwood Silvertown e
terrace, Church end, Woodford Newby Nathan, Messing, Kelvedon Price Charles WaIter, North Woolwich to
Lilley Henry, Langham, Colchester Newey John, Whitta road, Little Ilford Price Robert, Lilliput rd. Canning twn e
Ling Abraham, Trinity square, Halstead Newman & Co. 65 Lett road, Stratford e ProudRichd.Blackwell,King's rd.Brntwd
Ling Wm. 60 Victoria Dock road e Newman Alfred, Burnham, Maldon Pryor & Co. Osborne house, Beulah road,
Lingley George, I Market place, Ley- Newport Henry, 24 Forest st. Forestgt e Walthamstow
tonstone road,Stratford e Nix Mrs. Betsy, Bradwell-jm::ta~Mare, Pudney Mrs.Elizh.Colne Engaine.Halstd.
Linsell George Darby, Gt. Bardfield & Maldon Pudney Jsph. Ford st. Aldham, Colchstr
Finchingfied, Braintree Nixon In. White Post lane, Little llford Pulham William, Burnham, Maldon
Linsell William, Stebbing, Chelmsford Noakes S. 10 Hudson's rd. Canning tn e Purkis Jas. Bartlow hamlet, Cambridge
Living C. Cross street, Plaistow e Norris James, Felsted S.O Pyne William George, I Dolphin cot-
Lloyd ehas. F. WarIey road, Brentwood Nottage John, High road, Loughton tages, Lilliput road, Canning town e
Lockwood Edward, Great Stambridge, Nunn Frederick, Warley road, Great Rainbird Wm. SouthOckendon, Romfrd
Chelmsford Warley, Brentwood Randall Chas. Walton-on-the-Naze S.O
Loker William, Rayleigh S.O Nuun Thomas Douglas, Wix cross, Wix, Rawlings George,Great Easton,Dunmow
Long William, Earls Colne, Halstead Manningtree Ray Stephen, High street, Brentwood
Lovett W. I. Steeple Bumpstead, Havrhill Oak William, High street, Halstead Read & Co. 7 Victoria terrace; High
Luckin Samuel, Dunmow S.O Oakley George, Orsett, Romford street, Plaistow e
Lucking Mrs. Aun, Boreham, Chlmsfrd OfIord James, 78 High st. Stratford e Read Edmund, Station road, Forestgte e
Lucking Henry John Lockwood, Leyton- OrfOM Chas. 139 Moulsham st. Chlmsfd Reddington Martin Thomas, Bowers
stone road, Leytonstone e Ormond &Hales,Pembroke rd.Wlthmstw Gifford, Rayleigh S.O
LumsdenJoh~& Co.Sunstreet,Waltham Osborn EH, Kelvedon Revell John Aldridge, 69 Vicarage lane,
abbey Osborne John, 62 Odessa rd. Forest gt e Stratford e
McCombie Louis P. Church rd. Leyton Ottway Wm. Little Dunmow, Chelms- Reven Robert, Great Clacton, Colchester
Makeham Thomas, 69 High st. Chlmsfrd ford; & Great Dunmow Revitt Joseph, Harrow green & Cathall
Malloney E. West Thurrock, Romford Owers S. High Roothing, Dunmow S.O road, Leytonstone e
Malyn Robert, Boxted, Colchester Oxley Robt. sen. 12 Market st. Harwich Ribbons John Washbourn, George street,
Manklow Mrs. Eliza, Corbets Tey, Up- Oxley Robert, jun. New town, Harwich Romford
minster,Romford Page DaYid, 35 St. Botolph st. Colchestr Richards John Newbrey, Marketplace,
Mann James Barrett, High st. Maldon Page Robert, Great Horkesley, Colchstr Forest gate e
Mansfield J. Little Waltham, Chelmsfrd Pagett Wm. Tolleshunt Magna, Witham Richards Nicholas, XI6 Lilliput road,
Mansfield Richard, Stondon, Brentwood Paine & Orbell, High street, Southend; Canning town e
March Mrs.E. High st. Brightlingsea S.O & at Gravesend Richards Nicholas Watkins, 4 Hope
Marshall, Ainsworth &; Austen, High Palmer Rd. Ford st. Aldham, Colchester terrace, Canning town e
Bridge street, Waltham abbey Palmer Samuel,High st. Walton-on-the- Richmond Edward, Barking side, Ilford
Marshall Samuel, Feering, Kelvedon Naze S.O Riddlesdell Hy. North st. Walton-on-the-
Marshall S. 17 South grove, Wlthamstw Palmer Samuel, Kelvedon Naze S.O
Martin MissesElizabeth & Mary,Stansted Palmer Wm. Debden M. Saffron Waldn Rist David, High street, Brentwood
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Pannell William, Lower green, Bright- Rist lsaac, High street, Brentwood
Martin Charles, Matching, Harlow lingsea S.O Roberts Thos.I7Blanch st.Canningtwne
Martin Chas. Hackford, High st.Halstead Parker Sidney E. West Thurrock, Rmfrd Robertson Shand, Chesnut terrace,
Martin Thomas,I9 High street &; 56 Partridge John, Alexander st. Southend Canning town e
Duke street, Chelmsford Pasfield John, Peldon, Colchester Robinson John, Tower Hamlets road,
Mash Mrs. Sarah, Tendring, Colchester Patchett John, St. James' st. Walthmstw Forest gate e
Maskell George, Fisher street, Barking Pavitt William Lord, Stansted Mount- Robson &; Sons, King st. Saffron Walden
Maskell Jeremiah, Rainham, Romford fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Roots Mrs. Mary, Margaret Roothing,
Mason James Thos. Rowhedge, Colchstr Pawley John, Prittlewell street, Southend Chelmsford
Mason Thos. Wm. 1 Broadwy. Plaistw e Pearson George, 62 High st. Plaistowe Rorke Joseph Aloyuis Ryan, Kelvedon
Mawby Misses Catherine, Emily & Mary, Pearson George, Upton la. West Ham e hatch, Brentwood
Great Bentley, Colchester Pegrum Joshua, Wood st. Walthamstow RoseHy.Jph.IOWoorlford ter.Forestgte,
,GROCERS &·TEA. DF.ALE:as-continued. SteD'< Tea Ornnpany ·(David Glover', Webb Wm. 5 Eagle- place, Forest gate 11
Routledge Charles, Leyton rd. Leyton manager), 34 Long Wyre st. Colchestr Wells Brothers, 5 Hope terrace, Barking
Rowe Wm. Henry, Upminster, Romford Stebbing George. Wivenhoe, Colchester road, Canning town ~
Ruffle Richard, High 8treet & Victoria Stebbing John, East street, Colchester Went J oseph, jun. Bulphan. Romford
road, Romford Stebbings Mrs, EmilY,324o' High street West J. Grove end, Groveroad,Woodford
RumseyJas.Oxney gm.. WrittIe,Chlmsfrd & 5 Broadway, Stratford If West J. J. Dagenham, Romford I
Sadd Edwd. Little llromley,Manningtree StebbingsWm.WoodhamMortimer,Mldn West Samuel, North .()ckendon, Romford
Salmon Wm..High st. Brigbtlingsea S.O Stevens W. J. Boston rd. Walthamstow West W. 1 South-Groverd. Walthamstow
8altmash By. High Ongar, Brentwood Stickland Charles, Market house,Barking Westoby Miss Harriett, Mile end, 'Clchstr
Samms John Wm. High street, Maldon road, Plaistowe 'I Westwood A. Great Yeldham, Halstead
Sanders Arthur, Stansted Mountfitchet, Stockbridge S. Boundary I'd.Wlthamstw WbellD. John, Cbadweil heath
Bishop's Stortford Stoffell & Co. 12 Maryland pt. Stratford e White William & Son, Peldon ~ & at
Sargeant Geo.Wm.Gt.Bromley, Colchstr Stokes Alfred, High Easter, Chelmsford Abberton; &; West Mersea, Colchester
Sargent Mrs. Mary• .Ashdon, Cambridge Stokes John, Prospect place,Forest gate e White & Co. Burnham, Maldon
Savill Herbert Smith, White Roothing, Stokes Mrs. Mal'y,. Takeley, Chelmsford White William Charles, High st. Maldon
Chelmsford Stops Aylmer, Head street, Halstead Whitehead James, Dunmow 8.0
SavillJn.Marcus st.Chureh st.WestHame Storey David John, Selborne road &; St. Whiten J. F. High st. Brightlingsea S.O
Seholding GaQ. Ramsden Crays,Brentwd Stepben's road, Walthamstow Whiting J. & W. High street, Halstead
Scillitoe John, Earls Colne, Halstea.d Stratford Frederick Adolphus, Horn- Whittaker Charles, Harlow
Scott Edwin, I Long Wyre st.Colchester church, Romford Whittingham S. 52 High st. Stratford e
Seott FJ:ederick, Rochford S.O Stubington E. Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Wildish W. R. Crown street, Brentwood
Seott John, Chapel hill, Halstead Sweetman &; Dupree, Longfellow road, Wilkinson J. 90 Lngthrne st. West Ham e
Scott William, Pedham S . O ' Walthamstow Willett H. 2 Hermit st. Canning town e
Serine .In. 348 Romford rd. Stratford f Swift George Ford, Leyton road, Leyton Williams William, East street, Barking
Sm'uby James, Epping • Syme David, North Woolwich, Wilson David, West Thurrock, Romford
Scruby Joseph, Gt. Wakering, Southend Tabram &; Jones,40 &.... 1 High st.Clchstr Wilson G. II6 Maryland rd. Stratford ~
Scruby Joseph, High street, Romford Tanner Joseph William, Wethersfield; Windell William, Dedham 8.0
Seabrook. Silag, Kelvedon, &. at Great Bardfield, Braintree Window Sam. 80 Tilbury rd. Plaistow e
Sea~ William. 6 Gordon terrace, North Taylor William & Co. High st. Southend Wingfield S. 104 Gurney rd. Forest gate e
Woohvich road, Silverto.Wll ,. Taylor Charles, Ashdon, Cambridge Winter & Son, Chestnut wk. Wlthmstow
Searl William, Loughton Taylor Mrs. Hepzibah, Bumham, Maldon Winter J.ohn Henry, I Oxford terrace,
Secret Albert, West Bergholt, Colchester Taylor J. T. West Thurrock, Romford Vansittart road, Forest gate e
Sergeant George, Elmstead, Colchester Taylor James Thos.GraysThurrockS.O Wood Chas. H. Lea Bridge-road, Leyton
8ewlill Thomas, Tillingham, Maldon Ta.ylor John, Burnhll.m, Maldon , Woud Charles William, Queen's road &
Shackell 'rhos. Barking la. Gt.mord Taylor Joseph, Lexden, Colchester Victoria terraoe, Buckhurst hill I
SharpMrs.MaryAnn,Mistley,Mnningtree Taylor Thomas William, 2 Marine place, Wood Charlotte Mrs. Witham
Shaw Brothers, Writtle, Chelmsford W~lton-on-the-Naze S.O . Wood Williamj Orsett, Romford .
Shelford William, Great Chesterford S.O ThQmpson F.G.Post office,High st.Leyton Woodley George, Dunmow 8.0
Shelitoe Kennett G-eorge, Market place, Thompson G. Shernhall st.Walthamstow Woodwa.rd Wltr.Cemeteryrd.Forestgt t
• Str~tfOl'd road, Park, Plaistow, Thompson W. Green yd. WalthamAbbey Woolley Arthur Henry, ChigweU road,
ShelleN' E. & Son, Rochford S.O 'l'hol,"p John Ribbans, Ramsey, Har·wich Chigwell ; & at Abridge, Romford
Shemeld Mril. Elizabeth, Kelvedon Thurgood J. New I'd. Grays Thurrck. 8.0 Worskett J. Chignal 8meall.ey. Chlmsfrd
Shepherd Michl. Sir, Barkingside,Ilford Tibball Alfred, Wood lit. Walthamstow Worskett William, Roreham,Chelmsford
Shimmell Thos. Amity rd. West Ham e Tilcock John, Great square, Braintree Worters John, ThOl'pe-le-Soken,Colchstr
8iggers Alfred, Woodford green Tippetts Henry Berriman, Chigwell f Wragg Jas. A. High road, Buckhursthill
Simes Richd.Geo.387 High st.Btratford e Todd Robert George,Goldhanger,Maldon Wmy James &; Co. High street, Romfonl
Simwonds William, 4 Croydon terrace, Tomalin Mrs. Mary Jane, Chingford Wright J. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Maldon
Barking road, Plaistow ~ Topsfield J. W. 45 Crouch st. C{)lehest&r Wright James, Finchingfield, Braintree'
,SimmolL1l Jabez & Son, High st.HalstR,ad Tunbridge John, Billericay, Brentwood Wright Miss M. East Horndon,Brntwoorl
Simmon~ Jab~, 4 Duke st. Chelmsford Tunbridge In, T. Dunmow S.O {Wright Richard, Gt.Waltham, Chlmsfrd
~impson William, 76 High street,Chelms- Turner William, Field road, Forest gate 6 Wright Robert, Maynard rd.Walthmstw
ford; .It High street, MaldoIl Turner William, Upmmster, Romford WrightS.Mrs.Littlebury,Saffron Walden
Sims Harry, Rochford S.O Twycross William, Milton rd. Southend Wright WiIliam, Great Bentley & St.
Skeet Frederick, Kirby, Colchestel'\ Tyrrell Ray, HorndOI.-oll-HilI, Romford Osyth, Colchester
Skinner Hemy,LittleWaltham,Chlmsfrd Underwood HeDry, I~ Lillipu' road, Young Samuel, Mulberry green, Harlow
Slade James, Union rd. ;Leytonstone ~ Canning- town /l • I Young William, Axe titreet, Barking
Smith Bros. 16 & 18 .Broadway, Strtfrd e Upson David, Bycknacro, Woodham .
Smith Mrs.Caroline,,8th.Ockendon,Rmfd Ferrers, Chelmsford I GUANO MANUFACTURERS.
SmithEdmnd.Payne,Blackmore,Ingt¥tn Varley T. Marsh streetj Walthamstow BaTking Guano WOTks (Daniel De Pass,
Smith Edward Charles, Witham . Vincent A. W. Crownfield rd. Lytnstne e proprietor), Barking ereekj Barking
Smith George, 5 Market pt Silvertown e Vines A. &; Son, King it. Saffron Walden Ichaboe Guano Stores(Dariiel de Pa~pro­
Smith ~rge,. Marsh st. Walthamstow WadleYl John, Chipping hill, Witham prietor), Sugar Ho.J.a.High st.Strtfm e
Smith Geo_Percy~Fryerning,lngatestne Wager Robert.,. 2 AI~rt terraCBt Lower Ohlendorff & Co~ .North Woolwich road,
Smith Henry, Dagenham, Romford "I S(};uthend, Southend 11· - " SilvertQwn Cl, ... I I • '/ . '"
Smith Jas. Blackmoreend, Wethersfield, Wagstaff John, Little Bentley, Colchester GUN MAKERS
Braintree fl WaIler Fred$.. Ardleigh heath, Colchester T . .J .'
Smith Wm. Thos. 5 Victoria Dock road e Wallis Benjamin, Market place, Romford Austm James, ::s Crouch st. Colchester
Smithson Joseph, Grays Thurrock S.O Wallis Williami Pl'ittlewell, Southead Blj.rtram Geo. T.~ ·33 & 44 Bank st.Brntre
Snow Peter, 2 Stanley road, Stratford e WaJteOl A. E. D. 6 Park teNace,. Pla.shet tJ Bate Samuel, High ~tree~, Maldon
SorrelI Richd.Hy.High st.SaffronWalp.en WareuSl H. A. & Co. 134- High 5t.ColchstJ: Boreham. John S. .ISo High st. Colchstr
~rrell Wm. Ed'Yin, ,.J..eytonstp~ ,oad, Ward A. C. MarkethLCoggeshall,Klvdon Furlong.~ Son, K'1J.lg st. Sf,l.ffron Walden
Stratford e. . . . t I Ward Richard, Church end,! Claveriug, Hast Phllip, ;[18 H~h street, Colchester
Soul Henry, North street" Barking Bishop's S1lflrtfpro L~ech Wm. !J & t 'l'mdal st. Chelmsford
Souster ThOI!, of: Vansittart rd,Forest gte e Ward Robert, England's lane. Longhton Richer J o;h~ Magdalen street,Colchester
Spa.rks Mrs. Ann Mari~ Wickham Ward S. Halhdl tel'. Heybridg.e, Maldon GUTTAr PERCHA MANUFAO-
Bishops, Witham- T I Warren O. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford TURERS.
s~ner 'l;'~~mas, ~akele'y. 9helmsford WaITen Goo~g6, Mark.eo T~, Oolcheste: India Rubber, Gutta. Percha & Telegrnph
Spwer WIlham, HlghBm hill, Walthmstw Wash Hezeklah, Fobbmg, Romf~ Works Co Limited· works Silver-
Spinks John Edwards, Rayle~gh S.<? I Wass John. Tip~ree Heatb, Kelvedon town tt. See adverti~ment '
Spruzen Arthur, Theydon bOls,Epplng WatersJamesJ;,lttIeThurrock,GraysS.O 'a'A 'b" ~ f'
SpurgeonJosepQ.S~lf3rd,,Sib~ lIEdlng- Watkins James, High road. Loughto.- po ~ERDA~,D.ERS. I
ham, Halste8.d "0 >{ Watson Charle&Edward,Leig~CbhnsfdBailer A. &; E. Misses, East s1;. Barking
Stammers AntolliQ, ~ White fOB~ lAAe, Web11 Benjamin & Sons, Magdl;\len tftreet Ba.iley Mary Ann ,1l1l'S. Gros"eaOl' rise
~ Li1itle Ilford & East street, Colchester ~ Walthamstow .
Stanan,.nght Alfred. Georg~ ( Ep.rls Webb Charles. :rrettleweU. Southend Barker Th08. Parliament pI.FoY6st, gatee
Colne, Halsteaci p 1 Webb MM. FannYJ,.Danburyl ChelmsfOT'd Barleyman Thomas Hughelil, Kel.vedoJV
Stannard Charles, Gt.Baddow,Chelmsfrd Webb Miss JI. Nrtn. MudeWJ.l~.lngtstQe Bundy William, ,far.. road, Leyton,. '"
Stannarc}fJlj!aR Ri('hl,l.\n~nburrl91J1m~fm \V~Im olohni-5S.F9res.t¥s1H 1Ii'Ol'8S1( gat./;) f Burgess E. Missl Pt:es~~':rq., Plash~t e
& •

Clinch Wm. J. Cathall rd. Leytonstone e Evans John,.1:8 Angellan~ Stratford e Tann George,. :u Ford's market, Can-
Friend Frederic William, 17 High street, Faiers John, 4 Baddow road & Spring- ning town e
Colchester. See advertisement field lane, Chelmsford Thompson Fred Wm. North Woolwich t
Hall Margaret Mrs.Hainault st.Gt. Ilford Fletcher George, HatfieH, Harlow Thompson Jsph. 23 Tindal st. Chelmsfrd
Barley William, Fabian st. East Ham £ Flory Robert, Station road, Walton-on- Walker Joseph Josiah. High st. Leyton
Harrison Ed. W. 44 High st. Plaistowe the-Naze S.O Welham Charles, 12 High st. Plaistow e
Holden W. M. 184 Magdalen st.Colchstr Flude Wm. I t BrGadway, Stratford e Weston George, 16 Park road, Leyton
Jackson C. W. 18 Forest st. Forest gate e Foster Thomas, 28 NOrth l;lill,Colchester Whoorwood. Jas. 355 High st. Stratford £
Jewson Alfred, 4 Devonshire terrace, Fowler Edward, West Ham lane e Williams W. Potter, Wood st. Wlthmstw
High street, Stratford ~ French Joseph, Finchingfield, Braintree Woodman Horatio Edmllnd, 137 Lilliput
Redd Wm. 164 Maryland rd. Stratford e Frost William, Shiregate, Colchester road & 13 Hallsville rd. Canning two ~
Kemp Miss E. Church st. Bocking,Brntre Gage Geo. A. 6.& 8 Great sq. Braintree Wray Paul, Kelvedon
Last John, 25 & 27 Rayne rd. Braintree Gage Wm.IS Ballsville rd.Canning twn e Wright Geo. Gt. Eastern rd. Stratford,
Lilburn Mrs. Harriot1 London house, Gilbert Richard,240 High st. Stratford e Wright Wm. Woodhouse rd. Leytonst ,
Warley road, Brentwood Goldstein David, 77 Maryland road, Yearsley Geo. Edwd. East st. Colchester
Newman Misses Ann & Sarah. Marsh Stratford e York Henry, High street, Halstead
street, Walthamstow Goodwin Thomas,125 Leyton road, New Zolla Venanzio, 24 Head st. Colchester
Norman & Ingleton, 46. Forest street, town, Stratford 6 HAM & BEEF DEALERS
Forest gate e Green Charles, I Market terrace,Balaam •
Okey M. & J. & Co. IGldstn.ter.Woodfrd street, Plaistowe Hayes John, Harrow grn. Leytonstone e
Perrin John, Nightingale rd. Wanstead e Harknett W. G. Marsh st.Walthamstow Holden Joshua, Le~llst."'J'd.Stratford £
Raven Miss, Southminster, Maldon Hart William, 8 Victoria. Dock road & 2 Hunt Mrs. Mary ~hzabeth, 2~ Stephen-
Rice Mrs. E. Lansdowne I'd. Leytonstne e Trinity pI. Barking I'd. panning twn e so~ street, Cannmg town e
Robson Miss Ann, 3 Gibraltar terrace. Hewiett Henry, North Woolwich e Morlls George, 7 0 Broadway, Stratfrd e
Victoria Dock road e Bobbs John, Queen'srd. Buckhurst hill Praed W. Edwd. 6Broad~.ay,Forestgt e
Scott Douglas, 80 Gurney rd.Forest gt e Hubbard Hy. Church la.. Leytonstone e St~utt H~nryt,' ;~~ons lle place, Ba-
Shannon Mrs. Eliza, no Crownfield rd. Hunter Doctor Brown, West Stockwell aam s ree w~
. Leytonstone e street, Colchester HARDWARE DEALERS.
Skaife John, 5 Colchester terrace, Angel Jenkinson G. Little Hedingham,Halsted Bane WaIter Ballingdon Sudbury
lane, Stratford e Jolly ~ohn, High stre~t, Maldon Blanks Mrs. My. Gt. Baddow, Chelmsfrd
Taylor Thos. Greenleaf la.Walthamstow Krutzlkowsky Baldwn, Church street, Colchester China, Glass t! Hardware Co.
'fhompsnnMrs. M.Cow.leyrd.Wansteade West Ham e . (The) (John H. Cockrell, man.), 52 &
Under,wood Chas. Statl~n rd. Forest gt e Lambert Alfred, 64 ~lgh st. Colchester 53 High st. & 31 &; 32 Culver st.Colchstr
WarWick Geo. 44 Martm st. Stratford e Langford Chas. 78 VIcarage la. Strtfrd e Knight Mrs. H. Cooper, High st. Halsted
White Miss 'Jane, 39 Hallsville road, Lascelles Ralph,2Telhamrd.EastHame Lee George Wm. Osborn st. Colchester
Canning town e Lawrence C, T. Forest st. Forest gate e Last John, 25 &; 27 Rayne I'd. Braintree
I . HAIRDRESSERS Lead !datthew Hy. Grange rd. Leyton Sycamore Elisha, High street, Halstead
• LunDlSS Wm. Leytonstone rd. Stratford
Abbott Robert, 148 High st. Colchester Mabey Alfred, North Woolwich e HARDWARE MERCHANTS.
Ackermann Wm. 88 Victoria Dock road e Manning W. 16 King'!'! Quay st.Harwich Churchill Charles & Co. (american), 28
Albra Henry, 7 Canning terrace, Lilliput March Thomas, Market place, Romford Wilson street, Finsbury, London e.c
road, Canning town e Matthews Mrs.M.A.50 Church st.Harwch HARNESS MAKERS
Alleys Hy. 2 Rathbone st.Canning twn e Maynard F. A.28 St. Rotolph st. Colchstr ~
Atterbury Edwin F. 18 High st.Chlmsfrd Miles John, Market hill, Maldon See Saddlers 0/ Harness Makers.
Baines Joshua H. Millla.WoodfordGreen Monk Edwin, Billericay, Brentwood HASSOCK MAKER.
Beale Alfred, Grays Thurrock S.O Moss Francis, Rochford S.O Earl John 20 Broad'VaY Plaistowe
Belcher William Smith, Gt. sq. Braintree Moss J ames, Rayleigh S.O , .
Birkdale William, South st. Manningtree Newell James, 2 Brassey terrace, LiIli- HAT MANUFACTURERS.
Blackburn T. I I Canningtwn e put road, Canning town e . See also Straw Hat tf Bonnet Makers,
Blosse Mrs. M. A. 57 Church st. Harwich N~wland J. J ..... Maryland point,Strtfrd 6 Clubb William, 45 High !'!treet, Colchstr
Blount Thomas, Sun st. Waltham Abbey NImmo John, Woodford gr.een Maskell Joseph, 70 Victoria Dock road e
Bond George, 120 Rathbone street, Can- North AIel:. Cathall road, Leytonstone e Ponder Charles Martin street Stratfrd
ning iown e North F. W. 38 Bidder st. Canning twne • ,
Bones Chas. 38 St. Botolpb, st. Colchstr Parker Charles, Rainham, Romford HATTERS.
Boreham J. ;£5 Short Wyre st.Colchester Pentridge Frank, Woodford green Adams J. Wood street, Waltham!'!tow
Botevyle Edwd. I Balkerne ill.. Colchstr Pidington William, Shiregate, Colchstr John, 18 LOIIg W)7e street, Col-
Bowles SI. Thorpe-Ie-Soken. Colchester Pilborough Geo. C. South st. Romford chester. See advertisement
Butcher William, Barking la. Gt. llford Pittman John, Church st. West Ham e Cummins James, 81 Victoria Dock J:d e
Butterfield Mrs. Ann Isabella, Market Quy William Henry,High st. Brentwood Dalton John, 25 Victoria Dock road ..
plaCEl, Saffron Walden Ranger E. Rathbone st. Canning town e Dennis Frederick, 97 High l!'treet, 0.,1.;
Campbell Charles, Dunmow S.O Regil-, I Upper road, Plaistow e chester. See advert.isement I
Cartlidge W. H. 6 Martin st. Stratford e Richardson Robert M. Church lane, Fish Thomas, Witham
Chamberlain M. St. Osyth, ColchesteI; Walthamstow Fox George, 57 High st~t, Chelmsford
Cbandler James, 84 Forest street & I I Roberts J. W. Market row, Saffrn.Wldn Great Eastern Clothing Co~ (The), 4 8t..
Globe crescent, Forest gate e Robson John, Back street, Brentwood Botolph st. Colchester. See advert
Chandler Wm. Bailey, Burnham,Maldon Rouse Henry, Gt. Clacton, Colchester Greaves Charles, 3 Colchestez terrace,
Chaplin Richd. Magdalen st. Colchester Rowe George, 46 Bank street, Braintree Angel lane, Stratford 8
Chaplin Rt. W. St. Botolph st. Colchstr Rowe Miss Mary Ann, Witham Hart Mrs. Louisa, 48 Broadway, Strtfrd ,
Choldcroft C. J. Harrow gn. Lytonstn e Rowland Jacob, Church street, Cogges- Hasler & Son, 23 High street, Chelmsfrd
Clench John F. 5 Broadway, Forest gt , hall, Kelvedon Howe John, 14 High stree~ Colchester.
Cotton WaIter, North street, Barking Rowland James, North street, Halstead See advertisement
Craddock Frllnk, 46 Broadway, Strtfrd e Rowland Samuel, Ballingdon, SudbuTy Marler W* Edwd, Market pI, Forest gte.,
Creer W. Oscar, Beulah rd.Wathamstow Sage Philip, Cathall road, Leytonstone e Matthews James &; Jhn'. 146 The Grove,
Creswell Wm. jnn. 8 Crouch st. Colchstr Saward George, Rayleigh S.O Stratford ,
Currie John James, High st. Southend Saxby Wm.Wood,South st.Manningtree Nunn H. Edwn. la Long W}'1'eflt. Clchstr
Curtis John,.King's TOad, Brentwood Shelton Thomas, 80 Victoria Dock I'd, Oliver George Wm. ~ Martin st. Strtfrd t
Dandy John, High street. Romford . Smith Alma, Chipping Ongar S.O Pilcher Charles, Wood. stroo~ Wlthmstw
Debnam James, 89 Duke st. Chelmsford Smith Mrs. E. King st. Saffron Walden Pondet Henry, Forest lane, Forestgatee
Deglow Julius. 3 Mickleberg terrace, Spinks Richard & Son( I I Leyton road, Richards J. & Son, 3 Bridge rd. Strtfrd e
Silvertown , New town, Stratford e J. Rose & Son, Chipping Ongar S.O
Demuth William, 29 Victoria. Dock I'd e Stace Fredk. 15 Moulsham st. Ghlmsfrd SewelI Francis Starn, Dtmmow 8.0
Dibben William, High street, Maldon Stl\ce Joseph, Epping Shepherd George~ 7 Devonshire terrace,
Dockerill Robert, Broadway, Barking Stace Joseph, Heath street, Barking High street, Stratford e
Dowsett John, 106 Park street,Southend Btanford Frederick. High st. Brentwood Simpson Willia.m, High street, Maldon
Ellis James, BrQadway, Barking Stebbings Robert,l Market place, Romfrd Smith Robert, High street, Brentwood
Emblen George, High st. Great llford Steward80H William, Wivenhoe, Colchstr Solomon Hy. Church st. Saffron WaHen
Engelhart Hugo, 7 CroydoQ terrace, Stuteley John y Harlow Strange EdWd.25 Long Wyre st. Clchstr
Barking road. Plaistow e "I Styles Richd. St. James' ~ Walthmstw Todd Samuel, Green street, Plashet e-
·31 *

Turner George, 362 High st. Stratford e Gallery George, 166 High st. Stratford e B 11 J D~E~SE~SW lth to
Welcb Alf. & Co. I St. Botolph st. Clchstr usse ame~, os l;}ll r . a ams w
Williams John, Omega house, Barking HERBALISTS. HooperWm. Cambl'ldgerd.Walthamstw
road, Canning town « See Medical Botanists. HORTICULTURAL BUILDERS.
HAULIER. HIGGLERS. Beckett Brothers, 160 Moulsham street:
Brown .Benjamin, Romfordcom. Romfrd Buttle Henry, Alphamstone, Colchester D wo~ks'TAnHchorpstr&eetc' ChAnelmhsford.
C0 Ie.Thomas, R I'dgwe, 11 H 1 te d enms... o. c or lron
HAWKERS. as a works, Chelmsford
. Denms John, ~arlow . Tracey & Son, High i/treet, Great llford
Cawley Jas. 154 Moulsham st. Chlmsfrd Emson E. Hellon Bumpstead, Haverhtll Wh°te Phil' E H L yto t
Gatton Thomas, Gt. Wakering, Southend Firmin William, Toppesfield, Halstead I Ip. arrow grn. e us ne e
Harvey Hy. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Rmfrd Joyce Benj. High Easter, Chelmsford HORTICULTURAL IMPLE-
Hyam Samuel, Gt. Wigborough, Clchstr Letch Thos. Sible Hedingham, Halstead MENT AGENTS.
Jiggins Jas. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Rmfrd Mills Frederick John, Galleywood com- Williams & Co. 152 High street & next
Salmon Mrs. Mary, High Roothing, mon, Chelmsford to Three Cups hotel, Colchester
Dunmow S.O Porter William, Dunmow S.O
Whatnell Thomas, Rugby cottage, Howe Spooner Ed ward, Purleigh, Maldon HOSIERS & GLO VERSo
road, Plaistow e Steward lsaae, Sible Hedinghm.Halstead Acco Mrs. Emma, High st.Saffron Waldn
Adams John, 18 Long Wyre street,
HAY BINDERS. HOMES. Colchester. See advertisement
Ives Sydney, Coxtie green, South Weald, See Hospitals Jc. Ager George & Sons, 27 High street,
Brentwood HOMCEOPATHIO MEDIOINE Colchester. See advertisement
PUl'kiss George, Fryerning, Ingatestone VENDORS. Bailey Misses A. & E. East st. Barking
Salmon Mark, St. Osyth, Colchester . . Barleyman Thomas Hughes, Kelvedon
See also Paten.t Medunne Vendors. Bewers Charles, 23 High st. Colchester
HAY CARTERS. Nickels Edouard, 75 Duke st.Chelmsford Brown Herbert C. 39 High st. Colchester
• See Carmen• Pilborough John, High st. Brentwood Burton Wm.332 & 334 High st.Stratford e
Chaplin Arthur Edward, High road.
See Salesmen-Hay et Stmw. Beard John, Church Street brewery, Claxon James, III High st. Colchestllr
Coggeshall Corner George, 33 & 36 High street,
HAY & STRAW DEALERS. Darby Charles Daniel, 18 Springfield Colchester
Bannister Richd. Mountnessing, Brntwd road, Springfield, Chelmsford; & 29 Deason Miss E.68 Broadway, Stratford e
Bareham George, Homchurch, Romford Moulsham street, Chelmsford Dennis Hy. 43 Vicarage lane, Stratford e
Barr Edward, Dagenham, Romford Robinson Thomas,Phoonix mill,Ardleigb, Dowley T. A. 3 Whitehall, Lytnstn. rd e
Barrow Edward, West Bergholt, Colchstr Colchester Drysdale Douglas, Church st.West Hame
Blewitt John, Becontree heath, Romford Smith Robert, Witham Duffield Jas. D.44 St. Botolph st. Colchstr
Blewitt Joseph, Becontree hth. Romford HORSE BREAKERS Fox George, 57 High street, Chelmsford
Blewitt Robt. Becontree heath, Romford . Friend Frederic William, I7 High street,
Boream George, London road, Romford Bishop William, Gold st. Saffron Walden Colchester. See advertisement
Bush William, Albert road., Romford Cracknell Joseph, Tenterfield cottages, Godbold H. W. & Co. High road,
Cable Josiah & Mary, Chadwell street Wantz road, Maldon Leytonstone e
Carter Hy. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Duke Waiter, Ballingdon, Sudbury Great Eastern. Clothing Co. (The), -4 St.
Cooper Richard, Albert road, Romford Mason Thomas, Barking side, Ilford Botolph street, Colchester. See advert
Cramphorn Thomas John Deeks, 17 HORSE CLIPPERS Griffiths W. & Co. 48 High st. Colchester
High street, Chelmsford. See advert . ' Henley Charles, 8 Deddington terrace,
Dale J. Butt's grn. Homchurch,Romford Barker Charles, RayleIgh S.O Lilliput road, Canning town e
Earps Thomas, 29 Stepheuson street, Hu~son .John, Little Bentley, Colchester Holden W. M. 184 Magdalen st. Colcbstr
Canning town e Wamwrlght Jsph. Ongar rd. Brentwood Howe John, 5 Victoria buildings, Bark-
Elliott William, Fyfield, Brentwood HORSE DEALERS ing road, Plaistow e
Emerson Hy. In. Billericay, Brentwood . Lilburn Mrs. Harriet, London bouse,
Goading William, Church st. Harwich Barker Mrs.. Mary Ann, Westlands, Warley road, Brentwood
Hawes Charles, Cross road, Maldon Mountnessmg, Brentwood Maguire Benj. 376 High st. Stratford e
Homer T. Manuden Bishop's Stortford Bone John, 19 Chapel street, Stratford e Newman Misses Ann & Samh Marsh
Hymas T. Ramsden' Crays, Brentwood Bowtell Thomas, Miller's farm, Takeley, street, Walthamstow '
Johnson W. &; Son, Railway Cool depOt, Chelm~ford Phair Joseph, I Grove terrace,Woodford
Braintree Bull Ezeklel, Montague rd. Leytonstone e Poppy Miss Samh, 14 Market st. Harwich
Kemp Isase, Becontree heath, Romford E~mons James, 7 ~amlet rd. Southend Priddy Sam!. jun. 2 Bridge rd.Stratford e
King Henry, Chadwell street Fmch Henry, ~ylelgh S.O Quash Jehn Jas. North street, Barking
Knight James, Becontree heath,Romford FOl.·ster C~a~. LIttle Baddow, Chelmsfrd Randles & Campbell,Ingran rd.Brentwd
M"anning Thos. Great Chishall, Royston French William, Eastern road, Romford Rees B~others, Witham
Maskell Wm. Little beath, Chadwell at Lev~y ~rge, Stansted Mountfitchet, Royston James, 12 Pelly road, Plaistow e
Money Henry, 120 High st. Colchester ~Ishop s Stortfo~d Smith Robert, High street, Brentwood
MurreU Samuel, Salcott, Kelvedon Pam Thomas, Coxtle green, SouthWeald, Taynton Mrs. Elizabeth, 40 Crownfield
Newman Charles, Epping green, Epping Brentwood road, Leytonstone e
Newman Geo. Great Bentley, Colchester Palmer Andrw. Cobden r?' Leytonstone, Whitemore Geo. 4 1 Angel lane, Stratford
oOttley William, Nook hill, Romford Palmer Rchd. Red ho. HIgh st. Romford Willoughby John, 8 Croydon terrace,
Pease Thos. & Son, Billericay, Brentwood Patten Charles, Earls Colne, Halstead Barking road, Plaiatow e
Pye Abrahm. Rose la. Dagenham,Romfrd Patten Fredk.Blue Gates fm.Dedham S.O Wiltshire Mrs. Fanny, Church rd. Leyton
Sewell Joseph, Billericay, Brentwood Patt~n Ha~dr, Earls Colne, Halstead
Smee James, Mill road, Maldon Pe~kIDs W~l~m, 9 Park st. Southend Marshall & Snelgrove, 334 to,348 Oxford
Speller George, Swan inn, Bird's green, QUl~ter ~h~IP, Pleshey, Chelmsf0;d street, London w
Beauchamp Roothing Brentwood WhIte Willmm, Greengate st. Plalstow ~ 0 S IB.
Spellor George, Mill gn;en, Ingatestone HORSE SLAUGHTERERS. HOSPITALS, H ME ,INF ~
Taylor Joseph , Great Bentley, Colchester Ba rtlett J as. Ph·ll·
I Ip s.
. t own e BMARIES,
H P 'd &c.
Taylor Richard, Alexandra st. Southend Foulger Hy. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Colchester ar mg ast am rOVI ent IS-
Thomas Henry, Hook's end, Blackmore, Hart Charles, Red Post lane, East Ham pensary (Hngh Herbe~ Mason, sur-
Brentwood Johnson Daniel, Mile end, Colchester g~n), Broadway, B~rklDg .
Underwood John Cremer Lower South· Martin William Black Notley Braintree Bockmg Cottage HospItal (Mrs. Hamet
end, Sou~hend' Pain & Brothe~, Hare street,'Romford ~mith, ~atl"on), Halstead road, Bock-
Webb Arthul", Nazing, Waltham cross Theobald Ephraim, Pnl"leigh, Maldon 109, Bramt1,:ee . •
wood James, North Weald, Epping Witham Walter,Pevenseyrd.Wansteade Buc~hur8t Hill V~lage ~ospItal (C. E.
Wright Robt. Henham, Bishop's Stortfrd Woodard Henry, Wood st.Walthamstow Prmce, ~on. medical officer; N. Powell,
. sec.), High TOad, Buckhnrst hill
HEATING APPARATUS HORSE COLLAR MAKERS. Chelmsford Dispensary & Infirmary (J.
MAKER. Jenkins Wm. High st. Woodford green Nicholls K.D. & E. H. Cartel", medical
Deards Samuel, High street; Harlow Kelley Arthur, Dagenham, Romford officers; C. P. & G. &ker, dispensers
E. N. Palmer, High street, collector) Saffron Walden Hospital (A. N. Jones, HURDLE MAKERS.
(open on tuesday&friday at 10 a.m.),1 H.Stear&H.J.Buck,medicalofficers; B k ttPhir Gl be ad T wnfi Id
Moulsham, Chelmsford John Gelling,dispenser;ArthurMidg- ec e lIDon, e ro , 0 e
Children's Hospital Home (Mrs.Elizabeth ley, sec. ; Mrs. BerniceWinter,matron), B ~:eeiIChelm~ford h ad R mf rd
RadIord, matron), 7 Brandon road, London road, Saffron Walden ~ ge enry, agen , 0 0
Walthamstow St. Edward's Catholic Reformatory Bridge Mrs. Jane, Havermgwell, Hom~
Convent of Jesus & Mary, Stratfrd. gm e (Dominique Kemp, director; Rev. church, Romford
Coope's (Mrs.) Home (Mrs.Janet Carden, Jsph. Zsilkay, chaplain), Green street, Butcher James, ~t Easton, Dunmow
matron), Crescent road, Brentwood Plashet e Butcher ~ohn, Tilty, Chelmsford .
Deaconesses Institution (Miss Sealy, lady St. James' Orphanage (Miss Caroline Clarke RIChard, Corbets Tey, Upmmster,
supt.), 73 Romford road, Stratford e C. Jones, matron), East hI. Colchester Romford
Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen St. John's Nursery (B. R. Cant, pro- H.oward Joseph, Elmstead, Colch~ter
Women (Rev. Charles Hy. Cope M.A. prietor), Greenstead, Colchester & L~coln John, Thundersley,RayletghS.O
warden; Miss Dorothy Walker, lady St. John's street, Colchester Lmnett G: Runsell, Danbury, Chelmsfrd
superior), Great Maplestead, Halstead St. Mary of Egypt's Home (Miss Sophia Maryon Richard, Mo~ton, Brentwood
East-End Juvenile Mission Home for Ingersole, superioress), Water lane, Pratt.Thoma~, Matchmg, Harlow
Neglected & Destitute Girls ('rhos. Jas. Stratford e PrentICe DaVld, Moreton, Brentwood
Barnardo 11.D. director; George Saltau, St. Mary's Convent & Orphanage,London Scott Charles, Copford, Colchester .
governor), Barking side, Ilford; office, I road, Southend Sharman R.Steepl.e ~umpstead,Have~hill
18 & 20 Stepney causeway, London e.c St. Mary's Hospital (Rev. John Richard- Shead Thomas William, Surrex, Feermg,
Epping Convalescent Home (Mrs. Eliza- son M.A. chaplain), Great Ilford Ke~vedon
beth Turley, matron), Epping St. Mary's Orphanage (Mrs. AmeliaEllis, Tho~mgt,0n James, Thundersley, Ray-
Essex &; Colchester General Hospital (C. lady superintendent), Walthamstow T 1~lghHS.O R'd 11 HaJ d
R. Bree M.D. consulting physician; A. house. Walthamstow ~nn enry, I ~e, stea
Wallace M.D. physician; J. H. Par- St. Stephen's Convalescent Home (Mrs. T'!1nn H. Tl1bury-Juxta-C!are, !falstead
tridge, consulting surgeon; R. S.Nunn, Louisa Taylor, matron), Lower South- Wilson Joseph, Langley, Bishop s Strtfrd
R. F. Symmons & H. Laver, surgeons; end, Southend HYDRAULIC MACHINERY
Wm. Buck, dentist j Thos. P. Taylor, Soldiers' Home & Institute (Miss Laura
house surgeon; Charles E. Bland, sec. ; Beatrice Campbell, lady superinten- MANUFACTURERS.
Miss EmmaAppleton,matron),Lexden dent), Queen street, Colchester Warner Ro~ert & Co. Walton-on-the-
road, Colchester Ursuline Convent (Miss Mary Victoria, Naze; & at 8 Jewin crescent,London e C
Franciscan Friars (Father Bacon, supe- lady superior), Upton la. West Ham e •
rior), The Elms, Upton la. West Ham elConvalescentHome (Miss Maria Hibbert, IMPLEMENT AGENTS.
Gladstone's (Mrs.) Convalescent Home, matron), Capthall gn. Waltham abbey See Agricultwral Implement Manufac-
Woodford hall (lady superintendent, 'Walthamstow Public Dispensary (Edwd. turers !f Agents.
Miss Emily Simmons, Woodford; Lt.-l Twining St. Clair,Brockway,Shadwell INDIA RUBBER MANUFAe-
Col.Neville,hon. sec.),6 Bolton gardens, & Arthur Best, hon. surgeons), Odord
South Kensington, London to road, Walthamstow TURERS.
Government Hospital for ContagiouslWest Ham Smallpox Hospital (John India Rubber, Gutta Percha & Telegraph
Diseases(Surg.-Maj.Wm. WalterWelde, Moir L.R.C.P. Edin. medical officer; Co. Limited, Silvertown e' & at Per-
medical officer; Mrs. Emily Roche,. Mrs. Caroline Dodson, matron), sanbeaumont, France; 'warehouse,
ma~ron), Pa.rk lane, ColcJ;tester. I "r estern road, Plaistow e
HarWIch Hospital for InfectiOUs Diseases· West Ham, Stratford & South Essex
100 Cannon st. London e c ; branch~s at
52 Castle street, Liverpool; 20 Dlxon
(Augustus Kinsey-Morgan, medical Dispensary (T. Drake, consulting street, Glasgow j 35 Kirkgate, Brad-
attendant), Dovercourt, Harwich medical officer; A. J. Drake L.R.C.P. ford, Yorks; IQ Castlestreet,Sheffield;
Home for Destitute Little Girls (Miss LOnd. W. A. Grogono L.R.C.P. Edin. & 21 Grainger street west, Newcastle.
Jane Lee, founder & superintendent), & J. B. Ryley M.D. medical officers; See advertisement
Broadway house, Plaistow e William Freeman L.R.C.P. Lond. house '
Home fo~ Single Women (Miss Hamble- surgeon; Thomas Lloyd, dispenser; Anderson, Abbott & Anderson, 37
ton, mIstress), Park ho.Hart st.Barkng J. Loxley hon. sec.; F. Mulley, asst. Queen Victoria street, London e.c
Infant Orphan Asylum (Henry William· sec.), West Ham lane 6 .
Green sec.; Miss Isabella Larnder'l1 INDIA RUBBER GOODS
matron),Snaresbrooke.;Londonoffice,:London (The) Association of Nurses (H. MANUFACTURERS.
100 Fleet street e.c I M. Moorhouse, executrix of M. Frith, Irwell India Rubber !f Gutta Percha
Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum supt.), 62 ~ ew Bond street, London w. Works Limited Central station Royal
(~rs. Hack:wood,matron),Snaresbrook See advertIsement Albert 'dock, Ca~ning town e '
e. office (Richard W. Ha~kwood, sec.), HOT WATER ENGINEERS Spurgeon William (aprons) Trinity
13 2 Leadenhall street, City e.c • t t Hal • __ ..1 '
Nazareth House (home for the destitute. Butler WaIter In. Pelhams la. Colchestr s ree , SIAAN.
& infirm) (Mrs. M. Brennan, superior-; Counter Richard, High st. Great Ilford INDIA RUBBER STAMP
ess), London road, Southend iCrittall Rchd. 27 Bank street, Braintree
Plaistow Dispensary (A. E. Kennedy Dennis T. H. P. & Co. Anchor iron works, MANUFACTURERS.
L.R.C.P. Edin. & R. J. Carey, medical Chelmsford Colchester Rubber Stamp Manufactory
officers; C. E. Wilson, sec.), Balaam IGresswell Richard, Station rd. Loughton (The) (George Ernest Smith, man.),
street, Plaistow e ILand & Co. 43 Broadway, Stratford e Vineyard street, Colchester
Poplar Fever & Small Pox Hospital Woods James, Snake's la. Woodford gn

(William.Hickman, surgeon), Western HOT WATER FITTERS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS.

road, PlaIstow e • See Schools !f Colleges.
Princess Louise Home &National Society Barnard Charles HenrY,4 King's Head
for the Protection of Young Girls (Mrs. I street & Bath side, Harwich INFIRMARIES.
Mary Ann Talbot, matron); Wood-:Dennis Henry, Hamlet road, Southend See Hospitals !fe.
house, Wanstead 6. (Alfred Morgan!Whur Thomas, Hamlet road, Southend
Gilham, sec.); office, 26 .New Broad HOTELS. INNS.
street, City 6.C . • See Public Houses.
Rescue Societies Homes for Girls (David &e PUbllc Houses.
Cooper, sec.; Miss Mary Ann Pike, HOTELS-PRIVATE. INSTITUTIONS.
matron), Astrell house, Russell road,iEdwards Charles, 7 & 8 Orwell terrace, See Literary !fc. Institutions.
Buckhurst hill & St. Mary's lodge, I Dovercourt, Harwich
High road (Miss Jane Pittock,matron)j' Gatward WaIter William,Marine terrace, INSURANCE COMPANIES.
(Mrs.SarahDunscombe,MissMargaret Walton-on-the-Naze Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Insur-
Ann Reid,matrons), I &2 Knighton HOUSE AGENTS. anceCo.(RobertAnderson,sec.),High
cottages, Woodford wells street, Colchester
St. AlOOns Diocesan Institution for See A[lents-Land tj-c. Harwich Barge Alliance Insurance Asso-
Trained Nurses (Miss Alice Butler, HOUSE DECORATORS. ciation, Limited (R. S. Barnes, sec.),
sister in charge), Butt road, Colchester See Painter:l & House .Decorators. 63 Church street, Harwich ..
SaffronWalden District Dispensary (John Maldon Barge Insurance ~o. LIIDlted
Bird care-taker; Mrs. Mary Bird, HOUSE FURNISHERS. (John Rogers, sec.); office, London
nurse) Debden road, Saffron "ralden See Upholstere-I's. road, Maldon


IN8ullA'H'dE CO:3l:PANI:RS--lCthlfinuea. Joslin H. &; J. ro8 & r09 High lltreet, Do'lighton James, Kel'V'edon
Maldon Mutual Marine Insurance Asso- Maidenburgh street &. stand, 4T New Dover Francis, High street, Great Ilford
ciati:on, Limited (Jolm Crick Freeman, Corn market, Colchester. See advert Downes Jas. Hy. Magdalenst.Colchester
sec.), office at Messrs. 'Crick &. Free- Williams &. Co.r5~ &; 153 High st. Clchstr Downes Samuel, Magdalen st. Colchester
'",lan's, Maldon IRON ROOFING MANUFAC. Dowsett Henry, Prit~lewell, Southend
RelIance Mutual Assurance Co. (branch) TURERS Dowsett Thomas, HIgh stree1l & Alex-
(Wm. 8latter Butle'l', local manager); . andra street,Southend. See advert
office New street Chelmsford Croggon &. Co. 42 Up~er Thames street, Dunham Robert, Abridge, Romford
" London e.c. ; &. at LIverpool &. Glasgow Durant Christopher, Epping
. IBONFOUNDEBS. Humphreys J. Charlton, ..A1bert gate, Folkard Wm. High st. Brightlingsea 8.0
Asten &. Bennell Greenstead Colchester LOJ,ldon s.w. See advertIsement French Lewis, S Charlotte. terrace,
Bamard &: Lak: Ravne Brafntree> St. Pancras Iron Work. Co. Pancras Barking road, Plaistow ~
Bendall Offwood, Lawford iron works, road, London n.w Freund Henry, Tower Hamlets road,
Manningtree. IRON SHIP BUILDERS. Forest gate e .
Bentall Edward Hammond & Co Itey- Th I k &; Sh' b 'ld' C Garon Fredk. Nelson st.Cliff tn.Southend
b~dge works, Heybridge, Mald~n l;::'s (~m:: ~aywa~~ ~a~~~er ~ Gsrrood Jesse David, Rochford S.O
B'iri~~t~:af:~works Co. (The) Chapel sec.), Victoria Dock road ~ g~:Jf!g~·G:i:::rr~~~~o:re,=~~~:
Burgess W. J. & C. T. Victoria works, IRON SRIP CEMENTER. street, Canning town e
Ongal' -road, Brentwood Ferguson John, North Woolwich road e Gigney James, Wi?kford, Battles bridge ;
Carter Frederick, Queen street, Romhrd IRON STAIRCASE MANU- &. at East HanDlngfi~ld. See advert
Catchpool, Stannard & Stanford, 122 F ACTURERS Goss Isaac, Castle Hedmghaml Halstead
High street &. Foundry yard, Colchstr . Green Joshua &. Co. Stansted, Mount-
Christy FelI,Broomfield Roa.d iron works, St. Pancras Iron Work Co. Pancras road, fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Chelmsford London n.w Gripper Joseph, 15 High street, Chelms·
Colemsn &. Morton, New London road, IRON TANK MANUFAC- ford: & at Maldon
Chelmsford TURERS. Halls Normah, Market place, Romford
Cottis WiUiam &; Sons, Epping .. . Hands William, 58 High st. Plaistow e
Davey, Paxman &. -Co. Standard iron Cnttall RIChard, 27 Bank st. Bramtree Harrington Samuel, Billericay, Brent-
works, The Hythe, Colchester .. wood. See advertisement
Dorre1l Leo Francis, Hart st. Barking Bellamy John (no co~mectlOn wi~h any Harrison Basil Henry, 65 High street &
Downs King Gestingthorpe Halstead other house usmg thIS name), Millwall, Springfield lane Chelmsford
• , , London e '
Green JQhn, Railway foundry, Saffron B b F dk ....C F't k E t d Hawkins Aaron, Hea\h, Hatfield, Harlow
Walden . ra y re .cv o. I .zroy w s. us on I' . Hewitt Alfred, Odessa road, Forest gate e
Johnson Thomas &. Son Church street London n.w.; &. LIverpool & Glasgow Hills John Park road Plashet e
Saffron Walden' , Croggon &. Co. 4 2 Upper Thames street, Horwoodjsph.19 & 2r'Broadwy.Strtfrd e
Joslin H. &- J. ro8 &; rog High street; London e.c. ; &. at LIverpool &. Glasgo1t Hough Charles Saville,Gree~st.Plashet e
Maidenburgh street &; Stand, 47 New IRONMONGERS, WHOLESALE. Howe Robert,5 Long Wyre st. Colchester
.com market, Co~chester. See advert Catchpool, Stannal'd &. Stanford, r22 Johnson Thomas & Son, Church street,
KIrkham R. M. Bridge IOtr~et,.Coggeshall High st. & Foundry yard, Colchester Saffr~~ ~alden '
Maldon tron Works C? LIllilted (J. C. Crittall Richard, 27 Hank st. Braintree Jon~s"" rlham, Dunmow 8.0 .
Float, man.), Fullbndge, Maldon Harrison Basil Henry 65 High street & Joslm H. &. J. r08 & r09 High street;
Meyrick William, Cihatsworth road, Spl'ingfield lane, Chelmsford Maidenburgh street &. sta.nd, '41 New
.Forest gate ~ ,., Monk Albert, Billericay, Brentwood Corn marke~, ~olche3ter. See advert
NIcho~s & Joy, EastStockwellst.-:olchstr Orttewell Frank, High street, Maldon K~rr John! ~hIppmg Ongar 8.0
Oxsprmg Geo. Beckton I'd. Cannmg tn e Taylor Alfred, Grays Thurrock S.O Klbby Wllham, 94 & 96 Broadway,
Raven Edward, New road, Halstead Temple &. Co. High street Stratford ~ Stratford e
Salter J. J. BiUericay, Brentwood IRONMONG~RS Knott Hobert, High road, Leytonstone e
Warner Robert & Co. Walton-on-the- • Maxwell John, 6 Market terrace, Bark-
Naze j &. at 8 Jewin eres. London e c Alps John, Sun street, Waltham Abbey ing road, Canning town e
Wedlake Thomas William &. Co. Union Banks Thos.Jas.Queen's rd.Buckhurst hI Melvill Arthur, Wood st. Walthamstow
iron 'WOrks, Hornchurch, Romford; Barnard Samuel, Prittlewell, Southend Milson James, Rayleigh S.O
branQh foundry & depot, Romford Barton Robert Willis, Rayne road~ Monk Albert, Billericay, Brentwood
Bocking, Braintree Monkley Wm.35 Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd
IRON MERCHANTS. Baxter In. WynC{)ll,Mistley,Manningtree Mott Charles A. Chipping Ongar S.O
Catchpool, Stanrrard &. Stanford, 122 BeardBenj.&. Son,2 St.John's st.Colchestr Nash Jabez &; Co. Leytonstohe road,
High street &; Foundrr yd. Colchester Bell John, 94 Victoria Dock road e Stratford e .
Bissell John, North street, Barking Ormond &, Hales, Pembroke road, Wal-
Croggon &; Co. 42 Upper Thames street, Blaekmur E.Boundary rd. Walthamstow thamstow
J.,~mdon c.c. ~ &. at Liverpool &; Glasgow HloomfiledEdwd. Br &; 83 High st. Brntre Orth Wm. Henry, Market hill, Maldon
Gripper Joseph, FUllbridge, Maldon; & Blomfield JSph.25 St.Botolph st.Colchestr Parr Edwin, High street, Brentwood
at High street, Chelmsford Bowtell John, Thaxted S.O Paul H. & Son, High street, Brentwood
Pink John Thomas, High street, Rom- Braddy Mrs. Elizabeth, Kelvedon Pearce 'rhomas, Hornchurch, Rom(ord
ford; & Barking Bright Edward, Wood st. Walthamstow Penson James, Chipping Ongar S.O
IRON BUCKE'r MANUFAC- Brown Mrs. Elizabeth,93 Leyton road, PinkJohnT.Highst.~omford;&;Barking
TURERS New town, Stratford e Portway Charles, High street,Halstead
• - Bultitude Wm. 20 North hill, Colchester Pountney Henry, High street, Halstead
Croggon &; Co. 42 Upper Thames street, Bunting &; 8eabrook,16 High st.Colchestr Quy William, Rochford S.O
London e.c. ; & at Liverpool & Gla.sgow Burford & Llewellyh, Pier avenue, Ramsey Mrs. Lydia, Thaxted S.O
. ' Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester Ray Robert, Dedham S.O
IRON FENOE & HURDLE Cane Alfd. Joseph, High street, Southend Reed William, Witham
MAKER. Carr Benjamin, Boundary I'd. Wlthnistw Richardson Wm. High street,Brentwood
Crittall Richard, 27 Bank st. Bl'aintree Catchpool, Stannard & Stanford, r22 Riddelsdell Thomas Creffield, High
High street &. Foundry yd. Colchester street, Walton-on-the-Naze 8.0
IRON GATE MAKERS. Cawston John, Kelvedon Scott James, High street, SoutheKd
St. Pancras Iron Work Co. Pancras road Cleale Hanry, 94 High street, Chelmsfrd Self John, 12 King's Quay st. Harwich
London n.w ~ , Collins I<'rederick,30 Head st. Colchester Singleton & Nicholson, King street,
Collis Thomas, South Ockendon, Rmfrd Saffron Walden
IRON ROUgE & CHURCH" Cottis- William &. Sons, Epping Smith Algernon, Broadway, Gt. mord
BUILDERS. Crisp William, Wood st. Walthamstow Smith Henry, Dagenham, Romford
Croggon & Co. 42 Upper Thames street, Crittall Richard., 27 Bank st. Braintree Smith Josiah Jonathan, Ingatestone
London e.c. ; & at Liverpool &Glasgow Crooks William, High street, Brentwood Stephens Francis R. Woodford green
HumphIleys J. Charlton, Albert gate, Cuthbert Charles, Sheffield house, High Stickland ChM'les, Victaria buildings;
London 8.'W. See adveI"tisement road, Loughton Barking road, Plaistow ,
) IR 0 N PLA'I'E WO .0.
~KE'DS Dennis T. H. P. 20 High street, Chelms- Tanner Jsph.Wm.Gt. Bardfield, Brntree
.Do. ford; &. at Dunmow Taylor Alfred, Grays Thurrock 8.0
Bamard Charles Henry, 4 King's Head Disney Mrs. Ann Howard, High street, Taylor Thomas, Market hill, Saffron
street & Bath side, Harwich Manningtre~ Walden. See advertisement

Temple& Of. High str~tj Stratford ~ Olivetf <-Charles,. Jun. Bmdford street, LADIES'? OUTF:ITTBBS.
Thomas John, 12 Market pl.Forest gte e Bocking, Braintree
8e~ Outjitter,--Ladiei)
Tipple William & Cha'Fles, 37 Hallsville Powell lames, Selborne road & Church
road, Canning town e end, Walthamstow ~ LADIES' SCHOOLS.
Vincent J. B. ~2' Church st. Harwich *Prestney .A. & E. Crouch st. Colchester
Watmough Henry, Leyton road, Leyton tReed Henry Wiiliam, Clacton-on-Sea, See &hools-PriTJate.
Webb Wm. Eagle place, Forest gate e Colchester !.AMP BLACK MANU'-
Wells John, George street, Harwich Reeve Charles, Sonthminster, Maldon PACTURERS
Whislay George, Dedham 8.0 Reynolds Peter, Golden Lion hotel, High . •
Whislay Wm. High st. BrightlingseaS.O street, Romford Lmg Wm. .Abbey lane, West Ham e
White George Frederick, 160 Chobham Sadler John & Sons, High rd. Loughton Van de Wall & Co. Marshgatela. Strtfd e
road, New town. Stratford 1 Salter EphraimJohn. High rd.Loughton

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