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182, 183 & 184, HIGH HOLBORN, ,V.C.




THIS is the Fourth Edition of the Directory of the Three Counties in its
present form. The creation of the " County of London " under the '' Local
Government Act, 1888," has necessitated the removal of several places from
this Directory, and it has been found that in the more immediate suburbs of
London there is a continua;Lly increasing demand for Annual Local Directories
of these places, which have been constituted Metropolitan Parliamentary
Boroughs, viz. : Fulham, Hackney, Hammersmith, Hampstead and West
Ham; of each of these a Local Directory, price ls. 6d., is published annually.

The contents of the present Volume are similar to tho~e of previous

editions a general account is given of each County; Lists of Hundreds and
Poor Law Unions are included; then follow the Places in each County,
alphabetically arranged, with their Inhabitants, both Private Residents and
Commercial; it is stated under each Parish in what Petty Sessional Division,
Hundred, Union, and County Court District and Division of the County, as
forn1ed under the provisions of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885,'' as also
in what Diocese, Archdeaconry, and Rural Deanery it is situate; and the
College and University of every Beneficed Clergyman have been given, as far
as they can be ascertained ; the names of the Parish Clerks are given
under each Parish; lists of Farm Bailiffs of Gentlemen farming their own
land are included; and the population of each place, from the Census of
18 91, has been inserted.

E. H. & M. t


A Map of each County on a large scale is given. Indices referring to

all places and persons mentioned in the Topographies are prefixed.

The County Councils created under the " Local Government Act,
1888," will be found duly inserted, with the names and addresses of the

The Proprietors have to thank those Clergymen and other Gentlemen

who have given the work the benefit of their local knowledge by the
assistance rendered to their Agents while collecting the information.

***The Letters S.O. and R.S.O. at the end of addresses in various parts of the book are abbreviations
adopted by H. M. Post Office to represent Sub-Office and Railway Sub-Office; and if these Initial letters, with
the name of County, are added to the addresses of letters in lieu of the usual name of Post Town, the delivery
of such letters will be accelerated.

182, 183 & 184, HIGH HOLBORN,
Lmi'"DON, w.c,
November, 1894.

The Maps are sold separately at the following prices : -

Plain Sheet . . . 2s. Od. I On Roller ... 4s. Od. I In Case . . . 5s. Od




Abberton ..................... 17 Battle Ditches, see Saffron Bo1lington, see Ugley..... 352 Burton End, see Stansted
AbbeyField,see Colchester 114 Walden .................... 291 Booses Green, see Colne Mountfitchet ............ 326
Abbott's Roothing, see Battles Bridge, see Ret- Engaine ................... 135 Bury (The), see Saffron
Roothings ............... 286 tendon ..................... 273 Boreham ..................... 42 Walden ................... 290
Abridge, see Lambourne 225 Baythorne End, see Bird- Borley .......................• 43 Bury Woods, see Ching-
Ailsa Street. see Stansted brook . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 41 Borley Green, see Borley 43 ford . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Mountfitchet ............ 326 Beacon Cliff, see Harwich 193 Botany Gardens, see West Bush End, see Hatfield ... 201
Albion Hill, see Epping ... 154 Beacon Hill, see Great Thurrock .................. 344 Bustard Green, see Lind-
Albion Hill, see Lough ton 236 Totham ................... 351 Bottle End, see Colchester 133 sell ......................... 234
Aldborough Hatch......... 17 Beacon Hill, see Harwich 192 Bovinger, see Bobbing- Butts Green, see Horn-
Aldham ... ... . ..... ... .. . ... 17 Beacon Hill, see St. Osyth 299 worth ... . . .. . .. ....... .. ... 42 church .................... 210
Almshouse Plain, see Bearden, see Berden ...... 37 Bowers, see Bowers Gif- Butts Green, see Sandon 303
Epping ... ... ... .•. . .. .. . ... 154 Beauchamp Roothing-, see ford ... ... . ... .. ... ... . .. ... 43 Butt.sbury . . . . .. . ... . .. .. . . .. 71
Alphamstone ... .. . ... .. . ... 17 Roothings ................. 286 Bowers Gifford ....... ...... 43 Bycknacre, see Danbury.. 140
Alresford ... ... ....•. ....•. .. . 18 Beauchamp St. Paul...... 34 Boxted... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... 43 Bycknacre, see Woodham
Althorne ... .......•....... ... 18 Beaumont-with-Moze ..... 33 Boyton Cross, see Roxwell 288 Ferrers .................... 395
AmberdonEnd,seeDebden 141 Beazley End,see Wethers- Boyton End, see Thaxted 338 Cambridge Park,seeWan-
Ambresbury Banks, see field . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Brackstead, see Great stead . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . •• . . . 366
Epping ..................... 153 Becontree Heath, see Braxted.... ........•....... 53 Canewdon ..•.... ... . ..... ... 71
Ardleigh ...... ... .. ....... ... 19 Dagenham ... ... ... ... ... 139 Bradfield ... .. ... ... ... ...... 44 CanewdonHill,see Canew-
Ardleigh Crown, see Ard- Beehive, see Barking Side 32 Bradwell- juxta- Cogges- don .•....... .... ... . .. . .. ... 71

leigh......... ... . .. ...... ... 19 Belchamp Otten ....... .. ... 34 hall ....... .. .. .. ............ 44 Canfield-Great.... .. .. . ... 71
Ardleigh Green, see Horn- Belchamp St. Paul......... 34 Bradwell-juxta-Mare...... 45 Canfield-Little ... ..... ... 72
church ...........•......... 210 Bel champ Walter ... ...... 35 Bradwell-next-Sea, see Can hall, see GreatClacton 102
Arkesden..................... 19 Bell Common, see Epping 156 Bradwell-juxta-Mare... 45 Canning Town .... ...... ... 72
Ash Green, see Epping ... 143 Benfleet-North & South 35 Braintree..................... 45 Cannons Green, see Fy-
Ashdon ............. .... ... ... 20 Bentfield End (or Ben- Bran End, see Stabbing ..• 329 field ........................ 165
Asheldham, or Asheldon 21 field), see Stansted Braxted-Great ......... ... 53 Canvey Island .... ......... 72
Ashen......................... 21 Mountfitchet ............ 326 Braxted-Little ......... ... 54 Canvey Island, see South
Ashingdon ... ... .•. ... . . . ... 21 Bentley, see South Weald 372 Brentwood ... .. . . .. ...... ... 54 Benfleet .. . .... ... . .. ... ... 36
Astelyns, see High Ongar 262 Bentley-Great ......... .. . 36 Brewer's End, see Takeley 334 Castle Hedingham......... 73
Audley End, see Saffron Bentley-Little ....•..•.... 36 Brick End, see Broxtead Castle Hill, see Saffron
Walden .................... 291 Berden ... .......... .... ...... 37 -Great . ... . .. ... ......... 64 Walden ................... 290
Aveley ............ ...........• 22 Berechurch,seeColchester 112 Bridgemarsh Island, see Catmere End, see Little-
Aythrop Roothing, see Bergholt West............ 37 Althorne .................. 18 bury ........................ 235
Roothings •••...•.........• 286 Berners Roothing, see Brightlingsea ... ....•••••..• 6o Chad well, see Birdbrook.. 41
Baddow-Great .••......... 23 Roothings ............••... 286 Broads Green, see Great Chad well Heath............ 74
Baddow-Little ............ 23 Berwick Berners, see Waltham .................• 360 Chadwell St. Mary......... 75·
Badnocks, seeAsheldham 21 Roothings ................. 286 Brockells, see Radwinter 269 Chadwell Street............ 76
Baker Street, see Orsett.. 263 Bilden End, see Chrishall 97 Bromley-Great ..... .. . .. 62 Chalk End, see Good
Baldwin's Hill,see Lough- Billeri.~ay •....•.....•.••.•.... 38 Bromley-Little .... ....... 63 Easter .....•.............•. 149
ton .......................... 236 Bilsden,see Bobbingworth 42 Brook Street, see South Chalk End, see Roxwell .. 288
Balkerne Hill, see Colchstr 1o8 Birch ....••.•...•... .... ...... 40 Weald ..................... 373 Chapel Field, see Rayne ..• 273
Ballingdon, or Ballington 24 Birchanger .................. 40 Broom Hill, see Epping.. 154 Chapel Hill, see Halstead 178
Balls Green, see Great Birdbrook ... . . . . .. ... .. . •. • 41 Broomfield . . . . . •. . . . .. . . . .•• 63 Chappel . .• ............ .. •. .. 76
Bromley .......••......... 63 Birdsgreen, see Beau- Broxtead ..................... 64 Chatham Green,see Great
Bamber (or Bambrows champ Roothing . .. ... . . 286 Brundon, see Ballingdon. 24 W altham ... ... .. . . . . .. •. . . 360
Green), see Takeley ... 334 Birkbeck Estate,see Bark- Buckhurst Hill............. 64 Chatley, see Great or
Bannister Green, see Fel- ing Side ...........•...... 32 Building End, see Chris- Much Leighs .......•.... 233
stead ....................... 159 Black Notley ..........•.... 257 hall......................... 97 Chaureth, see Broxtead... 64
Bardfield-Great .......... 24 Blackbush Plain, see Ep- Bulford, see Cressing .....• 138 Chelmsford.................. 77
Bardfield-Little . .... .. . ... 25 ping........................ 154 Bull-Fen, see Bulphan. ... 68 Cherry Green, see Brox-
Bardfield End Green, see Blackheath, see Fingring- Bulmer ........•.. ............ 67 tead-Great ............ 64
Thaxted .................. 338 hoe ........................ 162 Bulphan ............... ...... 68 Chesterford-Great ...... 89
Bardfield Saling,see Little Blackmore. ... ... ............ 41 Bumpstead- ad- Turrim, Chesterford-Little ...... go
Saling ... ... . . . ... .... .. . . . . 301 Blackmore End, see see Steeple Bumpstead 330 Chicknall - Little, see
Barking....................... 26 Wethersfield............. 376 Bung Row, see Great Chignall Smealey ...... go
Barking Creek . . .. .. . . . . . .. 27 Black Notley . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. 2 57 Braxted . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . • 53 Chickney . .. . . •. •• . . •. •.. .. •.. go
Barking Side ...... ......... 32 Black Bushes, see Epping 154 Buntings Green,see Colne Chignal .................. ... 90
Barling........................ 33 Blackwall, see Roxwell ... 288 Engaine ......•............ 135 Chignal St. James......... go
Barnston ....................• 33 Blackwater,see Bradwell- Bures, see Bowers Gifford 43 Chignal Smealey ......... go
Bartlow Hamlet, see Ash- juxta-Coggeshall ....... 45 Bures Hamlet............... 68 Chigwell ..................... 91
don ........................ 20 Blackweir Hill,seeEpping 153 Bures Mount ............... 252 Chigwell Row............... g2
Bartlow Hills, see Ash don 20 Blasford Hills, see Little Burgess W ell,see Chelms- Childerditch .•. ... ....... •• g2
Barwick. Berners, see Waltham ···: ............. 361 ford ........................ 77 Chingford .................. g3
R:oothmgs ....: .. ········• 286 Block House Wwk, see St. Burghstead, see Great Chingford Green, see
Baslldon, see Lam don . .. 224 Osyth . . . . .. .. . . .. ... ... . .• 300 • Burstead ••. . .. ..• . .. . ..... 70 Chingford ............ ..• g4
Basin, see Heybridge ...... 207 Blunt's Walls, see Great Burghstead, see Little Chingford Hatch see
Basse~t, see North ~eald 371 Bu!stead .................. 70 Burstead .................. 70 Chingford ...... :........ g3
Bathstde, see Harwwh ..• 196 Bobbmgworth .... .......... 42 Burnham..................... 68 Chingford Marsh see
Battelsdm~, see Laindon .. 224 Bock~ng, see Braintree_... 46 Burnt Mill, see Netteswell 255 Chingford ...... .'•. yr... 93
Battle Bridge, see Raw- Bockmg End, see Bram- Burstead-G.reat........... 70 Chingford Mount1 see
reth ........................ 271 tree ....•. .................. 52 Burstead-Little. .... ...... 70 Chingford .....1•...,. ••• ~~ x
Chipping Hill, see Wit- Carrier's Green, see Wil- Farnbridge, see Good Great Sampford or San-
ham ........................ 38 I lingale Doe . .. . . . . . . . . . ... g8o Easter...................... 149 ford .. . . .. . .. . .. ... .. . .. . . .. 301
Chipping Ongar ............ 26o Dagenham ........•.•......• 139 Farnham or Fernham ..... xs8 Great Stambridge ......... 323
Chishall-Great & Little g6 Dagworth, see Peb~arsh 266 Farsley, see Terling ....... 336 Great Tey.................... 336
Chishill, see Gt. Chishall 96 Dairy Green, see Thaxted 338 Faulkbourn .................. :r ss Great Totham .............. 350
Chrishall or Christhall... 96 Danhury ..................... 140 Feering ........................ IS9 Great Wakering............ 354
Chrishall Grange, see Daneholes, see Chadwell Felstead or Felstead Holy Great Waltham ............ 360
Chrishall .................. 97 St. Mary .................. 75 Cross ...... ................ 159 Great Warley ............... 370
Crouch End, see Claver- Dawes Heath, see Thun- Fifield or Fifehide, see Great Wenden, see Wen-
ing ........................ 105 dersley ..................... 343 Fyfield ..................... 165 dens Ambo ............... 374
Church End, see Wood- Debden ..................... 141 Finchingfield ................ 16o Great Wigborough ......... 379
ford ........................ 387 OebdenGreen,seeDebden 141 Fingringhoe .................. 161 Great Yeldham ............. 398
Churchfields, see Wood- DebdenGrn.seeLoughton 23S Fobbing ....................... 162 Green - Lower, see
ford ........................ 390 Debden Slade, see Epping 154 Ford End or Forth End .. 162 Brigbtlingsea ............. 61
Cindery Islands, see Dedham ............... ...... 141 Ford Street, see Aldham. 17 Green-South, see Great
Brightlingsea ............ 61 Dengie or Dengey ... ...... 143 Fordham ...... .... .. ... ...... 163 Burstead ... ...... ... ...... 70
Clacton-Great ............ 102 Dewes Green, see Berden 37 Ford's End, see Clavering 124 Green-South, see Fing·
Clacton-Little ............ 103 Doddinghurst .............. 143 Forest Gate .................. 163 ringhoe .................... 162
Clacton-on-Sea ............ 97 Donyland-East ............ 143 Forest Side, see Chingford 93 Green Ride, see Epping ... 154
Clanver End, see Wen- Donyland-West, see Col- Foulness Island or Foul- Green-Upper, see Lang-
dens Ambo ............... 374 chester ....... , ............. 112 ness ................ ......... 163 ley .......................... 227
ClapDogGreen,seeBrad- Dove House Meadow, see Foxburrow Wood, see Green-Upper & Lower,
well-juxta-Coggeshall 4S Great Bardfield ......... 25 Cranham .................. 138 see Wimbish .............. 380
Clapgate, see Little Clac- Dovercourt, see Harwich 194 Foxearth or Foxheard ... 163 Greenbury, see Writtle ... 397
ton ........................ 103 Dovercourt ........ Upper & Frame Green, see Al- Greenstead,seeColchester II2
Clatterfoot End, see Fy- Lower, see Harwich ... 194 phamsione ................ 18 Greenstead Green, see
field ......... ... ............ 165 Downham ... ......... ...... 144 Frating ....................... 164 Elsenham ................ 132
Clavering ............... ; ..... 104 Duck End, see Stabbing. 329 Frierning, see Fryerning 164. Greenstead Green, see
Claybury, see Woodford Duddenhoe End, sea l<'rinton-on-Sea ............. 164 Halstead .................. 175
Bridge ..................... 391 Elmdon .................. ISI Fryerning .................... 164 Greensted-juxta-Ongar .. 172
Claydon, see East Han- Dulsmead Hollow, l!ee Fullbridge, see Maldon ... 241 Grove Hill, see Woodford 387
ningfield .................. 190 Epping .................... IS3 Fuller Street,see Fairsted 157 Hackwea, see Hawkwell 204
Claypit Hill, see Epping 153 Dunmow ..................... 145 l<'yfield ........................ 165 Hacton, see Upminster ... 352
Cliff Town, see Southend 308 Dunmow-Little ......... 147 Galley Wood, see Stock ... 332 Hadleigh ..................... 172
Coalhouse Fort, see East DuntonorDuntonWaylett 148 Galleywood Common ...... 165 Hadstock ..................... 173
Tilbury .................. 34S Durrington, see Sheering 304 GallowsGreen,seeAldham 17 Hainault :Forest, see
Cobmarsh Island, see Duton Hill, see Gt. Easton 150 Gapps, see High Ongar ... 262 Romford .................. 278
Mersea ..................... 249 Earls Colne .................. 134 Garrett-High, see Brain- Hailingbury- Great, or
Cocklarks, see Purleigh ... 268 Earl's Path, see Epping ... IS4 tree.......................... 4S Morley .................... 173
Coggeshall .................. 105 Earlsbury, see Farnham 158 Gauntsend, see Elsenham 1s2 Hallingbury-Little ...... 174
Coggeshall- Little, see East Donyland ............ 143 Gaybowers, see Danbury 140 Halstead or Halsted ...... 174
Coggeshall ............... IOS East End, see Paglesham 264 George Lane, see Wood· Ham-East ................. 181
Colchester .................. 108 East End Green, see ford ........................ 385 Ham-West ................. 189
Cold Norton ............... 133 Brightlingsea ............ 6o Gestingthurpe .............. 166 Hamlet, see Southend ...... 3II
Cole Hill Mead, see Great East Ham .................. 181 Gibcrack, see Danbury ... 140 HangboySlade,see Epping 153
or Much Leighs ......... 233 East Hanningfie}d ......... r89 Giblands,seeGreat Henny 2o6 Hanningfield-East ...... 189
Collier Row, see Romford 278 East Hill, see Colchester 108 Goldhanger .................. 166 Hanningfield- South &
Colne-Great, see Earls East Horndon ............... 2II Golding Wells, see M~h- West ........................ 190
Colne ..................... 134 East Lea (or Ley), sea bury ........................ 248 Hanningfield Tye, see
Colne White............... 136 Lain don ................... 224 Goldings Hill, see Lough- East Hanningfield ...... 190
Col ne Engaine ............... 135 East Mersea, see Mersea 249 ton .......................... 23S Hare Green, see Great
Colne-le-Blanc, see White East Thurrock, see Little Good Easter or Estre.. ... 148 Bromley ...... ............ 63
Colne ..................... 136 Thurrock .................. 343 Gore (The), see Great Hare Street, see Romford 278
Colne Monachorum, see East Tilbury................. 345 Stambridge .............. 324 Harford Stock, see Stock 332
Earls Colne ............... 134 EastbrookEnd,see Dagen- Gore Pit, sea Kelvedon ... 222 Harlow ........................ 191
Colneford Hill, see Earls ham ........................ 139 Gosfield ...................... 167 Harold Wood, see Horn-
Colne ..................... 134 Easter-Good ............. 148 Grange Hill, see Chigwell 91 church ..................... 210
Connaught Water, see Easter-High ............... 149 Gravel (The), see Cogges- Harold's Wood, see Rom-
Chingford ... ...... ...... 93 Easterford, see Kelvedon 221 hall ...... .... ............... 1o6 ford ...... .................. 278 ·
Cooks' Green, see Little Easthorpe. ...... ... ...... ... 149 Grays,seeGrays Thurrock 167 Hartford End, see Fal-
Clacton .................. 103 Eastness, see Gt. Clacton 102 Grays Thurrock ............ 167 stead........................ 159
Cooksmill Green, see Easton-Great & Little ... ISO Great Baddow.............. 23 Harveys, see Pleshey ...... 268
'\\.,.rittle .... ................. 398 Eastwood...... ...... ......... 151 Great Bardfield. ... ......... 24 Harwich ... ...... ... ... ...... 193
Coppersale, see. They don Edingford Bridge, see Great Bentley............... 36 Hastingwood, see North
Garnon .................. 340 Shelley .................... 304 Great Birch, see Birch.... 40 Weald (Bassett) ......... 372
Coopersale Common, see Elmdon ....... ................ 151 Great Braxted.............. 53 Hastingwood Common,
Theydon Garnon ...... 340 Elmdon Lee, see Elmdon 151 Great Bromley.............. 62 see North Weald (Bas-
Copford ..................... 136 Elmstead ..................... 151 Great Burstead. ............ 70 sett) ........................ 372
CopperasBay,seeRamsey 271 Elmstead Market, see Great Canfield .............. 71 Hatfield or Hatfield
Copt Hall Green, see Elmstead...... ......... ... IS2 Great Chesterford ......... 89 Peverel.. ................... 202
Waltham Abbey ......... 356 Elsenham..................... IS2 Great Chishall....... ....... 96 Hatfield or Hatfield Regis 200
Corbets Tye, see Upmin- England Island- New, Great Clacton ............... 102 Hatfield Broad Oak, see
ster ........................ 353 see Little Wakering .... 354 Great Colne, see Earls Hatfield .................. 200
Cornish Hall End ......... 137 Epping ........................ 152 Colne ...................... 134 Hatfield Heath, see Hat-
Cornsland, see Shenfield. 305 Epping F'orest,see Epping 153 Great Easton ............... ISO field ........................ 201
Corringham ............... 137 Epping Street ............... 152 Great Hallingbury ......... 173 Havengore Island ......... 203
Countess Cross, see White Epping Thicks, see Ep- Great Henny or Heany ... 206 Haverhill .................... 203
Colne ..................... 136 ping ...................... , .. 153 Great Holland ............... 208 Havering-Atte-Bower ... 203
Cowicks, see Sheering- .. • 304 Epping Upland, see ~- Great Horkesley .... .. .... .. 209 Havering Well, see Horn-
Coxtie Green, see South ping......................... 152 Great Hyde, see Little church ..................... 210
Weald ..................... 373 Esse, sea Ashen............. 21 Bardfield .................. 2S Hawk Woods, see Ching·
Crabtree Wood, see Chig- Estre, see Good Easter ... 148 Great Ilford .................. 213 ford ........................ 93
well .......... ............. 91 Eve's Corner,see Danbury qo Great Leighs ................ 232 Hawkspye Green, see
Cranham .................... 138 Fairmead Bottom, see Great Maplestead .......... 246 Little Bardfield ......... 25
Creeksea ..................... 138 Epping ..................... 153 Great Monkwood,see Ep- Hawkwell, Hawkswell or
Cressing ..................... 138 Fairsted or Fairstead ...... IS7 ping ......................... 153 Hawkewell ............... 204
Cricksea, see Creeksea ... 138 Fambridge-North ........ 157 Great Oakley ............... 258 Hay Green, see Romford 278
Crockleford, see Ardleigh 19 Fambridge-South ........ 158 Great Parndon ............. 265 Haydon, see Heydon ...... 207
Cunobelin's Gold Mines, Fange, see Vange .......... 353 Great Potton Island, see Hazel End, see J.<'arnham xs8
see Chadwell St. l\Iary 75 Farm .Hill, see Waltham Great Wakering ......... 354 Hazeleigh .................... 204
Cutler'sGrn.seeThaxted 338 Abbey ..................... 3581Great Saling ................ 300 Heath (The), see Weeley 374
• ••
Heath-Little, see Chad- Jack's Hill, see Epping ••• 153 Little London, see Berden 37 Market Hill, see Halstead 175
well Street .•. ... ..•... ... 76 Kedington .................. 221 Little London, see Cor- Marks Gate, see Dagen-
Heath-Old, see Colches- Kedington Hamlet, see nish Hall End............ 137 ham........................ 139
ter .......................... I IO Sturmer ·····~··········· 334 Little Maplestead ......... 247 Marks Hall,see Roothings 287
HeckfordBridge,see Birch 40 Kelvedon .................... 221 Little Monk wood, see Marks Tey .................. 337
Helions Bumpstead ...... 204 Kelvedon Hatch ............ 223 Epping ..................... 153 Markshall ................... 248
Hempstead .................. 205 King's Hatfield, see Hat- Little Oakley .............. 259 Marsh Isle, see Mersea ... 249
Henham or Henham-on- field ........................ 200 Little Potton Island, see Marvel Green. see Willin-
the-Hill .... ~ .............. 205 King's Hill, see Rochford 276 Little Wakering ......... 354 gale Doe .................. 380
Henham-Little, seeHen- Kirby or Kirby-le-Soken 223 Little Parndon.............. 265 Mashbury .••••••••••••••••••• 248
ham .. •.. .... .. ..... .. ... .. . 206 Kirby Cross, see Kirby ... 223 Little Saling .... . .. ......... 301 Matching .... .......... ..... • 248
Henny-Great & Little ... 2o6 Kerby-Upper & Lower, Little Sampford ............ 302 Matching Green, see High
Herkstead Green, see see Kirby .................. 223 Little Stambridge ......... 324 Laver ..................... 228
Cornish Hall End ...... I37 Lacton, see Latton......... 228 Little Tey ................... 337 Matching Green, see
Hermon Hill, see Wan- Laindon ..................... 224 Little Thurrock ............ 343 Matching .................. 24S
stead ........................ 366 LaindonHills,seeLangdon 225 Little Totham .............. 351 Matching 'fye ............... 248
Heron Gate, see East Lalford, see Lawford ...... 229 Little Wakering ............ 354 Mayland ..................... 249
Horndon .................. 2II Lalling, see Latchingdon 227 Little Walden,see Saffron Maze (The), see Saffron
Heybridge Basin, see Lam;ush ..................... 224 Walden ................... 291 Walden .................... 291
Maldon ..................... 239 LambCorner,see Dedham 142 Little Waltham ............ 361 Mersea ........................ 249
Heybridge .................. 2o6 Lambourne .................. 225 Little Warley ............... 371 Mersea-East & West, see
Heydon ..................... 207 LambourneEnd,seeLam- Little Wenden, see Wen- Mersea .................... 249
High Beech, see Waltham bourne ..................... 225 dens Ambo ............... 374 Messing ...................... 250
Abbey ..................... 356 Landguard Fort, see Har- Little Wigborough ........ 379 Middle Mead, see Little
High Easter .................. 149 wich ........................ 193 Little Woodham, see Baddow .................. 24
High Garrett, see Brain- Langdon or LangdonHills 225 W oodham Mortimer . . . 395 Middle borough, see Col-
tree ... ............... ...... 47 Lanford ....................... 226 Little Yeldham ............ 399 chester ... .................. 122
High Laver .................. 228 Langenhoe .................. 226 Littlebury .................... 234 Middleton ................... 250
High Ongar .................. 262 Langham ..................... 226 Littlebnry, see Stanford Mile End, see Colchester. u2
High Roothing,see Rooth- Langley ...................... 227 Rivers ... ...... ............ 325 Mill End, see Thaxted .•• 338
ings ........................ 286 Latchingdon ................ 227 Littlebury Green, see Mill End Green, see
Highwood, see Writtle ... 397 Latton ........................ 228 Littlebury ................ 235 Great Easton ............ 150
Hill Green, see Clavering 104 Laver-High ............... 228 Littley Green, see l!'ord Mill Green, see Ingate-
Hockley or Hockleigh ... 207 Laver-Little .............. 229 End ........................ x62 stone ....................... 220
Holders Green, see Lind- Lawford ..................... 229 Loddart's Hill, see Haze- Miller's Green,see Willin-
. sell ........................ 234 Lawling, see Latchingdon 227 leigh ........................ 204 gale Spain ............... 380
Holland Great & Little 208 Layer Breton ............... 230 London-Little, see Ber- Milton, see Southend ..•..• 309
Holland Haven, see Great Layer Cross, see Layer- den.......................... 37 Mistley ........................ 25I
Holland .................. 208 de-la-Hay ................. 230 London-Little, see Cor- Mole Hill Green, see
Holmes, see Kirby ......... 223 Layer-de-la-Hay ............ 230 nish Hall End ........... 137 Takeley ................. 334
Holyfield, see Waltham Layer Marney .............. 231 Long Green, see Marks Monk Street, see Thaxted 338
Abbey ..................... 356 Leaden Roothing, see Tey ........................ 337 Monkwood Great &
• Honeylane Plain, see Roothings ................ 286 Long Hills, see Epping ... I54 Little, see Epping ..•... 153
Epping ......... 4 ........... I 53 Lee Chapel, see Laindon .. 224 LongRunning,see Epping I 53 Moreton ..................... 252
Honeypot Lane, see Little Lee-East, see Laindon ... 224 Long Stomps,see Chelms- Morrell Roothing, see
Clacton ..................... I03 Lee-West, see Laindon .. 226 ford ........................ 77 Roothings ................ 287
.Hook End, see Blackmore 41 Lee Wick, see St. Osyth .. 300 Lords Bushes, see Buck- Mossfoot Green, see
.Hope Point, see West Leebury, see Elmdon..... I51 hutst Hill ................ 64 Barking Side ............ 33
Tilbury ..................... 346 Leigh .......................... 231 Loughton .................... 235 Moulsham, see Chelms-
Hopes Green, see South LeighChapel,seeLangdon 226 Loughton Camp, see ford ........................ 78
Bentieet .................. 36 Leighs-Great or Much .. 232 Epping.J ................... I53 Mount Bures ............... 252
.Horham, see Thaxted ... 338 Leighs-Little ............. 233 Low Hill, see Roydon ..... 289 Mount Pleasant, see
Horkesley-Great& I,ittle 209 Lessenden, see Colchester II2 Low Street, see West Epping ..................... 153
.Hornchurch .................. 209 Level's Green, see Farn- 'filbury ................... 345 Mountnessing .............. 253
Hornchurch-South ...... 210 ham ........................ x58 Lower Dovercourt, see l\'Ioze or Mose, see Beau-
Horndon-East ............ 2II Lexden, see Colchester.... 112 Harwich .................. 194 mont-with-Moze ••.•...• 33
Horndon-West ............ 212 Ley-East, see Laindon.. 224 Lower Green, see Bright- Much Leighs ............... 232
Horndon-on-the-Hill ..... 212 Leyton ....................... 234 lingsea .•• .................. 61 Much Stambridge, see
Horseman Side, seeN ave- Leytonstone ................ 234 Lower Green, see Wim- Great Stambridge ...... 323
stock ........................ 254 Lindsell ....................... 234 bish ........................ 380 Much Waltham,see Great
Horse's Heath, see Orsett 262 LinktailGreen,seePleshey 268 Lower Kirby, see Kirby .. 223 Waltham ................. 360
Horsey, see Kirby ......... 223 Lion Poiut,see Gt.Clacton I02 Lower Park,see Loughton 236 Mucking ..................... 253
Horsley Cross, see Mistley 251 Lion Walk, see Colchester 108 Lower Southend, see Mucking Creek, see Fob-
Househam, see Matching 248 Liston ........................ 234 Southend .................. 3I4 bing ....................... 162
Howe or Hoe Green, see Little Baddow............... 23 Lower Warley, see Great Mucking Ford, see Muck-
Purleigh .................. 268 Little Bardfield ... ... ... . .. 25 Warley ..................... 370 ing ........................ 253
Howe Green, see Sandon 303 Little Bentley............... 36 LowerYeldham,see Great Mulberry Green, see
Howe Street, see Great Little Braxted ........... •• 54 Yeldham .................. 398 Harlow ............ ..•.••..• 192
Waltham .................. 36o Little Bromley .......... .• 63 Lubber Hedges, see Steb- Mundon ..................... 253
HowlettEnd,see Wimbish 380 Little Burstead ............ 70 bing ........................ 329 Myland, see Colchester ... u2
Hull llridge, see Hockley 208 Little Canfield............... 72 Ludgate Plain, see Epping 154 Nasing, see Nazeing ...., .• 254
Hunnock's Lane, see Little Chesterford ......... go MagdalenGreen,se10Great Navestock .................. 254
Birdbrook ................. 41 Little Chicknall,see Chig- Clacton ................... 102 Naverstock Heath, see
.Burst Green, see Bright- nal Smealey ............. go Magdalen Laver ............ 229 Naverstock ............... 254
lingsea ..................... 6o Little Chishall ............. g6 l\Ialdon ........................ 238 Navestock Side, see Nave-
Button ........................ 2I3 Little Clacton ............... 103 Mallow Green, see Manu- stock ........................ 254
.Hyde-Great, see Little Little Coggeshall, see den ......................... 246 Naze (The), see Walton-
Bardfield .................. 25 Coggeshall ............... 107 Manningtree ................. 244 on-the-Naze .............. 361
Hythe, see Colchester ... Io8 Little Dunmow ............ 147 ManorPark,seeEastHam 181 Nazeing ..................... 254
Hythe, see Maldon ......... 242 Little Easton ............... ISO Manuden or Manewden.• 246 Netteswell or Nettleswell 255
Hythe Hill, see Colchester n8 Little Hallingbury ......... 174 Maplestead-Great........ 246 Netteswell Common, see
HytheQuay,seeColchester 123 Little Heath, see Chad- Maplestead-Little ..•...• 247 Netteswell ................ 255
Jlford-Great ............... 213 well Street ............... 76 Maplin Sands, see Foul- Nevendon or Newendon .. 255
Ilfor<i-Little ............... 219 Little Henham, see Hen- ness Island ............... 163 New England Island, see •
Ingatestone .................. 219 ham ........................ 206 Marden Ash, see High Little Wakering ......... 254
Ingrave ........................ 221 Little Henny ............... 206 Ongar ..................... 262 New San1pford ............. 302
Inworth ..................... 221 Little Holland ............... 208 Margaret Roothing, see ~ewtown, see Harwich ... 197
Jasper's Green, see Shal- Little Horkesley ............ 209 Roothings ................. 287 New Wanstead, see Wan·
ford ........................ 303 Little Ilford ................ 219 Margaretting. ............... 247 stead . ·······~ ·~·· .......... g66
Jay Wick, see Great Little Laver ................ 229 Market End, see Cogges- Newport ..................... 256
Clacton ..................... 102 Little Leighs ............... 233 hall ......................... 1o6 XineAshe~,seeHighOngar 262


Noak Hill, see Romford ... 278 Plaistow ....•.....•..•....•.. 267 St. Osyth .••..•.•••..••..••.•• 299 Squirrells Heath, see
Nobles Green, see East- Playing Stalls, see Stan- St. Pris' Well, see Rad- Romford .................. 278
wood ........................ 151 way ......................... 327 winter ...................... 269 Stambonrne .........•.....•. 323
North Benfleet........... ... 35 Pledgden, Eee Henham ..• 206 Salcott or Salcot Wig- Stambourne Green, see
North End, see Ford End 162 Pleshey ........................ 267 borough ................... 300 Stambourne .............. 323
North End, see Little Pleshey Bury,see Pleshey 268 Salcott Creek, see Mersea 249 Stambridge Great (or
Yeldham .................. 399 Pond ~treet, see Wenden Salcott Virley, see Virley 354 Much) ..................... 323
North End, seeLittlebury 235 Lofts ........................ 375 Saling-Great .............. 300 Stambridge Little ....... 324
North Fambridge ......... 157 Pontisbright, see Chappel 76 Saling-Little ............... 301 Stanford-le-Hope .......... 324
North Hill, see Colchester 109 Porters-Great, see Bark- Sal way Hill, see Wood- Stanford Rivers ............ 325
North Ockendon ........... 259 ing ......................... 27 ford ........................ 386 Stangate or Stanegate,
North Shoebury ............ 305 Potter Street, see Harlow 191 Sampford-Little or New 302 see Steeple ............... 329
North Weald (Bassett) ... 371 Potton Island Great, Sampford or Sanford- Stansted Mountfitchet ... 325
North W eald Gullett, see see Great Wakering ... 354 Great or Old . ... ... ... ... 301 Stanway ..................... 327
North Weald (Bassett). 372 Potton Island-Little,see Sam's Green, see Great Stanway All Saints, see
North Wood, see Bel- Little Wakering ......... 354 Ilford ...................... 218 Stanway .................. 327
champ Waiter........... 35 Potts Green, see Marks Sandon or Sandown ....... 302 Stapleford Abbots ......... 328
North Woolwich ............ 396 Tey ......................... 337 Sandpit Plain, see Epping 153 Stapleford Tawney ........ 328
Norton Mande"'lille ......... 257 Primrose Hill, see Brent- Seven Kings, see Chad- Staples Hill, see Epping. 154
Notley-Black ............. 257 wood........................ 55 well Street................ 77 Starling's Green, see
Notley-\Vhite ............ 258 Prittlewell, see Southend 309 Seward's End, see Saffron Clavering .................. 104
Oakley, see Ugley ......... Purfleet, see West Thur- Walden ................... 292 Stebbing ...................... 328
Oakley-Great .............. 258 rock, ........................ 344 Sewardstone, see Wal- Stebbing Green, see Steb-
Oakley Green, see Ugley 352 Purleigh ...................... 268 tham Abbey.............. 356 bing ......................... 329
Oakley-Little .............. 259 Quendon ...................... 269 Shalford ...................... 303 Steeple or ~teeple-cum-
Ockendon-Norih&South 259 Radley Green, see Willin- Shalford Green, see Shal- Stangate .................. 329
Ockendon Rokely, see gale Doe................... 380 ford . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ... 303 Steeple Bum pstead . ... . .• 330
South Ockendon ........ 259 Radwinter ................... 269 Sheepcote Green, Eee SteventonEnd,seeAshdon 20
Ockendon of the Seven Rainham ..................... 270 Clavering . ... .... ...... ... 104 Stifford ....................... 331
Fountains, sec North Rainsford End, see Sheering ..................... 303 Stisted or Stistead ......... 331
Ockendon ... , ............. 259 Chelmsford............... So 'Sheering Hall, see Shal- Stock ......................... 332
Oddwell, see Gesting- Ramsden Bellhouse. .... ... 270 ford ... ... ......... ... ... .. .. 303 Stocking Green, see Rad-
thorpe ......................166 Ramsden Crays... ... . .. ... 271 Shelley ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 304 "inter ... ...... ... ... ... ... 269
Old Heath, see Colchester 110 Ramsey ...................... 271 Shelley Hill, see Epping .. I 54 Stondon, orStot:tdon Mas-
Old Sampford or Sanford 301 Ramsey Isle, see Steeple. 330 Shellow Ho wells ............. 304 sey, or De l\Iarcy ....... 332
Olmstead Green, see Ranks Green,see Fairsted 157 Shenfield ..................... 304 Stones Green, see Great
Helions Bumpgtcad ..... 204 Rawreth or Raureth ....... 271 Shenfie}d Common, see Oakley ..................... 258
Ongar ad Ca tra, see Rayleigh ...................... 272 Brentwood ............... 305 Stourwood, see Ramsey 271
Chipping On"'ar ......... 260 Rayne or Rain e............. :l73 Shenfield Common, see Stow Maries ................ 333
O~ar-High ............... 262 Rettendon ................... 273 Shenfield .................. 305 Stratford ..................... 333
Orsett ........................ 262 Rettendon Common ...... 274 Shoe bury-North &South 305 Strawberry Hill, see
Osey, see Great Tooham .. 350 Richmonds Green, see Shoeburyness, see South Epping ..................... 154
Ostend, see Burn ham..... 69 Thaxted .................... 338 Shoe bury .................. 306 Street, see 'l'akeley ......... 334
Ounsley Green, see Barn- Rickling....................... 274 Shopland ..................... 3o6 Street Upper, see Kirby 223
ston ... .............. ...... 33 Rickling Green .............. 274 Shrub End,seeColcbester II2 Strethall ..................... 333-
0vesham,see Ma ching ... 248 Ridgwell ...................... 274 Sible Hedingham .......... 307 Strode or Stroude, see
Ovington ..................... 264 Ringwood, see Canewdon 71 Sibley's Green, see 'fhax- Mersea ..................... 249
Oxen End, see Little Rippleside, see Barking.~. 27 ted ......................... 338 Stroud Green, see Roch-
Bardfield .................. 25 Rivenhall ..................... 275 Silver End, see Rivenhall 275 ford ......................... 277
Oxney Green, ce Writtle 398 Rivenhall End .............. 275 Silvertown .................. 308 Sturmer or Stourmere ... 333
Paglesham or Paklesham 264 Rochford ..................... 275 Skipper's lsland,seeKirby 223 Surrex, see Feering ...... 159
Panfield ...................... 264 Roding Creek,seeBarking 27 Slamondsey or Slamsey, Sutton ........................ 334
Park, see M1stley .......... 251 Rodings (The), see Roo- see White Notley ........ 258 Takeley ...................... 334
Park-South, see Great things ...................... 285 Smith's Green,seeDebden 141 Tendring ..................... 335
Ilford .................... , .. 215 Rokely,see Willingale Doe 379 Smith's Green, see Take- Terling ....................... 336
Park-South,see Walton- Rolling Ground, see Har- ley ........................... 334 Termitts, see Terling ..... 336
on-the-Naze ............... 361 wich .......................• 193 Snares brook, see Wan- Tey Cross, see Great Tey 337
Park-Upper & Lower, Romeland, see Waltbam stead ....................... 365 Tey-Great .................. 336
see Lough ton ......•..... 236 Abbey ..................... 355 Snoreham, see Latching- Tey-Little .................. 337
Parkeston & Parkeston Romford....... ... .. . ....... .. 277 don ......................... 227 Thames Haven, see Fob-
Quay, see Harwich...... 194 Romford Common, see South Benfleet. .. . . ... ... ... 35 bing ... ....... .... ...... ... 162
Parndon-Great & Little 265 Romford ................... 278 South Fambridge ......... 158 Thaxted ...................... 337
Parsloes, see Barking...... 26 Roothings (The) ............ 285 South Green, see Great 'fheydon Bois -or Thoy-
Parson's Heath, see Col- Rophey Grn.see Ford End 162 Burstead ... ............... 70 don Bois .................. 339
chester . . .. . ... . .. ...... no Rophey Green,seePleshey 268 South Green, see I<'ing- Theydon Garnon or Ger-
. Pars wick, see Pattiswick 266 Rose Green, see Chappel. 77 ring hoe ... ... . ... .... ... ... 162 non ......................... 340
Passingford Bridge, see RoseValley,seeBrentwood 57 South Hanningfield ....... 190 Theydon Green,see They-
Stapleford Tawney ... ... 328 Rotten End, see Wethers- South Hill, see Manning- don Bois ................... 340
Pateswick, see Pattiswick 266 field ........................ 376 tree ......................... 245 Theydon Mount ............ 341
Pattiswick ..................• 266 RoundThicket,seeEpping 154 South Hornchurch ......... 210 Thorncroft, see Great
Pattocl<. Green, see Great Row Green, see Black South Ockendon ............ 259 Henny ..................... 2o6
Tey ........................ 337 N otley ..................... 257 South Park, see Great Thorndon Park, see West
Pebmarsh .................... 266 Row hedge, see East Ilford ...................... 215 Horndon ................... 213
Peldon ........................ 266 Donyland. ... ..... ...... ... 143 South Park, see Walton- Thorn wood, see North
Peltington, see Peldon .... 266 Roxwell ....................... 288 on-the-Naze .............. 361 Weald (Bassett) .......... 372
Penny Green, see Panfield 265 Roydon ....................... 288 South Shoebury ............ 305 Thorn wood Common, see
Pennyfeathers Green, see Roydon Hamlet, see Roy- South Weald ............... 372 North Weald (Bassett) 372
Fyfield ... ...... ... ... ... ... 165 don .......................... 289 SouthWoodford,seeWood- Thorpe, see Easthorpe ... 149
Pentlow ... ... ... .. . . ... . .. ... 267 Rudduck'sHill,seeAshdon 20 ford ........................ 387 Thorpe-le-Soken ........... 341
Perry Green, see Brad- Runsell, see Danbury.. ... 140 Southchurch ............... 308 'fhorrington or Thoring-
well-juxta-Coggeshall.. 45 Run well ....................... 289 Southchurch Wick, see ton .......................... 343
Perton End, see Debden 141 Rush Green, see Romford 278 Southchurch ............. 308 Thunderly, see Wimbish 380
Pewett Island, see Lan- Rushley Island, see Great Southend .................... 3oa Thundersley ............... 343
genhoe .................... 226 Wakering .................. 354 Southend- Lower, see Thurrock- Little (or
Pewett Island, see Kirby 223 Ryehill, see Epping ........ 152 Southend ................. 313 East) ....................... 343
Philpot End, see Dunmow 145 Sabines Green, see Nave- Southminster ............... 320 Thurrock-West ........... 344
Pier Avenue, see Clacton- stock ........................ 254 Spains End, see Cornish 'fidmgs Hill, see Halstead 177
on-Sea...................... 99 Saffron Walden ..........•.. 290 Hall End .................. 137 Tilbury-East & West ... 345
Pilgrim's Hatch, see St. John's Green, see Springfield .................. 321 Tilbury Docks, see West
South Weald .............. 373 Colchester ................. 109 Springwell, see Saffron 'Iilbury ................... 346
PitEea ......................... 267 St. Lawrence Newland ... 299 Walden .................... 291 Tilbury-juxta-Clare ....... 345

Tilbury Fort, see West Upshire or Upstra, see Weald-North (Bassett)·. 371 Wimbish Green,see Wim-
Tilbury .................. 34-6 Waltham Abbey ......... 356 Weald Gullett, see North bish ........................ 380
Tillingham ................... 347 Upton & Upton Park ...... 353 Weald (Bassett) ......... 372 W1tham ....................... 38:1:
Tilty ........................... 347 Vange ........................ 353 Weald-8outh ............. 372 Witney, see I<'yfield ........ 165
Tindon End, see Great Vineyards,seeGt.Baddow 23 Weeley ........................ 373 WitneyGreen, seeFyfield 165
Sampford ................. 301 Virley ........................ 354 Wenden-Great & Little, Wivenhoe ..................... 383
Tiptree Heath ............... 347 Wake Valley, see Epping 153 see Wendens Ambo .... 374 Wivenhoe Cross, see
Tollesbury .................. 348 Wakering-Great &Little 354 Wendens Ambo ............ 374 Wivenhoe .................. 384
Tolleshunt D'Arcy ......... 349 Wakes Colne ............... 136 Wendon Lofts ............... 375 Wix ............................ 385
Tolleshunt Knights ...... 349 Walbury, see Great Hal- Wennington ................ 375 Wix Cross, see Wix ...... 385
Tolleshunt Major (or lingbury .................. 173 Wesley End, see Stam- Wix Green, see Wix ....... 385
Magna) ...................... 349 Walden-Little, see Saf- bourne ..................... 323 Wokendon, see North &
Toot Hill, see Stanford fron Walden ............ 291 West Bank, see Barking 29 South Ockendon ......... 259
Rivers ..................... 325 Wall End, see East Ham 181 West Bergholt ............. 37 Wood Green, see Wal-
Toppesfield .................. 350 Wallasea, see Canewdon.. 71 West Donyland, see Col- tham Abbey .............. 358.
Torrell's Hall, see Willin- Wallasea Island, see Pag- chester ................... II2 Woodfield, see Stansted
gale Doe .................. 380 lesham... ....... ..... ... ... 264 West Ham ... ......... ... ... 189 Mountfitche.t ............. 326
• Totham-Great ............ 350 Walls Green, see Willin- West Hanningfield ......... 190 Woodford .................... 385
Totham-Little ............ 351 gale Doe .................. 380 West Horndon ............ 212 Woodford - South, see
Tower Hill, see Brent- Waltham Abbey or Wal- West Knock Sand, see Woodford .................. 387
wood ....................... 58 tham Holy Cross ...... 355 Southchurch ............ 308 Woodford Bridge, see
TumblerGreen,seeStisted 331 Waltham - Great or West Lee, see Langdon .. 226 Woodford ................. 386
Twinstead or Twins- Much ....................... 36o West Mersea, see Mersea. 249 Woodford Green, see
head ........................ 351 Waltham-Little .......... 361 West Rocks, see Walton- Woodford ................. 386.
Tye (The), see Margaret- Walthamstow ............... 361 on-the-Naze .............. 361 WoodfordWells,seeWood-
ting ........................ 248 Wolton-le-Soken, seeWal- West Thurrock ............. 344 ford ........................ 38&
Tye Common, see Great ton-on-the-Naze ......... 361 West Tilbury ................ 345 Woodham Ferrers or
Burstead .................. 70 Walton Naze Park, see West Warley, see Great Woodham l"erris ........ 395
Tye Green, see Elsenham 152 Walton-on-the-Naze ... 361 Warley ..................... 370 Woodham Mortimer or
Tye Green, see Nettes- Walton-on-the-Naze ...... 361 Wethersfield ................. 375 Little Woodham ......... 395
well ........................ 255 Wanstead ................... 364 White Colne ................. 136 Woodham Waiter ......... 396
Tyler's Green, see North Wanstead-New,seeWan- White Notley ................ 258 Woodredon, see Roydon .. 288
Weald (Bassett) . .. . .. .. . 372 stead . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. 366 White Roothing, see Roo- W oodridden Hill, see
Ugley ......................... 351 Wanstead Flats, seeWan- things ..................... 287 Epping ..................... 154
Ulting ........................ 353 stead ........................ 364 WhitehallPlain,seeEpping 154 Woolner Green,seeStisted 331
Undercliff Walk, see Wanstead Park, see Wan- Whitehouse Plain, see Woolwich-North .......... 396
Harwich .................. 194 stead ........................ 365 Epping ..................... 154 Wormingford ............... 396
Uphall, see Barking ...... 27 Warley Abbess, see Great Wicken Bonant or Wic- Wrabne&s .................... 397
Upminster .................. 352 Warley ..................... 370 ken Bonhunt ............. 376 Writtle ........................ 397
Upminster Common, see Warley-Great or West.. 370 Wickford or Wickfort ..... 377 Writtle Green, seeWrittle 398-
Upminster ............... 353 Warley-Lower,seeGreat Wickham Bishops .......... 377 Wyatt's Green,see Black-
Upper Dovercourt, see Warley ... ~ ................. 370 Wickham St. Paul.. ....... 378 more...... ................. 41
Harwich .................. 194 Warley-Little ............ 371 Widdington .................. 378 Wykeford or Wygeford,
Upper Green, see Langley 227 Warren, see Epping .... .. 153 Widford ...................... 379 see Wickford ............ 377
Upper Green,seeWimbish 380 Warren Hill, see Epping. 154 Wigborough-Gt. & Lt .. 379 Yardley !<'arm, see Thax-
Upper Kirby, see Kirby .. 223 Waterman's End, see WigbroWick,seeSt.Osyth 300 ted .......................... 338
UpperPark,see Loughton 236 Matching .................. 248 Willingale Doe, or Wil- Yeldham Great or
Upper Street, see Kirby .. 223 Waterside, see Bradwell- lingehall d'Eau ......... 379 Lower ..................... 398
Upper Yeldham,see Little juxta-Mare ... ............ 45 Willingale Spain ............ 380 Yeldham-Lit. or Upper 399"
Yeldham .................. 399 Watsoe, see Birdbrook ... 41 Wimbish ................... 380 York Hill. seeLoughton .. 236



With Reference to the Places under which they will be found in this Volume.

Abberton house, Deputy-Inspector General Edward Buckland, Robert Hamilton Williams esq. J.P. see East
William Bawtree M.D. see Abberton........................ 17 Tilbury ....•.........•.••....••.••........••••.......••..•. ·• ··· · •• 345
Abbot's hall, Humphrey Richard George Marriott esq. Burghstead lodge, Major-Gen. Brydges Robinson Bran-
J .P. see Shalford . .• . .• .. . . .• .•. ••• . .• .• •. .• . •. •• •. . •. .• . . •. .• ••• 303 fill J. p. see Billericay •• . •••. . ••••••••. • . . •••. ••. . . ••• ••••••••• • 39
Achnacone, William Henderson Mackenzie esq. see Campions, Frederick R. Matthews esq. see Harlow .••..• 192
Lexden ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... . ..... ... ...... ...... .••.•. .•. ... I I2 Champion lodge, Sir Claude Champion-de-Crespigny
Alresford hall, Mrs. Hawkins, see Alresford .............•• 18 bart. J.P. see Heybridge ....••.....•..••......••••.••..•..•..• 207
Alton park, John Smith esq. J.P. see Great Clacton .....• 102 Chesterford park, Harry Pickersgill Cunliffe esq. J.P. see
Apton hall, Lieut.-Col. Huntley BaconJ.P. see Canewdon 71 Little Chesterford ... ... . ... ... ... ..•.•••.•• .......... .••.....•..• 90
Ardleigh park, Capt. Algernon Garrett Scriven, see Colne house, George W. Taylor esq. & Lady Elizabeth
Ardletgh ..•...... , ................•..................••.....•...••• 19 Taylor, see Earls Col ne ....................•...•.•.••.••.....• 134
Ash don hall, ~lrs. Hayward, see Ash don .. . . . . .••..... .. •.• 20 Colne park, Henry Basham Dickinson esq. see Colne
Ashford lodge, Mrs. Tayler, see Halstead •.•..............• 175 Engaine. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . •• .. . . . . . . . . . •... .. . ..•... ...... .•. 135
Astles (The), Rochfort Astle Sperling e>q. see Castle Colne place, Waiter Edward Grimston esq. J.P. see
Hedingham . . . . . . .. . .• •. . . . . . • .•• . . . . . . . •• .•• . . . •. . . •• . . . •. •. . . •. • 74 EarIs Colne . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . •. . . • . . •. •. . . . . •. . ••••• ••. . . • ••• I 34
Attwoods, John Robert Vaizey esq. LL.lll., D.L., J.P. see Colneford house, Henry Charles Sloane-Stanley esq. see
Halstead .••.......•............•...•..••.•.•••••..•.••.•..••...••• 175 Earls Col ne ....•.....•...•.•..... ······················-········· 134
Auberies, Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George Burke J.P. see Coombe lodge, Mrs. Ind, see Cranham . . . . ... . ....•.... ..•.• 138
Bulmer ............................................................ . 67 Coo~ersale house,~lissArcher Houblon,seeTheydonGarnon 341
Audley end, Lord Braybrooke D.L., J.P. see Saffron Copford hall, fhomas. Haynes Harrison esq. see Copford 137
'\i\Talden ..•..•......•.........•••.•..•.••....••..•••..•.•••.••••••.. 29r Cop ford place, Col. Lord 13eaumont, see Copford . ....•..• 137
Baddow court, Henry William Smithers esq. see Great Copt hall, Ernest James Wythes esq. see Epping ..•..•..• 154
Baddow ............................................ ~ ........••...••• 23 Coptfold hall, Lloyd Mitford esq. see Margaretting •.•..• 247
Baddow hall, :Misses Greene, see Great Baddow ..•....•• 23 Crix, Edward Gibson esq. see Hatfield Peverel .••..•.••.•. 203
Baddow lodge, The Messrs. Marshall, see Great Baddow 23 Cut Hedge, George Courtauld esq. J.P. see Gosfield .....• 167
Bardfield hall, Peter Cowell esq. see Great Bardfield ....• 25 Dagnam park, The Hon. Lady Neave, see Noak Hill,
Barrington hall, George Alan Lowndes esq. M.A., D.L., Romford . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••.• • . .. . . . . . . •. •. . . . . . •••• 278
J.P. see Hatfield ................••...•.••....•••••.•••...•••••••• 201 Dalethorpe, James Dyer Tremlett esq. see Dedham ..•..• 142
Eaythorn park, King Viall esq. see Bird brook .••..•. ...... 41 D' Arcy house, John Henry Salter esq. J.P. see Tolleshunt
Beaumont hall, Arthur Hy. Stanford esq. see Beaumont 34 D' Arcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .• •. •• . ••. . • •••. . • . .• 349
Beech Hill park, Arthur Janion Edwards esq. D.L., J.P. Debden hall, Lady Gardner, see Debden ••.•••....•.•.....• 141
see altham Abbey ...........•..•....•......••.........••.•••.• 356 Down hall, Right Hon. Lord Rookwood P.c., D.L., J.P.
Belchamp hall, Samuel John St. Clere Raymond esq. J.P. see Hatfield ..............................•.....•.....•.....•..•..• 201
see Helchamp Waiter........................................... 35 Dudilrook, David Pende~raft Sellar esq. see Navestock ... 254
Belfairs lodge, Mrs. Miller, see Leigh .....................•.• 231 Durwards, Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise esq. D.L.,
Belhus, Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard hart. M.A., D.L., J.P. see Rivenhall ..............•.....•........•••••....•.••..•..• 275
J.P. see Aveley .............................. ..................... 22 Duvals (The), Edmund Wright Brooks esq. J.P. see
Belmont Castle, Edward Richard Parker esq. J.P. see Grays Thurrock . . . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . .. . . .• . . •. .• . •.. . . •. .. ... .. •..• z68
Grays Thurrock .•.... ... ... ...... .....•. ...... ..• ..• ... ... ......... 168 Dynes hall, Charles Brogden Sperling esq. D.L., J.P. see
Beredens, Robt. Thompson Stoneham esq. see Cranham 138 Great 1\laplestead ..•..............................••.•••...••.•• 247
Berwick place. Capt. William Johnson Howard Townsend Easton lodge, Earl & Countess of Warwick, see Little
J.P. see lfp.-f:field Peverel .••.•••••••••••..•..•.••••••••.••.••.•• 203 Easton ....••....•.........•... I.............................I...... I 50
Beslyn's house, Aaron Edward Adshead esq. J.P. see Eastwood Bury, Alien Stallibrass esq. see Eastwood .....• 151
Great Bardfield .. . . .. .....• .... ... ...... ..... .. ... ..• ..• .•.••• .•• 25 Elm grove, Edmund Birch Gibson esq. J.P. see Saffron
Bevingdon house, William Charles Parmenter esq. see Walden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . .• . . . . .. . .• .•• . •• 295
Belchamp Otten .•. ... . ... ... ...•.• ....... ..• ...•... .. •••.••... ..• 34 Elmhurst, Woodford, Mrs. Harrison-Smith,seeWoodford 388
Bexfields, Charles Alfred Onley Savill-Onley esq. J.P., Elms (The), Edgar Jones esq. J.P. see Great Burstead... 70
D. L. see Galleywood Common . .•• ..• •.. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .• ••• 166 Elms (The), Alan Sidney Wentworth Stanley esq. see
Bigods hall, Lady Fitz-Gerald, see Dunmow .•............. 145 Great Chesterford . . •.... . . . . . . •• . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . .• . . . . •• .• •. •• . •• 89
Birch hall, James Round esq. lii.A., M.P., D.L., J.P. see Elsenham hall, Sir Waiter Gilbey hart. J.P. see Elsenham 152
Birch •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . •. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 40 Eweland hall, Mrs. Parry, see Margaretting ..•....•.....•• 247
Birch wood, Mrs. Hi eh ens, see Birch........................... 40 Fairkytes, Joseph Fry esq. D.J,., J.P. see Hornchurch ..• 210
Birchwood, Robert Scott esq. see Dedham ... ... ... ...... ... 142 Fairy Croft, Joseph Charles Thomas Smith lii.A., J.P. see
Bishops hall, Lieut.-Col. Amelius Richard Mark Lock- Saffron Walden .......................................•.........• 291
wood lll.P., D.L., J.P. see Lambourne ...................... 225 Faulkbourn hall, Andrew Rchd. Motion, see Faulkbourn 158
Blake hall, James Jump esq. J.P. see Bobbingworth ....• 42 Feering Bury Manor house, Edward Catchpool esq. see
Backing hall, Charles J. Bolton esq. see Braintree ..•. ... 47 Feering ... . . . ... . .. . .. .. . .. . ... . •. ... . .. .•. ..•. .• . ...•..•. ••• •••••• 159
Backing place, Sydney Courtauld esq. J.P. see Braintree 47 Felix hall, Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry Ewart bart. K.C.B. see
Boleyns, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Geo. Savill J.P. see Backing 52 Kelvedon .............................................•....••..•.•. 221
Boreham house, Lieut.-Col. John Lionel Tufnell-Tyrell Fisher's, William Tanner Farncombe-Tanner esq, see
D.L., J .P. see Boreham .......••.•.. ... ..•... .••..........••.•• 43 Wakes Colne ....................................................... 136
Bovingdon hall, John English Tabor esq ..J.P. see Backing 52 Forest hall, John Lightfoot Newall esq. J.P. see High
Bower hall, Edwd . .1\Iolyneux esq. see Steeple Bumpstead 330 Ongar..................... .. .. . ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. .... ... . .. ... ... 262
Boxted hall, Capt. Harry Eley, see Boxted ................• 44 Forest house, Alfred Francis Puckrioge esq. sec Chigwell
Boxted house, Capt. Francis Peel, see Boxted . . . . ... . . •. . • 44 Row................................................................. 92
Boxted lodge, Lt.-Col. Augustine Hugh Lefroy esq. J.P... 44 Frettons, John Timbrell Pierce esq. :F.R.G.s., D.L., J.P.
Braxted park, Nathaniel T. Lawrence esq. see Great see Danbury .............••..•..........•........•.•.•...•••....•• 140
Braxted ........................•..•.•••••..•...... I. II....... I..... 45 Friday hill, Mrs. Heathcote, see Chingford ••• .••.... •••••• 94
Brick house (The), Mrs. Pollitt, see Wicken Bonant .....• 377 Gaynes park, Henry Joslin esq. D.L., J.P. see Upminster 353
Brightlingsea hall, John Bateman esq. J.P. see Bright- Gaynes park, William Swaine Chisenhale-:Marsh esq. see
lingsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . ••. . . •••. . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 I Theydon Garnon . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .• . •. . .. . . . .. . . . . . •• . . . . .. . •• 340
Brizes park, ReY. Charles Leopold Royds M.A. see Kel- Gildea hall, Mrs. Sulman & Henry Hollebone esq. see
vedon Hatch .••.••••• ~·· •••••••••.••••• ~·~········· .• 1 I •••••••• ~·, 223 Romf ord ..•••••••••••••..•••••••••••• I...................I.....I... 28 :x

Gillwell park, Wm. Alfred Gibbs esq. see Sewardstone ... 356 Marks hall, Mrs. Honywood, see Markshall .•••••.•...•... 248
Gilstead hall, A. V. Eyre esq. see South Weald ............ 373 Marshalls park, Mrs. C. P. Matthews, see Romford ...... 281
Gladwyns, Horace Broke esq. M.A., J.P. see Hatfield ..... 201 Millfield, Chas. Wm. Matthews esq. J.P. see South Weald 373
Goldings, Evelyn Heseltine esq. see Great Warley ........ 370 Mill Green park, Sheffield H. M. Neave esq. see
Gos.field hall, Mrs. Lowe, see Gosfield ... ..................... 167 Ingatestone ................ ~ .................................... 220
Gosfield place, Mrs. Sparrow, see Gosfield .................. 167 Mistley hall, Lieut.-Col. Edward MorrellJ.P. see Mistley 251
Grange (The), Captain Francis Douglass Boggis-Rolfe Mistley lodge, Edward Kensit Norman esq. D.L., J.P.
see Wormingford ......................................... 396
J.P. see 1\'Iistley ...................................................... 251
Grange (The), Mrs. Watson, see Thorpe-le-Soken ...... 342 Mistley place, Rev. Canon Charles Frederick Norman
Grays hall, Alfd. Sturgeonesq. J.P. see GraysThurrock 168 M.A., J.P. see Mistley .......................................... 251
Great Bromley hall, Robt. Unwin esq. see Gt. Bromley 63 Moat (The), Augnstus Maunsell Bradhurst esq. see
Great Gearies, Mrs. S. A. Whitbourne, see Barking Side 32 Pebmarsh .•• ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .. .. .... ...... ...... ...... 266
Great Nelmes, Harry Holmes esq. see Hornchurch ...... 210 Monkenhadley, Col. William Nevill Tufnell n.L., J.P.
Greenstead hall, Robt. Alien esq. see Greenstead Green 175 see Hocking ...................................................... 52
Grey Towers, Maj. Hy. Holmesn.L., J.P. seeHornchurch 210 Monkhams, ArnoldFrank Hillsesq. see WoodfordGreen 392
Grove (The), Captain Jasper Nicolls Harrison J.P. see Monks lodge, Thomas Frederick Miller esq. J.P. see
Great Saling ...................................................... 301 Great Maplestead ............................................ 247
Grove (The), Timothy Bevington esq. see Witham ...... 382 Moor hall, William Fowler esq. J.P. see Harlow ......... 192
Hadleigh house, Captain James Trotter, see Hadleigh ... 173 Mount Echo, Sheppard Thomas 'faylor esq. see
Hallingbury place, Lieut.-Col. G. B. Archer-Houblon Chingford ......................................................... 93
J.P. see Great Hallingbury ................................... 173 Mount Maskall, Captain John Desborough P. Walford-
Hampden house, James Williams Cook esq. J.P. see Gosnall, see Boreham.......................................... 43
Great Warley ................................................... 370 Moyns park, Major-General Cecil Robert St. John Ives
Hargrave park, The Misses Pulteney, see Stansted J.P. see Steeple Bumpstead ................................. 330
)Iountfitchet ..................................................... 326 Nether priors, Francis Harris esq. B.A. see Halstead ... I77
Hr~rts, William Henry Brown esq. see Woodford Green 392 New hall, Col. Archibald Impey-Lovibond R.E., J.P.,
Hassobury, Robert Gosling esq. D.L., J.P. see Farnham 158 D.L. see Ardleigh ............................................. 19
Hatfield place, \Villiam Michael Tufnell esq. D.L., J.P. New hall, James Tabor esq. J.P. see Sutton ............... 334
see Hatfield Peverel.. .......................................... 203 New lodge, Mrs. Catharine French, see Great Burstead 70
Hatfield priory, Christopher William Parker esq. D.L., Newton hall, Col. Alan Colstoun Gardner D.L., J.P. see
see Hatfield Peverel ..................................... 203
J.P. Dunmow .......................................................... 145
Havering park, Mrs. Mclntosh,see Havering-atte-Bower 203 Nithstlale house, Lieut.-Col. George W. Wood J.P. see
Hawkwood, Sidney Cooperesq. see Chingford ............ 93 Ingatestone ...................................................... 220
Highlands, Jamel! Gordon Stewart esq. see Dedham ... 142 Oakhurst, Mrs. Morgan, see South Weald ............... 373
Hillands, William Tinning esq. see Dedham ............... 142 Oaklands, Percy Adams esq. see Halstead .................. I77
Hill house, Richard Edward Rann esq. z,r.A., J.P. see Oaklands park, Joseph Stanley Matheson esq. see
Messing ............................................................ 250 1
Black~otley . ..................................................... 257
Hill house, Dedham park, Hatfeild James Back esq. see Old Hall (The), William Villiers Fowke esq. M.A., J.P.
Dedham... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . I 42 see Great Saling ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . ... go1
Hill place, Edwin Sydney Woodiwiss esq. see Upminster 353 Old House (The), Wm. Hy. Penroseesq. J.P.see Dedham 142
Hill Side house, H. H. Morgan-Brown esq. see Weeley 374 Orford house, Robert Woodhouse esq. see Ugley ......... 352
Holfield grange, Reginald Duke Hill esq. see Coggeshall 106 Orsett hall, Capt. Thomas Charles Douglas Whitmore
Hope house, Robert Johnson esq. see Little Burstead... 71 I D.L., J.P. see Orsett .......................................... 263
Hoppea hall, John Williams Benn esq. M.P., J.P. see Orsett house, Lewin Charles Cholmeley Ralston Norris-
U pminster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3 ElJ-"e esq. J. P. see Orsett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Horham hall, Rev. George West lii.A., J.P. see Thaxted 338 Over hall, William Edward Oates esq. see Gestingthorpe I66
Horkesley park, Captain Edward Barrington Purvis Park house, Miss Brunwin, see Bradwell-juxta-Cogges-
Kelso R.N., D.L., J.P. see Great Horkesley ········: ...... 209 hall ............................................................... 45
Hornchurch lodge, Mrs. Fenner, see Hornchurch ......... 210 Park house, Cornsland, Right Rev. Alfred Blomfield
Houghtons, Mrs. Prior-Jobnson, see Great Baddow...... 23 D. D. (Bishop Suffragan of Colchester), see Shenfield ... 305
Howe (The), Mrs. Hornor, see Halstead ..................... 175 Parndon hall, William Graham Bradshawesq. see Little
How hatch, Oscar Thompson esq. see Southweald ......... 373 Parndon ............................................................ 265
Hutton hall, Captain Digby Neave, see Hutton ............ 213 Peacocks, Edward Strangways Neave esq. see Mar-
Hyde (The), Harlen Corser esq. J.P. see Ingatestone ... 220 garettmg .......................................................... 247
Rylands park, Arthur Pryor esq. D.L., J .P. see Widford 379 Perces, Charles Wing Gray esq. J.P. see Greenstead
Jacques hall, George Simpson Hardy esq. see Bradfield 44 Green, Halstead ................................................. 175
Kelvedon hall, John Algernon Jones esq. see Kelvedon Pilgrims hall, Richard Joseph Walmesley esq. see
Hatch ............................................................. 223 South Weald ...................................................... 373
Kingsford, Horace George Egerton-Green esq. D.L., J.P. Pontlands, James Thomasin Foster esq. LL.M., J.P. see
see Stan,vay ...................................................... 328 Great Baddow. ... ...... ... ... ............ ...... ...... ......... ... 23
Kingsmoor house, Joseph Todhunter esq. J.P. see Great Priory (The), Rev. Asgill Colvile, see Earl's Colne ......... 134
Parndon ......................................................... 265 Priory (The), Capt. Arthur Leetham, see Writtle ......... 398
Knighton house, Edward North Buxton esq. D.L., J.P. Purfleet house, Chas. Whitbreadesq. see West Thurrock 344
see Woodford Wells ........................................... 394 Pyrgo park, William Edward Gibb esq. J.P. see Haver-
Langford grove, Lord Byron & Hon. Mrs. Byron, see mg-atte-Bower ................................................... 203
Langford ......................................................... 226 Queenborough, Mrs. Parris & Miss Rolfe, see Braintree 49
Langleys,Col. W. N. TufnellD.L.,J.P.see Great Waltham 360 Quendon court, Major Robert Biscoe J.P. see Quendon. 269
Lawford hall, Fras. Morgan Nichols esq. J.P.see Lawford 230 Quendon hall, James Bailey esq. see Quendon ............. 269
Lawford house, Right Hon. Sir John Eldon Gorst P.c., Rivenhall place, Mrs. Steele, see Rivenhall .................. 275
M.P., Q.c. see Lawford ....................................... 230 Rochetts, Sir William F. G. Guise hart. D.L., J.P., see
Lawford place, Major P. Turner Wills, see Lawford ... 230 South Weald ...................................................... 373
Lawn(The),Lt.-Gen.Edwd.Howard-VyseJ.P.seeWitham 382 Rochford lawn, Major Arthur Christian Tawke J.P. see
Lawn house, Elijah Wm. Barnett esq. see Southchurch 308 Rochford .......................................................... 276
Layer Marney hall, Chas. Maclean esq. see Layer Marney 231 Roman Hill house, Col. John Castell,see East Donyland 144
Lexden park, Captain Herbert Scarisbrick Naylor- Roydon lodge, Edward Exton Barclay esq. see Roydon .. 289
Leyland M.P., F.R.G.s., F.z.s. see Lexden ............... 133 Runwell hall, Thomas Kemble esq. ,J.P. see Runwell.. ... 289
Liston hall, Col. Frederick Palmer J.P. see Liston ...... 234 Ryes (The), Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D.L., J.P. & ·
Little Bard field hall, Richd. Creed esq. see Lit. Bardfield 26 Lady Florence, see Little Henny ........................... 206
Little Bentley hall, John Woodgate esq. J.P. see Little St. Leonards, Chas. Jas. Bury esq. J.P., D.L. see Nazeing 255
Bentley............................................................. 37 St. Leonard's grange, Mrs. J. C. Conybeare, see
Lofts hall, Miss Wilkes, see Wendon Lofts ............... 375 Fryerning .......................................................... 165
Loughton hall, Rev. John Whitaker Maitland M.A. see St. Mary's priory, William Howard Murphy-Grimshaw
Lough ton .................................... .................... 236 esq. see Prittlewell ............ ................................. 309
Lower park, John McGuffie Kirby esq. see Dedham ... I42 St. Osyth's priory, Sir John Henry Johnson J.P. see
Luptons, Lady Arrow, see South Weald ..................... 373 St. Osyth .......................................................... 300
Lynders Wood, Alex. Kay Barlow esq. see Black Notley 257 Sampford hall, Artbur Richardson esq. see Little
Lyons hall, Joseph Herbert Tritton esq. see Gt. Leighs 233 Sampford ........................................................ 302
Manuden house, Rev. Joseph Bernard Forster M.A. see Sewardstone lodge, Joseph William Melles esq. J.P. see
Manuden . .. . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. ... . . ..... .. ... . .. . . . ... 246 Sewardstone . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . ... ... ... . . . ... ... .. . . .. ... .. . ... 356
Maplestead hall, Charles Edward Brewster esq. J.P. see Sheering hall, Clayton Louis Glyn esq. J.P. see Sheering 303
Little Maplestead ............................................. 247 Shelley hall, John Alien esq. see Shelley ..................... 304
Shortgrove,James Bailey esq. see Newport ...........•...... 256 Tilbury hall, Robert Edward Vaizey esq. see Tilbury-
Shrubbery (The), Woodford, Robert Barclay Reynolds juxta-C1are ........•••....•••....••....••.•••.•••••.. · .•.•••... ·· • 345
esq. J.P. see Woodford ...................•................•..•. 389 Towers(The ), Thos. W estropeGayton esq. see SewardsEnd 292
Sloe house, Frederick M. Burt esq. see Balstead .........• 175 Towers (The), Edward Hammond Bentall esq. see Hey-
Sneating ball, John Salmon esq. see Kirby .••..•.........• 223 bridge ....••.••.•.... ,. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .•• . •. . . . . . . .• •. . •. . . . . •. .• . . . 207
Spencer grange, Lewis John Way esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. Trueloves, William lsaac Carr esq. see Ingatestone ... 22o
see Great Yeldham .....................................•....•.. 399 Upminster hall,George Palmer Hope esq.see Upminster 353
Spains hall, Col. Samuel Brise Ruggle8-Brise c.B., D.L., Wakes hall, Charles Page Wood esq. D.L.,J.P. see Wakes
J.P. see Finchingfield ..........................•.........•...... 161 Colne . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . . . . . . . ••• . . . . . . . .. . . •• . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Spains hall, Miss Brocket, see Willingale Spain . ... .. . . .. 380 Wallsgrove house, Mrs. Baring, see High Beech ......... 356
Spaynes hall, Charles Martin Wade esq. see Great Warley place, Mrs. Fredk. Willmott, see Great Warley 370
Y eldham . . . . .. . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . •. .. . . . . . .• . •. . . . . . . . .. . •. . . . . . . . . . 399 Warlies park,SirThomas Fowell Buxton bart.M.A.,D.L.,
Stansted hall, William :Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P., J.P. J.P. see \Valtbam Abbey ..................................... 356
see Stansted Mountfitchet . .... .. .. .. ... .. .• . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 326 Weald hall, Christopher John Hume Tower esq. D.L.,
Star stile, Robert Rutherford Morton esq. see Halstead. 175 J. P. see South W eald . •. . . . . . . . •. . .. •• •. .. . . . .•. . . . .•• .• •••• .. . 373
Stisted hall, James Paxman esq. J.P. see Stisted.... . .. 331 Weeley Manor House, John Weeley esq. see Weeley..... 374
Stockwell hall, Agnes, Countess of Mexborough, see Westwood house, William Macandrew esq. J.P. see
Little Burstead . . .. . . . . . . ... . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ••• .. . . . . . . . 70 Little Horkesle)r ................................................ 2og.
Stondon place, Capt. Henry George Ricardo R.A. see W ethersfield Manor house, Mrs. Marsh, see W ethersfield 376
Stondon ................•.... ~................. •• . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . 333 W ethersfield place, Gen. Charles William Thompson J.P.
Stonylands, Lieut.-Col. Richard Spurgeon Green J.P. see W ethersfield .. . .•• . . . . . . .. . .• . ••• .• • .•. . . . . . . . •• . . • . . . . . . .. • 376
see Dedham................. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..• 142 Wbitbreads, Mrs. Augusta Tawke, see Hockley .......... 208
Stour house, Wm. Herbert Dunnett esq. see Dedham ... 142 Wickham hall, Hon. Charles Hedley Strutt B.A., J.P.
Stour lodge, Mrs. Barton, see Brad field..................... 44 see Wickham Bishops , ......................................... 374
Stubbers, Champion Branfill Russell esq. ;r,P. see North Wilderness (The), Lieut.-Col. William James Lucas J.P.
Ockendon.. .. ••. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ••. . . . •• . . . . . .. ..... . . . .•• . •. •. . •. . . . . 2 59 see Wit ham .............•...•...........•..............•......... 382
Suttons, Sir Charles Cunliffe Smith hart. D.L., J.P. see Witham lodge, Adm. William Garnham Luard c.B.,
Stapleford Tawney ...........•.................................. 328 n.L., J.P. see V\'itham ....................•...........•..•••••.• 382
Temple h(mse, Charles Mead esq. see East Ham .......... 181 Wrvenhoe park, Sampson Hanbury esq. see Wivenhoe ... 384
Tendring Manor, Waiter H. May esq. see Tendring ...... 335 Wood hall, :\'lrs. Birch-Wolfe, see .Arkesden................ 20
Terling place, Lord Rayleigh LL.n., n.c.L., F.R.s., J.P. W oodham Mortimer place, The Misses Oxley Parker,
see rrerling ........................................................ 336 see ''oodham Mortimer ....................................... 396
Theydon Priory, Charles George Beaumont Hotham esq. Woodhill, l\Iajor Frederic Carne Rasch M.P., D.L., J.P.
see They don Garnon. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 34 I see Sandon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 303
Thoby priory, Lt.-Col. Arthur Chandos Arkwright J.P. Woodlands, Philip Savill esq. J.P. see Chigwell Row..... 92
see Mountnessing .............•...........................•...... 253 ·woodredon, Thomas Fowell Victor Buxton esq. J.P. see
Thorndon hall, Lord Petre, see West Horndon ............ 212 W altl1am Ab bey................................................. 356
Tilbury court, Lt.-Col. Frederick Dawson J.P. see ·wynter's grange, Henry Atherton Adams esq. J.P. see
Tilbury-juxta·Clare ........•.............•.•................•. 345 Harlow ....................•....................•................... 192


Abdy family,. Stapleford Abbots Bigod, Roge[', earl of Nodolk, Black Little Holland, Lalling, Milton,
Aldersey family, Berden Notley Shoreham, Southminster, Stansted
Alibone, Sir Richard, kt. Dagenham Bingham, lady Sarah, Lawford Mountfitchet, Stangate, Walton-on-
Alleyne family, Hatfield Peverel, Haze- Blackmore, Sir Richard, kt. Boxted the-Naze, "\Vendens Ambo, Wicken
leigh, StaDiford!-le-Hope,Lit. Waltham Blunt's Walls, Great Bur stead Bonant, "\Vickham Bishops, Wid-
Amberdon Hall, Debden Boadicea, queen, Epping, Messing d~ngton •
.Amibreys or Ambresibury, Epping Boleyn, Anne, queen, Green'Street, East Churchill,Rev. O'narles, poet & sabi'Tist,
Ancient Houses :-.Aveley, Barking, Horndon, Rochford Rainham
Beaumont, Berden, Birch, Castle Bonner, Edmund, bishop, Copford, Cinque Ports, members of,in Essex:-
Hedlingham, OhingfordJ, ChrishaJl, Dunmow, Feering Rowhedge, Brightlingsea, Wivenhoe,
Little Coggeshall, Lexden, Debden, Boothby family, Chingford! Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury
Dedham, Little Easton, Eastwood, Borough EngliSJh, custom of, Woodford Cod/ham Hall, WethersfieldJ
Faulkbourn, Feering, Fingringhoe, Botany gMdens, Purfleet Collins, Samuel, M.D. physician to the
Gosfield, Greensbreet, East Ham, Bourbon princes, Wanst·ead Czar, Braintree
Harlaw, Hatfield-Regis, Hornchurch, Bourohier, Bartholomew, 3rd baron Colte family, Roydon, Walbham Abbey
West Horndon, I111gatestone, Layer Bourchier, & wives, Halstead Compton, Hentry, bishop, Pleshey
Marney, Leyton, Tiin~sell, Manu- Bourclhie·r, Hemy, 1st earl of Essex, Comyns•, Sir John, kt ..judge, Writtle
den, Panfield, Rayne, Rwkling, Roy- & wife, Little Easton, Maldoo Connaught, Water, OhmgfoTd
don, St. OsytJh, Shelley, StUJTID.ere, BonTCJhieT, Sir Robert, kt. judge, Hal- "Oounos" or "Convennos Insula,"
ThoTpe-le-Soken, Tilbury-juxta- stead Canvey. Island
Olare Upminster, Wakes Colne, Bowyer Thomas mar'"~"" Dunmow Cooke. Sir .Antfuony, kt. RomfoTd
Southt Weald, Wendon Lofts, Bowyer,t William,t printer, VJ«'
Leyton "1""'1--
vvn1":all, " ~~ t h' p fl
n,~orma .ory s• 1p, ur eet
WetheTsfield Wicken-Bonant Wi- Bramston SiT John kt chief J·ustice Coi'seUts family, C(}lchester, Layer
venhoe. ' ' Roxwell' ' . .1.v.mrney, w·Ivenho~
' -..r-
Andrew, Sir William, bart. Downham BTistowe family, Little Baddow OrabtTee Wood,. Ohigwell
Andrewes, Lancelot, bishop, Horndon- British remains :-Bmintree, Ohadwell Oracherrode farryDly, Toppesfield
on-the-Hill St. Marry, NoTth Ockendon, Saffron Cressener fam1ly, Eal'ls Colne
Anne of Cleves, queen, Brentwood Waldlen Cromwell, 'ITh.ouyas, bar?n, .Brentwood
Aroher Sir John kt. J'udge & family Bromesho Bury Hatfield-Regis CTomrwell family, Chippmg Ongar,
'Dheydon Garnon ' ' ' Brown, Sir RiohaTd,' kt. & baTt. OrFelstead · Oli & R' h d L d
._ .. __

p te
e r, kt . d
. JU ge,
& D bd
e> en
p toct
11 ' ver
F 1 te d IC aT ' OT
family, Latton BTowne, Sir AntJhony, kt. judge, Brent- c rob s~rsJ, he s kat Th d G
cc A ----' " Ashd' d S th ·n:r ld TOS y, Ir o n, . ey on arnon
SutiDUUna, on woo ' ou nea Cu s· H kt L"ttl s
Asllmrst, Sir \~ llliam, kt. & family, Buckingham, Georrge (VillieTS ), duke f~:n, :r enry, · I e amp-
Castle ~edingham of, N ewpor~ . Cutts, Sir John, kt. Thaxted
Audley, Sir Henry, kt. Berechul'Cih Buckhul"st Hill, Eppmg Cunobelin's Gold Mines Ohadwell St
Audley, Sir Thomas, K.G. ISt baTon Bullock, Sir Edrward, kt. & that family, Mary, Little Thul'l'ock
.Audley of Walden; Colchester, saf- " Faulk?ourn, . D~Wre, barons (see BarTett-Lennard)
fron W~lden Burchmgas, Barking Daneholes, the, Chadwell St. Maxy
Ayloff, Sir w~. baTt. Great Braxted "CreS'aTOID3!plS," Chelmsford Little Thuuock '
Ba?on, Natharuel, Boxted ~alvert fam1ly, ~,errden Danet, Gerard, privy councillor, Tilty
Baize, man';lfacture of, Dunmow Oamalo~~umm, Colchester Danish remains Canewdon South
BalkeTne H1ll, Colichester " Camb01T1tum," GTeat OhestedoTd Shoebury ' '
Barclay, Alex. D.D. wTiter, Great Cammocke ~amily, Stow Maries D'Arcy family barons D' ATe Maldo
Baddow Cannon family, Rettend!on ' , y, n,
BaTfleur viscount U gley " Canceruinm " OhelmsfoTd St. OsY_th, Tolleshunt D Arcy
B aT1ee f'ami·1y, Cl'avel'lng
· 0anute or Knut,' ·
kmg, A h A
s don, sh- DDean family,
S · J 0hSt. Osyth
kt & ·r & s·
BarTett-LennaTd Thomas 17th baron in()'don Hockley eane, Ir n, · WI e, 11
Dacre & wife, 'Aveley ' Cap~l, Sir William, kt. & Capel DTUe De~le, kt. Great Maplestead
Bamington Hall, Old!, Hatfield-Regis family, Rayne Debank famLy, B-r:a~well .
Bartlow Hills, Aslhdon Carew rfamily, RomfoTd De Beaumont, :Wilham, 2nd VIscount
Bastwick, John, M.D. reformer, Carey, ven. aTchdeacon, Boreham Beaumo~t, Wiv~nhoe
Writtle Caroline,queen of GeOTgeiV. Southend De Beauvmr fa.!mly, Downham
Bateman, Eliza.beth, viscountess, Gt. Castell, Edmund, D.D. lexicographer, De Belhus family, Aveley.
Yeldham Habfield Peverel De Bohnn, Eleanor, Barkmg
Batten, SiT William, Walthamstow Castles :-Birch, GTeat Canfield, Castle De Bohun Humphn~y, earl of Here-
Battles :-Ashingdon, Canewdon, Ep- Hedingham, Ohadwell, St. MMy, foTd, Pleshey .
ping, Messing, Ugley ColcheSJteiT, Hadleigh, Chipping On- De B~ce or Brews fam1ly, Hatfield-
" Battleditches·," Saffron "\Yalden gar, Pleshey, Rayleigh, Saffron Wal- Regis
Baynard's Manor house, Rayne den, Stebbmg De ~urgh, ~ubert, earl of Kent, Had-
Bayning, Paul, viscount, Little Bentley Centenanians, Orsett, Wendens Am\bo letgh, Te;rlmg . . .
Be~Whcroft, Sri.r Robert,kt. lord mayor, Charles I. Broom.field De Corbeml, William, ATchbishop of
Leyron Charlotte, princess of Wales, SoutJhend Canterbury, St. Osyth
Beacon (llill, Harwich, GTeat Totham, "Ohekenihall," Ohignal De Crei family, Ramsden Crays
Wickham Bishops Ohevocs Hall, High Ongar De Cuttes family, .A.Tkesden
Beaumont, viscount, Wivenhoe Ohild,SiT Josialh,bart. & Richard, baTt. De Gi:fford, Sir John, Bowers Gifford
Bed~ll, William, bishop of Kilmore, earl Tylney, Wanst.ead De Knevynton, Ralph, Aveley
Black Notley Ohishall, John, bishop of London, De la Pole, Sir John,kt. & wife,Chishall
Beeleigh .Abbey, Maldon Ohishall De Langley family, Riclding
Bell, Dutch, Lexden Chiswick Hall, Chri.shall Delavaill, countess, Great BTaxted
BelvideTe tower, South Weald Churches & Chapels, ruined or de- Denny, Sir Edward, kt. & wife, Wal-, Sir Henry, bart. & Bendisb sbroyedl: :Moze, Birch, Bollington, tham .Abbey
family, Steeple Bumpstead Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Brentwood, De Mandeville, Geoffl'ey, earl of Essex,
Benson famdly, Clavering Chingford, Little Coggeshall, Fair- Black Notley,Pleshey,Sa:ffron Walden
BeTiffe family, Brightlingsea staed, Feering, Harlow,Little Henny, De Me~sing, Sir William, kt. Mes~ng

Derham, Wm. D.D., F.R.S. Upminster Fytche family, Gt. & Little Canfield Hulse family, Little llford
De Die, Eudo, "dapifer" to William ll. Gardiner family, Tollesbury Humfrey family, Rettendon
Colchester, Lindsell Gascoigne, Geo. poet, Walthamstow Humfreys, Sir Orlando, Barking
De Rochford family, Berden George, Sir Robert, kt. Garter Hunter William, martyr, BrentwoOd
De Skerwkyng, Roger, bishop of Nor- Gernon family, Birch, Little Leighs, Hute family, Ardleigh
wich, Terling Wivenhoe Hyklott family, Althorne
De Staunton, Anfrid, Alresford Gilbert, William, M.D. electrician, Ingelric, Saxon nobleman, Maldon
D'Engaine family, Upminster Colchester Inigo Jones, architect, Stapleford
De Vere, Alberic or Aubrey, earl of Gloucester, Eleanor, duchess of, Abbots
Guisnes, Earls Colne Barking Isabella of York, countess of Essex
De Vere, Sir Horatio, kt. baron Vere Golding Benjamin, M.D. philanthro- Little Easton '
of Tilbury, Castle Hedingham pist, St. Osyth "Ithancester," Bradwell-juxta-Mare
De Veres, earls of Axford, Castle Goring, Charles, 2nd earl of Nor- Jane, queen of Henry IV. Havering-
Hedingham, Earls Colne, Hatfield- wich, Leyton atte-Bower
Regis, Stansted Mountfitchet, Wi- Grange Hill, Chigwell "Jericho," Blackmore
venhoe Green, Sir Edwd. kt. Lit. Sampford Jordan or Cam river, Blackmore
D'Ewes family, Upminster Green bury, Writtle J oycelyn, Sir Thos. kt. Willingdal&
De Walden family, Rickling Gull, Sir William, hart M.D. Thorpe- Doe
De Wantone, Sir John, kt. & wife, le-Soken Kemp family, Finchingf..eld, Pentlow
Wimbish Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, kt. & Kent, earl of (see De Burgh)
De \Vochendon family, Brentwood Grimstone family, Bradfield, Peb- Kersteman family, Canewdon
Doodle Oak, Hatfield-Regis marsh Kidder, Richard, D.D. bishop of Bath
Doreward, Sir William, kt. & family, Guillim, John, pursuivant of arms, & Wells, Rayne
Bocking Walthamstow Kingsmill, Sir George, kt. judge, &;
"Dudeho," Doddinghurst Guisnes or Ghisnes, earl of (see De Kingsmill family, Easthorpe
Due Cane or Du Quesne family, Vere) Kinsman family, Horndon-on-the-Hill
Great Baxted Gull Sir Wm. hart. Thorpe-le-Soken Kirby Hall, Castle Hedingham
Dun, Sir Charles, kt. Theydon Garnon Gunfleet Sands, Clacton-on-Sea Knatchbull, Sir Norton, kt. Berden
"Durolitum," Leyton Gunpowder Plot, Barking Knight, Sir Henry, kt. East Tilbury
Dutch invasion, East Tilbury Gurney Samuel, philanthropist, West Knights Hospitallers of St. John;
Earthquake, Wivenhoe Ham Cressing, Lit. Maplestead, Purfieet
East family, baronets, Witham Gwynne, Eleanor (Nell), Newport Knights 'l'emplars, Cressing
Eastbury House, Barking Haddock, Admiral Sir Richard, & Knowle Sands, Maldon
Eastwood Lodge, Eastwood Haddock family, Leigh Knox, Eleazer, son of reformer, Great.
Edith, queen, Langdon Hainault Forest, Barking, Epping, Clacton
Edmund Ironside, Ashdon, Ashing- Lambourne Kortwright, Sir C. E. K. kt. Fry-
don, Hockley Hall, Joseph, D.D. bishop, Waltham erning
Edward the Confessor, Havering-atte- Abbey Kyngestone, Lady :Mary, Leyton
Bower, Langdon Hall Place, Earls Colne La Hogue, battle of, Ugley
" Effecestre," Bradwell-juxta-Mare Hankford, Sir Richard, kt. Ingrave Landguard Point, Harwich
Elizabeth, queen, Loughton, Thaxted, Harlakenden, Richard, & family, Earls Lathom family, Stifford, Upminster
Tilbury Fort Colne Laud, William, D.D. archbishop of
Elwes, John, miser, Theydon Bois Harold II. king, Waltham Abbey Canterbury, Manningtree, West
Episcopal residences: Danbury, Harsnett, Samuel, archbishop of Tilbury
F~ering, ~ambourne, Terling, York, ~igwel_l, Colchester . Laud, Rev. Erasmus, persecution of,
WICkham Bishops, Woodham Fer- Harvey, Sir Eliab, K.C.B. admll'al, Little Tey
rers Hempstead "Lawless Court," the, Rochford
Esdaile, Sir James, kt. Upminster Harvey, William, M.D. & Harvey Leaden \Yash, The Roothings
"Esse," Ashen · family, Hempstead Le Despenser, Henry, bishop of Nor.
"Essenduna," Ashdon . Hawkins, Sir Richard, Leyton wich, Lambourne
Essex, earls of (see Bourchier & de Hawkwood, Sir John, kt. military Leigh family, Chingford
Mandeville) adventurer, Sible Hedingham Lennox, duke of (see Stewart)
Evera~d, Sir Richard, kt. & Everard Heila, Domin_ic, of Flanders, & wife, "Leppe " & " Lasse," custom of,
fam1ly, Great Waltham Castle Hedmgham Writtle
Everard, Sir Anthony, kt. & wife, Henry VII. Castle Hedingham "Lessenden," Lexden
Great Waltham Henry VIII. Blackmore, Terling Lethieullier family, Barking
Exeter, duke of (see Holland) Herbert, J. R. R.A. Maldon Lichfield, earl of (see Stewart)
"Exmouth," training ship, Grays Hereford, earl of (see De Bohun) Lidgould family, Little Bentley
Thurrock Heron, Sir John, kt. Little Ilford Lindsell, - bishop, Witham
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, kt. 3rd baron; Hervey, Rev. Lord C. A., D.D. Great Lisle, Sir George, kt. Colchester
Colchester Chesterford Littleton family, North Ockendon
Fairlop Oak, Barking Hervey, Sir George, kt. & Hervey Livingstone, David, M.D. explorer,
Fairwell, Col. dep. governor tower of family, Romford Chipping Ongar
London, Stambourne Hervey, Sir Nicholas, kt. ambassador Locke, Jn. philosopher, High Laver
Falkland, Sarah, viscountess ; Wid- to Holland, Romford Louis XVIII. king of France, Gosfield
ford, Woodham Ferrers & Wood- Hicks family, knights & baronets, Lucas, Sir Charles, kt. Colchester
ham Mortimer Leyton Luther family, Kelvedon Hatch,
Feake, Samuel, governor of Bengal, High Constables of England, PlesheY Stapleford Tawney
Henham Higham family, Stapleford Abbots, Majendie family, Castle Hedingham,
Felton family, Pentlow Tolleshunt Magna Dunmow
Fetherston family, Stanford-le-Hope Highbed, Thos. martyr, Horndon- Maltravers, baron (see Fitzalan)
Fitzalan, Henry, baron Maltrav~rs, on-the-Hill Mandeville, Sir John, kt. Elmstead
Gosfield Holford, Sir Daniel, kt. & wife, West Mandeville, Geoffrey (see De Man-
Fitzlewis family, West Horndon, In- Thurrock deville)
grave Holland, Philemon, M.D. translator, Maplin Sand, South Shoebury
Fitzralph family, Pebmarsh Chelmsford Marneys, barons Marney; Layer
Fitzwalter, Waiter, 5th baron; Hen- Holland, John, Duke of Exeter, In- Marney
ham grave, Pleshey Martyrs, Protestant; Colchester,
Fitzwalter family, Little Baddow, Honywood family, Markshall, Great Horndon-on-the-Hill
Great & Little Dunmow, Shenfield Totham, Wakes Colne Mary I. queen of England, Sth. Weald
Fitzwilliam family, Elmstead, They- Hood, Thomas, poet, Wanstead Mashams, barons .Mashams; High
don Garnon Hostage, the, or Chantry House, Sible Laver, Manningtree
Flemings, colony of, Braintree Hedingham "Massinges " & " Methings," Messing
:Flitch of bacon, gift of, Little Dunmw Howard of Walden, Thomas (lord), Maurice, bishop of London; Chelms-
Floods & storms, Dagenham, .Danbury son of, Great Chesterford ford, Co~chester
}'oote Sir Thos. kt. & hart. West Ham Howard, Thomas, rst earl of Suffolk, Maynard, Henry, 3rd viscount May-
:Fortescue family, Faulkbourn K.G. Saffron Walden nard, & wife, Little Easton
I•'oster, Sir C. H. hart. Theydon Howard de Walden family, barons, & "Maypole Inn" of "Barnaby Rudge,"
Garnon earls of Suffolk, Saffron Walden Chigwell
Frv, Elizabeth, philanthropist, West Human skin on church door, Had- Meade, Thomas, judge, Elmdon
Ham stock Mede, J sph. B.D. theologian, Berden
!Mechl, J. J. agriculturist, Tiptree '' Portfl.ete," Purfl.eet stram.,ga, Sir John, kt. judge, Leyton
Heath Poyntz family, North Ockendon "Strode," the, Mersea.
Medicinal Spring, Hockley Prested Hall, Feering Strutt, Sir Denner, bart. & Strutt
"Meilanda," Mayland Purchas, Samuel, B.D. compiler of family, Little Warley
Merry, Sir Thomas, kt. & wife, Wal- travels, Thaxted Strype, John, M.A. historian, Leyton,.
thamstow Pyrton, Sir William, kt.Little Bentley, Theydon Bois
Mesopotamia Island, Springfield Little Braxted Stukeley, William, M.D., F.B.S. anti-
Middleton, Sir Thomas, kt. & wife, Quarles, Francis, poet, Romford quary, East Ham
Stansted Mountfitchet Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Ohingford Suetonius Paulinus, Roman general,.
Mildmay, Sir Hy. kt. Little Baddow Ratcliffes, earls of Sussex, Boreham Epping
Mildmay, Sir Waiter, kt. & Mildmay Ray, John, F.R.S. Black Notley Suffolk, earls of (see Howard)
family, Chelmsford Raymond family, Belchamp Walter Sunnedon," Ooggeshall
Mineral springs, Chigwell, West Til- Raymond, Sir Thomas, kt. Downham, Sulyard family, Runwell
bury Runwell Sworder, Rev. W. author,OldSampford
Monastic & ecclesiastical remains:- Rebow, Sir Isaac, kt. & family, Sylvester, Sir J. kt. Chingford
Barking, Berden, Birchanger, Black- Colchester Symonds,Edwd.M.A. theologian,Rayne
more, Great Burstead, Byknacre, Rich, Richard, 1st baron Rich, Fel- Symonds, Capt. Richard, royalist,.
Castle Hedingham,Little Coggeshall, stead, Hadleigh Black Notley
Colchester, Earls' Colne, Cressing, Rich, Robert, xst earl (lf Warwick, Symonds family, Great Yeldham
Little Dunmow, Hatfield-Peverel, Felstead, Rochford Talfourd, Sir T. N. kt. judge,Chelms-
Hatfield-Regis, Little Horkesley, Rich family, Felstead', Little Leighs, ford, Thundersley
Hornchurch, Latton, Little Leighs, Gosfield, Wrabness (& see Rycheo) Tallak.arne family, Ashen, Helion
Maldon, Mountnessing, Mucking, Richmond, duke of ((see Stewart) Bumpstead
Newport, Paytfield, Great Parndon, Riddlesdan family, Clavering Tasker, countess, 'Shenfield
Saffron Walden, Prittlewell, St. Rigby, Rt. Hon. R. & family, Mist[ey Taylor, Jane, authoress, Chipping
Osyth, Stansted Mountfitchet, Roberts family, Little Braxted Ongar
Steeple, Stratford, West Tilbury, Rochester, John (Wilmot), earl of, Taylor, Sir Robert, kt. W<Jodford
Tilty, Tiptree, Waltham Abbey, Wix Newport Tenures, singular :-Moreton, Rocb-
Monox, Sir George, kt. lord mayor, Rochford family, Berden ford, Shenfield
Walthamstow RocMord, earl of (see Nassau) Thistley Hall, Debden
Montagu, Lady Rachel, Felstead Roe, Sir Thomas, kt. M.P. traveller & Thoby Priory, Mountnessing
M<mtague, Sir Charles, Barking diplomatist, Leyton Thremhale Priory, Stansted Mount-
Moore, John Hamilton, hydrographer, Rolf or Rolfe fs.mily, Gosfield fitchet
Chingford Rood House, Coggeshall "Tidwalton," Heybridge
Monteagle, ba.ron (see Parker) Roman remains:-AshdQn, Braking, Tilney, Sir James, Rochford
Morant, Philip, M.A., F.S.A. county Birch, Birdbrook, Braintree, Great Tindal, Sir Nicholas C. kt. chief jus-
historian, Chignal, Colchester Burstead, Canewdon, Little Can:field, tice, Chelmsford
Mortimer family, earls of Mareh; Chelmsford, Great Chesterford, Gt. Trees, remaJI'ka.ble :-Barking, Hat-
Thaxted Clacton, Coggeshall, Colchester,Dun- field-Regis, Great Yeldham
"Myland," Mile End mow, Epping, Grays Thurrock, Gt. Trinity House, masters of the, Leigh
" Mucinga," Mucking Hallingbury, Leigh, Leyton, Little- Tryon, Sir Samuel,kt. & bart.Halstead
Nassau, William Henry, 4th earl of bury, Mersea, Messing, North Ock- Tudor, Edmund, earl Qf Richmond,
Rochford, K.G. & wife, St. Osyth end()n, Chipping Ongar, Pleshey, Barking
Neave family, South Weald Rayleigh, Rivenhall, The Roothings, Tudor,Jasper,earl of Pembroke,Barkng
Nether Hall, Roydon Prittlewell, TQlleshunt Knights, Wal- "Tumblestoun," Pleshey
Nevill, Sir Robert, kt. Witham bury, \Vanstead, Witbam Tumuli :-Birdbrook, Mount Bures,
Nevill, Lady Mary, Maldon Royal residences :-Blackmore, Bore- South Ockendon, Great Wigborough
Neville, Edmund, titular earl of West- ham, Gosfield, Havering-atte-Bower, Turketil, Danish chieftain, H<Jckley
morland, & family, East Ham Terling, Wanstead, South Weald Turpin, Richard, highwayman, Hemp-
NPville family, barons Braybrooke; Ruggles family, Finchingfield stead
Saffron Walden Russell, Edward, admiral Ugley Twedye or Tweedy family, Little
New Hall, Boreha.m Ryche Sir Richard kt. & wife, Little Sampf<Jrd, Stock
Newton, Thomas, D.D. bishop of Leighs Tylney family, Wanstead
Bristol, Shelley Sackville family, Mount Bures Tyrrell, Sir Henry, kt. & Tyrrell
Nore Light, South Shoebury St. Clere family, Danbury family; Ashdon, Downham, East
Norfolk, earl of (see BigQd) St. Cleres manor house, St. Osyth Horndon, Ingatestone, Tolleshunt,
Norwich, earl of (see Goring) St. Edmund, king of the East Angles, Magna, Willingaleo Doe
Nugent, Robert, earl & baron Nugent Greensted Umfreville family, Langham
& viscount Clare, Gosfield Sandys, Edward, archbishop of York, Uphill, Jacob, standaii'd bearer to
Obelisk, meridional & others, Ching- wife of & family, W<Jodham Ferrers English monarchs, Dagenham
ford, Old Sampford,Waltham Abbey Saxon Shore, Counts of the, Mersea Upton Park, West Ham
Oglethorpe, major-gen.James Edward, Sayer family, Colchester Urswqk, Sir Thomas kt. Dagenham
colonist, Cranham Scott family,Berden,Stapleford Tawney Vernon family, Maldon
Orford, Edward, earl of, admiral,Ugley Scratton family, Stanford-le-H{)pe Vallelllltin, .Sir Ja.mes, kt. Waltihamstow
Osmond, Thomas,martyr,Manningtree " Shaftesbury," industrial training Victoria&.A.lbert DookSI, Canning Town
"Othona," Bradwell-juxta-Mareo ship, Grays Thurrock Volunteer troops, Dunmow
Ouseley, John, divine & antiquary, Shingay, baron, Ugley Wade, Sir William, kt. ambassador,
Panfield Skreene, Wm. serjeant-at-law, Roxwell Manuden
Owen, John, D.D. Puritan divine, Smijth or Smytli, Sir Thomas, kt. Walbury Camp, Hallingbury
Cog~eshall Saffron Walden, Theydon Mount Waldegrave, Sir Edward, kt. & wife,
Oyster beds :-Bri~htlingsea, Burn- Smith-Burges, Sir Jn. bart. Havering Barley
ham, Colchester, Mersea, Tollesbury Smyth, Sir George Henry, bart. Bere- Waldegrave, Philip, Kelvedon Hatch
"Paille" or "Repell," Saffron \Valden church Waldegrave, Edward,&family,Lawford
Parker, William, baron Monteagle;, Sir Stephen, kt. & Soame \Yaldegrave, James, 1st earl, & James,
Barking family, Heydon 2nd earl, Navest<Jck
Paslow Hall, High Ongar Soane Sir John, kt. Colne Engaine Walde.grove,. Sir Wm.TheydiOII. Garnon
Pateshull family, Tolleshunt Knights "Sokens," the, Walton-on-the-Naze Waldegrave family, earls Waldegrave;
Peck family, Little Sampford Southcote, John, judge, Witham Borley, Lawford, Navestock, They-
Piers, William, bishop, Walthamstow Springham family, Little Badd<Jw don Garnon .
Pelly, Sir John Henry bart. Plaistow Stangate Priory, Steeple Wald~n, Roger, b1shop.'Saffron Walden
Penn, Wm, Puritan colonist, Ohigwell Stanley, Sir Edward, K.B. & wife, Walsmgham, ~ame~,L1ttle Chesterford
Petre, barons, & Petre family, In- Walthamstow Waltham family, L1ttle Waltham
gatestone, Stanford Rivers, Writtle Stewart, Charles, duke of Lennox & Walton, Brian, D.D. bishop of Chester,
Pewett Island, Langenhoe Richmond, & earl of March & Lich- Sandon
Pilborough, John,judge, Great Totham field, Woodford Wal~<Jn, Hon. Sir George, admiral,
Pil,.rims' Hatch, Brentwood "Stibinga," Stebbings Little Burstead
Pin"'chon, Sir Edward, kt. & Pinchon Stonehouse family, Debden Warwick, earl {)f (see Rich)
family, Writtle Stonnard family, Loughton, Stapleford Watsoe Camp, Birdbrook
Plantagenet, Thomas, of Woodstock, Abbots \Yeleigh Hall, Fairstead
Duke <Jf Gloucester, Barking,Pleshey Stopford, viscountess, Littlebury Wentworth, Sir John, kt. Gosfield
Pope, Sir Charles, bart. Waltbamstow Stour House, Dedham Wentworth, Sir Roger, kt. Gosfield

Western family, Rivenhall Wi~eman, Sir William, kt. & family; Wright, Sir Nathan, bart. & Sir Ben
Weston family, Roxwell Great & Little Canfield, Rivenhall, jamin, bart. Cranham ~
Wharton, Thomas, secretary to Queen Stisted, Willingale Doe, Gt.Waltha.m Wright family, Kelvedon Hatch
Henrietta Maria, Thorpe-le-Soken Wiseman Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Wyatt family,Lit. Canfield, Tillinghaxn
"Whispering Court," the, Rochford D.D. cardinal archbishop, Leyton Wydelin, Lady, Fairstead
W~i~aker, Sir Edward,admjral, Leigh Witherings, Thos. postmaster-general, Wynnyffe, Thomas, bishop of Lincoln
Wip~am the Conqueror, Barking Hornchurch & family, Lambourne '
W:illiamson,Dorothy,centenarian,Orsett Withers family, Arkesden Younge Patrick, librarian to Charles I
Wmstanley, Henry, architect, Little- "Wokindon," Ockendon Broomfield '
'bury ,"Woodredon," Roydon Younge family, Roxwell


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:Jpecial for Local :Boards aDd. Publio

ESSEX is one of th~ metropolitan shires and takes its miles long,
waters south-east Essex and is navigable
name from the commonwealth of the East Saxons (one from Hull Bridge to the North Sea; Ilurnham is its
of the English hordes which settled in South Ilritain), port: the Bromhill is a creek, xo miles long, and navig-
ard of wh1ch 1\-fiddlesex, London and Hertfordshire after~ able for 7 miles tO! near Rochford: the river Chelmer,
wlrds formed part. After the Euskardians and Celts 46 miles long, rising in the north-west near Debden and
hbd been dr ven out, Essex was held by the Ilelgic tribe flowing south, passes Dunmow and Chelmsford, where it
f the Trinobantes until the Roman inroad. Of the is made navigable, thence east to Maldon (its port), re-
omans it was a great seat and here was. their city of ceiving the Ter, 13 miles long, the Wid and Cann, 14
_, mulodunnm. The Welch, again becoming masters, miles long, and the Sandon Ii"rook, ro miles long; near
vtre dnven out by the East Saxons. The chief clans Maldon it joins the Illackwater, which has, for its feeder
ancerned in the settlement were the Tilling, Hailing, the Pods brook: the Colne, 35 miles long, rises on the
Nnning, Thurring, Ilenning, Billing, Horning, Manning, northern border near Birdbrook, becomes navigable at
T ting, Bucking and Dunning, being the same as those Colchester, and receiving the Roman river, flows into
ngaged in the settlement of East Anglia. In 823 it came the North Sea: the Holland creek falls' into the North
tder the sway of the West Saxons under Egbert, Sea at Little Holland: the Stour is about so miles long,
though more than once given up to the Danes. becomes navigable at Sudbury a.nd passes the ports of
1 The county is of an irregular shape, being :in its Manningtree and Harwich to the North Sea : in the
jgr a test length, from north-east to south-w~st, 63 miles; north-west the Cam and Slade brooks pass into Cam·
fit contains 985,545 acres, being the tenth English shire bridgeshire
fo} siZe. In 1881 its population was 576,434; and in The railways of Essex belong to the Great Eastern •
B!)r was 784,258; males, 389,949; females, 394,309; system, one great branch, under the name of the Cam-
number of inhabited houses in 1891 was 146,o47; bridge line, going from London north, by Stratford,
lur -'- 9,698; being built, 1,354. On the east and Waltham Abbey, Broxbourne Junction (with branches
onth-east the county is bounded by the North Sea; to Hertford and Buntingford), Ilishop's Stortford and
n the south by the Thames, which flows between it Audley End (with a branch through Saffron to Bartlow
m: Kent; on the east by the Lee against Middlesex on the Haverhill and Suffolk line), to Cambridge, New-
by the Start against Hertfordshire; on the north by market and the east of England; and the other north-
and on the north-east by the Stour, separa- east, the Eastern Union line, by Ilford, Romford, Bren:!;-
it Suffolk On the east the shore is broken wood, Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Witham, Colchester.
lb~ the deep friths and creeks of the Stour, Colne, Black- and Manningtree, to Ipswich and Norwich, with branches
rw.ter, Crouch and Thames. from Witham Junction southward to Maldon, thence to
Tme of High Water on the Full and Change of the Moon Ilurnham and Southminster, and to Rayleigh (on the
at the following places on the coast of Essex:- Southend line), and north and west to Braintree and
Dunmow, from Marks Tey junction to Sudbury and
Bury St. Edmunds, from Manningtree junction to Har-
High RISE.* wich ; from Shenfield, near Brentwood, on the Colchester
Water line, the line to Billericay has been continued to Roch-
Full & ford and Southend, giving a second means of aecess 1h
Change. Springs. Neaps. that town; between the Cambridge and Eastern Union
lines is the line through Leyton, Leytonstone, W oodford,
Buckhurst Hill, Loughton and Epping to Ongar and
b m. feet. feet. another to Walthamstow and Chingford; from Romford.
lar"tch Harbour ..•............... 0Ill6 9~ is a short line to Chadwell Jkath. In the south-west
r,:-'rwel River, Pinmill ............ ... 0 20 12 a short line runs from Stratford to the Victoria Docks
g rwel River, Downham Reach .. .
~wel Riva~ Ipswich •...........
0 27
0 35
and North Woolwich on the Thames, and another, from
Stratford through Forest Gate, to Barking. The Ten-
Stour River, Wrabness .......•...• 0 29 12 dring Hundred railway runs from Colchester to Wivenhoe-
StourRiver, Mistley Quay ...... . 0 48 11{ (with a branch to Brightlingsea) and Walton-on-the-
'our-River, Cattawade Bridge .. I 8 4i Na~e, with a branch from Thorpe to Clacton-on-Sea.
fbe :!'ctze ............................. . 0 6 12! IO In the north there is also the Colne Valley railway,
0 !ne River, Col ne Point ......•... noon 14 10 commencing at the Chapel junction, on the Sudbury
C lne River, Wivenhoe ........... . 0 10 15 IO branch line, and passing through Halstead and Castle-
Bldcovater River, Scales Point ..• noon 14~ 10 Hedingham to Haverhill, Suffolk. Connection with the
B!ac{water River, Heybridge ... 0 20 12 8 Northern and Midland railways is effected via Peter-
Cheher River, Maldon .....•.•... 0 32 10 6 borough. The Midland railway have direct communi-
Crnnieet Sand, N.E. End ........ . l i 40 12 8 cation with the Southend line from St. Pancras via East
f'ronch River, Foulness ........... . 0 5 14~ 10~ Ham. The London, Tilbury and Southend railway from
'r uc'l R1ver, Hull Bridge ...•.. 0 25 16 II
Fenchurch street passes through Barking, Purfleet.
T'f p in Light ....................... . 0 5 14! wt Grays, Tilbury (from which is a ferry to Gravesend),
• •
Stanford-le-Hope (with a branch to Thames Haven)
*3 t1e r1se of the tide is meant its vertical rise- above Pitsea Junction, Leigh, Southend and Shoeburyness.
the mean low water level of spring tides. The direct line of the London, Tilbury and Southend
railway from Ilarking to Pitsea diminishes the distance
The Tham s flows thrr'ng-h LonJon tn the North Sea, from London to Southend, from 43 to 36 miles.
h n sev r 1 quays, bur no gT";lt have:! on the Essex The county has much rich meadow ground on the
1 .,« and the limits of the P· ::- t ('! London exterd to shores of the brooks and marsh lands on the friths and
I v- ogore creek in this county. ThP Lee, and its creeks : on the shore are many marsh islands, like those
tl. the St rt, are navigable, passing through Ilishop's of Holland; of these Canvey, Foulness, Wallases, Mer-
S »'t rd, Harlow and Waltham Abbey; the Roding sea, Horsea, Havengore and Potton are the greati!st:
~ Q. :E as on Park, near Dunmow, and flows south for much of the shore is sheltered against the tides and
-a on.t ~L6 nules past Ongar to Ilford, where it becomes storms by dykes and sea walls. The inland parts are
naviga e, a d, passing Ilarking, joins the Thames: the somewhat hilly and well timbered: the highest hills of
B rr b ook, 12 miles long, falls into the Thames at the London clay, which do not exceed 300 feet, are High
Dag-enham: thE" Ingerbourne ;. ises in South 'Weald and Beech, near Waltham .Abbey, Danbury, Tiptree Heath,
'~lls into the T!tames near Rainham. the Marditch, 12 near Witham, and Laindon Hills, near Brentwood..
rJ:\'l,s l';Jng, for..:us a creek at Pur£.~e~; the Crouch, 25 Ess~x, of which Chelmsford is the assize town, is
included within the South-Eastern Circuit, and forms field, Foxearth, Gestingthorpe, Gosfield, Great Henll)', J,
ooe court of Quarter Sessions and is divided into I!S Great Maple stead, Great Saling, Great Y eldham, Hal-
petty sessional divisions. Part of Becontree hundred stead, J.amarsh, Liston, Little Henny, Little Maplestead,
viz. Barking, East Ham, West Ham, Little Ilford, Low Little Yeldham, Middleton, Ovington, Panfield, Peb-
Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, St. Mary Woodford marsh, Pentlow, Rayne, Ridgwell, Shalford, Sible Hed-
and Chingford is within the bounds of the Central ingham, Stambourne, Stabbing, Steeple Bumpstead,
Criminal Court, and with Dagenham, Chadwell Heath, Stisted, Sturmere, Tilbury, TGppesfield, Twinstead,
Waltham Abbey, Loughton and Chigwell, under the Wethersfield and Wickham St. Paul's.
jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. Hundred of Lexden :-Aldham (Witham division),
The shire is ecclesiastically within the diocese of St. Birch (Colchester division), Boxted, Chapel or Ponti~
Albans and divided into two archdeaconries: Colchester, bright (Witham division), Copford, Dedham (Colchesta-
sub-divided into the rural deaneries of Ardleigh and division), Earls Colne, East Donyland, Easthorpe, E~
Harwich, Braintree, Coggeshall, Colchester, Dedham, gaine Colne (Witham division), Fearing (Witham divi.
Halstead, Harwich, Hatfirud Peverel, Hedingham, Mersea, sion), Fordham (Colchester division), Great Coggeshal
Newport, Saffron Walden, St. Osyth, Sampford, Witham (Witham division), Great Horkesley, Great Tey (Withan
and Yeldham ; and Essex, sub-divided into the rural division), lnworth (Witham division), Langham (Col-
deaneries of Barking (North and South), Barstable, chester division), Little Horkesley (Colchester division).
Canewdoo, Chafford, Chelmsford, Chigwell, Danbury, Little Tey (Witham division), Marks Tey (Witham div~
Dengie, Dunmow, Harlow, Ingatestone, Lambourne, Mal- sion), Markshall (Witbam division), Messing, Mount BurE!!
don, Ongar, Orsett, Rochford and Roding: Ballingdon, (Colchester division), Pattiswick (Witham division).
a suburb of Sudbury in Suffolk, is in the diocese of Stanway (Colchester division), Wakes Colne (Witham
Ely. There are no cathedrals or great endowments. division), West Bergholt (Colchester division), White
The county contains 413 civil parishes and parts of 3 Colne (Witham division), Wormingford and Wivenhoe
others. The Municipal boroughs are :-Chelmsford, (Colchester division).
population in 1891, II,oo8; Colchester, population, Hundred of Ongar :-Abbots Roothing, Beauchamp
34,559; Harwich," population, 8,202; Maldon, population. Roothing, Bobbingworth, Chigwell, Chipping Ongar,
5,397; Saffron Walden, populatioo, 6,104; Southend-on- Fyfield or Fifehead, Greenstead, High Laver, High Ongu,
Sea, 12,333. Kelvedon Hatch, Lambourne, Little Laver, Loughton,
Other towns are: ~arking, 14,301; Braintree, 5,303; Magdalen Laver, Moreton, Navestock, North Wea14
Witham, 2,966; Halstead. 6,o56; Romford, 8,733; Bassett, Norton Mandeville, Shelley, Stamford Rivers,
Brentwood, 4/>53; and Woodford, II,024. Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney, Stondon Massey,
The county forms nineteen hundreds : the following is Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon and Theydon Mount.
a list of the hundreds, with the places included in Hundred of Rochford :-Ashingdon, Barling, Canewdon,
each:- Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great Waker-
Hundred of Barstable :-Bassildon, Bowers Gifford. ing, Hadleigh, Hawkwell, Hockley, Leigh, Little Stam-
Bulphan, Ohadwell St. Ma.ry, Oorringham, Doddinghurst, bridge, Little Wakering, North Shoebury, Paglesham,
Downham, Dunton, East Horndon, East Tilbury, Fob- Prittlewell, Ra:wreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shopland,
bing, Gre8it Burstead, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Hutton, Southchurch, South Fambridge, South Shoebury, Sutton
Ingrave, Laindon, Langdon or Laindon Hills, Little and Thundersley (part of).
Burstead, Little Thurrock, Mucking, Nevendon, North Hundred of Tendring :-.Alresford, Ardleigh, Beau·
Benfleet, Orsea, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden mont-cum-Moze, Bradfield, Brightlingsea, Elmstead
Crays, Shenfield, South Benfleet, Stanford-le-Hope, Frating, Frinton, Great Bentley, Great Bromley, Greru
Thundersley (part of), Vange, West Horndon, West Clachm, Great Holland, Great Oakley, Kirby-le-Soken
Tilbury and Wickford La.wford, Little Bentley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton
Hundred of Becontree :-Barking, Dagenham, East Little Holland, Little Oakley, Manningtree, 1\listley
Ham, Little Ilford, Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Wan- Ramsey, St. Osyth-Chich, Tendring, Thorpe-le-Soken
stead, West Ham and Woodford! Thorrington, Walton-le-Soken or Walton-on-the-Naze r
Hundred of Chafford :-Aveley, Brentwood, Childer- Weeley, Wix and Wrabness.
ditch, Cranham, Grays Thurrock, Great Warley, Little Hundreds of Thursta.ble :-Goldhanger, Great Totham,
Warley, North Ockendon, Rainham, South Ockendon, Heybridge, Langford, Little Totham, Tollesbury, Tolles-
South Weald, Stifford, Upminster, Wennington and West hunt D' Arcy, TolleRhnnt Knights, Tolleshunt Major or
Thurrock. Beckingham and Wickham Bishops.
Hundred of Chelmsford :-Blackmore, Boreham, Hundred of Uttlesford :-Arkesden, Birchanger, Ch.-is-
Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignall St. James, hall, Debden, Elmdon, Elsenham, Great Chesterhrd,
Chignall Smealey, Danbury, East Hanningfield, Fryern- Great Ohishall, Henham (part of), Heydon, Little C1es·
ing, Great Baddow, Great Leighs (part of), Great Wal- terford, Little Chisha.ll, Littlebury, Newport, Quen4.on,
tham, Ingatestone, Little Baddow, Little Leighs, Little Rickling, Stansted Mountfitch~.>t (part of), StreH.all,
Waltham, Margaretting, Mountnessing, Rettendon, Rox- Takeley, Wendon Lofts, Wendons Ambo, Wicken Bomnt,
well, Runwell, Sandon, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Widdington and Wimbish.
Stock, West Hanningfield, Widford, Woodham Ferrers Hundred of Waltham :-Chingford, Epping, Nazting,
and Writtle. Roydon (part of), and Waltham Abbey or Waltham loly
Hundred of Clavering :-Berden, Clavering, Farnham, Cross.
Henham (part of), Langley, Manuden, Stansted Mount- Hundred of Winstree :-Abberton, East Mersea,
fitchet (part of), Ugley. ringhoe, Great Wigborough, Langenhoe, La.ver Brrton.
Hundred of Dengie :-Althorne, Asheldham, Bradwell, Layer-de-la-Hay, Layer Marney, Little Wigborough,
Burnham, Cold Norton, Creeksea, Dengie, Hazeleigh, Peldon, Salcott, Virley and West Mersea..
Latchingdon, Mayland, Mundon, North Fambridge, Pur- Hundred of Witham :-Black Notley, Bradwell-r~\­
leigh, St. Lawrence Newland, Southminster, Steeple, Coggeshall, Cressing, Fairsted, Faulkhouyn, G-reat
Stow Maries, Tillingham, Wootlham Mortimer and Wood- Braxted, Great Leighs (part of), Hatfield Peverel, Ke:tve-
ham Waiter. don, Little Braxted, Little Ooggeshall, Rivenhall, Terling,
Hundred of Dunmow :-Aythorp, Roothing, Barnston, Ulting, White Notley and Witham.
Berners Roothing, Broxted, Chickney, Good Easter, The Registration Districts are :-
Great Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Eastoo, High No. :J.Ii ame. Area. Pop. in !891.
Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothing, Lindsell, Little
Canfield, Little Dunmow, Little Easton, Margaret Rooth- 186 West Ham............... 18,8o7 365,134
ing, Mashbury Pleshey, Shallow Bowells, Thaxted, Tilty, 187 Epping .... . .....•.....• 48,199 26,137
White Roothing with the hamlet of Morrell Roothing, 188 Ongar ..................... 47,1Z30 IO,S57
Willingale Doe and Willingale Spain. 189 Romford .... .•. ......... 47,663 5o,Jt3
Hundred of Freshwell :-Ashdon, Bardfield, Saling, 190 Orsett ..................... 41,365 27, ·to
Great Bardfield, Great Sampford, Helion Bumpstead, 191 Billericay .... ............ 49,850 20, 5~
Hempstead, Little Bardfield, Little Sampford and Rad- 192 Chelmsford ............. 86,165 34, 1'St
winter. 193 Roehford •.• ..•. ... ...... 63,132 30,t'qt
Hundred of Harlow :-Great Hallingbury, Great Parn- 194 Maldon .................. 89,421 23,.(.8
don, Harlow, Hatfield Broad Oak or Hatfield Regis, 195 Tend ring .•• .... ... ... ... 84,491 37.403
Latton, Little Hallingbury, Little Parndon, Matching, 196 Colchester ............... n,331 34•559
Netteswell, Roydon (part of) and Sheering. 197 Lex den ............ .....• 71,036 2t,S90
Hundred of Hinckf<>rd :-Alphamstone, Ashen, Balling- 198 Halstead............ .....• 39,360 16,869
don-cum-Brundon, Belchamp Otten, Belchamp St. Paul, 199 .Hraintree ................ 68,286 28,41!1
Belchamp Waiter, Birdbrook, Bocking, Borley, Braintree, 200 Dunmow ................ 73,503 1 ,67~
Bulmer, Bnres, Castle Hedingham, Felstead, Finching- _2_o_I__~_S_a_ff_r_on_W_al_d_e_n_.._._.._•._..___6...:.4•=-8_8_2_ _ _1 ,95' -t-
The following list of the unions shows the places included LEXDEN & WINSTREE UNION.
in each:- Abberton Layer Breton
BILLERICAY UNION. Aldham Layer-de-la-Hay
Basildon ( Chapelry) Little W orley Birch Layer Marney
Bowers Gifford (Hamlet) Mountnessing Boxted Little Horkesley
Brentwood Nevenrlon Chappel, or Pontisbright Little Tey
Childerditch North Benfieet Cop ford Little Wigborough
Downham Pitsea Dedham Marks Tey
Dunton Ramsden Bellhouse East Donyland Messing
East Horndon Ramsden Crays Easthorpe Mount Bures
Great Burstead Shenfield East Mersea Peldon
Hut ton South W eald Fingringhoe Salcott
Ingrave Varge Fordham Stanway
Lain don West Horndon Great Horkesley Virley
Lee Chapel Wickford Great Tey Wakes Colne
Little Burstead Grey Wigborough West Bergholt
BRAINTREE UNION. In worth West Mersea
Bl~ck N otley Little Coggeshall Langenhoe Wivenhoe
Hocking Markshall Langham W ormingford
Bradwell next Coggeshall Panfield MALDON UNION.
Braintree Pattiswicke All Saints (Maldon) North Fambridge
Creasing Rayne AI thorn Purleigh
Fairstead Rivenhall Asheldam St. Lawrence Newland
Faulkbourn Shalford Bradwell-near-the-Sea St. Mary (Maldon)
Feering Stisted Burnham St. Peter (Maldon)
Finchingfield Terling Cold Norton Snoreham
Great Coggesball W ethersfield Creeksea Southminster
Great Saling White Notley Dengie Steeple
Hatfield Peverell Witham Goldhanger Stow Maries
Kelvedon Great Braxted Tilling ham
Great Totham Tollesbury
Boreham Little Waltham Hazeleigh Tolleshunt D'Arcy
Broomfield Margaretting Heybridge Tolleshunt Knights
Buttsbury Mashbury Langford Tolleshunt Major, or Backing-
Chelmsford Pleshey Latchingdon ham
Chignal St. James & Smealey Rettendon Little Braxted Ulting
Danbury Roxwell Little Totham Wickham Bishops
East Hanningfield Runwell Mayland Woodham Mortimer
Fryerning Sandon Mundon Woodham Waiter
Good Easter South Hanningfield
Great Baddow Springfield ONGAR UNION.
Great Leighs Stock Abbots Roothing Bobbingworth
Great Waltham West Hanningfield Beauchamp Roothing Chipping Ongar
Ingatestone Widford Berners Roothing Doddinghurst
Little Baddow Woodham Ferris Blackmore Fyfield, or :Fifehead
Little Leighs Writtle Greenstead Shelley
CoLcHESTER UNION. High Laver Shellow Bowels
All Saints (Colchester) St. Martin (Colchester) High Ongar Stanford Rivers
Berechurch St. Mary-at-the-Walls (Col- Kelvedon Hatch Stapleford Abbots
Greenstead chester Lambourne Stapleford Tawney
Holy Trinity (Colchester) St. Mary Magdalen (Col- Little Laver Stondon Massey
Lexden chester Moreton Theydon Mount
St. Botolph (Colchester) St. Michael (Mile End) Navestock Willingale Doe
St. Giles (Colchester) St. Nicholas (Colchester) N orton Mandeville Willingale Spain
St. James (Colchester) St. Peter (Colchester) ORSETT UNION.
St. Leonard (Colchester) St. Runwald (Colchester) Aveley Little Thurrock
Bnlphan Mucking
Chadwell St. Mary North Ockendon
AythorpeRoothing( orRoding) Leaden Roothing (or Roiling) Corringham Orsett
Bardfield Sating Lindsell East Tilbury South Ockendon
Barnston Little Bardfield Fobbing Stanford-le-Hope
Broxted Little Canfield Grays Thurrock Stifford
Chickney Little Dunmow Horndon-on-the-Hill West Thurrock
Felstead Little Easton Langdon, or Laindon Hills West Tilbury
Great Bardfield Margaret Roothing(orRoding)
Great Canfield Stebbing Rocm·onn UNION.
Great Dunmow Takeley Ashingdon Little Wakering
Great Easton Thaxted Barling North Shoebury
Hatfield Broad Oak, or Hat- Tilty Canewdon Paglesham
field Regis White Roothing (or Roding), Canvey Island Prittlewell
High Easter with the hamlet of Morrell Eastwood Rawreth
High Roothing (or Roding) Roothing (or Roding) Foulness Rayleigh
Great Stambridge Rochford
EPPING UNION. Great Wakering Shopland
Chigwell Matching Hadleigh South Benfieet
Chingford Nazeing Havengore Southchurch
Epping Neteswell Hawkwell South Fambridge
Great Parndon North Weald Bassett Hockley South Shoebury
Harlow Roydon Leigh Sutton
Latton Sheering Little Stambridge Thundersley
Little Parndon Theydon Bois ROMFORD UNION.
Lough ton Theydon Garnon Barking Hornchurch
Magdalen Laver Cranham Rainham
Dagenham Romford
Castle Hedingham Little Yeldham Great Warley Upminster
Colne Engaine Pebmarsh
Ridgewell · Havering-atte-Bower Wennington
Earls Colne
Gosfield Sible Hedingham SAFFRON WALDEN UNION.
Great Maplestead Stambourne Arkesden Debden
Great Yeldham Tilbury juxta Clare Ashdon Elmdon
Halstead Toppesfield Chrishall Great Chesterford
Little Maplestead White Colne Clavering Great Sampford
Hempstead Rick.ling • branch of the Ea.rlswood .Asylum for Idiots, and ulti-
Langley Saffron Wa.lden mately devoted, in 1859, tlo its present use~ the patients
Littlebury Streethall are admitted by the vote.s of subscribers at ha.lf-yearly
Little Chesterford WendonAmbo electi()ns, a limited number for Life, andi tJhe bulk for
Little Sampford Wendon Lofts terms of five yeal's : patients from all parts of the
Newport Wicken Bonhunt kingdom being also admitted by payment: it has' now
Quendon Widdington (1894) upwards of 230 patients, and is fitlted up with
Radwinter Wimbish everything necessary for the purposes of a training
TENDRING UNION. school and home for persons of feeble mind, includin~
Alresford Little Bromley gymna.stic apparatus and workshops. The Marquess of
Ardleigh Little Clacton Bristol, chairman; Admiral Luard C. B. vice-chairman;
Beaumont-cum-Moze Little Holland Horace G. Egerton Green. esq. treasurer; Sir Frederic
Bradfield Little Oa.kley Bateman M. D., LL.D. consulting physician; Sir George
Brightlingsea Manningtree Murray Hunmphry M.D., F.R.S. Robert Francis
Dovercourt MistJey Symmons and E. A. Hunt L.R.C.P.Edin. consulting
Elm stead Ra.msey surgeons; Gera.ld Sichel M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Frating St. Nicholas (Harwich) resident; medical attendant; John J. C. Turner, resident;
J<'riuton St. Osyth-Chich superintendent and secretary ; Mrs. Turner, matron. .&..
Great Bentley Tendring The County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an emin- 1l ·
Great Bromley Thorpe-le-Soken ence, about three quarters of a. mile from the Brentwood
Great Clacton Thorrington station, is a. building in the Elizabethan style. opened
Great Holland Walton-le-Soken, or Walton- in 1853; in 1864 three additional blockf! were erected,
Great Oakley on-the-N aze for 75 more patients; in 1871 another block for 250
Kirkby-Ie-Soken Weeley female patients; and in 1888 a further extension wa.s
Lawford Wix made for 450 male patients. The whole is now (1894)
Little Bentley Wrabness capable of receiving 1,400: the ward& spa.cious and
WEST HAM UNION. airy, and some command an extensive and beautiful
East Ham Wanstead prospedt: the building is approached from the Warley
Little Ilford West Ham road by a. carriage drive, and the grounds by which
LowLeyton Wood ford it is surrounded present, on a small scale, a park-like
W althamstow appearance, are upwards of 130 acres of land, including
The Essex men are mastly employed in husbandry the Brentwood Hall eSitat-e, purchased in x873, are
and stock feeding, and only a few in manufactures of attached to the asylum, and comprise a farm, kitchen
silk &c. at Braintree a.nd HalSitead; there is a silk mill gardens and pleasure ground.s ; the farm and garden are
at Chelmsford. The minerals worked are chalk for lime, cultivated by the patients. Visiting days are any week
septaria. for Roman cement, clay for bricks, and salt is day, but not more frequently than once a. fortnight:
made from the sea. Seeds are grown in various parts. Geo.rge Amsden M.B., C.M. medical superintendent
The trade of the !flown on the shores is in the oys.ter and John Turner M.B., C. M. senior; Frank Hodson
and oth-er fisheries and in shipping corn, coals and Bromhead B. A., M.B., C.M. second; Thomas Lawrence
timlber. The Colne OY'Ster fishery is of great value and Pawlett L.R.C.P.Lond. tJhird; o.ssisrt:.ant medical officers:
importance ; it furnisheS! the finest native•s, and belongs Rev. Henry Stephens M.A. chaplain; William Miohael
to Colchester: in the rivers Crouch, Roach and Black- Tufnell, treasurer, and treasurer to benevolent fund;
water the native oyster is indigenous, and the spat or William Herbert Roscoe, clerk to the asylum; Joseph
brood is successfully caught and preserved; these Tomlinson, dispenser and clerk to the medical superin-
grounds seem to be the natural home of the native tendent; G. Schilling, store keeper ; W. Brown. clerk of
oyster owing to the peculiar character of the water, works and engineer. There is a branch of the asylum
tlhe geological nature of the river beds, which by their at Brunswick Hous.e, Mistley; Sidney Arthur Mugford
sheltered position maintain an equable t-emperature at M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. medical att-endant; MM.
the most critical time in the spawning or spatting Greaves, matron; another at Harold Court, Harold
season. The chief object of cultivators is to pr()tect Wood, and an()ther at the Chestnuts, Hoe Street.
and preserve the spat from its numerous enemies Walthamstow.
throughout the infantine and delicately susceptibLe The Essex and Colchester General Hospital, standing
stages; millions of these little molluscs here produced on the Lexden road, to the westward of the t{)wn of
are sold a.t the age of fram one to two years, to be Colchester, was built in 1820 and enlarged in 1839, and
laid down and mature and fatten for market; by which again enlarged in 1879-80; it is a handsome white brick
time t!hey are four to five yeal'ls old: the far-famed Royal building, with a tower containing a clock, and baSI beds
Wbit~stable Native is here bred, as also the famous for 100 patients, and is supported by subscriptions,
Ostend oyster of the Oontinrent, so that destruction here donations, collections and bequests : during the year
means ruin in these and other places: that the area of 1893 there were 652 in-patients and 2,191 out-patients:
breeding grounds cannot be artificially extended has Lord Carlingtford, president; Rora.ce G. Egerton Green
been proved by the futile effort of many companies and Charles R. Gurney Hoare, treasurers; James Round
fo;rmed for that purpose; and it is a well-known fact M.P. and W. Macandrew, auditors; Alexa.nder Wallace
that sewage is bath poisonous and destructive to oysters, M. A., M. D. and Edward L. Fenn M. D. physicians;
especially in their early stages. The ports of the county Robert Francis Symons, consulting surgeon; Henry
are Manningtree, Harwich, Brightlingsea, Colchester, Laver F.S.A., F.L.S. Edwin Worts L.R.C.P.Lond. and
Salcdtt, Maldon, Bradwell, Burnham, Wake•ring, South- Edgar Atlee Hunt L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeons; Edwin
end, Leigh, Grays, Purfleet and Barking. The Royal Austin Dixon, dentist; Pe.rcy Coleman M. B., B.S. house
Victoria and Albert Docks are in Plaistow Level ; there surgeon; Rev. William White La Barte M. A. chaplain;
are also very large docks at Tilbury, opened in 1886, Charles E. Bland, secretary ; Miss. Ma.ry E. Brough,
all conected with London by rail. Steamers run from maltron
London to Harwich and communicate with Purfleet, Her Majesty's Prison, Springfield hill, Ohe1msford,
Gray.s, Tilbury, Southend, Walton, and Clacton: South- erected in 1828 at a cost of £57,289, and enlarged in
end and Tilbury are steamboa.t stations; the boats 1849 and 1871, now contains 361 cells; J. H. Shepherd,
only• run between London, SoutJhend, Wal'ton and Clacton governor; Rev. Francis Ste-phen Westbrook M.A. chap-
during the sumer months. Steamers go up the Orwell lain; Rev. Joseph F. Padnury, Catholic chaplain;
from Harwich to Ipswich. Harwich, Southend, Walton Edward Hunt Carter, surgeon.
and Clacton are bathing places. At Waltham Abbey The Thames Reformatory School Ship "Cornwall"
there are Government powder works, and at Purfieet, is off Purfleet: it was certified l\Iay 2nd, 1859, and •
powder stores; Warley is a military st.ation and a contains about 250 boys, who are taught seamanship
depot for recruits; at Tilbury is a garrison; at Col- and various trades; Captain A. M\.•rrell R.N. supt.
cheslter is a. large camp for infantry and cavalry, and
at Shoburyness an extensive ground for testing Govern- FARLl.DIE~TARY REPRESEl'iTATION OF ESSEX.
ment artillery of the largest calibre. Essex forme.rly returned six u•embers in three divisions,
'Tihe East-ern Counties Asylum, for the care and but under the provislions of the "Redistribution of
training of idiots and imbeciles belonging to Essex, SeaLs Act, 1885," it now returns eight members in
Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire, occupies Essex eight. divisions.
Hall, close to the North Railway station, Colchester, No. I. South Western or ·walthamstow division com-
and is a building in the- Italian style, with an ornamen- prises the parish~s of Low Leyton, Wa.lthamstow and
W tower, standing in spacious grounds well laid out; Woodford.
it was originally erect-ed in the year 1850 as a large No. 2.-southern or Romiord division comprises the
hotel, but proving unsuccessful was occupied as o. sessional divistion of Beoontree (except so much a.s
is comP.rised in division No~ ;r) and the liberty of Davey, Drill hall, Laurie square, Romford; No. g,
Ha.vering-a.tte-Bower. Capt. Philip·Sidney Conron, Hornchurch;No 10, Hon.
No. 3· Western or Epping division comprises the ses- M.ajo!-"' G . .A. Bacon; No. II, Capt. H. L. Garrett,
sionaL divisions of Dunmow (except; the parish of Stratford E; No. :1;2, Capt . .A. E. Baldwin, Southend;
Thaxted), Epping, Harlow and Ongar No. I3, Capt. Edward E. Piiillips, Stratford E
No. 4· Northern or Saffron Wa.lden•division comprises • ffiFANTRY BRIGADES.
the sessional divis[ons ot Fre-shwell, Nort;h Hinckford,
South Hinckford (Ha! stead bench) (except so mucih Essex Brigade.
as is compri-sed in division No. 6) and Walden, the Comprised of the ;:st, ~rd & 4th Voluntee; Battalions,
municipal borough of Saffron Walden, the Essex - Esss~ Regiment.
portion Gf the municipal borough of Sudbury and the Head quarters, Roden house, )3rentwood. .
parish of Thax<ted Commanding Brigade, Lieut.-ColJ r. C. Yorke
No, 5· North Eastern or Harwich. division. comprises .Aide-de-Camp, Capt. W. H. l>. .Aston-Lewi~, 14th :Mid-
tJhe. sessional dirisions. of Ln:de111 and Winstree dlesex R. V. 0 .
(except so much II.S is comprised in diviS!i.on No. 6) Brigade-Major, Lieut.-Col. John Grant .Andersoni
and Tendring and the mnnicipal boroughs of Colchester Supply & Transport Officer, Lieut.-Ool. C. G. Brown,
and Harwich. 4th Volunteer_Battalion, Essex Regiment
No. 6. Eastern or Mal don division c-omprises the ~s­ ISt Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff-Hon..
sional divisions of South Hinckford (Braintree bench) Col. W. J. Burg_ess, commandant; F. Lan.don &
and With6tn.4 hll~ municipal borough ol Maldon, 1. -J. H. G. I6betsqn 1 majors; Capt. E. N. Cubitt,
the parishe~ of .EarDf. Come and Halst.ead in. the South ;u,st,rtJ.ctor -ef musk,eht'y;. Capt. Thomas Georg& Hop-
Hlinckfordi sessional division (Halstead benth) and 'the ki:as~-JldjtJ.tant; a:Qni C~pt. J . .A. Reed, quartermaster; 1
parishes of .Aldham, East Thorpe, Grea.t Tey, Little Rev. Thomas Pattinson FerguBon M. A. hon. chaplain ;1
Tey, Marks Tey and Ponnsbright in Lexden and head quarters, DriU hall, Ongar road, Brentwood.'
Winstt~ 'I'IMisiorla;l ~division. ·· COmpJl.Dies-.A, Capt . .A. B. }Jamford & B, _Major J. W.
No. 7.-Miid or Chelmsford division c6mprises 'the ses- IIammond; Surg.-Lieut. A. W.Wa;J.lis, medical pffi~r;
slional divisions of Brentwood (except the parishes of 1 Armoury, North street, Drill hall, Laurie square,
Rainham and W ennington) and Chelmsford. Romford; C, Capt. .A. R. Meggy, Ilford; D, Hon.
t1o. 8.--S'outh Eastern or Tilbury division CQmprises Major Samuel -Glenny ; Rev. H. H. Henson M ..A.
the sessional divisions of Dengie, Orsett and Roch- acti~ chaplain, Broadway,_ B~rking; E, Hon. Major
fordi and: the parishes of Rainham and W ennington. G. R. S. Gallaher, Church H1ll: road, Walthamstow;
Ey the above-mentlioned act the representation of the F, Hon. Major F. 11. Thirlwall, Drill hall, Ongar Toad,
boroughs of Harwioh and Maldon were merged in Brentwood; G, Capt. R. D. Trotter; Rev. J. Tanner
that of the county, and: the representation of Col- M. .A. acting clia:elain, Drill hall, Ongar & Higbl street,
chester reduced to one member and the borough of Epping; H, Capt. R. H. Lyon, Hornchurch.
West Ham formed to return two members in two Cadet corps: No. I, W. C. Clark, hon. ('i:lpt. Ong:u:
diviS!i.ons. No. 2, Ifev. R. C. Grey, hon. capt. Forest school,
Eastern or Maldon: division, OyTil Dodd esq. Q.C., B..A. 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff Lieut.-
28 Inverness terrace, London S W Col. W. V. .Allierton, commandant; J. W. F. Gillies
Mid or Chelmsford division, Thomas Usborne esq. J.P. & H. Palm er, majors; Capt. W. G. Pigott, adjutant;
The House, Wnttle, ChelmSford; & Carlton club S W, Surg.-Lieut. 0. W. Bass, medical cffi•!er; Rev. A.
Consfitutional club W C & City club E C, London Durra.nt B..A. & Rev. R. .A. Pelly, acting chaplains.
Nort.h Eastem or Harwich division, James Round esq. Companies-A, Hon. Major John H. Brady; B, Capt.
M . .A., D.L., J.P. Birch hall, Colchester; Holly Trees, w. IIopkins; c, Capt. J. H. Pumbell; n, .r... w. Birt;
Colchester ; & 3_1 De V ere gardens, Kensington W & ~· Capt. if. .A. _.Ager; F, Capt. H. Storr ; G, Capt.
Carlton club S W G. Y. Baldock; H, Capt. H. K. Garrett; The Cedars,
Northern or Saffron Walden division, Right Hon. Herbert Portway, West Ham E
Colstoun: Gardner P.C., M..A., D.L. Debdelll hall, 4thi Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff-Lieut.-
Saffron Walden; _& 48 Charles street, Berkeley square Col. J. W. l)eningfield, commandant; G. Rnmsey,
W; Turf & St. James' clubs W & Brooks' & White's major; Cap£. C. D. Brnce, adjutant; Surg.-Capt.
clubs, London S W Llewellyn Thelwall L.R.C.P.Edin. & Surg.-Lieut.
South Eastern division, Major Frederick Carne Rasch H. •r. Cliallis, medical officers; Rev. S. Smyth & Rev.
D.L., J.P. Woodhill, Sandon, Chelmsford; & Windham F. E. Gardiner M. A. acting chaplains; orderly room
& Naval & J'.lilitary clubs S W & head quarters, 22 Cook's terrace, Slivertown E.
South Western or Wa1thamstow division, Edmnnd Wid- Companies .A, D,. E, F & G, local quarters, 51 Mare
drington Bryne esq. Q.C. 33 Lancaster gate, London W street, Hackney, Middlesex E; B, Capt. W. R. March-
Southern or Romford division, .Alfred Money Wigram e>q. hank, Io Cedars roa.d, Stratford E; C, Captain H. E.
IOI Eaton square, London S W Fraser, Silvertown
Western or Eppingo "division, Ll.eut.-Col. Arnelius Richard Harwich Brigade.
Mark Locl{wood J.P. Bishop's hall, Romford; 5 .Audley Comprised of the Ist. 2nd & 3rd Volunteer Batts. Suffolk
square W & G-uards' & .Artliur's clubs S W; & Bache- Regiment & 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex. Regiment.;
lors' cluo W, :London he.nd quarters, The .AyeS', Sudbury, Suffolk
M1LIT.ARY. Cc mmanding Brigade, Col. ~. Barnardiston
The head quarters of the Eastern Military district are at .Aide-de-Camp, Capt. R. B. Colvin, Suff. Yeo. Cav
Colchester, for full particulars of which see page 114. Brigade Major, Hon. Lieut.-Col. F. Ward
Little _Warley is the Depot of the 44th Regimental Dis- Supply & Tran!>_port Officer, Hon. Major .A. Sizer, rst
trict (The Essex Regiment), which consists of the Ist Volunteer Battalion, Suffolk Regiment
Battalion (44fli. Foot), 2nd Battalion (56th Foot), the Brigade-Surg.-Lieut.-Col. G. S. Elliston, Ist Volunteer
3rd Essex (liilles) Militia. & the West Essex Militia, Battalion, Suffolk Regiment
which form respe_ctively the 3rd & 4th Battalions of the 2Ul~ Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff-Hon.
Regiment; the beau quarters of the Militia. are alsG at Col. W. IIoward, C{)mmandant; Hon. Lieut.-Cols.
Little Warley, for particulars of which see page 37I. W. P. Gepp & F. Smoothy, majors; Capt. H. N.
Volunteers. Crozier, instruct~r of musketry; Capt. E. H. God-
rst Essex .Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal .Artillery dard, adjutant; Rey. Canon Sir John C. Hawkins bart.
(comprising I PoSJ.tion Battery and n! garrison com- :M . .A. acting chaplain; head quarters, Corn exchange,
panies; Staff-Hon. Col. Samuel L. Howard C.B. com- Braintre·e. · Capt. F.W. Chancellor & }J,
mandant; Edmund Garrett, lieut.-col. ; Hy. Holmes & Capt. G. H. Coleman; Surg.-Major E. Shedd, medical
A. Bia.nchi, majors; Capt. C. L. N. Bishop R.M ..A. officer; head quarters, Corn exchange, Chelmsford;
adjutant; HDn. Capt. J. A. Dowsett, quartermaster; C & D, Capt. William Paxman; Surg.-Capt. J. W.
Surg.-Capt. .A. Morris & Surg.-Lieut. T. E. Stuart, Cook M.D. meilical officer, Drill hall, Stanwell street,
medical office_rs; Veterinary-Lieut. M. H. Comerford, Colcliester; :E, Capt. Percy .Adams; Rev. J.B ..And.rewes
veterinary officer; Rev. G. W. Druce M ..A. & Rev. M ..A. acting chaplain, Drill hall, St. .Andrew's school,
T. 0. Reay M:.A.. acting chaplains; head quarters, .Ar- Colchester rd. Halstearl; F, Capt. J. E. Holmes, Surg.-
tillery house, Stratford E. Position battery, Capt. H . .A. Capt. C. E. Ab bott, med. ofiioer, Corn exchange, Brain-
Fearn, Stratford.. Garrison companies: No. 2, Capt. tree; G, Capt. .A. Gibbs, County court, London road,
.Artliur John Ha~llp Warif, Harwich; No. 3, Capt. Maldon; It, Capt. Frederick Baker; head quarters &
Thomas Purfl.eet Win grove, 25 Sherfield road, Grays; armoury, Beach street; Drill hall, Marine hotel, Clacton-
No. 4, Capt. J. P. White; No. 5, Capt. S. E . .Alien; on-Sea & Depot, Marine hotel, Walton-on-the-Naze.
No. 6, Hon. Maior T. P. W. Forrester; No. 7• Capt. Cadet corps, Rev. J. :E. S. Moore M. .A. hon. capt.
N. L. Garrett, Stratford E; No. 8, Capt. E. 0. Felstea"d.
ISt Volunteer Battalion, Suffolk Regiment (I Company), Rarwicli, Marke_t _days, tuesday & fl'iday
Capt. M. C. H. Nockolds, .Armoury, Museum .street, Heybridge, Whit-tuesday
Saffron Walden Ingatestone, December I & :z, for black cattle
FAIRS k M.A.RKETS. Latchingaon, June 2
Ardleigh, Sept~ID:ber 29 Maldon, first t1iursday in May & Sept. 13 & 14 for cattle
Great Bardfield, June 22, for horses, cattle & toys Manuden, Easter monday, for pleasure
Billericay, Market Cl"ay, tuesday, chiefly for pigs Messing, first tuesday in July
Blackmore, _.August_ 21 Purleigh, June 15
Braintree, May 8 & 9 & October 2, 3 & 4, the latter for Rayleigli, Trinity-monday, for horses & cattle
cattle & hops; Market for corn & cattle on wednesday Rochford, ka.rke£ day every thursday for the sale- ot
Brightlingsea, on St. Swithin's day, or the thurs. before . corn, sheep, cattle, pigs & horses
Brentwood, October 16 & 17 Romford. cattle & corn market, every wednesday
Canewdon, June 24 Saffron: Walden, a. large horse fair olll saturd'a.y befort
Chelmsford, Market day, friday Mid-Lent sum:lay, & first saturday in November, chiefly
Great Ohesterford, first friday in July for cattle; corn market, saturday
Chigwell, September 30 Great Sampford, Whft-monday
Coggeshall, Wiift-tuesday Southminster, marli:et for stock every tuesday
Colchester, October 20; Marltet day, for corn & cattle, Stanway, .A.:gru 23
saturday Terling, Whlit-monday
Dunmow, 1\larket day, tuesday, for com & cattle; Great Tey, 'rrinity-monday & tuesday, for pleasure
cattle sale held fortnightly on alternate ma.rkeb days Thaxted, morida.y oofore Whit-monday, for pleasure &;,
Epping, Novemoer 13 & 14 (Holland fair), for co.ttle & August ro, for cattle
horses; Market Clay, friday Tiptree Heath1 July 25
Goldhal!ger, Wiiit-monda.y, for toys Tolleshnnt D'Arcy, June n, for pleasure
Halsteaa, general market every tuesday & a cattle Waltham .A.Dbey, :May 14 & 25 & September 26; Market
market tlie first tuesday in every month day, tuesday, for cattle, sheep & pigs
Harlow, November 28 & 29 Wivenhoe, September 4


THE rocks of Essex have attracted a fair amount of atten- below. A microscopical examination of chalk reveals th~
tion from geological observers. The Government Geological fact that it ts almost entirely composed of minute shells of
Survey has published coloured maps of the southern half of fomminiferct, a low class of animals which are, even now,
the county, prepared by Messrs. Whitaker, :Qalton, Penning, forming a deposit very simila.r to chalk on the bed of the
and others, and the examination of the northern portion is North Atlantic Ocean. The chalk dips to. the south-east and
also, we believe, completed, although the maps are not yet undoubtedly underlies·the whole of Essex, rising again to th3
quite ready for issue : on these maps the various layers or surface on the south of the Thames to form the hills known
strata of rock are laid down with the utmost accuracy, and as the North Downs. One little patch, however; crops ou-t
indicated by means of various colours. in the south of the county between Purfteet and Grays
The geology of the southern portion bordering on the Thurrock ; here it is largely worked for the manufacture of
Thames and Lea has been described by Mr. W. Whitaker in "whiting," and the flint nodules are employed in making
his "Geology of the London Basin," and the same author porcelain. Numerous fossils, as sea-urchins of the genera.
has also published a description of the strata in the north- Ananchytes, lfficraste1·, and Galerites, shells, as Terebratura
,eastern corner of the county, round HarWich and the Naze. carnea, Inoceramus, &c., and in fact all the ordinary fossils
Numerous papers by Professor Owen, Messrs. Brown, of the Upper Chalk, are fairly plentiful. .At Grays the chalk.
Mitchell, Clarke, Charlesworth, Searles, V. Wood, Harmer, has been proved by boring to be about 66o feet thick, and at
Penning, Prestwich, &c., have appeared in the Journal of Harwich 888 feet. .• • · 1

the Geological Society and the " Geological Magazine." THE TERTIA_RY PERIOD:-The chalk was probably deposited'
The deposits at Grays and Ilford are favourite hunting at the bottom of a rather deep ocean, and was hardened,.
grounds of the members of the Geologists' .Association, and elevated to form dry land, eroded, and again depres!'ed, befo:te-
have frequently been described in their Proceedings. the next bed of rock was deposited upon its surfacE:'.
Geological Forml),tions in Essez.-The county affords a fair Evidently, then, there must have been a great interval oi
diversity of rocks. The strata rest one upon the other with time between the two, and proofs of this interval are further
a general inclination or dip to the south-east: a consequence furnished by the fact that the fossils found in the beds we ar.e
of this is that the lowest (and therefore oldest) beds crop up now going to describe are of an entirely different nature to
and occupy the surface in the north-west of the county, those of the chalk, showing that a complete change in the
and here accordingly we find the white chalk or upper cre- life existing in th1s region of the earth had taken place.
taceous strata. Resting upon the chalk, but formed at a Here then geologJ.sts draw one of their great boundary lines,
much later period, is the lowest Tertiary stratum, known placing the chalk, With certain beds beneath it, in a grou9
as the Woolwich and Reading beds, above which comes the denominated the Secondary ; beds lower still (coal, sla tc, &c.)
London clay, and lastly the sandy Bagshot beds. Subsequent are known as Primary, but the newer, higher strata are
comparatively recent deposits of boulder-clay, sand, brick- denominated Tertiary, or third in order of the stratified
earth, gravel, &c., repose irregularly upon the eroded edges rocks. .
of the true rock-masses enumerated above. - The lowest Tertiary strata are known as the EOCENE
THE CRETACEOUS FORMATION.-Commencing, then, with FoRMATION, and are subdivided into-
the beds of chalk which_ we have already stated to ·be the ( I.) The Thanet Sands.-Resting on the mass of chalk near--
lowest and oldest of the strata which form the county of Grays we find 20 or 30 feet of fine light-coloured sands, in
Essex, we find in the north-west of the county hilly and un- which few or no fossils occur ; they rest on a layer of green-
dulating ground, which presents, though in a less marked coated flints known to the workmen as the " Bullhead Bed."
manner, the characteristic features of the downs of the south Mr. Whitaker has lately shown that the Thanet sands aloo
of England. This chalk district extends rrom tihe north and occur at Ballingdon, a suburb of Sudbury, where they are 15
west boundaries of the county as far south as a line drawn feet thick, and from this point they may extend along the
•through Bislwp's Stortford, Castle Hedingham, and Sud- edge of the chalk to Bishop's Stortford.
'bury · it is on.y along the boundar: line of Cambridgeslure, (2.) The Woolwicli and Reading Beds.-These ltre mottled
'however, that the chalk hills make any feature in the land- clays and sands, also seen at Sudbury,, above the Thanet
scape, or that we find the white earthy limestone knowq as sands ; thence they run by Shalford and Easton Park to the
chalk actually forming the surface. The Royston downs south of Stortford, where they are well exposed in several
.rise to a height of 400 feet, and from this point to Linton brickyards. In South Essex they run from Wennington by
and Haverhill the average neight is between 300 and 400 Orsett to Stanford. Their thickness is about 40 feet. ..._
'feet. The top of the Rivey, a hill just outside the county (3.) 1'he Blackheath (or Oldhaven) beds also occur near--
near Linton, is 325 feet above the river Cam and 365 above Orsett ; they are composed of well-rolled flint pebbles em-
the sea-level. The Lower Chalk is expoged along the bedded in sand, and are only a few feet thick. Mr. Bristow
·western slope of this low escarpment and along the valleys remarks: ".At Hassenbrooke, east of Orsett, the farmer has
of the little streams that run. northwards into the Cam. some very productive strawberry beds, and the fruit, well
The Upper Chalk is distinguiehe:I by the presence of numer- known for-its good quality, fetches a high price. I was told
ous layers of flints, which are absent or rare in the beds that the produce of 12 acres fetche~ £xoo a week in ('(}vent
Garden Market, a price much above what the neighbouring clay resting on the Red Crag, which may possibly belong to
growePs can get. The explanation of this difference in quality these beds.
is, I believe, that the sandy pebble-bed upon which these PLEISTOCENE FORMATION.-1he Drift 01' <':flacial Beds.-
strawberries are grown makes a soil especially favourable Beds of Upper Pliocene age found in Norfolk and Suff~lk
for their cultivation, and that good gardening has little to do give plain indications that a colder e1imate was then begin-
with the matter. ning to prevail. The Mediterranean shells disappear and
(4·) 1'he London Clay.-This is the chief Essex formation. are replaced by Arctic forms : still later we enter on a periQd
When we descend the gentle eastern slope of the chalk, we of severe cold, when icebergs detached from glaciers, which
see before us a sP.cond escarpment, rising in low hills to then covered all the north of England and the whole of
heights of between 200 and 300 feet above the sea. . The Scandinavia, came sailing southwards laden with rocks de-
lowest portion of the northern slope is composed of the tached from the land over which they rubbed, or the glaciers
Reading beds, but on the top and stretching thence right themselves may have pushed southwards as far as Essex and
away to the month of the Thames and the North Sea, we Middlesex. The Lower Boulder clay then formed in Nor-
find beds of stiff brownish and bluish clays in which layers fblk, &c., does not occur in Essex: here the first glacial
of septaria occur: the latter are ratmded masses of impure deposits are pebbly gravels and sands - the Mid-glac?at
carbonate of lime, usually traversed by cracks, which are Beds. These may mark a temporary diminution in the coM,
filled up with crystals of the same material. In"the soutlr together with a subsidence of the land: they are overlmid
east of Essex the London clay is 480 feet thick, but it thins and overlapiJed by the Upper or Chalky Boulder clay, whi~:h.
· 'out considerably as we follow it westwards. Near Harwich reaches southwards to the northern edge of the Thame~
the ~ndon clay was formerly worked for the septaria which Valley. Thus it is spread as a surface covering over all the
were used in the manufacture of cement. Here, too, it conp stratified rocks of Essex, except along the bottoms of the
tains numero-us !!mall nodules of iron pyrites,. which are still river valleys, where it has been washed away, exposing the
collected on the beach near Walton, for the manufacture of Mid-glacial gravels beneath. It is a stiff, clayey mass of a
copperas, to the amount of about I 50 tons yearly.· At brownish hue, full of chalk-pebbles, flints and pieces of rock,
many places in Essex the London clay is worked for the containing, too, numerous fossils brought from afar; it often
manufacture of bricks, and sections may be seen near Brent- forms a stumbling block to the young geologist, who fails to
wood Railway Station, Galleywood, lngatestone, Maldon, &c. distinguish it from the stratified rocks which it conceals•
· There is a spring at Hockley, the water of which; like much Post-Glacial Beds.-The valleys were·•probably.filled up
of that from the London clay, contains sulphate of magnesia during the Glacial period, and have since been re-excavated
(Epsom !'alts ). , An endeavour was made some years ago to by the river~ which now occupy them. Most of the material
c.onstruct a "spa" with "pump rooms," and a woman.was so removed· has been swept out to the sea; but here and
employed to dispense the waters whose strong healthy ap- there along the river's course we find beds of fine loam or
pearance visitors were led to believe was the result of their brick-earth, and· again beds of gravel or sand, at varying
medicinal effects. In spit.e, however, of such a strong cor- heights, which have been deposited by the streams at differ-
roqm;ation of the efficaey of the Hockley waters, the public ent periO(is. The brick-earths at Stratford, Ilford, Grays,
refused to be cured, and the speculation proved a failure ; all Copford, &c., have yielded numerous remains of fresh-water
that now remains of the .spa being the buildings whiui are mollusca, mainly such as still inhabit the adjoining dis-
still known as" Hockley Spa." Teazles grow well on the trict. At Grays, however~
London clay, and also the elm, oak, and asb. · · · .· a shell known as, (J_yrena
~ (5.) The Ba.qshot Bed~.-These sandy unfossiliferous strata fluminalis occurs, which is
only occur as outlyiftg patchPs in the southern half of· the now only known · in the
county: they contain pebble-beds, formed of well-rolled Nile ; at Copford sixty-nine
flints only, and are about 25 feet thick: their position is in- species of shells pave been
variably on the high ground and hill-tops, and springs issue found, three of ~hich (of
from their junction with the London· clay below. They the genus Heli:r:) no longer
occur at High Beech, on the hill of Havering-atte-Bower, and inhabit England;· from
there is a rather large mass which ~tretches southwards from peat-beds· exposed in the
Shenfield by Brentwoo(l to Warley Common: they form the old brick-yard at Lexden,
upper layers of the Brentwood brickfields, are also exposed remains of beetles, mostly
in the railway cutting there, and the pebble-beds have. been of non-British genera, have.
extensively dug on Warley Common: other patches occur been obtained. Bones and
near Frierning, Stock, Galleywood Common and Rayleigh : teeth of the mammoth, or
they also form the upper part; of ~angdon Hill, which rises a rhinoceros, hippop()~­
to a height of 388 feet, and can be seen from long distances: mus, and other extinct spe-
Now the five divisions of the Tertiary Epoch which we cies also occ-ur in these
have described, viz., the (I) Thanet, (2) Reading, (3) Black; brick-earths. A very fine
heath, (4) London Clay, and (5) Bagshot beds, are considered collection of the teeth,.
by geologists to form the lowest division of 'the Eocene bones, &c., of these extinct.
formation. ·After the deposition of the Bagshot beds, the mammals, made at Ilford
area seems to have been elevated so as to become dry land ; by Sir Antonio Brady, has
at all events, there are no traces in Essex of strata of Upper lately been presented by
Eocene age, nor of the succeeding Miocene period, which we him to the British Mu-
find well rfpresented in the Isle of Wight and cin the seum.
Continent. ~ . • . · . · ; Extensive deposits · of
PLIOCENEi<'ORliiATION. .:...In the Eoc(me beds only a very .sand and mud occur all
few of the fossil shells (about 3! per cent.) are identical along 'the Essex coast, from
"With species now living: in the Pliocene strata, on the con- to Harwich.
trary, we find in the lowest beds that one-half of the fossil At Clacton stumps of trees
shells belong to living species, while in the upper portion forming a ·submerged forest
nine-tenths are precisely similar tO existing forms. These are to be seen at low water,
Pliocene beds only occur in the eastern counties, where they which indicates a subsi-
have received the name of " crag," •from the Celtic word dence of the coast-line: The.
creggan, a shell, in allusion to the fact that the beds· are slope of the land as it passes
almost made up of a mass of comminuted shells.. under the sea is a very
. 1'he Red CrOf!· The Lower, White, or Coralline Crag , gentle one, and indeed the
does not occur m Essex, so that the Red Crag rests upon Flint." pick" or chisel, found at deepest part of the North
Great Easton, near . ·Dunmow, - E d
the London clay; it only occurs in the north-east corner, Essex ; length 6! inches. The lower Sea. bet~een ssex an
where it is well exposed to the fine cliff sections at W alton figure shows the cross section. Holland lS only I8o feet,
Naze. Here we see it to be a coarse, reddish brown and so that a very slight elevation would suffice to render
grey sand, full of shells, and showing much false bedding. England again, as it has several times been since the deposit
Harwich cliff had also once a capping of Red Crag, but this of the Eocene beds, a part of the continent of Europe,
has been removed by the encroachment of the sea. Of shell- A well-sinlting for water at Clacton-on-Sea in 1878 passed
fish, I48 species have been obtained from Walton, of which through Post-Glacial Sands, 18 feet; Lonaon Clay, I94 feet;
75 are Mediterranean species. showing probably a rather Reading Beds, 56 feet; entering the chalk at a depth of 270
warmer climate than at present. . feet : the same rock was found to lie 210 feet below the
Coprolite Bed.-At the base of the Red Crag we find a Castla Brewery, Colchester.
layer of phosphatic nodules, whose valuable fertilising Does Coal exist beneath Essex ?-It has been pointed out
properties were first pointed out by the late Professor Hens- by Messrs. Prestwich, Godwin-Austen, and others, that the
low: this bed is worked at Wrabness, Little Oakley, &c., coal-beds of Belgium pass westwards to near Calais, trend·
and about s,ooo tons altogether of these !Coprolites have ing in a direction which, if continued. would bring them
been raised in !Essex. - · - : · underneath the south of England totthe Somerset and
Chillesford Beds.-At theNaze we see 6 or 1 feet of sandy Bristol co~l-fie!ds, which are supposed to be a continua twn

ortliem, as the are much alike in' qua~ty; nu m- a !club, 9i W..t:hes long,\ was found in· a· gr!'vel pi~; 1
ber, and thickness.-, Now a well-boring at Harwich struck with· a Roman cinerary urn.4- A remarkably' large flint
!4rk slaty rocks which w.e know to lie beneath the ceal, at chip 01: flake was found in digging the foundations of a.
a depth of 1,026 feet, and these rocks had a. rather high .house on Windmill Hill, Saffron Walden. Mr. John ~s:
inclination towards the south. Borings at Kentish Town remarks concerning this specimen·: "One face is somewhafi
(1,n4 feet), and Menx's Brewery in London (r,ooo feet), flatter than the other, but both faces are dexterousl}"'andl
show on that side also old rocks of Devonian age. Now symmetricallychippedover.their whole surface.:. The small·
between these, and consequently underneath Essex, it is flakes have ·been taken off so skilfully and at such regular
possible tha~ a coal basin occurs, hidden deep down under intervals that, so far as workmanship is conaerned, this
about 1,5oo feet of chalk and Eocene strata. This is a most instrument approaches in character the elegant Danish
important question for the landowners of Essex, and it is blades. The form seems well adapted for a lance head,
highly desirable that a boring should be made at some suit- but on examination the edges appear to be slightly chipped
able point to test the question. . and worn away, as if by scraping some hard material.
PREHISTORIC MAN.-Several example11 have been found in It would appear then more probably to have been used in
Essex of the flint and stone implements used by the early the hand." At Great Easton; near Dunmow, a. flint pick or
inhabitants of this country, when as yet metals were un- chisel has been found, and a. perforated a:x:e-head,•made of
known. 1 A chipped flint celt o~ axe, 9 inches long and 3! greenstone, near Colchester. Such were the tools and
broad, was found at Blunt's Hill, near Witham: another weapons used by our predecessors in this country up to
specimen, ground at the edge and· 6t inches long, occurred perhaps s,ooo or 6,ooo years ago, when the use of metals
at Stifford, near Grays Thurrock: the same spot also was discovered. Doubtless many; more specimens would
yielded a perforated stone hammer, circular in outline and .be found if gravel pits and other excavations were watched
3 inches in diameter. At Audley End, a stone pestle like by intelligent observers.-W. J:H. .

The following Table shows the acreage under each kind of crop, and the number of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs in
the County of Essex, as taken from the Agricultural returns, 1893 :-

- - -

Corn and cereals. ....................................... 330,895 Horses used solely for agriculture ••••••••••••••• 31,428
Roots, artificial grasses, cabbage, kohl-rabbi Unbroken horses ....................................... 8,826
and rape ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• g6,62I. Brood mares ...........•................................. 8go
Clover and grasses ..................................... 87,261 Caws in milk or calf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32,737
Permanent pasture .................................... 2$1,$64 Other cattle, 2 years and above •••••••••••••••••• 23,812
Bare fallow ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00,421 Ewes kept for breeding .............................. ng,425
Orchards •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I,849 Sheep, I year old and above ........................ 94o7o6
Market gardens ....................................... 2,gi8 Ditto, under I year .................................... n6,484
Nursery gro11nds ....................................... 397 Sows kept for breeding •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10,934
Wood.s and plantations .............................. 28,784 <>tller1?~················································ 6g,6g2
Essex contained in x89r, inhabited houses.......................................................... 146,047
Parishes ... ... ...... ...... ... ... ... ... ......... ....... .. ... ... ... ...... ...... ....•.. .. ... ...... .. . ... ...... 436
In 1874, owners of land below 1 acre ................................................... 14,833
Owners of land of I acre and upwards ..• ... ... . .. ... ... .... .. ... ... . .. ... ... . . .... ... 7,472

Total acreage of rated lands ... ... ... . . . . .. .. . ... ... ...... .. . ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 950,434
Rateable value ......................................................... ................................. £g,445,923
Common or waste land, acres . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 6, 8g6
Total acreage of the county ...... I.................I... ~· ..........I.........................I........ g8 5,545


Local Government Act, 1888, 51 & 52 Vie. c. 41.

Under the above Act, Essex, except a certain borough, for The coroners for the county are elected by the County
which see below (a), after the xst April, x88g, for the pur- Council, and the clerk of the peace appointed by such joint
poses of the Act, became an Administrative county (sec. committee, and may be removed by them (sec. 83-2).
46), governed by a County Council, consisting of chairman, The clerk of the peace for the county shall also be the
aldermen and councillors (the number of councillors being clerk ofthe County Council (sec. 83-x).
determined by the Local Government Board) to be elected The administrative business of the county (which would,
in manner prescribed by the Act (sec. 2). if this Act had not been passed, have been transacted by the
The chairman shall, by virtue of hls office, be a justice of justices) is transacted by the County Council.
the peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46). (a) The following large borough shall be for the purposes
of this Act an Administrative County in itself, and is to be
The police for the county are under the control of a called a County Borough (sec. gx), of which the municipal
standing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions and the borough shall have the power of a County Council (sec. 31),
County Council, appointed as therein mentioned (sec. g). West Ham.

Chairman-Andrew Johnston Green J.P. Woodford Green.

Vice-Chairman-William Wallis Glenny J.P. Barking.
Meet at Chelmsford.

Retire in 1895. Retire in l8g8.
Edward Carder, Writtle, Chelmsford
Edward Norton Buxton n.L., J.P. Knighton house, Buck- Golden Fairhead, Birch, Kelvedon
burst Hill Rev. Edward Francis Gepp J.P. High Easter, Chelmsford
Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard hart. n. L., J .P. 7 Lewes cres- Hector John Gurdon Rebow B.A., n.L., J.P. Wivenhoe park,
cent, Brighton Colchester
Arthur Lister J.P. Sycamore house, Leytonstone Samuel Lloyd Howard D.L.,J.P.City Carltonclub,London E c
Lawrence Marriage, Fingrith hall, Blackmore, Ingatestone Henry Joslin n.L., J.P. Gaynes park, Upminster
Nathaniel Powell n.L., J.P. Luctons, Buckhurst Hill Thomas Kemble J.P. Runwell hall, Wickford S.O
James Round M.P., M.A., n.L., J.P. Holly trees, Colchester George Alan Lowndes M.A .• n.r..., J.P. Barrington hall,. Hat•
John Grainger Sadd, Mount view, Maldon field Broad Oak
Thomas Usborne M.P., D.L., J.P. The House, Writtle, near Joseph Smith J.P. Woolpits, Great Saling, Braintree
Chelmsford Frederick Smoothy, Bradford house, Bocking, Brajntree
John Robert Vaizey LL.M., D.L., J.P. Attwoods, Halstead

Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.
Baddow ............... George B. Hilliard,Oxney ho. Writtle Harlow .................. Thomas Mathews, jun. Harlow Bury,
Barking................. Hugh Herbert Mason, 17 & 19 East Harlow
street, Barking Harwich ... _ .......... William Grcom, Harwich
Bel champ ............ James SpaldingGardiner,Borley lodge, Hatfield .... .. ...... ... John Barnabas Frankham, Little
Borley Canfield, Dunmow
Billericay ............. Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson Branfill, Hedinghamm .. n~ . . . Vero William Taylor J.P. Castle Hed•
J.P. Burghstead lodge, Billericay ingham, Halstead
Bocking..... ... .. . ... . . • Fdk. West,Redclyffe,Bocking,Braintree Heybridge ............ Edward A. Fitch, Brickhouse, Maldon
Braintree............... Henry Gibbs, 106 High st. Braintree Hornchurch ......... Champion Branfill Russell J.P. Stub-
Brentwood ............ Thomas Mathews, sen. Warley elms, hers, Romford
Brentwood Ilford .................. E. J. Beal, The Elms, Aidborough rd
Brightlingsea ......... Rev. Arnold Henry :rage, Tendring Leyton ................. James Gallaher, St. George's house,
Bumptead ............ G. H. Goodchild, Graves hall, Sible Eastcheap E c
Hedingham Cann Hall ......... W. Boddy,Archibald house, Sprowston
Chelmsford .......... Henry Collings Wells J.P. The Lodge, road, Forest Gate E
Broomfield, Chelmsford Harrow Green •.. Christopher George Musgrave, 23
Chesterford ............ T. A.Spencer,Clavering hall,Clavering Martin's lane, Cannon street E c
Chigwell ............... Alfred Savill, Chigwell hall, Chigw~ Leytonstone ......... Waiter Pickett Turner, Fairlop lodge,
Coggeshall .... ..... .. J. Smith, jun. Pattiswick hall, Brain- Leytonstone
tree Maldon ................ Albert Prime Clear, 70 High street,
Colchester- Mal don
Ist Ward ........... . James Wicks, Lexdon road,Colchester Mistley ................ Amis Hempson, Ramsey, Harwich
2nd Ward .......... . William Howard, Kingsewood, Hoe Ongar .................. Henry Edward Jones, Marden Ash ho.
3rd Ward ........ .. Horace G. Egerton Green J.P. Kings- High Ongar
ford, Stanway, Colchester Orsett .................. Samuel Westwood Squier J.P.Rookery,
Dagenham . .. . .. ...... George E. L. Currie, Eastbrook end, Stanford-le-Hope
Dagenham Radwinter . .. . ..... .•• Charley Dunne Edwick, Newport
Dedham ............... Charles Page Wood J.P. Wakes hall, Rochford ............... Charles Albert Tabor J.P. Earl's hall,
Wakes Colne Prittlewell
Dunmow ............... Robert Hasler, Little Dunmow Romford ... ...... ...... Thomas Bird, Canons, North street,
East Ham (~orth) ... Joseph Thos. East,TheLimes,EastHam Romford
" " (South)... Rev. Richard Solomon Blair' I 5Plasket Saffron Walden ...... Edmund Birch Gibson J.P. Elm grove,
grove, Upton Park E Saffron Walden
Epping ................ . John Chilton, Loughton Shoebury ............... J. H. Burrows, Southend
Grays ................. . H. E. Brooks, The Grove, Grays Southend ............... W. L. Wise,46 Lincoln's InnFields w c
Halstead .............. . Charles Portway, The Croft, Halstead Southminster ......... John Page, Rawlings, Mayland

Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.
Springfield ...........• Waiter Ridley, Redgates, Springfield Walthamstow-continued.
Stanford :Rivers •••..• Col. Ameli us Richard Mark Lockwood Wood Street ...... Waiter B. Whittingham, North view,
M.P.,J.P. 5 Audley square w The Drive, Walthamstow
Stanstead ••....••..•.• W. Fuller Maitland M.P., J.P. Stansted North ............... A. S. Andrews, Higham Hill rd. Wal-
hall, Stansted Mountfitchet thamstow
Stanway ••......•....•• Hon. Charles Hedley Strutt J.P. Wick- Walton .................. Col. Richard Percival Davies, Walton-
ham hall, Wickham on-the-Naze
Thaxted ••••. •. ••. . •. •• George Lee, Thaxted Wanstead ............ Wm. Blewitt, The Limes, Wanstead
Tollesbury .....•.....• Joseph Wakelin, Freeborns, Witham Witham ............... Philip Hutley, Powers hall, Witham
Waltham Abbey ...... Charles James Bury, St. Leonard's, W oodford . . . . ••. .. . . . . J oseph William Kemsley, Oakfield,
Nazeing, Waltham Cross Snakes lane, W oodford GTeen
St. James •••••...• Thomas Courtney Theydon Warner Writtle .................. Henry Marriage, Ayletts, Broomfieldt
M.P. Highams, WoodfordGreen Chelmsford
Hoe Street ......... Nathaniel Fortescue, 2 The Drive, Wivenhoe ............ William Golden Fairhead, Brick ho.
Walthamstow Peldon, Colchester

Name. Electoral Division. Name. Electoral Division.
Andrews Abraham l::!urry ............... North Walthamstow Jones Henry Edward c. E., J.P ........ Ongar
Beal Edmund John ...................... Ilford Kemsley Joseph William ............... Woodford
Bird Thomas............................... Romford Lee George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thaxted
Blair Rev. Richard Solomon ........... East Ham South Lockwood Lt.-Col. Amelius Richard Stanford Rivers
Blewitt William ........................... Wanstead Mark M.P., J.P
Boddy William ............................ Cann Hall Division, Marriage Henry ........................... Writtle
Leyton E Mason Hugh Herbert ................... Barking
Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson Billericay Mathews Thomas, sen ................... Brentwood
.Brooks Herbert Edmund ............... Grays Mat hews Thomas, jun. . . . . . . .... . . . . ... Harlow
Burrows John Henry ................... Shoe bury Musgrave Christopher George. .... ... Harrrow Green Divi•
Bury Charles James ..................... Waltham Abbey sion, Leyton
Chilton John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Epping Page Rev. Arnold Henry M.A.......... Brightlingsea
Clear Albert Prime....................... Mal don Page John J.P............................. Southminster
Currie George Edward Litchfield .... Dagenham Port way Charles .......................... Halstead
Davis Col. Richard Percival J.P..... Walton Ridley \valter.............................. Springfield
East Joseph Thomas ..............•...••• East Ham North Russell Champion Branfill J.P........ Hornchurch
Edwick Charley Dunne ................. Radwinter Savill Alfred ................•.............. Chigwell
Fairhead William Golden ... . .. •.. . . .. Wivenhoe Smith J oseph, jun. .. .... . .• .... ... . ... .. • Coggeshall
Fitch Ed ward Arthur ................... Hey bridge Spencer Thomas Alfred................. Chesterford
I<'ortescue Nathaniel ..................... Hoe Street Division, Squier Samuel West wood .. . . . .. ... . ... Orsett
Walthamstow Strutt Hon. Chas. Hedley B.A., J.P.. Stanway
Frankham John Barnabas ............. Hatfield Tabor Charles Albert J,P............... Rochford
Fuller-Maitland William M.P., J.P ... Stanstead Taylor Vero William J.P................ Hedingham
Gardiner James Spalding ............. Belch amp Turner Waiter Pickett .................. Leytonstone Division,
Gallaher James ............................ Leyton Divis. Leyton Leyton
Gibbs Henry ............................... Braintree Wakelin J oseph ... . .. ... . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. ... Tollesbury
Gibson Edmund .Birch .................. Saffron Walden Warner Thomas Courtenay Theydon Saint James' Division,
Goodchild George Hicks .... .... •... . .. Bumpstead M.P. Walthamstow
Green Horace George Egerton ....... Colchester, 3rd Ward Wells Henry Collings J.P ............... Chelmsford
Groom William . .. .. . . ...... .. ...... ... . .. Har'\Yich West Frederick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bocking .
Hasler Robert... .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... .. . ... . .. Dunmow Whittingham Waiter Basden J.P..... Wood Street Division
Hempson Amis . . . ... . . . ....... ... . . ... . . .. Mistley Walthamstow
Billiard George Bridge .•. . ... .... ... .. . Baddow Wicks James ............................... Colchester, 1st Ward
Howard William .......................... Colchester, 2nd Ward Wise William Lloyd F.R.G.s., J.P ..... Southend
Hutley Pbilip .............................. U?itham Wood Charles Page D.L., J.P.......... Dedham

County offices, Chelmsford.


Clerk to the County Council, Henry Gibsen, Shire hall, Colchester District ............. William Shead, Berechurch
Chelmsford Chelmsford District........... William Brown, Great Leighs
County Treasurer, Rt. Woodhouse, 87 Duke st. Chelmsford Epping District................. George Rhodes, Epping
Public Analyst, T. A. Pooley, 34 Old Broad st. London E C Brentwood District............ Arthur Gower, Hornchurch
County Accountant, Frank Howard Owers, 78 Duke street, Maldon & Southend District James Findlay, Rayleigh
Chelmsford List of Inspectors of Weight & Measures (who are als()
Secretary to the Technical Education Committee, J. H. Inspectors under the Sale of Food & Drugs Acts).
Nicholas, 78 Duke street, Chelmsford District. Inspector.
Coroners, Eastern Division, John Harrison L.R.C.P. Edin. Brentwood .. .. George Allen, Brentwood
23 Bank street, Braintree ; deputy, William Bindon Chelmsford ... Raglan Somerset, Chelmsford
Blood, Witham; Western Division, Charles Carne Lewis, Colchester .... Herbt. G. Ackers, County Police stn. Colchstr
New road, Brentwood; deputy, John Lewis Quennell, Dengie ...... ..• Charles Halsey, Latchingdon
New road, Brentwood; Romford Division, Henry Shekell Maldon......... ,, ,,
Haynes, High street, Romford; deputy, William Smith, Dunmow ....... John Megran, Dunmow
North street, Romford; Sokens District, Adolphus Edgar I<'resh well...... , ,
Church, 30 Crouch street, Colchester ; deputy, Alexander Epping •. . .. .. • Robert W omack, Epping
l\liller White, 57 North hill, Colchester N. Hinckford. John T. Bridge, Greenstead Green, Halstea.d
S. Hinckford .. 'fhomas Elsey, Braintree
Main Roads & Bridges. Ongar .....•. ... Patrick Gallagher, Ongar
Chief Surveyor, Percy I. Sheldon, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E Rochford ...... Samuel Hawtree, Southend-on-Sea
Deputy-Surveyor, James William Neave Tendring ...... Harry Laver, Great .Bentley
County Offices, Chelmsford Walden ......... William Simmonds, Saffron Walden
-.District Surveyors. Witham. ... . ..• Thomas Gillis, Wit ham
Harwich ....... William T. J. Howlett, Parkeston, Harwich
Saffron Walden District ...... Henry Smith, Stanstead Grays ........... George Jordan, Grays
Halstead District ............... H. F. Hills, Earls Colne Romford ...... William Willsmer, Romford


LORD RAYLEIGH, Terling Place, Witham.

CHAIRMAN OF QUARTER SESSIONS, Andrew Johnston esq. Woodford Green.

Marked thus o are also Deputy Lieutenants.

Abdy John Thomas esq. LL.D. 69 Cornwall gardens, *Colvin Capt. Richard Beale B.A. The Kennels, Strat-
London SW ford St. Mary, Colchester
Abdy Sir William Neville hart Cook Edward Rider esq. F.C.S., F.C.I. Woodford house.
Adams Henry Atherton esq. Wynters grange, Harlow Woodford Green
Adshead Aaron Edward esq. Beslyns house, Braintree Cook James Williams esq. Hampden house, Warley
Arkwright Lieut.-Col. Arthur Chandos, Thoby Priory, road, Brentwood
Mountnessing, Brentwood Coope Edward Jesser esq
Bacon Lieut.-Col. Huntley, Apton hall, Rochford S.O Oourtauld George esq. Cut Hedge, Halstead •

Baker George esq. F.R.G.S. Marryatt's lodge, Snares- Courtauld Sydney esq. Backing Place, Braintree
brook N E *Cranmer-Byng Lieut.-Col. Alfred Molyneux
Barnardiston Colonel Nathaniel, The Ryes, Little Henny, Crossman James Hiscutt esq. 12 Queen's parade, Ba!h &
Sudbury Wood End, Great Marlow, Bucks
Bateman John esq. The Hall, Brightlingsea, Colchester Curwen Spedding esq. Bywell, Woodford road, South
Berm James Williams esq. M.P. Hoppea hall, Upminster, Woodford
Romford; & Gladstone house, Cable street, London E Davis Colonel 'Richard Percival, New House farm, Wal-
Binney Charles Hibbert esq. Buxted lodge, Forest Rise, ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Snaresbrook N E Dawnay Hon. Eustace Henry, 5 Mansfield st. London W
Birt Lieut.-Ool. George Raymond, 20 Belsize grove, Dawson Lieut.-Col. Frederick, Tilbury court, Halstead
Hampstead NW Deeping George Davidson esq. Royal terrace, Southend
Biscoe Major Robert, Quendon court, Bishop's Stortford *Disney Col. Edgar Jo!m, Ingatestone
llland Thomas Elsey, l'he Friary, Maldon Dowsett Thomas esq. Rayne villa, Victoria av. Southend
Boggis-Rolfe Capt. Francis Douglass, 'l'he Grange, Worm- Drew Richard Phillips esq. Plaistow E
ingford R.S.O *Edwards Arthur Janion esq. Beech Hill park, Waltham
f>'ra.nfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson, Burghstead lodge, Abbey
Billericay *Edwards Henry Richard esq. Centre Cliff lodge, South-
*Braybrooke Lord M.A. .A.udley End, Saffron Walden wold R.S.O. Suffolk
Brett Oapt. Edward, Watch house, Wakes Oolne, Halstead *Egerton-Green Claude Egerton esq. M.A. East Hill
Brewis George William esq. Silverdale lodge, Eastbourne house, Colchester
Brewster Charles Edward esq. Maplestead hall, Halstead *Egerton-Green Horace George esq. King's Ford, Stan-
Broke Horace esq. M.A. Gladwyns, Harlow way All Saints, Colchester
Brooks Edmund Wright esq. The Duvals, Grays Foakes Edward Thomas esq. Westbury house, Dunmow
Burke Ulick John esq. B.A Formby Rev. Richard Edward B.A. Rectory, T...atching-
Eurke Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George, The Anberies, don, Maidon
Sudbury Foster James Thomasin esq. LL.M. Pontlands, Gr~at
*Bury Charles James esq. St. Leonards, Nazeing, Wal- Baddow, Chelmsford
tham Cross 1'1owke William Villiers esq. M.A. Sating Old hall,
•Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell ~rt. M.A. Warlies park, Braintree
Waltham Abbey; & 14 Grosvenor crescent, London S W Fowler William esq. Moor hall, Harlow; & 43 Grosvenor
*Bu.xton Edward North esq. Knighton house, Buck- square, London S W
burst Hill S.O Frost Alfred John esq. Hazelwood, Lought_on S.O
Euxton Gerald esq. Birch hall, Theydon f>'ois, Epping *Fry Joseph esq. Fairkytes, Hornchurch, Romford
Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor, Woodredon, Waltham Fuller-Maitland Robert esq. 131 Sloane st. London SW
Abbey; & 14 Grosvenor crescent, London SW Fuller-Maitland William esq. M.P. Stansted hall, Bishop's
lJyng Harold Edmund esq. Bonhunt, Wicken Bonant, Stortford
Bishop's Stortford *Gardner Lt.-Ool. Alan Colstoun, Newton hall, Dunmow;
Oardinall Durrant Edward & 4 Old Burlington street, London W
Carter Frederic esq. Marden Ash, Ongar S.O Garrett Lieut.-Col. Edmund, Belmont, Chigwell
Carter Hy. Jn. esq. Uffington lo. Green lanes, London N *Gellatly Peter esq. Albion hill, Loughton S.O
Cu.l'ter Henry William esq. The Limes, Waltbamstow Gepp Rev. Edward Francis M.A. Vicarage, High Easter.
Cecil Lord Eustace Brownlow Henry Gascoigne-, Lytchett Chelmsford
Heath~ Poole, Dorset; & 32 Eccleston sq. London SW Gibb Wm. Edward esq. Pry~o park, Havering, Romford
Champion-de-Crespigny Sir Claude hart. Champion ldg. Gibson Edmund Birch esq. Elm grove, Saffron Walden
Maldon Glenny William Wallis esq. Oecil house, Barking
Chancellor Frederic esq. 2 High street, Chelmsford Glyn Clayton Louis esq. M.A. Sheering hall, Harlow
Ch.isenhale-Marsh William Swaine es!]. Gaynes park, Gold Charles esq. The Limes, Birchanger, Bishop's Rtrtfd
near Epping · *Gosling Robert esq. Hassobury, Farnham, Bishop's
oChristie Charles Henry Fehler esq. The Wilderness, Stortford; & 28 Portland place, London W
Ongar S.O Gray Charles Wing esq. Perces, Greenstead Green,
Christy David esq. Patching hall, Chelmsford Halstead
Clapham William Blackborne esq. High street, Dunmow Green Fredk. esq. Hainault lodge, Chigwell Row R.S.O
Clay Lient.-Ool. .A.lbert Newby, Slades, BP-auchamp, Green Lieut.-Col. Richard Spurgeon, St.onylands, Ded-
Ltoding, Ongar ham, Colchest~r ·

Grimston Waiter Edward esq. Oolne Place, Earl's Colne, Macandrew William esq. Westwood house, Little Horkes-
Halstead ley, Colchester
Grove Archibald esq. M.P. Whit-e's club, London S W *Makins Ool. William Thomas M.A. Rotherfield court,
G:rimwood Jeffery Grimwood esq. 29 Ennismore gardens, Henley-on-Tliames
London SW Marriage Wilson esq. Delbridge hall, Chelmsford
Gurdon-Rebow Hector John esq. B.A Marriott Cyril Humphrey White esq. Abbot's hall, Shal-
Hardcastle Henry esq. M.A. 38 Eaton sq. London SW ford, Braintree
Hardcastle Joseph Alfred esq. M.A. Woodlands, Beamin- Marriott Humphrey Richard George esq. Abbot's hall,
ster, Dorset; & 54 Q-qeen's Gate terrace, London SW Shalford, Braintree
Harrison Capt. Jasper Nicolls, Saling grove, Braintree Marter Maj.-Gen. Richard James Combe, Walton, Epping
Hasted Rev. Henry B.A. Pitsea, Bowers Gifford S.O Maryon-Wilson Rev. George M.A. Vicarage, Great
Hawkins Charles Henry esq. Maitlands, Colchester Canfield, Dunmow
lHeadley Rt. Hon. Lord, Aghadoe house, Killarney Matthews Chas. Wm. esq. Millfield, Bentley, Brentwood
Heathcote John Moyer esq. M.A. Conington castle, Melles J oseph William esq. M.A. Sewardstone lodge,
Petel'borough Chingford
Helme Richard esq. Chestnut walk, Walthamstow Miller Thomas Frederick esq. Monks lodge, Great Maple-
Hempson Amis esq. Hill house, Ramsey, Harwich stead, Halstead
*Henniker Sir Brydges Powell bart. 71 Eccleston square, Morgan David John esq. Cecil house, Bentley, near
London SW Brentwood
Hill Rev. Edwd. James M.A. Rectory, Panfield, Braintree Morrell Lieut.-Col. Edward, Mistley hall, Manningtree
Hill James Duke esq. 4 Onslow gardens, London SW Morton Alfred George Edwin esq. Clarendon house,
Hills Harris esq. Berwyke hall, White Colne, Halstead New London road, Chelmsford
Hoare Chas. Richard Gurney esq. Lexden ho. Colchester Moss John esq. Threselfords, Kelvedon
*Hogarth Jn. Rayer esq. Heston hall, Hounslow, Middlsx Newall John Lightfoot esq. Forest hall, Ongar S.O
*Holmes Major Henry, Grey Towers, Hornchurch Norman Rev. Canon Charles Frederick M.A. Mistley
Hornor Lewis esq. The Howe, Halstead place, Manningtree
Horton John Henry esq. Mascalls, Brentwood *Norman Edwd. Kensit esq. Mistley lodge, Manningtree
Horwood Rev. Edward Rus~ell M.A. Vicarage, Maldon Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmeley Ralston esq. M.A.
Houblon Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-, Hailing- Orsett house, Orsett S. 0
bury Place, Bishop's Stortford Page Rev. Arnold Henry M.A. Rectory, Tendring,
Houblon Richd. Areher- esq. Bartlow, Linton, Oambrdgsh Colchester
Howard Eliot esq. Cleveland house, Walthamstow · Page John esq. Rawlings, Mayland, Maldon
"'!Howa:rd Col. Samuel Lloyd C.B. Goldingshill, Loughton Page William esq. The Hall, Southminster S.O
S.O.; & Ashmore manor, Dorset Palmer Archdale Villiers esq. 10 Atherstone terrace,
Howard-Vyse Lieut.-Gen. Edward, The Lawn, Witham South Kensington S.W
Hunt Reuben esq. Tillwicks, Earls Oolne, Halstead Palmer Col. l<'rederick, Liston hall, Long Melford
Hutchinson Christopher Clarke, 193 Romford road, Strat- R.S.O.; & 19 Victoria square, London SW
ford E Palmer George esq. 'Hill house, Upminster, Romford;
*Impey-Lovibond Col Archibald R.E. New hall, Ard· & 58 Ebury street, London SW
leigh, Colchester *Papillon Philip Oxenden esq. M.A. Crowhurst park,
*Ind Capt. James Algernon, White hall, Colchester Battle, Sussex
*Ives Maj.-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John, Moyns park, Parker Charles Alfred esq. Durwards hall, Rivenhall,
Halstead Witham
*Jackson James esq. M.A. Reform & New University *Parker Christopher William esq. M.A. Hatfield Priory,
clubs, London SW Witham
Jessopp Leverton esq. Cauldwell cottage, :Bedford Parker Edward Richard esq. Belmont Castle, Grays
.Johnson :Sir John Henry, Priory, St. Osyth, ('..,olcheswr; Parnell John esq. The Grange, Waltham Abbey
& 76 Portland place, London W Pattisson Sidney esq. 13 Hereford mansions, Hereford
*Johnston Andrew esq. Forest lodge, Woodford Green square, London W
J ohnston Reginald Eden esq Paxman James N. esq. Stisted hall, Braintree
Jones Edgar esq. The Elms, Grea.~ Burstead, Brentwood Payne Frederick esq. Wixhoe, Halstead
Jones Henry Edward esq. C.E. Marden Ash house, Ongar Pelly Leonard esq. Bowes, Ongar
*Joslin Henry esq. Gaynes park, "Upminster, Romford, Penrose William Henry esq. The Old house, Dedham,
Joyce Robert George esq. Clareville, Caterham Valley Colchester
S.O. Surrey Petre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund, Bay cottage,
Judd Francis Savile Harry esq. B.A. Rickling Green, Brentwood
Newport S.O J>helips Charles James esq. Mead lodge, Hunsdon, Ware
Jump James esq. Blake hall, Bobbingworth, On~ar S.O Phillips Edward England esq. L.R.C.P. Edin. Sydney
*Kelso Commander Edward Barrington PurVls R.N. house, Bathwick, Bath
Horkesley park, Colchester; & 26 Hyde Park square, J>ickersgill-Cunliffe Harry esq. Chesterford park, Saffron
London SW Walden
Kemble Thomas esq. Runwell hall, Wickford, Cli.elmsford *Pierce John Timbrell esq. F.R.G.S. Frettons, Danbury,
Kemble Major Thomas Albert, Runwell ball, Chelmsford Chelmsford
Kindersley Capt. Edward Nassau Molesworth, Old Olock Portwav Charles esq. The Croft, IHalstead
house, Wanstead N E *Powell Nathaniel esq. The Luctons, Buckhurst Hill
Kirby John Robert esq. Royal Cinque Ports Yncht club, Price Rowel John James esq. B.A. Greensted hall,
Dover Brentwood
Knatch'bull Wadham esq. Bodrean, Truro Price Ralph George esq. 13 Upper Thames street,
Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel M.A. Vicarage, London E.C
Great Bardfield, Braintree *Pryor Arthur esq. Hylands, Chelmsford
Lefroy Lt.-Col. Augustine Hugh, The Lodge, Boxted, Rann Richard Edward esq. M.A. Hill house, Messing,
Colchester Kelvedon
Leigh Rev. Charles Brian B.A. 21 Bloomsbury place, *Rasch Major Frederic Carno ~I 1 • Woek.!hill, n<>ar
Brighton • Chelmsford
*Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett- hart. M.A. Belhus, *Rayleigh Lord LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. Terling Place,
Aveley, Purfl.eet S.O.; & 7 Lewes crescent, Brighton Witham
*I-'ennard Th<Jmas Barrett- esq. Horsford manor, Norwich Raymond Samuel John St. Clere esq. Belchamp hall,
Lem.Jrd Richard Fien.::s Barrett- esq. 7 Lewes crescent, Sudbury
Eq; .. tnn Read John Francis Holcombe esq. 52 Bedford square,
Lescher .LJmund Charles esq. Boyles court, Brentwood London WC
*Lescher Joseph Francis esq. Boyles court, South Weald, Reynolds Robert Barclay esq. The Shrubbery, Woodford
Brentwood Roberts Edmund esq. B.A. Sunnylands, Weston, near
Lister Arthur esq. Sycamore house, Leytonstone E Bath
Lockwood Lt.-Col. Amelius Richal'd Mark M.P. Bishop's Robinson Thomas George esq. The Mount, Palmerston
hall, Romford; & 5 Audley square, London S W road, Buckhurst Hill S.O
*Lowndes George Alan esq. M.A. Barrington hall, Hat- Roden Earl of, 27 Hill st. Berkeley square, London S.W
field, Harlow *Rookwood Lord P.C. Down hall, Harlow; & 61 Princes
*Luard Admiral Wm. Garnham C.B. Witham lo. Witham gate, London SW
Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A. Vicarage, Aveley, *Round James esq. M.P., M.A. Birch hall, nPar Col-
Purfl.eet S.O chester ; & 3 I De Vere gardens, London S W
Lucas Lieut.-Col. William Jas. The Wilderness, Witham *Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland esq

*Ruggles-Brise Col. Srunuel Brise C.B. Spains hall, Townsend Capt. William Johnson Howard, Berwick
Finchingfield, L'ra:intree Place, Witham
Russell Champion Branfill esq. Stubbers, North Ocken- *Tufnell William Michael esq. Hatfield Place, Chelmsford
don, Romford *Tufnell Col. William N evill, Langleys, Chelmsford &
Salter John Henry esq. D'Aroy house, Tolleshnnt Monken Hadley, Bocking, Braintree
D'Arcy, Kelvedon *Tufnell-Tyrell Li~ut.-Col. John Lionel, Boreham house.
Savill Philip esq. Woodlands, Ohigwell Row Chelmsford ; & go Eaton square, London S W
Savill Lieut.-Col. Saml. Geo. Boleyns, Bocking, Bra:intree Turnbull William Abbott esq. 2 Fenchurch avenue.
*Savill-Onley Charles Alfred Onley esq. Bexfields, near London E.O
Chelmsford Turner Rev. Canon Cllarles Michael M.A. Rectory, Aid·
*Smith Sir Ciiarles Ounli:ffe bart. Suttons, near Romford ford, Chester
Smith John esq. Alton park, Clacton, Colchester Usborne Thos. esq. M.P. The House, Writtle, Chelmsford
Smith John esq. The Limes, Burnham S.O *Vaizey John Robert esq. LL.M. Attwoods, Halstead
Smith Joseph Charles Thomas esq. M.A. Fairy Croft, Vander-Meulen Rear-Admiral Frederick Samuel.
Saffron Walden Hockerill, Bishop's Stortford
Smith William esq. West bank, Theydon Garnon, Epping Walford Alfred Saunders esq. Cranbrook park, llford
Sparvel-Bayly John Anthony esq. F.S.A. Warwick Earl of, Easton lodge, Dunmow; & 20 Park
*Sperling Charles Brogden esq. Dynes hall, Halstead lane, London W
Sperling Charles Frederick Denne esq. M.A. Dynes Warner Rev. John M.A. Rectory, Sedlescombe, Battle,
hall, Halstead Sussex
Sperling Henry R. esq. Weald Side house, Brentwood Way Lieut.-Col. George Augustus
Spicer Albert esq. M.P. 10 Lancaster gate, London W *Way Lewis Joihn esq. M.A. Spencer Grange, Great
*Spitty Major Thomas Jenner, Billericay, Brentwood Yeldham, Halstead
Squier Samuel Westwood esq. The Rookery, near Stan- Wedd Edward Arthur esq. Whitehall, Great Wakering,
ford-le-ilope S.O Southend
Start Charles William esq. The Cottage, Pebmarsh, Wells Henry Collings esq. The Lodge, Broomfield,.
Bures R.S.O. Suffolk Chelmsford
Stephens Cecil James esq. The Views, Rickling, New- West Rev. George M.A. Horham hall & Armigers,
port S.O.; & Foston house, Clacton R.S.O Thaxted, Dunmow
*Stone Edward Gresley esq. 43 Lansdowne crescent, West Frederick esq. Redcly:ffe, Bradford street, Bocking,
Cheltenham Brain tree
Strutt ;Hon. Charles Hedley B.A, WiCkham hall, *Western Sir Thomas Charles Callis bart. Sunnybank,
Witham; & go Onslow gardens, London SW Teddington, Middlesex
Sturgeon Alfred esq. Grays hall, Grays White Robert Owen esq. Wellington club, I Grosvenor
T!'l.bor James esq. New hall, Sutton, Rochford S.O place, London S W
Tabor John English esq. Bovingdon hall, Bocking, White Tyndale esq. Stondon cottage, Brentwood
Braintree Whitmore Capt. Thomas Charles Douglas, Orsett hall.
Tabrum Burnett esq. The Grange, Brentwood Orsett; & 2 Lowndes square, London S W
Talbot Lieut.-Cbl. Gerald Francis, 45 Grosvenor square, Whittingham Waiter Barsden esq. North view, The Drive,
London SW Waltharnstow
Tait Major John Crawford, Epping Williams Robert Hamilton esq. Buckland, East Tilbury,
'l'awke Major Arthur Christian, The Lawn, Rochford S.O Tilbury S.O
Taylor Alfred esq. 'Bridge house, Hockerill, Bishop's Williams William Varco. esq. Merrielands, Dagenham,
Stortford Romford
Taylor Vero William esq. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Wilson Alfred esq. B.A. Oak hill, Sevenoaks
Thackeray Lieut.-Col. Charles B.A. Ohappel, Halstead Windle Rev. John M.A. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Grays
Theobald Rel'. Charles M.A. Rectory, Lasham, Alton, Wise William Lloyd esq. F.R.G.S. Glan-mor, Southend
Hants *Wood Charles Page esq. Wakes hall, Wakes Coln~,
Thompson Gen. Charles William, Wethersfield Place, Halstead
Braintree Wood Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Evelyn V.C., G.C.M.G.,
Thomson Rev. William Stephen M.A. Rectory, Fobbing, K. C.B. 23 Devonshire place, London W
Stanford-le-Hope S.O Wood Lieut.-Col. Geo. Wilding, Nithsdale ho. Ingatestone
Todhunter Joseph esq. King's Moor house, Great Parn- Woodgate John esq. Little Bentley hall, Colchester
don, Harlow Woodhouse Robert esq. Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford
*Tower Christopher Jn. Hnme esq. Weald hall, Brentwood Wright Edward Carrington esq
*Townsend Major Geo. Philip, Wickham Place, Witham
Clerk of the Peace, Henry Gibson, Chelmsford
Du Cane Chas. Henry Copley esq. Braxted park, Witham Petre Captain Charles Edward, 113 Sloane st. London SW
Hills Arnold Frank esq Stuart Sir Simeon Henry Lechmere bart. Woodlands,
Hirst Frederick Hotham esq. Great Ropers, Southweald, Hare Street, Chelmsford
Brentwood Wardlaw John esq. 43 Dover street, London W
Howard David esq. Devon house, Buckhurst Hill S.O




Chief Constable, Capt. Edwd. Maclean Showers, Springfield court, Chelmsford; Deputy Chief Constable, Raglan Somerset
The force consists of a chief constable, deputy chief constable, u superintendents, 12 inspectors, 48 sergeants &
286 constables.

BRENTWOOD DIVISION. Stations. Blackmore, Chipping Ongar, Epping, Fyfield,

Hallingbury Great, Harlow, Hatfield Broadoak, Kelvedon
Superintendent, George Alien, Brentwood Hatch, Lambourne, Matching, Moreton, Navestock,
Stations. *Billericay, *Brentwood, Collier Row, Great Nazing, North Weald Basset, Royden, Sheering, Stan-
Warley, Havering, Hornchurch, Button, Ingrave, Lain- ford Rivers, Stapleford .Abbott, Theydon Bois, Theydon
don, Mountnessing, Ockenden South, Ramsden Bell- Garnon, Willingdale Doe
house, Pitsea, Romford, South Weald, Upminster,
Superintendent, George Jordan, Grays

Stations. Aveley, Chadwell, Fobbing, Horndon-on-the
Superintendent, Raglan Somerset, D.C.C. Spring.field, Hill, Orsett, Ockendon South, Rainham, Stifford,
Chelmsford Stanford-le-Hope, Thurrock, Grays, Thurrock Little,
Stations.-Baddow Great, Baddow Little, Boreham, Thurrock West, Tilbury West
Broomfield, *Chelmsford, Danbury, Hanningfield West,
lngatestone, Leighs Great, Margaretting, Rettendon, ffiNCKFORD DIVISION.
Roxwell, Springfield, Stock, Great Waltham, Woodham Superintendent, Thomas Elsey, Braintree
Ferris, Writtle Stations. Belchamp Saint Paul, Belchamp Waiter,
*Braintree & Bocking, Bulmer, Bures Hamlet, Earls
COLCHESTER DIVISION. Colne, Felstead, Foxearth, Gosfield, Hedingham Castle,
Superintendent, Herbert George .Ackers, Colchester Hedingham Sible, Lamarsh, Pebmarsh, Ridgwell,
Saling Great, Steeple Bumpstead, Stisted, Sturmer,
Stations. Ardleigh, Bentley Great, Bergholt West, Birch, Toppesfield, Wethersfield, Wickham St. Pauls
Boxted, Bradfield, Brightlingsea, Bromley Great,
Clacton Great, Dedham, Elmstead, Harwich, Horksley ROCHFORD DIVISION.
Great, Langham, *Manningtree, Oakley Great, Saint Superintendent, Samuel Hawtree, Southend-on-Sea
Osyth, Peldon, Ramsay, Stanway, Tendring, Tey
Great, Thorp, Wivenhoe Stations.-Ben:fleet South, Canewdon, Canvey Island,
Eastwood, Foulness Island, Hadleigh, Hockley, Leigh,
DENGIE DIVISION. Prittlewell, Rayleigh, Rochford, South Shoebury,
Southend, Wakering Great
Superintendent, Charles Halsey, Latchingdon
Stations. Althorne, Bradwell, Burnham, Latchingdon, W.ALDEN DIVISION.
Maldon, Purleigh, Southminster, Steeple. Tillingham, Superintendent, William Simrnonds, Saffron Waklen
Woodham Waiter Stations.-.Ashdon, Chesterford Great, Chishall Great,
Clavering, Debden, Elmden, Farnham, Henham, Little-
DUNMOW DIVISION. bury, Manuden, Newport, Radwinter, Rickling, Saffron
Superintendent, John Megran, Great Dnnmow Walden, Stansted Mountfitchet
Stations.-Bardfield Great, Broxted, Dunmow Great, WITHAM DIVISION.
Easter High, Finchingfield, Margaret Roothing, Sam-
ford Great, Stabbing, Takeley, Thaxted Superintendent, Thomas Gillis, Witham
Stations.-*Coggeshall Great, Creasing-, Goldhanger, Hat-
EPPING DIVISION. field Peverel, Heybridge, Kelvedon, Terling, Tollesbury,
Superintendent, Robert Womack, Epping Tolleshnnt D'.Arey, Totham, Wickham Bishops, Witham
Marked thus * are Sergeants' Stations.


The following divisions embrace Essex places : -

.J Division, Bethnal Green, Superintendent, .Andrew Sectional Stations. Barking, Canning Town, Chadwell
Meering Heath, Dagenham, North Woolwich
Sub-Divisional Stations.-Wanstead & Woodford N Division, Islington, Superintendent, John McFadden
Sectional Stations.-Barking Side, Chigwell, Leyton,
Leytonstone, Loughton Sub-Divisional Stations. Waltham Abbey (Royal Gun
K Division, Bow, Superintendent, Creswell Wells Powder Factory)
Sub-Divisional Stations. Great Ilford, West Ham, Sectional Stations.-Chingford, Waltham Abbey
Plaistow, Forest Gate, Pur:fleet Powder Magazine Walthamstow
AB:BERTON is a parish on the Layer brook, near its Gunter B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here is
confluence with the Roman river, and on the Mersea a Wesleyan chapel. Abbertou House, the residence of
road, about 5 miles south from Colchester. 2! south- Deputy Inspector General Edward William Bawtree M.D.
west from Wivenhoe station on the Great Eastern rail- is a mansion of brick, surrounded by pleasure grounds.
way and 55 from London; it is in the North Eastern Frederick Gordon esq. is the lord of the manor and
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and principal landed proprietor. The soil is loam; subsoil,
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beaus
county court district, rural deanery of Mersea, arch- and peas. The area is I,o66 acres ; rateable value, £8gB ;
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The the population in I8gi was 252.
ehurch of St. Andrew is a small structure of st-one in Parish Clerk, William Baker.
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south
porch, and a western tower of brick containing I bell: Post Office.-Henry Harrison, sub-postmaslfer. Letters
the church was restored in IBB4, when the gallery and through Colchester arrive at 4.20 a.m.; dispatched at
JK'WS were removed and the latter replaced by open seats. 8 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
The register dates from 111bout the year I55g. The living at Rowhedge. Postal orders arfl i11sued here. but not
is a rectory, average tithe rent charge £238, gross yearly paid
valul'l £230, net £I8I, with residence, in the gift of the School (mixed), for so children; average attendance,
Lord Chancellor, and held since 1888 by the Rev. William 42; Miss CharlQtte Arnelia Ormist-on, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDEN'l'S. COMMERCIAL. Folkard John, farmer, Gate farm
Bawtree Edward William M.D. (dep. Clary Wm. cattle dealer, Malton house Humphrey Frederick, harness maker
inspector-general), Abberton house Fairs George, farmer, Pantile farm May Mrs. farmer
Gunter Rev. William B.A. Rectory Felgate Charles, coal & corn merchant Taylor Nathan, veterinary surgeon
Hawkins Mrs. Old Parsonage & baker Theobald John, boot & shoe maker
Kayess Waiter, Abberton cottages Harrison Henry, blacksmith, coach White John Alfred, grocer & assistan'i
Nevill Mrs builder, builder & undertaker, Post overseer
Wells James, The Wallravens office Wright William, beer retailer
ALDBOROUGH HATCH is a consolidated chapelry, living was declared a vicarage Aug. 31, I866; average
forml'ld Jan. I3, I863, out of the ecclesiastical districts of tithe rent-charge £16; gross yearly value £go, with
Barking Side and liford, in the parish of Barking, 2 miles glebe-(£3o ), and residence, in the gift of the Crown, and
north from the llford station, 9 from London and joining held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles Edward Lathbury.
Hainault Forest : it comprises a large traot of laud, with The principal landowu~rs are the Crown and C. E.
scattered farmhouses, in the Southern division of the Broome esq. The area is I,68o acres; the population in
county. Becontree petty sessional division, Romford 189I was SI3.
union and county court district, rural deanery of Parish Clerk, William Freshwater.
Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St.
Al'bans. The church of St. Pete:r is a small structure of Pillar Letter Boxl in the village, cleared M 9 a.m. 3
Kentish rag, in the Early English style, consisting of p.m. & 8 p.m. Barking Side, cleared at 4 p.m. is for
chancel, nave, north porch, and a turret on the eas,tern the accommodation of this place
gable of the nave containing I bell: there are 300 sit- National School (mixed), for I6o children; average at-
tings. The register dates from the year x863. The tendance, 135; Harry Harriss, master
Arnot Captain, Le Bury Painter Charles, Aldborough hall Fountain John, farmer
Dowell Col. J. H. The Crouches Russell Henry S. Abery Harriss Harry, schoolmaster
Lake Isaac COMMERCIAL. Lake Isaac, farmer
Lathbury Rev. Charles Edward, The Baldwin Thomas B. road surveyor Perkius Joseph, farmer
Vicarage Brown Robert George, farmer, Great Smith Thomas Henry, blacksm:th ·
Mayst.on Sml. Friday, Aldborough ho Newbury's Torrence George, Hainault farm
Packman James, Great Newbury's Cole Thos. beer ret. & market gardnr Wakefield David, farmer, The Grang~
ALDHAM is a village and parish, including Ford dowed by the Rev. Charles Bannatyne, formerly rector,
Street, I. mile north from the Mark's Tey station of the tQgether with Grape's charity and Love's gift. A fair
Great Eastern railway, 5~ west..,by-north from Colchester, was formerly held on Easter Tuesday, but is now dis-
and 5 east-north-east from Coggeshall, in the Eastern continued. Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western hart. of
division of the county, hundred o! Lexden (Witham divi- 2I Castletown road, London, is lord of the manor and
sion), petty sessional division and union of Lexden and principal landowner. The soil is a light loam. The chief
Winstrec, Colchester county court district, and in the crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is x,84I
rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and acre~; rateable value, £2,829; the population in IBgx
diucese of St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is a was 449, including the pamlet of Ford Street, which is
ibuilding of flint with S'tone dressings, in the Early English on the road from Colchester to Hals•tead, near where ik
and Perpendicular styles, situated nearly in the centre m crosses the Colne.
the parish, a mile from the site of the old one, was Parish Clerk, Charles Evans.
erected and consecrated in I85$• and consists of chancel, Post & M. 0. 0. & s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
nave of three ~ays, .south a~sl~, south ~orch, and a Ford St.reet. c!.rthur William Borrett, sub-postmaster.
western tower With sp1re conta1mng 2 bells_,. t~e wooden Let>ters are received through Colchester, arrive at 8
south porch, rem'?ved from the. old church, 1s m a good a.m.; dispatched at 5. 30 p.m. The nearest telegraph
state of pres~ryatl?n. The rewster dates from. the year office is at Mark's Ter
1559. The hvmg 1s a rectory, gross average tithe rent-
charge £313, net yearly valne £2og, with 22 acres of Wall Letter Box at the Church cleared at 6 p.m. week
glebe, and residence, in the gift of Sir H. B. P. St. John days only
Mildmay bart. and held since x8gi by the Rev. Winsl'Ow National School (mixed), built in 1829 & enlarged in
Sutherland Stay'ner M. A. of Christ's Cullege, Cambridge. 1872 for 72 children; average attendance, _c;B; Miss
The charities amount to £77 yearly, and include pensions Mary Wass, mistress
to the inhabitants of four almshouses, erected and en- County Police Station, Alfred Hayes, constable
Arthy Miss Bridge Martin, shoe maker Ma.rtin Charles, Queen's Head P.H
Cant John, Malting house Burchell Wm. farmer, Checkley's frm Osborne William, poulterer
Green James Mercer Chiles Cyrus, blacksmith, Ford Street Partridge Arthur Edward, grocer &c
Hortou Mrs. London road Cottis Robert, cooper, Ford Street Pudney & Sou, harness makers, Ford
Sooyner Rev. Winslow Sutherland East Frederick, baker Street
M.A. Rectory Evans Hezekiah, thatcher Sheldrake Eliza. (Mrs.), farmer,
Stebbing Chas. James, Bourchiers hall Evans Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Church house
COMMERCIAL. beer retailer, Gallows green Stebbing Charles James, farmer,
Barritt Walter, farmer, Aldham hall Green James Mercer, miller & farmer, Bourchiers hall
Blackwell James, general dealer, Gal- Ford· Street Stevensorr Charles, farmer, Hoe farm
lows gre~n Hawkes Sarah (Miss), Cooper's Arm~ Tawell John Frederick (Mrs.), farmer,
Borrett Arthur William, grocer & P.H. Ford Street Hill farm
draper, & postmaster, Ford Street King Albert, baker, London road
ALPHAMSTONE is a parish near the navigable London and 5 north-east from Halstead, in the Northern
river Stour and on the borders of Suffolk, 3 miles north- division of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinck-
west from Bures station on the Sudbury branch of -the ford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury
Great Eastern railway, 5 south from Sudbury, 5 I from union and county court district, and in the rural deanery

of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Buttle are the principal landowners. The soif is clay,
St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is an edifice of loam and gravelly; subsoil, various. The chiel crops are
flint and stone covered with plaster, chiefly in the Early wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,671 acre<J;
English style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, rateable value, .£1,714; the population in 1891 was 231 •.
south aisle, lady chapel, north and south porches ancl a
small western turret of wood containing 3 bells: in the FRAME GREEN is half a mile south-east.
chancel is a piscina and a lepers' window: the font is of Sexton, Joseph Broyd.
very early date: there are sittings for 400 persons. The Letters through Colchester, viA. Bures, arrive at 7.30 a.m
register of baptisms and burials dates from the year Wall Letter Box, Rectory cleared, week days at 7. 45 a.m.
1705; marriages, 1707,, and
d · is in good condition:. .there ... 6.40 p.m. ; sund ay, 10.35 a.m. Th e neares t money
is also a " T own Book , atmg from 1616. ThA hvmg is order &; -telegraph office is at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk
a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £333, net yearly
value .£2 84, with 30 acres of glebe, and residence, in the A School Board of 5 members was formed June 22,
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since IB7o by the 1875; Henry C. Canham, of Sudbnry~ clerk to the
Rev. William Earee, of St. Bees. The charities amount Board; Thomas Wells, Board school attendance o.fficer
to ,£13 13s. yearly. The trustees of the la-te Sir Thomas Board School (mixed), built, with residence for mistress,
Neave hart. who are lords of the manor, Charles William in 1876, for 52 children; average attendance, 35; Mrs.
Start esq. of Pebmarsh, John Henry Podd and George Amelia Mary Wells, mistress
Breav1ington Wm. Kindred, Coppins fm Broyd Joseph, carpenter Pettitt Joseph, Windmill P.H
Buttle Thomas Buttle George, maltster & farmer, Podd John Henry, farmer & land-
Buttle Mrs. New house Upper Goulds owner, Clees hall
Earee Rev. William (rector), Rectory Bnttle Waiter, market gardener Silvester Phrebe (Mrs.), beer retailer
·wells Thomas James, School house Cranfield Lucy Ann (l\'Irs.), shopkeepr Stuck Jsph. Scott, frmr. Cobbs farm
Bishop John, farmer, Montague's frm Eldred Tyrrell Baring, blacksmith · ~~
ALRESFORD is an ancient village and a. parish on Brasenose College, Oxford. The only benefaction for
high table land, on the road from Colchester to St. the poor is the sum of 12s. 8d. a year, left by Edmund
Osyth, and bounded on the west by the Colne and on Porter in the year 1558. Alresford Hall stands in a.
the south by a creek running up from the river Colne, commanding position, surrounded by fine woods, about
fordable at low water, with a station on the C~lchester half a mile from the church, and is the seat of Mrs.
and Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern Hawkins, lessee of the two ancient manors of Alresford
railway, 59 miles from London and 6 south-east from and Cockayne, into which the lands were divided as
Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the county, early as the year 12II. The principal landowners are
union, petty sessional division and hundred of Tendring, Mrs. Beckett, Caius College, Cambridge, the trustees
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of St. of the late George and William Higginbotham esqrs.
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. and Mrs. Hawkins. The soil is a light sandy loam on
Albans. The church of St. Peter is a well proportioned a gravelly subsoil. The chief crops are wheat, barley
building of stone, erected by Anfrid or Anfrey de and oab. The area is 1,436 acres of land, chiefly arable,
Staunton, about the year 1300, as did appear by his and 81 of water and foreshore; rateable value, .£'1,900;
epitaph in Norman-French in the chancel: it consists of the population in 1891 was 245.
chancel, nave of two bays, south aisle, north porch and a Post Office.-Charles William Bacon, sub-postmaster.
low western belfry with shingled spire containing one Letters arrive from Colchester at 4.30 a.m. &; 2.43
bell : the east window and those in the south aisle art. p.m. ; dispatched at 8 p.m. The nearest money order
stained, and were the gift of the late W. W. Hawkins office is at Thorrington, &; telegraph office at Wivenhoe.
esq. : the remaining windows and the OTgan were pre- Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
sented by Mrs. Hawkins at the restoration of the interior Parochial School (mixed), erected in 1846 & princi-
in 1856. The register dates from the year 1742. pally supported by Mrs. Hawkins; average attendance,
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge 56; Miss Julia Chisnell, mistress
.£'272; net yearly value .£192, with 30 acres of glebe and Railway Station, George Balm, station master
residence, in the gift of Hulme's trustees, and held Carriers pass through to Colchesttlr from St. Osyth &;
since 1876 by the Rev. William Charles Bache M.A. of Brightlingsea daily
Bache Rev. William Charles M.A. Alexander Chas. frmr. Penman's frm Carter James, wheelwright
Rectory Bacon Charles William, grocer & Chisnall Edwin, farmer, Heath farm
'lawkins Mrs. Alresford hall draper, Post office Crosby John, Pointer P.H
Ray Mrs. Cresslands Barton Matt. Hy. farmer, Lodge frm Grimwood James, blacksmitli
Woodham William, Verandah cottage Blomfield Jas. frmr. Cockayne's farm Porter Wm. (:Mrs.), farmer, Marsh fm
.!bbott Edward, harness maker Carter Abraham, farmer Wells George, baker
ALTHORNE is a village and parish, bounded 001 the residence and 30 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held
south by the river Crouch, with a station about half since 1862 by the Rev. Henry Mawson 1\lilligan B.A. of
a. mile south of the village, on the Southminster branch St. Catherine's College, Cambridge. Here is a Pri-
of the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east from mitive Methodist chapel, and a mission room. There
Maldon by road and 4 north-west from Burnham, in are no manorial rights. The principal landowners are
the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hun- the Governors of St. BarthoJ.omew's Hospital, Samuel
dred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and Barrow esq. the Rev. Edward James Warmington M.A.
county court district, rural deanery of Dengie, archdea- rector of Dengie, and the Wilson family. The soil is
conry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church strong clayey loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
of St. Andrew, which stands on an eminence, is a build- are wheat and beans. The arPa is 1,738 acres of land
ing of flint and stone, in the Late Perpendicular style, and 757 of water; rateable value, £1,989; the popula-
temp. Henry VII. and consists of chancel, nave, south tion in 1891 was 313.
porch. a.nd an embat~led western to',Ver of fli~t and stone BRIDGE)'IARSH ISLAND, on the river Crouch, is
contaimng 2 bells : m the church IS an anCient an.d. re- partly in this parish, the remaining portion being in
markably carved font; and there are brasses to W1lham the parish of Latchingdon.
Hyklott, of Althorne, at whose cost the walls of the . . .
church were built, ob. 16 September 1so8 ; to Mar- Post .Office.-"\VIlbe Partridge, s:ub-postmaster. Letters
garet Hyklott, ob. 27 August, 1502, and to John Wilson arnve throng~ Mal don by mail cart at 6.10 a.m. &
and Jolin Hill: there is also an ancient inscription on p.m.; ~Ispatched at 8.45 a.m. ~ 7 p.m . . Postal
the exteri()r over the west door : the church, after ?rdPrs are Issued here, but not prud. Latchmgdon
having been condemned to destruction as past repair, lS th~ nearest m?ney ~rder & telegraph office •
was, under the advice and direction of Mr. H. Harwicke Th~ cluldren o~ tlus pansh a~tend the Board School at
• Langston .A.R.I.B.A. of London, skilfully repa~red and Mayland,. which waS' established March 6, 1875, for
restored in 1884-5 at a total cost of .£68o, and has sit- ~oth . .
tings for 200 persons. The register of marriages dates Railway Station, Thomas Smith, station master
from 1734-; baptisms and burials, 1735. The living is Carriers passing through Althorne : -
a vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Creeksea., averaR"e Blowers & Hazelton, Tillingham, Southminster,
tithe rent-charge £336; net yearly value, £zzg, with Latchingdon to Chelmsford, tues. & fri
Miller Samuel, Summer hill Fisher Thos. farmer, Andrew's farm Kemble Thomas, carpenter
Milligan Rev. Henry Mawson B.A. Goldsmith Arthur, draper Kettle Samuel, blacksmith & whPelwt
(vicar), Vicarage Harris Harriett (Mrs.), Three Horse ~lay John, farmer, Althorne lodge
Co:!\IMERCIAL. Shoes P.H Monk John, coal merchant
Cochrane George, farmer, Stokes hall Joliffe Edward, farmer ~orris Thomas, baker
:Partridge W. & E. grocers k drapers, Pike John, Black Lion P.H. & assis- Vivers Robert William, farmer
Post office . tant overseer Warren Frederick, shopkeeper
Pike Jacob, carpenter Pollard Charles, scale maker Young Arthur, farm bailiff to S.
Pipe Saml. frmr. Mansion House frm Stubley Wm. farmer, Clifford's farm Barrow esq
ARDLEIGH, mentioned in "Domesday Survey," is Newman and Harper are lords of the manor. The prin-
a parish on the road from Colchester to Manning- cipal landowners are Lord Ashburton, Earl Cowper K.G.,
tree, with a station on the main line of the Great P.C. Durrant E. Cardinal!, of r8 Cromwell Road,
Eastern railway, 5 miles north-east from Colchester, 3i Brighton, John Fenn, Samuel Robert Blyth, Horace G.
south-west from Manningtree and SS! from London, in Egerton Green, of Kingsford, Stanway, Edward Catchpool
the North Eastern division of the county, Lexden and esqrs. the Rev. Richard Cox-HaJes M.A. of 18 Montpellier
Winstree petty sessional division, Tendring hundred and villas, Brighton, William Herbert Dunnett esq. of Stour
union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery house, Dedham, Charrington Nicholl esq. and James
of Ardleigh, archdeaoonry of Colchester and St. Albans Round esq. M.P., D.L., J.P. The soil is generally
diocese. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, a fine light gravel; subsoil, mild sandy bottom. The chief
structure of flint and freestone, consists of chancel, crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is s,o6z
nave, aisles, south porch and a fine embattled western acres; rateable value, £rz,8sS ; the population in 1891
tower containing a clock and 8 bells; the 6th bell, was r,s38.
cast about 1450, by Brazien, of Norwich, bearing this CROCKLEFORD, ~ part of Ardleigh to the south-
inscription, "Sum Rosa Pulsata Mundi Maria Vocata:" west, has a small Mission church, originally )Juilt for
over the porch is this inscription: Orate : p' animabus a school, services are held on sundays at 3 p.m.
J ohis Hue : at ye Wade et Alicie: uxoris ejus, J ohis
Hute: Willi: Hute :" in 188 3 the church was rebuilt ARDLEIGH CROWN is a part of Ardleigh lying to
and the tower and south porch restored, at a cost, in- the west, and is 3~ miles from Colchester, on a small
eluded fittings and decoration, of £ 4 ,6oo, and in 1 g92 brook falling into the Colne and oQn the turnpike road
the bells were rehung and 2 new bells added. The re- from Colchester to Langham.
gister dates from the year 1'\<;S. The living is a dis- Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
charged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £zgo; net -Frederick George Biggs, sub-postmaster. Letters
yearly value £z1s with 6 acres of glebe and residence, arrive by mail cart from Colchester at 7 a.m. & by
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1892 train at 11.15 & 4·45 ; dispatched at 12 & 3·35
by the Rev. Greville Turner Hales M.A. of Jesus Col- p.m. by train, & 7·45 p.m. by mail cart. Letters for
lege, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The Crockleford Heath come through Elmstead
cemetery here, formed in 186o, is one acre in extent, Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, James Mayer;
and under the oontrol of a burial board of nine mem- attendance fridays, 12.30 to r p.m .
bers. The endowed charities amount to £sz 6s. yearly. National School (mixed), built in 187S, for zso children;
Ragmarsh farm was devised by William Littlebury in Thoma,s Rous, master ; Mrs, Rous, mistress
rs71, the rent for teaching poor boys of this parish at Railway Station, .Arthur Cockett, station master
Dedbam Grammar school. A fair is held on the Carriers to:-
29th of September. New Hall is the residence of Col. Dedham-Page, to the Railway Station, daily, ar-
Archibald Impey-Lovibond' D.L., J.P. and Ardleigh Park, riving at 9 a.m. & leaving at ro.3o a.m
standing in it·s own grounds, is the residence of Captain Colchester-Bantick, mon. thurs. & sat. leaving at
Algernoo Garrett Scriven. Lord Ashburton and Messrs. r.30 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Charles H. Tompson, Col- Lugar James Marshall, farmer, Mar-
chester, clerk to the burial board) tell's hall
Barnett ·waiter Henry, Holly court Chamberlain Joseph, farm bailiff to May Edwin, farmer, Fenn farm
Evans Rev. John (curate) William H. Dunnett esq. Gods Mayhew G. & H. farmer, Blue Barnfm
Fenn George Green, The Rookery House farm Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants.
Fenn John, Ardleigh hall Chisnall 1Villiam, miller (wind) .Ardleigh station
Griffiths Miss, Rose Tree cottage Colchester Brewery Co. Lim. maltstrs Munson .Robert, farmer, Plain's farm
Bales Rev. Greville Turner M ..A. Davey 1Villiam, market gardener Neal David, farmer, Brick ·wan farm
Vicarage Downes John, Fox & Hounds P.H. & Norfolk George, farmer & butcher
Impey-Lovibond Col. .Archibald, R.E., carpenter Page Alfred, farmer, Lodge, 1\'Ialting
J.P., D.L. New hall Downs Frank, beer retlr. Ipswich road & Hill farms
James Miss, Mill house Downs William, farmer, Munson's fm Parker Thomas, beer retailer
Miller Mrs. Monica house Everett Hy. farmer, Sand Pitt farm Pitchell Charles, boot maker
Nicholl Charrington, Bovills hall Farthing Miss, dress maker Pryke Golden, frmr. Cherry Tree farm
Scriven Capt . .Algernon Garrett, Ard- Fenn & Co. auctioneers, estate agents Pryke Samuel, King's Head P.H. &
leigh park; & Army & Navy Club, & surveyors, Ardleigh hall; & at wheelwright
Pall mall, London S W Colchester Richardson Robt. farmer Badley hall
Fenn Mrs. grocer & builder Roberts Frank, farm bailiff to Wm. H.
Francis George, wheelwright Dunnett esq. Bound's farm
Abbott Edward, nurseryman, seeds- Game William, grocer Seaborn Edward, miller (water)
man & florist Green T. M. farmer, Blomfield's farm Seaborn Firmin, frmr. Fountain frm
Abbott Joseph, saddler Hawkins James Emanuel, plumber & Simson Geo. vet. surgn. Deuton villa
Adams Frederick D. railway tavern glazier Skeet Edgar, farmer, Harveys farm
Austin William Roge1·s, farmer, Wad- Hazell Wm. farmer, Guide Post frm Smith Fredk. Jn. farmr. Whaley farm
house farm Hempson George Frederick, farmer, Smith John George, blacksmith
Baker Chas. Rt. fmr. Hungerdo\me fro Good hall Smith John, farmer, Slough farm
Barber Robert, carpenter & wheel- Hobrough Henry Sizer, bricklayer, Smith Thomas, farmer, Park farm
wright, Ardleigh heath Crockleford Southgate George, farmer
Biggs Fredk. Geo. baker, Post office Hutton Geo. H. C. frmr. Redbury fm Southgate Wm. boot & shoe maker
Biggs James Bell, farmer & butcher Jolly Wm. beer retailer, Ipswich r<>ad Steel Charles, plumber
Bird William, grocer Joslin George Driver, farm bailiff to Vince John, farmer
Blyth Samuel Rob!'rt, farmer & land- Edward Catchpool esq. Gate house Wailer Frederick, grocer & wheel-
owner, Ardleigh wick Keeble Joseph, laundry, Burnt heath wright, Ardleigh heath
Bradley Charles, Red Lion P.H Keeble Robert, Crown P.H. & farmer Wailer Henry, carpenter & shopkeepr
Eromley (Mrs.), farmer, Mose hall Lambert Robert, laundry, Crockleford Woodward Alfd. frmr. Holly Hill frm
Euss William, boot & shoe maker Lester Thomas, farmer, Broomhang- Wyncoll Mark, Wheatsheaf P.H. &
Catchpool Edward, farmer, Gatt~ ing farm, Crockleford shopkeeper, Bromley road
House farm Manning Williarn, beer retailer
ARKESDEN is a. village and parish on a winter brook of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English and
falling into the Cam, 3l J;Uiles south-west from Audley Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three
End and 3l west from Newport stations on the main line bays, with clerestory, aisles, south porch and an em-
of the Great Eastern railway, 5 south-west from Saffron I battled western tower with turret containing 6 bells : in
Walden and 38 from London, in the Northern division of the chancel, under a double arch, is a. recumbent effigy
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty of a priest vested, temp. Henry VII.; and in the south
sessional division, union and county court district, and in aisle is a brass effigy in armour of Richard Fox esq. c.

the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of 1439, affording a good example of the additions gradually
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. made to defensive armour ; four shields of arms and
Margaret, situated on rising ground, is a large building the inscription are missing; here also is a. very fine tomb
of the Cuttes family, 1592: in the tower are exceedingly modernized many years ago, but retains sGme fine carve<l
fine busts, by Roubiliac, to members of the Withers work in oak over a fireplace ; at a door near this, looking
family, 1692, and the west window exhibits the arms of into the green court of the older portion, one Day, a
Walden abbey, to which, in 1364, this church was noted Nonconformist minister, was arrested by soldiers.
attached, and those of the Earls of .Arundel: the north aisle and taken to Cambridge gaol : the "Preachers' Oak," in
was built in the reign of Henry VII. by Thomas .Alder- Westmead, once a wood, was cut down by Richard Birch-
ton, stock fishmonger, of London, who also founded a Wolfe esq. and used in rebuilding the chancel flf the.·
chantry here : the font consists of a large square basin church: part of the old moat remains and is now a fish--
of Barnack stone, supported on four Early English pond, in which are strong springs. Mrs. Birch-Wolfe ia.
• arches: the church was rebuilt in x855 and x856, at a lady of the manor and the principal landowner. Th~
cost, exclusive of the chancel, of £2,394, of which up- soil is heavy, with a portion of a lighter natuu; subsoil,.
wards of £x,ooo was contributed by the late R. Birch- clay and chalk. The crops are on the four-cours~
Wolfe esq. lay impropriator, who also rebuilt the chancel 11ystem. The area is 2,320 acres; rateable value, £2,456;..
at an additional cost of £6oo: there are 250 sittings. the population in 1891 was 341.
'l'he register dates from the year x69o. The living is a Parish Clerk, William Sell.
discharged vicarage, gross yearly value £uo, net £so, Post Office. William Jeffrey, sub-postmaster. Letters
with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Birch-Wolfe, and held arrive at 6. 40 a.m. & 6.xs p.m.; dispatched at
since x869 by the Rev. Herbert Matthew Fearn B ..A. of a.m. & 6. 15 p.m. week days O'llly. Letters through-
Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. There are small Newport S.O. The nearest money order office is at.
Congregational and Wesleyan chapels. .A charity of Clavering & telegraph office at Newport
£"4 4s. was left to the poor of the parish by the late Mrs.
Sophia Birch-Wolfe. Wood Hall, the seat of Mrs. Birch- County Police, Harry Woodgate, constable
Wolfe, is about one mile south-west of the village, National School (mixed), for xoo children; average at-
pleasantly situated in well-wooded grounds commanding tendance, 55; Miss .Amy Wells, mistress
extensive views of the surrounding country: the original Carriers to Saffron Walden.-Stephen Flack, from Claver-
mansion (part of which remains) was built in the reign ing, every sat.; Waiter Bailey, sat.; Samson G:ceen,.
of Henry VIII. and was moated; the building was tues. & sat
Birch-Wolfe Mrs. Wood hall Cowell William, thatcher Parish Mrs. Charlotte, dre~smaker
Fearn Rev. Herbert Matthew B . .A. Ellis John, farm bailiff to Mr. Henry Parish William James, bootmaker
Vicarage Clark, Hobs aerie Patmore Ernest, frmr. Gt. Becketts:
Wells Miss ElliSI William, farm bailiff to :Mrs. Pilgrim Charles, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Birch-Wolfe, Severalls Pluck John, farmer, Bull's groon
Bailey Nathan, farmer Farnham William, beer retailer Sell William, parish clerk
Bailey Thos. farmer & butcher, Hill ho Flack George, farmer, Forster's Whiteman Joseph & Williamy farmers,.
Bailey Waiter, shopkeeper Flack Timothy, farmer, Little Becketts Chardwell
Baker George, Green Man P.H Housden .Arth. frmr. Parsonage farm Wisbey William, farm bailiff 1!~ Mrs_
Cannon Betsy (Mrs.), .Axe & Corn- Jasper .Alfred, farmer, Newland ends Birch-Wolfe, Home farm, Wood aalli
pass P.H Jeffrey William, grocer, Post office
ASHDON (in Domesday ".Ascenduna," and "Essen- Meredith. The Countess of Warwick is lady of the
duna," ".Assenduna" and ".Asshedon" in documents of manor. Mrs. Harriet Smith and Mrs. Mary Farran.
the 13th and 14th centuries) is a scattered parish and Denman, daughters of the late Rev. William Hammond.
village near the borders of Cambridgeshire, 2 miles south of .Ashdon Hall, are joint ladies of a second manor, and
from Bartlow station on the Great Eastern railway, and the rector is lord of the Rectory manor; the Countass:
4 miles north-east from Saffron Walden, in the Northern of Warwick is the principal landowner. The soil is.
division of the county, Freshwell hundred, Saffron Walden mixed clay, loam and chalk; subsoil, various. The crops-
petty sessional division, union and county court district, are wheat, oats, beans and barley. The area is 4,059'
rural deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester acres; rateable value, £4,524; the population in x8g:t
and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of .All Saints is was 790.
an a~cient building of rubble and stone in mixed sty~es, BAR1.'LOW HAMLET, including part of the village of
rangmg from the nth to the rsth. century, and consists .Ashdon and Steventon End, called in Domesday-
of chancel, nave of three bays, rusles, a chapel on the " Stavintuna," is a hamlet in this county, but in Linton
south side known as the "Maynard chapel," north a~d union and adjoins Great Bartlow (Cambridgeshire), to-
~outh porches and an. em?attled western to:wer contam- which parish the inhabitants pay tithe and rates. At.
mg 6 bells, .one of whwh Is of :re-Reformation date: on Bartlow in Cambridgeshire is a station on the Great
the. north side of the ch~ncel IS a fine altar-tomb, over Eastern railway, so miles from London. Here a:re four
which are the arms of Richard Tyrrell, ob. 1566, and on celebrated barrows, known as the Bartlow Hills, and
the !Iouth side are sedilia and a pis~i~a, removed in 1890, forming part of the boundary separating this county-
from the Maynard .chapel: . th~ stairs former~y leadmg from Cambridgeshire: they were opened in 1832 and
to the rood loft still remam m the south p~er of the 1835, and were found to contain interesting remains and
cha~cel arch : a round-headed stoup, belongmg to an works of art of Roman workmanship : most of the relics
earher church, may be. seen near the south doorway, and subsequently perished in a fire, but drawings and casts
p~rt of the squa~e o.f the font of the uth centurr, are preserved in the museum at Saffron Walden. A.
With. fluted carvmg, IS still preserved; th~ font now m stone trough in the garden at .Ashdon rectory is said to-
use IS octagonal and two or three centuries later: the have been br9ught from the Hills (Archreologia, vols-
arcades of the nave ar~ of c.Iunch on basements of squared xxv, xxix). The area is s42 acres.
Bar~ack stone:. the m~enor of the church underwent RUDDUCK'S HILL is x! miles south-east.
partml restoration durmg the years 1883-9, and the Pa · h Cl k S 1 G
fl oormg d · h b d d k ris er , amue reen.
an seatmg ave een renewe : a carve oa p 0 st M 0 & T 0 S B & .An 't & 1 Offi
pulpit was erected in r882 in memory of the Rev. J. F. 'J · · _._·. ·• b. · nm Y nsuran~e ce,.
-r. h' 'd Th · t ames Purn.IS, su -postmaster. Letters arrive from
W a lk er, a f ormer rec t or, uy IS WI ow. e regis er S ff W Id t k d & d
dates from the year I553· The living is a rectory, tithe- d~ rotnh da ten a 7·45 wee ays sun ays;:
I 6 'th Ispa c e a 6 p.m. wee ays on1y
h 6 t l
rent-e arge £ So, ne year y va ue £ oo, WI 129 acres W 11 L tt B N t' ~• S h 1 1 d t 6
'd · th e gi'ft of Caius
0 f g Ieb e an d resi ence, m
· Coll ege, Cam- a k ed er ox, a IOn<W c oo , c ea re a . ro p.m.
bridge, and held since 1890 by the Rev. Daniel Beales wee 1
ays on Y
Redfarn Banham M ..A. and formerly fellow of that col- County Police Station, Frederick Perry, constable
lege. There is a Baptist chapel here with a schoolroom Schools.
attached. The churchyard was closed by Order in .A School Board of 5 members was formed Feb. 14, 1877;
Council in .Aug. 1879· .A cemetery of three roods, ad- T. Mace, Great Bardfield, clerk to the board; Georg~
joining the churchyard, was formed in 1877 at a cost of Colman, attendance officer
£360, a portion is consecrated, and the whole is under Board School (mixed), erected in 1878, for x65 children;
the control of a burial board of six members. The average attendrunce, rso; William George Smith,.
parochial charities, amounting to about £20, are under master; Mrs. Louisa Smith, mistress; Miss A. M.
the management of trustees appointed under a scheme Fitch & Miss M. G. Smith, assistant mistresses
sanctioned by the Charity Commissioners, and are dis- The National School was restored & enlarged in 1877 &
tributed yearly. The Boys' home is for twelve boys, is now used for the Church Sunday school & other
who are supported by the Church of England Central parochial purposes ·
Society for Waifs and Strays; matron, Mrs. Louisa Carrier to Saffron Walden. James Marten, sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Birley John, Bartlow road Hayward Mrs . .Ashdon hall
Banham Rev. Daniel Beales Redfarn Clark Mrs Jonas Percy 0. Ivy todd
M.A. (recto1"), Rectory Colman George, The Cla.¥8 Law Misses, Sky villa
Mascall Josiah Fit-eh George, baker & beer retailer Nunn Benjamin, farmer
Purkis William, Thurlow villa Fitch Richard, farmer, Mortimers Nutting James, farm bailiff to Mess:rs.
Baincock Mrs. Waltons Frost Thos. frmr. Midsummer Hill fm Ackland & Son, Mortimer's farm
Sage Rev. John (Baptist) lhffin Martin, farmer, Ashdon street Pearman Peter, beer retailer
Smith William Gorge, School house Green Samuel, parish clerk Perry Frederick, police constable
COMMERCIAL. Green Thomas Fitzjohn, blacksmith Purkis Jas. grcr. & drpr. Post office
Archer Levi, saddler & harness maker Greygoose Charles, frmr. Steventon rd Raincock Mary (Mrs.), hon. secretary,
& clerk to the burial board Hagger Thos. farmer, Rickett's farm Boys' home
Ashford Richard Adams, steward for Harris William, thatcher Rowell Arthur, farmer, Puddlewart
the Countess ofWarwick,Goldstones Ketteridge York, bricklayer Smith Charles, (Mrs.), farmer
Bird Edwin, farmer, New Sandon's fm Kettridge Joseph, farmer Smith George, farmer, Ashdon hiil
·"Boys' Home (Mrs. Mary Raincock, hon. Marsh James, shopkeeper Smith Harry, shoe maker
sec.; Mrs. Louisa Meredith, matrn) Martin James, baker Smith Jacob, farmer
Briggs John, farmer Matthews Elizabeth (Mrs.), shoe ma Smith John, farmer, Newnham hall
.Colman George, assistant overseer & Meredith Louisa (Mrs.), matron, Boys' Smith William, blacksmith •
surveyor & school attendance officer, home Starkie :Fras. Chamberlain LeGendre,
The Clays Miller Louisa & Augusta (Misses), farmer, Monks barn & Little B01wser
Cooke & Jonas, farmers, Ivy Todd dress makers farms; residence, Mitchells. Saffron
Cooper Charles, wheelwt & blacksmith Moss Arthur, butcher & Fox inn Walden
Eason Richd. Chas. grocer & draper Moule Thomas, farmer, Spriggs' farm Wilson Thos. Chas. Rose & Crown P.H
Titch Benjamin, shoe maker Nation: Waiter, White Horse P.H ,
ASHELDHAM (or Asheldon) is a parish and village held since 1893 by the Rev. Joseph Cornah B.A. of
:2 miles north-east from Southminster station on the Trinity College, Dublin. Aylett's charity of about
Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 11 miles £1 7s. 6d. yearly, derived from lands, is distributed to
south-east from Maldon, 5 north-east from Burnham and the poor in money. The principal landowners are Lord
50 from London by road, in the South-Eastern division Petre D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor, and the
of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. The
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural soil is loam and gravel ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of are wheat, beans, peas, barley, oats, turnips and man-
St. Albans. The parish is watered by a small brook, gold-wurtzel. The area is 2,398 acres, of which 1,698a.
which falls into the North Sea at Dengie Flats, and the 3r. 24p. is land, including roads and waste; the remain-
sea and tidal waters are within 4 miles on the north, der is water; rateable value, £998; the population in
east and south. The church of St. Lawrence, erected 1891 was 180.
about 1450, is an ancient building of stone and flint, m Parish Clerk, James Bridge.
the Decorated style, with walls of great thickness, and . .
consists of chancel and nave, south porch and an em- Post Office.-Mrs. Ehzabe~h Crabb~ sub-postmistress.
battled tower at the western end containing one oell: Letters tlirough Soutbmmster arrive at 6.30 a.m. &
the chancel retains piscina and sedilia: the east window 12·3° p.m.; box cleared at 10· 25 a.m. & 5·55 p.m.;
contains one stained light in memory of two daughters sundays at 12.3.0 a.m. The. nearest money order &
of the Rev. H. P. Dawes, the late vicar 1a59 _93 , and in ~elegraph office IS at Southmmster. Postal orders are
:a window in the north aisle is a stained light to the Issued here but not cashed.
Maiden family: the church was wholly restored in 1866: A School Board of 5 members was formed 23 Feb. 1875
there are sittings for 150 persons. The register of bap- & holds its meetings in the vestry of the church once
tisms and marriages dates from 1721; burials, 1722. a month; Mr. J. W. Dennis is hon. clerk to the board
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £319, & chairman; the members of the board are the attend-
·gross yearly value £338, with 46 acres of glebe and ance officers. The children of this parish attend the
:r.esidence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and schools at Dengie & Southminster
A.ttenborough Edwin John, New ball Attenborough Edwin John, farmer, Dennis Jn. Wetham, farmr. Badnocks
Cornah Rev. Joseph B.A. Vicarage New ball Ford Henry, farmer, Asheldliam hall
llennis John Wetham, Badnocks Crabb Elizh. (Mrs.), shpkpr. Post off Robinson Edward, farmer
ASHEN (or Esse) is a parish on the borders of Suffolk, there are sittings for 120 persons. The register of bap-
from which it is separated by the Stour, and is I mile tisms dates from 1560; marriages and burials from 1558.
south-east from Stoke station on the Great Eastern rail- The living is a rectory, average tithe ren~charge £297, net
way, 2~ south-west from Clare, 10 miles north from yearly value £195, with 23 acres of glebe and residence, in
Halstead and 6 east from Haverhill, in the Northern the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1853 by
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- the Rev. William John Deane M.A. of Oriel College,
· iord petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haverbill Oxford. Archbishop Parker once held this living.
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Yeld- Ashen Hall and House are farmhouses near the village.
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Gervase Elwes esq. who is lord of the manor, and Charles
Albans. The church, assigned of late to St. Augustine, Brogden Sperling esq. D.L., J.P. of Dynes Hall, Great
its ancient dedication being unknown, is an edifice chiefly Maplestead, are the principal landowners. The soil is
of rubble in the Early English style, consisting of loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
cnancel, nave, vestry, south porch and an embattled are wheat. beans and barley. The area is 1,498 acres;
western tower containing 3 bells: the chancel has been rateable value, £1,6oo; the populati001 in 1891 was 215.
entirely rebuilt and fitted with stalls and four stained Parish Clerk, John Wade.
windows have been inserted : there are monuments to Letters from Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) are delivered by
Stephen Piper esq. J.P., D.L. ob. 16 Feb. 1721; to f 00 t t t & Th t
Dorothy Byatt, widow of the Rev. William Byatt, rector pos a 7·3° a.m. 5 p.m. e neares money
order & telegraph office is at Clare
-.o"f Holton, Suffolk, ob. 24 Sept. 1752; and her grand-
daughter, Philadelphia Piper, ob. 17 May, 175 3 ; and to Wall Letter Box, Rectory gate, cleared at 7.10 a.m. &
Imcy, wife of Capt. John Tallakarne, ob. 3 Dec. 1710, and 5·5 p.m.; sun. 12 noon
inscriptions giving some account of other alliances A School Board of 5 members was formed Feb. 3, 1875;
of that family; there is also a memorial to the Rev. chairman & hon. clerk, Rev. \Villiam J. Deane M.A
..Charles Stuart M.A. vicar of Bumpstead ad turrim, d. Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 46 children;
16 Dec. 1803, nnd to his wife Sarah, d. 12 Oct. 1771 : average attendance, 25 ; Mrs. Frances Alien, mistress
Deane Rev. Wm. John l\I..A. Rectory Brand David, farmer, Ashen house Golding John, farmer, Street farm
-coMMERCIAL. Clarke Robert, farmer Goodchild George, farmer
Bean Ernest, hawker Cooper Frederick, farmer Hickford Edward, beer ret. & coal dlr
Bean Wm. sbopkpr. hawker & oil dlr Ford Fredk. beer retlr. & carpenter
ASHINGDON is a parish, 2 miles north from Roch- English, but now chiefly in the Perpendicular style,
ford station, on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern and consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
.railway, 6 north from Southend, and 39 from London, western tower, built in 1016, and containing I bell:
in the South Eastern division of the county, Rochford there is a low side window, an aumbry and two piscina.
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Southend niches: the church was repewed in 1885. The register
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Roch- of burials dates from 1546; baptisms, 1566; marriages.
ford, arcbdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. r568. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
'The church of St. Andrew is a small but ancient edifice charge £224, with 25 acres of glebe and residence, in
oi stooe and brick, with traces of Norman and Early the gift of and held since 1892 by the Rev. Robert
Bourne B.A. of London University, who is also rector and 30 water; rateable value, £913; the population in
of South Fambridge. Ashingdon was the scene, in 1016, 1891 was 97· .
of a battle in which Canute the Great defeated Edmund Sexton, George Lancaster.
Ironside: the church was founded in commemoration
of this event; an entrenchment still remains. The Letter Box cleared at 10·3° a.m. & 5 p.m. Letters
principal landowners are Alfred White esq. of West arrive from Bochford S.O.· at 8 a.m. which is the
Drayton, and Major Frank Willan, of Thornhill Park, nearest money order & telegraph office
Hants, who is lord of the manor. The soil is stiff clay; National School (mixed), built in x86o, for the parishes
subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, pota- of South Fambridge & Ashingdon, holding 6o children;
'\oes, peas, and beans. The area is I,r66 acres of land average attendance, 30; Mrs. Alice Stirling, mistress
$ourne Rev. Bobert B.A. (rector) Jolly John, farmer, Moon's farm Powell John, poultry farmer
..thantler Alfred, Ashingdon hall Muers John, grape grower Ruegg Edward, farmer, Hill farm
White Alfred, Ashingdon hall Nunn Joshua, land agent Wells William Clark, builder
Crawford Hugh, farmer, Smith's farm Park Robert Bald, poultry farmer
AVELEY is a parish, seated on the Marditch brook, tower arch opened by the removal of the western gallery.
~ miles north-east from Purfleet station on the London, and a massive timber ceiling erected above the west
Tilbury and Southend railway, 4 miles north-west from window; the whole work being carried out under tlie.
Grays, 7 south from Romford, and r6! from London, supervision of Mr. Ewan Christian, architect, of London:'
in the South Eastern division of the county, Orsett in 1893 a carved oak reredos. was presented by Mr.
union and petty sessional division, Romford county court George Brown, parish churchwarden. The register datea
district, Chafford hundred, rural deanery of Chafford, from the year 1563, and is in good preservation, but
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The there is a blank from 1618 to 1720. The living is a
church of St. Michael is a building of flint and stone in discharged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £240, net
the Norman and Early English styles, consisting of yearly value £183, with 8 acres of glebe and residence~
spacious chancel, with north chapel, clerestoried nave, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since

aisles, north porch and an embattled western tower of r871 by the Rev. Bixby Garnham Luard M.A. of St.
stone, surmounted by a modern dwarf timber spire : Peter's CollPge, Cambridge. The Ecclesiastical Cam-
according to Morant, the church had formerly a lofty missi::mers are the impropriators of the great tithes.
spire, blown down in a great storm in Nov. 1703: there The Congregational chapel here was erected in 1877~
are 5 bells, respectively dated 1712, 1712, 1400, 1618 and there is an Institute in which meetings and public
and 1692: the chancel is separated from the nave by a entertainments are held. The South Essex Water ·works
15th century oak screen in good preservation, consisting Company have a reservoir here. The almshouses, origin-
of ten open compartments with a square-headed entrance: ally erected in 1639, by James, 1st Earl of Newburgh,
the ea.Sit window is Decorated! and retains a little old were rebll·ilt by Lord Dacre in 1745. The endowed
glass with the arms of Chichester impaling Barrett charities are £2 12s. yearly in bread, left by Thomas
Lennard: on the south side of the chancel is a trefoil- Clear, in 1639, and £2 15s. in money arising from land.
headed piscina, with a small square basin set on one side Belhus, the seat of Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard hart.
of the niche, which seems originally to have been divided D.L. J.P. wh·J is lord of the manor and principal land-
by a shaft: the reredos includes a small painting on owner, is a large and stately edifice in a semi-castellated
panel in a gilt frame, representing the "Crucifixion," domestic style, built in the reign of Henry VIII. ; it is
and said to have been presented to the church by the surrounded by a park about 3 miles in circumference.
Baroness Dacre; a chair, with the Dacre crest and adorned with fine old oaks and other timber, and affords
badge, brought from Belhus, and probably the gift extemive views over the Thames into Kent: the mansion
of the same lady, is also placed here: the south aisle contains an unbroken series of family portraits, from
has also a piscina. and in the wall of the chancel chapel Henry VIII. up to the present time, and a remarkabl~
is a well-defined little niche: the font is a Norman work genealogy, made by order of Sampson Lennard esq. of
of Purbeck marble, and the pulpit, which dates from Chev~ning, Kent, and high sheriff of that county in
:x621, has a massive carved sounding board: a new 1590-1, on his marriage with Margaret Baroness Dacre.
lectern, of carved oak of great age, procured from 18 feet by 6, on vellum, forming an exquisite specimen
Winehester Cathedral, was presented in 1888 by the of the writing and illumination of the 16th century:
women of Aveley: the north doorway retains a holy other C'hief landowners are St. Thomas's Hospital and
water stoup: there is a small F1ernish brass to Ralph the Pelly family. The soil in general is of a light sandy
de Knevynton, ob. 1370, with his effigy in armour, nature; subsoil, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are
beneath a canopy: another in the north chapel to wheat, barley and peas and other vegetables for the
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Edward Bacon esq. ob. London market. There is also a quantity of marsh land
1583, and to Helen (Littel), his wife; there are other bordering on the Thames. The area is 2,951 acres of
effigies and two shields of the Barrett family 1520, and land and 128 water; rateable value, £5,744; the popu-
some mutilated inscriptions to the same, 1584: a slab lation in 1891 was 1,020.
of black marble incloses the ancient brass of Isolda de Deputy Parish Clerk & Sexton, James Pepper.
Belhus and her children, with four armorial shields; Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
another venerable t()mb, temp. Edw, I. is supposed to be William Thomas Jackson, sub-postmaster. Letters
that of Nicholas de Belhus: there are modern memorials through Purfleet S.O. by foot messenger are delivered
to Thomas, 17th Baron Dacre, d. 12 Jan, 1786, and Anna at 8 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; despatched at 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. >
Maria (Pratt), his wife, d. 18o6, and Dacre Barrett sunday delivery 8 a.m. despatched 10 a.m. The tele-
Lennard, 1730 : the chancel was thoroughly restored graph office is open on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m
and reseated in 1885 by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, National School •

built in 1844 & enlarged in
a new organ was opened May 2nd, 1886, at a cost of 1870, for 148 children; average attendance, 140;
£200, and in 1888 was enlarged at the cost of Mr. Trist- Robert Julius Theakstone, master
ram Tempest: the interior of the church was carefully An Infants' School was added in 1886, at a cost of
restored in 1888 at a. cost of nearly £goo, when the [300, by a voluntary rate, for 100 chlldren; average
flooring was relaid, the nave and aisles reseated, the attendance, so; Mrs. Elizh. Theakstone, infants' mis
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Collins ..llfred, blacksmith Partridge Roland, steward to Sir
Dunlop James M.A., M.B., C.M. Cook Edward, Crown & Anchor P.H Thomas Barrett Lennard hart
Shadyside Cox & Palmer, grocers & drapers Pavitt George, plumber & painter
Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett hart. Cox William, shopkeeper Pavitt John, builder
1\I.A., D.L., J.P. Belhus Dunlop James 1\I.A., l\I.B. Glas., Roast George, shopkeeper
Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham 1\I.A., C.l\f. physician & surgeon, & medi- Sherwood Frank, butcher
J.P. Vicarage cal officer & public vaccinator for SkPlton l\Iary (Mrs.), dress maker
McKay Thomas the Aveley district of Orsett union, Smith George & Henry, farmers
Martin Mrs. Shawfield Shadvside StDrl> James William, wheelwright k
Spurrier Thomas Dunn George, carpentPr black«mith
COMMERCIA!,. Elliott John, wheelwright Threakstone Robert Julius, schoolmstr
AvPley Institute (John Tompkins, sec) Eve Richard Newland, farmer & cattle Thorogood Robert, market gardener
Bacon Thomas, beer retailer salesman, Lennard house Tompkins J olm, farmer
Barker ~Hen, boot & shoe maker Johnson Frpderick George, baker Tyler James, farmer
Beckett l1-eore-e, harness maker Kelley Thomas, grocer Tyler .Tames William, beer retailer
Blows Ann (Mrs.), cowkeeper Kelley William, tailor & news agent Tyler Samuel, dairyman & pork btchr
Blows William, butcher Knight Brothers, market gardeners Woorlthorpe Katherine Mary Grey
Brown George, farmer Langley Joshua, blacksmith (l\Iiss), farmer, Fanns
Brown l\Jary (Mrs.), baker Patten William, Old Ship inn Woollings Jas. farmer, Kennington fm
GREAT BADDOW is a parish and large village, the manor. The principal landowners are Arthur Charles
plea:mntly seated on the road to Rochford and Hadleigh Parker esq. Mrs. Prior-Johnson, James Tabor, James
and 'near the Chelmer navigation, 2 miles south-east from Thomasin Foster J.P. esqrs. and the trustees of the late
Chelmsford station, in the Mid division of the county, Tho·.nas Johns esq. The parish is situated on high
Chelmsford petty sessional division, hundred, union and ground, is considered to be very healthy and contains
county court di~trict, rural deanery of Chelmsford, arch- many handsome residences. Baddow Court is the resi-
deac:Jnry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The village dence of Henry William Smithers esq.; Baddow Lodge
is lighted with gas, supplied since April, x88o, by the of the Messrs. Marshall; Baddow Hall of the Misses
Chelmsford Gas Light and Coke Company. The church Greene; Houghtons of Mrs. Prior-Johnson and Pout-
of St. Mary is an edifice of brick and rubble, the older lands of James Thomasin Foster esq. LL.M., J.P. The
part ol which belongs to the Decorat~d period, the soil is light and gravelly; subsoil, gravel. The crop1
clerestory and additions to the aisles being of the early are "heat, barley and oats. The area is 3,8g8 acres of
part of the x6th century ; it consists of chancel, clere- land and 12 water; rateable value, £9,019; the popula-
storied nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled tion in r8gr was 2,019. ·
western tower with spire, containing a clock and 8 bells : Parish Clerk, George Harward.
there is a monument of marble and alabaster in the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
chancel to Mrs. Amy and Mrs. Ma-··net Gwyn, 1753: -Charles Stannard, postmaster. Letters arrive by
the east window is a memorial to the late Mr. W. mail cart through Chelmsford & are delivered at 7
Pucker and his family. The register dates from the a. m. & 12 noon; despatched at 3.30 p.m. & 9 p.m.
year 1543. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- On sundays the office is open from 7 to Io a.m. &
charge £321, net yearly value £240, with 2 acres of letters are despatched at 8.50 p.m. Telegraph businesa
glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees, and held on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m
since r887 by the Rev. Alfred Noel Colley M.A. of Wall Letter Box at the Vineyards, cleared wsek days.
Christ Church, Oxford. G. B. A. Houblon esq. of 3.30 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m
Welford Park, Newbury, is the impropriator of the great Schools:- .
tithes, which amount to £540. Alexander Barclay D.D. Jeffery's Endowed, founded in 1731 by Jasper Jeffery, •

of Oriel College, Oxford, one of the most eminent of London & endowed with a farm called " Pynnings,"
writers of the r6th century, was vicar of this parish, to in West HanningfieJd parish, at present (r894) closed
which he was instituted February 7th, 1546. There for lack of funds ; Stephen Henry Sharman, master
is a Congregational chapel, and the Peculiar people Nati~mal, built in 1877, for 300 children; average
have also a place of worship here. The charities are attendance, go boys, 70 girls & 70 infants; James
numerous. The extensive brewery of Messrs. Crabb Macroft Turnage, master ; Miss Agnes Sydes, mistress;
and Veley was built in 1868. In the village is a granite Miss Harnden, infants' mistress
fountain, erected in 1887, and surmounted by a lamp. Carrier.-Robert Daking, to & from Chelmsford, twice
George llramston Archer Houblon esq. J.P. is lord of daily
Boghnrst-Fisher Henry, Pitt place Barritt Edwd. inland revenue officer Hart ·waiter L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon,
Colley Rev. Alfd. Noel M.A. Vicarage Beckett William, beer retailer & car- & medical officer & public vaccina-
Crabb Richard Hatley, Baddow place penter, Baddow road tor for No. 4 district of Chelmsford
Dennis 1Villiam Drake, Baddow road B2wers John, farmer, Lit. Sir Hughes union, The Yews
de Zoete Waiter M. Baddow house Blanks Ann (Miss), dress maker Hills Edward, Bell P.H
Foster James Thomasin LL.M., J.P. Blanks Mary (Mrs.), hardware dealer Jackson Robert, engineer, Baddow rd
Pontlands Boyce L<eorge, boot & shoe maker Jackson Solomon, wheelwright
Gibbs D. Cecil, Vineyards Bridgman Henry, White Horse P.H. Josling Thos. Chas. baker & corn dlr
Grave Misses, Chelmer cottage & livery & bait stables; horses & Liddiard James, grocer & draper
Greene Misses, Baddow hall carriages on hire ; good accommo- Linn George., bricklayer
Hart ·waiter, The Yews dation for commercial gentlemen & Linn Joseph, bricklayer
Hill Peter, Dynes tourists Lord John, carter
Knight Stanley Coldham Bright Charles, chimney sweeper Ockenden John, coal dealer
Lake Mrs. Baddow road Bmh John, smith Pennack Thomas, carpenter
Marshall Arthur W. M. Baddow lodge Carter Frederick, beer retailer Pierce Hyam, Bee Hive P.H. Baddow
Marshall Gerald C. R. Baddow lodge Carter Henry, jun. baker road
Marshall J. Herbert A. Baddow lodge Clark John, boot & shoe maker Prior-Johnson Prior William, farmer,
Marshall Robert L. Baddow lodge Cordell William, cowkeeper Great Sir Hughes
Miller Robert Cottee Septimus, baker, Baddow rd Richmond Mary Ann (Mrs.), shop-
Morell Misses, Baddow road Crabb & Veley, brewers & wine &; keeper, Baddow road
Parker Arthur Chas. Great Mascalls spirit merchants Ruffell Thos. Reeve, plumber & glazr
Pertwee Henrv, Baddow road Daking Robert, carrier Spalding Fredk. farmer, Baddow rd
Pledger Mrs. Rothmans Downey John, butcher Sparrow Lewis John, blacksmith
Plum Miss, 9 Baddow road Downing Robert, saddler Sparrow Martin Thomas, vet. surgeon
Potter .A.rthur George, Cedar lodge Finch Charles Richard, assistant over- Spooner William, Blue Lion P.H
Prior-Johnson Mrs. Houghtons seer, collector of poOTI rates & Stanriard Charles, grocer & china
Prior-Johnson Prior Vvm. Houghtons registrar for births & deaths, Great dealer, Post office
Pugh Mrs Baddow sub-district, Chelmi'ford Taylor .Albert, King's Head P.H. &
Smee Thomas John, .Adstocks union carpenter
Smithers Henry Wm. Baddow court Finch Edward, butcher & farmer Thorndick John Horace, pork butcher
Taylor John Vincent, Baddow road Finch Richard, butcher & farmer & & beer retailer, Baddow road
Veley Arthnr Cnrtis deputy registrar of births & qeaths, Turnage Louisa Ann (Mrs.), ladies'
Wilson John, Bancroft house Great Baddow sub-district, Chelms- school
COMMERCIAL. ford union Wheaton Wm. H. farmer, Baddow Pk
Aldred '\Villiam, furniture dealer Bardy Saul (Mrs.), gingerbread baker Wrigh t Geo. cattle dealer, Iladdow rd
l.ITTLE BADDOW is a parish and scattered village, died gth October, 1639, aged 61; he is represented as
near the confluence of the river Chelmer and Sandon clad in armour, reclining under a canopy, with a sword
brook, principally ·on a hill commanding an extensive by his side and a truncheon in his hand, and at the foot
view over the whole valley of the Chelmer, 6 miles cast of the monument are two female figures kneeling, one
from Chelmsford and 35 miles from London, in the an elderly lady with scarf and hood, the other a maiden,
Mid division of the county, hundred, petty sessional richly dressed : there is also an ancient tablet to the
division, union and county court district of Chelmsford memory of two members of the Fitzwalter family: a
and in the rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of brass found in this church at the time of the last repairs
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. bears the following inscription:-" Here lyeth the corpses
Mary the Virgin is a building of Roman materials and vf Mercymight Springham, one of the davghters of
rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Richard Springham Gent: whoe was wyfe to Richard
nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled western Bristowe Esqvier xxvith years, and lyved in this world
tower containing 4 bells : in the south wall of the south Fyve and Fiftie yeares, Departinge Her Mortall Lyfe
aisle are two tombs with recumbent female figures the xxth of Janvarie 16n." The register dates from the
carved! in wood., with hounds at their feet,under Decorated year 1562. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
canopies of the time of Edward III. and supposed to be charge £472, net yearly value £297, with 13 acres of
the two wives of Sir Hugh de Baden : in the chancel is glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord Rayleigh, and
a stately marble monument to Sir Henry 1\fildmay, of held since 1882 by the Rev. Frederick Thomas Tayler.
Graces, who resided in this parish, was knighted on the There is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1707, with a.
battlefield, 25th May, 16os, during the Irish wars, and residence for the minister. The principal landowners are
Henry Fitzwalter Plnmptre esq. of Goodnestone Park, to callers at 2 p.m.; box closes at 6.30 p.m. On
Wingham, Kent; Lord Rayleigh, who is lord of the sundays there is no post. The nearest money order
manor; John Spencer Phillips esq. of Parkhurst, order & telegraph office is at Danbury. Postal orders
Westgate road, Beckenham, Kent; and John Wilfrid are issued here, but not paid
Pledger esq. The soil is light gravel, producing excellent Pillar Letter Boxes, near Congregational chapel, cleared
crops of all descriptions of grain. The area, with the at 5.40 p.m. ; near Generals chase, cleared at 6 p.m
hamlet of Middle Mead, is 2,735 acres of land and 21 Schools:-
water; rateable value, £3,I28; the population in I891 National (mixed), for 70 children; average attendance,
was 543· 40; William Thomas, master
Middle Mead hamlet is in Dengie hundred, containing British (mixed), for 6o children; average attendance,
4IO acres. 30; & partly endowed from Butler's charity, for
Parish Clerk, William Lindsell. which see Boreham; Miss E. Summerton, mistress
Post Office.-Mrs. Julia Campion, sub-postmistress. Carrier to Chelmsford. James Mulley, tues. & fri. re-
Letters through Chelmsford are delivered at 8 a.m. & turning same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Thomas, beer retailer engineers; prize medals awarded
Ady Mrs. Woodlands Campion Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, by Essex Agricultural "Society for
Barnes John, Hill cottage Post office Mower carriage & tyre bender
Coubrough John, Coleraines Enefer .Adolphus, hay binder & thtchr Raven John, farmer, Gibbs
Phillips Mrs. Cuckoo Enefer George, farmer, Cuckoo Smith George, refreshment house &;
Pledger John Wilfrid, Hammonds Rayleigh, Holly bridge coal merchant, Little Baddow mill
Stanley Rev. Joseph Helliwell (Con- Enefer George, farmer, Cuckoo Smith Herbert, baker, Middle Mead
gregational), The Manse Everett James, agricultural engmeer, Smith Peter Bedford, frmr. Pilchrims
Tayler Rev. Frederick Tfios. (rector) see Pertwee J ames & Co Smith Lois (Mrs.), Rodney P. H. &; •
Tweed-James, Little Baddow hall Fleet Charles, General's Arms P.H shopkeeper, Middle Mead
Witherby Rev. Robert Hale, The Forster Charles, horse dealer Smoothey Chas. farmer, Old Riffhams
Bungalow Mecklenberg Elijah, pleasure gardens Sreakman .J Qseph John, & Albert
COMMEROIAL. Mulley James, farmer & carrier, Belle Edward, farmers, New lodge
Beaman John, carpenter Vue cottage Tweed Jas. farmer, Lit. Baddow hall
Byford Pharoah, miller (water), Hus- Pledger Jn. Wilfrid, frmr. Hammonds Yell Maria Louisa (Mrs.), farmer,
ketPS mill Pertwee James & Co. agricultural Great Graces
BALLINGDON (or Ballington) is a suburb of the town brick making are extensively carried on. The principal
of SudbuTy, in Suffolk, from which it is separated by landowners are Lord Ashburton, who is lord of the manor
the river Stour, and with Brundon forms a parish, I of Brundon, and Charles Bro~rden Sperling esq. D.L.,
mile south from Sudbury station, on the Stour Valley J.P. of Dynes Hall, Great Maplestead, lord of that of
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8 north-east from Ballingdon. The area of the united districts or parish
Halstead and 56 from London, in the Norther~ divi- is 833a. 3r. I7P· of land and 12 of water; rateable
sion of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury petty value, £2,555 ; the population in r891 was 73I.
sessional division, Sudbury union and county court Post & 1\I. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
district. The river is here crossed by a wooden bridge. Ballingdon.-Napo:eon Aprile, sub-postmaster. Letters
Ballingdon with Brundon forms a rectory annexed to the through Sudbury, Suffolk, arrive at 8 & I 1 a.m. &
vicarage of All Saints, Sudbury. The church of Bal- 5 p.m. ; dispatched at 8, 9·45 & 11.20 a.m.; 2.45,
lingdon has long been in Tuins. Here is a mission hall, 4.25 & 7.15 p.m.; sunday, 7·45 p.m
built in I876-7, and used by the Plymouth Brethren. The children of this parish attend the schools at Sud·
Here are chalk pits and two breweries, and malting and bury, Suffolk
.Alien Elliston, The Grove Beer Charles, carpenter & undertaker Mayes 1\Iaggie (Miss), dress maker
Bulmer Charles John Berry Alfred, baker & corn dealer Kice Ambrose Newman, butcher
Butcher Edmund Bezant Charlotte (~Irs. ), beer retailer Parsonson Eliza (Mrs.), basket maker
Dunn Frederick Edwin, Ballingdon hall Brown George, horse clipper Perry David, shoe maker
Nice Mrs Butcher Edmund, brewer Ramsay Edward Clouson, inland rev·
Phillips Uriah Butcher William, butcher enue officer
Salter John J.P Dixey Edith (Miss), dre8smaker Rashbrooke Jonathan C. baker
COMMEROIAL. Everett "\Villiam, shoe maker Ratcliff Harry, shoe maker
Alien Robeft A. & Sons, maltsters, Gibbons Edward Chas. brick & tile ma Ratcliff William, wheelwright
brick & tile makers, lime burners Green Mary .Ann (~iiss), private schl Rowland Samuel, hair dresser
& coal merchants Good Thomas, miller (steam & water), Shepard ·.Amy (~Irs.), beer retaile%
Ambrose Henry, King's Head P.H Brundon mill & brewer
Andrews Benjamin, carpenter Griggs Albert William, saddler Shilling Grace (Mrs.), dreQs maker
Andrews James, wool merchant & Harvey William, insurance agent
skin dealer I Howe Ellen (Miss), dress maker
Andrews Mary Gertrude (Mrs.), Ho we Geo. marine store dlr & shpkpr
Smith Waiter, manager of brick wrks
Spring Emma (Miss), straw bonnet
greengrocer Hume James, shopkeeper Theobald Josiah, Railway tavern
Aprile J oseph, general dealer & corn- Leffiey Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper Todd William Samuel, pork butcher
mission agent Mauldon A. M. & Son, White Horse Walford Walt-er (exors. of), farmer,
Aprile Napoleon, jeweller, Post office inn, & brewers & wine & spirit mer- Brundon hall
J3acon Isaac, insurance agent chants & maltsters Weaver Maud (Miss), dress maker
Bane Waiter, commercial traveller Mayes Henry, farm bailiff to Elliston White William, blacksmith
Bareham Thos. man. of brickworks .Alien esq
GREAT BARDFIELD is a small town and parish, yearly, s~ttled on the rector and his successors the
situated on the southern bank of the river Blackwater, yearly sum of £6 13s. 4d. being one moiety of the 20
near its source, 8 miles north-east from Dunmow and marks ; the other moiety he employed in founding a
9 north-west from Braintree stations on the Dunmow chantry in the church, dedicated to the Holy 'l'rinity;
and Braintree branch and 9 east-by-north from Elsen- he died 19 November, 1584, and with his wife Elizabeth
ham station on the main line of the Great Eastern rail- was buried under the south window of the chancel,
way, and 5 east from Thaxted, in the Northern division where are their figures .ih brass with a Latin inscription:·
of the county, Freshwell liundred and petty sessional there are several memorial windows in the church to
division, Dunmow union and county court district, and members of tht> Lampet family, which has furnished
in the rural deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of two vicars to this parish. The register dates from the
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of year xo6z. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-
St. Mary is an ancient building of stone in the Norman charge £207, net £145, with residence, in the gift of and
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave held since 1867 by the Rev. William Edward Lionel
of four bays, aisles, a fine south porch and an embattled Lampet M.A. of Emmanuel Crulege, Cambridge, rural
western tower with spire, containing 5 bells and a dean of Sampford, and surrogate. The Primitive Metho-
clock : the chancel and nave are divided by a fine stone dist chapel here was erected in I862, and has 250
screen : there are piscinre in the north and south ais~es : sittings ; there is also a Friends' meeting house. The
William Bendlowes, serjeant-at-law, who held this church Town Hall and Literary Institute was opened in De-
and the advowson of the living, obtained a licence in cember, 1859, at a cost of £I,Ioo; the hall will hold
1556 to convert the vicarage into a rectory, and having soo persons. The Great and Little Bardfield Literary
leased out the great tithes for soo years at 20 marks Institution was founded by Mr. Ruse in March, 1858.
A fair for horses, cattle and toys is held on the 22nd Harrison Capt. Jasper Nicholls, Saling grove, Braintree
June. A market was formerly held here. In Brook Lampet Rev. Edward Lionel M.A. Vicarage, Great
street is a fountain, supplied with water from a spring Bardfield, Braintree
in Dove House Meadow, the property of Mrs. Smith, Smith Joseph esq. Woolpits, Great Saling, Braintree
of South lodge. The charities include £w left by Thompson Gen. Chas. Wm. Wethersfield pl. Braintree
Serjeant Bendlowes, £3I arising from the manor of Clerk to the Magistrates, Aug. Cunnington, Braintree
Nichols, in Shalford, and other sums, all of which are Petty Sessions are held at Great Bardfield Town hall
distributed to the poor. Great Lodge, about a mile monthly on M~ays. The places in the division
south-east, and now occupied as a farmhouse, has a are Great & Little Ba.rdfield, Finchingfield, Hempstead,
small park, in which the Brain or Podsbrook rivulet Helions ill1mpstead, Little Saling & Great & Li.ttle
rises. The vicar is lord of the manor. The trustees of Sampford
Guy's Hospital, who are the owners of the great tithes, Public Establishments:-
Frederick Smoothy esq. of Braintree, and Aaron Edward Fire Engine Station, James William Burrell, supt
Adshead esq. J.P. of Beslyns, are the chief landowners. Town Hall Company, Henry Smith, secretary
The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops Police Station, James William Burrell, inspector
are wheat, barley, clover and beans. The area is 3,68g Public Officers:-
acres; rateable value, £3,797; the population in 1891 Assistant Overseer, Thomas Mace
was 956. Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Bardfield District,
Parish Olerk, John Suckling. Dunmow Union, & Medical Officer of Health, Dunmow
Fost, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Rural Sanitary District, Richard Richmond M.D.,
-Joseph 1Villiam Tanner, sub-postmaster. Letters C.l\I. Brook house
arrive from Braintree at 6.40 a.m. & 12.30 p.m. ; A School Board of 5 members was formed 8 November,
dispatched at 2.20 & 5.40 p.m.; sunday dispatch 1872; Thomas Mace, clerk to the board; Thomas
5.40 p.m Fox, attendance officer
County Magistrates for the Freshwell Division. Board School (mixed), erected in r873, for r.8o child-
Ruggles-Brise Colonel Samuel Brise C.B., D.L. Spains ren; average attendance, 145; George Smedley,
hall, Finchingfield, Braintree, chairman master; Mrs. Janet Smedley, infants' mistress
Adshead Aaron Edward esq. Beslyns house, Great Bard- Carriers to Braintree.-Edwin Clap son, daily; George
field, Braintree Wakeling, mon. wed. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chinn George ,seine, grocer & draper Newman Reginald, frmr. Bluegate hall
Adshead Aaron Edwd. J.P. Beslynsho Clapson Edwin, White Hart P.H. & Newman William Smith, flnmer
Cowell Peter, Bardfield hall carrier Parkin Frederick, farm bailiff to Guy's
French Miss County Police Station (James William Hospital, Little lodge
Fuller Mrs Burrell, inspector) Piper Charles, shopkeeper
Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel Crossman William, plumber, painter Piper Charles Henry, general dealer
M.A., J.P. (vicar, rural dean & & glazier; & at Finchingfield Porter George, coach builder
surrogate), Vicarage Davey Daniel, watch maker Prance Joseph, jun. baker & cnfctnr
Newman Mrs. North place Ellis Elizabeth (Mrs.), furrier Rawlinson Ann (Mrs.), farmer, School
Richmond Richard M.D., C.M. Brook Essex Provident Society (Thomas farm
house Mace, collector) Ri~hmond Richard M.D., C.M. sur-
Sapdle Mrs. Town house Fire Engine Station (James William geon, & medical officer & public
Smedley George Burrell, supt) vaccinator, Bardfield district, Dun-
Smit~ Miss, South lodge Fox Thomas, school attendance officer mow union, & medical officer of
Smith Mrs. South lodge Fox William,_ tailor health, Dunmow rural sanitary dis-
Smith Misses, Ethel house Freeman John, shopkeeper trict, Brook house
COMMEROIAL. GoldstDne Waiter, saddler Robinson William, wheelwright
Adams John, butcher Gray Frederick James, farmer, Pit- Sewell George, shoe maker
Adcock Susan (Mrs.), Bell inn leys farm Smith Benjmn. farmer, Place farm
Adshean Aaron Edwd. frmr. Beslyn~ Hawkes Herbert, blacksmith Smith Ebenezer, butcher
Bardfield Literary Institution (Miss Hitchcock Joseph, shoe maker Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.), brewer &
Ethel Sandle, hon. sec) Hope Coffee & Reading Rooms (Miss maltster & corn dealer
Barker William, farmer, Littles Ethel Sandle, manageress) Smith _Luke, beer retailer
Bone Philip, butcher Howlett William, farm bailiff to Smith Robert, shoe maker
IlowtTe James, bricklayer Joseph Smith, jun. Great lodge Smith Thomas, m-iller (water & wind)
Bradridge Thos. corn mer. Park gte Ives John, Vine commercial hotel Smith Thos. Dixon, fmr. Claypit hall
Bright Benjamin, frmr. Waltham crss King Fredk. Augustus, frmr. :f'ann's Spencer Golding~ shoe maker & fur-
Bright John, farmer, Hill farm King Henry Isaac Adams, veterinary niture dealer
Bright William, farmer & landowner, surgeon & castrator Stock George Wenden, beer retailer
Bridge farm Letch Andrew, farmer, New house & bricklayer
Broyd John, brickleyer Letch Robert, carpenter Suckling John, tailor & parish clerk
Buck Arthur, grocer, draper, tailor, Letch Thomas Augustus, baker & Tanner Joseph Wilfiam,grocer, draper,
outfi~ter, ironmonger & furniture dlr corn & coal merchant, Hill house &_ironmonger, PDst office
Burr ell J ames William, inspector of Mace Thomas (Mrs.), ladies' school, Thorn Francis Samuel, baker
police Northampton house Thurgood William, saddler
Carder John, builder & plasterer Mace Thomas, accountant, assistant. Tillbrook Thomas Parkin, cowkeeper
Chapman John Thomas, engin- overseer & clerk to School board Town Hall (Henry Smith, secretary)
eer & smith; engines & agricul- Mortlock Chas. Luke, farmer,_Litches Ward Louisa (~Iiss), dress maker
tural machines repaired &c Mnmfora Thomas Elisha, beer retailer Warder Frederick James, beer retailer
Chapma-a Silvanus, job master, Hill pl & shoe maker
LITTLE BARDFIFLD is a parish and village, on chancel has a good east window and a reredos of ala-
the south bank of the river Blackwater, ro miles east- baster. The register dates from the year 1539. The
by-north from Elsenham station on the main line, and living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £364;
ro north-west from Braintree and 8 north-east from Dun- gross yearly value £433, with 68 acres of glebe and
nww stations on the Dunmow and Braintree branch of residence, in the gift of and held since r864 by the
the Great Eastern railway, and 3 east from Thaxted, Rev. Richard Henry White 1\I.A. of Jesus College,
in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell Cambridge. Here are five almshouses for old and
hundred and petty sessional division, Dunmow union destitute women and a National school, founded bv •
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Mrs. Sarah Bernard, November 12, 1774; the united
Sampford, archdeaconry of Colcnester and diocese of income amounts to about £6o yearly. Richard Creed
St. Albans. The church of St. Katherine is a small esq. is lo1d of the manor; Frederick Payne, of Moor
and veTy ancient building of flint, of presumed Saxon Haa, John Harrison Raven and Joseph Giblin esqrs.
date, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an and Major Marsham are the principal landowners.
oembatt!eu western tower containing 2 bells : the win- The soil is mixed; subsoil, principally clay. The chief
dows were inserted during the Decorated period ; the crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area
organ chamber has been added by the present rector, is 1,713 acres; rateable value, £r,sr8; the population
and contains a fine organ of the 17th century by Harris : in r8qr was 268.
the south porch was repaired in r8g4, at the expense HAWKSPYE GREEN, 1 mile north from the church,
-of Richard Creed esq. and a figure of St. Katherine Great Hvde, r mile north-west, and Oxen End, a mile
placed over the entrance : there is a rood cross with and a half south-east, are hamlets of this parish.
emblems of the Evangelists and the .A.gnus Dei : the Parish Clerk and Sexton, George Overall.
Wall Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m. wee-k days & sundays. National School (mixed), founded in 1774 by Mrs. Sarah
Letters received through Braintree arrive at 8 p.m. Bernard & endowed as above stated, for 18 children;
from Great Bail'dfield, which is the nearest money order was enlarged in 1871, and will hold 94 children;
& telegraph od'fice average attendance, 52; Mrs. Isa.bella Overall, mistres.s
Creed Richard, Little Bardfield hall Bambridge .Alfred, farm bailiff to Maj. King Frederick Augustus, farmer,
Field Mrs. Wainford,s Marsham, Little Bardfield Hall & Oxen end '
White Rev. Richd. Hy. M.A. (rector) Markswood Hall farms Mihill John, Spread Eagle P.H. & balrr
COMMEROlAL. Betts Joseph, miller (wind) & assist- Mizen John, farmer, Dixon's farm
Adams Thomas, farm bailiff to F. A. ant overseer Mortlock Chas. farmer, Charity farm
King esq Giblin J oseph, farmer & landowner Overall George, florist
Angell Mark, farm bailiff to Frederick Holley James, farm bailiff to Nicholas Raven John Harrison, farmer, Hyde's
Payne esq. Moor hall Sadler esq. Wainford's farm farm
Bedlow Richard, farmer, Cracklands·

Barking is a town and parish and railway station, 7 on the 14th November, 1539, at which time its revenues
miles from Whitechapel church, 2 south from Ilford and amounted to £,1,084 yearly, an annual pension of 200
6 south-west from Romford, in the Southern division of marks ([133 6s. wd.) being granted to Dorothy Barley,
the county, Becontree hundred and petty sessional divi- the last abbess. The site of the monastery with its
sion, Romford union and county court district, and in demesne lands was leased by the king to Sir Thomas
the rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and Dennye and not long afterwards granted by Edward VI.
diocese of St. .Albans. The parish is separated from to Edward Fynes, Lord Clinton, who immediately trans-
Dagenham by the river Rom, having the Thames on the ferred it to Sir Richard Sackville; subsequently it was
south, and from East and West Ham and Little Ilford again vested in the Crown, and was granted by J ames I.
by the river Boding, which is navigable for barges from to Augustine Steward, who died seised of this property in
the Thames to Great Ilford. The parish was separated 1628: in 1747 it was purchased by Joseph Keeling, and
from Ilford 29 Sept. 1888, by Act of Parliament, and is is now held by Sir Edward Hulse hart. D.L., J.P. of
now a distinct civil parish of itself: in March, 1890, Breamore House, Salisbury: there is scarcely a vestige
boundary posts were erected by the parish at a cost of now remaining of the once magnificent abbey, nor have
about £,70, to mark the boundary between Barking and any of the main buildings been standii_Ig for centuries.
East Ham, Ilford and Dagenham. The parish is under Mr. Lethieullier, when lord of the manor, by excavating
the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. The t()wn is on the site, was enabled to make out the ground plan of
governed by a Local Board of nine members, formed Oct. the abbey, . }f some considerable portion of it: in 1876
14, 1882, under whose direction the town was ilewered in the foundations of the Ladye Chapel and the skeletons of
1885, at a cost of £,18,ooo; the outfall is on land at two abbesses, buried in front of the altar, were dis-
Laby's Marsh, where are precipitating tanks of concrete, covered in the grounds belonging to the National Schools,
each holding 30o,ooo gallons, the effluent passing into the a part of the site which does not appear to have been
Thames. The London, Tilbury and Southend Railway examined by Mr. Lethieullier : at the entrance to the
Compooy have a station here, and in June, 1888, com- churchyard is an ancient gateway tower of two stories,
pleted and opened for traffic their direct line from this wit!i an embattled parapet and an octago:qal turret at one
place to Southend. angle, rising above the parapet; the upper stage formE.d
Barking is called in the Domesday Survey "Burchingas." the chapel of the Holy Rood; this tower, although er£·ctE:d
Of the place little or nothing is known until the founda- in the Decorated period long subsequently to the found&-
tion of the Benedictine abbey, about the year 670, by St. tion of the monastery, is sufficient!! interesting, from tlu•
Erkenwald, Bishop of London (675-85). in the reigns of fact that within its walls the curfew bell is said to have
Sighere and Sebba (663-693), kings of the East Saxons: tolled at eight o'clock; it is by some called the fire-beil
the founder being grandson of Uffa, the first Saxon king gate, and this may be so, for the curfew bell was as w~il
of the East Angles (575-82), and the first bishop who sat a note of alarm as an indication of the hour 1f rest~
in the see of London after the erection of St. Paul's by during six months of the year one of the bells in the
King Ethelbert : this abbey was dedicated to the Virgin, church tower is still tolled nightly at eight and in fuc
and is said to have been the first religious house estab- morning at five o'clock, merely as perpetuating an
lished for women in the kingdom. The original charter ancient custom : another gateway, leading- into the pre-
of endowment by Hodelied, father of King Sebba, is cints of the abbey, was pulled down in 1881.
among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum; but The church of St. Margaret is a structure of Kentish
the names of the estates or lordships are so changed that rag chiefly of Perpendicular date, with some Norman and
it is utterly impossible to trace them. William the Con- Early English features, and consists of chancel, nave,
queror confirmed the original grants, as did also all the south aisle, two north aisles running parallel to each other
succeeding monarchs down to Henry VII. The first for the whole length of the building, north porch and a
abbess was Ethelburga, sister of the founder ; and it is a lofty embattled western tower containing a clock and 8
fact worthy of note as showing the importance of the fine-toned bells: it was originally appropriated to th~
parish in past ages that most of the abbesses were of monastery, and previously to 1328 there had been two
high rank, and some of them of the blood royal ; one- vicarages in the church of Barking, distinguished as St.
being Oswyth, daughter of Ethelfrith, King of Northum- Margaret's-on-the-North and St. Margaret's-on-the-Sout:n,
bria (593-617), and another Ethelburga, wife of Ina, king but about this period they were united, although it was
of the West Saxons (668-728). Maud, or Matilda, daugh- not until 1398 that they were legally consolidated: in
ter of Malcolm Ill. King of Scotland, and wife of Henry I. 1536 an agreement was entered into between the abbess
at one time swayed the destinies of the monastery, as and vicar of that date for the payment by the former of
did also anolher Maud, daughter and heir . of Eustace, £,10 yearly in lieu of provisions which the vicar Cll!lo
Count of Boulogne, and wife of King StPphen ; in suc- tomarily received from the convent for himself -1nd his
cession to whom Henry II. appointPd Mary, sister of servant, and this -sum is still paid to the present vicar :
Thomas-a-Becket, as abbess: during tlwse periods several among the fine monuments in the ohurch is one to Sir
kings are related to have dwelt within the abbey walls, Charles Montague, of Cranbrook, Kent, representing his
and William the Conqueror is said to have taken up his death on the field of battle; and there is a mural tablet
abode here during the building of his fortress in London. to Sir Orlanrlo Humfreys bart. d. 14 June, 1737: in the
In 1376 a great inundation broke down the banp:s of the chancel are brasses with effigies to Thomas Broke, oh.
Thames at Dagenham, the repairs of which greatly im- 1493, and .Alice, his wife, with a son and daughte'~"; to
poverished the nuns; Eleanor (de Bohun), widow of John Tedcastell, gent. and Elizabeth (Mey), his wife, ob.
Thomas Plantagenet (of Woodstock), Duke of Gloucester, 1596, with nine sons and seven daughters, and one of a
retired hither on the death of her husband in 1397, and priest, in academic dress, with chalice, the inscriptum
here she died, 3rd October, 1399; here also Erlmund and gone, c. 1480: in the nave and south aisle are brass m-
Jasper Tudor, sons of Catherine of Valois, daughter of scriptions to Elizabeth Hobart, widow, ob. 1590; Chns-·
Charles VI. of France and wife of Sir Owen Tudor, were topher Merell, citizen and goldsmith, of London, ob.
educated: the abbesses were appointed by the king till 1598, ret. 6o, and his sister Anne Yardley, a widow, ob.
1200 and held baronial rank by virtue of their landed 1579, and another inscription to sevpn sons, c. 1530: the
possessions. The abbey was surrendered to Henry VIII. chancel retains several aumbries : there are sittings for
930 persons. The registers date from the year 1558. producing on the aggregate about £30 yearly, variously
The rectory, which in 1541 had been leased to Mary distributed in money, bread and coals.
Blackenhall, consisted of all such tithes as had not been The Town Hall, in the High street, formerly the market
previously leased; it subsequently fell into the hands of house, has an overhanging upper storey, and a portion
the Crown, by whom it was sold in I550 (together with of the wooden arcade below still remains.
the advowson of the vicarage) to Robert Thomas rLd The D Company of the rst Volunteer Battalion, Essex
.Andrew Salter; the great~r portion of it afterwards Regiment, have their headquarters in the Broadw.1y.
passed to the trustees of the will of William Pownsett, The Metropolitan police station in North street, has
of Loxford (steward to the last abbess), who being attached a provident dispensary, situated in Broadway.
desirous of bestowing his substance on charitable objects, The new building of the Local Board in East street.
gave the rectory and advowson to the Warden and erected at a cost of £12,738, contains the public free lend-
Fellows of All Souls· College, Oxford. The living is a ing and reference library, now comprising about 1,200
vicarage, tithe rent-charge £594• average £545• net volumes, a fire brigade station and public mortuary.
yearly value £302, with 6. acres of glebe and residence, 'l'he market is almost extinct, and the fair, £urmerly
in the gift of All Souls" College, Oxford, and held since held in October 23rd, has been abolished. There are
r89r by the Rev. Herbert Hensley Henson M.A. and sail lofts and rope yards, but no fishing smacks are now
fellow of that college. built here. A large jute manufactory exists, and at the
The Catholic church, built in 186g, and dedicated to mouth of the Roding Creek, on the Thames, &re gun-
SS. Mary and Ethelburga, affords 300 sittings ; the Con- powder magazines and chemical manure works.
gregational chapel, first founded in r662, will seat 550 At Uphall, a farm nm:th of the town, are the remains
persons; the Wesleyan chapel, built in r869, has 500 of a fortification of Roman origin, nearly 40 acre3 in
sittings; the Baptist chapel, in Queen's road, built in extent.
I85r, affords sittings for 280 persons; and there is The North London Main Drainage Sewer passes through
another in North street, seating 70 persons. The Chris- the marsh lands on the banks of the river Roding, and
tian Brethren meet in Park hall, Axe street. The Friends' the reservoir, or main outfall, is constructed ·m lands Jn
meeting house in North street is only used occasionally. Barking parish, on the west side of the mouth of Barking
The North Africa Nonconformist Mission has offices here, Creek, and covers an area of nearly ro acres, to which
at 19, 21 and 29 Linton road : its object is to evangelise an addition of from 6 to 7 acres of reservoir .~pace was
Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, Egypt &c. and the made in r887-9, when engine houses and settling tanks
mission has now (r894) 8o missionaries in these coun- were built at a cost of about £5oo,ooo: the reservoir.
tries : the income for 1893, raised by voluntary sub- formed of brick, with a stone flooring, and resting on
scriptions, was a little over £6,ooo; Mr. E. H. Glenny, foundations of concrete, 20 feet deep, is divided into f0m·
hon. sec compartments, and will hold 39,ooo,ooo gallons of sewaga,
A Cemetery, 12 acres in extent, with mortuary chapel, the whole of which is here precipitated by chemical
was formed here in r886, at a cost of £6,ooo, and is means; the effluent is discharged into the river, and the
under the contr()l oi ru Burial Board of nine members ; C. residue or sludge, after further treatment, is pumped
H. Mills, clerk to the Board. In the Friends' Cemetery 0
into steamers and carried away to sea.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, the eminent phi,Janthropist, who died Eastbury House, about r mile from Barking, is an
at Ramsgate, 12 Oct. r845, is interred. ancient and very spacious gabled mansion of brick in the
The charities include the following :-r. In the year Domestic Tudor style ; the buildings surround three
r8r8 James Hayes left £4,000 (3 per cent. Reduced An- sides of a quadrangle, and include an octagonal tower
nuities). 2. Mrs. Ann Nepton left an estate to the rising above the roofs, and a tall stack of curiously-
Poulterers' Ooonpany of London, subject to a yearly rent- decorated chimneys ; the mullioned windows are retained
charge of £40, to be distributed by the master and. but the interior has been modernised; this house is
wardens of that company in ss. gifts to r6o poor persons eonnected by tradition with the Gunpowder Plot, some
yearly in May. 3· Sir Thomas Fanshawe gave for the accounts designating it as a meeting place of the con-
benefit of the poor of the parish of Barking the Market spirators and others as the tesidence of Lord Monteagle ;
House and tolls, with seven cottages, the latter now it is now used as a farm house ; the estate on which it
producing £20 yearly. 4· Sir Thomas Campbell's legacy stands belongs to the Sterry family.
of £roo, expended in the purchase of land in Eastbury The manor of Barking, which is paramcmnt all over the
Marsh, realizes £24 yearly. 5· Cotlands' charity con- hundred, remained in the Crown till James I. sold it t01
sists of about 5 acres of ancient copyhold poor's land, Sir Thomas Fanshawe kt. of J enkins ; since then it ha.~
held of the manor of Barking, and producing £25 yearly. been in the famj]jes of Humphr-ey and Gore; it was pur-
6. Jonathan and Thomas Collett left certain lands, known chased of the latter by Smart Lethieullier esq. and is
as "Kings' Bridge Marsh," since sold for £r,soo and now the property of Sir Edward Hulse bart. a descendant
vested in the 2! per Cents. : an annual dividend of £48 9s. of Mary, the last heiress of the Lethieullier family.
arising herefrom is distributed by the churchwardens The principal landowners are the Marquess of Salis-
in bread every Sunday morning among the deserving bury K.G., P.C. and Sir Edward Hulse hart. of Breamore
poor. 7· Fowkes' charity enables the authorities of House, Salisbury
• Barking and Ilford to send two boys, sons of parishioners, The parish contains 3,723 acres of land and 48· 3r. 34P·
to Christ's Hospital, London. 8. In r6q John Wilde left of water; rateable value, £107,088. The population of
to the poor of Barking a liouse in East street, containing the entire parish in r89r was q,3or. The population of
four rooms, occupied rent free by poor people placed in Barking ward and town in r88r was 9,203, and in r89I
them by the parish officers; but this pro_perty becoming 14,301.
very dilapidated was sold to Mr. William Lake for £225
and two new almshouses were built adjoining the seven RIPPLESIDE consists of a number of scattered farms,
almshouses in East street, making in the whole nine extending from I to 3 miles east from Barking, near the
almshouses of four rooms each, rent free, containing bank of the Thames. The population in r8gr was about
about 21 inmates. 9· There are eight other charities, 2,ooo, but is included with Barking. To the north-west
arising either from rents of lana or investments, and are Great Porters and Parsloes.
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, William Bewers, 74 Longbridge road
Axe street Alfred Stephens, postmaster. Letters dis- E. A. Davies, Tanner street
patched at 9-50 a. m. 12.40, 5· ro & 9·45 p.m. & on sun- Henry Berry, 38 Linhm road
days at 8.30 p.m. ; delivered at 7 & 8.45 a.m. & 3 & William George King, Broadway, Barking
7.15 p.m. Money order office open from 9 a.m. to J. Johnson, 26 East street, Barking
8 p.m. Post office savings bank open daily, same Charles Goodman, Faircross farm
hours as money order office. Wall End is in the H. W. Knowles, 199 North street
postal district of East Ham Robert Willett, Broadway
Parcel Post deliveries 8.45 a.m. & 7· 15 p.m. ; dispatches, H. H. Mason, 17 & 19 East street
12.40 & 9·45 p.m Clerk, Charles Eustace Wilson, Basing chambers, 20
Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. J;j Annuity & Insurance Basinghall street E C
Office, 79 East street-Alf Kirkman, sub-postmaster.
Treasurer, G. T. Goodinge, London & South Western
Dispatches at 8, 9.25, 12.15 a.m.; 2.40, 4·45· 6.45 & Bank, Fenchurch street
9.30 p.m.; 9.15 p.m. sundays
Medical Officer of Health, F. E. Gib bens, Cambridge rd
Local Board. Surveyor, Charles James Dawson, East street
Board Room, East street. Sanitary Inspector, Frederick Martin, East street
Board day on second tuesday in month at 8 p.m. Collector, William Lake, Longbridge road
T. W. Glenny, The Paddock, Barking, chairman Inspector of Petroleum, Frederick Martin, East street
Public Establishments:- Baptist, Queen's road; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon.
Almshouses, East street & wed. 7.30 p.m ·
Barking & East Ham Provident Dispensary, Hugh Her- Baptist Meeting Room, North street, II a.m. & 6 p.m.;
bert Mason, surgeon, Broadway tues. 7 p.m
Cemetery (St. J\Ia.rgaret's), Rippleside, Charles H. Brethren, Axe street, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Mills clerk to the burial board; T. Bolton, supt Congregational, Broadway, Rev. Thomas Davies; II
Metropolitan Police Station, North st. Wm. Faulkner a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
& Jas. Tebby, inspectors; 3 sergeants & 26 constables 1 Primitive Methodist, Linton road; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Public Library, East street, Josiah T. Edwards, hon. tues. 7.30 p.m
sec.; George Jackson, librarian "\Vesleyan, East street, Rev. A. S. Williams, Long-
Stamp Office, 6 Axe street, Alfd. Stephens, distributor bridge road; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Town Hall, Broadway, John Barber, ball keeper Mission Rooms, Barking creek
Volunteer Fire Brigade, engine house, Town hall, J. Schools:-
J. Quash, captain & 13 men Technical Instruction Committee, Public Library (W.
:ISt Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (D company); Bewes, chairman; J. T. Edwards, secretary)
head quarters, Broadway; Hon. Major Samuel Glenny, A School Board of 7 members was formed October g,
commandant; Rev. H. H. Henson M. A. acting chaplain r889, & meets at the Board offices on the 3rd wed. in
the month at 8 p.m.; J. T. Edwards, East street,
Public Officers : -
Asst. Overseer, Alien Wand, Town hall & 27 Church rd
clerk; Thomas Lamb, 54 Linton road & W. n.
Smithyes, Heath street, attendance officers
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public Board School, Gascoigne road, erected at a cost of
Vaccinator, No. 3 District, Romford Union, Hugh £Is,ooo, for 1,409 children; average attendance, SI4
Herbert Mason, 17 & 19 East street boys, soB girls & 483 infants; Thomas Radford,
"Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, William Pink, master ; Sarah Whitcomb, mistress ; Mary Taylor,
no Longbridge rd. i deputy, Geo. Lamb, 76 East st infants' mistress
-Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Thomas Brown, 22 National (boys & girls), Back lane, built, with teachers'
Wellington terrace, New road, Barking residences, in I872 at a cost of £4,000, & enlarged in
Tax Collector, 1Vm. Wilmot, 5 Cambridge rd. Barking 1889 at an expense of £1,200, for 778 children; aver-
Vestry Clerk, S. Glenny, 65 East street age attendance, 340 boys & 330 girls; Robert Garstang,
Places of Worship, with times of services:- master; T. Foyle, assistant master; Miss Myles, mist
St. Margaret's Church, Rev Herbert Hensley Henson National (infants), North street, for 262 chLdren; aver-
M. A. vicar; Rev. J. H. Goodwin B. A. ; Rev. Sydney age attendance, 248; Miss Bowden, mistress
G. Sampson; Rev. H. R. Phillpotts B.A.; Rev. Gera:d Catholic (mixed), Linton road, built in 1889, for 200
K. S. Marshall B.A. curates; 8 & 1I a.m. & 3 & children; average attendance, 150; Miss Carpenter,
6.30 p.m. ; daily 8.30 a.m. & 5 p.m mistress
St. Paul's Church, Ripple road, chapel of ease, served "\Vesleyan (mixed), East street, for 3S6 children, aver-
by clergy of St. Margaret's same times of services age attendance, 344; William Nield, master
SS. Mary & Ethelburga Catholic, Linton road, Rev. Ragged (sunday), Heath street
David Hickey, priest; 8.30 & II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; Railway Station, East st. ; Wm. Chalk, station master
wed. 7.30 p.m. ; daily mass 8 a.m. & holy days 9 a.m Carriers to London.-Charles Leftley & Son, from their
"Baptist Tabernacle, Linton road, Rev. D. H. Moore; houses every morning, returning same evening; Carter.
n a. m. & 6.30 p.m. sundays; 7.30 p.m. wed Paterson & Co. & Pickford & Co. twice daily
Crumpton Henry, 20 Wellington ter- Glenny Miss, 23 East street
Abrahams Mrs. 92 Ripple road race, New road Glenny Thomas W. 68 East street
.Ager Waiter, 37 Church road Curson3 William, I Richmond ter- Glenny Wm. Wallis J.P. 2s East st
Aldis Richard, 99 Ripple road race, Glenny road Godley John, 3 Richmond terrace,
Ashley Edw:ud, 26 St. Paul's road Danes William, so Longbridge road Glenny road
Ball James, II6 GlMny road Davey George William, Barking creek Goodaker Henry, 18 Wellington ter•
li!amwbll Waiter, 32 Longbridge road Davey Willi&m, 37 Wakering road race, New road
Banham Jacob, 32 Cambridge road Davies Rev. Thomas (Congregational), G-oodwin Rev. J. H., B.A. (curate),
Barnes Valentine, 7I Wakering road 23 Linton road 'fhe Vicarage, Ripple road
Barnett Edwin Wm 35 Wakermg rd Davies Edward A. I Tanner street Gosling Alfred James,2 Cambridge rd
Batey Isaac, u8 Glenny road Davis Alfred, 7 Linton road Gould John Thomas, 20 Cambridge rd
Bauckham Albert E.12 Cambridge rd Davis Frank, 65 Westbury road Graffy John, II2 Glenny road
Bensted Alfred, 203 Ripple road Dawson Charles James, Queen's road Hall Henry J. 56 Linton road
Bentley Edward J. 36 Wakering road Day John, 13 Tanner street Harris Edward, 201 North street
:Berry Henry, 38 Linton road Death Misses, 46 Linton road Hart Joseph, 16 1Vakering road
Eewers William, 74 Longbridge road Dennett Joseph Wm. 108 Glenny road Hatch William, 78 Longbridie road
:Bird George, 20 Long-bridge road Deveson Charles, 28 Longbridge road Hayden Mrs. 2 Mariner villas, Long-
:Bittleston Francis, 4 Cambridge road Donaldson James, 144 Ripple road brid!!e road
Bodman George, 86 Longbridge road Dunk James Hemy, 21 Cambridge rd Heading .John, 92 Longbridge road
:Bond William, 34 Cambridge road Edwards Josiah T. 47 Cambridge road Henson Rev. Herbert Hensley M.A.
Bones William, 17 Wakering road Elliot Robert, 14 Cambridge road The Vicarage
11orst Martin, 4 Richmond terrace, Emery Hemy J. 6 Richmond terrace, Hewett Robert, 100 North street
Glenny road Glenny road Hewett Robert M. Roden lodge,
Braund John Wilton, II2 North street Everett Ezekiah, 128 Ripple road Queen's road
Brett Thomas, 38 Wakering road Fairweather Robert M.A. Ripple road Hiekey Rev.David(Catholic),Linton rd
Brook Thomas, II Richmond terrace, Farthing Charles, 155 St. Ann's road Rimer Franz, 6 Cambridge road
Glenny road Faulkn~r John, 62 Linton road Hopkins Mrs. 101 Ripple road
:Brown William, 33 Church road Feldon Theodore, 10 Richmond ter- Howe .John, 12 Wakering road
:Burrows Everenden, 30 Linton road race, Glenny road Howe Wm. 16 Wellington ter. New rd
Carter Alfred, no Glenny road Fell Aaron, Oak villa, Queen's road Hughes Mrs. 8 Cambridge road
Carter Robert, Glenny road Fenton Cha1les F . .::l1 Linton road Hume Mrs. I I Queen's road
Chatting 1Yilliam, 22 Cambridge road Fields James, 35 Church road Hurald John, Glenny road
Chisney Frederick, 126 Ripple road Firman Edwin, 26 Wellington terrace, James Chas. 4 Wellington ter.New rd
Chopping Stanton. 207 Ripple road NPw road .Tames Christopher, 6o Longbridge rd
Churchman Edward, 2 Richmond ter- Fletclwr William, 73 Wakering road .Tames Jn. 7 Richmond ter.Glenny rd
rilce, Glenny road Float Wm. Thomas, 38 Longbridge rd Johnson John, 23 Cambridge road
Clark Matthew, 201 Ripple road Ford John H. 34 Linton road Johnson Robert, 8 Wellington terrace,
Clark William, 134 Ripple road Foster Herbert J. Aldwick lodge New road
Clarke John Herbert, 1.::!6 Ripple road Fowell Richard, 46 Cambridge road Johnstone Charles, 104 North street
Coaffee John Lewis, 91 Ripple road Freeman Charles A. 76 Longbridge rd .Joy Edwin, 19 Cambridge road
Coates Henry, 18 Cambridge road Frogley Joseph, 44 Longbridge road Kelly John, 24 St. Paul's road
Cog-gins Wltr.Wilson,26 Longbridge rd Frye Miss, 18 Longbridge road Key Septimus, 55 Wakering road
Collier Edward, 6 Wellington ter- Geyton William, 34 Wakerin~ road King John, 40 Longbridge road
ract>, New road Gibbard William, 48 Cambndge road King Philip, 25 Church road
'Cook James Henry, 22 St. Paul's road Gibbens Frank Edward, 10 Cam- Kirk William, 8o Longhridge road
'Cooke Henry, 40 Wakering road bridge road Kirkman Henry, 94 Longbridge road
Cox Patrick, 52 Linton road Glenny Edward Henry, 21 Linton road Knowles Edward, 6o Linton road
Knowles Henry Waiter, 199 North st Palmer William, 54 Longbr:iUge road Spurway William, 149 St. Ann's roadl
Lamb Thomas, 54 Linton road Patch Mrs. 52 Longbridge road Squirell Benjamin, so Limon road
Lamb William John, 153 St. Ann's rd Peake James Henry, roo Glenny road Stephens Mrs. Charles,r6 St.Paul's rd.
Lathorp Henry Thomas, 13 Linton rd Pearson James, so Longbridge road S<;ephcns The Misses, 8 Axe street
Laundon Joseph, 33 Wakering road Pearson Robert, 49 Wakering road Stewart John, 3 Cambridge rood
Laver William, 28 Cambridge road Pelling Thomas, 21 East street Storer Mrs. E. 17 Cambridge road
Lettington Georg-e D. S Richmond ter- Perry Mrs. 5 I Wakering road Swindells Edgar, 23 Broadway
racP, Glenny road Peters Arthur Robert, r Mariner 'fomley Alfrt·d E. 27 Cambridge road
Lomas Richard, 6r Westbury road villas, Longbridge road 'franter Charles, r8 St. Paul's road
Louth Joseph, 23 Tanner street Phillpotts Rev. H. R., B.A. (cm·ate), Traylen George, 48 Longbridge road
Love Ja.mes, 32 Linton road The Vicarage, Ripple road Tune John, rs Cambr1d~e road
Lummis Richard, 97 Ripple road Preston Stanley R. 17 Linton road Turner William, 43 Wakering road
Lye John, go Ripple road Pulleyn Mrs. 13 Queen's road Wagstaff Harry, u Cambridge road
Lyle Josiah, 51 Tanner street Purgin Thomas, 146 Ripple road Wagstaff John, 63 Westbury road
McAllister Robert, ros Ripple road Pyner Mrs. 58 Linton road Waites James, 58 Longbridge road
McColl John, 2os Ripple road Pyner Richard, 104 Glenny road Wand Alien, 27 Church road
Madden John, Glenny road Quash John J. so North street Wasfould Edward, 144 Ripple road
Marchant William, 107 Axe street Radford Thomas, 36 Longbridge road Watkins Charles, 4S Cambridge road
Marshall Rev. Gel'ald K.S., B.A. Rllinbow Henry, 30 Cambridge road Watkinson John E. 138 Ripple road
(curate), The Vicarage, Ripple road Randell Charles, Glenny road Watson William, 102 Glemty road
Martin George, 104 Ripple road Rann Benjamin, 28 Wellington ter- Webb Jn 12. Richn,ond ter.Glenny rd
Martin Henry, 15 Wakering road race, New road Weidner Thomas, 24 Linton roa_d
Mason Hugh Herbert 17 & I9 East st Rawlings Charles, 6r Wakering road Weidner William, 9 Richmond ter-
May James, 29 Wakering road Roberts FredBrick, 53 Wakering road race, Glenny road
Melvin James, ro "Wellington terrace, :;;ampson Rev. Sydney Geral'd Weller James Wm. u2 Longbridge rd
New road (curate), The Vicarage, Ripple road Wells Joseph, g6 Longbndge road
Middleditch Henry, 32 Wakering road Saunders Hy, Richard,14 Wakering td. White James Alf. ISI St. Ann's road
Mildren Alfred, 39 Wakering road Scheurer Mrs. 26 Cambridge road White Miss, g8 Longbridge road
Mills James Henry, 43 Cambridge rd Scott William, 22 Linton road White Mrs. 2 Marian villas, Long-
1\fitchell Mrs.24 'Wellington ter.New rd Shalders Thomas, 57 Wakering road bridge road
Money Alfred, 41 Wakering road Shellitoe Henry, jun. 93 Ripple road Willett John, g6 North street
Moore Rev. D. H. (Baptist), 17 Shread George, 42 Longbridge roai Williams Rev. Alfred S. (Wesleyan),.
Church road Sibbons John, 65 Wakering road 84 Longbridge road
Mullett Geo. Jn. Roding ho.West bnk Simmonds James, 9 Cambridge road Wilson John, 62 Longbridge road
Mnmford Charles, I40 Ripple road Skillman Richard, 22 Longbridge road Woodhead Mrs. 14 Wellington ter-
Nairne Charles, I03 Ripple road Skinley Joseph, Southbury ho.Hart E.t race, New read
Neild William, 132 Ripple road Smith Alfred, 114 Glenny road Wyatt William Andrew,2o St.Paul's rd
Newman Robert, 6q Wakering road Smith Francis, Io6 Glenny road l:'oung Jsph.12 Wellington ter.New rd
Norris George, 42 Linton road Smith Henry Charles, 8 Richmond Young Joseph, sen. I45 St. Ann's rd
O'Connell Jn. Acacia villa, Queen's rd terrace, Glenny road Young Joseph, jun. 142 St. Ann's rd
Ogden Richard S. ro Wakering road Smith .Tames, 31 Wakering road Youngman David, 102 Ripple road
Ovenstone David, Ash villa,Queen's rd Smith James, 63 Wakering ro3d Zuber Charles, 13 Cambridge road
Palmer Merry, ro6 Ripple road Soul Mrs. Elizabeth, 29 Church road
COMMEROIAL. Beaumont Thomas, butcher, 14 North street
Ackland Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 46 Heath street Belfall Henry, beer retailer, I Linton road
Adams Henry, provision dealer, 55 Broadway Bellamy James, painter, go Axe street
Albion Samuel, blaeksmith, 74 East street Bennett John, fried fish dealer, 74 North street
Alien Edward, shopkeeper, 7 Church road Bentall & Co. boot makers, 7 Heath street
AJ]json James, greengrocer, 65 Axe street Bentley Henry T. J. shopkeeper, 36 Heath street
Ambrose William John, draper, I Morley road Bere Charles Edmund, greengrocer, 7I East street
Anderson Henry, grocer, Gascoyne road Berry George, grocer, II4 Axe street
Argent David, be~r retailer & builder, ro8 North street Berry George, shopkeeper, I32 St. Ann's road
Arrow Joseph, beer retailer, 9a, East street Berry John, beer retailer, rog North street
Ash John, boot maker, 46 Fisher street Berry Robert, beer retailer, 48 Queen's road
Astraline Syndicate Limited (The), artificial wax manu- Binder David, baker, ro Axe street
facturers, Barking creek Bishop Waiter Henry, George P,H. Broadway
Auger James, baker, I27 Fisher street Black James, boot maker, 23 North street
Baalam John, beer retailer, West bank Blaek James Leonard, boot & shoe maker, 13
Badsey Geo. Wm. teacher of music, 42 Wakering rd Axe street
Bailey Alfred, dairy, West bank Blackburn John, fried fish dea1er, 66 Axe street
Baker Henry, grocer, 79 Wakering road Bonar Helen (Miss), restaurant, 22 Broadway
Barking Almshouses, East street Bones Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I75 North street
Barking & East Ham Provident Dispensary (Hugh Her- Bones James, ~hopkeeper & cattle dealer, I37
bert Mason, surgeon), Broadway Ripple road
Barking Free Library (George J ackson, ,librarian ; Bonlface & Co. coal & coke merchants ; depots,
Josiah T. Edwards, sec.), East street Fisher street; & at G. E. R. station, Wood street,.
Barking Gas Works (James Griffin, man.), Hart street Walthamstow
Barking Guano Works (Daniel de Pass & Co. pro- Boswell David, cabinet maker, g8 East street
prietors), Barking creek Bosworth George, Red Lion P.H. 66 North street
Barking Local Board (Charles J. Dawson, surveyor; Bowles Alfred, plasterer, 40 Linton road
Charles E. Wilson, clerk), East street Bowles Anna (Mrs.), dress maker, 40 Lint.on road
Barking Public Baths (Henry Frederick Van, pro- Bowles Frederick, fishmonger, 58 Fisher street
prietor), 76 Axe street Bowyer Spencer, butcher, ra, East street
Barking Stamp Office (Alfred Stephens, distributor), Bracci Eugene, confectioner, 37 Heath street
6 Axe street Brand David, boot maker, 30 North street
Barking Town Hall (Samuel Glenny, c!erk; John Barber, British Anti-Fouling Composit:lon & Paint Co. Lim.
hall keeper), Broadway (The), paint manufacturers, Barking creek
Barking Working Men's Institute (Rev. H. H. Henson, Brown Thomas, relieving officer for No. I dist. & vac-
president), Fisher street cination officer for the union of Romford, 22 Welling-
Barleyman George, shopkeeper, West bank ton terrace, New rood
Barnard Henry, bird fancier, 7 Back lane Brown Thomas, whitesmith, 68 North street
Barnard Robert, beer retailer, 63 Broadway Bull Charles, shopkeeper, 145 Ripple road
Barnett & Bissell, ironmongers, 6 North street Bull Frederick W. plumber, 7 North street
Barnett William, collector to Barking Gas Co. 46 Bundock Philip, Queen's Head P.H. Broadway
Longbridge road Burn Edward, clothier, 33 Broadway
Barton Charles, furniture dealer, r6 Axe street Burrell George, fishmonger, 31 Heath street
Barton Philip, unredeemed pledge stores, 5 East street Butler Charles, shopkeeper, 28 Heath street
Barton Thomas, shopkeeper, Glenny road Byford John, builders' material dealer, New road
Bayfield Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 120 Linton street Carter Alfred, marsh bailiff, Essex sewers, 8 Cam-
Beacock Henry William, beer retailer, 82 Ripple road bridge road
Beadea Alfred, tobacconist, 36 East street , Carter John Ernest, butcher, 176 Ripple road
Carter Joseph, greengrocer, I47 North street •
Fuller Rose Anna (Mrs.), clothier, 4 East street
Carwell Robert, shopkeeper, St. Margaret's road Fuller Waiter S. iron & brass founder, ;rhrenix foundry,
Castle James, confectioner, 48 Broadway Hart street
Chalk William, station master, East street Galley Robert, temperance bar, 57 North street
Chapple M. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 St. Mary's road Garland John William, fruiterer & greengrocer, 8 Broad-
Chisnell William, coal merchant, 49 Axe street way & 72 East street
Clark Charles & John, timber merchants, 5 North st Garnell George, cooper, 25 Broadway
Clark Alexander, shopkeeper, I Cobham road Gas Economising & Improved Light Syndicate,
Clark Alfred, beer retailer, I47 Fisher street (The), Barking creek
Clark Alfred, shopkeeper, 167 Fisher street Gay William, market gardener, Greatfield, Ripple road
Clark Charles, tailor, 41 Broadway Gay William John, farmer, 43 East street
Clark Charles, Winning Horse P.H. New road Gibbard Esther (Miss), shopkeeper, 61 Linton road
Clark John, grocer, I North street, Gibbens Frank Edward L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon & medical
Clark Samuel, boot maker, 70 North street officer of health to the local board, ro Cambridge road
Claxton Charles, tailor, 14 Axe street Glenny Samuel, auctioneer, house, land, &; insurance
Clayden Daniel, stationer, 48 North street a.goot & vesrtry clerk, 65 East street
Coad John, confectioner, 22 Fisher street Glenny Thomas W. brewer, r8 Linton road
Cole William, baker, King's road Goodaker John Henry, beer retailer & wheelwright, 59
Coleman Samuel, shopkeeper, 67 Fisher street North street
Con~an Fanny (~1:rs.), beer retailer, 55 Linton road Goodes George, baker, 149 North street
Cooper Eliza. (Miss), fancy draper, 88 Axe street Goodey Daniel, bricklayer, go North street
Cooper James, joiner & undertaker, 8.8a, Axe street Goodey James R. builder, 31 Church road
Oo-operrative Society (Alfred Archer, manager), 8 & 10 Goodhew William, painter, II2 East street
North street Goodman Charles, farmer, Faircross farm, Longbridge rd
Cornell James, builder, 75 Wakering road Goodridge Frederick, shopkeeper, 1 & 3 New road
Cosburn Albert, monumental mason, 172 Ripple road Gosling Alfred J. boot maker, 77 East street
Cotton John, butcher, 21 Axe street Gower Waiter Frederick, confectioner, 35 Linton road
Cotton Waiter, hair dresser, 38 North street Gray John Charles, stationer, 2 Broadway
Crew John, bricklayer, 53 Axe street Gull James, tobacconist, 23 Axe street
Cribb William, fishmonger, 8 St. Mary's road Hale Robert, fishmonger, 26 Heath street
Crispe Shepherds, builder, r6 Longbridge road Hall Charles, shopkeeper, I Hardwicke street
Crouch Williarn, grocer, 2 & 4 Axe street Hall William George, greengrocer, II5 Fisher street
Cuffin Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, The Walk, St. Halls Arthur James, greengrocer, 78 Axe street
M:acy' s road Hamilton Edward, basket maker, 6 Tanner street
Cutmore John, beer retailer, 22 Heat~ street Hardwick Joseph Fredk. Blue Anchor P.H. 52 Heath st
Da.Idy & Co. coal depot, East street Harlow William, shopkeeper, 77 Axe street
Davey Alfred J. boot maker, Harpour road Harris Edward, blacksmith, 41 Broadway
Davey Henry A. boot maker, 162 Ri.wle road Harrison Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, II Linton road
Davey Henry Alex. wardrobe dealer, 42 Heath street Hart Joseph, butcher, 15 Broadway
Davey Robert, greengrocer, 25 North street Harvey Charles William, tobacconist, 49 Broadway
Davey William, tar & chemical works, Barking creek Hatchard William Henry, grocer, 94 North street
Davis Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I6 North street Hawkings Laura (Miss) & Ager Florence (Miss), milli-
Davis Thomas William, oil & colorman, St. Paul's road ners, 14 East street
Davy Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 St. Mary's road Hawkings Nathaniel, carpenter & undertaker, 35 Heath st
Dawson Charles James F.R.I.B.A. architect & surveyor Hawkings Thomas, undertaker, 6 East street
& surveyor to theBarking TownLocal Board, 70 East st Hawkins James, tinman, I9 Morley road
Dearof Frederick, butcher, 92 North street Heathcote Frederick, Spotted Dog P.H. Longbridge road
Deveson Charles, corn merchant, 14 Broadway Henn Charles, builder, 124 Ripple road
Digby John, fishmonger, 2 Back street Herington Charles, draper, 21 Heath street
Dockerill Robert, hair dresser, 44 Broadway Hewitt Robert & Co. Lim. steamship owners, Fisher st
Dowsett Charles, fishmonger, 8 East street & 14 & 16 Hockley Emetine (Mrs.), linen draper, glass, china &;
Heath street furniture dealer, II, I3 IS & I7 Heath street
Draine Samuel William, shopkeeper, 28 Coverdale road Hockley Emeline Mary (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 29 Broadway
Drake Joseph, builder, 27 North street Holland "\Villiam John, beer retailer & shopkeeper, I74
Duffield William, baker, 17 Broadway Ripple road
Dyster Charles, baker, 59 Broadway Rollick Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 129 St. Ann's road
Earl~r George, butcher, 24 Heath street Hollington Constance (Miss), dress maker, I05 Axe street
East London Water Works (Jas. Bull, engineer), New rd Hollington William, wheelwright, 105 Axe street
Edwards Josiah T. clerk to the school board, East st Hollis Edmund, corn merchant, 26 Broadway
Ellis James E. hair dresser, 3 East street Hopkins George, shoe maker, 6 St. ~fary's road
Elmore Joseph, greengrocer, 169 Fisher street Harden Thomas, shopkeeper, 52 Tanner street
Emberson Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 147 Ripple rd Ho ward Carolina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I 8 Heath street
Emery Joseph W. shopkeeper, 12 St. Mary's road Howe James, fishmonger, I5I North street
Essex Regiment (rst) Volunteer Battalion (D Company) Howgego Waiter, baker, 14 Church road
(Hon. Major Samuel Glenny, commandant; Rev. H. B. Home Arthur, organist of St. Margaret's church, 7
Henson M.A. acting chaplain); head quarters, Broo.d.wwy Cambridge road
Evans Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Church road Humphreys Mark, clothier, 3 Heath street
Everard Henry, provision dealer, St. Paul's road Hunt Robert, fishmonger, 46 Broadway
Fairbrass Harry, greengrocer, I45 North street Jackson Daniel Thomas, carman & contractor, 81 Axe st
Fairweather Robert M.A., L.R.C.S. surgeon, Ripple rd Jackson Daniel Thos. jun. house & estate agt. 81 Axe at
Fall Daniel, shopkeeper, 66 W akering road Jackson George, baker, 19 Heath street
Fathers Edward, shopkeeper, roB East street J ackson George, school, Ivy cottage, J ames street
Fehrenbach Severin & Son, watch makers, s:z North l!t Jackson Mary (Miss), stay maker, Ivy cot. James street
Fell Charles, shopkeeper, 59 New street Jarvis Robert, hair dresser, 10 St. Mary's road
Fenton Charles Francis L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & sur- Johnson Alfred, saddler, 35 Broadway
geon, 31 Linton road Johnson Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 Church road
Fergusson Henry, boot maker, I I Broadway ,J'ohnson George, sign writer, I9 North street
J<'incham Jonathan, baker, 37 Broadway & 40 St. Ann's rd Johnson William Horace, boot maker, 40 Heath street
Fincharn Sidney, baker, 2Q Heath street Johnson James, baker, 26 East street
Firman James T. beer retailer, IS North street .lohnson Philip, tailor & shopkeeper, 39 Queen's road
Firman Jeanette (Mrs.), dress maker, 26 Wellington Johnstone Robert, vegetable black manufr. 102 North st
terrace, New road Joynes Frank, animal & bird preserver, 34 Tanner street
• Firman William, corn miller (wind), New road Kavanagh John, boot maker, 24 Broadway
Foresters' Friendly Society (Jas. Sheffield, sec.), North st Kelby J ames, shopkeeper, Gascoigne road
Forge Clara (Miss), stationer, 27 Broadway Kempton John Edward, temperance drink manufacturer,
Foster Herbert J. wharfinger, contractor, steam haulier 19 Wakering road
& roller, timber, lime, cement & brick merchant, Kingsford Charles, rag merchant, 19 Back lane
Town Quay Steam wharf, St. Margaret's wharf, & Kingsford Henry, rag merchant, 17 Back lane
Morgans quay. See advt. facing commncmnt. of Essex Kirkman Benjamin & Sons, dairy & post office, 79 East st
Francis Eliza. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 129 Fisher street Kirkman Benjamin, cowkeeper, King's road
Freeman Joseph, beer retailer, 13 Back lane Kitson Waiter John, Britannia P.H. Church road
Frost Isaac, Crooked Billet P.H. Barking creek Knowles Lavinia. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Fisher street
• •


Lake &; King, drapers, I & 3 Broadway Porter Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 158 Ripple road
Lake William, collector to Local Board, 30 Longbridge rd Porter John, bird fancier, 14 Back lane
Lamb George, architect &; surveyor &; deputy registrar Poulter Daniel, shopkeeper, Harpour road
of births, deaths &; marriages, Barking town, sub- Prechtel Gustave, hair dresser, 30 Heath street
district, Romford union, 76 East street Preston Stanley R. solicitor, I7 Linton road
Lamb Thomas, school attendance officer, 54 Linton road Prince Henry, chimney sweeper, 25 Back lane
Lawes Chemical Manure Co. Lim. (T. Elborough, man- Randall Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 104 East street
aging director ; J. M organ, sec.), Barking creek Randall Joseph, fruiterer, Gascoigne road
Lee Joseph, greengrocer, I2 East street Randall Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43 Queen's road
Lee William, shopkeeper, 3S Heath street Randell James, beer retailer, S8 Linton road
Leftley Charles &; Son, carriers, 22 Nelson street Randells & Co. malt roasters, Fisher street
Leftley Isabel (Mrs.), carman &; contractor, S6 North st Rann Benjamin, butcher, 7 Broadway
Leftley John, baker, 44 North street Rawlings Samuel, shopkeeper, James street
Leftly John, shopkeeper, 15 Linton road Rayment Henry, shopkeeper, Ripple road
Llnard w . .J, & Sons, seabrnrne coal &; coke merchants, Rayment Joseph, china dealer, 25 Heath street
wharfingers &; carmen, corn &; forage contractors, Rayner William, boot maker, 37 Axe street
Linards steam wharf, Fisher street Rayner William, boot maker, IO East street
Lowe James ,V. tobacconist, 45 Broadway Reed James, marine store dealer, I2 Back lane
London & South Western Bank Limited (J. H. Swann, Reed Samuel T. saddler, 34 East street
manager), 2 East street Reeds H. tobacconist, 7 East street
London .Alfred Henry, mantle dealer, 34 Broadway Reyaolds John, Barking Cross P.H. 6 Fisher street
Luck George, shopkeeper, I33 North street Rich George, coffee rooms, 4S Fisher street
McDonald Edward, hair dresser, I Fisher street Ridley T. D. & Sons, millers (water & steam), Town qy
McNaley William, beer retailer, 59 Fisher street Ridley Charles Henry, chemist, 5 Broadway
Marshall Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, S5 North street Rist George, builder, 59 Wakering road
Marshall Robert, confectioner, 3I Axe street Robert•s Arthur, hair dresser, 74 East street
Martin & Townsend, coal merchants, carmen, & con- Robinson Henry, photographer, ss North street
tractors, 205 North street Robinson Sarah Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 30 New road
Martin David, umbrella maker, 2I North street Rook George, carpenter, 34 Heath street
Martin Fredk. sanitary inspector to Local Board, East st Rowland Henry, Ship P.H. 32 Heath street
Mason Hugh Herbert, surgeon &; public vaccinator & Russell William, tobacconist, 46 North street
certifying factory surgeon, No. 3 district, Romford Ryan George F. grainer, Glenny road
union, IJ &; Ig East street Ryan John W. tobacconist, Ioo East street
Mason John, baker, 20 Tanner street Ryan John William, shopkeeper, 75 East street
Masters Thomas, reporter, 64 Linton road Ryan Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, Glenny road
Mays Austin, stationer, 57 Broadway Saggers Sarah (Mrs.), caretaker of St. Margaret's
Merchant Tailors' Guide, tailors, I East street church, 49 North street
Metropolitan Police Station (William Fanlkner in- St. Margaret's Burial Board (C. H. Mills, clerk), East st
spector), North street Sales Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 32 Tanner street '
Middleton Charles, grocer, Barking creek Sambridge &; Son, slaters, St. Margaret's road
Millns James P. baker, 4 North street Saunders .Alfred, fishmonger, 65 Fisher street
Mills Edward, oil & color merchant, I2 Axe street Saunders Samuel, furniture dealer, 36 &; 3S Broadway
Mills John, tobacconist &; stationer, 20 Heath street Schrier Charlotte (Mrs.), rope maker, Grove pl. East st
Milton Joel, laundry, 30 East street Scotcher James, fishmonger, The Walk
Milton William, shopkeeper, New road Scott Waiter, shopkeeper, St. Paul's road
Milvin .Alice (Mrs.), draper, 4 Heath street Seabrook Henry, Fishing Smack P.H. Fisher street
Mitchell Samuel, shopkeeper, 40 East street Servis George, tailor, 17 North street
Mitchell Samuel, shopkeeper, 35 North street Shackell Richard, butcher, 39 Broadway
Molenkamp John, watchmaker &; jeweller, I9 Broadway Shalder Thomas, basket maker, n6 East street
Moore John, second-hand clothes dealer, 44 Fisher street Sheffield James, watchmaker, 4S Linton road
Mothersole ·william, draper, 9 Heath street Shelitoe Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 6 Heath street
Moultrie John, grocer, 3I Broadway, & draper, IJ Tan- Siegburg Henry, hair dresser, 27 Axe street
ner street Sills Jabez, beer retailer 36, &; ironmonger 34, New st
Neeve Frank, boot maker, 8 Heath street Smith James, confectioner, 56 North street
Newman James, builder, 7 Axe street Smith John, builder, 56 Lungbridge road
Nichols William, beer retailer, 113 Fisher street Smith Mary A. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Barking creek
North Africa Mission (Edward H. Glenny, hon. sec.), Smith Matthew, shopkeeper, 27 St. Paul's road
Ig, 21, &; 29 Linton road Smith Richard, shoe maker, 6 Back lane
Northwood Wilson, chemist, 18 Broadway Smithyes 'Valter Robert, coffee tavern, &; school attend-
Oakley Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ug North street ance officer, Heath street
Olive John, dining rooms, I Heath street Snell George, blacksmith, 31 Back lane
Osborne William, provision dealer, 42 Fisher street Snell Richard, shopkeeper, Ilford lane
Parish Arthur, shopkeeper, llford lane Soul Charles Frederick, grocer, Ripple road
Park Hall, Axe street Soul Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 67 East street
Parker G. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 St. Paul's road South Essex Water Works, Water tower, Queen's road
Parker Joseph, music smith & lead worker, 50 Tanner st Sparks Alexander, shoe maker, 20 Back lane
Parsons Joseph, Bull P.H. 2 North street Spashett Alice (Miss), dress maker, 59 East street
Patent Cork Pavement Co. (Alfred Stuart, managing Spellman Edward, fishmonger, 51 Broadway
director), Barking creek Stahl Charles, butcher, 23 Heath street
Patmore Alfred, baker, 25 Axe street Stephens .Alfred, postmaster, 6 Axe street
Patmore Alfred J. baker, Glenny road Stevenson Thomas, cycle agent &; manufacturer,
Patmore Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I I Tanner street Barking Cycle works, 40 North street
Patmore Walter James, fishmonger, 6g East street Stratford Thomas, apartments, so Heath street
Payne Etherington, sewing machine agent, 3S East street StUJbbins John, basket maker, So East street
Payne James Richard, butcher, I4 Longbridge road Sutton Samuel, pork butcher, Banford pl. Wakering rd
Payne William, butcher, 6o North street Swindells Edgar L.R.G.P.Lond. surgeon, 23 Broadway
Pearson Edward, butcher, 2S East street Swindley Richard, beer retailer, 75 Axe street
Pelling Thomas, grocer &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey IJm. Taylor James, saddler, 31 North street
wine & spirit mers. g, &; oil & color mer. 21 Broadway Tate James D. shopkeeper, 61 North stree~
Pelling Thomas, grocer, 27 Heath street Taylor William, greengrocer, 54 North street
Perry George, shopkeeper, 44 Heath street Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, 33 Axe street
Piercey Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, Glenny road Thomas J.ames, hair dresser, 102 East street
Pilberg Joseph, glazier, 9 East street Thompson Henry J. oilman, 33 North street
Pink John T. ironmonger, 43 Broadway Thorrington Jas. inland revenue officer, 24 Longbridge rd
Pink William, registrar of births deaths &; marriages, Throssell William, baker, I07 North street
Barking town sub-district, Romford union, no Titmus Alfred, beer retailer, 12 East street
Longbridge road Townley John F. boot maker, 135 North street
Poole John, fruiterer, Gascoigne road Tracey Joseph M. Peto Arms P.H. nS East street
Poole William, shopkeeper, King's road Trueman Henry, fishmonger, IS &; IJ Axe street
Pooley John, shopkeeper, Glenny road Trueman John, beer retailer, 30 Broadway
Pomfret S. E. recruiting sergeant for Barking &; dis· Trueman John, fruiterer & greengrocer, 2S Broadway
trict, II4 East street Truman Joseph, greengrocer, 33 Fisher street


Van Henry, refreshment rooms, 48 Heath street ' White William, photographer, 16 East street
Van Henry F. temperance bar, 76 Axe street White William, shopkeeper, 143 St. Ann's road
Ven!llbles J. (Miss), dress maker, 128 Ripple road Wilcox Annie (Mrs.1 baker & grocer, 34 Fisher street
Venson James, Rose & Crown P.H. 36 Fisher street Wilding Emily Jane {Miss), ladies' school, 25 Linton road
Wade George, coffee rooms, 33 Heath street Willett John, pawnbroker, 22, 24 & 26 North street
Wade William Foster, beer retailer, Broadway Willett Robert, hosier & glover, 4• & linen draper 7.
Wagstaff Capt. Francis, marine surveyor, 52 Wakering rd Broadway
Waite James, greengrocer, 42 East street Williams William, stationer, 73 East street
Waite William, carman & contractor, 29 Fisher street Wilmot William, collector of Queen's taxes, rents col-
Wa.lesby William, provision dealer & cab owner, 29 .Axe st lected & distraints made in all parts; agent to North
Wall Richard, shopkeeper, 2 Coverdale road British & Mercantile Fire & Life, General Accident,
·watson James, boot maker, Glenny road :Burglary & Plate Glass Insurance Associations, 5 Cam-
Watson William, cycle maker & repairer; sole agent. for bridge road
the Jnno cycles, Harpour estate, Glenny road Wilson & Whitworth Limited, printers, 10 & 12 Broadway
W~bb George, watch maker, 106 East street Wiseman William, shopkeeper, 42 North street
Webb William, shopkeeper, Glenny road •
Wray George & Co. corn & coal merchants, 2 Heath st
Wells Albert, beer retailer, 55 Axe street Wright Edward, coffee rooms, 10 Fisher street
• West, New-Year & Co. basket makerS', New road Yallop James, furniture broker, Church path
Wetherell Edward, refreshment rooms, no East street Young Thomas, auctioneer, house & estate agent, 20
White R. & Sons, mineral water mfrs. St. Paul's road Broadway & 9 Linton road
White William, furniture dealer, 11 Axe street
(Marked thus* receive their letters Golding William George, farmer, Saunders Albert, Ship & Shovel P.H
through Chadwell Heath.) Eastbury house Stephens Alfred, shopkeeper & fore-
Joslyn Joseph, farmer, Upney farm man to Mr. Waiter Mills
Coppard George, Ripplehall Merritt Frederick Moggs, farmer, Stock John, foreman to Mr. Edward
COMMERCIAL. Farm house 'Valtham, The Castle
Barking Cemetery (Thomas Booton, Mills Thomas, farmer, Lodge farm Strutt George, sen. sluice keeper t()
superintendent) Mills Waiter, farmer, Rippleshall frm William Kirk esq
Barn bridge Edward, wheelwright *Mayes Thomas, farmer,Great Porters Strutt John, sea wailer
Brown Robt. Geo. farmer, Manor farm Phillips Joseph William, beer retailer Summerfield Frederick, shopkeeper
*Coppen Thomas L. farmer, Parsloes Pittuck Edward, blacksmith Surrey Edmd. frmr. Scratton's farm
Frank Simon, shopkeeper Pool James, beer retailer & farmer Venables Samuel Alban, bla~ksmith
Gatward William, shopkeeper *Pool William, farmer, Gale street Waltham Edward Hawkins, farmer.
Keen GeGrge, farmer & cowkeeper Reeves Robert, shopkeeper Maybell's farm
BARXING SIDE is a large and scattered village and ironers: there are two schoolrooms, one for infants and
ecclesiastical parish, formed April g, 1841, out of the another for older girls:_ the house matrons are for the
ecclesiastical parish of Great llford, in the civil parish of most part ladies willing to devote themselves to voluntary
Barking, and situated on the borders of Hainault Forest, charitable work. In 1894 a Church was erected in con-
3 miles north from Ilford station on the main line of the nedion with the Institution at a cost of £10,ooo. Great
Great Eastern railway, 4 north from Barking stfl!tion on Gearies is the residence of Mrs. Whitbourne. The
the Tilbury and Southend railway, and 10 from London, principal landowners are the Crown, Earl Cowley K.G.,
in the Southern division of the county, Becontree petty G.C.B., P.C. Col. Rous, John Henry Monins esq.
sessional division, Romford county court district, juris- Olf Ringwould, Dover, a.nd the trustees of the la~
diction of the Central Criminal Court, and in the Eastern Francis Whitbourne esq. Sir Edward Hulse bart. of
Metropolitan postal district, rural -d--eanery of Barking, Breamore House, Salisbury, Wilts, is lord of the manor.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The The area is 2,578 acres; the population in 1891 was
church of the Holy TrinHy, erected in 1840, is an edifice 3,468, chiefly employed in agriculture.
of brick in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, Parish Clerk, Robert George Waiter.
vestry, organ chamber, north porch and a small tower at
the north-west angle, surmounted by a turret, and con- Post & M. 0. 0. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
~aining 1 bell: there are about 5 00 sittings, most of near the Old Chequers P.H.-George Henry Ingram,
which are free. The register dates from the year 1 84o. sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Ilfoid at 8.30
. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £34• a.m. 3.30 & 8 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & 3.30 &
net yearly value £,1701 including 20 acres of glebe, with 8 p.m. The telegraph office is at Great Ilford
residence, in the gift of the vicar of Great Ilford, and POISt Office, Birkbeck road.-Ezra Gardiner, sub-
held since 1891 by the Rev. ~adislaw Somerville Lach- postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.45 a.m. & 4 k
Szyrma M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford. The miss1on 9 p.m. The nearest money order offices are at the
church of St. Laurence, at "The Horns," is an iron office (near the Old Chequers P.H.) &. Great Ilford.
building, and will seat about 100 persons. There is a the latter place being the telegraph office
Free Methodist chapel near the Police Station, and a Metropolitan Police Station, Shepherd Pennick, sergeant
Gospel Mission Hall on the Birk'beck estate. The Village in charge & 18 constables •

Home for Orphan, Neglected and Destitute Girls is an Schools.

institution in connection with Dr. Barnardo's homes, at National, for 400 children; average attendance, 210 boys
Stepney, London E; the chilaren, now numbering about & girls & 78 infants ; Arthur Denliam, master ; Mrs.
900, reside in 48 separate houses, each holding from 16 to Sarah Denham, mistress; :Miss E. Brown, infants'
~ girls, under the charge of a· responsible matron. In mistress
the laundry washing for more than a thousand persons is Beehive, Church of England (mixed), for 120 children;
irapidly effected by the aid of steam power; and in this average attendance, 88; Miss Louisa. Sarah Watkins.
departmen~ girls are also trained as laundry-maids and mistress
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Norman George, The Limes Clark Robert, farmer, Highfield farm
Bayliss Charles Jenkins, Carlton ho Taylor John William, Minden villa Coe George, fruiterer, Beehive
Bennett William, Fence Piece Tasker John, Alma house Crawley Geo. E. R. boot & shoe makr
Brewer Joseph, South bank Whitbourne Mrs. S. A. Great Geariea Dance George, bricklayer
Bristow Mrs. Birkbeck estate Dayten William, butcher & shopkpr
Chapman Charles, Rose villas COMMERCIAL. Dench William, butcher
Coyne Harold, Fullwood cottage Avis Samuel, blacksmith Deveson George, Old Maypole P.H
Craig Robert, New North road Alien John. blacksmith, Beehive Deveson James, Old Chequers P.H
Godfrey John William Bailey Levi, beer retailer Dexter Thomas, wheelwright
Goldfinch Rev.Arthur Charles(curate) Bardwell George, shopkeeper, Birk- Douglas James, gardener at Great
Green Henry, Gant's hill beck estate Gearies
Grubb Henry, The Laurels Bird George, jobber, Mossford green Drinkal Eliza (Mrs.), grocer, Kent ter
Hacker William, Little Gearies Bird Robert, jobber, The Horns Dr. Barnardo's Homes for Orphan,
Hatton Llewellyn, Hatton's corner Bond William, dairyman & shop- Neglected & Destitute Girls (Dr.
Ingram Mrs. Lionel, Mossforo house keeper. Tullwell Hatch Thomas James Barnardo, director;
Jacobs Henry, St. Swithen's Bowen Cornelius, baker John William Godfrey, governor);
Johnson Caroline Mrs. North End ho Brook Jas. general dlr. Birkbeck road office, 18 & 20 Stepney causeway.
Lach-Szyrma Rev. Wladislaw Somer- Brown George, farmer, Gaysham hall London E
ville M.A. (incumbent of Holy Buck Benj. florist, Birkbeck estate Evans Spencer, firewood dealer
Trinity), The Vicarage Burch Arthur, dairyman Flower Robert, hearthrug maker,
Moll F. H. L. R. Redbridge house Chalmers David, farmer, Forest farm Birkbeck estate
Fountain Jn. jobbe:, Birkbeck estate \Lee Alfred, jobber, Mossford green. l ~tr~nger Chas. farmer, !vliddlefield ho
Fountain Themas, Jobber, Horn's rd Lee George Ancona, farmer, Buntmg Strmger Thomas, market gardener
Gardiner Ezra, grocer, & post office, Bridge farm 1 Sullivan Murphy, marine store deal~,
Birkbeck estate Leeson Hv.•
butcher, Birkbeck estate Horn's road
Gotl Gl.'orge, farmer, Fence piece Le-Heup Samuel, Red House P.H Taylor ·william, beer retailer
Gowen Frederick, builder, Victoria rd Lucas Charles, shpkpr. Tanner's lane Tomlin Daniel, coal mer. Netley road
Gowen William Richard, bricklayer, Lucas Henry, ~:hopkeeper Wall George John, blacksmith
Victoria road Lunn Colin J. Horns P.H. Horns lane Wailer Thos. shopkeeper & gar<fener
Hamlin Geo. bmlder, Birkbeck estate :Mal pas Thomas, farmer, Beehive j Waiter Robert George, builder
Harrison Henry, iorist, Netley road Meggott George, shopkeeper Warren Arthur, dog's sausage maker,
Harrison James, florist, Abbey road Mighell Philip, farmer, I<'ern hall New North road
Harrison William, florist, Birkbeck MJnk Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Watkins Charles, farmer, Beehive
estate Morley Henry, market gardener farm, Beehive
Hart James, shopkeeper, Horn's rd Morley Thomas, jobber Watts Francis, brush veneer cutter,
Hickman George, undertaker Oliver \Villiam, shopkeeper Birkbeck road
Hunt George, buteher, Horseshoes Palmer \Vm. greengrocer, Horseshoes Webb Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Hunt Robert, jobber, Horn's road Powell Waiter, butcher, The Horns I Fence piece
Ingram George Henry, grocer & pro- Revell William, saddle & harness ma j Williams Jas. carpenter, Birkbeck est
vision dealer & agent for W. & A. Roberts Richard, market gardener, Willis Charles, market gardener
Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit mer- Horn's road 'Wiskar Hy. Wm. farmer, Dunsprings
~hants, Post office Robinson Robt. firewood dlr. Beehive Wood Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Ingram Jas. farmr. Hedgeman's farm Rowley John, fishmonger Horn's lane
Jansen John, florist, Birkbeck road Sewell Robert, farmer, Claverley \Vrenn Joseph, shopkeeper, Horn's la
Keens Arthur, blacksmith, Birkbeck Lodge farm Wright Alfred, jobber, Mossford grn
Kimmens John, florist, Perryman's Shenston Samuel Geo. Beehive P.H Wright John, whitesmith, Horseshoes
Farm road Shepherd William, land steward to \Vyatt James, florist, Netley cottage
Lamb James, farmer, Clay hall Mrs. Ingleby, The Limes Young Arthur, jobber, Birkbeck road
Lee Owen, carml_1n & contractor, Old Spencer Enoch, paper bag manufctr Young George, farmer
.School house Springall Arthur, grocer, Victoria rd

13ARLING is a parish, 3 miles north from Shoebury- £136, gross yearly value £180, with 27 acres of glebe, in
ness terminal station of the London, Tilbury and South- the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held
end railway, 5 east-south-east from Rochford, 5 north- since 1863 by the Rev. Frederic Aubert Gace M.A. of
east from Southend, and 47 from London, in the South Emmanuel College, Cambridge. James Tabor esq. of
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, union New Hall, Sutton, is lord of the manor of Mucking Hall.
and petty sessional division, Southend county court dis- The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's are lords of the
trict, rural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of EsstJX manor of Barling Hall, and the principal landowners.
and diocese of St. Albans: this is_an ancient village and 'l'he soil is light upland and heavy marsh land; subsoil,
was given by King Edward the Confessor to St. Paul's clay, gravel, and blue galt. The chief crops are wheat,
Cathedral, to which the living still belongs: it lies on a oats, barley, potatoes, beans, peas and clover. The area
creek communicating with the Broomhill river and the is 1,258 acres of land and 161 water; rateable valuE>,
Crouch, opposite to Potton and the other marsh islands £2,344; the population in 1891 was 393·
at othe mouth of the Crouch; on the north is a. quay. Post Office.-George Snow, sub-postmastPr. Letteril
The church of All Saints is a building of stone in the from Rochford S.O. arrive at a.2o a.m.; dispatched at
J'erpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north 3·35 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph offic1•
aisle, a small vestry, added about 1882, south porch and is at Great "\Vakering. Postal orders are issued here,
a massive embattled western tower, surmounted by a but not paid
small shingled spire and containing 2 bells, both of the Board School (mixed), under Wakering United District
last century: the east window is stained. The register School Board, ereded in 1877, for 155 children;
of baptisms dates from 1555; marriages and burials from average attendance, 12.,; Edward J\{ainwaring Davies,
1695. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge master
Gace Rev. Frederic Aubert M.A. Buries William, Bolt's farm Holmstead William, bailiff to 1\lr. T.
(vicar) Cross Henry, farmer B. Hudson, Barling Hall farm
Allerton Alex. farmer, Jail farm Deeks Edward, farmer, Roach farm Johnson James, market gardener
"Bailey Thos. Hopkin, wheelwright Hudson Thomas Beaumont, farmer & Sulton Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Erown John, farmer, Sutton farm miller (wind) \Yard ".illiam, blacksmith
:BARNSTON, mentioned in Domesday Survey, is a which is distributed in clothing. The Livermore charity,
parish, on the river Chelmer and the road from Dunmow amounting to l,2 12s. yeax-ly, is distributed in coal. Col.
to Chelmsford, 2 miles south-east from Dunmow station, John Leslie Toke, of Clare wood, Camberley, Surrey, i1
io north from Chelmsford, and 38~ from London, in the lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil
V/estern division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty varies considerably; sul>soil, loam. The chief crops ale
sessional divi~ion; union and county court district, ruml wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,348 acres; rate-
deanery of Dunmow, archdeaPonry of Essex and diocese able value, £1,092; the population in 1891 was 166.
o'f St. Albans. The church (dedication unknown) is a OUNSLEY GREEN is half a mile south.
building of rubble donr., consisting of chancel, nnve, . .
Norman south doorway, and a western turret containing Parish Clerk, Thomas Clupperfield.
2 bells: in the chancel i_s a memorial window, placed I Post Office. ~Irs. Eliza Pigr~m, sub-postmistress. Let-
there at the· expensP of )fiss Toke, of Dover, to the Rev. ters through Dunmow, arnve at 7 a.m. & 5 p.m. the
William Toke, her father, re.-::tor, 1807-27, and another to early arrival only being delivered; dispatched at 7·45
the Livermore family. The register dates from the year a.m. & 5.25 p.m. The nearest mone;r order & tele-
1539· The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £"31o graph office is at Dunmow
with residence, in the gift of Col. John L. Toke, and held "\Yall Letter Box cleared at 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sund.ays,
since 1892 by the Rev. Robert Henry Davies, of St. 5.30 p.m
Aidans. Charities, left in 1654 by Daniel Baynard, and in Parish School (infanh), for 42 children; avprage at-
1657 by William Colard gent. together with land held tendance, 38; ::O.Iiss Charlotte Holgate, mistress
by the trustees of Scott's charity, produce £17 yearly, Coaches & Carriers, see Dunmow
Bass William, Rose villa Barker Frederick, surveyor of high-rJohnson John, beer retailer & shopkpr
Davies Rev. Robert Henry, Rectory ways, Dunmow district, Arbans Pigram Eliza (Mrs.), post office
Fry Henry, Barnston lodge Emson William, farm bailiff to Chas. Sweeting Charles, farmer, Mocken
:Macklin Arthur Philip, l\Iill house Webb esq Herds farm
Fuller lYilliam, beer retailer Hasler William, blacksmith Welch J ames, farmer, The Hall
JlEA U:MONT-with-:MOZE is a village and pari"h, 2 r.hester and diocese of St. Albans: it is at the head of a
miles north from Thorpe station on the Tendring Hun- large creek of the sea and has a wharf. The parishes of
dred branch of thl;l Great Eastern railway, 6 west-north- Beaumont and :Moz~ were united by Act of Parliam<'nt in
west from Walton·on-the-Kaze, 9! south-west from Har- 1678: the church of Moze (St. Mary), being dilapidated,
wich, and 8! south-east from Manning-tree, in the North- was taken down and t~ materials utilized in r{'.;;torin~
Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty the church at Beaumont: its site was in a hollow nea!"
sessional division and union, Harwich county court dis- the present Old :\loze Hall, but no vestiges of it now
trict, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry oJ Col- remain. The church of St. Leonard, plea<:antly seated
on a hill, is an edifiee of rubble stone, consisting of works existed here at the time ol the Norman survey.
chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, south porch, and Truces of the " Old Hall" still exist in a field which
a. western bellcote of stone containing 2 bells : there is a retains that name about a quarter of a mile south of the
l'!mall Norman window filled with stained glass in the present manor house, or " New Hall :" this latter is a
north side of the chancel, but the principal portions of fine specimen of Domestic architecture, and was probably
the edifice are Early English : the east window and a erected between the years 1512 and 1551: it is now in
smaller one on the l!Outh side of the chancel are examples the occupation of Arthur Henry Stanford esq. The soil
of Decorated work : the east window and eight others are is loamy and clay; and the subsoil principally clay. The
stained : the south porch is of ancient oak. The Moze chief crops are wheat, barley, clover and beans. Much
register of baptisms dates from 1548; burials, 1556, and of what was once a large tract of marsh land is now
marriages, 1559; the Deaumont registers of baptisms and under cultivation. The area of •the united parishes is
burials date from 1564, and marriages, 1567. The living 2,535 acres of land and 221 of water ; rateable value.
is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £589, net yearly £3,oo6; the population in 1891 was 402.
value £464, with residence and 46 acres of glebe, in the MOZE (or Mose) is about a mile and a half north-east.
gift of the Rev. G. F. Matthews M.A. of High road, Parish Clerk, Henry Secrett.
Highgate N. and held since r867 by the Rev. John Cooper Post Office.-Henry Secrett, ~mb-pos.fmaster. Letters
}<LA.. late fellow and sub-warden of Wadham College, arrive from Colchester at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched, 5.30
Oxford. Here is a W esleyan chapel. The Governors of p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m. The nearest money order
Guy's Hospital, London, who are lords of the manor, and office is at Great Oakley & telegraph office at Thorpe·
Mrs. Hamilton are the chief landowners. The ancient le-Soken. orders are issued here, but not paid
manor of Moze dates from the time of Edward the Con- Parochial School (mixed), for 82 children; average at-
fessor, when it belonged to Levesin, a Saxon: it was tendance, 47; Miss Annie Kilburn, mistres!!
eventually merged int<> the neighbouring possessions of Carriers to:-
the Earls of Oxford, and has remained with tlie succes- Colchester Arthur Parker, tues. tburs. & sat
sive owners of Beaumont up to the present time: salt Harwich-Thomas Wass, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. CO"!\lMEROIAL. Joy Fredk. Thos. farmr. Old Moze l1ali
Biggs Geo. JQnathan, New Moze hall Kesterton Tomas Henry, farmer, Old
Carter Thomas, The Oaks Biggs George Jonathan, farmer, New House farm
Cooper Rev. John M.A. The Rectory Moze hall Marrington Geo. carpntr. & Swan inn
Eagle Mrs. Red house Biggs Horace Lambert, assistant over- Ruffles MarJ (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Joy Frederick Thos. Old Moze hall seer, New Moze hall Sorrell Leonard, farmer
Kesterto111 Thos. Henry, Old house Carter Thos. farmer & cattle dealer, Stanford Arthur Henry, corn merchni
Salmon Miss, White house The Oaks & farmer, Beaumont hall
Stanford Arthur Hy. Beaumont hall Farthing Francis, Horseshoe P.H Wass Thomas, carrier
BELCHAMP OTTEN is a parish, 4 miles south- held since 1864 by the Rev. Edward Goodall Dawson~
east frmn Clare station on the Stour Valley branch of Theol. Assoc. of King's College, London. Here i& a
the Great Eastern railway, 8! north-east from Hal- Baptist chapel. The poor have :about £6 yearly.
stead, and 6 west from Sudbury, in the Northern William Charles Parmenter esq. is lord of the manol"
division of the county, hundred of Hinckford North, and principal landowner. The wil is clay and loam;
Hinckford petty sessional division, union and county subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
court district of Sudbury, rural deanery of Yeldham, barley. The area is 1,656 acres; rateable value, £2,387 ~
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. the population in 1891 was 293.
The church of St. Ethelbert and All Saints is a small, Parish Clerk, John Maxim.
building in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Letters received from Clare R.S.O (Suff<llk) & delivered
nave, soutli porch and a small wooden tower at the west by fo01t post at 8 a.m. The nearest money order &
end c·ontaining 3 bells: there is a stained window in telegraph office is at Clare. Wall Letter Box cleared
the chancel, erected by the. present rector, in memory at 4.30 p.m
<Jf his parents. The registers of baptisms, burials and National School (mixed), for 70 children; average at·
marriages date from 1578. The living is a rectory, tendance, 31; Miss Emily L. Davey, mistress
average tithe rent-charge, £337; net yearly value £271, Carriers to Sudbury.-John Crisp & John Ginn, tues.
with residence and x! acres of glebe, in the gift of and thurs. & sat
Dawson Rev. Edward Goodall Cole Edwa'ru, farmer, Otten Bel- Pearsons James, farmer
T.A.K.C.L. Rectory champ hall Pearsons John, beer retailer
Myall :Miss, Coles farm Ginn John, carrier Pearsons William, Green Man P.H
Parmenter Wm. Chas. Bevingdon ho Goody Joshua, grocer & draper :Robinson Jonathan Wilson, farmer.
Barrell J osiah, shopkeeper Offord George, farm bailiff to the Fowes farm
Crisp John, carrier trustees of John Edery Offord Wright Harry, Windmill P.H
BELCHAMP (or Beauchamp) ST. PAUL (socalled the inscription given above with the figure of a lady
because it was given by King Athelstan, in 930, to the now lost, three shields and two groups of children,
Cathedral of St. Paul), is a village and parish, 3 miles the issue of her two. marriages; the other raised tomb
so-uth-Past from Clare station on the Sudbury and was pr.obably to William Golding esq. whose fi.gure
Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 north- witli those of his one son and three daughters remains
west from Sudbury, and 11 north from Halstead, in on this slab: the church was thoroughly restored
the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, and reseated in the year 1873· The register
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union dates from the year 1538. The living is a
and county court district and in the rural deanery <lf vicarage, aveTage tithe rent-charge £157; net yearly
Y eldham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. value £224, with 76 acres of glebe and residence, in
Albanl!. The church of St. Andrew is a building of the gift, by an Order in Council, June 23rd, 1870, of
stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held since 1886
nave of three bays, north aisle, south porch and an em- by the Rev. Robertl Travers Saulez M.A. of Trinity Col-
battleil western tower containing 5 bells: in the chancel lege, Cambridge. The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's
is a very fine brass, which on close examination appears are the impropriators of the great tithes. There are
to consist of the remains of two brasses arranged on charities amounting in 1890 to £65 annually, of which
one stone, the inscription runs:-" Here lieth the Bodie £2o was left in 1854 by the Rev. Edward Pemberton,
of Elizabeth, one of ye daughters a.nd co-heiress of of this parish, to be distributed yearly in fuel and
Edward Belt late of Cornard esq. first maried to John clothing; £2o left in 1840 by the Rev. Jeremy Pember-
Buchenham esq. by whom she had Edward yet living ton, rector of Foxearth, to be distributed at the discre-
and Dorothy deceased, and after married to Wm. Golding, tion <Jf the vicar and £r5 for the day school and £10 for
by whom she had Edward and Elizabeth deceased and the Sunday school left jointly by the Rev. Edward
)1argery and Mary yet living, obiit. xx. Maii 1591;" Pemberton and the Rev. Jeremy Pemberton ·for the
although the inscription is to a lady, the effigy is that benefit of these schools; and 2a. or. 37P· land and 3
of a gentleman and the figures of the children on the " brick school" on The Green for a night school, no-w
slab do not agree with the number given in the in- used as a reading room. In 1887 a; sum of money bring·
scription: at the back of the sedilia are two lozenge ing in about £6 yearly was left by Mrs. Smith, of Caven·
shaped stones which contain brass shields charged with dish, to be equally divided between 4 old men and 4
tlie arms of Buckingham and Golding, from which it old women. The Charity Commissioners are lords of the
would seem that the monument of Mrs. Elizabeth Gold- manor. The principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical
ing was a raised tmnb, and that these lozenges are the Commissioners, the trustees of the late Daniel Gurteen
remains of two side panels; the top stone had pro"bably e.sq.•J.P. of Haverhill, Suffolk, David H. Perry-Mitchell


esq. Robert Smith, Charles llay, George William Eagle 7.30 a.m. & 1.40 p.m. dispatched, 11.30 a. m. & 5 p.m.
esq. and George Chickall esq. The soil is clay, loam The neare!:'t money order & telegraph office is at Clal"e
and gravel ; subsoil, clay and loam. The chief crops are R.S.O. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
wheat, beans, oats and barley. The area is 2,499 acres;
rateable value, £3,640; the population in 1891 was 6o2 • School (mixed & infants), erected in 1842, for 100 boys
Parish Clerk, John Wiffen. & girls & 40 infants; aver~; attendance, 125 ; Miu
Post Office.-:\Irs. Mary .Ann Goody, sub-postmistress. Nellie l:nderwood, mistress
Letters arrive by foot post from Clare R.S.O. Suffolk at Carrier to Sudbury. John Crisp, thurs
Eagle George William, Paul's liall Eagle Thomas & Waiter, farmers, Martin Florence Minnie (Miss), be~r
Saulez Rev. Robert Travers M ..A. The Down's Clare &; Hickford hill retailer & brewer
Vicarage Eagle George 1\'m. frmr. Paul's hall ~Iartin William, shoe maker
C'O:U:MERCIAL. Eag:e Thomas .Alfred, farmer, "\Yood- Smith James, blacksmith
Bland Elias, shoe maker barns farm Smith Robert. iarmer & landowner,
Butcher George, Half Moon P.H Eagle Wm. Hy. frmr. Brown's farm Lovelands
Chickall George, farmer, Sl;Lerring pi Finch George, beer retailer Tarbun Lewis, shopkeeper
Chinnery Geo. frmr. Newhall farm Goody Isaiah, grocer & draper & artist Tarbun William, farmer
Chinnery Waiter, farmer Goody Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Taylor John, higgler
Crisp James, miller (wind) Post office Twitchett George, bricklayer
Crisp John, carrier Jackson .A.lbert, beer retailer "\Vard Brothers, wheelwrights
Cutmore Ephraim, shopkeeper ~Iartin George, farmer Wiffen John, shoe maker
BEL CHAMP W ALTER is a parish, on a brook fall- nexed to that of Bulmer, average tithe rent-charge £396,
ing into the Stour, 4 miles west from Sudbury station, joint net yearly value, ;6.249, with 5 acres of glebe, in
on the StQur Valley branch of the Great Eastern rail- the gift of Samuel John St. Clere Raymond J.P. of Bel-
way, and 8 north-east from Halstead, in the Northern champ Hall, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Thomai
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- Leonard Vowe Simkin M . .A. of St.. John's College, Ca~
ford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and county bridge. Belchamp Hall, the lsoot of Samuel John
court district and in the rural deanery of Hedingham, St. Clere llaymond esq. J.P. lord of the manor and the
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St . .Albans. The principal landowner, is a substantial mansion of brick of
church of Sf.Mary theVirgin is a building of stone, chiefly the time of Queen Anne, standing in pleasure grounds
in the Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles and a park of 20 acres, overlooking the valley to the
(with the exception of the north wall of the chancel, which parish of Bulmer, and containing a fine collection of pie-
is Norman) and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and tures and china. In the grounds is an avenue of Scotch
an embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 firs. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel.
bells: the font is Norman and there are several stained The chief crops are wheat, bE.>ans and barley. The area
windows: in the chancel is a monument of white and is 2,151a. 2r. 35P·; rateable value, £3,501; the popu-
grey marble to various members of the Raymond family, lation in 1891 was 514.
including John Raymond esq. purchaser of the estate, ~ . . .
buried here 27 June, 16 35 ; and his wife, 6 December, . ~ORTH. WOOD (formerly ex_tra-parochial) 1s a parish
1652 ; Oliver Raymond esq. :M.P. for Essex in the Long m the uruo~ of Sudbury, _ha':-ng five houses, rateable
Parliament, buried 25 March, 1679 and St. Clere llay- value, £271' and a populatiOn m 1891 of I I
mond esq. buried 25 October, 1690; there is also, be- Sexton, Joseph Theobald.
neath a finely carved canopy of the Decorated period Post Office.-Nelson Hawkins, sub-postmaster. Letters
above, the tomb of one of the de Veres, Earls of Oxford: received from Sudbury, arrive at 8.10 a.m. & 1.40 p.m.
a reredos in mosaic work has beeft erected at the expense dispatched at 12.10 & 4·45 p.m. The nearest money
of the Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond M. A. rector of order office is at Ballingdon & telegraph office at Sudbury
Belchamp "\Valter, 1859-62, by whom also the church was Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
restored in 186o, at a. cost of £1,400. The register National School (mixed), built in 1872 for 123 children;
dates from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, an- average attendance, 95; Miss l\Iary Storey, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carder Joseph, miller (steam &water) Pearsons James, Eight Dells P.Ir.
Firmin John Archibald, Eyston hall Deeks Waiter George, farmer, brewer & farmer
Raymond Samuel John St. Clere J.P. Fisher's farm Pannell Joseph, wheelwright
£elchamp hafi Hawkins Nelson, blacksmth,Post office Prigg John, farmer, Crows farm
Simkin Rev. Thomas Leonard Vowe Hustler John Edgar, frmr. "\Vaits frm Simpson William ,farmer, architect
1\I.A. Vicarage Lawrence John, farmer, Nouthey's fm & surveyor, St. Mary hall
COMMERCUL. Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer Stunt Charles Morris, farmer
Brand Jsph. Edmd. frmr. Clarke's frm Martin John, horse slaughterer Twichett Peter, shonkpr. & shoe ma
NORTH BENFLEET is a parish, 3 miles north-east Cambridge, and held since 1878 by the Rev. David Jones
from the Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury and Davies M.A. late fellow of that college and rural dean of
Southend railway and 3 miles from Wickford Junction Rochford. The principal landowners are Capt. Whitmore,
on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3 who is lord of the manor, and the Ecclesiastical Corn-
west from Rayleigh, and 8 south-east from Billericay, in missiQners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, a strong loam.
the Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brent- The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 1,599
wood petty sessional division, Sout4end county court acres; rateable value, £1,532; the population in 1891
district, Billericay union, and in the rural deanery of was 169.
Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Sexton James .Allen.
Albans. The church of All Saints is a small and ancient '
fabric of stone and flint in the Early English style, con- Post Office.~Henry Webb,. sub-postmaster. ~etters from
si sting of chancel nave north porch and a western Bowers G1fford S. 0. arrive at 8.45 a.m. ; d1spat~hed at
wooden turret, co~taining 2 bells: the chancel was re- 4.20 P:m. daily:- The nearest money order _& telegraph
built and the church reseated in the year 1871 . The re- office IS at. Wickford. Postal orders are Issued here,.
gister of baptisms and burials dates from 1647; mar- but not pa1d
riages, 1648. The living is a rectory, net yearly value National School (mixed), built in 1862, for 55 children r
£42o, with residence, in the gift of Emmanuel College, average attendance, 40; Frank Richard Lovell, master
Davies Rev. David Jones M.A. (rector clesiastical Commission~rs, Fanton Crick Frederick, blacksmith
diocesan inspector of schools & hall Dorman Edward, Harrow P.H
rural dean), Rectory Cornell John, farm bailiff to Captain Donnan "\Yilliam, farmer
Butcher William, farm bailiff to Ec- l\nitmore, Denfleet Hall farm Webb Henry, shopkeeper, Post office
SOUTH BENFLEET is a village and parish on 1 chancel, nave of three bays with clerestory, aisles, south
Hadleigh Ray, which flows between it and Canvey Island, porch and a western tower with low shingled spire, con-
with a station on the Tilbury and Southend railway, 7j taining a peal of 5 bells: the tenor weighs nearly 20 cwt.
miles west from Southend and 35 from London, and is and was cast in 1636; the treble is dated 1664. Thl
in the South Eastern division of the county, Barstable register dates 1rom the year 1573. The living is a.
hundred, Rochford union and petty sessional di>ision, vicarage, a>erage tithe rent-charge £217; net yearly
Southend county court district, and in the rural deanery >alue £r82, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the
of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. gift of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and held
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large since 1886 by the Rev. ·waiter Edmund Spencer M.A. of
edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Xew College, Oxford. The trustees of the late J. W.

Perry Watliagton esq. are lords of the manor. Sir Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
Charles Nioholson D.C.L., LL.D., J.P. of the Grange, (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex
Totteridge, Herts, and J. A. Brown esq are the principal added).-Mrs. Emily Lawrence, postmistress. T.. ette~s
landowners. The soil is clayey loam; subsoil, clay; from Southend arrive at 7 a. m. & from Lond)n at
producing wheat and general crops. The area is 2,307 7.40 a.m.; dispatched to Southend 4.30 p.m. & Lon-
acres of land and 42 water; rateable value, £,228; the don 2. IS p.m. & 7.20 p.m
population in I89I was 575· National School (mixed), built in :r845, for II6 children;
CANVEY ISLAND is partly in this parish. average attendance, II2; Robert Hall, master
HOPES Q-REEN is half a mile north . Railway Station, Charles Boyle, station master
Attwell Theodore, Shirley Brown Joseph Augustus, farmer Nunn Geo. frm. bailtff to Mrs.Harding
Harding Mrs Butler Frank, brick maker, Brickfields Pierce William, beer retailer
Howard William, The Limes Daines Mary Ann (Mrs.), draper Richard son Henry William, farm
Oliver Adam Luke, Fernbank Francls Robert, coal merchant, bailiff to John Lincoln esq
Pease William, 2 Glen villas Hoy P.H. & posting establishment Seel William, farmer, Hadleigh Cross
Skrinner Frederick, Durley grange Frostick J oseph, grocer & draper Stanford. Robert William, professor
Spencer Rev. Waiter Edmund M.A. Gree:q John Abraham, machine owner of music, Sans Souci
Vicarage Holden Samuel & Willlam,grocers Stockwell & Son, brick makers
Varty Robert, Jarvis hall & drapers Talbot Abraham, farmer
Watson Reginald, Brooklands Land George, Anchor inn Toms Thomas, hair dresser, The Boy
Wilson James Lawrence Emily (Mrs.), baker, Post West George, lighterman, Somtsen
cmrMEROIAL. office Wood Edward & Co. corn & coal mer-
Blakeley James, wheelwright Lazell Ann (Mrs.), stationer chants, forage factors & barge
Brand Charles, grocer & provision Livens Henry John, builder, Rosedale owners; & at Greenwich
dealer, Central Stores Micklefield George, blacksmith
GREAT B'ENTLEY is a pari:oh and village pleasantly William George Trousdale B.A. of St. John's College,
seated round a green of upwards of 42 acres and having Oxford. The Wesleyan chapel, erectea in I843, has 350
a station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great sittings. A fair was formerly held here on July ISth. -
Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east from Colchester, 7 Francis esq. is lord of the manor, and Lord Ashburton,
north-west from Clacton-on-Sea, 5 west from Thorpe-le- Caius College, Cambridge, Albert Barker esq. and Messrs.
Soken, 5 north from Brightlingsea and 6I from London Wards and Carter are the chief landowners. The soil is
by road, in the North Eastern division of the county, stone and clay, with some light land and produces good
hundred, petty sessional division and union of Tendring, wheo,t, barley, oats and roots. The area is 3,og6 acres;
county court district of Colchester, rural deanery of St. rateable value, £4,804; amd in I89I the population was
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. I,oo8.
Albans. The church of St. Mary is a building of red Parish Clerk, George Cowell.
sandstone mixed with iron ore, and was originally Nor-
b t ·
19 tl · th D t d t 1 d Post & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
man, u now par Y m e ecora e s Y e, an con- Office. Mrs. Charlotte Poulton, sub-postmistress.
sists of chancel and nave, north porch of wood and
an embattled tower at the west end containing 5 bells : Letters through Colchester arrive at 4·45 a.m. I2 noon
the chancel retains two niches at the east end, and on & 5· 15 p.m.; dispatched lilt 10 a.m. I p.m. & 7.30
the south side is a priests' doorway, now blocked up on P..m. Wall Letter Box cleared at IO a.m. I p.m. &;
the inside, but visible on the exterior: in the porch are 7· 15 p.m·
the remains of a stoup: a part of the old staircase to the County Police Station, Sergeant Harry Laver, inspector
rood loft is still in existence, and on the south side of of weights & measures
the nave is a very fine specimen of a Norman arch in a Schools.
good state of preservation: five of the windows are also A School Board of 5 members was formed 2 April, I872;
Norman, three Early English and two Perpendicular: C. D. Keigwin, Colchester, clerk to the board
the church was restored in I874 at a cost of over £8oo, Board (mixed), for 210 children; average attendanc~,
and has 300 sittings. The regi~ter dates from the year IIo; J. E. Richardson, master
1558, but the entries were mixed until I62o, when the National (mixed), for 1oo children; average attendance,
marriages were separated, the burials not being separately 82; Miss Agnes Haines, mistress
kept until 1652. The living is a discharged vicarage, Railway Station, Elijah Lee, station mast~r
average tithe rent-charge £rgo, net yearly value £230, Carriers to Colchester. Henry Walter James, mon. wed.
with residence, and I I acres of glebe, in the gift of the fri. & _sat. returning s11me days; Mills, from St. Osyth
Bishop of St. Albans, and held since I89I by the Rev. heath, tues. thurs. fri. & sat. returning same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blaxall John, shoe maker :\'Ioy Thomas, coal merchant
Atthill Robert Chapman, The Laurels Bronsdon Benjamin, baker ~evard William John, Victory P.H
Baker George, Crabtree Brooks Thomas, farmer, Sturrick frm Newman George, hay & straw de~er,
Barker Albert, The Hall Brooks Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Heck- The Ho11ies, & farmer, Moorlands fm
Cooper Mrs. Moorlands ford place Oxborrow William, blacks.:nith
Creasy Alfred, St. Mary's Clark Edwards, builder Poulton Charlotte (Mrs.), draper &
Gentry J oseph Cook Henry James, Plough inn grocer, Post offiee
Thompson Mrs. Brook hou!le Cowell George, bricklayer Richardson J. E. schoolmaster
Trousdale Rev. William George B.A. Cudmore Daniel, general dealer Robinson Richard, farmer
The Vicarage Cudmore George, baker Ruffell Henry, blacksmith
Dines Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker Sewell Chester, farmer
COlL"\IETIOIAL. Dowman James, carpenter Simmonds Charles, coal merchant
Arthey J oseph John, farmer & as- Eley J oseph, shopkeeper Sizer John Henry, miller (steam),
sistant overseer, Parsonage farm Goodwin Samuel, wheelwright The Green
Atthill Robert Chapman L.R.C.P. Gosling Waiter John, carpenter & Slowgrove Thomas, bricklayer
Edin. surgeon, & medical officer for wheelwright Smith Sargeant Joseph, baker
No. 6 district & public vaccinator Herbert George, hay & straw dealer Syrett Samuel, beer retailer
5th (part of), 6th, 7th & Sa, dis- James Henry Waiter, beer retailer & Thorpe Edmund, farmer
tricts of the Tendring union, The carrier "\Vadley Frederick CharleS\ cabii e~
Laurels James Samuel, Lion inn maker & shopkeeper
Aylward James, jun. cattle dealer, Lee Elijah, station master Watcham William, thatcher
The Poplars Lord Henry, butcher Went Solomon, brick & tile maker
Barker Albert, farmer & landowner, Lord William, farmer Wright Wm. grocer & furniture dlr
The Hall ~lills Horace, farmer
LITTLE :BENTLEY is a parish, 3 miles from an embattled western tower with p_innacles containing 5
tlentley Green station on the Great Eastern branch rail- bells: in the lady chapel is a brass with effigies to Sir
way from Colchester to Walton and Clacton, 8 east from William Pyrton kt. "Captain of Guisnes in Picardy," ob.
Colchester, and 5 south-south-east from Manningtree, in Jwy I, 1490, and Catherine, his widow, ob. 1501; under-
the North Eastern division of the county, petty sessional neath, in a vault, are interred the remains of Paul,
division, hundred and union of Tendring, county court second and last Viscount Bayning, who resided in the
district of Colchester, rural deanery of Ardleigh, arch- parish and was lord of the manor in 1638: in the chancel
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The are tablets to the Lidgould family, a member of which
church of St. Mary the Virgin is an ancient edifice of I was rector of tliis parish in I741: there are five partially
brick and stone in the Decorated style, consisting of stained windows in the chancel, three in the Lady chapel
chancel, nave, north aisle, lady chapel, south porch and and six others: the chancel retains it11 piscina and
11 edilia;in t~e south aisle wall is the rood loft staircase: is loamy and fertile, and produces good crops of barley,
the church was restored in 1868. The register dates wheat, oats and beans. The area is 2,094 acres; rate-
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, average a.ble value, £2,290; the population in 1891 was 296.
tithe rent-charge £495, gross yearly value £595, with Parish Clerk, James Balls.
residence, and 6o acres of glebe, in the gift of Emmanuel Post Office. William Hazell, sub-postmaster. Letters
College, Glmbridge, and held since 1885 by the Rev. arrive from Colchester at 7 a.m.; dispatehed at 6.40
Joseph Dixie Churchill M.A. formerly fellow of that col- p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph oifice is at
lege. The -rectory ho-qse is a good residence, standing in Great Bentley. Postal orders are issued here, but not
p:w-k-like grounds. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Little paid
Bentley Hall is the residence of John Woodgate esq. J.P. National Scnools (mixed), for 6o children; average at-
the lord of the manor and the chief landowner. The soil tendance, 36; ~liss Amy Rudkin, mistress
Churchill Rev. Joseph Dixie 1\l.A Clark John, farmer & assistant over- Hyam Henry Wm. farmer, Ued ho
Rectory seer, Cburcli House farm Keeble \Villiam, beer retailer
Woodgate John J.P. Little Bentleyl:all Clark Josepb, farmer, Clipt hedge Knowler John, farmer
Cutting John, beer retailer Maskell Jacob, farmer
co:miERCIAL. Denny Waiter, bricklayer Ricbardson Benjamin, miller (wind)
Arthy James, baker & shopkeep~r Girling Thomas, farmer, Pains iarm Rose Raynbam, blacksmith
Bradbrook James, farmer, The Uah.s Harding James, shoe maker Rycraft Jacob, beer retailer
Carter Joseph D. _farmer, Dairy bo Hazell Wm. wheelwright, Post oflice
EERDEN (or Bearden) is a vfllage and parish on the Margary Avery and by Sir Thomas Ramsey, who in 1583
borders of Hertfordshire, 6 miles south-west from New- conveyed it to the Mayor and Commonalty of London, as
port station on the main line ._of the Great Eastern rail- Governors of Christ's Hospital. Joseph Mede B. D. of
way, 35 from London, and 7 north-west from Bishop's Christ's College, Cambridge, an eminent theologian, was
St<>rtford, in the Northern division of the county, Claver- born here in 1586: in the farm yard Qf the priory is an
ing hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, ancient well worked by a large wheel, the person wishing
Bishop's Stortford union and county court district, and to obtain water gets inside the wheel, and by walking,
tn the rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Col- causes it to revolve. Berden Hall, the ancient manor
cbester and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. house, is now a farmhouse ; this house, with the manor,
NichO'las, standing on slightly elevated ground, is an were holden at the beginning of the reign of Henry II. by
ancient structure of flint with stone dressings, in the J obn de Rochford, under Henry de Essex, of the honour
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, transep.ts, of Rayleigh: in 1247 Sir Guy de Rocbford bad this pos-
l!outh porch and a western tower faced with pelibles and session, who, dying in 1273, was succeeded by hi~ nephew,
eontaining 4 bells: the chancel is a magnificent specimen John de Rochford, son of his sister Maud; Robert, his
of very Early English workmanship, some of the windows son, who marri?d Isolda, daughter of William Fitz Warinc,
dating from the 13th century: on the south wall of the also held Rochford and Berden; and on his decease, in
chancel is a tablet inscribed to Thomas Aldersaie esq. of 1337, he left Sir Thomas Rochford, his son, his heir: in
Bunbury in Cheshire, citizen and merchant of London, a 1340, on the failure of heirs male in the R_pcbford family,
member of the Haberdashers' Com:eany and founder of King Edward the Third granted Rocbford and Berden to
the Free school at Bun bury, ob. 4 Feb. 1598, ret. 79: William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton; and
within the communion rail are brass effigies of Thomas 'Yilliam de Bobun, after the decease of Christina, wife of
Tbompson of Birden, gent. and Ann his wife, with an Robert de Rochford, gave the manor of Berden to the
inscription to the latter~ ob. on St. James' day, 1607, CPt. abbey of Walden, which in 1388 the abbot of that time
31 ; above are arms of Thompson and Aldersey, and held bv the service of one knight's fee: after the dissolu-
below the figures of nine sons and four daughters; here tion, Henry VIII. granted it, in 1538, to Lmd Chancellor
also is a slab with inscription to Dame Mary Scott, Audley, from whom it descended with the Walden estates
daughter of John Aldersey, of Berdt:>n Hall, and succes- to Thomas, Lord Howard, 1st baron Howard de Walden,
sively wife of Thomas Westrowe, alderman of London, of and Earl of Suffolk, who bad married, as his first wife
Sir Norton Knatcbbull, of Hatch, in Kent, kt. and of Sir Margaret, daughter and heir of the Lord Chancellor, and
Edward Scott, of Scott's Hall in Kent, kt.; she died in secondly, Katharine, eldest daughter and co-heir of Sir
1678, aged 89: in the north transept is an altar tomb Henry Knevet, who in 1597 sold it to Thomas Sutton esq.
with the figures in brass of a man between his two wives from whom it was conveyed to the family of Calvert, of
and an inscription to William Turnor and Margaret and. Furneaux Pelbam, descending from William Calvert esq.
Margery b_is wives: he died 10 Nov. 1473: two shields to Felix Calvert esq. of Pelham Hall, who died in 1655,
above and some figures below, probably of children, have and then to Nicbolson Calvert esq. of Hunsdon, in Hert-
been removed, but there remain two scrolls severally fordsbire, and his successors, who, in 186o, sold it to the
inscribed " 0 bone Jhu esto michi ibs " and "miserere Governors of Christ's Hospital, who now bold the lordi<hip
mei Deus :" the church was completely restored in 1868, of the manor and are the chief landowners; the other
at a cost of about £2,ooo. The register dates from the owner is Robert Gosling esq. D.L., J.P. of Hassobury.
year 1715. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value The soil is mixed, principally heavy; subsoil, clay with
£150, with 3 licres of glebe and residence, in tb.e gift of some chalk and grave-l. The crops are chiefly on the
the Governors of Christ's Hospital, and held since 1891 four-course shift. The area is 1,772 acres; rateable
by the Rev. Frederick Corden Nash l\L.A. of St. value, £1,414; the population in 1891 was 336.
9atherine's College, Cambridge. There is a. I?arish read- LITTLE LONDO~ is a hamlet, half a mile south-east;
~ng room, formerly .a"':'esleyan chapel. Chanties amount- Dewes Green, half a mile north-west.
mg ~o £13 a~e dlstnbuted yearly. Here. was a small Parish Clerk and Sexton James Coyston.
hospital or prwry of St. John the Evangelist, for c-anons '
of the order of St. Augustine, probably founded by the Post Office .. Jam,es l\Iumford, s~b-postmaster. Letters
Rocbfords at the beginning of Henry IlL's reign, and t~rougb Bishops Stortford arrive at 8.1~ a.m. ~ are
colonised from the convent of La Charite de Dieu sur dispatched at 5·45 p.m.; on sunday there IS no delivery
Loire: the patronage of this house was given in 1343 to or dispatch. The nearest money order office is at
the aJbbey of Walden and the prior obtained licence in Clav_ermg & telegraph office. at Quendon. Postal orders
1266 to bold a fair here ; its revenues, at the Dissolution, are Issued here, but not paid
were returned at £31 ss. Id. when it was granted to National School (mixed), built in 1857, for So children;
Henry Parker arid was afterwards held by Thomas and average attendance, ss; Miss Mary Elizb. Coombs, mis
Coombs Miss ~Iartin John, farmer, Stock's farm Sheppard James, Raven P.H
l\ash Rev. Fred(•rick Corden l\I.A. ~Iumford James, grocer & draper Sibley Stephen, wheelwright & black-
(vicar), Vicarage Post office smith
Roberts Edward, Berden ball ~Iynott ~Iarianna t!\liss), dress maker Stone w·m. stockman to Mr. Waiter
Seabrook Arthur :\Iynott Robt. miller (wind),Berden ml Seabrook, Dewes green
Seabrook l\frs. The Cottage Pbillips Isaac,cbimney sweeper, Dewes St.ooks Henry, dairyman to Mr.
Se~·brook \Valter, 'fbe Priory green Edward Roberts, Brick house
Coyston James, farm bailiff to 1\Ir. Roberts Edward, farmer, Berden ball Tant George, carrier
Arthur E'eabrook, & parish clerk 1;:; Seabrook Arthur, farmer Tins-worth Josiab, beer retailer
sexton, Rooks' farm, Little London Seabrook "alter, farmer, Priory ""i,bey Thomas, farmer, \Vbite house
WEST ::BERGHOLT is a parish and village, near the 1 Albans. The church of St. l\Iary is a building of stone
river Colne, 3 miles west-north-west from Colchester, in in the Xorman and Decorated styles, consisting of chan-
tbe North Eastern divis'1on of the county, Lexden and eel, nave of five bays, south aisle, south porch and a
Winstree hundred, petty sessional division and union, small wooden turret containing 2 bells; in 1877 the
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Ded- church was reseated and an organ erected by subscrip-
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. tion: the arcading is supported on plain but massive
Norman pillars and the aisle windows are a fair specimen of J. T. Argent, Edward Smith, Mrs. Fairhead's trustees,
of Decorated work. The register dates from the year William Page and Charles Jones. The soil is mixed,
1598. The living is a rectory, .average tithe rent-charge principally loam ; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are
£456, net yearly value £397• with 35 acres of glebe wheat, barley, oats, beans and roots. The area is 2,28'7
and residence in the gift of the Rev. Charles Thomas acres; rateable value, £3,612; the population in I8g.I
Corrance M.A. of Aldeburgh, Suffolk, and held since was 1,042.
1891 by the Rev. Henry Clemence Corrance B.A. of Parish Clerk, James Kidby.
Christ Church, Oxford. The Primitive Methodist Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
chapel, built in 1878, has been recently (1894) Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Essex
enlarged and will now seat 400 persons. A social club added). James Howe, sub-postmaster. Letters de-
holds meetings at the Church school. £I3 17s, 10d. livered at 7 a.m. & 12.30 p.m. ; despatched at I0.2o
derived from Love's charity, is distributed in blankets, a.m. & 9.22 p.m.
coals and bread. The common was in 1865 allotted to Schools:-
owners of property in the parish; 179 lots being Church (mixed), built in 1858, for 140 children; average
assigned to private persons, 2 acres for a new church, attendance, 75; 1Villiam George Curtis, master
4 acres for recreation ground for the inhabitants and 5 British (mixed), formerly a chapel, erected in 1838 &
acres of garden ground for the poor. Thomas Alexander reconstructed in 187r, for wo children; average at-
Cook elilq. is lord of the manor of :K ether or Crooks tendance, 110 ; Ern est George Brown, master
Hall, and John Horace Round esq. is lord of the manor Carriers to Colchester. George Moss, mon. thurs. fri.
of Bergholt Hall. The principal landowners are John & sat.; Sach & Scott (from Wormingford), daily
Horace Round, W. W. Daniel!, J. B. Daniell, the trustees except tues
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arnold Henry, wheelwright Groves Jesse, market gardener
Argent John Thompson, Horspits ..irgent John Thompson & Son, millers Hempsted George, beer retailer
Argent Misses, Newbridge mills (steam & water) & farmers, New- Howe James, Post office ·
Arthy Charles bridge mills J ohnson Alfred, nurseryman
C<Drrance Rev. Henry- Clemence B.A. Balls Thomas, farmer Kay John, inland revenue officer
Rectory Barrow George, hay & straw dealer Kid by J ames, boot maker
Daniell Joseph Brabrook, Hill house Beardwell Jeremiah, beer retailer King Saml. Jas. painter & shopkeepr
Daniell Thomas Brett, Heath house Bond George, White Hart P.H Lambert Hy. farmr. High Tree frm
Daniell Thomas Lorkin, The Armoury Bonner Charles, farmer, Pond farm Leggett John Thomas, baker
Daniell ·wm. 1Vilberforce,'l'he Brewery Brown Thomas, baker & beer retailer }lo;;s George, shopkeeper & carrier
HPrring Major Wm. Hy. Rose cottage Byfield William, horse slaughterer Oakley Ambrose, wheelwright
Keppel Capt. Leicester Chantry R.N. Clayden William, baker Partridge Benj. frmr. & machine ownr
'fhe Lodge Daniel! & Sons Breweries Limited, Partriuge Edgar Arnold, coach builder
Orpen Osmond George, Hill side brewers, maltsters & wine &, spirit & painter, wheelwright, undertaker
Proctor Frank, Donard lodge merchant; & Colchester. See advt & blacksmith
SeadPn John, 'frafalgar house Daniell Joseph Brabrook, farmer, Phillips Arthur John, butcher
Tnylor Rowland, The Chestnuts Hill house Raven Samson Philip, boot maker
Turner Mrs. Shrubland house Dobson George, brick maker ; office, Raven Solomon, butcher

Wythe Waiter Henry, Brooklands Colchester Smith Henry, farmer
COlfMEROLI.L. Francis Hezekiah Sadler, farmer & as- Social Club (John Kay, hon. sec.),
Allen Nathaniel, farmer, Cook's hall sistant overseer, Scarletts farm Church school
Allston Albert & Wm. pork butchrs Garling Walter, baker Walker Charlea, farwer
Allston William, boot & shoe maker Green William Isaac, farmer, The Hall Wright George (exors. of), farmers
BILLERICAY is a small market town and head of a window was erected as a memorial to William Carter
union, on an eminence at the junction of the road from esq. and his wife by their children: there are 400
London to Rochford and Southend, with that from sittings. The register dates from the year 1844; all
Chelmsford to the ferry over the Thames at Tilbury, earlier entries referring to this place will be found in the
6 miles east from Brentwood, 9 south from Chelmsford registers of Great Burstead. The living is a vicarage,
and 23 from Whitechapel church, and was formed into gross yearly value £320, in the gift of the Bishop of St.
a. separate ecclesiastical parish 14 Sep. 1844, but for Albans, and held since I877 by the Rev. Edward Georgi!
civil purposes is within the parish of Great Burstead. Darby B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, and
It 1s in the Mid division of the county, Barstable chaplain of Billericay union. There are Baptist and Con-
hundred, Brentwood petty sessonal division and county gregational chapels. A small market is held on Tues-
court district, and in the rural deanery of Ingatestone, days, chiefly for pigs. Brick making is carried on here
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The to a small extent. There is a charity of £soo, invested
Great Eastern Railway Company has a. station at the in the zi per Cents. left by James Mabbs in I733 for
lower end of the town on their branch line from Shenfield, the education of poor children. At a recent date Miss
opened Jan. I, 1889, which proceeds via Wickford to Mead, of Billericay, left the sum of £soo for educational
:Maldon and also through Rayleigh and Rochford to purposes. Both these gifts are administered by the
Southend. The town is lighted with gas by a limited trustees of the Congregational chapel. Lord Petre, who
company. The church of St. 1\Iary Magdalene is an is lord of the manor, and l\Iajor Thomas Jenner Spitty
ancient edifice of brick: the western tower, which is the D.L., J.P. are the chief landowners. The area of the
only part of the old church now remainin~, and contams ecclesiastical parish is 443 acres ; rateable value included
I bell, dates from the reign of Edward IV. and is a fine with Burstead population in 1891 was I,394·
specimen of brick architecture ; the tower was thoroughly
restored in 188o, and in the same year a stained east Verger, William Henry Boreham.
Post, 1\I. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall the second &
1 John Xing, postmaster. Letters arrive through fourth tuesday in every month at 12 noon. 'fhe places
Breatwood at 5 ·35 & 8.50 a.m. 5.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; des- in the petty sessional division are Bassil<lon, Bowers
patched at g.Io a.m. 3.50 & 7.30 p.m. there being Giiiord, Downham, Dunton, Great Burstead, Laindon,
three deliveries in the day : on sunday the box closes Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Nevendon, North
at 7.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared 8.50 a.m. & Berubet, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden Crays,
6.55 p.m. ;. sundays 12 noon Vange, Wickford
County Magistrates for the Billericay Sub-DiYision of Public Establishments:-
Police Station, Frederick Stock, sergeant in charge & one
Arkwright Lt. Col. Arthur Chando~, Tl.toby priory, con 'Stable
Brentwood Town Hall, David Savill, keeper
Blencowe Major Henry Prescott George, Little Chalve-
don, Bowers Gifford S.O Volunteer Fire Brigade, G. J. Bassom, captain
Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson, Burghstead lodge, Public Officers:-
Billericay Coroner for South Essex, Charles Carne Lewis, Billeri-
Hasted Rev. Henry B.A. Pitsea, Bowers Gifford S.O eay; deputy, W. B. Blood, Witham
Jones Edgar esq. The Elms, Great Bnrstead, Ingatestone
Spitty Major Thomas Jenner D.L. Billericay, Brentwoou Collector of Poor's Rates, George Smith, Billilricay, for
Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles C. Lewis; assistant j
Gr,at Burstead
clerk, John Jeffries, Billericay Queen's Tax Collect.Q.r, Frederick J. ""\"\·ayletl;
Billericay Union. King; \Vestern sub-district, Edward William Cottee,
Brentwood; deputy, Mrs. Alice M. Cottee, Brentwood
Board day, alternate tuesdays, at the Board room at
The Workhouse, a building of brick in the Elizabethan
11 a.m.
style, was built in 1840 & will hold 252 inmates;
The union contains the following parishes, viz. : Bassil- Waiter Needbam, master; Rev. Edward George Darby
don, Bowers Gifford, Brentwood, Childerditch, Down- B. A. chaplain; Frederick Carter M. D. medical officer"
ham, Dunton, East Horndon, Great Burstead, Button, Mrs. Elizabeth Needham, matron; Miss Milli
Ingrave, Laindon, Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Little Saunders, school mistress
"\Yarley, :Mountnessing, Nevendon, North Benfleet,
Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden Crays, Shenfield, Rural Sanitary Authority.
South Weald, Vange, West Horndon & Wickford. The Meets at the Workhouse. Board days, same time.
population of the union in x8gx was 20,555 ; area Clerk, Charles Carne Lewis, Billericay
49,850 acres; rateable value in 1893 £u6,424. Treasurer, "\Villiam Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Charles Medical Officer of Health, Fredk. Carter M.D. Billericay
C. Lewis, Billericay Sanitary Inspectors, Samuel Shelley, Brentwood, western
Treasurer, William l\lichael Tufnell, Chelmsford district; Henry G. Clark, eastern district
Collectors to the Guardians, Frederick James Smith, School Attendance Committee.
Billericay & Edward William Cottee, Brentwood
Clerk, Charles Carne Lewis, Billericav •
.Relieving Officers, Eastern district, Frederick James Attendance Officers, Frederick James Smith, Billericay
Smith, Billericay; Western district, Edwin William & William King, Brentwood •
Cottee, Brentwood
'Va~cination Officer, Charles C. Lewis, Billericay
Endowed Grammar, with an income arising from a farm
~edical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Brentwood district, at Laindon & some invested money, being a bequest
Albert William Wallis, Brentwood; Great Burstead & left in x684 by the Rev. Samuel Bayley, rector of Ben-
Mountnessin.g districts, John Charles Creswell fleet; there are 20 boys, of whom 8 are educated free
L.R.C.P.Edin. Billericay; Wickford district, John
Marshall, Wickford Board, under the Great Burstead School 'Board, erected in
1878, for 400 children; averagp attendance, go boys,
Superintendent Registrar, Charles C. Lewis, Billericay xoo girls & 23 infants; Randal Porter, master; Mrs.
Deputy Superintendent Registrar, J n. J effries, Billericay Hannah Cox, mistress; Mrs. Alice M. Tanner, infants'
Registrar of Marriages, John Aylett, Billericay; deputy, mistress
Edwin J. Houghton, Billericay
.Registrars of Births & Deaths, Eastern sub-district, Railway Station, Henry Hambleton, station master
Frederick James Smith, Billericay; deputy, John Carrier to Chelmsford. Edward Turner, tues. & fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dull Geor1.5e, Railway P.H. fly pro- Lewis & Qnennell, solicitors
:Bonar Mrs prietor & agent G.E.R Lewis Charles Carne (firm, Lewis &;
Branfill ~Iaj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson Carter Frederick M.D. surgeon, & Quennell), solicitor, supt. registrar
J.P. Bnrghstead lodge medical officer <Jf health to the clerk to the magistrates, to the
:Bush :1\-lis s rural sanitary authority & medical guardians, the a;:ses~ment corn-
Carter Frederick M.D officer to workhouse rnitttc-e, the rural sanitary authority
Cheveley Miss Cheek John Peter, Sun P.H & to the school attendance com-
Cole Philip Cole Philip, farmer mith•e, coroner for South Essex &
Creswell John Charles Cole Thomas, threshing machine vaccination officer
Dalton Albert • proprietor Lewis J o.siah, fishmonger
Darby Rev. Edwd. Geo. B.A. (vicar) Crampin John, pork butcher Lucas lVilliam,corn & seed merchant;
Duncan Mrs Creswell John Charles L.R.C.P.Edin., & Old Cr.rn exchange, ~lark lane,
Grayson Mrs M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond. surgeon LunC.ou
iloysted Rev. Jumes Douglas B.A. & medical officer & publi.c vaccina- Meeson W. T. coal merchant
(rector of llam~den C1·ays) for, Great Burstead & Mountncss- ~Ioore & Co. drapers & g1·ocers
Hutchinson John William P ing districts ~Ioore James, beer. retailer
..J efferies John Cross Emma (~Irs. ), Three Horse- Morris J oseph Edward, grocer & wine
King Mrs shoes P.H & spirit merchant
Kluht Rev. Alfred (Congregational) Cullum 'Ihomas, shopkeeper ~Iulley Frederick, shopkeeper
Llovd Mrs Cnrtis George, estate agent Mumford James, corn dealer

Lucas William Curtis Rose Anna (~liss), Bull P.H Murray Henry, bricklayer
Maguth Rev. ~teph~n Shepherd LL.D Daldy & Co. coal merchants l'lix John Beard, chemist & stationer
~foore Mrs
Dove J esse, cowkeeper Nix "\Vm. builder & tile & brick makr
Nix John K Eales Kitty (Mrs.), apartments Oddy William Luckin, castrator
Nix William Eales Thomas, saddler Offin Wm. currier & leather merchnt
Parker Robert Emerson Henry John, hay & straw Olley Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Salter Job J. South villa salesman Perkins George, Crown hotel, " next
Smith Francis Nelson Emerson John Frederick, draper station," wine & spirit merchant,
Spinks ,John Edwards Emerson Sarah E. (~Irs. ), apartmnts dinners & _teas provid~d ; every ac-
Spitty Maj. Thos. Jenner D.L., J.P Endowed Grammar School (Henry commodation for cyclists & travel-
'Thompson Mrs Wardle, master) lers; good stabling, horses & traps
Turner Howard Lake Essex Provident Society (John Ayett, to let on hire ; billiards
Thorogood William ·collector) Perkins William, farmer
Watts William Flanders Stephen, insurance agent Punt "\Villiam, "\Vhite Hart P.H
Wells William Clement :Frost John, Duke's Head inn Quennell John Lewis, solicitor, see
Willoughby James Nelson Gentry Frederick, boot & shoe maker L£::wis & Quennell
Gentry George, bricklayer Quilter Mary F.lizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr
COliDIERCI~L. Goodchild "\Yelling-ton, coal merchant Quilter Samuel, farmer
Agnis Robert, miller (wind) Gray Frances & Sarah (~lisses), mil- Ramsey Frederick, hair dresser
Amos "\Villiam Henry, shopkeeper liners Ham8ey George, watch & clock maker
Ansell "\Yilliam H. G. build~r Harrington Saml. ironmonger & grocr Raylter Harriet (Miss), dresi! maker
Aylett John, registrar of marriages Harrod J oseph, farmer Read Thomas, Coach & Hors«.>s P .H
for Billericay Union Heard Samuel John, carpenter RE.>ading Room & Library (William

:Barfield Arthur, wood carver Heathcote Henry Joseph, clerk Houghton, hon. sec)
Earker Sarah (Mrs.) shopkeeper Hood Thomas, solicitor & commis- Richardson Charles, butcher
Bassom Geo. J sph. plumber & glazier sioner to administer oaths Roberts Jane (~Irs.), confectioner
Billericay Cricket Club (Frederick Houghton Caleb, draper & grocer Roberts John, painter
James Smith, sec) Houghton Edwin J. deputy registrar Saltwell lfalter, beer retailer
"Billericay & District Building Society of marriages Sanll David, furniture dealer
(Thomas Hood, sec) Jefferies John, deputy snperint,~n:l~nt Seaborn William, pork butcher
Bill('ricay Gas Co. Limited (J. P. registrar &; as si 'lta nt c!,.rk to the Seagers .Alfred, shopkeeper
Uarkson, sec) Ir..a~istrates &; clerk to comerv·1t<:>r~ Scott "\Yilliam, general smith
:Billericay \-fJluntE.>er Fire Brigade Laindon ccmmr.n, clerk to Great S"nior J ames, confectioner
(George J. Bassom, captain) Burstead School Board Sewell Joseph, - . dt>aler
"Boughtwood Fredk. Thomas, butcher Jones Fredk. news a~Pnt &; tcbacco:u >t Shipp Timothy Clement Whiteman,
:Brown Wm. wh<>elwright & machinist Jo;;lin Jo3eph, boot & shce makeoo nterin:uy surgeon

Sewell Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper Springett Henry, farmer Waylett Fredk. collector of Queen's
Sides Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), Red Stebbing Jane .Ann (Miss), girls' schl taxes
Lion hotel Thompson Jas. shopkf'eper & coal dlr Waylett William Richard, farmer;.
Smith George, tailor, & assistant over- Totman Ann Sarah (~Irs. ), greengrcr wheelwright, carpenter &c
seer & collector of poor's rate Town Hall Co. Limited ('fhos. Hood, Weston Thomas, 'fhe Chequers P.IL
Smith Frederick James, registrar of sec.; David Savill, keeper) Willis Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
births & deaths for the Eastern Tunbridge Gerald, grocer & draper Wilson Edith (Miss), confectione~:·
sub-district of 1Vickford, collector Turner Edward, carrier & mailman Wheal John, boot & shoe maker
to th~ guardians & scb.ool attend- Tyler Jonathan, farmer Witts John, apartments
ance & relieving officer Eastern cis- Tylor Edward, baker & corn dealer Woodard & Hood, solicitors; & at.
trict, Fairview villa, Highland gro Upsom James, saddler & harness rna Southend-on-Sea; & 6 Billiter st_
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. (Essex Bank), Wade Frederick, shopkeeper London E.C
bankers (Jn. Jefferies, agt.); draw Wagg Harry, chimney sweeper Wormald Thos. Eastwood, soliciton,.
on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Watts Clara (Mrs.), certificated nurse clerk
Bouverie & Co. London E.C Waylett EJwin, boot & shoe maker
Speller John, shopkeeper
BIRCH is a pleasant village and parish about 3 miles at a cost of £I40· To the south-east of the church is a.
south-east from Marks Tey station on the Great Eastern mound encompassed by a trench and said t{) be the
railway, 6 south-west from Colchester, 9 south-east from remains of a castle of the Gernons, others, however, affirm.
Coggeshall and 52 irom London, in the Korth-Eastern these to be nothing more than a continuation of the·
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and stupendous Roman works on Lexden Heath. Birch Hall,.
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester the residence of James Round esq. M.A., M.P., D.L., J.P~
county court district, rural deanery of Coggeshall, arch- is a very ancient edifice, chiefly erected by the Tendring-
deaconry of Colchester and St. Albans diocese ; it was in and Goldring families, was rebuilt in I727-8 by James
existence long before the reign of King Edward the Con- Round esq. and afterwards in I845 by Charles Gray
fessor and formerly consisted of the parishes of Greet and Round esq.; it stands in beautiful grounds, watered by
Little Birch, now consolidated. The church of St. Peter, a rivulet, which here expands into a small lake. James
in Great Birch, is a building of faced flint in a modern Round esq. ::O.I.P. is lord of the manor. The soil is
Pointed style and was erected in I85o by the late Charles light ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans-
Gray Round esq. of Birch Hall ; it consists of chancel and barley. The area is 3,094 acres of land and 11 of-
and nave with aisles, the north aisle consisting of four water; rateable value, £3,016; the population in IBgL
and the south of five bays, and at the west end of the was 86g.
north aisle a tower with spire rising to a height of I Io Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,.
feet, and containing one bell. The church of Little -Mrs. l\Iary Ann Lay, sub-postmistress. Letters
Birch, which is in ruins, stands in the park near the Hall. through Colchester, arrive at 8 a.m. & I-45 p.m.; dis-
'lhe register dates from the year I56o. The li,ring is a patched at 10 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
rectory, average tithe rent-charge. £548, gross yearly Pillar Boxes, H;ardy's green, cleared at 5.30 p.m.; no.
value £598, with residence, and 72 acres of glebe, in the collection on sunday; Heckford bridge, cleared at
gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, who has two turns, and 6.50 p.m. ; no collection on sunday
James Round esq. M.P. who has one turn, and held since National School (mixed), for 26o children; average at~
I882 by the Rev. Frederick John Ross Laurence M.A. of tendance, I8o; Arthur Beard Chandler, master; :Miss.
Exeter College, Oxford, and surrogate. The rectory Jane Maria Baker, mistress
house was built by Mr. Round in I85g-6o. A v1ilage Carriers to Colchester. Waiter Burmby, William Priol"
club with reading room was erected and opened in I8go & Isaac Whyatt, mon. wed. & sat ..
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burmby Waiter, carrier :Xorfolk Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer,..
Downman Rev. Hugh Omrtenay Church .Arthur, farmer, Hellen'~ frm Brakes farm
(curate) Clemmens Susannah (Mrs.), shopkpr Palmer Nelson, farmer, Luke's farm.
Hart Henry Ch!b & Reading Room Partridge George, builder
Hickens l\lrs. Birchwood Cop pin John, shopkeeper Prior William, carrier
Rcnn.I Douglass, Birch cothtge Fairhead Golden, farmer, Birch holt Ridgewell Jn. shopkpr. Heckford brdg
Laurence Rev. Frederick John Ross Goody William Thomas (Mrs.), Angel Sanders Alfd. maltster, Heckford bdg-
M . .A. Rectory inn, Heckford bridge Sach John, farmer & shopkeeper
Round James 1\I.P., M.A., D.L., Hart Henry L.R.C.P.Edin. sur15eon & Saunders Alfred B. grocer & draper
J.P. Birch hall; & 3I De Vere medical officer 6th district, Le:J~..den Smith Brewster, farmer, 1'Vinterflood£.
gardens, Kensington '\V & C:ultun & Winstree union Smith Danl. corn. agent, Birch cot
club S.W London Hutley .Frederick, bbcksmith, B ~ck- Smith Norman, farmer, White house-
ford bridge Smith William, steward to James.
Hutton John, carpenter Round esq. M.P. Hall farm
Blomfi.eld Frederick '\Villiar.1, farmer. Kindred Ucorge Page, miller (wi.nJ) Tiffin Frank, butcher & farmer
Beckmlmm hall Miller Jn. H. farmr. Shemmings frm Wadley Charles, farmer, Heath farm
Bloomfield Robert, boot & shoe makr Norman Thomas, farmer, Garlands
BIRCHANGER is a parish on the borders of Htrts. of King John, and was dedicated to St. Mary and St~
near the junction of the roads from Bishop's Stortford to Leonard, being under the peculiar jurisdiction of the dean:.
Dunmow and Saffron Walden, I! miles from Stanstead of St. Martin's, in London: in 26 Henry VIII. it!f
station on the Great Eastern railway, 2 east-north-east revenues were stated at £3I I3s. 11d. in gross, and after
from Bishop's Stortford, in the Northern division of the its suppression it was grantea to Sir Martin Bower. W.
county, hundred of Uttlesford, Bishop's Stortford union Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P., J.P. of Stanstead Hall, who is
and ccmnty court district, Walden petty sessional division, lord of the manor, and T. Harrison and Charles Spencer
rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and esqrs. are the principal landowners. The soil is clay and!
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is a small loam; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat and barley~
buildin~ of flint with stone dressings in the Norman and The area is I,o5 I acres; rateable value, £4,707; the
Early English styles, and consists of chancel and nave population in I89I was 469.
and a stone bell turret containing one bell. The register Parish Clerk, Frederick Levey.
dates from the year I688. The living is a rectory, Post Office.-James Smith, sub-postmaster. Box cleared·
average tithe rent-charge £236, net yearly value £2r4, at 7·5 p.m. Letters through Bishop's Stortford, arrive
with 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Kew at 7·45 a.m. ; that & Stansted Mountfitchet being the-
College, Oxford, and held since I892 by the Rev. William nearest money order & telegraph offices. Postal orders.
Herbert Cam M.A. formerly scholar of that college. are issued here, but not paid
A hospital for a master and two chaplains was founded Parochial School (mixed), for I2o children; average.-
here by Richard, son of Serlo de Newport, in the reign attendance, 70; A. W. R. Turner, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Collin Ephraim, Park villas Spencer Charles. lBrooklands..
Bury M,iss, Duck end Gold Arthur, Fairfield villa COMMEROIAL.
Cam Rev. William Herbert M.~<\.. Gold Charles J.P. The Limes Blake Edwd. Ch-a-s.. Old- Bell P:If
Rectory Hammond John, Park villas Bnsh John, blacksmith & beer retailer
Chester Harry, Pines hill Hammond Mrs. Park villas Harvey Henry, farmer, Forest hall &;
Chester Mrs. Pines hill Harrison Thomas, Birchanger place Duck end
Chisenhale-1\Iarsh Miss, Birchanger :Nash Mrs. Sion house Leech William, foreman to James
lodge Nash .Arthur W. Sinn house Blythe esq. Blythwoool farm
Church Philip, The Mount Rnst Edward George, Park villas Levey Frederick, carpentei:
Mean Henry, beer retailer J Smith James, brick maker & Post off Wilkins John, tailor, Stoney commoB
Pigram George, farmer, Duck end j Teagle Henry, farmer, Start hill Wood Peter, farmer, Birchanger hall
Smith Henry, surveyor of highways! Turner Albert W. R. schoolmaster Working Men's Club (Charles GoJ.d
to Local Board, The Cottage I Westwood Joseph, farmer J.P. president)
::SIRDBROOK is a parish and pleasant village on the Clare, Suffolk, King Viall esq. and Major-General Cecil
south bank of the Stour and near the Colne, having a Robert St. John Ives J.P. of Moyns Park, Steeple Bump-
station 1 mile north of the village on the Colne Valley stead, are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed;.
railway, 10! miles north-west from Halstead, 4 south-east subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat ..
from Haverhill, and 59 by raU from London, in the barley and beans. The area is z,g88 acres, including the
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, hamlet of Baythorn End, which is about 2 miles north-
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Risbridge union, east from the church and z! south from Stoke station, in
Haverhill county court district and in the rural deanery Suffolk, on the Great Eastern railway; rateable value~
of Yeldham, archdeaeonry of Colchester and diocese of £2,407; the population in 1891 was 531.
St. Albans. The church, lately assigned to St. Angus- Sexton, Daniel Brown.
tine, is an ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave, Post & Parcel Office. Daniel Brown, sub-postmaster.
south porcli and a western tower of wood, with spire, and Letters from Halstead, per mail cart, at 7 _30 a.m. &:1
containing 3 bells: the chancel is in the Early English style: 2 _30 p.m. (callers only) & from Haver hill (Suffolk) a1l
in the tower are inscriptions to Martha Blewitt, of Bay- 6 p.m. (callers only); dispatched at 6. 45 a.m. & 5
thorn End, in this parish, buried 7th May, z68z, and the p.m. The nearest money order office is at Haverhill.
wife of nine husbands, of whom the last survived her; The telegraph office is at Birdbrook railway station_
and t{) Robert Hogan, of this parish, the husband of Postal orders ~re issued here, but not paid
seven wives, the last of whom he married I Jan. 1739:
the church was restored in 1 gg 1_ at a cost of £ 2, 000, Post & Parcel Office, Baythorn Bnd.-William Turner,.
under the direction of Mr. Frederic Chancellor: there receiver. Letters arrive from Halstead, per mail cart,
are 200 sittings. The register dates from the year z663. at 7·10 a.m.; dispatched at 5-35 p.m. Letters arrive
The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge commuted at from Haverhill at 5.40 p.m. (delivered to callers only);
£6 26, average £ 46 2, net yearly value £ 400, with 50 dispatched at 6.30 a.m. The nearest money order office
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Clare College, is at Haverhill & telegraph office at Birdbrook railway
Cambridge, and held since I8?6 by the Rev. John Sedg- station. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
wick D.D. late fellow and vice-president of Magdalen Wall Letter Box, New England, cleared 6.40 a.m. & 5.2_5.
College, Oxford, and rural dean of Yeldham. Near the p.m.; sun. 5.25 p.m
church are some barrows: on the east side of Hunnock's .A School Board of 5 members was formed 8 Jan. 1872;
Lane Roman remains have been discovered, and at Charles F. Freeman, of Haverhill, clerk to the board
Wat.soe is a camp. The Church f?unday school has resi- School (mixed), erected, with mistress's house, in 1873~
dence attached, and is under the superintendence of the for 70 children; average attendance, 69 ; Miss .Alice-
rector. Baythorn Park, the seat of King Viall esq. is Beare, mistress
approached by a fine avenue of trees. The trustees of Railway Station, Frederick Coppin, station master
the lat~ Daniel Gurteen esq. of Haverhill, are lords of Carrier to Haverhill.-Samuel Hardy, from Stambourne.
the manor, the Elwes family, of Stoke College, Stoke-by- mon. wed. & sat
BIRDBROOK. smith, timber mer. wheelwright, Smoothy Henry, frmr. Birdbrook hlJi
Sedgwick Rev. John D.D. Rectory carpenter, hurdle maker & lime
COMMEROIAL. burner; all description of repairs BAYTHORN END.
Blackwood Harriet (Mrs.), Plough executed Brown ~nrv •
P.H. & brewer Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchants, Clarke l\lrs
Brown Daniel, shoe maker, Post office depot, Railway station Yiall King, Baythorn park
Coppin Frederick, farm bailiff to Maj. Payne .Arthur, farmer, Moat farm Fitch Ambrose Gardner, miller (steam.
General C. R. St. John Ives J.P. Percival Joseph, farmer & water), Baythorn mill
Moyns park, White House farm Ralling Charles, shopkeeper Saville Mary .Ann {Miss), Swan P.H
Fitch Ambrose, gardener Railing Charles, shopkeeper & baker Turner William, blacksmith, Post off"
French Waiter, Colne Valley .Arms Railings Robert Stammers, farmer, Unwin Geo. Jarvis, farmr. Baythorn hl
P.H. & builder, contractor, black- Ccadwell Warren Henry, shopkeeper
BLACKMORE is a parish 4l miles north-west from Waiter Layton Petrie Th ..A.K.C.L. There is a Baptist.
Ingatestone station, 4 east from Ongar, 8 south-west chapel here. .A fair is held on August 21st. The en-
from Chelmsford, and 30 miles from London, in the dowed charities, left in 1580 by George Challice; in z6oi
Western division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, by Henry ·wailer; in 1728 by Thomas .Almond and by
Ongar petty sessional division and union, Brentwood various other benefactors, produce £48 yearly. Here
county court district, rural deanery of Ingatestone, arch- was ancienlly a priory dedicated to St. Lawrence and
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St . .Albans. The church founded by .Adam and Jordan de Sandford in the time oti
of St. Lawrence, formerly attached to the .Augus- Henry II. for Augustine canons, the revenues of whicb
tinian priory founded here in the reign of Henry 11. is at the Dissolution were valued at £85 gs. 7d. yearly; it
an ancient building, consisting of cliancel, nave of four was granted by Henry VIII. to Cardinal Wolsey and
bays, aisles, north porch and a western tower of timber, applied by him in aid of his foundations at Ipswich and
three stages in height, with a. basement of rubble, and & Oxford; on his attainder it was transferred to Waltham
shingled spire and containing 5 bells, three dating from Abbey, and after its suppression was granted to Robert
1647 and the others from 1648 and 1752: it was origi:~:illy Smith. Henry VIII. had a country house here, called!
a Norman structure, but underwent extensive alterations "Jericho " by his courtiers, who used the phrase, "He
in the 13th and further changes in the 14th and I 5th has gone to Jericho," to express that the King had re-
centuries and is now mostly of the Early English period tired to this place for his pleasure ; a house in the parish
and probably built on the foundations of the Norman still goes by this name and the Cam rivulet, which flows
edifice, portions of which are also incorporated in the through the village, is called " Jordan." The trustees of
walls ; the west front, a pleasing composition, and Gue the late James Parker esq. of Chelmsford, are lords of
bay of the Norman church at the west end, belong to the the manor. The principal landowners are Thomas Read
12th century; the west front has a circular-headed door- Hull and Edward Bonar esqs. John V. Longbourne 1 sq.
way, above which, on a line, are two windows of a like is owner of the great tithes. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
form and over these, in the gable, a circle: the whole of clayey. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
this front, constructed of squared masonry, is a fine area is. 2,584 acres; rateable value, £3,161; the popula-
specimen of Norman workmanship; the remaining bay tion in z8gz was 599·
of the Norman nave has slender columns with graceful
capitals, upon which the Early English work is curiously HOOK E:XD and Wf.ATT'S GREE~ are small hamlets
engrafted; at the east end of the south aisle is a small about a mile and a half south.
chantry chapel, containing a fine altar-tomb with effigies Parish Clerk, Richard Maynard.
to Thomas Smyth esq. ob. 1594, and l\Iargaret, his wife ; Post, ~I. 0. &:; T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,.
on the nave floor is a slab of Purbeck marble, with the -Henry John .Arthy, sub-postmaster. Letters from
matrices of a fine brass cross and shields : the tower is Ingatestone, arrive at 8 & 11.40 a.m.; dispatched at
a timber structure upon a rubbTe foundation and is three
12.10 noon & 7 p.m
stories in height. The register dates from the year z6o2.
The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £52, average .A School Board of 5 members was formed 8 .July, 1875 ;
£44, gross yearly value £120, net £109, in the gift of John W. ~fihill, clerk to the board ; Ernest Day Thoma8.
V. Longbourne esq. and held since 1888 by the Rev. attendance officer

Board Schools (mixed), erected in 1878, at a cost of :{;56?, Carriers to:- ro 0
for 120 children· average attendance, 95; BenJamm Chelmsford-""\ Ilham .Argent & James Am os, mon. & fri
Thomas Hood, ~aster London-Charles J ohnson, fri
PlUV.A.TE RESIDENTS. Cook William, farmer & hay dealer as~;istant overseer, rate collector &
Farmer Henry, farmer ch•rk to school board
(Marked thus * are in Brentwood French Philip William, horse dealer Miller Eliza (~Irs. ), - smallware dealer
Postal Delivery.) Heath Frederick Charles, baker *:Nicholls SI. frmr. Hook's End farm
Fuller Edward J. The Poplars Humphrey Maria (Mrs.), brick maker Nottage Jas. Bull P.H. & cattle dealer
Gandy Ohristopher William & farmer Pagratn Phillip, carpenter & joiner
Hull Thomas Read, Jericho Johnson Charles, carrier Pratt Sidney, farmer. Hay Green frm
Knightsbridg-e George, Woodbines Kemp Herbert, Prince .Albert P.H Raby Harry, farmer, Dairy farm
Loftus Capt. Ferrers C. C. Sabridge Kempton Nelson, butcher Roberts William, grocer & draper
lodge *Lagden Henry James, farmer, *Staines Geo. farmr. Ray Place farm
Marriage Lawrence, Fingrith hall Hook's end Sutton .A.shley, beer retl!iler
Petrie Rev.Walt. Layton Th ..A.K.C.L. Looker Joseph gamekeeper to .A.ugus- *Thomas Hy. hay dealer, Hook's end
(vicar) 1
tus Kortright esq Wauthier .A.rthur Ernest, farmer,
Stevens Rev. George (Baptist) Malyon G~orge, boot & shoe maker "\Vyatt's green
*White Jas. Rt. B.Ao, MoB . .A.uberries ~IarriagP Lawrence, frmr. Fingrith hi *White James Robert B..A., M.B.,
COliMEUOIAL. Martin Cha.rles, proprietor of steam surgeon, .Auberries
Arthy Hy. John, grocer, Post office thr&shing machines Wilson Louisa. (Miss) & Waltr. bakers
Ilarnard J ames, beer retailer Maynard Rd. bricklyr. & parish clerk & grocers
Barrett .Ashley Wilmot, frmr. Jessops l\Iilnll Alfred John, grocer Williams George, boot maker
Chapman Stephen,blcksmth. & farrier ~Iihill William, Leather Bottle inn, & W oolterton Henry, hay dealer
:BLACK NOTLEY, see Notley.
:BO:B:BINGWORTH, or Bo"-inger, is a. parish, 2 miles late fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. The in-
north-west from Ongar station and 41 north-east from terest of about £soo, left by Robert Bourne in 166o,
Epping, in the Western division of the county, hundred, is applied in providing clothing for the aged poor of ·
petty sessional division and union of Ongar, Brentwood the parish. Blake Hall, an elegant mansion, the pro-
county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- perty of ~Iajor George Edward Capel Cure, of 20 Eaton
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St . .A.lbans. The church square, London S W, lord of the manor and principal
of St. Germains is a smU:l building of stone in the Deco- :andowner, is now occupied by James Jump esq. J.P.
rated style, consisting of chancel, nave, west porch and The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
an embattled western tower of brick containing 6 bells : wheat, barley and beans. The area is 1,639 acres;
the chancel was restored in 1840 at the cost of the rateable value, £1,770; the population in 1891 was 313.
present rector, who also gave the bells, dated 1840: BILSDE~ is 1 mile south.
there are monuments to the Capel Cure family and to Parish Clerk, William Matthews.
the families of Chapman, 1627; Bourne, r663; and Post Office. Miss Henrietta Higgins, sub-postmistress.
Cowper, 1674. The register of buria:s dates from 1558, Letters through Ongar S.O. arrive at 7 a.m.; box
baptisms and marriages from I559· The living is a c:eared at 5040 p.m. The nearest money order &
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £346, net yearly telegraph office is at Ongar
value £380, with residence and 35 acres of glebe, in School (mixed), for so children; average attendance,
the gift of Major George Edward Capel Cure, and held 40; supported in part by G. E. Capel Cure esq. ; Jl<lisa
11ince 1838 by the Rev. 1Yilliam :Macjanlay Oliver M. .A. Henrietta Higgins, mistress
Jump James J.P. Blake hall Binder John, farmer Gemmill John, farmer
Oliver Rev. William Macjanlay M. .A. Binder Matthew, shoe maker Holm John, farmer, Water end
Rectory Brock William, miller (wind) & baker Millbank Jn. Hy. farmer, Hall farm
Atkins Thomas, farmer Brown George, farmer, Sayer's farm
:BOREHAM is a parish on the road from Chelmsford John Lionel Tufnell-Tyrell D.L., J.P.: the mansion is
to Colchester, contiguous to the navigable river Chel- approached by two avenues of trees, and there is a fine
mer, 3! miles north-east from the Chelmsford station lake and a park of 100 acres, containing a herd of deer.
and 33 miles from London, in the 1\Iid division of the New Hall, in this parish, to the north-west, a royal resi-
county, ChS:msford hundred, union. petty sessional dence in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. was granted
division and county court district, rural deanery of in the reign of Elizabeth to Sir Thomas Ratcliffe K.G.
Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. 3rd Earl of Sussex. and afterwards passed into the pos-
Albans. The church of St. .A.ndrew is a building of session of George Vi~iers, Duke of Buckingham;
flint and stone in JI<Iixed styles, consisting of chancel, on the attainder of whose son it became the property
nave, aisles, south porch and a central embattie_p Norman of the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell and was ex•
tower with pinnacles, and containing a clock and 6 bells : changed by him for Hampton Court; at the restoration
the clock, which strikes the quarters as well as the it was purchased by George l\Ionk, Duke of Albemarle
hour, was placed in the tower in 1886: the Sussex K.G., it is now a Catholic convent and school, with an
chapel, in which are monuments of the Radcliffes, Barons attached chapel, dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre of Our
and Viscounts Fitzwalter, Earls of Sussex, a title ex- Lord. There are two manors; R. T. E. P. Haselfoo~
tinct on the death of Edward, 6th earl, in 1641, has esqo is lord of the manor of o:d Hall and the trustees
been rebuilt and is used as a vestry: there are 460 sit- of the late James Parker esq. are the lords of the manor
tings: in the churchyard is a mausoleum in the Classic of East Beaulieu. The principal landowners are Lieut.~
style belonging to the Waltham family and a cross of Col. J. L. Tufnell-Tyrell DoL., R. T. E. P. Haselfoot
Sicilian marble eight feet in height, erected by the esq. and Captain John Desborough Pearson Walford~
parishioners to the Ven. Gaspard le Marchant Carey Gosnall. The bOil is mixed; subsoil, gravel •and clay.
li.I..A. vicar here IB74-85, hon. canon of St. Albans and The chief crops are wheat, beans, bar!ey, oats, and
archdeacon of Essex, who died March 17, 1885. The turnips. The area is 3,781 acres of land and 20 of
register dates from the year 1559. The living is a water; rateable value, £1o,32S; the population in 1891,
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £346, net yearly including tho~e in Kew Hall Convent, was 944·
value £290, with 18 acres of glebe, and residence, in Parish Clerk, James Young.
the gift of the Bishop of St. .A.lbans, and held since Post, M. 0. & T. Oo, S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.
1885 by the Rev. Denys Nelson Yonge B..A.. of Christ's -Isaac Jones Taverner, sub-postmaster. Lettera
College, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational chapel. arrive through Chelmsford at 6.45 & 11.45 aom.; dis-
Two of the almshouses in the parish of Stock are ap- patched at 1.45 & 7.15 p.m.; on sundays at 11.30 a.m
propriated to the poor of this parish. Butler's charity Wall Letter Box at the aock P.H.; cleared at I2.JO
is an endowment of £wo yearly, for educational pur- & 6.55 p.m. ; sunday IIo20 a.m
poses, left in 1717 by Edward Butler, of Little Baddow, Schools.
to provide such clothes, books and education for the National (mixed), built about I 840, for 120 children;
poor children of Little Baddow and Boreham as the average attendance, 82; Joseph Roberts Knight, mastr
trustees of the charity shall decide. Boreham House, Butler's Charity, built in 1853, for 45 children; aver-
on the east of the road, is the residence of Lieut.-Col. age attendance, 40; Miss Drewitt, mistress 0
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burton .Alfred, Porters Hare George \Yilliam, The Bower
Ilutler Miss Julia (lady superior of Dixon John, Manor house Haslewood Miss, Boreham place
the Convent of the Holy Sepulchre Fitzpatrick Rev. Patrick (Catholic), Beery Rev. Edward (Catholic)
at New Hall) Kew Hall Tollorvey William Henry, BuckshornJ
Tufnell-Tyrell Lieut.-Col. John Lionel
Crow ·william, wheelwright Locke Emily (Mrs.), Cock P.H. &
D.L., J.P. Boreham house; 30 Davey ·wm. farmer, Boreham cottage farmer
Eaton square S 'V & Carlton &:; A.rmy
French Robert, farmer, Bull's lodge Lucking Charles, boot & shoe maker
&:. :Xavy & Boodle's & Hurlingham French Samuel, assistant overseer, Lucking Edwin Henry, carpenter
clubs, London Bull"s lodge Payne Thomas, farm bailiff to W. M.
Walford-Gosnall Captain John Des- Fuller Frederick, Red Lion P.H Tufnell esq. Brick house
borough Pearson, Mount ~askall Gadd George, steward for New li£all Pennack Edgar, blacksmith
Yonge Rev. Denys Nelson B...l.Yicarge convent Pertwee &:; Co. general smiths & agri-
Gannon '.Yilliam, beer retailer cultural implement agents
COMM"ERCIAL. Uarris George Robert, blacksmith Pertwee James, farmer, Old hall
Carter Henry John, grocer Ketley Robert, farmer & landowner, Saunders Sarah Ann (Mrs.), tailoress
Chapman John, beer retailer Brent hall Seabrook John, butcher & farmer,
Cliff John Wright, coach builder Ketlev• William, farmer & cattle The Chestnuts
Clover William, brick & tile maker dealer, Boreham hall Sorrell Frederick William, baker
Convent of the Holy Sepulchre (Miss Knight Daniel, carpenter Taverner Isaac Jones, bricklayer, Post
Julia Butler, lady superior), New Lewin James Pearce, land steward to office
hall Lieut.-Col. J. L. Tufnell-Tyrell, Thrift Wm. Ruddock, miller (water)
Cousins Charles, farmer & landowner, Generals W orskett William, grocer
Stocks farm Lucking Mary Ann (Miss), grocer
:BORLEY is a parish, on the river Stour, which sepa- a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £190, net yearly
rates it from Suffolk, 1~ miles south-west from Long va:ue £130, with 10 acres of glebe and residence, in
l\ station on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch the gift of and held since 1892 by the Rev. Henry
of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles north-west from Foyster Bull M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. Lord Car-
Sudbury and u north-east from Halstead, in the North- lingford K.P., P.C. who is lord of the manor, and James
ern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North S. Gardiner esq. are the principal landowners. The soil
Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and is loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Heding- crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 747
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. acres; rateable value, £1,430; the population in 18gr
A.lbans. The church (dedication unknown) is a small was 195.
building of stone in the Early Eng:ish style, consisting BORLEY GREEN is half a mile w~t.
of chancel, nave, south porch !)'l_ld an embattled western l'arish Clerk, ·wil:iam Reew.
tower, containing 2 bells, and contains many tombs of Post Office, Borley Green. John Finch, sub-postmaster.
the \Yaldegrave family, including a monument 14 feet Letters through Sudbury, arrive at 8 a.m. & 12 noon;
in heig-ht, with a cornice supported by six pillars of dispatched at 8 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. The nearest money
tha Corinthian order, beneath which lie full-length order office & telegraph office are at Sudbury. Postal
figures of Sir Edward Waldegrave, who was knighted orders are issued here, but not paid
in 1553, at the coronation of Queen Mary, and died A School Board for the United District of Borley &
1 Sep. xs6x and Lady Frances (Nevil) his wife, who died Liston was formed March 31, 1876, returning 5 mem-
in 1599; with a marginal inscription in Latin and a hers jointly; George Matthew Gostling, Li.ston, clerk
record of other alliances of this family; in the chancel to the board and attendance officer
is 1t brass to John Durham, of Norfolk, ob. 1601. There Board School (mixed), for 66 children; average attend-
are 180 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from ance, 52; there is a residence for the mistress, built
1652; burials, 1656; marriages, 1709. The living is in 1878; Miss Fanny Ann Thompson, mistress
Bull Rev. Henry Foyster ~I..A.. Rectory Gardiner J.1.mes Spalding, landowner Sillitoe Susannah (Mrs.), beer retailer
Payne Orlando, 'l'he Place & farmer, Borley lodge & shopkeeper
COM:UERCIAL. Payne Orlando, farmer & miller
Felton James, rat catcher (steam & water), Barley Hall farm
EOWERS GIFFORD (or Bowers, or Bures) is a net· £476, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in
small parish and village, bounded on the south by the the gift of the Rev. E. Wi1liams, and held since 1872
creek which separates Canvey Island from the main- by the Rev. Daniel Rowland l\'illiams M.A. of Corpus
land and gives communication with the Thames : it is Christi college, Cambridge. The manor is attached to
1! miles east-by-north from Pitsea station on the London, the rectory. ~Iajor Thomas Jenner Spitty D.L., J.P.
Ti.:bury and Southend railway, 10 west from Southend of Billericay, and James Heygate esq. are the principal
and 32 fro·m London, in the Mid division of the county, landowners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The
Barstable hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood petty chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 2,399
sessional division, Southend county court district, and acres of land and 56 water ; rateable value, £2,205 ;
in the rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex the population in 1891 was 183.
and diocese of St. .A.lbans. Long previously to the Parish Clerk, Charles French.
Domesday Survey this parish belonged to Westminster
Abbey. The church of St. :Margaret is a building of Post Office (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex.
stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel added). Martin Thomas Reddington, sub-postmaster.
and nave, south porch and a western tower with spire Letters from Pitsea station at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at
containing 2 bells: the chancel, which has been restored, 3·45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
has a stained east window: there is a mutilated brass office is at South Benfleet. Postal orders are issued
of Sir John de Gifford, ob. 1348, the head of the effigy here, but not paid
and inscription being lost. The register of baptisms National School (mixed), built in 1846 & enlarged in
dates from 1559; mr.rriages and burials, 1558. The 1892, for 70 children; average attendance, 6o; Mrs.
living is a rectory average tithe rent-charge £533, Mary Ann Cue, mistress
Williams Rev. Daniel Rowland M.A. Pomfret James, shoe maker Talbot John Frederick, farmer
Rectory Pomfret Thomas, Gun P.H Upson George Thomas, blacksmith
Baker Alfred, farmer, Rookery farm Reddington Martin Thomas, grocer, White William, farm bailiff to Walter
Lawrie Jas. frmr. Chalvedon Hall fm Post office Rnmball esq. Bowers hall
EOXTED is a parish, bounded on the north by the he died Oct. 9th, 1729; the monument has long Latin
navigable river Stour, which separates it from Suffolk, inscriptions in verse to Sir Richard and his wife, Mary:
4 miles north from Colchester sbtion and 7 W{'St from there are other monuments to the Rev. Mr. Cook, a.
Manaingtree, in the North Eastern division of the county, former vicar, and to Nathaniel Bacon, dated 1600. The
Lex.den and \Vinstreet hundred, union and petty register dates from the year 1559. The living is a.
sessional division, Colchester county court district, rural vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £169; net yearly
deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and value £177• with 27 acres of glebe and residence, iu
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter, a brick the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since
and stone building in the Norman style, consists of 1882 by the Rev. William Longmore Watts A.K.C.Lond.
chanc~l, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled Here is a "\Yesleyan chapel. There are almshouses for
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 2 bells: in the two poor persons. A sum of £13, arising from a. share
church is a fine marble monument to Sir Richard Black- of the charity left in 1564 by Thomas Love, of Little
more M.D. of Padua, physician in ordinary to William Horkesley (for particulars of which see that place), is
Ill. by whom he was knighted in 1697; he was also distributed yearly in coals and money. .Another charity,

physician to Queen Anne, and was the author of numer- consisting of the rent of a field in the parish, together
ous works, medical, theological and poetical; of the with a contribution from Love's gift, is distributed at
latter, the "Creation" has been several times reprinted; Christmas to the poor widows of the parish in sums of

ss. The Lodge, Boxted, the seat of Lieut.-Col. Angus- crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, turnips and mangold
tine Hugh Lefroy J.P. is a mansion of white brick, in wurtzel. The area is 3,166 acres of land and I I of water;
grounds of about 20 acres. Boxted House is the resi- rateable value £3,636; the population in 1891 was 769.
dence of Captain Francis Peel. Boxted Hall, an ancient Parish Clerk, George King.
mansion, is now occupied by Capt. Harry Eley. Rivers Post & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Hall, the oldest house in the parish, is now occupied by Josiah Biggs, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
Mr. Henry Munson, farmer. Richard Hoory Wood esq. Colchester at 7. 40 a.m.; despatched at & 6.35
J.P., D.L. of Penrhos, Rugby, is the lord of the manor. p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Nayland
The principal landowners are Richard Henry Wood, the
trustees of the late Henry Hobbs, William Page, Charles National School (mixed), built in 1837, for 103 children;
Strutt and Joseph Blomfield esqrs. and Miss Sarah average attendance, 68; Mrs. Annie Witt, mistress
Lawson. The soil is mixed; subsoil, loam. The chief Carri~r to Colchester, Munson, mon. wed. fri. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Biggs J osiah, baker, Post office Malyn Robert. irocer, rate collector
Collison Mrs. Cheshunts Bird Waiter, Cross inn & butcher & day school
Eley Capt. Harry, Boxted hall Blomfield William, dairy farmer Munson Charles, carrier
Lefroy Lieut.-Col. .Augustine Hugh Cole Charles, baker Mnnson Henry, farmer, Rivers hall
J.P. Boxted lodge Dennis Charles, carpenter Munson James, jun. beer retailer
Page Mrs. Boxted villa Elmer John & William, farmers, Hill Nevard John, farmer
Parson Mrs. The Cottage House farm Page George, farmer & landowner
Peel Captain Francis, Boxted house Everett James, farmer Page Isaac, farmer & cattle dealer,
Watts Rev. Wm. Longmore .A.K.C.L. Gardner Edwd. frmr. The Plain farm Barrett's farm
The Vicarage Goodram Waiter Samuel, farmer, Sayer .Alfred, farmer, Boxted priory
Brick House farm Scragg Wm. George, farmer, Pond ho
COMMERCIAL. Hammond Robert, farmer, Plum's fm Snowden Robert, farmer & beer retlr
.Abbot John, harness maker Hynard William, farmer, Brook farm Sparks "\Villiam, grocer & beer retlr
.Alen Louis Robert, relieving officer, Johnson Francis, tp.iller (water) & Strutt Charles, farmer & landowner
registrar of births & deaths for the merchant, Boxted mill Sweetlove Robt. farmer, Old House fm
sub-district of Fordham & school Knight Edward, farmer, Gulson's frm Welham John, coach builder
attendance officer for the xst dist. Leach Robert, beer retailer Welham Lewis, painter
of Lexton & Winstree union Mace Isaac, jun. Fox inn Yates James, blacksmith
BRADFIELD is a village and parish, on the south of Mistley, average tithe rent-charge £657, net yearly
bank of the navigable river Stour, and on the high road value £7o8, with 47 acres of glebe and residence, in
from Colchester to Harwich, with a station on the Man- the gift of and held since 1883 by the Rev. Charles
ningtree and Harwich branch of the Great Eastern rail- Frederick Norman M ..A. of St. Catharine's College, Cam-
way, 3 miles east-south-east from Manningtree, 9 west bridge, hon. canon of St . .Alban's, rural dean of Ard-
from Harwich and 62! from London, in the North leigh, surrogate and J.P. who resides at Mistley Place,
Eastern division of the county, petty sessional division, Mistley. Here are Wesleyan and Primitive Methorlist
hundred and union of Tendring, county court district of chapels. J aeques Hall, the seat of George Simpson
Harwich, rural deanery of .Ardleigh, archdeaconry of Hardy esq- is a picturesque building, restored in the
Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. Jacobean style; it is beautifully situated and commands
Lawrence, restured in x84o, is a cruciform structure of fine views of the river Stour. Stour Lodge is the resi-
brick, partly Perpendicular, with portions of an earlier dence of Mrs. Barton. George Simpson Hardy esq. the
date, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, vestry, Rev. Thomas Partridge Nunn M. .A. vicar of West Pen-
north porch and a tower containing one bell: the large nard, Somerset, and the trustees of the late Thomas
organ, erec.ted in 1876 was presented in memory of Rev. Glover Kensit. esq. are the principal landowners, the
R. Hayne D.D. a former rector, and there are tablets last of whom are lords of the manor. The soil is mixed,
to the Nunn, Umfreville and Thompson families and to upon a subl:'oil of clay. The chief crops are wheat,
Sir Harbottle Grimstone kt. Master of the Rolls from barley and oats. The parish contains 2,154 acres of
x66o to x667, who was born at Bradfield Hall about land and 553 acres of water; rateable value, £4,376; the
1594, and died 31 Dec. 1683, or according to Luttrell, population in 1891 was 736.
2 Jan. 1685, and was buried at St. Michael's Church, Parish Sexton, Thomas Hunneyball.
St. .Albans, Herts : there are also several other me- Post Office.-Mrs. Mary Kerridge, sub-postmistress.
morials to the Grimstone family: in the chancel is a Letters arrive from Manningtree at 7.10 a.m.; des-
tablet to Captain Carter: the chancel was thoroughly patched at 7 p.m. The nearest money order & tale-
restored and provided with choir stalls at the expense graph office is at Mistley. Postal orders are issued
of the late Rev. Leighton George Hayne Mus. Doe. here, but not paid
(Oxon.), rector of Mistley and Bradfield 1871·83, who Pillar Letter Box, Bradfield Heath, cleared at 6.30 p.m.;
also erected a vestry on the south-east side of the 8.46 a.m. sundays
chancel, at a cost of about £r,ooo, and to whom the National School (mixed), built in 1851, for 75 children;
stained east window, erected by friends and parishioners, & class room added in 1884 for 30 children; average
is a memorial, The register dates from the year x6g5. attendance, xoo; Miss Priscilla Dale, mistress
The living is a rectory, consolidated with the rectory Railway Station, Arthur Edward Bull, station master
Barlow :Miss, The Cottage Gilders George Pollard, chemist, Pattrick Horace, miller (wind), Tower
Barton Mrs. Stour lodge grocer & draper mill
Bndd Mrs. White house Good Richard, Plough P.H Prentice James, shopkeeper
Green John H. Bradfield hall Green Dl. Constable, steam flour mills Puxley Abraham Cutting, builder &.
Hardy George Simpson, Jacques hall Green Jn. Hellen, frmr. Bradfield hall contractor
Hempson Mrs. Bradfield lodge Hempson Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Brad- Puxley Francis, brick & tile & drain
Moon Rev. Cecil Graham (curate) field lodge pipe maker
COMMERCIAL. Houchin .Alfred, boot maker Rainbert Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker
Bacon :Mahala (Mrs.), shopkeeper Howard John, farm bailiff to William Rainbert John, potato merchant
Brewster Jonn. baker & corn dealer Brooks esq. Golden Ferry farm Robinson Robert, Village Maid inn
Burgess Peter, market gardener Kerridge Maurice, farmer, Heath frm Smith George, shoe maker
Byford James, beer retailer Kerridge Robert, wheelwright Sorrell Nathaniel, farmer, Brocks &
Cracknell Samuel, beer retailer Manning "\Yilliam, farmer Brewses farm & Street farm
Crick Charles, bricklayer Marshall John, cowkeeper Stock Ernest S. farmer, Nether hall
Cutting Frederick, bricklayer Mason Arthur, shoe maker Tovel Thomas, farmer, Copping's frm
Cutting Jn. Maurice, bldr. & carpentr Mason Hannah (Mrs.), Strangers' Wade Jsph. shopkpr. & assist. oversr
Gammer Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Home P.H Wrinch William, land steward to Geo.
Garwood William, beer retailer Nunn Henry William, smith & farrier S. Hardy esq
BRADWELL-juxta-COGGESHALL is a village Braintree union and county court district, and in the
and parish on the river Blackwater and the road from rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester
Colchester to Braintree, and derives its name from a and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of the Holy
broad well or spring rising to the north of the spot Trinity is a small building of the nth century, con-
where Bradwell Hall destroyed by fire used to stand ; sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden belfry
it is 3~ miles east from Braintree station on the Witham at the west end containing 3 bells : a carved oak screen
and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway and separates the chancel from the nave: there are several
2! west from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the monuments to the Maxey, Carter, Nolan and Brunwin
county, Witham hundred and petty sessional division, families: and about xso sittings. The register of bap-
ti.,ms and burials dates from 1704; marriagPs, 17o8, and PERRY GREE:X, CLAP DOG GREEN and BLACK-
is in an excellent state of preservation. The living is a W .A.TER lie to the west ; the latter is a hamlet on
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £262 ; net yearly value the river and old Roman road.
£233, with 31 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift Parish Clerk, Joseph Amos.
of Henry Tweed Brunwin esq. and held since 1891 by the
Rev. James Tooke Hales. The poor have about £ 10 a Post Office. Joseph Amos, sub-postmaster. Letters re-
year, arising from 13 acres of land, left by an unknown ceived by foot post from Braintree at 8.15 a.m. &
donor. Park House is the residence of :Miss Brunwin. 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 5.20 p.m. The nearest
Henry Tweed Brunwin esq. is lord of the manor and money order office & telegraph office is at Coggeshall.
principal landowner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
various. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. National School (mixed), built in 1876, for 52 children,
The area is 1,161 acres; rateable value, [1,081; the in 1893 an addition was made to hold 70 children;
population in 1891 was 213. average attendance, 54; :Miss Elizabeth Hunt, mistress
Brunwin Henry Tweed, Park house Chalk Sarah (Mrs.), baker Turner Henry, Swan P.H
Brunwin Miss, Park house Cook John, wheelwright Watson }<'rank, boot maker
Bales Rev. James Tooke, Rectory Deeks Frederick, farmer Webster John (of Pattiswick), farmer
Hutley Mrs. Perry Green house Hawkes Ueo. wheelwright &! thatcher & miller
Ardley John Harrington, farmer, High Large Charles, farmer, Perry green Woodthorpe Lewis Stephen, nursery-
Elm farm Mortier George, farmer, Herons farm man, Glazenwood house
Brown lrilliam, farmer & rnaltster, Nunn Joseph, blacksmith Whybrow Henry, farm steward to
Bridge hall Smith James, shopkeeper Henry Tweed Brunwin
:BRADWELL-juxta-MARE (or Bradwell-next-Sea), I .A.ylett, in 1631, amounts to about £5 IIS. 6d. yearly,
so called to distinguish it from Bradwell-juxta-Cogges- and is distributed to the poor in coal. There is some
hall, is a large village and parish, situated on a kind of trade in corn and coal. The Bristol Charity Trustees
promontory on the south side of the Blackwater estuary and the Fellows of Sion College are lords of the manor.
and extends eastward to the German Ocean ; 7 miles The small manor of Downhall belongs to Thomas Trues-
north-east from Southminster station, 15 east from dale Clarke esq. B . .A.. of Swakeleys, Uxbridge, Middlesex.
1\Ialdon by road, and 10 north-east from Burnham, The principal landowners are James T. Gale esq. the
in the South Eastern division of the county, trustees of Joseph Willes and of John Oxley Parker
Dengie hundred and petty sessional division, Mal- esqrs. with the lords of the manor. The soil is a rich
don union and county court district, and in the loam ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and
rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and beans and pasture land. The area is s,o15 acres of land
diocese of St . .A.lbans: it is supposed to be the "Othona" and 5,62o water and foreshore; rateable value, £5,402;
of the Romans and the "Ithancester" at which Bishop the population in 1891 was 914.
Cedda built a church, called in Dome!!day "Effecestre." Parish Clerk, Waiter Hoather.
Bradwell is a coastguard station. The church of St. Post, M. 0. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Thomas the Apostle is an edifice of brick and stone, in George Harvey, postmaster. London & other letters
the Early English style, and was partly rebuilt in 1706: received through Southminster S.O. arrive at 8.30
it consists of chancel and nave and has a lofty embattled a.m. & 2.10 p.m.; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 4·55
we!>tern tower of brick containing a clock and 5 bells, p.m.; sundays 10.55 a.m. The nearest telegraph
dated 1744: in the chancel wall are brasses to Margaret office is at Tillingham
Wyatt, ob. 1526; to the Rev. John Debank, rector, ob. Post Office, Waterside.-Miss B. H. Nix, sub-postmistress
1601 ; and to Thomas Debank, yeoman, ob. r6o6: there Letters arrive at 9 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at
is also a mur~ monument to the Paynter and Sherman 8.30 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. Bradwell is the nearest money
families, dated 1666: the church has a ~orman font and order office & Tillingham the nearest telegraph office.
the sacramental plate includes a silver chalice, dated Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
1626: in 1866 the church was thoroughly restored, re- Wall Letter Box. Queen's Head P.H.; collections g.2o
seated with open benches and a stone pulpit erected. a.m. & 5.10 p.m. sundays 11.10 a.m
The register dates from the year 155 8 and is in good Free School (mixed), for 180 children; average attend-
condition. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- ance, 41 boys, 47 girls & 53 infants; all of whom
charge £1,045, net yearly value £9oo, including 256 receive a free education, excepting a nominal sum for
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held books: the endowment, formerly in land, has been
since 187o by the Rev. Edward Owen M . .A.. of Sidney sold by order of the Court of Chancery & the proceeds
Sussex College, Cambridge. A cemetery of 1 acre, invested, producing an income of [280, & local trustees
given by the Rev. E. Owen }.LA. rector, and now the have been appointed; Waiter Hoather, master; Miss
property of the parish, was opened on the closing of the Sarah May, mistress; Mrs . .A.mbrosine Ward, infants'
churchyard in 1878. There is a Primitive Methodist mistress
chapel, erected in 1863. St. Peter' s-on-the-Wall, an Police Station, Aaron Taylor, constable
ancient chapel long fallen into decay, stands in this Carriers.-To Maldon, Alfred Gladwell, fri.; to South-
parish, on a spot which is now the north-east point of minster, mon. & wed. ; to Chelmsford, John Hazleton,
the hundred of Dengie. The charity left by William tues & fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dowset William, miller (wind) Page Robert, farmer, Down hall
Burchell Mrs. Delamers Gale Ernest James, auctioneer, Orp- Parker John (exors. of), farmers,
Chillingworth Andrew, The Hall lands Waterside
Gale Ernest James, Orplands Gale James Theobald, frmr. Orplands Porritt Jas. ·wm. frmr. Sandbeach
Gale James ThPobald, Orplands Gladwell Alfred, carrier Rayner Alfred ·wm. harness makPr
Maskell Mrs. Currey Grimwade \Villiam, Queen's Head P.H Spittey James, beer retlr. Watreside
Owen RP>. Edward ~LA. Rectory Harvey Geo. gro. & drpr. Post office Stowers Samuel W. King's Head P.H.
Page Robert, Down hall Hews George, shoe maker wine, spirit & beer mprchant ; com-
Kemp 'Yalter, Green Man P.H. mercial house & good stabling ac-
COMMERCIAL. \Vaters1de commodation
"Blanks Saml. blacksmith & wheelwt Maskell James (exoril. of), farmers, Turner George Hurrell, baker
Cemetery (Samuel \Yood~·ard, sexton) Currey farm Ward Charles, farm bailiff to C. & F.
Coster George, farmer, Drinkwater ~!_ears \Ym. Thomas, co~stguard officr Rutley esqrs
Chilling-worth Andrew, farmer, The ~1x Betsy Hannah (Miss), grocer & Winter Christopher C. grocer & drpr
Hall & Hockley farm draper, Post office, Waterside \Voodyard Jonathan, bricklayer


"Braintree and Docking, though distinct parishes, form town is governed t..y a Local Board of nine members,
<lne continuous town, extending for a mile on the road formed July 16, 185o, under the "Public Health Act,
bPtween Chelmsford and Halstead, on the rivers B~ack­ 1848" ( 11 & 12 Vict. c. 63).
water and Podsbrook, with a united population in Braintree stands on rising ground on the river Brain
~891 of 8,829; in the Eastern division of the county, or Podsbrook, 14 miles north-wast from Maldon, 8 past
b.undrPd of Hinckford, petty sessional division of Hinck- from Dunmow, 17! east from Bi,hop Stortford, 7 south-
ford south (Braintree bench), union and county court by-west from Halstead, 8 north-north-west from Witham,
district of Braintree, rural deanery of Braintree, arch- 12 north-by-east from Chelmsford, 15 west-by-south from
dPaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The Colchester and 44! from London, or 4o! by road; the

town is clean, well paved, lighted with gas by a company, Assembly Room at the 1-'-'hite Hart Hotel capable of
and well supplied with water from an artesian well near seating about 200.
the Notley road, whence it is conveyed through pipes The Mechanics' Institution, in Backing end, was founded
to a high service tank in the centre of the town : the in 1845, and the present building erected in 1863, at the
drainage and water supply, completed in 1856, cost about expense of the late George Courtauld esq. at a cost of
£9,000; and in 1888 a new artesian well was sunk and £3,ooo; it comprises a lecture-room, seating 450 per.
new machinery erected at a cost of £3,100, the works sons, a reading room, library of 4,058 volumes, com-
are now in duplicate : the sewage of the town is utilized mittee and recreation rooms.
by application to 40 acres of land at the south end of the The Constitutional Club, in Great square, was opened
town. in 1893 by Mr. Joseph Chamberlain M.P. and comprises
The Maldon, Witham and Braintree railway, a single entrance hall, reading room and stewards' apartments on
line completed to Braintree in 1848, has a station here, the ground floor, and a billiard room, card room, and
and was extended in 186r to Bishop's Stortford, affording large club room, which also contains a billiard table, on
communication at Witham with the main line of the the first floor.
Great Eastern railway from London to Colchester and
Ipswich and at Bishop's Stortford with that to Cam- The Police Station and Court House is in Fairfield road.
bridge. The Cottage Hospital, formed from two cottages and
The church of St. Michael, near the centre of the opened in 1871, occupies a salubrious site on the Hal-
town, is an edifice of flint and stone in the Early Eng- stead road, Backing, and contains five beds : it was
lish, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and consists of founded by Mrs. G. Courtauld, jun. and is supported
chancel with aisles and a vestry on the north side, nave by voluntary contributions. The number of patients in
of three bays, with clerestory, north and south porches 1893 was 47·
and an Early English tower with lofty octagonal shingled The charities now (1894) amount to upwards of
spire containing a clock, 6 modern bells and a sanctus £188 3s. yearly, distributed in bread and clothing.
bell in a cot : the turret staircase leading to the rood- There is a drinking fountain in the cattle market,
loft remains : the east window is a memorial, completed erected in 1882 by George Courtauld esq. of Cut-Hedge,
m 1869, to Richard Lacey esq.: two memorial windows Halstead.
were placed in the south chapel by Miss Wakeham, of A cattle and corn market is held on Wednesday, and
Marshalls, Braintree, in 1886, and another in 1889, by there are two annual fairs on the 8th and 9th of May
Miss Kenworthy, to her mother: an inscription on the and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October, the latter being
south side of the tomb states that Samuel Collins, many for cattle and hops.
years vicar of this church, died May 2, 1667, and was In November, 1888, Sydney Courtauld esq. of Backing
buried here : in the chancel is a mural monument in- Place, presented and laid out 5! acres of land in Back-
scribed to John Hawkins esq. alderman of London in ing for public gardens, and invested funds sufficient to
1626, who died in 1633: the church plate includes two form an endowment of £8o a year for keeping the same
chalices and a silver spoon, inscribed "Braintary," all in order; there is a keeper's lodge attached.
dated 1616, a flagon, 17II, and a. paten, 1724: in the From the number of British and Roman coins, pot-
exterior wall of the chancel is a brass with the following tery and other relics constantly being found here, or in
inscription :-This grave was ordered to the set vp by ye its immediate vicinity, it is conjectured that Braintree
last will and Testament of Samvell Collins late Dr. in was successively a British and a Roman station, and it
physick eldest son to Mr. Samvell Collins, vicar of this is pretty certain that the Roman road from Camalo-
parish, hertl vnder bvryed who served above nine years as dunum (Colchester) to Verulamium (St. Albans) passed
y through it: it was constituted a market town in the time
principal physician to great Czar or Emperovr of Rvssia of King John, and from its situation on the route of
E pilgrims to the shrines of St. Edmund, at Bury, in
and after his retvrne from thence taking a jovrney into Suffolk, and Our Lady of Walshingham, in Norfolk, be-
France dyed at Paris October 29th r67o being the srst came at an early period a .place of some consequence;
year of his age :" the exterior of the church was restored subsequently the Flemings, flee1ng from the persecution
in r864 and the interior restored and refitted in 1866, at of the Duke of .Alva ( 1567-73), established the woollen
a total cost of about £6,ooo: in 1886 the organ was en- manufacture hPre ; this has now however disappeared,
larged, at a cost of £3oo, and removed into the south and has been succeeded by the silk and crape manufac-
chancel aisle, then extended at a cost of £300: under a ture, which employs a large number of its population;
bequest of Miss Frances Wakeham in 1893, a new choir brushes and cocoa-nut fibre mat and matting are also
vestry and parish room were erected in I 894 at a cost made here : here are also the banking establishments
of £260, and a new reredos of oak is now (1894) being of Messrs. Sparrow and Co. and of the London aud
added at a cost of £roo: there are 840 sittings. The re- County Bank, several maltings and breweries and on the
gister dates from the year r66o. The living is a vi- rivers various corn mills ; the town has two good hotels.
carage, average tithe rent-charge £243, net yearly James :Mayhew Balls esq. of Castle Hedingham, is lord
value £238, with glebe (£16) and residence, in the gift of the manor.
of the trustees of Mrs. Kenworthy, and held since 1883 The principal landowners are the governors of the
by the Rev. James Wright Kenworthy, of St. Bees. Felstead school, the trustees of Samuel ~lay, Mrs. Not-
' tidge, William Brown esq. .Alexander C. Alleyne esq.
Christ Church (reformed Church of England), in the East and \-Vest End charities, James Tabor esq. and
Coggeshall road, er<!cted in 1872, is. an tron structure Messrs. Spackman and Green.
seating soo persons. The Congregational church, in The area of the parish is 2,242 acres of land and 6 of
London road, is a large edifice of whit~ brick with stone
dressings and has 1,2oo sittings. The Primitive Metho- water; rateable value, £16,492; the population in 1891
dist chapel, in Manor street, erected in 1862, is also of was 5,303, which is also the urban sanitary district.
white brick, and will seat 250 persons. The W esleyan BOCKING, on the Pant, Freshwell, or Blackwater
chapel, in Rayne road, is a spacious edifice of red brick river, on which are several corn mills, constitutes the
w1th 450 sittings. There are also Baptist chapels in northern part of the town, consisting principally of one
Albert road and in Coggeshall road; the former, erected long street, the Coggeshall and Rayne roads forming the
in 1864, has 200 sittings, the latter will seat 550 persons. boundary. In the time of King Ethelred this parish be-
The Cemetery, on the London road, is sa. rr. in longed to Ethelred and Leofwin, who granted it to St.
extent, and was opened in August, 1856; the purchase Saviour's Priory, Canterbury.
and arrangement of the ground, erection of lodge-keeper's The church of St. :M:ary the Virgin is a large edifice
house and mortuary chapels, cost together £4,000; it of flint with Bath stone dressings in the Perpendicular
is under the control of a Burial Board of nine members. style, and consists of chancel with vestry, clerestoried
nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a large em-
The Corn Exchange, occupying a prominent position battled western tower with pinnac~es, containing a clock
in the High street, was built in 1839 by a private com- and a musical peal of 6 bells ; there are piscinre and
pany, at a cost of upwards of £4,000, and was enlarged several stained memorial windows : in the south chantry
in 186o and again in 1877. is the brass of John Doreward esq. ob. 1420, son of Sir
The 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment have their William Dorewa'Td and his wife Isabella, but without
head quarters in the Corn Exchange. inscription, and on the chancel pavement is another to
The Vestry Hall, in Church street, built with ante- Oswald Fitch, ob. r6r2: in the north aisle of the chancel
rooms in 1867, will hold 200 persons ; the meetings of is a marble monument consisting of a pediment sup-
the local, school and burial boards and several provident ported on columns and beneath it a kneeling female
institutions of the town are held here. figure, representing the wife of Adrian Moore esq. who
The Public Hall, in New street, erected in 1887, at a died 1624: another marble monument in the same
cost of about £1,ooo, is used for lectures and entertain- aisle is inscribed to Prisca, relict of Thomas Cobourne, of
ments and will hold about 200 persons. There is an Stratfot"d-le-Bow, ge11t.; in the churchyard is 8 tomb
erected to John Maysent, gent. of Hocking Hall, with a' The general cemetery, formed in I8S7, and enlarged in
poetical inscription: in IB83 the church was reseated I882 by I! acres, making it now 3! acres in extent, is
and the western window filled with stained glass at the under the control of a Burial Board of seven members.
!!ole expense of Wm. Walford esq.: and in IB84 the bap- The Workmen's Hall is a building of red brick with:
tistery window was filled "With stained glass by the late stone dressings, erected in 1884 by Messrs. Courtauld for
Rev. Charles Almeric Belli M.A. vicar of South Weald the use of their workpeople.
(1823-77), who died in 1886: the stained east window The crape factory belonging to Samuel Courtauld and
was provided by subscription; there are five others in Co. gives employment to a large nnm ber of hands.
the chancel given by Dean Carrington and the membmos There is a almshouse for 8 persons.
of his family, one by William Walford esq. and one in The endowed charities for general distribution now:
• the north aisle by Mrs. Wakeham, widow of a former (I894) produce about £300 yearly .
dean: the paintings over the altar are by William H. Rocking Place, a mansion of brick surrounded by plea-
Fuga esq: there are about r,ooo sittings. The living is 3ure grounds, with a lodge entrance, is the seat of
a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £964, gross yearly Sydney Courtauld esq. J.P.
value £Boo, with residence and II3 acres of glebe, in • Rocking Hall, the residence of Charles J Bolton esq..
the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since is an ancient timbered structure with rooms panelled in
I84t; by the Very Rev. Henry Carrington M.A. of Caius oak and in a fine state of preservation.
College, Cambridge, who is dean and rector: the dean • George Bradley esq. of Castleford, Yorks, is lord of the
of Bocking formerly had jurisdiction over this and other manor: the principal landowners are Mrs. Honywood,
peculiars of the province of Canterbury with Essex. Henry Samuel Tabor esq. John English Tabor esq. J.P.
The Society of Friends' meeting-house in Rayne road, George Courtauld esq. J.P. Sydney Courtauld esq. J.P.
erected in I863, is an edifice of white brick with free- James Paxman esq. of Stisted Hall, and Lieut.-Col. s_
stone dressings. G. Savill J.P.
The Congregational church, in Bradford street, is a The area is 4,607 acres of land and 26 of water; rate-
structure of white brick, erected in I707 and enlarged able value, £10,g8o; the population in 189I was s,s26.
in I818, and will seat about I,ooo persons: over the which includes 267 officers and inmates in Braintree
pulpit is a marble tablet to the Rev. Thomas Craig, for union workhouse.
more than 62 year~ pastor here, who died 2 June,. in Sexton (Bockin ) DaVid Marshall.
the Bsth year of his age : the schools near the chapel g '
were built to commemorate the soth anniversary of the
Rev. Thomas Craig's ministry, October 12th, I8S2: a HIGH GARRETT is a hamlet in Bocking parish, about
mission room in connection with the church was opened 1 mile north-north-east and 3 miles north from Brain-
in IB94, and will seat 200 persons : attached to the tree, at the branching of the high road from Chelmsford
ehurch is a small cemetery. to Halstead and Clare.
The Congregational chapel in Church street, erected in Here are Unitarian and Primitive Methodist chapels.
1862, is a small edifice of white brick. f


Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Tufnell Col. William Nevill D.L. Monken-Hadley, Bock-
82 High street. Benjamin Portway, postmaster. Let- ing, Braintroo
ters arrive from Lond<m by mail cart at 4• 7.38 & n West Frederick esq. Redclyffe, Braintree
a. m. 1.38 & 6 p.m. ; delivered at 7 & 9· IS a. m. & 2. IS Clerk to the Magistrates, Augsts. Cunnington, Great sq
& 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9.20 & 11.30 a.m. 3.50 & Petty sessions are held every alternate wednesday, at the
6.40 p.m. with extra stamp Io minutes later; & at Police station, Fairfield road, at I2 noon. The places
7.50 p.m. with extra stamp till 8.1s p.m.; on sundays in the division are Braintree, Bocking, Black Notley, Fel-
letters are delivered at 7 a.m. & dispatched at 7-SO stead, Great Saling, Panfield, Rayne, Shalford, Stisted
p.m.; extra stamp till 8.I5 p.m & Wethersfield
Money Order & Savings Bank business transacted from Local Board.
7 -a.m. till 8 p.m. daily, sundays excepted; telegraph Members of the Board.
from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m. till 10 a.m Sydney Courtauld esq. chairman, George T. T. Bartram,
Wall Letter Boxes cleared as follows : Albert road, 8 & Godfrey Vennell, Frederick Smoothy, Jabez Rankin,
xo. 10 a. m. 3· IS & p.m. ; sunday, u.35 a.m. ; John Walker Wakelin, George C. Row, William South-
Hocking End, 7.15 & 11 a.m. 3.40 & 6.5s p.m.; sunday, gate & Isaac Claydon
6.55 p.m. ; London road, 7.30 & 10.30 a.m. 3.30 & Board room, Vestry hall, Church street; board day, 1st
6.5s p.m. ; Lower Railway street, 8.20 & 10.20 a.m. friday in the month
3.40 & 7.15 p.m.; Rayne road, 7.40 & 10.20 a.m. 3.20 Clerks, .Augustus CunningTon & Herbert John Cunning-
& 7 p.m. ; Upper Railway street, 7·45 & 10.20 a.m. ton, Great square
3.20 & 7 p.m.; sunday, 7 p.m Treasurers, Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. Bank street
Medical Officer of Health, Percy Richd. Stevens M.R.C.S.
Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office,
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The Avenue
Bradford street, Bocking. Mrs. Sarah Pasfield, su\J- Surveyor & Saniiary Inspector, John Henry Jevous,
postmistress. Letters received through Braintree at Notley road, Braintree
7-IS a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at 10.50 a.m. & Collector, .Augustus Cunningfon, Great square
6.40 p.m. ; sunday, 6.40 p.m
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insuran<'e Public Establishments.
Office, Church street, Rocking. Mrs. Clara Rippingale, Assembly Rooms, White Hart hotel, Booking, William
sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Braintree at Middleton, proprietor
8.30 a. m. & 1.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9· IS a.m. & 6. IS Bocking Cemetery, George Elger, clerk to burial board
p.m. ; 9· IS a. m. on sun-days Braintree Cemetery, London road, Augustus Cnnningt-on
& Herbert John Cunnington, clerks to the burial
Wall Boxes, Bradford stre.ft, cleared at a.m.
3.30 & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, 6.45 p.m. ; Almshouses, Braintreeboard; Waiter Th~trn, keeper •
& Hocking Public Gardens, Bocking, Edward
cleared at 9.20 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. week days only Holmes, clerk to_ the trustees; William Moat, keeper
Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Corn Exchange, High street, .A.. Cunnington,
Hign Garrett. John Gooding, sub-postmaster. Let- Cottage Hospital, Halstead road, Bocking, Arnold Scott sec
ters arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9 M.D. Bradford street, Bocking, John Harrison, 23 Bank
a.m. & i-30 p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m. Church street, street, Braintree, Percy Richard Stevens, The Avenue,
Bocking, is the nearest telegraph office Braintree, Thomas Carr, Lyncroft, Bocking, hon. med.
County Magistrates for South Hinckford Petty Sessional officers; Lieut.-Col. Samuel George Savill, hon. sec. ;
Division. :Miss Laura King, nurse
Marriott Humphrey Richard George esq. Abbot's hall, County Court, His Honor William Paters-on, judge;
Shalford, Braintree, chairman Augustus Ounnington, registrar & high bailiff; Charles
Court:auld George esq. Cut-hedge, Gosfield, Halstead Fuller, assistant bailiff. The court is held every two
Courtauld Sydney esq. Bocking place, Braintree months on Tuesdays at 10 a. m. The county court house
Harrison Capt. Jasper Nicolls, Saling grove, Braintree is a spacious erection of brick, on the Coggeshall road ;
Hill Rev. Edward Jas. 1\I.A. Rectory, Panfield, Braintree it was built in IBsa, at a cost of about £3,000. The
Marriott Cyril Hnmphrey '\hite esq . .Abbot's hall, Shal- district comprises the following places : Braintree,
ford, Braintree Hocking, Bradwell, Chatley, Great & Little Coggeshall.
Paxman James N. esq. Sti~ed hall, Braintree Cressing, Fairstead, Faulkbourne, Finchingfield, Great
Savill L1eut.-Col. Saml. Geo. Boleyns, Hocking, Braintree Leighs, Little Leiglis, \\hite Notley, Black Notley,
Talior Jn. English esq. Bonngdon hall, Bocking, Braintree Panfield, Pattiswick, Rayne, Rivenhall, Great".
Thompson Gen. Chas. Wm. Wethersfield pi. Braintree I Shalford, Stistoo, Wethersfield & Witham

For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that Rev. Henry John Shildrick, chaplain; Arnood Scott
of Chelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver; H. M. D. medical officer; Joseph Kowell, master; Mrs.
Shirtcliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple cham- Sarah J. Nowell, matrQll
bers, London E C Rural Sanitary Authority.
Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment
Act," Henry J oscelyne, High street & Thomas Harry Meets at Workhouse, Bocking, monday monthly after the
Newman, 6x High street Board meeting.
Fire Engine House, Coggeshall road, William Dunlop, Clerk, Frederick Smoothy, I & 3 New street, Braintree
captain; Frederick Rudkin, superintendent; J. Baker, Treas. Wm. N. Tufnell, Sparrow & Co.'s Bank, Braintree
engineer, & 6 firemen Medical Officer of Health, Thomas Carr M.B.Durh. Lyn-
Inland Revenue Office, 107 Manor street, Thomas Ser- croft, Bocking
geant, supervisor ; Timothy Lyne, officer Sanitary Inspector, Herbert Henry 1\Iank.ivell, 28 Lon-
Mechanics' Institution, Bocking end, Edward Holmes, don road, Braintree
sec. ; Henry Smith, lilfrarian School Attendance Committee.
Masonic Lodge (St. Mary, No. 1312), meets at the White Meets at Workhouse, Backing, monday monthly after the
Hart, Bocking, monday on or before full moon from
January to May & from October to December, Thomas Board meeting.
•]\falyn, secretary Clerk, Frederick Smoothy, I & 3 New street, Braintree
Public Hall, New street, H. Gibbs, Rayne road, agent Attendance Officers, Henr:r Lambert, Shalford; W.
Police Station, Fairfield road, Thomas Elsey, superinten- Anthony, Ooggeshall; S. T. Davies, Witham
dent; head quarters of Hinckford division, which con- Public Officers.
'l!ists of 1 superintendent, 2 inspectors, 3 sergeants &
33 constables _ Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Hinckford division,
Stamp Office, at Post office Edward Holmes, Backing end
Vestry Hall, Church street Coroner for the Eastern Division of the County, John
Harrison L.R.C.P.Edin. 23 Bank street; deputy, W.
Volunteers. B. Blood, Witham
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (comprising A, High Constable for the Division of Freshwell, Augustn8
B, C, D, E, F, G, & H Companies) (strength in 1893, Cunnington, Great square
755), head quarters, Corn exchange, Hon. Col. W. Inspector of Weights & Measures, Cattle & Horse Slaugh-
Howard, commandant; Hon. Lieut.-Cols. W. P. Gepp terhouses for Backing & Notley, & under the Sale of
.& F. Smoothy, majors; Capt. H. N. Crozier, instructor Food & Drugs Act & Petroleum & Explosives, Supt.
of musketry; Capt. E. H. Goddard, adjutant; Canon Thomas Eh;ey, Fairfield road
Sir J. C. Hawkins bart. M.A. acting chaplain; Sergt.- Inspector of Corn Returns, Timothy Lyne, 47 Upper
Major William Whiteley, drill instructor to the bat- Railway street
talion. F Company, Capt. J. E. Holmes, commandant; Ra.te Collector, Henry Gibbs, Vestry hall
J. M. Welch, lieutenant; Surg.-Capt. C. E. Ab bott Sexton, William Waiter Wiffen, Notley road
L.R.C.P.Irel. medical officer Town Crier, Edward Polly, Hydefield row
Places of Worship, with times of services.
Braintree Union. St. Michael's, Rev. J. W. Kenworthy, ·vicar; Rev. Harry
Board day, every alternate monday, at the Board room, Piper Parmenter B.A. curate; II a.m.; 3 & 6.30 p.m.;
Workhouse, at 10 a.m. holy communion every sunday, 8 a.m.; Ist & 3rd
The Union comprises the following parishes :-Bocking, I2.I5 p.m.; 2nd, 4th & 5th, 7·I5 a.m.; mon. tues.
Bradwell, Bmintree, Great Coggeshal~ Little Cogges- thurs. & sat. matins, 8.30 a.m. ; wed. & fri. matins &
hall, Cressing, Fairstead, Faulkbourn, Feering, Finch- litany, I I a.m. & evensong, 7.30 p.m
ingfield, Hatneld Peverel, Kelvedon, Marks Hall, Black St. ~Iary's, Rocking, Very Rev. Henry Carrington M..A.
Notley, White Notley, Panfield, Pattiswick, Rayne, rector & dean; sun. 10.30 a. m. & .3 p.m. ; wed. in
Rivenhall, Greai Saling, Shalford, Stisted, Terling, Lent I I a.m. & daily in Holy week at I I a.m
Wethersfield & Witham. The population of the union Christ Church (Reformed Church of England), Cogge~­
in 1891 was ·28,481; the area is 68,286 acres; rateable hall road, Rev. Marcus Hedges Lewis M ..A. incumbent
value in 1893, £n81 782 (closed l!t present)
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, F'redk. Friends' Meeting House, R~yne road, Backing; 10.30 a.m
Smoothy, I & 3 New street Baptisrt, Coggeshall road; Rev. Alfred Curtis, minister,
fieasurer, William Nevill Tufnell, Bank, Braintree 10.30 a. m. Oii 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7· I5 p.m. ; Eat. 7.30 p.m
Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectms to the Baptist (Salem), Albert road; I0.30 a. m. 2. IS & 6.30 p.m
Guardians, Braintree district, Frederick Godfrey, Cog- Congregational, Bradford street, Bocking, Rev. Josepb
geshall; FiiiiChingfield district, William Hutchison Joseph; ro.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7·I5 p.m
Marten, Coggeshall ; Finchingfield district, Henry Lam- Congregational, Church street, Backing, Rev. George
bert, Shalford Ineson, evangelist; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.: wed.
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bocking district, 7-I5 p.m
"Percy Richard Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond.. The Avenue, Congregational, London road, Rev. ,V. Johnson Cole;
Braintree; Braintree district, John· Harrison L.R.C.P. I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7·I5 p.m
Edin. 23 Bank _street, Braintree ; Coggeshall district, Primitive Methodist, Manor street, Rev. Charles Henry
Francis Bernard Henry Caudwell L.R.U.P.Lond. Cog- Lightfoot; Io.3o a.m. ; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. &
geshall; Finchingfield district, William Hutchison wed. 7 p.m
M.D. Finchingfield; Kelvedon district, Richard Galpin, Providence street Baptist Meeting Room, Uppel' Railway
Kelvedon; Wethersfield district, Henry Robert Glover street; G. Gage_i I0.3o a.m. ; 2. 15 & 6.30 p.m
.Rust, Wethersfield; Witham district; William Gimson Unitarian, High Garrett, Rev. R. H. Fuller M ..A. ; 11 a.m
-Gimson M.D. Witham Wesleyan, Rayne road, Rev. Henry Stanley Sandford;
Superintendent Registrar, Frederick Smoothy, r & 3 I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; m on. 7. IS p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
New street, Braintree; deputy, Frederick James Wiles, Schools.
1 & 3 New street, Braintree A School Board of 5 members was formed I9 Oct. I875•
Registrars of Marriages, Frederick Godfrey, Braintree ; for Braintree ;• Edward Holmes, Docking End, Backing,
deputy, Herbe:r:t H. Turner, Coggeshall rd. Braintree; H. clerk to the board; Henry Gib os, Rayne road, Rock-
Everard, Witham; deputy, .A. W. Garrett, Witham; ing, attendance officer
William Marten, Coggeshall; deputy, Francis B. H. A. School Board of 5 members was formed. 23 Dec. I872
Gmdwell, Great Coggeshall for Rocking; Edward Holmes, Bocking End, Bocking,
-:Registrars of Births & Deaths, Braintree sub-district, clerk to the board; George Eiger; Bradford stre~t,
Frederick Godfrey, Brain tree; deputy, Ht>rbert H. Bocking, attendance officer
Turner, Coggeshall road, Braintree; Bocking sub-dis- Board School, Manor street, Braintree, for 5oo children.
trict, G. Eiger, Bradford street, Backing; deputy, including infants ; ave"rage attendance, r5_o boys, I30
Benjamin Eve, Bradford street, Bocking; Coggeshall girls & I20 infants. The buildings & ground were
.sub-district, William Marten, Coggeshall ; deputy, given by the late G. Courtauld esq. who also left £4o
"Francis B. H. Caudwell, Grea• Coggeshall ; Finching- a year for the support of the school ; Richard Wool·
;field sub-district, Henry Lambert, Shalford; deputy, cock Davies, master; Miss A. Gray, infants' mistress
Richard F. Oakley, Wethersfield; Kelvedon sub-dis- Board, Bocking End, for 420 children, including infants;
irict, M. W. Meade, Kelvedon; deputy, Wi1liam God- average attendance, I6o boys & girls & 6o infants;
frey, Kelvedon; Witham sub-district, "Tilliam E. Frank Smith, master; Miss E. Potter, infants' mistresil
Sheen, Witham i.. deputy, Harry Everard, Wit ham Board School, High Garrett, erected by the late Samuel
The Workhouse, in 'Ilocking parish, on the Rayne road, is Courtauld esq. for 350 children; average attendance,
a structure of red brick, built in I837 at a cost of 110; Joseph Ananias Chamberlain, master; Mrs.
[6,300 & since enlarged, it will now hold 350 inmate;;; Elizabeth Chamberlain, mistress
National, New street, Braintree (mixed & infants), en- Carriers.
larged in 1879 & 188x, for 65o children; average at- Bardfield-Edw. Clap,on, from 'Star,' daily
tendance, 520 ; Thomas Malyn, master ; Miss E. Craig, Chelmsford--8pooner & Son, Lower Railway street. fri
infants' mistress Colahester-Spooner & Son. Lower Railway street, tues
National, Church street, Rocking (girls'), for 200 child- Felstead H. Hicks, from ' Horse & Groom,' wed
ren. including infants; average attendance, 130; with Finchingfield Wakeland, from the 'Horse & Groom,'
this school is incorporated the school founded by Dr. mon. wed. & fri.; Edward Clapson. from the 'Star,'
Gauden, a former rector of Rocking, & successively daily
bi~hop of Exeter (166o) & Worcester (x662); Miss Great Saling Edward Clapson, from 'Star,' daily
Margaret Watson, girls' mistress; Miss lVebb, infants' Halstead--8mith, from 'Horn,' wed.; S. Rayner, from

mistress Coffee Palace, mon. wed. & sat
Hedingham Kendall, on wed. from the ' Horn '
Railway Station. London D. J. M. Balls, from Panfield lane, Bocking, tues.
thurs. & fri
George Weston, station master
Rayne Edward Clapson, from the 'Star,' daily
Conveyance. Sampford-Edward Clapson, from 'Star,' daily
Toppesfield Turner, from ' George,' daily
An omnibus leaves the '"\"\nite Hart,' Rocking End &i the W ethersfield Rust, from George inn, mon. wed. & sat
Horn commercial hotel, High street, for every train Yeldham Turner, from 'George~' mon. wed. & sat
PRIV...tTE RESIDENTS. 1-arland Mrs. 40 Manor street Page Henry, Woodfield road
.Adams Stephen, The Avenue J-entry l\Irs. 57 Albert road Parmenter Cyrus, Victoria house,
llailey Mrs. J. B. so London road Gill Edward Jn. The Firs, London rd Manor street
.Baines Mrs. 6o London road lHithero 1\Irs. London road Parmenter Mrs. James, 28 Albert rd
Baldwin Edmund, 154 Manor street lloddard Capt. Edward Hesketh (adju- Parmenter Saml. Catley, Mount ho
Baldwin William, 8o High street taut, 2nd Vol. Batt. Essex Reg. ), Parmenter William, The Limes,
Banyard John, Silby villa, Manor st Clock house Coggeshall road
Barker Mrs. 99 High street Goss Miss, 63 Albert road Parris Mrs. Queenborough
Bartlett James Hugh, Bird villa, Wood- Greening Chas. 51 Upper Railway st Payne Henry, Upper Railway street
field road Groves John, Manor street Pearson Charles, Woodfield road
Belsham Henry I. \...othian house, Harrison John, 23 Bank street Phipps Francis William, Manor street
Upper Railway street Harrisson John Oates, Great square Piggin Miss, Woodfield road
Bentall Mrs. College frm. London rd Harvey Mrs. 58 Albert road Pike William, 34 Albert road
Bowmer John, 56 Albert road Hawkes Mrs. London road Piper Frederick Mabbs, 26 Albert rd
Bowtell Charles, 123 Lower Railway st Heaster Samuel Albert, 45 Upper Portway Mrs. 61 High street
Bowtell Charles, 43 Manor street Railway street Potter Mrs. 49 Upper Railway street
Bowtell Mrs. 125 Lower Railway st Hertslet Miss, 43 New street Potter Waiter, Lower Railway street
Brown Clement, 45 Manor street Hicks Miss, 17 Coggeshall road Preeston Percival Southwell, Marshalls
Brown Henry Charles, 56 Manor st Hitching Mrs. 70 London road Pryke Harry William, 62 London rd
Brown James, Albert house, Manor st Hobbs Henry, jun. Ivy place Rankin Jabez, Prospect house, Cog-
Burgess Misses, 46 Manor street Hodges George, 21 Rayne road geshall road
Butcher Miss, o:;~ Mllnor street Hoggan Mrs. 56 London road Rayner Mrs. 161 Coggeshall road
Carter Mrs. 61 Albert road Huckson Alex. 43 Lower Railway st Rayner Samuel, Mount road
Cartwrignti John, 105 Manor street Hutley Mrs. 77 Manor street Rolfe Miss, Queenborough
Chick John H. Talbot, 15 Rayne road Jackson Miss,_ The Lodge, The Avenue Rust Mrs. 32 London road
Clarke Thomas, Rose villa, Albert rd Johnson Robert James, Manor place Sadler William, 156 Manor street
Cleaver Mrs. Clifton cot. The Avenue Joscelyne Edward, 76 High street Sandford Rev. Henry Stanley (Wes)
Coe Alfred Rosendale, Albert road .Joscelyne Mrs. Hocking end Sharp Mrs. Lyndhurst, Manor street
Cole Rev. William Johnson (Congrega- Kenworthy Rev. James Wright (vicar), Shildrick Rev. Henry John (Chaplain
tional), The Avenue Vicarage to the Union) 165 Coggeshall road
Cook Geo. Avenue vil. Woodfield rd Lass Edwin, Bank house, High street Short Mrs. 167 Coggeshall road
Corm•ll Benjamin, 68 London road Last Misses, Silby villa, Manor street Skingles Henry, Woodfield road
-Cowell Alfred, 32 Albert road La Treille Miss, 49 Albert road Sly Mrs. Mount road
Cresswetlo~George, Mount road Lewis Rev. Marcus Hedges M.A. (Re- Smith Frank, 22 Albert road
Crittall Fras. Hy. Lynton, London rd formed Church of England), The Snelling Alfred, 41 Manor street
C11Dnington Aug. Camoys, London rd Avenue Steel-Johnson Miss, Blandford house,
Cunnington Herbert John, Lynewood, Light Mrs. Manor road London road
The Avenue Lightfoot Rev. Charles Henry (Primi- Stevens Percy Richard, The Avenue
Curtis Rev. Alfred (Baptist), The tive Methodist), 2 Stanley villas, Sudbury Mrs. 159 Coggeshall road
Manse, Coggeshall road Lower Railway street Summers T~omas, 55 Albert road
Daines William Wesley, Mill house Linsell William, 54 London road Theobald Joseph, 36 Albert road•
Davey Miss, 24 Albert road Livermore Mrs. 64 London road Thorn Mrs. 35 Albert road
Davies Mrs. 24 London road Lloyd Richard, Mount road Turner Mrs. 87 Coggeshall road
Davis \Yilliam, 163 Coggeshall road Lyne Timothy, 47 Upper Railway st Vennell Godfrey, Kennards, The Aven
Denton Geo. Belle vue, Coggeshall rd ~IcLachlan ~Irs. 53 Albert road Walford Alfred, Rose bank, Rose hill
Dixon Mrs. New street McLachlan Robert, Lower Railway st Walton Mrs. Rayne road
Erant Georj!e, The Laurels, l:"pper :Malyn Thomas, 140 Manor street ·ward Edward I. 158 Manor street
Railway street ~fauriCE• J,ouis, Lower Railway street West l\Irs. Linden house, London rd
Farr John, 6o Albert road '\Iayhew Henry Hasker, Bank street ·west Herbert \V. 34 London road
Fenton Thomas W. 52 Manor street ~liles Mrs. 6o London road 'Vicks Miss, 48 Manor street
Fish Arthur W. 142 Manor street '\Iott Mrs. 173 Coggeshall road Wiles Frederick James, 48 London rd
Freeborn Mrs. 37 Manor street Xewman Jas. A.lbert vil. Coggeshall rd Witney Mrs. London road
Freeman Mrs. 39 Manor street Nice M:ss, 2 Providence viis. Mount rd Wood Mrs. 30 Albert road
French Mrs. Edith villas, Lower Rail- ~icholas Jn. Henry, 66 London road Young John, Coggeshall road
way street Orfenr Mrs. 1\Iayholme, The Avenue Young John Bishop, Sandyhurst, Cog-
Fuller James, Fairfield house Orfeur Xorman, Mayholme, The Aven geshall road
COMMERCIA I •• Ashley Julia p!iss), ladies' boarding school, Gorre house,
Adams Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Bank street London road
Ainsworth John Thos. Orpnge Tree inn, Cattle niarket Bailey Alfred, french polisher, 91 Lower Railway street
Alden Leonard, tailor, Coggeshall road Bailey Chas. grocer &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey Lim.
Alien Jo~oeph, jobmaster, Market street wine & !>pirit mPrchants, 75 High st. & 79 '\Ianor st
Amos E. &; Son, Sun inn & brewery, Upper Railway st Bareham Harriet (Yrs.), shopkeeper, Sandpit road
Andrews John, tailor, Cattle market Barker James, seed grower, Manor road
Andrews Joseph Edward, domestic machinery depot, go Barton William, watch maker &; jeweller, 18 Bank street
&i 92 High street & 69 High street
Andrews Major, butcher & slaughterman, 6o Notley road Bartram Geor~e Thomas Thorpe, glass & china dt>aler.
Arnold Benjamin, pie maker, Lower Railway street 33 & 35 Bank street
Artis Frederick, photographer, Fairfield road Bartram George Thomas Thorpe, gun maker, 44 Bank st


. Bateman Josiah, jobbing gardener, 138a, Manor street lector t-o the local board & burial board & clerk to
Bedlow Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, Mount road magistrates (South Hinckford & Freshwell divisions),
Bell George, saw sharpener, Lower Railway street clerk to governors of Felsted school & solicitor & sec.
Bell William, seedsman, Manor road to Braintree market house eo. perpetual commissioner
Belsham Isaac & Son, coal, oil cake &:; manure merchants, for taking acknowledgments of married women & com-
Upper Railway street missioner for taking affidavits, Great Square
Biggs Charles, whitesmith, 8 Swan side Cunnington Herbert John (firm, Cunnington, Son &;
Bird Jane (Miss), dress maker, Sandpit road Orfeur), solicitor & clerk to the trustees of Braintree
Blomfield John, linen draper, 2 Bank street charities, commissioner for oaths & clerk to local board
Blomfield John, Lion & Lamb P.H. Little square & burial board, Great square
Bloomfield Bros. plumbers &c. Coggeshall road Day Samuel Plowman, painter & hardware dlr. 94 High st
Bloomfield Edward, ironmonger, 81 & 83 High street Delson John, tea agent, n2 Lower Railway street
Bowtell James, grocer, 6o High street Derrick John, Bell P.H. Great square
Bowtell Joseph, insurance superintendent, Woodfield road Dessent Helen (Mrs.), Black Lion temperance htl. Gt. sq
Bowtle John, baker, 75 Coggeshall road Dickson Robert, travelling draper, 62 New street
Boyton Chas. boot & shoe maker & china dlr. 57 High st Digby Alfred, butcher, 26 New street
Boyton William, fruiterer, 15 Coggeshall road Digby Arthur, fishmonger, 28 New street
Bradley Nathaniel, watch & clock maker, Coggeshall rd Digby Charles, miller (wind) & farmer, Broom hills
Braintree & Bocking Conservative Association (Col. W. N. Digby Charles, pork butcher, II5 High street
Tufnell, president; C. Edwards, vice-president; A Digby Edward, fishmonger, Lower Railway street
Cunnington, treas.; H. J. Cunnington, hon. sec) Digby George, blacksmith, Rayne road
Braintree & Bocking Gas Co. (Jabez Church C.E. man. Digby John, butcher, Great square
director, 55 Parliament st. Westminster, London S.\V Dowdeswell Jas. Edwd. Crown & Anchor P.H. Cattle mkt
Braintree & Backing Permanent Benefit Building Society Downing Joseph Godfrey, chemist & druggist, 59 High
(Augustus Cunnington, manager), Great square street & wine &:; spirit merchant, Corn Exchange cellars
Braintree Constitutional Club (Col. W. N. Tufnell, chair- Dunlop Wm. captain of the fire brigade, 20 Manor street
man; Norman Orfeur, hon. sec.; John Stowe, steward), Duthoit & England, silk manufacturers1 (Uriah Wheeler,
Great square manager), Martin's yard, High street
Braintree Liberal Association (F. vYest, president; D. R. Dyer John & Son, grocers, II Bank street; & at Bocking-
Sharpe, treasurer; H. Gibbs, sec) Elsey Thomas, inspector of weights & measures, cattle
Braintree Mutual Fund Association Limited (Jas. Luckin, & horse slaughterhouses for Bockley & Notley & under
sec.), Public hall the Sale of Food & Drugs Act & Petroleum & Ex-
Brand Charles, builder, 5 Upper Railway street plosives, Fairfield road
Brand William, bricklayer, 8 Upper Railway street Enness Job, builder, 22 London road
Brignell Jacob, shopkeeper, Rose hill Erant George A.M.I.C.E. man. to gas works, Manor st
Brock Charles, butcher, 41 Upper Railway street Fenton Mary & Ura (Misses), dress mkrs. Up. Railway st
Brown Alfred & Son, builders & contractors, Station wrks Finbow William, coffee tavern, Cattle market
Brown Charles, beer retailer, Chapel hill Fire Engine House (W. M. Dunlop, capt. ; Frederick
Brown Henry Charles (firm, Portway ~ Brown), house Rudkin, supt. ), Coggeshall road
& insurance agent & income tax collector, 6r High st Fitch Harry, tailor, r6 Albert road
Brown J ames, brick & tile maker ; &:; at Chelmsford & Fitch Isaac, farmer, Nichols' farm, Cressing road
Upminster Fletcher Arthur Frederick, draper, 29 Bank street
Brown Pamela (Mrs.), greengrocer, Cattle market Footman &:; Co. linen drapers, 15 & 17 Bank street
Fou~ger Donald, newspaper reporter, r Percy villas.
Brown Phrebe (Mrs.), beer retailer, London road
Lower Railway street
Brunning William, greengrocer, Drury lane Francis William Samuel, Carpenters' Arms P.H. 28
Butcher Alice (Miss), dress maker, 47 Coggeshall road Lower Railway street
Butcher George, greengrocer, 9 High street Frarey Arthur Edwin; tailor & outfitter, 48 Bank street
Butcher Herbert Henry, baker & grocer, 146 High street Frost J ane (Mrs.), fancy dealer, 6 Manor street
Butcher William, baker, 44 Manor street Frost William Dunstan, Bull inn, Cattle market
Calver Caroline (Mrs.), beer rtlr. & shopkpr. Coggeshall rd Fuller Jas. boot & shoe mnfr. Fairfield rd. Bank st. &
Cane William Stephen, miller (steam) & corn dealer, n6 Fuller James, boot & shoe manufacturer, Fairfield road;
:High street Bank street & Little square
..Cemetery (Augustus Cunnington & Herbert John Cun- Gage George Alma, hair dresser & tobacconist, 6 & 3
nington, clerks to the burial board; Waiter Thorn, Great square
keeper), London road Gage Phrebe (Mrs.), tobacconist, qo High street
Carter J oseph, Saracen's Head inn, Bank street Gentry Chas. (l\Irs. ), shoeing & general smith, Church st
Challis Alfred, farmer, Goldinghams Gentry Waiter, millwright, Church street
C'heek Florence Rebecca (Miss), dress mkr_ 94 London rd Grbbs George, butcher, Church street
Choat Alfred, saddler, 150 High street Gibbs Henry, rate collector, Vestry hall
Clare Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, Manor road Gilbey John, beer retailer, 144 High street
Clark Charles John, greengrocer, II7 High street Gill Edward John, manager of the London & County
Clark John, chimney sweeper, Manor road Bank, High street
Clark J osiah, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 95 Manor st Gill William Samuel, hardware dealer, Fairfield road
Claydon James, boot & shoe maker, Coggeshall road Godfrey Frederick, relieving & vaccination officer, col-
Clift Phoebe (Miss), shopkeeper, New street lector to the guardians & registrar of births, marriages
Coe Alfred, tailor & draper, go High street & deaths for Braintree di9t'rict, Braintree union, fog-
Collins Henry, bookbinder, 132 High street geshall road
Cook Arthur, antique furniture dealer, Fairfield road Golding Emma ()Iiss ), dress maker, 79 Mount road
Cook Emma J. (Miss), day school (mixed), 138 Manor st Gowen Alfred, hair dresser & tobacconist, New street
Cook George, pork butcher, 67 High street Gowers William Henry, baker, 17 Notley road
Cook Henry, antique furniture dealer, Swan street Gray Charles Harrison, maltster, Church street
Cook J oseph, shopkeeper, Little square Gray Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer & rag dlr. Fairfield rd
Cook Rebecca. (Mrs.), secondhand clothes dlr. Swan st Green Frederick Arthur James, beer retailer, Manor st
Cooper George, baker & beer retailer, Coggeshall road Green Samuel James, baker, III & 113 Manor street
C-ooper Samuel, jun. furniture & general dealer, ror & Green William, baker, 4 Manor street
103 Manor street Groves John, coal, lime, slate, cement & hair merchant,
Cooper Samuel, sen. furniture broker, Manor street lath render; drain pipes, stone ware & all kinds of
Uorn Exchange (A. Cunnington, sec.), High street sanitary pipes, fire bricks & tiles, & salt & agricultural
Cornell Benjamin, grocers' valuer, 68 London road manure merchant, Railway station; & at Dunmow &
Cornell Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 130 High street Y eldham & Rayne
County Court (His Honor William Paterson, judge; Aug. Hardy George, general dealer, Fa.irfield road
Cunnington, registrar & high bailiff), Coggeshall road Harrington Thomas, wheelwright, Sandpit road
Courtauld Saml & Co. Lim. crape mnfrs. Braintree mills Harris Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Fairfield road
Cresswell George, baker, 145 & 147 Coggeshall road Harrison & Stevens, surgeons, 23 Bank street
Crickmore & Son, saddlers, 6o High street Harrison John L.R.O.P.Edin. (firm, Harrison & Stevens),
Crittall & Winterton, ironmongers, 27 Bank street surgeon & coroner for East Essex & medical officer et
Cuff Samuel Thomas, coal & general dealer & bill poster, public vaccinator, Braintree district, 23 Bank street
Fairfield road Hart Arthur, bookbinder, 93 Manor street
Cunnington, Son & Orfeur, solicitors, Great square Hart William, farm bailiff to Mr. Frederick George West,
Cunnington Augustus (firm, Cunnington, Son & Orfeur), Bridge farm
iOlicitor & registr~r jo the county court, clerk & col- Ha tfield J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Lower Railway street
Hawks & Co. brewers, Great square Ne\\man T. H. & Son, auctioneers, valuers &; estate
Hayward Isaac, news agent &:i cane worker, 16 :\fanor st
Hearn John, butcher, 72 High street
I agents, 61 ffigh street; & at Rayne
~ewman James, professor of music & organist of Brain-
Heaster Eliza (~Irs.), dress maker, 28 "Gpper Railway st tree parish church, Albert villa, Coggeshall road
Heaster Samuel, wheelwright, 31 )lanor street Xix A.rthur, White Lion P.H. Coggeshall road
Heaster Samuel Albert, pork butcher, 18 Manor street Orfeur Norman, solicitor, see Cunnington, Son & Orfeur
Hewlett Harry George, insurance agent, 92 Manor street Orrin Charles, furniture de:Ler, Coggeshall road
Hicks Henry, blacksmith, 51 New street Ost .Angelica Mary (~Irs. ), feather cleaner, 40 Manor l!t
Hildyard Duncan, watch maker, Fairfield road Owers James, baker, Lower Railway street
Holland & Barrett, grocers, Great square Oxbrow Emma & Esther (:Misses), shopkprs. 168 Manr. sll
Hobbs Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Ivy pi Oxbrow Waiter, watch & clock maker, 20 Bank street
Hollett George, smith, Coggeshall road Pakenham Lygon Graham, school (boarding & day),
Holman Edward John, Fox & Hounds P.H. Coggeshall rd College House school, London road
Holmes Waiter, shopkeeper, 25 Albert road Pamplin Isaac, beer retailer, Coggeshall road
Homewood Spencer, Nag's Head P.H. Cattle market Parish James, baker, 97 High street
Howard Charles, grocer, 37 Bank street Parker John, boot & shoe maker, Coggeshall road
Howard Josiah, draper, 63 High street Parkes Henry A. & William F. watch makers, 40 Bank st
Howard Waiter Henry, Wheatsheaf inn, High street Parmenter Samuel Catley, builder & contract<>r &;
Hunnable George, builder, 82 Lower Railway street steam joinery works & saw mills, manufacturer of
Hunnable Waiter, builder & coal merchant, Mount road Parmenter's dovetail grooved pitch pine block flooring;
Hunt Hy. Edmund, Rose & Crown P.H. Low. Railway st registered, the best practical system ; Coggeshall rd
Hutley Thomas, outfitter, Cattle market Parmenter Thomas, carpenter, Manor road
Inland Revenue Office (Thomas Sergeant, supervisor), 107 Parnwell "\Vi:liam Benson, shoe maker, 107 High street
Manor street Pasfield Clara (:\frs. ), boot & shoe ma. 32 & 34 Bank st
Jevons John Henry, surveyor & sanitary inspector to the Payne Henry, pale ale, porter & stout brewer, Upper
local board & engineer to the water works, Notley road Railway street
Johnson W. & son, coal, lime, chalk, salt, corn, hay Perry Henry, boot maker, g8 Manor street
& manure merchants & contractors, carriers for the Perry James, jun. farmer, Clap bridge
Great Eastern Railway Co. Railway coal depot Pharaoh Alfred, leather cutter & grindery dealer, I~
J ohnson Thomas, blacksmith, IS 1 Coggeshall road Great square
Johnstone "\Villiam, travelling draper, 6o New street Phillips Thomas, 'beer retailer, Notley road
J oscelyne Chas. printer, bookseller&; stationer, 78 High st Phi:lips 'Yill~m, butcher, 138 High street
Piggin Alfred, grocer, 31 Bank street
Joscelyne Henry, cabinet maker & upholsterer, auctioneer,
Pilcher Waiter Frederick, draper, 39 Bank street
house & estate agent, 62 High street Pilgrem John George, carpenter, Coggeshall road
Joyce William, butcher, Cattle market Pilgrim Charles, market gardener, Notley road
Juniper Joseph, shoe maker, 13 Little square Piper William, colonial merchant, Coggeshall road
Kennings John, saddler, 16 Bank street st Pluck George, shoe maker, 78 Manor street
Key Artlmr, carpenter, Stanley villas, Lower Railway Pluck & Son, clothiers, 28 & 30 Bank street
King Sarah (Miss), milliner, Church street Pocock Bros. boot & shoe manufrs. 36 & 38 Bank street
Lake "\Villiam Beard, cycle &; thatch making machine Polly Edward, town crier, Hydefield row
manufacturer, New street Porter A.nnie & Sarah (~Iisses ), newsagents &c. 14
Lambert Susannah (Mrs.), laundress, 7S ~Ianor street Bank street
Lancaster J oseph, builder, 32 "C"pper Railway street Porter Arthur, so:icitor, Bank street
Lancaster Kate (Miss), dress maker, 32 L'pper Railway st Portway & Brown, house & insur. agents, 61 High s~
Lancaster William, painter &c. 63 Coggeshall road & 59 Portway Benjamin, postmaster, 82 High street
Albert road Potter Waiter, boot & shoe maker, 113 High street
Last John Ely, haberdasher & hardwareman, 25 &i 27 Pouiter Robert, George inn, New street
Rayne road Pryke Henry William & Son, tailors, SI High street
Letch W. E. (:\irs. ), builder, 103 High street Primrosp League (Brainfree habitation) (Col. W. N.
Lewis 1\Iarcus H. (Mrs.), L.C.M. professor of singing, Tufnell, ruling councillor; Mrs. W. N. Tufnell, dame
violin & pianoforte, The Avenue pres. & sec. ; ~Iiss J. Bowtle, hon. asst. sec)
Lewis Margaret Jane (Mrs.), travelling draper, Manor rd Prior Emily (Miss), private mixed school, 4S Albert rd
Lindsell Thomas, shopkeeper, 104 High street Public Hall (H. Gibbs, agent), New street
Livermore Frederick, plumber, 13 :\Ianor street Qui:ter Annie (:\fiss), dress maker, 23 Upper Railway st
London & County Banking Co. Lim. (Edward John Gill, Quilter Benjamin, wood dealer, 23 lJpper Railway str~et
manager), High street; draw on head office, 21 Quilter Edward, coal merchant, Manor street
Lombard street, London E C Quilter Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Manor street
Lucas William, pork butcher, Fairfield road Quilter Sarah (::\Irs. ), shopkeeper, Cattle market
Ludgate Alfred, newsagent, 8 Manor street Railings Lewis, boot maker, New street
Lyne Timothy, in~and revenue officer & inspector of Rawlings Sarah J a ne (Mrs.), dress maker, Manor ron<!
corn returns, 107 :Manor street Rawlinson R. & Sons, bill posters &c. 2 Market ~tre·e~
McLachlan George, travelling draper, Church street Read J ames, White Hart tap, Coggeshall road
Marshal! John "\V. carpenter, 33 Manor street Reed Henry, bricklayer, 15 Upper Railway street
Martin Bros. monumental masons?. 1S6 High street Re:molds John, dairyman & pork butcher, 12 Bank street
Martin Thomas, Swan P.H. Swan street Richa rdson Mart ha (l\Irs. ), dress maker, 3 Gordon
:\Iayhew Henry Hasker, manager of Sparrow, Tnfnell cottages, Mount road
& Co.'s Bank, Bank street Richardson Silas, beer retailer &:; baker, Sandpit road
Mayn Albert Edward Ager, baker, 24 Xew street Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters, ~Ianor street
Mayo Alfred, butcher, Upper Railway street Roberts Edward, boot maker, New street
Metson Edward, wheelwright, Swan side Rose Henry, naturalist, Lower Railway street
Mills Louisa & Emma (~isses), dress makers, 152 Ro.w & Son, pharmaceutical chemists, 47 High street
Coggeshall road Row Frederic, wine merchant, 49 High street
:!\fills Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 37 Albert road Row Harry Frederic, mineral water manufr. Manor 11t
Moody Henry, coal dealer & ironmonger, Coggeshall rd Rowe George, hair dresser, 46 Bank street
Moody Henry Albert, coal marchant, 9 Cp. Railway st Rowlands Albert Charles, tobacconist, Io Bank street
l\Ioore Charles William, chemist, 19 Bank street Rudkin Barney, brush manufacturer & hardware dealer,
Moore J eremiah!J corn factor, Manor street Cattle market
Morrell William, baker, Coggeshall road Rudkin Frederick, superintendent of fire brigade, 38
Morris Edward, florist, Upper Railway street J\Ianor street
Munday Richard White, Horn fami:y & commercia~ Rutland Emma (:\liss), dress maker, Coggeshall road
hotel & posting house, High street Sanders HenrY, •
whitesmith, Cattle market
Xankivell Herbert Henry, sanitary inspector to rural Sargeant Caroline ()liss), berlin woo~ repos. 13 Bank st
authority, 28 London road Sargent Waiter, shopkeeper, High street
Nash George, shop_keeper, 6o Manor street Saunders Emily (:~liss), dr~>ss maker, 85 Coggeshall rd
Xash James, shopkeeper, Chapel hill Scott William, clothier, 47 et 49 ~Ianor street
Nash James, shopkeeper, 45 &; 47 Lower Railway st Seabrook Robert Carrington, farmer, ~larks farm, Cog-
Nash Thomas, butcher, Great square geshall road
Newcomb Orrin, Bird in Hand P.H. Coggeshall road Sergeant Tlios. supervisor of inland revenue, 107 :\Ianor st
Newman Claud :\Iarshall, insurance agent, Manor road ::lharp James, greengrocer et corn dealer, 154 High st

Shearcroft John, printer & newsagent, 9 Bank street Turner Char:es, basket maker, ro6 High street
& Manor street Turner Herbert H. deputy registrar of births, deaths
Shearcroft Miss, stationer & girls' school. 9 Bank street & marriages, Coggeshall road
Shuffiebotham James, haulier, Manor road Tyler George, hair dresser, Mount road
Singer Manufacturing Co. 71 High street Tyler Samuel & Son, rent collectors & house agents,
Skingle John, tailor, 2 Percy villas, Lower Railway st Coggeshall road
Smith Herbert, boot warehouse, n2 & 114 High street Vaizey John George, auctioneer & land agent, Great sq
Smith Jenny (Miss), dress maker, 11 Upper Railway st Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (Hon. Col.
' W. Howard, commandant; Capt. H. N. Crozier, in-
Smith Joseph, farmer, Parsonage farm
Smith Lenny, cabinet maker, 55 High street structor of musketry; Capt. E. H. Goddard, adjutant;
Smith Robert, pawnbroker, 22 Swan street F Co. Capt. J. E. Holmes, commandant; head quarters
Smith Thomas F. painter, Coggeshall road of Battalion & F Co. Corn Exchange
Smith William, jobbing gardener, 31 Upper Railway st Wakelin John Walker, farmer, Hill house
Smoothy Frederick, solicitor, clerk to the guardians of Walford Alfred & Co. coal merchants ; trucks of
the Braintree union, clerk to the assessment com- coal direct from the best collieries supplied to firms
mittee, rural sanitary authority, school attendance or families & sent free to any railway station; Lower
committee & supt. registrar, commissioner for affi- Railway street
davits, & steward of the manors of Walton hall, Waiters Daniel & Sons Limited, silk manufacturers,
Purley & Lyons hall, Great Leighs, r & 3 New street Lower Railway street
Southcott Wm. wine & spirit mer. 86 & 88 High st Ward John, chimney sweeper, Lower Railway street
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (Henry Hasker Ma"yhew, Warren George, bricklayer, Coggeshall road
manager), Bank street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Warren James, beer retailer, Coggeshall road
Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London E C Wenden Henry, butcher, Gr~at square
Spearman .Albert Arthur, cycle dealer, Cattle market Wenden Henry, Railway hotel & livery stables, Lower
Spearman Waiter, shopkeeper, Fairfield road Railway street
Spooner James & Son, general de!Lers, jobmasters & West John & Sons, brush manufacturers, High street
carriers, Lower Railway street W eston .Alice (l\'liss) & Frank, drapers & milliners, g6
Spurgeon Frederick, boot maker, 62 Manor street High street
Spurgeon Susannah (Mrs.), shopkpr. 35 Up. Railway st W eston Alfred Henry, stationer & picture frame maker,
Spurgeon William, boot maker, 26 Great square 21 Bank street
Stead & Simpson Limited, boot & shoe wareho. 3 Bank st Wheeler Thomas, shopkeeper, 101 Lower Railway st
Steel-Johnson B. (Miss)., boarding & day school for Whife Isaac, Victoria inn, Manor road
girls, Blandford house, London road. See advert Whipps George, fruiterer & fishmonger, Cattle market
Stevens Percy Richard L.R.C.P. Loud., M.R.C.S. Eng. Whiteley Sergt.-Major William Waiter, drill instructor
(firm, Harrison & Stevens), surgeon & medical officer to 2nd Vol. Batt. Essex Regiment, Lower Railway st
& public vaccinator for Backing district & medical Wiggett Charles, jobbing gardener, Coggeshall road
officer of health for Braintree urban sanitary authority, Wiles Frederick James, deputy superintendent registrar,
The Avenue r & 3 New street
Stockwell Betsy (M'rs. ), tailoress, Mount road Willey Sarah Ann (Miss), shirt maker, 79 Mount road
Strutt Charles, boot maker, 65 Manor street Williams Josiah, Freemasons' Arms P.H. Low. Railwv. •
Stubbings Alfred, boot maker, Lower Railway street Winterton William Sidney, ironmonger, see Crittall &
Stubbings Thomas, livery stables, Sandpit road Winterton
Suckling Henry Chas. painter &c. 7 Upper Railway st Woodhouse John Horatio, corn factor, Grea£ square
Sutton Frederick, chimney sweeper, Lower Railway st Woodrow Charles, beer retailer, Lower Railway street
Sutton John, chimney sweeper, 69 Coggeshall road Woodthorpe George, smith & ironmonger, Sandpit road
Taylor Albert, wheelwright, Martin's yard, High street Wyatt William, boot maker, 56 New street
Thomas George Frederick, carpenter, joiner & under- Young & Son, veterinary surgeons, Coggeshall road
taker, 52 London road Young John, M.R.C.V.S. (firm, Young & Son), veteri-
Thomas Snsannah (Mrs.), Boar's Head inn, High st nary surgeon, Coggeshall road
Thorn Joseph, builder, so Manor street Young John Bishop M.R.C.V.S. (firm, Young & Son),
'Townrow Charles, clothier, 65 High street veterinary surgeon, Coggeshall road
Tribble Robert, saddler, Cattle market

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Green Miss, Bradford street Scott Arnold, Bradford street
Guthrie Alexander, Church lane Smoothy Frederick, Bradford house
Adkins Mrs. Ashley, Bradford street Hammond Mrs. Hill house, Rayne rd Smoothy Miss, Bradford house
Ash Mrs. St. Lawrence house Hobbs William, Evegate house Smoothy Miss C. Bradford house
Bateman J ames, Bradford street Holmes Edward, Backing end Southcott Wm. Gordon ho. Rayne rd
•Ilattram Miss, Holly place, Rayne rd Holmested Miss, Coggeshall road Spencer Edwin Parkinson, Words-
Blomfield John, Bradford street Hutley Alfred, Dorewards Hall worth house, Bradford street
Bolton Charles J. Backing hall Ineso!l Rev. George (Congregational) Stannard George, Rayne road
Bowtle Miss, Bradford street Church street Tabor John English J.P. Bovingdon
'Brown Alfd. Hollywood, Backing end J essopp Mrs. Backing end hall
.Brown Jas. Hermitage, Bocking end Joseph Rev. Joseph (Congregational), Tabor Henry Samuel, Fennes
Butt Thomas Frederick, The Hill Parsonage Tarzewell Mrs. Bradford ~treet
Carr Thomas, Lyncroft Linsell Mrs. Rayne road Taylor George Mrs. Backing end
Carrington Very Rev. Henry M.A. May William, Herriots, Church st Taylor Thomas, Beech Holme, Brad-
(rural dean & rect.or), Deanery Meadows Mrs. Bradford street ford street
Clarke Fras. Albany terrace, Rayne rd Newman Charles Parker, .Albany ter- Tetley Henry, Greenwood, Bridge ho
Clarkson Rev. Harry M.A. (curate race, Rayne road Tufnell Col. William Nevill D.L.,
of Black Notley), 20 Rayne road Newman Miss, Albany ho. Rayne rd J.P. Monken-Ha,dley
<Courtauld Samuel A. Little Bradfords Nunn Francis, The Croft, Goggles-· TunbrKlge Thomas, Bradford street
0mrtauld ~dney J.P. Backing place hall road 7aughan Mrs. The Lodge
Crittall Miss, Causeway cottage Parmenter Silas, Ivy ho. Bradford s1 .Varren Charles, Hill house
Ennis Mrs. Rayne roa<1: Pennyfeather Miss, The Cott{lge, West Ezra, Croft cot. Cog-gleshaH rd
Finney James, Bradford street Bradford street West Frederick J.P. Redclyffe, Brad-
Folliott William, Ashleigh Rayne Mrs. Standford ho. Bradford s't ford street
Fug-t- Mrs. Bradford street Richardson Rev. Montague, Myrne White Mrs. Bradford street
Gibbs Hy. Magdala villa, Rayne rd villas, Rayne road Wigglesworth Mrs. Myrtle villas,
Golding Harry Wenlock, Bradford st Smoothy Frederick, Bradford house Rayne road
Gosling Misses, Bradford street Rudkin Georg-e, Bradford street Williams Ilev. :tsph. Monahan (curate
Gosling Mrs. John, Bradford street Savill Lieut.-Col. Samuel George J.P. of Bocking), Church street
Gosling Oliver, Bradfo.rd street Boleyns Young Mrs. Fryers, Bradford street
COMMERCIAL. .Alien Thos. & Son, mat & matting manufacturers,
.Adkins Ashley & Co. coir mat & matting manufacturers Bradford streeb
by steam power, Bradford st.; Telegrams," Golding," Am os Charles Thomas, butcher, Church street
Bociring, Braintree (within free delivery). See advert Balls Daniel James Matthew, carrier & furniture re-
Ager Abraham, shopkeeper, Bradford street mover, Panfield lane
Amt-y Catherine (Miss), dress ma. Fernleigh, Rayne rd, Bannock .Alfred James, boot & shoe dealer, Church street;
Bart-on Robert Willis, ironmonger, Rayne road Braintree & Bocking public gardens, commissioner for
Bearman Ellen (Mrs.), Six Bells P.H. Bradford street taking acknowledgments of married women & to ad-
Bearman Harry, baker & earthernware dealer, Bradford st minister oaths in the Supreme court, Bocking End
Bearman Jacob, Rose & Crown P.H. brewer & baker, Holland George, Spread Eagle P.H. Church lane
Church street Hnmphreys Bernard, Bull inn, Church street
Bearman Joshua, wheelwright, Church street Hnmphreys Thos. boot & shoe ma. Sunnyside, Rayne rd
Benham William, butcher, Bradford street International Tea Co. grocers, Bocking End
Blanks Alice & Adelaide (Misses), dress ma. Rayne road Ives George, baker & pork butcher, Rayne road
Blanks (Mrs.), apartments, Rayne road Joslin Joseph, Star P.H. Rayne road
Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens (Edward Holmes, Joslin William, farmer, Lyons hall
clerk to the trustees ; William Moat, keeper) Joyce Albert, butcher, Church street
Braintree & Bocking Literary & Mechanics' Institution Kemp Ralph Amos, draper, Bocking End
(Edward Holmes, hon. sec.; Henry Smith, librarian) Knight Charles, chair &i basket mender, Bradford street
Braintree & West Essex Co-operative & Industrial Society Lee Susannah (Mrs.), Black Boy P.H. Church street
(Job I. Butcher, sec. ; Thomas Quinn, manager), Letch Waiter Edward, builder, Bradford street
Bocking end; & (George Thomas Skingle, manager), Ling Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Rayne road
Church street branch Livermore Thomas, plumber, Church street
Brown John Thomas, Horse & Groom P.H. Rayne road Marslen William, gardener & seedsman, Bradford street
Butcher William, beer retailer, Bradford street Martin Eliza (Miss), dress maker, Rayne road
Carr Thomas M.B.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & Mason William Edward, grocer, Bradford street
surgeon, medical officer of health to Braintree Rural Mechanic's Institution (Edward Holmes, sec. ; H. Smith,
Sanitary Authority, Lyncroft librarian), Bocking End
Cemetery (George Eiger, clerk to burial board) Melbourne Susan (Miss), dress maker, Bradford street
Chapman Alfred, wood dealer, Panfield lane Middleton Wm. White Hart hotel, Bocking End
Chapman Alfred Edward, taxidermist, Panfield lane l\Iott Thomas & Frederick, farmers, Panfield lane
Clarke Rhoda (Mrs.), milliner, Sunnyside, Rayne road l\fott Alfred, coal dealer, Church street
Coo.tes Chinery, gardener to Lieut.-Col. Saville J.P. Mott William, farmer, Currants farm
Church lane Nunn Joseph William, blacksmith, Church street
Cooper Annie Sophia (Mrs.), confectioner, Bocking end Oliver Eliza (Mrs.), jobmaster, Bradford street
Cooper Charles, ironmonger & draper, Church street Parmenter Silas, builder & contractor, Bradford street
Cooper Hesther (Miss), dress maker, New road Pasfield Sarah (Mrs.), shoe ma. & post office, Bradford st
Cooper William, ironmonger, Rayne road Peake William, builder, Rayne road
Coppin George Edmnnrl, baker, Bradford street Phillips Sarah (Mrs.), butcher, Bradford street
Cottage Hospital (Miss Laura King, nurse; J. Harrison, Potter Charles, cabinet maker, Bocking End
Percy Richard Stevens, Arnold Scott, Thomas Carr, Potter Mary Ann (Miss), draper, Church street
medical officers; Lt.-Col. Savill, hon. sec.), Halstead rd Pouiter Henry, beer retailer, Bradford street
Courtauld Saml. & Co. Lim. crape manufactrs. Church Pym<tn Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, Bradford street
street; & at Braintree ; Halstead & Earls Colne; & Quy GlOrge, shopkeeper, Bradford street
19 Aldermanbury, London E C Radley Peter, sexton to the Congregational chapel,
Cramp Jsph. coachmn. to S. Courtauld esq. Coggeshall rd Boeking End
Dance Edwin Walker, fruiterer & seedsman, Rayne road Rankin Fredk. King's Head P.H. & brewer, Bradford st
Derisley Charles, Six Bells P.H. Bradford street Raven William, Royal Oak P.H. Church street
Dyer J. & Son, grocers, Church street; & at Braintree Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters, Church lane
Edwards George (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, Bocking end Rippingale Clara (Mrs.), shopkpr. & post office, Church st
Eiger George, registrar of births & deaths Bocking Rogers & Sons, coach builders, Rayne road
sub-district, clerk to Bocking burial board, surveyor Rudkin Haddon, Queen's Head P.H. & painter &c.
of highways & school attendance officer for Bockini & Rayne road
assistant overseer, Bradford street Sewell George, shoe maker, Bradford street
Eve Benjamin, shopkeeper & painter & deputy registrar Scott Arnold M.D.Lon. physician & surgeon, medical
of births & deaths, Bocking sub-district, Bradford st officer to Braintree Union workhouse, Bradford street
Everard Sarah (Mrs.), baker, Bradford street Smith Fred, farmer, Towerlands farm
Fenton Alfred L. tailor, Rayne road Smith Hy. librarian, Mechanics' Institute, Church st
Finch James, beer retailer & baker, Church street Staines John (Mrs.), apartments, Bocking End
French & Hutley, farmers, Doreward's hall Strutt William, boot & shoe maker, Bradford street
Foyster Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, Bradford street Tabor John English, farmer, Bovingdon hall
Fuller Charles, county court bailiff & commission agent, Thompson Alfred, seedsman, Church street
Rayne road Thorne Joseph, beer retailer, Rayne road
Garnham Arthur B. fishmonger & fruiterer, Church st Tutcher Robt. H. head gardener to Sydney Courtauld esq
Gibbs John, beer retailer, Church street Vaizey Jn. Geo. farmr. Great Bradford frm. Coggeshall rd
Goodchild Hannah (Miss), corset maker, Rayne road Walford Waiter, seedsman, Bradford street
Gosling Oliver, brewer, Bradford street "\Varmoll Ernest E. butcher, Bradford street
Green George Ford, carpenter, Bradford street Waters Frederick, blacksmith, Bradford street
Green Maud (Miss), dress maker, Bradford street Whife Frederick Wm. beer retailer, Church street
Hammond James, builder, Albany terrace, Rayne road Wnybrow Thomas, farm bailiff to John English Tabor
Hicks James, baker, Church street esq. J.P. Bovingdon hall, Church street
Holmes Edward, solicitor, clerk to commissioners of Wicks J oanna (Mrs.), laundress, Rayne road
taxes, registrar of Dunmow county court, clerk to Wright Alfred, orchid grower to Sydney Courtauld esq.
Bocking, Braintree & Panfield school boards, to the Coggeshall road
trustees of Bocking charities & to the trustees of Yeldham Charles, insurance agent, Church street

Eyre Walpole Edward, Folly house Coffee & Reading Room plrs. Edward Jeggo Joseph, farmer, Boons
Fuller R. H., M.A.(Unitarian ministr) Woolmer, keeper) Miller Joseph Wm. Hare & Hounds
Lowe Edward Aubrey Courta.ld, Cornell Henry, farmer, Barretts frm P.H. & wheelwright
Sunnyside Davey Frank, clerk, Rose cottage Porter John, cattle dealer & farmer
Chamberlain Joseph, schoolmaster Doidge Jn. gardener to W. Eyre esq Porter Soloman, horse slaughterer
Cooper Joseph, beer retailer Gooding John, grocer & post oilice ·ward John, blacksmith
GREAT BRAXTED (or Brackstead), mentioned in a western belfry of wood with lead-covered spire and
Domesday, is a parish, on the eastern bank of the river containing 2 bells : a plain Norman arch divides the
Blackwater, 3~ miles east from ·witham station on the chancel and nave and there are remains of lancet
main line of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 north windows in the old tower: on the outside of the south
from Maldon, in the Eastern division of the county, wall, on a marble tablet, are inscriptions to the Countess
Witham hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon Delavall, ob. 18 :Kovember, 1683 and to Sir William
union and county court district, rural deanery of Witham, .Ayloff bart. of Braxted, d. Dec. 14. 1730: on the north
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans ; wall of the chancel is a white marble monument to the
the village of Braxted, commonly called "Bung Row," is Rev. Job ~Iarple Wallace M.A. 45 years rector her.e, and
I mile south-east of the church. The church of .An Elizabeth, his wife. The register of baptisms and burials
Saints, situated within Braxted Park, about a quarter of dates from the year 1558, and of marriages from I559·
a mile west of the lodge, is a. small stone building in the The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe
Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave, and rent-charge £469, with residence and 66 acres of glebe,
in the gift of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, and held Elizabeth, to avoid the persecutions of the Duke of Alva,
11ince 1875 by the Rev. William Henry Rowlandson M.A. governor of the Netherlands, 1567-73• they became
formerly fellow and assistant tutor of that college. There wealthy merchants in London and greatly promoted the
are charjities now (1894) amounting to [10 6s. 8d. woollen manufacture which had been introduced here
yearly, and 2os. per year for a sermon on "Mortality," by their persecuted fellow-countrymen. The soil is
left in 1663 by John Frese. Braxted Park, the property mixed, gravel and loam ; subsoil, gravel. The ehief
of Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. D.L. lord of the crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas. The area is
manor and principal landowner, now in the occupation 2,613 acres of land and 22 of water; rateable value,
of Nathaniel T. Lawrence esq.: the mansion was [2,326; th~ population in 1891 was 361.
originally erected by the Darcy family, but altered and Deputy Parish Clerk, Elia" Huxter.
enlarged in 1834 by the late Peter Du Cane esq. who
embellished it with a collection of antiquities and objects Wall Letter Box cleared 6.20 p.m. week days only.
of art brought from Italy and some fine paintings by Letters through Witham, which is the nearest money
old masters: the park, comprising about 500 acres, order office, arrive at 8 a.m. Rivenhall End is tlie
contains many fine trees and is diversified by a lake of nearest telegTaph office
about 20 acres. The family of Du Cane, or Du Quesne, National School (mixed), built in r844, for 70 children;
emigrated from the Low Countries in the reign of Queen average attendance, 6o ; ~Iiss Alice Cook, mistress
Lawrence Nathaniel T. Braxted park wright, agricultural engineer & Patton .Anthony, farm bailiff tQ
Rowlandson Rev. \Villiam Henry M.A. implement agenl James Tuber, Brick House farm
Rectory Fair head William, farmer, Tibtree ho Strutt Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Gooday Thos. fmr. Gt. Braxted Hall Tuber James, miller (water)
Mayn Arthur, farmer Wybrew Selina E. (Mrs.), Du Cane's
Brown George, blacksmith, wheel- Polly \Yilliam, butcher Arms P.H
LITTLE :BRAXTED, mentioned in the Domesday children: here is also an inscribed ledger stone to
Survey, is a parish, about r mile to the west of Great Thomas Roberts esq. of Little Braxted, ob. 20 March,
Braxted, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham 168o, ret. 64: the church was restored in 1856, and again
hundred and petty sessional division, union and county in 1884, the north aisle with eastern vestry being then
court district of Maldon, rural deanery of Witham, added and the organ inclosed by wooden screens. The
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. register dates from the year 1730. The living is 11
The church of St. Nicholas is an ancient and remarkably rectory, average tithe rent-charge £n8; net yearly
small edifice in the Transition Norman style, consisting value £81, with 7~ acres of glebe and residence, in the
of apsidal chancel and nave, under one roof, south tim- gift of Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. and held
bered porch and a western belfry of wood containing 2 since r88r by the Rev. Ernest Geldart T.A.K.C.L.
bells, undated, but of peculiar form, diminishing rapidly Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. is lord of the mannr
in size towards the crown: the total length of this and principal landowner. The soil is arable and light;
diminutive church inside, from east to west is 45 ft. ; subsoil, gravel and marL The chief crops are wheat,
the chancel being r7ft. 6in. in length and 16ft. 3in. barley, peas and beans. The area is 618 acres; rateable
wide, and the nave 28ft. by 16ft. 3in. : one small window value, £5oo; the population in 1891 was 125.
on the north side of the chancel is Norman, the rest Parish Clerk, Thomas Gooday.
belong to the Transition or Lancet period : the walls,
2ft. Bin. thick, are carefully built of rubble masonry, with Pillar Letter Box cleared at 5·55 p.m. week day8 only.
a large admixture of pudding stone in lumps : the font Letters through Witham, which is also the nearest
is a plain octagon standing on a chamfered plinth raised money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7·30 a.m
slightly above the floor: the chancel contains a fine brass National School (mixed), erected in the year 1853 o~
to William Roberts, auditor to Henry VII. ob. 8 October, 1854 by the late Rev. Charles George Grett{)n Towns-
1508; it bears the figures of himself and his two end M.A., J.P. of Berwick Place, Hatfield, for 40
wives, Joyce, daughter of Edward Peryent esq. and children; average attendance, 31; Miss Susan Golding,
Margaret, daughter of Sir William Pyrton, with their mist.resSI
Dudley William Carter, Heath lane Gooday Frank William Wilson, far- Osborne Mrs. Harriet,Green Man P.H
Geldart Rev. Ernest T ..A.K.C.L. mer, Hale's farm Taber Jas. farmer & miller (water),
Rectory Kirby Jn. farm bailiff to James Taber Little Braxted Hall •

BRE N TW... O 0 D.
Brentwood is a town and parish, pleasantly situated on consent of the Bishop of London, Richard iParsons, of
a hill, surrounded by picturesque scenery, and on the W eald and the Abbey and Convent of Waltham; it was
high road from London to Chelmsford and Colchester, dedicated to St. Thomas the Martyr, in honour of
with a station on the main line of the Great Eastern Thomas-a-Becket: the Convent presented the chaplain,
railway, 6 miles west from Billericay, 6 north-east from whose perquisites arose from gifts by travellers on the
Romford, n south-west from Chelmsford and 18 from road and such as came out Df devotion to St. Thoma~.
London; it is the head of a county court district and whence a gate on the highway from Ongar, through
petty sessional division, in the Mid division of the county, which the devotees passed, was called Pilgrim's Hateh,
civil parish of South W eald, Billericay union, rural and the locality bears the name to this day; a portion of
deanery of Barsta;ble, archdeaconry <Jf Essex and diocese this chapel is now standing in the High street, about
of St . .Albans. midway on the south side: in the time of Stephen the
Brentwood, originally Burntwood, is described in hamlet had grown so large and important that a grant
::Moraut's History of Essex as being the chief hamlet in was made to it of a market and two fairs, to be holden
the parish of South Weald; the word "weald" signify- in July and October: upon the dissolution of the monas-
ing "wood." The early history of Brentwood is very tery in 1559, Henry VIII. granted the lands to Thomas
obscure, but the first trustworthy account of its early Lord Cromwell, upon whose attain~er it passed once more
history seems to be that which connects it with Waltham into the hands of the King, and was by him (in 1549)
Abbey; which ~onastery being bestowed by Edward the granted to the Lady Anne of Cleves, his divorced wife:
Confessor on Earl Harold, that nobleman endowed it with it subsequently passed to Sir Anthony Browne and became
seventeen lordships, one of which was South \Yeald and thence an integral part of the manor of South 'Veald and
its hamlets : on the death of Harold, the Conqueror so continues. The assizes were holden in Brentwood
seized the private lands of Harold and apportioned them until the time of George I. when the more central posi-
among his followers ; by this distribution Brentwood tion of Chelmsford occasioned their removal to that tO'Wll.
passed to the line of De-\Vochendon, a descendant The town was re-sewered in r884, at a cost of £6,ooo,
whereof, one William De-\Vochendon, chamberlain to the outfall being at Harold Wood; it is lighted with gas •
Henry I!. in the early part of this monarch's reign, from works the property of the Brentwood Gas Co. and
bestowed his manor of Brentwood on the .Abbey of St. supplied with water from the South Essex \Vater Works,
Osyth at Chich, which had then been founded by Richard at Grays, about 14 miles south, with a reservoir at War-
de Belmeis, Bishop of London, some time previous to ley, 4 miles distant.
III8, and the endowment or grant was confirm('d by the The church of St. Thomas the :Martyr, which stood a.
King. In the year 1221 a chapel was built at Brentwood short distance to the east of the ancient chapel of St.
at the request of David, abbot of St. Osyth and with the Osyth, was entirely rebuilt in 1882-3, at a cost of over
[,22,000, and is a structure of flint with stone d-ressings, for public meetings, lectures, balls and concerts, and
in the Early English style, from designs by Mr. Ernest holding soo persons; there are also other rooms, and in
Lee, architect, consisting of chancel, nave with cleres- front is an illuminated clock.
tory, aisles, and a tower on the north side with spire, The 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Essex Regiment..
added in 1886, and containing a clock and 8 bells, given has its head quarters at the Drill Hall, Ongar road, a
as a memorial to the lat-e Rev. Charles Alm_eric Belli M.A. commodious and substantial edifice of brick, erected in
vicar of South Weald 1823-77: the lower stage of the 1886, at a cost of [,2,ooo; the F Company of the Bat~
tower forms a porch; there are 1,o5o sittings. The talion is also stationed here.
register for ma:rriages and baptisms dates from 1695 ; The Congregational Church Young Men's Institute has
burials, 1741. The living is a vicarage, average tithe premises in the New road.
rent-charge £70, net yearly value £216, including 17 Brickmaking and brewing are carried on here. Fairs
acres of glebe, with residence, in tile gift of Christopher are held here on October 16th and 17th.
.J. H. Tower esq. of Weald Hall, and held since 1876 by At the top of the High street there is a monument,
the Rev. Charles Grinstead :l\I.A. of St. Catharine's Col- erected by public subscription in 1861 to William Hunter,
lege, Cambridge, and Rural Dean of Barstable, A vicar- a Protestant martyr and a native of Brentwood, who at
age house, in the Ingrave road, was erected in the year the early age of 19 was burned near this spot by order of
1878. Bishop Bonner, in tb.e reign of Queen Mary, March 26th,
The Catholic Church, dedicated to the Sacred Heart 1555.
and St. Helen, is an edifice in the Gothic style, erected in Gittan's charity of [,1, left in 1711, is derived from
186o and 1861, at a cost of £2,500, raised by subscrip- land situated at Pilgrim's Hatch, and supplies IS. each to
'tion; it has a lofty spire and several stained windows; 20 poor people yearly. Massa's charity of £150, left in
the baptistery' has recently ( 1894) been elabOTately deco- 1771, produces £4 16s. and is for coals. Martin's charity
rated. There are also schools and a convent in connection of £I,ooo Consols produces £30 yearly, and is for coals or
with this church and a small orphanage for boys, en- wood. Newman's charities of £so, £II5 and £121, pro-
dowed by Helen Ann, Countess Tasker, of Middleton Hall, duce £8 12s. 2d. yearly, which is distributed in various
Shenfield, who died in 1887. An orphanage for guls was ways to the poor. Mr. Robert Cross left in 1879 £5oo,
added in 1889: now £2£ per Cents. the interest of which is divided
The Congregational chapel, in :Xew road, was built in yearly amongst six poor people (families or widows)
z847 and enlarged and rebenched in 1872, at a cost of residing in Brentwood or the immediate vicinity.
£1,ooo; a fine organ has been since added, at a cost of The Rosslyn Toilers' Rest, Rose Valley, formerly a large>
about £5oo, and in 1873 a school was built at a cost of private house, has (1894) been adapted and established
over [,1,ooo. The "lVesleyan chapel in "\Varley road was by the Countess of Rosslyn, in memory of her husband,
built in 1892, at a cost of about £1,IOO, and affords 392 for the benefit of the East end poor.
sittings; the old chapel is now used as a school, and there Five acres of land has been taken by the Brentwood
is a Baptist chapel in King's road, and a meeting room Rural Sanitary Committee, and is let out in allotments.
for The Brethren on Primrose hill. The Dissenting The area is 354 acres, 21 poles; r·ateable value,
Mission Hall, in Back street, will hold about 250 persons, £21,022; the population in 1881 was 4,653, and in 1891,
and is also used for temperance meetings. 4,949, including 540 in the Ha.ckney Union Training
The Cemetery of 6 acres, at Brook Street hill, was School.
()pened in 1893, and is under the control of a Burial Board Verger and Sexton, Henry Thomps<m, Alfred road.
The Town Hall, in High street, built in 1864, contains
a large hall, 74 feet long by 37 feet wide, well adapted


Post, 1\I. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Parcel Post & Annuity & & of which notice will be given by the clerk, & ever'j
Insurance Office, High street. Ellis Robert Symond>l, alternate thursday for general business through the
postmaster year
Dispatches for London & all parts at g.IO, 10 & 10.45 The following places are included in the divil!lion : -
- a. m. 3, 4.30, 8.30 & 10 p.m. :for Chelmsford, Ingatestone, Bassildon, Benfl.eet (~orth), Bowers Gifford, Brentwood,
Witham, Braintree, Maldon & Ipswich, at 1.35 p.m. ; Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little), Childerditch,
for Bishops Stortford, Cambridge, Peterboro', through- Doddinghurst, Downham, Dunton, Cranham, Horndon
out" Lincoln & East Riding of York, 7·45 p.m.; for (East), Horndon ("\Vest), Button, Ingrave, Laindon,
lngatestone, Chelmsford, Colchester, Maldon, Ipswich Lee ,Chapel, Mountnessing, N evendon, Pit sea, Ramsden
.& Norwich, 8.30 p.m. & for Romford, at w p.m. for Bellhouse, Ramsden Grays, Shenfield, Vange, Warley
Billericay, 5.30 p.m. Sundays for London at 8.30 & (Great), Warley (Little), Weald (South), Wickford
10 p.m.; Romford, 10 p.m.; Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Public Establishments.
Colchester, Ipswich & Norwich at 8.30 p.m
Deliveries. From London & all parts, 7 & II a.m. & 3 The County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an eminence,
& 6 p.m.: from Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Colchester, about half a mile from the Brentwood station, on the
~Ialdon, Ieswich, Romford & Norwich. 7 a. m. & 5 . 30 p.m Cres~ent road, is a building in the Elizabethan style,
~Ioney Order & Savings Bank business (including annuity opened in 1853: in 1864 it was enlarged by the erection
& insurance), from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. daily of three additional blocks, in 1871 another block was
Town, Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuitv & In- added for 25~ female patients, and in 1888 a further
surance Office, 1Varley road, Charles Frederick Lloyd. extension was made for 450 male patients, the whole
sub-postmaster; post & money order office, savings is now (1894) available for 1,400 patients; the wards
bank &i annuity business, 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; sat. till are !'pacious and airy, many commanding an extensive
8 p.m. Box cleared for dispatch at 8. 45, 9. 30 & 10. 20 prospect: upwards of 130 acres of land, including the
~.m. & 2.40, 4.20 (local letters only), 7 . 20 & 9 . 20 p.m. ; Brentwood Hall estate, purchased in 1873, are attached
sunday, 12. 20 p.Itl to the asylum and comprise a farm, kitchen-gardens
County Magistrates for the Brentwood Petty Sessional and pleasure grounds ; the farm and garden being
Division. cultivated by the patients under the superintendence of
attendatJ.ts. Visiting d:~ys to pat~ents a:re on any week day
For Billericay Sub-Division, see Billericay. but not more frequently than once in fourteen days-
J>etre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund Bay. cottage, There are branch a.;ylums at Brunswick House, Mistley,
Brentwood, chairman for 5 female patients; Harold Court, Harold ·wood, for
'Cook James Williams esq. Hampden house, Warley road, 65 male patients; and The Chestnuts, Hoe Street, Wait~
Brentwood hamstow, for 70 female patients. George Amsden M.B.,
Horton John Hy. esq. ~Iascalls, South 1Yeald, Brentwood C.~I. medical superintendent; John Turner M.B., C.M ..
Ind Edward esq. D.L. Coombe lodge, 1Yarley, Brentwood senior; Frank Hod<:on Bromhead B.A., M.B., B. C.
Lescher Joseph Francis esq. D.L. Boyles court, South second; Thomas Lawrence Pawlett L.R.C.P.Lond ..
Weald, Brentwood third assistant mwiical officers; Rev. Henry Stephens
Lescher Edmund Charles esq. Boyles court, South Weald, ~LA. chaplain; Walter Payne Gepp, Chelmsford,
Brmtwood clerk to the visitors; William Michael Tufnell,
~!organ David John esq. Cecil house, Bentley, Brentwood Chelmsford, tieasurer, & treasurer of benevolent fund;
Sperling Henry R. esq. Weald Side house, Brentwood William Herbert Roscoe, clerk to the asylum; Joseph
'Tabrum Burnett esq. The Grange, Brentwood Tomlinson, di'>penser &, clerk to the medical superin-
Tower Christopher John Hume esq. D.L. Weald hall, tendent; G. Schilling, store keeper; W. Brown, clerk '
South Weald, Brentwood of the works and engineer; Miss Elizabeth Rogers,
Clerk to the ~Iagistrates, Charles Carne Lewis, ~ ew rd ' matron.
'Petty Sessions every thursday at the Court House at 10 I Cemetery, Warley road; Frank London, High street,
a.m. under the Summary Jurisdiction Act if necessary, clerk to the Burial Board; Kehemiah Bacon, se::s:ton.
County Court, Court house, New road, His Honor John Places of Worship, with time of services.
Paterson; Charles Carne Lewis, registrar; C. Godfrey, St. Thomas the Martyr Church, Rev. Chas. Grinstead
Romford, hiJgh bailiff. William King, assistant bailiff M.A. vicar; Rev. Henry Frederick Victor Carter &
The parishes comprising the district are the following :- Rev. Gilbert Arthur Newcomen, curates, 7 & 8 a.m.
BassildOill, Billericay, Bla.ckmore, Bobbingworth, Brent· (holy communion), n a.m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; daily,
wood, B_ulpham, Burstead (Great), Burstffid (Little), 9·45 a.m. & 5 p.m.; wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m.; daily,
Childerditch, Corringham, Doddinghurst, Downham, Holy Communion, 7.30 a.m
Dunton, Fobbmg, Fyfield, Greenstead, Hornd<Jn (East), Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart & St. Helen, Heron-
Horndon (West), Horndon-on-tihe-Hil1, Button, Ingrave, gate road, Rev. Thomas Francis Norris M.R. priest &
Kelvedon Hatch, Laindon, Lang-don Hill, Laver High, rural dean; hours of service, mass 8 & n a.m. 3 p.m. ;
Matching Green, Moreton, Mountnessing, Navestock, devotions, sermon & benediction, 6.30 p.m. ; thurs.
Nevend~14 N!OrWln. Mandevillle, Ongar (Chipping), benediction 7 p.m. ; wed. & fri. in Lent & Advent 7.30
Ongar (jligh), Orsett, Ramsden Crays, Ramsden Bell- p.m. ; daily. mass 8 a.m. ; holidays of obligation, mas:~
house Shelley, Shenfield, South Weald, Stanford-le- 8 & 10 a.m. & 7 p.m
Hope, 8_tanford Rivers, Stondon-Massey, Theydon- Baptist, Queen's road, Rev. William Walker; I I a.m. &
Mount, Vange, Warley (Great), Warley (Little) 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 6.30 p.m
For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that Congregational, Rev. Waiter Legerton; 10.30 a.m. &
of Chelmsford ; C. Mercer, senior official receiver ; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
H. Shirtcliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple Plymouth Brethern, Primrose hill; 6.30 p.m
chambers, London E.C. Wesleyan Methodist, Warley road; Rev. John Perrett,
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress Romford; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 6.30 p.m
Amendment Act" :-Abraham John Tlwrne, High Schools.
street ; John Haltridge, Railway bridge.
Fire Brigade, Engine house, Back street, E Andrews, The Endowed Free Grammar School was founded &
captain & 8 men, 2 manuals endowed by Sir Anthony Browne kt. & Dame Joan hia
Inland Revenue Office, Queen's road; Alfred Green wife, in the reigns of King Philip & Queen Mary & of
Mark Master Masons (377), Brentwood lodge, White Queen Elizabeth; this Sir Anthony Browne, serjeant-at-
Hart hotel, second thursday in May & July, 4 p.m.; law at the time of the foundation, July 5, xssz,
F. Landon, sec. became afterwards, in 1558, Lord Chief Justice of
Masonic Lodge (214 Hope & Unity), White Hart hotel, the Common Pleas ; on the death of Queen Mary he
4th thurs. Jan. April, July, Oct. 4 p.m.; J. C<Joper was removed, but Queen Elizabeth is said to have
Quennell, treasurer; F. Landon P.M. sec. entertained so h1gh an opinion of his talents that she
Police Station, Queen's road; George Alien, superinten- permitted him to retain the office of judge so long as
dent, 2 sergeants & 8 constables he lived; he died May 6, 1567 & was buried at South
Stamp Office, Ellis Robert Symonds, High street W eald church. A year subsequent to the foundation
Town Hall, High street, Richard Earthy, sec of the school, Sir Anthony & his wife built & endowed
almshouses for five poor persons of the parish of
Volunteers. South Weald & the hamlets of Brentwood & Brook
Essex Volunteer Infantry Brigade. Street, charging certain estates in Dagenham & else-
:Formed' of the 1st, 3rd & 4th Volunteer Battalions, where with their support & in part with the support
Essex Regiment of the school : the revenue arising from these estates
Head quarters, Roden house, Brentwood in time amounted to nearly £I,soo a year, & on the
Commanding brigade, Lieut.-Col. P. C. Yorke termination of a Chancery suit in 1851 a re-adjustment
Aide-de-Oamp, Capt. W. H. D. Aston-Lewis, 14th of the scheme became necessary. The school
Midilesex V.R.C is now conducted under a new scheme of the Charity
Brigade Major, Lieut.-Col. John Grant .Anderson Commissioners, dated 1893, & is controlled by a body
Supply & Transport Officer, Lt.-Col. C. G. Brown, 4th of governors, of whom some act ex-officio, others being
Vol. Batt. Essex Reg representative & the remainder eo-optative. The
1st Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, head quarters, parishes comprised within the limits prescribed by
Drill Hall, Qngar road; Ho.n. Col. W. J. Burgess V.D. the founders are :-South Weald, Great & Little War-
commandant; F. Landon & I. J. H. G. Ibbetson, ley, Cranham, Childerditch, Doddinghurst, East & West
majors ; Capt. E. N. Cubitt, instructor of musketry; Horndon, Ingrave, Hutton, Mountnessing, Shenfield,
Capt. T. G. Hopkins, adjutant; Hon. Capt. J. A. Kelvedon, Hatch, Romford, Brentwood, Navestock &;
Ree-d, qumrter master; F Co~ Capt. & Hon. Major Upminster. The scholars number about xoo on th~
F. H. ThirlwaJl, commandant; G. H. Baxter & E. average. There is a leaving exhibition of £4o a year,.
Bean, lieuts.; Surg.-Lieut. Albert "\Yilliam Wallis, founded by Mrs. S. Ilall & tenable by boys proceeding
medical officer; Sergeant J. McManus, drill instructo[' to Oxford or Cambridge. Edwin Bean esq. M.A. lah~
scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, head master ;
Public Officers. assistant masters, J. A. Smith, S. Vanes B.A., H. D.
Assistant Overseer & Rate Collector, Joseph William L. Viener B.A., & J. E. Perks; Rev. H. Stephens
Armour, Ingrave road M.A. chaplain
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Hundreds Hackney Union Training Schols for 6oo children; these
of Barstable & Chafford, clerk to Brentwood School & schools are between Brentwood & Brook Street &
Charity & clerk to Brentwood Burial Board & Christ belong to the guardians of Hackney union ; the boys.
Church Warley Burial Board, clerk to Conservators of are trained to industrial pursuits & are also taught
Shenfield Common, Frank Landon, High street instrumental music with a view to their joining
Coroner for the Southern Division of Essex & Superin- regimental bands; J. Epton Hadwick, supt.; Mrs.
!endent Registrar & Vaccination Officer for Billericay J. E. Hadwick, matron; Rev. S. R. Gilpin, chaplain;
District, Charles Carne Lewis, New road Albert William Wallis, medical officer
Collector of Poor Rates, Jsph. Wm. Armour, Ingrave rd London School Board Industrial School, Prospect house,
Deputy Coroner for the Southern Division of Essex, John for boys only, in Rose valley, near the railway statior:,
Lewis Quennell, New road opened in 1874, in which year it was certified; there
Inspector of Weights & Measures & under the Sale of are 100 boys, who are also taught regimental band
Food & Drugs Act, George Alien, Queen's road music ; Henry Hartland, governor ; Mrs. Hartland,
Medical Officer of Health, Ongar Rural District, John matron; Thomas Humphries, schoolmaster
Cooper Quennell, Mansion house, High street St. Charles Diocesan Schools (Catholic), "'heal lane, for
Medical Officer, Brentwood District, Billericay Union, the reception of children from the workhouses, are
.Albert William Wallis, High street pleasantly & healthily situated near the town, & are
Relieving Officer for the Western District of the Billeri- under the direction of the Religious Order of tha
cay Union, Edward William Cottee, Rose valley Brothers of Mercy ; the cost of the erection is esti-
Sanitary Inspector for the Billericay Rural Authority, mated at £36,ooo; the schools are partly supported by
Samuel Shelley, Junction road the Guardians of the Poor : His Eminence Cardinal
School Attendance Officer to Billericay Rural Attendance Vaughan is head manager ; Rev. Frederick Smith,
Committee, William King, Victoria road, Brentwood chaplain; Brother Arthur Doyle, direct<Jr of the school
Steward of the Manors of Ramsden, Barringtons & National, Queen's road, built in 1869, enlarged in 1877 &
Fremna.Jls, South Weald, Costead, Calcott, Dodding- again in 1893 for 690 children; average att~ndance,
hurst, Chigwell Grange, & Shenfield, Frank Landon 230 boys, 200 girls & 220 infants~ Frederick Bittles.
Stewards of the Manors of Costead, Calcott, South Weald, master; Miss Kendal, girls' mistress ; Miss Louisa.
& Shenfield, Edward Palmer Landon & Harcourt J oliffe, infants' mistress
Palmer Landon Catholic (mixed), for 150 children; average attendance;
'fown Crier, James Carswell, Shenfield common no, & 6o infants; the Sisters of Mercy, teachers
Newspaper. John Emery, railway contractor & carrier, High street
Essex Times, Wilson &; Whitworth Limited, High street,
publishers ; wed. & sat Carriers.
Conveyance. To London &; Chelmsford, W. Dnffin, from High streetp
Railway Station, Edward King, station master mon. wed. &; fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fawcett Surg.-Lt.-Col. William James ~lunday Henry, Rose Valley
M.B. Copenhagen ho. Warley rd Newcomen Rev. Gilbert Arthu:r
Agnew Henry, The Wisterias, High st Fielder Charles .Alfred,_ Queen's road (curate), Gleadowe, Queen's road
Amsden George M.B., C.:M. Asylum Fiske Edwin, Tiverton lo. Rose valley Norris Rev. Thomas Francis (Catho-
Crescent road Fonceca Mrs. Warley road lie), The Presbytery, Ingrave road
A.nderson Lieut.-Col. John Grant, Ford Waiter, Laurel Mnt. Warley rd Paine Daniel George, I4 Westburyrd
Neyland house, Warley road Forde Lieut. George (Army Service Pawlett Thomas Lawrence L.R.C.P.
Ashbee W. Neville, 17 Westbury rd Corps), 2 Fir villas, Crescent road Land. (third assist. med. officer)p
Baker Benjamin, High ·street Forster Miss, Grove villa, Crown st Asylum, Crescent road
Baker George, Oak bank, Ongar rd Foyster George, 3 Westbury road Payne John Hy. Homefield, Crown st
Baker George Thos. Bank ho. High st Frazer Samuel, Warley road Peacock Edward Beck, 11 Westbury rd
Baker Mrs. Coptfold road French Edward, Queen's road Pearson Lieut.-Col. Arthur J. R.A_
Barker William F. Crescent road Garden Misses, Manor house, High st Lynn house, Warley road
Barrett Jn. Granville ho. Crescent rd Gardiner Arthur Stephen, Fern villa, Perks J. E. (assistant master), Gram-
Barrett William, Rose valley Crescent road mar School
Barrow Miss, Queen's road Garrood Arthur W. High street Perry Miss, 2 Westbury villas
Bean Edwin M.A. (head master) Gingell George, 13 Westbury road Petre Hon. Frederick Chas. Edmund
Grammar School Godley Mrs. Yew villa, Warley road J.P. Bay cottage
Bell James, Warwick lodge, Queen's rd Goode Jn.Chas.TheGrnge.Queen's rd Powell Mrs. St. Thomas' hill~
Betteridge Jas. Rose cot. Junction rd Gowar William Hy. A. Crescent rd Queen's road
Biggs James, Westbury lodge Graham N. C. Rose mt. Queen's rd Price Le0nard, Ash villa, Warley rd.
Binder John James, Ongar road Green Alfred, I Queen's road Proud Richard, Queen's road
Bittles Fredk. Wm. Shenfield com Gribble Edwin Frank, 1 Richmond Quennell John, Ooptfold road
Blaikie Mrs. 2 Westbury road villas, Crown street Quennell John Cooper, High street
Borton Capt. Charles, Woodland ho. Grinstead Rev. Charles M.A. (vicar Quennell Robert William, The Cot-
Warley road &; rural dean), The Vicarage, In- tage, High street
Bowen Henry St{)rer, Eastfield lo. grave road Rayner Charles, I Westbury terrace
Eastfield road Hadwick J. Epton Read Jn. Jervis, High ho. Rose valley;
Brice Thomas, Berne villa Haltridge John, Abbey lo. Crown st Reeve :Miss, Queen's road
Brook Charles, Arnold ho. Warley rd Harlock Hy. Windsor ho. Warley rd Richardson Edward, I9 Westbury rd
Bromhead Frank Hodson B.A., M.B., Harrison Geo. H. Yalley ho. Weald la Rist Robert G. The Laurels, High st
B.C. second assist. med. officer), Hartland Hy. Prospect ho. Rose valley Robinson Anthony Geo. Shenfield lo
Asylum, Crescent road Harvey Mrs. 15 Westbury road Rolfe White Robert, Crescent villa,
Brown Arthur Henry, .Crown street Havers Stanislaus Joseph, Queen's rd Crescent road
Brown Geo. Primrose hill, Queen's rd Higgs Henry High street Rouse P. Fitzroy, I6 Westbury rd
Brown Leonard Albun George, 7 Arch Hill Jeremiah, Fernleigh, Warley rd Sadd Alfred Henry, 8 Westbury rd
cottage, Shenfield Common Hill Thomas, Oakfield lo. Warley ra Salt Miss, Crown street
Brown Thomas, The Rallies, Ongar rd Hitch Arthur, 2 The Villas, Rose Savill James, Verandah cot. Crown st
Browne Tom, Io· Westbury road Valley Savill Jn. Thos. Craven villa, High st
Byfmd Alfred Thomas, The Lrmes, Hudson William Richard, 2 Oxford Saywood Mrs. I Bay villas, Warley rd
Crescent road villas, Queen's road Scott Edgar Webster, 9 Westbury rd.
Carter Rev. Henry Fredericfi Victor Hughes Charles Alfred, Queen's road Scott Mrs. Avenue road
(curate), Gleadowe, Queen's road Jackson George, 4 Rose Valley villas Sheppee Arthur Raynsford, The
Chalk Miss, Aspley house, Warley rd Jackson Miss, Rose valley Lions, Junction road
Chesshire Rev. Humphrey Pountney Jackson Robert, Rose valley SimondsMrs.Northian vil.Crescent rd
M.A. Rose bank, Rose Valley Jackson William Minchin, Albany Smale~ Miss Katharine, St. Swithuns,.
Chick Arthur, 4 Rose Valley villas, villas, Warley mount Ongar road -
Rose Valley Joliffe Miss, St. Thomas' road Smith Charles, Queen's road
Church Thomas James, Queen's road Keith Wm. The Cornwalls, High st Smith Rev. Frederick (Catholic),.
Clowes Mrs. Carlton house, Warley rd K:"enner James Binmore (Head master King's road
Cole Horace William, High street of the High school), Rose valley Smith J. A. (assistant master),.
Colson Miss, 2 Crown vils .Queen's rd King Frederick Robert, Halcyon ho. Grammar school
Cook Edmund Hall, Methuck villa, Warley mount Souper Charles E. Brook Street Hill
Warley road Kruse Herbert C. I Fir villas, Cres- & the Grammar School
Cook James Williams J.P. Hampden cent road Stephens Rev. Henry M.A. (chap-
house, Warley road Landon Frank, Red house lain to CoURty Lunatic Asylum).
Cooper Mrs. The Cedars, Queen's rd Larkin George Thomas, St. Thomas' Hylton villa, Warley road
Copeland Mrs. Junction road hill, Queen's road Stoneham Mrs. 4 Westbury road
Cousins Ralph, Cowee, Hornsby ho. Larkin .John William, Queen's road Stoneham Wm. Bellevue, Queen's rd
Queen's road Lee Mrs. I2 Westbury road Tabrnm Burnett J.P. The Grange.
Cox Mrs. The Ferns, Westbury road Legerton Rev. Waiter (Congrega- Queen's road
Croisdale Captain Richard, Vale villa, gational), Bellevue ho. Primrose hl Taylor Char:es Richard :1\I.A., LL.D_
Rose valley Legerton Mrs. Queen's road Shenfield house
Crowe Jsph. Jn. Gweedore, Crown st Lewis Charles Came, Shenfield villa Thornton Miss, Prospect villa, War-
Cuthbert Miss, The Mount, Queen's rd Lloyd Charles Frederick, Avenue rd ley road
Dalton Misses, St. Thomas' hill, Longmore Russell, 22 Westbury road Tower Beauchamp, Warley Mount,.
Queen's road Lucking John, Rose valley Warley road
Darby Alfred, High street Macey Mrs. Melville lodge, High st Townend Frederick Bedborough, 7
Davey George. Elm cottage Maquire Col. Constantine, Cottes- "\Yestbury raad
Davies The Misses, Warescot house, more, Queen's road Turner Mrs. Carlton villa, High st
Warley road McLaren Herbert, New road Turner John M.B., C.M. (sen. assist.
Dawson Mrs. Camden lo. 1Varley rd Marlton Lawrence John, Queen's rd med. officer), Asylum, Crescent rd
Daynes William Dean, Terrace villa Maurel Mrs. 5 Eastfield road Turner 1Villiam, Queen's road
Deverill Mrs. Victoria grove Mee Misses, Grove villa&, Cro"n st Vanes S., B.A. (assist. master)~
Dobson John, Bristol villa, Avenue rd Morgan William H. I Grape villas, Grammar school
Done John, I Junction road Warley road Viener H. D. L., B.A. (assistant mas-
Dowson Joseph, 20 1Yestbury road Morris Henry, Junction road ter), Grammar school
Duchesne Robert.• 6 Westbury road Mott George, Warley road Wales Waltr. I The Viis. Rose valley
Earle Mrs. The Priory, High street Moull Mrs. Valentine villa, Warley rd Walker Rev. Wm.(Baptist), Warleyrd
Earthy Richd. Pleasant ho. King's rd Moull William, Western villa Wallis Albert William, High street
Escott Mrs. Rose valley ~{oxly Rev. Joseph Henry Sutton Wallis Miss, High street
Evans Henry B. Avenue road
Faning ~lrs. 2 Westbury terrace
I B.A. (chaplain at Barracks), Cres-
cent road
Webb William James, Rose Valley vils
\\'heeler Mrs. Shenfield common

Winter Joseph, Corner ho. King's rd \Yoodrow Mrs. Cromer vil. Warleyrd
White J ames, High street
White Robert, Warley road
Windsor Mrs. The Limes, W arley rd Richmond villa, Cro"'lfn street
Woods Arthur Thomas Gunnell, Young Jn. Guildford lo. Queen's rd

cmniERCIAL. Coffee Tavern (Thomas William Cowling, proprietor),

Abrey Daniel, carpenter, Cromwell road Victoria terrace, ·warley road
Alderton "\Villiam, carpenter, Ongar road Coleman Henry, china & earthenware dealer, Warley road
Alien George, inspector of weights & measurea & super- Collard Thomas, beer retailer, Back street
intendent of County Police, Queen's road Collin George Alhert, baker, Junction road
Amos Joseph, picture frame maker, New road Collins James, baker & confectioner, High street
Andrews Elijah, plumber, High street Cornell Edward, beer retailer, James' place, King's road
• Armour Joseph William, assistant overseer & rate col- Congregational Church Young Men's Institute (J. T •
. lector & assessor & collector of Queen's taxes, Ingrave rd "\Vest, hon. sec.), New road
Arnold Francis William, outfitter, Queen's road Coombe Thomas A. butcher, High street
Attfield Samuel, King's Head P.H. High street Cottee Edward William, relieving officer for the Western
:Baker Edward (Mrs.), pork butcher, High street district of the Billericay union & collector to guardians
:Baker George Thomas, manager of London & County & registrar of births & deaths for Brentwood sub-dis-
Bank, High street trict, Rose valley
:Baker Sarah (~Irs.), pork butcher, High street County Court (His Honour John Paterson, judge; C. C.
:Bannister Henry, jobmaster, Queen's road Lewis, .registrar; C. Godfrey, Colchester, high bailiff),
Bardell Edmund, carman & contractor, Cromwell road Court house, New road
Barkwith Charles, Victoria P.H. Ongar road Cramphorn Octavius Christian, corn, hay & straw dealet
Earrett John, maltster & coal merchant, King's road & seed merchant, Warley road & High street
Bearman James Edmund, wardrobe dealer, Ongar road Creed John Mailing, pork butcher, High street
Bedwell Elizabeth (Mrs.), saddler, High street Crabb George, boot maker, Crown street
Bell Edward, chimney sweeper, Back street Creed William, Bell inn, High street
Bell William, boot maker, Junction road Crowe Joseph John, linen draper &c. High street &
Beningfield Arthur E. coal & brick mer. Queen's rood Vjctoria terrace, Warley road
BE>nnett Albert E. baker, Crown street Cruse Henry, coffee tavern, High street
Binks Joseph E. fishmonger, Col'ltfold road Cubitt Edward Neville, architect & surveyor, 7 High. i1i
Birch Andrew, boot maker, Tower hill Cumbers Ernest, shopkeeper, Crown street
Bones George, coffee house keeper, High street Cumbers Philip, beer retailer, Tower hill
Boughtwood Frank, bread & biscuit baker, High street Curtis .John, hair dresser, King's road
Eowtell Frederick James, house decorator, Queen's road Daldy & Co. coal merchants, Railway station
Eradford Thomas, smith & farrier, Shenfield common Davis Harry, beer retailer, Back street
Brenes Frederick Henry, carpenter & joiner, King's road Deadman Aaron, grocer, High street
13rentwood Conservative Club (Alfred Darby esq. hon. Disney Joseph, glass & china dealer, King's road
sec.), Crown street Dowsett William, cattle dealer, High street
Brentwood County Lunatic Asylum (George Amsden Drake James Henry, baker & confectioner, High street
M.B., C.M:. medical superintendent; John Turner Drew & Co. ladies' & children's outfitters, High street
}<LB., C.M.; Frank Hodson Bromhead B.A., M.B., Eastwood Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Coptfold terrace
B.C.; Thomas Lawrence Pawlett L.R.C.P. Lond. as- I Edwards Jn. organist & musical instrument dlr. High st
sistant medical officers ; Rev. Henry Stevens M:.A. Elkington Francis, watch & clock maker, High street
chaplain; Waiter Payne Gepp, Chelmsford, clerk to the Ellis J. & Sons, wheelwrights & coachbldrs. off Queen's rd
visitors; William M:ichael Tufnell, Chelmsford, trea- Ellis Joshua, beer retailer, Queen's road
surer; William Herbert Roscoe, clerk; J oseph Tom- Emery J olm, railway contract{)r, furniture remover k
linson, dispenser & clerk to medical superintendent; warehouseman, High street
G. Schilling, storekeeper; "\V. Brown, clerk of the Emson Erie, fancy draper, High street
works & engineer; Miss Elizabeth Rogers, matron); Essex Times (Wilson & Whitworth Limited, publishers;,
Crescent road published wed. & sat.), High street
Brentwood & District Loan Society (H. Lucas, sec.; Farley Ernest, refreshment house, High street
William Creed, treasurer), Bell inn, High street Farmer George & Sons, blacksmiths, High st. & Back st
"Brentwood High School (boys) (James Einmore Kenner, Fayers William, baker, Shenfield common
head master), Rose valley Fielder & Co. brewers, maltsters & coal mers. King's rd
Brentwood Horticultural Society (W. Keith, hon. sec.; Fire Brigade (E. Andrews, captain), Engine ho. Back st
T. W. Haws, sec.), High street Fisher George A. The Castle P.H. Ongar road
Brewster Robert, butcher, Warley road Fitch George, cab proprietor, High street
Bridges Francis, butcher, High street Flack William, manager Model Lodging house, High st
Brimley Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' school, St. Thomas' rd Flutter Frederick A. confectioner & baker, High street
:Brown Arthur Henry, professor of music, Crown street Fogden Andrew, draper, High street
Brown George, boot & shoe maker, :North road Fowler Charles, draper, High street
:Bruty Henry, plasterer, Hill cottage, Crescent road Fox Henry, ·white Horse P.H. High street
:Bryan Kate (Miss), ladiei!' school, Montpelier house, Frazer Samuel, physician & surgeon, Queen's road
Queen's road Free Grammar School (.t:dwin Bean esq. M.A., head mas)
Buckle John, grocer & provision merchant, High street French Edward, fishmonger, High street
Eurford Frank W. photographer, High street French Philip, saddler, South street
Eurgess William James & Charles Thomas, engineers & Gambell Jesse, grocer, "\Varley road
ironfounders, Ongar road Garrett Ernest, boot maker, North road
Burgess Frank R. printer & stationer, High street Gas Works (Thomas James Church, manager; Charles
Eurley Charles Onesimus (Mrs.), nurseryman & tobac- Alfred Fielder, sec)
conist, High street Gibs on Mary Ell en (Mrs.), confectioner &c. 4 The Parade
Burtwell George, plumber & glazier, High street Gingell & Brown, wine & spirit merchants, High street
Bury Edwin, bricklayer, Cromwe:l road Giradot & Co. Limited (branch), maltsters & merchants,
Byford Alfred Thomas, teacher of music, The Limes, King's road
Crescent road Guest Edward Percival, chemist, High street
Carswell George, The Queen's inn, Coptfold road Gunu William, confectioner, High street
Carswell James, town crier & bill poster, Shenfield corn Gutteridge Henry, baker, Queen's road
CE>metery (Frank Lamdon, clErk to the Burial Board; Gutteridge 'Yilliam, baker, Cromwell road
Nehemiah Bacon, sexton), Warley road Hadwick J. Epton, superintendent of Hackney Union
Chamberlain Elizabeth (~Irs. ), laundress, Ongar road Training Schools
Charter George Purchas, linen draper, Hi~h street Hagan & Smith, plumbers, Back street
Choat William, beer retailer, Junction road Hagan Gemge, painter, Tower hill & see Hagan & Smith
Church of England Young Men's Society (F. Davey, hon. Halfhide Waiter J. plumber, 'Varley road
sec.), Church house, Xew road Haltrldge John, auctioneer, valuer & land agent,
Church Thomas James, manager of the gas works estates managed k rents collected; publisher of the
Clarke Samuel, jobmaster, King's road "Essex Property Register," periodical sales of pro-
Clarke "\Yilliam Edwin, shopkeeper k beer retailer, perty & furniture, Railway bridge. Telegrams, "Hal-
Waterloo road tridge, Brentwood"
Claydon Robert, bricklayer, Que~n's road Hammond Alfred, greengrocer, Ongar road
Cloughton John, boot n;taker, Kmg's. road Hammond Edward, builder & stationer, Crown street
Cockerell James & "\Villiam, blacksmiths, off Queen's rd Hammond Joseph Bewitt, china & furniture dlr. High st
Harlock Henry, steward to C. J. H. Tower esq. D.L., Miles George, boys' school, Hope villa, Rose valley
J.P. Windsor house, 'Varlev road ~liller Harry, builder & timber mer. Yi~toria saw mills

Hartland Henry, governor of the Industrial Schools, Pros- ~!iller Henry, sign writer, Ongar road
pect house Moss William, whitesmith, Rose cottage, Crown street
Hatt Henry, boot maker, King's road ~Iulvany John, Royal Essex Arms P.H. & Great Eastern
Haws Thomas Wat€rs, builder k stone mason, King's rd hotel, Railway station
Haylett Elizabeth Mary (~Iiss), grocer, High street Newman Charles Isaac, cooper, Crown street
Haylett ~Iurriam ~-·-'-rs.), baker, High street Newman Waiter, saddler, High street
Herbert Ellen Jane (Mrs.) & Florence Ellen (Miss), Nice Henry, beer retailer, High street
dress makers, Back street Nicholls George, Yorkshire Grey P.H. High street
Herbert James, stone & marble mason, King's road Offin Charles, currier & leather merchant, High street
Hill J. & Co. brewers k maltsters, The Brentwood Ong Henry, greengrocer, Crown street
brewery, Warley rd. k wine & spirit mers. High st Orton Charles, draper, High .street
Hill John, Lion & Lamb P.H. High street Os borne J ames, tobacconist, High street
Hind J oseph, tailor, Ongar road Pagram Jane (~Irs.), shopkeeper, Welsley road
Hodgson Thomas, druggist, High street Palmer Geo. coal mrcht. dairyman & farmer, Back st
Hook J oseph, milk seller, W arley road Partridge Agur, beer retailer, High street
How Myra (Mrs.), pork butcher, Queen's road Paul H. & Son, ironmongers, High street
Howcroft John & Son, linen drapers, High street Pease Thomas (Mrs.), fishmonger, Crown street
Howe Thomas Aspinwall, drawing master, Great St{)m- Perkins George, butcher, High street
fords, Back street Perkins Samuel, George & Dragon, High street
Howlett Arthur H. tobacconist, High street Perry A. & J. fancy drapers, Queen's road
Humphrey Joseph T. pawnbroker, High street Perry Bertha (l\lrs.), lodging house kpr. 2r Westbury rd
Hyam \Villiam, beer retailer &c. Junction road Perry Emma (Miss), berlin wool warehouse, Crown street
International Tea Co. tea dealers, High street Pickett Herbert, butcher, High street
James Thomas k Son, bricklayers, Crown street Pitts Alfred, shopkeeper, Ongar road
James \Villiam, chimney sweeper, Alfred road Playle Matthew, pork butcher, High street
Jarvis Charles, pork butcher & dairyman, High street Pope Edwin, confectioner & boot & shoe maker, King's rd
Jarvis 'Yilliam Henry, commercial school, Whitelyons, Porter Abraham, smith & farrier, Alfred road
Coptfold street Pratmore W. & Co. bicycle repairers, King's road
Jent Geo. reg. plumber & sanitary engineer, 2 Ongar rd Prewett Mark, dairyman, High street
Johnson Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Milton road Price Laura (Mrs.), dress maker, \Vellesley road
Johnstone Alexander, travelling draper, Crescent road Proud Richard Blackwell, grocer, King's road
Kennett Charles, grocer & glass & china dealer, High st Pye Samuel, Spread Eagle P.H. Queen's road
Keyte Kate & Annie (:Misses), boot & shoe mas. High ilt Quennell J. C. & R. W. surgeons, High street
Killingbeck !•'rank, baker, Coptfold road Quennell John Cooper, surgeon, mrdical officer of health,
King Edwd. station mast.. r Myrtle viis. opposite Station Ongar rural district, see Quennell J. C. & R. W
King William, county court bailiff, Victoria road Quennell John Le"\Yis (firm, Lewis & Quennell), solicit<>r
Knightbridge George, butcher, High street & deputy coroner for the Southern division of Essex,
Lagden Jeremiah & Sons, grocers, High street New rood
Lagden George, baker k confectioner, Crown street Quennell Robert William L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, see
Laming Robert Stephen, florist, High street Quennell J. C. & R. W
Landon E., F. & H. solicitors Quy William Henry, hair dresser & glass, china &:; toy
Landon Edward Palmer (firm, Landon E., F. & H.), dealer, High street ·
solicitor k commissioner for oaths k perpetual commis- Rank James, greengrocer, Crescent road
sioner, steward of the manors of Costead, Calcott, Raven William, fancy repository, High street
South Weald & Shenfield Ray Stephen, grocer, High street
Landon Frank (Landon E., F. & H.), solicitor, commis- Redgell William, upholsterer, Queen's road
sioner for oaths, clerk to commissioners of taxes for Richard son J ames, shopkeeper, Ongar road
the Hundreds of Barstable & Chafford & clerk to Brent- Richardson William, ironmonger, High street
wood school k charity & to Brentwood burial board & Rippon & Son, bicycle makers, High street
Christ Church Warley burial board k steward of the Rist David & Sons, grocers & provision dealers, High st
manors of Ra.msden, Barringtons, :Fremnalls, South Rist Isaac, tea dealer, grocer, provision merchant &
Weald, Costead, Calcott, Doddinghurst, Chigwell agent for ,V. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mer-
Grange k Shenfield, clerk to conservators of Shen- chants, High street
field common Roberts James, beer retailer, Ongar road
Landon Harcourt Palmer (firm, Landon E., F. & H.), Robinson Arthur, florist & nurseryman, 5 The Parade &
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, steward of the Junction road
manors of South Weald, Costead, Calcott & Shenfield Robinson Henry "\Villiarn, corn chandler, Queen's road
Larkin Geo. & J n. clothiers & boot & shoe mkrs. Crown st Robinson Thomas S. tailor, High street
Larkin James, coach builder, Queen's road Robson John, hair dresser, Crown street
Lavender Edwin, butcher, Queen's road Rogers & Robson, builders, Ongar road
Lavender Mark, florist, North road Rolph Arthur, fishmonger, King's road
Lawlor Joseph, plasterer, Ongar road Roscoe William Herbert, clerk to the county lunatic
Lawrence lVm. off wine & spirit merchant, 3 The Parade asylum, Crescent road
Legg Alexander K. The Chequers P.H. High street Rosslyn Toi!ers' Rest (~Irs. Annie Wall, matron), RJse val
Lemmon Charles, watch & clock maker, High street Host James, bricklayer, Crescent road
Lewis Bros. cycle makers, Ongar Ruggles & Son, butchers, High street
Lewis & Quennell, solicitors, New road Ru~sell John, seedsman & florist, High street
Lewis Amelia (Mrs.), tailoress, Ongar road St. Charles Diocesan Catholic Schools (Rev. Frederick
Lewis Charles Carne (firm, Lewis & Quennell), solicitor, Smith, chaplain; Rev. Arthur Doyle, director of the
coroner for southern division of Essex, clerk to the school), Wheal lane
guardians of Billericay union & clerk tQ the magis- Saunders 1Valter, watch maker & jeweller, Warley !"".;ad
trates, New road Savage Kirby F. fishmonger, High street
Lloyd Charles, builder, Crescent road Shelley Samuel, sanitary inspect(1r for Billericay rural
Lloyd Charles Frederick, grocer, Post office, ·warley road sanitary authority, Junction road
London & County Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (George Sheppard 'Villiam, boot & shoe maker, High street
Thomas Baker, manager), High street; draw on head Sibley Harry, butcher, King's road
office, 21 Lombard street, London E.C Simmons Henry, beer retailer, 'Veald lane
Longmore Matilda (~Iiss), ladies' schl. 22 &:; 23 West bury rd Simmons John, jun. chimney sweeper, Ongar road
Love George, fishmonger, 'Yarley -road :::lirnmons 'Villiam, chimney sweeper, Tower hill
Lowe Morris, hair dresser, High street Sinclair Colin Luke, saddler & harness maker, Queen's rd
Lucas George, printer, Crown street Singer ~Ianufacturing Co. (agency), High street
~labbs Annie & Susau plisses), ladies' school, Xew road ~kinner & Tucker, berlin wool warehouse & servants'
McPhNson Donald, tailor, Tower hill registry office, High street
).laling Bros. boot & shoe maker, High street Smale Richard Frederick, tobacconist, Warl~>y naG.
~larch William, linen draper, High street Smith Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, Primrose hill
1-larlton Frederick John, Eutcher, High street Smith Charles, miller, Brentwood steam mill. Queen's rd
Marlton Harriet pliss), stationer, High street Smith Frederick, Railway hotel
).Iartin Elizabeth (:~Irs. ), dress maker, Love lane Smith Herbert, shopkeeper, Great Eastern road.
May John, Swan inn, High street Smith John, apartments, Claremont house, ·warley rJad

Smith John, photographer, High street Wallis Albert William, surgeon, medical officer, Brent-
Smith Robert, outfitter, High street wood district, Billericay union, High street
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (Arthur W. Garrcod, Wallis Charles James, linen & woollen draper, High s\
agent), High street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, W allis W alter Edwd. baker & Catholic repos. Ingrave rd
Ransom. Bouverie & Co. London E. C Walton William, upholsterer, King's road
Spells Walter Edward, draper &c. Warley road Ward J. G. & F. plumbers & decorawrs, High street
Stamp Office (Ellis Robert Symonds, distributor), High st Ward James John, china dealer, Crown street
Stanford Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, Cromwell roar.l Warley Reading Room & Mutual Improvement Associa-
Stannard Robert Henry, confectioner, Warley roa.i tion (D. Robertson, sec.), Warley mount, Warley ro&l
Stone George, butcher, Coptfold road Warner & Sons, wheelwrights, off Queen's road
Surridge - , fruiterer, High street Warren William, greengrocer, Warley road
Swann Charles, boot maker, Back street Webster Arthur, baker, Queen's road
Symonds Ellis Robert, postmaster, High street Wheel John, marine store dealer, South street
Taylor Arthur P. ironmonger, High street White Charles James, saddler, High street
Taylor Charles, clothier, High street White Elizabeth Anne (Miss), ladies' school, Queen's road
Taylor Charles Richard M.A., LL.D. solicitor & commis- White James, builder, High street
sioner h> admisister oaths in the Supreme Court of Wild J ames, White Hart, commercial hotel, High stree~
Judicature, Shenfield house Wildish Wm. Busbridge, grocer & pastrycook, High !lt
Taylor Frank, secondhand furniture dealer, Crown street Williment Robert George, tailor & dealer in antiquitie~,
Thomas Thomas, carpenter, Milton road High street & Crown street
Thompson Ann (Miss), grocer, High str~et Wilson & Whitworth, Lim. printers & stationers, High st
Thompson Henry, verger & sexton of St. Thomas the Wilson Wm. Arthur & Co. boot & shoe wareho. Hi!;h ~
Martyr, Alfred road Winter Brothers, builders, King's road
Thompson William, chemist & druggist, High street Wise William, florist, King's road
Thorne Abraham John, auctioneer, High street Witney Joseph Henry, fancy repository, Victo.r:a t.:Jrrace,
Town Hall (Richard Earthy, sec.), High street Warley road
Townend Frederick B. organist St. Thomas, Westbury rd Wood Henry, greengrocer, High street
Turner Louisa (Mrs.), baker, King's road ·wood Hora tio, carpenter, Alfred road
Turrell Louis J. boot & shoe maker, High street Wood Jonathan, shopkeeper, Alfred road
Twinn Susan (Mrs.), confectioner, High street Wood Thomas Palm, boot & shoe maker, Queen's road
Vialoux Kate (Madame), dress maker, Warley road Woods Arthur Thos. Gunnell, architect & survyr. New rd
Vincent Sidney M.R.C.V.S.L. vet. surgeon, High street Woods Frederick, thra5.hing machine owner & assistant
Volunteer Battalion (1st) Essex Regiment (Hon. Col. W. overseer, Sharrington house, Warley road
J. Burgess, V. D. commandant; Capt. T. G. Hopkins, Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Perry, sec.),
adjutant; F Co. Capt. & Hon. Major F. H. ThirlwaJl, New road
commandant; Sergt. J. McManus, drill instructor), Yull George, plumber, High street
headquarters, Drill hall, Ongar road Yull Henry, Robin Hood & Little John P.H. Ongar road
BRIGHTLINGSEA is a town and parish, and as fied a~ being the memorials of John Beriffe, ob. 1496,
the termination of the name denotes, was at one time and his three wives; Mary Beriffe, ob. 1505 ; Margaret
an island, and it is still nearly surrounded by the river Beriffe, ob. 1514; John Beriffe, ob. 1521; and Mary and
Colne and its creeks, having only one road to connect Alice, his wives; William Beriffe and Joan, his wife,
it with the mailliand, in the North Eastern division of ob. 1527; John Beriffe, ob. 1542, and William Beriffe,
the county, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional divi- 1578; the two remaining brasses not identified are those
sion, Tendring hundred and union, Colchester county of two female figures, c. 1542, inserted in the room of
court district, and in the rural deanery of St. Osyth, two priests' brasses on a bracket of the 14th century:
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. there is also in the Lady Chapel a curiously incised
The town is at the mouth of the Colne and is about 61 stone slab, once, probably the covering of a tomb;:
miles from London, 6 south-east from Wivenhoe and 10 in the chancel is an elaborate and costly monument to
south-east from Colchester: it is connected with the Nicholas Magens esq. who died in 1767: another peculiar
Great Eastern railway by a branch line from Wivenhoe. feature of the church is the number of niches that
Brightlingsea is a member of the Cinque Port of Sand- remain in the walls and columns : one contains a small
wich and' as such elects annually a deputy-mayor, who mutilated sta~ue, supposed to be that of St. Nicholas:
is assisted by 11 jurats: from the same connection the a series of 113 small memorial tablets have been erected
parish derives various peculiar rights and privileges, to parishioners lost at sea within the last 21 years.
and in particular, exemption from service on juries. This church was anciently rich in ecclesiastical orna-
Brightlingsea has from time immemorial been noted ments, vestments &c. of which a catalogue is extant:
for its oysters, an extensive cultivation of which is the communion plate comprises two patens and twO'
carried on, partly under the Corporation of Colchester chalices of silver : the church was carefully restored
and pa-rtly by private enterprise : this industry employs in 1878, when an organ was also erected, at the ex-
a large fleet of smacks, which, in the winter months, pense of F. C. Capel esq. of Wilmington, Kent, in
are chiefly occupied by the sprat fishery: Brightlingsea is memory of his father, the late J. B. Cape! esq. of North
also becoming an important yachting station, upwards of Cray, Bexley : the east window was filled with stained
100 yachts being laid up here for their winter quarters, g:ass in 1881, in part as a memorial to the late Mn.
and there is a considerable amount of ship and boat J. C. Barnard, of Great Dunmow, who died 6 June.
building. The town is supplied with gas and water 1881. The tower was restored in 1886. The register-
by two companies. A fair is held on St. Swithin's day. dates from the year 1697. The living is a vicarage,
or the Thursday before. The church of All Saints average tithe rent-charge £106, net yearly value £223.
stands about a mile and a half north of the town, and including 31 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift.
is, in the words of Morant, " a lofty and stately of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1872 by the Rev.
structure" of rubble and Hint, consisting of chancd, with Arthur Pertwee M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford.
north and south chapels and vestry, south porch, nave St. James's chapel-of-ease, situated in the middle of
of five bays, aisles and a western tower of fine pro- the town and erected in 1837, is a large and plain
portions, with large buttresses, set angle-wise and deco- edifice of brick, with a western turret containing a
rated with 32 niches: it is finished with pinnacles, and clock, placed in 1887 by public subscription: there are
has a height, including these, of over 100 feet, forming sittings for 700 people. Here are Wesleyan, Free Metho-
a conspicuous sea mark : the ringing chamber presents dist, Congregational and Swedenborgian chapels. The
some curious features; in the belfry are frames for charities comprise £2 12s. yearly for the poor, left in
5 or 6 bells, but only one of the ancient peal, dating the year 1632 by John Sympson, rector of St. Olave,
from about A.D. 1450, now remains; there is also a Hart street, London, and a native of this place, and £6
small sanctus bell unhung: in 1889 a peal of 10 tubular a year for the repair of the parish church, left by tha
bells was presented by M. Bayard Brown esq. an late l\Iiss J oily, of Brightlingsea. George Bradley esq.
American gentleman visiting Brightlingsea in his steam is lord of the manor of Brightlingsea. The Earl of
yacht "Valfreyia:" the church is chiefly Perpendicular, Onslow and John Bateman esq. J.P. of Brightlingsea
but three of the five bays of the arcades dividing the Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil is gravelly
nave from the aisles are Decorated, and there are also and sandy loam ; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are
remains of the Early English style, and one feature wheat, bar:ey and oats. The area is 2,873 acres of
supposed to be either Ear:y Norman or Saxon: the land and 682 tidal-water and foreshore; rateable value,.
clerestory has disappeared, having, together with the £10,331; the population in 1891 was 3,920.
original roof, fallen down in 1814: there are on the floor
brasses with effigies, of which only one retains its in- EAST E~D GREE~ and Hl'RST GREEN are parts
scription, but, with two exceptions, they can be identi- of the parish.
CIXDERY ISL..L,DS are two narrow islands in the Lloyd's Agent, Albert Aldous Jefferies, High street
river Colne, about I mile long. Port Sanitary Inspector, Sergeant Thomas Edward
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Poole, York street
-Samuel l\Iinter, postmaster. Letters arrive from ·water Bailiff, Joseph Ames, Queen street
Colchester at 7-I5 a.m. & 12 noon & 7.30 p.m.; Assistant Overseer, Assessor & Registrar of Marriages,
dispatched at 10.10 a.m. ; 12.45, 3, 6.20 & 7.30 p.m William Folkard, High street
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Wivenhoe Sub-district,
Public Establishments:- Lexden & Winstree Union, George Parker, High st. ;
Coast Guard, Richard Herraghty, chief officer deputy, Waiter H. Parker
Custom House, Station road, Char~es Collis, examining Schools:-
officer; William G. Bultitude, Willie Tracey, Charles National (boys'), for 195 children; average attendance,
El. Traverls, Cha'l'les H. Harris, Charles Coller, 140 ; William Hy. W arburton, master; (girls' &
Alexander J. Nash & George A. Flatman, boatmen infants') enlarged in 1,888, for 250 children; average
Masonic Lodge (433 Hope), Swan hotel; mon. on or attendance, 230; 1.\Hss Laura Wilkins, mistress
before fu:l-moon monthly, 7.30 p.m.; John E. Wise- Wesleyan (mixed), for 340 children; average attend-
man, The Cyprus, sec ance, 299; Edward T. Pawson, master; Miss Kate
Public Officers:- Everett, infants' mistress
Surveyor, Georges Riches, Queen street Railway Station, Richard John Sargent, station master;
Admiralty Surg~.>on & Agent, Medical Officer & Public Thomas Fuller, goods & parcels agent
Vaccinator, Brightlings-ea District, Tendring Union & Carriers to Colchester.-Benjamin Day, mon. wed. fri.
Medical Officer of Health, Colchester Port, Charles & sat. returning same day; Hird, tues. thurs. &
Arthur Squire Ling, High street 81\t. returning same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Closson John, Burst green Hook-Child Albert Theodore, Gresham
Aldous J ames, New street Cook Mrs. Burst villa villa, Park road
Aldous Robert, High street Cooper Henry Spencer, High street ~ing Charles Arthur Squire, High st
Barnes Thomas, High street Evans Rev. Jn. Lewis B.A. (curate), Parker George, lligh -street
Bateman John J.P. Brightlingsea hall Lower Green Parry Rev. William Cadwaladr
Bellinge James Emanuel, Park road Frodsham George Edward, Lower grn (Congregational), The Burst
Blyth Charles, High street Frost Benjamin, Park road . Pertwee Rev. Arthur M.A. Vicarage
Clarke Mrs. Queen street Gregory Rev. John Robinson (Wes- Underwood Mrs. Burst green
Claxton Rev. William Hy. (Sweden- leyan), John street Watts William, Dean street
borgian), Burst Green Harris Anthony J oseph, Burst Green Wiseman John Edwd. The Cyprus
COMMERCIAL. Colne Oyster Fishery Co. (Henry Minter, sec. & treas.),
.Aldous Albert James, builder, Tower street oyster merchants, Station road
Aldous Albert Jefferies, yacht builder, Waterside & Connold John Bagley, draper, High street
Tower street Cook George, boot & shoe maker, Spring road
Aldous Joseph, decorator, Waterside Cook William, master mariner, Silcott street
Aldous Robert, yacht builder High street & Waterside Cooper Charlotte (Miss), ladies' school, Sidney street
Alexander Joseph, butcher & smack owner, Sidney st Cooper Frederick William, chemist & druggist, High st
Ames Joseph, water bailiff, Queen street Cooper Henry Spencer L.R.C.P.Lond. physician, High st
Angier George, tailor, High street Cop pin W alter C. baker & coal merchant, Bidney street
Appleby John, boot maker, High street Cousins George, pork butcher, Spring road
Ash George, Royal hotel, New street Cracknell Fred, Victoria P.H. Spring road
Atkins Ellis Charles, accountant, Trinity ho. Queen st Cross John, smack owner, New street
Austin Albert William, pork butcher, High street Cross Robert, smack owner, Sidney street
Bacon Charles, maltster, farmer & landowner Day Benjamin, carrier, Burst green
Bacon James, shopkeeper, New street Day Ernest, boot & shoe maker, Nelson street
Bacon Maurice George, farmer, Marsh farm Day Horace, oyst-er merchant, New street
Bacon Wi:Uiam, Anchor P.H. adjoining the ferry; wines Day Sophia (Mrs.), oyster merchant, New street
& spirits, best quality, ales & porter always on draught, Day Wm. Ambrose, oyster mer. & sma«k owner, New st
good stabling accommodation, Waterside Death Oscar, beer retailer, High street
Bagley Thomas, baker, High street Dines William, marine store dealer, Queen street
Barnes Charles, shopkeeper, High street Dove William Thomas, master mariner, Silcott street
Barnes Edward, master mariner, York street Downs Arthur (Mrs.), draper, New street
Barnes Joseph, jun. draper, New street Downes John, master mariner & smack owner, Park rd
Barnes Joseph Henry, milliner, Burst green Drake George, shopkeeper, High street
Barnes Thomas William, printer, High street Eade Edward Henry, baker, High street.
Barber Sidney & Do. oyster merchants, Co~ne road Eagle Alfred, oyster merchant, Tower· street
• Bates ·william Charles, master mariner, Sidney street Eagle Joseph M. oyster merchant, Queen street
Baxter & Son, oyster merchants, Tower street Ellis Charles, smack owner, Park road
Eayley Harry, tobacconist, Francis street Fairs Samuel, chimney sweeper, High street
Eayley Thomas Fenning, baker, New street field George, tailor, High street
Eird Jam~.>s, boot & shoe maker, Hi~?h street Field J. R. & Sons, grocers & drapers, New str~.>P.t, High
Elyth Brothers, plumbers, Sidney street street & Burst green
Elyth Edwin, bui:der, Waterside Fisher Caleb, smack o·~w~ner, Tower street
Rowdell Jsph. master mariner & smack owner, Statn. rd Folkard Frank William, ironmonger, High street
Bragg 1Villiam Henry, draper, High street Folkard William, assistant overseer & reg. of marriages,
Bridges Joseph Herbert, block maker, Waterside High street
Brightlingsea Churchmen's Club (Henry Jeffries, sec) Folkard William Wesley, hair dresser, New street
Bri!!htlingsea Gas & Coke Co. Lim. (Ellis Charles Fookes James Oscar, builder & timber mer. Waterside
Atkins, sec) Francis Robert, oyster merchant, High street
Brightlingsea Oyster & Fishing Smack Mutual Insurance French Joseph, master mariner, York street
Society Limited (A.. A. J efferies, sec.), High street French Robert, master marin~r & smack owner, Park rd
Brightlingsea Reading Rooms (Joseph Barnes, jun. sec) Frost Benjamin, jun. master mariner, Park road
!Srightlingsea Sailing Club (Joseph Barnes, jun. sec) Frost Edward. master mariner, Nelson street
Brightlingsea Water Co. Lim. (Ellis Chas. Atkins, sec) Frostick John, master mariner, Lower green
Brightling-sea, Wyvenhoe & East Donyland Fishery Co. Fuller Thomas, goods & parcels agent to Great Eastern
Lim. (Fred Miller, sec.}, High street Railway Co. The Park
Brown Joseph, farmer, Burst green Gees Eliza (::\lrs. ), Park hotel, Park road
:B!Ltitude Sarah (:\Irs. ), seed merchant, New street Gentry George, master mariner, Colne road
Eurton Edgar, pork butcher, Sidney street Gilbert Reuben Benjamin, baker, Nelson street.
Button Richard, grocer, New street Gilders Alfred, dealer, High street
Canham John, grocer & smack owner, New street Girling Frank, farmer, Moverons farm •
Cant George Shipman, master marin~.>r, Queen street Girling Reginald, farmer, Lower farm
Canter Eliza (::\Irs. ), fancy r~.>pository, Nelson street Goddard John. master mariner & barlle owner, Welling-
f'haplin James. mast~.>r mariner, Lower ureen ton street
Colchesh.•r Bank (Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare k Co.) Goddard Thomas, !!en. smack owner, Wellington street
(branch), op~.>n tues. & fri. High street ; draw on Goddard Thomas, jun. master mariner & barge own~.>r,
Lloyds Bank Limited, London E C Tower street
Collis Charles, principal custom honse officer, Station rd Gow~.>n .Arthur Albert, fishmonger, New str~.>et
Grimsey Isaac, beer retailer & blacksmith, Park road Pope, :1\Iarshall & Potter, solicitors
Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co. bankers, see Col- Pudney Abraham, greengrocer, Lower green
chester bank Rawling John Edward, coal merchant
Harmer Susannah (Mrs.), Swan hotel, & farmer, High st Rawlings Joseph, master mariner & smack owner, Dean si
Harmer William Clarence, tobacconist & tea dlr. High st Reeve Adolphus William, boot maker, Francis street
Harris Rebecca (Mrs.), baker, High street Rice James, cabinet maker, High street
Hedgethorn George, oyster merchant & smack owner, Richardson Edward, oyster merchant, Tower street
Sidney street Richardson Frank, butcher, High street
Heigho Isaac, master mariner, New street Richardson Thomas, beer retailer, Hurst green
Herraghty Ric)lard, chief officer in charge coast guard, Riches Arthur, butcher, Queen street
Sidney street Riches George, farmer & surveyor, Queen street
Hibbs Alfred, barge owner, New street Root Sarah Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Tower street
Bird William, White Lion P.H. High street Ruffell Annie & Grace (Misses), dress mas. Wellington it
Howard Elijah, smack owner, New street Ruffell Frederick, smack owner, Sidney street
Howard Thomas Bartlett, Railway hotel Ruffell George, land surveyor, Wellington sheet
James Bros. yacht builders, Waterside Ruffell Henry Robert, shopkeeper, New st.reet
James William, Ship inn P.H. Lower green Sadler Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Sidney street
Jefferies Albert Aldous, oyster merchant & Lloyd's agent Sadler George, master mariner, New street
High street Salmon Annie (Miss), draper, Kelson street
Jeffries Alfred, shopkeeper, High street Salmon Frederick, smack owner, New street
J efferies J ames, oyster merchant, Tower street Salmon Robert John, master mariner, Lower groen
Johnson Maurice Sadler, butcher, High street Salmon William, grocer, High street
Keddington William, painter, Station road Savoury William George, beer retailer, New street
Kent George, beer retailer, High street Sawyer John, Yachtsmans' Arms P.H. Waterside
Kidby Charles James, boat builder, Waterside Scrutton Osmond Palmer, farmer & miller (~team &
King Waiter, master mariner, Park road wind), Hurst green & New street
Lake Wilby Jsph. bldr. & King's J!ead P.H. Lower gree~ Segars Elijah, coal merchant, New street
Lamb Charles, watch & clock maker, Sidney street Sellens Alexander Alfred, draper, Queen street
Larke George Herbert, beer retailer, Queen street Skeets Thomas S. master mariner, Sidney street,
Lewis John Daniel, shopkeeper, Tower street Skinner Arthur, baker, Sidney street
Ling Charles Arthur Squire, surgeon, medical officer & Skinner Edward, grocer, Sidney street
public vaccinator for Brightlingse.a. district, Tendring Skinner Jesse, baker, Lower green
union, medical officer of health Colchester, port & Smith George, shopkeeper, Francis street
admiralty surgeon & agent, High street Snare Charles Henry, hair dresser, Sidney street
Littlewood & Son, cabinet mas. & ironmngrs. Sidney st Southern William, grocer, High street
Lord Samuel Waiter, tailor, High street Southgate Daniel, Cherry Tree P.H. Colchester road
Lungley Abraham, boot & shoe maker, Sidney strl'et Stammers Joseph, oyster merchant, Low green
Lungley Charles, boot & shoe maker, Sidney street Stammers William, oyster merchant, Nelson street
Major James, master mariner, Station road Stone Bros. yacht builders, Ship yard
Mann William Tipp (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Sidney street Sycamour Edward Isaac, master mariner, Nelson street
March Maskell, boat bllilder, Waterside Tabor Alfred William, oyster merchant & smack owner,
March Eliza (Mrs.), dealer, High street Wellington street
Martin Ernest, shoe maker, New street •raylor Alfred William, oyster merchant, W~Jllington st
Martin Fergus, master mariner, Nelson streef Taylor Daniel, oyster merchant, New street
Martin Robert James, smack owner, New street Taylor Edward, tailor, High street
Martin Shadrach, mariner, New street Taylor Janet (Miss), milliner, High street
Miller Fred & Sons, brewers, wine & spirit mers. High et Tillett Freder1ck, master mariner, Nelson street
Mills Thomas Richard, clothier, High street Tillett James, sma~k owner, Sidney street
Minter Edward, stationer, High street Tracey Robert Morffee, master mariner, Colchester road
Minter Frederick, blacksmith, New street 'I'ranham Benjamin, smack owner & oyster mer. High st;
Minter Henry, oyster merchant, Tower street Underwood John, smack owner, Rope walk
Minter Samuel, postmaster, High street Underwood Joseph, beer retailer, Hurst green
Musson & Co. oyster merchants, Waterside Ward Edwin, wholesale fruiterer, High ~treet·
Munson John William, Freemasons' Arms P.H. Sidnt>y st Ward James, barge owner, Silcott street
Nichols George, blacksmith, High street Ward Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Nichols Obediah, boat builder, Waterside Ward John, smack owner, New street
Nichols William, builder, Park road Webber Edward, oyster merchant, New street
Nichols William James, ironmonger, New street Wellum John, smack owner, Sidney street
Nurse Frederick (Mrs.), baker, New street Wellum Susannah (Mrs.), draper, Wellington street
Orman George, Freemasons' tavern, New street. Wellum Thomas, master mariner, Sidney street
Ormes Herbert, butcher, High street Went Alfred Wm. ship chandl~r & sma~k cwner, agent
Osborn ·william Isaac, grocer, Wellington street to W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mers. Waterside
Oxborough John, shopkeeper, Dean street Went Fred, stationer, High street
Pannell & Hibbs, sail makers & barge owners, Wat.erside Went James, smack owner, Chapel road
Pannell William, grocer & butcher, Lower green Wheeler. J ames, beer retailer, Coln e road
Parker George, surgeon, & reg. of births & deaths for Wheeler James Smith, shopkeeper, Colne road
Wivenhoe sub-dist. High street Wheeler William, smack owner, New street
Parker Waiter H. deputy registrar of births & deaths, Whislay William, ironmonger, High street & 'Watersid~
Wivenhoe sub-district, Lexden & Winstree union Whiten William, farmer, High street
Patrick James, beer retailer, Sidney street Wilding J. T. beer retailer, Sidney street
Pattison William Frederick, sail maker, ship chandler 81; Wilson-Webb John Thomas, tailor, Sidney street
smack owner, Waterside Wilson•Webb Thomas, builder & smack owner, Sidney st
Peggs Cornelius, marine store deal~r, Waterside Wood Frederick J oseph, baker, Colchester road
Peggs George Henry, oyster merchant, Sidney !!treet Woodard & Field, tailors, New street
Pemmett Thomas, shopkeeper, John street Woolvett Arnold, smack owner, Cook's lane
Percival Ernest, beer retailer, Sidney street Woolvett Burke, smack owner, Chapel road
Pitt Robert, Duke of Wellington P.H. Lower green Woolvett Edward Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Tower st
Polley Hazel! Salmon, smack owner, Tower street Woolvett William, smack owner, New street
Poole Thomas Edward, port sanitary inspector, York lit Young Mariners' Guild Room, Lower green

GREAT BROMLEY is a parish at the head of s the "Patron's chapel," south pordl and a western tower
small brook running into the Colne, 3 miles south-east with pinnacles, containing 6 bells : the church, which has
from Ardleigh station, on the main line of the Great an elaborately worked roof, has been reseated, the
Eastern railway, 5 south from Manningtree, 7 miles east chancel restored, and a stained east window erected to
from Colchester and 57 from London, in the North East- the memory of the Rev. William Hall Graham, rector
e~n divi~i~n. of the COUJ?-ty, Tendring hundred, petty ses- from 1837; there is also a memorial window in the south
s1onal diVISion and unwn, Colchester county court dis- aisl11, erected by T. ·w. Nunn esq. J.P., D.L. of fue
trict, rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, arch- Lodge, to his first wife: a. lych gate of carved ook was
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The erected in 1889 in memory ofT. W. Nunn esq. J.P., D.L.
church of St. George is a fine building of brick, rubble d. 1888, by his second wife. The register of baptisms
and flint, principally in the Perpendicular style, consisting and marriages dates from 1559; burials, 1725. The
of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, a south chapel called living is a rectory, tithes commuted at £858 a year,
average £677, with residence and go acres of glebe, in .Alston esqrs. Mrs. Day and "William Frost esq. are the
the gift of W. H. Graham esq. and held since 186o by principal lando1mers. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay.
the Rev. Arthur Etough Graham B.A. of St. John's The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Balls 2,gg6 acres; rateable value, 1,3,733; the population in
Green, and a Primitive Methodist chapel at Great Brom- 1891 was 699.
ley heath. The charities, amounting to £23 16s. yearly, Parish Clerk, George Bowell.
are for the relief of the poor, and include Mrs. Jacob's Post Office. Mrs. Mary Ann Young, sub-postmist!'ess.
of £3 annually, which is given away in bread on New Letters arrive from Colchester at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched
Year's day; and £56 derived from certain lands left in ro Prating 7·5 p.m. On snndays letters are dispatehed
x661 by Robert Rea, William Siday and William Wiles, at 7·5 p.m. The nearest money order office is at
yeoman, of this parish, to be applied to ornamentation of Elmstead & the telegraph office at Ardleigh. Postal
the church. A recreation ground of 4 acres has been orders are issued here, but not paid
awarded under the Bromley Inclosure Act. Great Brom- Pillar Letter Boxes, Hare green, cleared at 6.45 p.m.; no
ley Lodge, the property of Mrs. Day, is a fine mansion, sunday collection; Balls Green, cleared at 7.40 p.m. &
pleasantly situated and commanding fine views. Great Bromley Cross, cleared at 6.30 p.m
Bromley Hall is the residence of Robert Unwin esq. National Scliool (mixed), for 150 children; average at-
Lord Ashburton, who is lord of the manor, A. E. & J. E. tendance, 88; Miss Annie Galloway, mistreSil
Alston Misses, Gold Hall farm Clark Golding, farmer Hazell J oseph John L. farmer
Graham Rev. Arthur Etough B.A. Cole Thomas, butcher :\Iartin George Herbert, miller (wind)
(rector) Eade Robert, wheelwright & collector of taxes & assistant;
Sargeant Mrs Eagle William, shoe maker overseer
Unwin Robert, Great Bromley ball Everett Samuel, pork butcher Parnell Alfred, farm bailiff to W.
COMMERCIAL. Firmin Maria (Mrs.), beer retailer & Sharpe esq. Park farm
Adams William, farm bailiff to Mr. shopkeeper Robinson Thomas, baker
Barker, Gold Hall farm Fosdick John, farmer, Skinner's farm Sargeant Geo. Wm. grocer & draper
Alston E. J. & Sons, farmers & land- Frost Nathaniel, farmer, Pond f11.rm & Sparrow Jas. farmer, '\Vilkin's farm
owners, The Hall farm Lodge farm T3ylor James, beer retailer
Barber David, farmer,Kennington frm Frost '\Vm. farmer, Newhouse farm Watson "\Villiam, shopkeeper
Brown Thomas, beer -retailer Green Thomas, farmer, Badley hall Wenden Charles, farmer, Blagg's
Bruce Wait-er, blacksmith Hazell Joseph, Black Boy P.H Thack's & Billiard's farms
Carrington Edmund, farmer, Hall frm Johnson Emily (Mrs.), farmer, Port- Wenden Maurice, farmer, Dorley farm
Church Edward, beer retailer & tailor lands farm & Lillies farm
LITTLE BROMLEY is a parish, three miles east bequeathing £10 a year to the poor of Little Bromley,
from Ardleigh station on the main line of the Great but dying suddenly, June nth, 18o6,. intestate, his
Eastern railway, 3 south from Manningtree, and 58 from sister and administratrix, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, in com-
London, in the North Eastern division of the county, pliance with her brother's benevolent intention, invested
Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and union, £200 in 5 per cent. Navy Stock, which now produces
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Ard- only 2! per cent. in the joint names of three trustees to
leigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- receive the interest of the said stock and to purchase
cese of St. 4J.bans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin therewith clothes to be given yearly to some of the poor
is a building of pudding-stone, consisting of a chancel of of Little Bromley. Mrs. Day, of Great Bromley, is lady
the 12th century, nave, south porch and an embattled of tlie manor and principal landowner. The soil is mixed;
western tower of pudding-stone and brick of the 15th subsoil, clay. The chief crops are barley, wheat and
century, containing 3 bells: the font, of Purbeck marble, oats. The area is 1,844 acres; rateable value, £2,046;
is of the latter date: two of the small Norman windows the population in 1891 was 341.
still remain: the church was completely repaired in 1885 Sexton, James Chilver.
at a cost of £1,ooo. The register of baptisms and Post Office. William Henry Grimsey, sub-postmaster.
burials dates from 1538; marriages, I$39· The living Letters through Manningtree, which is the nearest
is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £429, net money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m.;
yearly value £373, with residence and I I acres of dispatched at 6.25 p.m.; sundays 11.25 a.m
glebe, in th~ gift of Wadham College, Oxford, Wall Letter Box, Cross roads, cleared 6.15 p.m.; sun-
and held since 1884 by the Rev. H:,trry Holds- day, 11.15 a.m
worth l\Iinchin M.A. of that college. There is a National School, built in 1839 (mixed), for 67 children;
small Primitive Methodist chapel here, built in 1863. average att-endance, 34; 1\Irs. Margaret "\Vhitehead.
:Mr. John Barton, late of this place, expressed a desire of mi!!tress
Minchin Rev. Harry Holdsworth M.A. Eagle Edward Clay, farmer, Roger's Payne Henry, farmer & cattle sales-
Rectory farm man, :New house
COMMERCIAL. Grimsey William Henry, grocer & Richardson Thomas Rumsey, farmer,
Chaplin William, market gardener draper, Post office J enning's farm
Chapman Moses, farm bailiff to Fatten George, Fox & Hounds P.H. & Rowles Edward, farmer, Braham hall
William Brooks esq. Stacies farm blacksmith Southgate Ishmael, beer retailer
Cooper Edgar, farmer, Little Bromley Payne Charles, assistant overseer, The Studd Nathan, dealer
hill & Mulley's farm Grove Wenden Maurice, farmer & butcher
BROOMFIELD is a parish, on the Chelmer river and and has the royal arms and cipher in silver: in 188o a
• on the road from Chelmsford to Dunmow and Braintree, reredos of stone and alabaster with a carved representa-
2! miles north from Chelmsford station, in the Mid tion of the Last Supper was presented by H. C. Wells
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty esq. who also in 1882 presented an oak screen, separating
sessional division and county court district and in the the tower from the nave. and in 1883 gave a lych gate
rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and and six painted windows for the nave and north aisle :
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is a the sediha and credence table, erected in 1893, were the
building of Hint in the Norman and Perpendicular styles: gift of F. W. Neild esq.: adjoining the church was for-
it was thoroughly restored and a north aisle added in merly a chapel, supposed to have been dedicated to St.
1870 and the chancel redecorated in 188o and now con- Leonard. The register dates from the year 1546. The
sists of chancel with north aisle of three bays, nave also living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £146,
with north aisle of three bays, south porch and a round gross yearly value f,26o, net £218, including 7! acres of
western tower of Norman date witli spire and containing glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St.
6 bells, 2 of which were recast and 4 others, the gift of Albans, ana held since 1878 by the Rev. William
H. C. Wells esq. J.P. added in 1874: the south-west part Trimmer M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. Philip
of the nave is supposed to incorporate remains of a Morant, edncat~d at Abingdon School and M.A. of Pem-
Roman building; the font is of the Early English period : broke College, Oxford, and well known as the historian
on the floor are memorials to the ~lanwood family and to of Essex, was vicar here from 1733 to 1738. Woollard's
Patrick Younge, librarian to King Charles I. who died in charity produces £24 yearly, which is distribntOO. in
the Parsonage House : all the windows are stained, the fuel. Miss Raven's charity of about £4 yearly, is for the
east window being a memorial to ::\Irs. Clayton and the benefit of necessitous old women. Sir Simeon Henry
west window a memorial to the Rev. J. P. Smith, a for- Lechmere S'luart bart. D.L. of Hartlev •
Mauduitt, Hants,
mer vicar : and three in the chancel being memorials to is lord of the manor and principal landowner; W.Christie-
the late l\Irs. H. C. Wells: there are 430 sittings. A Miller esq. H. C. Wells esq. J.P. 11.nd Mark Peacock esq.
finely-bound Bible was presented to the church by Mrs. are a.Iso owners. The soil is loam, gravel and clay;
Samh Attwood, granddaughter to the before-named subsoil, !!and, marl and day. The chief crops are wheat,
Patrick Younge; it originally belonged to King Charles I. barley, beam1 and mangold. The area is 2,2g2a. u. 25p.;
a small portion of Chelmsford parish was added to this through Chelmsford, arrive at 7.20 & 1r.3o a.m. & 7
in 1889, under the Divided Parishes Act; rateable value, p.m.; dispatched at 3.30 p.m. & 7.10 p.m.; on sun-
£S,071; the population in 1891 was 898. days dispatched at ro a.m
Parish Clerk, James Tunbridge. Parochial School (mixed), built in 1873, for 200 children
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, & enlarged in 1894 so as to hold So infants; average
-'Charles Manu, s~b-postmaster. Letters received attendance, 150; John Bennett, master
PRIV.l.TE RESIDENTS. Wells Frank, East lodge Marriage William & Henry & Sons,
Arnold Jnlian B. barrister-at-law, Wells Henry Collings J.P. The Lodge millers (water & steam) & farmer3,
Brooklands COMMEROIAL. Broomfield mill
Case Charles, Lansdowne villa Bennett John, assistant overseer, Mott Thomas, farmer, Belstead hall
Christy David J.P. Patchingball Broomfield villa Norrington James, carpenter &c
Collings William, Hill villas Broomfield Ooffoo House (Charles Parrish James Edgar, baker &c
Copland Henry, Broomfield place Thomas Deverill, manager) Parsons Sarah (Mrs.), baker
Duffield William Ward, Brownings Campen Arthur Jas. King's Arms P.H Phillibrown George, bricklayer
Hayes Waiter, Albert villa Candler Christopher, blacksmith Pilley Charles, seedsman
Lucas Mrs. Scravels Christy David, farmer, Patching hall Pitts Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Marriage Henry, Ayletts Dowsett M. (Mrs.), market gardener Sorrell Richard, butcher
Marriage Philip, Broomfield mill Elgie James Godleman, builder Stubbings James, wheelwright
·:Marriage Sampson, Parsonage Elgie Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer Wear Herbert, registrar of births &
Miller Christy, Pryors farm Ellis George, coach builder deaths, Great Waltham sub-dis-
Neild Frederick Wm. Broomfield ho Hammond Edward, market gardener trict, relieving & vaccination officer,
Scriven William Henry, Fir lodge Harris Waiter, market gardener third district & deputy registrar of
Seabrook Miss, Butlers' Hicks William Harry, grocer births & deaths, Writtle bub-dis-
Seabrook William, Hill villas Impey Hy. Jn. furmer, Stacey's farm trict, Chelmsford union
Smith Percy, The Limes Impey William, farmer,Broomfield hall Wells William, farm bailiff to Wake-
Trimmer Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Lincoln James, Angel P.H field Christie-Miller esq
:BROXTED (or Chaureth) is a parish in a pleasant Alfred Molyneux, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Henry
undulating country, richly cultivated and well timbered, Ferdinand Battiscombe Th.A.K.C.L. who is also rector of
3! miles east-by-north from Elsenham station, on the Chiclmey. The great titlies are commuted at £666
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-west yearly. The Congregational chapel here was erected in
from Thaxted and 5 north-west from Dunmow, in the 1862, and' has 6o sittings. The Countess of Warwick who
Western division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty is ladiy of the manor, the Rev. John Collin ~LA. vicar of
.sessional division, union and county court district and in Whaplode, Spalding, and the Rev. GeQ. West M.A., J.P.
the rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex of Thaxted, are the principal landowners. The soil is
and diocese of St. Albans. A .small brook, rising in this heavy land ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
parish, flows into the Chelmer at Tilty. The church of barley, oats and peas. The area is 3,194 acres; rateable
.St. 1\Iary the Virgin, situated on the side of a hill, is an value, £2,539; the population in 1891 was 588.
ancient building of stone in the Early English style, con- Parish Clerk, William Laverock .
.sisting of lofty chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch Sexton, John Smith.
.and a western belfry containing 4 bells: the church has Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
ten stained windows and in 1876 was repaired under the Thomas Gunn, sub-postmaster. Letters from Dun-
superintendence of Mr. Joseph Clarke, diocesan architect, mow arrive at 8.25 a.m.; dispatched at 3.30 p.m.;
at a cost of £2,2oo, of which a sum of £8oo was con- sunday 8.25 a.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m. Thaxted
tributed by R. Benyon esq. for the restoration of the is the nearest telegraph office
chancel. The register dates from the year 1654. The County Police Station, Charles Jordan, constable
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £r52, net National School (mixed), for 135 children; average at-
yearly value [179, with residence, in the gift of Richard tendance, 101; Frederick Wheeler, master; Mrs. Eliza-
Benyon esq. of Englefield House, Berks, and Lieut.-Col. beth Wheeler, mistress
Battiscombe Rev. Henry }'erdinand Chapman Waiter, beer ret. Brick end Phillips Jn. Lyles, frmr. Cherry hall
T.A.K.C.L. Vicarage Frankham John, farmer, Cherry grn Poole Wm. parish clerk of Chickney
Wheeler Frederick Freeman Hauy, farmer, Cherry st Robbins Ezekiel, farmer, Wood farm
Gunn Thos. miller (wind), Post office Roy Alexander, farmer, Woodgates
co~mERCIAL. Guyver Eleanor (Miss), farmer, Scruby Fredk. farmer, Church hall
Ashford Thos. B. frmr. Clement's hill Cherry street Smith John, sexton
.Bailey William, farmer, Godfrey's Guyver Geo. wheelwright, Cherry st Smith William, farm bailiff to l\Ir.
farm, Cherry green Hoskin John Haly, farmer, Moor end Mordecai Charles Andrews, Sharpe's
.Balam Ziba, farmer, Garrould's Laurie Malcolm, farmer, Borham farm
Barltrop Reuben, blacksmith farm, Cherry green Smith William, shopkeeper, Brick end
.Baynes George, faTmer, Broxted hall Laverock William, parish clerk Turner Fredk. confctnr. Broadwaters
Bright James, Bell P.H. & blacksmith Percy James, farmer, Broxted hill Willis Walt-er, shopkeeper, Brick end
JJUCKHURST HILL is a populous suburb of Lon- Church of St. Stephen, Queen's road, erected at a cost
don, and was constituted an ecclesiastical district Dec. 14• of about £1,5oo, raised in memory of the Rev. W. H.
1838, out of Chigwell parish, with a station on the Wood- Freud, late lector of Buckhurst Hill, and opened on St.
ford branch of the Great Eastern railway, standing mid- Stephen's day, 1876, holds about 250 persons and has a
-way between Woodford and Loughton, on the high road mission house attached. The Congregational chapel in
to Epping, and is delightfully situated on the summit of Palmerston road is a building of stone in the Decorated
a hill, commanding extensive views of Epping and Hain- style, and will seat soo persons; adjacent is a Sunday
ault forests and adjoining "Lords Bushes," a detached school and ~cture hall. The Congregational chapel,
portion of Epping, 10 miles from London, and is King's place, built in 1871 as an iron church, was re-
in the Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, built of red brick in 1887: the chapel contains a stained
Epping petty sessional division and union, Romford window and will s~at 300 persons ; and near the chapel is
county court disti£t, and in the rural deanery of Chig- an iron schoolroom for rso children. The Wesleyan
well, archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. Methodist chapel, in the Queen's road, erected in 1886,
The church of St. John is a building of stone in the is a structure of red brick with stone dressings and will
Early English style and was first erected in 1837; the seat about 300 persons. There is also a small chapel in
north aisle and chancel were added in 1864 and the tower the Queen's road for the Plymouth Brethren, erected in
-was built in r879: the church, erected at a cost of £2,ooo r884, and capable of holding about 150 persons. The
by E. N. Buxton esq. now consists of chancel, nave, Workmen's Hall, in Queen's road, formerly a Baptist
-aisles, eastern porch and a tower with pinnacles and chapel, was erected in 1866 at a cost of £1,2oo, and will
spire, containing a clock and one bell : the chancel win- hold 250 persons. Prince's Hall, situated in Prince's road,
dow is stained and was presented by John Bulmer esq. is used for religious services and lectures, and will hold
in memory of his wife: there are 650 sittings, of which 300 persons. The area is 749 acres; rateable value,
iSO are free. The register dates from the year 1830. £18,354; the population in 1891 was 4,130.
The living was declared a rectory June 18, 1867, tithe Sexton, William Butler.
rent-charge [2oo, average £152, net yearly value £374• , .
with 8 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
vicar of Chigwell, and held since 1894 by the Rev. the (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added.)-
Hon. Francis Godolphin Pelham M.A. of Trinity College, Robert Hoye, sub-postmaster. Letters. are dispatched
Cambridge, and hon. Canon of Bangor. The Mission at 9·45 a.m. & 12.40, 4.40 & 9.30 p.m. ; sun-
days, 8.30 p.m. ; delivered at 7 k 8.45 a.m. I.25 & board, now (I894) being enlarged fo~ 400 children;
6.35 p.m. ; f?Unday, 7 a.m. only there is a residence for master attached ; present average
Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, attendance, 232; George Ernest Gratton, master
7 Victoria terrace, Queen's road.-John Hall, receiver. St. John's (girls & infants), under the Chigwell school
Letters are dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & I2.30, 4.30 & board, for 230 children ; average attendance, 273 ;
9.20 p.m Miss Naomi Terry, mistres11; Miss Emma King, assist-
Wall Letter Boxes, New road, cleared at IO a.m. & 8 ant mistress ; ~Iiss Lily Higgs, infants' mistress
p.m. week days only; High road, cleared at 9·35 a.m. Infants', Albert road, for I67 children; average attend-
12.30, 4.30 & 9.20 p.m.; St. John's terrace, cleared at ance, I07; Miss :;\Iargaret E. Taylor, mistress; assist-
9.25 a.m. I2.20, 4.20 & 9.10 p.m.; Epping New road, ant mistress, Miss Florence Stevenson
cleared at 10 a.m. & 8 p.m.; & Palmerston road, Registrar of Births & Deaths, Samuel Wilkes, who attends
g. IS a.m. I2. 10, 4· IO & 9 p.m at J. Rose's, Queen's road, Ist monday in month, from
I2 to I p.m
Schools. Railway Station, Frederick Joseph English, station master
Board (boys), Prince's road, under the Chigwell school Parcels Receiver, Thomas Banks, grocer, Queen's road
For other names see Woodford Wells. Clifton Alfred, Ivy house, Queen's rd Hodge Samuel William, jun. Holly-
PRIVATE RESIDEKTS. Coakes lVilliam J. Prospect cottage, burst, Queen's road
.Adams Charles Edward M.B., B.Sc. Princes road Hodson James Shirley, Providence
4 St. John's villas, Palmerston road Collyer ~Irs. St. Helena vil. Queen's rd villa, Queen's road
Akers Alfred, Hill side, Russell road Conquest John, Granville lodge, Pal- Hodgson William, Providence villas,
Alford Thomas Beechmont, Palmers- merston road Victoria road
ton road Cook Waiter, Westfield, Palmerston rd Holwell Edward John, Queen's villa,
Allchin Tom,Langford cots.Victoria rd Cooper Thomas James, Church road Queen's road
Alien Arthur Thomas, Holly lodge, Cooper William, 2 Russell cottages, Hough Robert B. Forest view, Epping
High road Russell road New road
.Allenspach Isaac, Marston gate, Copland Patrick, Braehead, Russell rd Hough Sidney, Dunsley,Palmerston rd
Queen's road Cousens Henry, Queen's road Howard David D.L. Devon ho. High rd
Ambrose .Alexander LLB., M.D. Tran- Cox )liss, Albert villa, Princes road Hudson Mrs. I Knighton vils.High rd
more house, High road Crosby David, Birch cottage, Eppmg Hudson Wm. Braeside, Palmerston rd
Amor Misses, I Albert villas, Albert New road Hughes Thomas, Berkshire villa,
road south Crawley Charles Henry, Osborne villa, Lower Queen's road
Ansell Miss, Albert road south Osborne road Hughes William, Newbury house, Pal-
Anslow Thomas Charles, Hills road Davey Mrs. Virginia ho. Princes road merston road
.Aspinall William Hill, 4 Durham villas, Davies Hy. The Cottage, Queen's rd Hunt Leonard, Cromer vil. Osborne rd
King's Place road Davis .Tames, Arley villa, Princes road Hurley Mrs.Laburnum ho.Queen's rd
.Aston Edward,Rochester ho.Princes rd Dietrichsen James Mark, Allbright- Irwin-Packington James, Vale cottage,
Bailey Saml. 2 Holly vils. Princes rd leigh, High road Princes road
Bailey Thos. I Bourne vils. Princes rd Doddemeade Sidney, 5 St. John's ter Jackson Mrs. 2 Milton vils. Princes rd
Bailey Edward H. East lodge, Dorling William, Hom~.msh, King's James Henry, Stag lodge, Stag lane
Palmerston road Place road Jarvis Edwin C.Violet villa,Prmces rd
Ball Mrs. 7 St. John's terrace Drane Henry, Ferndale,Epping New rd Jebb Mr11. I St. John's villas, Pal-
Barnardo Thomas J. Ardmore,High rd Dunn Mrs. Lynton villas, Queen's rd merston road
Barnes William Charles, Oak hall, Dye Charles James, 2 Forest villa!!, Johnson Harry J. 6 St. Kilda's villas,
Epping New road Princes road Queen's road
Barnett The Misses, I Clarance villas, Eagles James, Rhoden vil. Princes rd Johnston Sir William, hart. The
Palmerston road Elliott Edmund Frederick, Maybank, Ranche, High road
Bartindale Joseph, Shanklin villa, Palmerston road Jolly Arthur,Hurstleigh,Palmerston rd
Os borne road Elliott Edwd. Yarrow vil. Princes rd J ones Alfred R. Beech view, Epping
Beardwell Wm. Cuba cot. Hills road Fay Wm. G. Avon villa, Princes road New road
Bell Charles R. E. The Laurels, Pal- Field Albert, Camden ho. Princes rd Jones Charles, Talbot ho. Queen's rd
merston road Field Miss, 4 St. John's terrace Julier James, Portland vil. Queen's rd
Black Chas. C. Hill ho. Palmerston rd Fielder l\Irs. Norfolk cots. Princes rd Kemball Frank, Clarendon house, Pal-
Black Mrs. Lyndhurst, High road Figg Henry, I Woodlands, Queen's rd merston road
Bond Chas. Langford's,King's Place rd Flower John, Caerleon, Palmerston rd Kemball Joseph, Fairlands, Epping
Boreham Miss, I Alexandria. villas, Foster Mrs. Newied house, Queen's rd New road
Queen's road Fowler Charles, Vine cot. Princes road Kennard Mrs. I Charlton villas,
Brain Harvey, Elbro ho. Princes road Foyne Wm.Dorset vil.King's Place rd Princes road
Breadmg Mrs. 4 St. Kilda villas, Francis Geo. Norfolk cots. Princes rd Kerridge Thomas, 2 Bourne villatt,
Queen's road Fry Thomas, Laureate ho. Princes rd Princes road
Bridge Rev. H. D. (curate, St. Fuller Charles, Holly vil. Osborne rd Kettlewell William John, 3 St. John's
John's), Cromwell vil.Palmerston rd Gadd Samuel, Minerva. villa, Albert terrace, High road
Broadbridge Thomas, I Palmerston road south Kibble Wm. F. Norton villa, High rd
cottages, Palmerston road Gadsdan Henry, Hawkenbury, Pal- Kirk John, 2 Forest view, Epping
Brown Ernest F. Lindisfarne, Albert merston road New road
road south Gingell Wm. Forest vil. Queen's road Knight Mrs. Woodthorpe, High road

Brown George Thomas, I Lime Tree Goddard Edward, Woodcroft, High rd Leach Miss, Fern villa, Princes road
villas, Princes road Godlonhm ·wm. Homelea, Princes rd Leeman Rev . .A., M . .A. Starling lodge,
Bunting George G. Derwent villa, Griffin William, Farnboro', Victoria Epping New road
Queen's road road Legge Rev. John R. (Congregational),
Burness .Alexander, Park ho. High rd Grimble Frank, Elizabeth villa, Pal- 2 St. John's terrace, High road
Burton Clement Ferrier, I St. Kilda's merston road Leinington George Edward, Fairview,
villas, Queen's road Gunningham Joseph, I Milton villas, Palmerston road
Campbell William, Woodland cottage, Princes road Linder Henry, Melrose, Palmerston rd
Queen's road Guppy William, Marston gate, Pal- Linder Samuel, Oak:field, High road
Carter Mrs. 1 Russell cot. Russell rd merston road Lord Geo. Hv. •
Florence vil.Queen's rd
Carter Thos. J.Longbridge,Victoria rd Halsey Mrs. l\lilton cot. Queen·s road Louis A. H. Ivy cot. Reindeer laue
Challis Augustus George, Bedford Hamilton .Alexander, Queen's road Lowe Mrs. Laurel cot. King's Place rd
house, "\Yestbury road Hammond John, 3 Oakley villas, Lowrey Jsph. Medbury, Palmerst{)n rd
Chamberlain Charles, Kent cottage, Princes road ~cDonald ::\lontague, Hillside,High rd
Princes road Hathway Lewis, 2 Lime Tree villas, JiacTaggart Peter Laurie, Astridene,
Chambers John, The Lodge, High rd Princes road Kin~·s Place road
Chaplin Fredk.Langford ho.Queen's rd Heath ~Iiss, Coburg house, High road ~Iartley Francis Charles M.A., M.B.,
Charlesworth Mrs. 3 St. John's villas, Hewett Henry l\lorey, Chilliswood B.C. The Elms, Queen's road
Palmerston road villa, Princes road ~IcLoughlin Mrs. Providence villas,
Chrystall Charles Bo\\man, 3 Forest Hill Richard William, 2 Blandford Victoria read
villas, Princes road villas, Queen's road Mead Geo. Kitts villa, Palmerston rd
Clarke Frank Edward, Fernside, Hodge William Rundell, :\Iagdala ~iellish Charles, The Ferns, Epping
Queen's road house, Palmerston road New road

Merriman Henry John B..A. Princes rd Ricketts Jn. Forest ldg . .Albert rd.sth Teverson George, Hill view, High rd
1\liller Mrs. 2 Talbot vils. Princes rd Robson .Arthur, Ormonde ho. High rd Thomas Mrs. Charles, St. .flelen'g,
Munday Mrs. The Poplars, High road Sampsc.n Thomas .Albert, 3 Wood- Palmerstcn road
Munday Sydney E. 5 St. Kilda's lands, Queen's road Thcmas Joseph Charles, Hainaul;
villas, Queen's road Sanders Montag.1e, The Cedars, Rein- villa, Westbury road
Munt William T. 2 Durham villas, deer road Thompson Waiter, Overbury, Pal· •
King's Place road Savill .Alfred, jun. Brendon, Palmers- merston road '
Neales Ernest William, Langford cot- ten road Thwaites Philip, Hope villa, King's
tages, Victoria road Scott Daniel .Allan, Russell house, Place road
Newman Frederick, I Trent villas, Roebuck lane Tooley Herbert, Belmont villas, .Albert
Church road Sea brook J oseph, 6 Princes terrace, road south
:Kewman I Blandford villas, Princes 1oad Topham Mrs.Femholme,Palmerston rd
Queen's road Sea brook Mrs. I Princes ter.Princes rd Trenow Evelyn H. R. I Talbot villas,
Newton Wm. Fawn vil. Queen's road Seagreff Mrs.I Norfolk vils.Princes rd Princes road
Noble Sier, I Maple vil.Palmerston rd Shadbolt Frederic Toulmin, 2 Oak Tudor William, Queensbury, High rd
Norman Wm. Dunbeath ho.Queen's rd villas, Queen's road Tweddle William G. Thornleigh, Pal-
Painter Miss, Northfield, Princes road Sheldon Robert J. Thanet villa, merston road
.Parrott Mrs. 2 Palmerston cottages, Queen's road Tyer 1Villiam H':)nry, 2 Qarance villas,
Palmel'ston road Shorter Thomas, Holly house,High rd Palmerston road .
Parsons George, Bellingham house, Sibson EJward, 2 St. John's villas, Underwood Geo.Hollycroft,Queen's rd
Queen's road Palmerston road Valero Joseph, La Rabada, Princes rd
Pasfi.eld George, Oak cottage, King's Silberrad A.rthur P. Sunnycroft, Wall Howard, Eversley,Pahnerston rd
Place road High road Watel Henry Garwood, Raleigh villa,
Pattison Jsph.I Oakley vils.Princes rd Simmons Edward Charles, Prospect Palmerston road
Pattison Joshua, Elm villa, Princes rd villa, Princes road Webb Mrs. Clifford house, Queen's rd
Payne- Wm. Ebenezer ldg . .Alfred rd Sl::.ter John, Holly villa, Princes Id Webster Frank, 2 Oakley villas,
Pelham Rev. & Hon. Canon Francis Sloughgrove Jn. Brook ho. Queen's rcl Princes road ·
GodoliJhin M. A. The Rectory,High rd Smartt ::'lli"s, Buckhurst villa, Wedrell Thos. Oak cot. Princes road
Phillips Frederic, St. Kilda's villas, Queen's road Welch Charles, I Holly vils.Princes rd
Queen's road Smith Saml.Glenbervie,Palmerston rd Wells Alfred George, Granville cot-
Phillips Waiter J. King's Place road Smith Waiter, Palmerston villa, Pal- tage, Hill's road
Pige .Alfred, 3 .Alexandra villas, merston road Wells Ephraim, Hurst cot. Queen's rd
Queen's road Snell Edward .A., M.B. Adeane villa, Wells Henry, Victoria road ·
Piggott Mrs. Sunningdale, Palm•~rs- Princes road Westhorpe Mrs. Sutherland house,
ton road Srow Mrs. "\Valtham villa, Princes rd Palmerston road
Powell Nathaniel D.L., J.P. The Luc• Stanton Jn. Dalefield, Palmerston rd V\'hite Mrs. I Durham villas, King's
tons, High road Steinhoff George, Woburn, Eppi:1g Place road
Pratt Frank, 2 Norfolk vis. Princes rd :New road Wigg Miss, 3 Durham villas, King's
Ramsay Sarnl. Oak ldg.~<llbert rd. sth Stephenson Robert ~1. Carisbrooke Place road
Ramsay Wm. Drayton v:il. Princes rd villa, Osborn.-~ road Wilde Adam, West Dene, Princes rd
Ratto John L. Ember lodge, .Albert rd Storey Robert R. Westbury house, Willes William, Ellerslie, High road
Ray Henry, Ibrox, Falmerston road Westbury road Wilson Capt. Henry I<'. M. Southfieet,
Read John, Suffolk house, Victoria rd Stringer Edwin Thomas, Flawn villa, High road
Reeve .Arthur, I Forest vils.Princes rd Princes road Wood Chas. Fairlight, Palmerston rd
Renshaw Mrs. 2 Victoria villas, Stringer William Penn, I York villas, Wright William Henry, Oakburn, Ep-
Princes road Queen's road ping New road
Reynolds Wltr. Engel ho. Princes rd Tavener Waiter, Stagsdene, Epping Yardley Henry B. Belmont, .Albert
Richardson Edward 1Villiam, The New ro8-d road south
Chestnuts, High road Taylor Martin, Ingersley, Yates Mrs. Erin viis. Epping New rd
Robinson Thomas George J.P. The ton road Young George, 2 George's villas,
Mount, Palmerston road Taylur Mrs. 3 Charlton vils.Prin..:cs rd Princes road
Chandler William, jobbing gardener, 4 .Alexandria villas,
Queen's road
.Abraham John & Son, grocers, Queen's road Chap man .Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 6 .Albert road north
,Ada;ns Charles Edward M.B., B.Sc., M.R.C.S. surgeon, Clark Julius, blacksmith & farrier, Queen's road
4 St. John's villas, Palmerston road Coakes John, berlin warehouse, Queen's road
.Aiano John, tailor, Princes road Coates William Henry, linen draper, Queen's road
.Aldridge George, watch & clock maker, Queen's road Cole John, amusement caterer, Queen's road
.Ambrose Alexander LL.B., M.D., B.Ch., D.Ph. physician Collins Charles Edward, saddler, Queen's road
& surgeon, & medical officer Buckhurst Hill district, Collins William, boot maker, Queen's road
Epping union, hon. physician Buckhurst Hill Home Colonial Meat Stores, butchers, Queen's road; .Arthur
Hospital, Tramore house, High road Gomm, manager
.Andrews .A. grocer & tea dealer, Queen's road Conoley David, fishmonger, Lower Queen's road
Anslow Thomas, boat owner, Connaught water Conn Henry, refreshment rooms, 5 Trinity terrace,
.Archer Thomas, corn & seed merchant & furniture Epping New road
remover, Queen's road Connolley Thomas, fishmonger, Queen's road
Armsby Thomas, draper, Queen's road Cook Thomas, general dealer, Epping New road
.Aston George Wm. Title Deed tavern, Queen's road Cooper Edward Waiter, boot maker, 2 .Alexandria villas,
Bailey C. & Son, refreshment caterers, Princes road Queen's road
Bailey J ames, carman, Hope cottage, Princes road Cooper Thomas Jas. carpenter, 2 Trent villas, Church rd
Bailey William, carman, Stanstead cottage, Princes road Crang 1Valter, butcher, Queen's road
Banks Thomas, grocer, Queen's road Crouchman George, blacksmith, High road
Barker Ellen (:Mrs.), tobacconist, 5 Queen's road Cutchey Christopher George, photographer & accountant,
Barnes John George, plumber, Alfred road north Oak villa, High road
Barrett Charles Ford (Mrs.), girls' school, 4 George Daniels Williams, builder & shoeing forge, Epping new rd
villas, Princes road Davidson John, jobbing gardener, Hills road
Beckett John, The Warren Wood House P.H. Epping Digby Joseph, turncock E. L. W. works, 2 .Alfred cot-
New road tages, Queen's road
Bedford William, jobbing gardener, Princes road Drury Robert. shopkeeper, .Albert road north
Bird Frederick, shoe maker, Hope cottage, .Albert rd. nth Dyble Emmeline Caroline (Miss), Bald Faced Stag P.H.
Blackmur Edward, draper & outfitter, Queen's road Hig-h road
Bolland Joseph, cowkeeper, Queen's road Edminds Edward Jn. insurance agent, 5 .Albert rd. north
Bradshaw John, draper & clothier, Queen's road Ellis Joseph H. shopkeeper, High road
Brigden William, horse dealer, Epping New road Ely 1Valter, watchmaker, 4 .Alexandria villas, Queen's rd
Bunsaull ·william Robert, plumber, Gladstone road Essex Bread Co. bakers, Queen's road
Burton Clement Ferrier, solicitor & commissioner for Fawcett Frederick (Mrs.), grocer, Lower Queen's road
oaths, I St. Kilda's villas, Queen's road Fisher Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, Princes road
Butler Joseph, jobbing gardener, Buckhurst buildings Foster Caroline (Mrs.), girls' school & kindergarten,
Butler William, sexton, St. John's, Gladstone road 1\ewied, Queen's road
Carter Robert, undertaker, Queen's road French Elizabeth (~frs. ), cartage contractor, Holly cot--
Chambers John, surgeon, The Lodge, Eigh road tage, Epping New road
• •


Friend Robert, debt collector, I'-y cottage, :Princes road Pike Waiter, stationer, Queen's road r
-Fuller Allan & Co. tea dealers, Queen's road Porter Charles. grocer, Princes road
Fuller Charles & Son, auctioneers & estate agentsf Poulhm Joseph, jobbing gardener, .Albert road north
Queen's road Poyntz Wm. Thos. coach trimmer, 3 Trent vils. High rd
Fuller Charles, sen. gas collector for the Chigwell, Pratt William, refreshment rooms, Epping NeW' road
Lough ton & ·woodford Gas Co. Queen's road • Preventive Homes under the Rescue Society for Girls
Gay Edwin, grocer & baker, Lower Queen's road (Charles Stewart Thorpe, sec.), .Atral ho. Russell road
Gingell Frederick, farmer & dairyman, Buckhurst Hi11 fm (Miss Raehel Farrow, matron), & Red house, High
Gingell William, dairy farmer & fly proprietor, Queen's rd road (Mrs. Elizabeth Linley, matron)
Girling J. & H. coal merchants, Railway station Ritter Carle, g1ocer, .Alfred road
Goldney John & Co. wine & spirit merchants, Queen's rd Roberts Joseph, Three Colts P.H. Princes road
Gordge John Hunter, carpenfer, I Princes road Roman Catholic Mission Franciscan Fathers (Father
Gower John \Yilliam, baker, Epping Kew roai'i 1
Edward, superior), Kenilworth, Epping New rbad
Green John, proprietor of tea gardens, Epping New road Root Sarah (Miss), berlin wool xeposit<Jry. Queen's road
Green ·wm. jobbing gardener, 3 A.lbert viis . .Albert rd. sth Rose Jeremiah, boot maker, Queen's road
Gurton John, jobbing gardener, Salmon's ter. Princes rd Seabrook John, jobbing gardener, Princes ruad _
Guy John, proprietor of tea gardens, Forest ldg. High rd Setchfield Elizabeth (Miss), laundress, Drayton cottuges,
Hall John, oil & color man, & post office, Queen's road Princes road
Hammond Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Oakley villas, Seymour James, beer retailer, Epping New road
Prin;::es road Skinnerton James, The Reindeer P.H. Epping New road.
Harper .Alice (Mrs.), toy shop, Princes road Smith Andrew Charles, Smith's hotel
llarris Annie (Mrs.), butcher, Queen's road Smith Joseph, butcher, Lower Queen's road
Hatch \Villiam Henry, music warehouse, Queen's road Smith Richd. carpenter, 6 Regent cotts. Low. Queen's rd
Haycock Charles, beer retailer, Queen's road Smith Sidney, working cutler, .Albert road north
Heath William, builder, Gladstone road Snell Edward .Arthur ~I.B.Lond. Adeane villa, Princes rd
Heyward \Villiam Thomas, greengrocer, Queen's road Sortwell ·waiter, builder &c. Queen's road
Hickman Benjamin, boot maker, Queen's road South Joseph Richard, florist, Queen's road
Hill "\'Villiam Charles, refreshment rooms, Princes road Strange Stephen, jobbing gardener, Queen's road
Hillier Rienzi, Prince of "\<Vales P.H. Lower Queen's road Street Charles, ironmonger, Queen's road
Howard James, carpenter, The \Villows, Princes road Street \Villiam, chimney sweeper, King's place
Hunt Leonard, builders' merchant, High road Tanner Charlrs, house decorator, Queen's road
Hunter Henry, boot maker, Princes road Taylor John, beer retailer, Alfred road
.Jessop :Frederick Kathaniel, fruiterer & greengrocer, Taylor \Villlam, coach builder, High road
Queen's road Teverson Sarah (Mrs.). butcher, Queen's road
Ketts William, livery stables, High road Thurley Harry, laundry, Westbury villa, Albert rd. north
Krause Ernest, hair dresser, Queen's road Tooley Herbert .A.R.I.B . .A. architect, Queen's road
Laber Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Gladstone road Tweddle \Villiam Goodfellow, solicitor, Thornleigh,
Lakeman & NtJrthwood, cheinists & dentists, Queen's rd Palmerston road
Leach Kate (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, Queen's road Underwood Jchn & Sons, sculptors, Queen's road
Leggett James, builder, High road Cnder>'iood Arthur William, french polisher, Milron cot·
Littlewood Robert, carpenter, Hills road tages, Princes road
Long Charles Stanley, furniture dealer, Queen's road "\~aile George, builder, .Albert road north
Long William, beer retailer, Princes road Verrall George Arthur, insurance agent, Queen's road
Luker Joseph, florist, Reindeer lane Village Hospital (William Ernest Dring & .Ale:x. Ambrose
:Mackenzie James, draper, Queen's road M. D., ~I.Ch. hon. medical officers; Mrs. Powell, hon.
~Iarshall Jane (Mrs.), dress maker Ivy cot . .A.lbert rd. nth sec.; Mrs. E. N. Bu:xton, treas.; Miss Eliza Ventum,
~Iartley Francis Charles ~LA., M.B., B.C. physician & matron & nurse), Hospital lane
surgeon, The Elms, Queen's road \Vakelin David, milk seller, Princes road
:\iedical Provident Home (Sister Beatrice, matron), Ware William, plumber, Turner's cotts . .Albert rd. nrth
Queen's road Waterman Robert, furniture dlr. & undertaker, QueeR's rd
)Jerriman Henry John B.A. Collegiate school, Princes rd Wells Henry & Sons, builders, Queen's road
Merriman Mary (~Irs.), Collegiate school for girls, 1Veston Henry, superintendent E.L.\V. works, Hope
Princes road cottage, High road
Miller Charles, boot maker, Gladstone road Westwood Hannah (:\Iiss), dress maker, Queen's road
Murch Elizabeth Emma (~Irs.), grocer, Epping ~ew road 1Vilson SaiL.uel, grocer, Queen's road
:Murch John, house decorator, Epping New road \Vinny I<'rederick George, clerk to the Chigwell School
Nutt William, shopkeeper, Lower Queen's road Board & vestry clerk, Ember villas, Queen's road
Oldroyd Joseph, builder, .Albert road north Wond Eliza (Miss), stationer, Queen's road
Ould Bros. Railway tavern P.H. Queen's road ·wood Charleo;, builder, Myrtle cottage, Princes road
Pamphilon Alfred, jobbing gardener, Gladstone road \Vooding Thomas, grocer, Queen's road
Pavely .Alfred, tailor, 8 Albert road south Wragg James Allan, grocer, High road
Pearce Enoch, shopkeeper, Gladstone road 1Vright George, jobbing gardener, Hills road
Phelp John William, printer, Queen's road \Vright James, ironmonger, Queen's road

:BULMER is a village and parish, 2 miles south-west gregational chapel, oreoted in IB73· Auberies, the seat
from Sudbury station on the Stour Valley branch of the of Lt.-Col. Waiter St. George Burke J.P. is a mansio~
.Great Eastern railway, and the wharfs on the Stour and in a park of about ISO acres. George Coote esq. of Chil-
6 north from Halstead, in the Northern division of the ton Lodge, Sudbury, is lord of the manor of Smeetham
county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty ses- Hall; RobPrt John Preston-Whyte esq. lord of the manor
sional division, Sudbury union and county court district, of Goldingham Hall; Capt. Thomas Harcourt Powell, of
and in the rural deanery of Hed.ingham, archdeaconry of Drinkst{)ne Park, Bury St. Edmunds, is lord of the
Colchester and diocese of St • .Albans. The church of St. other manor in the parish. Earl Howe C.B. and Lt.-Col
Andrew is an edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, Burke J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, north and south sandy loam and clay; subsoil clay and chalk. The chief
porches and an embattled western tower containing 4 crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,779
be11s, dated I6Iz: the pulpit is Jacobean: the chancel acres; rateable value, £4,544; the population in rBgr
wa'i rest{)red in 1883, all the masonry of the windows was 718.
renewed and filled with tracery of Early English charac- Parish Clerk. W alter Deal.
ter : the stained east window is a memorial to Mrs. Ray-
mond : the chancel retains sedilia and a piscina, both in Post Office. :Mrs. Ellen Rowe, sub-postmistre~s. Let.
good preservation. In IB91 the church was reroofed and ters through Sudbury (Suffolk), arrive at 7 a.m. & I
restorPd, at a total cost of about. £900. The register p.m.; dispatched, week days, at 2.I~ & 5.25 p.m. The
dates from the year I559· The living is a vicarage, con- nearest money order & telegraph office is at Sudbury.
solidat~a with that of Belchamp Waiter, average tithe Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Wall
rPnt-charge £396, net yearly value £249, with 5 acres of Letter Box, Bnlmer Tye, cleared week days at 7·45
gl~b·e, in the gift of Samuel John St. Clere Raymond J.P. a.m. I2.I5 & 6 p.m
of Belchamp Hall, and held since IB93 by the Rev. Thomas Xational Schools (mixed), erected in 1873, for 134 child-
I..eonard Vowe Simkin )LA.. of St. John's College, Cam- ren; average attendance, 107; Miss ~fargar~~ Ann
bridge, who re~ides at Belchamp Waiter.. Here is a Con- ~Iav,


68 •
Burka The Misses, Bulmer lodge English George William, brick, tile Ling Jn. Wm. Fox inn, Bulmer Tye
Burke Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George & drain pipe maker, farmer & March Henry, farm steward to Lieut.-
J.P. Auberies assistant overseer, Hole farm Col. Waiter St. George Burke J.P
Sparrow Rev. Basil James Harold Gardiner Douglas George, farmer, Nott Porter Samuel, farmer, Butler's
M.A. Bulmer house, Bulmer Tye The Lawn, Bulmer Tye farm
COM.M'EROIAI.. Godden Frederick, farm bailiff to Payne Henry, farmer, Clapps farm,
Burlingham John Bradley, farmer, Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George Bulmer Tye
Griggs farm Burke J.P. Smeetham hall Plume Edward, birch broom ma,ker &
Clover Denis Henry, miller (wind) Hardy Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker thatcher
Coote David, carpenter Hawkins Frederick, blacksmith, Bul- Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Corder Newman, Blackbirds P.H. & mer Tye Stimson John, registrar of births &
thatcher Humm George, farm bailiff to Robert deaths, Bulmer sub-district, & re-
Dixey George, beer retailer John: Preston-Whyte esq. Golding- lieving officer for No. r district
English John Parmenter, farmer,Black ham hall Sudbury union
House & Vicarage farms Lambert Hy. shopkpr. Bulmer Tye
BULPH AN (the "Bull-Fen") is a small village and lycli-gate was erected in 1893· The register dates from
parish, 3 miles west from East Horndon station on the the year 1723. The living is a rectory, average tithQ
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, ro south-east rent-charge £3o8, net yearly value £260, including 15
from Romford, 6 south from Brentwood, about 5 north- acres of glebe with residence, in the gift of and held
west from Stanford-le-Hope, and 21 from London, in the since 1870 by the Rev. Waiter Gough Littlehales M.A. of
South Eastern div1sion of the county, Barstable hundred, New College, Oxford. W. H. Clifton, solicitor, of Rom-
Orsett union :md petty sessional division, Brentwood ford, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are
county court district, and_in the rural deanery of Orsett, Richard Benyon esq. of Englefield House, Reading, the
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The trustees of th~ late James Theobald esq. M.P. Mrs. Mee,
church of St. Mary is a small building of stone in the of Wick place, Bulphan, and Capt. Thomas Charles
Perpendicular style, erected during the first half of the Douglas Whitmore D.L., J.P. of Orsett Hall, Orsett.
I 4th cel),tury, and consisting of chancel, nave, south The soil is clayey and marl; subsoil, clay. The chief
porch and a timbered belfry, pyramidally capped, on the crops are wheat, beans and clover. The area is 1,707
western gable, now containing 5 tubular bells, hung in acres; rateable value, £r,soo; the population in 1891.
r8gx, at a cost of £go: the stained east window, erected was 294·
in ra66, is a memorial to Mark Gotts : on the south side Sexton, Samuel Graves.
of the chancel are memorial windows to Sarah Gotts, d. Post Office. Miss Jane Welch, sub-postmistress. Let-
1874, and Harry Lancelot Littlehales, d. 1885: the ters through Romford by foot messenger delivered,
original chancel screen of oak is in perfect preservatiOn 7.30 a.m.; dispatched, 5.25 p.m.; sunday delivery,
and has a central arched opening, flanked on either side 7.30 a.m.; dispatched 12 noon. The nearest money
by two compartments, each formed of a pointed arch, order & telegraph office is at Soutli Ockendon
divided by a slender mullion, the heads being filled with Wall Letter Boxes, near the Rectory, cleared, 5 p.m.;
pierced tracery: there are memorials to the Rev. Thomas sunday, 12 noon, &; Ockendon road, cleared, 5·30 p.m.;
Wilkimon, rect-or from 1805, d. 24 April, 1828, his wife sunday, 12.30 p.m
and daughter and to the Rev. Thomas Mills M.A. also National School (mixed), built in 1852, for 70 children;
rector here, d. 26 Oct. 1856, and Mary his wife, and a average attendance, 53; Miss Gertrude Milner, mis
Littlehales Rev. Waiter Gough M.A. Hepburn John, farmer Squier Henry Charles, farmer
Rectory Hollowbread George, Harrow inn Squier William, farmer
Mee Mrs. Wick place Jackson William, farmer Welch Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, ~
Cole Herbert, farmer Mann Henry, sen. farmer, Hall farm post office
Gotts Jesse, farmer Mann Henry, jun. farmer, Hatch frm Went Joseph, grocer
Harris Jsph. blacksmith & wheelwrght Mee Arthur Percy, farmer, Wick ho Went Josiah, baker & beer retailer
BURES HAMLET, a suburb of and m the parish of Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, from which it is separated by Office at Btires St. Mary, Suffolk. Harry Steed, post-
the navigable river Stour, on the road from Sudbury to master. (Letters should have Bures R.S.O. Essex.,
Colchester, with a station on the Great Eastern railway, added). Letters delivered at 7 a.m. 12 noon & 4·45
4~ miles south from Sudbury, 8 north-east from Hal- p.m.; dispatched at a.m. 3-IS p.m. & 8.25 p.m.;
stead and 53~ from London, in the Northern division of sundays, 8.25 p.m
the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty
sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and Wall Letter Box, Railway Station, cleared at ro a.m.
county court district, and in the rural deanery -and arch- 3 p.m. & 7·45 p.m
deaconry of Sudbury and diocese of Ely. The village is Wall Letter Box, Brook house, cleared at 8.30 a.m. 2.30
lighted with gas from works, the property of Mr. C. W. p.m. & 8.40 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 p.m
Grimwood. Malting and brick making are carried on The children of tt.. is parish attend the school at BuTe$
here. The inhabitants attend the church of Bures St. '*
Mary, Suffolk. Mrs. Reginald Hill, who is lady of the St. Mary, Suffolk
manor and William Garrad esq. are the principal land- Railway Statwn, Edward Hobbs, station master
owners. The soil is a rich loam and clay; subsoil, clay
and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and Fire Engine Station, adjoining the Gas Works
Carrier to Colchester. James Shead, tues. thurs. & sat.
turnips. The area is 1,826 acres; rateable value, [2,578;
the population in 1891 was soo. & to Sudbury on mondays
Day Mrs. Secretaries Cook John (exors. of), farmer, Hill Hawkins Thomas Frost, farmer, Par-
Dupont John, Belle Vue villas farm sonage farm
Dupont Philip, Belle Vue villas Dansie Mary Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Ladbrook George, carpenter
Garrad William, Brook house Dessent Edward, shopkpr. & hawker Mason Richard Waiter, sen. farmer,
Mumford Allan, Whitehouse Dupont & Son, agricultural implement Ferriers farm
Pettitt Alan, Baker's hall manufrs. machinery & manure agts Murfet Henry John, coal agent
COMMERCIAL. Dupont Philip, coal & coke merchant Newman & Son, leather cutters &
Alien Robt. A. & Sons, brick makers & agent for the Royal Fire & Life curriers
Baxter Enos Page, Swan P.H Insurance Co Newman Hy. Wm. grocer & draper
Brown Fredk. baker & confectioner Garradi William, farmer & landowner, Peak Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bures Gas Works (Charles William Brook house Pettitt Alan, farmer, Baker's hall
Grimwood, proprietor) Grimston & Co. maltsters Shead James, carrier
Cousins George, Eight Bells P.H Hume George, butcher Stedman Edwin John, grocer & draper
BURNHAM is a small town and parish, with a station quarters of a mile in width, has water enough for large
ou the Southminster branch of the Great Eastern rail- ships and is navigable for 10 miles above the town for
way, 49 miles from London, 19 south-east from Chelms- vessels of 300 tons. The river is crossed by means of ferry
ford, 9 north-east from Southend-and 12 south-east from boats. The town is lighted with gas by a company and
~laldon, in the South Eastern division of the county, supplied with water pumped from a well into a water
Dengie hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon tower, erected 1887, near the church, and the property af
union and county court district, and in the rural deanery the Rural Sanitary Authority. The church of ~t. Mary.
of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. AJ- situated about 1 mile north of the town, is a building of
bans. Burnham consists chiefly of one street and is on stone and flint in the Late Perpendicular style, consist-
the banks of the river Crouch, which here is about three- ing of chancel with aisles, nave of six bays with clere•
story, aisles, north and south porches and an embattled quay. Sir Henry B. P. $t. John Mildmay hart. of Dog~
western tower containing 5 bells, dated 1673, the lower mersfield Park, Winchfield, Rants, who is lord of the
part of the tower buing used as a vestry: the tower was manor, the Rev. Charles B. Leigh B.A., J.P. rector of
Ql!Ce the loftiest in this part of the country, and formed Goldhanger, William Page, John Thomas Rogers, James
a beacon for vessels at sea, but Iiaving been blown Gale esqrs. and Hector John Gurdon-Rebow esq. D.L.,
down many years ago it was rebuilt at a lower elevation: J.P. of \Vyve:nhoe Park, are the principal landowners.
there is an ancient font in the Early Norman style, and a Tha soil in th'e higher part of the parish is a light loam;
mural tablet of marble to the family of Middleton, 168o: 1 subsoil, gravel; the marshes are of a clayey nature and
the building was restored and reseated with open seats are fine grazing land; the arable land is in a high state
in 1874; and in the same year a stained east window was\ of production and is, generally speaking, most productive:
erected by the late W. Auger esq. in memory of his the crops are wheat, barley, -oats, beans, peas, turnips,
parents, and there are five other memorial windows: in mangold wurtzel, and seeds and cucumoers are grown for
1877 the chancel and sacrarium were restored and a the London market. The area of the parish is 5,523
stone pulpit, lectern and reading desk provided as a acres, including the water bounds of 1,047 acres; rate~
tribute of respect to the memory of W. Auger esq.: the able value, £8,346; the population in 1891 was 2,360.
churchyard was enlarged in x867, the new portion being OSTEND, a hamlet of this parish, is a cluster of
surrounded by a wall. The register dates from the year i houses 1! miles from the town in- the Althorne road.
1559. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value from Parish Clerk, Charles Read.
tithe rent-charge £424, with residence, in the gift of and Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
held since 1881 by_ the Rev. James Lewin Govett. There -Robert Taylor Bull, postmaster. (Sub-Office. Let~
is a Congregational chapel, built in 1861, a Baptist chapel, ters should have S.O. Essex added.) London & other
enlarged in 1861, Catholic Apostolic and Primitive Metho- letters arrive at 6.20 & 10.10 a.m.; dispatched at
dist chapels and a working men's reading room. A Burial 11.15 a.m. & 6 p.m. The box is closed at 5.50 p.m.
Board of 9 members was formed here in 1892, and a but letters can be posted until 5·55 p.m. by the addi~
cemetery of zi acres in extent with one mortuary chapel tion of an extra stamp. Parcel post dispatch & deli~
is now being laid out. A tower, with an illuminated vered same time as the letters
quarter clock, was erected as an addition to the school in Wall Letter Boxes-Ostend, cleared 9.30 a.m. & 5 p.m.;
High street in 1877, in memory of Laban Sweeting esq. no collection on sundays; East End cleared at I I
st a cost of £330. The Public Hall, erected in 1887, is a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; Station Box cleared at I I a.m. &
a spacious edifice of brick and stone and will seat soo 6.5 & 7·5 p.m
persons. The river Crouch and its tributary, the Roach, Charity School, built in 1863 & improved between 1875 &
are famous for oyster beds, the produce of which is ex- 1878, for 370 children; average attendance, 250; the
ported to Ostend, Belgium and Dunkirk, the oyster income from the charity amounts to £174 yearly;
companies at Whitstable being supplied with the surplus John Eggett, master; Mrs. Agnes Eggett, mistress
oysters; these grounds are peculiarly suited for this pur- Infants' School, Public Hall, average attendance, qo;
pose, which is attributed to the geological nature of the Miss Helen Bridgwater, mistress
river beds and their sheltered position maintaining an Burial Board, John Charles Robinson, clerk
equable temperature so essential to the growth of the Police Station, William Chandler, sergeant
oyst-er. The Burnham Company consists of John James Public Officers:-
Hawkins, Mrs. Addison, John T. Rogers and Mrs. William Admiralty Surgeon & Agent & Medical Officer & Public
Auger; the Roach River Oyster Fishery Company has a Vaccinator, Burnham district, Maldon Union, Charles
capital of £so,ooo, the directors being Messrs. vV. H. Frederick Downman
Bygrave, G. Richardson, C. Fitch Kemp, J. Y. Johnson Chief Officer of Coastguard, John Devereux
and E. J. Smith. There are several other oyster mer- Collector of Land & Income Tax, William Newman,
chants in the town and many men are employed in the Hall farm
trade, as well as in catching herrings and other fish; Deputy Receiver of Wreck, John Devereux
there is also good business carried on in boat, barge and Town Crier, Charles Jarvis
ship building, sail making and in corn and coal. Several Railway Station, William Ohurchill Potter, station master
ships from 50 to 200 tons are employed here; there is a Carriers to:-
cnstom-houj!e, a coastguard station and a convenient Chelmsford Nethercoat, every fri.; Withams, fri

PRIV.\TE RESIDENTS. Bull Robert Taylor, saddler & harness Dilliway Geo. baker & confectioner
Auger Mrs. Charles maker, Post office Downman Charles Frederick L.R.C.P.
Auger Mrs. William, The Lawn Burnham Gas Co. Lim. (John Chas. Lond. surgeon, & medical officer &
Collins Floyd Robinson, sec.; Jas. Perry, mngr) public vaccinator, Burnham district
Croxon Abrhm. Bowerman, The Limes Burnham Oyster Co. (John G. Auger, Maldon union, & admiralty surgeon
Croxon Arthur William, Wick secretary) & agent
]')avis Rev. Leonard (Congregational) Burnham ·working Men's Reading Flick Henry, Harriet & Annie, wheel-
Dorman Mrs Room (Joseph Cook, hon. sec) wrights & blacksmiths
Downman Charles Frederick • Camping Charles Herbert, plumber Fuller Sarah Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer
Elphick Mrs. Mangapp Camping John, market gardener Gale George, White Hart family &
Gooding Rev. Chas. Denham (Baptist) Carter Geo. (Mrs.), farmer, Ostend commercial hotel & posting house,
Govett Rev. James Lewin, Vicarage Carter "\Valter, family butcher & wine, spirit, ale & porter merchant,
Hasler Robert poulterer The Quay. See advertisement
Hawkins Capt. John, Fairview house Carter William, grocer & furniture Gepp, Sons & Robinson, solicitors ;
Hawkins John James, Cupola house warehouse & at Chelmsford
Hawkins Miss Cemetery (John Charles Robinson, Hall Harry, watchmaker
Hawkins Mrs. Eldon house clerk to the Burial board) Harris Joseph Alien, Star P.H. &
Middleton Mrs Chaplin William, George & Dragon blacksmith
J>ellas Eugene, v.Jilla de Maillane P.H. Ostend Harris Sarah (Mrs.),farmr.Roman frm
Prior Frederick Clarke William, boot & shoe maker Hawkes John, leather seller
Richardson Mrs. George, Ivy cottage Clay Shipping Co. corn merchants Hawkes J oseph, shopkeeper
Richmond J ames (Hy. Finch Croxon Hawkins, mngr) Hawkins Dansey Henry, collector for
Robinson John Charles Cole Arthur, clothier Essex Provident Society
Rogers John Thomas, Hill house Collier Hy. Howard, draper & outfittr Hawkins Dansey Sawkins, Ship P.H
Smith John J.P. The Limes Collins Floyd L.R.C.P.L. physician Hawkins Henry F. C. coal merchant
Wackrell :Miss, Holliwell house &; surgeon Hawkins John James, oyster mer-
Watts James Coach Samuel, Oyster Smack P.H chant, Cupola house
Whittaker Mrs Cook A. M. (Mrs.), builder Jarvis Charles, town crier
COY'fERC'L\L. Cook J oseph, hon. sec. of Working Kendall Isaiah John, butcher
Ablen John, tobacconist Men's Reading Room King Fredk. James, King's Arms P.H
Alsop Francis, hairdresser Cooke Henry James, carting agent to Lamb Eliza Jane (Miss), draper
.Am brose Thomas, basket maker G.E.R Lamb John, blacksmith
Auger William (~Irs. ), oyster mer- Coombe James Isaac, Victoria P.H Larter Herbert George, shopkeeper
chant, The Lawn Croxon A. B. & A. W. farmers k Lee Barnard, seedsman
'Banks J oseph, shopkeeper brick makers Lee John, baker
llfanmont & Bright, solicitors Croxon Alfred Jeremiah, butcher Lewsley J oseph, shopkeeper
Bell Sarah Ann (Mrs.), tailor & Daniell & Son's Breweries (Col- Luxton John, shopkeeper
woollen draper chester), brewers &; Wbite Hart htl Marriage Edward & Son (H. Haw~
"Rocking Joseph, boat owner Davis Rev. Leonard, Collegiate school kins, agent), millers & corn me.r-
Eowles John, farmer, Ostend Devereux John, coastguard & custom chants; & at Colchester & South~
Euck Joshus, shopkeeper ho. officer & dep.-receiver of \\reek end-on-Sea

Mash Charles John, grocer Read William. boat builder Smith John, oyster merchant &
Murrell Danzie Edward, shoe maker Richmond Jas. Bowten, oyster mer farmer, The Limes
Nethercoat James, carrier Richmond Peter, oyster merchant Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (open
Newman William, market gardener & Roach River Oyster Fishery Co. wednesdays & saturdays); draw on
collr. of land & income tax, Hall fm (George Trussell, sec) Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,
Newman .Alfred, grocer · Robinson John Charles (firm, Gepp, Bouverie & Oo. London E.O
Osborne Wm. Geo. baker & confectnr Sons & Robinson), solicitor & com- Steele Stephen, chemist, stationer,
Overton John, hairdresser missioner for oaths & clerk to the bookseller, oil, color & wine & spirit
Parker .Alfred, Railway hotel P.H Burial board; & at Chelmsford merchant & dealer in gunpowder &
Parry Owen, oil cake manuf. &c Rogers John Thomas, farmer, land- cartridges
Paynter Edtward, butcher owner & oyster mer. Hill house Stoneham Eliza Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr
Perry James, manager of gas works Rome Frank, sail maker Sweeting Isaac, shopkeeper
Pratt William, shopkeeper Rouse John William, carpenter Taylor Hephzibah (Mrs.), grocer
Prior Frederick, carpenter & builder Rouse Walter,wheelwright & blck8mth Taylor Mary (Mrs.), baker & grocer
Probets James Arthur, ironmonger Sadler Bros. sail makers Temperance hotel (Alfred Newman~
Public Hall (.Alfred Newman, propr) Smith F. Luckin, who. & retail grocr proprietor)
Raven ArtJ:tur William, boot maker I & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. Trussell Edwin Benjamin, plumber &.
Read Charles, builder & parish clerk wine & spirit merchants house decorator
Read Charles, jun. cabinet maker 1 Smith Harrison Chas. Anchor inn, Quay Warren Thomas, shopkeeper
Read Edward, shopkeeper 1 Smith Eliza (Mrs.), day school Y\'att James, chemist
Read Hannah (Miss), fancy repository Smith Henry,New Welcome Sailor P.H Westhorp Mahallli (Mrs.), draper
Read James, beer retailer 'Smith Sarah Ann (Mrs.), baker Willott Arthur, photographer
Richmond Isaiah, academy, & assis- Southminster Div. Technical Educa- Withams Charles, omnibus propr
tant overseer I tion Comm. Jn. Chas. Robinson, sec Wright John, mineral water manufr
GREAT BURSTEAD (or Burghstead) is a pleasant the pack hunts three days a week: Brentwood, Rochfor~
village and parish on the road from Billericay to Tilbury, Chelmsford and Maldon are convenient places fo:t: hunting
r! miles south of Billericay station on a branch of the visitors. The Cistercian monks of the abbey of St.
Great Eastern railway, and 7 west from Brentwood, in Mary and All Saints at Stratford Langthorne, founded
the Mid division of the county, hundred of Barstable, circ. II34• removed temporarily to a cell or grange here
county court district and petty sessional division of by reason of the floods, and held nearly the whole of
Brentwood, union of Billericay, and in the rural deanery this parish until the dissolution of their house. Blunt'&
of Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. ·walls, r mile from Billericay, are the remains of a camp,.
.Albans. The small market town of Billericay is in this in which Roman coins and antiquities have been found.
parish for civil purposes, but was constituted a separate Lord Petre, who is lay impropriator and lord of th&
ecclesiastical parish, 14th Sept. 1844. The church of St. manor, l\Ir. Philip Cole, Major Thomas Jenner Spitty
:Mary Magdalen is a building of rubble with stone facings D.L., J.P. of Billericay and Edgar Jones esq. J.P. of
in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of The Elms, are the chief landowners. The soil in parts
chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, north and south porches is liaht and clayey; subsoil, principally clay. The chief
and a western tower with shingled spire, containing 5 crop~ are wheat and barley. The area is 3,705 acres.;
bells: the 4th is dated 1436 and bears the following in- rateable value, £7,390; the population in r8gr was r,96z. ·
scription: "Vox Augustini sonet in aure Dei;" the including- 1,394, Billericay, and 215 officers and inmates
others have been recast. The register dates from the of the BillPricay union workhouse.
year 1558. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- Sexton, Charles Burrell.
charge £ 13°; gross year~y Hlue.' £rsg; . with Post Office.-Artlmr Burrell, sub-postmaster. Letters
6 acr~s of glebe and residence, m th~ gift of arrive from Brentwood, through Billericay, at 7 a.m. ;
the BI~hop of St. .Albans;. and held smc_e r88o dispatched at 6 p.m. week days, & on sunday one de-
by the ev. _James Steph~n W19"slo~ B.A. of <?ams Col- livery only at 7 a.m. Billericay is the nearest money
'iege, Cambridge. There 1s a Particular Bapbst chapel 0
d & telearaph office
at South Green. Blatche's charity, of £155 r8s. Bd. r er "'
produces £3 rss. 4d. yearly. Chaplyn's charity, of £roo, Wall Letter Box, South Green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6
produces £3 yearly. Dr. Jenner's charity, of £r66 p.m.; 11.30 sundays
13s. 4d. produces £4 13s. 4d. yearly. Three-fifths of A School Board of 5 members was formed 29 Jan. 1873.
these charities are paid to Billericay, and are in the hands with Mountnessing & Buttsbury contributing, each.
of the Charity Commissioners: there is also a meadow, J>ending 2 members; John Jefferies, Billericay, clerk t()
the rent of which produces £8 yearly, which is distri- the board; F. J. Smith, Billericay, & Samuel Spelley.
buted in bread and blankets yearly by the churchwardens. Brentwood, attendance officers
The kennels of the Essex lJnion foxhounds are in this The children of this parish attend the Board School at
parish : Captain Horatio Kemble, Chelmsford, is master; Billericay
Baker William, Bullsteads farm Ball J. farmer Lyoil William, beer retailer
Cole Miss, Tye common Barnard Jsph. farmer, Grange farm McDonald James, King's Head P.H
French Mrs. New lodge Bayford Stephen, farm bailiff to Edgar Page John L. Plough P.H. Tye com~
Havis Mrs. Elizabeth Jones esq Parkinson Jas. Hicks,King'sArms P.H
Jones Edgar J.P. The Elms Boughtwood Charles, farmer Rae Georg-e, huntsman to the Essex
Kent Augustus Brown Daniel, farmer Union fox-hounds, The Kennels
Ruggles Mrs Burrell Arthur, baker & grocer, Post Smith George, farmer, Moggses
Spurling Stephen office Smith Thos. wheelwri~ht & smith
Winslow Rev. James Stephen B.A. Burrell Charles, farmer & sexton Steele .Alex. farmer, Broom hills
Vicarage Carpenter John, blacksmith Stewart Henry, beer retailer
French Roberi, farmer Suckling William, beer retailer
COlL"\lEROIAL. Houghton James, wheelwright & Swan Timothy, farmer
.!.dams Robert, farmer blacksmith Thorogood Hy. farmer, Great Blunts
LITTLE BURSTEAD (or Burghstead) is a parish Henry James Bodily, of St. Bees. There is a charity
near the source of the river Crouch, r~ miles south- left about 1790 by l\Ir. John Cooper for the benefit of
west from Billericay station and 6 east from Brentwood, poor persons "living in and belonging to the parish; 07
in the Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, the income is about £48, arising from the rents of six
Brentwood petty sessional division and county court dis- cotta~es and 33 acres of land, and is distributed annually
trict, Billericay union, rural deanery of Ingatestone, arch- in Easter week: there are two other small charities,
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The amounting together to £r 3s. distributed in bread.
church, recently assigned to St. Mary, is a small build- Stockwell Hall is the residence of Agnes, Countess of
ing in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel and 1\Iexborough. The Bishop of London is lord of th&
nave, south porch and a low western turret with spire, manor. The principal landowners are George .Alan
containing 2 bells: there are several flat stones in the Lowndes esq. D.L., J.P. of Barrington Hall, Harlow, and
chancel to members of the Walton family, including a Edgar Jones esq. J.P. of the Elms, Great Burstead. The
memorial to the Hon. Sir George ·walton, Admiral of soil is loamy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are
the Blue, ob. 1739; there is also an inscription to Chris- wheat, oats, beans and barley &c. The area is r,837
topher Herris esq. ob. 1666. The register dates from the acres; rateable value, £r,625; the population in 1891
year 1681. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge wa<> 239.
£284; average, £272; gross yearly value [327, with Parish Clerk, Joseph Olliff.
residence and 32 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Po~t Office ::O.Iary ~.\.nn Bnrrell, sub-postmistress.
Bishop of St. Albans, and held since r887 by the Rev. Letters received through Brentwood arrive at 7 a.m.
money &:; telegraph office
are dispatched at 6 p.m. Billericay is the nearest Day School (mixed), for 50 children; average attendance,
34; Miss Eleanor Simmons, mistress
Bartram Joseph cmrnEBCIAL. Harris William, farmer, Bullers farm
Bodily Rev. Henry J ames, Rectory Brignell William, farm bailiff to Philip :aarris William, jun. farmer &; assis-
Johnson Robert, The Hope house Cole esq tant overseer, Sudbury's farm
~Iexborough, .Agnes Countess of, Cole Frederick, farmer ~Iiles John, farmer, Botany hill
Stockwell hall Cole Philip, farmer
BUTTSBURY is a parish on the road from Chelms- and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles Earle B.A. of
ford to Billericay, 3 miles south-east from Ingatestone St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, who resides at In-
station, 3 north from Billericay and 5 south-west from gatestone. Lord Petre is lord of the manor and chief
Chelmsford, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. The
ford hundred, petty sessional division, union and county chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
court district, rural deanery of Ingatestone, archdeaconry 2,103 acres; rateable value, £2,697; the population in
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The more populous 1891 was 507.
part of the parish is adjacent to and forms part of the Par,ish Clerk, Edward Wright.
village of Stock. The church of St. Mary is a small and Letters received through Ingatestone arrive at 7.30 a.m.
ancient building of brick and plaster, in the Perpendi-
cular style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch The nearest money order office is at St()ck &:; telegraph
and a western tower of brick containing one bell: the office at Ingatestone. Wall Letter Box cleared at
church formerly belonged to the nunnery of St. Leonard, 7· 15 p.m
at Stratford-le-Bow. The register of baptisms dates This place is contributory to the Great Burstead School
frcm 1657; burials, 1668; marriages, 1694 . The living Board district, formed Jan. 29, 1873, sending 2 mem-
is a perpetual curacy annexed to the rectory of Ingate- hers to the board
stone, joint average yearly value from tithe rent-charge ·The children of this parish attend the school at Stock
£451, with 2 acres of glebe__, in the gift of Lord Petre, St. Joseph's Catholic School (mixed)
cmrMERCL\L. Hunt Edmund J. farmer, Ramsey Riley Arthur, dairyman
(For other names in this parish see Tyrrells Salter Job J e:ffery, farmer
Stock.) Hardy Charles (~Irs.), farmer, Whytes Thompson Mrs. farmer, Buckins farm
Bagwell William, The Elms Tyrrells Smith James, farmer, Great Blunts
Cooper Charles, farmer Hodge John, farmer, Slough house Tyler J onathan, farmer
Crawford James, farmer Oliff James, farmer "\Vilson Wm. farmer, Frestling hall
Harrod Joseph, farmer ~isbet Robert, farmer

CANEWDON is a vil:age and parish in the South benefaction by Richard Wood, of Scaldhurst, in the
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, hamlet of Pudsey, left in 1688, to provide bread for
petty sessional division and union, Southend county the poor. There are some remains here of a camp,
court district, and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, and from the Roman antiquities found here the place
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans : it is supposed to have been the site of a Roman station.
is 4 miles north-north-east from Rochford station, on At the time of the Domesday Survey it belonged to
the Southend-on-Sea branch of the Great Eastern rail- Sweyne. Apton Hall is the residence of Lieut.-Col.
way and 8 north from Southend, on high ground, Huntley Bacon J.P. C. M. Fell esq. is lord of one
commanding a fine view over the river Crouch, the manor and }<,rank Stallibrass esq. is lord of that of
rich meadows on its banks and the battlefield of Ash- Scotts Hall. The principal landowners are Frank Stalli-
ingdon, where in 1016 it is said Canute the Great and brass esq. Zachary Pettitt esq. and Lieut.-Col. Huntley
Edmund Ironside contended; here is a Danish entrench- Bacon J.P. The soil is clayey; subsoil, c;ay. The
ment. There is a ferry from 1Vallasea across the Crouch crops are general. The area is 4,108 acres; rateable
to Dengie hundred for horses and carriages. The value, £4,806; the population in 1891 was 597; the
ancient church of St. Nicholas, standing on Canewdon population of that part. of Wallasea belonging to
Hill, is an edifice of stone of Perpendiclliar date, con- Canewdon in 1.891 was 68.
si sting of chancel, nave, north aisle, separated from the W .ALLASEA, formerly an is;and but now joined to
nave by an arcade of four bays, south porch and massive the mainland, is a peninsula, 3 miles long by about 1!
embattled western tower 74 feet high and containing 5 broad, bounded on the north by the river Crouch, ou
bells: the church was repaired in 17II, when a figure the south and east by the Roach and by creeks on the
of St. Christopher was discovered on the right side of west; it is in the parishes of Great Stambridge,
the entrance: outside the tower are the quartered Canewdon, Paglesham, Eastwood and Little "\Vakering;
arms of France and England and the shields of Bohun, a public road in very bad condition crosses the penin-
Mowbray and Warren: in the chancel are sedilia and sula, and leads to Foulness Island. By the introduction
there is a hagioscope in the north wall of the chancel of artesian we;ls of great depth water is now obtained
arch: the pulpit is of finely-carved oak: the church of good quality.
contains several mural tablets to members of the RIXG"\VOOD is a hamlet in Wallasea, 1 mile south-
Kersteman family. The register dates from the year east from Burnham by water.
1636. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge Sexton, James Wright.
£433, net yearly value £z8g, with 6o acres of glebe Post Office. James 1\Ios.s, sub-postmaster. Letters
and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of arrive from Rochford S.O. at 8 a.m.; dispatched at
Westminster, and held since 1870 by the Rev Thomas 11.15 a.m. & 4 p.m. on sundays. The nearest money
Anthony Marring M. A. of Trinity Co:lege, Dublin; order & tel('graph office is at Rochford. Postal orders
W. H. Little esq. is impropriator of the great tithes, are issued here but not paid
amounting to £1,oo1 3s. 6d. Here is a Congregational Endowed School, built in 1863, for 120 children; aver-
chapel, erected in 1833 and holding 150 persons. A age attendance, Ioo; Ernest Jago, master; ~Iri!. Lucy
fair is held yearly on the 24th of June. The charities Jago, mistress
left by various benefactors amount to about £Ioo, Canewdon was made a contributory di~trict to Great
arising in part from lands left at different times by &; Little Stambridge United School Board District,
Agnes Finch, widow, William Hawshill and Thomas 27 Feb. 1874• sending 2 members
Hawkins, in 1495, and others; tllere are also seven Board Schoo~. Wallasea (mixed), for _so children; a>er-
tenements with gardens, occupied by the poor, and a ag-e attendance, Io; ~frs. Wolf, mistress
Bacon Lieut.-Col. Huntley J.P. .Ap- 13ines Thomas, carpenter !>artridgee Harry, farmer, Hall frm
ton hall 8rew8ter Dominic James, shorkeeper ~ettitt Zachary, frmr. & landow'ner k
~Ianing Rev. Thomas Antho'ny :M. .A. Bnxton .John, .Auction P.H oyster merchant, Loftman's
(surrogate), Vicarage Codlin "\Ym. Potton, Chequers P.H ~mith John, farmer, Cricksea ferry
Pettitt Zachary, Loftman's G-uiver Hy. farmer, :Xew Hall farm Ward I~aac, shopkeeper
cmnrERCIAL. Hallett Frank, farmer, Lambourne hall \\'hit-well Eliza Ann (~Ir~. ), farmer
.Amos George, Ferry Boat inn farm ''hitwell James, frmr. Tiilitehdu!<e
Auger John, farmer &:; oyster mer- Ha~ "ood Jeremiah, farm bailiff to "\Yoolf Trilliam, carpenter &:; under-
chant, Wade's farm Frank Stallihra<:s e•q. Scotts hal: taker, The Orchard
Aus-tin Charles, shoe maker Ontten James, blacksmith Trright Joseph, farmer, Boxes
GREAT CANFIELD is a pari<:h, to the west of the union and county court district, rural deanery of Dun-
river Roding, about 3 miles south-west from Dunmow mow, archdeaconry of E~;sex and diocese of St. Albans.
station on the Dunmow and Braintree brancli of the The C'hurch of St. ~Iary is an edifice of stone, partly of
Great Eastern railwav,

in the Western division of the :Xorman date, and consisting of chancel, nave, south
county, Dunmow hundred, petty se~sional division, , porch and an embattled we«tern tower of wood, with
a small spire and containing 3 bel:s : the church had Maryon-Wilson M. A. of Christ's College, Cambridge,
formerly a lofty spire, but this was removed previous to J.P. The interest. of £so, bequeathed by the Rev.
1703: there are two memorial windows, one to the Frederick Vane M. .A.. is distributed annually to the poor.
Wilson family and one to Rev. John Phillips Gurney, Here are the remains of a castle supposed to have
vicar 1822-62; there are also brasses to John Wise- former~y belonged to the De Veres, Earls of Oxford.
man, ob. I5I8, and his family; to Thomas Fytche esq. Sir Spencer l\Iaryon Maryon-Wilson hart. who is lord
ob. I588, and memorials to Sir William Wiseman, hart. of the manor, Philip Church esq. and Mr. Daniel .A.lger
of Canfield, ob. 1684, and others of that family: in the are the principal landowners. The soil is chiefly clay;
chancel is a slab to the Rev. Frederick Vane M.A. subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley
rector of Bletchingdon, Oxon, 1837, a benefactor to the and mangold wurzel. The area is 2,484 acres; rate-
poor of the parish: the church was restored in I876, able value. £2,030; the population in I891 was 313.
when many detaLs of Norman work were rendered Parish Clerk, Frederick Bacon, jun.
visible: the interior has been reseated with open benches
of oak: over the communion table within a niche is a Post Office.-William Clark, sub-postmaster. Letters
very interesting fresco of the Virgin and Child. The from Dunmow received at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at
register dates from the year IS 3 8. The living is a 4.40 p.m. No sunday post. The nearest money order
discharged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £ 100, & telegraph office is at Takeley. Postal orders are
gross yearly value £1o8, with about I acre of glebe issued here, but not paid
and residence, in the gift of Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon- Parochial School (mixed), erected in I852 for 45 chi:d-
Wilson hart. and held since 1872 by the Rev. George ren; average attendance, 35 ; Mrs. Martha Hill, mist
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bailey Rachel (Mrs.), frmr. Bullocks Mason Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Sawkins
.A.lger Daniel Beddall Rutland. farm bailiff to Philip farm
Wils.on Rev. George Maryon M.A., Church esq. Bury & Reed's farm Mason Thomas, shoe ma. Church end
J.P. Vicarage Bennett Joseph, farmer & landowner, Potter George, farmer, Park farm
COMMEROIAL Baco'n's farm Rolph Alfred. blacbmith
.A.lger Stephen William, farmer, Black- Clark William, tailor, Post office Scott Waiter, farmer, Dt'al Tree frm
hall & Evans' farm Cox vYilliam Henry, farmer & machine Smith Isaac, farmer, .A.shfields
Bacon Frederick, Griffin inn, brick. proprietor, Elms Stock John, shopkeeper
tile & pipe manufacturer & farm Easter Alfred, Poplar farm Wall Charles, farmer & landowner,
bailiff to Sir Spencer Maryon Mary- Gowlett Henry, farmer, Canfield hall Darley dale
on-Wilson hart & Marsh farm
LITTLE CANFIELD is a parish on the Roman Hall, and of some members of the Fytche and Wiseman
and modern road from Colchester (Camalodunum) to families ; and there are brasses, with some effigies,
St . .A.lbans (Verulamium), 2 miles west from Dunmow to William Fytche esq. ob. 1578, and his Elizabeth
station, in the Western division of the county, Dunmow and Ann, with nine children, and to Ann (Wiseman),
hundred, petty sessional division, union and county first wife of lYilliam Fyttche esq. and secondly of Raphe
court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry Pudsey esq. of Gray's Inn, ob. I593. with one son: the
of Essex and diocese of St. .A.lbans. The church (dedi- church was partly rebuilt, including the tower, in
cation unknown) is an e(!_ifice of stone, consisting of r856. The register dates from the year r56o. The
chancel, nave, south porch and a tower on the north living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £327, net
side, with a spire of fine old Caen stone, and containing 2 yearly value £289, with 72 acres of glebe and residence,
be:Is : of the old portions there now only remain, besides in the gift of Christ's College, Cambridge, and held
the walls, two remarkably elegant double-light windows since I878 by the Rev. John Dowell Ridout M.A.
of the Decorated style in the nave, the exterior of the formerly fellow of that college. The manorial rights
old Norman door and the Decorated screen of carved are held by the Countess of Warwick, who is also the
oak separating the chancel from the nave ; the other principal landowner. The soil is mostly heavy; sub-
windows are all in the Decorated sty;e, those in the soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
chancel being stained : the inside of the priest's door- The area is I,488 acres; rateable value, £1,383; the
way, which has a smaa porch, displays a crocketed population in 1891 was 286.
canopy, with shafts of Italian marble and exquisitely- Parish C1erk, James Halls.
carved angels at the corbels : in the chancel is a fine
monument, erected to the mother of the Rev. Charles Post Office. George Raven, sub-postmaster. Letters
Le singham Smith M. A. rector from I8 39 ; the large from Dunmow, received at 6.30 a.m. ; dispatched at
porch, now the only portion of the structure in the 6.5 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
Perpendicular style, has some fine panelling in front is at Takeley
and a sundial, under which is the inscription, " ·what National School (mixed), built in 1842, for 50 child-
I say unto you I say to all, watch:" this was the burial ren; average attendance, 46; Miss R. E. Chandler,
place from 1664 to I757 of the Wyatts, of Little Canfield mistress
Morphy Lionel, Greencrofts Frankham John, farmer, The Hall Raven George, blacksmith
Ridout Rev. John Dowell M . .A.. Rectry Franklin Henry Sewell, farmer, Lang- Smith George, farmer, Newlands
COMMEROIA.L. thorns & Glebe farm Suckling James & Edmund, farmers,
Bowtell Waiter, painter, Lit. Hoddons l\Iarsh Robert, seed mearchant, farmer Great Hoddons
Cheshire Esau, beer retailer & landowner, Hales & Blatches frm Tebbitt Edwin Jas. farmer, Copthall
CANNING TOWN, a populous suburb of London and therefore not now included in the County Direc-
attd a ward within the county borough of West Ham, tory, but will be found in Kelly's London Suburban
which is also a metropolitan parliamentary borough, Directory.
CANVEY ISLAND, which is united to South containing I bell. The register dates from the year
Benfleet at low water by a causeway across Hadley r8rg, previous to which date the entries were made
Ray, and originally part of the parishes of Bowers in the South Benfl.eet register. The living is a vicarage,
Gifford, Hadleigh, North Benfleet, Laindon, Pitsea, average tithe rent-charge £38, net yearly value £zzo,
Prittlewell, South Benfleet, Southchurch and Vange, with glebe (£w) and residence, in the gift of the Bishop
was formed into a civil and ecclesiastical parish 4 of St . .A.lbans, and held since I872 by the Rev. Henry
March r88r: it is supposed by some to be the "Counos," Hayes T . .A..K.C.L. Here is a coastguard station, with
or " Convennos :Insula" of the ancient geographer a chief officer and eight men. The principal landowners
Ptolemy, a name assigned by others to the Isle of are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the trustees of
Sheppy, and is a marshy island of the Thames, defended the late Sir Arundel Neave bart. and F. Montgomerie
by high banks all round, erected in 1623; it is in the esq. The island is 6 miles long by 3 broad, and con-
South Eastern division of the county, Rochford petty tains 4,327 acres of land and 4,923 of water; rateable
sessional division and union, Southend county court value, £3,75.8; the population in I89r was 342.
district, rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Parish Clerk, Joseph H~s.
Essex and diocese of St. .A.lbans : it forms very rich Post Office.--John Scott, sub-postmaster. Letters re-
grazing ground and includes a large quantity of arable ceived from South Benfl.eet S.O. at 9 a.m.; dispatched
land. The nearest station is South Benfl.eet, two miles I. 15 p.m. South Benfleet is ti1e nearest money order
north, on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway. & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
The church of St. Katharine, erected in I875 in" the but not paid
p!ace of an earlier building dating from I7I2, the only
portions of which now remaining are some windows and Coast Guard Station, Joseph Dollimore R.N. cliief officer
the porch, is a structure of wood, consisting of chancel, National School (mixed), built in 1874, for 75 child-
nave, transepts and a small central belfry, with spire, ren; average attendance, 65; Wm. John Sully, master
Oox E. H Farrow James, farm bailiff to Ecclesi- Mott W'illiam, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Hayes Rev. By. T . .!..K.C.L. Yicarage astical Commissioners Asplin
Paul lVilliam H Foster \Yilliam, farmer, Knightswick Sach Jn. frm bailiff to Wm. Clark,esq
Beckwith Chas. Lobster Smack P.H farm Scott John, grocer, Post office
Thlllimore Joseph R.K. chief officer Leach Aaron, farm bailiff to A. Man- Smith Wm. beer retailer & shopkpr
of coastguard ning esq
CASTLE HEDINGHAM, anciently a market town, cipal door of the first story, on either side of which can
derived its name from the oastle erected here in Norman be traced the grooves for a porkullis : the whole struc-
times and for many years held by the de Veres, Earls of ture contains six stories and stands on an eminence,
Oxford: it is a village and parish, on the east bank of partly artificial, which rises above the village. Aubrey
the river Colne, at the junction of the roads from Sud- de V ere, third of that name and first Earl of Oxford, is
bury, Haverhill and Braintree, I mile north-east from said to have founded here, before ngo, a Benedictine
Hedingham station, on the Colne Valley railway, 5 miles nunnery, dedicated to the Holy Cross, St. Mary and St.
!D.Orth~by-west from Halstead, 7 s:mth-west from Sud- James, of which his countess, Lucia (Abrincis) was the
bnry, 49 from London by road and 59 by rail, in the first prioress ; the revenues at the Dissolution were
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, £29 12s. 10d. and such portions of the fabric as still
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union exist are now incorporated in a farmhouse. In 1250,
and county court district, and in the rur~l deanery of Hugh de Vere, 4th Earl of Oxford, founded an hospital
Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. with chaplains, a clock and a servant for the sick and
Alb_ans. The principGl houses, but not the streets, are decrepit poor. The de Veres alienated the castle in I625
lighted with gas from works in Sible Hedingham. The and it now belongs to James Henry Alexander Majendie
church, assigned by repute to St. Nicholas, is an ancient esq. of 59 Brompton crescent, London S.W. lord of the
battlemented edifice of brick and stDne, partly in the manor and principal landowner ; the present mansion,
NDrman and partly in the Early English style, and is: erected in 1718, is now (1894) unoccupied; the park con-
supposed, from the heraldic badges of the de V eres sists of 94 acres, well wooded. Kirby Hall, in this parish,
appearing on various parts of the structure, to have been formerly the seat of a branch of tlie de Vere family and
erected by them; it consists of chancel, nave of six bays, the residence of the distinguished general Sir Horatio de
with clerestory, aisles, south porch and a massive brick Vere kt. created (24 July, 1625) baron Vere of Tilb!J.ry,
tower at the west end, erected about 1616, and contain- is now a farmhouse. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, blue
ing a clock and I bell : the east end of the chancel is a clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and mangold
tine specimen of the transition period between the Norman wurtzel. The area is 2,436 acres ; rateable value, £3,68o ;
and Early English styles, and is lighted by three windows the population in 1891 was I,o28.
with shafts and a circular one above them: the chancel, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
divided from the nave by a handsome carved oak screen, -hrutc Goss, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
contains a superb monument, with recumbent effigies, to Halstead by mail cart at 5.20 a.m. & 12.15 p.m.; dis-
Jobn de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford K.G. ob. 19 March, patched at I.2o p.m. & 6.35 p.m. week days; dis-
1539, and to Elizabeth (Trussell) his countess; there are patched on sundays at 6.35 p.m
other memorials to Sir William .!.shurst kt. Lord Mayor 'Vall Letter Box, Kunnery street, cleared at 12.50 p.m.
of London in 1694, ob. 1719; to Robert .!.shurst esq. his & 6.10 p.m
son, ob. 1725; William Ashurst esq. his grandson, ob. County Magistrates for Nmth Hinckford Petty Sessional
I734• and others of that name; and to Dominic Heila, of Division.
Flanders, ob. 16o8, and Gulielma, his wife, ob. IAo5 ; the Way Lewis John esq. 1\I.A., D.L. Spencer grange, Yeld-
font is a memori..a.l to the Rev. Henry Lewis Majendie ham, Halstead, chairman
M.A. vicar of Great Dunmow, 1834-62, and was given by Barnardiston Col. Kathaniel, The Ryes, near Sudbury,
the members of his family in 1863: there are seven Suffolk
stained windows, and in the nave a mosaic memorial to Burke Lt.-Col. 'Waiter St. George, The Auberies, Bnlmer,
Lewis .!.shhurst Majendie esq. 1\I.A., J.P., D.L., d. 1883, Sudbury, Suffolk
placed in 1885 by his brothers, L. M. and S. M. Majen- Dawson Lieut.-Col. Frederick, Tilbury court, Halstead
dill: the church was thoroughly restored in 1871: there Ives Major-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John, Mor.nes park,
ere 450 sittings. The registers date from the year 1558. Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill
The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £143, with Miller Thomas Frederick esq. Monk's lodge, Great Maple-
residence, in the gift of J. H. A. Majendie esq. lay stead, Halstead
rector, and hela since 1876 by the Rev. Henry Ashton Palmer Colonel Frederick, Liston hall, Long Melford
Lake M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge: the R.S.O. Suffolk
irnpropriate tithes are about £659 yearly. The Congre- Payne Frederick esq. Water hall, Wixoe, Halstead
gational chapel, built in 1842, will seat 750 persons. A Raymond Samuel John St. Clere esq. Belchamp hall,
cemetery of I acre was fmmed in 1883, the site of which Sudbury, Suffolk
was given by the Rev. H. A. Lake M.A. vicar; it is Sperling Charles Brogden esq. D.L. Dynes hall, Great
unaer the control of a burial board of 9 members. In Maplestead, Halstead
the town is a subscription library of 300 volumes ; there Sperling Charles Frederick Denne esq. 1\I..!.. Dynes hall,
is also a hospital for infectious diseases, available for 8 Great Maplestead, Hal'ltead
patients; Mrs. Anne Butcher, caretaker and nurse; John Taylor Vero William esq. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
"Bourne Bromley, surgeon. The County Police Station Clerk to the Magistrates, Francis Harri~. Halstead
here has two resident officers. \Yilliam Martyn left, in Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station, Castle
1853, a sum of money, arising from the rent of a farm, Hedingham, ev~ry alternate tuesday at II a.m. The
to be divided between the poor of Castle Hedingham and places in the division are : Ashen, Belchamp Otten,
Backing. There are eleven almshouses, four of which Belchamp St. Paul, Belchamp \Valter, Birdbrook, Borley,
belong to the de Vere charity, four to Brewer's charity Bulmer, Steeple Bumpstead, Foxearth, Gestingthorpe,
and three to the parish: the first two sets of almshouses Castle Hedingham, Sible Heding:ham, Kedington Ham-
have a small endowment, which is applied to repairs and let, Liston, Great 1\Iaplestead, Northwood, Ovington,
the benefit of the inmates. Hedingham Castle, built in Pentlow, Ridgwell, Stambourne, Sturmer, Tilbury,
the reign of Stephen by the de Veres, Earls of Oxford Toppesfield, Great & Little Yeldham
6lld Dukes of Dublin, stands on an eminence near the
village; in I151, Maud, Queen of King Stephen, is said Public Establishments:-
to have died here; in 1216 the castle, when held for the Cemetery, William Hart, clerk to the burial board

barons, was taken by King John, but it was soon after County Police Stotion, Charles William Harrington, Ill•
captured by the Dauphin Louis of France, and then re- spector, & one constable
taken by the great Earl of Pembroke; here John de V ere, Public Officers:-
13th Earl of Oxford K.G. entertained Henry VII. with Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (.Animals) Act
the greatest magnificence and hospitality, but that ra- & Explosives Acts. Charles William Harrington, Police
pacious monarch, learning from the Earl's own acknow- station
ledgment that he had given liveries to his retainers,
contrary to the King's edict against "maintell6nce," con- :Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, No. 5 District,
Halst~ad l:nion, & Gestingthorpe District, Sudbury
tained in the statutt> of retainers, fined him in the
enormous sum of 15,ooo marks, or £1o,ooo: the keep, UniDn, & Medical Officer of Health, No. 2 Halstead
the only part of the castle now remaining, is a square Rural District, John Bourne Bromley
building, 6~ feet by 55 feet and IIO feet in height to the Tax Collector, Edward Harry Haiden, Sible Bedingham
top of the square turrets which rise at the angles and Schools:-
of which only two now remain, the battlements and parapet National (mixed), erected in 1853. for 150 children;
wall being swept away: the original entrance is on the average attendance, II6; Alfred Turner, master; Mrs.
west side, where a flight of stairs conducts to the prin- Turner, mistress
British (mixed), for no children; average attendance, Carrier.--charles Smith, to Sudbury, thurs. returning
72; Arthur Moore, mast~r; :\Iiss Elizabeth Percival, the same day
mistress •

PRIV.-\TE RESIDENTS. Gestingthorpe district, Sudbury Newton William, potato merchant

Balls James :Mayhew, The Nunnery union, & medical officer of health No Ne\\ man Elizabeth Anne & Alice
Balls Robert 2 Halst-ead! ruraJ district (Misses), ladies' boarding school,
Bear Mrs Carter Elijah, pork bulch<r Augusta house
Bentall William Rufus Cemetery (William Hart, clerk to the Parr William, beer retailer
Bromley John Bourne burial board)· Partridge John, upholsterer
Chaplin :Mrs. Bulls hill Chaplin William, Bell hotel Pay'ne Frederick, farmers (Thomas P.
Hart William Cornwell James, farmer, Pa'nnells ash Bowen, farm bailiff), Kirby hall
Harvey 1\fiss Dansie Frederick, beer retailer Percival Elizabeth (}.fiss), day school
Lake Rev. Hv. Ashton }.LA. (vicar) Davey Susannah (:Miss), bookseller & Percival Thomas, shoe maker

Little Mrs. Damvo'ns stationer Pilgrim Samuel, beer retailer
Mantle William
• Digby Elizabeth (Miss), millint'r Plummer William Creasey, farmer,
Monson Rev. George Edward (Cong) Dyson Charlotte (Mrs.), straw bon'net Great Lodge farm
Nicholl Miss maker Radley William, beer retailer
Dyson James. baker Jx. corn dealer Rayner William & Son, brick & tile
Newman Misses, Augusta house
Page Rev. Arthur Thomas Bristed Farrants Crown, blacksmith makers
Finch William, market gardener Registration Association (Edwd. Harry
A.K.G. (curat-e)
Root 1\fisses Finch Fredk. Ernest, maket gardener Haiden, secretary)
Sperling Rochfort Astle, The Astles Gatward John, butcher Revell Edmund, Crown P.H.
Goss Isaac, ironl!louger, Post office Ripper Edward, assistant overseer
Taylor Vero William J.P
Wood Mrs Harvey John Horton, draper & grocer Ripper "\Yilliam Charlton, builder
& dealer in british wines Sams Henry, market gardener
COMliEROIAL. Hawkins Albert, wheelwright Simmons "\Villiam, straw plait dealer
Ambrose George, beer retailer Hawkins Frederick, King's Head P.H. Smith Edward & Bessie (Miss), sad-
Amey George, shoe maker & coach builder & wheelwright dlers; & at Halstead & Pebmarsh
Baines James & Henry, grocers, dra- Hospital for Infectious Diseases, John Smith Charles, beer retailer, corn
pers & d18alers in british wines Bourne Bromley, surgeon; Mrs. dealer & carrier
Balls James Mayhew & Robert, auc- .Anne Butcher, caretaker & nurse Smith Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
tioneers, land agent§ & valuers; & Howe Olara (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Frederick, plumber
at Haverhill Jarman Fredk. Bennett, cabinet makr Smith Harry Robert, blacksmith
Balls James Mayhew, farmer_, The Jay Joseph, shoe maker Springett Joseph. market gardener
Nunnery Jeffreys Louisa (Miss), dress maker Taylor Vero William, maltster
Bingham Edward, ornamental pottery Kend-ell Geo. beer retlr. & butcher Tully Ernest John, insurance agent
manufacturer Ling Charles Robertj builder & un- Webb William James, chemist
Brand John, chimney sweepel" dertaker '\Vestrop Alfred James, osier grower
Bromley John Bourne, surgeon & Maxim ~\rthur, beer retailer & basket maker
medical officer & public vaccinator ::\iiller Alfred, baker Westrop George, fruiterer
No. 5 district, Halstead union & ~Iullocks Percy Frederick, butcher Westrop Thomas, fishmonger
CHADWELL HEATH is a straggling hamlet in the Sexton, John
parish of Dagenham, verging on Hai~ault For~st, for the Post, M, 0. & T. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
most part on th~ Romford .rood, w1th a statwn on the (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O.
Great Eastern ra1~way, 3 miles we~t _f~o~ Romford and Essex added). William Wilson, sub-postmaster. iLet-
IO from London, m the Southern dl.''UIOn ~f .t~e county, ters arrive .at 7 . 45 a.m. 2 & 6. 45 p.m.; dispatched at
Becontr~e hundred and petty. se~swnal ~IVISIO~, ~o~- _15 & 12 . 15 a.m. 4 . & . 30 p.m ·
9 45 7
f?rd umon and cou~ty cou-x:t d1stnct and m the JUrisdiC· Letter Box at Station, cleared at 9. 15 & II. 3o a.m. &
twn of the Metropolitan police, rural deanery of Chafford, & 6 ... p m
archdea_conry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The h
S 4
·:> •
church of St. Chad, built in r884, is an edifice of red c 001s : -
brick in the Early English style, from the designs of Mr. FOrd's Endowed, Whalebone lane, for rr6 children; aver-
Frederick Chancellor, of Chelmsford, diocesan surveyor, age attendance, 100; there is a branch school under
and consists of chancel, nave with clPrestory, aisles, north the same found-ation at Dagenham, the united income
porch, and a belfry with r bell. 'fhe Rev. John Peter being [300; Robert Thomas Aldous, master; Mrs.
Shawcross M.A. of Oxford University, has been curate in Aldous, mistress
charge since 1893. There are also Baptist and Congrega- Infants', for 120 children; average attendance, 8o; Miss
tional chapels and a place of worship for the Plymouth Westwood, mistres:,;
Brethren. The land is held by a number of small fr~e- Police Station; 4 sergeants & 14 constables
holders. Railway Starl:ion, Charles Parson, station master
PRrvATE RESIDENTS. Fereday Wm. Fairview, Whalebone la Miller Herbert, q Park villas
Alien James, Elizabeth villas Fowler Thomas M Moore Thomas, The Chestnuts
Alien Mrs. Glencair'n cottage, ·whale- Francis Frederick William, 2 Beacons- Moss .A.rcher, The Mill!'
bone lane field villas ~{os» Herbert, Heath side
Anderson Miss, Wallace ldg. High rd Freeman Francis William, The Limes Pavitt l\Irs. Jane, Grosve'nor villas•
.Appleby Geo. Wm. Hainault Gardner Fredk. John, Vine villas Whalebone lane
Aylott Joseph, Anthony villa Glindoni Hy. Gillard, ·whalebone la Payze Richard, Broomfields
Ashton John, The Brackens Goodwin Charles, :Mill lane Potter William, 5 Park road
Barber Alfred, Heath house Gm·as Geor!!'e, Cherry Tree cottage Pritlove William, 2 Fern villas
Betts Thomas, Brooklyn Green William Cooper, Elgi'n lodge Raison Henry, Cardigan house
Bickmore Arthur, Hainault Gore Hall Henry, Grove cotta2'e Ra,yment Jl,fiss.-s, Paulatim lodge
B1gmore Jas. Balcarras. Church road Hall William, May villa, Mill lane Savill Philip, Whalebone house
Birch Frederick ':Villiam, Cherry 'free Hallam John, Belgrave villa Say Eru~ar, I Monica villas
cottages Hancock George, Albincott Schreuder Herrman, 3 Park villa!!
Boulton Alf. W. Grosvenor villas Hahnemann Madame. 1 Park villas Sears Thomas, 1 Stanley villas
Bowyer Mrs. Mary, Be::.umo'nt lodge Harrison Joseph, Hope cottage Sellar Alfred, 2 :Mo'nico villas
Broad George, Heath cottage Hatch Arthur, Reta cottage Senton Thomas, Smith villa
Brook Edward, Vine villa Hayward' Thomas, Westview, Whale- Shawcross Rev. John Peter 1\f.!.
Brunyee John, Whalebone villas bone lane Home house
Butler James F. 8 Park vill&~ Henneauin Mrs. Bolton's farm Stewart John \V. Peoria villa
Button Mrs. Henry, Lawn house !Hollida-y Joseph Fredk. Hope villa Tann Edward. Eastwood house
Cadness "\Villiam Thomas, Fern villas Hughes James, Hove villa. Tatham Alfred, Belgrave villa
Clark George James, Brooklands Kent William. 6 Park villas Taylor Thomas..Edwm, Ash villa
Crisp Henry, The Hawthorns King- William, The Cedars Temple William, Rennet's Castle house
Daniel Geora-e. Albion cottag-e Leeg-ood Samuel, Eagle hous~ Tibbles Joseph, Beaconsfield villa
Davey Ebenezer. I I Park villas Looslt>y Chas. Reuben, Morley road Trafford Frederick, "''halebone lodge
Davies Enoch, Stanley villa Luxmore Mrs. Valance farm Tyrrell Richd. Henry, ro Park road
Douglas Frank, 12 Park villa!' ~fajor Hedlev J. Hainault villas van Bylevelt \Yillem Frederik Karel,
East \Varwick, St. Morith ~iajor Mrs. ~f. Hainault villas 2 Park villas
Ectwards James A. Rita cottage ~lay Thomas, Valance housp Waghorn Edward, Laurel cottage
Waterland Thomas, Su'nnyside Edwards David, jobber, Bennet's Cas- :\Iartin John. farm bailiff for Thomas
Whittingham Mrs. Wnalebone lane tie lane :May, esq. Valence
\Vright William, Lawn house Edwards Henry, jobber, Bennet's Cas- Parrish .Albert, hay & straw dealer,
Wroughtm1 Thos. Coleman,Wangey ho tie lane Bennet's Castle lane
COMliEROLI.L. Farrance Robert, florist Parrish Wm. farmer, Great Porters
.Alien James, market gardener Freshwater John "'\Villiam, attendance Parson Charles, station master
Archbold Samuel G. confectioner officer, Dagenha.m school bohrr-d, Phillips 'Yilliam. market gardener,
Ashton John L.R.C.P.Edin. physician Hawthorn villa. Bennet's Castle lane
& su:rgeo'n, The Brackens Gaywood Henry, but-cher Poole 'Yilliam, market gardener, Gale
Beauchamp Francis, engineer Gill & Rawling (~Iisses), school, Rain- street iarm
Benhm John T. beer retlr. Green lane ault Gore Potter .Arthur, shopkeeper, Station rd
Biggs Rachel (Mrs.), beer :retailer, Gold Alfd. Hy. hair dressr, Station rd Powell Henry, shoiJkeeper
Bennet's Ca<>tle lane Graffham Thomas, fishmonger Pritlo>e William James, wheelwright
Bixby John, hay & straw dealer Gree'n John, nurseryman Reed Geo. Joseph, plumber & grocer
Bixby Geo. dealer, Bennet's Castle la Hartridge Daniel, coffee rooms Riley George, shoe maker
Boreham Benjamin, farmer Hig-gs Thomas, blacksmith Riley Peter, boot & shoe maker
Burgess 'Villiam Emery, beer retlr Hills Geo. greengrocer, Whitehouse Riley William. baker
Cable Joh'n, hay .t straw dealer Holliday Joseph Frederick, builder, Rippingale lVilliam, beer retailer,
Chalk .Alfred, cab proprietor Hope villa Goodmays
Chalk Henry, coffee house King Edward, carman, Alpha cottage Spooner Samuel, carpenter
Chambers "'\Valter, tailor King Robert, carman, Ernest cottage Stewart John ,Y. assistant overseer &:.
Chipperfield Albert, carman, Mill lane Kin~ Robert, jun. hay & straw dealer, rate collector
Clark Anna (Mrs.), fishmonger High road Sturman Edward, butcher, High rd
Clark Geurge, baker & corn dealer Kirby Charles, dairyman Tarry .Albert. florist
Coppen Thos. L. frmr. Parsloes frmi Little John, jobber \Yackett ·william, market gardener
Daldy & C-o. coal mers. Railway stat'n Little Mrs. cowkeeper Webb Alfred, bricklayer, G1een lane
Death Geo. Wm. C. bldr. & contractor :\foss Archer & Son, millers (wind Wilson William, draper & post office
Digby Henry, butcher & steam} & corn dealers & cooJ Womack Waiter, for2man to .A.. Moss
Dockerill Geo. beer retailer, Wood la merchants, The Mills & Sons, ::\Iorley road
Draper William, jun. saddler ParrishPhoebe (Mrs.), White Hart P.H Young Jonathan, baker
Estaugh Charles l\1. White Horse P.H
CHADWELL ST. MARY, which takes its name Fort is the Tilbury steamboat station, from which there
from a well dedicated to St. Chad, wlio is said to have is a service in the summer months to :Margate and
baptised his converts here and built a church at Tilbury, Ramsgate; the ferry steamboat also plies to and from
is a parish on the road from Grays to Tilbury, 2 miles Gravesend half-hourly from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in summer
north from Tilbury Fol'lt and 22 from London, in the and winter, fare 3d. In the parish are a number of
South Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, excavationB in the chalk, traditionally known as "Cunobe-
Orsett union and petty sessional division, Gravesend lin's Gold Mines," so called from a British prince of that
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Orsett, name, who distinguished himself by his resistance to the
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans : the vil- invading Romans ; and by others called " Daneholes,"
lage of Chadwell lies high on one of the finest gravel beds from the belief that they we"te made by the terrified
in the kingdom, above the chalk range : the Tilbury Saxons as places of refuge from the Danes ; similar
Docks and Tilbury stations on the London and Southend caverns exist at Little Thurrock, and there are existing
railway are both in this parish: Tilbury Fort is partly in evidences of intercommunication between the several
this parish. The southern portion of the parish known retreats, local tradition indeed asserting that a subter-
as Tilbury is now (1894) being sewered at an estimated ranean gallery extends to Orsett. George Henry Erring-
cost of £9,000. The church of St. Mary is a building of ton esq. of Merry Oak, Southampton, and his brother the
ftint faced with a soft white stone chiefly in the Decorated Rev. John L. Errington M.A. rector of Midgham, near
style, bm incorporating some K orman features, and con- Reading, Berks, are the principal landowners and lords
sists of chancel, nave and an embattled western tower, of of the manor of Chadwell as well as of Biggin, another
flint and rubble, containing 3 bells, dated respectively manor in this parish : thf' other principal landowner is
1628, 1763 and I694: the nave is separated from the Champion Branfill Russell esq. J.P. of Stubbers, near
chancel by a dwarf screen of oak, surmounted by a Romford. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief
wrought iron screen of elaborate design by Charles E. crops are wheat and barley. The area is I,869 acres of
Powell esq.: in the chancel are two oil painting,., pl'e- land and ISO of water, the marshes reaching to the
Bented by the rector in 1893, one representing the "Find- Thames; rateable value, £1o,2o6; the population in
ing of Moses," and the other "The feast given to Our I89r was 3.391, including 46 in Tilbury Fort.
Lord in Simon's house": the east window WK'il filled with
stained glass Bit the cost of Mr. Seabrook, lat.:~ of Grays, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Assurance
and there are three other stained windows : tl'e chancel Office, Dock road, Tilbury (Sub-Offi,•e. Letters should
retains sedilia and a piscina : there is a mural ~blet to have S.O. Essex added.) Henry .Alfred Suggett, sub-
the Rev. "William Herringham B. D. a former re~. 'tor and postmaster. Letters from London .t from Grays are
Preb!>ndary of St. Paul's, d. 22 Feb. I8I9; and . \nother delivered at 7·45 a.m.; 3 & 5·45 p.m. On sundays by
to Thomas Noble Elwyn, of .Albemarle street, L_)ndon, calling between 8 & IO a.m. ; dispatches, I2. 10, 4·45
f!urgeon d. 4 Dec. 1848, and his relict, Elizabeth: under & 9.25 p.m. ; sundays, 9 p.m. The office is open for
the communion wble is a small brass: the font is the receipt & dispatch of telegrams on sundays, from
modern: the church was reseated in I857, and the chan- 8 to Io a.m. The telegraph office at Tilbury Dock rail-
cel decorat-ed with mural painting by Mr. J. T. Carter, way sta~ion is open for the dispatch of postal telegrams
of London, at the expense of the rector: in 188o the Pillar Letter Box, near the Tilbury railway station,
ancient rood staircase which had been blocked up was cleared at II.So a.m. 4.20 &J 8.45 p.m. week days only
oJ>ened, and in I893 a new orga·n was erected at a cost of Wall Letter Box, Tilbury Fort, cleared at II.45
£soo, and a new vestry built. The register of baptisms & 8.40 p.m.; sunday, 10.15 a.m
dates from 1539; marriages and burials from 1578. The Chadwell Post Office. Alexander Denmark Atkins, sub-
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £348, net postmaster. Letters through Grays arrive at 8.30
yearly value £233, with residence and 40 acres of glebe, a.m. & 3.20 p.m.; dispatched at II.IS a.m. & 7·45
in the gift of Stephen Fortescue esq. of Gain~borough p.m. ; sunday delivery, 8.30 a.m, ; dispatched, II a.m.
House, Shepherd's Bush, and held since 1879 by the Rev. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
Algernon Emerick Clementi-Smith M.A. of Worcester nearest money order office is a~ 'Yest Tilbury, & tele-
College, Oxford, and chaplain at Tilbury Fort. Tilbury graph office at Grays. Postal orders are is .. ued here,
Docks are in this parish, but for reference are given with but not paid
Tilbury West. The temporary district church, near the
docks, was -erected in I883; the Rev. Francis Clement There is a market held everv •

near Tilburv• Fort
Kaish has been curate in charge from 1882 and is for the sale of cattle, sheep &; pigs
vicai" designate of the proposed new parish for Tilbury
::\Iilitia En!!iueer;;, Submarine ~liners, Royal Engine~rs,
New Town and Docks, a permanent building- is now much
Thames Din;,ion, ~Iajor, C. P. Boyd; Captains, A. Gyb-
needed. There is also a Catholic School Chapel near
the docks, and an iron building in which services are held bon-Spilsbury (hon. major) & G. H. Holland
by the Thames Church ~fission Society. Tilbury Fort .A. School Board of 7 members was f rmed for this parish,
is occupied by a detachment of the Royal Artillery, and is IS April, I889, Richard Lloyd 'Yilliams, New road,
also the head quarters of the Thames ~Iilitia Division of Grays, is clerk to the board; Edwin Alfred Baxter, 78
Submarine ~liners Royal Engineers. Xear to Tilbury Sidney road, attendance officer
Schools:- Miss Maria A. Snmpner, mistress; Mrs. Edith Calver-
National (mixed), built in I855, for 6o children; aver- ley,

infants' mistress
age attendance, 56; Mrs. Daisy :Ma:wn, mistress Catholic (mixed), built in I887, for 250 children; aver-
age attendance, I20; Miss Norah Sullivan, mistress
Board School (Tilbury Dock), built in 189I, for I25 boys, Railway Stations:-
125 girls & 152 infants; average attendance, 160 boys, Tilbury, Matthew Forster, station master
I2o girls & 150 infants; Arthur Henry Venton, master; Tilbury Dock, Waiter J. Butcher, station master
(Marked* should have their letters *Beadle Joseph Thomas, carman, 5 *Newcombe Amelia Phoobe (Mrs.),
addressed Tilbury S.O. Essex.) C&lcutta road World's End P.H
See also Tilbury Dock. *Blake Alfred, shopkpr. 6o Sydney rd *Pengelly Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 42
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Clilverd William, estate office, 62 Sydney road
*.Ayles Thomas Francis E. 2 Til- Sydney road *Perry William Thurston, ,dining
bury gardens *Crabtree Esther Sarah (Mrs.), rooms, Dock road
*Bond Henry Charles, I Calcutta road grocer, 4 Dock road *Plint Harry, Ship P.H. Dock road
*Bright Stanley, 3 Tilbury gardens *Edmunds John, dairyman & corn *Rix Thomas, boot ma. 39 Sydney rd
*Christie Waiter, 4 Tilbury gardens dealer, 22 Sydney road *Robbins Lewis,dming rooms,Dock rd
Clementi-Smith Rev. Algernon Emer- *Flack Matthew, grocer, & agent for Rod Williarn, Cross Keys P.H
ick M.A. Rectory W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & *Shipman Edward James, newsagent
*Fowler Alfred H. 8 Tilbury gardens spirit merchants, 2 Calcutta road & tobacconist, Montreal road
*Greenway Francis, 1 Tilbury gardns *Fowler Alfred Henderson L.R.C.P. *Simons George, draper, 3 Dock road
James RevHumphrey F. G. (curate), Land., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & *Slowley Charles Frederick, shop-
Hill house surgeon, 8 Tilbury gardens keeper, Russell road
Naish Rev. Francis Clement (vicar *Frost Wm. shopkeeper,22 Toronto rd *Suggett Henry Alfred, baker, & post
designate of Tilbury New Town Fuller Daniel, blacksmith office, I Dock road
& Docks), 2 Calcutta road *Godfrey Thos. grngrcr. 9 Calcutta rd *Venton Arthur Henry, schoolmaster
*Orr Alex. Thompson, 7 Tilbury gdns *Goodwin Jn. grngrcr. 22 Toronto rd & rate collector, 92 Montreal road
*Watson William Charles Cordwell, 5 Gower Erm·st Alfred, farmer *Wallis Solomon, market gardener, 2
Tilbury gardens *Harrison James & Charles, coal mer- Dock road
cmmERCIAL. chants, Tilbury station *·Webb Robert James, greengrocer,
.A.tkins Alexander Denmark, grocer *Hubbard Stephen, refreshment Russell ro.1d
*Baxter Edwin Alfred, school attend- rooms, Tilbury railway station *Williamson William, butcher &
ance officer to Chadwell St. Mary Ibbs John, farmer, Chadwell hall grocer, 3 Calcutta road
school board, 78 Sydney road Jackson James Cook, farmer
CHAD WELL STREET is a hamlet, in the parish of south aisle a marble memorial to Emily Dawkins; the
Barking, on the road from Great Ilford to Romford, 2 miles church is ornamented with artistic decorations painted
east from thi3 former and 3 west from the latter and by an amateur, and will seat 350 persons. The register
adjoins Chadwell Heath railway station; it is in th~: dates from the year I865. The living is a perpetual
Southern division of the county, Becontree petty sessional, curacy, net yearly value about £so, in the gift of
division, Romford county court district, rural deanery of' Major Ibbetson, and held since I893 by the Rev. Frank
:Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Freshfield Smallpeice B..A. of 1\fagdalen College, Oxford,
.Alban's. The church of St. James was built in :r862 by who resides at Dagenham. The land is held by a
Major Ibbetson as a chapel of ease to Aldborough Hatch, number of small owners. The ward of Chadwell com·
but is now held as an independent charge with a con- prises 2,298 acres and had a population in 189I of 213.
ventional district formed out of the ecclesiastical parishes Wall Letter Box, adjoining Grove farm, cleared week
of Ilford and Aldborough Hatch; the church is a cruci- days only at 8.20 a.m. 4.15 & 7.15 p.m. & letters are
form structure of brick, with stone mouldings, in the delivered at 8 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.45 p.m
Gothic style, and consists of chancel with aisles, tran- Wall Letter Box, Little Heath, cleared at 8 & II.30
septs, nave, sacristy, choir vestry, south porch, and a a.m. week days & 9 a. m. sundays; letters are
western tower containing 5 bells: the triplet windows at delivered at 8.30 a.m
the east end and several others are stained, three of Letters through Chadwell Heath, which is the nearl'st
these being memorials to Caroline Amelia Liptrap, Lieut.- postal, money order & telegraph office
Col. Melville and Reginald Melville : the chancel is The children of this place attend the schools at Great
divided from the nave by a handsome Gothic stone Ilford, Chadwell Heath & Aldborough Hatch
screen, with shafts of marble: in the sacrarium is a A school for infants is now (I894) in course of erection
mural brass to Emily Ann Barlee, and on the wall of the at Chadwell street
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wallace Harry, I Chadwell avenue Knight William, carter, Little heath
Aitchison William Kinghorn, Will- COMMEROL.U. Lee Robert John, carpenter & grocer
nett lodge Alien Henry, market gardener Machell Fras. L. beer ret. Little heath
Bedingham Robert, Chadwell avenue Bennett Jn. farmer, Seven Kings' frm ~Iassey Alfred, farmer, Little heath
Brown Robert George, Goodmays Brown Joseph, farmer, Goodmay's ldg Mead Clement, farmer, Downhall
Devonshire Alfred Charles, 2 Chad- Brown Robert Geo. frmr. Goodmays :Miriam Jane Matilda (Mrs.), beer ret
well avenue Brown Thomas, blacksmith :Munday James, market gardener,
Fleming John, Essex road Cable James, farmer, Little heath Primrose farm
Gawler Thomas, Shaftesbury vila Cable Josiah, farmer, Little heath Porter Wm. shopkpr. Padnall corner
Hearn Mrs. Grove farm Cursons Thomas, Greyhound P.H Pye Charles William, hay & straw
Ibbetson Maj. George E. Heath house, Dewell Wm. Geo. shpkpr. Essex rd dealer, Little heath
Little heath Dilley Mrs . .Ann, farmer, Little heath Rodgers Mrs. dress ma. Railway ter
Page John Knight, Holly cottage Dodwell Eber John, butcher Saggers George, Crooked Billet P.H.
P~arl William, Mitre villa Emson John, farm bailiff to Mrs. Padnall corner
Roberts John, 3 Chadwell avenue Burton, Blue House farm Seeley Sarah (Mrs.), laundry
Saunders Mrs. Chadwell avenue Fordham William, dairyman Sayers Samuel, jobber, Seven Kings
Searl John, White house Hancock John, farmer, Seven Kings Shacklady Edmnnd, farmer,Little hth
Spooner Fredk. Wm. Florence villa Holliday Edgar, shopkeeper Sutton Henry, market gardener
Spooner John William, Ernest villa Humphrey Jsph. shopkpr. Little hth Torrance George W. & James, far·
Threadgold Foster, Little heath King Henrietta (Mrs.), shopkeeper mers, Hainault farm
CHAPPEL (or Pontisbright) is a village and parish, I place was fol'merly part of Great Tey, but was made a:n
.on the banks of the river Colne, adjacent to Wakes independent parish in I533· The chapel, an edifice of
Colne and on the high road from Colchester to Cam- stone in a debased Norman style, was originally bmit
bridge, 6! miles south-east from Halstead, 8 south from in I352 as a dependency of Great Tey, and consists of
Sudbury, 6 north-east from Coggeshall, 7~ north-west , nave, north porch and small western belfry, with spire,
from Colchester and 49! from London, in the Eastern 1 containing 2 bells ; the chancel retains a piscina. The
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and register dates from the year I538. The living
Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £6o, net
~ounty court district, and in the rural ~eanery ol yearly value £93, with 9 acres of glebe and
Ha1stead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of 1 residence, in the gift of the parishioners, and held
St. Albans. The Stour Valley branch of the Great 1 since 1869 by the Rev. James Pownall Britton, Th.
Eastern railway here crosses the valley by a viaduct of Assoc. K.C.L. The parish is included in the sinecure
32 arches, springing to a height of 74 feet and has a, rectory of Great Tey, of which it was formerly s
station about a quarter of a mile from the village, which 1 chapelry. The impropriate or rectorial tithes amount
is also the junction for the Colne Valley railway. This to £I59 and 40 acres of glebe, and there is a Queen's


Portion f)f £47· · Robert Hoolde esq. in the 33rd year gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
of the reign of King Henry VI. by his deed of feoffment The area is I,II4 acres; rateable value, £1,663; the
gave one messuage with garden and 14! acres of land m population in 1891 was 369.
this parish, for a poor learned man who should from time Parish Clerk, John Bell.
to time be minist~r of this parish; should the mm1sier Post & M. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
not be poor then the charity to be distributed to the Oliver Joseph Poole, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
poor ; twelve trustees were appointed to this deed in from Halstead at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 5·55 p.m. ;
1834, but in 1889 the land was sold and the proceeds sundays 8.30 a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
invested by the Charity Commissioners. The manor Wakes Colne. Wall Letter Box, Watch house, cleared
is extinct. The principal landowners are Captain Charles at 1.45 p.m. & 6 p.m. ; sundays 9· 15 a.m
Reeve R.N. of Belle Vue Park, Lowestoft; :\Iessrs. National School (mixed), built in 1871, for 73 children;
Golden Goody, Robert Partridge, Miss Goody, Mrs. average attendance, 6o
Farrow, Mrs Fawell, and there are several smaller Railway Station, William Curtis, station master
owners. The soil is a light loam and clay; subsoil, Carrier to Colchester, Arthur Everitt. mon. wed. &:; sat
Britton Rev.James Pownall T.A.K.C.L. Beard Joseph, jun. builder, contrac- Everitt Samuel, butcher. Rose green
Vicarage tor & saw mills, Rose green; & Goody Golden, farmer, Pattocks
Farrow Mrs. James, Hill house brick maker, Fordham Leatherdale Gregory, threshing ma-
Langdale Hy. Jackson,Bridgewick hall Beard Jsph. sen. beer ret. Rose green chine owner, Rose green
Oakes Manta~rue N. The Elms Bell John, saddler Pettitt Martha (Mrs.), Swan P.H
Osborn Mrs. Rose cottage Burchell William. frmr. Viaducts frrn Poole Oliver Jsph. shopkpr. Post office
Smith Miss, Brook farm Cart~r James, Rose & Crown P.H. & Smith Jn. Edwin,blacksmith,Rose grn
Thackeray Lieut.-Col. Chas. B.A.,J.P carpenter Wnitman Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Wright Miss Everitt Arthur, grocer, carrier & Wilson John, farmer, Swanscomb
Barker John, baker traps to let out on hire

C H E L .l\1 S F 0 R .D .
CHEL~ISFORD is a municipal borough, market and union The town sewers are now, for the purpose of irrigation,
t{)wn, the meeting place of the County Council of Essex, under the control of the Corporation; a main sewer
and head of a petty sessional division and county court conveys the town sewage and that of Widford combine~
district, with a station on the Great Eastern railway; by gravitation to Brook end, Springfield, receiving in its
it is at the confluence of the rivers Chelmer, Can and course the sewage of part of Springfield and Great
Wid, and on the great road from London through Col- Baddow. A farm of about no acres has been purchased
chester into Suffolk, with roads branching to Ongar, at Brook end and the combined sewage of the faur
from London, 9 south-west from Witham, 22 south-west parishes is then disposed of by irrigation and filtration.
Dunmow, Braintree, Maldon and Rochford, and is 29 miles According to Camden, Chelmsford corresponds to the
from Colchester, 11 south-west from Braintree, n! north- Roman station " Ce.ncenium," but it is now generally
east from Brentwood, 10 west from 1\Ialdon, 38! from supposed to be identical with " Ccesaromagus," a station
Ipswich and 56! from Bury St. Edmunds. In Domesday in the direct road from London to Colchester. In the
Book it is variously called " Celmeresfort" and " Cel- year 1847 a Roman villa of considerable extent was dis-
mersforde " and named in many ancient records, " Chel- covered on land immediately abutting upon the sup-
mereforde," " Chelmesford," and " Chelmsford ; " the posed ancient road and from time to time numerous
name is, however, evidently a contraction of Chelmer's- Roman relics have been found. In the r~ign of Henry
ford, from the ford over the river Chelmer before I. Maurice, Bishop of London, in which see Chelmsford
bridges were built across it. Chelmsford is the capital had remainei since the reign of Edward the Confessor,
of the Mid division of the county, in the hundred and built the first bridge over the Can. The town continued
rural deanery of its own name, Essex archdeaconry and to form part of the possessions of the Bishops of London
St. Albans diocese. down to the time of Henry VIII. when, in 1545, the
Under an order of the Local Government Board, dated town and mansion were conveyed by Bishop Bonner and
25 March, 1889, two outlying pnrtions uf the parish in 1563 granted by Queen Elizabeth to Thomas Mildmay
were added to the parishes of Broomfield and Writtle. esq. in whose family the manor and a portion of the
The town received a charter of incorporation 19 lands still remain ; no mention is made of its market
Sept. 188g, and is now governed by a mayor, 6 aldermen until in the early part of the reign of King John, when
and 18 councillors, who also act as the urban sanitary a charter for a weekly market was procured as well as.
authority. The borough is divided, for municipal a royal licence for the annual fairs; the fairs are now
purposes, into north and south wards. abolished.
The town, in conjunction with · is in three In some parliamentary records this town is called a
divisions, all connected by good borough and by writ dat~d 18 Aug. 11 Edw. HI. (1337).
bridge, between and at the confluence of the rivers four persons were summoned from this town to attend:
Chelmer and Can : :Moulsham bridge on the south side the Parliament holden at Westminster in that year, but
of the Can, and Springfield bridge on the north <1ide of the they are not returned as having done so; in a statute
Chelmer; an iron bridge over the Chelmer, built t{) re- of Henry VI. relating to weights and measures, Chelms-
place one washed away by the flood of August, 1888, was ford is also named as the shire town.
erected in 1890, from designs by the county surveyor, The church of St. Mary, a building of rubble, flint
at a cost of £2,104: the town is lighted with gas and some red brick, was erected (according to an old
supplied by a company empowered by provisional order inscription upon the church, now destroyed) in the
under the Gas and Waterworks Facilities Act of 1870, year 1424, no doubt upon the foundation of a former
whose offices and works are at Springfield wharf; but church, and is an edifice in the Perpendicular style.
the Corporation has contracted with Messrs. Crompton consisting of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, north
and Co. Limited, for lighting the borough by electricity, transept, south porch and an embattled western towel'
all the wires for which are run overhead from standards containing a clock and 10 bPlls, dating variously from
so to 6o yards apart; there are 20 arc lamps in the 1723 to 1822, the t-enor weighing 22 cwt. : in the year
three main streets, and 217 ~ncandescent lampps for 1800 the roof of the nave fell in, destroying the nave
other thoroughfares : the town was thus lit for the first and the greater portion of the west and ;;outh aisle~,
time 14 April, 1890. which were then rebuilt in the bastard style of Gothic at
The waterworks, in Mildmay road, belong to the that time prevailing and encumbered with north, south
Corporation, who supply the to"n and the parish of and west galleries: in the year 1857, however, the
Widford with hard and soft water procured from two western gallery was cleared away, the fine old towel'
sources, viz. an artesian well at the works, 6oo feet deep, thrown open and the church reseated: in 1873 a second
and a spring near the railway, named "Burgess Well;" north aisle with transept was built and the two remain-
the water is conveyed from this well by gravitation to ing galleries removed; and in 1872 a new pulpit, of
a reservoir capable of containing nz,ooo gallons, which various coloured marbles with sculptured panels in white
also supplies two conduits in the town; a further supply marble was presented by Robert W. Hanbury esq. of
has been obtained from the Admiral's Park Spring, and a Dam Hall, Derbyshire and now M.P. for Preston, in
wat~r tower and reservoir for 250,000 gallons constructed. memory of his wife : the south porch, a fine specimen of
At Long Stc.mps there is a high level reservoir holding the Perpendicular period, was restored by F. Chancellor
12o,ooo gallons. esq. in 1882: the chancel was improved in 1878 by the
addition of a clerestory and a new stained east window Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1-829·46: he died
erected to tha memory of Lady .Jane :Mildmay, wife of Sir July 6th, 1846.
H. B. H. John Mildmay, d. 6 May, 1857: in 1884 it was Her Majesty's Prison is at Springfield and ,..·as erected
re-arranged, oak stalls and wrought iron screens in- in 1828 at a cost of £57,289; enlarged in 1849, and fur-
traduced and new flooring laid down: there are several ther improved in 1871; there are 361 certified cells.
stained windows : the archdeacon of Essex holds his The head quarters of the County Constabulary is at
court in the church and until recently the archidiaconal Springfield.
records were kept in the room in the porch, but they Chelmsford is the head quarters of the .A. and B Com.
are now ren.oved: here are 1,200 sittings. The parish panies of the znd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment.
registers date from the year 1538. The living is a The London and County Bank and that of Messrs.
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £340, net yearly value Sparrow & Co. have branches here, and there are con-
£347• including glebe (£98) with residence, in the gift cert and assembly rooms. Five newspapers are pub.
of the Bishop of St. .A.lbans, and held since 188o by the lished. Chelmsford races are held annually on Galley.
Venerable Henry Frank Johnson LL.B. of Trinity College, wood common.
Cambridge, and archdeacon of Essex. There are agricultural implement factories, iron foun-
St. Peter's Mission church, Primrose hill, was built dries, engineering and electric light works, a large tan-
in 1892; the services are conducted by the clergy of nery, breweries, maltings and extensive corn mills. A
St. Mary's.

considerable trade in corn is also maintained .
The Catholic church, in New London road, founded The market is held on Friday and, with regard to corn,
1847, and consecrated zo Oct. 1866, is dedicated to the is one of the largest in the county . .A. cattle and horse
Immaculate Conception. market was laid out in rear of the corn exchange in
There is a Meeting house for the Society of Friends I88o. There is a large fat cattle show about the middle
in Duke street and a Catholic Apostolic church in Hall of December. Previous to 188o the market was held in
street: there are also Baptist and Congregational chapels the streets, but in that year the late Local Board pro·
in New London road, a CongregatiQnal chapel in Baddow vided a convenient market place.
Toad and Primitive Methodist chapels in Hall street and The Essex and Chelmsford Infirmary and Dispensary,
Unitarian in Legg street. in the New London road, were formally opened by Lady
The Chelmsford Church Cemetery, of about three- Brooke on Thursday Nov. 15th, 1883. The infirmary
quarters of an acre, in Rectory lane, was purchased on consists of a central block and two wings, two stories in
the closing of churchyards in Chelmsford, with regard to height, and at the rear is a one-storied annexe, used as
which various Orders in Council were made from 20 a dispensary. The central hall leads into a committee
Oct. 1854 to 24 March, 1857, and a mortuary chapel room on the right and a matron's room on the left. The
was erected in 1861 to the memory of Horatia Louisa, male accident ward, 24ft. by zzft. has six beds, and the
daughter of the late Ven. Charles St. John-Mildmay, female accident ward, 24ft. by 12ft. contains four beds,
archdeacon of Essex and wife of the Hon. Pascoe Charles lavatories and baths are attached to each. Above are
Glyn M.P. for East Dorset, she died Nov. 15, 1858. The medical wards for males and females; the infirmary pro-
cemetery was enlarged by u. 3P· in 1894. vides in all 25 beds.
The Nonconformist Cemetery, in New London road, There are also two almshouses for ten poor people and
formed in 1846, consists of two acres, purchased at a a sum of £4oo, derived from several charities, is dis·
cost of £476, and is in the hands of trustees. tributed yearly.
The Municipal Cemetery, on the Writtle road, formed Chelmsford parish comprises the manors of Bishop's
in 1866 and belonging to the Corporation, comprises six Hall, Moulsham Hall and most of Bexfields, the two
acres, p~rchased at a cost of £I,IOo, the fencing, erec- latter were held by the Abbot and Convent of Westmin-
tion of buildings and laying out costing an additional ster, but were granted by Henry VIII. with Chelm.sford
sum of £r,78o. or Bishop's Hall manor to the Mildmay family.
The Corn Exchange, occupying a central position in The parish, including Moulsham, covers an area of
Tindal square, is a building in the Italian style, from 2,308 acres, of which about 650 acres are tithe free;
designs by Frederic Chancellor esq. of this town, con- 1,724 acres subject to a rent-charge of £494 18s. in lieu
taining a corn hall 100 feet by 45, with counting-houses of tithes; 322 acres paying £5 :zs.; 16 acrE's, 19 J:!Oles
on either side, auction and committee rooms and a glebe; 21 water and the remainder site of town, wastes
gallery; it was opened on the 5th of June, 1857, since and roads; rateable value, £47,662.
which time the corn markets have been held every Fri- The population of the parish and municipal borough in
day: the building is also licensed for dramatic and other x89r was II,oo8, including 245 inmates of the workhouse
entertainments. and 165 children in the industrial school; the population
The Shire hall, in High street, is an edifice of Portland attached to the parish church in r8gr was 5·575; the
stone. with a frontage relieved by four Ionic columns; whole popul.vtion of Chelmsford, Moulsham and Spring-
opposite the hall stands a piece of ordnance, a trophy of field being 13,644-
the Crimean war; here are held the assizes, quarter ses- ..WIDFOl1"D, SPRINGFIELD and BROOMFIELD ad-
sions for the county and petty sessions and the meetings join Chelm Jord and are given under separate headings.
of the County Council. MOULSll.AM is a hamlet to the south, and an eccle-
The Literary Institute comprises a lecture hall and siastical parish, formed Sept. II, 1838, out. of Chelms-
reading room with a library of 4,ooo volumes. ford and constitutes part of the town.
The Essex Field Club, the county scientific society, St. John's church, built in 1841 at a cost of about
established in 188o, occupies premises in New London £z,5oo, is an edifice of brick, partly in the Early Eng·
road, formerly the home of the old Chelmsford Museum, lish style, from designs by Mr. ·webb, late of this town,
and taken over by the club for the purposes of their Local and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts and an
(Essex) Museum. The collections contained in the mu~ embattled western tower containing 1 bell: the windows
seum are intended to illustrate the natural history, geo- in the chancel and transepts are stained: two in the
logy, and pre-historic archaeology of Essex, arranged in north transept having been placed in 1879 in memory of
such a manner that they may possess a distinct educa- I the Rev. Edward Olive, late curate of this parish: the
tional value, as well as to present an epitome of the , church was enlarged after its original erection by the
natural productions of the county, illustrated by maps, l addition of the chancel and transepts: in ;r883 the nave
drawings, diagrams &c. The library of the club, also was enlarged and the tower erected, at a cost of £z,ooo:
lodged in the rooms, is already of considerable import- there are 8oo sittings. The register dates from the year
ance. The club numbers 400 members, and its publica- of erection. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value
tions now number many volumes. Mr. W. Cole, Buck- [350, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
hurst hill, Essex, hon. sec. the rector of Chelmsford, and held since 1879 by the
The Chelmsford Club, in the New London road, was Rev. George St . .A.lban Godson M . .A.. of Pembroke Col-
formed in 1884: tlie club premises contain reading rooms, lege, Cambridge. The principal landowner is Sir R B.
dining room and a large billiard room: there are about P. St. John Mildmay hart. of Dogmersfield Park, Winch-
2I5 members and the club is managed by a board of field Hants. The area is 1,906 acres ; the population in
directors. 1 r88 I of the ecclesiastical district was 4,900, and in r8g1
In Tindal square is a sitting figure in marble, by E. I 5,403.
H. Baily, sculptor, of Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal kt. Parish Clerks (St. Mary's), Richard Stannard, 5 Brocm·
~LA. born at Coval Hall, near Chelmsford, successively field road; (St. John's), John Lewis, 126 Moulsham
~LP. for Wigton, Harwich and Cambridge University, and street, Chelmsford.


Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Stamps, Registration of Letters &c. 7 a.m. to xo p.m. ;
70 High street ; open from 7 a.m. to Io p.m. ; Edward sundays 8 a.m. to Io a.m. Sale & Payment of Postal
William James .A.rman, postmaster. For Sale of Orders, Saving~ Bank Deposits & Withdrawals, Money
Order, Government Annuity & Insurance Business, Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority &
Issue of Licences & Parcel Post business, 7 a.m. to School Attendance Committee, Thomas Dixon, New
xo p.m. ; no business ou sunday. Local Express Mes- London road
senger Service for letters & parcels, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Treasurer, William :\Iichael Tufnell, High street
Telegraph business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; suudays 8 a.m. Medical Officer of Health, Edwd Hunt Carter, Fairfield ho
to 10 a.m Borough Surveyor, George Henry Sasse, New London rd
Sanitary Inspector & Superintendent of ~arkets, George
Outward Mails. Despakhes (Letters.) Henry Sasse, X ew London road
Local Rural Posts, week days, 5.30 & 10.25 a.m. Other Collector of Rates & School Attendance Officer, Thomas
mails, 9.15, 9·4o, 11.0 & 11.45 .2.m. & 12.35, x.o, 2.45, Golding, 22 New London road
4·35, 4·50, 5.30, 7.25, 8.45, g.o & II.O p.m. Superintendent of Cemetery, W. H. Bird, Writtle road
Sundays-Local Rural Posts, 5.30 a.m. Town Delivery, Mace Bearer, John Ballard, 7 Duke street
6.45 a.m. ; Night Mails for Essex, Suffolk & parts of
Norfolk, g.o p.m. ; Night Mails for London, all parts Joint Sewerage Committee.
of the Un:lted Kingdom & Foreign, II.o p.m.; Bishop's The l\Iayor
Stortford, Dunmow & Southend; also Local Country Aldermen-Durrant, Brown &; Chancellor
Posts, 11.0 p.m Councillors D. Kevan, G. Osborn & F. Wb.itmore &
three members of rural authority
Despatches (Parcels.) Clerk, Thomas Dixon, New London road
Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post must be
presented at the counter during the hours of attend- County ~Iagistrates for Chelmsford Petty Sessional
ance, on week days only, 9·30, 10.25 & II.o a.m. ; Division.
12.35, I.O, 4·35, 4.50, 5.15, 8.451 9.0 & IO.O p.m.; SUn-
days, no despatch Kemble Thos. esq. Runwell hall, "\Tickford S.O. chairman
Chancellor Frederic esq. High street, Chelmsford
Inward Mails.-Letters (week days.) Foster J ames Thomasin esq. LL.~I. Pontlands, Great
:From all ~arts of the United Kingdom and Foreign, 7.0 Baddow, Chelmsford
a. m.; Scotland, Ireland; also from Ingatestone & Hardcastle Henry esq. ~LA. Writtle, Chelmsford
Writtle, 10.30 a.m. ; Braintree, Hatfield Peverel & Hardcastle Joseph Alfred esq. M.A. 54 Queen's Gate
Southend, 1.10 p.m. (to callers only; London & Subur- terrae~, London S."\V
ban Towns, &c. ; also from Brentwood, Southend, Bore- Kemble Major 'l'hos. Albert, Runwell hall, Wickford S.O
ham, Galleywood, Springfield & Widford,3.10 p.m.; Lon- Pierce John Timbrill esq. D.L., F.R~G.S. Frettons, Dan-
don, Eastern counties & England generally; also from bury, Chelmsford
Ingatestone, Romford, Southend, Broomfield, Danbury, Pryor Arthnr esq. D.L. Hylands, Chelmsford
Great Baddow, Great Leighs, Great & Little Waltham, Rasch Major Frederic Carne D.L., 1\I.P. \Voodhill, Sr.n-
Springfield & Writtle, 5·45 p.m. On Christmas Day, don, Chelmsford
Good Friday & Bank Holidays there is only one de- Savill-Onley Charles Alfred Onley esq. D.L. Bexfields,
livery, at 7.0 a.m Galleywood, Chelmsford
Tufnell William Michael esq. D.L. Halfield pi. Chelmsford
Parcels (Week days). Tufnell-'l'yrell John Lionel esq. D.L. Boreham house,
From all parts of the United Kingdom & Forei~n, 9.0 Chelmsford
a.m.; London, North & South of England, Ireland, Usborne Thomas esq. M.P. The House, ·writtle, Chelmsfd
Scotland & Foreign, 10.30 a.m.; London, places Wells Hy. Collin~s esq. The Lodge, Broomfield, Chelmsfrd
through London & Eastern Counties, 5·45 p.m.; sun- Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding, Nithsdale house, In-
days, no delivery gatestone
Collections from To·~w~n Sub-Post & 1\f. 0. 0., S. B. & Woodhouse Robert esq. Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford
Annuity & Insurance Offices.-Baddow road, 8.o a.m. Clerk to the Magistrates, "\Villiam "\Yard Duffield, 96
& 12.45, 3-55, 8.o & xo.o p.m.; Duke street, 8.15 a.m. High street
12 noon & 2.5, 4.0, 8.10 & 10.45 p.m.; Moulsham, 8.30 Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall every friday at
I I a.m. The places in the division are :-Baddow
& 11.45 a.m. & 1.5, 3.20, 8.10 & ID. IS p.m.; New
street, 8.30 & 12 noon & 2. I$, 4· IO, 8.0 &; 10.30 p.m. ; (Great), Baddow (Little), Boreham, Broomfield, Butts-
Springfield hill, 7·55 & 10.40 a.m. & 1.30, 4.20, 8.o & bury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbui"y, Good Easter,
10.20 p.m. ; sundays, no collection Hanningfield (East), Hanningfield (South), Hanningfield
Corresponding hours of posting at Head Office, g.o a.m. (West), Ingatestone & Fryerning, Leighs (Great),
Leighs (Little), Margaretting, Mashbury, Rettendon,
& 1.0, 2.45, 4·35, 8.45, II.o p.m.; sundays, n p.m
Roxwell, Runwell, Sandon, Springfield, Stock, Wait-
Corporation. ham (Great), Waltham (Little), Widford, Woodham
Ferris, Writtle
Mayor Councillor Thomas John Deeks Cramphorn. Cemeteries.
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Frank \Vhitmore. :Borough, Writtle road, W. H. Bird, supt
Church, Rectory lane, Ricliard Stannard, parish clerk
Aldermen. · Nonconformist, New London road, Geo. Hasler, registrar
tWilliam Ward Duffield ~James Samuel Brown
tAndrew Durrant ~Frederic Chancellor J.P
Public Establishments.
t Alfred Geo. Edwin Morton §John Dutton Archdea.conry Court of St. Albans, New street; "\Valter
Payne Gepp 1\LA. registrar
Council)ors. Corn Exchange, Tindal square, W. W. Duffield, sec
Presiding .Alderman at Ward Elections, Alderman Oou~tf Court, His Honor William Paterson, judge ;
Durrant William Ward Duffield, registrar of the Court & regis-

trar in Bankruptcy; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff ; ·
• North Ward. Thomas John Smee, deputy registrar. Sittings held at
tThos. Jn. Deeks Cramphorn !Henry William Tanner the Shire hall, Tindal square, monthly; summonses &c.
tWalter Payne Gepp , *William Dennis granted at the Court office, Tindal square. The fol-
tEdward Lawn *James Tomlinson lowing places are within its jurisdiction: Berners
!Joseph S. Greenhow *Frank Whitmore Roothing, Boreham, Broomfield, Buttsburv, Chelmsford,
tFrederick Spalding Chignal, Danbury, East Hanningfield, ·Good Easter,
Great Baddow, Great "\Valtham, Ingat~stone & Fryern-
South Ward. ing, Little Baddow, Little Waltham, l\Iargaretting,
Presiding .Alderman at Ward Elections, Alderman ~orton Mashbury, Ple~hey, Rettendon, Roxwell, Runwell, San-
tWilliam Bodkin M. D. tAdolphus Georg-e Marshell don, Shellow Bowells, South Hanningfield, Sprir~field,
tGeorge Osborn *John Geo. Bond Stock. Terling-. We<:t Hanning-field, Widford, Willin!J"ale
tFrank A. Fawkes *William John Gray Doe, Willing-ale Spain & Writtle "'
tRobert Britton *George W. Taylor The following Countv •
Court districts are within th~
tDouglas Kevan Bankruptcy Di<:trict of the Chelmsford County C-ourt:
-Chelmsford. Braintree, Brentwood, Dunmow, ~Ialdon,
:Marked thus t retire in 1894.
~larked thus t retire in 1895. Rochford & Southend & Romford, C. ~Iercer, senior
Marked thus ;;. retire in 1896. official receiver ; H. Shirtcliffe, assistant official re-
Marked thus§ retire in 1897. ceiver, 95 Temple chambers, London E.C
The meetings of the Corporation are held at the Shire Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
hall every wednesday in month, 7 p.m Amendment Act ":-Alfred Darb~·, 97 Hi~h street;
Officers of the Corpo:ration & Urban Sanitary Authority. George B. Hilliard, New street ; G. E. Hilliard, X ew
street; Edward Newman Palmer, 25 Broomfield road; hold 435 inmates; Henry Rowe, master; Rev. G. St.
George E. Phillips, New street; Sidney Rodd, Duke Alban Godson M. A. chaplain; medical ·>fficer, T. H.
street; Fred. W. Taylor, High street ·wailer, Chelmsford; Mrs. Susan Rowe, n·atron
County Constabulary, headquarters, Springfield; Captain Rural Sanitary Authority.
Edward Maclean Showers, chief constable, l'c:iice Sta- :Meetings on tues. mor.thly at the Workhouse at 12 o'clock
tion, Shire hall ; the local force consists of 2 supts. 2 Clerk, 'Villiam Ward Duffield, 96 High street
inspectors, 1 sergeant &i 9 constables Assistant Clerk, William Henry Fowler, 96 High street
County Council, meetings held at Shire hall, Statutory Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, High street
meeting annually in March on a tuesday at 11 a.m. 21
Medical Officer of Health, John Clough Thresh D.Sc.,
days before April meeting &i 1st tuesday in January, 1-I.B., F.I.C., F.C.S. The Limes, New London road
April, July &i October, at 11 a.m.; Henry Gibson, clerk Assistant Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, Isaac Cadman
Chelmer &i Blackwater Navigation Co. Andrew Meggy, Smith, ~pper terrace, Springfield
clerk, 71 Duke street
Essex & Chelmsford Dispensary & Infirmarv, New London School Attendance Committee.
road, William Bodkin M.D., lvl.Ch. & ·E. H. Carter, Meeting every alternate tuesday at Union house.
hon. medical officers; Waiter 'Vright, dispenser; Clerk, William Ward Duffield, 96 High 8t. Chelmsford
Leonard Coleman, hon. sec.; F. ·wells, treasurer; School Attendance Officers, 1st district, J ames Diaper,
Sidney Rodd, assistant hon. sec. &i collector Fairfield, Chelmsford; 2nd district, W. J. Nurse,
Essex Field Club, New London road, ·w. Cole, hon. sec Stock, 3rd district, Herbert Wear, Broomfield
Essex & Suffolk Fire Engine & Brigade, Bell yard, Geo.
Mason, supt. 1 sergeant & 8 men Public Officers.
Fire Brigade, W. Farrow, superint.~ndent Assistant Overseer, Waiter Maryon, 29 l'\ew street
H. M. Prison, Springfield, J. H. Shepherd, governor; Clerk of the Peace for the County & to the County
Rev. Francis Stephen Westbrook M.A. chaplain; Rev. Council & to the General Meetings of the LieutPnancy
oseph F. Padbury, Catholic hon. chaplain; Edward of Essex, Henry Gib son, res. Ongar ; office, Shire hall;
Hunt Carter, surgeon Clerk to the Clerk of the Peace, Geo. Fredk. llarlow
Inland Revenue Office, 97 High street, Thomas G. Shep- Clerk to Commissioners of Income & Land Tax for divi-
herd, supervisor sion of Chelmsford & to Commissioners of Sewers
Masonic Lodge (276 Good Fellowship), White Hart hotel, for Dengie & for Fobbing Levels, Charles Bramston
thurs. on or before full moon Jan. Feb. March, April, Osborne Gepp, New street
Sept. Oct. Nov. &i Dec. at 7 p.m.; James P. Lewin, Clerk to Crmmissioners of Sewers for Foulness Level,
sec. Essex Chapter Royal Arch, held at the White Waiter Payne Gepp M.A. New street
Hart hotel 2nd monday in Feb. May & Nov.; A. County Accountant of Essex, Frank Howard Owers, 7&
Durrant, scribe. Chelmer Lodge, Mark Masons, held Duke street
at the White Hart hotel, last tuesday in March, June, Cnief Surveyor for the Essex County Council, Percy J.
Sept. & Dec. at 7 p.m. ; F. P. Sutthery, sec Sheldon Assoc.:M.Inst. C.E. 78 Duke !'Lteet
Shire Hall, High street; assizes, spring & summer, County Treasurer of Essex, Robt. Woodhouse, 78 Duke st
County Council meetings & quarterly sessions & petty Corn Returns Inspector, George Mason, 69 Duke street
sessions held every friday Diocesan Architect for St. Albans & Diocesan Surveyor
Volunteers. for Archdeaconries of Essex, Colchester & St. Albans,
Frederic Chancellor F.R.I.B.A. 2 High street
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, headquarters, Distributor of Stamps, Julius Mark, 35 High street
Corn Exchange, A Company, Capt. I<'. vV. Chancellor & Registrar of the Archdeaconries of Colchester, Essex &;
B Company, Capt. G. H. Coleman, commandants; St. Albans, & Surrogate for Essex Archdeaconry,
Surgeon-Major E. Shedd, medical officer Waiter Payne Gepp, New street
Chelmsford Union. Sheriff's Officer, Frederick Smee, 1 Albert place, New
Board day, every alternate tuesday at 10.30 a.m. London road
The union comprises the following parishes :-Boreham, Surveyor of Taxes, Samuel Waters, 69 Duke street
Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury, Town Crier (appointed by the Lord of the Manor),
East Hanningfield, Good Easter, Great Baddow, Great George Beadle, Cottage place
Leighs, Great Waltham, Ingatestone & Fryerning, Little Under-Sheriff, C. B. 0. Gepp, New street; Acting
Baddow, Little' Leighs, Little Waltham, Margaretting, Under-Sheriffs, Gepp & Sons, New street
Mashbury, Pleshey, Rettendon, Roxwell, Runwell, San- Places of Worship, with times of Service.
don, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Stock, West Han- St. Mary's Parish Church, Ven. Archdeacon Henry Frank
ningfi.eld, Widford, Woodham Ferris & Writtle. The Johnson LL.B. rector; Rev. Geo. Edwd. Gerald Hoare
population in 1891 was 34,182; area 86,165 acres; M.A. ; Rev. William Berry M.A. ; Rev. Percy Rawson
rateable value in 1894, £185,674 Preston B.A.; & Rev. William Tom Brown B.A.
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Wm. curates; 11 a.m. 3 & 7 p.m. ; weekly celebrations at
Ward Duffield, g6 High street, Chelmsford 8 a.m. & twice a month at mid-day
Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, High st. Chelmsford St. Peter's Mission Church, Primrose hill (served from
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, ISt aistrict, Jas. Diaper, St. Mary's), 11 & 7.30 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m.
Fairfield, Chelmsford; 2nd district, W. J. Nurse, St. John's District, Moulsham, Rev. George St. A.
Stock; 3rd district, Herbert Wear, Broomfield Godson M.A. vicar; Rev. G. V. Collier B.A. curate;
Collector to the Guardians, William Ward Duffield 8.30 & 11 a.m. 3 & 7 p.m. ; wed. & fri. 11 a.m.;
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, wed. 7.30 p.m ·
Edward Hunt Carter, Fairfield house, Chelmsford; No. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, New London
2 district, Edward Shedd, Writtle; No. 3 district, road, Joseph F. Padbury, priest; 8.30 &i 10.30 a.m. &;
William Douglas Gimson L.R.C.P.Lond. Springfield; 7 p.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
No. 4 district, Waiter Hart L.R.C.P.Edin. Great Bad- Friends' Meeting House, Duke street; 10.30 a.m. I;
dow; No. 5 district, John Marsfiall, Wickford ; No. 6 6.30 p.m. wed. 10.30 a.m.
district, Thomas Hodson, Ingatestone; No. 7 district, Baptist, New London road, Rev. Frederick Georg&
Arthur Clarke, Stock; No. 8 district, Edmund Per- Burgess, minister; 10.30 a. m. 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.;
civel Cockey M.D. Little Waltham; No. 9 dis. 'I'heo- wed. ].IS p.m
dore Harry Waller, New London road, Chelmsford Catholic Apostolic, Hall street; 10 a. m. & 5 p.m.;
Superintendent Registrar, vYilliam Ward Duffield, g6 sat. 5 p.m
High st.; deputy, William Henry Fowler, 96 High st Congregational, New London road, Rev. T. McDougali
Registrar of Marriages, John William Hair, New street; Mundle; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
deputy, Waiter Maryon, 29 New street Congregational (~1ission ball), Townfield street, various;
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Great Baddow sub-dis- 6.30 p.m
trict, C. R. Finch, Great Baddow; deputy, Richard Congregational, Baddow road, Rev. James Burgess; 10.:)0
Finch, Great Baddow; Chelmsford sub-district, John a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
William Hair, New street; deputy, Waiter Maryon, 29 Primitive Methodist, Hall street, Rev. Fred Wm. Atkin,.
New street; Ingatestone sub-district, William John 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Nurse, Stock; deputy, A. Cottee, Stock; Great Wait. Mission Hall, Roman road, 7 p.m
ham district, Herbert Wear, Broomfield; deputy, Joh; Mission Hall (Unsectarian), Primrose Hill, 7 p.m
Candler, Broomneld; Writtle sub-district, Jas. Diaper, Unitarian, Legg street, various; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Fairfield, Chelmsford; deputy, H. M. Saltmarsh,
Chelmsford Schools.
Workhouse, Wood street, built of brick in 1837 (with in- The Free Grammar School, formerly in Duke street,
fectious ward added in 1877), was burned down Dec. now occupies premises on the Bromfield road, built in
1886 & rebuilt in 1889 at a cost of £I6,ooo, & will 1890 & including laboratory & lecture theatre, the
.technical department being under the patronage of the Essex Herald, published tuesday, ~leggy & Thompson
Essex County Council: the school was founded in 1551 proprietors & publishers, High street. S1•e advertmnt
by a charter of Edward VI. who incorporated four Essex Independent & :Farmers' Gazette, published every •
persons by the name of governors of the possessions monday, wt>dnesday & saturday, Taylor & Bobbins•
.of the Free Grammar School of King Edward VI. in printers, publishers & props. 26 High st. See advert
the parish of Chelmsford, to be succeeded by their Essex Newsman, published saturday, two editions, Meggy
next male heirs. The school has a yearly income of & Thompson, props. & publishers, High st. See advt
about £537 & under the scheme of the Endowed Essex Weekly Kews, published every friday, Taylor &
School Commissioners, 1873, was constituted a second Bobbins, print~rs, publishers & proprietors, 26 High
grade school for the education of boys up to the age street. See advertisement
.of 19. The new buildings are intended to hold 175 Essex Review (quarterly), Edward Durrant & Co. pub-
boys; the present number is 140. Philemon Holland lishers, go High street
M.A., M.D. fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, an Essex Almanal! & County Directory (yearly), Meggy &;
emine.1t translator of 16th century, born in Chelmsford Thompson, props. & publishers, High st. See advert
in 1551 & Sir Waiter Mildmay, also born here in or Durrant's Penny Illustrated Almanac, E Durrant & Co •
.about 1522, knighted 22nd Feb. 1546-7, Chancellor of publishers, go High street
the Exchequer in the time of Queen Elizabeth, & Dutton's Essex Almanack & County Gazette (yearly),
founder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, were both John Dutton, printer & publisher, Tindal street
.educated at this school, as also was the late Chief Railway.
Justice Tindal. Governors, Mr. G. H. Aubrey, Mr. Great Eastern, Arthur H. Ellis, station master
William Bodkin M.D. Mr. W. W. Duffield, Mr. A.
I>urrant, Mr. J. T. Foster, Col. W. P. Gepp, Mr. u. Conveyance.
Kevan, Mr. C. Pertwee, & Mr. F. Wells; Mr. Andrew Omnibus from the 'Saracen's Head' & 'Bell,' to meet
Meggy, solicitor, 71 Duke street, Chelmsford, clerk to every train
the governors ; Frank William Rogers M.A. head Carriers, with inns they call at and days of departure.
master; Charles Frederick Rea B.A., B.Sc. second Abbots Roden-Bloyes, 'George,' fri.; Alien, 'Fleece,'
mast~r; C. W. Atkinson B.A. G. W. Gough B.A. wed. & fri
W. H. Hewitt B.A. A. E. Alcock & R. Fowler, Aythorpe Roding-~lead, 'Plough,' tues. & fri
.assistant masters Baddow, Great-Dakin, 'Half Moon,' twice daily
The Technical School of the Essex County Council Baddow, Little & Boreham-Mulley, 'Fleece,' tues. & fri
occupies the Old Grammar School buildings at 7 8 Duke Billericay, through Stock-Turner, 'King's Head,' fri
street, which have been purchased by the Council Blackmore Amos, ' Oak,' mon. & fri. ; Argent, ' Oak,'
and adapted for this purpose. The biological and mon. & fri
chemical laboratorieS' are well equipped, & there is a Boreham-Everett, 'Dolphin,' daily
good workshop: these central laboratories are used for Braintree Spooner, 'King's Head,' fri
county classes of the more advanced character, and the Brentwood-Springett, 'King's Head,' fri
instruction given is practical as well as theoretical: Burnham Nethercoat, 'Fleece,' fri
students from any part of the county may attend the Castle Hedingham-Westrop, 'Golden Lion,' fri
-classes, and the institution serves as a centre for Chignall-i3ewell, 'Dolphin,' tues. thurs. & fri
affording advice & assistance to the members of the Cooksmill Green-Bowyer, 'Dolphin,' tues. & fri
various science classes in the county, as well as for Danbury Dunmow, 'Fleece,' mon. & fri.; Finch,
training toochers for work in the rural districts; 'Fleece,' daily
J. H. Nicholas, solicitor, sec.; Mr. W. Cole, curat{)r Dunmow Gunn, 'Coach & Horses,' fri
& organising secretary Easter, High-Franklin, 'Plough,' tues. & fri
Victoria National (with higher grade class), Church Easter (Good & High)-Mead, 'Plough,' mon. & fri .
.street (boys), erected in 1886, for 370 boys; average & Buch, 'Coach & Horses,' fri
attendance, 225 ; Frank Clist, master Epping & Ongar-Cornell, 'King's Head,' fri
Victoria National, New street, for 240 girls & 180 infants, Felsetad Hicks, 'Golden Lion,' mon. & fri
average attendance 200 girls & x6o infants ; Miss Ford End Cheek & Reeve, ' Plough,' tues. & fri
Minnie Lysons, girls' mistress; Miss Annie Stowe, Hanningfield, East-Blanks, 'Windmill,' tues. & fri
infants' mistress Highwood Flack, ' Dolphin,' fri
Catholic (mixed), for So children, average attendance lngatestone-"\Vright, 'Oak,' tues. fri. & sat
66, New Lcndon road; :Miss E. Coller, mistress Kelvedon, "\Vitham & Hatfield Moore, 'King's Head,'
St. John's National, Moulsham street, built in 1840 & mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat
enlarged in 1885, at a cost of £1,ooo; the infants' Leigh, Great Leach, 'Coach & Horses,' fri
school was built in the same year by Mrs. Tidboald Low Maldon-Hazelton, 'Queen's Head,' tues. & fri
in memory of her husband; William Henry Kipper, Maldon & Heybridge Brown, 'Windmill,' fri
master; Miss Mary Elizabeth Taylor, mistress; Miss Margaret Roothing-Root, 'Bell,' fri
Emma Charlotte Shambrook, infants' mistress Mashbury Monk, ' George,' tues. & fri. & Spearman,
St. Peter's National, Rainsford End (infants), formerly 'Co::1ch & Horses,' fri
the Mission Church, erected in 1882 for 135 children, Mountnessing :Maskell, 'Spotted Dog,' fri
average attendance 76 ; Miss Frances Davidson, Pleshey-Portway, ' Plough,' tues. & fri
mistress Purleigh Dines, ' George,' tues. & fri
British (boys, girls & infants), Friars place, erected in Rayleigh-Brand, 'King's Head,' tues. & fri
1886, at a cost of nearly £3,ooo, for 250 boys, zoo Rettendon & Battlesbridge Brand, 'King's Head,' fri
girls & 200 infants ; average attendance, 200 boys, 165 Rochford, Rayleigh & Southend Holmes, 'King's Head,'
girls & 196 infants; Ernest Joseph Bridge, master; wed. & thurs
Miss Ada Akroyd, girls' mistress; Mrs. Mary Ann Roothing, High-"\Yebb, 'Spotted Dog,' fri
Ward, infants' mistress Roxwell & Willingale Marriage, 'Fleece,' mon. wed. & fri
The Essex Industrial School & Home for Destitute Boys, Sible Hedingh!im-Westrop, 'Golden Lion,' fri
Rainsford road, was established in 1872: the cases Southminster-Blowes, 'King's Head,' tues. & fri
admitted are those of a voluntary character & of boys Stock-Taylor, 'Oak,' tues. & fri
unconvicbd of crime sent under a magistrate's order, Terling-Franklin, 'Dolphin,' fri. & Thurgood, 'Oak,' fn
in pursuance to the Industrial Schools Act of 1866: Tillingham-Hazeiton, 'Queen's Head,' tues. & fri
the boys' time is divided between instruction in school 1Yaltham, Great Wood, 'Plough,' dailv
& industrial labour, such as house & garden work, Waltham. Great & l''ordend-Cheek & ·Reeve, 'Plough,'
shoemaking, tailoring, laundry, & carpentering; the tues. & fri
religious teaching is Protestant, but undenominational. ·white Roothing-::\Iann, ' King's Head,' fri
The school was originally carried on in Baddow road, 1Vickford Murray, 'Dolphin,' fri
but in 1878 the council erected the present corn- Wickford & Rettendon-Cox, 'Old "\Thite Hart,' tues.
modious & suitable premises; the site & surrounding & fri
area consists of about 11 acres. Applications for ad- Wickham Bishop )loss, 'George,' fri
mission should be addressed to J. Brittain Pash, 'y 'Queen's Head,' tues. & fri. &
Member _ of the Council & Manager, Chelmsford; j _Lucas, fri . • .
Edward Hunt Carter medical officer· Alex. J ones "oodham Ferns Green, Palm er s yard, fr1
hon. surgeon dentist ' ' ' "\Vrittle Sewell, 'Oak,' daily; Smith, 'Spotted Dog,' fri
Newspapers &c. Wagons.
Essex County Chronicle, published ewry friday, Meggy From Chelmsford to London.
& Thompson, proprietors & publishers, High str~et.j Herbert l\larkham, from Springfield road to 'Bull.'
See advet tisement Aldgate, tues. thurs. & fri. ; leaves at 6 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bull Miss, :25 Hamlet road JEmbleton Geo. Glenthorne,Mildmay rd
Alcock A. E. assistant master), Burgess Rev. Frederick George Eve Mrs. Glebe road
Grammar school (Baptist), 5 Albert place, New Lon- Farmer Mrs. 3 Sunnyside, Maul-
Alder Mrs. 2 Claremont terrace, Mild- don road sham street
may road Burgess Rev. James (Congrega- Fawkes Frank Attfield, The Red
Aldous Mrs.2 Fairfield vils.Fairfield rd tional), The Manse, New London rd house, New London road
Allshorn Alfred Saml. 42 Hamlet road Bushell Albert Edward, 2I New Finch Miss, 3 Prospect terrace,
Appleton Wm. James, 23 Fairfield rd London road Broomfield roau
Argent Miss,Sutherland ho.Baddow rd Bushell Miss, St. John's. cottage, St. Fowler R. (assistant master), Gram-
Arman Edward William James, Dor- John's road mar school
ringcourt, Maltese road Butler Percy. Tavistock house, New Fox George, Rosendale, Cottage place
Arter Chas. Yulecroft,New London rd London road Francis Richard, Fairfield road
Atkin Rev. Frederick William (Prim1- Carter Edward Hunt, Fairfield house, Franklin Augustus, 2 Prospect ter-
tive Methodist), 39 Mildmay road Duke street race, Broomfield road
Atkinson! C. W. B.A. (assistant Carter Mrs. 10 Sutherland terrace, Free William, 5 Park avenue
master), Grammar school Baddow road Frye Fredk. Robt. 35 New Londoa rd
Baker The Misses, 72 Duke street Carter Richard, 12 Broomfield road Fuller Mrs. Langland ho. St;.ttion rd
Barker Albert Edward, 2 Clifton villas, Catling John, 3 Granville terra{!e, Furbank Arthur James, 73 Duke st
New London road Mildmay road Gepp Colonel Waiter Payne, Mayne•
Barker Joseph, I7 Sutherland terrace, Case John, Maltese road trees, New street
Baddow road Catt Mrs. Fairfield lodge, Duke street Gepp Miss, Caval place
Barker Miss, Meadow side, Rectory la Cawdron Hy. Robt. I4 Broomfield rd Gepp Mrs. Maltese ldg. Maltese road
Barker Mrs. 17 Sutherland terrace, Champ 1\Irs. Hope lodge, New Lon- Gibson Philip Robert, Carlton villa.
Baddow road don road New London road
Barker Samuel, I8 Sutherland ter- Chancellor Frederic J.P. 2 High st Gibson The Misses, 70 Duke street
race, Baddow road Chapman Herbert, I4 High street Gilson Miss, Fairfield road
Barnard Alfred, 40 Hamlet road Chappell Mrs. Woodbury villas, Goddard Davison, Wave cottage.
Barnard Alick George, I Walpole Writtle road }Iildmay road
villas, Maltese road Cheveley George, I7 Duke street Godfrey Henry, I Selkirk villas, New
Barnard Miss, Glendale, Market road Choat Charles Wm. I I Mildmay road London road
Barnes Miss, 23 South Primrose hill Christy Fell, I Prospect terrace, Godson Rev. George St. Alban M.A.
Baron Mrs. 32 Hamlet road Broomfield road Moulsham vicarage
Bartlett Mrs. I9 Sutherland terrace, Christy Frank, I Prospect terrace, Gough G. "\V., B.A. (assistant
Baddow road Broomfield road master), Grammar school
Bartlett Rev. Robert Edward 1\L.A. Christy Joseph L. 4 Port terrace, Gault Henry, I6 Broomfield road
Rainsford lodge Mildmay road Gray Ernest Copeland, Goldlay house,
Bastick Joseph, 5 Granville terrace, Christy Leonard Fell, I Prospect ter- Baddow road
Mildmay road race, Broomfield road Gray Mrs. Goldlay ho. Baddow road
Beach George, Rainsford road Clayton Mrs. 3 Albert place, Ne"'ll Gray George Herbert1 Brewery
Beach Mrs. C. 6 Albert place, New London road house, Springfield lane
London road Coleman Henry S. ~ew London road Gray Oswald Harrison; Goldlay
Beach Nathaniel Benj. Rainsford rd Coleman Leonard, Lansdowne villa, house, Baddow road
Beach William, Rainsford road New London road Gray Walt.Phoenix ho.New London rd
Beckett Philemon, 30 Broomfield road Coleman Wm. Martin vil. Baddow rd Gray William Johns, Goldlay house.
Beckett William Cornelius, 2 Magda- Caller Miss, 8 Carew terrace, New Baddow road
lene place, Glebe road London road Green Mrs. 5 Albert place, New Lon~
Belcher Mrs. I Port ter. Mildmay rd Collier Rev. G. Victor B.A. (curate of don road
Belsham George .Augustus, Fern cot- St. John's), Suffolk vils.Mildmay rd Green Mrs. 2 Sutherland terrace.
tage, Hall street Conder John Garwood, Hamlet house, Baddow road
Belsham William, 2 Albion villas, Moulsham Greenhow Joseph S. Highfield, Lon-
Mildmay road Copland Charles Albert, Bellefield, don road
Bennell J ames, 43 Duke street New London road Greenwood Miss, 26 Broomfield road
Bentall Charles .Arthur, I Fairfield Copland John A. Bellefield, 1'\ew Lon- Grinstead Mrs. 34 Hamlet road
villas, Fairfield road don road Gripper Herbert, 2 St. John's ter.-
Bernays Arthur Edwin (H.M. inspec- Copland Mrs. Alfred, 2 RodnPy villas, race, New London road
tor of schools), Moulsham Mill New London road Habberfield Charles, 3I Hamlet road
house, Baddow road Copland Mrs. Alfred John, I Rodney Hall Edward, I6 Baddow road
Berry Rev. William M..A. (curate), villas, New London road Halls Miss, 8 Hall street
24 Broomfield road Carder Henry Shewell, Meadow side Halls Mrs. I St. John's road
Bickmore William Gecrge, I Orange Cottee Mrs. I6 Sutherland terrace, Halls Romeo Alphonso Virginia, 27
place, Mildmay road Baddow road Mildmay road
Blyth Robert, Mount Pleasant, Broom- Cowell Waiter, 2 Nightingale terrace, Hare George, 28 New London road
field road Broomfield road Harris Arthur Wm. 35 Broomfield rd
Blyth Robert William, Mount Plea· Crane Miss, 4 Claremont terrace, Har1 is Henry Herbert, Wycombe
sant, Broomfield road Mildmay road villas, Fairfield road
Boardman Clement, 41 Duke street Crush Mrs. 3~ New London road Harrison Basil Henry, 27 Hamlet rd
Bodkin William i\LD. The Cloisters, Curtis James, I St. John's villas, Hasler Frederick, ~ Ellerslie villas,
New London road Mildmay road New London road
Bolger Waiter, 22 Fairfield road Cutts William, 33 New London road Hawkins Harry Croxon, 2 Selkirk
Bond John, Charlton vils. Mildmay rd Darby Alfred, Meadow side,Rectory la villas, New London road
Bond John George, Lyndhurst, New Darby Miss, rg Mildmay road Hayward Robt. Fras.104 Moulsham st
London road Davey Geo. 2 Orange pi. Mildmay rd Hazell J esse Golden, Duke street
Bott Lindley, Broomfield road Davis Edmund Lee,3o New London rd Headland Charles, 42 Duke street
Bowring Miss, 5 Carew terrace, New Davis Joseph Chas. IS New London rd Herivel William, 3 Meadow view.
London road Davis William Lee, 3I New London rd Broomfield road
llradley :Mrs. 55 New street Day Charles, 74 Duke street Hewitt Charles, Park avenue
Bridge .Ernest Joseph, Chelmsford Dennis Thomas Hungate P. High st Hewitt Mrs. 13 Broomfield road
villa, Mildmay road Digby Miss, 2 St. John's road Hewitt W. H., B.A. (assistant
Bright Mrs. 23 Sutherland terrace, Dixon Thomas, Chandos house, New master), Grammar school •
Baddow road London road Hicks Mrs. 20 Moulsham street
Britton Robert, Anchor house, New Dobson Mrs. Brewery house, Duke st Hoare Rev. George Edward Gerard
Writtle street Durrant Andrew, Bishop's Hall farm, M.A. (curate of St. Mary's),Duke st
Brown JamPs Samuel, Yverdons, New Rectory lane Hockley Geo. Arthur, I2 Mildmay rd
London road Dutton John, cottage place Hockley George Jacob, 4 Henfrey ter-
Brown Miss, I8 St. John's road Dyke Waiter John, 8 Sutherland ter- race, Fairfield road
Brown Rev. William Tom B.A. (as- race, Baddow road Hodges Miss, 37 New London road
sistant diocesan missioner & as- Eddington Sylvanus, Cottage place Hodson Miss, 6 Fairfield villas, Fair ...
sistant curate), Broomfield road Eklund Maximilian, Bleak house, field road
Budds John, Milton villa, Fairti.eld rd New London road , Hoskin Alexander, Broomfield road
Bull Misses, :28 Hamlet road Elliot George, 2 Granville terrace, Howard Mrs. 3 Sutherland terrace~
Bunn Rob~rt, Lanooster house, l\Iildmay road Baddow road
Mildmay road Evans Frederick, I Fairfield road Hughes Robert, 4 Park avenue
Hughes Robert, jun. 6 Park avenue Parfait Edward Couldry,12a,Church stl Shepherd Thos.Geo.24 New London rd
Hurrell Mrs. 3 St. John's villas, Mild- Parish William Barrett, Maltese road ShoobridgeGeo.Frdk.17New London rd
may road Pash J. Brittain, Rainsford road Simmonds Mrs. 26 Mildmay road
Jeffreys Frederick Herbert, 7 Albert Pattison Mrs. 2 Carew terrace, New Simmons Wm. 3 Port ter.Mildmay rd
place, New London road London road Simpson Miss, Cologne villa, New
Johnson Yen. Henry Frank LL.B. Pennack :\Irs. 4I Hamlet road London road
(archdeacon of Essex), Rectory Perry Charles, 16 St. John's road Slader Mrs. Holly ho. Broomfield rd
Johnson Frank, Fairlawn, New Perryman 1\Irs. Albion vils.Fairfield rd Smith Arthur, Cottage place
London road Pertwee Charles, Claremont villa, Smith Fredk. Geo. 28 Fairfield road
Johnstone Mrs. 39 Moulsham street 1 New London road Smith Mrs. I7 Fairfield road
Jones Waiter, 38 New London road Pertwee The Misses, 2 Ellerslie villas, Smith Mrs. 4 Sunnyside,Moulsham st
Jordan John, Hemp cot. Moulsham st New London road Smith Mrs. Joseph Alfred, Orchard
Joslin Miss, 6 Sutherland terrace, Pertwee Mrs. Elm cottage, Writtle rd lodge, New London road
Baddow road Petts Edward Waiter, The Chestnuts, Snell Mrs. Linton vil. New London rd
Kevan Douglas, 36 Hamlet road New London road Sorrell Mrs. 19 Friar's place
Knight Mrs. 28 Mildmay road Phillips George Cawkwell, The Limes, Sourworth Mrs. ~Park avenue
Last Henry Knight, 45 Duke street Grove road Southernwood Chas. I46 Moulsham st
Last Miss, I5 Broomfield road Phillips Peter, 2 Mason villas, New Spurgeon George Hughes, 4 Caxtoll
Last Mrs. F. 46 Duke street London road terrace, Mildmay road
Lawrence Robert John, 4 Granville Polley Da>id, 19 Duke street Stanway Randall, 8o Moulsham street
terrace, Mildmay road Poole Mrs. 41 New London road Stirling Mrs. Rochester villa, New
Leech William, 44 Duke street Porter Alfred, 4 St. John's road London road
Legg Miss, Mason vil.New London rd Porter Arthur, 6 New London road Stockwell George, 17 St. John's road
Lilly Frank James, 2 Meadow view, Potter Georg-e, 2 Park avenue Straight Frederick Marshall, IO ~Iild-
Broomfield road Powell George Wm. 37 Hamlet road may road
LindsPll Arthur, 26 Fairfield road Pratt Thomas John, I4 Fairfield road Straight Wm. Guy Harlings, New st

London road
(curate), 24 Broomfi.eld road I
Ling Harry, Stanley vil. Maltese road Preston Rev. Percy Rawson B.A. Strange Matthew, Wycombe villas,
Livermore Miss, Sycamore villa, New Fairfield road .
Privett Percy, 2I Sutherland terrace, Stunt Fras., Foothill, New London rd
Lodge Frederick, 36 Broomfield road Baddow road Swann Miss, Maltese road
Loveday William, 36 New London rd Ratcliff William, r8 Baddow road Tanner William, 68 Duke street
Lucas Alfred Parry, Westfield, Rayner John Collins, t: Caxton ter- Taverner Frederick George, 5 Meadow
Broomfield road I race, l\Iildmay road view, Broomfield road
Luckin James; St. Alban's, New Rea Charles Frederick B.A., B.Sc. Taylor Charles, 3 Claremont terrace,
London road (second master), Grammar school l\fildmay roan
Malyon Miss,2 Caxton ter.Mildmay rd Reader Rev. Clement Saunders (Wes• Taylor Fred,2 Walpole vils.Maltese ra
Marriage Andrew, 40 Duke street leyan), 38 Hamlet road Taylor George, Summerhill, New
Marriage Jacob, Coval lodge Reeve Mrs.6 Granville ter.:Mildmay rd London road
Marriage Mrs. Coval hall Reeves Mrs. Woodbury vils.\Vrittle rd Taylor Herbert John, Glencroft,
Maryon Francis J ames, I Park avenue RicharcLson William, 5 Sunnyside, Mildmay road
Maryon Mrs. Kildare vil. Mildmay rd Moulsham street Taylor Mrs. 27 Fairfield road
Maskell Adolphus George, I Waltham Ridley Charles E. The Elms, Broom- Theobald Alfred, Oak cottage, New st
villas, New London road field road Thompson Thomas, 7 Granville ter-
Maskell Mrs.2 Henfrey ter.Fairfield rd Ridley Mrs. T. D. The Elms, Broom- race, l\Iildmay road
Mason George, Duke street field road Thresh John Cloug-h D.Sc., M.H.,
Mason George, 8 New London road Rodd Sidney, The Lictors, New F.I.C., F.C.S. The Limes, ~ew
Mason Thomas Edward, The Lictors, London road London road
New London road Rogers Frank William M.A. (head Thrower Mrs. 34 Broomfield road
~Iatson Alfred. K. Chestnut v'illa, master), Grammar school, Duke st Turner Thos. Suffolk vils.Mildmay rd
New London road Rook James William, 3 Caxton ter- Turpin John, 2 Swaffham villas, Mild-
Matthews Arthur, 4 Sutherland ter race, l\Iildmay road may road
Mawhood Richard, I Sunnyside, Roper Alfred, 6 Broomfield road Van Homrigh Mrs. Homersdale, New
Moulsham street Roper Mrs. 37 Broomfield road London road
May Mrs. Covenbrook, Maltese road Rumbles Thomas, I Swaffham villas, Veley Miss, Mayence, New London :rd
May Mrs. Laurel gro. New London rd l\Iildmay road Wackrill Miss, 29 Hamlet road
1\Ieggy Andrew, 2 Waltham villas, Rush Thomas John, 2 Suffolk villas Wackrill l\Irs. Osborne place, New
New London road Sale :rvliss,3 Cart>w ter.New London rd London road
Meggy Fredc. Hy. I6 New London rd Salmon Miss, Alton ho. Mildmay rd Wackrill Robert, 26 Hamlet road
MPnsing Louis Carl Henry, Florence Saltmarsh Edgr. Haslemere,Market rd Wailer Theodore Harry, I2 New
villa, Broomfield road Saltmarsh Georv-e, 35 Hamlet road London road
Millbatik 'Mrs. The Poplars, New Saltmarsh Thomas Joseph, The Nur- Ward Rd. I ~ranville ter.Mildmay rd
London road series, Moulsham \Vash Reuben, clpergula house, New
Mills James Wm. 39 New London rd Sargeant Rev. George (Wesleyan), London road
Morton Alfred George Edwin J.P. Frankfort, New London road Webb Henry, 25 Mildmay road
Clarendon house, New London rd Sargeant Mrs. 29 New London road ·weeks George Thomas, I Melfori
::\Iott Frederick William, Melrose Sargent Geo. The Bank ho. High st villas, New London road
house, Station road Sasse George Henry, 2 Albert place, Wells Frederick, Oaklands
Mnndle Rev. T. McDougall (Congre- New London road Wells Frederick Arthur, Thornwood~
gational),Osborne pl.New London rd Savill Leonard, zo Sutherland terrace, New London road
Munson John, 29 Fairfield road Baddow road Wells Miss, IIO Moulsham street
Murrell Charles, I7 Broomfield rd Scars brook Fred •ric, I Arundel villas, Wenley Wm. Gilson, 23 Baddow road
Myhill Mrs. 2 Arundel villas, New New London road Wenley William Gilson, jun. The
London road Scotcher \Villiam, Clifhm villas, New Cottage, Hall street
Xash Mrs.7 Carew ter.New London rd London road \Vharton Miss,Holly ho.Newi~ondon rd
Neave James William, Weston villa, Scriven William Henstridge, 22 West Ernest, 23 Droomfield road
New London road Sutherland terrace, Baddow road White Mrs. Meadow side, Rectory la
Nicholas Miss, 34 Xew London road Scrivener Joseph Elliott, I Meadow \\hitmore Frank, Maltese house,
Nichols Mrs. 39 Hamlet road I view, Broomfield road :\laltese road
Nicholson Mrs. 2 Port ter.Mildmay rd Scruby Franci", 13 Hamlet road \Yicker John Edward, 2 Sunnyside,
Norman George Dennis, 59 High st Scruby ~fr ... 28 Broomfield road Moulsham street
Norris James Alfred, 4 Prospect ter- Scrutton William, 25 Fairfield road Williams Charles, London & County
race, Broomfield road Searnes William, ~Ialtese road Bank, 7 High street
Xurse Edward, Mill house Shambrook Mis", 2 St. John's villas, Winter ~lark, 4 Fairfield vil!as, Fair-
Oldham Mrs. 24 Fairfield road l\Iildmay road field road
Owers Frank H. Maltese road Shead William, 4 Meadow view, Wood )lis<:es, I Xi.ghtingale terrace,
Padbury Rev. Joseph Frederick Broomfield roa l Broomfield road
(Catholic), 8 Albert place, New ~heerman Edwarri, iC'J ~Iou!sham <:t Woodward Chas. Wm. 38 1\Iildmay rd
London road
Page James, 27 Broomfield road
Pardy William, I6 Fairfield road
! Sheldrake Henry- \Yilliam, Hartest \"fright William O,borne David, Chel-
villa, l\Ialt£-Se 1oad mer lodge, Duke Street field»
Shepherd ~Irs. 26 Xew London road Wylie Mrs. 30 Hamlet road

COMMERCUL. Brown William, teacher of drawing &c. art teacher at

Aldred Robert Butcher, corn mer. 162 Moulsham st the Chelmsford Literary Institute, 3 Henfrey terrace
Alex & J ones, dentists, 38 New London road F airfield road '
Almond Nicholson F.R.C. V.S. vet. surgn. 24 Duke st Bruty ~illiam Jolin (firm, Duffield & Bruty), solicitor
Ambrose George, upholsterer, 15 Anchor street & registrar of the county court of Waltham Abbey
Andrews Arthur John, undertaker, 6 Orchard villas, 96 High street ; & at 40 New Broad street, London E C
Victoria road Bryan & Son, brick & tile makers & potteries, Wood st
Argent Charles Henry, Prudential insurance agent, Bruce Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 77 Moulsham st
27 Victoria road Bryant Frank, draper, 8I Duke street
Arnold Amos, Prudential assurance agent, 4 Park View Buckingham & Sons, boot & shoe makers, I3 High s'
cottages, Rainsford end Budds John Stonehouse, candle manufr. ro! High st
Arter Charles, grocer, 22 High street Bugg Frederick John, boot maker, 38 High street
Assembly & Conc~rt Rooms (Fred Spalding, proprietor), Bull Eliza Watcham (Miss), fancy repos. 82 Duke st
Crane court, High street Bull Elizh. Scruby (Miss), dress maker, Victoria rd
Attridge Henry, shopkeeper, 18 Hall street Bunn James, beer retailer, I2 Baddow road
Aylett Lena & Emily (Misses), dress mas. Rainsford rd Bunting Wm. grocer & china dealer, 35 & 36 Duke st
Ba?on George Alfred, fruiterer, Church st. & Tindal sq Burrell Richard Charles, whitesmith, 37 Moulsham st
Bailes James Edward, assistant sec. & librarian, Literary Bush George, chemist & druggist, 95 High street
Institute, New London road Butcher Fredk. William, county court bailiff, 14 New st
Bainbridge Harry, boo,t & shoo maker, 16 Tindal street Byatt Henry, builder, New Writtle street
Baker & Wright, chemjsts, 27 High street Byatt Waiter, furniture dealer, 7 Baddow road
Baker Charles, builder, contractor & undertaker 8 Byatt William, shopkeeper, Victoria road
Railway street ' Byford Charles, teacher of music, 21 Mildmay road
Baker Frederick Samuel, house decorator, Legg street Cable Furgas George, Prince of Wales P.H. I36 Maul-
& Broomfield road sham street
Baker Samuel John, butcher, 34 Duke street Cable Margaretta (:Mrs.), baker, 32 Moulsh11m street
Baker Thomas, oilman, 119 Moulsham street Ca:.;ter Edward Hunt ~.R.C.S. Eng., L.S.A. physician
Ballard Clara (Mrs.), nm brella maker, 7 Duke street & surgeon, & medical officer of health to urban
Barber A. (Mrs.), White Hart hotel, Tindal street sanitary authority & medical officer & public vacci-
Barker (l\Irs.) & (Miss), ladies' school, Sutherland nator, No. I district, Chelmsford union & surgeon
college, Baddow road to H.M. Prison, Faii·field house, Duke street
Barlow George Frederick, clerk to the clerk of the Carter Ernest Henry, hair dresser, 174 Moulsham street
peace, Shire hall Catt Waiter Fortin, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey
Barnard Daniel C. & Son, cabinet makers & temperance Lim. wiiJle & spirit mers. Tindal square & Market pi
hotel, 37 High street Cawdron Henry Robert, organist at St. Peter's church,
Barnes Joseph, china & earthenware d~ler, 6 Duke st 14 Broomfield road
Barnes Mary (Mrs.), provision dealer, Broomfield road Cawley James, oilman, I54 Moulsham street
Barnsby William James, watch ma. 6 Springfield road Challis J ane (Miss), dress maker, 79 Bloomfield road
Bassingwhite Emily (Miss), dress ma. 40 New London rd Challis William Rose, grocer & china & glass dea:er,
Bateman John, Cross Keys P.H. 6 Moulsham street ro Broomfield road
Battle Martha (Miss), dress maker & registry office, Chancellor Frederic J.P., F.R.I.B.A. architect & sur-
Duke street veyor & diocesan architect for St. Albans & diocesan
Bausor Charles Harris, baker, 47 Duke street surveyor for the archdeaconries of Essex, Colchester
Beach lV. & Son, leather & glue manufacturers & coal & St. Albans, 2 High street; & at 20 Fins bury circus,
merchants, Rainsford road London E C
Beadel Benjamin, furniture broker, 14 Baddow road Chaplin Dean, butcher, I New London road
Beadle George, town crier & bill poster, Cottage place Chapman George, market gardener, Rainsford road
Beaumont George, bricklayer, 42 New street Chapman Herbert, watch ma. see Greenhow & Chapman
Beckett Brothers, horticultural builders, 160 Moulsham Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation Co. (Andrew Meggy
solicitor, clerk), 71 Duke street '
street; works, .Anchor street
Chelmsford Angling Society (W. C. Parker, sec.),
Beckett Philemon & Sons, timber dealers turners
wheelwrights & hurdle makers, Glebe ro~d, Town: Queen's Head, 6I High street
Chelmsford Brewery (Wells & Perry) Lim. (The),
fiel? st. ; & cart, van & waggon builders & general
brewers & wine & spirit merchants, 26 Duke street
sm1ths, 31 Broomfield road
Chelmsford Club Lim. (James Luckin, secretary), New
Beckett Henry Char~es, undertaker, I Magdalene place,
Glebe road - London road
Che~sford Conservative :Working Men's Club (John
Belsham & Son, cabinet mas. 18I to 186 Moulsham st
Bennell Herbert, boot & shoe maker, 85 High street Bust, sec.), Crane court, High street
Chelmsford Co-operative & Industrial Society Lim.
Benson Alfred, insurance agent, 29 Broomfield road
(George Young, sec.), Mollisham street
Bickmore James, machinist, Market place
Chelmsford Corn Exchange Co. Lim. (W. W. Duffield
Bird .Anna (Miss), ladies' school, 23 New London road
Blnndell Alfred, manager Singer Manufacturing Co. sec.), 96 High street '
64 High street Chelmsford & Essex Trade Protection Society (James
B:yth Robert, solicitor & commissioner for oaths Crane :Luckin, sec.), Bank chambers, New street
court, High street ' Chelmsford Gas Light & Coke Co. (Edmund George
Smith~rd, engineer & manager; Robert Edward
Blyth_ Ro~~r.t lVilliam, solicitor, Crane court, High st
Bodlun lhlham M.D., M.Ch. surgeon, The Cloisters, Wackr1ll, sec.), Springfield wharf
New London road Chelmsford Gymnasium (Alfred J. Martin, hon. sec.)
Bolingbroke George John, linen draper, 74 & 75 High st Railway arches, Duke street '
Bond John George Limited, linen drapers, 28, 29, 30 Chelmsford Institute Chess Club (Robert Geo. Overall,
& 31 High street; 29 Duke street; & 9 Moulsham st sec.), New London road
Bond William Crosbee, cabinet ma. &c. 50 & 5I New st Che:msford Land Co. Lim. (James Luckin, sec.), Bank
Boon Alfred, domestic machinery & cycle acrent 10 chambers, New strPet
Tindal street o ' Chelmsford Mutual Fund Association Lim. (James
Borough Cemetery (W. H. Bird, supt. ), Writtle road Luckin, sec.), Bank chambers, :New street
Bott Lindley & Co. hired sacks & bags contractors, Chelmsford Provident Society (Alfred Smee, clerk),
agents for E. Marriage & Sons, millers, Colchester 27 New London road
Bott Lindlt>y & Co. cart grease, rope, yarn & fillis mer- Chelmsford Race. Stand Co. (G . Ba k er , hon . sec. ) ,
chants, Railway arches High street
Bragg George Henry, p:umber, painter &c. 6 Baddow rd Cheverton John, baker, Broomfield road
Br~me John Oliver, tinplate worker, I37 Moulsham st Child Sarah (Mrs.), h&ir dresser, 31 Duke street
Bn!!'ham Charles, grocer, 26 Townfield street Choat & Son, builders & contractors, Mildmay road
Britannia '"Fr.ult Pres~rvln~ Co. Llm. (.Arth~r Chrlsty & Norris, engineers, boiler makers, iron &;
Charles "Ilkm, managmg duector), farmers, frmt brass founders, millwrights, machinists & manufac-
gro_wers. & manufacturers of jams, jellies, bottled turers of general grinding & pu:verisincr machinerv,
frmt, piCkles, sauces, aerated waters &c. ; retail fou~ders' coal dust & brickyard machinery & hot water
depot, go Duke street ; registered office, Tiptree Heath engmeers &c. Broomfield Road iron works
Brown & San ~imit~l & timber merchants, Railway Christy Br~thers, electric light & power engineen
depot & Sprmgfield (magnet:•c separators), Broomfield Road iron
Brown James, brick & tile maker, New Writtle street works
Brown RobPrt, baker & grocer, Rainsford road Christy Frank, consulting electrical engineer & electric
Brown William, fishmonger, 124 l\loulsham street light engineer, see Christy Brothers
Cbristy Leonard Fell, electric light engineer, see Davis Anthony, jobbing gardener, 47 New street
Christy Brothers Day W. & Co. tailors, ro Duke street
Church Cemetery (Richard Stannard, parish clerk), Day Charles, hatter & hosier, 86 High street
Rectory lane Deal S. E. (Mrs.), pork butcher, 3 Duke street
Church of England Young Men's Institute (Rev. Percy Debnam James & Son, hair dressers, 4 Tindal square
R. Preston B. A. hon. sec.), 67 High street Debnam Waiter, beehive maker, Primrose hill
Clapham Arthur, butcher, 18 Mollisham street Dennis Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer, 172 Moulsham street
Clarence Elizabeth Mary ().Iiss), apartments, Maltese rd Dennis George, family grocer, 99 High street
Clark John, beer retailer, so Moulsham street Dennis F. & Son, tailors, 2 Duke street
Clarke Daniel, chimney sweeper, Rainsford road Dennis Thomas Hungate P. ironmonger, 20 & 81 High st
Clarke J. H. (Mrs.), bookseller & stationer, 77 & 78 Dennis William, Royal Steamer P.H. Townfield street
High street Diaper James, registrar of births & deaths for Writtle
Clarke Thomas Henry, baker, 82 Moulsham street sub-district & relieving & vaccination officer for 1st
Cleale Henry, ironmonger 94. & glass & china dea:er 5, district & union school attendance officer, Fairfield rd
High street Dibben \Villiam, hair dresser, 18 High street
Clift Thomas, coffee tavern, Friar's place Digby Henry, fishmonger, 86 Duke street
Clover Emma (Mrs.), Three Compasses P.H. Brmfld. rd Digby \Valter, pork butcher, 30 Duke street
Coe Chas. greengro. & fishmonger, 9 Springfield road Dispensary & Infirmary (E. H. Carter M.R.C.S. Eng. &
Coe Emma (Miss), fancy repository & servants' registry W. Bodkin M.D., M.Ch. hon. medical officers; W.
office, 17 Tindall street Wright, dispenser; F. Wells, hon. treasurer; L. Cole-
Coe William John, undertaker, 6 Victoria road man, hon. sec. to both institutions; S. Rodd, assistant
Coleman & Morfon, engineers & iron founders, patentees hon. sec. & collector), New London road
& manufacturers of agricllitural implements, London Diss George, tailor, 73 Moulsham street
Road iron works, New London road Dixon John & Son, tanners, Chelmsford tannery, Moul-
Coleman Leonard, solictr. Lansdowne vil. New Londn. rd sham street
Collins John, glass & china dealer, 39 High street Dixon Thomas, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, town
Coney Charles, saddler & harness maker, 85 Duke st clerk, clerk to the urban sanitary authority, to school
Cook William, jun. cattle dealer, 9 Sutherland terrace attendance committee,clerk to joint sewerage committee,
Cook William, sen. cattle dealer, White House farm, clerk to the Chelmsford & District Technical Instruc-
Baddow road tion Committee & agent to the Liverpool & London &
Coombs Alberb, Old Royal Oak P.H. n Tindal street Globe Insurance Co. 14 Museum ter. New London rd
Cope Susannah (Miss), dyer & linen dresser, 15 Duke st Dowsett ·waiter, pork butcher, 176 Moulsham street
Copland Charles Albert, solicitor, New London road Driver & Ling, wholesale ratr & metal mers. Union yard
Copland John Albert, solicitor, commissioner for oaths Driver Albert, wholesale newsagent & advertising con-
& perpetual commissioner, New London road
tractor, bookbinder & printer, 24 Tindal street
Cornwall Myra (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Broomfield rd Duffield & Bruty, solicitors, g6 High street; & 40 ~ew
Cottee John William, accountant, 22 South Primrose hl
Cottis William, carter, Rainsford lane Broad street, London E C
County Constabulary of Essex (Capt. Edward Maclean Duffield William Ward (firm, Duffield & Bruty), solici-
tor, perpetual commissioner & commissioner to admin-
Showers, chief constable ; Raglan Somerset, deputy
chief constable; William Paterson, snpt. & chief ister oath~, registrar of county court & bankruptcy
clerk), Springfield; Police station court, clerk to the county magistrates, to the guar-
County Court (His Honor William Paterson, judge; dians & union assessment committee, highway board
William Ward Duffield, registrar of county court & & rural sanitary authority, superintendent registrar,
bankruptcy court; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff) ; clerk to ~chool boards for Good Easter, Chignall, Great
office, Tindal square Leighs, Rettendon & Sandon, 96 High street ; & at 40
County Technical Laboratories (J. H. Nicholas, sec. ; New Broad street, London
W. Cole, science organiser & curator ; David Houston Durham Edwin, tailor, hosier & outfitter, 188 & r8g
F.L.S. staff teacher of biology; Thos. G. Dymond Moulsham street
F.I.-C., F.C.S. staff teacher of chemistry), 78 Duke st Durrant Edmund & Co. booksellers & stationers & pub-
Cousms John, chimney sweeper, 58 Moulsham street lishers of the "Essex Review" & Durrant's Penny ll-
Cousins William, chimney sweeper, Springfield road lustrated Almanack, go High street
Cousins Wm. Hy. chimney sweeper, 8 Marriages sq. Durrant Aridrew, brewer & wine merchant, Tindal street
New street & farmer, Bishop's Hall farm
Cowper Robert, shopkeeper, II5 Moulsham street Dutton John, printer & publisher of Dutton's Essex Al-
Cracknell William, shopkeeper, New Writtle street manack & County Gazetteer, Tindal street
Cramphorn Thomas John Deeks, corn merchant, 17 High Duyshart P. J. & Co. photographers, 75 Duke street
street & 8 Springfield road Earthy George, shopkeeper, Rainsford road
Creasy Jdm Jackson, butcher, 6 Tindal street Eaton Alfred, bricklayer, Marriages cots. New London rd
Crick Joseph, tobacconist & cricket bat manfr. 89 Duke st Eaves James Lawrence, :Mason's Arms P.H. 45 Moul-
Crompton & Fawkes, horticultural builders, Anchor sham street
works, Anchor street Eddington Sylvanus, engineer & boiler maker, New st
Crompton & Co. Limited, electric light engineers & con- Edwards Edward, market gardener, 3 St. John's road
tractors for all kinds of electric machinery, Arc works, Edwards Esther (Miss), bookseller, 100 High street
Moulsham street; office, Mansion House buildings, Ellis .A.rthur H. station master, Duke street
London EC Ely Charles Thomas, carpenter, 4 Evelyn terrace
Crow Thomas, licensed lodging house, 155 Moulsham st Emberson George, coach & carriage builder, Railway
Crowfoot George, baker, Legg street square & Railway arches
Crozier Samuel, Globe P.H. Primrose hill Essex Agricultural :::lociety (Frank Whitmore, sec.),
Cruse Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 43 New London rd 21 Duke street
Curdling John Frederick, draper, 21 High street Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society (branch
Curtis Charles, chimney sweeper, 3 Victoria road office) (George Mason, local superintendent), Duke st
Dace J ames, pianoforte warehouse, 5 New London road Essex County Chronicle (Meggy & Thompson, proprietors
Damp Emma. (Mrs.), dining rooms, 18 Tindal street & publishers; published friday), High st. See advert
Darby Alfred, auctioneer, >aluer, surveyor, house & Essex Field Club (W. Cole, hon. sec.), New London road
estate agent & agent to the British Empire Mutual & Essex Herald (Meggy & Thompson, proprietors & pub-
Royal Insurance Companies, 97 High street lishers; published tues. ), High street. See advert
Darby Alfred Ernest, butcher, 43 Moulsham street Essex Independent & Farmers' Gazette (Taylor & Rob bins,
Darby Ambrose, confectioner, 11 Moulsham street printers, publishers & proprietors; published monday,
Darby Charles Daniel, grocer, wine, provision, hop & corn wednesday & saturday), 26 High street. See advert
merchant, flour factor, grocers' & general trades valuer, Essex Industrial School &; Home for Destitute Boys (J.
agent for the Great Northern Life & Fire Insurance Co. Brittain Pash, member of the council & manager),
18 Springfield road Rainsford road
Darby John, florist &; well engineer, 43 Moulsham street Essex Newsman (:\leggy &; Thompson, proprietors & pub-
Darby Thomas Churchman, steam digger proprietor, I lishers; pub. sat.; two editions), High st. See advert
Market road Essex Pantechnicons for storing furniture, Barrack
Davey Alfred, beer retailer & coal dealer, 22 Moulsham st square; :Xew street & Hal1 street (Wenley & Son,
Davey George William, cooper, Duke Street fields proprietors). See advertisement
Davey Joseph, Cherry Tree P.H. Writtle road Essex Prorident Society (James Shepherd, clerk; Frank
Davis William & Edmund, drapers, 91 High street Willsher, collector), 66 Duke street
Dawson Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' wardrobe dealer, 16 Friar's Essex Review (The), Edmund Durrant & Co. publishers ;
place, London road published quarterly), go High street

Essex Weekly News (Taylor A:; Bobbins, printers, pubJ -· master; .Charles Frederick Rea B. A., B.Sc. second mas.
lishers & proprietors; published friday), 20 High ter; for assistant masters, see Schools), Duke street
street; & at Romford. See advertisement Graves Thomas, pork butcher, IO Springfield road
Everett George, beer retailer, 6 Anchor street Gray & Sons, brewers, maltsters, spirit & corn mer-
Everett Henry, fruiterer, 37 Duke street chants, Springfield Road brewery
~verett Susannah (Mrs.), White Horse P.H. 25 Town- Gray Charles Harrison, maltster, Baddow road
field street Gray William Johns, solicitor (see Farmer, Gray &
Everett Wil!iam James, fruiterer, 36 1.\foulsham street Tottenham)
Everitt M. E. toy dealer, 2o New London road Great Eastern Boot Co. boot warehouse, r86 Moulsham st
Everitt Stephen, farmer, Tile Kiln farm Green .James, coal merchant, Duke street
Faiers John, hair dresser, Baddow road Green James, cutler, 13 Duke street
Faiers Lewis Gray, hair dresser, 27 Moulsham street Green Jane plrs. ), cutler, 56 High street
F'airbank George, shopkeeper, Rainsford road Green Joseph Paige, outfitter, 34 High lltreet
Faircloth Alfred Edward, builder, 4 Friars place, New Greenhow & Chapman, watch makers & jewellers, 14
London road High street
Farmer, Gray & Tottenham, solicitors, 85 High street; Gripper Joseph, iron merchant & ironmonger, 15 & 84
& at St. Olave's, 32 Old Jewry, London E C High street; & at l\Ialdon
Farmer Frederick, Star & Garter P.H. r2o Moulsham st Hair John William, registrar of births & deaths for
Farmer James Herbert, solicitor, see Farmer, Gray & Chelmsford sub-district & registrar of marriages for
Tottenham •
the union, New street
Farrow Henry, plumber, gasfitter &c. 7 New street Hall John "\Yilliam, corn dealer, Baddow road
Farrow Joseph, Rose & Crown P.H. Rainsford road Hamilton James, woollen draper, 25 New London road
Fawkes Frank Attfield, manufacturing joiner, London rd Hance John, tailor, 16 Victoria road
Fewell Claude James, cattle dealer, Sutherlands, Bad- Hardy Caroline (Mrs.), stone mason & asphalte worker,
dow road New London road & 17 Friars place
Finch James, boot maker, 5 Baddow road Hardy Herbert, confectioner, 170 Moulsham street
Fincham _•\lfred, baker, u Baddow road Hare George, coal & coke merchant, Old Barrack wharf,
Fincham William, builder, 8 Baddow road High street
Fitch Geor~:re, saddler & harness maker, 92 High street Hare Robert Henry, corn dealer, so High street
Fletcher W. & R. Limited, meat purveyors, 24 High st Harrington Henry, fruiterer & greengroce:r, zo Tindal st
Fowler lVilliam Henry, deputy superintendent registrar Harris Francis Eldred Lodge, architect & surveyor, 75
& assU;tant clerk to the rural sanitary authority, g6 High street
High street Harris Thomas, market gardener, Baddow road
Fox George, hatter, hosier & shirt maker & general out- Harris Thomas John, baker, 24 Townfield street
fitter, 57 High street Harris William, Queen's Head P.H. 61 High street
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot mas. ro High st Harrison B. H. & Son, ironmoll.gers. 65 High street &
Freeman ~Iary Ann (Mrs.), boot & shoe ma. 45 High st Springfield road
Freestone Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 New street Harrison Robert, market gardener, Admiral's Park
French Joseph, dairyman, New Writtle street estate, Rainsford road
Frye Frederick Robert, Mus. Bac. Cantab., F.R.C.O. pro- Harvey A.lfred A. (Mrs.). draper, 159 Moulsham street
fessor of music & organist at parish church, 35 ~ew Hasler & Son, tailm;s & hatters, 23 High street
London road Hasler K. M. & E. (Misses), milliners, 2 Moulsham st
Fnlcher James, market gardener, 45 New st·reet & South Hasler Henry Charles (late G. A. Page), wholesale oil,
Primrose hill color & glass merchant, white .lead, varnishes, ()ils,
Fulcher William, florist & fruiterer, 21 Moulsham street window glass, cement &c. Tindal street
Fuller James, boot & shoe maker & clothier, 79 & So Haylock Harry Thomas Hamlet, William the Fourth
Hill street P.H. 6 New street
Furbank .Arthur James, solicitor & commissioner for Hayne John, boot maker, 48 Townfield street
oaths & solicitor to the Chelmsford &; Essex Trade Heard lVilliam, shopkeeper, 46 New stree~
Protection Society, ?3 Duke street & at 69 Bow road, H.M. Prison (J. H. Shepherd, governor; Rev. Franci~
London E Stephen Westbrook M ..A. chaplain; Rev. Joseph F.
Furlong Josiah, plumber, Wood street · Padbury, Catholic hon. chaplain; E. H. Carter, 5:Ut-
Fyson Ethelbert, journalist, Bancrofts, Maltese road geon), Springfield
Gentry Thomas, fruiterer, 41 High street Herbert Henry John, Half Moon P.H. 82 High street
George Abigail (Miss), berlin wool & fancy repository, r6 Hicks Sarah Ann & Priscilla (Misses), ladies' school,
Maidstone villa, ~ew London road
High street Hicks Charles, coni, seed & oil cake merchant. Railway
Gepp & Sons, solicitors, & agents to the Reliance & East granaries, High street
of England Life Assurance Society, acting under- Hicks Joseph, cook & confectioner, 32 High street & 9'l
sheriffs for Essex, New street Duke street
Gepp Charles Bramston Osborne (firm, Gepp & Sons), Milliard George B. & Son, auctioneers, valuers &
solict?r & cler~ to the commissione~s of sewers for surveyors, New street
Dengie & Fobbmg levels, u~d~r-shenff ?f the county Hindmarsh Geo. Thos. pawnbroker, 25 & 26 Moulsham st
of Essex,_ ~l~rk to the commisswner_s of mcome & land 1 Hitchin~ Jane (Miss), dress maker, 25 Baddow road
tax for division of Chelmsford &c. ~ew street Hollis w. & Co. oil & color men, 66 High street & ~)
Gepp Waiter Payne M.A. (firm, Gepp & Sons), solicitor, Duke street
clerk to t?e commissioners of _sewers for the Foulness Holmes James, baker, Primrose hill
level, rE-gistrar of archdeaconnes. of Colc~e~ter, Essex Home & Colonial Stores, tea dealers, 11 High street
& St. Albans! clerk to the committee of VIsitors of the Horrex Maria (Mrs.), confectioner, 14 Moulsham street
Essex Lunatic .Asylum, New street . Horsley William, coffee tavern, 69 High street
Gheber Iron Works Co. stove & range & heatmg ap- Horsnell Charles Henry, market gardener, I Hope square,
paratus manufacturers, Gheber Iron works Primrose hill
Gibson Henry, clerk of the peace & to county council, Hoskin Alexander~ farmer, Boarded Barns, Broomfield rd
.Shire hall . . . . Housden Rosina (Mrs.), laundress, Vineyards
G~rdlestone Wilham Charles, fancy repository, 12 High st Howland James, Queen .Adelaide P.H. & wheelwright,
Gisby Waiter, shoe maker, Baddow road Wood street
Godfrey H. & T. C. manufacturers of sacks, ropes, Hub bard Frederick William, Coach & Horses P.H. Duke st
twines, rick cl?ths, tarpaulins,_ wagon covers, marquees, Hudson Francis (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet mahr, 9
sack & bean tiers, cocoa mattmg, door mats, nets &c. ; Friars place.
also marquees, sac~s, cloths &c. let on hire, Moulsham Hudson William, french polisher, 9 Friars place .
rope works & 54 High street . . Hulme Alfred E. accountant, 5 New London road
Goff George, shopkeeper, 32 Pnmrose hi.l Hulme .A. E. (Madame), milliner & fancy draper, 2 & 3
Golding Thomas, school attendance officer & collector of New London road
rate_s for the borough, _22 New London road Humphrey Edith (Miss), dress maker, 44 Moulsham st
Goodhff Ann (Mrs.), Ship P.H. 11 Broomfield road Hunt Norval Dobson, Golden Lion P.H. Duke street
Go.odliff Edward, fancy repository, 53 Duke- street Hymas Ra~bel Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 142 Moul·
Gosling Edwin, boot warehouse, 68 High street sham street
Gosling John, boot & shoe maker, 59 High street Inland Revenue Office (Thomas G. Shepherd, supervisor),
Gower Bros. boot & shoe manufacturers, 48 High street; 69 Duke street
& at Great Waltham International Tea. Co. 187 Mo.ulsham st. & Tindal street
Gozzett John, shopkeeper, 16 Hall street Jackson Caroline (:Mrs.), newsagent, 177 Moulsham street
Grammar School (Frank lYilliam Rogers M. .A.. head 1 Janes Henry, shopkeeper, 5 Victoria road
Jarrett James, market gardener, Rainsford lane Grammar school & steward of the manor of Rettendon,
Jefireys William, pawnbroker, 52 High street, see ~ichols 7I Duke street
& Je.ffreys ::\Ietcalfe Wibon, pharmaceutical chemist, 87 High street
Jenkin!! David, butcher, 35 ~Ioulsham street Middleditch Emma. (:\<lrs.), Do.!phin P.H. I4 Tindal st
J ohns William & Thomas, wool staplers &c. lladdow road ~liller George & ~.Vfred, cowkeepers, New Writtle street
Johnson Frank, builder &c. 4I New street Miller John & Alfred, market gardeners, Coal road
Jordan & Son, rope & twine manufacturers, I63 l\lonl- ~!iller Thomas. carter, South Primrose hill
sham street. Mills George, baker & confectioner, IS Tindal street
King Edward, Black Bull P.H. Rainsford road ::\Ionkley Eliza (:Mrs.), wire worker &c. 35 Moulsham st
King George, Lion & Lamb P.H. Duke street ~oore George, pork butcher, I47 Moulsham street
King ~lary Ann (::\liss), toy & fancy dealer, 7 Tindal st Morton Alfred G. E. agricultural implement maker, see
King William, dining rooms & agent for men servants, I Coleman & :Morton
Tindal square & I Shire passage Moss A. & Co. builders, 49 High street
King W~. Finch, watch maker & jeweller, Ia, Tindal st Mothersole William, brazier, Townfield street
Knights Robert Charles, cycle agent, 2I Tindal street Munnion William & Sons, coach builders, 5 Springfield rd
Lancaster George, market gardener, Lower Anchor st Nash MaryAnn (Mrs.), greengrocer, I6 Moulsham street
Last :M. J. (:Mrs.), private school, 45 Duke street Nelson William, Windmill P.H. 19 Moulsham street
Lawn Edward, watch & clock maker, 25 High street Nichols & Jeffreys, clothiers, SI High street
Lawrence Thos._ Waiter, Railway tavern, 65 Duke street Nichols William, coal dealer, Victoria road
Lay Ann (Mrs.), livery stable keeper, 5 New London rd Nokes Albert,. butcher, 83 High street
lLayton :Martha (::\tlrs. ), baker & shopkpr. I & 2 Anchor st Nokes Caroline Elizabeth (Miss), butcher, 44 High street
Layton Robert, Cricketers P.H. I03 Moulsham street _ Nokes James Juniper, beer retailer, I7I Moulsham street
Lee Harry, confectioner & fruiterer, 43 & 93 High street Nokes Mary Ann (Mrs.), toy dealer, 5 Moulsham street
Lee IIiram, dealer in antiquities, Mill road Nonconformist Cemetery (George Haslar, registrar), New
Lee William, boot maker, I32 :Moulsham street London road
Leech Wi1iiam & Son, gun makers, 4 Tindal street Norman George Dennis M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon,
Leech William, carpenter, Hall street 59 High street
Lennon John Patrick, beer ret. Baker st. New "\Yrittle st Norman Thomas, Woolpack P.H. 7 Mildmay road
Lewis Charles, photographer, 13 Moulsham street Norris James .Alfred, engineer &c. see Christy & Norris
Lewis John, boot maker & parish clerk of St. John's, I26 Nunn James William, cabinet maker, 23 Duke street
Moulsham street Nunn John, drill instructor, 2 Rail villa, Fairfield road
Lewis William, Spotted Dog P.H. Tindal street Oliver William Elijah, butcher, 87 Duke street
Ling George B. corn, seed & oil cake merchant, I3 Orams Jeremiah, watch maker, 6o High street
Tindal street & Springfield mill Orrin Thomas, boot maker, I23 Mousham street
Literary Institution (Arthur James Furbank, hon. sec.; Osborn George, pork butcher, 12I Moulsham street
James Edward Bailes, assistant sec. & librarian), New Osbourn Susannah & Jemima (Misses), dress makers, 42
London road New London road
Lock Selina (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 Moulsham street Owers Frank Howard, accountant for the county of Essex,
London & County Banking Co. Limited (Chelmsford 78 Duke street
branch) (Charles Williams, manager), High street; Owers Joseph, fruiterer & florist, corner of London road
draw on head office, 2I Lombard street, London E 0 Pag-e James, cattle dealer, Broomfield road
Lorkin Abraham, tailor, "\Vestbourne ter. Mildmay road Palmer Edward Newman, valuer & commission agent,
Loveday William, watch maker, I2 Moulsham street 25 Broomfield road
Low James, shopkeeper, 3I Moulsham street Palmer George, wholesale rag & metal mer. Moulsham st
Luckin James, charlered accountant, Bank chambers, Palmer Richard William, marine store dlr. 23 Hall st
N ~.>w street Pannell Thomas C. fishmonger & greengrocer, I66 & I67
Lucking William .Aug. carpenter & und£>rtaker. New Moulsham street
London road Pannell William, fishmonger, 52 Duke street
Lummis James & Son, builders & coal merchants, I Parkhurst Henry, plumber & glazier, I9 New London rd
Railwav street Pascall George William, wine & spirit merchant, cordial

~Iadocks Alfred, bru~h maker, 36 High street maker & ale & porter merchant, 46 & 47 High street
:Makins l\faria (:Mrs.), general smith, Bell yard, Tindal st Pash J. Brittain, agTicultnral engineer, 1-Iarket buildings;
Malyon Emma (:~iiss), fruiterer, 3 Baddow road warehouse, next the Corn Exchange
Manchester Fire Office (branch) (~Irs. S. Russell, agent), Patrick Orlando James, machinist, Angel yard, Tindal st
Tindal square Pedley Harry, house decorator & plmbr 4 New London rd
~!ann Frederick White, currier, 20 Baddow road & Union Perry Ann (:Mrs.), laundress, 5 Sutherland ter. Baddow rd
yard, Conduit street Pertwee Charles A.R.I.B.A. architect & surveyor, Bank
Manu George Arthur, baker, New Writtle street chambers, New street
:Mark Julius, oookseller, stationer, music warehouseman, Petts Edward Waiter, agent for Lawes' Chemical Manure
distributor of stamps, & artists' colourman, 35 High st Co. Lim. The Chestnuts, New London road
_Marriage William & Henry & Sons, millers (water & Phillips Anna Cawkwell (:\riss ), teacher of music, The
steam) &c. Moulsham mill, Baddow rd. & Bishop's hall Limes, Grove road
Marriage Herbert, farmer & dairyman, :\loulsham lodge Phrenix Coffee Tavern (Charles Richell, manager), I84
Marshall ·wilham, beer retailer, 7 Hall street Moulsham street
Martin & Sons, family grocers, Ig High street; 56 Pinkenburg Henry, dining rooms, 73 Duke street
Duke street & 3 Moulsham strPet Pitt Arthur, hair dresser, 73 Tindal street
Martin John Little M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon, 20 Polley David, chartered accountant, I8 Duke street
Duke street Poole Edward & Son, saddlers &; harness makers, 5
Maryon ·waiter, assistant overseer & deputy registrar of Tindal square
marriages for Chelmsford union & for births & deaths Poole Alfred, Bell hotel, hunting establishment & funeral
for Chelmsford sub-district, 29 :New street coach proprietor, Tindal square
}.faskell Adolphus George, solicitor & commissioner for Poole Charles "\Yilliam, bookbinder, Market place
oaths, 73 High street Porter .Alg-ernon 1Yilliam, baker, 64 Moulsham street
Mason George, inspector of corn returns, 6g Duke strPet Porter Arthur & Co. law &; general accountants, 6 New
Mason Georgn, inland revenue officer, 8 New London rd London road
:Mason Henry George (:~Irs. ), general smith, I I Duke st Porter Arthur James, grocer, & post office, Baddow road
Matt Ernest Herbert, fruiterer, I48 Moulsham street Potter &; Co. linen drapers, 42 High street
~Iawhood Richard, architect, Market road Potter Henrv, •
builder, Fairfield road
May Arthur, Old White Hart P.H. IO l\foulsham street Powell Samuel Alien, baker & confectioner, & post office.
1-layhew John Newton, fishmonger, 33 High street 140 l\loulsfiam street
Mead George, bricklayer, 22 Broomfield road Prior .Augustus David, ""'n,..,.rite-r & g-rainer, n6 Moulsham st
Mead Richard, furniture dealer, 'Vood street Prior ·william George, french polisher, 17 Moulsham st
:Meggy & Stunt, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, 71 Rankin Jo«iah .Abraham, draper, 4 Moulsham street
Duke street & 65 & 66 Chancery lane, London WC Raven Henrv, market gardener, n Sutherland terrace
Meggy & Thompson, proprietors & publishers of Rawlings lYilliam Henry, Prudential Assurance Co.'s
"Essex County Chronicle," '·Essex Herald,' assistant snpt. 3 Park villas, Rainsford end
"Esse~ Xewsman" & "Essex Almanac & County Red Cow British Workman (Edward Rosling, sec.;
Directory" & agents to the Sun Fire & Life Assurance. William Clark, manager), Broomfield road
High street. See advert Red~well Esther (Mrs.), tobacconist, I79 :Moulsham road
:Meggy Andrew (firm, Meggy & Stunt), solicitor, commis- Remington Alfred, butcher, 165 Moulsham street
sioner for oaths, clerk to the Chelmer & Blackwater Remnant Frederick, Saracen's Head commercial hotel &
Navigation Co. & to the Governors of the Chelmsford posting house, High street


Richards Robert, confectioner, 76 Duke street & baker, Spalding Henry, dairyman, 14 Duke street
7 Moulsham street Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers; head office, High street;
Richardson Frederick, livery stables, Railway arches draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransome, Bouverie &
Richell Charles, manager of Phrenix Coffee Tavern, I84 Co. London E. C
Moulsham street Speller Alfred, shopkeeper, 49 Duke street
Ridgewell Lewis, grocer, & post office, 10 New street Spencer John, watch maker & silversmith, 5 Duke street
Rldley T. D. & Sons, millers, maltsters & brewers, Spurgeon Ernest, shopkeeper, Primrose hill
Townfield ; ~team mills, Chelmsford, Barking, Hartford Stace Frederick, hair dresser, IS :Moulsham street
End & Felsted ; maltings, Chelmsford, Springfield, tackwood Maria (Miss), young ladies' schl. 5 I Moulsham st
Braintree, Hocking, Felsted & Writtle; brewery, Hart- Stannard Richard, baker & parish clerk to St. Mary's
ford end church, 5 Broomfield road
Rippon Charles Edwin & Sons, music sellers, 62 High st Stapleton James William, plumber & glazier, Old Barrack
Rison George, boot maker, I6 New street ground, Moulsham street
Rist William, grocer, I78 Moulsham street Steam Carpet Beating Works (Wenley & Son, pro-
Roast Walte,r, Red Lion P.H. New London road prietors), 55 High street. See advertisement
Robinson Herbert, supt. Pearl Life Assurance Co. 8 Stevens Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,. 82 Moulsham street
Broomfield road Stevens John, coal & coke merchant, Threadneedle street
Rodd Sidney, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent & col- Stimson William, boot & shoe maker, II7 Moulsham st
lector to the Dispensary & Infirmary, I6 Duke street Sto.kes Herbert Oliver, Wheatsheaf P.H. 28 New street
Rogers Charles, whitesmith, I57 Moulsham street Story George, scale maker, 7 Springfield road
Rolph Arthur, fishmonger, IS I Moulsham street Strange Matthew, grocer, 9 Duke street
Rope Anne Mary (Miss), ladies' school, I St. John's ter- Stunt Francis, solicitor & commissioner for oaths (see
race, New London road Meggy & Stunt)
Roper Wm. & Son, builders & undertakers, Broomfield rd Suckling John, Bay Horse P.H. Moulsham street
Rowland William, plumber &c. 28 Victoria road Sutthery Frank Pellatt, solicitor & commissioner for oaths
Rule Ada (Miss), dress maker, 4 Carew terrace, New Crane court, High street
London road Sun Coffee Tavern (.A. H. Turner, man.), I 53 Moulsham st
Rushen Edward, Prudential Assurance agent, I6 South Symonds John, engineer, New street
Primrose hill Taber George, tailor, 13 Baddow road
Russell Sophia (Mrs.), agent to Manchester Fire office, Tanner William & Co. solicitors, I Tindal square; & 3
Tindal square Circus place, Finsbury circus, London E.C
Saltmarsh & Co. watch makers, II Duke street Tanner Henry 1Villiam, plumber & gasfitter, I2 Duke sl!
Saltmarsh & Son, nurserymen, seedsmen & florists, Tanner William (firm, Wm. Tanner & Co.) solicitor &
Moulsham nurseries & 8 High street corn. for oaths & perpetual commissioner, I Tindal sq
Saltmarsh Gerald William, hair dresser, 4I New street Tansley Edward, beer retailer, Wood street
Saltmarsh H. M. deputy registrar of birtihs & deaths Tansley Francis, carman, Wood street
for Whittle sub-district, 36 New street Tayner William, coach builder, I8o Moulsham street
Saltmarsh Herbt. Mulley (Mrs.), feather clnr. 36 New st Taylor & Robblns, printers, publishers & proprietors
Saltmarsh Oswald, boot maker, 24 New street of the " Essex Weekly News," the " Essex Inde-
Samms William, builder, Rainsford road pendent &; Farmers' Gazette," & of the "Braintree &
Sasse George Henry, borough surveyor, sanitary in- Rocking Advertiser," & the "Barking, Ilford & East
spector & supt. of market; office, I4 l\Iuseum terrace, Ham Advertiser," 26 High street; & at Romford,
New London road See advertisement
Saunders Frederick J oseph, tailor, 28 Baddow road Taylor Fred, auctioneer, accountant, & house & estat~
Saward & Sons, family brewers, brewery, Angel yard, agent, 73 High street
Tindal street Taylor William, shopkeeper, I73 Moulsham street
Saward Charles, mineral water maker, Duke street Theobald & Sons, coal & lime merchants & agents for
Sayers Charles, Black Boy P.H. I Springfield road artificial manures; office, Passenger Station yard;
Scotcher Henry, Anchor P.H. 112 Moulsham street depot, Goods Railway station
Scott Charles, corn merchant & maltster, 52 New street Thompson .Albert Edwd. french polisher, 23 Moulsham st
Searles Mary (Mrs.), fishmonger, 22 Tindal street Thompson Thomas, printer & publisher, see Meggy &
Shead Henry Newel!, corn merchant, Railway arches Thompson
Shedd Arthur, baker, Post office, so Duke street Thorndick William R. dairy, Broomfield road
Shedd James, greengrocer, SI Duke street Thresh John Clough D.Sc., J\II.B., F.I.C., F.C.S. medical
Sheldon Percy J. .Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. chief surveyor, officer of health to the Chelmsford & Maldon rural san:i.-
Essex CQunt·y Council ; office, 78 Duke streetJ tary authorities, The Limes, New London road
Shepherd James, clerk to Essex Prov. Soc. 66 Duke st Thrower John, shopkeeper, Broomfield road
Shepherd Thomas G. supervisor of inland revenue, 69 Thurgus James Charles, fancy draper, 63 High street
Duke street Timson Joseph Redding, Golden Fleece P.H. 84 Duke st
Shire Hall, High street Tomlinson J ames, chemist & druggist, mineral water
Shoobridge George Frederick, dentist, 7 New London rd manufacturer & artificial manure merchant & agent for
Shorten Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 48 New street Ezra T. Hazeltine, manufacturer of Piso's Cure fol'
Simpson Thos. nurseryman, 35 Mildmay rd. & Duke st Consumption, 2 Tindal square
Singer Manufacturing Co. (Alfred Blundell, manager), Tottenham Loftus Dacre, solicitor (see Farmer, Gray &
sewing_ machine makers, 64 High street Tottenham)
Slader Mary (Mrs.), ladies' schl. Holly ho. Broom field rd Townsend .Alfred, coal merchant, 46 Victoria road
Smee Abraham, shoe maker, 4 Hall street Tufnell William M. banker & treasurer to the union &
Smee Fredk. sheriffs' officer, I Albert pl. New London rd rural sanitary authority & the corporation, see Sparrow
Smee George, beer retailer, I27 Moulsham street Tufnell & Co
Smith Arthur, electric lighting engineer, Cottage place T~nbridge John Wm. gen. smith, Dolphin yd. Tindal st
Smith & Tomlinson, dentists, 2 Tindal square Turner Samuel & Son, basket makers, 8 Moulsham street
Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.), pork butcher, 27 Baddow road Turner Henry William, saddler, I9 Tindal' street
Smith Emma (Miss), day school, I Highfield place Turner Thomas, pork butcher, 26 Tindal street
Smith F. Ln.ckin, wholesale & family grocer, provision & Tween Charles, market gardener, South Primrose hill
wine merchant, 76 High street & I39 Moulsham street; Tyler & Co. cabinet makers &c. Tindal street
& at Maldon, Burnham & Southminster Vickridge James Alex. & Co. cabinet makers, 53 High st
Smith James, coal dealer & beer retailer, I & 2 George st Vine E. & M. (:Misses), branch office of the Scientific
Smith Joseph Alfred, general draper, 88 & 89 High street Dress-cutting Association (head office, 272 Regent st.
Smith Colour-Sergt. Waiter, recruiting sergeant, 3 Park London W.) ; lessons given ; 6 Carew terrace, New
View cottages, Rainsford end London road
Sorrell Elijah, farmer, Baddow road Volunteer Battalion ( znd) Essex Regiment (A Company,
o::lorrell John Robert, beer retailer, Springfield road Capt. F. W. Chancellor; & B Company, Capt. G. H.
South Rebecca (Mrs.), fishmonger, I69 Moulsham street Coleman, commandants), headquarters, Corn Exchange
Southgate John, market gardener, 88 Duke street Walker Emma (.Mrs.), earthenware dlr. I68 Moulsham s~
Sowman Waiter James, grocer, 29 Moulsham street Wailer Thoodore Harry L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, medi~al
Spalding Arthur, wine & spirit dealer, 71 High street officer & public vaccinator to No. 9 District & medical
Spalding Fred, portrait & landscape photographer, pic- officer to Workhouse, New London road
ture frame maker &c. dealer in artistic goods & novel- Ward Richard, jobmaster, Friar's place
ties, concert & entertainment agent, 4 High street & Warner Alfred, bone manure manufacturer & merchant,
toy, games & fancy goods bazaar &; box, trunk & bag Railway arches
warehouse, 3 Tindal square Warren Frederic, chemist & drnggist, I85 :r.ll!lulsham. st.
Warren William John, reporter, 2 )!elford villas, New Wilcox Thomas, Rising Sun P.H. New London road
London road '\Yilshere Lucy, .Anne & Mary (Misses), ladies' school, 9
Wat-ers Samuel, surveyor of taxes, 69 Duke street & 10 New London road
Watts "William, carpenter &c. 18 Friars place Wilson John .Ashby, pork butcher, 54 Duke street
Welham Charles, George hotel, 79 Duke street Wilson Waiter, reporter, Cottage place
W elham J oseph, tailor, 2 Friar's place Wilson William, clothier, 72 High street
Wellington Henry, shoeing smith, 29 Baddow road Wilson Wm. Thos. Kings' Head P.H. 40 High street
Wells & Perry, brewers &c. see Chelmsford Brewery '\Villsher Frank, accountant, collector to the Essex Provi-
(Wells & Perry) Lim. (The) dent Society & school attendance officer to the Chignal
Wells A Perry, juns. coal, drain pipe & cnglish & school board, 67 Duke street
foreign timber mers. Saw mills, Station yd. Duke st. Wilton Eleanor (Miss), dress maker, Fairfield road
& lime burners & coal merchants, Spring:field wharf Wiltshire Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 1 Maltese road
Wells George, baker, 164 Moulsham street '\Yise John, reporter, Fairfield road
Wenley & Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, carpet- '\Vood Charles, watch maker, 12 Tindal street
ing & paperhanging warehouse, furniture removers & Woodward John, .Army & Navy P.H. Baddow road
proprietors of the Essex pantechnicon, 55 High street. '\Voollard George, beer retailer, 1 Baddow road
See advertisement '\Vray James Hanley, general draper, 6 High street
West Ernest, builder & contractor, Fairfield works Wright Thomas, french polisher, 11 Mildmay road
West Essex Building Society (James Luckin, sec.), Bank Wright Waiter, chemist, Bee Baker & Wright
chambers, New street Wvbrow

.Arthur, boot maker, 161 Moulsham street
West Essex Cyclil)g Club (S . .A. Brinkworth, sec) Young George, shopkeeper, 15 6 Moulsham street
White Ernest Waiter, bookbinder, Duke street Young Men's Christian .Association (W. Cowell & F. H.
White Samuel Newton, tailor, 33 Moulsham street Owers, secs.), 73 High street
'Whitmore Frank, architect & surveyor, county surveyor Young Solomon, Plough P.H. Duke street
for West Suffolk, 21 Duke street Young Women's Christian .Association (Miss K. Beddoe,
·wicks .Arthur, confectioner, Baddow road lady supt. ; Miss E. Ridley, hon. sec. ; Miss M. .A.
Williams Charles, manager of London & County Bank, 7 1\Iarrett, assist. hon. sec.), Riverside, Duke street
High street
GREAT CHESTERFORD is an ancient village and the fens near Newmarket: it is also affirmed, with great
parish, on the banks of the Cam or Granta, on the probability, to have been the site of the Roman "Cam-
borders of Cambridgeshire, and on the road from London boritnm "; many coins, chiefly those of Caligula, Trajau
to Newmarket, with a station on the Great Eastern and Constantine have been found in the borough fields,
CCambridge) railway, 45 miles from London by road and and in 1769 a pot, containing a quantity of fine speci-
47! by railway, 10 south from Cambridge and 4 north- mens, was discovered, and in 1843 a very beautiful coin
west from Saffron W alden, in the Northern division of the of Licinius ; other relics of bronze, gold and brass have
county, Uthlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty ses- also been met with, besides a carved stone trough and
sional division, union and county court district, and in some skeletons. Chesterford had formerly a market and
the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of holds a charter from Charles I. recognising the privileges
Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The abandoned recorded as belonging to it in Domesday Book. A fair is
Chesterford a~d Newmarket railway crosses the parish. held on the 1st Frid~ in July. The Marquess of Bristol,
The church of .All Saints is a spacious and lofty building who is lord of the manor, Major Edward Henry Greene-
of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- De-Freville, of Hinxton Hall, Cambridgeshire, Mrs. Owen
cel, nave of four bays with clerestory, aisles, south porch Edwards and the trustees of the late J. T. Pilgrim esq.
and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing are the principal landowners. The tenure of copyhold
a clock and 6 bells : in the south aisle is a brass figure of land is by Borough English; under which, when a man
a lady, probably of the Holden family, who founded a dies, his estate descends to his youngest son or daughter,
chantry here in 1523 and another of John, 7th son of or youngest uncle or kinsman. The soil is principally
Thomas, baron Howard of Walden K.G. ob. 24 May, light on the low lands and heavy on the hills ; subsoil,
x6oo; there is also a small brass to Mary Bales, ob. chalk, but deeper on the high land. The crops are on
1642, and in the nave one to George Felsted, ob. 1638 : the four-course system. The area is 2,803 acres; rate-
the east window retains two coats of arms and in the able value, £4,905 ; the population in 1891 was 859·
south aisle is a window partly filled with stained glass, Parish Clerk, .Arthur Isaac Denny.
by his widow and children, to the memory of Lord Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance
Charles Amelius Hervey D.D. vicar here 1839-80, d. 10 Office (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex
.April, 188o: the remaining portion of the window con- added). A.rthur Isaac Denny, postmaster. Letters
tains stained glass subscribed for by the inhabitants of arrive by messenger from Saffron Walden at 7.10 a.m.
Great and Little Chesterford in 1887. The register dates & 'hy train at 9.30 a.m. & dispatched by train at 11.51
from the year 1586. The living is a Vicarage, with the a.m. & by messenger at 7 p.m. ; on sunday, arrive at
rectory of Little Chesterford annexed, average tithe rent- 7.1q a.m.; dispatched at 11.30 a.m
charge £ u4, net yearly value £212, including 260 acres Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 9.30 a.m. &i
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Marquess of {).so p.m. week days only
Bristol, and held since 188o by the Rev. Edward Seymour County Police Station, Waiter Fitch, constable
Leveson Randolph B..A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Schools:-
There is a small Union chapel, built in 1841, with 150
sittings. Hill's charity, arising from a sum of £19 left Na6onal (mixed), built with master's house in 1839, for
in 1459 by the Rev. Richard Hill, rector of this parish, 140 children ; average attendance, 123 ; the school has
the interest is di&ttributed yearly at Christmas. an endowment of about £4o yearly, arising from land;
Chesterford was a Roman station, and derived its name Thomas Stroud~ master
from being a " castrum," or camp, on the ford over the Infants', built in 1875, for 6o infants; average attend-
Granta, and was one of a chain of Roman forts extending ance, 62 ; Miss Cowell, mistress
from the Weald or wood of Essex to the Devil's Ditch in Railway Station, William Frederick Barrett, station mas
Cowell Miss Stroud! Thomas Gee Henry, farmer, Field farm
Dadson Miss, The Nest Tilley Mrs Bagger .Algernon Montague, carpenter
Davidson Edward Webb Samuel Jonas Bagger .Alvin Tubal, newsagent
Edwards Mrs Willis Henry Hardy Frederick, beer retailer
Green Horace G. The Nest COlBIEROIAL. Jaggard Robert, butcher & cattle dlr
Green Mrs. The Nest A.braham Hy. carpenter & wheel" right Jilling John, farmer, Great Chester-
Herbert Mrs Andrews .Arthur, newsagent ford park
Hayward John Price Bareham Thomas, White Horse P.H. Kent .Arthur, blacksmith
J owett Thomas Barrett Job, beer retailer & ~hopkpr Kent Jane (Miss), dress maker
King Henry, Mill house Bird Waiter, fish dealer Kettle .John, g-rocer & draper
King Thomas, Crown :'lous(> Choppen .Albert John, machinist King Thos. & Henry, millers (s~am)
:1\fidrllehurst James, The Dells Denny .Arthur Isaac, stationer & post- Knight .Albion Levi, farmer, Diamond
Perrv •
Thomas mast~ hill
Pilgrim Mrs. Manor house Fordham Geo. beer retlr. & coal dlr Livermore Emma (~Irs.), laundress
Randolph Rev, Edward Seymour Freeman J oseph, beer retailer ~Iansfield George, coal merchant
Leveson B.A.. Vicarage Freeman Samuel, chimney sweeper ~Iaris William, saddler
Searle John, Manor lane French John, watch maker ~Iason William, vermin destroyer
She-lford Richard J efferson Frisby Benjamin, shoe maker ~Iiddlehurst Jame-s, farmer, The Dells
Stanley .Alan Sidney Wentworth (Capt. Gates William, carpenter ~Iilson William, farm bailiff to Frank
Cambrid~eshire Militia), The Elms Gates J oseph, coal dlr. & shopkeeper Edwards esq

Nichols William, farm bailiff t-o the Rule William, butcher Smith George, boot maker
exors of the late John Thomas Pil- Ryder Ellen (Mrs.), laundress Smith William, shoe maker
grim, Chambers' farm Ryder Rebecca Maria (Mrs.), shopkpr Surrey Samuel, lime burner
Perry Robert, baker Searle Harry, bricklayer Symonds Waiter, frmr.Crave Hall frm
Pilgrim John, beer retailer Sharpe Joseeph, stocking knitter Thur~ood John, marine store dealer
Pilgrim John Thomas (exors of), Shelford Willlam & Sons, provi- Tyrell William, marine store dealer
maltsters, brewers & farmers ston merchants, grocers, drapers "Yakefield: William, saw mills
Reeve Frederick & Charles, bakers & outfitters Webb Samuel J. asistant overseer
Reeve John George, beer retailer Shenstone James Henry, Crown & Whitehead Rankin, painter
Reeve Thomas, shoe maker Thistle P.H Wliitman Waiter, beer retailer
LITTLE CHESTERFORD is a small parish, 1 mile dowed charities, producing about [40 a year, which i1
south of Great Chesterford and in the same jurisdiction. distrib~ted yearly. Chesterfield Park is the seat of
The church of St. l\Iary the Virgin is a low but ancient Harry Pickersgill-Cunliffe esq. J.P. The house is a large
building of rubble in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, modern mansion, pleasantly situated on an eminence, r
divided from the nave by an oak screen, north porch and mile north-east from the village, in a park of about 350
a western turret containing 2 bells: the church was re- acres. The Marquess of Bristol, who is lord of the
stored and the interior refitted in 1855 : there are brasses manor, Lord Braybrooke D.L., J.P. and Harry Pickers.
formerly on an altar tomb to George Langham esq. lord gill-Cunliffe esq. J.P. are the principal landownerS'. The
of the manor, ob. 1462, and his wife Isabel i. and there soil is heavy on the hills and light on the low land; sub·
:were formerly others to members of the Hasylden family, soil, principally chalk. The crops are (n the four-course
1476-Bo : there is ah& an ancient tomb of marble, with " shift. The area is 1,260 acres; rateable va1ue, £1,178;
recumbent effigy, to James ·walsingham esq. The regis- the population in 1891 was 205.
ter of baptisms and burials dates from 1559; marriages, Sexton, Charles Seaman.
I755· The living is a rectory, annexed to the vicarage Post- Office. Mrs. Susan Reeve, sub-postmistress. Let-
of Great Chesterford, average tithe rent-charge £tq, ters arrive from Saffron Walden at about 6.50 a.m. &
net yearly value £212, including 260 acres of glebe, in are dispatched at 7.15 p.m.; sundays, II.55 a.m.
the gift of the Marquess of Bristol, and held since t88o Great Chesterford is the nearest money order & tele-
by the Rev. Edward Seymour Leveson Randolph B.A. of graph office
'l'rinity College, Cambridge, who resides at Great Ches- Infants' School, built in 1862, for 24 infants, is now
terford. The Wesleyan chapel here, erected in 1872, has ( 1894) closed, & the children attend the school at
about 100 sittings. In this parish there are several en- Great Chesterford
Pickersgill-Cunliffe Harry J.P. Ches- French John, stockman to Mr. Fredk. Porter Job & Joseph Charles, farmel1l,
terford park & Junior Carlton club, John Welch, Malting farm King's farm
London SW Harrington Frederick, gamekeeper to Reeve John, shopkeeper
Harry Pickersgi~l-Cunliffe esq. J.P William, shoe I~.aker
Hayward Martha (Mrs.), Crown inn Seaman Charles, sexton
Burleigh Charles, farmer, Manor farm Lovelace ·waiter, beer retlr. & shopkpr U'nwin Mary .Ann (Mrs.), laundress,
Button Emily (Miss), shopkeeper Nottage George, farmer, Rectory frm I Bodfair

CHICKNEY is a parish, on a feeder of the river esq. of Englefield House, Berks. alternately, and held
Chelmer, 3 miles from Elsenham station on the Great since 1894 by the Rev. Henry J.<'erdinand_ Battiscombe
Eastern railway, 6 north-west .from Dunmow, and 7 Th . .A.K.C.L. who is also vicar of and resides at Brox-
north-east from Bishop's Stortford, in the Western divi- ted. Lieut.-Col. .Alfred Molyne.ux Cranmer-Byng D,L.,
.sion of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional J.P. of Quendon Hall, in this county, who is lord of the
division, union and county court district, and in the manor and the Rev. John Collin M . .A. vicar of Whaplode,
rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and Lincs. are the chief landowners. The soil is heavy;
diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. Mary the subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, beans and barley.
Virgin, situated on rising ground, is a small and ancient The area is 713 acres; rateable value, [394; the popnla..-
building of rubble, in the Early English style, consisting tion in 1891 was 35·
of chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower, with Parish Clerk, William Poole.
conical spire, containing 2 bells; the interior was restored Letters through Dunmow, arrive 9 a.m. & 3 p.m.
in 1858, when the old altar stone, incised with consecra- The nearest Letter Box is at Broxted, cleared at 3.30
tion crosses, was discovered and replaced; the font is p.m. & the nearest money order office is at Broxted &
ancient and much admired. The register of baptisms telegraph office at Elsenham
dates from 1554; marriages and burials, 1556. The This place is included in Henham United District School
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £;132, net Board, formed 27 July, 1874; the children of this
yearly value [112, with 45 acres of glebe, in tlie gi,ft of parish attend the Henham Board school, built in 1875
Lieut.-Col. .A. M. Cranmer-Byng and Richard Benyon for the parishes of Henham & Chickney
Horwood Henry, farmr. Chickney hall I Joyce .Albert, farmer, Sibleys I Markwell Herbert, farmer, Springate
CHIGNAL is a parish formed in March, 1888, from unique example, is entirely of brick. In 1894 the church
the previously separate parishes of Chignal SS. James was refloored, and the interior renovated and reseated.
and Mary and Chignal Smealey, together with part of the The register dates from the year t6oo. The living is a
parish of Writtle, the two former, however, still remain- discharged rectory, average tithe rerit-charge £89, net
ing ecclesiastic-ally distinct, and being in the Mid division yearly value £47• with residence, in the gift of Major
of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional Spifty of Billericay, and held since 1864 by the Rev.
division and county court district and in the rural dean- William Gibbens B.D. of Corp~s Christi college, Cam.
ery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of bridge : the first rector mentioned was Richard Soke, in
St . .Albans. the reign of Henry Il. Philip Morant M.A. of Pembroke
College, Oxford, the well-known historian of Essex, was
CIDGNAL ST. J.A...M:ES, which is mentioned in the
rector of this parish in 1735. There is a Congregational
Domesday Survey, lies on a small brook, about 3 miles
north-west from Chelmsford station. The church of St. chapel at Chignal Smealy. In 1776 Sarah, Viscountes-s
James is a building of flint, in the Early English style, Falkland, bequeathed the interest of £wo to be given
away every Sunday in bread to such poor persons of
consisting of chancel and nave and a western turret con-
mining I bell. The register dates from the year 1724. Chignal Smealy as usually attend! divine service at that
Tlie living is a rectory, with those of St. Mary and Mash- parish church; this benefaction now produces a gift of
bury annexed, average tithe rent-charge [392, gross four loaves every Sunday. The charities for Chignal St.
James amount to about £w yearly. Lieut.-Col. Thomas
yearly value [456, with 54 acres of glebe, in the gift of
Harvey Bramston J.P., D.L. of Skreens park, who is lord
tiie trustees of Mrs. B. S. Barnes, and held since 1889 by
the Rev. Augustus Brooke \Varden Denniss. of the manor, Lord Rayleigh, Sir Simeon Henry Lech•
mere Stuart hart. Frederick Richardson esq. and the
CHIGNAL SMEALY (or Little Chicknal, formerly trustees of the late William Crush are chief landowners.
called" Checkenhall Semeley," and also known at various The soil is generally heavy; subsoil, clay and loam. The
times as " Chignal Smeley, Smele and Smethelea," as chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The joint
well as "Chignal Trenchfield," and "Brick Chit;rnal ") IS nrea is 1,980 acres; rateable value, [2,3971 the pop,ula·
5 miles north-west from Chelmsford station. The church tion of Chignal civil parish in 1891, was 426.
of St. Nicholas, originally built more than 700 years ago, Parish Clerk, John Rayner.
is a smnll edifice of brick in the Efl.rly English style, The population of Chignal SS. James and 1<Iary with
consisting of chancel and nave and an embattlea western Mashbury ecclesiastical parish in 1891 was 357. and of
tower ~th pinnacles, containing I bell; the chancel is Ohignal Smealy, 123.
considered to be a part of the old structure : the font, a Post Office. Joseph "Vorskett, sub-postmaster. Letters
by foot post from Chelmsford arrive at 8.10 a.m.; let- bury; W. W. Dnffield, Chelmsford, clerk to the board;'
ters disR3tched at 5·45 p.m. The nearest money order Frank ~Yillsher, 'Chelmsford, attendance officer
& telegrnph office is at Great Waltham. Postal orders Board School (mixed), enlarged :n 1875, for 106 children;
are issued here, but not cashed average attendance, 75 ; George Godfrey, master
..\. School Board of 7 members was formed 17 Mar. 1875 Carrier to Chelmsford.-8. Sewell (& !\!onk, passing
for the Chignal united district, which includes Mash-l through from Mashbury), tnes. & fri
Barker :Miss, Beadel's hall Chapman Arthur, blacksmith ~latthews Austin, frmr. Chignall hall
Denni~s Rev. Augustus Brooke "War- Christy Theodore-, frmr. Stevens' ~Ietson Fanny (:\Irs.), farmer
den (rector of St. James') Cowlin Mark, farmer, Briton's hall Richardson Frederick, farmer & land-
Gibbens Rev. William B.D. (rector Few-ell Thomas, boot & shoe maker owner, Dyer's hall
of St. Nicholas') Firman William, cattle dlr. Blue ho Sewell Samuel, market gardener
Richardson Frederick, Dyer's hall Juniper John & James, farmers, How- Tween Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer
Barker Rosa Ellen (Miss), boarding le.U's hall Wakeling Sl. wheelwright & blacksmth
school, Beadel's hall Lines Thomas, Three Elms P.H Worskett Joseph, grocer, Post office
CHIGWELL, in Domesday "Cinghewella," i.e. the forest remains at Crabtree Wood, on the east of Chigwell
King's ·well or King's Weald, is an ancient village and Row, about half a mile beyond the village: and from
parish, seated on the east side of the river Roding and Grange Hill fine views of the country may be obtained
on th.3 road from London to Ongar, w! miles north-east towards the Thames, the Snrrey downs and the hills of
from Whitechapel church, 2 north-east from W oodford Kent. The King's Head inn, a gabled structure of the
station, and 2 miles south from Buckhurst Hill station, Stuart period, is immortalized by Dickens in " Barnaby
both on the Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway. Rudge" under J:lw name of "The Maypole." Colonel
The parish lies close to Epping and Hainault Forests Rouse i.s lord of the manor of Chigwell, Colonel Richard
and is mucl1 admired for its woodland scenery and T. Lloyd, of Rolls Park, of the manor of Barrington and
pleasing prospects: the parish is in the Western division Robert Wicksted Ethelston esq. of Moor Hall, Harlow, of
uf the county, Ongar hundred, Epping union and petty the manor of Woolston. The Misses Palmer are land-
sessional division, Romford county court district, and in owners in this parish. The soil is clay; subsoil, sand.
the rural deam·ry of Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex The chief crops are wheat, oats, peas and roots. The
~nd diocese of St. Albans, and is within the jurisdiction area is 2,178 acres; rateable value £35,968; the popula-
vf the :Metropolitan police. The church of St. Mary is tion in 1891 was 1,391. This parish comprises Chigwen,
a picturesque but not very interesting building of flint, Chigwell Row, and Buckhurst Hill, the area of which is
consisting until lately of chancel, nave, north aisle, south 4,522 acres and 25 water; rateable value £35,g68; the
porch and a wooden tower on the western gable, with population in 1891 was 6,324, of which 1,391 are
small spire, containing 5 bells; but in 1886 a new nave attached to the St. Mary's parish church.
and chancel were erected on the site of the north aisle Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
from plans by Sir A. W. Blomfield kt. M.A., A.R.A., D1n Heard (sub-office under Woodford Green).
F.S.A. at a cost of £s,soo: the original nave now forms Letters arrive from Chigwell road. Letters dispatched
a south aisle and chapel: the south door is Norman and at 8.30 & 12.20 a.m. & 4.15 & 9 p.m.; sunday dispatch,
the windows are chiefly Perpendicular: on the chancel 8.20 p.m. only; delivery, 7 & 9 a.m. & 2 & 5 p.m.
wall is an incised effigy in brass, with arms and in- Miss Hannah Ann Dawkins (near church). Letters
scription, to Samuel Harsnett, Archbishop of York, ob. dispatched at g, 12 a.m. & 4 & 8 p.m. & sun. 8 p.m.;
25 March, 1631, affording the latest monumental example delivery from upper office
of an English episcopal effigy in cope, alb, dalmatic and Wall Pillar Letter Box, Hainault road, cleared 9 & 12
stole: there are several stained windows: a new organ a..m. & 4 & 8.15 p.m
was erected in 1889: an avenue of yews leads to the Schools:-
south porch : there are sittings for soo persons. The The Grammar school, founded by Archbishop Harsnett
register dates from the year I555· The living is a vicar- in 1629, occupies spacious buildings of brick, which
age, tithe rent-charge £sro, average £a8o, net yearly have been enlarged & much improved at a cost of
value £3oo, including 7! acres of glebe, with residence, £1o,ooo. The endowment now (1894) amounts to
in the gift oi the Bishop of St. Alban's, and held since about £250 yearly: a scheme was promulgated in 1871
:r.B84 by the Rev. Thomas Marsden M.A. of St. John's by the Endowed Schools commission, & adjoining
College, Cambridge and Diocesan Inspector of schools. property has since been purchased: William Penn, the
The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are the impro- founder of Pennsylvania, born in London, 14 Oct. 1644,
priators, formerly received large revenues, but these is said to have been educated here. Rev. Richard
are now greatly reduced. There is a church mission Dawson Swallow M. A. head master; W. A. Sunkriss
room at Grange hill, seating 160 persons. The Con- M.A. E. H. Cobb M.A. E. H. A. Arkwright B.A. E.
gregational chapel is a small iron structure. Coulson's D. Jordan B.A. assistant masters
almshouses consist of three dwellings, erected in 1557 There is an Elementary School for boys under the
and rebuilt by public subscription in 1858; each occupant Chigwell School Board
receives 6s. 8d. quarterly. The charities, amounting to A School Board of 7 members was formed 29 April,
about £70, are distributed as follows: £27 in money 1871; F. G. Winny, Buckhurst Hill, clerk to the board
(left by Mrs. Grainger) is divided amongst eight widows Board School (boys), built in 1886, for 154 children;
on St. Thomas' day; Hatch's charity of £30 to thirty average attendance, QO; John Richard Moseley, master
deservin~ poor who have not received parochial relief, National School (St. Mary's) (girls & infants), built in
is distributed in January; Ramston and Fisher's gift 1837 & enlarged in 1891 for 200 children; average
of £5 qs. 2d. is given in bread to deserving poor ; there attendance, 100; Miss Georgina Stevens, head mistress ;
are also other small gifts. The workmen's club room, Misses Eleanor Harwood, Edith Haunton & Florence
built in 1876, is used for reading and recreation. A fair Bellamy, assistant mistresses
is held on the 3oth of September. The mineral spring Conveyance.-Coach to Woodford station to meet the
at Chigwell, discovered in the latter part of the I]th g.23 up train & the 5·37 down train passes through
century, was once in much repute. A fragment of the this village
PRITATE RESIDENTS. Garrett Lt.-Col. Edmd. J.P. Belmont :\Iildrect ~rs. Brook house
..1rkwright E. H., M.A. (assistant ma.s- Gerussi Aristotelis M. 15 Hainault viis ~Ioody Miss, Little Haylands
ter), The Grammar school Gilbert Maj. Arthur Strange, Hain- ~Iurless Charles, West hatch
Ballock Arth. C. Marchings, Gravel la ault lodge Xewstead Thomas Hy. Sweep's hill
Barkworth Thomas, West Hatch Gould George William, Chigwell ldg Paget Julius, 12 Hainault villas
Barne~ James, Broom Hill house Grant S. T. Hill house Palmer ~liss, Turnours hall, Gravel la.
Bird Frederick Augustus, Oak lodge, Gray John T. Wood grange Paterson :\Irs. 16 Hainault villa;;
Grang-e hill Hitchins Henry, 9 Hainault villas Philby Mrs. Taylou
Bolt ~Irs. 8 Hainault villas Jennings Capt. Benjamin, Grange cot- Proctor James, Chigwell road
Brickwell Henry Taylor, High road tage, Grange hill Radford 1\illiam 1V. Rolls pa1k
Brodhurst Bernard Edwd. Grange crt Johnson Geo. The Limes, Grange h1 Rawe ~lrs. Benj. Carr, Hainault ho
Cobb Rev. William, 4 Hainault villas Jordan E. D., M.A. (assistant master), Riches ~Irs. Henry, I I Hainault villas
Cobb G. H., M.A. (assistant master, The Grammar school Sanders ~s. The Haylands
Grammar school), Church house Keen Thomas, The Cottage Saunde:rs Charles, 3 Hainault villas
Daniels William, Fli11t cotta~e Kimler James, Oakwood Savill Alfred, Chigwell hall
F.l.ce William, Hainault road ~Iargaritis He:raclius D. Fern cottage Savill The ~Iisses, Ten ~Iile villa
Etridge Joseph James, The Oaks, ~Ia:_sden Rev. Thomas M.A. (vicar), ~aville :\Irs. The_ Limes .
Vicar:~ge lane 'ICarage . . ~~or~r John, ~Iillbrook, ~range hill
Flint Abraham The Grange ~Iason Amos J. 14 Hamault v1llas :::ilmkms W. A., M.A. (ass1stant mas-
Fowell Jas. ~~~rtwell ho. Grange hill ~lay William, 13 Hainanlt villQ.s t~r), Grammar school
Suart .Alfred Pettits, ?uddiufZ lane Egan Edmond, surveyor to Chigwell Murray John Thomas, insurance &
Swallow Rev:. Richard })aws7m :M.A. Urban district, High road news agent, Hainault road
(head master), Grammar school Fraser (Sister May), certified nurse, Nevill Benjamin, hay dealer
Taylor Victor, The Shaws, Gravel la The Cottage, Vicarage lane Noble Alfred, blacksmith &; farrier
Th.omas James Harrison, Hayla'nds Furze Jn. farmer, Woolston Hall frm Noble Henry, wheelwright
Walby George, Broomhill Gott Alfred, farmer, The. Grange frm Perfect Henry, refreshment rooms.
Webb John Racker, 7 Hainault villas Grout Levi Henry, Bald Hind P.H. Chigwell road
White Alexander F. Sandon lodge Grange hill Phillips & Brickland, horse hospital.
Hancock Wm. tailor, Hai'nault road Brook House farm
Hancock William (Mrs.), dress maker, Proctor Jas.i'nsurance agt. Chigwell rd
Archbishop Harsnett's Grammar Hainault road Radley William, builder, Chigwell rd
School (Rev. Richard Dawson Swal- Harper William, nurseryman. ::\fount Rowland Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
low M.A. head master) Pleasant, Grange hill Smith Thomas, carpenter
Baldwin Thomas, cowkeeper Hay Waiter & Co. florists, Oak nur- Tidball Thomas, florist & greengrocer,
Banks George, painter, Hainault road sery Luxborough
Brickwell Hy. Taylor, snrgn. High rd Hayd:en George, baker Tippets Emily (Mrs.), grocer & drapr
Bridge William W. saddler, Broomhill Heard Dan, grocer, Post office Walby Joseph Benjamin, butcher,
Chignell George W. livery stables & Herring Edward, Three J oily Wheelers Broomhill
horse clipper P.H. & farmer, Chigwell road Watts George, saddler
Chilton Arthur, farmer Holder William, carpenter Webb John, King's Head P.H
Camber W. farmer, New Bar'ns farm Hunter George, boot & shoe maker Webster Chas. Fras. frmr. Home frm
Dawkins 'l'homas, tailor & Post office Johnson George, farmer, Gra'nge hill W'bisking George, beer retailer
Draper John, farmer, Old farm Mason Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer, Wiseman Geo. frmr. Rolls Park frm
Footer John, florist, Grange hill Grange hill Workmen's Club (Hy. Shuttle, man}
CHIGWELL ROW was constituted an ecclesiastical' and now called "All Saints schoolroom," is also used
district Oct. 30, 186o and a parish Dec. 10, in the year for parochial purposes, including a book club. The
1867 and is about 2 miles east of Chigwell and 4 miles principal landowners are Alfred Francis Puckridge esq.
east from Woodford station on the Great Eastern rail- Col. Rouse, Col. Richard T. Lloyd, of Rolls Park, Robert
way, in the Western division of the county, Ongar Wicksted Ethelston esq. of Moor Hall, Harlow, and Mr.
hundred, Epping union and petty sessional division, Charles Mears. The area is 1,055 acres ; the population
Romford county court district, and in the rural deanery in 1891 was 803.
of Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Parish Clerk, Thomas Briant.
Albans. The church of All Saints, consecrated in the
year 1867, is a building of stone, in the style of the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
Transition from the Early English to Decorated; it is Chigwell Row.-Herbert Clinch, sub-postmaster.
as yet unfinished and consists only of a lofty clerestoried Letters through Chigwell Road dispatched at 8.5 & 11.5
nave, aisles and a western porch: it has 320 sittings. a.m. & 3.15 & 7·35 p.m. Pillar Letter Box cleared
The register dates from the year 1867. The living was 8.l5, II.I5 a.m. & 3.15 & 7·45 p.m. ; cleared sundays,
declared a rectory, Dec. 10, 1867, tithe rent-charge £343• 7·3° p.m. only
average £261, net yearly value £190, with 6 acres of Board (formerly British) Schools (girls & infants); the
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Crown and the buildings, erected about 1845, were enlarged & trans-
Bishop of St. Albans alternately, and held since 18B9 ferred to the Chigwell School board in 1871 & will hold
by the Rev. George Hanslip Hopkins M.A. of Sidney about 190 girls & infants of both sexes, with rooms
Sussex College, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel for teachers; average attendance, 83; Miss Ada Twine,
here has a burying ground attached. A parish room mistress, girls' school; Miss Elizabeth Faichney, assist-
was built in 1854 and the old National school, enlarged ant mistress; & l\Iiss Amy Sherlock, infants' mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Randall Mrs. Lime villas Herring Edward, shopkeeper
Bayly Capt. Vernon, The Shrubbery Rushworth William, Globe cottage Jameson George William M.R.C.S.
Bir'ks Rev. Herbert Alfred !\LA. (cu- Rutty George G. The Acorns Eng-. surgeo'n & medical officer &:.
rate of Chigwell Church), Bowls Savill Philip J.P. Woodlands public vaccinator, Chigwell district,
Birks Mrs. Bowls Saunders Edward, Grange villa Epping union, Hatch house
Buxton Thomas, Greenwood ccttage Wilkinson Thomas, Grove house Marsh Eliza (Mrs.), laundress
Clarke William Richard, Clare hall COMMERCIAL. l\Iead Fredk. T. farmer, Taylor's frm
Crowfoot Henry Belcher George, coach builder & l\Ieadowcroft J oseph, builder
Cummins E. Russell, Sheepcotes wheelwright Mizen Harry, shopkeeper
Foulger Hartley, The ~hrubbery Brown John, farmer, Miller's farm Pead Levi, farm bailiff to l\Ir. John
Hadfield Rev. Joseph (Congregational), Burns Wm.nursrymn. Exotic nursery Berry, of Ilford
The Manse Buxto'n George, Maypole P.H Penn Charles Ebenezer, builder, home
Hedges Miss, Barrington house Clinch Herbert, grocer, Post office decorator &c
Hinchley George, The Orchards ('rawley Jane (Mrs.), fancy repos Schwier Ernest, farmer, Bro\ltrings fm
Hopkins Rev. George Hanslip M.A. Cresswell George H. florist dellman Frederick, tailor
Rectory Dale Charles, farm bailiff to Alfred Shaw John, livery stables
Jameson Brigade-Surgeon George w-m. Francis Puckridge esq. Grange hill Shepherd! He'nry, marine store dealer
Hatch house Uilly David, farmer, Billingsbourne fro Smith Wililam, l;epr retailer
Kemp Alexander D. Burnt house, Dodd George, blacksmith Sno:x:ell Alfred, !Hitcher
Pudding lane Edwards Thomas, baker Stonton Henry, farmer
Kite Mrs. The Orchards Fairmaner Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer Waskett Peter. fr,rm bailiff b
Noad Mrs Faux Burrell, builder William Strong, Pudding lane
Penn Charles Ebenezer, Crosby house Gapes John, farmer, Wilkin's farm Williams Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Puckridge Alfred: Fra'ncis, Forest ho Greenwood Alfd.b!cksmth. & farrier &c. Workmen'~ Hall & Coffee Tavern
Radley William, Lime villas Barman James, carpenter (Caleb Williams, manager)
CHILDERDITCH is a parish near the source of the yearly value £107, with 17 acres of glebe and residence,
Marditch stream, half a mile from East Horndon in the gift of Lord Petre, and held since 1894 by the
station on the London, Tilbury, and Southend direct Rev. William Burnet M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin.
line from Barking to Pitsea and 3 south from Brentwood, Lord Petre is lord of the manor and landowner. The
in the Mid division of the county, Chafford hundred, soil is clayey; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
county court district and petty sessional division of barley, oats and beans. The area is 1,626 acres of land;
Brentwood, Billericay union, rural deanery of Barstable, rateable value, £1,213; the population in 1891 was 198.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Parish Clerk, Samuel Smith.
church of All Saints and St. Faith, erected by subscrip- Wall Letter Box, School house, cleared at 6 p.m. week
tion in 1869, is a building of Kentish rag, in the Early days, 10.30 a.m. sundays. Letters through Brentwood
English style, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch arrive at 9 a.m. The nearest money order &i telegraph
and a western turret containing I bell: the font is office is at Warley Common
ancient. The register dates from the year I537· The National School (mixed), built for 50 children; average
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £131, net attendance, 41; Mrs. Edith Harvey, mi'stress
Burnet Rev. ·william M.A. Vicarage Buxton Frederick, farmer, Hill farm Newman William, farmer & overseer,
Jackson Mrs. Childerditch hall Craig - , farmer, Dove's farm Roses farm
Dove Ezekiel, farmer, Nutty's farm Picker - , farmer, Tellingham hall
COlll!ERCIAL. Eastland Richd. frmr. The Hall farm Squires Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,
Boardman Geo. Thos. blacksmith &c Green John, farmer, Thorndon park Blanketts farm
CHINGFOBD is a village and parh,h agreeably situ- of £400, £2! per cents.) by John, Ann and Rebecca
ated between the river Lee and Epping Forest, and is Popplewell, and the produce of one acre and three-
the best place from which to visit the remaining beauties quarters of land in Chingford Marsh, by Thomas Boothby
of that district ; it takes its name from a ford over the esq.; Mrs. Harriet Waters left, in I892, a sum of
Ching, on the east bank of which rivulet it is seated, on £I8o I4s. ud. invested in consols: these benefactions
high ground overlooking the valley of the Lee and on the are distributed to the poor in coals and bread. Hawk-
road to Waltham Abbey, and is the terminus of the wood, the seat of Sidney Cooper esq. is a mansion of
Walthamstow and Chingford branch of the Great Eastern brick in the Elizabethan style, standing in a park of 25
railway, tol miles by rail from London: it anciently acres. Mount Echo is the residence of Shepperd Thomas
belonged to the Chapter of St. Paul's, London, to which Taylor esq. and Friday Hill the residence of Mrs.
it was confirmed by King Edward the Confessor, and is Heathcote. Mrs. Heathcote, of Friday Hill, is lady of
in the Epping division of the county, Waltham hundred, Chingford Earls manor, and :Miss Hodgson of Chingford
Waltham Abbey county court district, Epping union, and St. Paul manor. The principal landowners are Mrs.
in the rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex Heathcote, S. T. Taylor esq. of Mount Echo, and the
and diocese of St. Albans : it is within the jurisdiction Corporation of the City of London, and there are several
of the Central Criminal court and the Metropolitan smaller owners. An horticultural show is held here
police, and the village is lighted with gas by the Chig- annually in July. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The
well, Loughton and Woodford Gas Co. and supplied chief crops are tares, beans, peas, roots and grass land.
with water by the East London Water Works Co. the The area is 2, 7S I acres of land and 40 of water ; rate-
pumping station, erected in I884, being in Chingford able value, £I6,598; the population in I89I was 2,737.
lane. The old church of All Saints, situated on the brow CHINGFORD HATCH is a hamlet I mile to the south-
of the hill, overlooking the Lee, is an ancient building ~ast. St. Anne's mission room here, erected in 18go, is
of flint and stone, the earlier portion being Early English an iron building, seating I5o, and services are conducted
and the latter parts of Perpendicular character, and on Sunday afternoon by the clergy of the parish, and
being covered with ivy is a very picturesque object : there is also a Wesleyan chapel, built in I862, and seating
it consists of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch 8o persons.
and a western tower with plain parapet : the nave is now Parish Clerk, George Bartrip.
unglazed, desolate, and disused, but the chancel is still
preserved and partially xestored; in the chancel are Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
some fine Jacobean monuments to the Leigh and Boothby -Stephen Pettit, postmaster. Letters dispatched ro
families and to Sir J. Sylvester kt. recorder of the city a.m. I.3o, S & 9.30 p.m. except sat. ; sundays 9 p.m.;
of London, as well as to John Heathcote esq. I79S and delivered at 7-IS a.m. 2.I5, 6.I5 & 9 p.m. Parcels
John Hamilton Moore, the hydrographer, ob. Oct. 3I, dispatched at IO a.m. & 1.30 & 8 p.m
I807. Wall Letter Boxes Chingford Hatch, cleared at 8.45
The church of SS. Peter and Paul, on Chingford green, a.m. 1, 4· IS & 8. IS p.m. ; sat. excepted; sun. 8.4S p.m. :
in the centre of the village, erected in I844, is an edifice Cemetery gates, cleared 9 a.m. 4· Io & 8 p.m. ; sat.
of white brick and flint, in the Decorated style, consist- excepted: Railway station, cleared 9 a.m. t.Is, 4.30
ing of chancel, nave and an embattled western tower & 8 p.m. sat. excepted; sundays, 9 p.m. : & Low st.
with spire cor.taining 3 bells, dated I6oo, and a clock : cleared I0.30 a.m. 4-IS & saturdays excepted, 7 p.m.;
the interior was renovated in I883: the stained east sundays 8.50 p.m. : Crescent rd. cleared 9 a.m. 1. 10,
window has been inserted as a memorial, and there 4.20 & 8.20 p.m. except sat. ; sun. 9 p.m. : Endle-
are two others : the font was formerlv• in All Saints bury road, cleared I2.40, 4· 10 & 8 p.m. ; sat. excepted;
church. The register of marriages dates from I72I: sun. 8.50 p.m.: Chingford road, cleared 8.IS a.m.
baptisms and burials from I7IS. The living is a rectory,, 4 & 7.40 p.m. ; sat. excepted; sun. 8.30 p.m
gross yearly value from tithe rent-charge £s6s, net Pillar Box, The Green, cleared 9 a.m. 1.20, 4.30 & 8
£300, with IS acres of glebe and residence, in the gift p.m.; sundays 9 p.m
of the trustees of the late R. B. Heathcote esq. and
held since I878 by the Rev. Alfred Francis Russell M.A. Schools:-
of University College, Oxford. A parish room was National (Mixed), built in I872, & enlarged in I893,
erected, in I89o, in High street. The Congregational with master's house, at a cost of £I,soo, the site being
chapel in Buxton road, built in I8go, will seat 400, and given by R. B. Heathcote esq.; it will hold 210
there is a mission room in Low street. The Plymouth children; average attendance, I8o; Bruce Cook, master
Brethren have a place of worship in King's Head hill, Infants', built in I856 & enlarged in I886, for 8a
built in I88o, and seating ISO. An obelisk, erected by children; average attendance, 6I ; Miss M. Reed,
the Ordnance Survey, on high ground north-east of the mistress
church, is maintained at the desire of the authorities of Metropolitan Police Station, The Green, erected in IBB7
Greenwich Observatory: it is due north along the (N Division), Edward J ohnson, sergeant in charge,
Ill'eridian line, and is occasionally used for the verification and 4 sergeants, I acting sergeant, and IO constables
of astronomical observations. The cemetery at Chingford l\lasonic Lodges held at the Royal Forest hotel:-
Mount, belonging to the Abney Park Cemetery Co. Lim. Chigwell Lodge, No. 453; Geo. Wm. Corble, I2
was opened on Saturday, May 24, 1884: it is 78 acres in Finsbury circus, London E C sec.; saturdays nearest
extent, and contains two lodges in the Early English full moon in May, June, July & August, at 3 p.m
style and a chapel. Across the green, north-east from Brooke Lodge, No. 2005 ; J. R. J ohnson, I Second
St. Peter's church, is Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, where avenue, Manor park E, sec.; 3rd friday in May, June,
manor courts used to be held : it is a picturesque half- July, August & September
timbered house of three stmeys, with some good Philbrick Lodge, No. 2255; R. A. Board, 42 Barnsdale
panelled oak rooms, one of which, on the first floor, is road, St. Peter's park W sec.; Ist thursday in April,
hung with tapestry; the upper floor consists of one May, June, July & October, at 4 p.m
large apartment, 40 by 25 feet, with an open-timbered Warner Lodge, No. 22s6; W. Shurmur, Prospect house,
roof: under the Epping Forest Preservation Act of I878, Clapton, sec.; 2nd tuesday in February, April, October
this structure, as " an object of antiquarian interest," is & December, at 5 p.m
kept in repair by the Corporation of London, and is open Royal Arch Masons Chapter of Hope & Unity. Ko.
to the public daily free of charge. Near the lodge is 214; George Cooper, The Cedars, Brentwood, scribe
"'Connaught Water," a rural lake, and Bury and Hawk E.; first friday in May & July
woods, portions of the Forest, much frequented by Brooke Chapter, No. 2005; J. Sadler \Yood, 35 Coleman
naturalists. At Mansfield hill is a sewage pumping st. London E C scribe E. ; 2nd friday in June & October
station, built in I894, and belonging to the Epping William Shurmur Lodge, No. 2374; Thomas J. Railing,
"Rural Sanitary Authority. Here are S almshouses, Colchester, sec.; 3rd thurs. in May, July & October
~rected in I8S9 by voluntary subscriptions and enlarged Carrier to London, Alfred James Henn, mon. wed. & fri
in I887. The charities amount to £22 yearly, arising Railway Station, Arthur B. Stagg-s, station master
from £3 yearly each bequeathed in IS85 by Robert Conveyance.-Coach from Royal Forest hotel,. to different
Ramston and Thomas Boothby; £II a year (the int~rest parts of the forest twice daily during the season
PRIVATE BESIDENTS. Badger W'illiam, II Warren road Beeching Waiter, 6 Warren road
Adams Thomas, Q Hawkswood villas, Bailey Mrs. Hollybush villa, Chingford Bell Edwin, Strathbogie, Station rd
King's Head hill Hatch Bennett John Rayner, ~Ieadowcroft,
Adamson )lrs. Rathelpie, High st &ll John, Beech house, Forest side Chingford road
Ainslie )liss, The Rolls, Hinir·s green Banwell Edmund, I Hawkswood villas, Bevans George Ernest L. Faircourt,
Armstrong }lrs. Grasmere house, King-'s Head hill The Drive
High street Barr .Andw. W. Terryglen, The Drive Big-g Charles, l\Iaud rula, Station rd
Ashton Edmund Gerald Bramleigh, Bnrafet William Henry, The Cottage, Binns Charles Fergus, 3 Hawkswood
The Drive I Chingford road villas, King's Head hill
Bir~ Harry, St. Helen's, The Drive
Bird William, 57 Buxton road
IHarding Edward, Rose cottage, King's Richter Frank, The Ferns, High st
Head hill Rickett William, Warren road
Blanc 1\Irs. 8 Itawkswood villas, Hardisty Mrs. Chestnut lo. High st Ridgway Rev. Geo'rge (Congrega-
King's Head hill Hart Edward, Endlebury road tional), Vivian lodge, High street
Blunt :Miss, 6 Queen's Gro_ve road Hartland Edwin A. 4 Warrela road Roberts Arthur Herbert, Harewood,
Bolton Charles, Forest View house, Hartwell Joseph, Bosgrove housa, The Drive
Ring's Head hill _ High street Roberts Samuel, Orford villa, Ching-
Bosustow Henry, 55 Buxton road Hartwell William, '\fest view, High st ford road
Boswell Robert Bruce M.A. 2 Hawks- Harwood Mrs. 17 Buxton road Roberts Wm. Hillside, Ridgeway rd
wood villas, King's Head hill Heathcote Mrs. Fric;lay hill Rothnay Mrs. so Buxton road
Bowers :Miss, Maisonnette, Warren rd Herring Robert, Belle Vue, Endle- Russell Rev. Alfd. Fras. M.A. Rectry
Bradm~l John, Hawksburn, Forest rd bury road · Sadgrove Alfred, Chingford road
Brady Frederick, Lismore, Station rd Heslop Mrs. 7 Queen's Grove road Santler Charles Pratt, Greenheyes, 3
Brady Mrs. Sunnyside, King's. Head hl Hewitt Mrs. Mornington road Warren road
Bragger Henry William, Newington Hicks Mrs. 20 Queen's Grove road Savill Charles, Dunluce, Crescent rd
cottage, Chingford road Hiscock Mrs. 29 Buxton road Scott Robert ~LA., LL.D. Glenberrie,
Branston Mrs. Deveron vil. Station rd Hobbs Joseph William, Oakhurst, The Drive
Brewster Mrs. Dunedin, High sb'eet Crescent road Searles Geo. Cannanore, The Drive
Brockhursb Mrs. Avenue house Houseal Mrs. 31 Buxton road Sewell Russell, 16 Queen's Grove rd
Brooke David Budley, Low street Hulsmann Johanness, 5 Queen's Sheldon Arthur, Holly house, King's
Brown Edwd. Lyndhurst, Rtdgeway rd Grove road Head hill
BrowR George R. Hainault, The Drive Hunt Charles Frederick, Northfield, Sheldon John Livesey, 5 Buxton rd
Brown John, Gilling cot. Garfield rd High street Sheppard Alfred Edward, Laurel ho.
Cadle Clair Whittington, Balcarras, Hunt Fk. A. Chase side, Crescent rd Low street
High street Isitt Charles, I9 Buxton road Sheppard William, 10 Hawkswood
Carpenter Wm. 3 Queen's Grove rd Jackson Samuel Westlake, Greenleaf vii1as, King's Head hill
Carter Sa.muel Plummer, Woodholme, cottage, Station road Sidford Harry Maurice, Ailsa Craig,
Forest road J offer John, 2 Willow .street High street
Clark Arthur, Kenilworth, Heathcote Jones Pryce, I4 Queen's Grove road Sigismund SI. Hermitage, Forest rd
grove Kember Henry W. The Rosery, Simpson Joseph, I3 Buxton road
Clark Arthur Benning, Old Church hl Chingford road Skelton William, Linstock, The Drive
Clark Jn. Wm. Hazeldene, High st Kennedy William, 43 Buxton road Skottowe Frank, The Cot. Buxton rd
Clavering Charles, 4I Buxton road King Fredk. Hadleigh, Crescent road Skottowe Frederick Wybrants, Forest
Clavey Ernest Edgell, 7 Buxton road Kinnaird Henry Jn. 47 Buxton road view, Buxton road
Clements Harry, Normanhurst, Sta- Knight John, IO Warren road Skottowe William Stnart, 4 Queen's
tion road Lamb George, 35 Buxton road Grove road
Coales Mrs. 4 Hawkswood villas, Law William, Low street Small William .Tones, r Buxton road
King's Head hill Leggett Mrs. Oak lodge, Forest side Smith Alfred, The Rosery, Low st
Collins Benjamin, 24 The Drive Lendon Richd. Claremont, High st Soanes Alfred Arthur, High street
Collins William Edwin, 5 I Buxton rd Linney Miss, 3 Garfield road Stair Waiter, Ridgeway road
Cooper Sidney, Hawkwood Livermore Ernest Hy. Darenth lodge, Staniland Charles Joseph, Black nest,
Cornish William, I Warren road High street The Drive
Coulson Eugene William, Annesley Lovell William Francis, 7 Hawkwood Stone Owen E. I Queen's villas,
villa, Station road villas, King's Head hill The Green
Cowell Temple, Dovedale, The Drive Lovelock Mrs. r8 Queen's Grove rd Strover Waiter, Ballymena, The Drive
Crook Benjamin, Glengyle, Buxton rd McLeod GeorgE', 9 Buxton road Tangney Mrs. Mountain ash, Ching-
Cruickshank John D. Chingford lodge, Maltwood Thomas, Elmfield, High st ford road
The Green Marshall Thomas Shaw, Blythswood, Tatum James, Provident villa, Suf-
Dalziel Wm. Northernhay, The Drive The Drive field Hatch
Davey Fredarick,Birch cottage, White- Mason Robert Rushbrook, 22 Queen's Taylor Shapperd Thos. Mount Echo
hall road Grove road Thomas Wm. Hy. Talbot ho. High st
Davis Mrs. 2I Buxton road Mead Hy. G. Florence villa, Station rd Thurlow Robert Youngman, Melford
Davis Rev. Herbert (Congregational), Miller Henry, 53 Buxton road house, High street
35 Buxton road Milton Henry, Fairlight, Forest road Vaile William, Goldsboroughs, Endle-
Dawes Thomas James, Reginald ho. Moore Charles Franklin, Norton villa, bury road
Chingford road Chingford road Viehoff James Marinus, The Drive
De Bucher Fras. 24 Queen's Grove rd M01·daunt Francis Geo. 23 Buxton rd 1Vaddington Fk. Eden, 33 Buxton rd
Dipper William, Low street Morison John, Tamworth villa, Morn- Wakefield Thomas H. Pengelly lodge,
Dyne Rev. William Tylden l\I.A. ington road Forest road
(curate), 6 Queen's Grove road Morris John, Ellesmere, The Drive Wakely Reuben, Tile ho. The Green
Eden Waiter, Riversdale, Station rd Morrison Arthur George, Eastwood, Walbourn Charles Salter, Holmdale,
Ellis Joseph George, The Nest, Heath- The Drive High street
cote grove .- Over Thomas, Fernleigh, Garfield rd Walker John Henry, Clooneaven.,
Emblin George, Sydney vil. Station rd Pal!e Duncan Lionel, Laurel house, High street
Fairbairns William Henry, The Elms. Forest side WaTI{er William, White hall
High street Palmer A1fred Edward, Rose villa, Walli!' George, Fairview, High street
Fenwick R. Henry Howard, I I Bux- Station roaJ Ward Thomas, IS Buxton road
ton road Palmer Miss, The Croft, Warren road 'Velcn Mrs. Stanley villa, Station rd
Fison Lewis, 8 Queen's Grove road Park Frank William, 5 Hawkswood West George Harry, 5 Warren road
Fletcher Mrs. Herons nest, Forest side villas, King's Head hill Wneeley Alfred, 25 The Drive
Flint fly. Jas. Merivale, Crescent rd Paterson Mrs. Elm villa, Station rd Whitworth Thompson C.E. The :Kel-
Foot Stanley, Brooklyn, High street Paterson William Edward, 9 Queen's ems, Station road
Fordham Alfred, The Cottage, King's Grove road Widdows Mrs. r Queen's Grove road
Head hill Perry Mrs. I2 Queen's Grove road Wilcox John, Low street
Fox Cecil, The Plas, Endlebury road Phillips Geo. Bhnndara, Chingford la Wilkes Mrs. N emora, Station road
Francis Nathaniel Draper, Holm- Pidgeon Alonzo, Lindisfarne, High st Wilkes William Thomas, Woodbine
leigh, Ridgewa.y road Pizey George Hy . .Armadale. High st oottage, Chingford road
Freestone Alexander, Heathcote grove Powell Jn. Fras. Rosedene, Station rd Willsmer Geo. Ringwood ho. High st
Friend Mrs. Inganess, The Drive Pridie John Francis M.B. Belmont, Wilson Tom Hay, Crawcrook, Endle-
Fulcher George Fred~rick M.B. Ever- High street bury road
leigh, Station road . Prior Mr~. Kintyre, Warren road Wolff Edward, Rodens villa~ Ching-
Gandy Robert, 45 Buxton rood Pursur Henry, 20: Bnxton road ford road
Goodair Henry, Kilearn, Station rd Quartly Francis Geo. Connaught rd Wright Arthur Henry, Connaught rd
Gooding Fredk. Mesina, The Drive Redwood Theophilus Horme, Bryn- Young Edwin, Albion Io. Station rd
Gordon Mrs. 23 The Drive coed,' Crescent road Young Henry, Larkshall farm, Ching-
Gowland Wm. The Hollies, Forest rd Reeland Peter Yarde, Forest house, ford Hatch
Greenwood William Hy. 3 Buxton rd Crescent road Ziegele Augustus, Little Friday hill
Hallatt Waiter, Rnssell grangE', Ching- Richards Mr~. White ho. Station road Ziegele Otto, Lyndhurst, Crescent rd
ford road Richardson 1Yaurice, Wingrove, Low st Zilles Henry, 39 Buxton road
COMMERCIA I •• Gumprecht Margarette (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Garfield rd
Amey Alfred, farmer, Normanshire, Chingford road Hall Eliza (~lrs. ), tea gardens, Old Church road
.Ancient Order of Foresters, Child of the Forest Lodge Hall John Joseph, blacksmith, Old Church road
(No. 4077) (Francis Tnnnicliff, sec.), The Green Harding Edward Sanger, wholesale haberdasher, sta-
.Anderson David, lanndry, Station road tioner & general sundriesman, established I88o, King's
Armstrong Laura Charlotte (Mri!.), apartments, Gras- Head hill
mere, High street Harknett Alfred, tea gardens, Old Church road
Ashton John, apartments, I Stanley road Harrison Frederick, refreshment contractor, Garfield road
Austin James Willoughby, apartments, Old Church road Hedge Charles, market gardener, Endlebury road
Baker Fredk. fly proptr. & horse dlr. King's Head hill Henn Alfred James, carrier, 29 Willow street
Barnett Frank Henry, fruiterer, Station road Herring Robert, accountant, Belle vue, Endlebury road
Banks Charles, tea gardens, Low street Hicks Frederick, swing proprietor, Garfield road
Banks George, farmer, Low street Hitchcock Adolphus William, dining rooms, Station road
Banks Richard, florist, Low street Hobday Edmund, nlumber, 25 Willow street
Barnett Prank Henry, fruiterer, Station road Home for Little Girls, Bridge of Hope in East London
Bartrip George jun. coal merchant, assistant overseer & (Miss Steer, lady superintendent), Chingford road
rate collector, The Green Hutchins Frederick, grocer & corn dealer, Low street
Bass Thomas, tea gardens, Old Church hill Jackaman William, draper, Station road
Bell Joseph Geo. Prince of Wales P.H. Chingford Hateh Jensen Rasmus Christian, grocer, Station road & nurl!ery-
Bernasconi Fredk. apartments, Goath cot. Endlebury rd man, Old Church road
Blogg Samuel, gardener & farm bailiff to Mrs. Heath- Jessop Charles & Alfred, coach builders, Chingford Hatch
cote, Tower cottage, Chingford Hatch Jessop Charles, farmer, Larks wood
Bolton Catherine S. (Miss), day school, King's Head hill Jessop Josiah, farmer, Oak farm, Chingford Hatch
Bolton Edward, farmer, Pimp hall J ones Thomas & Son, farriers & jobmasters, 'l'he Green
Bradley Joseph Nathaniel, florist, The Green Jones Benjamin, carter, 48 Willow street
Brasell James, farmer, Low street & dairyman, Station rd Jones Richard, painter, King's Head hill
Bridger Maria (Mrs.), tea gardens, Old Church road Kelman & Page, florists, Forest side
Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.) laundress, Stanley road Kelman James, apartments, The Green
Burges Charles, plumber, Stanley road Knoll Ernest, apartments, Garfield road
Butler John, refreshment contractor & tea gardens, Knowles Catherine (Mrs.), apartments, r Vaughan ter-
Epping Forest, QVerlooking Co.nnaught Waters & ad- race, Garfield road
joining Queen Elizabeth's old hunting lodge, seating Law Edmund Wykes, butcher, Station road
room for 6oo, Butler's retreat Lee W. J. & Son, bakers, Station road
Butt Herbert, forest keeper to the Corporation of London, Lodge Philemon, King's Head P.H. & Assembly rooms.
Epping Forest The Green
Cardwell & Sons, dairymen, Station road London & Provincial Bank Lim. (sub-agency) (Raymond
Chingford Cricket & Football Club (L. C. Bow en, sec.), Clarke, manager (open m on. & thurs. ), Station road;,
4 Willow street draw Qn Glyn, Mi11s, Currie & Co. London E C
Chingford Horticultural Society (Bruce Cook, sec) McMullin Henry, water bailiff to Mrs. Heathcote, The
Chingford Mount Cemetery (Abney Park Cemetery Co. Fishery
Limited) (Arthur Clark, sec) Maggs Charles H. saddler, King's Head hill
Chingford Ratepayers' Association (Owen E. Stone, sec.), Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, Erin Guinness lodge
The Green 6go8 (Owen E. Stone, sec.), The Green
Chingford Rise Estate Office (Thomas H. Wakefield, Martin Chas. & Son, farmers & carters, Chingford Hatch
agent), Station road Mason Robt. Rushbrook, boys' private school, 22 Queen's
Chingford Times (Herbert William Hicks, publisher; Grove road
published sat. for mon. ), 20 Queen's Grove road Mather William, carpenter, 30 Willow street
Chiswell Joseph & Richard, furniture dealers, The Green May William James, greengrocer, Station road
Churches Mark Stott, farmer, Dell's farm, Low street Moore Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Stanley road
Clack & Rodom, florists, Chingford road Nash Alfred Henry, steam laundry, High street
Clark Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker & apartments, 5 Nickolds William Robinson, 38 Willow street
Garfield road Nicoll William Robinson, hair dresser, Station road
Coe Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, Orchard cot. Forest side Nunn Thomas, tea gardens, Old Church road
Connaught Tennis Club (Edmund Swift, sec.), Ep- Odell William, market gardener, Low street
ping Forest Olson George, grocer, Station road
Cornhill George, tea gardens & fly owner, Old Church rd Otton Edward, apartments, 29 Willow street
Cramp John, dairyman, The Green Parkinson Robert, Prince Albert P.H. Old Church road
Cruickshank John D. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Patterson John Wm. boot & shoe manfr. Ainsleywood rd
physician & surgeon, Chingford lodge, The Green Pawley James, shopkeeper, The Green
Cusworth Jn. & Sons, monumental masons, Old Church hl Perkins Henry, apartments, Mayfield, Station road
Daltrey J ames, tea gardens, The Green Perry & Roberts (Misses), Girls' High school, Bnxton rd
Davis J ames, shopkeeper, Chingford Hatch Pettit Stephen, corn chandler, ale & porter dealer, sta-
Deller James, plasterer, Stanley road tioner & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine &
Dukes Samuel William, wood turner, Suffield hakh spirit merchants, Post office, Station road
Earee & Co. refreshment contractors, Jubilee retreat, Phillips & Howells, butchers, Station road
Hawkwood Phillips Hannah (1\'liss ), teacher of music, 37 Buxton road
East London Water Works Co. (W. B. Bryant, engineer), Pierson William, farmer, Cherrydown, Old Church bill
Chingford lane Pimm William, tea gardens, Chingford road
Easun Charles, builder & undertaker, Station road Pollard Martha Emma (Mrs.), Queen Elizabeth P.H.
Edsall Chas. Alfred, farmer, Gorme's farm, Old Church rd Forest side
Ellis Ernest Geo. st_f'am roundabout proptr. Stanley road Polli Luigi, coffee tavern, Station road
Epping Forest Musical Society (The) (W. B. Pennington, Pridie Jn. Fras. M.B.,C.M. surg. see Fulcher & Pridia
sec.), Royal Forest hotel Prior George, builder, Snffield hatch
Epping Forest Royal Golf Club (Capt. Lewis Peskett, Pugh Frances Elizabeth Hannah (Mrs.), apartments,
sec.), Royal Forest hotel Garfield road
Epping Rural Sanitary Authority, Sewage Pumping Sta- Randall Thomas Frank, baker &; confectioner, Station rd
tion (Isaac Ray, manager), Mansfield hill Raven Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Garfield road
Everett Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, Station road Reardon T. & M. (Misses), dress makers, 27 Buxton road
Fordham Charles, builder & undertaker, The Green Reynolds Sarah (Mrs.), aparlments, 6 Garfield road
Fordham John, fishmonger, Station road Rickett Sarah (Mrs.), beer & wine retailer
Fulcher & Pridie, surgeons, Station road Ridgwell Samuel, farm bailiff to the ""althamstow Local
Fulcher George Frederick M.B., C.:\1. (firm, Fulcher & Board, Larkswood lodge
Pridie ), surgeon, & medical officer & public vac- Riding James Benjamin, nurseryman, High street
cinator, Chingford district, Epping union, Everleigh, Riggs John & Sons, refreshment contractors, Chingford
Station road retreat
Gamble Henry, photographer, 3 Stanley road Roberts William J ames, apartments, Garfield road
Gentrv & Card, monument;al masons, Old Church road Robson Joseph, scale maker, Suffield hatch
Gibson Arthur James, corn chandler, Station road Rogers Samuel Punter, dairyman, King's Head hill
Great Eastern Railway Co. (H. C. Amendt, manager), Room Frederick, builder, Garfield road
refreshment rooms, Railway station Roper Thomas, cowkeeper, Chingford Hatch
Griffin John Taylor, chemist & photographer, Station rd Royal Forest Hotel (Francis Ernest Smith, proprietor)
Sandifer &; Son, oil & color dealers, Station road ·walker William, boot maker, The Green
Saunders James, farmer, Chingford Hatch Watkins Caroline (Mrs.), tea gardens, Station road
Saunders Wm. cowkeeper, Manor farm, Chingford Hatch Watkins Charles William, apartments, 16 Willow street
Silk David, carter, Forest side Watson Joseph, nurseryman, Old Church hill
Smith George & Co. grocers, Station road Watts David, nurseryman, .Alpha road
Smith W. H. & Sons, newsagents, Railway station ·watts Waiter Joseph, Fountain P.H. Low street
Smith James, refreshment contractor, Garfield road Weatherley Henry, farmer, Low street
Solomon John William, florist, Forest side Western William, Bull & Crown P.H. The Green
Spooner Jane (Mrs.), Green Man P.H. Old Church road Wexham William, confectioner & tobacconist, Station rd
Stir Waiter, architect & surveyor, Ridgeway road \ Whitlock John, boot repairer, Low street
Stevens Harriet (Miss), refreshment seller, Chingford Whitby James, farmer & dairyman, Chingford mill,
Hatch Chingford lane
Stewart Adelaide (Mrs.), apartments, Garfield road 'Whitley Thomas, tailor, 2 Queen's Grove road
Stewart Henry, apartments, Garfield road Willsmer George, builder, High street
Strong Thomas James, collector of taxes & highway rates, Wilson Sarah & Emily (Misses), drapers &; milliners,
Old Church road Station road
Sutton Robert, farmer, Rink's green ''Vinterflood Henry James, greengrocer, Low street
Technical Instruction Committee (Bruce Cook, sec.), 'Vinters J. & Son, monumental masons, Old Church hill
· School room W orsfold .Alfred, grocer, The Green
Thomas William Henry, solicitor, Talbot house, High st Worsfold .Alice (Miss), dress maker, King's Head hill
Tite B. M. & Sons, coal merchants, Goods station Young Harry Clark, Dun Cow P.H. Chingford Hatch
Tollworthy Frederick, farmer & carter, Chingford hall Young Henry, coke contractor, Larkshall
Tunnicliff Fr3Jllcis, shoe maker, Station road Young Samuel James, bricklayer, 4 Queen's villas, The
Wakefield Frederick, marine store dlr. Suffield hatch Green
Wakefield Thos. Hy. auctioneer & surveyor, Station road
GREAT CHISHALL (or Chishill) is a parish in the charge £22, net yearly value £ns, including 137
extreme north-west of Essex, on the borders of Cam- acres of glebe with residence, in the gift of the trustees
bridgeshire and on a stream called "Cumberton Brook," of John Wilkes esq. and held since 1884 by the Rev.
supposed to have formed the boundary between the king- Thomas Henry Griffinhoofe B.A., S.C.L. of University
doms of Mercia and Essex; it is 7 miles west from College, Oxford. The charities amount to £12 yearly,
Audley End station on the Great Eastern railway and arising from land and annuities given by Dame Lettice
5 north-west from Royston station on the Hitchin and Martin and others. The trustees of the late John
Cambridge branch of the Great Northern railway, and Wilkes, who are the lords of the manor of Farance
9 west from Saffron Walden, in the Northern division Fee, and the trustees of Lord Dacre are the chief
of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden landowners; the latter are lords of the principal manor.
petty sessional division, Royston union and county The soil is chalk and clay; subsoil, chalk. The crops
court district, and in the rural deanery of Saffron are on the four-course shift. The area is 2,459 acres;
Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. rateable va~ue, £1,804; the population in 1891 was 387.
Albans. Tht> church of St. Swithin, situated on an Sexton, Henry Cane.
eminence and once possessing the privilt>ge of sanctuary, Letters
is an edifice of flint with stone dressings, in the Per- Post Office. Christo Bagger, sub-postmaster.
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and from Royston delivered by messenger at 7-30 a.m. &
north porch; the embattled western tower which con- dispatched 5·45 p.m. week days & I I . 15 a. m. on
tained a clock and 5 bells, cCJtllapsed in 1892 and has not sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
yet ( 1894 ) been rebuilt: in the chancel is 3 mural monu- at Heydon. Postal orders are issued here, but not
ment to John Cooke esq. D.L., J.P. and High Sheriff paid
of Essex, ob. 27 Jan. 1701 : the nave and aisles were School (mixed), built in 187o, for 100 children; aver-
restored in 1879• under the direction of F. C. Penrose age attendance, 65
esq. the cost being defrayed by voluntary subscriptions: County Police Station, James Drew, constable
the church has also been reseated and has now sittings Carriers.-Thomas Manning, to Royston, wed.; Franklin,
for 236 persons. The register dates from the year to Saffron Walden, tues. & sat. ; Smith, to Saffron
1583. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- Walden, sat
Griffinhoofe Rev. Thomas Henry B.A., Burt.on John, farmer, baker & butchr Manning Thoma·s, hay & straw dealer
S.C.L. Vicarage Duke Arthur, farmer, Bridge farm & carrier
COMMEROIAL. Duke Lewis, farmer Pettit John, blacksmith
Andrews .Alfd. miller (wind & steam) Greenhill Henry, bricklayer Smith William (Mrs.), Plough P.H
Baker Henry, farmer H;aggar Christo, grocer & draper, Warman John, saddler & harness ma
Brown John, farm bailiff to Lord Post office Woods William, wheelwright
Hampton Hoy William, farmer & baker
LITTLE CHISHALL is a parish and small village Magdalene College, Cambridge, chaplain to the Bishop
adjoining the village of Great Chishall, 5 miles north- of St. .Alban's, hon. canon of St. Alban's and rural dean
west from Royston station on the Hitchin and Cambridge of Saffron W alden. Here is a large chapel, nominally
branch of the Great Northern railway, and 10 west Congregational, and erected about 1820, but used by
from Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of the other denominations, and seating from soo to 6oo; it
county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty ses- is supported by voluntary contributions. This village
sional division, Royston union and county court district, gave its name to a very ancient family, of which was
and in the rural deanery of Saffron 'Valden, arch- John de Chishall, dean of St. Paul's, bishop of London
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The (1274-8o), Lord High Chancellor (1264) and Lord High
church of St. Nicholas, which stands about one mile Treasurer (1269); he died in 1280. Admiral the Hon.
south from the village, is a small and ancient structure George Henry Douglas, of NewseL.s Park, Barkway,
of flint, with stone dressings, in the Early English style, Herts, who is lord of the manor, and the trustees of
consisting of chancel, nave, large south porch and Lord Dacre are the principal landowners. The soil is
a western tower containing one bell. The register of chalk and clay ; subsoil, chalk. The crops are wheat,
baptisms and burials dates from 1577; marriages, IS79· oats and barley. The area is 1,162 acres; rateable
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Heydon, value, £759; the population in 1891 was qo.
average tithe rent-charge £327, net yearly value £281, Letters through Royston. Heydon is the nearest money
with about 95 acres of glebe, and residence at Heydon, order & telegraph office
in the gift of Lord Braybrooke, and held since 1851 by Carriers to Saffron Walden.-Franklin, tues. & sat.;
the Rev. the Hon. Latimer Neville M.A. master of Smith, sat
Butcher Rev. J. S. (Congregational) Hagger Bagger Alice, _farmer Jude Josiah, White Horse P.H. &
J efferson Mrs. Manor house Bagger Christo, draper, grocer & blacksmith
Way Mrs. The Cottage
Andrews Alfred, miller (wind)
I post office Kent Ann (Miss), farmer, Rectory fm

CHRISHALL (or Christhall) is a scattered parish, railway, and 7 west from Saffron 'Valden, in the ~orthern
near a range of hills on the borders of Cambridgeshire division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron
and recorded by that name in Domesday Book, 5 miles W alden petty sessional division, union and county court
-west-north-west from Audlev•
End station on the Great district, rural deanery of Saffron \Ya:den, archdeaconry
Eastern and 7 east-by-south from Royston station on of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church
the Hitchin and Cambridge branch of the Great Northern of the Holy Trinity, standing on an eminence, is an
ancient structure of flint, consisting of chancel, nave of Martin charity, left by Mrs. Lettice Martin, also a
four bays, with clerestory, aisles, north and south yearly rent-charge of 2os. left by Thomas Ekin, paid
porches and an embattled western tower with short out of land belonging to the trustees of the late John
15pire, containing 4 bells : in the south aisle is a fine Wilkes esq. of Lofts Hall. In a wood situated in the
brass, date c. 1370, to Sir John de la Pole and his wife parish there are two moats. Chiswick Hall, now a
Joan (Cobham), the effigy of the knight is partly in plate farm house, stands on an eminence about half a mile
armour, with a tunic, and his lady in a close-fitting south of the church and is surrounded by a moat.
dress with pendent sleeves ; the figures lie beneath a The trustees of the late John Wilkes and of the late
triple canopy, richly crocketed, with the shields of de Lord Dacre, and the Dean and Chapter of Westminster
la Pole and Cobham; only a fragment of the inscription are the principal landowners. The latter are owners
remains: in the wall of the south aisle is the brass of the manor. The soil is chiefly heavy, with some
figure of a !ady in a recumbent position, c. 1450 and light ; subsoil, principally chalk. The crops are chiefly
brasses of a civilian and his wife kneeling, c. 1480; on the four-course shift. The area is 2,699 acres ;
the church also contains the remains of a monument rateable value, £2,257; the population in r8gr was 570.
to Lady Cane : the reredos is a memorial to Capt. Charles BILDEN END, or Bui:ding End, is a small hamlet
H. H. Beley D.S.O. Bombay Xative Infantry, and son to the south-south-west.
of the vicar, who was killed in action, in the Hazara expe- CHRISHALL GRANGE is a hamlet 2~ miles to the
dition, 5th Oct. r888: the pulpit and reading desk are north, partly in Cambridgeshire.
of oak : the body of the church was thoroughly restored Parish Clerk and Sexton, Ebenezer ~Iiller.
in 1868-9 and seated witl1 open benches: the chancel
was restored in 1878. The register dates from the Post Office.-Robert Chambers, sub-postmaster. Letters
year 1062. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value arrive from Royston at 8.45 a.m. ; dispatched at 4·55
£194, inc:uding 140 acres of glebe, with residence p.m. week days; sundays, dispatched at 10.20 a.m.
adjoining the church, in the gift of the Bishop of St. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
Albans, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Charles Allen Heydon. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Evans Beley B.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. The great National School (mixed), built in r862, for r8o child-
tithes were sold by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners ren; average attendance, 93 ; Philip Sargent Bixby,
to the late Lord Dacre. Here is a Primitive Methodist master; Mrs. Marie Bixby, infants' mistress
chapel, erected in r862. The poor of this parish now Oarriers to Saffron Walden. Moses Blogers, sat.;
(1894) receive £g ros. yearly as their portion of the Francis Walte:rs, sat
Beley Rev. Charles Alien Evans B.A. Downham Phlllp, steam-plough Jonas Fk. M. farmer, Chrishall grnge
Vicarage proprietor &; farmer, Park house Law Philip, beer retailer
Jonas Fk. Manikin, Chrishall grange Downham Herbert Joseph, farmer, Massey Alfred, Red Cow P.H
Andrews William, shopkeeper Parsonage farm Pigg Thomas Charles, farmer
Baker William, shoe maker Drage Hy. Thos. thrashing machine Soole William, carpenter
Chambers Robert, grocer & draper, proprietor Wallman George, blacksmith
Post office Frankland J oseph, farmer Whitmore John, beer retailer '

CLACTON-ON-SEA is a m9dern seaside town, with ated at the north-west end of the town. The town is
a terminal station on a branch from Thorpe junction governed by the Great Clacton Local Board, consisting of
station on the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles from 9 members, created by an Order of the Essex County
Walton-on-the-Naze, 16 from Colchester. Harwich and Council, confirmed by Local Government Order, No.
Manningtree, 38 from Chelmsford, 30 from Ipswich and 1 2],0]6, dated 17 June, r8gr. In 1893-4 a scneme of
71 from London by rail. The distances by water are: drainage was successfully carried out at a cost of £r2,ooo,
Walton-on-the-Naze, 8 miles, Brightlin~:sea 9, Southend the sewage being carried by pipes S{)me distance into the
~8, Gravesend and Tilbury 46, Woolwich 64 and London sea. A marine parade is about to be made along the
bridge 73 miles. Clacton-on-Sea is in the North Eastern cliffs, at a cc-st of £8,ooo, the open spaces being con-
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional verted into ornamental gardens. St. Paul's, Clacton~on­
division and union, county court district of Colchester, Sea, i& an ecclesiastical parish, formed Dec. 30, 1878,
rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colcheste"!' from the civil parish of Great Clacton, and is bounded on
and diocese of St. .Albans. The place has a southern the east by Little H<llland, from thence, north, along the
asp(\Ct, standing on cliffs 40 or so feet high: the beach of Holland road, south of the station across to a point nearly
sand and shingle is admirable for sea bathing and ex- opposite St. Osyth road, thence_ south along Old road to
tends for miles in each direction. The pier, erected in the west of the Martello tower to the sea: the chureh is
1873 and enlarged in 1877• is a structure of wood, ex- an edifice of concrete in the Early English style, con-
tending to a distance of 1,150 feet, and widening from 30 sisting of chancel with vestry, nave, transepts and a
feet to 300 feet at the head, and having a sheltered land.- western belfry containing I bell ; it was opened for divine
ing stage go feet by 30 feet, the total cost being f,"r6,ooo; service in June, 1875• and was enlarged in r88o: the
at the entrance to the pier are hot and cold batlis. The church will seat about 65o persons. The register dates
Pavilion, erected in r8g3, at a cost of £8,ooo,. is a struc- from the year 1875· The living is a vicarage, gross
ture of iron, glass and wood, comprising a large hall annual value £280, derived from au endowment of £26~
licensed for dancing, with orchestral stage, balcony, and pew rents, offertories and fees, in the gift of the Church
o. gallery at the north end, and capable of seat~ng 1,ooo Patronage Trustees, and held since 1892 by_ ~h~ Rev.
persons; attached are dressing ro()ms and a refreshment Henry Seeley, of the London College of D1v1mty. A
bar, and above these a smoking room and lavatories. An vicarage house was erected in r8go, at a cost of £1,soo,
exterior balcony runs round the whole building. During from designs by Mr. R. W. K. Goddard, architect, of
the summer season steamers call at the pier daily on London. St. Paul's Hall with school rooms & vestry was
their way to and from London. In addition to the sea in 1894 erected in the High st. at a cost of about £gso.
wall, erected in r88o, the remaining portion of th~> cliffs The 'Vesleyan chapel, erected in 1887 at a cost of £3,ooo
for the whole extent of the Clacton-on-Sea Special Drain- has 450 sittings. Christchnrch Congregational and Baptist
age District was protected in r88g with strong timber Union church, erected in 1887, at a tQtal cost of £3,ooc,
piling, in which upwards of 43,000 cubic feet of timber from designs by Mr. Thomas Henry Baker, architect, is
was used and nearly r6 tons of bolts and nuts ; this work an edifice of brick, and has sittings for 450 persontc : a
was carried out under the direction of ~Ir. Thoma;; Alfred lecture and school room was added in r8go. The Town
Cressy, clerk to the commissioners, at a cost of about Hall Buildings, at the corner of Rosemary road and High
£6,ooo, and extends r,roo feet on the west and 2,707 feet street, were erect-ed r8g3-4, et a cost of about .£.17,0oo,
on the east side of the sea wall; behind this piling a and are of red brick with terra cotta dressings, from
raised platform, 5 yards in width, has been formed, con- designs by Mr. J. 'Vallis Chapman, architect, of London.
stituting a delightful promenade of nearly ri miles in They comprise, in the basement, bank chambers, offices
length, including the portion behind the old sea wall; in and shops, and above these are public offices and a large
r8go the cliffs were sloped and otherwise improved, and hall, with orchestral stage, gallery and ante rooms. anti
gorse, green broom and other hardy shrubs planted. seating 700 persons: there is a clock tower with four
.Amongst the various attractions of the summer months aials ; the whole of the staircases and passages are of
may be mentioned an annual regatta and land an~ aquatic fireproof material. The Public Hall, Pier avenue, was
sports, and wild fowl shooting may be indulged in during erected in r877, at a co-:t of £8,ooo, there are library,
the winter on the extensive marshes a.ijoining. Clacton- reading, billiard and retiring rooms; a chess club meets
on-Sea is lighted with gas from works situate in Old in these rooms every Friday, and these meetings are
road, and ha!~ an abundant supply of pure spring water open t.o visitors. Attached to the Osborne hotel is an
supplied from artesian wells 440 fpet dC'ep, the water Assembly Room, <:eating about soo people, and is licensed
being served trom a tank in a tower 120 fPet high, situ- for theatricals. There is al~o an Assembly Room at the
Marine hotel holding 300 persons, and nsed also as a drill September, when elections take place to. supply the
hall for the H Co. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regi- vacancies thus created. The following are the present
• •
ment, whose head quarters and armoury are in Beach COmiDJSSlOners:
street. 'fhe Police Station in West avenue was built in Charles Kemp (chairman) John Mann
1893, and is arranged for a sergeant and one constable. Maj. Edward B. Dawson William Sliroon
The Coast Guard Station in the Tower road is of red Henry Finer Thomas Whaley
brick, and was erected in 1888, it will hold 8 men and a James Harman Edward Kingsbury
ehief officer ; this station has telephonic communication Robert George Hurrell
witli Walton-on-the-Naze, which is connected with the Clerk to the Commissioners, Thomas A. Cressy; office,
Gunfleet Lighthouse. The lifeboat "Albert Edward," pre- Public hall
senteil to the Royal National Lifboat Institution and en- Public Establishments.
dowed in perpetuity by the United Grand Lodge of F'ree-
masons of England, in commemoration of the safe return Coast Guard Station, Tower road, William Hazell, chief
from lndia of H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, is officer & 9 men
placed here and has saved many lives, this place being County Police Station, West avenue, Geo. Gardiner, sergt
contiguous to the dangerous Gunfleet sands. The prin- The Masonic Lodge (2,063 St. Osyth's Priory) meets at
eipal hotels are the Royal, a spacious building erected on the Royal hotel monthly (except July, Aug. & Dec.),
the cliffs in 1872, the Marine, the Osborne, the Station third friday at 6 p.m.; Maurice Henry Page, sec
and the Waverley temperance hotel, besides several other Pier, Samuel J. R. Legerton, pier master
temperance hotels and boarding houses. A convalescent Public Hall, Pier avenue, George William Dunn, lessee
home in connection with Middlesex Hospital is now (189-1-) Town Hall, High street, Edwin J. Gilders, secretary
in course of erection on a site east of the town, acquired Volunteers.
at a cost of £1,5oo, and comprising about 5 acres of land. 2nd Yolunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (H. Co.) ; head-
This place forms part of the manor of Great Clacton. quarters & armoury, Beach street; Drill hall, Marine
'The pri'Ilcipal landowners are the Clacton-on-Sea Land, hotel, Capt. Frederick Baker, commandant; A. B.
Building and Investment Company Limited and the Smith, 2nd Iieut. ; Sergt. Martin Lepper, drill instrctr
.M:arine and General Land, Building and Investment
Company Limited. The area of Clacton-on-Sea is 285 Public Officers.
acres; the population in 189I was 1,662; rateable value, Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Henry Eldred,
£I3o92I. Town Hall buildings
:Fost, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Chief Officer of the Coast Guard, Wm. Hazell, Tower rd
Station road (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have Surgeon & Agent to Coast Guard & Medical Officer, No.
R.S.O. Essex ad.ded).-Samuel G. C. Wallis, sub-post- Sa, District, Tendring union, W alter Maine, Dud brook
master. Letters arrive & deliveries commence at 7 & house, Pallister road
9.30 a.m. & 12.30, 2.30 p.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sm,days, Town Crier, Thomas B. Lubbock, Rosemary road
7 a.m. ; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & I2.20 & 6.15 p.m. ; Places of '\Vorship, with times of services.
sundays 6 p.m. There is an extra mail during St. Paul's Parish Church, Rev. Henry Secley, vicar; n
cumroer months dispatched at 7 p.m a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Great Clacton Local Board. Congregational & Baptist Union (Christchurch), Rev.
-Offices, Town Hall buildings ; board day, 3rd Wednesday Charles J. Gayler; I I a.m. & 6. 30 p.m. ; wed. 8
in every month. Wesleyan, Rev. Charles H. Gough M.A.; I I a.m. & 6.30
p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Members. St. Paul's Hall, High street, occasional services
John Smith esq. J.P. chairman. Schools.
Andrew Clark M.D. Henry Finer Board School, Rosemary road (mixed), erected in
Edwin J. Gilders Thomas H. Baker I887 & enlarged in I889, for 218 children; average
Edward Kingsbury Wm. G. Murray attendance, 216; Alfred E. Brown, master
Orlando G. Barman John A. Schulkins · Some of the children attend the Great Clacton National
Clerk, A. R. Chamberlayne, Town Hall buildings & Board schools
Treasurer, Thomas Wade, The Bank Newspapers.
Medical Officer of Health, William G. Murray M.B., C.:\I. East Essex Advertiser & Clacton Nevvs. Station
Beta house, Station road road ; A. Quick & Co. publishers ; published sat
Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Arthur Richard Walton & Clacton Gazette & Visitors' List, Pier avenue;
Robinson, 2 Rhine villas, J ackson road Thomas Ubsdell & Waiter B. Dowsett, local agents
Collector of Rates, Henry Eldred, Town Hall buildings Walton News, Station road; A. Quick & Co. publisliers;
Inspector of Boats, Samuel John Robert Legerton, D'Arcy published sat
lodge, Marine parade west East Coast Yisitor, A. Quick & Co. publishers; published
Inspector of Hackney Carriages, Police Sergeant George tues. in .season
Gardiner, West avenue
Carriers.-George Block, to Colchester, man. wed. fri &
Commissioners. sat. at 8 a.m.; & James Riches, tues._ thurs. & sat.;
also see Great Clacton carriers
lJnder the provisions of a local Act of Parliament, 9 corn- Carriers by Water. London Steam Boat Company, daily,
missioners are elected by the ratepayers on the qualifi- during summer months
€ation of a "£30 ownership, to overlook the sea defences Railway Station, G.E.R. Charles Joseph Rattee, station
in this district; of these three retire each year in master. Conveyances meet all trains
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burckhardt John Charles, Rydal lo. Duff St. John Miss, St. Winifred's,
Agate Mrs. Coolmore, Marine par. we Marine parade east ·wellesley road
Alien James Charles, Rocklands, Sta- Burt Thos. Anglefield ho. Anglefld. rd Frayling Capt. Edward, Athole, Gran-
tion road Cates Mrs.• Lexden house, Marine ville road
Alien James Pattishall, Hadleigh parade west Gayler Rev. Chas. J. (Congregational
villa, Anglefield road Chitham Richard, Elm lodge, Welle,s- & Baptist), Kingsley ho. Colne road
Atkins Misi!, Erin villa, Edith road ley road Gilders Edwin J sph. Hurst lo. Edith rd
Ayre Mrs. Margery villa, Grove road Clark Andrew M.D. Helensholme, Gough Rev. Charles H., M.A. (Wes-
Baker Thomas Henry, Leicester lodge, Holland road leyan), Grasmere, Church road
Pier avenue Collins Fk. Sweetbriar, West avenue Graham Rev. Horace D.D., F.R.S. 2
Baker William Sanders, 2 Pier aven Cooke Misses, Gleethorp, West aven Albion villas, 'Yellesley road
Ballard Mrs. I Merton vils. Holland rd Cressy Thomas Alfred, The Cedars, Green.field Samuel, I Edith villas,
tlarclay John King, Sea view, Car- Colnee yoad Church road
narvon road Cummins Thos. Kent vil. Grove rd Greenfield Rev. John D.D. Birdholroe,
Birt Col. Geo. Elsinor, Victoria road Daines Elijah,Mildmay vil.'\"Vellesleyrd Pier Avenue
Blackwell Arthur Seal B.Sc., M.D., Davies Harry Matthew, Clarence villa, Grosvenor Clement Henry, Norfolk
F.R.CJS.Eng. Olaremont, Marine Agate road house, Carnarvon road
parade DaWison Major Edward Boghurst, Hall George, I Wellesley villas, Pier
Booth William, Ocean ville, Marine Tower lodge, Penfold road Avenue
parade east Dickinson Capt. Frank '\V. 12 Beach st Harman Orlando George, Halesworth
Brown Alfred E. Blythwood, Welles- Dobney Jsph. I Salisbury vls. Ellis rd villa, :\Iarine parade
ley road Dowsett Mrs. Fairholme, Anglefld. rd Howard Heaton Clark, Bower house,
Brown Mrs. Lorne villa, Colne road Fisher Travers, 3 Alexandra terrace Rosemary road
llill:. Fritz William, Beach road Pigott :\Irs. Pier house, Pier avenue Stokes :Mi,s, White Rose villa, Rose•
Hurrell Robert George, I .Albion viis. Pixley Rt. Ellis, Woodville, Holland rd rnary road
Wellesley road Player Misses, Dorchester house, Car- Thompson Joseph Harry, Nutfield,
Hnxter Adolphus lrilliam, Station rd narvon road Rosemary road
.Jacques :Mns. Ely villa, Pier avenue Pownall Col. Pickhurst, Victoria road1 Tigh Charles, Glen Roy lodge, Car·
Kemp Chas. Melrose, Marine par. ea Raby :\Irs. East Lynne, ·wellesley rd narvon road
Kingsbury Edward, Thoroughgood ho Riches Charles Thomas, Church road Trounson Jas. Korwood, Edith road
Kitching Albert Geo. J.P. 5 Eagle cres 1 Riley Geo. 2 Church villas, Church rd "Cnwin Mrs. 3 Cambridge villas,
Knight .Mrs. Belie Yue, "·est avenue Ritchie James Ewing, Adwell house, Hayes road
Lay John Watson J.P. Pier view, Pallister road Wade Thos. Lilleshall, Carnarvon rd
Marine parade Rix Mrs. Thorneycroft, High street \Yakeling Thomas George L.R.C.P_
Lilley Thomas, Holland house Rogers 'Villiam, 2 Anglesea villas, Lond. Claremont, Marine parade
:Mackenzie Colin Edward, 2 Carlton :Marine parade \Yard Edward Charles, Rosemary
villas, Ellis road Rowse 1hs. I Cambridge vils.Hayes rd house, Ellis road
:Mackenzie Donald, 5 Granville road Savill Misses, Lauderdale, Granville rd Whaley Thomas, Glenartney, Angle-
:Maine ·wait. Dudbrook ho. Pallister rd Saville :\Iiss, Edith road field road
Manning Julins.d.St. Oswald, Eclith rd Seager ~Ufd,Grovedale viUVellesley rd White Thomas George, St. Monaco,
Martin James lVilliam, Oakdale house, Seeley Rev. Henry, The Vicarage, St. Paul's road
Pallister road St. Paul's road \Yhiten l\Irs. Crayon house, Colne rd
:Middleton "\Ym. Lorne cot. Rosemaryrd Slimon William Henry M. B. .dngle Wilkinson Jn. Tower ho. Carnarvon rd
:\furray William George 1I.B. Beta view, Anglefield road Wilson ~Iisses, Hazelmere, Carnarvon
house, Station road Spence Horace R. St. Paul's road road
~ewstead Mrs. Beach cot. Beach st Standen \V m. 4 Church vls. Church rd \Yood :\Irs. St. Leonard's, Wellesley rd
:Nichols Charles, Gatton, St. Paul's rd Stephens Cecil James J.P. Foston Woodward John A. G. Silver Cloud,
Nunn Waiter Josiah, I Eagle crescent house, Marine parade west Pier avenue
Palmer Miss, I Church vils. Church rd Stone Jas. 2 Chester vils. Ellis road Young "\ntr. Ivanhoe, St. Paul's road
Pen tin :Mrs. 2 Albion vils. W ellesley rd

COMMERCIAL. Bridges Herbert, apartments, I8 Anchor road
Abbott George, builder, Redbourne villas, Old road Brookes Tom, refreshment rooms, Pier avenue
.Ab bott Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I West avenue Brown Robert Malcolm, Os borne hotel, Rosemary road
.A.blett Allen Francis, draper, Station road Brunswick Hotel & Restaurant (Arthur Swann,
Addis Elizabeth (~Irs.), lodg. ho. Hartwell cott. Castle rd proprietor); comfortable bed rooms; large parties
Addison Emily (Miss), lodging house, 4 Castle road catered for, Pier avenue
Adlington :Frederick, lodging house, 10 Beach street Budds Lucy (Mrs.), greengrocer, 8 Orwell road
Aerated Beverage & Buffet Co. Lim. (The) J. W. Burberry .Alfred, apartments, Castle road
Johnstone, sec.; William Barker, manager), 3 Public 1Burling John, apartments, Maria villa, Wellesley road
Hall buildings, Pier avenue Burrell John, pleasure boat proprietor & apartments,
.Allan .Agnes (Miss), aprtmnts. l Seaford villas, Harold rd Orwell house, Orwell road
Alien Emily (Mrs.), photographer, Pier avenue Burridge l\Iary Ann (}Irs.), apartments, 4 Pallister road
.Alien James Charles, builder, Station road Bush Charles, apartments, 7 Anchor road
Almond Albert James, apartments, Linden villa, Grove rd Buxton Jn. Thos. lodg. ho. Lonsdale villa, Rosemary rd
Almond Edmund, practical boot & shoe maker ; repairs Canler .Ambrose, apartments, 9 Anchor road
of every description; proprietor of bathing machines, Canler Ambrose Ralph, plumber & apartments, Holmes-
east side of pier; furnished apartments, Rosemary rd dale, Jackson road
Appleby Moses, Criterion temperance hotel & carriage Canler George, plumber, Kinross, Rosemary road
proprietor.z.. Pier avenue Canler Philip, lodging house, 2 Anchor villas, Old road
.dppleby William, apartments, Charlton villa, .Agate road Carruth Enefer (Mrs.), lodg. ho. 6 Anchor vils. Old rd
Ascham College (A. S. \Vilson, principal), boarding Carter Charles, mantle warehouse, Rosemary road
& day school for young gentlemen, Holland rd Carter James, apartments, 3 Anchor road
Atkins George, lodging house, 8 Beach street Castle Alfred, apartments, I & 2 Compton house, Pier
.Austin John, apartments, 8 Marine parade avenue & refreshment rms. Station rd. & Pier apprch
Badger Geo. refreshment cntrctr. Riggs retreat, Old rd Cattermole Alfred, bathing machine owner, 4 Rhine
Bagley Robert, apartments, 6 Beach street villas, J ackson road
Bagley William S. insurance a~ent, 8 Oxford terrace Cattermole Emily (:Mrs.), apartments, 4 Bradfield terrace,
Baker John, apartments, 6 Oxford terrace St. Osyth road
:Baker Maria (Mrs.), apartments, 5 :\Iarine parade Cattermole 1\Iary (Mrs.), aprtmts. I Clyde villas, Beach rd
Baker Thomas Henry, architect & surveyor, Leicester Chamberlayne & Short, solicitors, Town Hall buildings
lodge, Pier avenue Chamberlayne .Arthur Robert (firm Chamberlayne &
Ealdry lVm. aprtmnts. Eaton house, Marine parade west Short), solicitor, clerk to the Great Clacton Local &
Ballard The Misses, preparatory school for School Boards, To-wn Hall buildings
girls (boarders only), West Holme, Marine parade west Chandler Ann (Miss), apartments, Morland, Castle road
Barry William M. apartments, 24 Anchor road Chapman Allen, apartments, Inglefield, Ellis road
Barwick Emily (Miss), apartments, I Anglesea villas, Cheeld Chas. McDonald, fi:.hing tackle mkr. Rosemary rd
Marine parade west Cheeld J ames, grocer & provision dealer, Pier avenue
Basham Frederick ·wm. aprtmts. I Osborne vls. Harold rd Chess Club (Charles Joseph Rattee, hon. sec.), PubliC'
Bates George, apartments, Kintara villa, Wellesley road hall, Pier avenue
Bates George, apartments, Alexandra terrace Chilvers James H. painter, Rosslyn cottage, Castle road
Beard Emily & Rosa (l\Esses), ladies' school, Oxford Chinery \Yilliam, apartments, Clift cott. Back Church rd
college, Marine parade east Christie Marie (Mrs.), apartments, Ocean view, Marine
Beanmont Elizabeth (M1ss), high-class boarding estab- parade west
lishment, facing the sea & pier, house heated with hot Chubb Robert Richard, grocer & beer retailer, Old road
water, terms moderate, Beanmont hall, :Marine par. east Clacton Grammar School, for boys, boarders
:Beckwith Charles, bookseller, Lewisham house, Beach rd only (principal, F. W. Hille B.A.) Beach road
Bellamy Marion & Annie (~Iisses), boarding house, Clacton-on-Sea Gas & Water Co. Lim.; Edwin l\I. Theo-
Ramsey, Carnarvon road bald, local manager, Rosemary road
Bickerton .Ada (~Ess), apartments, 9 Beach road Clacton-on-Sea & General Investment Building Society
Blackwell Arthur Seal :B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng. sur- (Edwin J. Gilders, agent), Station road
geon, Claremont, :Marine parade Clacton-on-Sea Land Co. Lim. (Edwin J. Gilders,
Block George, carriei:, 2 Linton villas, Rosemary road agent), Station road

Myrtle villas, Rosemary road Samuel J. R. Legerton, pier master

Bloomfield ~oah, apartments, Hamilton house, Colne rd C1acton-on-Sea Town Hall Buildings Co Lim. (Edwin
Bloomfield 'Ym. apartments, I Essex villas, St. Osyth rd J. Gilders, managing director & secretary), Station rd
Bone Hy. Joseph, aprtmts. I .drchdale vils. Rosemary rd Clark James, apartments, 2 Cambridge viis. Hayes road
Bolingbroke Samuel Henry, lodging house, IO .dnchor Coleman Wm. taxidermist, 2 Merton villas, Holland rd
villas, Old road Collins Frederick, fancy repository &i draper, Pier avenue
Booth William James, carriage proprietor & jobmaster, Collins Henry, tinplate worker~ 4 Anchor villas, Old road
Rutland lodge, Old road. See advertisement Cook Henry, machine O\\ner, 2 Bedford vils. Rosemary rd
Bost Paul, apartments, Red Rose >illa, Rosemary road . Cornborough William, apartments, Crouch ho. Orwell rd

Corwell E. (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Anchor viis. Old rd Foster Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Oxford terrace
County Police Station (Geo. Gardiner, sergeant), West av Franks James W. butcher, I The Parade, &:; greengrocer,
Cox Thos. apartments, 2 Archdale viis. Rosemary road ro Martello terrace, Rosemary road
Credland Albania (Mrs.), apartreents, 3 Eagle crescent Freeman Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Reach road
Cressy Thomas Alfred, architect & surveyor, land, house Fries William P. photographer, Rosemary road
& estate agent & clerk to the commissioners, The Fulcher Wm. Herbert, apartments, 22 Anchor roatl
Cedars, Colne road Gage George :Frederick, greengrocer, Station road
Criterion Posting Establishment (The), landaus, Game Harry William, baker & dairyman, Orwell road'
wagonettes, broughams, omnibuses & carriages of Gardiner Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Tennyson viis.
every description, always on hire at most reasonable Rosemary 1·oad
charges; Appleby's bus, "The Favourite," meets Gardiner George, apartments, Cheltenham vil. Orwell rd
all trains ; c_arriages supplied for weddings & funerals ; Gardiner George, inspector of hackney carriages & poliee
accommodatiOn for tricycles; orders received at the sergeant, West avenue
Criterion or at our Livery Stables, Agate road; Garrod William, apartments, 7 Anchor villas, Old road
arrangements made by post for same ; apply to M. Garwood Benjamin William, builder, 3 Rhitre villat~,
Appleby, prcprietor J ackson road
Criterion Temperance Hotel & Restaurant (Moses Ap- Gatfield George, apartments, Avondale, Wellesley road
pleby, proprietor), Pier avenue George Thomas, decorator, 14 .Anchor road
Crooks Waiter Frederick, apartments, Tower house, Gilders Brothers, auctioneers, house, land & estate
Jackson road agents; offices, Station road; & at 57 Fleet streei,
Cullum Geo. (Mrs.), apartments, Loretto house, Colne rd London E C. See advertisement
Cummins Thomas, apartments, Kent villa, Grove road Gilders Edwln Joseph (firm, Gilders Brothers),
Cutting George, apartments, Lorne house, Marine parade auctioneer, surveyor, valuer, house, land & estate
Davall Frank, steam laundry, Old road agent, coal merchant & brick maker, agent & auction-
Davall Henry, apartments, Durham house, Station road eer to the Clacton-on-Sea Land Co. Lim. Station rd.
Davey Nehemiah, carpenter & apartments, Stanley villas, & Railway station. See advertisement
Holland road Golf Club (Capt. E. Frayling, sec.), Granville road
Davies E. & A. refreshment rooms, Pier avenue Graham Jane (~frs.), apartments, 3 Essex villas, St.
Davies Alexander, fruiterer & confectioner & oyster bar, Osyth road
5 Pier approach Greer John, apartments, I Rhine villas, Jackson road
Davies Harry Matthew, refreshment contractor, Pier Grigson George, pleasure boat proprietor & lodging
pavilion & Pier approach house, Harold house, J ackson road
Davies Sydney, teacher of music, Camden ho. Pallister rd Grigson George, apartments, 2 Edith villas, Church rd
Day's North Avenue Hotel & Restaurant (Wm. Growns J uhn, apartments, 5 Alexandra terrace
J. Day, propr.), beanfeasts, choir parties, school feasts Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co. bankers (Thomai
& large & small parties catered for, sitting accommo- Wade, manager); open daily ro to 4, except weds.
dation for 700, Station road. See advertisement ro to I ; The Bank, Town Hall buildings ; draw on
Day Francis B. apartments, IO Anchor road Lloyds Bank Lim. 72 Lombard street, London E C
Day Henry G. apartments, 9 Alexandra terrace Harman Clement V. house furnisher, Orwell road, &
Day Susannah (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Anchor vls. Old rd boarding house, Overcliffe, Orwell road
Day William James, North .Avenue hotel & restaurant, Harman John Herbert, auctioneer, surveyor &
Station road. See advertisement estate agent ; houses to let furnished & unfurnished;
Dean Mrs. apartments, The Cottage, Rosemary road list of houses & building land for sale gratis on
Demaid Byatt, verger to St. Paul's, Church road application ; Marine parade
Demaid Norman, builder, Church road Hart Henry, apartments, 8 .Alexandra terrace
Ditch Susannah (Mrs.), apartmnts. I Chester viis. Ellis rd Hawker Sarah (Miss), apartments, 3 Bradfield terrace,
Dobbs .Alfd. apartments, 3 Anglesea vils. Marine par. wst St. Osyth road
Dove William, florist, fishmonger & poulterer, I Martello Hawkes Caroline (Mrs.), Station hotel
terrace, Rosemary road Haycraft Catherine (Mrs.), apartments, Blairgowrie,
Dove Wm. (Mrs.), apartmts. 2 Martello ter. Rosemary rd Granville road
Dowman Martha (Mrs.), apartments, I ~a yell villas, Haydon Florence (Miss), dress maker, 2 Stanley villa~
Rosemary road Holland road
Downes Geo. Chas. apartments, 2 Redbourne viis. Old rd Haydon George, apartments, 2 Stanley villas, Holland rd
Downing & Son, carpenters & bill posters, 11 Beach rd Hayner Elizabeth .A. (Mrs.), boarding house, Bedford.
Dowsett Waiter B. stationer & printer, Pier avenue lodge, Carnarvon road
Drake Clifford Reuben Augustus, house decorator, Old Hayell Wm. chief officer of the Coast Guard station,
road & Rosl.'mary road Tower road
Dunham Wm. apartments, 4 Cambridge villas, Hayes rd Henderson Rosa (Miss), apartments, Westbourne villa,
Dunn George, apartments, Rosbrook cottage, Orwell road Harold road
Dunn George William, lessee of public hall & reading Hill Charles J<'rederick, Marine hotel, Rosemary road
rooms, Pie!' avenue Hille Fritz William, grammar school for boys, Beach road
Eade Stephen, apartments, .S Pallister road Hinsch Eliza Caroline (Miss), apartments, 7 Beech street
Eagle Julia (Mrs.), boarding house, The Towers, Hobby Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Beach road
Marine parade east Hobrow James H. apartments, .Avenue villa, Old road
East Coast Visitor (.A. Quick & Co. publishers; Hobrow Waiter, apartments, Kirkdale, Castle road
published tues. in season), Station road Hodges Ambrose, stone mason, Oxford terrace
East Essex Advertiser & Clacton News (.A. Quick & Co. Hole George, ironmonger, Rosemary road
publishers; published sat.), office, Station road Holmes Charles J ames, apartments, 2 Mayell villa::r,
Eldred Henry, collector of rates to Local Board & assist- Rosemary road
ant overseer, Town Hall buildings Home of Rest in connection with St. Jude's, Mildmay
Falrclough Zacharlah, carriage proprietor, carter & Park (l\Iiss Isabel Lindsay, matron), Mildmay cottage,
contractor, horses & carriages for hire, Fairfield, Old road
Jackson road Hook George, practical watchmaker, jeweller & ciga:v
Fairclough Zach. (l\Irs. ), apartmnts. Fairfield, J ackson rd imprtr. 2 Douglas ter. Rosemary rd. & I & 2 Pier app
Farnsworth Henry, hair dresser, Station road Hubbard Joseph, apartments, Whitfield ho. Rosemary rd
Fenn James, apartments, 1 Lenton vils. Rosemary road Hurrell Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, Station road
Finch & .Almond, bathing machine proprietors Huxter Adolphus Willlam, auctioneer, house agentr
Finch Ebenezer, boot & shoe maker, Station road & valuer, agent for Thomas Moy Lim. coal merchants,
Finer Henry, draper & grocer, & agent for W. & A. agent for the Royal Insurance Co. ; offices, Station re!
Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, Rosemary road Huxter Sarah (l\Irs. ), aprtmnts, Sprayside, Carnarvon rd
Fisher Albert, apartments, I Castle road Imperial Hotel (Waiter Firmin Reed, proprietor), the
Fisher Thomas King, apartments, West villa, Ellis road oldest commercial house in the town; three minutes
Fitch Arthur, blacksmith, Rosemary road from the pier, Rosemary road
Fitch Frederick, blacksmith, Jackson road, & apartment!!j. International Tea Co. grocers &c. (Arthur E. Doubleday,.
3 Beach villas, Beach road I local manager), Station road
Forshaw Wm. H. (Mrs.), apartments, Harold lodge, Huxter Sarah (Mrs.), apartmnts. Sprayside, Carnarvon rd
Chmch road lrving Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, G .Ale:xandra terrace
Foster Helen (Miss), boarding home, Seaview, Marine Irving Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, IO .Alexandra ter
parade west J enkins Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Earlsmead, l\Iarintt
Foster William (Mrs.), apartments, Anglia cottage, parade east
St. Osyth road Joice James Stirling, tailor, Rosemary road
.Jewell Henry (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Grantham villas, O'Brien Mrs. refreshment rooms, Station road
Rosemary road Osborn Mary Ann (~Iiss), aparts. 2 Clyde viis. Beach rd
Jones E. E. (Mrs.), apartments, Stamford ho. Station rd Osborn Robert, apartme-nts, 12 Beach road
Keenes James, apartments, Franklin lodge, Station road Osborne Hotel (The) (R. M:. Brown, proprietor)
Kenyon Joseph, principal & art master, Clacton college theatre attached; the only dramatic license in Clacton;
.& commercial school, "\Vest avenue Rosemary road
Kerridge M. (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Oxford terrace Page Annie M. (.Miss), boarding house, Bentley, Car-
King Charlotte (Mrs.), apartmts. Wesley vil. Rosemary rd narvon road
King Edwin, apartments, 2 Tennyson villas, Rosemary rd Page Arthur, apartments, Stockton villa, Rosemary rd
King Geo. apartments, Acton lodge, Marine parade east Page Arthur Robe!'"t 1 foreign, colonial & general
King Sydney, apartments, I Tennyson viis. Rosemary rd carrier & contractor; authorized cartage agent to
King Wm. Davies, apartmts. 2 Seaford villas, Harold rd G. E. Railway; also agent to the London, Woolwich &
Kirby My. Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Ada vil. Wellesleyrd Clacton Steamboat Co. & the Victoria Steamboat Asso-
Kistruck Joseph Clarke (Mrs.), apartments, Medford ciation; brakes, traps &c. on hire, furniture removed;
house, Station road offices & coak ·room, Orwell road
Kittle Robt. Jeremiah, apartmts. 2 Salisbury viis. Ellis rd Page George, cab proprietor & apartments, Colne house,
Knightbridge Henry, butcher, Orwell road Orwell road
Laker Rebecca (Mrs.), apartmts. Brooklyn vil. Church rd Page Samuel, apartments, Roseneath, Ellis road
Lawson Albert, apartments, Warwick ho. Colne road Page William, apartments, Clacton villa, Rosemary rd
Legerton Samuel John Robert, pier master & inspector Parietti Angelo, refreshment rooms, Station road
of boats; apartments, D'Arcy lodge, Marine par. west Parks Henry, refreshment rooms, Pallister rd. & Beach rd
Lever Thomas (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Anchor road Paul Wm. apartments, _St. Osyth villa, Grove road
Lewellen Frederlck Wllllam & Co. complete house Perks James Richard, provision merchant, Station rd
furnishers, china & glass dealers & manufacturing & Phillips Henry (Mrs.), clothier k fancy repository,
general ironmongers, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Public Hall buildings, Station road
Pier avenue Pickersgill Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 7 :!'llarinP par
Line Joseph Lewis, teacher of shorthand, I Rcsemary rd Pig-g Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Cambridge villas,
London & County Banking Co. Lim. (sub-branch) (Frank Hayes road
F. Snell, manager), open mon. & wed. 10.30 a.m. to Pigott Henry (Mrs.), school for girls, Hope hcuse,
2.30 p.m. fri. 12.30 to 4 p.m. ; draw on head office,
Pier avenue
21 Lombard street, London E C Pike Flora (~Irs. ), apartments, 3 Pallister I oad
Player Esther, Mary & Bertha ~Misses), boarding &
Lubbock Thomas Benjamm, boot & harness maker &
town crier, Rosemary road day school for young ladies, Dorchester house, Car-
narvon road. See advertisement
McKay James, apartments, Clareville, West avenue
Mackenzie Donald & Son, builders, contractors, engineers Poole Mrs. apartments, Branscombe villas, Pier avenue
Poole Wm. (Mrs.), apartments, Marguerite, \Vest. av
& brick manufacturers, dealers in timber, bricks, slates,
Popham James, florist & hay & corn dealer; plants,
drain pipes, tiles, stone, cement, lime & chimney
pieces, Station works cut flowers &c. supplied for table decorations, Rose-
mary road
Madge Charles Robert, apartments, 2 Castle road Popham J ames (~lrs. ), apartments, Beach ~treet
Maine Waiter, surgeon, & agent to coast guard & Potts Mark, builder, Pallister road & 5 Anchor villas,
medical officer for No. 8a, district of the Tendring Old road
union & to Essex Convalescent Home, Dudbrook house, Potts Misses, apartments, Rocklands, Edith road
Pallister road '
Pub:ic Hall & Reading Room (George William Dunn,
Mating Thomas W. clothier, Station road lessee), Pier avenue
Mann Emma (Mrs.), boot maker, Station road Pulham Samuel, apartments, 12 Anchor road
Mann George Thomas, cabinet maker, Pier avenue Quick A. & Co. stationers & printers & publi.;;u!~rs of the
Mann (Miss), apartments, Chandos ho. Church road "East Essex Advertiser & Clacton ~ews," tl1e "Wal-
Mann Wllliam (late W. S. Baker), family & dispensing ton News" & the "East Coast Visitor," Station 10ad
chemist, depot for aerated & mineral waters, photo- Quilter Frands, apartments, Isledon, O!d road
graphic apparatus &c. (established 1875), 2 Pier av Rand Chater, apartments, 4 Tennyson >illad, Hos~mar~' rd
Manning George, jobbing gardener, 34 Anchor road Rankin Alexander, fishmonger, 3 The Par. Rosemary rd
Manning Henry, jobbing gardener, 11 Anchor road Rattee Charles Joseph, station master
Marlton John Robert, decorator, & fancy repository, Rawlings Edward, apartments, 1 hchor road
Orwell road Rawlings Ell en (Miss), dressma. Frederie.K. ho. _\gatt> rd
Marine Hotel (The) (family & commercial) (Charles Reed Henry William, jobmaster & shopkeeper, Beach rd
F. Hill, proprietor), three minutes from station & Reed "\Valter Firmin, Imperial hotel, Rosemary r,1ad
.pier ; beanfeasts, trade dinners, choir parties, schools Revell Robert Smith, grocer, Stati•m ruaJ.
-&c. catered for, large hall accommodation, good Rice George, apartments, 2 Essex ';ll:l'l, St. Osyth rd
stabling, Rosemary road Richardson Wm. F. aparts. 2 Dalberry vils. Beach st
Mathews Albert Warren, grocer, Old road Riches Charles Thomas, apartments, Roseberry villa,
Mathams George, apartments, 5 Tennyson villas, Church road
Rosemary road Ridlington Mary & Millicent (~Iisses ), apartments, High-
:Mills Ch"Jrles William, apartments, May villa, Old road cliffe, Beach road
Mills Edward, blacksmith & engineer, Llynhurst, Hayes Rigden John, apartments, 2 Beach street
road & Station yard Roberts John, butcher, Pier avenue
Mazzoleni Antonio, refreshment rooms, Station road Robertson Thomas (~Irs.), apartments, Stour house,
Mitchell Frederick Horace Henry, watch maker, Clarence Orwell road
cottage, Church road Robinson Arthur Richard, surveyor & inspector of
~Ioriarty Edward, apartments, Crosby ho. Colne road nuisances to Local Board, 2 Rhine villas, J ackson rd
Moss Martha Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Eagle crescent Rogers Mrs. apartments, The Gables, Colne road
Moston James "\Yilliam, apartments, Claremont cottage, Roper Jabez, apartments, Horkesley villa, Wellesley rd
Castle road Rouse Joseph, fishmonger, Station road
Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchants (A. W. Huxter, local Royal family & commercial hotel & boarding & posting
agent), St"iltion road house (Thomas Bolton, manager)
~Iunro Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Anchor villas, Russell Isaac, apartments, Hazelhurst, Ellis road
Old road Saltmarsh Charles A. bookbinder, 2 Myrtle villas,
Mnrray 1Villiam George 1\I.B., C.M. surgeon, Beta Rosemary road
house, Station road Schofield Wm. apartments, 3 Dalberry viis. Beach st,
Mu timer Mary (Mrs.), apartments, The Hollies, Colne rd Schulkins John Andrew, carriage proprietor, Fairview,
Neale "\Villiam, tobacconist, Station road Penfold road
Neale William (Mrs.), registry office & circulating Scolding Maria (:~Irs. ), apartments, 3 Beach street
library, Station road Scott Alfred ()Irs. ), apartments, Clifton ldge. Ang:efld. rd
Neilson .Alice (~lrs.), dress maker & apartments, 5 Seager George, pianoforte tuner k lodging house, Elm
Oxford terrace villa, Rosemary road
Nevinson 'Valter, carpenter & furniture dealer, Orvrell rd Sergant George M. butcher, Station road
Newing Stephen, apartments k plasterer, 6 Marine par Sexton Henry, apartments, 8 Anchor villas, Old road
Nob~e Frederick (Mrs.), apartments, Marine view, Shepherd George, photographer, Castle road
Marine parade west Sherlock ~Iary A. (~Irs.), apartments, Granville road
Noble Frederick Charles, jun. tobacconist, Public Hall Short Percy ~l.A.,B.C.L.solctr.see Chamberlayne & Short
buildings, Pier avenue Shatter Catherine (~!ro:. ), apartments, 1 Bedford villas,
Noyes Albert, apartments, 9 Beach street Rosemary road
Sibley Emma (:Mrs.), apartments, Belsize ho. Or-well rd ·wade Thomas, man. to Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare
Skipper John Robert, dairy, Station road &, Co. & trea-,ur<>r to the Local Board, 'l'he Bank
Smith Eva & Kate (Misses), dress mak€rs, 2 Brans- 1Vakeling Thomas George, surgeon, M.R.C.S_. Eng.
combe villas, Pier avenue L.R.C.P. Lond. Claremont & Marine parade
Smith Edmund, apartments, I & 2 .Alexandra terrace Walker Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Oxford terrace
Smith Eliza (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Rosemary road 1Valton & Clacton Gazette & Visitors List (Benham &;
Smith Peter (l\Irs. ), apartments, 2 Branscombe villas, Co. Colchester, proprietors; Thomas Ubsell & Waiter
Pier avenue B. Dowsett, local agents ; published wednesday morn-
Sparling Shadrach John, baker, Station road ing), Pier avenue
Spencer William B. florist, Old road "\Yalton News (A. Quick & Co. publishers; published
Starling Henry, apartments, Charlotte cot. Ha yes road sat.), Station road
Start Joseph William F.S.I. &c. architect, surveyor, Waverley hotel (private) (John H. Harman, proprietor),.
civil engineer & consulting sanitary engineer, sur- Marine parade
veyor to the Clacton & District Freeho:d Mutual Webb Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, Regent ho. Carnarvn. rd
Building Society, Pier avenue Webb George Ernest, greengrocer, I Pallister road
Stearne Arthur George, saddler & harness maker, Weeks Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Avondale, Rosemaryrd
Pallister road Wellham Ernest, apartments, 6 Pallister road
Stebbing Charles George, apartments, I Dalberry villas, West Avenue private hotel & boarding house (Mrs. J~
Beach street Kenyon, proprietress) ; centrally situated; head
Stedman William Hawthorne, watch maker, quarters of the cyclists' touring club; I:!Omfortable
jeweller, silversmith, optician &c.; repairs of every bed & sitting rooms; large hall for parties; West av
description, e~ectro-plating & gilding ; proprietor of Westobey Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, Belgrave house,.
the Stedman watch & jewellery club, Greenwich Carnarvon road
house, Station road White Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Marine parade
Stevenson John, apartments, Amber house, Rosemary rd \Vhiteley George B. builder, Castle road
Stewart Arthur, apartment~. 26 Anchor r.oad Wilby Frederick Edward, bricklayer & chimney s-\veeper~
Strange Richard F. wine & spirit mer. Rosemary road 2 Essex villas, St. Osyth road
Stringer Sarah A. (Miss), apartments, Crawfold, Colne rd Wilkinson Harry, builder, Torquay home, Orwell road
Suckling Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Beach ho. Beach rd Wilson .Arthur Sidney, boarding & day school for young
Sully Edward, hair dresser & tobacconist, Statio~ road gentlemen, Ascham coi:ege, Holland road
Swann Arthur, Brunswick hotel & restaurant, Pier av Wilson Jared, apartments, Portland ho. Marine par. we
Taylor Philip, apartments, I Carlton villas, E:Iis road Wooding Fred, carpenter, I3 Beach street
Thatcher Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, Sandcliff cottage, Wooding Joseph, carpenter, 32 Anchor road
Beach street Woodley Susan (~frs.), lodging house, 4 Beach street;
Tliatcher Wm. apartments, Grove villa, Rosemary rd Woomwell Emily (Miss), apartments, 4 Eagle crescent
Thomas Mary (Mrs.), apartments, I .Anchor viis. Old rd Worts Harry Augustine, dispensing, homreopathi~
Town Hall (Edwin J. Gi:ders, sec.), High street & photographic chemist, 2 The Parade, Rosemary rd
Ubsdell Thomas stationer & fancy repository, Pier av Worswick Emma ()frs. ), lodging house, Castle road
Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (H Co.) Wright William, apartments, 2 West avenue
(Capt. Frederick Baker, commandant; Sergeant Wright William, wine & spirit merchant, Rosemary
Mart!n Lepper, drill instructor); head quarters & road. See advertisement
armoury, Beach street; drill hall, Marine hotel Wright John, apartments & waiter, Helen cot. Orwell rd
Wagstaff Elijah, boys' day school, Rugby ho. Pallister rd Young & Sons, solicitors, :1 Marine parade
Wagstaff Thomas Henry, apartments, 5 Beach street I Young Waiter, LL.B. solicitor, see Young & Sons
GREAT CLACTON is a parish near the coast, 8 vice is held here on sundays at 3.30 p.m. There ar&
miles south-west by rail from Walton-on-the-Naze, I ftom \Vesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels: the former,.
Clacton-on-Sea steamboat pier, l of a mile from the erected in I876, has 200 sittings. There are almshouses,.
Cl!}cton-on-Sea terminal station, 4! south from Weeley erected in I827 by James Maskell for the aged and infirm
station, and 6 from Thorpe Junction station, all on the poor. The Essex Convalescent Home at Magdalen Green,.
Great Eastern railway and IS south-east from Colchester, in this parish, erected by subscriptions in I884, ill,lme-
in the North Eastern division division of the county, mory of the late J. W. Perry Watlington esq. at a cost
Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and union, of £4,200, is a building of red brick, in the Gothic style,.
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of St. standing on about 3! acres of ground and will hold IO
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. patients of each sex : it is supported by dona-
Albans. tions and subscriptions. The Orphanage for littl&
Great Clacton is governed by a local board of 9 me~- girls, in connection with the London Flower Girls' :Mis-
bers, created by an Order of the Essex County Council, sion, was opened July, I89o, at a cost of about £2,500.
confirmed by Local Government Order, No. 27,076, The home consists of four detached houses, three of
dated June I7, I891. The board meet at Clacton-on-Sea which hold 20 and one so children: the remaining
under which place is given a list of the members a?d house is used 'as a hospital. There are at present ia
_?fficers of the ~JO~rd. The church ?f St. Jo?-n. the Baptist the home Io 4 children, from infants of only a few weeks
lB a fin~ old bulldin~ of stone and flint, consistmg of chan- old to girls of IS years: the mission, founded by the-
e~!, with north aisle of two bays, nave and a m~s- late Earl of Shaftesbury, is supported entirely by volun-
SI~e western to:ve; surmounted by a ~o?den belf~y With tary contributions: John A. Groom, hon. sec. .Alton
spire and contammg 5 bells: the prmcipal portwns. of Park is the residence of John Smith esq. J.P. The
the st:ucture are of the Norman or pre-Norman perwd, manor is vest€d in trustees. Benjamin Harding Newman
of whiCh the north and south doo~ways are excellent esq. George Hereford esq. Trustees of Christ's Hospital,.
exaD?-ples: the wal~s are of great tl:ICkness and show a James Round esq. M.P., D.L., J.P. of Birch Hall, Col-
~onsiderable quantity of Roman bnckwor~: the tower chester, the Dennis and Page families and the Lords of
Is probably of the IS~h century, as the ancient and pon- the Admiralty are the principal landowners. The soil is
de_rous wo.o~ work whiCh supported the former bell-turret mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
still remammg at the west ~nd of the nave clearly shows: wheat, oats and barley. The estimated area is 3.6o9a.
the church was. restored m I86S at. a cost of £ I,5?o, u. 2 Ip. of land; rateable value, £ 2 I, 399 ; the popula-
wh~n a fine triplet of ~orman wmdows, filled ~Ith tion in I87I was I,28o; in I89I the population of the
stam~d glass, was J?laced m the east end, then entuely parish and local board district was 3,584, of which 1,92:<l
rebuilt: a north aisle of two bays. was adde_d to the are attached to the parish church.
chancel and a new chancel arch bmlt : the wmdows of
the nave were at the same time restored in the Norman M.AGDALEN GREEN is about half a mile south from
style and the church fitted with oak benches. In the Great Clacton. CANHALL is the manor farm lying
nave are tablets to three of the f~rmer vicars : a fine north-west. JAY WICK is 3 miles south-west. LION
avenue of limes reaches from the entrance gate to the POIK'f' (or Eastness) is a headland near the latter place.
south door: Eleazer Knox, younger son of the celebrated Parish Clerk, Samuel Henry Young.
Scottish Reformer, was vicar here from I587 to I59I.
The register dates from IS6o and is in excellent preser- Post, ~L 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
vation. The living is a vicarage with that of Little Henry Finer, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
Holland annexed; average tithe rent-charge (Great Clac- Colchester at 7 &i Io a.m. & I & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 9
ton) £183 ; gross yearly value £260; net [230 with resi- a.m. I2 noon & 6·30 p.m.; sundays, no second de~
dence and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Church Patron- livery; dispatched at 6. IS p.m
age Society, and held since I8gi by the Rev. Trevor FiPhler
M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. St. Andrew's Paro- Post & 1\I. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
chial Hall, a building of red brick, was erected 1893, at Magdalen green, George Woodard, sub-postmaster.
a cost of £86o, and will seat 300 persons : divine ser- Letters delivered 7·45, 9·45 & 12.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
Dispatched 9 a.m. & I2 noon k 6.20 p.m. ; sunday 6 ton-on-Sea, clerk to the board; Waiter C. Bareha~
p.m. Clacton-on-Sea is the nearest telegraph office Little Clacton, attendance officer
County Police Station, Magdalen Green, Henry Groves,
constable Schools.
Essex Convalescent Home, Magdalen Green ; Miss Board, St. Osyth road (mixed & infants), erected x8g3-~
Georgina Bramston, lady superintendent; Waiter at a cost of about £3,000, for 350 children.
Maine, medical officer; Miss D. Drake, matron National School (mixed), built in 186o & enlarged in
London Flower Girls' Orphanage, Magdalen Green; the I872, for 250 children; average att.endance, 232;
Earl of Aberdeen, president ; John A. Groom, hon. Andrew L. Attfield, master
sec.; James P. Groom, resident superintendent; Mrs.
G. Groom, matron; Waltey Maine, medical officer Carriers to Colchester. George Block, mon. wed. fri.
A School Board of 5 members was formed for the united & sat. ; J ames Riches, tues. thurs. & sat. ; to Man-
district of Great Clacton & Little Holland I9 Aug. ningtree, George Page, jun. on thurs. ; all return oa
I892, A. R. Chamberlayne, Town Hall buildings, Clac-. the same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coach & Horses Hotel (H. W. Page James, farmer & landowner.
Banyard George, The Street Reed, proprietor); comfortable Smoky house
Browning Mrs. Hill house apartments; vehicles & horses on Pees George, builder & contractor,
Dixey William hire; arrangements made for long carpenter, joiner & undertaker;
Fielder Rev. Trevor M.A. (vicar), The or short excursions on reasonable est_im_ates given for ~ classes. of
Vicarage te~ms, Magdalen green_ buildmg work, Queens Arms mn,
Gascoigne William G. 2 Gordon villas, DamP!~ Henry, beer retailer M~gdalen green .
Magdalen green Day Wm. grcr. & baker, ~Iagdalen gm Pettitt Mrs. lodgmg house, Mag-
Grant Henry, Sodbury house Dearsley ~o?ert, blacksmith . dalen _green .
Harris Philip Johnson, The Square Dr~ke Plullip, boot maker Pigg Ehzabeth (Mr_s.), blacksmith
Kerridge Mrs. Magdalen green Ellis & Turner, bldrs. Magdalen gre_en Potter James, furmture dealer
Mann John, Blue house Essex _Convalescent Home (Miss Pudney G~o_rge, gr~engrocer
Oakley Samuel Robson, Pilcrofts Georgma _Bramsto~, lady supt_. ; Pyman William, bncklayer
Page James, Smoky house Waiter Mame, medical officer; Miss Qu_een•s Ar~s Inn (~rs. S. Spar-
Parish Mrs. Cambridge villa ~- Drake, ~~tron), Magda~en green hng,. propnetress); comfortable
Parker :Mrs. Rose cottage Fauclough ' ' ilham & Son, bnck manu- furmshed. apartments ; ~ood ac-
Peel Mrs ~acturers, :Magdalen green com~odahon for commercials; traps
Pudney Misses Coppins hall Fairhead Frank, btchr. Magdalen grn for hue, Magdalen green
S a1mon M rs. ;"-'1ag d a1en h ouse, """ Feedham Ab bott, shopkeeper
mag- .
Queen's Head Commercial Hotel
(J W ll · ) mf t
dalen green Feedham \\m. farmer, Ralph's farm ames e s, proprietor ; co or -
Scragg \Villiam, White house F~nn Henry V. veterin3:ry surgeon able . furnished apartments & good
Shipperd Mrs. Burrington villas Mag- Fm~r Henr~, _grocer & lmen draper & stabling . .
dalen reen ' wme & spnit merchant, Post office Reed Charles, Ship mn
Skipper gl<' dk J Co ·n · k Garnham William, bricklayer Reed Henry William, Coach & Horses
Smith Joh~e J.P. Aitonp~~r~ WlC Gibbons Edward Charles, house ~amily & commercial hotel & post-
S •th Phil. Cl 1 all decorator, Magdalen green mg house, Magdalen green
s:~th Pilc~~r ~~o~ard terrace Mag· Gilders John, maltster & ~armer R~vell Robert, grocer & draper
d 1 ' ' Granger George, wheelwnght Riches George Hearn, baker
W~~n~~:~nEaglehurst Granger Thomas, blacksmith, :.\fag- Riches James, carrier
Wilson Thomas Draper Arctic terrace dalen green . Roberts Jn. butcher, Magdalen green
.M dal ' ' Grant Henry, pm. farmer Royce Henry, farmer, C'ann hall
ag en ~reen Green Philip John, coach builder, Salmon George, shopkeeper
CO:MMERCIAL. ~iagdalen green Salmon Sarah (Miss), frmr. Wash fm
Almond Samuel, shoe maker Groom James P. resident supt. of the Scragg William, farmer, White house
Bagley William Smith, shoe maker Orphanage for Little Girls, Lobelia Scrivener George, cab propr. Coach rd
Barker Charles F. J. mineral water Hazleton Frederick, fruiterer, I Arctic Seaman Mary Ann (Mrs.), midwife, 3
manufactr. ; sole appointed bottling terrace, MagdalPn green Home View cots. Magd'lllen green
agent for Kop's ale; steam factory, Hobrow William, rope & twine mnfr. Sergant George, butcher
St. Mary's road I Home View cots. Magdalen green Sinclair William, florist
Blackman Henry, stationer & fancy Hurst Henry, general dealer Smith John, farmer, Alton park
repository, Magdalen green Jago Charles, farmer, Valley farm Smith Philip, farmer & landowner,
Blackwell Arthur Seal B.Sc., M.D., Joy Sarah (Mrs.), plumber & painter G1ay hall
F.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, Ediglassie; Kent Ephraim, carpenter & wheelwt Sparling Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's. Arms
& at Clacton~on-Sea Kill Matilda (:Mrs.), laundress, Rose inn, Magdalen green
Bromley Henry, miller (wind & steam), cotta~e, Magdalen green Stearn Arthur George, saddler &
baker, merchant &c. The Roller Lilly Charles, cab propr. Green farm harness maker
flour mills. See advertisement Linzell Harry J. builder Stewart Jn. market gardnr. Holland rd
Broughton Waiter, pork butcher, Mag- Mann Emma (~Irs.), boot maker, Sully Edwd. hairdrssr. Magdalen grn
dalen green ::\Iagdalen green Venn George, poulterer, Magdalen gru
Bullock Robert, farmer, Summer ho Xicholson 'l'homas, farmer, Sladbury's Wakeling Thomas George M.R.C.S..
Burgess Fredk. Lewis, grocer & drapr Orphanage for Little Girls (in Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond. surgeon,
Burling Hezekiah, blacksmith connection with the London Flower Edinglassie; &; at Clacton-on-Sea
Cardy Hy. shopkpr. Magdalen green Girls' Mission, Clerkenwell, E C) \Vaters Thomas, farmer, Burr's fa.,.,rm.m
Carter Edgar "\'Villiam, coach builder (John A. Groom, hon. sec.; James 'Yells James, Queen's Head commer-
Carter Jonathan Edward, farmer, P. Groom, resident supt.; ~frs. G. cial hotel
Farndale villa Groom, matron), Magdalen green; 'Vhur Saml. J. oilman, Magdalen gru
Clacton Mineral 'Vater Co. (C. F. J. & 8 Sekforde street, Clerkenwell, Woodard George, grocer, & post office.
Barker, proprietor) London E C Magdalen green
Clark Charles, pork butcher Page George, jun. carrier Young Samuel Henry, carpenter
Clark John, boot maker Partridge Sydney, beer retailer See also Clacton-on-Sea.
LITTLE CLACTON is a parish, 3 miles south from yearly value, £Io8, with residence, in the gift of the
Thorpe station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the trustees of the late ,V. F. Nassau, and held since 185o
Great Eastern railway and I3 from Colchester, in the by the Rev. 'Yilliam Green M.A. of Pembroke College,
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, O:dord. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erect.ed I85I, with
petty sessional division and union, Colchester county I 10 sittings. The charities are of the yearly value of
court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry £25 and arise from the rent of a farm at St. Osyth
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of heath. The manor is vested in trustees of the late
St. J ames is a small and ancient structure of stone in ,V. F. Nassau. The principal lando\mers are The Caven-
the Early English style, consisting of chancel. nave, dish Land Company and George William Frost esq. The
south porch and a western turret of wood containing 3 soil is mixed; the subsoil clay and gravel. The chief crop11
bells: there is a stained window to the Rev. J. C. Kirby, are barley, wheat and oats. The area is 2,9Io acres.;
I9 years vicar of this parish, who died in I85o, and to rateable value, £3,374; the population in I89I was 522.
other members of his family: the church affords 200 COOK'S GREE~ is a mile and a half east; CLAP-
sittings, The register dates from the year 1538. The GATE, half a mile west; HO~EYPOT LANE, x mile
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge [, 156, net north-west.

Parish Clerk, Joseph Downs. Great Clacton. Postal orders are issued here, but
not paid
Post Office.-Richard Mudd, sub-postmaster. Letters Parochial School (mixed), built in r868, for 150 children;
through Colchester, via Weeley, arrive at 7·45 a.m. average attendance, 87; Thomas Beardmore, master;
& 2 p.m. Box closes at 6 p.m.; sundays, 9·IS a.m. Mrs. Beardmore, mistress
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Carrier to Colchester. J ames Bennett, wed. & sat
Cheeld John Bevan Thomas, coal dealrr ~fanning Wm. Blacksmith Arms P.H
Green nev. William M.A. Vicarage Bines George, thatcher Mudd Richd. grcr. & drpr. Post office
Read Thomas, The Leys Butcher John, farmer Phillips Robt. Chas. frmr. Cook's grn
Stebbing Mrs. Gallaway cottage Coe William, butcher Simmons Horatio & Harry, threshing
Thorrington Mrs Eldred Henry, blacksmith & assistant machine owners & farmers
COMMERCIAL. overseer & builder Smith John, farmer, Bovills hall
Bareham Charles, farmer, Stone hall Fisher Abraham, farmer Sparling Harry, farmer, Rayners &
Barham \Valter C. school attendance Fisher Jn. Woods, frmr. Bridge farm Bonds farm
Dfficer for Great Clacton united dis- Frost Geo. \Vm. farmer & landowner Taylor ~ary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
trict school board Funnell Alfred, basket maker Thorington Wm. shopkeeper & farmer
Bennett James, carr1er James Hannah (Mrs.), wheelwright Well11am Jas. shopkeeper & beer retlr
CLAVERING is a large and scattered parish, near 1 Darnels," containing 7 acres, the rents of which are
the head of the Stmt, 4 miles south-west from Newport applied to the purpose of making gifts of money to the
station on the Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west from poor every year; 2. The charity of Lettice Martin, of
Saffron Walden, 8 porth from Bishop's Stortford and 36 Chrishall, consisting of a share of rents, now (1894)
from London, in- the Northern division of the county, amounting to £ r r6s. yearly, for same purpose ; 3· The
Clavering hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional charity of an unknown donor, called "Priests' Farm
division, union and county court district, and in the rural Charity," ws. yearly; 4· The charity of Haynes Barlee,
deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- of Curies, consisting of a small farm in Berden parish,
cese of St. Albans. Two new bridges were erected over present annual rent about £9 ros. for apprenticing a
the village stream in 1894, at the expense of the County poor lad of one of the several parishes of Olavering,
Council, assisted by the parishioners. The church of SS. Langley, Codicote (Hertfordshire), Saffron Walden and
Mary and Clement is an embattled building of flint in Wilburton and Great Wilbraham (in the county of Cam-
the Perpendicular· style, consisting of chancel, nave of bridge); S· A barrel of white herrings and a cade of
five bays, aisles, south porch and a massive embattled red herrings, left originally for the poor in Lent, to be
western t{)wer containing 5 bells : it contains some provided out of a farm called "Valence." The common
marble monuments of the Barlee or Barley family and lands were inclosed under a deed of inclosure in 1865.
its collateral branches, from 1635 to 1696; other monu- Adjoining the churchyard is the site of an extensive
ments t{) the Riddlesdans, and a mural monument to castle, surrounded by a moat and formerly the head of
.Tohn Stephenson, of Howton, Cambridgeshire, and Anne, this barony. Here !!.re corn mills driven by steam and
his wife, 1722-41; there are also ledger inscriptions to wind. The Rev. John Nassau Simpkinson 1\LA. rector of
the Bensons, of Brent Green, 1677-84, and brasses to North Creake, Norfolk, who is lord of the manor, the
Thomas Welbore, gent. of Pondes, and his wife, Ursula Governors of Christ's Hospital and Sir William Foster ·
(D'Anvers), 1591; and to Joan 1>ay and her husband, hart. are the chief landowners, but there are several
with four English verses, I593; there are other effigies, others. . The soil is heavy, with small portions of a
c. q8o and 1520, in a fragmentary condition: on a tomb lighter nature; subsoil, clay, gravel and chalk. The
in the north aisle is the recumbent figure of a knight, crops are generally on the four-course shift, wheat and
supposed to represent the founder of the church: there beans. The area is 3,821 acres of land and 10 of water;
is an Eliza1bethan pulpit in excellent state of preservation, rateable value, £4,087; the population in 1891 was 1,039.
and an interesting font of Pu11beck marble: the interior Parish Clerk, George Barker.
of the church was restored and reseated with open Sexton, John Andrews.
benches in 1867 by the Governors of Christ's Hospital, and Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
the lady of the manor and the inhabitants, and in 1893 Mrs. Lydia Barker, sub-postmistress. Letters through
was completely rest<lred, at a cost of £1,66o, by the Newport S.O. arrive at 7.20 Q.m.; dispatched at 8.15
patrons and subscriptions. The register dates from the a.m. & 6 p.m. week days only. The nearest telegraph
year I555· The living is a vicaraget. tithes commuted at office is at Newport
£,466, average ,£.35A· net yearly value £280, with 6 acres of Wall Letter Box, Arkesden road, cleared at 8.20 a.m. &
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Governors oi Christ's 6.5 p.m. week days only
Hospital, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Frederick Schools:-
Gifford Nash M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. National (mixed), built in 1841, for IIO children; aver·
The Congregational chapel is a Gothic building of brick age attendance, 86; Miss Emily Wilson, mistress
and stone, erected at a cost of £1,350, with sittings for British (mixed), erected February, 1879, at a cost of
400. The Primitive Methodists also have a place ·of £4oo, for I20 scholars; average attendance, 53; Wm.
worship here, seating 250. The following· charities Charles Warner, master
belonging to the parish are under the management of Carriers:-
trustees appointed by the Charity Commission: 1. The Stephen Flack, to Walden every sat. & Royston every
charity of John Smith (formerly vicar of Clavering), con- wed
sisting of two closes of land in Langley, called "Poor Samson Green, to Walden, tues. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barker George, parish clerk Green Charles, cattle dealer, Hill
Ault Rev. Ebenezer (Congregational), Barron Jeremiah & Chas. blacksmiths Green cottage
The :Manse Bird George, farmer, Sheepcote green Harvey Joshua, frmr. Starling's grn
Barker Miss, Ivy cottage, Hill green Bunting Elizh.(Mrs.),beer ret. Hillgrn Harvey William, White Hart P.H.
Bush Joseph Bunting George, wheelwright & en- Starling's green
Bush ~rs. Middle Street house gineer, Middle street Kemp James, beer retailer, Hill grn
Clark _Henry, Arkesden road Bunting Mary Ann (Mrs.), wheel- Livings Thomas, beer retlr. Middle st
Franklin William, Bird green wright, Stickling green Martin John, carpenter, Hill green
Gayler Benjamin, Pe.arce Webbs Butterworth Thos. frmr. Clavering fm Matthews James, beer retailer
Green Charles, Hill Green cottage Cakebread David, shopkeeper, Star- Page Alfred, grocer & draper
Laird Charles, The Bury ling's green Parker Amos, farmer, Rutters
Mumford William, The Bower Chapman John, stockman to Mr. Parker Samuel, farmer, Mill end
Nash Rev. Frederick Gifford M.A. \Yilliam Seabrook, Parsonage farm Pigg Thomas, farmer, Clavering place
Vicarage Chesham Joseph, saddler, Hill green Pilgrim Henry, farmer, Ford's end
Parker :Mrs. Mill end Chipperfield Frederick, confectioner Pilley Jn. grcr. & drpr. Hill green
Pigg Misses, Clavering place Clark Henry, farmer, Arkesden road Purkis Joshua, farmer, Sheepcote· grn
Spencer Misses, Clavering hall Clark James, shoe maker Rolfe Henry, farmer, The Brooklands
Stock-Bush Thomas Claydon John, farmer, The Roast Savill Henry, farmer, Coldhams
Swinscoe George, Dancer's Cowell William, stockman to Mr. Jas. Savill William, farmer & potato dealer,
·warner William Charles Parham, Dears farm Curl's farm
Wil~on Miss Cowell William Palmer, butcher, Smith Ephraim, farm bailiff to the
COMMERCIAL. farmer & cattle dealer exors. of Mrs. Hannah Barker,
Andrews John, sexton Custerton Brooklyn C. farmer, Ford's Valence
Baker George, baker, Hill green end Smith William, Fox & Hounds P .H
Barker Catherine (Mrs.), beer retailer, Flack Stephen, beer retlr. & carrier Spencer Thomas Alfred, farmer,
Church end Gre-en George, saddler & harness ma Clavering hall
Stock-Bush Thos. farmer, Hom~ _farm Ward Rch?. gro. &; drpr. ~hurch end Whyman Hy. beer ret. Sheepcote grn
Torts Robert Freeman, farm bailiff to Wah:on Waiter (Mrs.), mlller (steam Wisbey Nathan, farmer
the e:tt'rs. of John Patten, Hill green & wind) Woodham Enoch, farmer, Ford's end
Ward James, carpenter, Church end Waylett Charles, cooper Wright Charles, boot maker, Hill grn
Ward Joseph, bricklayer, Church end Westwood Wltr. farmer, Bocking frm
COGGESHALL is a town consisting of two parishes, holding a fair on Whit-Tuesday. There are two reading
Great Coggeshall in Lexden hundred and Little Cogges- rooms, that in Church street having a library attached.
hall in Witham hundred, on opposite banks of the river The refining and manufacture of patent isinglass and
Blackwater, c:onnected by an ancient bridge Qf three gelatine is carried on, and there is a sewing factory,
arches, and distant from Kelvedon station on the Great breweries and maltings. The Essex Bank (Sparrow and
Eastern railway 2! miles, from Witham 7 north-east, Co.) and the London and County Banking Co. Limited
from Colchester 9! west, from Halstead 8 south and from have branches here. A tower, containing a clock and
Braintree 6 east and from London 44• in the Eastern divi- surmounted by a cupola, was erected in 1887. Holfield
sion of the county, "\Vitham petty sessional division, Brain- Grange, a mile and a half north-west, on the Roman road
tree union and county court district, in the rural dean- from Colchester to Dunmow, the property and residence
ery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill, is a modern Tudor mansion.
of St . .Albans. The town, anciently a Roman station, stands There are six alinshouses, founded in 1795, and the
partly on low ground bordering the river, whence it rises charities for distribution among the general :poor amount
and occupies the acclivity of a hill, from which it may to £278 yearly. The trustees of the late Sir Charles Du
have derived its earlier name of "Sunnedon :"it is n()ted Cane K.C.M.G. (d. 18Bg), who are lords of tne manor,
for its numerous springs of pure water, many houses Mrs. Reginald Duke Hin, Sir Thomas Charles Callis
being supplied therewith by iron pipes, and for centuries Western hart. Waiter Skingley esq. and Mrs. Annie
past the land has been famous for the growth of garden Skingley, of Felix Hall, Kelvedon, are the chief land-
seeds : the town is lighted with gas, from works in East owners. The land is undulating; soil, light loam; sub-
street, the property of a company. The church of St. ~oil, gravelly, with several small streams running through
Pet~r ad Vincula is a fine buildino- 0
of stQne and flint, 1t.
entirely in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel
with aisles, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, south LITTLE COGGESHALL, on the southern bank of the
porch and an embattled western tower with angle turret, river Blackwater, is connected with Great Coggeshall by
containing 8 bells, 6 of which are dated 1681, 1692, 1733, a bridge. King Stephen and Queen Maud, heiress of
1733, 1757, 1806; the 2 latest were cast in 1876: there Eustace, Earl of Boulogne, who held these manors of the
are three sedilia and a piscina in the south chancel aisle, Conqueror, founded here a Cistercian abbey in 1142,
where also is a memorial; two windows, erected in 1888, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and colonized from Savigny,
to Joseph Smith Surridge; in the north aisle is another, which at the Dissolution waB valued at £298 Ss. a year:·
inserted at the same time to Major George Deeks Sking- the remains of this abbey, situated near the river, afford
ley, who presented the stained west window ; and there the earliest instance of medireval brickwork at present
are several other stained windows, including that at the met with in this country; the most ancient portion being
east end, given by the Hanbury family, of Holfield a massivP fragment once forming part of an arcade :
Grange : a very handsome carved oak screen has been various carved stones, including a Transition Norman
erected to the church, and a richly decorated reredos capital, lie scattered about and there are two thick walls,
was placed in the church in 18Bo as a memorial to the alsl? apparently belonging to the abbey buildings: the
late Rev. W. J. Dampier, for 33 years vicar of this existing inequalities of the ground, extending some dis-
parish; it consists of groups of figures representing scrip- tance to the left, seem to indicate that the foundations
tural events in sculptured Caen stone, beneath richly covered a considerable area. Near these ruins, on the
sculptured canopies of Derbyshire alabaster; flanking right bank of the little river Blackwater, is a picturesque
and dividing these groups are small niches in which are old gabled house, with groups of clustered chimneys,
placed the figures of archangels : the carved oak pulpit built in the reign of Henry VIII. partly on the site and
was executed in 1871 by Mr. W. B. Polley: the font, with the materials of the abbey: the river flows in an
which is Early English, was formerly in Pattiswick artificial bed constructed by the monks in order to secure
church, but was removed, and after being used some time a head of water for their mill and is crossed by an old
for other purposes was presented to Coggeshall church bridge, at the corner of which stands a dwelling known
in 1852: the chancel was repaired in 1851, and the church as the "Rood House," prO'baJbly marking by this name
ha>~ been fully restored : there are 1,ooo sittings. The the former site of a cross or rood at the entrance to the
register dates from October, 1584, and is in fair condi- abbey demesnes. All the lands which belongeu to it at
tion. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge the time of its dissolution continue to be free from tithes,
£255, net yearly value £315, with residence and 22 acres both great and small, whilst cllitivated in the hands of
of gle~e, in the gift of C. H. Copley Du Cane esq. and the proprietors : the church of the monast~ry, which is
held smce 1892 by the Rev. Charles Craigie Mills M.A. entirely demolished, stood in the park in a field near the
of University College, Oxford. Sir Thomas C. C. Western river. The ruined church of Little Coggeshall, dedicated
bart. Waiter Skingley esq. and Mrs . .Annie Skingley are to St. Nicholas and standing near the site of the abbey,
the lay impropriators. The Congregational chapel, is a simple rectanglliar building constructed of flint and
erected in 1715, has been several times enlarged~ the last rubble, with dressings of brick around the lancet-shaped
enlargement b~ing in 1865: at the back of the chapel windows : at the east end are sedilia and here and there
there are spacious school rooms for 6oo children, addi- are traces of decorative painting: it has been used as a
tional class rooms and a lecture hall were added in IBgo. barn, but was some years ago given up by the owner, the
An Independent chapel is said to have been founded here late J. Bullock, to the vicar of the parish.
by Dr. John Owen, chaplain to the Protector, Oliver Great Coggeshall has an area of 2,770 acres of land and
Cromwell; there is a manse in East street, purchased by 13 of water_; rateable value, £6,958; the population in
the congregation as a residence for the minister. There 1891 was 2,730.
are also Baptist and Wesleyan chapels and a meeting Little Coggeshall has 830 a.cres of fertile land in a high
house for the Soci'lty of Friends. A Cemetery of 3 state of cllitivation; the soil is light, producing excellent
acres, at the back of the church, was formed and laid out crops of wheat, barley, turnips and green crops gener-
in 1855-6, at a cost of £1,500, and contains a chapel for ally; rateable value, £1,594; the poplliation in 1891 was
Dissenters : it is under the control of a Burial Board of 379 (the total population of Great and Little Ccggeshall
nine ~members. The market, which is scarcelv more than in 1891 being 3, 109).
Par!sh Clerk, J ames Nicholls.
0 - •

nommal, was grant~d by Henry III. as also tlie right of


Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, Public Establishments.
-Edwin Potter, postmaste~. Letters delivered at 7.30 Cemetery, Harry Parke, clerk to the burial board
a.m. & 12.30 &i 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9 &i IO.!o a.m. County Police Station, Stoneham street, George James
&; at 3.30, 7.40 & 9· 15 p.m. Sundays, one delivery at Mills, sergeant &; 2 constables
7.30 a.m. &i box cleared at £7.40 &i 9.15 p.m. Tele- Inland Revenue Office, East street, 0. J. Rainsford, officer
graph office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays,
8 to IO a m
I p bli Offi
u c cers.
. · . 'Assistant Overseer, James Wm. Clarke, Church street
Little Coggeshall.-Letter~ are received by foot post from Collector of Taxes, Mike Dalton, Church street
Kelvedon. Coggeshall IS the nearest money order &i Distributor of Stamps, Edwin Potter, Market end
telegraph office I Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 5th District, Brain- 0

Wall Box, the Hamlet, cleared at 8.55 & 10.30 a.m. &; J tree "Cnion, Francis Bernard Henry Caudwell
3·So & 8.5 p.m.; sundays, 8.5 p.m L.R.C.P.Lond. Church street

Registrar of Births, Deaths &; Marriages &; Relieving nine persons, tlie Rev. Charles Craigie }.~ills ~.A.
Officer for Coggeshall district, Braintree union. William vicar, being chairman, the Rev. A. D. Ph1lps, VICe·
Mart-en, East street chairman & J. S. Surridge, jun. esq. treasurer;
School Attendance Officer for Braintree Rural Attendance Edward Edgar, master; F. B. Cade, assistant master:.
Committee, William Anthony, Stoneham street there are now (1894), 27 boys
Town Crier, Joseph Clark, Little Coggeshall National, Stoneham street (boys, girls & infants), for I70
Places of Worship. with times of services:- boys, I70 girls & ISO infants ; average attendance, 120
Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, Rev. Charles Craigie boys,. I2o girls & 105 infants; Mrs. Emily Parke, mis-
Mills M.A. vicar; Rev. Hugh Richard Anson B.A. & tress ; Miss Alice Hare, infants' mistress
Rev. George Cecil Twist B.A. curates ; services, 7 & 8 Congregational (mixed), for 258 children; average at-
a.m. u a.m. 3.0 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 a.m. & 7.30 tendance, I8o; Miss Elsie Applegate, mistress
p.m.; other days matins 8.o (summer) 10 (winter) &
evensong 5.30 p.m Conveyance:-
Friends' Meeting House, 10.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; thurs. Omnibus leaves :Market hill for Kelvedon 8.18 a.m. 12.0
6.30 p.m noon & 6.45 p.m.; returns, 7.32 a.m. 10.26 a.m. &
Congregational, Rev. Alfred D. Philips; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 5.18 p.m
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Baptist, Church street, Rev. George F. H. Jackman; Carriers to : -
10.30 a.m. 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Colchester Arthur Hunwick's 'bus, mon. wed. & sat..
Wesleyan, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m returning same days
Kdvedon Moore's 'bus, three times daily
Schools. London-Charles Pudney's wagon tues. & fri. to 33
Sir Robert Hitcham's Free School was founded in I636: White Lion street, Norton Folgate, returning on wed.
the buildings in We$t street are in the Elizabethan & sat. at 2 p.m
sty~e & were erected in I858 at a cost, including mas- Martin, from Braintree to Colchester passes through
ter's house, of about £8oo; the endowment amounts every tues. & sat. calling at 'White Hart,' returning
to about £300 yearly & the governing body consists of same days

Gardner Frederic Henry, Church st Popham J'vliss, The Gravel
Gardner Mrs. M. A. Church street Poulton Charles, Church street
Anson Rev. Hugh Richard B.A. Gobell :Mrs. Stoneham street Pudnev Mrs. Church street
(curate) Vicarage Hardingham Arthur Shortridge, Mount Sach ~frs. Queen street
Beard :Mrs. Barney, East street mead Saunders E. W. Cantyre cottage
Beard Frank, Stoneham street Herbert Frederick Charles, Leas ho ShaYe Henry, Stoneham street
Beard George Edward, East street Hill Mrs. Albert place Shuttleworth John, Queen street
Beard John, Church street Hill Reginald Duke, Holfield grange Simpson Mrs. East street
Beaumont George Fredk. The Lawn Humpherys William, East street Skingley H. P. C
Beaumont Mrs. The Lawn Hunwick Fred, Tilkey road Spurge James, East street
Betts Alfred, Church street Jackman Rev. George F. H. (Baptist), Stebbing George, Church street
Bright Richard E. Sunnybank East street Surridge Ernest Edward, Gordon ho
Bright William, Cromwell house, King Herbert T. Woodlands Surridge Joseph Smith, Abbey view
Stoneham street King Mrs. Woodlands Surridge Mrs. The Mount
Caudwell Fras. Bernard Hy. Church st King William, The Gravel Swinborne Frederick W.P. Sunnedon
Clark James William, Church street Leaper William, East street Swinborne Latimer Pfander, Sunnedon
Clowes Wm. Fredk. Albt. Church st Lindsell Misses, CQlne road Taylor Hobert H. Queen street
Dennis :Mrs. Queen street Mills Rev. Charles Graigie M.A. (vicar), Turner John Rootsey, Queen street
Ely William Wayland, Albert place Vicarage Twist Rev. George Cecil B.A. (curate).
Farndell Mrs. East street Moss George, Church street Vicarage
Foster Henry J. West street Philps ReY. Alfred D. (Congrega• Unwin Miss, Church street
Foster Mrs. East street tional), The Manse, East street Wash John, West street
COMMERCIAL. Cook Alfred, beer retailer, Colne road
Andrews Edward, boot & shoe maker, Colne road Cook John, fruiterer, Market hill
Anthony Abraham, boot maker, Church street Cox John, tailor, Bridge street
Anthony William, school attendance officer & deputy sur- Dalton Jacob, Locomotive P.H. Stoneham street
veyor to Coggeshall highway board, Stoneham street Daltop. Mike, grocer & collector of taxes, Church &tree~
Austin Edward James, tailor, Stoneham street Dennis Alfred, farmer, Monksdown farm
Beard & Bright, maltsters, brewers & spirit & coal mer- Doad Robert, plumber & 'Yriter & grainer, Market end
chants, Stoneham street Doubleday Edwd. & Thos. P. grcrs. & drprs. Market end
Beard, maltster & brewer, corn & coal mer. Church st Doubleday Henry, seed grower, Market hill"
Beanmont & Son, solicitors, Church street Dunningham & Son, saddlers, East street
Beaumont George Frederick F.S.A. (Beaumont & Son), Ely James, baker, Bridge street
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Church street; & Evans Reuben, shoe maker, Church street
33 Chancery lane, London W.C Evans Robert, shoe maker, Church street
Bennett Alfred James, fishmonger, Market hill Everett James, blacksmith, Bridge street
Betts Alfred, tambour lace manufacturer, Church street Everett William, beer retailer, Robins Bridge road
Boggis William, farm bailiff to Charles W. Gray esq. M.P. Fairhead Edwin, farmer, Stock Street farm
Hovels farm :Finch John, chimney sweeper, Queen street
Brand Thomas, builder, Grange hill & West street Foster James & Henry, butchers, Church street
Bright Albert Samuel, seed grower, Griggs farm Frith John Bluff, chemist & drugtrist, Market hill
Brown Edward Philip, nursery & seedsman & seed mrcht Fuller James, boot & shoe manufacturer, East street
Brown Samuel, jobmaster, Church street Gardner M. & Son, brick & pipe· manfrs. Church street
Brown Thomas, contractor for steam ploughing, draining Gas Works (Henry Shave, sec.), East street
&c. Steam Ploughing works, East street Gibson Edward A. G. watch maker, Church street
Buck William James, cabinet maker, East street u1ll Edward John, manager of branch of London & County
Burton Arthur, beer retailer, Church street Bank, Market hill
Castle John, seed grower & baker & grocer, The Gravel Gooch Steward Goodwin, Bird in Hand P .H. & coal k
Castle William (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Stoneham street coke merchant, East street
Caudwell & Clowes, physicians & surgeons, Church ;street Goodchild Isaac, outfitter, Market hill
Caudwell Francis Bernard Henry L.R.C.P.Lond. physician Goodey William, Black Boy P.H. Church street
& surgeon & medical officer & public Yaccinator 5th Goodman Ernest, coal merchant, Robins Bridge road
District, Braintree Union, see Caudwell & Clowes Goodwin Thomas, shopkeeper, The Gravel
Cemetery (Harry Parke, clerk to the burial board) Gowers George, earthenware dealer, Church street
Church Street Factory (John A. Humphrey, manager), Grange Wi~liam, Greyhound P.H. Church street
clothing manufacturers, Church street Green John, bricklayer, West street
Clark James William, architect & surveyor, valuer & Hales Peter, farmer, Gate house
auctioneer & assistant overseer, Church street Halliday William D. Royal Oak inn, Stoneham street
Clowes William Frederick Albert L.R.C.P.Lond. physi.-::ian Hammond Benjamin, dental surgeon
& surgeon, see Caudwell & Clowes Hardingham Arthur Shortridge, solicitor, Mouni mead
Coggeshall Conservative Working Men's Club (A. D. hii1 Hughes Frank, chimney sweeper, Church street
esq. president; R. H. Taylor, sec) Humphrey John A. coal merchant, East street

Hnmphrey Mynotte, hair dresser, Market hill Reading Room & Library (R. H. Taylor, hon. sec.),
Hunwick Arthur, carrier, beer rtlr. & coal mer. Church st Church street
Hutley Arthur, furniture remover, Church street Rowland Jabez, tobacconist, Stoneham street
Hutley John, shopkeeper, West street Rowland Jacob, hair dresser, Church street
Inland Revenue Office (0. J. Rainsford, officer), East st Rowland \Villiam, greengrocer, Church street
Jepp T. & Son, builders, Bridge street Sach Edward, bl!Lder & steam saw mills, Church street
Joyce Harry, butc~er, Market hill Sadler Harriet (Mrs.), greengrocer, Church street
Judges Frederick Adolphus, grocer, Stoneham street Sapstone George, Cricketers P.H. The Gravel
Keeble William, shoe maker, Church street Sargeant Jolin Thomas, dairyman, 'Vest street
Kempton Casteldine Henry, grocer & wine mer. Market hl Saunders Fanny (~Irs. ), dress maker, Stoneham street
Ketley Sampson, farmer, Highfield Saunders Harry Bryan, furniture broker, East street
King Ernest W. & Co. seed growers as supplied to H.M. Saunders Isabella (Mrs.), baker, Stoneham street
the Queen & to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Sexton J oseph, Chapel fami~y & com. hotel, Market hill
King John K. seed grower to H.M. the Queen & seeds- Scott Edward Tilney, ironmonger, Church street
man by royal warrant to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales; Shave Henry, agent for the Hand-in-Hand Fire & Life
established over 100 years Insurance Co. & sec. to the Great Coggeshall Gas Co.
King W. & S. J. brewers & wine & spirit mers. The Gravel Limited, Stoneham street
Lawrence Josiah, linen draper, Market hill Shave W. & H. dealers in musical inst_~uments & fittings,
Leatherdale Thomas, greengrocer, Church street West street
London & County Banking Co. Lim. (sub-branch) (Edwd. Shave William, cabinet maker, East street & Gravel end
John Gill, manager), open tues. & fri. Market hill; Simmons Brothers, drapers, Church street
draw on head office, 21 Lombard street, London E C Smith Eliza Browning (Mrs.), bukher, Church street
Marten William, registrar of births, deaths & marriages Smith George, Fleece P.H. West street
& relieving officer, Kymer house, East street Smith Reuben, boot & shoe maker, East street
Martin John, tambour lace manufacturer, Grange hill Smith E. Filmer, butcher, Church street
Matthams Arthur, Bull P.H. & baker, Church street Smith William, carpenter & builder, Stoneham street
Mechanics' Institute (Edward Doubleday, sec.), Market hi Smyth Harry. Swan inn, East street
Merchant Robert, Toll House P.H. Colchester road Sparrow, Tufnell & Co.bankers (Wm.Humphreys, man.),
Moss John, fancy repository & bill poster, Church street East street ; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,
Mount William, basket maker, Market end & baker & Bouverie & Co. London E. 0
confectioner, Church street Sparrow Obadiah, shoe maker, Stoneham street
Near Isaac, boot & shoe maker, Colne road Spurge James, tambour lace ll!.anufacturer, East street
Nichols Eliza (Mr!!. ), baker, Bridge street Spurge \Villiam, tambour lace manufacturer, & agent for
Nunn Henry, blacksmith, Swan yard, East street W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchts. Church st
Nunn James A. watch maker, East street Spurgin Louis, blacksmith, Bridge street
Parke Samuel, plumber, Church street Stapher George, refreshment rooms, East street
Parochial Library & Reading Rooms (R. H. Taylor, hon. Strutt Reuben, Foresters' inn, Stoneham street
sec.), Church street Studd Thomas Edward, grocer, Market hill
Payne Jas. frmr. & seed grwr. Lees· farm, Colchester rd Surridge & Son, auctioneers & land & estate agents
Payne William, Lamb P.H. Tilkey Surridge Ernest Edward, solicitor, Church street
Plaistow W. saddler, Bridge street Surridge .Toseph Smith, auctioneer & land & estate agent,
Playle Frederick, agent for Prudential Assurance Co. Abbey view
Queen street Swinborne G. P. & Co. patent isinglass & gelatine manu-
Plumstead Thomas, baker, Church street facturers, West street; & 33 & 34 St. Andrew's hill,
Pocock Brothers, boot & shoe makers, Market end Queen Victoria street, London E.C
Polley William Ballev,•
wood carver, Church street Tansley James & Son, engineers, The Gravel
Popham Sarah (Miss), tambour lace mnfr. The Gravel Turner John Rootsey, solicitors' clerk, Queen street
Potter Edwin, printer, bookseller & publisher, fancy re· Walne Daniel Bridgman, Red Lion P.H. :Market hill
pository & distributor of stamps, Post office, Market end & Church street
Poulton Charles George M.R.C.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, \Yard Alfred Charles, grocer & basket dealer, Market hill
Church street Warner Eliza (~Irs. ), baker, Stoneha.Ip street
Poulton John George, "nite Hart hotel & veterinary Warren C. & H. coach builders, West street
surgeon, Market end Warren Henry, White Horse P.H. \Vest street
Prior Samuel Horatio, pianoforte tuner, Church street Warren Isabella (~Irs. ), beer retailer & poulterer, Col-
Pudney Charles & Son, carriers, West street chester road
Pudney Daniel, farmer, Hill farm Wheeler Martha (~Iiss), baker, East street
Pudsey Henry, pork butcher, Market hill White Theophilus, basket maker, Church street
Rainsford 0. J. inland revenue officer, East street Wilks Thomas, ironmonger, Market hill
Raynham John, drug stores, East street Willsher Joseph, outfitter, Market hill
Rose Henry, shoe maker, Church street

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Gardner E. &; Son, brewers, maltsters
Andrews Arthur Bateman,, tailor, & wine & spirit merchants
Appleford Mrs Bridge street Godfrey William, baker
Brown Edward Philip, Grange villa J.ppleford Ellen Louisa (Mrs.), miller Hicks Herbert T. farmer, The Hall
Gardner Mrs. Bridge house (steam &; water), Abbey & West mlls Hills John, butcher
Gooch Arthur Brooks, Hillside villa .!.rnold Emily (Mrs.), frmr. Abbey fm Larrett C'hrltte. (:~Irs. ), PortoBello inn
Hicks Herbert Timperley, The Hall Barnard Charles, miller (water), Larrett Harry, painter, Bridge street
Sheldrake J. Ernest, The Hamlet Pointwell mill Parker Arthur, Hare & Hounds P.H
Sheldrake Mrs. The Hamlet Bibby Henry, coal & wood dealer Plastow William, market gardener
Tupper Mrs Hamlet house Clark Jo-:eph, bill poster & town crier Seabrook Frederick, farmer, The
\Villett Thomas Creek Geo. Chas. mineral water mnfr Grange, Curd Hall & Capons farms
C 0 L C HE S T E R.
COLCHESTER is a municipal and parliamentary borough, petroleum tester, town sergeant, town crier and head
union town and head of a county court district, SI! constable. The corporation also act as the urban sani-
miles from London, 2I south-west from Harwich, 7! tary authority. The borough is divided into four wards,
south-west fi·om Manningtree, I3 north-east from Wit- and has a commission of the peace and separate court of
ham, 18~ south from Hadleigh, I8! north-north-east from quarter sessions.
Maldon, I9! east from Braintree, I6£ south-west from The " regalia " of the Corporation include a. large and
Ipswich, 43! from Bury, 39! from Romford, 33l from massive silver gilt mace and four smaller ones, an
:Brentwood, I6! from Sudbury and 22 from Chelmsford, ancient silver wassail bowl, or "loving cup," used on
in the North Eastern division of the county, hundred and festive occasions, a gold chain of office worn by the
petty sessional division of Lexden and Winstree, rural mayor ; the mayor's silver seal and silver ticket of
deanery and archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of admission to the theatre ; a silver key worn by the
St- Albans. This town (which is supposed to have been treasurer; two silver oysters used by the water bailiff
the site of the ancient " Camalodunum ") occupies the as gauges to regulate the size of oysters permitted to
summit and sides of a height gradually rising above be caught ; two silver oars, one of which is worn by the
the navigable river Colne, which, taking hence a south- water bailiff when rowing the mayor or corporation
easterly direction, falls into the North Sea at a distance on the river.
of IS miles and is navigable to t~e Hythe, a suburb The municipal and parliamentary boroughs are co-
forming part of the port of Colchester. extensive and are divided into four wards, comprising
There are three bridges over the Colne : North bridge sixteen parishes, of which eight are within the wa.Ils
at the north entrance to the town, is of cast iron, with (by parishes within the walls is to be understood those
three arches and was constructed by the town council whose churches stand within the walls), four without
at an outlay of about £I,8oo; East bridge is built of and four in the suburbs. The borough returned two
stone and brick and has five arches with iron balus- members to Parliament until the passing of the "Re·
tr~des ; Hythe bridge is constructed principally of iron distribution of Seats .Act, I88S," by which the number
and was built in I878 at a cost of nearly £3,ooo; an was reduced to one.
older bridge of timber having been washed away by a The main street and two others, which cross it,
high tide at Christmas, I876. resemble in plan the shaft and arms of a cross ; there
The limits of the port of Colchester have been declared are in all twenty principal streets, besides several smaller
to commence at the Naze Point (being the southern limit ones and a great number of lanes and alleys walks as
·of the Port of Harwich) and to extend from thence they are called and rows of houses. Many of the houses
along the coast of Essex to an imaginary straight line and buildings have an air of antiquity: but the approach
drawn from the pilot mark at the entrance to Havengore to the town by the old London road is lined with
creek in the county of Essex, to the Land's End at
elegant modern houses : · this road. as far as Lexden,
Warden Point in the Isle of Sheppey, in the cor:nty of
forms the principal promenade of the inhabitants. The
Kent (the said line being the eastern boundary of the •
town is supplied with water from works, now the
Port of London), also to extend seaward from the coast
property of the Corporation, placed at the base of the
within the aforesaid limits to a distance of three miles
Balkerne Hill, where there are excellent springs : there
from low water mark, and to include all bays, channels,
is also a reservoir connected with the works at the
roads, bars, islands, harbours, havens, rivers, streams,
summit of Balkerne Hill: and, in .April, I882, a water
creeks, and places within the said limits contained,
tower, 105 feet high, was erected on Balkerne Hill, at
except the islands in Havengore creek called "Potton"
and "Rushly" islands ; and so much of the said creek a cost of upwards of £ w,ooo, for the purpose of giving
and the watercourse that extends from it to the town a constant, instead of an intermittent supply, the plans
<>f Rochford as are in the Port of London. being prepared by Mr. Clegg, late borough surveyor,
The harbour was taken over by the Corporation under under the supervision of Sir Henry Rawlinson C.E. The
town is lighted with gas supplied by a company.
·a Local Act, in 1892. Vessels of 150 tons burden can
approach the quay at the Hythe. The churches within the walls are as followlii : -
On the 22nd of April, 1884, at about 9· I5 a.m. the All Saints' church, High street, is an ancient edifice
town and neighbouring villages were visited by two of stone and brick in the Perpendicular style, and
distinct shock3 of earthquake, which lasted from five to consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle and an
ten seconds and caused great damage to property; the embattled :western tower of flint, with stone dressings,
spire of the Congregational church in Lion Walk was containing 5 bells : the church was restored in I861 :
shattered, the tower of St. Leonard's church damaged there are 300 sittings, all free. The register prcpPr of
.and other buildings injured : a relief fund was started this parish dates from the year I6IO, but the books also
.at the Mansion House, London, by the Lord Mayor and include the registers of St. Botolph's perpetual curacy
.£8,946 qs. was subscribed, which was distributed from IS6o; and of military funerals, 18o7-I2. 'Ihe living
amongst a great number of sufferers in Colchester and is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £ I88, net yearly value
24 neighbouring villages: I,213 buildings were repaired, £I53· with glebe (£25) and residence, in the gift of
38I owners received contributions, and 20 churches Balliol College, Oxford, and held since I892 hy the Bev.
ood 11 chapels were aided. George Gibson Brown M ..A. of Edinburgh lJnil"Hsity
Railway communication with the metropolis and also and Balliol College, Oxford.
with Ipswich, Bury St. Edmunds, Sudbury, Harwich, Holy Trinity church, in Trinity street, is a stone
·Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the- edifice in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel,
Naze and Norwich, is maintained by means of the Great nave of five bays, aisles, south porch, and a western
Eastern railway, the main station, opened May, 1843, tower of undoubted Saxon work, constructed to a large
being about a mile from the centre of the town : St. extent of Roman materials, and containing I bell: the
:Botolph's station, formerly the terminus of the Tendring church was restored and enlarged in 1886: the stained
Hundred railway, is centrally situated on the south-east east window is a memorial to Maria Corsellis, a bene-
side of the town ; there is a branch from Wivenhoe to factress of this parish ; there is a similar memorial in
Hrightlingsea. the north aisle to Caroline Corsellis and a noteworthy
The oyster and floating fishery, of the Colne and monument with an inscription in Latin to Dr. William
Pyfieet and other creeks, has from time immemorial Gilbert, a native of Colchester, and one of the earliest
belonged to the Corporation of Colchester. In I8]o, experimenters in electricity; he died Nov. 1. 1603: there
~n .Act of Parliament was passed to incorporate the Colne are 400 sittings, of which 200 are free: in I884 the
Fishery Company and to authorize the demi~e to them arch in the south aisle had to be taken down and rebuilt
from the Corporation of the fishery for a period of 99 and the tower, which had been much shaken by the
years; a lease was accordingly granted at the statutory earthquake, repaired ; the organ was rebuilt in 1889
Tent of £soo yearly and one-fourth of the gross proceeds at a. cost of £Iso. The register dates from the year
of the fishery aftl6l' the sum had reached £I,soo. The I6g6. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge
fishery is managed by a board consisting of six members £q, net yearly value £280, including so acres of glebe,
of the Corporation and six members of the Colne in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, and held since
Fishery Company, who are appointed annually. I877 by the Rev. John Bush Early M ..A. of Worcester
The municipal body consists of a mayor, eight alder- College, Oxford.
men, twenty-four councillors, a high steward and a St. James's church, at the top of East Hill, was

recorder, with a town clerk and registrar of the civil thoroughly restored by subscription in I8]I at a. cost
courts of record, a treasurer, accountant, coroner, four of about £4,500, and is an edifice in the Decorated
conservators, surveyor,

medical officers of health and sani- style, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays.
tary inspectors for the Urban and Port Sanitary districts, aisles, south porch and a western tower with turret,
containing 1 bell : both the body and tower are of 1 Oxford, rural dean of Colchester and hon. canon of St.
Roman brick, mingled with stone : the chancel derives Albsns ; this living was once held by the Rev. Philip
an elegant character from the intermixture in its com- Morant M.A., F.S.A. the historian of Essex: the old
position of flint and polished stones : there are brasses rectory house, in which Morant wrote his histories, was
to John Maynard, alderman and clothier, ob. 1569, and demolished in 1871 and a new house erected in the
to Ales, his wife, ob. 1584: in the south aisle is a marble centre of what had been a paddock.
monument with recumbent effigy to Arthur Winsley esq. The parishes of St. Nicholas and St. Runwald were,
alderman of this t<lwn, who founded and endowed the for ecclesiastical purposes, amalgamated in 1873· The
almshouses bearing his name and died January 30, church of St. Nicholas, in High street, was restored and
1726-7; this monument was erected in accordance with greatly enlarged in 1875-6 at a cost of upwards of£15,ooo
directions included in his will: a new organ was built from designs by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and
in January, 189o, at a cost of £68o: there are at least re-consecrated 4th July, 1876, by the name of St.
66o sittings, all of which are free, subject to assignment Nicholas and St. Runwald. The building is of Kentish
by the churchwardens, suitable provision being made rag stone in the Decorated style, and consists of chancel,
for the poorer inhabitants. The register of baptisms nave of five bays, aisles, organ chamber and a tower with
dates from 1560; burials, 1573; marriages, 1653. The spire containing 6 bells: in 1893 a new pulpit, brass
living is a rectory, average rent-charge £57, gross lectern, and oak panelling in the chancel, from designs
yearly value £187, with residence, in the· gift of the by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. were added: there
Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1886 by the Rev. are 701 sittings, of which nearly all are free. The church
John Albert Kershaw M.A. of St. Catharine's College, of St. Runwald, a small edifice, originally of Norman,
Cambridge. if not Saxon work, but much defaced, stood in the
St. Martin's church, in West Stockwell street, north middle of the High street and was entirely removed in
of the Middle row and west of the Castle, has a large 1878. The register of St. Nicholas dates from 1541 for
proportion of Roman brick in its construction, and all entries and that of St. Runwald for baptisms from
although only a small portion of the present edifice dates 1576; marriages and burials, 1598. The living is a
from an earlier period than the beginning of the qth rectory, net yearly value £Ioo, and held since 1890 by
century, it is highly probable from various relics which the Rev. Herbert Cooper M.A. of Clare College, Cam-
have been found and the miscellaneous materials of bridge. The patronage is in the gift of Balliol College,
which the walls are composed, that it occupies the site Oxford, and the Round family alternately.
of a more ancient structure. The present building is in St. Peter's church, at North hill, is an edifice of stone
the Decorated style of the time of Edward I. and consists erected in the 17th century, and consists of chancel,
of chancel with north vestry, south porch, nave of three nave, aisles and an embattled western tower containing
bays, aisles and a western tower of Norman date, scarcely 8 bells: the interior underwent extensive alterations and
higher than the body of the edifice; it received much was entirely reseated in 1858: there is a large and well-
damage from the Parliamentarians in the memorable executed altar-piece, painted by John James Halls esq.
siege of 1648; it contains one bell, cast in 1645 : the representing "Christ raising Jairus' Daughter," and an
chancel has undergone less change than any other portion interesting mural tablet to the Protestant martyrs of
of the church and has a magnificent timber roof ot Colchester, who were burned in the reign of Queen
Perpendicular date, brought to light by the late Sir G. Mary: here also is a monument to the Rev. S. Can,
G. Scott R.A. in 1874, during the visit of the Royal vicar from 1830, d. 1854: the tattered colours of the
Archreological society: in the north wall is a lofty and 44th (1st batt. Essex) Regiment, and a marble tablet
highly finished recess, with an ogee arch and triple- inscribed with the names of its officers who fell in the
cusped t.:racery; eastward of the aisles are chapels, Crimean war, are in the nave: there are brasses, with
separated from them by transverse arches; in the south effigies, to John Sayre, alderman, ob. 1510, and Eliza-
wall is a small piscina and at the opposite angle are the beth, hi~ wife, ob. 1530, with children; Agnes, daughter
stairs formerly leading to the rood-loft, winding round of John Woodthorpe, of Lavenham, ob. 1553, her two
a small wooden newel: the church has a very fine husbands, Aleyn Dister and Robert Leache and nine
Perpendicular font, octagonal in shape, on a superbly children; John Sayers, ob. 1563; William Brown, gent.
moulded plinth and broad step : there are two parish and Margaret, his ·wife, ob. 1572, and eight children;
chests of Jacobean work: the exterior of the church was Richard Sayer, ob. 161o, and Alice (Spooner) and Ellen
repaired and partially restored in 1883 by public sub- (Lawrence,) his wives, with four children: a clock, with
scription at a cost of £Boo, and the interior was restored illuminated projecting dial, on the western side of the
in 1891 at a cost of £85o; the chancel has sedilia and tower, was erected in 1866. The register dr.tes from the
a granite tomb slab with cross; a Purbeck marble altar ~·ear 16n. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-
slab lately discovered (1894) has been placed in its chnge £14, gross yearly value £275, with tesidence, in
original position; in the south transept is a carved head the gift of Simeon's h nf.tPes, and held since 1893 by
of the 15th century and there is one stained window; the Rev. James Marsh~ll Laycock l\f.A. d St. JrJhn'~>
there are 400 sittings, all free. The register dates from College, Cambridge.
the year 1622. The living is a rectory, gross yearly The churches without the walls are as follows:-
value £220, net £1go, with 6o acres of glebe, in private St. Botolph's, on the east side of St. Botolph's street,
patronage, but " pro hac vice," by lapse of the gift, for is a structure of white brick, in a heavy and debased
this turn, of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since style, intended to correspond with that of the ancient
1890 by the Rev. Henry Percy Williams ~LA. of Christ ruins of the Priory, near which it stands: it consists of
College, Cam bridge. chancel and nave and a massive western tower, contain-
St. Mary-at-the-Walls church, in Church street north, ing 1 bell: a new organ was erected in 18go: there are
was nearly demolished by the Parliamentary forces dur- I,o8o sittings, of which upwards of 8oo are free. The
ing the siege of the town in 1648; but was rebuilt in register of burials dates from 1813; baptisms, 1837; and
1714• and again rebuilt, with the exception of the old marriages, 1849; all previous registrations are included
tower, in 1871. The present church is an edifice of in the registers of All Saints. The living is a vicarage,
brick, chiefly in the Early Decorated style and consists net yearly value £275, with residence, in the gift of the
of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and an Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1875 by the Rev.
embattled western tower containing I bell; in the tower John Reginald Corbett M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford.
is a monument with effigy to John Rebow, of Colchester, St. Giles' church, near St. John's green, is an ancient
merchant, ob. 1699, and Sarah his wife, erected by edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle
their son, Sir Isaac Re bow M.P. for Colchester in the and a western tower, containing I bell: in the body of
Convention Parliament of 1688-9 and subsequently to the church is a marble slab deeply engraved with the
I71o, who twice entertained William TII. and was following inscription:-" Under this marble ly the bodies
knighted by that king ; he left a yearly sum of 20s. to of the two most valiant captains Sir Charles Lucas and
the sexton of this church to keep the monument clean: Sir George Lisle, knights, who for their eminent loyalty
there is also a memorial to the Rev. Thomas Twining to their soverain were on the 28th day of August 1648
M.A. formerly rector of this parish, ob. 7 August, 1804: by the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, then general of
a new organ was erected in 188g at a cost of £6oo. The the Parliament army, in cold blond barbarously mur-
approaches to the church were widened and improved in dered:" there are 500 sittings, of which 250 are free.
1871: and there is a wide path with an avenue of limes The register of baptisms and marriages dat-es from 1692;
round the churchyard, which Morant says was formerly burials from 1698. The living is a rectory, average tithe
the fashionable promenade: there are 6oo sittings, all rent-charge £152, gross yearly value £252, with 30
of which are free. The regist-er of baptisms and mar- acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Rev. Nicholas
riages dates from 1561; burials, 1569. The living is a Parker Gepp B.A. rector of Great and Little Witching-
rectory, net yearly value £210, with residence, in the ham, and held since 1872 by the Rev. William Henry
gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1870 by Wardell M.A. of University College, Durham, and surra-
the Rev. John William Irvine ~LA. of Christ Church, gate. The small district church of St. Barnabas at Old

Heath is a chapel-of-ease to the parish church: services erected in 1844, with 500 sittings; and one in East Stock-
are held on sundays by the clergy of St. Giles. well street, erected in 1816, whioh seats 8oo persons.
The church of St. Leonard-at-the-Hythe, one of the Eld Lane Baptist chapel was reopened in r884, after
most ancient and interesting churches in the town, is an restoration, at a cost of £1,roo, and affords 700 sittings.
edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of St. John's Green Baptist chapel, erected in 1872, hu
chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, north sittings for 370.
and south chapels, south porch and an embattled western The Primitive Methodist chapel in Artillery .street,
tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells and a clock: it erected in r839, and restored in 1~92, seats 5oo, that in
has an open-tiro bered roof and in the tower some curious Nunns cut was erected in 1872.
frescoes and niches : the stained west window is a me- The Wesleyan chapel in Culver street, erected in 1835,
morial to the mother of the Rev. John George Bingley will seat 950 persons; ·that in the Hythe, has 130 sittings.
M.A. rector 1864-74; the east window, also stained, was There is also a meeting house for the sect called
inserted at the cost of the Moy family and Mrs. E. Hall, " Brethren."
aided by general subscriptions; another window was T!he Cemetery for the following twelve parishes St.
erected in 1886 by J. S. Barnes esq. to the memory of Mary-at-the-Walls, St. Botolph, St. Giles, Holy Trinity,
his father and mother : the tower was seriously damaged St. Peter, St. Runwald, St. Martin, All Saints, St.
by the earthquake of 22nd April, 1884, but the church Leonard, St. James,. St. Nicholas and St. Mary Magda.lene
has been extensively restored: there are 500 sittings, all -is situated to the south of the town, about a mile and
a half from the High street: it is about 18 acres in
of which are free. The register dates from the year 1559.
extent, with two chapels, and residences for the super-
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge [20, intendent and assistant, .and is under the control of a
net yearly value [r5o, including 2 acres of glebe, with burial board formed in 1854 and consisting of 74 members.
residence, in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, and held The Town Hall, built in 1844-5, takes the place of the
since 1887 by the Rev. Henry Trimmer Osborne ~LA. of old Moot Mall ; it stands on the north side of the High
Trinity Hall, Cambridge. street and is a building of stone in three storeys in the
St. Mary Magdalene church, in Magdalene street, is a Classic style, the fat;ade being adorned with six_ pilasters
modern structure of flint with stone dressings, in the of the Roman Doric order, and surmounted by_ a bold
Decorated style, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, cornice and balustrading, in the centre of which are the
south porch and a tower on the south side containing r arms of the borough ; the building comprises a large
bell : the east window is stained: there are 400 sittings. room for public purposes, two judicial courts, council
The register dates from the year 1721. The living is a chamber, town clerk's and accountant's offices, and a
rectory, yearly value £4oo (derived from the income of police station with the requisite cells and apartments, and
the Corporation of the Master and poor of Magdalene offices for the gaoler ; in the public room are portraits of
Hospital, there bein~ no tithes), with residence Charles Gmy Round esq. of Birch Hall (d. 1867), for
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1877 many years Recorder of Colchester, and representative in
by the Rev. Joseph Rogerson Cotter RA. of Trinity Parliament for North Essex, 1837-41, and of George
College, Dublin. Henry Errington e.sq. (d. 1883), of Lexden Park, high
The church of St. Paul, in Belle Vue road, near the steward of the borough~; both pictures were painted and
main line station on the Great Eastern railway, was built presented at the public cost. Here the quarter sessions
in 1869 as a chapel-of-ease to Lexden, but in 1879 was are held and every Saturday the petty sessions for the
consecrated as a parish church and a district assigned to division of Lexden and Winstr~e; meetings of the
it under the name of the parish of St. Paul in Col- borough justices are held daily. The corporation in
chester: the church consists of an apsidal chancel, nave 1877 acquired certain adjoining properties with a view t<J
of four bays, south aisle, two vestries, south porch and a the enlargement (or rebuilding) of the Town Hall, and a
western turret containing r bell, cast from a number of new Police station, providing additional and better cell
Dutch cloek bells by two artisans resident in Colchester, accommodation.
who had designed it for the church of their native vil- 'l'he "Public Libraries Act, 1885" (r8 & rg Vipt. c.
lage in Holland, but difficulties arising as to its trans- 70), was adopted in Oct. r8gr, and a Central Library is
mission, it was sold and hung in the turret of this now (1894) in course of erection, branohes have also been
church : the chancel is divided from the nave by a low, opened in Lexden, Mile End, Old Heath and Parsons
but elaborately worked iron screen: there are 350 sit- Heath.
tings. The register dates from the year 186g. The The Corn Exchange, opened by the Right Hon. Earl
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £6o, gross yearly Cowper K.G., P.C. on Tuesday, 8 May, 1884, occupies
value [rg5, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of the site of the old Green Market facing the High street
St. Albans, and held since 1881 by the Rev. William and was erected at a cost of about £6,ooo, from designs
Frederick Clements, Theol. Assoc. K.C.L. The popu- by Messrs. I'Anson and Son, architects, of London: the
la'tion of the ecclesiastical parish in 18gr was 1,538, in- main roof is carried by seven wrought-iron ribs spanning
cluding 249 officers and inmates of the Eastern Counties the width of the building, and above this are six ridge

for idiots and imbeciles. ana furrow cross roofs, glazed on their northern sides:
The ecclesiastical parish of St. John the Evangelist was at the north end of the interior is a movable stage, and
formed 12 Ap_ril, r864, from the parishes of Greenstead, retiring rooms and lavatories : for the purposes of public
All Saints', St. Botolph's, Mile End, Colchester, Ardleigh assemblies the Exchange will seat 1,goo persons.
and Langham: the church is on the Ipswich road, aoout The corn market is held every Saturday.
2 miles from C<>lchesoter, and is an edifice of red brick, in The Essex and Suffolk Fire Office occupies the old
the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, north Corn Market, near St. Peter's church, erected in 1820
transept and a small western octagonal bell turret con- from designs by Mr._ D. Laing, architect. The School of
taining 1 bell: the chancel, which is a memorial to ·the Art and Science, founded in r885, is carried on in an
Rev. J.ames Thomas Round, rector of St. Runwald's, adjoining building, erected in 1816 as a supplemental
Colchester, from 1824, and of St. Nicholas from 1830, is Corn Exchange.
separated from the nave by a low screen of oak, from The Cattle Market, formerly held in High street, was
which rise the lectern and pulpit; the church was opened removed in the year 1862 to a commodious site at the
for Divine service in 1863: there are 220 sittings. The bottom of North hill. The principal market day, being
register dates from the year 1863. The living is a vicar- that for corn and cattle, is Saturday. Colchester fair or
age~ net yearly value £225, with residence, in the gift of St. Denis' fair is held on the 2oth October, in a field on
the Archdeacon of Colchester, and held since r88o by the tlie Harwich road.
Rev. John Freeman King B..A.. of the University of The Literary and Scientific Institution, in St. John's
LondDn. The population in 1891 was 583. street, has 350 members and a library of upwards of
The Catholic church in Priory street, dedicated to St. 3,ooo volumes.
James, was built in 1837, and is an edifice of white brick There are four clubs in the town. The Colchester
in the Korman style, consisting of nave and chancel: club in High street, established in December, 188o, has
there are 200 sittings. at present (1894) 120 members. The St. Runwalds club,
The Society of Friends have a meeting house in Sir also in High street, formerly known as the St. Martin's
Isaac's walk, seating about 300, and connected with it is club and esta-blished in January, 1881, has about roo
an adult school and library. members. The L~beral club in High street, opened in
The Congregational church, Lion walk, is a building 1885, on premises adjoining the Public hall, has 1,ooo
in the Early English style, with a tower and spire, and members. The Conservative Club, in Head street,
was opened in July, 1863, at a cost, including organ and' founded in 1882, includes a new hall holding 6oo people,
fittings, of about £6,500: a portion of the spire was added by Capt. Herbert Naylor Leyland M.P.
thrown down by the earthquake of April 22nd, 1884, but The Cups, Red Lion and the George are the principal
has since been rebuilt: the church will seat goo persons. family and commercial hotels and posting houses ; the
There is also a Congregational chapel in Chapel street, Shaftesbury is the principal temperance hotel.
".Phe Theatre, in Qu~en street, is the property of a were founded in 1726 by John Winsley, for 24 aged
Company, and will hold 1,ooo persons. couples, each receiving 6s. per _w~ek and one chaldron of
The Assembly Rooms, adjoining the Red Lion hotel, coals yearly: should one (}f the men die leaving a widow,
were opened in 1883; the main room, which is spacious provision is made for her in houses erected near Kendall's
and well ventilated, has a length of uo feet and is 38 Almshouses, where there are now 8 inmates, each of
feet wide ; attached are convenient retiring rooms : whom receives 3s. weekly and one chaldron of coals
it is used for balls, concerts and banquets, and will yearly: small sums from various charities are distributed
seat 6oo. yearly.
The fire engine station in Lion walk, is tlie property The Women's Help Society, occupying the premises
of the Ess1lx and Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society. of the f{)rmer soldiers' home, is maintained by private
The County Police Station has residence for a superin- contributions.
tendent and cells for prisoners. St. Botolph's Priory was founded in the 12th century
A spacious building of grey brick, originally the county by Ernulph, who became its first prior, for canons regular
gaol, at the entrance of the town from Ipswich, and at ol the order of St. Augustine, being the earliest house
one time serving as the depot for the Essex Rifle :Militia, of that fraternity in England, and at the Dissolution its
has been altered and enlarged and is now occupied by yearly income amounted to £II3 I2s. 8d.: the site wa-.
the Colchester Steam Laundry and Carpet Beating Co. granti!d to Sir Thomas .Audley, Lord Chancellor, and the
Limited. priory church continued perfect until the time of the
Colchester is the head quarters of the Eastern military siege, when it was to a great extent demolished : during
district, the depot of which is at 1-Yarley, and comprises the siege it suffered considerably and bein_g garrisoned
Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex (except Thames by Royalist troops was stormed on the 14th January,
and W oolwic4 districts), Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, 1648, consisting at that time of two quadrangular courts
Norfolk, ~orthamptonshire, Rutland and Suffolk: it is and a church with a central tower terminating in pin-
also the head quarters of some batteries of the 1st Field nacles : its remains still form a picturesque and inter-
Artillery. There are extensive buildings here for cavalry esting pile: in its original state its internal length was
and artillery, erected since the Crimean war of 1854-6, 108 feet and its breadth, including the aisles, nearly 44
together with a military chapel capablt~ of holding 1,5oo feet : the west front, with the principal entrance, under
pevsons. The parade ground has been laid out with a deeply recessed semi-circular arch, remains: abovP this
roads and planted with ornamental trees. Quarters for is a double row of intersecting arches of Roman brick
the commanding officers and concentrated offices have and surmounting these the remains of a large circular
also been erected and many houses, inns and stores have opening, made to admit light into a gallery forming a
sprung up in the different approaches to the camp. The passage between the two stately towers once standing at
Soldiers' Home and Institute in Queen street, near the the angles : the nave was separated from the aisles by
theatre, comprises reading, billiard, coffee and game rows of circular columns 5! feet in diameter, supporting
rooms, and a large lecture hall, capable of holding about circular arches, some of which still exist. The fine Per-
400 persons; there is another Soldiers' Institute in St. pendicular gateway of St. John's Abbey is the only
Botolph's street. remnant of this once famous monastery, built by Eudo
The Drill Hall of the C and D Companies of the 2nd de Rie, dapifer or steward to William Rufus, in 1097:
Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, in Stanwell street, a William, a priest and nephew of Eudo, completed the
building go feet by so feet, was built in 1887, and is the abbey at great pains and expense in a superb style in
property of Col. William Howard, and is used, in addition II04, when it was consecrated by Maurice, Bishop of
to drilling, for concerts, meetings and theatricals. London: Eudo died at his castle of Preaux, in Normandv, •
The trade of Colchester chiefly consists in the supply but his remains were, at his own req"uest, brought over
of the neighbouring agricultural districts ; the manufac- and buried here : on its suppression the revenue of the
tures consist chiefly of clothing and boots and shoes, abbey was estimated at £523 I]S. 6d. : John Beche, the
malting is also carried on. There is a custom-house, an last abbot, refusing to acknowledge the King's supremacy,
inland revenue office, two banks, a savings bank, a fire was hanged for high treason, December I, 1539.
insurance society, breweries, two newspaper offices, iron The Castle, standing northward of High street, wa.,
and brass foundries and machine works. built by Eudo de Rie, mentioned above, in the form of a
The Essex and Colchester General Hospital on the Lex- parallelogram, the east and west sides measuring 140 ft.
den road, westward of the town, was built in 1820, en- each and the north and south sides 102 feet: at the
larged in 1839 and again enlarged in 1879-80 by sub- north-east and north-west angles were projecting square
scriptions at a cost of £7,000; it is a handsome building towers, on the south side another and eastwards a semi-
of white brick, with a tower containing a 11triking clock, circular tower, the chief entrance being near the south-
and is available for about 100 palients; during the year west t{)wer : the ancient portal on the northern side,
1893 there were 652 in-patients and 2,191 out-patients: it placed at a considerable height in the wall, still remains :
is supported by subscriptions, donations, collections and the large windows now in the walls of the castle appear
The Eastern Counties .Asylum, far the care and train- to have been made in places where there were originally
loopholes, all the original windows being so narrow as to
ing of idiots and imbeciles belonging to Essex, Suffolk,
:Yorfolk and Cambridgeshire, situated close to the ~Qrth admit but a scanty portion of light: Dr. Samuel Har~­
Railway station, is a building in the Italian style, with nett, master of the Free School in Colchester in 1586,
an ornamental tower, standing in spacious grounds taste- successively Bishop of Chichester (1602) and 1\"orwich
fully laid out; it was originally erected at a great cost in (1619), and in 1628 made Archbishop of York, left to the
the year 1850 as a large hotel, but proving unsuccessful town of Colchester part of his valuable library, and by
as an hotel was occupied for nine Y.ears as a oranch of permission of James Round esq. it was placed in the
the Earlswood Asylum for idiots, and ultimately devoted castle: in 188g, the library, which had been neglected
in 1859 to its present purpose: the patients are admitted for about 250 years, was re-arranged, many volumes re-
by the votes of subscribers at half-yearly elections, a bound and a catalogue prepared and printed; it contain,
limited number for life and the bulk for terms of five some rare books of the early period of our literature and
years, patients from all parts of the kingdom being als<> many beautiful specimens of the typography of the 15th
admitted by payment: it has now (1894) upwards of 230 and 16th centuries ; a valuable feature of the library is
patients and is fitted up with everything necessary for found in its collection of polemical treatises relating to
the purposes of a training school and home for persons of controversies between the churches of England and
feeble mind, including gymnastic apparatus and work- Rome ; it also includes numerous productions of the
shops. The property is the freehold of the Directors ; Roman Catholic presses in Paris, Rouen, Douay, Lou-
:Mr. John J. C. Turner is the superintendent and secre- vain, St. Omer and Antwerp ; the apartment containing
tary. the library has an antique and elaborately carved mantel-
There are several almshouses and charitable institu- piece : here is also a museum, chiefly noted for its valu-
tions. Finch's Almshouses, in Culver street, were able collection of Roman antiquities found in Colchester
founded in 1552 by Mr. Ralph Finch of Colchester, for 4 and the neighbourhood; and also comprising a private
widows of St. Nicholas parish and were enlarged in 1828 museum of Roman antiquities, purchased from George
by 1\fr_ William Goodwin, of Colchester, for 4 more: each Joslin esq. at a cost of £1,350 raised by subscription,
inmate receives 2s. weekly and one ton of coals yearly. and presented to the town.
Kendall's Almshouses, situated in Military road, were The Castle Park, of over 9 acres, was opened 20 Oct.
founded in IBos by G. and A. Kendall, of Colchester, for 1892 by the Lord :Mayor of London. The site was secured
16 poor females, each of whom receives .3s. p_er week, through the generosity of :Mr. R. D. Catchpool, a form"r
besides one chaldron of coals yearly. "\Ymnocl[s Alms- resident of the town, and the attractiveness of the park is
houses, situated in Military road, were founded in 1678 enhanced from the fact that Colchester Castle stands
by John Winnock, of Colchester, for poor females, of within it.
whom there are now 18, each receiving 3s. per week and The soil in the vicinity of Colchester is favourable to
on!' chaldron of coals annually. Winsley's Almshouses the growth of vegetables and fruit.

The areas and rateable value of the parishes in the · through the principal street ; it is on the river Colne and
municipal and parliamentary borough in 1894 and their is crossed by the line of the Great Eastern railway. St.
population in 189I are as under:- 1 Leonard's church is a plain stuccoed edifice, rebuilt in
P 1 I820-I a little to the south of the former church, and
~~~: ~f!a- con~ists of chancel and nave and a small western tower

Area. value. 1 s91 : with spire containing a clock and one bell: a new chancel
£ with aisles of flint with stone facings in the Early Per-
All Saints ..............................._. 4,205 1 pendicular style, was erected in 1894 at a cost of £I,400:
Berechurch ............................ . 1, 367 I 67 there are from 30~ to 400 sittings, of which about half
St. Botolph's .......................... . gos 20 , 8
7 9
* 62 are free. The reg1sters date from the year IS6o. The
7' ~ living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £478, net .................. ........... .
Holy Trinity........................... .
, 409
6, 91 6 75
I,30 2 yearly value £,3o6, with 30 acres of glebe and residence,
~t. <Jril~ ································· 1 502
I 2, g -Js,6sx in the gift of Philip Oxenden Papillon esq. and held since
3 , 45
6 , 6 I8go by the Rev. John Henry Lester M.A. of St. John's
St. James .............................. . 23 73 1 2 92
St. Leonard's at the Hythe ........ . 8 2 6, 2 , 198 College, Cambridge, and prebendary of Lichfield. The
Lex den .................................. . +2 3 I 2, 88 ,s6z Primitive Methodist chapel here was erected in I859;
St. Martin ............................. . + • ~j ,
1 998
3 3 the Village Hall was built in I884, at the cost of the late
6 , 957 Mrs. Hurnard. The Conservative Club, erected in I893
St. Mary Magdalene ................ . 5 1 437 8
St. Mary-at-tbe-Walls .............. .
Myland or Mile End ................ . 2 3 2 4 ,s8s
4 s7 15 , 970
3 ,~
1 082
2 ~ by Capt. Naylor-Leyland M.P. at a cost of £6oo, is an
edifice of red brick with stone dressings and has reading,
St. Nicholas ........................... . I
, 8
49 9
s billiard and committee rooms. Lexden Park is situated
73 on rising ground east of the town and south of the
St. Peter ............................... . SI , s ,
23 3 6
9, 4166
St. Rnnwald .......................... . 13 27 238 London road; the house, which adjoins the high road,
____ was built by the .late J. Fletcher Mills esq. and much
improved by the late owner, George H. Errington esq.
£n6,623 34.4S9 who was high steward of Colchester, and died in 1883.
Including 17 of water. He also added to the park, which is occasionally thrown
Including I7 of water. open to the people of Colchester on special festival days.
Including 2,303 in the Infantry camp & I 2 officers & Achnacone, the property and residence of William Render-
240 inmates in the workhouse. son Mackenzie esq. pleasantly seated on the Bergholt
-J Including I,429 in the Cavalry & Artillery barracks. road, about 2 miles from Colchester, is a mansion of red
§ Including 92 in the Essex & Colchester Hospital. brick erected in I866 by the late Sir William O'Mally,
and much improved and added to by the present owner;
Parish Clerks. it stands in grounds of ISO acres, containing a swimming
All Saints, Robert Tillett, 27 Castle road bath 40 feet by 20 feet and there are pleasure gardens
St. Botolph's, Charles Waiter Nicholson, 19 Priory street well laid out. Lexden Lodge, the ancient manor house,
Holy Trinity, William Mathews, 32 Eld lane has been known only as a moated farm house, though ~
St. Giles, William Neville, 3I South street considerable park, stretching nearly down to the town
St. James, G. Roofe, East Jiill at North Bridge, seems to have been formerly attached
St. Leonard, Isaac Martin, Hythe hill to it on the north side of the river. · The mansion, now
St. Martin, James Salmon, West Stockwell street called " the Manor House," is the property of Philip
St. Mary Magdalene, Alfred Sansom, 24 Kendall road Oxenden Papillon esq. D.L., J.P. of Crowhurst Park,
St. Mary-at-the-1Valls, Henry Grimwade, Head street; Battle, Sussex, who is lord of the manor and a land-
deputy, Charrington Nunn, Balkerne lane owner: the Rev. John Launcelot Errington M.A. vicar
St. Nicholas & St. Runwald, Benjamin Parker, 38 Culver st of Midgham, Reading, are also principal landowners.
St. Peter (verger), G, Stow, I St. Mary's road Along the former Lexden heath are some lines of in-
St. Paul's, J. R. Reynolds, Church street north trenchment dating from the time of the Roman. occupa-
St. Andrew, Greenstead, Wm. Bloomfield, Greenstead rd tion. ·
BERECHURCH (or West Donyland) is a parish, in the SHRUB END is a hamlet in this parish about I mirQ
first ward of the borough, 2 miles south from Colchester. south.
'l'he church of St. Michael, very prettily situated in Bere- Parish Clerk, Edgar Middleton.
church Park and formerly -~ chapel-of-ease to Holy MILE END (or Myland) is a suburb of Colchester, in
Trinity, Colchester, is an edifice of brick with stone the north ward of the borough, I mile north of the
dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- town, and contains Colchester station of the Great East-
cel, nave, north chapel, south porch and a small tower ern railway. The church of St. Michael is an edifice of
11t the west end containing one bell: in the year 1872 stone, in the Early English style, erected in 1854, and
this church was very thoroughly and substantially re- consists of chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, sout:h
stored at a cost of £I,2oo, the principal contributor being porch and a tower at the north-west angle, with spire,
the late T. G. G. White esq. : a stained window being and containing a clock, placea in 1887, and 2 bells: there
added by Myles L. Formby esq. whose wife is buried in are eight stained windows, and 380 sittings, all of which
the churchyard: the church also contains a memorial are free : the materials of the old church were nsed in
window to Sir G. H. Smyth hart. a former proprietor of the erection in 1871 of the school and teacher's house.
the hall, and in the north chapel there is a fine monu- The register dates from the year 1674. The living is a
ment with recumbent effigy, in complete armour, to Sir rectory, average tithe rent-charge £43I, subject to a
Henry .Audley, ~nighted at Theobalds, Hert.s, May gth, payment of £30 yearly to St. John's, net yearly value
1623, who erected it during his lifetime, in I648 : there [,282, with 31 acres of glebe and residence, in tlie girt
are 144 sittings, of which so are free. The register dates o~ the Right Hon. Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. and held
from the year 1664. The living is a vicarage, gross smce I8S5 by the Rev. Edmund Hall M.A. of Emmanuel
yearly value £I35, in the gift of T. White esq. and held College, Cambridge. Here are Primitive Methodist and
since I87o by the Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow Price B.A. of Wesleyan chapels. Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. who is lord
St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of and of the manor of Abbot's Hall in this parish, and the
resides at Layer-de-la-Hay. Berechurch Hall, at present Corporation of Colchester are considerable landowners.
unoccupied, is a large and handsome gabled mansion of The parish comprises about 2,350 acres.
red brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style, Parish Clerk, Alfred Warner.
and in 1882 was partially rebuilt on the same site: it
presents on the north side, a bold elevation, 148 feet in GREENSTEAD is an ancient parish in the third ward
length, in the centre of which is the principal entrance, of the borough, east of the town, from which it is
with a heavy projecting canopy, and a wide oriel above it; separated by the Colne. The church of St. Andrew,
at either end is an octagonal turret, with spired roof, which stands on an eminence and commands a very fine
view of the town and ri~er, is an ancient. building of
and a similar but loftier turret rises in the rear: the
dining-room and salon are the only portions of the old stone in the Norman style, and was restored and en-
hall remaining ; the fine carved ceiling and marble larged in I857 at a cost of about £goo; further im·
mantelpieces of the Georgian period beinp. retained : the nrovements were effected in 1884, which resulted in the
house and stables stand in a well-wooded park of Ioo discovery of holes in the tower, pierced, no doubt, by
acres. F. Gordon esq. is lord of the manor and the cannon shot at the time of the siege of Colchester. It
principal landowner. consists of chancel,, south aisle and western tower
Parish Clerk, George Humm. containing one bell : in the chancel is an Easter sepul-
chre : there are 250 sittings. The register of baptisms
LEXDEN (or Lessenden) is a parish in the north ward dates from I677; marriages and burials from I676, and
• of the borough, pleasantly situated about a mile and a it also contains a list of rectors commencing with John
half ·west of the town, the road from London passing de Newberry I362. The living is a rectory, yearly value
from tithe rent-charge £293, with 2 acres of glebe and M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The Baptist chapel,
residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held Parson's Heath, was erected in I8a,5. The area is I,498
since I893 by the Rev. Brent Richard Robert Neville acres.


Post & M. 0. 0., S.B. & Annuity, Insurance & Express Delivery Office, Head st.-Wm. Bostock, postmaster

Branches of Business. W ek Days. Sundays. Ba.nk Holidays.

a.m. p.m. a. m. a. m. a. m. p.m.

For Sale of Postage Stamps, Post Cards. Wrappers, ,.. 7 .o to 1o.o
Registering Letters, Post Restante, & Private Box ~ 7·0 to 10.0 p.m. p.m. 7.0 to 10.0 I

Delivery ............................................................. -: • 5.o to 6.o

Fo~~s~~e! ~~::~~~·t·. ~~. ~~~~~~.. ?.~~~~~'..~ -~~~- ~~~~~-~~~~ } 7.0 to 10.0 Xo Business 7·0 to 10.0
Money Order, Telegraph, Money Order, Savings Bank,
Government Annuity & Insurance Business, Issue of ~ 7.0 to IO.O No Business 7.0 to 12.0
Licences & Inland Revenue Business ·····················~
a. m. a.m.
,.. 8.0 to IO.O
Telegraph Business ................................................. 7.0 to 1o.o p.m. p.m 7.0 to 10.0
• 5.0 to 6.o
Express Delivery of Letters & Parcels .......................... 8.o to 8.o

The Town Sub-Offices at Butt road, Crouch street, County Magistrates for the Petty Sessional
East Hill, High street, Newtown, St. Botolph's, Division of Lexden & Winstree.
Station road & The Hythe, are open on week days
as follow : For sale of postage stamps, registering Penrose William Henry esq. The Rookery, Dedham
letters, money order, postal order, savings bank, S.O. chairman
insurance & annuity, parcel post business & issue ot Bateman John esq. D.L. The Hall, Brightlingsea, Clchstr
licences, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Brett Capt. Edward, Watch house, Wakes Coille, Halstd
The Town Sub-Offices at East Hill, St. Botolph's & The Egerton-Green Horace George esq. D.L. Kingsford,
Hythe are open for telegraph business on week days near Colchester
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. & the Hythe Sub-office is open Egerton-Green C:aude Egerton M.A., D.L. East Hill
on sundays from 8 a.Ih. to Io a.m house, Colchester
Green Lieut.-Colonel Richard Spurgeon, Stonylands,
Inward Mails. Dedham S.O
Letters. Town Delivery, 7, 7·45 & II.45 a.m. ; 3 & Gurdon-Rebow Hector John esq. D.L. Wyvenhoe park,
5·45 p.m. Parcels, 8 & II.45 a.m.; 3 & 5·45 p.m. Colchester
Letters for the Town Delivery may be posted iu the Hawkins Charles Henry, esq. Maitlands, Colchester
Head Office Letter Box & Parcels may be handed Hoare Chas. Richd. Gurney esq. Lexden ho. Colchester
over the counter within IO minutes of the time fixed Ind Capt. James Algernon D.L. White hall, Colchester
for the deliveries to commence. On Sundays, Christ- Kelso Capt. Edward Barrington Purvis R.N., D.L.
mas day, Good Friday & Bank Holidays, there is one Horkes!ey park, Colchester
delivery only, commencing at 7 a.m. Parcels are Lefroy Lieut.-Colonel Augustine Hugh, Boxted lodge,
not delivered on Sundays Colchester
Outward Mails. Macandrew William esq. Westwood house, Little Horkes-
ley, Colchester
Parcels. Latest time of posting, 9·45• 10, 10.45 a.m. ; Round James esq. M.A., M.P., D.L. The Holly Trees,
12 noon; 1.35, 3, 3.20, 4· 15, 6.30, 7· 15 & IO p.m. East hill, Colchester
Letters.-Box closed at, 5-45· 6.35., 9·45· IO. IO Thackeray Lieut.-Col. Charles B.A. Chappel, Halstead
& I0.55 a.m. ; I2 noon, 12.50, I.3o, 3·5• 3.20, 4.20, Wood Charles Page esq. D.L. Wakes hall, Wakes Colne,
5·35, 6.40, 7·I5 & Io p.m.; I & 3 a.m. next morning Halstead
Time of posting in Colchester. 6.35. 8.50 & IO.IO a.m.; Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry William Jones, Town
I2 noon, 1.30, 3.20 p.m.; & x a.m.~ Approximate Hall chambers
time of Delivery in London, n.x5 a.m.; I.x5, 2.15, Petty Sessions are held every· saturday at the Town
4· I5, 5. I5, 9· I5 p.m. & 8. IS a.m hall, Colchester, at I2 o'clock
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insur- Tlie places in the division are Abberton, Aldham, West
ance Offices.-Bergholt road, 9·30, 10.30, II.I5 a.m.; Bergholt, Birch, Brightlingsea, Mount Bures, Boxted,
I2.45, 1.45, 2.45, 4·45• 6, 9 p.m, ; Butt road, 5, Chappel, Wakes Colne, Copford, Dedham, East Dony-
8.30, 9·45• I0.45, 11.30 a.m.; I.I5, 2.I5, 3·I5, s.xs, land, Easthorpe, Fingrinhoe, Fordham, Great Horkes-
6.30, g. IS ; sun. 9· I5 p.m. ; Crouch street, 5, 8.30, ley, Little Horkesley, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer
9·45· 10.45, II.3o a.m.; I.I5, 2.15, 3.I5, 5·I5, 6.3o, Bret<m, Layer-de-la-Hay, Layer Marney, East Mersea.,
9·I5; sun. 9·I5 p.m.; tEast Hill, 5, 8.15, 9.30, 10.3o, West 1\fersea, Peldon, Salcot, Stanway, Great Tey,
II.I$ a.m.; I, 2, 3, 4·45· 6.xs, 9; sun. 9 p.m.;High Marks Tey, Little Tey, Virley, Great Wigborough,
street, 5, 8.30, Io, n, 11.45 a.m.; r.xs, 2.15, 3·I5, s.xs, Little Wigborough, Wivenhoe, Wormingford
6.30, 9.30; sun. 9.30 p.m.; Newtown, 5, 8, 9.30, 10.30,
I 1. IS a.m. ; I, 2, 3, s, 6. 15, 9; sun. 9 p.m. ; tSt. Botolph's
5, 8.30, 9.45, 10.45, II.30 a.m.; 1.15, 2.I5, 3.15, Borough Magistrates.
5, 6.30, 9· IS ; sun. 9· I5 p.m.; Station road, 5, 8.30, 9·30, Benham William Gurney, 15 Lexden road
I0.30, II.I5 a.m.; 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, 4·45, 6. 9•; SUn. 9, Buck William, 2 Lexden road
p.m.; tThe Hythe, 5, 8.xs,, xo.I5, II a.m.; Daniel Joseph Brabrook, West Bergholt
I2.45, 1.45• 2.45, 4·3o. 6. 8.45; sun. 8.45 p.m. Letters Egerton-Green Horace George esq. The Bank
for Colchester fall into deliveries commencing at 7, Francis Abraham Kershaw, 55 Crouch street
II-45 a.m. ; 3· 5·45 p.m.; & 7 a.m. Goody Henry, Glen l\lervyn, Lexden road
~larked thus t are Telegraph & Express Delivery Offices.
Hawkins Charles Henry, l\faitlands
Holroyd Col. Tyssen S. Donyland ldg. East Donyland
::\!ember of Parliament for the Borough. Howard William, Headgate
Capt. Herbert Scarisbrick Naylor-Leyland F.R.G.S., Ind Capt. James Algernon, n\\"''hite hall
F.L.S. Lexden Park, Colchester; Hyde Park house, Kent John, St. Mary's cottage
Albert gate, London S W Laver Henry F.S.A., F.L.S. Head street
Returning Officer, The Mayor ~Iarriage Wilson, Dilbridge hall

Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, 34 Lexden road Port Sanitary Authority.

Moore George, Barrack street The Corporation are the Authority.
Moy Thomas, Stanway hall Clerk, H. C. W anklyn, Town hall
Paxman James, Stisted hall, Braintree Medical Officer of Health, C. A. Squire Ling, Bright.
Sanders Edwin J oseph, 4 Cambridge road lingsea
Watts Lent John, go High street Sanitary lnsP.ector, Police Sergeant Thomas Poole,
Wicks J ames, Dereham place, 2 Lexden road Brightlingsea
Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity street Commissioners under Colchester Navigation Act were
Clerk, Caries Edward Denton, East Stockwell street merged into the Corporation under· the Colchester
Borough Petty Sessions every day (except sunday), Coq~oration Act, 1892
at u o'clock at the Town hall Eastern Military District.
Town Council. Central Offices, Abbey. field.
1893-94· District Staff.
Commanding Eastern District, Maj.-Geu. J. P. Carr Glyn
Mayor-Councillor Henry Goody. Aide-de-Camp, Major Sir Bartle Frere bart. D.S.O.
Deputy Mayor- Rifle Brigade
Assistant Adjutant-General, Colonel A. Peel h.p
High Steward-Rt. Hon. Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. Deputy Assist. Adjutant-Gen. Lieut.-Ool. W. :R. Houiaon-
Recorder-Frederick .A.dolphus Philbrick Q.C. Lamb Craufurd h. p
buildings, Temple, London E. C. Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Lieut.-Col. W.
T. McLeod .A..S.C
Aldermen. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General for Instruction, l.t.-
§Edwin Beard tHorace G. Egerton-Green Col. P. H. Hammond R . .A.
§Henry Hervey Elwes tJames Wicks District Inspector of Musketry, Major A. R. Hermel,
§William Butcher tJames N. Paxman Hampshire Regiment
§Edwin Joseph Sand~rs tHenry Laver Commanding Royal .A.rtilley (Colonel on the Staff), Col.
F. J. Maurice C.B
Councillors. Commanding .A.yxiliary Artillery, Lieut.-Ool. W. V.
North Ward. South Ward. Gregory
Commanding Royal Engineers (Colonel on the Staff), Col.
tBenjamin Revet Cant tGeorge Bowles · C. J. O'N. Ferguson
tFrederick William Friend tThomas Mayhew Bear Senior Ordnance Store Officer, Assistant Commissary-
tJos Brabrook Daniell !Harold Francis General of Ordnance, Major T. J. Kernaghau
tJoseph Grimes tJohn Howe Superintendent of Gymnasia, Capt. R. Brittan, Derl>y-
*S. De La C. .A.blitt *George Moore shire Regiment -
*Wm. Henderson Mackenzie *William Peck Quartermaster, R. H. Robinson (hon. captain), A. S.
East Ward. West Ward.
Ordnance Store Department.
tWilson Marriage tJames Chapman Shenstone Depufy Assistant Commissaries-General of Ordnance,
t Asher Prior tCiaude Egerton-Green Capt. C. S. Keith & Capt. R. H. Taylor, Harwich
tLent Jno. Watts tWilliam Gurney Benham
!Henry Goody fWilliam Bradley Army Pay Department.
*James Frederick Goodey *Ebenezer James Penney District Paymaster, Colonel W. Hughes, chief paymaster
*Henry .A.rnold *E. Thompson Smith Paymasters, Major C. L. Becher, Capt. G. R .. B. Patten
Marked thus t retire in 1894.
Station Pay Office.
Marked thus t ret;re in 18gS. Station Paymaster, Lt.-Col. F. 0. Sargent, Openshaw
Marked thus* retire in 1896. .Army Medical Department.
Marked thus§ retire in 1897.
Surgeon-Major-General, Charles Herve Giraud
Mayor's Auditor, Alderman W. Butcher Brigade Surg.-Lt.-Col. R. H. Carew D.S.O. (com. No. 9
Elective ..Auditors, Charles Henry Thomas Marshall & Co.)
George Frederick Mansell Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. W. P. Gabbett
The ordinary meetings of the corporation & of the Urban Surgeon-Majors, P. H. Johnston, J. G. W. Crofts & E.
Sanitary Authority are held at the Town hall, on ISt 0. Wight; Surg.-Capts. H. Cocks, J. Hickman, G. H.
Wednesday in every month Barefoot & R. H. Hall M.D.; Surg.-Lieuts. A. J. Lat-

& K. B. Barnett M.B
Officers of the Corporation and Urban Sanitary Quartermaster, Lt. E. Lines (No 9 Co)
Authority. Chaplains' Department.
"Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority & Rev. J. Bellord (Catholic), ISt class
Registrar of Borough Courts of Record, Henry Charles Rev. P. F. Raymond M. .A.. 3rd class
Wanklyn, Town hall Rev. E. W. M. Norris M.A. 4th class
Treasurer of the Borough, Charles Richard Gurney Hoare Rev. J. F. Leishman M . .A.. Presbyterian
J.P. Lexden house Rev. W. H. F. Bleby, W esleyan
Accountant, .A.rthur Frederick Gentry, Town hall Army Schools.
Clerk of the Peace, Adolphus Edgar Church, Crouch st
!Boroug!:J. Coroner, .A.dolphus Edgar Church, 30 Crouch st. ; Inspector of Schools, E. C. Bacon, W oolwich

deputy, Charles Edward White, 57 North hill Royal Artillery.
Medical Officer of Health, George Brown-M.D. Head gate Field Artillery.
Borough Surveyor, Herbert Goodyear .A..M.I.C.E. Stan-
well street 52 Battery Major W. N. Lloyd
Public Analyst, William Chattaway F.I. C. Apothecary's 79 Battery Major. S. Watson
hall, Blackfriars, London E C Volunteers.
Chief Constable of Borough Police, Richard Olibar 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, Drill hall, Stan-
Coombs, Town hall well street, C & D Co.'s, Capt. W. Paxmun, com-
Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Pope, Osborne street mandant; P. W. Cross, 2nd Lieut. ; J. W. Oqok M.D.
Inspector of Weights & Measures, Hackney Carriages & surgeon-captain
under the Sale of Food & Drugs Act & Explosives & Colchester Union.
Petroleum Acts, Richard Olibar Coombs, Town hail
Veterinary Inspector, Peter S. Cowan M.R.C.V.S. St. Board day, every tuesday, at u a.m. at the Board room,
John street ·
Town Serjean't, Joseph Ramplin, Town hall The Union comprises the sixteen parishes of the borough.
Crier, James Simpson, Middleborough viz. : All Saint.s, Berechurch, Greenstead, Holy
Conservators, Henry Wisbey, Alfred John Harwood, Trinity, Lexden, Mile End, St. Boto1ph, St. Giles, St
Abra'ham Kers'haw Francis & Edgar Sands Daniell James, St. Leonard, St. Martin, St. Mary-at-tne-Walls.
Collector of District Rates, Edmund Henry Nixon, Town St. Mary Magdalen, St. Nicholas, St~ Peter & St. Run-
hall wald
Bathing Place Attendant & Inspector of Outdoor Workers The population of the Union in 189I was 34,559; area.
under the Workshops & Factory Act, C. Humphries, u,331 .acres; rateable value in 1894, £n6,623
Cromwell road Clerk to the Guardians & Assessmen~ Committee,
Keeper of Becrea'tion Ground, D. Verlander, 2 Pond lane .A.lexgnder Miller White, 57 North hill
Treasurer. Horace George Egerton-Green J.P., l).L. Rural Sanitary Authority.
banker Meets at Board room, Stanway, monthly on wednesday
Guardians' Collector, George Robert Mitchell, 44 Crow- at 12 noon.
burst road Clerk. Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria chambers, West
.Believing Officers, ISt district, Arthur Edwin Pnrkiss, Stockwell street
32 Crowliurst road; 2nd district, Thomas Bunting, 21 Treasurer, Horace George Egerton-Green esq. The Bank,
Roman road Colchester
·vaccination Officers, 1st ward, Waiter Scargill, 43 North Medical Officer of Health, John William Cook :M.D.
Station road; 2nd ward, Arthur Edwin Pur kiss, 32 Thistledean, Crouch street, Colchester
Crowhnrst road ; 3rd ward, Th'Omas Bunting, 21 Sanitary Inspector, John Henry Pettitt, Lexden
Roman road -
1\fed.ical Officers, district, J onathan Becker M. B. 15 School Attendance Committee.
Queen street; 2nd district, Willigm Augustus May- Clerk, Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria chambers, West
ibury M.D., M.Ch. 9 West Stockwell street; 3rd dis- Stockwell street
trict, Joseph :Michael Ryan M.B. 85 East hill Attendance Officers & Inquiry Officers are the same as
'Public Vaccinator, Henry Laver F.S.A., F.L.S. Head st Relieving Officers
Superintendent Registrar, Alex. Miller "White, 57 North Public Establishments.
hill; deputy, Charles Edward Whit~, 57 North hill
::Registrars of Marriages, J ames Gosnell Bryan, Castle Borough Police Office, Town hall, West Stockwell street;
road; Charles Barton, High street; deputy, Thomas Richard Olibar Coombs, chief constable; the force con~
Garland, St. John's street sists of 2 inspectors, 6 sergeants & 31 men
;Registrars of Births & Deaths, 1st ward, sub-district, Cattle Market, William Charles White, collector
Thomas John Railing, Winnock lodge; deputy, George Cemetery, Mersea road; Wallace P. Buttrum, superin-
F. Clark, 3 St. John'ti street; 2nd ward, sub-district, tendent; offices, 30 Queen street; Arthnr S. B. Spar-
Arthur Edward Purkiss, 32 Crowhurst road; 3rd ward, ling, clerk to the burial board
sub-district, Thomas Bunting, 21 Roman roai! Church of England Soldiers' Institute, St. Botolph's
'The Workhouse, on the west side of Balkerne hill, & street; Miss Bawtree, lady superintendent
erected at a cost of £w,ooo, is a large building of County Court, Town hall, High street, His Honor Wil-
white brick, capable of receiving 378 inmates ; an in- liam Patter son, judge; Henry Goody, registrar; Charles
firmary for 5o patients, subsequently added, has cost Godfrey, high bailiff; George Henry Page, bailiff;
£2,1oo; Thomas Henry Hughes, master; Rev. John office, 8 Church street north; open from 10 to 4•
Thomas B.A. chaplain; Henry Laver F.S.A., F.L.S. except thursdays, when the office closes at r. The
m.edical officer; Mrs. Hughes, matron; Miss Burgess, offices of the County Court are also the District Re-
:School mistress gistry of the Supreme Court. The court is held
twice a month ; it comprises within its district the
Lexden & Winstree Union. following places : Aldham, Alresford, Ardleigh, Ab-
Board day, alternate wednesdays at the Board room at berton, West Bergholt, Great Birch, Little Birch, Box-
Stanwar. _ ted, Great Bentley, Little Bentley, Brightlingsea,
Great Bromley, Little Bromley, Chappel, Copford,
This Union contains thirty-six parishes within the Lex- Great Clacton, Little Clacton, ClMton-on-Sea, Dedham,
den & Winstree hundred, viz. :-Abberton, Aldham, East Donyland, East Thorpe, Elmstead, Feering,
Birch, Boxted, Chappel or Pontisbright, Copford, Ded- Ford~am, Frating, Fingringhoe, Great Horkesley,
llam, East Donyland, Easthorpe, East Mersea, Fingring- Little Horkesley, Kelvedon, Langham, Lawford, Layer
boe, Fordham, Great Horkesley, Great Tey, Great Wig-
borough, Inworth, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer Breton, Breton, Layer-de-la-Hay, Langenhoe, Layer Marney,
Marks Tey, East Mersea, West Mersea, Mount Bures,
Leyer-de-la-Hey, Layer Marney, Little Horkesley, Little
Tey, Little Wigborough, Marks Tey, Messing, Mount Manningtree, Messing, Nayland, Saint Osyth, Peldon,
1Jures, Peldon, Salcot, Stanway, Virley, Wakes Colne, Stanway, Salcot, Great Tey, Litle Tey, Thorrington,
West Bergholt, West Mersea, Wivenhoe & ·worming- Virley, Wakes Colne, Wivenhoe, Wormingford, Great
ford. The population of the union in 1891 was 21,590; Wigborough, Little Wigborough & W eeley
area, 71,036 acres; rateable value in 1894, £94,226 The court has bankruptcy jurisdiction extending over
the County Court districts of Colchester, Halstead,
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment_ Committee, Charles Harwich & Sudbury; C. Mercer, senior official re-
Hardy Tompson, Victoria chambers, '\Vest Stockwell ceiver, 95 Temple chambers, London E C; Frederick
street, Colchester Messent, official receiver
'Treasurer, Horace George Egerton-Green esq. D.L., J.P. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress
The Bank, Colchester Amendment Act," Ernest Stanley Beard, Head gate;
Believing & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Arthur Kemp Boggis, 6 North hill; Charles Maurice
Guardians, No. I district, Louis R. Alen, Boxsted; Stanford, 23 High street; Henry Grimwade & Robert
No. 2 district, Edwin C. Bonner, Wivenhoe; No. 3 G. Craske, Head street; Alfred J esse Prior, Eld lane;
district, James Knaples Houlding, Stanway Edgar Lingwood, 3 St. Botolph street; Isaac William
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 2 district, Godwin, Chapel street; E. Howe, Maldon road & G.
Samuel Nathaniel Squire, Wivenhoe; No. 3 district, Welton, Stanwell street, Colchester; Edwin Joseph
Herbert Charles Faulke L.R.C.P.Edin. West Mersea; Gilders, Adolphus W. Huxter & Frederick Josiah
No. 4 district, John Henry Salter, Tolleshunt D'Arcy; Nunn, Clacton-on-Sea
No. 5 district, Henry Laver M.R.C.S.Eng., F.S.A., County Police Station for the Division of Colchester,
F.L.S. Colchester; No. 6 district, Henry Hart L.R.C.P. Ipswich road, Herbert George Ackers, superintendent;
Edin. Birch; No. 7 district, C. E. Drayson Maile 3 inspectors, 8 sergeants & 47 constables
L.RC.P.Edin. Dedham; No. 8 district, Henry Drake Custom House, 34 Hythe hill, Edward George Jeffery,
Palm er, Nayland; No. 9 district, Charles James Worts, collector & registrar of shipping; J oseph Ritson,
Fordham; No. 10 district, John Tayl()r, Earle's Colne; clerk & examining officer; Robert L. Jeffries, examin-
Messing district, Richard Galpin, Kelvedon ing officer; Daniel Kirkbright, outdoor examining
.Superintendent Registrar, Charles Hardy Tompson, Vic- officer; Charles Collis, outdoor examining officer at
toria chambers, West Stockwell st.; deputy, Rowland Brightlingsea; W. G. Bultitude, Willie Tracey, W. H.
Richard Edwards, 33 St. John's street, Colchester Harris, C. Colleer, A. J. Nash & George A. Flatman,
Begistrars of Births & Deaths Fordham sub-district, boatmen at Brightlingsea
Louis R. Alen, Boxsted; deputy, George T. Alt, Ford- Drill Hall, Stanwell street
ham; Peldon sub-district, E. C. Bonner, Wivenhoe; Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots & Imbeciles, The
deputy, Thomas W. Goodwin, Wivenhoe; Stanway Marquess of Bristol, chairman; Admiral Luard C. B.
.sub-district, J. K. Houlding, Stanway; deputy, A. vice-chairman ; Horace G. Egerton Green, treasurer ;
Gosling, Stanway; Wivenhoe sub-district, George Sir Frederic Bateman M.D., LL.D. consulting physi-
Parker, Brightlings_ea; deputy, l\'-alter H. Parker, cian; Sir George :Murray Hnmphry M. D., F.R.S.
Brigh tlingsea Robert Francis Symmons & E. A. Hunt L.R.C.P.
Registrars of Marriages, William Griffiths, Dedham; Edin. consulting surgeons; Gerald Sichel M.R.C.S.
deputy, Ernest George Brown, West Bergholt; Edwin Eng., L.RC.P. Lond. resident medical attendant; John
C. Banner, Wivenhoe; dep. Frdk. Griffiths, 1Vivenhoe J. C. Turner, resident superintendent & secretary;
Workhouse, in Stanway parish, built at a cost of £6,8oo, :Mrs. Turner, matron
to hold 330 inmates ; Alfred Gosling & wife, master &, Essex & Colchester General Hospital, Lexden road, Lord
matron; Rev. Eustace H. Crate, chaplain; Henry Carlingford, president; Horace G. Egerton Green &
Laver F.S.A., F.L.S. medical officer; :\Iiss Jessie L., Charles R. Gurney Hoare, treasurers; James Round
Rice, schoolmistresa :\I.P. & W. J\Iacandrew J.P. auditors; Alexander Tral-
lace M.A., M. D. & Edward L. Fenn M.D. physicians; St. Botolph, St. Botolph street, Rev. John Reginald Cor-
Robert Francis Symmons, consulting surgeon ; Henry bett M. A. vicar; Rev. Richard Henry Marsh M.A.
Laver F.S.A., F.L.S. E. Warts & Edgar Atlee curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 2.45 p.m. (children's service)
Hunt L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeons; E. A. Dixon, dentist; & 7 p.m. ; daily, 5 p.m. except wed. 8 p.m
Percy Coleman M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., B.M. surgeon; St. Giles', St. John's green, Rev. William Henry Waraell
Rev. William White La Barte M. A. chaplain; Charles M. A. rector; Rev. Luther Henry Boswall B.A. curate;
E. Bland, secretary, 35 Crouch street; Miss Mary E. I I a.m. & 3 (1st sun.) & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. & wed.
Brough, matron & fri. 11 a.m. ; saints' days, n a.m. & 8 p.m
Fire Engine Station, Lion walk; keys at Essex & Suffolk St. James', East hill, Rev. John Albert Kershaw M.A.
Fire Office, High street & at Police station rector; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 (last sun.) & 7 p.m. ; wed •.
Inland Revenue Office, 6o High street; F. W. Statham, 8 p.m
surveyor; Henry Grimes, supervisor; Henry Rains- St. John the Evangelist, Ipswich rd. Rev. Jn. Freeman-
ford & W. W. Harris, officers King B. A. vicar; times of service, various
Museum, The Castle, Frederick Spalding, curator & St. Leonard, Hythe hill, Rev. Henry Trimmer Osborne
librarian M.A. rector; 8 & 11 a.m. & 3 (alternate sun.) & 7
New Corn Exchange, High street, H. H. Elwes, sec.; p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Frederick Thomas Peek, superintendent St. Leonard, Lexden, Rev. Prebendary John Henry·
Public Hall, x66 High street, H. F. Nash, sec Lester M.A. rector; 8 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m
St. James' Orphanage, East hill, 1fiss Carolina Clara St. Martin, West Stockwell street, Rev. Henry Percy
Jones, matron Williams M.A. rector; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.;..
Soldiers' Home & Institute, Queen street, Miss Daniell thurs. 8 p.m. & daily 6 p.m
Stamp Office, General Post Office, Head street, William St. Mary Magdalene, Magdalene street, Rev. Josepli
Bostock, distributor Rogerson Cotter B.A. rector; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. >
Theatre Royal, Queen street, Colchester Theatre Royal thurs. 7.30 p.m
Co. Limited, proprietors; Wallace Erskine & Charles St. Mary-at-the-Walls, Church street, Rev. Canon John
Macdona, lessees & managers William Irvine M. A. rector; Rev. Robert Andrew
Town Hall, High street, John Marsh, keeper Mitchell B. A. curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ;
Clubs. daily, 8.30 a.m. & 5 p.m
St. Michael, Berechurch, Rev. Thomas 0. Price B.A.
Colchester, 7 High street, W. H. Short, sec vicar; I I a.m. & 3 p.m. respectively on alternate-
Conservative, Head street, committee of management, sundays
H. Gordon Scott & Charles E. Benham; Waiter Pitt, St. Michael & All Angels, Mile end, Rev. Edmund Hall
steward M.A. rector; Rev. Jesse Brett L.Th. curate; 7.30 &.
Liberal, High street, H. F. Nash, sec 11 a.m.. & 3 & 7 p.m.; saints' days, 7.30 a.m. &.
St. Runwalds, High street, W. H. Short, sec 1·30 p.m
Masonic. St. Nicholas-cum-St. Runwald, High street, Rev. Her~
Angel L0dge (No. 51), held at the Cups hotel, 4th bert Cooper M.A. rector; I I a. m. & 7 p.m.; wed.
thurs. in Jan. Feb. March, April, May, June, Oct. Nov. 7·30 p.m
& Dec. 7 p.m. ; Thomas J. Railing, sec St. Paul, Belle Vue road, Rev. William Frederick Cle-
United Lodge (No. 697), George hotel, wed. on or before ments Th.A.K.C.L. 1st sunday in month & great fes-
full moon, monthly, 7 p.m. ; Thomas Rix, sec tivals 7, 10.15 & n a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; other sundays
Patriotic Chapter (No. 51), The Cups hotel, second thurs. 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ; daily, 9 a.m. & 5 :.
Feb. May, Aug. & Nov.; Thomas J. Railing, scribe E thurs. 7.30 & 8 a.m. & 5 p.m.; saints' days, 7.30.
Constantine Mark Lodge, held at the Cups hotel, second & 8 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. except saturday, when it is at.
thurs. in Jan. April, July & Oct.; Thos. J. Railing, sec 5 p.m
St. Peter, North hill, Rev. James Marshall Laycock M.A.
Public Officers. vicar; Rev. Edward Miller, curate; I I a.m. & 7 p.m. ;-
.Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Henry Farmer, 106 High st wed. 7.30 p.m
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Edward Addison Chapel of Ease to St. Giles', St. Barnabas, Old Heath,.
L.K.Q.C.P. Irel. 4 Head street 3 p.m.; (last sun.) 11 a.m. & 3 p.m
Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Assessed Taxes & Garrison, Military road, senior chaplain, Rev. Philip
to the Commissioners of Income & Property Taxes for Foster Raymond (Church of England); 8, 10.30 &
the Division of Colchester, Jas. Wm. Potter, Trinity st 11.40 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Lexden & Presbyterian in Garrison Library, 8.30 a.m
Winstree Division, Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria Catholic , , 9 a.m. & 5 p.m
chambers St. James, Catholic, Priory street, Rev. Cornelius James
Clerk, Solicitor & Registrar to Burial Board, .Arthur Biale, priest; mass, 9 & 11 a. m. ; evening service, 7
S. B. Sparling, 30 Queen street p.m. ; daily mass, 8 a.m. ; holidays of obligation, mass,
Collectors of Poor's Rates, for the parishes of Holy 8 & 10 a.m. ; fri. rosary & benediction, 8 p.m
Trinity, St. Mary-at-the-Walls, St. Giles', St. Botolph's Friends' Meeting House, Sir Isaac's walk, 10.30 a.m. & 7
& Berechurch, James Woodroffe, 4 Crouch street; p.m.; wed. 10.30 a.m
for the parishes of St. Peter's, St. Martin's, St. Run- Baptist, St. John's green, no regular minister; 10.25
wald's, Myland & Lexden, Henry Wisbey, North Station a.m. & 6.30 p.m
road; for the parishes of St. James', St. Nicholas, Baptist, Eld lane, Rev. Edward Spurrier; 10.30 a.m. &.
St. Leonard, All Saints, Mary Magdalen & Green- 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & wed. 8 p.m
stead, William John Baldry, 5 Castle road Baptist, Parson's heath, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
Collector of Queen's Taxes, Henry Farmer, 106 High st Congregational, Lion walk, Rev. Thomas Robinson B.A..
Coroner for the Sokens Division of the County, Adolphus 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Edgar Church, 30 Crouch street; deputy, A. M. White Congregational, East Stockwell street, Rev. Thomas
District Registrar of the High Court of Justice & Deputy Batty; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Judge in Bankruptcy, Henry Goode, I North mill Congregational (Headgate), Chapel street, Rev. Hugh
Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act McKay; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
for Lexden & Winstree Division, Peter Stalker Cowan The Brethren, Assembly rooms, Culver street; I I a.m.
M.R.C.V.S. I~ St. John's street & at Sir Isaac's walk, 7 p.m.; fri. 7 p.m
Inspector of We1ghts & Measures under the Sale of Food Primitive Methodist, Artillery street, Rev. Samuel

& Drugs Act, for Colchester District, Herbert George Willetts, minister; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m; thurs.
Ackers, Police station, Ipswich road 7.30 p.m.
Med~cal Officer ~f Health, Tendring Rural Sanitary. Dis- Primitive Methodist (Ebenezer), Nunns cut; 10.30 a.m.
tnct, John Will Cook M.D., M.R.C.S. Eng. Thistle-! & 6.30 p.m
dean, Crouch street I Primitive Methodist, Lexden, 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30
Supe~intend~nt of Co~nty Police, Herbert George Ackers, p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
Police statwn, Ipsw1ch road Primitive Methodist, Mile end
Places of Worship, with times of services. Wesleyan, Culver street, Revs. Edwin Octavius Coleman
.All Saints, High street, Rev. George Gibson Brown M.A. & William H. Bleby, ministers; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30
rector; 8.30 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; daily 8.30 a.m. p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
wed. 8 p.m Wesleyan, Hythe, Revs. Edwin Octavius Coleman &
Holy Trinity, Trinity street, Rev. John Bush Early M.A. William H. Bleby; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m; wed.
rector; I I a.m. & 7 p.m. & 3 p.m. se~ond sunday in 7.30 p.m
each month Gospel Hall, North Station road, 6.30 p.m.; thurs.
St. Andrew, Greenstead, Rev. Brent R. Neville M.A. 7.30 p.m
rector; n a.m. & 3 p.m Mission hall, Colnebank road, 3 & 6.45 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m
... .-.


Colchester G<lspel Band, Queen street, 11 a.m. & 3 & 7 Catholic, Priory street, built in 187o, for about 120
p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m children ; average attendance, 120 ; Sisters of Mercy
Salvation Army, St. John's avenue Wesleyan (mixed), Culver street, built in 1869, & en-
larged in 1888, for 6oo children; average attendance,
Schools. 568 ; H. E. Shaw, head master & 6 assistant masters
The Royal Free Grammar School, in the Lexden road, Wesleyan, Hythe hill, for 213 children; average attend-
was founded by the bailiffs & commonalty of this I ance, 204; Miss Sarah Jane Ward, mistress
town, pursuant to a grant of Queen Elizabeth in 1583 Industrial Home for Training Girls for Service, 55 East
:renewing one previously made by Henry V liT. in hill, built in 186o & since enlarged, for 12 girls;
:1539 and was instituted for sixteen scholars (sons of Miss Simpkin matron
free burgesses of the borough), who received a classical
-education; by an alteration of the statutes made in Newsl'apers.
.:r844, the number of scholars on the foundation was Clacton Gazette & Visitors' List, 24 High street; Ben-
extended to twenty; these are nominated by the town ham & Co. proprietors & publishers ; published wed-
.council, who also appoint the master ; there are now nesday m01·ning. See advertisement
36 scholars; a school-house of large dimensions, with Colchester Gazette, Benham & Co. 24 High street,
a residence for the head master, was ere\!ted in the props. & publishrs.; published wed. morning. See advt..
__year 1852, on a healthy & commanding site on the Colchester Mercury, 6 Head street, Wright & Sons, -pro-
road to Lexden; the Rev. John Thomas B.A. of Trinity prietors & publishers ; published friday. See advert
College, Dublin, is head master Essex County Standard, West Suffolk Gazette & Eastern
.A.lbert School of Art & Science, Old Corn exchange, Counties Advertiser, 24 High street, Benham & Co .
High street, founded November, 1S75; Charles Edward proprietors & publishers; published fri. evening for
• Baskett, head master ; S. B. Daniell, hon. sec sat. See advert
J:Hue Coat & Central National, St. Helen's lane, founded Essex Telegraph, 6 Head street, Wright & Sons, pro-
in 1709, rebuilt in I86I & chiefly supported by volun- prietors & publishers; published tues. & sat. See advt
tary subscriptions; there are now 430 boys & I So Walton Gazette & Visitors' List, 24 High street; Benham
,.girls; 74 boys & 44 girls being clothed from funds & Co. proprietors & publishers ; published wednesday
_supplied by an endowment & subscriptions ; Edward morning. See advertisement
North, head master; Wm. Quinton Brown, second East Anglian Daily Times, branch, 53 North hill
master ; Miss A. E. May, mistress Railway Stations (Great Eastern).
A School Board of 11 members was formed 3 June, 1S92; Colchester, "\Villiam Blatch, station master
the board meet in the Town Hall the last friday in St. Botolph's, Frederick William Swann, station masteJ.
each month at 8 p.m.; Charles Ed. Denton, Stockwell Hythe, Edward Matthew Pierce, station master; Henry
street, clerk to the board ; Charles Stone, Braiswick, Benjamin Le Good, goods agent
school attendance officer ; & new schools are in course
of erection in North street, Barrack street, & Old Conveyances.
Heath, & the board has taken over the following Omnibus to & from the RailWay station, Mile end-
National schools:- From Cups hotel, Red Lion hotel & George hotel, to
Eoard Schools:- meet every train
.Priory street (mixed & infants), built in IS52, for 475 Nayland-Norfolk (omnibus), from the Waggon & Horses
children; average attendance, 470; John Ebenezer North hill & Railway station, Mile end, daily, arrives
Roff, master; Mrs. W. R. Hazell, infants' mistress at 9 & 3·45 p.m. leaves at I I a.m. & 4.20 p.m. &
.Stanwell street, opened in 1873, for 239 children; every sat. arrives at 9 a.m. & I p.m. & leaves at 11
average attendance, 166; Henry John Skingly, master a. m. & 5 p.m
()sborne street (infants), built in 1S7o, for I40 children; Sutton & Co. (C. L. Mead, agent), S Crouch street
average attendance, 140; Miss Georgina Newman, Foster & Co. (C. E. Rice, agent, High street
mistress Pickford & Co. (Wm. Joseph Sadd, agent), 131 High st
.;East street (girls), built in IS6I, for 130 children; Carriers, with inns they call at & days of departure.
average attendance, 74; Miss Hannah "\Vheeler, mistress Abberton-Christmas, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, mon.
-:East Stockwell street (infants), built in I871, for So wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 4
children; average attendance, 67 ; Miss Cornelia Alresford-Day, ' Sea Horse,' High street, mon. wed.
Satchell, mistress fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
])Jational Schools: Ardleigh-Bantick, 'Castle,' High street, mon. thurs. &;
Magdalen street (boys), built in 1859, for 150 children; sat. arrives at 4 & leaves at 5.30
average attendance, 14S; Fredk. Hary Sanger, master Bentley &c.-Mills, 'Angel,' High street, tues. thurs. &
Kendal road (girls), built in I8go, for ISo children; sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30; James, 'Sea.
.average attendance, ISI; Miss Florence Slack, mistress Horse,' High street, mon. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at
Xendal road (infants), built in I89o, for I72 children; II.JO a.m. & leaves at 4 p.m
average attendance I74; Miss Edith Fletton, mis~ress Bergholt (East)-Beeston, 'Angel,' High street, wed. &
~t. James' (infants), East hill, bnilt in 1S59, for 200 sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30
chiUren; average attendance, I20; Miss Jl,filne, mist Bergholt (West)-Moss, 'Lamb,' High street, daily,
St. Leonard's (mixed), Hythe hill, erected in 1S69 arrives at 11 & leaves at 4; Leggett, 'Fleece,' Head
·at a cost of £700; enlarged in 1SS5, for 300 children; street, daily, except tues. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4
average attendance, 2I5; Miss Lena A. B. Jones, Birch Whyatt, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street wed.
mistress & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4; Prior 'Bull,'
St. 1\Iary-at-the-Walls (infants), Balkerne lane, erected Crouch street, mon. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12
in I864, for 130 children; average attendance, I30; &; leaves at 4
Miss Annie Ellis, mistress Boxford-Beeston, 'Angel,' High street, wed. & sat .
.St. Giles' (infants'), Old heath, built in 1S74, for 70 arrives at 12 &; leaves at 5
children; average attendance, 57; Mrs. Julia Annie Boxted-Munson, 'Angel,' High street, mon. wed. fri.
Gibling, mistress; the school-room is used as a chapel & sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4
.of ea<>e to the parish church Braintree Spooner, 'Bull,' Couch street, tues. & sat.
l.file End (Myland), built with teachers' residence, in arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
187I, partly with the materials of the old church, Brightlingsea-Day, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mon. wed.
& enlarged in 1SS4, for 176 children; average attend- fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4; Hird, 'Angel,'
ance, 176; Frederick Reichter, master High st. tues. thurs. & sat. arrive 12, & leaves at 4
St. Pauls (infants'), Belle Vue road, erected in IS75, Bures-Clark, 'Waggon & Horses,' North hill, tues.
for 150 children; average attendance, 146; Miss Sabra thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
Fnnklin, mistress Bromley (Little)-Barker, 'Angel,' High street, tues.
-Greenstead (St. Andrew), built in r8SI & enlarged in thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 & h•aves at 4-30
I893 for 120 children; average attendance, So; master Bromley (Great)-:\lills, 'Angel,' High street, tues, thurs.
vacant; l\liss Ada Granger, infants' mistress & sat. arrives 12 & leaves at 4
'St. John's, Ipswich road, built in 1864, for 94 children; Chappel-Everitt, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mon. wed. &
average attendance, 45 ; l\liss Collier, mistress sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 -
.Parson's Heath (mixed), erected in I889 & enlarged Clacton-Bennett, 'Swan,' High street, wed. & sat.
'in 1893, for 100 children; Miss A. Tottendell, mistress; arrives at 11 & leaves at 4; Riches, 'Angel,' High
:.Mlii M.a.bel Bradley, infants' mistress street, tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at
Lexden, built in 1841, & enlarged in 1893 for 200 4; Block, 'Angel,' High street, mon. wed. & sat.
children; average attendance, 160; Frederick James arrives at 12 & lPa>es at 4
l\Iotum, master; Miss Adelaide Webb, mistress; Miss Goggeshall-Hunwick, 'Bull,' Crouth street, mon. wed.
:Ellen Lee, infants' mistress & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4
Colne Engaine Bartholomew, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch Nayland, Stoke & Great Horkesley-Norfolk, 'Wagon &
street, sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4 Horses,' North hill, daily, arrives at 9 a.m. & 3·45
Copford &; Stanway-Brazier, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch p.m. & leaves at I I a.m. & 4.20 p.m. & every sat.
street, sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4 arrives at 9 a.m. & I p.m. & leaves at II a.m. & 5 p.m
Donyland & Rowhedge J ones & Harris, 'Prince of Wales,' Oakley (Great)-Keeble, 'Swan,' High street, mon. wed.
Magdalene street, daily, arrives at 2 & leave at 5 & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4.30
Earls Colne Bartholomew, 'Horse & Groom,' CroJ].ch Peldon & Wigborough-Christmas, ' Plough,' 1\Iagdalen
street, sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4 street, mon. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4-
Fordham Barker, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, mon, Rowhedge Peacock, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, daily,.
wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4.30; Death, arrives at I & leaves at 5
'Bull,' Crouch street, tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I2 St. Osyth &c.-Cole, 'Castle,' High street, daily, except
& leaves at 4 friday, arrives at 11 & leaves at 4
Frating-James, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mon. wed. Salcot Lawrence, 'Essex .Arms,' Essex street, sat.
fri. & sat. arrives at II.30 & leaves at 4 arrives at I2 & leaves at 5
Great Bentley & Elmstead-James, 'Sea Horse,' High Stratford St. Mary (Suffolk)-Buckle, 'Swan,' High st ..
st. mon. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at II.30 & leaves at 4 wed. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 5 ; Beeston, ' .Angel,'
Harwich & Oakley-Parker, from 'Angel,' mon. tues·. High street, wed. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 5
thurs. & sat. arrives at II.30 & leaves at 4 Tey (Great)-Percival 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street,.
Holland (Great) Moles, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mon. sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
wed. & sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4 Thorpe-le-Soken Moles, ' Sea Horse,' High street, mon.
Ipswich-Buckle, ' Swan,' High street, wed. & sat. wed. & sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4; Parker,.
arrives at I2 & leaves at _') ' Angel,' High street, tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at;
Kelvedon, Witham & Chelmsford-Moore, 'Horse & 12 & leaves at 4
Groom,' Crouch street, wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I2 Tiptree-Bennett, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, tues~
& leaves at 4 & sat. arrives at n & leaves at 4
Langham-Cason, ' Castle,' High street, mon. wed. & Tollesbury-Weavers, 'Bull,' Crouch street, tues. thurs-..
sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4 & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4 ; .Anthony, 'Essex
Layer Marney Whyatt, ' Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, .Arms,' Essex street, wed. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves
wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 at 4; Weavers, 'Bull,' Crouch street, tues. thurs. kr
Layer Breton Burmby, ' Essex .Arms,' Essex street, sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4
mon. wed. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4.30; Whyatt, Tolleshunt, Tiptree &c. Dennis, from 'Bull,' Crouch
'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, wed. & sat. arrives street, wed. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4
at I2 & leaves at 4 Walton Kirby & Great Holland-Grant, 'Castle,' Higli
Little Horkesley-Bullock, 'Waggon & Horses,' North st. tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4
hill, tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at 10.30 a.m. & Waltoll\-1e-Soken Grant, 'Casjj}e,' High street, tues.
leaves at 2 p.m thurs. & sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4
Maldon-Ewers, 'Bull,' Crouch street, sat. arrives at 11 Weeley & Great Bentley-Mills, '.Angel,' High street,.
& leaves at 3 tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4.30
1\Ianningtree Hunwick, 'Castle,' High street, wed. & Wivenhoe-Wyatt, 'Angel,' High street, daily, arrives at..
sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4 I2 & leaves at 4; Cole, ' Swan,' High street, daily,
Mersea (East) Underwood, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30
tues. thurs. fri. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 5 Wormingford-Sach, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mon. wed-
Mersea (West)-Rudlin, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, mon. thurs. fri. & sat. arrives at Io & leaves at 4; Leggett.
wed. thurs. fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5 ; 'Fleece,' daily, arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
Cudmore, 'Plough,' mon. wed. & sat. arrives at I2
& leaves at 5 Water Conveyance.
Messing-Hart, ' White Hart,' Crouch street, tues. &
sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4.30 To London-Beckwith & Co.'s steam packets twice weekly
1\Iistley-Hunwick, ' Castle,' High street, wed. & sat. between the Hythe, Colchester & Black Eagle wharf,.
arrives at I I & leaves at 4 London
FRIV.t.TE RESIDENTS. Baker William, 5 Provident place Beckwith Jsph. Hawkins, 42 Hythe bl
.Abbott Edmund Freeman, I Chapel st Baldry Frederick, 1 Salisbury road Bedwell John Robert, 65 High street
.Ablitt Snmmersett De La Cour, Mal- Bale Major John Edward, I I Gray rd Bedwell Misses, 55 North hill
don house, Wellesley road Balls Miss, 9 Salisbury road Bedwell Mrs . .Arthur, 72 High street
Adams Adam, 20 Culver street Balls Samuel, 40 Salisbury road Benham Ohas·. Edwin, 45 Wellesley rd.
.Adams Alfred, 77 East hill _ Barber Alfred R. IO Wcllesley road Benham Gurney, IS Lexden road
.Addison Chas. Edward, 4 Head street Barber Benjamin, I9 Maldon road Benham Mrs. Stuarts, 3 Culver st
.Ager .Arthur Mark, 7 Culver street Barber James, I2 St. John's street Bennett Thomas Wm. I .Abbey Gate st
.Aggio Hy. Willoughby, Head Gate ho Barford Charles, 6I Military road Benwell Misses, 2 Winnock road
.Agnew John, I3 Meyrick crescent, Barker Ellis, 4I Balkerne lane Bewers Charles, 4 Provident place
M€rsea road Bark€r Frederick Charles, IO Meyrick Biale Rev. Cornelius James (Catholic)..
.Aldis Robt. Wm. 76 North Station rd crescent, Mersea road Presbytery, Priory street
.Aldridge .Alien Garnies, go Barrack st Barnard Mrs. 46 Maldon road Birch Mrs. I6 North hill
.Allan Lieut.·Col. Crawford Lewin, 30 Barnes Mrs. so Maldon road Birkett Thomas, I23 Winnock road
" Creffield road Barrett Mrs. I u Winnock road Bishop Miss, 55 Lexden road
.Allen George, 2I Maldon road Baskett Chas. Edwd. I4 Hospital road Bland Charles Edward, Balkerne hili
.Alston Mrs. IO Elstow terrace, Cref- Bather Miss, 66 North Station road Bland Christor>her Jn. 24 Wimpole la
field road Batterham Mrs. gi Crouch street Bland William Henry, St. Runwalds,..
.Anderson Robert, 6 Cambridge road Batty Rev. Thomas (Congregational), M~ldon road
.Anthony Alfred, Inglewood, Beacons· so Crouch street Blaxill Edwin Fredk. I04 High street-
field avenue Baughan James, II Salisbury road Bleby Rev. William H. (Wesleyan
.Appleby George, 92 Winnock road Bawden Mrs. 7 Gladstone road chaplain to the Forces), 23Roman rd
Appleby Robert, 22 Hythe hill Bawtree John, 9 Beverley road Blomfield Mrs. 22 Military road
.Appleby Williamr- I Papillon road Bawtree :Misses, 23 Queen street Blood William R. 20 Gladstone. road
.Ardley Mrs. SI Wimpole lane Baxter Benjamin, 30 Military road Blowers Miss, 2 Church street north
.Arnold Henry, I4 Lion walk Baylis James, 20 Roman road Blyth Daniel, 8 Provideht place
.Ashby Roger, 4 Rawstorn road Beach Mrs. so Wellesley road Blyth John George, I7 North hill
Asten John, 48 North hill Bear Thomas M. 9 Wellesley road Blyth Mrs. 21 Castle road
.Attwood George Ethelred, The Limes, Beales Mrs. so South street Boby Mrs. 36 Crouch street
Sir Isaac's walk Beard Edwin, 26 Lexden road Boggis .Arthur Kemp, .Avondale villa',.
.Ayers .Arthur W. P. 9 Head street Beard Ernest Stanley, 5 Oxford road Inglis road
Bacon Mrs-. 5 Beverley road Beard Reginald Benj. 2 St. John's st Bolton·flmith Miss, 6 Victoria road
Bagshaw Leonard .Alfd. IIGladston~:~ rd Becher Maj. Cecil Leycester (pay- Bond Samuel, Poplar hall, North
Bailey John Thos.· 22 Priory street master), 37 Lexden road Station road
Bailey Mrs. Mount h'ouse, Harwich rd Becher Mrs. Sullivan, 4 The .Avenue Bootes Ern€st Butler, Edgington,
Baker l\Irs. I6 Wellesley road Becker Charles Otto Gustavus M.D. Beaconsfield avenue
Bailey Thomas, 14 Belle Vue road The Minories, .All Saints Borham John, 28 Wellesley road
Baker Thomas Henry, Head street; & Becker Harry, The Minories, .All Saints Bostock William, I7 Creffield road
Leicester lodge, Clncton-on-Sea Becker Jonn. M.B., C.M. 15 Queen st Botten Mrs. Military road

Boswall Rev. Lutlier Henry B.A. Coleman Rev. Edwin Octavins (Wes- Egerton-Green liorace George D.L.•
(curate of St. Giles'), 6 Abbey leyan), 32 Roman road J.P. The Bank
Gate street Coleman Charles, 18 The .Avenue Eisdell Miss, 59 Le:xden road •
Bouttell :Miss, 5 St. John's street Coleman Misses, 29 Le:xden road Ellisdon Richard, I Sussex road
Bowen Lieut.-Col. Hy. 7 Victoria rd Coleman Percy M.B. Essex & Col- Ellison Oborne Jas LL.B. 3 Queen's rd
Brackenbury Mrs. 8 Osborne street chester General hospital, Lexden rd Elwes Henry Hervey, 86 East bill
Bradbrook Fredk. 24 Rawstorn road Colman Albert, 22 Alexandra road English William, 96 Winnock road
Branch Henry, 16 l\Iersea road Comer Charles, I2I Winnock road Evans Onley William John, Highlands,
Brand Mrs. 29 Roman road Coney Major W. B. (1st Sherwood Maldon road
Branson Albert 20 Castle road Foresters), 6 The Avenue Everett Fredk. Wltr. 56 Barrack st
Brignell Williat'n John, 8 East hill Cook John Will M.D. Thistle dean, Everett Henry, 28 Newtown road
Brittan Capt. Rignold (supt. of Gym- Church street Everson Abraham, 45 Roman road
nasia) 2 5 Wellesley road Cooke Robert George, I3 Gladstone rd Exton Leonard, 22 St. Alban's road
Bromhe;d Mrs 91 East hill Coombs Richard, Olibar, Inglis road Faircloth Wm. Hy. 33 Maldon road
Brook Thomas· Daniel, South bank, Cooper ~ev. IIerbert M.A. (rector of F~rhead David, 73 North Stat!on r.oad
Beaconsfield avenue S~.. Nicholas-cum-St. Rnnwald), 99 Fairhead George, St. Mary s villa,
Brooker Waiter 6 Pa illon road Military road . Balkerne lane •
Broom Mrs. Hyt~e hitl

Cooper F:edk. Ryle! 7, Salisbu;ry rd Farmer George James, 92 East hill

Brou h Mrs. 6 Beverle road Cooper Miss, All Samts ho. High st Farmer ~e~ry, 69 Roman road
Broug R
ghton Mrs Well

l road Cooper Mrs. 52 Crouch street
~.~Y n M A All Coppin John, The Limes, Rawstorn rd
Felton W1lliam, 46 Roman road
Fenn Edward Living, High street
r~w·\ , ev. to eor~ hi ~0 t · · Corbett Rev. John Reginald M.A. St. Fenn Miss, Wrabness lodge, Beacons-
am s rec ry, ~ s ree Botolph's vicarage, Priory street field avenue
Brown Charle~, 13 Lion '!alk Cotchin Wm. Arthur, 22 Roman rd Fermer John, 62 West Stockwell st
Brown Fredenck, 6 ProVIdent place Cott~r Rev. Joseph Rogers_on B.A. St. Fenning Ernest, 73 Brook street
Brown GetJrge M.p . I Hea?~te Mary Magdalene rectory Fenning Misses, 6 North Station road
Brown George William, Military road Cowell John Waiter, 43 Lexden road Fenton: Charles Frederick, 52 Weiles-
Brown Herbert ~as. 5 Cam?ridge rd Craske Harold, 12 Beverley road ley road
Brown John Edwm, 33 IpsWich road Craske Mrs. I2 Beverley road Fergnson Col. Charles O'Neil R.E.
Brown Mrs. ~9 Creffield road Craske Robert G. I2 Beverley road Abbey house St. John's green
Br~w~ Qm~ton, Ventnor house, Cressall Waiter A.R.I.B.A. New Town Fieldgate Mrs.' I Stanwell street
en a1 roa lodge Finch Frederick, 25 Salisbury road
Br~ti~ Jo!:f Lindsay, Elmbank, Cresswell Septimus W. 45 Papillon rd Fincham George William, I I Trinity st
a on. r_o . Cridge Jn. 2 Church la. Magdalen st Firman Mrs. 2 The Avenue
Br~ce William, I3 Sahsbury roa? Crispin Henry, 2 Chapel street Fitch Mrs. I road .
Br~ant ~o~n Scott, 43 St. John s st Critchley Sydney, 72 Winnock road Flux James Fehx, 19 MeyriCk cres-

Buck Wilham, 2 Lex?en road Cross William, I The Avenue cent, Mersea road
Buen George, 39 Papillon road. Croyden Geo. James, 35 Ipswich road Folkard George, I8 North hill
Bugg Fredk. Charles, Io ProVIdent pl Croydon Frederick, 49 Roman road Folkard Mrs. 45 Lexden road
Bullock Samuel, Creffield lodge, 2° Crump :Miss 6o Crouch street Ford Rixon Globe house George st
Ctr_etffideld;oad t p ill d Cud don Alfr~d, The Limes, Old Heath Foster Mrs.' Rt. Belle vu~, Land lane,
Bul ~ n e rues • 4 6 ap on roa Cuddon Bernard, The Limes, Old Hth East hill
Bnlh~nde Robert, 6l Castle ro~d Cuddon Jsph. The Limes, Old Heath Fowler Lieut. George C. 0. (2oth
Buntmg Alfre?, 72 • North StatiOn rd Cuddon Mrs. The Limes, Old Heath Hussars), Dacca ho. Queen's road
Burrell Francis, 4° Roman road Cnllingford Rd. Wincup, 4 Chapel st Francis Abrhm. Kershaw, 55 Crouch st
Burwood Edward, 67 C:ouch street Culverhouse Mrs. 8 "\Vellesley road Francis Harold, East Bay house
Bukher Absolom, 46 Wimpole lane Curtis Miss, I9 I,exden road Francis Miss Louisa, Tymperleys,
Butcher Edward Henry, 2 Elstow ter- Daldy Miss, I 7 Hythe hill Trinity street
race, Crefiield road Daldy Robert Joseph, 8 West street Franklin Miss, 32 North hill
Bygrave Miss, Rockholm, Beacons- Dampier Edward John, Head street Frost Arthur Thos. 14 Wellesley rd
field avenue Daniell Edgar Sands, 82 East hill Frost Charles, 38 Balkerne lane
Cansdale Arthur, 6 2 Castle road Daniell Samuel, 8 Victoria road Frost Mrs. 34 Creftield road
Cansdal~ ~rs. 63 Castle road Davis Miss, I2 Elstow ter. Creffield rd Frost Mrs. 23 MaJdon road
Cant Willi~m, 18 Welle~ley road Dawes Henry Pelham Rokeby, Cref- Fuller Charles, 20 Beverley road
Carew Bngade-Surg:.-Lieut.-Col. ~d. field road Gabbett Surg.-Lieut.-Col. Poole Robt.
Hu~h (Army Medical Staff), 5 VIe- Dawson Lieut. John R.N. 19 Roman rd (Army Medical Staff), 9 The Avenue
toria road Deane Mrs. 31 Le:xden road Gale Alfred Jn. Bartlett, 27 Maldon rd
Carman G~orge Wm. 19 The Avenue Dennis Edwin, 2 8 Military road Gale Charl~s, 51 Butt road .
Carman Miss, 43 Wellesley road Dennis Henry S. 7 Meyrick crescent, Gardner Miss, 74 North Stabon road
Carter Frederick, 37 Chapel street Mersea road Garland Thomas, Scheregate, St.
Carter Misses, 23 West street Dennis Miss, 34 Maldon road John's street .
Catchpo~l Mrs. 41 Lexden road Dennis Misses, 36 Roman ro~d Garland Thomas, 36 Vmeyard street,
Cater Miss, 5 Gladstone road Dennis Mrs. I 21 Crouch street Garrad. Mrs. Oharles, St. Mary s
IJater Mrs. '\V. jnn. I Sir Isaac's walk Dennis Mrs. 7 Provident place house, Crouch street
Chambers Alfred, 16 Roman road Denton Chas. Edwd. Ea. Stockwell st Gentry Arthur Frederick, Mander
Chapz:r;tan George Arthur, Rohilla, Digby Mrs. 22 Wellesley road villa, Gray road
Inglis road Diggens Robert, 35 Queen street Georg~ Arthur Chapman, Rohilla,
Chaytor Major Robert James (North- Dines "\'Ym. Avis, II7 Winnock road Inglis road
ampton Regiment), Abbey field Ditmas Capt. 3 Victoria road George Robert, 17 Gladstone road
Chignell Mrs. 70 High street Dixon Edward Austin, 27 Head street Gilbert :Misses, Old Heath cottage
Chignell William, 25 Queen street Dobson Miss, I Wellesley road Gill William, Maldnne, Maldon road
Chinery Charles, 25 Maldon road Dodson Mrs. 20 West street Gilson Misses, 55 Roman road
Ohisolm 1\liss, 4 Beaconsfield terrace, Doe George William, 4 Papillon road Giraud Surg.-Maj.-Gen. Chas. Herve
Beaconsfield avenue Donnett Fredk. 39 Wellesley road (Army Medical Staff), 21 The Aven
Chitham 1\Irs. 45 Crowhurst road Donovan Capt. C. H. W. (Army Ser- Gissing Frank, 48 Roman road
Church Adolphus Edgar, 30 Crouch st vice Corps), 17 The Avenue Gladwell Geo. Hyde, 115 Winnock rd
Clark Charles, IB Beverley road Dottram L. 25 Castle road Glasgow Lieut.-Col. John Campbell
Clay Miss, 5 Queen street Dove Frank, 37 Wellesley road Robertson (Suffolk Regt.), Abbeyfl.d
Clayton Mrs. 86 High street Downes Mrs. 2 Salisbury road Glover William, 78 East hill
Clemence Frank, Ha:r?lds, Castle ~d Dunningham Thomas John, 38 Easthl Glover William, 78 St. John's street
Clements Rev.. William Fredenck Durrant ~Irs. 41 Salisbury road Glyn Maj.-Gen. J. P. Carr (com-
T.A.C.K.L.. (VIcar of St. Paul's), 78 Dyer MN!. 20 Queen street manding Eastern district), The
North ~tabon road Eady Mrs. 84 North Station road Scarletts, Old Heath road
Clover ~liss, I3 Maldon road Eagle Misses, 61 Lexden road Godfrey Alfred, 14 Roman road
Cobb Alfred, 9 High street Early Rev. John Bush M.A. (rector Godfrey Miss, 3 Gray road
Cobb Charles, Hythe ho. Hythe hill of Holy Trinity), 73 Crouch street Godfrey Waiter, I$ Gladstone road
Cocks Surg.-Capt. Horace (Army Eddy Stephen, I37 Winnock road Gold William, I2 Provident place
Medical Staff), Elsmere, Inglis road Edwards Capt. Gustavns (retired), Io6 Golding Chas. 7 West Stockwell st
Colcutt Staff-Sergt. William, St. Military road Golding Hugh Fredk. 46 Military rd
John's green Edwards Hy. John, 42 St. John's st Goodey Fred, 9 Granville road
Cole Charles Alfred, 104 Maldon road Egerton-Green Claude Egerton M.A., Goodey Harry, 38 Wimpole lane
Cole George, I James street D.L., J.P. East Hill house Goodey Jas. Fredk. New Town lodge
Goodey Mrs. 20 Wellesley road Hood Jo!ln, n8 Maldon road Lawrence Joseph Henry, 9 Priory st
Goody Henry, Glen Mervyn, Lexden rd Hopwood J oseph, I6 Creffield road Lay John, Io High street
Goody Misses, 3 Head street Hopwoou roseph Cook, 22 Lexden rd Laycock Rev. James Marshal! l\I.A.
Goody Rowland, 64 Winnock road Horsman Fk.Jas.Serle, I3 BelleVue rd (surrogate), St. Peter's vicarage,
Goodyear Herbert, Stanwell house, I7 Houison-Craufurd Lieut.-Col. William North hill
Stanwell street Reginald ( dep. assist. adjutant- Lazell George Martin, Provident pl
Goreham John, 52 Military road gen.), Abbeyfield Lean!ng Mrs. 32 Lexden road
Gowing Fredk. William, I3 Roman rd Howard William Kingeswode, Hoe, Le Ball Mrs. 2 Atherstone villas,
Gray Alfred, 7 East Stockwell street Sussex road Beaconsfield avenue
Green Dixon, I44 Hythe hill Howe Alfred Jn. Maldnne, Maldon rd Lee Sergt.-Maj. ArthlJ.I', St. John's gn
Green Harry, Raeburn house, Beacons- Howe Charles Henry, I2o Maldon road Lee George, 48 Creffield road
field! avenue Ho we Robert, 27 Military road Lee John, 47 Papillon road
Green Mrs. George, Hill side, Beacons- Hubbard Fredk. Wm. 54 Papillon rd Lee Joseph, I8 Crouch street
field avenue Hubbersty Miss, I7 Sir Isaac's walk Legeen-Harrison Percy, Inglis house,
Green Patrick Rist, 3 Wellesley road Hughes Col. William (chief paymas- Inglis road
Greens Miss, 23 Lexden road ter), 97 Military road Le Good Henry Benjamin, I8 Glad-
Greenwood Ernest Albt. 54 Butt road Hume Lt.-Col. John W. Thring stone road
Greenwood John Aug. 23 Castle road (Derbyshire Regt.), Abbeyfield Letch James, 28 South street •
Greenwood Thos. Wm. 2 Winsley rd Hnmphrey Miss, Westbury, Lexden rd Lewl.s Staff-Sergt.-Major Joseph, 29
Gregwn Robert (H.M. inspector of Hnmphries William, so East street Salisbury road
Schools), 6 Wellesley road Hunt Edgar Atlee, I07 Crouch street Lewis Wm. Partridge, 36 Maldon rd
Griffin Henry Lainson, 6o West Hunt Mrs. 58 Castle road Littlebury Geo. Credenda, Roman rd
Stockwell street Ind Capt. James Algernon D.L., J.P. Lloyd Maj. Wilford Neville R.A. I2
Grimes Herbert, 7 Beverley road White hall, Old Heath road Cambridge roau
Grimes Joseph, North Gate house Irvine Rev. John William M.A. (rural Lockwood Misses, I Victoria road
Grim wade Henry, Head street dean & hon. canon of St. Albans ), Lovell John, Bethel lodge, Mersea rd

Habgood James, 63 North hill St. Ma'ry-at-t~~-Wa1ls rectory Lovell Mrs. I3 The Avenue
Hall Frdk. "\V. Caerleon, New Town rd Irwin Mrs. 67 Lexden road Lowe Thomas Ralph, 4I "\Vellesley rd
Hall Harold, I6 Hospital road Ives Richard Haward, High street Lucking Joseph, 13 Creffield terrace,
Halls Mrs. 20 Portland road !vas Thomas, 70 North Station road Creffield road
Halls Norman, 2 Provident place Ivey Stephen, 107 Winnock road M!aberly Joseph Strutt, Braiswick,
Hallum Edward Henry, Krishna house, Jarrett Mrs. 47 North hill Beaconsfield avenue
West Lodge road J efferies Robert Lewis, 62 Winnock rd McCombie Alux. Wm. 33 Mersea rd
Hammond Col. Peter Henry R.A. Jeffery Edward Giffard, 40 Pownall McCombs Thomas, 84 Winnock road
(dep. assist. adjt.-gen. for instruc- crescent Macdona Charles James, 47 Butt rd
tion), 24 Creffield road Jenkinson Samuel, I I Roman road Macgregor Joseph Johnston M.D.
Hammond Jn. Hy. 25 Wimpole lane Jennings Miss, 32 Crouch street Head Gate house
Hampton Henry, 4 Castle road Jennings Mrs. I I Abhey Gate street McHugh Edward, 82 Butt road
Harden Lt.-Col. Jn._Edwd. g Oxford rd Jermyn Benjamin, I Gladstone road McKay Rev. Hugh (Congregational),
Harding Edgar, Meyrick crescent, Jillings 1Vm. Gayford, 66 Winnock rd Beaconsfield avenue
Mersea road Johnson Surg.-Maj. P. H. (Army Mallinson Frederick William, IO East
Hardy John Joseph, q6 High street Medical Staff),Deniva lo.Newtown rd Stockwell street
Hardy Mrs. Charles, 23 Lexden road J ohnson William, 2 Gladstone road Mann William, 4 Gray road
Hardy Richard, go East hill J ohnstone Thos.Meredith,38Roman rd Man sell Geo. Fredk. 4 Albert road
Harper Alexander, III Crouch street Jones Frederick, 40 Wimpole lane Manton Herbert ltoberts, Holmhurst,
Harrington Jackson F.R.G.S. Trinity Jones Fredk. Robert, I Lexden road. Inglis road
house, Wimpole lane J ones Henry William, Plum hall, Marriage Edward, 8q East hill
Harrington Thomas Baker, I4 l\Iey- :Mersea road Marriage Wilson J.P. _ Dilbridge hall
rick crescent J ones ;Mrs. Hy. Cloisters, 1\Ialdon rd Marsh Rev. Richard Henry :r.~.A.
Harris Joseph, Rise holm, Beacons- Joslin George, 2 Trinity street (curate of St. Botolph's), 2 Mey-
field avenue J oslin George Haynes, 2 Trinity st rick crescent, Mer sea road
Harsum George, Holmleigh, Beacons- J oslin Harry, 108 High street Marsh E. Addison, 95 Winnock road
field avenue Joslin John, 48 Crouch street Marsh 1\Iiss, IOI North Station road
Harsum George Albert, Io6 Maldon rd Joslin Mrs. g Queen street Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, 34
Hart Richard, 45 Mersea road Josselyn James Arthur Weyland, 2 Lexden road
Harvey Albert Ernest, 56 Butt road Oxford road Martin Daniel Arthur, 68 Roman rd
Harvey Bawtree, 29 Wellesley road Kavanagh Jn.TheCedars,St.John's grn Martin David, 6 Queen street
Hanmod Wm. Hy. 94 ~th. Station rd Keeble Arthur James, 5 I Roman road Martin Francis (Pay Dept.), 13 ~lili-
Hast Mrs. 58 Crouch street Keeling Frederic John, 27 Lexden rd tary road
Haward Edward J. so Creffield road Keigwan Charles David, Capei house, Martin James, 106 Hythe hill
Haward Edward Jn. 2 Cambridge rd Creffield road Martin James William, IS Creffield rd
Hawes Major-Gen. George Harring- Keigwin Mrs. 5 Creffield terrace, Martin Mrs. 34 Salisbury road
ton (retired), 65 Lexden road Creffield road Martin Robt. Ingleglade, Queen's rd
Hawkins Charles Hy. J.P. Maitlands Kemp Arthur, 63 North Station road Mash William, I27 Winnock road
Hazell Robert Lufkin, 1-4 Salisbury rd Kendrick John B. 62 Crouch street ~fason James Henry, 14 Military rd
Hearle Mrs. Linden ho. Creffield rd Kent John, St. Mary's cottage, Mason Misses, I Cambridge road
Hedge Mrs. East Bay house Church street south Mason Mrs. 6I Castle road
Hedge Thos. Hamilton, 49 Lexden rd Kernagham Maj. Thomas J. (Ord- Mason Mrs. St. Mary's
Hellen Miss, 7 Wellesley road nance Stores Dept.), 23 The Avenue Massey-Lloyd Samuel, 20 Lexden rd
Helps Mrs. 61 Crouch street Kershaw Rev. John Albert M.A. St. Matthews Hermann, 129 Winnock rd
Hemmery Mrs. 23 The Avenue James' rectory, East hill Mattnews SidneyGeorge, ·29 Mersea rd
Hemming Charles Wm. 7 Gray road King Rev. John Freeman B.A. St. Maybury WiJliam Augustus M.D.,
Hennell Maj. Arthur Reginald (dis- John's vicarage, Ipswich road M.Ch. g West Stockwell street
trict instructor of musketry; Ist King Frank S. 38 Wellosley road Mayhew Waiter, 76 Winnock road
Hampshire Regt. ), IO The Avenue King Mrs. 82 Winnock road Medwin Mrs. 12 Oxford road
Henslowe Capt. Spencer Vassal Fras. King Thomas Percy, 4 Salisbury rd Meredith Lieut.-Col. George Vincent,
I Queen street King William Hediey, 3 Beaconsfield Io Victoria road
Herring Mrs. l\lerly ho. We. Lodge rd terrace, Beaconsfield avenue Merriman Col. William (retired), 24
Hicks Ernest Deeley, 18 Military road Kirkby Mrs. 7 Creffield tN. Creflld.rd Lexden road
Higg-inbotham Charles, 47 Mersea rd Knight Anthony, 68 North Station rd Miller Rev. Edmund B..A.. (Congrega-
Hildyard David, r5 Beverley road Knight Arthur, I6 Lexden road t~onal), 88 East hill
Hill George, Fernside cottage, Church Knock William Fenn, I2 Belle Vue rd Miller Rev. Edward (curate of St.
street north Knopp George Samuel, A.9 North hill Peter's), 7 Butt road
Hill ,V. Reed, 29 Crouch street Knopp Samuel George, ~f'rsea h0use, Miller Charles, Io Rawstorn road
R1il-Climo Brig.-Surg.-Lt.-Col. Wm. St. Botolph's Miller William Charles·. :2 Rutt road
(Army Medical Staff), 7 Oxford rd La Barte Rev. William White M.A. Mills The Misses, 25 Rawstorn road
Hitchin Chas. "\Vilson, I2 The Avenue (chaplain Essex County Hospital), Mills Thomas Geo. 6 Salisbury road
Hobbs Mrs. 40 Wellesley road 9 Creffield terrace, Cnffield road Milne Mrs. IS Castle road
Holland Michael, 21 Hythe hill Laing Miss, 26 .Rawstorn road Mitchell Rev. Robert Andrew B.A.
Holland Miss, 8 Salisbury road Lang Robt. 6 Elstow ter. Creffield rd (curate of St. Mary-at-the-Walls),
Holla""ay Henry, 58 Crouch street Laver Henry F.~-A .• F.L.S. He~d st 5 Creffield road
Minshull Miss, 22 Rawstorn road Porter Charles John, 38 Papillon rd Sheel John George, 7 Roman roa(l
l\Iitchell Robert Hy. 28 Creffie!d Porter '"llliam, 5 The Avenue Shepherd Charles, 74 Winnock road
:Montagu Gen. Horace William R.E., P()Uer James William, Trinity street Shepherd Charles Woodthorpe, 24 St.
C.B. 5 Lexden road Powell Adolphus, 29 Maldon road John's street
Moon John Candler, 26 Military road Preece Richard, 18 Roman road Shepherd John, 6o W"innock road
Moore George, Barrack street Prescott Capt. J. R. (Sherwood For- Shepherd Thomas, 1 Church lane,
Moore Shelly, South ho. Creffield rd esters), 24 Newtown road Magdalen street
Morecraft Mrs. 17 Roman road ~reston Capt. Henry (retire(!), 4 Short Waiter Hercules1 Su'nnyside,
Morrison Mrs. 8 .Alexandra road Gladstone road Victoria road
Morter Thomas, 28 Castle road Price Geo. Andrew, 2 Abbey Gate st Sichel Gerald, Asylum
Morton Cecil Howard, Fairlight Prior ..!Ifd. Jn. 10 St. John's street Sidle Thomas, 5 Abbeygate street
Tower, Queen's road Prior Asher, 4 Victoria road Siggers Arthur Ransom, 5 Roman rd
Moss Mrs. 119 Winnock road Prior ·wm. Fredk. Ashfields, Maldon rd Simmons Charles, 8 Belle Vue road
Mothersole l\Irs. 23 Head street Prosser Mrs. 7 Head street Simpson Edward William, I I Creffield
Moy Ernest, 6 Oxford road Pulford Misses, 7 St. John's street terrace. Creffield road
Mumford Arthur Geo. 3 Bank passage Quilter John Caskeller, 132 Maldon rd Simpson Hales, 32 l\!ilitary road
Murton Rev. George, 5I Lexden road Rahn Mrs. I Atherstone villas, Bea- Simpson Thomas, 57 Roman road
Muskett Edward, I \Vinsley road consfield avenue Simson l\Irs. Shrubland road
Mustard Albert, 67 North Stationrd Rainbird Waiter Thomas, 23 High ·St Si~son Mrs: West ~tockw:ei~ street
Nagle Mrs. 4 Abbey Gate street Raker Edward, 9 Meyrick crescent, Skmner MaJOr Moruer \VIlliams R.E.
Nash Herbert Frederic, ·winnock ho. Mersea road 3 Lexden road
Wimpole lane Railing Thomas John 1oi Winnock rd Skinner Mrs. Swiss chalet, Sussex rd
Nevard James, 128 Magdalen street Randolph-Symmons Fras. 9 Lexton rd Slaney M~s .. 2 I ..Middleborough
N ewbitt Fk. Martin, 5 Salisb\uy rd Raven Henry, 26 East hill Slaney Wllham L. 5 Beaconsfield ter-
Newby Nathan, 15 Maldon road Raven Thomas, 45 Butt road race, Beaconsfiel~. avenue
Newman Edgar, 5 Chapel street Rawling>~ Miss, 3 Portland road Sla~ke John, 3I l\hhtary road
Nicholl Charring-ton, jun. 73 East hill Raymond Rev. Philip :Foster M.A. Sm~th E. Thompson, Be;erley road
Nichol!~on Benj. Hugh, High street (chaplain to H.M. Forces), 32 Wel- Smith Edward, St. Mary s lodge, Lex-
Nixon Ec!.mund Henry, 124 Maldon rd lesley road d~n road
North Edward (head master of Blue Rayner Charles II3 Winnock road Sm~th George Henry, 2 9 E~d lane
Coat School), East Stockwell street Rea Frederick, '53 Lexden road ~m~!~ ~~ry E~d. 6
If S::J.lisbury rd
sm~th .... 1' n, I sewl~b ro
Nottidge Mrs. I Colne Bank road Reading Charles, 3I Wimpole lane d
R d t M . G · d I Id I 1. d mi .1.• Iss, 32 a IS ury roa
Nunn Hy. Edwin, 41 St. John's st e ga e Iss, rm e wa , ng IS r 8 'th S 1 H .... h h"ll
R -' Ed · S 1i b d mi amue , 19 y• e I
Nunn Jo n, 39Pownall cres. Mersea rd eener . wm, 42 ~. s ury roa
h Smith Sidney Albert, 9 Gray road
Nunn Mrs. 31 Culver street U~eve Waiter, I3I ~~mnock road Smith Sidney Arthur, 9 Quee'n street
Oldridge James, 40 Manor road R~cher Henry, 78 'hnnock road Smith Thomas, I 35 Winnock road
Ollard George, 14 Hythe hill R~cher Thomas, 2 Beverle! road Snell Frank Tidboald, 25 High street
Ord Mrs. 10 Lexden roaa RR~ckkwordd George, 97a, High street Sowman William, 28 East hill
Orfeur Olas. Ernest, 124 Nth.Statn.rd ~c. wor Henry, 2 Butt r~ad Spalding Frederick, 3 BeverlPy road
Orpen Daniel, 59 Castle terrace Ridgwell Thomas, 68 Ipswich road Sparling Arthur Steward Blyth 21
Orpen Robert, 30 'Vellesley road Rigg Joseph, I8 Hythe hill Creffield road · '
Orriss Jame~, 34 ~Iersea road! R~vron Mrs. 122 M~ldon road Sparling Mrs. 2 East hill
Orsborn John Collis, Gartlands, Mal- Rix Thomas, 97 Wmnock road Sparling Waiter Bryant The Chest-
don road Roberts Edward, 20 Hythe hill nuts Crouch street '
Osborne Rev. Henry Trimmer _M.A. Robertson Edward Frost, 12 Trinity st Sparli~g William, The Chestnuts,
(rector of St. Leonard), Hythe Robertson 1\Irs. 6 Gladstone road Crouch street
Osbourn Fras. Barham, 4 Beverley rd Robinson Rev. Thomas B.A. (Congre- Spurrier Rev. Edward (Baptist), 33
Osmond Charles, ! ~Ialdon road gational), 52 Creffield road Wellesley road
!'age Charles E. 2 Crouch street Rodley Mrs. 40 Papillon roa~ Stanford Er'nest K. 7 Head street
Page George Henry, 30 Mersea road Rodwell 'Valter James, So Wmnock rd Stannard Arthur, 122 High street
Page Mrs. 38 Creffield road Roff John Ebenezer, 35 Mersea road Start Joseph Wm. 42 Crouch strc1:t
1'almer Frank \Vm. 77 Nth. Station rd Round James M.A., M.P., D.L., J.P. Statham Frederic Wm. I4 Beverley rd
Palmer George James, 4 Oxford road The Holly Trees, East hill; 3I De Stebbing Miss, 7 The Avenue
Palmer Mrs. 23 Salisbury road Vere gardens, Kensington w & Carl- Stedman Mrs. 3 Roman road
Palmer Mrs. Verandah, Beaconsfield ton club, London s w Steed William, 30 Culver street
avenue Round Misses, Holly trees, High st Stevens Mrs. Globe house, George st
Papillon The Misses, 26 Creffield rd Rowe Edwd. Blomfield, 114 Maldon rd Stewart Major John (retired), 100
Parker Chas. Alfd. 83 Winnock road Rush William, 6 Beaconsfield ter- Military road
Parker Edward Henry, 8 Gray road race, Beaconsfield avenue Sfewart William Ja.mes, 6 Gray road
Parker Mrs. 85 Winnock road Ryan Joseph Michael M.B. 85 East hl Stock Mrs. I Creffield terrace, Cref-
Parkes Edward, 41 East street Sage George Alfd. 14 St. John's st field road
Parsons Jn. Geo. 25 \Vellesley road Salmon Frederick Valentine, 9 Bea- Stone Thomas, 24 West street
Patten Capt. Geo. R. B. (Paym. Army consfield terrace, Beaconsfield aven Stopes Arthur Othniel, 10 East hill
Pay Dept.), Creffield house, Gray rd Salmon John, 3 Provident place Stroy Chas. Martin, go Winnock road
l'attison :Mis", 11 Hospital road Sampson John, 12 Wellesley road Streart Mrs. 9 Provident place
Pawsey J_ames Arthur, IS East hill Samuel George, 3I Roman road Street Mrs. I5 Creffield terrace,
Paxman Noah, 54 South street Samuel John George, 61 Priory st Creffield road
Paxman 'Villiam, 4 North hill Sanders Edwin Jsph. 4 Cambridge rd Strong Miss, 25 Lexden road
Payne Samuel T. Gartlands, Mal- Sandford Mrs. 11 Belle Vue road Surridge ~liss, 35 Roman road
don road Sandle SamuelMortimer, 12 Roman rd Swainee Mrs.3 Cambridge road
Peache James Courthope, 87 St. Sansom Charles Henry, 7I East hill Swan Edgar, St. Ann's Harwich rd
John's street Sargent-Openshaw Lt.-Col. F. 0. Tayler Rowland, Queen street
1'eachey Miss, 46 Mersea road (Station paymaster, Army Pay De- Tavlor Miss, Io Head street
"Peacock Octavius Herbert, 19 East hi partment), 17 Beverley road Taylor Miss, 20 Military road
Pe<J.t F. Sutherland, 2 Beacon-;fielrl ter Saxty John, 3 Trinity street Tavlor William Henry, The Laurels,
:Peck Wm. Winsleys house, High st ~axty William, 26 High street St. Paul's road
1'eel Col. Arthur (assist. Adjt. Gen.), Scarfe Albert, I2 Lexden road Thomas Rev. John B.A. (head mas-
7 Lexden road Schrader Mrs. 40 Crouch street ter), Royal Grammar school
Penney Ebenezer James, 24 Welles- Scott Edwin, 10 Cambridge road Thomas ~liss, 13 \Vellesley road
ley road Scott H. Gordon, 39 Lexden road Thompson Gi>orge Elliott, 12 Alex-
Pepper Mr". 109 Crouch street Scott Mrs. 5 W ellesley road andra road
Pertwee Mrs. I3 St. John's street Scott Thomas, 17 Alexandra road Thorringt~ WaJ.ter Edmund, 133
Pettitt Henry, 41 Hythe hill Scott Waiter, I2 Sir Isaac's walk Winnock road
Pettitt Mrs. 3 Creffield ter. Creffid. rd Scudamore l\Iaj. Frederick William Tillett ~lrs. 7 Beaconsfield terrace,
Philbricli. Miss, 39 Roman road (rzth Suffolk Regt.), West lodge, Beaconsfield avenue
!_>hillips George, 86 Winnock road West Lodge road Tompson Charles Hardy, Thame villa,
Pike Herbert Stanley, Old Rectory Seeker J ohri Howard, Ashfields, Mal- 14 Creffield road
house, Hythe hill don road Tompson Mrs. 33 Lexden road
Pinchon William, 66 Priory Btreet Shaw Henry Edwards, Southholm, Tracy Albemarle Courtenay William,
"Plane Henry George, 44 Military road Beaconsfie!d avenue I30 l\Ialdon road
PQinting William Jas. 32 Creffield rd Sewell Jesse-, 125 Winnock road Tracy John Gray, 65 North Station rd

Turner Henry, I03 Croncli street Weatherhea.dl He'nry, 47 Lexden rd Williams Rev. Henry Percy M.A.
Tur'ner John J. 0. Asvlum Webb Charles B. S. 48 Wellesley rd (rector St. Martin's), West Stock-
Turner Thomas Bentley, .t..l·bey Gate 1Vebb Frdk. Arthur, 98 Winnock rd well street
house, St. John's green Webb William, 55 Wimpole lane Williams Herbert, I52 High street
Vlph Mrs. 8 Lexden road Webb 1Vm. Henry, 70 Winnock road ·Williams Mrs. 14 Lexden road
Underdown Wm. I _Church st. north Webber James, Victory lio. Old heath Williams Mrs. A. E. 63 Lexden road
Vale 1Yilliam, 2 Kendall road Webster Frank Aug. 11 Alexandra rd Willis John, 11 Provident place
Valiance Charles, Holland villa, Wenden Mrs. 29 Military road Willsher Samuel, I26 Maldon road
Creffield road West Richard Alexander, I2 Meyrick Wiltshire Joseph, II Beverley road
Van Lann H. T. Rudder gl'ange. crescent, Mersea road Wi~bey Henry Chapli'n, 69 North Sta.-
St. John's TOad Weston Major Thomas Barnes (2oth bon road
Vare'nne Mrs. I44 HythA hill Hussars), u Oxford road· Wittey George C. 8 Elstow terrace,
Wade Edmund, 33 Roman road Whatley Robert, 56 Roman road Creffield road
Wade John James, Ra-wstorn villa, Wheeler George, 28 Headl street Witt-ey Hen~y~ I Beverley road
Rawstorn road Wheeler Miss, Roman road Womack William Thomas, 64 North
Walfordi Misses, 46 Wellesley road Whent Frederick, 5 Gray road Station road
Walker Col. Jn, Broom hill, J\Iersea rd Whilby Henry, 3 Mersea road Wood George, 65 Priory street
Walker Miss C. M. I2 Crouch !ltreet Whit-e Alexander Miller, The Rookery, Wood John, 34 Roman road
Wallace Alexander M.D., M.A. II St. John's street Wood Thomas, 48 Wimpole lane
Si: John's street White Charles Edward, The Rookery, Woodroffe James, Abbeyfield
Wallace Thomas, 21 Salisbury road St. John's street Woodward Frederic, 22 Rawstorn rd
Wailer Miss, 83 Maldon road White Frank, Ashurst, Beaeonsfield Woodward Fredk. 2r Lexden road
Wailer Samuel Dakin, 42 Wellesley rd avenue WooWridge George, Rose-Neath, Bea-
Wallis Brig.-Snrgn. William Beale, White George Day, u6 Maldon road consfield avenue
Old bank, High street White Miss, The Rookery, St. John's Wormald Matthew, 9 Gladstone road
Wanklyn Henry Chas. I9 Beverley rd street Worrall Capt. Thomas, 5 Maldon road
Ward Edward, 8 West Stockw~l st Whitehouse Thomas, 102 Military road Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity street
Ward Miss, 2I Mersea road Wicks James, Dereham place, 2 Warts Stanley EQwin, 5 Trinity st
Wardell Rev. William Henry M.A. Lexden road Wright Frank, I28 Maldo'n road
(surrogate), St. Giles' rectory, Mer- Wicks Thomas Wm. I8 Lexden road Wright Miss Stirling, I7 Lexden rd
sea road Wight Surg.-Maj. Ernest Octavius, Wright Mrs. 49 Crouch street
Wari'ng Miss, 8 Cambridge roao:l The Cannons, Layer road Wright Mrs. 6 Head street
Warner Daniel, Fortin, 4 St. John's st Wildt>n Mrs. 11 Rawstor'n road Wyncoll Francis Henry, 95 Nortli
Warren Ernest Ezekiel, 22 QueE:'n st Wilkinson Mrs. 85 Maldon road Station road
Warren William, 72 South street Willden Dennis Reeve, Elmbank, Mal- Wyncoll Thomas Edward, 49 East st
Watson Mrs. 56 Crouch streE-t don road York Mrs. 23 Rawstorn road
Watts Lent John, go High street Willetts Rev. Samuel (Primitive Me- Young Henry William, 5r :Military rd
Weatherall Henry Hawkins, I Deacons- thodist), Artillery street Youngs Robert, 48 Military road
field terrace, Beac-omfield avenue

COMMERCI.A.L • Association for the Protecti()n of Property & Prosecution

Abbott .Abraham Edward, tobacconist, I30 High street of Criminal Offenders in Colchester & Neighbourhood
Abbott .Anna Maria (Miss), private schl. 27 Wellesley rd (Thomas Moy, treasurer ; Adolphus _Edgar Church,
Abbott Edmund Freeman, confectioner, 22 Long Wyre st secretary & solicitor), 30 Crouch street
Aberdein Wm. Charles, dining rooms, I1 Short Wyre st Asten George, shoeing smith, 45 Chapel street
Ablitt Summersett De La Cour, · tobacco & cigarette Attaway William, beer retailer, 59 East street
manufacturer, cigar importer & wine & spirit mer- Attwood George Ethelred, wine merchant, see Wolton &
chant, 6 High street .Attwood
Ackers Herbert George, supt. of county police & in- Austin Henry Felix, farmer, Old heath
spector of weights '& measures for Colchester district, Austin James, gun maker, 7 Croucli street
Police Station, Ipswich road Auston George, farmer, Pondfield farm, Harwich road
Adams Adam & Alfred, carriage builders, 20 Culver Avis Edgar, boot maker, 28 East street
street & 77 East hill. See advert Ayers Arthur W. P. L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 9 Head street
Adams Frederick William, baker, 126 High street Aylett Charles, Ship inn, 5 East hill
Adams Fredk. Wm. King's Head P.H. I Balkerne hill Bailey Edward William, hardware dealer & oilman, 62
Addison Charles Edward L.R.C.P.Irel. physician & sur- to 66 East street
geon & certifying factory surgeon, 4 Head street Baker A. & E. P. drapers, 24 Head street
Aggio H. & Sons, pianoforte manufacturers, Head street Baker Albert Thomas, plumber, 63 Crouch street
Agnew J oseph, gun maker, I I 8 High street Baker Edward, painter, 33 Charles street, New To,-..:v;.,.,n
Albert School of Art & Science (S. B. Daniell, hon. sec. ; Baker Frederick, confectioner, II2 Priory street
Charles Edward Baskett, head master), Old Corn Ex- Baker James, boot maker, 138 Hythe hill
change Baker Thomas Henry, architect & surveyor, Head street;
Aldis Harry, saddler, 26 Middleborough & Leicester lodge, Olacton-on-Sea
Aldous Alfred John, Cross Keys P.H. Culver street Baldry William John, poor rate collector for the parishes
Aldous Eli, tailor & hosier, 13 Culver street Df St. James', St. Nicholas', Mary Magdalen, St.
Alien George, The Fountain P.H. 2II Magdalen street Leonards', All Saints & Greenstead, 5 Castle road
Alien Williarri Frederick, tailor, top of High street Banham Frederick, shopkeeper, 4I North Station road
Allison John George, watch maker, I5a, St. Botolph st. & Bantick Henry William, beer retailer & butcher, 57 & 59
42 Magdalen street Barrack street
Alston John, shopkeeper, 30 West Stockwell street !lanyard Henry, plumber &c. 52 Pri()ry street
Ambrose Henry, taxidermist, 34 North Station road Barber Alfred Richardson, artist, Io Wellesley road
Amos George Marlborough, general dealer, 5, 6 & 7 Ba11ber James, valuer & accountant & agent for W. & A.
Balkerne lane Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mercliants, 57 High street
Amos William, travelling draper, n Portland road Bare John, fishmonger, 7 Magdalen street
Anderson Robert, secretary to Essex & Suffolk Fire Bareham & Scott, painters, 52 Butt road & 48 Maldon rcl
Office, High street Bareham John, smith, I49 Magdalen street
.Andrews George, beer retailer, I8 West Stockwell Barnes George Joseph, tailor, I2 George street
Anarews George, commercial traveller, 4 l\Ieyrick cres- Barnes Isaac, shopkeeper, 84 Barrack street
cent, l\Iersea road Barrell Louis James, com. trav. 75 North Station road
.Andrews William E. saddler, 147: High street Barret William, tailor, 23 Crouch streel
Antcliffe Thomas, Dolphin P.H. 126 Hythe hill Barritt Henry & Son, chemists, I High street
Appleby Esther (Miss), dress maker, Church street Bartlett Mary Ann (Miss), preparatory school, 8 New
Appleby Esther (Miss)-;- dress maker, 7 Church st. north Town road
Appleton, Smith & Co. builders, Maldon road Baskett Charles Edward, head master School of Art, 14
Archer Charles H. corn & coal merchant, r2o High street Hospital road
& Magdalen street; stores, Os borne street & George st Bateman William Henry & Son, woollen drapers, 5 St.
Archer James, White Horse P.H. 4 East street, & fish- Nicholas street -
monger & poulterer, I27 High street Bateman Tliomas, co1lector for tne Essex Provident
Arnold George M. wheelwright, 42 Crowhurst road Society, 2 Priory street
Ascott John, upholsterer, 24 North Station road Bateman William, chimney sweeper, 38 East street
Ashby Samuel, shopkeeper, 14 Maidenburg street Bateman Wm. Hy. tailor & woollen draper, 58 High st
Askew & Son, bill posters, I Sheepen road Bates Thos-. Wm. chemist & post Dffice, 124 High street
Bather William Joseph, painter, 105 North Station road Borough Police Office (Richard Olibar Coombs, chief
Batterham .Annie (~liss), teacher of music, 91 Crouch st constable), West Stockwell street
Baylis Frederick William, Goat & Boots P.H. East hill Boulton John Hy. (Mrs.), house decorator, II4 Priory st
Baxter Emily (Mrs.), greengrocer, 17 Military road Bouttell Robert, carpenter, 30 Belle Vue road
Baxter James, grocer, 24 :Military road Bowles George, builder, 41 Magdalen street
Baxter James, shopkeeper, Military road Bowman Albert, tailor, 17 Cromwell road
Beale Lewis, Globe P.H. Military :road Boyden John, bricklayer, 6I North hill
Beard & Son, general & furnishing ironmongers, bell- Bqyles Daniel, shoe maker, I I M"Iluary road
hangers, gasfifters & stove & range makers, iron, steel, Boyles Thomas, apartments, IO Crouch street
tar, oil & color merchants, 2 St. John's st. See advert Boyles Thomas, tobacconist & newsagent, I7 Crouch st
Beard Elizabeth (Mrs.), 35 South street Brackett Eliza. & Sarah (Misses), printers, booksellers,.
Beard Ernest Stanley, auctioneer, valuer, house & stationers, music sellers & bookbinders, 5 High street
estate agent & surveyor, Headgate Bradbury James, Essex Arms P.H. Butt road
Beardwell George, shoe maker, 36 Artillery street Braddy Hannah (Mrs.), greengrocer, I97 Magdalen sh'eet
Beaumont George, Horse & Groom inn, 53 Crouch street Bradley Edward James, bandmaster Derbyshire Regi-
Becker Charles Otto Gustavus l\I.D. physician & sur- ment, I9 Gladstone road
geon, The Minories, All Saints Bradley William, accountant, 47 Wellesley road
Becker Harry, artist, Tlie Minories, All Saints Bragg George Jonah, machinist, 22 Middleborough Jonathan M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon & Branson Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 53 Maidenburg street
medical officer, 1st district, IS Queen street Branson Hannah (Mrs.), jobmaster, 23 Osborne street
Becli:ett Thos.Arth. cabinet ma.& joiner, 20 St. Mary's rd Brendel F. Lim. hardware dealers,- soa, High street
Beckwith & Co. ship owners, I,J Hythe quay Brinn Thomas, Alma P.H. I6 Military road
Beckwith Herbert, beer retailer, 13 Head street Britannia Co. (Thomas M. Bear, manager), makers of
Bedfordshire Loan Co. Trinity chambers, Culver street petroleum oil engines, lathes, saw benches & engineers~
Bedwell John Robert, upholsterer, house agent & valuer, tools, llritannia works
62 & 64, & pawnbroker 63, High street Brogan Edward, hair dresser, 61 East hill
Bedwell Robert, Clarend:6n mn, East gates Bromiley Thomas, machinist, 31 Osborne street
Bedwell Wm. Hy. saddler, 23, & umbrelle ma. 24, East hl Brook Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 40 Culver street
Belcham Amelia (Miss), fruiterer, 64 Crouch street Brooks ·w. & Sons.!. maltsters, The Hythe maltings
Belding John Wm. Rose & Crown P.H. 16 Vineyard st Brooks \Vm. Henry & Sons, oil & colormen, I2I High st
Benham &r. Co. Machine Printers, printers & pub- Broom Edward, tailor & woollen draper & hatter, 29
li.shers of the "Essex County Standard, West Suffolk North hill
Gazette & Eastern Counties Advertiser," "Colchester Brough J. H. & Co. coal merchants, I$1 High street
Gazette," "Clacton Gazette," & "·walton Gazette," Brown Daniel, fruiterer, 134 Magdalen street
The Colchester Printing works, Culver sireet & 24 High Brown Eliza (Mrs.), preparatory school, I9 Alexandra r<l
street. See advert Brown Frederick, coal merchant, 45 East street
Bennell "'& Sons, paperhangers, 7 Queen street Brown George M.D. surgeon & medical officer of health
Bentley Alice Sarah (Mrs.), baker. 48 Barrack street to the urban sanitary authority, I Headgate -
Berry Arthur Wm. mechanical engineer, Artillery st Brown George William, marine store dealer & rag &.
Berry Charles (late Beny & Nevard), whitesmith, hot & metal merchant & furniture broker, 178 Magdalen st
cold w~ter fitter, gasfitter, bellhanger, coppersmith, Brown Herbert Charles, hosier, 39 "High street
iron & tin plate worker, electric bells fixed & repaired; Brown Kate (Miss), dress maker, 77 Maldon road
orders received at workshop, llurlington road_, or at Brown Matthew Hy. cabinPt maker, 43 West Stockwell n
residence, 3 Princess street, Butt road Brown Thomas William, ('ups family & cvmmercial hotel
Berry Edward, coppersmith, 78 llutt road & posting house, l:Ligh street
Best Martha (Mrs.l, shopkeeper, 29 East street Bru~e & Kinnard, wheelwrights, Middleborough
Betts Ellen (Miss), te11cher of mus1c, I3 East hill Bruce George, blacksmith, 37 East street
Blbby Wm. call propr. 95 Croucli street & W, Lodge rd Bruce Samuel, boot & shoe maker, North Station road
Bibby William, florist, I3 Korth Station road Bruce William, coach biulder, Ma~don road
Biggs Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 83 Crouch street Bryan James Gosnell, accountal}t & registrar of mar-
Bines Frederick, Rineman P.H. 29 Ipswich road riages, 5 I Castle road
Bird James, boot maker, 27 St. Botolph street Buck &; Dixon, dentists, 27 Head street
:Bird John, grindery dealer, 5 Magdalen street Buck Charles, carriage builder, see Gnggs & Buck
B1rkbeck Henry, jun. banker, see Gurneys, Round, Green, Buck Louisa (Miss), teacher of music, 6 Maidenburg st
Hoare & Co Buckingham S. & Son, wholesale & retail boot & shoe
Bishop Joshua, french polisher, 6 Denmark street mnfrs. & agents for Willcox & Gibbs, sewing machines,
Bland Charles Edward, secretary to the Essex & Col- 28 & 29 Head street
chester general hospital & superintendent & collector to Buckingham Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 85 Crouch sf>
the Colchester Corporation water works; manager of Bugg Frederick John, boot maker, 33 Long Wyre street
Colchester Permanent Benefit Building Society; agent Bullock Albert, coa: merchant; office, 2I Crouch street;
to Sun Fire & Life offices, & secretary to Colchester depots, St. Botolph station & Magdalen street
Provident Asylum Society, 35 Crouch street Bullock \Villiam, corn, flour & yeast merchant, 32
Bland William Henry, wine & spirit merchant, 2 Culver st Maldon road
· Blandon Eliza (Mrs.), milk seller, 45 West Stockwell st Bultitude Robt. (Mrs.), fruiterer, 7 North Station road
Blatch Mount (Miss), dress maker, 43 North Station rd Bultitude William, furnishing & general irdnrnonger, gas-
Blatch William, hair- dresser, 25 Eld lane fitter, whitesmith, bellhanger, iron & tinplate worker
Blatch William, station master, Mile end &c. I9 North hill
Blaxill Edwin Frederick, oil &c. merchant, see Kent &
Blaxill Bunting & Sons, nurserymen, North station road &
Blomfield Joseph & Co. ironmongers, 25 St. Botolph st Lexden road
Blomfield & Co. furniture dealers, I9 St. Botolph street Bunting Thomas, relieving officer for 2nd District &i
Blomfield John, beer retailer, I6 Magdalen street registrar of births & deaths for 3rd ward Sub-District
Bomfield William, commercial traveller, I I MaTdon road & vaccination officer for 3rd ward, 2I Roman road
Bloomfield Thomas, beer retailer, 13I Hythe hill Burd Braham, ganison schoolmaster, 27 Salisbury road
Bloyce Frederick George, builder, 202 Magdalen street Burfield Charles William, news agent, 2 Schergate
Bloyce George, builder, 39 Winchester road Burrell Sarah ()liss), dress maker, 45 Crouch street
Blyth John, farmer, Gift House farm, Old heath Burrows Albert, fruiterer, 5 Short \Vyre street
Blyth John George, corn, coal, oil cake & seed merchant Burton John & Son, dairymen, 36 Magdalen street
& forage contractor, 62 North hill & Hythe Burton James, farmer, Barn Hall farm, ~Iersea road
Boggis Arthur Kemp, auctioneer, see Smith & Boggis Burton Sarah .Ann Plrs. ), dress maker, 49 South street
Bond Eliza Anne (~lrs.), wine & spirit mer. 56 North hl Burwood David, cabinet maker, SI Crouch street
Bond Samuel, cabinet maker, I2, 13 & 14 North hill Bur\\ood Edward, professor of music, 67 Crouch street
Bonella Anna (Mrs.), BritiS"h hotel, 2 West Stockwell st Butcher Alfred James, grocer, 105 Crouch street
Bones Alfred John, beer retailer, 30 North Station road Butcher Benjamin, tinplate worker, 64 Eas_t hill
Bones Charles, hair dresser, 34 Culver street Butcher Charles Edward M.S . .A.. architect &; sur-
.Bones Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 25 Osborne street veyor, 3 Queen street
Bonner Albert George, watch maker, see Turner & Bonner Butcher George, tobacconist, 6o East hill
Bootes Mary .Ann (:\fiss), dress maker, 8 Hospital road Butcher William, coppersmith, 76 Butt road
Booth & 1.1itchell, coal merchants, II Hythe quay Butcher William, wool merchant, 3 East hiil
Booth &; .Smith, monumental masons, Kendal road Buxton Henry, cycle repairer, 6 Military road
Boreham Frederick William, hair dresser, 16 Culver st Buxton Samuel Gurney, banker, see Gurneys, Rounrl.c:
Boreham John S. gun manufacturer, I5o High street Green, Hoare & Co
!Jyford John Thomas, hosier, 44 St. Botolph street & Clark Charles, bookseller, stationer & circluating library,
hosier, & post office, 2I Short Wyre street 15 High street
Byford Thomas Samuel, printer, 28 St. John's street Clark George F. reporter "Essex Standard" & deputy
Bygrave Samuel Robert, greengrocer, 28 North hill registrar of births & deaths for Ist ward Sub-District,
.Byrne Paul, sergeant instructor, Drill hall, Stanwell st 3 St. John's street
Cade John, shoe maker, 20 Belle Vue road Clark Richard, gasfitter & bellhanger, I6 Rawstorn road
Cade ·william, pork butcher, 22 Long Wyre street Clark Thomas, painter, 7 .Abbey Gate street
Cadosch Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Stanwell street Clark William Frederick, cowkeeper, 20 St. John's street
Cah11l Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 40 Maldon road Clarke .Albert Edward, recruiting sergt. R ..A. I7 Mersea rd
Oairns Emily (Mrs.), certificated midwife, 52 Maldon rd Clarke Henr_y James, beer retailer, 43 Culver street
Oalver John, marine store dealer, 20 Cannon road Olaridge William & Co. wholesale & retail saddlers &
Calver William, boor retailer, 77 Maidenburgh street saddlers' ironmongers, 125 High street
Camell James, furniture dealer, 23 Middleborough Claridge Arthur James (trustees of), saddlers' iron-
Canham Matilda (Mrs.), laundress, Burke cot. Harwich rd monger, I4 Butt road
.Canham William, shoeing smith, 33a, East hill Clary Chas. Wm. cattle dlr. 2 Meyrick cres. Mersea rd
Cant .Arthur, farmer, Reed hall Claxon James, hosier, 111 High street
Cant Charles Inman, greengrocer, Io Maidenburgh ~t Clayton Charles Frederick, milliner, fancy draper, hosier
Cant George, fruiterer, 7oa, High street & glover, silk mercer, haberdasher &c. 29 High street
Oant John T. pork butcher, 6I Magdalen street Clement Alfred, shopkeeper, I6 Charles street
Cant William, seed merchant, I8 Wellesley road Clements WiJiam, dairyman, 10 Portland road
Cardy Harry, baker, 4I Barrack street Clifts James, shopkeeper, I Kendall road
Carey Thomas, shopkeeper, 93 Hythe hill Cocks James, Marquis of Granby P.H. 25 North hill
Carr Thos. musical instrmnt. imprtr. 20 Long Wyre st Colchester Bank (Gprneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co.),
Carrington Ann (Miss), dress maker, I2 East Stockwell st 9 High street; branch, Brightlingsea, tues. & fri
Carrington Edgar William, baker, 36 East street Colchester Brewing Co. Lim. (Charles Armstrong, mana-
Carrington George, beer retailer, I6 Hythe quay ger & receiver), East hill
Carter Frederick, cabinet maker, 4 Stanwell street Colchester Club (Waiter H. Short, sec.), 7 High street
Carter John, boot & shoe maker, I79 Magdalen streeli Colchester Conservative Association (H. Gordon Scott,
Castle Brewery (Daniel & Sons Breweries Limited), chief agent; J. S. Renshaw, sec.), Head street
l\faidenburgh street; & at West Berrrholt. See advert Colchester & East Essex Co-operative & Indus•
Carter Alfred, taxidermist, 62 East hill trial Society Limited (Robert Bultitude, sec.), ·
Cater Charles Edmund, confectioner, 20I Magdalen street grocers, oakers &c. I4 Culver street ; I2, IS & 20
<::ater George, confectioner, 20I Magdalen street Long Wyre street; Kendall road & 33 North Station rd
Cater John Thomas, dealer in antiquities, Pelham's lane Colchester & East Essex Liberal Unionist Association (J.
Cater Wil~iam, butcher, u Magdalen street Miler Winch, hon. sec.), St. Botolph's house
Cater William John, bird dealer, 27 North hill Colchester & East Essex Licensed Victuallers' & Brewers'
Cater William Nathaniel, confectioner & taxidermist, 53 Association (Thomas Baker Harrington, hon. sec.),
Priory street ; & 32 Queen street Marlborough villa, Meyrick crescent
Cattle Market (William Charles White, collector) Colchester Gas Light Co. (H. S. Pike, manager);
Cemetery (Wallace P. Buttrum, supt. ), Mersea road offices, 64 High street; works, Hythe quay
(Arthur S B. Sparling, clerk, solicitor & registrar to Colchester Gazett-e (Benham & Co. proprietors & pub-
the board); offices, 30 Queen street lishers; published wed. morning), 24 High st. See advt
.:~:.1C.......-£d;. J eannette (Mrs.), ap\lrtments, 3 Abbey Gate st Colchester Liberal Association (Herbert Frederic Nash,
Chambers George, jewellPr, Ig.C'ronch street sec.), Public hall, High street
Chambers Geo. watcli maker, 35 Head st. & 9 Crouch st Colchester Manufacturing Co. wholesale clothing manu-
Chambers_ Waiter .Alfred, builder, 101 Magdalen street facturers, Stanwell Street works
Chandler (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Artillery street Colchester Medical Society (George Brown M.D. hon.
Chandler William, bill poster, 6 Artillery street sec.), ;:;Ie:dp te
Chaplin John, hair dresser, 22 North hill Colcliester Mercury (Wright & Sons, proprietors & pub-
Chaplin Richard, hair dresser, 133 Magdalen street lishers ; published fri. ), 6 Heacl. street. See advert
Chaplin Robert, hair dresser, Short Wyre street Colchester (I st) Model Building Society t George F. Man-
Chaplin Samue~, hair dresser, 27 St. John's street sell, sec.), St. Mary's chambers, 10 Church st. ncrth
-Chapman Arthur, Coach & Horses P.H. 3I North hill Colchester Native Oyster Fishery Co. Lim. (George
Chapman Edward, baker, 35 East hill Wittey, sec.), 8 East Stockwell street
Chapman Frank, fruiterer, 57 Crouch street Colchester New Corn Exchange & Cups Hotel Co. Lim.
Chapman Robert Henry, greengrocer, 17 Long \Vyre st (H. H. Elwes, sec.), High street; registered offices, at
'Chapman Roger Henry, greengrocer, 25 ~ast hill Elwes & Turner's, High street
Chapman. William, fish dealer, I36 Magdalen street Colchester Permanent Benefit Building Society
Chard & Co. butchers, I32 Magdalen street (Thomas Moy J.P. chairman; Charles Edward Bland,
Charge Thomas, shopkeeper, 36 West Stockwell street manager), 35 ,Crouch street
10harlesworth .Arthur Henry, The Grosvenor P.H. 62 Colchester Refuge for Fallen Girls (Miss Mary Shinn,
Maldon road matron), Wellington house, 14 East hill
Cheek Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, r Wallirs yard, West Colchester Restaurant (Ernest Togni, proprietor), top
Stockwell street of High street
Cheek Peter, b"aker, 39 South street Colchester Steam Laundry & Carpet Beating Co. Lim.
Chenery Cecil, accountant, emigration & insurance agent (The) (W. H. Short, sec.) ; works, Ipswick road
& manager of the income tax repayment agency, 13 Colchester Stone Co. Lim. artificial stone mfrs. Kendall rd
Sir Isaac's walk Colchester Theatre Royal Co. Lim. (Wallace Erskiile &
1Jherry l\fary Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 84 Butt road Charles Macdona, lessees & managers), Queen street
('heshire Bros. china & glass dealers, 24 St. Botolph st Cole Alfred Ephraim, plumber, 35 Vineyard street
·Cheshire Edwin, butcher, 112 High street Cole Charles, carman, 34 Artillery street
Chignell Hannah Lucy (Miss), milliner, 24 Queen street Coleman Charles, agent to Royal Exchange Assurance,
Chignell James, baker, 40 Military road 23 Head street
1Jhisnall Charles, shopkeeper, 2 North Station road Coleman Percy M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. house sur-
Chisnall George, butcher, 37 North hill geon of Essex & Colchester General hospital, Lexden rd
Chitham Jane & Elizabeth (Misses), young ladies' school, Collar Emma (Mrs.), straw bonnet manufr. Salisbury rd
46 Crowhurst road Collier Emma (Miss), milliner, 15 Salisbury road
Chitham Ropert George, master mariner, 4 Wellesley rd Collins William, The Fencers P.H. Maidenburg street •

.Chopping Ezekiel & Sons, millers (water & steam), Coi:is Eleazar, commercial traveller, 43 Butt street
Middle mill Collison Francis, newsagent, 43 St. Bot()lph street
'-Church of England Soldiers' Institute (Miss F. Bawtree, Corner George, linen & woollen draper, hosier, glover,
lady superintendent), 7 & 8 St. Botolph street milliner & ladies' outfitter, 36 & 37 High street
Church Adolphus Edgar, solicitor, coroner for the Sokens Conway James, Bell P.H. 74 Priory street
division of the county & for the borough, clerk of the Cook Daisy (Miss), baby linen warehouse, 4 Mersea road
peace & vestry clerk for \Vivenhoe, 30 Crouch street Cook John Wi:I M.D., l\LR.C.S. Eng. surgeon & medi·
-Glacton Gazette & Visitors' List (Benham & Co. pro- cal officer of health, Tendring rural sanitary authority,
prietors & publishers; published welnesday morning, Lexden & \Vinstree rural sanitary authority, & Gteat
Id.), 24 High street; & at Clacton-on-Sea. See advt Clacton local board, Thistledean, Crouch street
Clamp James Hill, pawnbroker, 3 St. Botolph street Cook Thomas, shopkeeper, I8 Maldon road
Clark & Son, painters, 87 Butt road Coombs Richard Olibar, chief constable of the borough
(_,'lark Thomas & Son, plumbers, 74 Maldon road police & inspector oi weights & measures, Town hall
Cooper Frederick Ryle, watch maker, 37 Clliver street & manufacturers of Huntington's centrifugal roller
Cooper Isaac Daniel, watch & clock maker, II High st quartz crushing mill, Standard iron works; te~cgraphie;
Co-operative Reading Rooms & Library (William Hale, address, "Paxman, Colchester"
sec.; W. Taylor, librarian), 14 Culver street, Ken- Davey Charles, jnn. shopkeeper, I Brook street.
dall road & North Station road Davey Frederick, shoe maker, 97 Priory street
Corder Ambrose, fishmonger, East street Davey Henry, boot & shoe maker, 89 Crouch street;
Corder John (Mrs.), stationer, 15 Culver street Davey Hephzibah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Old heath
Corder Mary Ann (Miss), stationer, bookseller, news- Davey James, fishmonger, 3 Middleborough
agent & fancy reposit<1ry, 2 Headgate Davies E. & A. temperance hotel, 4 High street.
Cordley William Bains, chemist, opposite High street Davies. & Co. milliners, 41 St. Botolph street
Cormsh William, shopkeeper, 183 Magdalen street Davies Rees, chemist, 2 Roman road
Corporation Water Works (Charles E. Bland, supt. & Davi~s :r'homas, .maker & adviser of scales, weightsp •

collector), 35 Crouch street; works, Balkerne lane we1ghmg machmes & coffee mills, 95 High street
Coultate Philip, staff Q. M. S. Army Pay Corps, 79 Dawes Richard, Rainbow P.H. Long Wyre street
Maldon road Day Benj. saddler & harness ma. 152 Magda~en street
Counties Dairy & Bakery Co. ; chief offices, St. B<ltolph Day Charles, cabinet maker, 5 Frost's yard, North hl
street ; shops, 4 High street, 89 Crouch street, Ken- Death Joseph Henry, coal merchant, 79 Magdalen st
dall road & St. Botolph street Dennis Harriet Isabella & Georgiana (Misses), prepara-
County Constabulary Station (Herbert George Ackers, tory school, Prospect house, North hill
supt.), Ipswich road Dennis Ed'win, leather seller, 17 Culver street
County Court Office (His Honor Judge William Pater- Dennis James Chev~ey, butcher, 133 High street
son; Henry Goody, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high Dermis Thomas, pork butcher, 44 Culver ~:-tr~et
bailiff), 8 Church street north Dennis Thomas John, grocer, 12 St. Botolph street
Cousins William, beer retailer, 32 Head street Denniss Frederick, tailor, 97 High street
Cousins Wm. Jsph. earthenware dlr. 116 Magdalen st Denton Charles Edward, solicitor & :.:ommissiori'er for
Coveney Abraham, boot & shoe maker, 150 Magdalen st oaths & clerk to the borough justices ~ to tbe Col-
Coveney Arthur, shoe maker, 16 Eld lane chester school board, East Stockwell street
Cowan's Balm Co. patent medicine vendors, St. John's st Devall Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Crouch st
Cowan Peter S t!Lker M.R. C. V. S. veterinary surgeon, Diaper William, florist, Priory street
veterinary inspector for the borough & for the Lexden Digby Christopher Cardinal, confectioner, 12 Head st
& Winstree division of Essex, 15 St. John's street Digby Eliza (Mrs.), miller (water), Cannock &; Boume
Cowles George Seager, Castle inn, 125 North Station rd Pond mills, Old Heath road
Cowles Robert, boot & shoe maker, 86 Priory street Digby James Cardinal, confectioner & tobacconist, n
Crammer George, beer retailer, 21 Maidenburg street & 12 Mersea road, & tobacconist, 15 North hill
Crampin James, fishmonger, 10 Magdalen street Diggens Frederick William, market gardener, 47 East hl
Cranfield William, shoe maker, 99 North Station rd Diggens George, greengrocer, 89 Priory street
Cranmer Charles Powell, Bath P.H. 34 Osborne street Diss Alfred, builder & contractor, Stanwell street
Cranmer Robert, shopkeeper, Old heath Diss Fredk. shopkpr. I Alexandra ter. Alexandra rd
Craske & Sons, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors & estate Dixon Edward Austin, dentist, see Buck & Dixon
agents, 35a, Head street Dobson Alice E. & Laura (Misses), boarding school~
Creasy Lionel, butcher, 13 St. Boto~ph street Endsleigh, Wellesley road
Cressall Waiter A.R.I.B.A. architect ~ surveyor, see Dobson George, builder & contractor, Butt Road works
Goodey & Cressall , Dodd John, shopkeeper, 145 :Magua.len street
Creswell William, blacksmith, Culver street Dodd Tho~uas .A.:~red, mi'.liner, general & fancy dr~:iJCi·.
Cross James, carter, 25 Albert road glover, hosier, laceman & haberdasher, 34 & 35
Cross Joseph John, cabinet maker, 107 High street Long Wyre street
Cross \Vi£iam, corn merchant, Victoria chambers, ·west Doe Joseph, bookbinder, 22 St. John's street
Stockwell street & Hythe quay Don Harry Gordon, architect, see Pilkington & Don
Crossman Frederick, beer retailer, New quay, Hythe Dore John, ~eer retailer, II1 Military road
Crowe Harriet Ann (Miss), day school, Scheregate Double Brothers, fishmongers, 21 Long \Vyre street
Double Joseph, fisnmonger, 3 Sclieregate
Croydon Brothers, grocers, 134 High street
Croydon Fredk. trav. draper, Trinity chmbrs. Culver st Downes James Henry, general dealer, 38 Magdalen st
Downes Samuel, ironmonger, 163 Magdalen street
Cuddon B. & J. brewers & m!Ltsters, Old heath Downham Henry, Waterloo P.H. 169 Magdalen street
Cudmore William, boot & shoe maker, 16 Golden Noble Downing Thomas, watch & clock maker, 46 Winnock rd
hill, Mi:itary road Drill hall, Stanwell street
Culham Wm. Hy. beer retailer, 33 Stanwell street Duckett William, plumber, 40 Ipswich road
Cullingford Hy. Saml. (Mrs.), furrier, 6 Chapel street Du Merton Ebenezer, shoe maker, 99 Crouch road
Cullingford Richard Wincup, machine printer, book- Dupont Frederick, builder, North hill
seller, stationer & newsagent, 153 High street; works, Dupres Louis, photographer, I I High street
Nunn's road Durrant Arthur, shoe maker, ro Gladstone road
Cullum Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 19 St. John's street Durrant George Henry, stone mason, Balkerne hi:l
Cups hotel ('lhos. Wm. Brown, proprietor), High st Dyer Arthur Albert, furniture dealer, 4 Short Wyre st
Cushing Thomas, boot maker, 19 Military road Dyke Alice Susannah (Mrs.), registry office for servantsp
Custom House (Edward George Jeffery, collector), 36 Queen street
34 Hythe hill Dyke Charles, hair dresser, 36 Queen street
Dace J ames, professor of music & pianoforte repository, Eade James, hair dresser, 25 l\fiddleborough
21 High street ; & at Chelmsford East Anglian Daily Times (William Raisbeck Sharer.
Daldy Joseph William, plumber, 24 Priory street representative); branch, 53 North hill
Dale Elijah, dairyman, 104 Priory street Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots & Imbeciles (The
Dale William, shopkeeper & carpenter, 29 Brook street Marquess of Bristol, chairman; Admiral Luard C. H.
Damant Daniel, plumber, r Pelham's lane vice-chairman; Horace G. Egerton-Green, treasurer;
Damant Philip, photographer, 14 Mersea road, & tobacco- Sir Frederic Bateman M.D., LL.D. consulting ph>-
nist, 8 Short Wyre street sician; Sir George Murray Hnmphry M.D., F.R.S.
Dampier Edward John, architect & diocesan surveyor, Robert Francis Symmons & E. A. Hunt, consulting
40 Head street surgeons; Gerald Sichel M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.
Daniell S. T. & Co. (Donyland), brewers; stores, 5 Lond. res. medical attendant; John J. C. Turnerr
Maidenbnrgh street res. supt, & sec.; Mrs. Turner, matron)
Daniell & Sons Breweries Lim. (William James Pointing, Eastern Counties Coal Boring & Development Associa-
sec.), ale, stout & porter brewers, maltster & wine tion Lim. {George F. Mansell, sec.), St. Mary's
& spirit merchants, Castle brewery; & at West chambers, 10 Church street north
Berghdlt. See ad~rtisement Edwards Rowland: Ricbard, deputy supt. registrarp
Danish- Dairy Co. bnttermen &c. 51 High street 33 St. John's street
Davey, Paxrnan & Co. engineers, boiler makers & iron- Egerton-Green Claude Egerton, banker, see Gurneysp
founders ; specialities : high class best governing & Round, Green, Hoare & Co
economical, simple, compound & triple expansion Ellison Grace (Mrs.), beer retailer, 36 :Xorth l: i.:l
horizontal & vertical steam engines, condensing & non- Ellison Oborne James LL.B. solicitor & commissioner,
condensing for electric lighting; hauling & winding see Howard, Ellison & Morton
engines, air compressors, portab~e engine..§! ; makers Emer George, tailor, 5 North Station road
of cornish, Iancashire, locomotive, cr05;stube, vertical, Elmer George Robert, beer retailer, Northgate street
marine, water tube & "Economic " boilers ; patentees Elwes Henry Hervey (firm, Elwes & Turner), solicitor
& makers of the " Essex " vertical boiler ; also of & commissioner to administer oaths & sec. to New
water heaters. steam corn dryers &c. ; sole licensees Corn Exchange & Cups Hotel Co. Lim. East hill


Elwes & Turner, so!icitors, All Saints, High street Gammer Wm. John, hay & straw dealer, Serpentinewa1k
English George, jobbing gardener, IS Crowhurst road Gale Brothers, carvers, 5 Crouch street
English Herbert Johnson, tailor, I5a, High ~treet Gallway Edward, bandmaster Northamptonshire Regi·
Essex Archreological Society (James Round M.P., M.A., ment, 98 Military road
D.L., J.P. treasurer; H. W. King esq. hon. sec.; Game Harry, beer retailer, I5 Mersea road
Henry Laver F.S.A., J.P. hon. curator), Castle Garling James Jacob, baker, 20 Long Wyre street &
Essex & Colchester General Hospital (Percy I37 Magdalen street
Coleman M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.:P. house surgeon; Garrad Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 52 East hill
Charles E. Bland, sec. 35 Crouch street; Miss Mary Gasson William, grocer, 40 Barrack street
E. Brough, matron), Lexden road Geernaert J. J. tailor, IB Butt road
Essex County Standard, West Suffolk Gazette & Eastern Gees Philip James, beer retailer, IO Stanwell street
Counties Advertiser (Benham & Co. proprietors & Gentry Arthur Fredk. borough accountant, Town hall
publishers ; published fri. evening for sat.), 24 High George A. C. & Co. boot & shoe manufacturers, Kendall
street. See advertisement road; 6o High street & 2 Long Wyre street
Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society (Robt. Gill James P. Gaiety P.H. Mersea road
Anderson, sec.), High street Gill William, photographer, 2 Sir Isaac's walk
Essex Telegraph (Wright & Sons, proprietors & pub- Gilmor John Wright, photographer, 29 Head street
lishers; published tues. & sat.), 6 Head st. See advt Girvan Alexander, travelling draper, 68 High street
Eustace & Son, boot & shoe makers, 40 St. Botolph st Girling J. & H. coal merchants (Ellis Kerry, manager),
Evans & Pitty (Misses), dress makers, 29 St. John's st 38 Crouch street
.Eve Robert Berridge, butcher, 32 East street Gisby Frederick Arthur, hair dresser, IS Head street
:Everard Emily (Miss), dress maker, I7 St. John's street Glasse Alfred (Mrs), shopkeeper, SI East hill
Everett Henry & Son, builders & contractors, Hythe hill Glover David, grocer, I5 Pond lane
Everett Waiter Edes, chemist & druggist, 33 & 34 Goby Frank, job mast-er, Butt road
St. Botolph street Goddard Edward, general dealer, 16 Middleborongh
Everitt Henry, brick maker, Ipswich road Godfrey Eliza (Mrs.), baker, 55 West Stockwell street
Everitt James, tailor, 3 Military road Godfrey Robert Henry, Bell inn, Old heath
Ezra Joseph Henry, beer retailer, I25 Crouch street Godfrey Robert John, grocer, 23 North hill
Fahie Thomas, shopkeeper, Butt road Godfrey William, beer retail~r, 4 Artillery street
Faiers Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer, 2 Castle road Godfrey William, pork butcher, 87 Barrack street
Fairfield William, fruiterer & greengrocer, New Town rd Godwin Isaac William (late John Sparrow), house &
Farmer George & Henry, cutlers, 106 High street estate agent, certificated bailiff, valuer & rent & debt
Farmer Henry, assessor & collector of taxes, 106 High st collector; established I86o; offices, Chapel street
Farran George, builder & beer retailer, 2I Osborne st Golding Charles, ancient literature warehouse & nnmis-
Farran Henry William, watch maker, 33 St. John's st matic repository, ·west Stockwell street, opposite Pub-
Farren William, seedsman, 40 Balkerne lane he Library
Fenn & Co. auctioneers, vallJ.ers & estate agents, 146 Golding Elizabeth (Mrs.), registry office for servants,
High street 7 West Stockwell street
Fenner Henry, cattle dealer, 54 North hill · Goldsmith Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging house, 37 Crouch st
Fenning Daniel, greengrocer, I35 High street Gooch George, district superintendent, Pearl Assurance
Fenning Ellen (Mrs.), stationer & post office, 39 East hill Co. Lim. 94 Winnock road
Fey Haddie (Mrs.), milliner, I4 Crouch street Goodch1ld Artl:lJ.r, zinc worker & tinman, r6 Wimpole la
~~el~~te Ro~er :Rnbert (Mrb.},~grocer, 4 Sc~~regate stps Goodey &, Cressall, architects & surveyors, 2 Victoria
}~eh- Almsnouses, Culver street . chambers, West Stockwell street
F~nch Wm. Ward, boot & shoe rna. 83 North s_tatwn rd I
Gooding Fanny (Miss), confectioner, I I Culver street
F~ncham. Mary ~ (~rs.'), grocer, 9 Hythe hill Goodram Waiter, baker, 62 Magdalen street
Fn~ Engme Statwn, Lwn walk;. keys at Essex & Suffolk Goodwin William James millwri ht St. Peter's street
Fne Insurance Co.'s office, H1gh street . ' . g '
F I·t ch El"· h · bl k "th 86 H th h"ll
lJa ' JUn. ac sml ' y e I
Goody & Son, prmters, 89 High street
G 00 d & s r 't N 0 th h"ll
Fitch James, Neptune P.H. 14 Hythe quay
Fitchett Stanley, tailor, 10 Cromwell road
G dy H on,(~o ICI ~s,d I &
oo yt enry t r&m,di oto. yt
S) I li 't .t f
?nt' so fciHo~,hregiCS ratr of
Fletcher W. & R. Lim. butchers, 4 St. Nicholas street coun. Y cour . s n~ regis rar 0 Ig our ~
Flory Thomas, builder, 40 Manor road Justice, de:puty JUdge m bankruptcy & notary public,
Flux Joseph, army contractor (washing), 2I Military rd I North hill .
Foley Samuel, dentist, 150 High street O"oodyear Herbert A.M.I.C.E., M.S.I. borough engmeer
Foley Timothy, shopkeeper, 87 Priory street & _surve~or, St~nwell street
Folkard George & William, milliners, S6 High street Gos~ng Ehza ~Miss), dress maker, 30 Maldon road
Folkard Ephraim Beardwell, builder, 8 Balkerne lane Goslmg Fredenck Thomas, pork butcher, 9 Long Wyre
Folkard John, baker, 63 Hythe hill street & 39 Cr~uch street
Folkard Joseph beer retailer 27 Belle Vue road Gosnell Kate (M1ss), dress maker, 17 Chapel street
Folkard Robert: butcher, 97 'Crouch street Gosling M!. _Matilda (Mi~s), preparatory school, 88 High st
.Folkard William, butcher, 27 Middleborough Gowen Willi~m Henry, msurance age~t, 56 Castle road
Ford Joseph, Britannia inn, 2 6 Meyrick cres. Mersea rd Gower Ezekiel,_ shflpkeel?er, 29 East h1ll
"Ford Wilton, Lord Palmerston P.H. I4 Abbeygate st Grant John Grunsey, dauyman, 9 Culver str~et
Forman Alfred, coal dealer, Park lane, Hythe Grant Thomas James! cowkeeper, St. John .s green
Forster Albert Edward, Plough inn, 5 Magdalen street Great Eastern Clothmg Co. (The), clothiers, 4 St.
Forster Thomas, bookseller, 101 High street Botolph street . . .
Fossett Thomas William, boot maker, 7 Sir Isaac's walk Great Eastern Ra1lway Co. recetvmg offic~ for parcels,
& 4 Pelham's lane I9 Head street
Francis & Co. corn, seed & coal merchants, East bridge; Great Eastern Rai~way Co.'s Steam Laundry (~ohn Bell
165 High street; 1a, St. Botolph st. & The Hythe Chambers, supe~mtendent), Bergholt road, Mile end
Francis Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 71 Hythe hill Green Charles, tailor, 7 Stanwell street
Francis Frederick, carpenter, 21 Portland road Green Donald Waiter, carpenter, East bay
Francis William, dairyman, 14 Pond lane Green El~anor (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Queen street
French Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper 63 Vineyard st Green EhzaJ:>eth (M:s. ), apartments, 7 Maldon road
French William, boys' school, 75 East hill Green Gabnel parkmg, pork butcher, 38 St. Botolph st
Friend Fredk. ·wm. hosier & glover 2, & fancy draper Green Harry, msurance agent, Io Culver street
I7, High street Green Horace George E. banker, see Gurney, Round,
Frost Abraham Wm. Hatch, school, Tilney ho. North hill Green, Hoare & Co. .
Frost Charles, Anchor P.H. 35 Magdalen street Green Saml. Hutchinson, furmture dealer, 9 ~agdalen sl
Frost Charles, jun. Clarence P.H. Trinity street Green Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, II8 Hythe hill
Frost Elizabeth Harvey (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, Green Thomas, shopkeeper, 9 Stanwell street
4I Culver street Green William, apartments, 142 Hythe hill
Frost Sarah (Miss), educational establishment for young Green William, carter, 3 St. Peter's street
ladies, 75 Crouch street Greene, King & Sons Lim. ale & porter stores,St. Peter's
Frost William, beer retailer, 90 Butt road street
Frost William Thomas, hair dresser, St. Botolph street Greenwold Albert George, fish dealer, 8 Maldon rd
Fuller Charles, auctioneer, valuer, house & estate & in- Greenwood & Sons, butchers, 6 Crouch street
surance agent, Head Gate auction rooms Greenwood John Augustus, tailor, 3 St. Nicholas street
Fuller James, boot warehouse, 29 Long Wyre street Greenwood Thomas Bagnall, butcher, rB St. Botolph st.
Fulton Mary Sparham (Mrs.), baby linen warehouse, & 66 Crouch street
ni High street Greenwood William, nl).WS agent, 205 Magd!,!len street
Griffin Henry I.ainson, cabinet maker, upholsterer, carpet Hendry William, confectioner, 180 Magdalen street
warehouseman, bedding manufacturer, paperhanger, Herbert .Alfred, beer retailer, Hythe quay
house decorator, furniture remover & house agent; Herbert Robert, shopkeeper, 39 Maidenburg street
furniture warehoused, 18, 19, & 145 High st. See advt Hewes Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 St . .Albans road
Griffiths W. & Co. wholesale & retail drapers & carpet Hicks Edward, boot & shoe maker, 37 Queen street
warehousemen, Tudor house, 48 & 49 High street Hicks John, shoe maker, :z "'\Vellington street
Griggs & Buck, carriage builders, Show rooms, Corn Hicks William, shoe maker, 45 Winchester road
Exchange; works, Crouch street; & at Halstead Hildyard David Cutts, dealer in antiquities, 7 High st
Grimes Henry, supervisor of inland revenue, 6o High st Hill Thomas, tobacconist, 78 Butt road
Grimes Joseph, builder & contract{)r & surveyor to the Hill W. Reed, homreopathic surgeon, 29 Crouch street
Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society, Hilliar William, journalist, 55 Papillon road
North Gate works Hind~ James, band master 2oth Hussars, 28 Salisbury rd
Grimston Waiter Edward, maltster, Hythe quay & New qy Hitchcock John Bloomfield, cooEer & basket maker, 43
Grimwade Henry, auctioneer. See Sexton & Grimwade North hill
Grimwade Sarah Kate (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Hitchcock Mary (Miss), dress maker, 34 Queen street
3 Maldon road Hitchcock William, butcher, 73 East street
Grimwood Eliza (Mrs.), fruiterer, 18 East bill Hoare Charles Richard G. banker, see Gurneys, Round,
Grim wood William Blandon, blacksmith, North Station rd Green, Hoare & Co
Grimsey James, smith, I7 & 18 Hythe quay Hobbs Fanny (Miss), confectioner, 35 Culver street
Grone F. & E. ladies' school, I7 Wellesley road Hocking Edward Oharles, artists' colorman, 91 High street
Groom, Daniels & Co. timber, slate, cement & drain Hockley Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Granville road
pipe merchants & steam sawing, planing & moulding Hodgson Charles William, boot maker, 23 Butt road
mills; office, Magdalen st.; depot, The Hythe. See advt Holden Sarah & Elizabeth (Misses), dress makers, I
Grover Rose (Mrs.), tobacconist, 8 Queen street Church street south
Groves William, Three Mariners P.H. Ill Magdalen st Hollaway Henry, accountant & insurance agent
Gull Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Chapel street Home & Colonial Lim. (The), tea &c. dealers, 54 High st
Gunison Henry, shopkeeper, 2 Back lane, Hythe hill Hopwood Joseph Cooke & Son, watch makers, jewellers,
Gurneys, Alexanders, Birbeck, Barclay, Buxton & Kerri- silversmiths & opticians, 47 High street
son, bangers (agency; C. M. Stanford, agent) (open Hopwood Thomas, draper, 7 Mersea road
daily from Io to 4 o'clock), 23 High street; draw on Houlding Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist & hair dres-
Lloyds Bank Limited, Lombard street, London E C ser, 3 Magdalen street
Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co. bankers, 9 High Household Supply Stores (The), grocers, tea dealers,
street; branch, Brightlingsea, on tues. & fri. ; draw coffee & provision dealers, italian warehousemen,
on Lloyds Bank Limited, Lombard st. London E C patent medicine vendors, ale, porter & mineral water
Gusterson James, shopkeeper, 79 Albert street merchants, 16 High street
Hale Arthur, tailor, 41 Crouch street Howard, Ellison & Morton, solicitors, Head Gate court,
Hale Frederick William, cork manufacturer, I East hill Head street
Hale John Jesse, boot & shoe maker, 26 Winnock road Howard W. & Son, carmen, Maidenburg street
Hall Melton, preparatory school, 35 Lexden road Howard Maria (Mrs.), carter, 21 Culver street
Halls & Co. dress makers, 11 Church street north Howard William, Prince of Wales P.H. & blacksmith, I4
Halls Abraham, confectioner, I6 East hill Magdalen street
Halls 6-eorge Berry (successor to the late G. Pung How~r? William . (~. Howard, Ellison & Morton),
Hazell), boot & shoe manufacturer, so North hill solicitor, commiSsioner for oaths, Head Gate court,
• Halls Rt. J. fish & ice merchant, dealer in poultry & Head street
game, High street Howe & Co. tailors & outfitters, xo Queen street
Hamblion Jeremiah Green, carpenter, 22 Maldon road Howe Edwin, house agent, 39 Maldon road
Harnmond Albert Edward, grocer, 4 Long Wyre street Howe James, ironmonger, 5 Long Wyre street
Hancock C. W. & Co. wholesale confectioners & foreign Howe Jahn, jun. shopkeeper, I6S Magdalen street
fruit merchants, 13a, St. Botolph street Howe RDbert, furniture dealer & shopkeeper, 13 Golden
Hancock John, confectioner, 31 Crouch street Noble hill, Military road
Hancock John, confectioner, 17 St. Botolph street Howe William Traylor, house decorator, 26 Culver street
Harden Joseph, bricklayer, 20 East street Hubbard Arthur, dairyman, Newtown dairy, Kendall rd
iHardy J. & Son, land agents & valuers, ISI High street Hubbard Joshua, Colchester Arms P.H. 79 Magdalen st
Harrington Jackson F.R.G.S. commercia.J. school, Trinity Hubbard Joshua, jun. hair dresser, 16o Magdalen street
house, Wimpole lane Hughes ~izabeth Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, 17 South st
Harris Ebenezer, dyer, 21 North hill Hull & King, grocers, I3 ~ng Wyre street
Hart & Levy, wholesale clothiers, Magdalen street Hum Henry, cooper, 24 :Northgate street
Hartley Frederick Charles, shoe maker, 2 George street Humm Alfred,, greengrocer, 82 Hythe hill
Harvey Charles, cabinet maker, 125 Magdalen street Humm FrederiCk, shopkeeper, I22 Hythe hill
Harvey Florence (Miss), dress maker, 23 Mersea road Humphreys Charles, boot maker, I88 Magdalen street
iHarvey James, coal merchant, 17 Manor road Hunt Edgar Attlee M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin., L.S.A.
Harvey William Richard, hay & straw merchant 4 Lon. surgeon & surgeon to the Essex & Colchester
Creffield road ' Hospital & the Post office & consulting surgeon Eastern
iHarwood Alfred John, market gardener, St. Peter's st Counties Asylum for Idiots, Crouched Friars, 107
Hatch Henry, shopkeeper, 27 Chapel street Crouch street
Hatfield John, furniture dealer, 32 St. Jolm's street Hunt George, Ohaise & Pair P.H. 9 North hill
Hatherley Frederick, tailor, 44 1Vellesley road Hunwicks .Albert, beer ret. Golden Noble hl. Military rd
Haward William Palmer & Son,- p1umbers &c. 4 East hill Hurley Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 70 Butt road
Hawkins Charles, beer retailer, 1 St. John's green Hutcherson Frances Sophia & Esther Ann (Misses), dress
Hawkins George, furnit1o1re broker & beer retailer, I42 makers, 33 Crouch street
Magdalen street Hutchings Charles, jun. baker, 26 East street
Hayter James John, Angel hotel, High street Hyam Montague & Co. manufacturing clothiers (Thomas
Hayward Charles, Spread Eagle P.H. 11 Middleborough W. Bennett, manager), Abbey Gate works
Hayward William, furniture dealer, 105 Priory street Hyam Frederick William, coal agent, 35 Maldon road
Haywood Arthur, coal dealer, 1 Wimpole lane lndustl'ial Home (for training girls for service) (1\fin
Hazell Eliza & Julia (Misses), dress makers, 39 North hl Simpk]n, mat~n), 5.5 East hill
Hazell George, fishmonger, 10 Middleborough Ingle Joseph, wh1tesmJth, 5 Essex street
Hazell George Lappage, hair dresser, x8 Culver street & Inland Revenue Office (tax department, F. W. Statham,
26 Queen street surveyor; excise department, Henry Grimes, super-
Hazell George Pilgrim, bricklayer, Io6 Priory street viwr; Henry Bainsford & W. W. Harris, officers), 6o
Hazleby Frederick Wadsworth, Rose & Crown P.H. 51 High street
East street - Inman Charles, boot maker, 37 :Mersea road
Head Charles, artist, 43 Crowhurst road Ivory Thomas, Bull commercial hotel, 4 Crouch street
Heap Joseph Herbert, wholesale clothier, see Senior, Jacklin Geo. Wm. Bead Gate hotel, St. John's sfreei;
Heap & Co Jackson Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Rawstorn road
liearsum Charles,, watch maker, 50 East hill Jackson George, provision dealer, 11 Long Wyre street
lieasman .Alfred, Jeweller, 22 High street Jacob Charles Wm. watch & clock maker, 33 North hill
l!eath Frederick Charles, beer retailer, I62 Magdalen James William, Brewers' Arms P.H. Stanwell street
street Jarmin Arthur Middleton, greengrocer, 1 Rawstmn road
Beath Henry Edward, Red Lion commercial & family Jarmin Thomas Middleton, shopkeeper, 37 Maldon road
hotel & posting house, High street Jeffries Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 86 Magdalen street
Hellen Geo:ge, butcher, 6 Long Wyre street Jennings & Son, coach builders, Stanwell street
Jennings Joseph Francis, tobacco pipe manufacturer & Liberal Club (H. F. Nash, sec.), High street
wholesale dealer in matches, 21 George street Lilley James, PoQrk butcher, 44 Nortli Station l'oad
Jervis Victoria (Mrs.), brewer & cooper, 155 & 156 Lingard William, printer, 9 St. John's street
Magdalen street Lingwood Edgar, auctioneer, 3 St. Botolph street
Johnson & Son, plumbers, 6 Lion walk Lissimore Albert, builder, 25 Culver street
Johnson Oharles, chimney sweeper, 56 Maldon road Lissimore Bennell, bricklayer, 31 East Stockwell street
Johnson Charles, fishmonger, 97 Magdalen street Lissimore Henry Jas. greengrocer, 91 North Station rd
Johnson Charles, shopkeeper, 206 Magdalen street Lissimore Sam BenneU., tobacconist & post office, 17
Johnson George, china & glass dealer~ 52 & 53 High st North Slafion road
Johnson George, Lamb inn, 128 High street List Joseph .Arthur, clothier, 213 Magdalen street
Johnson Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 74 Barrack slreet Lister Joseph Q.M.S. Army Pay Corps, 75 Maldon road
Johnson Josiah Henry, plumber, 10 St. Botolph street Literary & Scientific Institution (Waiter Bryant Spar-
Johnson Solomon Candle, chair maker, 8 LioQn walk ling & A. M. White, hon. secs. & Geo. R. Mitcheli,
Johnson Thomas Henry, wheelwright, 1 South street sec.; Henry H. Weatherall, librarian), St. John's street
Johnson William, Lord Raglan P.H. 33 Military road Littlebury George & Son, hay, straw & corn merchants,
Johnson William, tailor, 33 High street 26 Magdalen street
Jones & Son, solicitors, ToQwn Hall chambers Littlebury Waiter, corn mer. see Littlebury George & Son
Jones & Watt, boot makers, 81 Barrack street Littlebury William Harvey, seed grower, 26 Abbey ter
Jones F. C. H. solicitor, Trinity chambers, Culver street Littlebury William Warden, baker & retail corn dealer.
Jones Frederick Roberts, family grocer, see Tabrum & 190 Magdalen street
Jones Locke Thos. Marriott, cabinet ma. 27 & 28 Long Wyre sfi
Jones Henry William (firm, Jones & Son), solicitor & London & County Banking Co. Lim (branch) Frank Tid-
clerk to the oounty justices, Town Hall chambers boald Snell, manager), 25 High st.; draw on head office
Jones John William, cabinet maker, 71 Croucn street 21 Lombard street, London E 0
Jones Waiter, pianist, 81 Priory street Long Charles (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 26 Osborne street
J ones William, fishmonger, 65 East hill Lorking James, plasterer, 13 Colme Bank ooad
Jopling William, chemist, druggist, soda water & horse Lorraine John James, shopkeeper, 33 Gilbert road
& cattle medicine manufacturer (established 1750), 28 Lott Isaac, coal merchant, 22 .Artillery street & St.
High street Botolph station
.Joalln H. & G. furnishing & general ironmongers, iron Loyd George & Son, boot & shoe makers, 64 North hill
founders & agricultural implement makers, 108, 109 & Loyd William, grocer, 17 Head street
140 & 145 High street; Maidenburg street ; stand, 47 Lucas Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 57 Hythe hill
New Corn market & stand, 98 Corn market:_ Ipswich Lucking A. J. & Co. linen drapers, 28, 29 & 30 St.
Joslin Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 97 Hythe hill Botolph street
J<Jslin Mark, jun. Swan P.H. Hythe hill Lucking George, cab proprietor, 24 Culver street J. Lim. boot manufacturers, 27 Stanwell st Lyes Fredk. Wm. hair dresser, 42 North Station road
Kea.tley Charles, sergeant major 2oth Hussars, 9 .Alex- Lyes Henry Thomas, bricklayer, Magdalen street
andra road McConnell James, grocer, 13 Butt road
Keeble David, carman, 24 Eld lane McDonald Florence (Miss), preparatory school, 93 Win-
Kemball Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Roman road nock road
Kendall's Almshouses, Military road MacGregor .Joseph Johnston M.D. Lond, F.R.C.S. Eng.
Kennedy Charles, beer ret. & shopkeeper, 10 Artillery st surgeon, Head Gate house
Kent & Blaxill, oil & calor merchants, 102, 103 & 104 McHugh Edward, The Dragoon P.H. & furniture dealer~
High street 82 Butt road
Kent James, bricklayer, 40 Artillery street McLennan Kenneth, travelling draper, 64 Priory street
Kiddy John, french polisher, 28 Chapel street McQueen George Alexander, glass & china dlr. 30 Head st
King Thomas Percy & Co. art needlework depot, 61 Mallinson G. W. & Co. Limited, mineral water manu-
North hill facturers, "\Villiam's walk
King Samuel, butcher, 37 St. John's street Malster Harriet (Miss), straw bonnet maker, 24 Brook st
Kinnard Ernest J. wheelwright, see Bruce & Kinnard Malster James, timber merchant, Old heath
Kistruck Ar.thur (Mrs.), greengrocer, 12 Middleborough
Knight George, clerk of works, 88 Winnock roau Mann Frederick, music warehouse, 123 High street
Knobb William, ordnance clerk, 23 Meyrick crescent, Mann Leonard, baker, 8 Maidenburg street
Mersea road Mann :MatiJda (Miss), school, see Taylor & Mann (Misses)
Knopp & Son, wholesale boot manufacturers, Portland Mansell George Frederick, accountant, St. Mary's
road; fancy bazaar 39 & 40, & boot warehouse 38, chambers, 10 Church street north
Long Wyre street Marchant Francis, foreman Ordnance stores, 22 Meyrick
Lamb William J. shoe maker, 117 Hytlie hill crescent, :1\iersea road
Lambert Clover Hart Reu'ben, Victoria P.H. 123 North Margetson James Francis, chemist, 41 Alexandra road
Station road Marriage Edward & Wilson, millers (steam & water) k
Lambert William Charles, beer retailer, 134 Hythe hill corn merchants, East mills, East gates & Hythe; &
Lampon Robert, The Sun P.H. 7 Maidenburg street at Southend-on-Sea, Burnham & London
Lang Albert, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 11 Cromwell rd Marriage James, wheelwright, 18 Golden Noble hil},
Langley Catherine (Mrs.), Duke of York P.H. 82 Military road
Barrack street Marriage Wilson, farmer, Dilbridge hall, Ipswich road
Last William & George, bakers, 85 & 103 HyThe hill Marsh E. Addison, surgeon, 95 Winnock road
Last George, furniture dealer, 102 Hythe hill Marsh Frederick, house decorator, 25 Priory street
Laver Henry F.S.A., F.L.S. surgeon, medical officer to Marsh Thomas, insurance agent, 57 East street
Colchester & Lexden rural sanitary authorities & Marshall & Potter, solicitors, 4 Church street north
public vaccinator for QoQlchester, Head street Marshall Charles Henry Thomas (firm, Pope, Marshall
Lawes Harry Hammond, saddle & harness maker, 88 & Potter & also Marshall & !potter), solicitor & com-
Hythe hill missioner for oaths, 4 Church street north
Lawrance Mary (Mrs.), poulterer, Old heath Marshall Edward, district superintendent British Work-
Lawrence Charles, hair dresser, 63 Barrack street man's & General Assurance Co. Limited, 88 North
Lay & Wheeler, wine, spirit & ale & porter merchants, Station road
10 High street · Marshall William, shopkeeper, 6 Vineyard street
Lazell George Martin & Son, grocers, 59 High slreet Martin David Benjamin, draper 16, 17 & r8, & tobac·
Leaning H. & Co. wholesale clothiers, Long Wyre street conist 15, Short Wyre street
Learherdale Jonathan, chair ma. 4 Frost's yard, North hl Martin Henry, whitesmith, 5 Hospital lane
Leatherdale Mary (Mrs.), coffee house, 41 Nmth hill Martin James, Artillery Man P.H. Artillery street
Lee George William, hardware dealer 48, & beer retailer Martin John, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 19 & 21
5, Stanwell street Winnock road
Lee Joseph, solicitor, 18 Crouch street Martin Thomas, The Grapes P.H. 43 Mersea road
Lee William, carpenter, 49 Priory street Mash Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Beaconsfield terracey
Leech Isaac, Royal Mortar P.H. 53 Military road Beaconsfield avenue
Lester James, ~ommission agent, 8 Butt road Mason Harry George, shoe maker, 63 Stanwell street
Letch Henry, boot maker, 9 Short Wyre street Mason Turner, greengrocer, 22 Trinity street
Letch James, cabinet maker, Head street Mason "\Villiam, beer retailer, 168 Magdalen street
Leveridge James, baker & dairyman, 13 Berechurch rd Mattacks & Co. booksellers, bookbinders, printers &
Levett Charles, beer retailer, 24 Roman road stationers, 14 Head street
Lewis Henry, painter, 100 Magdalen street ~fatock Wm. picture frame maker, 23 Shrublanrl roall.
Lewis William, florist, Queen Street gardens May Thomas, Inkerman P.H. 198 Magdalen street

Maybury William Augustus M.D., M.Ch. surgeon &i Nixon Edmnnd Henry, borough rate collector, Town hall
medical officer for 2nd district, 9 West Stockwell street Nobbs Robert, shopkeeper 33 Granville road
Maynard George, shoe maker, I2I Priory street Noble Richard, Marlborough Head P.H. St. Botolph street
Maynard George Henry, fruiterer, I32 High street Norman Fred, stone, marble &i monumental masons,
Mead Christopher Lewis, wine & spirit merchant & agent Cemetery works, I9 Mersea road
tor W. & A. Gilbey I.imited, wine & spirit merchants, Norman John, fishmonger, Short Wyre street
8 Crouch street Northover George, painter, 65 Crouch street
Mead George, Sea Horse inn, High street Norman Isaac, greengrocer, 2 Military road
Mead George, tailor, IS West street Noy Benammi Kedar, boiler maker, n Hythe quay
Melsom Charles, staff clerk, 108 Military road Nunn Charrington, hair dresser, I Balkerne lane
Merry Albert James, district superintendent Prudential Nunn John, smith, I9 Back lane, Hythe quay
Assurance Co. Limited, North Station road Oldham Geo. Abraham, photographic artist, I4 Queen st
Miles William Thomas, shopkeeper, 67 Butt road Oliver Martin, boot maker, 79 Crouch street
Miller David, travelling draper, 7 Orchard road Oliver William, Cambridge Arms P.H. 4I Military road
-.Miller Henry, baker, 82 Priory street Orfeur Charles Ernest, builder & contractor, manufactur-
Miller John, grocer, East gates ing joiner & horticultural builder, Colne Bank works,
:Miller Joseph Henry, wholesale & retail wine & spirit &i North Station road. See advertisement
ale & stout merchant, 39 St. Botolph street Orford Francis Russell Neale, staff Q.M.S., R.A. I9
Mills James C. beer r~tailer & coach builder, 83 Mag- Salisbury road
o.dalen street Orpen Robert, coal merchant, offices, I6 Head street;
Mills Samuel, glove & gaiter manufacturer, IO North hill depot, St. John's street
Minks Charles, chair maker, 37 St. John's green Orrin Ebenezer, boot maker, 36 St. John's street
Mitchell George Robert, collector to the guardians & Orrin Ebenezer, jun. shoe maker, 55 South street
deputy registrar of births & deaths for 3rd ward sub- Osborn Naomi (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I2 Essex street
district, 44 Crowhurst road Osborne Henry Wm. greengrocer, 23 North Station road
"Mitchell Margate, coal merchant, see Booth & Mitchell Osbourn & Piton, wholesale clothiers, 7 St. John's green
Mole Isaac, boot & shoe maker, 52 North hill Osmond Charles, teacher of music & organist of St.
Money Henry, market gardener, St. Peter's street Mary-a.t-the-Walls, I Maldon road
Monson Benjamin, photographer, 7 East hill Page Charles Everitt, solicitor, II Victoria chambers
Moore Thomas & Sons, grocers, Barrack street, Plough Page George Henry, architect & surveyor & land & estate
'Corner & Head gate agent, Trinity chambers, Culver street
Morgan James, butcher, IS Magdalen street Page Thomas William, butcher, 43 Crouch street
Morton Cecil Howard, solicitor (firm, Howard, Ellison Palmer William Haward, boot maker, r6 Butt road
& Morton), Head Gate court, Head street Papworth Annie (Mrs.,) second-hand furniture dealer,
Norton George (Mrs.), furniture broker, I23 Magdalen st 24 Trinity street
Morton Hannah Mary (Miss), apartments, 36 Creffield rd Parish Josiah (Mrs.), art needlework repository, 8 Head sb
-.Moss Thomas, shoe maker, 55 Winnock road Parker Edwin, beer retailer, 12 Short Wyre street
Moss Wm. George Frederick, undertaker, 8 St. John's st Parker William, fruiterer, I24 Magdalen street
Moth Kate Elizabeth & Adams Annie (Misses), milliners Parkhouse Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Trinity street
& dressmakers, r Trinity street Parmenter Peter, shopkeeper, 24 Mersea road
Mothersole Thomas, wine & spirit merchant (E. B. Parry Owen, oil cake manufacturer, seed crusher & mer-
Bootes, manager), 23 Head street chant, Hythe; & at Ipswich, Burnham, Felixstowe &
Motrin Anthony, beer retailer, 37 West Stockwell stree~ 66 Mark lane, London E C
Motnm Arthur, saddler, 79 East bill Parry Owen, oil cake manufacturer, 8 Hythe quay
Motum George, fancy repository, 42 Culver street Parsons Richard, draper &c. 34 High street & Pelhams la
Moy Thomas Limited, coal, coke & lime merchant, coal Parsonson Thomas, basket maker, 3 Stanwell street
factor & ship owner, Hythe; chief office, Head street; Partner Charles, plumber, East street
also at most of the railway stations in the district; Paul Christopher & Waiter, sewing machine dealers, 88
& at London, Peterborough, Norwich, Ipswich, Lowes- Barrack street
toft & Yarmouth Pauline & Co. corset makers, 26 Head street
Mnmford Arthur George, engineer, Culver street Pawsey Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 20 Golden Noble hill,
Munson Arthur John, saddler, 20 Maldon road Military road
Munson Benjamin Robert, shopkeeper, 55 Stanwell street Pawsey Samuel, painter, 20 Golden Noble hill, Military rd
Munson Robert, farmer, Rover's Sty farm, Ipswich Paxman James, engineer, see Davey, Paxman & Co
Murrell Harry, beer retailer, 78 Barrack street Payne John Hezekiah, currier & leather seller, 2 Lion walk
Museum (Frederick Spalding, curator & librarian), Peachey Charlotte Ellena (Miss), milliner, 6 Short Wyre st
The Castle Peachey Frederick, shopkeeper, 77 Barrack street
Mutton Richard Will lam, George family & commercial Peake George, apartments, 6 Alexandra road
hotel & posting house, best accommodation, High street Peat F. Sutherland, inspector, Scottish Equitable Life
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- Office, 2 Beaconsfield terrace
dren (Colchester & East Essex branch) (Patrick R. Peck Henry "\Villiam, painter, 29 Osborne street
Green, hon. sec.; John "\Villiam Taylor, inspector, 9 Peck William, linen draper, 45 & 46 High street
St. John's street Peggs William & Son, cab proprietors, ro Lion walk &
Nayler Augustus, beer retailer, I4 Northgate street Plough yard, Magdalen street
Near Joseph Lawrence, builder, 37 North Station road Peggs George, wardrobe dealer, 36 East hill
Nelson John, farmer, 38 Pownall crescent Pell Harry, hair dresser & perfumer, 148 High street
Nevard & Swan, coal, coke & general m~rchants, Mag- Pepper Waiter Harry, tailor, see Renton & Pepper
dalen street & St. Botolph station Pepper William, tobacconist, 38 St. John's street
Nevard Henry Thomas (Mrs.), fruiterer, 2 North hill Perkins Sophia E. (Mrs.), Fleece family & commercial
Nevard Robert, farmer, Old heath hotel, Head street ·
Neville George, tailor, 42 Papillon road Perrin Edward, shoe maker, I07 Military road
Neville Thomas, coal dealer, Back lane, Hythe Pettitt John, taxidermist, Io8 North Station road
New Corn Exchange (H. H. Elwes, sec.; Frederick Philbrook Rosetta (Miss), dress maker, 8 Roman road
Thomas Peek, superintendent,) High street Phillips Joseph, cigar manufacturer, 2 St. Botolph street
Newcombe Arthur Harry, Norfolk P.H. 6o North Pickford & Co. railway carriers (Joseph William Sadd,
Station road agent), I3I High street
Newman Hannah Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Abbey Pichon Mons. Chas. teacher of languages, 35 Wellesley rd
Gate street Piddington l\Iary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2I West
Newman Wm. Hy. butchr, 14 Long Wyre st. & 20 East hi Stockwell street
Nice Ambrose Robert, cabinet maker, II7 Crouch street Pierce Edward Matthew, station master, Hythe
Nicholas Frank, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited, Pike Herbert Stanley, manager to Gas Co. Hythe quay
26 Granville road Pilkington & Don, architects, IO Church street north
Nicholl (Charrington) & Co. brewers, East Hill brewery Piton Philip, wholesale clothier, see Osbourn &i Piton
Nlcholl & Co. timber, slate, cement & drain pipe mer- Pitt & Son, cab proprietors, n Butt road
chants & sawing mills, Culver street & Hythe quay. Pitt William Thomas, Woolpack P.H. St. Botolph street
See advertisement Pitty Esther (~Iiss), dress make1, see Evans & Pitty
Nicholls Rosa (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 25 Crouch street Plant "\.Yilliam Bickers, manager of Shaftesbury temper-
Nicholson Benjamin Hu~h M.B., C.l\1. surgeon, High st
Nicholson Charles Alfred, tailor, I4 St. Botolph street
Nightingale Robert, auctioneer & clothier, 6o North hill
I ance hotel, St. Nicholas passage, High street
Plnmb Harriet k Mary Jane (Misses), dress makers, 73--
. Maldon rodd


Pleasant Samuel, tailor, ro Long Wyre street Roberts Adelaide (Mrs.), Blue Boar P.H. Kendall road
Pointing William James, sec. to Daniell & Sons Breweries Robinson Frederick Edwd. town missionary, 66a, Priory st
Limited, Castle Brewery Rodgers John, chimney sweeper, 27 Eld laJJe
Pollard Frederick John, cab proprietor, 23 Military road Roff Emily (Miss), preparatory school, 35 Mersea road
Pollard John .Artist, cab proprietor, Susse; rd. Lexden rd Rogers Edward Arnold.. basket wareho. 23 Long Wyre st
Polley Ellen Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, I3 Crouch st Rogers Frederick (Mrs.), mrkt. gardener, 39 St. John's st
Polley Henry, greengrocer, 7I East street Rogers George, butcher, go Hythe hill
Poole Harry Ruscombe, jobmaster & livery stable keeper, Rogers Herbert George, bookseller, stationer, printer,
7I High street ; Cups hotel yard & Maldon road mews bookbinder & wholesale & retail news agent, depot for
Pope, Marsliall & Potter, solicitors, Trinity street & Sunday School Union publications, 2 St. Nicholas st
Church street north Rogers William, plumber & decorator, 48 St. John's st
Pope William Henry, sanitary inspector, 28 Osborne st Roofe George Joseph Greenfield, paperhanger, 48 East hili.
Porter Henry, greengrocer, 58 East hill Rose Agnes (Mrs.), beer retailer, Hythe quay
Potkin James, firewood dealer, Artillery street Rose Elizabeth (Mrs.), temperance hotel, SI North hill
Potter James Coulson & Co. tea dealers, 36 Culver street Rose Thomas Alien, baker, 2 Middleborough
Potter Frederick, hair dresser, 74 Butt road Rowall Betsy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 Butt road
Potter J ames, dairy, Io Butt road Rudkin Fanny (Miss), bookbinder, IS Crouch street
Potter James William (firm, Pope, Marshall & Potter), Rule John Taylor, builder, I3 St. Mary's road
solicitor & clerk to the commissioners of taxes for Rumsey George, grocer, 9 Middleborough
Colchester division, Trinity street Ryan Josepii Michael M.B. surgeon & medical officer for
Potter John, shopkeeper, 43 Chapel street 3rd district, 85 East hill
Potter Thomas, horse dealer, 9 West street Sadler Edward, general dealer, I3 Magdalen street
Potter William, White Hart P.H. 34 Crouch street Sadler J essie (Mrs.), dress maker, 40 St. John's street.
Potton J ames George, Swan inn, I IO High street Sadler Thomas, fishmonger, I,54 Magdalen street
Preece Richard, clothier, I8 Long Wyre street Sage Robert John, farmer, Monkwick
Pressnall Edmund, stationer & post office, 123 Hythe hill Saint-Aubyn A:dstide Francis, teacher of languages, &
Prestney Arthur, fly proprietor, 44 Crouch street Osborne street
Prestney Jeremiah, boot & shoe maker, 33 Culver street St. James' Orphanage (Miss Carolina Clara Jones,..
& 8o East hill matron), East hill
Prestney Robert, currier, 5 Church street south St. Runwald's Club (W. H. Short, sec.), High street
Prestney Robert, shoe maker, 8 Winnock road Sale :William James, clothier & outfitter, 20 St. Botolph st
Priestley J olin, baker, 46 Maidenburg street Salmon Arthur Charles, shopkeeper, 1I2 North Station r<J
Prime Edward, veterinary surgeon, I8 East Stockwell st Samson Margaret (Mrs.), dress mkr. 20 North Station rei
Prior Alfred, Jesse, auctioneer, Eld lane Sanders, Evatt & Co. wholesale grocers & tea merchants,
Prior Asher, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths provision merchants & sugar manufacturers, 3I & 3z
& perpetual commissioner, 3I Head street High street & Hythe wharf
Prior George, machinist, 20 Trinity street Sanders Israel, shopkeeper, 5 Cannon street
Prior James, baker, 9 Butt road Sandle Hy. John, grocer & confectioner, I6I Magdalen st
Prior Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 2I Essex street Sands Nehemiah, fancy repository, 20 & 2I Head street
Prior Robert George, dairyman, 75 Barrack street Sansom Frederick, builder, 8o Barrack street
Priory Street Factory (George ~amuel, manager), manu- Saunders Frank, bricklayer, 22 Essex street
facturing clothier, Priory street Saunders Waiter, bicycle manufacturer, 26 Crouch street-
Prosser Evan Thomas (exors. of), chemists, 7 Head f>t Savings Bank (James Robert Reynolds, actuary; open OB
Proud Alice (Mrs.), dress mkr. Kendall rd. New Town fld fri. 12 to 2 & 7 to 8 & sat. I to 3), Church street nortll
Public Hall (H. F. N ash, sec.), I66 High street Saxty Brothers, tailors, 26 High street
Purkiss Arthur Edwin, relieving officer No. I district; Scarfe Albert (late G. Ager & Sons), linen draper, silk
vaccination officer 2nd ward & registrar of births & mercer & hosier, millinery, mantles & dress making~
deaths 2nd ward sub-district, 32 Crowhurst road 27 High street
Quilter & Son, engravers, IS I High street Scargill Waiter, vaccination officer ISt ward, 43 North
Quinney Joseph, shopkeeper, 34 North hill Station road
Rainsford Henry, inland revenue officer, IO Salisbury rd Schofield Isaac, photogr_apher, 1 Mersea road
Railing Thomas John, registrar of births & deaths for Scott Edwin & Son, tea blenders, grocers & provision
I st ward sub-district & manager of " Essex County merchants, I Long Wyre street
Standard," Winnock lodge, IOI Winnock road Scott Charles Henry, painter, see Bareham & Scott
Rampling Elizbth. (Mrs.), lting's Arms P.H. 63 Crouch st Scott Charles John, builder, contractor, carpenter, under-
Rampling J oseph, town sergeant, Town hall taker & house decorator, 8 North hill
Rand William, beer retailer, 77 Crouch street Scott George Henry, shopkeeper, 54 East street
Randall Charles, shopkeeper, Balkerne lane Scott Harry, Crown & Sceptre P ~H. 43 South str~et
Randall Clarissa (Mrs.), tobacconist, 59 Crouch street Scott Sophia E. (Miss), preparatory school, 5 Wellesley rd
Randolph-Symons Francis, solicitor, Headgate crt. Head st Sculfor Francis, Flying Fox inn, Harwich road
Rapley Richard, shoe maker, 67 East hill Seaborn Hannah (Mrs.), confectioner, 35 East street
Rashbrook George Myles, baker, I8 Middleborough Seaborn John, market gardener, Old heath
Rashbrook Samuel Grove Elmer, baker, 21 Stockwell st Sealey Waiter, shopkeeper, 17 West Stockwell street
Raven .Arthur Samuel, paperhanger, I4 Sir Isaac's walk Searles Susannah (Miss), dress maker, II George street
~aven Martha Carolina (Mrs.), Royal Standard P.H. I8 Senior, Heap & Co. wholesale clothiers, Osborne street
:Mersea road Sennitt John Baxter, grocer 32, & provision dealer 14,.
Ray Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper; 36 St. John's green Short Wyre street
Rayner .Arthur George, cab proprietor, 27 Rawstorn road Sewell Frederick, fancy draper! g6 High street
Rayner Arthur George, Castle P.H. High street Sewell Wm. beer retailer & shopkpr. IS & I6 Artillery st
Read Herbert, confectioner, 16 Pond lane Sexton & Grimwade, auctioneers, land surveyors & estate
Read William, shoe maker, 45 Winsley road agnts, Head street; & at Hadleigh, Suffolk & Ipswich
Reader William, shopkeeper, 24 Maldon road Shaftesbury Temperance Hotel (J. J. Bennell, proprietor;..
Reeve Charles Gurdon, cabinet maker, I I North hill W. B. Plant, manager), St. Nicholas passage, High st
Renton & Pepper, tailors, so High street Shead Anne (Mrs.), Ordnance Arms P.H. I Hythe qua1
Reynolds Frederick, shopkeeper, 82 Magdalen street Shead Robert, carman, Hythe quay
Reynolds Jas. Robt. actuary of Savings Bk. Church st. nth Shelton Sarah ,Ann (Mrs.), pork butcher, 21 Eld lane-
Rice Charles Edward, fruiterer & florist, 3 Crouch st.; Shenstone :Jas. Chapman, chemist & druggist, I3 High st
5 I High street & IS St. Botolph street Shepard Charles Stephen, hosier, II9 High street
Rice Henry George, undertaker, 5 Mersea road Shepherd Charles, tailor, see Smith & Shepherd
Richards Frederick William, hair dresser, 5 Head street Shepherd George, baker, IIO Magdalen street
Richards Kate (l\Irs.), shopkeeper, 62 Stanwell street Sheppard David Joseph, Waggon & Horses P.H. North h1
Richardson Isa~c, tinplate worker, 35 St. John's street Shimmen Robert, shopkeeper, I East bay
Richardson James, Whalebone P.H. 22 East hill Shires John William Taylor, Sali~bury hotel, Butt road
Richmond Matthew, clothier, I7 Osborne street Short Henry, beer retailer, I Middleborough
Rickword Geo. & Sons, cabinet mkrs. gB, 99 & IOO High st Short Walt-er Hercules F.S.A.A. pub. accntnt. 62 North hl
Ridgley William, fruiterer, 35 St. Botolph street Shrimpton Caleb, financial agent, 3I Salisbury road
Ridgwell George, shopkeeper, I8I Magdalen street Shurey George, beer retailer, 3 Shore Wyre street
Ritson Joseph, custom clerk, Mount house, Old Heath rd Shynn Frederick James, baker, 42 North hill
Rivers Maria (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 52 Stanwell ~>treet Sichel Gerald M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P.Lond. resident
Roberts Richard Owen, quartermaster sergeant medical medical attendant Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots
_staff corps, 3 Salisbury road & Imbeciles

Sidle Thomas, woollen &; general draper, tailor &; haber- Statham Fredc. Wm. surveyor of taxes, 6o High st
dasher 30 & 3I, fancy bazaar 36, & stationer & printer Stearman George Jacob, shopkeeper, I3 Barrack street
37, Long Wyre street Stearman Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, Io James street
Sidonie George S. painter, 9 .Abbey Gate street Stebbing John, grocer, 24 East street
Siggers & Son. job & post masters, livery stable keepers, Steed Waiter, bricklayer, 119 North Station road
cab & funeral carriage proprietors, Sir Isaac's walk. Steggles William, greengrocer, 75 Barrack etreet
See advertisement Stevens H. W. mineral water manufacturer, 8 George
Simkin William Robert, removal contractor, military &; street & 4 Maidenburg street
general house furnisher, house agent & valuer, dealer Stewart Robert, shopkeeper, I7 East street
in antique furniture &c. office, show rooms&; residence, Stocker Leah (Mrs.), fancy draper, 12 ~th. Stabon rd
North Hill; depository & furniture show rooms, North StQne Barry:. H. brass founder, I Eld lane
Station road Stone Thomas, saddler &; harness maker, I Headgate
Simpson .A.nna Maria (Mrs.), baker, 212 Magdalen street Strange Ed-ward & Co. wholesale & export ware-
Simpson Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I7 Middleborough housemen, draQers & silk mercers & army con-
Simpson Harry Thomas, shoe maker, 54 Maldon road tractors, gentlemen's outfitters, clothiers, tailors,
Simpson James, town crier, I 7 Middle borough hatters &c. Manchester house, 30 High street; &
Simson Elizabeth (Mrs.). & Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Waterloo house, 24 & 25 LQng Wyre street
West Stockwell street Stringer Gilbert, photographer, 106 North Station rd
Singer Manufacturing Co. (George_ Norton Watson, mana- Strowlger Charles, baker, Ioo North Station :road
ger), branch, 32 St. Botolph street Strowlger David, market gardener, Serpentine -walk
Strutt Harry, plumber, 24 Winnock 1oad
Sisters of Mercy, 3I Queen street Summers John, Queen's Head P.H. So Hythe hill
Siviter Israel, beer & wine retailer, 56 Stanwell street Summons .A.lbert, inspector of police, 2 Papillon road
Smart .Alexander, draper, 26 St. Boto:ph street Sutton & Co. forwarding agents (C. L. ~h'ad, agent),
Smeaton Robert, travelling draper, 44 North hill 8 Crouch street
Smith (Edward) & Boggis, auctioneers, 6 North bill Sutton William, beer retailer, 63 East hill
Smith & Shepherd, tailors & outfitters, 6 St. Botolph Swainston Charles, printer, 3 Maidenburg street
street & 48.. Head street Swann Fredk. William, station master, St. Botolph stn
Smith & Shepherd, tailors, 4a, Head street Synnot William George, solicitor, 13 High street (satur-
Smith Daniel Henry, rent collector, 24 Castle road day only); & at Manningtree & Ipswich
Smith E. Thompsun, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Tabrum &. Jones, wholesale &; family grocers, italian
5 North hill warehousemen, provision, ale & stout merchants, The
Smith Eliza Nelly (Miss), dress maker, 3 Denmark strpet Essex grocery stores, 40 & 4I High street; Culver
Smith Emma (Mrs.), servants' reg. office, 34 St. John's st street & Lion walk. See advertisement
Smith Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 207 M!lgdalen street Talbot James, pork butcher, 17 East hill
Smith Geo. Mence, italian wareho. 45a, St. Botolph st Tayler Rowland M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, Queen street
Smith James Golden, builder, see Appleton, Smith & Co Taylor & Manu (:Misses), day school, 69 High street
Smith James Lewis, assistant district supt. Prudential ·.raylor Charles (Mrs.), tobacconist, 16 St. Botolph st
Assurance Co. Lim. 7I North Station road Taylor Ernest, shopkeeper, 28 East Stockwell street
Smith John, monumental mason, see Booth & Smith Taylor Jerusha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I6 Essex street
Smith John, shopkeeper & tailor, I Pownall crescent Theatre Royal (Colchester Theatre Royal Co. Lim~
Smith Martin, shopkeeper, 32 East hill proprietors; ·wallace Erskine & Charles Macdona,
Smith Waiter, fish dealer, 62 Barrack street lessees & managers), Queen street
Smith William, .A.lbert inn, 52 North Station road Thomas Maria (Miss), ladies' school, I3 Wellesley road
Smith William, baker, 39 Alexandra road Thorgood Isaac, baker, 18a, Military road
Smith William, chemist, 31 St. Botolp.h street Thorogood William Edward, baker, I9 Culver street
Smith William, temperance hotel, 3 North hill Thorp Anna Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r6 Balkerne la.
Snell Frank Tidboall, manager of Colchester branch of Thorpe Anthony, shoe maker, 6 Maldon road
the London & County Bank Lim. 25 High .street Thorpe Henry, jobbing gardener, 62 Military road
Snowsell Sophy (Mrs.), post office, 57 Butt ·road Thursby William, nurseryman, 40 North hill
Soames William, baker, 6 Sir Isaac's walk . Thurswn & Son, boot & shoe makers, 9 St. Bot{)lph st
Soldiers' Home & Institute (Miss Daniell), Q~een street Tidman James, draper &c. 29 North Station road
Songer Isaac, 22 West Stockwell street Togni Ernest, Colchester restaurant, confectionery &
Southgate Daniel, beer retailer, Hythe quay pastry cook establishment, top of High street
Sowman Daniel, basket maker, 17 Barrack street Tollesbury & Mersea (Blackwater) Oyster Fishery Co.
Sowman Henry, basket maker, 6g East street Lim. (F. C. Potter, sec.), Trinity street
Sowman William, agent to the Railway Passengers (Acci- Tompson Charles Hardy, solicitor & commissioner for
dent) Hand-in-Hand (Fire) & U. K. Temperance &; oaths & clerk to the guardians & superintendent
General Provident Insurance Societies, 28 East hill registrar to Lexden & Winstree union, clerk to rural
Spalding Arthur, shopkeeper, 42 Vineyard street sanitary authority, school attendance committee, t(}
Spalding Frederick, curator to the museum, Beverley rd the commissioners of taxes, Lex den elivision, & t(}
Sparling .A.rthur Steward Blyth, solicitor &; clerk to assessment committee, Victoria chambers, West
the burial board, 30 Queen street • Stockwell street
Sparling Edith Mary (Mrs.), earthnwre dlr. I I Crouch st Totham Waiter, beer retailer, I Harwich road
Spading Waiter Bryant, hon. sec. to Colchester National Town hall (John Marsh, hall keeper), High street
schools, Trinity chambers, Culver street - Tracey Thomas Charles & Co. cycle mas. 30 Osborne st
Sparling William, baker, 49 Stanwell street Tracey Charles, fishmonger, I29 High street
Spinks Henry .Alfred, french polishe'l', 27 Trinity street Tracy Joseph Perkins, confectioner, I2 High street
Spinks John, chimney sweeper, 9 Crispin et. North hl Tucker Jane (Mrs.), general carman, IS Hythe hill
Springett .A.lbert, 11mbrella maker, 26 North hill Turner & Banner, watch makers, IO Short Wyre st
Springett .A.rthur, painter, 52 Kendall road Turner George & .A.rthur, engravers, I8 Magdalen st
Springett John, baker, 11 St. Bot{)lph street Turner George Beresford, solicitor, see Elwes & Turner
Stamp Office (William Bostock, distributor), General Turner James, blacksmith, 99 Hythe hill
Post office, Head street Turner John Brand, wood turner, I9I Magdalen street
Stanford & Co. engineers, boiler makers, iron &; brass Turner John J. C. superintendent & sec. to the Eastern
founders & agricultural implement makers, High st Counties Asylum for Idiots & Imbeciles, .Asylum.
Stanford Charles Maurlce, auctioneer, valuer, land, Turrell William, beer retailer, 36 Chapel street
house, estate & insurance agent, 23 High street Tweed Charles, baker, I4 North Station road
Stannard .A.rthur & Co. wholesale & retail ironmongers, Tye Harry James, milk seller, I7 Salisbury road'
iron merchants &c. 122 High street Tyrrell William, beer retailer, Old heath
Stanton William, shopkeeper, 35 Granville road Unwick Charles, fishmonger, 2 Balkerne lane
Stanton Wm. John, bolt & nut maker; office, Magdaln. st Vale Daniel, beer retailer, 126 Magdalen street

Star Tea Co. Lim. 7 Long Wyre street Vale George, baker, I27 Magdalen street
Start Joseph William F._8.I. architect. surveyOT & civil Vale Sarah (Mrs.), secondhand clothes dealer, 204
engineer, Cups chambers, High street; & at Clac- Magdalen street
ton-on-Sea Vincent Sarah Anne (~Irs.), dress maker, 20 Middleboro'
Start Samuel, builder, I4 Mersea road Vinter James Odell, coal merchant, Hythe quay
Starfup FrdkMerrie,Royal Oak P.H. 36 East Stockwell st Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (C & D Cos.)
Stead & Simpson Lim. boot & shoe makers, 5 St., (Capt. Wm. Paxman, commandant), Drill hall,
Botolph street & 22 Head street Stanwell street
Et::SEX 9*

Wade N. & Son, grocers, 43 East street White & Son, solicitors, North hill
Wadeson Phrebe Sarah (Miss), shopkpr. 12 Vineyard st White Charles, debt collector, 25 Military road
Wagstaff John, pork butcher, 93 Crouch street Wnite Charles Edward (firm, White & Son), solicitor,
Waldau .Augustus Ernest, teacher of music, II9 Crch. st deputy supt. registrar & deputy coroner, 57 North hill
Walker Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 19 Eld lane White William, shopkeeper, 189 Magdalen street
Walker Thomas, jun. musician, IOI Priory street lVhite Wm. Chas. accountant, IO Church street north
Wallace .Alex. M.D., M..A. physician, I I St. John st Whitfield Wm. Frampton, bookbindr. 16 We. Stckwll. st
Walton Gazette & Visitors' List (Benham & Co. pro- Whiting William, draper, 38 High street
prietors & publishers; published wed. morning), 24 Whybrew George, mariner, 54 Wimpole lane
H-igh street; & at Walton-on-the-Naze. See advert Wicks James & Thomas William, who!esale & family
Wanklyn Henry Charles, so:icitor, town clerk, clerk to wine & spirit merchants, II7 High street
urban & port sanitary authorities & clerk to the Wilbey Susannah (Miss), straw hat cleaner, 17 St.
council acting under the power of a Local Fisheries John's street
Committee, pursuant to the order of the Board of Wiles William & Son, printers, 26 Trinity street
Trade registrar of the borough courts of record, Wiles James, builder, 4 North Station road
Town hall Wiles Thomas, blacksmith, 12 Magdalen street
Ward A. Owen, tailor, outfitter & juvenile clothier, 14 Wilkin Daniel, shopkeeper, 67 Roman road
High street Williams & Co. general & furnishing ironmongers &
Ward Thomas Jonathan, builder, 30 St. John's street agents for all kinds of horticultural & agricultural
Warmington Fredk. Wm. & Co. leather & upper machinery, 152 High street; implement warehouse,
manufacturers, 3 St. Nicholas street & St. Peter's st West Stockwell street
Warner Charles, Barley Mow P.H. I47 Hythe hill Willson .Alfred, upholsterer, 6 West Stockwell street
Warner William, painter, 57 West Stockwell street Willson George Henry, milliner, I9 Long Wyre street
Warren Katherine & Rose (Misses), milliners, 39 Queen st Wilson Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 18 St. John's street
Warren Philip, fishmonger, I9 Middleborough Wilhm William, tailor, 40 Eld lane
Warren William, boot & shoe manufacturer, 42 H-igh Winch Brothers, photographic & fine art publishers,
street & I9 Short Wyre st. ; manufactory, Eld lane St. Botolph's house
Warren Wm. fruiterer, II3 High st. & William's walk Winchester Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 59 East hill
Wash George, baker, 45 St. Botolph street Winnock's .Almshouses, Military road
Wash John Henry, whitesmith, 2 Stanwell street Winsley's (Sir .Arthur) Charity (Ernest S. Beard, agent),
Watkins Richard, The Royal P.H. 65 Butt road Headgate
Watkinson Thomas, builder, Sir Isaac's walk Winter William, shopkeeper, I66 Magdalen street
Watsham George, boot & shoe maker, 91 llytbe hill Wisbey Henry, collector of poor's rates for the parishes
\Vatson Charles, dining rooms, 2 Magdalen street of St. Peter's, St. Martin's, St. Runwald's, Myland
Watson Susannah (Mrs.), day school, 5 Eld lane & Lexden, 69 Korth Station road
Watts .Arthur Geo. Carpenters' .Arms P.H. 46 Chapl. st Wisbey Henry Chaplin, solicitor & commissioner for
·watts George, tailor, Mersea road oaths, 69 North Station road
Watts Henry (Mrs.), dress maker, 122 Hythe hill Wittey & Deuton, solicitors, East Stockwell street
Wittey Henry (firm, Wittey & Deuton), solicitor &
·watts Lent John, ston~ & marble mason, C-astle monu- commissioner for oaths, deputy judge of Law Hundred
mental works, High street; & at Ipswich
& Foreign court, East Stockwell street
Weavers .Alfred Josiah, tailor 7, & hosier I3, Short Wolton & .Attwood, wine & spirit merchants, 1 Lion
Wyre street walk & CtLver lltreet
Webb Benjamin & Son, grocers, 6 Magdalen street Wolton George, Buck's Horns P.H. Greenstead road
Webb Robert John, Nelson's Head P.H. We. Stockwll. st Women's Help Society (Miss Bawtree, hon. sec.), Os-
1.Yebb Thomas Charles, boot & shoe maker, 25 West borne street
Stockwell street Wood Henry & Co. wood turners, 23 Priory street
Webber Helen (Miss), dress maker, 6 Eld lane Wood Joseph, greengrocer, I39 Hythe hill
Webber Henry John, shopkeeper, 19 Granville road Wood Wm. Geo. writer & grainer, 42 Priory street
Webber Sarah .Ann (Miss), dress maker, 52 South st W oodham J ames & Frederick, florists, Greenstead rd •
\Vebs~er & Durrant, tobacconists, 15 Head street Woodroffe James, collector of poor's rl\tes for St.
Webster Wm. New Market tavern, 28 Middleborough Botolph's, St. Giles, St. Mary-at-the-Walls, Holy
Webster Wm. Peake, medical dispensary, 25 Head st Trinity & Berechurch parishes, Crouch street
Weddell .Arth. pharmaceutical chemist, 105 H-igh st Woodroffe Stephen, baker, 7 & 8 Middleborough
Welham John, Caledonian P.H. I7 St. John's green Woodrow Frederick, shoe maker, 32 East Stockwell st
Welham Joseph Waiter, shopkeeper, 22 Northgate st Woods .Arthur, shoe maker, 45 North Station road
Wellington .Arthur, fishmonger, 18 Vineyard street Woods John, day school, I8 George street
Wells Frederick, pork butcher, 6 Middleborough Woodward Mary .Ann (Miss), apartments, 3 Chapel st
Wells Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, I54 High street Worricker John, carpenter, 34 Military road
Wells William, dairyman, 3 Berechurch road Worts & Son L.R.C.P. Loud. surgeons, 6 Trinity street
Welis William Henry, wine & spirit merchant, 8 Long Worts Maria (Miss), feather cleaner, I4 Middleborough
Wyre street Wright Frederick & Co. furniture warehouse, 122 & 123
Welton Harry & Co. cabinet mas. 43 Stanwell street Priorv• street
Went Jonathan, coach builder, carpenter & under- Wright & SQn, confectioners, 47 Crouch street
taker (contractor to H. M. Ordnance department), Wright & Son, jobmasters, 8 Mersea road
9 :Mersea road Wright & Sons, general printers ; proprietors &
Wheeler George, wine & spirit mer. see Lay & Wheeler publishers of the "Essex Telegraph," also the " Col-
Whitaker Joshua, clothier, 36 St. Botolph street chester Mercury," 6 Head street. See advert
Whitby Henry L.R.C.S.I., L.M.K.C.P.I. surgeon, 3 Wright Charles T. grocer, SI Crouch street
Mersea road Wyncoll Thomas, farmer, Ipswich road
White .Alexander l\fiiler (firm, White & Son), solicitor, Young Men's Christian .Association (Ed. Char~es Shaw;
clerk to the guardians, superintendent registrar, clerk F. L. Strathearn, joint hon. secs.), I5a, H-igh street
to the assessment committee & commissioner for Young Daniel, shopkeeper, 5I Northgate street
oaths, 57 North hill Youngs William, Globe P.H. :y8 North Station road
CO:!riMEROIAL. Howlett John Hooper, steward to trus- Radford Joseph, farmer, Berechurch
Blomfield Smi: farmer, Blackheath fro tees of the late 0. E. Coope esq. road
Blyth Robert Page, frmr. Maypole fm Friday Wood farm Shead Wm. frmr. Park fr.Berecburch
Cusack William, Greenstead house · Curtis .Arthur, farmer, Hazleton farm Simons John, basket maker
Neville Rev. Brent R., M. .A. Rectory Gosling- James, mat maker Smith Herbert, shopkpr.Parson's hth
Grainger Thomas, market gardener Smith John, farmer, Parson's heath
COMMEROIAL. Harvey Henry, carpenter Stannard .Alfd. frmr. Greenstead hall
Baker George, boot maker & post Jacobs William, miller (steam & wind) Spalding Waiter, corn & flour dealer,
office, 65 Greenstead road & corn merchant, Greenstead mills Model cottage
Bensley George, beer ret.Parson's hth ~Iaskell Hy. shopkeeper, Parson's hth Whent .Alfred, timber merchant, Post
Bennell Frederick, iron & brass fndr Nayler Samuel, builder office, Parson's heath
Bryant Brothers, millwrigbts Naylor George, builder, Parson's hth W olton George, beer retailer
Bryant .Annie (Miss), shopkeeper Nickells Henry, carter Woodham J. & F. florists
Crosby H-y. Jn. beer ret. & shopkpr Seaborn Thomas Crisp, confectioner, Wright Frank, coal dealer
Cusack William, frmT. Greenstead ho I Greenstead road •
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Phillips Edmund Samuel, Church la Garrad Rebecca (Mrs.), Sun inn,
Beauchamp Major Raymond Charles, Straight road Lexden street
Colvin Bazett ·w. Manor house Richardson }.:lrs. Lexden street Gilbert James, farmer
Crate Rev. Eustace Henry (chaplain Richardson Frederick, Church lane Hawes Edward, shopkeeper, Lexden st
to Lexden & Winstree union), Sale William James, Cromwell lodge Hedge Harry Wm.farmer,Sheepen frm
Heath houst~ Shafto George Dalston, Delavel :odge Hines James, farmer &:; cattle dealer,
Crosbie Mrs. Cherrywood Smith Stephen Sydney, I Colne villas, Lodge farm
Cox Henry, South view Colne road Holden Isaac, pork butcher
De Hochepied-Larpent Major-Gen. Stanford Chas. :Maurice, Braiswick iH' Borne Robert, builders' accountant,
Lionel Henry Planta, Holmwood Turner George Beresford, Heath lodge 23 Straight road
Eales Edward Daniel Oliver,Lexden vw Hutley William, blacksmith,Lexden st
Green Mrs. Colne villas COMMEROIAL. Kerry James, shoe maker, London rd
Grimwood Thomas, Upper Hill house, Beaumont Robert, builder, con- King's Head Temperance Hotel
Lexden hill tractor, undertaker &:; house decora- (Henry Abbott, manager)
Hawes Major-Gen. George Harrington, tor, 72 London road Library (branch of Colchester Free
Holly lodge Bird John, farmer, Malting farm Library) (Henry Abbott, manager)
Hurnard Samuel Fennell, Hill house Bird William,farmer,Church Lane frm Lusted Henry Luther, beer retailer
Hoare Charles Richard Gurney J.P. Hoyden William, bricklayer Major Horatio Nelson, corn merchant,
Lexden house Cant Frank, rose grower, Braiswick London road
Irwin Mrs. The Lindens, Lexden hill nursery (letters should. "!Je ad- :Mills Thomas, beer retailer
Josselyn Charles, Bow cot.Lexden hth dressed, Braiswick nursery, Col- Pettitt John Henry, sanitary .engineer
Lester Rev. Prebendary John Henry chester) Richardson Frederick, boarding schl.
M.A. The Rectc,ry Cant Herbert, farmer,West House frm Lexden street
~:lackenzie William Henderson, Ach- Case Alfred, shoe maker Stonehouse Isaac, shopkeeper & baker
nacone; &:; 12 Porchester square, Cater Alfred, shoe maker Stowe Charles, school att~mdance
London W Clark Alfred, carpenter, Church lane officer, Braiswick
Naylor-Leyland Capt. Herbert Scaris- Clemence Frank, secretary to \V. H. Smith Ste:phen Sydney, estate agent
brick M.P., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. Lex- Mackenzie esq. Achnacone &:; land surveyor, I Colne villas.
den park; &:; Hyde Park house, Conservative Club (George Barford, Colne road '
Albert gate, London S.W caretaker) Strong Frederick William, farm bailiff
O'Grady Mrs. Lexden street Cross George, corn mer. Mill house to W. H. Mackenzie esq. Brais-
Papillon Mrs. Church house Dalby Francis, beer retailer wick Lodge farm
Phillips Alfred, Lexden street Garling Edgar James, baker, Post off
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bean Frederick Robert, Bricklayers' Matthews Benjamin (exors. of), tiro-
Balls George William 54 Bergholt rd Arms P.H. 31 Bergholt road her mer. wheelwright & blacksmith
Banham Abraham 9~ Bergholt road Cansdale George, painter Nevard Albert, farmer & butcher
Brett Rev. Jesse L.Th. (curate of St. Cant Benjamin Revett, rose grower, Nevard Elijah, farmer
Michael), 21 Mile End road Myland lodge Nevard John, carpenter & painter,
Burgess Mrs. Henry villa, Mile End Cant Geo. (Mrs.), farmer, Tubswick Post office
Cant Benjamin Revett, Myland lodge Chapman Alfred, travelling inspector Newby Jane (::'.Irs.), shopkeeper, I
Catchpool .Alfred, 56 Bergholt road G: E. R. 15 Bergholt roa<1: ~erghol~ road
Gooch John William, 58 Bergholt road D~mell Joseph Brabrook, bnck maker Prwr I'av1d & Son, nurserymen, My-
Groves George Diss Albert Edward, grocer, Berg- land nursery
Groves Henry Bay cottage holt road Public Library & Reading Room
Hall Rev. Ed~und M.A. Rectorv Ford Edwin, painter, 12 Bergholt rd Remy & Co. pel'fume manufacturers,
Hall William Holymead house • French George, Railway tavern Ockende:m
Hardy Jame~ Frost William, grocer Smith James Jo~evh, coal & coke
Houlton Robt.Timothy 5 2 Bergholt rd Hales George, farmer merchant, Myland road
London Mrs. 68 Bergh~lt road Hales James, farmer Sparrow John,wheelwright &:; blcksmth
Nevard Henry, 50 Bergholt road Hall William, estate agent for Lord Stone Robt. Jn. Dog & Pheasant P.H
Prior lv'illiam David Ashburton, Holymead house Strowlger John, farmer •
Smith James Joseph, Bergholt road Hellen William Dixon, farmer Studds Charles, carpenter
Topsfield John Wm. 74 Bergholt rd Howard Mary (.Mrs.), monthly nurse, Thomas George Alfred, baker &
Whatman Capt. William Douglas ( 2oth 55 ~erghol~. t•oad . _grocer, }>~st office, 9 Bergl.tolt road
Hussars) Braiswick lodge Leveridge Eh]ah, farmer, White hall Tipper \hllmm, shoe maker
' Leveridge James S. farmer &:; cow- Woodgate Jonathan, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. keeper, The Severalls \Voodii William, brick ma. Poplar lane
Allston Joseph (Mrs.), brick maker Munson Wm.pork butcher,Bergholt rd
Keyes Misses Austin George A. blaf'ksmith Holleck Robert, Berechurch Arms P.H
Richardson Wm.Scrivener,Lexdenville Berry George, whitesmith Hopper James, grocer
Barker James, Leather Bottle P.H. Folkard William, farmer Lord Henry, farmer, Pretty Gate frm
Bottle end Hockley William, bricklayer Theobald Arthur, milk seller
COLD NOB.TON is a parish and picturesque village, buirt in the 12th century, and had at the western end a
watered by a small rivulet, with a station on the Maldon wooden belfry, crowned by a short spire. The register
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 5 miles south from dates from I539· The living is a rectory, average
Maldon, 8! from Wickford and I I south-east from tithe rent-charge £309; net yearly value £210, with 42
Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the county, acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Governors
Dengie hundred and petty sessional divi:sion, Maldon of the Charterhouse, London, and held since 1877 by the
union and county court district, and the rural deanery Rev. Stephen Frederick \Villiams ~LA. of St. John's
of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. College, Cambridge. The Governors of the Charterhouse,
Albans. The church, erected in 1855 at the sole cost who are the lords of the manor, the trustees of Butler's
of the Rev. William Holland M.A. late rector, is a build- Charity and :Miss F. Parker are the chief landowners.
ing of stone in the Decorated style, and consists of chan- The soil is strong clay; subsoil, strong clay. The chief
eel, nave, south porch and a western turret containing crops are wheat, beans, oats, barley and mangold wurtzel,
2 bells : the pulpit and reading desk are of carved oak and a very large portion of the land is in pasture. The
made chiefly from the beams of the old church: an area is 1,691 acres; rateable value, £919; population in
ancient mural monument to Maude, wife of Robert 1891 was 183.
Cammocke, gent. of Layer Marnie, ob. Sept. 23• 1599· Letters through Maldon. Wall Letter Box at the rail-
has been removed from. the old. church and placed m way station cleared at 6. 15 p.m.; sundays, 11 . 25 a.m.
the cha~cel: a brass shield bearmg the arms of Cam- Latchingdon is the nearest telegraph office &:; the
mocke IS now on . the chancel ~tep, and a brass effigy nearest post & money order office is at Stow Maries
of a female, now m the nave, Is supposed to represent ~ . . . .
this Maude: in the churchyard is a tombstone inscribed National School (m1xed), erec~ed I~ ~842, for 3? chi~dren;
to William Walker esq. J.P. who died Dec. 9th, 1708, average attendance, 18; Miss Millicent Agg1s, m1stress
his wife and 16 children. The ancient church of St. Railway Station, Albert George Edward :Marsh, station
Stephen was a very small structure, consisting of nave, master


Bown Henry COMMERCIAL. Partridge Frederick, farmer
Clarke Miss, The Cottage Clarke Charles, farmer & grazier, Pond William, Butchers' Arms P.H
Dennis Miss, The Rise The Hall Shailer Robert Gorring, poulterer
Williams Rev. Stephen Fredk. M.A. Fowler Abraham, farmer Townsend Henry, farmer
Rectory Mercer Levi, farm~r Willis George, farmer
EARLS' COLNE (or Great Colne, otherwise called famous Abbey founded in 675 by Cissa, at Abingdon, in
Colne Monachornm) is a town as ancient as the time of Berkshire; he afterwards became a monk in his own
King Edward the Confessor: it derives its name from the establishment and was buried here, with Beatrice his
river Colne and from its ancient occupation by the de wife, sister of William the Conqueror; some remains
Veres, Great Chamberlains of England, Earls of Oxford, of the priory are still to be seen near the river: in the
and Dukes of Dublin, who with little interruption were priory church were buried 13 Earls of Oxford of
lords of the manor from the Conquest till 1583, and had the princely house of de V ere; several ancient monu-
a seat here, called Hall Place, with a park of about 700 ments of that family are preserved in a cloister attached
acres attached, which stood on one side of the church: to the present priory, including three altar tombs with
the town is near the banks of the Colne, and on the recnm bent effigies of the de Veres, Earls of Oxford, two
road from Colchester to Halstead, x mile south-east of which are assigned to Robert de Vere, 9th Earl, who
from Colne station on the Colne Valley railway, died of a. wound received from a wild boar, while hunting
54 miles by rail from London, 3! east-south-east from in Nov. 1322, and to Richard de Vere K.G. nth Earl,
Halstead, 10 north-west from Colchester and 4 north ob. 1417: at the Dissolution the revenues of this religious
from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the county, house were estimated at £175 qs. 8~d. yearly. The
Lexden hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional division modern mansion called "The Priory," erected near the
(Halstead bench), Halstead union and county court dis- site of the ancient monastery, is the residence of the
trict, and in the rural deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry Rev. Asgill Horatio Colville. Colne House, a. modern
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The village is mansion pleasantly situated at the entrance of the
well drained and the public places and houses are lighted village from Halstead, is the residence of George
with gas from works the property of a company estab- W. Taylor esq.; Colne Place is the residence of Waiter
lished in 1865. A piece of ground near the church, the Edward Grimston esq. J.P.; Colneford House, an old
gift of Reuben Hunt esq. was laid out, in x889, with mansion, dated 1685, is the residence of Henry Charles
shrubs, trees, &c. The church of St. Andrew is an Sloane-Stanley esq.; the boundary between this parish
edifice of flint in the Decorated style, consisting of chan- and White Colne passes through this house, and inside
eel, nave of six bays, aisles, south porch, and a large the house is a. leaden plate, dated 1724, marking the
embattled western tower containing a clock with chimes, division. Tne trustees of the late John Carwardine esq.
inserted in 1887, and 6 bells, dated n69; it was restored J.P. (d. 1889) are lords of the manors of Earls Colne and
in 1532 by John de Vere, x6th Earl of Oxford, whose Colne Priory. The landowners are Mrs. Francis Emma
arms with supporters and crest are carven on the east Honywood, of Marks Hall, Kelvedoo; Hy. Reynolds Solly
and west sides, and again restored in 1864: there is a esq. of Serge Hill, Bedmond, Hemel Hempstead; the
stained window and two brasses, placed by the parishion- trustees of the late J. Carwardine esq. J.P. (d. 188g);
ers and friends as a memorial to the Rev. Robert Frederick Marsden esq.; William Matthews esq.; Reuben
Watkinson, vicar from 1829; there are three other Hunt esq. J.P.; Waiter Edward Grimston esq. J.P.; and
stained windows: the organ was provided in 1893 by Mrs. Griffinhoofe. The soil is a. strong loam and brick
subscription at a cost of £65o in place of that presented earth; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
some time since in memory of Mrs. Ma.ry Gee ; the wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area is 2,956
reredos is of freestone with mosaics by Salviati: there acres; rateable value, £5,394; !;he POP.ulation in 1891
is a marble monument to Richard Harlakenden esq. was 1,720.
and his four wives, x6o2 ; another with arms to George Colneford Hill is on the south side of the Colne.
Cressener esq. and others of that family, 1722; and an Sexton, George Bridge.
inscribed stone to the Rev. Thomas Bernard M ..A. 40
years vicar here, ob. 1755 ; besides other memorials to Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Annuity & Insurance &
John Wale d. 1761; Mehetabeil Eiliston, d. 1657; Daniel Express Delivery Office. J oseph Stevens Farrants,
Androwes, d. x68x, and his wife d. 1729; John Eldred postmaster. Letters from Halstead arrive by foot
and family, 1717; George Biddulph, d. 1726; and to post at 6.40 a.m.; delivered at 7 a.m. & 12 noon &
the Rev. Thomas Carwardine, d. 1824. The church has 4. p.m. (callers only), & dispatched at 3, 6.45 & 8.30
65o sittings. The register dates from the year I559· p.m. ; on sundays there is only one delivery, 7 a.m.
The iiving is an endowed vicarage, average tithe rent- & dispatch at 10 a.m
charge £461; net yearly value £3oo, with 4 acres of Wall Letter Boxes: Colneford hill, cleared at 2.20 & 6.30
glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1889 p.m.; sundays, 9·45 a.m.; Holt street, cleared at
by the Rev. David Methven M.A. of Corpus Christi 2.35 & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9.30 a.m. ; Halstead road,
college, Cambridge. There is a. Parish Room near the cleared I & 6.50 p.m. sundays 10.20 a.m
vicarage. The Baptist chapel here, founded in 1876,
was re-built in x86o, and will hold 750 persons; the Schools:-
meeting house of the Society of Friends holds 150. The Grammar, founded & endowed with land in 1520 by the
Institute was built about 1853 and includes ~ public hall Rev. Christopher Swallow, vicar of Messing, and re-
holding 200. A reading room was built in 18go for the use organised in 1877 under a scheme of the Charity Corn-
of the men employed at Messrs. R. Hunt and Co.'s missioners; new buildings have been erected at a cost
works. Here are the extensive agricultural implement and of £1,400 & the school was re-opened in 1893; attached
engineering works of Messrs. R. Hunt and Co. ; the are three scholarships ; the new buildings stand in
works were enlarged in 1883 and in 1890 a new foundry grounds of 3 acres, and have a chemical & science
was erected; these works give employment to over zoo laboratory, the gift of R. Hunt esq. J.P. chairman
men. Bricks and tiles are also made here, and there of the Governors; the head master's residence, which
are maltings. A silk winding factory was erected in adjoins, is adapted for a limited number of boarders,
x883 for Messrs. Courtauld and Co. Lim. There are six & the school is generally available for 8o boys & is now
almshouses, erected in the year 1842 by the late Henry managed by a. body of XI governors; the endowment
H. Carwardine esq.; and also charities now (1894) of amounts to £120 per annum; Arthur John Appleton
£2o yearly value arising from land left in 1733 by Mrs. B.A. master; J. W. Matthews, sec
Mary Poynter; this amount is distributed to the poor National (boys), built in 1843 & enlarged in 1875, for
in small sums of money. A flower show is held here 120 boys; average attendance, 84; Percival Jago,
annually in September. A piece of ground near the master: (girls & infants), built in 1871 & enlarged
church, the gift of Reuben Hunt esq. was laid out in in 1893 for 250 children; average attendance, 95
188g, with shrubs, trees &c. The kennels of the East girls & 70 infants ; Miss Sarah Pearson, mistress;
Essex Fox Hounds are located here; Waiter E. Grimston Miss Elizabeth Griggs, infants' mistress: (mixed),
esq. J.P. master; Witham, Colchester and Halstead are Coggeshall road, built in x86o, for 75 children;
convenient places for hunting visitors. average attendance, 35; Miss Emily Elstow, mistress
Prior to the year noo, Aubrey de Vere, first Earl of County Police, John Wm. Wade, constable
Guisnes, founded here a. Benedictine priory in honour Colne Railway Station, George Evans, station master
of St. Mary and St. John the Evangelist and St. Andrew, Carriers to Colchester. WaJter Bartholomew, on sat. &
which was richly endowed and made subordinate to the W alter Buck OR wednesday
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bromilow William, Priory cottage Foster Rev. William Randi (Baptist1.
Ambrose William, Prospect house Clay Capt. Richard Elm cottage
Appleton Arthur John B.A Colvile Rev. Asgill Horatio, The Priory Grice James
Bell Thomas Sampson, Har. hous~ Culf Samuel, Highbury house Grimston Walt~r~. Edwd. J.P. Colne P.~


Harrisson Francis, Green cottage Clarke Noah, carpenter agent & agent to the County Fire
Harrisson Miss, Green cottage Earls Colne Cycling Club (H. J. & Provident Life Assurance Cos. Ox-
Howe Harry Hunt, sec) ford house
Hunt Reuben J.P. Tillwicks Earls Colne Football Club (S. R. Matthews William, farmer & land-
.Hunt Zachariah, Berecrofts Long, sec) owner, Ashwells
Keeling John Wm. Howard, River ho Earls Colne Gas Light & Coke Com- ~layes George & Sons, watch makers
Lansdell Henry, Woodbine cottage pany Limited (H. Massingham, Moss Eli, gardener to H. C. Sloane-
Lee Mrs sec.; Jacob Harrington, manager) Stanley esq
l\Iarsh ~Irs Earls Colne Industrial Co-operative Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants,
1\Iassing.llam Henry, Queen's road Society Limited (Herbert Burton, Railway station
~latthews William, Ashwells sec.), grocers, patent medicine Osborn Charles, carter
Mechi Mrs. Mornington villas vendors & general stores Owers Arthur Geo. Lion & Boar inn
.:Methven Rev. David M.A. Vicarage East Essex Fox Honnds(Walter Edwd. Pallett Thomas Edward, surgeon,
Nunn Philip, Myrtle cottage Grimston esq. J.P. master; Edwd. see Tavlor

& Pallett
"Pudney Robert Bridge, Buxton house Farmer, huntsman) Pannel Matilda (Miss), dress maker
Rogers John Farmer Edward, huntsman to East Patten Charles, farmer & horse dealr
Sloane-Stanley Henry Charles, Colne- Essex Fox Hounds Patten Hardy, horse dlr. Colneford W
ford house Farrants Joseph Stevens, draper, Poulter Silas, cab proprietor
Spurp-eon Robert Frederick, Ivy cot tailor & outfitter, Post office Rawlinson John, shoe maker
Stedman John Gardner Firmin James, George inn & cattle dlr Rawlinson Mary (Miss), dress maker
'Tawell Mrs. Bray house Ford William, fancy repository Reading Room (Henry Massingham,
'Tawell James Augustus, Greenhill Four Colne's Cottage Garden Society hon. sec)
'Taylor George, Mount Pleasant (H. C. Sloane-Stanley, sec) Robinson Nathaniel, boot & shoe dlr
Taylor George W. Colne house Gager Harry, tailor Rogers Zachariah, builder & brick ma.
Taylor John, Boxteads Gager Sarah (Mrs.), apartments Sadd Isaac, beer retailer & baker
Taylor Lady Elizabeth, Colne house Gallifent Thomas, grocer Sillitoe Jeremiah, farmr. America fm
'Taylor Mrs. Pound house Gallifent Thomas, jun. groce.._. & Sillitoe John, seed grower, White gate
·winstanley Mrs draper & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Sillitoe Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Woodward Miss Limited, wine & spirit merchants Smith Osgood, miller (water & steam),
Woodward Stephen, Chandler's house Goss Edward Charles, whitesmith Chalkney mill
Gouldstone William, saddler Snell Benjamin, plumber
co::u:?.nmOIAL. Grammar School (Arthur John Ap- Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (W.
Amey Arthur, butcher pleton B.A. master; J. W. Mat- A. Marchant, agent ; open tues. &
Earry J ames, hair dresser & tailor thews, sec) fri. 10 to 4); draw on Barclay,
Bartholomew Waiter, carrier & pork Harrington William, baker & corn dlr Bevan & Co. London E. C
butcher Hayward John, Bird-in-Hand P.H Staines Josiah, shopkeeper
"Eeanmont & Son, solicitors: (attend Holmes Henry, White Hart P.H.Colne- Stananought Alfred George, grocer,
tues. I I to 4); & Coggeshall ford hall draper & wine dealer
Eell Thomas Sampson, farmer, brewer Howard Thomas, grocer, antique fur- Stuttor James, antique china & furni-
& maltster, Hay house niture dealer & auctioneer ture dealer
.Eloomfield Joseph, farmer, Nightin- Hunt R. & Co. engineers, ironfouni:lrs. Sycamore Reuben, coffee rooms
gale hall agricultural machinists & manufac- Taylor & Pallett, surgeons
Bridge George, shoe repairer turers of Biddell's patent food pre- Taylor Charles S'kelton, chemist
Bridge Samuel, boot ma. Colneford W paring machinery, Atlas works Taylor John M.R.C.S., L.S.A. sur-
Buck Waiter, carrier Institute (The) (Reuben Hunt, prop) geon, & medical officer & public vac-
Eull George, baker & shopke~per, Jackson James, baker & pork butcher cinator, No. 3 district, Halstead
Colneford hill James William, blacksmith union, & xoth district, Lexden &
Eyford Saul, baker J ames Zachariah, blacksmith & beer \Vinstree union, & factory surgeon,
.Chaplin Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress makr, retailer Atlas & Courtauld works
8 The Terrace Johnson Robert, blacksmith Tye Allan, beer retailer & pork butchr
<Jlark Alfred, coal & wood dealer, Last "\Yilliam, coach builder Wakelin Isaac, farm bailiff to Mr.
Curd's road Long \Villiam, grocer Bell, Hungry hall
.Clarke James, carpenter Mann Thomas & Arthur .John, Wenden George Olly, butcher
>Clarke .lames, farmer, Gate house timber merchants & sawing mills. White Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Colne's Cricket Club (H. C. Sloane- See advertisement Wash Charles, builder, contractor,
Stanley, hon. sec) Mann .Alfred, farmer, Green farm assistant overseer & sanitary in-
'Courtauld Samuel & Co. Lim. silk & Mann Marion (Miss), ladies' school spector to the rural authority of
crape manufacturers; & at Bocking, Marchant William Arthur, family Halstead union
Braintree; & Halstead grocer, provision merchant & news
COLNE ENGAINE received its surname from a son esq.; the mansion was built in 1775 and is situated
family of Engaine, who were lords of the manor in in a park of 100 acres, containing a lofty Ionic column
the 13th century, and is a village and parish, on the of Portland stone, and visible at a considerable distance,
north bank of the river Colne, ! mile north-west from erected in 1791 by John Soane esq F.R.S., F.S.A. ar-
(;olne station, on the Colne Valley railway, 2! miles chited (afterwards knighted). Captain Charles Reeve
-east from Halstead, 6 north from Coggeshall, and 54 R.N. of Belle Vue Park, Lowestoft, the trustees of the
from London, in the Northern division of the county, late John Carwardine esq. J.P. of Earls C.olne (d. 1889)
Witham division of Lexden hundred, South Hinckford and the Governors of Christ's Hospital are lords of the
petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Halstead union manor and with George Courtauld esq. J.P. of Gosfield,
and county district, and in the rural deanery of Halstead, are the principal landowners. The soil is light and heavy;
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
'The church of St. Andrew is an edifice of brick a'l'ld oats. The area is 2,478 acres; rateable value, £2,491 ;
stone, chiefly in the Gothic style, one portion, however, the population in 1891 was 522.
>dating as far back as the Conquest: the church consists Sexton, Joshua Pudney.
<Of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western Buntings Green, 1 mile west and Booses Green, l
tower containing 5 bells, dated 1603, 1624, 1675, 1676 mile north, lie to the west
and 1760 : in the chancel are sedilia and a piscina : the
church was thoroughly restored in 1s73 . The register Post Office. William Fuller, sub-postmaster. Letters
<dates from the year x6 2g. The living is a rectory, through Halstead, arrive at 8 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.;
tithe rent-charge commuted at £ 768, gross yearly dispatched at 5·45 p.m. The nearest money order &
-value £8so, with residence and s6 acres of glebe, in the telegraph office is at Earls Colne. Postal orders are
gift of the Lord Mayor and Commonality of the city issued here, but not paid
•of London as governors of Christ's Hospital, and held National School (mixed), erected in 1847, at a cost of
since 1879 by the Rev. Henry Thomas Armfield 1.I.A. of [360, by subscription, aided by grants from the
"Pembroke College, Cambridge F.S.A. and rural dean National Society's Diocesan Board & by the Com-
ot Halstead. Colne Park is the property of Capt. C. mittee of Council on Education, for 92 children;
Beeve R.N. and the residence of Henry Basham Dickin· average attendance, 85; Frederick George Lane, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Courtauld Miss, Knights COlnlEROI.AL.
Armfield Rev. Henry Thomas M.A. Dickinson Henry Basham, Colne park Bone Henry, bricklayer
F.S.A. (rector & rural dean), Rec- Lock Major General Andrew Campbell Brewer Henry, farmer & shopkeeper
tory Knox, Over hall Deal William, farmer, Home farm
Beard Miss, Tlie Lodge Sewell Thomas Francis, The Grov~ Fairbank Alfd. seed grower, Elms hill
Dixey William, Five Bells P.H. & 'Mason Richard Waiter, jun. farmer, Pudney Joshua, assistant overseer
pork butcher Brook farm Rogers George, farmer
Farrow William, farmer, Peverills frm Moss Walter, farmer Shave Ernest Henry William & Fredk.
Ful1er William, sho~ maker, Post office Pudney & Son, builders, brick & tile farmers, Mill brook
Hart Stephen, miller (water), makers & grocers White Walt. miller (water) Ford milL.
Overshot mill Ray Thomas, farmer & miller (steam Whiting Thomas, shoe maker
Keeble William, blacksmith & water), Westwood.
WAKES COLNE is a parish and village, to the north 1460, did deliver and confirm unto two or more trustees.
of the river Colne and on the high road from Colchester of this parish about 6 acres of arable land, now let in.
to Cambridge, 6 miles south-east from Halstead, 8 allotments to the poor: :Buller's meadow, containing Ii,
north-west from Colchester, 6 north-west from Cogges- acres, is also let in the same way: the income from this
hall and 1 mile west from Chappel Junction, on the charity now (1894) amounts to about [12 yearly and
Stour and Colne Valley branches of the Great Eastern is applied in providing clothing for the poor and for the
railway, in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden reparation of the church. Crepping Hall, anciently the·
and Winstree hundred, union and petty sessional division, seat of the Crepping family, is an old moated house,,
Colchester county court district and in the rural deanery standing on an eminence I! miles east of the churcl:t
of Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of and is in the occupation of Charles Green esq. Wakes
St. .Albans. The church of All Saints is an edifice Hall, a modern mansion, is the residence of Charleil
covered with plaster, chiefly in the Norman style, con- Page Wood esq. D.L., J.P. and Fisher's is the seat ofi
sisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a small wooden William Tanner Farncombe-Tanner esq. The manor i11
belfry at the west end with a spire and containing 3 extinct. The principal landowners are Charles Pag3-
bells: in the chancel are three stained windows, the Wood, Joseph Green, G. G. Tremlett and W. T. Farn-
east window being a memorial to the Hon. and Rev. combe-Tanner esqrs. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil,
Francis Sylvester GrimstDn, late rector, d. 28 Oct. 1865; mixed. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips
there are other memorial windows to the Rev. Philip and mangolds. The area is 1,926 acres; rateable value,
Honeywood, a former vicar, placed by the parishioners; [2,376; the population in 1881 was 499, and in 1891!
and to Edward :Brett esq. J.P. d. 1873, erected by his was 507.
son Capt. Edward :Brett J.P. late 28th Foot (Gloucester- Parish Clerk, Joseph Evans.
shire regt.) in 1876, and a small marble monument to Post & Telegraph Office. Charles Smith, receiver. Let~
the Tyflin family, who held the manor of Wakes Hall ters received through Halstead at 7.25 a.m. & I p.m.;
from 1586 to 1633: there are 200 sittings. The register dispatched at 2 & 6.5 p.m. Chappel is the nParest
dates from the year 16go. The living is a rectory, average money order office; postal orders are issued here but
tithe rent-charge, [420; net yearly value about [3oo, with not paid
13 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl National School (mixed), built in 1871, & enhlrged iB
of Verulam, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Edward 1893, for 100 children; ~verage attendance, 59; Geo.
:Bartrum D.D. of Pembroke College, Oxford. John .Aly- Forbes Hudson, master
son and John :Boteler, by their deed dated 29th June, Carrier to Colchester. Arthur Everitt, mon. wed. & sat
Bartrum Rev. Edward D.D. Rectory Church William, farmer, Little Love- Leatherdale Eli, Gardeners' Arms P.H
Brett Capt. Edward J.P. Watch ho ney hall Nott :Benjamin, farmer, Loveney nall
Farncombe-Tanner William Tanner, Curtis William, station master Patten Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer
Fisher's Green Charles, farmer, Crepping hall & shopkeeper, Colne green
Green Charles, Crepping hall Green Frank, farm bailiff to trustees Patten Richard, brewer
Philbrick Miss, :Blomfl.eld, Colne place of Col. Hawkins, Goodwins Poole Robert Scott, wheelwright
Wood Chas. Page D.L., J.P. Wakes hl Harrington Elizabeth (Miss), grocer Smith Cha~les, blacksmith, Post (\ffice-
COMMEROHL. Hazell William, farmer Smith Harry James, blacksmith
Beard Charles, shopkpr. & farmer Norton Hercules John, farmer, New Tabner Harry, Railway P.H
Brooks Robert, miller (water) House farm Tawell Henry, farmer, Patrick's ftmxr
WHITE COLNE (or Colne-le-Blanc) is a village and 1867 by the Rev. George John Taylor M.A. of St. John's
parish, z! miles south-east from Chappel station on the College, Cambridge. The :Baptist cnapel, erected in
Colne Valley railway, 5 east from Halstead, 6 north from 1845, has a burial ground attached. The manor is
Coggeshall, and 9 north-west from Colchester, in the extinct. The principal landowners are Harris Hills esq.
Northern division of the county, Lexden hundred, South of Berwyke Hall J.P. and Mrs. Hill. The soil is loam and,
Hinckford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Hal- clay; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
stead union and county court district and in the rural barley and turnips. The area is 1,466 acres; rateable
deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- value, [1,388; the population in 1891 was 346.
cese of St. Albans. The church, assigned by some COUNTESS OROSS is three-quarters of a mile north-
modern authority to St. Andrew, is a building of stone in west.
tlie Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Parish Clerk, Henry Sparkes.
porch and an embattled western tower with spire con- Post Office.-George Ringer, sub-postmast-er. Letters
taining 2 bells, dated 1879: the chancel retains a piscina: received through Halstead at 7 . 20 a.m. & 12 . 30 p.m.;
the windows are stained, the west window being a me- dispatched at 2 . 15 p.m. & 6. 15 p.m. The nearess
morial to the Rev. W. E. Hume, vicar from 1833; the money order & telegraph office is at Earls Colne
church was thoroughly restored in 1869 and 1870 and has
16o sittings. The register dates from the year 15 65 . National School (mixed), built by public subscription in
The living is .a vicara_ge, average tithe rent-charge £ 102, 1863, for 6o children; average attendance, 58; Mis~
net yearly value £IOg, with residence and 4 acres of Ada Tansley, mistress
glebe, in the gift of Keble College, Oxford, and field since Carrier to Colchester.-Walter Bartholomew, sat
Hills Harris J.P. :Berwyke hall Dixey Wm. farmer, Countess Cross Powell Kerlogue Adolphus, builder &;.
Hills Henry Francis, Chalkney hvuse Hicks Rouse, farmer & landowner, shopkeeper
Keen John Frederick Whites farm Ringer George, shoe ma. Post office
Taylor Rev. George Jn. M.A. Vicarage Hills Henry Francis, surveyor of the Scillitoe John, King's Head P.H
Essex main roads, Halstead district Sheldrake Robert, farmer, Bart hall
COMMEROIAL. of the County Council, Chalkney ho Sparks Henry, ·blacksmith
Ilartholomew Frederick, farmer Leatherdale Cornelius, frmr. & thrash- Wass Thomas, farmer
:Bartholomew Walker, carrier ing machine owner, Manning's frm White Maria (Mrs.), frmr. Catley's fm
:Buck Philip, seed grower Patten James, coal dealer & farmer Wiltshire Frederick, seed grower
Chinery John, butcher Pilgrim :Bernard, farmer, Insteps
COPFORD derived its name from its situation at a south aisle, south porch and a wooden turret at the west
ford over .the Roman river: it is a village and parish 1! end with a shingled spire and containing 3 bells: tha
miles south-east from Marks Tey junction on the Great nave is Norman; the aisle being added about the end of
Eastern railway, 48 from London, 5 south-west from the 14th century: the Norman apse, restored in 1872, is
Colchester (on the London road) and 6 east from Cogges- decorated with ancient mural paintings of the 12th and
hall, in the North Eastern division of the county, Lexden 14th centuries, covered over and repainted in I6go, lmi
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division uncovered in 1872: the church was thoroughly resto:rod\
and union, Colchester county court district, and in the in 1884, when the whole of the Norman walb were found[
rural deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester to be covered with mural paintings, supposed to datQ·
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Michael from about nso; these have not been repainted but are·
and All Angels is an ancient Norman edifice of stone left as they were found:' the chancel screen dates from
intermixed with Roman brick, consisting of chancel, nave, the late 14th or early 15th century: EdJD.und }J()nner,.,.
Bishop of London, 154o-6g, who died at the Marshalsea The area is 2,488 acres ; rateable value, £4,043; too
prison, 5 Sept. 1569, is buried here. The register dates population in 1891 was 693.
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly Parish Clerk, Henry Donaghy.
value £48o, with 75 acres of glebe and residence, in the Post Office, The Green.--George Henry Saunders, sub-
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1893 by the postmaster. Letters through Colchester, arrive at 8.30
Rev. Edmund Ralph Ruck-Keene M.A. of Exeter College, a.m.; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. The nearest money
Oxford. llere is a Friends' Meeting House and a W es- order & telegraph office is at :Marks Tey. Postal orders
leyan chapel, and at Eight .Ash Green is a mission room are issued here, but not paid
in connection with the church. In the London road is a Pillar Letter Box, Eight .Ash Green, cleared 6.20 p.m
coffee and reading room. Thomas Haynes Harrison esq. Schools:-
of Copford Hall, is lord of the manor, which was held by
the Bishops of London till the death of Bishop Bonner, National (mixed), Copford Green, built in 1840, for So
who occasionally resided here. The principal landowners children; average attendance, 68; Robert Tunstall,
are Thomas Haynes Harrison esq. Thomas Ambrose esq. master
James Round esq. M.P. Birch Hall, Captain Townshend National (mixed), Eight .Ash Green, average attendance,
end Round's trusti:les. The soil is gravel and clay; sub- 72; John Rushforth, master
soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. Carrier to Colchester.-George Brazier, sat
Beaumont Col. Lord, Copford place; Diss .Alfred, red & white brick maker Railing Sidney (Miss), shopkeeperr
& .Army & Navy & Cavalry clubs, Folkard Frank, farmer, Copford The Green
London Green farm Ransome Wm. farmr. Boesenham hall
Foley Michael, Rose cottage Goody Thos . .Alma inn, The Green Sach Frederick, farmer, Pantile farm
Harrison Thomas Haynes, Copford hall Grimsey .Adam, coffee & reading rms Saunders Geo. Hy. baker, Post office
Hicks George Elgar, Copford lodge Hellen James (Mrs.), farmer, Walnut Scott Chas. hurdle maker & shopkEr
Mason George, Hope villa Tree farm Scott Walt. ho. decoratr. The Green
Ruck-Keene Rev. Benjamin B . .A Button Josiah, carpenter Smith Lucy (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Ruck-Keene Rev. Edmund Ralph M. A. Keeble James William, grocer & baker, London road
(rector), Parsonage, Eight .Ash grn Eight Ash green Smith Robert, Brick & Tile P.H
Searles Mrs. Holly cottage Lingley Thos. blacksmith, London rd Swann Samuel, farmer, Mulberry frm
COMMEROIAL. Maskall Elizbth. (Mrs.), Thurgoods fm Tampion Henry, blacksmith
.Allen Joseph, farmer, Moat farm Prestney Edwin George, shopkeeper Wyncoll Wm. frmr. Round Bush farm
CORNISH HALL END was formed into an ecclesi- Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise C.B., D.L., J.P. of Spains
astical parish in 1841 from the civil parishes of Finching- Hall, Braintree, M. Tharpe esq. Humphrey Richard'
field, Birdbrook and Ridgewell: it is 4 miles from Bird- George Marriott esq. J.P. of Abbots Hall, Shalford, and
brook station, on the Colne Valley branch of the Great C. Ryder esq. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel; chief
Eastern railway, 12 north-west from Braintree, 7 from crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 3,814
Saffron Walden, 6 north-east from Thaxted and 47 from acres; the population in 1891 was ,)o6.
London, in the Northern division of the county, Fresh-
well petty sessional division, and in the rural deanery of LrTTLE LONDON 1 mile south, SP.A.IXS EKD 1!
Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St. south and HERKSTE.A.D GREEN r! north-west. are
.Albans. The church of St. John the Evangelist is a plain hamlets of this parish.
building of red brick, covered with ivy, and consists of Parish Clerk and Sexton, David Walsh.
chancel and nave, western porch and a. belfry containing Post Office.-Miss Emma Bunting, sub-postmistress.
I bell: there are three stained windows. The register Letters through Braintree, arrive at 9.30 a.m. & 2.20
dates from the year 1841. The living is a vicarage, net p.m. ; dispatched at 4.20 p.m. The nearest money
yearly value £212, with residence, in the gift of the order & telegraph office is at Finchingfield. Postal
Bishop of St. .Albans, and held since 1874 by the Rev. orders are issued here, but not paid
John Charles Burnside, Theol. .A.ssoc. of King's College, National School (mixed), with a house for the mistresil
London: there is a library at the Vicarage, bequeathed & a yearly endowment of £2o, left by the late G. W.
by Dr. Walton, in 1846, to be the property of the vicars Gent esq. of Moyns nark; the school will holq 130
of St. John's for ever. The principal landowners are Col. children; average attendance, 84; Mrs. Campion, mist
Burnside Rev. Jn. Charles T.A.K.C.L. Frost Elijah, farm bailiff to Col.Saml. Humphrey Henry, shoe maker
(vicar), Vicarage Brise Ruggles-Brise D.L., J.P. Jackson John, miller (wind)
Campion Mrs Rook hall Jeffrey David, Horse & Groom P.H
r,oMMEROIAL. Gilby Chas. shoe ma. Little London Pring-le , farmer, Nortons
Balls .Alfred, farm bailiff to Charles Goldstone Thomas, beer retailer & Tilbrook Henry, frmr. Boarded barn
Ryder esq. Jekylls blacksmith Vincent Henry, farm agt. to Montague
Cock William Fuller, assistant over- Grubb Edward, farmer, White house Thorpe esq. Shore hall
seer & surveyor & farmer, Hole frm Hardy Emma (Miss), shopkeeper Walsh David, parish clerk
Collar Frederick, wheelwright Hardingham Charles, farm bailiff to Warren George Philip, frmr. Whitley&:
Colman George, farmer, Herkstean hal Col. Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise 'Veils Charles, farmer, Rivett's farm
Dare Emma (Mrs.), frmr. Lophams D.L., J.P. Cornish hall
CORRINGHAM is a village and parish, 2 miles east diev : de : sa : alme : eit : merci;" there is also the
from Stanford-le-Hope station on the London, Tilbury figure of a female, c. 1460, much worn, the inscription to
and Southend railway, and 14 south-east from Brentwood, which is lost: the east and other windows are stained :-
in the Sguth Eastern division of the county, Barsta!ble the entire structure, except the tower, wa.s restored in
hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, Brent- 1843-4 by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R ..A. at the chief
wood county court district, and in the rural deanery of cost of the rector: the tower was restored in 1864, and
Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St . .Albans. the north aisle in 1875· The register dates from the
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a small building of year 1558. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
flint and stone in the Early English style, consisting of charge £630, net yearly value [560, with 29 acres of
chancel, nave, north aisle with chantry, north porch and glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1887 by
a massive tower, with pyramidal roof, containing 3 bells, the Rev. John Greatheed l\I.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
respectively dated 158o, 1617 and 1629; it was originally bridge. Capt. lVhitmore, who is lord of the manor,
a Norman church, but of this only the tower remains, Henry Charles Long, Herbert Clarence Long and Fredk_
the rest of the edifice being chiefly Decorated: the nave Morley Hill esqrs. and l\Irs. Kent are the principal land-
is separated from the aisle by an arcade of two bays: a owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay.
fine old oak screen still exists in the chantry, which is The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, peas and clover.
presumably that founded by William de Baud in 1328 The area is 3,415 acres of land, with much marsh and
and still retains a little old glass; there is a trefoil- 747 of water, reaching to the Thames; rateable value.
headed piscina in the south wall of the chancel, and a [4,153; the population in 1891 was 320.
stoup in the south porch: there are brasses to Richard Sext~n, James Ransom.
de Belt-oun, a former rector, c. 1340, with a half-length Letter Bo)t cleared at 6 p.m.; sun. at 11.45 a.m
effigy; to Alice Grevye, ob. 1453; Thomas Atlee, ob. Postal address, Stanford-le-Hope S.O. Essex. Stanford-
1464, and Margaret his wife; and to Robert Draper, also le-Hope is the nearest telegraph &; money order office
a. former incumbent, ob. 1595, this brass being inserted Parish School (mixed), built in 1847, for 38 cliildren;.
in an ancient stone inscribed ".Abele: baud : gist : ici : average attendance, 24; Mrs. Susanna Crussell, mist
Greatheed Rev. John M . .A. (rector), Goddard Edward, farmer Long Henry Charles, farmer & land-
Rectory Hornsby John, farm bailiff to Vella- owner, The Hall
.Alston Israel, baker & shopkeeper cott Humphrey esq Long Herbert Clarance, farmer &.
Crussell John James, shoe maker Kent Fr~deric Davies, frmr. Herd frm landowner, The Old hall

Philpot Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer

Ransom J ames, blacksmith Tilbury brickfields
jRushbrook Brothers, brick makers, Such William, Bull inn
Wright Thomas, carpenter
CRANHAM is a parish, pleasantly situated I mile rent-charge £.p6, net yearly valu>e,.. £450, with 35 acres
east of Upminster station on the Tilbury and Southena of glebe and residence, in the gift of St. John's College,
railway and 4~ miles south-east from the Romford station Oxford, arid held since 1889 by the Rev. Charles John
on the Great Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the Rashleigh Cooke M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. Coombe
county, Brentwood petty session:1l division, Chafford Lodge, a modern mansion, situated on an eminence cum-
hundred, }lomford union and county court district, rural manding fine views of the surrounding country and en·
deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese closed in well-designed pleasure grounds, is the residence
of St. Albans. The church of All Saints, rebuilt by of Mrs. Edward Ind: Beredens, an old restored manor
Richard Benyon esq. at his sole cost, on the site of the house, the property and residence of R. T. Stoneham
older church, was re-opened December, 1874, and is an esq. is on an eminence at the foot of Foxburrow Wood,
edifice of stone in the Early English style, consisting of and commands fine and extensive views. George Bas-
chancel, nave, south porch and on the north side a tower trick esq. of Sayes Court, Chertsey, SUT~ey, is lord of
with spire, containing 3 bells: all the windows in the the manor. Richard Denyon esq. of Englefield Park,
chanceJ and the west window are filled with stained glass: Berks, is chief landowner. The soil is a very heavy
in the chancel is a monument to Major-General James loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
Edward Oglethorpe, of Wesbbrook Place, Surrey, who peas &c. The area is r,875 acres; rateable value,
obtained the manor of Cranham Hall by his mari'iage £2,835; the population in r89r was 465.
with Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Sir Nathan Sacristan, F. Peartree.
Wright hart. whose predecessor, Sir Benjamin Wright, Sexton, T. Gooden. ·
ISt bart. bought it of the Petres: he was the founder, Letter Box, in Rectory wall, cleared at 5 p.m. week days
in 1733, of the colony of Georgia, N. America, for which only
he obtained a Royal charter: he died 3oth June, 1785, Letters through Romford, arrive at 7.15 a.m. Upminster
at the age, it is said of ro2, and is buried here with his is the nearest money order & telegraph office
wife: there is a piscina in the south wall and a reredos School (mixed}, erected in 1870, partly at the cost of R.
with a sculptured representation of "The Last Supper:" Benyon esq. for 75 children; average attendance, 70;
the old oaken communion table was restored by the Rev. & supported by Miss Boyd, of Wanstead; an adult
L. L. Sharp, rector r884-9 The register dates from night school is held twice a week, free to all & main·
the year 1558. The living is a rectory, average tithe tained by the same lady
:<Names marked* should be addressed *Wright Geo. Lucas, Coombe cottage Gates William, farmer
Warley.) COM"lfEROB.L. Marrable William, coal dealer
Olley James, beer retailer
Beech William, Cranham place · Bailey Mary (Mrs.), grocer Palm er Edward, farmer
Cooke Rev. Charles John Rashleigh Battson George, pig dealer Palmer William, farmer
M.A. Rectory Bunter Richard (Mrs.), farmer, Carn- Parker Thomas, farmer
*Ind Mrs. Edward, Coombe lodge ham hall Parker lVilliam, farmer & overseer
Knight Percy J. Woodfield house Carson William, greengrocer Robinson Henry Wm. farmer, Crouch
*Stoneham Robt. Thompson, Beredens Flack James, beer retailer house & Bromwells
Way Mrs. Charles, Cranham lodge Gates James, farmer, Back lane Wilson John, beer retailer
CREEKSEA (or Cricksea) is a parish, on the north 186r by the Rev. Henry Mawson Milligan B..A. of St.
bank of the Crouch, rl miles west from Burnham stat'ion Cwtharine's College, Cambridge, who resides at Altliorne.
on the Wickford and Southminster branch of the Great. Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay hart. of Dogmersfield
[Eastern railway, and 12 south-east from Maldon, in the Park, Rants, who is lord of the manor, Philip Patmore
· South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred esq. and Mrs. Daubuz are the principal landowners. The
and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- wheat, barley &c. The area is 866 acres of land and 170
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church, water; rateable value, £862; the population in rBgi
of AW Saints, rebuilt in 1878, is a stone edifice, in the was 127.
Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, south Sexton, Henry Whiting.
porch and a western belfry containing r bell: the total Letter Box cleared at 4.30 p.m. Letters through Burn·
cost of erection was about £r,2oo: there are sittings for ham S.O. arrive at 7 a.m. A second mail from London
about 100 persons. The register dates from the year per rail arrives at Burnham at a.m. but is not
I749· The living is a rectory, united to the vicarage of delivered the same day at Creeksea. The nearest money
Althorne, average tithe rent-charge £336, net yearly order & telegraph offic_g is at Burnham
value £229, with 22 acres of glebe here and 6 acres at School (mixed), for about so children, enlarged in 1893;
Althorne, with residence, in the gift of and held since averag~ attendance, 38; Miss Ellis, mistress
Patmore Philip, Grove house Kemp Samuel (exors. of), farmers, Patmore Philip, oyster merchant &
Hopgood James, farm bailiff to Mr. Cricksea hall farmer, Ferry farm
E. J. Smith
CRESSING is a village and parish, on a small feeder are 221 sittings. The register dates from the year 1754.
of the Blackwater, r mile east from Bulford station, on The living is a vicarage, average tfthe rent-charge £155,
the Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch of the Great net yearly vafue £219, with 3 acres of glebe and resi-
iEastern railway, 3 south-east from Braintree and 5 north deuce, in the gift of the vicar of Witham, and held since
from Witham and Kelvedon, in the Eastern division of r884 by the Rev. Charles James O'Reilly B.A. of Trinity
the county, Witham petty sessional division and hundred, College, Dublin. Here is a chapel for the Peculiar People.
Braintree union and county court district, rural deanery The Knights Templars, who at one time had a com-
o! Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. mandery or preceptory here, called Cressing Temple,
Albans, and formerly belonged to King Harold II. The founded about rrso, possessed the advowson; it subse-
church of All Saints is a small edifice of flint and stone, quently passed to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John
chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, of Jerusalem and reverted to the Crown at the general
nave, vestry, south porch and a small western turret, suppression of religious houses. Mrs. Ford, who is lady
with shingled spire, containing I bell: the cnurch was of the manor of Cressing Temple, and Jeffery Grimwood
restored and reseated by subscription in r868, at a cost Cozens Grimwood esq. of 29 Ennismore gardens, London,
of £6oo: the chancel retains a piscina, and on the south J. Lockhart esq. Sir Thomas C. C. Western bart. of 21
wall is an alabaster monument, erected by Henry Smith, Castletown road, London S. W. A Barnard esq. and J.
of Cressing Temple, to his wife Hannah and dated 1607: N. Paxman esq. J.P. of Stisted Hall, are the chief land-
it bears figures in has-relief of a knight kneeling before owners. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, clay and loam.
an open book upon a table, while opposite is a lady in a The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is
similar attitude, and underneath, a child in a winding 2,519 acres ; rateable value, £2,312; the population in
sheet, with the figure of a maiden in the attitude of r89r was 62o.
prayer; near to this, on the chancel pavement, is a large Parish Clerk, James Fryatt.
stone containing a brass, exceedingly well engraved, of a Post Office. Miss Rose Farthing, sub-postmistress. Let.
lady standing before a table with her right hana resting ters arrive from Braintree at 8 a.m.; di:,;patched at 5
upon an hour-glass; at her feet lies an infant, apparently p.m. week days only. The nearest telegraph office is
dead, and below is an inscription in Latin to "Dorcas at Braintree & money order office, White Notley.
Musgrave, daughter of William Bigg, gent. of Topsfield, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Essex, and wife of Thomas Musgrave esq. of Norton, National School (mixed), built in- r868, for 150 children;
Y9ris; she died in childbirth, n Aug. r6ro, aged 23 :" average attendance, n6; Miss Edith Judd, mistress
j3Uspended near the roof are two ancient helmets_: there Bulford Railway Station, Rober~ Hellaby, station master
BrO\m Oswald_, Lanham farm Harrisson & Co. millers (steam & Sach Edward, farmer & landowner,
O'Reilly Rev. Chas. Jas. B.A. Vicarge water), Bullford mi11 Jefferies farm
Sach Edwd. Jn. Sharpe, Wrights frm Hutley Philip, farmer, New house Shoobridge Charles T. farmer, Cress-
co:r.IMEBOIAI.. Johnson Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper ing Temple
Ayton John, carpenter Joscelyne Ernest James, farmer, South James, farmer, Holders farm ·
Eartholomew Chas. farmer, Fell's fm Schills farm Theobald James William, farmer
Hocking Geo. Edwd. general dealer&c Joslin George, Three Ashes P.H Towns Harry, farmer & miller (wind),
Brown William Charles, carpenter Jrettle William, blacksmith Withers Green farm
Cousins Thos. farmer, Cressing lodge Mortier Fred, baker & beer retailer Tnnbridge Waiter, builder, carpenter,
Ely John Bentley, beer retailer & :Moss John, farmer, Rook farm wheelwright & undertaker
blacksmith Phillir>s William, miller (wind), farmr. Watkinson's Trust (James W. Theo-
Farthing Benjamin, baker, Post office & assistant overseer, Stubbles farm bald, sec)
Gladwin Thos, farmer, The Ashes fm & Cressing mill
DAGENHAM is a parish end village, bounded by the Dagenham reach is Dagenham Lake Subscription Water,
Thames, the Rom (or Bourne brook) and the Ingerbury a lake formed by a portion of the unreclaimed land 40
brook, with a station on the direct line of the London, acres in extent; being well stocked with fish it is much
Tilbury and Southend railway, 3 miles south-west from frequented by anglers. Sir Edward Hulse bart. of Brea-
Romford, 2 north-west from Rainham station and 12 more, Salisbury, who is lord of the manor, the Crown,
from Whitechapel church, in the Southern division of the the Marquess of Salisbury K.G., P.C., D.C.L. the Dean
county, Becontree hundred ana petty sessional division, and Canons of Windsor, J. G. Fanshawe esq. of 13 St.
Rcmford union and county court district, Metropolitan George's road, London S. W. and William Vigo Williams
police jurisdiction, rural deanery of Chafford, archdea- esq. ure the principal landowners. The soil is shingly;
conry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The church subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, potatoes and
of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient edifice of brick and market garden produce. The area is 6,489 acres, ex-
stone in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, con- cluding 241 acres water area; rateable value, £23,818;
sisting of chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle, north the population in 1891 was 4,324.
porch and an embattled tower on the north side, with a BECONTREE HEATH is a large hamlet of this parish,
slated spire and containing a clock and 6 bells, dated 2! miles north, it gives name to the hundred and to a
1768; the chancel and aisle date from the nth century: petty sessional division; meetings held at Stratford,
the nave was rebuilt in 18oo: there is a fine old tomb which see. There is a Church of England Mission room
with brasses, to Sir Thomas Urswyk kt. appointed com- served by the clergy of the parish church and a lay
mon serjeant of the city of London, and subsequently in reader : tliere is also a Free Me_thodist chapel.
1455, made recorder; he also represented the city in Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Walter Palmer.
Parliament in H6I and q67, and was chief baron of the
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. Annuity, Insurance & Express
Exchequer from 1471 to 1479, in which year he died: Delivery Office. Mrs. Elizabeth Howgego, postmistress.
the brass also commemorates his wife, 4 sons and 9
daughters: there is also a marble monument with Letters through Romford at 7.0 a.m. & 3.15 p.m.;
effigies to Sir Richard Alibon kt. a justice of the King's dispatched at 10.55 a.m. 6.55 & 9.30 p.m. Sunday
Bench from 1687 in the reign of James IT. ob. 22 Aug. delivery commences at 7 a.m. & dispatched at 6.30 p.m
1688; the stained east window is a memorial to Mrs. T. Wall Letter Boxes.-Ripple road, cleared 10.30 a.m. &
L. Fanshawe, of Parslowes, and was erected by the 8.30 p.m.; & Station, cleared 11.0 a.m. & 9.0 p.m
parishioners in 1878, when the church was thoroughly Post Office, Becontree Heath. William Bentley, sub-
restored, the floor lowered and the interior reseated; postmaster. Letters, via Romford, arrive at 7.0 a.m.
during the course of the work an ancient piscina and a & 3.15 p.m.; dispatched at 11.20 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.
cross-marked altar slab were discovered; two helmets The nearest money order office & telegraph office are
and fragments of other armour also remain. The register at Chadwell. Postal orders are issued here, but not
dates from the year 1546. The living is a vicarage, paid. Pillar Box, Mark's gate, cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
tithe rent-charge £9oo, average £649, net yearly value 3.15 p.m
£563, with 8 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Schools.
T. C. Stevenson Moore esq. and held since 1876 by the A School Board of 5 members was formed 7 Dec. 1874;
Rev. John James Stevenson Moore LL.D. of Trinity C. Smith, North street, Romford, clerk to the board;
College, Dublin. There are Wesleyan and Wesleyan Re- John William Freshwater, Chadwell Heath, attendance
form chapels, and Congregational chapel at Marks' Gate. officer
A cemetery of 2! acres was formed in 1864, at a cost of Board (boys', girls' & infants), !Jecontree Heath, built
£8oo, but there is no mortuary chapel; it is under the about 1877 & enlarged 1893 to accommodate 400
control of a. burial board of 5 members, of which the children ; average attendance, 230 ; George William
vicar is chairman. Uphill's charity of £I50 yearly, left Patmore, master; Mrs. Harriett Patmore, mistress;
by Jacob Uphill, of Dagenham, standard bearer to Miss Cudoy, infants' mistress
\Villiam and Mary, Queen Anne and George I. who died Board (infants'), built in 1874, for 150 children; average
Feb. 26, 1717, ret, 59, formerly expended in clothing attendance about 120; Mrs. Sarah Howes, mistress
children and in· gratuities to them, is now administered Ford's Endowed, founded in 1828 by William Ford, of
under a trust, the greater portion of the income being Dagenham; the buildings include a master's residence
devoted to scholarships in technical education; other & will hola 120 boys & as many girls; in Whalebone
charities, including a bread charity left by John White lane, Chadwell Heath, is a branch school connected
gent. who died February 2, 1673, are distributed yearly. with this charity, built in 1857 & available for 100
Dagenham has much marsh land and on Dec. 17th, 1707, children; these schools have an annual endowment of
a. very high tide blew up the .sluice, broke through the £3oo, arising from money left for educational purposes
dyke, flooded I,ooo acres and swept 160 acres into the by William Ford, who died March 6th, 1756; John
river; after much difficulty and a lapse of 15 years, Doubleday, master; Mrs. Emma Doubleday, mistress
the breach was stopped by the famous Captain Perry, at Metropolitan Police Station, 3 sergeants & 12 constables
a cost of £4o,ooo. To the left of the r.Qad leading to Railway Station, Edward Foreman, station master
DAGE1\'11AM. Brown Jas. wardrobe dlr. & hairdrssr Farrow George, coal aealer
Marked thus t Letters should be Brown John & Israel, shopkeepers Gay John & Alfred, farmers
addressed Romford only.) Bull Sarah (Mrs.), beer ret. New rd Gay Isaac, farmer
tCockshott Henry, Marks' gate Burke Charles, blacksmith Gay Wm. Jn. farmer, Eastbrook end
Hollington James Button Samuel, shopkeeper Gentry Henry, thatcher
Green Frederick J.P. Hainault lodge, Curtis William, farmer Gill Edmund, baker
Chigwell row Claxton William Thomas, bricklayer Gray Henry, farmer
:Moore Rev. .John .Tames Stevenson Cooper Thomas, shopkeeper Gunary Saml. farmer, Poundhouse fm
M.A., LL.D. Vicarage Currie George, farmer, Eastbrk. end Hollington James, market gardener
Smallpeice Rev. Frank Freshfield B.A.Currie Joseph, farmer, Foxland Hopkins Hy. Geo. shopkpr. Statn. rd
(incumbent of St. James, Chadwell Derbyshire Richd. W. Cross Keys P.H Howgego Alfd.mrkt. grdnr. Five Elms
Street), Mark's Gate Day John, shopkeeper, Checker's lane Howgego Waiter Wm. wheelwright
Turner William, Crown street Drake Ernest William, beer retailer, Kirk Thomas, farmer, Lakes farm
Williams Wm. Varco, J.P. Merrielands Hog hill, Chigwell row Key John, butcher
COMMEBOIAL. tDrake Wm. miller (wind), Marks' gt Kirk Charles, wheelwright
Bales George, shopkeeper Earl William G. baker & carpenter Kirk William, farmer & marsh bailiff,
Beard Frederick Richard, baker Edwards John, beer retailer Lake's farm
Borrett Gp.arles, Iarmer, Willishaws Farrance Henry, fruit grower Larter John Thomas, grocer
Bowman Alfd. saddler &i collar mkr Enderwick William, shopkeeper Lucas Henry, The Chequers P.R ,

Ogles Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Thompson Wm. boot & shoe maker Balls Charles, miller (s:1eam) & mill-
Mead Alfred, beer retailer Venables Herbt. J. fmr. French's frm wright
Palmer James Waiter, grocer & drapr Wackett John, farmer Bentley Wm. boot maker, Post office
, Parrish Charles, farmer, Petit's farm tWackett John, jun. farmer, Rose I~ Bixby David, market gardener
ParrishCoulson Douglas, farmer tWackett Victor, market gardener,! Blewitt Joseph, hay & straw dealer
Pearcey George, carpenter Rose lane Borham George, hay & straw dealer
Payne James R. butcher Watts Alfred, shopkeeper, Station rd Brewster John, shopkeeper
Philpot Henry Lewis, grocer & drapr West Edward John, saddler Coppen Geo. farmer, Whalebone farm
tPye Abraham, beer retailer & straw West Joseph Jonadab, market gardnr Dodd Chas. Jas. Three Traveller~P.H
dealer, Rose lane Whistler Waiter Wm. Railway hotel Farrow James, harness maker
Randall & Fowles, market gardeners Wilderspin Susannah (Mrs.) shopkpr Gay Isaac Matthew, market gardP.ner
Rickett Henry, market gardener Williams Samuel & Sons, licensed Harris Fredk. R. grcr. & provision dlr-
Rodwell Henry, Bull inn Iightermen Kemp John, straw dealer
Ruse Joseph, shopkeeper King James, blacksmith
tPye William, hay & straw dealer, BECONTREE HEATH. Malton Daniel, shopkeeper
Rose lane :Marriage Herbert, carpenter
Rutt George, farmer, Rookery farm Freeman Edwara, Ashbrook Mead Abraham, farmer
tSammons William, frmr. Marks' gate Parrish Coulson Donglas, Frizbad Parrish Charles & Jas. market grdnrs
Shipton George, carpenter Perry Henry, The Woodland Parrish William, farmer
Smith John, farmer, Marshfont farm Brown Mrs. Rebecca Perrin Samuel, beer retailer
Sparrow Charles, beer retailer Boreham George Reader Elijah, beer retailer
Sears Charles, shopkeeper, New road St. Pierre George, hay & straw dlr
Smith George, shopkeeper COMMEROI.AL. Seabrook Selina (Miss), frmr. Butlers
Stevens George, farmer, Cambye .Albon Rd. Jn. smith & wheelwright Twyford John Foster, farmer, Whale·
Stevens William Henry, saddler Archer Henry, 1ay & straw draler bone lane
DANBURY is a village and parish, mentioned in 1 siastical Commissioners, for the Bishops of Rochester, is
Domesday, pleasantly seated on a hill 330 feet high, on now the property of Seth Taylor esq. of Granard House,
the top of which are the remains of an ancient camp, and Putney Park lane, London S.W.: the palace is surrounded
is on the road from Chelmsford to Maldon, 5 miles by an extensive estate. Frettons is the residence of
east from Chelmsford station, about the same dis- John Timbrell Pierce esq. F.R.G.S., D.L., J.P. The
ance, 1\<iest from Maldo'n, and 34 from London, in principal landowners are Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre esq.
the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hun- of Goodnestone Park, Kent, who is lord of the manor and
dred, union, petty sessional division and county court J. Spencer Phillips esq. The soil is light and gravelly;
district, rural deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex subsoil, gravel. Tfi.e chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
and diocese of St. Albans. The water supply is obtained and turnips. The area is 2,966 acres; rateable value-,
from a well half a mile from the village on the southern £4,239; the population in 1891 was 839.
slope of. the hill; the water ~s forced up bY: means of two RUNS ELL is a hamlet, 1 mile east from Danbury.
hydraulic rams and sto~ed m the rese.rvou tank on the Jolin Thomas esq. is lord of the manor.
g:een; there are pubhc taps ~t varw~s parts of the BYCRNACRE, 2 miles south, is another hamlet, partly
VIllage ; ~he se works . were earned out m 1892 by the in Woodham Ferrers parish. In that part of the hamlet
rural. sa.mtary .a~thontf. The church of S~. John the which lies in this parish, on the western side of the road
Baptist IS a bmldin~ chiefly of conglomerate m the Deco- leading from Woodham Ferrers to Danbury, are the ruins
ra~ed and Perpendicular styles and was thor?ughly re- of a Priory of Black or Austin canons, founded in the
paired .and restored and. the chanc~l enlarged !n 1866-7; reign of Henry II. as a cell of Elsing 'Spital, by Maurice
1t consists of chancel, With north a.Isle, nave, aisl~s, north Fitz Geoffrey, then Sheriff of Essex, and dedicated to St.
po;rc.h and an embattled With wooden spue,. con- John the Baptist; the crossing, of Transitional Norman
taimng 5 bells and a .clock: m. the church a~e effigies of work, remains, and some of the arches are lofty and well-
three cross-legged kmghts, .cunously carved m wood .and proportioned: the chapel, which stood at the east end is
suppose~ to be repre~en.tatlves. of the St. Clere family; entirely destroyed: after the Dissolution the manor oi
e.ach km~htly figure IS m a diff~rent. posture ~nd has a Bycknacre, with the site of the Priory, was granted by
hon at ~ts. feet: the exposed situation of this church Henry VIII. to Henry Polsend, who eleven years later, in
~enders It liable to suffer from storms and tempests, and 15 4 8, sold it to Sir Henry Mildmay. Near it is Gibcrack.
m 1402, on the 24th May, the body of .the church and Acting Clerk and Sexton, Robert Mead.
part of the chancel were destroyed and m Feb. 1749-5°, Assistant Overseer Thomas Juhn Joslen Sandon
the spire was set on fire by lightning and burnt down- ' . '
wards for about _20 feet. The register dates from the Post, M. 0. ~ T. 0., S. B. & Annmty,. Insurance &
year 1673. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- Express Delivery Office.-<?-eorge Spaldm~, sub•post-
charge £ 399 , net yearly value £ 209 , with 22 acres of master. London letters. arnve from Chelm,fo~d at 4.56
g-lebe and residence, in the gift of Henry Fitzwalter a.m. & 12 ·45 p.m.; delivered at 6.o a.m. & dispatched
Plumptre esq. of Goodnestone Park, Kent, and held since . at 2·40 p.m. & 8.30 P·~
1855 by the Rev. Sir Thomas Pym Brid.ges hart. B.A. of Wall Letter Boxes. 1 Eves Corner, cleared 2.30 & 7.10
Christ Church, Oxford. There are. undenominationa: mis- P;m.; su.nday, 8. 0 a. m.; Runsell, 1.30 & 7.0 p.m
sion rooms at Danbury Common and Gaybowers. A sum of Poli~e Stat.wn, J. "\Y· Hurre~l, ~ergeant .
about £ 20 yearly, arising from land left in 1503 by Mrs. NatiOnal Schools (mixed), bmlt m !835, for 170 children;.
Lansdown is available for repairs to the church and for a~erage, xoo; John Fitzwater, master; Mrs.
the poor. There is also an annual collection in the parish Fitzwater, mistress .
for supplying the poor with coals. Danbury Palace, Carriers to & from Chelmsford.-William Dunmow k
formerly Danbury Place, purchased in 1845 by the Eccle- David Finch, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baker William, builder, Eve's Corner Luecke Wilhelm Andreas, farmer.
Bridges Rev. Sir Thomas Pym hart. Bennett Samuel Eva, farmer, Pear The Hyde
B.A. Rectory Tree farm Nicholl Conrad Kahn M.A. private
Butler Edgar Gale, Hill house Burr Waiter, farmer, Gaybowers tutor
Cooper Thomas, Millington house Campion Joseph, boot & shoe maker Nicholls Waiter Henry, miller (wind)
Dashwood Henry Walpole George, The Coppin Henry, Cricketers' Arms P.H Pemberton Edward, Saracen's Head
Manor house, Gaybowers Croxon Hy. Wincing, frmr. Elm grn P.H. Runsell green
Fisk Miss, Gaybowers cottage Crussell Abraham, fruitr. Runsell gn Poole William, farmer
Hitchcock Mrs. Bay lodge Dennis Thomas, butcher Reeve George, Blacksmith
Luecke Wilhelm Andreas, The Hyde Dodd Frederick, carpenter Reynolds Henry, Griffin inn & farmer
Musgrove Geo. The Lo. Horne row Dodd Samuel, beer ret. Eve's Corner Richardson Herbert John, farmer,
Nicholl Conrad Kahn M.A Dodd Samuel, carpenter, Trellis cot The Slough
Pierce John Timbrell F.R.G.S., D.L., Downing Chas. saddler & harness ma Simmons Maria (l\lrs. ), corn factor,
J.P. Frettons Dunmow William, grocer, baker & Eve's Corner
Plnmptre Rev. John Bridges M.A. carrier, Runsell green Smith Simon, carter & hurdle maker.
(curate) Ewers Thomas, beer retlr. Horne row Runsell
Rainford James K. Charlton house Finch David, carrier Spalding George, postmaster

Wilstead Richard, Elm green Freeman Hy. Thos. grocer & draper Speakman Henry H. farmer, Garlands
COMMERffiAL. Furlong Ebenezer, plumber Speakman Samuel, farmer, St. Clere,.s
Ager George, pork butcher, Runslet Gladwell Frederick, Bell P.H Hall farm
Applebee William H. grocer & carpen- Roar Albert, carpenter & undertaker j Trussell Mary (Mrs.), farmer &; land-
ter, Eve's corner Kerridge Charles, pork butcher owner, Gaybowers
Targrass Abrbm. thatcher, Eve'sCrnr Wenley William, general gardener, Wilson Henry, bricklayer
l\""ackrell J ames, nurseryman &c. Bycknacre Wood William Henry, farmer, Great
Eve's Corner Wiggins Sarah (:\Irs.), beer retailer, Ludgores
Wakefield Peter, insurance agent Runsell green
DEBDEN is a large parish and scattered village, 2 Debden Hall, the residence of Lady Gardner, belonged
miles south-east from the Newport station on the Great to Ralph Peverell during the reign of William the Norman
Eastern railway, 4 south from Saffron Walden and 39 and is seated in a most picturesque country; the Hall
from London, in the Northern division of the county, was built in 1795, from designs by R. Holland and over-
hundred of Uttlesford, Saffron Walden petty sessional looks a fine sheet of water, in a park of about 200 acres.
division, union and county court district, rural deanery Amberdon, or Hamperdon Hall, 2 miles south from the
of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- church, is an old mansion, formerly the residence of the
cese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is an edifice Stonehouse family, but now a farm house with a moat:
of brick and stone in the Gothic style, consisting of it had formerly a church or chapel of its own and large
chancel, nave of four bays with clerestory, aisles, south well-stocked fishponds : it is a small manor now in the
porch and a small western turret witli spire, containing possession of the trustees of the late Robert Farran esq.
2 bells: the chancel was added in 1793 and has a stained Thistley Hall, a farm in the same manor, belongs to the
window, the gift of R. S. W. Barthropp esq. who also Rev. Hnmphrey Farran Hall M.A. rector of Pylle, Somer-
presented the lectern: in the south aisle is a window set. New Amberdon Hall, an adjojning farm in the same
with the arms of the Chiswell family: the font was pre- manor, belongs to Josiah Squire esq. William Fuller-
sented by the late }.fr. Chiswell: there are several Maitland esq. M.P., J.P. of Stansted Hall, is lord of the
marble monuments to this family, from 1726 to 1751, manor of Debden and chief landowner. The soil is strong
others to that of Stonehouse and one to the Rev. Henry clay and loam ; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, oats,
Hod~son: in the chancel is a mural monument, with barley, peas and beans. The parish contains 4,633 acres
Latin inscription, to the Rev. Thomas Carter S.T.P. of land and 20 of water; rateable value, £4,259; the
rector here for 45 years, ob. 8th Oct. 1697, ret. 74; Sir population in 1891 was 744·
Richard Brown kt. and hart. was here buried in 1672 DEBDEN GREEN, is 2 miles east-south-east.
and some others of this fa.mily in x685: in 1893 portions SMITH'S GREEN, half-a-mile south-east.
of the turret and spire were restored. The register dates PERTON END, x mile north.
from the year 1557. The living is a rectory, average Post Office, Debden. Samuel Purkiss, sub-postmaster.
tithe rent-charge £685, net yearly value £645, including Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at 8 a.m.; dis-
51 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of William patched at 6.40 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
Fuller l\faitland esq. M.P. and held since 1890 by the graph office is at Newport. No dispatch on sundays.
Rev. Frederic Horatio Fisher M.A. of Trinity College, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Cambridge: the rectory house stands on an eminence Post Office, Debden Green-Joseph Bunting, sub-
and has gardens and pleasure grounds. The Congrega- postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at
tional chapel here, built in 1859, affords 140 sittings. 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5·55 p.m. Newport is the
:Bathurst's charity, left about 1740 by Mr. Bathurst, of nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
London, consists of about £4,500 £2i per Cent. Consols, are issued here, but not paid
the interest of which, amounting to about £120 yearly, National School (mixed), built in 1852, for 130 children;
is distributed in various forms of charity under the average attendance, I L:J-; Mrs. l\Iary Ann Housden, mist
sanction of Her Majesty's Charity Commissioners. Carriers to Saffron Walden. Freeman sat. & Graves sat
Gardner Lady, Debden hall Ennos & Sons, milleJrs. (wind) & Middleton Joseph, bailiff to the exors.
Gardner Rt. Hon. Herbert Coniston farmers, Tower Mill of RobertFarran esq. Amberdon hall
P.C., M.P., M . .A., D.L. Debden hall; Foster Isaac, bricklayer Monk James, tailor
.& 48 Charles street·, Berkeley sq. Foster Joseph, shopkeeper, Debden gn Monk .Joseph, tailor
w & Brooks' & St. James' clubs Francis John & Son, shoe makers, Moore- Joseph (Mrs.), farmer, Tender·
SW, London Debden green ing's farm
Fisher Rev. Frederic Horatio M.A. Graves Arthur, farmer Overhill David, farmer, Fellows
Rectory Graves David, fmr. Debden Hall fm Parker Jn. Elm, frmr. Sibbold's frm
Swallow Nathan (Nonconformist Graves Jas. corn dealer, Smith~s grn Parkin George, shopkpr. Debden gm
missioner) Hales William, bailiff to James Perrett George, farmer
Norris, Mole hall Purkiss SI. grocr. & drpr. Post office
Hare John, farmer, Barnard farm Renfrew Andrew, farmer
Barltrop Dan, blacksmith Hamshire Ernest, farmer Sganks David, frmr. Smith's grt>en
Barltrop Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Harrison K. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Shanks Robert, farmer, Woodrofes
Amberdon end Hockley Alfred, farmer, Henham rd Smith BPnjamin, frmr. Amberdon end
1Jone Nicholas Wal!ace, farmer, Holland Fredk. farmer, Brocktons fm Smith John, farmer, Slough farm
Monk's farm Hunt Henry, farmer, Brick House fm Sole :Alfred, shopkeeper
:Bunting Joseph, baker, miller (wind), J ohnson William, pig dealer &c Tant Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
& collector of taxes, Debden green Lawrie William, farmer, Leggetts Tant James, beer retailer
Bunting l\Iary (Mrs.), farmer, Mea- Linsdell Charles, shoe maker Tant William James, Old Ship P.H
sants Charity farm Linsdell John, farmer, Roothers & Westwood John, farmer, Water hall
C!ark Luke, farmer Wieldbarns Westwood Herbert Ernest, hrmer,
Clark William, farmer, Plums farm Macqueen James, farmer, Pamphilions Thristley hall
Cole Albert, farmer, :Miller's farm, Mansfield Charles, White Hart P.H Westwood Martin, carpntr. & whlwgt
Smith's green Markwell Sidney, beer retailer 'Willis James, farmer, Scots farm
DEDHAM, mentioned in the Domesday Survey, is a canopied monument of stone in a good state of preserva-
town and parish, consisting of one main street with tion; the brass which bore the inscription is lost, but
three smaller ones branching from it and is in a pie- the date is s~pposed to be 1523 : on the south side of
turesque valley, on the navigable riv~r Stour, which the chancel there is a recess, now used as a credence
separates it from Suffolk, 3 miles from Ardleigh station table, and traditionally said to have been an oven used for
<On the Great Eastern railway, 7 north-north-east from baking the sacramental bread, there being a chimney
.Colchest~r, 4 west from Manningtree, 11 south-west from leading from it: in the wall of the south aisle is the
Tpswich and 59 from London, in the North Eastern staircase which formerly led to the rood loft: the font,
division of the county, Lexden and Winstree petty ses- stated to have been found under the flooring at the west
sional division and union, Lexden hundred, Colchester end of the church, bears traces of carving, though much
-eounty court district, rural deanery of Dedham, archdea- mutilated : the north door is of carved oak, but imperfect,
~onry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The town some figures of saints in canopied recesses having been
is Jghted with gas. The church of the Virgin Mary is a removed: the chancel was restored in 188o, when a carved
1arge building chiefly of brick and rubble in the Perpen- stone reredos and sedilia were introduced : the piscina
-dicular style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of is ancient: in 1887 the organ was removed from the west
six bays, aisles, north and south porches and a fine to the east end of the south aisle and the exterior walls
battlemented western tower of flint, 131 feet in height of the chancel and the north wall of the church were
"With 4 pinnacles and containing a clock and 8 bells re- renovated : tbere are seven stained windows : the church
bung in r881: this church was founded at the beginning was reseated in 1861 and has 610 sittings. The register
'Of the 16th century by Thomas and John Webbe, father dates from the year 1560. The living is a vicarage,
-and son, both woollen manufacturers, whose merchants' average tithe rent-charge £xoo, net yearly value £98,
mark, with the badges of York and Lancaster, appears with ri acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
on the tower; in the north aisle is the founders' tomb, a Duchy of Lancaster, and held since r885 by the Rev.
Charles .Alfred Jones M.A. of St. John's College, Cam- loam ; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
bridge, formerly chaplain of that college, rural dean of barley, oat~ and beans. The area. is 2,484 acres ; rate-
Dedham and surrogate. Attached to the church is a able value, £7,867; tlie population in 189I wsa 1,685.
lectureship founded by the Rev. William Burkitt and Parish Clerk, Henry Hitchcock.
otliers and endowed with great tithes commuted at the Post & M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B., Annuity, Insurance &
sum of £soo yearly, certain glebe lands and the s11m of Express Delivery Office. Morris H. Page, sub-post-
£25 consolidated £2!. per Cent. Annuities, standing in . master. Letters arrive through Colchester at s.o a.m.
the name of the official trustee of charitable funds : & 12.30 & 5.30 p.m. ; dispatched at ·2.40 & 8.o p.m.
under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, dated Licences & game certificates issued from 7.0 a.m. to
Jan. 28th, I87o, the administration of the charity and s.o p.m. Wall Letter Box, Dedham Heath, cleared at
the patronage are vested in trustees ; this lectureship, 6.40 p.m
yearly value £150, with residence, has been held since Pillar Letter Box, Lamb corner, cleared by mail cart at
1872 by the Rev. Hamilton Ashwin LL.D. of Trinity 7.40 & 1.30 p.m. daily
College, Dublin. The vicar has in his possession a list Places of Worship with times of service.
of the vicars of Dedham from the 14th century to the St. Mary's Church, Rev. Charles .Alfred Jones M.A.
pres~nt time. There are Congregational and PrimiTive vicar; II.o a.m. 3 & 7 p.m. & tues. II a.m
Methodist chapels. Dunton's almshouses, founded in Congregational, Rev. .Alfred J. Basden; 10.30 a.m. 3 &;
1517 by Stephen Dunton, of Dedham, and endowed by 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
William Littlebury in 1571 for old and decayed trades-
people, comprise 10 houses, now Q_ccupied by 20 persons, Primitive Methodist; 10.30 a.m. 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; mon.
each of whom receives from Is. to 3s. weekly, coals and fortnightly 7 p.m
wood being found free of charge. Barker's, founded in Police Station, High street, Charles S. Birham, constable
I863 by Samuel Barker, of Bedford Square, London, a Public Officers.
native of Dedham, for aged spinsters, have six inmates,
each of whom receives ss. weekly; there are six Chapel Assistant Overseer & Registrar of Marriages, William
almshouses, founded in 1834, by Mrs. Mary Barfield, of Griffi.ths, High street
Colchester, for aged widows; of the six almswomen, four Medical. Officer & ~ublic Vaccinator, 7th District, Lexd~n
receive ss. weekly and two others 4S. weekly: Chapman's & Wmstree. Umon, Charles Edmund Drayson Maile
charity, derived from land at Ardleigh, let in 1890 at L ..R.C.P.Kdin .. Dedham house
£ 45 , was left in 1657 by John Chapman, of Dedham, and. Registrar of. ~1rths & Deaths,. L. R. Alien, Boxted;,
is distributed yearly: Betts' charity, of £15, left in I de:Quty, William John Page, High street
1825 by Edward Betts, of Dedham, is distributed yearly Schools.
in coal. Dedham formerly had a market and in the The Royal Free Grammar School (now closed by order
reign of Richard II. and up to the end of the 16th century of the Charity Commissioners), was founded in 1571
was famous as one of the chief seats of the clothing trade. by William Littlebury & chartered by Queen Elizabeth
Stour House, an Elizabethan mansion, bui~t in 1868, and in I574· The school called the "English school,"
the seat of William Herbert Dunnefb esq. is situated on founded in 1599, is now amalgamated with the Gram-
the side of a hill, with a commanding and picturesque mar school & a scheme for the administration of the
view of the vale of Dedham, the river Stour and the sur- foundation was confirmed in November, 1873, & cama
rounding country. Dalethorpe, an ancient residence, the into effect in January, 1885. An artesian well has been
seat of James Dyer Tremlett eSI]_. is pleasantly situated sunk upon the Grammar school property to a depth of
on the banks of the Stour. The Hill House, Dedham 155 feet
Park, the seat of Hatfeild James Back esq. is a modern Elementary, built in I882, for 6o boys; average attend-
house. The Old House is the residence of William Henry ance, 54; Thomas W. Payne, master
Penrose esq. J.P.; Lower Park of Jo"4n McGuffie Kirby National (mixed), built in 1825, by Edward Betts esq.
esq.; Bircfiwood of Robert Scott esq.; Hillands of for ISO children; average attendance, II9; Miss E.
William Tinning esq.; and Highlands of James Gordon Mansey, mistress
Stewart esq. There are two manors in the parish of Infants', built in I855, for 6o infants; average attend-
Dedham, viz. Dedham Hall, attached to the Duchy of ance, 37 ; Miss Annie Harrison, mistress
Lancaster, and Over Hall and Nether Hall, of which Carriers to:-
Francis Smythies esq. of Colchester, is lord. The prin- Ardleigh Station William J. Page, daily, leaves at S
cipallandowners are the Eyre family, W. H. Penrose esq. a.m. ; arrives back at 10.30 a.m
J.P., Hatfeild Jas. Back, William Herbert Dunnett, H. R. Oolchester-George Buckles, every wed. & sat. leaves
Edwards J.P., Charles Booth and R. Scott esqs. Lieut.-Col. at 10 a.m.; returning at 5 p.m
Richard Spurgeon Green J.P., J. G. Stewart esq. and J. Ipswich-George Buckles, every tues. & fri. leaves at
D. Tremlett esq. The soil is mixed, principally mild Io a.m. ; returning at 5 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Kirby John McGuffie, Lower park Bird George, beer retailer & butcher
Agassiz Lieut.-Col. Roland Lewis Lang Robert Hamilton C.M.G. The Booth Agnes (Miss), ladies' school
R.M. Octagon house Grove Booth Charles, farmer & landmmer
Agassiz Miss, Great house Lilley John Buss Henry, boot & shoe maker
Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lec- Maile Charles Edmund Drayson, Carter James & Co. farmers & seed
ture ·house Dedham house growers, Jupes Hill & The Hill
Austin Misses Maile William Edward Drayson farms ; & at St. Osyth; o:fficesp
Back Hatfeild James, The Hill house, Mason Miss, Pound farm 237 & 238 & 97 & 246 High Hol-
Dednam park Mens Edwin born, London WC
Basden Rev. Alfred (Congregational), Moody Robert, Heath cottage Clover Ebenezer, miller (water &
Parsonage Penrose William Henry J.P. The Old steam roller mills) & corn & coal
Booth Mrs. Ivy lodge house merchant & farmer
Booth Miss Agnes, Ivy lodge Rastrick Miss Cottee Frederick William, horse dlr
Box Miss, Prince house Ray Major C. Pincil green Dines Robert, farmer
Clover Ebenezer, Dael holm Rodwell James Medows, Westgate ho Dines William, farm bailiff to J. M.
Cobbold Rowland Townshend, Ded- Saunders Ebenezer, Sharman's hall Rodwell esq .
ham lodge Saunders Ebenzr. jun. Sharman's hall Downes William, farmer, Long road
Corby Mrs. Grove Hill house Saunders Nathaniel, Hallfield house Durrant William, Rose & Crown P.H
Gumming Rd.Somerville, Dedham hall Saunders Nathaniel, jun . .Albany ho Dye Edward, shopkeeper
Davey Francis Scott Robert, Birchwood Edwards William, farm bailiff to Wm.
Dunnage .Alfred, Upper Park Stewart James Gordon, Highlands H. Dunnett esq. Rye farm
Dunnett William Herbert, Stour ho Tinning William, llillands Eley John, baker, High street
Everett Mrs. Brook street Tremlett James Dyer, Dalethorpe Evans Henry, butcher & farmer
Exton Mrs. Heath villa Warburton Mrs. Gunhill house Ewen Thomas L'Estrange, convey·
Ewen Thos. L'Estrange, Rookery cot COMMERCIAL. . ancing barrister, Rookery cottage
Fenn Cooper Abbott Joseph, saddler, Heath Faiers Edward, watch maker & cab
Green Lieut.-Col. Richard Spurgeon
Austin Robert & Son, wine & proprietor
J.P. Stonylands spirit merchants Fairhead Charles, farmer & butcher
Hall Herbert Oliver, Beaulieu Barber Fredk. pork butcher, High st Felgate John, corn merchant, Long rd
Hand Capt. Geo. W. R.N. Castle ho Barber Jn. Frdk. car_penter, Grove hi Felgate Samuel, farmer
HarcrWich Mrs. White house Barber Wm. (Mrs.), shpkpr. Grove hl Felgate William, farmer, Monk far~
Jones Rev. Chas . .Alfred M.A. (vicar, Bennett James, ·baker Fermer Waiter, cattle dealer & farmer"'
rural dean & surrogate), Vicarage Bennett Robt. Jas. shopkeeper, Heath Brook cottage
Freeman Jabez, saddler public vaccinator, 7th district, Lex- Saunders Nathanlel & Son.
Gallant Thos. nurseryman, Southflds den & Winstree union, Dedham ho builders & brick makers
Gammer Henry, grocer, provision )lason Thomas, farmer Sea born Arthur, shopkpr. Ardleigh rd
merchant, draper, outfitter & boot Mens Edwin, professor of music Sharp Elizh. (Mrs.), shpkpr. Heath
& shoe warehouse, High street ~Ioore George, coal dealer, Heath Sheldrake Elizabeth (Mrs.), confec-
G1ls Works (J. M. Rodwell, sec) :Moore James Ephraim, beer retailer tioner, Royal square
Gooch William Hobbs, chemist Xice Robert, Anchor P.H. Heath Sherman William, boot & shoe maker
Griffiths Frederick, furniture broker Osborne Caroline (Mrs.), farmer, Smith William Hy. boot, shoe, china,
Griffi.tns George, furniture broker Coggeshall road glass & gen. furnishing fctr. High sli
Griffi.ths William, registrar of marri- Osborne Geo. farmer, Burkitts farm Springall Henry, Marlboro' Head inn
ages, assistant overseer & insurance O"sborne Joseph, wheelwright Thorington Philip, carpenter
agent, High street Page Morris H. stationer, Post office Thurston Arthr. grcr. & drpr. High st
Gurneys, .Alexanders & Co. bankers Page William John, Sun inn & . cab Watson Cator, Compasses P.H
agency) ; draw on Lloyds Bank proprietor Watson Samuel, plumber, High street
Limited, London E 0 Parnell Mary (Mrs.), Gun inn Whislay George, ironmonger &c
Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co. Parsons Misses, seed growers, "Cpper White Thos. beer ret. Ardleigh roa<l
bankers (open wed. & fri.) (James lodge Windell J ames & Son, boot makers~
Medows Rodwell, agent); draw on Patten Frederick, horse dealer, Blue Park cottage
Lloyds Bank Limited, London E 0 Gate farm Windell William, bootmaker
Hunnaball James, fishmonger Ray Robt._ & Son, statnrs. & irnmngrs Windell William, jnn. carpenter
Jarrald Benjamin, blacksmith Rodwell James Medows, land & estate Wood Thomas, jun. blacksmith
Leach William, Lamb P.H agent & agent to Messrs. Gurneys, W ordley William, jun. grocer
?.laile Chas.EdmundDrayson L.R.C.P. Round, Green & C9. Bank Young .Alfred, shopkeeper
Edin. surgeon, & medical officer & Scott William, draper & grocer
DENGIE (or Dengey) is a parish and small village, gross yearly value £588, with residence and 15 acres of
near the German Ocean, 3 miles north-east from South- glebe, in the gift of Edward Warmington esq. of Bally-
minster terminal station, on a branch of the Great groman, county Cork, and held since 1874 by the Rev.
Eastern railway, 6 north-east from Burnham and 12 Edward James Warmington M.A. of St. John's College,
south-east from Maldon; it gives name to the hundred Cambridge. There is a charity of £32 yearly, arising
and petty sessional division of Dengie and is in the South- from land and cottages left in 1684 by Thomas Sympson,
eastern division of the county, Maldon union and county of Tillingham. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor~
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- the Fanshawe trustees, the Governors of St. Bartho-
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The church lomew's Hospital, and the trustees of the late Miss
of St. James is an edifice of stone and flint in the De- Maiden are the principal landowners. The soil in the
corated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch uplands is of a light nature and in the marsh lands a
and an open belfry at the west end containing 2 bells : rich loam; subsoil, in the marshes, sea deposit, and on
the east window was given by the rector and a stained the uplands, gravel and loam. The chief crops are wheat,
window has also been erected by the Misses Maiden in barley, oats, beans, turnips and mangold wurtzel; mus-
memory of various members of their family : there is an tard, coriander and carraway seeds. The area is 2,414
ancient brass, the inscription on which is illegible: the acres of land and 1,372 water; rateable value, £2,344;
church underwent a restoration in 1850, and in 1890 the population in r8gr was 279.
the chancel was much improved by the erection of a Parish Clerk, William Claydon.
beautifully-carved reredos of stone, extending across the Letters are received through Southminster. Tillingha.m
whole width of the east end, and canopied sedilia, de- is the nearest post, money order & telegraph office.
signed and personally executed by the present rector and Wall Letter Box cleared at 9.50 a.m. & 5·35 p.m.;
the patron: the reredos has three illuminated panels, the sundays 10.40 a. m
work of Miss Warmington: there are sittings for 120 National Schools (mixed), built in 1846 & enlarged in
persons. The registers date from the year 1559. The 1863, for 6o children; average attendance, 45; W. H.
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £526; Bradshaw, master
Attenborough Arth. Urry, Landwycke Attenborough Arthur Urry, farmer, Grove Thomas, farmer, Old Wnite
Page Arthur John, Bacon's Landwycke Horse farm
Page Charles, The Hall Brett Charles, White Horse. P .H Nunn Charlotte (Mrs.), blacksmith
Wannington Rev. Edward James Clarke Joseph, farmer, Keelings Page Arthur John, farmer, Bacon's
M.A. Rectory F1etcher Tarbet, veterinary surgeon Page Charles, farmer, The Hall
DODDINIGHURST, otherwise written "D{)dde.n- 1879 by the Rev. Francis Stewart M.A. of Brazenose
heue," " Dudeho " and " Duddinghurst," is a parish, 4 College, Oxford, and rural dean of Ingatestone. Lag-
miles south from Ongar, 4 west from Ingatestone and den's charity, derived from land, amounts to about [15
4 north from Brentwood stations, in the Mid division of yearly and is distributed in loaves of bread and coals.
the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional The rector is lord of the manor. Colonel Fane is the prin-
division and county court district, Ongar union, and in cipal landed proprietor. The soil is fixed; subsoil, clay
the rural deanery of Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of All Saints is 1,913 acres ; rateable value, ,£2,032 ; and had a scattered
an ancient building of stone and rubble, in the Early population in 1891 of 401.
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch Sexton, Henry Green.
and a wooden tower at the west end, with a shingled
spire and containing 3 bells: the south porch, built of School (mixed) for 75 children ; average attendance, about
massive open timber, is considered the finest specimen 40 & supported in part by the rector; .Alfred E. Smith~
of its kind in the county : all the windows are stained : master
the church was restored in 1886, the restoration of the Letters through Brentwood, arrive at 7 & I2.15 a.m. &;
chancel being effected at the expense of the rector; a I & 6.30 p.m. Wall Box at the School cleared at 5.30
vestry and organ chamber have been added. The register p.m. on week days and at 10.50 a.m. on snnday. Wall
dates from the year rs6o. The living is a rectory, gross Letter Box, The Common, cleared at 9.20 a.m. I p.m. &
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £631, with resi- 6.30 p.m. ; sunday 9 a.m. Kelvedon Common is the
dence and 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since nearest money order & telegraph office
Mitchell Edward Day Daniel, farmer Littlechild Richd. farmer, Wish.fields
Stewart Rev. Francis M.A. (rector & Dove Ezekiel, farmer, Hall Littlechild William, farm€r
rural deau), Rectory Fitch Fredk. frmr. Swallow's cross Manning James, farmer, Place farm
COMMERCIAL. Godfrey George, blacksmith, The Mason John, farmer, Emblens
Bloornfield William, farmer Common l\Iitchell Edward, frmr. Howes farm
Bolton G€orge, farmer, Park farm Harvey Richard, farmer :\Iihill Alfred, grocer &c. The Common
Carter Wm. farmer, Pear Tree farm Jordan ·waiter, beer r€tailer Powell Geo. Swan P.H. The Common
Curtis Herbert, baker & .shopkeeper, Lagden Henry, farmer, Cowes farm Worland J. & Son, farmers, Bannis-
The Common Lagden William, farmer te1· farm
EAST DON YI.AND is a parish opposite Fingringhoe, across the Colne, 3~ miles south-east from Colchester~
with which it is connected by a wooden bridge over the and 54 from London, in the North Eastern division of the
river Roman, near th~ confluence of the river Roman with county, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division.
the navigable Colne, half a mile from Wivenhoe station, Lexden hundred and union, Colchester county court
district, rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Col- on. The area is 1,330 acres of land and 19 of water and
chester, and diocese of St. Albans. This parish includes foreshore; rateable value, £3,8SI ; the population in
the hamlet of Blackheath, which for ecclesiastical pur- 1891, civil, I,S82; ecclesiastical, 1,440.
poses is in the parish of Fiugringhoe. The church of St. ROWHEDGE is a fishing village in this parish, on the
Lawrence is an octagonal edifice of white brick built in west bank of the river Colne, opposite Wivenhoe; the
imitation of the chapter-house of York cathedral and village contains the largest portion of the inhabitants of
eonsecrated in 1838: it contains a marble monument, the parish and has a W esleyan chapel. Shipbuilding,
removed from the old church, to Mary Gray, ob. July, malting and brewing are carried on.
1627, a member of a family formerly seated here circ. Parish Clerk, Edgar J ones.
1:S9S : there are S70 sittings, of which soo are free. The Post Office, East Donyland. William Sargent, sub-post-
register dates from the year 1731. The living is a rec- master. Letters arrive through Colchester at 3.50
tory, gross yearly value £209, in the gift of the trustees a. m. & 12 noon; dispatched at 12.30 & 8.30 p.m. The
of the late Mrs. Havens, and held since 1863 by the Rev. nearest money order & telegraph office is at Rowhedge
Henry Everitt Lufkin M.A. of St. John's College, Cam- Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Annuity & Insurance & Ex-
bridge. About 40 boats or smacks are here employed in press Delivery Office, Rowhedge. Thomas William
fishing and about so yachts are kept : these furnish em- Pitt, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Col-
ployment to a number of the inhabitants during the chester at 8 a.m. & I p.m. ; dispatched at II.2o a.m,
summer months. Roman Hill, the residence of Colonel
John Castell, is a pleasant residence, in well laid out & 7·4S p.m
grounds, on the main road to Mersea. The trustees of National School, Rowhedge (mixed), built in 1862, en-
the late Mrs. Havens are lords of the manor, Bart Rous, larged in 1873, & again in 1893 for 30S children;
Thomas Moy, Frederick Gordon and Daniel Abbott Green average attendance, 2SS; Frederick Barker, master;
esqrs. are the principal landowners. The soil is prin- Miss Harriet Collins, infants' mistress
cipally light ; subsoil, generally gravel. The chief crops Carrier to Colchester. Edgar Jones, to 'Prince of Wales,'
are wheat, barley and turnips ; grazing is also carried every morning, returning the same day
EAST DONYLAND. Cook George, bricklayer Lay Alphonso, yacht captain
Cas tell Col. John, Roman Hill house Cook Henry, smack owner Lay Orlando, smack owner
Daniell Robert Thomas. Heath house Cook Mary Anne (Mrs.), The Anchor Mason James TP.omas, grocer
Green Daniel Abbott, Donyland place P.H Norfolk James, beer retailer
Holroyd Ool. Tyssen S. Donyland Cook William, ships' cook Peacock Thomas, Royal Oak P.H
lodge Cooper William Girling, tailor. Pearma'n Frederick, yacht captain
Lufkin Rev. Hy. Everitt M.A. (rector) Cranfield Jonatha'n, yacht captam Pearson Robert, decorator
COMMERCIAL. Cranfield Lemon, smack owner Pitt John, baker
Gree'n. Daniel A. frmr. Donyland pi Oranmer George, yacht captain Pitt Thos. Wm. baker, Post office
Raison William, beer retailer Cranmer Robert, butcher Powell Georgina (Mrs.), shopkfeper
Robinson Abraham, farmer, Donvland Crickmore Albert, White Lion P.H Powell Isaiah, yacht captain
Hall farm • Crickmore Nicholina (Miss), shopkpr Rudland Ann (Mrs.), Three Crowns
Robinson George, farmer, Cabbage Crickmore Wm. Shales, builder P.H
Hall farm Crosby Charles, coal merchant Scrutton George Natb.aniel, dec(Jrator
Rous Bart, Roman Hill farm, Black- Cutts Mark, yacht captain Sebborn Henry, yacht captain
heath Daniell Shepherd Thomas & Co. brew- Shave Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper
Shead Frank, builder, Blackheath ers & maltsters Smith Frederick Wm. grocer
Ennew Thomas, yacht captain Southgate Ebenezer, Sl;lip P.H
Ro • Ennew Turner, yacht captain Springett Samuel, smack ow'ner
Dilke Charles Wentworth Everett Alfred, boot & shoe maker Springett Thomas, yacht captain
Jennings John Fairs Frank, butcher • Stebbing George, grocer
Martin John Fitch Elijah, blacksmith Taylor William, beer retailer
Scrutton Rufus, Colne view Glozier Geo. ship chandler & sail mkr Theobald Joseph, yacht steward
COMMERCIAL. Goodrum Edward, yacht steward Turff John, yacht steward ·
Barnard Arthur, yacht captain Gredley William, yacht captain Wade Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Barnard John Oliver, beer retailer Harris Peter Thomas, yacht builder Wade William, beer retailer
Earnard Turner, smack owner Housto'n John Alex. yacht builder Wakeland Benj. boot & shoe maker
l3arrell William, boot & shoe maker James Daniel, yacht captain Walford Ambrose, smack owner
Carter James, yacht captain Jay Thomas, yacht captain Walford Benjamin, yacht captain
Carter John, yacht captain Jones Edgar, carrier Wede Samuel, yacht captain
Cheek William, smack O""W'Tlner Jones William, ferryman Wood Stacey, grocer
Olarke William, smack owner Knight Phillip, yacht captain -. '
DOVERCOURT, see Harwich.
DOWNHAM is a hilly parish with a scattered popula- the King's Bench, ob. I4 July, 1683. The register dates
tion, 7 miles north from Pitsea station on the London, from the year 1SS8. The living is a rectory, average
Tilbury and Southend railway, 3 miles from Wickford tithe rent-charge £380, net yearly value £3IS, with re-
statim;t on the Great Eastern railway, and 10 east from ' sidence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of R. B. Berens
Brentwood: it was anciently a soke or liberty and is in esq. and held since 1889 by the Rev. John Birkbeck Evelyn
the Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brent- Stansfield M.A. of University College, Oxford. Frem-
wood petty sessional division and county court district, 1 nells, an ancient Elizabethan brick building, formerly
Billericay union, rural deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry the residence of the Disbrowe family, is now a farmhouse,
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. the property and residence of Mr. Thomas Blyth.
Margaret, pleasantly situated on a hill, is a building of Richard Benyon Berens esq. of Kevington, St. Mary Cray,
stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel Kent, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
and nave, south porch and an embattled western tower soil is heavy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are
of brick, containing 3 bells : the church, with the excep- wheat, barley, beans and oats; coriander is also grown
tion of the tower, was rebuilt in 1871, when a stained east in this parish. The area is 2,223 acres; rateable value,
window was erected by the daughters of the Rev. Edward. [2,34S;. in 188I the population was 266.
Charles Evans .M.A. rector 1867-8o: the church is sea~ed 1
Parish Clerk William Clark for 6o ears.
throughout With oak and has a carved stone pulp1t : 1 ' ' Y
there are ~onuments to the family of De ~eauv?ir ~nd Letters through Brentwood by foot from Billericay ar-
others to S1r Henry :ryrrell kt. and Thomasme, h1s w1fe, rive at 6. 4s a.m. & s. 30 p.m. Wall Letter llox
ob: 1588; Joyce, wife of Joh~ Tr:r~ll esq. ob. 1 594; cleared at s.3o p.m. The nearest money order office
Wmgfield Alslow, ob. 1S84; Su Wilham Andrews bart. is at Ramsden Heath & telegraph office at Billericay
of Deuton, ob. IS Aug. 1684; Benjamin Disbrowe esq.
ob. 1707, and Sarah his wife, ob. 1692, and a monument National School (mixed), for so children; average at-
of black marble to Sir Thomas Raymond kt. justice of tendance, 42; Miss Alice Clifford, mistress
Sta'nsfield Rev. John Birkbeck Evelyn Drake Francis, farmer & assessor of Smith Christopher, grocer & baker
M.A. Rectory taxes, overseer & road surveyor Tyler Thomas, farm bailiff to the '
COMMEROIAL, Hart Robt, farm bailiff to the Misses Misses Brewitt, Crows Heath
Elack William J. farmer Broderick Watts Jane (Mrs.), De Beauvoir
Blyth Thomas, farmer, Fremnells Hobart John, farmer, Home farm Arms P.H
Clear Albert P. farmer Peck Arthur, farmer Wheaton John, farmer

DUNMOW is a. town, head of a union, petty sessionalj maculate Heart of l\Iary; and also Congregational and
.division and county court district, with a station on the Baptist chapels and a meeting house for the Society of
Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree line of the Friends. The Congregational chapel, in Kew street, an
Great Eastern railway, on a gravelly hill overlooking edifice in the Romanesque style, was built in 1869 and
the river Chelmer, at the junction of the roads to has 95S sittings. The Town Hall, standing in the
:Bishop's Stortf~d, Saffron Walden, Braintree and centre of the town, was built in IS78, repaired in 1760
Chelmsford, 38 miles from London (through the Rooth- and enlarged in 1837 and I8SS. and in I888 it was pur-
ings and Ongar), 7 south from Thaxted, 9 west from chased by the principal inhabitants for the benefit of the
Braintree, 12 north-west from Chelmsford and 9 east town. A court leet is held here. The Literary and
from Bishop's Stortford, in the Western division of the Scientific Institution occupies rooms in the Town Hall
county, Dunmow hundred, rural deanery of Dnnmow, and has a library of upwards of I,ooo volumes; the
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The reading room is well supplied with daily papers and the
town was incorporated by letters patent 16 Feb. 2 and 3 current literature of the day. The Conservative Club,
.Philip and Mary and the charter was confirmed by Queen in Market street, was founded in z886 and contains read-
Elizabeth in the 39th year of her reign, but under the ing and recreation rooms. The Dnnmow Friendly So-
provisions of the "Municipal Corpmations .Act, I883.'' ciety, established in I832, now (1894) numbers z,ooo
.the corporation ceased to exist in March, I886. The I members and has an available capital of £3B,s6o for the
town is lighted with gas and supplied with water from relief of its members. The Dunmow Savings Bank was
private wells and two town pumps, the latter under the established Jan. I, I8I8. There is a weekly market,
Rural Sanitary .Authority. The church of St. Mary the on Tuesday for corn and cattle, the corn market being
Virgin is a large and ancient building of stone in the held at the 'Saracen's Head,' and the cattle market at
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chan- the 'Chequers.' .A cattle sale is also held fortnightly on
'!Cel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, with a alternate market days. Robert Fitzwalter, lord of Little
.chapel adjoining the south aisle, south porch and an em- Dunmow, was one of the barons who negotiated Magna
battled western tower with angle turrets, containing a Charta at Runnymede, June IS, I21S; during the epis-
clock and 6 bells: the east window of five lights is a copate of Bishop Bonner (1SS3-g), Thomas Bowyer,
fine specimen of the Decorated style; in the other weaver, of Great Dunmow, suffered martyrdom here.
windows, several of which are good specimens of the The manufacture of baize was introduced here by Flemish
.same period, are some remains of stained glass, includ- , refugees in the 17th century, but is not now carried on.
ing a memorial window to William Johnson, d. IB7I: over Many Roman antiquities have been found on this spot.
the western entrance are various shields of the Morti- The rent of the Thaxted estate of 3I acres, purchased
mers, Bohuns, Bourchiers, Braybrokes and others, and in I622, with the interest of £330 bequeathed to the
on the buttresses of the porch, cut in the masonry, are poor by the Glasscock and other families, is distributed
two crosses, about Io inches in diameter, discovered in yearly in clothing: new trustees were appointed for this
z88g, and in the chancel is a monument to the Rev. charity in I874 and a draft scheme was issued about
.John Mangey, for 28 years vicar here, d. I Nov. 1782 IBgo by the Charity Commissioners for its better ad-
ret. BS; on the south side is a double piscina of the qth ministration. Newton Hall, formerly the residence of
century and sedilia: there is a brass of a lady of the Sir Brydges Powell Henniker hart. D.L., J.P. is now
·Cockeine family and her husband, c. IS8o and another the property of the Conntess of Warwick, and is the
to John Huthersaul, c. I604: the nave and aisles were reos.idence of Lt.-Col. .Ala.n Col.,toun Gardner D.L., J.P.
restored and reseated with open benches in I873, at a Bigods Hall is the residence of Lady Fitz-Gerald. The
cost of £2,300, under the direction of the late G. E. Countess of Warwick is lady of the manor of Great
Street R . .A. and in I88g a new vestry was added. The Dunmow; Sir G. H. W. Beaumont ba.rt. is lord oi
register of baptisms dates from the year IS38 and mar- the Rectory manor, Wyatt Henry Barnard esq. of the
riages and burials from ISS8. The living is a vicarage, manor of Shingle Hall, otherwise "Olives," the Rev.
average tithe rent-charge £440; net yearly value, £283, Jame<s Hughes Hallett M . .A. vicar of "\Yaltham, Kent, of
with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and Marke's manor, and the Drapers' C-ompany are lo.rd.s
held since I888 by the Rev. Arthur Courtenay Roberts of the manor of Clapton Hall. The pr.incipal landowners
Th . .A. of King's College, London, rural dean of Dunmow, are the Countess of ·warwick, Capt. Sir G. H. W,
and surrogate. : the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Naters M . .A. Beaumont bart. oi Cole-Orton Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouch,
of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, has been curate Lady Fitz-Gerald, Sir Brydges Po>lell Henniker bart.
in charge since I894· .A mission room, at Philpot end, of 71 Eccleston square, London and the Rev. James
about 3 miles south of Dunmow church, was built in Hughes Hallett M . .A. The area. is 6,721 acres of
1878, at a cost of £6oo, and will hold roo persons: land and IB of water; rateable value, £g,S39; the popu-
Divine service is held there under a licence from the lation in 189I was 2,78I, including ISO officers and in-
bishop. Here is a Catholic chapel dedicated to the Im- mates in the workhouse.


Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B., .Annuity Insurance & Express Maryon Wilson Rev. George ~LA.. Great Canfield
Delivery Office. William J ohnson, postmaster. Letters Wells Henry Collings esq. Broomfield lodge, Chelmsford
arrive at s. IS & I r a.m. & 7 p.m. ; delivered at 7 & West Rev. George l\I..A. Armigers, Thaxted
II.IS a.m. & 7-IS p.m.; arrive from Bishop's Stort- Clerks to the :Magistrates, Wade, Wix & Wade
ford at 6.25 p.m.; dispatched at & 9·30 a.m 3·30 Petty Sessions are held at the Police station every alter-
& p.m. but letters may be posted until 6.35 by nate monday at 11 a.m. (bank holidays excepted), &
affixing an additional stamp & 6.40 (by road). There every day (when necessary) for business under the
is also a mail & messenger's cart to Thaxted, Broxted Summarv Jurisdiction .Act
& the Roothings daily. Sunday dispatch-Bishop's The following places are included in the Petty Sessional
Stortford, a.m.; London & all parts, 6.30 p.m Division: Barnston, Broxted, Chickney, Great Dun-
Post Office, Church End. Mrs. Sarah Read, sub-post- mow, Little Dunmow, Great Canfield, Little Canfield,
mistress. Letters received from head office at 7.Io Great Easton Little Easton, High Easter, Lindsell,
a.m. II.30 a.m. & 7-IS p.m. ; sundays at 7.30 a.m.; Pleshey, High Roothing, .Aythrop Roothing, Leaden
dispatched at 9 a.m. 12.30 p.m. & S·45 p.m.; sundays Roothing, Margaret Roothing, White & Morrell Rooth-
at ro a.m ings, Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted & Tilty
Wall Letter Box, Chelmsford road, cleared at 9· IS a. m. ; Public Establishments.
3·IS & 6 p.m.; sundays at 6 p.m
Wall Letter Boxes, High Roothing road, cleared at 7.30 County Court, His Honor William Paterson, judge;
a.m. & S·4o p.m. week days only & North street, Edward Holmes, registrar & high bailiff; J. G.
cleared at 9· IS & a. m. ; 3· IS & p.m; sun- ~Iackenzie, clerk; George Saunders, assistant bailiff
days at p.m The county court is held at the Town Hall every two
months: thP following is a list of places within its
County Magistrates for Dunmow Petty Sessional jurisdiction :-.Abbots Roothing, .A.ythrop Roothing,
Division. Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Beauchamp Roothing,
Gepp Rev. Edward Francis M . .A. High Easter, chairman Eroded, Chickney, Felsted, Great Bardfield, Great
Warwick Earl of, Easton lodge Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Easton, Hatfield Broad
Clapham William Blackborne esq. Dunmow Oak, High Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothing,
Benniker Sir Brydges Powell hart. 71 Eccleston square, Lindsell, Little Bardfield, Little C3nfielri, Little Dtm-
London SW mow, Little Easton, Little Laver, Margaret Roothing,
Foakes Edward Thomas esq. Westbury house, Dunmow 1 l\Iorrell Roothing, Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted, Tilty &
Gardner Col. .Alan Coulstoun D.L. Newton hall, Dunmow White Roothing

For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that master; Rev. ,Augustns Robert Bingham Wright M. A.
of Chelmsford; C. Mercier, official receiver; H. Shirt- chaplain; Robert Charles Lyle L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. medica!
cliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple chambers, officer; Mrs. E. Roydhouse, matron
London E 0 Rural Sanitary Authority.
Certified Ba.iEff under the Law of "Distress Amend-
ment Act," J. M. ·welch, Great Dunmow M:eet at the workhouse every tues. four weeks. com-
Police Station, John Megram, superintendent; I inspec- meacing May 9th, 1893, at 12 noon
tor, I sergeant & 17 constables Clerk, Frederick John Snell, High street, Great Dumnow
Stamp Office, The Post office Tre1;;urer, ~illiam Nevill Tufnell, Dunmow & Braintree
Town Hall, George Saunders, keeper Medical Officer of Health, Richard Richmond M.B.
C.M. Great Bardfield
Masonic Lodge (1543 Rosslyn) held 'Saracen's Head Sanitary Inspector, James Hamilton, Dunmow
wed. nearest full moon, Feb. March, April, Sept. Oct.
& Nov.; J. Mackenzie, secretary School Attendance Commit.tee.
Dunmow Union. Meet at the workhouse on tuesday, every six weeks, at:
at 12 noon.
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at u a.m. at the Union Clerk, Frederick John Snell, High street, Great Dunmo-w.
workhouse. Attendance & Inquiry Officer, James Hamilton, Great;
The Union contains twenty-five parishes, viz. :-Aythrop Dunmow
Roothing, Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Broxted, Chick- Public OfficPrs : -
ney, Felstead, Great Bardfield, Great Canfield, Great Assi~tant Overseer, John George Mackenzie
Dunmow, Great Easton, Hatfield Broad Oak, High Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Property Taxes,
Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothing, Lindsell, Edwin Waiter Wix
Little Bardfield, Little Canfield, Little Dunmow, Little Inspector under Adulteration of Food Acts & Inspector
Easton, Margaret Roothing, Stebbing, Takeley, Thax- of Weights & Measures, Dunmow district, Jn. Megram
ted, Tilty & White & Morrell Roothing; the population Tax Collector, John George Mackenzie
of the union in 1891 was 16,674; area 73,503 acres; Places of Worship, with times of sel'vices : -
rateable value in 1894, £67,689. St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. Arthur Courtenay RobNts
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Fredk. A.K.C. vicar; Rev. Charles Cuthbert Naters M..i.
John Snell, High street, Dunmow curate in charge; daily 8 a.m. & sunday 8 & n a.m~
Treasurer, William Nevill Tufnell, Bank, Great Dunmow & 3 & 6.30 p.m
& Braintree Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Chapel, monthJy,
Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, rst but on no fixed day
district, Ambrose Ellis Hibble, Great Dunmow; 2nd Misson Room, Philpot End, 3 p.m. on sunday
district, William Luckin, Great Dunmow Society of Friends' Meeting House, I I a.m. & 3 p.m
Vaccination Officer, Stephen Giffard, Grent Dunmow Baptist; 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 p.m
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bardfield district, Congregational, Rev. .John Barton Dadd; 10.30 a.m . .t
Richard Richmond M. B., C. M. Great Bardfield; Dun- 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
mow district, Robert Charles Lyle L.R.C.P. Irel. Dun- Schools:-
mow; Hatfield district, Richard Croly, Hatfield Broad British, built in 1844, for 250 children; average atte.nd-
Oak; High Easter district, Montague Tench M. D. ance, 142 boys & girls & 47 infants; Alfred Scarfe,.
Dunmow; Stebbing district, John McKee Hollings- master
worth L.R.C.P.Irel. Felstead; Thaxted district. William National, built in r87o, for 250 children; average-
Sunderland L.R.C.P.Edin. Thaxted I attendance, uo boys & girls & 70 infants; Richard
Superintendent Registrar, Frederick John Snell, High Beard, master; Mrs. Lavina Grout, infants' mistress
st. Dunmow; deputy, Stephen Gifford, Great Dunmow Conveyance:-
Registrar of Marriages, James Hamilton, Great Dunmow; Railway Station, Jas. Wm. Hook Wilson, station master
deputy, John William Beard, Great Dunmow . An omnibus meets every train; Charles Bint, 'Saracen's-
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Dunmow sub-district, Head,' proprietor
William Luckin, Dunmow; deputy, Mrs. Rebecca Carriers:-
Luckin, Dunmow; Hatfield sub-district, Ambrose Ellis Great Eastern Railway Co. Goods Station, Charles Bint,.
Hibble, Dunmow; deputy, James Hamilton, Great to & from all parts of the town daily
Dunmow; Stebbing sub-district, William Goode Lin- Felstead-Hicks, tues. thurs & sat
sell, Stebbing; deputy Miss K. E. Linsell, Stebbing; Finchingfield-Dare, from the 'Lion,' thnrs
Thaxted sub-district, Frederick Edward Britton, Thax- Great Easton-Saunders, from the 'Lion,' every sat
ted ; deputy, Miss Carrie Britton, Thaxted Haver hill & Bumpstead-Dare, from the 'Lion,' thurs
The Workhouse, a structure of red brick, was built in London-George Saunders & Dare, from 'Lion,' thurs.;.
1840 and will hold 418 inmates; Charles Roydhouse, returning saturday
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gardner Lieut.-Col. Alan Colstoun Piper Miss, Dovecotes
Bacon Miss, The Downs D.L., J.P. Newton hall Randall George Arthnr, Brick hous&
Bacon Mrs. The Olives Gibbs Silas Russell Robert W. North street
Bartley Frederick William, White ho Giffard Stephen, High street Saltmash Misses
Bass William Hartley Rev. Charles M.A. (vicar Df Sewell Francis Starn, Market place
Bright Simon, The Limes Little Dunmow), The Chestnuts Snell Frederick John, High street.
Bull 1\Irs Hasler Mrs. High street Start Miss, Causeway
Burrage Miss, Causeway Holgate Mrs. Gable villa Stoke Mrs. Church end
Burton Charles JDhnson Mrs Suckling Mrs
Clapham George Fred~rick Kni!!ht Mrs Taylor Benjamin, The Causeway
Clapham Mrs. George Lamprell Charles Tench Montague M.D
Clapham Wm. Blackborne J.P.High st Laud Miss, The Downs Tyler Paul Philip
Clarke Misses Lee Cuthbert Ridley, North street Wade Miss, Brook house
Cock Mrs. Causeway Linsell Joseph Wade W. de Vins, Brick house
Dadd Rev. John Barton (Cong) Lyle Mrs. Broadgroves Warner Benjamin Harry, New street
Dalziel Thomas, Ivy house Lyle Robert C. The Hazels Warner Thomas W. Rosemary lane
Fitz-Gerald Lady, Bigods hall Mills Alfred JDb, High street Warren Charles
Dixdn Lady Naters Rev. Chas. Cuthbert M.A. (en- Welch Joseph Marsh, High street
Foakes Edwd. Thos. J.P. Westbury ho rate in charge & dioc. insp. of schls) Wix Edwin Waiter, High street
Foakes Miss, Westbury house Pegram James E. The Ba'nk Young Miss, 'High street
Gibbons Thomas, Down house .Philbank Mrs. M. Church end Young Miss M. Causeway
COMMERCIAL, Beard John William, draper & outfitter & deputy
Adams William, provision dealer & wine & spirit mer- registrar of marriages
chant, High street Brand Charles, tailor & boot maker, High street
Archer Arthur, High street Brazier John, plumber, gas & water fitter, house de-
Bailey Jonas, farmer, Strood Hall farm corator &. paperhanger ; well sinking & boring, High st
Barnard Dan, farmer, Marks Buck Philip Benjamin, baker, High street
Barnard Emma (Miss), confectioner Burch & Co. clothiers & outfitters
Barnard Henry, farmer, Bigods Butcher Charles, higgler
Barnard John William, farmer, Crouches Butcher Charles Julius, machinist
Barnard Thomas Constable, farmer, Lower hall, Maples, Carlow William, cabinet maker
Parsonage & Rakefairs farms Clapham George Frederick, corn, coal, seed, cake
Bint Charles, Saracen's Head P.H & artificial manure mer.; coal depot, Railway statn
Carter Dansie (Mrs.), stationer & printer, High street Lucking Thomas, butcher
Clark James, King's Head P.H Mackenzie John George, assistant overseer & tax collectr
Clark John, cattle dealer, Chelmsford house Mann Edward, carpenter, Causeway
Clarke James, baker & beer retailer, Parsonage down Mardell Alfred, farmer, Barnst{)n house
C{)ates Frank Samuel, baker, North street Marshall Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Dunmow farm
Coates Fred Edwin, baker & corn dealer, Church end Mason Richard, shopkeeper
Conservative Club (Earl of Warwick, president; A. J. Mead Waiter, beer retailer
Mills, hon. sec) ·· Megram John supt. of police & insp. of weights & measrs
Cooper J ames, butcher Metson Henry Rawlinson, farmer, Halfway house
Cossins Christopher, fancy repository, North street Newman Miriam (Miss), boarding & day school
Crow George, farmer, Little Garnets Pannell Thomas William, fruiterer, Market street
Dalziel Thomas, draper Pepper John, bricklayer & plasterer
Dermis Arthur, ironmonger, High & White streets Piper Edmund, linen draper, High street
Dennis Thos. Hungate P. & Son, ironmongers, Market st Porter Charles John, farmer, Mountains
Dowsett Edward John, news agent Pratt Charles, whitesmith, White street
Dowsett Henry, hair dresser Prior Charles, basket maker, North street
Drake Harry Francis, chemist, dentist & aerated water Randall R. & W. brewers & maltsters (G. A. Randall,
manufacturer, Market place manager), Dunmow brewery
Eldred J ames, corn & coal dealer Read Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, Church end
Ellis George, carter, Parsonage down Reid James, boot maker
Fisher William, general dealer Reid Robert, farmer, Buildings farm
Freestone John, Angel & Harp P.H. Church end RichardS{)n Peter, beer retailer, Ongar road
Friendly Society (John George Mackenzie, clerk; Rev. Root Joseph, Royal Oak P.H
R. Hart, hon. sec.; Sparrow & Co. bankers) Roper Richard, chemist & druggist, High street
Fuller William, beer retailer Ruffie George Newman, greengrocer, .iligh street
Gafney John, tea dealer, Bishops Stortford road Sams John, dairyman
Gas Works (Mrs. Cockayne (exors. of), lessees; A. Saunders George, glass & kchina dealer, North street
l\Iarshall, manager) Savill Frederick, harness ma er, Market street
Gibbs & Co. drapers, Market place Savings Bank (Francis J. Carter, actuary)
Giffard Stephen, deputy superintendent, registrar & Scrivener Martha (Mrs.), coach smith
vaccination officer for Dunmow union Smith Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Mudwall
Goody Thomas Albert, bricklayer Smith Frederick William, farmer, Trueton's
Gray William, chimney sweeper Smith Thomas John, farmer, Clapton hall
Gray William, saddler, Star hill Snell Frederick John, solicitor & commissioner for
Groom Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer oaths, supt. registrar & clerk to the guardians, rural
Grout Harry, farmer, Philpot end sanitary authority, school attendance & assessment
Grout Harry, White Lion commercial hotel & posting committees of Dunmow union; also clerk to the
house, & blacksmith, High street Felstead & Ra.yne, Lindsell, Little Dunmow, Stabbing,
Groves J olm, coal & cement merchant, dealer in brick Thaxted & White Roothing school boards & central
& tiles, fire lumps &c. Railway depot; & at Braintree; conservative agent for the Western or Epping divi-
sion of Essex •
Yeldham & Rayne Snow John, farmer, :Martells farm
Hamilton James, sanitary inspector to the rural sanitary Snow Mary (Mrs.), fancy repository
authority & school attendance & inquiry officer for the ( ) (
school attelldance committee, registrar of marriages & Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers agency James E ..
deputy registrar of births & deaths for Hatfield sub· Pegram, agent); draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton,
Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London E C
district & attendance officer to Little Dnnmow, Thax· Stacey Willlam, nurseryman & photographer
ted & White Roothing school boards Staines Henry, boot & shoe maker, Market street
Hardy William, shopkeeper, High street Staines James, baker & beer retailer
Harris Thomas William, Boar's Head P.H. High street Stock Thomas, blacksmith
Harrison William, wheelwright, Church end Taylor David, baker & confectioner
Harvey George James, farmer, Toolies farm Tench :Montague M. D. surgeon & medical officer & public.
Harvey William Henry, baker vaccinator for High Easter district, Dunmow union
Hasler Roberh & Son, brick, pipe & tile manufacturers Thorn Charles, tailor, High street
& corn merchants Thorn Samuel, toy dealer, High street
Hibble Ambrose Ellis, registrar of births & deaths for Thorndick Herbert, pork butcher, Market place
Hatfield sub-district & relieving officer & collector to Tobias Edward, beer retailer, Coxhall
the guardians, 1st district, Dunmow union Turner George, bill poster
Holmes Edward, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & Tyler Philip Paul, plumber
perpetual commissioner & registrar & high bailiff of Wade, Wix & Wade, solicitors, clerks to magistrates
county court & commissioners of taxes
Hoskins William Redwood, butcher Wade Edward, apartments, Church end
Jagger William, beer retailer, Bishop's green Wade William de Vins, solicitor, see Wade, Wix & Wade
Johnson William, linen draper & postmaster, High street Warner Benjamin Harry, classical & commercial boarding
Jones Charlotte (Mrs.), tea & coffee rooms, High street & day school
Jordan Arthur James, Star inn, North street Warner Thomas Woodcock, gasfitter, tinplate worker,
Ketley Waiter, bricklayer & plasterer coppersmith, bellhanger & hot water fitter
King Alfred, tailor, New street Warren Albert, Whit~ Hart P.H. High street
King William Joseph, watch maker, High street Warren Isaac, shoe maker & broker
Knight Henry, watch maker, High street Webb & Gibbons, brewers & maltsters, Crown brewery
Knights Edward William, farmer, Marks bill Welch ,J. M. auctioneer, valuer, estate agent, sur-
Leamon William J oseph, grocer veyor & certified bailiff under the Law of Distress
Leech Sarah & Esther (Misses), tea dealers Amendment Act
Levitt Samuel, currier & leather seller, North street Welch Thomas, farmer, Folly & Brands farm&
Line John George, confectioner, High street White Brothers, wheelwrights
Literary & Scientific Institution (Edmnnd Piper, hon. Whitehead James, grocer & draper
sec.), Town hall Willett Arthur, hair dresser, North street
Livermore John, farmer, Langleys & Olives Willis Thomas, watch maker, High street
Low Alfred, Three Tuns P.H Wilton Alice & Fanny (Misses), ladies' school, High sf
Luckin Rebecca (Mrs.), deputy registr. of births & deaths Witham George, farmer, Philpot end
Luckin Samuel, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Wix Edwin Waiter (firm, Wade, Wix &; Wade), solid~
Limited, wine & spirit merchants tor & commissioner for oaths, High street
Luckin William, registrar of births & deaths for Dun- Wood Alfred William, tailor, Star bill
mow sub-district & relieving officer & collector to the Woodley Arthur, fishmonger
guardians, 2nd dist. Dunmow union Wright John, farmer, Smiths, Gate House, Mynchon~
Lyle Robert Charles L.R.C.P.I. surgeon & medical & & Oldhouse farms
public vaccinator for Dunmow district & medical Young Harry Ashley 1\I.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, The Ford
officer to the workhouse, The Hazels Young Thomas, vet. surgeon & farmer, Causeway
LITTLE DUNMOW is a village and parish, l mile
west from Felsted station on the Bishop's Stortford,
IDunmow and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern
railway, about 2 miles east from Great Dunmow and 37
from London, in the Western division of the county, Dun- tion of conjugal felicity being exchanged for the
mow hundred, petty sessional division, union and county following:-" To the married couple, labourer in in-
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dunmow, dustry and his wife, who shall have brought up th&
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The greatest part of their children and placed them in
church of St. Mary the Virgin, restored in 1872, is an respectable service without any or the least parochial
edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave of four relief." The origin of this modern award is as follows:
bays, and a western belfry of wood containing r bell: -"In September, r836, at the annual dinner of the
it is supposed to form part of the Priory church: in Dunmow Agricultural Society (then a branch of the
the church are figures of Waiter Fitzwalter and Matilda, Saffron Walden society), John Player esq. placed at the
the daughter of the second Waiter Fitzwalter, there. is disposal of the committee the value of a gammon of
also a monument to the Hallett family. The register I bacon, to be given to a married couple under the above-
of baptisms and burials dates from 1556 and of 1 named conditions." At the following anniversary three
marriages from 1555. The living is a vicarage, net married couples were candidates; and since the Dun-
yearly value [72, in the gift of Colonel John Leslie mow Agricultural Society, in r84o, became an in-
Toke, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Charles Hartley . dependent association by its separation from the parent
M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford, who resides at society at Walden, the gammon has been given by the
Great Dunmow. Dunmow priory was founded in 1104, mayor of Dunmow, there being an understanding
by Juga, sister of Ralph Baynard, for canons of the between the society and the corporate body that it
Augustinian order, and dedicated to St. Mary: here shall continue so to be offered. In I89I three couples,
was a custom, instituted in the reign of Henry Ill. a Devonshire vicar, a doctor and an p.rmy pensioner
and generally ascribed to Robert Fitzwalter, by which and their wives received flitches. The Flitch of Bacon
he who repented not of his marriage, sleeping or waking, festival was again celebrated on Monday, Aug. I, 1892,
in a year and a day, might lawfully claim a flitch of in the meadows on the Causeway at Great Dunmow;
bacon from the prior and canons of Dunmow, who were the "trial" t-aking place in a large booth, by a judge and
obliged, as it is supposed, by some injunction of the a jury of bachelors and maidens, Lord and Lady Brooke
founder or benefactor, to deliver it to those who should and Colonel Lockwood M.P. being present. Flitches
take the required oath on two ~harp stones in the were awarded to Mr. Jos. Hird, aged 79• army pensioner
churchyard, which, however, do not now exist: the first of Turner's road, Burdett road, Bow, and his wife and
account of any claimant for this gift is in 23 Hen. VI. Mr. Dennis Bridgman, aged 38, of Tycoe villa, Allenby
when Richard Wright, of Brabourn, Norfolk, was the road, Forest Hill. The Rev. James Hughes Hallett
fortunate competitor: the last regular claim under this M. A. vicar of Waltham, Kent, lord of the manor of
tenure was in 1751, when at a special court baron, Dunmow, Colonel John Leslie Toke J.P. of Clarewood,
held 2oth June, the steward, jury, suit-ors and others Camberley, Surrey, lord of the ma.nor of Brickhouse,
proceeded, with the usual solemnities, to the two great and 1\Ir. Charles Richardson, are the principal land-
stones near the church door and having administered o·wners. The soil is loamy; subsoil clay. The chief
the oath, delivered the bacon to Thomas Shakesha.ft, crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,728
weaver, of Wethersfield, and Ann, his wife; the old acres; rateable value, £1,918; the population in 1891
chair in which the happy couple were carried is still was 286.
remaining in the church : the claim was made, but un- Parish Clerk, Thomas Cheek.
successfuliy, in 1772, and again, with a like result in 'j Post Office. Thomas Cheek, sub-postmaster. Letters
1851; but the old custom was revived in 1855 by the through Chelmsford delivered at 7 a.m. & dispatched
late Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, the novelist, on the I9th at 6.45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
July in that year, when two flitches of bacon were pre- office is at Felstead
sented to James Barlow, of Chipping Ongar and Hannah, A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 Feb.
his wife ; and to the Chevalier and Madame de Chate- 1879 for Little Dunmow, F. J. Snell, Great Dunmow,
lain: other celebrations of a like unofficial character clerk to the board; J. Hamilton, Great Dunmow,
have taken place since that date. This ancient cere- attendance officer
monial was imitated at Great Dunmow in 1837, the Board School (mixed), built in I.88o, for 79 children;
poetical oath being dispensed with and the usual condi- average attendance, 40; Miss Archer, mistress
Currie Rev. Frederick Hill M.A. Brick Bull Henry Fuller, farmer, landowner Myall Joseph, Flitch of Bacon P.H
House farm & maltster, Ivy farm Newman Joseph, shopkeeper
Hasler Robert, Throws Hasler Robert, jun. farmer & miller Richardson Charles, farmer & land-
Worrin Hasting-s, Bourchiers (wind & steam), Throws & Blatches owner, Brook end
Worrin Percy John, Grange house farms Root John, farmer, Bayles farm
King Chas. cattle dealer, Rockwoods Smith Alfred, blacksmith ·
COMMERCIAL. Massey Oswald Henry, farmr, Homily Worrin Hastings, machine owner &
Bi!'hop Sidney, grocer & agent to farm farmer, Bourchiers
the Scottish Temperance Assu. Co Metson Saml, frmr. Brook End farm
DUNTON (or Dunton Waylett) is a parish pleasantly I892 by the Rev. William John Benson M.A. of Exet~r
situated on the range of the Laindon Hills, 5 miles College, Oxford. The provost and fellows of King's
south-west from Billericay, 6 south-east from Brent- College, Cambridge, who are lords of the manor, St.
wood, on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 5 Bartholomew's Hospital, George Alan Lowndes esq. "of
north from Stanford-le-Hope, and 4 from Laindon Barrington Park, Harlow, Gerald de Witte esq. and Lord
stations on the Tilbury and Southend railway and 26 Petre are the principal landowners. The soil is
from London, in the Mid division of the county, Bar- clay; subsoil, heavy clay. The chief crops are wheat,
stable hundred, Brentwood county court district and beans and oats. The area is 2,375 acres and 13 of water;
petty sessional division, Billericay union, and in the rateable value, [1,665; the population in 1881 was 13Z·
rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Letters through Brentwood arrive at 9.30 a.m. The
Virgin, situated on rising ground, is an edifice of brick, nearest post & money order office is at Herongate.
in the Decorated style, and was entirely rebuilt in the The telegraph office is at Billericay
year I873• at a cost of about £I,50o, raised by sub- Pillar Letter Box cleared at 4·30 p.m.; sunday, 9·30 a.m
scription: it consists of chancel, nave, south porch and A Board School of 5 members was formed 13 Dec.
a western belfry, with spire, containing I bell. The 1.873; Charles C. Lewis, High street, Brentwood, clerk
register dates from the year 1538. The living is a to the board
rectory, average tithe rent-charge [379, net yearly Board School (mixed), built in 1840, for about 40
value £3oo, with 24 acres of glebe and residence, in children; average attendance, 23; Mrs. Louisa King,
the gift of King's College, Cambridge, and held since mistress
Benson Rev. William John M.A. Parker Edward Richd. farmer, Friern Wilson John & William, farmers, Dun-
Rectory Manor farm ton hall
Buckenham Eldred, farmer

EARL'S COLNE, see Colne.

GOOD EASTER (or Et.tre) is a parish and village St. Andrew is an ancient structure of rubble, in mixed
on the Cam stream, 7! miles north-west from Chelmsford, styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south
8! south from Dunmow and 9 north-east from Ongar, aisle, south porch and a western tower with wooden
in the Mid division of the county, Dunmow hundred, spire 109 feet high and containing 5 bells, 3 of which
Chelmsford union, petty sessional division and county replaced the old bells destroyed in the fire of 1885,
court district, rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry and 2 more were ·added in I892: there is a brass to
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of Margaret, d::mghter of Edw. Brigg gent. and wife of
Thomas Norrington, ob. 1610, and to her daughters: the CHALK E~D is 1 mile south; Farnbridge is half a
church was restored in 1878 at a cost of £6oo, but mile south.
having been partly destroyed by fire, March 22nd, 18Bs, Post Office.-Richard Rowley, sub-postmaster. Letters
was again restored in 1886 at a cost of £2,200, and has
250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. arrive through Chelmsford at 9.30; dispatched at
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge 4.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
£2gs, net yearly value £22s, with residence, in the paid. The nearest money order office is at High
gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held Easter & telegraph office at Roxwell
since 1890 by the Rev. John Michael Giblin )LA. of A School Board of s members was formed here 17 Dec.
St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. The manorial rights are 1872; William W. Duffield, Chelmsford, clerk to the
divided. Mrs. W. J. Irving is chief landowner. The board ; John Ballard, Chelmsford, attendance officer
soil is c:ay and marl; subsoil, white clay. The chief Board School (mixed), erected in 1874• at a cost of
crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 2,082 about £1,2oo, for 100 children; average attendance,
acres; rateable value, £2,024; the population in 189I 92; Thomas Bradbury, master; )frs. E. Bradbury,
was soB. mistress
Giblin Rev. Jn. Michael M.A. Vicarge Bird Stephen, Wheelers' Arms P.H. & Keeble George, shopk~per
carpe'nter :Matthews Christopher, farmer & land-
Buck John, shopkeeper owner, Great Newarks
Abbott Robert B. Old Star P.H. dra- Colyer John, farmer Matthews Geoffry, farmer, The Hall
per & grocer Everett Geo. miller (wind) & baker May Edwaxd, hay & straw carter
Attridge George, farm bailiff to H. Gibbons William C. Fountain P.H Smith Charles, farmer, Wares farm
T. Pitt esq Gray John, farmer, Gurtons Thorne Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Bailey David, thatcher Hasler Daniel, blacksmith Wilson George, farmer, Roblets
HIGH EASTER is a parish and village s! miles Francis Gepp :\LA. of Wadham College, Oxford, who is
south from Dunmow station, on the Bishop's Stortford, rural dean of Roding and J.P. for Essex. The Ecclesi-
Dunmow and Braintree line of the Great Eastern rail- astical Commissioners are the impropriators of the
way and Io north-west from Chelmsford, in the ·western great tithes, commuted at £I,007· Here is a Congre-
division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty ses- gational chapel seating 300 persons. The Queen is lady
sional division, union and county court district, rural of the manor. The principal landowners are Lord Ray-
deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese leigh, trustees of the late John J oliffe Tufnell esq. ; Sir B.
of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is Powell Henniker hart. of 71 Eccleston square, London ;
a building of rubble in mixed styles, ana consists of F. J. and J. R. Matthews esqrs. and the trustees of
chancel, nave of four bays, with a clerestory of red brick, the late Lord Dacre. The soil is clay; subsoil, clayey
supposed to have been added in 148o, north aisle, south loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
porch and an embattled western tower containing a The area is 4,826 acres; rateable value, £3,731; the
clock and S bells: the original church, which probably population in 1891 was 690.
included only a chancel, nave and tower, was of Norman Parish Clerk, Edward Porter.
date; the only part of this work now existing is the Post & )L 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.-
nave, which has been much altered by the addition of John Sach, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
a north aisle and the introduction of Decorated windows Chelmsford by foot post from Great Waltham; arrive
in the south side: portions of the walls and the south at 8. IS a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. in winter &i
doorway only remain to represent the original work: s p.m. in summer. The nearest telegraph office is
the Norman nave was probably erected in the 12th at Great Waltham
century: a Pur beck slab with some fragments of a Schools.
brass legend, relating to one of the Gate family, re- National (mixed), for 201 children; average attend-
presents the monumental remains ; and there is a fine ance, 6o; :Miss Camilla Craig, mistress
Early English font: the church was thoroughly restored Manning Prentice Memorial School (mixed), erected
in I86S at a cost of £2,2oo. The register dates from in 1893 by ~rs. Newberry, in connection with the
the year 1654. The living is a vicarage, average Congregational chapel, for Ioo children; average
tithe rent-charge £307, net yearly value £250, with I! attendance, 73; Miss }.fary McDowall, mistress
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop Carriers to Chelmsford.-Alfred Franklin, tues. & fri. ;
of London, and held since 1849 by the Rev. Edward Joseph )lead, mon. & fri
Barnard Mrs. The Elms Gowlett Shadrack, frmr. Bury farm Matthews esq
Cassidy Mrs. Rose villa Groves James, beer retailer Oliver Henry, farmer & landowner,
Gepp Rev. Edward Fra'ncis M . .A., J.P. Joyc~ James, farmer Lower house
(vicar & rural dean), Vicarage Knight George S. farm bailiff to E. Porter Edward, shoe maker
Hobson Rev. George (Congregatnl) M. Tufnell esq Puffett Charles, farm bailiff to J. R.
Mathews Frederick John Luckin Samuel, grocer & draper, & Matthews esq. Whites farm
..!mos Elizh. (Mrs.), Cock & Bell P.H agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, Reeds Mrs. Ja'ne, farmer, House
Archer Henry Hurley, tailor & draper wine & spirit merchants Grounds farm
Bailey Joseph, wheelwright Mathams Chas. frmr. Lawn Hall frm Root Geo. farmer & carrier, Games
Coe Amos, blacksmith Matthews Frederick John, farmer & Sach Joh'n, baker, Post office
Franklin Alfred Henry, wheelwright landowner, Parsonage farm S'tokes James, Punch Bowl P.H
& carrier Millbank George, farmer, Crippf'ns Warder Brothers, farmers, Poplar
Franklin Samuel James, grocer Millbank John, farmer, Old house Webster Eliza (Mrs.), miller (wind &I
Gandy Chas. saddler & harness ma Nunn James, farm bailiff to F. J. steam)
· EASTHORPE (or Thorpe) is a village and parish ford, gent. and wife of George ;Kingsmill, ob. IS Sept.
close to the ancient Roman and modern highway from 167-, and thPir daughter Margaret, ob. 2S June, I6S2:
London to Colchester, 2 miles south from Marks Tey there are 250 sittings. The register of baptisms and
Junction station of the Great Eastern railway, 45 burials dates from IS72; marriages 1756. The living is
from London, 7 south-west from Colchester, and 4 east a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £210, net yearly
from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the county, value £265, with 30 acres of glebe and residencP, in the
Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional gift of trustees. The principal landowners are the Earl
divisiDn and union, Colchester county court district, and of Onslow, who is lord of the manor, and ~Ir. J.
in th.e rural deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Col- Smith. The soil is light; subsoil, clay. The chief
• chester and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. crops are wheat and barley. The area is 920 acres ;
Mary is a very small building of brick in the Early rateable value, £I,o86; the population in 1891 was 93·
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch Parish Clerk, Charles Wilcher.
and a belfry with spire at the west end: in the south Letter Box cleared at 5.30 p.m.; no collection on sun-
wall is a recessed arch, perhaps the burial place of the days. Letters through Kelvedon, which is the nearest
founder, and there are some remains of ancient heraldic money order office; Messing is the nearest receiving
glass: some of the Kingsmill<~, who held this estate from office. The telegraph office is at Marks Tey
the time of Sir George Kingsmill kt. justice of the National School (mixed), built for 30 children; average
Common Pleas, ob. 20 March, 16os-6, are buried here, attendance, 20; Miss :Mee, mistress
including Anne, daughter of Thomas Blagrave, of Ox-
COYMEROIAL. Hell en Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Bell P H Smith Brewster, frmr,Winterfloods fm
Alexander Robert, frmr. Green frm Mee Thomas, farmer & overseer, Little Smith Joseph, farmer, Gt. Badcocks
.Ambrose Thomas (exors. of), farmers, Birch Holt Steel .!lex. farmer, Easthorpe hall
Little Badcocks
GREAT EASTON is an ancient village and parish is various; subsoil, principally clay. The chief crops
situated on the road from Dunmow to Thaxted and on are wlieat, barley and oats. The area is 2,559 acres;.
the river Chelmer, 3 miles north from Dunmow station rateable value, £2,146; the population in r8gr was
Jln the Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree line civil, 1,674; ecclesiastical, 543·
of the Great Eastern railway, and 4I from London by
road, in the Western division of the county, Dunmow DUTON HIJ.L, a hamlet, I mile south-west, in this
hunared, petty sessional division, union and county parish, is now attached to Tilty for ecclesiastical pur-
CQurt distriot, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of poses.
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Parish Clerk, Samuel Hart.
John, built chiefly of flint, is an ancient structure in Sexton, John Moore.
mixed styles, the arches of the vestry and south porch Post Office. John Fowler, sub-postmaster. Letters
being very early Norman; it consists of chancel, nave from London & Chelmsford arrive by mail cart from
and a wooden tower at the west end, containing 5 bells Dunmow every morning at 6.45 a.m. & 12. I5 p.m. ;
and a clock: the ch-ancel was restored in 1877: there dispatched at 8.45 a. m. & 5.20 p.m. & sunday at 12
are monuments to the family of Meade, r614-1761; to p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
the Rev. Joseph Plume B.D. rector, ob. Jan. I6, 1686; at Dunmow. Postal orders are issued here, but not
tlie Rev. Thomas Leader, rector, ob. 27 June, 1618, paid
anhd the. Rev.d. Thomfas Cehcil, rector,6ob. TJhan.Ii29• 1?27. Wall Letter Box, Duton Hill, cleared at 8.I5 a.m. &
T e regiSter ates rom t e year I5 I. e Vlllg IS a 5.IO p.m.; sunday at 12 noon
rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £452, with
residence, in the gift of Viscount Maynard's trustees, Police Station, Richard Brewer, constable
o.nd held since 1s 77 by the Rev. Horatio Bladen Capel. Church of England School (mixed), built in 188I, on
Meade's charity, amounting to £ss yearly, arising from half an acre of land given by Viscount Maynard's
two farms left in I759 by Mrs. Rebecca Meade, is now trustees, who also contributed £350 towards its
in hands of trustees for educational purposes. In 188 7 erection; they also give £5 annually for Educational
a flint celt, 5 inches long, was picked up on the glebe purposes; the school will hold 250 children; average
land. The Countess of Warwick, of Easton Lodge, attendance, II7; Samuel Hart, master
Little Easton, as heiress to the late Viscount Ma.ynard, Carrier to London.-George Saunders, from 'BeU,' thurs.
is lady of the manor and principal landowner. The soil to 'Saracen's Head,' Aldgate
Capel Rev. Horatio Bladen, Rectory Clark William & Francis, builders, Rawlings Caroline (Mrs.), Bell inn, &
Forster Geo. "\Vm. Hillside cottage carpenters & undertakers. See advt grocer
Guyner James, Duton hill Clark William, jun. beer retailer & Smith Charles, farm bailiff to Mr.
Pomeroy Jas. Wolseys, Duton hill blacksmith Charles Webb, Mayesland farm
Smith Geo. Shoobridge, Greenharbom Clarke William, farmer, Bridge foot Smith George, farmer, Hill farm
COMMEROIAL. Collin George, bricklayer Smith George, Three Horse Shoes P.H
Appleton Wm. farmer, Mill End green Dorking William, farmer, Avesey frm Smith Waiter, farmer & landowner,
Barnard Thomas, Rising Sun P.H. Fowler John, shoe maker, Post office Blamsters hall
Duton hill Furze Henry, farmer, Breach farm Stock Frank, farmer, Moat house
BeadJe Frederick, farm bailiff to Haggar William, carpenter, Duton hill Sweeting Wm. Waiter, Bush farm
James Pomeroy esq. of Wolseys, Harvey Henry, farmer, Hall farm Taylor Charles, farmer, Cranes
Duton hill Key Arthur, butcher Taylor John, farmer, Welch's farm
Brown Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Mann Fred, shopkeeper, Duton hill Turner Thomas, blacksmith, Duton hl
Butcher James, hurdle & rake maker Pickford Robert, farmer, Dove house Watson Edgar, farmr. Lit. Cambridge
Cant John, blacksmith Prime Samuel, miller (wind) & baker, Watson Wiliam, farmer & landowner,
Clark William, sen. farmer Mill End green Duton hill & Meads
LITTLE EASTQN is a village and parish, on the in 1891 an organ was erected to the memory of the late
.south side of the Chelmer, 2 miles nortfi;.west from Dun- Earl Rosslyn, by the Countess of Warwick, at a cost of
mow station, and 40 from London by road, in the West- £soo, and a brass eagle lectern has been presented as a
ern division of th_e county, Dunmow hundred, petty ses- memorial to the Rev. George Cressner Tufnell M.A.
sional division, union and county court district, rural rector, r868-gi, who died February 22nd, 1891. The
deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese register dates from the year 1559. The living is a rec-
of St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is an edifice tory, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £240,
of rubble in the Early English style, consisting ()f chancel, with 58 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
nave of two bays, and north aisle, with a chapel on the Countess of Warwick, and held since 1891 by the Rev.
south side of the chancel and a western embattled tower Arthur Lewis Whitfield M.A. of Magdalen College, Ox-
containing 4 bells and a clock: the east window is a me- ford. The Little Easton Workman's Club was opened
morial to Henry, 3rd and last Viscount Maynard, who here in I885 for the use of residents in the parish and
died 19 May, r865 : the chapel, a portion of which was workmen employed on the estate : it has a library of 450
originally the Bourchier chapel, and since used as the volumes, and is also sup_plied with newspapers and peri-
iburial place of the Maynard family, has some very fine odicals. The Easton School of Needlework, founded in
monuments, with figures of members of that family, from 188g, by the Countess of Warwick, is for the training
1610 to 1746: the two windows in the chapel are stained, the girls of the village- in art needlework. There are
and were placed by Henry Viscount Maynard, above men- almshouses for four aged widows, endowed with rent-
tioned, in memory of Mary (Ra1bbett) his wife, who died charge of £2o yearly. Easton Lodge, late the seat of
October 22nd, 1857: on the south side of the chancel and Viscount Maynard, was originally a mansion in the Eliza-
partly in the chapel is an altar-bomb of polished marble bethan style, with a chapel built by William, Lord May-
with three canopied arches on each side and one at each nard, in 162I : the greater portion was destroyed by fire
end, supported by clustered columns with capitals, the in 1847, but the house has been rebuilt and restored at
- whole surmounted by a course of oak leaves: on the a cost of upwards of £1o,ogo: it is seated in an extensive
upper slab are inlaid brass effigies of Isabella of York, park of Boo acres, and is the property of the Countess of
aunt of Edward IV. and her husband, Henry Bourchier, War_wick, who, as heiress of the late Viscount Maynard,
first Earl of Essex, 1483: on the north side of tlie chan- is lady of the manor and the principal landowner. The
eel is a canopied niche, with carved shields, inclosing a soil is mixed sand· and loam; subsoil, loam. The chief
wmb, with the recumbent figure of a knight in armour; crops are wheat, beans, barley and roots. The area is
and on the north and south walls of the nave are some 1,584 acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value,
remains of ancient paintings, now nearly obliterated: £r,66o; the populatiou in 189I was 336. .
'there is also a brass to RDbert Pyn, priest, c. I42o: a I Parish Clerk, Henry Grout.
north aisle was built in 188I at a cost of £r,soo, and the
Maynard chapel has also been restored: in 1882 a me- Post Office.-Alb.ert Byatt, sub-po.stmaster. Letters from
morial windQW was erected on the south side of the nave, Ohelmsf~rd. VIa Dunmow, received at 6.45 a.m. & I2
to Henry FitzRoy esq. of Salcey Lawn, Northants (d. noon; dispatched at 5·45 p.m. & on sundays. at 5 p.m.
1sso), by Robert, late Earl of Rosslyn (d. IBgo), and The nearest money order & telegraph office IS at Dun-
Blanche Adeliza (FitzRoy) his wife, and in 1ss 3 the west- mow. Wall Letter Box cleared at 5.25 & sundays at
ern window was filled with stained glass to the memorv 5 p.m
of Mary Cheffins and Henry Cheffins, her husband, for National School (mixed), built in r878, for So children;
more than forty years steward of the Maynard estates: average attendance, 56; Miss Louisa Harris, mistress
PRIVATE ~ESIDENTS. Rogers John Frederick, The Manor
Warwick Earl & Countess of, Ell~1(1n Whitfeld Rev. Arthur Lewis M.A. COMMERCIAL.
lodge; & Warwick castle, Warwick (rector), Rectory Baker Willia.m, beer retailer
Cheffins !\-Iisses, Mawbyn~ Tufnell Miss, Easton Park cottage Hoskin Joshua, farmer, Kings
Natthews Harry Brinkley, Stag inn, Leech George (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stokes Henry,farmer & miller (water),
& farmer Rogers John Frederick, agent to the Elmbridge mill
J>atmer George (Mrs.), farmer, Little Easton estates, Easton manor Workmen's Club (John Fredk. Rogers,
Easton farm Stock Ernest, wheelwright treasurer & hon. sec)
:EASTWOOD, a plaee known to have been in existence wood Bury, the manor house, a modern building of
as early as the time of King Edward the Confessor, is a brick, pleasantly situated near the church, is the seat of
parish adjoining Rochford to the south-west, z! miles Allen Stallibrass esq. who is lord of the manor. Two
from Rochford station on the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles to the west is Eastwood Lodge, an ancient mansion,
miles north-east from Leigh station on the London, Til- now occupied as a farmhouse. The principal landowners
lmry and Southend railway, 4 north-west from Southend are James Tabor esq. Allen Stallibrass and Charles Wren
and 41 from Lrmdon, in the South Eastern division of the esqrs. and the Land Company. The soil is rich loam;
county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas,
· union, Southend county court district, and in the rural beans and potatoes. The area is 3,200 acres of land and
deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese 20 of water; rateable va.lue, [5,059; the population in
of St. Albans. The ancient churcl]. of St. Lawrence and 1891 was 585 and 16 in that part of Wallasea Island
.All Saints is a building of stone and brick, consisting of belonging to Eastwood.
a large and. ~ofty chancel, nave, aisles and a western NOBLES GREEN is half-a-mile north-west.
tower contammg 3 bells : the church appears, fro~ Parish Clerk William Bacon.
the early part of the 12th century, lhe nave and tower m '
.certain architectural features, to have been founded in Post Office.-H. C. Keys,_ sub-postmaster. Letters
rthe 13th and the chancel in the I4th century: the most through Rochford S.O. arrive at 7 a. m.; Box cleared
notable features of the church are the two square-headed at 9 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays ~1.20 a.m. ~he nearest
Norman doorways, on one of which is inscribed, " Pax money orde; & telegraph office IS ~t Rayleigh. Postal
xegat intrantes ; eadem regat egregientes " "May peace order~ are Issued here, but not pa1d
.direct those who enter; May the guide those who A School Board of 5 members was formed 17 March,
depart:" the church was restored in 1 872 . The register of 1874_; George Wood, Rochford, clerk to the board;
baptisms and burials dates from 1685; marriages, 1686. Wilham Bacon, attendance officer
The living is a vicarage, gross yarly value £zso, in the Board School, built in 1876, for 62 children; average
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1867 by the attendance, 45; Miss Laurie, mistress
Rev. John Spencer M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. This place also contributes 2 members to the Rochford
Mrs. Drury is impropriator of the great tithes. East- School Board
Spencer Rev. John M.A. (vicar} Franks John, shopkeeper Harvey John, farmer
Stallibrass Alien, Eastwood Bury Gladwell John Francis, Three Ashes Price Chas. Frederick (Mrs.), farmer
COMMERCIAL. P.H. & farmer Rand Jas. Woodcutters' Arms P.H
'Bailey Wm. Thos. farmer, Eastwood lo Humphrey John, farm bailiff to Alien Scraggs Robert, market gardener
:Belcham Henry, farmer Stallibrass esq. Thorn Edward, farmer
Eentall .A.rthur, farmer Land Company (Grosvenor Park & Tyler Wm. farmer, Bell House farm
Eoosey Elijah, florist & nurseryman; Southbourne Grove estates) (Fred- Woods Oliver Jas. Horse & Groom P.H
& at Rckhford & Southend erick Ramuz, manager); & at 68 Wren Charles, farmer & landowner,
Bull Joseph, farmer, Wood farm Cheapside, London E C The Hurst
"ELMDON is a parish and compact village, on a range distributed yearly in bread to the poor. The trustees of
-of hills on the borders of Cambridgeshire, 5 miles west- the late John Wilkes esq. are lords of the manor and
·north-west from Audley End station, and 6 west-north- principal landowners. The soil is part heavy and partly
west from Saffron Walden, on the Great Eastern railway, light; subsoil, principally chalk, with some clay. The
in the Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hun- crops are usually on the four-course shift. The area is
-dred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and 3,196 acres; rateable value, [3,333; the population in
.county court district, and in the rural deanery of Saffron 1891 was 595.
Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. DUDDENHOE END, one mile and a half south, is a
Albans. The church of St. Nicholas, situated on rising i!mall hamlet containing a few farm houses ; a wooden
ground at the north end of the village, is a building of building, formerly a barn, is licensed for divine service,
flint with stone dressings, in the Early English style, and which is conducted by the vicar of _Elmdon.
consists of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, aisles, LEEBURY, or Elmdon Lee, is 2 miles south-east.
-south porch and an embattled tower at the west end Sexton, Joel Hayes.
-containing 6 bells and a clock: there are brasses with Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
effigies to Thomas Crawley esq. ob. 30 Sept. 1559, foun- Mrs. Eliza C. Wabon, sub-postmistress. Letters ar-
der of a free school here, and his wife, with figures of rive from Saffron Walden, by cart, at 9.30 a.m.; dis-
children, and of a civilian with two wives, c. 1530, and patched at 6 p.m. week days & sundays arrive at 9
-marginal inscription: there is also a tomb to Thomas a.m.; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. The nearest telegraph
Meade, a justice of the Common Pleas, 1577-85, who died office is at Great Chesterford
here in May of the latter year: there are 450 sittings. Letter Box, Duddenhoe End, close to The Woodman P.H.
The register dates from the year 16r8. The living is a cleared at 5.40 p.m. ; sundays, 9·55 a.m
vicarage, with the rectory of Wendon Lofts annexed, National School (mixed), built in 1844, for no children;
:tithe rent-charge £342, net yearly value £305, including average attendal_!ce, 65; Mr. William Smith, master;
residence and 26 acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Smith, mistress
of the late John Wilkes esq. and held since 1890 by the Carrier to:-
Rev. Herbert Giles Brabant Smith L.Th. of University Royston-Edward Jeffery, wed
College, Durham. A sum varying from £8 to £12 is Saffron Walden Edward Jeffery, sat
Collin Rev. Jsph. (rector of Strethall) Burgess Martha Ann (Mrs.), King's Pledger Stephen, bailiff to William C.
Inglis Mrs. The Lee, Elmdon Lee Head P.H Emson esq. The Poplars
Smith Rev. Herbert Giles Brabant Chater Harriet (Mrs.), grocer & drapr Pryor William, bailiff to Mr. George
L.Th. Vicarage Godfrey James, plumber & glazier Scales
COMMERCIAL. Goode Edwin, farmer, machine owner Rolfe Charles Wilford, farmer, Elmdon
:Brand Frederick, blacksmith, ma- & landowner, Elm Lodge farm Bury
chinist & agricultural implement Greenhill Thomas, baker Smith & Martin, farmers,Cooper's c.nd
maker, & beer retailer Hopwood Geo. cattle dlr. & butcher Thorpe James, Woodman P.H. &
::Brand Marthal Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Housden Frederick, wheelwright shopkeeper, Duddenhoe end
Church farm Jeffery Edward, beer retailer & carrier Wabon George John, grocer & draper,
::Brand William Arthur, farmer Loveday Jas. farmr. Duddenhoe end Post office
::Britton Daniel George, butcher · Lucas Fras. Jn. farmr. Duddenhoe end Walker .John, beer retailer & thatcher
Ilritton John James, farmer & land- Negus Edward, bricklayer Waiters John, beer retailer
owner, Wilkes' Arms, commercial Nottage James, farmer, Duddenhoe Waiters James, tailor & newsagent
& posting hotel grange Young George, bailiff to Charles W.
13urton Mary (Mrs.), farmer Prime Moses, farmer, Duddenhoe end Rolfe esq. Freewood farm
"ELMSTEAD. This ancient parish is 3 miles north- Albans. The church of St. Lawrence and St. Ann is an
east from Wivenhoe station, on the Tendring Hundred edifice of stone exhibiting various styles of architecture,
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 4 miles from and consists of chancel, nave with chapel, south porch,
Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the county, and a. massive embattled western tower containing :r
Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and union, bell : the side chapel is Decorated, the chancel late Early
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Ard- English, tlie nave Transitional with a Saxon doorway, next
leigh, archdeaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St. which is a windo-w: of Perpendic~r date: at the easfi
end of the side chapel is a very ancient wooden effigy of EL~ISTE.AD MARKET is a hamlet, I mile south. ih"om
a mailed knight, cross-legged and in the act of drawing the church, on a small brook falling into the Colne.
his sword. The register of baptisms dates from 1558 ; Here the market was formerly held; and most of tha
burials, 1557; marriages, I559· The living is a dis- inhabitants live here.
charged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £177; net Parish Clerk, Thomas John William Brown.
yearly value £22o, with 86 acres of glebe, value £63, Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
and residence, in the gift of Jesus College, Cambridge, Thomas John William Brown, sub-postmaster. Letter.s.
and held since 1893 by the Rev. Osmond Cookson M.A. arrive from Colchester at 3.50 a.m.; dispatched at
of Jesus College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan 8.25 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at W1venhoe
chapel. The Rev. T. P. Nunn M.A. vicar of West Pen- Schools:-
nard, Somerset, is lord of the manor and Hector John National (mixed), enlarged in i888 & holding 120 chil-
Gurdon-Rebow esq. of Wyvenhoe Park, and the trustees dren; average attendance, 101; the Rev. W. Wilson.
of N. C. Corsellis Lawton (a minor) are the principal formerly vicar of this parish, left by will, in 1852,.
landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravelly loam. £4oo, to endow a parochial school; this is now a
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, mangolds Church of England public elementary school, the man-
and kohl rabi. The area is 3,725 acres of land and 3I of agers consisting of the vicar & churchwardens with 6.
water; rateable value, £4,623; the population in 1891 other members elected annually; the school is supported
was 928. by a voluntary rate; Frederick Taylor, master
Barnes William, Rowlandi house Grant Thomas, farmer, Keelar's farm Porter Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer,..
Brady Mrs. John, Shrub cottage Hammond Alfd. blacksmith & farmer, Park farm
Cookson Rev. Osmond M.A. VICarage Bunting's farm Pryke Alfred, beer retailer
Japp Alexander H. LL.D. The Limes Howard James, shoe maker Salmon William, farmer, Pycat farm-
Johnson Sadler, Holly house Howard Joseph, hurdle maker Sargeant George William, grocer
Lawton Mrs. Ballast quay Johnson Alfred, butcher Short Samuel, farmer, Bottles hall'

COMMERCIAL. Johnson Fredk. Sadler, corn merchant Vesse Arthur, gardener
Bailey James, Bowling Green P.H Johnson Herbert, farmer, Grove farm Vesse Joseph, gardener
Caines James, farmer, Lodge farm Merchant George, thatcher Ward William & Albert, farmers,.
Crosby John, King's Arms P.H Page David, boot & shoe dealer Fenn farm
Dawson Benjamin, farm bailiff to Page Emma (Mrs.), grocer Ward John D. farmer, Blue Gatesfrm1
William Page esq Peake Chas. Wm. baker & corn dealer Watsham Ebenezer, insurance agent
Dyer Charles, farmer, Elmstead hall Pigg Arthur, harness maker Watsham Samuel, antique furnitr. dlr-
ELSENHAM is a village and parish, on a feeder of red brick, pleasantly situated in extensive grounds beau-
the Stort, 35~ miles from London, 5~ north-east from tifully laid out; the buildings on the estate generally
Bishop's Stortford, 6 south-west from Thaxted and 7 have been greatly improved under the present occupier;
north-west from Dunmow, in the Northern division of the the breeding of shire thoroughbred and hackney horses-
county, Uttlesford hundred, Bishop's Stortford union and is carried on by Sir Waiter, who is an active member of
county court district, Walden petty sessional division, "The Shire Horse Society," established to promote ths-
rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester old English breed of cart horses; valuable prizes ant
and diocese of St. Albans. Elsenham station, on the given at annual shows, the principal being the " Elsen-
Great Eastern railway, is on the borders of the parishes ham" challenge cup, presented by Sir Waiter for the-
of Elsenham, Henham and Stansted MounUitchet. The best stallion, and the " Lockinge" cup, given by Lord·
church of St. Mary the Virgin, standing on a hill near to Wantage, for the best mare or filly. The soil is mixed,.
Elsenham Hall, is a building of Early Norman date, con- part heavy and part loam; subsoil, mixed, with clay and
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled gravel. The crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The-
western tower containing 4 bells: there are 300 sittings. area is 1,829 acres; rateable value, £3,042; the popula-
The register of baptisms dates from 1732; marriages, tion in 1891 was 423.
1775; burials, 1730. The living- is a vicarage, average
tithe rent-charge £-r.23; net yearly value £136, with 38 GAUNTSEND is 2 miles south-east; Tye Green, If
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of William south; Greenstead Green, 2 miles south-east.
Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P. and held since 1867 by the Parish Clerk, John Wright.
Rev. John Whately RA. of Trinity College, Dublin. Post, & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance &;
There is a mission hall here, built in 1881, and under the Express Delivery Office. John Bourne, sub-postmaster.
care of the Society of Friends. A sum of about £2o, Letters arriv-3 through Bishop's Stortford at 6.45i
derived from six tenements and some land left by John a.m. ; dispatched at 6.45 p.m ·
Wells Eyre, late of Elsenham, is, after deduction for re-
pairs, distributed in clothing. Claricia Rush's clothing Parochial School (mixed), built, with master"s house, in.
club has an income of £4 IIS. ud. a year, the proceeds I873, for 95 children; average attendance. 74; the
of £150 now invested in Consols. George Acland Gordon school is on the property of G. A. G. Rush esq. lord
Rush esq. of Farthinghoe, Northants, who is lord of the of the manor; John Bourne, master; Mrs. Mary Ann
manor, and William Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P. of Stan- Bourne, mistress
steu Hall, are the principal landowners; and there are other Railway Station, Charles Parson, station master
lanaowners in the parish. Elsenham Ball, the residence of Carrier. Warner, from Henham, passes through ta
Sir Waiter Gilbey hart. J.P. is a castellated mansion of !Jishop's Stortford on mon. thurs. & sat
Borrett The Misses Batterham Joseph, stud! groom to Sir to Sir Waiter Gilbey hart. Elsen--
Gilbey Sir Waiter hart. J.P. Elsenham Waiter Gilbey hart. The Paddocks ham hall
hall; & Cambridge house, Regent's Brooks Benjamin, farmer, Tye green Robinson Arth. (Mrs. ),Robin Hood P.H'
park, London N W Burls Martin, farmer, Elsenham house Robinson Darn. carpenter & coal dlr
Lee Thos. J. The Friends' Mission ho Dixon Charles, blacksmith Robinson John, pig jobber & shoema.·
Whately Rev. John B.A. Vicarage Dixon William, shopkeeper Robinson Ritty (Miss),'"
COMMERCIAL. Denson James, agent for "Essex & Seabrook George, steward to Si-r
Barna.rd Bros. coal, corn, seed, cake Herts Observer" Waiter Gilbey hart. Place farm
& manure merchants & general Gayler James, farmer, Tye green Simons Nathaniel Wenden, farmer,.
agents ; & at High street & Rail- Mascall Thomas Charles, Crown P .H. Tye green
way station, Saffron Walden; Aud- coal dealer & fly proprietor Stride Herbert, headl gamekeeper to-
ley End Railway station; Wendens Nash George, carpenter & shopkeeper. Sir Waiter Gilbey hart
Ambo & Littlebury; head office, Tye green Tofts Robert, farmer, Tye green ,
Newport S.O Plester William, jun. head gardener ....,
EPPING STREET is a parish and union town with a sta- built. Since 1870 the streets have been lighted with
tion on the Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway, gas by a limited company, and in I886 the supply was
16! miles from Whitechapel, IS from Shoreditch church, extended to Theydon Bois. A large water tower has
18 west from Chelmsford, by Chipping Ongar and 7 been erected here and is supplied, under the Herts and·
east from Waltham Abbey, in the Western division of the Essex Water Works Act, from an artesian well at Saw-
county, half hundred of Waltham, Epping petty sessional bridgeworth, Herts, near the Harlow station of the·
division, county court district of Waltham Abbey, rural Great Eastern Railway Company: the water mains ex-
deanery of Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of tend to Potter street, Harlow, North Weald, Theydon:
St. Albans. The town consists of one long and wide Garnon, Theydon Bois and Abridge; drainage works on
street, seated on a ridge of hills ; it declined consider- an extensive scale have been erected in the town: in
ably after the introduction of railways, but has revived, 1893 the High street was paved throughout, at a cost of
many new roads having been laid out and residences £550. Epping Upland and Ryeflill J,\Fe ~ t:b.e north part


of the parish. The church of St. John the Baptist, EPPING FOREST, an extensive tract of woodland,.
erected in 1832 and rebuilt in 1890, was constituted in formerly known as Waltham Forest, and called at a
1889 the parish church in place of the church of All remote period the " great forest of Essex," once included
Saints at Epping Upland: the original chapel, built in within its area, either wholly or in part, not less than 21
the time of Edward VI. was then a free chapel of the parishes; " stretching from the forest of Middlesex at.
foundation of Waltham .Abbey, whose canons or chaplains Waltham on the west, to Colchester on the east." The
supplied the cure : the new church, which occupies the northern portion, lying north of the road from Bishop's
same site, is a building of stone in the Gothic style of Stortford to Colchester, was disafforested in the 5th of
the 14th century from designs by Messrs. Bodley and King John (1203-4) and in 29 Edward I. (1300-1) its area
Garner, architects, of London, and consists of chancel, was further reduced; but in Sept. 1640, a perambulation
nave, aisles and vestry: the stained east window was was made and an inquisition held by a Royal Commis-
presented in 1890 by E. J. Wythes esq. in memory of sion, under which its boundaries were determined, the area.
his parents : there is also a fine carved oak screen :there being then estimated at 6o,ooo acres, the greater part of
are sittings for Boo persons. The register dates from which has been already inclosed; in 1777 only 12,ooo
the year 1839· The living is a vicarage, united in 1889 acres remained uninclosed and by 1793 this area had
by .Act of Parliament, 51 & 52 Vict. c. 152, to that of diminished to g,ooo acres; in 1851 when there were
.All Saints, tithe rent-charge £B2o, gross yearly value about 6,ooo acres uninclosed, Hainault Forest, a tract
£6oo, with I I acres of glebe and residence, in the gift lying to the east of the existing forest, was disafforest~a
of Ernest James Wythes esq.; the vicarage of St. John and between that year and r86__3 the continued encroach-
has been held since 1878 and the united vicarage since ments led to the institution of a suit in Chancery by the
1889 by the Rev. Edward Buckmaster M . .A. of Trinity Corporation of London, who had an ancient traditionary
College, Cambridge. In 1615 one George Campion left connection with the forest and simultaneously an Act was
4 acres of land, a moiety of which was to be applied for passed appointing a commission to inquire and report on-
maintaining a preacher at Epping chapel; in 1791 John the various contending rights: as a result of the suit,
Walkley left £3o yearly for the clergyman; in 1772 cer- the Corporation was successful on every point and all
tain townspeople pledged themselves for three years to pay inclosures made within 20 years previous to .August
for seats in the church, and since that time pew rents 14th, r851, were declared illegal; the report of the Com-
had been the only means for providing for the church missioners, issued February 23rd, 1877, was not accept-
expenses until 1882 when the offertory system was in- able to the Corporation and the questions at issue were
troduced. The church of All Saints, at Epping Upland, referred in 1878 to the sole arbitration of Sir .Arthur
some distance from the town, and until 1889 serving as (now Lord) Hobhouse P.C., K.C.S.I. and his decision,
the parish church, is an ancient structure of brick and promulgated in July, 1882, had the effect of rescuing·
concrete in the Norman style, consisting of chancel and some 6oo acres, in addition to 1,500 acres recovered by
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower of the Corporation: the forest now consists of about 5,6oo-
brick, containing a clock and 5 bells : it retains three acres, covering an area of nearly 9 square miles and has
aum bries and an ancient credence table, discovered dur- been preserved as an open space for the use and enjoy-
ing recent alterations : the stained west window is a me- ment of the public, at a cost of more than £25o,ooo.
morial to Dr. Forbes Winslow, who died 3 March, 1874, On Nov. 4, 188g, formal possession was taken, on behalf
and is buried in the churchyard : the east window is of the Corporation of London, of the Oak Hill Inclosure,
also stained : a dwarf stone screen, from which the pulpit comprising 12! acres, situate between the ·wake Arms
is corbelled out, separates the nave from the chancel: and Theydon Bois, and in 1891 (June 6th), about 30 acres
the seats are all free and unappropriated: the church was previously forming a portion of Highams Park, and the
completely restored in 1878 at a cost of £3,ooo. The re- extensive thickets, near Hale End, were added and dedi-
gister dates from the year 1539. The living is a vicar- cated to the use of the public by H.R.H. the Duke of
age, 1mited. in 1888 to that of St. John's. The Congre- Connaught K.G.
gational church here is one of the oldest in the country The forest is reached from Epping by the new road tu
and is supposed to have originated between ihe years London, which traverses its entire length : to the right
1628 and 1653, the present structure having been on entering the forest is a tract of woodland called the
erected on the site of the original building in 1770 : in "Warren," and about a hundred yards distant., on the
connection with the church is a large room seating over leit, is an ancient earthwork called "Ambresbury Banks,"
200 persons; in 1887 the building was thoroughly re- traditionally believed to be the spot where the Britons
stored and heating apparatus fixed at the cost of £400 under Boadicea made their last stand against the Romall'
raised by the congregation: there are 300 sittings. The invaders; a belief confirmed by the opinion of Lieut.-
Baptist chapel, in St. John's road, erected in 1893 by Gen. Fox-Pitt-Rivers F.R.S., F.S.A. who carefully ex-
the late W. Cottis, has sittings for 200 persons. The Wes- amined the camp in 1881: more to the east is the Green
leyan chapel, opened in 1887, has 300 sittings and there is Ride, which, parting from the new road just south of
a meeting-house for the Society of Friends, seating 30 Epping, runs almost parallel with it until it crosses the
persons, and a meeting-house for the Christian Brethren. road in Fairmead Bottom, and, passing to the west and
The Town Hall, built in 1863, at a cost of about £1,700, south of Connaught Water, joins the Ranger's road near
is used for concerts, public meetings and entertainments the Royal Forest hotel: the Ride at its commencement
and will seat 500 persons. The Literary & Mechanics' traverses a beautifully wooded part of the forest called
Institute, founded in 1894, comprises reading and smoJring Epping Thicks : farther on, between it and the new road,
rooms and library containing about 500 vols. Epping has is a stretch of the wood covered with heather and known.
a weekly market on Friday, which is well attended, and as " Long Running," a favourite resort of picnic parties ;
13th and 14th November (Holland fair,) also for cattle and lower down, at a point called "Jack's Hill," the road
and horses. Messrs. W. Cottis and Sons have an iron from Theydon Ilois t<> Waltham Abbey crosses the forest,
foundry and agricultural implement works, which give passing the Wake Arms, and, west .of this hostelry, Wood-
employment to a considerable number of hands. In 1887 ridden Hill, where there is a spring, and the farm :
a drinking fountain, surmounted by a lamp, was erected another road, starting from the Wake .Arms, and con-
to commemorate the Queen's Jubilee. .A lake of one tinuing between this and the new road, proceeds through
acre is now (1894) in course of formation, to be used for the forest to Claypit Hill and King's Oak, near which it
bathing purposes. The Convalescent Cottage Home, on divides, one part leading to High Beech and the other
the Plain, was opened Sept. 1875: it is a structure of running south and joining the new road below !"airmead
red brick, and contains 12 rooms, 6 of which are bed- Bottom : on an open height near King's Oak stands a tree-
rooms, and is available for 14 patients. The charities of the planted by Her Majesty the Queen, and on the east side
joint parishes of Epping and Theydon Garnon being the of the Wake .Arms a road, proceeding south-east through
net income of Stonard's, Reynold's and Rydden's Grove Dulsmead Hollow and the deep ravine of Hangboy Slade,
charities, are divisible yearly in equal moieties amongst crosses the Green Ride and leads to Loughton and Buck-
the joint parishes of Epping and Theydon Garnon, pur- burst Hill: to the north of the forest, between Wood-
suant to a scheme of the Charity Commissioners approved ridden Hill and Claypit Hill, is Honeylane Plain, where
in 1863, the income of Stonard's charity is applied for are the rifle rang-es used by the H (Waltham Abbey}
educational purposes and the maintenance of inmates in Company, ISt Volunteer battalion, Bedfordshire regiment;
the Epping almshouses; the income of Reynold's is di- in the centre is Wake Valley, Great Monkwood!- a fine
vided amongst the poor of Rydden's grove. The local spread of beeches, about half a mile in length and Little
charities include Lady Wentworth's charity, consisting Monkwood, covering a low circular hill : at a point in this-
of a farmhouse and land left about 1780, a sum of £100 tract called " Mount Pleasant," a road starting eastward
Ool}solidated Stock left by Mrs. Elizabeth Walkley, and joins the Green Ride at Blackweir Hill and is continued
a sum of {,267 12s. Consolidated Stock, left by Mrs. to .Ash Green, on the road to Loughton: south of Monk-
.Ann Chapm1m; the net income arising from these is di- wood is an open rushy space called " Sandpit Pfain" and
visible amongst the poor of this parish : there is also a a little lower down, between the new road and the Green
charity left by Thomas Loft for the apprenticing of poor Ride, is Loughton Camp, an ancient earthwork, excavated
hors born in the parish. by the Essex Field Club and belie;ed to date from the-

pre-Roman period, since fragments of early British pot- sessiliflora" and hava for the most part been closely pol-
tery were found within the rampart; the ground in- larded, but some fine specimens have been preserved, the
closed by the earthwork is about twelve acres in extent largest Qf which stands near Fairmead Lodge and has a
and is thickly overgrown with pollard trees ; to the west trunk 22 feet in circ11mference : near High Beech, in
are eminences called " Broom Hill " and " Shelley Hill :" Monkwoods, and in the Green Ride of Epping Thicks are
to the east, beyond the Green Ride, is Staples Hill; noble groves of beeches ; the hornbeam abounds and the
southward, a broad and dry part of the hollow, called birch, alder and wild cherry are also common; of the
Debden Slade, extends to Black Bushes, where the road flowering plants many are peculiarly fine and some ex-
from High Beech to Loughton, known as the Earl's Path, ceptionally rare : a large variety of lichens and mosses
crosses the forest; immediately below the Earl's Path, is are found, fungi of all sorts and numerous kinds of ferns,
Strawberry Hill, and more to the south Albion Hill the male fern (Lastrea filix-mas) sometimes reaching a
and Warren Hill, near which is an obelisk: proceeding gigantic height and the Royal fern (Osmunda regalis)
~outhwards through the forest from High Beech, past St. flourishing grandly in moist and peaty localities.
Paul's church, Whitehouse Plain is reached and next in The Epping Hunt seems to have been a remnant of the
succession the Round Thicket, Almshouse Plain (a broad time when the citizens had their common huntsman, and
expanse dotted with bushes), Blackbush Plain, Long Hills claimed the privilege granted by Edward IV. of huntmg
and a J'Ushy space called "Ludgate Plain," through which in Waltham Forest! Hemy III. having previously con-
:the Cuckoo brook trickles towards Connaught Waters, a firmed to the citizens of London, in 1226, free warren, or
heart-shaped lake embosomed in wooded hills, with two litberty to hunt, with a circuit, in the Forests of St.annay
small islets in its midst; north of it is a solitary full- (or Staines) and Hainault; this hunt was always held on
grown oak, named" Bedford's Oak," after Councillor John Easter Monday, when the Lord Mayor and Aldermen
rr. Bedford, who was foremost among the members of the i attended and is frequently noticed by poets as far back

Corporation in endeavouring to secure the forest for the as the middle of the 17th century; in r853, the forest
use and enjoyment of the public: on the south the , about Buckhurst Hill, where the meet took place, having
iRanger's Road, branching off from the new road, conducts been inclosed, the hunt was brought to an end, although
through Whitehall Plain to Chingford, north of which is , an assembly of holiday folk is still sometimes collected,
a tract of forest called" Bury Wood" and "Hawk Wood," ~ and a tame deer tortured for their amusement.
Qn the highest point of which rises an obelisk, standing Copt, or Copped Hall, 2 miles south-west, so called
due north from Greenwich Observatory ; behind these from A. S. " Cop," the top of a hill, is a splendid man-
wood"s is the Lea Valley and Ponder's End railway station, I sion, built about the middle of the r8th century, near the
and south of Buckhurst Hill is an isolated portion of the i site of a residence formerly used by the monks of Wal-
forest called "Lord's Bushes." The "forest, being now tham as a retreat, and st-ands on an eminence in a dis·
strictly guarded by the Corporation, shelters a large ' trict surrounded with fine woods : the present house, now
variety of birds, including the jay, the kestrel and the ' the residence of Ernest James Wythes esq. is a structure
kingfisher : here also are to be found the only wild fallow- ! of white brick, consisting of a pedimented centre with
deer now in this country, besides red-deer of the old wings, and since its first erection has been much im-
rEpping breed and the old English roe-deer, re-introduced proved by Mr. James Wyatt, architect: the park, which
in r884 by Mr. Buxton from the Vale of Blackmoor in has an area of more than 3,5oo acres, is partly in Wal-
Dorsetshire: it is, too, a favourite hunting ground for tham parish and partly in that of Epping. Ernest James
-entomologists, many insects of extreme rarity being met Wythes esq. is lord of the manor and principal land-
with here and nearly every variety of English butterflies. owner. The soil is various; subsoil, clay and sand. The
'The forest trees include compamtively few varieties: the area of the entire parish is 5,281 acres; rateable value,
iQaks are of the kind botanically known as "Querens £14,064; the population in r8gr was 2,565.
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Ex- friday at 11.30 noon. 'l'he places in the division are
press Delivery Office. Mrs. Eliza Haddon, postmis- Abridge, Chingford, Chigwell, Epping, Lambourne,
tress. Delivery commences at 7 & 9 a.m. 2 & 6 p.m. Lo~ghton, Nazeing, Nmth Weald Bassett, Theydon
Box for London closes at 9.30 a.m. 12.30 & 4 & 8 Bo1s, Theydon Garnon, Theydon Mount, Waltham Holy
p.m. ; on sunday, delivery commences at 8 a.m. ; dis- Cross
patched at 8 p.m Epping Forest.
Wall Letter Boxes, Police Station, cleared at 9.25 a.m.; Chief Ranger, H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught &
I!01.2o, 3.50 & 7.25 p.m. Lindsey street, g.2o a.m.; Strathearn K.G
12.15, 3·45 & 7.20 p.m. Epping plain, 8 & I0.15 Chairman, Alderman Sir Reginald Hanson bart. M.P.,
a.m.; 2.~ & 6.45 p.m. Railway Sta,tion, 8.50 & II.5o LL.D
a.m.; 3.25 & 7.40 p.m. Epping Church, II.2o a.m. ; Verderers, Sir T. Fowell Buxton barrt. Warlies, Waltham
6.45 p.m. Epping green, I I a.m.; 6.20 p.m. Wake Holy Cross; Edward North Buxton esq. Knighton,
Arms, 7·45 & 5.1~45 a.m. Bell common, 8.20 a.m.; 12 Buckhurst hill, for Northern parishes; Peter Gellatly
esq. Lough ton; & R. A. Ellis esq. for the Southern
3.40 & 7·I5 p.m parishet~
County Magistrates Epping Petty Sessional Division. Committee Members of the Common Council of ·the Cor-
Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. D.L. Warlies, Waltham poration of the City of London, who form the "Epping
Abbey, chairman Forest Committee:" Robert Parker Taylor esq. deputy
Bury Charles James esq. D.L. St. Leonards, Nazeing, chairman; Deputies : Robe!"t Parker Taylor esq. Henry
deputy chairman Mead esq. F. P . .Aliston esq. John Greenwood esq.
JJuxtQn Gerald esq. Birch hall, Theydon Bois, Epping William T. Brown esq. R. C. Halse esq. James Salmon
:Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor esq. Woodredon, Waltham F.S.S. Sir James Whitehead bart. M.P., LL.D. William
Abbey Battye esq. Oliver Henry Davis esq. Samuel Elliott
Adams Henry Atherton esq. Wynters grange, Harlow Atkins esq. ; rninuting clerk, A. Stanier
<Jhisenhale-M'chl"sh William Swaine esq. Gaynes park, Superintendent of the Forest, F. F. Mackenzie esq. The
Theydon Garnon, Epping Warren, Lough.ton
Edwards Arthur Janion esq. D.L. Beach Hill park, Clerk ,to the Superintendent, John A. Jones
Waltham Abbey Head Keeper, J. Little, Epping; Keepers, C. Perkins,
Gellatly Peter esq. D.L. High Standing, Loughton Copt Hall; J. Pearce, High Beech; J. Wilson, Lough-
~oyce Robert George esq. Clareville, Caterham Valley, wn; E. Smeeth, Loughton; H. Butt, Chingford; J.
Surrey Truelove, Woodford; A. Harrod, Highams park; J.
Lockwood Lt.-Col. Amelius Richard Mark M.P. Bishop's Mutch, Walthamstow; F. Luffman, Wanstead Flat-s;
hall, Lambourne, Romfo-rd R. Puffett, Wanstead park
Mlarter Major-Gen. Richard Jas. Combe, Walton, Epping Reeves & Assistant Reeves.
:Melles Joseph William esq. M.A. Sewardstone lodge, Parish. Reeve. Assistant Reeve.
Chingford Epping James Nunn W. Ainger
Parnell John esq. The Grange, Waltham Abbey Theydon Bois William Pearce
Smith William, West bank, Epping Loughton John Dean William D. Ling
Tait Major John C. Epping Waltham HolyCross R. Merritt E. Hunt
Todhunter Joseph esq. King's Moor house, Great Parn- Chingford J osiah J essop Hy. Weatherley
don, Harlow Woodford Robert Robinson C. Cook
The above justices are also the commissioners for Chigwell John Butler James Honghton
taxes Walthamstow H. Woodard Wm. Murdock
Clerk to the Magistrates, George Creed, Kendal lodge; Leyton H. Woodard W. Murdock .
Assistant Clerk, George John Creed, solicitor, Kendal Wanstead Frederick Stock Charles Truelove
lodge Little Ilford F. Hayward
Petty Sessions are held at Epping police station every West Ham E. Fulcher
Public Establishments. The Workhouse, in Theydon Garnon parish, is a build-
Convalescent Cottage Home, Miss Marten sec. ; Miss ing in the Elizabethan style, capable of holding 232
Murrell, matron inmates; Frederick Moore, master; Rev. F. Henson
Fire Engine Station. Station road, W. W. Saward, capt. ; B.A. chaplain; Charles Hurford L.R.C.P. Edin. medi-
J. Wniting, engineer cal officer ; Mrs. Ellen Moore, matron ; the children
Stamp Office, Mrs. Eliza Haddon, distributor are educated at the Epping & Theydon Garnon joint
Inland Revenue, Wm. Jas. Day, Hemnall st. officer National schools
Police Station, High street, Robert Womack, supt.;
2 inspectors, 6 sergeants & 27 constables Rural Sanitary Authority.
Epping Special Drainage Committee, A. "Whipps, C. Meets at the Union, fri. fortnightly, at no fixed time,
Cottis, W. W. Nicholls, W. Smith, C. B. Sworder, C:erk, John William Windus, Epping
Hugh Sworder, W. Tweed, J. Shorter, T. Rickett Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
& C. Teece, Epping; Theydon Bois: J. J. Jones, Medical Officer of Health, Trevor Fowler L.R.C.P. Irel.
W. H. Nicholls, F. "llitlow; Theydon Garnon: W. Epping
Willis, S. Fitch, G. Creed, James Smith & F. H. Sanitary Inspect<>r, John Harrison Bell, Lindsey street,
Ginger Epping
Volunteers. School Attendance Committee.
ISt Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (G Company), Meets at the Union, friday fortnightly, at no fixed time.
Drill hall, High street; Capt. Raymond Douglas Clerk, John William Windus, Epping
Trotter, commandant; J. E. Wind us & C. H. F. Attendance & Inquiry Officer, Waiter Street, Thorn-
Christie, lieuts wood common, Epping
Epping Union. Public Officers.
Board days, alternate fri. at the Union ho. at 10.30 a.m.
Assessor of Taxes, George Pegrum, Lindsay street
The Union comprises the following parishes :-Chigwell,
Chingford, Epping, Great Parndon, Harlow, Latton, Assistant Overseer, Edward William Marrable, High st
Little Parndon, Loughton, Magdalen Laver, Matching, Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Hurford L.R.C.P.
Nazeing, Netteswell, North Weald Bassett, Roydon, Edin. High street
Sheering, Theydon Bois & Theydon Garnon. The Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Epping Divi-
total population of the union in r8gr was 26,137; sion, G. Creed; assistant, George J. Creed
area, 48,ug acres; rateable value in r894, £r56,3o8 Inspector of Weights & Measures, Inspector under the
Clerk t<> the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John Explosive & Petroleum Act, under the Contagious
William Windus, Epping Diseases (Animals) Act & under the sale of Food &
Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford Drugs Act, Robert Womack, High street
Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, Chig- Places of Worship with times of Services:-
well district, Samuel Wilks, Chigwell; Harlow dist. St. John the Baptist Church, Rev. Edward Buckmaster
Frederick William Gilbey, Potter street, Harlow M. A. vicar; rr a. m.; 3 & 6.30 p.m.; holy days,
Vaccination Officers, Frederick William Gilbey, Harlow; ro a.m
Salll:uel Wilks, Chigwell; Mrs. Jane Sophia Wright, All Saints Church, Rev. Edward Buckmaster M.A.
Eppmg vicar; rr a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; in winter at 3 p.m
:Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Buckhurst Hill Society of Friends, I l a.m
district, Alexander Ambrose LL.B., M.D. Buckhurst Baptist, u a.m. & 6.r5 p.m
Hill; Chigwell district, George William Jameson, Congregational, Rev. Chas. Wright; rr a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Chigwell Row ; Chingford, George Frederick Fulcher Union Chapel, Epping Green, u a.m. 2.45 p.m. ; Rev.
M.B., C.M. Chingford, Epping, North Weald, Theydon Charles Wright
Bois & Theydon Garnon districts, Trevor Fowler Wesleyan, rr.r5 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
L.R.C.P.Irel. Epping; Great & Little Parndon & Latton Schools.
districts, Richard Theodore Grubb L.R.C.P. Edin. National, for Epping & Theydon Garnon, built, with
Harlow; Harlow & Sheering, Magdalen Laver & teachers' residences, by Claremont Whiteman esq. a
Matching districts, Robert Newcombe Day, Harlow; resident of Theydon Garnon, in r86o, for 500 child- •
Nazeing, William Hoskins M.B., C. M. Hoddesdon; ren; average attendance, 185 boys, 95 girls & go
Lough ton district, Francis Alleyn Owgan L.R. C.P. infants; Albert Edward Piper, master; Miss Chaplin,
Irel. Loughton; Roydon district, Richard Theodore mistress ; Miss Salmon, infants' mistress
Grubb L.R.C.P. Edin. Harlow National (mixed), Epping green, built, with houses
Superintendent Registrar, John William Winaus, Ep- for the master & mistress, in I 862, for .So children ;
ping; deputy, Rayrnond Douglas Trotter, Epping average attendance, 43; Mrs. Thorn, mistress
Registrar of Marriages, Rev. Charles Wright, High st.
Epping; deputies, Alfred Brimley Davis, High st. Railway Station, John Kettle, station master
Epping; Frederick William Gilbey, Potter st. Harlow Conveyances to meet principal trains from F. Flack,
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Epping sub-district, Mrs. Station road & Cock hotel, High street
Jane Sophia Wright, Epping; deputy, Alfred Brimley G. E. Railway Goods Agents, Hayden & Son, Railway
Davis, Epping; Chigwell sub-district, Samuel Wilks, station
Chigwell; deputy, G. P. Clarke, Lough ton; Harlow Carrier to London. John Nunn, from his house, mon.
sub-district, Frederick William Gilbey, Potter street, wed. & fri. to ' Saracen's Head,' Aldgate, returning
Harlow; deputy, Peter Clayden, Harlow the following days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coningham George, Woodside Hutley Barzillai, St. John's road
Archer John Coley, High street Cottis Crispus, Squiers Hutt George, Beulah lodge
Aspinall Herbert H. Shortland Cottis Reuben, High street J ensen J ens, Forest side
Auger Thomas, Salem cottage, High Creed George, Kendal lodge Jervis James, St. John's road
street Creed George John, Kendal lodge Juniper John, High street
:Ball Edward Ash, Egg hall Cripps James, Epping green Kent Henry, St. John's road
Ball Richard Francis, Egg hall Cullen Miss, High street Kirkby John, St. John's road
Battle Misses, High street Cullen Mrs. St. John's road Kinnell Ernest R. High street
Berk Fredk. William, Tower house Dace Charles, St. John's road Knight Albert, St. John's road
Brown John, Lyncely grange Dixon Rev. Horace Henry B.A. (curate Lamarque Waiter Albin, Oakwood
Brown Philip, Holly cottage of St. J<>hn the Baptist), St. Logan Edward, Church hill
Euckmaster Rev. Edwd. M.A.Vicarage John's road McConnell Archibald, High street
Bull Benjamin, St. John's road/ Fitch Mrs. Church hi11 Marrable Edwd. William, High street
Eyford Mrs. High street Foster :Misses, Rookwood ho. High st Marter Major-General Richard James
Cable James, St. John's road Foster William, Belle vue Coombe J.P. Walton. Epping Uplnd
Cable William, Bell villa Fowler Trevor, High street Mortimer Waiter, St. John's road
Cameron Mrs. St. John's road Frankton Williarn, 3 Forest Side villas Mnmford Willia.m, Lindsey street
Cartwright Mrs. St. John's road Gatward Herbert Jas. Bell common Newman Joseph, Church hill
Chaplin Miss, Chapel lane Gall Arthur, St. John's road Oakley William, St. John's road
Chilvers Harry, St. John's road Gingell John, Ivy lodge Payne ~s
Chittenden Henry, Epping green Godfrey Edward, St. John's road Patchett William, Bury lodge
Chudley Henry Frederick, High street Green Charles, High street Pemberton George, The Plain
Church John, Church hill Hainsworth Chas. James, Forest side Price Edwin, St. John's road
Clayden Mrs. Church hill Hawkins Chas. Jn. M. Ma..:,rYDolia. cott Puffett William, High street
Clayden Arthur Digby, St. John's rd Hendry James N. Little Ma.rles Rogers Miss, Epping place
Clegg Joseph, Ferndale Houblon Fredk. Archer, High street Rowe Ja.mes, St. John's road
Cook Alfred, St. John's road Hurford Charles, High street Rowland Arthur, High stree~ $ ((


Salmon Miss, St. John's road Sworder Hugh F.S.I. Woodbine cott Whiting James, High street
Saltmarsh John, St. John's road! Tait Major John C. J.P Wilkinson Rev. Geo. Hawthorn lodg&
Sewell William Henry, Epping place Tapsell Capt.Joseph Baldon,Forest side Windus John William
Sharp Arthur, High street Tidbury Henry, Church hill Winstone Benjamin, Ockridge
Shorter James, The Limes Tilleard Alexander John, Ivylands Winter Edward, Granville
Sprague Mrs. Hill crest Trotter Raymond Douglas Winter James, Dane lodge
Stevens Misses, Sunnyside villas Tweed Waiter, Marshalls Wri~ht Rev. Charles (Congregational),.
Sudul Leonard, Sunnyside villas Wackerbarth H. A. Forest side H1gh street
Sworder Charles Bennett, Woodlands Walker Mrs. Highfield Wythes Ernest James, Copped hall
Sworder Misses, Belham lodge Watson Jas. Thomas, St. John's road Y glesias Miguel, Crows, High street
COMMERCIA!., Fire Engine Station (W. W. Saward, capt. ; J. Whiting,.
Abbatt Caroline (Miss), ladies' school, Church hill engineer), Station road
.Abernethy Donald, farmer, Marshall's farm, Woodside Fitch Samuel, coal & coke merchant, & agent for Charles
.A.dams George, blacksmith, Epping green Garton & Co. prize medal Bristol ales, Stonards
.A.inger Waiter, bui;der Flack Frederick, cab proprietor, Station road
Alien John, boot maker Fleming George, Chequers P.H. Epping uplands
.Alien W ellesley John, baker Ford James, painter, Epping green
.Archer Estela (Miss), ladies' school, High street Ford John Brace, baker, Epping green
.Auger Thomas, art teacher, Salem cottage, High street Foster James, builder, Bell common
.Austin Charles, boot maker Fowler Trevor L.R.C.P. Irel. surgeon, & medical officer
Banfield Waiter, assistant overseer for North WeS:d of health for the rural sanitary authority & medical
(Bassett ), St. John's road officer & public vaccinator
Barnard Robert, shopkeeper, St. John's road Fuller .Alfred John, fishmonger, High street
Basha.m Elizabeth (Mrs.), Old Thatched House com- Garrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), Black Lion P.H. High st
mercia.! hotel & wine & spirit merchant Golf Club (R. C. LyaH, hon. sec. & treasurer)
Bassil Robert, Duke of York P.H. High street Gough George, Royal Oak P.H. The Plain
Beale William, farmer, Gills farm Gouldstone .Abraham, boot maker, High street
BeL. John Harrison, sanitary inspector to the rural Gouldstone Benjamin, shoe maker
authority, Lindsey street Gouldstone Eliza;beth (Miss), shopkeeper, High street
Blyth Frederick William, watch maker, High street Great Eastern Railway Parcels Office (A. B. Davi!.
Bovingdon Thomas George, tailor agent), High street
Brewer Charles, confectioner, High street Grout James, White Lion P.H. High street
Brown .A.rthur, farmer, Epping green Grout Waiter, carman
Brown Daniel, farmer, Rye hill Grove James, butcher, High street
Buswell Henry Herbert, beer retailer, Epping green Guest William, collector to Epping water works, High st
Butcher Edwin, house furnisher & tobacconist Haddon Eliza (Mrs.), postmistress, High street
Butler James, butcher, High street Harris & ·warren, carriage builders, High street
Chudley Char:otte (:Wrs. ), lodging house, High street Haslam Edward, grocer
Church Stephen John, pork butcher & celebrated Epping Hawthorn & Co. grocers & provision merchants
sausage maker, High street. See advertisement Hayward Ellen Maria (Miss), confectioner, High street
Clarke Mary & Emma (Misses), shopkeepers Herts & Essex Water Works Lim. (F. H. Hendri, sec.;
Clarke Alfred, Duke of Wellington P.H. & plumber J. Guest, manager; W. Guest, collector), High street:
Clarke Robert, blacksmith, High street Hills Joseph, grocer & draper, & agent for W. & A.
Clement Hannah (Mrs.), White Hart P.H. High street Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants
Convalescent Home (Miss Marten, sec. ; Miss Murrell, Hitchman John, farmer, The Bury
matron) Hummerston George, shopkeeper
Cook Edwin, wheelwright, Epping green Hummerston Thomas, shopkeeper
Cornwell Thomas & Sons, bakers, High street Hummers ton Thomas Alfred, shopkeeper, Lindsay street
Cottee Herbert Mark, insurance agent, St. John's road Hummerston Waiter, greengrocer, High street
Oottis William & Sons, '.A.rchimedean lawn mowers,' agri- Hurford Charles L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, & certifying
cultural implement makers & agents, iron & brass factory surgeon & medical officer to the workhouse.
founders, ironmongers, brick & tile makers &c. See High street
advertisement Hyde David, jobbing gardener, The Plain
Oowlin Benjamin, plumber & painter Kemsley Henry Hugh, farmer, Takeleys
Crampton John, mineral water manufacturer Kettle John, station master, Railway station
Crane George, farmer, Pinchtimber farm King Thomas, hair dresser, High street
Creed George, clerk to the magistrates & clerk to the Kirkby James, butcher
commi.'lsioners of taxes, Kendal lodge Lawrence George James, autioneer &c
Creed George John, solicitor & assistant clerk to the Lawrence Norman Stains, baker
commissioners of taxes, Kendal lodge Lawrence Thomas, shoe maker
Dashwood Frederick W. land steward to E. J. ·wythes Lee Robert John, George & Dragon P.H
esq. Little Copt hall Literary Mechanics' Institute; George Pegram, sec.;
Davis Alfred Brimley, printer & stationer & deputy T. Duffy, librarian
registrar of births, deaths & marriages for Ep_ping Maling .Arthur, grocer, Wellington place
sub-district, The Library Maling Gifford Elizabeth (Mrs.), china & glass dealer
Day Wm. Jas. inland revenue officer, Hemnall street & fancy repository, High street
Dean William, farmer, Hunter's hall Maltman David, tailor, High street
Dunn Hannah (Mrs.), corn dealer Mansfield Benjamin, farmer, Epping green
Durant Christopher, ironmonger Marrable Edward William, assistant overseer, High street
Epping .Association for the Prosecution of Felons (Harry Millns Henry, superintelldent to the Prudential Insurance
B. Yerburgh, president; E . .Alien, sec.; W. Tweed, Company, St. John's road
treasurer), High street Morris Harry, Cock family & commercial hotel, High st
Epping Choral Society (Donald Penrose, conductor), Mott James George, painter, Epping green
St. John's road Nathan Joseph, farmer, Currence farm
Epping Constitutional .Association (Major J. C. Tait Nicholls Thomas, farmer, Parvells farm
J.P. president; R. F. Ball, hon. sec.), High street Nicholls William Wade, grocer, High street
Epping Gas Co. Lim. (Waiter Tweed, sec) Noakes George, general dealer
Epping Liberal .Association (A. Whipps, chairman; Nunn James, farmer & dairyman, Mill home
W. Cable, treasurer) Oakley J ames, boot maker
Epping Ongar & District 348th Starr Bowkett Building Oddfellows' Society (Leonard Sudul, sec.), High street
Society (T. J. Dean, sec.; J. Winter, surveyor) Odell John, stationer, High street
Epping Special Drainage Committee (W. W. Nicholls, Olney James (Mrs.), farmer, Chambers farm
A. Whipps, C. Cottis, E. Winter, W. Smith, C. B. Palmer Brothers, builders, contractors & undertakers ;
Sworder, Hugh Sworder, W. Tweed, J. Shorter, T. estimates free; works, nr. St. John's Church, High st
Rickett & C. Treece; Theydon Bois: J. J. Jones, W. Parham James, farmer, Marles farm
H. Nicholls, F. Whitlow; Theydon Garnon: W. Parish George (Mrs.), Bell P.H. High road
Willis, S. Fitch, G. Creed, J. Smith, F. H. Ginger) Pegrum Geo. farmer & assessor of taxes, Shaftesbury fm
Epping Young People's Society Phillips Lewis, farmer, Marles farm
Everitt George, stone mason, High street Phipps .Albert Cummings, saddler
Every Tom John, grocer, High street Piper .Albert Edward, school mastf'r, Chapel lane
Field James, butcher Polglaise Robert M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, High st
Prentice Arthur John, baker, High street Telce Charles, butcher
Primrose League (Epping Habitation No. 284); ruling Thompson Adam, blacksmith, Epping green
councillor, Major J. E. Tait J.P.; dame president, Thurgood Mary (Mrs.), apartments, High street
Mrs. Oliver; hon. sec. & treasurer, R. F. Ball Thurlow Thomas, draper
Pryor Ellrey, farmer, Forest Lodge farm Trevallion William, dairyman, Forest side
Pyne William Mogford, draper & clothier Trim William, farmer
Reynolds James, hatter, High street Trotter Raymond Douglas (firm, Windus & Trotter).
Rhodes George, road surveyor to Epping union, St. solicitor & deputy superintendent registrar & corn·
John's road missioner
Rickett Thomas, farmer, Hayleys farm, Upland Trussell Frederick, confectioner, High street
Roe James, saddler, High street Twynn William, coffee rooms, High street
Rowland Thomas William, chemist Venables Robert Francis, White Swan P.H. High street
Saward \Yilliam Willoughby, coach builder Volunteer Battalion 1st Essex Regiment (C Coy.), (Capt.
Scadding George Joseph, Cock & Magpie P.H. Upland Raymond Douglas Trotter, commandant; J. E. Windus
Scruby Ernest Edgar, grocer & china dealer & C. H. F. Christie, lieuts. ), Drill hall, High street
Shoate Mary (Miss), dress maker, High street Voss William Edward, furniture dealer
Silcock Henry, furniture dealer West Essex Polo Club (Capt. A. ·waters esq. sec.;
Simpson Frederick, boot maker Major J. C. Tait J.P. treas)
Skinnerton Thomas John, Globe P.H. Lindsey street Whincop George Henry, Sun P.H. High street
Smith Peter, farmer, Gibbons Bush farm, Epping green Whipps Arthur, corn merchant & farmer, Lindsey street
Smith lrilliam, draper Williams Thomas, wine & spirit merchant, High street
Sortwell James, builder &c Windus & T10tter, solicitors
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. (branch), bankers (Wltr. Tweed, Windus John William (firm, Windus & Trotter), solici-
manager); draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, tor, commissioner, clerk to the guardians & rural
Bouverie & Co. London, sanitary authority, school attendance committee &
Spencer Mary Ann (Mrs.), tailor & tobacconist, High st assessment committee & superintendent registrar
S'tace Joseph, hair dresser Winter James, architect & surveyor, Dane lodge
Street ·waiter, school attendance officer, Thornwood corn Womack Robt. sup. of police, Police station, High street
Sworder Charles B. & A. corn & coal merchants Wood James, carpenter, High street
Sworder Hugh F.S.I. auctioneer, valuer, estate agent, ·wood James (Mrs.), :nilliner
& surveyor, High street Wright Sarah Ellen (:Miss), school, Prospect ho. High st
Symes William, farmer, ·wintry Park farm Wright Jane Sophia (Mrs.), registrar of births & deathi!
Taverner Edmund, blacksmith & vaccination officer for Epping sub-district
'faylor Henry, boot maker, High street Wright Misses, ladies' school, Hemnalls
Tee James Herbert, solicitor & commissioner. High st Yates Alfred, boot maker
Tee Thomas Joseph, solicitor & commissioner, High st Yerburgh Harry Beauchamp, brewer, Lindsey street
F AIRSTED (or Fairstead) is an undulating parish, the way to Calvary: the wall at the south-east corner
about 3 Iniles east of the road from Chelmsford to is inscribed with a "Bidding Prayer" for James I. :
:Braintree, 3 miles south-west from Bulford station on there are 120 sittings. The register dates from
the Witham and Braintree branch, and 3 north-west from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, average
Hatfield Peverel station on the main line of the Great tithe rent-charge £373, net yearly value £280, including
Eastern railway, 6 south from Braintree, 8 north from 84 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop
Chelmsford, in the Eastern division of the county, of St. Albans, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Frederick
Witham hundred and petty sessional division, Braintree James Manning D.D. of Lincoln College, Oxford, and
union and county court district, rural deanery of Wit- surrogate. '.rhe rectors of this parish can be traced to
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the year 1390. The poor have the interest of £200,
.Albans. The church of St. Mary is an ancient building bequeathed in the year 1828 by Mr. James Carter, now
"Of flint, in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, invested in the 2! per Cents. in the names of the
north porch and a western tower with lofty shingled Charity Trustees, and producing £6 ss. for coals or
spire, containing 4 bells, one of which is of pre- blankets, distributed in Christmas week. Warley Hall,
!Reformation date: on the chancel wall is a monumental now a farm house, was formerly moated, and according
slab to Joshua Blowers, rector of this church in 1656, to tradition had an attached chapel, called "Lady
and Elizabeth, his second wife: the chancel, which is Wydelin's Chapel." The principal landowners are Lord
entered from the nave by a fine brick arch of early date, Rayleigh, who is lord of the manor, and H. Bullock esq .
.retains piscina and sedilia; and there is a very ancient The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
oaken chest, about 9 feet long and 2 feet wide, cut out crops are wheat, barley, turnips, peas and beans. The
of solid timber and bound with iron: the oak benches of area is 1,853 acres; rateable value, £1,325; the popnla-
the nave, carved with the linen pattern, are of the 16th tion in 1891 was 282.
century: there are traces of a rood loft: the chancel Fuller Street is a hamlet, 1! miles west of the church.
was restored in 1881: in 1888 a pulpit of carved oak Ranks Green is two miles north.
was erected as a memorial to the Rev. Richard Marsh Parish Clerk, William Thurgood.
"White, a former rector: in 1890 the nave and tower were Letters through Witham arrive at 12.50 & 6.30 p.m.;
-completely restored, the western gallery removed and sundays at 10.20 a.m. Wall Letter Box, near the
the tower arch opened; during the restoration various Rectory, cleared at the same time. The nearest money
mural paintings were discovered, including, over the order & telegraph office is at Terling
'Chancel arch (1) Our Lord's Triumphal Entry into National School (mixed), for 6o children; average atteJ!d-
Jerusalem, (2) The Last Supper, (3) The Betrayal, ance, 44; Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Brown, mistress; Mrs.
"(4) Our Lord being crowned with thorns, (5) Incidents on Alice Melissa, assistant mistress
Fairsted. Bewers George, farmer, Fairsted hall Wright Waiter, butcher & beer retailr
JI.Ianning Rev. Frederick James D.D. Hammond James, farmer
(rector & surrogate), Rectory Wood Elizh. (Mrs.), shpkpr. Fuller St Ranks Green.
COMMERCIAL. Hammond Thos. (exors. of), farmers Searles John, beer retailer
:Balls James Wiltshire, farmer, Ash- Wright Samuel, farm bailiff to Lord Wright Waiter, farmer
well's farm Rayleigh, Troyes farm
'NORTH F AMBRIDGE is a very secluded parish 1 near the comm1mion table is a brass with effigies to
"()f scattered houses, on the north bank of the river William Osborne, ob. 1590, Anne (Walker), his wife,
Crouch, over which is a ferry from this village to ob. 1607, and 16 children : the whole church was
South Fambridge, with a station on the Southminster restored and a vestry added at the west end, in 18go, at
-branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 miles south from a cost of £2oo. The register of baptisms dates from
Maldon by road and about 13 south-east from Chelms- 1590 ; burials, 1556 and marriages, 1598. The living is a
ford, in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie rectory, average tithe rent-charge £251; net yearly
hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and value, £210; with 26 acres of glebe and residence, in
-county court district, and in the rural deanery of the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1893 by
Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. the Rev. Ronaia Fisher McLeod, of King's College, Lon-
Albans. The church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient don, and Trinity College, Dublin. H. Stevens, esq. of Pur-
building of red brick, in the Perpendicular style, con- leigh Hall, is lord of the manor, :Mrs. Prior-Johnson, of
sisting of nave, west porch and a small wooden belfry Great Baddow, Edward James Athawes M.A. of
.at the west end, containing one bell; over the corn· Shaftesbury House, Rochester, Kent, Robert Armour.
munion table is an oil painting representing the Lord's and T. J. Maude are the principal landowners. The soil
Supper and the church has an ancient octagonal font : 1 is a strong clay; subsoil, the same. The chief crop~


are wlieat, beans, and mangold wurtu!h.. The area is 1,248 A School Board of 5 members was formed 9 April, 1875;
acres, of which a large portion is marsh, and Ioo water; The Rev. R. F. McLeod is hon• clerk to the board;
rateable value, £956; the population in 1891 was 151. Edmund Carter, attendance officer
Letters through Maldon. Latchingdon (3 miles) is the Board School (mixed)., built in 1875, for 30 children;
nearest telegraph office & Stowe Maries the money average attendance, 20 ; Miss Isabella West, mistress
order office. Letter Box cleared 5 p.m.; sun. 10.30 a.m. Railway Station, Henry Weeley March, station master
McLeod Rev. Ronald Fisher, Rectory Carter Jacob, carpenter & joiner Morgan William, Ferry Boat inn
Armour Robert, farmer, Westwick & Goodey Da.vid, coal merchant Stevens Alfred Hy. farmer, The Hall
Plumes Laver Robert, farmer, Blue house 1
SOUTH FAMBRIDGE is a parish on the south from tithe-rent charge £221, with 125 acres of
bank of the river Crouch, 3 miles north from Rochford glebe, in the gift of and held by the Rev. Hobert
station on the Great Eastern railway, 8! south from Bourne B.A. of London University, who is als()
Maldon and 7~ north from Southend, in the South rector of Ashingdon, where he resides. Major Frank
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty Willan, of Thornhill Park, Bitterne, Hants, who is lord
sessional division and union, Southend county court of the manor, the West of England Insurance Company,
district, and in the rural deanery of Rochford, arch- of Exeter, and Alien Stallibrass esq. of Eastwood, are the
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The river chief landowners. The soil is a strong clay; subsoil,
is here crossed by ferry boats, which convey horses and clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, &c. The area
carriages. The church of All Saints, erected in 1846, is 1,189 acres of land and us water; rateable value,
is a small edifice of white brick in the Early English £744; the population in 1891 was 79·
style, built in place of an earlier church, and con- . .
sisting simply of nave and a western tower of wood Letters through Rochford S. 0. whiC_h 1s the nearest
containing one bell; there are 6o sittings. The register money order & telegraph office, arnve at 8.30 a.m
of baptisms dates from 1765; burials, 1775; marriages, The cliildren of this parish attend the school at Ashing-
I754- The living is a rectory, average yearly value don
Carver Henry, farm bailiff to Major Harrington John, farm bailiff to Law-~ Laver Edwin George, Rectory fal'm
Willan, Brick house rence Madge esq . Potton J oseph, Anchor inn
FARNHAM (or Fernham) is a village and par~'sh on in the gift of W. A. Geare esq. and held since 1885
the borders of Hertfordshire, 2 miles west from Stansted by the Rev. John Gullett Geare M.A. of Exeter Colleger
station on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, Oxford. Hassobury is the seat of Robert Gosling esq.
and 3 north from Bishop's Stortford, in the Northern D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and principal landowner.
division of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishop's The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, clover, beans,
Stortford union and county court district, Walden petty peas and roots. The area is 1,966 acres; rateable value~
sessional division, rural deanery of Newport, arch- £2,251; the population in 1891 was 477·
deaconry of Colchester and_ diocese of S~. Albans .. The HAZEL END is a hamlet of Farnham, 1 mile south-
church. of St. Mary, standing on the Sl~e ~f a hill at east; Earls bury is half-a-mile south; Level's Green,
some distance from any house, was rebuilt m the year half-a-mile south-west
1859 at a cost o~ upwards of £5,ooo, defrayed by the Parish Clerk, James White.
late Robert Gosling esq. and by the late Rev. W. J.
Copeland B.D. rector, 1849 -85: it is a structure of Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Brown, sub-postmistress.
flint with stone dressings, in the Early Decorated style, Letters through Bishop's Stortford arrive at 7.40
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle with chapel, & 11.30 a.m.; despatched at 9.10 a.m. & 6 p.m.
south porch and an embattled western tower containing Bishop's Stortford is the nearest money order &
6 bells : there is a memorial window at the east end telegraph office.
to the late Robert Gosling esq. d. I86 9, and another to Pillar Letter Box, Hazel End, cleared at 6.30 p.m.
Miss C. Edith Gosling: a new organ was erected in Church of England School (mixed), built, with residence
Sept. 1890 at a cost of £26o, as a memorial to Miss for mistress attached, in 1855, for 100 children; aver-
Edith Gosling: the interior is fitted with open oak age attendance, 77; & endowed with the yearly in-
benches. The register dates from the year 1551. The terest from a bequest of £1,500 from William E.
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £454• net Gosling esq. & £soo from R. Gosling esq. left in
yearly value £402, with 3 acres of glebe and residence, Consols; Miss Emma Holden, mistress
Geare Rev. John Gullett M.A. The Gillham Robert, farmr. WaJ.ker's frm Presland Jn, boot ma. Farnham grn
Rectory Ives. Samuel, Three Horse Shoes P.H Riches James, farmer, Saven end frm
Gosling Robert D.'L., J.P. Hassobury King John, chimney sweeper Riches Robert, steward to R. Gosling
Maginniss Mrs. The Rectory Marshall Danjel, head gamekeeper to esq. Estate office, Hazel end
Baker William, farmer, Hazel end R. Go•sling esq Sibley William, farmer, Lower farm~
Brand Charles, Globe inn P.H. & smith MartiDJ William, head gardener at Hazel end
Brown John, shoe maker & carrier Hassobury . Stacey Frank, farmer
Burls Arthur, grocer Peny Harry, farmer, Thrift's farm, Woods John, farm bailiff to Cun-
Cordell Bejamin, shopkE>eper Chatter end & I.incoln's farm liffe Gosling esq
FAULKBOURN is a parish and scatter~ village, held since 1853 by the Rev. Frederick Spurrell M. .A.. of
pleasantly situated on the road from Witham to Brain- Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. There are two
tree, 2 miles north-west from Witham station on the charities, one of £6 yearly arising from £2oo left in
Great Eastern main line, and 5! south-east from Brain- 1780 by Captain Hutchinson and one of £1 arising from
tree, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham charges on a. house at Kelvedon and left by the Rev. J.
hundred and petty sessional division, Braintree union Harrison ; both are distributed in bread and money at
and county court district, rural deanery of Witham, Christmas and Easter. Faulkbourn Hall, now in the
arclideaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. occupation of Andrew Richard Motion esq. is a stately
The church of St. Germain stands within the Park and pile of red brick, exhibiting architectural features of
is a small building in the Norman style, consisting of various periods, and stands in a park of 100 acres, on
chancel, nave, south porch and a western belfry with slightly undulating ground, well studded with lofty
wooden spire containing 2 bells; in the chancel are elms and chestnut trees: the square tower, which
inscriptions on brass to Henry Fortescue esq. ob. 1576 dates from the reign of Henry VI. is the most interestin!5"
and Mary Darell, ob. 1598; on the north side is a and ancient part of the house. Waiter Henry Bullock
mural tablet to Sir Edward Bullock, who was knighted esq. is lord of the manor ood principal landowner. The
at Richmond 5th July, 1609 and died in 1644; on the land is principally arable and grass; subsoil, clay and
south side is a costly memorial of white marble, with gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips, and!
life-sized female figure bearing a scroll, inscribed to beans. The area is r,151 acres; rateable_value, {.1,457;
John Bullock esq. d. 1740, and a third to Dr. Richard th~ population in 1891 was 140.
Bullock, d. Nov. x6th, 1754; and his widow, Whalley Deputy Parish Clerk, Joseph Lapwood.
Bullock, d. July 1oth, 1767; there is also some stained Post Office.-Thomas Ruck, sub-postmaster. Letters
glass. The register of baptisms and burials dates tlirough Witham arrive at 3.40 a.m. & 2.20 p.m.;
from 1574 and of marriages from 1576. The living is a despatched at 9 p.m. Witham is the nearest tele-
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £239; gross yearly graph office & Notley the nearest money order office
value, £270, with residence and 28 acres of glebe, in National School (mixed), built in 1855, for 30 children;·
the gift of the trustees of the Rev. W. T. Bullock, and average attendance, 34; Mrs. E. Sparks, mistress
Motion Andrew Richd. Faulkbourn hl Ledger Horace, farmer, The Wa.rren Strutt Sarah Salome (Miss), farmer
Spurrell Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Stud farm Troy's farm
Speakman Thos.(exors.of),fmrs.Hill fm Towns Harry, farmer, Hole farm
FEERlNG is a parish and widely .scattered village, which time Bishop Bonner occasionally resided here: the-
pleasantly seated in the vale of the river Blackwater, a arms of Heygate and a badge of Queen Elizabeth exist in
mile and a quarter north-east from the Kelvedon station a. window of the house, which is now the property of the
of the Grea.t Eastern (Colchester) railway, 2 miles south Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Here-is an ancient half- .
from Cogge.shall and 9 south-west from Colchester, in the timbered chapel, now used as a staible. Prested Hall,.
Eastern division of the county, Le;.den hundred, Witham now occupied as a farm house, was formerly a moated
petty sessional division, Braintree union, Colchester mansion, and remains of the moot still exist; Sir Thoma~
county cou11t district, and in the rural deanery of Cog- Charles Callis Western bart. D.L., J.P. of Sunny Bank,.
geshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese ·of St. Teddmgton, is the lord of the manor. The principal
Albans. The church of All Saints is an ancient building landowners are Mrs. Honywood, of Marks Hall, Messrs.
of rubble and brick, in the Perpendicular style, consist- Cornwell and William Raven and the Ecclesiastical Com-
ing of chancel, nave, north aisle of four bays, south porch missioners. The land is chiefly light, arable and undu-
and an embattled western tower pantially covered with lating; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wlieat, bar-
ivy, and containing 5 bells : the east window and others ley and seeds. The area is 3,230 acres of land and 13 of
in the chancel are stained: there is an elaborately carved water; rateable value, £6,oso; the population in 189I
font and an oak pulpit of grea.t beauty, with much carv- was 747, chiefly depending on agriculture.
ing: the chief feature is the beautiful old brickwork SURREX, a hamlet in this parish, was annexed in l85.of
porch and part of the wall on either side, built in the by Order in Council to Little Tey for ecclesiastical pur-
time of Henry VII. : three windows have brick mullions, poses only, reducing the population .to 66 3.
and in one of these is a Tudor rose : an old coffin lid of
marble, discovered some years since in the north aisle, is GORE PIT adjoins the township of Kelvedon.
now placed between the piers on that side of the church: Parish Clerk, William Henry Crang Lewis.
there is also an interesting mural brass, erected in 1623 Post Office. R. Harvey, sub-postmaster. Letters thr<>ugh
by Robert Aylett in memory of his wife. The register Kelvedon arrive at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 7.15 p.m.
dates from the year 1563. The living is a vicarage, The nearest money order & telegra{lh office is at Kelve-
average tithe ren£-charge £213; net yearly value £2II, don. -Postal orders are issued here; but not paid
with 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the gfft of the Pillar Letter Box, Gore Pit, cleared at 7.30 p.m. week
Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1873 by the Rev. days; 11.30 a.m. sundays
William James Packe M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. National School, built in 1846, is an Elizabethan building
The charities amount to 21s. yearly, for widow communi- of red brick, paxtially endowed by the Rev. Robert
cants. Fearing Bury Manor House, the residence of Drummond, vicar from 1829; there is :room fQr about.
Edward Catchpool esq. anciently belonged to Westminster go scholars; average attendance, 8o; William Henry
and after the Reformation to the See of London, during Crang Lewis, master
Bwnister The Misses, The WlJ.rrens Church Geo. & Joseph, seed growers plants on hire for table decoration,.
Catchpool Edward, Feering Bury Church Arthur, seed grower cut flowers supplied on the shortest
Manor house Clary George, seed grower, Rye mill notice
England Thomas, Rye Mill house Cornwell William, Sun P.H Moss John & Son, seed farmers &
Gibberd Joseph, Rye Mill house Dennis Waiter George, farmer, Malt- engineers, Church farm
Harvey Mrs. Rye house beggar's farm Moss John Wm. overseer, Church frm.
Packe Rev. Wm. James M.A. Vicarage Fairs George Edwru-d, farmer, Cock- Partridge .Albert, beer retlr. Surrex
Surtees John Oliver, Gore Pit house erills farm Raven Cornwell & William, farmers &;,
Tupper Ferdinand, Feering bill Fisher George, shopkpr. & beer retlr landowners, Feering Hill house
Warren Charles, Orchard house Frost Benjamin miller (water) & corn Shead Herbert, timber merchwt,
Wedgwood G. A. Feering hill merchant, Rye mills wooden hoop, hurdle & birch broom
COMMEROB.L. Hart Richard, gamekeeper to N. N". manufacturer
Bacon Hezekiah, shopkeeper Sherwood esq. Prestead hall Threadk.ell Jephtha, miller (water),. ·
Baker Geo. Hy. fru-mr. Herons farm Hutley Wm. blacksmith & rate collctr Feering Bury mill
Catchpool Edward, farmer & land- Lay Robert, wheelwright Turner John, fanner, Palmer's farm
owner, Feering Bury Manor house, Marshall Samuel, Bell inn, grocer, Warren R. M. farmer, Houchens
Lanfey hall, Hornegalls & The seedsman & florist; wreaths & Willsher Chas. beer retailer, Gore pit
Frame farm & the Gate House farm, crosses at moderate prices, wedding Winson Henry, farmer, Hop green -
.Ardleigh • & other bouquets made tQI order ;
FELSTEAD (or Felstead Holy Cross) is a parish with charities amount to about £6o yearly, chiefly left in 1564
a station I mile north-west from the village on the by Lord Rich, whose bequest of £35 yearly is distributed
Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree branch of the among the poor ; there are also aJmshouses for 6 poor
Great Eastern railway, 10 miles north from Chelmsford, people on the same foundation as the school, each inmare
4 south-east from Dunmow and 6 west-south-west from receiving £so yearly. Earl Cowley K.G., G.O.B., P.C.
Braintree, and comErehends the south-western corner of is lord of flie manor. The principal. landowners are the
Hinckford hundred, in the Eastern division of the county, trustees of the late Rd. Whiteley Octavius L. Skill esq_
petty sessional division of Hinckford south (Braintree Guy's Hospital, the trustees of Ormond Barnard esq. Rd.
bench), Dunmow union and county court district, rural Whiteley esq. and Charles Ellis esq. The soil is mixed;
deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, bar-
cese of St. Albans. ·The church of the Holy Cross is a ley, turnipst beans. oats and mangolds. The area is 6,4oB
building of stone, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value, £7,135;.
of four bays, aisles, south chapel, south porcli and an the population in 1891 was 1,85g.
embattled western tower with a lantern, containing a BANNISTER GREEN is one mile and a half east.
clock and 5 bells: the chapel, erected by Robert, 2nd Parish Clerk, Elias Taylor.
Lord Rich, is the burial place of that family, and contains Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., S. B. &; .Annuity, Insurance &; Ex-
a superb monument to Richard, 1st Baron Rich of Leeze, press Delivery Office. John French, sub-postmaster.
snd Lord High Chancellor in the reign of Edward VI. Letters arrive from Chelmsford & are delivered at 7
who died in 1568; the monument, constructed of various a.m. ; & at 2.40 p.m. First dispatch, to London, 3.20
marbles, is about 13 feet in height, and includes ~ re- p.m.; second, to Chelmsford &; all parts, 7·5 p.m
cnmbent effigy of the Chancellor, robed, uncier a canopy, Post Office, Hartford End.--..samuel Burton, sub-post-
highly decorate.d and supported by Cori?thian pilla;s: master. Lett~rs through Chelmsford arrive 6.30 a.m. ;.,
he:re were also mterred Thomas, son of Su Robert RICh, dispatched at 7.25 p.m
ob. I564; Richard, son of Sir Robert Rich, 1580; Robert Wall Letter Box at Bannister Green cleared at 6 p.m-
(Rich), 1st Earl of Warwick, ob. 1618; as well as Lettice week days & sundays 10 a.m
his daughter, wife, ISt, of Sir George Cary kt. of Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 6 p.m. week
Cockington, Devon, and, 2ndly, of Sir Arthnr Lake kt. ; days &; on sundays at 10 p.m
also Lady Rachel Montagu, daughter oi the Earl of Man-
chester, ob. I704; Robert, son of Oliver and Elizabeth FELSTED SCHOOL.
Cromwell, ob. 1639 ; Thomas W oodroffe, rector of Fel- Felsted School was founded in the year 1564 by Richard'
stead, ob. 13 Oct. 1712, and Dionysius Palmer, gent. ob. Lord Rich, who at the same time founded almshouses,
I Aug. 1630: the church has been restored at a cost of to be under the same manageVJ.ent; the pre!lent yearly
upwards of £3,500. The register dates from the year income of these charities is about £1,300: in 1835 the-
1558. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £62o, charity was placed in Chancery, & a scheme for its-
with residence, in the gift of Earl Cowley K.G. and held management being settled by the Court in 1851, it was
since 1869 by the Rev. John Charles Cox l\LA. of Trinity then entrusted to the control of a board of trustees ;
College, Oxford, domestic chaplain to Earl Cowley. There but in 1877 its administration was committed t& & body
is a Congregational chapel, with spacious rooms for Sun- of governors under the provisions of a new schema-
day schools and minister's house adjoining. The general proposed by the Educational department of the Charity
Commission: the nominated governors are appointed- in the summer, open to all boys under 15, whether
one by the Bishop of the Diocese in which Felsted is already in the school or not, & are tenable so long as
situated; one by the Lord Lieutenant of the county of the scholar is at the school, subject to the head mas-
Essex; and two by the magistrates for the county in ter's terminal certificate of industry & good behaviour:
quarter sessions : the representative governors are there is I! Qadet Corps in accordance with the War
elected by the members of Parliament representing the Office regulations, attached to the 2nd Volunteer Bat-
several county & borough constituencies of Essex; & talion Essex Regiment: an excellent supply of pure
there are six eo-optative governors. The school, situ- water is derived from an artesian well on the school
ated r mile from Felsted station, was rebuilt in 1864, premises: in this school the Lord Protector Richard
&; is a gabled structure in a simple style of Gothic, with Cromwell & Oliver & Henry Cromwell, sons of the Lord
:a lofty entrance tower, surmounted by a pyramidal Protector Oliver Cromwell, were educated, as also Dr.
:spired roof: attached to the school is a chapel, erected Isaac Barrow, the distinguished scholar, & Dr. John
in 1874: the chancel was decorated in 1885 at a cost of Wallis, the mathematician
.BJbout £250, raised by subscriptions from old boys & Head master, Rev. Herbert Andrew Dalton M.A. formerly
masters ; the chapel will seat 300. The school house, scholar of Corpus Christi college & senior student of
which is under the care of the head master, assisted by Christ Church, Oxford, & late assistant master of Win-
Jive house masters, will hold 19S boys, & there is a chester College; assistant masters: Rev. E. Gepp
.boarding house near, holding 36 boys, & a detached M.A., G. H. Williams esq. M.A. Rev. J. E. Stevenson
sanatorium; there is also a separate Preparatory Moore M. A. Rev. P R. Cleave M.A. Rev. C. H. Salis-
Eouse for boys. under 13 years of age: adjacent bury M.A., W. A. Haslam esq. M.A., J. F. Hartin Mq.
:are playing fields of 9 acres, containing a gymnasium B.A. Rev. R. B. Clark B.A., W. F. Beard esq. B.A.
& fives' courts, to which 23 acres adjoining have A. S. Graves esq. B.A., C.M. Miller esq. M.A. Rev.
recently (r894) have been added by purchase; there R. F. Elwyn B.A., A. Latter esq. B.A,, H. Puckle esq.
.are six senior exhibitions, three of the annual value of M ..A., H. A. Rhodes esq. B ..A., F. D. Windsor esq.
£6o each & three of £so each, tenable at either of the M.A.; organist & choir master, F. B. Rogers esq. M.A.:
universities of Oxford or Cambride,at the Royal Mill- drawing master, J. Ra.ndall esq.; shorthand, T. Reed
4:.ary Academy, Woolwich, the Royal Military College, esq.; violin, Herr Wldan; medical officer, J. M.
Sandhurst, Cooper's Hill Engineering College, Surrey, Hollingsworth esq. M.D., F.R.C.S.I.; drill instructor,
-or at King's College, London, for three years, or such Staff-Sergeant W. Blabe; clerk to the Governors, A.
portion of three years as corresponds with the usual Cunnington esq. Braintree
.course of the said college. Of these, one of £6o & one of .A School Board of S members was formed 6 Oct. 1 a
£so are open for competition every year. Canditates must for the Felstead & Rayne united district; F. J. Snell,
have been in the school not less. than three years at the Great Dunmow, clerk to the board; James Munson,
end of the term in which the recommendation by the
.examiners takes place. Liberty is reserved by the Great Dunmow, attendance officer
governors to withhold the award of these exhibitions if Board School (mixed), built in 1879• for 226 children;
there are no candidates of sufficient merit in the judg- average attendance, 126 boys & girls & 42 infants;
ment of the examiners. Boys who have been educated Ernest Arthur Johnson, master; Mrs. Johnson, girls'
ior three years at this school are qualified to compete mistress ; Miss A. Corps, infants' mistress
for the "Essex Scholarships" at Hertford College, Ox- Railway Station, Oliver John Penning, station master
ford, of the value of £wo a year for five years: for Oarrier. Hicks, from Swan inn, to Chelmsford, mon.
these there is no limit of age. Valuable entrance & fri.; to Braintree, wed.; to & from railway st.ation,
.scholarships are awarded after competitive examination daily
Elizabeth (Miss), corn dealer *Mortier Francis, farmer
fN ames marked thus * receive their I & confectioner Mortier Geo. farmer, Sparlings farm
letters through Braintree.) Cloughton Thomas, brick & drain Nash Chas. bricklayer, Bll-nnister gm
Abrahams Miss The Folly pipe maker Norris Catherine (Mrs.), laundress
""Bentall Mrs. The Peaches Coe Jabez, blacksmith, Bannister grn Non-is Frederick Thos. confectioner
Blyth Thomas Waiter, Leighs lodge Cordial Joseph, farmer, Alberts Norris Jarnes, butcher & grocer,
Geave Rev. Paul R. B.A Da;y Samuel Plowman, coach builder, Causeway End
Cox Rev. John Chas. M.A. Vicarage painter, plumber & decorator, Cob- Overall Agnes (Miss), farmer
Dalton Rev. Herbert Andrew M.A. bier's green Peagram Stephen George, beer re-
(head master Felsted school) Digby Jas. beer retailer & shopkoopr tailer, Pye's bridge
Tiymock Corporal Drain John, beer retailer Porter Ellen (Miss), stationer
Gepp Rev. Edward M.A Drake Kate (Mrs.), farmer & machine Pulford .Arthur Louis, miller (wind &
Gladwin The Misses owner steam), Cock Green mill
Hartin J. F. B . .A Ellis Charles, farmE>r, ~eward's Reynolds Geo. farmr . .Abraham's frm
Haslam William Arthur M. .A Felstead School (Rev. Herbert Andrew Ridley T. D. & Sons, millers (water),
Hollingsworth Jn. McKee, The Limes Dalton M.A. head master) maltsters & brewers, Hartfo•d Evd
Houchin Rev. Ebenezer ~athew(Cong) French John, watch maker, Post office brewery; & at Chelmsford
Kirkpatrick Charles J. Hartford End Fuller John, shoo maker Scrivener .Alfred Ernest, . farmer,
Moore Rev. Jn. Edwd. Stevenson M..A Fuller Joseph, Three Horseshoes P.H Felstead place
Ridley Miss, The Folly Fuller Thos. shoe makr. Bannister grn Scrivener Thomas, farmer, l'ond park
Rogers Francis Bassett B.A *Fuller William, shopkeeper, Rayne st Shaw Willia.m, baker, Bannister green
Salisbury R. Charles Henry B.A Gladwin William, grocer & draper, Smith Alfrd. farmer, Watchouse farm
Smith Henry T. Hartford End Bannister green Smith Geo. beer retlr. Bannister gm
Spencer :Miss Ham Samuel, farmr. Whelpst-ones frm Smith George, farmer, Glandfields
Taylor David Harvey Wm. higgler, Mole Hill green Smith Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Taylor Elias Haslin Jn. Jas. machinist, Cock groon Staines Benjamin, shoe maker
Williams Gerald Henry M.A. The Old •Hawkes Thomas, grocer, Rayne street Steward William,beer retailer&; blar.k-
School house Hicks Thomas Frederick, cool mer- smith, Causeway End
"*Woodward Mrs. Rayne street chant; coal supplied at wholesale & Taylor William, farmer, Brook farm
eo E CIAL retail prices Thompson Frederick Willia.m, butcher
MM R • Holdich & Gladwin, tailors Thompson Willia.m, farmer
*Arber Wm. baker & miller (wind) Hollingsworth John McKee L.R.C.P.I. Weaver James Skingle, Chequers P.H.
-*Attoe Alfred, travelling draper surgeon & medical officer & public & farmer
Barnard Ed.ward, farmer, Cam six, vaccinator, Stebbing district, Dun- Weaver Charlotte (Mrs.), farmi'r
Hartford end mow union *Whiteley Richard, fa.rmer & land-
1Ba.rnard William, farm bailiff to Joyce Thomas, jun. beer retailer owner, Grand courts
Arthur Bentall esq. Willows farm Juniper & Sons, coach builders Wilding Geo. fa.rmr. Great Greenfields
Bentall Aaron, fa-rmer, Pye's farm Juniper Henry, Bell inn Wright Anthony Bentall, farmer,
Bentall Wm. farmer, Rutland's farm La.yzell Edward, bricklayer Potash farm
Brewer & Co. grocers & drapers Ling Robert, Swan P.H. & carriage Wright Geo. saddlr.& frmr. Clevelands
Boyd Hugh Thomas, inland revenue proprietor Wright William, farmer, Millbanks &
officer *Metson Alfred, farmer, Rays Moore's farms
Brock Jn. farmer, Bridge House farm Moore Geo. farmer, Little Greenfields Young Davd. carpentr. Ba:mist'.lr g-rn
Brown James, farmer, Straights Moore Thomas Robinson, corn dealer, Young Frederick, carpente!"
Byatt Thomas, boot & shoe maker Milch hill
FINCHINGFIELD is a large village and parish, 9 of the Great Easte·rn railway, 6 east from Thaxted, in
miles north-west from Braintree and 9 north-ea.."t from the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred.
Dunmow stations, on the Dunmow and Braintree branch Freshwell petty sessional division, Braintree union and
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Brain- spot. Kemp's and Cole's charities were founded respec-
tree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. tively in 1623 and 1630 by William Kemp and Robert
The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient struc- Kemp esqrs. and subsequently augmented by Sir RO'bert
ture of flint, e<>nsisting of chancel with side chapels, nave Kemp bart. in 1730 and by Mrs. Ann Cole, of Great
of five bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower Dunmow; there is also an almshouse for widows, founded
with embattled parapet containing a clock and 8 bells: in 1576 by William Bendlowe, serjeant-at-law, and occu-
in the Kemp chapel is a monument to William Kemp, of pied by seven inmates. Spains Hall, the seat of Col.
Spains Hall, "ma.ster of himself so much, that what Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise C.B., D.L.,- J.P. is a red
others scarce do by force and penalties, he did by a vol- brick mansion in the Elizabethan style. The principal
untary constancy hold his peace 7 years:" he was buried landowners are Col. Ruggles-Brise, who is lord of the
10 June, 1628, ret. 73, and his wife Philippa, August manor, Albert Beddall esq. and Thomas Winterflood
21st, 1623 : here also is a marble monument to Thomas Legerton esq. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The
Marriott, with an inscription in verse, to John Marriott chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The parish
esq. of Champions, and Judith, his wife, I8o8-13, and to contains 8,387 acres, including Cornish Hall End (which
various members of the family of Ruggles, of Spains will be found described under letter C) ; rateable value,
Hall, 1784·1813: there is also a brass,_ lately placed by £6,516; the population in 1891 was, civil, 1,584; eccle-
his brother officers to the memory of Capt. Cecil Edward siastical, 1,162.
Ruggles-Brise, son of Col. Ruggles-Brise, who was killed Parish Clerk, George French.
by an accident in Nova Scotia, 29 November, 1888: in Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity, Insurance & Ex-
the south chantry is an altar tomb, with brass effigies, to press Delivery Office.-Miss Maria Ann Gatward, sub-
John Berners esq. and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of postmistress. Letters arrive from Braintree, by cart,
Simon Wysseman esq. 1523, both figures being in heraldic at 6.55 a. m. & 12.35 p.m.; dispatched at 2.55 & 5.30
dresses: in the north chantry, or Kemp chapel, is an in- p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 6.55 a. m. ; dispatched at
scription on brass to Robert Kempe esq. ob. 1524, and 5.30 p.m
Anp.e his wife: there is a very finely carved old oak County Police Station, John Samuel Warren, constable
screen and the font is also ancient. The register dates Schools:-
from the year 1617. The living is a vicarage, average National (mixed), built in 1856, for 180 children; aver-
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £546, with 38 acres age attendancf', 135; Frederick Hazard Riggs, master
of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1889 British (mixed), built in x865, for 100 children; average
by the Rev. Arthur Francis Burgoyne M.A. of Trinity attendance, 48 ; Miss Sarah Payne, mistress
College, Cambridge. The rectorial tithes are commuted Carriers to:-
at £1,506. Here is a Congregational chapel, enlarged in Braintree-Edwin Clapson, daily; Edward Wakeling,
1873, and seating about 450 persons. In the centre of mon. wed. & fri
the village is Finchingfield Green, a very picturesque Saffron Walden--George Wakeling, every tues
Ba.iley Rev. George (Congregational), Crossman William, plumber, painter & Linsell Horace George, grocer &
The Manse glazier; & at Great Bardfield draper, & agent for W. & A.
Barber Miss Cutts Isaac, baker Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit mers
Beddall Albert, Daw street Dodd Maria (Mrs.), dress maker Martin Alfred George, Three Tuns
Beddall Augustus, Prospect house Ea.ton Thomas, Swan P.H P.H. & baker
Beddall Miss, Prospect house Franklin Jn. farmer, Champion's '.frm Massey John W. farmer, Colemans
Burgoyne Rev. Arthur Francis M.A. French George, parish clerk Norman Thomas, Red Lion P.H
The Vicarage French Herbert Louis, clothier Otley Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Haw-
Choat Joseph, Brook house French Joseph, hair dresser kin's harvest
Gatward James, Swiss cottage Gatward Maria Ann (Miss), stationer, Perkin George, farmer, Yeldhams
Hutchison Frederick William Ernest Post office Perry Henry, grocer & draper
M.B. Hill house Goldstone Waiter, harness maker Reading Room (Joseph French, sec)
Hutchison William M.D. Hill house Grugeon Thomas Edgar, baker Riley William, farmer, Cottons
Legerton Barnard, Boy ton hall Hitching Ezra. John, shoo maker Smart John, watch maker
Legerton Thos. Winterflood, Howe hall Hutchison Frederick William Ernest Tofts James Wm. farmr, Dairy farm
Linsell Horace George, Spring mead M.B., Ch.M. Glas. surgeon, Hill ho Tofts Thomas, farmer, Broad farm
Maxtead Reginald A. Justices Hutchison William M.D., L.F.P.S. Turner Charles, blacksmith
Payne Miss Glas., L.M. surgeon, & medical Turner Charles (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Riggs Frederick Hazard officer & public vaccinator, Finch- Turner Edward, poulterer
Ruggles-Brise Col. Samuel Brise C.B., ingfield district, Braintree union, Wadley Henry, farm bailiff to Col.
D.L., J.P. Spains hall Hil1 house Ruggles-Brise, Petches farm
COYMERCIAL. Jarvis George, grocer & baker Wakeling Edwd. carrier, Tile Kiln frm
Ambrose Jeffrey, butcher Johnson Thomas, foreman to Col. Wakeling George, cattle dealer &
Bacon John, farmer, Parsonage farm Ruggles-Brise C.B. Brent hall carrier, Tile Kiln farm
Beddall Albert, farmer, Daw street Johnstone Johanna. (Mrs.), beer retlr Wakeling James, farmer, Tile Kiln frm
Bright Benj. jun. farmer, Cross farm Kersey - , farmer, Wincey farm Wells Henry Ernest, Green Man P.H.
Chapman Henry, blacksmith Legerton Thomas Wint.erflood, farmer, & carpenter
Chapman John, wheelwright Boyton hall & Howe hall Wisbey Charles, farmer, Town farm
Choat John W. beer retailer Letch Andrew Luke, miller (wind) & Wright Ann (.Mrs.), grocer & draper
Coe Emma (Mrs.), dress maker farmer, Pakes farm Wrighton James, farm bailiff to Fredk.
County Police Station (John Samuel Ling Waiter, farmer, Ashwell hall Byford esq. Nortofts farm
Warren, constable) MacMillon John, farmer, Thnrshms
FINGRINGHOE is a parish, bounded on the north daughter," and on the other with a text in Latin from
by the river Roman, over which is a wood bridge to East the book of Job: there is also here a remarkable iron-
Donyland and on the east by the Colne, about 1! miles banded oak chest,hewn out of a solid tree a.nd dated 1684:
from Wivenhoe station on the Tendring hundred branch the church was much injured by the earthquake of April
of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-south-east from 22nd, 1884, and has been repaired, at a cost of £120, by
Colchester and 55 from London, in the North Eastern a grant from the Mansion House fund: during the course
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and of the repairs several fine fresco paintings were dis-
\Vinstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester covered, one representing St. Michael weighing souls and
county court district, rural deanery of Mersea, arch- another a representation of Our Saviour with the instru-
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The ments of crucifixion; overhead 1s an angel bearing a
church of St. Andrew, situated on a wooded eminence scroll with the inscription, ''In omnj opere memento
overlooking the Colne, is a building of brick and stone finis." The registers date from about 1751. The living
in the Perpendicular sty:e, consisting of chancel, nave of is a vica~rage, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge
three bays, south aisle, south porch and an embattled £131, with 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of :Mrs. Walker,
western tower containing 3 bells, one of which is dated and held since r889 by the Rev. Charles Littlewood
1625: recessed in the north wall of the chancel is a Walker B.A. of University CoLege, Durham. There is a
monument with marble bust and an inscription to George Primitive :Methodist chapel here. The charities amount
Frere, merchant, of London, ob. 25 Oct. 1655; there are to about £35 yearly, left by George Frere, Giles Sayer,
also ancient brasses to Richard Bryan, ob. 30 Nov. 1592, and Thomas Cooper and are distributed in bread and fuel.
and Mary, his wife, ob. 3 Jan. 1587; and to Marcie, wife Fingringhoe Hall! formerly moated, is now a farm liouse.
of Richard Wade, ob. 13 Aug. x6o1: in the church are There is also an ancient house, now sub-divided into
two loose brasses, one of which is a palimpsest, inscribed cottages, which exhibits pargetting of the 17th century.
on one side to "John Alleyn, of Wevenho and Alise hys Sir Robert Affieck bart. of Dalham Hall, Suffolk, who is
. ESSEX 11


lord of the manor, Daniel Abbott Green esq. of Dony- or before 1890 has been included in the civil parish of
~and, John Felgate, George Page and Alfred Stannard East Donyland. All letters for this place should be
esqrs. are the principal landowners. The soil is marshy, addressed "Colchester."
light loam and brick earth; subsoil. loam and gravel. Parish Clerk, Joseph Fookes.
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. Post Office. John Crickmar, sub-postmaster. Letters
The area is 2,534 acres of land and 433 of water; rate- arrive through· Colchester at 4· IO a. m. ; dispatched at
able value, £r,8sr; the population in 1891 was 519. 8. rs p.m. The nearest money order & te!egraph office
SOUTH GREEN is a hamlet I mile south, on the is at Rowliedge .. Postal orders are issued here, but not
marshes of the Colne. paid
BLACKHEATH, 2 miles north-by-west, is aiso a ham- National School (mixed), built in r863; average attend-
let in this parish, for all ecclesiastical purposes, but since ance, 79; George With, master
Cho-pping Wasey, Mill house Chopping Ezekiel & Sons, millers (wtr) Parry Nicholas, farmer, Brick house
Don Harry Gordon, The Lodge Crickmar Jn. wheelwright, Post office Page George, farmer & landowner &
Scott Mrs. The Laurels Durrant Willia.m, boot & shoo maker assistant overseer
Walker Rev. Charles Littlewood B.A. Fookes Charles, blacksmith Pretty Alfred, beer retailer
(vicar), Vicarage Green Daniel Abbot, jun. farmer, Smith Elisha, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAI., The Hall Wyncoll Roberb, Whalebone inn
Cart-er Frederick, market gardener Grubb Thos. farmr. Ballast Quay frm
FOBBING is a parish and village, 5 miles south from Crown, and held since r85o by the Rev. William Stephen
Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury and Southend· Thomson M. A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. Here is
railway, 34 miles from London, 15 south-east from Brent- a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1887. A lighthouse, with
wood and 8 north-west from Tilbury fort, and is on a revolving light, stands between Thames Haven and
creek of the Thames of the same name, in the South Mucking Creek. The principal landowners are Captain
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett Thomas Charles Douglas Whitmore, of Orsett HaJ, Henry
petty sessional division and union, Brentwood county C. Long and Herbert C. Long esqrs. of Corringham, the
court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, arch- Rev. George Heathcote M.A. of 5 Arlington street, Lon-
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church don S.W. and the Corporation of Norwich. The soil is
of St. Michael the Archange:i., standing on an eminence upland, mixed; marsh lands, heavy; subsoil, various.
overlooking the river, is a stately edifice of stone, erected The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas,
in the first half of the 15th century; but exhibits some clover and tares. The area is 2,188 acres, much of
traces of an earlier structure and consists of chancel, which is marsh, and 334 of water; rateable value, £2,394;
with south chapel or chantry, nave with south atsle, the population in r8gr was 357·
divided fro~ it by an arcade of four bays, south ~o~ch THAMES HAVEN is in this parish, 2 g miles from
and a massiVe embattled tower at the west ~nd contammg London. The London, Tilbury and Southend rai:way has
5 bells, f?ur date~ 1?29 and the fifth 1724 .= I~ the. chanc.el a line to this place, branching from near Stanford-le-Hope
are s_ediha an<~ piscma, and there ~re piscma ruch~s m for the transport of cattle, and a dock for unloading cattle
the aisles : the font, an octagonal basm .on a s_quare pli?~h, from small vessels.
appears to b_e of the Decorated penod: m the ais1es Parish Clerk William Porter.
stands a curious tomb, apparently an old altar tomb ; ' . .
and on a slab of Purbeck marble in the chancel wall is Post Office. Wilham Payne, sub-postmaster. Letters
this inscription in Lombardic capitals, "Pvr l'amvr Iesv through Stanford-:e-Hope S.O. Box cleared at 5·45
Crist priez pvr sa alme ki ci gist pater noster et ave p.m.; on sundays, at 1~.30 a.m. The nearest money
Thomas de Crawdene fyt apelle;" the date would be c. order & tel~graph office IS at Stanf?rd-le-Hope. Postal
1340. The register dates from the year 1539 and is in orders are Issued here, but not pa1d
excellent condition. The 'Jving is a rectory, average School (mixed), built in 1853, for 69 children; average
tithe rent-charge £573, with residence, in the gift of the attendance, so; Miss Harriet Milne, mistress
• FOBBING. Halston John William, draper, provi- Raison Daniel, bricklayer
Moss Charles sion dealer & farmer Shade John, baker
Thomson Rev. William Stephen M.A., Hockley Henry, cowkeeper Wennell Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
J.P. Rectory Linsell Thomas, sawyer Wood William, White Lion P.H
COMMERCIAL. Page George, coal dealer
Bigg John, police constable Payne Waiter, insurance agent THAMES HAVEN.
Burchell William, farmer Payne William, builder, Post office Ockendon George, Dock House P,H
FORD END (or Forth End) is an ecclesiastical parish landowners are the trustees of the late John Jolli:ffe Tuf-
formed out of Great Waltham, 28 March 1871, and is nell esq. of Langleys, Great Waltham, who are lords of
supposed to derive its name from a ford over a brook; the manor. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief
it is on the road from Dunmow to Chelmsford, 3 miles crops are wheat, barley, beans, oats and clover. The
north-west from Great Waltham and 5 miles south-east area is 2,6n acres; and the population im891 was 743·
from Dunmow station on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow At NORTH END, r! miles north, is a chapel of ease,
and Braintree line of the Great Eastern rai~way, in the the property of trustees; it is a plain building of lath and
Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty plaster, tiied, and consists of chancel, nave and a western
sessional division, nnion and county court district and turret, containing one bell. The poor of this part of the
in the rural deanery of G'helmsford, archdeaconry of parish have about £15 yearly.
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. John LITTLEY G.REEN, 2 miles ea~, and ROPHEY
the Evangelist, erected by subscription and consecrated GREEN, r! south, are also in this ecclesiastical parish.
in r871, is a building of red brick with white stone Parish Clerk, James Cheek,
dressings in the Early English style and consists of
chancel, nave of five bays, south aisle, south porch and a Post Offi.ce.-Charles Fowler, sub-postmaster. Letters
tower, with colossal figures of the four Evange~ists at the arrive from Chelmsford by mail cart & are left at
corners and surmounted by a spire; it contains a clock Hartford End, they are delivered at 7.30 a.m.; the box
and 6 bells, two of which were additions in 19s 1, and one is cieared at 6.30 p.m. The nearest money order &
in r883: in r8 93 the chancel was rebuilt and a new organ telegraph office is at Great Waltham. Postal orders are
chamber erected on the north side at a cost of £6oo, by issued here, but not paid. North End & Rophey Green
the Rev. H. E. Hulton, vicar of Great Waltham: the letters do not come by this bag & should be directed,
chancel windows are stained and there are sittings for the former, Felstead & the latter Pleshey. Wall Letter
300 people. The register dates from the year I87I. The Box at North End cleared at 6 p.m. week days; 9·30
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £187, with a.m. sundays
residence, in the gift of Trinity College, Oxford, and held Church of England Schools (mixed), built in 1872, with
since 1892 by the Rev. Allan Leruthley Armitage M.A. of a tower & spire & master's house adjoining; they were
Trinity College, Oxford. There is a small Congregational enlarged in 1881 & will hold 156 children; average
-chapel and a Particular Baptist chapel. The principal attendance, 140; Henry Franklin, master
Armitage Rev. Allan Leat~y M.A. Bentall John, farmer, Old Park farm Coe James, wheelwright
Vicarage Brown Robert, grocer & baker Crozier Felix, beer retailer & pig
Armstrong John Lewis Pasteur Britton Albert J. Compasses P.H. & dealer, Littley green
Dowsett Phillip R. Ford End house shopkeeper, Littley green Devenish Alfred, Spread Eagle P.H
Payne William, Wall house Britton Fred, farmer, Poulters Dowsett Herbert, farmer, Park farm
Williams Henry, North End house Coe Amos, blacksmith Dowsett Ph1lin R. farmer & landownr
COMMERCIAL. Craig Donald, farmer, Graveley's Elliott Edwin, farmer, Butlers lodge,
Armstrong Jn. L.P. farmer, Hill farm farm, Littley green Littley green


Elliott J"oseph, farmer, Littley park ~Iartin John Wesley, farmer & land-'Reeve Jas. beer retailer & shopkeeper
"Everitt John, farmer owner, North End place Smith Alfred, beer retailer & shopkpr
"Frariklin Henry, organist Mascall Walter S. blacksmith, Littley Smith Thomas, shopkpr. North end
Ra.,ler John, farmer, Little Appletrees green Stokes William, thatcher
Ratton Thomas, Butcher's Arms P.H. Xewman John C. (exors. of), farmers, Thake Harry, pig dealer, North end
North e11d Absol Park farm Young Frederick, farmer & veterinary
]\lilbank G-eo. frmr. Green End farm
"FORDH.&..M (named from its ford at Ford street, over Thomas Lawford Lingham B..A. of University and King's
the river Colne), is a parish on the high road from Colleges, London. Here is a chapel of Lady Hnntingdon's
.Colchester t4> Cambridge, 4 miles north from Mark's Tey Connexion, built in I790, with about 150 sittings, a resi-
station on 111le Great Eastern main line to Colchester and dence for the minister, and a burial grol!fid. There are
!':Ipswich, 3 east from Chappel Junction station on the Colne two manors .. - Beamont esq. of Coggeshall, who is lord

Valley railway.. xo south-east from Halstead and 6 north- of the manor of Much Fordham and Earl Cowper K.G.
west from Colcllester, in the North Eastern division of lord of the manor of Fordham Hall, Joseph Green and
-the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree union Frederick Hammant Pettitt esqrs. and Miss Emily Ham-
.and petty sessional division, Colchester county court dis- mant Pettitt are the principal landowners. The soil is
trict and in the rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry mixed and good; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
·Of Colchester and dioces~ of St. Albans. The church of crops are wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is
All Saints, an edifice of stone in the Lat-er English style, 2,426 acres; rateable value, £2,486; the population in
•COnsists of chancel and nave of four bays, aisles, south I891 was 700.
porch and an embattled western tower containing 2 bells: Parish Clerk, John Barker.
in the chancel is a piscina and a marble monument to Post Office.-Mrs. Mary Cansda:e, sub-postmistress. Let-
~ohn Pulley, capt. R.N. d. 17I5: the east window is ters from Colchester by foot post, arrive at 9 a.m. &
stained: the church was restored in 1861-62; the organ, are dispatched at 5·35 p.m. The nearest money order
provided in 1884, was rep:aced in 1893 by a larger in- office is at Ford street & telegraph office at West
-strnment. The registers- date from the year 1561-2. Bergholt. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
"The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £56o, National School (mixed), built in I849, for 132 children;
net yearly value £402, with 33 acres of glebe and resi- average attendance, 89; Harry Rouse, master
.dence, in the alternate gift of Onley Savill-Onley esq. and Carriers to Colchester.-John Barker, mon. wed. fri. &
lEarl Cowper K.G. and held since 1868 by the Rev. sat.; Charles William Death, tues. thurs. & sat
"Elford Rev. Charles Edward (Congrg) Broyd William, beer retailer D~ath William, farmer, Houd's farm
16-wynne-Evans William, Penlan hall Bull Eliza (Mrs.), miller (water), & Knight Robert, farmer, Fordham pl
Lingham Rev. Thomas Lawford B..A. agent for the Liverpool, London & North Joseph, beer retailer & shop-
Rectory Globe Insurance Co keeper, Fordham heath
Worts Charles James, Fordham lodge Bullock Henry, beer retailer Partridge Jubal, Shoulder of Mutton
cmrMERCIAL. Bunting Waiter, beer retailer & shop- P.H. & smith
.Alt George Thomas, baker keeper, Fordham heath Pettitt Frederick Hammant, farmer
.Arnold Jpsse, wheelwright Cansdale Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & landowner
..Arnold Thomas, wheelwright Post office Pudney George, shoe maker
"Barker John, carrier Cleary Edwd. farmer, Fordham heath Wilson George, farmer, Friars farm
Jleard Joseph, jun. brick maker, Brook Death Charles William, brewer & Worts Charles James, surgeon, &:;
farm; & builder &c. at Chappel carrier, Fordham heath m~dical officer & public vaccinator,
:Brinkley George William, Three Horse- Green Joseph, farmer & landowner, No. 9 district, Lexden & Winstree
shoes P.H. & smith Fordham hall union, Fordham lodge
"FOREST GATE is a suburb of London, and a ward therefore included in the directory of Essex, but will be
-of the Metropolitan borough of West Ham; it is not found in Kelly's London Suburban Directory

FOULNESS ISLAND (or Foulness) was probably an ancient paten and chalice. The register dates from
in early times a ness or promontory, join~d to the main- the year 1695· The living is a rectory, average tithe
land, an assumption which seems to be confirmed by the rent-charge £31, net yearly value £Igo, inciuding 12
-modern names given to the smaller islands, and wa.s con- acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of George
-ceivably separated from it by an irruption of the Broom- Henry Finch esq. and held since I894 by the Rev. John
hill behind Wallasea. It lies at the mouth of the Broom- Kentish Harvey. George Henry Finch esq. M.P. of
hill and Crouch rivers, the south point of the river bank Burley-on-Hill, Rutland, is lord of the manor and princi-
lbeing formed by the Foulness, and is bounded on the pal landowner, the other landowners being John Page,
-south by the Maplin Sands and the sea: Foulness village William Andrews esq. Alien Stawbrass esq. of Eastwood
is 10 miles from Shoeburyness terminal station on the Bury, the representatives of the late Baron de Barreto
<Great Eastern railway, 12 north--east from Southend, 12 K.G.C.S. (d. 1890) of Brandon Park, Suffolk, the Rev.
teast-by-nort1i. from Rochford and 54 miles by water from Edward Owen M . .A. rector of Bradwell and J. Smith
London, with a road along the sands 5 miles in length esq. The soil is an alluvial deposit from the sea; sub-
1o Great Wakering: the island was constituted a parish soil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
in 1550, and is in the South Eastern division of the clover and white mustard. The area is 6.I52 acres of
~ounty, Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and land ; rateab;e value, £5,629; the population in 1891
union, Southend county court district, and in the rural was 676.
-deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Parish Clerk, Charles Clay Harvey esq.
()f St. Albans. It is 5 miles in length from north-east to
1!outh-west and 2! in breadth, and is inclosed by a sea Post Office. Alfred Cater, sub-postmaster. Letters
-dyke or wall: the water was formerly brackish, but are received & dispatched from Southend by mail cart,
-several artesian wells have been bored and 8 plentiful via Great Wakering. Great Wa~ering is the nearest
-supply of pure water is now obtained. The church of money order & telegraph office. Postal orders are
St. Mary, entirely rebuilt in 1850, is a building of stone, issued here, but not paid
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, National School (mixed), erected in 1846, for I40 child-
aisles and a tower with spire on the south side, con- ren; George Leeds, master; Mary Elizabeth Leeds,
taining one bell, dated I7IO : the church plate includes master
Ha.rvey Rev. John Kentish, Rectory Cottis William, farm bailiff to J. Hnme John, farm bailiff to A. Stalli-
Smith esq. Eastwick brass esq
COMMERCIAL. Dowsett George, farm bailiff to J. Matthams Henry, King's Head P.H. &
"Ballanger The Misses, frmrs. & grcrs Smith, Shillford farmer
"Belton Isaiah, shopkeeper Dowsett James, farm bailiff to J. :Mead Samuel, saddler & harness ma
"Bird George, baker Smith, Small gains Stammers Harry, farmer, New house
<Jater Alfred, shopkpr. & post office Guiver Jane (Mrs.), George & Dragon Threadgold William, blacksmith
G.ark Richard, farm bailiff to J. C. P.H. & farmer Whent "\Villiam, farm bailiff to George
Page esq Harvey Charles Clay, far111er Henry Finch esq. Nazewick
FOXEARTH (or Fo:iheard) is a village and parish, dred, ~orth Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbu:ry
t! miles south from Glemsford station on the Sudbury union and county court district, and in the rural deanery
and Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 of Hedin~ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese
miles north-west from Sudbury and 62 from London, in of St. Albans. The church, assigned at a recent date
the Northern divi~i011; of ~he county, Hinckford hnn- to SS. Peter and Paul, is an edifice of flint, in tJhf)
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four j M.A., J.P. and W. Salmon esq. solicitor, Bury St. E<f.
bays, aisle, south porch and a western tower, sur- Imunds, now (1894) sole trustee of the late Dr. Clopton,
mounted by a lofty spire and containing a clock and 8 , are the principal landowners. The soil is loam and
bells : the building has been very richly restored, a~ 1 grave::.; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,.
the windows being stained and the walls beautifully beans and barley. The area is 1,724 acres; rateable
adorned with paintings: a finely carved rood screen value, £2,o21; the population in 1891 was 382.
handsomely painted divides the nave from the chancel. Sexton, Cliarles Smith.
There are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year Post Office. William Ghinnery, sub-postmaster. Letterso
1550 and is in fair condition. The living is a rectory, arrive from Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) at 7.20·
average tithe rent-charge [336, net yearly value [325, a.m. & 12.5 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.
with 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Caven·
trustees of the late Rev. John Foster M.A. and held since dish. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
r893 by the Rev. WiJiam James Pressey M.A. of Wad- National Scliool (mixed), built in r847, for 120 children;
ham College, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel. average attendance, 63 ; Miss Flora Alice Barnes, mist-
John Oampbell Lambert esq. who is lord of the manor, Carriers to Sudbury.-John Byford & George Inch, tues ..
Thomas liale esq. trustees of the late Rev. John Foster thurs. & sat
Ewer Mrs. Claypits farm Evans Thomas Hardy, blacksmith Leggott Timothy, shopkeeper
Foster Mrs. Rectory Ewer Charles Shepherd, farmer, Ray Oharles, farmer, Cardinals
Pressey Rev. Wm. Jas. M.A. (rector) Weston hall Ward & Son, brewers
Suckling Miss, Lower Hall farm Galley Joseph Emmanuel, police Ward Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer
Brand Thos. Purkis, frmr. Brook hall constable
FRATING is an ancient village and parish, r! miles Robert Bickersteth Mayor B.D. formerly fellow of that.
north-north-west" from Thorington station on the Tend- college, hon. canon of St. Albans and rural dean of
ring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 St. Osyth The principal portion of the land belongs to-
east-by-south from Colchester, and 58 from London, in Caius College, Cambridge, in which the manor is vested
the North Eastern division of the county. Tendring and to the trustees of the Perse school, Cambridge. The-
hundred, petty sessional division, and union, Colchester soil is mixed, producing choice wheat ; subsoil, gravel.
county court district, and in the rural deanery of St. The area of the parish, which is well watered, is 1,275
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. acres; rateable value. [1,443 ; the population in r8g1·
Albans. The church (name unknown) is an ancient was 234.
edifice of stone in the Early English style, pleasantly Parish Clerk, John Warner.
situated and consists of chancel, nave of two bays, north
aisle, north porch and an embattled western tower, con- Post Office.-Alfred Almond, sub-postmaster. Letter'!
taining 3 bells : the church was restored and enlarged arrive through Colchester at 4· r5 a.m. ; dispatched at..
in r8 72 and has several stained windows: there are 420 8.5 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Elm•
sittings. The register dates from the year IS6o. The stead & telegraph office at Great Bentley. Postal
living is a rectory, with that of ThoringtOJl annexed,average . orders are issued here, but not paid
tithe rent-charge £624; net yearly value [427, with 106 National School (mixed), built in r855 & enlarged in
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of St. John's r879, for 8o children; average attendance, 6o; Miss.
College, Cambridge, and held since r863 by the Rev. Annie Davies, mistress
Mayor Rev. Robert Bickersteth B.D. Clarke A.rthur,_ farmer Robinson Wm. frmr. Manning's farm
(hon. canon), Rectory Downes Zenos, farmer, Hockley farm Robinson William, deputy registrar of
Rogers Benjamin, Cedar house Fitch Joshua Ambrose, farmer marriages, Ardleigh sub-district~
COliMERCIAL. Girling Thomas, farmer & cattle dealr Tendring union
Almond .rufred, blacksmith, Post office Girling Thomas, jun. cattle dealer Vince J ames (Mrs.), farmer
Butler Waiter, King's Arms P.H Kerridge 8hadrach, dealer Wenden Ernest, fa~er ~
Chisnell Charles, maltster Maskell Abrabam, jun. cooper & grcr Woodward Robert, farmer
FRINTON-ON -SEA i<> a very small parish on the is less sandy, rise cliffs over 50 feet in height, whence"
sea coast, with a station on the Tendring Hundred extensive sea and land views can be obtained : the roads,
branch of the Great Eastern railway, opened July, I888, varying from 45 to 70 feet in width, with houses wen
18 miles south-east from Colchester, r~ south-west from set back, ar~ so laid out that nearly all the residences-
"\Valton-on-Naze steamboat pier and station, in the North will command a sea view, a number of first-class house!f
Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty have already been erected, and others are in course of
sessional division and union, Harwich county court construction : it is proposed to form cricket and pleasure-
district, rural deanery_ of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of grounds and a pier, to be situated exactly opposite th6'
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The ancient church church : a complete drainage scheme is also to be pre-
of St. Mary, a building of rubble stone, restored in 1879, pared; Mr. W. G. Gillingham, estate agent, has been
in the Early English style, was previously almost the entrusted with the laying out of the scheme and iS'
smallest church in England, but was then enlarged by acting as surveyor to the estate. 'l'he first telephonic
the rebuilding of the chancel, which had lain in ruins communication between a light house and the shore-
since 1703, when it was blown down in one of the severe wa<> laid here. The Gunfleet Light House, just visible-
gales to whi!!h from its bleak position on the sea coast in the offiing, has through communication by the sub-
this neighbourhood is exposed: it now comprises chancel, marine cable {five miles in length) with Walton-on-the-
nave, south porch and a bell gable, at present without Naze, Clacton-on-Sea and Harwich Coast Guard Stations.
bells : there is a small stained window at the west end, R. B. Cooper esq. of Shenstone Court, near Lichfirld,
inserted by the present patron in memory of his mother: is the principal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsou..
on the north side of the chancel is a small window principally clay. The chief crops are wheat, barleyr
containing some ancient armorial bearings : the east oats &c. The area is 469 acres of land and 124 of water ;
window and one on the south side of the nave are rateable value, £I,II5; the population in 18gr was 75·
also stained. The register dates from the year 1754. Post, M. 0., T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance k
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge, £u2; Express Delivery Office.-William Geo. Gillingham,
net yearly value £r38, with 32 acres of glebe, in the sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Colchester
gift of Peter S. Bruff esq. of Handford Lodge, Ipswich, and via Kirby Cross at 8 a.m. & 5 p.m: & during-
and held since r888 by the Rev. Thomas Henry Cook. season at 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.r5 a.m. &.
The land in this parish, having been purchased by R. p.m. & during season at 11.40 a.m
P. Cooper esq. of Shenstone Court near Lichfield, is Letter Box Railway station, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &;
being laid out with the view of converting it into a 5.30 p.m. week days; no sunday dispatches
marine resort, with about 1! miles of sea frontage, half The nearest schools are at Walton-on-the-Naze, Great
of which has a beach of fine sand gently sloped and Holland & Kirby
admirably suited for bathing; from the other half, which Railway Station, Frederick Shorney, station master
Baldwin Thomas Frazer, Sea view Wordley James, Goodwin house Gray Arthur, gardener
Bridges Frederick, Essex house Ashmall Charles, farm bailiff to R. Innes William Arthur M.A. principal
Cook Rev. Thomas Henry (rector) P. Cnoper esq. The Wick Frinton college
Harman James, The Hall Brockman William Stanhope, butcher, Victoria Stores, provision dealers (F.
Innes Wm. Arth. M.A. Frinton college 4 Station road Partridge, manager), 2 Station road:
Marshall Alexander, Comus cottage Gillingham William George, house, Wade Amelia (Mrs.), Frinton hotel

Marshall Thomas Edward, Selhurst land & estate agent, Post office Woods Galen, shopkeeper, Station rd.
FRYERNING (Frierning) is a parish, forming three- from Ingatestone station, on the main line of the Great
fourths of the town of Ingatestone, half a mile north-west Eastern railway, and is about 23 from London, and 5 north·
east from Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, include 3 bequest by the Rev. Robert D'Oyley, rector
Chelmsford petty sessional division, hundred, union and of this parish in 1733, of 30s. yearly; another by William
county court district, rural deanery of Ingatestone, Bright in 1777• of £4 xos. being interest of invested
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, and money; a benefaction left by Robert Sorrell M. D. in
-at one period belonged to the Knights of St. John of 1825, consisting of the interest of £roo stock; the
Jerusalem. The church of St. l\lary the Virgin, situated interest of £250, left by William J}ordon Coesvelt esq.
about 1 mile north-west from lngatestone, is a building in 1841, and the interest of £wo given by deed in 1855•
.-of stone and Roman brick in mixed styles, and consists by the Rev. George Price M . .A. rector from 1826; all of
.of chancel, nave, south porch, vestry and a massive which are distributed to the poor in food and clothing .
embattled western tower of brick containing 5 bells, one Mrs. Rosamond Bonham also bequeathed in x8o5 £xoo
.dated 1590, three 1716 and the other 1793: the nave has stock, the interest to be expended in the purchase of
walls three feet in thickness and retains on its south bread to be given annually; and there is further a
.side three of the original Norman windows: the east charity by a person named Page of £2 4s. 4d. distributed
window is a memorial to Sir Charles Edward Keith annually in food and clothing. The Warden and Fellows
Kortright kt. H. M. Consul at Philadelphia, who died of lYadham College, Oxford, are lords of the manor and
1n May, 1888 : the tower, three stoceys in height, is a principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
noble structure of the time of Henry VII. with a loamy. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
machicolated parapet on small corbelled arches, over- The area is 1,391 acres : rateable value including
. hanging four and a. half inches, and indented battlements, lngatestone; the population in 1891 was 726.
the angles terminating in well-proportioned brick pin- Parish Clerk, Robert Smith.
nacles: at the north-east corner is a bold projection for Wall Letter Box, adjoining the 'Woolpack,' cleared at I
the staircase, which has an octagonal newel and stairs &i 7.30 p.m. on week days & on sundays at 11.35 a.m.
.curiously constructed of common bricks : the square Letters through Ingatestone, deliveries at 8 &i 10.30
Norman font is beautifully carved with foliage, crosslets, a.m. Pillar Box, St. Leonard's, cleared 12.40 &i 7.25
stars and crescents in slight relief; the church contains p.m. week days only. The nearest money order &
.a memorial to Edgar Disney esq. of The Hyde, Ingate- telegraph office is in lngatestone
stone, d. 1881. The register dates from the year 1595. National Schools (boys), built in 1873, for 137 children;
The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe average attendance, 72 ; Geo. H. West, master
.;rent-charge £304, with residence, in the gift of Wadham The schools of this parish &i Ingatestone are amalga-
College, Oxford, and held since 188o by the Rev. mated, the girls attending the school at Ingatestone
Frederick Tufnell M . .A. of that college. The charities Carrier. James Pease, to Chelmsford, on tues. &i fri
(For other names in Fryerning parish Parkinson Frederick, The Grange Milbank John, farmer, Ray farm
see Ingatestone.) Robins Harry, The Tiles Osborne Geo. frmr. St. Leonard?s frm
Conybeare Mrs. J. C. St. Leonard's Rose Mrs. Fryerning cottage Savill .Abraham, beer ret. Beggar hill
grange Tufnell Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Thomson Wltr. beer ret. Beggar hill
.Fry Frederick William Ward Mrs. Hill house Ward Thomas, Woolpack P.H
Kortright .Augustus, Furze hall McClure John & Peter, farmers, How- 'Willis Samuel, farmer, Fryermng ha:ll
Kortright William, The Hut letts hall Wylie Alexander, farmer, Wood barns
FYFIELD (Fifield, or Fifehide,) so called from ita value, [2,780; the population in 1891 was 567, including
.having anciently consisted of five hides or fields, is a 83 in lVest Ham School Board Truant Industrial School.
village and parish, on the river Roding, about 3 miles Pennyfeathers Green is I mile west; Clatterfoot End,
.north-east from Ongar terminal station, on the Great half a mile west; Witney, half a mile east; Cannona
Eastern railway, 9 north-east from Epping and 26 from Green, half a mile south.
·.London, in the Western division of the county, Ongar The Parish Clerk (William Fogg) has a residence pro-
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Brentwood vided from Dr. Walker's charity.
county _court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- Post, Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-Joseph Wm.
,deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Rolfe, sub-postmaster. Letters from Ongar S.O. arrive
church of St. Nicholas is an edifice of stone, exhibiting at 7.0 a.m.; dispatched at 5·45 p.m.; dispatched on
a mixture of Early English and debased Gothic work, sunday at 12.10 p.m. Ongar is the nearest moo.ey
.and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch, and a order office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
western tower containing a clock and 5 bells, cast in Endowed School (mixed), built in 1876, & enlarged x89r,
.1862; the church has a. fine old Norman font, ornamented for 130 children; average attendance 98 ; it was
with floriated crosses and fieurs-de-lis, the material endowed in 1692 by the Rev . .A. Walker D.D. formerly
being apparently Purbeck stone of a rich colour ; there rector, with 56 acres of and at High Ongar, now pro-
·is a fine piscina: the Rev. A. Walker D. D. a former ducing £30 yearly, which is applied to the payment
rector, gave a silver chalice and paten: the church was of the schoolmaster, for whom a residence is provided
Testored in 1853. and again in 1893, at a cost of about by the charity; the school is ordered "to be for teach-
£1,300, when several ancient and built-up windows were< ing all the poor children of the parish to read, write
discovered. The register of marriages and burials dates &i cast accompts well &i to say their catechism;" &
-from 1538 and baptisms from 1542. The living is r. a scheme has been framed by the Endowed Schools
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £564; net yearly Commissioners for its management ; .Arthur Charles
"Value £5oo, with 63 acres of glebe and residence, in Elderson, master; Miss Phoebe Clatworthy, mistress
the gift of George Mayor esq. and held since 1891 West Ham School Board Truant Industrial School,
the Rev. William Burland M ..A. of St. John's was erected at a cost of £8,ooo & opened 8 Oct. x885;
College, Cambridge. There are some small charities, it was certified May 19, 1885, as an Industrial School
distributed on Sundays in bread and in clothing at for boys, not to exceed So in number; .Ancel Culling,
Christmas to the poor of the parish. Earl Cowley superintendent; Mrs . .A. Culling, matron; J. B. G.
'is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are John Gidley-Moore L.R.C.P.Lond. M.R.C.P.Edin. medical
Lightfoot Newall esq. J.P. of Forest Hall, High Ongar, officer ; George Willgosse, schoolmaster ; Frank Crooks,
-the Ironmongers' C-ompany and Dr. Gidley-Moore. The drill master
soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, Carriers to London pass through from Dnnmow &
beans and barll'y. The area is 2,442 acres; rateable Thaxted
lJurland Rev. William M . .A. Rectory Clarke Edwin, farmer, Lampetfs vaccinator, No. I district, Ongar
..Croker William Cholditch Claydon Frederick, blacksmith union, &i medical officer to West
Gidley-Moore John Bartholomew Croker \Villiam Codner, registrar of Ham School Board Truant School,
Giles. Fyfield house births, deaths & marriages for Fyfield house
"Yull Alfred, Clatterfoot End house Bobbingworth sub-district & reliev- Hartley .Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper
ing & vaccination officer for No. 2 Hatch John, shoe maker
district, Onl('ar union Judd Charles, carpenter
lllatch .Alfred, carpenter & wheelwt Elderson .Arthur Charles, deputy Lindus Hy. frmr. &i brick &i tile makr
'Blowes Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, registrar of births & deaths, Bobb- Raby George, farmer, Hall farm
Maltings & Wardhouse farms ington sub-district, Ongar uillon Rolfe Joseph William, tailor, Post off
Eoyton Henry, farmer, Pick!'rells Elliott William, hay deaier & farmer Travell William & Richard, bakers
Bretton Lawrence, shopkeeper Filshie Gilbert, farmer, Witney green Willmot James & William, farmers,
!Jretton ·william Read, B1ack Bull P.H. Gidley-~oore .John Bartholomew Dame Annis & Hales farm
& catt~e dealer Giles L.R.C.P.Lond., l\LR.C.P.Edin. Yeomans John, miller (wind, water &
Brittain Hy. Russell, Queen'sHeadP.H physician, &i medical officer & puulic steam), corn & coal dealer &i farmer
'GALLEYWOOD COMMON is an ecclesiastical Great Badduw, l'fest Hanningfield and the hamlet of
ll_arish_, constituted O.;t, 20 7 1874• from the parishes of l\Ioubham, 3 miles south from ChPlmsford station, in


the :Mid division of the county, petty sessional division Chelmsford steeplechases are held here annually in
and county court district of Chelmsford, rural deanery March: a grand stand was erected in 1863, and a new-
of Chelmsford, arch deaconry of Essex and diocese of course formed in I 8go. Bexfields is the residence of
St . .Albans. The church of St. Michael and All Angels, Charles Alfred Onley Saville-Onley esq. D.L., J.P. The-
erected in 1873 at the sole expense of Arthur Pryor esq. area is 2,403 acres. The population in 189I was 778.
of Hylands, is an edifice of brick and stone in the Early Parish Clerk, Daniel South.
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south Post Office.-Mrs. Charlotte Brazier. sub-postmistress.
porch, organ chamber and a tower 57 feet high, with LeUers arrive from Chelmsford at 7.Io a.m. & 12
pinnacles, and an octagonal stone spire rising from the noon; dispatched at 12 noon & 6. 30 p.m. Postal urders.
tower to an elevation of 70 feet and containing 8 bells : are issued here, but not paid. Great Baddow is the-
the east window is stained, and there are 400 sittings. nearest money order & telegraph office
The register dates from the year 1874. The living is a
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £ 34 , net yearly value Wall Letter Box (near the 'Running Mare') deare<!.
£1g8, including sl acres of glebe, with residence, in at 11.3° a.m. & 6.3o p.m. week days only
the gift of Arthur Pryor esq. and held since 1874 by National School (mixed), for uo children; average-

the Rev. Hirzel Carey de Lisle M.A. of Trinity College, attendance about Io8; l\fiss Mary Emily Slieall &..
Dublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The Miss Alice Hannah Barnard, mistresses
(Names marked thus * are in the Brazier William, baker Pain John, horse dealer •
parish of Chelmsford.) Brooks James, beer retailer Potter Thomas, boot & shoe maker·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Charles, Eagle P.H. & baker Preedy Hy. Wm. White Bear P.R
Barnard Marland, Galleydean Brown John, machine owner & farmer Rimmer John, farmer, Parklands
*Bewers David, Woodlands Burrell Christr. shpkpr. Mill View ho Seaby John, Horse & Groom P.H. &;,
Bitten Robert Carter Hy. farmer, Great Seabrights shopkeeper
Bright Benjamin Chaplin Thos. frmr. Cannon Lays fm Simrnons Amy (Mrs.), farmer
Carter Alfred Cook Josiah, Admiral Rouse P.H. Simmons Thomas, farmer, Richard-
de Lisle Rev. Hirzel Carey M.A. Common son's farm
Vicarage Crabb Samuel, boot maker Smith William T. farmer, Byron ho
Olley Thomas Darby & Everitt, farmers Sowman 'l'homas, farmer, Phillers &i;
Root Alfred, Galley hall Francis Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sewell's f~r.m . .
Savill-Onlev Charles Alfred Onley Gardner Robert, poulterer Sparrow Willmm, farmer, Mill hill
J.P., D.L. Bexfields; & Conserva.- Gowlett An!l. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Taylor John, beer retailer .
tive club London s w Gowlett Wllham, farmer Thompson John, beer retailer ·
Southgate 'George Jarvis Ja_s .. hurdle ma. & miller (wind) Iyler Willi_am James, blacksmith
Sparrow John Lewis J~dd Willi~m, farmer. 'Yeeks RIChard, farmer, Goat hall
Tubbs Arthur Sawkins farm Mlll Fredenck John, higgler Wiffin Wm. farmer, Galleywood hall
' Moore John, blacksmith Windley Charles, farmer, Wood farm
COMMERCIAL. Oliver John, boot maker Wright Arthur, pig dealer
Bitten James, Running Mare P.H Overall Alfred, Blue Lion P.H
GESTINGTHORPE is a village and parish, on a 1 Tom Bromwich. John Robert Vaizey esq. J.P., D.L.r
brook falling into the Stour, 4 miles north-east from I LL.M. of Attwoods, Halstead, lord of the manor of"
Hedingham station oo. the Colne Valley railway, 5 miles Nether Hall; William Edward Oates esq. lord of th~
south-west from Sudbury, and 5 north .from Halstead, manor of Over Hall; Lieut. Colonel Waiter St. Georgtt
in the Northern division of 'the county, Hinckford Burke J.P. of Auberies, Bulmer; Mrs. Mary Bentali
hundred, North Hinckford petty se'ssional division, Sud- Branwhite and James Henry Alexander Majendie esq. of.
bury union and county court district, and in the rural 59 Brompton crescent, London S W, are the principal
deanery of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and landowners. Over Hall, the seat of William Edward
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. l\iary is a Oates esq. is a mansion of red brick, principally in the-
plastered edifice in the Early English style, consisting Jacobean style. The soil is light loam and clay; subsoilr
of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an em- various. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
battled tower of brick at the west end, containing 6 'l'he parish comprises 2,665 acres ; rateabl& value,.
bells, the first four being dated 1659, the fifth 1581, and £2,843; the population in I891 was 62o.
the sixth about I46o : there are memorial windows in the I Odwell or Oddwell, formerly distinct, is now in this
. chancel to Mary Whitbred Elwes (I878) and John Eley 'parish.
Collis (IB76): in the cha!lcel is a mon~ment. to Capta~n Post Office.-Samuel Rayner, sub-postmaster. Letter&-
John S:parrow, _ob. ut~ S_ept. 1.6 26, With his effigy, m 1 arrive from Halstead by foot post at 8 a.m. & 2 p.m.;
3: devotiOnal athtude, _withm a mche surrounded by war- dispatched at 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. The nearest money-
Ilk~ emblems ; ther~ IS also a mural monument to John order & telegraph office is at Castle Hedingham. Postai
Elhston esq. who died Jan. 22 nd, 174 1 ; a small brass 1 orders are issued here but not paid
to William Boulnois esq. d. 1862 and another to John . . ' . .
Brewer esq. d. I8 79 : the church is now (I8g 4 ) being This parish was made contrib~tory to the ~Ittle Maple-.
restored at a probable cost of over £I,ooo. The register stead School ~oard, .30 April, 1875, elechn~ 2 mem-
of baptisms dates from 1529 ; burials, 1509 ; marriages, ber~ ; the chlldren m the north-we_st portwn of th&-
1754. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- pansh attend the Board school at Little Maplestead
charge £533• net yearly value, £485, · with 30 Parish School (mixed), built in 1856, for 106 children;
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of G. average attendance, 77; Miss Frances Har:rison..
P. Elwes esq. and held since 18B7 by the Rev. Crowder 1 mistress
Bentall Mrs. The Grove Coe Nathan, farmer, Dalvyn's Finch George, drain pipe, brick &;.
Branwbite Mrs.Mary Bentall,Moat fm Corder Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer tile & earthenware manufacturer
B,romwich Rev. Crowder Tom, & shopkee_fer Mallyon James, farmer, Crouch
Vicarage Downs King, iron founder & agricul- House farm
Downs King, Rectory farm tural implement maker & farmer Nice Waiter, blacksmith
Oates William Edward, Over hall Felton Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Pannell Arthur, wheelwright, carpen-
Bear Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Nether hall Finch Alfred, assistant overseer & as- ter, undertaker & cabinet maker
Brewer George, Red Lion P.H sessor of taxes Rayner Elizth. (Mrs.), brick & tile ma
Goe Joseph, threshing machine owner Finch Arthur, baker & shopkeeper Taylor Thos. Fosdick, frmr. Hill frm
GOLDHANGER is a village, on the low ground near porch and an embattled western tower containing 5
the north bank of the estuary of the Blackwater and on bells : in the church is an inscribed stone to Anthony
the road from Maldon to Colchester, 4 miles north-east Heyham, gent. and his wife c. 1557: the church has been
from Maldon station, on the Southend-on-Sea branch, thoroughly repaired at the expense of the Leigh family.
and 7 miles east from Langford station, on the Braintree The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 south-east from rectory, with that of Little Totham annexed, average
Witham and 42! from London, in the Eastern division tithe rent-charge £710, with 35 acres of glebe and
of the county, Thurstable hundred, Witham petty ses- residence, in the gift of G. D. Collins esq. and
sional division, Maldon union and county court district, held since 1893 by the Rev. Frederick Thomas Gardner
rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, Colchester archdeaconry !'II.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. There is a
and· St. Albans diocese. The church of St. Peter is a Wesleyan chapel in the village. A fair for toys is held
building of dressed flint with Caen stone facings, partly on Whit-Monday. Numerous mounds on the river, called
in the Early English and partly in the Perpendicular barrow hills, were demolished to convert the ground into
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south chapel, south salt-pans for the manufacture of salt, which have now
reverted to pasture. A fishing trade is carried on here Post Office.-Robert Todd, sub-postmaster. Letters from
and in the vicinity is a large decoy for wild fowl, which l\Ialdon arrive at 7.25 a.m.; dispatched at 5.20 p.m.;
·;s not now used. Frank Postle Bawtree esq. is lord of sunday II.55 a.m. The nearest money order & tele-
the manor. Henry Fraser James Coape-Arnold esq. graph office is at Tolleshunt D'Arcy. Postal ordeu
M.A. of Wolvey Hall, Warwickshire, is the principal are issued here, but not paid
landowner. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief National School (mixed), built in 1875• for 120 children;
crops are wheat, peas, beans and barley. The parish average attendance, 92; Harry Branch, master; Mrs.
contains 2,125 acres of land and 6 water; rateable value, Branch, mistress
[2,335; the population in 1891 was 466. Carrier to Maldon & London.-George Burrells. every
Sexton, Daniel Wade. tues. & fri
Francis The Misses Argent John, shopkeeper ' Francis Robert ( exors. of), farmers
Gardner Rev. Frederick Thomas M.A. Baines Joseph, boot & shoe maker Harvey Willie Joseph, Chequers P.H
Rectory Belsham Oliver, Daniel & Lewis, Metson Robert, farmer, Street farm
Miller Rev. Thomas William Thurgill millers (steam) Miller Thos. shopkeeper & beer retlr
(curate) Bunting John, farmer & landowner, Page Robert, farmer, The Highams
Jehew's farm Page William R. farmer, Folly Faunts
COMMEROIAL. Cooper James & Son, wheelwrights Stowell George, butcher & carrier
Alexander Chas. beer ret. & shopkpr Cracknell George, farmer, Falcon hall Walden Henry James, Cricketers P.H
Alexander John, sheep dresser Emery George J ames, blacksmith
GOSFIELD is a village and parish, near a branch of at-law, who died in 1440: the east window has been re-
the Colne, on the road from Halstead to Braintree, 3 filled with stained glass by George Courtauld esq. as a
miles south-west from Halstead station on the Colne memorial to Susanna, his wife, who died in 1879· The
Valley and Halstead line of the Great Eastern railway, register of baptisms and burials dates from 1538; mar-
and 6 north-east from Braintree, in the Eastern division riages, I539· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty £266, including 38 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
sessional division (Braintree bench), Halstead union and gift of Mrs. Lowe, and held since 1871 by the Rev1
county court district and in the rural deanery of Hal- Henry Lettsom Elliot M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
stead, arehdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. bridge. There is a coffee and reading room and lectures
Albans. The church of St. Catherine, built about 1435, are occasionally given in the school room. Gosfield
is an edifice of stone, plastered, in the Perpendicular Hall, in an extensive domain, is an interesting specimen
style, consisting of chancel, with north chapel, nave, of the Domestic style of the earlier Tudor period and
!!Outh porch and an embattled western tower (added was inhabited by Louis XVIII. during part of his stay
about xsoo), containing 3 bells, two dated 1637 and 1704: in this country (x8o7-14); it is a large pile of brick,
in the chancel is a sumptuous monument to Sir John fmming a quadrangle, the western side of which remains
Wentworth kt. of Gosfield Hall; the north chapel was nearly in its original state; but the north, east and south
built by Sir John Wentworth kt. son of Sir Roger Went- fronts were built by John Knight esq. who owned the
worth kt. of Codham Hall, as a burial place for his estate at the beginning of the x]th century, various
family; he died Sept. 15, 1567, and was here interred alterations being subsequently made by the late Lord
under a fine marble tomb, on which are three brass Nugent: the interior is adorned by numerous paintings
shields of arms with quarterings and inscriptions; there by ancient masters and other works of art: the park, of
is also a raised tomb to his daughter Anne, ob. Dec. 5, 300 acres, is richly wooded and contains opposite the
1580 and her first husband, Sir Hugh Rich, knighted in west front of the mansion a lake of So acres.: it is now
1553, and eldest son of Richard, 1st Baron Rich of Leeze, the seat of Mrs. Lowe, who is lady of the manor and
and Lord High Chancellor 1547-51; Sir Hugh died in principal landowner. Cut Hedge is a handsome modern
1554 and the tomb retains fragments of a marginal in- residence, the seat of George Courtauld esq. J.P. Gos-
scription; Anne Rich married secondly Henry Fitzalan, field Place is the residence of Mrs. Sparrow. The soil
by courtesy Baron Maltravers, and thirdly William Deane is strong clay; subsoil, clay and loam. The chief crops
esq. but had no issue: the west part of the chapel was, are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,978 acres of
in the Georgian period, converted into a family pew, in land and 55 of water; rateable value, £3,057; the popu-
which there is a b)autiful marble monument by Schee- lation in 1891 was 546.
makers, with life~s1ze figures of John Knight esq. ob. Parish CJerk, John Lee.
1733 and Anne (Craggs), his wife, ob. 1756: among the Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
memorial tablets to the Nugent family is one to Robert Thom~s Fookes, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
Nugent, of Carlanstown, eo. Westmeath, created Baron Halstead by foot post & delivered about 8 a.m.; dis-
Nugent and Viscount Clare in 1767 and afterwards, in patched at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
1776, Earl Nugent of the Kingdom of Ireland, second Halstead
husband of Anne (Craggs), widow of John Knight esq.; School (mixed), built in 1858, for 150 children; average
Earl Nugent died Oct. 14, 1788: in the chancel is a tomb attendance, 89; :Miss Charlotte Mary Hull, mistress
with a brass effigy 3 feet 6 inches in lengh and some A school-room, erected by the late Basil Sparrow esq. is
quaint rhyming Latin verses, to Thomas Rolfe, serjeant- now used for the sunday school
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 'iYhiting James, Shardhighs Jeggo Golden, birch broom maker &
Courtauld George J.P. Cut Hedge COMMERCIAL. farmer
Ell~ot Rev. Henry Lettsom M. A. Ardley William, farmer & thrashing Lee John, boot maker
Vicarage machine proprietor, Aylward's farm Metson Frederick, Green Man P.H,
Lowe Mrs. Gosfield hall Bloomfield Alfred, farm bailiff to ~Irs. it brewer
Lowe Arthur Courtauld Willoughby, Lowe Pinhey Wiiliam, farmer, Park hall
Gosfield hall Bogue Jn. Wilkinson,King's Head P.H Porter John, farmer, Pear Tree farm
L~we Percy Taylor, Gosfield hall Broyd Henry, farmer & cattle dealer Rankin Jsph. whlwrght. & blacksmith
Scratton Miss, Gosfield cottage Fookes Thomas, grocer, Post office Reading & Coffee Room (John South-
Sparrow Mrs. Gosfield Place French George Arthur, shopkeeper gate, caretaker)
GRAYS THURROCK (commonly, Grays) is a thriv- precipitation and subsequently filtered, and there are
ing town and parish, with a station on the London, Til- outfall works in the south-east part of the town near the
bury and Southend railway, which is also the junction of Thames. The parish of Little Thurrock and the Til-
the line to Upminster and Romford, 21 miles from Lon- bury portion of Chadwell St. Mary are also connected •
don, 3! west from Tilbury Fort, 4 south-west from with these works for drainage purposes. The church of
Orsett and 3 (by water) from Gravesend, and is in the SS. Peter and Paul, rebuilt in 1846, is a cruciform build-
South Eastern division of the county, in Chafford hun- ing of flint in the Early English style, consisting of
drea, Orsett union and petty sessional division, Gravesend chancel, nave, north aisle of similar dimensions, divided
('ounty court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, int() four bays, south porch and a tower on the north
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The side with dwarf broach spire and containing 3 bells: the
to\\ n is governed by a Local Board of Health, consisting stained east window is a memorial to the children of R.
of nine members, established in 1886; it is lighted Meeson esq. and was erected in 1870: there is a me-
with gas by the Grays Gas Co. Limited and supplied with morial tablet in the church to the schoolmaster and boys
water from the South Esse:x Water Works; the chief of the training ship "Goliath," who perished by drown•
pumping station, which is at Grays, also supplies the :ing during the destruction of that vessel by fire, Dec.
surrounding villages. In 1894 a system of drainage 22, 1875: the church plate includes a handsome flagon,
was completed at a t()tal cost of about £42,ooo, 1mder presented 6 Sept. 1877, by Jeremiah Long esq.: there
the superintendence of Mr. W. H. Radford A.M.I.C.E. is a brass of a civilian with his two wives and some
of Nottingham; the sewage is treated by •
chemical children (c. 1510) and various modern memorials to the
families of Button, of Mucking Hall; ~Ieeson, of Duvals; rateable value, £32,514; the population in :z881 was
De Vitre and others: the church affords 750 sittings. 5,327 and in 1891, 12,219, which includes 475 on board
The register of marriages and of burials dates from the training ship " Exmouth," and 413 on board tlte
1674; baptisms from 1677· The living is a vicarage, London School Board's Industrial school ship "Shaftes-
average tithe rent-charge £170, net yearly value £170, bury."
witn residence, in the gift of Claude H. Long esq. of so Parish Clerk, Charles Seabrooke. ·
Marine parade, Brighton, and held since 1891 by the Post, & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance &
Rev. Alfred Haselhurst Delafield M.A. of Oxford Uni- Express Delivery Office, New road.-Charles Homer-
versity. All Saints is an ecclesia.stical district formed in sliam, postmaster. Letters should be addressed Grays,
1886, the temporary iron church, in William street, Essex; arrive from London direct; are delivered at
erected in 1887 at the expense of th«i late J. Theobald 7 & 7 .30 a.m ; 2 & 6 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m.; dis-
esq. M.P. will seat about 400 people: the Rev. Fredrick patched at 9.30 a.m. 12.25, 3.0, s.o, 8.o & 9.30 p.m.;
Haslock has been curate in charge since 1886. There sundays 9.30 p.m. Money orders granted from 9 a.m.
is also a parish hall, in the Broadway, a mission house till 9 p.m. Telegraph business transacted from 8 a.m.
in Arthur street, with a reading and a recreation room till 8 p.m. ; on snndays from 8 to 10 a.m. only
for men, and an institute for girls in William street. Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & A. & I. Office, High
George Henry Errington esq. of Merry Oak, Southamp-1 street. Charles Chattey sub-postmaster· open from
ton, is owner of the impropriate tithes. The Catholic 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week d;ys only. Box cl~ared at 9.10
church, in East Thurrock road, dedicated to St. Thomas & 11. 4 o a.m. 2.40, 4.4o, s. 4o & 8.40 p.m. week
of Canterbury, and erected in 1886, at a cost of £3,500, days only
is of brick with stone dressings and w-ill seat 450; ad- Wall Letter Boxes cleared:-
joining is a piece of land belonging to the church. The Grove road, 9 & 11.30 a.m.; 2.30, 4 .30, 5.30 & 8.30 p.m
Congregational chapel, in New road, was built in 1886, Argent street, 9, 10 & 11.40 a.m.; 2.40, 4. 4o, 5.40 &
at a cost of £2,8oo, and will seat soo. The Baptist s. 46 p.m
chapel, in Orsett road, was erected in 1893, at a cost of London road, 9 & 11.30 a.m.; 2.30, 4.30, 5.30 &
£1,530, from the designs of Mr. Charles Cobham F.S.I. 8. 30 p.m
architect, of Grays, and has sittings for soo. The Pri- Orsett road, 9 & II.30 a.m.; 2.30, 4.30, 5.30 &
mitive Methodist chaJ?el, in :Kew road, erected in 1870, 8. 30 p.m
at a cost of £1,837, will seat 350. The Wesleyan chapel, Pillar Letter Box at Railway station cleared at &
in. the London road, built in 18~4, at a co~t of £3,ooo, 11.45 a.m.; 2.45, 4·45• 5·45 & 8.45 'p.m
will seat 400. The Free Methodist chapel, m New road, There are no collections on sundays
erected in 1873, seats 180. The strict Baptist chapel, . . ..
in Grove road, built in 18 79, will seat 150 . A chapel Cou?ty Magistrates for the Orsett D1V1S1on ..
for the Peculiar People, in Salisbury road, was erected Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett- bart. M.A., D.L. chauman,
in 1892, at a cost of £1oo, & seats nearly 300. The Salva- Belhus, Romford .
tion Army hold their services in the Board School at, Brooks Edmund Wnght esq. The Duvals, Gray~o
Quarry hill.. A cemetery of 4 acres, at Little Thur- Hog~rth John Rayner esq. D.L. Heston hall, Hounslow,
rock, was formed in 188o, at a cost of £5oo; it in- M~ddlesex .
eludes a mortuary chapel and lodge and is under the Joslm Henry esq. D.L. Gaynes park, Upmmster, Romford
control of a Burial Board of nine members. The Fire Lennar~ Thomas Barrett- esq. D.L. Horsford manor,
Brigade station, in the Orsett road, built in 1893, at a Norwich. .
cost of £1,300, from plans by Mr. Charles Cobham F.S.I. Lennard Rich~rd F1ennes Barrett- esq. Belhus, Romford
of -Grays, includes a club room for the members of the, Luar.d Rev. Bixb! Garnham M.A. Aveley, Romford
brigade. The "Public Libraries Act, 1 a55 " ( 16 and 1g Norris-Elye Lewm Charles Ch.>lmeley Ralston esq. M:.A.
Vict. c. 70), was adopted here in 1893, and in 1894 a I Orsett house, C?rsett S.O
room iu Bank buildings, in the High street, was opened Parker Edward .Richard esq. Belmont castle, Grays
as a Free Reading Room and Library. Classes for Tech- Russell ChampiOn Branfil esq. Stubbers, North Ocken-
meal Instruction are held in the Quarry Hill Board . d~n, Romford
Schools every week day evening. The Liberal Club, I Sqme·r Samuel Westwood esq. The Rookery, Stanford-
formed in 1889, occupies premises in High street, con-I le-Hope S,O
taining a billiard card and reading rooms and refresh- Sturgeon Alfred esq. Grays hall, Grays
ment bar; ther~ are now ( 1894 ) 270 members The Thompson Rev. William Stephen M.A. Rectory, Fobbing,
Unionist Club in the Orsett road formerlv an inn was Stanford-le-Hope S.O
converted to its present use in 1 9, at a c"ost of£3, 300 , Whitmore Captain Thomas Charles Douglas, Orsett hall,
it contains billiard, reading, smoking, card and luncheon Orsett S.O
rooms and a refreshment bar; there are now (189 4 ) nearly Will_iams Robert Hamilton esq. Buckland, East Tilbury,
soo members : part of these premises includes the public :rilbury S. 0 .
hall. No. 3 Company of the 1st Essex, Eastern Divi- Wmdle Rev. John M.~. Horndon-on-the-Hill S.O
sion, Royal Artillery Volunteers, has its head quarters Clerk to the Magistrates, Thomas Alfred Capron, 2
in Sherfield road. A considerable trade in bricks, lime Orsett roa~ . .
and cement is carried on here. The market granted by Petty Sesswns are held. at the Pohce statwn & Court
Henry Ill. and formerly held on Thursday, is now ex- ~ouse, Grays, ~very fri~ay at 10.45 a.m.. The ~o~~w-
tmct. The "Exmouth," an old man-of-war, now a train- mg places are mcluded m the Petty SessiOnal ~hvision
ing vessel for boys, under the control of the Metropoli- Avele.y, Bulphan,. Chadwell St. Mary, Corrmgham,
tan Asylums Board, is moored off the river bank; ~ast .T1lbury, Fobbm_g, Gra!s Thurrock, Horndon~on·
about 6oo boys are here taught seamanship and subse- the-Hill, Langdon Hills, Little Thurrock, Muckmg,
quently drafted into the army, navy and merchant ser~ North Oc~enden, Orsett, South Ockenden! Stanford-le-
vice; the infirmary attached to the ship is in Argent :S:ope, St1ffor?, West Thurrock, West Tilbury, Wen-
street: there are also swimming baths ; the ship is nmgton & Rainham
lighted by electricity. The "Shaftesbury," an old P. Local Board Offices, High street; meets 2nd & 4th
& 0. boat, now an industrial training ship for boys (Lon- thursday at 7 p.m.
don school board), is also moored off here and has 500 Clerk Charles Edward Batten Bank buildings High
boys, who are taught seamanship and various trades : str~et Grays ' '
in the Sherfield road is a hospital in connection with it. Treasur~r, William B. Willmot, London & Provincial
In digging the foundations for the station master's house Bank, High street, Grays
a Roman tesselated pavement was found, with a portion Medical Officer of Health, S1dney Herbert Snell M.D.,
of Roman masonry: the former now forms the pavement B.S. Shaftesbury house
of the church vestry; a number of other antiquities Surveyor, Arthur Charles James A.M.I.C.E. Bank build-
found at Grays are in the Museum of Geology, Jermyn ings, High street
street, London, and were contributed in January, x86g, Inspector of Nuisances, Gerald Watts, Bank buildings,
by R. Meeson esq. F S.A., F.G.S. of Duvals, wh!l1:'e, High street
during the process of excavation in 1871 the lid of a ~~one Collector, Thomas Valentine Goddard, 2 London road
coffin was found, supposed to be of the 14th ceHtury.
Belmont Castle is the residence of Edward Richard Public Establishments.
Pa1·ker esq. J.P.; The Duvals of Edmund Wright Brooks Cemetery, Arthur Horncastle, 76 High street, clerk to
esq. J.P., and Grays Hall of Alfred Sturgeon esq. J.P. The the burial board
trustees of the late Jas. Theobald esq. l\I.P., J.P. who are County Police Station (division of Grays), George Jordan,
owners of the manor, G. H. Errington esq. of Merry superintendents, 3 sergeants & 23 constables
Oak, Southampton, the Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Fire Brigade, Orsett road, Joseph H. Potter, captain
and Edward Richard Parker esq. are the chief land- Free Library & Reading Room, :Mrs. Annie George,
owners. The area is 1,376 acres of lapd and 326 water; librarian, Bank buildings, High street
Masonic Lodge (:No. 1,343, St. John), King';; Arms hotel,· Schools.
· m?nthly, ~~arch to August, fourth w~d. 6 p.m. & .A. School Board of 7 members was formed 21 Feb.
third wed. m May; Herbert _C. Borrodaile, Grays, sec 1882; Rev. James Merchant, Ferndale villa, New rd.
is clerk to the board; William Spreadborough, 19
Volunteers. Orsett road, attendance officer
Ist Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal Board School, Quarry Hill, built in 1884. enlarged in
Artillery (No 3 Company), Capt. Thomas Purfleet 1885, from designs by Mr. E. C. Allam, architect, of
Wingrove, commandant; Blair Hunter, L. Williams, Romford, at a cost of [10,000, & again in 1893, will
Francis Henry D. C. Whitmore & Edward John Gold- hold 320 boys, 286 girls & 500 infants ; average
smith, lieutenants; surgeon-lieut. Sidney Herbert Snell attendance, 310 boys, 280 girls & 450 infants; Wm.
M.D. medical officer; Rev. Canon Richard T. Whitting- Bullock, master; Miss Sarah Augusta Armstrong,
ton M. A. hon. chaplain; Orderly room, 25 Sherfield rd mistress ; Miss Louisa Patterson, infants' mistress.
A school for cookery in connection with the above
schools is held daily; Miss Clara Ewer, cookery mist
Public Officers. Board School, Arthur street, built in 1.888, from ,designs
Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Joseph Cottis, 30 Orsett rd by Mr. G. Waymouth, architect, of Finsbury pave-
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public ment, London, at a cost of [7,ooo, & elliarged in
Vaccina.tor, Grays district, Orsett union, Alfred Thomas I892, at a cost of [2,6oo, for 340 boys, 340 girls &
Roworth 360 infants ; average attendance, 344 boys, 290 girls
Oerli to the Guardians, Rural Sanitary Authority, As- & 330 infants; Albert James Connabeer, master;
sessment & to School Attendance Committees of Orsett ~!iss Mary Brown, mistress; Mrs. Emma Winter, in-
union, Robert Lloyd Williams, New road fants' mistress
Inland Revenue Officer, John Evans, IO Bridge road National, New road, built in 1873, for 450 children;
Relieving Officer & Registrar of Births & Deaths, Orsett average attendance, 105 boys, I30 girls & II4 in-
Sub-district, Orsett Union, John Phillips, Devon villa, fants ; J ames Pean, master ; Mrs. Ada Pean, mill-
Quarry hill tress ; Miss Harriet Damon, infants' mistress
Sanitary Inspector for Orsett Rural Authority & Attend- Palmer's Endowed, founded by William Palmer, in the
ance Officer for Orsett Rural School Attendance Com- year I707 & re-established under a scheme, 29th June,
mittee, George Watts, 66 Exmouth road 1871: new buildings, with spacious dormitories, were
:Vestry Clerk, Thomas Alfred Capron, 2 Or sett road erected in I873-4, at a cost of £6,ooo, in an elevated
& healthy situation, for I40 boys & 75 girls, the head
master recei~ng a li~ited number of boys as
P:aces of Worship, with times of Services. boarders; in I894 an additional building was erected
SS. Peter & Paul Church, High street, Rev. Alfred H. at a cost of £x,ooo, providing a science lecture
Delafield M.A. vicar; Rev. Charles F. Box, curate; room & chemical laboratory; the school is
8 & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 4.30 p.m.; wed. under the control of eight governors, including the
7-30 p.m vicar & parishioners' churchwarden of Grays; the
All Saints Temporary Church, Rev. Frederick Hasluck, endowment consists of certain houses in Lombard
curate-in-charge; I I a. m.; 6.30 p.m.; wed. at 7 p.m street & in Beech street, Cripplegate, realizing about
Baptist, Orsett road, Rev. Thomas Heywood; 11 a. m. ; £Bso yearly; George Henry Silverwood M.A., LL.B.
6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m head master ; Miss Harriet Beck, mistress ; Thomas
St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic, East Thurrock Alfred Capron is clerk to the governors
road, Rev. Thomas Doyle & Rev. Patrick Keane, Catholic (mixed & infants), for soo children; average
priests; mass, 8 & I0.30 a.m.; catechism & bene- attendance, 55 boys, 55 girls & 6o infants ; Miss
diction, 3 p.m.; devotions, sermon & benediction, Mlargaret Holahan, mistress; 1\fiss Annie Walsh,
6.30 p.m. ; holidays of obligation, mass, 8 & 10 a.m.; infants' mistress
devotions, sermon & benediction, 7 p.m. ; daily mass, The "Exmouth" Training Ship, Staff Commander Wm.
7.30 & 8.30 a.m.; wed. devotions & benediction, 7 S. Bourchier R.N. capt. supt.; Philip Miller, chief
a.m. ; first fri. in the month, Stations of the Cross, officer; Alfred Thompson, paymaster & storekeeper ;
7 a.m Rev. Frederick Haslock, chaplain; Alfred Thomas •
Congregational, New road, Rev. Charles Henry Davies; Roworth, surgeon; Herbert Catton, infirmary atten-
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m dant; William Hollamby, schoolmaster
Primitive Methodist, Rev. William Brass; 10.45 a.m. & The " Shaftesbury" Industrial Training Ship, William
6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m Scriven R.N. capt.; Daniel Murphy, chief officer;
Strict Baptist, Grove road, ministers various; I I a.m.
Herbert Christopher Male M. D., C.M. surgeon; Jas.
& 6.15 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Geo. Hugill, infirmary attendant; John Lodge, school-
United Methodist, New road, ministers various; II a.m. master
& 6.I5 p.m
Railway Station, Fredk. George Howard, statn. master
Wesleyan Methodist, London road, Rev. George H.
Pickering; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7·I5 p.m Conveyance.--Joseph Vaughan's omnibus from Grays
Peculiar People, Salisbury road, Mr. Joshua Hempstead, station to Fox & Goose inn, at West Thurrock, at
elder; 6.30 & Io.3o a.m. ; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 9.50 & II.5o a.m.; 2.5o, 5.25 & 8.40 p.m. week days
& thurs. 7 p.m only. Vehicles also run between Grays railway
Salvation Army, Quarry Hill Board school, II a.m.; station & Orsett, meeting the 9·47 a.m. & 4·54 p.m. up
3 & 6.30 p.m trains & 9.50 a.m. 5-IS & 5.50 p.m. down trains
• •
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Delafield Rev. Alfred Haselhurst M.A. Kraushaar Wm.Abraham,43 Orsett rd
Iliddell Geo. 2 Oak vils. Sherfield road (vicar), Vicarage, High street Lecquire Samuel, Pier ldg. Argent st
:Borradaile Herbert C. High .street de Vitre Mrs. 56 New road Male Herbert Christopher M.D. 2-J
:Bourchier Staff Commander William Doyle Rev. Thomas (Catholic), I20 Bridge street
S., R.N. Training ship "Exmouth" Bridge road Merchant ReY. Jame~ (Congrega-
Bowton John Wm. Sturdy, g6 New rd •Dudley Sam~Bl Robert, Riverview tional), Ferndale villa, New road
:Box Rev. Charles Francis (curate), villa, Argent street Parker Edwd.Richd. J.P. Belmont cstl
35 London road Ellis Mrs. I9 Grove road Pickering Rev. George Heslop (Wes•
Brass Rev. William (Primitive Metho- Festing Lieut. St. Edmund Grendall leyan), 34 Orsett road
dist), 9 Orsett road R.N. II4 New road Potter James, 26 Orsett road
Breen \Vallace, Trosley ho. Bridge rd French Mrs. 7 Shakespeare villas, Read Charles, 36 Orsett road
Ilrooks Alfred, Hill side High street Rigge John Morton, 32 Or sett road
Brooks Edmund Wright J.P. The Goldsmith Edward John, Hill crest, Robertson Wm. ~LA., M.B. 58 New rd
Duvals Palmer's avenue Roworth Alfred Thomas, Avenue
Brooks ·waiter, Drayton villa, Pal- Hall Thos. I Napier vils. Sherfield rd lodge, Palmer's avenue
mer's aveP..ue Haslock Rev. Frederick (curate in Rudhall John Percy, The Elms
Brown 'Villiam Arthur, 3 Exmouth rd charge of All Saints & chaplain to Rus,ell William, Tbe Dell
Capron Thomas Alfred, 2 Orsett road the Training ship '· Exmouth "), Scriven Charles A. M. 4 Napier villas,
Cobham Charles, 3 Shakespeare villas, Mission house, Arthur street Sherfield road
High street Hempstead Joshua, Ingleside villa, Scriven Capt William R.N. Training
Cottis J oseph, 30 Or sett road Palmer's avenue ship "Shaftesbury"
Cottis Lionel, 6o New road Heywood Rev. Thomas (Baptist), 2I Seabrook Chas. Tbe Echoes, New rd
Curry John T. 64 New road London road SeabrookeJonathan,Brooksea,Bridge rd
Davies Charles Edward, "Whitehall Horncastle Miss, 43 High street Seabrooke Thos. Wm. 22 Bridge rd
I>avies Rev. Charles Henry (Congre- Keane Rev. Patrick (Catholic), xzo Silverwood George Henry M.A., LLB.
gational), ~ew road Bridge road The College
Slater Harold H. 66 New road Sturgeon Edwin, 3 Oak villas, Sher- White John Richard, Hilldrop house,
Sloper Frank, Haslemere villa, Pal- field road London road
mer's avenue Thorne Stanley Graham, · 4 Orsett rd Wilmot William Ballard, The Bank,
Snell Herbert SidneyM.D.24 Bridge rd Thurgood James, 91 New road High street
Still Miss, 63 Orsett road Wells John, Carlton house, New road Woods William, 5 Shakespeare villas,
Sturgeon .Alfred J.P. Grays hall Williams Robert Lloyd, 51 New road High street
Tarnpkins Mrs. Thrift villa, Bridge rd

COMMERCIAI·. Davis John Edward, beer retailer, 229 London road

Ainsworth John, watch maker, 34 Bridge street Dawes Edward John, upholsterer, 41 Grove road
Armitage Thomas, apartments, 62 New road Dines Charles Thomas, greengrocer, 86 Bridge road
Ashwell Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 25 Clarence road Dines John Robert, who. & retail confectr. 139 High st
Asplin Charles, solicitor, see Batten & Asplin Dorman Frederick, Half Moon inn, Broadway
.Atkins Henry, shopkeeper, 5 .Argyle road Dyson .Alfred, chemist, g6 High street
Atkins Jabez, shopkeeper, 56 .Argent street Easterby James, plumber & gasfitter, 44 Bridge rd
Bacon William Planton, boot maker, 44 Bedford road Edmead James E. shipwright, 75 Argent street
Baker John, greengrocer, 79 Argent street Edmunds John, dairyman & corn dealer, 43 New road
Balls Herbert, insurance agent, 65 Orsett road Elvey William, greengrocer, 38 Bridge road
Banks Richard Thos. baker & corn dealer, 143 William st Essex (rst) Volunteer Artillery (No. 3 Company), East-
Bastard George James, builder, 32 Clarence road ern Division, Royal .Artillery (Thomas Purfleet Win-
Bates John, mineral water manufr. 34 High street grove, captain commandant; Lieutenants Blair, H.
Baxter Charles, shopkeeper, r8 St. Thomas's place L. Williams, Francis H. D. C. Whitmore & Edward
Beale .Alfred, hair dresser & newsagent, II7 & II9 High Goldsmith; Surgeon-Lieut. Sidney H. Snell M.D.
street & 15 New road medical officer; Rev. Canon Richard T. Whittington
Bennett John, watch & clock maker, 50 High street M.A. hon. chaplain), orderly room, 25 Sherfield road
Bennett William, fishmonger, 9 Broadway Evans John, inland revenue officer, ro Bridge road
Benson Daniel, shopkeeper, r85 London road Everett Thomas, shopkeeper, 2 Wood street
Biddell Edward, deputy superintendent registrar for Fergusson .Albert, boot maker, r6 High street
Or sett ·union, 2 Oak villas, Sherfield road Filkins William John, shopkeeper, 32 Bridge road
Biddell George, land agent & surveyor, & supt. registrar Fobbing Commissioners of Sewers (T. M. Gepp, clerk),
for Orsett union, 2 Oak villas, Sherfield road held at King's hotel
Boatman .Arthur Wilson, watch & clock ma. 72 High st Forsdick George William, clothier, 29 & 31 High street
Bradd & Son, greengrocers, 44 High street Francis William, insurance agent, 3 Derby road
Bradd Henry, shopkeeper, 43 Bedford road Freer Alfred Henry, rent collector, 2 Stifford road
Bridger & Son, carmen, 27 Sherfield road Frost William Isaac, White Hart inn, good stabling &i
Bristow & Co. clothiers, 74 High street accommodation, High street
Broad Frederick John, baker, 24 High street Genn Emily (Miss), fancy repository & tobacconist,
Brown John, builder, 74 Bridge road ro High street
Brown Samuel Best, grocer, 23 Broadway Gentry Charles Edward, outfitter, q6 High street
Broyd James, beer retailer, 125 High street George John, fishmonger, 133 High street
Bruce Henry Thomas, grocer, 3 Broadway Gilbert George Edward, harness maker, 65 High st
Buckland William Frederick, butcher, 69 High street Globe (The) Brick, Lime & Loam Co. loam & sand
Bullock William, schoolmaster, Quarry hill merchants, Whitehall
Burford John, shopkeeper, 84 Argent street Goddard Thomas Valentine, local board rate collector
Burke John, sewing machine dealer, 14 Orsett road & parish overseer, 2 London road
Burkey Joseph, grocer, 36 Bridge road Golden James, bricklayer, 139 Argent street
Bush Thos. Philip, oil & colorman, roo High street Golden John, beer retailer, 48 Bridge road
Calder Margaret (Miss), dress maker, 5 Cromwell rd Goldsmith E. J. & W. lightermen & ship & barge
Capron Thomas .Alfred (firm, Hunt A. H. & Co. ), solici- repairers & barge owners, Town wharf
• tor, clerk to the magistrates for the Orsett divisian, Gosnall Mary (Miss), dress maker, 91 Grove road
clerk to the governors of Palmer's endowed school, Granger & Co. pharmaceutical chemists, 58 High st
clerk to the Stifford & West Thurrock school boards, Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Lim. lime, whiting & brick
& vestry clerk, 2 Orsett road manufacturers
Carter Henry James, builder, I Orsett road & Argent st Grays (The) Co-operative Industrial & Provident Soc.
Carter James, greengrocer, 94 Argent street Lim. (Henry Crawshaw, manager), 68 & 82 High st
Carter James Edward, greengrocer, 4 William street Grays Fire Brigade (J oseph H. Potter, capt. ), Or sett rd
Carter Samuel James, baker, 148 High street Grays Gas Co. Lim. (Herbert C. Borradaile, sec. ;
Carter William Henry, cycle fitter, 8 Orsett road Thomas Edward Shadbolt, manager), London road
Cemetery (Arthur Horncastle, c~erk to the burial board) Green & Son, shopkeepers, 55 New road
Chapman John, sen. boot maker, 28 Broadway Green Amos, shopkeeper, 51 William street
Chapman John, jun. boot maker, n2 High street Green Susan (Mrs.), coffee house, 5 New road
Cheek Thomas, taxidermist, 49 William !ltreet Green William, grocer, n6 London road
Clark & Standfield, floating dock builders, Grays engi- Greening Francis E. watch & clock maker, 17 New rd
neering works Grimes Robert, hair dresser & newsagt. 7 Broadway
Clark James, marine store dealer, 7 William street Grout Geo. greengro. 88 High street & III New road
Clark John, tailor, 28 Bridge road · . Guy Daniel, chemist & druggist, 107 High street
Clayden Charles William, fishmonger, II New road Hall James, house & insurance agent, 41 Orsett road
Claydon Daniel Israel, grocer, 29 George street Hall Rachel (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 134 High street
Coates Henry Lewis, corn. traveller, 6o Exmouth street Hall Thomas Henry, linen draper, 1 Broadway
Cobham Charles Assoc. San. Inst., F .S.I. architect, Harris William, carman, I 8 London road
land & estate agent & surveyor, 3 Shakespeare villas, Harvey Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, 13 Broadway
High street Harvey Ebenezer Jonathan, confectioner, 62 High street
Cockley George W. boot maker, 32 London road Harvey Robert, commission agent, 17 Grove road
Coker Alfred & William, basket makers, 62 Bridge rd Batten & .Asplin, solicitors, Bank buildings, High st
Cole &:; Lecquire, corn merchants & barge owners, Batten Charles Edward (firm, Hatten & Asplin), soli-
Pier wharf citor & clerk to the local board
Collins Jsph. Arth. tobccnst. & hair dresser, 5 New rd Hayward Alfred, bricklayer, 45 Grove road
Collins Thomas, shopkeeper, Maple road Hayward Ernest, butcher, 5 Broadway
Connabeer Albert James, schoolmaster, 94 New road Hempstead &· Co. coal merchants, Town wharf & Ingle-
Connor Edward, carpenter, 67 Orsett road side, Palmer's avenue
Cooke Frederick, furniture dealer, 97 High street Heymer Mary Ann (Mrs.), boot maker, 43 High street
Coppen Harriet (Miss), confectioner, 22 Broadway Heymer William, shopkeeper, 59 William street
Cottis Joseph, house agent, water rate collector & Higgius John, printer & stationer, 13 New road
assessor- & collector of taxes, 30 Orsett road Hills Samuel, greengrocer, 26 Bridge road
Cracknell Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 54 Grove road Hilton, Anderson, Brooks & Co. Limited, cement manu-
Crooks Edward, shopkeeper, 36 Exmouth street facturers, Cement works
Crouch Mary Ann (M."'s. ), wheelwright, 12 Maidsfone rd Hines Mary G. (Mrs.), midwife, 29 Richmond road
Cunningham George, King's .Arms hotel, High street Hodge William John, commercial traveller, 17 Orsett rd
Daldy & Co. coal merchants, Railway station Hollamby William, schoolmaster, n6 New road
Davles c. E. & eo. oil refiners & grease manufrs Homersham Charles, head postmaster, Post off. New rd
Davies George, fancy repository, 6o High street Honeybell Benjamin, shopkeeper, 6o William street
Davis Charles, baker, 38 Broadway Hopcraft James Baker, watch & dock maker, 94 High st
Hopewell Eliza Matilda (Mrs.), oil & color shop, 14 Palmer tl:erbert, harness maker & shopkeeper, I<>
High street Orsett road
Horncaatle Arthur. clothier, upholsterer & furni- Palmer .J, & Co. oil & color men, hardware dealers-
ture dealer, & clerk to the burial board, 76 High st & tea salesmen, 21 Broadway
Howard Frederick George, station maste-r, Railway stn Palmer William, greengrocer, 12 High street
Howell James, Railway hotel, High street Parker Thomas, dairyman, 39 New road
Hull John, shopkeeper, 6 Gipsy lane Pearson & Son, painters, 25 High street
Hunt A. H. & Co. solicitors, commissioners for oaths in Pelllng Frederick Wllliam 1 provision merchant, oil
Supreme Court, 2 Orsett road & color man, beer retailer & dealer in wines & spirits,
Hurrell George, bill poster, 53 Orsett road & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit
International Tea Co. 8 & 105 High street merchants, 28, 30 & 32 High st. & I 16 William st
James Arthur Charles A.M.I.C.E. surveyor to local Perry George, fishmonger, 5 William street
board, Eank buildings, High street Perry William West, news agt & tobacconist, n6 High st
James William, grocer, Gipsy lane Phubey Waiter Abel, carpenter, I4o High street
J arvis William, hair dresser & news agent, 24 Broadway Phillips John, relievg. officer for Or sett 1mion & registrar
Jefferys Marion (Miss), ladies' school, 68 New road of births & deaths for Grays sub-district of Orsett
Jennings Arthur Frederick, coal dealer & confectioner, union, Devon villas, Quarry hill
59 New road Pipe Benj. Norton, painter & sign ..,.w,.riter, SI Eridge road
Jennings George shopkeeper, 42 Brooke road Ponder Robert, shopkeeper & carman, 30 Eroadway
Jessop Turney, photographer, 35 & 37 New road Pool .A.rthur, insurance agent, 16 Exrnouth street
Johnson Henry, baker & grocer, 73 High street Popplewell George Henry, shopkeeper, 87 Argent street
Jones Annie (Miss), dres>.maker, II4 Eridge road Pope & Co. Limited, brewers (George Major, manager),.
Jordan George, superintendent of police, police station 52 High street
Jordan John, butcher, 47 Eridge road Porter Henry E. U., accountant, 31 New road
King & Stewart, butchers, 108 High street Potter John, butcher, 83 High street
King Charles, bootmaker, 4 Whitehall lane Potter Joseph Henry, butcher, 22 High street
King William & Sidney, bakers & corn dealers, 102 Prentis & Co. confectioners & fruiterers, 8 I High street
fugh street Pyefinch Edwin Henry, watchmaker, IS High street
King .Toseph, tailor, 144 High street Queen's Hotel (Seabrooke & Sons Limited, proprietors,.
Lane Charles, confectioner & fruiterer, 19 High street Edward M. F. Munns, manager)~ High street
Law Philip Waiter, baker, 68 William street Rainham Commissioners of Sewers (H. Haynes, clerk),.
La\uence Jesse, st{)ne & monumental mason, estimates held at King's Arms hotel, High street
& designs post free, 65 Clarence road Rarnm William Elgar, Eull inn, High street
Layzell Ephraim, dairyman & shopkeeper, 17 Broadway Randall Sarah Ann (Miss), confectioner & glass dealer,.
Layzell George, painter, 14 William street 41 New road
Lear Alfred, painter, Erooke road Randells & Co., maltsters, West wharf
Lecquire Samuel, corn mer. &c. (Cole & Lecquire) Ransom & Son, blacksmiths, 143 High street
Legerton John, dairyman, 29 Hampden road Ransom Eliza (Mrs.), glass dealer, 137 High street
Letch Jabez, grocer, 145 High street Read & Co. coal merchants, shippjng agents & wharf-
Liberal Club (George A. Pepper sec.), High street ingers; chief office, High street; coal. depots, Rail•
Little James, travelling draper, Sherfield road way station, South Ockend{)n & Tilbury
Littlewood Robert, ironmonger, 38 High street Redington Henry, fruiterer & tobacconist, 70 & 77 High
Lodge John, schoolmaster to Shaftesbury Training Ship, street & Clarence road
9 Shakespeare villas, High street Redington J ames, coal merchant, 36 Clarence road
London (The) & Provincial Bank Limited & Town wharf
(branch) (William Eallard Willmot, manager); draw ReynoldSI William John, Castle inn, .Argent street
on Glyn, Mill & Co. 67 Lombard street, London E C Richards Thomas Henry, tinplate worker, 18 Eroadway
Longland Alice Ann (Mrs.), butcher, 21 New road Rickett & Sons, stonemasons, blacksmiths, & carmen~
Lord 6fJ Co., butchers, n8 William street 33 Orsett road
MeN eill Hannah (Mrs.), Wharf Hote'i, West wharf Roach Richard Henry, chimney sweeper, So Bridge road
Machinery & Ironware Co. (William Olley, proprietor), Roberts "William, carman & greengrocer, 126 High st
engineers, brass & iron founders, 15 High street; Robertson William 1\I.A., M.B., C.M. (.Aberdeen), physi-
& at Tilbury docks cian & surgeon, 58 New road
Male & Snell, physicians & surgeons, 24 Eridge road Robinson Thomas, shopkeeper, II3 High street
Male Herbert Christopher M.D., C.M. (Edin.) surgeon, Rous George Benjamin, builder, 102 Bridge rQad
& medical officer to the industrial ship "Shaftesbury," Rous Henry Robert, builder, 37 & 39 London road
24 Eridge road Rouse Keturah (:\Irs.), wardrobe dealer, 98 High street
Marmion Peter, shopkeeper, Eroadway Roworth Alfred Thomas, surgeon, & medical officer to
Martin Joseph, builder, all kinds of repairs, 88 William the training ship " Exmouth" & medical officer &
street ; workshops, High street public vaccinator of the Grays district of the Orsett
Martindale William, hairdresser 40 Eroadway union & certifying factory surgeon, Avenue lodge,.
l\Iatthews Robert, auctioneer, 79 High street ; & at Palmer's avenue
li-ravesend Russell, Alfred, photographer, 3 Orsett road
Mead Richard James, earthenware & grindery dealer, Sanderson Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 154 High st
32 Broadway Savill Joseph, lighterman, 113 New road
Merchant James, clerk to school board, Ferndale villas, Seabrooke & Sons Limited, brewers, coal merchants &
New road hotel proprietors, Eridge road & High street
Merchant 1.\'Iinnie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, g6 Argent street Shadbolt Thomas Edward, manager of gas works, ro:r:
Mlchell Gilbert Luke, linen & general draper & London road
milliner, 40, 42, 84 & 86 High street Shipman Clarissa Jane (Mrs.), fancy repository, 53
~!iller .)>bilip, chief officer of Exmouth training ship, New road
68 Prospect place Shipman Roger Edward, carpenter, 53 New road
Mitcham Charles, linendraper, r8 & 20 High street Simmons John, machinist, 40 Bridge road
~!organ Edward, shopkeeper, 136 London road Sims Elizabeth (Mrs.), Rising Sun P.H. High street
:Moore Henry, tobacconist & news agent, I3 Rig h street Sims George, lighterman, 109 New road
Moore Thomas, butcher, Church street nger Manufacturing Co. sewing machine manufacturers,
Mumford Joseph, baker & corn dealer, 19 Broadway 6 London road
Mundy Maria prrs.), baker, 23 High street Slater Henry Mutlow, pianoforte dlr & tuner, 97 New rd
~ash Alfred William, leather seller, I2I High street Smith Albert, baker & grocer, Maple road
National Telephone Co. call office, II2 New road Smith Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Clarence road
Nisbett William Charles, insurance superintendent, 61 Smith Henry, tailor, 4 Derby road
Orsett road Smitli Louisa (~Irs. ), laundress, 4 Manor road
Noble Thomas Eoyton, shopkeeper, 16 Orsett road Smith William C. chimnev sweeper, n Quarry hill
Oakley George, boot maker, 7 New road Smithson Joseph, tobacconist, 124 High street
Osborn Charles, butcher, 142 High street Snell George, boot maker, 35 Bond street
Osborne George Albert, greengrocer, 20 Broadway Suell Sidney Herbert M.D. (Lond.), B.S. (firm, Male
Outram Chas. William, Theobald .Arms P.H. High street & Snell), physician & surgeon & medical officer of
Oxley John, marine store dealer, II4 High street health to Grays local board, 24 Bridge road
Oxley Oliver, marine store dealer, 140 ·william street Spade Richard, hair dresser, IOI High street
Page John, shopkeeper, I I Broadway Sparkes John William, greengrocer, II5 High street
Paine & Co. clothiers & pawnbrokers, 9 High street Spooner Samuel, dairyman, Gravel pit place, Bridge rd
:Spreadborough Wm. school att~nd. office!", I9 Orsett rd Waters Victoria {Miss), fancy repository, 99 High st
Spurr Frank, linen draper, 71 High street Watts George, school attendance officer for Orsett rural
Staines William, carman, 79 High street committee & sanitary inspector for Orsett rural
S tandfield & Son, iron, metal & machinery merchants, sanitary authority, 66 Exmouth road
Grays engineering works Watts Gerald, inspector of nuisances to local board,
Steele John Thomas, master mariner, 100 New road Bank buildings, High street
Stewart Alexander (see King & Stewart, butchers) Wellard James, lighterman, Lyncroft, New road
Streeter Archibald, florist & seedsman, Avenue house, Wells Lucy (Mrs.), midwife, 8 London road
Fridge road & 23 New road We~twood Charles Phillip, hosier & hatter, 26 High st
Taylor Margaret (Miss), dressmaker, 68 Bedford road WPymouth Joseph, auctioneer, valuer & estate & land
Thomas Mary Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, 19 Cromwell rd agent, licensed appraiser, tithe & rent collector, &;
"l'hompson Jesse & Son, carpenters, 61 Argent street cerWied bailiff under the " Law of Distress Amend-
'l'horne Abraham John, auctioneer, 4 Orsett road & at ment Act," 17 High street. See advertisement
High street, Brentwood White John Richard L.R.C.P. & S. Edin. physician &
Thurgood James, grocer, 95 New road surgeon, Hilldrop house, London road
'l'icPhurst William Mark, butcher, 6 High street Wicking Henry, shopkeeper, 26 Broadway
Tiop1e uusan (Miss), fishmonger, 46 High street Wickins James Waiter, linen draper, 75 High street
'l'ownsend Wilkinson, teacher of music, 87 New road Williams Robert Lloyd, solicitor, commissioner for oath11
~rravis Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 114 William street in supreme court, clerk to Orsett union & rural
Tuffee John, grocer, 15 Broadway sanitary authority & to assessment & school attendance
Unionist Club (Elliott George Fletcher, hon. sec.), committees, n8 New road
Orsett road Willett Charles P. insurance agent, 16 Richmond road
Veats Henry, wheelwright, 28 London road Willmot William BaJlard, manager of the London &
Vialou William, painter & plumber, 41 Argent street Provincial Bank Limited, & treasurer to the local
Victoria Cottee Tavern (John Thos. Gardner, manager), board, High street
High street Wilson & Whitworth Limited, booksellers, stationers &
Vincent Philip M.R.C.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, Frating printers, Right street; & Broadway, Stratford
hous, Orsett road ·winn John, butcher, 122 Argent street
·walker W. P. &; Co. ironmongers, 64 High street 1Visby Edward, greengrocer, 123 Grove road
1Varboys Thomas, beer retailer, Gipsy lane Wi~by Thomas, shopkeeper, 34 Broadway
·warren Henry Thomas, bootmaker, 30 Bridge road Wood Benjamin, shopkeeper, 25 Broadway
\Varrpn Serg·-Maj. William Edward R.A. drill sergt. Wright John, shopkeeper, 56 Benson road
:Ko. 3 company, 1st Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Wright William, baker & grocer, 46 Bridge road
Division Royal Artillery, 25 Sherfield road Wright William John, tobacconist, 104 High street
--n-atchorn George William, clothier, 19 New road Young Men's Christian Association (Waiter A. Philbey,
Waters John William, shopkeeper, 42 Bridge road sec.), 8 Or sett road
GREENSTED-juxta-ONGAR is an ancient parish, 11, 1848 (at which time, by a singular coincidence, the
1 mile west from Ongar terminal station on a branch of timber walls of Greensted church were undergoing
~the Great Eastern railway, and 21 from London, in the repair), and on examination an old arrow head was found
Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, union deeply imbedded in the trunk : there are monuments to
and petty sessional division, Brentwood county comt dis- the Smyth, Cleeve and Ord families. The registilr of
JtrlCt, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and baptisms dates from 1562 ; burials, 15{ir ; marriages,
diocese of St. Albans. The small church of St. Andrew 1576. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge
:is one of the most singular and ancient in the kingdom [,r52, net yearly value [,r46, with 29 acres of glebe and
and consists of chancel, nave and a western tower of wood residence, in the gift of the Bishop of London, and held
with shingled spire, c_ontaining 2 bells, one of which is since r88o by the Rev. Frederic Rose B.A. of Queens'
.llated 1618 : the nave is composed of the trunks of large College, Cambridge, and formerly curate (1873-80) of St .
oak trees, split or sawn asunder, roughly hewn on both Botolph, Aldgate, the curates of which have a. first claim
sides and set upright close to each other, being let into a on this living, arising from the bequest of the Rev.
.sill at the bottom and fastened with wooden pins to a Benjamin Pratt M.A. vicar of St. Botolph's (r6gg-1715),
,plate at the top : the church is 29ft. 9in. long, 14ft. wide who purchased the living of Greensted. There are three
and 5ft. 6in. high on the sides which support the roof, yearly charities, viz. Rayner's, of £5 17s. 4d. which is
and is believed til be the original structure erected as a g-iven in coal and clothing, Bowner's, of £2 in coal, and
temporary shrine in which the body of St. Edmund, Samme's, of £2 J4S. 4d. in tea and sugar. The land in
king of the East Angles, murdered by the Danes, Nov. the parish, with the exception of 40 acres, the property
20 A.D. 870, was deposited for the night on its transla- of Mrs. William Smith, belongs to the trustees of the late
.tion from London to :Bury St. Edmunds in A.D. 1013: Uapt. Philip Jilhn Bud worth. The soil is various ; subsoil,
'there are some modern carvings of St. Edmund's head gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots.
and various relics, including a fragment of stained glass The area is 681 acres; rateable value, £883; the popula-
-about six inches in diameter, having on it a crowned tion in 1891 was g8.
'head, supposed to represent St. Edmund and now fixed Parish Clerk, William Holt.
-in the centre of a modern stained window at the end of
the nave; a portion of the venerable oak tree a't Hoxne, Wall LeUer :Box, Greensted green, cleared at 7 a.m. &
against which the king was supposed to have been tied at 5·45 p.m.; sundays, 9·So a.m. Letters arrive from
nis martyrdom, is preserved in the rectory, where alii\O Brentwood via Ongar, which is the nearest money order
is an oil painting of him: the tree itself, known as St. & telegraph office.~. at 7-30 a.m
"Edmund's oak, was 20 feet in circumference, with The School here has been discontinued; the children now
branches extending over a radius of 84 feet ; it fell Sept. attend that at Ongar
Oldham Arthur Combermere, Green- Rose Rev. Frederic :B.A. Re~tory 3urridge Ernest, carman, contractor,
sted house Smith Mrs. William, Greensted hall coal & coke merchant, furniture re-
Price Howell John James :B.A., J.P. Higgs Edwin, Kew house mover &c. Silver Birch cottage
Greensted hall Montgomerie Wm. farmer, Lodge frm White William, farmer
HADLEIGH, described in early records as "Hadley periods, and a south doorway of the time of Edward I.
ad Castrum," is an ancient place, giving its name to have been inserted: the chancel arch, a fine specimen of
Hadleigh Ray, the strait which separates Canvey Island Norman design, furnishes an example of the screen-wall
from the Essex coast: it is situated on the roads from used at that early period til divide the chancel from the
Southend to Tilbury and Rochford, 2~ miles north-east nave: the central arch has a height of 18 feet, its width
from South Benfleet station on the London, Tilbury and being 10 feet 9 inches, or not half the width of the nave,
Southend railway,36 from London, about 6 south-west from and the side openings are only 8 feet 6 inches h1gh and 4
Rochford and 5 we:;:t-by-north from Southend, in the South feet 4 inches wide; these were closed up early in the
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty 15th century with masonry, in which are well-detailed
'sessional division and union, Southend county court dis- cinque-foiled hagioscopes, not only pierced, in a slanting
trict, and in the rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry direction, but placed on one side of the recess : on the
'()f Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The village is sup- western face of the slender piers is a minute niclie, with
plied with water from springs and wells. The church of cusped ogee arches and delicate tracing: on the side of
.St. James the Less is a building of stone, dating from an Early English window and in the nave are traces of
±he time of Stephen, and consisting of Norman apsidal mural paintings: there are two aumbries and tw!llve
chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden turret at the stained windows, three of which are memorials to
west end with short spire and rontaining 1 bell: in the Jonathan and Ann Wood, Mrs. H. W. King and Mrs.
porch is an ancient stoup: the style is generally Norman, Maria King: the church was thoroughly restored in 1856.
but windows of the Lancet, Decorated and Perpendicular The register commences in 1568. The living is a rectory.
average tithe rent-charge [346, net yearly value [305, .Army, is the principal landowner. Nearly the whoie or
with 66 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the the land of the parish is held by the Salvation Xrmy; a
trustees of the ~ate Charles Met(!alf esq. and held since colony was formed in 1891, and there are now (1894) 435
1-876 by the Rev. Arthur James Skrimshire M. D. of colonists; farming is successfully carried on in all its
Eainburgh. A market granted in 1452 was formerly held branches, great attention being paid to market gardening.
on Wednesday, but has now fallen into disuse. Hadleigh and poultry raising; there are also extensive brick fields
House, occupied by Capt. James Trotter, is pleasantly and a rabbit warren of 10 acres has been formed: the
situated, commanding extensive views over the surround- stock consists of 50 milking cows, 400 sheep, 8o breeding
ing country and is nearly 300 feet above the level of the sows and 100 fatting beasts. A temperance hotel and re-
mouth of the Thames. The remains of Hadleigh Castle, freshment rooms have been erected for the convenience-
first built by Hulbert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, in the reign of summer visitors. The soil is mixed; subsoil, mostly
of Henry Ill. but extensively altered and repaired by gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley ~nd
Edward Ill. are situated on the brow of a steep hill, beans. The area is 1,8og acres of land and 164 water;
commanding a fine view over the estuary of the Thames rateable value, £2,994; the population in 1891 was 520.
into Kent: the castle was probably reduced to a ruin by Sexton, Alfred Ridgewell.
Richard, 1st Baron Rich of Leeze, to whom it was granted Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Ex-
by the Crown in 1551: these ruins, overrun by shrubs press DdiveryO:ffice.-Mrs.Oaroline Potker,sub-postmis-
and brushwood, are picturesque and still exhibit traces tress. Letters arrive from Rayleigh S.O. at 8 a.m. &
of their ancient grandeur; the most prominent portions 10.45 a. m. & dispatched ht 12 a. m. & 5 p.m
now left are two circular towers on the east ana portion Police Station, High street, Horace Gilder & Charles
of the gateway tower at the north-west angle; this is now Ham, constables
the property of the Salvation Army. Henry Harrison National School (mixed), built in 1861, for 100 children;
esq. of Galligreaves Hall, Blackburn, Lancashire, is lord average attendance, go; Alfred Hawks, master;- Mrs_
of the manor. Mr. Booth, "General" of the Salvation .A.rthur Hawks, infants' mistress
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Turnnidge John, Myrtle cottage Potter James Swaine, grocer & draper
Benton James Mason, New road Wood Mrs. Solbys Ridgwell James, basket & sieve ma
Bryant James Wright George, The Laurels Salvation Army Colony (William Stitt,_
Chignell Mrs. Bellevue villa COMMEROL-\L. governor)
Choppen Stephen, East cottage Bainbridge Alfred, chimney sweep Shove William, blacksmith
Cox George Ball John, shopkeeper, High street Si m mons Frederick, grocer
Ellis Thomas Buckingham Henry Chas. cattle dlr Smith Edward, shoe maker
Giggins John, New road Choppen Elizabeth & Ada (Misses), Smith :Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker
Hart Talbot, Hadleig_h cottage tobacconists & confectioners Smith Henry, greengrocer
Havis Mrs Choppen Charles, wheelwright Smith Thomas, shoe maker
Keen William, The Woods Cracknell John (Mrs.), Castle inn Stibbards John, carpentflr
Keenan Matthew, Verandah house Francis James, Crown inn Stibbards Samuel, blacksmith
Marks John Henry, Harold house Green William, shopkeeper Upson George, b~:-er retailer
Skrimshire Rev. Arthur James M.D. Law Henry, baker Wallis Stephen, tailor
Rectory .l\lcKay Peter (Mrs.), frmr.Bramble hl Webster Jonathan, butcher
Trotter Capt. James, Hadleigh house Pike Henry, boot maker
HADSTOCK is a village and parish, on the borders of bridge, and diocesan inspector of schools. The rectory
Cambridgeshire, a mile and a half south from Linton house was built in 1873, at a cost of £2,ooo, and is sur-
station and a mile and a half west from Bartlow station rounded by about 7 acres of glebe, within which stand
on the Haverhill and Sudbury branch of the Great East- the church and schools : farm buildings, with two cot-
ern railway, and 5 miles north-east from Saffron Walden, tages, have been erected on the glebe between the village
in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell hun- and Bartlow st_~tion, at a cost of about £1,300. Here is-
dred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division and county a Congregational chapel, which is used by the Salvation
court district, Linton union, and in the rural <fea.nery of Army and also let for public entertainments. In the.
Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. centre of the village is !J. conical-shaped lock-up, now
Albans: in_ 1537 it had the grant of a market. The disused, with a wooden roof, the entrance of which faces
church of St. Botolph is an ancient cruciform structure the main road to Saffron Walden. Sidenham Malthus
of flint, chiefly of Norman date, and consisting of chancel, esq. was the last lord of the manor, at whose decease the-
nave, transepts, north porch, a vestry and ol'gan chamber manor and estates were sold and all ccpyholds were en-
on the south side of the chancel and an embattled western franchised, and the land is now owned by several persons.
tower containing 5 bells, three of which are dumb: the The soil is clayey; subsoil, chalk and clay. The crops
north door was formerly covered with a human skin, sup- are principally wheat, barley and beans. The area iS'
posed to be that of a Dane who had committed sacrilege, 1,663 acres; rateable value, £1,rp6; the population in
and a portion of which is now in Saffron Walden museum: 1891 was 429.
the chancel was rebuilt in 1884 and the interior was re· Parish Clerk and Srxton, Josiah Bush.
seated and improved at a cost of £2,365, -raised by sub-
scriptions: there are 210 sittings: in the churchyard is Post Office. Miss ,._fartha Pearson, sub-po"tmistress.
a well, set round with stones, which supplies water to Letters through Cambridge, via Linton, whiPh is the-
another well outside the churchyard and is called St. nearest moner. order & telegraph office, are delivered
Botolph's well. The register dates from the year 1559· at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6.1o p.m. week days only_
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 282 , including Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
303 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the School (mixed), built in 1871, at a cost of about £6or::r,
Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1870 by the for 100 children; average attendance, 78; ~iiss Sarah
Rev. Francis Edward Smith M.A. of Clare College, Cam- E. Salman, mistress
Salmon Miss Free Charles, farmer, Walden road Hill George, shopkeeper
Smith Rev. Francis Edward M.A. Free John, cattle dealer, Rose cottage King Edward Charles, beer retailer
Rectory Free Jonas, farmer King Ernest Spaul, farm bailiff tn-
COMMEROL\L. Hawes Obadiah, pig jobber Clare College, Cambridge
Bush Josiah, parish clerk & sexton Hawes Joseph, gamekeeper to Lucas Linsdell Edward, shopkeeper
Fordham Henry, fish dealer Ewbank esq Redhouse Joseph, blacksmith.
Free Arthur, farmer, Lower farm Hymns Wilham Stephen, King's Head Smoothy Joseph, farmer
Free Charles, farmer, Bartlow farm P.H. & wheelwright Swann George, beer retailer
GREAT ~ALLINGBURY .Cor Hallingbu;ry Morl~y), at the rebuilding of the. c~urc~. The register dates from
known by 1ts present name prevwus to the reign of King the year 1537. The livmg 1s a rectDry, avera"'e tithe
Edward the Confessor, is a village and parish, 3 miles rent-charge £548, net yearly value £420, with ~8 acre;;
south-east from Bishop's Stortford station on the main of glebe and residence, in the gift of Lt.-Col. G. B.
line of the Great Eastern railway and 9 _miles west from Archer-Houblon, and held since 1873 by the Rev. Henrv
Dunmow, in the Western division of the county, Harlow Murray Oswald M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. Th~
petty sessional division and hundred, Bishop's Stortford charities amount to £5 xos. yearly. Hallingbury Place,
union and county court district. rural deanery of Harlow, the seat of Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-Houblon
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The J.P. lord of the manor and principal landowner, is a larg-tt
church of St. Giles is an Early Norman building, partly brick mansion, in extensive ground;;. The soil is mixed:
cons-tructed of Roman bricks, and was rebuilt, with the subsoil, clay and gravel. ThP chief crops are wheat.
exception of tlie tower, in 1874; it consists of chancel, barley and roots. The area is 2,661 acres; rateable,
nave, north aisle, south porch and an embattled western value, [3,293; the population in 1891 was 581.
tower containing 5 bells: the chancel arch was retained W 4LBURY, 2 miles west, on the river Stort, and near

the borders of Hertfordshire, takes its name from an disparehed at 10.30 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. The nearest
ancient Roman vallum or camp, hexagonal in plan, which money order & telegraph office is at Bishop's Stortford.
occupied a strong position, terminating in a precipice Postal orders are issued here, but not pru.d
and overlooking the Stort; it covered 36 acres, was Church School (mixed), built, with master's house, in
double ditched and nearly a mile in circumference. 1851, at a cost of nearly [2,ooo, by the late J. A.
Post Office. James Levey, sub-postmaster. Letters Houblon esq. for 200 children; average attendance, Bo;
through Bishop's Stortford arrive at 7.30 & 10.30 a.m.; Miss Charlotte Bryan, mistress
Boyden William Calvert Benjamin, head gardener to Judd Charles, shopkeeper
:Browne Philip Col. G. B. _Archer-Houblon esq. J.P Levey James, carpenter, Post office
Fowler William Childs Nathan, foreman to Col. Monk William, basket maker
Jloublon Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-Houblon, Harps farm Prior John A. insurance agent J.P. & Lady Alice F. Hal- Coleman Frank (Mrs.), farmer, Wood- Prior Stephen P. farm bailiff to
lingbury Place side green Frederick :Miller esq. Latchmore
<Oswald Rev. Hy. Murray M.A.Rectry Cooper John, gamekeeper to Col. Bank farm
~orter Charles Archer-Houblon Sapsford William, farm bailiff to J.
Drage Wiluam, George inn Lawrence esq. Wallbury farm
COl\fMEROIAL. Fitzgerald Patrick, saddler & baker, Selby Matthew, farmer, How green
l3eechener Hy. Hop Poles P.H.& smith Start hill Skelton Richard, farmer, Hallingbury
"Bird George, carpenter & dealer Fowler Wm. jun. frmr. Yew Tree frm Hall farm
l:lrowne Philip, estate agent & valuer, Hampton John, farmer, Beldams Smith John C. clerk of work to Col.
agent for the Law Fire & Legal Hampton William, farm bailiff to Col. G. B. Archer-Houblon
General Life Assurance Cos Archer-Houblon Smith Saml. blacksmth.Woodside grn
.LITTLE HALLINGBURY, anciently called "Hal- including 20 acres of glelbe, with residence, in the gift of
lingbury Bourchier," or '' Bowser," the whole of the the Governors of the Charterhouse, London, and held
property in Little Hallingbury having formerly belonged since 188o by the Rev. John Julius Baker M.A. of Exeter
to the Bourchiers, Earls of Essex, is a village and parish College, Oxford. The Governors of the Oharterhouse,
situated on the borders of Herts and on the river Stort, who are 1ord.s of the manor, and Lt.-Col. G. B. Archer-
.albout 3 miles south from Bishop's Stortford station on Houblon J.P. of Hallingbury Place, Great Hallingbury,
the main line of the Great Eastern railway, in the West- are the principal landowners. 'fhe soil is gravel and
ern division of the county, Harlow petty sessional division clay; subsoil, white clay and gravel. The chief crops
and hundred, Bishop's Stortford union and county court are wheat, barley and oaJts. The area. is 1,612 acres;
district, rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex rateable value, £1,993; the population in 1891 was 6n.
a.nd diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the
Virgin is a building of flint with stone dressings, of the Post Office.-George Hurehinson, sub-postmaster. Let-
Early Decorated period, consisting of chancel, nave of ters arrive by foot post from .Bishop Stortford at 7·45
nve bays, north aisle and a square wooden turret contain- a.m.; dispatched at 5·45 p.m. The nearest money
ing 3 bells, one of these being of pre-Reformation date : order & telegraph offices are at Hatfield Heath & Saw-
the stained east window was given by the Pelly family of bridgeworth. Postal orders are issued here, but not
paid -
Gastons and an organ 'chamber and vestry were added in
1885. The register of baptisms and marriages dates National S'Chool (mixed), built in 1869 at a cost of £934.
from 1711 ; burials from r69o. The living is a rectory, for wo children; average attendance, 86; William S.
:average tithe rent-charge [359, net yearly value [3oo, Grey, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Calvert William D. agricultural engi- Perry Thomas (Mrs.), farmer
Eaker Rev. JGhn Julius M.A. Itectorv neer & farmer Potter Charles, shoe maker
Holland M1·s. Gastons • l~dwards S. millers & farmers, Hal- Rose Geo:-ge, frmr. George Green fm
Sargisson Henry }'; lingbury mills Rust George, black.smith
Hurehinson George, grocer & draper, Sapsford Gwrge, coffee hous~ keeper
COMMERCIAL. Post office Sibthorpe Ezekiel, poultry dlr. New
l3eedell John, farmer, l\fonkb,)rry farm J ocelyn George, shoe maker Barns lane
Jlowtell Simeon, beer retailer Jocelyn Henry, sLoe m::~ker Smith Frederick, shopkeeper
11rown John, farmer Lean Samuel, farmer, Stonehouse fm 1-Veller James, gamekeeper to Col. G
llrown Thomas, farmer & landowner, Marsden George, confectwne!' B.Archer-H<'ublon e~q. W:ndside gn
Little Hallingbury hall Marshal! Wil!iam, Sutton Arms P.H •


:Ha:stead (or Halsted) is an ancient town and is the head portion of the south aisle, which is of the Geometrical or
<Jf a union and county court district, pleasantly seated on Early Decorated period, and was formerly the Bourchier
a gentle acclivity on the river Colne and the roads from chapel; here several members of that family are buried,
Colchester to Cambridge and Chelmsford to Sudbury, including Sir Robert de Bourchier, Chief Justice of the
"With a station on the Colne Valley railway, and is 14 King's Bench in Ireland in 1334 and Lord Chancellor of
n1iles north-west from Colchester, 6 north-east from England 1340-41, ob. 1349, and B~rtholomew his grand-
Jlraintree, 8 south-west from Sudbury, 15 from Haverhill son, 3rd Baron Bouchier, ob. 1409, with brasses to him-
and 56 by rail or 47 by road from London: in the Eastern se:f and his two wives Margaret (Sutton) and Idonea
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinck- (Lovey): there are two altar tombs with recumbent
:ford petty sessional division, rural deanery of Ralstead, effigies- of armed knights and their wives, supposed to
:archdeaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St. Albans. belong to this family, one of the tombs being canopied;
The town is managed by a Local Board of Health of nine monuments to Edmund King, ob. 1624 and the Rev.
:members, formed December 3, 1852, and elected by the John Manistre M.A. d. 1826 and a brass to Elizabeth,
:ratepayers; it was thoroughly drained in 1864-5, when wife of John Watson, ob. 1604: in the· north aisle are
-waterworks were established, a good supply of pure water marble monuments to Sir Samuel Tryon kt. and baronet,
being obtained from an artesian well 300 feet deep and ob. March 8, 1626; George Brooke and his wife, ob.
-stored in a reservoir of red brick, constructed near the 1770; James Scarlett, d. 1807; Elizabeth Holmes, spin-
o()ld works and capable of holding 84,ooo gallons of water: ster, d. 1783 and a brass to Samuel Fiske, d. :1:718 and
a new well was sunk at Parson's bridge in 1890, there is a memorial window, erected ip. r89r, to James
to a depth of 254 feet, and a pumping station built Brewster esq.: the south aisle retains a piscina: in 1845
:at a cost of about £8,ooo : the town is lighted with the church was restored and decorated at a cost of more
gas by a company whose works, erected in 1835, than [5,ooo: in 1882 an organ chamber was built and a
:are in Rosemary lane. The church of St. Andrew, new organ erected at a cost of £850, and in 1893 a
-standing on the top of the hill on and around which pane[ed reredos of oak and mahogany was erected from
-the town stands, is a large building of flint with designs by Sir Arthur Blomfield kt. M.A., A.R.A., F.S.A.:
-stone dressings, in the Decorated and Perpendicular there are sittings for Boo persons. The register dates
styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of six from the year 1564. The living is a vicarage, average tithe
l>ays, aisles, north and south porches and a western tower rent charge £341, gross yearly value [326, net [210, with 3
with crocketed pinnacles, containing a clock with chimes acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
and 6 bells dated 1573, 1589, 1633, 1700 and 1755: in St. Albans, and t_.eld since 1886 by the Rev. Thomas
the chancel, which has been refl.oored, are three stained George Gibbons M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. Holy
windows, one of which is a memorial to Jacob Brewster Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish at the west end of the
esq. and another to John Carmichael esq. ; here is also town, formed June 3, 1844: the church is a structure of
a brass to the Rev. Arthur Charles Page M.A. : the flint, with stone facings, in the Early English style and
chief feature of interest- in the church is the eastern-
consists of chance~ ,clerestoried nave of six bays, aisles,

south porch and a western tower with spire containing the Hedingham road, and built in x884. at a cost of
one bell : there are eleven stained windows, the stained £x,soo, at the exP,ense of George Courtauld esq. in
east window being the gift of the Rev. Frederick John memory of liis deceased wife, is a structure of red brick
Greenham M.A. vicar (x877-88), in memory of his wife, with stone facings, from designs by Mr. George Sherrin;
and the west window that of the Rev. Duncan Fraser, it has wards for four men, four women, one chi:.d, and
vicar I84S-77: in 1878 an organ chamber was built and there is also an accident ward; in 1893-4 64 patients
the organ renovated at a cost of [4oo: there are 7so were under treatment; it is supported by public sub-
sittings. The register dates from the year 1844. The scriptions and is managed by a committee of 18 members,
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2so, with residence, elected annually by the subscribers. There are two
in the gift of_ the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since medical officers, but patients can be attended by their
1888 by the Rev. Charles Edward Goading May M.A., own doctors if they wish. There are charities of about
LL.M. formerly scholar of Caius College, Cam bridge. £200 yearly, derived chiefly from the following sources:-
The vicarage house was rebuilt in 1893, the Ecclesiastical A benefaction of £4,ooo left in r783 by Elizabeth Holmes,
Commissioners giving £180 towaxds the cost. Population spinster, for industrious inhabitants not in receipt of
(Holy Trinity) in 1891, 2,869. The Society of Friends parish assistance and for the distribution of clothing and
have a meeting house in Colchester road, erected in xBsx, bread to the poor, and a charity bequeathed by the Rev.
with 300 sittings, The Baptist chapel, North street, John Manistre B. A. formerly fel~ow of King's College,
founded in 1878, ha.s sittings for 6oo persons. The Par- Cambridge, and rector of Stower Provo~t, Dorset, who
ticular Baptist chapel, School lane, erected in 1840, will in 1826 left .[;2,514 xxs. IId. in Consols, the interest now
seat 2so. The Congregational chapel, Parsonage street, amounting to £67 Ss. 8d. being for the purchase of
.erected in x86s, is a building in the Decorated style, with bread to be distributed weekly to poor people who attend
a spire 1o6 feet high and will seat Boo; under the chapel the church. Attwoods is the seat of John Robert Vaize"" •
is a spacious schoolroom. The Congregational chapel, High esq. LL.M., D.L., J.P. The Howe, situated in a park of
street, erected in 1832, has 650 sittings. The Primitive about 40 acres, is the seat of Mrs. Hornor. Sloe House,
Methodist chapel in New street, erected in 1874, will seat a mansion in the Classic style situated in a park of 30
200 persons. The Unitarians have a place of meeting in acres, is the seat of Frederick M. Burt esq ; and Ashford
Factory lane and the Plymouth Brethren in the Bull Lodge is the residence of Mrs. Tayler. In the neighbour-
Hotel yard, Bridge street. The Salvation Army ha1 in hood and within the parish are the mansions called
:Parsonage street, built in 1893, holds xso persons. The Nether Priors, Star Stile and Oaklands. John Robert
Cemetery, Colchester road, consecrated in x856, com- Vaizey LL.M., D.L., J.P. who is ~ord of the manor; Mrs.
prises five acres, with a mortuary and entrance lodge, in Honywood, of Marks Hall, Kelvedon; James N. Paxman
which the superintendent resides; it is under the control esq. J.P. of Stisted Hall, Braip.tree; the Rev. James
<>f a Burial Board of eight members. A bpdy of the George Brewster M. A. rector of Stratford St. Mary;
county police is stationed here under an inspector. The Mrs. Hornor, the trustees of James G. Sparrow, Francis
Town Hall, in High street, erected in x8so and now held Harris esq. B. A. Robert Alien esq. and Charles W.
by the Local Board, is a spacious bui~ding used for balls, Gray esq. J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is
public meetings and concerts, and will hold 400 persons. mixed; s]Jbsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
The Corn Exchange, adjoining the railway station, and wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area of the entire
built in x865, is now used by Messrs. Cloves & Son, as a parish is 5,631 acres, of which 19 is water; rateab:e
-corn store. There is also a hall at the Halstead Co-opera- value, £19,290; the population in 1891 was 6,959, of
tive Stores, Trinity st. erected in x887, and holding 2so which 3·S40 are attached to St. Andrew's parish church,
persons. Tiie Temperance Hall in Trinity st. a structure including 128 officers and inmates in the workhouse and
<>f red brick, with stone facings, was erected in 1876. 77 in the Industrial School for Girls. The population
The Literary and Mechanics' Institute occupies a large within the Local Board district in 1891 was 6,os6.
room under the Town Ha'"J, where there is a library of Parish Clerk of St. Andrew, Waiter William Cooper;
x,2oo volumes. On the river Colne is a public bathing Trinity Church, John Scott.
place under the control of the local board. The E Com-
pany of the 2_nd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, now GREENSTEAD GREEN, a hamlet about 3 miles by
(1894) numbers xoo rank and file, drills at St. Andrew's road and 2 by footpath south of the town, was constituted
school, Colchester road. Halstead Volunteer Fire Brigade an ecclesiastics~ parish December 23, 1845· St. James's
-consists of 20 members, with two manual engines; the church, an edifice of flint with stone facings, in the
town is also well furnished with hydrants. Here is a Early English style, from designs by the late Sir G.
branch af the St. John's Ambulance Society, connected Gilbert Scott R.A. was erected and endowed in I84S at
with the English order of St. John of Jerusalem, whose the expense of the late Mrs. Gee, of Earls Colne, and
headquarters are at St. John's gate, Clerkenwell, London consists of chancel, nave, north porch and a tower, with
E.C. The Halstead Conservative Working Men's Club is spire of moulded brick, containing a clock and 6 bells,
in High street, and there is a Working Men's Club in cast in 1846 and rehung in 1893 at a cost of £7S· The
Trinity street. chancel windows are stained. A new reredos of stone
On the Market hill, and occupying the site where for- designed by Sir Arthur B:omfield kt. A.R.A., F.S.A.
merly stood an obelisk, is a drinking fountain, presented was erected in 1893 by Mrs. Briscoe, of Firwood,
to the town in 1887 by George CourtalL.d esq. J.P.; it is as a memorial to Miss M. Adams. The church plate
constructed of Portland stone and granite, and stands xs is of massive silver, beautifully chased: there are
feet in heiglit, rising from. a graduated base of several 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1846.
2lteps ; on one side is an inscription, and on another a The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £380,
wreath, encircling the letters "V.R." and the dates £x6o of which was left by the late Mrs. Gee for
"' x837-1887;" the whole is surmounted by a powerful the support of a curate, with residence, in the gift of
lamp. At tlie corner of Chapel hill is a tree planted to the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since x884 by the
commemorate the marriage of Albert Edward Prince of Rev. Edgar Siritt Corrie M.A. of Emmanuel College,
Wales to Alexandra Princess of Denmark, March xoth, Cambridge: Greenstead Hall, the residence of Robert
1863. Here is the extensive silk and crape factory of Alien esq. is p~easantly situated in a park of about so
Messrs. Samuel Courtauld and Co. Lim. where upwards acres. Pe.rces, the residence of Charles Wing Gray esq.
()f 1,2oo people are employed; adjoining the factory is a J.P. stands in a park of about so acres. Stanstead Hall,
terrace of brick houses witli a dining room at one end now a farm house, was once the residence of the Bouchier
1or the use of the workpeople. There is also a large family. The soil is clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. The
brass and iron foundry, works belonging to Messrs. Port- ~hief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The population
way and Son, for the manufacture of stoves and ranges, m 1891 was 550.
11. tannery, two breweries and maltings. The London and Sexton, J oseph Coppin.
{Jounty Banking Co. Lim. and Messrs. Sparrow, Tufnell Post Office.-Thomas Firmin, jnn. receiver. Letters from
and Co. have branch banks here. A general market is Halstead arrive at 7 & 11.3o a.m. ; dispatclied at g.o
held every Tuesday and a cattle market the first Tuesday a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, ro.o a.m. The nearest money
in every month. The " George " is the principal hotel. order & telegraph office is at Ha~stead. Postal orders
There are two weekly newspapers, " The East Essex and issued here, but not paid
Ralstead Times," published on Friday; the other is the Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 9·5 a.m. &
~' Halstead and Colne Valley Gazette," published on p.m
Thursday. The Cottage Hospital, pleasantly situat€d on County Police, John Thomas Bridge, sergeant
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & 7 p.m. ; letter box closes for dispatches at 3·40, g.5o
Express Delivery Office. Henry Lake Hughes, post- & II.4S a.m. & 3, 5·45 & 8 p.m. but letters may be
master. Letters arrive from London at 3.40 a.m. postro until8.2o affixin~ an additionalld.stamp.
every morning; delivered at 7 & 10.40 a. m. & 2.15 & Lett~rs from Haverhill by mail cart, bringing the bags


from Castle & Sible Hedingham, Great & Little Yeld- June, Oct. & Nov. at 6 for 6.30 p.m. ; Edward H.
ham, Ridgwell, Baythorn End, Sturmer Stambourne & Inman, sec
Topplesfield, arrive at 7.25 p.m. On sundays there is Police S~tion, Trinity street, Harry Manu, inspector,.
only one delivery at 7 p.m. & letter box closes for one sergeant & three constables ; sub-division, Peb-
dispatch at 3.40 a.m. & 8 p.m marsh, Alphamstone, Bures Hamlet, Earls Colne,.
Post, Parcel & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Little Maplestead, Greenstead Green & Gosfield, one
Office, Trinity street. Henry Cockton Potter, sub- constable each
postmaster. Letter Box cleared for dispatch at 9.40, Temperance Hall, Trinity street
11.35 a.m. 2.55, 5.30, 6.55 & 7·45 p.m. week days only. Town Hall, High street
Colchester road, 11 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; sundays 11 a.m V olunt.eer Fire Brigade, Head st. Edgar Tarry Adams..
Wall Letter Boxes cleared, week days only:- • captain ; George Road Mathews, superintendent
Chapel hill, 9 a.m. & 6.45 p.m
Doe's corner, 7.10 p.m. & sun. 7.10 p.m Volunteers.
Head street, 5.10, a.m. 2.15 & 7.15 p.m . 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (E. Co. ), Drill
New street, 5.30, 9.30, 11.10 a.m. 2.35, 5·5· 7.40 p.m hall, St. Andrew's School, Colchester road, Capt. Percy
North street, 10.40 a.m. 2.10 & 7·5 p.m Adams, commandant; Thomas William Goodchild &
Parsonage st. 5-I5, 9-IS, 10.55 a.m. 2.2o, 4.5o, 7.25 p.m Herbert Ham, lieuts.; Rev. John Brereton Andrewes
Railway station, 9·45• 11.30 a.m. 2.55, 5.25, 7·55 p.m B.A. acting chaplain ; Frederick Marchant, drill instrctr
Sudbury road, n.2o a.m. 6.40 p.m Halstead Union.
Tidings hill, 5.20, 9.20, 11 a.m. 2.30, 4·55. 7.30 p.m
Pillar Letter Box, Trinity street, 5.40, 9.40, 11.20 a.m. Board day, friday, fortnightly, at the Union at I I a.m.
2.5o, 5-I5, 7·5o p.m The Union comprises sixteen parishes, viz. : Castle
County Magistrates for South division of Hinckford Hedingham, Colne Engaina, Earls Colne, Gosfield.
hundred, Halstead bench. Great Maplestead, Great Yeldham, Halstead, Little-
Maplestead, Little Yeldham, Pebmarsh, Ridgwell, Sibla
Vaizey Jn. Robt. esq. D.L. Attwoods, Halstead, chairman Hedingham, Stambourne, Tilbury, Topplesfield & White
Brewster Charles Edward esq. Maplestead hall, Maple- Colne. The population of the union in 1891 wa•
stead, Halstead 16,869; area 39,360 acres; rateable value, in 1894•
Courtauld George esq. Cut hedge, Gosfield, Halstead
Gray Chas. Wing e-sq. Perces, Greenst.ead Grn. Halstead £55.9 22 ·
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committe-e, Robert
Grimston Waiter Edward esq. Colne Place, Earls Colne, Lake Hughes, Head street
Halstead Treasurer, William Neville Tufnell, High Garrett
Hills Harris esq. Berwyke hall, White Colne, Halstead Relieving I Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the
Hornor Lewis esq. The Howe, Halstead Guardians, 1st district, William Crowe Sheen, 64 Head
Hunt Reuben esq. Tillwicks, Earls Colne, Halstead street, Halstead ; 2nd district, John Henry Harding,.
Portway Charles esq. The Croft, Halstead Great Yeldham
Start Charles WiUiam esq. The Cottage, Pebmarsh, :Medical Officers, Halstead district, 1st division, J. Henry
Bures R.S.O Ashworth M. D. High street, Halstead; Halstead dis-
Clerk to the Magistrates, Francis Harris B.A. trict, 2nd division, Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., l\LB.
Petty Sessions held at the Police station every alternate Camb. Halstead; No, 2 district, Henry Joseph
tuesday at 11 a.m. The places in the division are Twamley, Sible Hedingham; No. 3 district, John
.A.J.phamstone, Bures Hamlet, Earls Colne, Colne En- Taylor, Earls Colne; No. 4 district, Robert Reyno-Ms,
gaine, White Colne, Gosfield, Halstead, Great & Little Steeple Bumpstead; No. 5 district, John Bourn&
Henny, Lamarsh, Little Maplestead, Middleton, Peb- Bromley, Castle Hedingham
marsh, Twinstead & Wickham St. Paul Public Vaccinators, 1st district, Charles Gordon Roberts
Local Board. M. A., M. B. Camb. Halstead; 2nd district, Hemy
• Joseph Twamley, Sible Hedingham; other districts •
Members. same as Medical Officers
George Courtauld, chairman Superintendent Registrar, Robert Lake Hughes, Head
Edgar Tarry .!dams Robert Lake Hughes street, Halstead; deputy, Edgar Joseph Potter, Blue
J oseph Blomfield John King bridge, Halstead
Waiter Clark Samuel Knight Registrars of Marriages, Samuel Tyler, Head street, Hal-
Benjamin Hoddy Charles Portway J.P stead; deputy, Samuel George Tyler, Head street, Hal-
Offices, Town hall. Board day, 1st monday in every stead; John Spurgeon, Sible Hedingham; deputy.
IUonth . Ernest J. Willis, Sible Hedingham
Clerk, Robert Rutherford Morton, High street Reg-istrars of Births & Deaths, Halstead sub-district,_
Treasurer, William Neville Tufnell, High Garrett William Crow Sheen, Head street, Halstead; deputy,
Medical Officer of Health, Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., William Rooke Errington, North street, Halstead;
M. B., B. C. Camb. Britchards Hedingham sub-district, John Henry Harding, Great
Surveyor & Collector, George Road Matthews, Head st Yeldham; deputy, Mrs. Jennie S. Harding, Great..
Sanitary Inspector, Frank Higginson Yeldham
The Workhouse, erected in 1838, at a cost of £7,500, is-
Public Establishments. available for 360 iniDates; William Rooke Errington,.
Cemetery, Colchester road, Edgar Joseph Potter, clerk master; Edgar Tarry Adams, lay reader; J. Henry
to the burial board; George Wiffen, superintendent Ashworth M.D., M.R.C.S. medical officer; Mrs.
Co-operative Assembly Rooms, Trinity street Florence J ane Errington, matron
Cottage Hospital, North street, James Henry Ashworth
M.D. & John Bourne Bromley, medical officers; John Rural Sanitary Authority.
Robert Vaizey D.L., J.P. & Owen Clover, hon. secs.; Meets at the Union every fourth friday at I p.m.
Edgar Joseph Potter, assistant sec. & collector; Miss Clerk, Robert Lake Hughes, Head street
Mary Milner Fisher, matron · Treasurer, William Neville- Tufnell, High Garrett
County Court, His Honor William Paterson, judge; Medical Officers of .Health, No. 1 district, J. Henry Ash-
Francis Harris B. A. registrar & high bailiff: the worth M. D., M.R.C.S. High street, Halstead; No. z.
county court is held bi-monthly. The following is a district, John Bourne Bromley, Castle Hedingham
list of parishes & places within the jurisdiction of the Sanitary Inspector, Charles Wash, Earls Colne
court : Earls Colne, Colne Engaine, White Colne, School Attendance Committee.
Gosfield, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Castle Heding- Meets at the Union, every fourth friday, at 10.30 a.m ..
ham, Great Maplestead, Little Maplestead, Marks Hall, Clerk, Robert Lake Hughes, Head street
Pebmarsh, Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Topplesfield, Great Attendance Officer, Edgar Joseph Potter, Blue bridge,
Yeldham & Little Yeldham
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Public Officers.
of Colchester; C. Mercer, senior official receiver, 95 Certifying Factory Surgeon, J. Henry Ashworth. 'M.D~
Temple chambers, London E.C.; F. Messent, official High street
receiver, Ipswich· . Clerk to the "C'nited Charities, Francis Harris B. A. High s~
Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment Clerk to the Vestry, Assistant Overseer & Collector of
Act," Stanley Moger, 23 High street, Halstead; Samuel Taxes, Samuel Tyler, Head street
Tyler, Head street, Halstead; James Mayhew Balls, Inspector of Weights & Measures for the County Council,
Castle Hedingham; Thomas Howard, Earls Colne &rgeant John Thomas Bridge, Greenstead green
Inland Revenue Office, New street, Chas. Playfair, officer Town Crier, James Scott, North street
)fasonic Lodge (No. 2,154, Joshua Nunn), held at the Veterinary Inspector for South HinckfordJ Division,
George hotel, tues. on or after full moon, Jan. Mar. 1 Frederic ::\{orton Wallis M.R.C.V.S. 46 Head street
Places of Worship, with times of services. St. Andrew's National, Colchester road, built in 1876
St. Andrew's Church, High street, Rev. Thomas Geo:t:ge (boys), for I75; average attendance, 88; Thomas
Gibbons M.A. vicar; Robert John Brereton "Andrewee Fisher, master: (girls) for I68; average attendance,
N.A. curate; 8 & zo a.m. 3 &; 6.30 p.m. wed. &; 8o; Miss Harriet Crook, mistress: (infants) for I75
fri. 7.30 p.m. ; tues. thurs. & sat. 5 p.m children; average attendance, I09; Miss Jane Iggulden,
'Holy Trinity Church, Trinity street, Rev. Charles Ed- mistress
ward Gooding May M. A., LL.M. vicar; 8.30 &; 11 a. m. National, Greenstead Green (mixed), built in I846 &; en-
3 &i 6.30 p.m. ; fri. 7·30 p.m larged in 1884, for 8o children; average attendance,
St James' Church, Greenstead Green, Rev. Edgar S. 70; Charles .A.rthur Robson, master
Corrie M.A. vicar; Rev. Charles Thomas Sutcliffe B. A. Trinity National, Trinity street (mixed &; infants), built
curate; 11 a. m. & 5 p.m. ; & daily at 8.30 a.m. & in 1845 &i enlarged in 1881, at a cost of £ISO, for 350
2 p.m
children ; average attendance, 160 boys &; girls &; IOO
'Friends' Meeting House, Colchester road, u.o a.m. &; infants; John Jago, master; Mrs. Eleanor Jago, sew-
6.30 p.m ing mistress; Miss Gertrude Chandler, infants' mistress
:Baptist, North street, Rev. Alfred B. Preston; IO.JO
a.m. &i 6.30 p.m. ; mon. 7.30 p.m Lower Trinity National, School chase, Tidings hill, for 8o
Baptist (Particular), School lane, I0.30 a.m. &; 6.30 children; average attendance, 58 ; Miss Eliza. Clifford
p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m Gardner, mistress
Congregational, Parsonage street, Rev. Samuel Parkin- British, Factory lane, built in 1844 & enlarged in I891,
son; 10.30 a.m. &i 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7.30 p.m for 140 boys, I40 girls & I20 infants; average attend-
Congregational, High street, Rev. Owen Thomas Prosser, ance, 105 boys, 8o girls, & go infants ; Harry Morton
10.30 a.m. &i 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Mathews, master : Miss Sarah J owett, mistress : Miss
"Primitive Methodist, New street, Rev. John Peart; 2.30 Elizabeth J. Coller, mistress
&; 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m Industrial, School lane, Head street, for girls under q,
Unitarian, Factory lane, Rev. R. H. Fuller B.A. ; 11 a.m. certified March I2, 186g, under the Industrial Schools
in summer, 6.30 p.m. in winter Act of I866 ; there are now 6o inmates; Miss Lucy
Plymouth Brethren, Bull Hotel yard, Bridge street, Greenwood, hon. superintendent
10.45 a.m. &; 6.45 p.m. ; mon .. &; thurs. 6.45 p.m Conveyance:-
'Salvation ·Army, Parsonage street, 11 a.m. &i 3 &; 6.30
pm. ; daily 8 p.m Railway Station, George Copus, general manager; Wil-
Schools. loughby John Lee, station master
Omnibus from the George hotel to meet every train
l(}rammar, High street, founded by Dame Mary Ramsay Omnibuses to Braintree, E. & B. Smith, from High
·in 1594, for 40 boys residing within 8 miles of the street, every wed. &; Samuel Rayner, from Trinity
church; there are now about 6o boys, the head mas- street, mon. wed. & sat
ter receiving 30 as boarders : the endowment amounts
'to about £250 yearly : the school is governed by a Carriers to:-
body of 13 trustees, four of whom are appointed by Braintree, Samuel Rayner, daily
the governors of Christ's Hospital; Archibald H. Chappel &; Earls Colne, Leo. James Pendle, daily
Wood B. A. head ma~ter Colchester, William Monk, thurs
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fitch Miss, 10 Trinity street Oakley William, 20 Head street
.!dams Edgar Tarry, Trinity street l•'itch Zachariah Alien, 59 New street Older Ernest Ralph, I9 HE>ad street
A.dams Percy, Oaklands Gibbons Rev. Thomas George M . .A. ParkinsGn Rev. Samuel (Congrega-
.Ambrose Samuel Root, 9 Head street St. Andrew's vicarage, Parsonage st tional), Parsonage street
.A.mey William, 15 Parsonage street Goodey Robert, 18 Colchester Toad Patrick Mrs. 73 New street
.Andrewes Rev. John Brereton M.A. Goodram Mrs. 77 New street Peart Rev. John (Primitive Metho-
(curate of St. Andrew's), 2r Head st Greenwood Miss, School lane dist), 22 Trinity street
.A ppleby Mrs. 48 High street Griggs Arthur, Shrublands, Trinity st Portway Charles J.P. The Croft,
..A.rdley Horae~ Barker, High stret-t Hall Robert, IS Chapel hill High str~et
.A.shwcrth James Hy. M.D., 1\LR.C.S. Hammond Charles "\V allis, Bank ho. Portway Harry Harvey, Bois hall•
High street High street Sudbury road
Barnard Wiluam, 5 Colchester ter- Hammond Mrs. Holmdale, Trinity st Preston Rev. Alfred B. (Baptist), 95
race, Colchester road Hardy William, I Fairfield terrace, North street
Bell Mrs. 69 North street North street Fridmore Henry Letts, 20 High st
!Bentall Mrs. 45 Head street Han·is Francis B.A. :Nethe'l' priors, Prince George Edward, I Monnt Plea-
Briscoe Mrs. Fir wood Colchester road sant villas, Parsonage street
Brown Duncombe, 4 Colchester ter- Hawkins Henry Dougliss, New street Prosser Rev. Owen Thomas (Congre-
race, Colchester road Hinds Mrs. •~ Colchester terrace, Col- gational), 46 High street
Brown Misses, The Chase, Head street chester road Raven "Mrs. The Firs, King's road
iBuck Charles, 17 Chapel hill Hoad Miss, 3 King's road Rayner Samuel, King's road
Ilunn J Ghn, Clipt hedges, Factory la Heddy Benjamin, Red ho. Colchstr.rd Roberts Charles Gordon M ..A., M.B.
Burt Frederick M. Sloe house Holland J ames, Sloe farm Cambs. Pitchards, Trinity street
Candler Mrs. 41 Head street Hornor Mrs. The Howe Ruffle Mrs. Head street
Canning Allen Taylor, The Cedars, Houghton Rev. RobPrt Walpole B..A.. Runnacbs Edward, 78 Parsonage st
Sudbury road 75 New street Runnacles Mrs. Colchester road
Cart~r John, 1\fill house, Causeway Hughes RJbert Lake, Sudbury road Sargent R>bt. Fairfield vils. North st
Christie Fairgray, I7 Head street Inwan Edwin Henry, Colchester road Spurgeon William, 38 Trinity street
Clark Ernest Gould, 3 Trinity terrace, Inman Mrs. Colchester road Sudbury Louis, Colchester road
Trinity street Jago John, 67 New !i'treet. Sudbury Mrs. 6 Colchester t~rrace,
Clark Walter,Victo.ria cot.Culchestr. rd J ohnson Mrs. High street Colchester road
Clover Owen, Linden ho. Sudbury rd Jolmson William, so High street Sudbury "\Villiam, Mallowsfield, Col-
ClGver William, Trinity street K~mp Obadiah, Kempton villas, chester road
Cobb Henry George, Fairfield villas, King's road Surridge Mrs. 6 Parsonage stre·~t
North street Kibble .Alfred William, Jesmond cot- Swindells Mrs. 49 New street
Copus George, 69 New street tage, King's road Taylor Mrs . .A.shford lodge, SuJbry. rd
Cressall Geo. Rose cGt. Mount hill Kidd Alexander, 47 New street Tvler Geo. Rosedale vil. Colehester rd
Crisp Charles, I Colchester road King Thomas, 2 Trinity ter.Trinity st Tyler Samuel, Head street
Culf William Carrington, 65 New st Knight Mrs. High street Vaizey John R1•Lert LL.M., D.L., J.P.
Dedman Eblnezer, Highbury terrace, Knight Saml. The Firs, Sudbury rd A ttwoods
O>lchester 1·oad Layzell John, 43a, North street Wallis Frederick Morton M.R.C.V.S.
Downs Lewis William, 24 High street Little Mrs. Parsonage street 46 Head street
Downs Mrs. 57 New street ~Iarshall Thomas, K orth street W allis ::Mrs 38 Head !'treet
Dunt William Charles, I Trinity ter- ::\fay Rev. Charles Edward Gooding lVightman :Misses, Wellesley house,
race, Trinity street M . .A., LL.:M. Holy Trinity vicarage Colchester road
Fisher Thomas, 1 Colchestt-r terrace, Moger Geo. Stanley, I9a, Head street Wood .A.rchibald H. B.A. (head master
Colchest~r road Mc.rton Robt. Rutherford, Star stlle of Grammar school), High street
Fitch George Joseph, Oaklt-y hou;oe, Newt-on Abraham, 2 Mount Pleasant Yerbury Walter, 67 Head street
North street villas, Parsonage stn•et
ES3EX 12
COMMERCIA I •• Cha.plin Elijah, apartments, 5 r New street
Abbott Carolina (Miss), ladies' school, Colchester road Christie Fairgray L.R.C.P. Edin. physician & surgeon,
Adams Thomas Francis & Sons, brewers, maltsters & 17 Head street
corn merchants, Trinity street Clark Sarah & Alice (Misses), newsagents & fancy
.Alien Edward, hardware dealer, 2 Mount pleasant repository, 43 High street
Alston Jonathan & Arthur, farmers, Penny Pots Clark Leonard Alfred, copper & tin smith & apartments.
.Amey John Thomas, baker & shopkeeper, 21 Tidings hl School chase, Tidings hill
Angier Thomas, shopkeeper, 40 Parsonage street Clark Robert, confectioner, 41 High street
Ardley Henry William, farmer, u-ladfen hall Clarke. Osborne George, butcher, I I Head street
Ardley Horace Barker, farmer, coal & corn merchant Clements Alfred, beer retailer, 54 Tidings hill
& maltster, Causeway Clover Owen & Son, millers (steam) & corn merchants,.
Argent Eliza (Mrs.), tailor, clothier & boot dealer, Roaer flour mills, Bridge street
Bridge street Cocksedge Frederick, apartments, Bay house, High st-
Argent Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 19 Trinity square Cocksedge Henry, general wood turner & saw mills.
Ashworth James Henry M.D. physician & surgeon, shopkeeper, dealer in wood measl}res, shovels &c.
medical officen Halstead district, ISt division & to 20 Bridge street & The Halstead steam turnery &
the Workhouse, medical officer of health, Halstead saw mills
1st rural district, certifying factory surgeon & sur- Coe Hannah (Miss), laundress, 43 North street
geon to the Cottage hospital, High street Coe Waiter, higgler, Old Tan yard, High street
Baker, Son & Co. drapers, 7, 8 & 9 Head street Colne Valley Railway Company (George Copus, generat
Balls William, bricklayer, 88 North street manager)
Baldwin Ernest, Railway Bell inn & ornamental con- Constable William, shopkeeper, 20 Trinity street
fectioner, 30 Trinity street Cook Frederick John, beer retailer & greengrocer, 45
Barker William George, grocer, 109 High street High street
Barry & Co. printers & stationers, 21 High street Cook George, brewer, 54 Parsonage street
Bartholomew Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, 66 Head st Cook Lydia (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Highbury terrace,.
Bartram Arthur Henry, confectioner & tobacconist, 101 Colchester road
& 103 High street • Cook Samuel, shopkeeper, 73 Chapel hill
Beadle Harriet (.Mrs.), laundress, 3 Mount hill Cook Thomas Henry, greengrocer, 24 Trinity street
Bean Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, North street Cook William, builder, North street
. Bearman Philip, higgler, 12 North street Cooke Jane (Mrs.), midwife, 16 Bridge street
Beckworth Caleb, cabinet maker, upholsterer & joiner, Cooke Thomas, picture frame maker, 97 High street
71 Parsonage street Cooper Harry, cycle agent, 30 Head street
Bate Thomas Stapleton, cycle & tool maker, general Cooper Waiter William, basket maker & osier grower..
engineer, gear cases fitted, perambulator & domestic 26 High street
machinery warehouse; every description of pneu- Cooper William, artesian well borer, 13 Head street
matic tyre repairs ; trade work a specialite ; Eureka Co-operative Assembly Rooms (Waiter Yerbury, sec.),.
works, 57 High street Trinity street
Bedford Charles, Ye Olde White Harte commercial Copus Geo. general manager to the Colne Valley railway
hotel; good accommodation for cyclists and visitors; Cottage Hospital (James Henry Ashworth M.D. & John
15 High street Bourne Bromley, medical officers; Edgar Jose:ph
Binks Benjamin, baker, 21 Chapel hill Potter, assistant sec. & collector; Miss Mary ~lilner­
Binks Sarah (Miss), dress maker, Bridge street Fisher, matron), North street
Birkin John, boot & shoe maker, 31 Head street Cottis George, baker, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 4r
Bloomfie:d Alfred & J. brick, drain pipe & tile makers Chapel hill
& farmers, Brook farm Connty Court (His Honor William Paterson, judge;
Bloomfield John, farmer, Blamsters Francis Harris B.A. registrar & high bailiff), High st
Boggis John, shopkeeper, 14 Mount pleasant Courtauld Samuel & Co. Lim. (John Carter, manager),
Bo.tham Charles, tailor, 79 North street silk & crape manufacturers, Halstead mills; & at
Bowles John Henry, Dog P.H. 24 North street Bocking; Braintree & Earls Colne ; & 19 Alderman-
Boyton David, fishmonger & fruiterer, 100 North st bury, London E C
Braintree Gazette (published thurs.) (The Gazettes Cressall George & William, coal merchants & furnitur~
Publishing & Printing Co. Lim. proprietors), Rose- removers, Bridge street
mary lane Cressall George, Bull hotel, Bridge street
Bragg Edward, sen. fish dealer, Mount pleasant Culyer Alfred, newsagent, 85 High street
Bragg Edward, boot repairer, 57 Mount pleasant Culyer George, watch maker, 62 High street
Bragg Henry, shopkeeper, 70 Parsonage street Davey Oliver, boot maker, gra, North street
Bragg George, fish dealer, 37 Mount pleasant Davey Priscilla (Mrs.), beer retailer, 92 North street
Bragg Harry, hawk~r, 4 Martins road Davey Waiter, beer retailer, 39 North street
Bragg Henry, boot repairer, 59 Mount pleasant Deal Richard, shopkeeper, 42 North street
Bragg John, boot repairer, I Highbury ter. Colchstr. rd Deeks John Thomas, bricklayer, 6 Fairfield ter. Nth. st
Brand Harriet (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H. I Mount pleasant Doe Arthur, butcher, 8 Trinity street
Brazier Isaac, wire worker, 78 Head street Doubleday J oseph & Robert, grocers & drapers, High st
Brazier John. wire worker, 89 High street Drury Isaac, Woodman P.H. 32 Colchester road
Bright Henry, farmer, Plaster green & Bees farms Dunt Wllliam George, linen, fancy & general draper.
Brown Hugh & Sons (William Everton, manager), milliner, dress maker, hosier & glover & silk mercer,
tanners, 52 High street specialities in laces, flowers, feathers, gloves, mil-
Brown Alfred Duncombe, pha.rm. chemist, 12 High street linery, hosiery, corsets, skirts, dresses & jackets;:
Brown Alfred James, photographer, High street patterns on application; all parcels carriage paid;
•Brown Arthur, baker & tea dealer, 7 Tidings hill London house, 2 & 4 Bridge street
Brown James, carpenter & shopkeeper, 21 Chapel hill East Essex & Halstead Times (Barry & Co. publishers &
Brown Susannah (Miss), dress maker, 10 Parsonage st proprietors), 21 High street
Brown William Edward & Son, tailors & clothiers, 14 Else Annie (Miss), dress maker, 74 High street
- High street Errington William Rooke, master of workhouse, North st
Broyd William, farmer & cattle dealer, Brook street Ervin Elizabeth (Mrs.), temperance hotel; Trinity st.
• Bugg F. G. & Co. clothiers, 66 High street Evans Alfred, carpenter, 8 Boar's Head yard, North st
Bugg Frederick John, boot & shoe maker, 68 High st Evans Catherine (Mrs.), beer retailer, 59 Parsonage st
Bull Hotel (George Cressall, proprietor), Brid~e street Evans Jacob, farmer, Bois hall, Sudbury road
Burford George, coal merchant & maltster, 4 Trinity Evans Jacob, jun. pig & poultry dealer, Colchester rd
terrace, Trinity street Evans John, pork butcher, 8o North street
Butcher George, tailor, 13 llighbury · ter. Colchstr. rd Evans Thomas William, pork butcher, 6o Head street
Butcher Sampson, tailor, 9 Highbury ter. Colchstr. rd Evans "\Villiam, beer retailer, 5 Trinity square
Butcher Thomas, Rose & Crown P.H. 55 Head street Evans William, pork butcher, 68 Parsonage street
Cadby Frederick Thomas, basket maker, 8 Highbury Everitt Joseph Chopping, baker, 6r High street
terrace, Colchester road Felton John, Napier Arms P.H. 53 Head street
Cadby Thomas, basket maker, 6g Head street Finch John, higgler, Mount pleasant
Canning Alien Taylor. wine & spirit merchant, re- Finch William, shopkeeper, 75 Mount pleasant
presented by E. & P. Adams, High street Fitch Ellen (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker, North street
Carter & Son, printers & stationers, 28 High street French Richard Arthur, watch maker, 78 High street
Cemetery (Edgar Joseph Potter, clerk to the burial Frost David, farm bailiff to W. E. Grimston esq.
board; George Wiffen, supt. ), Colchester road Parley beams
Chaplin Ann Agnes (Miss), apartments, 7 Bridge street Fros~ John, miller (steam & wind) & corn mer. Boisfield
Gazettes' Publishing & Printing Co. (Douglas Jowers Javan, carpenter, 62 Head street
Roberts, manager), printers & publishers, Rosemary la Kemp George, painter, 33 New street
George Commercial Hotel (William Wat,kin Turnell, Kemp Raymond, confectioner, 81 High street
proprietor), High street Kemp Waiter, Bird-in-Hand P.H. 56 Ch-apel hill
Gibbs Edward, beer retailer & furniture broker, 34 Kibble James, market gardener, 32 Trinity street
Chapel hill King Emily (:Miss), teaeher of music, Facit cottages,
Gibbs Jessie (Mrs.), dress maker, 51 Trinity road King's road
Goodey Mark, Griffin P.H. 55 Parsonage street King John, builder, I King's road
Goodey Wm. Dring, baker, 22 Parsonage street Knight Ernest, corn & coal merchant, 74 Head street &
Goodram Thomas, plumber, 71 Head street King's road
Gosling Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 Trinity st Knights .Albert, boot repairer, Trinity street
Gower & Emerson, chemists, & agents for W. & A. Last George, market gardener, North street
Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, 25 High street Layzell George, hawker, 56 Parsonage street
Grammar School (Archibald H. Wood B.A. head master), LayzeJI Henry, tinsmith, 25 North street
Hie-h street Leake George, teacher of music & organist of IJoly
Grange Richard, beer retailer, 25a, Mount pleasant Trinitty, I6 Head street
Gray .Arthur, Three Crowns P.H. High street Lee Willoughby John, station master, Railway station,
Green John Coney, grocer, 19 High street Bridge street
Green Mary .Ann (Mrs.), butcher, 78 High street Literary & Mechanics' Institute (R. L. Hughes, sec.)~
Griggs & Buck, carriage builders, Bridge street; show Town hall, High street
rooms, Corn Exchange, Colchester Lockwood William, engineer, smith & boiler repairer; all
Halstead Chrysanthemum Society (Stanley Moger, sec.), descriptions of agricultural machinery repaired, Mount
High street hill
Halstead & Colne Valley Gazette (The Gazettes' Publish- I!:>ndon & County Banking Co. Limited (Charles Wallis
ing & Printing Co. Lim. proprietors; Douglas Roberts, Hammond, manager), High st. ; draw on head office,
manager) (published thurs.), Rosemary lane London EC
Halstead Conservative Working Men's Club (Frederick Lyons Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 6o High
Cocksedge, hon. sec.; Nathaniel Robinson, steward), street, 21 Lomlbard street
53 High street Mann Harry, inspector of police, Police station, Trinity st
Halstead Cycling Club (E. F. Elliott, sec.), High street Marchant Frederick, drill instructor, Colchester road
Halstead Football Club (C. J. Brewer, sec); Marlar John & Son, chemists, & wine, spirit & ale mer-
Halstead Garden Parties' .Association (H. G. Cobb, chants, 49 & 51 High street
sec.), North street M!ilthews George Road, surveyor & collector to the local
Halstead Gas Co. Lim. (Francis Harris B.A. sec.; board, Head street
Frederick Richard Child, manager), Bridge street ; May William, firewood dealer, 39 Mount pleasant
works, Rosemary lane Mayes George & Sons, watch makers, 35 High street
Halstead Industrial Co-operative Society Lim. (Obadiah Miller .Alice (Miss), dress maker, 1 East mill
Kemp, manager; Waiter Yerbury, sec.), grocers, Miller George, dealer, I East mill
drapers, boot makers, coal merchants & general Miller He:J, Three Pigeons P.H. Mount hill
stores, Trinity street Moger St ey, auctioneer, surveyor & valuer, 23 High st
Halstead Liberal .Association (R. L. Hughes & A. W. Monk William, carrier & carter, 25 New street
Kibble, secs) Morris John1 manager of Sparrow, Tufnell & Oo.'s Bank,
Halstead Volunteer Fire Brigade (Edgar Tarry .Adams, High street
captain; George Road Mathews, supt. ), Head street Morton Rabert Rutherford (firm, Harris, Morton &
Halstead Water Works (Geo. Road Mathews, manager), Harris), solicitor, commissioner for oaths & clerk to.
Head street the local board, High street •
Ham Herbert, teacher of music & organist of St. Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, King's road
.Andrew's, Bay house, Chapel street Nash James, boot repairer & locksmith, 78 North street
Hammond Charles Wallis, manager of the London & Nash Rob-ert, butcher. 107 High street
County Banking Co. Lim. High street Neave William Henry, Swan P.H. & butcher, 69 & 71
Hardy Harry William, farmer, Stones High street & New street
Harrington Charles, plumber & painter, 5o Trinity road Newton Elymas, chimney sweeper, 6 Chipping hill
Harrington Clara (Miss), dress maker, Chapel terrace Newton Waiter Winterworth, poultry dealer, Myrtle cot-
Harrington Joseph, market gardener, 5 I Parsonage st tages, Tidings hill
Harrington Wm. currier & leather seller, 24 Head st North William, seedsman & florist, 99 High street
Harris, Morton & Harris, solicitors, High street Norton J(.lmes, tobacconist, 3 High street
Harris Francis B..A. (firm, Harris, Morton & Harris), Oak William, grocer, 59 High street
solicitor, registrar of county court, clerk to magi- Oakley & Clark, cabinet makers, I High street
strates for Halstead & Hedingham divisions & clerk Osborne .Arthur, beer retailer & wheelwright, 28 Par-
to Halstead united charities, High street sonage street _
Harrod George, confectioner 93 High street Owers Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 8 Trinity road
Hawkes Thomas, boot maker, Trinity street Pamplin John, umbrella & walking stick maker, Colne rd
Hawkins & Emerson, photographers, 25 High street Parish Henry, shopkeeper, Bridge street
Hearn George, farmer, Hepworth hall Parish Jane (Mrs.), stay makert Bridge stree~
Hibble Francis Fredk. White Horse P.H. I2 Parsonage st Parishioner (The) (William Herbert Root, publisher),
Higginson Frank, sanitary inspector Trinity street
Hostler Lily (Miss), dress maker, 34 Trinity road Parsonson Charles, basket maker & fancy goods dealer,
Howard .Alfred, shopkeeper, 94 North street 79 High street
Howard Henry, baker & grocer, 14 Trinity square Pattison Waiter Ernest, coal agent, 27 High street
Hughes Henry Lake, cabinet maker & post office, Pendle Leo James, carrier &; .agent for Sutton & Co.
High street carriers, Oakyard, High street
Hughes Robert Lake, supt. registrar, clerk to the board Philpott Robert, apartments, White house, Factory lanae
of guardians, rural sanitary authority & school attend- Pilgrim George, beer retailer, Fenns, Colne roaa
ance & assessment committees Off Halstead union, Pinching William Benjamin, farmer, Froyze hall
Head street Playfair Charles, inland revenue officer, 61 New street
Hume Eliza (Mrs.), King's Head P.H. Colchester road Plnmmer Robert, foarmer, Bentall's farm, Sudbury road
Hume Mary .Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 16 Parsonage st Plnmmer Samuel Charles, farmer, Highwoods
Hume Waiter, shopkeeper, 24a, Head street Porter George, farmer, Conies
Hunt Uncas, shoe maker, 76 Head street Porter Robert, coffee rooms, 9 Bridge street
Industrial School (:Miss Lucy Greenwood, hon. supt. ), Portway C. & Son, general & furn!ishing ironmongers, oil,
School lane colour & glass merchants, hardware factors, engineers,
Inman Edwin Henry (firm, Sewell & Inman), solicitor plumbers, brass & iron founders & stove & range manu-
& commissioner for oaths, Colchester road facturers, High street & Rosemary lane
International Tea Co. grocers (G. Jones, manager), Potter .Alfred, commercial traveller, New street
56 High street Potter Edgar Joseph, clerk tD the burial board, school
Johnson Emily (~Iiss), farmer, Orow bridge attendance officer & deputy supt. registrar, Blue bridge,
Johnson William, farm bailiff to J. R. Vaizey esq. Colchester road
Russell's farm Potter Henry Cockton, herbalist & yeast dealer, Post
Jowers Florence Amy (Miss), teacher of music & dancing, office, 12 Trinity street
62 Head street Pountney Henry, ironmonger, 75 High street
Pudney Waiter, beer retailer & hurdle maker, Bridge st Smith Hannah Jarvis (Mrs.), milliner, 33 High street
Railway Hotel (John Reilly, proprietor), Bridge street Smith James, hair dresser & boot dealer, 105 High st
Rumpling John, beer ret. & boot repairer, 30 Tidings hill Smith John, fish dealer, 89 North street
Raven Edward, engineer, machinist· & agricultural imple- Sparrow, Tutnell & Co. bankers (John Morris, manager),
ment dealer, steam plough & thrashing machine owner, High street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,
Oolne Valley iron works, King's road Bouverie & Co. London E C
Ray Thomas Henry, farmer & miller (steam & wawr), Springate John, higgler, 46a, Tidings hill
Langley mill & gravel merchant, & W estwood, Colne Springate Kate (Miss), dress maker, 46a, Tidings hill
Enga.ine Spurgeon Alfred, chimney sweeper, 41. Trinity road
Rayner Charles, farmer, Cangle Spurgeon Charlotte (MI"s. ), shopkeeper, 5 Parsonage st
Rayner Eliza (Mrs.), grocer & baker, 43 Head street Spurgeon Ellen (Mrs.), homooopathic medicine agent, 38
Rayner George, farmer, Magpie hall Trinity street
Rayner Jonathan, greengrocer, 8 North street Spurgeon James Noakes, cabinet maker, 76 High street
Rayner Laura (Mi,ss), dress maker, 1 Mount hill Spurgeon Mary (Mrs.), pork butcher & beer retailer, 8~
Rayner Osgood, shoe repairer, North street High street
Rayner Samuel, baker & carrier, 28 Trinity street Steed Alfred, painter & picture frame maker, 5 North st
Rayner Selina (Mrs.), shopkeeper & baker, 20 New street Steed John, hardware & marine store dealer, 3 North st
RG.yner Susannah (Miss), dress maker, 8 North street Steed Robert, King''s Arms P.H. 98 North street
Ready Thomas, tailor, Prospect place, New street Steven George, farm bailiff to Mrs. Hornor, The Howe
RPilly John, Railway hotel, Bridge street Strutt Louisa (Mrs.), lodging house, King's road
Rooe.rts Charles Gordon M.A., M.B.Camb. physician & Strutt Walter Barnard, baker & shopkpr. 37 Parsonage st
surgeon & medical officer (2nd division), & public vac- Sturmer Henry, plumber, 99 N(}rth street
cinator (1st division), Halstead Union & medical officer Sudbury George & Sons, builders & undertakers, Col-
of health to local board, Pitchards, Trinity street chester road
Rolbinson Nathaniel, boot & shoe maker, 53 & 55 High Sudbury William, sen. builder, 5 Bridge street
street, & nurseryman, Rosemary lane ; & at Earl's Colne Surridge Ernest Edward, solicitor. 23 High stre~t; at-
Root Olara. & Firmin Anna (Misses), dress makers, 61 tends tues. I I a.m. to 4 p.m
HMd street Sutton & Co. carriers (Leo James Pendle, agent), Oak
Root Ewin, greengrocer & carter, 68 Head street yard, High street
Root George, higgler, 27 Hf.'ad street Swallow Charles, shopkeeper, 6o Pal'sonage street
Root William, poultry dealer, 1 Martins road Sycamore Elisha, hardware & furniture dealer, 4 High
Ro(}t William Herbert, printer & publisher, Trinity st street & North street
IRowland, Harrington & ~Iinter, hardware & fancy goods Tanswell George, boot maker, 47 High street
dealers, High street Taylor Jonathan, shopkeeper & poultry dealer, 40 New st
Rowland James, hair dresser, 2 North street Technical Instruction Committee (Halstead district); E.
R·owland Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 72 High street J. Potter, secretary
Ruffie John Cousins, miller (water), Boxmill Temperance Hotel & Hall (Mrs. Elizabeth Ervin, pro-
Runnacles Charlotte (Mrs.), builder, contractor & monu- prietress), Trinity street
mental mason, Colchester road Tiffen Joseph White, boot & shoe maker, 3 Head street
St. A1bans Diocesan Quarterly (William Herbert Root, Tortoise Foundry Co. general iron & brass founders,
publisher), Trinity street Rosemary lane
SG.ffron Walden Gazette (published thurs.) (The Gazettes Turnell William Watkin, The George family & commer-
PUJblishing & Printing Co. Lim. ), Rosemary lane cial hotel & posting house, wine & spirit mer. High st
St. John''s AmbUlance Society (Percz. Adams, president; Tyler & Son, auctioneel'ls, valuel'ls, land & estate agents &
Fred. Marlar, sec.), Trinity street surveyors & rent & de!bt collectors ; Auction rooms,
Sargeant Wm. pawnlbroker, grocer & clothier, 9 Ohapel hl Head street; & at Braintree & Bocking
Sargent George, carpenwr~ New street Tyler Charles, tailor & draper, 39 High street
Sargent Robert, baker & confectioner, 4 North street Tyler Samuelt registrar of marriages, Halstead sub-dis-
Saunders '.[lhomas, farmer, Fitzjohns trict, assistant overseer & collector of t.axes, & clerk
Scott Edward Slater, wheelwright, 7 Chapel hill to the Vestry, Head street
Scott James, baker & beer retailer, 86 North street Tyrrell Robert, carpenter, 14 Highbury ter. Colchester rd
Scott James, jun. beer retailer, town crier & bill poster, Volunteer Battalion, 2nd Essex Regiment (E Co.) (Capt.
North street Percy Adams, commandant; Thomas William Good-
Scott Joseph, Nag's Head P.H. 5 New street child & Herbert Ham, lieuts. ; Frederick Marchant,
Scott Walwr Early, fruiterer & fishmonger, 65 High st drill instructor), Drill Hall, St. Andrew's school, Col-
Sewell & Inman, solicitors, Colchester road chester road
Seymour John & James, grocers, 63 High street W allis & Son, veterjnary surgeons1 shoeing forges &
Sharp George, bricklayer, 75 Head street farriers, Head street & Trinity street
Sheen William Crowe, regiostrar of births & deaths, re- Wallis Frederic Morton M.R.C.V.S. vewrinary surgeon &
lieving & vaccination officer & collector to the guardians, veterinary inspector (by appointment), South Hinck-
rst district, Halstead Union, 64 Head street ford (part of), & North Hinckford division of Essex,
Simmons Bros. linen drapers, 9 High street 46 Head street
Simmons Jabez & Son, bakers, 5 High street Ward Joseph Alma, boot maker, 30 New street
Singer Manufacturing Co. (George Warner, manager), 2 Ward Laura (Miss), dress maker, 68 North street
Head street Watts Lent John, monumental mason (George Sharp,
Skitter Robert Herbert, Royal Oak P.H. & brewer, 58 agent), 75 Head street
High street Weston Henry, engineer & millwright, North street
Smee Simon, nurseryman, Factory lane Whettem Swphen, Essex Arms P.H. Trinity street
Smith Edward & Bessie (Miss), saddlers, harness makers Whitmg James, grocer & draper, 17 High street
& carriage & omnibus proprietors ;~omnibus to Brain- Whybrew Samuel, farmer, Ayletts farm
tree every wednesday, 56 High st.reet ; & at Castle Wiffin John, greengrocer, 19 North street
Hedingham; Pe>bmarsh & Great Yeldham Willings Fred. Hel).Ty, baker, 22 Trinity street
Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers & newsagents, Railway Woolard James Isa•ac, baker, 32 Head street
station, Bridge street Woolard John, farmer, North street
Smith Alfred, jun. pork butcher, 70 Trinity road W orden Lucy (Miss), ladies' school, Trinity street
Smith Arthur, picture frame ma. & stationer, 73 High st Working Men's Club (Obadiah Kemp, secretary; Hugh
Smith Benjamin Thomas, grocer, 12 Head street Hunt, steward), Trinity street
Smith Charles Alien, carpenter, 25 Head street Ye Olde White Harte Hotel (Oharles Bedford, propr.),
Smith Felix, saddler, 6 High street 15 High street
Smith Frank, tailor, 73 High street Yel'lbury Waiter, accountant, 67 Head street
Rmith George William, blacksmith & farrier, 64 High st York Henry, hair dresser, 37 High street
Alien Robert, Grenstead hall Arnold Thomas, beer retailer Firmin Thomas, HarP & Hounds P.B.
Corrie Rev. Edgar Siritt M.A. St. Bridge Sergt. John Thomas, inspector builder, wheelwright & blacksmith
,J ames' vicarage of weights & measures for the French Robert, farmer, Stanstead hall
Gray Charles Wing J.P. Perces County Council Gray Charles Wing, farmer & land-
Sutcliffe Rev. Charles Thomas B.A. Clarke Albert, beer retailer & farmer, owner, Perces
(curate) Burton's green Holmes Edward Henry, miller (st.eam
Yates George James M.A. Grange Cop pin J oseph, shopkeeper & wind)
.Amey Henry, boot & shoe makt>r Emberson Wm. beer retlr. Burton's gn Starling Robt. farmr. Donjohn's farm
.Arrrold Joseph, beer retailer Firmin Thos. jun. shopkpr. & post off Yates Geo. James M.A. boys' school
EAST HAM is a parish, 4 miles from Whitechapel includes Little llford parish, added by Local Govern-
church, London, with which it has a dit·ect communi- ment Order, May 20, 1886, and the population in 1891
cation by the lower road through Poplar, leading to was 32,713, and the estimatro population of the dis-
Barking and Grays, I mile west from the town and quay trict, 1894, is 43,000.
of Barking, 2! miles south-east from Stratford, 2 north ~IA XOR PARK is a rising locality in this parish,
from North Woolwich steamboat pier and free ferry
and 2 south-west from llford, in the Southern div-ision and extending into Little llford parish, with a station
of the county, Beacontree hundred and petty sessional on the Great Eastern railway. The cemetery here
division, West Ham union, county court district ol. for the parish of East Ham belongs to a limited com-
Bow, rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex pany ; it covers an area of 30 acres and has two
and diocese of St. .Albans. It is in the jurisdiction chapels. Wall End is a small hamlet on t-he east.
of the Central Criminal court and the Metropolitan Plashet and Green Street are in the district of Upton
police, and is governed by a Local Board of nine mem-
Parish Clerk, James Cozens.
bers formed in 1878. Little llford was united to this
parish for local government purposes and three mem- Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
bers added to the local board for that ward in October, --J:lmes Stokes, postmaster. Letters arrive at 8.30
1886 : the united district is now divided into four a.m. 3.30 & 8 & 9.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9· 15 & 12
wards, consisting of Manor Park ward, Plashet ward, noon, 2.35, 4.40, 6.45, 8.10 & 11.30 p.m
Central (East Ham) ward and Beckton and North Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Woolwich ward, and it returns two members for the Priory road.' Hugh Quail, receiver. Letters dis-
Essex County Council. This parish is in the Eastern patched at 9.25 a.m. 12.15, 2.35, 4·55 & 8.30 p.m
Metropolitan postal district and lies north and south
of the road to Barking, the parochial boundaries ex- Local Board.
tending from Wanstead Flats to the Thames at North Offices, Wakefield street.
Woolwich, the southern part of the district being
rather low. The Tilbury and Southend railway has a Board day, 3rd tuesday in the month.
station here and Manor Park station on the main line Members : Thomas Mathews, chairman, Thomas Donald,
of the G-reat Eastern railway ro Colchester and Ips- John Brooks, J. Norman ButtDn, William Langman,
wich is 1 mile north, East Ham anciently belonged to Elias Keys, Jabez C. Abbott, Thomas Wilton, J. H.
Waltham Abbey, to which it was confirmed by King Bethell, J. T. East, D. Cordery, J. Ivory, F. C. Pearce,
Edward the Confessor. The church of St. Mary Mag- J. Palmer, J. Wright Hill M.B
dalen is an ancient structure of flint and stone, in Clerk, Charles E. Wilson, Durban house
part Norman, and consists of apsidal chancel, with Treasurer, Goorge T. Goodinge, London & South West-
north aisle, nave, western porch and a low embattled ern Bank, Barking
western tower containing 2 bells ; the chancel has Medical Officer of Health, Albert William Beaumont,
narrow lancet windows, but some part of it, as well High street
as portions of the nave and the basement of the tower, Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Savage,
is Norman ; in the chancel is a piscina with lamp Red Post lane
bracket, and a Norman arcading of intersecting arches, Collector, Thomas Dennison, High street
much mutilated; here also is a costly monument of Manor Park Cemetery J. C. Humphris, sec.; Revs.
black and white marble with life-sized effigies, to Ed- J. P. Gray & C. F. Vernon, chaplains
mund (or Edward) Nevill, a lineal descendant and heir
male of Sir George Nevill, baron Latimer and the re- P!aces of Worship, with times of Services.
puted owner of that title, wh() in the reign of James I. St. Mary Magdalen Church, Rev. J. Hubert Ware M.A.
claimed, though unsuccessfully, the earldDm Df West- vicar; Rev. James Wm. Green M.A. & Rev. Charles
morland, the attainder of Charles, the last earl, who Sellon Ashmore Whittington M.A. curates; 11 a.m.
died in 1584 and whose heir male he was, not having & 6.30 p.m
been reversed ; there is also a memorial to J ane, his St. John the Baptist Chapel of Ease, 8 & I I a.m. &
wife, and Katherine, their daughter, 1618: there are 6.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m
other ancient monuments and brasses to Rester, wife St. .Alban's Mission Church (St. Stephen's ), Rev. A.
of Francis Neve, citizen and merchant taylor, ob. 1610; \V. F. De Spailier M. A. curate in charge; I I a.m.
Elizabeth (Harvey), wife of William Heigham esq. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & holy days 7.30 p.m
ob. 1622, with three children; William Johnson, an Wesleyan, Barking road, I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues.
infant, ob. 1631, and an inscription recording a bene- 7·30 p.m
faction by Robert Rampsron in 1585: the church plate Primitive Methodist, High street south, I I a.m. &
is about three centuries old : there are 150 sittings : 6.30 p.m
in the churchyard was buried the eminent antiquary,
William Stukeley M.D., F.R.S. who died 3rd March, Schools.
1765 ; agreeably ro his request the grave has no stone A School Board of 9 members was formed in 1891 ;
or memorial of any kind, but the spot was identified William John Brett, clerk to the board; W. Gayler,
in 1889, and the COffin found W be in good preservation. 27 Meanley road, Little Ilford; W. Totterdill, 28
The register of marriages dates from 1696; baptisms Bernard terrace, Silvertown & John F. Jameson,
and burials from 1700. The living is a vicarage, aver- Milton avenue, High street, attendance officers
age tithe rent-charge £655; net yearly value £395, Board, High street south, erected, with residences for
with residence, in the gift of Brasenose College, Ox-
ford, and· held since 1893 by the Rev. John Hubert the master & mistresses, in 1875, at a cost of £5,ooo
& since enlarged for 1,200 children; average attend-
Ware M.A. of that college. The chapel of ease of St.
John the Baptist, built in 1866, is a cruciform structure, ance, 290 boys, 270 girls & 283 infants; John Skipsey,
consisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a western master; Miss Annie Pockney, mistress; Mrs: Overal,
tower containing a clock and one bell and will seat mfants' mistress
about 500 persons. There is a Wesleyan chapel in the Board, Plashet lane; Thomas "\\atts, master; :Miss
Barking road with sittings for about 430 persons and Ada Lewis, mistress; Miss l\Iary Tomlin, infants'
a Primitive Methodist chapel in the High street, built mistress
in 1885, with 300 sittings: the Congregational chapel, Uoa~. Shrewsbury road; James Peters, niaste.r;
at Manor Park, was built in 18go. The cemetery be- ~liss Hankinson, mistress ; 1\liss Treger, infants'
longing to the United Synagogue was acquired in 1888. mistress
There are almshouses, founded in 1621 by Giles Bream Board, Manor Park (boys, girls & infants), J. S. Green,
esq. who died in 1621 and was buried in the church; master; Miss Bailey, mistress ; :Mrs. E. Dix, infants'
these are occupied by three married couples and 6 mistress
widows, and endowed with 103 acres of land at Brain-
tree, producing £26 ISS. yearly, half of which is sent St. Nicholas Industrial (Catholic), :Manor Park, was
t{) Bottisham, in Cambridgeshire, the place of the ori- erected in 1868, for 250 boys, who are taught various
ginal endowment providing for 3 poor men of that useful handicrafts ; the school was certified March
parish and 3 of this ; other charities amounting to 26th, 1868: in the grounds is a chapel, the services
£19 are yearly distributed at Christmas. Temple of which are open to the public; Rev. James Lani-
House is the residence of Charles Mead esq. The gan, chaplain; P. V. Moore, manager
parish has an area of 2,465 acres of land and 30 of Railway Stations.
water; rateable value, £168,288; the population in
~871 was 4,344; in 1881, 9,713; 1891, 28,744, which
East Ham, Frederick George Breeden, station master
mcluded St. George's-in-the-East workhouse school, Manor Park, Peter Ferguson Cathles, station ma~ler
St. Edward's reformatory and St. Nicholas Industrial Woodgrange Park, Joseph Capstick, station master
school. The Local Government district of East Ham Carriers to London.-Carter, Paterson & Co. twice daily
EAST HAM. Collier John, 35 Victoria avenue Garment Alfred, 25 Victoria avenue
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Collins Edwin C. 32 Tennyson avenue Garrett Thomas, IO Milton avenue
Abbott A th 6 v· t · ven Connell John Richd. 6 Tennyson aven Garton William, 4 Harrow road
r . ur.. IcLortiha a ude Cook Alfred, I9 Eversleigh road Gaunt Percy Fredk. 19 Victoria aven
Abb ott BenJamin, Io a om roa · h roa d G eorge Al ex. 42 E vers1e1g· h ~oad
Abrey Geo. Oonnaught vil. Barking rd Cook H enry, 23 E vers.1e1g
Adam James Chapman Tay bank Cook Cornelius, Stenmore G~orge Ed. Holder, Ivy h~. Milton av
Milton a enue ' ' house, Milton avenue Gilbert George, 8 Eversleigh road
Alflatt Tho~as, 27 Victoria avenue Coo~er George John, Danesbury house, Gill Daniel, 45 Victoria avenue
Anderson Mrs. The Cottage Kathe- Milton ave~ue . . Gladwell ~f~ed 0. 44 Tennyson av~
rine road _ ' Cork Hy.. Pnmrose .villa, 1Ylilt~n aven Godfrey W1lliam Ro?t. 2 Harrow viis
Anstead Oliver Crayford villa Kathe- Cornell Kmg V. 6 Milton ter. Milton av Goodee George F. Eilenau, Plashetgro
rine road ' ' Cornwell Mark James, York cottage, Gouldstone Wm. Maud vil. Milton av
Applegate George John Beulah villa, Wakefield street Greasley Joseph, Hawthorn villas
Plashet grove ' Cory. Willia;m, Oop~hoq_Je, Milton aven Green ,Rev. James Willia~ M.A. St.
Appleton Edwd. 59 Victoria avenue Costm LeVI, 56 V1ctona avenue John s lodge ..
Arnell Ernest Hy. Milton vil. Miltonav Coupe Thomas H. I2. Harrow road Green James William, St. John'il rd
Aran James Rhoda vil. Milton aven Cowell Chs.Albany vil.Wrdswrlih. av Green Mrs. 25 Tennyson avenue
Atkins Sam~el Elliott East Ham ho Cracknell George, Holly vil. Barkingrd Greenfield Wm. James, Plashet lane
Austin Arthur, 4o Te~nyson avenue Orohier Thomas, 6 Eversleigh road Groser J ames,. I3 Cowp~r a!enue
Aves Hy. Winsloe ho. Milton avenue Oropley Frank, 36 .Ten~yson avenue Hailett. Fredenck, 23 VICtona. avenue
Baker Geo. 2 g Tennyson avenue Cru~e Henry, 4 VIctoria avenu~ Hambr1dge George L. Grove house,
Baker J n. Hy. Bryndirwen, Plashet gro Cu~ngford Charles, I3 E.versleigh rd Pla.shet grove .
Baker Luke, 5 Stilton ter. Harrow rd Cullingford George S. Milton ~venue Hardmg Charles, Pembroke villa,
Bamford Francis, 54 Victoria avenue Curgey George ~as. 33 E~ersleigh rd Wordsworth avenue
Banks J oseph, I3 Victoria avenue Curie John, Colhngwood villa, Words- Hanis Alfred, 46 Tennyson avenue
Barfield Henry, 49 Victoria avenue worth avenue Harris James, 11 Cowper avenue
Barrett George, 23 Tennyson avenue Curr! John, I Te.n~yson avenue Harrison Ralph Waiter, Ballater, Mil·
Beaten Hy. Arthr. Dovercli:ffe,Miltn.av Curtis Charles Wilham, 2 Lathom rd ton avenue
Beaumont Albert Wm. B.A. High st Curtis John James, I Lathom road Harvey Edwd. Geo. 48 Tennyson aven
Beaumont Frederick, I Kensington vils Dale Lionel Newman E. 9 Victoria av Hawkey P. H. 27 Wordsworth avenue
Bedford Alfred, Dodbrook, Milton av Daniels Wm. J. 39 Wordsworth aven Hefford Chas. Eliza villa, Barking rd
Benny Andrew, 2 Milton terrace, Mil- Davies Charles W. 30 Eversleigh rd Henshaw Wm. I Grove vils.High st.sth
ton avenue Davies Henry, 4 Cowper avenue Higgs Robert, 36 Eversleigh road
Bentcli:ff Waiter D. Craigevar, Davies Wm. 2 Stilton ter. Harrow rd Hilton Samuel, 5 Kensington villas
Plashet grove Davis Robert, 79 Victoria avenue Hinckley J. 68 Eversleigh road
Bentley Geo. Pelham ho. Milton aven Day Alfred, 4 Tennyson avenue Hiscock Mrs. Holmhurst, Milton aven
Berry Jas. Wilfred house, Plashet gro Day George, 7 Victoria. avenue Holmes Alfrd.J.Holmhurst,Plashet gro
Best George, 24 Tennyson avenue Dean John W. I9 Tennyson avenue Holmes Joseph, 3 Eversleigh road
Bethel Alfred, 3 Wilbraham terrace Debenham Chas. 34 Tennyson avenue Holmes Robt. Norfolk ho. Milton av
Billett Alf, 36 Victoria avenue Delaney Lincoln, Burnaby ho. Wood- Houghton George, 70 Victoria aven
Illrncker William, Teignmouth villa, house grove Hubbard Jas. Fairview, Plashet gro
Milton avenue Delbridge Andrew, 2 Grove vls.High st Humphreys James John, Redcliffe,
Blackwall Wm. Elmhurst, Plashet gro Dennison John Wm. Wakefield lodge Milton avenue
Blewitt Alf Waiter, Leaholm, Miltn.av Dennison Thomas, High street north Hunt Harry, Clarence house, Wood
Bohu Thomas, 2I Eversleigh road Denton Charles, 33 Wordswort~ aven house grove .
Bolton Wm. Hy. Ivydene, Milton av Dew Danl. James, 48 Eversleigh rd Hurren John Oregon, Milton avenue
Boor Hy. Wm. 39 Victoria avenue Dickenson Charles James, Elmhurst, !cough Henry, 42 Victoria avenue
Borrodell Christopher John, 5 Grove Tennyson avenue !nett Edmund, 5I Victoria avenue
villas, High street south Dietrich Richard, 2 Ever sleigh road Ireland Joshua Alex. Plashet grove
Bowditch John, 8 Harrow road Dixon Thomas, 46 Victoria avenue Isaa.cs Levi, 4 Kensington villas
Bowhay George Henry, The :Poplars, Dodd Alex. Mountwise, Milton avenue Ives Ernest, 27 Eversleigh road
Shrewsbury road Dohoo Godfrey, 3I Tennyson avenue Ivory John, 35 Tennyson avenue
Bowhay Jn. H. Ella vil. Milton aven Doman Ernest, Ferndaie, Milton aven Jaggers Hy. Elmhurst, Milton avenue
Bowman Jas. Bedcote, Katherine rd Douglas Thomas, 34 Eversleigh road Jefferies Edwin, 3I Victoria avenue
Boyer Wm. Essex ho. Milton avenue Drake Wm. Holly ho. Milton avenue Johnson Nicholas, Falmer, Milton av
Bracy John, Melrose, Plashet grove Dudman Jn. Wm. Seaford, Milton av Jones James, 7 Eversleigh road
Braddick Albert Harry, Brickleigh, Dunn William Henry, Plashet cottage, J ones Samuel, Gray stock, Plashet gro
Milton avenue Katherine road J oslin Shadrach, 2 Fairview villas,
Bradshaw Eugene, 3 Hilda vilLas Dyer William, IO Victoria avenue Barking road
Bradstock J. IO Wilbraham terrace East Frederick, 7 Tennyson avenue Joy Frederick G. 9 Wilbraham terrace
Brett Edgar Wm. Albrt. 12 Victoria av East Joseph Thomas, The Limes, Justice David, I Forsyth ter. White
Brown Peter, 38 Victoria avenue Whitepost lane Post lane
Brown Waiter, BI Victoria avenue Ebert Ohas. Ebert house. Milton aven Kennedy Geo. Alfred ho. Barking rd
Brown Wm. Elizabeth vil. Milton aven Edmunds Samuel, 8 Wilbraham ter Kerr John, Melb<>urne ho. Milton av
Browll William, 3 Kensington villas Edwards Ernest, 2r Victoria avenue Kerslake Charles, 5 Oowper avenue
Bryant Alfred, 6 Shrewsbury road Edwards James, I7 Victoria avenue Keys Elias, Boleyn villa, Barking road
Bugden Waiter J. 37 Victoria avenue Elliott Geo. Lucerne vil. Plashet gro Kibbey Reuben, 76 Victoria avenue
Bullwinkle John, Rose vil. Milton aven Elliott William, 30 Victoria avenue Kidd Hy. Morant ho. Milton aven
Burgess Alfred J. 42 Tennyson aven English John, Exmouth villa, Wood- Kiddell Thomas J. B. St. Bride's villa.,
Burton George William, Lyndhurst, house grove Wordsworth avenue
Woodhouse grove Engstrou Ernest F. Clifden villa., Mil- King Watson Bra.dshaw, Toddington
Byford J n. W oodhouse, W oodhouse gro ton avenue villa, Plashet lane
Campbell Francis, 33 Victoria avenue Fenn Robert, Rosebank, Plashet grove Kingston Arthur James, 9 Cowper av
Casson Joseph R. :Maiden villa, Wood- Filby Thomas Samuel, Maldon house, Kirkby James, I2 Eversleigh road
house grove Barking road Kirkland Alfred, Roslyn, Plashet gro
Chambers Jn. Kensington ho.Nrth. end Finch Emile Geo. Isleworth, Milton av Kittoe Capt. M. Robinson, Fern lodg
Chandler Thos. G. Bellevue, Milton av Fisher Ernest Jn. Bedford, Milton av Lagden Waiter Hy. 4 Eversleigh road
Chapman Wm. 6 Kensington villas Fisher Thos. Bincleaves, Milton aven Laight John, 62 Victoria avenue
Chapple John, 5 Hilda viis. Plashetgro Fleet Waltr. Stanley ho. Milton aven Lailey Frank N. 2 Victoria avenue
Oh11rlton Theophilus Field, 16 Kathe- Fleming John, I Harrow road Lake Wm. Fayecrosse, Milton avenue
rine road Flower Alfred, 30 Tennyson avenue Lamb William, 39 Tennyson avenue
Chatbam Alfred, Hazlewood, Milton av Ford Alfred, 32 Victoria avenue Langley Edmund, I5 Cowper avenue
Cheesman Fanny Mrs. 21 Tennyson av Ford Thomas, 44 Eversleigh road Larter Albert, 23 Wordsworth avenue
Churchill Edward, 66 Victoria avenue Fortescue Patrick W. F. Innesfail, Leach Jsph. Thos. Mayville,Plashet gro
Olarke Chas. Beechcote, Vicarage la Plashet grove Le Boutillier John, 43 Victoria aven
Clarke James, 9 Harrow road Foster Saml. Moxley ho. Milton aven Lee Joseph, 66 Eversleigh road
Clements Thomas, I Stilton terrace, Franklin Richard John, Glenmore, Levett Andrew, IS Tennyson avenue
Harrow road Plashet grove Lewis William Jas. 9 Eversleigh rd
Coaker John, 43 Wordsworth avenue Frost Jonathan, 18 Victoria avenue Lindsell Harry, I3 Wordsworth aven
Cole Richard John, IO Cowper avenue Galliford Mrs. Ayrshire ho. Milton av Lloyd Alfred, Wakefield house
Collier George, 44 Victoria avenue Gardiner Frederick, 57 Harrow road Lock Edgar, 20 Tennyson avenue
Lockwood Thomas, 72 Victoria aven Pressman Reuben Henry, St. Law- Underhill Wm. Devonia., Woodho. gro
Loischer Richard, 83 Victoria avenue rence, Plashet grove Walker Charles, 5 Harrow road
Lowth .James Colnett, 3 Lathom rd Quttenton Fredk. Avondale, Milton av Ward Thomas Albert, St. Kilda villa,
:Luck Edmund, Jesmond, Plashet gro Raby A.rthr. Eleanorvil.Woodhouse gr Wordsworth avenue
Lunt Richd. E. A. so Tennyson aven Rae George, Brisbane villa, Words- Ward William H. 6 Cowper avenue
Lyner Hy. Thos.Selwood ho.Milton av worth avenue Ware Rev. J. Hubrt. M.A.TheVicarage
Macdonald Donald, Covendale, Plashet Ralston Ronald, 4 Harrow villas Warewood George, 8 Tennyson avenue
grove Rankm Mrs. 40 Victoria avenue Wastilll William E. 47 Eversleigh rd
McKettrick Frdk.Jn. I2 Wilbraham ter Raven Thomas James J. Ingram villa, Watson :Miss Agnes, n Wilbraham ter

:Madell Christopher W. Thackham, Plashet lane Watt James, 5 Wordsworth avenue
Milton avenue Raymond A. E. 4I Tennyson avenue Watts Thos. Alveston ho. Milton aven
Main John William, 67 Victoria aven Redgreave Rev. Henry H. St.John's rd Webb Thos. A. Portland vil Plasht.gro
"}.{ann Frank, York ho. Milton avenue Reed Robert, IO Harrow road Wells John, Sidney ho. Milton avenue
Manning Cornelius, Milton avenue Reeves Peter, 6 Wilbraham terrace Wheeler Jn. Jas. Redcliff, Plashet gro
Marsh Frederick William, 4 Hilda Rhodes Waiter, 33 Tennyson avenue Wheland Wm. Woodville, :Milton aven
villas, Plashet grove Richards Nicholas, 22 Victoria aven Whitehead Jn. B.Hampton vil.:Miltn.av
• Marshall Horace, 26 Tennyson aven Richard son Ernest, I4 Victoria aven Whiteleg John, 8 Shrewsbury road
ltfarston Mrs. Thomas, The Myrtles, Rinold Alfred Geo. 34 Vict{}ria aven Whittington Rev. Charles S. A. 6
Spencer road Robbins Fredk. B. 4 Shrewsbury rd Broadway
·Martin Henry, Lyttleton, Milton aven Roberts Thomas Henry, Denford Wilde William, 5 Latham road
Mason Edwin John, 2 Tennyson aven house, Barking road Wiles Chas. Hartley ho. Milton aven
1\Iason John Andrew, Sydney villa, Robinson Joseph; 28 Victoria avenue Williams John, 38 Eversleigh road
Wordsworth avenue Rohan James, 25 Eversleigh road Williamson Albert George, Ivanhoe,
Matthews William, 30 Eversleigh road Rolles William, 2 CowPilr avenue :Milton avenue
Mead Charles, Temple house Rostlund Hansoloff E. 51 Eversleigh rd Wilson Chas. 3 Stilton ter. Harrow rd
Medcalf Mrs. Kate, 73 Victoria aven Rowe Percy, I2 Milton avenue Wilson Wm.Geo.Haselmere, ~Iiltn. av
"l.lethven John, Shrewsbury house Russell Ambrose, 3I Eversleigh road Winter l\Irs. Oak hall
Millar William, Holland Bush villa, Russell Stuart, IS Eversleigh road Winterbourne Arthur, 41 Victoria av
Plashet grove Salmon Mrs. Sarah, Woodfield, Plashet Wiseman Wm. Owencliffe, Milton av
~filler Joseph, Leonard ho. Milton av grove Wood George, 69 Victoria avenue
:Mitchell James, 11 Eversleigh road Sanders William Henry, IS Victoriaav Wood Mrs. Rose, 5 Milton terrace,
Moore Mrs. Plashet lodge, Plashet la Seyfred George, 59 Eversleigh road Milton avenue
:Morris George, Rokeby, Milton aven Seabrooke Robert Ellis, St. Winifred's, Wood Thomas S. I Victoria avenue
.Morrison Roderick, 2 Forsyth ter- Plashet grove Wooden Robert, I6 Victoria. avenu~
race, White Post lane Searle William, 77 Victoria avenue Wright George Henry, Earlham villa,
1\Iortimer Joseph, Jersey ho. Milton av Shadbolt Frederick, Alicia house, Plashet grove
1\Iyers Andrew, Brooklyn, Milton av Katherine road Young William, I4 Tennyson avenue
Natzler Samuel, Ourd villa, Plashet la Shaw Fredk. C. Rose vil. Plashet gro COMMERCIAL.
Neave Charles, Milton ho. Milton av Shepherd Hedley James Henry, Hedley Abbott Jabez, farmer, Wall end
Nicholls Harry, Bonaeord, Milton av villas, Milton avenue Abbott Thomas, draper, 6 High street
Nichols Wm. Park ho. Plashet gro Sherriff Joseph, 54 Eversleigh road Agar John, florist, Wall end
Nicholson Ralph, Beech vil. Barking rd Slatford Willia.m H. The Elms, Wood- Ager Alfred, corn dlr. 3 Stamford rd
'Noah William, 20 Victoria avenue house grove Albone Thos. shopkpr. 84 Roman road
Norman William, I7 Eversleigh road Smith Adam, White House, North end Allan Benj. greengrcr. 2I Seymour rd
Northcott Edwd. Chas. St. John's rd Smith Alfred, 3 Grove villas, High st Allard Frank, farrier, Barking road
Norton Henry, 25 Wordsworth avenue Smith Edward, 46 Eversleigh road Alien Alfred, drpr. I Bonningdowns rd
Norton James, Hazlehurst, Plashet gro Smith Geo. Albert, n Victoria aven Arnold William Booth, hairdresser,
Norton Mrs. Norton ho. Milton aven Smith James, I2 Tennyson avenue High street north
Obery John, St. Austell villa, Mil- Smith Samuel, Rancliffe house Ashenden Ohas. newsagt, Katherine rd
ton avenue Smith Waiter, Argyle ho. Milton aven Ashford Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High
I()'Brien John, Crossleigh, Milton av Smith Walter, 3 Harrow villas street south
Drridge William, so Victoria avenue SPilncer Hy. B. Hal"I'iet vil.Milton av Averre Hy. gro. & prov. dlr. 4 High st
()shorn Edwin Emanl. I6 Tennyson av Sporne Arthur Jn. 7 Wilbraham ter Averre Wm. Jn. butcher, 5 High st
'()xley Alfred, 58 Victoria avenue Springall Arthr. H. Onslow, Milton av Balch William Henry, draper & grcr.
Jlalmer Alfred, so Eversleigh road Spyers Richd. Pleasant vil. Plashet gro High street south •
Palmer Arthur R. 8 Cowper avenue Stanton Robert, I3 Tennys~n avenue Barber Sarah Ann (Mrs.), linen drpr.
J>ark Elphinstone, 4 Milt-on terrace, Stephens Victor, Pendennis house, IO Broadway
Milton avenue Milton avenue Barrett Wm. grocer, Katherine road
J>arr Phrebe Mrs. n Tennyson avenue Stewart Hy. J. Tresco, Milton aven Beanmont Albert William B.A. sur-
Jlarsons Frederick, 37 Tennyson aven Stewart Mrs. 47 Victoria avenue geon, & medical officer of health
Partin Mrs. Shingfield villa, Milton av Stewart Waiter Geo. I2 Cowper aven for East Ham, High street
Patmore Frederick W. Ticebar~t, Stocks William, I£ Cowper avenue Bell Geo. coffee rooms, ·wan end
Plashet grove Stokes Frederick, Macrame villa, Birch Arth. tobacconist, High st. sth
i>aton Frederick, Kilgower, Plashet gro Plashet grove Bittleson William Carr, grocer & agent
l'attison John, 11 Harrow road Stoker William C. J. Ardlamont, for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine &
"Pepper Fredk. Royden vil. Plashet gro Plashet grovt) spirit merchants, ·wakefield street
Pepper Harry Jsph. 9 Tennyson aven Stokes Wm. Claremont, Plashet grove Borley Henry, confectioner, 8 High st
Perkins James E. 55 Eversleigh road Stokes William, I4 Harrow road Bowhay George H. builder & con-
Perkms Rowland, Lustleigh, Milton av Stone William, 74 Victoria avenue tractor, The Poplars, Shrewsbury rd
J>erkins Wm. Westridge, Milton aven Sutton Isiah, Penistone, Milton aven Bragg Frederick, shopkeeper & beer
Jlerrian Hy. R. Lynton ho. Milton av Sutton John, Pitville, Milton avenue retailer, 5 Monntfield road
Perrin Wm. Jas. 53 Victoria avenue Tay William Joseph, 1.Iilt-on avenue Brooks John, chemist, 7 Broadway
Perry Edwin Arthur, I Milton terrace, Taylor Henry, 2 Hedley viis. Miltn. av Brown Wm. Wltr. bldr.zo2Elizabeth rd
Milton avenue Taylor Thomas, Rosemore, Plashet gro Brvant & Dowsett (The 1.Iisses), glass
-petrie Charles, I3 Harrow road Terry James W. Victoria villa, & china dealers, Plashet grove
J>e~t~ William Jn. 8 Victoria ~venue Wordsworth avenue . Bryant Alfd. butcher, 43 Seymour ,rd
Phllhps Robert Jas. 62 Eversle1gh rd Thomas Mrs. I Harrow villas Buckingham Ernest baker, 1\lute
"Phipps Wallace, 7 Cowper avenue Thompson Ale-xander, 5 Victoria aven Post lane North End
Pightling Arthur, 3 Cowpe!' avenue Thompson George, z Ha:r:row road Burch wm: shopkeepr. Denmark ter
Pike Ernest B. 6 Harrow villas Tbompson Thomas, 4 Stilton terrace, Burr Charles, optician, Wakefield st
J>ledge George Thomas, Kent house, Harrow road Butcher Reubeu, butcher Wall end
Milton avenue Thomsett George, 29 Eversleigh road Butt Charles, grocer & beer retailer.
"Pope James, 68 Victoria avenue Threadkell John, 57 Eversleigh road 22 Seymour road
Poplar Willia.m, 35 Eversleigh road Tidman Henry, 38 Tennyson avenue Butters William, carpenter, Colvin rd
Portch Samuel Hy. 2 Kensington vils Tisdaoo Alfred, 28 Eversleigh road Carey Geo. shopkpr. 64 Stamford rd
Portch Thomas, 3 Tennyson avenue Todd Arthur John, 55 Victoria avenue Carney John, dairyman, Wall end
Postance Geo. Fendale, Milton avenue Travers Thomas Edith villa, Wood- Carroll Jn. confectnr. High st. soutli
Pott Thos. Elson villa, Wordswrth.av house grove Carter Chas. wardrobe dlr. Wall end
Potts Charles, 4I Wordsworth aven Tucker Mrs. 3 Forsyth terrace, White Carvasso B. gr~cer, Plashet lane
Powell Ernest, I Wilbraha.m terrace Post laJD.e Cater "\\alter S. tobacconist, Higb
9nin Thos. Windmill ho. Milton aven Tucker Mrs. 64 VictQri~ avenue street north

Cattermoul Geo. drpr. 6 The Pavemnt Harper Chas. insur. agnt. Wakefield st 'Mitchell Saml. shopkpr. I I Market at:
Chapman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress Harvey Ann Maria (Miss), girls' Moore Thos. shopkeeper, 2 Castle sb
maker, 6I Talbot road school, 6 Bendish road Moore Walden J. pawnbroker, High st
Chappel John, shopkeeper, Bonning- Haynes Jn. Hy. boot ma. Plashet gro Moss Geo. shopkeeper, 5 Denmark ter
downs road Helps Henry, shopkpr. 64 Roman rd Moss Mary Ann (l\Irs. ), cowkeeperr
Charles Hy. F. hair drssr. High st. sth Hemmings Charles Edward, draper, Katherine road
Charters William Henry, plasterer, Plashet grove Moss Samuel Fredk. farrier, High st
Hawthorn villas Henshaw Wm. tobacconist, High st Muller Henry, shopkpr. 9 Vicarage la
Chine Alma, hairdresser, High street Hickman Geo. coffee ho.3 Denmark ter Mumford Martha (Miss), shopkeeper,
Clapper Edward Smith, oil & color- Hodgson Wm. glass dlr. 2 Broadway Plashet lane
man, Plashet grove Hollington Henry Thomas, farmer, Mundy Wm. draper, 10 High street
Clutterbuck William:, shopkeeper, St. Milton house Munson George, laundry, Plashet lane-
Bernard's road Hollington John George, farmer, Nash Richard, shopkpr. 44 Seymourrd
Cooper Geo. baker, 23 Seymour road Burgess farm Natzler Samuel, house, land, estate,.
Coventry James, fishrtwnger, IO The Holttum Thos.G. butchr. Ploshet gro insurance, sewing machine agent,.
Pavement Hooper Chas. Thos. shopkpr. Park av Curd villa, Plashet lane
Coventry William, fried fish dealer, 6 Hopkins & Co. builders, 21 St. Newman Geo. greengrcr. Plashet gro-
Vicarage lane Bernard's road Nice H. G. & Co. coal merchantsr
Cox Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, Howe Frank, beerseller, Katherine rd Railway station ·
Syd'ney cottage, Barking road Hughes Francis, builder, Katherine rd Noad James, electrical engineer, 4
Crane John Frederick, blacksmith, I Hurry Daniel, lamp & oil dealer, Grove villas, High street south
· W k fi Id t t Norman Arth. painter, 59 Holme rd
Napier road, Barking road a .e e s ree . Okell Geo. watch ma. 4 Railway ter
Cross John, fishmonger, 59 Malvern rd Hutchms & Co. refreshment rooms, Oliver Sarah · (l\Irs.), news agent,,
Crow Wm. shpkpr. II7 Mountfield rd High street north . . Katherine road
Dack Knights, chemist, Plashet grove Ingall Matthew, baker, I Fairvie'W Onion Joseph, boot maker, Wakefield st.
Davies Euphemia (Mrs.), dress maker, terrace, Barking road Os borne Wm. shopkpr. High st. south:
30 Eversleigh road Ivory John, farmer, Wilson's farm, Ottery Thomas, grocer & provisioru
Davis Chas. tobacconist, 3 High st North end dealer, 4 I Seymour road
Dawes David, carman, 54 Castle st Jacob Wm. grocer, 1 The Pavement Painter Rester (Mrs.), news agent, &
Day George, architect & surveyor, Jacobs Wm. Hy. fishmngr. Wakefld. st Denmark terrace
7 Victoria avenue Jefford James Harris, builder, 24 Pankhurst Edward Herbert, butcher,.
Dennison John William, architect & Victoria avenue 4 Broadway
surveyor, \Vakefield lodge Johnson Rt. hair drssr. 4 Railway ter Parr Phrebe (Mrs.), dress maker, rP
Dennison Thomas, assistant overseer Johnson William H. butcher, Wake- Tennyson avenue
& collector of poor & local rates for field street Payne Edward, boot ma. High street.
East' Ham & Little Ilford, High st J ones' Annealed Concrete ~o. Lim. Payne Hy. bldr. 44 St. Stephen's rd
:Oenny Wm. Hy. chmst. Ka.therine rd concrete man~facturers, H1~h street Peet Fredk. herbalist, Barking road
Dhoole Edwd. fishmngr. 46 Priory rd Jones John, boiler maker, High st Penn Wm. S. plmbr. 46 Eilzabeth rd
Dixon David, boot ma. 78 Stamford rd J ones John, greengrocer, 4 & 5 The Perkins Elizabeth (Mrs.), midwife, ~
Dorling William, builder, Clifton house, Pavement Denmark terrace
Katharine road Joslin Lily (Miss), dress maker, 2 Petchey Geo. coffee ho. 3 Harrow fer
Downe Danl. Thos. gro. 4 High st. nth Fairview villas, Barking road Phillips Abrhm. fruiterer, 28 Holme rd
Drew Geo. Wm. tobccnst. Plashet gro Juniper . Arthur Thomas, laundry, Picken Jsph. Ebenzr. gro. \Vakefid. st
Duckham Berry, glass & china dealer, Ka.therme road . Piercy Edward, wheelwright, Wall end
High street Jupe Ellen (Mrs.), tobaccomst, Wake- Pilgrim Margaret (Miss), shopkeeper,..
Duffield Harry, baker, High st. south field street . 5 Telham road
Dunn Wm. accounta~t, Katharine rd Keep Ch~rlotte (Mrs.), Black Lwn Pope Albert Henry, boot ma. Plashet Ia·
Eadle Geo. beer retailer, I4 Kelly rd P.H. High street Potter Emily & Jane (Misses) drprs
East Ham Boot Repairing _Co. boot & Kemp Elijah, farm bailiff to Messrs. High street ' ~
slioe !J1akers, 6o Katheri!l~ road Thomas & John Matthews Powles Jn. Richd. greengro. 2 High st.
East Ehzabet~ (Mrs.), prov1s10n dealer' Kern~ Ja~e~, shopkpr. 3 T~e Pavemnt Prince Frank, coffee ho. High st. sth
& beer retailer, 95 Roman road Kenms William, baker, High street Purkess Harry Charles beer retailer
Ea~twood & Co. Lim. building material Keys Saml. beer retlr. Vicarage lane Plashet grove ' •
dealers, Railway station. See advt Killby Geo. shopkpr. 47 Denmark ter Q .1 H h p t ffi p · d
· ·1 engmeer,
Ed mon d Th omas, CIVI · M'm1-
· K'u b y F ras. J n. b oo t ma. 9 H.Igh st R uaidall ug
Oh , gro.
· os o Kce,th nory
· rd ,
coy, Katherine road Lamb Ada (Miss), teacher of music, an as. uonmngr. a erme r
Eldred Thos. grcr. 88 Elizabeth road 39 Tennyson avenue Randall Isaac, boot & shoe maker, 63
Elliott Edwin Randall, relieving officer, Lane Arthur, boot ma. 57 Malvern rd Roman road
\Vest Ham union, 5 Harrow villas Lawrence Wm. greengrcr. Plashet la Raven Thomas James J. builder,.
Emblin Harry, shpkpr. 8 Denmark ter Leach Thomas I. ironmonger, High Plashet lane
Emm Hy. boot makr. 7 Denmark ter street. See advertisement Rayment Jas. grocer_, 34 Kelly road.
Essex Granary Co. corn merchants, Lewin & Cornell, coal merchants, Rayment Waiter, bmlder, Plashet la
High street Railway station Rayner Clara (Mrs. ),shpkp~. Plashet la
Evans Hy. shopkpr. High st. south Lewin James, shopkpr. Wakefield st Read & Co. coal mers. Railway statn
Ewins Jas. Edwd. bldr. High st. sth Liveing W. R. F. solicitor, Ivy cot- Reardon Daniel, registrar of births ~
Fernie Peter, confectnr. Plashet lane tage, Katherine road deaths for East Ham sub-district.,.
Finch Alfred, shopkpr. High st. south Louricks Alexander, boot maker, 50 36 Holme road
Finch Emile Geo. coal agt. Milton avn Seymour road Reeve Henry, confectioner, High st
Foot Wm. shopkeeper, 32 Telham rd Low W. T. & Co. bldrs. Arragon rd Reeves Fredk. shopkpr. 1 Mountfid. rd
Fox Wm. grocer, High street south Lowe Jn. Wm. corn mer. I High st Richards Eliza (Miss), ironmonger,
Freeman George, cowheel & tripe Luckett Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 9 High' street
dresser, 7 The Pavement The Pavement Rider Benjamin, shopkpr. 5 Priory rd.
Frith Hy. stone mason, Colvin road Luxford Jn. shopkpr. 22 Roman road Roberts Rt. E. plumber, 2 Burgess rd.
Garwood Wm. beer retlr. High st. sth Lycett Thos. shopkpr. 45 Seymour rd Rocall John, builder, I St. George's
Gay Wltr. Duke's Head P.H. Wall end Machin Albt. G. gro. 4 Harrow ter terrace, Sibley grove
Gibbard Mark, dust contractor, Manor Mackay E. F. & A. fancy drapers, Round Benj. laundry, 24Seymour rei
hall High street north Rowland John, furn. dlr. Colvin road
Giles Joseph, tobacconist, High street McKettrick Frederick John M.B., C. M. Rudd Henry, plumber, Barking road
Glynn William, grocer & provision surgeon, 12 Wilbraham terrace ' Russell James, confectioner, \Yall end.
dealer, 3 Broadway Manning Edith (Miss), dress maker, Sankey J. H. building material dealer,.
Godfrey James, fried fish shop, 12 4 St. George's terrace, Sibley gro Railway station
Seymour road Marsh Geo. gardener, Wakefield st Saunders Amelia (Mrs.),. shopkeeper,.
Goodeve Richard, fruiterer, High st Mason Bros. grocers, 2 High street 11 Boningdowns road
Gotobed George, butcher, High street Masters Samuel J. R. shirt & collar Savage William Henry, surveyor to-
Graves Waiter, shopkpr. 37 Boleyn rd dresser, White Post lane local board & sanitary inspector,..
Greenwood Thos. saddler, 9 Broadway Mead Wm. shopkpr. I Seymour road Montfitchet, Red Post lane
Haines Wm. pork butcher, High st Miles William & Henry, oil & color- Scarborough Ernest, baker, Barking rd
Hall Kate (Mrs.), tobccnst. Barkingrd men, High street Scarborough Henry James. baker..,
Harding Jsph. carpenter, I Heigham rd Millar William, coal merchant, High Katherine road
Harrington Robert Edgar, grocer, 10 street & Railway station Scarborough James Henry, beersellel:';
Holme road Millington F. watch ma. Wakefield st Plashet lane
Schultis Sebastin, watch maker, Wilson Charles Eustace, clerk & solici- Bryant Robert, 42 Albany road
Katherine road tor to East Ham local board; office, Bufferey Mrs. Ann, I07 Carlyle road
Scobey Robt. greengrocer, Plashet la Wakefield street Bnllifant Henry Frank, ss Durham rd
Scurr Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, IS Wilson Jn. ·wm. bldr. Elizabeth road Bullwinkle Joseph, S Carlyle road
Heigham road Wood Emily (Miss), dress maker, 46 Bnmstead Henry, u6 Third avenue
Self \Vm. butcher, IO Vicarage lane Roman road Bnnn Thomas, Ashcroft, W"hitta road
Sellars \Vm. shopkpr. IO Fairview ter Wood Harry, hair dresser, 8 The Burch Thomas, 70 Durham road
Sewell John Stock, plumber, IOI Pavement Burleigh John L. 92 Durham road
Wakefield street Woodcock John, baker, 6I Malvern rd Burn Rev. Samuel Clift, Berwick
Sharpe Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Woodhead Edwd. grngro. Wakefield st house, Romford road
Denmark terrace Woodhead John, greengrocer, High st Burnett James, So Carlyle road
Shaw Edwin J. oilman, Katherine rd Wyles Jas. Wooley, bldr. Plashet gro Burrage Arthur, 3I Carlton road
Shimmonds Wm. shopkeeper, Mount- Young George Alfred, decorator, s Burrill John, Seventh avenue
field road Beatrice terrace, Katherine road Bush Alfred William, I Carlton road
Slater Edward William, tailor, 5 High Young Winifred (Mrs.), fancy draper, Bush Thos. Stanley ho. Romford rd
street north 59 Katherine road Bussell Steplien, Io Salisbury road
Sloper SI. hair dresser, Katharine rd Byard Horace, 9 Manor Park road
Smith Brothers & Co. dairy farmers MANOR PARK. Byles Charles, 20 Second avenue
Smith W. & Son, funeral undertakers, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cable James, 7 Albany road
2 High street north Abbott Philip C. P. IS Forest view Cadman Benjamin Alfred, Orchard.
Smith Charles, market gardener, Adams Mrs. E. 29 First avenue villas, Whitta road
Clock House farm Ahlstrom August, Swanley villa, Rom- Callen William, 24 Manor Park road
Smith Jas. hair drssr. 43 Seymour rd ford road Callow Alfred James, ICO Carlyle rd
Smith Martha (Mrs.), grocer, Wall end Aiano Geo. Edwd. 18 Manor Park rd Calverley George, 36 :First avenue
Snell Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Alexander Mrs. 44 Clarence road Card Wm. Gordon, 55 First avenue
Denmark terrace Allan Wm. Shetland ho. Romford rd Carne Capt. Francis, I6 Sixth avenua
Spurway Chas. dairy, 2 Seymour rd Alien George, I2 Manor Park road Carpenter Herbert, 3 Durham road
Stares Wm. shopkpr. 9 Katherine rd Alien William, 22 Clarence road Carrett John, 6 Carlton road
Stephens John, dairy, High street Allin James Thomas, go Durham rd Carrington Elkanah, The Oaks, Forest
Stephens William J. boot & shoe Allin John, 88 Durham road drive
maker, 6 Broadway Allison Waiter, I Leicester terrace, Carrington Menotti, 1 Oak cottages.,
Stewardson John, watch maker, St. Romford road Forest drive
Bernard's road Anderson Charles, 34 Second avenue Carroll John, IO Clarence road
Stokes James, builder & stationer, & Anderson Mrs. I7 Meanley road Carswell Edwin C. I Meanley road
postmaster, High street Andrews ~ichard, 88 Third avenue Carter Alfred, Blenheim villa, Fores'
Stokes Wm. undertaker, I4 Harrow rd Apple by George, 36 Carlton road drive
Stone Harry, boot maker, 4I Talbot rd Appleton John Samuel, Olive villa, Carter Chas. I Hill ter. Romford rd
Strachan Fredk. shopkpr. Plashet la Third avenue Carver William, 5 Manor Park road
Stubbs John, shopkeepr. 43 Talbot rd Archer James, 44 Albany road Cate Alfred, 5 Salisbury road
Swainston Fredk. Chas. baker, High st Ars~ott John James, IS Meanley road Cathels P_e~er F. I :J?urham terrace:
Tanner Jas. cycle agent, High st. sth Atk~n Thomas F. 24 Durh~m road Caton Wllliam, Whitta road
Thompson Geo. boot maker, High st Atkms Albert Arthur, 4I First avenue Cattermoul Thomas, 36 Durham road
Thompson Jas. shpkpr. 65 Seymour rd AY!es Alfred~ 2 Avenue cottages Chambers Charles Frederick, Sg Dur-
Tillier Louisa (Mrs.), greengrocer, 16 Ba~gent Edwm Jo~n, 20 Meanley road ham road .
Kelly road Ba~ley Chas. Cardigan ho. Romford rd Chapman Jn. Mercer, 9 Fo~est dnve
Tottman Catharine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ba~ley ~r;n. Henry, 27 Wentworth rd Chapman John Wm. 66 Thud avenue-
Snrewsbury road Bam William A. I I Du~ham road Chart Edward, I9 Albany road
Townsend Samuel, carman, Napier Baker Thos. I Carlyl~ vil. Ron:ford rd Charter ~eorge, IO Cumberland road
road, Barking road Balls John, I Par~ ~illas, Station road Cheke Richard, Beaconsfield house,.
Trundle John, shopkeeper, Wall end Barker Samuel "William, I3 qarlton rd Romford r?a.d .
Tucker Amelia (Mrs.), dress maker, Barnard ~r~. Ellen, 5 ~laddmg road Chennells William, 77 Thud avenue
6 Victoria avenue Barnes Wilham, 5 Statwn ro~d . Ch~ster Thomas G. IS ·wentworth rd
Turnbull James Richard wardrobe Baxter Ernest Rohert, I Ann s villas Chllds James, 11 Manor Park road
dealer, 6 Seymour roal Beale Henr_r _John, 22 Second avenue Chinnery Art~mr ·william, 2 Holly
Vale Jn. Wm. Cock inn, High street Beatton "\V1ll1am, 2 Cumberland road terrace, Wh1tta road
Vass James, baker, Plashet grove Beck Sharlan~, 45 Second avenue Churchfield Charles, 4 Meanley road
Virgo William Cooper Green Man pH Beer Thos. Richard, I7 Second avenue Clark Alexander, 49 Durham road
Katherine road ' · · Bell George, 2 'J?hird avenue Clark George, 3 First avenue
Ward John William confectioner Io 2 Bell Henry Lewis, 30 Albany road Clark George James, 75 Carlyle road
Wakefield street ' ' BennettEdwd. J. Clarence ho. Whitta rd Clarke Benj. 11 Holly ter. Whitta rd
Warner Charles builder contractor Bentley Edward, I Albany road Claydon Morris Arthur, I6 Clarence rd
monumental ~tone & ~arble maso~ Berry David, 5 Albany road Clements David R. 77 Durham road
& letter cutter, High street south B~ttridge Wm. John, 4I Second aven Cluff Benjamin, 4 First avenue
Warrilow William James Boleyn tav. Bud Robert, 30 Carlyle road Cluff Jas. Avenue ho . Romford road
Barking road ' Birkett Alfred G. Norfolk house, Rom- Cobham William, I Durham road
Warwicker William Appleby \\hite ford road Cockburn James, 25 Carlton road
Horse P.H ' Bishop Thomas, 2 Forest View road Cocking Thomas 20 Third avenue
Watkins Frederick William, ironmngr. Blackburn Fredk. Close, 35 First aven Coe Robert, 70 Third avenue
5 Broadway · Blackburn ~Irs. I7 Carlton road Coleman Arthur John, I9 1\leanley rd
Watson William C. builder, Lifford Blackwell Jn. Holly villa, Third aven Collier Robert Chas. Grosmont house,
house, Plashet grove Blanchfield Thomas, 73 Carlyle road Romford road
Webber George, Denmark Arms P.H . Bland William, 2 Durham road Collins George, 64 Manor Park road
High street Bloomfield Miss, 1 Forest road Compson Mrs. Elizabeth, Swanley-
Weekes Edwd. & Albert, greengrocers, Roaz John Waiter, 2 First avenue house, Romford road
! Broadway Bolton Mrs. 29 Durham road Conduit John, 2 Mal don villas, Glad-
Welch_ Charles, builder, g!'ocer & beer Bon~s Jo~n Edward, 6S Third avenue ding road .
retailer, Holme road Bonma Miss, 5 Durham terrace Cook George Edwin, 1 Maldon villas ...
Wernham Thomas, shopkeeper, Io Bonner Edward Thos. 2 Ann's villas Gladding road
Beatrice terrace, Katherine road Booty Charles, 4 Second avenue Cook Wm. J. Nelson ho. Romford rd
Wheatsheaf Flour Co. (The), corn Booty Ernest, I Claremont terrace Coombes Chas. Henry, I4 Third aven
merchants, High street north Boston Thomas, 32 Albany road Cooper Alfred, 76 Durham road
Wheeler Hy. shopkeepr. Barking road Bowden Richard, 34 Carlyle road Cooper Edward Batten, I4 Durham rd
White George, oilman, High street Boyd Mrs. 3I Durham road Cooper Joseph, 33 First avenue
Wickens William & Sons, dairy, 8 Bradfield Henry, I ~Ianor Park road Cornell Joseph, 5 Wentworth road
Broadway; & Upton park Bramwell E. W. 28 Clarence road Cornwell Thomas, S Wentworth roali
Willard Thomas, superintendent of Branch Charles, 24 Albany road Cosburn Frank C. 129 Carlyle road
fire station, \Vakefield street Breweston ·william, 4 Whitta road Cosburn John, 66 Manor Park road
Williams William John, shopkeeper, Brooker Rchd. l\Iagdala ho. Rmfrd. rd Cotton Charles, 78 Durham road
Plash-et grove Brooks Samuel, 20 Manor Park road Coxford Frederick, 39 Durham road
Wilson & Whitworth Limited, printers Brown James, so Clarence road Crockford Jas. Norfolk cot. Third av
& stationers, High street north Br{)wn Miss, 18 Durham road Crossley Edwd. Wm. 25 ~Ianor Pk. rd
Crouch Charles, 8 Clarence road Gabriel ·wm. John, 2 Carlyle vilas Horlock David, 5 Forest View road
Croysdill William, 36 Albany road Gair John, 72 Carlyle road Horne Mrs. Mary E. 6 Durham ter
Crusha David Thos. 4 Wentworth rd Gardiner William, 46 Durham road Howard William, 40 Albany road
Cuckow Geo. Fredk. 69 Carlyle road Gardner Albert Wm. 30 Wentworth rd Howell James, 68 Carlyle road
Cull Frederick, II Carlton road Garland George, I6 Third avenue Howlett 1-Vm. Henry, 2I Manor Pk. rd
Curtis James, 4 Clarence road Garnett Thomas Charles, 4 Carlyle Huckman Mrs. Whitta roau
Curtis Thomas, 29 Carlton road villas, Romford road Hucksteppe Frederick Stephen, Wliite-
Dadson William, I Carlton villas Garrett J oseph, 4 Lauretta villas, hall villa, Forest drive ·
Dager Waiter Stephen, 7I Carlyle rd Third avenue Hull .A.rthur, 38 Carlyle road
Dalby Frederick, 68 Durham road Gatrell Maurice, I2 First avenue Humphreys Mrs. Emma, 11 Second av
Dand Frederick, 3 Forest View road Gay Hy. Robt. Cairo ho. Romford rd Humphrys Hy. Frdk. I7 ForestViewrd
Dania George, 86 Third avenue Gay John, 4 Station road Hunt Edward Arthur, I7 Albany rd
Darley Samuel, 54 Manor Park road Gayler Frederick, so Third avenue Burden Thoma;~, 22 W entworth road
Davey Fras. Henry, 3 Claremont ter Gayler William, 27 Meanley road Burden William, I2 W entworth road
Davidge J ames, 46 Third avenue Geary Henry, 42 Clarence road Hyde John Albert, Douglas house,
Dav~es Mrs. I4 Forest View road Geary Mrs. 23 Wentworth road Romford· road
Dav~s .Arthur, 6I Carlyle road George William, 7 Station road Illidge Mrs. 3 Manor Park road
Dav~s Edmund ~~omas·, 37 Albany rd Gibbs James, 3 Whitta road Ingland William, 9 Forest View road
Dav1s James William, 51 Durham rd Gill Leonard, 40 Carlton road Innes .Alfred, 41 .Albany road
Davis Thos. Edmund, 52 Durham rd Gilpin Edward, 5 Meanley road Ireland Henry, 82 Carlyle road
Davis Thos. Wm. Jn. I2 Third aven Glaize Alfred, 39 Third avenue Isaac John King, I2 Meanley road
Davison Mrs. 2I Carlyle road Glaysher Mrs. .Ann, 7 Carlton road Isbister Thomas, 62 Durham road
Dawe Edward ,James, 78 Carlyle road Glinister George Chas. 72 Durham rd Izoa Edmund Charles, I Clara villas,
Dawe Frank, 53 Durham road Goddard Wm. Henry, 31 Second aven Church road
Dawson Mrs. 32 Manor Park road Golding Henry, Whitta road Jackson Fred, Hudson ho. Romford rd
Dawson William, I3 .Albany road Goodman Richard, 28 Wentworth road Jackson Sam, Waterloo ho. Romford rd
Day John, Egilamy lodge, Whitta rd Goodman William, 67 Carlyle road
Jackson William, 22 Durham road
Day Thomas Edward, 2s First avenue Gorringe Henry, 2 Clarence road Jaggers William, 11 Salisbury road
Deeble Jack, 19 Carlton road Grainger William, 51 First avenue James William, n Carlyle road
Deekso Waiter, s Olaremont terrace Graveley Henry, 53 First avenue Jassory William, so Durham road
Dennis James, 64 Carlyle road Graves .Albt. 3 Oak cots. Forest drive Jenner William, 26 Manor Park road
Dennis Thomas, 47 Third avenue Gray Waiter George, 28 Albany road Jennings Geo. Stephen, 47 First aven
Deritter George S. 7 Carlyle road Green Henry G. 6o Durham road Jepson John Wm. I3 Forest View rd
Disney William Henry, 14 Olarence rd Green Thos. Lothian ho. Romford rd Johns Mrs. 42 Manor Park road
Dixon Joseph H. B. 84 Third avenue Greenfield 1-Valter, 30 Third avenue Johnson Charles, 6 Third avenue
Dolby John Thomas, Snowdon house, Griffin Thos. Jn. Cornish, 7 Durham rd Jonas Mrs. Sarah, 23 Meanley road
Romford road Griffith Mrs. Sarah, 36 Third avenue J ones George R. 3 Forest drive
Dommersen William Raymond, 26 Gurnett Thomas Charles, 4 Carlyle J ones Thomas, 3 .Ann's villas
.Albany road villas, Romford road Jones William, 11 First avenue
Done MiSJs, Mervyn villa, Meanley rd,Guttridge Geo. Henry, 3 Salisbury rd Joy Charles Frederick, 2 Carlyle road
Doublet Thomas, 2 Clara villas Halls William, 58 Manor Park road Kea11 Mrs. 54 Durham road
Dowsett John, I8 Third avenue Hamblin Mrs. II5 Carlyle road · Kelly John, 24 Meanley road
Drury Edward, 93 Carlyle road Hambly Edgar, 50 Carlyle road Kendall Richard, ss Carlyle road
Drury Isaac John, 34 Durham road Hamilton .Arthur, 25 Wentworth road Kent John, 28 Third avenue
Drury John .Alfred, 39 First avenue Hammond George F. 4 Forest drive Kerley Stphn. Frank, 30 Manor Pk. rd •

Drynon William, 48 Carlyle road Hampton Henry S. I7 Durham road Kerworth John Thos. 35 Meanley road
Dugdale Mrs. 40 Carlyle road Hancock John Henry, 47 Second aven Kettle Charles, 7 Meanley road
Dunkin Hy. Edwd. 40 Second avenue Hankins .Arthur Edwin, 38 .Albany rd King John Jackson, 23 First avenue
Dunn Wm. Robert, 22 Meanley road Harding William, 3 Carlyle villas King Mrs. 8 Third avenue
Durrant John, us .Argyle road Hardy Thomas, 24 Wentworth road Kinnear Dvd. Duncan, 54 Third aven
Dyer Frederick, II3 Car1yle road Harper Henry Edwd. 40 Third avenue Kipping Charles: IO Manor Park road
East Harry, I6 Wentworth road Harrison Frdk.Wm. 18 Forest Viewrd Kirbey Geo. Robert, 2 Carlton villas
Eaton Edwin, 48 Durham road Hart Harry, Woodbine vil. Third aven Klein Frederick, 6o Third avenue
Edmondson John, Bedford villa, Rom- Hart Henry Joseph, so ManorPark rd Knight .Alfred, Kentsbury house,
ford road Hart James Vincent, 11 Salisbury road Third avenue
Edwards Mrs•. 20 Carlton road Hart Solomon, Salisbury road Knight Wm. George, 20 Clarence rd
Edwards Wm. Jas. 32 Wentworth rd Hasler J. 9 Holly ter. Whitta road Knights Edward, I9 Wentworth road
Elsey Mrs. Lydia, 24 First avenue Hatch Fredk. Samuel, I27 Carlyle rd Kreele Frank, 6o Carlyle road
Elson Thomas, 26 Durham road Hathway Robert Thos. IO Carlton rd Ladensack Ernest Charles, 52 1\ianor
Elston Ralph, 6 Claremont terrace Hay George, 42 First avenue Park road
Evans· Owen, Seymour ho. Romford rd Hayes Dennis, 96 Carlyle road Lamb .Arthur Fredk. 123 Carlyle rd
Everett James Berne, 33 Carlton road Hayes Mrs. Letitia, 2 Oak cottages, Langley Miss, 2 Whitta road
Eyre Edmund, 92 Carlyle road Forest drive Langlois Frederick D. 12 Forest drive
Fairfax .Alfred, 18 Clarence road Heale Herbert John, 82 Durham road Lawrence Mrs. I8 Carlton road
Fairhurst Robert Salter, 12 Cumber- Heale Mrs. 38 Durham road !Laws Mrs. 33 Meanley road
land road Helmore .Algernon, 12I Carlyle road 1Lazarus Harry, 15 Durham road
Fairweather James, 14 .Albany road Helps .A.rthur Wm. 2 Second avenue 1Lee William .Alfred, 4I Meanley road
Fairweather Joseph, 7 Carlyle villas, Heyborn Mrs. Olive cot. Romford rd Leese Mrs. 29 .Albany road
Romford villas Hiller George, 8 Forest road !Leggatt John H. Whitta road
Farley Wiliam Joseph, Forest drive Hills Frank, 36 Carlyl"e road iLeggett John, Lime villa, Whitta rd
Faunch Joseph E. 35 .Albany road Hms Wm. Burt, 125 Carlyle road Leighton John, 8 Carlton road
Featherstone Waiter F. 75 Durham rd Hinton John, 57 Carlyle road Lemon Robert .Alexander, Belford
Fen~uson Charles, 6 Salisbury road Hinton Luther Wm. 38 Second avenue house, Romford road
Ferguson Donald, 26 Wentworth roadtHiron John, 25 Durham road Lennard George, I8 First avenue
Ferne James Han, Io Wentworth road Hobdell Fredk. George, 21 .Albany rd Lester William, 8 Meanley road
Field Mrs. 2 Salisbury road Hodnott Mrs. 34 Carlton road Lewis ]Wsses, I Gladding road
Finch Charles Henry, 7 Salisbury rd Hoffman Mrs. Elizh. S. 23 Carlyle rd Lewis Mrs. 32 Clarence road
Finn John, 37 Second avenue Hoflin William, 47 Durham road Lightley George Edwin, Whitta road
Firman Oliver, 7 Cumberland road Hogan Rev. Thomas, St. Nicholas In- Lindsay .Arnold, 11 .Albany road
Fitzgerald William, 83 Carlyle road dustrial school Lindus .Alfred, Lincoln ho. Romford rd
Flindall .Alfred, 33 Third avenue Holliday John Chas. 64 Third avenue Lineker Thomas .A.. 42 Carlyle road
Foakes• .Alfred J ames, 109 Carlyle road Holloway George, 25 .Albany road Linstead Mrs. 2 Forest road
- FowlBr Charles, 31 First avenue Holloway Mrs. Emma S. 52 Third av Lishman Mrs. 7 Holly ter. ,...Wcn.hitta rd
Fowler Thomas Geo. 8 Forest View rd Holmes Chas. Edwin, 23 Manor Pk. rd Lord .Arthur, 25 Second avenue
Fox William Thomas, 46 Clarence rd Holmes Garner Edmonds, 3oDurhm.rd Lorrimer "Charles, 15 Carlton road
Foy George, 42 Carlton road Holtaway Edward W. 46 Carlyle road Love Henry, I20 Third avenue
Franklin Waiter Jsph. 26 Second aven Holtham William, 20 Albany road Low Edmnd. I Long view, Forest drv
Freeman Samuel, 99 Carlyle road Honnor George, 56 Third avenue Lynn Madam, I5 Manor Park road
Fry Edmund, 29 Second avenue Hood Robert, I2 Durham road Maassen .Alex. Wm. 20 Cumberlnd. rd
Fuller .Alfred, Whitta house, Whitta rd Hooper James, 3 Cumberlimd road McCabe David Hy. 39 Second avenue
Fuller Herbert, 23 .Albany road Hopper John Edwin, 64 Durham rd McCorkindale Daniel, 62 Carlyle road
McCrae Wm. Osborn ho. Romford rd Parker John Archibald, Clarendon Rodway Mrs. 6 First avenue
McDonald John Smith, 8I Carlyle rd house, Forest drive Rogan John, 9 Salisbury road
McDonald William, 25 Carlyle road Parker Waiter John, 30 First avenue Rogers George, 2 Albany road
McDowall Henry, 35 Durham road Parr Thomas, 18 Albany road Rolfe Albert John, 8 Second avenue
McGregor Alfred, I9 Carlyle road Parsons Frank L. I Carlyle road Rontree William, 87 Carlyle road
l\IcKechnie Jn. Napier ho. Romford rd Parsons George, 44 Third avenue Rosenway Henry, 86 Durham road
McKellar Donald, 20 Wentworth road Passingham George, I03 Carlyle road Round Edward John, 3 Meanley road
Mackenzie John Henry, 28 Durham rd Patten John, 6 Gladding road Russell John, 5 Forest drive
Mackie William, 34 Clarence road Paul Richard, 4 Gladding road . Rust Phi1ip, Aldesbrook villa, Forest
McMaster Herbert, 30 Clarence road Pavey William, 3 Forest road drive
McQuat Jn. Alexandra ho. Romford rd Pavie George, 44 Carlyle road Sabine Chas. Orton, Io Second aven
Magee Richard, 44 Manor Park road Pavie Wm. Primrose ho. Third aven Sadler Mrs. 40 Clarence road
l\Iagee Thos. Portsea ho. Romford rd Pavie William, 3 Station road Salmon William, 4 Durham terrace
Magson .Anthony, 59 Carlyle road Pavitt William, 74 Third avenue Sanders Henry, I6 Albany road
Magson Henry, 7 Manor Park road Payne Amos, 3I Manor Park road Sanders Mrs. Jane, I First avenue
Maisey Wm. Harry, I7 Wentworth rd Payne Frederick, 35 Manor Park road Sands Stephen Rd. I3 Manor Pk. rd
l\Ialenoir Richard, I Second avenue Payne Jas. Wolseley ho. Romford rd Sanson Stanley, 84 Durham road
Manning John, 4 Claremont terrace, Peake Augustus, 35 Third avenue Sas James Henry, 77 Carlyle road
Romford road Peall John, I3 Wentworth road Saxton William, 16 Manor Park road
l\Ianwaring Arth. F. 36 Wentworth rd Pearmine Josiah Fredk. 3 Albany rd Sayers William P. I8 Cumberland rd
l\Iarfieet Harry A. 43 Second avenue Penn Chas. Albert, 38 Wentworth rd Scopes Harry, 14 Carlton road
l\Iarkey Michael, 4 Cumberland road Pennington John, 45 Durham road Sense James, 26 Carlton road
Marks George M. 6 Forest View road Penny Wm. Christie, 5 Cumberland rd Sear Mrs. Lucy Ada, 94 Carlyle road
Marshall Henry, 48 Manor Park road Perrin Benjamin, IOI Third avenue Seeley Mrs. F. 42 Second avenue
Martin Edward, 18 Wentworth road Perry William John, 6I Durham road Segust Henry, 48 Third ave'nue
Martin Miss Z. S. 21 Durham road Pettipher Frederick, 6 Whitta terrace Seymour Rt. 4 Oak cot. Forest drive
Martin Thomas W. P. 6 Durham rd Pettipher Stephen, 3 Hilda villas, Shambrook Willia.m, 62 Manor Pk. rd
Martin William, Oakdene, Whitta road Station road Sharp William, 63 Durham road
Mason Japh, 2a, Clarence road Petty George William, 21 Meanley rd Sharpe Thomas Smith,Io Salisbucyrd
Matcham Mrs. Elizh. I3 Durham rd Phillips Henry, 2 Meanley road Shaw Robert, 30 Carlton road
Matthews Charles, 27 Albany road Phillips Henry Wm. 42 Durham road Shea Daniel, 22 Carlton road
l\Iayes John, 2I First avenue Phillips Thomas, 37 Third avenue Shepherd William, 24 Carlton road
l\Iayne Mrs. 9 Carlton road Phillips Thomas James, 6 Forest road Sherborne Capt. Wm. T. 5 Second av •

1\:layston Mrs. 69 Durham road Phillips William, 62 Third avenue Shirmer William Richd. 76 Carlyle rd
l\Iees William, 43 Albany road Pickford Wm. Frank, 44 Durham rd Simms John William, 2 Wentworth rd
Merck Edward, 7 Forest drive Pidgeon Joseph Samuel, 5 First aven Sissons Mrs. ro First avenue
l\Ierckell Alfred, 37 First avenue Pierson Mrs. M. 10 Durham road Slade \Villiam George, 14 First aven
Merritt William, 33 Second avenue Pike Waiter John, I2 Clarence road Slate Richard, go Carlyle road
Michell Maurice, 18 Meanley road Pike William, 36 Second avenue Small Andrew, I4 Wentworth road
l\Iiller Benjamin, 2 Carlton road P~lgrim Mrs. Rebekah,2rWentworth rd Smith Alfd. Minden ho. Romford rd
Mills Miss, 91 Carlyle road P1tcher Wm. Henry, 28 Second aven Smith Alfred, 5 Whitta road
Minns Wm. Robert, 105 Carlyle road Platt John William, 65 Durham road Smith Arthur Chas. I6 Durham road
Moore Arthur, n Meanley road Poile Thomas, I9 Manor Park road Smith Edward, 11 Forest View road
Moore Mrs. Ann, 9 Cumberland road Pollock William, 9 Durham road Smith John, 38 Carlton road
Moore Mrs. Martha, 66 Durham road Ponley Mrs. 4 Claremont terrace Smith Joh'n, 2 Durham terrace
Mordin James, 44 Second avenue Porter Abraham, 70 Carlyle road Smith Waiter, 7I Durham road
Moreham John Aug. 2 Claremont ter Porter Alfred Lewre'nce, 88 Carlyle rd Smith William, 3 Gladding road
l\:[Qrehen William, 2 Claremont terrace, Porter Mrs. Martha, I5 Manor Park rd Snape William Hethcote B. 17 Manor
Romford road Pottinger George, 4 Third avenue Park road
Morgan James, 27 Carlton road Poulten Edwd. R. Elmhirst,Whittard Snodgrass William, Romsey house,
Morison Mrs. 1 Wentworth road Pounds Edwin James, IS First aven Romford road
Morley Wm. Henry, 9 Second avenue Poupard Augusta F. 46 Albany road Solly Mrs. Holland house, Romford rd
Morris on George W entworth, 2I Prendergast Morris, 8 Durham road Soper J oseph, 23 Second avenue
Second avenue Press Benjamin, n Cnmberland road South George M. 32 Carlton road
Mott James, 14 Cumberland road Preston Stanley Richard, Beaconsfield Spence Alexander Jas. 4I Durham rd
Moxham James, 79 Carlyle road house, Romford rQad Spencer Wm. Thos. 56 Durham road
Mull Williarn, 19 Forest View road Price William H. I2 Forest View rd Spire William, 65 Carlyle road
Munro John, Rutland ho. Romford rd Prime Thomas, 57 Durham road Spooner Isaac J. 3 Lauretta villas,
Murray Daniel, 33 Durham road Prin Henry Joseph, 3 Durham terrace Third avenue
Murray James, 15 Albany road Punchard George, 37 Durham road Springett Henry Jas. 45 Third avenue
Murrells Fredk. 30 Second avenue Pyne Frank P. 10 Third avenue Springett Jn. Wm. 29 Manor Park rd
Mustart Jas. 2 Hilda villas, Forest rd Raby William, 32 First avenue Stacy Miss, 89 Carlyle road
Nagle Edward M. 28 First avenue Race John, 43 First avenue Stares Alfred, II2 Carlyle road
Nairn Mrs. 52 Carlyle road Ramos Pedro, 6 Meanley road Steere Thomas Warner, 40 Durham rd
Narracott Nicholas Kendall, 37 Carl- Randall Frank, I Cumberland road Steoo Hy. Devon villa, Third avenue
ton road Randall Thomas, I3 Meanley road Stephens William L. 20 First avenue
Nash Thomas, 34 Albany road Ransom Thomas, 35 Second avenue Stevenson John Thos. 44 First avenue
Naylor William, 97 Carlyle road Raven Herbert Thos. 28 Manor Pk. rd Stevenson Miss Maria, Trafalgar ho.
Needham John, III C~rlyle road Rayner John, 49 Third avenue Romford road
Nelson John, 48 Clarence road Rayner William, 4 Ann's villas Steward John, 8 Forest drive
Nettleton Edwin, 9 Wentworth road Raynor Fredk. Jn. 6o Manor Park rd Stillwell Mrs. 3 Wentworth road
Newborn Mrs. Swanley lo. Romford rd Read Edward, 74 Carlyle road Stoker Charles Edwd. 24 Clarence rd
Newham Henry, 9 Meanley road Read John, 46 Second avenue Stokes William R. 32 Durham road
Newman Thomas, 2I Forest View road Read Samuel, 52 Clarence road Stone William, IS Carlyle road
Nicholl Miss M. A. 81 Durham road Rees John, 16 Carlton road Stoneley George, 22 A.lbany road
Nicholls Hy. Edwd. 8 Cumberland rd Reid Henry Finch, 55 Durham road Storr Alfred, 19 Durham road
Nicoll Percy, 5 Carlton road Revitt Joseph, I Hilda viis. Station rd Street Thomas, 24 Second avenue
Norton Frank John, 6 Cumberland rd Reynolds Alfred, 32 Third avenue Suckling George, 2 Orchard villas,
Oakes Aug. I Holly ter. Whitta road Reynolds Henry, 6 Clarence road "Whitta road
O'Brien John Hy. 48 Second avenue Richardson Henry, 133 Carlyle road Snllivan Richard Jas. 3 Second aven
Osborne Henry, 32 Carlyle road Ridley Mrs. 27 Carlyle road Summerfield Mrs. 67 Durham road
Overmark }.Iiss Emma, 63 Carlyle rd Ringrose Samuel Alfred, 33 Albany rd Sumsiorr Edward, 3I Meanley road
Owen Waiter, 25 Meanley road Risley Andrew E. 58 Durham road Sunderland Rev. Thos. (United Metho-
Packer Edward Jas. 38 Third avenue Ritchie David, 4 Albany road dist Free Church), 79 Durham rd
Packman William, I6 Second avenue Robbins Waiter, 23 CarUon road Swingland Charles Thos. 31 Albany rd
Paddon Mrs. Clara, I6 Forest View rd Roberts Alfred Charles, Luton villa, Symons Geo. S. 8 Holly ter. Whitta rd
Paffey Samuel, 6 Holly ter. Whitta rd Romford road Tait Jn. Jas. 5 Oak cots. Forest drive
Paine George, 7 Second avenue Roberts Mrs. 4 Carlyle road Tappen Joseph, 4 Salisbury road
Palmer Arthur Wm. 4 Forest View rd RQbinson Donald, Io Forest View rd Tappin Geo. Nelson ho. Romford rd
Palmer Edward, 27 Second avenue Robinson Walt. Albt. 46 Manor Pk. rd Tate Mrs. 8 First avenue
Parker John, Coverdale, Romford rd Robinson William, 45 Meanley road Taylor Thomas Geo. 32 Second aven


Thomas Caleb J. 19 Second avenue Woods Harry Leonard, 39 Albany rd Cheke Richard & Co. land & estate
Thomason Robert, 5 Ca.rlyle villas, Woods Robert, 26 Clarence road agents, Beaconsfield house, Rom-
Romford road Woodward Jn. Seaton ho. Forest dve ford road
Thorn Richard, g8 Carlyle road Wortman Gabriel, 17 Carlyle road City of London Cemetery (Jn. Chap-
Thorp Arthur, 5 Durham road Wright Frederick, 76 Third avenue pie Stacey, supt. & registrar; Rev.
Threlford Herbert, 34 Manor Park rd Wright Frederick Jn. 27 Durham rd Alfred J. J. Cachemaille & Rev.
Tighe Mrs. Susan, 3 Carlton road Wright George, 102 Carlyle road Jas. Nicholson Nicholson M.A.
Tiros John, So Durham road Wright John, Whitta road episcopal chaplains; Rev. G. Firth.
Todd James, 59 Durham road Wright William, g6 Durham road nonconformist minister)
Todd Mrs. Cliftonville Yeomans Frank, 47 Meanley road CJ..ark Benj. & Co. mon. masons, u:
Tomkinson Arnold, 66 Carlyle road Young Jn. I Lauretta vis. Third av Holly terrace ... ·
Tomlinson William, 2 Gladding rd Young Thomas, 9 First avenue Clark Wm. Fred. confectwner &
Travers Mrs. Susan, 6 Carlyle road Zimmerman Henry, Oxford house, tobacconist, Romford road
Trevallion Arthur, 20 Durham road Romford road Clarke Cbas. Thos. cemetery mason,
Tucker George, 10 Forest drive Park villas, Station road
Tucker John Frances, as Carlyle rd COM;MERCIAL. Cole John, stationer, Romford road
Tunstall Harry, 21 Carlton road Abbott M. H. & Co. co!ll merchants, Cole Wm. chimney sweeper, Green-
Turner Mrs. 3 Ca.rlton villas Station road hill grove
Twelftree Spencer, 12 Carlton road Adams Edwin, dairyman, Romford rd Collier Robert James L.R.C.P. Edin.
Tyler Frederick, 131 Carlyle road Adfl.eld Wm. marine store, Melbourne surgeon, Grosmont ho. Romford rd
Tyser Richard B. 20 Forest view terrace Cordey David, The Three Rabbits
Upsher John William, ng Carlyle rd Alldis Frank, dining rooms, White P.H. Romford road
Vale Harry Thomas, 9 Albany road Post lane Corkett Fanny (Miss), confectioner &
Valentine Edward, 4 Holly terrace, Alien Chas. jun. greengro. Station rd tobacconist, Romford road
Whitta road Ames Wm. Jsph. undertaker, Rom- Cornish Alf. G. tobacnst. 3 Station rd
Varcoe Richard Freeman, 16 Cumber- ford road Cosburn Frank C. monumntl. mason.
land road Amey & Son, boot mas. Romford t•d 129 Carlyle road
• Waite Enoch, 36 Manor Park road Angell Henry, dyer:. & cleaner, White Cosburn Geo. monumental mason.
Waite Frederick, 24 Third avenue l'ost lane Myrtle villa
Wallace London, 3 Leicester terrace, Appleton John Samuel, estate agent Cosburn John, monumental mason, 6(i
Romford road & insurance broker, Central 'Es- Manor Park road
Wailer Mrs. Emily, 14 Manor Park rd tate Office, 4a, Broadway Cosburn Samuel, monumental mason.
Wailer Thomas Henry, 28 Carlton rd Avenue Estate Office, Estate Offices I Manor Park bridge
Wallis 'Miss, 8 Albany road (private), Romford road Cox Tom, beer retailer, Greenhill gm
Walthew Charles, 5 Holly terrace, Aylmer Agnes (Miss), milliner, Luton Crossley Edward! William, painter &.
Whitta road house, Station road decorator, 25 Manor Park road
Ward George Edward, 2 Lauretta. vils. Bachmayer Arthur, hairdresser, Cullern Frank, baker, Greenhill grove.
Third avenue Station road Curtis & Co. drug dealers, White.
Warner Sidney, 95 Carlyle road Bale Robt. greengrocer, Greenhill gr Post lane
Watson Andrew, 38 Clarence road Balls Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, Curtis Edwd. tailor, 5 Rixen road
Watson Frederick, 73 Durham road Station road Dadson Horace Charles, chemist &i
Watson James, 8 Salisbury road Bamsey Waiter, drug stores, :Mel- druggist, Romford road
Watts Chas. Haynes, 6 Wentworth rd bourne terrace Dalby Wm. Hy. butcher, Romford rd
Watts Miss Ellen, 7 Wentworth road Basham Alfred, boot ma. Romford rd Davis Marshal! Geo. oil & colorman,.
Way Arthur, 15 Second avenue Batchelor Jas. baker, White Post la Romford road
Waylard Leonard A. 83 Durham road BeazleyGeo. boot & shoe ma. Herbert rd Delane Mary Alice (Miss), grocer.
Waylen Mrs. 7 Claremont terrace, Bell Geo. Hy. nurseryman, Station rd Romford road
Romford road Bettesworth Thos. Blakesley Arms r.Il Dennis Wm. Robt. house & estate
Weaver Fredk. Wm. I Whitta road Biggs George T. china dealer, White agent & sanitary plumber, Rom-
Webb Arthur, 18 Second avenue Post lane ford roadl
Webber Henry Walt. 26 Third avenue Bishop John, shopkeeper, Herbert 1·d Devey Thos. oil shop, 7 Romford road
Webster Henry, 36 Clarence road Blackman Eliza (Mrs.), accoucheuse, Domenick Pantini, confectioner, White
West Charles, 13 Second avenue 17 Charfton road Post lane
Westby John Thomas, 14 Second aven Bonina 'l'eresa. (Miss), teacher d Douglas Jas. baker & confectioner.._
Western George Jn. 86 Carlyle road singing, &c. 5 Durham terrace Station road
Weybrew Jsph. Hy. 39 Carlton road Bowley Jas. stationer, White Post la Dowsett Fredk. Wm. butcher, Green-
Whichen Henry, 6 Second avenue Brand Joseph, boot & shoe maker, hill grove
Whincup Mark, 84 Carlyle road ~omford r?ad . Dowsett John, fishhmonger, White
Whitaker Charles George, Gladstone BriCkell Jn. JUn. bldr. White Post la Post lane
villa, Whitta road Brown Charlotte (Miss), milliner & Druitt Jabez, monumental masrm,.
~w~hite Fredk. William, 4 Durham rd ladies' outfitter, Romford road Forest drive
White George Wallis, 94 Durham rd Brown Mis·s·, private school for boys Durham. Coal Co. (The), coal mers.
White Thomas, 13 First avenue & girls, 18 Durham road Romford road
White William John, 74 Durham road Bryant George, corn & flour dealer, Eade Edwd. greengro. White Post la
Wh~te~ead Jn. Wm. I Forest View rd Romfor~ road Edmondson John, coal agent, Bedford
Wh1ttmgton Henry Waiter, 87 Dur- Bryett Fred. N. house decorator, villa Romford road
ham road Station road Elliott' Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, Mel-
~yborn Mrs. Emily, 16 First aven Buffery Ann (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, bourne terrace, Romford road
W1eland Arth~r Stewart, Io Holly Carlyle road Everson Henry, laundry, Romford rd
~errace.' ~Itta road Bull Seth, cowkeeper, Northlands. Field Jas. Wm. fishmngr. Station rd
Wilde Miss Lilla, 56 Manor Park road Bunt.m J ames Edward, confectioner, Forster Albert watch & clock maker
Wilford Charles, 43 Meanley road Romford road Romford ro~d ,.
Wilkinson William, Hythe house, Burrill John, bldr. Seventh avenue Fountain Jsph. saddler, "''bite Post la
Romford road Bush Thos. coal agent, Romford 'd Funnell Ern est confectr. Romford rd
W~Ik.inson Wm. Geo. ~4_Wentworth rd Ca~by Helen (Miss), laundry, Gret:n- Garnham C. R.' draper, Romford road
Williams George .William, 3 Holly hill grove Gayler William school attendance
terrace, Whitta road Callow Duncan, pianoforte tuner, 100 officer for Man'or pk, 2 7 Meanley rd
W~l~ams Hen:y H. 35 ~arlton road . Carlyle road . . Gellett Frederick, picture frame ma.
Wilhamson VIctor, 22 First avenue Card Joseph William, laundry, Rom- Melbourne terrace Romford road
W~lliamson ~V~lt. Fredk. 3 Carlyle .rd ford road Goodfellow Henry Ford, nurseryman.
Willsdon W1lham Samuel, 22 Thud Carey Charles Henry, shopkeeper, Forest drive
avenue Herbert road Good Frederick, tobacconist & con-
Willsmer Henry, 44 Carlton road Carrington Menotti,bldr.Forest drive fectioner, Romford road
Wilmshurst James John, 6 Albany rd Carter Margaret (~rs.), Earl of Gosling Thos. fncy. drpr. Romford rd
Wilson Arthur, 27 Manor Park road Essex P.H. Greenhill grove Gotsall Henry, laundry, White Post la
Wilson James Wm. I I Wentworth rd Carver Chas. butcher, Romford road Gouch Rbt. Lewis, gro. Station rd
Wilton Frank Joseph, 4 Carlton road Challicon Jas. shopkr. White Post lane Govern Patk. shopkr. White Post la
Wiltshire Mrs. Mary, 5 Carlyle road Chambers Charies, cowkeeper & corn Gray Alfd. W. statnr. Station road
Witherick Alfred, 34 Third avenue dealer, Romford road Greenham Charles, greengrocer, Dur-
Woodhouse Alfred, 23 Durham road Chilton Thos. station cigar stores, ham cross, Romford road
Woods George Fredk. 6 Carlyle villas Station road Gregory Jsph. bldr.· 74 Herbert rd
Grifliths Alfred, dairyman, Forest cot Love Hy. builder, 120 Third avenue St. Nicholas Industrial Catholic
Hall Carolina (Miss), Greenhill grove Loveland Frdk. ironmngr. Romford rd School (Rev. Thomas Hogan, chap-
Hamilton George Clarendon M.B. sur- Lynn Mary Ann (Madame), dress- lain; Polycarp V. Moore, manager)
geon, Church road maker, IS Manor Park road Salter William Hathway, grocer, Post
Hardway Geo. shopkpr.White Post la McMaster Marion (Miss), dress ma. office, Romford road
Harper Geo. oil &i colormn.Romford rd 30 Clarence road Scopes Harry, coal agt. 14 Carlton rd
Harrington Geo.fncy.drpr. llomford rd Manor Park Cemetery (J. C. Hum- Scott Thomas, domestic machinery
Harris Jas. pork butchr. Romford rd phris, sec.; Rev. J. P. Gray & J. dealer, Romford road
Harris Wm. S. butchr.Ia,Station road W. Oliver, chaplains) Scrutton Ernest, corn dealer, Mel-
Hart Solomon, builder, I Salisbury rd Manor Park Liberal Club, Romford rd bourne terrace, Romford road
Hayward Edward, Golden Fleece P.H Martin William James, dining rooms, Sear Lucy Ada (Mrs.), 94 Carlyle rd
Forest drive Romford road Searle John, potato salesman, Ram-
Hayward Edwin Samuel, oilman, I &i Mason Frederick, refreshment rooms, ford road
2 Station road Romford road Setchell Mary A. (Mrs.), fancy drapr.
Hobday Charles, coal dealer, 26 Wini- Miller Beni. blacksmth. 2 Carlton r!l Romford road
fred road Moore Aloert Henry, plumber, 51 Shull Jas. boot maker, White Post la
Hockey Oliver Arthur, city provision White Post lane Sims John Wihiam, builder &; con-
stores, Station road Morley John, dairy, Romford road tractor, 2 Wenthworth road
Holmes Charles Edwin,assistant turn- Morling John, dairy, Broadway Smart Charles, shopkpr.White Post la
cock to East Ham Water Works, Moy Thomas Limited, coal, coke & Smee Sidney Charles, photographer,
23 Manor Park road builders' merchants, Station road Romford road
Borne Henry, ham & beef warehouse, Munro Edmonds, laundry,WhitePost la Smith Wm. prov. dlr. Romford road
Romford road Munro John M. painter, Rutland ho. Songhurst Thomas, blacksmith k
Borne Thomas, newsagent, Station rd Romford road shopkeeper, Greenhill grove
Hudnott Jn. locksmith, 42 Herbert :·d Newborn John, florist, Romford road Spencer Enoch, printer, Rixen road
Rumphries J. C. sec. to the Manor Newell Annie & Edith (The Misses), Stacey Annie (Miss), teacher of the
Park Cemetery fancy drapers, Romford road pianoforte, 89 Carlyle road
Jackson Sam, architect & surveyor, Newell William L. fancy draper, Stait Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, White
Waterloo house, Romford road Station road Post lane
James Edgar, shopkpr. Rixen road Nixon James, fishmonger, Romford rd Sucking Elizabeth (Miss), dress ma .
..'James Hezekiah Maurice, stove & Packer Edward James, insurance agt. 2 Orchard villas, Whitta road
range maker, &i hot water engineer, 38 Third avenue Sumpter Alfred, grocer, Romford rd
Broadway; & at Manor Park works, Parsons Reuben, tobacconi'>t, Rom- Sumpton Alfred &i Co. stone masons,
opposite " Three Rabbits.'' Rom- ford road · Greenhill grove
ford road; 26 years at Schooling Passingham Florence (Miss), teacher Tappin Geo. timber mer. Romford rd
& Co.'s of the pianoforte, I03 Carlyle road Taylor Robert, rrrocer, Romford rood
James John W. bricklayer, 7S Green- Pearson Alfred, greengrocer, Rom- Taylor M. W. (Mrs.), pianoforte
hill grove ford road teacher, White Post lane
.Jenkins Arthur John, furniture dlr. Peppiatt Edith (Mrs.), tobacconist, Tighe Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, 3
Manor Park place Romford road Carlton road
Jennings Constantine, photographer &i Percy Edwin, builder, Romford road Towell William, boot ma.Romford rd
fancy dealer, Romford road Pettipher Frederick W. house decora- Trowell Richd. gro. Melbourne terrace
Johnson Edwin, stationer & tobac- tor, 6 Whitta terrace Turner James, solicitor & clerk to
conist, Romford road Pickford Edith (Mrs.), preparatory Little Ilford School Board, 4a,
Joint Mary Jane (Mrs.), haberdasher, school, 44 Durham road Broadway
White Post lane Pollock William, coal merchant, Rail- Wall Herbert W. drpr. Romford road
Jordan Colin, Devonshire Dairy, Rom- way station Warren Nathaniel, boot maker, 32
ford road Portway Sidney W. grocer, & agent "White Post lane
Joslin Geo. beer retlr. Romford road for W. &i A. Gilbey Limited, wine Watt Brothers, grocers, 10 Durham
Keeble Eliza (Mrs.), Station road & spirit merchants, Green hill gro Cross, Romford road
Kerley Stephen Frank, watch maker, Prentice J. D. & Co. cycle agents, Weal Edward, jobbing smith, Rom-
30 Manor Park road Romford road ford road
King James, dairyman, White Post la Preston Stanley Richard, solicitor & Webster George, stationer &; printer,
King Thomas, cowkeeper & green- commissioner for oaths, Beacons- Romford road
grocer, White Post lane field house, Romford road Webster Stephen, printer & station~r,
Kipping Albert, greengro.Romford rd Prutton James, baker & confectioner, Romford road
Kittle Mary (Mrs.) &i Kate (Miss), Romford road Westwood Jspb. pntr. 48 Herbert road
dress makers, 7 Meanley road Purkiss Harry Wootton, tailor, Station Westwood Robt. pntr.46 Herbert road
Kloth Henry, hair dresser, Romford rd road Wheeler Charles, boot ma.Romford rd
Knight William Erastimus T. grocer, Quinion Samuel Clements, pawnbrokr. Wheeler Wm. coal dlr. Third avenue
Whitta road Romford road Wilkinson &i Co. oil & colormen,
Kreutz Andrew, watch maker, Rom- Quorn James, dining rooms, Romfd.rd Broadway
ford road Rayner Frederick John, surveyor, 6o Wilkinson Annie (Miss), tobacconist,
Langley Florence (Miss), dress maker, Manor Park road Railway bridge
2 Whitta road Revitt J oseph, grocer &; cheesemon- Wilkinson Samuel, oilman, Romford rd
Lawrence Jennie (Miss), wine, spirit & ger & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Wilton Edward Thomas, ironmonger,
beer merchant, Station road Limited, wine & spirit merchants, Romford road
Leighton George, plumber,8 Carlton rd Romford road Wilton Frank Joseph, plumber ~ gas-
Leivington Henry, boot maker, Green- Richardson E. &i H. drapers,Station rd fitter, 4 Carlton road
hill grove Ring Alfd. confectnr. Romford road Woodrow Fredk. butchr.White Post la
Lemay Henry F. J. grocer, R.Jm- Roberts Moses A. hair dresser, Wright Ada (Miss), dress maker,
ford road Romford road I02 Carlyle road
Lever Charles H. grocer, Romford rd Rudkin Charles J. fruiterer, 6 Holly Wright George, estate office, I02
Lockwood William Robert, draper, terrace, Romford road Carlyle road
Romford road Rumilly Emma (Mrs.), stationer, Wyman Alfred, greengro.Romford rd
Lomax George, builder, so Herbertrd Romford road Young Conrad, hair dresser, White
Long Frederick William, baker &i corn Russell John, boot ma. Station road Post lane
dealer, Romford road Rust Philip, tailor &i earthenware dlr. Young William, paper bag manufac-
Looker Wm. cowkpr. Greenhill grove Romford road 1 turer, II3 Herbert road

WEST HAM being now a metropolitan, parliamentary fore not included in the Directory of the County of Essex,
and municipal borough and a suburb of London, is there- but will be found in Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
EAST HANNINGFIELD is o. village and parish, 30, x883, was a building in fhe Perpendicular ~>tyle: the
6 miles south-east from Chelmsford station, and 33 from chancel has been restored, and is now used as a mortuary
London, in the Mid division of the county, Ohelmsford cha~pel. The new church, erected in 1884-s, near the
hundred, union, petty sessional division and county court centre of the village, at a cost of £3,500, is a cruci:fotm
district, rural deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex, building of stone in the Early English style, from designs
and diocese of St. Albans. A supply of water is now by :Mr. Henry Stone, architect, of London, and consists of
(1894) being laid on in pipes from Danbury by the Rural chancel, nave, aisles, transepts, south porch and a turret
Sanitnry Authority. The church of All Saints, entirely containing 3 bells: there are 250 sittings. The register
~stroyed by fire, after morning service, on Sunday, Dec. dates from the year 1540. The living is a rectory, aver-
190 EAST HANNIN GFIELD. ESSEX. [KELLY'S tithe rent-charge .£423, net yearly ~alue £4r6, with BANNINGFIELD TYE is a little to the north; Clay.
'40 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees, don lies to the north-west.
and held since 1892 by the Rev. Arthur Joseph Sa-ere, of Parish Clerk, John Rayner.
University College, DurhaJll. In the rectory grounds is Post Office. John Rayner, sub-postmaster. Letters ar·
an artesian well, 48o feet deep, said to be the oldest of rive from Chelmsford at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at
its kind in the county, and the deepest but one. Lord p.m.; on sund~s no delivery. The nearest money
Petre is lord of the manor. The landowners are Col. order & telegraph office is at Danbury. Postal orders
Archibald Impey-Lovibond of Newhall, Ardleigh, and are issued here, but not paid
several small holders. The soil is stiff loam; subsoil, National School (mixed), built in r865, for roo childre..'l;
clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, oats and barley. average attendance, 75 ; Harry Picking, master
The area is 2,447 acres; rateable value, ,£2,203; the Carriers to Chelmsford. Joseph Blanks, tues. & hi.;
population in r891 was 396. Richard Grange, tues. & fri
Kemble Commander Homtio Fraser Eaton Arthur, Windmill P.H Overall David, farm bailiff to Edward
R.N. Great Claydons Gardiner Benjamin Channing Rouse, Randall esq. Rough Hill Park fa1m
Sacre Rev. Arthur Joseph (rector), farmer, The Hill Ratcliff Joseph, farmer, Frenche's
Rectory Gigney Jamef!, saddler & harness Rayner Henry, brick & tile makers,
maker, ironmonger &c.; & at Wick- Bromley lodge (letters, Rettendon
COMMEBCIAL. ford; & at St!!--nford-le-Hope. See common)
Bacon Thomas, Plough & Sail P.H advert Rayner John, builder & wheelwright,
Bird William, farmer, Balls farm Gilbey Edward, farm bailiff to Robt. Post office
Cass William, beer retailer Woodley esq. Sailesfrith farm Reeves Frederick, blacksmith
Clark William, grocer Harvey Wait. Jas. farmer, Rails frm Rosling Archibald, farmer, Great
Cross Charlotte (Miss), shopkeeper King Tho'!. Clarke, farmer, Barnards Claydons farm
Gardiner William (Mrs.) & Son, far- Mott Arthur, farmer, Papnols Smith Jn. Edwd. & Frank, fmrs. Lodge
mers & landowners, Hall Muggleston Rt. frmr. Little Claydons Waae Jn. Rt. Three Horse Shoes l'.H
SOUTH HANNINGFIELD is a sc!llttered village money, arising from the gift of Mrs. Ann Humphreys.
and parish, 8 miles south~south-east from Chelmsford Lord Petre is lord of the manor. The principal land-
railway station, 3 miles north from Wickford and 32 from owners are the heirs of the late Admiral IT'indal and the
London, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford trustees of the late John Wright esq. The soil and sub-
hundred, union, petty sessional division and county court soil are clayey. The principal crops are wheat{, beans and
district, rural deanery of Danbury, archdBaconry of Essex oats. Th!'l._ area is r,537 acres; mtewble value, £),137-
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter is The population in r8gr was 204.
a small edifice of rubble, in the Early English and Deco- Parish Clerk, Henry _Nevill.
rated styles, consisting of chancel and nave"- and a western Post Office. Miss Ellen Eaton, sub-postmistress. Let-
belfry of wood with spire and containing 1 bell. The ters by foot post from Chelmsford, delivered at 9 a.m. ;
regist·er dates from the year 1654. The living is a box closes at 6. 45 p.m. The nearest money order &
rect()ry, consolidated with West Hanningfield, average telegraph office is at Wickford. Postal orders are issued
tithe rent-charge £874, joint net yearly value £645, with bere, but not paid
48 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of W. Kemble
esq. and held since 188S by the Rev. Edmund Spenser Assistant Overseer, Ernes,t Boo.son
Tiddernan M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, who National School (mixed), built in 1874, for 40 children;
resides at West Hanningfield. The poor have .£5 yearly in average attendance, 38 ; Miss Mary E. Wheeler, mist
A.adison Mrs. Spencer, Bearmains .Algar Richard Jas. farmer, The Hall Dixon Charles J. farmer, Alberts
Charsley-Thomas Col. Wm. Plantation Bull William, farm bailiff to George Hunt Eliza (Mrs.) & Thomas, Wind·
Hayes Rev. Jn. William B.A. (curate) A. Brunwin esq. Great Prestons mill P.H
Benson Charles, farmer & landowner, Eaton Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper & Smith Frederick, blacksmith
Little Prestons post office Webster Thomas Henry, brick maker
WEST HANNINGFIELD is a pleasant village a,nd 1327 is preserved here. Richard Cannon in r6o5 gave by
parish, 6 miles east from Ingatestone station, 6 south will to the poor of West Hanningfield and Rettendon
from Chelmsford station, and 29 from London, in the Mid about 19 acres of land and a cottage, the" rent to b~
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty ses- divided equally between the two parishes and to be dis-
SiionaJ division, union and county court' district, rural tr.ibuted in bread. Mrs. Ann Humphrey, of Rettendon
deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Hall, in r6o5 gave .£2 a year for ever to poor widows of
St . .Albans. The church of St. Mary and St. Edward is this parish not receiving parish relief, to be paid out of a
a crudforrn building of brick and rubble :in the Perpen- farm called "Helmons," on the green; there is also a
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, sum of ros. a year paid out of a farm in this parish
south porch and a western tower with small spire, con· called "Tanfield Toy." Lord Petre is lord of the manor;
'liaining 4 bells, dtated 1770: in the south aisle is an the landowners are John Badeley esq. of St. Helens.
ancient slab, formerly inclosing the half-length effigies of Pa.rkstone, Dorset, the trusrtees of Dr. Williams, Colin
a man and woman; the former is missing, but the latter Benson esq. Thomas May Dunster esq. solicitor, of
remains and has beneath it the inscrirtion following: Henrietta. street, Cavendish square, London W. and
"Isabele Clovile et John son fils gisent 1ci lequele Johan others. The soil is stiff clay; subsoil, clav. The prin-
morust le 23 jour d.'Octobre, l'an de grace, 13{ir. Dieu cipal crops are wheat, beans, oats and barl~y. "The area
de leur almes eit m'rc :" in the chancel, on the north is 2,838 acres; rateable value, ,£2,675; the population in
side, is on altar ~()mb to a member of the same family, 1891 was 464.
but the inscription is imperfect, and on the floor a ledger Sexton, Joseph May.
stone, inscribed to John, son of John Erdeswicke esq. ob. Post Office. Alfred Vaughan, sub-postmaster. Letters
Nov. r6o-. The interior of the churcli was restored and by foot post through Chelmsford. Letters arrive at g
reseatea. in 1888, wt a cost of about .£400. The register a.m.; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money
commences in the year 1558. The living is a rectmy, order & telegraph office is at Stock. Postal orders are
with &luth HanninP.eld annexed, joint average tithe issued here, but not paid
rent-charge £874, JOint gross yearly value .£8so, net Wall Letter Box, near the 'Three Compasses,' cleared
£645, with residence and 48 acres of glebe, in the gift of at 5.15 p.m
W. Kemble esq. ,and held since r885 by tlie Rev. Edmund NationarSchool, built in 1893 (on a site of land presented
Spenser Tiddernan M. A. of Worcester College, Oxford. by F. M. Dunster esq. ), for 6o children; average at-
A list of the rectors of South and West Hauningfield from tendance, 45; Miss E. M. Judd, mistress
Beadel Thomas Edward Glass Thomas, farmer, Temple farm Sewell James, beer retailer
Tiddeman Rev. Edmund Spenser M.A. Hilliard George B. farmer, Twenty Smith Annie (Mrs.) & John Edward,.
(rector), The Rectory Acre farm farmers, Link House farm
COMMERCIAL. Holliday Thomas, farmer, Hicks farm Sparrow George William, baker
Balls John Steele, Ship P.H Knightbridge Thos. fmr. Foxbury fro Sparrow William, boot & shoe maker-
Benson G'harles Jas. farmer, Hall frm Lilly William, bake:r Stacey Samuel, farmer, Toy farm
Benson Colin, farmer & landowner, May John, beer retailer & shopkeepr Trussell George, farmer, Elm farm
Helmons May Joseph, beet: retailer & shopkpr Tyler William J ames, blacksmith
Benson William Colin, frmr. Pynnings Moore George Henry, farmer, Apps Vaughan Alfred, carpenter & wheei-
Crabb Richard Hatley, farmer farm (letters Stock, Ingatestone) ~-right & post office
Harris J ames, farm bailiff to Mr. Punt Arthur, wheelwright Wright George, farmer & landowner,
Philip Cole, Bords farm Saunders SI. J. Three Compasses P.H Pattens (letters, East Hanningfield)


lHARLOW is a small t{)wn and parish"" on the borders· playgrounds attached. The general charities produce
of Hertfurdshire, and on the eastern side of the about £160 yearly, derived from land and other sources_
picturesque and fertile valley of the navigable river The Church charities am{)unt to about £30 yearly, and
Stort, with a station on the Great East-ern (Cam- other special charities to about £2o yearly. Almshouses
bridge) railway, 26! miles by rail from London and 22 were erected in 1630 by Julian, wife of Alexander-
by road, 7 north-west from Ongar and 6 south from Stafford esq. for two poor widows of this parish, and in
Bishop's Stcrtford, in the Western division of the county, 1716 other almshouses were built near Pipers' mill for
hundred and petty sessional division of Harlow, Epping four poor widows, with moneys left by will of Mr.
union, Bishop's Stortford county court district, Harlow Francis Reeves, formerly of Hubbards Hall. Crabb's
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, ahnshouses, built in 1844, near St. John's church, wera
The streets have been lighted with ga-s since 1862, and erected under the will of Sarah Crabb of Harlow for :J.
the inhabitant;; are supplied with water by the Essex poor persons, and in 1874 other almshouses were built
and Herts Water Works Company from an artesian well for five poor persons, by the will of Mr. Perry Watlington
near Harlow mills, but in the parish of Sawbridgeworth. of Moor Hall. The Essex Hounds have been kennelled
The parish church of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Hugh, here for nearly 30 years, E. S. Bowlby esq. and L. J. w_
pleasantly situated on rising ground, is a cruciform Arkwright esq. masters: the pack hunt four days a
building of stone, consisting of chancel and nave, chapels week during the season; Epping, Chelmsford, Ongar and
and a. central t{)wer with spire containing a clock and a Harlow are convenient places for hunting visit{)rs. The
fine peal of 8 bells, presented by Mr. W. Walford and Essex Hunt Steeple Chase is held yearly, at Rundalls,..
dedicated on Easter eve, 1883, a fine carved oak porch about 3 miles south from the station. The Manor
being at the same time erected on the south side of the House, called "Harlow Bury," situated north of St.
church and a lych gate at the eastern entrance of the Mary's church, and now the residence of Mr. Thomas
churchyard: of the two chantry chapels, one is dedicated Mathews, is an ancient building, modernized to som~
to St. Petronilla, the other to St. Thomas and both are extent, and for many years in the possession of the
highly endowed: there are brasses with effigies, to Barnard family: in the grounds are remains of a chapel,.
William Sumner, ob. 1559; Edward Bugge, gent. and supposed to have been used by the monks of Bury St.
Jane his wife, 1582, with 5 children; W. Newman, ob. Edmund's: it is covered with ivy and has been converted
1602; John Gladwin, ob. 1615; Richard Bugges esq. int{) a granary: the north door has a fine Norman arch-
ob. 1636 and his wives, Vahan (Streinsham) and way, in good preservation. Robert Wicksted Ethelston
Elizabeth (Bowles), Margery (Cely) wife of Robert esq. of the Moor Hall estate, who is lord of the manor,.
Lawson, gent. ob. 1617; Francis Theve, ob. 1639, and Joane and who also holds the manorial right of Harlow Bury;
(Jocelyn) his wife, ob. 1642; and effigies only of a man in Lord North, L. J. W. Arkwright esq. and F. R.
armour and his wife, c. 1430; and a man and his wife, Mat thews esq. are the principal landowners. The soil
c. 1585; some of these have been removed from the is various; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are oats,.
floor and placed in wooden frames against the walls; wheat and barley. The area is 4,oo8 acres of land and
in the south chapel are kneeling effigies of Alex. Stafford 14 of water; rateable value, £13,977; the population in
esq. ob. 1652, and Julian, his wife, ob. 1650: all the 1g91 was 2 ,6 42 .
windows are stained and are memorials to members of Sexton (St. Mary), Henry Ward.
various local families : the marble pulpit is a memorial
to Mrs. Perry Watlington, d. 1886: the church was POTTER STREET, a large hamlet of Harlow parish,
thoroughly restored in 1876, and a vestry erected, at the about two mile'.! south, on the road to Epping, formerly
sole cost of the late J. W. Perry Watlington esq. of possessing several potterie!:, is included in the ecclesias-
Moor Hall, by whom also in 1857 the chapels were tical parish of St. Mary Magdalen, formed July 7, 1865;
renovated: there are sittings for 400 persons. The in this parish is a fine common of several hundred acres.
register dat-es from the year 1814, the previous registers chiefly used as a grazing ground for horses and sheep :
having been stolen. The living is a vicarage, average here is a splendid avenue of elms. The church of St.
tithe rent-charge £312, with 20 acres of glebe and Mary Magdalen, foonded by the late Rev. Charles
residence, in the gift of Lord North, and held since 1885 Miller, vicar of Harlow, in 1834, is a building of stone, in
by the Rev. Henry Farrow of St. Aidans and Ph.D. the Decorated Gothic style, consisting of chancel and
University of Rostock. A new vicarage house was erected nave: in 1888 the chancel and vestry were rebuilt, new
in 1886 at a cost of £2,ooo. St. John the Baptist's is choir stalls erected and the floor relaid, and in 1893 the
an ecclesiastical parish, formed 8th Sept. 1857; the nave was rebuilt: the church will seat aoout 230
church, erected previous to 1848, is a building in the persons. The register dates from the year 1834. The-
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and a living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £97• with 7
western tower containing 2 bells : some of the windows, acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the vicar of
including a memorial window to a former incumbent, Harlow, and held siHce 1877 by the Rev. Henry Elwell
are stained; the foundation stone was laid by John, M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The area is 1,000
2nd Marquess of Bute : there are 360 sittings. The acres; the population in 1891 was 479·
register dates from the year 1841. The living is a Sexton, William Seymour.
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge, £76, gross yearly •

value £102, in the gift of R. W. Ethelston esq. and held Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance, &;
since 1892 by the RPv. Edward Percival Baker Weber :the Express Delivery Office, High street.. John Carmichael
area is 300 acres; the population in 1891 was 1,172. All Whittaker, postmaster. Letters delivered at 7 & 9.30
Saints' church, built at the cost of the late Rev. Francis a.m. & 6 p.m. & dispatched at 5-45 & 9.15 a.m. to
Richard Miller M.A. vicar of Kineton, Warwickshire, is Harlow Rural districts, 10.25 a.m. 12.10, 2.45, 9.10
a small and plain cruciform building of brick, consisting & 9.40 p.m. Sunday delivery commences at 7.30
of chancel, nave and transept, but it is not consecrated : a.m.; dispatched at 9.40 p.m
the chaplaincy, yearly value £52, is held by the Rev. Post, M. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Church-
Henry Farrow, vicar of St. Mary's: services are held gate street. Charles French, sub-postmaster. Letters
every Sunday afternoon, at 3 p.m. The Wesleyan chapel, dispatched at 7·45 & 9.50 a.m. 2.25 & 7·45 p.m.;
m New str-eet, was erected in 1886, and that at Threshers sundays II.15 a.m
Bush, in 1884. There are two Baptist chapels, one in
the hamlet of Potter Street, built in 1756 and the other Sub Office, Potter Street.-Benjamin Pavitt, sub-post-
in the town, rebuilt on the old site, with attached master. Letters received from Harlow at 7 & 11.45
school-rooms, in r865, at a cost of £2,1oo. The burial a.m. ; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. Sunday
ground attached to the Baptist chapel, in Foster street, delivery at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 11.30 a.m. Postal
and useu for nearly two centuries by Nonconformists, ordrs are issued here, but not paid
was the burial place of Benjamin Flower, a printer and Wall Boxes.-Mulberry Green, cleared 7-55 & 10.5 a.m.
newspaper editor, and one of the champions of the freedom 2.35 & 7-55 p.m. ; snndays, II.25 a.m. ; Railway
of the press, who died at Dalston, 18 Feb. 1829. The station, 8.25 a.m. 2, 5.15 & 9.20 p.m.; no snnday
Victoria Hall, in the Bury road, the property of a limited collection
company, was erected in 1887-8, and is well adapted for
County Magistrates for Harlow Petty Sessional Division.
dramatic performances, concerts and lectures; it will
seat 400 persons. The engineering and dry glazing works Phelips Charles James esq. Mead lodge, "Ware, chairman
of S. Deard, and Co. Limited, are here. In r886 a drink- Rookwood Right Hon. Lord P.C., D.L. Down hall, Harlow
ing fountain of bronze was erected on the Eppin~ road, Adams Henry Atherton esq. W ynters grange, Harlow
by the inhabitants of Harlow, in memory of ~Ir. and Broke Horace esq. :\LA. Gladwyns, Harlow
Mrs. Perry Watlington, of Moor Hall. Fairs are held Bury Charles James esq. D.L. St. Leonards, Nazeing..
on Xovember 28th and 29th. St. :Mary's College is a Waltham Cross
fine and spacious building of stone, standing on rising Fowler 1\""illiam esq. Moor hall, Harlow
ground and commands an extensive view and has large Glyn Clayton Louis esq. }.f.A. Sheering Hall, Harlow
Roublon Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer, Halling- St. John's Church, Rev. Edward Percival Baker Weber,
bury Place, Bishop's Stortfrd vicar; 8 a.m. I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; week days 7.30
Johnston Reginald Eden esq. Terlings, Harlow a.m. 8.15 a.m. & 7 p.m
Lowndes George Alan esq. M.A., D.L. Barrington hall, St. Mary Magdalen, Potter Street, Rev. Henry Elwell
Hatfield M.A. vicar; 8 & I I a.m. & 6 p.m.; week days 4 p.m
Todhunter J oseph oesq. King's Moor house, Great Parn- All Saints', Rev. H. Farrow, chaplain; 3 p.m
don, Harlow Baptist, Rev. Joseph Wm. Butcher; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Dlerk to the Magistrates, William Richard Dent Baptist, Potter Street, Rev. Arthur Peter Mackenzie;
Petty Sessions held every alternate saturday at the Police 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
station at I I a.m Wesleyan, New street, Rev. Richard E. Brown B.A.;
10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Public Establishments. Wesleyan, Threshers Bush, 6.30 p.m. tues. fortnightly
.Fire Brigade, Samuel Deards, captain 7 p.m
Inland Revenue Office, George hotel, Frederick A.
Meade, officer Schools.
.Police Station, Charles Edwin Pryke, inspect·or, 2 Fawbert & Barnard's Endowed school, a little south of
sergeants & 8 constables the town, on the Epping road, is a modern building,
Victoria Hall, E. F. Parker, hon. sec. & manager with a residence for the master; it will hold 178
children ; & was endowed by the late G. Fawbert esq.
Public Officers.
with between [7,ooo & £8,ooo, left at the entire
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Eppiug Union, disposal of the late John Barnard esq. & now in the
Harlow & Sheering, Magdalen Laver & Matching Dis- hands of trustees ; Henry Chard, master ; Mrs. Harriett
tricts, Robert Newcombe Day; Great & Little Pardon, Tutton, mistress
Latten, Netteswell, & Roydon Districts, Richard Theo- National, Churchgate, built in 185I, for 400 children;
dore Grubb L.R.C.P.Edin average attendance, 204; George J. ·wise, master;
Collector to the Guardians & Relieving Officer, Harlow Mrs. Wise, girls' mistress ; Mrs. M. A. Eaton, infants'
District, Epping Union; Frederick William Gilbey, mistresil
Potter Street National, Harlow common, built in 1874, for 100
:Registrar of Births & Deaths, Harlow Sub-district, children; average attendance, 43; Miss Jessie Parish,
Fred_,rick William Gilbey, Potter Street mistress
Places of Worship, with times of services. Railway Station, Charles Samuel Vassar Cudbird,

St. Mary's (Parish) Ohurch, Rev. Henry Farrow, vwar; station master
8.30 a.m. 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m · Conveyance to meet the principal trains, from George hotl
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS • Edwards Frederic Chaplin, Park ho Miller Miss, High street
.Adams Henry Atherton J.P. Wyn- Elwell Rev. Henry M.A. St. Mary Newton Joseph, East house
ter's grange Magdalen vicarage, Potter street Nicholls Mrs. Fore street
Alston Miss Farrow Rev. Henry (vicar of St. O'Brien Mrs. Feltimores
Barnard Miss, Marigolds Mary's), Vicarage Page .J<?hn, New street
Basham. Fredk. Thos. Hubbard's hall Flowers Mrs. Bury road Pratt Mrs. High street
iBennett Mrs. New hall Fowler William J.P. Moor hall Prior Mrs. George, Park villa
Bowyer Miss, Rose cottage, Potter st Francis James, New road Ross Mrs. Vicarage villas
Brown Rev. Richd. Ekins (Wesleyan), Francis Miss, Garden terrace Secretan Francis Herbt. Eastfield cot
New street Francis Mrs. Milton villa Scruby J ames, The Ferns
Bruce Capt. Shrubbs Garratt Mrs. Gothic house Shirley John, New road
Butcher Rev. Joseph William (Bap- Gillett Mrs. New street Thomas Mrs. Garden terrace
tist), Park villas Grubb Richard Theodore Torrance Mrs. Bury road
Chalmers Mrs. Garden terrace Hammond William, Park villas Towne Rev.LyndhurstBurton F.S.S.C.
·Chaplin Mrs. T. The Wayre Herrod Matthew, New road (principal of St. Mary's college)
Chaplin Mrs Hodson Mrs. Charles, Muloerry green Tubbs Francis, Kingston hall
Dawson Nicholas, Bury road Holmes Mrs. Mulberry green Vardy Miss, High street
Day Robert N ewcombe Houghton Mrs. Potter street Walker Eyre, Kent lodge
Day Thomas Montagu Johnson Henry Fielder, Pipers Weber Rev. Edward Percival Baker
Deards Sl. Ye Olde ho. The Broadway Keppel Henry, Scrubbs (vicar of St. John's)
Dent William Richard Legerton Misses, Potter street Williamson Rev. Herbert James B.A.
Dixon Mrs. Mulberry green Loveday John, Harlow common (curate St. Mary's), Churchgate st
Dobson Stephen, Bury road Mackenzie Rev. Arthur Peter (Bapt) Winch William, Mulberry green
Eaton Henry, New road Matthews Frederick R. Campions Wright Miss, Mill hill
Edwards Rev. Frederic B.A Matthews Mrs. B. Bury road Young Samuel, Mulberry green
COMMERCIAL. Clayden Lavinia (Mrs.), baker, Potter street
.Adams Thomas, grocer & draper, High street Cdeman Harry, ironmonger, Old road
.Aplin Robert, miller, Piper's steam mills; & baker, Coleman John, ironmonger &c
Fore street Coleman William, coal merchant
Archbell John, grocer & draper Cowlin James, painter & plumber &c
Archer Frederick, basket maker Cudbird Charles Samuel Vassar, station master, Rail-
Armor George, fruiterer way station
Bailey James, huntsman, Kennels Day & Page, grist millers (water) & corn dealers,
Bambridge Emily (Mrs.), Green Man commercial hotel Harlow mill
& posting house, Green Day Robert Newcombe, surgeon & medical officer &
Barker Henry, butcher, Broad street public vaccinator, Harlow, Magdalen Laver, Matching
Barker Henry (Mrs.), butcher & Sheering districts
Barrack Samuel, beer retailer Day Thomas Montague L.R.C.P. Lond. surgeon
Benham Mary (Mrs.), laundress De:n-ds Sam & Co. Limited, inventors & patentees of
Bentley Emma (Miss), dress maker, Mill hill the "Victoria dry glazing," so tons or 6o,ooo feet
IJrazier Arthur, shopkeeper, High street used at the Colonial & Indian Exhibition, South
Brazier Cornelius, contractor & farmer, Old road Kensington, well adapted for all railway, exhibition
Brookes Brothers, grocers & drapers & agents for W. & conservatory roofs, also the patent coil boilers for
& A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, Potter st churches, chapels, greenhouses & conservatories &c. ;
l3rown Frederick, farmer, Potter street appointed hot water engineers to "Venice in London"
l3rown Harry, farmer, Kitchen hall Deards Samuel, painter, glazier, plumber & gasfitter
Brown Joseph, Horn & Horseshoe P.H. Har1ow common Dent William Richard, solicitor & commissioner to
Brown William, George P.H. Harlow common administer oaths, clerk to the magistrates & Charity
l3urton Alfred E. farmer, Feltimores farm estate, & solicitor to the Victoria Hall Co. Lim. Bury
"Bussell Edwin James, Railway hotel, Station road; & 22 Bedford row, London WC
'Campion Caroline J. (Mrs.), chemist Dobson Sarah (Miss), dress maker, Bury road
Chaplin & Co. brewers Duke Charles, boot maker, High street
·Christmas William, farmer, Bromleys Edmunds Jonn. Wm. farmer & hay dealer, Potter St
ChurchiJl Thomas, butcher, Broad street Ellis George, apartments, Garden terrace
Clark & Hutchin, grocers & bakers, Potter street Ellis Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Paris hall
Clark Arthur Charles, blacksmith, Mulberry green Ellis Thomas, gardener to H. J. Johnson esq. Mul-
Clark Philip, blacksmith & farrier berry green
ECis Samuel, nurseryman, Potter Street Perry George, coal dealer & farmer, Old road
Eyke Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's Head P.H Potter Street Cricket Club (Francis Tubbs, sec.),
Fire Engine Station (Samuel Deards, capt) Kingston hall
Francis William, saddler & harness maker, High st Pratt William, builder, High street
Frederick Joseph, watch maker Pryke Char:es Edwin, inspector of police
French Charles, shoe maker Reid William, boot maker
French ·william, baker, farmer & carman Rider William, George commercial hotel & posting ho
Furze Sidney J. farmer, Gravel Pit farm Roe George, wheelwright, Bury road
Gifford Henry, farm bailiff to Mr. John Wm. Rickett Russell James, White Horse P.H. Potter Street
Gilbey Frederick William, registrar of births & deaths St. Mary's College (Rev. Lyndhurst B. Towne F.S.Sc.
& relieving & vaccination officer, Potter Street principal)
Girling Robert, coach builder; coach & wheel work Samuel George, baker
neatly executed on the premises, Fore street Saward Benjamin, baker
Girlingo Robert, Marquis of Granby P.H.; good accom- Scott Benjamin Francis, tailor
modation for cyclists & anglers; dinners & teas; good Scott Harry I<'rederick, tailor
beds & stabling Scruby James, corn, coal, seed & oil cake merchant
Glasscock Edward, hair dresser, Fore street Selmes George & William, butchers
Grove Arthur James, butcher, Potter Street Shapland Alfred, farmer, Sewalds hall
Grubb Richard Theodore L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon & I
Smith Charles, blacksmith, Potter street
medical officer, Great & Little Parndon, Latton, Snow 1\Iarian (Miss), fancy repository
Netteswell & Roydon districts Sortwell Charles, bricklayer, Common
Harlow Conservative Club (Samuel Deards, sec.), High st Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. (agency), bankers (open tuesday
Harlow Cricket Club (A. B. Edwards, sec) & friday); draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,
Harlow & District Floral & Horticultural Society (Wm. Bouverie & Co. 54- Lombard street, London E C
Rider, hon. sec) Springham David, beer retailer, Barnards green
Harlow & Sawbridgeworth Gas Light & Coke Co. Lim. Springham George, boot maker, Potter Street
(E. F. Parker, sec) Springham John, shoe maker, Bury road
Harrison Hannah Martha (Miss), apartments, Bury rd Spurgin Alfred, butcher
Hills John, boot maker, Potter Street Stevens Waiter Thomas, Red Lion P.H. & coal dealer,
Holmes Charles & John, farmers, Moor Hall farm Potter Street
Holmes Henry John, Crown P.H Sutton Arthur, wheelwright
Hurrell David, gamekeeper to Loft us J oseph Wigram Sydenham Alfred Henry, cofiegiate school
Arkwright esq Stuteley John, hair dresser
Jenkins John, sanitary engineer, house decorator & Tabor Richard, coach builder, High street
plumber &c. High street; & at Roydon Tanner William Henry, farmer, Harlow common
Jennings George, carpenter, Sheering road Tate John, builder
Jermy James, shoe maker Thurgood Joseph, baker & miller
King Frank, hay dealer, Potter Street Victoria Hall Co. Limited (E. F. Parker, hon. sec.
Lines Henry J. farmer, White House farm & manager)
Mathews Thomas, farmer, Harlow Bury ·ward Henry, boot maker, Churchgate street
:Meade Frederick Augustus, inland rev. office, New road Warren l\'illiam, wine & spirit merchant
Monk William, head gardener, Moor hall Wedd l\Iary (Mrs.), ladies' school
Moor Hall Cricket Club (E. F. Parker, sec) Wheeler Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, Potter Street
Mumford John Thomas, saddler & harness maker, 1Vhite ·wmiam, chimney sweeper
Fore street Whittaker Charles, stationer & bookseller
Ne1son Edmund, plumber & decorator, Potter Street Whittaker l\Iary Ann (~Iiss), linen draper
Newton Arthur & Isaac, carpenters ·willis Henry, farmer, Roffey hall
Newton Joseph, jun. builder, contractor & undertaker, Wi:son ·william, florist, Potter Street
High street & Old road Winch Margaret (Mrs.), King's Head P.H. Potter St
Nicholls Benjamin, undertaker, builder & contractor, Winch Waiter, builder & brick maker
Bury road Windus & Trotter, solicitors
Parker Edmond Frederick, sec. & man. to the Gas Co Young & Shirley, grocers, drapers & clothiers, Mul-
Pavitt Benjamin, newsagent, Post office, Potter Street berry green


HARWICH is a municipal borough, seaport town and separating Orwell, or Harwich haven, from the arm of
wah~ring place at the mouth of the Stour and opposite the sea which extends to '\Valton-on-the-Naze. Between
the confluence of the Orwell, and is the head of a county this hill and the town an esplanade extends for nearly
court district, in the North Eastern division of the county, a mile, commanding a delightful view of the harbour and
Tendring hundred, union and petty sessional division, the German Ocean. In 1844, £so,ooo was granted by
rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of Parliament for forming a breakwater from Beacon Cliff
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans, 21 miles north-east to divert the current towards Landguard Point and also
from Colchester, 12 east from Manningtree, 20 from Ipo~­ for dredging the shoals at the entrance of the harbour,
wich and 71! from London, on a small peninsula, which in order to admit first-class vessels : additional sums have
admits only of a narrow approach. The town is governed since been granted for the same purpose and for building
by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, four aldermen, a wall at the base of the cliff to prevent further encroach-
twelve town councillors and a high steward, with revenues ment~of the sea and for forming a gravel walk, extending
amounting to about £4o,ooo yearly. The Corporation upwards of a mile, from the esplanade to the end of the
act also as the Urban Sanitary Authority. breakwater. A little above ~he esplanade is the Redoubt,
The borough, created by Edward II. in 1318, includes, remodelled in 1861-3 and mounting 10 guns: the Angel
for municipal purposes, the parish of Dovercourt; it for- Gate battery, mounting 4 guns, is on the east of the
merly returned two members to Parliament ; but by the town. Landguard Fort is on a promontory of the Suffolk
"Representation of the People Act, 1867," the representa- coast, on the other side of the river.
tion was reauced to one member,_ and under the pro- The harbour is the finest along this part of the coast,
visions of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," the affording room for 400 or soo sail.
borough was deprived of its separate representation and There are two lighthouses at Dovercourt, outside the
merged in the cbunty. Harwich harbour, in Mill Bay, to guard vessels from the
The town is well situated, with a fine bold shore and is "Andrews " a sandbank, forming a bar at the mouth of
pleasant and healthy: it is lighted with gas by a com- the river from Landguard Fort to the Rolling Ground,
pany, and supplied with wat-er from the Tendring Hun- where there is good anchorage. A guard ship is stationed
dred Water Works, at Mistley. During the summer here : vessels of war sometimes put into this harbour,
steamers run to London and Walton-on-the-Naze, and the which has an Ordnance depot. Extensive improvements
town is much frequented as a bathing place. have been carried out by the Corporation, by the in-
Southward of the town is Beacon Hill, an eminence closure of land from the harbour and by forming quays

along the whole north front of the town, with a pier ad- The fisheries employ numerous vessels and a consider-
joining the same, approachable by vessels at any time of able trade is carried on with Ipswich and Manningtree.
tide : these improvements have been made under the The Royal Harwich Yacht Club, founded in 1843. had
powers of tfie "Harwich Improvement, Quays and Pier in 1890 about 260 memoers with 130 yachts. and holds
Act of r85r." An Act came into operation in r863 for an annual regatta, when prizes are given by the club.
the improvement of the harbour, which is under the The population of the municipal borough in 1871 was
supervision of a Conservancy board. 6,079; in r88r, 7,842; and in 189r, 8,202; the popula-
The Great Eastern railway (Harwich branch) was tion of St. Nicholas, Harwich, in 1891 was 5·475• which
opened in .August, 1854. The Great Eastern hotel, one includes 57 in the Circular Redoubt, 88 in Government
of the most important on the Essex coast, was opened in house, married soldiers' quarters and Ordnance stores,
July, r865; it fronts the pier, from which steamboats and 146 on board H.M.'s ships ; area, 88 acres of land
run every day from this port to Ipswich and Felixstowe. and 536 of water; rateable value, [r3,64o.
Parish Clerk, Job Brewster.
P.ARKESTON QUAY, formed by the Great Eastern DOVERCOURT is a parish and fashionable watering
Railway Co. and opened for traffic in r883, is situated place, with a. station on the Harwi~h and Manningtree
upon the Stour, 2! miles up the river, and was con- branch of the Great Eastern Railway Co.; it is divided
structed for developing their Continental traffic. This into Upper and Lower Dovercourt: the former being
quay, witb. station and loop line, occupied four years in about 2 miles south-west from Harwich, on the road to
construchon, and cost about £5oo,ooo. Although a little Colchester and the latter forming a populous suburb to
higher up the river than the old pier, there is a saving and being within the municipal borough of Harwich, in
of time in starting from Parkeston quay, on account of the North Eastern division of the county, union of Tend-
the clearer course, and consequently the boat train leaves ring, Harwich county court district, Ardleigh and Har--
London later than hitherto. .About 6oo acres

of land have wich rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio-
been acquired by the company, the greater portion re- cese of St. .Albans : this improving place is pleasantly
claimed from the bed of the river, by a curved embank- situated and extends for 2 miles westward along the south
ment z! miles long; in the centre of the curve is the bank of the river Stour and more than that distance
quay, r,8oo feet long, affording berths for seven vessels, southwards by the sea coast, and has generally a.
while seven more can be moored in the river. The quay southerly aspect, exhibiting a wide extent of varied and
wall is formed by screw piles, those in front being 2 feet attractive scenery. The beach is well adapted for bath·
in diameter, and those at the back being r foot 6 in.; ing, being smqoth and sandy, and is well supplied with
between them are concrete cylinders of seven rings each, bathing machines.
and 9 feet in outside diameter, sunk in pairs. On the There are several terraces of houses, a number of de-
quay are two goods warehouses, each 520 feet long by roo tached villas and a. first-class hotel, the " Cliff," with
feet wide. .A passenger gangway 40 feet wide leads to ample space and conveniences for visitors, and there is
the central building of 350 feet frontage, which serves for also an assembly room.
the station and hotel. All the buildings and platforms A sea-wall has been built, protecting the sides of the
are erected upon piles, of which there are more than cliff and guarding against the encroachment of the sea,
r,ooo, sunk to the ancient bed of the river. which breaks on this coast with the full force of the
The church of St. Nicholas is a structure of white brick German Ocean ; in addition to this a breakwater of
in the debased Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, Kentish rag has bee11. constructed, extending r,sso feet
nave, a.i.ISles and an embattled western tower, with pinna- into the sea and approaching within about a mile of Land·
cles and spire, containing a clock and 8 bells : it was re- guard Fort, on the opposite coast of Suffolk: the cost of
built and enlarged in 1821 by subscription and a rate: the comtruction of the breakwater, together with the re-
there are three partially-stained windows in the chancel, moval of the shoals or banks which obstructed the free
and in tne vestry is a tablet containing the names of the navigation of the harbour, was [132,ooo. Two light-
vicars of this church from 1336 to 1874: there are r,5oo houses were erected in r862.

sittings, of which r,ooo are free. The register dates The Undercliff walk, which extends more than a mile
from the year 1550. The living is a vicarage, average along the shore, was completed at a cost of nearly
tithe rent-charge [45, net yearly value [51, in the gift £ro,ooo, by the late John Bagshaw esq. and has since
of J. E. A. Gwynne esq. F.S.A. of Folkington manor, been continued about one mile further by the Chelmsford
Polegate, Sussex. Land Co.
St. Nicnola,s Mission room, Bathside, erected in May, The church of All Saints, which is the mother church
1879, is a wooden building, and will seat 40 persons. of Harwich, is an ancient edifice of brick and rubble of
There is an iron Mission church at Parkeston, seating the 12th century, consisting of chancel and nave, north
about roo persons. and south porches and an embattled western tower con-
The Catholic church, dedicated to our Lady of Mount taining a clock and 2 bells. There is an oak " poor man's
Carmel, on the main road to Dovercourt, is a small box," bearing the date 1569, with two locks and two keys.
edifice of brick in the Late Decorated style and was The church of St. .Augustine, Hill road, Lower Dover-
built from designs of E. Welby Pugin, in r869: it has court, partly built in 1883 on a site given by J. E. A.
roo sittings : the Rev. Robert Kelly is resident priest. Gwynne esq. and consecrated in 1884, is a building of
Here is a Baptist chapel, erected in r821, with 250 red brick with stone facings, consisting of chancel, nave
seats; a Congregational chapel, built in r8oo, and seating and aisles and bell turret, and was completed in r888 at
200 persons; a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in r88o, a total cost of [3,ooo and will seat 400 people. The
with zoo sittings; a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected register dates from the year 1539. The living is a
in r8zg, and seating 500 adults and 6o children, and vicarage, having been separated from Harwich, in which
another Wesleyan chapel at Parkeston, erected in r887, chapelry it was in 1871, average tithe rent-charge £sr,
with z6o sittings. net yearly value [148, including 34 acres of glebe, with
The ·burial ground of St. Nicholas parish, at Upper residence, in the gift of J. E. A.Gwynne esq. of Folk·
Dovercourt, covering an area of 5 acres, was formed in ington, Sussex, and held since r88o by the Rev. Thomas
1855, and contains a mortuary chapel; it is under the Grey Collier M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge.
control of a Burial Board of six members. The vicarage house, near the church, was erected in
The poor have about £6 yearly in fuel. r879-8o.
The markets are held on Tuesdays and Fridays. Consu- The Mission Hall, built and endowed by the late
lar agents for several foreign powers are resident here. Robert J. Bagshaw esq. and opened in 1874, will seat
There is a custom house, extensive bonding warehouses, about 700 persons, and has ante-rooms and large rooms
belonging to the Great Eastern Railway Company and below: tablets have been erected in the building by R.
one bank (Messrs. Bacon, Cob bold & Co.) J. Bagshaw esq. to his mother and sister, who were
The Coastguard Station buildings, finished in June, drowned in the river Hooghly, off Calcutta, and to his
1858, consist of a fine range of houses, forming a quad- wife.
rangle of fifteen tenements, besides a house for the prin- .An estate of 28 acres and several houses, left at various
cipal officer. dates prior to the Reformation and now producing £rzo
H.M.'s armour-plated ship "Mersey," is stationed at yearly, is assigned to the repair and beautifying of tlie
Harwich as coast guard and drill ship of Naval Reserve. church and all such purposes as Fe included i]l a church
The Public Hall in Main road is a structure of red rate and is managed under a scheme ordered by the
brick, erected in r886 from designs by Whitmore and Charity Commissioners. £r4 from Smyth's Charity, left
Reeves, architects, of Chelmsford, at a cost of £1,792, in 1626 by Henry Smyth, of London, is annually dis-
and will hold 500 persons. tributed among the poor in coals, through the agency c.f
Shipbuilding is carried on by John Henry Vaux at the a coal club of about 120 members.
Royal Naval Yard, which employs a large number of men Here is a chalybeate spring, lormerly in great repute
and boys and has Eroduced some fine specimens of naval and possessing medicinal properties similar to the waters
,architecture. of Tunbridge Wells. The Spa Ho~se, first opened to
~sitors on the 28th of August, 1854, consists of a pump Public Establishments.
room, reading and smoking rooms; it has a library (in Dovercourt Spa, Henry Warren, proprietor
cOBDeCtion with Mudie's) and a conservatory, And there Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Thos. Bultitude, attndnt
is a good supply of newspapers and magazines. Lighthouse, Thomas Henry Cutting (principal), William
Edgar Waiter Garland esq. is lord of the manor. The John Heath, William Henry Smith & Francis Ward~r,
-vicar, the Chelmsford Land Co. the trus!ees of R. J. assistant keepers
Bagshaw, Capt. Graves and J. R. Pattrick esqrs. are the
principal landowners. Places of Worship.
The area of Dovercourt is 1,438 acres of land and /39 All Saints' Church, Rev. Thomas Grey Collier M.A.
()f water; rateable value £11,330; the population in 1871 vicar; Rev. John Francis Fernie, curate; II.xs a.m. &
-was 1,832; in 1881, 2,021 ; and in 1891, 2,727. 3-IS p.m
Parish Clerk, Alfred Chaplin, Upper Dovercourt. St. Augustine's, Rev. Thomas Grey Collier M. A. vicar;
~ost, M. 0. &; T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Ex-
Rev. John Francis Fernie, curate; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.;
press Delivery Office, Dovercourt. William Alien Wells. fri. 7.30 p.m
postmaster. Letters delivered from Harwich at 7 & Mission Hall, Rev. Arthur Gurney, minister; I I a. m. &
7.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m
xo a.m. & 6 p.m.; dispatched at 9 a. m. 12 noon, 2 & Primitive Methodist, Upper Dovercourt; II a. m. & 6.30
11 p.m. ; on sundayil, '8 p.m. Money orders granted &
p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
cashed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph business
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; suuday, 8 to 10 a.m · Schools.
:Pillar Letter Box, Cliff road, cleared at 8.50 & 11.45 a.m. National (mixed), Upper Dovercourt, built in 1863, for
2 & 8 p.m.; no collection on sundays 159 children, with an average attendance of 152; Mrs.
.Post Office, Upper Dovercourt.-Robert Brown, sub-post- M. A. Rudd, mistress
master. Letters arrive from Harwich at 7 a.m. & 6 National (girls), Lower Dovercourt, built in 1874, for 150
p.m,; dispatched at 7.10 p.m.; on sundays at II.I5 children; average attendancy, 135 ; Miss Louisa. Miller,
a.m. The nearest money order &; telegraph office is at mistress
Dovercour£ Harwich Central Board School (boys), built 1887, for
Wall Letter Box, Vicarage, cleared ~t. 7.15 p.m. & sun- 200; average attendance, r8o; Fred Ratcliffe, master
days Io.3o a.m Railway Sta~ion, Abel Robert Flowers, station master
:Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Auditors.
Express Delivery Office.-Edward Salter, postmaster, James Fulcher & Henry Dowling Grice
Church street
but-going Mails. Officers of the Corporation & Urban Sanitary Authority.
With extra Registered High Steward, Edgar Waiter Garland
stamp. letters till Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority,
'London ....................... . 9.30 a. m. 9.40 a.m. g.o a. m .A.rthur John Hanslip Ward
London,Ipswich&all parts 12.30 p.m. 12.40 p.m, 12.0 p.m Treasurer, Richard Saxty Barnes, 63 Church street
London, Colchester, ditto 2.50 , 3·0 , 2.30 " Medical Officer of Health, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P.Edin.
London, Colchester, Ips- 30 West street
wich,Manningtree & all Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Henry Ditcham, 7 West st
parts (night mails) .....• 8. 3o , , 8.0 Veterinary Inspctr. Jas. Taylor M.R.C.V.S. Manningtree
One dispatch only on sundays, at 8.30 p.m. " Sergeants-at-Mace, W. L. G. Miller & William Smith
Incoming Mails. Town crier, W. L. G. Miller
London, Colchester, Ipswich & all parts, delivery by Borough Magistrates.
carriers begins at 7 a.m Barnes Richard Saxty, 7 Cliff villas, Dovercourt
"'London & all parts (day mail), 12.45 p.m Bevan Cl1arles Frederick, 62 Church street
"London, Ipswich & all parts, 5-45 p.m Everard Harry George, 29 King's Quay street
'There is only one delivery on sundays at 7 a.m Franks James Richard, 34 King's Quay street
Letters are delivered at the counter from 7 till xo a.m. Groom Samuel Robert, 40 Church street
only Groom William, 40 Church street
'Telegraph business transacted from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. Hardwicke William Wright, Staffs, East Molesey, Surrey
& on sundays from 8 till xo a.m King ~Iartin Daniel, 3 Cliff villas, Dovercourt
:Inland Revenue licences issued from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m Nalborougl.l William John, 2 Clive villas, Dovercourt
Foot messengers for Great Oakley, Little Oakley, Ram- Watts John, New House farm, Dovercourt
sey & Upper Dovercourt leave at 6 a.m Williams 0. J. Brighton
:Post Office, Albemarle street, New town.-Henry Dow- Clerk, Arthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church street
ling Grice, sub-postmaster. Box cleared, 9 a.m. 12 Petty Sessions held at the Town hall every tuesday at 12
noon, 2.15 & 8 p.m. Postal orders are issued, but Port Sanitary Authority.
not paid Meets at the Town hall the second friday in April &
"Post Office, Parkeston, Henry King, sub-postmaster, October
Hamilton street.-Letters through Harwich arrive 7.30 Clerk, Richard Saxty Barnes, 63 Church street
·a.m.; dispatched 7.15 p.m. Dovercourt is the nearest Medical Officer of Health, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P.Edin.
-money order office & Harwich the nearest telegraph 30 West street
office Sanitary Inspector, John Costick, George street
Wall Letter Boxes, Railway station, cleared at 11.45
a.m. & 7·45 p.m.; Lee road, Dovercourt, cleared at Harwich Harbour Conservancy Board.
8.35 & II.35 a.m. & 1.55 & 7.40 p.m. ; & Marine Roger Kerrison, representing the Treasury
:Parade, Dovercourt, 8.40 & 11.40 a.m. & 2 & 7.50 p.m Conservators:-
E. R. Turner esq. representing the Ipswich Dock Com-
1893-4· Capt. Inglis, representing the Admiralty
Mayor-Alderman William Groom. Captain Howard, representing the Board of Trade
Admiral Sir George S. Nares R.N., K.C.B. representing
Aldermen. the Board of Trade
tJames Durrant ,.-william Groom
tJohn Watts I , John Henry Vaux
J. H. Vaux esq. representing the Harwich Corporation
Bobert Free, representing the Mistley & Manningtree
ratepayers ( cbai 1·man)
Captain .A.tkins, representing the Trinity Board
1Samuel Robert Groom tMartin Daniel King E. Packard, jun. representing the Ipswich Corporation
tR. Hill tHenry Warren Treasurer, H. J. W. Jervis esq
1George Mercer *William Green Engineer, Peter S. Bruff C.E
1Edward John Rant *John Osborne Clerk, R. S. Barnes ; office, 63 Church street
tB. S. Bullimote *Frederick Rose
Rates levied under the power of the Act (1863) on all
tBenry Honey *John Whitmore vessels t>ntering Harwich harbour from the sea, one
Marked thus :1: retire in 18g4. penny per ton (registered tonnage); vessels in ballast,
:Marked thus: t retire in I8g5.
Marked thus • retire in 18g6. one half-penny per ton for refuse; yachts one half·
Marked thus'{ retiie in 18gg. penny per ton; William Murray, collector

Vice-Consuls. Assistant Overseer & Tax Collector, Willinm Salter-.
Market pl:lce
Denmark, Spain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Assistant Overseer, Robt. Forster, 8 Cliff wr. Dovercourt-
Belgium & Italy, William Groom, 40 Church street Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Borough..
Liberia & Germany, Samuel Robert Groom, 40 Church st George Baines, 23 Station road
Naval & Military. Coroner, John Harrison, jun. Braintree, for Harwich.
• & Dovercourt; deputy, William B. Blood, Witham
Harwich Defenoos, Languard Fort : - Harbour Master & Collector of Dues, '\-Yilliam Murray,.
Commanding Troops Harwich Defences, Major A. M. King's Quay street
Murray R.A Inspector of Weights & Measures & under the Sale ot·
Adjutant & Instructor of P.F. Lieut. H. G. Leahy R.A. Food & Drugs A.ct, William John Thomas Howlett~
9 Company E.D.R.A. Capt. J. C. Wray R.A Parkston
21st Company R.E. (Sub Miners), Capt. G. M. W. Pier Master, Frederick Arnold, George street
Macdonogh R. E Registrar of Shipping & of Naval Reserve, Shipping·
Medical Officer, S. Capt. R. H. Hall A.M.S Master, Receiver of Wreck (including Cinque Ports) ...
CollectQr of Light Dues, Geo. P. Charle ton, Custom ho
Harwich:- Registrar of Births & ·Deaths for Harwich Snb-districb"
D. 0. Royal Engineers, Capt. W. Yolland R.E & Marriages for Tendring District, J osiah Frederick
Commanding R.A. Capt. W. Osborne R.A Kerry, 22 Maria st.; deputy, Edwd. Fredk. Durrant,
Ordnance Store Officer, Capt. R. H. B. Taylor 21 Market street
In Medical charge of Troops, H. Gurney Steward & Lord for the Sokens (including the Parishes
of Kirby, Thorpe & Walton), Richard Saxty Barnes,
Coastguard & Drill ship of Royal Naval Reserve, H.M.S. Church street
"Mersey," Captain John Inglis, commander, Conyers Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, George P. Charleton.
Lang; Gervise F. Mathew, fleet paymaster; Benjamin Captain Daniel Howard & William Groom
Urwick, district paymaster
Coastguard Station, Quay side, W. G. Anabona, chief Places of Worship, with times of service9.
1st Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal St., Church street; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ;
Artillery, No. 2 Company, Captain Arthur JohnHanslip wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m. & dally 8 a.m
Ward, commanding St. Nichola'3 Mission Room, Bathside; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Catholic Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Rev_
Public Establishments. Robert Kelly, priest; sunday, I I a. m.; evening
.Admiralty, Droits yard, Quay, Messrs. Groom & Son, service, 7 p.m. ; mass daily, 8 a.m. ; evening servine-

receivers on fri. 7.30 p.m.; holy days, mass 9.30 a.m. benedic-
tion, 7.30 p.m.; catechism, sunday 3 p.m
Cemetery for St. Nicholas parish, Upper Dovercourt, Baptist, King's Head street, Rev. Preston Davis; n a.m-
Richard Saxty Barnes, clerk to the burial board ; Geo. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
Pinner, sexton Congregational, West st. Rev. Morgan David Morgan;
County Court, His Honor Wm. Paterson, judge; .Arthur I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.15 p.m
John Hanslip Ward, registrar & high bailiff; George Primitive Methodist, Main road, Rev. John Buck; IL
Baines, assistant bailiff; office, 42 Church street a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
The county court is held bi-monthly in the Guildhall; W esleyan, Church street, Rev. John George Morrow;.
the following places are within its jurisdiction : - 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m
Beaumont, Bradfield, Dovercourt, Frinton, Great Schools.
Holland, Little Holland, Kirby le Soken, Mistley, Great
Oaklev, Little Oakley, Ramsey, Trendring, Thorpe le .A School Board of 7 members was formed 25 Nov. 18921
Soken, ·walton-on-the-Naze, ·wix, "\Vrabness, Parkeston the Board meets at the Guildhall the 2nd Tuesday in·
& Harwich each month; A.rthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church st.
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that clerk to the Board; Robert Till & R. Bloomfield, at--
of Colchester; C. Mercer, sen. official receiver, 95 tendance officers
Temple chambers, London E C; F. Messent, official Corporation, King's Quay street, built & founded by
receiver, Ipswich Humphrey Parsons esq. in 1724: it has been enlarged.
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress & will now hold 131 boys, the average attendance being
Amendment Act," Henry Dowling Grice, 78 West about 120; George Helsdon master
street, Harwich & "\Villiam Salter, Market place, Har- National, King's Quay street (mixed & infants'), With a
wich, & Frederick Rose, Upper Dovercourt small endowment of £2o, the average attendance being
Custom House, Parkeston quay & West street, Harwich; about 165 boys, 165 girls & 152 infants; John Williams~
collector, G. P. Charleton; surveyor, H. Surman; 1st master; Miss Rebecca Sophia J ackson, mistress; Miss.
clerk, James N. Justice; clerk, C. H. Molloy; examin- Uri Smith, infants' mistress
ing officers ( ISt class), A. Burgess ; examining St. Nicholas Mission Room School, New town (mixed)>
officers (2nd class), J. H. Wallace, S. Crews, E. established by the Rev. G. W. Druce M.A.. vicar, in-
Quirke, R. Ockenden, C. J. Woodford, D. M. Ward & 1879; the average attendance is about 75; Mrs. A.
W. Robinson; assistant examining officers, "\V. H. ·wood, Murray, mistress
H. Scott, A. Boyce & R. E. J ames ; out-door officers National, Quay; average attendance about go; Mrs_
(1st class), A. J. Driscoll & C. L. Barrett; out-door J ones, mistress
officers (2nd class), J. Cla.rke, H. Blarney, S. Collins,
J. G. Green, D. M. Souden & C. Harrington; boatmen, Board, Parkeston, erected in 1888, for 100 boys, IOO'
J. Rowlings, G. J. Martin, W. H. Legg, J. W. Harvey, girls & 178 infants; average attendance, 106 boys,.
G. W. Peet, W. Hall, W. McRobert, W. Stewart, W. gb girls & no infants; W. W. Hudson, master; 1\'liss
McKinnon, W. A. Jarvis, J. E. Hall, H. Brigham, .A. Emily Meyrick, mistress ; Miss M. M. Bottomley,..
J. H. Litheridge C. E .A.dams, J. Hurford & A. G. infants' mistress
Pattison Newspapers.
Fire Engine Station, King's Quay street Harwich & Dovercourt Free Press, 14 Market street,
Life Boat Institution, J. N. Justice, hon. sec.; William John Robert Watson, publisher; published saturday
Tyrrell, coxswain of life boat Harwich & Dovercourt Newsman, 54 Church st. George
Police Office, Church street, Willia.m Creasy, inspector; Langley Jackson, proprietor & publisher; published sat
I sergeant & 7 constables
Town Hall, Church street, William Creasy, keeper
Masonic Lodge (No. 65o, Star in the East), held Great Great Eastern Railway, Martin Luther Sanders, station
Eastern hotel, 2nd tues. Jan. to May & from Sept. to master; continentia! department, Captain Daniel How-
Dec. 7 p.m.; M. L. Sanders, sec. Station house ard, marine superintendent, Parkeston; Henry Miller,.
assistant marine superintendent & station master,.
Public Officers. Parkeston
_-\dmiralty Surgeon & Agent, Surgeon to tlie Trinity Water Conveyance.-Steamboats from the pier, to &
House, Certifying :Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & from Ipswich & Felixstowe four times daily during
Public Vaccinator, 1st & 2nd Districts, Tendring Union, the summer & twice a day during the winter ;
Samuel Evans L.R.C.P.Lond. 27 ·west street steamers daily from Parkeston to Antwerp & Rotter-
.Agents to Lloyd's & American Lloyd's, Groom & Son, dam, & twice weekly, weds. & sats. to Hamburg ki
Church stl'eet Esbjerg
PHIVA TB "RESIDEl-o""TS. Howard Captain Daniel, Parkeston Newton Mrs. 35 West street
"Cornell Mrs. 28 King's Quay street Jackson George Langley, 5 Macdon- Parsons John, 31 "\Vest street
Denney Mrs. 77 West street ough terrace, Main road Paterson John, Bank hous&
Ditcham Henry, 7 West street Kelly Rev. Robt. (Catholic), Main rd Peake Albert Richd. Trinity cottages
Emerson Waiter Edward Arthur (mas- Lewis John, I2 Eastgate street Scase Mrs. 5 Maria street, New Town
ter of Trinity Lightship), 30 King's Lewi!" Mrs. I2 Eastgate street Stevenson Alex. Stour viis. New Town
Quay street Miller Henry, Parkeston Turner James, 23 West street
"Everard Harry George, 29 King's Miller Mrs. I4 Wellington road Vincent Mrs. Clare house, Main road
Quay street Moor.- William, Church strPet Watson Jn. Robt. Violet vil. Main rd
Franks J ames Rd. 34 King's Quay st Newton Ernest Edward, Rose villa, Wellsteed Wm. Jn. 26 King's Quay st
'Groom Samuel Robert, 40 Church st New Tow:1 Whitmore James, Trinity cottages
Groom "\VIilliam, 40 Church street Parkin George Robert, 42 King's Whitmore John, Church street
_Henderson Robt. Alexander, Parkeston Quay street
COMMERCIAL. County Court_ (His Honor ~ohn Paterson, judge; Arthur
..Adams & Sons, brewers; stores, Main road John Hanslip Ward, registrar & high bailiff· Georgs
Alderton M-rs. apartments, 32 King's Head street Baines, assistant bailiff), Town hall '
Aldis Thomas. boot maker, Market place Creasy William, inspector of police station & keeper of
Anabona W. G. chief officer. Coast Guard station, Quaysd Town hall, Church street
Allibone Thomas, shopkeeper, s Hamilton st. Parkeston Crisp William, boot & shoe maker, Eastgate street
Arnold Frederick, pier master, George street Cross George, master mariner, Notley house, Maria st
Appleby William, Angel P.H. Quay Curtis Mary (Mrs.), refreshment rooms; prices strictly
Atkins Arthur, boot & shoe maker, Maria st. New town moderate; home cured hams, 28 West street
Atkins James, shipwright, Maria street, New town Cullingford George, New Bell P.H. Market place
..Bacon, Cobbold & Co. bankers, King's Quay street; draw Custom House (George Phillip Charleton, collector; John
on Glyn, Mills & Co. & Drummonds, London E C Phillips, surveyor), Parkestone quay & West street
Bailey Harry, apartments, 47 King's Head street Dale William (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Wellington road
ilaines George, county court bailiff & clerk to the com- Davenport Henry, Ship P.H. King's Quay street
missioners of taxes, 2 3•ion road Dawson Henry Tyrrell, beer retailer, 12 George street
.Baker James, baker, 76 West street Denney Thomas John, fishmonger! Currents lane
Bakrr Wm. marine store d].r. Golden Lion la. & New twn Denney Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Currents lane
.Barnes Richard Saxty, public notary, commissioner for Denney William, marine store dealer, Quay
001th!;!, borough treasurer, clerk to the harbour conser- . ~ss William, bricklayer, 24 Hamilton str~et, P~rkeston
vancy board, to the burial board & to the Harwich Port D1tcham Henry, borough surveyor & samtary mspector,
Sanitary Authority, 63 Church street 7 West street
Dart<>n George, baker, I2 Market street D~re Wm. Macdonough, baker & confectnr. 4 Market st
Barwood Daniel, beer retailer, S Church street Dovercourt Pier Co. Lim. (A. J. H. Ward, solicitor),
-Bartlett Charles, picture frame maker, 34 King's Quay st Ch?rch street
Booumont Wm. lamp & oil dealer, Pepy's st. New town Dowhng Mary .Ann (Mrs.), Half Moon P.H. St. Austin's la
Bell Fanny (Mrs.), laundress 4 6 West street Duncan Harry, apartments, IS George street
"Bennett George, apartments,' 23 George street Dunningham Alfred We~s, sawing mill~, New to":n
.Bevan Chas. Fredk. pharmaceutical chemist, 62 Church st Durrant Edwar~ Frederi<;k, ?-eputy registrar of buths &
BlackmaJ). Wm. shopkeeper, I I Hamilton st. Parkeston deaths, Harwich sub-district, 2I Market street
..Bl'()om & Sons sa(idlers Main road Durrant James, butcher, 2I Market street
Blosse Mary Ann (Mrs.'), tobacconist & hair dresser, 5? Durrant John Blogg, cabinet maker, 6I Church street
Church street Easter John, fishmonger, King's Quay street
Bodgener William, outfitter, 5 2 Church street Edmonds Be~jamin, news agent, I3 Church street
Borrett William boot maker Stour street New town El wood Henrietta (Mrs.), shopkeeper, White Hart lane
Borrett Ann Eiiza-beth (M;s. ), plumber' & painter, 6 Elwood John, buteher, Hamilton street, Parkeston
King's Head street Ennels & Son, butehers & greengrocers, King's Quay
Bowling Frederick, fishmonger, 9 George street street & Church street
Boyle Annie (Mrs.), apartments, so West street Ennels Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, Church street
Branch Frederick, basket maker, Quay Essex (ISt) Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal
Brewster Job, parish clerk, 27 King's Quay street Artill~ry (No. 2 Company) (John Arthur Hanslip Ward,
BrPwster Jonathan, baker, 12 King's Head street captam commandant)
Brewster Thoma<~, baker, 9 St. Austin's lane Etherden Thomas William, barge owner, West street
"Brown Joseph, shopkeeper, Hamilton street, Parkston Evans Samuel L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, ad-
Brooks John, merchant & miller, Quay miralty surgeon & agent, surgeon to the Trinity H<>use,
Brooks & Co. boot makers, I3 Market street certify_ing factory surgeon & medical officer & public
"Bruce Serg.-Major Thomas Edward1 Volunteer instructor, v>accinator 1st & 2nd districts, Tendring union, 27
4 West street West street
Bullock Charles, 3oa, Church street Everard Frederick & Son, tailors & drapers, sa Church st
Burch Robert Norman, pork butcher, 56 Church street & Everett John, black!>mith, Alpha house, West street
Albemarle street·, New town Everett John Isaac, job master, lVe,t street & New town
:Burgess James Thomas, Garland hotel, Garland road, Farthing Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, I3 Wellington rd
Parkeston Ferris l<'rancis, butcher, 4 King's Head street
Burroughes Diana (Mrs.), Duke's Head P.H. 22 Church st Fielder James, apartments, 30 King's Head street
Calver Thomas William, glass & china dealer & tailor, Fire Engine Station, King's Quay street
I7 King's Quay street Forster Charles (Mrs.), barge owner, 2 West street
'Cann John & Herbert, barge builders, slip for ISO ton F~rster Kate (Mrs.), apartment~ 44 West !'treet
vessels, Bath side Fulcher James, grocer· & draper, Market street
Cann Johnson Ernest-, shopkeeper, Albert st. New h>wn Gane William, fishmonger, SI King's Quay street
Carliell Henry, apartments, 77 West street Gant Richard, apartments, 9 Geo-rge street
'Carman "\Villiam, custom. house officer, Macdonou~h ter- Gardiner Charles, shopkeeper, Albert street, New U>wn
race, 1\lain road Garling & Oann, plumbers, 8 King's Quay street
Carter George, tobacconist, I4 King's Quay street Garland Abraham, plumber, 8 Church street
"Carter & Son, bakers, I3 & I4 West street Gas Works (George Baines, sec.), Bath side
Chambers Fredk. Wm. King's Head P.H. Market street Glide Thomas William, tinman & brazier, 72 West street
Charlesworth Wm. shopkeeper, Hamilton st. Parkeston G:over Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I Wellington road
Charleton George P. registrar of -shipping & of naval Good James, master mariner, Tracy cott<~ge, Bath side
yeserve, shipping master, receiver of wreck (including Good William James, fishmonger, Maria st. :Xew town
Oinque Ports} & collector of light dues, Custom house Goading Jonathan, Coach & Horses P.H. Church street
'Church Institute & Young Men's Friendly Society Lodge Go ding Wm. boot & shoe ma. Albemarle st. Newtown
<:Rev. G. W. Druce M.A. president), Quay Gould Henry William, baker, 6 King's Quay street
Coombe James, music teacher, Stour street, New town Great Eastern Hotels (Frederick Rees, manager), Quay
-cooper Matilda (Mrs.), fishmonger, 35 King's Head st & Parkeston
- Co-operat·ive Institute Reading Room & Library (Harry Green William., goods agent, Great Eastern railway, 32
Read, sec.), West street King's Quay street
Costick Jo~, sanitary inspector, G~rge street Gr~enard Edward Samuel, clothier, 50 Church street
County Pohc~ Office (Wm. Creasy, mspector), Guild hall GriCe, Spurge & Barker, drapers &; furniture dealers, 2,
~ Brother~, china &; hardware dealers, Church st 18 &; 20 Market street
Greenwood William Bowler, butcher, 7 Market street Martin Robert, beer retailer, 17 George street
Gri'Ce Henry Dowling, auctioneer & certified bailiff, 78 Meachan James, master mariner, IS Ma.ria st. New toW!I
'Vest street, & grocer & post office, Albemarle street, Meachen Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 King's Quay st
New town Mercer George, White Hart hotel (family & commercial),
Grice Joseph, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. auctioneer, commission agt. & fish salesman, George sli
wine & spirit merchants, 20 Market street Messitter Edward W. Pier hotel, Quay
Gl'ice Reuben, china & glass dealer, Albemarle street, Mettam Harry, butoher, Stanway terrace, Parkeston
New town Middleton William, ship chandler, 10 King's Quay street
Groom & Son, tirn ber & general merchants &; sawing Miller Henry, assistant marine superintendent & statio!l
mills, 40 Chureh street master, Parkeston
Groom Samuel Robert, ship chandler, sail maker, rope 1\fills George, apartments, 3 Church_lane
maker & provision merchant & vice-consul for Liberia Mixter Wm. master mariner, 8 Coke street, New towu
& Germany, 40 Church street Moore William, grocer, 17 Church street
Groom William, Lloyd's agent, vice-consul for Spa:in, Moran John, builder, 54 West street
Denmark, Sweden, Norway & The Netherlands, Bel- Murray Willioam, harbour mast_er & collector of dues,.
gium & Italy, 40 Church street King's Quay street
Guild Hall (William Creasy, keeper), Church street N a!borough & Sons, wholesale importers of provisions,
Gunn D. & Co. clothieys, Market street George street
Gunn Edwin Stephen, builder & contractor, Fernlea road, Neal Frederick Cooper, beer retailer, 34 King's Head st
New town Newton Ernest Edward, builder, carpenter & under-
Gurney Harold L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon & taker; estimates free for all kinds of new buildings;
medical officer of health, & to the Urban & Port Sani- C<lmpletely furnished ; 35 & 36 ·west street
tary Authorities, 30 West street Nickerson William, master mariner, 37 West street
iHad.graft Charles, master mariner, I Pepys street Norman (Brothers), barge builders, Quay
Hammond William, greengrocer, St. Austin's lane Norman & Tricker, pork butchers, 5 Market street
Hart Isaac, fishmonger, 68 West street Norman Benjamin, shopkeeper, Maria street, New· town
Harvey Phyllis (Mrs.), dress maker, 71 West street Osborne John, chimney sweeper, Golden Lion lane
Harvey William, greengrocer, 12 St. Austin's lane Osborne John, London tavern, 21 Church street
Harwich Barge Alliance Insurnnce Asoociati<m Lim. (R. Parkeston Social Club (The Hamilton) (W. H. Short,.
S. Barnes,_.sec. ), 63 Church street sec.; John Elwood, steward), Parkeston
Harwich & Dovercourt Free Press (John Robert Watson, Parsons Alfred Augustus & Son, watch makers, n King's.
publisher; published saturday), I4 Market street Quay street & 6o Church street
Harwich & Dovercourt Industrial Co-operative Society .t'arsons SI. furniture broker, 41 King's Quay st. 63
(Harry Read, sec.), 20 Church street & Princess street, West st. & 5 King's Head street
Parkeston Paskell John, apartments, 43 Church street
Harwich & Dovercourt Newsman (George Langley Jack- Pattle Robert, butcher, IS Market street •
son, propr. & publisher; published saturday), 54 Payne Francis (Mrs . ), preparatory school, 26 West st
Ohurch street Poppy Fredk. Arthur, clothier, 56 King's Quay street
Harwich Ha11bour Conservancy Board (Peter S. Bruff Powell George, confectioner, Albemarle st. New to•"'w""n
O.E. engnr.; R. S. Barnes, clerk); office, 63 Church st Powell John, sail maker, 21 King's Quay street
Harwich Temperance Restaurant (George James Seakins, Pubnc Hall & Opera House (J. R. Watson, proprietor),.
proprietor), King's Quay street Main road
Hawkins George, furniture broker, 2 King's Head street Puxley Elizabeth Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, I Hamilton
Hayhoe Alfred, greengrocer, 16 Church street street, Parkeston
Haylett William, butcher, Albemarle street, New town Pyman Samuel, customs examining officer, 3 George st:
Henderson Alexander, grocer, 31 King's Head street Randall John, boot maker, Albemarle street, New town
Henderson Robt. Alexander, master mariner, Parkeston Handall William, fried fish shop, 66 West street
Hendrick Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 33 King's Head street Rant Edward John, general draper, milliner, ladies' &.
Hepwortb. Waiter, yeast importer, George street gentlemen's outfitter, Albert house, Market street,.
Hill Robert, grocer, IO King's Head street & King's Head street
Hines, Cooper & Co. clothiers, 10 Market street Raven Emma (Mrs.), Royal P.H. Market place
Hogg Daniel, .shopkeeper, Ingestre street, New to""'W""n Raven Wm. Etherden, barge owner, 45 West street
Hollingsworth Charles, baker, Garland road, Parkeston Read Isaac, greengrocer, 10 Church street
Honey Henry, baker & confectioner & Wellington P.H. Reeves Henry, boot maker, 10 West street
King's Qua_y street; R'Obinson Jn. Hy. mast-er mariner, Harbr. view, Main r€1
Howard Charles, boot maker, 6g West street Robinson 1Yilliam, fishmonger, 2 King's Quay street
Howard John Charles, plumber, Coke street, New town Rose Frederick, soda &c. water manufacturer, West st
Howard Capt. Daniel, marine superinfendent, Parkeston Rowland Robert, builder, Albemarle street, New 'town
Howe Henry, shopkeeper, 27 Cl!urch street Royal Harwich Yacht Club (Col. R. S. Barnes, chairman
Howlett William J·ohn Thomas, inspector of weights & of committee; H. J. W. Jerv1s, hon. treasurer;.
meaJsures, Parkeston
Lucas T. Cobbold, sec.), Great Eastern hotel
International Tea Co. Market street Rudler David, Packet P.H . 42 West street
Jackson George Langley, printer & stationer, & pro- Salter Charles, beer retailer, George street
prietor & publisher of the " Harwich & Doverscourt
Salter Edward, post master, Church street
Newsm~n," 54 Church street
Jasper William, beer retailer, 65 West street Salter William, auctioneer, house agent, fish salesma11
Jennings James, greengrocer, 2 St. Austin's lane & assistant overseer & tax collector & certified bailiff
J ennings Martha (Mrs.), fish salesman, 48 King's Quay st & school attendance officer, Market place .
Keebel Goorge, shopkeeper, 28 Church street Salvi Peter, confectioner, 9 Market street
Kerry Josiah Frederick, registrar of births & deaths for Sanders Martin Luther, station master, Station
Harwich sub-district & marriages for Tendring dis- Sawyer John, shopkeeper, Vansittart street, New town
trict, 22 Maria street Self John, ironmonger, 12 King's Quay street &; n
Kettle Frederick, beer retailer, 56 West street St. Austin's lane
Kettle William, Globe P.H. 5 King's Quay street Shipwrecked Fishermen's & Mariners' Royal Benevolent
King Charles, butcher, Hamilton street, Parkeston Society (John Hy. Vaux, hon. agent), King's Quay st
King Henry, grocer & post office, Hamilton st. Parkeston Silborn Albert ,V. general dealer, Hamilton st. Parkeston
King Mart!ha Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 King's Quay st Smith, Beaumont & Dawson, builders, Coke st. New town:
Kingsbury James, shopkeeper, George street Smith Esther (Mrs . ), shopkeep. Albemarle st. New town.
Knight Arthur, painter, Station road Smith Herbert, greengrocer, 16 Market street
Lawrence William, dining rooms, 65 Church street Smith James, boot maker, Quay
Leggett Robert, fishmonger, Church lane Smith John, Elephant & Castle P.H. I I West street
Legg William Henry, custom house officer, 20 Station rd Smith Richard, bricklayer, 2 Coke street, New to"n
Lewis William George, carpenter, 33 King's Quay street Smith Robert, boot maker, Church lane
Life Boat Institution (J. N. Justice, hon. sec.; William Smith William, fruiterer, 6 Market street
Tyrrell, coxswajn of life boat) Spracklin James, Anchor Commercial Hotel, Bath side--
London & Continental Feather Co. Lim. Quay See advertisement
Long Elizabeth (Mrs.), New Swan P.H. 14 King's Head st Staggs Hy. master mariner, 1 Stour terrace, New town
Manhood Natihanie_l, greengrocer, 1 St. Austin's lane Staggs Henry, jun. master mariner, 4 Church lane
1\funning John, Royal Oak P.H. Market street Stead & Simpson, boot makers, 53 Church street.
:Manning Waiter, hair dresser, 16 King's Quay street Sterling Boot Manufacturing Co. I3 Church street
Martin Frederick, beer retailer, 13 King's Quay street Stuart Thos Ed. M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. London,
Martin George, shopkeeper, 25 West street surgeon, 30 West street
Stevens Thos. Wm. house decorator, 9 Church street Ward John Thomas, hair dresser, 3 Church street
Stiff Jeremiah, apartments, 3 Maria street, New tov;n Ward Arthur John Hanslip, solicitor, & commissioner to
Strong Robert Bennett, hair dresser, 70 Church street. administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature,
Tanner .Alfred, apartments, I6 King's Read street, town clerk, clerk to Ramsey school board, to urban
Thomas "\Villiam, confectioner & refreshment rooms, sanitary authority, & a commissioner of taxes, clerk
tea & coffee always ready, 19 Market street to Harwich school board, to the guardians of Tendring
Thorn & Manhood, boat builders, 22 George street union, superintendent registrar of births, deaths &
Thorn .Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 61 West street marriages, clerk to the magistrates, & registrar of
Thurlow Frederic, marine engineer, 30 Church street county court ; 42 Church street
Till Robert, tailor, 38a West street Watson John Robert, printer & stationer, & publisher
Topple John, greengrocer & butcher, Church street of the Harwich & Dovercourt Free Press, 14 Market st
Tovell Louis, Spread Eagle P.H. 75 West street Wells John, blacksmith, George street
Trinity House Stores, George street "' ent William, boot maker, 3 Market street
Turner Edward, shopkeeper, 73 West street West Lydia (~Irs.), confectioner, I4 Church ~treet
Tyrrell J ames, dining rooms, 'f) King's Head street White Hart Hotel (Geo. Mercer, proprietor), George
L'nited (The) Steamship Company's Agency (Tegner, street
Price & Co. ), Parkeston quay, Parkeston Whitmarsh Constance (Mrs.), dress maker, 31 Church st
Vail Charles, grocer, Church street "\Vhitmore William, master mariner, 5 West street
Vaux John Henry, ship builder & owner & sail maker, Williams Alfred, wardrobe dealer, King's Quay street
King's Quay street Wilson Robert, trinity pilot, Macdonough ter. Main rd
Vince William, boot maker, 2 Fernlea rd. & Market pi. Wilson William, builder, Coke street, New town
Vincent Charles, ship smith, Bath side Wood William Henry, custom house officer, 4 George st
Vincent Geo. Albert (Mrs.), pork butcher, 23 Church st W orts Augustine, chemist & druggist, I Market ~treet
Vincent John Bennett, plumber & ironmonger, I2 Ch. st & Main road, Dovercourt
Ward James, Alma P.H. King's Head street

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gladwell Henry, Lee road Norman Wm. Clifto~ ho. Main rd
Ager Frederick S. Station road Grant Mrs. 4 Milton villas Nunn John, 2 Brighton villas, Lee rd
Askham Alfd. Wm. 2 Penelope villas Graves Capt. Alex. Hope, The Lodge Oxenham William, :\Iarine pa1·ade
Bagshaw Miss, 2 Orwell terrace Grice Joseph, Stour cottage O<sborne Mrs. Holly lodge
Bamber Patrick, I Belton villa Gurney Harold, Star house Pain Mrs. 3 Cliff terrace, Cliff road
Barnes Richard Saxty, 7 Cliff villas Hadgraft Charles, 9 Station road Pattrick John Robson, The Tcwer
Bevan Frank, Main road Heathcote Lieut. Herbert Moultrie Pattrick Misses, Hill house
Blake Mrs. I Fern villas, Avenue I R.N. 14 Orwell terrace Pills Jn. :Fredk. Brighton viis. Lee rd
Braun Mrs. Belmont cottage, Upper Helsdon Geo. 2 Fernlea ter. Main rd Pitts Phineas, Bell Vue ll'ouse
Dovercourt Hepworth Waiter, Ocean view, Main Pizey Robert Ellis, 2 Cliff terrace
Brennan Jn. 3 Tottingham ter. Main rd road, Lower Dovercourt Powell John, Main road
Buck Rev. John (Primitive Metho- Inward George, Lee road Redwood Joseph, Cliii villas
dist), Rose villa, Avenue I Justice James N. 2 Challenger villas Richmond Mrs. Johnson, 6 Bill road
Burgess Alfred, 2 Anglesea villa Kendill Richard, Oxford cot. Lee rd Robinson Capt. John, Harbour view
Charleton Geo. P. 14 Clarendon villas Kindred John, Io Orwell terace Roper Charles, 2 Belton villa
Chickall Miss, 13 Cliff villas, Cliff rd King Joseph, 7 Cliff terrace Salter William, Main road
Chilver James, 2 Pembroke villas King Martin Danl. 3 Cliff vils. Cliff rd Scholtensack George, Bell Vuf',
Choat Mrs. I Cottingham terrace Lang Commander Conyers R.N. (com. Upper Dovercourt
Clarke Miss, Church house, Upper H.M.S. "Mersey"), 11 Orwell ter Shedlock Henry, Lee road
Dovercourt Leathes Col. Hill de Massenden, Sinclair Alexander, Hope villa
• Cook Mrs. Main road Cliff house Sparkes Henry James, Lee road
Collier Rev. Thomas Grey M.A. Yicar- Lewis Robert, Walpole villa, Main rd Spreysmith George, Cliff terrace
age, Upper Dovercourt McBirnie William, Hope villa Stevens Mrs. York house
Craig Alexandra, 2 Station road Mann James, Marine parade Sutcliffe Thomas, I Milton villas
Derry George, 1 Challenger villas Marchant John James, 8 Station road Tagg Charles, Lee road
Dunningham Alfred W. The Elms, Mathew Gervase F. R.N. (fleet pay- Tripp Mrs. I Orwell terrace
Cliff road master), Lee house Tye John, Main road
Durrant James, u Cliff villas Matthews Miss, The Acacias, I Cliff rd Urwick Benjamin, I Clarendon villas
Ekins Charles, 2 Victoria street Mead Geo. Jn. I Fernleigh ter. Main rd V ail Charles, Ely house, Main road
Ennels William, 9 Cliff terrace Moor William John, 9 Cliff terrace Ward Arthur John H. Cliff road
Evans Samuel, Banksea, Orwell t~r Moran John, Main road Warren Henry, 3 Parkeston villas
Everard Frederick, Stoke ho. Main rd Morgan Rev. David Morgan (Con- "\Vatty William Henry, 2 Cottingham
Farthing Jas. Chas. I Pembroke villa gregational), I Penelope villas terrace, Main road
Fernie Rev. John Francis (curate), Morrow Rev. John George (Wesleyan), Went William, Cliff terrace
Station road
Forster Robert, 8 Cliff terrace
I Osborn house
Nalborough Misses, I Ci.eve villas
Willsher James, Primrose vil. Lee rd
Woods Mrs. 6 Cliff road
Freeman Mrs. Rose cot. Up. Doverct Nalborough Wm. John, 2 Cleve viis Wright Mrs. 5 Marine parade
Geich William H~mry, 12 Victoria st 1 Norman James, Hill estate Wyatt Charles Sidney, Lee road
COMMERCIAL. Bullimer Brereton Sidney, farmer, Upper Dovercourt
Abblett John, master mariner, 3 Station road Butler J ames, apartments, Lee road
Appleby Eliza (Miss), King's Arms P.H. Carr Jeremiah, cocoa rooms, Majn road
Baker James, confectioner, Main road Cemetery (Richard Saxty Barnes, clerk to burial board),
Baldry Joseph Charles, grocer, Upper Dovercourt Upper Dovercourt
Baldry Mark, shopkeeper, Upper Dovercourt Charleton Geo. P. collector of customs, 4 Clarendon viis
Barber Nathaniel, apartments, The Dutch house Chenery J ane (:~Irs. \ apartments 5 Cliff villas
Barber William, apartments, 10 Victoria street Chithenden William James, Victoria hotel
Barker Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 29 Victoria street Clarke Nathaniel, farmer, Lodge farm, Upper Dovercourt
Barrett Charles Leonard, customs ho. officer, Lee road Cohb Levi, builder, Bambro cottage
Barton Benjamin, market gardener, 3 :Milton villas Coker "\Villiam, cowkeeper, 9 Victoria street
Bashman Edgar "\Valter Chas. apartments, 4 Victoria st Cook William Arnold, apartments, Lee road
Bird James, boot maker, ::\fain road Cottingham Francis, agent for the New Town estate,
Bird William, shopkeeper, Manor rd. Upper Dovercourt Main road
Bloomfield Robt. apartments, Manor rd. Cp. Dovercourt Cox Ma!Y Pirs.), apartments, 38 Victoria street
Bone l\Iary Ann t :::\Irs. ), tobacconist, ::\Ja in road Crews Sianey, customs officer, u Station road
Boon Charles, blacksmith, Manor rd. "Gpper Dovercourt Crosby George, thakher, Upper Dovercourt
llorrett Frederick, apartments, Lee road Crosby Joseph, shopkeeper, Manor rd. l.Jp. Dovercourt
Bowden Henry, apartments, 4 Chff villas, Cliff road Cnllingham Agnes Maud (Miss), shopkeeper, Main rd
Boxall Benjamin, farmer, Hall farm, Upper Dovercourt "Cpper Dovercourt
Brennan John, surgeon, 3 Collingham terrace, Main rd Cullingham George, Royal Oak P .H. Main road
Brown Carrington, boot & shoe maker & shopkeeper, Curtis Frank, confectioner, Main road
"C pper Dovercourt Cutting Thomas Henry, principal lighthouse keeper
Brown Rd. beer retailer &; blacksmith, "Cp. Dovercourt Dann John Austin, brick maker, Main road, & farmer,
Brown Robert, post office, Upper Dovercourt Vicarage farm
Death Henry, greengrocer, )lain road Moutell William, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Dennant Frederick & George, glass & ch.lna dealers, N alborough Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Marine par
Victoria. terrace Newell Lydia Sarah (Miss), grocer, Manor road, Upper
Denney Thomas John, fishmonger, Main road Dovercourt
Dixon, Joseph L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, 20 Cliff villas N ewman Robert, apartments, Lee road
Dovercourt Cliff Hotel (Henry Warren, proprietor) Osborne \Valter, master mariner, 8 Cliff road
Drayton Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, Main road Pattrick John & Son, portland cement, greystone, lime,
Dunn James, butcher, Main road red kiln brick manufacturers & ship owners
Dunn William, greengrocer, Main road Phipps Charles, Queen's Head hotel, Main road
Dunningham George, wheelwright, Manor road, Upper Phillips Waiter Joseph, apartments
Dovercourt Poo:e Thomas, apartments, I8 Victoria street
East Agnes (Miss), fancy draper, Main road Pratt Adam, brick maker, Main road
Edwarda Mary (Madam), dress maker, Main road Precious John, master mariner, 4 Station road
Edwards Charles, butcher, Main road Pride S. F. (Miss), ladies' school, 2 Clarendon villas
Ellis Warren, Phoonix hotel & bathing establishment, Quirke Edmond, cust<Jms officer, I3 Station road
Marine parade Race Elijah Ambrose, watch maker, Main road
Etlierden James, master mariner, I9 Victoria street Rapp Ado:phus, draper, Main road
Everett Mayes, builder, 7 Cliff villas Rice Sydney, railway inspector, 10 Station road
Fie1d Charles Mathew, harness maker, Main road, Up. Row land Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Victoria street
Dovercourt Rowland Thomas, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Fielder Thomas, apartments, 4 Fernloo terrace, :!\fain rd Rudd John, apartments, 34 Victoria street
Firman James James, carpenter, 106 Manor road, Upper Sage William, apartments, 2 Lime villas, Main road
Dovercourt Saunders Edward, bui:der & contractor, I Station road.
Fletcher James, apartments, The Royd See advertisement
Flatt Jonas, farmer, Tollgate farm Sawer Edith (Miss), teacher of music, 6 Fernlea ter
:Flowers Abel Robert, station master, Railway station Scholtensach George. feather merchant, Belle vue,
Forster Robert, assistant overseer, 8 Cliff terrace Upper Dovercourt
Francis William, fish dealer, l\Iain road Scott Henry Arthur, custom house officer, Alberta
Furlong Henry Ch.apman, plumber & painter, 3 Hill house, Main road
terrace, Main road Sedger Henry, butcher, Lee road
Gant Joseph, farmer, Pound farm, Lpper Dovercourt Shillam Rosa (Mrs.), apartments, Spencer ho. Marine par
Gant William, farmer, Smity farm Shrubb Thomas William, grocer, Lee road
Garnett Adam, apartments, 6 Station road Smith Alfred, carpenter, Hordle street
Gay "William Samuel, master mariner, Lee road Smith Benjamin, apartments, 4 Victoria street
German John, insurance agent, 2 Trinity vils. Avenue 2 Smith George, master mariner, 35 Victoria street
Godwin Charles, apartments, 37 Victoria street Smith William, farmer, florist &c. Blue House farm
Goodwin Edwin, butcher, I7 Victoria street Smith William Henry, assistant lighthouse keeper
Gray \V. F. & H. refreshment rooms, Marine parade Smith Zachariah, apartments, Ocean View house
Green Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 33 Victoria st Spa (Henry Warren, proprietor)
Gross ·william Alfred, Trafalgar P.H. Up. Dovercourt Sparrow Charles, cowkeeper, Holly Lodge cottage
Sparrow lxeorge, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Halstead William Henry, egg & yeast merchant & for- Starling Robert, livery stable keeper, 11 Victoria street
warding agent, 7 Station road Start Joseph William F.S.I. &c. architect, surveyor,
Harper ·waiter, apartments, 28 Victoria street civil engineer, consulting sanitary engineer; archi-
Harrison William, photographer, l\Iain road tect to Harwich school board, 4 MaiJl road
Has tie John, apartments, 20 Victoria street Stuart John, apartments, I & 2 Cliff villas
Hedley Joseph, marine engineer, 42 Victoria street Surman Henry, surveyor of customs, 4 Co:lingham
Hendrie Harry, apartments, Lee road terrace, :!\lain road
Hazelwood William, greengrocer, Upper Dovercourt Sutcliffe Thomas, yeast inspector & importer, forwarding
Heath William John, assistant lighthouse keeper agent, I Milton villas
Hills Edward, barge owner, 3 :Fernlea ter. l\Iain road Thackeray Robert J. G. H. farmer, Newhall farm,
Holland Annie (Mrs.), dress maker & apartments, 6 Upper Dovercourt
Cliff terrace Thompson William W. grocer & agent for W. & A.
Holmes Joseph, master mariner, 5 Fernlea ter. Main rd Gilbey Limited,· wine & spirit merchants, Orwell ho
Horne Benjamin, butcher, dairyman & farmer, Brook~ Thorogood Francis, apartments, 13 Victoria street
man's farm Todd Paul G. White Horse P.H. Upper Dovercourt
Horne Joseph, butcher, ~lain road Upson Mary (::O.Irs. ), apartments, 3I Victoria street
Hospital for Infectious Diseases (Thomas Bultitude, Versey George, master mariner, I Victoria street
attendant) 'Varace James Hedley, customs officer, I Lime villa,
James \Villiam, haberdasher, 27 l\Ianor road Main road
J anssen John Frederick, yeast agt. Beach villa, Avenue I \Vard Isaac, farmer, Upper Dovercourt
Johnson Benj. H. market gardener, Upper Dovercourt Ward John Thomas, hair dresser, Main road
Justice Jas. N. Ist clerk custom ho. 2 Challenger villas Warder Francis, assistant lighthouse keeper, Trinity cot
Judge Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Marine parade Warren Henry, house agent, 3 Parkeston villas
Kerby Joseph, photographer, 6 Fernlea ter. Main road \Vatts Samuel & Son, bakers & confectioners, Main rd
Last William, boot maker, Upper Dovercourt Webb Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Orwell terrace
Letchford Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Lee road Wells James, bricklayer, 4 Pembroke villas
Lewis Robert, surveyor of barges, 2 'Valpole villas, Wells Thomas, bricklayer, Salisbury house, Main road
Main road Wells William Men, linen draper & stationer, Post office
List Ellen (Miss), apartments, 2 Trinity terrace Whitmarsh Constance (Mrs.), dress maker, Main road
Lucas Daniel, whee:wright, Upper Dovercourt Wickham Thomas, farmer, Lower Wick farm, Upper
Lyons Benjamin, master mariner, 36 Victoria street Dovercourt
Mann J ames & Son, yeast merchants, Marine parade F ilJ.iams George, milk seller, Mill hill
Mayor William, master mariner, I Anglesea villa Wi:lsher James, builder, Primrose villa, Lee road
Mead & Willsher, builders, I Fernlea terrace, Main road Woodford Charles, customs house officer, Lee road
Mead George, apartments, 15 Victoria street Woods Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hordle street
Meadows Maria (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Orwell terrace Worts Augustine, chemist, Main road
Metson Frederick, greengrocer, 47 Manor road, Upper Wrigley Thomas & Son, yeast inspectors & importers,
Dovercourt I Myrtle villas
Moran John, builder & contractor Young Richard, apartments, 39 Victoria street
HATFIELD (otherwise Hatfie!d Regis, King's Hat- of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Takeley station
field, or Hatfield Broad Oak) is an ancient town, on on the Dunmow branch of the Great Eastern railway
the road from London to Dunmow, through Harlow, is in this parish and 3 miles north of Hatfield town.
on an eminence, rising gradually from the south and The church of St. Mary is a large building of stone,
west, on both sides of which are small streams, which, generally in the Perpendicular style, with some portions
united, form Pincey Brook, a feeder of the river Stort : of earlier date, forming part of the original priory
it is 5! mi:es south-east from Bishops Stortford, 7 church, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of
miles north-east from Harlow, 7 south-west from Dun- six bays, aisles, north porch and a lofty embattled
mow, 4! east from Sawbridgeworth and 30 from London, western tower containing clock and 8 bells, dated I782;
in the \Vestern division of the county, Harlow hundred an organ was introduced in I859, at a cost of £300,
and petty sessional division, Dunmow union and county raised by subscription: in the church is an effigy of
court district, rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry Robert de Vere, third Earl of Oxford, one of the barons
appointed to enforce Magna Charta, and founder of the suitable appendages, shall be built in the hamlet of
priory, ob. 1221 : nine windows were inserted in 1886, Bush End for six poor persons, but these have not yet
and the clerestory windows have been restored with been erected. Down Hall, the seat of the Right Hon.
skme mtlliions : the five-light stained east window is Lord Rookwood P.C., D.L., J.P. is finely situated with
a memorial and there is another memorial window to capital pleasure grounds and woods. There was once
Charles Wayre esq. The register of baptisms dates a Benedictine priory here, founded by Alberie, or Aubrey
from the year 1558 and contains a curious annotated De Vere, second of that name and father of the first
list of-children of the parish who have not received Earl of Oxford, in 1135; this foundation was dedicated
the Holy Sacrament. The register of marriages and to God, St. Mary and St. Melanins Redonensis, a British
burials dates from 1662. The living is a vicarage, or Armorican saint, who, as his surname implie!O,
average tithe rent-charge £75• net yearly value {.185, sprung from Rennes, in Brittany, where there was an
with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Trinity abbey bearing his name; though the monks of Hatfield
College, Cambridge, and he:d since 1891 by the Rev were only nine in number, the endowments of the priory
Francis "\Yilliam Galpin M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- were ample and were valued at the Dissolution, accord-
bridge. ing to Dugdale, at £122 13s. 2~d.; or according to
HAT FIELD HEATH is an ecclesiastical parish formed Speed, at £157 3s. 2!d. Hatfield Forest, of about
March 10, 186o. The church of the Holy Trinity is a I,ooo acres, lies to the north-west of the town and is
plain building of stone, erected on land given by George the property of Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-
Alan Lowndes esq. M.A., D.L. of Barrington Hall, and Houblon, of Great Hallingbury, whose seat adjoins the
consists of chancel and nave and tower on the south forest, which was inc:osed by Act of Parliament about
side with spire and containing 3 bells, cast in 1857: 1855; in the forest are the remains of a very large and
there are two stained windows, one of which was pre- old oak (now carefully fenced round and preserved),
sented by Dore Williams esq. late of The Grange, Hat- called the "Doodle Oak" and conjectured to be that
field: the church was restored in 1883, when a south from which the place acquired the name of Broad Oak.
.aisle was added: there are 210 sittings. The register The manor of Hatfield was a royal manor held under
dates from the year 1,86o. The living is a vicarage, the Crown and was granted first after the Conquest
.average tithe rent-charge £56, gross yearly value £130, to the family of De Gernon, who took the name of
net {.107, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Montfitchet; on their extinction, King Henry Ill. granted
Hatfield Broad Oak, and held since 1893 by the Rev. it to Isabella De Bruce, who fixed her residence at
Thomas "\Vi:liam Ward M.A. of Pembroke College, Ox- Bromesho Bury, as did her son Robert, Earl of Carrick:
ford. The area of Hatfield Heath parish is 2,5oo acres. but his son Robert, after he became a competitor for
The population in 1891 was 635. the Crown of Scotland, forfeited his English property.
BUSH E.XD is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 10 The manor of Hatfield, after being held by the families
1-Iarch 186o. The church of St. John the Evangelist of De Bohun, Stafford and Rich, was purchased by Sir
is a modern structure of flint in the Gothic style, erected Francis Barrin~ton, in whose family it remained for
on land given by John Archer Houblon esq. of Hailing- several generations and from them descended, through
bury, and consists of chancel and nave, south porch two co-heiresses, to that of Lowndes. Bromesho Bury,
.and small western tower : there are 200 sittings. The where the De Bruces resided, is now a farm house,
register dates from the year 186o. The living is a surrounded by a moat, and belongs to the Earl of Roden.
vicarage, net year:y value {.123, with residence, in Old Barrington Hall, the original seat of the Barrington
the gift of the vicar of Hatfield Broad Oak, and held family, is also a farmhouse at the edge of the Forest.
.since 1882 by the Rev. Douglas Leopold Heath. The The later Barrington Hall, a large brick house erected
area of Bu,h End parish is 2,775 acres. The popu- about the year 1740, and completely altered and restored
lation in 1891 was 289. In connection with the eccle- in 1863, is now the residence of G. Alan Lowndes esq.
siastical parish of St. John the Evangelist, Bush End, D.L., J.P. lord of the manor of Hatfield: the park in
there is a Juvenile Boot Club, a Parochial Library of which it stands, although flat, is, from the stately
6oo volumes, branches of the Hatfield Broad Oak growth of the timber, a fine one. Gladwyns, near Hat-
. Clothing and Coal Clubs, and a branch of the Dunmow fie~d Heath, was known by that name in the time of
Friendly Society. King Edward II. ; there is a very good house on the
The Congregational chapel at Hatfield Heath, erected estate, with grounds well laid out and now occupied
in 1876, is a structure of flint with stone dressings, by Horace Broke esq. J.P. The principal landowner~
in the Gotliic style: the large stained window in the are Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-Houblon, of
front gable is a memorial to the Rev. C. Berry, who Hallingbury Place, George Alan Lowndes esq. and Lord
was minister here lor upwards of half a century. Rookwood. The soil is various, mostly heavy; subsoil,
The Co.trage Hospital here, established in 1867, was c'ay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
enlarged in 1892 by the addition of a new wling and oats and turnips. The area of Hatfield Broad Oak is
.a glazed corridor in front of the house, at the expense 3,396 acres, and of the entire parishes, 8,671 acres;
of Lord Rookwood P.C. and now contains 9 beds; in rateable value, £7,927; the population in 1891 was,
1893 there were 58 patients; it is supported by with the ecclesiastical parishes, 1,747, of which 823 are
:voluntary contvibutions. The charities amount to attached to the parish church.
.[,25 4s. ; this sum includes £6 16s. yearly for bread, Parish Clerk (St. Mary's), James Barker .
.£5 for keeping the highway in repair, £8 towards the Sexton (Parish Church), James Barker.
maintenance of the schoo:s, Ss. for preaching a sermon Sexton (Holy Trinity), Daniel Day.
on the 1st Sunday after St. James's day, £2 ros. for Sexton (St. John's), James Judd.
the support of the coal club and £2 IOS. for the Post &; l\1. 0. 0., S.B. & Annuity, Insurance & Express
{!}othing club. Sarah Chamberlayne, late of Charles Delivery Office, Hat field Town.-Miss J emima Hor!<nell,
~treet, Lowndes square, by will, dated the 13th of postmistress. Letters arrive by mail cart from Har:ow
January, 1858, directed the investment of the residue at 8 a. m. & 12.30 p.m. &:; are delivered immediately;
()f her estate, representing an aggregate value of dispatched at 8.40 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. ; on sundays
£13,128 4s. Id. for the benefit of certain parishes in arrive, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 10 a.m. The telegraph
the counties of Middlesex, Essex and Warwick: she office is at Hatfield Heath
uied on the 12th January, 1870, and after legal pro-
-ceedings extPnding over several years, an order was Post & T. 0. Hatfield Heath.-George lsaac Harris, sub-
ultimate:y issued by the Court of Chancery, dated 24th postmaster. Letters from Harlow arrive at 7.10 a.m.
March, 1876, formulating a scheme for the application &:; rr.25 a.m.; dispatched at a.m. &:; 6.10 p.m.;
(){ the funds of the charity as regards this parish, in on sundays dispatched at 10.30 a.m. The nearest
the manner following: £5 for Bibles for the poor at money order office is at Hatfield Broad Oak. Postal
Hatfield and the hamlet of Bush End; IOS. to the Hat- orders are issued here, but not paid
neld Lying-in Society; £5 for coal for widows residing ·wan Letter Box, Broad street, cleared at 8.35 a.m.
-at Bush End and for other poor persons sending their & 5·25 p.m
children to the Leicester school; £2 to be given on Pillar Letter Boxes, Barrington Hall, cleared at 5 p.m.
<::hristmas Day to 40 widows of Hatfie!d; to six poor & Bush End, cleared at 4 p.m
widows, or poor unmarried women, not under the age
()f so or poor aged men, or poor crippled, blind or deaf Police Station (Town), Sergeant Koah George Gibbons.
:.and dumb ma:es or females in the hamlet of :Sush End in charge
or parish of Hatfield, the monthly snm of 15s. each Police Station (Heath), Constable Henry Sutch, in charge
.and a further monthly sum of 15s. to one of such poor
women to lodge, board and maintain, take care of Schools.
:and keep one poor child who has lost both its parents ; National (mixed), built, with master's residence, in
it is further provided by the said will, that as soon as r861, for 190 children; average attendance, 139;
land shU:l at any time be given for the purpose, an John l\fortimore, master ; Miss A.lice Kate Morti-
almshouse or almshouses, consisting of six rooms with more & :Miss A.lice Thake, assistant mistresses
National (St. John's), Bush End (mixed), built, with & enlarged in 188o, for 140 children; average attend-
master's residence in 1877, & endowed with [2o ance, 75; Waiter H. Keeble, master
yearly by the late Miss Chamberlayne, for 6o child- British, Heath (mixed), built, with residence, in 1876.
ren ; average attendance, 40 ; George Thomas Machin, for 150 children ; average attendance, about 66;
master J ames Ewart Carson, master
Takeley Railway Station (G. E. R.), Charles Haddow,
Church, Heath (mixed), built with residence in 1856 station master
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Croly Richard L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. sur- Mardell .Alfred, beer retailer
Broke Horace M ..A., J.P. Gladwyns geon, & medical officer & public Mardell George, blacksmith
Croly Richard, Fairlawn vaccinator, Hatfield district, Dun- Millbank Art'hur J oseph, farmer, Cor-
Dennis Mrs. Brick house mow union, Fairlawn ringales
Galpin Rev. Francis William M.A. St. Dixon Phillip, shoe maker Mills Thomas, shoe maker, Heath
Mary's vicarage Dixon Rd. Wright, frmr. Forest hall Nash Cornelius, machinist, Heath
Green Mrs. The Cottage Dorrington Charles, farmer, Banning- Oliver A. & Son, millers (steam &
Hawkins Mrs. Church villa, Heath tons farm. (Postal add. Takeley) wind), Heath
Heath Rev. Douglas Leopold, St. Finch William Samuel, Feathers P.H Pamphilon Jn. (Mrs.), farmer, Ongars
John's vicarage, Bush end Fletcher George, hair dresser farm
Hume Miss Foster Edmund, threshing machine Patm~Jre Martha (Mrs.), The Oak P.H.
Lowndes George Alan M.A., D.L., proprietor, Lockleys farm, Heath Forest
J.P. Barrington hall Foster John, beer retailer, Heath Paveley Joseph, baker &c
l\Iarri()tt Thomas Francis Fredk. wheelwright, Green hll Payne William, boot maker
Pain Mrs. William Greenwood William, farmer, Broom- Perry Charles, shoeing smith, Heath
Palmer Rev. Ebenezer Reeves M.A. shawbury Perry Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Heath
(Congregational), Heath Hamer Ernest Tindall, grocer & drapr Piper Alfred, farmer, Waters
Poole Miss, Oaklands, Heath Harris George Isaac, baker & grocer, Piper George, carpenter & shopke-eper,
Rookwood Rig-ht Hon. Lord P.C., Post office, Heath Brewer's end
D.L., J.P. Down hall; & 62 Princes Hatfield Heath Cricket Club (John Poole Thomas Henry, farmer, Pierce
gate & Carlton, Travellers.' & St. Button, sec.), Heath William's farm
Stephen's clubs, London S W Hatfield Town Cricket Club (Rev. F. Potter Alfred, farmer, Priory farm
Stanway Robert, Burywood cottage W. Galpin, sec) Potter Alfred, jun. farmr. Arundel cot
Ward Rev. Thomas Wiu.iam M.A. Hawkins Henry Thomas, Stag inn, Potter Alfred Speller, grocer, draper
Holy Trinity vicarage, Heath corn & coal merchant, ironmonger & news agent
& agricultural implement agent, Roberts Jn. Thos. stone mason,Heath
COMMEBCIAL, Heath ; attends the following mar- Simpson Charles Guiver, farmer,
Archer Frederick, saddler kets, Mark la. mondays; Dunmow, Sparrow hill
Bacon James, baker & shopkpr. Heath tuesdays & Bishop's Stortford on Skingle Mark, carpenter
Barker Isaac & Sons, builders thursdays Skingle Moses, shoe maker
Barker Thomas, builder & seedsman, Hers.ey George, head gardener to Rt. Slee William, head gamekeeper to Rt.
Heath Hon. Lord Rookwood P.C. The Gar- Hon. Lord Rookwood P. C
Borrow John Treneman, farmer, Hat- den, Downhall Smith John, beer retailer, Bush end
field Park farm. (Postal address, Hockley Mary Ann & Son, farmers, Sparrow John, painter
Takeley) Collier Street farm Springham Frederick, beer retailer,
Borrow Thomas, farmer, Little Bar- Hockley Ernest Henry, builder, Heath Green hill
ringt()n hall Hockley John, farmer, Friar's farm Staines Jane (Miss), dress maker,
Bowyer Henry, butcher, Heath Horsnell James, blacksmith Dunmow road
Brice John, cowkeeper, Heath Horsnell Jemima (Miss), shopkeeper, Stevens John Henry, White Horse inn,
Britton George, farm bailiff to Right Post office Heath
Hon. Lord Rookwood P.C. Shrubbs Hudson Joseph, wheelwright Sullins Peter, farmer, Ware farm
farm Hutchin William, farmer, Piggerells Tebbitt Aaron, farmer, Braintris frm
Broad .Alfred, Dukes Head P.H. Judd Caroline (Miss), shopkeeper, Tipler Alfred, farmer, Crabbs green
Broad street Hatfield Forest Tipl€r J oseph, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Broadbent Jas.Moses,frmr. Grange fro King Henry Seymour, land steward Dennis
Bunker Danl. frmr. Lancaster's farm to Lord Rookwood P.C. ; also as- Turner Frederick, farmer, Lea
Butcher George, Cock P.H sistant overseer & assessor of taxes Vale Ernest Wm. machinist, Oak vil
Button John, harness maker, Heath for the parishes of Hatfield Broad Vale Reader, farmer, Gt. Heath farm
Cass George, beer retailer Oak & Great & Little Hallingbury Vale Waiter, machinist, Heath
Clark Jane (l\Iiss), dre•ss maker King James, farmer, Little Heath frm Walden Wm. farm€r, Manwood green
Clark Joseph, farmer, Rolls farm, Hth Knight Emily (Mrs.), beer ret. Heath Wardeo Capt. Charles Apriles Sutton,
Cooper Fredk. farmer, Blocks farm Lanyon William, farmer, Tom-by-the- brewer, Heath
Cooper Thomas, butcher, Heath ·woods farm Wiffen Thos. beer retlr. Kent's green
Cotta-ge Hospital (Richard Croly Lucking Joseph Wm. farmer, Great Witham Waiter, general dealer, Heath
L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. hon. medical offi- Town farm Witham Susannah (:M:iss), draper,
cer; G. A. Lowndes D.L., J.P. Mackenzie Mary Ann (Mrs.), news agt Heath
sec. & treasurer) Manley Thomas, farmer, Ryes farm
HATFIELD (or Hatfield Peverel) is a large and of John Alleyn, 1572, his three wives and children: there
pleasant village and parish on the river Ter, and on the are also three other brass effigies, and a long inscription
high road from Chelmsford to Colchester, with a station in English verse, supposed to belong to them: the win-
adjoining the village on the Great Easte!n railway, 36 dows and west doors have some heraldic shields. The
miles from London, 2 south-west fro!TI Witham, 6 north- register of baptisms dates from 1702, of marriages from
west from Maldon and 6 north-east from Chelmsford, in 1703, and burials from 1626. The living is a vicarage,
the Eastern division of the county, Witham hundred and gross yearly value £290, with 9 acres of glebe, and resi-
petty sessional division, Braintree union, Maldon county dence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. .Albans, and held
court district, and in the rural deanery of Hatfield since 1875 by the Rev. Frederic Bransby Tonlmin M.A.
Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. of New College, Oxford. The great tithes, amounting to
Albans. This parish is an ancient place and is stated to [1,400 yearly, are received by the trustees of John
have been given by King William the Norman to R>llj... h Wright esq. There is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in I875·
Peverel, a Normau soldier, who married Ingelrica, an The charities amount to £95 yearly, left in 1820 by
English lady: it extends southward to the Chelmer nnd Martha Lovibond, of Hatfield Peverel, and there are four
eastward to the Blackwater and contains many pleasan1ly almshouses, built and endowed by the same benefactress
situated residences. The church of St. Andrew, formerly in 1820, for two married couples and two single persons,
the priory church, is an edifice of flint and brick, cor·- for which purpose she left [5,270; each _married inmate
sisting 0f chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, vestries, south receives 18s. and each single inmate 12s. per week. The
porch ahd a turret containing one bell: in 1873 it W!l.!': pleasure fair, formerly held on Whit Tuesday, is now
completely restored and a large piece of ground taken in discontinued. Ingelrica, before mentioned, founded here
on the south side to form a new aisle with upper an•i a college for secular canons, afterwards converted by W.
lower vestry rooms, clerestory windows being inserted Peverel, in the time of Henry I. into a Benedictine priory,
on the south side of the nave: an oaken screen was ai~o and dedicated to St. Mary; the priory was a cell to the
placed between the chancel and the nave and a carv;~d abbey of St. Albans, and the revenues at the Dissolution
reredos of Bath stone erected: the church retains a were valued at £83 19s. 7d. The learned Edmund
monumental effigy of the foundress, besides memorials to Castell S. T .P. author of the "Lexicon Heptaglotton," was
the Bragg and Alleyn families, including the brass figur~s vicar of this parish from 1666 : he also held the rectory
of Woodham Waiter and that of Higham Gobion, Beds, p.m.; dispatched at II-55 & 7.30 p.m. On sundays
where he died and was buried in 1685. The Priory, now letters are dispatched at 10.30 a.m
in the occupation of Christ<Jpher William Parker esq. is Wall Letter Box, adjoining the Brewery, cleared at n.45
an ancient mansion of stone, situated in a· delightful and a.m. & 7· 10 p.m. on week days & II a. m. on sundays
secluded spot, surrounded by a park of about 100 acres, Wall Letter Boxes, Swan P.R cleared at n:.30 a.m. &;
at the entrance to which stands the church. The trustees 7 p.m.; sunday, 10.40 a.m.; Crix Corner, cleared at
of the late John Wright esq. are lords of one manor; 11.15 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; & Mounsley Green, cleared
Lord Rayleigh, G. B. M. Lovibond esq. and Captain at 7.30 a.m. & 6 p.m
William Johnson Howard Townsend are the principal National School (mixed), built in 1851, enlarged in 1872
landowners and lords of the remaining manors, which are & again in I88f, for 250 children; average attendance,.
five in number. The land is chiefly arable; subsoil, 166; .Arthur Bennett, master; Miss Alice Roberts,.
gravel. Tlie chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and infants' mistress
beans. The area of the parish is 4.728 acres and 18 Railway Station, Edwin George Heard, station master
water; rateable value, £10,878; the population in 1891 Carriers to:-
was 1,319. Chelmsford-Charles & Edward Moore's cart passes
Parish Clerk, Charles H. Watson. through from Kelvedon, mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity, Insurance & Ex- London Marven, from Wickham Bishops, fri.; Pudney's
press Delivery Office. Corm~lius Moore, sub-postmaster. wagons pass through from Coggeshall to ' One Swan:
Letters arrive through Witham at 6.45 a.m. & 12.20 Bishopsgate street, tues. & fri
.Armstrong Mrs. Peverelllodge Clarke Waiter James, blacksmith Nash Charles .Albert, Swan P.H
Bearman George C:oYer "\Villiam Limited, brick makrs Nice Isaac, beer retailer
Evans Mrs Courtman Isaac, beer retailer Oliver William, baker
Evitt Clifford, Latneys Courtmann Wm. farmer, Crabbs frm Owers Frederick, builder
Gibson Edward, Crix Death Daniel, rat cat~her Owers Ge-orge, beer retailer, poulterer
Parker ChristDpher William D.L., Diaper Frederick James, coach builder & farmer
J.P. Hatfield priory & wheelwright Patten William, market gardener
Rosling .Alfred. Cardfields Diggins Phillip .A. grocer Pauling John, skin dresser
Rust ~Iisses, Springfield house Doe David, boot & shoe maker Perry Jn. beer retailer, Nounsley grn
Shuckburgh Mrs. Hill house Dowsing James, shopkeeper Rolfe Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Strutt The Hon. Edwd. Gerald, White Gardner Edward, farmer, Crix farm Rosling Howard, farmer & brick
lands Gaywood Emma (Mrs.), shop_keeper maker, Cardfields
Toulmin Rev. F~deric Bransby M . .A. Harris Henry, blacksmith Shoobridge .Alfred Hoffgaard, farmer~
(Vicar) Hatfield & Ulting Conservative .Asso- Hatfield Bury farm
Townsend Cpt. Wm. Johnson Howard ciation (.A. H. Shoobridge, hon. sec) Steele John, butcher
J.P. Berwick place Hatfield Peverel Co-operative Society Taverner James, shopkeeper
Tufnell William Michael D.L., J.P. Limited (.Alfred J. Turner, mangr) Townsend Jn. estate agt. Mowde-n hll
Hatfield Place Lucking Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer Turpin Kezia (Miss), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. & farmer Upson John, farmer, Bovington
Atkinson Frederick, chimney sweeper Lucking Robert, farmer Ward Edward, saddler
Baring Joseph, Crown P.H Marriage Hu!,{h, farmer Watson Charles Henry, bricklayer
Bott Wm. miller (water), Hatfield mll Moore Cornelius, baker & post office Wood Charles, assistant land steward
Brown Charles, brewer Morse Percival Ramsey, farmer & to Lord Rayleigh, Hatfield Wick
Brown John, Duke of "\Vellington P.H fruit grower, Barnards farm "\Vood George, farmer & assistant.
Bruce William, veterinary surgeon Moxon James, farmer overseer
HAVENGORE ISLAND is a small island at the mark at the entrance to Havengore Creek is the eastern
mouth of the Thames, nearly opposite the Nore Light, limit of the Port of London. James Tabor esq. of New
between Foulness Island and the main land, about 4 miles Hall, Sutton, is the sole landowner. The soil is clay, sand
from Shoeburyness terminal station of the London, Til- and shell. The area is 397 acres of land; rateable value~
bury and Southend railway, 3 from Great Wakering and [219; the population iri 1891 was 18.
8 north-east from Southend; it was formerly extra-
parochial, but is now a parish in the South Eastern Letters through Southend, arrive according to the state
division of the county, Rochford union and petty sessional of the tide. The nearest money order & telegraph
division and Southend county court district; the pilot office is at Great Wakering
Hymas George, farm bailiff to Charles Albert Tabor esq

HA VERHILL is a parish in Risbridge union, pa..-tly in this county but principally in Suffolk; full particulars
will be fauna in Kelly's Directory of Suffolk
HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER is a pleasant village landowner; the mansion, occupying part of the site of the
and parish, 3 miles north from Romford station aild 15 old palace of the Confessor, is an elegant modern building
from London, in the Southern division of the county, with a tower and is pleasantly situated on an eminence..
petty sessional division, union and county court district surrounded by extensive pleasure grounds and a finely-
of Romford, rural deanery of Lambourne, archdeaconry wooded park of 250 acres. Pyrgo, a modern mansion of
of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans; this place gave name brick, with stone dressings in the Classic style, with a
to the liberty and peculiar of Havering-atte-Bower, which tower and portico, stands in an extensive park, corn-
included the parishes of Romford, Havering and Horn- manding very fine views of the surrounding country and
church, but this liberty was abolished by Order in occupies the site of a house formerly belonging to the
Council, dated 9th May, 1892. The !!hurch of St. John Queens of England, in which Joan, daughter of C"'harles
the Evangelist, rebuilt by subscription, is an edifice of II. King of Navarre and Queen of Henry IV. died 9 July,
flint with stone dressings in the Decorated style, con- 1437; it is now the residence of William Edward Gibb
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and an embattled esq. J.P. Bower House, a brick mansion, standing in a
tower on the south side containing one bell; the lower park of about 120 acres, is at present unoccupied. Bed-
stage forms a porch: the church was re-consecrated 13th fords, till recently the reside~e of the late Jas. Theobald
.April, 1878, and contains an ancient font and a memorial esq. M.P. and originally called "Belfonts," from its ample
by Wyatt to Sir John Smith-Burges bart. who died in supply of water, is a stone mansion, standing in a park
1803 and was buried in this church. The register dates of nearly 100 acres, commanding one of the finest views
from the year 1670. The living is a vicarage, gtoss in the country and embracing the river Thames, the
yearly value £8o, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Knockholt hills in Kent, the Crystal Palace, St. Paul's
Pemberton-Barnes, and held since 1892 by the Rev. John and the towers of the Houses of Parliament at Westmin-
Collier Barker M . .A. of Jesus CDllege, Oxford. There is ster. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
a coffee and reading room, principally supported by Mrs. are wheat, oats, beans and roots. The area is 2,o8S
Mclntosh. This is one of the few villages in England in acres; rateable value, £4,300; the population in 1891
which the ancient stocks may still be seen, and here they was 450.
stand on the green facing the church. Havering is be- .
lieved to have once been the seat of Saxon royalty, for, Post, M. 0 .. & T. 0., S. B. ~ . .Annmty, Insurance & Ex-
according to traditionary accounts, Edward the Confessor press Deliv.ery Office. Phil1p Hance, sub-postmaster.
built a palace here, or improved one more ancient: the J:etters arnve from Romford at. 5·~ 0 & 9· 20 a. m.; de-
portions extant are not sufficient to determine the limits livered at 7 a.m. & 9· 20 a.m. • dispatched at 2.45 &
of the original building, whatever it mav have been; it 7· 15 p.m
is certain, however, that this monarch frequently lived :National School (mixed), built in 1839, for IOO children;
here ~ retirement. Havering Park is the seat of Mrs. average attendance, 95 ; Dernck, ID:aster; Mrs.
Yclntosh, lady of the manor of the liberty and principal Derrick, mistress; Miss Celine Banks, assiStant
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pemberton Mrs. Round house Coffee & Reading Room (Mrs. Sarah
llarker Rev. John Collier M.A. Vicrge Pemberton-Barnes Mrs. The Hall De Vere, caretaker)
£llis Herbert 0. The Cottage Raphael Herbert Henry, Rose court Goodwin Henry, baker
Gardner Mrs. The Lawn Smith Benjamin, Fernside Knightbridge Frank, butcher
<Gibb William Edwd. J.P. Pyrgo park Parrish Chas. Alfred, Orange TreeP.H
Hope The Misses, Havering grange COMMKRCIA.L. Robson Geo. farmer, Old Park farm
Lynch Misses, Ivy Holt Beckett Thomas, farm bailiff to Mrs. Scotcher James, beer retailer
Mclntosh Mrs. Havering park Mclntosh, Bower farm Standen Jas. Wm. grocer &; beer ret
Pemberton Rev. Joseph Hardwick Bennett James Henry M.R.C.V.S. Suckling Arthur, fish dealer &c
(curate of Collier Row, Romford), veterinary surgeon Wright Arthur Bentall, bailiff to Mrs .
.Round house Burton Robt. Wm. frmr. Nearles frm Pemberton-Barnes, Bowe<r fa.rm
HA WKWELL (Hawkswell, Hawkewell or Hackwell) of the manor of Clement's Hall, and John Baker esq. J.P.
-acquired this name at least as early as the 6me of of Reigate, are the principal landowners. The soil is
King Edward the Confessor, and is a village and parish, mixed and heavy; subsoil, mostly clay. The chief crops
"2 miles north-west from Rochford station on the Great are wheat, beans, barley and potatoes. The area is 1,353
Eastern railway, 6 north-west from Southend, and 35 acres; rateable value, [1,734; the population in 1891
from London, in the South Eastern division of the county, was 300.
ftochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, Sexton, Thomas Wall.
Southend county court district and in the rural deanery
of Rochford, archdeaconry of EsS{'X and diocese of St.
Post Office.-Frederick Saunders, sub-postmaster. Let-
.Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a build-
ters through Chelmsford arrive at 6.30 a.m. &; through
ing of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of
Rochford S.O. I1.30, which can be called for same day
chancel and nave, porch and a wooden belfry at the west
or are delivered with the Chelmsford letters the fol-
~nd with spire and containing one bell: there is a
piscina and a low-side window, and four stained windows lowing morning. Box cleared for letters for Rochford
11.30 a.m. & general mail 6.30 p.m. Rochford is the
in the chancel and nave: the church was restored in 1877·
nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
The register of baptisms dates from 1692 ; burials, 1695 ;
:marriages, 1696. The living is a rt'ctory, average tithe are issued here, but not paid
rent-charge £231, gross yearly value £303, including 94 National School (mixed), built in 1846, for 6o children;
.acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs Durie. average attendance, 58; Mrs. Ellen Perry, mistress
The trustees of the late John Atlrinson esq. who are lords
.Atkinson Charles Howard, Clements Bacon Mark, White Hart inn Hymis .Alfred, coal !nerchant
hall Brown George Frederick, shopkeeper Poole Isaiah, shopkpr. & shoe maker
Rickett Octavius Havelock & farmer, Block's farm Punt Goorge, farmer
COMMEROIAL. Brown J ames, farmer. Parsons Rickett Octavius Havelock, farmer
"Elowers Samuel, farm bailiff to .Alfd. Chase \Villiam, farmer, Belcham's Spicer Paul, farmer, Swaines farm
1Vhite esq Harvey Sarah (Mrs.), laundress
HAZELEIGH is a parish of scattered houses, 1! miles residence of the Alleyne family, one of whom, Edward
south-west from West Maldon station on the Great East- Alleyne, actor, and master of the king's bears, having
:ern railway, in the South Eastern division of the county, retired from the stage in 1612, founded Dulwich College,
Maldon union and county court district, Dengie hundred the manor of Dulwich being already his by purchase in
.and petty sessional division, and in the rural deanery of 16o6; many of his family are buried beneath the chancel.
:Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans . Sir George S. Brooke Pechell bart. of .Alton House, Alton,
.The church of St. Nicholas, a plain structure built of Rants, is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
.timber and plastered, consists only of chancel and nave, The crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The
·with a turret containing one bell : there are 8o sittings. soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The area is g88 acres;
·The register of baptisms dates from 1575; burials, 1584; rateable value, £587; the population in 1891 was III.
marriages, 1602. The-living is a rectory, average tithe Parish Clerk, Osborne Barker, Rumsell green, Danbury
rent-charge [221, with 15 acres of glebe and residence, Letter Box cleared at 5.20 p.m. week days; sundays,
in the gift of Mrs. Raynor, and held since r88g by the II a.m
Rev. William Stuart M.A. of King's College, Windsor, Letters through Maldon, which is the nearest money order
Nova Scotia. The rectory house is pleasantly situated & telegraph office
on the commanding eminence of Loddart's hill, with ex- The children of this parish go either to Woodham Mor·
tensive views of the river Blackwater and the Hythe and timer, Purleigh or Maldon schools.
-the Maldon basin. Hazeleigh Hall, near the church, and Carrier from Burnham to Chelmsford (passing through).
now used as a farm house, was in the 16th century the -Nethercoat, every tues. & fri. & to Maldon daily
.Stuart Rev. William M.A. Rectory Croxon Cranmer Harris, farmer & Everitt Charles, Royal •
Oak P.H
..Austin Alfred, White Hart P.R. & cattle dealer Taylor Alfrect, Hatchhouse farm
shoe maker
.HELIONS BUMPSTEAD is a village and parish of Isleworth house, Orpington, Kent, is lord of the manor.
on the borders of Ca.mbridgeshire, 3! miles south-west Queen's College, Cambridge, the trustees of St. Thomas'
from Haverhill station on the :Melford and Cambridge Hospital, London, and the trustees of the late Daniel
branch of the Great Eastern railway, Io north-east from Gurteen esq. of Haverhill, are the chief landowners.
Saffron Walden, and 16 north-west from Halstead, in the The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
Northern division of the county, Freshwell hundred, wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 2,716 acres;
.Bardfield petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haver- rateable value, [2,629; the population in 1891 was 661.
hill county court district, and in the rural deanery of
.Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. OLMSTEAD GREEN, I mile south-west, in Cambrld~e­
..Albans. The church of St. Andrew is an edifice of stone shire, formerly a hamlet of Helions Bumpstead, was by a
-and brick in the Early English style, consisting of chancel Local Government order, dated March 25, r884, added to
clerestoried nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch Castle Camps, Cambridge .
.and an embattled western tower of brick containing a Parish Clerk, William Ruse.
clock and 6 bells: in the church is a monument to Post & Parcel Office.-Mrs. Ann Cock, sub-postmistress.
:Devereux, son of Sir John Tallakarne, slain at the battle Letter.s from H.averhill (Suffolk) arrive at 8.35 & 12.35
.of Riez, in Provence, France, 3 April, 1628, ret. 6o: there a.. m. (callers only); dispatched at 12.45 & 5.15 p.m. The
are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. nearest money order office is at Steeple Bnmpstead &
The living is a vicarage, a.verage tithe rent-charge £209, telegraph office at Haverhill. Postal orders are issued
.gross yearly value, £274, with 3 acres of glebe and resi- here, but not paid
.dence, in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge, and National School (mixed), built in 1854, for 120 children;
held since 1857 by the Rev. William Le Mottee M.A. of attendance, 87; Miss Lizzie Jones, mistress
that college. The Plymouth Brethren have a hall here built Carriers to Haverhill, Thomas Hilton daily & Newman
m 1886, and holding 1oo. Capt. Charles George Brown, Moore daily (except tues)
.Cole Misses, Hill cottage Basham William, hawker Emson Jn. & Fredk. farmers, Jacobs
Frampton Rev. George Richard B.A. Challis Charles, bricklayer & shopkpr Emson Edmund, higgler
(eurate) Chapman Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, New Girls' Friendly Society (branch) (Miss
Le Mottee Rev. '\Villiam M.A. Vicarage house Mary Cole, sec)
Webster Arthur, Burton villa Chapma.n Wm. frmr. Perry Appleton Harden John, farmer
COllliERCIAL. Cork Ann (Mrs.), grocer & draper, Hill Harry, farmer, blacksmith &
l3asham Christopher, beer retailer Post office veterinary surgeon, Upper house

Ketteridge Christopher, farmer & car- Morse Letitia (Mrs.), Marquis of Ruse William, carpenter
ter, Sages Granby P.H Stead Henry, carpenter
Maylon LawreQce, beer retailer Pannell Elizabeth (Mrs.), frmr.Bump- Taylor Harry Douglas, frmr. Helions
Mizon Henry, farmer stead hall Thake George, farm bailiff to Mrs. E.
Mizon Martha (Miss), Three Horse- Parken Ellis Notl.ey, frmr. Lanceleys Pannell, Slate hall
shoos P.H .Piper J esse, farm bailiff to Mrs. Til- Tilbrook .Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Copy
Mizon Stephen, blacksmith brook, Whites Tilbrook Edward, frmr. Drapers green
Mizon William, farmer, Bablow Ruffle Jeffery, farmer, Horsham hall Wiffin John, shopkpr. baker & coal dlr
l\Ioore Newman, carrier Ruse John, wheelwright Wright Robert, shoe maker
HEMPSTEAD is a village and parish, 7 miles east and C. F. W. Fane esq. : in ISS9 the churchyard waso
from Saffron Walden station on the Great Eastern rail- enlarged by the addition of over 500 square yards of
way, 7 from Thaxted and 47 from London, in the Nor- land. The register of baptisms and marriages dates from
thern division of the county, hundred and petty ses- the year I664.; burials, I665 : among the entries of
sional division of Freshwell, llllion and county court dis- baptisms is that of Richard, son of John and Mary
trict of Saffron Walden, rural deanery of Sampford, Turpin, 2I Sept. I705, afterwards notorious as " Dick
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St . .Albans. Turpin," the highwayman, who is supposed to have been
The church of St. .Andrew, formerly a chapel attached born at the Crown inn, in this parish: opposite the
to Great Sampford, is an ancient edifice in the Gothic house is a circle of 8 (formerly n) trees, lm.own as
style, consisting now only of chancel, with Harvey chapel, "Turpin's or Tuppin'~ ring," and at one time an in-
nave, aisles, and south porch, the tower having fallen on closure for cock fighting : at Dawkins farm, in this parish.
Saturday, 2B Jan. ISS2, doing much damage to the is preserved a portion of the oak in which Turpin took
church: of the 5 bells, one, the tenor, was shattered by refuge from his pursuers. The living is a vicarage,
the fall; the remaining four are temporarily hung in the annexed to that of Great Sampford, average tithe rent-
churchyard, near the east end of the church: beneath charge £274; joint net yearly value £I57• with IS acres of
the chancel and vestry is the vault of the Harvey glebe, in the gift of Myles Formby esq. and held since
family, wliere, lllltil ISS3, reposed the remains of the cele- IS5o by the Rev. Robert Henry Eustace M . .A. of St.
brated Dr. William Harvey, the discoverer of the circula- Peter's College, Cambridge, and surrogate, who resides
lation of the blood, but in that year they were removed at Little Sampford. The rectorial tithes are in the hands-
into the Harvey chapel and placed in a marble sarco- of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and yield about
phagus presented f{)'l" this purpose by the Royal College £7oo yearly. The vicarage house, a good residence of_
of Physicians, of which he had been a fellow: in the brick, erected in ISS4-5, at a cost of £I,SSs, stands about
chapel is also a monument to his memory, with bust a quarter of a mile north of the church in an acre of
and an insc\'iption in Latin recording his death at the ground, given by C. F. W. Fane esq. and is occupied
age of So, 3 June, I657: here also are various other me- by the Rev. John Escreet, curate. The Primitive-
morials to this family from 1661 to IS3o, including twe Methodist chapel here was erected in 1S53 and has sa
medallions of white marble with portraits in has-relief, sittings. Charities amounting to about £ I6 yearly, left
by Roubiliac, to William Harvey, of Winchlow Hall and by John Pound, of Hempstead, and others, have been
Chigwell, d. I4 Dec. I742, Elizabeth his wife and their lost; there are four houses, built in IS62 by Miss Rut-
children; another marble monument to ·william Harvey, land, for the late Misses Green, for poor widows of the-
of Roehampton, and Bridget his wife, I7Ig-6I, and a me- parish: each inmate has to pay a small rent, which is
morial to Captain Edward Harvey, Coldstream Guards, used for repairs. Cecil Francis William Fane esq. of
and eldest son of .Admiral Harvey, who fell at Burgos, 4 West Eaton place, London S ,V, is lord of the manoi"
I I Oct. ISI2; Sir Eliab Harvey K.C.B . .Admiral of the and principal landowner ; Henry Horn .Almack esq. of
Blue, also interred here, d. 20 Feb. IS3o: there are Hempstead Hall, is also a large landowner. The soiD
brass effigies of civilians, c. 1475 and I4So, without in- is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and
scriptions, and others to Thomas Huntingdon esq. ob. barley. The area is 3,5I2 acres; rateable value, £3•475;.
I492, and Margaret (Tyrrell) his wife, to William Mor- the population in IS91 was 560.
dant, chief prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas,
ob. I$IS, and his wife .A.nne (Huntington), with IO sons .'ost Office. John Gibbs, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
and 6 daughters ; a civilian and his wife, c. I530, with from Saffron Walden at S.I$ a.m.; dispatched at 5·5
4 sons and 5 daughters, and an inscription to Richard p.m. sundays, I0:30 a.m. The nearest money ordei"
Westley, ob. I5IS, and his wife Joan: the church, with office is at Wimbish, & telegraph office is at Bad-
the exception of the chancel, Harvey chapel and tower, winter
was entirely rebuilt in 18S7-8, under the direction of Mr. County Police Station, Joseph Addison, constable
Samuel Knight, architect, of London, at a cost of over National School (mixed), built in IS25 & enlarged
£I,6oo, raised by subscription, and re-opened 3 May, in ISS3, for IOS children; average attendance, So; Miss
ISSS: the new pulpit, reading desk and lectern are of Barbara Boyd, mistress; Miss Clara Metcalfe, infants'"

oak, skilfully carved by the Rev. John Escreet, the present mistress
curate, who also executed the carving on the south porch; Carders to Walden.-William Reader, tues. & sat,; John_
the oak was given by Mrs. .Almack, of Hempstead Hall, Harding, daily & Charles .Andrews, tues. & sat
lloyd Miss Colman William, farmr.Winchlovr hall Muske Ford, boot maker
Escreet Rev. John (curate), Vicarage Ccrk .Ann {Mrs.), shopkeeper Myhill Henry, farmer, Dawkins
Horsnell Miss, Waterlow cottage Dix James, Crown P.H Mynott Thrs. farmer, Lit. Bull"s brdg
Methold .Alfred, Hempstead hall Freeman William, farmer, Hill farm Pateman James, butcher & farmer,.
Myhill Henry, Dawkins Gray .Alfred, Royal Oak P.H Witch trees
COMMEROIAL. Hales Charles, wheelwright Portvray Charles, bricklayer
.Ambrose Thos. farmer, Pollards cross Harding John, carrier Pryor .Annie (Mrs.), hhopkeeper
.Andrews .Alfred, farmer, Phillips Johnson Geo. beer retailer, The Wash Reader ·william, carrier
.Andrews Charles, carrier Ketteridge Thomas .Alien, butcher .t Rutland George, shoe maker
Baldock Thomas James, shopkeeper farmer, Bull's bridge Stubbings John, carpenter
Beddall George Rutland, farmer, Ketteridge William, farmer, High st Tuffs Charles, game keeper to Henry
Church farm Mallows George, farm bailiff, Fields Horn Almack esq. Keeper's. lodge,.
Bird .Alfred, farm bailiff to Henry Marsh Harriet Pirs. ), shopkeeper Hempstead wood
Horn Almack esq. Hop house Medcalf Esau,farmer & rllr.Ruse's frm Turner Frank, blacksmith
Boreham Stephen, potato dealer Methold .Alfd. frmr. Hempstead hall Turner John, shoe maker
Brand Jenour, farmer, .Anser Gallows Moore Joshua W. miller (wind & stm) Turpin James, shopkeeper
HENjHAM (or Henham-on-the-Hill) is a parish I! clock, placed in ISS7 by Salisbury Baxendale esq. as-
miles north-east from Elsenham station on the Great lord of the manor, together with about 400 other con-
Eastern (Cambridge) railway, 6 north-east from Bishop's tributors, including the school children: there is an
Stortford and 34 from London, in the Northern division ancient octagonal font and an oaken pulpit, the sound-
of the county, Clavering and Uttlesford hundreds, Saf- ing board of which has been taken down and converted
fron Walden petty sessional division, Bishop's Stortford into a reading desk: an ancient oak screen divides the
union and county court district, and in the rural dean- chancel and nave: in the chancel is a marble monument
ery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese to Samuel Feake esq. formerly president and governor
of St. .Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a of Fort William, Bengal, whose family held the estate
large and ancient building of stone in the Per- of Henham Hall in the ISth century; Waiter, sth Baron
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four Fitzwalter, who died in 1407, was buried here. The re-
bays, ansles, south porch and an embattled western gister dates from the year I539· The living is a vi-
tower with short spire, containing 5 bells and a very fine carage, average tithe rent-charge [321, with Io acres of
glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Thurlow, and PLEDGDEN, a hamlet of Henham, in Clavering hun.
held since I89I by the Rev. John Thurlow M.A. of dred, 2 miles south-west from Henham, adjoining El-
(Jaius College, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel senham, and Pledgden Green, 2 miles south-east from
"Was erected in x864, at a cost of £x,ooo, left by will for Henham, has a few cottages.
this purpose by the late Edward Sandford esq. of Bol- Sexton, Charles Turner.
lington Hall, in the parish of Ugley, who died in June, Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Oflice.-
1863: it will seat 500. There is also a room, opened at Henry Gardiner, sub-postmaster. Letters through
the same time, used for lectures and a Sunday school. Bishop's Stortford arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6.10
Charities amounting to £30 yearly are distributed in p.m. week days ; no sunday dispatch. The
.kind. Salisbury Baxendale esq. who is lord of the manor, nearest telegraph office is Elsenham
Sir Waiter Gilbey bart. Miss Canning and Joseph Charles County Police Station, John Whiting, constable
Thomas Smith esq. M.A., J.P. are the principal land- A School Board of 5 members was formed 2j July, 1874.
owners; but there are several small owners. The soil for the united district of Henham & Chickney; H.
is chiefly a strong clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The Baker, Bishop's Stortford, clerk to the board; Charles
crop are wheat, oats, barley and roots. The area is John Housden, Henham, attendance officer
2,958 acres; rateable value, £6,392; the population in Board School (mixed), built in I875, for 170 child;cn.;
1:89I was 8I3. average attendance, 130; Charles John Housden, mas-
ter; Miss Bessie Chapman & Miss Kate Warden, as-
LITTLE HENHAM is a hamlet in Clavering hundred, sistant mistresses
-a mile and a half to the north, containing one farm and Carrier. William _Warner, for parcels to & from Bishop's
a few cottages. Stortford, on mon. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Francis William, shpkpr.Pledgden grn Robinson John, shoe maker
Canning Miss, Old mead Gardiner Hy. grocer & draper,Post off Robinson Ritty (Miss), shopkeeper,
Duckworth William Edward,Parsonage Hayden Dan, blacksmith Pledgden
Bollinshead Edward, Henham lodge Heard Waiter, wheelwright Roe Samuel, mill manager to ~Ir.
Marshall Charles, Little Henham hall Holland & Barrett, grocers & drapers Robert Wright, Henham mill
Newport Wm. Robinson, Pledgden h~ll Hollinshead Edwd. frmr. Henham ldg Suckling Thomas, wheelwright
Pfowright Rev. John (Congregatiooal) Hornsby George Frederick, Bell inn Turner Charles, carpenter
Spurgeon Obadiah, East Appleton cot & saddler Turner Geo. wheelwright & carpenter
Thurlow Rev. John M.A. Vicarage Housden Charles John, school attend- Turner William, carpenter
ance officer & schoolmaster Ward Thomas Hutton M.R.C.V.S.
COMMEROIAL. J oyce Allan, farmer, Broom veterinary surgeon, Mount house
]3ush George, market gardener, Green Marshall Charles, farmer, Little Hen· Wright Robert, farmer, bay & straw
"Bush Tim, cattle dealer ham hall dealer, mangold wurzel & carrot
Canning Miss, farmer & landowner, Mascall Thomas, Crown P.H salesman & miller (wind); root
Old mead Newman John, farmer, Henley's farm growing a speciality; Bacon's, Bird's
Dixon Charles, blacksmith, Pledgden Newman Wm. Cock P.H. & farmer & Sandpits farms & Henham Inill.
Dixon William, Star P.H Ne"'port William Robinson, farmer & Telegraphic address," Wright, Sand·
Duckworth William Edward, farmer, engineer, Pledgden hall pits, Elsenham, Essex"; & at
Parsonage farm Orger George, farmer G. E. R. Spitalfields station, Lon·
"Everitt George, brewer & beer retailer Ricketts Charles, farm bailiff to Salis- don E
Farrington Frank Maynard, black- bury Baxendale esq. Green End frm Wright Thomas, shoe maker
smith & coal dealer Robinson Daniel, carpenter, Pledgden Yarrow Peter, farmer
GREAT HENNY (or Heany) is a parish bounded en of Dynes Hall, Great Maplestead, and the trustees of
the east by the river Stour, which here divides the the late Edmund Cook esq. and Col. Nathaniel Barnardis-
county from Suffolk, 3 miles south from Sudbury sta- ton D.L., J.P. The soil is mixed loam and gravel; sub-
tion and the wharves on the river Stour, in the Northern soil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury union turnips. The area is I,oig acres; rateable value,
.and county court district, South Hinckford petty ses- £I,I37; the population in I89r was 289 .
sicnal division (Halstead bench), and in tlie rural deanery Parish Clerk, Joseph Amos.
of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of
St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is a small building LITTLE HENNY is a parish in the same jurisdiction
<Jf stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, and formerly had a small church, a portion of the ruins
nave, north porch, organ chamber and a western tnwer of which is still to be seen half-a-mile north-west from
"With spire containing 3 bells : there is a mural tablet Great Henny church. The living is a rectory, net yearly
in the organ chamber to the Rev. Claude Jamineau value £6I, in the gift of Col. N. Barnardiston, and held
Ornke, a former rector, d. I833, and Sibilla, his wife, since 1879 by the Rev. Charles Robert Reeve B.A. of
d. 1835; and in the belfry are brasses to Thomas Crump, Christ's College, Cambridge. The Ryes, a mansion built
d. 178I; to George Golding, d. 1671; and to William at the beginning of the century and enlarged in I884
~isher and Anne his wife : the chancel retains its sedilia, is pleasantly situated in a finely wooded park and is the
-and the nave a piscina : the interior was restored and seat of Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D LL., J.P. who m
re:;eated with open benches in I86o and a stained east lord of the manor and principal landown~r. The &'!'('8
"Window inserted in the chancel in memory of Mrs. Bar- is 4I5a. u. I2p. ; rateable value, £532; the population in
nardiston, who died in I853; and a memorial window I89I was 62.
"Was placed in the chancel in :r87I to Miss Laura Bar- Wall Letter Box, Henny Hill, cleared week days at 5.30
nardiston. The register dates from the year I695. The p.m. Letters through Sudbury arrive at 7.30 a.m.
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £288, with Ballingdon is the nearest money order & Sudbury the
6o acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl nearest telegraph office
()f Verulam, and held since 188r by the Rev. Charles
"Robert Reeve B.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. GIBLANDS is I mile east; Thorncroft, a quarter of a
Frederick Charsley esq. of Somerton, Great Yarmouth, mile north-east
is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Ed- National School (mixed), built in I86<;>, for 8o children;
"Ward Herbert Sikes, Charles Brogden Sperling D.L., J.P. average attendance, 6o; Miss Emily Bacon, mistres11
GREAT HENNY. Eldred William, Swan P.H. & brewer, LITTLE HENNY.
:Reeve Rev.Charles RobertB.A.Rectory farmer & blacksmith Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel D.L., J.P.
Rouse William, farmer, Thorncroft & Lady Florence, The Ryes
COMMERCIAL. Shawe George, farm bailiff to Edward Gowen Robert, farm bailiff to Col. :S.
Amos Joseph & Henry, wheelwrights Herbert Sikes esq. Street farm Barnardiston, Ryes farm
Carter Alfred, baker Wilson Philip Arthur, miller (steam & Nott William, farmer & landownar,
.Jefferies Wm. farmer, Sheepcote frm water) & bakery, Henny mill Gentry's farm
'HEY:SRID G E is a parish and an eastern suburb of named "Tidwa.Uon" and was given to St. Paul's Cathe·
Maldon, on the nQrtih bank of the river Blackwater and the dral by King Athelstan. The church of St. Andrew is
Chelmernavigation, in the Eastern division of the county, an ancient structure of flint, chiefly in the Perpendicular
Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional division, style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch, with
Maldon union and county court district, and in the rural a very broad tower, rising but little higher than the roof
deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchester and containing 2 bells: on the north side of the chancel
and diocese of St. _Albans. This p_lace was formerly iil an elegant monument to Thomas Freshwater, of Lin·
coin's Inn, ob. 15 March, 1638: the font, a work of the gardens, London, are the principal landowners. The soil
Norman period, is placed at the end of the nave. The is light loam; subsoil, gravel. The crDps are general.
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicar- The area is 1,754 acres of land and 25 water; rateable
age, gross yearly value £18o, with residence, in the gift vruue, £5,253; the population in 1891 was 1,623.
of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held since Parish Clerk, Richard Mulley.
1894 by the Rev. T. H. Clark M.A. A Cemetery, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Ex-
comprising 2! acres of ground, was formed in 1887, press Delivery Office. Richard Mulley, postmaster.
at a cost of £1,300; it contains a mortuary chapel, Letters through Maid on arrive at 6.30 a. m. & 12.10
and is under the control of a Burial Board of seven mem- Il'OOn; dispatched at u.Io a.m. & 6 & 9 p.m
bers. There is a reading room, supported entirely by Wall Box, Basin, cleared _30 p.m.; sundays, 12 noon
E. H. Bentrul esq. and a school house, erected at the 4
sole expense of the late Waiter Waring esq. of Maldon, Schools:-
son of a former rector. A fair is hefd every Whit Tues- A School Board of 5 members was formed 24 June,
day. Here are the extensive iron foundry and agricul- I 871 ; N. Lott, clerk to the board; "\Villiam Cob bold,
tural implement and machine manufact()ries oi Edward Hall road, attendance officer
Hammond Bentall and Co. and there are several malt Iron Wo!~s, chiefly supported by E. H. Bentall esq. to
houses and granaries. Charities producing £7 12s. whom the building belongs; there are about ::zso child-
yearly are distributed in kind. The TDwers, a large and ren on tlie roll; average attendance, 230 ; William
elegant mansion, erected in 1873, and built of concrete in Thomas Holmes, master
the modern Italian style, is the residence of Edward St. Andrew's (mixed), built in 1869, & enlarged 1888
Hammond Bent<all esq. Lady Milbanke, who !s lady of for 85 children; average attendance, 71; Edwin Pit-
the manor, and Jeffrey Grimwood esq. of 29 Ennismore man, master
Belsham Isaac, Boucherns Chaney Charles, Trinity pilot, Basin Lewis Ernest, cowkeeper
Belsham Oliver Daniel Chaney George, ship owner, Basin Lott 'l'homas, farm manager to E. H.
Bentall Edmund Ernest, Holloway ho Clark Alfred, Jolly Sailor P.H. Basm Bentall esq
Bentall Edward Hammond, The Towers Clark George, shopkeeper May George & Frederick, maltsters,
Champic-n-de-Crespigny Sir Clnude Cobbold William, assistant overseer, Saltcote
bart. J.P. Champion lodge; & .Army school attendance officer & sec. to Mott Charles, blacksmith
& Navy club, London Maldon & Heybridge Co-operative Mulley Richard, baker & parish clerk,
Clark Rev. T. H., M.A. Vicarage Society Limited Post office, Church street
Cocks Frederick Charles Cocks Frederick Charles, farmet• & Mynard Arthur, Crown P.H. Broad
1-Iacnab Mrs. Bridge End house miller (water & stm.),Heybridge ml Street green
Sm ~th J oseph .John, The Elms Collier William, beer retailer Paul Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer
l\"orraker Robert Cutts Geo. Wm. Maltsters' Arms P.H Pearson John, baker, Hall road
Wyatt Frederick Augustus, Moat cot Dickason Charles, farmer, Plump- Pm·kiss Samuel, shopkeeper, Basin
COMMERCIAL. ton's farm Rush Frederick, draper & hosier
Alexander James, butcher Edward"> John, bricklayer Sanders John Deeks, baker
Anthony Robert, general dealer Felton Augustus Jas. grocer, Hall rd Stebbing Arthur, grocer
Belcher Charles, machinist, Hall road Freeman Josh. Half Moon inn,High st Stebbing Frank, cattle dlr, Saltcote
Belsham Isaac & Son, maltsters, coal Frost Myra (Mrs.), beer retailer Stebbens James, tl'inity pilot, Basin
& oil cake merchants &c Fuller George, ale, stout, porter & Turner Joseph Saml. boot ma. Hall rd
Bentall Edwal'd & Co. iron spirit stores, & cigar merchant; sole Wakelin l''rederick, farmer; Lofts fm;
founders, engineers & agricultural agent for Daniell & Sons Limited, & at Little Totham
implement mnfrs. Heybridge works _ brewers. See advertisement Williams Chas. Edwick, carriage bldr
Brewer Waiter Gilbert, Anchor inn Grave Charles, pork butcher & grocer Witney Joseph, lime burner & coal
:Butcher John, Queen's Head P.H. Harrington Isaac Cooke, grocer merchant, Church street
Church street Harvey Hayward, pork butcher W oodcraft Edward, beer retlr. Basin
Cemetery (William Thomas Holm~, Holmes Edward Thomas, clerk to the Woodcraft John, coal dealer, Basin
clerk to the board) burial board Woodcraft William, shipwright, Basin
HEYDON (or Haydon)-the high down or hill from Bishop of St. Albans, hon. canon of St . .Albans and rural
its situation on a range of hills on the borders of Cam- dean of Saffron Walden. There are charities of £12
bridgeshire, is a parish, 5 miles east from Royston yearly value, arising from bequests by Mrs. Lettice
station on the Great Northern railway, 7i west-by- Martin, of Chrishall. Lord Braybrooke D.L., J.P. is sole
north from Audley End station on the Great Eastern landowner and lDrd of the manor, the owner of which
nilway, and B! north-west from Saffron Walden, in the claims a right of holding a towel for the King at his
Northern division of the county, Uttlesfmd hundred, Coronation, as his service for the tenure of the said
Saffron Walden petty sessional division, Royston union manor : this claim was made by and aJ.!owed to Sir Peter
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Soame hart. ()f Heydon, at the Coronation of James I.;
Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese h1 his descendants on the Coronation of George II. and
of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter is a small and Ill.; and again at the Coronation of George IV. when the
ancient structure of flint and stone in the Early English lord of this manor attended with tlie towel and performed
Etyle, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north chapel, his service according to ancient custom, July 19th, 1821.
south porch and an embattled western tower containing The soil and subsoil are chalk, clay and gravel. The
5 bells and a clock: there remains the brass of a priest, crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2,470
c. 1490; others, dating from q6o to 1520, are now acres; mteable value, £1,175; the population in 1891
missing: the chancel of this church was the burial place was 221.
1lf the Soame family, who held the estate in the 16th and Parish Clerk, William Barnes .
.17th centuries, and of which was Sir Steplien Soame kt. .,...__ 0 T 0 S B & A · I &E
t . f th' · h d 1 d 0
f Lo d · .cvst, M. . & . ., . .nnu1ty, nsurance x-
some Jme o IS pans • an or mayor n on m press Delivery Office. Miss Mary Jane Hoy, sub-post-
1593 ; he died 2 3 May, I6I9, and was buried at Li~tle mistress. Letters received througll. Royston delivered
Thurlow, Suffolk: the chancel was restored in 1866. by cart about 8 a. m .. & 2 • 15 p.m. ; letters cleared,
The registers of baptisms and marriages date from 1538; week days at 5 _30 p.m.; on sundays about 11 a.m
burials, 15 88. The living is a rectory, with that of
Little Chishill annexed, average tithe rent-charge £327, National School (mixed) built in 1846 for 75 children;
joint net yearly value £ 2 81, with about 95 acres of glebe average attendance, 43; Miss Charlotte Gosden, mist
and residence, in the gift of Lord Braybrooke, and held Carriers. Fro.nk Waiters to Walden. sat. & Royston,
since 1851 by the Rev. the Hon. Latimer Neville M.A. wed.; Charles Law to Royston, wed. & to Cambridge,
master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, chaplain to the sat. ; Henry Sutton to Cambridge on sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COIDIERCllL. Hoy Mary Jane & Ann (Misses), shOl-"-
Cooper Rev. James Arthur B.A. (cur) Allington Deverenx, farm bailiff to Mr. keepers, Post office
Gifford John, Heydon Bury Wm. Jonas Hill William, farm bailiff to Lord •
Neville Rev. the Hon. Latimer M.A. Burton Edward, baker Braybrooke
(rector, hon. canon & rural dean), Gifford John, farmer, Heydon Bury & Sutton Henry, farmer & carrier
Rectory Heydon grang~ Waters Frank, beer retailer
Savile Hon. Mrs. Arthur, Heydon ho Pettit John, blacksmith Wilson Waiter, cattle &:; pig dealer
liOCKLEY (or Hockleigh) is a parish and ancient way, 4 miles north-w-est from Rochforn and 9 north-west
village, on a hill near the valley of the river Crouch, from Southend, in the South Eastern division of the
about a mile and a half south from that river, w-ith a county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and
station on the Southend line of the Great Eastern rail- tmion, Southend county court district, and in the rural
deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese . Phillips esq. The soil is red loam;- subsoil, red loam.
of St. Allbans. The church of St. Peter, conspicuously' The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas. The
placed on a hill, is supposed to have 'rleen founded by area is 4•472 acres of land and 254 water; rateaole value,
Canute the Great and Turketil, in memory of the vict-ory I £3,657 t. t·he population in 1891 was 666.
gained over :Edmund Ironside at Ashingdon, in this neigh- . - .
bourhood, in IOI6: it is an edifice of brick and stone, in At HULL BRIDGE, 3 miles from the VIllage, _are
the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, ~harves and a ferry across the Crone~, where the r~ver
nort!h aisle, separated from the nave by an arcade of IS . fordable a~ l'?w ~ater ; the remams of an ancient

three bays, south porch and a low but massive octagonal bridg~ are still m. e~stence.
emlbattled tower, with a shingled spire, and containing 3 Parish Clerk, Willmm West.
bells: the church plate includes a chalice of the time of Post Office (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex
William and Mary. The registers of baptisms arid burials added).---George Clements, sub-postmaster. Letters
OO.te from 1]32; marriages, 1]57· The living is a vicar- arrive at 4 & 10.30 a.m.; dispatched at n.15 a.m. &
age, average tithe rent-charge £230, net yearly value 6.30 p.m. The nearest telegrapn & money order office
£160, with residence and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of is at Rayleigh. Postal orders are issued here, but not
the W_arden and Fellows of Wadham Colle_ge, Oxford, and paid
held smce 1893 by the Rev. ~amuel Maude M . .A. of Wa_d- A School Board of 5 members was formed 4 May, r88r ~
ham College, O:x;f~rd. He_re 1s also 3: Wesleyan Methodist w. Gregson, Rochford, clerk to the board; Charlei
chapel. .A mediCmal sprm~ was discovered here about Ernest Judd Rayleigh attendance officer
1840, and a pump-room with baths was erected, but, ' . ' . . .
proving unsuccessful, is_now disused. Whitbreads is the Board School (mixed), established m 1881,_ for 100 chlld-
residence of Mrs. Tawke. G. E. Dig'by esq. is lord of rer_t; aver.age attendance, 57; Frederick Wyndham
the manor. The principal landowners are the ·warden Priestly, master
and I<'ellows of Wadham College, Oxford, and Spencer I Railway St'Rtion, William Burrell, station master
Baker Frederick Ma.nley Brown Ja.mes, farmer Horslin Thomas, carpenter
Baker Samuel Sidney Cackett Benjamin, farmer, Hull bridge Howard Hy. Edward, farmer, Blue ho
Harvey Mrs Cackett J ames, farmer Jolly J olm (Mrs.), farmer
Maude Rev. Samuel M . .A. Vicarage Clements William, shopkeeper Keeble William, shopkpr. Hull bridge
Offin Thomas William Cooper Robert, farmer Lark Charles, Spa hotel, & coal dealer
Quittington Richard Crawford Hugh, farmer Merryfield George, cattle dealer
Smith Miss Cripps Fredk . .Anchor P.H. Hull bdge Moore Richard, frmr. Vicarage farm
Stubbs William Daniels Wm. shopkeeper, Hull bridge Moss Benjamin, farmer
Tawke Mrs. Whitbreads Finch William, marine store dealer Osband Mark, Bull inn •
COMMERCIAL. Gardiner Priscilla (Mrs.), farmer Perry John ·wm. nurseryman
Barnes John, builder, wheelwright & Gilson Samuel James, gro. & drpr Seed William, farmer
undertaker &c Hart Francis, shopkeeper SpH:er Paul, fan11er
Bass Daniel, farmer, Sheepcotes Harvey James, farmer, Hockley hall West William, blacksmith
GREAT HOLLAND is a village and parish, near the gift of trustees, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Frank
sea coast and a. brook coming down from Tendring, called Beadel M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Near the-
" the Holland Brook," a mile and a half south from mouth of the small brook between the parishes of Great
Kirby statiOn on the Tendring Hundred branch of the and Little Holland are some marshes. Holland Raven is
Great Eastern railway, 4 miles south-west from lValton near the sluice-gate. Fredericlt ~anmoRt esq. of Cog-
steamboat pier and 16 south-east from Colchester, in the geshall is lord of the malH/r. Greenwich Hospital,
North Eastern division of the countv, '
Tendring hundred, General Williams, Sir William Roger Brown, of Hilperton,
petty sessional division, and union, Harwich county court Wilts, and the Messrs. Pagt> are the chief landowner~.
district, rural deanery of St. Osyt-h, archde-aconry of Col- The -soil in- one part of t 1e pari~h is loamy; subsoil.
chester and diocese of St. Albans. Tne church of .A.U principally clay, and in the other part there is a ligM
Saints was entirely rebuilt in 1866 on the old foundation!! clay soil, with a subs~il of gravel. The chief crops are-
in the Early English style, from the designs of Sir .A.rthur wheat, oats, barley, be&ns and peas. The area is 2,104
W. Blomfield kt .. M . .A., .A.R . .A., F.S . .A. of London, at a acres of land and 25 of water; ratealble value, _£"2,562;
cost of [2,2oo, principally furnished by the Rev. Richard the population in 1891 was 430.
Joynes B.D. late rector (1861-87) and consists of chancel, Parish Clerk, George Byford.
nave of four bays, nort-h aisle, south porch, vestry and a Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.-
massive embattled tower of brick, containing 2 bells: John Cram"Qin, sub-postmaster. Lett-ers through Col-
the east window is stained and was presented by the late chest-er, via. Kirby Cross, arrive at 7-30 a.m.; dis-
rector at the restoration. The register of burials dates patched at 5.25 ;p.m-:-; ~sundays at 10 a.m. Tlie nearest.
from 1539; baptisms, 1542; marriages, 1547· The living telegraph office is at Frinton-on-Sea
is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £sso, net yearly National School (mixed), built in 1862, for 90 children;
value £soo with 6o acres of glebe and residence, in the average attendance, 63 ; Peter Lig'htfoot, mas-ter
Beadel Rev. Frank M . .A. (rector), Crampin John, shopkeeper, Pogt offit~e Nicholson Herbert Hayward, farmer
Rectory Francis J ames, carpenter & seed grower, Hodgenolds
Beckwith Misses Green 'Valter Proctor, farmer, Nicholson Thomas, farmer, Lower fm
:Mumford Miss, The Green Manor farm Pyke Henry, assistant overseer
Hobbs Thomas, Ship inn Pyke Maurice, miller (wind & .steam}
Low Ambrose Geo. farmer, Larges & baker
.Atkins George, bricklayer Lucas Daniel (exors. of), farmer, Ratcliff Henry, blacksmith
Ilaker Frederick William, farmer,Hall Corporation farm & Beckwith's frm Scott Edward, Lion inn
LITTLE HOLLAND is a parish, lying on the coast architectural value; in Camden's time this chureh wa9
between Great Clacton and Frinton, with Great Holland one mile from the sea and formerly belonged to the
adjoining it on the north-east; it is in the North Priory of St. Osyth; after the suppression of the priory..
Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty the rectory and tithes descended in succession to
sessional division and union, Harwich county court district, Thomas, Lord Cromwell and the Darcy and Rivers
rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester families. The living is a vicarage, united to that of
and diocese of St. .Albans. The coast here rises into Great Clacton, average tithe rent-charge here £43•
cliffs. Many thousand acres of land drain into Holland joint net yearly value £213, in the gift of the
brook, which passes through Tendring, Weeley, Thorpe Church Patronage Society, and held since 1891 by the-
and Clact-on and has its outlet here where a sluice-house Rev. Trevor Fielder M ...!.. of St. John's C-ollege-..
and expensive works are erected to facilitate thE:> outfall. Cambridge, who resides at Great Clacton vicarage-
About 1! miles of coast is kept up by commissioners The trustees of the late John S. Barnes esq. are
appointed under a local Act of Parliament, who meet lords of the manor. Capt. Charles Reeve, of Bellevue
once a year on Easter Tuesday to inspect the works park, Lowestoft, is the principal landowner. The soil
and make rates for the maintenance of the coast I is of a light nature; subsoil, gravel and lig-ht sand. The
defences; and a sum of £8,ooo has been expended in chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area of the
facing the wall with Kentish rag stone. Edwin Giles parish is 652 acres of land and 74 of water; rateable:
esq. of Little Holland Hall, is treasurer to the Cant- value, £558; the population in 189r was 78.
missioners. The marshes are very extensive and abound Letters through Colchester, via Great Clacton, arrive afr
in wild-fowl. On the Hall estate, near the sea, are I 9 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Great
the remains of the old church, but nothing is left of any I Clacton & telegraph office Clacton-on-Sea
Ellis William Cutting, farmer, Kent's farm
Gould Joseph, beer retailer
Giles Edwin, farmer, Hall & Bennett's farms
,.... " - .....


GREAT HORX:ESLEY is a parish, separated from buttresses are of good character; the wood work of the
Suffolk by the river St~ur, 4 miles north from Colchester 'roof still remains and there is a piscina in the south
11tation and 5 from the town, in the North-Eastern wall. The charities are now (1894) of £35 yearly value,
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and arising from a messuage and lands, called "English,"
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester in Elmsted, left in IS09 by John Guyon and from a
~ounty court district, rural deanery of Dedham, arch- charity left in IS64 by Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley.
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The 1 The Great Horkesley Club Room, opened in 1878 and
ancient church of All Saints is a building of stone in the enlarged in 188o and 1887 is a plain brick building,

five bays, north aisle, south porch and an embattled as a parochial library and savings bank; there are
western tower containing s bells: there is a memorial about ISO members, who elect a committee of manage-
window to Dr. William Ward, formerly Bishop of Sodor ment annually; the property is vested in two trustees.
and Man (1828-38), and others to the Rev. David Horkesley Park is the residence of Captain Edward
Frederick Markham, vicar of Great Horkesley from 1838; Barrington Purvis Kelso R.N., D.L., J.P. who is lord of
~he Rev. John Balfour Magenis, vicar of Sharnbrook, the manor. The principal landowners are Earl Cowper
Beds. 1825, and to children of the Rev. John Steele M.A. K.G., P.C. Lord Ashburton, Messrs. J. Pertwee and
curate here, 1863-69, and a monument to the Rev. J. William Page, Mrs. James Halls, C. H. Groves e!!q. and
Morse M. A. prebendary of Lichfield and Hereford and Miss Lawson. The soil is mixed loam; subsoil, part
14 years rector of this parish, d. 22 March, I746; there gravel and part clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. oats, turnips and mangold wurtzel. The area is 3,176
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £7S2; acres; rateable value, £3,904; the population in 1891
net yearly value, £614, with 47 acres of glebe and was 783.
residence, in the gift of Earl Cowper K.G. and held Sexton, Thomas Wilby.
since 1876 by the Rev. John Storr B.A. of Corpus .
Christi college, Cambridge. There is a chapel of ease, Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annmty & Insura~ce O:ffice.-
the property of Mrs. Steel, of Harrold, Bedfordshire, in Robert Page, sub-postmaster. Letters ar:r:1ve through
-which services are conducted by the rector on Sunday Colchester at 4-IS a.m. & II.50 a.m.; dispatched at
evenings. Here is also an ancient chantry, now converted 2 ·$0 & 8. 2 0 p.m. The n~ar~st telegraph offices are
into a cottage, but originally founded and endowed by Mile End & Nayland, eqm-d1stant
John Falcon, with lands and tenements still called National Schools (mixed), built in 1873, for I48 children;
"priests' lands.": the east window is now blocked, the average attendance, 113; :Miss Page, mistress
Kielso Captain Edward Barr.ingbon Collins George, farmer Parochial Club (Rev. John Storr, hon.
Purvis R.N., D.L., J.P. Horkesley Denny & Barber, farmers, Coveney fm sec. ; Joseph Studd, librarian)
park; & 26 Hyde Park square, Dyer IJaniel, farmer, White park Pallen Frederick, cattle dealer
London W Garrad Samuel, shopkeeper Rose Pearl, cattle dealer, Mill house
~tannard Miss, Ross cottage Green Wm. Simson, frmr. Brewood hi Savings Bank (Rev. John Storr B.A.
Storr Rev. John B.A. Rectory Halls Hy. poultry breeder, Manor ho managing director)
'Weir Rev. John B.A. (vicar of LittleHalls James (Mrs.), farmer, The Seaborn & Woodroffe, carpenters
Horkesley), The Grove Woodlands Smith Benj. farmer, Woodhouse frm
Worsley Major-General George Francis Halls James, dealer Smith Harry, Yew Tree inn
R.A. Old house Halls Wm. farmer, Black nook Smith John, farmer
.coMMEROIAL. Hill Argal, Crown inn Stow William, farm bailiff to W.
Alien Edgar, farmer, Woodhouse Hymans Henry, sausage skin manu- Macandrew esq. J.P
Barrell Samuel Frank, cattle dealer, facturer, Brick Kiln farm Studd Joseph, carpenter
The Rookery Lilley Abraham, butcher Vale James, beer retailer & baker
Brewester Richard, market gardener Maskell George B. farmer, Tile house Wade Philip, farmer, Spring farm
Bruce Thomas, farmer Page Herbert, farmer & cattle dealer, Ward Isaac, jun. blacksmith
Cansdale George, shoe maker Ridgnalls farm Warren Jolm, farmer, Nevaids farm
Chamberlain William, nursei"yman Page Robert, grocer, Post office White Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Chaplin Zachariah, farmer, Mount hll Page William, farmer, Lodge farm Mount hall
LITTLE HORX:ESLEY is a parish, 4 miles north now amounts to about £15 yearly and is distributed
from Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the among the poor. Here was formerly a priory of Cluniac
cuunty, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree union and monks belonging to the monastery of Thetford, said to
petty sessional division, Colchester county court district, have been founded in the time of King Stephen circ.
rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester I ISO, by Robert Fitz Godebold and Beatrix his wife and
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of SS. Peter and dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul : the revenues at the
Paul, erected in the 15th century, is an edifice of stone Dissolution were £27 7s. nd. Horkesley Hall, a spacious
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, mansion in the Classic style, built in 1828 on the site
81Juth aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower of the seat of the Swynborne family, stands in grounds
containing 5 bells and a clock: a vestry and organ beautifully laid out. Westwood House, the seat of
chamber were added in 1878 and the church thoroughly William Macandrew esq. J.P. is a noble mansion in the
restored at a cost of between £2,ooo and £3,000. The Tudor style, standing in a park of 65 acres : the gardens
register dates from the year 1568, but has been inaccu- and pleasure grounds cover 11 acres. The trustees of
rately kept. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly the late Thomas Bourdillon esq. are lords of the manor
value £ss, in the gift of Thomas Bourdillon esq. and and principal landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil,
held since 1863 by the Rev. John Weir B.A. of Trinity clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and
College, Dublin, who resides at The Grove, Great turnips. The area 1s 1,036 acres, rateable value, £1,363;.
Horkesley. Thomas Love, of this parish, gave by will the poulation in 1891 was 171.
in 1564 the sum of £120 in trust to Thomas Rich, of Post Office. Mrs. Eliza Southernwood, sub-postmistress.
Lexden, with which he should bny a parcel of land and Letters arrive through Colchester at 4.30 a.m.; dis-
distribute the rent at Shrovetide amongst the poor of patched at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph and money
Great and Little Horkesley, Boxted, Langham, Worming- order office is at Nayland
fard, Fordham Tedham, Lexden, West Bergholt, Nayland, Parish School built in 1870, & re-opened in 1894, for
Mount Bures and Hedley ;. the charity for this parish 40 children; 1-.fiss Brewers, mistress
Colvin. Miss, The Hall Deaves Henry, farmer, Gladwin's fm Scott James, blacksmith
Daunt Thomas, Hoate's house Gladwell Frederick William, farmer, Stiff William, Beehive P.H. & farmer
Macandrew Wm. J.P. Westwood house Vinesse farm Turner Henry Joseph, farmer, L"pper
Watson Mrs. The Hall Howlett Henry, farmer Dairy farm
Barker Fredk. ·wm. Walnut Tree inn Lucas Daniel, farmer
HORNCHURCH is a large village and parish, on the of Chafford, archdeaconrv •
of Essex and diocese of St .
Toad from Romford to l:"pminster, and bounded on the ..llbans. The village is lighted with gas supplied from
east and west by the rivers Ingrebourn and Rom, with Romford. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient
a station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, building of stone in the Early Decorated and Perpen-
2 miles north-west, and the junction of the line to Rom- dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory,
ford and 14 from London. The parish is in the Romford aisles, north porch and a large embattled western to-wer
division of the county, Romford Petty sessional division with a turret and spire, the whole rising t~ a height of 170
union, and county court district, and in the rural deanery feet and containing a clock and 6 bells, all of which wer~
recast in 1778 : the chancel was restored in r86g and a entrance to the village, is the seat of Major Henry
stained east window erected as a memorial to Thomas Holmes D.L., J.P.: there is a. finely decorated entrance
:Mashiter esq. of Hornchurch lodge, d. 1862; and there hall and staircase of black and white marble, with a
are five others : the chancel has a reredos of carved ceiling of carved oak and a good stained window on th&
stone, a piscina and sedilia ; on the west wall is a cunously landing at the top of the staircase. Great Langtons,
carved marble tablet to Thomas Witherings esq. chief a brick mansion, standing in a small park, is at present
postmaster of Great Britain, ob. r651: the church was unoccupied. Hornchurch Lodge, a mansion of brick,
restored in 1871, at a cost of about £z,ooo. The register, standing in a park of about 30 acres, with· handsome
which is in good condition, dates from the year 1576. pleasure grounds, adjoins the high road and is tb
The living is nominally a vicarage, but is rather in the property of Thomas Mashiter esq. of Manor House,
nature of a chaplaincy, exempt from ecclesiastical juris- Little Bookham, Leatherhead, is at present occupied by
diction, gross yearly value £740, with residence, in the Mrs. Fenner. Fairkytes, a modern brick house, situated
gift of the Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxford, in the village, is the residence of Joseph Fry esq. D.L.
who grant the vicar what is termed "a lease," and held J.P. high steward of the manor of Havering. Mrs.
since 1878 by the Rev. Robert Johnson M.A. of St. Mclntosh, of H ... r ..••\'ing Park, is lady of the manor. Th&
John's College, Cambridge. The Baptist chapel, erected soil is of a light :"l,at~re; subsoil, gravel. The area is
at a cost of £840, and opened September 21, r882, is an 6,767 acres of Ma.:~~>, ~ass and marsh lands and 155
edifice of brick with stone dressings and occupies a site water; rateable va,u.,, £25,729; the population in 1891
given by Mr. J. A. Abraham, of Upminster; it will was 3,84r, including 336 in Shoreditch Workhous&
seat 220 persons. Here is a manufactory for agricultural schools.
implements; and brewing and malting are carried on. HAROLD WOOD is a hamlet, 3 miles north, with a station
There are several small charities, producing in all about on the main line of the Great Eastern railway to Col-
£zzo yearly, and now in the hands of the Charity Com- chester and Ipswich. Here is an iron church, built.
missioners. There is also a charity left by Mrs. Massu, in r871, and seating 300 persons. The Rev. William
for ten aged poor who have never accepted parochial Philp has been curate in cha;rge since 1892. At Harolcl
relief, -each receiving £6 zs. yearly; and another charity Court is a branch of the Essex County Asylum for 65
founded by Mrs. Hyde, for apprenticing two poor boys male patients. There is also a factory for making
from Hornchurch and one from Romford yearly. Three fireworks.
almshouses, left by Henry Appleton, 1587, were rebuilt
in 1838 and are occupied by old parishioners. Two ARDLEIGH GREEN is a hamlet, r! miles north.
others, left by John Pennant, in 1597, wer8 restored by HAVERING WELL is a hamlet, I mile west and halt
Thomas Mashiter esq. in 1837 and are also tenanted by a mile south of Romford.
old parishioners. The Volunteer Drill Hall was erected
by subscription at a cost of £4oo for the H company of SOUTH HORNCHURCH is a part of the parish, ex-
the rst Volunteer Batt. Essex Regiment, which has a tending to the banks of the River Thames and adjoining
muster roll strength of 92, and the battery of the rst Rainham station on t.he Tilbury and Southend railway.
Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal Ar· The City of London Rifle ranges are here, and adjoin.
tillery, 69 strong, has a drill hall in High street, erected Rainham.
by Major H. Holmes, of Grey Towers, at a cost of £soo. Parish Clerk and Sexton, Charles Fell.
The Children's Homes here, erected in 1890 by the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance &.
Guardians of the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Express Delivery Office, Hornchurch.-Thomas Betts ..
comprise a series of double-fronted cottages for the postmaster. Letters arrive from Romford at &
children of that parish : these consist of six cottages for ro a.m. & 3.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.40 a.m. r.zo ..
boys and five for girls, each arranged to hold 30 children, 37 7.23 & g.zo p.m. ; first delivery commences at 6 a.m
who are under the care of foster parents : the buildings Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance &i.
include a school (part of which is used as a chapel), Express Delivery Office, Harold Wood.-~liss Carolina
bakery, laundry and various workshops: the entrance J oscelyne, postmistress. Letters arrive via Romford.
block is used as a preliminary abode, in which children, at 8 & 11.45 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. & are dispatched at
sfter admission, remain for 14 days, previous to their 11.45 a.m. & & 9 p.m.; sundays a.m
being permanently located in one of the homes: the Schools.
buildings occupy an area of 14 acres, and there is an A School Board of 5 members was formed 29 Mar. r889;.
attached farm of 70 acres : the staff consists of a superin- W. Smith, Romford, clerk to the board
tendent and matron, head schoolmaster and mistress, Board, late National, erected in 1855; Frederick Jenvey..
with assistant teachers, chaplain, medical officer, foster master; Mrs. Emily J envey, mistress; Miss Charlotte-
parents and industrial training teachers A priory, dedi- Baker, infants' mistress
cated to St. Nicholas and St. Bernard, subordinat1e to Board, Park lane, erected in 1893 at a cost of £3,759;.
the hospital of Monte Jovis, in the diocese of Sedun or W. H. Palmer, master; Miss A. Bowey, mistress;
Syon, in Savoy, was founded here in the reign of Henry Miss F. Sibley, infants' mistress
II. and afterwards had attached to it, c. 1245, by Peter, Board (Harold Wood), lately National, built in the yeal'"
Earl of Savoy, the Savoy Palace in the Strand, London: x885, at a cost of £s6o, for Bo children; average-
the revenues of this cell being seized with other priories attendance, 59; Miss Amy Rose Brett, mistress
alien were purchased by William of Wykeham, bishop South Hornchurch, Wood lane (infants), built in x864P
of "Winchester, and by him given to New College, Oxford, for 6o children; average attendance, 51; Miss Sarahl
of which, in 138o, he was the founder. Great Nelmes, Margaret Weedon, mistress
an ancient mansion of stone, situated in a park of about
so acres, on the outskirts of the village, and the property Railway Stations.
of B. Harding Ne wman esq. is the residence of Harry Harold Wood, Frederick Flegg, station master
Holmes esq. and was once occupied by Thomas Wither- Hornchurch, J. A. Smith, station master
ings esq. chief postmaster of Great Britain. Grey Carrier to London. Waiter Dale (to the 'Saracen's
Towers, a castellated mansion in the style of the 12th Head,' 5 Aldgate ), on tues. thurs. & sat. returning
century, standing in a park of about so acres at the same days
HORN CHURCH. Humphreys James, Slewins Bruty Thomas, builder & contractr-
(For other names in this parish see J ohnson Rev. Robt. M. A. Vicarage & deputy registrar of births k.
Romford.) May Charles Osborn, Suttons gate deaths, Hornchurch sub-district,.
Oakley Adam Robert Hamilton Romford union
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Paxon Waiter, Little Langton's Button H. & Co. Limited, chemical
Bradley Frederick L. Tharpe lodge Robertson Jas. Robt. C.E. The Hollies manufacturers, Mud island (letters
Cobb Michael Miles , Turner Joseph, Snttons house received through Rainham S.O)
Conron Capt. PhiliP. Sidney, The Wedlake Thomas William, White ho Byett Aaron, farm bailiff to H. B-
Billett Newman esq. Wych Elms
Dendy Waiter COMMERCIAL. Collin Albert, tailor
Evans Rev. Jas. (curate), The Cottage Ainsworth Henry, watch maker Conron Phillp Ronayne, The Old
Fenner Mrs. Hornchurch lodge Baker Charles Henry, grocer & drpr. Hornchurch Brewery, Horn-
Fry Joseph D.L., J.P. Fairkytes & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. church, Romford, brewer, malt-
Gardner Thoma11 wine & spirit merchants ster, wine & spirit merchant &>
Hall Collinson, Maylands Green house Beard Wm. Hy. baker & corn dealer aerated vvater maker
Holmes Major Henry D.L., J.P. Grey Beckett George, saddler & harness ma Cravvford Thos. frmr. Great Sutton
Towers Bratchell Edgar George, plum- Cumbers John, farmer, Mt. Pleasant
Holmes Harry, Great Nelmes ber, gasfitter &c. High street Dale Waiter, carrier, Butts green
Howell John, Red house Brewester Alexander, boot maker Darke & Son, saddlers & harness mas
Hnghes Henry, Sutton's lodge Bridge Eliza Mrs. confectioner Dawson George, fishmonger


Dawson Jas. beer retlr. Butt's green Raven William, Cricketers P.H Philp Rev. William (curate-in-charge
Dendy W. & Oo. -engineers, boiler, St. Leonard's (Shoreditch) Cottage of Harold Wood)
agricultural implement & chaff Homes (Rev. William Morris M.A. Sherwood Sidney, Belsize
cutter makers; iron & brass cast- chaplain; Albert William Wallis, Symonds Henry, I Wennford villas
ings of every descriptions, Union medical officer; Jas. Cowley, supt.; Wilson James William, Avenue r.J!\d
foundry; depot, Romford Mrs. Elizabeth Cowley, matron) ; COMMERCIAL.
Denny l\Iaria (Miss), shopkeeper Sibthorp George, builder
Dockrill George, carpenter & undrtkr Smale Samuel, Bridge House inn Brock Charles T. firework maker
Drake Joseph, cowkeeper Smith John Henry, chemist Clark Maurice Frederick, shopl!:eeper
Essex 1st Artillery Volunteers, Eastern Stone Luther, grocer & hay carter
Division, Royal Artillery (No. 9 Co.) Stratford Frederick Adolphus, regis- Clyde Arthur, tobacconist
• (Capt. Philip Sidney Couron) trar of births & deaths & assistant Coltram H. F. & CQ. billard h:ble
Fisher J ames, beer retailer overseer & agent for Liverpool & manufacturers
Franklyn George Wllllam, butchr London & Globe Insurance Company Essex County Asylum (branch),
Franklyn Henry, shoe maker & leather Trudgett .John Al'fred, grocer, tea Harold court
seUer dealer & provision mer. High st Green Waiter, nurseryman
Franklyn Hy. shoe ma. & leather seller Volunteer Battalion 1st. Essex Regi- Harold Wood Brick Co. (George King,
Frost Charles, wheelwright & smith ment (H Co.) (Capt. R. H. Lyon) proprietor)
Gaywood Louis a (Mrs.), butcher W T. W. & lli. iron founders, Jones Arthur, draper
Gill John B. farmer, The Hall engineers, agricultural implement Joscelyne Albt. Thos. King Harold htl
Goodrum Robert, coal dealer makers &c. Hornchurch Iron wrks. Joscelyne Carolina (Miss), baker &
Gower Arthur, farmer, Priors farm White house corn dealer, Post office
Hall Collison, farmer, Maylands grn Willey William, hair dresser Ladell Alfred Waiter, grocer
Heath George, Bull P.H. Wood James, blacksmith Macey Francis, gardener to Henry
Hewett Goorge F. Harrow inn Woodfine Thoma.s, farmer, Lea Gar- Compton esq
Hickman Mary (Mrs.), baker dens ·farm Roper Harry Balls, farmer, Lyndhurst
Hill Alfred, baker & china & glass dlr ARDLEIGH GREEN. Thompson & Medding, carpenters
Hilsden Thomas, florist, Butts green Webber Henry, coal mers. Railway stn
Hyde John, pork butcher & poulterer Clark Frank, Park side Wenn George, farm bailiff to A. D.
Jackson Daniel, farmer, Bush Elms Lynch Josiah, Beake Hamilton esq. Old Reddens court
Jackson William, farmer Swordwell Mrs. Park side Wheals Arthur, but()her
J ennings Robert, beer retailer COMMERCIAL.
Kirkman Ernest, frmr. Lillyputs frm Banyard Richard, fa.,.,unmer, Little SOUTH HORNCHUBCH.
Lowe George, pork butcher Nelmes farm Davidson Dnncan(of Tulloch),Ford ho
McGibbon William, tailor Bright William, Spencers Arms P.H
Mann William, King's Head P.H Burrell Wm. beer ret. & shopkeeper COMMERCIAL.
Manning Mary Ann (1\<Iiss), baker & Carter John William, baker Abbott John, farmer, Marsh k Mar-
coffee house Clark Cornelius, horse dealer dyke farms
Manning Thomas Edward, farmer, Clark James, poulterer Blewitt Edward Robert, frmr. Dover's
• Hubbards farm Clark Philip, colt breaker farm (Rainham, Essex, postal add)
Mitchell Edward, miller (steam & Badgers Thomas, cowkeeper Blows James, fa.rmer
wind), Hornchurch mills HAVERL~GWELL. Badger Fredk. frmr. Newton's corner
Norris. Alfred, White Hart P.H. & Jones John, Longfield house Bonnett John, farmer, Prince's farm
Statwn hotel . Lawton Edgar Harry, Haveringwell ho Bonnett Samuel, farmer, Albyns farm
Oakley Adam Bobt Hamilton L.R.C.P. Reynolds James Haveringwell villa Bright Isaac, farmer
Edin: surg~on, public vaccin~to~ & Gay .Alfred Ree~e, farmer, Cox's frm Curtis Samuel Jn. shopkpr. Wood la
medical officer of No. 5 district, Grout Daniel Crown pH Desmond John James, beer retailer,
Romford union, & certifying factory St. Andrew's' Cycle W~rks The Canteen
surgeon Gentry James, reed layer
Pearce Thomas, smith & ironmngr HABOLD WOOD. Oliver George, beer retailer
Pile Charles, grocer &c PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Perrin Samuel (exors. Qf), farmer
Pinchon Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Aiken Rev. William (Baptist), Athel- Romford Local Board Sewage Farm
Playle Frederick, plumber & painter stan road (Edward Winmill, manager)
Bainham Portland Cement Co. Lim. Barker E. Dorset house Turpin Frederick William, Cherry
cement manufacturers, Mud Island Compton Henry, The Grange Tree P.H. & farmer
(letters received through Rainham Davies William John, Cintra house Venables James, farmer
S.O) D'Eath Alfred, Suffolk villa Vince Anthony, farmer, Weybridge fm
EAST HORNDON is a village and parish on the road marriages, 1573. The living is a rectory, yearly value
from Brentwood to Orsett, with a station 2! miles from tithe rent-charge £381, with 33 acres of glebe anti
distant on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 3 residence, in the gift of the Rev. A. W. H. Lefroy B.A.
south from Brentwood station on the main line of the rector of Mount Bures, and held since 1894 by the Rev.,.
Great Eastern railway, 20 miles from London, and 4 Sydney Charles Donovan M.A. of Oxford University:- a
south-west from Billericay, in the l\fid division of the rectory house was built in 1877 at Heron Gate. St.
county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court and Andrew's Mission Chapel, erected in the village at a cost
petty sessional division, Billericay union, and in the of about £3oo, raised by subscription, is a building of
rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and wood, consisting of chancel and nave and a small western
diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is an turret, containing I bell: a vestry has since been added.
edifice of red brick, erected about the time of Henry VI. The Peculiar people have a small chapel here. In this
and consists of chancel, with a large aisle on the south parish are two manors, East Horndon and Foucher's
called the Tyrrell chapel and a smaller chapel on the Heron, the lordships of which are respectively held by
north, nave, transepts, south porch and a massive but Lord Petre and George Alan Lowndes esq. of Barrington
stunted tower at the west end containing 4 bells, and the Hall. Hatfield, near Harlow, who are also the chief land-
lower stage of which is used as a vestry: in the chancel owners. The soil is chiefly clay and gravel ; subsoil,
floor is a remarkable incised slab with inscription to clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
Thomas Tyrrell, son and heir of Sir John Tyrrell kt. and aT,j:!a is 1,521 acres of land; rateable value, £1,765; the
Anne his wife, dated 1422; -there are also monuments population in 189I was 466.
in the north and south chapels to Sir John Tyrrell ob. The hamlet of HERO~ GATE (which is the village of
1645, and dame l\Iartha his wife, ob. 167o, with others, the parish) stands on the southern brow of the eminence,
and some old pieces of armour: the chancel roof is three quarters of a. mile north of the church and near
enriched with handsomely carved bosses: against the what was formerly a. con<>iderable area of common land;
south transept wall there is an altar-tomb, said to be it takes its name from a gate formerly cros~>ing the road
a memorial of the burial here of the heart of Queen near the old "Boar's Head," and dividing the Heron
Anne Boleyn, beheaded May 19, 1536: over the south manor from the Ab bott manor. The Heron manor and
transept is a room, formerly the dwelling of a chantry mansion, for many centuries belonging to the Tyrrell
priest attached to the church: the basin of the Nonuan family, took its name from a family of Heron, who
font is formed of a large square block of stone, carved owned it at an earlier period: the man~ion has been
with intersecting arches and other ornaments. The pulled down.
register of baptisms and buri~s dates from i558; I Parish Clerk, John Edwards.
Po~t. M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, National School (mixed), for 100 children; average at-
Heron Gate.-Henry Barwell, sub-postmaster. Letters tendance, 6o; Miss Fanny Cooke, mistress; Miss Annie
arrive from Brentwood at 8 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; dis- Smith, assistant mistress
patched at 12.40 & 6 p.m.; & 1r.3o a.m. on sunday. Railway Station, James Chapman, station master
The nearest telegraph office is at Brentwood
EAST HORNDOX Brown Percy, miller (wind), East HERON GATE.
Cole Miss, The Laurels Horndon mill
Donovan Rev. Sydney Charles M.A. Bucknell William (Mrs.), farmr. East (For other name1sn in He)ron Gate, see
Rect-ory Horndcm hall grave.
Holmes Basil, Mill Hill villas Cole Philip, farmr. Mount Thrift frm Laurie Peter, G. Heron court
Moore Mrs. Mill Hill villas Craig James, farmer & dairyman, Turville Miss, Heron Gate house
Nash Searle James, The Firs Barnard's farm Ablin Wm. Robert, Boar's Head inn
Turville Thomas Green Anthony, frmr. St. Joseph's ho Barwell Hy. & Son, grocrs. Post office
Winterton Ralph Harris George, blacksmith Cole Henry, farmer, Heron house
Harrison John Barry, fancy draper Such William, tailor
COMMERCIAL. Rawlins John Friend Palmer, corn- Turville Harriet Elizabeth (Miss),
Bennett VV'alter, beer retailer mission agent ladi€-s' boarding school, Heron Gate
Brewster Charles, painter &c Squier Wm. frmr. Dunton Hill's frm house
Brewster Thomas & Son, boot & shoe Tanner Henry, Old Dog P.H Young Henry, carpenter, wheelwright,
makers; r~pairs neatly executed Ups'On Waiter, harness maker undertaker &c
HORNDON-ON-THE-HILL (formerly a market by the Rev. John Windle M.A. of Trinity College,
town) is a village and parish, so named from being on a Cambridge, and J.P. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected
height, having a good view over the neighbouring land in 1890. Thomas Highbed, yeoman of this parish, was
and river to the west as far as London and to the east burnt here for heresy, 26th March, 1555 ; he held a
nearly as far as the sea: it is on the road from messuage here and 6o acres of land, called Horndon
Chelmsford to Tilbury and Grays, 1~ miles north-west House, with a cottage; but the house was pulled down
from the Stanford-le-Hope station on the London, Tilbury some time since ; the place of his martyrdom is thought
and Southend railway, about 10 south-east from Brent- to have been opposite the parish school, which was then
wood, and 24 from London, in the South East-ern division heath : a complete inventory is preserved at the Record
of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union and Office of all his goods, chattels and farming implements,
petty sessional division, Brentwood county court district, showing him to have been a man of substance and
and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex position. The eminent prelate, Dr. Lancelot Andrewes,
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter, an Bishop of Winchester, born at All Hallows, Barking, Sept.
interesting example of the church architecture of the 25, 1565, was the son and helr of Thomas Andrewes, of
early 13th century, is situated in the middle of the village, this parish, master of the Trinity House, and Joan, his
and consists of chancel with chapel, clerestoried nave, wife. The principal landowners are the trustees of the
aisles, south porch and a wooden tower at the west end, late James Theobald esq. M.P. who are owners of the
containing 3 bells, respectively dated 164o, 1622-30 and manor, Captain Thomas Charles Douglas Whitmore, of
1706: the nave of four bays is Early English; the chan- Orsett Hall, Orsett, T. Montgomery and John Dimsdale
eel appears to have been rebuilt in the 15th century; its esq. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
east window is Perpendicular and retains some fragments are wheat, beans and peas. Here was_ formerly a market
of stained glass; the substructure of the spire is a good on Saturdays. There is a farm here called "Saffron
specimen of the constructive carpentry of the 15th cen- Gardens," from the former growth of saffron upon it.
tury, to which period also belongs the porch, the doorway The area is 2,635 acres; rateable value, [3,412; the
being Early English; the font is in its details Perpen- population in 1891 was 546.
dicular, but from its shape and size suggests a conversion Parish Clerk, vacant
from one of Norman date: in the chancel is a marble .
monument to David Caldwell esq. ob. 1634, with shields Post, M. 0 .. & T. 0., S. B. & Annmty, Insurance & Ex-
of arms and here also is a slab of Purbeck marble, with press Dehvery Office. (Letters should have S.O. Es~e:s:
the arms of Toldervey, some memorials 9f the Grant added)-Ray Trrrell, sub-postmaster. Letters arr1_ve
family, 1720-49; a memorial to the Rev. Samuel Jennifer, from Grays delivered at 7.15 a.m. & 10 a.m:; dis-
formerly vicar of this parish, ob. 1715 ; various inscrip- patched . I0.30 a. m. & 6.55 p.m. ; sunday delivery 8
tions to the now extinct family of Kinsman, of Burnham, a.m.; dispatched 6.30 p.m. Telegraph office open on
Essex, I686-I7I9; and one to Susan, daughter of Thomas sundays from 8 a.m. to Io a.m. Wall Letter Box,
Sandford, of Coggeshall, ob. 1533 . The register of bap- Pump street, cleared at 10.10 a. m. & 6.50 p.m. ; sun-
tisms and burials dates from 1672; marriages, 1752. day, 6.5o p.m
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value from tithe National School, built in 1846 & enlarged in 188o, for II5
rent-charge £n8, with 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of children; average attendance, go; Miss Blanche Good-
the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held since 1856 win, mistress
Kerly Alexander William, St. Peter's Dale Eliza (Mrs.), grocer & draper Pollett Wm. farmer, Saffron gardens
VincPnt Henry John Dale James, plumber & painter Spitty Prances (Mrs.), farmer
Windle Rev. John M.A., J.P. (vicar) Field John, sen. farmer Squier Samuel Westwood, farmer
Fynn "\Villiam Henry, beer retailer & Tyrrell Ray, draper, grocer, & regis-
COMMERCIAL. blacksmith trar of marriages for Ossett union,
..1llen John, baker Goodwin Hannah (Mrs.), shvpkeeper Post office
.-\.lston J ames, baker Hills John, bricklayer Vincent Henry John, veterinary surgn
..1lston John William, farmer King Arthur, tailor Watt Alexander, farmer
.\.mos Wiliam, boot maker Linn Robert, miller (wind) Watts Edmund, carpenter
..1rcher Henry, saddler l\IcCarthy James Calihan, tailor Westwood George Samuel, farmer
..1spin Percy, farmer l\Iinga.y Louisa (Mrs.), Bell inn Wright Clement, Swan P.H. & butchr
Brand Lewis, carpenter l\Iitchell Israel, thatcher Wright Henry, thatcher
WEST HORNDO~ is a village and parish, 3 miles the main part of the mansion was, however, destroyed by
south-east from Brentwood and 1 from East Horndon fire on the 22nd of March, 1878, and has not yet been
station on the direct line of the London, Tilbury and rebuilt: attached to the hall is a Catholic chapel, dedi·
Southend railway, in the Mid division of the county, cated to Our Blessed Lady and St. Laurence. The old
Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and hall, about 1! miles south, was formerly the seat of the
county court district, Billericay union, and in the rural Fitz-Lewises, the last of whom was burnt to death with
deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese his bride on his wedding night, in the reign of Henry VII.
of St. Albans. The living is a rectory united fo the The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
rectory of Ingrave. There is no church; the inhabitants are_ wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,382 acres of
use those of Ingrave, Childerditch and East Horndon. land and 14 water; rateable value, l',I,222; the popula·
Thorndon Hall, the seat of Lord Petre, who is lord of tion in 1891 was 102.
the manor and sole landowner, is situated on an emi- Wall Letter Box, Thorndon park, cleared at I & 6.35
nence, in an extensive and well-wooded park, of over p.m. ; sundays, 12 noon. Letters through Brentwood,
1,5oo acres, about 2 miles south-east from Brentwood: which is the nearest telegraph office, arrive at 7.30
orig-inally it was a noble mansion, consisting of a centre a.m. Herongate is the nearest money order office
and two wings, connected by circular corridors, and con- There is no school in the parish, but the children attend
tained some very valuable paintings by the old masten : those of Childerditch, Ingrave & East Horndon
Fetre Lord, Thorndon hall ; & N a vall Buckingham George, Railway hotel! Chapman Thomas, stationmaster
& Military club, London S W & posting establishment & coal mer Picken Thom~s, farmer, Field Ho. fm
HUTTON is a. parish on the road "irom Billericay to about £53 yearly, arising in part from land left in 1584
Brentwood, about 3 miles east from Brentwood, 2! west by George "White esq.. and distributed in bread, clothes
from Billericay and 20 from London, in the Mid division and fuel among the poor . Hutton Hall is the residence of
of the county, hundred of Barstable, . union of Billericay, Captain Digby Neave, who is lord of the manor and chief
petty sessional division and county court district of landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief
Brentwood, rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and roots. The area
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Great Eastern is x,696 acres ; rateable value, £4,419; the population in
Railway Company's branch from the main line at Shen- 1891 was 458.
field to Billericay and thence vi3 Wickford, Rayleigh and Sexton, Elijah Petchley.
. . to .Southend
b . passes through
. f this parish,
h . the p os t , M . 0 . ""
.... T . 0 ., S . B . ""
.... Annu1ty,
· I nsurance ""
o.. E
JUnction station emg about one mJle rom t e 'rillage. press Delivery Office. William Spooner, sub-postmas-
The church of All Saints, an edifice of stone in the Early ter. Letters arrive from Brentwood a.t 5·5 a.m. & 12
English style, was rebuilt and enlarged in the year 1873• noon; dispatched at 9 . 50 a.m. & .55 p.m. on week
at a cost of £3,ooo, raised by subscriptions, and consists aays & at 7 .55 p.m. only on sundays. 7
of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and a
western tower with spire, containing 5 bells. The register Wall Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 9·40 a.m. & 7-20
dates from the year 1654· Tlie living is a. rectory, p.m. on week days; 5 p.m. on sundays
average tithe rent-charge £ 250, with 17 acres of glebe Pillar Letter Box, Station, cleared xo a.m. & 8 p.m. ;
and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. 8 p.m. sunday
Paul's, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Piers Leopold National School (mixed), built in 1840, for So children;
Claughton B.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. Here is a small average attendance, 65; Alfred Parker, master; Mrs.
C ngregational chapel. There are charities amounting to Parker, sewing mistress
PRIV.!.TE RESIDENTS. Longuehaye William Horner Robert, farmer
Baxter George John, Hutton park ~leiville John F Homer William, farmer
Carlyon-Hughes John William, Long Morphew Geo. Edward, The Willows :\latthams Waiter, shop
Ridings Neave Capt. Digby, Hutton hall Matthews Henry, blacksmith
Claughton Rev. Piers Leopold B.A. Poyser Frederick, Hill side Newman John, market gardener
Rectory Rapson Frederick John Smith Henry, farm bailiff to Captain
Dalton William Smith Stephen, Church house Digby Neave
Evans Mrs. Edward Smith William, Junction P.H
Felton Frederick Thomas CoMMERCIAL. Spooner Wm. shopkeeper, Post office
Hagon Herbert John Carswell Charles, Chequers P.H Thompson Jsph. farmr. Edward farm
Holmes Edward Runley Crook Eli, farm bailiff to G. J. Bax- Trudgett Edward, shoe maker
Hunter William ter esq Willis Geo. Hy. farmr. Martin's farm
Jago Sidney A Cross John, farmer & builder Woodward Lydia (Mrs.), farmer
GREAT ILFORD is a small town situated on the Baptist chapel will seat soo persons: attached is a
road from London to Colchester, and on the east of Sunday school with a library of 300 volumes. The
the river Roding; which here becomes navigable for Free Methodist chapel, built in 1867, has 200 sittings,
barges, with a station on the main line of the Great and there is a Gospel Mission Hall, erected in 1889,
Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich, 7 miles with xoo sittings. The Cemetery, in the Romford
from London, 2 north from Barking and 5 west from road, formed in 1881, has one mortuary chapel and
Romford: it is in the Southern division of the county, is under the control of a Burial Board of six members.
Becontree half-hundred and petty sessional division, The Ilford Reading Room and Library, in the High
Romford union and county court district, in the rural road, is used for entertainments and meetings : there
deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese is also a drill hall for the xst Volunteer Battalion Essex
of St. Albans. It is within the juri8diction ()I( the Cen- Regiment; both buildings were erected by the late Miss
tral Criminal court and Metropolitan police and has 8 E. Thompson. The drill-ground and club-house for the
police station. Great Ilford, Barking Side, Aldborough use of the volunteers, near the Romford road, was
Hatch, Chadwell Street, and a portion of Hainault erected at the expense of the Rev. the Hon. H. W.
Fairest were formed into a se.parate ecclesiastical Bertie D.C.L. vicar here 1844-81. The Hospital-of St.
parish under the above name in 1830: by a subdivision Mary and St. Thomas of Canterbury, originally founded
made February II, 1841, on the north side of Ilford, by the abbess of Barking in the reign of Stephen, about
the district of Barking Side was formed, and in 1863 1140, for 13 lepers, with a prior and master, was re-
that of Aldborough Hatch: on the 29th September, founded in 1572 by Queen Elizabeth, for the support
1888, Great Ilford was constituted a separate civil and residence of a master, chaplain and six poor aged
parish by Act of Parliament, and is at present managed men: the Marquess of Salisbury K.G. is the master
by three overseers, elected annually, an assistant over- and patron: the buildings occupy three sides of a
seer and a vestry clerk : a local board of 9 members quadrangle, the south side being formed by the chapel,
was formed for the parish in October, 18go: the town a long narrow structure of the 15th century, which,
is lighted with gas and supplied with water princi- until the erection of the church, was the only Church
pally by the South Essex Water Works Company, but of England place of worship for the inhabitants of this
the East London Water Works Company supplies 8 place: in 1889 a south aisle was built and two bays
small portion of the district. The church of St. Mary, added to the length of the chapel, thus giving 100 ad-
built in 183o, at a cost of £4,ooo, and Pnlarged in ditional sittings, at a cost of £2,ooo, and there are now
1866, at a cost of £1,5oo, and again in 1883, at a cost sittings for 300 persons. The chaplaincy, gross yearly
of £x,3oo, is an edifice in the Early English style, '\""alue £210, including glebe and house, has been held
consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, aisles, western since 1894 by the Rev. Arthur Stapylton Barnes M.A.
porch and a tower with spire, containing a clock and of University C{)llege, Oxford. A considerable portion
6 bells, dated 1866, erected in that year to the memory of Hainault Forest is in this parish, within the limits
of J. Davis esq. and his wife, by their children, at a of which formerly stood the renowned Fairlop Oak,
cost of about £6oo: the stained windows of the chancel the trunk of which, at three feet from the ground,
and the pulpit of earved stone are also memorials to Mr. measured 36 feet in girth, with boughs extending over
Davis and there are five other stained windows : the a circumference of 300 feet; under its shade for many
church affords goo sittings. The ;re-gister dates from the years a fair, established by Mr. Daniel Day, a block
yeall" 1831. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £577, and pump maker, of 'Yapping, was held on the first
average £533. net yearly value £404, with residence Friday in July; but the tree is gone and Fairlop Fair
and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of .All Souls College, now lives only in the records of the past. The popu-
Oxford, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Henry William lation of Great Ilford in 1891 was 10,711 and at yresent
Eliott Molony M. A. of that college. St. Clement's 14,000; area, 3,506 acres; rateable value, £79,543,
and St. Alban's are chapels of ease, built in 1890, but which includes Barking Side, Aldborough Hatch and
consisting only of chancel and vestry. The \Vesleyan Chadwell Heath.
chapel is a temporary building, with 250 sittings. The Parish Clerk, J oseph Pates.
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
-Edward Thomas, postmaster. Letters delivered at St. Mary's road.-Benry Francis Grearorex, receiver.
7 & 7.40 a.m. 2.15 & p,.m. & tit ;p.m. & 7.40 Letters dispatched at 8 & 11.30 a.m. & 4 k 8 p.m
p.m. on sundays i. dispatehed at 9-IS a.m. & 12.15, Post '& M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
4.50 & 8.50 p.m. & at xo p.m. for early morning mail; John Hicks, receiver. Letters dispatched at 8.30 a.m.
sundays, 8.30 p.m. Money orders are issued & paid 12 noon, 4.30, 8 & g. 15 l'l.m
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ; '()n saturdays, 9 a.m. to -8 p.m Local Board for the Districl of llford, Cranbrook road.
Members, E. J. Beal (chairman), W. Asbmole, E. W. Rate Collector, Joseph L<amb, 6 Queen's road
Barnes, R. G. Brown, W. W. Gilson, G. W. W. Gott, Vestry Clerk, John Wheeldon iBenton, ISidmouth house,
C. Mead, J. W. F. M11mford & W. A. Shepherd South park
Clerk, John W. Benton
Surveyor, Peter "\Vatkins Places of Worship, with times of services:-
R<>ad Surveyor, Thomas B. Baldwin
Collector, William James Mays, llford St. Mary's Church, Rev. Henry William Eliott Malony
Inspector of Nuisances, Frederick William King M. A. ; 8 & 11 a. m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; & every week
Petroleum Inspector, Alfred Sherman day at 7.30 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; fridays at 7.30 p.m
St. Clement's Church, 8 &; rr a.m.; 6.30 p.m
Public Establishments:- St. Alban's Church, Oakfield road ; rr a.m. 6.30 p.m
Cemetery, Romrford road, Thoma.s Oassidy, clerk Ebenezer Strict BBiptist, llford Hill; 11 a. m. 6.30 p.m.;
Lighting Committee, Alfred Sherman, 5 Oakfield road, no regular minister .
clerk St. Mary's Hospital, Rev. Arthur S. Barnes M.A. chap-
Metropolitan Police Station, Walter Scott, Alfred Knight, lain; 8 & 11 1a.m. 4 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. 12 noon
Henry Bnmstead, Charles Rogers, James Young, in- & 8 p.m. ; thurs. & holy days, 7.30 a.m
spectors, & 6 sergeants & 38 oonsta!bles Baptist, High street, Rev. J. Parker M.A.; 11 .a..m. &
6.30 p.m ..; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Volunteers. United Free Methodist, Barking hme, Rev. J. Har-
Essex !Regiment, rst Volunteer Battalion, comprising A, greaves; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m

B, 0, .n, E, F, IG k iH oompa.nies, Drill hall, High road, Wesleyan Methodist, High street, lRev. John Place Gray;
Col. W. IJ. Burgess, commanding; iFrank Landon & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Ilford Ibbetson, majors; Captain E. N. Cubitt, Gospel Band Mission Hall, Moore's place; sundays, 6.30
instructor of musketry ; Capt. Thomas George Hop- p.m.; mon. 7·3<? p.m
kins, adjutant; C'at:J't. J. A. Reed, quartermaster; Ilford Brethren, High road (no regular pastor); u a.m.
Thomas Pattinson Ferguson M. A. hon. chaplain; C 6.30 p.m
company, Capt. Arthur Rdbert iMeggy, commandant; Schools:-
Rev. the Hon. Henry William Bertie D.C.L. hon. chap-
lain; Oadet Corps, No. I. Ongar, W. C. Clark, hon. NaMonal (boys & girls), built in I832, by subscription &
capt.; No. 2, Forest school, Walthamstow, Rev. Ralph enlarged in I8BSl lfor 68o children; average attendance,
Guy, hon. captain 230 :toys &; ISO girls; Edward Tuck, master; Miss
Bones, mistress
Public Officers:- Infants', 'built in I846, at the sole cost orf the late
Assistant Overseer, Pulham Kirkham Sherman, 9 'St. Misses !Thompson, for ISO infants; average attendance,
Mary's road I28 ; Mrs. Charlotte 'Lamb, mistress
iMedical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 4th district, Ram- Baptist (mixed), enlarged in r884, for 250 children;
ford union, James Shimeld L.R.C.P.Edin. Salisbury average attendance, 200; 1\frs. Lane, mistress
Registrar of Births & Deaths, llford sub-district, Ram- Railway Station, High street, Wm. :Pallant, station master
ford union, Alfred Sherman, 5 Oakfield road; deputy, Carriers to London, from Barking & Romford, call daily
:Pulham Kirkham Sherman, 9 St. IMary's road at the Angel hotel, White Horse & Rose & Crown inns

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bartlett Thomas Henry, Caroline vil. Brand Fredk. Holmesdale, Oakfield rd
Abbott Harold Ray, 55 Woodlands rd Clement's road Brasuer Francis Herbert, Temeraire
Abbott Howard, 55 Woodlands road Bartram Wm. Lindhurst, Granville rd villa, Oakfield road
Abbott WalterJsph. 43 Bedford road Bassett John Jabez, r Rutland road Bray Wm. Nice, 56 Woodlands road
Abel Thos. Matthew, 11 Woodlands rd Bayliss Benjamin, 24 Woodlands road Breens Mrs. Wilton road
Abercrombie Arthur, Georgina house, Bayliss Saml. Chas. 22 Woodlands rd Brewster David Jas. 66 Bedford road
Clement's road Bayne Rev. Geo. Smith, The Rallies, Bridge Charles, 3 Ebenezer villas, St.
Abrahams J ames C. 7 St. Mary's rd Aldborough road Mary's road
Abrabams James R. 7 St. Mary's rd Beal Edmund John, The Elms, Ald- Briegel Francis Augustus, 52 Wood-
Adams Albert, 13 Grosvenor road borough road lands road
Aitken Jas. M.B. I3 Clement's grdns Beer Alfred, 4E! Woodlands road Briggs James Albert, 27 Rutland rd
Allar Charles William, 4 Clemen~'s Belfield Louis, Ilford hall, High :; oad . Brock Alex, 26 Grosvenor road
gardens Belfield Mrs. T. D. Ilford hall, High rd Bromley Charles Henry, Hazelville,
Allard Charles, Wilton road Belfield Reginald, Ilford hall, High rd Oakfield road
Allard Frederick, Melcombe lodge, Belfield Thos. D. Ilford hall, High rd Brown Jn. Wade, 25 Bedford road
Barking lane Belfield Wm. S. llford hall, High rd Brown Samuel, 49 Grosvenor road
Allard Henry, 2 Queen's terrace Bell James Adamson, Mortimer ho. Browning Geo. Waverley ho. Albertrd
Anderson John, 34 Grosvenor road Balfour road Buckingham Mrs. 2 Clifton villas,
Anglin Benjamin, 75 Bedford road Belling Jn. 7 Brandon ter. High road High road
Archer Ernest Waiter, I Thornbank Bellett Charles, I3 Bedford road Bull John, Richmond ho. High road
villas, Albert road Bentley Francis Richard, 17 Bedford Burcham Jn. Wm. 68 Bedford road
Archer John, Io Woodlands road road Burgess Edward, 5 Queen's road
Ashdown Mrs. Templeton, Coventry rd Benton James, Melrose, Cranbrook rd Burrows John Thomas, Cricklewood,
Ashmole Ernest, Rodenside Benton John Wheeldon, Sidmouth ho. High road
Ashmole Miss Alice, 2 Cleveland villas South park Bush Alfred Wm. 53 Rutland road
Ashmole Mrs. Rodenside house Beresford Thomas, 2 Grosvenor road Bush Mrs. I Clement's road
Ashmole Waiter, I2 Clement's grdns Berks William, 26 Woodlands road Butler William F. 37 Rutland road
Ashmole William, Thornfield, Aid- Bessex William Jas. 30 Woodlands rd Butterfield John, Ivy villa, Balfour rd
borough road Best Joseph W. W. 27 Woodlands rd Cameron William, Coventry villa,
.Ashton Samuel, 3 Adelaide terrace Best William Harris L.S.A.Lond. 3 Coventry rDad
Atkins Mrs. 43 Woodlands road High road Campbell Chas. Robt. 3I Rutland rd
.Augood Jam es, 9 Bedford gardens, Betts Alfred, 48 Thorold road Campbell Wm. Hy. SI Rutland road
Barking lane Bevan Charles, 6 Clement's road Cannon George Henry, I9 Thorold rd
.Ault Waiter Henry, Sunnyside, Oak- Bevan George, Elmside, Balfour road Card Hedley H. W. 9 Woodlands rd
field road Biggs Edmund, 3 Verandah terrace, Carpenter Francis, 9 Thorold road
Bailey Benj. Kings wood, Coventry rd St. Mary's road Carrell Geo. N. P. SI Woodlands :-d
:Bailey John, 8 South park Birch Alfred L. Coventry road Carter James, 4 Clement's road
:Baker Alfred, I6 Grosvenor road Birtles Henry Leslie, 29 Woodlands rd Carter J ames, 2 Adelaide terrace
Banks Alfred W. I2 Bedford road Bishop William, 5 Queen's terrace Carter Richard James, 5 Thorold rd
Banks Thos. Wm. 15 St. Mary's road Bligh Thomas, 55 Bedford road Carter William, 47 Thorold road
Bannaher Thomas, I4 Richmond road Blinman Alfred George, 30 Bedford rd Cavell Rev. Alexander, Higham house,
Barlow Ezra,Beulah cot. St. Mary's rd Bloom Miss Martha, 65 Beresford rd Albert road
Barnard Mrs. 5 Brandon terrace, Blott Albert Victor, 40 Thorold road Cass Edmund, 39 Thorold road
Ilford hill Bocquet Edward, Lynton villa, Coven- Cassidy Thos. The Curatage, High rd
Barnes Fra.s. Hy. 65 Woodlands road try road Challen William Joseph. Albert road
Barnes William, 54 Woodlands ro)ld Bowers Edwin, Elm villa, Granville rd Chalmers William, 3I Coventry road
Barnes Rev. A. Stapylton M.A. (·~hap- Bowman Robert, 23 Rutland road Chandler Thomas. Ventnor villa,
lain of St. Mary's Hospital\ & 25 Boyd Archibald, 64 Woodlands road Cleveland road
Victoria square S W 1 Boyd Ebenezer, 3I Thorold road Chart Richard, 46 Woodlands road
Barraclough William, 83 Bec~tord road Boyle Frederick, 27 Thorold road Childs George, 16 Queen's road
Barrett William, 28 GrosvJ:nOr road Bramston George, So Woodl!!nds road Christy Archibald,Roseville, Balfour rd
Churchouse Alfred William, 5 Clifton Farley Ernest E. 2 Carlton villas, Gwalter Richd. Spa house, Thorold rd
villas, High road Barking lane Gwilliam Joseph, I Clement's gardens
Clark Frederick, 56 Thorold road Farnan John. 6 Granville road Habber Edwin, 2 Argyle gardens,
Clark Henry, I5 Clement's gardens Farr Thomas Henry Edward,33 Wood- York road
Clark James, 4 Bedford road lands road Hack George Sidney, 3I Grosvenor rd
Clark Wm. 4 Wilton ter. Wilton rd Farrow John, 3 Queen's road Hadley Henry Chas. 33 Rutland road
Clarke Robt. Holden, 7 Rutland road Faulkner Wm. Geo. 72 Woodlands rd Hale 'Yilliam, 4 Clement's road
Clements Mark, Rodney vil. Oakfld.rd Faunch Fredk. Geo. 37 Thorold road Hall Cuthbert, 9 Clement's gardens
Cloveley Alfred Jas. 74 Woodlands rd Faunch George Symonds, I Argyle Hammond John George, Langsett,
Cole Henry, 3 Brandon terrace gardens, York road Cranbrook roatl
Colegate 'Villiam Hook, 2 Ebenezer Fennings Richard Montague, Lincoln Hammond Cnarles, 42 Thorold road
villas, St. Mary's road house, Clement's road Hardy Miss, Parkstone, Balfour road
Coley John George, 57 Rutland road Ferguson William, 82 Bedford road Hardy Geo. Heathfield, Cranbrook rd
.Collins Chas. William, 4I Thorold rd Fernshaw Edward, 8 St. Mary's rood Hargreaves Rev. J. (Methodist), 29
Collins Thomas, 19 Grosvenor road FErrar William Grey, Redclyffe, Bedford road
Colims 'V1lliam, Hill house Coventry road Harmer Francis Bennett, 3 Rutland rd
oCook Osborne, 57 Woodlands road Fiegehen Harry, I Thorold road Harris Capt. Phillip, 8 Cranbrook viis
.COok Richard, Cranbrook lodge Finch Waiter Georg-e, 2I Rutland rd Harris John Richardson. Abbotsford,
Coolbear Alonzo, Rose cot. llford hill Fincham John Thos. 23 Woodlands rd Oakfield road
.Corker Augsts. Edwd. I7 Rutland rd Finden Henry, 10 Clement's gardens Harris Richard A. 4 Cranbrook villas
Corkett Abraham, 3 Grafton villas, Finlay J ames, 48 Grosvenor road Harrison Thomas, 40 Woodlands road
Barking lane Fisk Mrs. Ann, 78 Bedford road Hart Mrs. Clara, I Oakfield road
Cowan Rev. Deans F.R.G.S. Clock Fitch Mrs. Harriet, Sydney villa, Hart William, 6 Lomer terrace, St.
house, llford hill Oakfield road Mary's road
Cox William Henry, 3 Grosvenor road Fitch Charles Frederick, 4 Clifton vils. Hartwell William, 4 Grafton villas,
Coyle Alfred, Gladstone house High road Barking lane
.Coyle Charles, 52 Bedford road Flatt Alexander Washington, 6I Hayden Edwin, 4 Adelaide terrace
Craigen :Miss, 2 & 3 Grove villas, 'Voodlands road Heale F. Abbotsford, Cranbrook road
Barking lane Forcey Alfd. 2 Milton vils. Barking la Heard Arthur G. 36 Bedford road
Croger Rd. Yew Tree vils. Green la. Ford Alfred, <:: Richmond road Heard Frank Montague, 38 Wood-
Cropper Horace John, Yew Tree vills. Ford George, 25 St. Mary's villas lands road
Green lane Ford John, 53 Bedford road Heard George Fredk. 2 Roding villas
Crosby Frank, 25 Grosvenor road Foster Miss Agnes, Florence villa, Hedgcock Samuel, 6 Bedford road
Crouch James 'Vm. 42 Grosveuor rd Clement's road Hemsley Thomas Franklyn, 4 Queen's
Crouch ~fiss F. E. 4 Grosvenor road Fowler William C. 33 Thorold road terrace, High road
Cumming Mrs. Mary, 25 Thorold rd Framjee F. I2 Grosvenor road Henderson Benjamin, 20 Woodlands rd
Daines Barrington, 2 Hainault t€r- Franghiadi Paul, 1 Laburnam villas, Hewitt James R. 2 Woodlands road
race, High road South park Hill George Wm. I2 Richmond road
Damant Charles S. 7 Woodlands road Freeman Henry Arthur, Tyndal ho. Hill Mrs. Ecclesbourne, Clement's rd
-navid Henry Willia.m, Albert road Barking lane Hill William Richd. 45 Bedford road
I>avies Mrs. W. Albert road Freeman Herbert L. Gilmore house, Hirst George Young, Brighton villa,
Davis Thomas, 5 Clement's gardens Pelham road Coventry road
])avis William Thomas, Brandon ldg. Freeman Herbt. Lewellyn,8 Thorold rd Hobbs Ben Henry, Nightingale, Thor-
High road Freeman ·wait. Olive vil. Cleveland rd old road
Dawson Mrs. Annie C. 36 Thorold rd Fuller George, I Parkside villas Hodgson Charles M. Fairstead, Thor-
Debbage Frank, 4 Verandah terrace, Fuller Mrs. Philorth, Balfour road old road
St. Mary's road Furness Richard Alfred, I Grafton Hodgson Edwin, 8 Brandon terrace
ode Hailes Alfred C. 40 Grosvenor road villas, Barking lane Hodgson William, Wilton road
Dempster Andrew, so Woodlands rd Gadsdon Geo. J. Four Elms, South pk Hole John, 8 Clement's gardens
Dennant Geore-e B. 3 Thorold road Gaskell Mrs. Joseph, Alpha cottage, Holland Joseph, I Ebenezer villas,
])ennis Henry H. 24 Bedford road South park St. 1\Iary's road
Denny John, Balfour house, Balfour rd Gayford Sedley, Endsleigh, Balfour rd Hollingsworth Chas. Alfd. Thorold rd
Dick Alexander, 44 Bedford road Gibling Robert, 84 Bedford road Hollingsworth Thomas, 72 Bedford rd
Dodgson Robert F. 15 Thorold road Gilderson Caleb, Cromwell house, Holman Edwd. Frank, 4 Richmond rd
Dodson Alex. 46 Thorold road Barking lane Hood Mrs. 3 Bedford road
Dodsworth Benjamin, 3 Argyle gar- . Gilderson Robert, Cleveland villas Hope Mrs. 6I Bedford road
dens, York road Gilderson Robert, 8 St. Mary's road Hopson Charles, 4 Queen's road
-nodsworth John, 4 Argyle gardens, Gilderson Urbane, 3 Bedford gardens, Houghton Alfred, Burstead house,
York road Barking lane Thorold road
Donald Tom, I9 Bedford road Gill Rev. E. Ernest,Shirley,Balfour rd Houston Mrs. C. 29 Queen's road
Dore Stephen, 29 Bedford road Gilmore Henrv. 9 Bedford road Howson Jn. Brockenhurst,Coventry rd
Dorner Joseph Thos. 22 Grosvenor rd Gilson Wm. Waiter, Aldborough rd Hoy ·waiter, 24 Queen's road
[)ower John, 48 Bedford road Glazier William Edwd. Cleveland road Huckman Mrs. M. 6 Queen's terrace,
Dowing Frederick, 86 Bedford road Glover Edwd. Arthr. 28 Woodlands rd High road
])owsett John, 7 Thorold road Godbold Henry William, 10 Brandon Hughes Thos. Osborne ho. Balfour rd
-nrake 1Yilliam Henry, Gordon villa, terrace, llford hill Humphrey Mira, 6o Woodlands road
Barking road Goldsmith Jn. Jackson, 6o Thorold rd Hussey Edward Alfred, The Poplars,
1lroesse Hugo, Edmund villa, Bal- Golledge Edwd. Lindfords, Balfour rd High road
four road Good Jn. I Wilton vils. Barking lane Hutchings .Alfred, 3 Eleanor villas,
1lunn Herbt. R.Droma.lagh,Thorold rd Goodwin Mrs. Mary ..Ann, 4 St. St. Mary's road
Dyer Edward Shaw, 3 Lomer terrace, Mary's road Ingleby Mrs. Valentines
St. Mary's road Gott Godfrey, 67 Bedford road Ingram Frederick, 33 Grosvenor road
Dyson Charles, 48 Woodlands road Gould Douglas, I Woodlands road Ingram Geo. The Limes, Barking rd
Dyson Frederick, 9 Clement's road Gould Mrs. 54 Thorold road Isbister 'Vm. Geo. I8 Grosvenor rd
1lyster Joseph, 8 Bedford gardens Gowing Herbert John, Albert road Ives Samuel, 24 Thorold road
Edden Thos.Lewis,Ivy cot. Barking la Graham Geo. Clarence ho. Barking la Jackson Chas. Edwd. 39 Grosvenor rd
Egbert 'Villiam Hilson, 26 Bedford rd Graham Philip, 8 Queen's rd Jameson William, 8 Woodlands road
Elliott Mrs. George, I Haina.ult Gransden James, Swiss cottage, Jamieson Edward, I4 Bedford road
race, High road Vicarage lane Jeffs Edgar Lindley, 1 Eleanor villas,
~llwood "William R. 7 Queen's terrace Grant Alfred, 23 Queen's road St. Mary's road •
Erick Ernest, 59 Rutland road Gratze Hy. 3 Clifton vils. High road Jenkins Edmnd.Ernest, I6 Bedford rd
Evans Chas. I Clifton vils. High rd Gray Alfred, 2 Lomer terrace, St. J ennings Thomas Allan C. 56 Bed-
Evans Frank, 2I Bedford road Marv's road ford road
Enns John Bishop, 6 St. Mary's road Gray ·Rev. John Place (Wesleyan), Johnson Hy. Rodenlmrst, Coventry rd
Evans Mrs. Melford, Cleveland road Homestead, Oakfield road Johnson Herbert, I I Brandon terrace,
Eveness Jn. Alfred, 62 Woodlands rd Green Alfd. Brooks1de, Cranbrook viis llford hill
Evkelbosch Alfred W. 20 Bedford rd Green Mrs. H. Brookfield, Granville rd Johnson John, 43 Thorold road
Fimcourt Mrs. 4 Eleanor villas, St. Grey Miss, 4 Brandon ter. llford hill Johnson Joseph Rbt. I6 Woodlands rd
Mary's road Groom Geo. Beaufort ho.Coventry rd Jones Alfred John, 3 Granville road
Fansett Geore-e, 27 Grosvenor road Groombridge Mrs. 1 Leon villas, Wil- Jones John Charles, St. Hilliers,
Farev, Herbert Samuel, The Cllest- ton road Cleveland road
nuts, Aldborough road Guise Francis, 7 St. Mary's road Jopson John, Fieldside, Coventry rd
Jubb :\Irs. Emily, 76 Bedford road ~Iiller John, 51 Grosvenor road Randall Miss, 2 Verandah terrace, St.
Judson Chas. Eastern lodge, High rd ~!ills Sidney, 30 Thorold road Mary's road
Keeble Alfred, ro St. Mary's road :Mills ·waiter, 17 Queen's road Rawkins Aaron, Io Grosv~nor road
Kettle George, I Bedford gardens, Milton Jsph. Geo. B. 13 Woodlands rd Rawkins John, I Wheatfield villas, SL
Barking lane :Minnitt ·waiter, 32 Thorold road Mary's road
Key Frederick. 3 Oakfield road :Molony Rev. Henry Wm. Eliott M.A. Rawkins Thomas George, 2 Elsie vils.
Key William G. so Grosvenor road (vicar), Vicarage High road
Key Wm. Russell, 66 Woodlands road Monk Frederick, 2 Eleanor villas, St. Rayment Miss, 2 Weald vils.South pk
King Thomas John, The Cottage, Mary's road Read Edwd. Wm. Roden ho. llford hll
Cranbrook road Moore Edward Henry, 8I Bedford rd Read Mrs. M. South park
King Wm. Francis, so Bedford road :!'11oore Frank, 34 Bedford road Rees Thomas,Ingman, 2 St. Mary's rd
Knapp Mrs. 5 Grange villa, High road Moore James Thos. I9 Woodlands rd Reeves Hy. Gordon, Onea, Thorold rd
Knight James Percy, Ravensworth, Moore J.ohn, 38 Bedford road Reeves William, 77 Bedford road
Cranbrook road Moore William Thos. 32 Bedford road Revett Jn. St. Mary's vils. High roa!P
Knowles Chas, Hainault, Cranbrook rd Moore William J. Rendall, Oakdene, ReynDlds Edward J. Glenhurst, Co.
Knowles Percy Jn. 49 Woodlands road High road ventry road
Kraushaar Mrs. Florence Amey,Albert Morrish Richard, IS Rutland road Rich Chas. Elmhurst, Oakfield road-
road Moule Capt. Lewis, I4 Clem~nt's gdns Richmond A. Stokedoyle, Balfour rd
Lamb Joseph, 6 Queen's road Mumford John William F. Oakfield Richmond W. Stokedoyle, Balfour rd
Lambert Mrs. Norman ho. Thorold rd house, High road Ridgewell Arthur, 6 Cranbrook villas
Langford Mrs. Mary, I3 Queen's road Mumford Mrs. Grove vls. Barking la Ringrose George, 7I Bedford road
Langford William, 38 Thorold road Mumford William, 62 Bedford road Rix Fredk. I Park t~r. St. Mary's rd
Langridge Waiter Ernest, 35 Wood· :Mundy Hy. Wychffe ho. Barking lane Roberts Richd. Edmd. 8 Grosvenorrd
lands road Munro William M.D. 27 Richmond rd Ro~rtson Donald, 46 Grosvenor road
Lauderdale Edward Maitland, 6 Rich- ~lurch John Jerom, z Grange villas, Robinson Ernest, 4 Hainault terrace,
mond rDad High road High road
Law John C. IO Queen's road Murley Mrs.Roseland ho. Clement's rd Robinson Isaac B. Manhattan, Thorold>
Lawson William, 3 New road Murray David Ramsey, Waltbam, road
Lawton Henry P. Huelva, Balfour rd Oaktield road Robinson James, 35 Bedford road
Lawton John, Sidney vil.Cranbrook rd Murray John B. 29 Rutland road Robinson Saml. Jn. 58 Woodlands rib
Lee Geo. 4 Lamer ter. St. Mary's rd Murrells 1Villiam, 4 Grove terrace Robinson ThDmas, Albert road
Lee George, 32 Queen's road Newell Chas. Henry, 37 Bedford road Ror-ers Charles, 5 St. Mary's road
Lee James, 5 Grosvenor road Newman Henry, 2 Grove terrace Rogers GeDrge Wm. 7I Bedford road~
Lee Mrs. Coventry road Nicholson Richard T. 23 Coventry rd Rolfe Charles Arthur, 52 Thorold rd
Lefroy Rev. Charl~s E. C. M.A. (cu· Nicholson William J. 87 Bedford road Rolfe Miss, 35 Thorold road
rate), IO Albert road Norris Jas. Clark, 45 Woodlands road Rose Charles Frederick, 6 Brandonr
Lebmkuhl Frank Hy. I4 Woodlands rd North Henry, 5 Adelaide terrace terrace, llford hill
Lengemann Adarn, 7 Grosvenor road Korton Edward, 9 Brandon terrace Ross James, 3I Bedford road
Lewis Charles, 32 Woodlands road Oldaker James Blake, I Queen's ter- Rowland Wm. Ash vl. Cleveland rd
Lewis George, 2I Queen's road race, High road Rush J n. 7 Henrietta viis. Clement's rd:
Lewis Jas. I Rodin!! vils. Ilford hill Oldaker Mrs. I2 Oakfield road Russell Sidney ueor,.e, 2 Queen's rd
Limmer Charles Spiers, II Oakfield rd Oliver Richard Charles, 10 Bedford Rutter Alfd. Jn. 3 Grange vls. High rd
Limmer William Frederick, Edmunds- gardens, Barking lane Salmon Miss Cecilia, 7 Clement's road:
bury, Oakfield road Oliver William, 4 Ebenezer villas, St. Salter Waiter, 2 1Vheatfield villas.
Linard Alfred C. G. I Mansfield gar- Mary's road St. Mary's road
dens, York road Olley .t<:dward, Baltic, Balfour road Saltmarsh , 59 Bedford road
Linard Arthur J. D. I Mansfield gar- Olsen Andrew, 8 Queen's road Sankey John Joseph, Richmond house,.
dens, York road Or am William, 30 Grosvenor road Pelham road
Linard William John, I Mansfield gar- Owen Mrs. Elizh. Ann, I9 Rutland rd Saunders Mrs. Alice, 3I Queen's road:
dens, York road Page J. C. 3 Cranbrook villas Savill Alfred, Wilton road
Lindsay John Wm. 89 Bedford road Painter Edmund George,Gaysham lo. Scotcher Willi~, 5 Rutland road
Little William, 3 Clement's road High road Scott Fridulph, 69 Bedford road
Liversage Robert Wm. zo Queen's rd Palmer Chas. Jas. 2 Clement's gdns Scruton Edwin, I3 Thorold road
Lock Charles, Albert road Papprill Washington, 43 Grosvenor rd Seabrook Joseph, 22 Queen's road
Lofthouse Walker, I6 Thorold road Park William, Oakhurst, High road Seaward ThDmas W. Glastonbury viL
Low David Allan, 3 Mansfield gardens, Parker Rev. J. (Baptist), Coventry rd Wilton road
York road Parker Geo. Boswell, 8 Clement's rd Senior Wm. Elmwood, High road
Lowen George, 10 Thorold road Parker Jas. Florence vil. Coventry rd Shadwell Arthur, South park
Lundgren Charles, The Anchorage, Parnell Harry Wm. 32 Grosvenor rd Sharp George, 24 Grosvenor road
Thorold road Parish George, I New road Sharp Nathaniel, WiltDn ter. Wiltn.rd"~
Lundgren John, 50 Thor<Jld road Pearkes Arthur Edwd. 49 Thorold rd Sharpe Edward James, Tyne hall
Lyon Edward, 64 Bedford road Pearkes Geore-e John, 49 Thorold rd Sharpe Geo. Petfour, Cranbrook rd:.
McAllum W. Strathleven, Balfour rd Pearson Geo. Helvetia, Coventry rd Shaw Rev. Charles H. M.A. 39 Coven-
::McQueen Oscar, 4 Woodlands road Peck William, 30 Queen's road try road
Machell Mrs. Mary Ann, 4 South pk Pelbam Jn. Frank, 2 Richmond road Shepherd George, I Grosvenor road
:Macdona.ld Alexander, The Limes, Qo. Perry Alexander, 33 Bedford road Shepherd ThDmas, 57 Bedford road
ventry road Perry Mrs. Eliza, 7 Clement's road Sherlock Henry, 4 Laburnam villas
~Iackie Charles, II Bedford road Peters Mrs. I Carlton vills. Barking la Sherma.n Pullam K. 9 St. Mary's road
:Mackie William, ·73 Bedford road Pettigrew Robert, 3 Clement's grdns Shimeld James L.R.C.P.Edin. Salis·
:Macrae Jn. C. C. 39 Woodlands road Phillips Thos. Herbt. 5 Bedford rd bury house
~fadell Christopher, 6 Bedford gar· Philpot Frederick James, I Grange Sibley George, 2I Woodlands road
dens, Barking lane villas, High road Silverstone Thomas J. I Clement's r<f
l\Iann William, 26 Queen's road Pike Frank, 8 Bedford road Simmonds John, 20 Grosvenor road
1\fa.nning Henry, 7 Clement's gardens Pitt Wm. Edward, 4I Woodlands road Simmonds Jn. Dallas,37 Woodlands r<f
l\Iarah John, "i Wilton viis. Wilton rd Platten Herbert, 6 South park Simmonds William Robert, I Weal~
:\Iarshall Milton, 23 Thorold road Polatch Edward, IS Grosvenor road villas, South park
:Mason William S. 26 Bedford road Porter Alfred Charles, 5 Clement's rd Simons Henry, Kyneton, Balfour road:
Matthams Mrs. Harrt. 9 Clement's rd Port~r Fred, 3 Clement's road Sims Henry T. 53 Woodlands road
l\fatthews Edward, Glastonbury villas, Porter Hy. Edward, 6 Clement's road Skipper Frank T. 70 Woodlands road
Wilton road Port~r Hy. R. Glen Coe, Granville rd Slade Arth. Clactonville, Thmold rd
l\Iatthews Jonathan, 4 Thorold road Porter Thomas D. 7 Queen's road Sleep Wm. Joseph, Elsie viis. High rd·
:\fay William, Apple villa, Wilton rd Pratt John G. 49 Bedford""road Smart Alfrd. Lortay vil. Clement's rd·
~layer Madam, 45 Grosvenor road Prentis Waiter, I Richmond road Smith Alfred, The Laurels,AldbmG' rd·
Jl.layes Arthur, 27 Bedford road Price Mrs. Sarah, IO Richmond road Smith Cowie, I I Queen's road
l\Iayes Edward, 36 Grosvenor road Prynn Gordon, Nithsda.le, Coventry rd Smith Frank, Cromwell villa, Oa.k.-
l\Iays William, Albert road Pulfer Herbert, Wilton road field road
Mees Chas. 2 Grafton vls. Barking la Pullen Jn. Constance vil. Oakfield rd Smith Geo. Llantrissant, Coventry rd'
:\leggy .Arthur Robert, The Ferns, Pusey George, Iz Woodlands road Smith George H. Hillsborough, Oak-
Balfour road Radford Fras. The Elms, Barking la field road
Meiter Knevett, 20 Thorold road Radford William, 28 Bedford road Smith Hy. Romsdale ho. Clement'srd
Mercer Wm. Benj. 14 Grosvenor rd Ramsey Waiter, Bla~n·y·Cwm, Coven- Smith Hy. Arthur, SI Bedford road.
l\fewburn Fras. Chilton, 18 Thorold rd try road Smith :Miss Ann, 27 Queen's road
Smith Misses, Sylvan vil. Tyne estate Taunton Theophilus, 6 Woodlands rd Wade Ed. John .Alfred, 25 Queen's rd
Smith Thomas, 3 s~mth park Taylor .Alfred, 2 Thorold road Wade John, 4 Bedford gardens, Bark-
Smith Thos. Paget, 63 Woodlands rd Taylor Robt. Cecial, 12 Thorold road ing lane
Smith Waiter J. IS Queen's road Taylor William, Wilt-on road Wagstaff Henry, 36 Woodlands road
Smith William George Henry, 12 Bed- Tee Waiter George, 55 Rutland road Walford .Alfred Saunders J.P. Gran-
ford gardens, Barking lane Templeton Horace James, 6 Clement's brook hall
Smith Wm. Sidney, 13 St. Mary's rd gardens Walker Rev. Thos . .Andrew, South pk
Sones John Joseph, 3I Woodlands rd Tentore Guiseppe, I8 Queen's road lValker Ralph, 3 Queen's terrace
Spall Joseph, Oakfield vil. Oakfld. rd Thain .Alfred Ge<>rge, 35 Rutland road Walker Thos. James, 3 Woodlands rd
Spashett William Henry, Ley street Thomas Hy. Carleton, IO Bedford rd lraller Tom, 29 Grosvenor road
Spelling .Alfred, 58 Thorold road Thomas John, Dolgelly, Balfour road Wailer Wm. Luther ho. Barking lane
Spooner Harry Glanville, 38 Gros- Thomas Jn. I Lomer ter.St.Mary's rd "\Vallis Christopher, 2I Thorold r()ad
venor road Thompson Fredk. Geo. IS Bedford rd Warmsley :Miss M. 4 Grange villas.,
Spurge Thomas M. GraiJville villa, Thompson Horatio, Hazeldene, Gran- High road
Clement's road brook road Warren Charles, 6 Thorold road
Stebbing Frederick, 3 Richmond road Thorburn Charles, 2 Laburnam villas Warren Henry, l\Iay villa, Barking la
Steib Wm. Henry, I8 Woodlands rd Thorne .Albert Ed. 6 St. Mary's road Warren Thomas, 25 Rutland road
Stenning Fras. Wm. 14 St. Mary's rd Thorold Herbert B . .A. ( organist,Parish Waterlow Arth. Varaville, Cranbrk. rd
Stenning Henry, Gordon Club house, Church), 10 Queen's road Watkins Ernest, 2 Brandon terrace,
Green lane Thurlow Robert John, 5 Lomer ter- Ilford hill
Stephenson Chas. Trevordle.Barking la race, St. Mary's road Watkins Peter, Cleveland villas
Stephmgs John, 7 South park Tonge Gervase, 2 Clement's road W eakley Percy W alt. 40 Bedford road
Stepney Rev. Wi1nam, High road Tonge Jn. W. Limefield, Coventry rd Webber Hugh, Bengeo, Thorold road
Stevens Richard H. 2 Oakfield road Treby .Albert Geo. 47 Bedford road Weeden Henry, 9 Grosven<>r road
Stone John Charles. 6o Bedford road Treby Ed. Charles, 8 Richmond road W ehner Theodore, Hazlemere, Bal-
St<>neham George Hy. 4I Bedford rd Treby Saml. Jas. 47 Woodlands road four road
Stonham Edwin, Ilford hill Tucker J ames, 44 Thorold road Wells Charles, 9 Queen's road
Stow Thomas J ames, 5 Woodlands rd Turnbull William, 59 Grosvenor road Wells Richard James, The Croft,
Stratton Joseph Henry, Herondale, Tyler John Stephen, Eilenreide, Cran- Coventry road
Cranbrook road brook road West<>n Henry, 39 Bedford road
Strong James, 14 Thorold road Ullyett .Arthur, 22 Bedford road Wheeler Ernest, The Ferns, Barking la
Sugg Thomas, 3 St. Mary's road Underwood Charles, 5 St. Mary's rd Whiffen William, I2 St. Mary's road.
Sumner Chas.Primrose cot. Pelham rd Underwood William, I Bedford road White Albt. 5 Bedford gdns.Barking la
Sumner Georg-e, llford hill Vane William Thos. I8 Bedford road White J sph. Florinda, Oakfield road
Tait .Andrew F. 34 Woodlands road Vincent Mrs. Elizabeth, 23 Queen's rd White Jsph. 2 Bedford gdns.Barkg. la.
Tarpry Jn. Little Newburys, Ley st
COMMERCIAL. ' Bundock George, dining rooms, Broadway
.Aibbott Harold R. dairy & :furniture remover, Roden st Burgess Elijah, 'boot maker, Ley street
.A.bercrombie .A. gas fitter, Roden street Bush George, shopkeeper, Ley street
.Adams Dennis, cowkeeper, Turret place Butcher William, hair dresser, Barking lane
.Adams John, fine art depot & picture frame maker, I Butler Miss Esther, cowkeeper, Roden street
Chapel buildings, High street Butler Lily (Miss), bookseller, Broadway
.Aitken James M.B. ·I3 Clement's gardens Carr William, fishmonger, llford hill
.Alien John H. farm bailiff, Loxford farm Carrell George Northen Piccaver M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P'•
.Anger .Art.hur, plumJber, High road Lond. physician & surgeon, 5 I Woodlands road
.Ansell Henry, tailor, 2 Grove cottages, Barking lane Carter James, furniture warehouse, I The Broadway
Ashmole & Grant, builders, contractors, carpenters, Cassidy Thomas, clerk to burial board
painters & house decorators ; estimates given for Cattermoul George, draper, I The Pavement
general repairs, Roden works Cemetery (Thos. Cassidy, clerk to burial board), High nl
.Ashmole William, auctioneer, Broadway Chambers Georg€.7 tailor, 6 Adelaide terrace
Bacon Thom-as, jobber, Ley street Chaplin Hannah (Mrs.), confectioner, llford hill
Bailey John, beer retailer, Roden street Chemical Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Co. (The), dyers &
Banks Thomas, stationer, High road cleaners, Broadway
Barnes .Alfred William, house decorator, .Al·bert road Clark Henry, brick maker, IS Clement's gardens
Barnes IGeo. Wm. oil & colorman & ironmonger, High st Clayton Frederick, fishmonger, High road
Barnett Waiter, baker, I Stanley terrace Clemen~swood Estate Office (Robert Pettigrew, sec. &;
Bartlett James, horse dealer, llford hill man. J, 3 Clement's gardens
Bassett John & Son, builders, Grange road, Barking lane Coles Mrs. Emma, tobacconist, High street
Beal R. & Son (John Maitland, propr.), chemists, High st Collins' Digestive Food Co. Lim. Ilford hill
Bell James .Ada.mson M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. -Lond. Collins George .Abraham, painter, Clement's cottage
Mortimer house, Balfour road & Station rd. Manor Prk Collins William Edwin, grocer, High street
Benton Francis, baker, High street Coppen Thomas, butcher, The Pavement
Benton Mrs. Harriett, confectioner. High road Cowan Rev. Dean F.R.G.S. school, Clock ho. Ilford hill
Benton John Wheeldon, vestry clerk, Sidmouth house, Cramp John, sergt. instructor ISt Vol. Bat. Essex Regt.
South Park The Armoury, Barking lane
Best William Harris L.S . .A.Lon. 3 High road Crouch F. E. (.Miss), pianoforte teacher, 4 Grosvenor rd
Billege Francis J. hair dresser, High street Crow A. (Miss), dress maker, Ro01e cottage, Stanley road
Blnney Charles H. & Co. engineers, steam sawing & Daldy & Co. coal mers. llford wharf & Railway station
moulding mills & english & foreign timber merchants, Davis George & Son, coa-ch builders, High road
lime burners & manufacturers of portable buildings, Denne Harry Robert, collar & cuff maker, Euplyton wrks
Hope works & llford wharf Denton George Dawson, greengrocer, Ilford hill
Bishop Edward, corn & flour dealer, High street Drake WiJliam Henry, !builder, Barking lane
Bodger John, draper, High street Eastwood & Co. Limited, building material dealer~>y
Bond William, market gardener, Ley street lllord wharf. See advertisement
Boyd Ebenezer, stationer, High street Ekman PulV & Paper Co. Lim. (Edwd. W. Read, man)
Bracher Edward, florist, llford hill Essex Regiment, Ist Volunteer Battalion (Col. W. J.
Brand Mrs. Ann, greengrocer, Ilford hill B~rgess, commanding; Capt. Thomas George Hopkins,
Brand Jose-ph, shoe maker, High street adJutant; C. eo. Capt . .A.. R. Meggy, commanding);
Breens James, shopkeeper, Ley street drill hall, High road
Brewer John, saddler, High street Farmers' & Cleveland Dairies Co. Limited, 2 Broadway
Brickle Josiah, stationer, 3 Read's place, High road Farrow Frederick, plumber, Hainault street
Brient William & Son, greengrocers, 4 llford market. .Farrow lVilliam, dining rooms, High road
High road Faunch Frederick George, architect & surveyor, 37
Britannia Works Co. Limited. photographic dry plate Thorold road
manufacturers, Britannia works Field Frederick, baker, The Broadway
Drocker William Frederick, bicycle maker ; repairs of all Fire Escape Station, Ilford hill
kinds neatly & promptly executed, 2 Read's place & 6 Fish .Arthur, umbrella manufacturer, llford hill
Chapel place, High road Fisher Alexander, hairdresser, High street
Brown Robert GeQI"ge, farmer, Great Newburys Fletcher Edward, laundry, High road
Bull Jacob Charles, house decorator, llford hill Floyd George, farmer, Beehive farm
Bull Joseph, foreman to Mr. W. Mills, Green lane farm Fordham George, grocer & cheesemonger, High street.
Tyas William, beer retailer, Roden street Willis William & Sons, boot & shoe makers, High street
Tyler John S. solicitor, Broadway Willis William, boot & shoe maker, 6 Read's pl. High rd
Warren F. & Co. coal merchants, Railway station Willmott Frederick, builder, Hope cottage, High road
Watkins Peter, architect & surveyor & surveyor to Wilson & Whitworth, printers, High street
llford Local Board, r Cleveland villas Wilson John, sani~ry plumber, 4 llford terrace
Watling Harry & Co. plumber, Parkhurst road Wiskar Waiter, farme-r, Highlands farm
Watson James Henry, fruiterer, florist & rose grower, With"\"ington James, insurance agent, The Poplars,
9 Chapel place & elements Estate nursery High road
Watson William, builder, llford hill Witney Charles, cab proprietor, Adelaide terrace
Weall William, coffee rooms, High road W urth & Co. provisiQill dealers, High road
Wells L. C. (Mrs.), private school, The Croft, Coventry rd \Vright Samuel, market gardener, Sam's green
West F. butcher, High road Yates John, builder, l:iigh road
Weston Luke, confectioner, High street Yates John, tobacconist & confectioner, 7 llford market,
White & Co. linen drapers, High street High road
White Jessie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Reads place, Young Men's Christian Association (W. Collins, hon.
High road sec.), Cleveland villas
Wicks Annie (Miss), school, 3 Hainault terrace
LITTLE ILFORD is a parish and pleasant village, grove was replaced in 18go by a new chapel at Manor
situated on the west of the river H0ding, 6! miles from Park. There is a Free Methodist chapel in Herbert road,
London, si west from Romford and adjoining Manor a Wesleyan chapel in Romford road and a Baptist chapel
Park station on the Great Eastern railway (Colchester in Greenhill grove. The City of London Cemetery,
line), in the Southern division of the county, Becontree situated in this parish, occupies 168 acres, and contains
half hundred and petty sessional division, West Ham two chapels. The charities, amounting to about £27 IOS.
nnion, Bow county court district, rural deanery af a year and distributed in money, are derived from Ccm-
Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans sols left by Mr. Hayes in the last century. Charles
and within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Bartho1omew esq. C.E. of Castle Hill House, Ealing, :Mid-
court and Metropolitan police. 'i'he church of the dlesex, IS lord otf the manOil' and principal landowner. The
Virgin Mary is a small and ancient building, originally in area ris 766 acres; rateable value, £24,ooo; the population
the EaJrly Norman style, of which, however, but few in 1881 was 993, in 1891, was 3,969, but is now (1894)
traces, consisting chiefly of two very narrow lights deeply estimated at about 6,2oo, the greater part of which is in
splayed, now remam : the church consists of chancel, the district of Manor Park, for which see Ham.
nave of two bays, north chapel, south porch and a tur- Post, M. 0. & T. 0., Romford road, corner of Manor
~et containing one bell: the north chapel is the burial Park road. Letters arrive 8 a.m. z, 7 & 9 p.m. ;
place of the ancestors of SiT Edward Hulse hart. of dispatched 9.30 & 12.25 a.m. 3.25, 5, 7 & 9 p.m.
Breamore House, Salisbury : there is a brass to Thomas,
son and heir of Sir John Heron, private secretary to Sub-office, Romford road, corner of Third avenue, Little
Henry VIII. who died at Alderbroke, in 1517, with an IlfOird-Charles Chambers, receiver. Lette~rs dis-
effigy representing him as a schoolboy of 14, with a patched at 9 a.m. 12 noon, 3, 7 & 8.45 p.m
penner and ink horn at his girdle ; a second brass com-
memorates Aime, only daughter of Barnard Hyde esq. City of London Cemetery, Harry Blake, clerk; John
of London, ob. 1630, ret. 18, and her brother \Villiam, Chapple Stacey, superintendent & registrar; Rev.
ob. 1614, with six English verses : on the north wall of Alfred J. G. Cachemaille M.A. & Rev. James Nic'hol-
the chancel is a stone monument with many kneeling ion Nicholson M.A. of 170 Osborne road, Forest Gate,
figures in high relief, of the time of James I. ; there Episcopal chaplains; Rev. George Firth, Noncon-
are also tablets of members of the Fry family, formerly formist minister
residents here, SO' well known for their philanthropy ; the A School Board of 5 members was formed in r887;
church will seat 170 persons. The register dates from James Turner, 4a, Broadway, Manor park, clerk to the
the year 1539. The living is a re,•tory, yearly value board; Charles Kettle, attendance officer
from tithe rent-charge about £450, with 7 acres of
glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord Francis Hervey, Board School, Fourth avenue, built in 1893, for t,ooo
the Right Hon. Sir Francis Henry Jenne P.C. and J. S. children; average attendance, 784; Gemge Pottinger,
Lockhart esq. and held since 1894 by the Rev. Perey master; Mrs. Emma Wheeldon, mistress; Miss Emma
Matheson Bayne M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. Bentall, infants' mistress
Thomas Newton, poet and physician, was rector here, Conveyance. A tram line running from White Post lane
I583-16o7. The Congregational chap£!1 in Greoohill to Forest Gate & Stratford was completed in 1887
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Bell James, farm bailiff to Mr. Chas. :Miller Harry P. grngrcr. Romford rd
(Marked thus * are 111 the postal dis- Bartholomew, Manor farm Pavitt Oscar (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter,
trict of Manor Park; the remainder Faulkner Jn. coffee rooms,Romford rd Romford road
are in the postal district of llford.) Forge Thomas, watch ma. Romford rd Rumble George, water cress grower,
*Bayne Rev. Percy Matheson, The Gardner Saml. Jas. laundry, Romford l'tlanor fields
Rectory road Skillington Wm. beer sllr. Romford rd
*Bedford Rev. E. C. The Rectory Green William Edward, cycle agent, 'White Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Romford road Romford road
COMMERCIAL. Hyne Emma (Miss), confectioner, V.owler Henry P. electric bell fitter,
Barnard Arthur, butcher, Romford rd Romford road Romford road
Anderson George Mann, Coach & Johnstone George, basket maker, For others in this parish see Manor
Horses P.H. Romford road Romford road Park, East Ham.
INGATESTONE is an ancient town, consisting chiefly Purbeck marble, one of which has an inscription, in Lam-
of one street, of which the larger portion is in the parish bardic letters of the 16th century, to Gertrude Tyrrell, of
'Df Fryerning and is on the ancient road from London to Warlev : here also is the fine monument of Sir William
Chelmsford, with a station on the main line of the Great Petre ·kt. LL.D. ob. 13 Jan. 1572, and Anne (Browne), his
Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich, 23 miles from &'cond wife, consisting of an altar tomb, wrought in alabaster
London, 6 south-west from Chelmsford, 5 north-east from and other marbles, with superbly executed recumbent figures
Brentwood and 28 south-west from Colchester, in the Mid and above the Petre arms, enriched with foliage and sus-
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional pended over the tomb in an ornamental frame of iron : in
division, union and county court district, rural deanery of the south chapel is a costly monument to Robert Petre,
Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. AI bans. youngest brother of Sir William, ob. 1593, w1th his mail-clad
The town is lighted with gas from works near the railway effigy, kneeling under an arch supported on Corinthian
station, belonging to a limited company. The church of SS. columns; near this is another mural monument with portrait
:Mary and Edmund is a building chiefly of brick in various in relief, to Captain John Troughton, ob. r621: 111 the north
styles, and consists of a chancel of three bays, with north chapel is a stately Elizabethan monument with kneeling
and south chapels, nave of three bays, south aisle, north effigies to Sir John Petre kt. lii.P. for Essex, 1st Baron Petre
porch and a lofty brick tower at the west end, with a machi- of Writtle, ob. n October, 1613, and Mary (Waldegmve),
colated parap-et, indented battlements, and low pinnacles at his lady and their son William, 2nd Baron Petre, ob. 5 May,
the angles, and containing a clock and 5 bells, dated r610, 1637, and his wife Catherine (Somerset), who erected this
z66o, 1701 and two 1758: the tower, a noble piece of brick- memorial, and died 30 October, 1624: there are other tombs
work, was raised in the 15th century and is remarkable for and monuments to various members of this house from the
its bold detail and fine proportions : the nave, dating from 16th century to 1713 : the handsome lectern was presented
early in the qth century, is the oldest portion of the build- to the church by Edwin Caldecott esq. in memory of Ellen
ing : the chancel is of later date and has two floor slabs of Caldecott, who died March 29, 1883. The register dates

from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, with the per-~ pied by Haden Corser esq. J.P. ; it stands in well-planted
petual curacy of Buttsbury annexed, average tithe rent- grounds and the noble hall was built by Sir William Cham-
charge £451, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the bers in 1760. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor, and
gift of Lord Petre, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles Edgar John Disney esq. are the chief landowners. The area
Earle B.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. Here is is 2,726 acres of land and 12 of water ; rateable value,
a Congregational chapel. Almshouses for twelve poor including Fryerning, £12,714 ; the population in x8gi
Catholics were founded in 1557 by Sir William Petre kt. ! was 962.
and rebuilt by William Henry Francis, nth Baron Petre, in 1 Parish Clerk, Charles Salmon.
1840: the income IS £184. In 1776 the Rev. Thomas Ralph Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Express
left by will 2os. to be given in bread at Easter; in x8o4 Delivery Office.-Harriet Susan Stuart, postmist>ess.
Rosamond Bonham left the dividend of £xoo £3 per Cent. Letters arrive from London 5.50 & 9.50 a.m., 5-55 & 9·37
Consols for Sunday schools; in x8o6 Mrs. Hannah Rayner 1 p.m. & dispatched at 9.30 & 10.45 a.m., 3, 4.30 & 9 p.m.;
left £so Navy Five per Cents. for the benefit of ten alms- also dispatches to Colchester, Ipswich & Norwich at 9·30
houses for the poor for ever: this last charity is now, how- a.m. & 9 p.m. Letter Box closes at 9 p.m. for all letters
ever, merged in that of Sir William Petre. Fairs for black Post Office, Mill Green. Letters through Ingate~tone arri;e
cattle are held here on the xst and 2nd of December in each at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.45 p.m. on week days, & at
year. Ingatestone Hall, once a seat of the Petre family, is 10 a.m. on sundays. The nearest money order & tele-
an ancient and irregular pile and one of the few fine man- graph office is at Ingatestone
sions of the olden time left in Essex, as, erected in the 15th
century, it was a grange or summer residence, belonging Wall Letter Box, Ingatestone hall, cleared at 7.20 & I I a.m.
to the Abbey of Barking, and was originally built with two & 8.15 p.m. on week days & 8.15 p.m. on sundays
quadrangles and a stately tower gateway, of the house only Wall Letter Box, Heybridge, cleared 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. week
three sides of the inner court now remain, an octagonal days only
staircase turret in the south-east corner of the quadrangle Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 8.30 & u a.m. &
forming one of its principal features ; in 1855 a prieF>ts' 8.35 p.m
"hiding place" was discovered beneath a small room on
the middle floor, down to which, through a trap in the Police Station, H. Laver, sergeant.
floor, an ancient ladder conducted; the mansion contains Schools:-
some ancient tapestry, exhibiting scripture subjects ; an Quick's Memorial School (mixed), built in memory of Mrs.
antique chest for vestments and other relics ; it is now Quick, who died in 1871 ; it will hold 40 children; average
occupied by four Catholic families and attached is a chapel, attendance, 35 ; Miss Mahala Shearing, mistress
dedicated to SS. Erconwald and .£delberga, with a resident National (girls), built about 1840, for about 120 children;
priest. Trueloves, a handsome modern brick mansion in average attendance, xoo ; Miss Frances Stone, mistress
the Elizabethan style, surrounded by pleasure grounds, The National Schools of Fryerning & Ingatestone are amal(.
about x mile from the town, is the residence of William gamated, the boys attending the school in r'ryerning
Isaac Carr esq. The Hyde, the mansion of Edgar John Catholic (mixed), built for about 30 children ; average at-
Disney esq. the son of the late John Disney esq. the tendance, 23; Miss Terese Walmsley, mistress
munificent founder of the Disneian Museum, is now occu- Railway Station, Absalom Evans, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. McGregor Alexander, wood steward to

Lord PeLre
[Names marked thus t. are in the Parish of tAnger Frederick William, butcher Marriage Albert Christy, farmer, Hall
Fryermng.] tAvey Samson, builder farm, Ingatestone hall
tBarker Mrs Baker Harman, beer retailer & shop- tMartin Harriet (Mrs.), Anchor P.H. &
Blyth Samuel William keeper, Mill green pork butcher
Bogie Captain George, Maisonette tBarfield Thomas Roger, wood carver Marvin Edwin James, accountant
Bridge George, 2 Avenue terrace Bentley & Francis, builders t:Mathew Catherine (Miss), dress maker
Capei-Cure Francis, Tylehus Blaxland Henry Edward Deune, Spread Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchts.Station
Carr William Isaac, Trueloves Eagle P.H tNash Thomas, grocer & corn dealer
Cloete-Smith Edward Arnold Blyth Samuel William, agricul- tNewman Waiter, saddler
Co,rser Haden J.P. The Hyde tural & general engineer & implement Nicholls Joseph,farmer & miller (wind),
Coverdale Fredk. John, Ingatestone hall maker, contractor for steam cultiva- Mill green ·
tCraig Abraham Walker, Docklands tion, drainage, thrashing machines &c Noakes William Henry, White Hart P.H
Croft Mrs. 4 Avenue terrace tHorrett George, blacksmith Oddie Joseph, boot maker
Disney Col. Edgar John D.L., J.P Bourne Henry, beer retailer, Mill green tOddie Sarah (Miss), dress maker
DuCane Mrs. Lightoaks Brock William, carpenter tPerry George, boot & shoe dealer
Earle Rev. Charles B.A. Rectory Brook Edward, saddler & harness maker tPullen Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper
French Thomas, Hope villa Buckingham George, coal dealer tPurkiss George, hay binder
tGardner Henry Joseph tCamp Ernest, boot & shoe maker tRaven Henry, baker & farmer
Gray Charles, Ingatestone hall tCarter William, watch & clock maker t Richard son Charles, blacksmith
Havers Misses, Ingatestone hall tCheek George, chimney sweep Riley Isaac, Harding farm
tHodson Thomas Cornell .Mary (Miss), greengrocer Self George, farmer, Heybridge farm
tHouchin Rev. John Wesley [Congreg] Cloete-Smith Edward Arnold, surgeon Sewell George, boot maker
Howes-Tipple The Misses, Ingatestone Coverdalc Frederick John, land agent to Shuttleworth & French, coach & cab pro-
hall Lord Petre, Ingatestone hall prietors, broughams, 'buses, wag-
Johnson Philip tCrow Arthur, Hell P.H gonettes, cabs on hire; t.rders by post
Magnus Harry Dunnett Samuel, farmer, Little Hyde or wire punctually attended to, also
l\Ierewether Francis Lewis Shaw, In- Essex Stag Hounds (Sheffield H. M. meets all trains
gatestone hall Neave esq. master) Shuttleworth James Geo. Crown P.H
Meyer Rev. Edmund [Catholic], In- French Thomas, farmer, Dawes farm 1Smith Fredk.&Son,veterinary surgeons
gatestone hall Fuller William, farmer, Handley green Smith George Percy, draper &
tNash Miss Martha, Mill green tGardner Henry .Joseph, plumber grocer,fancy goods & furniture dealr
Neave Sheffield H. M. (master of Essex & house decorator & hot water enginr Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. (Essex Bank),
Stag Hounds), Mill Green park Gardner Joseph,beer retlr. &shopkeeper bankers (F. Maryon, agent); draw
Payne Harold, Spilfeathers tGearou Frederick John, beer retailer on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,
Petre Sebastian Henry, The Elms tGodfrey Hannah Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr Bouverie & Co. London E C
tRaven Miss tGray Thomas, fishmonger Spiller Waiter, hay dealer, Mill green
Read Misses, Heybridge cottage tGreen & Sons, butchers Stone William Joseph, brick, tile & pipe
Rock Edward, Red house Green Patrick, ironmonger maker, 1 Avenue terrace
Sherrin George, The Gate house Greenfield Lizzie (Miss), dress maker Stuart Harriet Susan (Mrs.), agent ro
tSmith Miss Emily tRicks Arthur, grocer& draper W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit
Smith George Percy tHodson Thomas, surgeon merchants, & postmistress
Smith Josiah Jonathan Hope Archibald, Mill Green laundry Such Henry, farmer & cattle salesman
Stone William Joseph, x Avenue terrace Howell Henry, baker & confectioner Tippler Percy Robt. farmer, The Grange
Thomas Henry, Avenue house Ingatestone & Fryerning Gas Light & tWarner Ernest William, coach builder
Upton James R Coke Co. (Geo. P.Smith, sec.& mangr) Warner Selina Mary (Mrs.), dress ma
tVernall Wm. The Nutshell, Stock lane Johnson Philip L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon Warren William, mat maker
tWillis Mrs tKing Harry, wheelwright & Ship P.H Watkins Thomas Perry, boys' school
Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding J.P. tKing Henry, Royal Oak P.H. &; tailor Wells & Perry,junrs.coal mers.Rlwy.stn
Nithsdale house Limmer John, farmer, Handley green tWorking Men's Club & Reading Room
Wraith Lawrence Hargreaves (Local Linnett Henry,CricketersP.H.Millgreen (James Gallagher, sec)
Government auditor) Marriage & Smith, horse dealers
INGRAVE is a pleasant village and parish, on the road charge £224o net yearly value £368, with residence and 9 r
from Orsett to Tilbury, 2! miles from East Horndon station acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord Petre, and held since 1867
on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 2! miles by the Rev. Henry Davis Heatley M . .A. of St. John's Col-
south-east of Brentwood station on the main line of the lege, Oxford. The principal landowners are Lord Petre,
Great Eastern railway and 20 from London, in the Mid who is lord of the manor, and George Alan Lowndes esq. of
division of the county, Barnstaple hundred, Brentwood Barrington Hall. The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay.
county court district and petty sessional division, Billericay The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
union, rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex 1,819 acres; rateable value, £2,677; the population in 1891
and diocese of St . .Albans. The church of St. Nicholas, was 55I.
appropriated to the use of this and the adjoining parish of
West Horndon, stands close to the high road, and is a red Post Office.-Miss Eliza Wood, sub-postmistress. Letters
~rick building in the Lombardo-Gothic style, consisting arrive from Brentwood at 7· IS & 12 a. m. ; dispatched at
of chance] and nave, and a massive tower at the west end I.o & 6.30 p.m. & a. m. on sunday. The nearest
.containing a clock and s bells, hung in 1738 : in the chancel money order office is at Heron Gate. Brentwood is the
.floor are brasses to Margaret, daughter of John Fitz-Lewis nearest telegraph office

and wife of John Holland, Duke of Exeter and previously Schools : -
wife of Sir Richard Haukford kt. ob. 17 .August I400, and National (mixed), built in x87o, for So children; average
to John Fitz-Lewis and his four wives, in heraldic dresses, attendance, 48; Miss Bailey, mistress
c. I500. The chancel was decorated in 1893, by Mr. Regi- Catholic (boys), built in 187S1 for 40 children ; average at-
nald Hall ward, artist, of Brook Green, Hammersmith, and tendance, I2 & supported by Lord Petre; Francis Owen,
a new heating apparatus fixed at a total cost of £130. The master; (girls) for about 70 children; average attend-
register dates from the year 1560. The living is a rectory, ance, 20; the Sisters of charity are the teachers
with that of West Horndon annexed, average tithe rent- Carrier.-Joseph .Ablin, to Brentwood daily, at 9.30
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. .Ablin Joseph, Cricketers' inn, & carrier West Horndon & Ingrave, also as-
Boardman Walker, The Firs Blatch Waiter, butcher sessor & collector of taxes for Cran·
Crook Rev. Mgr. John Edward [Catholic Boardman William, builder & farmer, ham & Upminster
chaplain at Thorndale hall] Salmon's farm Farrant Silas, pork butcher
Edwards Benjamin, Ingrave grange Cast James, baker Manning Elijah, carpenter
Guy Mrs. Park house Collicott Henry, tailor, Glen cottage Oliff Hugh, bricklayer .
Heatley Rev. HenryDavisM. .A. Rectory Cooper James, Green Man P.H Robertson&Sons,frmrs.IngraveHallfrm
Lay Daniel, The Hollies Dyer Frederick, beer retailer Steel James, dairy farmer
Owen Francis, Thorndon Edwards Charles, builder, parish clerk Walker William, steward to Lord Petre
& organist for East Horndon Whitby Isaac Benj. farmer, Glebe farm
EdwardsJohn,assistant overseer,assessor Wood Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper & lodging
.Ablin Henry, baker & collector of taxes for East Horndon, house, Post office
IN WORTH is a village and parish, on a pleasant eminence a memorial in the church to John .Angier, a former rector,
11ear the Blackwater, I! miles south-east from Kelvedon d. 28th February, I731. The register dates from the year
station, on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 5! 1731. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge average
north-east from Witham and 5~ south from Coggeshall, in £291, with ss acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Lexden, Sir J. P. D. Poynder hart. but pro hdc vice the Bishop of St.
Witham petty sessional division, Lexden and Winstree .Albans, and held since I89:\ by the Rev. Francis Wingfield
union, Maldon county court district, rural deanery of Cog- Dickenson. Here are brick works. W. S. Calvert esq. of
g~hall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. East Bergholt, is lord of the manor ; there are other manors
Albans. The church of .All Saints is a small and ancient running into the parish. J. H. Bridges esq. of Beddington,
building of brick, flint and rubble, in the Norman style, Surrey, is the principal landowner. The land is chiefly
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled arable and undulating ; a portion of it is light and gravelly,
western tower of red brick containing S bells: the nave but most of it is good fertile loam. The area is 1,569 acres;
and chancel are separated by a wall of great thickness, rateable value, £I,61S; the population in 1891 was 594·
pierced by three arches of rude and irregular masonry, the Parish Clerk, .Alfred South.
central arch being the loftiest: the south porch is of Early
English character : in I8 76 the church was restored and Letters through Kelvedon, arrive at 7 a. m. ; dispatched at
reseated chiefly at the cost of the late Rev. Canon .A. H. 7·30 p.m. on week days & 12.20 p.m. on sunday. Tiptree
Bridges M..A. rector of Beddington (d. 1g91 ) : the font is Heath is the nearest money order & telegraph office
octangular and is supported by a cylindrical shaft; there is The children of this parish attend Tiptree school
Dickenson Rev. Francis Wingfield, Cocks Frederick, farmer Moss John, beer retailer
Rectory Deal William, farmer, Park farm Wilks Charles. farmer & beer retailer
Clarke John, farmer Fairhead .Albt. Edwd. frmr.Inworth hall Youngman .Alfd.Buswell,brick& tile ma
KEDINGTON is a parish in Risbridge union, partly in this county, but principally in Suffolk, and full particulars
will be found in "Kelly's Directory of Suffolk."
KEL VEDON (anciently called E.ASTERFORD) is a adjoining is a convent and orphanage with a school for
parish and village, standing partly on rising ground on the young ladies, opened 28th June, I888. There is also a Con-
north-western bank of the river Blackwater, over which is a gregational chapel and a meeting house for the Society of
bridge of one arch leading to Inworth and on the ancient Friends. The Freemasons have a lodge here (Easterford,
and main road from London to Colchester, with a station on 2342) opened in March, I890; meetings are held at the
-the Great Eastern railway, 42 miles from London, 4 north- .Angel Hotel monthly, on Thursday nearest the full moon.
east from Witham, 8 south-east from Braintree, 8 north- Charities amounting to £30 yearly, arising from lands in
east from Maldon and 3 south from Coggeshall, in the East Thorpe, are distributed in bread. Here was born, 19th
Eastern division of the county, Witham hundred and petty June, 1834, the Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the famous
sessional division, Braintree union, Colchester county court Baptist minister, and son of the Rev. John Spurgeon: he
district, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Col- was educated in a school at Colchester and during his
chester and diocese of St. .Albans. The village is lighted early years acted as usher in a private academy at New-
with gas by a company and supplied with water from private market : he first began preaching in connection with a Non-
wells and pumps. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a conformist congregation at Cambridge, and at the age of
building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of seventeen took charge of a Baptist chapel at Waterbeach;
chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch, and a west- but in I853 removed to the New Park Street chapel, South-
ern tower with shingled spire containing a clock and 5 bells : wark, and there remained till the opening of the Metropo-
during the years I876 and I877 the church was restored by titan Tabernacle in 1861 : besides being a voluminous writer
subscription at a cost of £3,000, the bells being rehung, a and the pastor of a congregation numbering about 6,ooo, he
new pulpit erected, carved oak choir stalls and desk placed was an active politician, and opposed Mr. Gladstone's Irish
in the chancel and a new east window inserted : the chancel measures of I886, and in x887 he withdrew from the Baptist
was restored at the cost of the late Sir Thomas Sutton , Union; latterly his health had become very precarious, and
Western hart. as lay rector. The register dates from thJ he died at Mentone, 31st January, 1892. Felix Hall, the
year 1556. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £240, property of Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western hart. and
with residence, and 57 acres of glebe, in the gift of the now occupied by Major-Gen. Sir Henry P. Ewart K.C.B. is
Bishop of St. .Albans, and held since 1891 by the Rev. distant about a mile; it is a modern building, with a portico
Edward Francis Hay 1\I. .A. of St. John's College, Oxford. supported by six Corinthian pillars, and stands in a fine
Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western hart. is the impropriator park of about 140 acres, affording a good view over the
of the great tithes. There is a new Catholic church dedi- valley of the river Blackwater. Kelvedon is divided into
oeated to Mary Immaculate and the Holy .Archangels, and two manors, of which the Bishop J)f London and Sir T. C.
C. Western bart. are respectively lords ~ the latter is the . Schools ::-
chief landowner. The land is arable and mixed; subsoil, National, established about r8r3, for 300 children; average
gravel and loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, tur- attendance, x6o; William Webb Thome, master; Miss A.
nips, beans and peas and seeds. The parish contains an S. Mumford, girls' mistress; Miss E. M. Parish, infants'
area of 3,o88 acres of land and 13 of water; rateable value, mistress. A new infants' school has been erected
£8,491; the population in 1891 was 1,565. British (mixed), built in x835, for 120 children & recently
(r894) enlarged for so more children; and a new room
GORE PIT, in Feering parish, which is supposed to have for infants added ~ average attendance, I ro ; William
taken its name from a battle fought there, is a suburb of Jennings, master; Mrs. Jennings, infants' mistress; )liss
Kelvedon, on the other side of the Blackwater, over which R. Gibberd, assistant mistress
is a bridge. Public Establishments : -
Parish Clerk, J. Howard. Masonic Lodge (Easterford. No. 2342), held at the Angel
hotel, M. W. Meade, sec
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Express Public Hall, W. H. Scott, manager
Delivery Office.-Mark William Meade, postmaster Volunteer Fire Brigade, formed in r887, George Braddy,
Outgoing Mails.-London & through, 9·45 a.m.; Colches- capt. & 7 firemen
ter, Harwich, Ipswich & Norwich, 12.10 p.m.; London& Public Officers : -
through, 12.30 p.m. ; London & through, Witham, Assistant Overseer, Frank Allan Osbom
Chelmsford, Braintree, Maldon & Halstead, 4· 10 p.m. ; Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Kelvedon District.
London & through, 6.45 p,m.; London & through, Ips- Braintree Union & Messing District, Lexden & Winstree •

wich, Colchester, Witham, Chelmsford, Halstead & all Union, Richard Galpin M.R.c.s.Eng
parts, 10 p.m. ; sundays, 10 p.m. Parcels are dispatched Registrar of Births & Deaths, Kelvedon Sub-district, Mark
at 12.30, 6.45 & 10 p.m.sundays excepted William Meade, Post office; deputy, William Godfrey
Incoming Mails.-London & through, Chelmsford, Witham, Conveyance :-.-
Halstead at 10.30 p.m. ; Colchester, Harwich & Ipswich, Railway Station, Thomas W. Turrall, station master
2.5 a.m; London & through, a.m. (for delivery Omnibus to Coggeshall, 7.32 & 10.26 a.m. & 5.18 p.m.;
7 a.m.); London & through & Witham, 10.30 a.m. for returns 8.18 a.m., 12 & 6.45 p.m
delivery II.2o a.m.; Colchester, Harwich & Ipswich, Flys from the Star & Fleece & Angel hotels to meet all the
4·45 p.m.; London & through, 5.10 p.m. for delivery trains
5.50 p.m. Parcels Mails arrive at 10.30 a. m. for delivery Carriers:-
at II.2o a. m. ; at 5.10 p.m. for delivery at 5.50 p.m.; & Charles & Edward Moore, to Colchester, wed. & sat. re-
2.5 a.m. for delivery at7a.m turning the same days ; to Chelmsford, mon. tues. thurs.
fri. & sat. returning the same days
Wall Letter Boxes.-At station, cleared at 9.50 a.m. 12.30, Charles Pudney & Son's wagon passes through from
4 & 9 p.m. ; at Angel Hotel wall, cleared at 9.50 a.m. Coggeshall to Norton Folgate, London, tues. & fri. return•
12.30, 3·55 & 9 p.m ing thurs. & sun
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cornwell Jonah, glover Moore Charles & Edward, temperance
Ackers Mrs Cox George, seed grower & farmer house & carriers
Bigg Miss, Myrtle villa Crampin Alfred John, baker Moore Frank, farmer, Clarks farm
Bretnall :Mrs Cranmer William & Son, farmers & Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchant
Docwra :Mrs. Greys · seed growers Newman Robert William, grocer & pro-
Egan Rev. John [Roman Catholic] Crow Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker vision dealer
Ewart Major-General Sir Henry P. bart. Crow William, stationer Nichols Jn.farmer, Monk's & Park farms
K.C.B. Felix hall Cutts George, seed grower & farmer, Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner
Foster :Mrs. Gladstone cottage Crabbs farm Orst John, florist & seedsman, & sec. to
Frere Mrs. John Deeks Frederick, seed grower the Liberal Association, The Gardens
Galpin Richard Diamond Charles, boot maker Os born Emma (Mrs.), china & glass
Gooday Mrs. Ormonde lodge Doughton James, smith & manufacturer dealer & grocer
Hay Rev. Edward Fras. M.A. Vicarage of cattle oil Osborn Elijah, seed grower
Lance Mrs. Red house Eary Waiter, beer retailer & shopkeeper Osborn Frank Allan, assistant overseer
Ley Rev. Arthur B.M. [Roman Cath- Eldred John, herbalist Osborn Joseph Turner, shoe maker &
olic], The Hollies Elliott Joseph, carpenter leather seller
Macintyre Miss Evers Susan Ann (Mrs.), lodging house Osborn Robert Eli, manure factor
Nichols Henry Fire Brigade (Volunteer) (Geo. Braddy, Parish J ames, farmer
Olive William captain) Pluck Samuel, tailor
Page Miss Fisk Herbert A. tailor Polley Joseph & Son, seed growers
Rattray Mrs Fitch Lazarus, brewers' traveller Polley Joseph, plumber &c
Rowe Daniel French Jn. Robt. gasfitter & bellhanger Public Hall (W. H. Scott, manager)
Smith Rev. Albert [Congregational] Frith John Bruff, chemist & druggist Raven Edwin Joseph, seed grower &.
Smith Misses Fuller Edwin Raven, grocer, draper & farmer, Mill farm
Spurting Miss, Greys cottage wine & spirit merchant Raven John Sach, seed grower & farmer,
Storey Joseph Shaw Fuller John, brewer Highfields
Turner Mrs. Lawn house Fuller Thomas, plumber & painter Rayner Samuel Felton & Son, coach
Vaughan Mrs Galpin Richard M.R.C.S.Eng. L.S.A. builders & Queen's Head P.H
Walford William, Ormonde house surgeon, & medical officer & public Rogers Sml. miller (water ),Kelvedon mill
Youngman Alfred Buswell vaccinator, Kelvedon district, Brain- Roman Catholic Convent & Orphanage
y oungman Miss Harriet tree union & Messing district, Lexden & young ladies' schl. (Sisters of )lercy)
COMMERCIAL. & Winstree union Rowell Richard, Railway tavern
Alecock Joseph, watchmaker Garrard James, butcher Scott Wm. Hy. coffee rms. & seed grower
Arnold Felix., boot maker Garrard James C. farmer, Porters farm Seabrook Silas, grocer & draper
Ashwell Horace, miller (roller, steam & Godfrey William, printer, stationer & Seaman William, fishmonger
water) bookseller, bookbinder, & deputy re- Shemming Waiter, boot maker
Ballard Edward, Star & Fleece corn- gistrar of births & deaths, Kelvedon Siggers Waiter, builder & contractor, &
mercial hotel & posting house sub-district agent for the Manchester Fire Office,
Barleyman Thomas Hughes, draper, Hicks Jas. Robt. C. confectioner & baker & the Rock Life Office
hosier & haberdasher Hunwick James. fellmonger Smith Brian, steam thrashing machine
Barratt George, farmer, Ewell hall IsbernArthur Fredk. baker & beer retlr proprietor
Barton George, White Hart P.H Jennings William H. musical instru- Smith James, coal merchant
.Beckwith Thomas, butcher ment agent Smith James, farmer, Allshot's
Bicknell William, tobacconist Kelvedon Gas Light & Coke Co. Limited Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers, Kelve-
Bonner W1lliam, confectioner (Waiter Siggers, chairman) don; (agency) open tuesday & friday
.Braddy Charlotte (Mrs.), cabinet maker King William, saddler 11.30 a.m. to 2.15 p.m.; draw on
& ironmonger Last Joseph G. baker Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,
Braddy George, saw mills, builder & Liberal Association (J. Orst & Rev. A. Bouverie & Co. London E C
contractor Smith, secs) Surridge Ernest Edward, solicitor, & at
Britton Thomas, carpenter Masonic (Easterford 2342) Lodge (M. Coggeshall ·
.Bucke William Edward, Victoria P.H W. Meade, sec) Tunmer Maria & Caroline (Misses),
Clarke Henry, tailor May Arthur George, chimney sweeper blacksmiths
Cook David, cabinet maker Meade Mark William, postmaster & Turner John, Angel hotel
Conservative Association (Jas.Inifer,sec) registrar of births & deaths for the Upsher John, pork butcher
Cornwell George, coal merchant Kelvedon sub-district Wager W1lliam, beer retailer
Warner Alfred, seed merchant ,~·ard Alfred Charles, grocer Way Simeon, hair dresser
Warner Edward, grower & farmer, Wiseman l\Iary Jane & Jessie (Misses), Wood Arthur Charles, saddler & bar-
Church hall ladies' school ness maker
KELVEDON HATCH acquired its present name Surrey, and held since 1889 by the Rev. David Wilkie
before the time of King Edward the Confessor; it is a Peregrine B.A., L. Th. of University College, Durham.
rillage and parish, near the river Roding, 3 miles south A new church is about to be erected near Kelvedon
from Ongar station on a branch of the Great Eastern Common, which will have a burial ground, subject t()
railway, S north-north-west from Brentwood, and 20 from approval of the Home Secretary. The charities are of
London, in the Western division of the county, Ongar £35 yearly value, arising from rent of land, and are
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Erentwood given annually in money to the poor. Kelvedon Hall,.
county court district, rural deanery of Lambourne, the property of Edward Carrington Wright esq. J.P. and
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The now occupied by .John Algernon Jones esq. is a fine •

church of St. Nicholas is a structure of brick in the mansion, surrounded by woods and plantations and has
Early English style, rebuilt about 1740, and consists an ornamental piece of water; attached to the hall is
of chancel and nave and a small western belfry with a Catholic chapel, dedicated to St. Joseph. The chief
spire containing one bell: there are several monuments landowners are Edward Carrington Wright esq. J.P. wh()
and brasses to the Luther, Wright and Dolby families, is lord of the manor; Major John Augustus Fane and
dated 16o8, 1653 and I656: one of these, dated 1638, the Rev. Charles Leopold Royds l\I..A. of Brentwood.
is thus described: "Fratres in unum. Heere lyes The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
Richard and Anthonie Lvther esquires, so truly loving crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is I,6].).
brothers that they lived neere fortie years joint hovse- acres of land and 9 of water; rateable value, £2,431;,
keepers together at Miles, without anie accompt atwixt and a scattered population in I89I of 368.
them:" another to Jane Lvther is without date and runs Parish Clerk, Jonathan Enever.
thus : " Sleepe heere sweet sainte till the trompe awake 0 T 0 s B & .Ann ·t I ' &
. If ·
th ee, an d for H Imse e reVIve h th t fi did k Post, l\I. . & . ., • . m y, nsurance
t ee, a rst ma e Express Delivery Office, Kelvedon Common.-J oseph
thee:" the brasses include a figure of a civilian's wife, ..lloysius Ryon Rorke, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
c. 1s6o, male effigy and inscription lost; and an in- d .. d"
· · F d h f Phil" nT Id d from Brentwoo at 5· a.m. 12.10 ""' 7.25 p.m.; IS-
scriptwn to rances, aug ter o 1p n a egrave an patched at . IS a. m. I & . 40 p.m
wife of .John Wright, ob. 1656: the church was restored 9 7
in I8]3, at a cost of £ 3 8o, by subscription: there are A School Board of 4 members was formed 13 .Jan. I87S;
140 sittings. The church and churchyard, except in Rev. D. Wilkie Peregrine B.A. chairman & clerk to
certain specified cases, were closed to interments 31 tlie board; Charles John Poate, attendance officer
Dec. I893· 'l'he register dates from the year 1561. The Board School (mixed), erected, with master's house, in
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £333; net r88o, at a cost of £r,Iso, for roo children; average
yearly value, £26o, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, attendance, 8S; Charles White, master; Mrs. Marian
in the gift of E. W. Puxon esq. of Wintons, Croydon, vVhite, mistress
Dutton William, Woodlands COMMERCIAL. Knightbridge William Chas. butcher
Fane Rev. Frederick Adrian Scroope Poate Charles John, school attendance
1\LA. Priors Barr William, farmer, Germain's officer, Common
'~ibbs Henry Brandrith, Kumra lodge Bowen Ja.mes Thomas, shopkeeper & Porter Jesse, wood dealer
Gould William beer retailer Purkis William, miller (wind)
Hopcraft Lewis, Orchard Dean Coleman Frank, farmer, Pump farm qandall George, blacksmith
Jones John Algernon, Kelvedon hall Dodgson Edward, farmer, Langford Rorke .Joseph Aloysius Ryan, engineer,.
Mann Mrs Bridge farm Post office
Newman John Thos. Crownfield house Fitch James, boot ma. & newsagent Samuels Archer, bricklayer
Peregrine Rev. David Wilkie B.A., Fitch William, builder Sarsfield John, Eagle P.H
L. Th. Rectory Giblin George William, baker Sawkins Waiter, carman
Royds Rev. Charles Leopold M. A. Kelvedon Parish Club & Reading-room Weal William, carman
Brizes park (C. White, sec) \Yren Thomas, laundry
KIRBY (or Kirby-le-Soken \ divided into Upper and amount, which was £so. Two acres two roods of land
Lower, is a parish, on a creek of Hanford Water, with left by an llilknown donor produce about £6 yearly, as
a station at Kirby Cross on the Tendring Hundred rent, which is also applied to charitable uses. Sneating
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 69 miles from Hall is the residence of John Salmon esq.: the trustees
London, 2! miles west from Walton steamboat pier, 12 of the late Edward Chapman esq. are lords of the manor:
south-west from Harwich, I2 south-east from Manning- a court leet is held at the Ship inn, .July
tree and 15 east from Colchester; it is one of the three 26th. John Salmon esq. Colonel Williams, Jackson
liberties called the "Sokens," the chief of which is at Hunt esq. the trustees of the late W. P. Honywood esq.
Thorpe, and is in the North-Eastern division of the of Marks Hall, R. R. Mumford esq. and Col. R. P.
county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and Davis are the principal landowners. The soil is loamy;
union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery of subsoil, principally clay. The chief crops are wheat~
St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of barley, oats, beans, peas and roots. The area is 3.970
St. Albans. Kirby has a wharf on the creek. The acres of land and 952 of water; rateable value, £4,368 ;
church of St. Michael is an ancient structure of flint the population in 1891 was 839.
with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, nave of HORSEY is a marshy island, 2 miles long and a mile
three bays, aisles, north porch and an embattled western and a half broad, lying in a bay adjacent and used
tower containing S bells, one dated r64r, three I729 and chiefly for grazing, but it has a few houses and a ford
one IJ78 : a clock with two dials, the gift of the late to the main land. There is also Pewett Island, which
:Mrs. Shum, of Hill House, was placed in the tower in formii a large marsh; Skippers Island (or Holmes) and
1884: the main portion of the building is in the Early other smaller islands.
Decorated style, but the tower was added in the Per-
pendicular period: there are 6 stained windows, that KIRBY CROSS is a hamlet of Kirby, on one of the
at the east end presented by the late R. Blansha~d esq. cross roads from Thorpe to Walton. Upper Street is a.
in memory of his wife, who died in I866: the stained hamlet, on the same line or road.
west window was erected by A. F. Ericsson esq. at a Parish Clerk, George Clark.
cost of £I7S· in memory of his wife, who died 22 Dec. Post Office, Kirby.-Miss Elizabeth .lane Lott, sub-
I8gr: the chancel was restored in 1870 and the nave postmistress. Letters arrive from Colchester at 6.5
and aisles in 1873• at a cost of £3,000, chiefly through a.m. & 6.20 p.m.; dispatched at 6.5 a.m. & 6.20 p.m.
the liberality of the late R. Blanshard esq. The register The nearest money order office is at Kirby Cross, &
dates from the year 1681 and includes regist<l'ations from telegraph office is at Walton-{)n-the-Naze. Postal
Walton-le-Soken, from 1798 to 1812. 'fhe living is a orders are issued here, but not paid
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £r7S; net yearly Post, & l\1. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Officep
value, £146, with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the Kirby Cross. Robert Sparling, sub-postmaster.
gift of trustees, and held since I872 by the Rev. Samuel Letters arrive from Colchester at a.m. & 3-IS
William Sta~g. The Wesleyan chapel will seat roo per- p.m.; dispatched at II.20 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. Frinton-
sons. The Primitive Methodist chapel at Kirby Cross, on-Sea is the nearest telegraph office
erected in 1873, has ISO sittings, and this sect has also Letter Box, Railway Station, cleared week days at
an iron room at Lower Kirby with sittings for So a.m. & p.m.; sunday", 10.30 a.m
persons. The charities comprise £roo South Sea National School (mixed), built in I872, for 153 children;
annuities: the deeds were lost for a considerable period, average attendance, 128; John William Balm, master
during which time the interest doubled the original Railway Station, Keppel Reeve, station master
224 :&ffiBY. ESSEX. (KELLY's
KIRBY. Lambert John, farmer J arvis Mrs. Clarence villas ·
Hamlvn Clarence A. The Yew trees Lott Elizabeth Jane (Miss), stati01~x-, Willement Miss
Kidby Mrs Post office COMMERCIAL.
Mason Miss, Myrtle cottage Low Herbert, farmer, Brick barn Baker Maurice, farmer, Meer's farm
Salmon John, Sneating hall Main Virtue (Mrs.), farmer, Hor- Baker George, farmer
'Shum Miss, Hill house sey Island Bradbrook Frederick, grocer & draper
Smith Edward, Willow cottage Mumford Robt. Rand, frmr. Kirby hll Brown Daniel, wheelwright
Stagg Rev. Samuel Wm. Vicarage Oxborrow Robert, blacksmith Easey William, farmer, Hill House fm
COMMERCIAL. Salmon John Thompson, farmer, Birch Fisher John, farmer, Blue house
Boreham William, grocer & draper hall & Sneating Hall farm; & at Scott .A.rthur, Hare & Hounds P.H
Brown Jas. butcher & machine owner Great Oakley Lodge farm,Gt.Oakley Scowen William, shopkeeper
"Brown Waiter, Red Lion P.H Sharman John, shoe maker Sm~th William, builder
Eade Wm. Harry, bldr. The Popseys Skeet Frederick, grocer & draper & Snare Geo. farmer, Sadler's farm
l''iner William, shopkeeper & stamp rate collector Sparling Robert, baker, & Post office
distributor Wake George, Ship inn Stone Hector, farmer
Gray Dennis, butcher Ward George, carpenter
Jackson Richard Thomas, beer retailer KIRBY CROSS. Wolfe George, carpenter
& carpenter Bishop John, Clarence villas Youngs John, Railway tavern
LAINDON, is a parish and village, with a station charity of £4 a year, from land in Fobbing parish,
on the direct line of the London, Tilbury and Southend left by an unknown donor, & called "the Vineyard"
railway, 25 miles from London and 8 south-east from A School Board, consisting of _r:; members, for the United
Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, Barstable District of Laindon, Basildo.n, & Lee Chapel, was
hundred, Brentwood county court district and petty constituted 26 November, 1873; G. William Scholding,
sessional division, Billericay union, and in the rural Crays hill, Billericay, clerk to the board & attendance
deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese officer
of St. .A.lbans. The church of St. Nicholas, standing lloard School (mixed), built in 1877, for 6o children;
on rising ground, at some distance from the village, is average attendance, 40; .A.nthony Stevens, master
a building of stone originally Early English, but now in Police Station, .A.lfred Britt-Jn, constable
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Railway Station, .A.lfred Fife, station master
aisle, divided from the nave by an arcade of two bays,
and a western tower with oak shingled spire containing BASILDON (or Battelsdon), though now annexed t()
5 bells, two of which are dated 1588 and 1619: there is Laindon, is said to have been formerly a town. The
a piscina and in the aisle a recess supposed to be the church of the Holy Cross, standing on an eminence, iii
founder's tomb, which has been carefully preserved. a building of brick and stone in the Perpendicular style,
Perhaps the most interesting feature about the church and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a western
is the priest's house at the west end, the lower story tower containing 3 bells, dated r677 and 1756: in r88o
of which was used, till recently, as a schoolroom; of its the chancel was thoroughly restored and new oak choir
curious external oak framing, so much as was actually stalls v.·ere introduced, the nave was thoroughly restored
decayed was removed at the restoration and replaced in r888: a curious tablet on the north wall of the nave
by new, the remainder being refixed and kept together records that in 1702 the parishioners paid eleven shillings
by iron bands : the lower room is now used as a vestry : and sixpence in the pound, according to their rental,
the restorations, carried out -in r8 8r-3, at a cost of for the restoration of the church. The register dates
[r,7oo, from designs by Mr. F. Chancellor, of Chelms- from 1707, previous entries having been made in the
ford, are in the Perpendicular style. The register dates Laindon registers. The rectory house was built in r869,
from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, with by the late rector, assisted by a loan of £r,soo from
"Basildon annexed, average tithe rent-charge £589; net Queen .A.nne's bounty. According to Morant, Barstable
yearly value £z8o, with 54 acres of glebe and residence, Hall, in this parish, gave its name to the hundred. A
in the gift of the Bishop of St. .A.lbans, and held since bequest of [2oo was made in 1862 by Samuel Leake
r882 by the Rev. Beaumarice Stracey Clarke, of St. Gibbons, the interest of which is given to the poor of
Bees ; the Rev. Herbert Carpenter has been curate-in- this parish. J oseph Moss esq. and the :Misses Ede are
charge since Aug. 1893. The Bishop of London is lord the principal landowners. The soil is heavy, strong
of the manor. The principal landowners are Lord Petre, land. The principal crops are wheat, barley, oats,
Ezekiel L. Dove and C. C. Lewis, esqrs. and the beans, peas and clover. The area is 1,607 acres; rate-
president of St. John's College, Oxford. The soil is able value, £r,IS7; the population in 1891 was I79·
heavy clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
barley, oats, beans, peas and clover. The area is Post Office.-Nathan Beardwell, ~ub-postmaster. Letters
J:,697 acres ; rateable value, £ I,342 ; the population in arrive from Brentwood via Billericay at 8.30 a. m. ;
1 g91 was 304, exclusive of Basildon. dispatched at 4·45 p.m. The nearest money order
Parish Clerk, Thomas Spooner. office & telegraph office is at Wickford
Post Office.-Mrs. Martha Ann :Miller, sub-postmistress. LEA. CHAPEL (East Lea or Ley, signifying the east
Letters arrive from Brentwood via Billericay at 8 a.m. ; pasture) was formerly an extra-parochial district, but is
dispatchpd at 5 p.m. The nearest money order & now a parish in Billericay union, about a mile and a
telegraph office is Billericay half south from Laindon churcn; it was formerly a
John Puckle in r6r4 endowed a school here with an distinct manor and is a chapelry : the ancient chapel or
income of £65 yearly, arising from land in Laindon; chantry, is now demolished: the parish contains 480
the school is now closed & the endowment is adminis- acres; rateable value, £340; and IS inhabitants in IBgr.
tered by a body of 7 trustees (the rector generally The trustees of the late Major Bailey and the trustees
acting as chairman) under a new scheme, sanctioned of the late T. C. Swinborne esq. are the impropriators
by the Charity Commissioners; there is also a small of the tithe and the latter are principal landowners.
LAINDON. French Robert, jun. farmer .Durham Edward Burton, Fryern's ho
COMMERCIAL. Frost John, Duke's Head P.H Austin John, beer retailer
Horn John, Fortune of War P.H Bacou Hy. fm. bailiff to J. Halston esq
.Allonby Jo~n, farmer, Hu~t's_ farm Jefferies James, farmer Baker Harry, farmer
"Brown Damel, farmer, Thnft farm Mead James, beer retailer & shopkpr Dowson Edwd. frmr. Summerhill fm
13nckenham Charles, farmer . Miller Edward, blacksmith Gardiner William, farmer
"Buckenham Eldred, farmer, Lamdon ·wingfield Samuel, farmer Moss Joseph, farmer & landowner,
pond Fairfield
Burrell Charles, farmer, Watch house B.A.SILDON.
Clark Jas. bailiff for Wm. Cloke esq LEE CHAPEL.
Downham George, farmer Carpenter Rev. Herbert (curate in Clark John Benjamin, farmer, Lee
Dowson Edward, coal mer. Station charge of Laindon & Basildon), Chapel farm
French Robert, farmer The Rectory Jackson Thomas, farmer, LeeWoottens
LAMARSH is a village and parish, on the navigable union and county court district, and in the rural deanery
river Stour, near the borders of Suffolk, 2 miles north- of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester, and diocese
by-west from Bures station on the Stour Valley branch of St. Albans. The church of the Holy Innocents is a
of the Great Eastern railway, 6 north-east from Hal- small edifice of stone and brick in the Early English
stead and 5 south from Sudbury, in the Northern divi- style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch and
sion of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinck- a round tower with octagonal spire, containing one bell,
ford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury and was res!ored in r869. The register of baptisms
dates from I555 ; burials and marriages, rss6. The House, Bures. The soil is light land; subsoil, various.
liring is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge [,289, The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area ie
with 96 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the 935 acres; rateable value, [,r,313; the population in
lords of the manor, and held since 1892 by the Rev. 1891 was 196.
Edwin Henry Oakley M.A. of Queens' College, Cam- Parish Clerk, Zachariah Potter.
bridge. The Rectory house has, under the Divided Letters through Colchester, via Bures, arrive at 7 a.m
Parishes Act, been transferred to Alphamstone parish. Wall Letter Box, cleared week days at 7 a.m. & 7. 10
Here is a small Baptist chapel. Charles Brogden p.m.; sundays, ro.55 a.m. The nearest money order
Sperling D.L., J.P. esq. of Dynes Hall, Great Maple- & telegraph office is at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk
stead, and Christopher Teesdale esq. are lords of the National School (mixed), built in 1875, for 55 children;
manor. The principal landowners are the trustees of average attendance, 40; Miss Edith L. English,
Edmund Cooke esq. and William Garrard esq. of Brook mistress
Goldsmith Mrs Goldsmith Sarah (Mrs.), landowner & Messent Zaccheus, farmer, Street frm
Oakley Rev. Edwin Hy. M.A. Rectory farmer Podd William, baker
Partridge Waiter Archer, Mill house Howard William, frmr. Bowtells farm Thompson John, Lion P.H
Cant Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Shrubs Haywood William, farmer Webber Frederick, maltster & farmer,
Cooper Charles, jun. bricklayer Messent Arthur, farmer, Daws hall Newmans
LAMBOURNE, mentioned in Domesday, is a parish of Lieut.-Col. Amelius Richard Mark Lockwood M.P.,
and village, on the road from London to Chipping D.L., J.P. was once the residence of Henry le Despenser,
Ongar and on the left bank of the river Roding, 3 miles the warlike bishop of Norwich: this prelate, bred to
south-east from Theydon Bois station on the Epping and arms in Italy, in the service of the Pope Adrian, also
Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway, 13! from an Englishman, obtained the bishopric of Norwich as
Wnitechapel and Shoreditch, 7 north-by-west from Rom- a reward for his services and held the see from 1730
ford, 8 south-west from Ongar, and 5 south from to 1408; and in the reign of Richard the Second he
Epping, in the western division of the county, Ongar suppressed the insurgent rising in the counties of
union, hundred and petty sessional division of Epping, Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon against the capita-
county court district of Romford, rural deanery of tion tax levied by parliament: he died in 1409. That
Lambourne, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. portion of the parish called "Lambourne End" contains
Albans. The Essex and Herts Water Company's main all that remains of Hainault Forest, a charming wood-
has been extended to Abridge in this parish. The church land of 314 acres awarded as a parish common by the
of St. Mary and All Saints is a very ancient building Inclosure Commissioners in 1862. Lieut.-Col. Lockwood
of stone in the Norman style, consisting of chancel and ~LP. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The
nave and a small western turret containing 3 bells: soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat.
the north doorway is Norman and the arch is enriched barley and beans. The area is 2,440 acres; rateab~e
with billet moulding: in the church is a monument to value, [,4,072; the population in 1891 was 904.
the celebrated Thomas Wynnyffe, Bishop of Lincoln
1642-54, and for some time rector of this church ; ABRIDGE is a hamlet on the London road, 1!._ miles
here also is buried his father, John Wynnyffe, gent. south-east from Theydon Bois station on the Epping
of Sherborne, Dorset, ob. 1630, aged 92: in 1889 the and Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway.
church was reseated, new heating apparatus fixed and
a new organ erected, the cost being defrayed by Lieut.- Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Ex-
press Delivery Office, Abridge.-Miss Alice Bryant,
Col. A. R. M. Lockwood M.P. The register of baptisms
~ostmistress. Letters by mail cart are received
dates from 1582; marriages and burials, 1584. The through Romford; arrive at 6.20 a. m.; dispatched
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £455, at 6.25 p.m.; also by conveyance from Romford,
net yearly value £346, with 34 acres of glebe and arrive at 10.45 a.m. & dispatched at 1.30 p.m.
residence, in the gift of Corpus Christi college, Cam-
bridge and held since 1893 by the Rev. Charles Alfred Pillar Letter Box, Lambourne, cleared at 1.35 p.m
Goodhart M.A. and late scholar of that college. Trinity A School Board of 5 members was formed 4 August,
church, at Abridge, a chapel of ease to the parish 1874, for the united district of Lambourne & Stap:e-
church, is a plain edifice of brick, consisting of nave ford Abbots; William Smith, Romford, clerk to the
and aisle; it was enlarged in 1877, and an organ was board
erected in r88o. Here also is a Congregational chapel. Board School (with- teacher's house), built in 1879, for
There are charities amounti:r;~.g to about £30, arising 150 chiluren; average attendance, 125 ;' William
from a house and land, for the poor and for repairing the Barlow, master; Miss A. Pittman, mistress ; Miss
church. Bishop's Hall, in this parish, now the seat Edith Barlow, assistant mistress
LAMBOURNE. ABRIDGE. Dunham Eliza (Mrs.), blacksmith &

Coombes Edmund, Hill side Browne John Miller, Roding house Ironmonger
Glyn Egerton John, Priors Davis Albert, Chestnut cottage Flack Abraham, shopkpr. & cab propr
Goodhart Rev. Charles Alfred M.A. Hargreaves Percy Handley Wm. blacksmith & beer rtlr
Rectory Lawrence Mrs. The Cottage Harris Martin, saddler
Lockwood Lieut.-Col. Amelius Richard Thompson James Andw. Baird M.D Hayden George, baker
Mark M.P., D.L., J.P. Bishop's hall Hudson William George, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL. Hurdle Frederick, brewer & maltster
Boyd Martha (Mrs.), baker Abridge Brewery Co. (Herbert P. & wine & spirit merchant
Crane Samuel, landowner & farmer, Stessiger, manager) Krailing William (Mrs.), bread & bis-
Arnold's farm Abridge Coffee Rooms & Club (Wm. cuit baker
Glasse Jas. Fredk. farmer, St. John's Crawley, manager) Moody Thomas, White Hart P.H
Glasse John, farmer, Great Down's fro Abridge Cricket Club (Albert Davis, Nicholls Alfred John, shopkeeper
Kemsley William Joseph, farmer,Lam- secretary) Radford John, Blue Boar family &
bourne hall Aldous Henry, tailor commercial hotel
Bandall George, farmer, New farm Ancient Order of Foresters' Lodge(A. Stanford John, grocer & draper
Saward Jacob, farmer & assistant J. Nicholls, secretary) Thompson James Andrew Baird M.D.~
overseer, Patch park Banner John, drain pipe maker c.~I. surgeon, & medical officer &
Tayleur John Fitzgerald, farmer, Bridges James, wheelwright public vaccinator, No. 4 district,
Forest lodge Brown ·wm. Forman, brewer, Abridge Ongar union
Taylor Thomas, Bee Hive hotel, Lam- Brewery Co Watts George, saddler & harness ma
bourne end Bryant Alice (:Miss), Post office Wood John, butcher
Taylor William, farmer Dennis Samuel, shopkeeper
LANGDON (Laindon Hills or Langdon Hills) is a district, and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry
village and parish, beautifully situated on one of the of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The old church
highest hills in the county, commanding a splendid view of St. 1\Iary the Virgin and All Saints, situated on the
over the Thames and the rich landscapes of Essex and west side of the hill, consists of chancel, nave and north
Kent, with a station one mile south on the Tilbury and chapel, but is now used only as a mortuary chapel.
Southend railway, 31 miles from London, 9 north-east The parish church of the same name, built in r877,
from Tilbury Ferry, 4 north-east from Orsett and 9 on the top of the hill, is an edifice of Kentish ragstons
south-east from Brentwood. It is in the South Eastern with Bath stone dressings, in the Early English style,
division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, divided from
and petty sessional division, Brentwood county court the nave by an arcade of three bays, south porch and

a massive western tower containing 6 bells : the east belonged to Editha, daughter of Godwin, Earl of Kent,
'Window and two others are stained: there are 230 and queen of Edward the Confessor: it was formerly
sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates a distinct parish, but in 1432 was united with Langdon
from 1686; marriages, t6go. The living is a rectory, Hills, of which it has become a hamlet. The chapel
average tithe rent-carge £304, net yearly value £223, has long since disappeared.
with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Sexton, George Burr.
Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, to whom the parish Post Office. William Tween, sub-postmaster. Letters
anciently belonged, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Alfred from Romford, through North Ockendon, arrive at
Poole M.A. of St.Edmund Hall, Oxford. Joseph Dimstlale a a.m. by rural messenger & by rail at 9 a.m. & dis-
esq. Frederick Morley Hi11 esq. Thomas French esq. patched at 4 p.m. Letter Box in school wall cleared
and Oxford University are the principal landowners. at 4. 10 p.m. ; sundays I I a. m. The nearest money
The subsoil is clay, gravel and sand. The chief crops order & telegraph office is at Horndon-on-the-HiU.
are wheat and beans. The parish contains 1,8oo acres; Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
rateable value, £1,201 ; the populati{)n in 1891 was 213. Parochial School (mixed), for 6o children; average
WEST LEE (or Leigh Chapel), zi miles east, anciently attendance, 25; John Nettlingham, master
Alien Mrs W estwood Miss Page John, farm bailiff to Edward
French Thomas Parker esq
Hill Fredk. Morley F.S.S. Northlands COMMEROIAL. Tinworth William, shoe maker, Dry st
Murrell Thomas, Dry street Clewlow Charles, farmer, Wesley hall Tween Wm. shoe maker, Post office
Parker William Hockley Samuel, shopkeeper Wheaton John, farmer, Hall farm
Poole Rev. Alfred M.A. Rectory Raynor Hannah (Mrs.), Crown inn Wrigglesworth William, farmer
LANGENlH;QE is a parish, on the borders of the the gift of Lord Carlingford, and held since 1843 by
marshes and on the road from Colchester to Mersea the Rev. William Parkinson M.A. of St. John's College,
Island, 3 miles south-west from Wivenhoe station on Cambridge. Lord Carlingford P.C., K.P. who is lord
the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern of the manor, T. B. Pertwee esq. and Joseph Proctel'
railway and about 6 south from Colchester, in the North esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is mild
iEastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lex- loam ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats
den and Winstree union and petty sessional division, and beans. The area of the parish, much of which
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Mersea, is marsh land, is 2,071 acres of land and 355 of water;
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. rateable value, £1,229; the population in 1891 was 208.
'The church, the early dedication of which is unknown, PEWETT ISLAND, in the creek between Mersea.
!has in recent times been assigned to St. Andrew, and Island and the mainland, contains some 40 or so acres
-is an edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, erected of marsh and belongs to Lord Carlingford.
in 1886 at a cost of £1,400; the former building, on Parish Clerk, John Greenleaf.
the same site, having been so much damaged by an Wall Letter Box cleared at 7.30 p.m.; letters through
• earthquake on April 22, 1884, that it required to be Colchester, via Abberton, arrive at 5 a.m. The nearest
, .entirely rebuilt; it consists of chancel, nave, south money order & telegraph offices are at Wivenhoe &
porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles. Colchester _
' The register of baptisms dates from 166o; burials, A School Board of 5 members was formed 22 'Nov.
1678; marriages, 1681; some marriages belonging 1875; Rev. W. Parkinson, clerk to the board
properly to this parish will be found in Colchester National School (mixed), built z878, for about 50 child-
Tegisters. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- ren; average attendance, 41 ; Miss Susa.n Pirie,
charge £365, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in mistress
Green Thomas Cooper May James, carpenter & undertaker Procter Joseph, landowner & farmer,
Parkinson Rev. William M.A. Rectory Pertwee Thomas Barnard, landowner Crouch house
Brand Robert, farmer & coal dealer & farmer, Langenhoe lodge & Lan- Went Arthur J. Red Lion P.H
Hughes John, boot & shoe maker genhoe hall
LANGFORD, named from t4e Long ford over the rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £2oo,
Illackwater, is a village and parish, with a station on with 35 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
the Maldon branch of the Great Eastern railway, IJ Hon. Mrs. Ilyron, and held since 1891 by the Rev the
miles north-west from Maldon, 4~ south-east from Hon. Frederick Ernest Charles Byron B.A. of Exeter
Witham and 43 from London, in the East-ern division College, Oxford. Langford Grove is the residence of
of the county, hundred of Thurstable, Witham petty the Hon. Mrs. Byron, who is lady of the manor and
sessional division, Maldon union and county eourt principal landowner. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel
district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The Chelmer The meadows here are very fertile. The area is about
and Blackwater canal passes through the parish. The z,o56 acres and 22 of water; rateable value, £1,$8o;
church of St. Giles is a building of stone in the Early the population in 1891 was 149.
Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, Parish Clerk, Thomas Ward.
north aisle, south porch and a wooden belfry at the Post Office.-Thomas Barber, sub-postmaster. Letters
north-east angle, with spire, and containing 3 bells: through Maldon arrive at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched at
the church was restored in 1882 by the Hon, Mrs. 5.15 p.m. Heybridge is the nearest money order &
:Byron, the cost being estimated at £3,ooo. This church telegraph office
like that of Great Leighs has a semi-circular western School (mixed), built in 1874, for 40 children; average
apse. The register of baptisms dates from 1558 and attendance, 31; & supported in part by the Hon.
of marriages and burials from I559· The living is a Mrs. Byron; Miss Louisa Pounds, mistress
Byron Lord, Langford grove; & 5 Byron Rev. the Hon. Frederick Ernest Ilaker Edward Lee (Mrs.), miller
Grafton st. W & Carlton & Bachelors' Charles B.A. Langford grove (steam & water), Langford mill
clubs SW, London Nunn William Travis Lamas Alfred, farmer, Langford hall
'Byron The Hon. Mrs. Langford grove Barber Alfred, buliuer & undertaker
LANG:HAM is a. village and parish on the navigable the founder's t{)mb : there is a piscina in the chancel
river Stour, over which is a. bridge, and on the borders and another in the south aisle: here also is an ancient
•·of Suffolk, 4 miles north from Ardleigh station on the I!_oor's box, consisting of a solid piece of timber, about
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from 4 feet in length, with a. small receptacle for money cut
Manningtree and 6 north-east from Colchester, in the in the centre. The register dates from the year 1609.
-North Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £470,
-Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division and union, net yearly value £443, with 62 acres of glebe and resi·
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of dence, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy of
Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Lancaster, and held since 1877 by the. Rev. Thomas
Albans. The church of St. Mary, erected at the end Stamford Raffles M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge.
of the 14th century on the site of a. former Norman Here are Baptist and Primitive Methodist chapels. In
church, is a building of stone in the Early English the churchyard is a. small building erected in 1832 by
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, north the Rev. James Thomas Hurlock D.D. prebendary of
and south porches and an embattled western tower, Sarnm and rector here from 1829, and designed as a
with pinnacles, containing 5 bells : there are floor- place of daily instrQ.ction for poor girls of the parish in
stones in the chancel to members of the Umfreville the principles of the Church of England and for the
family, who formerly possessed lands in the parish, :reception of poor and infirm between the hours of
'l'ith the dates 1596 and z68r: in the south aisle is a service. A sum of £6 13s. 4d. derived from a charity,
canopied recess, supposed to have formerly contained left in 1564, by Thomas. Love, of Little Horkesley, is
distributed yearly. Lord .Ashburton, who is lord of from Colchester arrive at 7·45 a.m. & 2.45 p.m. ;
.the manor, Samuel Robert B:yth esq. of Ardleigh, and .dispatched at 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. The nearest money
William Page esq. of Great Horkesley, are the principal order & telegraph office is at Stratford St. :Mary
Jandowners~ The soil is mixed; subsoil, generally S.O. (Suffolk)
.gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans A. School Board of 5 members was formed I I October,
.and peas. The area is 2,963 acres of land and 14 of 1872 ; Thomas Blyth, clerk to the board
;water; rateable value, £3,566; the population in 1891 Board School (mixed), built in 1848 & enlarged in 1872,
lWa& 6o6. for 150 children; average attendance, 120; Henry
!Post Office. John Whellam, sub-postmaster. Letters Goldsmith, master
~osby William (Methodist pastor),Borham William Hart, farmer & miller Lilley Henry, grocer & bricklayer
Chapel house (water), Langham mill Osborn Samuel, wheelwright
Farr Mrs. Highfields Borham William Hart, jun. farmer, Page William, farmer & landowner,
Folkard James, Grove cottage Little Hall farm Valley farm
Nocttm Mrs. Langham hall Cason Ellen (Mrs.), Greyhound P.H Seaborne William, bricklayer
Pollard 'l'homas, The Elms Fel~ate William, grocer & farmer Simson Wm. farmer & veterinary
~aftlell Rev. Thomas Stamford M.A.. Folkard Henry, farmer, Park Lane fm surgeon, Park lane
The Rectory Folkard James M. farmer Smith Isaac, shoe maker
Wright Samuel, Langham Wick Francis Jane (Mrs.), frmr. Motts frm Southgate Nathan, beer retailer
Hunt Arthur, farmer Tobias A.melia (Mrs.), baker, Park la
Kirby Thomas Dyghton, farmer, Whelam John, blacksmith
1llyth "M"l'S. farmer Park farm Whiten Charles, beer retailer
1Uythe William, farmer, Martin's frm Lilley Frank Henry, shopkeeper W ortley Horatio, coal dealer

LANGLEY, formerly a parochial chapelry, annexed to and held since r881 by the Rev. William Godber K.C.L.
<Clavering, was, 5th February, 1875, formed into a separate There is a Baptist chapel, built in 1828, and seating 75
parish: it is on the borders of Hertfordshire, 3! miles persons, and a Primitive M~thodist chapel, built in 1862,
north-west from Clavering church, 6 west from Newport with sittings for roo persons. The trustees of the late
11tation on the Great Eastern railway and 8 west-by-south W. and S. Death, who are lords of the manor of Langley
from Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of the Hall, Baron Dimsdale and the trustees of Mr. John
-.county, Cla.vering half hundred and Saffron Walden petty Patten are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy;
sessional division, union and county court district, rural subsoil, clay. The crops are principally on the four-
-deanery ol. Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- course shift. The area. is 1,585 acres; rateable value,
oeese of St. Albans. The chapel of St. John the Evan- /).387; the population in 1891 was 378.
gelist, which existed here in the time of King Henry II. Parish Clerk and Sexton, Joseph Sell .
.is a small building of flint and stone dressings, in tfie Parochial School (mixed), built in 1856, for 70 children;
:Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south average attendance, 65; Miss Helen Clifton, mistress
porch and a low western tower containing 4 bells. The Brick Letter Box, on the Lower Green, cleared at 5 p.m
l'egister of baptisms dates from 1678; marriages and Letters through Bishop's Stortford, delivered 10 a. m. ;
burials, I6go. The living is a vicarage, average tithe no sunday collection. Clavering is the nearest post &;
;rent-charge £u6, net yearly value £167, with 42 acres money order office & Newport the nearest telegraph
o()f glebe, and residence, built about x88o, at a cost of office
.£x,soo, in the gift of the governors of Christ's Hospital, Carrier to Saffron Walden.-Driver, sat
-Godber Rev. William K.C.L. Vicarage Funston Henry, blacksmith Patten John (exors. of), farmers
COMMERCIAL. George George, farmer, Upper green Pilgrim Thomas, farmer, Upper green
JJaker James, shopkeeper Harvey William, beer retailer Revell James, beer retailer
JJasham Frederick, farmer Law George, farmer Wilson John, farmer
..Barker Geo. carpenter & bricklayer Law Joseph, shopkeeper Wisbey Benjamin, thatcher
"Driver Amos, carpenter Lester John, Black Bull P.H Wisbey Charles, thatcher
IDriver Austin, shopkeeper Nottage Jas. frmr. Duddenhoe grange Wombwell Alfred, bricklayer

LATCHINGDON a.nd SNOREHAM were origi- superintendent is attached to the station. For_names of
nally separate parishes, but are now united both for civil magistrates and places in the division see· Maldon.
and ecclesiastical purposes; they are bounded on the Charles Oldaker Pulley esq. who is lord of the manor, W.
south by the river Crouch, z! miles east from Cold Howard-Flanders esq. John Wood esq. and Lord Rayleigh
N orton station on the Maldon branch of the Great East- are the principal landowners. The soil is a strong clay ;
Ern railway, 4! south-east from Maldon by road, and 6 subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
'D.orth-west from Burnham, in the South Eastern division mangold wurtzel. The area of the parish is 3,998 acres
'Of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional divi- of land and 218 water; rateable value. £2,692; the popu-
sion, Maldon union and county court district, and in the lation in I891 was 464.
-rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- At SNOREHAM was formerly a church. dedicated to
-cese of St. A.lbans. Christ church, at Latchingdon, is a St. Peter, and erected by the noble family of Grey of
11tructure of Kentish rag, in the Decorated style, conse- Wilton, its attached parish consisting only of one farm
"(!rated November 14th, 1857• and consists of chancel, house, called Snoreham Hall ; the inhabitants now attend
nave, south porch and a turret at the west end contain- Latchingdon church: a sermon was formerly preached
ing 2 bells : there is a. stained east window of five lights, annually under a tree in the parish, but the custom has
erected by C. 0. Pulley esq. to the memory of his long been discontinued. Area 399 acres.
parents, and a memorial window on the north side of LA.LLING (or Lawling), now a farm, I mile north on a
-chancel to the wife of the rector: there are sittings for creek of the Blackwater, was given by Brithnoth, Earl of
220 persons: part of the old church is still standing and Essex, to the church of Canterbury, in 991, the year in
has been restored and reopened as a mortuary chapel and which he was killed at Maldon, in a conflict with the
the burial ground enlarged. The register dates from the Danes. Here was formerly a chapel, of which the foun-
year 1725 and is in good condition. The living is dations are still traceable.
8 rectory, net yearly value £350, with residence, and Parish Clerk, A.rthur Francis Hitch.
49 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Inrnrance & Ex-
of Cantexf>ury, !Wld hlild since 1859 by the Rev. press Delivery' Office. Mrs. Spurgeon, sub-postmis-
ll.ichard Edward Formby B.A. of Brasenose College, tress. London & other letters by mail cart through
(}xford, and surrogate. The Rectory house, about a Maldon arrive at 4·55 a.m. ; dispatched 9.50 a.m. &
mile south of the present church and close to the 7· xs p.m. The Letter Box is closed at 7·I5 p.m.
old one, stands on a pleasant eminence, commanding ex- Telegraph office is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sun-
tensive views. Here is a Reading Room, erected in 1888 days 8 to 10 a.m
by Mr. William Howard-Flanders, and re-erected in 1890
by public subscription after being destroyed by fire, and National School (mixed), built in x852, for 120 children,
has a library of upwards of 200 volumes : it is used for with an average attendance of So; William A. Beavan.
temperance work principally: service is held on Sunday master; Miss l\Iary Beavan, mistress -
in connection with Maldon Congregational chapel. A fair Carriers (passing through) to Maldon.. daily; to Burn-
is held annually on the 2nd of June. The petty sessions ham & Southminster, daily; to Dengie, Bradwel4 Til-
for the Dengie division are held at the Police station here, lingham & Steeple, mon. wed. & fri. ; to Chelmsford,
every alternate SaturdaY. at I I a.m. : a residence for the tues. & fri


Formby Rev. Richard Edward B.!., Clare George, beer retailer Harvey John & William. fanners.
J.P. (rector, rural dean & surro- Cowlen Frederick George, wheelwright Redlyons farm
gate), Rectory & blacksmith Knights Thomas, farmer
Hamilton Maj.-Gen. Tyle hall Cowlen George, beer retailer Larter Arthur, grocer & draper
Pulley Charles Oldaker, Butterfields Freeman George, cattle dealer Laver Wm. Robt. corn & seed mer
Ramm Miss Agnes, Rose cottage Halsey Charles, superintendent of Mother sole John, farm bailiff to John
COMMERCIAL. police, inspector of weights & Wood esq
Adams James, shopkeeper measures & under the Sale of Food Pulley Chas. Oldaker, frmr. Butterfl.da
Alien J ames, beer retailer & Drugs & Contagious Diseases Richardson Frdk. frmr. Snoreham hall
Attenborough George t exors. of), (Animals) Acts Sadler Arthur Lifen, Red Lion P.B
farmer, Lawlingsmiths farm Hitch Arthur Francis, shoe maker Skingsley Arthur William, carpenter

LATTON (or Lacton) is a parish and village on the lin esq. of Willesden, Middlesex, ob. 1604; and various
Stort navigation and borders of Hertfordshire, one mile monuments to members of the Altham family : several
south-east from Burnt Mill station on the Great Eastern stained windows were inserted by the late Rev. Juliu1
(Cambridge) railway, one mile and a half south-west from Arkwright, a former rector: there are 16o sittings. The
Harlow, 21 miles from London, 8 south from Bishop's register dates from the year 1567. The living is a
Stortford and 8 north-west from Ongar, in the Western vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £288, net yearly
division of the county, Harlow hundred and petty ses- value £357• with 74 acres of glebe, and residence, in the
sional division, Epping union, Waltham Abbey county gift of Loftus Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq. and hefd
court district, and in the rural deanery of Harlow, arch- since 1886 by the Rev. Spencer Nairne M.A. of Emmanuel
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church College, Cambridge. About 4 miles from the church are
of St. John the Baptist, situated on rising ground, is a some remains of the Priory of St. John the Baptist,
small edifice of stone, in the Late Perpendicular style, founded some time previous to 1290 for Black Canons of
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an em- the order of St. Augustine ; the portion existing is a,
battled western tower containing 4 bells : adjoining the building in the Early English style and is used as a
north side of the chancel is a small chapel dedicated to barn. L. J. W. Arkwright esq. is lord of the manor and
the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary, built by Sir Peter principal landowner The soil is various ; subsoil, clay;
Arderne kt. Chief Baron of the Exchequer 1448, and made and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots.
in the same year a justice of the Common Pleas, retain- but a large portion is grass land. The area is 1,605
ing both offices till 1462, when he was superseded in the acres; rateable value, £4,825; the population in 1891
Exchequer; he died 2 June, 1467: a chantry was also was 245.
founded here by the same judge and Dame Catherine, Sexton, Frederick Wright.
his wife, and their tomb with brass effigies and inscription
remains : there are other brasses, with effigies, to John Letters through Harlow delivered at 8 a.m. & 12 p.m_
Bohun esq. and Anne (Aderne) his wife, with 4 children, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Harlow-
c. 1485; Emanuell Woolaye, gent. and Margaret his wife, School (mixed), built in 183o, for 6o children; average
c. 16oo; and Frances (Roberts), wife of Richard Franke- attendance, 32; Miss Charlotte Beadle, mistress
Davis John Poole, Latton island Brown Frederick, farmer Satch Abraham, farmer, Wrights frm
Furze Robert, The Priory Christmas William, farmer, Bromleys Smith Edward Simmons, Sun &:
Nairne Rev. Spencer M.A. Vicarage Collins Walter, farmer, Bush Fair ho Whalebone P.H
Northard William, Avenue house Cook John, farmer, Horsehoe farm Thurgood Jsph. miller (water), Latton
COMMERCIAL. Cornell "\Villiam, farm bailiff to Mr. mill; & at Harlow
Armor Chas. higgler, Bush Fair com Harry Brown, of Great Parndon Wright Waiter, under bailiff to L. J,
Boram Ernest, farmer, The Priory Rickett Jn. William, farmer, Rundalls W. Arkwright esq. Bush Fair com.

HIGH LAVER is a parish, 5 miles south-east from were not enough to put forward as a matter of glory to
Harlow station on the main line of the Great Eastern him, nor as an example to thee. Let his faults be buried
railway and 4 north-west from Ongar terminal station with him. If you seek an example of good life, you han
on a branch of the same line, in the Western division of one in the Gospel ; would that there were nowhere any
the county, Ongar union, hundred and petty sessional of bad life ; of the shortness of life, you have an example-
division, Dunmow county court district, rural deanery of (may it profit thee) both here and everywhere.
Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. "His birth, on August 29th, A. D. 1632; his death,
The church of All Saints is a low building, chiefly of flint, October 28th, 1704, is recorded by this tablet, which
with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, nave, south itself must perish ere long." ·
porch and a western battlemented tower of red brick, There is a brass to Edward Sulyard and his wife Myra·
with a shingled spire and containing one bell: the earliest byll (Compton), c. 15oo, with 4 sons and 1 daughter;
portions of the structure belong to the Early English and many altar-tombs in the churchyard to the Masham
period, an example of which is found in three lancet family, Barons Masham, of Otes, in this parish; one
windows at the east end: in the belfry is a small but among these being to Lady Masham, wife of Samuel, first
good Decorated window : the font is Perpendicular, and Baron Masham and formerly known as Abigail Hill, Queen
was restored in 1865: in the graveyard is buried the Anne's favourite. Lord Masham died 16th October, 1658
great patriot and philosopher John Locke, who died at the The register of baptisms dates from 1553; burials, 1614 ;·
seat of Otes, 28th Oct. 1704, and whose tomb was restored marriages, 1616; and is curious as containing a mos~
in 1865 : the Latin epitaph was written by himself, and complete record of briefs for collections in this church
is as follows : - for nearly 100 years. The living is a rectory, average
" Siste, viator,-Hic juxta situs est Johannes Locke. tithe rent-cliarge [385, net yearly value [314, with ss
Si qualis fuerit rogas, mediocritate sua contentum se acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees
vixisse respondet; literis innutritus, eousque tantum of Captain P. J. Budworth, and held since 1864 by the
profecit, ut veritati unice litaret. Hoc ex scriptis illius Rev. Robert Mandeville Rodwell M.A. of Exeter College;
disces; qure, quod de eo reliquum est, majori fide tibi Oxford. The chapel of ease at Matching Green, erected
exhibebunt, quam Epitaphii suspecta elogia. Virtutes, si at the cost of the late Rev. Francis Richard Miller M.A.
quas habuit, minores sane quam quas sibi, Iaudi, tibi in vicar of Kineton, Warwickshire (1834-89), consists only of
exemplnm proponeret; vitia una sepeliantur. Morum chancel and nave. At High Laver is a Wesleyan chapel.
exemplum si qmeras, in Evangelio habes; vitiornm The manor of High Laver is held by Mrs. Wright and
utinam nusquam; mortalitatis certe (quod prosit) hie et others. Robert Wicksted Ethelston esq. of Moor Hall,.
ubique. Harlow, is lord of the manor of High Laver Hall and
"Natum Anno Domini 1632, Aug. 29, Mortuum A.D. principal landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, clay
1704, Oct. 28, memorat hrec tabula brevi et ipsa inte- and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans and oats:
ritura." The area is 1,894 acres; rateable value, [1,883: the
Which is thus rendered:- population in 1891 was 505.
"Stay, passer-by,-Near this place lies John Locke. To
your question,-What sort of a man was he ?-He answers Parish Clerk, George Brown.
that he was of middle rank and fortune, and was con- Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.30 & 10 a.m. on sundays.
tented therewith ; of learned tastes and habits : he only Letters are delivered through the Ongar office at 9
reached the point of consecrating his learning to the a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
cause of truth above all things. You will discover this Matching Green
from his writings ; and these will more faithfully exhibit
to you the rest of his character than the suspected testi- National School (mixed), built in 1867, for Ioo clilldren;
monial of an epitaph. Whatever virtues he had, they average attendance, 90
Heath Thomas. Elms house Byford Daniel, shopkeeper Robinson Waiter, blacksmith
Rodwell Rev. Robert Mandeville M.A. Crabthorn Jn. beer rtlr. &; wheehvrght Spencer Jas. (Mrs.), farmer,Elms frm
Rectory Dunning Thos. Wm. farmer, Grange Symes Waiter, farmer & thrashing
COXM"EBOIAL. Gingell Jas. farmer, High Laver hall machine owner
Arnold William, farmer, Tilegate Hazlewood Charles (Mrs.), farmer Wederell A"rthur Hughes, auctioneer,
Bass Thomas, farmer Linsell Alfred, Chequers P.H farmer&; cattle dlr. Threshers bush
Bines Morris. farmer, Malton Pryor William, farmer (Letters through Harlow)
LITTI.E LAVER is a parish, 1 mile to the east of riages, 1541. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
High Lav£T and 5 miles north from Ongar, in the Western charge £197, net yearly value £190, with 90 acres of
division of the county, Ongar hundred, union and petty glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Henry
sessional division, Dunmow county court district, rural Golding-Palmer B.A. of Holme Park, Berks, and held
deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of since 1878 by the Rev. Sydney Charles Beaucbamp M.A.
St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a of Queen's College, Oxford. The trustees of the late
'Small building of rubble, in mixed styles, consisting of Captain Herman Paul David Meyer J.P. are lords of the
apsidal chancel, nave, vestry, organ chamber, south porch manor of Little Laver Hall; Sir Spencer Maryon-Wilson
and a belfry containing one bell: the church was restored hart. of Charlton, Kent, lord of the manor of Envilles and
and enlarged in 1872 by the late Rev. Richard Palmer, William Henry Poynder esq. are the principal landowners.
rector of Purley, Berks, then patron, ·in memory of his The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
brother, the Rev. Henry Palmer: the font was restored wheat, barley and roots. The parish contains 968 acres;
'from the remains of a former one: all the seats are of rateable value, £862; the population in 1891 was 124.
massive oak, handsomely carved : some of the corn- Parish Clerk, Daniel Parish.
munion plate is of the period of Edward VI.: in 1884 the Wall Letter Box cleared at 4 p.m. Letters are delivered
floor of the church was raised and relaid; and a reredos of through Ongar at 8 a.m. The nearest money order &
Bath stone and alabaster was erected by the present telegraph office is at Chipping Ongar
rector, in memory of Miss S. Caroline Palmer. The The children of this village attend the school at High
register of baptisms and burials dates from 1538 ; mar- Laver
Beauchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A. Furze Henry, farmer Matthews Samuel Porter, farmer
Rectory Lucking Misses, farmers Roast Stephen, miller (wind)
Meyer Christian, Little Laver hall Lucking Alfred, farmer

MAGDALEN LAVER is a parish, 4 miles south-east acres; rateable value, £1,507; the population in 1891
from Harlow station on the main line of the Great was 182.
Eastern railway, 3! miles north-east from North Weald Sexton, Arthur Reed.
station on a branch of the same line, 5 north-west from
Ongar, and 5 north-east from Epping, in the Western Wall Letter Box cleared at 4 p.m. ; sundays, 8.45 a.m.
division of the county, Ongar hundred and petty sessional Letters are delivered through Ongar at 9.30 a.m.
division, Epping union, Dunmow county court district, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
Ongar rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans Matching Green
diocese. The church of St. Mary Magdalene, restored Endowed School, built, with teacher's house, in 1862, &
in 1875, is an ancient building of flint, with stone endowed in 1872 with a sum of £999, raised by means
nressings, in the Early English style, consisting of of voluntary contributions from the congregation of St.
ehan~l and nave and a western tower of wood, con- George's chapel, Albemarle street, London, collected by
taining 2 bells ; the tower was thoroughly restored in the Rev. William Webb Ellis M.A. then minister of
1883 and a south porch was added in 1887. The register that chapel, & presented to this parish, of which he
of baptisms and marriages dates from 1557; burials, was then rector: the site was given by Mrs. Harrison,
1558. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge daught~r of the late C. P. Myer esq. The £999 has
_i"240, net yearly value £28o, with 30 acres of glebe, in been invested in Russian bonds, held in trust by the
the l,l"ift of and held since 1893 py the Rev. William National Society for the Education of the Poor in the
Dickinson Lawson L.Th. of Durham. John Francis Clark principles of the Established Church &; for the annual
esq. is lord of the manor and principal landowner; courts support of the Magdalen Laver school ; the school will
leet are held yearly at Epping. The soil is mixed; sub- hold so children; average attendance, 45 ; Mrs. Eliza-
80il, clay. The crops are cereals. The area is 1,228 beth Nutley, mistress
Lawson Rev. Wm. Dickinson, Rectory King Henry, beer retailer & watch Lucking William, farmer
COMMEROIAL. &; clock repairer Trundle John, farm bailiff to Rev.
Clarke William, farmer, Green farm Lucking Charles, farmer Frederick Edwards, of Harlow
Crane John, beer retailer Torrance Matthew, farmer, Magdalen Tucker Joseph, farmer, Rolls farm
James John, farmer Laver hall
LA WFORD (or Lalford) is a parish and an ancient in 1853 the chancel was restored by the late Very Rev.
place, formerly belonging to King Harold 11. 1! miles C. Merivale D.D. formerly rector (1848-70) and after-
west from Manningtre} and 7 north-east from Colchester, wards dean of Ely: a chancel arch was then formed,
in the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring a new oak roof constructed, the old high-backed pews
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Colchester removed and the present oak benches with carved poppy
county court district, rural deanery of Ardleigh and heads substituted : the stained east window was the gift
Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. of the late Thomas Nunn eso. of Lawford House: in
Albans. The Great Eastern railway passes through, and 1826 the church was enlarged: in 1841 the present
Manningtree station and a part of the town of Manning- gallery was erected, affording- 6o free sittings, and in
tree are in this parish. The ancient church of St. Mary 1853 the interior was restored and refitted: the body of
is an edifice of brick and rubble and consists of chancel, the church was reseated, the fine tower arch was opened
Bave of three bays, aisles, south porch and a western out and a. stained west window placed in the tower in
t.Jwer of brick and stone, rebuilt in the 17th century 1864: and in April, 1884, a memorial reredos of encaustic
and containing 3 bells, one dated 1667 and the other two tiles and alabaster designed by Mr. C. Foster Hayward
:q'I4: it occupies a commanding situation on an eminence F.S.A. architect, of London, and carved by Mr. Earp, of
:and stands away from the high road, about a quarter of Lambeth, was erected to the Hon. John Robertson, late
:mile north-east from the village : the chancel is spacious of La.wford Place : the hangings, altar-cloths, and kneelers
and lofty and contains some interesting stone carving, were worked at the School of Ecclesiastical Embroidery:
much defaced, together with piscina and sedilia and has from 1884 to 1887 a sum of £7oo was spent in repairing
some remains of old stained glass in the windows: a the outer walls, buttresses &c. and the erection of a new
mutilated figure, probably that of the Virgin Mary, has oak roof: in 1889 the floor of the church was relaid with
been uncovered in one of the buttresses outside the ornamental tiles : a. Liszt American cabinet organ was
~hancel and there are also some mutilated stone heads presented by Mrs. Robertson, and heating apparatus
on the walls : on the north side of the chancel are fitted : there are 300 sittings : outside the chancel door
:monuments to Edward Wr.ldegrave esq. and Joan his are the graves of the Rev. John Edes, rector here for
'Wife, with two kneeling figures carved in stone, 1584: 43 years (1615 to 1658) and of the Rev. William Brett
beneath the chancel floor is the family vault of the Whitfield, rector for 25 years and a benefactor to the
Waldegraves, of whom Edward Waldegrave died in 1621, parish, d. 1847; at the western entrance to the church-
and his widow, Lady Sarah Bingham, in 1634: here also yard is a house built by Mr. Pecksale and left by him
lies buried the Rev. Thomas Harris, formerly rector of WlLh an acre of land to the sexton for the time being,
Lawford, ob. 28 March, 1699: the church plate includes provided he keeps it in repair and pays eightpence
a paten, dated "Easter Day, 1696" and was given by yearly to Lawford Hall. The register dates from the
the Lady Wbaley, wife of Mr. Harris, rector of Lawford: year 1558. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-

charge [538 ; net yearly nine, £429, with residence Bales 1'LA.. extends into the parishes of Dedham and
and 35 acres of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, Anlleigh. The principal landowners are E. H. Lush·
Cambridge, and held since 1870 by the Rev. Edward ington esq. the trustees of Thomas William Nullll
Kennedy Green M.A. formerly fellow of that college. esq. (d. 1888), and Francis Morgan Nichols J.P. The
Charities :-The Rev. W. B. Whitfield, rector, previously soil is light; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops. are
mentioned, gave before his death a sum of j,4oo to be wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,712 acre~ of
invested m Consols, the dividends to be distributed by land and 52 of water; rateable value £7,586; the popu·
the rector for the time being amongst the sick and aged lation in 1S91 ·was 847.
poor of the parish ; he also invested a further sum of (The names of persons residing in the portion of this
£3oo, the interest to be devoted to the perpetual main· parish which forms part of the town of Manni.ngtree
tenance of a Sunday School under the control of the will be found under that heading.)
rector or curate for the time being, as well as for tne Parish Clerk and Sexton. Thomas "\Villiam Spooner_
payment of a master or mistress and for other necessary Post Office. Miss Mary Frostick, sub-postmistress. Let..
expenses, and these sums are now invested in the 2! per ters arrive from Manningtree at 6.45 a. m.; dispatcned
cent. Consols. The poor have the proceeds of a farm, at 7.20 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
left in 1723 by John Leach, of East Bergholt, Suffolk, office is at Manningtree. Postal orders are issued.
for clothing and education. There are almshouses built here, but not paid
from money left in the year 1867 by Mrs. Cox, of Law- National School (mixed), el'ected in 1873 (in place of a!ll
ford Place, for the use of 6 poor persons. Lawford older building, erected in 1848) on land given by F.
Place is the residence of Major P. Turner Wills and M. Nichols esq. of Lawfo1d Hall, at a cost of about
Lawford House of the Right Hon. Sir John Eldon £ I,ooo, raised by voluntary contributions; there is
Gorst M.P. P.C. Q.C. Lawford has two principal manors: space for 117 children, average attendance, 76; Eugen~
Lawford Hall, belonging to Francis Morgan Nichols esq. K. K. Whitney, master
J.P. and Dale Hall to the Rev. Richard Cox Bales M.A. National (mixed), Lawford street, erected in 1866, for-
of 27 Cambridge road, Brighton. A small manor, called 6o children; average attendance, so; John Edwards,.
Faites and Waides, also belonging. to the Rev. R. C. master
Dunnett Harry Norman, Abbot's manr Bettles Charles, farm bailiff to Francis Richardson Thomas Rumsey, farmer,.
Gorst Right Hon. Sir John Eldon Morgan Nichols esq. Lawford Hall Holly lodge
P.C., M.P., Q.C. Lawford house; farm Richardson William Halls, farmer,.
& Carlton club, London S W Conway Stephen, beer retailer . Dale Hall & Causeway End farms
Green Rev. Edward Kennedy M.A. Cropley Samuel, King's Arms P.H. Smith Geo. Nutter, Railway tavern
Rectory & farmer Spooner Thomas \Villiam, parish clerk.
Johnson George, The Grange Johnson George, farmer, The Grange, & rate collector
Nichols Francis Morgan J.P. Law- Lawfordi house, Aldham, Goldings, Tricker William, farmer, Lower fariiik
ford hall Glandfield farms Unwin William, blacksmith
Wills Major P. Turner, Lawford Place Merchant Edward, thatcher Watling Edwd. shopkpr. & beer retlr·
COMMERCIAL. Merchant John, coach, cart & van Webb Arnold Richard, miller (water) ..
Baker Charles Robert, farmer, Hunger builder & general wheelwright Sherbourn mill
Downe Payne Robert, wheelwright
LAYER :SRETON is a parish, 5 miles south-east glebe and residence, 1n the gift of Mrs. Blow, and held.
from Mark's Tey station, and on the main line of the sine~ 1892 by the Rev. Francis Owston M.A. of St.
Great Eastern railway, 6 south-west from Colchester Catherine's College, Cambridge. On the Heath is a.
8 east from Witham and 6 miles east from Kelvedon, in Congregational chapel, built in 1798 and rebuilt and en-
the ~orth Eastern division of the county, Winstree larged in the year 186o, in connection with which is ~
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division school, capable of holding Ioo scholars : here is also a
and union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery Friends' meeting house. Mr. Henry Tiflin, who is lm<l
of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of the manor, and Mr. George Rook, Miss Gripper and
of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a Mr. C. D. Harrod are the principal landowners. The-.
small edifice of brick in the Early English style, con- chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The soil is.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western loamy; subsoil, sandy. The area is g62 acres; rateabla-
belfry of wood containing I bell: in the church is a value £"900; the population in 1881 was 247.
stone, robbed of its effigies, to Alice, formerly wife of Parish Clerk, John Wilsmore.
Nicholas Breton, whu died May 6, 1392; there are other Post Office.-Mrs. Wilsmore, sub-postmistress. Letters.
monuments, also in a defaced condition. The register through Kelvedon arrive at 9 a.m.; leave at 6.35 p.m.
of baptisms and burials dates from 1765 and of marriages The nearest telegraph & money order office is at
from 1735. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- Birch. Postal orders are i&sued here, but not paid
charge £225, net yearly value [1Bo, with 39 acres of The children of this village go to the school at Birch
Boucher Rev. Thos. Fredk. (Congreg) COMMEROIAL. Root George, farmer & landowner;.
Bulley Frederick G. Manor house Hutley George, blacksmith Layer Breton hall
Gilly Charles, The Lodge Law Richard, Hare & Hounds P.H Smith Humphrey, baker & corn dealr-
Gripper-Misses, White ·house Playle George, farmer Tiffin Henry, landowner & farmer
Owston Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory Quilter John, farmer
LAYER-DE-LA-HAY, deriving its name from its Layer-de-la-Hay and Blind Knights; the former belonging
ancient possessors, the family of de La-Hay, is a village to James Round esq. M.P. of Birch Hall, Birch, Essex.
and parish pleasantly situated on an eminence one mile the latter to Frederick Gordon esq. and these are the
south of the Roman river, and on the road leading from principal landowners. The soil in parts is light; subsoil,
Maldon to Colchester, about 4 miles south-west from gravelly; and in other parts the soil is loamy; subsoil.
Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the county, the &ame. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
lVinstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional The area is 2,637 acres; rateable value, £2,283; the
division and union, Colchef;ter county court district, population in 1891 was 651.
rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconrv of Colchester and Layer Cross was formerly 8 hamlet of Layer-de-la-.
diocese of St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is Hay, at which a cross formerly existed.
a building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting Parish Clerk, Simon Barton.
of chancel, nave of three bays, south aisle, north porch
and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, con- Post Office.-Charles Appleby, sub-postmaster. Letters;
taining 5 bells. The register dates from the year 1750 . through Colchester arrive at 7·35 a.m.; dispatched at
The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £8o, with IO p.m.; & on sunday dispatched at 9·55 a.m. ThQ
residence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of T. White nearest money order & telegraph office is at Birch.
esq. and held since 1s6 9 by the Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Price B. A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also Nationa~ School (mixed), built in I837· for rso children;
vicar of Berechurch. Here are Congregational and Primi- averag-e attendance, 115; Robert Bramwell, master;
tive Methodist chapels. There are two manors, viz. Mrs. Mary C. Bramwell, mistress
Clouter Richard Philip .!\.lien John, boot & shoe maker Burton Charles, shopkeeper
Price Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow B.A. Appleby Charles, farmer, Post office Demmond John, carpenter
Vicarage Aveline Charles, baker & confectioner Dennis William, farmer, The Rows
Rand George Baker Benjamin, farmer farm
COMMERCIAL. Baker Wm. farmer, Needles Eye farm Hunwick Chas.wheelwrght.&blcksmth
Andrews John, farmer & cattle dealer, Barker Joseph, carter Norfolk Joseph Royce, miller (water),
Kiln farm Bullock George, grocer & draP,er & assistant overseer, Layer mill
LEIGH. 231
Norfolk Joseph, farmer, Layer hall Sanders Alfred, farmer & maltster Theobaldi William, shoe maker
Oxley James, boot & shoe maker Softley Robert John, grocer Walford Edwin (Mrs.), farmer,•
Royce Henry, farmer, Gate farm Southgate Arthur, Fox inn Fields farm
Rutkin Charles, beer retailer Theobald George, market gardene:t
LAYER MARNEY is a village and parish, seated on Everard Cartwright M.A. rector of St. John the
a. brook which falls into the Roman river, 5 miles east Divine, Chatham, and held since 1886 by the Rev.
from Kelvedon station on the main line of the Great Henry James Boys; M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
Eastern 1·ailway and 7 south-west from Colchester, in Layer Marney Hall, one of the earliest and largest brick
the North Eastern division of the county, Winstree edifices erected in England, was built in 1520 by Henry
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division Lord :Marney and was quadrangular in plan, inclosing
and union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery a spacious court: of this magnificent structure only the
of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of great entrance tower and a few other portions now
St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a remain: this stately tower, though now ruinous, is still
structure of brick, flint and rubble, chiefly in the Perpen- an imposmg pile, and consists of a lofty centre, lighted
<Ucular style, and consists of chancel, nave, north. aisle, by two large square-headed wmdows of 5 lights, flanked
chapel, south porch and a western tower of brick con- at each angle by an octangular tower of 8 storeys in
taining 3 bells ; the whole edifice, including the porche11 height, with windows in each face and terminating in
and tower, is embattled: the eastern end of the north a battlemented parapet: these towers, rising from high
aisle constitutes the Marney chapel, which, with the ground, command a very extensive view ove-r ithe
chancel, was entirely restored in 1870 at a cost of surrounding country, particularly to the west and east-
£I,400, and has since been decorated: it was begun by ward over the sea.: a part of the adjacent building is
b1r Henry Marney knt. first Lord Marney, who, in his occupied by Charles Maclean esq. The Rev. Alfred
will, directed its completion and the erection of a tomb Peache :r.LA. of The Firs, Hampstead Heath, Middlesex,
to himself and his two wives, Thomasine (.Arundel) and who is lord of the manor, Sir William Neville .Abdy
Elizabeth (Wifield); he died 24 May, 1523: John, Lord bart. J.P. Albyns, Romford, the trust~es of the late Mr.
Marney, by will in 1524, also appointed his burial here William Bud, Mr. S. Barber, Mr. J. Harrison, and
an<1 gave directions for his tomb; he died 27 April, James Round esq.'M.P., D.L., J.P. Birch Hall, Colchester,
1525 : this chapel now contains the alabaster tomb of Sir are the ptincipal landowners. The soil is heavy; sub-
William Marney knt. ob. 1414, removed hither from the sDil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, oats and beans.1
chancel, together with other memorials of that illus- The area is 1,939 acres ; rateable vaJue, £ 1,3n ; the
trious family: there are also in the church monuments population in 1891 was 287.
to Robert Camock, ob. March, 1584; Nicholas Corsellis Sexton, John Bell.
esq. ob. October 19, 1674, ret. 40, and others, with some There is a brick receiving box in the village, cleared at
shields of arms. The register dates from 1742 of bap- 6.40 p.m.; sundays, 10.20 a.m. Letters from Kelvedon
tisms and marriages and of burials from 1743. The arrive at 8.30 a.m. The nearest money ord~r &
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £349• telegraph offices are at Birch & Tiptree Heath
net yearly value £292, with 4 acres of glebe National School (mixed), built in 185o, for so children;
and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Thomas average attendance, 20; Miss E. Baxter, mistress
Boys Rev. Henry James M.A. Rectory Barber Sydney; landowner & farmer, Everitt Charles William, White Horse
Ley James Boys, White hall Rockingham's P.H. & wheelwright
Maclean Charles, Layer Marney han Blyth Charles & Mark, farmers Steadman William, Black Lion P.H
.Abbott Henry, farm bailiff to Sir Chapman Richard, black~mith Vaughan Isaac, farmer, The Poplars
William N . .Abdy bart Lay James, farmer, White hall Wadley James, baker & grocer
LEIGH is an ancient place, on Hadleigh Ray, opposite a carved mahogany reredos of Belgian work was
Canvey Island and on the road from Southend to Tilbury, also erected at a cost of £150. The register of baptisms
with a station on the Tilbury and Southend railway, dates from 1684, burials 1685, marriages 1691. The
and is about 2 miles west from Southend, 5 south-west living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £3oo, with
from Rochford and 39 from London, in the South Eastern 4 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop
division of the county, Rochford hundr~d, petty sessional of St . .Albans, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Robert
division and union, Southend county court district, and Stuart King B . .A. Hertford College, Oxford. The Wes-
in the rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex leyan chapel, built in 1879, is of brick and will seat 300
and diocese of St . .Albans. The town, which is lighted persons. The St. Clement Lodge of Freemasons, No.
with gas from works belonging to Mr. S. White, 2,442, founded here in 1893, moots at the Bell Hotel,
consists of three streets and immediately behind it rises Leigh has a coastguard station, with one officer and 6
a bold and steep hill, on which stand the church and men; and it is also a station of the Essex Yacht Club.
the rectory house, The church of St. Clement is a In the parish numerous Roman coins have been found.
building oi Kentisu rag stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular Belfairs Lodge is the residence of Mrs. Miller. Leigh
style, and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, south Hall, formerly known as the "Mansion House," is an
porch (of brick) and an embattled western tower con- ancient structure dating from 1561, and entirely con-
taining a clock and 6 bells : the chancel was lengthened structed of oak ; it commands extensive views, and con-
in 1872 at a cost of £9oo, and has been entirely rebuilt tains some very fine carving, but is at present (1894)
in the Decorated style; it has four stained windows and vacant. The Land Company in 1893 purchased 334 acres
there are four others in the nave : in the church are in this parish, including Leigh Hall, The Elms, Goole's
brasses with effigies to Richard Haddok, ob. 1453, and and part of the Victoria potteries, and building is now
his wife Cristina, with 7 sons and 3 daughters ; their "being proceeded with on the site. Henry Churchyard
son John, and .Alice his wife, with I I children; to esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners
Richard Chester, an elder brother of the Trinity House, are William Foster, Alexander Higgins, "General" Booth
and master in 1615, ob. 1632; his wife Elizabeth and 5 of the Salvation .Army, Mrs. Miller, Frederic Ramuz esq.
children; an inscription to Robert Salmon, ob. 1591, and the Land Company. The area is 2,331 acres of
and his wife .Agnes, with 10 children; there is also a land, of which I,oi6 an ooze and 1,315, the remainder,
fine mural monument with demi-<effigy to Robert Salmon, arable and pasture; rateable value, £6,746; the popula-
master of the Trinity House, 1641, and a brass to John tion in 1891 was 2,108.
Price, a native of Cardiff and commander of several Post M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance &..
shipi of war in the reign of William Ill. ob. 1709, and Express Delivery Offic<> (Sub-Office. Letters should have
:Martha (Godman) his wife, ob. 16g6; the effigies appear S.O. Essex added.)-George Young, sub-postmaster.
to be of earlier date; there is a memorial to the wife Letters from Southend arrive at 6.50 a.m. & 4.6 p.m.
of the distinguished Admiral Sir Edward "'nitaker; & from London at 8 a. m. & 3·35 p.m.; dispatched to
here are also buried Capt. Price R.N. ob. 1709, and London at 11.30 a.m. & 7.21 p.m. & to Southend at
Capt. Rogers R.N. ob. 1683: among the tombs in the 1.30 p.m. & 6.10 p.m
churchyard are tho;,e of Admiral Nicholas Haddock, ob. .
1714, and his son, Admiral Kicholas Haddock, both Public Officers.
celebrated officers, and of Captain "'Tilliam Goodlad, Assistant Water Bailiff, Thomas Turnridge
master of the Trinity House, 1639: several historical Chief Coast Guard Officer, George Dennis
monuments were removed and destroyed at the restora- Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Leigh South Dis-
tion of the ehurch about 1838: these included mural trict, Rochford L"nion, Charles Stanley Kirton
tablets to Admiral :X. Haddock, Capt. Rogers and to the L.R.C.P.Lond. Oriel house
Hare family: in 1893 the chancel walls were adorned
with mural paintings, at a cost of £70, and
a memorial window erected at a cost of £130, A School Board of five members was formed 29 May,
t~ the Rev. Waiter King, rector 1859-92; and 1889

Board School (boys & girls), erected in r8go, for 400 Mrs. Herschell's (mixed), for about xoo children; average
,.children, average attendance 270; Arthur H. Thakher, attendance, roo ; Miss Annie Young, mistress; Miss
master; Miss Mahala Reed. mistress Emery, infants' mistress
National (infants), built in 1842, for 200 children; Railway Station, Edward Frederick Dennis, station mastr
average attendance, 110; Miss Elizabeth Harvey, mist
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Valentine Charles William, Ferndale Joscelyne Frederick James, blacksmth
Andrews Mrs. 3 Carlton terrace Winn William, Woodfield cottage Kirby Edgar, coal merchant, Ray
Artis Robert, The Cliffs villa., New road
Beecroft William, Sunny lawn COMMERCIAL. Kirby Emily (Mrs.), confectnr.High st
Bentall Pendril, Leigh hall Barnard Benjamin William, baker & Kirton Charles Stanley L.R.C.P.Lond.
13orredell Mr. 3 llill \'"illas flour & corn dealer, High street medical officer & public vaccinator
Boyden Henry, 2 Ca.rlton villas Nat, builder, decorator & Leigh south district,Rochford union.
Brand John Joseph, I Victoria villas undertaker, Elm villa, Station road Oriel house
Bundock Mrs. 1 Adur villas, Sea Belcham Henry Stanmers, farmer, Land Company, Leigh Hall estates
View road Gowles farm (Frederic Ramsey, manager); & at
Bundock Thomas Alfred, 2 Adur villas Bentall Arthur, farmer & landowner 68 Cheapside, London E C
Buruiock Wlestlley, J~annette villa, Bentall Pendril, farmer, Leigh hall Martin Peter, chimney sweeper, Cot-
Sea View road · Blake Charles, apartments, Glendale, tage place, New road
Burfoot George, 6 Hill villas Sea View road Mason John William, hair cutter, :z
Cadman, Charles Wells, The Cliffs Bradley Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, New road
Charleston Thomas, 2 Prospect villas I Hills villas Masonic Lodge, St. Clement's, No.
Clarke Captain David Ross Bray John, bootmaker 2442 (James Sutton Metcalf, sec.),
Clement William, Oak villa. Brayne & Mansfield, manufacturers of Bell hotel
Davies Benjamin Morris, Riversdale, brown & white stoneware, salt Mills Geo. manager of Victoria pottery
Sea View road glazed drain pipes, red & white Nash James Charles (Mrs.), grocer
Dinmore William, 2 Carlton terrace terra cotta chimney pots, agricul- Orme Robert M.R.C.S. Eng. surgeon,
Everett John, lvydean, Victoria ro.,d tural drain pipes & cement mer- The Firs
Finley Horace Martin, Kenilworth, chants, Victoria pottery Osborne Daniel, King's llead
Victoria road Brewer Albert Arthur, jeweller & Osborne John, builder, Fairview
F1etcher Rev. Thomas Minchin, Fern- watchmaker, High street Partridge Jane (Miss), draper
lea, Victoria road Brewer Samuel & Son, butchers Partridge William, coal merchant
Foster William Pittington house Brewer Edrick, grocer, High street Patrickson Jsph. picture frame maker,
Freeman Frede~ick Wm. Prospect ho Brewer Frederick (Mrs.), butcher, Sea View road
Galer Henry James, Maybank, West st High street Phillips Charles, painter &c
Galer Wi1liam, Claremont Brown Wait. insur. agt. 5 Carlton ter Phillips William, boot & shoe maker
Huggett Wm. May villa, Hadlei..~h rd Bun~ock Mary A~n (Mrs.), ship- Piddington Geo.shipwrght.Orchard ho
Hughes Mrs. Amy villa, Sea View rd wnght, r Adur VIllas Plumb Jas. bootma. Castle cottage
Jones John, 3 Carlton villas Chambers Wm. Hy. draper, Leigh hill Quilter Nathan, boot maker
King Rev. Robert Stuart B.A. (rector) Churchyard Geo. & Son, shipsmiths &c Risby Elijah, confectnr. Thames view
King Mrs. Lina villa, Hadleigh road Cotgrove Henry, sma~k owner Robinson Alfred, fishmonger,Leigh hill
King Henry George, Essex cottage, Dawson George, ch~mist, High street Sailors' Rest (Commander King, sec.),
Sea View road Dawson George, Umted Brethren P.H \'he l.tedory
King Miss, 1 Melrose villas Deal J?seph, sen. greengrocer, The Shaw Eliza (Mrs.), draper, High st
King Mrs. Castle house Be~h1ve, New toa~ Smith Jane (Mrs.), draper,Norman ter
Kirton Charles Stanley, Oriel house Denms George, c~1ef coast guard Smith Thomas, jobmaster, Topsfield
Kitchin Ashworth, Lyndhurst, The offic~r, I Mardy villas,_ West street cottage, New road
Cliffs Devemsh George, bmlder, I St. South East Essex Gas & Water Co.
Knight Kester Thomas, Elmhurst Clement's villas Lim. (Charles Arthur Bales, man.),
Latter Henry, I Winona villas Eaton James, Ship inn Halesowen
Mann Mrs. Linden grove, Victoria rd Emery George, sen. smack owner Stammers Richard, Peter Boat P.H.
Marsh Waiter Henry, Melrose villas Emery John, draper High street
Martin William Henry Thomas Emery John, smack owner Starbuck John & RnbP~rt, ship
Millar Frederick Charles James Q.C., Emery Robert Fredk. baker & grocer chandlers, Sigh Etreet
LL.B. Leigh house Essex Yacht Club (The) (R. Frost Theobald Hy. (Mrs.), farmr. Belton hll
Miller Mrs. Belfair lodge Smith, commodore; A. Harvey Thompson John, baker
Morison John, jun. Cliff lodge . Moore, vice-commodore; W. Winn, Thorp \VilliaJ?l• builder &, undertaker,
Mortlock Frederick J ames, Eglinton rear-commodore ; A. R. Ray, hon. Prospect VIllas
Natusch Miss, 6 Carlton terrace sec), Gipsy station Tomlin & Angier, ship chandlers
Norman Rev. Alfred John (Wesleyan), Gas Workil (Saml. White, proprietor; Tomlln Daniel & Thomas, coal,
Lealholme, The Cliffs Edwin Bradford, manager) salt, sail cloth & rope merchants;
Orme Robert. The Firs Gentleman George William, boys' & at Ilford
Pardoe J oseph, 2 Winona \'"illas _school, Sea. View college Turnnidge Edmund, fishmonger
Pennell George, Grasmere, Victoria rd G1lson Geo. fishmngr. 2 Norman ter Turnnidge Thos. assistant water bailiff
Plumb William, Castle cottage Bales Charles Arthur, manager to Turnnidge Thomas, fishmonger
Pughe Miss, 4 Carlton terrace South East Essex Gas & Water Co. Ward George, Bell commercial inn
Quilter Miss, 2 St. Clement's villas Limited, Halesowen Waters Thomas, Coal Hole P.H
Rogers Charles, 2 Victoria villas Harrison George, baker, Leigh hill Watson Charles Edward, grocer &
Ray Arthur, Ferndale Harrison Wm. Hy. baker & shopkeepr draper, High street
Robey John Thomas, Dolby house Harvey Frederick Bradley, painter &c. Watson Thomas James, grocer
Seeker Mrs. Danbury house, West st Rest villa Webster Philip, sail maker
Smith Burgess, I Carlton terrace Harvey Geo.Nathaniel, painter,High st White Edgar, Smack P.H
Smith John, Elm house Harvey James, farmer, Leigh heath White Thos. carpenter, 3 Station rd
Surr~dge Benjamin Harvey William, farmer', Leigh park Wilder Wm. greengrocer & butcher
Surridge Henry, Eden Hurst, Sea Hill Waiter, boot & shoe maker, I Williams Emma (Mrs.), music teachr.
View road Eaton villas, New road The Hill
Terry George, Maybank Jennings Chas. Henry, grocer, High st Williams Ephraim, Crooked BilletP.H
Thomson Henry, Eden lodge Johnson James Henry, baker, grocer Wright Frederick, butcher
Thorp Edward, 2 Shorefield villas k provision merchant, & agent for Williams John, marine store dealer,
Thorp William, jun. I Shorefield villas W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & High street
Tomlin Rev. M. (Free Methodist) ~;pirit merchants, opposite Railway Young George, stationer & confec·
Tomlin Stephen, Lodore, Victoria rd 'IJtation tioner, Post office
GREAT or MUCH LEIGHS, mentioned in Domes- rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and
day survey, is a parisih of scattered houses, on the diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. ~lary the
river Ter, on the road from Chelmsford to Sudbury, 4! Yirgin is an ancient edifice, consisting of chancel, nave,
roues south-west from White Notley station on the south porch and a round tower of flint and stone, with
Witham and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern rail- octagonal shingled spire, containing 5 bells and a clock:
way, 7 north-east from Chelmsford, and 5 south-west the tower was repaired in r882, at a· cost of £soo, raised
from Braintree, in the Mid division of tile county, by subscription: the nave, the oldest part of the church,
Chelmsford petty sessional division and union, Chelmsford is Norman with two Perpendicular windows and three
and Witham hundreds, Braintree county court district, widely-splayed Norman windows: the inner doorway of
the porch is also Norman and there is a fine Norman vided from offertories in the church ; the inmates have
doorway with zigzag mouldings, and a Late Decorated no allowance. Joseph Hetbert Tritton esq. of 36 Queen's
window on the west side of the t{)wer : the chancel is of Gate gardens, London S.W. ana others are lords of the
the Decorated period and the east window, which form- manor and landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay
erly displayed the ancient arms of France, " az. semee of and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans &c.
fleurs-de-lis, or," in glass of the 14th century, is MW The area is 3,146 acres; rateable value, £3,401; the
filled with modern glass : on the north side of the chan- population in r8gr was 720.
cel is an Easter sepulchre or perhaps founder's tomb,
and on the south side are four rich sedilia : in the chan- OH ATLEY is a hamlet of Great Leighs, on the high
cel is the mutilate<I brass effigy of a priest, with inscrip- road to Chelmsford, extending towards Braintree, 2 miles
tion to Ralph Strelly, rector of this church, ob. 1414 : north-west. The name of this hamlet being now little
the chancel was restored in r867 at a cost of £720. The nsed, the names of residents in it are included with
register dates from the year rssa. The living is a Great Leighs.
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £641, net yearly value Parish Clerk, William Newman.
£490, with 113 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift Post & Telegraph Office. J oseph Collard, sub-~ost­
of Lincoln College, Oxford, and held since 1894 by the master. Letters arrive througlh Chelmsfora at 8.10
Rev . .A.ndrew Clark M . .A.. fellow of that college. The a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 2.15 & 6 p.m. The
rectory house, rebuilt in r86g, is a large white building, nearest money order office is at Little Waltham.
with stone dressings, standing in its own grounds and is Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
pleasantly situated. The Baptist chapel here was erected SchooLs:-
m 1854 at the sole expense of the late Joseph Tritton esq.
of Norwood, Surrey. .A house, giveJl by an unknown .A School Board for the united district of Great & Little
donor, at a period not recorded, to buy bell ropes, has Leighs, composed of 5 members, was formed 31
been sold by order of the Poor Law Commissioners: an March, 1875; W. W. Duffield, Chelmsford, clerk to the
acre of land, afterwards exchanged for 2 acres, known as board; G. W . .A.rnold, Great Leighs, attendance officer
"Cole Hill Mead," was given to find a load of peastraw Board School (mixed), built in 1845, for 120 children;
to litter the church in winter. There are two charities: average attendance, So; tlle buildings were originally
a benefaction of £ 25 annually, left by Miss Fortune erected for a British school, at a cost of about £350,
Watts, of Great Leighs, in 16 9 8, for ten poor persons & is now the property of the scllllol board; the master's
born in this parish, and another of about £6, left by Miss residence was built in 1885; George Rhodes, master;
Beadle, of Great Leighs, in 1'822, for seven poor pel'lsons Miss Bailey, mistress
who mostly atJtend public wors-hip. In 1as 2 two alms- National (mixed), for about go children; average at-
houses for two persons resident in the parish for forty tendance, 47 ; Mrs. Fanny Coomibe, mistress
years, were erected in the parish, the funds being pro- Carrier to Chelmsford. William Leach, every fri
(Marked thus* receive letters through Gooday Thomas, farmer & maltster, Sargeant Thomas, gardener to Joseph
Braintree.) Fulborne H. Tritton esq
· PRivATE RESIDENTS. Halls Wm. jun. grocer & general dlr Smith Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Brown Miss Hawkes Georj?e, carpenter Smith William, farmer, Lawn's farm
Clark Rev . .A.ndrew M . .A.. Rectory Holland Geo. builder & timber mer Stokes Samuel, blacksmith
Putterill Rev. Henry (Baptist) Holland Thomas, grocer & farmer, Taylor George, wheelwright
Tritton Joseph Herbert, Lyons hall Hasler's farm Taylor Henry, wheelwright
Worrin Misses, Gobions green Jennings James, beer retailer *Willis Waiter, shoeing & general
Joslin Samuel, farmer, Whitehouse smith, agricultural implement agent
COMMERCIAL. Leach Wm. carrier & frmr. Cole's grn & wheelwright ; & at Little Leighs
Arnold George Watson, farmer, Long- Mansfield William, farm bailiff to Mrs. Witney Edward, poultry dealer
land's farm H. W. Brewster, Rochester's farm Worrin William Nathan, farmer &
Arnold Richard, frmr. Goodman's fm Newman Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retlr miller (wind), Gobions Green mill &
Brown Wm. jun. farmer, Bishop's hall Parker Henry, laundry Gobions hall
Collard J oseph, grocer, Post office Riley .Alfred, farmer, .A.llsteads Wright Richard Thomas, beer retailer,
Collingridge Hy. farmr. Wakerings fm Rust James, farmer, Chadwick's farm Boreham road
*Gentry John, pig dealer Smith Herbert, shopkeeper Wright Waiter, St. Ann's Castle P.H
LITTLE LEIGHS is a pleasant parish close to the Green B.D. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Thomas
Chelmsford and Sudbury road and on the river Ter, 7 Bowen, of Queen's College, Birmingham.
miles north-east from Chelmsford and 5 south-west from Leighs Primy, 2 miles south of Felsted, was founded
Braintree terminal station on a branch of the Great East- by Sir Ralph Gernon in 1229, in .the reign of Henry Ill.
ern railway, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- for canons and friars of the order of St . .Augustine, and
ford hundred, petty sessional division and union, Brain- was dedicated .to SS. Mary and John the Evangelist: it
tree county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, stood a little more than a mile north of the church, in
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .A.lbans. The the extreme part of the pariSh adjoining Felsted and had
church of St. John the Evangelist, ·standing on rising large and stately buildings and an extensive park and
ground about half a mile to the west of the high road gardens: at the Dissolution in '1536, it was valued at
from Braintree to Chelmsford, is an edifice of flint and £141 qs. Bd.. and was granted to Sir Richard Rich kt.
stone in the Early Norman style, erected, possibly, about Solicit{)r-General, and created in '1547 Baron Rich of
:toSs, and repaired about 1220 and 1350 and again at the Leeze -or Leighs, who built an elegant banqueting house,
commencement of the present century; it is about 6o laid out the gardens afresh, and added to the park; he
feet long by 17 feet •broad, and consists of chancel and afterwards formed a third, called "Little Leigh Park,"
nave under a sin~le ro~f, south. porch a~d. a western and his posterity flourished here fo: upwards of a cen-
tower of wood, wrth shmgled spire, contammg 1 bell: tury in great splendour : ,after bemg the seat of the
the ~ood-work o~ t~e roof and 3: ?eam of the old rool;l- .Duke of Buckingham it passed inw the possession of
loft m the floor .mdiCate the positiOn of !he chancel: ID Guy's Hospital, to which it still belongs : the governors
the north wall Is a sma.p. . Decorated wmdow; and in of that charity on coming inw possession, destroyed all
both w~lls some of ~he ongmal small round-headed NoE- the buildings .save the gate house and a few other por-
man wmdows remam : t~e font has an octangular basm tions, now used as farm buildings : the 16th century
placed on clustered ~haftmg: a few open benches of 14th porter's lodge and adjacent buildings are still used as a
cen~ury ~ork are. still left and some panels o! th~ Tudor , house, and inside the lodget on the right of a
per1od ~1th the lmel? pattern: on t~e south side IS a !!ne square court, stands the fine gateway of the priory, a
me~or~al wrought m _clunch and m good preservation, massive quadrangular edifice of red brick, in the Tudor
~onsistmg of a canop1e_a ogee ~ecess~d arch, 6 fee~ 6 style, consisting of three stories, wit1i panelled and em-
mches long by 2 feet Wide, a:nd mclosmg a tomo, da~mg battled turrets at the angles and in nearly as perfect a
apparently from abou~ the. m1ddle of Edward III.'s reign, condition a;i when granted by Henry VITI. to Sir Richard
A.D. 1350, upon which lies the full length rec_umbent Rich. John Badeley esq. of St. Helen's, Parkstone,
figure -of a pnest, vested.' and carved. out of a sohd. block Dorset, who is lord of the manor, Guy's Hospital and the
o.f oak; althoug~ the 'htstory of ~his jiD.onume!lt IS en- trustees of the late J. Corsbie Brown Corsbie esq. are
hrely _unknown, It possesses a special archreologiCal value t'he principal landowners. The aoil is mixed; subsoil,
as bem~ the only known example of the ~ooden e~gy clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
"Of. a prie~t: near the chan~el door there 1s a low s1de beans. The area is 1, 07 a acres_; rateable value, £974;
"Window: m the churchyard IS a stone coffin and a coped and the population in 1Bgr was 115
stone coffin lid, with carved ornMDent. The register . · .
dates from the year 1630. The living is a recwry, aver- Letters from Chelmsford arr1ve at Great or Much Lei~hs
age tithe rent-charge £285, with residence and r8 acres at 8:10 a.m .. & 1.30 p.m. from whence they are 1~-
of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the late Bev. John medmtely dispatched by foot messenger. Felsted lS

the nearest money order office & Great Leighs the This parish is included in Great & Little Leighs United
nearest telegraph office. Postal orders are issued at District School Board. The children of this village
Great Leighs, but not paid· attend the schools at Great Leighs
Bowen Rev. Thomas, Rectory Mann Joseph, beer retailer & baker Willis Waiter, blacksmith; & at Great.
Hockley William Edward, farmer, Simons Herbt. frmr. Little Leighs hall Leighs
Warrens farm
LEYTON and LEYTONSTONE suburbs of police; they are not included with the County of Essex,.
Lond<m, and within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan but will be found in Kelly's London Suburban Dii·ectory.
LINDSELL is a village and parish, on a brookfeeding Mrs. Packman, jointly; the trustees of the late Sir
the Chelmer, and near the road from Dunmow to Bard- Gerald Richard ·Dalton Fitzgerald hart. of Bigods Hall,
field, about 4 miles north-north-east from ilunmow sta- Dunmow, being lords of the manor of Lashley Hall; th&
tion on the Dunmow and Braintree branch, 8 east from Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxford, are lords of
Elsenham station on the main line Qf the Great Eastern the manor of Priors Hall. The prindpal landowners ar&
railway and 4 south-east from Thaxted, in the Western the trustees of the late Sir G. R. Dalton Fitzgerald bart.
division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional J.P. (d. 23 Feb. 1894), the Countess of Warwick, New
division, union and county court district and in Dunmow College, Oxford, the trustees of Mr. Gibbons and Waiter
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry a·nd St . .A.lbans dio- Barnard Byles esq. of Harefield House, Uxbridge. Th&
cese. The church (name unknown) formerly belonged to soil is heavy land; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
the Benedictine abbey of Little Walden and ;is an edifice wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area of the parish is
of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel r,g86 acres; rateaible value, £r,o34; tihe population in
and nave, south-east porch and an embattled western r8gr was 233.
tower containing 4 bells, only one of which is in use : the
fabric includes a fine old Norman arch, and was restored HOLDERS GREEN, a mile north-west, and BUSTARD-
internally in 1873: there are 200 sittings. The register GREEN, a mile nortli, are hamlets _in ~his parish.
dates from the year 1520. The living is a vicarage, Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Wren.
average tithe rent-charge £152, !}et yearly value £120,
with residence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of trus- Wall Letter Box cleared on week days at 4.30 p.m. Let-
ters from Chelmsford arrive at Stebbing at 5 a.m.
tees, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Frederick Willia.m The nearest money order & telegraph offices are ai
Rouiston; a residence was built in the year 1867 by the
Dunmow, Thaxted & Great Bardfield
Rev . .A.lex. J. Rogers M.A. late vicar. The Pirot, Tibe-
tot, Wentworlh, North and other families were formerlv• A School Board of 5 members was lormed 26 July, 1875;

owners here ; Priors Hall, once held by the Priory of St. F. J. Snell, Great Dunmow, clerk ro the board; James.
Valery, in Picardy, has since 1508 been the property of Welch, Stebbing, attendance officer
New College, Oxford. There are tnree manors in the Board School (mixed), built in 1877, for go children;
parish: that of Lindsell Hall is held by Mrs. Church and average attendance, 40 ; Miss Oatherine E. Clewes, mis

Clewes Miss Philpot Waiter, beer retailer Sweeting Wltr. farmer, Holders grn
Roulston Rev. Fredk. Wm. Vicarage Sams John, farm bailiff to William Turner George, farmer, Bowles farm
Bambridge Chas. cartr.&frmr.New brn Tov;nsend esq. Duck end Turner James, carrier & pollard dealr
Challis Jas. R. farmr. Lashley hall Skeets Charles, farm bailiff to Alfred Turner Samson, marine store dealer.
Harvey .A.aron, blcksmth. & Crown inn Hutley esq. Lindsell hall Holder& green
Leonard Charles, farm bailiff to exors. Smith Thomas, farmer, Priors hall; Wren William, parish clerk & sexton
of Thomas Gibbing esq. Brazenhead Templar's; Cowell's & Porridge hall Yeomans Elijah, miller (wind) & baker
LISTON is a village and parish, on the river Stour, in the gift of John Campbell Lambert esq. and held since.
which .separates it from Suffolk, 1! miles -south from 1893 by the Rev. Siteward Travers Fisher M.A. of St.
Long Melford station on the Sudbury and Haver'hill Mary Ha1l, Oxford. Liston Hall, a modern mansion of
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2~ north-by-west brick, seated on an eminence in a well-wooded park, is
from Sudbury and 13 north-east from Hahn:ead., in the the residence of Col. Frederick Palmer J.P. John Camp-
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, bell Lambert esq. is lord of the manor and principal
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union landowner. The soil is clay and gravelly; subsoil,
and county court district and in the rural deanery of gravel. The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area
Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of is 633 acres of land and IO- of water; rateruble value.
St. .A.lbans. The church (dedication unknown) is a small £g62; the population in 1891 .was 129.
and ancient edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, Letters through Long Melford R.S.O. arrive at 7 & II.I$
consisting of chancel, nave, a mortuary chapel erected a. m. & are delivered by foot post; collected for dis-
hy Co!. Frederick Palmer, south porch and an embattled patch at 6.15 p.m. Long Melford R.S.O. is the near-
western tower containing 2 bells : there are 120 .sittings. est money order & telegraph office
The register dates from the year I599· The living is a This narish is included in llorley United District School
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £rs6, gross yearly Board, formed 31 Mar. 1876; the children of this
value £196, including 18 acres of glebe, with residence, parish attend the Board school at Barley
Fisher Rev. Steward Travers 1\f..A.IGostling Geo. Matt. Hartsbuckle frmiPalmer Col. Fredk. J.P. Liston hall
Rectory Lambert John Campbell, Bridge ho
LITTLEBURY is a parish and compact village, south wall, is a brass to Nathaniel Robinson, a lat&
.seated on the river Granta or Cam and the ancient churchwarden of the parish : on the wall of the north
Roman and modern road, 2 miles north from Audley End I aisle is a brass to Charles Mickley, also a late church-
station on the Cambridge section of the Great Eastern warden: inside the north porch is a stoup: the church
railway, 1! north-west from Saffron Walden, and 40! by will seat 412 persons: in 1887 a quarter of an acre of
road from London, in the Northern division of the county, land was added to the churchyard. The register dates
hundred of Uttlesford, Saffron Walden petty sessional from the year I544· The living consists of a rectory and
division, union and county court district, and in the discharged vicarage, net- yearly value £248, including
rural deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Col- 140 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lord
chester and diocese of St . .A.lbans. The church of the Braybrooke and held since 1•888 by the Rev. Ernest
Holy Trinity, standing within the area of a Roman en- Edward Edgerley 1\I.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
oompment, is .a plain stone building of considerftible Here is ~ small wooden chapel belonging to the Plymouth
antiquity, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, with Bt:~thren, wi_th about 6o sittings. The Working Men's
clerestory, aisles, north and south porches and an em- reading room, opened in 1878, has a library of 170
battled western tower containing 6 bells and a clock: the volumes. Charities amounting t·o £3o yearly, left by Dr.
building, excepting the chancel, was restored in 1870-1, Covel, formerly rector of this parish, and other bene-
the cost being defrayed by subscription and the chancel fa:ctors, are distributed in money and kind. Henry Win-
was rebui1t in 1875, and organ chamber and vestry added stanley, architect (1696-gg) of the first Eddystone Light-
at the sole cost of Lord Braybrooke : the chancel contains house, lived here, and the site of his residence is still
a fine reredos which, with the stained east window, was marked by a mound planted with shrubs; he perished in
the gift of Lady Braybrooke, in memory of her sister, the great storm of 26 and 27 Nov. 1703, when the light-
the Hon. Augusta Maude, who died Dec. 25, r857: on house was totally destroyed Lord Braybrooke is lord of
the w.all over the chancel arch is a painting of the the manor and principal landowner. Tne soil is various
" Crucifixion:" there is also a carved stone pulpit and principally light; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The crops
an ancient font encased in richly carved oak, with a generally are on the four-course shift. The parish con-
canopy: the east window, in the south aisle, is a me-~ t~ins 3,413 acres of land and 13 of water; rateable value.
morial to the Hon. Catherine Elizabeth (Neville) Viscoun- £9,496; the uopulation in 1891 was civil, 777; ecclesias-
tess Stopford, d. 12 Aug. 1884, and nM.r to it, on the J tical, 710. •

NORTH END is a sm11.ll hsmleli adjoining, with a few PoS't Office. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Wright, sub-post-
cottages. mistress. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at 6.30
s.m.; dispatched at 7.30 p.m. week days at I2 p.m.
LITTLEHURY GREEN, 2 miles west-south-west from on sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph
the church, is a hamlet of Littlebury. Here is a small office is at Saffron Walden, Postal orders are issued
Mission chapel dedicated to St. Peter, with sittings for · here, but not paid
ISO persons, built by subscripti'Ons raised t'hrough the
exertions of the Rev. Cyril Poynder Wix. M.A. curate of Free School (mixed), founded, as sup~ed, by Thoma-s
the parish, IS8I-8. Capt. William Raymond Inglis and Sutt.on esq. with an endowment of £48 per year, aris-
Mrs. Inglis are the joint landowners in this district. ing irom lands & tenements near the town; a school-
O.A.TMERE END, in this .parish, is, for ecclesiastical house with master's residence wa.s built in 1865, at B
purposes, attached to the parish of Strethall. Catmere cost of wbout £I,oSo; for 16o children; there are now
Hall, a large and ar.cien't building, gurrounded by a moat, (1894) 160 children on the books; average attendance,.
the site of which can still be distinguished, was held in I37; Frederick William HQoper, master; William..
the I6th century by the Gate family, and was then J esse Brown, assistant master; 1-liss Isabella E. King,
known as "Gatemere Hall." infants' mistress
Parish Clerk, Henry Edward. Carrier to Saffron Walden.-Francis Waiters, sat
Burrell John End; Railway station, Wendens Law Lucy (Miss), Rose inn, Little-
Edgerley Rev. Ernes•t Edward M.A. Ambo & Elsenham; head office, bury green
Rectory Newport S.O Miller Joshua, Hoops inn, Littlebury
Emson Alfred, Howe hall, Littlebury Braybrooks Jn. frmr. Bordeaux farm green
green Burrell John, farmer Mumford Edward, wheelwright, North
Gover Henry John M.A., M.B Clay Edwin, plumber & farmer End cottage
Inglis Mrs. The Lee Dew Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Perm Joseph, Queen's Head inn
Inglis Capt. William Raymond, The Duke Benjamin, farmer, Kents farm Penn l\Iary (Miss),) dress maker
Lee; & Army & Navy club, Pall Duke George, farmer, Johns farm Penning William, shoe maker
mall SW Emson Alfred, farmer, Howe hall, Pettit James, farm bailiff to John
::\-Iicklev Mrs. Johns farm Littlebury green Burrell esq. Green farm
Moore"Dan, Mill house Fromet Walter, farmer, Bordeaux RidE'r John, bricklayer, Mill cottage
COMMERCIAL. Gover Henry John M.A., M.B., C.M. Savill Jas. farmer, Littlebury green
Abraham John William, builder, surgeon Sayers John, bailiff to John Burrell
joiner, undertaker, wheelwright & Hardwick John, baker esq. North End farm
beer retailer, Carpenters' Arms Hazell '\Valter, blacksmith Thorpe .Joseph, Falcon inn
.Barker Charles, gamekeeper to Mr. Ilott John, farmer, Littlebury green Willett :Martha (Mrs.), butcher
Alfred Emson King Thomas & Henry, miller& (steam Working Men's Reading Room (W. J_
Barnard Bros. coal, corn, seed, cake & water), Littlebury mills Brown, treasurer & sec)
& manure merchants & general King James Sherbrooke, grocer, provi- Wright .Allen James, farmer
agents; & at High street & Railway sion & hardware dealer Wright Daniel, thatcher
station, Saffron Walden; Audley Mason James, shopkeeper Wright Edward, news agent
LOUGHTON is a parish, on the borders of Epping include effigies to John Stonard, ob. 1541 and his wives
Forest, amia rural and picturesque scenery, with a J oan and Catharine; another brass with the effigy of
station near the river Roding and two stations on the a man with a ruff round his neck, in the costume of the-
W oodford and Chipping Ongar branch of the Great I6th century and an inscription to William Nodes, gent.
Eastern railway, ui miles from Shoreditch and White- ob. 1594, and six sons; one, with effigy in armour, tOo
chapel church, 5 south-east from Waltham Abbey, 8 Abel Williams, gent. ob. 1637, and his wife, with 8
north-west from Romford and 4 south-west from Epping, children, and others to the Wroth family, the earliest
in the '\Vestern division of the county, Ongar hundred, dating from 1673: the church will seat about Bo persons.
Waltham Abbey county court district, Epping union, The chancel of the old church, remc-ved in 1847, is naw
and in the rural deanery of Chigwell, archdeaconry of used as a mortuary chapel
Essex and diocese of St. .Albans and is within the The church of St. Mary the Virgin, erected in 1871
metropolitan police district. The parish consists of and consecrated June sth, 1872, is a building of stone-
ooe long street, diverging off the high road from Wood- in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave~
ford to Epping, and includes Debden green, Upper and aisles, south porch and a bell cot, containing one bell ~
Lower Parks and York Hill, together with several other the north aisle was added in 1883 at a cost of £I,ooo:
roads. The sewerage of the northern portion of the the church will seat soo persons, 350 sittings being free.
parish was carried out by the Epping Rural Sanitary This church has an endowment of £so yearly from the-
Authoritr in 18go, from plans by Edmund Egan esq. tithes of the parish church.
A.R.I.B.A. at a cost of £6,soo, and the outfall works The Baptist mission hall at Goldings hill, erected in
were planned in accordance with the suggestions of thr. October, 1889, is an iron building, seating- 150 persons,.
International Water and Sewerage Purification Company, and there are also Union and '\Vesleyan chapels.
Limited, of 17 Victoria street, '\Vestminster S.W. The Public Hall, erected in 1883 at a cost of about
The church of St. John the Baptist, erected in 1846, is a £3,ooo, from the designs of Edmond Egan esq.
cruciform edifice of brick in the Norman style, con- A.R.I.B.A. of Loughton, with money paid over by tha
sisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and a Corporation of London on the extinction of the lopping
low central tower containing a clock and 8 bells, of rights in the :Forest, previously held by the inhabitants
which the tenor weighs 20 cwt.; these date from 1866 of the parish, is a building of brick in the Gothic style,
to 1874, the 5th bell having been re-cast in the former with a tower and containing an assembly room, institute,.
year from two bells dated I62I and 1655 respectively: reading room, and a library of over 1,400 volumes.
Nos. I and 2 were purchased from the proceeds of a
bazaar; the third was given by Mrs. John Gott, of The Metropolitan Police Station here, which stands
Armley House, Leeds, Yorks, and No. 6 is a memorial on the High road, is occupied by a sub-divisional section
to William Whitaker l\Iaitland esq. and No. 7 to Emma, of the J division, with a force of I station sergeant, 3
wife of J. C. Rohweger esq. : the building was enlarged sergeants and I I police constables, who are in charge or
and partly re-seated in 1877 and some of the windows Loughton and part of Buckhurst Hill.
are stained : the sacrarium is handsomely embellished Here are six almshouses, founded in I 827 by Mrs~
with the glass mosaic, kno\\n as "opus sectile :" there nwrnhitaker, for the aged and infirm poor, and charities
are 500 sittings, about half of which are unappropriated. producing £3o yearly, left by various persons in small
The register dates from the year 1673. The living is a bequests, the interest amounting to sums of £r and
rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £234, with upwards.
43 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held Loughton formed a portion of the endowments
since 1856 by tJhe Rev. John Whiltaker 'Maitland .1.I.A. of bestowed by King Harold on '\Yaltham Abbey and con-
Trinity Hall, Cambridge. tained a part of the abbey lands until the dissolution of
The church of St. Nicholas, standing partly on the site that monastery.
of the original church, and erected in 1877• by Mrs. Queen Elizabeth is said to have visited the Stonards
\Thitaker Maitland, in memory of William Whitaker at this place in 156r.
~Iaitland esq. her sons and all those who lie in the The soil is clay; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are
churchyard, is a building of rubble faced mth stone, in wheat,· oats, peas and roots, but the land is chiefly
the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, pasture. The area is 3,5o8 acres Df land and 15 9f
porch and a bellcot containing one bell : the brasses water; rateable value, £22,616; the population in 18gr
taken from the old church are now placed here, and was 3,88o. .
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity, Insurance & Ex- Masonic Lodge (1,457 Bagshaw), held at Public Hall,
pre,ss Delivery Office (Sub-office. Letters should second, thursday, March, April, May, October,
have S.O. Essex added).-Miss Agnes Barton, post- November, December, 7 p.m.; Charles J. Edwards,
mistress. Letters dispatched to London Io a.m. & Park house, sec
u.5o, 4.50 & 9.30 p.m.; sundays 8.30 p.m.; delivered Public Officers:-
7 & 8.45 a.m. & 3.20 & 6.30 p.m. Telegraph office
open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m. Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Loughton Dis-
Post Office, High Beech.-Charles Hunt, sub-postmaster. trict, Epping Union, Francis Alleyn Owgan L.R.C.P.
Letters dispatched 7· & 8.40 a.m. & 4 p.m. week IT-el. Clifton house, High road
days only. Poor & Sanitary Rates Collector, Joseph Hawkina
Sub-Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Hayward, Bath villa, Forest road
Goldings Hill Arthur William Leech, sub-postmaster. Highway Rate & Tax Collector, Samuel Joseph Wilks,
Letters dispatched at 8 a.m. 12, 4 & 8 p.m.; sunday Glenavon, High road
7.30 p.m. Loughton is the nearest telegraph office Registrar of Births & Deaths, Relieving & Vaccination
~Yall Letter Boxes : -
Officer for Chigwell District, Samuel Wilks, Glenavon,
York hill, cleared 8 a.m. & 12.10, 4.15 & 7.30 p.m.; High road
sundays!, 7·30 p.m Surveyor of Highways, Jas. Wilks, Sunnyside, High rd
Bigh road, cleared 8 a.m. & 12.30, 4.15 & 8 p.m.; Schools:-
sundays, 8 p.m A School Board was established 16 February, 1887 of 7
Chigwell Lane station, 7.30 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; no collection members; James Herbert Tee, Station road, clerk to
on sunday; 9· 15 a.m. mondays only the board; Benjamin Henley Eastes, attendance officer .
Loughton station, 8 a.m. 12.30, 4.15 & 8 p.m Board (boys), erected in 1888, at a cost of £6,ooo, for
"l'raps hill, 8.15 a.m. 12.30, 4.20 & 8.15 p.m 320 children; average attendance, 214; George P.
High Beech, near church, 7.10 & 8.45 a.m. & 4·5 p.m. Clarke, master
Debden Green, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m York hill, Board (girls), average attendance, 200; Miss
.Public Establishments:- Ada True, mistress
Institute & Reading Room, Public Hall, William C. Infants' school, added in 1892, foc 200 children; average
Waller M.A. F.S.A. hon. librarian attendance, I20; Miss Eleanor Spurging, mistress
·:Metropolitan Police Station, High road, James Franklin,
station sergeant Railway Stations:-
Public Hall, Benjamin Henley Eastes, sec. ; William Lought.on, Williaru Murfitt, station master
Hawkins, keeper Chigwell lane, Edward J oseph Constable, statu. master
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Day Waiter, Salcombe house, High rd Hide John, 1 Eaton villas, High road
Adamson Robert Lawrence, St. Hilda, Deacon Octavius, The Park Hills Mrs. York hill
Rectory lane Dent Mrs. Hatfields, Rectory lane Hinman William Philip, Glenwood,
.Air Robert, Fircot, High road Dobson Frederick Wm. Meadow road High road
.Alien Rev. William B.A. (vicar of St. Dot James Forfar, Alandale, High rd Hogg Waiter, Holly cot. Lower park
Mary the Virgin), St. Mary's lodge, Drake Hy. 2 Glen villas, Meadow rd Hore Henry, Braganza, Connaught rd
High Beech road Dunham John, Oak villa, Staples road Horn John, Marlcraft ho. England's la
.Allen Robin, Woodbury hill Dunne Jn. J. 3 Park vils. High road Hough Rbt. Monkchester, Goldings hl
Ambrose Jethro, Fern bnk. Station rd East .Alfred, South bank, York hill Houghton Daniel, Debden green
Anderson Jas. Hy. Belmont, Up. park Edmonds Wltr. 2 Eaton vils. High rd Howard Lloyd Samuel J.P., C.B., D.L.
.Andrews Hy. The Grange, Upper prk Edwards Charles James, Park house, Goldings hill
Arrowsmith Wltr. Sunnyside, Albion hl Lower 1mrk Hundley Francis Philip, Alpha house,
.Ashby Charles, Elm villa, Lower park Edwards Frederick Lewis, Holmhurst Lower park
Ashby Jn. Thos. 4 Elm vils·. Low. prk Egan Edmond, Holmdale, High road Hunter Rev. Robert LL.D. (Presby-
Baring Miss, Oak villa, High Beech Eggby James, Upper park terian), Forest retreat, Staples road
Barker Joseph William, Wythburn, Elwood :Miss, Chapel lodge, High road Hutt Clement, Sunnybank cottage,
Church hill Everett Joseph, Lucton vil. High rd Woodbury hill
Bathe Anthony, Stamford ho. Low. pk Eyre HPriot, Plym, Station road Jenkings George ~Iills, The Chestnuts,
Beal Edwd. J. St. Margaret's, High rd Faviell Frederick Henry, The Cottage, High road
Beckett George, Staples road Albion hill Johnson Saml. Hy. F.C.S. Warren hill
Benton Frank, Debden ho. Debden grn Fenn Joseph William Beckford, I Beck- Johnson Thos. Tyne ho. Goldings hill
Blows John, The Bower, High road ford villas, Upper park Jones Rev. John Arthur (Baptist),
Booth Harris, Hillside, .Albion hill Fennell Miss, The Hollies, Albion hill Sidney house, Lower park
Bowley Miss, Rythdale, High road Ferry Mrs. Baldwyns, Baldwin's hill Jones John A. 4 Eaton vils. High rd
Brawn John, Ashmeads Flekher Henry Marshall, The Dragons, Kale J oseph, Brynmere, Upper park
Brav.·n Samuel, Meads, High road Upper park Keary Geo. Spencer vils. Meadow rd
Bright William, York hill Foster George, York hill !Kemp Alfred, Braeside, Forest Side rd
Buck Charles, Fern cot. Meadow road French Elijah, Alghers road Kemp Sidney, Braeside, Forest Side rd
Buck Shadrach, Osborne ho. High rd Frost Alfred John J.P. Hazelwood, Kent Arthur J. 3 Brook cots. High rd
Butcher John, Washbrook house, Upper park Knight .John Henry, Church hill
Station road Garin Miss, Aspen villa, Albion hill Landquist Justin, Woodside, Albion hl
Butler-Harris Arthur M.A., M.B., B.S. Gellatly Peter D.L., J.P. Albion hill Langbeck Hugo Waldemar, 2 Clare-
2 Westbourne villas, High road Gerritsen Hy. J. Swiss cot. Albion hl mont villas, High road
Carey Geo. I Spencer vils·. Meadow rd Gingell Miss, Kingsthbrp vil. Low.J>k Langdon James H. Kingswear lodge,
Carter :Mrs. The Orchard, High road Glasscock James, Rose villa, Forest rd High road
Christian Waiter Thomas F.R.M.S. Godfrey James, York hill Laurie Arthur Pillans, Woodside,
Clarence house, Station road Godin Lewis, High Beech road Baldwin's hill
Clark George Plush, 1 Washbrook Godin Ralph, High Beech road Lawford Godfrey, Connaught avenue
villas, .Station road Gostling James Cubitt, Loughton ldg Lewer Hy. Wm. Westwood, Albion hl
Clarkson .Algernon, I Westbourne Gould George, Brooklyn Le-Riche Capt. Geo. Connaught aven
villas, High road Gould George Sydney, Woodlands, Lincoln Hy. The Hardings, High road
Claydon Mrs. Meadow road High road Lindley Percy, York hill
Cleffon Hugh, Ivy villas, High road Gould Isaac Chalkley, Trap's Hill ho Lodge George Charles, Upper park
Collop :Mrs. I Bartholomew villas, Gould John Herbert, Trap's Hill ho Lomer Godfrey Charles, The Ferns,
High road Gray :Miss, Newnham house, High rd Upper park
Cook Saunders Sonderson Wynnstay, Green Charles Ernest, Old Rectory Looker Arthur, High road
Meadow road Green Thomas Joseph, Forest road Lucas William, Meadow road
Coomber Alfred William, Marian villa, Gregson Jas. Heartshill, Debden grn McGregor Montague Malcolm, Bar-

Staples road Gregson Percy L. 5 Elm vils. Low. pk warters, Goldings road
'Coppin Sydney, Rose cot. York hill Grout Herbert E. Ravenswood, Up. pk McKenzie Frank F. The Warren
Crawley Evelyn M. White ho. High rd Grout Mrs. 2 Spencer vils. Meadow rd McLean Miss, Newnham ho. High rd
Craze Alfred Roberts, Staples road Gusson vharles, Victoria vils. High rd Mc"'\Yilton Archibald, Ash lodge, York
Crow Lot Zoar, Beata ldg. Station rd Hammond Wm. E. Fern vil. High rd Hill lane
Cubitt James, Brook villa, High road Harwood Mrs. 2 Bartholomew villas, Maitland Rev. John 'Whitaker M.A.
Cunnew Arthur, Fernleigh, High High road (rector & surrogate), Loughton hall
Beech road Hayward Joseph Hawkins, Bath villa, Malby George, 2 Beaumont villas,
Curtis Alfred, York hill Forest road Queen's Park road
Dawson Rev. William M.A. Susan- Heckmann Miss, York hill Matlaud George Read, Alprach, St.
eourt, Upper park Hicks Robert, High Beech road John's road


Matland Thomas C. Grindelwald, St. Pelly Herbt. Cecil, Shortacres, High rd Tilloft ~Irs. High road
John's road Percy Samuel W. Hope villa, High rd Tolliday Arthur, The Limes, High r1l
Matthews Geo. 2 Brook cots. High rd Poison William, Lintalee, Lower park Van der Gucht Gerald, The Cottage,.
Mayor Arthur, Rose bank, High road Ragge John, Albion hill Debden grf'en
Miller Percy Bradley, Trap's hill Ralph Mrs. Forest road Van der Gucht Mrs. C. The Cottage,.
Mills Mrs. Shrubbery, High road Rockett George William, High road Debden green
Morgan Harry, Holme vil. Lower park Rogers George, 3 Eaton villas, High rd Vincent Wm. c; Park villas, High rd
~!orris Cha.s. I Claremont vil. High rd Rogers Thomas George, 3 Ea ton vils Wahab Edwa.rd, Goldings manor
Monday Edward, Glenthorn, Albion hl Sadler William, Crown cots. High rd Wailer Wm. Chapman M.A. York hill
Mount Ensor, High road Schwing Wm. Willow cot. High road Warwick Jsph. The Mount, Debden grn
Munt William, Meadow road Searl William, Ferndale, High road Watson Rev. Charles Arthur B.A.
Murch Spencer Harris, Goldings hill Sharp Robert Harrison, The Cedars, (curate), Ashfield lodge, York hill
Nathnn James, Claremont, Upper prk Upper park Webster Jn. Edwd. Holly ldg. High rd
Needham George, Georgian villa, Sharpe Henry George, Meadow road "\Veston "\Vilham George, 4 Bartholo-
Staples road Simmons Ernest, Meadow road mew villas, High road
Norden Edwin C. Elmsdale, Station rd Smart Bolton, The Limes, High road Whf'atley William Henry, 4 Park
Norden W. G. Chest~r ldg. Albion hill Smith Minden, High road villas, High road
Norman Robert, Connaught avenue South Harry, 6 Bartholomew villas, Whl.ncup John, Brynmawr, High road
Nunn Thos. T. Hetton ho. Station rd High road "\"Vhite Samuel, Elsmere, High road
Offin Mrs. 2 Washbrook vls. Station rd Spurge Richd. Ivy bank, Albion hill Whitford Samuel, Lower park
Owgan Francis Alleyn, Clifton house, Stapleton Geo. Hy. Cotton, Lower pk Wilks Samuel, Goldings hill
High road Steffen Otto Wilhelm Theodore, Mur- Wigzell Ernest Eustace, Albion c~t-
Painter John, Hutton house, High ray house, Meadow road tage, High road _
Beech road Stock William, Fern villa, Forest rd Wilson Rev. William Linton ~LA. St_
Palmer Joseph Thomas, Debden hall Street Henry, 4 Albert cottages John's colle'!'e, High road
Parker Frederick Charles, Fillebrook, Sworder John Smith, Somerby Woolfe Fredk. Elm house, High road
The Drive, High road Tarling John, Meadow road Wooton Mrs. Exel lodge, High road
Parker Richard, Fillebrook, The Drive, Tee James Herbert, Goldings road Wright Wm. Hy. The Firs, High road
High road Thomas "\Villiam, Atherstone, High rd Young Geo. Haward, Victoria road
Parker Saml. Brackenhurst, High rd
COMMERCIA I •• England William J. watch maker, Station road
Adams Absalom, carpenter, High road Fletcher Jane (Miss), Plu>ne of Feathers P.H. High ro!t!F
Adams Frederick, carpenter, Aden lodge, High road Forster Thomas, builder & undertaker, York hill
Adams Mary Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper & tea gardens, Foster Charles Savin, builder, High Beech road
Augusta villas, High road Francis Herbert H. architect & surveyor, Station road
Ambrose & Son, wine & spirit mers. & mineral water French Elijah, nurseryman, Lower park
mfrs. grocers, drapers, outfitters, & agents for W. & French "\Villiam, farmer & cartage contractor, North
A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, High rd farm, High road
Ambrose Jethro, valuer to grocery trade & auctioneer, Fuller Charles & Sons, auctioneers & estate agents,.
Fernbank, Station road Station road; & at Buckhurst Hill
An till Sarah (Mrs.), chandler's shop, Smart's lane Giles Edward, boot & shoe maker, High road
Arnill William, blacksmith Gingell Frederick, The Farm
Askew Alfred, hay & straw dealer, England's lane Girling J. & H. coal mers. High rd. & Railway station
Askew Emma (Mrs.), cartage contractor, Smart's lane Glasscock & Son, rose grow8rs & nurserymen, Forest ri{
Askew George, hay & straw dealer, Smart's lane Gould G. & Sons, dairymen, farwers, corn merchants
Baker John (Mrs.) & Son, nursery & florists, Forest rd & furniture removers, High road & Trap's hill &.
Baker Emma (Mrs.), laundry, Forest road Borders farms
Baldwin James, beer retailer, Smart's lane Graham Joseph, beer retailer, High road
Rarrett Annie (~fiss), ladies' school, Alma ho. York hill Gray F'rances H. (Miss) B.A., LL.D. Newnham House
Barton Agnes (Miss), stationer, Post office School Limited for ladies', High road
Betts John, wheelwright & coach painter, Forest house, Greenaway John, builder, Baldwin's road
Forest hill Gresswell Richard, plumber &. blacksmith, Station roadl.
Blows John, coal merchant, Station road Grout Percy, Foresters' Arms P.H. Baldwin's hill
Blows Joseph Thomas, baker, High road Grout Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, Baldwin's road
Bolton George, groc£>r, Forest road Grout Joanna (Miss), shopkeeper, York hill
Booth John, tailor, High road Hancock George, photographer, Church hill
Bosworth Frederick, butcher, High road Harrington Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Forest road
Bowditch Henry, draper & milliner, High road Harrington Waiter, greengroc~r, Smart's lane
Brown James H. greengrocer, High road Harris Martin, saddler, Station road
Brown_ James Joseph, butcher, Smart's lane Harrison John, chemist & druggist, High road
Buck ~imon, carpenter, Forest road Hawkins William, town hall keeper & agent to Prudential
Bull Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, Smart's lane Assurance Co. Limited, Forest road
Burgess Thomas Alexander, chemist & druggist, High rd Hazlewood "\"Villiam Arthur, butcher, High road
Burroughs Thomas, turncock, E.L.W. Works, Forest rd Heather Amelia (Mrs.), beer retailer, Smart's lane
Butler-Harris Arthur M.A., M.B., B.S. Oxon. surgeon, Heyward Wm. Thomas, greengro. & florist, High road'
2 "\Vestbourne villas, High road Hickman Moreland, printer, proprietor & editor of t'he
Button Daniel, confectioner, Smart's lane 'Loughton & District Advertiser,' Forest road
Carpenter Annie (Miss), Royal Standard P.H. High road Horton George, butcher, Forest road
Carter George, cab proprietor, Victoria cot. Smart's la Horwood Emily Ann (Miss), girls' school, 2 Park villas,.
Carter Jane (Mrs.), laundress, Prospect cot. York hill High Toad
Caten Robert, house decorator, York hill Howe George, wheelwright, High road
Chilton John, jun. Robin Hood P.H Hughes Jane (Miss), dress maker, Forest road
Chiswell Alfred, cabinet maker, York hill Hughes John, beer retailer, York hill
Clark Charles, baker, Goldings hill Hnmphreys John, jobbing gardnr. 3 Albert cots, High r!l
Clements George, plumber, Dowling lodge, High road Hun_dheim Alice (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, \Vaverley.
Convalescent Home for Children (Miss Maud Lobb, High road
matron), Uplands, High road Hunt Henry James, boot & shoe maker, 6 Forest road
Cousins Alfred, fishmonger, High road Institute & Reading Room (William C. Wailer ~LA-
Cub1tt James, architect, Brook villa, High road boo, librarian), Public hall
Cubitt Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Forest road Keep Samuel, hair dresser, Forest road
Cuthbert Charles, ironmonger & clothier, High road Kirkby William, farmer, Alderton Hall farm
& Forest road Lamb Frank, greengroc~r, Forest road
Cuthbert Matilda Elizabeth (~Irs.), fancy repository, Lebbon William, boot & shoe maker, York hill
High road Leech Arthur William, grocer & draper, Post office.
Cutl;ibert Waiter John, builder, High road & Forest rd Goldings hill
Cutler Waiter, spectacle maker, Queen's road Leeson Henry, butcher, Smart's lane
Dawes Philip, glazier, Goldings hill Lewin Moses, baker, York hill
Dean John, proprietor of tea gardens, Staples road London Joint Stock Bank Limited (sub-branch) (open
Egan Edmond A.R.I.B.A. architPct & survyr. Holmdaye tues. & fri. I I till 3), High road ; draw on Lothbury
Eggby Emma (:~Irs. ), dress maker, Upper park office, 6 Lothbury, London E C
Ellis William Henry, boot maker, High road Loughton Parish Cricket Club ; Balph Godwin, sec


Loughwn & District Advertiser (l\Ioreland Hickman, Shepherd William, greengrocer, High road
Skinner Charles E. grocer & wine & spirit mer. High rd
editor, proprietor & publisher; published sat.), High
Beech road Smith George & Co. grocers & oilmen, High road
Loaghton & District Starr Bowkett Building Society Smyth Joseph Palmer, farmer & dairyman, Beech farm,
High road
(No. 769) (Frederick Charles Parker, sec.), Public hall
1\IcLean Jessie (Miss) B.A. Lond. assistant mistress,Squire George Wm. jobbing gardener, High Beech rood
Newnham School Limited, High road Stanbridge Frederick, plumber, York hill
1\Iachlin William, King's Head P.H. High road Tee James Herbert, solicitor & clerk to Loughton School
Madderton & Co. artists' colors manufacturers (Cam- l;loard, Station road .
bridge colors), Baldwin's hill Thompson Percy, draper, High road
Trimby Lebbeus, florist, Meadow road
Mcunt Cecil Brandram Fielding, solictor, The Homest-ead,
High road Vanryne Edwin, blacksmith, High street
Murfitt William, station master Vincent William, school (for boys), 5 Park vils. High rd
Newccmb E<lwin, Hollybush P.H. High road Warren William, blacksmith, Smart's lane
Nunn Thomas Taversham, coal & corn mer. Hetton house W arriner Robert, builder, High road
Webb Catherine Ann (Miss), dress maker, Forest road
()wgan Francis Alleyn L.R.C.P.Irel. physician & surgeon,
W ebb George, painter, Forest road
& medical officer & public vaccinator, Loughton dis-
trict, Epping union, Clifton house, High road Wheatley William Henry L.D.S., R.C.S. Eng. & Glas.
Packtam William Richard, grocer, & coffee rooms, dental surgeon, 4 Park villas, High road
Smart's lane Whittle Em m a Mary (Miss), draper, Devonshire house,
"Padfield George, farmer, Loughton Bridge farm High road
Whitty Richard Laurence L.R.C.P.I. physician & sur-
Palm er Eliza (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Smart's lane
"Paul William & Son, nurserymen & rose growers geon, Glendale, High road
Wilks Katherine (Miss), dress maker, Glenavon, High rd
Payne Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 High Beech road
Wilks James, surveyor of highways, Sunnyside, High rd
1'hillips William Meredith, beer retlr. & carman, York hill
Poulett James, wardrobe shop, High road Wilks Samuel, registrar of births & deaths for Chigwell
"Public Hall (Benjamin Henley Eastes, sec. ; William district, & relieving & vaccination officer, Glenavon,
Hawkins, keeper) High road
Pyott James, chronometer maker, Baldwin's hill Willingale John, bricklayer, Staples road
~amsey Arthur, china dealer, High road Willingale Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, Staples rood
llichardson Thomas, coal agent, 5 Bartholomew villas,Willis George, Crown hotel, High road
Hi~road ! Wilson Rev. William Linton M.A. St. John's college for
Sadler John & Son, shopkeepers, corn dealers & job boys, High road
masters, High road I Wright David. Henry, fishmonger, Smart's lane
Salter Sydney Horace, butcher, High road Young Conrad, Royal Oak P.H
Searl William James, grocer, High road •

MALDON is a municipal borough and market town, the south aisle, formerly a chapel, dedicated to the Holy
bead of a union and county court district, with a sta- Trinity and containing three chantries, founded by Robert
tion at the west end on the Great Eastern line, opened D'Arcy esq. of Danbury, who with Alice (Fitzhangley,)
Sept. 30, r889, to London and also, via Wickford, to his wife, widow of John Ingoe, merchant, of this town,
Southend, and another on the east side of the town on a was here buried, she died in 26 Hen. VI. (1447-B);
branch of that company from Witham. Maldon is 44 this chapel has since been extended to the whole length
llliles from London, 5~ south-east from Witham, 18~ of the church, its double piscina and an oil painting of
south-west from Colchester, 14} from Chelmsford by the "Last Supper" being replaced in the new east wall:
Tailway via Witham and w! by road, 12 south-east from at the west end rises a singular and almost unique tri-
Eraintree, 16£ south from Coggeshall, 26~ south from angular tower with pinnacles at the angles and terminating
Sudbury, BB! from Yarmouth, 81 from Norwich, 35~ in a hexagonal spire: it contains a peal of 6 bells.
from Ipswich, 84~ from Lowestoft, 37 from Harwich, 55 three of which are respectively dated 1707, 1770 and
from Cambridge and 45! from Woodbridge; in the 1799: there are some monuments of the 17th century
"Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon to the D'Arcy, Wentworth, Jeffrey, Vernon, Steevens and
;rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans dio- Cammock families, and marble floor stones of the J:6th
ocese. The town is situated on a hill rising abruptly from century to yarious members of the Vernon family: the
the south bank of the river Blackwater and near the' east window is stained and on the south side of the
junction of the Chelmer navigation, the higher parts com- chancel is a memorial window of four lights, erected in
n1anding extensive views of the surrounding country: it 1848 to the memory of Henry Coape esq. by his widow
has several streets, containing good shops and dwellings : and children: the pulpit and font are both elaborately
the inhabitants are well supplied .with water from works carved in the Decorated style : in r867 the church was
-situated in the Spital road, the property of a , thoroughly restored and reseated at a cost of about
-and the town is paved and lighted with gas from [,r,2oo and in 1877 further improvements and restora-
in High street, also the property of a tions were made at a cost of £3,ooo. The register dates
town was made a free borough by William de from the year 1556. The living is a vicarage, with St.
"Earl of Essex, in the reign of Henry III. but had pre- Peter's annexed, average tithe rent-charge £r77, net
viously received a charter of incorporation from Henry yearly value {,219, with residence, in the gift of Charle*'
II. A new charter was granted in 1553 by Queen Mary, Edward Lamplugh esq. D.L., J.P. F.R.G.S. of London
but was forfeited 4 George III. (1763-4) and not renewed and held since 1850 by the Rev. Edward Russell Horwood
till 1810. The corporation, which is also the urban sani- M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford, and rural dean of Mal-
tary authority, now consists of a mayor, four aldermen don. The vicarage house is a large and ancient building ad-
-and twelve councillors, recorder, treasurer, town clerk, joining the churchyard. The church of St. Mary, in the
borough magistrates, coroner, clerk of the peace and lower part of the town on the bank of the river, is a
~ther officers, and has jurisdiction over the borough and spacious building of flint in the Decorated and Perpendi-
seawards to a distance of 25 miles eastward of Knowle cular styles, consisting of chancel, naVtl, vestry, large
Sands: the borough has a commission of the peace and north porch and a massive western tower of stone and
separate court of quarter sessions : it formerly returned brick, supported by immense buttresses and terminating
two members to parliament, but under the "Representa- in a spire : it contains 6 bells, respectively dated 1799>
tion of the People Act, 1867," the number was reduced 1740, 1707, 1636, 1714 and 1740; this church is said to
to one and by the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," have been originally founded by Ingelric, a Saxon noble-
the representation of the borough was merged in that of man, before the year 1056 : and part of it, including the
the county. There are three parishes-All Saints', St. tower, was restored in 1628, a brief being granted for
l'eter's and St. Mary's: of these, the first two, on account the purpose by Charles I. ; it was restored in 1886 with
of the smallness of the emoluments, have been united the addition of a south aisle, the nave and chancel being
for ecclesiastical purposes. The church of All Saints, at the same time new roofed and reseated with open
2tanding in the highest part of the town, is a building benches and a new east window erected: the staircase,
of stone and flint, principally in the Decorated and Per- formerly leading to the rood loft, and !1. portion of the
pendicular styles, the tower being Late Norman: it ancient Norman chancel arch were discovered during the
consists of chancel with a.islee, nave of four bays, and ~ restoration:. ~here are 450 ~ittings.. The register dateS


M.ALDON• 239
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, average Yearly fairs are held on the first Thursday in May and
tithe rent-charge £205, net yearly value, £245, with re- September 13th and 14th for cattle. .A large shipping
sidence, built in 1886, in the gift of the Dean and Chap- trade is carried on in corn, coals, lime, chalk, hay and
ter of ·westminster and held since 1883 by the Rev. straw and in oilcake, manures and timber. There are
Alfred Leedes Hunt M . .A. of St. John's College, Cam- maltings, flour mills, rope walks, boat-building yard,
bridge. There are Baptist, Congregational, W esleyan lime-kilns, salt-works, a brewery, steam saw mills, timber
and Primitive Methodis~ chapels and a meeting room for yards, sail lofts, an iron foundry, an agricultural imple-
the Society of Friends. The CEmetery, on the London ment and machine manufactory and on the river Black-
road, formed in 1855 at a cost of about £1,300, originally water an extensive fishery.
comprised 4 acres, but was enlarged in I883; it con- Until I865 the port was free, but the Maldon Harbour
tains two mortuary chapels and is under the control of .Act, passed in that year, gave power to widen and deepen
a Burial Board of 18 members. Dr. Plume's library the river and to levy tolls on shipping coming within the
oecupies part of the site of the church of St. Peter, which jurisdiction of the commissioners; in 1882 the port of
fell into ruins (the tower excepted) about x665. Dr. Maldon was reduced to a creek of the port of Colchester ;
Plume, then .Archdeacon of Rochester and a native of vessels loading of unloading in Heybridge Basin, however,
Maldon, £rected about 1704 a brick building adjoining the are still free.
tower to contain his library, which he presented to the The Custom House is on Market hill.
town, bequeathing also a fund for its support and for the The principal hotels are the " King's Head" and the
supply of new books ; the library, now under the care of " Blue Boar."
the Rev. Edwa.rd Russell Horwood M . .A. vicar, consists The G Company of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex
Qf about 6,ooo volumes, principally theological, many of Regiment"have their head quarters in the town.
them being very rare and valuable works: the tower is The remains of Beeleigh .Abbey, a house of the Pre-
a massive pile of rough stone embattled, with a spiral monstratensian order, removed hither from Parndon,
staircase in an octangular turret at the north-west angle, are situated about x mile west of the town: the abbey
and contains a clock. The Lodge of Freemasons meets was founded by Robert de Mantell, .A.D. II8o, and dedi-
within this building. Dr. Plume also provided by his will cated to St. Nicholas : at the Dissolution eleven canons
for the education and clothing of ten poor boys of Maldon were maintained on this foundation, the revenues of
and Mundon and for the apprenticing of two such boys : which Dugdale estimates at £156 16s. II!d.; tqe most
and further left a sum of £27 for the delivery of weekly perfect relic of the edifice is the Early English chapter
lectures at All Saints' church. The boys are now edu- house, 36 feet by IS feet, with a groined roof, supported
~ated by the master of the National schools. The Town by three slender Purbeck columns : the undercroft of
or Moot Hall, also called "The D'.Arcy Tower," is a lofty the refectory and a portion of the common house are
and ancient brick building named from the Robert also extant. Henry Bourchier, 1st Earl of Essex of
D' Arcy previously mentioned, who in the reign of Henry that family, who died .April 4th, 1483, was here buried,
V. -v~as the king's escheator for this county; his descend- together with Isabel his countess and the Lady
ants became, from 155I, barons D'.Arcy of Chiche, but Mary Neville: the remains of the abbey have been con-
the title ceased with the death of Thomas, 3rd baron, verted into a dwelling house, the property of John
Viscount Colchester and Earl Rivers, in 1639. On the Baker esq. of Ha.wkwell, who is lord of the manor.
ground floor is the police station, on ~he first floor the John Rogers Herbert R . .A. painter of the fresco of
court room, where the quarter and petty sessions are "Justice," in the House of Lords, was born here Jan.
held and on the second floor a. council ~hamber contain- 23rd, 1810, and died at Kilburn, Middlesex, March, 1890.•
ing some oil paiatings of Queens Elizabeth and .Anne, The principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical Com-
Charles II. George Ill. and Dr. Plume. In October I88I, missioners, Samuel Baker esq. John Baker esq. of
an illuminated clock with chimes was presented by Hawkwell, Miss Staines, C. B. Gibson esq. Captain
William Johu Howard Townsend J.P. of Blue Bridge
George Courtauld esq. then M.P. for the borough, at a House, Halstead, and the Rev. John Bailey.
cost of about £4oo. The population of the borough in 1871 was 5586; in
The Public Hall, in High street, erected in 1859, is I88x was 5,468; and in 1891, 5,383, viz. :-.All Saints'
let for concerts and lectures. parish, I, 109, including 102 in the workhouse, "area 55
The London and County Banking Co. Limited and acres, rateable value £4,454; St. Mary's, 1,320, area
Messrs Sparrow and Co. have branch banks here ; there 1,827 acres, rateable value £3,379; St. Peter's, 2,954,
are police and fire engine stations. including 48 in the workhouse, area 1,602 acres, rate-
.A Promenade and recreation ground is now (1894) able value £10,226.
being laid out on the bank of the river at an estimated Parish Clerk of .All Saints & St. Peter's, Wm. Holt.
cost of £ 4,ooo. Parish Clerk of St. Mary's, James Horrocks •
:Post, M. 0. & T. & P. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Parker Charles .Alfred esq. Durwards hall, Rivenhall
Office, High street. Miss .Annie Everard, postmistress Parker Christopher William esq. M . .A., D.L. The Priory,
Dispatches :-London & all parts, 9.20 & u.20 a.m. Hatfield Peverel, Chelmsford
3·45• 6.30 & 10.30 p.m.; down mail 8.30 p.m Clerk to the Magistrates, Fredk. Hy. Bright, High st
• Petty Sessions are held at the Police station, Latching-
.drrivals: 4· 10, 7·5 & II. 15 a. m. 1.45 & 6 p.m d on, every a lt ernat e sa t ur d ay 11 a.m.; th e T own h a,'I ,
Deliveries commence 7.20 a.m. 2 & 6.25 p.m Maldon, is appointed an occasional Court House for
.A. mail is also dispatched to Mundon, Latchingdon, hearing cases of a pressing nature. The following
.A.lthorne, Southminster, Burnham, Tillingham & Brad- places are within their jurisdiction :-.A.lthorne, .Ash-
well at 5.10 a.m.; arriving on the return journey at eldham, Bradwell, Burnham, Cold Norton, Crixsea,
8 p.m Day mail from .Althorne, Latchingdon & Dengie, Fambridge north, Hazeleigh, Latchingdon,
Mundon, arrival u a.m.; dispatched 12 noon. Rural Mayland, Mundon, Purleigh, St. Lawrence, South-
posts to Heybridge, Goldhanger .. Ulting, Woodham minster, Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, Woodha.m
Waiter, Woodham Mortimer, Stow Maries, Purleigh Mortimer, Woodham Waiter
(Cold Norton & Hazeleigh are dispatched at 6 a.m.; Magistrates of the Borough.
-return to the office at 6 p.m.) (with the exception of
Heybridge & Goldhanger); time of arrival 6.xo a.m. Barritt James, Wentworth house, Maldon
There is also a day mail to & from Heybridge, arrival Bland Thomas Elsey, Friary, Maldon
• . h Clear .A.lbert Prime, High street, Maldon
11.5 a.m.; d 1spatc ed 11.45 a.m E ve H enry Thomas, Th e F r1ary, · Maid on
On sunday only one delivery & the two night dispatches Fitch Edward .Arthur, Breck house, Maldon •
Parcels Post closes Ir.xs a.m. 1.55, 6. 30 & 8. 30 p.m. Float John Charles, Fullbridge, Maldon
every day but sunday Horwood Rev. Edward Russell M . .A. The Vicarage,
Telegraph Office open 8 a.m. to .8 p.m. ; sundays 8 Maldon
to 10 a.m Sadd John Grainger, Mount view, Maldon
Tomlinson Thomas, High street, Maldon
County Magistrates for Dengie Petty Sessional Ward Henry, Beeleigh fa~ls, Maldon
Division. Ward Joseph Robert, Beeleigh grange, Maldon
Horwood Rev. Edward Russell M.A. Vicarage, Maldon, Clerk, John Crick Freeman
chairman Borough Petty Sessions held at the Moot hall daily
Eland Thomas Elsey esq. The Friary, Maldon at Io a.m
Formby Rev. Richard Edward B . .A. Rectory, Latching- Corporation.
don, Maldon Mayor-Alderman .Albert Prime Clear, 1893-4
Page John esq. Rawlings, Mayland, Maldon Recorder-William Willis Q.C. 8 King's Bench walk,
Page William esq. The Hall, Soutbminster, Maldon Temple, London E C

Aldermen. Fire Engine Station, London road, J. W. Hawkes, capt.;

~Albert Prime Clear *Edward Arthur Fitch H. W. Sadd, superintendent
~John Grainger Sadd *Joseph Sadler Inland Revenue, James 'lVhitrow, officer, 120 High Sb
Councillors. Public Hall, High street
Stamp Office, High st. Richd. Poole, sub-distributar
!StephenAbbottNotcuttRutt ~George Wade Temperance Hall, Market hill, Edward Rosling, sec
!Wm Edwin Facey B.A.,M.B. -TJames Price Freeman Town Hall, Nathaniel Wlilet, keeper, High street
!Thomas Greatrex tJohn Charles Float Masonic Lodges (1,024 St. Peter), held at Masonic hall,
!William Strutt tRobert Blaxall wednesday nearest full moon, monthly 7.30 p.m.
~Leonard Bentall tCharles Murrell Handley F. G. Green P.P.G.S.W. 13 High street, sec.; (1,977
-.rJohn William Samms tJames Rogers Blackwater) held at Blue Boar hotel, monday neare~~
Marked thus t rPtire in 1894. fllil moon, monthly 7 p.m. G. A. Eustace P.P.G.Std.R
MarkL>d thus 'If retire in 1895. St. Botolph's, Colchester, sec
Marked thus t retire in 1896.
Marked thus e~ retire in 1898, Volunteers.. .
Mayor's Auditor, J oseph Sadler 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (G Company),
Elective Auditors, Frederick George Green & Walter County court, London road; Capt. A. Gibbs, com-
H. de Caen mandant •
The ordinary meetings of the Corporation are held at
Maldon Union.
the Town Hall quarterly & as the Urban Sanitary
Authority at the same time Board day, tuesday fortnightly, at twelve .
Officers of the Corporation & Urban Sanitary Maldon union comprises the following parishes :-All
Authority. Saints, Althorne, ~she:dham, Bradwell-juxta-~Iare,
Braxted (Great), Braxted (Little), Burnham, Cold
Town c:erk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Norton, Cricksea, Dengie, Goldhanger, Hazeleigh, Hey-
John Crick Freeman, Gate street bridge, Langford, Latchingdon (with Snoreham),
Treasurer, W. K. Digby, 16 Spital road Mayland, Mundon, North Fambridge, Purleigh, St.
Medical Officer of Health, Edwin Parker Gutteridge, Lawrence Newland, St. Mary, St. Peter, Southminster,
High street Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, Tollesbury, Tolles--
Clerk of the Peace, John Robert Soffe, Gate street hunt D'Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Tolleshunt Major,
Borough Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Percy Munro Totham (Great), Totham (Little), Ulting, Wickham
Beaumont C.E. High street Bishops, Woodham Mortimer, Woodham Waiter. The
Town Crier, Joseph Coult, Queen street population of the union in 1891 was 23,489; area
Water Bailiff, Job Handley 89,421 acres; rateable value in 1893 £101,246
Collectors, J. Roger, High street; S. C. Spurgeon,
High street & R. Baxter, Fambridge road Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Alfred
Crick Freeman, Gate street, Maldon
Port Sanitary Authority Officers. Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
Clerk, John Crick Freeman, Gate street, Maldon Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, .All
Medical Officer of Health, Edwin Parker, Gutteridge, Saints' district, William Baldwin, Wantz road, Maldon;
High street Dengie district, William Read, Southminster; Thur·-
Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Hand:ey Barbrook, Custom ho stable district, J. Jackson, Tolleshunt D' Arcy
School Attendance Committee. Vaccination Officers-Maldon Registration district, W.
Clerk, John Crick Freeman, Gate street Baldwin, Wantz road, Maldon; Southminster & Til-
Attendance Officer, Samuel C. Spurgeon, High street lingham Re~ristration districts, William Read, South-
minster; Tollesbury Registration district, James
Harbour Commissioners. J ackson, Tolleshunt D' Arcy
R. H. Eve, chairman. Medical Officers & Public Vaccina.tors-All Saints' dis-
Henry ·ward J. C. Float trict, William Edwin Facey B. A., M. B. Maldon;
W. M. Tufnell S. A. N. Rutt Bradwell district, Edmund Cleaver Pettifer M.B.
J. G. Sadd C. Hicks Tillingham ; Burnham district, Charles Frederick
H. T. Eve J. P . Sacld Downman L.R..C . P. Lond. Burnham; St. Mary's dis-
T. Isaac J. Keeble trict, Thomas Tomlinson, Maldon; St. Peter's dis-
S. Thompson trict, Edwin Parker Gutteridge, Maldon; South-
Clerk, Edmund Gowers, 57 High street minster district, Robert Gorton Coombe L.R..C.P.
Collector, Thomas Handley Barbrook, Custom house Edin. Southminster; Tollesbury district, John Henry
Salter, Tolleshunt D' Arcy; Wickham Bishop district,
Public Establishments. Wi:liam Gimson Gimson M.D. Witham
Cemetery, London road, J. C. Freeman, clerk to the Superintendent Registrar, Alfred Crick Freeman, Gate
burial board & registrar, Stephen Cable, keeper street, Maldon; deputy, John Crick Freeman, Gate
County Court, London road, office at the Court house, street, Maldon
His Honor W. Paterson, judge; Chas. Godfrey, Ram- Registrars of Marriages, Maldon district, Robert Baxter,
ford, high bailiff ; Alfred Crick Freeman, registrar ; 44 Fambridge road, Maldon; deputy, Samuel Charles
James Rogers, broker; Thomas Gower, assistant Spurgeon, High street, Maldon; Southminster dis-
bailiff. A county court is held every two months. trict, William Harvey, Southminster; deputy, Alfred
The parishes in the district are :-Althorne, Asheld- J. Harvey, Southminster
ham, Beckingham, BradweC, Burnham, Great Braxted, Registrars of Births & Deaths, Maldon district, Wi:liam
Little Braxted, Cold N orton, Crick sea, Dengie, North Baldwin, Wantz road, Maldon; deputy, Robt. Baxter,.
Fambridge, Goldhanger, Hatfield Peverel, Hazeleigh, 44 Fambridge road, Maldon; Bradwell sub-district,.
• Heybridge, Inworth, Langford, Latchingdon, Maldon, Edmund Cleaver Pettifer M. B. Tillingham; deputy,
Mayland, Mundon, Purleigh, Saint Lawrence, South- W. J. Chell, Ti:lingham; Southminster sub-district..
minster, Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, Tiptree, R.. G. Coombe, Southminster; deputy, C. H. Hurrell,.
Tollesbury, Tolleshunt D' Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Southminster; Tollesbury sub-district, William Otway,
Tolleshunt Major, Great Totham, Little Totham, Tolleshunt D'Arcy; deputy, James Jackson, ToTies-
Ulting, Wickham Bishops, Woodham Ferris, Woodham hunt D'Arcy
Mortimer, Woodham Waiter The Workhouse, erected in 1873, at an expense of
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that •
£2o,ooo, on a site facing the Spital road, is a red
of Chelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver; H . brick bu:L.ding, in a modernized form of Gothic ;
Shirtcliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple from the centre rises a clock tower with a striking
chambers, London E C clock & in front there is a chapel ; the premises are
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress calculated to hold 450 inmates & cover about 5 acres;
Amendment Act," Albert Prime Clear, 70 High street; Charles R. Timperley, master; Rev. T. L. Pearson
James Rogers, 6 High street & Samuel Charles Spur- B. A. chaplain; Thomas Tomlinson, medical officer ;
geon, High street Miss Timperley, matron; John Froude, Skelhorne,
County Police Station, Town hall, 'lVm. Barnard, in- schoo:master ; schoolmistress vacant
spector & 4 constables
Custom House, Thomas Handley Barbrook, principal Rural Sanitary Authority .
coast officer 1st class; J ames "\Vilson, out-door officer l\Ieets at the Board Room on tues. monthly, at 1 p . m
rst class; Joseph Handley, James Stebbens & Charles Clerk, Alfred Crick Freeman, Gate street, Maldon
Chaney, Trinity pilots Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
Essex &:; Suffolk Equitable Fire En~ine Station, High :\Iedical Officer of Health, John Clough Thresh M. B.,
street, Edwin May, superintendent D.Sc . , F .I. C., F.C.S. Chelmsford •
School .Attendance Committee. Wesleyan, Rev. John Duncan; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Meets at the Board Room tnesday, every month, at mon. 7.30 p.m
11.15 a.m. Gospel Hall; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Christadelphian, Charles Murrell Handley, presiding
Clerk, Alfred Crick Freeman, Gate street, Maldon brother; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
.Attendance Officers, The 3 Relieving officers
Public Officers.
Grammar, founded by Ralph Brnder in 1608, who en-
.Assistant Overseer, Robert Baxter, 44 Fambridge road dowed it with [3oo, subsequently invested in the
.Assistant Overseer & Poor's Rate Collector for .All purchase of 20 acres of land, in the parish of Hatfield
Saints' District, James Rogers, 6 High street Peverel; the school was further endowed by Dr.
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Edwin Parker Gntteridge, Plume with two houses in the High street of Maldon;
High street these two bequests yield an annual income of £76,
Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Income Taxes the master receiving £6 for every town boy under
for Dengie Hundred, Fredk. Hy. Bright, High street 12, £9 for every boy over 12 & £12 each for boys
Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Income Taxes of any age living out of the town; all boys paying
for the Borough of Maldon, Edmund Gowers, 57 also an entrance fee of £I xs.; the school is managed
High street by a body of 9 governors; Rev. Thomas Layton
Clerk to the Trustees of (Breeder's) Grammar School, Pearson B.A. master
William Crick, 13 Gate street British, Market hill, built in 1843, enlarged in 1890,
Clerk to Mrs. Wentworth's Charity, Waiter de Caen, for 420 children; average attendance, 360 ; Fredk.
Wantz road Wm. Moss, master ; Miss Amy Moss, mistress
Collectors of Land & Income Tax, W. K. Digby, Spital National, London road, built for 441 children; average
road & S. C. Spnrgeon, High street attendance, 271; Charles S. Barker, master; :1\>Iiss
Collector of Poor's Rates for St. Peter's District, Saml. Charlotte Mangold, mistress; Miss Fanny Williams,
Charles Spnrgeon, High street infants' mistress
Deputy Receiver of Wreck from Walton-on-the-Naze to St. Mary's (infants), Mill road, built in 1874, for 125
Maldon, Thomas Handley Barbrook, Custom house children ; average attendance, 109 ; Miss Augnsta
Deputy Stewards of the Manors of Steeple Grange & Louisa Flambe, mistress
Mayland, Crick & Freeman, Gate street
Explosives Inspector, George Edward Crick, 46 High st Newspaper.
Inspector of Common Lodging Houses, William Barnard, Maldon Express, High street, Richard Poole, publisher ;
Town hall published saturday
Inspector Under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Railway.
Act, William Barnard, Town hall
Veterinary Inspector Under the Contagions Diseases Great Eastern (Witham & Maldon & Maldon & Southend-
(Animals) Act for Deng-ie & Witham Divisions, on-Sea branches), Frederick Blythe, station master;
Samuel Henry Ellis M.R.C.V.S. 20 Spital road parcels office, Market hill, T. Hayes, agent
Omnibuses to the Railway station to meet each train,
Places of Worship, with times of Services:- from Blue Boar & King's Head hotels
All Saints' Church, Rev Edward Russell Horwood M.A. Carriers.
vicar & rural dean; Rev. Donald Gotto B.A. curate; Bradwell-Alfd. Gladwell, from 'Rose & Crown,' thurs
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m Chelmsford John Ewers, from his house, every fri
St. Mary's Church, Rev. Alfred Leedes Hunt M.A. Colchester John Ewers, from his house, every sat
rector; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m London-Charles William Burrells, from his own house,
Friends' Meeting House; 10.30 a.m.; wed. 10.30 a. m 44 High street, thurs. to 27 Heneage street, Spital-
Baptist, Church street; 10.30 a. m. 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; fields, London
wed. 7.30 p.m Purleigh-John Dines, from 'White Horse,' mon. wed.
Baptist, Crown lane, Rev. Frederick Morris; 10.30 thurs. & sat
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m Steeple Ernest Hart, from ' Swan,' tues. thurs. & sat
Congregational, Rev. Henry Herman Carlisle M.A. ; Tillingham, Mundon & Mayland-Ernest Hart, from
10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.15 p.m ' Swan,' tues. thurs. & sat
Primitive Methodist, Rev. George Hughes; 10.30 a. m. Witham-James Hubbard, from 'Swan,' tues. thurs.
3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Davey Charles Edwin, London road llolman G<.>orge, Fullbridge
Ashley Arthur, 42 Fambridge road Davis Henry, 36 Fambridge road Horwood Re,r. Edward Russell ::\I.A.,
Attenborough Mrs. London road de Caen Mrs. 113 High street J.P. (vicar, rural dean & surro-
Baker Edward Thomas, The Limes de Caen Waiter, 38 Wantz road gate), Vicarage
Baker Henry Thomas, Spital road Digby William K. 16 Spital road Howard John Thomas M.I.N.A. The
Barritt James, Wenworth house Duncan Rev. John (Wesleyan), Sil- Hyt.he
Barritt Samuel, Fullbridge house ver street Howard Mrs. Cromwell villa
Beaumont Percy Mnnro, Langley Eve Henry Thomas, The Friary Hnghes Rev. John Gwyune (Con-
Bell Mrs. 128 High street Eve Robert Henry, Fullbridge house gregational), Londo'n road
Bell Samuel, 128 High street Eve Thomas La wre'nce, Hill Side Hughes Rev. George (Primitive Me-
Bentall Anthony, Church house Eves David, Spital road thodist), 40 Spital road
Bentall Leonard, High street Facey Wm. Edwin B.A., M.B. West sq Hunt Rev. Alfred Leedes M.A.. (rec-
Binnie David Carr, Hill house Field John Doyle, Beeleigh abbey tor of St. Mary's), Rectory, Mill rd
Bird Francis, Spital road Fitch Edward Arthur, Brickhouse Hurrell George, 28 Spital road
Bland Thomas Elsey J.P. The Friary Float John Charles, Fullbridge Isaac Thomas, Fambridge road
Boreman Mrs. 26 Spital road Fortescue Hy. Jas. Fras. High street Joslin Mis3es, 18 Spital road
Branwhite Mis.s, Cromwell cottage Freeman .Alfred Crick, 20 Market hill Kelsey 'Villiam Freer, London road
Brasher Benjamin, 32 Fambridge road Freeman John Crick, 42 London road Lucking .Alfred, IO.J High street
Bright Frederick Henry, Cromwell ho Freeman Miss, London road Lugger Thomas Edward, London rd
Brown William John, 139 Wantz road Gepp William, Wantz road Martin George Dunlop, 18 :Market hill
Carlisle Rev. Henry Herman M.A. Gosden John, The Lodge, London rd Masters Thomas, Maldon hall
(Congregational), The Bower, Lon- Gotto Rev. Donald B.A. (curate of May Edwin, High street
don road All Saints), London road :May Mrs. West house
Carter Charles J ames, Friary Gower Henry, 8 Spital road May Miss, Western villa, London rd
Carter Miss, 22 Spital road Gowers Edmund, 57 High street l\liles George, London road
Carter Mrs. 10 Wellington road Gray Waiter, Gate street Morris Rev. Fredk. 46 Fambr:idge rd
Chapman Miss, London road Gutteridge Edwin Parker, 116 High st Mo~s Frederick William, 10 Market hl
Clear Albert Prime, Guyvers, High st Hailes John, 48 Wantz road Xightingale Robert, Cross IOad
Clift Mrs. Cromwell cottage Handley Charles Murrell (Christadel- Orttewell Frank, 2 High street
Codd George, 6 Silver street phian), 107 High street Orttewell Richard, 2 High street
Cook Waiter, 38 Fambridga road Hart Miss, Rylstone lodge, London rd Perry J oseph, London road
Cook William John, 14 Spital road Hawes Charles, Belvf-dere ho. Cross rd Pearson Rev. Thomas Leyton B.A.
Cottee Miss, London road Hayes Thomas, 16 ~larket hill (head master of the grammar
Cross Alfred, 4 Silver street Hayward Mrs. 65 High street school, Plume lecturer & chaplain
Cross Miss, London road Hobbs Henry, 48 Fambridge road a• the union), London road
Piggot J ames, London road Sansom Henry John, High street Strutt William James1 Mill road
Piggot Mrs. 22 High street Saunders :Miss, Oa,klea, London road Taylor John Burridge, Fambridge rd
Pitcairn Miss, Beeleigh road Scott George Melmoth M.B., B.O. Thompson Samuel, Belvedere place,
Rogers James, 8 HQgh street n8 High streeli Cross road
Rutt Stephen .A. N. High street Sewell Frederick, 12 Wellington road Thorn .Alfred, lOS High street
Sadd .Alfred Grainger, Hill house So:ffe J oh'n Robert, London road Tomlinson Thomas, 24 High street
Sadd John Grainger, 8S Mount view Springett Norman, 8 Wellington road Wade William, 10 Spital road
Sadd John Price, Laurel villa, Lon- Spurgeon Samuel Chas. 34 London rd Ward Henry, Beeleigh falls
don road Stewar~ .A.lan, Highlands Ward Joseph Robt. Beeleigh grang6
Sadler Joseph, 8S Holm bay Strutt James, 6 Wellington road
COMMERCIAL. Cable Stephen, keeper of cemetery, London road
Allaker James, shopkeeper, 18 King street Cannom Charles, general dealer, 193 High street
.AJ.len Frank, music seller, 63 Wantz road Cannom Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 199 High street
.Alien George Thaxter, fruiterer, 118 Wantz road Cater Charles, tailor, 13 Wantz road
Amor John, tailor, r Crown lane Cemetery (J. C. Freeman, clerk to the burial board &
Archer William, draper, High street & Market hill registrar; Stephen Cable, keeper), London road
Ashley James, tailor, 12 High street Clark .Arthur, Bell P.H. Silver street
Askew George, draper, ro6 & 108 High street Clarke Frank, pork butcher, Fullbridge
Bailey Alfred Scott, draper, 62 High street Clayton Thos. Hy. saddler & harnes!! mkr. 79 High st
Ealdwin Joseph, coal dealer, The Hythe ·Clear .Albert Ernest, auctioneer & vqJuer, High street·
Baldwin William, registrar of births & deaths for Maldon & at Witham & Southminster '
district, relieving officer & collector for the guardians Clear .Albert Prime, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent,
of .All Saints, vaccination officer for Maldon registration 70 High street
-district & school attendance officer, 27 Wantz road Cole Brothers, ebimney sweepers, III High street
llalls James, fishmonger, 117 High street Collis William, pork butcher, 128 Wantz road
Balls James, jun. Rose & Crown P.H. 109 High street Cook Lucy (Miss), dress maker, Causeway
!Balls Josiah, boot & shoe maker, 83 High street Cornwell Job, shopkeeper, Spital road
Barbrook Hannah & Son, marine store dlrs. 9 Church st Coult Frederick George, carpenter, IS High street
Ilarbrook Sarah (Mrs.), Castle P.H. North street Coult Joseph, bill poster & town crier, Queen street
Barbrook Thomas Handley, principal coast officer (rst County Court (His Honor W. Patterson, judge; .Alfred
class) & deputy receiver of wreck, port sanitary in· C. Freeman, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff) ;
spector & collector of river dues, Custom house London road
Barnard .Artliur, boot maker, Gate street Cowell Josiah George, supt. Prudential Life Assurance
Barnard Matilda (Mrs.), fancy repository, n High street Co. 24 Spital road
Earnard William, inspector of County police for the Crick & Freeman, solicitors, 3 Gate street
borough & inspector of common lodging houses & Con- Crick George Edward, pharmaceutical chemist & dentist
tagious Diseases (.Animals) .Act, Town Hall & explosives inspector, 46 High street
Barritt .Arthur, hay & straw merchant, Station road Crisp James & Son, coal dealers, S Spital road
Barritt James, farmer, Ma1don hall Croft Joseph, tailor & hosier, S Market hill
Basham Ernest .Albert, monumental mason, Station road Cromar Kate (Miss), girls' school, Hillside, Market hill
Basham John, china & glass dealer, 171 High street Cross .Alfred, corn & seed mercht. 23 High st. & Silver st
Bate Henry, gunsmith, 9 Market hill Cudmer Thomas, carpenter, Coach lane
Batt George, shopkeeper, I Church street Cunningham .Arthur, refreshment rooms, 92 High street
Baxter Arthur, bricklayer & plasterer, IS I High street Custom House (Thomas Handley Barbrook, principal
Baxter Robert, registrar of marriages & deputy registrar coast officer Ist class)
of births & deaths for Maldon district, assistant over- Daughtry Wuliam, professor of music, 4 Spital road
seer & collector of borough rates, 44 Fambridge road Davis Charles, boot maker, IO Church street
Beale James, upholsterer, 69 High street Death Frederick Cromwell, basket maker, 22 Market hill
Ileaumont & Bright, solicitors, High street Death Thomas .Alexander, baker, I8 North street
Beaumont George Frederick (firm, Beaumont & Bright), Death Waiter Washington, baker, Fullbridge
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, High street Dedman Henrietta (Mrs.), stationer, I4 High street
Beaumont Percy Munro, civil engineer & architect & Dibben Charles, hair dresser &c. ~I High street
borough surveyor & sanitary inspector, High street Dines Joseph & Son, builders, 71 High street
Belsham Oliver Daniel & Lewis, millers, Fullbridge Dossett Mary (Miss), fancy repository, 36a, Market hill
Bentall & Son, linen drapers, silk mercers, clothiers, out- Ellingford Thomas, shopkeeper, 176 Wantz road
fitters & undertakers, so, 5 6 & 5 8 High street Eley Hannah (Mrs.), tobacconist, 88 High street
..Bird Francis, solicitor & commissioner to administer Ellis Samuel Henry M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, &
9aths, 3S High street veterinary inspector under the Contagious Diseases
l3lackwater Mutual Benefit Building Society (Samuel (.Animals) .A.ct, Dengie & Witham divisions, 20 Spital rd
Charles Spurgeon, sec.; Beanmont & Bright, solici- Emberson John, grocer & baker, 54 Spital road
tors), 32 High street Essex Provident Society (Mrs. Henrietta Dedman, col-
Bland T. Eh,ey, wine & spirit & ale & porter merchant; lector), 14 High street
also agent for Bass's ales & stouts, The Friary Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Engine Station (Edwin
!f:llaxall Norris Edward, butcher, S High street May, superintendent), High street
Illaxall Robert, butcher, 26 Market hill Evans Lucy Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 London road
Illowers Daniel, butcher, 77 Wantz road Eve Henry Thomas & Co. corn merchants, Fullbridge;
Blowers Herbt. beer retailer & pork butcher, 126 Wantz rd & at Heybridge
Blowers Leah (Mrs.), pork butcher, 76 High street Eve Charles, watch maker & jeweller, 82 High street
Blythe Frederick, station master, Railway stations east Eves Stephen, shopkeeper, 49 King street
& west Everard Ann (Miss), postmistress, High street
Boreham John, pork butcher, Mill road Ewers John, grocer, I9 Spital road
Boreham Josiah, boot & shoe maker, Mill road Facey William Edwin B..A., M.B. surgeon & medical
Boreham William, confectioner, 7 Church street officer & public vaccinator .All Saints' district, West sq
Bourne Emily (Miss), fancy repository, 17 Wantz road. Fenn George, general dealer, 166 High street
Eowen George, Swan P.H. 73 High street Filby William, beer retailer, Fambridge road
Bowles John, Three Cups P.H. Wantz road Filby William, Star P.H. & agent for Charrington,
Bowtell Thomas, boot maker, 104 Wantz road Nicholls & Co. brewers, Colchester, Wantz road
Brewster Fredk. Jn. Volunteers' .Arms P.H. 73 Wantz rd Finch Caleb & Samuel, watch makers & china & glass
Bridge Edgar Jeremiah, bookseller, printer & stationer, dealers, 69 High street
66 High street Finch Ebenezer, baker, 32 North street
Bright Freuerick Henry (firm, Beaumont & Ilright), Finch George, plumber & glazier, I33 High street
solicitor & commissioner for oaths & clerk to the magis- Finch George, pork butcher, I3S High street
trates for the Dengie division & to the commissioners Finch William Handley, shopkeeper, 13 North street
of taxes for Dengie hundred, High street Firmin Waiter, tobacconist, ro High street
13unting Clarke William, general dealer, 104 High street Fitch Edward A. farmer, Brickhouse farm
Burnes Benjamin, clothier & furniture dealer, Spital road Fitch George, beer retailer, I78 Wantz road
13urrells Charles William, carrier, 144 High street Ford Charles, shopkeeper, 17 King street
Burgess Robert, drill instructor, 3 Spital road Foreman George, gasfitter, 21 Spital road
Bush .Alfred, shoe maker, Fullbridge Fortescue Henry James Francis, manager- of London &:i
llyford Cornelius, thrashing machine p_ropr. Spital road County Bank, High street


Foster .A.braham, greyhound trainer, Wa.ntz road Kerridge John, jobmaster, 154 High street
Freeman Alfred Crick (firm, Crick & Freeman), solicitor Ketley George, pork butcher, 1 Silver street
& commissioner for oaths, clerk to Maldon union & Ketley Herbert, pork butcher, 29 Market hi11
"T.Ural sanitary authority & school attendance & assess- Kirby Henry William, engineer, steam contractor, plough~
.Dtent committee, registrar of county court & supt. ing, digging, cultivating, harrowing, mole draining &
.registrar, Gate street stetch ploughing, Spital road
:Freeuran George, shopkeeper, 3 Silver street Knight Joseph, shipping agent, xo King street
"Freem1tn James Price, grocer, 130 Wantz road Lanham Harry, hair dresser, 101 High street
.:Freemalil. John Crick (firm, Crick & Freeman), solicitor, Lewin Samuel, baker, 135 High street
town clel-k, clerk to the burial board, to the borough Lewin William, boot maker, 5 Fambridge road
justices, to the urban & port sanitary authorities & to Library & Reading Room (Dr. Plume's) (Rev. Edward
the borough school attendance committee & commis- Russell Horwood M.A. librarian; open from 9 till I
sioner for oaths, Gate street daily)
:Freeman John, greengrocer, I45 High street Lloyd Thomas, landscape gardener, 34 Spital road
French Oxley Arthur, fishmonger & game dlr. 33 High st Lloyd Th3mas, miller (steam), Wantz road
"Frost Frederick, shoeing & blacksmith, Fambridge road Loker Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 42 ]l.f'Srket hill
"Frost John Charles, blacksmith, Causeway London & County Banking Co. Limited (Henry James
Frostick Robert, chimney sweeper, The Downs Francis Fortescue, manager), High street; draw on
Fuller James, boot maker, 59 High street head office, 21 Lomlbard street, London E C
Furlong James, plumber & glazier, Fall).bridge road Lucking- Alfred, farmer & cattle dealer, 100 High street;
Gale Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 22 Wantz road & at Heybridge
Gill James, shoeing smith, London road Maldon Advance Co. Lim. (S. C. Spurgeon, sec.), 32
Gill John Harridge, baker, 55 Wantz road High street
-Goodey Stanford Charles, corn & seed mrcht. 7 High st Maldon A.:sociation for the Prosecution of Felons (Edwin
Goodwear Frank, clothier, I24 High street May, sec.), !Efr.igh street
Gower Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 4 High street Maldon Athenamm, Siiver street
-'6-ower Thomas, county court bailiff, 34 Fambridge road Maldon B&rge Insurance Co. Limited (James Rogers,
Gowers H. C. & E. stationers & printers, 57 High street sec.) ; office, 6 Hig~- street
Gowers Edmund, clerk to the harbour & land commis- Maldon (Borough) Brigade (J. W. Hawkes, capt.;
sioners, 57 High street H. W. Sadd, superintendent), London road
Gozzett John, builder, 5 Spital road Maldon Coffee House Co. Limited (Charles Widocks,
Grammar School (Rev. Thomas Layton Pearson B.A. manager). Market hi11
master), London road Maldon Cncket Club (Charles Timperley, hon. sec)
-Gray & Son, brewers & spirit merchants, Maldon
Maldon Crymal Salt Manufacturing Co. (T. Elsey Bland,
brewery manager), Crown lane
Maldon Ex.celsior Tennis Club (C. R. Gowers, hon. sec)
Greatrex Thomas & George, saddlers, 16 High street Maldon Express (Richd. Poole, pub. ; pub. sat.), High st
Green Frederick George, tailor, 13 High street & at Maldon Gas Light Co. Limited (Henry Clark, sec. &
Gripper J oseph, iron merchant, Market hill; manager); works, High street
Chelmsford Maldon G0lf Club (Thomas Eve, sec)
Gutteridge & .Scott, surgeons, I I6 High street Maldon & Heybridge Co-operative Society Limited (Wm.
Gutteridge Edwin Parker, surgeon & medical officer of Cobbold, sec.; Alfred Wade, maDJager), IS Market hill
health to urban & port sanitary authority, medical Maldon & Heybridge Mutual Benefit Buifding Society (S.
officer & public vaccinator, St. Peter's district, & C. Spurgeon, sec.; F. Bird, solicitor), 32 High street
certifying factory surgeon, u6 Hi2'h street Maldon Horticultural & Floral Society (Leonard Bentall,
1Ialliday William Gass, travelling draper, 96 Mill road president; C. Keen, sec)
Hammond Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 78 High strem Maldon Iron Works Co. Limited (J. C. Float, manager),
Ranee William Raymonl:l, grocer, Post office, 192 Wantz rd agricuftural implement manufacturers, engineers, iron
Handley Benjamin, bath proprietor, The Hythe & brass founders &c. Fullbridge
Handley Benjamin, jun. beer retailer, Church street Maldvn Lawn Tennis Club (F. H. Bright, hon. sec)
Handley Charles, fruiterer, 27 High street M,aldon Permanerut Benefit Building Society (S. C. Spur~
Handley Charles Murrell, butcher, I22 High street geon, sec. ; Cr1ck & Freeman, solicitors) ; office, 32
Handley Frederick Jn. White Horse P.H. 24 & 26 High st High street -
"Handley Goorge David, baker & confectionE-r, 87 High st Maldon Property Purchase Co. Limited (W. Wade, sec.;
Handley Henry, beer retailer & baker, 14 North street Francis Bird, solicitor), 35 High street
Handley Joseph, trinity pilot, Mill road Maldon Public HaTI. Co. Lim. (Wm. King Digby, hon. sec)
Handley Wm. china & glass dlr. & fruiterer, 31 High st Maldon Rowing Club (N. Springett, Wellington road, sec)
Hardy Charles, shopkeeper, I22 Wantz road Maldon Water Supply Co. Limited (James Rogers, sec. ;
Harris Charles, blacksmith & fancy repository, I03 High st Crick & Freeman, solicitors); office, 6 High street
Harr·is Joseph, wheelwright & smith, Mill road Miansfield James, shopkeeper, 58 Wantz road
Harvey Charles, commercial traveller, I2 Spital road Markham Charles, Borough Arms P.H. & aerated water
Hawes & Thompson, hay & straw merchants & barge manufacturer, 129 Wantz road
owners, Cross road Markham Waiter, shopkeeper, 102 Wantz road
Hawkes John Wilson, plumber, High street Marsh Wilfiam, wheelwright, Mill road
Haws George Daniel, tobacconist, 25 High street Martin George Dunlop M.R.C. V.S. veterinary surgeon,
Hayes Thomas, wholesale wine & spirit merchant & agent 18 Market hill
for Allsopp's Burton ales, 3 Market hill Mason Will:Uam, shopkeeper, 17 Spital road
.Hayward Frank, carpenter, London road Matthams Hepzibah (Mrs.), baker, Bo High street
Hazleton William Cable, tobacconist, 114 High street May Edwin, insurance agent, 75 High street
Hearne Clara & Ell en (Misses), dress makers, 9 Silver st Mead & Son, ooal merchants, Wantz road
Hearne Sarah (Miss), girls' school, I I Silver street Mead Edward, beer retailer, Gate street
Heaver Arthur William, chemist & druggist, 64 High st Mead John Frederick, beer retailer, I I Market hill
Hickford Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs.), Blue Boar commercial Medway Brothers, clothiers, 2 Market hill
hotel, Silver street Morley Arthur, King's Head hotel, High street
illicks Charles, corn, seed & flour warehouse, 67 High st Moul Thomas Edward, fancy repository, go High street
Hobart Arthur, corn dealer, 1I9 High street Nicholson James, Welcome Sailor P.H. Fullbridge
Howard John Thomas M.I.N.A. yacht, barge & boat Nickols David, clothier, 125 & 127 High street
builder & repairer, St. Peter's shipbuilding yard Nightingale Robert, artist, Cross road
Hudson James, carter & cowkeeper, Gate street Oliver Brotllers, ale stores, Fullbridge (I'I!avid James
Rurrell Julia (Miss), school~ Spital road Wright, agent; res. Wintersleet cottage, London road)
Hutley John, brewer, 137 Wantz road Orttewell & Son, wholesale & retail ironmongers,
lfe George Peatford, hair dresser, 82 High street plumbers, bellhangers, gasfitters, whitesmiths, stove &;
International Tea Company, grocers, 34 High street range makers, oil merchants, drain pipe & flower pot
Isaac Thomas & Co. corn merchants, Dock wharf merchants & agricultural implement agents & dealers,
Jolly John, hair dresser, High street 35 High street
Keeble James, hay & straw dealer, Cross road Osborne Albert Sidney, watch maker, 55 High street
Keeble Thomas James, master mariner, Cross road Plaul ·william, insurance agent, Mill road
Kelsey William Freer, draper, 28 High s~reet
Kelsey William Golding, grocer & agent for W. & A.
Gilbey, wine & SP.irit merchants, 30 High street
Payne Joseph, coach builder, Hig-h street
Peacock Isaac, shopkeeper, I33 "\Yantz road
Playle John, greengrocer & carter, Fullbridge
Poole Richard, bookseller, stationer, printer & .sub- South Wm. Henry, Duke of Wellington P.H. London r({
distributor of stamps, High street Spells William, boot maker, Wantz rood
P<loley John, chimney sweeper, Church street Spurgeon & Son, auctioneers, accountants & house-
Potter Saroh (Mrs.l, boot & shoe maker, 48 High street agents, 32 High street
Powell Frederick, draper, 17 & 19 High street Spurgeon Samuel Charles, collector of poor's rate for St.
Pratt Frederick, plnmlber, 72 High street Peter's district, & borough rates, school attendance-
Public Hall (W. K. Dig'by, sec.), High 11treet officer, deputy registrar of marriages & collector of.
Pyman .Arthur, florist, High street land & income tax, 32 High street
P:pnan Willil!lm, florist, New street Spurway John, Chequers P.H. High street
Radley George, cooper, 146 High street Sbaines Mary .Ann (Miss), farmer, Mald.on Wick
Railway Receiving Office (Thomas Hayes, agent), 3 Stamp Office (Richard Poole, sub-distributor), High st
Market hill Stead & Simpson Lim, bqop makers, 42 High street
Rayne John, photographer, 8 Market hill Stevens .Arthur, farmer, Spital road
Ridgewell Charles. greengroce!', I59 High street Stocks William, Queen .Adelaide P.H. I85 High street .
Riechter Edmund, baker, 197 High street Stratford John, boot & shoe maker, 121 High street
Hiobinson James, ship ·broker, 4 Fullbridge Stratford Saml. Ferguson, .plumlber & glazier, 20 High st.
Rogers James, auctioneer, valuer, house & estate agent, Stringer Alfred James, boot & shoe maker, 23 North st
assistant overseer & poor's rate collector for .All Saint& William James, hay & stmw merchant, 2 Mill rd
district & collector of land & income tax, Fambridge SUibscciption Reading Room (E. J. Bridge,, High st-
district, & sec. to the Maldon Waterworks Co. & Mal- Sutton & Basham, shopkeepers, I73 High street
don Barge Insurance Co. 6 High street Sutton & Co. carriers. (William Randall Blowers, agent)..-
Rudlen Elizs (Mrs.), Dolphin inn, Io2 High street 35 High street
Rutt Matilda (Mrs.), ladies' school, 30 Spital road Temperance Hall (Edward Rosling, sec.), Market hill
Rutt Stephen .Abbott Notcutt, corn, coal & seed mer- Tew Mary J ana & Harriett {Mis>Ses), milliners, I & 3-
chant, Fullbridge High street
Rutter George, wheelwright, Station road Tew Robert Edward, baker, I & 3 High street
Sadd .John & Sons Limited, english & foreign tim- Thompson Samuel, hay & straw merchant, see Hawes &
ber merchants, sLate, <tile, cement & drain pipe mer- Thomps'0n
chants, ship owners, wharfingers, & steam saw mills, Tiffen Josiah, boot & shoe maker, 32a, High street
adjoining the Great Eastern railway; importers of Timperley Charles R. master of workhouse, Spital roan
foreign timlber Tomlinson Thomoas, surgeon & medical officer & public-
Sadler John, sail maker & ship chandler, The Hythe vaccinator f'0r St. Mary's district & surgeon to the-
Sains Emmanuel, cowkeeper, The Hythe Workhouse, 24 l:Iigh stroot
Samms John William, grocer, 9 High street Trayler George, saddler, Fullbridge
Sansom Henry John, manager of Messrs. Sparrow & Co.'s Tunmer George Henry, cabinet maker, 19 Market hill
Bank, High street Turner Richard Charles, tailor, 12 Market hill
Saunders Frank, beer retailer, 19 Church street Unwin Uriah, shopkeeper, 33 Wantz road
Saunders Harry George, painter & decorator, Cross road Voltan P~ter, shopkeeper, 29 High street
Saunders Leonard Robert, sewing machine agent, 8g Volunteer Battalion, 2nd Essex Regiment (G Company)
High street (OaptJ. A. Gibbs, commandant) ; headquarters, County;
Saunders Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), Queen's Head P.H. The Court, London road
Hythe Wade George, butcher, High street
Sraunders Sophia Lloyd (Miss), ladies' sch<lol, London rd Wakefie[d Eliza Matilda (Mis•s), draper, 44 Market hill
Savill Henry, carpenter, North street Ward George, painter, 186 Wantz rood -
Scofield William, boot & shoe dealer, I Market hill Ward Henry, baker, 179 High street
Scott William, Queen Victoria P.H. 86 Spital road Ward Joseph, farmer, Beeleigh grange
Searles James, fruiterer & seedsman, 46 Market hill Ward Waiter Steed, painter & glazier, 186 Wantz road
Seex Emma (Mrs.), White Hart P .H. FulJibridge Warwicker Henry George, ship broker, 32 Market hill
Shawyer Samuel, Ship & .Anchor P.H. High street Warwicker William George, saddler & harness maker, 3J.
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Market hill
Society (W. K. Digby, hon. sec) nwmhitrow James, inland revenue officer, 120 High street
Singer Moanufacturing Co. sewing machine manufacturers Willan James Henry Burton, chemist & druggist, 54-
(Miss C. Garnham, agent), 84 High street High street
Smith David, carpenter, 13 Albert place, Beeleigh road Wilding Sarah (Mrs.), baker, 35 Market hill
Smith Frederick .Augustine, grocer, 126 High street Wilding Thomas, carpenter, 35 Market hill
Smith Frederick Luckin, grocer, 40 High st. & Mar~et hi Williams Edward, beer retailer, The Hythe
Smith John, farmer, Beeleigh road Wilson James, custom house officer, Market hill
Smith Jonas, builder, 106 Wantz road Wilson Sidney Frederick, boot & shoe dlr. no High st-
Soffe John Robert, clerk of the peace for the borough, Wood John, Ship inn P.H. 37 Market hill
London road Woodyard Robert, bricklayer, Mill road
South & Son, carters, London road Wrake George Lee, White Lion P.H. 46 Market hili
South Henry, Rlailway Bell P.H. Station road Wright David James, farmer, dairyman & brewers' agent •.
South Joseph, beer retailer, Causeway Wintersteet cottage, London road
South Harvey William James, coach builder, IO New st Wright Thomas, painter & glazier, 36 Market h111.
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (H. J. Sansom, man- Wright William, coal dealer, Bath place
ager), High street; draw on Barclay, Ransom & Co. Young Men's Christian .Association (L. Bentall & G. H_
London E C Burnell, hon. secs.), Market hill
MANNINGTREE is a small town and parish, on the building of brick chiefly of late Perpendicular character.-
southern bank of the navigable river Stour, 59! miles consisting of nave and a small wooden bellcot containing
from London, 10 south from Ipswich, 10£ from Had- one bell : the structure has been twice enlarged, the last
leigh, 12 west from Harwich, 8£ north-east from Col- addition being made at the east end in 1839, when 175
chester, 30! from Chelmsford and 30! from Bury, in the aditional free seats were added and the interior was re-·
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, ~tared in I874: a monument was placed in the chapel by
petty sessional division and union, Colchester county the inhabitants in 1748 in memory of the pious Thomas-
court district, rural deanery of .Ardleigh, archdeaconry of Osmoii"d, who suffered martyrdom in the town in I5I5,
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The Great Eastern and there is also a memorial to Tho_mas Tusser, 1580 ~
railway has stations, each about half-a-mile from the the organ was erected in 1857 and the altar-piece, a large
town, at Manningtree (which is in Lawford parish) on oil painting, representing Our Saviour, was the gift or
the main line and at Mistley, the latter on the Harwich Edward Daniel Alston esq. in 1823; the communion plate
branch. The town includes the parish of Manningtree includes a chalice given in 1633 by William Laud, then
and parts of the parishes of Mistley and Lawford. (The Bishop of London and afterwards .Archbishop of Can-
names of persons residing in such portions of those terbury. The register of burials dates from 1695; bap-
parishes as form part of the town will be found under tisms and marriages, 16g6. The living is a vicarage.,
Manningtree and the remaining names under their re- net yearly value £145, in the gift of the rector of Mistley.
spective parishes.) The town is lighted with gas, and and held since 1893 by the Rev. Robert Vipond Nanson
water is supplied from springs rising in the hills a little LL.B. of Trinity College, Dublin. The vicarage house-
above the town. In I8go the Tendring Hundred Water was restored in 1877 at a cost of £870. There are Congre-
laid down pipes from an artesian well at l\fistley, gational and Wesleyan chapels. In the year 1813 the
one mile distant, but, the supply being at present op- sum of £27 10s. gd. in the then £4 per Cents. was pur-
tional, very few of the inhabitants use it. The church or chased by subscription among the inhabitants and vested
chapel, attributed to S~. Michael, erected in 16x6, is a in trustees, the dividends arising from which were to be-


J>aid to the clergyman of Manningtree on Easter Monday both in lligh street. An important trade is carried on in
in every year for a sermon to be by him preached after corn, malt and timber and there are very extensiveADalt·
.evening service on the Good Friday preceding the same ; ing establishments in the town and adjoining parish of
-this amount now stands in the 2! per Cents. in the namt-s Mistley. The Mistley lodge of Freemasons (No. 2339)
-of four trustees. The Public Hall, a building of stone, holds monthly meetings at the White Hart hotel on the
built for the purposes of a corn exchange in I865 at a first Tuesday after the full moon, William George Syn-
cost of £I,6oo, and purchased in I889 by a private com- not, sec. The trustees of the late Thomas Glover Kensit
pany, is oow nsed for public meetings and entertain- esq. are lords of the manor of Mistley-cnm-Manningtree.
ments, and will hold 450 persons. The reading room was The area is 22 acres of land and 9 of water; rateable
built in I849: there are also two banks, the London and value, £2,696; the population in 1891 was 904.
l()ounty Bank and Messrs. Gurneys, Alexanders and Co. Parish Clerk, J. W. Downing.

:Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, Annuity Medical Officer to . the 3rd & 4th District of Tendring
1;, Insurance Office, Inland Revenue Stamp Business, Union, Whittington William Baxter, High street
"High street. Augustus Frederick Potter, postmaster. Town Surveyor, George Fenter, Quay street
Letters arrive from London & all parts at 11 p.m. 7.10
a. m. 4.40 p.m. &i 7 a. m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. Places of Worship, with times of services.
3.30 & I0.30 p.m.; box closes at IO.Io, 3.30 & 10.20 St. Michael's hurch, Rev. Robert Vipond Nanson LL.B.
p.m. (with extra halfpenny stamp till I0.25); to Ips- vicar; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; fridays, 7.30 p.m
wich & Harwich at I.IS p.m. Letters are delivered at Congregational, South street, Rev. Arthur Stone; 10.30
7.25 a. m.; second delivery at II.30 a. m. & 5· IS p.m. a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.15 p.m
Post office savings bank open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wesleyan, South hill, Rev. Rutland Spooner (who re-
Postal orders issued from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m sides at Mistley); 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
7-15 p.m
Public Establishments. Schools.
Fire Engine Station, Market cross, George Fenter, supt National, Manningtree & Mistley, built in I8I4, for 150
Public Hall, High street, C. E. Garrard, sec children; average attendance, I$0; George Thomas
..Masonic Lodge (Mistley, No. 2339), held at the White Taylor, master; Miss Kate Hayward, mistress
Hart tues. on or before full moon; Willjam George Wesleyan, Mistley (mixed), built in I854• for I$9 chil-
Synnot, sec dren; average attendance, ug; Joseph Stone, master;
Public Officers. Mrs. Stone, mistress
.Assistant Overseer, Samuel Strutt Parsons, High street & Conveyance:-
South street Railwav Station, James Pinner, station master
...Clerk to t~e Magistrates for the Hundred of Tendring, Omnibuses from }Vhite Hart & Crown hotels, High street,
Henry William .Tones, High street meet all trains
Medical Officer. Ardleigh & Great Bromley & Wix Dis- Carriers to:-
tricts, Tendring Union & Medical Attendant Essex Branch Colchester Thomas Arthur Hunwick, wed. & sat
Lunatic Asylum, Mistley, Sidney Arthur Mugford Ipswich Thomas Arthur Hunwick, every tues. & fri
L.R.C.P.Lond. High street Thorpe-le-Soken John Dnmerton, 'Packet,' wed

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bloom James, saddler, Station road Hammond Samuel, boot ma. High st
.Alston Alfred Ernest, High street Bragg Alfd. Wm. beer ret. Brook st Hibberd .James, Crown hotel, High <Jt
Alston John Edward, South street Brooks W. & Sons, corn & coal mer- Holland Isaac, whitesmith, South st
Baxter Whittington, lligh street chants &c Johnson Alfred Thomas, tailor & out-
Bendall Misses, Hill ho. Colchester rd Cant Edmund, plumber & painter, fitter, High street
J3endall Offwood, Colchester road South streei Jones & Doyle, solicitors, High st
.:Brooks Mro;;. Wormwood ho. South st Cant Mary (Miss), shopkpr. lligh st Jones Henry William (firm, Jones &
Bullimer Mrs. South hill Capon Francis B. builder, Brook st Doyle), solicitor & clerk to the
Butler James, South hill Cook James, beer retailer, South st m~strate.s for the Hundred of
English Miss, High street Crisp Waiter Hugh, baker, Station rd Tendring, High street
Fisk Mrs. Oxford road Culling Wm. Packet l'.H. High st Joyce Hy. John, draper, High st
'Goodrum Charles William, Oxford rd Daniell & Sons.' Breweries Lim. (Col- Killick Albert, carter, South hill
Goody Charles, South street chester), South hill. See advert King Benjamin, grocer & provision
Green Fredk. Fernleigh viis. South st Den'niss Fredk. E. tailor, High st dealer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey
Harold Mrs. South street Dent Emma (Mrs.), saddler, lligh st Limited, wine & spirit merchants,
·Mugford Sidney Arthur, High street Downing Arthur, watch & clock High street
Mason George E. High street maker, High street Lamb Charles Henry, registered
Mustard Charles, High street Downing Jn. Walker, tinplate worker, smith, bicycle agent & repairer &
Nucholas Mrs. South street High street machinist, & coach l:iuilder, High st
·Nanson Rev. Robert Vipond LL.B. Downing Rt. Walker, baker, Brook st Lankester Samuel, china & glass
Vicarage Doyle Alex. Silk Crowther, solicitor & dealer, High street
Norton William, Oxford street com. for oaths, see Jones & Doyle London & County Banking Co. Lim.
.Page Miss-, Westeria house Earthy James, furniture dealer & (branch) (F. T. Snell, manager),
Page Mrs. South street beer retailer, South street High st.; draw on head office, 21
,Paskell Robert Thomas, High street Earthy Thos. shopkeeper, South st Lombard street, London
Postans Henry William, South street Fenter ~orge, car.penter & 'Wwn London Jas. Ki'ng's Head P.H. High st
Smith "Miss, Church house, High st surveyor, Quay street Long Rachel (Mrs.), butcher, South st
Stone Rev. Arthur (Congregational), Fidgett Geo. Flag inn, Colchester rd Long Sarah Elizabeth (Miss), shop-
South hill Finch Emma (Miss), shpkpr. Brook st keeper, South street
Stone Joseph, Wesley house, South hl Forsdick Isaac Strutt, baker, High st Manningtree & Mistley Reading Rooms
Syer Mrs. South street Free, Rodwell & Co. maltsters (G. T. Taylor, sec.), South street
Taylor George Thomas, Oxford villa Frost Emily (Mrs.), beer ret. High st Mason George E. manager of Gur-
Webber Misses, High street Gammer Emma & Charlotte (Misses), neys, Alexanders & Co.'s Bank,
COMMEBCL\.L. dress makers, High street High street
...Al.ston & Sons, brewers, maltsters & Gas Works (F. M. Mauldon, sec. & Maynard Fredk. hair dresser, High st
wine &i spirit merchants, & White manager), Oxford road Meadows George, fruiterer, South st
Hart hotel, High street Gibling Robert Wm. baker, South !lt Mistley & Manningtree Boating Club
-Atkins Wm. greengrocer, York st Goodwin Sarah (Mrs.), fancy reposi- (C. E. Garrard, sec)
.Ayres Henry, beer retailer, South st tory, South street Mugford Sidney Arthur M.R.C.S .
:llaxter "\Yhittington William L.R.C ,P. Goody & Son, ale & porter mer- Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, &
Edin., M.R.C.S. Eng. surgeon & chants, South streei medical officer to Mistley branch
"IIledical officer, 3rd & 4th district~. Gowen Hannah (Mrs.), shoe maker, Essex Lunatic Asylum & to Ard-
Tendring union, High street South street leigh, Great Bromley & Wix dis-
Jlendall Offwood, agricultural imph • Gurneys, Alexanders, Birkbeck, Bar- tricts, Tendring union, High street
ment maker, engineer, machinis. clay, Buxton & Kerrison, bankers Newstead Samuel, grocer & draper.
& liron & brass founder, Lawford (George E. Mason, manager), High street

'lron works High street; draw on Lloyds Bank Nightingale Rt. beer retlr. Station rd
llir.kdale William, hair drssr. South st Limited, London E 0 Palmer M~ri~ (Mrs.), shpkpr. Regent st
Parsons & Son, builders, plumbers & Sargeani Samuel, shopkpr. South hill Tice William, beer retailer & bill
glaziers & general contractors, High Scott Arthur, bootmaker, South si; poster, Oxford road
stree1 & South street Scott Frederick, butcher, South st Tompson Chas. Hardy, slctr. High st-
Parsons Samuel Strutt, assishmt over- Seager Geo. SI. hair drssr. Station rd Tuckwell Chas. beer retailer, South st
seer, High street & South street Smith. John, Cock inn, Brook street Tweed John Ainger, baker, South hill
Parsons Waiter, linen draper, High st Smith Thos. master mariner, High st Vincent Kezia (Mrs.), beer retailer &.
Perks George Edwin Kesterton, boot Spooner Harry, wholesale & family blacksmith, Brook street
maker, High street grocer, tea dealer & provision mer- Wagstaff Philip, coal mer. York st
Pinner James, station master chant, South street Ward ·waiter, shopkeeper, South ~t
Pittock Thomas, fishmonger, South st Synnot William George, solicitor, Watts M. A. & E. (Misses), stationers~
Plummer Chas. blacksmith, Station rd High street ; & at Berners street, High street
Poole &; Edwards, butchers, High st Ipswich & 13 High street, Colches- White Susannah (Mrs.), tobacconist,.
Poole Henry, grocer & draper, High st ter (saturdays only) South street
Porter Charles, chimney sweepr. Quay Taylor & Butler, timber & slate mer- Winter John Billingsley, chemist~
Potter Augustus Frederick, postmas- chants, steam sawing & planing High street
ter, High street mills Worth Harry, saddler & beer 1•etailer.
Price John, umbrella maker, South st Taylor Jn. Wm. vet surgeon, Mill la Quay street
Public Hall (C. E. Garrard, sec.), Tice Arthur, newsagent, South hill Youngs Edward, Red Lion inn
High street
:MANUDEN (or Manewden) is a village and parish, value £104, with residence and 2! acres of glebe, in the-
on the river Stort, 2 miles north-west from Stansted sta- gift of the trustees of the late Mrs. M. A. Thomas, and
tion, on the Cambridge section of the Great Eastern rail- held since 1875 by the Rev. Joseph Bernard Forster M.A.
way, 34 from London by road and 4 north from Bishop's of Trinity College, Cambridge, who resides at Manuden
Stortford and the Lee navigation, in the Northern divi- House, Lannoy Arthur Coussmaker esq. of Westwood,
sion of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishop's Stort- Surrey, is impropriator of the tithes, which are commuted.
ford union and county court district, Walden petty ses- at £630. Here is a Congregational chapel. A pleasur&
sional division, rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry fair is held on Easter Monday. Manuden House is an
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of extensive modern mansion, pleasantly seated in well kept
St. Mary, given by Richard de Corneville and Alice his pleasure grounds, and is now occupied by the vicar.
wife to the monks of St. Melan, in Bretagne, and for- Manuden Hall, burnt down in 1889, with the exception
merly a cruciform building, underwent a thorough re- of the front wall, was an ancient gabled structure, in
storation in 1864 at a cost of [1,9oo, and is now an the Elizabethan style, but has since been rebuilt: it is.
edifice of flint with stone dressings in the Early Gothic the property of Robert Gosling esq. D.L., J.P. of Has-
style, consisting of spacious chancel, nave, north tran- sobury, who is lord of the two manors of Battles Hall
sept, sout-h aisle, south porch and an embattled western and Manuden Hall, _and principal landowner. The soil
tower with spire containing 5 bells : the chancel, se- is mixed, but principally heavy; subsoil, clay, chalk
parated from the nave by a richly-carved screen, con- and gravel. The crops are on the four and five course·
tains a painted reredos presented by the present vicar: shifts. The area is 2,486 acres; rateable value, £2,730;
in the north transept, called "Battle's End," and appar- the population in 1891 was 683.
ently once belonging to the manor of Battle's Wood, is a
mural tablet to Sir William Wade kt. a celebrated man MALLOW GREEN is one mile and a half west.
in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King J ames I. Parish Clerk, Charles Green.
being one of the clerks of the Privy Council and also em- Post Office. Charles Warren, sub-postmaster. Letters
ployed on missions to the Emperor Rudolph II. Philip received through Bishop's Stortford by Stansted arrive
king of Spain, Henry Ill. of France, Henry IV. of France at 6.45 a.m.; second delivery through Stansted at
and Navarre, and to Mary Queen of Scots; he was also 2.20 p.m.; dispatched at 2.30 & 6.55 p.m. The nearest:
Lieutenant of the Tower of London, and held other im- money order & telegraph office is at Stansted Mount-
portant offices ; on retiring from public affairs he spent fitchet. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
the remainder of his life quietly at Battle's Wood, dying A School Board of 5 members was formed 19 April.,
there in his 77th year, 23 Oct. 1623: on the chancel floor 1875; Charles Burls, Manuden, clerk to the board;..
is an epitaph to Gertrude, wife of Richard James, ob. William Tedder, Manuden, attendance officer
1634. The register dates from the year 1561. The living Board School (mixed), erected in 1877, for 140 children;
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £163, net yearly average attendance, J:.?5; Miss J. 'l'hompson, mistress
Forster Rev. Joseph Bernard M.A. Caton Henry, farmer, Up end Peachey William Jos, beer retailer &;
(vicar), Manuden house Chopping Thomas, miller (wind) poultry dealer
Phillips Henry Cfaxk Mary (Mrs.), dress maker Phillips William, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL, Clark Thomas, br-icklayer Read 1Villiam, shoe maker
Baker William, farmer Clayden Charles, farmer, Penton hall Robertson Emily (Miss), dress makr
Baseley James, Cock P.H Cowell Frederick, farmer, Battles hall Spencer Charles & Son, maltsters
Brand Chas. blacksmith & beer retlr Cowell Joseph, farmer, .ManuJen hall Tedder William, shoe maker
Burls Arthur, grocer & draper Gillman Charles, farm bailiff to R. Tharby Ellen (:Miss), bread & flour dlr
Burls Charles, farmer, assistant over- Gosling esq. Pinchpools farm Totmam Saml. B. frmr. Mallows grn
seer &; clerk to school board, I~ec- Horner George, baker Walsh Arthur, Prudential insur. agt
tory farm Jasper John, farmer, Parsonage farm Ward Henry, bricklayer
Burls Jsph. farmr. Saucemeres farm Moss Frederick, wheelwright Warren Charles, grocer, Post office
Bush Thomas Orger, grocer Nottage Frederick, farmer & dealer Watts George, fellmonger
GREAT MAPLE STEAD is an ancient village and seen, the ancient quoins being retained: in the north
parish not far from the junction of the roads from Haver- aisle is a memorial window to Mrs. Marsden: in the
hill and Sudbury with that to llraintree, 2 miles east south chapel are monuments to Sir John Dean, of Dynes
from Castle Hedingham station on the Colne Valley rail- Hall, who was knighted at the Tower in 1603, and died
way, and 3! north-west from Halstead, in the Northern 17th February, 1625, and another to his lady, Anne,
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- daughter of Sir Drue Drury kt. of Riddlesworth, Nor-
ford petty sessional division, Halstead union and county folk; she died 25 May, 1633; on the first,- beneath an
court district, and in the rural deanery of Hedingham, arch supported on pillars of black marble, is the effigy
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. of the knight, reclining on his arm, and above are kneel-
The village lies high, the parish sloping towards the ing figures of eight children; the monument of Lady
river Colne. The church of St. Giles is a building of Dean is more elaborately designed, and has a standing-
stone and brick, in part of Early Norman date, the body effigy beneath an arch, and below this a figure in armour
of the church belonging to the late Decorated period, and of her son, Sir Drue Deane kt. who erecwd the manu-
consisting of apsidal chancel, nave with south chapel, ment April J4, 1634: the edifice was enlarged by the ad-
north aisle, south porch, and a massive embattled western clition of a north ai1 le and re seated in the year 186r,
tower was for years covered with plaster, on the re- and the chancel was -restored in 1866 by Miss Barter in
and a clock presented in 1883 by Mrs. Maria Sperling, memory of Mrs. Gee. The register of baptisms and mar-
in memory of Henry John Sperling esq. D.L., J.P.; the riages dates from --697; burials, 1678. The living is a.
tower was for years covered with plaster, on the re• vicarage, average ithe rent-charge £154, net yearly
moval of wh!ch, in 1861, it was found that the western value £124, with rP.!;idence, in the gift of the Rev. Canon
part of the tower was in brick: the date 1612 was vi- Fraser M.A. vicar of South Weald, Brentwood, and held
sible on it, and the legend is that at this date this half since 1887 by the Itev. Arthur FitzGerald Evans M.A. of
of the tower, together with the west end of the south Keble College, Oxfl)rd. Here is a chapel for Plymouth
aisle were destroyed by lightnmg, and restored as now Brethren. The Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen
Women was erected here in 1867, at a cost of about west wing is of the Elizabethan period and the main
£1o,ooo, by the late Miss E. Barter, who afterwards structure in the Queen Anne style. Monks Lodge is
became a Sister of the Community of All Hallows, the residence of Thomas Frederick Miller esq. J.P.
Ditchington: she also endowed the institution with £r8s The principal landowners are Charles Brogden Sperling
a year, as a salary for the warden, who must be a esq. Thomas Frederick Miller esq. the Rev. James
clergyman of the Church of England; the buildings are George Brewster, of Stratford St. Mary, Colchester.
constructed for 33 penitents, who may be received from Messrs. George Hearn, Halstead and Thomas Cousins,
any part of the United Kingdom, with a preference for Braintree. The soil is mixed loam and gravel; subsoil,
the counties of Essex and Herts; the management of the various. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
institution is entrusted to a council of so of the leadingturnips. The area is 1,966 acres;. rateable value,
clergy and laity of the two counties and in Jan. 1892 it £1,895; the population in 189t was 406.
was placed under the care of the Sisters of the Corn- Post Office. Mrs. Haunah Hawkins, sub-postmistress ..
munity of St. John the Baptist, Clewer: for its main- Letters through Halstead, arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched
tenance it is dependent on voluntary subscriptions and at I & 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
on washing and needlework done by the penitents : the office is at Castle Hedingham
bishop of the diocese is visitor, and the present warden National School (mixed), built with mistress's house in
is the Rev. Henry Charles Hancock, appointed in 1892. 1863, at the expense of Mrs. Gee, on a site presented
Dynes Hall, the seat of Charles Brogden Sperling esq. by the late Robert Hanbury esq.; the school will hold
D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor, is a handsome brick 70 children; average attendance, 57; Miss Elizabeth
mansion, erected in 1575, in a finely wooded park; the Blaxill, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. King William Horatio, farmer, Hop
Evans Rev. Arthur Fitz-Gerald M.A. Butcher Samuel, beer retailer Pole farm
(vicar) Crook Hy. Chas. frmr. Barrett's hall Metson Maurice, miller (steam &
Hancock Rev. Henry Charles (warden, Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen water), Hull mill
House of Mercy), Warden's lodge Women (Rev. Henry C. Hancock, Newton George, farmer, Lucking ho
Miller Thomas Frederick J.P. warden; the Clewer Sisters, suprs) Nice Samuel, blacksmith
Monks lodge Dodd Charles, plumber & glazier Rayner Thomas, farmer, Great
Sperling Charles Brogden D.L., J.P. Franklin Arthur, shoe maker Chelmshoe house
Dynes hall Gatward George, castrator Reading Room (James Pratt, sec)
Sperling Charles Frederick Denne Gatward William, butcher Taylor Sarah (Miss), frmr. Mill farm
J.P. Dynes hall Hart Harry, wheelwright Wright Henry, carpenter
Urell Mrs Lock John, farmer, New Barn
LITTLE :MAPLESTEAD is an ancient parish, to have had the privilege of sanctuary and was rebuilt in
about 6 miles south-west from Sudbury and the Stour r854, the circular west end and the semicircular chancel
navigation and 2! miles n<lrth from Halstead statioill on
being strictly preserved ; the font is Norman and of ex-
the Colne Valley railway, in the Northern division of the
tremely rude and simple execution. The register dates
county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty ses- from the year 1688. The living is a. vicarage, net yearcy
sional division, Halstead union and county court district,
value £6o, with 20 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
and in the rural deanery of Hedingham, archdeaconry oftrustees of Davis's Charity, and held sine~ 18:55 by the
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. A preceptory of Rev. John Frederic Harward M.A. of St. JohD'" College,
the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem was Cambridge. Here is a. Congregational chapel ert)cted in
founded here by Juliana de Burgo in u85, the round 1841. The trustees of Davis's charity, who are lol'ds of
church of which, now the parish church of St. John thethe manor, Charles Edward Brewster esq. and G<;,or~f' de
Baptist, is an example of the pure Decorated style andHorn Vaizey esq. of Broxbourne, Herts, are thE> prin-
one of the four churches in England of the class to which
cipal landowners. The soil is clay and loam; subsoil,
the Temple church in London and those of St. Sepulchrevarious. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
at Cam bridge and Northampton belong, and is speciallyturnips. The area is 1,067 acres ; rateable value, £1,042 ;
interesting as being the latest and smallest of these, the
the population in x8gx was 236.
diameter of the circular part being only about 26 feetPost Office. James Simmons, sub-postmaster. Lettera
and the whole length, including the apsidal chancel, little
through Halstead arrive at 7 a..m. ; dispatched at 12
more than 6o feet : the circular portion, or nave, con- noon & 6 p.m. Halstead is the nearest money order &
sists of a. peristyle of six piers, each formed by threetelegraph office
shafts set round a triangle and supporting pointed arches
A School Board of 5 members was formed 3 June, x874,
of simple but good design, those extending to the out- with Gestingthorpe made contributory April 30, 1875•
side wall resting on corbels; the windows are mostly sending 2 members; E. J. Potter, Blue Bridge, Hal-
of two lights ; the western entrance is through an arch stead, clerk to the board & attendance officer
adorned with a double row of quatrefoil ornaments, theBoard School (mixed), built in 1874, for 72 children;)
head terminating in a finial: this church is said formerly
average attendance, so; Mrs. Agnes Gabb, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Richbell Thomas, Cock P.H. & brewr
Brewster Charles Edward J.P. Bogue John, baker & shopkeeper Shave Henry Ray, frmr. Gage's fm
Maplestead hall Callow Walt. beer retailer & shopkpr Shave Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Lye's fro
Harward Rev. John Frederic M.A. Downes James, farmer Watkinson James, carpenter
(vicar) Richbell John, bricklayer White Albert Edward, blacksmith
MARGARETTING is a parish, on the Roman and is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £149; with resi-
modern road from London to Colchester, 2 miles north- dence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since
east from Ingatestone station on the Great Eastern rail- x863 by the Rev. Mordaunt Roger Barnard B.A. of
way, 25 from London by road, 4 south-west from Christ's College, Cambridge. William Baker esq. is im-
Chelmsford navigation, 5 north from Billericay, and 7 propriator of the great tithes. Coptfold Hall, the pro-
north-east from Brentwood, and in the Mid division of the perty of Lawrence Petre esq. J.P. is a modern mansion
county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, pleasantly situated on an eminence, in a small and thickly,
union and county court district, rural deanery of In- wooded park, and now occupied by Lloyd Mitford esq.
gatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Eweland Hall is the residence of Mrs. Parry. Peacocks,
Albans. The church of St. Margaret, situated one mile a short distance from the high road on the east and near
south of the village, consists of chancel, nave, south aisle the village, is the residence of Edward Strangways :Neave
with chapel, vestry, north and south porches and a esq. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor of Margaretting
wooden tower with spire at the west end, containing 4 Hall, and Lawrence Petre esq. lord of the manor of Copt-
bells, each of which bears a dedication in old English fold Hall, are chief landowners. The soil is of a mixed
characters; the smallest, dedicated to St. John, is per- character; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat,
haps the oldest in Essex and probably dates from the oats, barley and beans. The area is 2,270 acres of land
latter part of the 14th century: this church is a noble and 14 water; rateable value, £8,g8x; the population
example of the Early Perpendicular style of the period of in 1891 was su.
Henry VI. highly elaborated and still complet-e in de- Parish Clerk, Samuel Rice.
sign: the font is a magnificent work of the same date, Post Office. Mrs. Emma Sams, postmistress. Letters
octangular in form and panelled and highly moulded in arrive through Ingatestone at 7.30 a.m. & 7-15 p.m.;
the plinth as well as in the shaft and top: the north dispatched at xo a.m. & 7.30 p.m. The nearest money
porch is a fine example of timber work, the design is order & telegraph office is at Ingatestone. Postal
perfect and of the carved tracery and other ornamental orders are issued here, liuli not paid
work much still remains: the church was restored in, National School (lliiixed), built in 1883, for 120 children;'
187o. The register dates from the year 1628. The living average attendance, 82; Miss Louisa. Mann, mistress
Avenall William James, Ivy Hill Barter George, farmer, Canterbury l\lcMillan George & Hugh, farmers
Barnard Rev. Mordaunt Roger B.A. Bathrop Thomas, shopkeeper Martin William, farmer
Vicarage Bright Waiter Charles, Red Lion P.H. Moore Joseph, blacksmith
Clarke Henry, Whites place & farmer Ottley Charles, Black Bull P.H
Hughes Wilfred Chft William, insurance agent & rate Parnell Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, The Tye
Neave Edward Strangeways, Peacocks collector, & assistant overseer for Poole Geo. farmer, Killigrew's farm
Mitford Lloyd, Coptfold hall Ingatestone & Widford Petre Laurence, farmer
Oliver Frederick S. Whitehouse Christy David, jun. farmer, Mar- Prior Samuel, blacksmith
Parry Mrs. Eweland hall garetting hall Sams Emma (Mrs.), shopkpr .Post off
Clarke Henry, farmer Sawyer John, baker
Claydon George, carpenter White David William, farmer
Baker Geo. farmer, Parsonage frm Cumbers Thomas William, farmer Whitehead Robert, Spread Eagle inn
Baker William, farmer Earee Edmund, wheelwright Willis Geo. White Hart inn, The Tye
MARKSHALL is a village and small parish, 5 miles value £169, with 56 acres of glebe and residence, in the
north from Kelvedon station on the Great Eastern rail- gift of Mrs. Honywood, and held since 1885 by the Rev.
way, and 7 east-north-east from Braintree station on .Arthur Maitland Sugden M.A. of Wadham College,
the Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch of that line, Oxford. Marks Hall, the seat of Mrs. Honywood, is a
and 2 north-west from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division large and handsome Elizabethan building, standing in
of the county, Lexden hundred, Witham petty sessional a well-wooded park, stocked with fallow deer : here lived
division, Braintree union, Halstead county court district, Mrs. Mary Honywced, who died in 1620, aged 93, and
and in the rural deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry of saw of her own issue 16 children, 114 grand-children,
Colchester and diocese of St Albans. The church of St. 228 great-grandchildren and 9 great-great-grand-children,
Margaret, adjoining the hall, and formerly the dining being a total of 367 descendants. Mrs. Honywood is lady
hall of the old mansion, is a building of brick almost of the manor and the principal landowner. The soil is
entirely rebuilt at the sole expense of Mrs. Honywood: strong loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crop is
it consists of chancel, baptistery, vestry and organ wheat. The area is 804 acres; rateable value, £671 ;
chamber: the sedilia and credence are of marble: there the population in 1891 was so.
are a few marble tablets to members of the Honywood Verger, - Smith
family, including that of Mrs. Mary Honywood, men- Letters through Kelvedon, via Coggeshall, which is the
tioned below, who died in 1620: there are 120 sittings. nearest money order & telegraph office & is within 2
The register dates from the year 1585. The living is a miles by the field-path
rectory, average tithe rent-charge [131; net yearly The children of this village attend the Coggeshall school
Honywood Mrs. Marks hall I
Sugden Rev. Arthur Maitland M ..A. Cowlin Chas. gardener to Rev. .Arthur
Rectory Maitland Sugden M.A. Cradle ho
~!ASH:BURY is a village and parish, 6 miles north- by the Rev. Augustus Brooke Warden Denniss, who
west from Chelmsford station, 9 south from Dunmow resides at Chignal. Lt.-Col. Thomas Harvey Bramston,
and 33 from London, in the Mid division of the county, of Skreens Park, Roxwell, who is lord of the manor,
Dunmow hundred, Chelmsford petty sessional division, Lord Rayleigh and H. Marriage esq. are the principal
union and county court district, and in the rural deanery landowners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, chalky. The
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and clover. Ths
Albans. The church (unnamed) is a small structure of area is 822 acres; rateabl~ value, £863 ; the population
rubble of the Norman period, consisting of chancel, nave, in 1891 was 154, chiefly engaged in agricultural pur-
south porch and a western belfry formerly containing suits.
3 bells; the belfry, injured by lightning in 1872 was GOLDING WELLS is one mile north-west.
l'ebuilt in 18oo, and now hati only one bell: on the north Parish Clerk, William Firman.
side of the church is a Norman doorway, now disused. Wall Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m. week days only.
'fhe register of baptisms dates from the year 1539; Letters by foot post through Chelmsford, arrive at 9
marriages, 1540; burials, 1546. The living is a rectory, a.m. High Easter is the nearest money order office
annexed to that of Chignal St. James and Mary, average & telegraph offices at Chelmsford & Great Waltham
tithe rent-charge [392, with 54 acres of glebe, in the The children of this village go to the school at Chignal
gift of the trustees of Mrs. Barnes, and held since 1889 St. James
Dennis John, farmer, Mashbury hall Nicholls Fredk. Joseph, miller (wind)
Monk John, shopkeeper Patrick John G. Fox inn
MATCHING is a village and parish, 4 miles east at Matching Tye, in connection with the Congregational
from Harlow station on the Cambridge section of the chapel at Hatfield Heath. The Right Hon. Lord Rook-
Great Eastern railway, 5 from the Stort navigation, 9 wood P.C. of Down Hall, Harlow, is lord of the manor
north-east from Epping, 7 south-east from Bishop's and principal landowner. The soil is various, mostly
Stortford and 7 north-west from Ongar, in the Western heavy; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
division of the county, Harlow hundred and petty ses- wheat, barley and roots. The parish, watered by a
sional division, Epping union, Bishop's Stortford county tributary of the Stort, has an area of 2,385 acres; rate-
court district and in the rural deanery of Harlow, able value, £2,826; the population in 1891 was 540.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The Ovesham, or Househam, a hamlet of Matching, re-
church of St. 1\Iary is a building of flint and stone in corded in Domesday Book, once had a district chapel.
mixed styles, consisting of a chancel, nave, aisles, south :Matching Tye is three-quarters of a mile south-west and
transept, south porch and an embattled western towei" Waterman's End 1 mile south-east.
containing 5 bells, recast in 1875: the church was nearly Sexton, William Reed.
rebuilt in 1875 at the cost of the Right Hon. Sir H. J.
Selwin-Ibbetson bart. (now Lord Rookwood): the pulpit Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Insurance
was the gift of Richard Glasscock esq. of Downham Hall, & Annuity Office, Matching Green.-William Tadgell,
in 1524 : there is a brass to John Ballett gent. ob. 1638, postmaster. Letters through Harlow, arrive at 7.50
with other inscriptions to members of this family. The a.m. ; delivery at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 11.30 a.m. &
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a 6 p.m. ; sundays at 9.30 a.m
vicarage; average tithe rent-charge £ 192 ; net yearly Wall Letter Box, Matching Tye, cleared at 12 noon &
value £227, with 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the 6.45 p.m. ; sunday, Io.2o a.m
gift of the trustees of Felstead school on the nomination Police Station, Oscar Moulton, sergeant in charge
of the Bishop of St . .Albans, and held since 18go 'by the School (mixed), built, with residence, in 1874, for 120
Rev. Edward Rudge LL.B. of St. Catharine's College, children; average attendance, 89; John L. Harper,
Cambridge. In 1875 a Congregational chapel was erected master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bass Thomas, farmer, Hazeldine lo. Fenton John, farmer, Hog's farm
Downing Joseph, Smallways Matching Green Howard Thomas John, farmer, Match-
Geller Samuel B. Matching Tye Clark Charles, blacksmith, House- ing hall, Brick house, Collins Cross
Macilwain Mrs. Matching Green ham green & Parsonage farms
Rudge Rev. Edward LL.B. Vicarage Dennis Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Pratt Thomas, farmer & hurdle makr.
Quare Daniel, Matching Green Matching Tye Newman's end
Quare Ernest, Honington house Elvin George, farmer, Matching Tye Rixon Willia~, shoe maker
& Smallway's farm Savile John, blacksmith & beer
COMMERCIAL. Field Marshall, farmer, Kingstones retailer, Matching Green
Aley William, farm bailiff to F. R. Hirons Thomas, Fox P.H. Matching Samuel George, grocer & baker,
Matthews ~sq. Househam green Tye Matching Green ·
Silcock Zechariah, harness maker, Stanger Thomas, gamekeeper to Rt. Tadgell Marcus, thatcher, Match-
Matching Green Hon. Lord Rookwood P.C ing Green
Smith John, grocer & draper, Match- Tadgell William, shopkeeper, Post Wood William, shopkeeper, Match-
ing Tye office, Matching Green ing Green
MA YLAND, anciently called "Meilanda." is a parish, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The charities amount to
'2 miles west from Southminster station on the Great about £2 yearly, left by William Aylett, late of this place.
"Eastern railway, 8! south-east from Maldon, and 4 The Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, who are
north-west from Burnham, in the South Eastern division lords of the manor, and John Page esq. are the principal
()f the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional divi- landowners. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay.
J!ion, Maldon union and county court district and in the The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The
:rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and area is 2,o66 acres; rateable value, £z,Io7; the popu-
diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. Barnabas, lation in 1891 was 203.
erected by subscription in 1867, is an edifice of Kentish Sexton, William Pinnick.
rag in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, Letter Box, contiguous to the school, cleared at 8.45
nave, vestry, south porch and a stone turret on the a.m. & 6.50 p.m. ; sundays, 6.50 p.m. Letters through
eastern gable of the nave containing 1 bell : the east Maldon via .Althorne. The nearest money order & tele-
window and eight others in the nave are stained, and graph office is at Southminster
there are 165 sittings. The register of baptisms dates A School Board of 5 members was formed 6 Mar. 1875
from the year 1748; burials, 1765 ; marriages, 1754. for the united parishes of Mayland & Althorne; John
The living is a vicarage ; average tithe rent-charge, £ 106, Page esq. is clerk to the board; Edward Jolliffe,
gross yearly value £147• with 35 acres of glebe, net attendance officer
yearly value £127, with residence, in the gift of the Board School (mixed), built in 1876 at a cost of £z,6oo,
Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and for 130 children; average attendance, 8o; Harry
held since 1891 by the Rev. Daniel Robertson Williams J effries, master ; Mrs. J effries, mistress ; there is a
Fidler M.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. The rect<>rial teacher's residence attached to the schools
tithes, commuted at £4u, belong to the Governors of Carriers pass through here every tuesday & friday
Fidler Rev. Danl. Robertson Williams Calderbank Richard, farmer Partridge George Edward, farmer,
M.A. Vicarage Cardnell George, miller (wind &; stm) 'l'he Hall
Page John J.P. Rawlings Cresswell Henry, farmer, Highlands Percival Wm. Percival, painter
Britt Robert, farmer, Legions farm Page John, farmer Squire James, farmer, Nipsells •

MERSEA (the Ma1sh Isle) lies between the mouths Pillar Letter Box, at school house, cleared at 6. IS p.m
'()f the rivers Colne and Blackwater and is separated from
the mainland by Pyefleet creek, famous for its oysters; National School (mixed), built in z86o, for So children;
a causeway on the north side, called the " Strode" or average attendance, 38 ; & endowed with £6 6s.
"Stroude," which is dry at low water, affording the yearly, the interest upon £200 in Consols, left in 1812
necessary means of communication; the length of by the Rev. John Tickle, of Wargrave, Berks, in trust
Mersea from north-east to south-west is about 5 miles, to the vicar & churchwardens of this parish ; Mrs.
its greatest breadth about 2; it possesses many natural Bertha Pleydell, mistress
beauties, is well wooded and diversified with hill and Carrier to Colchester.-Robt. Underwood, to the' Plough,'
dale. On the sea coast the shore is bold and command- tues. thurs. & sat.; returning same evenings
ing, but northwards flat and shelving and skirted by
~alt marshes, being defended by a dyke or sea wall. The WEST MERSEA parish is 9 miles south from Col-
island farms are divided by thick hedge-rows and the chester. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an edifice
inclosed fields are generally small ; the springs are of stone and flint, consisting of chancel, nave of four
excellent. It is divided into two parishes-East and bays, south aish' and north and south porches, and an
West Mersea and is in the North Eastern division of embattled western tower containing a clock and 5 bells :
the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree the archway from the nave into the tower is Norman,
petty sessional division and union, Colchester county and Roman brickwork enters largely into the structure
court district, and in the rural deanery of Mersea, of the building; there are soo sittings. The register
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The dates from the year 1634. The living is a discharged
area is 5,322 acres; the population of the island in vicarage; average tithe rent-charge £172; net yearly
::z8gz was 1,418. value, £z86, with 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of James
Eglington A. Gwynne esq. of Folkington Manor, Polegate,
EAST MERSEA, next the Colne, is about 6 miles south Sussex, and held since 1893 by the Rev. William Yorick
from Wivenhoe station on the Tendring branch of the Smythies M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford. During the
Great Eastern railway, about 1 west from Brightlingsea progress of alterations at West Mersea Hall, about 1730,
terminal station by ferry on a branch of the same line, a very fine tesselated pavement was discovered, 21~ feet
Io south from Colchester, and 61 from London. The in length and 18~ in breadth: the hall stands immedi-
church of St. Edmund, a building of the 14th century, ately contiguous to the church and from excavations
standing on a declivity at the east end of the island, made in the churchyard, it would appear that the whole
.exhibits a mixture of the Perpendicular and Decorated extent of it is underlaid with this pavement, upon
styles, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north which, indeed, very many lie buried. Dr. Cromwell
aisle, north chapel, south porch and an embattled Mortimer, secretary of the Royal Society, visiting the
western tower containing 1 bell : the tower was formerly spot in 1740, conceived it to have once been the villa of
surmounted by a beacon and still serves as a landmark : a Roman prretor, but it has otherwise been regarded by
during the Dutch and French wars it was garrisoned by Dr. Stukely as the remains of a temple dedicat~d to the
soldiers, and the entrance staircase from the interior goddess Vesta, which once stood on or near the site of
is guarded by a very ancient iron door as a protection the church. The Counts of the Saxon shore are said
against fire : the church and hall were once surrounded by Morant to have had their residence adjacent to this
by a moat, of which part still remains. The register temple on the site now occupied by West Mer sea Hall.
dates from the year 1720. The living is a rectory; There is a Congregational chapel, with burial ground and
.average tiLue rent-chargE' £325, with 23 acres of glebe school room attached and a Wesleyan chapel. Here is a
and residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held since coast guard station, with a chief officer and a staff of
1884 by the Rev. Frederick Joseph Ball M.A. of Pem- ten men. Alexander Bean and Charles Cock esqrs. are
broke College, Oxforu, and rural d-ean of Mersea ; the the principal landowners. The soil is rich loam and stiff
rectory house was built in the year z86o. Edward clay; subsoil, part gravel and part clay. The chief crops
Smith esq. is lord of the manor, the rector being lord are wheat, barley and beans ; there are also a great
of the rectorial manor. The principal landowners are number of flower seeds grown. The area is 3,183 acres
John Fenner and James Round M.P. esqrs. and Mrs.
of land and 1,587 of water; rateable value, £3,708; the
.Sandford. The soil is mixed; subsoil, loam and gravel. population in 1891 was I,I71. Close to West Mersea,
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and in Salcott creek, are two small islands, on.e of which is
mangold-wurtzel. The area is 1,973 acres of land and called "Cobmarsh island."
'2,482 of water; rateablP value, £1,692; the population

m 1891 was 247. Parish Clerk, Edgar Pullen .
Post Office, East Mersea.-David King, sub-postmaster. Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery &; Annuity
Letters arrive from Colchester at 5.15 a. m. ; dispatched & Insurance Office.-)lrs. Arthur Mussett, sub-post-
11t 7.15 p.m. West Mersea is the nearest money order mistress. Letters arrive through Colchester by mail
& telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here, but cart at 5.25 a.m. ; dispatched at 7 p.m
nGt paid Coast Guard Station, Gustavus Parkes, chief officer

Schools. Carriers to Colchester.-Mrs. Cudmore, mon. wed. &

National (mixed), built in r87o, for 150 children; sat. ; William Rudlin, tues. thurs. jri. & sat. ; Percv
average attendance, n2 ; John Thorpe, master Rudlin, mon. wed. fri. & sat. each stopping at 'Plough'
Congregational (mixed), for 120 children; average at- & returning same evenings
tendance, 79; Henry Goldsmith, master
EAST MERSEA. COMMERCIAL. best natives always in stock; im-
Ball Rev. Frederick Joseph M.A. porter of all kinds of foreign oysters
(rector & rural dean), Rectory Amos James Stuck, baker & dealer in winkles
Bean Willoughby John, oyster me~ Ladbrook Emma (Miss), grocer
COMMERCIAL. chant & farmer Ladbrook Henry, builder
Cant Samuel, farmer, Ivy house Boley Thomas, farmer, Haycock's fm Ladbrook John Carter, bricklayer
Death George, farmer Brand George, Victory P.H. & oyster Mole Thomas, insurance agent
Fenner Frank, farmer, East Mersea merchant Munson Joseph (Mrs.), blacksmith
Hall farm Cock Charles, farmer & landowner, Munson Samuel, carpenter
Foster Wm. frmr. Broman's farm Leekeys hall Munson William, Fox P.H
Handley Alfred, seed grower Cock Daniel R. farmer, Brick house Page James, farmer, Backing hall
Mead Charles, Dog & Pheasant P.H Cock Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Well ho Parkes Gustavus, chief officer, Coast
Mott Thomas, farmer, Fenn farm Cook Elijah Longstaff, oyster mer Guard station
Woods Robert, farmer, North farm Cook George, coal merchant Pullen Elijah, seed grower
·woods Simon, farmer, Mitchell's fm Cooke Brothers, oyster merchants Pullen Joseph, seed grower
Cross Pearl, frmr. Waldegrave's frm Rudlin Percy, carrier
WEST MERSEA. Cudmore Geo. (Mrs.), gro. & carrier Rudlin William, carrier

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Faulke Herbt. Chas. L.R.C.P. Edin. Smith George Frederick, miller
Bean Willoughby John, The Firs surgn. public vaccinat.or & medical (steam & wind); & at Peldon
Faulke Herbert Charles officer, No 3 district, Lexden & Smith James Syer, beer retailer &
Gilbert Thomas, Orleans cottage Winstree union . shopkeeper
Green Hugh, Strood Harvey Catherine (Mrs.), farmer, Thorpe Maurice, carpenter
May Henry John Bower Hall farm (postal address, Turner Ashton, grocer & baker
Pay Rev. Alexander William (Cong) East Mersea) Whiffin Edward, White Hart P.H
Smythies Rev. William Yorick M.A. Haward Adam, oyster merchant White Samuel Cant, grocer & draper
(vicar) Hempstead James, oyster planter; Wyatt Thomas, shipwright
MESSING, anciently written "Massinges," and "Me- by Captain John Chibborne for a sermon on "Mortality,"
things," is a village and parish on the northern borders to be preached annually on the r5th of April, being th~
of Tiptree Heath, par!: of which is within this parish, 3 anniversary of his death. A fair is held on the first
miles east from Kelvedon station on the main line of the Tuesday in July. "Messing" is supposed by modern
Great Eastern railway, 6 south-east from Coggeshall, 8 antiquaries to be derived from Saxon words signifying
south-west from Colchester and 45 from London, in the " The Field of Trampling," on account of a bloody engage-
Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Witham ment fought here between Queen Boadicea and the
petty sessional division, Lexden and Winstree union, Col- Romans ; a large farm called " Harborough Hall " pro-
chester county court district, and in the rural deanery of bably took its name from being the site ()f the encamp-
Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. ment; curious Roman jars have occasionally been dug up.
Albans. The church of All Saints is an ancient building There was formerly a family seat belonging to the
of flint with stone dressings, in mixed styles, and consists Luckyns, through whom the property came to the Earl
of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch used as a of Verulam. Hill House, the residence of Richard Ed-
vestry, and an embattled western tower of red brick, con- ward Rann esq. M.A., J.P. is pleasantly seated ln a park
taining 3 bells and a clock: the cfiancel is lined with oak of 70 acres at a sho~·t distance from the village. The
panelling of the time of J ames I. and has a restored Earl of Verulam, who is lord of the manor and Richard
piscina: the east window is filled with stained glass, Edward Rann esq. are the principal landowners. The
supposed to be by Van Linge ; an effigy of wood, assumed soil is gravel and clay; subsoil, the same. The chief
to represent Sir William de Messing, founder of the crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,591
church, formerly occupied a recessed arch in the· north acres; rateable value, £1,997; the population in 1891
wall, but has been unfortunately destroyed : there remains was 723.
the brass figure of a lady, date c. 1530, the inscription Parish Clerk, George Everett.
of which is missing; and an inscription only to John Post Office.-Charles Sparrow, sub-postmaster. Letters
Porter, yeoman, ob. April 29th, r6oo: the font is finely are received by cart from Kelvedon ; delivered at 8
carved: 518 sittings in this church are free. The register a.m. ; dispatched to Kelvedon at 7.30 p.m. The nearest
dates from the year 1690. The living is a vicarage, money order office & telegraph office is at Tiptrlillil
average tithe rent-charge £329, net yearly value £234, Heath. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
including 30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of
the Earl of Verulam, and held since r88~ by the Rev. National School (mixed), for IIO children; average at.
Edward Leathes Young Deacle M.A. of Sidney Sussex tendance, 72; Miss Potter, head mistress
College, Cambridge. The charities consist of 40s. to Carriers to Colchester.-Bennett, from Inworth, passes
the poor, to be given on the 26th of April, and 40s. left through, tues. & sat. & Hart, from Messing, tues. & sat

Bigg Mrs Cardy Henry, blacksmith Hart Hy. Oak inn, shopkpr. & carrier
Deacle Rev. Edward Leathes Young Chaplin Harry, grocer & draper Marchant William, King's Arms P.H
M.A. Vicarage Cowlin John, saddler & shopkeeper Marven Wm. James,Queen's Head P.R
Hutley Mrs Day William (Mrs.), boarding school Nice William, wheelwright
Osburn Commander Francis R.N. for young gentlemen, Inworth Hall Parish John, farmer, Hill farm
Bouchiers hall school Phillips Frederick, Prince of Wales
Rann Richard Edward M.A., J.P. Fairhead Golden, farmer, Lodge iarm inn, & builder
Hill house French Geo. farmer, Harborough hall Thorn Samuel, Crown inn, & builder
Blyth Mark, farmer & cattle dealer, Goodey William, King's Heail P.H Wass Jn. shopkpr. & farmer, Tiptree
The Elms Green Charles, baker Workman's Rest (Robt. Fisher, tnan}

MIDDLE TON is a parish on the navigable river Stour, James Samison, a former rector of Middleton, ob. 1349 :!
8 miles north-east from Halstead, and 2 south from Sud- a carved oak reredos has been presented by the children
bury station on the Stour Valley branch of the Great of the Rev. Oliver Raymond LL.B. 70 years rector here,
Eastern railway, in the Northern division of the county, d. r88g. The register dates from the year 1700. The
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £335, average [313,
division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and county net yearly value £325, with residence and 40 acres of
court district, rural deanery of Heding-ham, arch- glebe, in the gift of and held since r889 by the Rev. Oliver
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The Edward Raymond M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge.
· church, supposed to have been dedicated to St. Mary, is The rectory house is beautifully situated, wit~ a small
a small but ancient building, covered with plaster, con- park in front and contains a splendid collection of oil
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and a wooden bell paintings by English, Dutch, Flemish, French and Italian
turret with spire containing one bell, and has some masters. Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George Burke R.E. of
Norman remains: there are several stained windows and Auberies, Bulmer, is lord of the manor and principal
in the chancel a slab of dark marble with the figure of landowner. The soil is clay, loam and gravelly; subsoil,
an ecclesiastic in white porcelain and an inscription to various. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
The area is 890 acres; rateable value, £1,644; the popu- 11 a.m. ; collected at 6 p.m. ; Sudbury is the nearest
lation in 1891 was 142. telegraph office & Ballingdon the money order office
Sexton, George Scrivener. National School (mixed), built in 1875, for 40 children;:
Lett-ers per foot post from Sudbury, delivered at 6.40 & average attendance, 34; Miss Lilian W. Baileyt mistress
Raymond Rev. Oliver Edward M.A. Rectory
1'\ears William, carpenter
ITurpin Edward, farmer, Middleton hall
MISTLEY (formerly called "Mistly Thorn") is a field, average tithe rent-charge £657• net yearly value
parish and village, pleasantly seated on the south bank of £7o8, with 47 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
the Stour, commanding extensive and picturesque views and held since 1883 by the Rev. Charles Frederick Nor-
of the river and adjoining county of Suffolk, with a man M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, hon.
station in the centre of the village, near to the quay, on canon of St. Albans, rural dean of Ardleigh, surrogate
the Harwich branch of the Great Eastern railway, I mile and J.P. The school chapel of St. John's, Horsley Cross,.
east from the town of Manningtree, 11 miles west from about 2 miles south-east, is a picturesque brick building,.
Harwich and 6o£ from London, in the North Eastern with apsidal chancel, nave and a lofty fieche, and was
division of the county, Tendring hup.dred, petty sessional erected by subscription and licensed for Divine service in
division and union, Colchester county court district, rural 1863. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel built in.
deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of Col- 1862. Here is the pumping st-ation of the Tendring Hun-
chester and diocese of St. Albans. There is a substantial dred Water Works. Mistley Lodge is the seat of Edwarlf
quay, which was much extended in 1849 and a consider- Kensit Norman esq. D.L., J.P. ; Mistley Place of the
able trade is carried on in corn and malt. The Stour is Rev. Canon Charles Frederick Norman M.A., J.P.; and
navigable as far as Mistley for vessels of 250 tons, to Mistley Hall of Lieut.-Col. Edward Morrell .T.P. The
Manningtree for vessels of 100 tons, and to Sudbury (2o trustees of the late Thomas Glover Kensit esq. are lords
miles distant) for canal barges. St. Mary's church, of the manor. The principal landowners are the Rev_
situated in the Park, and erected in 1870-1, at a cost of Canon Charles F. Norman M.A. the trustees of the late
about £s,ooo, on a site given by the Rev. C. F. Norman Thomas G. Kensit esq. and the Messrs. George. Th~
M. A. rector, is an edifice of Kentish rag, with Bath stone soil is of a mixed character; subsoil, clay and gravel.
dressings, in the Early Decorated style, consisting of The chief crops are barley, wheat and oats. The area
apsidal chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, vestry, organ is 2,I25 acres of land and I46 of water; rateable value,
chamber, south porch and a western tower with spire, £7,442; the population in 189I was 1,639, which includes
I40 feet in height and containing one bell: arcades of 54 in Brunswick House Lunatic Asylum, a branch of the
five simple Pointed arches on the south side and four on County Asylum. [The names of persons residing in that
the north side, supported by massive cylindrical columns portion of this parish which forms part of the town of
of red Mansfield stone, with plain moulded capitals, divide Manningtree will be found under that heading.]
the nave from the aisles : there are ten stained windows, Parish Sexton, Richard Sage.
seven of which were the gift of the rector, at whose cost Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office..
the tower and spire were also erected: an elaborately Miss Eliza Chisnall, postmistress. Letters arrive
carved pulpit, of marble and Qaen stone, was presented Manningtree at, 6.45 & 9 a.m. & I & 6 p.m. ;.,
by Thomas William Nunn esq: the font, given by Mrs. dispatched at I & 7.30 p.m
Norman, of Mistley Place, has a basin of alabaster, sup- Wall Post Box (Railway Station), cleared ~t g.w a.m. &.
ported on serpentine columns with carved capitals and 1.5 & 7.38 p.m
bases: the lectern was the gift of the late J. T. Am- Police Station & Petty SessiDns House, New road, George
brose esq.: at the west end are several memorial tablets William Terry, inspector & 2 constables
remDved here from the old church, including one to Norman National Schools, with master's house, erected in
Richard Rigby esq. d. 1730 and another to the Right Hon. 1862, at a cost of £4,000 & endowed with £35 yearly,.
Richard Rigby M.P. Paymaster General of the Forces, d. arising from 26 acres of land at Lawford, & £1,2oo in-
1788: the interior of the church was beautifully decorated vested in Consols, devised by the late Edward Norman
in 1885 by the rector, at a cost of upwards of £I,ooo and esq. of Mistley Place: the school will hold 170 children &;.
a valuable brass eagle presented at the same time by the has an average attendance of I39; Luke Ricketts TiP,-
Norman family, and in 1886 a large stained west window pins, master; Mrs. 'l'ippins, mistress
was added at a cost of 300 guineas, as a memorial to the Railway Station, Alfred Stewart, station master & goods
late Rev. Richard Hayne D.D. a former rector: there are manager
1,ooo sittings. The registers date from the year 1559. Carrier.-Thomas Arthur Hunwick, to Ipswich, tues. &.
The living is a rectory, united to the vicarage of Brad- fri. ; to Colchester, -wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Robb Miss, The Cottage Chisnall Eliza (Miss), postmistress,.
Alderton Mrs. Green house Simson Miss, Stour villa High street
Berry Samuel, Albert villa Spooner Rev. Rutland (Wesleyan), Cook William, beer retailer
Bones Mrs. Cliff villa New road Cooper David, White Horse P.H
Brooke John William, The Limes Taylor Charles, Mistley house Edwards Charles William, Thorn inn
Brooks Charles Norman Wilson Mrs. Cliff house Essex Lunatic Asylum (branch of)
Brooks Mrs Williams Mrs. Yew Tree house (Sidney Arthur Mugford M.R.C.S.
Brooks Robert COMMERCIAL. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond. medical at-
Brooks W. Hilton H Ainger George, shoe maker & shop- tendant; Mrs. Greaves, matron),.
Campbell John Turner, Alma house keeper, Horsley Cross road Brunswick house
Chissell Charles, 3 The Green Alien Jeremiah, beer retailer Fenter George, carpenter
Chissell Mrs Barton Richard, farm bailiff to E. K. Finch John, jun. master mariner,.
Clarke George, James' terrace Norman esq. Dovehouse farm Myrtle villa
Constable John Matthew, Elm cottage Baxter Thomas James, ironmonger & Forsdick John Palmer, master mariner
Cooper Mrs. C. High street beer retailer Free, Rodwell & Co. Lim. maltsters,.
Fenn Miss, New road Baxter William, grocer, draper &c coal &c. merchants, Mistley wharf
Free Robert, The Elms . Bilner Charles, farm bailiff to the Frost Jerman, shipwright
Garrard Charles E. James' terrace Rev. C. F. Norman, ~Iistley farm Garrard Charles E. clerk to the com-
Hammond l\Irs. I Port View villas Bone "\Villiam Charles, inland revenue missioners of taxes, secretary to
Harvey Mrs. Samuel, Barnfield house officer, Park villa · the Tendring Hundred Waterworks,.
• Howlett Mrs. Holly place Brooke John Wm. land agt.The Limes & secretary to the Tendring Hun-
Kempthorne Rev. Charles Henry B.A. Brooks "\V. & Sons, maltsters, corn, dred Provident Benefit & Sicknesil-
(curate), New road seed, oil cake, ale & porter & coal Society
Marchant Mrs. High street merchants, wharfingers & ship- Gould John, carman
Milne Mrs. Park lodge owners; & at Colchester Harvey John, master mariner,. I
Morrell Lieut.-Col. Edward J.P. Bro\m Robert, blacksmith The Green
l\Iistley hall Byford John, pig dealer Hayward James, beer retailer
Mugford William Henry (fleet pay- Campbell John Turner, boys' Holmes William Worthy, Wagon &
master R.N.), Dorset house boarding school, & professor of Horses P.H. New road
Nichols Waiter Buchanan, East lodge music, Alma. house Horlock Robt. barge owner & shopkpr
Norman Rev. Canon Charles Fredk. Campbell J. T. C~Irs.), young ladies' Horlock Samuel Horatio, barge owner,
M.A., J.P. (rural dean of Ardleigh boarding school, Alma. house The Green
& surrogate), Mistley place Capon A. E. (Mrs.), dress maker, 1 Hunneyball Thomas, Lord Denman
Norman Edward Kensit D.L., J.P. George's terrace P.H. & general dealer
Mistley lodge Carrington Wm. E. master mariner Hunwick Thomas Arthur, shopkeeper
Parsons 1\Irs. n The Green Chissell Joseph, master mariner & carrier, High street

Hunneyball William, market gardener Permanent Benefit Building Society, Stewart Alfred, station master &
J ames Rosannah (Mrs.), baker registrar of marriages & liberal regis- goods manager
J~nnings George, master mariner tration agent for Harwich parliamen- Taylor George Thomas, deputy regis-
.J0hnson John Roden (Mrs.), beer retlr tary division, Oxford road trar of marriages, Oxford 'Villa
Kerridge Henry Robert, cattle dealer Mullett Samuel James, beer retailer Tendring Hundred Water Works Co.
x~rridge Martha (Miss), dressmaker, Peacock Saml. Cross inn,Horsley cross (Peter Schuyler Bruff, managing
4 The Green Porter Jasper, chimney sweeper, director; Hy. Brunning, engineer;
Ladbrook Waiter, painter Mistley heath C. E. Garrard, sec)
:Manning Charles, wheelwright & smith, Sharp Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker & grcr Terry George William, inspector of
Horsley Cross road Southgate Charles,shoe ma.The Green police, New road
]\fanning Saml. shopkeepr. Chapel cut Smoothy William, beer retailer, Hors- Vincent Alfred, blacksmith & beer
.Marvin George (Mrs.), shopkeeper ley Cross road retailer, Mistley heath
Mauldon Frederick Maltby, sec. to Spendley Ann (Mrs.), baker, New rd Webb Ernest, farmer, Abbott's hall
Manningtree Gas Works, Acacia hojSteward Charles, bricklayer, New road Webb William, farmer, New hall
Mead Henry, sec. to the North Essex Stone Charles, master mariner Woollard Rose (:Miss), shopkeeper
.MORE TON is an ancient parish about r! miles north clothes to tiie poor every Christmas: .Ann Brecknock left
of the road from Epping to Ongar, 3 miles north-west by will, in 1804, £200, the interest to be applied in re-
from Ongar terminal station on a branch of the Great pairing the grave of herself and husband, the residue to
iEastern railway, 6! north-east from Epping and 22 from the poor; in 1699 Jonathan Carver gave £5 for the poor
London, in the Western division of the county, Ongar of Moreton; the other benefactions are the interest of
illundred, petty sessional division and union, Brentwood £2oo to the clerk of the church and the interest of £roo
county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- to the beadle. Mr. William White Alger is lord of the
.deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The parish manor. This manor was held of the king in capite, by
is intersected by the Cripsey brook, which flows to the serjeanty of finding one man with a horse valued at ros.,
.south of the church. The church of St. Mary the Virgin 4 horse-shoes, a leather sack, and one iron fastening,
is a small building of flint and brick, partly in the Early whenever the king should happen to go into Wales. The
English style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch, principal landowners are George Freer esq. and Mr•
.and an embattled western tower of brick with a shingle"fl William White Alger. The soil is a heavy loam; sub-
spire containing 5 bells, dated respectively 1627, 1633, soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans.
J7I2, 1751 and 1789: the interior of the chancel was The area is 1,421 acres; rateable value, £1,835; the
restored in 1868 and the nave in r86g, by subscription; population in 1891 was 428.
the exterior of the chancel wall and the north wall being Parish Clerk, Arthur Pain.
.rebuilt and new windows inserted, mainly at the expense Post Office. Arthur Robert Webster, sub-postmaster.
of the late rector: there is an ancient font, apparently of Letters arrive from Ongar S.O. at 7 . 15 a.m.; dis·
Purbeck marble, finely carved with fleurs-de-lis; a mural patched at 5 . 20 p.m.; sundays, 11 . 50 a.m. The nearest
monument of marble is inscribed to George Goodwin, money order & telegraph office is at Ongar. Postal
rector here for 63 years, who died in 1623.: in 1893 a orders are issued here, but not paid
memorial window was erected to the Rev. Arthur Calvert
M.A. late rector, r8n-gx. The tegister dates from the Wall Letter Box near the Mill, cleared at 5 p.m.; sun-
year 1558. The living is a rectory, commuted tithe rent- days 10· 15 a. m
charge £344• average [281, net yearly value [320, with Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1821, for 85
residence and about go acres of glebe, in the gift of St. children; average attendance, 75 ; there is a dwelling
J"ohn's College, Cambridge, and held since 1891 by the house with garden attached & the school has an en-
Rev. John Bullivant Slight M.A. of that college. There dowment of £23 4s. yearly, arising from redeemed land
is a Congregational chapel at the south end of the village. tax left in 1821 by the Rev. William Wilson M.A.;
(Jharities, amounting to £15 yearly, are distributed in Miss Annie Humphrey, mistress
Lloyd-Foster Mrs Boram William, carpenter Pain Annie (Mrs.), dress maker
.Paton Frank, Scott's Church Maria· (Mrs.), farmer Pain Arthur, blacksmith
.Slight Rev. John Bullivant M.A. Clark Frederick, builder Pain William, White Hart P.H
Rectory Eve Jn. Chaplin, farmr. Bundish hall Paton Frank, artist, Scott's
COMMEBCUL. Furze James, farmer, Newhouse Prentice David, hurdle maker
.Alger William White, farmer & land- Gingell Daniel James, farmer, Upper Radley James, general dealer
owner, Nether hall Ball farm Rippon Alfred, miller (steam & wind)
"Ball Sidney, baker & grocer Gould Edward, Nag's Head P.H Sim William, farmer, Cross Lees
13alls Harry, grocer & draper Josling Thomas, farmer Speller Elizabeth (Mrs.), hay carter
;:Binder Charles, shoe maker & farmer Matthews Edwin, farmer, Pedler's end Webster Arthur Rbt. baker, Post office
.MOUNT BURES is a parish pleasantly situated on residence and 24 acres of glebe, in the gift of Alfred
the south bank of the river Stour, opposite Bures St. Lefroy esq. Caterham, Surrey, and held since 1893 by
Mary (Suffolk), I mile south from the Bures station on the Rev. Anthony William Hamon Lefroy B.A. of
the Stour Valley railway,s! miles south from Sudbury and Trinity College, Dublin. The Baptist chapel here, erected
B north-west from Colchester, in the North Eastern divi- in 1839, has a burial ground attached. The poor have a
sion of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree yearly share, with some surrounding parishes, in Love's
union and petty sessional division, Colchester county charity, which amounts to £14 6s. 2d. yearly, arising
court district, and in the rural deanery of Halstead, arch- from land left in 1564 by Thomas Love of Little Horkes-
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. This ley and which has been sold and the money invested in
·yillage is said to derive its distinctive name from an arti- £2! per Cent. Consols. For many ages the parish be-
ficial mound here, about 8o feet in height, near the longed to the noble family of Sackville, who sold it in
.church, covering about an acre of ground and encom- the 16th century to John Dister. There are no manorial
passed by a dry moat; but no tradition exists as to the riglits. Harris Hills esq. of Berwyke Hall, White Colne,
time when it was raised. The church of St. John is an and William Garrad esq. of Bures Hamlet, are the prin·
ancient structure of brick and stone in the Norman style, cipal landowners. The soil is loam and strong clay;
consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and a subsoil, clay and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans
centra1 tower with spire containing two bells which are and barley. The area is 1,259 acres; rateable value,
said to date from the 15th century: on thl\ exterior south £1,420; the population in 1891 was 252.
·:wall of the chancel is a brass to the Rev. Sackville Turner By a Local G-overnment Order dated March 25th, 1884,
A.M. formerly vicar of Sandon, Herts, rector of this certain detached parts of Bures, in the Sudbury union,
parish in 1730-34• and afterwards rector of West Berg- were amalgamawd with this parish.
holt; he died 2oth Sept. 1752, and was buried ht-re: in Parish Clerk, Joseph Hunt.
the chanc~l are monuments to the Rev. Philip Gurdon Letters from Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk) arrive at 6. 30 a.m.
M.A. a former rector and his wife, son and daughters, · )
dated 1792: during the restoration a double piscina was & 1.3o p.m. Bures St. Mary (Suffolk is the nearest
found, which has been placed on the south side of the money order & wlegraph office
chancel: the church was restored, transepts added and Wall Letter Box, Brook House, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &
the tower and spire rebuilt in 1875. The register dates 2·3° & 8.40 p.m. i sundays, 8.40 p.m
from the year 1540. The living is a rectory, average National School (mixed), built in 1873, for 6o children;
tithe rent-charge £338, net yearly value £265, with average attendance, 53; Mrs. Emily Pettitt, mistress
Lefroy Rev. Anthony William Hamon Gridley Isaac Wm. frmr. Rowney's frm Pettitt Peter, farmer, Elms farm
B.A. Rectory Holton Edwd. farmr.Mount Bures hall Sawyer James, blacksmith
.A.dcock Sam, Thatchers' Arms P.H Newman Fdk. farmer, Hammond's frm Wilkinson Charles, farm bailiff t()
Doe Fredk.miller(steam&wind)&shopkpr Newman Jsph. miller (steam & wind) Charles Brown, Balls farm
MOUNTNESSING is an ancient parish and village winter. Thoby Priory, in this parish, was fannuro be-
on the road from Ingatestone to Chelmsford, 3 miles tween 1141 and 1151 by Michael Capra, Roisia his wife, andl
north-east from Brentwood station on the Chelmsford William their son, for canons of the Augustinian order
section of the Great Eastern railway, 21 from London, 2 and dedicated to St. Mary and St. Leonard; it obtained
south from Ingatestone station and 4 west-north-west its name from Tobias, the first prior, to whom the·
from Billericay, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- founders granted many valuable emoluments, and at the-
ford hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and Dissolution the revenues were estimated at £75 6s. 1o~d. ;
county court district, Billericay union, rural deanery of it was burnt down 13 Aug. 1893, but has since been re-
Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. built at 8 cost of £4,000 (July, 1894) and 'is now the
Albans. The church of St. Giles is a building chiefly of residence of Lieut.-Col. Arthur Chandos Arkwright J.P.
brick, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Blencowe's trustees and Lord Petre, who are lords of the-
very short nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and 8 manor, and the Rev. Charles George Gretton Townsen<l
wooden tower rising from within the nave with spire and M.A., J.P. of Hatfield Peverel, Chelmsford, are the prin-
containing one bell, inscribed "Sante Jacobe, ora pro cipal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The-
nobis:" the existing nave appears to be a portion only of chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is·
an ancient building: the timber work supporting the 4,I89 acres of land and I7 water; rateable value, £9,7I9;:.
spire, constructed in the reign of Henry VII. has been the population in I89I was 9I2.
much altered and is now bound together with iron : in Parish Clerk, George Emberson.
the tower is an old oak chest hewn out of a solid tree: Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.~
the west front, constructed of brick, with six buttresses, Joseph Denny, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from-
is dated I653: a stained window was placed in the chan- Brentwood at 7 . 45 a.m. ; dispatched at 8 a.m. & 6 p.m.
eel in I869 by the Rev. Richard Yeoville Macnamarl, late The nearest telegraph office is at Hutton
vicar (r867-86), who also (owing to the church being 2
miles distant from the village) erected a small iron Scliools.
church in I8 73 , for the greater convenience of the in- National (mixed), for roo children; average attendance ...
habitants: in I8go the church underwent extensive altera- Bo; Waiter Joseph Reed, master
tions at a cost of £ 3 ,000 • The register dates from the National Infants' (mixed), enlarged in I873 for qo child-
year I65 4. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value ren; average attendance, 53; & endowed with £35-
£ I 24, including 22 acres of glebe, with residence, in the yearly, arising from land & cottages left by Amy Eng-
gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since I886 by lish; Jane Drane, mistress
the Rev. Robert William Chilton M.A. of Trinity College, This place is contributory to the Great Burstead School
Cambridge. Lord Petre is impropriator of the great Board district, formed in I873, sending 2 members to.
tithes. Here is a Congregational chapel. Charities of the board
about £22 yearly, arising from land are distributed in Carrier to Chelmsford.-Darby Wright, tues. & fri.; &..
bread which is given fortnightly to the poor uuring the Brittan, fri
(Marked thus * have letters through Collett Charles, blacksmith, wheel- Hodge Robert, farmer, Cowbridge frill'
Ingatestone.) wright &c.; hunters carefully shod; Joslin & Groom, thrashing machine-
Arkwright Lieut.-Col. Arthur Chandos painting & paperhanging proprietors
J.P. Thoby priory Cumbers George, farmer, Woodwards McKay Alexander, beer retailer
Chilton Rev. Robt. Wm. M. A. Vicarage D.enny Joseph, grocer, & post office Maskell James, beer retailer
Rowell Mrs. St. Ann's cottage *Fowler George, farmer, Beacons farm Moss George A. farmer
Jupp Mrs. Melchett place Gentry John Henry, boot & shoe ma Nicholas Alfred, farmer, Arnolds hall
Gouldln W. E. grocer, draper & *Nicholls Jn. farmer, Bellman's farm
COMMERCIAL. clothier, The S.P.Q.R. grocery & Reading Room (Joseph Denny, sec)
Agnis Joseph, miller (wind) general supply stores & coal mer- Samuel Charles, chimney sweep
Bannister Richard, farmer & hay dlr chant Self George, farmer, Millbrooks
*Blyth Isaac, farmer, Westlands Grave Foster, farmer Thompson James, farmer, The GrangB-
Brittain Alfred, beer retailer Rawkins John, beer retlr. & shopkpr Waltham Charles William, George &;
Burr Alexander, farmer. Mountness- Hodge Jn. farmr.Great Cowbridge {rm Dragon P.R
ing hall Rodge Peter, farmer Wright Darby, tailor & carrier
MUCKING, anciently written "Mokking" and his sister, Mrs. Oblean: the carved oak lectern was pre-
" Mucinga," is a parish on a creek of the Thames of the sented in I8go by Mrs. Bridge in memory of her husband-
same name, I mile south from the Stanford-le-Hope The register dates from the year I$58. The living is a.
stntion on the London, 'J'ilbury and Southend railway, vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £152, net yearly
4! miles north-eaS't of Tilbury Fort, s! east from Grays value £I96, with 29 acres of glebe and residence, in the
and about 27 from London, in the South Eastern division gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held'
of the county, Barst~ble hundred, Orsett union and petty sin~e I884 by the Rev. Arthur l\liddlemore Morgan 1\LA.
~essional division, Gravesend oounty court district and in of Exeter College, Oxford. Here was formerly a nun-
the rural deanery of Or.sett, archdeaconry of Essex and nery, a cell of Barking Abbey, to which it belonged. The-
diocese of St. AIbans. The church of St. J ofm the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are lords of the manor
Baptist, almost wholly rebuilt in I852 and completed by and impropriators, and the trustees of the late A. Z. Cox
the present vicar in I887, consists of chancel (restored esq. are the principal landowners. The soil :bs loamy;
and lowered to its ancient level in IB79), nave, south subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat and barley.
aisle and an embattled western tower of stone containing The area is 2,I46 acres of land and 475 of water; rate--
3 bells, dated respectively, I632, I579 and I66s: the able value, £2,552; the population in I8gi was 25r.
chancel, 33 feet by IS, is a fine specimen of the Early
English style 13nd was probably built in the reign of MUCKING FORD, I mile south-west, is a hamlet, the-
Henry Ill. but underwent considerable alteration prior to greater portion of which is in this parish, but a small
the Reformation: it retains a three-seated sedile and a portion is in the parish of East Tilbury.
douible piscina, but its I5th century roof was removed in Letters are received through Stanford-le-Hope S.O. The-
1849 and reconstructed; the nortli side has an elegant nearest money order & telegraph office is at 'S'tanford-
arcade of three arches, .supported on two small and grace- le-Hope
ful octagonal columns of Purbeck marble : a communion
table and litany desk of carved oak, the latter designed Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 9·55 a.m. & 6.3o-
by the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. architect, were placed p.m. & at Mucking Ford, 9.20 a.m. & 6 p.m. week
in the church in 1884: the organ chamber has been days only
floored with wood and fitted as a vestry in memory of National School (mixed), built in r855, for 6o children;.
the Rev. T. H. Bridge, vicar I868-83, at the expense of average attendance, 35; Miss Elizabeth Lester, mist.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. ~[ott William Edward, farmer
Clark Mrs. Walton's hall Clark Emily E. (~frs.), farmer, Parr 'William S. farmer
Morgan Rev. Arthur Middlemore M.A. Walton's hall Rawlings William George, wheel-
Vicarage Dowsett Jesse, farmer, l\[uckingford wright, Muckingford
Morgan Miss, Vicarage Gill Henry, Crown P.H Shead Walter, blacksmith,l\fuckingfrd
Squier Samuel Westwood J.P. The Mott Charles, George & Dragon P.H. Squier Samuel Westwood J.P. farmer,
Rookery Muckingford The Rookery
MUND 0 N is a parish and village, near a creek of the trict, and in the rural deanery of M:ald0on, archdea.conry
Blackwater estuary, 3 miles south-south-east from Mal- of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St.
don and I2 from Chelmsford, in the South Mary, situated t~ the east of the village, is a plain edifi.cP
Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred and petty partly of stone, in the Perpendicular style ; it consists of
sessional division, Maldon union and co:tmty court dis- chancel and nave, north porch and a square belfry of
wood at tJhe west end, supported by a massive hexagonal The area is 3,101 acres; rateable value, £r,787; the
:albutment, and containing r bell: there are sittings for population in 1891 was 263.
100 persons. The register of baptisms and burials dates Parish Clerk, Isaiah Gentry.
from the year 1741; marriages, I755· The living i-s a Post Office.-Henry Cooper, sub-postmaster. Letlters
'Vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £134, net yearly arrive from Maldon at 5.40 a.m.; dispatched at 10.20
-value £85, including 10 acres of glebe and residence, in a.m. & 7·35 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held s1nce 1889 graph office is at Latchingdon, which is 2 miles south.
by the Rev. Edward George Andrew B.A. of Jesus Col- Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
lege, Cambridge. The vicarage house was built in r868. A School Board of 5 members was formed 21 Dec. 1874;
'Two clhildren from this parish are, under the will of Dr. Henry Cooper, clerk to the board & attendance officer
Plume, sometime archdeacon of Rochester, entitled to Board School, built in r88o, at a cost of £4oo, for 6o
graJtuitous instruction at the Grammar school, Maldon. children; average attendance, 41 ; Miss Florence Ed-
:Sir Thomas Charles. Callis Western hart. is lord of the ney, mistress
-manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay; sub- Carriers to Maldon.-From Bradwell-near-the-Sea &
soil, strong clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley. Steeple, fri.; Tillingham & Steeple, fri
.Andrew Rev. Edward George B.A. Cooper Charles, blacksmith & mechan- Hendry Jn. farmer, Limbourne farm
Vicarage ical engineer Hendry Robert, farmer, Wood farm
Solly Thomas Herbert, Mundon hall Cooper Henry, wheelwright & assistant Mead Chas.' farmer, Sparrow Wick frm
COMMERCIAL. overseer, Post office Reading Room (Frederick Charles
Auger George Sweeting, farmer, Deeks Jn. White Horse inn, & bricklyr Cooper, hon. sec)
Vicarage farm Granger Isaac, farmer, litney farm Theedom Waiter, wheelwrigh~
-carter Henry, baker & grocer Haydock Robt. farmer, Molletts farm
NAVES T 0 CK is a village and an ancient parish on ally to the poor ; a person named Prince also left £275,
the south of the Roding, 4 miles sDuth-lby-west from £zi per Cent. Annuities, the interest, £7 8s. 8d. yearly,
Ongar terminal station, on a branch of the Great Eastern to be similarly distributed. Dudbrook, a mansion
milway, 5 north-west from Brentwood station and 23 beautifully situated, and the property of Lord Carlingford
from London; in the Western division of the county, K.P., P.C. lQrd of the manor, is now occupied by David
()ngar petty sessional division, hundred and union, Brent- Pendegrnft Sellar esq.; Lord Carlingford, Sir William
wood county court district, Lambourne rural deanery, NeV'ille Abdy hart. of Albyns, Romford, W. H. Burrell
"Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese: this parish esq. M.D. The Hon. Lady Neave, of Dagnam Park, Rom•
belonged to the cathedral of St. Paul in the reign of ford, and 1\fugdalen College, Oxford, are the chief land-
Xing Edgar. The church of St. Thomas the Apostle is owners. The soil is clay, gravel and sand; subsoil, clay.
a building of stone exhibiting a mixture of the Early The chief crops are wheat! oats, barley and beans. The
English and Decorated styles, and consists of chancel, area is 4,5oo acres of land and 18 of water; rateable
nave, south aisle and a western tower of wood with value, £4,148; the population in 1891 was 736.
shingled .spire containing 5 bells, two of which are dated Parish Clerk, William Henry Long.
1637, and one r862, the other two are undated: there NAVES TOOK SIDE is a hamlet 3 miles north-west
-are many tablets of the r8th and rgth centuries to the from Brentwood station and a mile and a half south-east
Waldegrave family, including a mural monument to from Nave.stock church. Navestock Heath is 1 mile
James, first Earl Waldegrave, ob. I I April, 1741, and to south and Horseman Side 2 miles south .
..James, second earl, ob. 13 April, 1763; there is also a
brass t<1 Agnes M:akyn, 1589, and her husband, Richard Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delrivery & .Annuity
Makyn, groom in the chaundrye to King Edward VI. ob. & Insurance Office, Nave,stock Side. Joseph Bennett,
1549, with other brasses; and a large monument with sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Bomford at 8.15
coloured life-size bust, coats of arms and an inscription in a.m.; dispatched at 4·35 p.m
Latin verse, to John Green, serjeant-at-law in the time Wall Letter Box at the school, Navestock Heath, cleared
()f Charles I. The register dates from the year 1538. at 4·55 p.m. ; sundays at 10.30 a.m
'The living is a vicarage, 1-werage tithe rent-charge £-t-34• Sub-Post Office, Sabines Green.-Charles Goodwin, sub-
net yearly value £3oo, with 16 acres of glebe, and resi- postmaster. Letters arrive from Romford via Stan-
.O.ence, r mile ,south from the church, in the gift of ford Rivers at 8.35 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m. Nave-
Trinity College, Oxford, and held since 1868 by the ReY. stock Side is the nearest money order & telegraph
William Berkley M.A. formerly fellow of that college. office
'The Right Rev. William Stubbs D.D. Bishop or Oxford, School, Navestock Heath (mixed), built in 1837, & re-
;vas vicar here 185o-67. John Green left in 1625 £7o to built in r865, for rso childl'en; average attendance,
be invested in land, the proceeds to be distributed annu- 75 ; William Henry Long, master
Berkley Rev. William M.A. Vicarage Fairweather James, 1and steward to Newcomb James, farmer, Beacon hill
Hore Rev. Samuel Coode (curate & the Right Hon. Lord Carlingford Newcomb William Chambers, farmer,
chaplain to Ongar union workhouse) Goodwin Charles, shopkeeper & baker, Beacon hill
Roberts-Aitkin Rev. John Charles M.A. Post office Pain Henry, Green Man inn, & cattle
Abbotsw1ck hall Grayling John, beer retailer, Curtis dealer, ~avestock Side
'Sellar David Pendegraft, Dudbrook Mill green Pratt Frank, farmer, Loft Hall & Yew
COliiMERCIAL. He slop J sph. carpntr. N avestock Side Tree farms
l3arker .Tames, farmer, Waterhales Martin Cheney, Plough inn Richardson Henry, boot maker
-Bennett Joseph, carpenter, Post office, Miles Herbert, farmer Robinson ·waiter, farmer, Tan house
Navestock Side :Miles John, farmer, Howlett Hall & Seal Chas·. frmr. Jenkins & Brook fms
:Bridges Jas. farmer, Curtis Mill grn Tadmor farms Stiell David, farmer, Navestock hall
l3rown Joseph, blacksmith Miles· John Arthur, farmer, Rose hall Stock :Newman, beer retailer, Nave-
l3urr Waiter, beer ret. Whitehorse side Miles Robert, farmer, Skips corner stock Side
Chalk Jas. shopkpr. Navestock Side Mollett Charles & John, farmers, Watson Duncan, farmer, Bois hall
French William, farmer, Waterhales Waterha.Ies & Joshlings farms· Wood George, farmer, Green
N AZEING (or Nasing) is a village and parish, bounded Crowther, d. 21 Dec. 1852, and there are two other
on the west by the river Lee, over which, near the Brox- stained windows: the church was restored in 1874 at a
bourne station of the Great Eastern Railway Co. distant cost of £6oo, when a new organ was erected : the restora-
3! miles, is a bridge of one arch, connecting the parish tion was continued in 1891 at a cost of £4oo, when a
;vith Hertfordshire : it is 7 miles north-west from Ep- new organ chamber and vestry were built. The register
-ping, 4 north-east from Waltham Abbey and 19 from dates from the year I559· The living is a vicarage, aver-
London, in the Western division of the county, Waltham age tithe rent-charge £177, net yearly value £238, with
lmndred, Epping union and petty sessional division, W al- 39 acres of gle'be and residence, in the gift of the Lord
rtham Abbe;y: county court district, rural deanery of Har- Chancellor, and held since 189Q by the Rev. Thomas
low, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans ; Ward Goddard M ..A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge.
it was given by King Harold II. to Wrutham Abbey. The The vicarage house has been improved and enlarged. A
churoh of All Saints is a stately pile of flint and rubble, Congregational chapel was built in 1876. Sir Herewald
in the Early English style, standing on a hill, and con- Wake hart. of Courteen Hall, Northampton, lord of the
sisus of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south manor, and Ralph Oharlton Palmer esq. are chief land-
-porch of wood and an embattled western tower with owners. At Nazeing is a very good golf link of 18
'turret, containing 5 bells, all dated 1779: the rood loft holes, extending over nearly 3 miles of ground on Nazeing
stair case remains, and t 1he beams of the rood loft are Common, and is probably one of the best of the links
still visible: the chancel has a memorial window to within 20 miles of London. The club is limited to 100
William Palmer esq. d. 24 April, 1858, and is fitted with members and has its clubhouse at the King Harold's
choir stalls : in the nav~ is a memorial window to Henry Head Hotel ; . the vicar is t!J.e hon, sec. The soil is
chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, rive at 8.15 a. m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m. Postal orderiJ
barley and roots and a great quantity is grass land. The are issued here, but not paid
area is 3,893 acres of land and 26 of water; rateable A School Board of 5 members was formed 20 Jan. 1875;
value, £6,433· .Albout 450 acres of the extensive CDm- J. W. Windus, Epping, clerk to the board; attendance
mons and waste grounds of the parish have been in- oflicer, John Abrahams, of Noydon
closed. The population in I89I was 764. Board School (mixed), built in I878, for I30 children;
Parish Clerk, George Smith. average attendance, 96; James Follett, mast'er; Mrs.
Post & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity Ann Follett, mistress
& Insurance Office. Frederick Cook, sub-postmaster.
Le11ters through Waltham Cross, arrive by foot post at Church of England School, erected in I856, but closed in
8.20 a.. m.; dispatched at 6 p.m I878, & re-Qpened in I89I : it will hold 75 children;
Sub-Post Office, Nazeing, Upper Town. David Cook, average attendance, 66; Albert Edward Chandler,
sub-post1111aster. Letters through Waltham Cross ar- master; Mrs. Chandler, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Nicholls George, farmer, Greenleaves
Ashby John, shopkeeper Prgrum ..llfred, carpenter
Bury Charles James J.P., D.L. St. Bailey Wilham, Coach & Horses P.H Pegrum David, farmer
Leonards Batho ·william, beer retailer Pegrum Joseph, jun. farmer, Nazeing
Cuthbert Ransome, Collyers Beningfield Mary Ann (Mrs.), Crown Bury
Drew Mrs .. hotel Pegrum Thomas, shopkeeper
Goddard Rev. Thomas Ward M.A.. Bridgman James, farmer, Outlands & Riley Jas. King Harold's Head P.H
Vicarage Shottentons farms Savage J ames, grocer
Harrison C. B. King's Weir (letters Brigg Robert, farmer, Belcliers farm Selway .Tames, blacksmith
should be addressed, Wormley, Bugg Harry, frmr. Mansion House fm Standingford Geo. frmr . ...,Wmhiteho. fm
Broxbourne S.O. Herts) Bugg Richard, farmer, Paynes farm Surridge George, farmer, Blue house
James Mrs. Denvers lodge Cattermole Bros. farmers, Perryhill fm Taylor John, farmer, Longridge
Knight Mrs Dellar Charles, wheelwright Unwin Henry, farm bailiff to R. C.
:Miller Mrs. Hnbbards Farmer Henry, frmr. Nether Kelders Palmer esq. Lodge farm
Nicholls Mrs Frogley Alexander, farmer & assistant Warders John (sirs.), Red Lion P.H
Palmer Archdale, Collyers overseer Webb Arthur, hay binder
Palmer A.rchdale Villiers, Nazeing prk Graham Wm. farmer, Harolds park Webb Charlotte (Mrs.), Crooked Billet
Palmer Ralph Charlton, Nazeing park Golf Club (Rev. T. W. Goddard M.A.. P.H
Pegrum Mrs secretary) Webb George, Sun P.H
Standingford William Hodges Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer Webb Thomas, farmer, Goodalls farm
Wills - , Snow Hollow Thos. farmer, Blueitts farm Welch John, farmer, Small drinks
NETTESWELL (or Nettleswell) is a parish and vil- Mission Hall. Charles James Phelips esq. of Meade
lage, I mile south from Burnt Mill station on the Cam- Lodge, Hunsdon, ·ware, who is lord of the manor, and
bridge section of the Great Eastern railway, 2 miles Loftus Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq. are the principal
south-e!llst from Harlow, 5 north from Epping, 9 north- landowners. The soil is various, chiefly heavy; subsQil,
east from Waltham Abbey and 24~ from London, in the clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
Western division of the CDunty, Harlow hundred and roots and a great portion is grass land. The area is
petty sessional division, Epping union, Waltham .Abbey I,531 acres; rateable value, £4,645; the population in
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Harlow, I8gi was 5SS·
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans; it was Parish Clerk, Thomas Armer.
one of the parishes given by King Harold II. to Waltharn Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
.Abbey. The church of St. Andrew is a small and plain & Insurance Office, Nettleswell Cross.-Mrs. Emma
building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south Hazelton, sub-postmistress. Letters through Harlow
porch and a wooden turret with spire at the west end, arrive at 6.20 & Io a.m.; dispatched at 12.45 & 6.55
containing 3 bells: one of the walls contains some p.m. ; on sunday at 6.25 a.m. ; dispatched, 10.45 a.m
singular ornamental brickwork: there are brasses with Wall Letter Box, Station,. cleared I2.30 & 6.50 p.m. ;
effigies to Thomas Lawrence, ob. I522, and Alys, his sunday, I0.35 a.m
wife; and to John Bannister, gent. ob. I697, and Elizabeth National School (mixed), rebuilt in I872, for 70 child-
(North), his wife, with 3 sons and I daughter. The ren, class rooms were added in I889 & 1891 to accom-
:regi&ter dates from the year 1558. The living is a rec- modate 20 more; average attendance, 8g; & endowed
tory, average tithe rent-charge £162, net yearly value with about £35 yearly, left in 1777 by William Martin;
.£ n9, with 3! acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of George Gough, master ; Miss Charlotte Gough, assis-
Charles J. Phelips esq. and held since I89I by the Rev. tant mistress
Charles James Ward M.A., B.D. of Trinity College, Dub- Police Sta-tion, Spring street; Ephraim Clampin, constable
lin. A Church 1\li.ssion Hall was erect-ed at Marsh Gate Burnt Mill station is situated in this parish; Joseph
in I89I, and in Spring street is an nndenominational Southgate, station master
Bassett Harry, The Cottage Brown .A.lexander (Mrs.), farmer, Jackson William Thomas, Greyhound
Cox Mrs. Spurriers, Netteswell cross Netteswell common P.H. & wheelwright
Gerahty Charles Echlin, Netteswellho Church Alfred, poulterer, Netteswell Newman Charles, hay dealer & far-
Houghton Miss, Station road common mer, •rye green
:Price Thomas, Copsall Church William, shopkeeper, Tye grn Rickett Lettie (Mrs.), frmr. Tye grn
Seabury Edward, Burp.t mill Claydon Hy. lock kpr. Burnt mill Sanders Arthur, plumber
Sharpe Clement, Netteswell hall Coleman John Fredk. farmer, Bury fm Sear William, frmr. Marsh Gate farm
·ward Rev. Charles James M . .A., B. D. Harris Emily (Mrs.), baker, Station rd Searle \Yilliam, baker, Station road
Rectory Hart George, shopkeeper Smith Charles, farmer
1:Voodall Frank, Bedford villa Kirkaldy John Limited, engineers, Smith George, Chequers P.H
Wormell Mrs. Hill house iron founders & coppersmiths, Burnt Sortwell John, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Mill works Sutton George, builder, Station road
:Brown Joseph, farm bailiff to Loftus Hazleton Emma (Mrs.), blacksmith & Wing '\Yilliam, blacksmith
Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq. Old shopkpr. Netteswell Cross post offi Workmen's Club & Reading Room
House farm RICkett Leslie, farmer, The Cross (Geo. Chancellor, sec.), Burnt mill
NEVENDON (or Newendon) is an ancient parish, 3 The register dat-es from the year 166g. The living is a
miles north from Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury rect.ory, average tithe rent-charge about £zoo, net yearly
and Southend railway and I~ m1les south-west from value £I41, with 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the
Wickford station on the Great Eastern railway, 29 from gift of trustees, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Willie
London, 6 south-east from Billericay, and 10 south-east McGowan M.A. of Durham University. The land is held
from Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, Bar- by several proprietors. The soil is heavy loam ; subsoil,
~table hundred., Billericay union, Brell'twood oounty court clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat and beans.
district and petty sessional division, and in the rural The area is 991 acres; rateable value, £837; the popu-
deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese lation in 1891 was 149·
of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter, thoroughly Parish Clerk, Charles Smith.
restored in 1875, is an edifice of s1one, in the Early Post Office.-,ArtJhur Moss, sub-postmaster. Letters
English style, and now CDnsists of chancel, nave, vestry through Battles Bridge S.O. by messenger, arrive at
end a small wooden bell turret on the western gable, 7.50 a.m.; returning at 5.10 p.m. The nearest money
containing I bell: the windows of the chancel are stained order & telegraph office is at Wickford. Box cleared at
and it retains an aum'bry: in the north wall of the nave 5· Io p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
is a cinque-foiled piscina niche and there are traces of a National School (mixed), built in I886, for 35 children;
stouP. near the south doorway: ther!) are 6o sittings. average attendance, 25; Miss Charlotte Taylor, mist ·
Mc"Gowan Rev. Willie M. .A.. Rectory Mumford Henry, Jolly Cricketers P.HIPigott William, farmer, Nevendon
Moss .A.rthur, grocer, Post office IRaven George, beer retailer Hall & Frampton farms
NEWPORT.-This aneient village, formerly a market dedicated to SS. Mary and Leonard; part of th~
town, stands on the river Granta or Cam and the Roman builaing, still standing, is now a. farmhouse: the stone
and modern road to Cambridgeshire and was originally columns of the original chapel have been built into the.
called "Newport Pond," from a large pool at the south garden wall. The "Crown" House, once occupied by
end of the street : it has a station on the main line of N ell Gwynne, J'nd the " Coach and Horses " Hotel, from
the Great Eastern railway to Cambridge, and is 3 miles which it is said George (Villiers), 2nd Duke of Bucking-
south from Saffron Walden, 9 north from Bishop's ham and John (Wilmot) the witty, but dissolute Earl
Stortford, 7 north-west from Thaxted and 40 from of Rochester used to post, are both in good preservation.
London by rail and 37 by road : the parish is in the A piece of inclosed ground, of about 4 acres, is used
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, as a recreation ground. In the centre of the village
Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and county is an ancient house called " Monk Barns," the exterior
court district, and in the rural deanery of Newport, wall of which bears a carving of the Coronation of the
arclideaconry of Colchester, and diocese of. St. .Albans: Blessed Virgin : this house belonged to the Monks of.
the village is lighted with gas from works erected in St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and was used by them as a
1867. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, standing in sanitorium; until 1875 a bell was rung during the
the highest part of the village, is a building of rubble, winter months at 4 o'clock in the morning, and is still
in the Perpendicular and Decorated styles, and consists rung at 8 p.m. from Michaelmas to Lady Day. Bricks are
of chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, made in the parish. Shortgrove, the seat of J ames Bailey
transepts, south porch with parvise, and a lofty western esq. is one mile north: the mansion, an edifice of red.
embattled tower, with four embattled turrets and con- brick in the Queen Anne style, stands on an eminence,
taining 6 bells ; the tower was rebuilt and the rest of 300 feet above sea level, with an attached deer park of
the church, with the exception of the chancel, restored about 400 acres, through which the river Cam flows~
in 1858-9: there are five stained windows, one of which the estate embraces, together with outlying lands in the-
is a memorial to Robert M. Tamplin, son of the present parishes of Henham, Broxted and others, an area of 3,123-
vicar, who perished in the disastrous fire at the Theatre acres, including the manors of Shortgrove Hall, Wicken
Royal, Exeter, Sept. 5, 1887, when upwards of 200 Hall and others. Joseph Charles Thomas Smith esq.
persons lost their lives; another was placed by Mr. M. .A.. who is lord of the manor, James Bailey esq. of
Thomas Shirley in remembrance of his golden wedding Quendon Hall and Lieut.-Col. .Alfred Molyneux Cranmer-
(December 1889). The interesting remains of 14th Byng are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed chalk
century glass have been recently (1894) collected and and gravel; subsoil, clay, gravel, brick earth and chalk.
re-arranged in two lancet windows of the north aisle. The crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and roots. The-
The pulpit is of Caen stone, carved with subjects from area is 1,714 acres; rateable value, £7,315; the popula-
the Old and New Testaments; there are Ea;rly Decorated tion in 1891 was 984.
piscinre in the north transept and chancel, and a piscina Parish Clerk and Sexton, Henry Searle.
in the south transept : the font is Early English, with Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Insurance.
a fine carved oak lectern of the qth century, supporting & Annuity Office (Sub-Office. Letters should have.
a chained Bible : the chancel is separated from the S.O. Essex added).-Alfred Monk, sub-postmaster_
nave by a fine 15th century oak screen: there is a brass Letters arrive from Bishop's Stortford at 5.15 & g.Iz
with effigies to Thomas Brand, ob. 1515, and Margery a.m. & dispatched 9·35 a.m. & 2.15 & g.18 p.m. Eox_
his wife, with four children, inscription, and the emblems closes at 8.55 p.m. Dispatched sunday 6.50 p.m
of the Evangelists : there is also a brass in the floor ·wan Letter Box, cleared at 9 a.m. & 1.45 & 8 p.m
under the tower to Geoffrey Nightingale esq. and County Police Station, James Percy, sergeant
Katherine his wife, r6o8, with seven children : the
muniment chest has paintings inside the lid of "The Schools:-
Crucifixion," "The B. V. }<lary," "St. John," "St. Grammar, founded in 1588 by Mrs. Joyce Frankland, of
Peter," and "St. Paul:" the five locks are curious, and London, with an endowment of £550 yearly, arising-
the exterior of the chest is richly ornamented with from investments & landed property; the funds of
perforated gilt lead, exquisitely worked. The register the charity having lately increased, new buildings
dates from tHe year 1558. The living is a vicarage, were erected in 1878 for a master & 25 boarders, &i
average tithe rent-charge £88, net yearly value £281, a gymnasium & carpenters' shops have been con-
including 24 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift structed out of the buildings of the old Police Statiorr
of the Bishop Df St. A1bans, and held since 1876 by the & House of Correction. The school is managed by a
Rev. George Frederick Tamplin M. .A.. of St. John's body of 11 Governors, of which the Rev. G. F. Tamplin

College, Oxford. Lieut.-Col. A. M. Cramner-Byng M. A. vicar of Newport, is chairman; the clerk to the
is impropriator of the great tithes. The Congregational governors is C. M. Wade, Saffron Walden & Abram
chapel is a large building, originally erected in 1777 Barnard esq. is treasurer: there are now 49 boys in.
and rebuilt in 1879: it will now seat 400 persons; there attendance; William Waterhouse M.A. head master..
is a good schoolroom, used on Sundays and for meetings. assisted by an efficient staff
The parish room, formerly the old Grammar school, is .A. School Board of 5 members was formed 5 May 1874;
used for parochial purposes. There are charities William Henry Wells, clerk to the board
amounting in all to £6o yearly, and arising chiefly from Board (mixed), built, with master's house, in 1849 as 11
land left by John Covill and Agnes his wife, Dame National school, became a Board school & was en-
Lettice Martin, of Chrishall, and other donors ; the most larged in 1874 for 172 children; average attendance.
important is a farm of about 40 acres, with a farmhouse, 143 ; Luther Robinson Mitchell, master ; Miss Helen
vested in trustees, the rent of which is distributed Singers, mistress ; Miss Fanny Burrells, assistant.
annually on Hock Monday (the second Monday after mistress
Easter), amongst needy people of this parish. There ailway Station, Richard Carrol Horsepool, station master
was formerly a hospital for lepers here, founded in the Carrier.-Whtlter Salmon, to Saffron Walden, on tuesday
reign of King John, by Richard de Newport and & saturda:r
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Lilly Miss Trott Philip
Bailey James, Shortgrove l\Iardel Mrs. The Limes Turner George W
Barnard Abram, The Priory Mitchell Luther Robinson Ward Richard H. (assistant master-
Barnard Geo. Herbert, The Maltings Myhill Edward Henry grammar school)
Barnard Mrs. Parsonage house Nairn ~iss, Hill Bank cottage Waterhouse William M.A. (head
Barnard Sidney Charles, High street Playle ~Iiss master of the grammar school) ..
Barthrop .Alfred Shafto, Newport ho Roberts Ernest .Alfred, Vicarage house School house
Bishop Mrs. South cottage Rowlinson Rev. Alfd. Edwd. (Congreg) Watson Miss
Bunt en John Russell Miss, The Limes COMMERCIAL.
Burgess Mrs Saich George John, Cambridge house Acres George, farmer, Pallett's farm
Carpenter Rev. Jabez Grey (Congreg) Saich Joseph Amor Henry, painter & shopkeeper
Clark Miss Shirley Miss Archer Martha (.Mrs.), butcher
Drage .Tames, Cambrook villa Smith "\Villiam Alexander M.A., M.B. Barnard & Son, grocers & drapers, &.
Edmunds Edward W. B.S.E. (assis- Belmont house agents for W. & A. Gilbey Limited.
tant master), Grammar school Staines John Henry wine & spirit merchants
Fincham Mrs. Rose cottage Tamplin ltev. George Frederick M . .A.. Barnard Bros. coal, corn, seed ..
Holland Mrs. Crown house (vicar), Church house cake & manure merchants,
Holman Georg-e, :vrartyn's Tomson Rev. Edmund Lionel B.A. & g-eneral agents, High st. ; depots
Kent Edward, Cambrook villa (curate) at High street & Railway station,.
Saffron Walden; Littlebury; Audley Horsepool Richd. Carrol, station mstr Stalnea John Henry, builder,
End railway station, Wendens Ambo Jackson Wm. beer retlr. & coal dealer contractor & undertaker, drain
& Elsenham railway station Johns Charles, plumber & glazier pipe & cement merchant, & agent
"Eaxter James, estate steward to Lord Johns George, shopkeeper for the Guardian Fire & Life Assur-
Cardross Mansfield Albt. Hy. coal dlr. & carpntr ance Co
.Bearcl Anne (Mrs.), grocer &; draper Monk Alfred, tailor, Post office Stanley Georg-e, basket maker
Bennett James, Hercules P.H Nairn Fanny (Miss), professor of Stillwell Richard, head gamekeeper to
Buck John Sutton, wheelwright music, Hill Bank cottage J. C. T. Smith esq. Shortgrove
Bunten Latimer .Archer, plumber &; Newell Sarah (Miss), dressmaker estate
glazier N ewell William, saddler & farmer Townsend Geo. machinist, Willow crft
Bunten William Robert, Railway inn Newman John, resident manager to Trott Philip, carpenter
.Butler Allan, Star &; Garter P.H. & Gas Co. Limited Turner Charles, shoe maker
butcher Percy J ames, sergeant of police Watson Rebecca (Mrs.) & Thomas,
..Byford Thomas William, butcher Rand Catherinei (Mrs.), shopkeeper & shopkeepers
Cann J ames, beer retailer toll collector Webb John, news agent & grocer &c
Cornell Sarah (Miss), dress maker Reed George, carpenter Wedd Charles, baker & shopkeeper
Edwick Charley, farmer Reed Mark Thomas, clothier Wells William, relieving officer & col-
Francis Joseph, watchmaker Roy William, farmer, Hospital farm lector to the guardians, No. 2 dis-
Gas Company Limited (John New- Ruddock Daniel, beer ret. & shopkpr trict & registrar of births & deaths,
man, resident manager ; William Searle Henry, parish clerk & sexton Newport sub-district, Saffron Wal-
Henry Wells, sec. & collector) Searle Joseph, chimney sweeper den union & attendance & inquiry
rGayler David, baker, frmr. & brick ma Smith Henry Frederick, Prudential officer to the Saffron Walden rural
Grammar School (William Waterhouse Assurance agent school attendance committee
M.A. head master). See advert Smith Samuel, farmer Wells William Henry, assistant over-
Hayden John, blacksmith Smith William Alexander M.A., M.B. seer & poor rate collector & clerk to
Holgate & Sons, boot & shoe makers surgeon, & medical officer & public Newport & Wendens Ambo school
•Holgate John, shoe maker vaccinator, Nos. 3 & 5 districts, boards & sec. to the Gas Co. &
Holman Robert, blacksmith Saffron Walden union, & surgeon deputy registrar of births & deaths,
dlousden George. Coach & Horses P.H. Saffron Walden hospital, Belmontho Newport sub-district, Saffron Wal-
& farmer Spalding Waiter, saddler den union
NORTON MANDEVILLE is an ancient parish, bridge, who is also rector of and resides at High Ongar.
e.bout 3 miles north-east from Ongar terminal station, On the heath is a school room licensed for divine
on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west service, and a small Congregational chapel. John Light-
from Chelmsford and 24 from London, in the Western foot Newall esq. of Forest Hall, High Ongar, who is lord
division of the county, Ongar hundred, petty sessional of the manor, Mr. Bennett and Mr. J. C. Caton are the
division and union, Brentwood county court district, principal landowners. The soil varies considerably;
rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a barley. The area is 774 acres; rateable value, £742;
very small building of stone and shingle in the Norman the population in 1891 was 135.
!tyle, consisting of chancel and nave, and a small western Parish Clerk, William Fogg.
turret with shingled spire, containing one bell. The Letters from Ingatestone arrive at 8 a.m. The nearest
register dates from 1783 only, the earlier ones having money order & telegraph office is at Chipping Ongar.
been destroyed by damp. The living is a vicarage, Wall Letter Box on Norton Heath, cleared at 9.15 a.m.
gross yearly value £6I, in the gift of Major George & 5.30 p.m. week days only
Edward Capel Cure, and held since 1890 by the Rev. The schcol here has been abolished, & the children now
William Henry Bond M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cam- attend at High Ongar & Paslow Common schools
Caton Mrs Rutter Mrs Caton John Cooch, landowner, farmer
Cooke John .Addison James, farmer, Dodd's farm & cattle salesman, Norton house
Fricker Miss Dunlop Robt. Jn. farmer, Norton hall Smith Arthur, blacksmith
BLACK NOTLEY, mentioned in Domesday Book, is ilie parish of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, and is now in
an undulating parish and pleasant village, near the the hands of the corporation of the City of London.
river Brain or Pods Brook, and on the road from Brain- At an early period Black and White Notley formed but
tree to Witham, 1! miles north-west from Bullford one village, but on its coming into the possession of
station, on the Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and Roger Bigod,
of the Great Eastern railway, which intersects the Earl of Norfolk, these two powerful nobles are said to
parish, 2 miles south from Braintree and 44 from have founded churches, each upon his own land (as was
London, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham then customary), for the use of his tenants. The manor
hundred, petty sessional division of Hinckford south house of Black Notley, or Gobians, stands near the
tBraintree bench), Braintree union and county court church. Many antiquities were found in this parish in
district, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of 1852, and it was the birthplace in 1579 of the learned
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The hamlet of William Bedell, Bishop of Kilmare, 1629-42; John Ray
Slamondsey or Slamsey, for civil purposes was trans- F.R.S. the distinguished naturalist, was the son of a
ferred to this parish, from White Notley in 1889, under blacksmith in the village, and was born here Nov. 29,
the provisions of the Divided Parishes .Acts, 1876-82. 1628; he died Jan. 17, 1705, and is buried in the church-
The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a small edifice yard, where a monument was erected over his grave,
<>f flint with stone dressings in the Norman style, con- which Dr. Compton, Bishop of London, caused to be
sisting of chancel, nave, organ chamber, south porch of removed into the church, but it has since been replaced
carved oak, and a belfry at the western end of the on its original site; the tomb has a long Latin inscrip-
n:;ve, surmounted by an octagonal shingled spire and tion_. eulogising his studious and unambitious life. Capt.
containing 5 bells; the church was restored in 1879 Richard Symonds, a Royalist officer during the Civil
mainly at the expense of two ladies, the entire cost being War, and well known to antiquaries by his "Diary of
about £3,000 : it is seated throughout with solid oak the Royal Army during the great Civil War," printed by
ana has a carved oak screen dividing the chancel and the Camden Society in 1839, was also a native of this
nave : the chancel has two piscinre and sedilia and the place, and was living in 166o. Oaklands, a modern
rc.of is of ancient carved oak : the stained east window mansion, pleasantly seated in parklike grounds, near to
is a memorial to Lieut. W. G. Overton, d. 7 December, the high road, is the residence of Joseph Stanley
1859; the stained west window was erected to Edward Matheson esq. ; Lynders Wood is the residence of
Nottidge M.A. rector from 1835, and there is one other Alexander Kay Barlow esq. The soil is loam; subsoil,
in memory of Miss Overton. The register dates from clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
the year 1570. The living is a rectory, yearly value pasture land. The area is 1,936 acres; rateable value,
from tithe rent-charge, £497, with 24! acres of glebe {.2,380; the population in 1891 was civil, 658,
and residence, in the gift of St. John's College, Cam- ecclesiastical, 642.
bridge, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Augustus Shears
M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. A mission room ROYV GREEN, with a small clust-er of houses, is a
was erected in 1893. The charities amount to £54 halnlet about r mile west, near the road from Braintree
yearly, arising from Coker's and Kitchen's charities : to Chelmsford.
Mary Kitchen, by will, dated Dec. 4• 1722, gave £10
yearly to this parish, which is charged on premises in Deputy Parish Clerk, Isaac Hutley.

Letters through Braintree, which is the nearest money Wall Letter Box on the London road, cleared at 6.4()
order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m a.m. & 6.30 p.m. week days only
Wall Letter Box, at the Rectory, cleared at 6.15 p.m. National School (mixed), for 108 children; averag&
& sundays at 8.40 a.m attendance, 79; Miss Susan Walford, mistress
Barlow Alexander Kay, Lynders wood Cakebread Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, Hearn John, farmer
Davey Edward, The Lodge Park farm Martin William, beer retailer & hors&
Matheson J oseph Stanley, Oaklands pk Clark Winifred (Mrs.), beer retailer slaughterer
Playle Mrs. Frederick, Ratcliff house Clarricoats Henry, Reindeer P.H Mortier A~raham, cattle dealer
Shears Rev. Augustus M.A. Rectory Cook G-eorge, cattle dealer Mortier A.rthur, baker
Travers Capt. Mordaunt Thos. Otho, Cooper JOTdan, builder Musgrove Joseph, bricklayer
Slampseys farm Derby Charles, farmer, Oak farm Nash Charles, butcher
Turner William Henry, Denlands Digby Alfred, cattle dlr. Buckwoods Overall John, farm bailiff to Thomas
Emery G-eorge, boot & shoe maker Nottidge esq. Cut Hedge farm
COMMERCIAL. Emery Stephen, boot & shoe maker Pannell Wm. corn dealer & shopkeepr-
Barnard Osmond (exors. of), farmer, Hammond John, baker Partner John, blacksmith
The Hall Hammond Thos. potato dlr. Row grn Saunders Frederick, calf dealer
Brown Charles, maltster Hardy Samuel, market gardener Sorrell Chas. Blowers, frmr. Stantons
Butcher Thomas, carpenter & Green Legerton Alfred Thomas, miller (water Willis George, farmer, Ludham hall
Dragon P.H & steam) Wisby John, carpenter
WHITE NOTLEY is a village and parish, seated in Carrington, during the latter half of the 16th century.
a valley on the road from Witham to Braintree, and The principal landowners are Edward Carrington Wright
close to the river Brain or Pods Brook, with a station esq. who is lord of the manor, H. Bullock esq. Jeffery
on the Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, Grimwood Grimwood esq. of 29 Ennismore gardens,.
37 miles from London, 4 south-east from Braintree and London S.W. Abraham Barnard esq. and the trustees
4 north-west from Witham, in the Eastern division of of the late Edward Frederick Brewster. The soil is
the county, Witham hundred and petty sessional division, heavy clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
Braintree union and county court district, rural deanery are wheat, barley, turnips and beans; peas are exten-
of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of sively grown here for the London markets. The area is.
St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is a small 2,228 acres; rateable value, £r,8o3; the population in
edifice of rubble mixed with Roman tiles, erected on 1891 was, civil, 417; ecclesiastical, 433·
the site and incorporating part of an older church and
ccnsists of chancel (built about 1210), nave of three SLAMONDSEY or Slamsey, a hamlet, was transferre<J
bays, aisles, south porch and a small western tower in 1889 for civil purposes to Black Notley, under the
of wood with an octagonal shingled spire: the church provisiom of the Divided Parishes Acts 1876-82.
was restored in r874-5, at a cost of [350 and again in Parish Clerk, Joseph Challis.
1888, at a cost
- of [7oo, and has 200
Th 1. · sittings.
· · The register 0 0
Post, M. . ., . B.S & Annmty · & I nsurance Offi ce.-
f 1 8
d a t es rom th e year 53 · e Ivmg IS a VICarage, aver- G-oorge Harrington, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
age tithe rent-charge, £189, net yearly value, £rso, Witham at 3. 30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 2 &;
witli residence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop 8. 50 p.m; sundays dispatched at 8. 50 p.m. The
of St. Albans, and held since r883 by the Rev. Arthur nearest telegraph office is at Terling
Francis Curtis, M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, and
diocesan inspector of schools. The poor have £w Wall Letter Box, Pennett's farm, cleared at 1.40 & 8.3()
yearly, left by Jeffery Grimwood in 1840. Thomas p.m.; sundays, 8.30 p.m
Wliitbread, by will, dated November 21st, 1684, devised National School (mixed), for go children; average at-
2a. 1r. 24p. of land, the proceeds to be distributed tendance, 8o; supported in part by a voluntary r.ate;.
annually to t.he poor in bread. The manor of White Miss Emma W oollett, mistress
N otley was possessed by the family of Smith, alias Railway Station, Henry Hitchcock, station master
Curtis Rev. Arthur Francis M.A. Challis Thomas (exors. of), farmers, Harrington George, baker & grocer,.
Vicarage Littlebury Post office
Hayward Charles William Chappell IsabE:>lla (Mrs.), brewer, & Kerlogue J ames, thatcher
. Cross Keys P.H Speakman Thomas (exors. of), far-
COMMERCIAL. Easter J oseph, shoe maker mers, Godfreys
Barnard Abraham, frmr. Fambridge Everitt Charles, farmer, Pennett's fm Torrible Thomas, wheelwright
Brown Wm. Plough inn, & pig dealer Fairhead Alfred Jn. farmer, Stanfields Tunbridge John, farmer, Elm farm
Collins John Samuel, grocer & baker Goss Saml. assistant oversr. Hillside Tunbridge Walter, blacksmith
GREAT OAKLEY is a village and parish, on Ramsey held since 1889 by the Rev. Delaval Shafto Ingram M.A.. of
Creek, a feeder of the Stour, and on the road from Col- that college. The Mission Room at Stones Green was
chester to Harwich, 5 miles north from Thorpe-le-Soken erected in 1886 as a memorial to the wife of the Rev. John
station on the Colchester and Walton-on-the-Naze line, and Howard Marsden B. D. vicar from r84o, and canon of Man-
4 south from Wrabness station on the Harwich and Man- chester; there are 150 sittings. There is a Wesleyan
ningtree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 south-west chapel in the village and Primitive Methodist chapels at
frc.m Harwich, 7 south-east from Manningtree, 14 from Col- Stones Green and in the village. The manorial rights are-
chester and 65 from London, in the North Eastern division held by Miss Bull, of Great Oakley Hall. The land belongs
of the county, hundred, petty sessional division and union principally to Guy's Hospital, London, John Salmon esq.
of Tendring, Harwich county court district and in the James D. Salmon esq. the Rev. Charles F. Norman ~LA.~
rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of J.P. rector of Mistley and R. S. Cole esq. The soil is ex-
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All cellent, being a mixture of loam, clay and gravel; the sub-
Saints is an ancient building of stone and brick, partly Nor- soil is loamy. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans an!!
man and consisting of chancel and nave and a belfry con- peas. The area is 3,049 acres of land and 319 of water;
taining one bell: in the nave is a tablet to the Rev. Richard rateable value, [4,314; the population in 1891 was 845.
Drake M.A. rector here 1718, who erected an almshouse for Sexton, .Tames Salter.
four affed women of the parish: there is a fine Norman font Post, M. 0. & T. 0., s. B. & Express Delivery & Annuity &
of pohshed marble, ~upported on five stone _shafts: the Insurance Office.-William Samuel Blowers, sub-post-
church was restored m x88o, when the gallenes were re- master. Letters arrive from Harwich at 7·45 a.m. ; dis-
moved and the pews replaced by o~en ?enches at. a cost patched at 6. 20 p.m.
of £4oo, defrayed by general contr1butwns; durmg the Police Station -Archibald Taylor constable
progress of the work a large flag stone was discovered, in- . · '
laid with a marble slab bearing an inscription to Sarah Schools .-
Savell, daughter of ThomasSavell, of Great Oakley, ob. 16th National (mixed), built in 1872, for 150 children; average
1.farch, 1619: there are sittings for 250 persons. The re- attendance, 90; James Newton, master
gister dates from the year I559· The living is a rectory, Wesleyan (mixed), built in 1872, for roo children; average
average tithe rent-charge £687, with residence and 57 acres attendance, 56; Miss Gertrude Whiton, mistress
of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Carrier to Colchester.-William Keeble, mon. wed. & sat
.Blowers Edmund, Bleak house COMMERCIAL. Barnard Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,Block
Bull Miss, Great Oakley hall Almond John, blacksmith farm, Stones green
Cole Robert Swinborne, Holt farm Baldry Mark E. beer retailer Blowers Emily (Mrs.), grocer, tea dealer
Ingram Rev.DelavalShafto M.A.Rectory Blowers Edmund, rate collector & agent & provision merchant & linen draper
Lucas Frederick, Friths farm for Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Blowers Richard, saddler
· .Stanford Alan Septimus, Houbridge hall Office Bones Emma (Mrs.), dress maker


Bones Gabriel, market gardener Ellis Am os, blacksmith, Stones green Offord Samuel, farm bailiff to E. Cooper
Boreham Martin, blacksmith Finch Wm. Herbert, builder & brick ma esq. Mardens farm
Budd Abraham, shopkeeper, Stones grn Gilbert John, The Three Cups- P.H Nunn Robert, farm bailiff to Russell
Bull Maria (Miss), farmer & landowner, Goby James, boot & shoe maker Wontner esq. Mill Pond farm
Great Oakley hall Golby Wm. jun. beer retailer,Stones grn RogersDvd.Wm.thrashing machine prop
Carter Mart.ha (Miss), baker Green Horace, farmer, Skeighaugh farm Sharp Frederick, grocer & draper
Clarke Elkanah, butcher Hoddy John, Sparrow's farm Skipper George Salter, farmer, Wash
Claxson Frederick, May Bush P.H Joy Maurice Francis, miller (wind & farm & Whitehouse farm, Wix
Cole Robert Swinborne, farmer & land- steam), corn merchant & farmer Smith Samuel, farm bailiff to John
owner & seed grower, Holt farm Keeble William, <,-arrier Thompson Salmon esq. Great Oakley
Constable Maurice G. farm steward to Lambert Geo. Alfred, plumber & painter Lodge farm
Miss Bull Leggett John L. baker Smith Susannah Rose( Miss ).grocr. &drpr
Cooper Thomas, carpenter, Stones green Ling Wm. market gardener & thatcher Stanford Alan Septimus, farmer, Hou•
Cooper William, farmer, Maltin~ farm Lord Eliza (Miss), Straw bonnet maker bridge hall
CresswellKing, Swan P.H. Stones green Lucas Fred, farmer, Friths farm Taylor James, veterinary surgeon &
Cutting Sidney, shopkeeper, Stones grn May J ames, shoe maker farmer, Dengewell hall
Ellis AlfredJames, confectioner Offord Wm. Scowen, baker & coal mer Turner Frank, wheelwright& carpenter.
LITTLE OAKLEY is a parish, 4 miles south-east from of glebe, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1894 by the
Wrabness station, on the Harwich and Manningtree branch Rev. Solomon Wall Sly Alien. Here is a Wesleyan chapel.
of the Great Eastern railway, 2 north-east from Great Col. Sir Joshua Thellusson Rowley hart. of Tendring Hall,
Oakley, 4 south-west from Harwich, r6 from Colchester and Stoke-by-Neyland, who is lord of the manor, and the Rev.
6'] from London, in the North Eastem division of the Charles F. Norman M.A., J.P. rector of Mistley, are the
county, petty sessional division, hundred and union of principal landowners. The soil is of mixed nature; ~nd
Tendring, Harwich county court district, rural deanery of the subsoil clay and sand. The crops are wheat, barley,
Ardleigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and oats, beans and peas. The area is x,2x8 acres of land and
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is an ancient 74 of water; rateable value, £1,372; the population in
building of rubble, partially of the Decorated and Perpen- 1891 was 305.
dicular period, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch,
and an embattled western tower containing 4 bells: the Post Office.-Mrs. Jane Deex, sub-postmistress. Letters
rector has recently restored the stone work of the chancel, received by mounted post through Harwich, arrive at 7· 10
which contains a beautiful piscina on the south side and a a.m. ; dispatched at 6.50 p.m. Great Oakley is the
fine niche on each side of the east window : the priest's door nearest money order & telegraph office
in the chancel is pierced through a buttress, an unusual Pillar Letter Box cleared at 6.50 p.m. ; sunday, 10.30 a. m
and remarkable feature in church architecture. The re- National School (mixed), built in 1844, & enlarged in
gister dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, 1894, for 6o children; average attendance, 53; Miss
tithe value in 1894 £307, with residence and 30 acres Emma King, mistress
Alien Rev. Solomon Wall Sly, Rectory Merchant George, shopkeeper Stock Samuel, farmer, New House &
Cottingham Francis, Little Oakley lodge Newman Anna Maria (Mrs.), Cherry White House farms
Wontner Russell, Little Oakley hall Tree P.H WontnerRussell,farmr.LittleOakley hall
Bull Joseph, market gardener
NORTH OCKENDON (also called Wokendon, and more modern memorials to the Russells of Stubbers. The
Ockendon of the Seven Fountains, from the number of register dates from the year 1570. The living is a rectory,
springs in the parish) formerly be1onged to King Harold 11. average tithe rent-charge £375 ; net yearly value £351
and is a parish 2 miles north from South Ockendon station on with 37 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Richard
the Grays and Romford branch of the London, Tilbury and Benyon esq. and held since 1869 by the Rev. Robert
Southend railway, 3 south-east from Upminster, 6 north Townsend Crawley M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. A
from Grays station on the main line of the London, Tilbury charity of £2oo, left in 1640 by Richard Poyntz esq. was
and Southend railway, 6!: south-east from Romford and x8~ applied to the purchase of Stedding Hill farm, at Horndon-
from London, in the South Eastern division of the county, on-the-Hill; this benefactor also gave £so for the purchase
Chafford hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, of communion plate in 1704. A rent-charge of £3 yearly
Romford county court district, and in the rural deanery of was given by Sir William Russell and a sum of £soo
Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. invested in 2! per Cents. was left by Daniel Russell esq. A
The church of St. Mary Magdalene is a building of stone reading room has been erected at the expense of R. Benyon
and flint, in the Transitional, Early English and Perpen- esg. to whom it still belongs; it has now (1894) 8 honorary
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south and 40 ordinary members. In the spring of r8s8, some
porch, Poyntz chapel and an embattled western tower of labourers employed in trenc"!ling fields about a mile and a
flint and stone containing 5 bells, 4 of which were cast by half east of the village, and partly in Bulphan, came upon
Miles Graye, of Colchester, in x621, and I by P. W. in the site of a Roman or Early English burial ground, ascer-
1695 : the architecture of this church is chiefly Transitional, tained to extend over about x6 acres ; the graves were of
the south doors being circular headed, while the columns of various sizes and shapes and "asily discernible by the black-
the nave, though cylindrical, support Pointed arches : in ness of the earth they conta:ned, the natural soil being a
1858 Richard Benyon esq. of Englefield, Berks, thoroughly yellow clay. Richard Benyon esq. who is lord of the manor,
restored it at a cost of £r,ooo, and the ancient font, and Champion Branfill Russell esq. of Stubbers, are the
formerly attached to one of the pillars of the nave, and principal landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel.
unfortunately destroyed, was replaced in 1842 by another, The chief crops are wheat, beans and peas. The area is
in the Early English style, given by the Rev. R. Croft : the 1,703 acres ; rateable value, .£2.404; the population in 1891
chapel on the north side, dedicated to the Virgin, was for was 351.
many years the burial place of the successive lords of the Parish Clerk, James H. Crawley.
manor: some ancient heraldic glass connected with the Post Office. James Coe, sub-postmaster. Letters! through
Poyntz family is now in the west window of the tower and Romford ; delivered at 7 a.m. & 12 noon to callers ; dis-
there are in the church many ancient and valuable memo- patched 1.45 p.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sunday delivery, 7 a.m. ;
rials to the families of Poyntz and Littleton, from the reign dispatched, 6.45 p.m. The ne>trest money order & tele-
of Henry IV. to 1714, including a brass, with effigies, to graph office is at South Ockendon. Postal orders are
William Poyntz esq. and Elizabeth his wife, ob. 1502, with issued here, but not paid
12 children; and one to John Poyntz, son and heir of Wall Letter Box on Romford road, cleared 1.55 & 6.55
William Poyntz and patron of the church, ob. 1547, with p.m. ; sunday 6.55 p.m
four shields; there is also a brass with inscription to National School (mixed), built in 1842 & enlarged in 1869 &
1'homasyn, daughter of - Badby gent. and wife succes- 188x, for So children; average attendance, 63 ; Miss
sively to Robert Lathum and William Ardall, c. 1530; and Ellen Primett, mistress
Crawley Rev. Robert Townsend M.A. Cole Henry, market gardener Marrable Herbert, baker & shopkeeper-
[diocesan inspec. of schools], Rectory Cressey Henry John, blacksmith Mathews John H. farmer
Russell Champion Branfill J. P. Stubbers Dodd Charles, market gardener Reading Room (Step hen Stokes, sec)
Surridge John, Russell cottage Eve John, farmer, The Hall Redgwell J ames, farm bailiff to R.
BeckwithAbraham,Old WhiteHorse P.H Eve Wm. Skinner, farmer, Manor house Benyon esq
Coe James, grocer, Post office Field John, jnn. farmer Wiffen John, beer retailer
SOUTH OCKENDON (also called Wokendon and I and Southend railway, 8 miles soutn-east from Romford
Ockendon Rokely) is a parish and village, with a station station on the Great Eastern railway and 20 from London,
on the Grays and Romford branch of the London, Tilbury in the South Eastern dirision of the county, Chafford hun-

dred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, Romford 1 CoUoOTegational chapels. Here are several ancient mounds.
county court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, A reading room ha~ been built, R. Benyon esq. giving £200,
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The the remainder, £140 1 being raised in the village. In 1790,
church of St. Nicholas, partially rebuilt and restored in George Ill. imported into this parish from Spain the cele-
x866, principally at the expense of Richard Benyon esq. of brated breed of sheep known as the pure Negretti Merinos;
Englefield House, Berks, is a structure of flint and rubble and the breed is still maintained by Messrs. Sturgeon and
with stone facings in the Early Pointed style of the 12th and Sons, of Ockenden Hall farm. Richard Benyon esq. of
13th centuries, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north Englefield House, Reading, who is lord of the manor, Capt.
porch and a circular embattled western tower containing one Thomas C. Douglas Whitmore, of Orsett Hall, Orsett, and
bell, dated 1678: the fabric appears to have been very care- Mr. John Cliff, are the principal landowners. The soil is
fully built, the walls of flint being occasionally bonded with various ; subsoil, grnvelly. The chief crops are wheat,
blocks of stone and layers of tiles, while the masonry of the barley, oats and peas. The area is 2,925 acres of land; the
windows and doors is delicately wrought, the cornices en- rateable value, 1,4,582 ; the population in 1891 was I,O]I.
riched with carved bosses and the parapets embattled: the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity &
elegant Perpendicular font is octangular, and has deeply- Insurance Office.-James Hasler, sub-postmaster. Let-
screened panels inclosing quatrefoils on each face; the shaft ters through Romford, delivered at 7-IS & n.4o a.m.;
is relieved by elongated panels with cusped arches, and the dispatched 1.40 & 6.40 p.m.; sunday delivery 7.30 a.m.;
plinth, which exhibits a series of fine mouldings, rests on a dispatched 6.40 p.m
portion of the original Norman font of Purbeck marble: the Wall Letter Box, near Pollard's farm, cleared 12.30 & 6.15
church also retains an ornamental hour-glass stand, a relic p.m.; sundays, 8.30 a.m
of Puritan days : the gabled porch is a wooden structure of Schools:-
the xsth century, underpinned with brick and flint work: National (mixed), built in 1863, for too boys & 8o girls;
the north doorway is a choice specimen of Norman detail, average attendance, 8o boys & 6o girls; Thomas G.
enriched with billet and chevron moulding and beaded Townsend, master ; Miss Edith Hall, mistress
wreaths. The living i£ a rectory, average tithe rent-charge Infants' School, built in x879, for 8o children ; average at
£637, with 17 acres of glebe and residence, in the g1ft of the tendance, 8o; Mrs. Rosina Thomas, mistress
Rev. Percival Laurence M. A. rector of Walesby, Lincolnshire, Railway Station, William Daniel Hawes, station master
and held since 1879 by the Rev. Julius Henry Rowley M..A. Carrier to London,-Hesketh Welsh, mon. & fri. returning
of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Here are W esleyan and I following days
Cliff John Collis James, tinplate worker Pruce Alice (Mrs.), saddler
East Francis, Little Mollands Collis George, sweets seller Rainbird Mary (Mrs.), grocer & baker
Gates James Davey Isaac, builder Read & Co. coal merchants, Railway
Mason Alfred Haynes Delarue William, grocer station ; office, High street, Grays
Rowley Rev. Julius Henry M. A. Rectory Fleming John, farmer Thurrock
Smith Henry Hasler James, clothier, Post office Reading Room (James Beck, sec)
Sturgeon Charles, The Hall Hayden Albert Driver, beer retailer Searle Ernest, baker
Turner George Andrew Howland Thomas, boot maker Smith Carolina (Mrs.), grocer & draper
Walrond Mrs. Rose villa Manning Richard Abraham & Herbert, Smith Charles, sweets seller
farmers, Great Molla&ds Springham Arthur, wheelwright
COMMERCIAL. Manning Richard Abraham, farmer, Springham William Fredk. blacksmith
Attenborough George William, farmer Little Belhus St.rang James, farmer
Beck James, farmer Mason Alfred Haynes L.R.C.P. Edin., Sturgeon & Sons, farmers & millers
Bishop Josiah, ironmonger L.F.P.S. Glas. surgeon, & medical (wind)
Boreham Robert, bricklayer officer & public vaccinator for the Webster Waiter John, baker & corn dlr
Bridge Robert, butcher Ockendon district of the Orsett union Welsh Hesketh, carrier
Bruce Henry Thomas, grocer & draper Mead Walter, beer retailer Wright Elizabeth & Ellen (Misses),
Camp Henry, sweets seller Moorcroft George Charles, Plough P.H King's Head P.H
Collis Alfred, tinplate worker Pearce Charles, shoe maker Wright Waiter, butcher
CHIPPING ONGAR (or Ongar ad Castra) is an formed in 1866 and covers an area of one acre; it is under
ancient town and parish on the west bank of the river the management of the Ongar Burial Board, which consists
Roding and east of the Cripsey brook, on the road from of five members. The Budworth Hall, erected by public
Stratford and close to the road from Epping to Chelms- subscription as a memorial to the late Captain Budworth,
ford, and is the terminus of the Great Eastern branch rail- is a building in the Elizabethan style, consisting of a large
way from Loughton, 7 miles east from Epping, I 1 west room holding about 400 persons, used for public meetings,
from Chelmsford, 8 north-west from Brentwood and 21 reading and coffee rooms, and a tower, containing a clock,
miles by road and 23 by rail from London. It is the head added in 1887. The Lecture Hall, erected in 1870 by Henry
of a petty sessional division and union and the chief place Gibson esq. holds 150 persons. The drill hall, built in
of the hundred bearing its name, in the Western division of 1873 by subscription, for the G Co. of the 1st Volunteer
the county, Brentwood county court district, rural deanery Battalion Essex Regiment at a cost of £255, is also used for
of Ongar, arch deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. concerts and meetings and will hold 400 persons. Mrs.
Over the Roding is a brick bridge of three arches. The Septame Mitchellleft in 1796 £so Old South Sea Annuities,
town is within the area of an old entrenchment and consists the interest of which is distributed among the members of
chiefly of one street on the main road, situated on the the parochial coal club. North-east of the church is a high
rising bank of the river, with a good view, and is lighted artificial mound surrounded by a moat; on the top of this
with gas by a company : water is obtained from various mound a castle was built in the reign of Henry I. ; in the
wells at about 20 or 30 feet deep ; in case of fire the supply reign of Queen Elizabeth it was removed and a strong brick
is taken from Cripsey brook, the moat surrounding the old building of three storeys erected, from which an extensive
Castle and from various ponds. The church of St. Martin is view of the country may be obtained. Lady Jane H. Swin·
a small structure, erected in the 12th century, in the Anglo- burne, of 20 Ennismore gardens, London SW, who is lady
Norman or Transition style, consisting of chancel, nave, of the manor; Major George Edward Capel Cure, of Blake
south aisle, north porch and a western steeple of wood con- Hall; the trustees of the late Captain Philip John Budworth,
taining 2 bells : inside the altar rails are two memorial slabs Pemberton Barnes and John Lightfoot Newall esq. J.P. of
<>f marble to Jane, daughter of Oliver Cromwell, who was Forest Hall, High Ongar, are the principal landowners.
buried here in 1637, and to "that truly noble and religious The area is 503 acres; rateable value, £3,941; the popula-
gentleman Horatio Pallavicini esq. who died May 6, 1648, tion in 1891 was 813.
aged 36:" the church was restored in x884, when the south Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity &
aisle was added : in the churchyard a silver penny of Ed- Insurance Office. (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O.
ward I. was dug up and many Roman remains have also Essex.-Percy Boyer Brown, postmaster. Letters arrive
been found here. The register dates from the year 1538. at 5.15 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; dispatched at 6 & 9·45
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge, £1o7, net a.m. & 2.45, 7.15 & 8 p.m
yearly value £93• in the gift of Lady Jane Swinburne, and Wall Letter Boxes.-At Railway station, cleared at 9.20
held since 1878 by the Rev. James Tanner M.A. of Pem- a.m. & 2.2o, 6.35 & 9.20 p.m. week days only High st.
broke College, Oxford. The Catholic church, erected in cleared at g.zo a. m. & 2.2o, 6.35 & 9.20 p.m. week days
1869, is dedicated to St. Helen. There is a Congregational only
chapel, in which is a memorial to the Rev. Isaac Taylor, a
former minister and writer for the young, who died n Dec. County Magistrates, Ongar Petty Sessional Division.
1829, and to his daughter Jane Taylor, the celebrated Smith Sir Charles Cunliffe hart. D.L. Suttons, Romford
authoress, who died 13 April, 1824, and was buried here : Christie Charles Henry Fehler esq. Ongar, Wilderness
attached is Dr. Livingstone's room, in which the celebrated Carter Frederick esq. Marden Ash, High Ongar
African explorer lived when a student, for a period of two Clay Lieut.-Col. Albert Newby, Slades, Beauchamp Rooth-
years. The cemetery, opposite the railway station, was ing, Ongar

Jones Henry Edward esq. Marden Ash house, High Ongar Rural Sanitary Authority.
Jump James esq. Blake hall, Bobbingwo:rth, Ongar Meets at the Town hall on every alternate tuesday at 12
Pelly Leonard esq. Bowes, Ongar noon.
Price Rowel John James esq. B.A. Greensted hall, Ongar Clerk, Charles Smith, High Ongar
White Tyndale esq. Stondon Place, Ongar Treasurer, Robert Woodhouse, Chelmsford
Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Smith, Land view house, Medical Officer of Health, Jn. Cooper Quennell,Brentwood
Marden Ash, High Ongar Sanitary Inspector, Ernest Joseph Thomas, High Ongar
School Attendance Committee consists of a committee
Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Sessions room, Police appointed by the board of guardians & of which Rev. L.
station, every saturday at u.3o a.m. The places in- N. Prance is chairman
cluded in Ongar petty sessional division are the same as Meets at the Town Hall on every alternate tuesday at
the Union, except Doddinghurst & Theydon Mount I I a.m.

Ongar Union. Clerk, Charles Smith, High Ongar

Inquiry & School Attendance Officer, Ernest Joseph
Board day every alternate tuesday at the Town Hall at Thomas
n a.m. Public Establishments:-
The Union comprises twenty-six parishes, viz. Abbots Rooth- Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Forest hall, No. 2050, C.
ing, Beauchamp Roothing, Berners Roothing, Blackmore, J. Lacey, sec
Bobbingworth, Chipping Ongar, Doddinghurst, Fyfield, Budworth Hall, William Grout, caretaker
Greensted, High Laver, High Ongar, Kelvedon Hatch, Cemetery, Alfred Hall, clerk to the burial board
Lambourne, Little Laver, Moreton, Navestock, Nurton Fire Brigade, H. B. Brown, superintendent; Christopher
:Mandeville, Shelley, Shellow Bowells, Stanford Rivers, Ely, engineer, & seven men; a fire escape was presented
Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney, Stondon Massey, in 1889 by H. Gibson esq
Theydon Mount, Willingdale Doe & Willingdale Spain. Lecture Hall
The population of the Union in 1891 was 10,557 ; area, Police Station, Patrick Gallagher, inspector (inspector of
47,230 acres; rateable value in 1893, £56,398. weights & measures under the Food & Drugs Act & Ex-
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Cummittee, Charles plosive Act) & three constables
Smith, High Ongar Volunteers
Treasurer, Robe:rt Woodhouse, Chelmsford ISt Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (G Company),
Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving & Vaccination Drill hall, Capt. Raymond Douglas Trotter, commandant ;
Officers, No. I district, T. Thompson, Stanford Rivers; J. E. Windus & C. H. F. Christie, lieutenants; Rev. James
No. 2 district, W. C. Croker, Fyfield Tanner M.A. acting chaplain; Sergt.-Major J. O'Sullivan,
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, John drill instructor
Bartholomew Giles Gidley-Moore M.R.C.P.Edin. Fyfield; Public Officers : -
No. 2 district, James Robert White B.A., M.B. Kelvedon Clerk of the Peace for the County, County Council & to the
Hatch; No. 3 district, Thomas Spurgin L.R.C.P.Edin. General Meetings of the Lieutenancy, Henry Gibson
Chipping Ongar; No. 4 district, James Andrew Baird Trust School, endowed with the rents of five houses in the
Thompson M.B., C.M. Lambourne town, left by Joseph King in 1678, now producing £82
Superintendent Registrar, Charles Smith, High Ongar; yearly; it was reorganized in 1869 and enlarged in 1873,
deputy, Alfred Hall, Ongar at a cost of £320 1 to meet the requirements of the Ele-
Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Chipping Ongar mentary Education Act, I87o; the school now (1894)
sub-district, Theodore Thompson, Stanford Rivers; educates 130 children from the parishes of Chipping
deputy, Charles ,J. Poate, Kelvedon Hatch; B:>bbing- Ongar,Shelley & Greensted & is managed by 12 trustees;
worth sub-district, William Codner Croker, Fyfield ; Charles Rose, master
deputy, Arthur C. Elderson, Fyfield Railway Station, James William Mannall, station master
The Workhouse, Stanford Rivers, is a plain structure or Carriers to : -
brick, erected at a cost of £4,416 & will hold I76 in- Chelmsford-James Cornell, from his house, tues. & fri.
mates; Robert William Low, master; Rev. Samuel Coode at 8.30 a.m. ; returning from King's Head inn same
Hore, chaplain; Matthew Henry Grattan L.R.C.P. & S. afternoon 3 p.m
Irel. medical officer; Mrs. R. Low. matron: children Willingale Spaiu-Arthur Marriage, from 'Crown,' tues.
attend at Stanford Rivers school thurs. & sat. no particular time
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bishop Amy & Edith (The Misses), Grattan Matthew Henry L.R.C.P.,
Almond Maurice, Laburnam cot ladies' school, Roden house L.R.C.S. Irel. physician & surgeon,
Barlow Mrs. Riversdale Blowes James, watch maker Ongar house
Hayfield William Boyd Wm. Hy. Bell P.H. & cattle dealer Grout William, coffee tavern keeper
Brown Herbert Bowyer Bridge Jeremiah, boot & shoe maker Hall Alfred, deputy supt. registrar &
Childs Henry Brown & Sons, grocers clerk to the burial board
ChristieChas.Hy.FehlerJ.P.Wilderness Budworth Hall (Wm. Grout, caretaker) Hammond Eliza (:Mrs.), shopkeeper
Clark Dr. Wm.Chignell, Grammar school Burgess Geo. Alfd.(Mrs. ), statur.&prntr Hayward Robert, grocer .
Clark Mrs. Selwood cot Camp George, butcher Holt Frederick, shopkeeper
Coe Miss Carman Jaue (1\Irs.), fancy repository Houchin Charles, tailor
Cowee Thomas & dress maker Jackson Peter, Cock P.H
Fenn Waiter Patrick Childs William Harry, linen draper Jackson Waiter, carter & cartaga agent
Foster Charles Cemetery (Alfred Hall, clerk to the for J. & H. Girling
Gibson Henry, Whitehouse burial board) Johnson Waiter, boot & shoe maker &
Gibson Mrs Childs & Co. clothiers boot warehouse
Grattan Matthew Henry, Ongar house Clark Dr. William Chiguell, private Kerr John, ironmonger
Hancock William, The Cottage grammar school King George, head gardener to C. H. F.
Kennett Thomas Henry Cornell James, shopkeeper & carrier Christie esq. J.P
Moss Edward, Wants farm Cowee Thomas, butcher King Mary (Miss), confectioner
Nicols Rev. David Chas. 1\'I.A. [Catholic] Day Arthur S. photographer Kirby John Henry, chexnist & druggist
Noble Frederic Dowsett Emma (Mrs.), haberdasher Lacey Charles John, seedsman & florist
Noble Frederic Miller . Foster Charles & Son, auctioneers Lacey Peter, boot & shoe maker
Pelly Leonard J.P. Bowes Gadsdon Frank, coach builder Lamplough Henry Edward, King's Head
Reynolds Mrs Gallagher Patrick, inspector of police, family & commercial hotel
Sargent George weights & measures & under the l<'ood Lane Frederick Curzon, Crown com-
Scruby Mrs & Drugs Act & Explosives Act mercial hotel
Spurgin Thomas Gibbs Frederick, Lion family & corn- Lawrence John, confectioner
Starkey Mrs mercial hotel (The), noted house for Lemon Robert, builder
Surridge John, Clairville cyclists & tourists Maskell James, pork butcher
Tanner Rev. James M.A. [rector] Giblin Thos. beer retailer & fishmonger Matthews William, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Gibson H. & H. W. solicitors Mead Thomas, baker
Almond Nicholson F .R.C. V.S. vet.surgn Gibson Henry (firm, Gibson H. & H. W. ), Mihill Henry William, grocer
Archer Susannah (Mrs.), laundry solicitor, clerk of the peace for the Mott Anne (Mrs.), china dealer
Ashdown Alfred & Son, drapers county,county council & of the general :\Iott Emma (Mrs.), dressmaker
Barlow Edward, beer retailer meetings of the lieutenancy Noakes Thomas Nathan, general dealer
Barlow Harry, builder, timber mer- uiffin James, boot & shoe maker Noble Frederic & Son, builders &
chant, undertaker & cabinet maker Gingell & Brown, wine & spirit mers brick makers
Barltrop Absalom, blacksmith Girling J. & H. coal mers. (Jas. Mast, Ongar Cricket Club (F. H. B. Stocker,
Barnard Alfred Wm. boot & shoe maker agent); chief district office, Southend sec)

Ongar Gas Co. Lim. (W. H. Childs, sec) Searle George, nurseryman & seedsman officer & public vaccinator, No. 3 dis.
Ongar General Friendly Society (Charles Silcock Frank, harness maker & cricket trict, Ongar union
Rose, sec) outfitter Surridge John, corn, seed & coil mer
Packer Jas. hair dresser & tobacconist Smith Alma, hair dresser United Patriots' National Benefit Society
Parker Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist Smith Henry, baker (Walter Johnson, sec)
Parsons Sarah (Mrs.), baker Snelling George Thomas, ironmonger & Volunteer Battalion xst Essex Regiment
Peachey Albert, White Horse P.H furniture dealer (G Company) (Capt. Raymond
Phillips William, insurance agent Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (Waiter DouglasTrotter, commandant ; Sergt.•
Pratt Chas. farmer,Castle & Home farms Patrick Fenn, agent) ; draw on Bar- Major J. O'Sullivan, drill instructor),
Reynolds Christr. Jas. (Mrs.), coal mer clay, Bevan,Tritton,Ransom, Bouverie Drill hall
Reynolds Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker & Co. London E C Ward David, chemist, & agent for W. &
Rose Thomas Edward, tailor & hatter Spurgin Thomas M.R.C.S. Eng., A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit mers
Rowden Chas. Jn. & Son, watch makers L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, medical Wild William Harry, saddler
tHIGH ONGAR is a parish on the road from Chipping gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
Ongar to Chelmsford and near the river Roding, I mile roots. The area is 4,505 acres of land and 15 of water;
north-east from Chipping Ongar and. 23 from London, in rateable value, £6,165; the population in 1891 was 1,142.
the Western division of the county, hundred, petty ses-
sional division and union of Ongar, Brentwood county ASTELYNS, otherwise Gapps, 3 miles north-west, a.
court district, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of hamlet in this parish, is remarkable for its ancient seat
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. now a farm: here Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, is
Mary the Virgin is a building of stone in the Norman said to have concealed himself when charged with high
style, consisting of chancel and nave and a tower of brick treason for abetting Mary Queen of Scots. At Marden
at the south-west angle, erected in 1858 and conta.ining Ash, I mile north, a small church was erected in r884;
a. clock and 5 bells, dated r6ro, 1728, 1746, 1773 and it is a building of stone and flint, consisting of nave only,
1822 ; the base of the tower forms a porch: the chancel and will seat roo persons. Adjoining is a residence for
was restored in 1884 and a stained east window has since the curate in charge.
been inserted at the expense of the present rector: there Parish Clerk, George Phillips.
are about 200 sittings. The register dates from the Post Office. James Howard, sub-postmasteer. Letters
year 1538. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- from Ongar S.O. arrive at 7 & n.15 a.m.; dispatched
charge £r,o5o, net yearly value £736, with 92 acres of at n.2o a.m. & 5-55 p.m.; sundays, arrive 7 a.m.;
glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1882 dispatched u a.m. The nearest money order & tele-
by the Rev. William Henry Bond M.A. of Emmanuel graph office is at Chipping Ongar. Letters for Nine
College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of Norton Mande- Ashes through Ingatestone. Postal orders are issued
ville, and rural dean of Ongar. There are also six alms- here, but not paid
houses, founded by the Rev. Dr. Tabor in the r6th cen- Wall Letter Box, Nine Ashes, at 8.30 a.m. & 5-50
tmy. The charities, amounting in the aggregate to p.m
£w, and consisting of numerous small legacies from ros. Wall Letter Box, Marden Ash, cleared at 8. 45 a.m. 2 . 10,
upwards, are yearly distributed in bread and clothing. 7.15 & 7·35 p.m.; sund ays, a t 7.15 p.m. on1y
Forest Hall, the residence of John Lightfoot Newall esq.
J.P. who is lord of the manor of Newarks and Ashe Schools.
Hall and the principal landowner, is a mansion of stone A School Board of 5 members was formed 5 June, 1890;
picturesquely situated in a well-wooded park and com- the Rev. William Henry Bond M.A. chairman & cl~rk to
manding an extensive view of the surrounding country. the board
The trustees of the late Earl of Mornington (d. 25 July, Board (mixed & infants'), built in r867 & enlarged 1887,
1863) are lords of the manor of Paslow; and the rector for r6o children; average attendance, uo boys & girls,
of the Rectory manor. The other landowners are Major & 40 infants; Frank Whitbread, master; Mrs. Dinah
George Edward Capel Cure, Abraham Caton, J. C. Whitbread, mistress; Miss Jessie Pepper, infants' mist
Bennett, Thomas Read Hull esqrs. and Lady Jane H. Board (mixed), Paslow Common, built in r865, for 6o
tlwinburue, of 20 Ennismore gardens, S. W. The soil is children; average attendance, 55 ; Miss Alice Ben, mist
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barltrop Henry, blacksmith Mullucks John, farmer
(Marked thus t receive letters tOaton Frederick, assistant overseer, Palmer James, brewer, see Coleclough
through lligatestone.) N orton Heath & Palm er
Ashdown Alfred, Marden Ash Coleclough & Palmer, brewers, Mar- Pavitt Isaac, beer retlr. Nine Ashes
Bond Rev. William Henry M.A. (rec- den Ash Pearson Andrew, beer retailer &
tor & rural dean), Rectory Craig Hugh, farmer, Paslow hall shopkeeper
Carter Frederic J.P. Marden Ash Dawson Francis, school (boys'), Mar- Phillips George, shoe maker
Gadsdon Frank, Marden Ash de'n Ash Pinch Lewis, farmer
Gibson Herbert Wm. Marden Ash Giblin William, miller (wind) tPleasa'nt William. uwrnhite Horse P.H.
Gilbert Mrs. Marden Ash Gibson Herbert Wm. (firm, Gib~n H. Nine Ashes
Gingell Daniel Taylor, Marde'n Ash & H. W.) solicitor, Marden Ash Rowden Charles John, beer retailer,
Goodall Rev. Alfred (Congregational), tGooday George, farmer, Nine .Ashes Marden Ash
Marden Ash Harvey Thomas, farmer, Nash hall Rowe Henry, farmer, Cousins
Gordon Col. Hy. Wilson, The Gables tHorsnell Saml. shopkpr. Nine Ashes Salvage Henry, Red Lion inn
Jones Henry Edward O.E., J.P. Mar- Howard James, grocer, Post office Smith Charles, solicitor, clerk to ma·
den Ash house Jordan Manasseh, baker & beer retlr gistrates for the Ongar division,
Keen Mrs. The Elms, Marde'n Ash Kerr James, farmer, Wardens clerk to the guardians, assessment
Lewis Rev. John Herbert Wightman tKnight SI. wheelwright, Nine Ashes & school attendance committees &
M.A. (curate) tKnight Samuel, ju'n. wheelwright, rural sanitary authority of Ongar
Lewis Rev. Lewis M.A. (curate). Nine Ashes union & to commissioners of taxes
Marden Ash Lacey Walt. Geo. bntchr. Marden Ash & to the school board of Dagenham.
Newall Jn. Lightfoot J.P. Forest hall Lee Henry Jsph. Two Brewers P.H & superintendent registrar for On·
Newall John Walker, Forest hall MacAlister James Donon, farmer, Lit- gar district & swward of the ma'nor
Oldfield Mrs. Marden Ash tle Forest hall of Stondon, Landview house, Mar·
Palmer Mrs. Marden Ash MacOonnell Alex. farmer, Ongar park den Ash
Smith Chas. Landview ho. Marden Ash tMcMaster Wm. farmer, Spurriers Smith Frederic Wiffen, solicitor, Mar·
Smith Frederic Wiffen, Marden Ash tMalyon Robert, marine store dealer, den Ash
f\Vhiting Mrs. Norton Heath Nine Ashes Smith Samuel, farmer, Glebe
COM¥ERCIAL. tMaryo'n Joseph, farmer, Nine Ashes Spurge John, plumber
Ager Arth. Robt. •chim'ney sweepr'r Mead John, wheelwright tSteabben Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,
Alexander David, farmer, Blewgates Morris James, farmer, Chivers hall Orchard farm
*.A.llen Robert, farm bailiff to T. R. Mugleston Isaiah Hobson, farmer, tSutton Jacob, ,..,Wrnheat Sheaf P.H
Hull esq. Common frm. Nine A11hes Grays tTurpin Benj. farmer, Larkins farm
t Am os J ames, beer retlr. Nine AJ1hes tMullucks Geo. farmer, Nine Ashes tWillis John, Whiw Horse P.H
tCaton Abraham, farmer & cattle tOliver Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wood Sarah (Mrs.), lau'ndry
salesman, Rookery Nine Ashes Wooltorton Jeremiah, frmr. New ho
ORSETT (the Horse's heath) is a village and parish, 4 union and petty .sessional division (held at Gray.;), in
miles north-east from Grays station on the London, Til- the South Eastern division of the county, Barstabla bun·
bury and Southend railway, ro south from Brentwood, dred, Brentwood county court district, and in the rural
6 north from Tilbury Port, 13 south-east from Romford deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of
and 24 from London via Rainham; it is the head of a St. Albans. The church of St. Giles and All Saints is a
building of flint with stone facings, consisting of chancel, lation in t8gt was 1,379, including n4 officers and in-
J!ave of five bays, north aisle with transept and chapel, mates in the workhouse.
south porch and a western tower of brick with a dwarf BAKER STREET is 1 mile south-west, and nearer
spire, containing 6 bells, the sixth being added, and corn- Grays and the Thames.
memoration services held, 24 .April, t886: this church
was of Korman fmmdation and rebuilt in the 13th cen- Parish Clerk, Robert Ridgwell.
tury, but underwent extensive alterations both in the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.
Decorated and Perpendicular periods; and is entered on -William Powell, sub-postmaster. Letters through
the south side by a. fine Norman doorway: the east win- Grays, delivered at 7 a.m. & 9 a.m.; dispatched tr.o
dow is stained: and the chancel retains three sedilia a.m. & 7·t5 p.m.; sunday delivery 7.30 a.m.; dis-
with Purbeck shafts, and a trefoil-headed piscina: under patch 7·t5 p.m. The telegraph office is open on sun-
the west window are five carvings in relief representing days from 8 to to a.m
the five principal events of Our Lord's life; these were Wall Letter Box, Baker Street, cleared at II. to u.m. &
the gift in 1887 of the late Capt. Digby Wingfield: the 7· 25 p.m.; sunday 7.25 p.m
north chapel, which belongs to Capt. T. C. D. Whitmore, Wall Letter Box, Orsett Heath, cleared at 11.35 a.m.
has been adorned by the owner with a comm1mion week days only -
table, reredos and hangings: an elegant screen of the Orsett Union.
14th century separates the north aisle from its chapel; The Board meet at tne Union Workhouse, every alternate
and in 1893 was completely restored with the addition of thursday at II a.m.
cross and folding doors, the work being executed by Orsett Union comprises the following parishes, viz.:-
Charles Howard, of Orsett: in the same year two stained .Aveley, Bulphan, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, East
-windows were erected, a brass eagle lectern and bible, Tilbury, Fobbing, Grayi Thurrock, Horndon-on-the-
nltar desk, processional cross and other gifts made to the Hill, Langdon Hills, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North
church, in memory of Mrs. lVhitmore, d. Nov. 1892: in Ockendon, South Ockendon, Orsett, Stanford-le-Hope,
r884 a memorial window was inserted to Digby Hanmer Stifford, West Thurrock & West Tilbury. The popula-
"Richard Wingfield esq. d. 1884: the tower was rebuilt tion of the Union in 1891 was 27,310; area, 41,365
early in the 17th celttury and has in lts north wall a brass acres; rateable value in 1893, £n1,583
:plate recording the benefaction of Thomas Hotofte, ob. Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment Committee, Robert
1495 : the font is Perpendicular : there are brasses to Lloyd Williams, New road, Grays
Thomas Lathin, ob. 1485, and Jane, his wife, with Treasurer, Thomas F. Barrow, London & County Banking
-effigies; to Robert Kinge, parson, ob. 1584, ret. 47, with Co. Romford
-verses in Latin and English and a. small mural brass of a Collector to the Guardians, Thos. Wright, High st. Orsett
civilian, c. 1535: a large marble tomb with a recumbent Relieving Officer, John Phillips, Devon villa, Quarry hill,
figure, robed, commemorates John Hatt, attorney of the Grays
City of London and once owner of this lordship: in the Assistant Relieving Officer, Alfred Herbert Morgan, Orsett
-chancel are mural monuments to the family of Baker Vaccination Officer, .Alfred Herbert Morgan, Orsett
.and a brass to Dorothy Williamson, who reached the Medical Officers & Public Vaccinatms, .Aveley district,
great age of 104: within the communion rails 11re the James Dunlop M.B., C.M. .Aveley; Grays district,
memorials of three rectors of this church, Rev. William .Alfred Thomas Roworth, Grays ; Ockendon district,
Gilbert D.D. ob. 1640; Rev. Matthew Styles D. D. sub- Alfred Haynes Mason L.R.C.P.Edin, South Ockendon;
rector of Exeter College, Oxford and proctor, ob. to .Aug. Orsett district, Rea Cor bet, Orsett; Stanford-le-Hope
1652; and the Rev. M. Usko, ob. Dec. 31st, 1841: a district, .Arthur Wyatt Mercer, Stanford-le-Hope
-vestry was built by the rector in 1865 and the chancel Superintendent Registrar, George Biddell, 2 Oak villas,
aisle reopened in 1870; and in t88t a new organ was Sherfield road, Grays; deputy~ Edward Biddell, 2 Oak
placed in the church at a cost of £700: the church plate villas, Sherfield road, Grays
includes a flagon and paten, given by Mrs. Margaret Registrar of Births & Deaths, Orsett sub-district, Rea.
.Silverlock in 1575 and two silver alms-dishes, given by Corbet, Orsett; deputy, Miss .Ada Sackett, Orsett;
I>. Harper and the Rev. Thomas Harper in 1677 and Ockendon suh-cEstrict, John Phillips, Devon villa,
1705 : there are about 65o sittings. The register of Quarry hill, Grays; deputy, Miss Bessie Phillips, Devon
baptisms ana burials dah~s from t66g; marriages, I6JO. villa, Quarry hill, Grays
"The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £934, Registrar of Marriages, Ray Tyrrell, Horndon-on-the-Hill;
net yearly value £423, with 10 acres of glebe and resi- deputy, .Alfred Woollings, Orsett
dence, built in 1843, in the gift of the Bishop of St. The Workhouse was built in 1837, at a cost of about
.Albans, and held since 1877 by the Rev. Richard Thomas .£9,ooo, for 200 inmates; Waiter Francis Vick, mast-er;:
-"Whittington M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford, rural Mrs. Vick; matron; Rev. Canon R. T. Whittington
-dean of Orsett, honorary canon of St . .Albans and chap- M. A. chaplain; Rea Corbet, medical officer
lain to Orsett union. Here is a Congregational chapel, Rural Sanitary Authority.
erected in 1843; and there is a Primitive Methodist Meets at the Workhouse on alternate thursdays.
<chapel at Baker street. Charities amounting to £tso Clerk, Robert Lloyd Williams, Grays
yearly, arising from benefactions left in 1495 by Thomas Treasurer, Thomas F. Barrow, London & County Bank·
Rotofte, by .Alice, wife of Isaac Heminge, in 1643, as well ing Co. Romford
as by Ambrose Gilbert D.D. and Dthers, are distribUted Medical Officer of Health, Rea Corbet, Orsett
in bread, fuel, clothing and money, at the discretion of Inspector of Nuisances, Geo Watts, 66 Exmouth rd. Grays
the rector and churchwardens. .An Isolation Hospital for
-the Orsett union was built in 1 993 in the south-west part School .Attendance Committee.
'<lf the village. The Literary Institute was erected in 186o Meets at the Workhouse on alternate thursdays.
-t>y the late R. B. Wingfield-Baker esq. of Orsett Hall, and Clerk, Robert Lloyd Williams, New road, Grays
lectures and concerts are given twice in the month from .Attendance Officer, G. Watts, 66 Exmouth road, Grays
October to May, by permission to Capt. T. C. D. Whit- Anson's Charity & National School has an endowment of
more. There is a. Musical Society here of so members. £too yearly; there are now (1894) in average attend-
()rsett Hall is the seat of Captain Thomas Charles ance 105 boys, of whom 14 are clothed; 90 girls & 70
Douglas Whitmore D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor inf3!1lts; Charles Rowley, master; :Mrs. Clara S.
-and principal ll!ndowner. Orsett House is the residence Richardson, mistress ; :Mrs. Elizabeth Field, infants'
oof Lewin Charles Cholmeley Ralston Norris-Elye esq. J.P. mistress
The soil and subsoil are various in different parts; the Conveyance. There are 2 vehicles to Grays- railway sta-
-chief crops are the usual cereals and vegetables. The tion to meet the 9·47 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. up trains & 9.50
-area is 4,214 acres; rateable value, £5,893; the popu- a.m. & 5.15 & p.m. down trains on every week day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arnold Henry, farmer, Poplars the Orsett district, medical officer
Corbet Rea Baker John, horse slaughterer, Orsett of health to the rural sanitary an-
Hunter Rev. William George L.Th. heath thority & medical officer for the
(curate), Fern villa Bannister Edward, lUng's Arms P.H. workhouse & to Isolation hospital
Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmeley Baker street Cowles John, Swan P.H
Ralston M . .A., J.P. Orsett house Blank Charles, blacksmith, Baker ~;t Danes James, beer retlr. Orsett heath
TlWrnhitmore Capt. Thomas Charles Bray Esther (Mrs.), Greyhound P.R Essex Provident Society (branch)
Douglas D.L., J.P. Orsett hall Orsett heath (Thomas Wright, collector)
TJWrnhittington Rev. Richard Thomas Bridge George, butcher Finch William, wheelwright
M.A. (rural dean of Orsett & hon. Cole Henry, farmer, Whitecroft; & Francis John, farmer
canon Df St . .Albans & chaplain of at West Tilbury & East Tilbury Harding Robert, Crown P.H
the union), Rectory Corbet Rea M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, Horner Samuel, farmer
COMMEROIAL. medical officer & public vaccinator Howard Charles, carpenter & joiner
Archer Wm._ (exor~. of), harness ma.s & re2'istrar of births & deaths for Joslin Waiter, farmer
Jackson William, farmer Pettitt Jas. Cock P.H. & bricklayer Underwood Thomas, market gardener..
Judd Martha (Mrs.), blacksmith Pigg Thomas Strangeways, baker & Baker street
Keeling John, grocer shopkeeper Vellacott Humphrey, farmer
Kellow Herbert, shopkpr. Baker st Powell William, grocer, draper, iron- Vick Waiter Francis, master of worl-
Kemp-Smith J ames- ""Frederick, land monger, china, glass & earthenware house .
agent & steward to Capt. Thomas dealer, Post office Watt Matthew Brown, farm-er, Ireatli
C. D. Whitmore D.L., J.P &idgwell Brothers, market gardeners Place farm
Kimmings William, fruit grower Ridgwell Walter Causton, George inn Wilkinson Allport, farmer, Con'naways
Literary Institution (Rea Corbet, trea- Roberts Richard, farmer Wilkinson Edwin, farmer
surer, Miss Ada Sackett, secretary) Rowley Charles, school master Woollings Alfred, baker & corn dealer
Laundry Charles, greengro. Or sett nt1i Sackett Ada (Miss), deputy registrar & deputy registrar of marriages
Manning Herbert, farmer of births & deaths for Orsett sub- Woollings Charles, farmer
May Denzil, farmer district & sec. to the Literary Woollings Emma Elizabeth (Mrs.).
Morgan Alfred, assistant relieving Institution miller (wind & steam) & farmer-;
officer & vaccination officer Sackett William Henry, collector of Baker street
Newbound William, farmer poor's rates Wood Eliza (Miss), laundress.
Oakley Alfred, beer retailer Sanders Samuel, jun. & Charles, Wordley George, farmer
Oakley George, coal dealer & shopkpr plumbers & painters, Baker street Wright Charles Thomas, butcher
Orsett Musical Society (L. C. C. R. Sanders Samuel, sen. news agent, Wright James, insurance age'nt
Norris-Elye esq. M.A., J.P. hon. Baker street Wright Thomas, collector to guar-
conductor) Schooling John, boot maker dians, High street
Owers Henry, grocer, Baker street Sutton William, market gardener Wyllie William, farmer
OVINGTON is a parish bounded on the north by the brights annexed, average tithe rent-charge £420, net
river Stour, which here divides the county from Suffolk, yearly value £396, with 65 acres of glebe and residence,
2! miles south from Clare station on the Sndbury and in the gift of and held since 1843 by the Rev. Charles..
Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 east John Fisher M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The
from Haverhill and 10 north from Halstead, in the trustees of the late John Mayor Green esq. who are lords_
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, of the manor and John Robert Vaizey esq. LL.M., D.L .•
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Risbridge J.P. of Halstead, are the principal landowners. The soil.
union, Haverhill county court district, and in the rural is clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crop is barley. The
deanery of Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester and area is 671 acres; rateable value, £730; the population_
diocese of St. Albans. The church, assigned in modern in 1891 was 123.
times to St. Mary, is a small and ancient edifice of stone Sexton, Nathaniel Mann.
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Letters through Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) arrive by foot.
south porch and a small western tower, of wood, with post at 9 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph.
spire and containing one bell: in I88I the church was office is at Clare R.S.O
reseated with open benches, the chancel restored and a
stained east window inserted: there are go sittings. The The children of this parish attend the schools at TilbuiJ1
register dates from the year I$$0. The living is a & Ashen
rectory, with that of Tilbury and the chapelry of All- Carrier to Clare. George Argent, on mon
Fisher Rev. Chas. Jn. M.A. Rectory Fox Bertha (Mrs.), frmr. Hole frm
Argent George, carrier Murkin John, beer retailer
PAGLESHAM (or Paklesham) was in 1066 given by ders, France and Holland. Messrs. Arthur Nicholls an<:r
Ingulf, abbot of Croyland, to Westminster Abbey: it is a Zachary Pettitt own the largest beds. The Rev. William
village and parish on a creek of the river Crouch, behind North Andrews M.A. vicar of Paston, Norfolk, who is.·
\Vallasea. and opposite Burnham, 5 miles north-east from lord of the manor, James Foster Turner Wiseman,.
Rochford station on the Southend branch of the Great Zachary Pettitt esqrs. and Sir George Samuel Brooke-
Eastern railway, 9 north-east from Southend station on Pechell bart. of Ulting Hall, are the principallandowners.-
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 6 miles by The soil is middling loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief
the fields, ferry and marshes, 13 miles by road from crops are beans, wheat and barley. The area is 2,015.
Shoeburyness and 5 I from London. The parish is in the acres of land and 319 of water; rateable value, £2,935;
South Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, the population in 1891 was 491, including 22 in that part'
petty sessional division and union, Southend county court of Wallasea Island belonging to Paglesham.
district and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, arch-
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church EAST END is a hamlet a mile and a half south-east;.
uf St. Peter is a building of stone in the Perpendicular a part of Wallasea Island, called Grapnells, is in this-
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an parish. The Mission Hall here, erected in 1893 at a cost.
embattled tower containing 2 bells : the church was re- of [,2oo, will hold 150 persons ; the site was presented,
stored in 1883 at a cost of £1,700, when the east and by Zachary Pettitt esq. of Loftman's, Canewdon.
west windows were filled with stained glass. The register Sexton, Edward W oolf.
of baptisms and burials dates from 1719; marriages, 1733. Post Office.-George Rice, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive-
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £426, from Rochford S.O. at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 2.45·
net yearly value £320, with 21 acres of glebe and resi- p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at:
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Peterborough, and Rochford. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
held since IBgo by the Rev. Thomas Lea. The charities Voluntary School, built in 1872 & enlarged in 1894 at a.
amount to £27 yearly. Many persons are engaged in the cost of £3oo, for 120 children; average attendance,..
oyster fishery, large quantities being exported to Flan- 85; Mrs. Annie Grice Hill, mistress
Lea Rev. Thomas, The Rectory Lockwood Edward, shopkeeper Payne James, beer retlr. & shopkpr-
Pettitt Robert, West Hall farm Meeson Henry, farmer, Church hall, Quy Thomas, oyster merchant
COMMERCIAL. East hall & elements Rice George, shopkpr. Post office
Chapman George, Plough & Sail P.H Nicholls· Arthur Michael, oyster mer- Robinson William, carpenter
Davis Catherine (Mrs.), Southall frm chant & farmer & at Southend Smith Ernest John, oyster merchant_.
Gardiner Henry, Punch Bowl P.H. Pettitt Robert, farm bailiff to Zachary Graplands
Hall William, boat builder Pettitt esq. West Hall farm Wiseman Fredk J. oy:ster merchant
P ANFIELD is a pleasant village and parish near the are three stained windows, filled at the cost of the pre-
river Pant, 3 miles north-by-west from Braintree sta- sent patron, the east window being a memorial to his
tion, on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, and family: among persons of note interred here are John
45 from London, in the Eastern division of the county. Cotton esq. ancestor of the distinguished family of that·
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional name, of the Hall manor and Alice, his wife, ob. 1525,
division (Braintree bench), Braintree union and county and to Richard Beale esq. ob. 1712: the learned John'
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry Ouseley, scholar, divine and antiquary, was rector here
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of from 1668 to 1694: there are 170 sittings. The regis-
St. Mary is a small edifice of flint with Bath stone ter dates frOoiD the yoor 1569. The living is a rectory,
dressings in the Perpendicular style and consists of average tithe rent-charge [,380, with residence and 9 acreS'
chancel, with organ chamber, nave, a fine old of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1852 by the Rev. Ed-
oak south porch and a small western tower ward James Hill M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
with octagonal shingled spire containing 3 bells : The rectory house is close to the church. Half a Inile
in 1858 the church was restored at a cost of north was formerly a priory of Benedictine monks, sub-
£1,400: on the south side of the nave is a piscina: there ordinate to the abbey of St. Stephen, at Caen~ in Noc-
mandy and founded from a gift by Waleran FitzRalph, are the principal landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil,
in 1070, of his little manor at Panfield to that house: clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
on the outbreak of hostilities between England and grass. The area is 1,475 acres; rateable value, .£1,214.;
France in the 13th century, it was seized by Edward II. the population in 1891 was 273.
in 1285, as an alien priory, in order to prevent money PEN:XY GREEN is half a mile north-east.
being carried thence to the enemy, a policy repeated
by Edward Ill. in 1337-8: the possessions of this re- Sexton, George Butcher.
ligious house were restored on the establishment of Letters received through Braintree, which is the nearest
peace and the inmates continued in their enjoyment till money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m. & 5·45
1414, when all alien priories were totally suppressed and p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.;
their property vested in the Crown: after the Dissolution sundays 8.45 a.m
in 1538, it was granted to Sir Giles Capel. Panfield Hall, A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 :March,
erected in the year 1546, is a fine building, with a quad- 1875, E. Holmes, Backing, clerk to the board
rangular tower and handsomely clustered chimneys: it Board School (mixed), built in 1875, at a cost of between.
is now occupied as a farm house. B. D. Tabor esq. who [300 & [4oo, including the site for so children; ave-
is lord of the manor and the trustees of Guy's Hospital rage attendance about 33; :Miss Fanny Palmer, mistress.
Cooper Arthur, Lightwater Barnard John (exors. of), farmers, Kiddy John, farmer
Hill Rev. Edward James :1\I.A., J.P. Lightwater Lawrence David, Bell P.H. & shopkpY
Rectory Byford Frederick William, farmer & Lawrence Samuel. farmer
Hill Rev. Richard Charles (curate). cattle dealer, Little Priory Newman William Smith, farmer, Pan-
Rectory Byford Waiter, farmer, Great Priory field hall
comnmOIAL. Grubb William, shoe maker Rogers Thomas, beer retailer
Ambrose John, farmer Joycelyne James Robert, farmer, Pan- Willis Joseph, farm bailiff for the
Butcher Geo. wheelwright & smith field farm exors. of Jotm Barnard
GREAT PARNDON is a village and parish, 3 miles Eton avenue, London NW, and held since 1892 by the
south-east from Roydon station and 2 miles south from Rev. Noel Platt B.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. Here
Burnt :Mill station on the Cambridge section of the Gt. was anciently a convent for canons of the Prremonstra-
Eastern railway, 3~ south-west from Harlow, 6 north tensian Order, founded or endowed by Roger and
from Epping, 10 east from Hertford and 22 from London, Robert de Parringdon and Clement, son of Reginald,
in the Western division of the county, Harlow hundred but removed in n8o to Beleigh, or Little Maldon Abbey,
and petty sessional division, Epping union, Waltham where Robert de Mantell had built a monastery, de-
county court district and in the rural deanery of Harlow, dicated to St. Nicholas. Earl Cowley K.G., G.C.B., P.C.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The is lord of the manor, St. Thomas' Hospital, L. J. W.
church (name unknown) stands on rising ground and is Arkwright esq. Joseph Todhunter esq. J.P. James
an edifice of stone and rubble in the Late Perpendicular Harris esq. and Winchester College are the principal
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel and
and an embattled western tower, containing 4 bells, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots.
three of which respectively are dated 1613, 1779, and The area is 2,221 acres; rateable value, [3,768; the-
1613, the fourth simply bearing the inscription "Praise population in 1891 was 534·
the Lord:" the stained east window is a memorial to the Parish Clerk, Edward Harwood.
family of Johnson and was inserted in 1877: the reredos Post Office. Albert Searle, sub-postmaster. Letters
was presented by Miss Sims. The register of baptisms are received through Harlow, arrive at 8.15 a.m. ; dis-
and burials dates from 1547; marriages, 1754. The patched at 5-IS p.m. Netteswell Cross is the nearest.
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £450, with money order & telegraph office
28 acres of glebe and residence, in the alternate gift of National Schools (mixed), built in r861 by subscription
the present rector, the governors of St. Thomas' Hos- & enlarged in 1882 for go children; average attend-
pital and the Rev. Henry Willoughby Adams M.A. of ance, go ; Bertram Bishop, master ; Mrs. Bishop, mist
Brown Hll'l'ry, Great Cannons Brown Harry, frmr. Great Cannons Jackson Fredk. wheelwright & smith •

Burchell John, Little Cannons Brown John, beer retailer Morris Alfred Taylor, boot maker
Clark Arthur Burton Charles, shopkeeper Searle Albert, beer retailer & grocer.
Harris Jame-s, Passmores Carter John, farmer, Richmo'nds frm Post office
P1att Rev. Noel B.A. Rectory Charter Georg-e, builder Thurlow Wlilliam, farm 1>ailiff t1>
Steele Adams Rivers, Northbrooks Church William, farmer, Fighting Joseph Todhunter esq. J.P. Maunds
Todhunter Joseph J.P. Kingsmoor ho Cock farm farm
Gordon Arthur Percy St. Legor, poul- Trussell George, farm bailiff to Mr_
COMMEROIAL. try farmer, Fernhill farm S. Chetwood, Church farm
Bentley John Alston (Mrs.), furniture Green Jas. Jn. farmer, Todd's green Whiting Moses, blacksmith
broker Harris James, farmer, Passmores 1-Voolard William, market gardener
Birk William, The Cock P.H Hodgkins William, farmer, Broomfield
LITTLE P ARNDON is a village and parish on the reign of Charles II. d. 4 March, 1676, and others to th"'
navigable river Start, which separates it from Herts, 1 Turnour family; against the exterior south wall of
mile from Burnt :Mill station on the Great Eastern (Cam- the nave is a headstone to Rester Woodley, a slave, d.
bridge section) railway and 3 miles west from Harlow, in May 13, 1767, with a long and curious inscription: the
the Western division of the county, Harlow hundred and church was rebuilt in 1868, principally at the cost of the
petty sessional division, Epping union, Waltham county late Loftus W. Arkwright esq. (d. 188g). The register dates.
court district and in the rural deanery of Harlow, arch- from the year 1622. The living is a rectory, average
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church tithe rent-charge, [141; net yearly value, £181, with.
of St. Mary is a small edifice of stone and flint in the 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of L. J.
Early English style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, W. Arkwright esq. and held since 1881 by the Rev_
organ chamber, north vestry, south porch and a western Richard Leslie Scott :M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin.
belfry containing I bell: there are memorial windows The rectory house, built in 1881, is pleasantly situated
to Eleanor Yate Hemming, d. 18 Feb. 1834> Francis Hem- on an elevation in well laid out grounds. Parndon Hall.
ming, d. 28 March, 186o; to Maria Masson, d. 1873: the at present occupied by William Graham Bradshaw esq.
chancel retains a piscina and is fitted with oak choir is a modern mansion of red brick with Portland stone
stalls ; the nave has open oak benches; there is a carved dressings, situated in well-wooded grounds, to the right
oak pulpit and reading desk and eagle lectern : the font of the road from Harlow to Roydon, and is the property
is of coloured marble, supported upon a pedestal of of Loftus Joseph 1-Vigram Arkwright esq. who is lord.
freestone : on the north wall of the chancel is a cross of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is mixed ;
in black marble to Francis Hemming, captain of the subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
Bombay Horse Artillery, d. at Bombay, :March 28, 186o, roots. The area is 534 acres; rateable value, [2,386;
and to his sister, Eleanor Yate Hemming, d. I<'eb. 18, the population in 1891 was 99·
183.!: and there are mural tablets t<1 Edward Parson, a Letters through Harlow arrive at 7.30 & 10.30 a. m.
former lord of the manor of Parndon, d. Feb. 24, 1780; Netteswell Cross is the nearest money order & tele-
to members of the Parson and W oodley families, and graph office .
to Sir Edward Turnour kt. Speaker of the House of The children of this parish attend the Harlow and Nettes-
Commons and lord chief baron of the Exchequer, in the well schools, but principally the latter
Arkwrig-ht Loftus Joseph Wigram, Westrup Mrs. Parndon lodge Clark William, farmer, Rye hill
Parndon Hall farm BuYer Charles, head gardener, Parn- Smith R. E. & Co. millers (steam k
Bradshaw Wm. Graham, Parndon hall don hall water), Parndon mill
Scott Rev. Richd. Leslie M.A. Rectory Church Stephen, butcher &i higgler Smith Charles, hay dealer, Farm hili

PATTISWICK (Pateswick or Parswick) is a village ter dates from the year 1677. The living is a rectory,
.and parish, 4 miles east from Braintree station and 6 average tithe rent-charge £238, net yearly value £153.
north-west from Kelvedon station on the Great Eastern with 16 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
:railway, 49 from London and 3 north-west from Cogges- Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1876 by the Rev.
hall, in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden hun- Samuel Bawtree Baird M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cam-
dred, Witham petty sessional division, Braintree union bridge. The Bishop of London is lord of the manor,
.and county court district and in the rural deanery of :Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill, of Holfield Grange, is the prin-
llalstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. cipal landowner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil,
.Albans. 'l'he church of St. Mary Magdalen is a small the same. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
and plain edifice of stone in the Gothic style of the qth This parish was anciently a hamlet of Feering and con-
century, consisting of chancel, nave, aisle, organ cham- tains 1,297 acres of land; rateable value, £1,013; and
ber and south porch: the east window, a memorial had a population in 1891 of 341.
to Eleap.or Willet Tritton, was presented by her hus- Parish Clerk, Edward Austin.
band: the chancel was restored about 1882 at a cost of
£6oo, under the direction of Mr. Dampier, architect, of Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m.; sundays, 9.40 a.m. Letters
Colchester ; the work included the addition of an organ received through Braintree. The nearest telelgraph &
chamber, the substitution of oak instead of deal for the money order office is at Coggeshall.
fittings and the uncovering the inner timbered roof: National School (mixed), for 96 children; average at-
the nave has been restored at a cost of £5oo. The regis- tendance, so; Miss A. A. Williams, mistress
J3aird 'Rev. SI. Bawtree M.A. Rectory Cook Jn. farm bailiff to Joseph Smith Rayner Jonathan, Compasses inn
COMMEROIAL. Chaplin .John, farmer Smith Jsph. jun. farmer, Hall farm
J3rewer David, farm steward to Joseph Clarke William, farmer Webster Jn. miller, Blackwater mill
Smith Ely John, blacksmith
PEBMARSH is an ancient village and parish, tra- in the gift of the Earl of Verulam, and held since 188I
versed by a feeder of the Colne, 3! miles north- by the Rev. .Augustus George Kirby M.A. of Trinity
.east from Bures station on the Sudbury and Haver- Hall, Cambridge. Here is a Baptist chapel. There are
hill branch of the ureat Eastern railway, 4 north- charities of about £7 yearly, left by the Hon. and Rev.
east from Halstead, and 6 south from Sud- Edward Harbottle Bucknall, and also a sum of about £6
bury, in the Northern division of the county, arising from a house and three-quarters of an acre of
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional divi- land given yearly in doles to the poor of the parish. The
sion (Halstead bench), Halstead union and county court trustees of Giles Christ{)pher Puller esq. who is lord of
.district and in the rural deanery Df Hedingham, arch- the manor, Charles William Start esq. Mrs. Collis,
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The Charles Page Wood esq. of Wakes Colne and Charles
-church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient edifice of Brogden Sperling esq. of Dynes Hall, Great Maplestead,
brick and stone in the Deoorated style, consisting of and David Clark are the principal landowners. The Moat,
.chancel, nave of four bays with clerestory, aisles, south pleasantly situated in a park of 30 acres, is the residence
porch and an embattled western tower containing a of Augustus Maunsell Bradhurst esq. The soil is chiefly
dock and 3 bells: the stained east window is a memorial heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans
to Francis Waiter Grimston and was inserted in 1876: and oats. The area is 2,062 acres; rateable value,
.and on the south side is a memorial window, inserted £r,859; the popnlation in 1891 was 491.
in r88z, to the Hon. and Rev. Edward Harbottle Grim-
.ston M. .A. rector of the parish 1841 _80, d. May, 1881 : DAGWORTH is three-quarters of a mile north-west.
in the chancel is an ancient brass of a knight in armour, Sexton, William Spurgeon.
cross-legged, beneath a large and fine, but much muti- Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annnity & Insurance Office.-
1ated canopy and with marginal inscription: the effigy Henry Creane, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
is believed to represent a member of the Fitz Ralph Colchester to Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk), by mail cart,
family, c, 1370: there is also in the chancel a small thence to Pebmarsh, at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.
brass, dated 1764, to the Rev. J osephus Birch, a former sundays, 10 a.m. The nearest telegraph Gflice is at
Tector: the interior was restored and reseated in 1877 Bures R.S.O. Suffolk
and there are 400 sittings. The register of baptisms Pillar Box cleared at 6.10 p.m. week days; on sundays
dates from 1648; burials, 1655; marriages, 1654. The at 10.10 a.m
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £450; net Free School (mixed), built in 1850, for 84 children; ave-
yearly valne £350, with residence and 26 acres of glebe, rage attendance, 84; Frederick Leverance Ryder, mast
llradhurst Aug. Maunsell, The Moat Collis Susannah (Mrs.), farmer & N ott Henry, farmer, Collin's farm
Kirby Rev. Aug. Geo. M.A. Rectory landowner,•Hill farm Nott John, farmer, Thompson's farm
Pannell Samupl Hughes, The Oak Creffield Thomas, baker Pebmarsh Mutual Benefit Society
Start Charles Wm. J.P. The Cottage Dixey George, shopkeeper (Thomas Clark, sec)
COMMERCIAL. Eldred Ezekiel Emmanuel, blacksmith Railing George, shopkeeper
Binks Joseph, farmer & cattle dealer, Eldreu John, beer retailer & baker Smith Edward & Bessie (Miss), sddlrs
Vinell's farm Farrow Harriet (Mrs.), farmer, Mar- Start Charles William, farmer & land-
13urford George, maltster vel's garden owner, The Cottage
Clark Thomas, farmer & assistant Fitch James, farmer Sturgeon Samuel, wheelwright
overseer, Stanley hall Kenny Thomas, King's Head P.H Watts Thomas, farmer, Byndes farm
Creane Henry, grocer, Post office Nott George, farmer, Dagworth Whiting Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
PELDON (or Peltington) is a parish on the road from 'fuinity College, Dublin, who is mm-resident. The Rev.
Colchester to Mersea Island, 5 mile.s south-west from Will.iam Newland Stedman B.A. of St. Catherine's Ool-
Wivenhoe station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the lege, Oambridge, has been curate in charge since 1893.
Groot Eastern railway, 7! south from Colchester, and 56 Henry Thomas Tiddeman esq. is lord o1 the manor and
from London, in the North Eastern division of the county, the recror lord of the rectorial manor. The principal
Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree union and petty landowners are Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Gibson, James Leigh
sessional division, Cokhester county court district, _rural Aspinall, Thomas Esoott and Henry Thomas Tiddeman
deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Oolchester and diocese esqrs. The soil is hoovy loam; subsoil, loam. The chief
()£ St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is
-erected in the 15th century, stands on a hill and occupies 2,158 acres of land and 39 of water; rateable value,
the site of an ancient church recorded in Domesd.ay £r,62o; the population in r891 was 437·
"Book: it is a building in the Perpendicular style, con- Parish Clerk, James Talbot.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled Post Office.-George Smallwood, sub-postmaster. Let-
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 2 bells: the ters arrive through Colchester at 4.40 a.m.; dis-
~hurch was thoroughly restored in 1859 by subscriptions patched at 7.40 p.m. The nearest money order &
a.t a cost of 111bout £908, in the c:ourse of which several telegraph office is at West Mersea. Postal orders are
remains of an Early No:n:rum church were discovered. issued here, but not paid
The register of baptisms dates from 1725; burials, 1728; National School (mixed), built in 1836 & enlarged in
marriages, 1776. The living is a rectory, avera;ge tithe 1881, for no children; average attendance, 85; John
rent-charge £436, net yearly value £3oo, with 24 acres Smith, master -
of glebe and residence, in the gift of W. W. Johnson esq. Carrier to Colchester. William Christmas & George
e.nd held since 1867 by the Rev. Carter Hall M.A. of Reeves, oo the 'Plough,' mon. thurs. & sat
Stedman Rev. William Newland B.A. Christmas George, farmer Fairhead ·wm. frmr. Brick House frm
(curate in charge) Christmas William, carrier Foskett Gaius, farmer, Peldon hall
COMMERCIAL. Clarke Wm. Benj. farmer, Tye farm Harrison Henry, blacksmith
..Appleby Nathaniel, farmer Eagle Mrs. farmer, Peet hall Hyham Samuel, grocer
Mason George, farmer Reeves George, carrier mllte Samuel Cant, grocer & draper
Nice Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Plough P.H Smallwood Geo. baker, & post office Wilsmer George, farm bailiff for Mrs.
Pastield Mrs. grocer Smith George Frederick, miner Gibson James Leigh A.spinwall
Pullen George, Rose P.H (steam & wind); & at West :Mersea Wright Emma (Miss), farmer, Malt-
Reeve Elijah, farmer, Haxcell's farm Smith William, farmer ing farm
PENTLOW is a parish on the river Stour, on the lege, Cambridge, and F.R.G.S. In I859 an octagonal
borders of Suffolk, I mile south from Oavendish station tower in the Tudor style was erected in the red()ry
on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch of the Great East- grounds by the Rev. Edward Bull M.A. rector here from
ern railway, 4 miles east from ClaTe and 5~ north-we!rt 1834, to the memory of his father; it is considered a
from Sudbury, in the Nmthern division of the county, fine work and has a spiral staircase to the top, from
hundred of Hinckf.ord, North Hinckford petty sessional which a fine view is obtained, above 45 churches being
division, Sudbury union and county court district, and visible. The charities include (I) the rents arising from
in the rural deanery of Yeldham, archdoo.conry of Col- a small farm in Pentlow, left by Mrs. Susan Gooch, of
chester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Great Livermore, now administered by a body of trus•
George is an edifice of flint, in the Norman and Early tees, consisting of the rector, churchwardens and over-
English styles, consisting of apsidal chancel with north seers, a speciaJ. confidence being imposed by the testatrix
chapel, nave, south porch and an embattled round tower in the rector; (2) George Kempe gave £,26 qs. 4d. for
at the west end containing 5 bells : the original N()rman the relief of 8 poor folk, but this has been lost and the
church was probably destroyed in the 14th century, after present rect()r has vainly tried to trace it; (3) "The fine
which the present structure was erected on the old of the .Alienation of Panels," whensoever it falls, was
founda1ions, the tower being reared against the Norman given by George Kempe, to the reparation of the church
west doorway : in the chapel is a. very fine m~mnment, of Pentlow for ever; but this, too, does not appear to be
with recnm bent figures, to George Kempe, ob. I6o6, recognised. There are three manors, viz. Pentlow Hall,
.John Kempe esq. his son and Ellinor his wife, tog-ether Bowes or Bower Hall and Paines. Of these, Pentlow Hall
with the kneeling figures of their children, IO daughters is the chief. The noble families of Baignard, Fitz-
and 4 sons: the chancel contains an altar tomb with Walter, and Ratcliffe, Barons Fitz-Walter and Earls of
shields of arms to the Felton family, bearing the date Sussex, continued chief lords of it for a long time.
1542, but without inscription, as well13.s memorial tablets Under them it was holden by the families of Fitz-
to 1he families of Mathew and Bull: the font is Early Humphrey, Norman, Kempe &c. Henry Pearl esq. is
Norman., and has a I5th century canopy, which opens lord of the manor of Pen·tlow Hall. The principal land-
with doors: in I887 the chief part of the church was owners are Robert Orbell, Charles Brogden Sperling esq.
thoroughly restored at a cost exceeding [,I,ooo, under of Dynes Hall, Great Maplestead; Thomas P. Brand and
the direciion of Mr. W. M. Fawcett, architect, of Cam- Henry Pearl esqrs. the Society for the Propagation of the
bridge: a pulpit and lectem have since been presented, Gospel and the rector. The soil is clay, loam and gravel;
and all the woodwork is of the best English oak : the subsoil, various. The chief crops are- wheat, beans and
()nly fittings retained were the Jacobean communion table barley. The area is I,Boi acres; rateable value, £2,562;
and the rails around it: there are I20 sittings. The the population of the parish in I89I was 3IO.
register dates from the year I539• and contains a list of Parish Clerk, John Dedman.
rectors from I323; and there is another list in the vestry WaJ.l Letter B-ox .cleared at 6 p.m. Letters through Sud-
.since I315. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- bury arrive at 7·45 a.m. & I p.m. The nearest money
-charge [387, net yearly value £,298, with residence and order & teleg,ra.Ph office is at Cavendish
27 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since I877 by Parish School (mixed), built in I876, for 100 children;
the Rev. Felix Edward Pepys Bull M.A. of Trinity Col- average attendance, 55; Miss Ida Steer, mistress
Bull Rev. Feli:i Edward Pepys M.A., Garrett Jsph. Stammers, mllr. (wtr) Urbell Robert, farmer & landowner
F.R.G.S. Rectory Ives Edward, blacksmith Plumb Daniel, higgler
COMMERCIAL. Offord Daniel, farmer, miller (water) Thurgood Charles, beer retailer
• :Braybrook Wm. farmer, Gooch's farm & maltster, Pagnells ash
PITSEA is a parish and village situated chiefly on a bridge, and J.P. eo. Essex. The Hon. Eustace Dawnay
peninsula formed by the creeks and on the high road and Oapt. Henry Presco1t Bfencowe, of Little Chalvedon,
from Grays and Tilbury Fort to Rochford and Southend, hold the manorial rights of Pitsea Hall and Chalvedon
about I2 miles from each of the former and Io from each Hall, respectively, in this parish; the latter is lay im-
of the latter places and 33 from London, with a station propriator of £I70 tithes_; the Rev. G. Heathcote M.A.
on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, in the 5 Arlington street, London S.W. and the Hon. Eustace
Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brent- Dawnay are the principal landowners. The soil is stiff
wood petity sessional division, sub-division of Billericay, clay; subsoil, almogt, yellow clay. The chief crops are
Billericay union, Southend county court district, and in wheat and beans. The area is I,747 acres of land and
the rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex 6o water; rateable value, [,I,989; th~ population in
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Michael, 1891 was 235.
standing on a picturesque knoll, is an edifice of st~:me in Parish Clerk, William Pot1er.
the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, Post Office. i\Vcilliam Robert Jackson, sub-postmaster.
south porch and an embattled western tower containing Lett-ers arrive from London & dispatched through
;2. bells: the church was rebuilt, with the exception of Bowers Gifford S.O. Box cleared at 3.30 p.m.; sun-
the tower, in I87I: there are 100 sittings. The register day, 8.30 a.m. South Benfleet is the nearest money
of baptisms dates from I688; burials, I738; marriages, order office. South Benfleet is the nearest telegraph
1757. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge office for delivery, & the railway station for collection
£320, net yearly Vtalue £,3oo, with glebe of I6 acres, in of telegrams
the alternate presentation of the Hon. Eustlace Dawn'ay The children of this place attend the school at &wers
and the Rev. G. Heathcote, and held since I86I by the Gifford
Rev. Henry Hasted B.A. of Magdalene College, Cam- Railway Station, Willioam Fitch, station master
Hasted Rev. Henry B.A., J.P. (rect{)r) Crooks Robert, Bull P.H Sweeting George, police constable
Baker Alfred, farmer, Pitsea hall Jackson 'Yilliam Robert, grocer & Thorogood Alfred, Railway inn
Campbell Herbert, coal merchant draper, Post office Willsmer John, baker & miller (wind)
Cole John, wheelwright Jeffries '3eaman, farmer
PLAISTOW is a large subul'ban parish of London, therefore it is not included in the Directory of Essex,
and within the Metropolitan borough of West Ham, but appears in Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
PLESHEY is an ancient town, consiming chiefly of a was consecrated and endDwed between I244 and I259, in
long street of small houses, once a place of great im- the time of Hnmphrey de Bohun, the good Earl of Here-
portance and the seat of the High Constables of England furd and Lord High ConS'!:eJble; besides the old church
from the earliest institution of that office till nearly four there were two chapels, one within the castle and the
centuries after the Conquest: it is on a small feeder of other atta.ched to the church and dedicated to St.
the Chelmer, 8 miles norlh-west from Chelmsford station Nicholas: the tower and transepts of the existing church
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway to Col- of Holy Trinity .are the mutilated remains of a fine
chester and Ipswich, and 7 south-east from Dunmow cruciform double-aisled church of Late Decorated char-
station on the Dunmow and Braintree branch of that acter, which belonged jointly to the parish and to a
company, and 37 from London, in the Western division college of nine priests, founded here in I393 by Thomas
of the county, Dunmow hundred and petty sessional de Woodstock, 6th son .of Edward Ill. and Duke of
division, Chelmsford union and county court district, GlouceSiter, and endowed by him wi1h the tithes : the
rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- college fell with the lesser monaster.ies in I536, when the
cese of St. .A.ll:ans. The firgt parish church of Pleshey revenues were £143 I2S. 3d. ; and of severul marble

t<lmbs of the founders' family whicn f<lrmerly stood in in part very perfect!. and the four roads leading inf.o the
the chancel, only two slabs strippea of their brasses now camp can be easily traced. Here dwelt Thomas de Wood-
remain: Henry Oompton, bishop of London (I675-86),' stock, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Edward ill_
erooted a small nave on the ruins of the ancient structure who came into possession of this esta·te by his marri'age
in I7o8, and a chancel was added about forty years after with Eleanor, daughter of Joon, widow of Hnmphrey,.
by Samuel Tufneill esq. which is now .adorned with mural Earl of Hereford, Essex and Northampton; he was here
monuments of his family: the church was oomplel!:ely basely arrested, hurried to the Thames, put on ship-
restored in IB68, by the late J. J. Tufnell esq. and the board and conveyed to Oalais, where, after a short im-
late vicar, at a cost of £3,ooo, and consists o! chancel, I prisonment, he "WThs murdered, through the treachery of
nave, transepts, north porch and am embattled central I his nephew, Richard II. Here also, in I4oo, John Hol-
tower, with a stair turret nnd containing a clock and 5 land, Duke of Exeter, was beheaded by the populace, in.
bells, two being the dld Pre-Reformation bells: there revenge for his share in Prjnce Thomas's murder. The
are three s1nined windows, the large west windQw being materials of the castle, which after his death fell to
a memorial placed at the expense of the parishioners to decay, were used about I6oo to build the lodge, but this
the late vicar: there is an old churchyard, nQW dese- in its turn was taken down in I767: the vast earthworks,
crated, in which the parish church stood before the col- the mount, with its singullar bridge and the two moats,
lege was built: there are 250 sittings. The register still attest the ancient grandeur and strength of the
dtates from the year I656. The living is a vicarage, rent- casrtle. The manor became part of the Duchy of Lan-
charge £73, net yearly value £Igo, including 20 acres of caster in I52I: three farms, constituting two-thirds of
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late the parish, belong to the trustees of the late John Joliffe
J. J. Tufnell esq. and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles Tufnell esq. of Langleys, G-reat Waltham. The soil is chalky
\Villiam Howis. The Dean and Chapter of Westminster clay, with flints and chalk fossils; subsoil, loam. The
are the impropriators of a portion of the tithes. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 730
town was anciently called ;, Tumblestoun," or "the town acres, 627 being arable; rate'able value, £r,oro; the
of the Tumuli" and here it is supposed was formerly a po.pul.ation in 1891 was 317.
Roman camp ; the remains of a strong fortress erected .
by the Normans still exi•st and are a·iltributed, with some . PLESHE~ BURY lies to the west; ROPHEY GRE~N
probability, to Geoffrey de Magnaville or Marndeville, Earl IS half a mile nortlh-east; L~NKTAIL GREEN, I mile
of Essex, who, as possessor of this place, held by repute north~east; HARVE_YS, I mile north-west.
the office of Great Constable of England; he was slain in Parish Clerk, DaVId Barman.
II44• at the si~e of Burwell Castle, but his third son Post Office.-John May, sub-postmaster. Letters through
William, eventually inheriting the estate, obtained a Chel.msfurd, arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.
licence from Hemry II. to fortify his castle at Pleshey, The nearest money order & telegraph office is Great
which conltinued to be the seat of the High Constables of Waltham. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
England till some time after 1400: he died in n8g: the Paroc!hial School (mixed), built, with mu,stress's house,
keep of this castle is elliptical in form and has a circum- in I872 for 6o children; average attendance, 50; Miss
ference of 8go foot; the va.Uum, with a noble foss, is Amy Purcell, mistress
Howis Rev. Charles Wm. Vicarage Coe Amos, blacksmith Quilter Pltilip John, frmr. & horse dlr
Matthews John R. The Mount Darby Thomas Churchman, farmer, Quilter Philip, jun. farmer, Pleshey-
patentee & engineer, Lodge farm bury
COMMERCIAL. Barman Charles, bricklayer Quilter \Villiam, farmer, Linsteads
Bentall Samuel, farmer, Blake's farm May John, grocer, draper & baker, Rayment John, butcher
Bohannan George, White Horse P.H. Post office Saltmarsh Rayment S. boot maker
& builder Owers George, boot & shoe maker South Frederick William, shopkeeper:
Campen John, carpenter Philpott Louisa (Mrs.), beer retailer Sorrall Jame~, cattle dealer
PURLEIGH is a village and parish, upon an emin- priory of Horton in Kent; and at the time .of the Refor-
ence; the scenery around it is bold and romantic, the mation it still belonged to that religious house. After
land undulating and from every point there are exteonsive the Restoration it is found in the possession of the Hors-
views; it is 2 miles north-wes•t from Cold Norton station monden family, from whom it was purchased by Oriel
on the Maldon branch of the Groot Eas1ern railway, 4 College. The benefactions amount to £4 gs. yearly, dis-
miles south from Maldon, 44 from London arnd 10 south- tributed t<l the poor in bread and the yearly rent or
east from Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of three acres o-f ]and is paid to the churchwardens for
the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional division, ecclesiastical purposes. A fair is held on the I5th of
Maldon union and county court district, and in the rural June. Irn the pMish, near Latchingdon, is a police
deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of station. Mrs. Irvine, who is lady of the manor, and W.
St. A1bans. The church of A~l Saints, standing on a Tufnell esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is a
brill, is an edifice of stone in the Decorated style, con- heavy loam ; subsQil, heavy loam. Tihe chief crops are
sisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, soutlh porch wheat, barley and oaif:s, with some pasture land. The
and an ancient embattled western tower .of flint and stone area is 5,639 acres of land and 74 water; rateable value,
contai'Iling a clock and 5 bells: the pulpit and reredos £4,I28; the population in I8gi was 858.
are elaborately designed and there is one stained window HOWE (or Hoe) G-REEN, in this parish, half a mile
at the west end of the south aisle, but the church ha•s SQuth, was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
no striking feattures, nor are there any monuments oi under the jurisdiction of the Dean of Bocking. Here is
importance. 'l'he clhurch was thorough'ly restored in a. Congreg!lltional ch&pel.
I892 at a cost of £r,46o: there are si'btings for about
350 persons. The register of marriages date.s from I592, OOCKLARKS is a hamlet I! miles west.
baptisms and burials from I662; these records are in Par:iJsh Clerk and Assistant Overseer, Frederick Borrett.
good condition. The living is a rectory, average tithe Post Office.-Frederick Borrett, sub-postmaster. London
rerut-charge £646, net yearly vulue £4° 0• with 7° acres & other letters through Maldon, by foot post, at 7·45
of glebe and residence, in the gift of Oriel College, Ox- a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m. Maldon is the nearest
ford, and held since r8go by the Rev. Reginald Taverner money order & telegraph office. Postal orders are
Love M.A. of that college. The rectory, formerly an- issued here, but not paid
nexed to the Provostship of Oriel College by a. private Wall Letter Box, Cocklarks, cioored at 4. 40 p.m
Act of Parliament (7 Geo. Ill. c. 27), was dis·sociated
therefrom on the death of Provost Hawkins in I88 2, Na.tiooal School (mixed), contiguous to the church, with
rmder the provisions of the Universities and Colleges master's residence attached, is a building in the Tudor
Estates Amendment Act of I88o, and is now in no way s·tyle, erected in I807 & enlarged in I872, for II8
connected with it. About half the tithes of the parish children; average attendance, 70, & ha·s an endowment
have been assigned to the Provost under tlllis Aot, but of £3° a. year
these are quite distinct from the tithes paid to the rector, School, Cocklarks (mixed), built in I84o, for 6o children;
and the rectory is at present simply in the position of an ave~ge attendooce, 43 ~ supported by voluntary school
ordinary college livirng. The earliest mention of Purleigh rate ; Miss Sutton, mistress
occurs at the beginni'Ilg of the reign of Henry II. when Oarrier to Chelmsford. John Dines, tues. & fri.; & to
tlb.e church and its appurtenances were as·signed to the Maldon. mon. wed. thurs. & sat
Dyke Charles, Lea house Brown Waiter, baker Grayling & Stokes, frmrs. Hoe green
Love Rev. Reginald Taverner M.A. Claydon George, shopkeeper, Hoe grn Keeling Abraham James, blacksmith
Rectory Cottee Mark, grocer & draper Keys Mark, pianoforte tuner, Valleyho
COMMERCIAL. Death George, Fox & Hounds P.H Last Robert Charles, painter, plumber,
Baker John, farmer, Lodge farm Deeks William, blacksmith decorator, sign writer & paperhngr
Brand George, shopkeeper :Farrow Wm. beer retailer, Round bush Miller Susan (Mrs.), Bell inn
Brown Chas. farmer, Wymark's farm Fry Joseph Storrs, farmer, Bales farm Nix Charles, farmer, Dygood's farm:
lux William, farmer Raven Wm. Geo. frtnr. Purleigh wash Stock Samuel, farmer, Round bush
Patten IIerbert, builder Sanders Arthur Thomas, baker Theobald Ephraim, horse slaughterer
:Peck Samuel, wheelwright Sloughgrove Jn. frmr. Clock Ho. frm Thurgood Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer
l>layle Thomas, wheelwright Snow John, bricklayer Valentine Alfred, beer retailer
:na\'"etl Charles, miller (wind) Stevens Henry, farmer, Purleigh hall Wilkin George, farmer, Walton's hall
QUENDON is a small parish and village, a portion with 36 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
of which, comprising the houses on one side of the Lieut.-Col. Alfred Molyneux Cranmer-Byng, and held
street, is in the parish of Rickling; it is on the high since r8go by the Rev. Algernon Edward Tollemache
road from London to Newmarket and near the source B.A. of Downing College, Cambridge. A building was
of the river Cam, 3 miles north-west from Elsenham erected by subscription in r885 and is known as the
station and 2 south from Newport station, both on the "Quendon and Rickling" coffee and reading room.
Great East-ern (Cambridge) railway, 36 from London by Quendon Hall, the property of Lieut.-Col. Alfred
road, 6 south-west from Saffron Walden and 6 north Molyneux Cranmer-Byng, lord of the manor and chief
from Bi!illop's Stortford and the Lee navigation, in the landowner, is a square mansion of brick, pleasantly
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, situated in a park stocked with deer, a herd of which
Saffron 1Valden petty sessional division, union and has been maintained here for over 200 years; it is the
county court district, and in the rural deanery of New- residence of James Bailey esq. The soil is mixed,
pert, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. heavy and light; subsoil, gravel, clay with a little chalk.
Albans. The church (dedication unknown) is a small 'Ihe chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area
edifice of rubble, stone and flint, principally in the is 630 acres; rateable value, £I,6gg; the population in
Early English style, and was rebuilt in I86I, when a I89I was 171.
south aisle was added: it consists of chancel, nave, Parish Clerk, John Marsh.
aisles, south porch, vestry and a small turret at the
west end containing one bell: a reredos enriched with Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery
mosaic was erected in I88I: there is a memorial window & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Thomas Mum-
erected by Mrs. Tuck, of Manuden, to the Rev. John ford, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
Collin, her father, rector here 6o years, I8o2 -6 2 ; and Bishop's Stortford for first delivery at 5 a.m.
another to the Hon. Beatrice Byng, sometime maid of & through Newport S.O. at 11.25 a.m.; dispatched at
honour to H.M. the Queen and wife of Col. H. B. H. I2.I5 p.m. to Newport & 7.25 p.m. to Bishop's Stort-
Blundell C.B. Grenadier Guards; she died 3 Oct. r884. ford: sunday dispatch, 7.25 p.m
The register dates from the year I687. The living is a The children of this place attend the National school
rectory, tithe rent-charge £IJ4, net yearly value, £I24, at Rickling
Bailey James, Qnendon hall COMMERCIAL. Marsh John, parish clerk
Biscoe Maj. Robt. J.P. Quendon court Bowyer William, farmer, Manor farm Pittman Charles, King's Head P.H
Thomson George Fredk. Quendon cot Markwell ·waiter, grocer Smith Frank, hardware dealer
Tollemache Rev. Algernon Edward M.umford Thomas, grocer & draper, Smith Lewis, carpenter
B.A. Rectory Post office
RADWINTER is a parish and village, beautifully the gift of Waiter Henry Bullock esq. and the Countess
:situated in a picturesque and well-wooded country on of Warwick alternately, and held since I865 by the
the upper part of the river Blackwater, here called the Rev. John Frederic Wat,kinson Bullock B.A. of St. Peter's
Pant or Freshwell : it is 5 miles east from Saffron W alden College, Cambridge. St. Pris' Well, in this parish, is
dation on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, 5 a source of a feeder of the Pant : there are six well-
north from Thaxted, 8 south-west from Haverhill and built brick almshouses on the north side of the church,
48 from London, in the Northern division of the county, erected in I88g by the present rector, who has also
Fresliwell hundred, Saffron "\Valden petty sessional divi- built a reading room and parish dispensary near, to-
sion, union and county court district, and in the rural gether with cottages &c. The rent of a blacksmith's
deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and shop and a small piece of ground let in allotments, and
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the given by a donor unknown, is vested in the church-
Yirgin is a building of local stone in the Decorated style, wardens for the repairs of the church. Walter Henry
eonsisting of chancel, nave of four bays with clerestory, Bullock esq. of The ·warren, Faulkbourne, and the
2.isles, vE>stries, south porch and a massive embattled Countess of Warwick are owners of the manor and
western tower with spire, containing a clock with four principal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel.
dials, and chimes playing at the hours and quarters, The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area
and 8 fine-toned bells, five of which are dated 1616, a is 3,802 acres ; rateable value, £3,924; the population
new one was added in 1877 and two more in I888: in r8gi was 799·
the font is of stone with a modern carved canopy : hung BROCKELLS is I mile south-east; STOCKI~G
round the interior of the church are pictures represent- GREEN is I mile north-west.
ing the stations of the Cross, and there are several Parish Clerk, J osiah l\Iizen.
beautiful oil paintings in the baptistery and in the Sexton, J osiah Mizen
chancel, which also retains a piscina : the stained east
window was the gift of members of the Bullock family, Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-Frederick
-and there are nine other stained windows : the reredos Potts, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Saffron
of carved oak, a curious example of Belgian work, "\Valden at 7.40 a.m. ; dispatched at 5·55 p.m. ; sunday
dating from about 1520, exhibits scenes from the life dispatch, rr.3o a.m. Wimbish is the nearest money
of the Blessed Virgin: the gilded screen separating the order office
chancel and nave is also a magnificent piece of work- Postal Orders are issued here, but not paid
manship: the church was enlarged and the chancel National School (mixed), built about 1853 & enlarged
rebuilt in I869, and the tower and spire restored and a in I877• for 200 children; average attendance, 176;
"'turret built in I877: the tower was rebuilt in I888 Miss Ellen Quilty, mistress
at a cost of over £z,ooo. The register dates from the Carriers.-William Ruse, to Saffron Walden every day;
year 1638. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- John Ac'ker, tues. & sat.; John Harding, daily; Stone,
charge £533, with 62 acres of glebe and residence, in tues. & sat
Bullock Rev. John Frederic Watkinson Driver J. farmer, The Park Mizen Charles, farmer, & deputy regis-
B. A. Rectory Eade Charles, farm bailiff to W. H. trar of births, deaths & marriages
COMMERCIAL. Bullock esq Radwinter sub-district, Saffron Wal-
llacon Wm. farmer, Little Brockalls Freeman Christopher, thatcher den union
13arbPr John, farmer, Paynes farm Gowlett Edwd. wheelwt. & carpenter Norris Samuel, farmer, Bendysh hall
Bragg John, miller Gowlett .Tas. farmer, Radwinter hall Perkins Geo. farmer, Tile Kiln farm
"Brown John, wheelwright Gowlett John, farmer, Cowlass hall Potts Frederick, shoe ma. Post office
Clayden Cart-er John, farmer, New ho & Sellands Raymont Charles (exors. of), farmers
Cooper "\Villiam, farmer, Broad ditch Gowlett Reuben, farmer, Cutbush Reading Room & Parish Dispensary
Drane John, rPgistrar of births, deaths Gray Thomas, farmer, Grange Reynolds Edward ,V. farmer, Rad-
& marriages & vaccination officer Jarrard Walter, saddler winter Pnd
for sub-district of Radwinter & re- Kettridge James, farmer, Gibb's farm Ricliardson Fredk. farmer, Richmonds
lieving officer No. 3 district & col- Kettridg-e Mary (:~\frs.), beer retailer Robins Henry, wheelwright & beer
lector to the guardians, Saffron Killing-bank William, grocer retailer, Potash
Walden union, & school attendance l\lascall Swan, butcher Ruse Harry, Red Lion P.H
.& inquiry officer for Saffron Walden l\lascall Thomas, shoe maker & farmer Ruse "\Yilliam, farmer, Hill farm
rural attendance committee Newpll Edwin, grocer & brewer Stock Frederick, farmer, Maypol~

Swann Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Underwood William, blacksmith Woodley Daniel, farmer, Godfreys
Thurban Wltr. frmr. New House frm Willings David, farmer Bulls farm
Turner John, blacksmith Willings Edward, Plough P.H
RAINHAM (from ryne, a watercourse, and ham, a Rev. Henry George Roche LL.B. of St. John's College-,
village) is a village and parish, with a station on the Cambridge, who is non-resident; the Rev. Charles Rich.
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 3~ miles north- Nelson Burrows, curate-in-charge since 1891: th&
west from Purfleet, 12 by rail from London, 7~ north- brilliant satirist and poet, Charles Churchill, of Trinity
west from Grays and 5 east from Barking, in the South College, Cambridge, was once curate here, and in
Eastern division of the county, Orsett petty sessional describing in verse the effect of his rural discourses,
division, Chafford hundred, Romford union and county says : " Sleep at my bidding crept from pew to pew.•~
court district, and in the rural deanery of Chafford, Here is an undenominational chapel, built in r88g. In
archdeacomy of Essex and diocese of St. Albans; the accordance with the directions of various ancient bene-
village forms a considerable street on the London road factions, bread is given to the poor every Sunday; ros.
and the Ingerbourne brook. Over the latter is a for preaching a sermon on Ascension day, 2s. to the
bridge, and there are several quays on the creek, at its reader of the Litany and rs. for the parish clerk on th&
junction with the Thames. The church of SS. Helen and same day. Capt. Robert Westley Hall-Dare, of New-
Giles (the only one in England dedicated to these saints town Barry House, eo. Wexford, who is lord of the manor,
jointly ;in this order) is an ancient structure of flint and H. G. Crosse esq. and Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard hart.
stone of the 12th century, and consists of chancel, nave, of Belhus, Romford, are the principal landowners. The
aisles, south 'porch and a low but massive embattled soil is loamy; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are
tower containing 3 bells, one dated r6r8 and the others vegetables, great qauntities of which are grown for the
r67o: the nave is divided from the aisles by three heavy London markets. The area is 3,240 acres of land and
semicircular arches on either side, resting on square 145 water; rateable value, [,ro,oro; the population in
columns, with circular shafts at the angles: a grand r89r was r,669.
Norman arch, highly enriched with chevron moulding, Parish Clerk, William Gentry.
opens into the chancel, the windows of which have been Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office
greatly disfigured: the tower is constructed of coursed (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added).
rubble, with ashlar coigns, and is entered from the nave -Hartley J·ennings, sub-postmaster. Deliveries at
by a plain semicircular Norman arch, one tall lancet and 7 & a.m.; dispatched to London direct at n.25
three Norman windows lighting its basement: on the a. m. 5· 15 & 9.40 p.m.; & at 5·45 p.m. via Romford;
south side of the chancel is a narrow priest's doorway sundays, delivery 7.30 a.m.; dispatch 9.30 p.m
of Norman date: the font is ancient and there are brass A School Board of 5 members was formed for this parish
effigies on the floor to a civilian and his wife, c. rsoo. in 1893; William Smith, North street, Romford, clerk
'!'he registers date regularly from the year r665, but to the board; William Richard Farrow, Cowper road,
about r89o earlier registers dating from 1570, but Rainham, attendance officer
very incomplete, have been discovered and restored. School (mixed & infants), built in 1872, for 245 children;
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent--.:harge £327, average attel'ldance, r65 boys & girls & 77 infants;
with 4 acres of glebe and residence (rebuilt by W1llium Sutcliffe Hales Jennings, master; Mrs. Amelia
Finch esq. in r7ro ), in the gift of the trustees of the late J ennings, mistress
John Godsalve Crosse esq. and held since 1847 hy the Railway Station, John Goodman, station master
Brady Rev. Nicholas M.A. (rector of Farrow George, boot maker Maskell Jeremiah, draper & grocer
Wennington), Rainham hall Gregory Geo. butcher, Wennington rd Mitchell Edward, farmer & miller~
Burrows Rev. Charles Rich Nelson Harris Frederick, blacksmith Gerpins (postal address, Upminster)
(curate in charge), Vicarage Hempleman Frederick S. & Co. manu- Parker Charles, hair dresser
Fowles James, South hall facturers of artificial manures; Parker Lewis Edwin, boot maker
Randall Edward, Brick house works, Rainham Ferry Parker Sidney Ernest, grocer
Shepherd Thomas, Melville road Hennessey Mary Richards (Mrs.), Parsons Jane (Mrs.), tailor
Stoker John William, Melville road shopkeeper Randall & Fowles, farmers & market
Swami. Henry, Bright's Hill Caroline (Mrs.), grocer & dairy gardeners
Tuylor William Robert, Berwick house Hill Mary Ann (Miss), linen draper Rogers Charles, Angel inn
Wright Mrs. l\Ielville road Howell William James, builder Salmon & Co. Lim. chemical manu-
COMMERCIAL. Howgego Waiter Wm. wheelwright facturers & tar distillers, Ferry roa<i
Alum (The), China. Clay & Vitriol Co. Hoy John, farmer, Ayletts Saxby George, lighterman .
Lim. vitriol mfrs. Rainham ferry Jennings Hartley, draper, Post office Snelling Peter, beer retailer
Blows Charles, farmer Joyce John William, Phoonix P.H Stoker John William L.R.C.P.Edin.
Blows Frederick Edward, baker Kelley Arthur, saddler & harness· ma physician & surgeon, & certifying
Burrell George, Bell P.H Manning Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Ber- factory surgeon, Melville road
Clapham Jane (Mrs.), Three Crowns wick Ponds farm Strang .James, farmer, Rainham lodge
P.H. Rainham ferry Manning Herbert, farmer, Moor hall (postal address, Upminster)
Daldy & Co. coal & timber merchants (Letters should be addressed Pur- Swann & Thomson, farmers & market
Davis Emma (l\Iiss), dress maker fleet S.O) gardeners; & at Wennington
Earps Catherine (Mrs.), coal merchnt May hew. George, butcher & assistant Typke & King, manufactg. chemists,
Edwards Jesse, shopkeeper overseer Rainham Ferry
Eastwood & Co. Lim. brick & tile Miller & Johnson, chemical manure Valentine John, beer retailer
makers. See advertisement manufacturers, Rainham Ferry Vinton & Keeble, butchers
RAMSDEN BELLHOUSE is a parish and village, Rev. William George Clutton Notley has been curate-
on the high road from Billericay to Rochford, 2~ miles in-charge since r883. Here is a Congregational chapel,.
west from Wickford station on the Southend branch of and one for the Peculiar People. Sir John Henry John-
the Great Eastern railway, 3 east from Billericay, a south son, of St. Osyth's Priory, Colchester, who is lord of the
from Chelmsford, ro east from Brentwood and 27 from manor, and Messrs. Brunwin, Berens, Grey, Lucas,
London; it is in the Mid division of the county, Barstabla Hatchman and Arthur Helsham-Jones esq. of Pinner
hundred, petty sessional division and county court dis~ Hill, Watford, are the principal landowners. The soil
trict I of Brentwood, union of Billericay, rural deanery of is strong, heavy and mixed; subsoil clay; on the sides of
Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. the hil1 the land is light and gravelly loam. Wheat is
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building chiefly grown. The area is 2,693 acres; rateable value,.
of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, [,2,492; the population in r8gi was 395·
nave, south porch and a western tower with shingled Parish Clerk, John Sutton.
spire, containing 3 bells : the church was entirely rebuilt
in r88o-I, at a cost of about [,85o, raised by public sub- Post Oflice.-Charles Stanley, sub-postmaster. Letters
scriptions. The register of baptisms and burials dates arrive from Brentwood via Billericay at 9·45 a.m. &.
from 1562; ; marriages from 1565. The living is a rectory 5·45 p.m. ; dispatched at 5·45 p.m. No post on
annexed to that of Stock, average tithe rent-charge,£666; sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph office
joint net yearly value, [,4so, with 57 acres of glebe, in the is at Billericay. Postal orders are issued here but
gift of the trustees of Mrs. E. P. Gibson, and held since not paid
1877 by the Rev. Edward Pendarves Gibson B.A. St. Church School (mixed), built about 1872, for 8o children;.
Peter's College, Cambridge, who resides at Stock. The average attendance, so
Coryn Sidney COMMERCIAL. Cooper Samuel, farm bailiff to Sir J-
Nottley Rev. William George Clutton Biggs George, shopkeeper H. Johson J.P. Park farm
(curate in charge) Bull William W. farmer Jackson Emma (Mrs.), farmer
Westwood Edward Thomas Henwood John, farmer Me0 Joseph, farmer
Mott Thomas, boot maker Poulton Alien, thateher & haybinder Wenmen Ann (Mrs.), White Horse P.H
Patten David, grocer & rate collector Stanley Chas. blacksmith, Post office Willis Frederick, boot maker
Pettitt Elisha, beer retlr. & carpenter Sutton John, wheelwright Wood Thomas, farmer
RAMSDEN CRAYS is a village and parish, on the with g6 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1873
river Crouch and on the high road from :Billericay to by the Rev. James Douglas Hoysted :B.A. of Trinity
Rochford, 3 miles south-east from :Billericay station on College, Dublin, -who resides at :Billericay. There is a.
the Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 9 charity left by one Gibbon, being the interest of £roo,.
east from :Brentwood and 26 from London, in the ~1id which is distributed annually'in coals. John Smallman
d:VIsion of the county, :Barstable hundred, Brentwood Davies esq. who is lord of the manor, and Sir John Henry
peity sessional division and county court district, :Billeri- Johnson, St. Osyth's Priory, Colchester, are the principal
cay uruon, and in the rural deanery of Ingatestone, arch- landowners. The soil is mixed, inclining to heavy;
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans: the village subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat, beanS'
takes its name from a family of De Crei, who were owners and oats. The area is about 1,456 acres; rateable value-,.
of the manor in the 13th and 14th centuries. The church £1,439; the population in r8gr was I95··
of St. Mary is· a small edifice of stone in the Gothic style, Parish Clerk, George Clark.
restored in 1871, and consists of chancel and nave, south Letters from Brentwood by foot post through Billericay
porch and a western tower with spire containing 2 bells: arrive at 7.30 a. m. & 4.30 p.m. & leave at 8.15 a.m. &.
a stained window was placed in the chancel in 1873~ in 5.20 p.m. Wall Letter :Box cleared at 6 p.m. Billeri-
memory of Miss Robertson, of Inches. The register of cay is the nearest money order & telegraph office
baptisms and burials dates from 1558; marriages, 1572. National School (mixed), built in 1863, for 100 children;
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge, £240, average attendance, 38; Mrs. Higgins, mistress
Davies John Smallman, Ramsden hall Keeling Frederick, farmer & thresh- Scholding George William, clerk to-
ing machine owner Laindon school board & rate col-
Matthews William, Fox & Hounds P.H lector for Basildon, Laindon &;.
Boughtwood Charles, farmer Osborne Henry, bricklayer Nevendon
Flack Edward, Shepherd & Dog P.H Scholding George, grocer & draper & Ward Harry, blacksmith
Gower Waiter, farmer, Crays hall rate collector Wood Edward, gamekeeper to J. s_
Harrington Arthur, baker & shopkpr Spooner George, farmer Davies esq
RAMSEY is a village and parish, on the east coast, 3 tQ the relief of the poor of th~s pari&h, under the direc-
mileos from Wmbness station on the Harwich and Man- tion of the minister and two churehwardens. There are-
n:i!llgt-ree branch of the Great Eastern ruilway, 3~ miles two manors, Michaelstow a'Ild Ramsey. Edgar Waiter
west from Harwich, 16 north-east from Colchester, 7~ Garlood esq. of 15 Queen'•s gate S.W. who is lord of the-
ea&t from Manningtree, and 68 from London, in the manor of MichaelS'tow, and George Simpson Hardy esq_
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, of Jacques HalJ, Bradfield, lord of the manor of Ramsey,_
petty sessional division and union, Harwich county court A. Hempson esq. and the Rev. 0. F. Norman M. .A.
distriot, rural deanery of Ardlcigh and Harwich, arch- rector of ::\<Iistley, are the principal landowners. The soir
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. A1'00.ns. The is mi::red, as is also the subsoil. The c'hief crops are-
church of St. Michael, eituated on a hill, is a building of oats, barley, wheat, beans and peas. The area is 4,059
stone in the Decorl!lted and Perpendicular styles, consist- acres of 1and and r,248 of water {about 700 acres of land
ing of chancel, nave, sout·h porch and an embattled west- have been recovered from t'he sea by embankment);
ern tower 5 bells, and on the south face of rat-eable value, £18,304; the population in 1881 \\as Boo,
which is a sun dial: the north d.oorWiay is Transit.rion and in 1891 was increased to 1,877 by the population at.
Norman and t'he south Decorated: the church in 1872 Plarkegton in this ~rish, and the names of persons
was researt:ed with open benches: in t!he chancel is a residing there will be found under Harwich. Kear Stour-
monument to Daniel Burr (1782) and Elizabeth, his wife wood, copperas has been worked; in front of it is Copperas.
(1783): there are 250 sittings. The registers darte from Bay.
tib.e year 1645. The living is a discharged vicarage, Parish Clerk, James Bollard.
average tithe rent-charge £229, nelt yearly value £zoz, Post Office.-Thomas Ellis, sub-postmaster. Letters ar-
with 13 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the rive from Harwich at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.30
Lord Chanc~llm, and held since 1890 by the Rev. William p.m. The nearest money order office is at Great Oak-
Hugh Wood 1\I.A. of Trinity College, Toronto, Canada. ley ..Jj telegraph office at Harwich. Posful orders 'are-
There is a Wesleyan chapel. Charities amounrting to £zo issued here, but not paid
yearly are distributed in bread and clothes, including a .A School Board of 5 members wa-s formed 16 March,.
bequest left in 1807 by a. son of Daniel and Elizabeth 1887; A. J. H. Ward, Harwich, clerk to the board;.
:Burr, who resided long in this paris'h, consisting of E. Powers, Little Bentley, attendance officer
£164 13s. 4d. bank New £zi per Cent . .A.P.muities, the Board School (mixed), built in 1867, for 135 children;
annual interest arising tJherefrom being £s; to be applied average attendance, 103; Frederick Staples, master
Hempson Amis J.P. Hill house :Button John, shopkeeper Lucas Malpas L. farmer & assistant
Hempson Amis Ayton, Ramsey hall Deex Richard, beer retailer overseer, East New hall
Nichols Percy, Ramsey lodge Ellis Sarah (Mrs.), Castle inn Marshall Frank, farmer, Southhall fin
Richardson John, Primrose hall Ellis Stephen, carpenter & whlwrght Norman George, farm bailiff to Amis.
Wood Rev. William Hugh M.A.(vicar) Ellis Thomas, blacksmith, Post office Hempson esq
COMMERCIAL. Hempson Amis, landowner, farmer & Purvis Samuel Carr, farmer
Barker George William, Lord Nelson maltster, Hill house Rayner James, farmer, South house
P.H., & market gardener Hewett Henry, farm bailiff to Edgar Thorp John Ribbans, grocer &c
Brampton John, farmer, The Poplars, Waiter Garland esq. J.P. Home fm '\Voodard Alfred, shopkeeper
:Brick Kiln & Bowl farms King Samuel, blacksmith Wrinch William Henry, farmer, Ray-
Brooks John, miller (wind) & baker Lucas Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper don Hall & Stourwood farms
RA WRET.H (or Raureth) is a village and parish near and residence, in the gift of Pembroke College, Cam-
the river Crouch, over which is a bridge of one arch, bridg-e, and held since 1873 by the Rev. Godfrey George
ca.IJed. Battle Bridge, communi~ting with Rettendon, Kemp M . .A. formerly fellow of that college. There are
and on the high road from Rochford to Ohelmsford and wharves at :Battle Bridge. The Master and Fellows of St.
London; it is 7 miles north-east f:rom Pitsea sta1:ion on John's College, Oambridge, who are the lords of the
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, and there is manor of Rawreth Hall, and Sion College, London, who
a. station here on the l\Ialdon line of the Great EJ.stern hold the manorial rights of the manor of Beaches, are
railway, 8 miles north-west from Rochford, and 31 from the principal landowners. The soil is heavy loam; sub-
Dondon: tlhe parish is in the South Eastern division of soil, various. The chief crops are wheat and beans. The
the county, Rochford hundred, petty sessiO'Ilal division area. is 2,377 acres of land and 17 water; rateable vulue,.
and union, Southend county court district, and in the £z,ogs; the population in 1891 was 323.
rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and Sext•:m, J. Livermore.
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. :Kicholas, re- Letter Box cleared at I I a.m. & 6 p.m. -week days & g
built in I883, from designs by the Rev. Eroest Geldart, · a.m. sundays; letters from Chelm,.ford na Battle
Tector of Lit•t•le Braxted, at a cost of abcmt £2,5oo, is a Bridge. The nearest money order office i::. a1: :Battle
building of &tone in the Late Perpendicular style, con- Bridge & telegraph office at Rayleigh
.s:ist:i!llg of chancel, nave, north aisle with chapel, south
porch &nd an embattled western tower containing 2 bells. l'lational School (mixed), built in 1873, for 70 children;
The register dates from the year 1539. The living is a average attendance, 65; Mrs. Emily Colli~r, mistress
rectory, average tithe rent-charge, £570; net :Battle Bridge Raihmy Station, Edward Stannard, station
yearly value, £484, with 44 acres of glebe master
~emp Rev. Godfrey George M.A. Archer William, farmer, Shotgate fm Meeson Arthur John, farmer, Telfords
Rectory Buck Henry, Carpenters' Arrris P.H. & Burrels farm
Meeson Arthur John, Telfords & blacksmith Meeson William Merryfield, miller
Meeson Edwin Hill, Mill house, Carter Wm. Joseph, farmer, Beeches (steam & water), Battle Bridge
Battle Bridge Creesey John, farm bailiff to Captain Whybro Henry, farm bailiff to T. W.
Parsons John T. Whitmore Offin esq
RAYLEIGH is an ancient t-own on the road from vey and W3/S the founder of the De Essex family: these
Lmdoo to Roclhford, with a station on the Southend line consist of a mound with an oval-shaped base, surrounded
iOf the Great Eastern railway, 36 miles from London, 4! by ramparts and ditches; from th1s spot is obta.ined a
irom South Benfl.eet station on the Tilbury and Southend fine view over the neigh!bouring peninsula. Alfred Wyatt
railway, 16 from Br~mtwood, 13 south-east from Chelms- Digby esq. is tlhe lord of the manor; Maj()r Fane and T.
.ford, 10 east from Billericay, 3 from the wharves at Hull Hilliard esqrs. are the principal landownel'ls. The soil ht
Bridge, 7 north-west from Sout1hend and 5 west from mixed; subsoil, clay arnd sand. The chief crops are
B.ochford, in the South Eas.tern division of the county, wheat, barley and beans. The area is 2,873 acres; rate-
Riochford hundred, petty sessional divisi·on, union and 01ble value, £5,202; the popul3/ti-on in 189I was 1,301.
oounty court district and in the rural deanery of Roch- Parislh Clerk, Charles Halls.
ford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese -of St. Albans. Post, M .0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
The town, which consists of one wide streelt of consider- (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added).-
able extent, is we11 situated in a commanding position Miss Ellen Steer, postmistress. Letters a,rrive from
and is lighted with gas and supplied with water from Chelmsford at 3.4_o a.m. ; second arrival from London
springs ar.d wells. 'l'his plaee affords the Htle of baron 9 . 40 a.m.; third arrival at .
75 p.m. fvom Southend &
lbo a branch of the Strutt family. The ancient c'hurch of fi & Del'
the Holy Trinity, standi'llg on rising ground at the upper Roch ord; dispatched at 12 ·3°• 7·5 9 p.m. Ivery
commences at 7 & 10.20 a.m. & 7.15 p.m. Letters
end of the town, is an edifice -of flint and stone, prin- Th d ~ & Hd
eipally in the Perpendicular styJe, although some parts are dispa.tched by mail cart to un e ey a •
are of an earlier date; it consists of chancel with aisles,. lerigh at 6 a.m. ; return at 1 p.m.; alw dispatched to
separa.ted from it by 'l!Jrcades of two bays, nave of four Southend at 5· 15 p.m. & Lond'()IIl at 7·45 p.m. Box
lbays, south porch amd a massive western tower with em- closes art 6.45, 7·4° & 9 p.m. MOney order office open
battled turret, containing a dock and 6 bel1s, rehung in from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m
1888. The regi&ter dates from the year 1548. The living Masonic Lodge (No. 1,734, Trinity), held at ~lden lion
is a rectQry, average tithe renlt-charge £723, net yearly hotel, wed. on or after full moon Jan. to May & Sept.
value £6q, with 45_ acres of glebe and residence, in t!he to Dec. 7 p.m. ; Sidney Smith, sec
gift of the Rev. Joseph Duncan Macvicar M.A. of Dun- Ancient Order of Foresters (True Briton, 4,237), head
holme, Cheltenham, and held since 188 7 by the Rev. quarters, Golden Lion hotel; Charles Dixon, sec
Rolla Charles Meadows Rouse M.A. of Trinity Colle~. A Sohool Board of 5 members was formed 9 Jan. 1872,
Cambridge and J.P. for Suffolk. Here are Baptist and Charles Ernest Judd, clerk to the board; Charles
W esleyan chapels. A fair for horses and cattle is S<till Wi.tham, Rayleigh, attendance officer
beld on Trinity :Mondlay in each year. In Aprii, 1849 , Board Schools, built in I862-4, for I8o children; average
several curious and ancient Roman coins were ploughed attendance, 70 boys & no girls & infan>ts ; Sidm•y
up in this parish. At the upper end of the town are Smith. master ; Miss Anne Waterhouse, mistress
-aart'hworks, the remains of a castle first built by Sweyne, Railway Struti'<m, Thomas Ernest March, sfu.tion master
'Who owned the plaee at the time of the Domesday Sur- Carrier to Ohelmsford.-A. Brand, tues. & fri. 8 a.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clemance William & Newman Her- Loker William, grocer
Ilarnard Charles James, Brewery ho bert, farmers & seed growers, Luker Henry & Co. brewers
Boston Edgar, The Bungalow Weir farm Moss James, hair dresser
Charlton George, I Gazeebo villas Clemance William, grocer & clothier Offin Thomas ·w. frmr. & auctioneer,
Cross Mrs. Coller Cornelius, tailor Turret house
Curtis Mrs Colman John May, farmer, Down hall Olley Geo. boot & shoe manufacturer
Edmunds Charles James Cook John, boot & shoe maker Page Wm. Golden Lion commercial
Finckenstadt Edward, 2 Gazeebo viis Cox Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper hotel & posting house
Fox William, White house Croxson Henry, painter & glazier Pissey Wm. chemist & stationer
Francis Mrs Curtis Charles Henry, farmer & horse Porter Charles, baker
Fraser Gen. Alexander C.B., R.E. dealer Reading Room & Dramatic Club
Rayleigh house Cycling Club (Frank W. Abbott, (Frank Abbott, sec)
Freeman J oseph, Hilcrest sec.) ; headquarters, Golden Lion htl Rose George, oilman
Gigney Henry Dawson Geo. Robt. chemist & drugst Smith Henry, bricklayer
Grayson Francis Dorrill Deeley Emma (Miss), ladies' school Smith Herbert Edmond, insur. agent
Hanchard William, Bramshot Dennis Esther Annie (Mrs.), dress ma Smith Waiter, corn dealer
1efferson Robert Theodore Devenish James, Crown hotel & post- Sparrow Charles Henry & Son, vet.
J oaes Richard, I'reston villa ing house, & farmer & coal & coke surgeons
Offin Thomas W. Turret house merchant Stewart George, saddler
Offin Thomas W. jun. Turret house Dixon Charles Gainsford, clothier & Stillaman William, blacksmith
Phillips Moreton Hassall, Picton house draper Thorogood Harry, engineer & general
Priestman William, Holly Trees Edwards Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer & smith
Rose Mrs. Barringtons blacksmith Totman Thomas, bill poster .
Rouse Rev. Rolla Charles Meadows Ewers David, butcher Upson Arthur James, saddler & har·
M. A. Rectory Fidgeon Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer ness maker
Sopwith Misses, 4 Dollmartons Finch William James, ironmonger Ventris George, tailor
Sparrow Edwin Chas. 3 Dollmartons Findlay John, surveyor to County Wallis Arthur, painter
Storey Miss Cou~cil Wallis William, watch maker
1Vitham Chas. Thomas, 2 Dollmartons Franklin Samuel, Half Moon P.H Warraker Henry, beer retailer
Freeman George, tailor Webb Arthur, draper
COMMERCIAL. Frost Sarah (Mrs.), grocer Webb Fanny Louisa (Miss), boarding
.A.bbott Frank William, watch maker Edward Moore school, Prospect house
Anstee James, butcher Gas Works (Edward Moore, mangr) Webb Joseph, carriage builder
:Baker Isaac, builder Gilson Samuel, grocer Webster .Joseph, butcher
Baker John, beer retailer Grayson Francis Dorrell, surgeon, & Wen James, beer retailer
Baker Samuel Sidney, farmer & land- medical officer & public vaccinator, Wenden Mark, farmer
owner, Bull Wood house Rayleigh & Hadleigh districts,Roch- Wendholt Julius, baker
l:laldwin Henry, builder & undertaker ford union, & certifying factory Whalley George, thrashing & plough-
Barker Charles, horse clipper & dlr surgeon ing machine owner
.:Barnard Charles James, manager to Hainsworth William, bricklayer White John, grocer, & agent for W.
Luker & Co. brewers &c Hawken Alfred, farmer, GreatWheatly & A. Gilbey Limited, wine mers
'Bowen James, Drovers' Arms P.H Henson G. U. M.C.P. collegiate schl Williams John Pryse, registrar of
Bowen Samuel Jas. White Horse P.H James Aim Carter (Mrs.), dress ma births & deaths for Rayleigh sub-
Brewer William George, baker Judd Charles Ernest, assistant over- district & relieving & vaccination
Brltton Waiter, coal merchant seer & sanitary inspector to the officer & collector to guardians for
Brown Ernest, farmer rural authority of Rochford union 2nd district, Rochford union
Brown Thomas James, miller (wind), Knights Stephen, shopkeeper Williams Thomas, second hand clothes
Rayleigh flour mills Linggood Wm. & Geo. blacksmiths dealer
Byford John, builder Loker Joseph, chimney sweeper Witham Horace, wheelwright
RAYNE (or Raine) is a pleasant village and parish, 27 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl of
on the river Brain or Pods brook, and on the road from Essex, and held since I855 by the Rev. William Spence
Braimree to Bishop's Sbortford, with a station on the Hemming B.A. of Christ's Oollege, Cambridge, and
Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree railway, 2 surrogate. R.ayne Hall, situated close to the church, and
miles west from BraJintree, 7 ea$ from Dmrrnow, I I now a. f~um house, is a timbered structure, the old part
north-ea~ from Chelmsford and 46 from London, in the of w'hich was erected by the Wells family· and the later
Ea!rtern division of the county, Hinckfurd hundred, petty by Sir Giles Oapel, between I5IO and I520. The manor
sessional diVlision of Hinckford South (Braintree bench), hoouse <>f Baynard's or Raynes was situated in the north
Braintree union and county court district, ruml deanery part of this parish, in an inclosure oa.lled " Chapel Field,"
of Brainrtree, arChdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of upon a small ascent near the river, where there are still
St. Albans. The church of All Saints, rebuilt m x84o, is traces of the house and of the moats that encompassed
an edifice of brick in the Tudor style, and consists of it: in the hollow from the road to the house were fish
chancel with vestry, nave, south porch and a lofty em- ponds. Edward Symonds M.A. recter here, temp.
battled wes1ern tower wi1h crocketed pinnacles, and con- Charles I. was a learned author, and wro.te various
tlaining a clock and 5 bells: the tower was built by Sir political and theological W<Jrks. Dr. Richard Kidder,
William Oapel, whose arms appear in tib.e brickw<Jrk near bishop of Batlh and Wells, I69I-I703, and fumous as a
the foundation, on either side of the belfry door: the old divine, was also rector of Rayne from I664 to I674· Here
church, supposed to have been built temp. Henry II. are the extensive works of Mr. C. S. Blyth, agricultural
was once famous for an altar and chapel in the south implement maker and iron founder and makers of
aisle, erected in honour of the Blessed Virgin: of the ploughs, root graters ana steerage horse hoes ; these
present struoture t<he t<Jwer is by far the most ancient works give employment to a great num her of hands : on
part: the stained east window was inserted atoout I8S8 the Pods brook is a. corn mill. The interest of £,I67, left
by the present rect'Or, to fue memory of his brother, and by Mr. Ralph PoNey of this parish, in August, 1831, is
there are other memorial windows, besides several mural distributed in bread. The principal landowners are the
monuments and a large brass, with arms, to the Capel Earl of Essex, who is also lord of the manor, and G. A.
family: there were interred here Sir Giles Oapel kt. ob. Brunwin esq. '!·he soil is loam and mixed soil; subsoil,
I556, a distinguished leader at the sieges of Terrouenne clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
and T'Ournay, and the battle gf Spurs, all in I5I3, and to peas and beans and grass. The area is I,676 acres;
his wife; Sir Edward CaiJel kt. ob. I577 and his daughter rateruble vruue, £,r,785; the populaof:i'Ofi in 1891 was 402.
Grace, ob. 1587; Sir Henry Oapel kt. ob. 1588 and Parislb. Clerk, Samuel Hance.
Kafuerine (Manners) his wife, daughter of Thomas, Ist Pos<t, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Expres-s Delivery & Annuity
Earl of Rutland K.G.; Henry ilipel esq. I6IS and & Insurance Office. Thomas Hawkes, sub-postmaster.
Thomas, 8'0n of Sir Arthur Oapel, r62I: there is also a Letters arrive by cart from Braintree at 5·5 & II.25
brass wit'h arms and inscriptio<m to Lady Manners, ob. a.m.; dispatched at 3-IS & 6.45 p.m.; & sunday, 6.45
I572: in I867 the chancel was restored and the vestry p.m
enlarged, and in I884 the church was entirely resewted, A. School Board of 5 members for the united parishes of
the windows newly glazed and the bells rehung, by sub- Felstead & Rayne was formed 6 Oct. 1877 ; ihe child-
scl'liptlion. The register dates from the year I558. The ren of this place attend the school in Felstead parish
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-ciharge £,380, with Railway Statil(m, William Sawyer, stwtion master
Tabor Miss, Rayne place Groves Jn. coal mer. Railway stat.;
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Woodward Francis Spooner, Leyfields & at Braintree; Yeldham & Dunmow
Blyth C. S Hawkes Thos. grocr.& drpr.Post office
Brunwin George Alfred, Haverings COMMERCIAL. Hayes Archibald W. frmr. Goulds fm
Clark .A.ugustus, The Ferns Arber William, baker & grocer Horsburgh Alexander, Black Swan P.H
Clark George, Medley house Bloomfield William, beer retailer Mortier Francis, farmer, Gatwards fm
Dales John T. Cyprus house Blyth C. S. iron founder & agricul- Newman T. H. & Son, auctioneers &
Dyer John tural implement maker; speciali- estate agents; & at Braintree
Gormley H. P. Old hall ties, Rayne ploughs, root graters Overell Alfred, Cherry Tree P.H
Hemming Rev. William Spence M.A. & prize steerage horse hoes Potter Joseph (Mrs.), blacksmith
(rural dean & surrogate), Rectory Belsham Isaac & Son, coal merchants, Richardson Arthur, bricklayer
Jones Miss, The Laurels Railway station; & at Braintree Richardson Fredk. frmr. Mounts frm
Livermore Misses Brock Jn. builder & farmer, The Firs Richardson James, boot maker
Livermore Mrs. William Brunwin George Alfred, farmer & Scruby Hy. Thos. frmr. Rayne hall
Newman Misses landowner, Haverings Thompson Peter, thatcher, New road
Newman Thomas Harry, The Elms Cornell William, boot maker Tofts John, miller (water)
Rolfe Miss Davidson John, farmer, Broadfields Walford Alfred & Co. coal merchants.
Rolfe Daniel C. Grove cottage Fuller William, baker & beer retailer Railway station; & at Brain tree
RETTENDON, in Domesday "Ratendune," is a parish the canopy, under which are displayed the family arms
and scattered village, a portion of which is on the river and military trophies and various ornaments : this
Crouch, and known a:; ' Battles Bridge," is supposed to Edmund Hnmfrey died a bachelor, I2 June, I727, ret.
have been so named from an engagement fought here 53, leaving all his estate here to ·william Fytche esq.
between Edmund Ironside and Canute the Dane, on St. of Danbury Place : there are brasses in the floor to
Luke's Day, I8th October, roi6. The Crouch, here Richard Cannon esq. a benefaetor to the parish, ob. 20
spanned by an iron bridge on brick piers, erected in December, I6os, and to Richard Humfrey, gent. half-
I872-3, is navigable up to this point for barges and brother to Richard Cannon esq. whom the said Richard
small craft, and there are extensive stores and wharves. Cannon made his heir, ob. 21 December, I6o7; and to his
Rettendon, which belonged in 673 to a nunnery in the three sons, Richard, ·william and Edmund : there is also
Isle of Ely, is on the high road from Chelmsford to the brass of a civilian and two wives, c. I540, with 3
Rochford, 9 miles south-east from Chelmsford, 5 north- sons and 4 daughters ; a 3rd wife, some children and
west from Rayleigh, 32 from London by road and 9 inscription missmg: the panels of the pulpit and reading
north-west from Rochford, in the Mid division of the desk and the front of one of the benches are filled with
county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, carved oak tracery, probably fragments of the old rood
union and county court district, rural deanery of Dan- screen : the north aisle has been at some period extended
bury, archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of St. Alban's. eastward, and has over it a building, probably once
Battles Bridge station on the Maldon and Soutbminster occupied by a recluse. The register dates from the year-
branch of the Great Eastern railway is about I mile I678. The living- is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge
south. The church of All Saints is an edifice of rubble £,632 ; net yeady vahw £,483, with 86 acres of glebe
in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and
north aisle, !'Outh porch and an embattled western tower held since I887 by the Rev. Thomas Calthrop Webster-
with conical tiled roof and containing 5 bells ; the 11. .A. of Trinity College, Cambrid~e. There is a church
chancel retains a piscina and sedilia, and several of the mission room at Rettendon Common, and Congregational
benches have carved oak finials with badges, including chapels at Battles Bridge and Rettendon Common. The-
the "Bear and Ragged Staff" and "Eagle and Child": charities include £,10 from Cannon's charity, noticed
here also is a sumptuous marble monument to Edmund under West Hanningfield; the poor widows of Rettendon
Humfrey esq. with his effigy reclining on a slab and tlie have also a yearly rent-charge of 40s. out of Helmon"s
right hand resting on an open book; at the back part farm at West Hanningfield, left by Ann Humfrey; the
of the tomb are two full-length figures on an ample other portion of the charity consists of IO acres of land.
Pedestal of white marL1e; on the right a man in armour given by an unkno"n lady, and is let for £10 yearly.
and on the left a female : two Corinthian pillars support A sum of £,zo, left by Edmund Humphrey esq. out of
Rettendon Place farm, for educational purposes, was Post Office, Rettendo:a Common.-Mrs. Katherine Jen-
allowed to accumulate and a school was built early in kins, sub-postmistress. Letters received through
the century; on the passing of the "Education Act, Chelmsford; delivered at 6 a. m. ; dispatched at 7·45
1873 " the building was sold and the proceeds invested p.m. The nearest money order office is at Battles
in Consols; for some years the fees of certain scholars Bridge & telegraph office at Wickford
were paid to the School Board; the use of the building, Wall Letter Box, Rettendon turnpike cleared at 10 a.m.
purchased by W. W. M. Meeson esq. is granted by him & 6.30 p.m.; sunday 10.30 a.m
to the parish as a reading room. The New England Co. Police Station, Rettendon, Arthur B. Claxton, acting
the trustees of Madame Villafranca, the Wedd & Forster sergeant in charge
trustees, Oxtord Umver8ity, the representatives of T. A School Boa.rd of 5 members was formed 10 May, 1875,
E. Rutledge, Mrs. Raincock, ChrisLopher Parker esq. W. W. Duffield, Chelmsford, clerk to the board; James
Egham Charity Board. Major Spitty, and W. M. Meeson Frederick Oddy, attendance officer
esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy; Board School (mixed), erected, with master's residence,
the subsoil, clay; producing excellent crops ot wheat and in 1877, for 150 children; average attendance, 93;
beans. The area is 3,884 acres of land and so water; Charles J. Langley, master; Mrs. Langley, infants'
rateable value, [3,820; the population in 1891 was 758. mistress
Parish Clerk, Joseph Jones. Assistant Overseer, Spencer George Pavitt
Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Railway Station, Battles Bridge, Alfred Adolphus Edwd.
Battles Bridge (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Stannard, station master
Essex added.-W. L. Pitts, postmaster. Letters de- Carrier to Chelmsford. John Brand, from Rayleigh,
livered at 7 & I I a.m. dispatched 7.30 & 10.25 p.m. passes through here for Chelmsford tuesday & friday,
Wickford is the nearest telegraph office returning same day
RETTENDON. Clark William, wheelwright BATTLES BRIDGE.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1Gilbey John, beer retailer Moat Ethelbert, Mill house
Gale Mrs. Brick house Green Thos. Bell P.H. Rettendon Com Newton Montague P. Marine lodge
Hughes William S. licensed lay reader, Harr.od William, beer retailer Benson Mary (Mrs.)~ shopkpr. & bakr
The Common JarVIs Samuel, shopkeeper Gray Charles Harrison, maltster
Meeson Wm. Merryfield, Rettendon pl Key George, beer retailer . Key George, beer retailer
Newburn Chilton Wm. Rettendon hall Mott Charles, farme:, Rawhngs Mann Emma (Mrs.), Hawk P.H. &
Pavitt William Spencer Oddy James Fredenck, boot maker farmer
Perry J ames A. H. Rettendon commn & . schoo~ ~ttendance officer, T~e Corn Meeson Arthur, hay & straw mer-
Steele Miss Brick house PaVItt Wilham Spencer, architect & chant, Wharf
Webster R;v. Thomas Calthrop M.A. .surveyor & assistant overseer Meeson William Merryfield, corn mer-
The Rectory Rettendon & District Horticultural So- chant & miller (water & steam)
-ciety; Charles J. Langley, hon sec Meeson William Taylor, coal & lime
COMMERCIAL~ Smith James, farmer, Mill hall merchant & landowner
Bass Daniel, farmer (res. Hockley) Technical Instruction Class; Chas. Pepper S. (Mrs.), baker
Bell Waiter Charles, farmer, Little J. Langley, see Pitts William Lawrence, grocer,
Haye's farm Thomason Charles, farmer, Pound fm draper & postmaster
Brown William Joseph, blacksmith Wright James, farmer, Curds farm Saunders Charles, beer retailer
RICKLING is a village and parish, 2! miles south- Oxford; the Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the impro-
west from Newport station on the Cambridge section of priators of the great tithes. There is a small place of
the Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west from Saffron worship belonging to the Congregationalists. The Quen-
Walden, 6 north from Bishop's Stortford and 38 from don and Rickling Coffee and Reading Room was erected
London, in the Northern division of the county, Uttles- by subscriptions in 1885. Rickling Hall, an ancient
ford hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, building and now a farm house, stands about three-
union and county court district and an the rural quarters of a mile from the church and originally formed
deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and a quadrangle, with an embattled gateway and was once
diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a surrounded by a moat. Captain Inglis, who is lord of
building of :flint, with stone dressings, in the Early the manor, Francis Savile Harry Judd esq. James Laird
English style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, esq. and the Governors of Christ's Hospital, are the
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower principal landowners. The soil is mixed, heavy and
containing 5 bells : a carved oak reredos, of Flemish light; subsoil, gravel and clay. The crops are generally
work, was erected in 1879, and a very beautiful oak on the four-course system. The area is 1,330 acres;
screen separates the chancel and nave: the lancet rateable value, [1,657; the population in 1891 was 375·
windows contain very fine glass of the 12th century: Parish Clerk, Waiter Banks.

there are two ancient tombs, one on either si~~ of the Letters through Newport S.O. The nearest money order
chancel, t"} the de Walden and de Langley families, and & telegraph office is at Quendon
to T_ho~as Langley, ob. 2° Feb. 147° ;_ the carved ?ak Police Station, RicklinO' Green Sergeant George Lowe,
-pulpit IS of the 14th century and there 1s also an anCient in charge o '
carved font: the interior was restored in 1865 and a new . . .
roof to the chancel was placed in 1as 9. The register NatiOnal School (mixe~), erecte~ m. 1873, at a cost of
dates from the year 166o. The living is a vicarage; £ I,ooo~ for the panshes of Rwkling & Quendon, for
average tithe rent-charge £ 96, gross yearly value £ 74 , 130 children; average attex:dance, 90; John Ardley,
including 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of master ; Mrs. M. Ardley, mistress
the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1894 by the Carrier. William Gray, to Bishop's Stortford, tuesday,
Bev. Waiter Landon-Smith M.A. of Worcester College, thurs. & sat.; to Saffron Walden, mon. wed. & fri
Ardley John, Rickling green Bunten Latimer Archer, Coach & Palmer John, farm bailiff to Francis
.Tudd Francis Savile Harry B.A., J.P. Horses P.H Savile Harry Judd esq. Rickling grn
Rickling green Godefroy Samuel David, farmer & Perring Waiter, grocer & baker
Laird James, Church end assessor of taxes Pratchett Thomas. Edward, coal &
Landon-Smith Rev. Waiter M.A. Gray William, carrier corn merchant
Vicarage Hayden Charles, blacksmith, Rick- Quendon & Rickling Coffee & Reading
Scantlebury Jabez, Rickling hall ling green Room; James Sawston, caretaker
Stephens Cecil James, J.P. The Views Hayden Owen, beer retailer Reynolds William, butcher
COMMERCIAL. Herring Jn. wheelwright, Rickling grn Scantlebury Jabez, farmer, Rick-
Banks Waiter, parish clerk La.ird James, farmer & landowner, ling hall
Blamphin Thos. Cricketers' Arms P.H Church end Smith Jack, bricklayer
Bright John, gamekeeper to Cecil Patmore William, ca.ttle dealer & far- Wright Wm. shoe mkr. Quendon st
Jas. Stephens esq. J.P. Rickling grn mer, Bury farm, Rickling green
RIDGWELL, or Ridgewell, is an ancient village and rural deanery of Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester
pari11h on the high road from Colchester to Cambridge, and diocese of St. Albans : near the church is a fine
2! miles south-east from Birdbrook and 3 miles north- spring, or well, which, with the Ridgeway, gives the
west from Yeldham stations on the Colne Valley railway, place its name; the river Colne rises in this parish, and
2 south-east from Stoke station on the Great Eastern in the centre of the village is a green. The church of
railway, 4 miles south-west from Clare, 5 south-east St. Lawrence is a building covered with plaster in the
from Haverhill and 10 north-west from Halstead: it is Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, with north
in the Northern rlivision of the county, Hinckford aisle, nave of four bays, with clerestory, south porch
hundred, North Hinckford petty sessional division, Hal- and an embattled western tower, containing a clock and
Jtead union- Raverhill county court district anJ in the 5 bells: there are a piscina and sedilia in the chancel,
which is divided from the nave by the remains of a fine Hornor, of the Howe, Halstead, are the chief lando\\ners.
oak screen: the pulpit is late Jacobean: the staircase to The soil is loam, clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. The
the rood loft still exists and is entered through the chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,724
north aisle: the church was restored in the year 1871; acres; rateable value, £1,716; the population in 1891
there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the was 550.
year 1562. The living is a discharged vicarage; average Parish Clerk, Cyril Smee.
tithe rent-charge £103; gross yearly value [220; net Post Office.-Henry .A.shplant, sub-postmaster. Letters
£161, including 140 acres of glebe, with residence, in the arrive from Halstead (per mail cart) at 7 a.m. & 6.5
gift of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, and held since p.m. (for callers only) from Haverhill (Suffolk); dis·
1891 by the Rev. Rupert St. Leger B.A. of that college. patched at 6.15 a.m. via Haverhill & 6.5 p.m. via
Here is a Congregational chapel, rebuilt in 1859 and Halstead. The nearest money order office is at Great
$eating 6oo. Many Roman and Welsh coins and antiqui- Yeldham & telegraph office at Birdbrook Railwsy
ties and the foundations of a Roman villa have been station. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
found here. In 1318 Ridgwell had a market and fair. National School (mixed), built in 1865 & enlarged in
'The ~Iaster and Fellows of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1872, for 120 children: average att€ndance, go; Miss
who are lords of the manor, St. Catharine's and Queens' Elizabeth Dockerill, mistress
Colleges, Cambridge, Lewis John Way esq. and Mrs. County Police Station, Alfred Watson, constable
Anderson Rev. Isaac (Congregational) Burgess William, farmer & assistant Laver John Hy. King's Head P.H
:Boldro John Joseph, Ridgwell hall overseer, Little Meadow end Mann Nethaniah, farmer & thatcher
Chaplin William Mornington, Town ho Chaplin Jsph. C. millr. (wind & steam) Mitson Moses, beer retailer & bNt
Cock Joseph T. Sunnyside Chaplin Richard Hawes, farmer & repairer
St. Leger Rev. Rupert B.A. Vicarge corn merchant, Three Chimneys Moore John Henry, boot maker
Choat Benjamin, bricklayer & farmer Reeve Frederick Richard, farmer &;;
COMMEROIAL. Clark Charles, beer retailer & baker horse dealer
.A.shplant Henry, grocer & draper, Clarke Robert, beer retailer Richardson John, shopkeeper
Post office Cole Charles, higgler Smith Ambrose,blacksmith & machnst
Ilarnard Waiter, farmer & carter Cole Thomas, higgler Steed James, plumber & painter
:Barrett Ernest, farm bailiff to Mr. Cooper Joseph, farmer Ward David, wheelwright & blacksmth
Horner Eade William Harry, carpenter, Rich- Ward Robert, carpenter
Illandon Robert Colum, butcher mond house Wilson Edward, tailor & draper
:Boldro John Joseph, farmer, Ridg- Horner .A.nnie (Mrs.), farmer, Hill Wing Alfred, farmer, Gt. Meadow end
well hall Kindred Arthr. beer retlr. & shopkpr, "Winters Thomas, farmer, Essex hall
ltlVENHALL is an ancient parish on the Crossing in length: over this is a stone bridge of three arches by
brook, 2 miles north from Witham Junction station on which the mansion is approached from the south; it is
the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 8 south-east the property of the Western fa.mily and is now in the
from Braintree and 39 from London, in the Eastern occupation of Mrs. Steele. The parish comprises five
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi- manors; Sir Thomas C. C. Western hart. is the principal
swn of Witham, Bramtree union and county court dis- landowner and lord of the manors. The land is prin·
trict, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Col- cipally arable; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
chester, and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St.. barley, turnips and beans. The area is 3,589 acres of
Mary and All Saints is an edifice of rubble and stucco, land and 12 water; rateable value, £5,318; the popula-
in a modern Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, tion in 1891 was 656.
south porch and an embattled western tower with pin- Parish Clerk, Joseph Springett
Jlacles containing one bell: it was restored in 1839-40 Post Office, Rivenhall.-Elijah Rayner, sub-postmaster.
and re-pewed in 1878: the east window is enriched with Letters received through Witham at 6.45 a.m.; dis·
ancient stained glass, obtained from Normandy by the patched at 7·5 p.m.; sundays, 12 noon. Witham is
Rev. Bradford Denne Hawkins M. .A.. late rector 1853-82, the nearest money order office & Rivenhall End the
and presented by him : there is a very fine monument to nearest telegraph office
Sir Ralph Wiseman kt. and his lady, dated 1594, and Post & Telegraph Office, Rivenhall End.-Frederick Sprin-
several costly tombs to members of the Western family, gett, sub-postmaster. Letters received through Wit-
including that of William Western esq. d. 22 Sept. 1729. ham at 7.10 a.m. & 2.40 p.m.; dispatched at 0.55
'The register dates from the year 1639. The living is a p.m. ; sundays arrive 7.50 a.m. ; dispatched at 11.40
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £710, net yearly value a.m. Witham is the nearest money order office.
£6oo, with residence and 136 acres of glebe, in the gift Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Qf Sir T. C. C. Western hart. and held since 1882 by Wall Letter Box, Silver End, at the side of the Western
the Rev. Frederick Bealey Hanson Bridges M.A. of Arms P.H.; cleared at 5 p.m. week days only. The
'Trinity College, Cambridge. The rectory is situated in nearest money order office is at Witham
its own grounds, I mile south-west of the church. .A. National School (mixed), built in 1855 & enlarged in
Workmen's Hall was erected in 1870. There are charities 1873, for 120 children; average attendance, 66; George
amounting to £r6, for fuel, left in r654 by Sir Thomas L. Keep, master
Wiseman and in 1784 by William Bollan. The remains Carriers to:-
Qf a Roman villa were found near the church in the year Chelmsford-Charles & Edward Moore, on mon. tues.
1846, and at that date a tesselated pavement could be thurs. fri. & sat
traced for four hundred yards. Rivenhall Place is a London-Pudney's wagon passes through Rivenhall End
-rectangular mansion standing on rising ground in a park from Coggeshall, to the 'India Arms,' Leadenhall
of 100 acr s, containing ornamental water about 500 yards street, mon. tues. & fri. returning wed. thurs. & sunday
llridges Rev. Frederick Ilealey Han- Birkin Henry, farmer, Egypt farm Rudland Reuben, blacksmith
son M . .A.. Rectory Block John, Prince of Wales P.H Smith Joseph, farmer, Park gates &;
Cullen James, Rivenhall End Bott. ·william Henry, farmer,Hall frm Place farm •
"Ruggles-Brise ~..rchibald Weyland Bull Joseph (Mrs.), shopkeeper Speakman Thomas, farmer
D.L., J.P. Durwards Butler George, boot maker Suckamore Eli, farm bailiff to Joseph
Steele Mrs. Rivenhall Place Cutts Eliza (Miss), grocer Wakelin, Sloverns hall
Taber George, Rivenhall End Dudley RobE:rt, beer retailer & carter Taber James, jun. farmer, Hoo hall
Beckwith Joseph, farmer, White- Hammond Charles, baker Tunbridge Fredk. farmer, Park pales
head's farm King Josiah, wheelwright Upson Robert, farmer, Boar sty
Eeckwith Joseph Ilrand, Western Polley John, farmer, Springholds Wager William, Fox P.H
Arms P.H. & blacksmith Roche Thomas, commercial traveller Workmen's Hall (Geo. Tabe~, hon.sec)
:ROCHFORD is an ancient and 1mion town on the approached from the west through nu avenue of upwards
small river Roche, a confluent of the Crouch, with a of a mile in length, lined with elm and oak trees of
station on the Great Eastern railway extension from singular beauty, planted by Sir James Tilney: it is
Shenfield to Southend, and is 40 miles from London, 12 lighted with gas and supplied with water from the river
south from Maldon, 19l south-east from Chelmsford, 6 and springs, and there are two artesian wells of con-
east from Rayleigh, and 4 north from Southend, in the siderable depth. The Roche is crossed by two bridges.
South Eastern division of the county, petty sessional divi- and is navigable for vessels of considerable burthen to
sion and hundred of its name, Southend county court Broomhills, within a mile of the town. The church of St.
district, and in the rural deanery of Rochford, arch- Andrew, situated about a quaiter of a mile from the
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St . .A.lbans. The t<>wn town, is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style,
consists of four paved streets of irregular houses, and is consisting of chancel, p.ave, aisles, vestry, south porch

. ESSEX 18*

and a lofty embattled western tower of brick, containing tion of the union in 1891 was 30,271; area, 63,133
3 bells: this tower was built, it is said, by Robert Lord acres; rateable value in 1892 £175,676
Rich, but bears the Boteler arms, which favours the Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Committee, Frederic.
belief that it was erected by the Butler family, Marquesses Gregson M.A. Southend
of Ormonde: there is a brass to Maria Dilcok, ob. 1514: Treasurer, W. M. Tufnell, Chelmsford
the church was restored and reseated in 1862, and three Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, 1st·
stained windows inserted in the chancel, and in 1887 the district, Henry Wing, Southend; 2nd district, John
east window was filled with stained glass and a memorial Pryse Williams, Rayleigh
window has been erected to Miss Armitage; the parish- Vaccination Officers, Edward Mortlock Kemp. Southend;
ioners presented the oak lectern. The register dates John Pryse Williams, R.ay:teigh & Henry Wing,.
from the year 1678. The living is a rectory, average Southend
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £453, with house Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Hadleigh district..
and glebe of 65 acres, in the gift of the Earl Cowley, and Francis Dorrell Grayson, Rayleigh; Leigh district,
held since 1862 by the Rev. Benjamin Cot.ton M.A. of Charles Stanley Kirton L.R.C.P. Lond. Leigh; Prit-
Trinity College, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel, tlewell district, George Davidson Deeping L.R.C.P.
in North street, was erected in 1740: in 1890 it was re- Lond. Southend; Rayleigh district, Francis Dorrell
seated at a cost of £8o and has_ now 400 sittings; the Grayson, Rayleigh ; Rochford district; Lewis Leon
Wesleyan chapel was built 1881 and will seat 250. A James L.R.C.P. Edin. South street, Rochford; Waker-
market is held on Thursdays for the sale of corn, sheep, ing district, William Augustus Raper M.D. Grea1;.
cattle, pigs and horses, and there are fortnightly sales of Wakering
stock by Mr. Thomas William Offin. There is a police Superintendent Registrar, William Gregson, Southend~·
station and two banks. A Corn Exchange was built in deputy, Frederic Gregson M.A. Southend
1866, at a cost of £r,ooo, by a limited company. The Registrar of Marriages, William Carter Wood, Rochford;
court house, erected in 1859, at a cost of nearly £3,ooo, deputy, A. L. Harrington, Rochford
is not now used for County Court business, which has Registrars of Births & Deaths, Pritlewell sub-district,.
been transferred to Southend. The almshouses were George Bigsby. Park terrace, Southend; deputy, A.
founded by Robert Rich, first Earl of Warwick of that Buries, Southend; Rayleigh sub-district, J. P. Wil-
name, who died in r6r8, for six poor people: there are liams, Rayleigh; deputy, Mrs. Sarah Williams, Ray-
other charities, producing £so yearly. In this district leigh ; Rochford sub-district, Lewis Le on J ames L.R. C.P.
is held the "Lawless or Whispering Court," a tribunal Edin. South street, Rochford; deputy, Miss James,.
established in pursuance of a singular manorial tenure : Rochford; Wakering sub-district, William Augustus.
the court is held in the open air on King's Hill, adjoining Raper M.D. Great Wakering; deputy, Will.iam Coupe,
the town, on the midnight of the first Wednesday after South Shoebury
Old Michaelmas day or between that time and cock- Workho~se, a. structure of brick, erected in 1837 for
crowing ; the steward opens the court in as low a voice 294 inmates, at a cost of £s,ooo; R. F. Moss, master;
as possible, nevertheless all absentees are to be heavily Rev. Andrew Bredin B.A. chaplain; Lewis Leon_
fined and submit to other forfeits : the whole business is James L.R.C.P. Edin. medical officer; Mrs. Moss,
transacted in whispers, minutes being made with a piece matron
of charcoal in place of pen and ink. Rochford Hall is Rural Sanitary Authority. •
part only of the old mansion, formerly the abode and Meets on alternate tuesdays at the Workhouse.
birthplace of Queen Anne Boleyn and of Robert, 3rd Clerk, Frederic Gregson M.A. Southend
baron Rich, created (6 Aug. 1618) Earl of Warwick; it Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
is the property of James Tabor esq. and is occupied by Medical Officer of Health, George Davidson Deeping
a farm bailiff. Rochford Lawn is the residence of Major L.R.C.P. Lond. Southend
Arthur Christian Tawke J.P. James Tabor esq. J.P. of Sanitary Inspector, C. E. Judd, Rayleigh
New Hall, Sutton, is lord of the manor, and William
Taylor Meeson and James Tabor are the principal School Attendance Committee.
landowners. The neighbouring country is a rich tract of Meets on 4th tuesday in every month at the Workhouse~
land and well adapted for corn, which is mostly shipped Clerk, Frederic Gregson M.A. Southend
for the London market. The area is 1,855 acres; rate- Attendance Officer, C. E. Judd, Rayleigh
able value, £5,947; the population in 1891 was 1,612,
including 173 officers and inmates of workhouse. Public Establishments.
Corn J<:xchange Co. W. Carter Wood, sec. & manager
Parish Clerk, Thomas Robert Hunt. Police Station, Inspector George Chase & 2 constables
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .!.nnuity & Insurance Office Stamp Office, Frederick Walter Francis, sub-distributor
(Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added.)- Masonic Lodge (No. r6o, True Friendship), Old Ship inn,..
Frederick Waiter Francis, postmaster. Letters arrive tuesday on or before full moon, January to June &.
from Chelmsford by mail cart at 4.30 a.m.; dispatched September to December, 7.30 p.m.; Alfred Joseph.
to Southend, Little Wakering, Southchurch & Shoebury Arthy, sec
Fort at 4·35 a.m.; dispatched to Barling, Paglesham, Public Officers.
Canewdon, Sutton, Shopland, Stambridge (Great and Certifying Factory Surgeon, Lewis Leon James L.R.C.S.
Little), Eastwood, Ashington, S. Fambridge & Hawk- & L.R.C.P. Edin. South street
well at 6 a.m. First delivery of letters at 7 a.m. ; Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes & to the County
second delivery at 10 a.m. ; third delivery 6 p.m. ; Magistrates for Rochford Petty Sessional Division,
first dispatch for London, box closes at 8.15 a.m. ; Alfred J oseph Arthy
general dispatch to London & all parts, box closes at Collector of Rates & Taxes, William Carter Wood
7.15 a.m. 1.30, 5.30 & 7·35 p.m. Money order & Sub-distributor of Stamps, Frederick Waiter Francis
savings bank open from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. Wall Letter Town Crier, William Howe
Box, Stroud Green, cleared at 6.15 p.m A School Board of 5 members was formed 29 Jan. 1873',
Rochford Union. with Eastwood made contributory 24 Feb. 1871, elect-
ing 2 members ; William Gregson, clerk to the board;
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at the Workhouse, 11 a.m A. Cook, Rayleigh, attendance officer
Rochford Union comprises the following places, viz:- Board School, built in 1877, at a cost of about £4,ooo,
Ashingdon, Barling, Canewdon, Canvey Island, East- for 300 children ; average attendance, 95 boys, 103 girls,
wood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great Wakering, & 114 infants; Thomas Histed, master; (girls),
Hadleigh, Havengore, Hawkwell, Hockley, Leigh, Little Miss Freeman, mistress; Miss Sarah Coley, infant&
Stambridge, Little Wakering, North Shoebury, Pagle- mistress
sham, Prittlewell, Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford.. Shop- Railway Station, William Reeve, station master
land, South Benfleet, Southchurch, South Fambridge, Carrier to Southend-on-Sea.-Daniel Harvey, daily, 8.30"
South Shoebury, Sutton & Thundersley. The popula- a.m. returning xo a.m. from ' Old Ship '
"PRIVATE RESIDENTS. James Lewis Leon, South street Tawke Maj. Christian Arthur J.P ~
Arthy Alfred Joseph Macartney Lieut.-Col. Arthur Suther- The Lawn
Cotton Rev. Benjamin M.A. Rectory land, Acacia house Wallis Arthur, Sydenham house
Francis Frederick Waiter Matthews William Henry, Church st ·wiseman Mrs. Glenmore ho. East st
Hadley Rev. Adolphus Albert William Playle Sidney, South street Wood Mrs. South street
(curate) Potter Thomas John, North street Young Robert M.B. North street
Herbert Rev. Charles Benjamin (Con- Rankin Hugh, Sout.h street
gregational) Rumsey Herbert Arthur, Eaton villa COMMERCIAL.
Jackson Edward, The Lavenders Simmons Mrs. Vine cottage Alien John & "\Valter, builders & un-
Jackson Edward Trotter, Church st Topsfield Henry Perry, South street dertakers, East street
bthy Alfred Joseph, solicitor, & Hedgecock Jn.boot &:; shoema.South st Richmond Waiter Jsph. mast.mariner
clerk to commissioners of taxes & Hockley Wm. Walter,tailor,Church st Rochford Choral Society (Waiter
m the magistrates for Rochforrl Hornsby Wm. cab proprietor, Square Alien, sec)
petty sessional division Howard Thos. Francis, baker,South st Rutterford Jas. butcher, The Square
Asbey Eliza (Mrs.), plumber, glazier Howe Wm. bill poster & town crier Sach Philip, farm bailiff to Charles
& decorator, The Square Hunt Thomas Robert, tailor & parish Tabor esq_
Jlaker William, bay & straw dealer & clerk, Square Scott Henry, confectioner, South st
beer retailer JaC'kson Edward, agent of branch bank, Shelley & Son, grocers, The Square
Earker Albert, Rose & Crown P.H Messrs. Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. of Shirling , grocer, Church street
Jlarnes Waiter, draper, South street Chelmsford Sims James, g1'CCer
Baynes George, shoe maker, East st Johnson Hephzibah (Miss), dress m3 Smith Samuel, baker, Church street
13entall Alfred, plumber & house de- James Lewis Leon L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Smoothy William George, engineer
corator, North street surgeon, & medical officer & public Sorrell William, tinman
"Jlishop Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker, vaccinator for Rochford district & Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (chief
Church street medical officer to workhouse & re- office, Chelmsford) (J'!dward Jack-
_Bishop William, draper & furnishing gistrar of births & deaths for son, agent); draw on Glyn, Mills,
warehouse; & at Southend Rochford sub-district & certifying Currie & Co. London E.C
_Blakeley Henry, farmer, Stroud green factory surgeon, South street Sparrow Hy. Frost, veterinary surgn
Blanks Henry, shoe maker Kemp Nathan, builder, South street Staggs Thomas Lewin, baker
Boatman John, cowkeeper, South st Lewis Charles Frederick, King's Starling Richard,New Ship inn,East st
Jlloomfipld Henry, carter, North st Head inn, South street Stilwell Arthur Finnis, engineer
Jloosey Elijah, florist & nurseryman; Ling David, cabinet maker Stubbs Alfred, farmer, Gusted hall
& at Southend & Eastwood Ling Eliza (Mrs.), baker, North st Tasker George, wheelwright
Bowell Wm. boot & shoe ma.North st London & County Banking Co. Limited Tasker l\Iary Ann (Mrs.), ironmonger
.Erown Henry, grocer, South street (branch) (S. C. Beecroft, manager); Taylor William, King's Head corn-
Carter Morris, watchma. The Square (thursdays only, 2 to 4.30 p.m.), mercial hotel & posting house
.Chase George, inspector of police Square: draw on head office, 21 Thorogood Sophia (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Collis &; Jackamain, furniture dealers, Lombard street, London E C Church street
East street Luker Henry & Co. wine & spirit Thorrington Hy. beer ret.Stroud grn
Corn Exchange Co. (W. Carter Wood, merchants & brewers, Church st Topsfield Arthur, smith, Church st
sec. & manager) McBryer Thomas, saddler, Church st Tunbridge John, farmer &c.Church st
>Crowe Frederick, beer retailer Mann "Henry & Co. grocers, & agents Wade Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner,
Dennis James, farm bailiff to Thomas for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine Church strel'!t
William Offin esq. West Barrow & spirit merchants, Church street Walker John, Old Ship hotel
Hall farm May Robert, greengrocer, Stroud grn Wallis John, boot maker
:Essex Provident Society (David Ling, Meeson William Taylor, farmer & coal Wallis Thomas, boot maker
collector) merchant, Great Doggetts Whitby 'Vm. coffee rooms, South st
.Pordham Charles, butcher, North st Mills Wm. insurance agt. Ship lane Whittingham John & Waiter, coach
Francis Jabez & Sons, printers &c. Mison James, farmer, Stroud green builders & agricultural engineers;
Church street Morley William, apartments, Square & at Southend
Francis Frederick 'Valter, postmaster Moss Francis Joseph, hair dresser Winterbon Geo.linen draper,Church st
& sub-distributor of stamps,Post off Norden Samuel, builder, contractor & Wood, Son & Langton, solicitors; &;
Frost Daniel, confectioner undertaker at Southend
Gas Works (Frederick Hoult, mana- Ofltn Thomas Wllllarn,auctioneer, ·wood George (firm, Wood, Son &
ger; George Wood, sec) land agent & land surveyor; & at Langton), solicitor, clerk of Prittle-
Gladwell Sarah (Mrs.), shpkpr.Ship st Rayleigh well, Wakering United, Stambridge
Golding George, builder Offin Thomas William, jun. auc- United & Eastwood school boards
Goodman Frederick George, saddler & tioneer & land agent & Canewdon charities
harness maker, The Square Palmer William, butcher, South st Wood William, carpenter
Harrington Arthur Lewis. L.D.S. Irel. Playle George, baker, South street Wood William Carter, accountant &
chemist & stationer, & deputy regis- Potter John Starnes, grocer, North st registrar of marriages & collector of
trar of maTriages; & at Southend Quy William & Henry, ironmongers, rates & taxes
Harvey Daniel, beer retailer & -cab South street Woods Geo. Marlborough Head P.H
proprietor, North street Reeve John Robert, farmer, Coombs Young Robert :rvi.B., C.M. physician
lledgecock Emma (Mrs.), fancy re- Reeve William, station master & surgeon, North street
pository, South street
::ROMFORD is an ancient market town and head of a Steward, also for the payment of quit rents. The
petty sessional division, union and county court district, church of St. Edward the Confessor, erected in 1850 on
in the Southern division of the county, seated on the the site of the old parish church, is a building of Kentish
little river Rom, whence it derives its name, on the rag with Bath stone dressings in the Latet; Decorated
higli road from London to Colchester, with a station style, and consists of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles
•on the Great Eastern railway and another on a branch with chapels and an embattled tower on the south side,
·of the London, Tilbury and Southend railway from with a spire 162 feet in height and containing a clock and
Hornchurch, 12 miles from Wbitechapel, 17 south-west 8 bells, dated respectively 1850, 1756, 1704, 1651 and three
from Chelmsford, 7 north-east from Barking and 6 others 1636, one being undated: the east window was
Muth-west from Brentwood: the principal street, in given by Col. Graves in memory of his wife: there is
which the cattle market is held, is a. wide thoroughfare, also a stained window in tihe south aisle to the memory
~f considerable length, running from west to east. The of Edward Ind esq. J.P. d. 1848: in the north aisle of
town is governed by a local board of health of 12 mem- the church is a stately monument, with alabaster effigies
'bers and the parish is divided into four wards, viz. : of himself and his lady in kneeling attitudes, to
Romford Town, Collier Row, Harold's Wood and Noak Sir Anthony Cooke, preceptor to King Edward VI.
Hill, and is lighted with gas from works in Nursery road who died June II, 1576: the Latin inscription on
established in 1825, but since bought by a company, and this monument, enumerating the various members of
Pnlarged in 1889. Water is supplied by the South Essex his family, is supposed to have been furnished by his
Water Company, who derive their supply from Grays. daughters, who were among the learned females of that
Romford was the capital of the liberty of Havering-atte- age : against the south wall of the chancel formerly
Dower until the abolition of the liberty 9 May, 1892 ; this st{)od the fine monument, now in the porch, of Sir
lib€rty comprised the parishes of Hornchurch, Romford Nicholas Hervey of Marks; he had previously been sheriff
and Havering, and had an ancient, peculiar and separate of Essex, 38 Eliz. (1595-6), and was at the time of his
jurisdiction, granted by various chart~rs from the time of death, IOth August, 16o5, lieutenant of the Tower of
Edward the Confessor, whose original grant has since re- London, where he died, but was buried here on the south
·ceived many additions and confirmations: it was inde- side of the chancel, with heraldic honours : there is a
·pendent of the county, appointed its own magistrates, had long inscription in gilt letters on a slab of black marble,
& clerk of the peace, coroner, quarter and petty sessions, to himself, his wife and various members of his family :
<Courts of record and ancient demesne and a county court: previously placed on the south wall of the chancel, im-
:all business relative to the liberty was transacted in the mediately west of the Hervey monument, but now in the
'town of Romford, which has in consequence been ap- porch, is the stat-ely tomb, with her recumbent effigy, of
pointed the head of a petty sessional division. The Anne Carew, raised by her famous son, George, first and
Manorial Court, however, is still in existence, and meets only Baron Carew and eventually Earl of Totnes ; she was
annually on the Tuesday in "\\'bitsun week for the elec- the daughter of Sir Nicholas Hervey knt. and sister of
tion of officers, viz. : High Steward and Deputy High Sir George Hervey knt. dean of Windsor; he died 15th
<Jf June, 1583, and his wife, 27th August, r6o5, ret. 76: son left in 18n, [100 Navy Five per Cent. Annuities,
the church will seat 830 persons. The register dates upon trust to distribute the interest to the necessitous poor
from the year 1561 and is in very good condition. The at Christmas; this sum produces about £3 3s. yearly.
living is nominally a vicarage, but is rather in the nature One Webster by his will gave his housing and appurten-
of a chaplaincy exempt from ecclesiastical jurisdiction, ances called "the Tile Kilns," in Harold's Wood ward,
net yearly value £7oo, with r! acres of glebe and resi- upon trust to pay one moiety of the rents to the church-
dence, in the gift of New College, Oxford, who grant the wardens of Romford and Hornchurch respectively. Lady
vicar what is termed " a lease," and held since r888 by Burleigh's charity, originally £r2o, is now only £wo
the Rev. Francis Edwin Alien M.A. of Exeter College, and is lent to various poor tradesmen, free of interest,
Oxford. St. Andrew's is an ecclesiastical parish formed in sums of £20 each; Palmer's charity amounts to £7
June 12, r863, from ·the mother parish; the church, annually, derived from land in the London road, and is
erected in r863, is a plain building of stone, in the Per- distributed in cash to the poor of the parish at Christ-
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, mas; the proceeds of £wo, bequeathed by the will of
south porch and a western belfry, with spire, containing Thomas Bourne, and now invested in Government stocks,
one bell: there is one stained window in the chancel. is also distributed to the poor at Chris~mas in cash.
The register dates from the year r863. The living was Francis Quarles, the celebrated author of the "Book of
declared a rectory May 4, r866, average tithe rent-charge Emblems," was born in May, 1592, in the old manor-
£w8, net yearly value £185, in the gift of New College, house, called "Stewards," that manor having been the
Oxford, and held since 1891 by the Rev. H. H. Stephens property of the Quarles family since 1588; he was edu-
M.A. of that college. The population in 1891 was 5,466. cated at Christ's College, Cambridge, and became cup-
St. Albans Mission church was built at a cost of £r,3oo, bearer to the Queen of Bohemia and about 1621 was ap-
and opened in Oct. 189?· There is a~so a miss~on ro?m pointed secretary to Archbishop Usher, whom he accom-
(formerly a CongregatiOnal chapel) m connect~on with, panied to Ireland: his resolute adherence to the royal
St. Edward's church. The Catholic chapel, dedicated to i cause during the civil war occasioned him much loss,
St. Edward the Confessor, was e~ected in 18$3, by t_he both of property, books and MSS. and is thoug-ht to have
14th L?rd Petre, and has a stamed_ east wmdow, m- hastened his death, which took place 8th September,
serted m October, r885, as a ~emorml to the late Mr. r644. Gidea Hall, half a mile east of Romford, is the
C. I. Macarthy: the church will seat 300 persons. The joint residence of Mrs. Sulman and Henry Hollebone E:sq.:
Congregatio~al church in South s~reet, opened 01_1 July 'Marshalls, on the north of the town, is the property of
rgth,_ 1877, IS :;t structure of Ke_ntish rag ~tone! m the Mrs. Macintosh and is occupied by Mrs. C. P. Matthews.

Gothic ~tyle, With a'to~er an~ spu~ 66 feet m height and Priests, the property of William Mashiter esq. on the
was bmlt at a _co~t, mcludmg _si~e, of about :[:5,ooo: Havering road, one mile north, is in the oc~upation of
there are 470 sittmgs: the buildmg was considerably Miss Mashiter. Golf links of r8 holes have been formed
?amaged by fire on Easter Sunday, 1883, and re-opened at Gidea Hall. Market gardening, grazing and agricul-
m Novembe~ of the same year;. new Sunday schools to ture form the chief occupations· of the people. The area
hold 350 children have been bmlt, at. a cost of £r,4oo, is 7, 191 acres of land and 33 of water; rateable value,.
~t the rear of the c.h~rch. The Baptist chapel, erected £s6, 4s8; the population of the parish in 1891 was 10,722,
m 1847,. has 400 ~Ittmgs; the new Wesleyan ~h~p.el, of which 5, 256 are attached to the parish church and
erected. m r888, will. se~t 6oo persons; tl~e _Primitive including 32 5 officers and inmates in the workhouse;
Methodist chapel, bmlt m 1875, has 300 Sittmgs; the and of the Local Board district in 18gr 8 733·,
Salvation Army holds its meetings in the old Wesleyan _ . ' .' .
chapel. The old Cemetery is on the High road, to the COLLIER ROW (Hamault Forest) IS a VIllage z
east of the town. The Corn Exchange, in the High street, miles north-west. The chapel of the Ascension is an
is private property, but is let for public meetings and edifice of red brick, erected at a cost of £2,ooo, de-
concerts; the large hall will hold 400 persons. The Lee- frayed by subscriptions, and consists of a ~hancel, nave,.
ture hall of the Congregational schools is let for similar south porch and a central bell-cot containmg one bell:
purposes. The Public hall in South street, also private there are sitti~gs for 350 _p~rsons. ~ere is &so a.
property, was erected in 1886 and will seat 350 persons. news and readmg room, ongmally bmlt at the sole
The Police Station in South street was erected in r8g 3, cost of E. Conder esq. but now supported by, and under
There are two Volunteer fire brigades: The Brewery bri- the management of, the members.
gade, superintendent J. Packer, and the Town brigade, HARE STREET is a village r mile north-east on th~
formed in r8go, captain S. Davis. The Coach and Bell, highway to Brentwood.
an ancient house, •in High street, has been a li-
censed house since the year r6oo. The Market NOAK HILL, 4 miles north-east, is a village r mile
place and tolls were taken over by the local north by field path from Harold Wood station. The church
board in r8g2, previous to this time they belonged to of St. Thomas, a chapel of ease, is an edifice of brick
the manor. A market for cattle and corn, one of the with stone dressings, in the Early English style, erected
largest round London, is held every Wednesday. Here in 1841-2 at the desire of Frances Caroline, wife of Sir
is the extensive brewing establishment of Messrs. Ind, Thomas Neave bart. of Dagnam park, who died 14 April,
Coope and Co. Limited; also two branch banks and a 1835, and consists of chancel, nave and a tower on south
Church Institute and a Young Men's Institute. Here side containing one bell : it was consecrated Oct. 29th.
are the head quarters of the No. 8 battery of the rst 1842, by Charles James, Lord Bishop of London and
Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal Ar- contains some fine stained glass of ancient date. Dag-
tillery, and of the A and B companies of the 1st Volun- nam park, an extensive domain, is the seat of the RoiL
teer Battalion of the Essex Regiment. A Drill hall of Lady .1.'leave.
corrug~ted iron was erected in r885 in Laurie square, RO~IFORD COMMON is a hamlet of scattered houses
by MaJor ~enry Holmes, at a cost. of. £3°0• an~ pre- 1 commencing about 2 miles north-east.
sented by him to the battery. A drmking fountam was . .
erected in the Market place in June, r885, as a testimony RUSH GREEN 1s _a hamlet I mile south-west. _A
of esteem to the l~te 9· I. Macarthy ~rom his fello_w Cemetery, abo_u~ I mile . from the town! was ope~e~ m
townsmen. The Vwtona Cottage Hospital, erect.ed m 0 ctober, 1871. It compnses 5 12 acres with an a~dltwnal
r888, was recently (r8g 4) enlarged, and now contams 12 3 2 acres reserved, but at present used for agricultural
beds and 2 cots. Charities : Roger Reede, of Havering, purposes.: ~here are two mortuary chapels ~nd a porter's
by will dated 14th February, 148 2, left his "new built l~dge; 1t Is under the control of a Burial Board ?f
place in Jay's Mead, otherwise called Hoo Croft," for five nme. members, who also keep the old cemetery m
poor men: these were rebuilt in 1784 and are now repair.
six almshouses for men and two for widows: one alms- SQURRELS HEA.TH is a village 1 mile east. The
man, who keeps the accounts and preserves order, is chapel of All Saints is a wooden building on a brick
called "the ruler," and receives £35 yearly, the other foundation, erected on land given by Mr. Alfred Savile
men £26, the widows £2o; all being supplied with at a cost of £504, defrayed by subscriptions: it con-
clothes, coals and medical aid: clothes are distributed sists of chancel, nave and a bell cot containing one bell,
from the surplus to the poor of Romford, Hornchurch and was dedicated Aug. 3rd, r88 4, by the Lord Bishop
and Dagenham. Robert Ballard, in r66o, devised two of Colchester: a vestry and parish room were added
houses in_ Romford to .t~e churchwardens, for the repair in r8g 2 : the church will seat 240 persons. Th~ South
of the highways. Wllham Armstead, of Hornchurch, Essex Waterworks Co. have a reservoir here and there-
gave to the poor of_ R~mford {,2, arising from a farm at is a factory belonging to the Great Eastern Railway
Hay Green, and distnb~ted m bread and money; and Co. in which about wo persons are employed in the
Andrew Reynolds, by will d~ted October t:th, 1626, £3, making of sheets, horse cloths, sacks &c. and in the pre-
also as a rent-charge. Lew1s Betts, by will dated r8th paration of forage and horse provender.
December, r66gj left 2os. to repair a causeway leading to
the church, £4 for apprenticing and £2 to eight of the Parish Clerk (for Romford), Joseph Brett Mumford.
necessitous poor on New Year's Day. Hannah Richard- Eastern road

Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S.B. Express Delivery & Annuity Collectors to the' Guardians, William Thurston Martin,
& Insurance Office, South street. William John Romford; Thomas Brown, Barking
Holmes, postmaster. Arrivals: From London, 3.30, Relieving Officers, No. I district, Thomas Brown,
5·45 & 9.15 a.m. & 2 & 6.40 p.m.; Abridge 7·45 p.m. Barking; No. 2 district, James Farrow, llford; No.
Dispatches: To London, 3 & 9 a.m. & 12.10, 3.4o, 3 district, William Thurston Martin, Victoria road,
4.50 & 8.30 p.m. Letter Box closes at 2.30 ._a.m. Romford
for the 3 a.m. mail on the following morning. Town Vaccination Officer, Thomas Brown, Barking
Boxes cleared at 8.25 & u.15 a.m. & 1.45, 4·5• 4.25, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district,
5·45• 8.5 & 8.20 p.m. Letters delivered in Romford Alex Linton Mackenzie L.R. C.P. Irel. Romford ; No.
at 7 & 9 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.40 p.m 2 district, Alfred Wright, Romford; No. 3 district,
Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Hugh Herbert Mason, Barking; No. 4 district, Jas.
Office, London road (High street).-Robert Webb, Shimeld L.R.C.P. Edin. Great Ilford; No. 5 district,
sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.20 & u.25 Adam Roberb Hamilton Oakley L.R.C.P. Edin. Horn- & , I.45· 4·IO, 5·45 & 8.5 p.m.; sundays 8.5 church; No. 6 district, Frank Edward Gibbens,
p.m. olliy Barking; No. 7 district, Albert. Wm. Wallis, Brentwd
Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Superintendent Registrar, William Smith, North street,
Office, Market place. Miss Rebecca Tidmarsh, sub- Romford; deputy, W. D. Heard, Eastern rd. Romford
post.mistress. Letters dispatched at 8.30 & 10.40 a. m. Registrars of Marriages, W. Pink, Barking; deputy,
& 1.45• 3.3o, 5·45• 6.45 & 8.20 p.m. ; sundays, George Lamb, Barking; Arthur Cornell, Hainault
8.I5 p.m road, · Romford; deputy, Edward Cornell, Victoria
Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & AnJ:!uity & Insurance road, Romford
Office, Victoria road.-Miss Matilda Stevenson, sub- Registrars of Births & Deaths, Barking Town sub-dis-
postmistress. Letters dispatched at 8 & u.30 a.m. trict, W. Pink, Barking; deputy, George Lamb,
1.30, 4• 6, 7.30 & 8.20 p.m :Harking; Rornchurch sub-district, F. .A. Stratford,
Sub-Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Hornchurch; deputy, Thomas Bruty, Hornchurch;
Office, Squirrels Heath. Thomas Maple, sub-post- Ilford sub-district, Alfred Sherman, Ilford; deputy,
master. Letters dispatched at 9 a.m. & 6.40 p.m.; Pulham Kirkham Sherman, Ilford ; Romford sub-
sunday, 9.40 a.m district, A. H. Harvey, High street, Romford
Post Office, Collier Row.-Henry Gale, sub-postmaster. The Workhouse, situated close to the town, was built
Letters from Romford delivered at 7.30 & I0.30 a.m.; in 1838 at a cost of £9,5oo, & will hold 37I inmates;
dispatched at 7·35 a.m. & ·3.30 p.m. The nearest Rev. William Morris, chaplain; medical officer, Jas.
money order & telegraph office is at Romford. Postal Alexander Fraser ; John Henry Balch, master ; Mrs.
orders are issued here, but not paid Fanny Balch, matron
Post Office, N oak hill. George Clark, sub-postmaster.
Letters arrive from Romford at 8 a.m.; depart at Rural Sanitary Authority.
6 p.m. Havering is nearest money order & telegraph Meets at the Workhouse every Ist & 3rd tues. in the
office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid month, at 1.30 p.m.
Post Office, Hare street.-Richard Coleman, sub-post- Clerk, William Smith, North street, Romford
master. Letters are delivered from Romford at 7 Treasurer, Thomas Flockton Barrow, London & County
& 10.15 a.m. & 3 & 8 p.m.; dispatched at Io.15 a.m. Bank, Romford
& 3, 6.20 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 10.I5 a.m. The nearest Medical Officer of Health, A. Wright,South st. Romford
money order office is Market place, Romford; nearest Sanitary Inspector, G. Hamilton, Victoria rd. Romford
telegraph office, Romford head office. Postal orders School Attendance Committee.
are issued here, but not paid
County Magistrates for Romford Petty Sessional Meets at the Workhouse on the 2nd tues. in each
Division. month, at 1.30 p.m.
Fry Joseph esq. D.L. Fairkytes, Hornchurch, Romford, Clerk, William Smith, North street, Romford
cliairman Attendance Officer, John Dean, George street, Romford
Gibb William Edward esq. Pyrgo park, Havering, Public Establishments.
Romford Almshouses, North street
Holmes Major Henry D.L. Grey Towers, Hornchurch,
Romford Cemetery (Old), High road
Joslin Henry esq. D.L. Gaynes park, Upminster, Rorrifd Cemetery (New), Rush Green; George Bailey, Sputh
Matthews Charles William esq. Millfield, Bentley, Brntwd street, clerk to the burial board
Price Ralph George esq. I3 Upper Thames st. London E C Corn Exchange, High street, Joseph William Kemsley,
Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry Shekell Haynes, manager
South street County Court, His Honor William Paterson, judge ;J
Petty Sessions held every thursday for hearing indictable Henry Shekell Haynes, registrar; Charles Godfrey,
offences at the Court house at IO a.m. The following high bailiff ; office, South street. The county court
places are included in the petty sessional division : - is held in the Court house, near the railway station,
Cranham (part of), Havering, Hornchurch, Romford once a month; the following parishes are within the
& Upminster jurisdiction of this court :-Abridge, Aldborough
:Local Board. Hatch, Aveley, Barking Creek, Barking Side, Beacon-
tree Heath, Buckhurst hill, Chadwell, Chadwell Heath,
Office, Market place. Chigwell, Chigwell Row, Collier Row, Corbet's Tye,
Board day, first monday in every month. Cranham, Dagenham, Great Ilford, Hare Street, Harold
Thomas Bird, chairman Henry Thomas Hardy Wood, Havering-atte-Bower, Hornchurch, Lambourne,
John Abrahams Denny Stone Lambourne End, Little Heath, Noak Hill, Ockendon
Charles Burgess John Roynon. North, Ockendon South, Rainham, Rainham Creek,
.Tames Everett Dowsing Joseph Smith Rainham Ferry, Rippleside, Romford, Romford Com-
Joseph Samuel Hammond Frederick Westgate mon, Rush G:reen, Squirrels Heath, Stapleford Abbot,
Henry Robert Heasman Henry "Whitmore Stapleford Tawney, Stifford, Upminster, Wennington
Clerk, George Bailey, South street & Whalebone Gate
Treasurer, Thomas Flockton Barrow, London & County For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
Bank of Chelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver;
Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Wright, South street H. Shirtcliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 'J,'"emple
Inspector of Nuisances & Surveyor, Jonas Turvey, chambers, London E C
Market place north Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
Collector, George Hobday, Market place Amendment Act," Thomas Davey, Western road;
Romford Union. George Hobday, Market place; Harold E. Smith,
Board day, tues. weekly at the workhouse at u a.m. North street; Frederick lVestgate, South st. Rom-
Romford Union comprises the parishes of Barking, ford; F. W. Frogley, Barking; Thomas William Par-
Cranham, Dagenham, Great Warley, Havering, Horn- menter, 67 Manor road, Barking; J. W. Stewart,
church, Ilford, Rainham, Romford, Upminster & Chadwell Heath; W. Ashmole, Ilford: Frederick
Wennington. The population of the union in I89I Spencer, Ilford
was so,o13; area 47,663 acres; rateab!e value (Sept. Court House, South street
I893), £330,194 l 1
olice Station, South street, William Willsmer, inspec-
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Wm. tor ; 2 sergeants & u constables
Smith, North street, Romford Public Hall, South street, Fredk. Westgate, proprietor
Treasurer, Thomas Flockton Barrow, London & County Victoria Cottage Hospital, Pettits lane, Alfred Wright,
Bank, Romford hon. medical officer ; l\Iiss Bostock, matron
Volunteer Fire Brigades, The Brewery, J. Packer, supt. Primitive Methodist, Victoria road, 'Rev. Geo. Bennett;
& The Town, Capt. S. Davis I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. sundays; wed. 7.30 p.m ·
Masonic. Wesleyan, Mawneys road, Rev. John Perrett; I I a.m.
& 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.15 p.m
Masonic Lodge (No. 1,437, Liberty of Havering), held
at the Golden Lion hotel, 4th thurs. February to Schools.
October, at 6.I5 p.m.; H. R. Heasman, sec Technical Instruction Committee for the parishes of
Royal .Arch Masons, Francis White, Chapter, held at Romford & Havering, Thomas Bird, chairman; Rev.
the Go:den Lion hotel, 2nd thurs. January, April, Joseph H. Pemberton; Rev. Frederick Sweet; Henry
July and October; Scribe J. S. Hammond, Hill Ro bert Heasman; Charles Burgess ; J ames Holme
house, Romford Smith; Charles A. Parish ; clerk, George Bailey,
Volunteers. South street
A School Board of 7 members was formed 5th Feb.
ISt Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division Royal I 872 ; William Smith, North street, clerk to the
Artillery (No. 8 Battery), Drill hall, Laurie square; board; Simon Ralph, Victoria road, attendance officer
E. 0. Davey, captain; S. Davis, sergt.-major Albion Street Board School (mixed), built in 1848 &
zst Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (A & B Cos.) ; transferred to School Board in I873; it will hold 249
.Armoury, North street; Drill hall, Laurie square; children; average attendance, I8o; .Albert S. Maske-
Capt. A. B. Bamford, commandant A & Hon. _l\'[ajor lyne, master
J. 1-V. Hammond, commandant, B Company; Sergt. Albert Road Board School, opened 16 June. 1884, at a
Henry Rose, drill instructor cost of over £4,ooo, for 324 boys & girls & xso
Public Officers. infants; average attendance, 333 boys & girls & I39
Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor's Rates, Wm. infants; George Barnes, master ; Miss Rose Dent,
Baker, Crown chambers, South street infants' mistress
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Alfred Wright, The Lodge, National (mixed & infants), for 340 boys, zgo girls, 200
South street infants ; average attendance, 276 boys & a full attend·
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Beacontree & ance of girls & infants : it was erected in I7IO on the
Havering Division, Clerk of the Peace, to the Com- foundation of J oseph Bosworth & rebuilt in 1727 ;
missioners of Sewers, Havering, Dagenham & other the present boys' school was added in I835 & by a
Levels & Rainham & other Levels, & to the Petty scheme of the Court of Chancery in 1833, is now open
Sessions for the District of the Half Hundred of to the children of the parishes of Romford, Horn-
Beacontree, Henry Shekell Haynes, South street church & Havering; 40 boys & 20 girls being on the
Coroner for the Romford Division, Henry Shekell Haynes, foundation: a plot of ground in South street, upon
South street; deputy, William Smith, North street which stands Bosworth's buildings & £450 in the
Clerk to the Magistrates of the Orsett Division, Thomas funds are the property of the school. For appren-
.Alfred Capron, Grays ticing out of this school two poor boys of Hornchurch
Collector to St . .Andrew Tithe, George Hobday, Markt. pl & one of Romford, Mary Shide left in 1714 a sum of
Inland Revenue Officer & Inspector of Corn Returns, £2oo, which was invested in a rent-charge of £10;
George Fredk. Revill, Rockingham villa, King's road Henry Robert Heasman, master; Miss Mary .Ann
Inspector of Weights & Measures, William Willsmer, Woodland, mistress ; Mrs. Susannah Innes, infants'
Police station, South street mistress
Registrar of Probate Duties & Supervisor of Inland St. .Andrew's, St. .Andrew's road (mixed), erected in
Revenue, Richard Tozer, Laburnham villa, Western rd 1843, for 260 children; average attendance, 230;
Surveyors of Highways : Collier Row ward, Samuel H. Waiter Martin, master
Loake, Collier Row ;• Harold's Wood ward, William Hainault Forest School, Collier Row (mixed), for n2
Roach, Noak hill; Noak Hill ward, Mark Taylor, cmldren; average attendance, IIO; David Thomas
Noak Hill Williams, master ; Miss Bonfield, infants' mistress
Vestry Clerk, George Bailey, South street National, Noak Hill (mixed), for 72 children; average
attendance, 55 ; R. Edwards, master
P:aces of Worship, with times of Services. Catholic, St. Edward's square (mixed), erected in 1856,
for 6o children ; average attendance, 51 ; Miss E.
St. Edward's Church, Rev. Francis E. Allen M.A.; Callaghan & Miss .Ada Read ; new schoois were erected
Rev. Joseph Ha:rdwick Pemberton; Rev. Arthur in I892 & will hold I4o children
Richard Thomas Ea1es M.A.; Rev. Francis M. Clay- Romford Factory, Squirrels Heath (mixed), built in
ton A.K.C.; Rev. Thomas Frederick Cooke .A.K.C.; I84I by the Great Eastern Railway Co. for the edu-
Rev. Arthur Edward Sargant A.K.C. curates; 8 & cation of the children of their work people; it will
II a.m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m. & fri. II a.m hold I 50 children; average attendance, 120; William
St. Andrew's District Church, St. Andrew's road, Rev. George Frederick Osman, master
Herbert Hippisley Stephens l\I..A. rector; Rev. Wil-
fred Henry Courteen, curate; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Newspapers.
thurs. I I a.m Essex Independent & Farmers' Gazette, South street;
St. Albans Mission Church, Princes road; served by Taylor & Robbins, publishers :published wed. See advt
the clergy of St. Andrew's Church; sun. 6.30 p.m. ; Essex Times, High street ; Wilson & Whitworth Lim.
Holy Communion, 2nd sunday in month 8 a.m publishers ; published wed. & sat
St. Ed-ward's Mission Room, North street; 6.30 p.m.; Essex Weekly News, South street; Tay1or & Robbins,
tues. 8 p.m publishers ; published fri. See advertisement
St. Edward, Catholic, St. Edward's square, Rev. Henry
James Tilley, priest; mass, I I a.m. & Ist sun. in the Railway Stations.
month 8.30 a.m.; evening service, 6.30 p.m.; daily, Great Eastern, South street: Charles Henry Woodcock,
8 a.m. : wed. 4 p.m station master
Baptist (Salem), London road, Rev. James McLaren London, Tilbury & Southend, South street ; Robert
Steven; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m Cross, station master
Catholic Apostolic Church, Laurie square; IO a. m. &
6.30 p.m Carriers to London.
Congregational, South street, Rev. Frederick Sweet; G. Hoppe, Mawneys lane, High st. daily, returning same
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m day; W. Poel, North street, daily, returning same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ashbee Miss, Laurie square Beard Mrs. Bayardere, Brentwood rd
Abott Samuel, I Fernside villas, Car- Ash by :1\Iiss, 3 Penrhyn ter. Victoria rd Beaumont George, I Horace villas,
lisle road Ashe Mrs. Roman villa, Laurie square Victoria road
Abrahams Jn. Brooklands, Eastern rd Atkinson John Wm. Eastern road BeeS~m John, Orthez, Gidea hall
Acres John, 2 Cambridge villas, Vie- Austin Geo. Compton ho. Victoria rd Bel sham .Alfrd. 2 Sun ter. Western rd
toria road .Ayres Robert, Hazeldene, Western rd Bennett Rev. Geo. (Primitive Metho-
Adams Thos. The .Acacias, North st Bailey George, Laurie square dist), Victoria road
Adams Thomas, I Myrtle villas, Vie- Bailey William, Harefield, High road Bennett James Henry, Eastern road
toria road Baker Wm. Junction viis. Eastern rd Bescoby Chas. Fernleigh, VictDria rd
.Adams Thomas, jun. Western road Bamford .Alfred B. Bungalow, North st Beverley Benjamin Thomas, Woodbine
Adams Wm. Kirtland vil. Western rd Bamford Chas. Stanley lo. Eastern rd terrace, Victoria road
Algar Mrs. Olematis vils.Shaftesbury rd Barnard Albt. 4 Albert ter. Victoria rd Bevitt Wm. Hazlehurst, Havering rd..
.Allen Rev. Francis Edwin M.A.(vicar), Barrow Thomas Flockton, South st Bird Thomas, Canons, North street
The Vicarage, North street Baxter .Arthur, Holmwood, Eastern rd Bird William Henry, I Lansdo,"'W"'n
Anderson Sidney, Princes road Beamish Isaac, Holly cot. Western rd villas, Western road
Biscoe Hy. Rothsay, Eastern road Dowson A. I Coni_ston viis. Victoria rd Howell Charles, Comus vils. :Manor rd
Blackstock J ames, I Howfield vmM, Dun ball Robert Thomas, Western Hoy John, Eastbourne vil. Victoria rd
• Western road house, Western road Hughes Jas. The Cottage, Junction rd
Blades Rev. Ja:rnes (Primitive Metho- Duncombe Joseph, 2 Myrtle villas, Hulse John Richard Augustus, 4 Carl-
dist), Oak villas, Brentwood road Victoria road ton gardens, Junction road
Bloomfield Charles, I Carlton villas, Durrant James, East ho. North street Hnmphreys Edward, Ingleside, West-
Victoria road Dye Charles, Park view, Havering rd ern road
Bloomfield John, Waverley villa, June- Eales Rev. Arthur Richard Thomas Hunt Mrs. Romford hall, South street
tion road M.A. (curate to St. Edward's), Hynds Wm. 3 Tregenna ter.Victoriard
Boys Jas. Hampton villas, Victoria rd Market place Ind Miss, I Western villas, South st
.Brachert Richard, Chace Cross Edwards Edward, The Cedars, :Ea5t· Jackson Thomas M.A. South street
Braun Peter, I Belmont villas, Vie- ern road Jackson Willis G. Uplands, Brent-
toria road Eggleston Charles, 2 Sandown villas, wood road
Bray Richard H. C. Bank, Market pl Victoria road Jameson Hugh William, Snnnyside,
Brooks Wm. 2 Lamorna ter.Victoriard Eicke Reginald Danvers, Rosslyn, Brentwood road
Brown. Abraham, Ada vils. Victoria rd Eastern road Jennings Robert, 2 Albert villas,
Brown Arthur Percy, I Sandown villas, Eude Mrs. Eude cottage, Victoria rd Mawneys estate
Victoria road Fallover Thomas Henry, 2 Swinburn Johnson George, Victoria road
Brown Mrs. Lawn villa, Victoria road villas, Eastern road Johnson Mrs. Hurstleigh, Junction rd
Bro" n Mrs. Osborne house, :Milton rd Finch Miss, Lyndale, Eastern road J ones Evan,4 Rose bank viis. Victoria rd
Brown Robert, I Hannah villas, Fisher Arthur, 5 Tregenna terrace, Kennedy Jas. Arden cot. Junction rd
Eastern road Victoria road Kennedy Miss, Laurie square
Bryant James, Mus. Bac. 2 Eastern Ford Waiter, Cottons, London road King John, I Penrose ter. Victoria rd
villas, Eastern road Forsyth Wm. Tower ho. Mawneys rd Lake Isaac, High street
Buck Charles Henry, 7 Sandown villas, Fox Fredk. 5 Albert ter. Victoria rd Lambert-Brown Edward Francis
Victoria road Fox Willia:rn, I Auckland villas, Albert, 2 Hannah villas, Eastern rd
Buckingham Augustus James, Ash- Brentwood road Larter Matthew, 2 Carlt{Jn villas,
dene, Eastern road Foxley Ben.2 Heathcote vils.Eastern rd Victoria road
Bunyan Arthur, Globe road Frapwell Geo. Holly lo. Eastern road Lee John, 4 Eastern vils. Eastern rd
Burgess Charles, Western road Free Mrs. 3 Dalcoath ter. Victoria rd Lindrey Thomas, Fernleigh, Eastern rd
Burningham James, 3 Camden villas, Freeman John, Holdam, Mawneys rd Linsell John Thomas, 2 Dolcoath tar-
Victoria road Freeman John Wm. Beechcroft, East- race, Victoria road
Burrows Mrs. North street ern road Loder Jn. Franklin ho.Hornchurch rd
Burrows Robert, Eastern road Frost Mrs. Ailsa Cray, Eastern road Lotscho Isaac, 8 Sandown villas, Vic-
Butlin George, Grosvenor villas, Frost Richard Geo. Oakleigh, West- toria road
Eastern road ern road Lyon Ralph H. The Denne, Eastern rd
Cardozo Arthur George, 2 Lansdown Gay John Turner, Brentwood road McKee Jsph. 2 Lorne vils. Victoria rd
villas, Western road Gerrard Mrs. Aberdour ho.Western rd Mackenzie Alexander Linton, 2 Brook-
Carter Henry Stibbard, 3 Stanley Gibbons Hy. 3 Albert ter. Victoria rd lands, North street
villas, Brentwood road Gilbey Geo. B. Melbourne lo.South st Maddocks Wm. Hy.Ada vils.Victoriard
Carter Richard, x Brookland villas, Goodchild Miss, Burntwood house, Makins Abraham, 6 Albert terrace,
North st·reet Mawneys road Victoria road
Carter Thos. Western cot. Western rd Gravely Mrs. 4 Tregenna terrace, Vie- Mallinson Mrs. Garfield lodge, Car-
Casey :1\<Iiss, Laurie square toria road lisle road
Cecil Charles Albert, Halstead house, Gray Mrs. The Ferns, London road March David, The Limes, West ern rd
Mawneys road Gribble John, Eastern road March Mrs. I Rosebank vils. Victoria rd
ChabOt Clement, Fernleigh, Maw- Griggs Henry Thomas, 2 V allas villas, March bank William Richard, 2 Carlton
neys road Western road gardens, Junction road
Chalenor Samuel John, 3 Tregenna Grout Wm. Hy. York villa, Victoria rd Marriott Henry William, Comus villas,
villas, Victoria. road Gunn Jn. Marion villa, Victoria road Manor road
Chambers William, Porter's villa, Hadley Wm. Hainhault vil.Haveringrd Martin William Henry, x Eastern vil-
Brentwood road Hall Charles, 7 Albert ter. Victoria rd las, Eastern road
Champness Mrs. I2 Claughton villas, Halliday Mrs. Laurie square Martin William Thurston, 2 Pen-
Eastern road Hamilton George Stuart, 2 Eden villas, rose terrace, Victoria road
Cheetham Waiter, I Alexandra villas, Victoria road Mashiter Miss, Priests
Victoria road Hammond Charles, Market place Mashiter William, The Elms
Clayton Rev. Francis M. A.K.C. (cu- Hammond James William, Sunnyleigh, Mason Jas. Claremont vil. Junction rd
rate of St. Edward's), Linden road Eastern road Mathew Mrs. North street
Olifton William Comyns, The Cot- Hammond Joseph Samuel, Hill house Matthews Mrs. C. P. Marshalls park
tage, London road Hammond Mrs. Oak lo. Western rd Matt hews William David, 3 Reede
Clifford Herbert, Western road Hanna James, The Ferns, South st villas, North street
Cockerell Miss, I Sion ter:Western rd Harding Thomas, 2 Alexandra villa., McGee Joseph, 2 Lorne vils.Victoria rd
Cole Stephen Eades, Bath house, Victoria road Mead Mrs. 2 St. James' villas, Vic-
Brentwood road Harold William, 13 Brentwood road toria road
Collins Thomas Andrew, Malvern Harrington Edward, Ash grove, East- ~Iedcalf Mrs. I Western road
house, Brentwood road ern road Mendham Henry, Shaftesbury house,
Colyer Edward, Beech vil. Victoria rd Harris Arthur, Oak bank, Victoria rd Eastern road
Cooke Rev. Thomas Frederick A.K.C. Harrison Miss, Fairview, Eastern rd Mercer Jn. The Shrubbery, London rd
(curate to St. Edward's), Market pl Harsent Alfred, 4 Sandown villas, Middleditch Wm.Lorne vils.Victoria rd
Cooper John, I Western road Victoria road Milton Eli, I Lorne viis. Victoria rd
Copland Reginald L. Claremont villas, Harvey Alfred, South street l\Iitchell Henry B. Eastbury lod!!e,
Victoria road Harverson Thomas \Villiam, Carlton London road "'
Corbell George Henry, Rosemount, house, Junction road Moore Harold, Linden road
Vict-oria road Hayward Francis, I St. James' villas, M:oore Nicholas Thomas, 6 Sando"n
Courteen Rev. Wilfred Henry (curate Victoria road villas, Victoria road
of St. Andrew's), Fernleigh, East- Heard William Darron, Jnnction villa, Morford Mrs. The Elms, Eastern rd
ern road Eastern road Morris Rev. William M.A. (chaplain to
Crabb Mrs. Dorcas villa, Victoria xoad Hedger Henry, Market place the Union workhouse), Ellsmere,
Craig John James, Heath house, Henderson Samuel, 3 Eastern villas, Linden road
Eastern road Eastern road Moss Miss, 2 Rosebank vils,Victoria rd
Cross Robert, Elm cot. Victoria road Hewitt Waiter, 2 Albert tarrace, Mumford Waiter, I Cambridge villas.
Cruse Hy. Wm. Oakdene, Eastern rd Victoria road Victoria road
Daldy Octavius George Stewards, Hobday Geo. Ivy villas, Havering rd Norris Henry, Laurie square
South street Hobson James Dalby, Briggate, West- Ockenden Pierce, Rydal mount, East-
Davey Theophilus, 2 Western road ern road ern road
Davis :Mrs. Manor ho. Victoria road Holdstock Thomas William, Oak villa, Opperman Henry, 2 Grosvenor villas,
Deacon Miss, Laurie square Princes road Ea!'.tern road
Derrent George William, Western Hollebone Henry, Gidea hall Orams William Josiah, Brookside,
_villas, South street Holloway Frank, Laurie square Carlton road
D1gby Henry, 2 Eden viis. Victoria rd Hooper J ames, N ewland ho. Western rd Packer Henry John, High street
Dodd Mrs. Lower Bedfords house Horry Wm.Smith, Hill ldg.Victoria rd Palmer Chas. Eaton vil. Eastern rd
Palmer Mrs. Bury ho. London road Scott Wm.2 Tregenna ter. Victoria rd Sulman Mrs. Gidea hall
Palmer Harry William, Hawarden]Seabrook Saml. I .Albertter.Victoriard Tanner Francis James, 6 Tregenn'4
villas, Eastern road Sibley James, Westmoreland villa, terrace, Victoria road
Parker Benj. Beech viis. Victoria. rd Victoria road Tansley George, 3 Alexandra villa.s,
Pask Edgar, Heath Park estate Simmons Mrs. Cavendish vils.South st Victoria. road
Paul Alex. The Oldars, Mawneysrd Simons Thos. Fairlawn vls.Victoria rd Tarry Henry, Bellevue ho. London rd
Perrett Rev. John (Wesleyan), Cromer Sketchley Joseph, I Oxford villas, Ta:verner Mrs. Primrose villa, Vie·
house, Mawneys road Brentwood road t-<lria road
Perrett Waiter Jn.Oakdene,Eastern rd Skilton William Grant, Reede villas, Thorn ton James Henry, 2 Howfield
Pertwee Mrs. South street North street villas, Western road
Phillips Frederick William, The Sly Mrs. 5 Sandown villas, Victoria rd Townsend Mrs. Florence villas, Carl•
Laurels, Carlton road Smith Harold, Ma.wneys hall, Maw- ton road
Pike Robt. Hillside, Brentwood road neys road Tozer Richard, Western road
Pink John Thos. Laurels, Western rd Smith Henry, London road Trott Jas. Jn. Cecil ho. Market place
Platten Thos. Hurstleigh, Junction rd Smith Henry William Crichton, Brent- Turnbull Fredk.Roche vls. VIctoria rd
Poston Waiter William, 2 Coniston wood road Turner Miss·, 4 Dolcoath terrace, Vie·
villas, Victoria road Smith Joseph, Hill house t<Jria road
Potter George, Brookside, Carlton rd Smith Keeble Joe,Caithness,Eastern rd Turner Mrs. 3 Lorne vils. nctoria rd
Potter John, 8 Albert ter. Victoria rd Smith William, North street Twyford John F. 2 Parkside villas,
Pratt George, 2 Kyme road Snatchall James, Eastern road Victoria road
Pringle Charles· Wales, Hawarden Spackman Fredc. Hy. The Pavement Upton Thomas, 4 Lamorna terrace,
villas, Eastern road Spencer John, Western road Victoria. road
Queary Robt. May villa, Havering rd Spencer Thomas Williarn, Clyde villas, Vale Mrs. I Dolcoatn terrace, Vie-
Quick John, Morningside, Western rd Eastern road toria road
Ralph Simon, Primrose vil.Victoriard Spry John F.R.H.S. Grammar school, Viney Thos. 2 Horace vls. Victoria rd
Read Josiah, I Lamorna terrace, Vie· Junction road Waiters M.s. 4 Penrhyn terrace, Vic-
toria road Stagg George, Sion villa, Western rd toria road
. George
. Frederick, Rockingharo Stalley .Alfred, 3 Sandown villas, Vie~ Watkins John Stewart, Brooklands,
VIlla, Kmg's road toria road North street
Rice Frederick, Eastern road Stannard Richard, 2 Chelmsford villas, Wear Wm. I Vallas viis. Western rd
Rich Geo. Victoria vil. Victoria road Victoria road Webber John, 2 Rose viis. Western rd
Rich John, I Roche villas, Victoria rd Staple Miss, 4 Camden villas, Vie~ Westgate Frederick, I Swinburn villas,
Rich Wm. 2 Marion villas, Victoria rd toria road Eastern road
Richards John Golding, North street Stephens Rev. Herbert Hippisley M ..A.. Weston Percy James, 2 Clyde villas,
Riley William, 3 Carlton gardens, (rector of St. Andrew's), Lyndthorp, Eastern road
_Junction road . Western road . Wlllpps Charles John, Laurie square
Roberson Benj. Queen's ho. High st Steven Rev. James McLaren (Baptist), White George William, Fairlawn villa.s,
Raper Henry Edward, 9 Sand own London road Vctoria road
villas, Victoria road Stevens James, Lochgoil, London road White John, Oak villas, Havering rd
Raper Mrs. 4 Reede villas, North st Stevens Mrs. I Parkside vls. Victoria rd White Miss Emma, 2 Zion villas,
Rotton Charles Jennings, 2 Penrhyn Steward Geo. .Alpha villas, Victoria rd Western road
terrace, Victoria road Stone Denny, St. Kilda, Eastern road White Mrs. 2 Chelmsford villas, Vie•
Roy Mrs. Wingfi.eld lodge, Victoria rd Stone Leonard, Nithsdale, Western rd toria road
Ruffle Jsph. 3 Penrose ter. Victoria rd Stromeyer Frederick William, Ravens~ Whitnore Henry, Holm lo. London rd
Ru:ffie Richd. Oaklands, Brentwood rd wood, Eastern road Wilkinson Wm. r May vls.Victoria rd
Rust Mrs. Laurie square Sturdy Frederick E. I Claughton Wilson Frederick, The Retreat
Ryle Thos. 3 Lamorna. ter. Victoria rd villas, Eastern road Wilson Thos. Carlisle ho. Carlisle r~
Sargant Rev. Arthur Edward A.K.C. Summerfi.eld Francis, Bleak house, Winmill Ernest, Harewood, Carlton
(curate of St. Edward's), South st Princes road gardens, Junction road
Sargent Frederick George, The La- Sweet Rev. Fredk. (Congregational), Wright Alfred, The Lodge, South st
burnhums, Western road The Manse, West€rn road Wright Isaac, 2 Claremont villas, Vie•
Sheffield Charles Edward, Tyne villa, Symonds Robert John, Gresham house, toria road
Eastern road l Market place Wright Thos. May villas, Victoria rd

COMMERCIAL. Barten Edward, draper & outfitter, South street

Abrahams Wm. Hy. timber merchant &c. Hornchurch rd Barton .Alfred, land agent & surveyor & architect &;
Adams Emily (Miss), dress maker, Market place nr,rth general valuer, Bowyer villa
Adams Thos. coach trimmer, Myrtle villa, Victoria road Barton Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, Bowyer villa
Ager Peter, greengrocer, George street Bennett George, chemist, Market place
.Albert & Son, dentists : attendance, wed. I I to 5, Market Bentley Fanny (Mrs.), oil & calor stores, Market place
place & at 24 Ludgate hill, London E C Bettis George, refreshment rooms, High street
.Aldred Jn. tobacconist & stationer, Market pi. & South st Blackwell J oseph Henry, butcher, High street
Algar Waiter James, grocer & baker, Albert road Booth Henry, builder & undertaker, Mawneys road
Am brose & Ryan, surgeons, Mawneys road Bower John, saddler, South street
Amey Charles Henry, grocer, I Gordon ter. George st Bradbrooke Mary (Mrs.), midwife, George street
Arch John Bentley, grocer, Market place Bramble Charles, hair dresser, High street
Archer John Camp, dairyman, Victoria road Bramble Joseph, hair dresser & plumber, Victoria road
.Arter Mary (Mrs.), dress mkr. Bruce villa, George st Brand David, boot & shoe maker & draper, London road
.Atkinson John William, solicitor, Glenthorne, Eastern rd Bray William John, chemist & druggist, High street
.Avery Hy. piano & sewing machine depot, Market place Herolca, veterinary Fluid & Sheep Dip, non·
.Axon Henry, pork butcher, High street poisonous. Send for price list & particulars
.Axon l\Iary (Mrs.), laundress, Carlisle road The M.C.C. cure for Influenza, Bronchitis &c
Bacon Alfred, builder, Holly cottage, Brentwood road Neuroburine, the great cure for Neuralgia
Bacon Richard, beer retailer, Brentwood road Brewster George, grocer, Victoria road
Bailey George (firm, Hunt A. H. & Co. ), solicitor & com- Brooks Frederick, confectioner, London road
missioner & clerk to the local & burial boards & vestry Brown Albert, boot & shoe maker, Market place
clerk, South street Brown Charles, builder, North street
Baker Eliza (Miss), dress maker, North street Brown Philip, Durham Arms P.H. Brentwood road
Baker William, assistant overseer & collector of poor Buckeridge Henry, greengrocer, High street
rates, Crown chambers, South street Bull Robert Kilvington, general draper, London house.
Bamford Alfred Bennett, artist, North street Market place
Banks Lydia (Mrs.), clothier, High street Burgess Martha (Miss), fancy repository, South street
Bannister George, greengrocer, Albert road Burton .Alexander, hair dresser, Victoria road
Barkham John Thomas, plumber, Albert road Burton John, shopkeeper, Mill terrace
Barnard Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, George street Busby John, dairyman, .Albert road
Barnes Frederick, watch maker, Gordon ter. George st Bush Charles, hay &; straw dealer, .Albert road
Barrett Louis M.R.C.V.S.Lond. veterinary surgeon, Butcher James, greengrocer, St. .Andrew's road
Market place; infirmary, Western road Cannon .lames, White Hart Hotel, High street
Barrow Thomas Flockton, manager of the London & The old & original commercial hotel, livery
County Bank & treasurer to the local board & union & & bait stables ; good accommodation for commercial
rural sanitary authority, Hhrh str~et & South street travellers, cyclists &c
Cake Bros. grocers, West End Stores, High st Fraser Jas. Alexander L.R.C.P.Lond. surgn. Western ldg
Carter Arthur, grocer, Victoria road Free Amelia (Mrs.), dress mkr. 3 Dolcoath ter. Victoriard
Carter Frederlck. iron & brass founder, Queen street Freestone George, refreshment rooms, Market place
Cemetery (New) (George Bailey, clerk to the burial Frostick Henry R. chimney sweeper, George street
board); offices, South street; cemetery, Rush green Frostick Joseph Edwd. chimney· sweeper, Market pi. nrth
Cemetery (Old) (George Bailey, clerk to the burial Fulcher John Henry, oil & calor man, Victoria road
board) ; offices, South street; cemetery, High road Fuller James, boot maker, High street
Chabot Clement, solicitor, Fernleigh, :Mawneys road Gale William, brick maker, Hainault road
Chalenor Ernest Guy, parcels agent to Great Eastern Gardner Richard, corn. traveller, The Lowlands, London rd
Railway Co. 2 Kingston villas, Victoria road Gaylor William, beer retailer, Market place
Chapman Thomas J ames, basket maker, High street Gilbey George Bulman, grocer, George street
Child William Daniel, manager of Romford Gas Works, Gilbey Herbert, corn, seed, flour & coal mrcht. South st
Nursery walk Glyde Henry, dairyman, :Market place north
Church Thomas Charles, baker, High street Golding Henry, beer retailer, North street
Clark Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Market place Goodchlld Bros. Coach & Bell, & wine & spirit mer-
Clark George, confectioner, Victoria road chants, High street
Clark Peter, watch maker & jeweller, South street Goodwin Charles, plumber, Waterloo road
Clarke Frederick, butcher, l\Iarket place Gordon John, china & glass dealer, Victoria road
Clifton William Comyns, solicitor, see Haynes & Clifton Green Mary (Mrs.), fruiterer, Shakespere road
Collier Marion (Mrs.), apartments, Western vil. South st Green J. E. & Co. grocers & agents for W. & A. Gilbey
Conservative Club (William Darron Heard, sec.; Mrs. Lim. wine & spirit merchants, Market place
Jane, Carter, caretaker), South street Gritliths Griff, cabinet maker, St. Andrew's road
Constable Charles Robert, baker, Victoria road Gunn Charles, boot maker & leather seller, High street
Cooper Alfred, butcher, High street Hale James, furniture dealer, Waterloo rd. & High st
Cooper Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, Police station Halls Norman. agricultural & furnishing ironmonger,
Cooper George, pork butcher, High street sewing machine dealer, dairy utensils. Market place
Copsey George, cabinet maker, Market place Hamilton George Stuart, inspector of nuisances to the
Corn Exchange (James W. Kemsley, manager), High st rural sanitary authority, 2 Eden villas, Victoria road
Cornell Arthur, registrar of marriages, Hainault road Hammond J oseph Samuel & Son, builders & contractors,
Cornell Edwd. deputy registrar of marriages), Victoria rd Hill house
Cornell Thomas "\>Villiam, boot maker, North street Hammond Charles, Windmill & Bells hotel, Market place
Coulson Frederick, butcher, Victoria road Hammond Edwin, glass merchant, Junction road
County Court (His Honor William Paterson, judge ; Hammond Joseph Hewitt, pawnbroker & furniture dealer.
Henry S. Haynes, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high High street
bailiff) ; office, South street Hanna James L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, & surgeon to the
Cousins Frederick, marine store dealer, High street Brewery Association, The Ferns, South street
Couzens John, Cock & Bell inn, Market place north Harding George, hay binder, High street
Craig .John .lames. draper, clothier, boot maker &c. Harding Lydia (Mrs.), umbrella maker, High street
Market place Harvey A. H. registrar of births & deaths for Romford
Cramphorn Octavlus Christian. corn & seed mer- sub-district, High street
chant & flour factor, Market place ; & at High street Haynes & Clifton, solicitors & commissioners, South st
& Warley road, Brentwood & 210 Kingsland road, N. E.; Haynes Henry Shekell (firm, Haynes & Clifton), solicitor,
postal address, Brentwood, Essex & commissioner for oaths, registrar of county court &;
Crewdson Arthur, tailor, Jubilee house, High street coroner, clerk to the magistrates & to the commis-
Crudgington John, fishmonger, High street sioners of taxes for Beacontree & Havering, clerk to
Cumberland J ames, chimney sweeper, High street the commissioners of sewers for Havering & Dagenham
Curley John, fishmonger, London road & other levels & Rainham & other levels ; offices, High st
Daldy & Co. coal merchants, maltsters &c. South ;;tn~E>t Heard William D. deputy supt. registrar, Eastern road
Danby John Jakman, hair dresser, High street Hedger Henry, academy, Regent house, Market place
Darke & Son, saddlers, Market place Heffer Samuel (of S. & R. He:ffer), brick maker, Sidney
Davey Abraham, builder, Market place north villas, Uld Brentwood road; brickyard, Hornchurch
Davey Theo. & Co. auctioneers, architects, surveyors, road, Squirrels heath
valuers & house & estate agents, 2 Western road & High School for Boys (Thomas Jackson M.A.Lond. pin-
Crown chambers, South street. See advertisement cipal), South street
Davies James, peperhanger, 2 Railway cott. George st Hill & Sons, bankers, Market place; draw on Hill & Sons,
Davis Joseph, beer r~tailer, Victoria road 66 West Smithfield & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.
Dean John, school attendance officer, George street London E.O
Deeks Alfred Harry, baker, High street Hillyard Samuel, ironmonger, South street
Dennis William, tailor, Albert road Hilton James, grocer &c. South street
Dendy w. & Co. manufacturers of engines, boilers & Hinds John, builder, l\Iarket place
agricultural implements, chaft' cutters. pulpers & Hinds John (Mrs.), stationer &c. Market place
corn crushers for hand, horse, steam or gas power ; Hobday George, collector to Romford local board, to
Iron & brass castings of all descriptions; estimates South Essex Water Co. & to St. Andrew Tithe &;
given; depOt, South street; works, Union foundry, house, estate & insurance agent, Market place
Hornchurch Holliday John Richard, oil & colorman, Ma wneys road
Dodwell Amos, grocer & baker, Victoria road Holmes Louis a (Mrs.), tobacconist, High street
Dowsett Alice (Miss), dress maker, Belmont place Honeybell Daniel, cowkeeper, Mawneys estate
Dowsing & Davis, builders, contractors & undertakers, Hope David, chimney sweeper, Queen street
Mawneys road Horide John, baker, Mill terrace
Draper 'Villiam, saddler, North street Howes Stephen, shopkeeper, Brentwood road
Edwards Edward John, commercial traveller, Eastern rd Hnmphrey Harry, baker, Market place
Ellingworth Charles, dairyman, Market place north Hunt A. H. & Co. solicitors & commissioners, South st
Ellingworth John, eating house, Market place north lnd. Coope & Co. Llml1:ed. brewers, High street; &;.
- Enever Ann Elizabeth (Miss), toy dealer, London road Burton-on-Trent
Essex Equitable Permanent Building Society (Charles International Tea Co. tea dealers, High street
Burgess, sec.), South street Jackson Thomas M.A. high school for boys, South streew
Essex Independent & Farmers' Gazette (Taylor & Rob- J ones Charles, W oolpack inn, High street
bins, publishers ; published wed.), South st. See advt Jones Jsph. frmr. Great Garden farm, Old Brentwood rd
Essex Times (Wilson & Whitworth Lim. publishers; Keen Thomas, fruiterer, South street
published wed. & sat.), High street Kemsley Joseph "\>Villiam, auctioneer, valuer, estate agen'
Essex 1st Volunteer Artillery Eastern Division Royal & surveyor, Corn Exchange, High street
Artillery (Xo 8 Battery) (E. 0. Davey, captain; S. King Albert Nash, dairyman, Market place
Davis, sergt.-major), Drill hall, Laurie square King Edward D. cycle mnfr. Rex cycle wks. Carlisle rd
Essex Weekly News (Taylor & Robbins, publishers & pro- Kirkpatrick Charles, tailor & clothier, Victoria road
prietors; published fri.), South street; & at Chelms· Kistler Andrew, watch maker & jeweller, South street
ford &c. See advertisement Kistler Hannah (Mrs.), fancy repository, High street
Felstead "\Villiam, herring dealer, High street Knight Mary (Mrs.), laundry, W est~rn road
FeltDe Eleanor p!iss), fancy repository, Market place Knightbridge Henry, Blucher's Head inn, Market place
Fitch Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, North street Lake William Bentall, watch maker & jeweller, High st
Fletcher Edward, stationer &c. High street Lamb Thomas, farmer, Pigtail farm, London road
Fletcher Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner, Market place Large William, greengrocer, North street

Lasham John William, pharmaceutical chemist, High Reynolds Mary Eliza (Miss), earthenware dlr. Albert rd
street & Victoria road; chemist by appointment to the Reynolds Florence (Miss), Rising Sun P.H. South street
Household of H.R.H. Princess Eulalia Reynolds Peter, Golden Lion commercial inn, High st
Laurie Club (Frank Holloway, proprietor), Laurie square Reynolds Susan Ann (Miss), general dealer, High street
Levy Solomon, medical herbalist, High street Rich Oharles, Bull inn, & cat"'tle dealer, Market place
Limbriek J. (Mrs.), greengrcr. & eating house, Market pl Rich George, cattle dealer, Rose villa, The Pavement
Lines James, florist, Carlisle road Rich George, cat:Jtle dealer, Victoria villa, Victoria road
London Clothing Co. (John Sheppard, man.), clothiers, Rich George James, butcher, South &treet
South street Rich John, cattle dealer, Rich villa, Victoria road
London & County Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Thos. Rich John,- Lamb inn, Market place
J<1ockton Barrow, manager), High street; draw on Rich Waiter, butcher, Victoria. road
head office, London E. C Riohards Golding, clothier &c. Market place & South st
Lovett Alfred, Laurie Arms P.H. St. Andrew's road RobinS>On Emma (Miss), p31strycook & confectnr. South st
Lowe George Lincoln, tobacconist, High street RobinsQn Sarah (Miss), ladies, school, St. Andrew's road
Lucas Bessie (Mrs.), china & glass dealer & piano tuner, Robinson Thomas (Mrs.), stationer & bookseller, High st
'South street Romford Gas & Coke Co. Limited (William Daniel Child,
Luckin Joseph, linen draper, High street manager), Nursery walk
Ludkin Frances (Mrs.), dress maker & general shop, Romford Liberal .&ssoci.a.tioo (A. D. Eatlh, sec)
Albert road Rose Sergeant Henry, drill instructor, the A & B com-
Ludkin Henry, shopkeeper, Victoria road panies of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment,
Macarthy & Co. mineral water manufacturers, Market pl North street
Ma-ckenzie Alexander Linton L.K. Q. C.P .Irel. surgeon, & Roughton Geo. fishmonger, 4 Bedford villas, Victoria rd
medical officer & public vaccinaior for No. I district, Roymm John, auctioneer & estate agent, South street
Romford union, see Wright & Mackenzie Ruffle Richard, grocer, Victoria road & High st.reet
Mc~~mara John, photograpber, South stree.t Rushen Samuel, fishmonger, Soutih street
Makin Leonard Frank, groc~::: & provi&ion dealer & agent St. Andrew's Cycle Co. Lim. whQlesale bicycle & tricycle
foor W. & A. Gilbey LimitEd, wine & spirit merchants, manufacturers (A. J. Buckingham, manager), St.
Higl1 street Andrew's works
Mann John, farmer, Little Petitt's furm St. Andrew's Ohurch Institute (The Bishop of Colchester,
Mannall Joseph Sheave, dairyman, Victoria road president), London rood
Man•tell Frederick Louis, St'lr hotel, South street St. Edward's Young Men's Institute (Rev. E. Alien M.A.
Manzano Leopold, hair dresser, South street presidoo,t ), High street
Mar::h Sarah & Emma (MissPs), fancy repos. Market pl Sapsford Arthur, boot & shoe maker, South street
March David, draper, Market place Sapsford Thomas John, boot & shoe maker, Victoria road
Marchant John, wheelwright &c. London road Saunders Harry, liuen draper, I Rose villas, Western rd
:MJa.rtin William, butcher, Marke.t place Savill & Co. ooot & shoe makers, MO!rket place
Martin 1Villiam Thurston, relieving officer, No. 3 dis- Scruby Fordham, grocer &c. '3outh street
trict, & oo'llector to the Guardians, 2 Penrose terrace, Seabrook John & Philip, farmers, Crowlands & Park farm
Victoria road Seabrooke & Sons Llm. brewers & maltsters, Grays,
Meadmore Wm. baker, confectnr. seedsnmn &c. High st Essex; & at Corn market, Romford (weds)
Medway Francis, boot & sh0'~ maker, Market place Seare R-obert Elijah, general dealer, High stree-t
Metoolfe Frank, Shoeing smith, High s.treet Silcocks Mary Jane (Miss), 'Plumber, gasfit:Jter &c. High st
Milboank Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper, St. Andrew's road S!impson Pet-er, trnvelling draper, George street
Milbon Arthur & Bros. bmlders, underrllakers & house Skinner Charles John, oil & colQrman, North s·treet
decorators, Queen street; established over so years ; Slipper William Thomas, builder, North street
sanitary work (special); e>-timates given for all kinds Smee Edward, boot maker, Albert road
of repairs · Smith C. & F. W. solicitors & commissioners f{)r oaths,
MQore Han-iet (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, H~gh street, South street
confectioner, Mawneys road Smith Charles S. tobacconist, Victoria road
1\Iugleston William Henry, mineral water manufacturer, Smitlli. William Dykes & Sons, basket makers, North st
Angel yard, High street Smith Edmund, The Compasses P.H. & dairyman, Lon-
Mundy Goorge, furniture broker & deta:ler, LondQn road don road
Mundy Lulu (Miss), teacher of music, London road Smith Harold Eugene, auctioneer, Market place &
Murphy Richard, sign writer & tobacconist, Victoria rd Mawneys road
MuskeV WiUiam, whQleSGle confectioner, South s-treet Smith Henry, butcher, High street
Mynott Frank, stationer & printer, Sout!h street Smith J ames, seedsma.n, High street
NBw Zealand Meat Stores (Samuel Fletcher, manager), Smith John BeVQUS, currier, Market place
Market place Smith Lawrence, printer, Market place north
Nic<holls John, nurseryman, flori-st &c. Oarlisle rood Smith Ridhard., shopkeeper, Market pklce
Norris Frank P. Swann inr. & wine & ·spirit merchant, Smith William, clerk to the guardians & to the rural
Market place sanitary authority & school attendance & assessment
Page Samuel, coffee rooms, Victoria road committee of Romford union, Romford, Hornchurch &;
Pain William, cattle dealer, Homford lodge Upminster school boards & to Lambourne united dis-
Palmer Richard, horse slaught€rer, High street tl'lict school board ; to the governors of Ford's charity,
Parish Alfred, boot maker, George street Dagooham; deputy coroner & superintendent registrar,
Partridge & Bros. builders, North street North street
Peck Charles, boot m'<lker, Market plla.ce South Essex Wruterworks Co. (Charles James Fox, sec.);
Peters John, engineer & beer retailer, St. Andrew's road offices, HQrnohurch road
Philbrick Arthur Corne1ius, fruiterer & greengrocer, Spencer John, jun. grocer & tea dealer, South street
Market pla.ce Spry John F.R.H.S. grammar school, Junction road
Phipp~ J()seph, tailor, Nortb S'treet Stebhings Henry, hair dresser, High street
Pinfold Eliiza (Mrs.), dhimney sweeper, Market place · StelJlbings Robert, hair dresser & cutler, Market place
Pink John Thomas, ironmonger, High street Steel George, boot, shoe & leather seller, High street
Poel William, faTIDer & carrier, North street Stevens Frederick John, butcher, Victoria road
PQole Edward, timber merchant, Great E31siern yard Stevens John, lathe & tool maker, High street
Porter Joseph & SQn, coach builders, South street Stevens William, butcher, Albert road
Poston James Roger, butcher, High street Steveonson Matilda & Moary Eliz31beth (Misses), fancy re-
Potter Joseph, boot maker, St. Andrew's road pository & post office, Victoria road
Price Mary (Miss), dress maker, High street Stinton Henry, boot maker, High street
.Public Hall (Freder.ick Westgate, propl'lietor), South st Stone Denny, general draper, Market pla.ce
Public Weighbridge (Darke & Son,_ weighers), Market pl Storey Francis, King's Arms P.H. Market place
"Fullan Goorge, tailor, High street Stromeyer Frederick William, professor of music, Ravens-
Ralph Simon, school board officer, Victoria road wood, Eastern road
Rawlings Brothers, florists, Old church Taylor & Robbins, printers, pwblishers & proprietors of
.Read George Ernest, baker, High street the " Essex Weekly News," the " Es-sex Independent &
Redington Henry, coffee house, High street Farmers' Gazette," & t!he "Br.aintree & Bociilng Ad-
·Reed George, oobinet Iru~>ker, St. Andrew's road vertiser," & the "Barking, llford & East Ham Adver-
.Reed Henry John, beer retailer, London road • ti-ser," South street; & High street, Chelmsford. See
Reed Maria (Miss), maker, Belmont place advertisement
Reed Samuel, saddler, Market place Taylor Edward Wm. Victoria inn, & butcher, Victoria rd
Revill George Frederick, inland revenue officer, & in- TaylQr Harry Egerton, practioal tailor, hatter & juvenile
spector of corn returns, Rockingham villa, King's road outfitter, The Blue house, High street
Tayl<>r & Co. linen drapers, Market place & North street Watling Jonathan, timber dealer, Shakespeare road.
Thimbleby Marianne (Miss), dyer &c. South street Watts William, bricklayer, St. Andrew's road
Thompson Sa'Ildford, fishmonger, South street Webb George, coal merchant, Albert road
Thorogood Charlotte & Son, builders &c. Waterloo road Webb Robert, shopkeeper & post office, London road!
Thorogood Josiah, carpenter, L:mdon road Webster Edward, laundry, North street
Tborogoo~ Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 Waterloo rd Webster Wi.J.1Ml.m, baker, ~er &c. St. Andrew'a road
Tidmarsh Minnie (Miss), confectr. & post office, Market pl Wedlake T. W. & Co. ironfounders, engineers & agricui-
Tidmarsh Suso.nnah (Mrs.), baker & confectiQiler, High st turar implement makers, Corn Exchange
Townsend .Alice Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Norfolk Welton Waiter, china & glass dealer, Market place
house, Eastern road • Westgate Frederick, valuer, house, land & general busi-
Tozer Richard, registrar of probate duties & supervisor ness agent, Public hall, South street
of inland revenue, West em road uwm·heabley Edward Gray, confectioner, Market pl. north
Turner James, cabinet maker, Queen street White Emma (Miss), preparart:ory sch<Jol, Western rood
Turpin Eliz.aibeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Waterloo road Whitmore Hy. miller & corn mer. Victoria steam mill&
Turvey Jonas, inspector of nuisances & surveyor to Born- Wiffen John, Fox & Hounds P.H. South street
ford local board, Market place north WiUiams Oharles John, Romford Arms P.H. High street
Underwood E. (Mrs.), shoeing smith, Market p'iace Willings Wtilliam, shopkeeper, George street
Unwin Henry, beer retailer, London road Willsmer Samuel, saddler, High street
Vale Joseph, grocer, Shaftesbury road Willsmer William, police inspector, & inspector of weight:.
Veltch Willlam .Jasper, wine, spirit & bottled beer & measures, Police station, South street
merchant, Laurie Town hall Wiil.son & Whitworth Lim. stationers, printers & pub-
V!ictoria Oottage Hospital (Alfred Wright, hon. medical lishers of the "Essex Times," High st. & at Stratford
officer; Miss Bosmck, matron), Pettits lane Wilson Alexander Thomas, fruiterer & flQrist, Victoria rd
Volu'Ilteer Battalion, ISt Essex Regiment (A Co. Wilson Emmo. Eliza;beth (Mrs.), news agent, High stree11
A. B. Bamfurd, & B Co. Hon. Major J. W. Hammond, Winstone Alice (Miss), ladies' outfitter, South street
commandants; Sergt. Henry Rose, drill instructor); Wortley Joseph William, coffee tavern, Market place
Armoury, North street; Drill hall, Laurie square Wraight Thomas, dra.per, 7 & 8 South st. & Vict<Jria rd
Wackett John, farmer, Bell house Wray Mary (Miss), dress maker, George street
Wallace Charlotte (Mrs.), Sun P .H. London road Wright & Mackenzie, surgeons, South street & Brook-
Wal~is William, C()mplete house furnisher, South street l-and villas, North street
Wallis Benj{).min, grocer, Market place Wright Alfred, surgeon, & medical officer of health to
Wallis Louisa (Miss), fancy repository, Victoria road the urban & rural s-anitary authorities, certifying
Walton Alfred, tobacconist, High street factory surgeon, & public vaccinator No. 2 district ..
Ward Mgt.E. (:\liss ), ladies'schl. Claughton coli. Eastrn. rd Romford union, South street
Washinghm Alfred, grocer, London road Yull Alfred Samuel, plumber &c. Market place north
Watling Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Milton road Yull James Edward, Liberty Arms P.H. Waterloo road
Bird Mrs. Hampden cottage Evans Henry, beer retailer Peck William, shopkeeper
Hanbury Capel, Elmhurst Gale Henry, grocer & post office Randall Edward William, blacksmith
J ackson The Misses, Prospect place Harman John, White Hart P.H Sawyer Thos. farmer, Mowbray's farm
Loake Samuel Hillyard, Hampden ho Lawrence Edward, haulier Scrivener 'William, wheelwright
Brooks Thomas, Bell inn, & farmer Loake Samuel Hillyard, surveyor of Tolhurst Albert, shopkeeper
Cornick Edward John, Sun P.H highways Wallis Nathaniel, boot & shoe makerr
Emson J ames, farm bailiff News & Reading Boom (Rt.Elms, sec) Prospect place
Base William, Balgores Thompson George John, Woodbine Ellingworth Daniel Stansbury, farmer
Capron Mrs. Adelaide cottage Watts Valentine Wylde, Park villas Murray James, confectioner
Hills Daniel, Beverley Winmill Field, Chestnut cottage Pain Bros. White Hart P.H
Howell Mrs. Park side COMJI{ERCIAL. Shaw Divey (Pains), horse slaughterel"
:\olartin Albert, Park villas Balderstone Wm. Ship inn, & poulterer Staines William & Thos. blacksmiths.
Peacock Misses, Repton ccttage Coleman Richard, jobbing gardener, Staines Thomas, Unicorn inn
Pembert<Jn Robert, Hare hill Post office Young Mrs. Emrua, shopkeeper
~ eave The Hon. Lady, Dagnam park Shuttlewood James, farmr. Manor frm Smith James Holme, farmer
Sands John, Priory Piper .Tames, bailiff to The Hon. Lady Roach William, Bear inn
Clark Geo. coach builder, Post office Neave, Dagnam Park farm Taylor :Mark, farmer, & surveyor of
Ottley William, hay & straw binder Raison Henry W. farmer, Spice pits highways for Noak Hill ward

Black James, Goosehayes Brown Denham, wheelwright Ottley Mark, farmer
Bates Georg-e "William, The Warrens Coulson Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer Parker George, farmer, Heaton grange-
Bryant Edward, Harold Wood hall Crossman Fredk. Jn. frmr. Maylands Sexton Daniel, farmer, Harold wood.
Brown Benjamin, haulier Fry Peter, farmer, New hall Woolley Thomas, beer retailer
Kelley Conrad Bridge Henry, hurdle maker Gay Wm. markt. gardenr.Thornton h0>
Welch William Cemetery (New) (George Bailey, clerk Potter George, beer retailer
COMMEROIAL. to the burial board); offices, South Temple & Baxter, cowkeepers
Bridge George, hurdle maker street, Romford
Bevis Geor~e Thorpe • Heffer Samuel & Robert, brick makers, & kneading machinery, patent hot
Durrant Henry Hornchurch road air & steam ovens, the acme of
Lawton Edward Harding, Oaklands London Arthur, manager at G. E. cleanliness, purity & excellence
Thompson Darius Charles, Manor ho Railway factory White Willlam Henry & Daniel,
Burrell Maria L. (~liss), beer retailr Maple Thomas, pork butcher & post off nurserymen &c. Heath Park nur-
Cracknell Emma (Mrs.), The Drill inn Poole Wllllam, baker & corn sery
Finch George, cattle dealer, Heath ho dealer; patent engine-power sifting Woodard Charles, Squirrel's Head P.K
THE RODIXGS (or Roothings) are a cluster of small Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans.
agricultural parishes, established before the time of the The district is considered very fruitful. The churches
Confessor and situated between Ongar and Dunmow, on possess but little architectural merit. Roman remains
the upper part of the ril·cr Roding, in theW estern division are occasionally found scattered over this district. The
of the county, unions and hundreds of Duninow and soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat.
Ongar, Dunmow petty sessional division and county barley and beans.
court district and in the rural deaneries of Boding and
. [KELLY's
The area and the population for these several places, bells : there are several stained windows, including two
according to the return of 18g1, is as follows:- memorial windows in the nave: the church was
Popula- Rateable thoroughly restored in I87o, and the exterior in 1893 at
Acres. tion. value. a cost of about £wo. The register dates from the
Jr1gh Roothing.................. I,8u 446 £1,441 year x688. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
Aythrop Roothing ............. 1,394 193 x,III charge £22.1, with 38 acres of glebe and residence, in
White Roothing & Morell the gift of and held since x887 by the Rev. John Howard
Roothing ... ................... 2,535 383 x,824 B.A. of St.•rohn s Coiwge, Cambridge.
Leaden Roothing ... ......... ... 914 190 787 ·
~uargaret R ooth'mg ............ 1, 22 6 237 1
015 BIRDSGREEN is a hamlet, x<1:1 mile south, partly of
Abbott's, or Abbess Roothing 1,6 14 240 1, 1s5 Beauchamp Roothing and partly of Willingale Doe.
Berwtc · k Berners.... ... ....... .. 390 - Sextoness, Mrs. J onathan Whitbread.
Berners Roothing .... ... .... ... I,OJI 89 533 Letters from Brentwood through Ongar by mail cart
Eeauchamp Roothing ......... 1,259 254 1,031 arrivo at 7.30 a. m. &; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. The
nearest money order office is at White Roothing &
ABBOTT'S ROOTHING, 27 miles from London and telegraph office at Ongar
6 north from Ongar terminal station, on a branch of Wall Letter BJx at Bud.- Green cleared at 4.3 0 p.m
the Great Eastern railway, in the Ongar hundred, A School Board of 5 members was formed 1 June. 1gg 0 :
petty ses~ional division and union and in the rural Rev. John Howard B.A. horr. clerk to the board
deanery of Ongar, takes its name from the circum- Board (formerly parish) School (mixed), formerly used
stance of its having of old belonged to the Abbess of as a workhouse, was enlarged in 1870, for so children:
:Barking. At the Dissolution, Henry VIII. sold the estate average attendance, 4 6: James Hall, master
to Robert Chertsey. The church of St. Edmund is an
-edifice of flint, in the Perpendicular style, completely BERNERS ROOTHI~G is a parish, 7 miles north-east
restored and enlarged in x867, and consists of chancel, from Ongar station and 10 south-west from Dunmow
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower of station on the Great Eastern railway, in Dnnrnow
brick with a small spire ami containing 3 bells : the east hundred and Ongar petty sessional division and union,
nnd west windows are stained, and one of the smaller and rural deanery of Ongar. The church (name not
windows contains old stained glass of the time of Henry known) is a.small building of rubble in the Perpendicular
VI. including a figure of St. Edmund ; it was buried style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
during the Reformation and restored in x867. The re- west-ern tower of wood containing 1 bell. The register
gister dat,es from the year 156o. The living is a rectory, dates from the year 1538. The living is a donative
gross yearly value, £296, with residence, in the gift of vicarage, net yearly value £4o, annexed to the rectory
~nd held since 1858 by the Rev. Lawrence Capel Cure of Willingale Doe, with Shellow Bowells, in the gift of
RA. of Balliol Coll(>g€., Oxford. Here is a Congregational Col. T. H. Bramston, and held since 1883 by the Rev.
chapel, erected in 1727, but owing- to its dilapitated con- John Swayne M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford, who
dition, services are now held in the schoolroom. The resides at Willingale Doe.
parish clerk is endowed with a rent-charge of £2 yearly. Sexton, Jonathan Monk.
Lord Rookwood P.C. is lord of the manor of Rookwood Letters through Ongar S.O. to Willingale Doe, where
Hall, and the principal landowner. they remain until called for; Ongar is the nearest
money order & telegraph office
BER\YICK BERNERS (or Barwick Berners) is a ham- The children of this place attend the schools at Willinga.Ie
let of Abbott's Roothing, which chooses a constable of & Margaret Roothing
its own.
Parish Clerk, Stephen Whitbread. HIGH ROOTHING is 31 miles from London, and 4
Post Office.-William Whitbread, sub-postmaster. Let- south-west from Dunmow station, in Dunmow hundred,
ters from Brentwood through Ongar S.O. arrive week petty sessional division and union, and rural deanery
days 8.30, sundays 9 a.m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m. & of Roding; it was given by Leofwin, in the reign of
sundays at 10 a.m. The nearest money order office King Edward the Confessor, to a monastery in the Isle
i::; at White Roothing & telegraph office is at Matching of Ely. The church of All Saints, restored in 1855,
Green. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid at a cost of nearly £r,ooo, is a low building of flint in
Parochial School (mixed), erected in 186o, for 43 children mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch,
& enlarged in Aug-ust, 1888, for 58 children; average and a western turret containing 2 bells: there are
attendance, 54; Mrs. Ursell, mistress brasses in the chancel to Thomas Fytche, ob. 1514, and
Agnes his wife with 11 children, and to the Jocelyn
AYTHROP ROOTHING, 30 miles from London and 5~ family, Earls of Roden; the church will seat 250 persons.
1>outh-west Dunmow station on the Bishop's ~tort- The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a
!or~ and Bramtree branch of the Gre~t East~r~ .railway,, rectory, avera re tithe rent-charge £364; net yearly value
"IS • m Dunt?ow hundred, petty sess10;nal diVISIOn and £270, with residence and 24 acres of glebe, in the gift
umon, and m the :u~al .deanery. ?f Rodu~g. . The church of the Earl of Rod en and held since 1890 by the Rev.
'Of s~. Mary the VI~gl;n IS an edifice of fhnt m the Early Thomas Eddleston, of St. Aidans. The Earl of Roden
Enghsh style, cons1stmg of chan.cel, n~ve, sout~ porch, is lord of the manor and principal landowner.;ry, and a weste_rn belfry wit~ s~ngle~ ~pire con- Parish Clerk, Charles Haden.
tammg 3 bells bearmg the followmg mscnpt10ns : 1st,
"Huic fratns Sim 01 ,is Andrei nomen habet;" 2nd, Post 0ffice.-Simon Owers, sub-postmaster. Letters
"'Virgini atque matri resonat Campana Marie ;" 3rd, from Dunmow at 7·I5 a.m.; dispatched at S·IS p.m.
"De celis missi nomen habeo Gabrielis :" the lancet Dunmow is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
windows in the chancel are stained. The register dates Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
irom the year 155 9. The living is a rectory, average Wall Letter Box cleared at 5.1o p.m. week days only
tithe rent-charge £ 299 ; net yearly value £ 2so, with Paroch~al School (mixed\ erected in 1861 for 86 children;
Tesidence, in the gift of F. T. Veley esq. of Chelmsford, average attendance, 68; Miss Mary E. Galloway, mist
-and held since 1849 by the Rev. Henry Ludgate M. A. LEADEN Ii,OOTHING iP 28 miles from London, 7 north-
<lf Trinity College, Cambridge. Charles Livermore esq. east from Ongar station and 7 south-west from Durrmow
>"ho is lord of the manor, W. D. Caton, Frederick John station, in Dunmuw hundred, petty sessional division
~Iatthews, Thomas Allaker Aldham, B. Peacock and and union, and in the rural deanery of Roding. Here
J'ohn Gingell esqs. and Gobert's Charity are the principal was a place called "Leaden Wash," where a turnbridge
1andowners. was made for tl:te convenience of carriages and foot
:Post Offioe.-Mrs. Susan Day, sub-postmistress. Letters passengers crossing the water. The church (dedication
from Chelmsford through Dunmow, arrive at 7.20 a.m. unknown) is a small building of rubble in the Norman
& dispatched at 4.50 p.m. week days only. White 1 style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
Roothing is the nearest money order office & the near- west,ern belfry of wood with spire, and containing 3
est telegraph office is at Dunmow bells: it was restored in 1866 and has xoo sittings. The
Wall Letter Box cleared at 4·55 p.m. week days only register of baptisms and burials dates from 1572;
National Schoul (mixed), erected in 185o for so children; marriages, 1752. The living is a rectory, yearly value
average attendance, z::.: Miss Agnes Green, mistress from tithe rent-charge £245, with 43 acres of glebe and
BEAUCHAMP ROOTHING is a parish 26 miles from residence, in the gift 11f the Lord Chancellor and held
London, 5 north-east from Ongar station and 10 south- since 1894 by the Rev. Gerald William Druce M.A. of
west from Dunmow, in Ongar hundred, petty sessional Exeter College, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel
division and union and rural deanery of Ongar. The in conjunction with the Abbott's Roothing and High Eas-
• church of St. Botolph is a small edifice of rubble, in the ter chapels, the services being conducted by ministers of
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north these chapels respectively. The trustees of the late
porch and an embattled western tower containing 4 Lord D!!cre, who ar~ lords of the maiJ.or, T. A. Spencer
esq. and Messrs. Thomas Millbank, Charles Livermore IS managed by the rector, will hold so children;
and Loftus J. Arhnight esq. of Little Parndon, are the average attendance, 45: Miss Harriet Porter, mistress
principal landowners. \\'RITE ROOTHIXG, supposed to have been so named
Parish Clerk, John Mott. from the whiteness of the church, is 29 miles from
Post Office.-William Allen, sub-postmaster. Letters London, 8 south-west from Dunmow and 5 east from
through Dunmow ann e 7.30 a. m. ; dispatched 4.50 Sawbridgeworth station on the Cambridge line of the
p.m. The neare'lt mcney order office is at White Great Eastern railway, in Dunmow hundred, petty ses-
Roothing & telegraph office at Matching Green. Postal sional division and 1mion, and in the rural deanery of
orders are io.sued h<:lre, but not paid Boding. The church of St. Martin exceeds in import-
Natioml School (mixed), for 35 children; average ance, as a. building, any other of the Boding churches
attendance, 27; Miss Charlotte Milne, mistress and is seen from a considerable distance; it is an
edifice of rubble, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel
MA.RGARET ROOTHING is 29 miles from London, 7 and nave, south porch, and an embattled western tower
north-east from Ongar station and 8 south-west from with spil'le containing 5 bells: the nave is Early Norman
Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and union with Perpendicular insertions, the chancel chiefly Per-
and in the rural deanery of Boding. The church of pendicular with Decorated remains, the tower is Perpen-
St. Margaret is a small building of rubble in the Early dicular and the wooden south porch chiefly of the same
Norman style and consists of chancel, nave and a western date: it was thoroughly restored in 1879, at a cost of
turret containing one bell; the south door and windows £r,7oo, including the building of a vestry and organ
are good examples of Norman work. The register dateo. chamber, the purchase of a new organ and the provision
from the year 1538. The living is a rect{)ry, formerly of stalls for the chancfll and suitable oak benches for
belonging to the Abbey of St. Albans, average tithe the rest of the church. The register dates from the year
rent-charge £169, with 37 acres of glebe and residence, 1547. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge
in the gift of and held since 186r by the Rev. Francis £444• with 56 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
Burton Shepherd M. A. of Oriel College, Oxford. Here of Sir Spencer M. Maryon-Wilson hart. and held since
is an endowment of 30s. to be given in bread; James 1893 by the Rev. Jame8 Edmond Long of St. Bees.
Bentley esq. by deed of gift, 1865, gave the sum of Here is a Congregational chapel, opened Jan. 1888 .
.£4oo, the interest of which is to be applied in keeping Edward Parris esq. of Mascalls Bury and George Edward
the churchyard and walls in good repair. The Mar~aret Frere esq. who are lords of the manor, and Major John
Roothing Benefit Society now numbers about 450 mem- Augustus Fan-3 arP. the principal landowners.
bers. 'l'he Rev. Ralph Colley · Smith M.A. and the
"ty college, 0 x for d , are . 1> "IORRELL ROOTHI1\-G f 1 d" t" t · h
ormer y a 1s 1nc par1s ,
M as t er and F ell ows o f Umvers1 •t d t 0 Wh;· "-' R , th"
the lords of the manor and the principal landowners. lS now UDl e te oo mg.
Marks Hall, a farm house, seems to have been an Sexton, George Stone. .
independent chapelry, and pays tithes to the rectory Post & M. 0. <?·• S. B. & Annmty & Insurance O:ffice.-
of St{)ndon Massey. Edward DaVIs. Green, sub-po~tm~ster. Letters from
Parish Clerk Th<Jmas Milbank. Dunmow received 8.55 a.m. , dispatched 4.25 ;p.m.
' No sunday post. The nearest telegraph office 1s at
Post Office.-Mrs. Emma Judd, sub-postmistress. Let- Matching Green
ters arrive from Dunrnow at 7-50 a. m.; dispatched at A School Board of 5 members was formed 14 Mar. 1873;
4.30 p.m. White Roothing is the nearest money order F. J. Snell, Great Dunmow, clerk to the board; Ja.mes
office & the telegraph office is at Roxwell Hamilton, Great Dunmow, attendance officer
Endowed School (mixed), endowed by the Rev. Dr. Board School (mixed), built in 1873, for 99 children;
D'Oyley, a former rector of this parish, with £14 average attendance, 70; William Bayley, master; Miss
& by James Bentley eo;q. with £2o: the school, which E. E. llayley, assistant mistress


(iure Rev. Lawrence Capel B.A. Retry Blowes John, beer retailer & carrier Parmenter Mary (Mrs.), Anchor P.H
Rattee Rev. James E. (Congregatnl) Kinsey James, farmer, Nether street Thurgood James, farmer, Rookwoods
Earker Thos. S. frmr. Berwick's frm Metson Jacob, farmer, Parker's farm & Abbot's halls
Ludgater Irev. Henry M.A. Rectory A.ylett John, beer retailer Dunmow John, farmer, Cut Elms
COMMEROIAL. Belsham Thos. miller (wind &; steam) Livermore Charles, jun. farmer, Ay-
Aldham Thomas Allaker, farmer & Blyth Charles, farm bailiff to Mr. throp hall
landowner, Highams John Gingell, Friar's grange Matthams James Barnard, farmer
.Aylett Elizabeth (Miss), Carpenters' Caton W. Draper, farmer Shead Mary Ann (:\Irs.), blacksmith
Arms P.H Clayden Thomas, grocer & draper Stokes William, farmer, Keers
Clay Lieut.-Dol. Albert Newby J.P. Elliott Alfred, farmer Read James, farmer, Butt hatch
Slades Hammond Arthur, builder Walden Joseph, farmer, Willie's farm
Howard Rev. John B.A. Rectory Horsnell Geo. shopkeeper, Birds green Warder Nathan, farm bailiff to Messrs.
COMMERCIAL. Newman George, farmer, Long Barnes Duffield & Bruity, Wood end
:Blowes John Parker, shopkeeper, Butt Speller Elizabeth (Mrs.), Swan iim, Whitbread Hy. beer ret. Birds green
hatch Birds green
Chetwode & Grubbe, farmers, Berners hall & Parscmage I Wilson William, farmer, Elms
Eddleston Rev. Thomas, Rectory Keable John, shoe maker Salmon Augustus, shopkeeper
MacMichael J. Holden, The Willows Lodge John, beer retailer Staines Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, Porters
Marsh John, farm bailiff to Robert Tannar Mary (Mrs.), miller (steam &
Marsh esq. Pennyfeather's, Gower's wind) & beer retailer
Eacon George, carpenter & Trevitt's farms Thurley Robert, bricklayer
Bennett Robert, farmer Owers Charles, farmer, Whitehall Tyrrell William, blacksmith
Eush Sarah Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school Owers Simon, grocer & provision dlr. Webb James, shopkeeper
I>unharn William, farmer, Ware & Post office West James, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Dugates farms Ridgwell John, Black Lion P.H Smith, High Trees, Atridge's &
liowland William, beer retailer Rolph Alfred, blacksmith Hubbard's farms
Joyce Benjamin, higgler & carrier Rolph George Alfred, confectioner Wilson John, farmer, New hall
Druce Rev. Gerald William :M.A. Ellis Arthur, King William IV. P.H Saunders James, farmer, Chalk farm
Rectory :\Iott Gustavus, wheelwright Stock James, farm bailiff to T. A.
Wilson John :\lott John, carpenter Spencer esq. Leaden ball
COY:llERCllL • ~eville Thomas, beer retlr. &; shopkpr Stokes Mary Ann (Miss), dress roakr
.Alien Wm. grocer & draper, Post office Nunn Frederick, farmer Thurley George, bricklayer

Shepherd Rev. Francis Burton M..A.. Mead Isaac, miller (wind & water) Ritchie Hy. R~id, farmer, '.Marks haJI
Rectory l\Iilbank Thomas, farmer, Garnish hall Smith Peter, farmer, Brick house
Blackwell Thomas, farmer & Whitehall •
Brown George Dawkins James, bricklayer Monck John Augustns, wheelwright
Challis 1\frs Field Marshall, farmer, Pottens farm Newell John, shoe maker
Long Rev. James Edmond, Rectory Field Nathaniel, farmer Newton Edbert, mason
Morgan George Green Edward Davis, grocer & draper, Oliver Alfred, farmer, Marks hall
Morgan Miss Post office Parris Edward, farmer & landowner~
Parris Edward, Mascall's Bury Grove Edmund, farmer, Kingstons Mascall's Bury
Halls Thomas, farmer, Colville hall Roast William & Frank, millers (wind
COMMERCIAL. Hocliley James, bricklayer & steam)
Boutell Thomas, plumber Lewis John, farmer, Warwicks Staines Albert, farmer, Lucas
Brown George, Black Horse P.H Lukies Nicholas, farmer, Cammas hall, Staines Thos. Stock, farmer, Walken
Brown John, carter Morrell Roothing Tyrrell John, blacksmith
Challis Frank, general dealer Mann Elizh. (Mrs.), Whalebone P.H Walden William, farmer, Manwoods.
Dawkins George, bricklayer Matthams Waiter, farmer, Graylands
ROXWELL is a parish on the Can, a feeder of the justice of the Common Pleas (1559-72), and about 1641
Chelmer, 4! miles west from Chelmsford station, 9 north- was purchased for a sum of £8,ooo from Sir Richard
east from Ongar, and 26 from London, in the Mid divi- Weston kt. I·st Earl of Portland K.G. by Sir John
sion of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty ses- BramstGn kt. Chief Justice of the King's Bench: the
sional diviSI:ion, and county court district, rurai deanery park, 303 acres in extent, is about ~~ miles west from
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. the village, and together with the mansion, an old square
Albans. The church of St. Michael, an edifice of flint brick building, is the property of Lt.-Col. Thomas Harveoy
and stone in the Late Decorated style, enlarged and Broonston, but i.s now (1894) unoccupied. Lord Petre,
thoroughly repaired in 1854, consists of chance'!, nave, who is lord of the manor, and Lieut.-Col. T. H. Bramston
north aisle, nortlh porch and a wooden turret at the west are chief landownens. The soil in s<Jme places is of a
end with spire, and containing 3 bells :in the south angle clayey nature, and in others gravel, and produces ex-
of the chancel is a marble mural monument with inscrip- ceLlent corn. The area is 4,764 acres of land and 18
tion in Latin, to Sir Jahn Bramston kt. Chief Justice of water; ratea'ble value, £5,191; the population in 1891
the King's Bench (1635-42); he was the eldest son of was 766.
Roger Bramston, of Maldon, Essex, where he was born CHALK END, 2 miles north-east; BLACKWALL, 1
May r8th, 1577, and is said to have been a man of pro- · h 0 0 OSS 1 i1
found learning, s'()lid J'udgment, integrity of life and mile sout -west, and B YT N CR ' ha f a m e
north, are small hamlets.
gravity of manner : he died at Skreenes Park, 22 Sept.
1654, and was buried here: in the chancel is also a mural Parish Clerk, Willdam Cheek.
monument with a bust and inscription to Mary, daughter Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
and co-heiress of John Bramston esq. of Skreenes, and & Insurance Office. Edward Knight, sub-postmaster.
wife of Col. The Hon. Edward Byng; she died 31 Marcli, Letters are received through Chelmsford, arrive at
1744: here also is an inscriptrion to Thoma•s Younge, of 7.50 a.m.; disparllched at 6 p.m. & on sundays at 9·30
Newland and Roxwell, gent. and his wife Katheren, ob. p.m
1593: in 1886 a chancel screen of ancient oak was placed Wall Letter Box, BoyntGn Cross, cleared 5.30 p.m.; sun-
in this church by the present vicar: the windows contain days, 8.30 a.m
some good modern stained glass. In 1891 the turret and National School (bOYJS, girls & infants), built in 1834, by
spire were restored, and about an acre of land added to T. W. Bramston esq. & recently (1890) by deed of gift,
the churchyard. The register dates from the year 1558. executed by Lieut.-Col. Bramston, conveyed to the
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £xgo, Vlicar and cqurchwa.rdens in trust for educational pur-
with residence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of New poses: it will hold 170 objldren; average attendance,
College, Oxford, and held since x884 by the Rev. Thomas 45 boys, 36 girls & 36 infants; James Webb, master;
Rogers M.A. of that college, Hon. M us. Doe. of the Miss Margaret Ruth Cornwell, girls' mistress; Miss
University of Durham and surrogate. Skreens Pfa.rk, so Susan Bell, infunts' mistress
named from Serjeant Will~am Skrene, in the reign of Carriers to & from Chelmsford.-·The Willingale carriers
Henry IV. was subsequently held by Richard Weston, a pass through on mon. wed. & fri
(Marked thus * are in the ·writtle Christy Reginald William, farmer, Playle Henry, beer ret. Cooksmill gm
postal delivery.) Little Boynton hall Ray John Shepherd, miller (steam.
Christy Mrs, Boynton hall Cogdale George, blacksmith water & wind mills), & collector of
Rogers Rev. Thomas M.A., Mus.Doc. Ombrough Waiter (exors. of), farmers, poor rates & assistant overseer
(vicar & surrogate), Vicarage Mountneys farm Simons Charles, farmer, Broadgates
Watts Rev. Edward George B.A. Crouchman Martha (Mrs.), butcher Simons Hugh, Chequers P.H
(curate), The Elms French & Hutley, farmers, Tye hall Towns George, farmer, Eleys farm
Gandy George, wheelwright Warren Mary Annie (Mrs.), Cherry
Henderson Henry, farmer, Butt hatch Tree P.H. & smith
Blackwell Thos. farmer, Bolden hatch Knight Edward, baker, Post office Webb James, farmer
*Brazier Richard, farmer *Metson Saml. farmer, Radley green *Wilson William, shopkeeper &i beer
Bridge Fredk. James, grocer & drapr *Milbank Chas. farmer, Blow's green retailer, Radley green
Brown John, farmer, Newland hall ~filbank George, farmer, Duke's Wright Ellen Sophia (Mrs.), shop-
Bucknell Hy. farmer, Armswick farm Morrison \Vm. farmer, The Hill farm keeper & farmer
Cheek William, grocer Page James, Hare & Hounds P.H Wright John, shoe maker
Cheek \Villiam, sen. bricklayer, sex- *Perry Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Wright Wm. beer retlr. Boyton cross
ton & acting parish clerk Cooksmill green Young- Solomon, farmer, Thatchers fm
ROYDON (or Woodredon) is an ancient town and honorificus," db. 1471 and Joan (Trusbut) his wife, both
parish on the borde!1s of Hertfordshire, on the road from figures having collars; tG John Colte esq. ob. 1521 and
Waliham Abbey to Rar1ow and on the navtigable river his wives Mary (Anbe) and Elimbeth (Eldringt;On), with
Soort, over which is a wooden bridge of one arch; it has r8 children; to Elimbeth (Dinn), wife of John Stanley
a station on the Cambridge section of the Great gent. ob. 1589, with 5 children, and the figure of a
Eastern railway, and is 22 miles from London, 5 civilian, c. 1580: in 1890 an oak lectern was prPsented
south-west from Harlow, 5! east from Hertford and by Major Longley, son of the late Dr. Longley, arcll-
7 north-west from Epping. The parish is in the bishop of Canterbury. The register dates from the year
Western division of the county, Harlow and Wal- 1567. The living is a discharged vicarage, average tithe
tham hundred, Harlow petty sessional division, Epping rent-charge £u2, with residenoce, in the gift of Earl '
union, Waltham county court district, and in the Cowley K.G. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Edmund
rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- Oarlin William Wall Jones of St. Bees. The Congrega-
cese of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter is an edifice tional chapel, buiLt in 1852, seats 200 persrons. The
of flint in mixed styles, repaired in 1854, and consists of Workmen's ClUJb was erected on the Green in 1893.
chancel, n:ave, north aisle, which is thickly covered with Nether Hall, near here, an ancient mansion, of which
ivy, and an emba,Uled western tower, with small spire, only the gateway now stands, formerly belonged to the
C<lnto!Lining a clock and 6 bells : in the church are brasses C<llte family, some of whom were buried in the chancel
with effigies to Thomas Colte esq. "Edwardi regis c<Jnsul of the church: the gateway is constructed of brick, with
11 sera;i-hexagonal tower on each side of the entrance, and Verger, George Stock.
bears tne arms of the family supported by two colts; the Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
whole l'ile when complete was surrounded by a moat and &; Insurance Office. John Pamphilon, sub-postmaster.
a wall: the property is now in the possession of Lieut.- Letters through Ware &; a portion of the parish
Col. G:sorge Bramston .A.rcher-Houblon of Great Hailing- through Waltham Cross, arrive at 7 a.m. &; 11.40
'bury. 'Sir Thomas More, chancellor in the reign of p.m.; di spatch ed a t 9.40 a.m. ""
... 5· 5 o p.m.; sun d ays,
Henry VHI. married as his first wife Jane Colte of this arrive a& 7. 45 a.m.; dispatched at 5.5 0 p.m
place in 1505, but she died in 1512, leaving one son and
three daughters. Roydon Lodge, now occupied by Post Office, Broadley Common. John Judd, sub-post-
Edward Exton Barclay esq. is a mQdern building of master. Letters arrive from Waltham Cross; dis-
bl"ick and stucco, with well-arranged ploosure grounds partched at 5.50 p.m. Nazeing is the nearest money
sloping to the river Stort, and is close to Roydon station order & telegraph office
-on the G.E. railway. Mr. Edward E. Barclay's Harriers Pillar Letter Box, Station, cleared at 9·45 a.m. & 5·55
(the Epping Forest Harriers) are kennelled here; the p.m.; sundays at 5·55 p.m
pack hunts two days a week during the season; William .A small endowment, amounting to £4oo &; producing
Hurrell, jun. is the kennel huntsman. Earl Cowley about j;18 yearly, given by John Manning in 1752 for
X.G., P.C. is lord of the manor, and the principal land- educa.twnal purposes, was some time since sold by the
·<lwners are the trustees of the late William Tindal Educational department, the proceeds going towards
Robertson, Spencer Charrington esq. M.P. of Hunsdon defraying the expense of the Board schools which have
·House, Ware; Thomas Collin, Lieut.-Col. George Bram- been erected
ston .A.rcher-Houblon of Hallingbury, Sir Charles Booth .A School Board of 5 members was formed 30 Sept. 1874 ;
bart. of Netherfield Park, Ware; Charles Jnmes Phelips J. Windus, Epping, clerk of the board
-esq. of Meade Lodge, Hunsdon, Ware, and WincheSiter Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 150 children;
College. Th<. soil is mixed, mostly heavy_; subsoil, clay. avemge attendance, go; William Durrant Bunn, mas-
"The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The ter ; :Miss Emma Bunn, mistress
area is 3,ooo acres of land and 31 of water; rateable
-value, £10,455; the population in 1891 was 969. Rrulway Station, Edmund Hull, station mast~r
(Marked thus t receive letters through tBrown J oseph, farmer, Silcocks farm, Lee Henry, farmer, Roydon hamlet
Waltham Cross.) Broadley Common Littlechild Martha (Mrs.), farmer,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Camp William, baker, Didgemere Skins farm
Barclay Edward Exton, Roydon lodge tCannon Geo. saddlr. Roydon hamlet Mansfield William George, hay carter,
Bolton Mrs Church William, farmer, Skins farm Roydon hamlet
Fowler Howard, Fedsdens Clark Horace, general dealer Menhinick Rd. farmer, Roydon Lea
Hampton Richard, Broadley Common Clark John, beer retailer Moore Thomas, butcher
tHolmes Jolin, Broadley house Coutts John, farmer & fruit grower, Page Nelson, farm bailiff to E. E .
..Tones Rev. Edmund Carlin William Elmhurst Barclay esq. of Roydon lodge
Wall, Vicarage Cowell James, farmer, Lightfoots frm Palmer John James, Temple inn
Lee Rev. By. (Congreg.), The Manse Dowsett John, farmer Pamphilon John, stationer & sub-
Lee James Henry, Shaftesbury villas tGarrad James, Black Swan P.H postmaster
.1\fason Miss, Shaftesbury villa.s Green Arthur James, farmer, East Pearman James, farm bailiff to John
:Mitchell William, Whitehall, Roydon End farm James Green esq
hamlet Green George, wheelwright Ritherdvn Ernest Herbert, Fish &
Neale Robert Hale John, farmer, Low hill Eels P.H
Parish Joseph Higgins Edmund, toll collector, Stort tSaling Wm. blacksmith, Roydonhmlt
Pyne Dillman Toll house Searle William, gardener to Howard
Pyne Mrs. Cambridge house Hinson Henry Joseph, baker, florist & Fowler esq
1Yormell Richard, Beaumont nurseryman Searle William, lock keeper, Station
COMMERCIAL. tHummerstone William, beer retailer Sessions James, farmer, Low hill
Abbey Osborn James, farmer, Temple & shopkeeper, Broadley Common Simons Ernest, farmer, Tilers cross
farm & Roydon hamlet Hunt George, gamekeeper to J. J. Smith Benjamin, White Hart P.H
..A.brahams John, shopkeeper & gen. dlr Green esq Smith Thomas, hay binder, East end
.A.yling E. A. & F. H. millers (water), Hurrell William, jun. huntsman Standing Amos, gardener to E. E
Roydon mill Impey Thos. farm bailiff to Sir Chas. Barclay esq
Banks George, fishmonger Booth bart. of Stanstead, Down hall Tayler William, farmer, Nether haU
Benham &; Son, ooal dealers J enkins John, plumber &c. ; & at Traveller Thomas, beer retailer
Benham .Alfred, bricklayer Harlow Tyser John, boot maker
Benham William, cowkeeper tJudd John, shopkeeper, Post office, Walker William, Green Man P.H
.Bigg John, blacksmith Broadley Common tWebb James, hay binder, Broadley
Brett George, police constable Keates John, New inn Common
tBrown Amy (Mrs.), Fox & Goose Keep Sarah (Miss), thrashing machine Wooster Aaron, beer retlr. Low hill
P.H. Roydon hamlet proprietor, Gladwins farm Workmen's Club (E. E. Barclay esq.
Brown Durhjlm, farmer, Merry- Lawrence Ruth (Mrs.), baker president; W. D. Bunn, sec)
weathers, Roydon hamlet Lawrence Thos. Rowley, grcr. & drpr
:RUNWELL is a scattered village and parish, near the Exchequer 167g-8o, and a justice of the King's Bench
banks of the Crouch, three-quarters of a mile from Wick- x68o to 1683, ob. 14 July, 1683: in the chancel i.~ a
ford station on the Southend-on-Sea bmnch of the Great hagioscope and there are piscinre both in the chancel and
Eastern railway, 6! miles north from Pitsea station on in the aisles: several windows are stained. Near the
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 29 from Lon- door is fixed a very interesting old alms box, with three
don, 10 south-south-east from Chelmsford and 6 east from padlocks. The register dates from the year 1558. The
Billericay; in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £423, net
bundred, petty sessional division, union and county court yearly value £300, with residence and 35 acres of glebe,
district, and in the rural deanery of Danbury, arch- in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. B. Harris, and
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St . .A.lbans: it was held since 1891 by the Rev. Henry Kingsford Harris B.A.
given by King Athelstan to the Dean and Chapter of St. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Runwell Hall, a modern
:Paul's in 930. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a mansion of brick, pleasantly seated on an eminence, corn-
small edifice of stone and brick in the Perpendicular manding extensive views, is the .seat of Thomas Kemble
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, separated esq. J. P. lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
!rom the nave by an arcade of five bays, north porch, soil is rich loam, producing excellent crops of wheat,
and an embattled western tower with short spire, con- barley, oats and beans. The area is 2,070 acres; rate-
taining 4 bells: there is an ancient monument, with able value, £1,708; the population in 1891 was 275.
kneeling effigies in brass, and an inscription to Eustace Parish Clerk, William Tilbroke.
Sulyard esq. ob. 1547, and Margaret (Ayloff) his wife, ob.
.5 Feb. 158z! and previously the wife of Gregory Bassett Letters through Battles Bridge S.O. arrive at 7 a.m.;
esq. by whom she had a daughter, Dorothy, the wife of second delivery, day mail, through Wickford, at 9· 15
Anthony Maxey esq. ; Edward Sulyard, " the last of his a.m. Wickford is the nearest money order & telegraph
bouse and of his family," died, as appears from another office. Day mail leaves Wickford at 12.5 p.m. &;
monument in the chancel, the 7th :Kov. 1692; and on 5.50 p.m
the south wall of the chancel is a black stone slab, with 1\'!a.tional School (mixed), built in 1866, for 56 children;
in;;ocription to Sir Thomas Raymond kt. a. baron of the average at-tendance, 4i; Miss Louisa Day, mistress
Harris Rev. Henry Kingsford B.A Pearse Mrs. Lynfords Lewis John, farmer, Flemings farm
Kemble Thomas J.P. Runwell hall Andre Willhelm Moritz, Quart inn Matt Charles, farmer
Kemble Major Thomas .Albert J.P. Carter Abraham, carpenter Sergeant Frederick, farmer
Runwell hall Lewis .Alfred, farmer, Flemings farm
SAFFRON WALDEN is a municipal borough, mar- .Audley End palace, in 17rr, the present chapel, built :in
ket and union town and head of a cflunty oourt diS~trict 1792, was renowted in I8go, and has about 200 sittings.
and petty sessional diviSJion, near the borders of Cam- The Particular Baptist chapel in London road, erected in
bridgeshire, with a smtion on the Great Ea.stern railway 1822, has 150 sitbings. The Wesleyan Methodist chapel,
branch from .Audley End (in the parish of Wendens in Oastle street, built in r84o, will seat 230 persons.
Ambo), 43! miles by rail and 40 by road from LonilQU, The Primitive Methodist chapel, at the top of Castle
14! from Cambridge, 12 frflm Rflysion and 7 north-west street, erected in 1868, has sittings for 180 persons.
from Thaxted: it is the chief plaee in UtJtlesford hun- The Plymouth Brethren Meeting house in Gold
dred, in the Nflrthern diviS~ion of the oounty and is in street seats So persons. The public cemetery,
the rural deanery of Saffron W alden, archdeaconry of on the Seward's End rood, about half .a mile from. the
Colchester and dliocese of St. .Al!Jans. The town is town, comprises about 5! acres, with two mortuary
governed by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, four chapels ; it is under the control of a burial board of 9
aldermen and twelve town councillors, who also constitute members. The Town Hall, erected in 1879 at the sole
the ur'ban sanitary au~hority. The town has a commis- expense of G. S. Gibson esq. at a total cost of from
sion of the peace and separate court of quarter sessions. £6,ooo to £7,ooo, is an ed~fice in the Early English
The police :arrangements are under the control of the S'tyle, containing an assemJbly room, 65 feet by 32 feet,
county oonstabulary. '.Dhe town consists of several with a gullery, and seating soo persons, there is also a
streets, paved and lighted with ga.s, and contains many council chamber, court room (in which the quarter and
good buildings. Here a_re water works, constructed in petJty sessions are held), apartments for magisirates,
1862 by a comrpany, and supplied by an artesian well, jul'lies and committ~es, and on the ground floor a muni-
1,004 feet deep; the ga·s and wa,t'er works are the ment room, besides police cells. The Cmn Exchange,
property of the Corporation. The church of St. Mary built in 1847-8, since Dec. r 882 the property of the
the Virgin, a spacious and magnificent edifice of stone, is Oorporation 1 is a modern structure in the Italian style,
a fine specimen of the Late Pel'pendicular style, and was with a domical tower containing an illuminated clock, and
chiefly built in the reign of Henry VI. about 1425, the has been enlarged and improved. The Police Stati<m in
chancel, with some po!'ltion of the efbstern part of the East street is an edifice of brick and stone, erected in
nave, being the work of Lord Chancellor Audley and most 1884, at a cost of £3,5oo, paid by the county, and com-
of the remaining portion th!lit of John Leche, vicar here prises a residence for the superintendent, inspector and
from 1489 to 1521; successive repairs in the years 1721, one .oonSJtable; there are 1!.hree ceUs and the usual offices:
1792 and 1793 ·cost nearly £8,ooo, to which Field-Marshal here also is a l•ibrary for the use of the Essex constabu-
Lord Howard de Walden, who died here in 1797, munifi- lary, consisting of 15,ooo volumes. The Volunteer Fim
cently contributed : the church now consists of chancel, Brigade, fflrmed in 1865, has head-quarters in Hill street:
with aisles of nearly equal wid•th, nave of seven bays, t·he fflrce consists of a supel'lintendent, foreman engineer
with wisles and cleresoory, large nmth and south porches and thirleen firemen, with one manual engline, a portable-
end a western tower, suppol'ted by bold buttresses term- engine and appliances. The Post Office in King street
inating in octagonal turrets, with plain elflngated spire- is a structure of red brick, with Bath stone dressings, in
lets ; the tower has also a slender spire, added in the :tihe Renaissance style, from designs by Mr. F. J. Whi:ffin.
year 1831 to the old tower, after a design and under the of Saffron "\Valden, and Messrs. Berison and Bargm·m,
direction of Thoma•s Rickma.n, the well-knflwn architect, London, architects, and includes a residence for the
~nd contains a clock and 8 bells ; further alterations were postmaster. The Museum orii.ginated in a small local
made in r85g-6o, under the direction of Mr. R. C. Hus- institution, founded in 1832, but now extinct, called the-
sey of London, .and in r876 the church was agalin re- "Menbal Improvement Society," in connection with
-stored, under the superintendence of Mr. W. Butterfield, which the museum was formed in a small house near
architect : in the south chancel aisle is the ma1'1ble tomb the present cattle market, belonging to Jabez Gibson
of Thomas, Lord .Audley K.G. Chancellor to Henry VII. esq. : in 1834 it was removed to its present site, The-
ob. rgth April, 1544, ret. 56; and a memorial to two sons Bury, or Oas!Jile hill, and was furmally opened 12 May,
of Lord Braybrooke, Captain the Hon. Henry .Aldworth 1835: in r88o the entire building, previously shared by
Neville, Grenadier Guards, killed at Inkerman, 5 Nov. IO'ther public bodies, was appropriated to the museum,
1854; and the Hon. Grey Neville, 5th Dragoons, who through the munificence of the late Gemge Stacey Gibson
died rr Novemlber, 1854, of wounds received at the battle esq. who also appointed and provided for a paid curwt:or.;
of Balaklava, Oot. 25th: benea!th the communion table is and in r887 the museum was recognized by the Museums
the Howard mult, where lie the six Earls of Suffolk who Oommittee of the British .Associa'tion as a provincial
last held .Audley end, and one Lord Howard of "\Valden, museum of the firSit clas'S : it contains a fine collection of
with his two wives : in the north chancel is an altar 1JOIOlogioal and geological specimens, Roman and other
tomb to John Leche, above men<tioned : the north porch antiquities and ancient coins, and is supported partially
is at present used as a vestry; in the south chancel aisle by an endowment made to it by its late benefactor, G. S.
is a brass effigy, c. 1430, believed to be that oi Thomas Gibson esq. and by donations and subscriptions: it is
Byrd, once rector of Much Munden : some of the windows open to subscribers on all days except Sundays, Good
are struned : the entire lengtth of the church is 200 feet Friday and Christmas-day; admission can also be ob-
and its breadth 82~ the height of the tower being 85 feet tained of any of the trustees, or by application
and of the spire, in addition, 108 feet: there are 1,2oo on the premises between the hours ()f 9 a.m. and
gjfltings. The regdster dates from the year 1558. The 5 p.m. to Mr. G. N. Maynard, the curator. The Literary
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge 7;216, net Inst.itution, in King street, was established in 1832: the
yearly value £158, with glebe (£g) and reSJidence, in the ground floor com:Q:IDses tWIO spacious and well~arranged
gif.t of Lord Broybrooke, and held since 1889 by the Rev. read·ing rooms, supplied with the daily and other papers
Raymond Percy Pelly M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- and current periodicals, and on the upper floor are th&
bridge. · wrious rfloms appropriated to the library, which origin-
The Friends' Meeting House, in High streelf:, is a ally consisted of 6,ooo volumes, bu.t under the will of the
spacious edifice of brick, with school and class-room~ lrute George Stacey Gibson esq. the number has been
adjoining: the register dates from 1639, although the increased to over 2o,ooo volumes : the late Mrs. Gibson.
original building was not erected till 1676: in the rear of widow of the above-named, during the years r888-g re-
the building is a burial ground. The Congregational constructed the library at her own expense, and has alsO'
chapel in .Abbey lane was founded in 1665, rebuilt in remodelled the whole building, which is open cfa.ily from
I8rr, and in 1890 was re-sooted and renovated at a cost 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. : in the winter months entertainments
of £1,2oo; there are 615 sitroings; in the burial-ground and lectures are given. An Artt Class, cflmmenced in
adjoining a schoolroom was erected in r86o, at a cost of 1883, is oonduCited at Stanmore House School, High
over £r.5oo, and in r885 a minister's house was built in street, and is under the management of a commFttee of
West road by the late Mr. Joshua Clarke J.P. at a cost of 9 members; W. M. Tuke esq. president; R. Crafton
£2,050, and vested in trustees. The Baptist chapel in Green esq. secret11ry; teacher, Luther R. Mitclhell, who
the High street dates from 1662 ; the members originally resides at Newport. There is a parish room for parochial
worshipped in the .Abbey Lane chapel, but in 1773 a dis- purposes, in which ente:rltainments are also given. In
pute arose, the chapel was closed and a new building was Museum street is the armoury of the I Company, 3rd
erected in 1774 in Bailey's lane (now Audley road), which (Cambridgeshire) Volunteer Battalion, Sufliolk Regiment.
in 1879 gave place to the present chapel, a building in the head quarters being art the Corn Exchange, Cam-
the Italian S'tyle, with Bath stone dressings, erected at a bridge: this corps was formed in 186o as the 17th Essex.
cost of £4,ooo and seating 6oo : the old chapel is now but is now known as above: there are nflw [1894) 73
used as a Sunday school. The General Baptist chapel in enrolled members, with officers and drill instructor. The
Hill street was founded by Robel't Cosens, S'teward of the Young Men's Christian Associ-a.'tion occupies premises in

the High street, opened at a oost of £soo, ro Jan. 1893; part of the town, appears to have been of great strength,
the site is freehold;- the interior is well appointed and the being designed after the style of the castle of t.J:J.e De
maoogement is vested in 7 trustees, 5 of whom are resi- Veres at Hedingham, but built of small flints strongly
dents of Saffron Walden, and 2 are appointed by the cemented and faced with stone, and all that now remains
Exeter Hall committee, London. The spacious Market is tJhe donjon or keep, about 2S feet in heighl;: the hol..
plaee oontW.ns a fountain, shown in the Great Exhibition low space on the western .side was the cell of the prisoners
of r862, and erect-ed here by the late Mr. G. S. Gibson who were ronfined underground, and in the year 1780 a
and Mrs. W. G. Gibson. There are two bank&: tha-t of kuge portion of this was below the surface, but the earth
Messrs. Gibson, Tuke and Gibson is a building of red which formed the rising ground has been since cleared
brick with stone dressings and facings, and oocupies a away :within recesses in the ruins are placed several stone
commanding position in the Market place, where also is coffins of the rzth and 13th centuries, brought from
the London and County Bank. There are also two iron Ickleton .Abbey, Cambridgeshire, founded by .Aubrey de
foundries, three breweries and a steam flour mill and a Vere, r.!lt Earl of Oxford, in ugo. In rq6 Geoffrey de
saw mill. Malting is eXJtensively carried on here. The Mlandeville, or Magnaville, the rst Earl of Essex of that
Oattle market, opened in 1834, is compact and well house, founded a priory here about a mile westward of
armnged.. The Corn market, held on Saturday, is well the town, for monks ()f the Benedictine order, dedicating
attended; a large horse fair is held on the Saturday it to SS. Mary and James: it was subsequently in ug:r
before Mid-Lent Sunday, and a fair chiefly for cattle is converted into an abbey and its revenues at the Dissolution
held on the Common, a public ground of IS acres, on the were reckoned att £4o6 rss. ud. yearly : it was then
first Saturday in November. The "Rose and Crown/' in granted to Sir 'flhomas .Audley, lord chancellor, who soon
Market square, is the principal hotel, and part of the mter obtained licence to oenlarge his park by inclosing
house dates from the r6th century. The Cross Keys 200 additional acres, this grant including the manor .:lf
hOtel, in King street, is also an ancient house of some Walden.
note. The Saffron Walden Horticultural Society, founded The present mansion of .Audley End was built by
in r8rg, is the oldest in England. The Essex .Agricul- Thomas Howard, rst Earl of Suffolk K.G. about r6o3-r6,
tural Society, e&tablished about r83o, wa.s one of the whose father married Margaret, only surviving daughter
earliest institutions of the kind in .this counltry. The and heiress of the chancellor and widow of the Lord
Hospital, in the London road, is a structure in the Gothic Henry Dudley, slain at St. Quintin in 1557, and is said
style, erected in r866, art a cost of about £s,ooo, left for to have cost £rgo,ooo, the model being obtained from
the purpose by the late Wyatt G. Gibs'On esq . .since which Italy at a cost of £soo: the mansion originally consisted
his widow has given £4,ooo towards the maintenance of of a great quadrangle, or inner court, 2os feet square
the hospital, which is now available fur 40 patients: a inside, with open arcades on two sides, a central court
west wing was afterwards built, oon1:aining a convalescent of smaller dimensions, the eastern side of which formed a
ward on the ground floor, another above, and two fever gallery 226 feet long, 32 wide and 24 high, with wings
"Wards, -with a large room and kitchen for nurses: a projecting eastwards at either end, the southernmost of
wa.shhouse and laundry oove also been added a.t a oost of wlucil formed the chapel; three sides of the principal
about £r,S!JO, of which £r,2oo W!IIS contributed by Mrs. court were pulled down under the direction of Sir John
W. G. Gibson. The District Infirmary, on the outskirts Yanbrug-h, anrl the gallery was removed about 1708: the
of the town off the Debden road, was established for the existing mansion stands on the site of the former central
rece.pbion of persons suffering from infectious diseases, court, and is a structure in the Tudor-Gothic and Classic
o.nd contains two wards, one for males and the other for styles, consisting of a principal block about 220 feet
females, with six beds each : it is under the care of tlhe in length, standing north and south, with wide
master of the Union. Here are almshouses founded by eastern wings and including a chapel; to the north-west
Roger Walden, bishop of London (r4o4-6), and re-estab- of the house stand the stables, a picturesque range of
lished by King Edward VI. in ISSO; they were re/built in brick buildings of earlier date than the house, and bear-
1832, at a cost of £s,ooo, and in r88r four additivnal ing on them the Tudor rose and the portcul]js, cogni-
houses were erected, and the whole now form three 1-ides of zances which abound at Westminster, particularly in
a. quadrangle; in the centre of the original structure stand Henry VII.'s chapel: the grounds are well laid ont and
the chapel and hall ; over a fireplace in the laJtter is an there is a large park, in which the river Cam, being
ancwnt brass to Thomas Byrd, and there is also pre- widened, forms a fine sheet of water : through the park,
served here an ancient wooden mazer, with a silver rim which is pleasantly diversified by hill and dale, are two
and central medallion, representing the Virgin and Child : public walks, one northward, towards Littlebury, and
the present annual income is rubvurt £r,ooo ;_ each inmate the other leading to the village of .Audley End: Lord
haVting ·two rooms and receiVting 6s. 6d. weekly, besides Braybrooke, the owner of this estate, is in right thereof
other allowances. Nurrnerons small charit.ies nave been the visitor of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and has the
amalgamated and are now adminiSitered by local trusltees nomination of the master. Fairy Croft, the seat of Joseph
under a scheme of the Ohan1y Commissioners, dated Charles Thomas Smith M.A., J.P. a modern mansion,
28fu .April, 1871 : the total income from these sources with well laid out grounds, stands on the slope of a hiU.,
amounts to about £470, which is principally distributed commanding a fine VIew. The principal landowners are
• in clothing, food and coals. On the comm'On near the Lord Braybrooke, the trustees of the late G. S. Gibson,
town is a. singular antiquity, called "the Maze," supposed E. B. Gibson esq. and the trustees of the late Joshua
by Dr. Stukeley to have been a British "cursus" or Clarke esq. The borough is co-extensive with the
exercising ground for soldiery and formed by a number parish, which contains 7•489 acres of land and I3 of
of concerutric circles with fuur outworks, all cut in the water; rateable value, £ 24, 1g0 ; the population in r8gx
chalk; it incloses an area of over roo feet from east to was 6,ro 4, including r8o officers and inmates in the work-
west and 138 feet from north to south, the centre of house and 2 6 in the hospital.
wh!ich was formerly indicruted by a large ash tree, un-
fontunately destroyed by fire on the sth November, 1823. .AUDLEY END is a hamlet I mile south-west, with a
The Maze was re-cut by the Corporation in r6gg, and station on the Great Eastern railway and a junction of
flince by private individuals, and was also re-cut in r887 the line through Saffron Walden to Bartlow. The hamlet
by public subscription. On the opposite side of the town lies just outside the park wall, and consists of two short
are the remarins of an ancient encampment once oolled rows of old-fashioned adjoining cottages forming a little
tlie "Paille," or "Repell," and now known as "Battle street. One end of the street runs into the high road," the south bank of which is 730 feet long, 20 that skirts the park; the other changes inro a little lane
feet high, so feet broad at the base and 6 or 8 feet broad that crosses the fields into the high road again, passing
at the top, and the west bank 588 feet long: this camp by a charming old red brick pile of gabled buildings
was in the form of a parallelogram, containing about 30 known as Audley End Abbey farm: these are built roun·l
acres, and here, in r83o, at a depoth of 20 inches below two courtyards, one block being now used as almshouses,
the surface, in the solid chalk, so or 6o skeleitons were the other as a farm house. There is a Working Men's
funnd, lying in a double row with their feet to the east: Institute, maintained by subscription.
in 1876 Mr. George Sincey Gibson made further excava- LITTLE W .ALDEN is a hamlet 2 miles north-north-
tions near the spot, and discovered rso others of men, east. The chapel of ease, now (r8g 4) in course of erec-
women and children, some of which are now in the tion, is a small edifice of red brick in the Early English
museum ; upon a few of the bodies were found fragments style, consisting of chancel and nave under one roof,
o~ Saxon .ornaments: b~neath the gra~es a number of vestry, west porch, and a belfry containing r bell: there
?1rcular p1ts were met w1th. of a date prwr f{) that of the are about roo sittings : the Congregational chapel here,
mterments. On Castle hill was a castle, supposed t'O built in r8sr has about 6o sittings.
have been built by Geoffrey de Mandeville, in the reign '
of King Stephen, on a previous foundaflion of .Anglo-, SPRIXGWELL is 2~ miles on the Cambridge road,
Saxon ol'igin: this fortress, which stood in the highest near the river Cam; the parishes of Saffron Walden and
E~SEX 19*

Little Chesterford meet here, and the boundary runs of Saffron Walden and his curates. There is a small
through a farm house. . school-chapel here belonging to the Baptists. The Towers,
SEW.ARD'S E.ND is a hamlet 2 miles east, with a the residence of Thomas Westrope Gayton esq. on high
chapel, erected in 1847 on ground given by Thomas W. table land, is a large brick building flanked by four
Gayton esq. under the Church Building Act, and en- towers, and is surrounded by grounds of 36 acres.
larged in 1870: divine service is held here by the vicar Parish Clerk, George Moss Taylor, Castle street.

Post, M. 0. & T. 0. 1 S. B. & Annuity, Insurance, Par- Cranmer-Byng Lieut.-Col. Alfred Molyneux D.L
cels Post & Express Delivery Office, King street.- Fuller-Maitland Robert esq. 131 Sloane st. London SW
David Pirie, postmaster. Office hours-Postal, post Fuller-Maitland William esq. M.P. Stansted Hall,
office order & savings bank, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; tele- Bishop's Stortford
graph, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m Gibson Edmund Birch esq. Elm grove, Saffron Walden
Inw:ud Mails.-London night & midnight mails, England Gosling Robert esq. D.L. Hassobury, Farnham, Bishop's
generally, Scotland, all parts of Ireland, foreign, Cam- Stortford
bridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk & Judd Francis Savile Harry esq. B.A. Rickling, Bishop's
Lincoln, delivery commences 7 a.m.; 1st day mail, Stortford
all parts of England, Scotland, Ireland & foreign, de- Pickersgill-Cunliffe Harry esq. Chesterford park, Saffron
livery commences ro.45 a.m. ; 2nd day mail, London Walden
& South of England, Scotland & Bishop's Stortford, Smith Joseph Charles Thomas M.A. Fairy croft, Saffron
delivery commences 4.25 p.m. On sundays, one de- Walden
livery only at 7 a.m Stephens Cecil James esq. The Views, Rickling, Bishop's
.Parcels. London night & midnight mails, England, Stortford
Scotland & Foreign generally, parts of Bedfordshire, Clerk to the Magistrates, Turner Collin M.A. Church
Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire, delivery commences street, Saffron W alden
7 a.m. ; 1st day mail, all parts of England, Scotland & Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall once a fortnight,
foreign, delivery commences at 10.45 a.m. ; London & tuesday at 11 a. m. The places in the division are:-
South of England, Scotland & Ireland, delivery com- Arkesden, Ashdon, Bartlow Hamlet, Birden, Birchanger,
me2ces at 4.25 p.m. ; no delivery on sundays Chesterford (Great), Chesterford (Little), Chishall
Dispatch of Mails.-1st London day mail, 9 a.m.; 2nd (Great), Ohishall (L!thle), Chrishall, Olavering, J)e.b-
London day mail, South of England, 11.30 a.m. letters den, Elmdon, Elsenham, Farnham, Hadstock, Henham,
reg-istered until 11.20 a.m. ; Cambridge,Ely,Huntingdon, Heydon, Langley, Littlebury, Manuden, Newport,
King's Lynn, Newmarket, Norwich, Royston, St. Ives, Quendon, Radwinter, Rickling, Stansted Mountfitchet,
Wisbech &c. 11.55 a.m. letters registered until 11.45 Strethall, Ugley, Wendens Ambo, Wendon Lofts,
a.m.; 3rd London day mail, all parts of England, Wicken Bonant, Widdington, Wimbish
Scotland, Ireland & foreign, & Bishop's Stortford, 1.40 Corporation.
p.m. letters registered until 1.30 p.m. ; late day mails
in connection with midnight mails from London 8.15 1893-94·
p.m., letters registered until 8.5 p.m.; London & Mayor, Councillor Edward Taylor
Cambridge night mails, England generally, all parts Recorder, William Willis Q.C. 2 King's Bench walk,
of Scotland & Ireland, Foreign, Bedfordshire, Cam- Temple, London E C
bridgeshire, Hertfordshire, .Norfolk & Lincoln, ··o p.m. Aldermen.
with extra !d. stamp, ro. 15 p.m. ; letters registered tJohn Green Emson §Joseph Bell
until 9 p.m. Letters can be registered with an addi- tEdmund Birch Gibson
tional fee of 4d. up to the hour of closing the letter I §Stebbing Leverett
box; sundays, dispatched 9·45 p.m.; letters registered Councillors.
until 10 a.m tJohn Parkinson Atkinson M.D tTheodore R. Scrnby
Parcels Post. 1st London day mail, all parts of Eng- tHenry Joshua Cheffins tArthnr B. Taylor
land, Scotland, Ireland & Foreign, dispatched at 11.30 tJohn Gilling *Bryans T. L. Ackland
a.m.; Cambridge, Ely, Huntingdon, King's Lynn, tJoseph John Robson *Edward Taylor
Newmarket, Norwich, Royston, St. Ives, Wisbech &c. tSamuel Beard, jun *John S. Wilkinson
11.55 a.m. ; 2nd London day mail, all parts of Eng- tHenry Carew Cox *RichardAtkinsonWilliams
land, Scotland, Ireland, Foreign & Bishop's Stortford, Marked thus t retire in 1894.
1.40 p.m.; late day mail, in connection with midnight Marked thns ~ retire in 1895.
mail from London, 8.15 p.m. ; London & Cambridge Marked thus ; retire in 1896.
night mails, England & Scotland generally, all parts of Marked thus § retire in 1898.
Scotland & Ireland, Foreign, Bedfordshire, Cam bridge- The Ordinary Meetings of the Corporation are held at
shire & Hertfordshire, 9 p.m. ; parcels intended for the Town Hall, second friday in each month
transmission by parcel post must be presented at the Mayor's Auditor, John Gilling, Market hill
counter during the hours of attendance on week days Elective Auditors, Charles Clarance, Castle street &
only George Porteous, Mount Pleasant road
Places in the delivery of Saffron W alden by rural post-
men (boxes close at 6 a.m. ).-Ashdon, Audley End, Officers of the Corporation & Urban Sanitary Authority.
Cole End, Catmere End, Debden, Duddenhoe End, Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority &
Elder Street, Radwinter, Sewer's (or Seward's) End, Clerk of the Peace & to the Borough School Attend-
Strethall, Wend ens Ambo, Wend on Lofts, Hemp- ance Committee, Francis Stephen Robinson, Town Hall
stead, Elmdon, Elmdon Lee, Frog's Green, Littlebury, chambers, Market place
Little Walden, Pond Street, Great Chesterford, Hinx- Treasurer, ·waiter Robson, Debden road
ton, Ickleton, Little Chesterford, Wim bish. Great Medical Officer of Health, William Armistead M.B., C.M.
Chesterford, Ickleton & Hinxton have a day mail dis- Shelford, Cambridge
patch & delivery to & from London Secretary to Gas W orffis, John 1Vilson, Hill street
Post Office, Seward's End.-Arthur Meadows, sub-post- Veterinary Inspector, Thomas William Rogers M.R.C.V.S.
master. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden by foot 'Ihe Priory, Common hill ·
messenger at 6.45 a.m. & dispatched at 6.50 p.m. Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Dickinson, Hill streei;
week days; sundays, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & dispatched Manager of the Gas Works, Charles Wright, Gas works
at 12.15 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph Secretary to Gas Works, John Wilson, Hill street
office is at Saffron W alden. Postal orders are issued Secretary & Manager of the Water Works, John Wilson,
here, but not paid West road
Post Office, Audley End.-William Cowell, sub-post- Collector, Richard Thompson, Castle street
master. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at 6.15 School Attendance Officer, Osmond Reynolds, Ashdon rd
a.m. & dispatched 7 p.m. Bunday dispatch, 11.40 a.m
Borough Magistrates.
County Magistrates for the Walden Division. The Mayor & Ex-Mayor.
Braybrooke Lord D.L. Audley End, Saffron Walden, John Green Emson Joseph John Robson
chairman Edmund Birch Gibson . Stabbing Leverett
Houblon Richard Archer- esq. D.L. Bartlow, Cambridge, Joseph Bell
vice-chairman Clerk, William Fitzroy Ackland, King street
:Biscoe Major Robert, Quendon court, Newport S.O
Byng Harold Edmund esq. Wicken Bonhunt, Bishop's Borough Petty Sessions held at the Town hall ~very
Stortford saturday, at 10 a.m
Public Establishments. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Saffron Walden sub-di&-
Cemetery, Seward's End road, George Stokes, High trict, James Richard Long, High street, Saffron Wal-
street, clerk to the burial board ; Jasper Prime, keeper den; deputy, Richard Thompson, Castle street, Saffron
Cattle Market, Hil1 street, John Francis Penning, col- Walden; Newport sub-district, William Wells, New-
lector of tolls port; deputy, W. H. Wells, Newport; Radwinter sub-
Corn Exchange, Market place, John Francis Penning, district, John Drane, Radwinter; deputy, Charles
keeper Mizen, Radwinter
County Constabulary Station, East street, William Sim- The Workhouse, built in 1831 for 3II inmates, at a cost
monds, superintendent; Frederick William J on~s, in- of £7,500, is situated on the Seward's End road,
spector; I sergeant & 3 constables about three-quarters of a mile from the town; the Rev.
Cormty Court, Town hall,. His Honor ,V. H. G. Bag- Raymond Percy Pelly M.A. chaplain; Henry Stear,
shawe Q.C. judge; Turner Collin M.A. registrar & medical officer; deputy, Hedley Bartlett ; Edward
high bailiff, Church street; deputy registrar, William Gordon Harrington, master; Mrs. Harrington, matron
Adams, Sun hill; Richard Coleman, Steward's End Rural Sanitary Authority.
road & Obadiah Bush, Gold street, sub-bailiffs. A Meets at the Workhouse every fourth tues. at 10.30 a.m.
cormty court is held bi-monthly; the following is a Clerk, Henry Carew Cox, Church street, Saffron Walden
list of places within its jurisdiction : in Essex: Arkes- Medical Officer of Health, William Armistead M.B., F.C.S.
den, Ashdon, Bartlow Hamlet, Chesterford (Great & Shelford, Cambridge
Little), Chrishall, Clavering, Debden, Elmdon, Hadstock,
Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Dickinson, Saffron
Hempstead, Langley, Littlebury, Newport, Quend m,
Radwinter, Rickling, Saffron Walden, Sampford (New Walden
& Old), Strethall, Wendens Ambo, Wendon Lofl.!i', School Attendance Committee.
Wicken Bonant, Widdilllgtoh, Wimbish ; in Cambridge- Meets at the Workhouse every fourth tues. at 10.15 a.m.
sh!re: Abington (Great & Little), Bartlow, Duxford, Clerk, Henry Carew Cox, Church street
Hildersham, Hinxton, Ickleton, Linton & Pampisford Inquiry & Attendance Officers, James Richard Long,
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of High street, Saffron W alden ; William Wells, Newport ;
Cambridge ; J. Ellison, Cambridge, official receiver & John Drane, Radwinter
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distre.,;s Public Officers.
Amendment~ Act," Richard Coleman, Seward's End
road & John P. Thurgood, King street Admiralty Surgeon & Certifying Factory Surgeon,
Hospital, London road, Henry Stear, Henry St. George Henry Stear, Market place
Boswell M.B., C.M., William Alexander Smith ~LA., Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates, Charles
M.B. & Hedley Bartlett L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officers; C. Guy, Farmadine grove
John Gilling, dispenser; Arthur Midgley, hon. sec; Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Freshwell Div~
:Miss Minedew, matron sion., & Clerk to the Walden Almshouses, Francis
Inland Revenue Office, High street, Andrew Chri,;~i:.m Stephen Robinson, Town Hall chambers, Market pl
• Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes for Saffron Walden
Rasmussen, officer
Literary Institution & Public Library, King st. Henry & Linton Divisions, & to the Linton Divisiolll
Stear, hon. sec. ; William Murray Tuke, hon. li- of Magistrates, Turner Collin M.A. Church street
brarian; G. N. Maynard, acting librarian Clerk to the Trustees of Amalgamated Charities &
Museum, Castle hill, Richard Crafton Green, secretarr; to the Governors of the Grammar School, Bryans
George Nathan Maynard, curator · Thomas Limbut Ackland, King street
Town Hall, Market place, John Francis Penning, keeper, Clerk to the Infectious Diseases Hospital, Henry Carew
High street Cox, Church street
Volrmteer Fire Brigade, Engine house, Hill street, Alfred Collector of Taxes, Seth J. Smart, London road
G. Nockdlds, superintendent; William Dickinson, Inspector of Weights & Measures & under the Sale of
sec. & I3 men Food & J)rugs Act & the Conta.gious Disea!ses
Masonic Lodge (No. 1280, Walden), at Rose & Crown (Animals) Act, William Simmonds, East street.
hotel, Market place, on monday on or before full moon, Town Crier, John Evenett, Gold street
Jan. Feb. March, April, Sept. Oct. Nov. & Dec. 7 Places of Worship, with times of service.
p.m.; Joseph Bell, sec
Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. Raymon(
Volunteers. Percy Pelly M.A. vicar ; Revds. Thomas Franci(
3rd Volunteer Battalion (Cambridgeshire) Suffolk Regi- Ford Williams M ..A. William Edward Layton M . .A. .\
ment (I Company); head quarters, Armoury, Museum E3ward Francis Amyos Hext M. A. curates; 8 &
street; Capt. M. C. H. Nockolds, commandant; Ser- I I a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily at 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. ;
geant J ames Boyle, drill instructor wed. & fri. 11.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m
Saffron Walden Union. Chapel of Ease, Little Walden; 3 p.m.; served from
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at the Workhouse, at II. the parish church
The Union comprises 24 parishes, viz: Arkesden, Ash- Chapel of Ease, Seward's End; 3 p.m. ; served from
don, Chesterford (Great & Little), Chrishall, Claver- Saffron Walden
ing, Debden, Elmdon, Hempstead, Langley, Littlebury, Society of Friends, High street; 10 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
Newport, Quendon, Radwinter, Rickling, Saffron Wal- thurs. 10 a.m
den, Great & Little Sampford, Strethall, Wendens Baptist, High street, Rev. Alfred Rollason; 10.30 a.m.
Ambo, Wendon Lofts, Wicken Bonant, Widdington & & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Wimbish. The population of the union in 1891 was Baptist (General), Hill street, Rev. Jabez .Arthur Brink-
17,958; area 64,882 acres; rateable value in I893, worth; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
£100,382 Baptist (Particular), London road; 10.30 a.m. & 2.I5
Clerk to the Guardians & Assesment Committee, Henry & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & thurs. 7 p.m
Carew Cox, Church street, Satiron Walden Baptist School, Seward's End; 6.30 p.m
Relieving Officers, Collectors to the Guardians & Vac- Brethren, Gold street; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon.
cination Officers, No. I district, James Richard Long, & fri. 7.30 p.m
High street, Saffron W alden ; No. 2 district, William Congregational, Abbey lane, Rev. Henry Pepper; I0.3~
Wells, Newport ; No. 3 district, John Drane, Radwinter a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Congregational, Little Walden; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
William Sunderland L.R.C.P.Edin. Thaxted; No. 2 Pri~itive ~fethodist, Castle street, Rev. George Bald.
district, Robert Reynolds, Steeple Bnmpstead; Nos. wm; 10.45 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & wed.
& 5 districts, William Alex. Smith M.A., M.B. 7·30 p.m
Belmont house, Newport; No. 4 district, Patrick Gill Wesleyan, Castle street, Rev. William Barber; I0.30
Griffith L.R.O.P.Edin. Furneaux Pelham; No. 6 dis- a..m. & o.~o p.m.; wed. & fri. 7-15 p.m
trict, Henry Stear, Market place, Saffron Walden; :No.
7 district, Henry St. George Boswell M.B., C.M. High :Mission Halls.
street, Saffron Walden Friends', High street; 6.30 p.m
Superintendent Registrar, Henry Carew Cox, Church Railway, Castle street; William Scarlett, le-Jder; I0.30
street, Saffron Walden; deputy, Charles C. Guy, Far- a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. thurs. & sat. 7.30 p.m
madine grove, Saffron W alden Schools.
Registrars of Marriages, Rev. E. Ault, Clavering; John
Drane, Radwinter; deputy, Charles Mizen, Radwinter; The Grammar School, now in the Ashdon road, is a
Alfred George Perring, High street, Saffron Walden; very old foundatio.n, originally established in 1423
deputy, Frederick Thomas Buckingham, 4 West:field by license from the Abbey of Walden & re-founded &
terrace, Saffron W alden endowed by Dame Johane Bradbury, the widow of a

wealthy citizen of London, & her brother, John Leche, The Charity School was founded in 1717 by Thomas
vicar of Walden 1489-152I, by whom it was placed Penning & endowed by him with a sum of £500.
under the management of the guild of the H()ly since which it has been aided by many other ben~
Trinity, a religious corporation. founded not long factors : this charity educates IS boys & IS girls,
before ; this guild was among the religious founda- who were for sometime taught at the National
tions dissolved & their possessions vested in the School; but in 1886 the schools were placed by the
Crown, by the 1. Edward VI. c. 14; but Dr. Thomas Charity Commissioners under the provisions ()f a. new
Smith, a native of Saffron W a.lden, afterwards scheme, by which the governors have power to make
knighted & made secretary of state to Edward VI. a yearly payment of not more than £4o to the
who had received his early education at the school, National Schools & to apply the surplus income in
was tlien in the service & high in the favour of the maintaining small exhibitions tenable at these schools,
Protector Somerset, & by his influence a new charter & one of not more than £zo yearly tenable at the
was obtained from the king, under which the school Saffron Walden Grammar School, or any other place
was raised to the dignity of a royal foundaticm & its of higher education approved of by the governors
.endoiW!?ent restored: in 1879 it was re-modelled & National, Castle street, erected in I84S• for 140 boys
the endowment further augmented und~r a scheme & 120 girls; average attendance, 12s boys & II5
drawn up by the Charity Commissioners & in 1881 girls ; Arthur Smith, master; Miss Beatrice M.
the school was removed to its present site of 2~ Burton, mistress
acres, given by Lord Braybrooke, & an addition of 3 Infants' National, Museum street, erected in 1817, for
acres was acquired by the governors to in- 157 children; average attelndance, 97; Mrs. G. H.
crease the size of the playground : the new buildings Archer, mistress
are intended to. receive 100 day boys & zs boarders
Mixed National, Seward's End, erected in 1847, for So
& were designed by Mr. E. Burgess, the rotal cost
being about £4,5oo, funds for defraying which have children; average attendance, 65 ; Miss Wingrove,
been obtained partly from the original endowment mistress
& partly from the proceeds of other local charities British (boys), East street, erected in 1838, for 250
assigned by the Charity Commissioners to the use children; average attendance, 200; Harry Hayes,
of the Grammar School, additional aid being obtained ma,ster & four assistant masters : in connection with
from public subscriptions: in 1883 the school re- this school are s foundation scholarships, each of £8
ceived a further endowment of £z,ooo under the will yearly & tenable at the Grammar school
of the late George S. Gibson esq. who also contributed British (girls), Debden road, erected in 1852, for 28o
upwards of £I,ooo to the building fund: a scholar- children; averag~ abtenda.Jnce., 175; Miss Minnie
ship of £3o a year, tenable fm two years, has also Wheeler, mistress
been founded by the governors : twelve exhibitions, British (infants), Debden road, erected in 1852, &
in the form od' remission of school fees, are granted
to boys from the schools in the parishes of Newport, since enlarged for 120 children; av·erage attendance,
Widdington & Little Chesterford, as well as from 1os ; Miss Hannah Mullins, mistress
Saffron Walden: the Rev. Reginald Mortimer Luckock
M.A. late scholar of Corpus (Jhristi college, Cam- Conveyance.
bridge, is head master; Alfred G. Frith B. A., J'ohn Railway Stations:-
G. Lord B.A. & Eustace B. Shine, assistant masters
Saffron W alden, Frederick Wilson, statioo master
Audley End, William Saward, :station master
The Training College, in connection with the British Rose & Crown hotel omnibus from Saffron Walden
& Foreign School Society, was publicly opened May
station to all parts of to.wn
17th, 1884, having been pa.rtially occupied in February
Sutton & Co. (Charles Hagger, agent), George street
of that year: the building, occupying a commanding
position overlooking the town & standing in some Carriers:-
z! acres, is a structure of red brick, with stone
dressings, in the Queen Anne style & consists of a Arkesden-Walter Bailey, from 'Greyhound,' sat.; &
central block of two stories, with wings, each three Samson Green, from ' George,' tues. & sat
stories in height : on the ground flom are class Ashdoo James Marten, from 'King's Arms,' sat
rooms, a dining hall, lecture hall & kitchens: the Bishops Stortford-W. Gray, from 'Greyhound,' mon.
central block includes apartments for the staff & in wed. & fri
the wings are the students' dOII'mitories : the entire Chishall-Smith, from ' White Horse,' sat. ; & Frank-
cost, estimated at £Io,soo, was provided by the late lin, from 'White H()rse,' tu-es. & sat
G. S. Gibson esq. who, in addition, gave the site, & Chrishall-l\loses Rogers, from ' Green Dragvn,' sat. ;
left £1,ooo as an endowment: attached to the main & Francis Waiters, from 'Greyhound,' sat
building is a Kindergarten & school, with three class Clavering-Stephen Flack, from ' Greyhound,' every
rooms for day schoJars: the special object of the sat. ; & Samson Green, from ' George,' tues. & sat
college is "to train teachers with exceptional quali- Debden Mrs. Freeman, from 'Greyhound,' sat.; &
fications f01r work in infants' schools" (though the William Graves, from ' Greyhound,' sat
certificates will be available for other schools as Elmdon Jeffrey, from 'Greyhound,' sat
well) : the college is at present available for 52 Hempstead-Charles Andrews, from ' Greyhound,' tues.
students : Rev. A. Bourne B. A. society's secretary; & sat. ; John Harding, from 'White Horse,' daily;
principal, Miss Jessie M. Dunlop; matron, Mis.s & William Reader, from ' The George,' tues. & sat.
Sarah '\'Vyatt J effries ; mistress of method, Miss Heydon-Francis Waiters, from 'Greyhound,' every sat
Reid; governesses: Miss Morley-, Miss N ewett, Miss Hinxton-Hopwood, from 'White Horse,' tues. & sat
E. Taylor, }\;fiss D. Campbell & Miss Punnett; music Ickleton-Barnabas Carey, from 'King's Arms,' sat
master, Mr. J. Thomson Langley Driver, from 'George,' sat
Littlebury-Francis WaJters, from 'Greyhound,' sat
The Friends' School for go boys & 6o girls, in Mount Newport & Widdington-Walter Salmon, lrom 'Grey-
Pleasant road, occupies a commanding position hound,' tues. & sat
southwards of the town & was commenced in June, Quendon-W. Gray, from 'Greyhound,' m0111. wed.
1876, the school being removed into these buildings & fri
in July, 1879: they form a substantial structure of Radwinter-J ohn Acker, from ' George,' tues. & sat. ;
red brick, designed by Mr. E. Burgess, of London & John Harding, from ' White Horse,' daily ; & William
Laicester & cost nearly £3o,ooo, & include a large Ruse, from 'King's Arms,' daily; & Stone, from
assembly room, with four boys' & as many girls' class 'Greyhound,' tues. & sat
rooms, besideSJ a fine dining & lecture hall ; & a Rickling-W. Gray, from 'Greyhound,' mon. wed.
chemical laboratory was added in 18q':l; the grounds & fri
cover 16 acres & are well laid out in play-grounds, S.ampfOII'd-Stone, mon. tues. & sat
tennis courts, cricket field & garden : the children are Seward's End-John Acker, from 'George,' tues. &
mostly members of the Society of Friends, belonging sat. ; John Harding, from ' White Horse,' daily; &
both to London & to all parts of the south of William Ruse, from 'King's Arms,' daily
England : the school was first established in Clerken- Thaxted George Tyrrell, from ' White Horse,' wed.
well in 1707; removed to Park lane, Croydon, in the & fri
autumn ot 1825 & to Saffron Walden in 1879 & is Wenden-Franklin, from 'White Horse,' tues. & sat.;
the oldest foundation school in the Society of Friends ; & Jeffrey, from 'Greyhound,' sat
John Edward Walker, head master; F. Rivers Frost, from ' George,' tues. & sat. ;
Arundel, head teacher; Miss A. G. Brown, girls' Thomas Overall, from ' George,' tues. & sa~. ; &
head teacher George Tyrrell, from 'White Horse,' wed. & fr1
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Erswell Archer Benjamin, I Rose ::\Iaynard George Nathan, Castle hill
.Acltland Bryans Thos. Limbut LL.M. villas, Seward's End road :Midgley Arth. Larchmount, London rd
l\Iyddlet~m house Erswell John, Seward's End road ::\Ioore Frederick William, South road
.Ackland William Fitzroy, 4 Audley Erswell :Miss, The Priory, Common hl Moore Mrs. Church street
terrace, Audley road Erswell Mrs. 2 Rose villas, Seward's )!orris Miss (lady superintendent),
.Adams William, Sun hill End road Orphanage, Soulh road
.Appleton William, High street Eyres Mrs. Church street ~lorrison Miss, Struan cottage,
Arundel F. Rivers (head teacher, Flood Henry, Debden road Seward's End road
Friends' school), Mount Pleasant rd Fowler Rev. Alfred Enoch B. A. High st My hill Addy Nunn, High street
Atkinson Jn. Parkinson M.D. High st Francis Mrs. Hill street Myhill Henry, Debden road
Baldwin Rev. George (Prim. Meth.), Frith Alfred G. B.A. (assistant mstr. Kash Mrs. Old Grammar school,
I Richmond ter. Seward's End road Grammar school), Ashdon :road Castle street
Barber Rev. William (Wesleyan), Pro- Furlong Frank, 2 Grove villas, Corn- Newton Geo. Jn. Fern ldg. London rd
spect house, Castle street mon hill Nockolds Alfd. Abbey f:rm. Audley end
Ilarcham Thomas E. High street Garnsey Arthur Edwin, Church st Nockolds Martin, Castle Hill house,
Barker J ames, Ashdon road Gayton Thomas W. The Towers, The Common
Barker Wm. Melbourne ho. Gold st Seward's end Nunn Thomas, Hill street
llarker William John, Church street Gibbs Edmund, Seward's end Palmer Mrs. London :road
llarnard Thomas Griggs, Debden rd Gib son Edmund Birch J.P. Elm grove, Parker Arth. Ardencroft, South rd
Barritt Joseph, Sunnyside, Station rd Audley road Parsonage Charles Tester (town mis·
llartlett Hedley, High street Gibson Miss, Hill house, High street sionary), IO Westfield terrace
Barton David, Ingleside, High street Gilbert Mrs. The Shanty, Seward's Passmore William H. Devon villa,
Barton John, High street End road Seward's End :road
lleard Samuel, High street Gilson Miss, Debden :road Pegg James, 5 Fairycroft terrace,
Beard Samuel, jun. High street Gilson Mrs. Ivy lodge, London :road Audley road
lleavan William, West road Goddard Algernon Robertson (Con- Pelly Rev. Raymond Percy M.A.
llell Joseph, Dorset house, Church st gregational),) Fernleigh, London rd (vicar), Walden place
Bell William Charles George, Saffron Gosling Benj. Royston villa, West rd Pepper Rev. Henry (Congregational).
lodge, Mount Pleasant road Green John, 'West road The Manse, West road
llellingham Mrs. High street Green Rd. Crafton, Mount Pleasant rd Perkins Thomas, 4 Richmond terrace,
1lenstead Sml. 2 Audley ter. Audley rd Grey Mrs. West road · Seward's End road
Blenkinsop Misses, The Gables, High st Griffinhoofe Mrs. Church street Pettit Elias, Lone Star cottage,
Bond Bernard, Little Walden hall Guy Charles C. Farmadine grove Sewa:rd's End road
Jloswell Hy. St. George M.B. High st Hanbury Barclay, The Grove, The Pidduck Sydney, High street
llowtle Charles, Fascadale, South road Common Pilgrim Edmund, Gold street
Brand Mrs. West road Harding Frank Davis, Market place Pitstow Nathan, West road
Bransby Henry N. Winyats, Mount Hardwick Frank, 3 Fairycroft terrace, Porteous George, Belle Vue house,
Pleasant road Audley road Mount Pleasant road
Braybrooke Lord D.L., J.P. Audley Harley Edward, Church street Prior Joseph, Rose cottage, Mill lane
end; & Travellers' & Carlton clubs, Hart Misses, West road Ramsey Waiter, West road
London S W Hart 'William Ernest, King street Rasmussen Andrew Christian, Royston
Ilrinkworth Rev. Jabez Arthur (Genrl. Harvey Albert, West road villa, West road
Baptist), Hill street Ha yes Harry, Fern villa, East street Redhead Miss, Church street
Brooks William Thomas, South road Heasell Egbert, 2 Richmond terrace, Reed Hy. Prospect ho. Debden road
llrown Miss (girls' head teacher, Seward's End road Robinson Francis Stephen, Audley end
Friends' school), Mount Pleasant rd Heat Rev. Edward Francis Amyos Robinson Miss, High street
"Buckingham Frederick Thomas, 4 M.A. (curate), High street Robson Jsph. Jn. Elmhurst, High st
"\Vestfield terrace Hiscock Harry, Rose villa, Mill lane Robson l\Ess, Corrie brow, Mount
Eush Obadiah, Gold street Housden Waiter, Debden road PleasQnt road
Butcher Miss, High street Hull l\lis.s, The Views, Mt. Pleasant :rd Robson Waiter, Illawarra cottage,
Canning Thomas Peter, High street Humphreys Mrs. Ashdon road Debden road
Caslake Misses, Shortland's house, Hutchin Mrs. 3 Audley ter. Audley rd Rogers Thomas William, The Priory,
Seward's End road Jay Miss, Mill lane Common hill
Cattell Harold, 12 Westfield terrace Jealous "\Yilliam, Church street Rollason Rev. Alfd. (Bapt.), Audley rd
Cheffins Henry Joshua, Hill street Jeffries Miss (matron, Training col- Rule Miss, Burnt Wood end, Little
~hennell Mrs. High street lege), South road Walden
Clarance Charles, Trinity ho. Castle st Jilling-s Frederick Vince, Dene house, Ruse Henry, Clarence villa, Ashdon rd
Clarke John, The Roos West road Ruse Mrs. Ashdon road
o()larke Joseph F.S.A. The Roos Johns-on Fredric Henry, Church street Salmon William, Ivy cottage, Seward's
Clarke Miss, Falcon gro. Audley rd Johnson Herbert F. Thaxted road End road
~lavden Mrs. Edwd. Park side, High st J ohnson Miss, Church street Savill Edward, Ashdon road
Coliin Turner M.A. Church street Jones Frederick William, East street Scarlett William (leader of Railway
Calmer Christopher Augustus, Somer- Jones Misses, High street mission),. Castle street
ville house, High street Kelsey Mrs. 3 Richmond terrace, Scruby :Miss, Market street
Cottingham Wolfram, Debden road Seward's End road Scruby Theodore R. Hatherley, The
Cowell Alfd. Gransden lo. London rd Key Preston, The Common Common
Cowell Misses, High street King George, High street Shine Eustace B. (assistant master,
~owell Mrs. J. R. Debden road Lagden Willia.m, Tudor villa, West rd Grammar school), Ashdon road
Cowling Daniel, West road Lake Miss, East street Simmonds William, East street
Cox Henry, High street Layton Rev. William Edward M.A. Simmons Frederick Richard, West rd
Cox Henry Carew, The Lindens, (curate), Long house, Church street Simpson Thomas, Market hill
London road Leverett Misses, Market hill Sinclair Misses, High street
Creffield Mrs. Debden road Leverett Stebbing, Market hill Skill Alfred, South road
Cro Benjamin, Market hill Lidbetter Thomas, The Anchorage, Skinner Mrs. \Vest road
Davies John, 4 Rose villas, Seward's Borough lane Smart Seth Joseph, London road
End road Ling Abraham, I Landscape villas, Smith Arthur, Castle street
Day Alfred, I Grove vils. Common hl Ashdon road Smith Edward, East street
Dennison Mrs. Seward's End road Long James Richard, High street Smith Joseph, Redgate
Dix Andrew Robert, \Vest road Lord John G. B.A. (assistant master, Smith Joseph Charles Thomas M.A.,
Dix Dick, Ed:lson's villa, West road Grammar school), Ashdon road J.P. Fairy croft, Audley road
Dix Joseph, Debden road Lowden Charles, Clifton villa, Fairy- Spicer Wm. Stock, West croft, West rd
Duchesne Frederick, Audley road croft road Starkey Robert, "\Yest road
Duchesne Mrs. Fernbank, South road Luckock Rev. Reginald Mortimer M.A. Starkie Fras. Chamberlain LeGendre,
Dunlop Miss (principal, Training col- (head master), Grammar school, l\Iitchells
lege), South road Ash don road Starling Miss, Audley :road
Edwards Eleazer, Freshwell house, ::\lacGowan Wm. Bertram, Hill street Starling Nainby, Church street
Freshwell street }Iaggs John, '\Vest road Stear Henry, Market place.
Edwards Jas. Mill ho. Seward's end Marking Robe:rt, St. Aylott's Steele Miss, Mount Pleasant road
Emson Frank Everitt, Market place ~larsh Miss, Hill street Stoker Miss, Mount Pleasan1i road
Emson John Green, High street :\larsh Miss, Holly croft, Mount Stokes George, High street
Emson Mrs. Sherwood house, Higli st Pleasant road Taylor Arthur B. Elinghurst, High st
Taylor Edward, The Close, High st Turner Miss, Audley villa, Audley rd ·Williams Rev. Thomas Francis Ford
Taylor Mrs. Farmadine ho. Audley rd Tween .Alfred Waiter, Aston villa, M.A. (curate), Vicarage, Gazstie st
Thacker Fredk. Mount Pleasant road West road Wilson John, Dunkirk, Debd~n road.
Thompson Thomas, Bella cottage, Viney Arthur E. Bank ho. Market pi Wilson Miss, High street
Seward's End road Wade Charles Stewart Douglas, Reed Winter Miss, Regent lodge. 1\fount
Thompson Waiter, Debden road cottage, Audley road Pleasant road
Thomson James, Mount Pleasant rd ·walker John Edward (head master), Winters Miss, Borough lane
Thurgood John P. Grove lodge, The Friends' school, Mount Pleasant rd Wisken Edgar Henry, Gold stceet
Common Ward Miss, Albany ho. Church street Woodgate Rev. Philip Baker (Baptist)
Thurgood Mrs. Clifton house, High st Warwick Mrs. Audley end 2 Fairycroft terrace, Audley road "
Thurgood Mrs. High street Watson Henry, Debden road Woods Francis Edward, 3 Rase villas,
Thurston Mrs. High street Webb George, East street Seward's End road
Tidball William, South view, Mount Webb Henry C. Audley end Wright James Frank, Seward's End rd:-
Pleasant road Webster James, Brooklyn villa, Hill st Wright Mrs. Museum street
Tuke Miss, Hill house, High street Welch Thos. Skipper, Little Walden Wright Mrs. Seward's Ehd road
Tuke William Murray, The Vineyard, Wilkinson Mrs. Roseneath, West road Wright Richard, Springwell
Windmill hill
COMMERCIAL. Buckingham Frederick Thomas, deputy registrar of mar-
Ackland & Son, solicitors, King street; & at Bishop's riages, 4 Westfield terrace
Stortford & Sawbridgeworth Bunten James C. plumber, East street
Ackland Bryans Thomas Limbut LL.M. (firm, Ackland Burningham James William, hair dresser & fancy re-
& Son), solicitor & clerk tOt amalgamated charities pository, Market place
& Grammar school, King street Burton George, saddler & harness maker, High street
Ackland William Fitzroy (firm, Ackland & Son), Burton John Baynes, tailor, High street
solicitor & se-cretary to Saffron Walden 2nd Benefit Bush Obadiah, sub-bailiff to county court, Gold street
Building Society, clerk to the borough magistrates, Butcher Joseph, baker, Ashdon road & Castle street
King street Butcher Robert, carpenter, West road
Adams .Alfred, brazier, East street Cambridge Eliza Maria (Miss), confectioner, Museum st..
Adams William, solicitor, & deputy registrar of county Cann John, boot maker, Fairycroft road
court, Sun hill Caton William, cow keeper, Loft's lane
Aldred George, smith, Fairycroft road Cemetery (George Stokes, clerk to the burial board;~
Almshouses (Francis Stephen Robinson, .clerk), Abbey la Jasper Prime, keeper), Seward's End road
.Alston Stephen, tailor, Bridge street Chadwick John Kitson, Railway Arms P.H. &- coal mer--
Archer Frank, farmer, East view, The Common chant, Station road
Archer Goorge Howes, plumber & painter, Common hill Chambers John Nix, farmer, Byrds farm
Archer Henry George, farmer, East street Cheffins Henry Joshua, auctioneer, Hill street
Archer William, gardener to Miss Gibson, High street Chipperfield Thomas, confectioner & depot British &..
Armstrong Marian Lavinia & Mary (Misses), dress Foreign Bible Society, King street
makers, Market hill Clark George, farm bailiff to Mr. Addy Nunn Myhill ..
Armstrong William, watch maker, Market hill Seward's end
Atkinson John Parkinson M.D. physician & surgeJn, Clarke Alfred, wheelwright, Grove place
see Harley & Atkinson Clarke John, farmer, Roos farm
Audley End Working Men's Institute (R. H. Walker, Coe John, wheelwright, Farmadine grove
sec.), Audley End Coe Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Castle street
.Auger George, greengrocer, Castle street Cole Levinia (Mrs.), private boarding ho. 9 Westfield ter
Badman George, chimney sweeper & George P .H. Coleman Richard, sub-bailiff to county court & certified
George street bailiff appointed under the "Law of Distress Amend-
Baker Owen, grocer, 6 Debden road ment Act," Seward's End road
Balls George, baker, Castle street Coleman Thomas H. nurseryman & seedsman, Hill street
Barcham Thomas E. grocer & draper, High street & Horney brooke nurseries, Seward's End road
Barker Edward William, commercial traveller, Fern Collin Turner M.A. solicitor & commissioner for oaths &-
villa, Ashdon road clerk to the Walden & Linton divisions of magistrates.
Barker Joseph, carter, Little Walden road & Linton guardians & registrar & high bailiff to the
Barker William John, butcher, Church street connty court & clerk to Walden & Linton division of
Barnard Brothers, coal, corn, seed, cake & manure taxes, Church street
merchants & general agents, High street & Railway Calmer Christopher Augustus, surgeon dentist, Somer-
statiolll; & at Audley End railway station, Wen dens ville house, High street
Ambo; Elsenham & Littlebury; head office, New- Cook Chas. Prudential .Assurance agt. Seward's End read
port S.O Cooper Melissa (Mrs.), dress maker, Rose cott. Debden r<f
Bartlett Hedley M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond. surgeon Conservative Club (Right Hon. Lord Braybrooke, presi-
(firm, Stear & Bartlett), High streev dent ; Francis George Freeland, secretary; Henry Hay-
Barton Davld, merchant tailor, draper, hatter, hosier, ward, manager), Museum street
ladies' outfitter, silk mercer & milliner, Market stre-et; Copping George, gardener to Edmund Birch Gibson esq-
& High street; & at North street, Bishops Stortford. J. P. Hill street
See advertisement Cornell Rosanna (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Baynes Benjamin, shopkeeper, Thaxted road Cornell Simeon, basket maker, Cross street
Beale Fred, hair dresser & umbrella maker, Castle street Cornell William, basket maker, High street
Beard Samuel & Son, drapers, High street Cornell William, beer retailer, Seward's End
Beavan William, professor of music, West road Corn Exchange (John Francis Penning, keeper), Marketpr-
Bell William & Sons, builders, South road Corporation Gas Works (John Wilson, sec.; Charle!t-
Benstead Samuel, boys' school, 2 Audley ter. Andley rd Wright, manager), Thaxted road
Bird Frederick Charles, furniture dealer, Bridge street Corporation Water Works (John Wilson, sec. & manager).,
Bishop William, horse trainer, Gold street Hill street
Bold George, confectioner, Bridge street County Conrt (His Honor W. H. G. Bagshawe Q.C.
Boswell Henry St. George M. B., C.M. surgeon & medical judge ; Turner Colin M.A. registrar & high bailiff).
officer & public vaccinator No. 7 district, Saffron Town hall
Walden union, High street County Police Station (William Simmonds, supt. ), East st:
Bowtle Mary (Mrs.), laundress, Seward's End road Courtneay Arthur George, shopkeeper, Gold street
Bowyer Frederlck Davld, family butcher & dealer in Cowell Alice, Laura & Rose (Misses), ladies' schoolr
game & poultry, King street Cambridg-e house, High street
Boyle James, sergeant instructor to I Company 3rd Cowell Alfred, family butcher, Market row
(Cambridgeshire) Volunteer Battalion Suffolk Regi- Cowell Robert, shoe maker, High street
• ment, Ashdon road Cowell Wm. boot mkr. & shopkpr. & post office, Audley end'
Brand Thomas, boot maker, High street Cox Henry Carew, solicitor, commissioner for oaths
Bransby Henry Newton, estate agent to Miss Gibson, & perpetual commissioner, clerk to Saffron Walden:
workshop, Debden road union & assessment committee, superintendent registrar
British & Foreign Training College (Miss Jessie M. & clerk to the rural sanitary authority & school attend-
Dunlop, lady principal ; Miss Sarah lVyatt J effries, ance committee, clerk to Wimbish school board & to-
matron; Miss Reid, mistress of method), South road the Infectious Diseases Hospitals, Church street
Brook Edward Read, miller (steam & wind), Copthall mill Cro Benj. grocr. Market bill, & furniture dlr. High st
Dade William John, beer retailer, Castle street Hart :Misses, berlin wool & fancy repository & servants'
Day William Hy. & Co. brewers, Castle brewery, Gold st registry office, High street
Day Alfred, clothier, tailor, hatter & hosier, agent for Harvey Mary .Ann (Miss), milliner, Hill street
the Kent Fire Insurance Company; proprietor of free Hasler William T. blacksmith, George street
advertisement station for sale or exchange of goods, Hayward Henry, manager to the Conservative Club~
Market hill Museum street
Day Henry, watch maker, King street Hill Henry Swan, butcher, 7 Debden road
Day James, Hoops inn, & builder, King street Hillyer Richard, boot maker, Castle street
Day William, maltster, High street Hiscock Harry, commercial traveller, Rose villa, Mill lane-
Day William, shopkeeper, Debden road Hobbs Willlam, portrait & landscape photographic-
Dickinson 'Villiam, inspector of nuisances & secretary to artist; enlargements in all styles; local views in great
the volunteer fire brigade, Hill street variety; photograph & picture framing; a large selec-
Dlx, Green & eo. cement manufacturers, West rd tion of picture frames always in stock, Gold street
Dix Dick & Sons, builders & contractors, West road Hodson James, beer retailer. Market row
D1x Benjamin, builder & undertaker, High street Horticultural Society B. T. L . .Ackland & Cyril Taylor,.
Dominick John, ironmonger, King street hon. secs)
Downham John, farmer, The Elms, Seward's End Hospital (Henry Stear, Henry St. George Boswell B.l\1..
Downham Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Thaxted road C.M. "VV11uam Alexander Smith M . .A., M.B. & Hedley-
Drayton Mary Ann & Ellen (Misses), milliners & dress Bartlett L.R. C.P.Lond. medical officers; John Gilling.
makers, 10 London road dispenser; A. Midgley, hon. sec.; Miss Minedew,.
Earnshaw Chas. cabinet maker & bacon curer, Bridge st matron), London road
Edwards .Arthur, coal merchant, Rose cottage, London Housden Alice (Miss), dress maker, East street
road; Debden road & Railway station Housden Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Sheer hill
Edwards Eleazer, draper, King street Housden Frank, hurdle maker, Thaxted road
Elwood Thomas, tailor, Gold street Housden George, plumber, Cross street
Emson John Green & Son, provision merchants, Housden Herbert, Eight Bells P.H. Bridge street
& wholesale grocers, Market place Hoy Maria (Miss), dress maker, Fairycroft road
Erswell Edgar William, builder, Market row Hughes Jn. Thos. cooper & wheelwright, Hill st. & Eiigh st
Erswell Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, The Priory, Hunns Harry, supt. to ~udential .Assur. Soc. High st·
Common hill Hunt Timothy, brewer & beer retailer, Fairycroft road
Essex Provident Society (Obadiah Bush, collctr.), Gold st Inland Revenue Office (.Andrew Christian Rasmussen.,
Esland Phre be (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Thaxted road officer), High street
Evenett John, town crier & bill poster, Gold street International Tea Co. (Francis George Perrin, manager),.
Field Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Fairycroft ter. Audley rd grocers & provision dealers, King street
Flack Charles, baker, Castle street Jackson George, boot maker, Thaxted road
Ford Samuel, commercial traveller, Seward's End road Jeffrey .Alfred Smith, bricklayer & beer retailer, Little
Fountain WnLiam, watch maker & jeweller, High street Walden road
Francis Waiter, boot & shoe factor, Gold street J effrey Harriet B. (Mrs.), dress maker, East street
Free Mary .Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, Hill street Jeffrey Isaac E. bricklayer, .Ashdon road
Freeland Francis George (firm, Robinson & Freeland), J ohnson Frederick Henry, architect, Church street
solicitor, Town Hall chambers, Market place J ohnson Herbert F. engineer & implement agent; re-
Freestone George, engineer, .Audley road pairer of engines, mowers, reapers, binders, threshing
Friends' School (John Edward Walker, head master; F. machines &c. hot & cold water engineer, smith's work
Rivers .Arundel, head teacher; Miss .A. G. Brown, head & castings, new kiln wires & other iron work ; best
girls' teacher), Mount Pleasant road cash terms for implements, machinery, binder twines.
Fuller Benjamin Henry, draper, hosier, milliner & clothier, &c. Debden road
jacket & shawl warehouse, Manchester house, Cross J ohnson Thos. & Son, irortmongers & founders, Church st
street, Hill street & Market row J ones Frederick William, inspectDr of police, Police.
Furlong Brothers, gun makers King street, & bicycle station, East street
agents, Church street Jones Joseph Sclater, chemist, High street
Furlong Herbert John, coffee tavern, High street Judd Henry, boot maker, Fairycroft road
Gatward Henry, watch maker, High street Kettle John, marine store dealer & grocer, Castle street
Gatward Henry jun. watch maker & umbrella maker, 4 Kettley Charles, farmer & miller (wind), Seward's end
Debden road Kidd Edith (~fiss), infants' school, .Audley end
Gayler Edward, cowkeeper, .Aller's farm, Se-ward's End rd King Thomas & Henry, millers (steam), South road
Geldart Francis, type writer & tea agent, 5 Rose villas, King William, beer retailer & chimney sweeper, Castle st
Seward's End road Lagden Joseph, farmer, Thaxted road
Glbson, Tuke & Glbson, bankers (.Arthur Elliott Lamy lVilliam, Prudential assurance agent, .Audley road
Viney, manager), Market place; draw on Prescott, Land Charles, local manager, "Saffron Walden 'V t!'kly
Dimsdale, Cave, Tugwell & Co. Lim. London E.C. News," Farmadine grove
Gilbey Jane & Phrebe (Misses), apartments, Ida cottage, Leverett Stebblng, grocer & provision merchant,
London road draper, milliner, tailor, hatter & outfitter, Market p!ace-
Gillett David, greengrocer, Cross street Levi Charles, boot & shoe maker, 'Vest road
Gilling John, pharmaceutical chemist, Market hill & Levi Charles, shopkeeper, Mill lane
Market place Levi Sophia (Miss), glover, High street
Gowlett Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Pounce hall, Seward's end Liberal Reading Room ( J ames W ombwell, caretaker]..
Grammar School (Rev. R. M. Luckock M . .A. head master ; Gold street
.Alfred G. Frith B.A. John G. Lord B.A. & Eustace B. List .Annie (Miss), dress maker, Debden road
Shine, assistant masters), Ashdon road List Ellen (~Iiss), dress maker, East street
Green Elijah & Sons, builders, Thaxted road List George, shoe maker, Church street
ureen Beatrice (Miss), dress maker, Seward's End road List Josiah, shoe maker, London road
Green John, iron founder, Railway foundry, West road List 'Villiam, shoe maker, King street
Green Julius, builder, .Audley road Literary Institution & Public Library (Henry Stear, hon_
Green Thomas Fitzjohn, blacksmith, Little Walden sec.; William Murray Tuke, hon. librarian; <;1-. N.
Green William, Waggon & Horses P.H. East street 1\Iaynard, acting librarian), King street
uuy Charles C. deputy superintendent registrar, assistant Lofts Edward J. Prudential assurance agent, .Ashdon road
overseer & collector of poor rates, Farmadine grove London & County Banking Co. Lim. (Frank Davis Hard-
Guy Wllllam Edvvard, bookseller, stationer, printer, ing, manager), Market place; draw on head offi~<>, 21
news agent & fancy goods repository, Cross street Lombard street, London E.C
Guyver Nathaniel & Sons, wheelwrights, Mill lane Long James Richard, registrar of births & deaths for the
Hagger Charles, furniture dealer & agent for Sutton & Saffron Walden sub-district, relieving officer, collector
Co. carriers, George street to the guardians & vaccination officer, No. I district &.
Halls Thomas, shoe maker, Freshwell street school attendance officer, rural sanitary district, High st
Harding Frank Davis, manager to London & County Long Jn. farm bailiff to E. B. Gibson esq. J.P. Rowleyhl
Banking Co. Limited, Market place Lott .John, pastrycook & confectioner, bread &; biscuit
Hardwlck Thomas & Son, fishmongers, poul- baker; established over so years, Market hill
terers & game dealers, King street Lovell Wm. pork pie maker & confectioner, Cross street.
Harley & .Atkinson, surgeons, Church street & High st Lyall Harry William, solicitor & commissioner for oaths
Hart & Son, printers, booksellers, stationers, news (firm, Wade & Lyall), East street
agents, binders & music warehouse, King street Macgowan William Bertram, grocer & provision mer-
Harvey George, beer retailer, Castle .street chant, Market row & Castle street

Marking Isaac, butcher, Church street Rogers Thomas William M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon
Marshall George, farm bailiff to Lord Braybrooke, Home 6u inspector, The P:riury, Common hill
farm, .Audley end Rook Eustace Henry L.D.S. Eng. dentist, King street
Martin George, whitesmith, Fairycroft road Rose & Crown Family & Commercial hotel (Charles
Meadows .Arthur, baker, & post office, Seward's end George Payne, proprietor), Market place; omnibus
Miller David, baker, Park place meets all trains
Morris Mary (Miss), lady principal, Miss Gibson's Or- Rose Daniel, King's .Arms P.H. Market hill
phanage, South road Rule Henry Oliver, horse doctor, Church street
Mumford Daniel, baker, Castle street Rutland James, 'ooot maker, 2 Debden road
Museum (Richard Crafton Green, secretary; George Saffron Walden 2nd Benefit Building Society (W. F.
Nathan Maynard, curator), Castle hill .Ackland, sec.), King street
Myhill Addy Nunn, merchant; corn, coal, manures, Saffron Wald:en Cricket Club (W. F. Tuke, sec)
cakes, seeds &c. Gold street & Railway station Saffron Walden District Liberal Registration .Association
Mynott Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Seward's end (Samuel Beard, JU!l. & C. E. Robson, joint hon. secs.),
Na~h Reuben, shopkeeper, East street Gold street
New & Smith, grocers, Hill street Saffron W alden & Essex Mechanics' Permanent Benefit
Newman James Thomas, tobacconist, King st. & High st Building Society (Cha:rles C. Guy, sec.), Town hall
Nockolds Martin F.S.I. land agent & surveyor, Church st Saffron Walden Provident & Friendly Institution (Fra.ncis
Nunn Thomas & Son, ironmongers & china dealers, Stephen Robinson, secretary), Town hall
Market row Saffron Walden Technical Education District Committee·
Orphanage (Miss Gibson's) (Miss Mary Morris, lady (William .Adams, hon. sec.) '
principal), South road Saffron \Yalden Weekly News (Charles Land, local mana-
Osborne Edward, confectioner, .Ashdon road ger) (published at Cambridge, fridays), Farmadine gro
Oxborrow Robert, boot maker, Church street Salmon James, oil dealer, Bridge street
UAIJorrow Robert (Mrs.), dress maker, Church street Sanmel Waiter Thomas, saddler, East street
Palmer Gray, clothier & outfitter, High street · Savill David, farmer, Stone Bridge farm
Pamment Emily & .Alice (Misses), fancy repos. Church st Savill Joseph, farmer, East street
Pammenter Charles, tailor, Museum street Savill Susannah (Mrs.), farmer, Gunter's farm
Payne Charles George, Rose & Crown family & Savill Willia.m, baker, East street
commercial hotel & posting house ; omnibus meets all Savill William, cattle dealer, East street .
trains ; Market place Saward William, station master, .Audley End station
Payne Susannah (Mrs.), farmer, Seward's end Scott William Edward, butcher, Markst street
Peachey Waiter, beer retailer, Hill street Scruby Theodore R. wine & spirit merchant, Market st
Penning Grey Fras. rope & twine mkr. Little Walden rd Seymour John Leader, blind maker, High street
Penning John Francis, confectioner, keeper of town hall Shepherd Ellen (Mrs.), pork btchr. & poulterer, Bridge st
& toll collector to CorJ! Exchange & cattle mkt. High st Siggs Louisa (Mrs.), farmer, St. .Aylotts
Penning Joseph, beer retailer, Gold street Simmonds William, superintendent of police & inspector
Penning W1.1liam, beer retailer, Gold street of weights & meamn•s under the Sale of Food &
Pen!n · .Alfred George, stationer & registrar of marriages, Drugs .Act & the Coll1·rgious Diseases (.Animals) .Act,
H1gh street East street
Perrin Fras. Geo. man. International Tea Co. King street Sinclair 1\fisses, ladies' school, High street
Petch John Robert, nurseryman & seedsman, King street Smart Mary .Ann Rebecca (Mrs.), dress maker, London rd
& Seward's End road Smart Seth J oseph, collector of income tax, London road
Pidduck Sydney, commercial traveller, High street Smith Edward, grocer, see New & Smith
Pigrum Thomas William Percival, leather s~ller, High st Smith Eliza. (Mrs.), hair dresser & fancy dlr. King street
Pigrum "\Villiam, confectioner, .Ashdon road Smith George, shoe maker, Castel street
Pilgrim Mary ..inn (Mrs.), dress maker, East street Smith William, Green Dragon P.H. Market hill
Pirie David, postmaater, King street Smith William Francis, beer retailer, London road
Pitcher Martha Salome (Mrs.), baker, High street Spicer William, farmer, Westleys farm
Pitstow Fredk. plumber & decorator, Bridge st. & High st Starkie Fras. Chamberlain Le Gendre, farmer, Mitchells;
Pitsww Selina (Mrs.), Cross Keys hotel, King street & at Monk's barn & Little Bowser farms, .Ashdon
& High street Starling w. & N. wholesale & retail wine & spirit
Pledger Thomas, Greyhound P.H. High street merchants, & agents for Bass's & .Allsopp's Burton ales,
Porter John, corn agent, Seward's End road Church street
Post Office (David Pirie, postmaster), King street Stead & Simpson Lim. bc.ot makers, King street
Powell William Weatherstone, draper & outfitter, Vic- Stear & Bartlett, surgeons & surgeons to the Post
toria house, High street Office, Market place & High street
Prime Jasper, cemetery keeper, Seward's End road Stear Henry (firm, Stear & Bartlett), surgeon, medical
Rasmussen .Andrew Christian, inland revenue officer, officer & public vacc:nator for No. 6 district, Saffron
High street & Royston villa, West road Walden union, admiralty surgeon & certifying factory
Rted J ames, bread dealer, Castle street surgeon, Market place
Reed Peter, beer retailer, .Ashdon road Stock George, builder & carpenter, Fairycroft road
Reed Thomas, furniture dealer, Castle street Stock Rebecca (Mrs.), confectioner, Fairycroft road
Reed William, baker & confectioner, Church street Stokes George, maltster & corn merchant & clerk to the
burial board, High street
Reynolds Osmond, school attendance officer to the cor-
poratiOn, 2 Landscape villas, .Asdon road Street Ernest, draper & milliner, High street
Richard son .Alfred, tailor, 11 W estfield terrace Sutton & Co. carriers (Charles Hagger, agent), George st
RichardS()n Emma (~iiss), 'dress maffier, Museum street Tatham Samuel, lime burner, Little Walden road
Richardson Joseph, Fox P.H. Seward's end Taylor ..J, w. & J. L. brewers, spirit merchants &
ltichardson Waiter R. tailor, High street mrated water manufacturers, High street
Robinson & Freeland, solicitors, Town Hall chambers, Taylor Alien, fishmonger, Cross street
Market place Taylor George Moss, tinman & brazier & parish clerk,
Robinson Francis StE>phen (firm, Robinson & Freeland), Castle street
solicitor, commissioner for oaths & town clerk, clerk Thompson Richard, rate collector & deputy registrar of
of the peace & clerk to urban sanitary anthoritv & births & deaths, Castle street
school attendance committee, clerk to the almshouses Tnompson Waiter, bookseller, stationer, printer,
& to the commis.,im1!'rii of taxes for the Freshwell fancy goods warehouseman & circulating
division, Town Hall chambers, Market place library, Market place
Robson & Sons, wholesale &. retail grocers, Thomson James F.R . .A.M. teacher of music, :Mount
aerated water manufacturers & oil & lamp Pleasant road
merchants; offices, King st. ; works, Freshwell st Thurgood Benjamin Tomson & Son, auctioneers, King st
Robson Waiter, wholesale & retail draper, house Thurgood John P. certified bailiff under the Law of
furnisher, milliner, silk mercer, dress maker, hosier Distress Amendment .Act, King street
& g-lover, mantle & boot & shoe warehouse; paper- Tillbrook Charles, farmer, Little Walden park
hangings, carpets & upholstery ; furniture remover & Titchmarsh .Arthur, grocer, provision merchant & bottled
depository; King street ale merchant, & agent for W. & .A. Gilbey Lim. wine &
Rogers Alfred, plumber & decorator, painter, spirit merchants, King street .
glazier, bell hanger, lead, glass & paper hanging ware- Town Hall (John Francis Penning, keeper), Market place
house, lead, iron pumps & troughing; agent for the Travis J oseph, naturalist, Hill street
" Shaw Patent Reflector Gas Light," & the Incandes- Tunbridge .Arthur, outfitter, tailor, hatter & hosier, boot
cent Gas Light Co. Limited, Hill street & shoe factor, Hm street
Turner Caroline (Mrs.), confectioner, Little Walden road Whitehead Rankin, china dealer & painter, Church street
Vert James, gardener to Lord Braybrooke, Audley End "\Vilkinson John Seager, wholesale drapery, clothing,
Viney Arthur Elliott, manager to Gibson, Tuke boot & shoe warehouS'e & dress makers' supply stores,
Gibson, bankers, Market place Bridge house. Bridge street
Volunteer Battalion 3rd (Cambridgeshire) Suffolk Regi· Wilkinson Richard, commercial traveller, Ashdon road
ment (I Co.) (Capt. M. C. H. Nickolds, commandant; Willett Martha (Mrs.), butcher, High street
Sergt. James Boyle, drill instructor) , Armoury, Williams Richard, tobacconist, High street
Museum street Williama Richard Atklnson, job & livery master &;
Volunteer Fire Brigade (Alfred G. Nickolds, supt.; Wm. dealer in horses, Freshwell street
Dickinson, sec.), Engine house, Hill street Wills Fanny (Mrs.), china dealer, Market hill
W"abon Robert William, confectioner, King street Wills Rohert, accountant & insurance agent, Market biJ]
Wade & Lyall, solicitors, East street Wilson Frederick, station master, Railway station
Wade Charles Martin, solicitor & commissioner for oaths W1lson John, borough smveyor & secretary & manager
(firm, Wade & Lyall), East street to LilJe water works & secretary to the gas works, Hill st
Watson Charles, baker, High street Winter Nancy liodges (M1ss), certified masseuse, Regent
Watson Charles Thomas, White Horse P.H. Market street lodge, Mount Pleasant road
·watson Franci·., baker. London road Wisken Henry, carpenter & undertaker, Castle street
Watson Richard, beer retailer, Castle street Wright Alfred Edward, shoe maker, Museum street
Watson Thos. Sapsed, Prudential assurance agt. High st Wright Charles, manager Gas Works, Thaxted road
Webb & Brand, nurse1~·men, East street & South road Wright Ja.mes, miller (wind), South road & Chalk lane
Webb Henry C. steward to Lord Braybrooke, Audley end Wyatt Alfred, Duke of York P.H. & tailor, High street
Wedd Peter, saddler & harness maker, King street Wyatt Frederick, baker, High street
Wedd Waiter James, coach builder, Abbey lane Wyatt Henry, tailor, Castle street
Welch Frederick John, farmer, Springwell "\Vyatt Thomas, ta1lor, George street
Welch Thomas Skipper, farmer, Little Walruen Young Men's Christian Association ( J ames Richard Long
1Vhiffin Alfred, builder, Gold street & Frederick Moor, hon. secs.), High street
Whitehead Oaborne (late Philip T.urner), manu- Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Blenkinsop,
mental mason in marble, stone & granite; im- hon. sec.) (open tues. & fri. 7.30 to 9 p.m. ), High st
perishable lead lettering &c. Common hill
ST. LAWRENCE NEWLAND is a small parish of gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1889 by the
scattered hous<>s, near t~H' south bank of the Blackwater es· Rev. William Trafford M.A. of Christ's College, Cam-
tuary, 5 miles north from Southminster terminal station bridge. Part of Ay!Jett's charity, amounting to £I 15s. 6d.
on a branch of tile Son i bend section of the Great Eastern annually, is distributed to the poor in money every other
railway, I I miles east-south-east from Maldon by road, year. Mrs. William Robert Ellis, who is lady of the
8 north-by-east from Burnham and 19 east from Chelms- manor, Miss Brocklehurst, Miss Rolfe, and Edward A.
ford, in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie Catchpole are the principal landowners. The soil is of
hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and a loamy nature; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, wheat, barley, beans and peas. The area is 2,004 acres
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The of land and 471 water; rateable value, £1,250; the
church of St. Lawrence, rebuilt in 1879 of Kentish rag, population in 1891 was 189.
is a structure in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Sexton, Charles GcnlJ.
chancel, nave, north porch, vestry and a western turret
containing 1 bell: the cost of rebuilding was £ 1, 700 , Letter Box cleared at 4·35 p.m. Letters through South-
and there are sittings for 150 persons. The register of minster S.O. The nearest money order & telegraph
baptisms and buria~s dates from IJ04; marriages, 1705. office is at Tillingham
The living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent- National School, built in 1873, for 6o children; average
charge £430, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in tlie attendance, 13 ; Mrs. Cutts, mistress
Trafford Rev. William M.A. Rectory Catchpole Edward Allen, farmer, West Whiting James, farm bailiff to George
Cardnell James, farmer Newlands Cardnell esq
Cardnell (exors. of), farmer, Black Pilkington Robt. frmr. East Newiands Witney William Frederick, farmer,
House farm St. Lawrence hall
ST. OSYTH parish is on a creek of the Colne, opposite 1885 by the Rev. James Edward Potts M.A. of Emmanuel
:Brightlingsea, 4 miles south from Thorrington and 4 College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel with
from Great Bentley stations on the Tendring hundred 274 sittings. A cemetery of 2 acres was formed in 1855
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 west from Clacton- at a cost of £x,ooo, and has two mortuary chapels; it
on-Sea, 12 south-east from Colchester and 12 south-west is under the control of a burial board of 7 members. The
from Walton steamboat pier, in the North Eastern charities include the Town Field, near Weeley, now let
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional for £5 (less 24s. annual tithe), and Banyard's charity, a
division and union, Colchester county court district, first charge of £2 xos. on a field at present attached to
and in the rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Braziers Farm. These sums are distributed to the poor
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans; some parts of this in food and clothing. Here are oyster beds. This is
parish, which is very extensive, are high, including one of the oldest places in the county and was originally
:Beacon Hill, but a great portion is marsh land. The part of the Royal demesne of King Canute, who granted
church of SS. Peter and Paul is a large and ancient it to Earl Godwin, and by him it was given to Christ
structure, originally built of rubble and flints, in the Church, Canterbury, and at the Conquest was transferred
same manner as the priory buildings adjoining, mainly to the Bishops of London; it was formerly called" Chich,"
in the late Perpendicular style, with portions of Early but takes its present name from St. Osyth, daughter
English and perhaps of the Norman styles: it consists of Frithwald, a Mercian prince, who built a nunnery here,
of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles with eastern chapels, of which she was first abbess and where in 653 she was
south porch and a massive embattled tower at the west martyred by heathen pirates. On the site of the nunnery,
end, containing 6 bells: on each side of the chancel are probably destroyed by these invaders, Richard de
the monumental recnm bent effigies in marble of the first Belmeis of London, in the reign of Henry I. founded a
and second Lords Darcy, and their wives, with inscrip- priory for canons of St. Augustine, and his remains were
tions, and with armorial bearings : in the chapel of the buried in the chancel of the church in II27 : he be-
south aisle is a mural tablet to Briant Darcie, high queathed the church and tithes to the canons, who
sheriff of the county, ob. 25th Dec. 1587, and Bridget elected as their first abbot or prior William de Corbeuil,
his wife, with other members of his family: in the same afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, who died in 1136,
chapel is the recumbent effigy of John Darcy, serjeant- bequeathing large benefactions to this house, to which
at-law, in his robes, ob. 15th March, 1638: on the south valuable charters were granted by Henry II. and in
side of the chancel are mural tablets to the Right Honour- Abbot Vyntoner's time it was largely rebuilt, the gate-
able William Henry (Nassau), 4th Earl of Rochford K.G. way, abbot's tower and other portions now remaining
am bass ad or and secretary to George ill. who died 2oth being erected in that period : at the Dissolution its
Sept. 1781, and to Lucy (Young), his wife, d. 9 Jan. 1773; revenues were valued at £758 ss. 8d. yearly: It is now,
there is a modern tablet in the north aisle to Benjamin in its modernized form, the residence of Sir John Henry
Golding M.D. founder of Charing Cross hospital, who Johnson J.P. and is entered through a gate house ot
died in 1863: there are x,ooo sittings. The register dates Late Perpendicular date, elaborately covered with
from the year x666. The living is now a vicarage, net panelled work in flint and stone and consisting of an
yearly value £198, with residence, in the gift of the arched entrance, with flanking towers: the whole is em-
Yen. Charles Burney M.A. vicar of St. Mark's, Surbiton, 1battled and is supposed to have been erected about the
and archdeacon of Kingston-upon-Thames, and held since reign of Henry VII.; the abbot's tower, of the same
period, over a vaulted substructure, and the abbot's retli and William Herbert Dunnett esq. of Stour llouse.
private chapel of the 13th century, constitute its most Dedham. The soil is good mixed ; subsoil, gravelly and
ancient features: in the quadrangle is a range of old sand. The chief crops are wheat,' barley and oats. The
buildings in the Tudor style, with an octagonal observa- area is 8,s22 acres of land and x,6u of water; rateabla
tory ; there is a lofty clock tower of modern date and value, £Io,258 ; the population in I891 was 1,441.
two smaller ones ; in the front of the mansion is a fine BLOCK HOUSE WICK. for some centuries connected
x6th century oriel window, on which the initials of John with the Howard family, is on a creek on the coast, a
Vyntoner, the last abbot but one, are frequently repeated, mile and a half south-west from St. Osyth. WIGBRO
along with in every case a bunch of grapes, a tun of wine WICK is another farm on a creek, a mile and a half
and his initials J. V. and the date IS27: the entrance hall south. LEE WICK is a mile and a half south-west.
is adorned with some fine specimens of paintings from Parish Clerk, Frederick Pearce.
celebrated masters, executed upon its richly-carved oak Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
panelling : the park of 2so acres is well studded with & Insurance Office.-Miss Maria Norman, sub-post-
trees, among which are some fine cedars of Lebanon: at mistress. Letters arrive from Colchester & are de-
the east end of the house are extensive vineries, a con- livered at 7 a.m. & at 4 p.m.; dispatched at I p.m.
servatory and peach house. St. Cleres, now a farm & 7 p.m. & on sundays at 7 p,m
house, one mile south-east from the village, presents a
very ancient appearance : it was once wholly and it still County Police Station, Alfred Hayes, constable
on three ·sides surrounded by a moat and has been the Schools:-
residence of the Dean family for over 200 years ; the National, built in x8S3· for 200 children; average
last representative died in 1888; the present occupier is attendance, 130; Frederick Pearce, master
Godfrey Amis Hempson esq. On the coast are a battery Infants', for 8o children; average attendance, so; Misi"
and three martello towers. The manor is vested in Elizabeth Bacon, mistress
trustees: the principal landowners are John Roberts Carrier to Colchester.-Mrs. Harriet Cole, mon. wed.
Kiroy esq. Sir John Henry Johnson, Mrs. Charles Brand- thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coe James, beer retailer Matson Murton, corn & coal merchant,
Dennis Gentry, Chapel villa Cole Harriet (Mrs.), carrier The Quay
Frost Miss, Colne villa Cole Robert, shopkeeper Miller Samuel, beer retailer
Graham Mrs. Ireland Cross George, farmer, Lee wick Norman Arthur, butcher, clerk to the
Howard Mrs. Rose cottage Gross Robert, farmer, Hill house burial board & assistant overseer
Johnson Sir John Henry J.P. St. Cross Rlbt. Franks, frmr. Frowick hall Norman Maria (Miss), post o~ce
Osyth Priory Dale Alfred, farmer, Braziers farm Page Charles, bricklayer
Latten Mrs Eagle George, farmer Porter Charles, jun. farmer
Manning Stephen Agard Forgan Steward Thomas, farm bailiff Potter James Coulem M.B., C.M. sur-
Matson Misses to A. Corrie esq geon, & medical officer to No. 7
Newcomb James Frost Charles Frederick, maltster district of the Tendring union
Potter James Coulero M.B. Gardiner Robert, farm bailiff to Wm. R~mpling William, jobm~ster
Potts Rev. Jas. Edward M.A. Vicarage Herbert Dunnett esq. Seed farm Richer Edmund, wheelwright
Salmon Robert Green, The Lodge Gibson William, farm bailiff t{) Sir Salmon Mark, Flag P.H
J{)hn Henry Johnson J.P Salmon Robert Green, farmer &land-
COMMERCIAL. Gilders John, jun. farmer, Duchess fm owner, The Lodge
Archer Frederick, miller (water) & Gosling George, farmer Simmit George, baker
farmer, Block house, Wick Graham George, carpenter Simmons Henry, farmer, Heath
Baker George, carter Gunfield Fred, beer retailer Smith Philip, baker
Blyth William (Mrs.), farmer, Park Hamby J ane Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Smoothy Elizabeth (Mrs..), Ship P.H
Brett Charles, shopkeeper Hardy Langley Thompson, grocer & Taylor Joseph, Red Lion P.H
Butcher John, grocer draper, & agent for W. & A. Tydeman Henry, blacksmith
Canham Thomas, baker Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mer- Vince J ane (Mrs.), beer retailer
Carter James & Co. seedsmen & chants, The Essex stores Walley John, Queen's Head P.H
florists (Robert Gardiner, manager), Hempson Godfrey Amis, farmer, St. Warner Maria & Eliza (Misses), shop-
Seed farm Clere's hall keepers
Cemetery (Arthur Norman, clerk t{) Humphrey William & Oharles, saddlrs Warner James, farmer, Heath
burial board; Theophilus Philemon Humphrey William, clothier Webb George, farmer, Earl's hall
Ruffell, registrar) Kidby William, timber sawyer Welham James, fishmonger
Chamberlain Maurice, baker Last John, bricklayer Went John, seedsman
Clark Willia.m, farmer Lloyd Fras. Albert, King's Arms P.H Wright Wm. jun. grocer & draper
SALCOTT (or Salcot Wigborough) is a village and Virley, average tithe rent-charge £I7I, with 72 acres of
parish, on the Salcot Creek, which is navigable, 7 miles glebe, in the gift of 'Villiam Coxwell esq. Col. Gordon
south-east from Kelvedon railway station on the main \\Tatson, Wm. Hall esq. and Sir William Neville Abdy
line of the Great Eastern railway, 11 east from Witham, bart. alternately, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Edward
9 north-east from Maldon, and 8! south-south-west from Musselwhite. A fair for pedlery is held on September
Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the county, 4th. Salcott appertains to the adjoining manors of
Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional Tolleshunt D' Arcy, Abbot's Hall and Barn Hall. The
division and union, Colchester county court district, land is held by small owners. The soil is heavy ; sub-
and in the rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry ot soil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and oats.
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. The area is 274 acres of land, of which a part is salt
Mary, situated near the creek which divides this place marsh; rateable value, [39I; the population in I891.
from Virley, is a building of stone in the Early English was 2I7·
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an Parish Clerk, John Boley.
embattled western tower containing one bell: the church Post Office.-Mrs. Wm. Rice, sub-postmistress. Letters
was restored in I893, at a cost of about £I,400, and has through Kelvedon arrive ·at 9.30 a.m.; dispatched at
sittings for ISO persons. A devise of land, the rent of 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph o:ffic~
which amounts to £8 yearly, was made many years ago for is at Tolleshunt D'Arcy
the expense of the church. The register of baptisms dates Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
from the year I8I3; marriages, 1837; and burials,x8I3f. National School (mixed), built in I867, for 8o children~
The living is a rectory, united in I879 to Virley or Salcott average attendance, 49; Jael Everitt, mistress
Brett Elizabeth (Miss), farmer
Lawrence William, shopkeeper
I Smith William Hy. (Mrs.), farmer
Thompson Arthur, Rising Sun P.H
GREAT SALING is a parish and ancient village nicely chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a small Early
wooded, near the Podsbrook stream, 3~ miles north-west English tower, with embattled parapet, originally de-
from Rayne station on the Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow tached from the church, and containing a clock, erected
and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 in 1722, and 2 bells, one of which is dated I623: the
miles north-west from Braintree, 7 north-east from Dun- chancel is Perpendicular and the nave Decorated: on
mow and 43 from London; in the Eastern division of the the north side of the chancel is a small chapel, now used
county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty as an organ chamber: in the vestry is a monument to
sessional division, Braintree union and county court Bartlet Bridger Shedden, dated 1782, and others ; in th&
district, rural deanery of 1Jraintree, archdeaconry of north wall of the nave js a doorway, now blocked up,
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of and in ·the south wall, near the entrance, a stoup for
St. James is a building of flint and stone, consisting of I holy water: during 1857 and 1864 the chancel, originally
of the Early English period, was entirely rebuilt in the left an annuity of £x to be distributed quarterly in bread.
Perpendicular style, the nave being at the same time The Grove, a fine modern mansion, with portico over the
:restored, the church re-seated, two galleries removed principal entrance, stands in a well-wooded park of about
and the arch in the lower part of the tower enlarged: so acres and is the residence of •Captain Jasper Nicolls
the east window, added in 1866, is a memorial to Mrs. Harrison J.P. The old Hall, the residence of William
Fowke, widow of W. Fowke esq.: the chancel arch was Villiers Fowke esq. M.A. J.P. is a fine Elizabethan mansion
rebuilt and enlarged by Capt. Harrison in 1883, and of brick, in an excellent state of preservation. W. V.
an excellent organ was given by Capt. and Mrs. Harrison Fowke esq. is lord of the manor and the principal land-
in the same year: there are memorial windows placed owner. The soil is loam; subsoil, gravel and clay. The
in 1875 to Capt. Thomas Thorpe Fowke R.N. and Mar- chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and grass. The area
garetta his wife, to their infant son, and others to the is 1,651 acres; rateable value, £1,343; the population
"Rev. T. W. Ebrington, vicar here 1856-93• and to Mrs. in 1891 was 309.
Fenwick, 1888: the church possesses an ancient chalice Sexton, Stephen Overall.
uf hammered silver, without date or inscription. The Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
register dates from the year 1715. The living is a dis- 1\Irs. Alice Pickford, sub-postmistress. Letters are
charged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge, £Io6; net received from Braintree at 6.30 a.m. & 12 noon; de-
yearly value, £86, with 7i acres of glebe and residence, livered immediately; dispatched at 2.50 & 6.20 p.m.
in the gift of Wm. Villiers Fowke esq. and held since 1893 Rayne is the nearest telegraph office
by the Rev. William John Hogarth. The rent of 1a. 2r. National School (mixed), built, with mistress's house, in
"~4P· bequeathed at an early period, is distributed annually 1872, & enlarged in 1893, for 70 children; average
to the poor in fuel and clothing. In 1726 John Smith attendance, 54; Miss Hutchins, mistress
.Elrington Miss, Onchors Clark George, wheelwright Mortier Walter, The Oak P.H
Fowke Wm.VilLiers, M.A.,J.P.Old Hall Darby Charles & Hubert, farmers, Morecraft Agnes (Miss), boarding &
Harrison Capt. Nicolls J.P. Park farm day school (mixed)
The Grove French Arthur J. bricklayer & farmer Pickford Alice (Mrs.), grocer & draper,
Hogarth Rev. William John, Vicarage Green Waiter Shirley, farmer & land- Post office
.Sheaf Miss, Onchors owner, Muchmores Prior Edward, White Hart P.H. &
COMMERCIAL. Linsell Alfred Mounts, farm bailiff for baker
Ambrose Lewis, farmer, Piggott's fm F. Richardson esq Ridgewell John, beer retailer
llyford Henry, head gardener to Capt. Metson John, farm bailiff to W. V. Tanner & Son, builders
J. W. Harrison J.P Fowke esq Woodward Francis Spooner, farmer

LITTLE SALING (or Bardfield Saling) is a very M.A., J.P. vicar of Great Bardfield, Braintree,
.ancient parish lying near the Pods Brook river, 4~ is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are
miles north-west from Rayne station on the Bishop's Joseph Smith esq. Henry Phillips esq. Frederick Smoothy
Stortford and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern esq. J. D. Randell esq. and Wliliam Villiers Fowke esq.
railway, 6! miles north-west from Braintree and 6 M.A., J.P. William Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P., J.P.,
north-east from Dunmow, in the Northern divi- D.L. of Stanstead Hall, is owner of the great tithes.
sion of the county, Freshwell hundred and petty The soil is loam ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
sessional division, ·Dunmow union and county court wheat, barley, oats, and some pasture land. The area
.district, rural deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry is 1,122 acres; rateable value, £943; the population
.of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church in 1891 was 276.
or chapel of St. Peter, founded in 1380, is a small Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. week days
edifice of flint and stone in the Decorated style, con- only
.sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle with an arcade of Letters from Braintree via Great Saling, which is the
three bays, south porch and a lofty round tower at the nearest post & money order office, arrive at 8.30 a.m.
west end containing one bell, dated 1768 : the high The nearest telegraph office is at Great Bardfield
pews in this church were converted into open benches
in 1886 and two ancient windows in the belfry, which A School Board of 5 members was formed 5 June, 1876,
had been long closed, have been re-opened. The register for Bardfield Sating; Thomas Mace, Bardfield, clerk
dates from the year 1561. The living is a donative to the board
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £75• net yearly Board School (mixed), erect€d in 186o by Mr. Joseph
-value £65, with 1 acre of glebe, in the gift of Frederick Smith, for about 8o children; average attendance,
Smoothy esq. The Rev. William Lionel Lampet 30; Miss Taylor, mistress
"Dobson Misses Martin Charles, farm bailiff to Fredk. Randall John David, farmer & land-
Munro Mrs. Brookhouse Smoothy esq. Purples owner, Gentleman's farm
.Smith Joseph J.P. Woolpits Philips Henry, miller (wind) & farmer, Smith Abraham, farmer, Parsonage fm
Howland James, farmer Saling mill & Hitchcock & Rosey Smith Joseph, farmer & landowner,
Howland William, b~er retailer Hall farms Woolpits
.Metson John, farmer, Bett's farm Riley James, farmer, Boarded barn Underwood Arthur, blacksmith
GREAT OR OLD SAMPFORD (or Sanford) is with that of Hempstead annexed, average tithe rent-
a parish and village, on the Fresh well or Pant stream on charge £274; net yearly value £157, with 18 acres of
the road from Braintree to Saffron Walden, 4 miles north- glebe, in the gift of Myles Formby esq. and held since
east from Thaxted, 8 south-east from Saffron Walden sta- 1850 by the Rev. Robert Henry Eustace M.A. of St.
tion on a branch of the Great Eastern railway; and 45 Peter's College, Cambridge, and surrogate, who resides
from London, in the Northern division of the county, at Little Sampford. The rectorial tithes are in the
Freshwell hundred and petty sessional division, Saffron hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Here is a
Walden union and county court district, and in the rural Baptist chapel, erected in 1875• with 360 sittings. Mrs.
-deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- Catherine Riley, who died in 1820, left by will £2oo
cese of St. Albans : it is an ancient place, which in the for distribution: this sum, invested in bank annuities,
.reign of Edward the Confessor was a royal domain. The is divided amongst the poor of Great and Little Samp-
church of St. Michael is an ancient structure of flint ford. The straw-plait manufacture is carried on here,
l.n the Early Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, and there is a fair held on Whit-Monday. Benjamin
nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled Thomas Thurgood esq. is lord of the manor. The
western tower containing 5 bells: the chancel is of the principal landowners are the trustees of the late F. A.
])ecorated period and is fitted with stone stalls: there Schroeter. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. 'l'he chief
are memorials here to James Calthorpe gent. ob. 28 crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2,182 acres;
~lay, 1694, to several members of the family of Burrows, rateable value, £1,922; the population in 189r was 492.
1694-1786, the Rev. John Gretton A.B. ob. March 2nd, TINDON END, a mile and a half south-west, is a
1788 and Thomas Smith esq. of Great Bardfield, 1736: hamlet.
in the churchyard is an obelisk to Jonas Watson, buried
there July 4th, 1693, and erected by his son, Colonel Parish Clerk, William Gray.
Sexton, Zachariah Coote.
Jonas Watson, killed at the siege of Carthagena, in
1741: the Rev. W. Sworder, vicar here from 1701 to Post Office.-Miss .A.lice Gouldstone, sub-postmistress.
1726, was the author of several religious books and Letters from Braintree arrive at 8.45 a.m.; dispatched
sermons : there are two low side windows, one in the at 3·45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
chapel on the south side and one in the chancel chapel offices are at Finchingfield & Thaxted. Postal orders
in the north aisle : on the outer east wall of the chancel are issued here, but not paid
and in the buttresses are niches for images. The regi- C-ounty Police Station, David Whiting, constable
ster dates from the year I559· The living is a vicarage, A School Board of 5 members was formed r6 Sept.
1872, for the united district of Great & Little Samp- 1877, for 120 children; average attendance, IIS ;.
ford; T. Mace, Great Bardfield, clerk to the board; William Thomas Robinson, master
George Wright, Great Sampford, attendance officer Carrier.-Cyrus Stone, to Saffron Walden, mon. tues.
Board School (mixed), for both parishes, erected in & sat
Rider Rev. George (Baptist), The Gilder Arthur, farmer, Clark's farm Rayment Charles, farmer, Giffords
Manse Gilder George, farmer, Cabbages Savill James, farmer, Hill farm
Norris Samuel Fann, Horrell's Gouldstone Alice (Miss), shopkeeper, Smith Charles, farmer, lVIill farm
Balls John, Mill house Post office Smith Frederick J. PrudtJntial As-
Rayment Mrs. Tindon End house Gouldstone Robert, blacksmith surance agent
Robinson William Thomas Gowlett Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith William, farmer, Bush farm
Gray Fredk. Jas. farmer, Stow frm Spooner Chas. Hurrell, frrur. J~yeballs
COMMERCIAL. Gray William, carpenter & clerk Starling Peter, farmer, Road farm
Archer Geo. butcher & cattle dealer Hall Charles, miller (wind), Old Samp- Stone Cyrus,carrier to Safiron Walden
Bott William, farmer, Howlett's frm ford mill Suckling Frank, grocer & draper
Bunting Ann (Mrs..), beer retailer Lofts Henry, machinist · Thomason Robert, farmer, Joslins
Clayden John, farmer, Free Robert.s Newman Charles, Red Lion P.H Turner Alfred, farmer, Tyle hall
Coote Zachariah, sextDn Palmer Joseph, boot maker Wright George, blacksmith & school
Oowell Giblin, farmer, The Howe Philpott Charles, Black Bull P .H. & attendance officer
Farmer Charles, shopkeeper farmer Wright Robert Frederick, farmer &
Freeman Frederick, farm bailiff to Philpott William, wheelwright furniture broker
Charles Rayment, Spriggs Piggott Wm. Cock P.H. & carpenter Wright Seth, farmer, White house
Gatwood Martin W. M.R.C.V.S. Piper Robert, farmer, Parsonage farm Wright William, farmer, Park pale
veterina.ry surgeon, Giffords Purkiss James, farmer, Howe lane
LITTLE OR NEW SA:MPFORD is a viliage and since 1878 by the Rev. William Sewell M. A. and formerly
parish, on the river Freshwell or Pant, 9 miles south- fellow of that co~lege. The Rev. John Hulke Dixson
east from Saffron Walden station on a branch of the M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, is curate-in-charge.
Great Eastern railway, and 4 north-east from Thaxted, At the Green Farm is an unsectarian mission room:
in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell hun- services are held monthly on Sunday afternoons at 2.
dred and petty sessional division, Saffron Walden union The aggregate amount of charities from several
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of sources, including a bequest, by will, of Gertrude,
Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. daughter of William Peck, who died Aug. zB, 1705, is·
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an £q, which is distributed in coats to poor men: the
ancient 14th century building of flint with stone interest on Catherine Riley's charity of £zoo, for the
dressings, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, but with parishes of Great and Little Sampford, amounts to about
some portions of Norman date, consisting of chancel, 55s. each, and is distributed yearly to the poor. Samp-
nave of four bays, north aisle, north and south porches, ford Hall, the residence of Arthur Richardson esq. stands
vestry and an embattled western tower with spire con- on an eminence, and is surrounded by well wooded
taining one bell : the chancel, which retains a piscina, grounds. The trustees of the late F. A. Schroeter
is fitted with stalls and on the walls are inscriptions to are lords of the manor and principal landowners. The
Sir Edward Green kt. ob. zznd June, 1550, and Margerye soil is sandy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
his wife ob. 25th March, 1530, and a monument with wheat and barley. The area is 2,727 acres; rateable
effigies to William Tweedy esq. an officer in the army value, £z,gso; the population in 1891 was 451.
of Queen Elizabeth, and his wife Mabel, daughter of Parish Clerk, Richard Coe.
Sir Henry Curwen kt. ob. 7th July, 1605: in the north Wall Letter Box at the Fighting Cocks inn cleared at
aisle are several monuments to the family of Peck, of 4.30 p.m. Letters from Braintree through Pinching-
which the most magnificent is a tomb of about 12 field by foot post arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; post
feet high, with an effigy of fine workmanship, lying on parcels are left at the inn. The nearest money order
a mattress, and inscribed above to Bridget, wife of & telegraph office is at Finchingfield
William Peck, of Sampford Hall, ob. 14th June, 1712,
ret. 31 ; the others date to 1770: there are other This place is included in Great Sampford United Dis-
memorials to former vicars : part of the east window trict School Board, formed 16th Sept. 1872. The
is stained. The register dates from the year 1563. children of this village attend the Board schools at
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge [529, that place & Finchingfield
net yearly value £377• with residence and so acres of Carrier to Saffron Walden.-Cyrus Stone, mon. tues.
glebe, in the gift of New College, Oxford, and held & sat
Dixson Rev. John Hulke M.A. (curate-Byatt Thomas, farmer, Clock house Richardson Arthur, farmer, Green
in-charge), Rectory Byatt Willia.m, farmer, Hawkes farm & Sampford hall
Eustace Rev_. Robert Henry M.A., Coe Richard, parish clerk Spurgeon Edwin, baker & corn mer
(vicar of Great Sampford & Hemp- Cracknell James, farm bailiff to James Suft Robert, farmer, Maynard's frm
stead), The Grange G-atwood esq. Sparrow hall Tofts Charles, farmer, Starr's farm
Richardson Arthur, Sampford hall Dawson Eli, shopkeeper Turpin George, farm bailiff to Col.
Sewell Rev. William M.A.The Rectory Hea.rd Alfred, farm bailiff ·to Arthur Samuel Brise Ruggles-Brise C.B.,
COMMERCIAL. Richardson esq. Mill hall D.L., J.P. Old House farm
Anstey William, Fighting Cocks P.H Phillpott Thomas, builder, Ho.wkin's hl Wells Arthur, farmer, Highgates frm
Bass George, farm bailiff to W. Gee Portway Ohas. farmer, Blackhouse fm Wright James, farmer
esq. Tew's farm Poulter William, farmer
SANDON (or Sandown) is a village and parish, parson," and his wife, c. 1580, with the fragments of
closely adjoining Great Baddow and stands on a sandy two scrolls and shields, the effigies belonging to which
hill, whence its name, and near a considerable brook, a are missing : there are sittings for about zoo persons.
feeder of the Chelmer, by the road from Chelmsford to The register dates from 1554: in the register is a
Rochford, and is 3 miles south-east from Chelmsford sta- memorandum that the contribution of the parish of
tion, 7 west from Maldon and 32 from London; it is in the Sandon in 1678 towards the rebuilding of St. Paul's
Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, Cathedral, London, amounted to zos. and was paid by
petty sessional division and county court district, rural the Rev. H. Pughe, then curate to the Bishop of
deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese London. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
of St. Albans. The church of St. Andrew is a building charge £523, but commuted at £7oo, net yearly value
of brick and rubble, consisting of chancel, nave, north £490, with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
aisle, south porch and an embattled tower of brick, of Queens' College, Cambridge, and held since 1890
with a stair-turret at the N.E. angle and containing 5· by the Rev. Benjamin Wright M.A. of that college.
bells: the oldest part of the fabric is of Norman date, The learned Brian Walton D.D. editor of the Polyglot
the tower and porch are Tudor, and are said to have Bible, became rector of this parish 15th Jan. 1635 ;
been built by Cardinal Wolsey, who was lord of the he was born at Cleveland, Yorkshire, in 1600, and.
manor; in the chancel are marble tablets to the Rev. graduating at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in r623, was
Francis Knipe B.D. rector from 18oo, and to Ann first presented to the rectory of St. Martin, Ongar, and
(Claxton), wife of the Rev. Brian Walton D.D. noticed held also the vicarage of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, London;
further on; she died May 25th, 1649 : in the churchyard in 1639 he proceeded to D.D. was appointed prebendary
is a tomb of the Hodgson family, descendants of the of St. Paul's and chaplain to the King: being a staunch
Earls of Lindsey: in the church are several hatchments loyalist, he was deprived by parliament of this living
and in the chancel a brass to Patrick Fearne, "late in the year 1641, upon which he went to Oxford and
published the Polyglot Bible in six vols. folio: at the BUTTS GREEN, 2 miles south-east; HOWE GREEN.
restoration he was reinstated in his livings and in 166o a mLe south, are places in this parish.
made Bishop of Chester, but died soon after his conse- Post Office. William Henry Stibbard, sub-postmaster_
cration, 29th Nov. 1661. There is a Congregational Letters arrive from Chelmsford at 6. 30 & u. 40 a.m_
chapel at Howe Green. Stevyns's charity of £10 yearly, & are dispatched at u. 40 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; no mails
left in 1497 by John Stevyns, of Sandon and .Agnes on sunday. The nearest money order & telegraph
his wife, is equally divided between the repairs of the office is at Great Baddow. Postal orders are issued
church and the relief of the poor. Col. Archibald
Impey-Lovibond J.P. of Newhall, Ardleigh, is the princi- here, but not paid
pal landowner and lord of the manor. William Henry A School Board of 5 members was formed in x88g,.
Fitzwalter Plumtree esq. of Goodnestone Park, Wing- W. W. Duffield, Chelmsford, being clerk to the
h am, MaJOr F . C. R asch M . p ., D . L ., J . p . an d H arold board, but it has no school and never meets
Goodeve Ruggles-Brise esq. are also landowners. The National (mixed), built in 1848, for 77 children; aver-
soil is partly light and partly clay. The chief crops age attendance, full ; Miss Ellen Williams, mistress
are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,301 acres ; Carrier to Chelmsford.-David Finch passes through
rateable value, £2,841; the population in 1891 was 476. here daily from Danbury, returning same day
Haslewood Misses, Peasons Bentall Joseph, farm bailiff to Samuel Lofthouse Joseph, farmer, Southlands
Hope Edward C. Levitts Ratcliff esq. Paternoster farm Nagington George, farmer, Mill hill
Jackson Abraham, Sandon lodge Bird Antony, farmer, Sporhams Nunn Thomas~. Old Crown P.H
Rasch Major Frederic Carne M.P., Card Robert, shopkeeper Potter Wm. farmer, Butts G-reen frm
D.L., J.P. Woodhill; & Windham Cole Jeiiise, boot maker, Howe green Ratcliff Charles Sydney, farmer, San-
& Naval & Military clubs, Lon- Crichton John, farmer, Sandon hall don place
don SW Fewell James, cattle dealr.Gilberthunt Raven Evan & Edwin, frmrs. Howe fm
Ratcliff Miss, Rose cottage Freeman Fras. cattle dlr. Potash frm Richardson Thos. farmer, Mays farm
Saunders William, Thorn cottage Heard Henry, boot maker, Hope cot Stibbard William Henry, blacksmith,.
Wright Rev. Benjamin M.A. (rector) Joslen Thomas John, assistant over- farrier & wheelwright, assistant
COMMERCIAL. seer & collector of Queen's taxes for overseer & collector of poor's rates,.
Belcher John Argent, agricultural Danbury & Little Baddow, Graces Post office
machinist, Bridge house cross
SHALFORD is a straggling parish and small village, glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter
in a valley on the river Pant, s miles north-north-west of Bath and Wells and the Bishop of St. Albans al-
from Braintree terminal station on a branch of the ternateiy, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Arthur James
Great Eastern railway, 7 miles south-west from Hal- Law B.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The vicarage
11tead and 50 from London, in the Eastern division of house was erected in 1877 by the Ecclesiastical Cam-
the county, Hinckford hundred and South Hinckford missioners. At Jasper's Green is an iron church, built
petty sessional division, Braintree union and county in 1877 and seating 200 persons. There is a Congre-
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry gational chapel at Shalford Green, 2 miles south-west.
of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The church There were here three manors, those of Shalford Hall~
of St. Andrew is an ancient edifice of flint and stone Nichols and Abbot's Hall: the latter derives its name
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried from having belonged to the abbey of St. Osyth; the
nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and a western mansion now called Abbot's Hall is an edifice of white
tower containing 5 bells: the chancel is divided from brick, erected in 1823, and standing in a park of 50
the nave by an old oak screen : there are piscinre and acres ; and is the residence of Humphrey Richard
three sedilia, a hagioscope and a canopied recess, under George Marriott esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor
which is a tomb supporting a stone slab, once in- and, with Alfred Legerton esq. and G. M. Pyne esq.
closing a brass: in both of the aisles are a principal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil~
similar canopied tombs with shields of arms, but sand, gravel and c:ay. The chief crops are wlieat,
without any inscription : the upper part of the east barley and oats. The area is 2,455 acres ; rateable
window retains some ancient heraldic glass: at the east value, £2,430; the population in 1891 was 635.
end of the chancel is a brass dated 1537, and another S
with an inscription in Latin to William Bigge, of Red- HEERING HALL, a farm house and brewery, 2
fans, in the parish of Shalford, ob. 1 September, 1616, miles south-east, had anciently a free chapel. Jasper's
Green is 2 miles south.
and to Susanna his wife, eldest daughter of Thomas
Jernegan, of Stebbyng, Essex, gent. ob. 15 Oct. 1615, Post Office. Mrs. Thirza Mumford, sub-postmistress.
and this monument was erected by Henry Bigge, their Letters arrive from Braintree, via Great Saling, at
son: the church was restored in 1872, at a cost of 8.30 a. m. ; dispatched at 5 p.m. daily. The nearest
£x,2oo; in x882 an organ was erected, and in 1887 the money order & telegraph office is at Wethersfield.
tenor bell was recast and the whole peal rehung : Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
there are 261 sittings. The register dates from the Wall Letter Box at Shalford Green, cleared at 5.30 p.m
year 1558. The living is a 'vicarage, average tithe rent- Church School (mixed), _f_or 14~ children; average
charge £141, gross yearly value £250, with 5 acres of attendance about xoo; Wiliam R1chard Taylor, master
Brunwin Alfred Willi:>~ Littles Bearman Sarah (Mrs.), George P.H Lambert Henry, relieving officer for
Brunwin Thomas Geo. Sheering hall Braintree & West Essex Co-op era- Finchingfield district
Law Rev. Arthur Jas. B.A. Vicarage tive Society Lim. (branch of) Legerton Claud, farmer, Boy's farm
Marriott Humphrey Richard George Brunwin Thomas George & Alfred Ling Herbert, farmer, Shalford hall
J.P. Abbot's hall Willis, brewers, maltsters & far- Tanner Edward Page, carpenter
mers, Sheering hall Tanner George, builder & contractor
COMMERCIAL. Byford Fredk. Jas. farmr. Roselands Thompson Jn. thatcher, Jasper's grn
Alien Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer & Carder Jose"Rh, bricklayer & beer retlr Wells William, farmer, Killhogs
shopkeeper Fitch Charles, maltster & farmer, West Daniel, miller (wind & steam)
Barnard Abraham Fambridge, far- Tan office Wicks Joshua, farm bailiff for Alfred
mer, Redfern Harvey Barnabas, farmer, Dine's farm Legerton esq. Whit~ house
Blanks Alfred Thomas, blacksmith & Hockley John, beer retailer W oollard George, gamekeeper to H_
wheelwright Hoddy Wm. Hy. fanner, Hubbards fm R. G. Marriott esq. Hubbards
~HEERING is a village and parish, on high ground 1681; 4, 1702: the chief feature of the church is a
between the Pincey brook and the river Start and on the Perpendicular window of five lights in the chancel, the
road from Harlow to Hatfi.eld, 3~ miles north-east from upper tracery of which is filled with ancient stained glass:
the wharves on the' Start, 2 miles south-east from Saw- the glass in the lower portion is modern, and was
bridgeworth station in this parish, and 3~ north-east from presented in memory of Clayton W. F. Glyn esq.
Rarlow station, both on the Cambridge section of the of Durrington House (d. 1887): there are 200 sittings.
Great Eastern railway, 6 south from Bishop's Stortford 'l he register dates from the year 1558. The
and 26 from London, in the Western division of the living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £387; nei>
county, Harlow hundred and petty sessional division, yearly value, £351, with 22 acres of glebe and residence,
Epping union, Bishop's Stortford connty court district in the gift of Christ Church, Oxford, and held since 184<)
and in the rural deanery of Rarlow, archdeaconry of by the Rev. Edward Hill ~LA. formerly student (fellow)
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. and tutor of Christ Church, hon. canon of ~t. Albans,
Mary the Virgin is an edifice of flint and brick, with stone rural dean of Harlow, and surrogate. A Wesleyan chapel
dressings, in mixed styles, and consists of chancel, nave, was erected here in 1885-6. Sheering Hall and Quick-
vestry, north porch and an embattled western tower bury are both manor houses in the parish, Clayton Louis
containing 4 bells, dated respectively, I and 3, 1619; 2, Glyn esq. J.P. of Sheering Hall, is lord of the manor and
principal landowner. Thomas Charles Mills esq. of New & 10.45 a. m.; dispatched at g.25 a.m. & 6.50 p.m.;
Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, is lord of the manor of sundays arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched 10.45 a.m. The
Quickbury. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. nearest money order office is at Sawbridgeworth, &
The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area telegraph office at •Hatfield Heath
is r,632 acres of land and 13 of water; rateable value Pillar Letter Box, Chambers' farm, cleared at 9·30 a.m.
£7,223; the population in rBgr was '533· & 6
COWICKS is one mile north; DURRINGTON is one ·55 p.m
mile south-west Police Station, Arthur Larter, constable in charge
Parish Clerk, Jasper Ruse. School (mixed), built in r83o, with residence, for 200
Post Office.-Andrew Edward Uncle, sub-postmaster. children; average attenadnce, 85; Miss Melinda Smith,
Letters are received through Harlow; arrive at 7 a. m. mistress
Docwra John W. Durrington house'Camp James, Crown P.H. & blcksmth Revill William, hay & straw dealer
Glyn Clayton Louis M.A., J.P. Sheer- Day James, farmer, Durrington frm Robarts Geo. farmr. New House frm
ing hall Knight George, poultry dealer Ruse Jasper, shopkeeper
Hill Rev. Edward M.A. (hon. canon, Linsell Jonathan, baker & beer retailr Smith James, Old Cock P.H
rural dean, surrogate & diocesan in-1 Littler Henry, farmer, Chambers frm Tadgell George, thatcher
spector of schools), Rectory Newbury & Tarling, nurserymen & Turner Alfred Willia.m, blacksmith
Pamphilon Stephen Alger, Lyndon cot florists, Sheering nurseries Turner Thomas, beer retailer
Silk Robert, Clyde house Paris Daniel Isaac, shopkeeper Uncle Andrew Edward.shopkpr.Postoff
Sutherland Major R. S. Crown house Peacock William, shopkeeper Warren Joseph & Robert, farmers
Towse Harry- William, Cowicks Prime Decimus, farm bailiff to Thos. Warwick James, Railway inn
James Mann esq. J.P. Quickbury Whitnall Henry, farmer, Wheelersfm
COMMERCIAL. Prior Edward, bricklayer Withrington Sidney Waiter, baker
'Burton Thomas, coal merchant Prior J ames Charles, carpenter
SHELLEY is an ancient village and parish, near a tributed in February by the overseers; and another,
feeder of the Boding, one mile north from Ongar terminal given by William Bullock, in 1822, of £333 6s. Bd. 3 per
station on a 'branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 24 Cent. Annuities: the interest of both is applied fo:r the
from London, in the Western division of the county, benefit to the poor of the parish, the latter being dis-
Ongar liundred, petty sessional division and union, tributed by the rector in beef, bread and coals about
Ilrentwood county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, Christmas time. Shelley Hall, the seat of James Hodson
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Tomlinson esq. but occupied by John Alien esq. is an
~hurch of St. Peter, entirely rebuilt in rBBB on the same ancient and picturesque pile, thoroughly restored in the
-site, is an edifice of fiint, with Bath stone dressings, in original style in r86g: over the doorway, still in good
the Early Ene-lish style, consisting of chancel, nave of preservation, is the date 1587 in projecting figures: in
-three bays, north aisle, vestry, and organ chamber, and the entrance hall is' an oak carving, of Elizabethan date,
-a tower !at the north-west angle with shingled spire, about 20 feet square: attached to the Hall is a room in
.containing 2 bells dated rBro; the base of the tower forms which a Sunday school is held, conducted by John Alien
a porch: the stained east window was presented by John esq. and the daughters of the rector. Near the Hall is
Alien esq. of Shelley Hall: in digging for the foundations the rectory, where Thomas Newton, subsequently Bishop
of the new church, two tombstones, dated respectively of Bristol (r761-82), wrote his "Dissertations on the
:r652 and 1765, were discovered, and are now built into Prophecies," completed in 1758: he died 14 Feb. 1782.
the west wall of the porch: there is a brass with effigies, J. H. Tomlinson esq. is lord of the manor and principal
to John Green, ob. 1626, ret. 8g, his wife, ret. 71 and r6 landowner. The soil is marl; subsoil, clay. The chief
-children: tradition has it that 7 of these were sons, to crops are wheat, barley, beans, 'clover and roots. The
each of whom he left a manor and that he and his wife area is 604 acre's; rateable value, £923; the population
lived to see III descendants. The register of baptisms in 1891 was r86.
dates from r68g; burials, r687; and marriages from
1709; owing to the ruinous condition of this church at EDINGFORD BRIDGE is to ·the south-west.
the beginning of the present century, entries were some- Parish Clerk, James Patient.
times made in the registers of High Ongar. The living Letters from Brentwood through Ongar S.O. which is
-is a rectory, commuted tithe rent-charge, £241, average the nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at '1
£I3], net yearly value, £232, including 32 acres of a.m. Wall Box at the Red Cow P.H. cleared at 6.20
glebe and residence, in the gift of J. H. Tomlinson esq. p.m. daily; sundays at 12. 25 p.m
and held since r884 by the Rev. Joseph Richards M.A. ot
-Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a charity, amount- The ·children of this parish are entitled to attend the
jug to £roo, given by Harvey Kimpton in 1817, and dis- school at Chipping Ongar
Alien John, Shelley hall Gibson Andrw. frmr. Boarded barns Mitchell Lottie (Mrs.), ladies' board-
Richards Rev. Joseph M.A. Rectory Harvey John, farmer ing school, Shelley house
'Steward Mrs Spells John, Red Cow P.H
SHELLOW ::SOWELLS (fgrmerly Shellow Boville) charge £450, gross £5oo, including 46 acres of glebe,
is a parish and village, 6 miles north-east from Ongar with residence at Willingale Doe, :in the gift of Lieut.-
terminal station on a branch of the Great Eastern railway Col. Bramston, and held since r883 by the Rev. John
and 27 from London, in the Western division of the county, Swayne M. A. of Hertford College, Oxford. Lieut.-Col.
Tiunmow hundred, Ongar union and petty sessional divi- Thomas Harvey Bramston, of Skreens Park, Roxwell, is
sion, Chelmsford county court district, rural deanery of lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is
Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. various; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat,
'The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a small building of barley, beans and oats. The area is 468 acres; rateable
1-lrick, consisting of chancel and nave and a western belfry value, £441; the populat10n in rBgr was 107.
of wood containing one bell: it· was rebuilt in 1754 by a Sexton, Thomas, Wager.
brief and the assistance of the neighbouring gentry, Letters from Brentwood through Ongar, which is the
particularly Thomas Bramston esq. The register dates nearest money order office; the nearest telegraph office
from the year I553· The living is a rectory, consolidated is at Fyfield; arrive at 8.30 a. m
-with Willingale Doe in the year 1798, and subsequently The children from this parish attend the school at
with Berners Boding by faculty, average tithe rent- Willingale Doe
Grubbe Francis William, The Parsonage I Smith Thomas, farmer, Shallow hall
SHENFIELD is a village and parish, adjoining Brent- 6 bays in wood, north aisle, organ chamber, south porch
wood to the north-east, on the high road to Chelmsford, and a western tower containing 4 bells, surmounted by a
with a station on the main line of the Great Eastern rail- wooden shingled spire: in the chancel is a memorial win-
way, which is also the junction for the branch of that ow to the Rev. Charles Isaac Yorke, rector from r82g, and
company to Southend, Southminster and Maldon, corn- the Rev. Thomas P. Ferguson M. A. rector, r864-92:
pleted in r889. The road to Billericay, Rochford and there is a fine carved oak reredos, a beautiful font of
'Southend branches off here: Shenfield is 19 miles from Carrara marble and at the west end under the tower is
London, in the Mid division of the county, hundred of an altar tomb of marble with recumbent figure to Eliza-
Barstable, Brentwood petty sessional division and county beth, wife of Timothy Robinson, of Gwersilt, in the county
court district, Billericay union, and in the rural deanery of Denbigh, ob. 23rd July, 1652: the church was
Qf Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. thoroughly restored in r863 at a cost of upwards of
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an edifice £r,ooo and enlarged in r868 at a cost of £870; and in
Qf brick and rough cast, in the Late Decorated style, r887 the north aisle was extended eastwards so as to
consisting of chancel, nave, with the original arcade of enlarge the organ chamber. The register dates from
the year 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly value chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
[435, with residence, in the gift of Earl Cowper K.G. and 2,453 acres; rateable value, £,13,004; the population in
held since 1892 by the Rev. William Quennell M.A. of 1891 was 1,520.
Worcester College, Oxford, and surrogate. Charities of Post Office, Shenfield road.-William Tabor, sub-post-
£2 15s. yearly value are distributed in bread: a sum of master. Letters through Brentwood, which is the
£1 I3S. 4d. is given to three old men, and £8 is dis- nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 6.45
h in
ldcoal. Brentwood Cottage
li Hospital, situated
hn C G d a.m. & d' h d 6
are 1spatc e at 10.10 a.m. 2.40, ·35 & 8
on S enfie common, was estab shed by Jo . oo e & on sundays II. 5 a.m. & 8 p.m. Postal orders are
esq. of The Grange, Brentwood, and is supported by issued here, but not paid
voluntary contributions; ;it has 7 beds. There are two
manors in this parish, viz. Shenfield and Fitzwalters. Pillar Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 10 a.m. &
Earl Cowper K.G. lord of the manor of Shenfield, Messrs. 8 p.m
E. F. & H. Landon, stewards, and the trustees of the Xational Schools, erected with dwellings for the teachers
late Rev. Charles G. Gretton Townsend M. .A. of Hatfield in I865, at a cost of [,I,2oo, enlarged in I869 at a cost
Peverel (d. I893), lords of the manor of Fitzwalters are of [,670, & again in I893, when also a tower was
the principal landowners. The manor house of Fitz- built & a clock with ·westminster chimes placed in
waiters, some years ago destroyed by fire, was held by it, the total cost reaching £950; the school will hold
the service of presenting a pair of gilt spurs at the king's 250 children; average attendance, 75 boys, so girls &
coronation. Middleton Hall, formerly the residence of 40 infants ; George Cole, master; Miss M. L. Bourudu,
Helen Anne Countess Tasker (d. I87o), is now (1894) mistress; Mrs. Jane Gadsby, infants' mistress
unoccupied. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clayey. The Railway Station, James Farrow "\Valton, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Temperley John Lawrence Henry M.R.C.V.S. veteri-
Browne Misses Watson Miss, Sunny side nary surgeon
Burgess Charles Thos. Shenfield cot Wilmer Benjamin G. Priory lodge Lagden Jeremiahr farmer, & road sur-
Burgess Col. Wm. Jas. Glantham ho Yorke Brig.-Gen. Philip, Roden house veyor for Shenfield parish
C-olchester Bishop Suffragan of (Right COMMERCIAL. Lagden Jeremiah Richard, farmer,
Rev. Alfred Blomfield D.D.), Park Adkins James, smith & farrier Canterbury Tye farm
house, Cornsland Bradford Thos. blacksmith, Common Moss William, beer retailer
Collin Spemtlr, Woodville, Cornsland Brentwood Cottage Hospital (J. C. & Osborn Chas. cattle dlr. Shenfield rd
Courage Edward, Shenfield place R. W. Quennell, medical officers), Osborn George, pig dealer, Common
Crooks Wm. Linden house, Common Shenfield common Osborn James, carpenter, Common
Cruddas John, Holmwood, Cornsland Britten Alfred, beer retailer Osborn William, pig dealer, Common
Ferguson Miss, Sunnyside Cross Robert, carman Randall James (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Landon Harcourt, The Lodge Cross William, carman & thatcher Shenfield common
Macmullen General Stephen Francis, Cumbers William, farmer, Brick Stock & Littlechild, farmers, Herds fm
The H€-rmitage Home farm Stock Charle~ Hy. farmr. Herds frm
Newman Miss, Shenfield common Dodd Geo. Neville, Eagle & Child P.H Tabor William Burls, baker, & Post
Owles Arthur, Ivy house Hallifax William, Artichoke P.H. Corn office, Copous place
Quennell Rev. William M.A. Rectory Howard John Frederick, Old Green Thompson Ann (Miss), baker &
Raven Thomas, The Common Dragon P.H shopkeeper
Simmons Miss, The Firs, Common Jarvis Wm. farmer, Glantham's farm Walker 'Villiam Henry, farmer, Shen-
Swinburne Theodore, Nook Lagden Jeremiah, farm bailiff to Ed- field hall
'fa>\ker John C. Millhill house ward Courage esq White Frederick, builder, smith &c
NORTH SHOEBURY is a parish on the banks of the yearly, are held by the trustees of the late Major Onslow,
Thames, 4 miles east from Southend, I! north from impropriators. Capt. George Asser White Welch R.N.
Shoeburyness terminal station on the London, Tilbury and of Arle House, near Cheltenham, who is lord of the manor
Southend railway, and 45 from London, in the South and J~mes Tabor esq. J.P. of New Hall, Sutton, are
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty chief landowners. The soil is variable; subsoil, clay and
sessional division and union, Southend county court dis- gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, potatoes, peas
trict, and in the rural edanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry bea.ns, and mustard. The area is I,o86 acres of
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. land and I,002 water; rateable value, £I,6gi; the popula-
l\Iary the Virgin is an ancient building of stone, principally tion in I89I was I84.
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Sexton, John Leak e.
south porch and a western tower with shingled spire Post Office.-William Travis, sub-postmaster. Letters
containing 2 bells: there is a piscina and an ancient font: received from Southend, dispatched at 6. 45 & II. 2o
in 1885 considerable
· · alterations
Th were
· made:
f b the
. churchd p.m. ; d'1spatc h e d I 1.12 & 4.25 p.m. ; sun d ays 4.25.
a ff or d s 130 Sittmgs. e register 0 aptisms an Shoeburyness is the nearest money order & telegraph
burials dates from the year 68o; marriages, I695· The office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £I25;
net yearly value, [, 105, with 40 acres of glebe and resi- This place is included in Wakering United School Board
deuce, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since District
1883 by Rev. Henry Thomas Wilmot M.A. of Trinity The children of this place attend the school at Great
College, Dublin. The great tithes, amounting to [,300 Wakering
Clark Miss, The Moat Brown Henry, blacksmith Kirby John, farm bailiff to John
Dickson Waiter George, "\Vhite house Hutley James, farmer, Shoebury Brown esq. :Kew farm
Slade Mitford, Couchmans House farm Travis 'Villiam, shopkeeper & wheel-
Wilmot Rev. Hy. Thos. M.A. Vicarage Kemsley Unwin, farmer, Couchmans wright, Post office
SOUTH SHOEBURY is a parish at the mouth of the chancel arch is a well preserved example of I2th
the Thames, and is the terminal station of the London, century work : there is a leper window and a hagioscope
Tilbury and Southend railway, 7 miles from Rochford, now built up ; most of the windows are stained : in
5 east from Southend and 45 from London; it is in the the nave is a brass to Dale Knapping esq. d. I878. The
South Eastern division of the county, hundred and union register dat-es from the year I70..J.. The living is a
of Rochford, Southend petty sessional division and rectory, average tithe rent-charge £371, with residence
county court district, and in the rural deanery of and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of Rev. Thomas L. ~.
Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocesoe of St. Causton M.A. of Park Hill, Croydon, and held since
Albans : the parish contains Shoeburyness. A road runs r8gr by tl:.e Rev. Edward .Atherton Causton l\L.A. of St.
across the Maplin Sand at low water to Foulness Island John's College, Cambridge . .A Church of England service
and nearly opposite is the Kore light, in about the centre is also conducted at the :Xational school e>ery Sunday
of the estuary of the Thames, which is here 6 miles e-vening. The "\Yesleyan chapel here, erected in 1893 at
broad to the Kentish shore. The to\\n is lighted by the cost of [,r,ooo, is of brick with stone dressings, and
gas supplied from the Go-vernment works. The church will seat 250 persons. In the parish are remains of a
of St. Andrew, a small and ancient building of stone, camp and exoon<>ive brick works, -where maim bricks of
former!y a chapel attached t-o the Cluniac priory of the finest quality are manufactured. The Misses Dale
Prittlewell, consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an Knapping, of Blackheath Park, Kent, are ladies of the
embattled west€-rn tower containing I bell; originally manor and principal lando\\uers. The soil is sandy
Norman in style, subsequent restorations, including that loam ; subsoil, sand and gra•el. The chief crops are
of the tower, have left it almost wholly Perpendicular: barley, potatoes and beans. The area is 1,037 acres of
EtSEX 20

land and 3,426 water; rateable value, £g,8o8; the Royal Engineers.
population in I8gi was 2,ggo, including g88 in the School Major, Edmund Creswell
of Gunnery, Artillery Barracks. Quartermaster, Lieut. William Warburton
Sexton, John Page.
Army Medical Staff.
SHOEBURYNESS is a point of land in this parish Surg.-Lieut.-Col. John Coats M.B
to which the London, Tilbury and Southend railway is Surgn.-Capt. M. W. Russell
now extended: here is Her Majesty's School of Gunnery, Chaplain to the Forces, Rev. M. W. Churchward M.A
at which officers and non-commissioned officers are trained
in theoretical and practical gunnery ; experiments are Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
also made here with new patterns of ordnance and war- Office, Shoeburyness (Sub-Office. Letters should have
like projectiles, and the sands being of great extent, S. 0. Essex added).-William Coupe, sub-postmaster.
afford the required space for artillery practice: the Letters arrive via Southend at 6.45 a.m. & 6.Io p.m.
National Artillery Association holds its meetings here direct from London, arrive at 8.30 a.m. 6.30 & Io.5o
annually in August, when detachments from various p.m. ; dispatched at 8.3s a.m. & 1.40 & 6.40 p.m.; &
corps of volunteer artillery compete for prizes. to Eastern counties 4· IS p.m
School of Gunnery. Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Comma11dant & Superintendent, Col. Robt. MacGregor Cambridge Town. Her bert J osiah Adiey, sub-post-
Stewart C.B., R.A., A.D.C master. Letters through Shoeburyness S.O. are de-
Lieut.-Col. Commanding, Lieut.-Col. Fredc. Howard R.A livered 7-IS & 8.40 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. & dispatched
.Chief Instructor, Field, Lt.-Col. Geo. Hy. Marshall R.A 7·4S a.m. & 1.30, 4.2s, 6, & 7.30 p.m.; sundays
Chief Instructor, Garrison, Lt.-Col. John Ford Bally R.A 4.2s p.m
Brigade Major, Major Norman Bruce Inglefield R.A Schools.
Instructors in Gunnery, Major A. J. Hughes R.A. Capt. A School Board of S members was formed 30 Jan. 1885;
E. G. Nicolls R.A. Capt. J. E. W. Headlam R.A. Major W. Gregson, Southend, clerk to the board; John Mill-
H. T. Butcher R.A. & Capt. H. S. Jeudwine R.A bank, attendance officer
Assistant Superintendent of Experiments, Major Fredk. National (mixed), bmlt in I862, for I75 children;
Baumgardt Elmslie R.A average attendance, I70; William Cox, master; Mrs.
Second Assistant Superintendent of Experiments, Capt. Eleanor Cox, mistress
George Tyacke R.A.; 3rd do. Lieut. Archie Stewart Board (for infants), erected in 1886, for ISO children;
Buckl-e average attendance, 200 ; Miss Ellen Annie Alston,
Adjutant, Capt. Arthur John Mullins R.A mistress
Quartermaster, Lieut. Owen O'Neill R.A Railway Station, Charle!l Beeton, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beeton Charles, statio'n master Lewi'n Hy. refreshment rooms, High st
Bally Lieut.-Col. John Ford R.A Barker Jas. shoema. Cambridge Town Lee James, house decorator, Cam-
Buckle Lieut. Archie Stewart R.A Carr Mary (Mrs.), laundry bridge Town
Causton Rev. Edward Atherton M.A. Church Willia.m, cowkeeper & farmer Murphy Edward, tailor, Smith street
(rector) Clarke James, frmr. S. Shoebury hall Mann Henry, greengrocer & farmer
Churchward Rev. M. W. M.A. (army Coe George, bootmaker, Smith street Millbank John, cab proprietor
chaplain) Cook James, butcher Mott George, farmer, Friars farm
Coupe Shirley W Coupe William, chemist & stationer & Murray Caroline (Mrs.), midwife
Elmslie Major Fredk. Baumgardt R.A newsagent, & deputy registrar of Notley Benjamin, cabinet maker,
Foulger Robert births & deaths, Wakering sub-dis- Cambridge Town
Harris James, Rampart house trict, Rochford union, Post office Ogden Ellis Hy. butcher, High street
Howard Lieut.-Col. Frederic R.A Cripps Thomas, mechanical engineer, Ogden William, shopkpr. Sea View rd
Inglefield Major Norman Bruce R.A Rampart street Pelling George M. grocer, High street
McLean Richard, High street Currie John James, hair dresser Prictor James, builder, Grove road
Marshall Lieut.-Col. George Henry Eastwood & Co. Lim. brick makers, Prictor Samuel, builder, Grove road
R.A. Shoebury cottage Shoeburyness. See advertisement Rose Albert, linen draper, High st
Mullins Capt. Arthur Jn. R.A. (adjnt) Farley Sydney Herbert, upholsterer, Scarrold William, fishmngr. Smith st
O,Neill Lt. Owen R.A. (quartermstr) Cambridge Town Senior James, baker, Cambridge
Richards Mrs. Willingham The Gables Fisher Benj. shopkpr. Cambridge Twn Town; & at Billericay
Spalding Charles ' Francis Maurice, grocer, High street Shoebury'ness Brick Works (J. Jack-
Stewart Col. Robert Macgregor C.B. Finch Alfd. butcher, Cambridge Town son, manager)
AD . . C. , RA
. . G rove h ouse ' Gar'nham Jsph. Hy. confectnr. High st Shoeburyness Constitutional Club
Tullv Thomas Gas Consumers Co. (Richard Mac- (John Scandrett, sec)
Tyacke Capt. George R.A lean, sec) Simpson Michl. builder & contractor
Varney Rev. Thomas M.A. (curate), Glass.c.ock George John, plumber Smith Waiter, baker &c. High street
Cambridge Town Glasscock James, draper, clothier & South Essex Coal Co. Cambridge Twn
Winmill Richard furnishing ironmonger, High street Spalding Charles, coal merchant
Goddard Alfd. hairdresser, Rampart st Taylor Aquilla, bootmaker, Cam-
COMMERCIAL. Golding Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, bridge Town
.A.dey Herbert Josiah, grocer, sub- Smith street , Taylor Geo. habrdshr. CambridgeTwn
post office, & newsagent; all Goose William P. contractor, High Watkins John, confectioner, High st
London daily & weekly papers taken, st.; & at Gravesend & Rochester Webb Charles Wm. draper, High st
periodicals &c. Cambridge Town Green Wm. gcr. & pork btchr. High st Weller Brothers, drapers, High street
Alp James, builder, High street Higgleton Louisa (Mrs.),btchr.High st Whent George, grocer, Grove road
Ayling Nathan, grocer, Grove road Hill James, boot maker, Smith street Williams Wm. butcher, Cambdg.Tw'n
Baldwin Annette (Mrs.), Shoe bury- Horsnall J n. bootma. Cambridge Twn Workman's Club (Geo. White, sec.),
ness tavern Jago Jas. chief officer of coast guard Cambridge Town
SHOPLAND is a parish, 2 miles south-east from M.A. vicar I845-93· The register dates from the year
Rochford station on the Southend branch of the I62o. The living is a vicarage, rent charge [246, net
Great Eastern railway, 3 miles north-east from yearly value £I8I, with 10 acres of glebe and residence,
Southend station on the London, Tilbury and in the gift of and held since I893 by the Rev. Andrew
Southend railway, and 45 miles from London, in the Koble William Bredin B.A. of Durham University, wno
South Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, is also rector of Great Sutton, whei'Ie he resides. The
petty sessional division and union, Southend county vicarage receives a modus from four farms in Foulness
court district, and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, Island; Mrs. C. Hogg is the lay impropriator. The
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The trustees of the late Algernon Holt White esq. Philip
church of St. Mary is an ancient building of stone and Benton and the trustees of the late Robert Stallibrass
brick, originally of the Norman period, with additions esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed and
in the Early English and Decorated styles, and consists London clay; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops
of chancel, nave, south porch and a turret on the aJ'e wheat, barley, beans, peas and potatoes. The area
western gable containing- I bell: there are sedilia and a is I,039 acres of land and 36 water; rateable value,
piscina. niche in the chancel: the font is Early English £I,4S4; the population in I8gi was s6.
and in good preservation: there is a brass to Thomas Sexton, James Ketcher.
Stapel, sergeant-at-arms, with his effigy in armour and Letters are taken direct to Rochford S.O
an inscription in French, and the date I37I: a window Letters from Rochford S.O. which is also the nearest
of four lights has been filled with stained glass by the money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m
family of the late Mr. Benton: the brass lectern was The children of this parish attend the mixed school at
-presented in memory of the recovery from a dangerous Great Sutton, sit'.lated contiguously to both parishes,
illness of the daughte:.- of the Rev. Frederick Thackeray & built in 1873 by the parishioners jointlY.
'Be:nton Edward, Beauchamps Holmes William, shopkeeper Jefferies Seaman, farmer, Butlers

:Dicksdn & Co. threshing & reapmg Norden James, farm bailiff to the Rickett Thomas. frmr. Shopland hall
machine owners trustees of the lateRt.Stallibrass esq
SI.liLE HEDINGHAM. is a parish and village plea- deuce, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1848 by
santly seated on the west bank of the river Colne, on the Rev. Henry Warburton B.A. of Exeter College,
:the .Il{lad commumcating between Braintroo, Halstead, Oxford. The Baptist chapel, in Swan street, was bmiu
.Sudbury and Haverhill, 1 mile south from Hedingham in 1868, and seats 300; that in Sugar Loaves road,
station on the Coln(} Valley railway, 4 north-west from erected in 18o8, has soo sittings. The Congregational
Halstead, 8 north from Braintree, 8 south-west from chapel, built in 1874, will seat 200. The Assembly rooms
Sudbury, 48 by road and 59 by rail from London, in the in Swan street, built in 1887, will hold 2ao, and are
~orthern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, used for concerts, entertainments &c. Charities, amount-
liorth Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union ing to £7 13s. left in 1631 by Mr. Joseph Aliston, of
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Kingsholm, Suffolk, and in 1669 by Thomas J eggon, are
lledingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of distributed in bread. The Rev. Moses Cook left in
St. Albans. Some of the houses, but not the streets, 1732 seven acres of land in trust, the proceeds to be
.are lighted with gas from works at present in the hands applied to the distribution in Bibles and Prayer Books,
.of a lessee. The church of St. Peter is a fine building anCl also left a farm of 34 acres, the rent to be appropri-
of brick and stone in the Early English style, erected in ated t:> the repairs of the church. Here are almshouses
the reign of Edward IlL consisting of chancel, nave of for six aged women, founded in 1884 at a cost of about
four bays, with clerestory, aisles, south porch and a £7oo by Miss Maria Webster. The Chantry House here
battlemented western tower containing a clock and 5 was originally built for the reception and entertainment
bells : tt.e chancel has four stained windows : in this of pilgrims by the friends and executors of Sir .John
ehurcn was once a cenotaph to the famous Sir J olin Hawkwood, and is still called "The Hostage;" it is now
:Hawkwood, of which little now :remains but a fragment occupied as a farm house. Here are the extensive brick
of the canopy: there are, however, figures of hawks and tile works of Mr. Mark Gentry. James Henry Alex-
sculptured on different parts of the church, commemora- ander Majendie esq. of 59 Brompton Crescent, London
-ting the benefactions of his son and family. Hawkwood S '\V, who is the lord of the manor, George Hicks Good-
was born here about 1324, in the reign of Edward II. child, Samuel Goodchild, John Burder, J ames Hearn,
·being the son of Gilbert Hawkwood, a tanner, and was and James Mayhew Balls esqrs. and the trustees of Col.
bound apprentice to a tailor in London, but disliking A. S. H. Lowe, are the principal landowners. The soil
llis occupation he entered the army of Edward IlL as is light and partly clav; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
a common soldier, and in this service bore himself so are wheat, barley and oats The area is 5,393 acres of
gallantly that he was advanced to the rank of captain land and 11 of water ; rateable value, £5,949; the
and was afterwards knighted for his prowess at the population in 1891 was 1,785.
battle of Poictiers, September 19th, 1356; on the con- Sexton, Crown Boreham.
-clusion of the war he became a military adventurer and Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
the dreaded leader of bands of condotti,eri in France and & Insurance Office.-John Spurgeon, postmaster. Lon-
'Italy, where for his services to the Holy See he was don & other letters are received from Halstead by
rewarded by the gift of some fiefs near Ravenna, on which
mail cart; arrive at 5.30 & 11.30 a.m.; delivered at
he settled for a few years and married the Lady 6, 7 a.m. & 12 noon, & dispatched at 11.30 a.m. 1.15
Tiomilia, n]ece of the Duke of Milan; and at length, & 6.40 p.m. ; on sundays there is only one delivery
loaded with honours and riches, died at Florence, 16th at 7 a.m. & one dispatch at 6.40 p.m. Wall Box at
March, 1394, and was buried in the cathedral under a Church street cleared at 12.45 & 6 p.m. week days only
sumptuous monument: there is still in that cathedral
a fresco equestrian portrait of Hawkwood, but it is con- National School (mixed), with residence for master,
"Sidered probable that hi~ remains were removed to this built in 1845, for 220 children; average attendance,
-place: the chancel was restored and refitted in 1890 at 190; Frank Piper, master
the sole cost of the p11esent rector and Mrs. ·warburton: Hedingham Railway Station, Joseph Vale, station master
there are 550 sittings. The register of baptisms dates Carriers to :-Hedingham Railway Station, Edwd. R1iffie,
irom 168o ; burials, 1682 : marriages, 1684. The living daily; Braintree, N. William Turner, from Great
js a rectory, tithe commutation £1,479, average £1,134, Yedham, passes through mon. wed. & sat
net yearly value £9oo, with 72 acres of glebe and resi- County Police, Benjamin Clark, constable
PBIVATE RESIDENTS. Barrell Thomas, farm bailiff to J. M. Fletcher James, market gardener
Ames George Balls esq. Peppers farm Fowler Henry, shoe maker
Ames Mrs Bishop Frederick, corn & coal mer- Gatward Betsy (Mrs.), pork butcher
'(Japes ~orge Augustus Harrison, chant, maltster & miller (water & Gatward Roger, farmer, Meadow fields
Hiiton house steam), & thrashing machine pro- Gentry Mark, brick maker, Heding-
Uapman William, High house prietor & farmer ham brick & tile works. See advt
"Elringto'n Mrs. Swan .street Boreham Joseph, blacksmith Gibson George, beer retailer, carpen-
"Pitch Charles Jn. Horner, Hill house Brett Annie (Miss), dressmaker ter & timber merchant
"Forster Robert, Brook house Brett Waiter, bricklayer Golding George, tinsmith
'Gentry Mark, Rookwoods Bush Arthur Edgar, boot repairer Goodchild Edward,composer of music,
Gibson John, Grape Vines cottage Butler Charles, market gardener & Blois
1Iaiden Mrs. Alderford house potato dealer Goodchild George Hicks, farmer &
1Iarvey Edward, Sidney villa Carter Robert Sargent, grocer, draper landowner, Graves hall
Rearn J ames, Grays & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. Goodchild Samuel, farmer & land-
1.Ialcolm Col. George, Baker's farm wine & spirit merchants, Swan st. owner, Blois
1'udney John William, Wash farm ho & Church street Goss Isaac, coal merchant & gas
Stuart John Sidey, Kimberley lodge Chinery Arthur, farm bailiff to F. J. works proprietor, Railway station
Tufnell Fanshaw, Cedars Badam's exors. Hostage Haiden Edward Harry, coal, corn &
Twamley Henry J oseph Clarke Sarah (Mrs.), White Horse cake merchant, & commission agent,
1'\"arburton Rev. Henry B.A. Rectory P.H. brewer & butcher assistant overseer & tax collector,
Warburton Rev. Welby Russell B.A. Coe Charles, farmer Conservative registration agent for
(curate) Coe John, White Lion inn the Hedingham district of the Saff-
Wayma'n Mrs. Davenants Conway Edward, beer retailer ron Walden division
'Vebster Misses, Hill cottage Cooper George, nurseryman Hale Joseph Scott, jun. frmr. Finches
Coppin George, tailor Hale Richard Scott, farmer, Barnards
COMMEBCJAL.. Carder Wm. brick maker, Southey gn Hare Emma (Miss), dressmaker
.Abrahams George, tailor Corni~h Eli, brick maker, Tortoise Harrington George Waiter, baker
Ames Samuel, seed grower & florist, brick works Hear'n Jas. farmer & cattle dlr. Grays
Hawkwood farm Cornish DanL managr. of brick wrks Hedingham Brick & Tile Works (Mark
Assembly Rooms (Mark Gentry, pro- Deeks Thomas, farmer, Sparrows Gentry, proprietor). See advert
prietor; George Waiter Harrington, Draper Robert, butcher Hedingham Club (Edwd. Harvey, sec)
caretaker) Drury John, Three Sugar Loaves P.H Hedingham Gas ·works (I~aac Goss,
"Bacon Florence Mary (Miss) & Emma Dyson Samuel, market gardener lessee; Henry Beadle, manager)
(~frs. ), dressmakers Elsdon "Waiter, builder Hills John, seed grower
:Bacon Francis, hay & straw dealer Finch A.rthur, Half Moon P.H Howard William, grocer & draper
Baldwin John, farmer Flack Charles Henry, farmer, Fenners Jarvis Samuel, boot repairPr
E~SEX 20*
!nee Robert, shoe maker Partridge Emmeline (Mrs.), Black Start Hannah (Mrs.), baker & tea dlr
Kemp Edward, market gardener Horse P.H Steward Alfred, poultry dealer
Kendall John & Richard, farmers & Pettit John, boot repairer Taylor John, farmer
hurdle makers Pryke John, shoe maker Taylor Vero William, maltster
Kendall William, baker Purkis Isaac, cooper Toswell George, nurseryman
Letch Levi, cattle dealer Rayment Geo. thrashing machine ownr Toswell William, Swan P.H
Letch Waiter, farmer Redgwell Waiter, tailor Twamley Henry Joseph, physician &-
Letch Waiter Moss, beer retailer, Robinson John, farmer, Slough surgeon, & medical officer & public-
brewer & poultry dealer Ruffle Edward, carrier vaccinator, 2nd district, Halstead"
Ling Charlotte (Mrs.), butcher Sible H€dingham Cycling Club (Chas. union
Marshall Alfred, beer retailer, Southey Bishop, sec) Westrop Alfred James, osier grower
green Smerdon Frederick Partridge, Bell iim White Henry, black8mith
Metson Charles & Son, millers (steam, Smith Felix, .saddler (attends wed. White William John, beer retailer &;
water & wind) & farmers, Roller only); & Halstead blacksmith, Bottle hall
mills & Tower mill Spurgeon John, grocer & draper & Willis Ernest, coach builder &- wheel--
Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, earthenware dP-aler, & registrar of wright
Railway station marriages for Halstead u'nion, Post Wiseman William, toy maker
Mullings Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper office
SIL VERT OWN is within the Metropolitan Borough Directory of Essex, but will be given as before in Kelly's-
of West Ham, and therefore is not now included in the Directory of the Suburbs of London.
SOUTHCHURCH, called by Camden "Southsea,". enlarged and improved. Capt. George A. White Welclr
is a parish near the shore at the mouth of the Thames, I R.N. of Arle House, near Cheltenham, is lord of thw
opposite to the West Knock Sand, a mile and a half east I manor of Southchurch and Col. Ynyr Henry Burges,
from Southend station, 5 miles south-east from Rochford of 50 Wimpole Street W. owns the manor of Thorpe-·
and 44 from London, in the South Eastern division of the Hall. The chief landowners are Capt. George Assel."
county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and White Welch R.N. of Arle House, Cheltenham, Col. Y_
union, Southend county court district and in the rural H. Burges and E. W. Barnett esq. of Lawn House,
deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese George John Baxter, Hutton Park, Brentwood, Thomas.
of St. .Albans. The church of the Holy Trinity is a small Dowsett J.P. Rayne villa, Victoria Avenue, Southend,
building of stone in th(} Early English style, consisting James Colbert Ingram, Westonia road, Southend. Thtl.
of chancel, nave, fine south porch and a western turret, soil is mixed; subsnil, gravel and clay. The chief crops-
with spire, containing I bell: there are several memorial are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 1,879 acres of
windows and in the chancel are two recessed tombs, an land and I,292 water; rateable value, £5,451; the popu-
aumbry and a piscma; another piscina, Demains in the lation in I8gr was gog.
south wall of the nave : the church plate dates from SOUTHCHURCH nrrcK · b t t f ·1
1681-2: the church was thoroughly restored in the year . . n IS a ou a quar ~r 0 a IDle-
1857, chiefly at the expense of the rector, aided by a north-east, on rismg gro~nd and .has~ fine v1ew over the-
small parochial rate. The regist,er dates from the year Medw.ay, Thames and neighbourmg IS1ands.
r6gs. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge Pansh Clerk and Sexton, James Kempster.
£sg8, net yearly value £567, with residence and Letters arrive from Southend by rural messenger at•
56 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of 6.30 & g.30 a.m. ·wall Letter Box cleared at 9.30
Canterbury and held since 1893 by the Rev. John Nig€1 & 11.50 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. The nearest money order
Philpott l\I.A. of Magdal!'n College, Oxford; this living & telegraph office is at Southend
is one of the peculiars of the Archbishop of Cant,erbury, National School (mixed), built in 1851, for 72 children;-
the church and manor having been given in 824 to average attendance, 6o; Miss Carolina Amelia Lloyd,.
Christ church, Canterbury; the rectory house has been mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bruce Henry, plumber, 22 Ashburn- Rawlins Marie (Mrs.), milliner &,
Baldry Harry, Eleanor lodge ham terrace, Southchurch Beach dressmaker, 4 Nursery place,...
Bar'nett Elijah William, Lawn house Butcher Frederick, police constable, Southchurch
Bryant George, Selina villas Bournes Green Sandford Robert, machinist
Constantine Henry, 1 Sydney villa, Cowling A.rthur, shopkeeper Sarfas Frances (Mrs.), apartments,..
Southchurch Beach Haggar James, Halfway tavern P.H. Selina house, Southchurch Beach
Dunnett Albert James, Daines farm Southchurch Beach Smith Henry, nurseryman & florist~
Goddard John, The Oaks Layzell Ephraim, mechanical engineer Southchurch Beach
Morris William, 1 Edinboro' villas, Offen Harry Clyde, Samuels farm Smith William, shopkeeper
Southchurch Beach Lowen James, Rose inn Southchurch Brickfield Co.Southchrch
Philpott Rev. John Nigel M.A.. Rectry P~ul Edward, g:o~er, 8 Nurse:r pl Stebbing John, "\nlite Horse P.H
Sharman Richard Cantrill Belle Vue P1gott .Albert W1ll1am, farm balllfi to Thomson .Andrew, farmer, South--
' Messrs. James & Philip Hutley, church hall
COMMERCIAL. Thorpe hall Wells George, pork butcher
Assheton Sidney, grocer, Beach ho Rackham Abraham A.ugustus, insur- Whistler Geo. greengrcr. 9 Nursery pl'
Bentall William, farmer, The Wick ance agent, Southc'hurch Beach Whittingham William, coach, cart &.
Berridge & Peed, boat & yacht build- Robinso'n Abraham, lodging house, 3 van builder
ers, Southchurch Beach Ashburnham terrace Wilks Katherine (Mrs.), tobacconist


SOUTHEND-ON-SEA is a modern watering place and north-east Essex and Suffolk. Steamers run to and'
town, and head of a county court district, very pleasantly horn London severat times a day during the summer
situated near the mouth of the Thames and nearly months, as well as to Sheerness, Rochester and Graves-·
opposite to Sheerness, 16 miles south from Maldon, 22 end. The old pier, built originally at a cost of £42,ooo.
south-east from Chelmsford, 85 south-west from Col- was replaced in the years I8go-l by an iron structure,
chester and 43 from London by road, in the South 1! miles in length, from plans by Messrs. Brownlees
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty and McKerrow. An electric tramway runs the entire
sessional division and union, and in the rural deanery length of the pier and is used for the conveyance of
of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. passengers and luggage to and from the steamers ; at
.Albans. Southend first sprung into notice as a watering the shore end is a spacious pavilion with a stage, and
place from a visit of the late Queen Carolina and seating I,2oo persons. At the head of the pier, which is
P. ncess Charlotte in I 804. The bathing here is good, built on several levels, are refreshment and waiting
but the tide recedes to the extent of about a mile. rooms. The total cost was nearly £8o,ooo. A wide·
The London, Tilbury and Southend railway connects this esplanade has also been formed, and both on the cliffs
place with London and had its terminus here until the and immediately below are pleasant winding walks.
extension of the line to Shoeburyness in 1884. The Southend is still rapidly increasing in size, the popula-
direct line of this company from Barking to Pitsea, a tion having risen from 2,8o8 iu 1871 to 16,ooo in r8g4,
portion of which was opened for traffic in May, 1885, and durin!:!' the summer months there are about 24,000'
and the remainder in June. 1888, shortens the distance visitors. The cliff has been planted and laid out for
to London by about 13 miles. The Great Eastern building and is now called "Cliff Town." During the
railway opened a branch to this town in Sept. I889, years 1888-g, the loc<il board expended £6,ooo on roads
from their main line at Shenfield, via Wickford Junction, and footways, and about £36,ooo in the construction ~>f
thus placing it in communication with Maldon and a new and direct road from Southend to Prittlewell:
1rees have also been planted in many of the principal fact that they were cut through a wall of much greater
streets. The town was incorporated by royal charter, age, containing remains of Early Norman windows; the
dated .August 5, I892, under which it is governed by a north wall of the chancel also shows traces of an arch
-corporation consisting of a mayor, six aldermen and I8 blocked up and is composed of Roman bricks : the walls
-councillors ; a commission of the peace was granted to are surmounted by a rich and singularly perfect em-
the borough, .April 2I, I894; it is lighted with gas by a battled parapet of flint and stone chequer work; the
~ompany, formed in I854• and supplied with soft water restoration has cost up to the present time over £5,ooo,
'from artesian wells, the property of a company. South- raised by voluntary subscriptions, a new oak roof having
end, originally a hamlet of Prittlewell, was formed into a been put in throughout and the building seated with
separate ecclesiastical parish in I842. The church of St. open benches in teak, the chancel stalls being richly
J"ohn the Baptist is a building of stone in mixed styles, carved: the pulpit is of Caen stone, enriched with marble
.consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts and an organ shafts, the central panel containing a has-relief: there is
-chamber: the nave, which it is intended to lengthen, an octagonal font with square shaft: ,eight stained win-
was built in I84o and aisles added later: the chancel dows have been presented and include a memorial win-
-was erected in I872-3; the transepts are incomplete; in dow to the late Sir Arundell Neave hart. d. 21 Sep. I877,
the north transept is a stained window, formerly in consisting of antique ISth cent. Flemish and Italian glass
the chancel: there are sittings for about 6oo persons. brought from a church in Rouen and attributed to Albert
The regist~r dates from the year I842. The living is Diirer : over the chancel arch a large mural painting on
a vicarage, net yearly value £so, in addition to the pew canvas was placed in I88o by the parishioners in memory
.rents and fees, in the gift of the Bishop of St . .Alban's, of the Rev. Spencer Robert Wigram M.A. vicar, 1864-80:
and held since I862 by the Rev. Thomas William Herbert in I884 gas was introduced into the church at an expense
:M ..A. and surrogate. The Catholic church of Our Lady of £100 and there are 8oo sittings. The churchyard has
"Help of Christians and St. Helen Empress, situated been inclosed with a wall and iron railing, and was closed
..close to the town, was erected in I868 at a cost of more for burials by various orders from March I869 to Nov.
than £2,ooo and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, three I88I. The register of baptisms dates from I649; of
:Side chapels and a bell turret containing 2 bells, and has marriages and burials from I645· The living is a
180 sittings: adjoining the church is an orphanage: there vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £I6o, net yearly value
-are also a convent and a home for the aged destitute £I76, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
.poor and for infirm children at Nazareth House, London the Bishop of St. Albans and held since I88o by the Rev.
Jroad, and a school conducted by the School Sisters of Thomas Osmotherly Reay M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford,
l\"otre Dame, containing upwards of 6o poor destitute rural dean of Canewdon, surrogate and chaplain of the
.children, some supported by the poor rates, others by Ist Essex Artillery Volunteers. The representatives of
.voluntary subscriptions: the institution is certified for the late Sir Arundell Nea,ve bart. are the lay impro-
the reception of children from the Poor Law union: these priators. All Saints' parish was formed 26 October,
institutions at present contain 30 adults and 70 children. I87q; the church, erected at a cost of £2,ooo, but at
.Triruty church, the memorial stone of which was laid present incomplete, is an edifice of red brick with stone
3 Dec. I877, was the first Reformed Episcopal church dressings in the Early French Gothic style and consists
,built m the Unit€U Kingdom, and is an edifice of brick of chancel, lady chapel, two bays of the nave and south
and stone in the Early English style, seating 700 persons. aisle: there are 6oo sittings. The baptismal register
.St. Paul s church, Eastwick road, is an iron building, dates from the year I877. The living is a vicarage, gross
erected in I89:4. There are two Baptist chapels, and value £ISO yearly, without residence, in the gift cf Keble
.one for the Peculiar People. The Congregational church, College, Oxford, and held since I892 by the Rev. Henry
Cliff Town, is a structure in the Gothic style, erected in Charles Lang M.D. (Brussels), M.R.C.S. The cemetery,
I866 at a cost of £3,ooo, with a tower containing an in North road four acres in extent, was opened in
illuminated clock .tnd bells, and will seat 700. The I88I and has a mortuary chapel: it is under the control
"\Vesleyan chapel, Park road, erected in I87o, is a build- of a burial board of 5 members. Here is a charity of
ing in the Early English style and will seat 400 people. £2o annual value, arising from lands in Great Stambridge
The Public Hall, erected in I872 at a cost of about and commonly called "Brown's charity :" it is usually
[,3,ooo, by a limited liability company, was purchased distributed in money after Christmas. The Sick Nurse I894 by Mr. F. Marlow, and converted into a theatre Fund is an excellent institution, and provides nursing for
seating I,5oo persons. The Police Station and Court the poor in their own homes.
House in .Alexandra street. was erected in I874 at a cust Here was once a priory of Cluniac monks, founded by
of £4,2SO. The Pr1nry Lodge of Freemasons (No. I,ooo) Robert de Essex or Fitz-Swain in the reign of Henry II.
_holds its meetings at the Middletcm hotel. The No. I3 and dedicated to St. Mary: it was subordinate to the
:Battery of the Ist Essex Volunteer Artillery, Easte:r:n great monastery of that order at Lewes in Sussex, and
_Division, Royal .Artillery, is stationed in the town. The
the revenues at the Dissolution, when there were seven
.Alexandra. Yacht Club building is pleasantly situated
monks, amounted to £I94 qs. 3d.: the portion of the
in its own grounds on the slope of the cliffs and priory now remaining is the property of William Bowel
·~ontains billiard, reading and card rooms ; the grounds
are tastefully laid out and command uninterrupted Scratton esq. and occupied by W. H. Murphy-Grimshaw
views i"eawards. The Southend Institute was founded esq. Daniel Robert Scratton esq. D.L., J.P. of Ogwell,
in I881, and has a library and reading room and over Newton .Abbott, is lord of the manor. The trustees of the
··-2oo members. The Southend-on-Sea Conservative and late Sir .Arundell Neave bart. are the chief landowners.
·Unionist Club Lim. in Clarence street, was almost The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The
entirely rebuilt in I89I, at a cost of £2,ooo, and contains chief crops are wheat, potatoes, beans and barley. Ex-
the Clarence Hall, capable of seating 500 persons; there cellent bricks are made here. The whole parish of
-are also spacious billiard, reading, and refreshment Prittlewell, including Southend, contains 6,590 acres;
rooms, and a library for the use of the members. The rateable value, £82,s22; the population in I87I was
population of St. John the Baptist parish in I89I was 4•S89 and in I88I 7•979; I89I I2,272, of which 3,460 are
6,969. The population of the municipal borough in 189I attached to the parish church of St. Mary the Virgin.
-was :-East Ward, 3,936; North "\Vard, 4,074; West The population of the ecclesiastical parish of All Saints
"\Yard, 4,323; total, I2,333· The area is 3·44I acres. in I89I was I,904
PRITTLEWELL is an ancient village and the mother Parish Clerk, .Arthur Buries.
-yarish of Southend, on the road from Southend to Roch- MILTON, a hamlet of Prittlewell, close to the Thames,
ford, half a mile north from the former, I3 miles south is said to have been ~nciently a distinct parish till part
irom the latter and 42 from London, with a station on of it was swallowed up by the sea; the remains of the
the Great Eastern railway, in the South-Eastern division church were visible at low water about a century since.
of the county, Rochford hundred and union, and in the The names of the inhabitants are now included in
~ural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and Southend. .
·diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. Mary the
Virgin is one of the largest and, in an archit<lctural point Post, M.O. & T.O. S. Il., Express Delivery & .Annuity &
of view, one of the most interesting in the county, and is Insurance office.-Francis J ames Edwards, postmaster.
..a building of Kentish Rag stone consisting of chancel, Letters arrive from London & all parts at 6.45 & 9
.nal<e, south aisle, with eastern or " Jesus" chapel, south a.m. & 2.10 & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched to London 8.3s
-porch and a stately Perpendicular embattled western & n.2o a.m. &, 3·35. 5, 6.50, 7.25 & 8.35 &
.tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and a peal of 6 (extra stamp) 8.40 p.m.; local, 6.35 a.m. & 2.Io &
'be1ls, the tenor weighing I6 cwt. : taken as a whole the 6.30 & 8.55 p.m. with an extra stamp ten minutes
'building may be said to date from the ISth century, but later. The 5 p.m. is for Eastern Counties only, by
remains exist of I Ith century work; the three western- mail cart; on sunday box close at 7 p.m.; sundays,
most arches, dividing the nave from the aisle, are of the local, 6.2s p.m.; Chelmsford, 5 p.m. ; & London,
J:3th century and the restoration, carried out from de- 7.30 p.m. Extra mails (week days), Chelmsford II.30
signs by Ewan Christian esq. in 1872, has disclosed the & 3· 10 p.m. ; Prittlewell, Rochford, Rayleigh, Chelms-

ford, East Essex & Suffolk, 5· ro & 7.20 a. m.; Roch- Mayor's Auditor, Councillor John Rumbelow Brightwell.
ford & Rayleigh 8 a.m.; ; Leigh, 3·35; Grays, 6.30; Elective Auditors, Joseph Coombs & Wm. Vincent Willson.
Romford & Brentwood, 7. 20 p.m. ; Shoeburyness, 6 The Corporation meets at the Institute on the 2nd.
a.m. & s.r5 p.m. Telegrams can be dispatched 8 a.m. wednesday in every month at IO a.m. ; quarterly same
to 9 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to ro a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m dates
Sub-Post & 1\I.O.O., S.B. & Annuity & Insurance Offtces. Officers of the Corporation & Urban Sanitary Authority.
Brewery road.-Joseph Winter Dulley, sub-postmaster. Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authl}rity.
Letters collected at 5· IS, 7· I5 & Io. IO a. m. & r2.45, William Gregson, Alexandra street
3.w,, 5·45• 7· & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 6.13 p.m Borough Treasurer, C. W. Parker, High street
London road.-Dansey Drew, sub-postmaster. Letters Medical Officer of Health, George Francis J ones, High st
collected 6, 7.30 & ro. ro a.m. & I2.40, 3· IS, 4·5· 5·45• Surveyor, Charles T. Copley, IO Cromwell place
6.50 & 7·45 p.m. ; sundays, 6.30 p.m Inspector of Nuisances, William Whur, 19 Marine parad&
*38 Marine parade.-Fitzwilliam Sparling Dunnett, sub- Collector, George Bigsby, Park terrace
postmaster. Letters collected 5·5• 7 & Io.Io a.m. Boat & Foreshore Inspector, Charles Edward Ray, Ia
& I2.40, 3.Io, 4, 5·30, 7 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, Scratton road
6 p.m
*43 Park street.-Charles William Barnard, sub-post- Public Establishments.
master. Letters collected 5·45• 7.40 & IO a.m. & I2.45, Cemetery, North road, W. Gregson, clerk to the board
3· IO, 4· I5, 6, 7 & 8 p.m. j no Sunday collection Coast Guard Station, George Fooks, boatman in charge
Southchurch road.-Horatio Osmond Sparling, sub-post- County Police Station, Alexandra street, Samuel Haw-
master. Letters collected 5·30, 7.30 & I I a.m. & tree, supt. ; one sergeant & six constables
r, 3.Io, 4.25, 6, 7, & 8 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 Custom House, I I Marine parade, Frederick Harris, chiei
*;Prittlewell.-J'Ohn Shipton, sub-postmaster. Letters officer; James F. Kelly, second officer
through Southend arrive at 7 & Io a.m. & I, 2.30 & County Court held at the petty sessional court house~
7 p.m. ; dispatched at 8. IS, & I0.20 a. m. & I.30, at IO a. m. monthly; His Honor William Paterson~
3· Io, 5.30 & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 6. ro p.m judge; William Gregson, registrar; Charles God-
Marked thus * are Telegraph & Express Delivery Offices. frey, high bailiff; William Carter Wood, bailiff. The
followin~ places are within the jurisdiction of the court:
County Magistrates, Rochford Petty Sessional Division. -Ashingdon, Barling, Bowers-Gifford, Canewdon~
Wedd Edward Arthur esq. Great Wakering, Southend, Canvey Island, Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stambridge ..
cliairman Great Wakering, Hadleigh, Havengore, Hockley, Hull-
Bacon Lieut.-Col. Huntley, Apton hall, Canewdon, Roch- bridge, Leigh, Little Stambridge, Little Wakering,
ford S.O North Benfleet, Paglesham, Pitsea, Prittlewell, Raw-
Deeping GMrge Davidson esq. 6 Royal terrace, Southend reth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shoebury (North & South),.
Dowsett Thomas esq. Rayne villa, Southend Shopland, South Ben:fleet, Southchurch, Southend,
Phillips Edward England esq. L.R.C.P.Edin. Sydney South Fambridge, Sutton, Thundersley, Wallsea
house, Bathwick, Bath Island & Wickford
Tabor James esq. New Hall, Sutton, Chelmsford For Bankruptcy this court is included in that
Tawke Major Arthur Christian, The Lawn, Rochford S.O of Chelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver;
Wise Wm.Lloyd esq. F.R.G.S.Glan-mor, Southend-on-Soo H. Shirtcliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple
Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfd. J. Arthy, Alexandra st chambers, London E C
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress:
Petty Sessions held every wednesday at the Police court Amendment Act," Thomas W. Offin, sen. auctioneer,.
at I2 noon. The parishes in the division. are: Ash- Rochford; William Vincent Willson, auctioneer, South-
ingdon, Barling, Benfleet (South), Canewdon, Canvey end; Alfred Talbot, auctioneer, Southend; Edwin
Island, Eastwood, Fambridge (South), Foulness, Great Hancock, Southend; Charles Bon Bernard, auctioneer,.
Stambridge, Great Wakering, Hadleigh, Hockley, Leigh, Southend; Henry John White, auctioneer, Southend;.
Little Stambridge, Little W akering, Paglesham, Prittle- & Thomas William Offtn, jun. Rochford
well, Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Southchurch, Shoe- Life Boat Station, Frederick Moore, captain
bury (North & South), Shopland, Southend, Sutton, Southend Institute, Clarence road; William Gregson ..
Thundersley & Wallasea Island president; N. I. Osborne, sec
Borough Magistrates. Volunteer Fire Brigade, Market place, Henry Gavon, capt
Gossett Daniel Wright(Mayor) Howard James Benjamin Masonic Lodge (No. I,ooo Priory), Middleton hotel,
Dowsett Thomas (Ex-Mayor) Hudson James Chator thurs. on or before full moon, Jan. to May, Sept. to
Bentall Pendrill, Leigh Symington David Dec. 7 p.m.; C. Floyd, 76 Park street, sec
Brightwell John Rumbledon Wise Wm. Lloyd F.R.G.S Royal Arch Masons (Priory Chapter No. I,ooo), held at
Burrows John Henry Wood Henry the :Middleton hotel, third wed. in Feb. May, Sept. &;,
Deeping George Davidson W oosman Charles Nov.; Scribe E.; George R. Dawson
Clerk, Alfred J. Arthy, Alexandra street Oddfellows' Lodge (Loyal Cliff towP), Park hotel, C~
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Court House, 1<'. Floyd, sec
Alexandra street, every tuesday at I I a.m Volunteers.
Corporation. tst Essex Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal
Mayor, Alderman Daniel Wright Gosset. Artillery (No. I3 Battery), Capt. A. E. Baldwin,.
Deputy Mayor, Alderman Thomas Dowsett. commandant
Aldermen. Public Officers.
Admiralty Surgeon, George Davidson Deeping L.R.C.P.
tWilliam Henry Alien ~John Henry Burrows Lond. 8 Royal terrace
tJames Benjamin Howard ~Thomas Dowsett Medical Officer of Health for Rochford Rural Sanitary
tJames Colbert Ingram ~Daniel Wright Gosset Authority, Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Prit-
Councillors. tlewell District, Rochford Union & Certifying Factory
Noll'th Ward. Surgeon, George Davidson Deeping L.R.C.P.Lond. &
Presiding .Aldermen at Ward Elections, T. Dowsett. Royal terrace
Inland Revenue Officer, George Ashley Wells, I3 Park
*James Chater Hudson tRobert Gooch terrace, Park road
*John Pawley tCharles Francis Belsham Inspector of Weights & Measures under the Sale of Food
tHarry Thomas Garon !John Henry Browne ·& Drugs Act, Samuel Hawtree, Anlexandra street
East Ward. Pier Master, James Kelly, 5 Belmont villas
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, J. C. Ingram. Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Prittlewell bUb-
district, Rochford union, George Bigsby, Park terrace-
* William Thomas Darke t William J oseph Chignell Vestry Clerk, William Gregson, Alexandra street
*William Trigg !George Alien
tJohn Rumbelow Brightwell tJoseph CremerUnderwood Places of Worship, with times of services.
St. John the Baptist Church, Southend, Rev. Thomas
West Ward. William Herbert l\I.A. vicar; I I a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, J. H. Burrows. p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
*Edward Ilerbert Draper t Henry Dennis St. Mary the Virgin Church, Prittlewell, Rev. Thomas
*Alfred Prevost !Peter Forbes Osmetherley Reay M. A. vicar; I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.;
tEdward James Bowmaker tFrederick Garon daily 7.30 p.m. ; in summer 8 a.m. ; winter 6.30 ex-
Marked thus • retire in 1894.
cept wednesdays & fridays
Marked thus t retire in J8g5. All Saints' Church, Porter's Town, Rev. Henry Charles
Marked thns t retire in 18g6. Lang M.D. vicar; Holy Eucharist sundays, 8 & 11.15
Marked thus 'If retire in 1898, daily, 7, 7·45 or IO. Matins & evensong daily
Trinity Church, London road (Reformed Episcopal), Rev. Endowed (Prittlewell), erected in I868, at a cost of about
Charles Snosswell A.K.C.; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. £x,soo chiefly through the munificence of the Heygate
7·30 p.m family, with an endowment from land of £36 a year;
St. Paul's Church, Eastwick road; Rev. Alfred Wailer, these schools hold 257 children, average attendance,
incumbent; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m 240; Edward McCarthy,master; Miss Isabe.Ua Dawson,
Catholic Church of Our Lady Help of Christians & St. mistress
Helen Empress, Rev. Thomas C. Denny, priest; mass National (mixed), erected in I86o, for 250 children;
8 & II.IS a.m.; sundays & holy days devotions, in- average attendance, xoo ; Mrs. Louisa Raven, mistress;.
structions & benedictions, 8. IO a. m. ; daily mass 8 a.m Miss Laura Bragg, infants' mistress
Baptist, Clarence road, Rev. Frederick Albert Hogbin,
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. & thurs. 7.30 p.m. Newspapers.
Baptist, Hamlet road, Rev. Edward Dyer, I I a.m. & 6.30 Southend Echo, Southend Printing & Publishing Co.
p.m. ; mondays & thurs. 7-3<~ p.m Limited, published wednesday. See advertisement
Congregational, Cliff town, Rev. Edward Hamilton; 11 Southend Observer, Alexandra street, John Talyor, jun.
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m publisher ; published thurs
Free Methodist, Lower town, Rev. M. Tomlin, 11 a.m Southend Standard, Cliff Town road, John H. Burrows,
& 6.30 p.m publisher ; published thurs. & fri. See advert
Wesleyan, Park road, Rev. James Tetley; I I a.m. & 6.30
p.m.; week day service thurs. 7.30 p.m Railway Stations.
Schools. Southend (Tilbury line), John Brown, goods agent;
A School Board of 7 members was formed 27 Feb. IB77 Albert Chalk, station master
for the parish of Prittlewell; G. Wood, Southend, Southend (Great Eastern), Charles Bernard Keen, sta-
clerk to the board; S. Croxon, attendance officer tion master
London Road Board Schools, erected in x88o, for goo Prittlewell (Great Eastern), George William Pryke, sta-
children; average attendance, 890; George Reed tion master
F.R.G.S. master; Miss Anne Barlow, mistress; Miss Omnibus starts from the Ship hotel to meet every train
Janet Maud Tully, infants' mistress Carrieys to Prittlewell. John Brown & Benjamin
Brewery Road Board Schools, built in 1892, & enlarged in Howard, daily
1894 at a total cost of £6,ooo for 260 boys, 340 girls, '\Vater Conveyances. Steam vessels from the pier, dur-
& 227 infants ; average attendance 220 boys, 201 girls, ing the summer, twice a day, to & from London;
& I88 infants; Miss Isabella Fargher, mistress; Miss George & Emanuel Vandervord's barges to St. Olave's
John, infants' mistress wharf, Tooley street

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bendix Gustav, I May villas, The Brown George, Milton house, Hamlet
Adams Stephen Isaac, Rave'nhurst, Hamlet Brown Hy. Belgrave villa, West Cliff
York road Bennett .Alfred, 8 St. John's road Brown Jesse Ambrose, Chepstow lo.
Adey Mrs. Grange villa, Sutton street Bennett Frank, 2 Clarence villas, Whitegate road
.Alexander Frederick John, Melrose, Gordon road Brown John, Recko house, Hamlet
London road Bennett Mrs. 7 Albert road Brown John, 56 Milton ·Street
.Allan Mrs. 5 Park terrace Bennett Wailer, 6 Beaconsfield ter- Brown Odell, Woburn house, York rd
.Alien Mrs. 2 TheSheaves, St. Jolin's rd race, Milton street Brown Robert, 7 St. Vincent's road
Aris Thomas, 19 Kandahar villas, Benson John, I Archdale villas, Ash- Brownjohn Mrs . .Albert road
Ashburnham road burnham road Brunt Mrs. '\Vestmead, St. John's rd
Arnold Carl, 88 Gordon road Benton Philip, Frankleigh house, Bulbick James, 23 Pleasant road
Attwater Waiter John, 6 Lansdown Whitegate road Bull James John, I Cliff Town parade
villas, Hadley road Bernard Mrs. Rose lawn, Warrior sq Burdett John, Aylestone vil. Milton rd
Attwater William Frederick, Milton Berridge Charles, I7 St. John's road Buries Arthur, I I Connaught villas,
Hall villas, Lo'ndon road Bew-Stevens Charles, 3 Tylers avenue Southchurch road
Attwood William, 4 Nelson villas, Bickford :Major Stephen, 5 Hillcrest rd Burnett Mrs. 6 Marine av. West cliff
Ashburnham road Biddell Jas. Byford house, York road Bush Miss, 3 Capel terrace
Aubrey Mrs. Riversdale, London road Binyon William John, I3 Alexandra Caine Charles Lomas, 2 Richmond
Axon J oseph, I6 Elm villas terrace, Old Southend road villas, York road
Aylett Charles John, 2 Khartoum Blackall Col. Robert, I Tiptree villas Calder Hugh, Swanmore, Avenue road
villas, Gordon road Blackball Frederick, I I Hillcrest road Campbell Colin, Perth lo. London road
Baddams Miss, I Bedford viis. Park rd Blackwood Mrs. 27 Pleasant road Campbell Robert B. 11 Marine aven.
Baerselman Jan. Wessel Klopman, 2 Blaike John, Erridge house, South- West cliff
Bolton villas, The Cliffs church road Canton Miss, 7 York road
Bailey Mrs. 5 Kandahar villas, Ash- Blakeley Miss, 7 Avenue road Cantor Ferdinand, 4 Cromer road
burnham road Blakey Mrs. 9 Avenue road Carter Eccles, 25 Tylers avenue
Baker Miss, 1 Oxford terrace Bland Mrs. Napier avenue Carter Geo. 15 Elm villas, Avenue rd
Baker William, 19 Tylers avenue Bligh Mrs. 2 Leigh viis. West cliff Carter Mrs. 18 Royal terrace
Baldwin James William, 4 Trinity Bomfield Miss, 2 Essex terrace Carmichael William Vyse, 5 Olive
avenue, West Cliff BonBernard Jn. Chas. 9 Avenue ter terrace, Tyl~rs avenue
Baldwin Mrs. Ernsbrake, Victoria av BonBernard Louis, I Avenue terrace Cartwright Josiah, Haverstock villa,
Bamford Mrs. Illesley, Cheshunt cot- Booth George, 25 Scratton road Ashburnham road
tage, The Hamlet Borrodell Philip, 5 Carlton terrace, Carruthers James Benzie, 2a, South-
Barfi.eld Alfd. I Rose vils. Hadley rd Queen's road · church ave'nue
Barker Hy. 2 Olive ter. Tylers aven Boughey William, Greenbank villa, Cassels Mrs. I Wilson road
Barnard Mrs. I Ethel villas, Park rd York road Catmore Jn. 7 Cliff Park viis. Park rd
Barnes J acob, 9 Park terrace Boughtwood Mrs. Hillcroft, York rd Cause Abel, Flora vil. Southchurch rd
Barns Mrs. Ingleside, Milton road Bowmaker Charles, 3 Scratton road Cawker Samuel, Devon vil. York rd
Barraclough Fras. 15 Cambridge ter Boyce Wm. Helper house, Avenue rd Chalk Edwin, Clovelly, Wilson road
Barrett Mrs. Sunnydene, Kilworth Bradburn John, Summerfield, Park rd Champ Charles James, 5 Devereux ter
avenue, Hastings road Bran son Lovell ·warren, 9 Cromwell pl Chaplin Francis, 9 Lorne villas
Bartholomew John, 8 Southchurch av Branston Thos.Stewart vil. Coleman st Charlton Mrs. 21 Avenue road
Bates Jas. Frdk. 3 Southchurch aven Brian Decimus John Clark, IS Has- Charlton Waiter, 17 St. John's road
Beale John Charles, Florence villa, tings road Chignell William J oseph, Grove road
Southchurch ave'nue Bridge Mrs. 7 Alexandra terrace Christ Albert, Quee'n's road
Beale Thomas, 10 Lorne villas Bridgland William Edward, Doric ldg. Churcher Mrs. 4 Leigh villas, The
Beard Percy, Ilford house, London rd The Hamlet Cliff
Bedford Edward Wilson, Ha,_zeldine, Brighten William Green, Argyle ho. Clarendon Percy, Clarendon house,
York road Cliff town, Clifton terrace Brewery road
Bedwell Mrs. Chester ho. Gordon rd Brightman Mrs. 1 Minnesota vi.!.las, Clark Fra'ncis, Danesdale, York ?Qad
Beecroft Sidney Chas. 44 .Alexapdra st Gordon road Clark John, 3 Olive ter. Tylers aven
Deeson Henry,. I Cambridge villas Dritta'n Frederick William, 6 May Clark Wm. Primrose lo. St. Vincent rd
Bell Abrahatn, 3 Cowper villas, villas, The Hamlet Clarke William, I Southchurch aven
Clarence road Britton John, I .Alexandra terrace Clarke ·william, 28 Weston road
Bell James, ~ .Alexandra terrace Bright.well Jn. Rum below, I5 Royal ter Clarkson Frederick Comerford, 4 Carl-
Bell Mrs. 5 ~exandra terrace Brook Jn. Rt.I Brooklyn vls.Gordonrd ton terrace, Queen's road

Clayton Simeon, I7 Lorne villas Ennefer Mrs. 2 Cotswold terrace, Harrison Charles, Napier avenue
Coe Horace John, 3 Belmont villas 'l'yler's avenue Harrison Hy. Mahonville, York road
Cogill Harry, Carlton house, 'Vhite- Evans Ernest R. 9 Albyn terrace, Harrold James, Queen's road
gate road Queen's road Heath Horace Henry, 4 Castle villas,
Cole Hy. Hastings house, Hastings rd Evans Mrs. 8 Cambridge terrace Southchurch avenue
Cole Robert, IO Albyn terrace Fairweather John Edgar, Finedon, Heath James, 7 Runwell terrace
Coney William Frederick, I I Cliff Victoria avenue Heath William John, Florence house,
Park villas, Park road Falconbridge William, 2 Carisbrooke Park road
Cook Charles, 3 Langthorne terrace, terrace, Hamlet road Hellen Thomas, 8 Park vils. Park rd
Ashburnham road Falconer Sidney,Highfield, The Hamlet Helmore Harry, I3 Hillcrest road
Cooper John Wesley, West Cliff house, Fidge John Henry, St. Magnum's, Henn Mrs. 3 Avenue road
West Cliff West cliff Herbert Rev. Thomas William M.A.
Coote Robert, Ashburnham road Field Mrs. Ivy villa, Cromer road (vicar & surrogate), Heygate aven
Coppen Mrs. I3 Lorne villas Fish Wm. Saml. Cranleigh, York rd Hewitt James, 4 Landsdown villas,
Copley Chas. Thos. 10 Cromwell pl Fish Samuel, 4 Cromwell place Hadleigh road
Corke Arthur C. St. Vincent road Finch Miss, I I Cambridge terrace Heygate James Unwin, 8 & 9 York rd
Corke Charles Edward, II Lorne vils Finlay Archibald, 3 Cambridge ter Heygate Rev. Thomas Edmund-
Cotgrove David, Oakdene, Queen's rd Fisher Miss, 6 Belmont villas Porters, Southchurch road
Cotgrove James, 9 Tylers avenue Fletcher Elliott, I8 Weston road Hilder Richard, 52 Milton street
Cotton Miss, 22 Cambridge terrace Fletcher William Woolfe, Rosstulla, Hill Albert James, 2 Bexley villas,
Court Matthew William, Fernleigh, Park road Hainlet road
Southohurch road Floyd Charles, 76 Park street Road Harry Chas. 2 Cambridge ter
Cox Frederick, St.John's vil. TheCliffs Flude James, Springfield, York road Hobbs Henry, 2 Cromwell place
Cranmer Frederick, Ashburnham road Forbes Peter, Perth lodge, West cliff Hobbs Henry, 7 St. John's road
Crawford John Thomas, I Landsdown Ford Chas. Murray, 10 Hastings road Hogbin Rev. Frederick Albert (Bap-
villas, Hadley road Ford Frank, 2 Nelson villas, Ash- tist), Normanhurst, York road
Creaton Harry, 2 Runwell terrace burnham road Halbert Frederick, I Bolton villas
Crole-Rees Charles, Brook'lyn house, Forward Henry, Io Marine avenue, Holding Mrs. I Beaconsfield terrace,
The Cliffs West cliff Milton street
Cross Hy. Spring Vale, The Hamlet Foskett Joseph, I I Prittlewell square Holm Hans Peter, Clarence street
Cunningham George Matthew, I6 Hill- Foster Edwd.Sunnymount,Hadleigh rd Holt Mrs. Leigh villas, The C:iffs
crest road Fothergill :M:rs.Clevedon ho.Park cres Holtway Wm. Oak vils. Queen's road
Curnock Rev. Nehemiah (Wesleyan), Fox Edward, Ferncote, The Hamlet Hood Thomas, West house &; villa,
8 Marine avenue Fox William Moses, I I Beaconsfield St. Vincent road
Curtis Henry Alfred, Southchurch terrace, Milton street Hooper Harry,St.Mary's vil. The Cliffs
road, ·west Cliff Franklin Robt. Jas. 16 Cambridge ter Horlock Mrs. I6 Royal terrace
Curtis J ames, 7 Devereux terrace Fraret Armand, 3 Castle villas, Howard Miss, 6 Langthorne ter-
Curtis Joseph, Sunbury, York road Southchurch avenue race, Ashburnham road
Cuthbert George, 6 Hillcrest road Fraser R.Stevens, Stonycrft.Avenue rd Howard Hy. Hereford ho. Park ter
Cutler James He'nry, 6 Cliff Park Freeland Commander N. F. E., R.N. H1;d>-on Arthur, I Ella villas, Ash-
villas, Park road Marlborough ho. Whitegate road burnham road
Davis Charles, I4 Hillcrest road Freeman John, I Runwell terrace Hudson James John, 8 York road
Davis Mrs. 3 Carisbrook vls. Hamlet rd Freeman Louis,4 Olive ter. Tyler's avn Hudson James Chat or, Fairview,
Davis Rev. William Alfred (Baptist), French John, I3 Kandahar villas, Ash- Victoria avenue
6 Carlton terrace, Queen's road burnham road Hudson Mrs. Florence vil. The Cliffs
Dawson Miss, 6 Elm vils. Avenue rd French Miss, 10 Milton street Hughes John, Oak cot. London road
Dean Henry Cantrill, 29 Albert road Fryer Mrs. 5 Langthorne terrace, Hughes Mrs. Silvester, Gloucester ho.
Death George, Leith villa, Prittle- Ashburnham road Avenue road
well street GaitskellWm.3 Richmond vils.York rd Humphrey Mrs. 6 Kandahar villas,
Death 1Villiam, Leith villas, Prittle- Garon Henry, I Tyler's avenue Ashburnham road
we'll street Garrad Miss, 4 Avenue terrace Hunt Samuel, Oaklands, London road
De-Carle James, Oakwood, Ashburn- Garrard Joseph, 2 Cromer road Hurndall Chas.Carisbrooke,TheHamlet
ham road Gate George E. I5 St. John's road Hyde William, Hillborough, South-
Delany VVm. 6 Trinity av. ·west Cliff Gatwood Mrs. 2 Sidney villas, Ash- church road
Denny Rev. Thomas C. (Catholic), burnham road Hymans James, Wellington villas, Ash-
Milton road G eary Percival, Leigh cot. Avenue rd burnham road
Deeping George Davidson J.P. 8 Gillespie Mrs. I3 Royal terrace Hynam Mrs. Clifford ho. Queen's rd
Royal terrace Gledhill Mrs. 27 Tyler's avenue Ingram James, 11 Weston road
Dewey Samuel Henry, Coldstream Glover Charles, 2 Castle villas, South- Ingram John, 3 Royal terrace
villa, Hadley road church aven~e Ingram Matthew Lisle, 3 Lorne villas
Dickinson John George, 2 Lansdowne Goading Miss, 3 Nelson villas, Ash- lngram Mrs. 2 Trinity avn. West Cliff
villas, The Hamlet burnham road Ingram Mrs.Woodleigh vil.Glarence st
Digby Alfred Wyatt, Gordon house, Goodman Mrs. 9 Prittlewell square Ingram Robert, Clarence street
Queen's road Goodwin Arthur VVilliam, 5 Clarence Jackson Miss,8 Cliff Park vils.Park rd
Dipnall Edward, Overstand, West Cliff villas, Gordon road Jackson Mrs.8 Cliff Park vils.Park rd
Dixey Alex. Sea View, Avenue ter Goss Charles Thomas, I I Albert road James George Charles, Tregelles, St.
Dixey Charles Douglas, Holmlea, Mil- Govett John, I6 St. John's road Vincent road
ton road Grace Charles, 8 Park terrace Jarritt "\-Villiam, 34 Alexandra street
Dixon Frederick, I The Sheaves, St. Grace Robert William, Lindisfarne, Jefferies Mrs. 2 Alexandra villas
John's road Avenue road Jenkins Mrs. 2 Gresham villas, South-
Dixon Capt. Thomas, Canton Gray Frank, I8 Scratton road church road
Dobson Mrs. 2 Tiptree villas Gray Hector, llfracombe, Wilson road Jenkinson Samuel Cranfield, Henfrey
Donovan Daniel, Grove road Gregson Frederic M.A. Creevelea ho. house, London road
Dawni'ng Hy. 2 Rosedale vis. Hadley rd Whitegate road Jinman George Webster, Longwood,
Dowsett 'lhomas, J.P. Rayne villa, Gregson William, 8 Royal terrace York road
Victoria avenue Greig George, Hamlet house Johnson Mrs. Io Cliff Park villas,
Draper Herbt. Ravenroyd, The Cliffs Griffin Mrs. Twickenham villas, Run- Park road
Dudley Joseph,Stanhope vils.Grove rd well terrace . Johnson William, 8 Beaconsfield ter-
Dunmoor Frank, 2 St. John's road Griffin 'Villiam, 5 Cromwell place race, Milton street
Dupre Francis Wm. 4 Cambridge ter Guyatt John, 6 Lorne villas Jones Geo. Fras. Clarence ho. High st
Durham Miss, 6 Devereux terrace Hall William, I3 Marine Park square, Jones Mrs. 3 Alexandra terrace
Dyer Rev. Edward (Baptist), 'l'he Brewery road Jones Thomas, Milton street
Grange, St. Vincent road Hallett Mrs. Knighton Briars,Aven.rd Kay Mrs. 3 Clarence vils. Gordon rd
Earwicker Jo<;eph, IO Avenue road Hamilton Rev. Edward (Congrega- Keene Mrs. 25 Cambridge terrace
Ebersbury Countess, Milton villa, tional), Brightside, London road Kelly Henry James, Southchurch rd
Southchurch road Handisyde Misses, I3 Avenue road Kemp Edward Mortlock, 4 Clifton ter
Edmunds Edward Nixon, ·worcester Harrington Mrs. I2 Lorne villas Kemp William, 4 Park villas
villa, The Cliffs Harris Frederick, 8 Cromwell place, Kemp William, IS Scratton road
Edwards Francis James, 24 1Yeston rd Cambridge road Kennedy 'Vordsworth, 4 Park terrace
Elliott John, 2 Bedford vils. Park rd Harrison Alfred, St. George's villas, Keogh Rev. Daniel (Catholic) (curate),
Elphick Brett Hy. Ambleside, York rd Queen's road Milton road
Xernahan John, 6 Southchurch avn ~IilnPr Alfred G. 2 Dalm<'ny 'illas, Sandford Samuel Wadlin, Straitharn,
Xesterton James, Exeleigh, York road Napier avenue West cliffs
Kew Frederick Edward, Cromwell Mobbs Henry Daniel, 5 Salisbury ter- Sansom Wm. John, 2 Oxford terrace
house, London road race, Milton road Sayers David, 8 Albert road
Keyes Wm. Newark ho. London road Moore James, 23 St. John's road Scantlebury Ernest,Ringstead,York ra
Keyes Wm. 5 Park villas, Park road Morfey Kenrick, 2 Marine avenue Schlenthem Ludvig, 3 Leigh villas
King Mrs. 5 St. Vincent road Morgan Edward Henry, Girton house, Schmidt IIy. Peter,Snnnyside,York rd
King Waiter Robert, I Florence villas, Wilson road Scott Edward, 2 Park cres. Park rd
Hadley road Morphey Henry,Sunny side,Avenue rd Scudder Henry, IS Lorne villas
King William, Alexandra villas, Alex- :'IIorris Mrs. 21 Kandahar villas, ..lsh- Secretan Martin W. 20 Cambridge ter
andra road burnham road Seamon Mrs. 9 Alexandra terrace
King "\Vm. Thomas, I4 Cambridge ter Morrant James, 4 Victoria ter,Park rd Seil Henry John, 2 Southchurch avn
Kipling Mrs. 3 Cromwell place ~oss George, Queen's road Self Jeremiah, Winchilsea, York rd
Kippen James, The Bungalow, St. Nethercot Henry, I I Hastings road Sellar James, 15 Avenue road
John's road Newbery Edward, Field ho. Leigh rd Setterfield Robert, 5 Tyler's avenue
.Kirkman Mrs. 6 Gloucester terrace, Newton Lewis Boswell, 23 Tyler's avn Sewell "\Villiam A. 2 Carlton terrace,
Avenue road Newton William, 3 Queen's villas Queen's road
Klein Charles, Edith lodge, Park rd Noon Frederick, I Cromer road Shenton John, Glen Rosa, Milton road
Knight Frederick George, 3 Park Oaker Mrs. I Albyn ter. Queen's rd Shrire.pton WalterJohn,Io Hillcrest rd
villas, Park road Ogden Harry, Thule, Ashburnham rd Shum .A.rthur Robert, 8 Hillcrest rd
Kruse Geo. James, Kent ho. York rd Oliver John, St.Catherine's,London rd Sinclair Mrs. I Egremont vils.Hamlet
Labett Wm. 3 Brisbane vils. Leigh rd Oliver Miss, 5 Clifton terrace Slade John, I Wellington place.
Lake Thomas Charles, 5 Lorne villas Palmer Chas. Bycula ho. The Cliff Lower Southend
Lamb Mrs. 18 Lorne villas Palmer George, Lothian ho.Park cres Slaiter Richard, 10 Lorne villas
Lambert Francis, Fairlight lodge, Parker Chas. 5 Richmond vils. York rd Sloman Thomas, 5 Trinity avenue,
Park road Parker Francis, 6 Park terrace West cliff
Lambc,rn Charles, Albert road Parker John, St. Margaret's, Run- Sloper Bertram,Durham ho.London rd
Lancaster James, 6 Connaught villas, well terrace Smeeton John, 5 St. John's road
Southchurch road Parsons William, 3 Connaught villas, Smith Edward, 6 St. John's road
Lang Rev. Henry Charles M.D. (vicar Southchurch road Smith Edward, I2 St. John's road
of All Saints), High street Paul Edmund Jackson, 12 Marine Park Smith Edwin, 12 Elm viis . .Avenue rd
Langton Robert,Axholm,St.Vincent rd square, Brewery road Smith Frederick George, "\Vestcroft,
Langton Mrs. I6 .Avenue road Pearson Miss, 2 Whitegate Hastings road
Langridge Albert Kent, .Anewa, Pellatt Stephen, Hamlet court, The S~ith George, I3 Albyn terrace
Hadley road Hamlet Smith Henry Cleveland, Warrior
Lappage George, 9 Kandahar villas, Perkins Samuel, 20 Albert road house, "\Varrior square
.Ashburnham road Perry Mrs.s Beaconsfield ter.Milton st Smith Parker, 3 Park crescent
Larman Geo. Oak lea, Milton road Peto Frank, Hawkesbury, York road Smith Wm. Rose Maud vil. Park road
Larnach Wm. Camperdown,Avenue rd Phillips Edmund George, Lonsdale Smith "\Villiam Knight, Dulce Domum,
Laurie Thomas, 2 Langthorne terrace, villa, The Cliff Southchurch avenue
.Ashburnham road Phillips Mrs. 7 Lorne villas Smith Wm. Jas. Tweed vils. Park rd
Lawrence Jas.Primrose vil.Gordon rd Pick John,I Norman vils.Alexandra rd Smither Mrs. 9 Cliff Park vils.Park rd
Lemon .Arthur, .Arnewood, York road Piggott James, IO Park terrace Snell Lieut. William Cecil Howard
Lewis Richard, I3 Elm vils.Avenue rd Pissey Miss, 8 .Avenue road R.N. Godolphin, Park road
Ling Edwd. 4 Brisbane vils. Leigh rd Pissey Mrs. I I Avenue road Snosswell Rev. Charles .A.K.C.
Linsdell John, 4 Carisbrooke villas Pockington Richard, I2 Belmont vils (Trinity Episcopal Reformed Ch. ),
Lingwood Mrs. 33 St. John's road Popplewell Thomas, r Queen's villas Napier avenue
Lock .Alfred, go Gordon road Popplewell Thomas, 2 Norman villas, Snow William Henry, 5 Kandahar
Logg Robert Duncan, Dillkhooshha, Alexandra road villas, .Ashburnham road
Park road Potter Miss, 14 Royal terrace Soilleux Edmund .A. 7 Cliff Park
Luckhurst Mrs. 4 Runwell terrace Potter Mrs. 12 Cambridge terrace villas, Park road
Lucking Christopher, I Lorne villas Powers Edward, I4 Elm villas Soley George, St. Vincent road

Lucking Edward, 3 Carlton terrace, Poynter Jas. 3 Boxley vils.Hamlet rd Southgate Edgar Wm. I7 Weston rd
Queen's road Prevost .Alfred, Shorefield ho. Hamlet Southwell Waiter, I2 Prittlewell sq
Lucking Mrs. Queen's road Pring Geo. St. Edmund's vil. Park rd Soward Mrs. I Park terrace
Luker Henry, Farringdon house Prosser Mrs. Ashburnham lodge, Spencer Charles, St. John's house,
l.IacBride Charles McKenzie, n Bel- London road Cromer road
mont villas Pugh Mrs. Cliff side, The Cliff Spencer Joseph,Montery,St.Vincent rd
MacKenzie Daniel, Stornaway villas, Purvis Harry, Grove ho. West cliff Spencer Col. Thomas Conyer, 8
Heygate avenue Quy Miss, Albert road, York road Prittlewell square
l\IclHashan Mrs. 4 Salisbury terrace, Ram .Arthur, 20 St. John's road Sperling Frederick, 3 The Sheaves,
Milton street Ramuz Frederic Francis, Westholm, St. John's road
McHugo William, I Milton villas, West cliff Squire Fredk.3 Salisbury ter.Milton st
Southchurch road Randall James, I7 Ashburnham road Staff James, 3 .Archdale villas, .Ash-
Mackenzie Daniel, Stornaway villas, Rayner Mrs. Milford lodge, Park rd burnham road
Heygate avenue Reed George, London road Stallibrass Mrs. Snnbury vil.Park ter
::'\Iacnaugbtan Robt. Oak vil. Park cres Reid Charles S. Leemarchie, Park rd Stanton John, 2 Brisbane vils.Leigh rd
Madigan Mrs.Evelyn ho.Low.Southend Revell Richard, 7 Beaconsfield terrace, Starling Mrs. I Clarence vils.Gordon rd
Mannelle George, Chaseley, Park rd Milton street Stears Edwd.4 Clarence vils.Gordon rd
Marsh Mrs. 4 Queen's vils.Queen's rd Richards James, Ella villas, Ash- Steel James, I Carlton ter.Queen's rd
·Marsh Thomas Teader, Avenue road burnham road Steer Mrs. 4 Khartoum vils.Gordon rd
Martin Alfred Jackson A.R.I.B..A. Richmond James, Bruce ho. The Cliffs Stevens Alfred John, 32 St. John's rd
Fairmount, York road Roberts Rev. Arthur Courtenay, Elm Steward James "\Villiam, Princes st
Mason Miss, 4 Alexandra villas villas, Avenue road Stewart Alfred Holt, 28 Alexandra st
~fason Mrs. 24 Scratton road Robinson Cawood, 3 Cliff Park villas Strutt Golden, I Sidney villas, Ash-
Mason Mrs 26 St. John's road Roff William, Io Alexandra terrace burnham road
Mason "\Vm. 7 Park cillas, Park road RoQda Johannes Arien, The Ferns, Sullivan Matthew, Mary's villa, Stan-
::'\Iatthews .Alfred, Holland ho. Hamlet Park road · ley road, Hartington road
:Matthewson Capt. Jas. I7 .Avenue rd Rosewarne ~lrs. 2 Wellington place, Sweeting Mrs. Princes street
Mayes Mrs. 9 Royal terrace Lower Southend Talbot Alfred, Glencairn,St.Vincent rd
Mead Miss, I Kilmarnock villas, Rowe .Arthur, Carlingford, Park road Tapscott John, 7 Cromer road
Southchurch road Rowe Chas. Stoneleigh vil. The Cliffs Taylor Charles, 3 Whitegate
~Iedcalf Daniel, .Ashbury, .A.shbum- Rowell Alfred, 34 St. John's road Taylor Francis John, 29 St. John's rd
ham road Rowley Jasper, Rosebank, Park road Taylor Mrs. Myrtle cot. Cromer road
1.1eggy Mrs. Halstead ho. The Cliffs Roydhouse Thomas, Eton villa, Cam- Templeman Henry, 3 Burnham ter-
Middleton Capt.Jonathan, 2oAvenue rd bridge read race, Clarence street
Middleton Francis, 3 Gordon villas, Royle James, Ellesmere, York road Tennear ~frs. 5 Royal terrace
Gordon road Rugg Robert, 4 Avenue road Tetley Rev.James (Wesleyan),Park rd
l.lill€r Thomas, 5 Carisbrook villas, Ruston Joseph Charles, Brecon, Kil- Thomas Rev . .Alfred (curate of St.
Hamlet road worth avenue, Hastings road John's church), West Hey, Kil-
Mills Mrs. 2 Salisbury ter. Milton st Salmond John, 23 Cambridge terrace worth avenue

Tha11.e George, Dancer, 6 Cromwell p1 Walenn Wm. George, 6 Alexandra viis Whybrow Mrs.2 May vils.The Hamlet
Thompson James, Thornleigh,York rd Walker Alfred,Adelaide cot.London rd Wicks Hy. Marine lodge, West cliff
Thompson John, 2 St. Vincent road Walker John, Oakhurst, York road Wilkins Waiter, 2I Tyler's avenue
Thorn Harry, 3 Sussex terrace Walker William M.A. 2 Warrior sq Willey Frederick, S Avenue road
Thorn James, 8 Runwell terrace Wailer Rev. Alfred (incumbent of St. Wilson Mrs. 4 Langthorne terraee
ThreadgoldMrs.4 Tiptree vils.Cliff twn Paul's church), s Elm ter.Avenue rd Willson William Vincent, I2 Albyn ter
Tilney l\Irs. 3 Elm villas Wallis Mrs. I I Alexandra terrace Winmill HenryWolton,27 St.John's rd
Tolhurst Bernard, 20 Royal terrace W allis Owen, 4 Lorne villas Wins dale Alfred John, 9 Hastings rd
Tomkins Frederick Arthur, 6 Park Walmsley Hy. 8 Elm villas,Avenue rd Wise Wm. Lloyd F.R.G.S., J.P. Glan-
villas, Park road Walton Charles Robert, 3 Beaconsfie1d mvr, The Cliffs
Tracey Edwd. Lily vil. Low.Southend terrace, Milton street Wiseman Mrs. 28 St. John~s road
Trayler William, 29 Scratton road Warburton William, 4 Richmond Withers William, Wrexham, Park st
Trigg James, The Cliff, West cliffs villas, York road Witney James, 4 Queen Anne villa9,
Trigg James Richard, 3 Wilson road Wardell Mrs. I Bexley vils.Hamlet rd Whitegate road
Trimblett William, I Khartoum villas, Warmsley Henry, 8 Elm villas Witney Mrs. ro Park road
Gordon road 1Varmsley Wm. Harman, 6 Avenue rd Wood Frank J. Llanberris, Milton
Trowel! Mrs. 4 Elm villas, Avenue rd Warren Mrs. I Cambridge terrace road, West cliff
Turner Mrs. I Olive ter. TylPr's avn Waters John, Fernside, London road Wood Geo. Ashley vil. Warrior sq
Turner Herbert Rhodes, Katoomba, Waters Samuel, Oakleigh, The Cliffs Wood Richard, I2 Hillcrest road
York road Weaser Wm. Holmleigh, London road Wood ~alter, Rozel, St. Vincent's rd
Tyacke Mrs. Northcliff, York road Webster Wm. Lyndhurst, York road Wood Waiter James, 26 Alexandra st
Tyler Mrs. Tiford ho. Whitegate road Welch John, Ellerslie, Hastings road Woodbridge George, 7 Park terrace
Tyson Ernest, 2 Park terrace West William Morton, Maisonette, Wooder Reuben, 6 Brisbane villas,
Underling Alfred, 34 St. John's road Hastings road Leigh road
Vale Mrs. Napier avenue Whistler William Waiter, Clarence st Woollings Henry, I Trinity avenue,
Valentine James Morrison Hannay, 4 WhiteAlfred,2 Florence vils.Hadley rd West cliff
Marine avenue, West cliff White Hy. Jn. St. Heliers, Warrior sq WooSlllam Charles, Clovelly, South-
Vandervord Emanuel, I Grosvenor pl White Mrs. James, I3 Tyler's avenue church road
Vandervord George, I Canton villas, White Wm. Kildare, The Hamlet Wright Robert, n Elm villas
Heygate avenue Whittle Francis,3Marine avn.West cliff Wyeth l\fiss, 3 West Cliff villas,
Vindervord Miss,Woodroydon,York rd Whitwell William, 2 Kilmarnock villas, West cliff
Waddington Frederick George, Hope Southchurch road Wynne Alfred Hy. 2S St. John's rd
Dene, Ashburnham road Whur Thomas, 6 Carisbrooke villas, Young William, Essex street
Wagstaff Jas. Loughboro' vil.York rd Hamlet road
COMMERCIAL. Bedwell George, boot & shoe maker, I4 Alexandra st
Abbott Brothers, dairymen, s6 High street Bf'eby Frederick John, apartments, I2 Cromwell place
Abrams Charles Bragg, refreshment rms. 27 Marine par Beeson Henry, plumber & glazier, l\filton pi. Cliff town
Absalom Harry, Cornucopia inn, 39 Marine parade Belcham Charles Francis, butcher, 68 High street
Absalom Hy. floating swimming baths, Lower Southend Belcham Edmund J. fa.rmer & dairyman, New l\>filton
Adcock Richard, boot maker, I Lilian ter. Essex street Hall dairy, London road
Aerated Beverage & Buffet Co. I I High street & York Belcham 1Valter Croxon, butcher, S Hamlet road &
house, High street livery stables, Avenue road -'
Ainslie Brothers, butchers, 48 Hi(Th street Bell Kate (Mrs.), boarding house, 5 Alexandra terra~e
Alexandra Home (l\Iiss Minnie Wethers, superintendent), Bellingham David C. dealer in pianofortes &c. I Nelson st
Alexandra road Benaon Edward, tailor, 20 Princes street
Alexandra Yacht Club (Hugh Digby, hon. sec.), Cliff Beney Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Cashiobury ter
Town parade Bennett George, apartments, Napier avenue
Allaway Charles, apartments, I6 Stanley road Berry Christopher, undertaker, 4I Princes street
Alien George, builder, Rochdale, York road Berry George, butcher, I2 Nelson st. & 7 High strert
Alien Joseph, trap owner, Marine parade Berry James, plumber, Hamlet road
Allen Robert Joseph, apartments, IS Brewery road Berry James, book maker, Napier avenue
Alien "\Vm. Hy.surveyor & builder, Parkhurst, London rd Berry .Joseph, builder & contractor, 2 Minnesota villas,
Allison Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Devereaux terrace Gordon road ·
Ansell Emma (Mrs.), apartments, Paragon ho. Avenue rd Berriman Thomas John, Britannia inn, Lower Southend
.4-rmstrong John, butcher, 33 Marine parade Besant Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Capel terrace
Armstrong John James, hair dresser, 72 High street Biddell Eliza (Miss), kindergarten & girls' school, By-
Arthy Alfred Joseph, solicitor & clerk to the borough ford house, York road
magistrates & county magistrates for Rochford divi- Bigsby George, registrar of births, deaths & marriages
sion, Alexandra street for Prittlewell district, Rochford union & collector to
Ash ton Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Cromer road the borough, Park terrace
Atkinson Louisa & Isabelle (Misses), ladies' school, I Bishop William, furnishing warehouse, York road & at
Cliff Park villas, Park road Rochford
Austin Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Scratton road
Blundell Mary Ann (Mrs.), mangling, ss Park street
Aves Rester (Mrs.), apartments, 14 St. Leonard's road
Ayres Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, II Cliff Town parade Badger Ada (Miss), apartments, 5 Alexandra villas
Babbs George Henry, jobbing gardener, Napier avenue Bolden Bertha (Miss), dress maker, 2 Victoria place,
Baker & Wiseman, builders & timber mers. Tyler's aven Lower Southend
Baker Charles, chimney sweeper, 29 Park street Bolton Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Clifton' terrace
Baker George, chimney sweeper, 30 Park street Bolton William, apartments, Cliff Town parade
Baker "\Villiam, dairyman, I Princes street Bonner Arthur, jewellea-, 43 High street
Banks Geo. Hy. apartments, 4 Allandale ter. Brewery rd Boosey Charles, fruiterer & greengrocer, Brewery road
Baratgin Eugene, refreshment rooms, Marine parade & I York road
Barfoot Samuel, apartments, 2 Salisbury ter. Milton st Boosey Elijah, nurseryman & florist, High street &
Barker Henry John, gardener, 8o Park street at Rochford & Eastwood
Barley Laura (Mrs.), apartments, Oxford villa, Gordon rd Borrowdale Henrietta Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Cam-
Barnard Charles William, baker & post office, 43 Park st bridge terrace
Barnetson George, tailor, Park street Bourne Kemsey (Mrs.), apartments, I3 Stanley road
Barrow Joseph, corn chandler, Cliff Town road Bo wmaker Edward J ames, commercial & temperance
:Sartlett Henry, tobacconist, 22 High street hotel, 48 & so Alexandra street. See advert
Bates Arthur Wilfred, restaurant, 2 Grove terrace Bowman William, barge owner, Stanley road
Bates George Henry, furniture remover, Napier avenue Bowser Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, Queen's road
Bat€s Thos. cab propr. Beaconsfield vil. Hartington rd Bradley J ane (Mrs.), general smith, North mews
Baxter Eliza Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 6 York road Bradley William, builder, Gladstone house, Hartington rd
Baxter John, apartments, 6 Olive terrace, Tylers avenue Brand Mark, apartments, 7 Scott's vils. Lower Southend
Baxter Rhoda (~fiss), confectioner & tobacconist, York Brandon John L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. & L.M.Edin. surgeon,
hnn ~P. Hirrh sl l""''t 30 St Leonard's road
Baylis John Barnard, professor of music, Oakleigh villa, Brewer Samuel & Son, butchers, I I Alexandra street
Gordon road Briant Richard, grainer, Gordon road
Bayford Benjamin, apartments, Queen's road Brighten & Lemon, solicitors, 49 Alexandra street
Beatse Mary (Mrs.), apartments, s Scratton road Brighten William Green, solicitor, & commissioner for
Beckwith Robert John, decorator, see Pawley & Beckwith oaths & perpetual commissioner, firm, Brighten &
Brightwell John Rumbelow, linen draper, S High street Lemon
Broadberry Louisa. (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Belmont villas Clothing Stores (George William A!!l:r, manager), 8o
Bromley Benjamin Charles, shopkeeper, 27 Milton street High street
Brooks Charles, master mariner, Clifton cot. Brewery rd Cogill Harry, rerated water manufaclurer, London road
Brooks Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Albert road Oohen Eleanor (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Oxford terrace
Brooks Thomas Henry, boat proprietor, 4 Albert road Cohen Keyna (~1rs. ), apartments, 7 Capel terrace
Brown T. W. & Co. coal merchants, Great Eastern rail- Cohen Morris, t-ailor & outfitter; every article cut &
way station made on the premises; facing L. T. & S. Railway,
Brown Charles Wilham, domestic machine agent, South- Cliff Town road
church road Cole Henry & Oo. general stores, Old road
Brown Henry, jun. London & Commercial hotel, High st Oole Henry, grocer & wine & beer merchant, Lower
Brown John, carman & contractor & goods agent, Rail- Southend road
way station, Tilbury lane & 56 Milton street Oolem<an's Holiday Home for Children (Miss Alice Free-
Browning Alexand1a Thomas, draper, Lower. Southend man, matron), 8 Allandale terrace, Brewery road
Brunt Alfred E. refreshment rooms, 30 Marme parade Collier William Henry, retreshmentt rooms, 29- Marine par
Bugg William, boot & shoe maker, Royal mews, High st Oomber Walter, fancy repos~tory, 76 High street
Bullock Charles "\'V~illiam, tobacconist, 4 High street Oonley Frederick, fruiterer & greengrocer, r Park road
Bullock Joseph, builder, 7 Cotswold terrace, Tylers aven Cook Herbert & Boyland, coal merchants, Rose villa,.
Bullock Zillah (Mrs.), stationer & fancy repos. 2 High st Hartington rood
Burgess Frederick, boot repairer, 23 Milton street Ooombes Henry, plumber & gas fitter, 3 Nelson street,.
Buries & Harris, architects & surveyors, Clarence st Cliff town
Burles David, boarding house, ro, & refreshment house Cooper James, :apartments, 2 Wesley road
& private apartments; home comforts 9, Marine parade Cooper Wm. saddler & harness maker, 2 Clarence street
Burr John William, greengrocer, 4 Hartington road Copley Chas. Thomas, borough surveyor, IO Cromwell pi
Burrows John Henry, printer & publisher, Cliff Town Copping Joseph, bill poster, Lorne oo:t. Alexandra road
road. See advertisement Cornell Eliizabeth (Miss), apartments, 29 High street
Burton's Stores, grocer & provision dealer, & agent for Cotgrove John, fishmonger, 23 Alexand.ra street
W. & A. Gilbey, Limited, wine & spirit merchants, County Court (His Honor William Paterson, judge;
Southchurch road William Gregson, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high
Bussey Alfred Henry, bedding manufacturer, North bailiff)
Cottage villa, Pleasant road Cox Frederick, apartments, 5 Runwell terrace
Butcher Herbert, upholsterer & shopkeeper, 20 Park st Cranmer Frederick, dairyman, 2 .A.rchdale villas, Ash-
Butler Julia (Miss), apartments, 4 Devereux terrace, burnham road
Cliff town Cranmer JQseph & Son, dairymen, 5 Park street
Campkin Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Scratton road Croxford Jane (Mrs.), apartments, ro Prittlewell square
Cannon Frederick, baker, 5 Wellington place, Lower Croxson Edward George, blacksmith & farrier, Lower
Southend Southend
Cant Charles Robert, apartments, 6 Royal terrace Cumcine Frede:nic James, -stationer, bookseller, book-
Carter Annie (Miss), so Princes street binder, die sinker &c. artists' depot, berlin repositol"y~
Carville Robert, house decorator, 36 Stanley road S.P.C.K. & Church depot, Borough bazaar, High street
Cater Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Cashiobury ter Currie JQhn James, hair dresser, 44 High streelt
Cater George, town porter & bath chair proprietor, 1 Curtis James, coach builder, Nelson street (back of)
Cowper villas, Cla.rence road Dale George, plumber & decorator, Lower Southend
Caunter Samuel Valentine, confectioner, 9 High street & Da..!e William (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 St. Leonard'.s road
I8 Alexandra street Darbyshire Henry, apartments, ro Royal terrace
Cause William, farmer & grocer, Prittlewell street Darke Samuel & Son~ builders &c. 54 Alexandra street &.
Catholic Hiqh School (Rev. Mother Superior, principal), Nelson street
St. Mary's Convent, Milton road Davies John William, apartments, 25 Albert road
Cemetery (W. Gregson, clerk to the board), North road Davis George, shopkee:Qer, Hamlet
Chalk Albert, station master, L. T. & S. Railway Davis Sumuel Forbes, apartments, I7 Oambridge terrace
Chambers Sarah Ann (Miss), apartments, 9 Clifton ter Davy Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Cliff T()wn parade
Chaplin Rhoda (Miss), boarding school for girls, West Dawson George Robei't, chemist, 42 High street
Cliff Deeping George Davidson L.R.C.P.Lond., 1\LR.C.S.Eng.,
Chapman Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 39 St. Leonard's rd L.S.A. surgeon, physician & medical officer of health
Chapple Thomas, electrical engineer, Napier avenue for Roc'hford rural sanitary authority, medical officer &
Cheesman Isabella (Miss), ladies' school, 7 Prittlewell sq public vaccinator, Prittlewell 'district, Rochford Union,
Cheesman William, insurance agent, 7 Prittlewell square & certifying surgeon & consulting physician of the
Chignell William Joseph, jun. hosier & outfitter, High st Vidoria Hospital & admiralty surgeon, 8 Royal terrae~
Childs Eliza (Miss), apartmell\ts, & pleasure boat pro- Deglow Julius, hair dresser, Lower Southend
prie~t<Jr, 3 Grove terrace ' Dennes Edgar Thomas Martin, solicitor (firm, Todd,
Childs Elizabeth Kate (Miss), dress maker, 14 Sutton rd Dennes & Lamb)
Childs George, apartments, 5 York road Dennis Henry, Cliff hotel, wine & spirit mer. Hamlet rd
Childs Henry, refreshment rooms, 23 Marine parade Dent Isabella (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Albert road
Childs Thomas, apartments, I I S>ta!rley road Digby Alfred Wyatt, solicitDr & commissioner Ior oaths,
Childs \Vm. Henry, grocer, Alexandra st. & 14 Park st Gordon house, Queen's road
Chrigtey Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 24 S1t. Leon.1rd's roa(l Digby Isaac, 31partments, 9 ScrattDn road
Christey George Alfred, pork butcher, 2o .A.l:>x~~:1dra .?t Dodd Ellen (:~hss), midwife, I I St. John's road
Christian Medical Mission (Jas. Ingram, sec.) Clarence rd Dolphin Charles John, boot maker 18, & umbrella maker
Christmas "William (late foreman to the contractors of I9, Market place & 22 Park street
the commissioners of sewers, Gu.ildhall, London), sani- Douglas Ann (~Irs.), Cricketers' P.H. London road
tary plumber, gas & hot waiter engineer, & decorator, Dowsett Thomas, fancy repository, house agent & iron-
8 Connaught villas, Southchurch road monger, High street & Alexandra street
Church George William, house decorator, 2I Sutton road Dovvsett Thomas, jun. the cheapest house for glass,
Clapperton Margaret (Miss), apartmenrt:s, 2 Prittlewell sq china & earthenware; the trade supplied, 21 Alex-
Clapton Me1thodist Mission Home of Rest (Miss Isabella andrn stree.t
Powell, matrDn), 49 Marine parade Drake Arthur Richard, baker, Summercourt road
Clark William, baker, Albert place, Lower Southend Drew Dansey, grocer & post office, London road
Olark William, marine store dlr. I All en villas, Brewery rd Drury Fanny (Miss), apartments, 2 Camlbridge villas
Clark William, painter, IOO Park street Dulley Joseph, grocer, Higih street, & post office & grocer,
Claydon Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, Io Cliff Town par Brewery road
Claydon 'Valter (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Belmont villas Duke Edvvln George Hide, house, land & estate
Claydon William Herbert, boot & shoe ma. 72 Park Sit .agent, Elm villas, Avenue road; offices, 360 Mare
Clayton William, apartments, I Clift<Jn terrace street, Hackney NE
Olemence Robt. Pier family & commercial hot-el, Grove rd Dulley Jose1Jh Winter, grocer, 70 Park street
Clements Emma (~rs.) & Sheffield Grace (~Iiss ), ladies' Dunnett Albert, saddler & harness ma. 42 Marine parade
day school, Park road Dunnett Fitzwilliam Sparling, watch maker, stationer &i
Clements John, coast guard, I Albrion villas, Brewery rd post office, 38 Marine parade
Clements Mary A. (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Capel terrace, Duprey Frederick, boot maker, 9 Princes street.
Cliff town Durham Elizabeth (~Irs. ), apartments, 5 Prittlewell sq
Cliff Hotel & Livery Stables (Henry Denllli;, pro- Earp Thomas, apartments, 6 Prittlewell square
priet'Or), Hamlet road Ea.stland Richard, cowkeeper, Park road
Clifford Ellen & Emma (Misses), apartments, 7 Bel- Eaton Harry, apartments, I4 Albert road
mont villas Eato 1 Henry, apartments, I4 Scra.tton road
.:Ebbage Henry Edward, chemiSit, 68 Park street Greoee Ro'bert William, boarrljng school for boys, Lindis-
Ebbage William, insurance agent, IO St. Leonard's road farne, Avenue road
.:Edwards .Mice (Mrs.),, 70 High str.eert Gra:ham Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Prittlewell square
.:Edwards Oharles, superintendent of Prudential Insurance Great Eastern Railway refreshment roQIIl.s (H. C.
Co. Park howse, Park road Amendt, manager), G. E. Railway station
.:Edwards William, apartments, 2 Avenue road Green Alice (Miss), dress maker, 5 Wesley rood
:Elam Wil1iam, ironmonger, 57 High street Green & Roberts, greengrocers, 46 High street
Elliott John, baker, 20 High street Gregory Elizabeth {Miss), boarding ho. Bude, Wilson rd
Ellis James, house decoratvr, I9 Lorne villas Gregory Robert, boOt & shoe maker, 7 Nelson terrace
.Ellis Waiter James, printer, 5 Park street Gregson William & Frederic, solicit-ors, Alexandra street
England Frederick, builder, Hastings road Gregson William (firm, Gregson W. & F.), solicitor
.Essex (Irst) Volunteer Artillery, Eastern Division, Royal & town clerk & clerk to the urban sanitary authority,
Artillery (No. I3 battery) (Cap;t. A. E. Baldwin, com- burial board & to the vestry, & registrar of county
mandanlt) court, Alexandra street
":Estate Office (Tarpp & Jones, agents), 9 Cambridge ter Griffin Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 2 ProS>pect terrace,
Etheridge Alice (Miss), aparltments, 2 Lorne villas Lower Sowthend
Eve Charles Henry, watch maker, I2 Alexandra street Grist Thomas, grocer, 6o High street
Evenden Alfred, apartments, I I Royal terrace Groom Joseph Alfred, greengrocer, S.tanley road
Fage Rebecca (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Grosvenor place, Grove Harcourt, apartments, I I Tyler's avenue
Lower Southend Haggar Thomas; fish shop, 41 Marine parade
Faircloth Emma (Miss), dress maker, 22 Scratton road Hake James M.R.C.S. Eng., & L.R.C.P. Lond. surgeon,
.Fairhead William Miles, confectioner, 5 Wellington place, see J ones & Hake
Lower Southend Hales Hannalh ('Mrs.), apartments, Grosvenor house,
Faulknor John, professor of music, 14 Avenue road Southchurch avenue
Faulknor Lizzie (Miss), dress maker~ 14 Avenue road Hammond William, aerated water manufr. London road
Ferarnside Benjamin, professor of music,. I Belmont villas, Hancock Brothers, house furnishers, 45 Alexandra street
Cam bridge road Bar knett Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Pri ttlewell street
"Felton Mmy (Mrs.), dress maker, I7 SUitton road Harling Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Casthiobury terrace
Fenton Frederick, greengrocer, 66 High street Barman Richard, carpenter & paperhanger, 20 Hamlet rd
Fenlton 1-Villiam, jobbing gardener, 1 Grover street, Harrington Arthur Lewis L.D.S., B.Q.S.Irel. dentist &
Tyler's avenue c!hemist, 40 Alexandra street
"Field Andrew Alfred, architect & surveyor, York cham- Harris & Sons, linen drapers, Alexandra street
bers, High street Harris Frederick, cuSit-om house officer, I I Marine parade
Finch Joseph, insurance agent, 22 Sutton road Harris Harrold, architect & surveyor (firm, Buries &
Firm in Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 38a, Marine par Harris ), Clarence srtreet
Flemons William Frederick, draper, The G. V. cash Harris William Henry, apartments, I2 Stanley road
drapery stores, 3 South Church road Harrison James, grocer, 41 Park street
"Fooks George, boatman in charge, Coast Guard station, Harrison Sidney William, dairyman, Queen's rood
16 York terrace, Brewery road Harrod George Fredk. boot maker, 36 Marine parade
.Foot George, grocer, provision & corn dealer & dairy- Hart Charle.s, apartments, 13 St. John's road
man, Scarborough house, Brewery road ; cow sheds & Hart George, gr-ocer, Lower Southend
warehouse, Bea.oh house Har-t Harry George, but-cher, I'8 PleaS/ant road
"Forbes John Edward, apartments, 3 Cliff Town parade, & Harvey Elizabeth (Mrs.), apaiitments & boarding; good
wa.tch maker, Royal Mews, High -street sea view & close to beach, I & 2 Marine villas, Th'3
.Ford George, corn merchant & dairy, Brewery road Hamlet
Ford Samuel, assurance agent, 2 Cambridge villas Harvey Robert, Park hotel, London road
Fordham Henry, apartments, 4 Albyn ter. Queen's road Haward Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Hope Hotel (family
Forrest Rebooca (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Oxford terrace & commercial), Marine parade
Fox l\Iary Ann (Mrs.), aprtmnts. 3 Victoria ter. Park rd Hawtree Samuel, SUIJerintendent of police & inspector of
Francis & S.ons, printers & bookbinders, High street weights & measures under the Sale of Food & Drugs
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot makers, 49 High st A·ct, Animals .A.cts & hackney carriage inspector to the
Freeman Christopher, tailor, I Hart's villas, Park road C-orporation, Alexandra street •
"Freeman John, baker & confectioner, 37 Marine parade Haye Joseph, a-partments, 40 Stanley road
"French Oharles, jobbing gardener, I Albion villas Hayward Sarah Eliza.beth (Miss), ·boarding house, I St.
French William, fruiterer, Marine parade Vincent's road
French William, family miller & corn dealer, Milton st Heath & Sayer, outfitters, 45 High street
Frost William Henry, apavtments, 8 Scratton road Heat{)n Ellen Carr (Mrs.), confectioner, Lower S"outhend
'Galley Elizabe~h (Mrs.), apartments, 2 St. Ann's terrace, Heddle William, linen draper & outfi!tter, 32 & 34 Park st •
Milton street Heigho Daniel, apartments, I I Scratt<Jn road
'Garon H. & Co. butchers, 94 & 96 High street Henbest Harriett (Mrs.), apartmeDJts, 6 Marine Park
Garon & Sons, furnishing ironmongers, 14 Nelson street, Brewery road
& High street Hewi tt & West, apartments, 3 Marine parade
Garon Henry, buJtcher, 92 High street HewitJt Sarah. (Mr.s. ), dress maker, I8 Princes street
·Gayner 1-Villiam, ~s fitter, I9 Pleasant road Hills Mary (Miss), dress maker, I7 Tyler's avenue
Gilbbons Rachel Anne (Miss), apartments, 2 Eagle terrace, Hills Thomas Wm. all kinds of oysters fresh from the
Avenue road beds daily ; orders from one to four dozen sent to any
Gibbs Marie (Mrs.), apartments, IS Weston road part of tlhe lcingdom; New Oyster Stores, opposite the
'Gifford Marie (Mrs.), apartments, 4 St. Leonard's road L. T. & S. Railway, & the little ald established Oyster
Giggins Ohristopher Wm. greengrocer, I9 Alexandra st Stores, 3I High street
Giggins William, fruiterer, Clarence road Hobbiss William Y. architect & surveyor, Essex hall,
'tiiles Ann (Miss), apartments, 15 Tyler's avenue Clarence road
Gillett w. H. & Sons, builders & contrac.tors & sani- Hodgkin William, aJP!lrtments, 20 W eston road
tary engineers ; special attent~on paid to sanitary en- Holding John & Son, builders & contractors, Pri.ttlewell st
gineering, Sutton road Holmes Adolphus, carpenter & builder, 94 Park street
Gilman Ediith (MciJss), dress maker, I3 Scrotion road Honey Ann (M11s.), aiJartments, 7 Marine av. West Cliff
-Ginn ElizaJbeth & J ane (Misses), 1adies' school, Broad- Hooff J ulia ·(Mrs.), ladies' school, Holmwood college,
water house, West cliff Wilson road
IGirling J. & H. wholesale & retail coal, coke & salt mers Hooper Bros. ironmongers, Queen's road
'Glasscoe John, apartments, 26 W eston road Horlock (Mrs.), :ij:oliday Home (Miss Mary King, lady
Godward Thomas, blacksmith, 7 Grosven()r place superintendent}, Southchurch road
•.Going Edward William, oys'ters of all kinds sent to any Ho skins J olb.n, boarding house, Clifton ville, The Hamlet
part of the kingdom; price lists on application; fish- Houghton Charles, fishmonger, 3 Hamlet rood
ing tackle of every description for fresh or salt water Hounsom. Louisa (Mrs.), Minerva inn, Lower Southend
fishing, opposite Royal hotel, High street Howard Francis, baker, 39 High street
·Going James Allerton, oySiter merchant, 53 High street & Howard Joseph Benjamin, cartage agent, Great Eastern
18 & I9 Pier approach Railway Station
Going Reginald Heber, oyster salesman, 48 Pleasant road Hughes David John, grocer & provision merchant &
Goldsworthy Caroline (Miss), shopkpr. Lower Southend apartments ; good sea view ; children boarded, 3 Castle
Uooch Robert, builder, I Gordon villas, Gordon road terrace, Lower Southend
Good Ada. Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Oasthiolbury ter Hu~hes John, seedsman, florist & nurseryman, Oak
<Garse Thomas, apavtments, 6 Cotswold ter, Tyler's av nursery, London road ; Leigh road nursery; High
Gosling Naomi (Mrs.), dress maker, IO Belmont villas ,gtreet & Grea.t Ea~tern Railway sta~ion
Hull James William,. printer, Hereford house Leoni Levi Home (Ragged School Union) (FT.m-enca-
Hunsdon James, confectioner, 38 Alexandra street Sussex, matron), Scots terrace, Lower Souther.1d
Ingram Edward John, aparttnents, 6 Alexandra terrace Lindsell John, coach builder, Leigh road
Ingram Elizabeth (Miss), fancy repos. 47 Alexandra st Lingwood James Samuel, builder, 1 York street, Old
Ingram Thomas "\V. swimming machines proprietor, Southend road
Lower Southend Lingwood John, aprtments, 6 Scott's vils. Lower Southend
International Tea Co. (John Hukhings, man.), High st Lingwood Robert John, tobacconist, 6 Wellington place,.
Irton James, apartments, 20 Marine parade Lower Southend
!S>aac George, grocer, Hartington :road Linsell Lilla & Alice (Misses), confectioners, 33 High st.
Jackaman George, furniture dealer, 86 Park street Little Robert, apartments, I Cromwell place
Jackson & Co. ~lharmaceutical chemists, 46 Marine parade Locatelli Antony, restaurante, 8 Marine parade
Jack son Arthur, plnm ber &c. I6 Alexandra road Lockhart's Cocoa Rooms, 64 High street
Jacobs Frances (.Mrs.), fruiterer, I4 High s.treet Lockyer Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 24 St. John's road
Jager Waiter, private tutor, I3 Park terrace Lodder William Alfred, watch maker, High street
James & Co. photographers, 7 Burnham ter. Clarence st London Boot Repairing Company, boot repairers, Royal
James Abraham, shopkeeper, 33 Col.eman street Mews, High street
Janes Ernest, '()il & color stores, 82 Pleasant road London & County Banking Co. Limited (Sidney Charles
Jarritt Wtilliam L.D.S., U.S.A. dentist, 34 Alexandra st Beecroft, manager), Alexandra street; draw on head
Jepps William Alfred, confectioner, 6 Park street office, 2I Lombard street, London E.C.; sub-branch,
Jrnnings Charles Henry, grocer, Queen's road Rochford, open thursdays
Johnson Kate (Mrs.), apartment.g, 27 Scratton road Lose John, apartments, I3 Weston road
Johnson "\Villiam, painter, 45 Milton road Lott James, sail maker, 5 York terrace, Brewery road
Johnson "\Villiam Edward, plumber, Gloucester terrace, Lowe & Road, furnishing & building ironmongers"
Avenue road kitcheners, ranges, gutters, lead, glass & oil merchants,.
Johnston Annie A,ones (Miss), apartments, 3 Essex ter 92 High street
Joist Edwin George, '<!partments, I4 Marine Park square, J...oyal Cliff Town Lodge, M.U. No. 6,548 (Charles Floyd,
Brewery road sec.), held on every alternate wednesday at 8 p.m. at
Jon~s Arthur, builder, 8 Wesley road the Park Hotel, Park street
Jones & Hake, surgeons, Clarence house, High street Lucking Bros. corn factors ; granaries, near Railway statrr
Jones George Francis M.R.C.S., L.S.A. (firm, Jones & Lucking Edward, corn merchant, Queen's road
Hake), surgeon & medical officer of health, Clarence Lucking John, Insurance agent, 43 Princes street
house, High street Lucking Thos. butcher & greengro. 8 & 9 Grosvenor pl
Jones Henry, stone mason, I Albert road Luker Henry & Co. brewers & wine & spirit merchants,
.Jones Robert Arthur, watch & cloock maker, jeweller, The Brewery, Whitegate road; & at Rayleigh &;
optician ; all kinds of repairs done on the premises, 78 Rochford
High s-treet Lungley William, Sutton Arms P.H. Southchurch road
Jones Thomas, watch repairer, IO Market place McCabe Mary (Mrs.), laundress, I9 Milton street
Jotham Julia Marian & Elizabeth Frances (Misses), ladies' Mclntyre Emma (Mrs.), apartments, I Ethel vils. Park r<l
school, I, 2 & 3 Cashiobury terrace, Cliff town Manley Thomas, Insurance agent, 65 Pleasant road
Judd William Henry, saddler & harness maker, 6 Alex- l\Iann William James, boot maker, Napier avenue
andra street Manning Martha (~rs. ), milliner, 66 Pleasant road
Keen Charles Bernard, station master, G. E. R. station Marguerete Mademoiselle, milliner & juvenile out-
Kebby Wil1iam, carpenter, Devon villa, Pleasant road fitter, ladies' dress caps, '.rhe Pavement, High street
Keer & Co. grocers & agents for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. MarloVV''& Empire Theatre (Frederick Marlow, pro-
wine & spirit merchants, Nelson street, Cliff town prietor), Alexandra street
Kelly Henry James M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Marsh Thos. & Sons, carmen & contractors, I Avenue rd.
Southchurch road Marsh Edwin Payne West, boat builder, Beach
Kelly James, pier master, 5 Belmont villas Marshall Samuel, jobbing gardener, 24 Milton street
Kemp Edward Mortlock, collector of Queen's taxes; Martin .Alfred Jackson A.R.I.B.A. architect & surveyor-
offices, 49 Alexandra street Fairmount, York road
Kempster ·waiter, apartments, I7 Marine parade Martin William, chimney sweep, 6 Lambert street
Kerr John, apar.tments, 7 Clifton terrace Martin William, dairyman, Honor Oak dairy, Ashburn-
Keyes George "\Villiam, butcher, Minerva cottage, Lower ham road ; & at Forest Hill, London
S'()uthend Martin William Alfred, apartments, 4 Scratton road
Keyes William J ames, mmers & forage merchants &c. Mascall J ames, apartments, I7 Scratton road
Steam flour mills, Park street ::\:lason Henry, plasterer & modeller, Scratton road
King Charles, general dealer, 77 Milton street Mason Valentine (from John Brinsmead & Sons), violin"
King Charles Montague ( exors. of), chemist, High st harp, guitar, mandolin & banjo strings, Borough Piano-
King Isaac, grocer, London road forte & Music Stores, 35 Alexandra street
·King ::\Iinnie (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Scratton road Matthews William, Milton Arms P.H. Southchurch road
King Samuel, boot maker, 2 Victoria terrace, Park road May :Frederick William, draper, 8 Woodchurch road
King William, french polisher, 77 Milton street l\Iaycock William, plumber, 2 Burnham ter. Clarence st
Kirby Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Khartoum villas, May J oseph, dairyman, 9 Alexandra street
Gordon road Meades VVilliam Henry, cabinet maker & fruiterer,
Knight George Henry, draper, 3I & 64 Milton road Hamlet road
Krekow J oseph, private hotel, Brewery road :Medcalf Daniel, solicitor, Ashbury, Ashburnham road
Kuleman John Gerard, printer, I3 Brewery road l\Ienson Agnes (l\Irs. ), apartments, 23 Scratton road
Lamart John, apartments, 16 Hastings road Millbank Tamar (Mrs.), laundress, 4 St. John's road
Lamb :M. W. & Son, coal merchants, G. E. Railway statu l\Iillican Cresswell F. ladies' outfitter, millinery & general
Lamb Thomas, solicitor; see Todd, Dennes & Lamb drapery, 42 Alexandra street
Lambert Arthur, boot repairer, 54 Hartington road Mills Thomas & Co. tailors, 2I High street
Lambson J ane (Mrs.), boarding house, 6 Clifton terrace ~Iilton Hall Brick Co. (Thomas Dowsett, managing
Land Company (Boro' & Esplanade Estates) (Frederic director), High street
Ramuz, manager); & at 68 Cheapside, London E.C Minima Yacht Club (Geo. E. Gate, sec.), West cliff
Langmead Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 36 Alexandra street Minton & Coxworthy (Misses), boarding school for girls,
Langton Robert, solicitor, see Wood, Son & Langton Grove house
Lanham Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 28 Princes street Mitchell Annie (Mrs.), apartments, I Scratton road
Laskey l\Iartha (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Marine Park square, Mitchell James, greengrocer, 2 Southchurch :road
Brewery road l\foore Annie (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Hartington road
Lawrence Richard John, boot maker, Kapier avenue l\Ioore Fredck. captain of Lifeboat statn. 20 Hartington rd
Layzell Arthur, greengrocer, Pleasant row, Pleasant road :\Ioore James William, apartments, 5 ::\Iarine parade
Layzell Frederick, earthenware dealer, Gloucester house, Morgan Pluhp Henry, dispensing chemist & mineral
Southchurch road water depot, I ::Kelson terrace
Layzell Waiter, grocer & draper, Southchurch road Morris & Heath, tobacconists & confectioners, 28 Marin&
Lee Susan M. (Mrs.), hair dresser & fancy repository, parade
Xelson street, Cliff town Morris George Ernest, fine art salesman, Thurlow villa ..
Leeks James, picture frame maker, I6 Market place, & Kilworth avenue, Hastings road
Clarence street Morse Ann pliss), shopkeeper, Queen's road
Legett George, apartments, I6 Scratton road Moy Thos. Lim. coal merchants, Railway stations
Lemon Arthur William, solicitor & commissioner for Murphy Frederick, apartments, I4 Stanley road
oaths (firm, Brighten & Lemon) Murrell George, greengrocer, Hartington place, Harting-
Lincoln James Thomas, apartments, 8 Lorne villas ton road
Murrell John, fishmonger, 4 Nelson terrace, Cliffe town Quinton Thomas, apartments, I I York road
Murrell Richard Glass, nurseryman, Lower Southend Radford Thomas, dairyman, 35 Milton road
Murrell William, oyster rooms, 26 :Marine parade Rainer John, watch & clock .maker, I Devonshire villas,
Myall Charles, ·pleasure boat owner, Grove road London road
Myall Mary E. (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Prittlewell square Ralph Thomas John, grocer & wine & spirit merchant,
l.iyall George, apartments & Lloyd's agent, I Marine par Cliff Town road
Myall George, blacksmith, 2 Cowper villas, Clarence rd Ramuz Frederic, manager to the Land Co. West;
Myall <William, Ivy house inn & refreshment rooms, 21 Holm, West cliffs; & at 68 Cheapside, London E C
& 22 Marine parade Randall J ames Thomas, sec. to Gas Co. : residence, 17
Nazareth House, home for the destitute & infirm (lady Kandahar villas, Ashburnham road
superioress, the Rev. Mother), London road Ranger Rufus, dairyman, London road
Nelson Clara (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Essex terrace Raven Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 28 High street
Nicholls Arthur Michael, Railway tavern, Nelson street Ray Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Clifton terrace
Nichols Ell en (Mrs.), lodging· house, 4 Capel terrace Ray Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, I2 Scratton road
Nichols Wm. Thomas, brickmaker, Southend brickfields Ray Wm. poulterer & greengro. 5 Nelson ter. Cliff town
North Thomas, hair dresser, 27 Park street Reed John, shopkeeper, 22 Hamlet road
Oetzmann Mary (Miss), dress maker, 38 Princes street Reed Maria (Mrs.), draper, 2I Pleasant road
Dgden Edwin, prok butcher, 14 Milton street Renall George A. pawnbroker, Cliff Town road
Okins James & Co. fancy drapers & ladies' outfitters, Revell John, luggage porter, 16 Sutton road
all goods marked in plain figures at the lowest London Richards James, journalist, Ashburnham road
prices for cash; opposite L. T. & S. Ry. Cliff Town rd Richardson Frederick, jobbing gardener, 24 Albert road
()lder George Henry, fruiterer, Southchurch road Roberts Maria (Miss), dress & mantle maker, I9 Albert rd
Osborne George, master mariner, Hartington road Robinson Abraham William, bathing machine proprietor,
Osborae Nathan John, coal mer. L. T. & S. Goods yard Beech house, Lower Southend
Oxley Arthur, dairyman, I London ·road Robinson Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Albert road
Dxley James, marine store merchant, St. Helen's road Robinson Jane (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 18 Marine par
Packer Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 6 St. Leonard's road Robinson William, apartments, Grove road
l'age Henry, refreshment rooms, High street (back of) Robinson William, fishmonger, 37 Alexandra street
Page Joseph, bathing machine proprietor, 15 Scott's villas, Robinson Wm. apartments, I Scott's vils. Low. Southend
Lower Southend Roff Edward, boot maker, St. John's road
"Pallister Lavinia (Miss), dress maker, Napier avenue Roff William, firewood dealer, 10 Alexandra terrace
"Palmer Henry, draper, 6 Hamlet road Rogers Lucinda (Mrs.), apartments, I Prittlewell square,
Parish John, photographer, Beaumont terrace Brewery rd Cliff town
.Park John William, middle class school, Institute, Romanis Robert W. Castle Hotel; good accommoda-
Clarence road tion & home comforts for visitors ; Lower Southend
Parsons William, Alexandra hotel, Alexandra street Rose well J ames, greengro. & naturalist, 6 Southchurch rd
"Partridge John, grocer, I6 Alexandra street Rough l'llary & Annie (Misses), children's school, 5
Parry Geo. apart.ments, 2 Scots terrace, Lower Southend Allandale terrace. Brewery road
"Paterson Isabel & Janette (Misses), milliners, High street Rowland Sarah (Mrs.), aprtmts. Ferndale villa, Gordon rd
J>awley & Beckwith, house decorators, Albion house, Royal Hotel Stores (Benj. Thomas, manager.), High st
Brewery road & 21 Princes street Royal Southend Hotel Co. Limited (Benjamin
"Pawley Frederick, house decorator, 17 St. Leonard's road Thomas, manager), facing the sea with extensive
"Payne Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, I8 Cambridge ter frontage, High street
Payne J ames, restaurant, Marine parade Royle J ames, coal merchant, L. T. & S. Ry. goods yard;
"Peachey Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 5 Gloucester ter. private residence & office, Ellesmere, York road
Avenue road Rush Robert, apartments, Rocklands, Royal terrace
""Pearl Robert, apartments, 2 Devereux terrace Rutter Annie (Miss), dress maker, 53 Park street
Pegram Sus an (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Cliff Toww-nn parade Sabine Thomas, sec. Ancient Order of Foresters, Court
Percy Turner (Mrs.), apartments, IO Cambridge terrace Priory (5019), 3 St. Leonard's roa.d
"Perkins Samuel, potato merchant, 20 Albert street St. John's College (J. R. Hemmann & Son, head mas·
"Peters J ames, refreshment rooms, Clarence street ters ), Cliff parade
Peters Samuel John, jun. boat builder & shopkeeper, St. Mary's Convent & Orphanage (lady superioress, thn
Lower Southend Rev. Mother), Milton road
Peters vYilliam Henry, Criterion hotel, I6 Marine parade Saphin Susan (Mrs.), milliner & dress mkr. 4 Brewery rd
Piddington Arthur Herbert, tobacconist & confectioner, Saunders George, oil & color stores, Ashburnhani road
8 Alexandra street Savage Henry, boot maker, High street
Pipe Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Stanley road Saveil Eliza (Miss), dressma. 5 Cotswold ter. Tylers av
Platt Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Ethel vils. Park rd Saxby Sarah ~n (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Gordon villas,
"Plenty Thomas Henry, decorator, 35 Princes street Gordon road
-.Pocklington Mary Ann & Harriet Jane (Misses), stationers, Schmidt Sophie (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Pleasant road
3 Nelson terrace Schofield & Martin, groceTs, & agents f01r W. & A. Gilbey
"Pocklington Richard, coach builder & wheelwright, Limited, wine & spirit merchants, 33 Alexandra st
London road Scotney William Henry, fishmonger, 13 Alxeandra street
Polton John William, horse slaughterer, 2 New Brighton Scott Charles, furniture dealer, 39 Alexandra street ·
terrace, Leigh road Scott Thomas, town porter, 30 Princes street
"Popplewell William, pastry cook, confectioner & baker, Scutter George, dairyman, 9 Southchurch road
8 Nelson terrace, Cliff town Seaside Convalescent Home (Mrs. Elizabeth Shorte1
"Porter Arthur, solicitor, So Park street matron), Alexandra road
'Porter Samuel, dairyman, Dairy house, Lower Southend Secretan Anne (:Mrs.), apartments, I Deveureux terrace
Porter Stephen, fishmonger, 30 & 3I Marine parade Selmer's Coffee Palace (Jas. Mitchell, man.), Cliff Town rd
"Potter \Villiam, market gardener, Pleasant road, Lower Sharland Thomas, draper, 47 Marine parade
Southend Sharp \Vilmer, builder, Clairmont villa, Ashburnham road
"Potton Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Kandahar villas, Ash- Sheen Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Florence place,
burnham road London road
J>otton John, gardener, 22 Pleasant road Shipwrecked Mariners' Society (J. B. Brasier, sec.),
'Pountney & Son, grocers & wine merchants, 2 Nelson Lower Southend
terrace, Cliff town Shepherd Alfred, photographer, I St. John's road
J>ountney John vValter, grocer, 2 Nelson terrace Shorland Alfred, hosier, 52 Alexandra street
J>owell Arthur A. draper, 24 Alexandra terrace Sicely & McKibbin, coal & coke merchants, 2 Armada
'Powers Isabelle (Mrs.), stationer & haberdasher, Park rd villas, Southchurch road
'Fowling William Thomas, bath chair proprietor, 9 Park Simmonds Henry, draper, Hif!h street
street; & confectioner, Cliff Town road Simmons James, bread & biscuit baker, home-made
"Pratt Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Cashiobury ter whoh'-meal bread, St. John's road & Milton road
J>remion Achille Morinde, insurance agt. I 3 Cambridge ter Simons William, baker, High street pavement
J>restwich Elizabeth (Mrs.), boarding house, Bideford, Sing-er Manufacturing Co. (Alvali Hollands, manager),
Wilson road sewing machine makers, 5 Southchurch road
Pritchard James, Middleton family & commercial hotel, Sketcher Benjamin, refreshment rooms, go High street
High street Skilletter Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Burnham terrace,
Pudney William, baker & agent for Daniell & Sons' Clarence street
Breweries Limited of Colchester, London rd. See advert Sky Rose (Mrs.), tobacconist & hair dresser, Cliff Twn. rd
Purkiss Thomas John, decorator, 33 Park street Slee Edwin (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Clifton terrace
Purser Elizh. (Miss), apartments, 2 Capel ter. Cliff town Smee Harry, baker, 2 Park street


Smerdon Alfred, draper &; milliner, High st. pavement T ms Wm. Hy. furniture designer, 26 Cambridge ter

Smith W. H. &; Sons (Alfred \Yalker, clerk), news agents, Todd John Mills Rogers, solicitor (see Todd, Dennes- &;
L. T. &; S. Railway La m b)
Smith Alfred, apartments, 32 Stanley road Tolh urst &; Son, solicitors &; commissioners for oaths,
Smith Edward, apartments, 5 Southchurch avenue High street
Smith Frederick, builder, 3I Princes street Tolh urst Alfred, solicitor, see Tolhurst & Son
• Smith Geo. fly propr. 7 Wellington pl. Lower Southend Tolh urst Bernard \Vilshire, solicitor, see Tolhurst & Son
Smith Henry, florist &; greengrocer, Cliff Town road Tot man Mary (Mrs.), shirt &; collar dresser &; general
Smith Henry Cleveland M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P.Lond. lau ndress, Princes street
D.P.H. surgeon &; hon. surgeon to Victoria hospital, Tracey Robt. boat builder, 67 Pleasant villas, Pleasant rd
Warrior house, \Varrior square Trig g Peter, Foresters' Arms P.H. Lower Southend
Smith Jemima (~Irs.), shopkeeper, Lambert street Trig g Wm. Ship commercial & family hotel, Low.Sthnd
Smith Percy Finn, general &; monumental mason, Great Turn ell Henry, grocer, I8 Hamlet road
Eastern stone depot Turn ell William, oil & colorman, IO Hamlet road
Sneddon Ann (Mrs.), apartments, s Capel terrace Turner Marrilla (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Clifton terrace
South East Essex Permanent Benefit Building Society Twy cross William, grocer, 32 Milton road
(J. T. C. Hemmann, sec.), office, 6I High street Tyde man Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Weston road
Southend-on·Sea Conservative &; Unionist Club Limited Tyle r Charles, baker & corn dealer, 29 Sutton road
(Joseph Foskett, F.S.A.A. sec.&; man.), Clarence street Tyle r Frank, decorator, s 8 High street
Southend Cycling Club (Frank J. Wood, sec.), Alexandra Tyrr ell Henry, carpenter, 10 Hamlet road
hotel, Alexandra street Ulya te John, boot & shoe mkr. 5 Florence pl. London rd
Southend & District Co-operative Society (H. S. Purkiss, Und erwood Arthur, pork butcher, 44 Marine parade
manager), Southchurch road Und erwood Bros. coal &; corn mers. Lower Southend
Southend Echo (Southend Printing & Publishing Co. Unwin Oscar, baker, Milton street
Lim. publishers; published wed. weekly); Clarence Van dervord George & Emmanuel, corn merchants &;
road. See advertisement ea rriers, I Grosvenor place, Lower Southend
Southend Gas Co. (Frank Clark, manager; James T • Vict oria Commercial &; Temperance Hall (Edward James
Randall, sec.) ; office, High street Bo wmaker, proprietor), 48 &; so Alexandra st. See advt
Southend Institute (William Gregson, president; N. J • Vict oria Wine Co. 36 High street
Osborne, sec.), Clarence road . Volunteer Fire Brigade (Harry Garon, capt. ), Market pl

lished thursdays), Alexandra street

Southend Observer (John Taylor, jun. publisher; pub Wad e Ellen (Miss), apartments, s Grosvenor place,
L ower Southend
Southend Printing &; Publishing Co. Lim. (Frederick Wag staff Annie (Miss), dress maker, 26 Milton street
George Matthews, manager), Clarence road Wakeling Emma (Mrs.), Alexandra House P.H. High st

lished thursday & friday), Cliff Town road. See advt

Southend Standard (John H. Burrows, publisher; pub Wa keling Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Grosvenor street,
L ower Southend
Southend Victoria Hospital (Miss Clara L. Gunn, matron) Wal den Thomas, baker, The Hygienic bakery &; res-
Southend Water Works Co. (C. S. Bilham, supt.), 8 ta urant, Southchurch road
Cambridge terrace Wal e Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 26 St. Leonard's road
South Essex Coal Co. coal & manure merchants, L. T. &; Walker &; Sons, brewers, Io Nelson street, Cliff town
S. Ry. goods yard; & at S. Shoe bury Wal ker Job Ebenezer, boot &; shoe dealer, 22 Stanley rd
s·parling Horatlo Osmond, wholesale &; retail pastry• Wal ker Julia (Mrs.), apartments, Athel villa, Kilworth
cook & confectioner, & post office &; agent for Bischof' s a venue, Hastings road
Encore Yeast, Southchurch road Wal ker William, apartments, 27 Cambridge terrace
Wa lker Willlam M.A. boys' school (private); boys
Sparrow, Tufnell &; Co. bankers (chief office, Chelmsford)
s pecially prepared for examinations, Warrior House
(Frederick Cox, manager), High street; draw on Glyn s
Mills, & Co. London ' chool, I &; 2 Warrior square
Spill Laura (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Royal terrace Wal ler Wm. lodging house, I Castle ter. Low. Southend
Wal lis Owen, ironmonger, 47 High street
Spiller Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 22 St. Leonard's road
Wa rd Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Clifton ter
Spraggs Albert Edvvard, marble &; monumenta1 Wa
rd Robert M.D. (B.C.) The Sanatorium, High
mason, 38 Stanley road s treet pavement
Stallibrass Frank, solicitor, 2 Elm villas Wa rdell Frank, apartments, 6 W esley road
Starr-Bowkett Building Society (No. 224) (W. J. Francis, Wa rner John Alfred, apartments, 3 Tip tree villas
sec.), Clarence road Wa rner William Henry, Falcon inn, Lower Southend
Steward Frederick William, butcher, 30 Park street Wa rren Lovell, boot &; shoe mkr. High st. & I I Nelson st
Steward James William, builder &; proprietor of grav el Wa rren Wm. carpntr. &; bldr. 2 Brooklyn vils. Gordon rd
pits, 28 Park street Wa rricker William, coffee tavern, I3 Marine parade
Stewart & Bon Bernard, auctioneers, valuers & land &; Wa shburn Henry, shopkeeper &; cab proprietor, Pleasant
estate agents, 28 Alexandra street r oad, Lower Southend
Stewart Fanny (Mrs.), confectioner, sI High street w aters Avery Clough 1\LB., B.S. surgeon, White gate
Stewart Victor Albert, tobacconist & confctnr. SI High st Wa tkinson Bros. grocers &; farmers, Queen's road
Stillman John, greengrocer, 46 Park street Wa tson Solomon George M.R.C.S. surgeon, York house,
Streeter Joseph, plumber, 4 Cotswell ter. Tyler's avenu e York road
Stuck John, house & estate agent, Fairlight Brewery roa d We bster Joseph, butcher, Cliff Town road
Such Joshua, dairy, Pleasant road, Lower Southend Welch Emily &; Annie (Misses), ladies' school, ~llerslie,
Sweeting Emma (Mrs.), wine, spirit & beer merchant, Hastings road
Queen's road We lls Annie Amanda (:Mrs.), apartments, 3 Runwell ter
Sweetapple Charles R. sewing mach. agent, 24 Park st We lls George Ashley, inland revenue officer, 13 Park
Sykes Sarah Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rooms &; new s t errace, Park road
agent, 74 High street w est Cliff Temperance hotel (Mrs. Jemima Stubbs,
Symington David, tailor &; outfitter I3 Nelson st. Cliff tw n proprietress), West Cliff
Talbot & White, auctioneers, estate agents & sur- w est Henry, wardrobe dealer, Milton house, London rd
veyors, 24 High street w est Thomas, lodging house, I9 Cambridge terrace
'Taylor Blanche (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Hartington road w estward Ho ! Boarding Establishment & Private hotel
Taylor Herbert, butcher, 4 Southchurch road (Mrs. Purdy, proprietress), Cliff Town parade
Taylor John, jun. printer & publisher of the "Southe nd w heeler George, laundry, Brewery rd. Lower Southend
Observer," Alexandra street whellan Thomas, boot repairer, 7 Prittlewell street
Tether Henry, nurseryman, seedsman, florist &; con- white Henry John, architect, see Talbot & White
tractor for all kinds of estate work, Park nu rser Y• w hite Thomas, apartments, 3 BristDl ter. Brewery rd
Avenue road w hitelanbv• .John, house decorator, 6 St. Leonard's road
Thipthorpe Thomas, builder, I8 Lambert street 'hittrick Edward, shoe maker, 9 Hamlet road
Thompson James, apartments, 3I Stanley road
'Thompson John, aquarium collector, 12 York road
whittin{!ham John & Waiter, coach builders, Clarence rd
W'hur Thomas, builder &; carpenter, Hamlet road
Thorby Jn. apartments, 8 Scott's villas, Lower Southend whur Wm. borough inspctr. of nuisances, I9 Marine par
Thorn Harry L.D.S.Edin. dentist, 3 Sussex terrace wiggins Samuel, wardrobe dealer, London road
'Till Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Queen's road Wilkinson Henry, builder, 21 Westley road
Timms John, jobbing tailor, 8 Hamlet road Williams Arthur, tailor, I Marine Park sq. Brewery rd
'Tipping William Henry, bird fancier, 3 Victol'ia piace, Williams John Nelson, insurance agent, 2 .AJ.bert road
Lower Southend Willis James, printer, 1\Iarket place
Todd, Dennes &; Lamb, solicitors &; commissioners fo r Willis John, photograpiher, 24 High street
oaths, Alexandra street Willson Wm. Vincent.!. auctioneer &; nluer, Clarence st
Wilso~ Collingwood, lessee of pleasure ground, .Alice Woods Zillah (Miss), shopkeeper, London road
villa, Brewery road; ground, Lower Southend Woosnam Charles & Son, wine & spirit merchants
Wilson William Ar-thur, bicycle maker, 12 & 13 Market pi .
so High street '
Wing Henry, reliewng officer, 1st division, Roohford Working Men's Club (Thomas Manley, sec.), Brewery rd
union, & wccina·tion officer, sub-district, Grea.t W aker- Worsfield Thomas & Son, wheelwrights, so Milton street
ing, 2 .Albyn terrace, Queen's road Wright & Higgins, architects, 3 Queen Ann villas
Winsiow Edward, apartmervts, 12 Marine parade Wright Mary Ann & Ellen (Misses), apavtanents, 4 •
Wood, Son & Langton, solicitors, Clarence street Royal terrace
Wood Alien R. professor of music, 9 Elms vis. .Avenue rd Wright Edward James, bicycle dealer & repairer, North
Wood Eliza. (Mrs.), apartmnts. 1 York ter. Low.Southend mews, High street
Wood Frank J. auctioneer, surveyor, valuer & land, Wright Edwin Jas. gasfitter, 3 .Albion villas, Brewery rd
house & es-tate agent, 49 Alexandra street Wright Evelyn (Mrs.), apartments, 4. Belmont villas
Wood George (firm, Wood, Son & Langton), solicitor, Wright Grace (Mrs.), apartments, Ci Runwell t-errace
commissioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner, Wright Louisa (Miss), apartments, 4 Cliff Town parade
clerk to the school boards of Southend-on-Sea, East- Wright Robert, stone mason, Nelson mews
wood, Srt:ailllbridge & Wakering, & clerk to the Canew- Wright Robert Henry, grocer, 43 Marine parade
don charities, Clarence street Wright Thomas, maflble mason, Waterloo ho. Brewery rd:
Wood Mary Ann (Mrs.), apar<tments, 31 Pleasant road Wright Thomas Mitchell, stone mason, 1 Hillcrest road
Wood Walil:er Jas. architect & surveyor, 26 .Alexandra rd Wright William Brock, hair dresser, Southchurch road
Woodard & Wood, solicitors; & at Billericay Wrightson George, fishmonger, Park street
Woodhams Francis Edward, builder, contractor & under- Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Mary .Ann
taker, Southchurch road Ash ton, lady supt. ), 3 Alexandra villas
Woodiwiss Abraham, carpenter, 11 Princes street Young Ernest, stationer & news agent, 5 Ia, High str.eet
Woolverton Charles Nicholas, collector of water ra.te, 61 Young J n. nurseryman, High st. & Cliff Town nurseries
Pleasant road Zanchi Peter, refreshment rooms, 7 Marine parade
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brand Frank, cabinet maker, East st Land Company (Coleman Hall
Baker William, East street Bunn Henry, farm bailiff to C. A. estate) (Frederick Ramuz,manager);.
Chandler Rev. John (Baptist), West vil Tabor esq. Earl's hall & at 68 Cheapside, London E C
Cobb Miss, 2 Hill villas, North street Bush Henry Thomas, blacksmith, Milston James,tobacconist,Victoriaavn
Cook George, Bridge house, North st East street Murrell Jane (Miss), shopkpr. East st
Cook Miss, 11 North road Capp George, baker, East street Myall Thomas, painter, North street
Cook Mrs. 1 Hill villas, North street Cemetery (W. Gregson, clerk to the Oliver James, butcher, Victoria avn
Davis Frederick, North road burial board), Southend road Osborne Margaret Ann (Miss), sta-
Dennis Benj. Hatfield ho.Victoria avn Collins Charles William, jun. shop- tioner & newsagent, North street
Dennis Thomas, 12 North road keeper, East street Pledger Phcebe (Mrs.), milk seller,.
Dixon Thomas, The Elms, North road Creswell Sarah (Mrs.), Golden Lion Leigh road
Gadsden Miss, The Elms, North road P.H. North street Price Phcebe (Mrs.), baker, North st
Gossett Daniel Wright, Root's hall, Dawson John, baker, North street Pryke George William, station master
West street Dean Arthur Jas. farmer, Hemstalls Rutter Susannah (Mrs.), Plough inn,
Hadrill Mrs. Lee house, East street Deed James, shoe maker, East street Leigh road ·
Howard Mrs. Sion villa Dent Adam, laundry, Salisbury villa, Sellar Josiah, draper, North street
M'Ewen Lt-Col. R. B. Millfield. West st North road Ship ton John, saddler, & post office,
M'Ewen Maj. J. H. Millfield, West st Douthwaite Robert, umbrella maker, North street
Murphy-Grimshaw William Howard, North street Spendelow John, bricklayer, West st
St. Mary's priory Dowsett Henry, ironmonger & boot Susans George, carpenter & joiner,.
Reay Rev. Thomas Osmotherley M A. maker, North street North street
(rural dean & surrogate), Viearage Dowsett William, boot maker & Thomas William, oil dealer, East st
Spendelow Benj. Bancroft, North !:lt clothier, East street Utton L. & L. (late John Utton),.
Verdon Rev. Bertram Howard (curate Flowers Stephen, apartments, East st brick makers, Great Eastern brick
of Mary the Virgin church),Prittlewl Francis Wm. shopkeeper, North road works
Wade Miss, The Elms Fullford Thomas, dairyman, East st Vandervord Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Wade Mrs. The Elms Gadsden Miriam (Miss),schl.TheEims North street
Webb Charles, West Dene,Victm·m avn Garrard Clara (Miss),dress ma.East st Wade James Potter, grocer, Korth sll
Wailer Frederick, Coleman's Garrard Joseph beer retailer, East st Wade Thomas, draper, North street
Wright Nathaniel Ernest, 2 Jubilee Goodman Jn. pork butcher, North rd Wallis William, grocer, West street ·
villas, North road Greener Henry, carpenter, North road ·ward Hy. Thos. upholsterer, East st
Harris Wm. Geo.boot ma.Eastwick rd Warren William, butcher, North st
Harvey George Arthur, working cut- Webb Chas. grocer & draper, East s'd
Appleby Sutton, Blue Boar commercial Ier, ~orth street White Chas. marine store dlr.North s!
hotel & posting house Howard James Benjamin, carman & White George, baker & draper & out-
Barnard Emma (Mrs.), ironmonger, furniture remover, West street fitter, North street
North street Jackson Samuel, milk seller, North st White Louisa (Mrs.), baker. East st
Bear Thomas, farmer, Hall farm Kilpin Susannah (Mrs.), grcr.North st Willingale Waiter Henry, Spread Eaglo
Bennewith Abram,wheelwrght.East st Knight Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, P.H. North street
Bentall Arthur, jun. farmer,Barland's Vicarage terrace Willis l\Iary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,.
Bentall Jay, farmer, Folly farm Knight James, shopkeeper, East street East street
Bishop John, shopkeeper, North road Louth & Co. grocers, North street Wolf Wm. blacksmith, Victoria avnu
Bragg Tom, carpenter, North street• Lufkin Henry, King's Head P.H
SOUTHMINSTER is a parish and large village, and in 1892 at a cos·t of £2,100, when the portion used by
is the terminus of a branch of the GreaJt Eastern railway the choir was enclosed with screens of oak, a reredos uf
from Woodham Ferris, 10 miles sout'h-ea·st from Maldon, Caen stone and alabaster erected, and a communion
3 north from Burnham and 46 from London, in the table and pulpit provided and the nave reseated: the
South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred south transept is used as a morning chapel, and the
and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county north transept as a vestry and organ chamber: there are
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- sittings for 400 persons : the churchyard was enlarged in
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. A1bans: the village, 1884. The register dates from the year 1702. The
is pleasantly" seated on a peninsula between the rivers living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £3o5, with
Blackwater and Crouch and near the German Ocean, and 13 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
at a very early date, belonged to the Bishops ·of London : Gover11ors of the Oharterhouse, London, and held since
the village is lighted wioth gas, and supplied with water 1891 by the Rev. William Henry Lowder M.A. of St.
from works at .Aisheldham, constructed in 1893. The Edmund Hall, Oxford. Here are Congregational and
church of St. Leonard is a large and ancient building Baptist chapels. A market for stock is held every Tues-
chiefiy in the Perpendicular style, and consisting of day, commencing at 2 p.m. The principal inn is the
apsidal chancel, transepts, clerestoried nave, north porch Rose and Crown. A Reading and News Room was es-tab-
and a lofty embattled western tower, containing a clock lished in 1891, and there are now (1894) 33 members. A
and 6 bells: in the chancel are three ancient brasses, one sum of .£15 yearly, left in 1593 by W.illiam Aylett, of
having a Latin inscription to William Harrys, the other Mayland, is distributed to the poor in bread and fuel.
two are to Edward Bridge esq. ob. 1666 and John King There are also charities arising from the estate of Pete?
gent. olb. 1634: the interior of the church was restored Hackblock for t'he support of the National School; others

for the distribulti(m of brea!l four times in the year io sub-postma9l:er. Letters by mail cart arrive at 6.3.~
poor widows and widower'!, and a small sum for the a..m. delivery commencing at 7; direct mail from Lon-
maintenance of a lying-in charity. The principal land- don, per rail, arrives at 10.45 a.m. delivery commenc-
owners are tl:he Gove:rnors of the Charterhouse, who are ing at 11.15 a.m.; dispatched 11.36 a.m. 6.15 & 7.15
lords of the manor, the trustees of Chelmsford Grammar p.m.; sundays, 6.15 p.m
School, John Page, Charles Page and William Page J.P. Wall Letter Boxes, Station, collections at 10.45 a.m. &
esqrs. The soil is .heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief 6.5 p.m. & Queen's Head P.H. collection at 11.15 a.m.
crops are wheat and barley, the latter being especially & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, 6.30 p.m
fine and some gra'ls land. 'Dhe area is 6,315 acres of National School (mixed), buil-t in 1865, for 256 children;
land and 1,385 of water; rateaJble value, [,7,336; the average l!llttendance, 200; Waiter Jones, master; l\lrs.
-population in 189I was 1,303. Ruffell, infants' mistress
Sexton, Thomas Harvey. Police Station, Geo. Henry Rowberry, sergeant in charge
Post, 'M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity Railway Stallion, William H. Bailey, station master
& Insurance Office (Sub-Office. Letters should be Carriers to Chelmsford. John Hazelton, every tues. &
addressed Southminster S.O. Essex). William Harvey, fri. & Thomas Blowers, tues. & fri
"PlUVATE RESIDENTS. Cooper Elijah, boot & shoe maker Payne & Murton, corn & coal mers
'Bayres Samuel, Station road Cooper Rosetta (Miss), dress maker Payne John Henry, farmer
Coombe Robert Gorton, West house Creasy Samuel, Queen's Head P.H Peacock James William, tailor
Curtis Miss, The Bays Dengie Hundreds Cricket Club (Ernst. Pettifer Edmd. Cleaver, surgeon M.B
Curtis Miss Julia, Randolph villa1s Page, hon. sec) Pipe & Son, drapers & clothiers
{)-ibbons Rev. Wm. (Congregational), Dennish Mary Ann (Mrs.), cooper & Pipe James, shopkeeper
Randolph villas basket maker Pipe John, grocer
Lowder Rev. William Henry M.A. Dennish William Ruffell, cabinet ma Pipe William, beer retailer
Vicarage Dlxey Charles Matson, Rose & Playle Alfred, butcher
1.Iurton Henry, Wellingtons Crown inn; beanfeasts, club parties Preston Waiter Garnham, grocer, &
Page Francis Elvy, New moor &c. catered for; brakes & waggon- agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited,
Page John Charles, Old moor ettes on hire & agent for Luke's ales wine & spirit merchants
"Page William J.P. The Hall & stout Prior John Smith, agent to Sparrow
Page Wm. Herbert, The Hall Dixon Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Co. bankers
Payne John Henry, Northend Downing Alfred, beer retailer Read Charles, relieving officer & col-
Prior John S. The Limes Downing Charles, Greyhound P.H. & lector to the guardians for the
Smith Ernest John, The Caidge butcher Dengie district of the Maldon union
Spells Edward, Victoria lodge Downman Charles Frederick L.R.C.P. Ruffell Edward, plumber
Spells Herbert, Victoria lodge Lond. physician & surgeon, & Ad- Rumsey Joseph & Son, blacksmiths
Stammers Thos. J. Ivy house miralty surgeon & agent Rumsey Mary Ann (Mrs.),apartments,
'J'otham Benjamin, The Laurels Duke Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Station road
COMMERCIAL. Ely William, carriage builder Sadler George, White Hart P.H
Alderton Wm. J. hair dresser English Charles, White Horse P.H Simpson Samuel, beer retailer
Bishop Henry, builder Fisher David, farm bailiff to W. Smith Ernest John, frmr. The Caidge
Bishop Jabez, insurance agt.North st Page esq. J.P Smith Frederick Luckin, grocer
Bishop William, beer retailer Fisk James William, miller (wind) Smith Geo. C. saddler & harness ma
Bishop William Arch, shopkeeper Gale Ernest James, auctioneer Smith Samuel Waiter, saddler & bar-
Blanks Edward, wheelwright Gas Company (William Page J.P. ness maker
Blowers Thomas, carrier chairman; Frank Prior, sec) Southminster Reading & News Room
Bruce Elizabeth Hughes (Mrs.), Gate & Sons, bricklayers (lYalter Jones, hon. sec)
shopkeeper Harvey William & Son, grocers, Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (Jn.
Camping George, cabinet maker Post office Smith Prior, agent); draw on Bar-
Damping Lnther John, farmer Harvey William, registrar of mar- clay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bou-
"Camping Westwood, shopkeeper riages for the Southminster sub- verie & Co. London E G
Camping William, house decorator district of the Maldon union Spells Herbert, florist, nurseryman,
<Cant Waiter, baker Hazelton James, hair dresser market gardener, seedsman; gar-
Carter J ane F. (Mrs.), watch maker Hearn Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper dens planted & laid out by con-
Chaplin James, coliee house Hurrell Clement Henry & William tract; Wycliffe nurseries
Clear A. Ernest, auctioneer Asbey M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgs Spells Mary & Emma Jane (Misses),
'Cola J oseph, boot maker Hurrell Henry (Mrs.), fancy stationer bakers
Cole Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Hymas Wm. J. King's Head P.H Stammers Thomas John, builder, con-
Station road Jones William, draper tractor & undertaker
Coombe Robert Gorton L.R.C.P. Kemp Art~ur S. assistant over~eer Steele Stephen,_ chemist & druggist
Edin. surgeon, & medical officer & Kemp Leshe Ja~es, fr~r. Potters fm Thompson ~aVId, shopkeeper
public vaccinator· for the Southmin- K~mp Fanny (M1ss), private school T?tham Elizabeth & ~o.n, butch~rs
ster district & registrar of births Kuby James George, boot maker Ward James, farm ba1hff to Pnor ~
& deaths for the Southminster Langford J~hn, farmer, Spratts :r'otham
sub-district of the Maldon union & Page FranCis Elvy, frmr. New moor Wilson John, b?ot & s~oe maker
.Admiralty surgeon & agent, West ha Page Wm. Herbert, farmer, The Hall Wyatt Ann (Miss), pnvate school

SPRINGFIELD is a parish lying to the east of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1887 by
Chelmsford and connected with that town by two bridges the Rev. Arthur Cyril Pearson M.A. of Balliol College,
crossing two branches of the navigable river Chelmer ; Oxford. The chapel of ease of the Holy Trinity, at the
it is in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hun- lower end of the parish, was built in 1843, at a cost of
dred, union, petty sessional division and county court nearly £3,ooo, and is a structure of brick in the Norman
district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of style; a new choir, vestry, org-an and pulpit were added
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. This place derives its about 1890: there are 300 sittings. There is a Wesleyan
name from the numerous springs rising in the parish, chapel in Springfield road. There are four ancient alms-
-and up to tlie year 1790 was but a small village of only houses, and 6 others have been erected on the Green,
74 houses, but has now so increased that a new district two erected in I863 and two in 1875, by Robert William
has sprung up, and many fine residences have been built. Peacock esq. and two more in 1879 by her daughters in
The main line of the Great Eastern railway runs through memory of the late Mrs. John Seabrook. The Perry's
tile parish parallel with the Colchester road. The church Field charity of £6 13s. 4d. is distributed in fuel and
of All Saints is a building of rubble and brick, chiefly in £4o yearly, derived from the Church Trust Estate, is
the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel and nave, left for the use and reparation of the church and the
-vestries and an embattled tower containing 6 bells; one surplus, if any, for the use of the poor. A vestry hall
-side of the tower, restored in r885, is thus inscribed: was erected in r873. Her Majesty's prison and the offices
"' Prayse God for all the Good Benefactors, 1586:" the of the county constabulary (particulars of which are
church, which has been restored, contains a fine oak given under Chelmsford) are both in this parish.
screen and a Norman font, and there is a brass with The rector is lord of the manor. Sir Henrv •
effigy of a man in armour, c. 1420: the churchyard, Bouverie Paulet St. John l\Iildmay bart. of Dogmersfield
planted with rose bushes, is beau~ifully kept as a garden. Park, lrinchfield, Rants, and M. B. Peacock esq. are
The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a large landowners. The soil is light; much gravel; sub-
rectory, titlies commuted at £866, with 55 acres of soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, mangold
wurtzel and turnips. The area ~f the parish is 2,898 7 a.m. only. Springfield Hill is the nearest money
acres, of which 1,894 are arable, BoB pasture and qo in order office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
house gardens and roads, and 28 water; rateable value,
£14,378; population in 1891 was 2,636, including 203 in
H.M. Prison. National {mixed), Springfield village, built in r8r3, for
Parish Clerk, vacant. 300 children; av-erage attendance, 155 ; Richard Coward,
1 master; Miss Elizabeth A. Collier & Miss Nellie Korth,
Sub-Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, assistant mistresses; infants' school added in 188o, for
Springfield Hill. Sydney James Gannon, sub-postmas- 6o children; average attendance, 53; Miss Ellen Pratt,
ter. Box cleared at 7·55 & 10.40 a.m. & 1.30, 4.2o, 8 mistress; in 1894 a new class room, two cloak rooms
& 10.20 p.m. Letters delivered through Chelmsford & outbuildings were erected at 8 cost of [,4oo
at 7 & 10.30 a.m. & 3.10 & 5·45 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m. S . h' buil ·
Chelmsford is the nearest telegraph office National Infants', prmgfield Ill, t m r856, for 84
Post & Telegraph Office, Springfield street.-William children; average attendance, 71; Miss Harriet Legge,
Benton, sub-postmaster. Box closes at 1.25, 4.15 & 7·45 mistress
p.m.; sundays, 12.5 p.m. Letters delivered through Carrier to London.-Herbert Markham, from Spring:!ield
Chelmsford at 7 & ro.5o a.m. & p.m.; sunday, road, tues. thurs. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hasler Henry Charles. Lyon terrace Pope Mrs. Upper terrace
Adams Miss, 4 Springf.eld terrace Haward Mrs. Meadow side Quinn John Joseph, 17 Randulph tet
.A.ldham Arthur Thomas, Tower house Hirst John, Prospect terrace Ridley Waiter, Redgates
Alston George, 22 Randulph terrace Holgate Wyndham, Springfield house Russell Mrs. Meadow side
Aubrey George Henry, Springfield vil Houston David Seabrook Misses, Oak lodge
llarnard Mrs. Meadow side Jackson Thomas, Springfield place Sheldon Percy John
Barnes Miss, 21 Randulph terrace Jex Edward, The Dukes Shepherd J. H. (governor of H.:flf
Beaumont Thomas, 7 Garfie1d terrace Jex Ernest Edward, Meadow side prison)
Bedford George Cornell, 2 Garfield ter Langford Mrs. 6 SpringEeld terrace Showers Capt. Edward Maclean (chiet
Bentall Mrs. Prospect terrace Langham Mrs. Springfield hill constable of Essex), Springfield crt
Bolingbroke Geo. John, Lancaster ho Leech Wm. Arthur, Meadow side Smith F. Luckin, Oak Lea
Brunton Sydney Linton, Upper ter Lewis Ernest Edward M.D. Spring- Smithard Edmund George, Lyon ter
Carter Charles, Buckingham villa field road Staines Fredk. William, Chelmer ter
Cooke Chas. Mark, 3 Springfield ter Mann William, 20 Randulph terrace Stainton Francis Charles C.E. Willow
Creasey William Hy. 8 Garfield ter Matson Miss, Meadow side dean
Creasy John Jackson, Faircross . Marriags Wilfred, Springfield hall Straight Arthur Brooks, The Acacias-
Crockford Frederick, The Cottage Molson John Elsdale M.B. Spring- Sutthery Frank Pellatt, Springfield lo
Ellaby Rev. George Alfred B.A. field road Ta~lor John, The Cedars
(curate), Prospect terrace Morison Joseph Ketley, Upper terrace Theobald Fredk. Cecil, 4 Garfield ter-
Feather Wait. Townend, 6 Garfield ter Morton Alfred Reay, Trinity cottage Thorne Cornelius Josiah, 12 Randulplr
Fenner Goulden John, Springfield Mulley Mrs. 2 Springfield terrace terrace
Tyrells Newman Richard Meade, Mount hill Vavasseur Miss, 5 Springfield terracE!"
Gibson Herbert, Springfield Lyons Oliver George Thomas, Lyon terrace Waggett John, r Garfield terrace
Gimson Wm. Douglas, Springfield hill Parchment Mrs. 10 Randulph terrace Westbrook Rev. Francis Stephen M..A.
Granger Edward, The Eaves Pearson Rev. Arthur Cyril M.A. Rec- (chaplain H.M. prison), Chaplain's
Grimwood James, Meadow side tory, Springfield green house
Gripper Joseph Boswells, Springfield Perry Miss, Shrublands White Joseph Henry, Pease's Hall frm
road Pitts Mrs. Copt hall, Springfield rd Wilson Capt. Frank, Meadow side
Harris Francis Eldred Lodge, I I Pledger Joseph, Upper terrace Wood Miss, Randulph terrace·
Randulph terrace

COMMERCIAL. Gannon Percy Malcome, stationer, Springfield hill

Abbott William James, baker, Springfield green Gannon William Edward, machinist, Springfield hill
Barnard Ezra, confectioner, Springfield terrace Gayler Lilly ZMiss), toy dealer, Springfield road
Beadel Ann (Mrs.), furniture dealer, Springfield road Gazzard Waiter, blacksmith, Arbour lane
Beadle John Henry, tailor, Springfield road Gentry Charles Janies, shopkeeper, Springfield hill
Bedford William .Arthur, baker, Springfield road Gimson W:illiam Douglas M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lon<f.
Bedford George, boot & shoe maker, 19 Springfield road surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator, No. 3
Benton '\Villiam, blacksmith, Post office, Springfield street district, Chelmsford union, Springfield hill
Bloomfield William, carpenter & builder, Springfield road Ginn David, fishmonger, Springfield road
Botwright Horace Henry Havelock, boarding & day Goodliff Harry, aerated water manufacturer, St. Ann's ter
school, Park view Guiver Frederick, The Alma P.H. Arbour lane
Brown & Son Limited, coal & timber merchants Hawkins Hannah Mary (Mrs.), plumber, Springfield road
Butcher George, coal dealer, Springfield street Hayward George, whiting maker, The Wharf
Byford J ames, hardware dealer, Springfield road Haycock James, baker, Springfield road
Caton William, shopkeeper, Springfield hill H. M. Prison (J. H. Shepherd, governor; Rev. Francis
Chelmsford Uas Light & Coke Company (Edmund George Stephen Westbrook M.A. chaplain; Rev. Joseph F.
Smithard, engineer & manager; Robert Edward Wack- Padbury, Catholic hon. chaplain; Edward Hunt Carter..
rill, sec.), Springfield road surgeon)
Chelmsford Manure Co. Limited (E. Barrett, secretary), Hide J oseph, shopkeeper, Springfield street
The ·wharf Hughes John, tailor, Springfield road
Clark Henry, shopkeeper, Springfield street Humphreys Arthur Cranmer, taxidermist, 8 Spring-
Coppin & Son, grocers & provision merchants, 27 & 28 field terrace
Springfield road Husk Waiter Alex, Duke's Head P.H. Springfield road
Crook George, Plough P.H. Springfield street King Alphonso James, beer retailer, Randulph terrace
County Constabulary of Essex (Capt. Edward Maclean Langston William, White Hart P.H
Showers, chief constable ; Raglan Somerset, deputy Lewis & Molson, surgeons, Springfield road
chief constable; William Paterson, supt. & chief clerk), Ling George B. corn, seed & oil cake merchant, Spring-
Springfield court field mill ; & at Chelmsford
Darby Charles Daniel, grocer & tea dealer, wine, pro- Ma.rkham Herbert, carrier, Springfield road
vision, hop & corn merchant, flour factor, grocers' & Marriage Frederic, miller (water) & farmer, Barnes farm
g"neral trades valuer, agent for the Great Northern Life Marriage Wilfred, farmer, Springfield hall
&;, Fire Insurance Co. 18 Springfield road, Chelmsford Maroar Samuel, lock keeper, Sandford lock
Davis George, Tulip P.H. Church lane Molson John Elsdale M.B. surgeon, see Lewis & Molson
Di~charged Prisoners' Aid Society (John Hirst, secretary), Murrell Mary Ann (Mrs.), Three Cups P.H. Springfield rd
H. :M. Prison Murrell William Augus~us, assistant overseer & vestry
Dodd George, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Springfield st clerk, Springfield road
Dorrington Alfred, shoe maker, Arbour lane Nice Harry, baker, Springfield hill ·
Drake William, boot & shoe maker, Springfield street Paterson William, superintendent & chief clerk of Essex
Eve 'Valter, beer retailer, The Wharf constabulary, Springfield court
Fennell William Henry, shopkeeper, Church lane Peatfield Thomas, miller (wind), Pease Hall mill
Fenner Goulden John, cattle dealer, Springfield Tyrells Pledger Adolphus, farmer, Nabbotts
Gannon Sydney James, watch maker, Post office, Pledger Silas, farmer, Old lodge
Springfield hill Porter Henry, shopkeeper, Randulph terrace
Praill William Henry, grocer, Arbour lane Steward Edward James, farmer,- Horne farm
Reeve James Stacey, linen draper, Springfield road Timson William Henry, painter, Springfield street
Reynolds Thomas, butcher, Springfield bill Ward William, greengrocer, Church lane

Richardson Charles, boot maker, Springfield road Webb Charles Harvey, beer retailer, Springfield hill
Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters Wells & Perry, jun. lime burners & coal merchants,
Seabrook William, seed grower, The Bungalow Springfield wharf
Smee Jonathan Alfred, Two Brewers P.H. Springfield rd Wenden Christopher John, butcher, Springfield road
Smith Joseph & James Christy, millers (water & steam) ""'lUte Charles Varchill, superintendent of agents Pru-
& farmers, Sandford mill dential Assurance Co. Limited, Springfield road
Smith Henry, tailor, 19 Randulph terrace White Josepli Henry, farmer & landowner, Pease Hall frm
Smith Isaac Cadman, sanitary engineer & surveyor to the White Waiter, fruiterer, Springfield road
Chelmsford rural sanitary authority, Upper terrace Wilkin Cornelius, farmer, Lone barn
Smith John, tinman & brazier, Springfield hill Willsher Henry, beer retailer, Springfield street
Somerset Raglan, deputy chief constable, Springfield crt Wray .Jarnes Hanley. stone & marble works & slate
Stainton Francis Charles C. E. civil engineer, Willow Dean slab merchant, Springfield road
STAMBOURNE is a village and parish a little to the Jones M.A. of the University of Oxford. Here is a Con-
south of the road from Colchest~r to Cambridge, 3 miles gregational chapel, of which the late Rev. James Spur-
west from Yeldham station on the Colne Valley railway, geon (grandfather of the late Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, of
7 south-east from Haverhill and 10 north-west from London) was for many years pastor. There is a charity
Halstead, in the Northern division of the county, left by David Playl, consisting of two parish cottages, the
Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty sessional rents of which are devoted to the poor. Lewis Fry esq.
division, Halstead union and county district and of Goldney house, Clifton, Bristol, is lord of the manor
in the rural deanery of Y eldham, archdeaconry of and principal landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil,
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church blue clay; chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans.
of St. Peter is an edifice of stone, in the Early The area is 1,gro acres; rateable value, {,1,605; popu-
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, lation in 1891 was 438.
south porch and a massive embattled western tower of STAMBOURNE GREEN, 1! mile south-west and
Norman date containing a clock and 5 bells, one of which WESLEY END, half a mile north, are hamlets of this
is inscribed " Sancte Thoma, ora pro nobis :" the tower parish.
had been pierced with loopholes for defensive purposes,
but these are now filled with plaster: the stained east Post Office.-George Chatters, sub-postmaster. Letters.
window exhibits the arms of the MacWilliam family, who delivered at 8.30 & 4 p.m. ; despatched 4 p.m. ; sun-
once resided in this parish; in the chancel is an inscribed days, 10.45 a.m. Letters are received through Hal--
stone to Col. John Fairwell, deputy-governor of the Tower stead. The nearest money order offices are at Steeple
of London under William Ill. who died at Stambourne, Bumpstead & Great Yeldham & telegraph office is at
I4 July, 1710: there are 200 sittings. The register dates Birdbrook railway station
from 1559 and is in good condition. The living is a Wall Letter Box, Dyer's end, cleared 4·35 n.m.; sunday~
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £375, gxoss yearly 10.45 a.m
value £425, net £r8o, with residence and 24 acres of National School (mixed), built in 1861, for So children;
glebe, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy of average attendance, 53 ; Miss Sarah Garnham, mistress
Lancaster, and held since 1889 by the Rev. David Rice· Carrier to Haverhill. Samuel Hardy, mon. wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. auctioneers' porter &c.; furniture Ruffle Jeffrey, farmer, Green
Houchin Rev. Jn. C. (Congregational) repaired & upholstered Ruffle Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), farmer,
Rice-Jones Rev. David M.A. Rectory Hardy Joseph, shopkeeper, Dyers' end Church farm
Hardy Samuel, carrier & shoe repairer Smee John, shoe repairer & shopkeepr
COMMERCIAL. Jarvis Joseph Choat, baker & grocer Smith William, farmer, Green &
Basham George, farm bailiff to Mr. Lewsey Edward, farmer, Great Nortn New house
Smoothy Martin William, blacksmith Stewart Robert Alexander, farmer,
Bedford Robert Henry, Red Lion P.H. Mickley Almon, shopkeeper, Dyers'end Great Tagley
& farmer Mitson James, farmer Unwin Daniel, farmer & miller (wind)
Banner John Thomas, Butcher's Pringle Charles & Katherine (Mrs.), Unwin Joseph, farmer, Hill
.Arms P.H.; carpenter, joiner, farmers, Great Norton Willett John, farmer, The Hall
undertaker, painter, paperhanger, Pyman George, farmer
GREAT STAMBRIDGE, or Much Stambridge £,310, with residence and 22 acres of glebe, in the gift
(.A.S. stan, a stone), receives its adjunct from a bridge for the next presentation of the Governors of the Charter-
over the Broomhill or Roche river : it is a village and house, London, and then the Lord Chancellor; after that
parish, 2 miles north-east from Rochford station on the the Governors take the 3rd, 4th and 5th turns, but the
Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 43 miles 6th turn and every 4th turn following will again fall to
from London, 5~ north from Southend and 13 south from the Lord Chancellor: the living has been held since 1879
Maldon, in the South Eastern division of the county, by the Rev. George Wilson Keightley M.A. of Pembroke
Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, College, Oxford, who built the rectory house in 1881. There
Southend county cou.rt district, and in the rural deanery is a clubroom with four acres of land attached; the room
of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. has been furnished by the governors of the Charterhouse
Albans. In 1888, under the provisions of the Union of and the ground laid out as a recreation ground for Great
Benefices Act, confirmed by Order in Council, 19 March, and Little Stambridge. The Governors of the Charter~
I 88g, this parish was united, for ecclesiastical purposes house are lords of the manor and own part of the land.
only, to that of Little Stambridge. The church of St. Miss Mary Blanche Leigh, of Woodchester Park, Glouces-
Mary the Virgin and All Saints, situated near the high ter, is lady and owner of the manor of Barton Hall,
road between Great and Little Stambridg~. is a building otherwise Breton Hall as well as of Hempton Barns,
of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and a Biggins, Motts and Springs. J. F. T. Wiseman esq. is
western tower with low wooden spire containing on~ bell: owner of Biggins, and Zachary Pettitt esq. of Canewdon,
the tower, built of clunch, dates from the reign of of Old and New Pool, in Wallasea Island. The soil is heavy
Edward III. ; its west window is Perpendicular : the loam ; subsoil, gravel and clay. The crops are general.
walls of the original structure, assumed to be Saxon, The area is 2,593 acres of land and 244 water; rateable
constructed of Kentish rag, still exist on the north side value, [,2,624; the population in 1891 was 334, including
to a height of about 10 feet from the ground: the upper 12 in that part of Wallasea belonging to Great Stam-
and later portion retains the r~mains of Norman lights: bridge. There are 6o acres of oyster layings.
the church was restored in 1881 when new high-pitched Sexton, William Marven.
roofs were put on the nave and chancel, the arcade of the
south aisle rebuilt, the pavement relaid and carved oak A School Board of 7 members was formed 27 Feb. 1874,
benches, executed at Bruges, erected, together with a for the united district of Great & Little Stambridge,
pulpit, reading and prayer desks : in the so_uth aisle a with Canewdon made contributory at the same date,
memorial window was inserted to the rector's son; a sending 2 members; George Wood, Rochford, clerk t()
vestry was added on the north side and the chancel walls the Board; C. E. Judd, attendance officer, Rayleigh
buttressed in 188r. The registers date from 1559. The Board School (mix~d), now (1894) being enlarged for 130
living is a rectory, with that of Little Stambridge an- children; average attendance, 92; Miss Eliza Hob bey,
nexed in 1889, average tithe rent-charge £537• net value mistress


Post Office.-William Joseph Cottis, sub-postmaster. p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
Letters from Chelmsford through Rochford S.O. arrive Rochford. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
at 7 a.m. Box cleared at 4.30 p.m. ; on sundays, 12.20
Keightley Rev. George Wilson M.A. Boosey Eleanor (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H Thorogood John, bailiff to A. M.
Rectory Bright Charles, farmer, Stewart's fm Rankin esq
Rankin Alfred Mottram, Broomhills Cottis William Joseph, baker, Post off Weavis Wm. beer retailer, The Gore
Wiseman Miss Hedgley John, shopkeeper Wiseman Alfred (Mrs.), farmer,
COMMEBCIAL. Parsons Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper Finch's farm
Bacon Harry James, coachbuilder & Roach River Oyster Fishery Co. Lim Wiseman Charles, farmer, Barton hall
agricultural implement agent & Thorne J ames, machine owner & & Biggins
machinist, The Gore machinist
LITTLE STAMBRIDGE is a village and parish, age as Great Stam~ridge (which see), and held since
in the South Eastern divisiom. of the county, Rochford 1888 by the Rev. George Wilson Keightley M.A. of
petty sessional division, hundred and union, Southend Pembroke College, Oxford. Here are the extensive
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Canew- flour mills and wharf of Messrs. Rankin, including steam
don, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. mill built in 1869, at an expense of between £s,ooo and
In 1888 the parishes of Great and Little Stambridge £6,ooo, on the banks of the river Roche, which is navi·
were ecclesiastically united under the Union of Bene- gab!e up to the mills. James Tabor esq. J.P. of New
fices Act, and the union was confirmed by Order in Hall, Sutton, is lord of the manor and principal land-
Council, March 19, 1889. The church of St. Mary, a owner. The soil is clay and marl; subsoil, clay. The
small edifice of brick and rubble stone, was removed chief crops are wheat, barley, peas, beans and potatoes.
under a faculty shortly after the union of the benefice The area is 6oo acres; rateable value, £1,151; the
with Great Stambridge as no longer necessary; such popu~ation in 1891 was 142.
portions as were of any use were given for incorporation Pillar Letter Box cleared at 4.30. Letters through
iP. the mission chapel of the Church of England at Rochford S.O. which is the nearest money order &
Southend. The register dates from the year 1659. telegraph office, arrive at 7 a.m
The living is a rectory, united in 1889 to that of Great This parish is included in Great & Little Stambridge
Stambridge, average tithe rent-charge £142, net yearly United School Board district. The children attend
value £86, with 34 acres of glebe, is in the same patron- the board school in Great Stambridge
Neale Thompson, White house Rankin Alfred Mottram & Hugh, Reeve John Robert, farmer, Coombs
Rankin Harold, Mill house millers (steam & water) & coal mer- Stillman William, Cherry Tree inn
Cowling John, barge owner chants, Stambridge steam roller Watkinson James, dairy farmer
flour mills ·
STANFORD-LE-HOPE is a village and parish, the church was thoroughly restored in 1877·8, at a cost
on Mucking Creek, near Hope Reach, on the Thames, of more than £3,000, of which about £1,ooo was con·
with a station on the London, Tilbury and Southend tributed by the rector: this work included the re-
railway, which has a branch here to Thames Haven newal of the nave and chancel roofs, re-flooring the
for catee, and is 6 miles north-east from Tilbury Fort, nave and aisles, the raising- of the tower 20 feet and
6 north-east from Grays, 16 south-east from Romford the erection of five new stained windows: during the
and 29 from London. The parish is in the South restoration a curious fresco was uncovered, conjectured
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, to represent "Jacob's Dream:" the church was re-
Orsett union and petty sessional division, Brentwood opened April 29, 1878, by the Bishop of St. Albans:
county court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, the pinnacles on the tower were renewed in 1884, and
rtrchdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The the whole cost has amounted to £3,000. Vestries and
church of St. Margaret, standing on a rising ground, a lych gate were erected in 1891. The register of
is a building of stone in the Norman, Early Engfish baptisms and burials dates from 168o; marriages, 1688.
and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £639,
south porch, each with an eastern chapel or chantry, net yearly va!ue £6o8, with 28 acres ,of glebe and resi-
and an embattled tower with pinnacles, on the north deuce, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1892 by
Bide, containing a modern c:ock and 6 bells, hung in the Rev. John Edmund Sedgwick M.A. of St. Edmund
r884 in place of 5 others, dating from 1694 to 1703: Hall, Oxford and of the University of the Cape of Good
the chancel is a fine specimen of the Decorated period Hope. The Wesleyan chapel here was erected in 1869
of Edward Ill. and retains three sedilia and a piscina: and that belonging to the Peculiar People in 1870;
a very fine arch, partly filled with excellent oak screen the Salvation Army hold services in a cottage. The
work, opens into the north chapel: in a niche in the Working Men's Club has a reading room in which
north wall of the chancel, beneath a crocketed ogee cla.sserSI for technical instruction are held. Several
arch, is an altar-tomb of Perpendicular date, which has charities, amounting to £13, are distributed yearly,
formel'ly borne a brass effigy and inscription, now lost : partly in fuel and bread and are otherwise appropriated
the nave is separated from the aisles by arcades of to school purposes. John Scratton esq. who is lord of
Early English and Decorated work and the south aisle the manor, the trustees of the Mashiter family, John
has a panelled roof of massive oak and a door of like George Eve esq. and the trustees of the late William
character : the south chapel, inclosed by a strong and Wilson are the principal landowners. The soil is light
high latticed gate, is appendant to the manor of Has- and heavy;· subsoil, gravel and sand. The chief crops are
singbrook; at its eastern end is a corbel of the ancient wheat, strawberries and beans. The area is 2,384
altar stone and a plain piscina: the basement of the acres of land, much of which is marsh, and 683 acres
tower was formerly a chantry, and the brackets sup- of water; rateable value, £5,567; the population in
parting its altar remain: the font, restored in 1878, 1891 was 1,093.
is an exceedingly beautiful design of Early English Parish Clerk, William Bearman.
date, much mutilated, as is also its ancient oaken Post, M. 0., T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, Annuity
csnopy: the south chapel is crowded with the monu- & Insurance Office & for sa!e of Stamps & Licenses
ments of the Fetherstons, from 1690 to 1774 and of (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added).
their successors, the Scrattons, to 1841: on the east -John Green, postmaster. Letters delivered at 8
wall of the chancel is a memorial to Richard Champion a.m.; dispatched 11.50 a.m. & 7·35 p.m. Sunday
Psq. ob. 1599, and an inscription slab to Thomas Alleyn delivery, 8 a.m. & dispatch 7·35 p.m
S. T.P. a former rector, ob. 1677: in the north aisle National School (mixed & infants), built in 1840, en-
wa ~ buried, Dec. II, 1721, J acob Rousignac M.A. and larged in 1875, & again in 1894, for 300 children;
in 1718, his wife Mag-dalen: outside the west wall of average attendance, 150 boys & g-irls & 70 infants;
the chp.rch is an elaborately-decorated tomb, with a William Henry Parren, master; Miss Alice Ashman,
canopied slab affixed to the wall, inscribed to James infants' mistress
Adams esq. of New Jenkins, who died 9 Oct. 1765: Railway Station, Waiter Wallace, station master
Fish Lady, Stanford villa, Southend rd Blyth Thomas, farmer Cook Andrew, painter
Clark Miss Boorman Charles Spencer, miller Cooke George William, bricklayer,
Hope G. Fountaine H. Bungalow (steam) & baker Victoria road
John Brand John,

grocer Cowell Samuel, blacksmith & iron-
:Mercy Arthur Wyatt Brand Lew1s, carpenter monger
Sedgwick Rev. John Edmund M.A. Butcher George, bricklayer Cushion Sherwood, chemist & fancy
RPctory Butcher Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, repository
COMMEBCIAL. Victoria road Daldy & Co. coal merchants, Railway
Bewers Patrick Green, butcher Butcher Herbert, bricklayer station
niyth & Squier, brewers Carnell Henry, £sh dealer Deed William, carpenter, Victoria road
Dent Thomas, jun. butcher Mayes John, farm~r &; landowner Reading Room & Working Men's Club
Ellis Ambrose, barge owner :'.Iercer Arthur Wyatt, surgeon, .Ad- (John G. Hinnell, sec)
Emeney William Joseph, watch maker miralty surgeon & agent, & cert1- Rolfe IEaac John, nurseryman, florist
Evans & Co. grocers & drapers fying factory surgn. medical officer & fruit grower
Fitch George, beer retailer & public vaccinator for the Stanford- Smith George, shopkeeper
Frostick Charlotte Emily (Mrs.), le-Hope district of Orsett union Smith Percy H. farmer
grocer & baker Miners (The) Safety Explosives Co. Squier & Hinnell, machinists
Frostick Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer & Limited (Henry Wilcox, manager), Stanford Henry Charles, saddler &
draper manufacturers of blasting explosives harness maker, fur:irishing iron-
Gentry John, carpenter Nash Frederick, sh?e maker, shop- monger & upholsterer, Victoria rd
Green John, clothier, draper, grocer, keeper & beer retailer Sullings Thomas, builder & undertkr
& Post office Nash William, shoe maker Tompkins Edwin Osborne, farmer
Hunting Horace, plumber Parren William Henry, schoolmaster Tracy James Matthews, farmer
London & Thames Haven Petroleum Pease John, King's Head P.H 'Vackrell John, shoe maker
Co. Limited (Richard Easterbrook, Phillips James, grocer, Victoria road Wallace Waiter, station master
supt. ), petroleum importers Pipe Emma (Mrs.), Railway tavern Wright William, butcher
STANFORD RIVERS is supposed to have derived gational chapel. The Ongar union workhouse is in this
its name from a stony ford through the river Roding; parish. A charity of £400 left by Mary Rayner in
the addition, "Rivers," being derived from the family 1871 is invested in India 5 per Cents, and the interest
of that name who resided here in 1213; it is a widely is annually distributed in c~othing to the poor of the
scattered parish, om. the London road, 3 miles south- parish. The principal landowners are Sir Cecil Clementi
west from Ongar station of a branch of the Great East- Smitli G.C.M.G. who is lord of the manor, Capt. Geo.
ern railway, 7 south-east from Epping and 19 from Edward Capel Cure, of 20 Eaton square, London S W
London, in the Western division of the county, Ongar j and Thomas Wilson esq. The soil is clay or heavy
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Brentwood · loam; subsoil, c!ay, gravel or sand. The chief crops
county court district, rural deanery of "Lambourne, are wheat, barlev, beans &c. The area is 4,402 acres
archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. The of 1and and 12 water; rateable value, £4,809; the
church of St. Margaret is a plain building of stone, 1 ponulation in 1891 was 982, including 140 officers and
chiefly in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, inmates in Ongar workhouse.
nave, and a western tower of wood, with spire, and LITTLEBURY is 1 mile east from the church. TOOT
containing 2 bells : in the south wall of the nave is a HILL is z miles north-west.
brass, with kneeling figures of a lady and six chil- Parish Clerk, James Woolmore.
dren and an inscription to "Anne Napper, late the Post Office. Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson, sub-post-
wife of William Napper, gent. and daughter of William mistress. Letters from Romford arrive at 8 a.m.;
Shelton esq. ob. 1584 :" in the chancel is another brass, de:ivered at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5·55 p.m.
t.o "Catherine Mvlcaster, wife of Charles Mv:caster," Passingham Bridge is the nearest money order office
to whom she was married so years, ob. 1609: there is & Chipping Ongar the nearest telegraph office. Postal
also a brass with effigy to Thomas Greville, infant, orders are issued here, but not paid
ob. 1492, another to Robert Barrow esq. ob. 1503; Post Office, Toot HilL-Frank Herbert Garrett, sub-
and figures of a man in armour and his wife, c. 1540: postmaster. Letters arrive from Ongar S.O. at 7.15
the Petres were formerly large proprietors here, and a.m.; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money
there are many flat stones in the chancel inscribed to order & telegraph office is at Ongar
members of this family: several members of the Stuart Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sun-
family, Earls and Marquises of Bute, were buried here, days, at 10,5 a.m
but with the exception of two they have been removed Chipping Ongar Union Workhouse, Rev. Samuel Goode
to Roath in Gla~~rga!lshire. The registe~ dates from the Hore of Navestock, chaplain; Matthew Henry Grattan
year 1538. The hvmg IS a rectory, average tithe rent-charge L.R.C.P. Irel. medical officer; Robert Wil:iam Low,
£776, net yearly value £616, with 52 acres of glebe and master; Mrs. Ellen Low, matron
residence, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy of National School (mixed), built in 1850, for 190 chil-
Lancaster, and held since 1868 by the Rev. Robert Rol- dren; average attendance, q6; Henry Newmarch,
leston B. A. of University College, Oxford. Here is a Congre- master; Mrs. Jane Newmarch, mistress
Barnett Col. Charles, St. John Freeman John S. jun. farmer & cattle !Read William, shoe maker, Toot Hill
Low Francis George Robert, Stan- dealer, The Lawns & Traceys Richardson Richard, poultry dealer
ford house Lane George, shopkeeper Sawkins George, shopkeeper, TootHill
Rolleston Rev. Robert B.A. Rectory McConnell Primrose, farmer, Ongar Smith Peter, farmer, Steers & Does
COMMERCIAL. Park hall Staines Stephen, wheelwght. TootHill
Betts William, shopkeeper l\Iillbank Charles Alfred, farmer, Bur- Surridge Daniel; miller (wind), Toot
Brown Joseph, blacksmith rows & Clark's farms, Toot Hill Hill mill
Christy David, farmr. Stanford Rivers ~Iillbank William Appleby, Widows Tanner Jane (Mrs.), White Bear P.H
hall farm, Toot Hill Thompson Theodore,registrar of births
Cottee William, boot & shoe maker ~Iugleston Robt. B. farmer, Littlebury & deaths & relieving & vaccination
Crouch James, farmer, Freeman's fm Mumford John, farmer, Toot Hill officer for Chipping Ongar sub-dist
Downham Joseph, boot & shoe maker Murton Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer Tucker James, hay carter
Edwards Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Owers Charles, Green Man P.H. & Waltham Richard, farmer, l\Iitchell's
Freeman & Palmer, farmers, Toot hill baker, Toot Hill farm
Freeman J'ohn, cattle dealer & farmer, Palmer James, farmer, Bridge farm Westwood ·wm. carpenter, Toot Hill
Murrell's farm Plummer Julian, farmer, Toot Hill White Ellen (Miss), farmer, Ber-
Hartgrove Danl. poultry dlr. Toot Hill Piggott Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr wick farm
STANSTED MOUNTFITCHET is a village and is an inscription to Robert de Bokkyngg, first vicar of
parish, on the Roman and modern high road from this church, ob. Sept. 22, 1361; and against the south
London to Cambridge, and close to the river Stort, on wall of the chancel is a fine marble monument, under a
a tributary of which it stands, and has a station on highly decorated arch, to Sir Thomas ~Iiddleton kt.
the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles with his recumbent effigy clad in plate armour fastened
north from Bishop's StortfOTd 3Jld 33~ from London, with gilt studs and covered with a red robe trimmed
in the Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hun- with fur, but the inscription is nearly illegible: there
dred, Bishop's Stortford union and county court dis- is also a monument to his wife, Lady :\Iiddleton, who
trict, Walden petty sessional division, rural deanery of was killed by a stag in Stansted Park, with a simi:ar
:Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. recumbent effigy: under a large pointed arch in the
.Albans. The parish is one of the largest in Essex and north aisle of the chancel, is the figure in stone of a
is computed to be nearly 40 miles in circumference. mailed knight, cross-legged, with his feet upon a couchant
The village, one side of which is in the hamlet of Ben- lion and two angels supporting his helmeted head:
field, consists of two streets, and is partillily lighted the church was restored and enlarged in 1888 by sub-
with gas. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large scription at a coost of £s,ooo, and has 6oo sittings.
structure of flint with stone dressings, in mixed styles, The register dates from the year 155 8. The living is
consisting of chancel, built in 1120, nave, north chapel, a discharged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £228,
south porch and a western tower of brick erected in net yearly va~ue £207, with 2 acres of glebe and resi-
1692, and containing 5 bells: the fabric retains two dence, in the gift of vV. Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P. and
very fine Norman arches, one in the chancel and another held since 1891 by the Rev. George Thomas Yalentine
over the north doorway: on the floor of the chancel, B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The church of
on a small brass plate in the cover of a coped stone, St. John, erected in 1889 on a site given by Francis

Basil Pulteney esq. as a chapel of ease to the parish on the north by the Great Eastern railway. Hargrava
church, at a total cost of [,6,307, is a structure of Park, the seat of the Misses Pulteney, is about 1 mile
brick with stone dressings, from designs by Mr. Carrol, n01rth-north-west from the railway statioo. W. Fuller-
architect, of London, and consists of chancel, nave, Maitland esq. M.P. who is lord of the manor and R.
south transept, south aisle of six bays and north porch : Gosling esq. of Hassobury, are the principal landowners.
the organ was built at a cost of [,1,ooo, and there is The soil is mixed, some heavy, with some good loamy
a beautiful marble reredos : the floor of the chancel soil; subsoil, clay, gravel and chalk. The chief crops
is laid with various coloured marbles: the church will are wheat, barley, beans and roots; there is some good
seat about 6oo persons. The Society of Friends and grazing land. The parish contains an area of 4,193
Primitive Methodists have places of worship here, and acres; rateable value, [, 13,568; the population in I891
there is a Congregational chapel, erected at a cost of was 2,117, inclusive of Benfield. ·
about [,1,700 and opened in July 1865 : it will seat soo BENTFIELD END (or Benfield), is a hamlet, the
persons. The Working Men's Club, erected in 1888, population of which is included in Stansted. R. Gos-
is a structure of brick and oak timber, erected from the ling esq. is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
designs of Mr. Arthur Sanders, of this parish, at a cost AILS A STREET is a mile and a half north and BURTON
of upwards of [,2,ooo, chiefly defrayed by H. P. END half a mile south-east from the church.
Gilbey esq. : it contains a reading and coffee room, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
billiard and committee rooms, and a large lecture hall, Insurance Office. Mrs. K. White, sub-postmistress.
together with a residence for the caretaker. The Letters by way of Bishop's Sturtford arrive at 4.30
Central Hall comprises a Lecture Hall. The new Post a.m. & 12.15 & 4.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9 a.m. &
Office, on Chapel Hill, was opened in x8g2. A recrea- 2.20, 7.40 & 8.35 p.m. week days; on sundays, dis-
tion ground, of 3 acres, was given by William Fuller- p~tched at 7.40 p.m. only
Maitland esq. M.P. in 1867. In the village is a steam Police Station, Woodfield, . Sergeant James William
corl'l mill, maltings and a malt cake manufactory; Kemp, in charge
bricks and drain pipes are also made in the neighbour- Public Officers.
hood. Almshouses for 28 old women were erected and en-
dowed in Hoxton by William Fuller esq. of that place, in Me~ical ,Officer & Public. Vaccinator, Stansted District,
1795. and the buildings being eventually sold, new ones B~shop s Stor~ford Umon, Sydney. H~ynes . .
were erected in the parish in 1883, on ground given by I Registrar of Births & Deaths, Rehevmg, Vacc~at~on
the late William Fuller-Maitland esq. Charities producing & School Attendance Officer for Stansted Distnct,
about £so are distributed in bread and clothes yearly. Joseph Freeman . . ,
Here are the remains of a castle, supposed to have been Inland Revenue Officer, John Knight, Bishops Stortford
built by William Gernon, surnamed Montfichet, and situ- Schools.
ated about hal~ a mile north-west-by-west from t~e 1 Church of England (mixed & infants'), built in
church. The pnory of Threm?all or Trenchale, . dedi- 1837 by the Rev. Josias Torriano, vicar from 1828,
cated to St. James, stood 2 miles south, by the side of at a cost of upwards of [,r,ooo, for 270 children; aver-
Hatfield Forest, and was founded by Gilbert Mont- age attendance, 220; Henry Harvey Doug~as, master;
fichet in the reign of William I. for canons of the assistant master, E. M. Williams; Mrs. Sarah Ann
Augustinian order; some members of the families of Douglas, mistress
De Vere, Barrington and Montfichet were buried in British (mixed), originally built in 1835 & rebuilt in
the priory, the revenues of which at the Dissolution 1862 on land given by William Fuller-Maitland esq.
were estimated at £7o xgs. 3d. yearly; slight remains M.P. at the cost of the Society of Friends, by whom
of the buildings still exist. Stansted Hall, the seat of it is chiefly supported ; it ho~ds 145 children; aver-
William Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P., J.P. is an Eliza- age attendance, 115 ; J. Woolley, master; assistant
bethan building of red brick with stone dressings and mistress, Miss Ethel Brown
facings, about r mile east of the village and near the Railway Station, Alfred Harris, master
site of a hall pulled down about the ·year 1813; it Carriers to London pass through on tues. & wed. return-
stands in a well-wooded park of about 400 acres, bounded I ing thurs. & fri
Aus ten William, Cambridge road Kirton Miss, Beverley ho. Hill crest Amey Eli (Mrs.), dress ma. Chapel bll
Bailey Henry, Woodfield terrace Levey Alfred, Woodfield Archer Richard, tinplate worker &
Barnard Rev. Robert (Congregational), Levey Mrs pork butcher
Woodfield Long Rev. Eustace Earl (Congreg.) .A.tkins Edwin, head gardener, Har-
Barnett Mrs. Woodfield terrace Mascall Mrs. Benf.eld end grave park
Bedlow Frederick William, Woodfield Mumford Miss, Chapel hill Bass William, farmer, Alsa lodge
Blyth Henry .A.. Stansted house Newman Miss, Chapel hill Bedlow Francis G. wheelwright &
Blyth James, Wood house Newman Thomas 0. Woodville blacksmith
Blyth Mrs. Mont house Patmore Mrs Brett John, blacksmith
Bonner Mrs. The Chestnuts Phillips John George, Clifton house, Brooks John, general dealer
Boulton Major-Gen. Charles Frederic, Benfield end Butler Job, butcher, Lower street
Norman house Pulteney The Misse~. Hargrave park Caister John, fancy repository
Brown Calverley B. The Porch Riviera Henri, The Cottage Caygill Joseph, steward to W. Fuller-
Coleman Joseph, Benfield end Rogers Mrs. Central villa Maitland esq. M.P. The Hall farm
Collins Mrs. Street Hill Rogers Samuel Smith, The Brewery ho Chaplin Waiter, King's Arms P.H
Cross Mrs. Belle Vue house Sanders Arthur, Jubilee house Chapman Henry, boot maker
Davies Rev. Daniel (Congregational), Sanders Miss, Myrtle villas, Woodfield Chapman Thomas K. cowkeeper, Ben-
Prospect villa Sanders Waiter W. Woodfield field end
Deen Martin, Woodfield place Seabrook Mrs. Woodfield terrace Charter Chas. pork butchr. Lower st
Ernest E. L. St. Stephens Smith Harold J Chopping Ernest, taxidermist &c
Foster George, Bank house Smith Miss Clarke George, beer retailer
Freelove Markwell F. Newlands Smith Mrs. Hope cottage Clarke William, harness maker
Freelove Mrs. Chapel house Stewart Mrs. Maynard vils.Woodfield Collis Orpah (Miss), dress maker,
Freelove Mrs. Mill side Stiles Richard P. Clarence villa Chapel hill
Fuller-Maitland William M.P., J.P. Sutton Rev. Wm. (Prim. Methodist) Conway Lewis, beer retailer
Stansted hall; & Brooks' club, Lon- Swift Edmund, Fron Deg F. F. Produce Co. (The) (Harold J.
don S W Sworder Edward, Woodville Smith, man.), mushroom growers
Green Harford, Tayspill house Sworder Henry, Central house & poultry fattening & new laid egg
Green Mrs. Linden villa Tadman Charles Albert, Myrtle viis. merchants
Griggs Mrs. Woodfield place Woodfield Francis Joseph S. watch maker
Hatch Charles, Cambridge road Tilbrook Benjamin, Woodfield terrace Freeman Joseph, relieving & vacci-
Haynes Sydney Tissiman Wm. Hy. S. Hope house nation officer, registrar of births &
Haynes Waiter Frederick, The Rise Turner Mrs. Woodfield place deaths & school attendance officer,
Hicks Alfred, The Elms Valentine Rev. George Thomas B.A. Woodfield
Hicks Thomas Vicarage Gibson, Tuke & Gibson, bankers (Geo.
Hill Rev. Neville Geo. B.A. (curate), Watson Wm. Croft house Foster, manager) (branch); draw
Tudor house Welch Mrs. Western house on Prescott, Dimsdale, Cave, Tug-
Hockley Mrs. The Laurels Welch James W. T. Cambridge road well & Co. Limited, so Cornhill,
Holgate Thomas, Woodfield villas White Miss, Woodfield place London
Hutchin Mrs. Chapel hill White Mrs. William, The Views Gibson Joseph, tailor, Chapel hill
Keddie John T Wolton Miss, The Chestnuts Gladding Waiter, builder
Kidd William Henry, Woodfield villas Worton Miss Gray Wm. furniture broker

Godfrey Nathaniel, chimney sweeper, ~Iorse Elizabeth (Mrs.), The Bell P.H Smith Daniel, beer ret. Benfield md
Wood'field Newman Wm. farmer, Parsonage fm Smith Elliot, Rose & Crown P.H.
Green Joshua &Co. general drprs. & grcrs ~orman Charles, ginger beer m'lnfr Benfield end
.Haggerwood John, beer retailer Overall Jonah, head gardener to W. Smith Harold J. manager to F.F.
Jiarvey Henry, farmer, Forest Hall fm Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P Produce Co. (The)
.Haynes Sydney, surgeon, & medical Page .James, farmer, Burt-on end Smith Thomas J. grocer
officer & public vaccinatpr, Stan- Pavitt William, corn. agent, Hill crest Snow Arthur, bricklayer, Benfield Pnd
sted dist. Bishop's Stortford union Pavitt William Lord, grocer & drpr. Snow l\Iary Ann (Mrs.), furniture dlr
llaynes Waiter Frederick L.R.C.P. & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. Spencei' Charles & Sons, maltsters &
Lond. physioian & surgeon, The Rise wine & spirit merchants malt cake manufacturers
Berrington JGseph, greengrocer Phillips George, grocer & baker, Ben- Spencer Edward Stacey, farmer, Ben-
1Ierrington William, cowkeeper field end field bury
Hicks Edward & Sons, maltsters & Phillips Joseph, ~armer, Hole f:um Spencer William Stacey, maltster &
millers (wind & steam) Porter Harry, Prudential insur. agent corn merchant, Benfield bower
"Hicks Alfred, cowkeeper, The Elms Potts Jane & F. (Misses), Cam- Stansted & Birchanger Hall Estate
Hicks Charles, farmer, Benf..eld place bridge road Brick Works (J. Caygill, steward)
Home of Rest (Miss Nellie Rinks, Pryor Benjamin (Mrs.), beer retailr. Stansted Mountfitchet Gas Co. Lim.
matron), Woodfield Burton end (Joseph I. Green, sec)
.Hutley Henry, baker Ramsey William, coach builder & iron- Stock Mary (Mrs.), milliner
Jay John, Three Colts P.H monger Tadman Charles Albert, photographer,
Keddie John T. land agent to James Ratcliff Albert, plumber Myrtle villas, Woodfield
Dlyth esq Ratcliff Christopher James, plumber, Tissiman William Henry S. tailor,
Xemp James William, police sergeant, glazier &c hatter & woollen draper, Hope ho.
Woodfield Rawlings Charles Henry, beeT retlr See advertisement
Xitson Laura (Mrs.), basket maker Reynolds Isaac, shopkeeper, & carrier 'l'rigg Henry, jun. farmer Bury ledge
Le'l-·ey Arthur, bricklayer for Great Eastern Railwav Co. Tunbridge Edwin E.clerk, Benfield end
Levey Emily (Mrs.), dress maker & Chapel hill_ Tyler Theodosia (Mrs.), laundress,
confectioner Richardson J ames, head gardener t<> Burton end
Levey George, horse dealer James Blyth esq Vercoe Reginald, watch m"llwr &:
Levey Geo. carpenter, CambriJge rd Robinson Daniel, builders' foreman, jeweller
Levey Thomas, carpenter Lower street Ward J. shoe maker
Lilley William, head gardener to Henri .Rogers S. S. & Co. brewers & corn Watson Martha (Miss), girls' day schl
Riviere esq & coal merchants Whall Waiter, boot maker
Little George (Mrs.), Barley Mow P.H Rust Francis, farmer, Benfield green Wilkins John, canine surgeon, The
Livings William, tailor Saggers David, farmer, Burton end Warren
1.fascall John, butcher Sanders Arthur, baker & grocer Wilkins John, tailor
1\faybew Samuel, fly proprietor Sanders Arthur, builder Willsher Ezra, Prudential insur. agent
Minett Edward Pigott M.P.S. Savage William, hair dresser Working Men's Club (H. Gayford,
maceutical chemist Spalding John, harness maker secretary; Sergeant-Major Stewart,
Ntlwman Thomas 0. agr~cultural en- Smith Alice Railings (Miss), pre- caretaker)
gineer, Woodville paratory school Wright William W. baker
'STANWA Y parish and village takes its name from about 2~ miles south-east from St. Albright's, was erected
its situation on the Roman stoneway which forms the in 1845, at a cost of £2,935, and is a structure of brick.
IJresent high road from Colchester to Bishop's Stortford quoined with Caen stone, in the Decorated style, con-
and to London, 1! miles east from the Marks Tey junction sisting of chancel, nave, organ chamber, south porch
on the Great Eastern railway, 4 west from Colchester, 47 and a low western tower with spire containing 3 bells
from London, and 6 east from Coggeshall, in the north and a clock, erected in 1887. The register dates from
""Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden the year 1845. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly
and Winstree petty sessional division and union, Col- value £185, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop ot
-chester county court district and in the rural deanery of St. Albans, and held since 1888 by the Rev. James
Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of :Matcham Gatrill, of Worcester College, Oxford. The
.St. Albans. The old church of All Saints, the remains population in 1891 was 553·
.of which stand near the Hall, about 2 miles south-east The manor of Stanway formerly belonged to King
irom the rectory, has been in disuse from the time of Harold and afterwards to William the Conqueror, but
Cromwell, and was unroofed and the timber and lead in the Norman period it became divided into seven dis-
sold during the civil war; it originally consisted of tinct manors, which in the main exist to the presenb
chancel, with aisle, nave, north porch, and a western date. The principal landowners in the undivided parish
""tower, of which the last four, now more or less dismantled, are Thomas l\Ioy esq. Thomas Haynes Harrison esq. ot
remain; it was built in the time of Edward I. or II. Copford, Mrs. Harrison, James Round eso. M.P. of Birch
probably by one of the Belhouse family. Hall, H. G. Egerton-Green esq. J.P. Sir Thomas Charles
The chapel of St. Albright (or St. Ethelbert), now the Callis Western hart. Rev. J. W. Tomlinson, Miss Wood-
parish church, was originally a wayside chapel, erected ward, 1\Irs. Birch and Mr. •Thomas Wagstaff. The soil
for the use of pilgrims and others travelling along the is gravel and sand; subsoil, very light. The chief crops
·adjoining Ikenield Street, the religious offices of the are wheat, peas and barley. The area of the civil parish
chapel being performed by the rector of the parish; it is 3,329 acres; rateable value, £8,301 ; the population
"Would have •served probably for one stream of devotees in 1891 was r,ro4, including 147 inmates in Lexden and
-proceeding to our Lady of Walsingham, and for another Winstree workhouse .
.on its way to Becket's shrine at Canterbury; to this Clerk and Sexton (St. Albright's), John Miller.
fact the ancient apportionment of a manor to the rector Clerk and Sexton (All Saints'), William Wade.
see:n;ts to point, as does the name of "Playing- St~lls," Post Office, London road. John Bunting, sub-postmaster.
:applied to a field the _church as the sce~e of M1ra?le Letters through Colchester arrive at 7 .30 a.m. ; dis-
Plays, and a trad1~H;m which ma~ks ~h~ adJace~t White patched at 2 & 6. 45 p.m. The nearest money order
Ha_rt. farm ~s ongmally the ~ilgrJm s Hospice_; the office & telegraph office is at Marks Tey. Postal orders
1m!ldmg, which 1s of stone, and mcorporates portwns of are issued here but not paid
~arly Norma~ da~e, was restored in 188o from plans Wall Letter Box: London road, cleared at :;~. 30 & 7. 10
by the l_ate SI_r Gilbert ~c~tt R.A. at a co~t of abo~t p.m.; sunday, 11. 10 a.m
£3,000, I~cludmg the buil~m~ of a south ais_le, and It Lexden & Winstree Union House, Alfred Gosling, master;
now consists of chancel, bmlt m 1826, nave, aisle, north :Mrs. Gosling, matron; Rev. Eustace Henry Crate,
JlOr?h, and 'a wooden turret at the west. end. The chaplain; H. Laver, medical officer; Jessie L. Rice,
registers _date from ~~e ye~r 1704 and are m excel~ent schoolmistress
preservatiOn. The livmg IS a rectory, average tithe Schools.
rent-charge £6os, net value £525, including 79 acres
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the president and National (mixed), for· 120 children; average attendance,
fellows of :Magdalen College, Oxford, and held since 1891 92; F. A. Chastney, master; Mrs. Chastney, mistress
by the Rev. William George Gardiner Austin M.A. of National (All Saints') (mixed), for 88 children; average
~Iagdalen College, Oxford. The workhouse of the Lex- attendance, 6o; Charles Henry Grimwood, master
-den and Winstree union is in this parish, and will hold Carriers to
250 inmates. A fair is held here on April 23rd. The Colchester-The carriers from Braintree & Kelvedon pass
JlOpulation in 18gr was 852. through wed. & sat
STA.l'·<·wAY ALL SAINTS is an ecclesiastical parish, Coggeshall & Copford-mon. wed. fri. & sat
formed 15 May, r845, from the civil parishes oi Lexden Birch-Pryor, mon. wed. fri. & sat. passes along the
and Stanway. All Saints' church, on th~ :Maldon road, Maldon road
- - - - .__,. .. --··· ----
Austin Rev. William George Gardiner Bridge James Surridge, farmer, Old Hazell Thomas Benjamin, yonng-
M.A. Rectory House farm gentlemen's school, Staniey house
Brooks Arthur, London road Bunting John & George, farmers Houlding James K. relieving officer&..
Bryant William, Ivy cottage Burton Tristam, blacksmith & wheelwt registrar of births & deaths
Burrell Waiter, Stanway lodge Button Edmund, engineer & farmer, Johnson Wm. seed grower, Lonaon r<f.
De Hochepied-Larpent Major-General Wiseman's farm Manley Leopold Frederick, artist, &
Lionel Henry Planta, Holmwood Cansdale George, saddler young gentlemen's boarding school,.
Jone& Mrs. Shrublands Coppin Chas. bricklayer, London rd The Cedars
Manley Leopold Fredk. The Cedars Corfe William J. farmer Peak Richard, pork butcher
Moy Thomas, Stanway hall Farthing George, farmer Poulton Thomas James M.R.C.V.S_
Swaine Col. The Villa Fenner Wm. cattle dealer, Stanway st veterinary surgeon
COMMERCIAL. Gosling Alfred, master of Lexden & Wade Henry, farmer, Beacon end
Bird Arthur, farmer, Bell lane Winstree Union house Wagstaff Thomas, farmer & land.owne1
Bird Charles, farmer, Blackpit . Hazell Charles, baker & shopkeeper W ebb er Arthux. Swan inn
Caldwell Ralph William Keyes Misses, All Saints' villa Fairhead Wm. Golden, frmr. Gosbecks-·
Egerton-Green Horace George D.L., Richardson Thomas, Lexdonville Folkard William, farmer
J.P. King's Ford COMMERCIAL. Ponder Edwd. beer ret. Butcher's grn
Gatrill Rev. Jas. Matcham, Vicarage Blake George, farmer, Lambert's frm Shelton George, seed grower
Green Mrs. Henry Egerton, Kingsford Butcher Henry, rate collector & Wade Nathan, farmer, Olivers fa:rm
Hawes Mrs. Oak cottage farmer, Butcher's green
STAPLEFORD ABBOTS is a parish lying just off .Albyns, built from the designs of the famous lnig~J
the Ongar road, on the south side of the river Roding, J ones, is a mansion pleasantly seated in extensive grounds.
6 miles south-east from Epping, 6 north from Romford the property of Sir William Neville Abdy hart. J.P. and
station, 6 south-west from Ongar station, and 16 from now (I894) unoccupied. William Pemberton Barnes esq.
London, in the ·western division of the county, Ongar is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Hell"
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Romford Majesty the Queen, Sir William Abdy bart. Sir Charles.
county court district, rural deanery of Lambourne, Cunliffe Smith hart. of Suttons, Stapleford Tawney,.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Lieut.-Col. Amelius Richard Mark Lockwood, and Horace.-
church of St. Mary is an edifice of flint in the Early Newbegin Watts esq. The soil is mixed; subsoil, yellow
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and roots
and an embattled western tower of brick containing 2 and pasture. The area is 2,358 acres; rateable value,
bells; the tower was rebuilt in IBIS and the church in [2,633; the population in 1891 was 370.
1862: there are mural tablets to the Abdy family and a Parish Clerk, William C. Surridge.
memorial to Francis Stonards, ob. I555, and Lucy, his Pillar Letter Box cleared at 2.25 & 7.Io p.m. Pillar Letter
wife, ob. 1596, daughter of Sir Clement Heigham kt. Box at the school cleared at 2.Io & 7 p.m. Letters
Lord Chief Baron 1558-9. The register of baptisms and through Romford arrive at 7.30 & IO a.m.; the nearest:-
burials dates from 1653; marriages, 1692. The living is money order o:fftce is at Stapleford Tawney & telegraph
a rectory, average tithe rent-charge, £400; net yearly o:fftce is at Havering
value, [309, with 2I acres of glebe and residence, in Lhe This place is included in the Lambourne united school:'"
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 189I by the board district formed 14 August 1874
Rev. Lewen Tugwell M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, Board School (mixed), erected in I876, for 75 children;·
and hon. canon of Rochester. Charities, producing £8 average attendance, 6o; James Mathers, master,:
annually, are distributed in bread and meat at Christmas. Mrs. J ames Mathers, mistress
Tugwell Rev. Canon Le wen M. A. The Balcomb J sph. farmer, Martin's Hern Gosling Cath. (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.It
Rectory Clayden Alfred, The Rabbits P.H Lenny Mark, farmer
Watts Horace Newbegin M.D. (bar- Cooper Ralph, frmr. Battles Hall farm Martin .Alfred Hy. farmr. The Grove-
rister-at-law),Crown park Cross Charles, miller (water) Mollett John Edwin, farmer, Motts ~
COMMERCIAL. Cross George, Plough P.H Mitchells farms
Aylett Henry, shopkeeper & farmer Dawkins Alfred, wheelwright Mugleston Thos. frmr. Hammond's fmo:
Baber Hy. Frampton, farmer, Kirtons French "\'Ym. farmer, Boylands oak Wood Chas. jun. frmr. Bourne bridge-
Balcomb Albert, farmer Freshwater George, farmer Wood Thomas, farmer, Stapleford hali
STAPLE FORD TA WNEY, which has this adjunct 152 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir W.
from a family of Tany, who owned it in the reign of Bowver Smyth bart. and held since I872 by the Rev;_
Henry Ill. is a parish, on the north side of the Roding, Lewis Newcomen Prance M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
opposite to Stapleford Abbots, 4t miles west from They- bridge and rural dean of Lambourne. Charities amount_.
don Bois station on the Great Eastern railway, 5 south- ing to about [25, derived from interest on Consols, are
west from Ongar, 5 south-east from Epping, 7 north yearly distributed. Suttons, the seat of Sir Charles
from Romford, and 17 from London, in the ·western Cunliffe Smith bart. D.L., J.P. is a modern building of
division of the county, Ongar hundred, petty sessional stone, picturesquely situated in a finely wooded parlv
division and union, Romford county court district, rural through which the river Roding flows. Sir Wm. Bowye:tt
deanery of Lambourne, archdeaconry of Essex and Smyth bart. of Hill Hall, Theydon Mount, and Attle-
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is a small borough Hall, Norfolk, is lord of the manor and principal'
and ancient structure of flint in the Early English style, landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, heavy clay. The-·
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The area:
a western belfry with spire containing 2 bells, dated is I,649 acres; rateable value, £I,729; the population i.m
16II and 1630: an organ was presented in 18731 by 189I was 2I6.
Reginald H. Prance esq.: there are mural tablets to PASSINGFORD BRIDGE, I mile south, is a place in.
the Smith family and many flat stones to that of Luther this parish on the road from Ongar to London.
from I6I9 and later: in the chancel is a tomb with a Parish Clerk, vacant.
brass inscription to a member of the Scott family, dated Post & ~1. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office~
I5IO: the church was restored in I86I at a cost of £I,zoo, Passingford Bridge.-William Pittam, sub-postmaster_
and during the progress of the work two stone co:fftns Letters through Romford arrive at 6 a.m. & IO.IO p.m.
were discovered in the chancel: a new panelled roof was sundays excepted; dispatched at 2 & 6.40 p.m. Th~
added in 1884 and Sir Charles C. Smith bart. also pre- nearest telegraph o:fftce is at Abridge
sented a handsome mosaic reredos: there are 200 sittings. Wall Letter Box at church, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6 p.m
The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a Church School (mixed), built in I874, for 6o children;
rectory, with that of Theydon Mount annexed, average average attendance, 25; Mrs. Emily Robertson, mis-
tithe rent-charge, £495 ; net yearly value, £6Io, with tress
(~farked thus t receive their letters COMMERCIAL. Perry Charles, blacksmith
through Epping.) Fitch Cornell, farmer, Howfields Pittam William, shopkeeper, Post offi~El'
Prance Rev. Lewis Newcomen M.A. Fry John Lovell, frmr. Suttons farm tStubbins Thomas, farmer, Common.
• (rector & rural dean), Rectory tMiller Daniel, farmer, Wood hatch Sworder Harry, farmer, Tawney hall
Smith Sir Charles Cunliffe hart. D.L., tMiller Jacob David, frmr. New frm tThreader Saml. beer retlr. Common:
J.P. Suttons Miller Jas. farmer, Little Tawney hall
STEBBING (in Domesday "Stibinga" and "Stabinga") falls into the Chelmer, 3 miles north-east of Dunmow
is a village a:~d parish, on high ground, on a brook which station on the ])unmow and Braintree branch of the
Great Eastern railway, 7 west of Braintree and 44 from and brick making is carried on here and on the river arEJ
London, in the western division of the county, hundred two flour mills. The rent of certain cottages is applied
of Hinckford, petty sessional division, union and county in part to the payment of the expenses of the National
court district of Dunmow ~nd in the rural deanery of and Sunday schools and that of others is applied to the
Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. purchase of clothes, which are given away at Christmas
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, standing in and Easter; there is also a charity called Smith's charity.
the highest part of the village, is a building of stone and left in 1869 by Charles Smith and distributed in clothe!J.
a fine specimen of the Decorated style of the early part The rent of certain lands, amounting to £2 r8s. yearly,
of the fourteenth century: it consists of chancel with a is given away periodically in bread. Near the village
sacristy, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, south porch is an artificial mound, surrounded by a moat, on which.
and an embattled western tower with spire containing according to tradition, a castle formerly stood. This
5 bells, one dated 1772, one 1799 and three 1839: on place once belonged to the Peverel and Ferrers families_
the south side of the chancel are sedilia with lofty arches, The Earl of Essex is the principal landowner and lord
cusped and springing from triple columns : the piscina of the manor of Porter's Hall. S. D. Chopping esq. is
is a good example of the period: the westernmost window, lcrd of the manor of Friers Hall. The s01l is various ;
prolonged downwards, forms a low side twindow: a subsoil, clay and gravel The chief crops are whe1.t ..
screen, magnificent both in design and workmanship, beans and barley. The area is 4.382 acres; rateabl&
separates the chancel and nave; it consists of three open- vallJ.e, £3,583; the population in 1891 was 994·
ings, with slender clustered columns; in the centre BRA.~ E:XD is r mile north; DUCK END is 2 miles ;
opening, springing from the capitals of the columns, LUBBER HEDGES, 2~ miles north-east and STEBBIXG
was a. canopy and at the springing grotesque figures ; GREEN, 1 mile south-east.
this fine work was partially mutilated in the 15th century,
for the erection of a Perpendicular rood screen, which has Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
in its turn disappeared; the principal part of the design, Miss Emily Thorogood, sub-postmistress. Letters
however, remains: the roof is open timbered: at the through Chelmsford, by foot post, from Throws, arrive
east end of the south aisle, formerly a chapel, are the at 6.40 a.m. ; delivered at 7 a.m. The nearest tele-
remains of a fine piscina: the sacristy, also a part of the graph office is at Felstead
ancient work, has a third piscina: the south porch, nobly Post Office, Bran End. -Mrs. John Turner, sub-post--
proportioned, has a superbly moulded doorway and the mistress. Letters through Chelmsford. Box cleared
remains of a holy-water stoup: the tower, four stories at 5 p.m. ; on sunday at 10.30 a.m. Dunmow is the
in height and carefully built of rubble concrete, is of nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
the same age as the church and opens into the nave by are issued here, but not paid
a grand arch; the upper stories are gained by short Fire Engine Station, Charles Ruffel, captain
ladders of considerable age. The register of burials dates A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 April, 1876 ;-
from 1712; baptisms and burials from 1713. The living F. J. Snell, Great Dunmow, clerk to the board; Patrick
is a vicarage, tithes commuted at £350 yearly, average 'Valsh, Bran End, Stebbing, attendance officer
£261, with residence, in the gift of W. Fuller-Maitland Board School, erected, with master's house, at a cost of
esq. M.P. who is impropriator of the great tithes, and £2,2oo, to hold, in the mixed school, 150 & in the:
held since 1866 by the Rev. Augustus Robert Bingham infants' 94 scholars ; average attendance, about r 15 &
Wright M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford. Here is a 40 respectively; John Lee, master; Mrs. Martha Lee.
Congregational chapel, with an attached Sunday school, mistress
erected in 1877, at a cost of about £7oo; the large room Carriers to
is used during the week for lectures and concerts. There Dunmow-Daniel Schlueter & Ernest Turner, daily
is also a Primitive Methodist chapel; and the Society London-Chas. Boyton, 1 fri. to 'Saracen's Head,' Aid-
of Friends has a meeting house. Some trade in malting gate, returning on sun
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Byford Alfred, farmer, Hill farm Lewis William, jobmaster
Barnard 1\Irs. Bolts villa Byford James (Mrs.), farmer, Burnt Linsell & Son, grocers & drapers
Beckett Rev. Wm. Hy. (Congregatnl) House farm Linsell William Goode, registrar of
Brown Duncan David Chopping Samuel Davey, brick, tile & births & deaths, Stebbing sub-dis-
Rogerson Mrs drain pipe maker, Watch house trict, Dunmow union
Wright Rev. Augustus Robert Bing- Chopping William, miller (steam & Linsell Kate (Miss), deputy registrar-
ham M.A. Vicarage wind), Bran End of births & deaths, Stebbing sub-
Custance Albert Ernest, miller (wind), district, Dunrnow union
COMMERCIAL. Mill house Metson Thos. farmer, Lubber hecge.s
A.shby Alfred, farmer Daines John, farmer, Collops & Brick Perry William, chimney sweeper
Barker Matilda (Mrs.), beer retailer Kiln farms Phi! pot William, seedsman
& smith, Duck's End Davidson Charles Cathie Scarth, far- Pratt James, farmer, Town farm
Barritt Wm. shopkeeper, Bran End 1 mer, White house Ruffell H. & C. coach bldrs.&wheelwb
Barker Richard, butcher Ereth Jn. Chas. farmer, Stones farm Saggers Joseph, shoe maker
Bentall & Horwood, shopkeepers Ereth Thomas ·wm. farmer, Cowlands Salmon John, cooper
Bloomfield James, farmer, Ryes farm Franklin Robert, baker, Bran End Salmon Joseph, shopkeeper
Bradridge Alfred, miller (water Gowers Samuel, shoe ma. Duck End Salmon Walter, baker
& steam), merchant & cattle food Gowers Thomas, boot maker Schlueter Daniel, White Hart P.H
manufacturer Groom Alfred H. Green Man P.H. Shuttlewood ~faria (Mrs.), beer retlr_
Britton Chas. John, frmr. Poplar farm Bran End Stebbing green
Britton William, butcher Bales Harry L. W. C. farmer,Parsonage Smith Hy. Clarke, frmr. Stebbing grn
Bullingham Joseph Gould, frmr. Park Howland Levi, farmer, Bran End Thorogood James, baker
Bush Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hynds Edward, miller (water) Turner 'Villiam, farmer, Duck End
Bush Fredk. Wm. builder, Bran End Lewis Isaac., Bell P.H Waiters William, King's Head P.H

STEEPLE (or Steeple-cum-Stangate) is a village and become much dilapidated : there are 130 sittings. The-
parish, near the south bank of the estuary of the Black- register dates from the year 1666. The living is a vi-
water, 3 miles north-west from Southmmster terminal carage, average tithe rent-charge £121, net yearly value
station on the Great Eastern railway, 9 south-east from £ roo, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
::Maldon, 19 east from Chelmsford, 6 north from Burn- of H. F. Plumptre esq. and J. T. Hunt esq. alternately,
ham and 48 from London, in the South Eastern division and held since 1890 by the Rev. Henry Edmund Legh
of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional divi- M.A.. of Balliol College, Oxford. The vicarage house,
sion, Maldon union and county court district and in the pleasantly situated upon an eminence, was
rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- erected in r88r. A Congregational chapel, in
cese of St. Albans. The church of St. Lawrence and All the Gothic style, was erected in 1857; the
Saints, erected in r882 in the centre of the village, on " Peculiar People " have also a chapel here. The charities
the demolition of the former edifice, is an edifice of stone amounting to £2 7s. yearly, are. connected with those
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south of Southminster charities, and are distributed to the
porch and a bell-cot rising from within the roof at the poor. The chief landowners are the governors of St.
west end and containing one bell: the ancient doorway Bartholomew's Hospital, who are lords of the manor, the
and one window have been replaced, ·and an octagonal trustees of H. Cline esq. and the trustees of J. Solly
font, the bowl of which had long lain in the churchyard esq. The soil is of a heavy nature; subsoil, clay. The
has been restored and placed in the new church, the chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 2,792
walls of which are almost entirely composed of the ma- acres of land and 155 water; rateable value, £1,702;
terials of the old church, which was inconveniently the population in 1891 was 460.
Jlituated about half a mile west of tne village and had STXXGA.TE (or Stanegate), on the Blackwater. now
hamlet of Steeple, formerly had a church; a portion of foot messenger, arrive about 8.30 a.m. Letter Box
the ruins is still standing, the original piscina remaining cleared at 5.25 p.m. Burnham is the nearest money
almost intact. A priory of Cluniac monks was founded order & Southminster the nearest telegraph office.
at Stangate by the predecessors of the priors of Lewes, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
to which monastery it was subordinate : this priory was A School Board of 5 members was formed 28 Jan. I887;
in existence in n76 and was dedicated to St. Mary Mr. E. A. Catchpole, chairman & hon. clerk to the
Magdalen, but was suppressed by Wolsey, I8 Hen. VIII. board; Jabez Bishop, Southminster, attendance officer
when its revenues were estimated at £43 Bs. 6d. Ram-
sey Isle was anciently part of Stangate and had a Board (formerly National), School, built in IBig,
-church, now destroyed. enlarged in 1869 & 1882, for 120 children; average
Sexton, Henry Raven. attendance, 72; Isaac Cross, master; Mrs. Cross, mist
Post Office. Mrs. Elizabeth Amelia Spooner, sub-post- Carrier to Maldon (passing through). Tues. thurs &
mistress. Letters through Maldon, via Althorne, by saturday

Legh Rev. Henry Edmund M.A. Cardnell Edmund, baker & farmer Governors of St. Bartholomew's
Vicarage Carter Arthur, assistant overseer Hospital, Grange farm
Thompson Rev. Thos. (Congregation!) Carter Frank, farmer Lay Richard, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. 9arter Isabella (Mrs.) & Son, grocers Nix Frank, farmer, Hall farm
Attenborough George (exors. of), & drapers Nunn Jos<Jph, draper & carpenter
farmers, Steeple gate Coast Guard Station (John Froude, Pudney George, Star inn
.Attenborough Robert Richard, farmer, chief officer) Smith Robert, harness maker
Steeple Wick Cole Daniel, boot & shoe maker Spooner Elizabeth Amelia (Mrs.),
:Blanks Robert, wheelwright & imple- Dash Frederick, wheelwright baker & farmer, Post office
ment agent Keeble Simeon Bloomfield, beer retlr ·vi'hipps Eli, farmer, Foxhall
Cant Elijah, baker Lambert James, farm bailiff to Whi:ffin Caleb, Sun & Anchor P.H
STEEPLE :BUMPSTEAD (or Bumpstead-ad-Tur- is a lecture hall. The Plymouth Brethren have a hall
rim) is a village and parish, 3~ miles south from Haver- here built in 1885, and holding 150. A cemetery of
hill, 2~ south from Sturmer station on the Melford and about one acre in extent was opened in 1867 and conse-
Cambridge branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles crated by the Lord Bishop of St. Albans in the same year;
south-west from Birdbrook station on the Colne Valley it is controlled by the vicar and churchwardens. There
railway and 10 east from Saffron Walden, in the Northern are charities £7 yearly value, £3 of which is for educa-
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- tional purposes, the remainder is distributed in cloth to
ford petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haverhill the poor. The steeple or tower, from which this place
county court district and in the rural deanery of Y eld- derived its name, formerly stood near the road leading
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. from Haverhill to Baythorn Bridge, where entrenchments
Albans. The church of St. Mary is a finely-proportioned are still to be seen. In the centre of the village, at the
building of flint and brick in the Perpendicular style, junction of the roads, stands an ancient building of
consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, Elizabethan date, erected in 1592, it is constructed of
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower, oak, and was restored in 1Bgo. Moyns Park is the seat
the lower portion of which is Norman, containing 5 of Maj.-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John Ives J.P.; the house
bells and a clock, presented by the parishioners in 1887, is a handsome Elizabethan mansion surrounded by a.
at ~ .cost of £13'[>; the chan.cel ret~ins a piscin~ and two 1 moat crossed by a bridge and sta~ding in a well-wooded
sediha: the. stamed east w_mdow IS a memonal t? the park. Bower Hall, close to the village, is the property
Walton family and the~e Is another to the family of and residence of Edward Molyneux esq. Capt. Charles
Gen~: the church contams several fine monuments, in- George Brown, of Isleworth House, Orpington, Kent, is
dudmg one to Sir Henry Bend~she, 4th a~d l~st bart. lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Maj.-
d. 4 Sept. 1717; the monument ~c~udes a life-size effigy Gen. Ives and E. Molyneux esq. The soil is clay; sub-
of the baron~t and a figure of his 1~fant son Henry, be- soil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
~eath a pedimen~ supported on twisted columns: h~re beans and potatoes. The area is 3,708 acres; rateable
1s also a pyramidal monument of grey marble, With value £4 302 · the population in 1891 was I 014.
busts in low relief on a medallion, to Sir John Bendyshe, Se~ton,' Jab~z Underwood. '
3rd bart. d: 1707,. and Marth3: (Batson), his wife, d. Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
I?03:. here 1s a curwus and ancient alms box: the mas- William I. Lovett, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
-sive. silver church plate bears the arms of the ~endyshe through Haverhill (Suffolk) at 8.3 0 & 12 a.m. (to callers
family: the ch.urch was completely restored m . 188o, only); dispatched at 5.30 p.m. except on sunday, when
when the r~man~s of a. rood screen, rood lo~t staircase they are dispatched at 9 .30 a.m. The nearest tele-
anu a low Side wmdow m the chancel were discovered: graph office is Birdbrook Railway station
there are 400 sittings. The register of baptisms dates ~ h
· d b · 1 68 Th 1· · · ...,c oo 1s.
from 1676 ; marriages an una s, I 9· e Ivmg IS . . . . .
a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £304; net yearly NatiOnal (mixed), bmlt m 1854 ~ enlarged m. 1875, for
value £zso, with 3 acres of glebe and residence, in the 18?; average attendance, 75; M1ss AmyL. Willoughby,
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1894 by the ~.Istress. . . .
~ev. William Quin Warren B.A. of University College, Briti~h (miXed), bmlt m 1848 & enlarged m 1893 for IIO
Durham. The Congregational church, erected in 188 4, children; average attendance, 82; - Castle, master
is an edifice of red brick and stone in the Gothic Carrier to Haverhill-Charles Willis, dailv
:Style, and seating 450 persons: in rear of the building County Police, William Peacock, sergeant
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clayden George, beer retailer Humphrey George, shoe maker
"Barker George Clayden James, cattle dlr. Brick ho Humphrey James, stationer & tea dlr '
Buckham Mrs Clayden Robert, butcher Humphrey Thomas, carpenter
Clarke Alonzo, Water lane Clayden Sarah (Mrs.), baker & shpkpr Ling William, farm bailiff to Willin
Clarke Rev. Charles James (Congreg) Clayden Thomas, bricklayer Gurteen esq. Smiths green
Fitch Miss, Prospect house Clayden Wm. butcher & pig dealer Ling Wm. I. farmer, Parsonage farm
Gardner Ambrose, Garlands cottage Clayden ·william, wheelwright Lovett Wm. I. grocer & drpr. Post off
Garner Miss, Vine cottage Clayden William G. assistant overseer Pannell Frederick, farmer, Blois
Humphrey Mrs. New house Coe Sarah (Miss), dress maker Pannell William, shoe maker
Ives Major-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John Colman Geo. John, farmer, Garlands Playle Charles, plumber & flour dealr
D.L., J.P. Moyns park (letters Cowell Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Portway Joseph, chimney sweeper
through Birdbrook, Halstead) Cowell Thomas, saddler Price John, farmer, Lower house
Molyneux Edward, Bower hall Dare Francis, corn merchant Price Waiter, farmer, Rylands
Reynolds Robert, Little bower Dix Waiter, carpenter Richardson Fanny (Mrs.), laundress,
Warren Rev. Wm. Quin B.A. Vicarage Downs .Arthur Robert, beer retailer Grove cottage
COMMERCIAL. Firmin W. B. Red Lion P.H Reynolds Robert, surgeon, & medical
:Barker Benjamin, carpenter Gunn George, tailor officer & public vaccinator, No. 4
Earrett J sph. beer retlr. & wheel wrght Gunn William, tailor district, Halstead union; 2nd dis-
Eowtell Albert Edward, grocer, draper Hitchin Joseph, bricklayer trict, Saffron Walden union & 3rd
& wine merchant Hobbs Emmeline (Mrs.), dress maker district, Risbridge union
:Bunting James, farmer, Malting Houghton James, farmer & miller Suckling William Joseph (late John &
Bunton Charles, boot maker (steam), Old hall William Suckling), miller (steam),
Chapman Edward, farmer, Upper ho Humphrey Albt. P. c~>.rpntr. & grocr baker, corn merchant & general
Clark Eli, thatcher Humphrey Arthur, butcher agricultural agent; every requisite
Qarke John, draper Humphrey Benjamin, watch maker for farm & stable kept in stock
Salmon Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper Turner James Oliver, blacksmith Willis Charles, Fox & Hounds P.H. &
Sharman Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wesley John, farm bailiff to Mr. John carrier
Sharman Richard, carter Willett, Clay walls Willis Sabina (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Tillbrook Jonas, farmer, Latchley Willett Samuel, farmer, Yewtree
STIFFO:RD is an old parish and picturesque village, the period and at each corner of the slab is a shield of
etanding on high table-land, intersected throughout by arms : in the east wall is a brass with effigies inscribed
the Marditch brook, and on the road to Southend, 2 miles to "William Lathom gent. late Lord of Stifford
north from Grays station on the London, Tilbury and and Susan his wife;" he died 6 Dec. 1622 and Susan, his
Southend railway, 2! miles south from Ockendon station wife, 26 Aug. 1621 : the fifth brass, also with effigy and
on the Upminster and Grays section of the same line, 19 inscription, is that of "Ann Lathom, ye daughter of
from London and IO south-east from Romford, in the Thomas Lathom of Stifford g-ent." ob. 25 Dec. 1627: the
South Eastern division of the county, Chafford hundred, last of the series 1s that of "Ehzabeth Lathom, the wife of
Orsett union and petty sessional division, Romford Thomas Lathom of Stifford gent." ob. 14 Sept. 1630,
eounty court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, with a female effigy in the attitude of prayer : the pulpit,
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The retaining an hourglass frame, is dated 16u : the church
church of St. Mary is a building of stone and flint in the was restored in 1862, at a cost of £1,5oo, when the
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south roofs were renewed, the tracery of the chancel windows
aisle of two bays, chapel, north porch and a western also renewed, the south aisle rebuilt, the tower arch
tower surmounted by an octagonal shingled broach spire thrown open, the interior reseated, and several windows
and containing a clock and 3 bells, two of which bear filled with stained glass : during the progress of the
date 1737 and 1635, a smaller bell being placed outside work, frescoes were disclosed in the chantry and nave,
the spire under a kind of dormer: the aisle has a Per- of Zacharias and St. Dunstan: there are 1,803 sittings.
pendicular window, filled with stained glass as a me- The register dates from the year 1568. The living is a.
morial to Frances Elizabeth de Wette; and there is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £347• net yearly
memorial window, placed in 1883 in memory of the Rev. value £3oo, with 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the
William Palin, the late rector, d. October, 1882: the rood gift of Captain Thomas Charles Douglas Whitmore, as
screen has gradually been lost, but the beam is now lessee of the Broderers' Company, and he.ld by the Rev.
incorporated in the reredos, above which is a good De- Henry Hepworth Allott M.A. of St. John's College, Cam-
corated window of three lights, also stained : the chantry bridge. Captain Thomas Charles Douglas Whitmore
chapel retains a small pointed piscina in its south wall: D.L., J.P. of Orsett Hall, is lord of the manor and prin-
the font is Early English : in the sacrarium is a flat cipal landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel and
stone with a marginal inscription, quite perfect, in Lom- chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and
bardic letters: " David: De : Tillebery: gyt: ici : Dev: oats. The area is 1,547 acres of land and 36 of water;
De: S'alme: Ayt: Mercy: Amen:" the slab bears five rateable value, £3,554; the population in 1891 was 376.
crosses, as though it had at one time served as the Sexton, James Purser.
mensa of an altar ; this David Tillebery died, Post Office. Mrs. Alice Clark, • sub-postmistress. Letters
according to existing records, in 1330 : there through Grays are delivered at 7 a.m. & 3 p.m. ;
are six brasses in the church, the oldest of which is in- dispatched 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Sunday delivery 7 a.m.
scribed, "Orate p anima dni Radulphi Perchehay quon- dispatch u a.m. The nearest money order office is
dum rectoris istius eccle;" above is a demi-figure in about equi-distant (about 2 miles), South Ockenden &
eucharistic vestments, viz. : chasuble, alb and amice, Grays, the nearest telegraph office at Grays. Postal
with the fylfot cross on the apparels ; the date is pro- orders are issued here, but not paid
bably about 1370 or 1375; the second, now on the nave
floor, consists of a priest in a shroud, the legends at A School Board of 7 members was formed Jan. 15, 1894.
the bead and feet being lost; date about 14so; in his Thomas Alfred Capron, 2 Orsett road, Grays, clerk to
upra:~ed hands is a heart bearing the letters M.C.Y. the board, attendance officer (vacant)
(l\'Iercy): the third, affixed to the east wall, has an in- Board (formerly Parochial) School (mixed), erected, with
vocatory inscription to "John Ardalle, gentylman, sum- teacher's house attached, in 1840, at a cost of £2oo, by
tyme lord of Stifford, and Anne, his wife," ob. 31 May, the late R. B. Wingfielu-Baker esq. ; it holds 30 chil-
1404; above are the figures of both in the costume of dren ; average attendance, 30 ; Arthur Moore, master
Allott Rev. Hy. Hepworth M.A. Retry Bradley Waiter, farmer, London road Newberry Henry, shopkpr. London rd
Brooks Herbert Edmund, Stifford ldg Clark George William, shopkeeper North Edwd. blacksmith, London rd
Fisher John Hadden, Ford place Carder Wm. shopkeeper, London road Offord Henry, Dog & Partridge P.H
Read Charles H. Coppid hall Dye James, wheelwright Streeter & Golden, fruit growers
COMMERCIAL. Hammond James, shopkpr. London rd Thompson Jas. farmer, Stifford clays
Benton Richard Julian, farmer Knowlton Thomas, farmer Welton Benjamin, cowkeeper
l:lowley George, blacksmith Marriott Edward, schoolmaster Welton ::Maria (Miss), shopkeeper
STISTED (or Stistead) is a parish on the banks of net yearly value £250, with 150 acres of glebe and resi-
the Blackwater, 3 miles east-north-east from Braintree dence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and
terminal station on a branch of the Great Eastern rail- held since 1886 by the Rev. John Gabriel Cromwell M.A.
way, 4 south from Halstead, 4 west from Coggeshall and of Brasenose College, Oxford, ad eund. M.A. Durham,
45 from London, in the Eastern division of the county, hon. canon of Durham and rural dean of Braintree :
Hinckford hundred, petty sessional division of South the parsonage house was rebuilt in 1839. There is a
Hinckford (Braintree bench), Braintree union and county small Congregational chapel and a reading room sup-
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry ported by subscriptions. This parish shares in the bene-
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. All Saints' fits of the Free school at Earls Colne. In 1822 the Rev.
church is an ancient edifice of flint and stone in the Charles Onley left a sum of £400 invested in Consols
Norman, Early English and Decorated styles, consisting and in 1890 the late Onley Savill-Onley esq. left a sum
of chancel with vestry, clerestoried nave of four bays, of £1oo; the interest of these moneys is distributed
aisles, north and south porches and a tower on the south yearly to the poor in coals. Stisted Hall, built about
side, with an octagonal shingled spire and containing a 1825, is a noble mansion of white brick, standing in a
clock and 6 bells : the chancel is Early English : the nave park of 130 acres and with numerous groups of stately
is divided from the aisles on either side by a Norman forest trees, and is the seat of James N. Paxman esq. J.P.
arcade supported on round columns of large size : in the lord of the manor and principal landowner. The manor of
south aisle is a piscina : in the chancel is a mural monu- Stlsted Hall belonged for some time previous to the
ment to Mary, wife of the Rev. Samuel Jackson, rector Conquest to the monks of Christ Church, in Canterbury,
of Stisted in 1742, and on the north side a mural brass but was then seized by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and
to Elizabeth, ob. 1584, daughter of John Glasscock gent. afterwards restored. The prior and monks remained in
of Roxewell and wife of John Wyseman gent.: there are possession until the dissolution of the house in 1539,
five stained windows, inserted as a memorial to the when its property was transferred to the Dean and
late Onley Savill-Onley esq. d. IBgo, and a new organ Chapter of Canterbury. The soil is loam and clay; sub-
was given at the same time by his family: in 1844 the soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and bar-
tower was rebuilt by Onley Savill-Onley esq. when the ley. The area is 2,967 acres of land and 12 of water;
chancel was also renovated, and the Decorated nave re- rateable value, £2,657; the population in 1891 was 684.
stored by the Rev. Charles Foster B.D. rector from TU~mLER GREE~ is one mile north-east. WOOL-
1838, at a cost of £2,ooo: a lych gate was erected in
NER GREEN one mile north-west.
1878 and a piece of ground was subsequently given by
the late Onley Savill-Onley esq. for the enlargement of Parish Clerk, Joseph Churlish.
the churchyard. The register dates from the year 1538. Post Office. )Irs. Adelaide Kate Harrington, sub-post-
The living is a rect.ory, average tithe rent-charge £s6o; mistress. Letters arrive from Braintree at 7·45 a.m. &
I p.m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; sunday Wall Letter Box at the Rectory, cleared at 9 a.m. &
10.30 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph 5.30 p.m. & 9 a.m. on sundays
offices are at Braintree. Postal orders are issued here, Parish School (mixed), for r6o children; average attend-
but not paid ance, ror ; Robert Mouat, master; Mrs. Katherine
Mouat, infants' mistress
Blaydon Isaac, Stisted villa Baker Jonathan, farmer, Kentish farm Large Charles, miller (steam k waterl
Cromwell Rev. Canon John Gabriel Britton Geo. farm bailiff to Mr. F. May & corn merchant, Stisted mill
M.A. (rector & rural dean), Rectory Brown Charles J. boot maker Livings Charles, beer retailer
Hamer Rev. David (curate), Schoolho Carder Charles, bricklayer & plasterer May Fredk. maltster & frmr. Gowen
Paxman James N. J.P. Stisted hall Cousins George, farmer, Jenkins Mott Alfred, farmer, Boultwood
COMMERCIAL. Earle Albert, Onley Arms P.H. & Reading Room (G Law, hon. sec}
Ardley Jn. Harrington, frmr. Baytree blacksmith Sibley William, butcher
Baker Alexander, grocer, draper &c. Hobbs Norris, farmer, Mills's Slllith Harris, farmer, Hall farn:
The Stores Hunt James M. beer retailer Taylor George, wheelwright
STOCK (or Harford Stock) is a parish and ploosant this parish and two for the parish of Boreham: they are
vri.llage on the summit of a range of hills on the road now occupied by poor persons, each of whom receives
from Chelmsford to Billericay, 3_ miles south-east f:rom from the endowment about £3 a year. Lilystone Hall,
IngateSitone station on the main line of the Great East- late the seat of John Gillow esq. now held in trust fo:r
ern railway and 3 nortth from Billericay station on the the uses of the Catholics, is pleasantly placed on
branch line of that company from Shenfield to Maldon, an eminence enjoying extensive views of the surrounding
Southminster and Soutlhend, 5 south-west from Chelms- country: attached to the house is a Ca,tholic chapel,
ford and 27 from London, in the Mid division of the dedic-ated to Our Lady of Mount Oarmel. Lord Petre is
county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, both lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil i~
union and county court distriot, rural deanery of Ingate- light; subsoil, white sand and gravel; near Galley "\Yood,
stone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. on the verge of the paris'h, a stiff loom prevails, formerly
The church of All Saints is an ancient building of stone called by the inhabitants brick and pot earth: stock
in the Decorated style, consis·ting of chancel! nave of bricks derive their name from this place. The area is
three bays, north aisle, south porch and a western tower 2,723 acres; rateable value, £3,354; the population in
of wood, with shingled spire, containing 3 bells: the r8gr was 603.
church underwent extensive repairs in the years 1847-8, Parish Clerk, Charles Martin.
when the interior was entirely re seated and the chancel Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & -Annuity
rebuilt: the east window was preseruted in 1879 by Mrs. & Insurance Office. John Galloway, sub-postmaster.
Cooke, who also presented a reredos of stone in 1881: Lett-ers arrive through Ingatestone at 7·50 a.m. & 7.20
there is a brass to Ridhard Twedye esq. J.P. founder of p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. & 10.15
:the almshouses, ob. 28 Jan. 1574, with his effigy in a.m. on sunday
armour; above is an es~tcheon of arms and below are Schools:-
eight verses in English reoording his public services and Chureh of England (mixeg. & infants), for this &; the
benefactions to this parish. The register dates from the adjO!ining parish of Butts'bury, built in 1839, for 140
year 1563. The living is a rectory, wirth that of Rams- children; average attendance, no; John Smith, mas-
den Bellhouse annexed, avel'age t.ithe rent-charge £666, ter; Mrs. Smith, assistant mistress
joint net yearly value £450, with 57 acres of glebe and Bcitish (mixed), built about 1856, for 6o children;.
residence, in the gift of the trustees of Mrs. E. P. Gib- average attendance, 35; Miss Carrie Nunn, mistress
son, and held since r877 by the Rev. Edward Pendarves Catholic (Srt. Joseph's), rebuilt in 1892 by Mr. P. P:
Gibson B.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Here is Pugin, architect, for 110 children; average attendance,
a .Congregational chapel. There are four .almshouses in about 55; J. W. Symons, master; Miss Godfrey, mi• t 1

the parish founded by the above mentioned Richard Carrier to Ohelmsford.-Walter Taylor, tues. & fri.; tf.l
Twedye esq. of Boreham, for four poor knights, two for Ingatestone, Waiter Taylor, daily
(Marked thus t are in the pari:>h of COMMERCIAL. Mott J ames, jun. boot & shoe maker
Buttsbury.) Bird John, plumber, painter & glazier tNorris Arthur Waiter, cowkeeper
tBorrett George, Bear P.H Norris Herbert Isaac, baker
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Boughtwood Alfred, butcher Norris Thomas Isaac, farmer
Allison Rev. John tBradley George, beer retailer Nurse William John, school attendance
Askew Mrs tBrown Wm. Jsph. blacksmith & frmr & relieving officer & registrar oi
Baukhart Arthur Cable Charles, refreshment rooms births & deaths for Ingatestone dist;
Carter Mrs tCalloway John, tailor, Post office tPlume Jesse, carpenter
Cash Henry tClarke Arthur, surgeon, medical & Rist Henry Richard, farmer
tClarke Arthur, The Limes vaccination officer 7th district, Se well J ames, farmer
Cologan Rev. William H. (Catholic), Chelmsford union Stripe William Geo. farmr. Bellmam.
Lilystone hall Clover Mary (Mrs.), miller (wind) tSuch George, beer retailer
Croydon Henry Boydon tCottee Arthur Charles, baker, rate Taylor Waiter, carrier
~ubitt Edwin, Stock cottage collector & assistant overseer & Taylor William, farmer
fibson Rev. Edward Pendarves B.A. deputy regi"strar of births & deaths, Warner Arthur, coach builder
Rect<>ry Ingatestone sub-district, Chelmsford tWebster T. H. brick & tile maker
Hawthorne James union White Samuel, thrashing machine
tHeywood Capt. Henry, Greenwoods Craig Robert, farmer owner & farmer
Holderness Lewis A. Hope farm Harvey John, farmer Wilson George C. grocer
tKeogh Mrs. Colaba cottage Jarvis Henry, bricklayer & shopkpr Wilson William, farmer
t::\fakings Charles tJarvis James, builder & shopkeeper Wood Charles, Cock P.H. open &·
Mercer John tKing- Robert Eagle, shoe maker closed waggonettes· for hire, meet.
Mott Mrs. Clifton cottage Low Williani Henry, baker trains on receipt of letter Ol""
Osborne Thomas Madle James, market gardener wire
Silver Stephen W. Stock lodge Makings Alfred, saddle & harness ma Wood Kate (:Miss), pork butcher
tSimson Mrs. George :\Iartin Charles, poultry dealer tWoodward Alfred, builder
Thomas Col. Charsley :\Ioore George, dairyman vVright Nathan, accommodation fol""
Woodard Mrs t::\Ioore William, grocer & draper cyclists & travllrs. King's Head P.H
STONDON (or Stondon Massey, or De Marcy, the ob. 17th April, 1573; in the chancel is another to John
stony down) is a parish and village consisting of a few Sarre, ci<tizen of London, merchant adventurer and iron-
scatt&ed houses, 3 miles south-eas·t from terminal Ongar monger, ob. 1570: the pulpit and reading desk are of
st.ation on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 finely-carved oak, wi,th the date 163o, and an oaken
north-west from Brentwood and 22 from London, in the screen, of somewhat earlier date, separates the nave and
Western divisiiQn of the county, Ongar hundred, petty cha.ncel: the ohurch was restored in I85o, and in 1874 a
sessional division and union, Brenltwood county court memorial chapel was erected to Philip Herman Meyer by
district, rural deanery of Lambourne, archdeaconry of his widow: the belfry and spire were rebuilt in r888.
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of SS. The registers daJte from the year 1708 and are said to be
Peter and Paul is a small building oi flint and stone in very defective, eSipecially in burial·s. The living is a
the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, chapel, rectory, tithe rent-charge £240, with residence
south porch and a western belfry with shingled spire, and 70 acres of glebe; £8o of tithe is payable from
contJaiining 3 bells: there are mural tablets to the How Marks Hall estlate in the parish of Margaret Roothing,
and Taylor families and in the nave is an ancient brass where was anciently a chapelry, the duties of which were
excellently preserved, with full-length figures of a man performed by the rector of Stondon; tlie living is in the
and his wife, and an inS<:ription to Rainold Hollingworth, gift of and held sin<:e 1893 by the Rev. Edward Henry
Lisle Reeve M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. There are Philip H. :Meyer esq. is lady of the manor and chief land-
S acres called Giles's charity, left in 1574 by Henry Giles, owner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief
of London, with 5 cottages thereon, the rent of which, crops are wheat, beans and barley. The aren is 1,123
about £28, is distributed to the poor of the parish; acres; rateable value, £1,540; the pvpu1ation in 1891
these were enlarged and rebuilt by Phil!ip Herman Meyer was 259.
esq. in 1859: there is also a house and piece of land Parish Clerk, William Asser.
bequeathed for the purpose of buying bellropes for the Letters through Brentwood arrive at 8 a.m. & 1 p.m.
church and ss. yearly io 6 poor widows, to buy them A Wall Letter Box at the school, cleared at 8.40 a.m.
waistcoats, ch-arged on a farm called "Brank trees," in 6 p.m. & 8 a.m. on sundays. The nearest money
the parish of Hatfield Broad Oak, in this county. Ston- order & telegraph office is a.t Kelvedon Common
don Place, a red brick mansion, pleasantly seated, is the National School (mixed), built in 1844, & enlarged 1891,
property of Tyndale White esq. J.P.; now occupied by fur 70 children; average attendance, 34; l\Liss Elizabeth
Oapt. Henry George Ricardo R.A. Mrs. Baker, widow of Mack-ay, mistress
Reeve Rev. Edward Henry Lisle M.A. Burrells John, Bricklayers' Arms P.H Martin Uriah, gravel merchant
Rectory Cook Edward, farmer, Canons farm Xicholls Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Ricardo Capt. Henry George R.A. Cowee John, cattle dealer, Holly farm Parkin William, grocer & farmer
Stondon Place Fuller Alfred, blacksmith Radford John, farmer, Clap gate
Smith Reginald Cunliffe, Stondon ho Gandy Alfred, shopkpr. & beer retlr Thomas William James & James Jsph.
"\Yhite Tyndale J.P. Stondon cottage Gann James Thomas, builder farmers, Whipples farm
Whiteside-Cook Miss, Brook Knight Alfred, farmer Thorogood Thomas, farmer, Shivers
COMMERCIAL. ~Iarriott Frederick, farmer, Wool- "\Vooltorton William, farmer
Asser 1Villiam, farmer monger's farm
STOW MARIES, so named from a family of Mareys family: there are sittings for 120 persons. The register
or de St. Mary's, who held this manor under Humphrey daltes from the year I559· The living is a vicarage,
de Bohun, Earl of HereJlord and Essex, till 1389, is a tithes commuted at £6oo, net yearly value £5oo, with
parish, bounded on the south by the river Crouch, 1! residence, in the gift of and held since 1888 by the Rev.
miles east from Cold Norton station on the Maldon Richard J'ames Coling M.A. of St. John's College, Cam-
branch <Jf the Great Eastern railway, 7 south from Mal- bridge. Lady Falkland's charity of £2 2s. yearly, being
don, -and ·II south-east from Chelmsford; it is in the the interest on £7o left in 1776, is for bread. There is
South Easrtern division of the county, Dengie hundred no lord of the manor. The principal landowners are
and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county Norrtis Bretherton esq. of Moss House, Farington, Lan-
court district, and in the rural deanery of 1\faldon, arch- cashire, Thomas Hooper esq. and Capt. Harrison. The
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
of St. Mary and St. Margarat is an ancient structure wheat and beans ; there is a large area of pasture land.
faced with flints and chiefly in the Perpendicular style, The area is 2,375 acres of land and 77 of water; rateable
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch (now closed up) value, £1,137; the population in 1891 was 176.
and a wooden belfry at the west end, s~rmounted by a Parish Clerk, Samuel Pond.
short spire and containing I bell : the building was re- Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
stored at considerable expense in 1870: the original William GrayJin, sub-postmaster. Letters are received
piscinre remain, a.s also a very intere!'lting trefoiled through MaldQn; arrive at 8.30 a.m. ; dispa.tched at
crocketed niche at the nol"lth-east angle of the nave and 4.25 p.m. Latchingdon is the nearest telegraph office
the stairs formerly conducting to the rood loft: in the Srhool (mixed), built in 1872, for so children; average
chancel there is a tomb with brass, to the Cammocke attendance, 37; Mrs. Harriett Anne Knight, mis.tress
Coling Rev. Richd. Jas. M.A. Rectory Lazell Henry, Wheatsheaf P.H Pond Edward, aisistant overseer for
Brazier Silas, baker & beer retailer Mann Samuel, blacksmith the parishes of Cold Norton, Stow
Graylin William, grocer, Post office N eal Robert, farmer, Stow hall Maries & North Fambridge
Green George, farmer Pond Samuel, wheelwright
.STRATFORD is a suburb of London, and part of the eluded in the County Directory, but will be found in
Metropolitan borough of West Ham, and is not now in- Kelly's Directory of the Suburbs of London.
STRETHALL is a village and parish, the latt-er ex- register d!lltes from q6g only, the previous ones having
tending to the borders of Cambridgeshire, 2~ miles been lost. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
north-west from Audley End, 4 north-west from Saffron charge £ug, net yearly value £IJI, including the glebe,
WaJ.den and 2 south-wes.t from Great Chesterford stations in the gift of Col. William Raymond-Lluellyn, and held
on the Groo.t Eastern railway, in the Norrthern division of since 1856 by the Rev. Joseph Oollin, who resides at
the county, Uttlesrord hundred, Saffron Walden petty Elmdon. Col. William Raymond Lluellyn is lord of the
sessional divisiQn, union and counrty court district and in manor and chief landowner. Mr. Alfred Emson, who
rural deanery "of Saffron "\Valden, archdeaconry of Col- resides at Howe Hall, Littlebury Green, and Mr. "\Yilliam
chester and diocese of St. Albans. Oatmere End in C. Em.son, of Srtrethall Hall, farm the greater part of the
Littlebury parish, is ecclesia·stioally attached to this parish. The soil is principally light; subsoil, chiefly
lp!arish. The church of St. Mary the V~rgin, is an chalk. The crops are on the :five-coui\Se system. The
.ancient Norman structure, consisting of chancel, nave, area is 6o6 a.cres; rateable value, £sog; the population
south porch and an embattled western tower containing in 1891 was 42.
2 bells: the chancel is separated from the nave by a Parish Clerk & Sexton, James Smith.
very fine arch of Early Norman date: in 1868 the church Letters through Saffron ·walden, which & Great Chester-
was completely restored and a stained window inserted ford are the nearest money order & telegraph vflices,
in 1872 in memory of Mrs. Oollin, of Elmdon: on the arrive at 8.30 a.m
north side is a memorial window to Henry Collin, Parochial School (mixed), under the management of the
brother of the present rector. The earliest existing rector ; average attendance, 28 ; Miss Alice Law, mist
B'lrker James, bailiff to Wm. Carter Emson Wm. Carter, farmer, Strethall Pledger William, bailiff to William
. Emson esq. Catmere end Hall farm Carter Emson esq. Ryders farm
Casbott Charles, bailiff to A. N.
Myhill esq
STURMER (or Stourmere, i.e. the Mere on the Stour) presented by Mr. Hep.ry "\V. Jackson, of Haverhill: there
formerly a very considerable place, is a parish and vil- are 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1733.
lage on the borders of Suffolk, with a stastion on the The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge [240, a>erage
Stour Valley brnnch of_ the Great Eastern railway, 13~ £203, net yearly value £54• with residence and 18 acres
miles north-west from Halstead, a mile and a half south- of glebe, in the gift of the Rev. G. H. Flet.cher ~LA. of
east from Haverhill, and 57 miles by rail from London, in Durham, and held since 1874 by the Rev. George Henry
the Northern division of the coullltv,

Hinckford hundred, Ridley Fletcher B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, and
North Hinckford petty .sessional division, Risbridge union, surrogate: the Rev. John Banks Beers M.A. of Trinity
Haverhill county court district, and in the rural deanery College, Oxford, Dublin, has been curate in charge since
of Y eldham, arch deaconry of Oolchester and diocese of 1883. The Missi<Jn room was erected in 1884, ail'd is al"O
St. .A.lbans. The church, attrlbur~>d to St. Mary •
the used as a Sundav •
school. The nurseries here ha>e been
Virgin, is an ancient building of rubble, in mixed styles, esta.blished a cellltury and a half. Stnrmer Hall, now a
and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a western farm house, is an ancient building, ple-asanttly s.ituated on
tower containing 3 bells : it was thoroughly rPstored and rising ground near the church and was formerly sur-
:reseated in 1877, and in 1883 the chancel was restored, rounded by a moat, a part of which still remains. Capt. ~
·the rubble work cleansed, two :S orman windows openPd Sidney Stanley, of Longstowe HaD, Cambs, is lord of the
and the interior repaired: the s-tained east window was manor. Ohevallier Purkis esq. of London W. is the chief
334 STUlli"\IER. ESSEX. [KELLY's

landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay; the chief Lett-ers arrive !by mail cart from HalB~tead at 7.1o
crops are wheat, barley and oalts. The area is 945 acres ; a. m. ; dispatched et 5.15 p.m. The neare&t money
rateable value, £I,35I; the population in 1891 was 342. order & telegraph office i~ at Haverhill, Suffolk
Parish Clerk, David Cowle. Stu'l'Iller is included in Haverhill (Suffolk) United Dis-
KEDINGTON HAMLET, I mile nol'ltlh-east, and in tr.ict School Board, formed 27 Nov. I873
this !County, is part I(){ the parish of Kedington in Suffolk. Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 94 children;
Here is a Baptist chapel, built in 185o, and rebuilt in ~verage attendance, 65; Mrs . .A.nnie H. Hepher, mist
1865, and .seating lOO. Railway s,fution, William Wesley Tollady, station master
Post & Pa:rrcel Office. Henry Gower, sub-postmaster. Oounty Police, William Denney, constable
STURMER. Curtis Mary (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H Hepher Edward, reporter
Beers Rev. John Banks M.A. (curate Deeks George (exors .. of), farmers, Ince George, beer retailer & shopkpr
in charge) Sturmer hall Purkis Charles Blomfield, farmer
Gurteen Jabez, Couples Dillistone Eliza. (Mrs.) & Frederick, Tarvin William, farmer, Bumpstead
Long George W. 'Voodland green nurserymen, seedsmen & florists road. (Letters through Haverhill)
Purkis Chas. Blomfield, The Bungalw Evans William, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Gardner Ambrose, hawker KEDINGTON.
Debenham Arthur Noah, registrar of Gower Henry, saddler, Post office (Letters through Haverhill.)
births & deaths for the Haverhill Gower William, carpenter & builder Forbes Robert, farmer, East cottages
district & school attendance & re- Gurteen William & Jabez, farmers, Medcalf Henry, farm bailiff to C. B.
lieving officer Couples Purkis esq
SUTTON is a parish, I mile south-east from Rochford ness Island, in the gift of and held since 1883 by the Rev.
and 2! miles north from Southend stations, on the Gre!rt. .A.ndrew Noble William Bredin B.A. of Durham Dui-
EaStern railway, in the South Eastern division of the versirty, who is also vicar of Shopland. The manorial
county, Rochford hundred, peltty sessiomal division and rights were resigned to the copyholders 'bY Chester Moor
union, Southend county court dis1rict, and in the rural Hall esq. J ames Tabor esq. J. P. of New Hall, is chief land-
deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese owner. The soil is rich lqam; subsoil, clay. The crops
of Stt. Albans. The Fleet Hall Creek forms the. western are general. The area is 699 a.cres of land and 22 water;
bounda~ry of the parish. The ~hurch Qf All Saints is a rateable value, £1,369; the 'population in 1891 was 156.
building of stone, in tthe Early English and Decorated Parish Clerk, James Ketcher.
styles, cons-isting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
western tower with spire containing 1 bell: rthe church Le~tlters through Rochford S.O. arrive at 7 & 11.20 a.m.
retains .sedilia and was thoroughly restored in r869, at a Wall Letter Box cleared at I0.30 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.;
cost of nearly £7oo: there are 190 sitJtings. The re~ister on sundays at I0.4o a.m. The nearest money order &
of baptisms and burials dates from 1741; marnages, telegraph office is at Rochford
1757. The living lis a. rootlory; tithes commut-ed in 1839 Naltional School (mixed), for the joint parishes of Sutton
rat £2go, now £246, net yearly value £181, with resi- & Shopland, errected in 1873, for 52 children; average
deuce and 10 acres of glebe, and also a modus from Foul- alttendance, 38; 'Mrs. Susannah Joy, mistress
Bredin Rev. A.ndrew Noble William Tabor James J.P. New hall Thorowgood George, farm bailiff to
B.A. Rectory Buries Stephen, market gardener C. A.. Tabor esq. Fleethall
Montague Rev. James B.A
TAKELEY is a village and parish on the road from lingbury Place, James Ross, J. W. Patmore esqrs. and
Dunmow to Bishop's Stortford, with a station within the W. Fuller-Maitland esq. M.P. of Stansted. The soil is
parish of Hatfield Broad Oak, on the branch of the Great clay and loam ; subsoil, mixed. The crops are wheat.
Eastern railway from Bishop's Stortford to Braintree, 5 barley, clover, beans and roots. The area is 3,188 acres;
miles west from Dunmo~, 4 east from Bishop's Stortford rateable value, £2,632; the population in 1891 was 8go.
and 36 from London, in the Western division of the BA.MBER, or BA.MBROWS GREEN, is a mile and a
county, Uttlesford hundred, Dunmow petty sessional half north-east; SMITH'S GREEN, half a mile east;.
division, union and county court district, and in MOLE HILL GREEN, 3 miles north.
the rural deanery of Newport, a,rchdeaconry of Col-
chester and diocese of St. A.lbans. The church of Sexton, George Pallett.
the Holy Trinity is an ancient building of flint, in Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Exp_ress Delivery & Annuity
& Insurance Office.-William Lambert, postmaster.
mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four ibays,
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western Letters by way of Chelmsford arrive at 6 a.m. & 2.29
tower with small spire containing 4 bells: the chancel p.m.; dispatched at 3.10 & 5.50 p.m
was restored in 1874, and a chancel arch and organ cham- Wall Letter Boxes at Threm Hall Priory & Takeley
ber erected. The register dates from the year x662. street eacli cleared at 5.30 p.m
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £258, Police Station, Arthur Clark, constable
net yearly value £235, with 6 acres of glebe and resi- Schools.
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held National (mixed), Brewer's end, for qo children; average
since 1868 by the Rev. Robert Hart M.A. of Corpus attendance, 107: in 1886 a house for the master was
Christi college, Cambridge, diocesan inspector of schools, erected by the principal landowners: J. Cooper Smith.
rural dean of Newport, and surrogate. The parish is master
divided into several small manors. The principal land- National (mixed), Mole Hill Green, for 6o children;
owners are the warden and fellows of New College, Oxford, average attendance, 53; Miss E. Fene<>tt, mistress
Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-Houblon, of Hal- Railway Station, Charles Haddow, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cass Henry, builder, Brewer's end Pettitt George, farmer, Wa.rish hall
Butcher Henry, Rose villa Clapton Jn. beer retailer, Smith's grn Piper Henry, iun. joiner, Street
Dorman Henry, Sunnyside Clarke Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer Potter Fras. Wm. frmr. Brewer's end
Hart Rev. Robert M.A. (vicar, rural & miller (wind), Mill end Potter William, farmer, Street farm
dean & diocesan inspector of Flanders Edward, blacksmith, Mole Ruse James, farm bailiff to Mr. John
schools), Vicarage Hill green Frankham
Hildyard Ernest George FQley James, Reindeer P.H Salm<m John, frmr. Mole Hill green
Marshall Mrs. Street Franklin Thos. farmer, Taylor's farm Scott James, Green Man P.H
Olivieri Carlo, The Limes Garrett Thos. farmer, Smith's green Searle Alfd. beer retailer, Mole Hill gn
Parish George, Goodwyns Grieg- Thomas, farmer, High house Searle Arthur, frmr. Mole Hill green
Robinson Frederick S. Mortivals Hockley Alfred, farmer, Cooper's farm Simons A.rthur, Three Horseshoes
Stroud Fredk. Wm. Sheering hall Horsenell Rufus, bricklayer, Street P.H. Mole Hill green
Kenny Edward Henry, proprietor of Speller Edward Robert1 grocer,
COMMERCIAL. cattle medicines, Easton cottage draper & hosier, & agent for W. &;
Aylett Thomas, grocer & baker, Mole Knight Herbert, butcher, Street A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit
Hill green Lambert William, grocer & draper, merchants
Bailey Alfred, farmer, Colchester hall Post office Stanley Thos. beer ret. Bambrows gn
Barnard Jessie (Mrs.), Lion & Lamb Orpen Wm. Walt. frmr. Waltham hall Thurgood James, coal agent
P.H. & grocer Patmore John William, farmer & land- Vale John, marine store dealer
Baynes William, farmer, Grange farm owner, Old House farm Warman William, Four Ashes P.H
Bowtell Thos. horse dealr. Miller's fro Piper Henry, beer retailer & miller White Sarah (:\Irs. ), flour & corn
Burls A.rthur Robert, farmer, l\Iole (wind), Street dealer, Street
Hill green
TENDRING is a very ancient parish, giving name to Tendring Union.
a petty sessional division, hundred and union, and is on Board day, alternate wednesdays at the Workhouse
the Holland brook, 2 miles north from W eeley station on at I I a.m.
the Tendring hundred branch of the Great Eastern rail-
way, 10l south-west from Harwich, 7 west from Walton The Union comprises the following parishes :-Alresford,.
steamboat pier and 61 from London, in the North-Eastern Ardleigh, Beanmont-cnm-Mose, Bradfield, Brightling-
division of the county, Harwich county court district, sea, Dovercourt, Elmst~ad, .Frating, Frinton, Grea-h
and in the __rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Bentley, Great Bromley, Great Clacton, Great Holland..
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Great Oakley, Kirby-le-Soken, Lawford, Little Bent-
Edmund, standing on an eminence overlooking the brook, ley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton, Little Holland, Little- •
is a building of rubble stone, principally in the Tran- Oakley, Manningtree, Mistley, Ramsey, St. Nicholas,.
sition style from Early English to Decorated, and consists ~arwich, St. Osyth, Tendring, Thorpe-le-Soken, Thor-
of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, north porch, mgton, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley, Wix & Wrabness.
organ chamber and an embattled western tower with The population of the union in 1891 was 37,403; area,
pinnacles and spire, and contajning 4 bells : the tower 84,491 acres; rateable value in 1893, £189,175
was erected by the late John Cardinall esq. in 1876: Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, A. J.
there is a memorial window to the Rev. John Mitchell H. Ward, Harwich •
Chapman, rector here from 1838, d. 1878, and several Treasurer, G. C. E. Egerton esq. Colchester
others: in the chancel is a kneeling figure of alabaster,
Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the-
witli brass inscription, to Edmund Saunders, ob. 15th Guardians, No. I district (Ardleigh), James Mayer,.
November, 1615: on the south side of the chancel is a Great Bromley; No. 2 district (Harwich), Thomas
piscina.: this church, prior to 1663, was an appendage to Young, Ramsey; No. 3 district (Thorpe), Theophilus
the ancient manor of Old Hall; it then became the pro- Philemon Ruffell, Thorpe
perty of the Bowes family of Brett's Hall, and afterwards
passed to Henry Compton, Bishop of Oxford (1674-5) and Medical Officers, Nos. I & 2 districts, Samuel Evans
of London ( I675-1713), who settled it upon Balliol College, L.R.C.P.Lond. Harwich; Nos. 3 & 4 districts, W. W.
Oxford. The register of baptisms dates from 1538; Baxter F.R.C.S.Eng. Manningtree; No. 5 district (Ard-
burials, 1552 ; marriages, I553· The living is a rectory, leigh & Great Bromley), Sidney Arthur Mugford
average tithe rent-charge £640, net yearly value £630, L.R.C.P.Lond. Manningtree; No. 5 (Elmstead) district,.
with residence and 108 acres of gl~be, in the gift of Edward Herbert Squire, Wivenhoe; No. 6 district,.
Balliol College, Oxford, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Robert Chapman Atthill L.R.C.P.Edin. Great Bentley;
Arnold Henry Page M.A. of that college. The Wesleyan No. 7 dist. James J. Potter M.B., C.M. St. Osyth; No
chapel, a large _and handsome building, has 250 sittings. 8 dist. Arthur Somers Ivens L.R.C.P.Edin. 'fhorpe;
A fair was formerly held here on September qth, but is No. 8a district, Waiter Maine, Clacton-on-Sea; No. 9
now obsolete. The manor house, the property of Durrant & I I districts, Francis Wheldale Foster, Thorpe; No.
Edward Cardinall esq. J.P. of 18 Cromwell road, Brighton, 10 district, Sidney Arthur Mugford L.R.C.P.Lond.
is a handsome mansion, with well-wooded pleasure Manningtree; No. 12 district, Charles Arthur Squire
grounds, is the residence of Walter Horatio May esq. Ling, Brightlingsea
Durrant Edward Cardinall esq. of Brighton, who Public Vaccinators, Nos. 7 & Sa, Robert Chapman Atthill
is lord of the manor, and the Earl of Onslow L.R.C.P.Edin. Great Bentley; other districts, same as
G.C.M.G. are the chief landowners. The soil is partly medical officers
clay and partly of a light mixed nature, and the subsoil Superintendent Registrar, A. J. H. Ward, Harwich;
is strong, with some gravel. Th_(_l chief crops are wheat, deputy, T. P. Bedford, Harwich
oats, barley, peas, beans and turnips. The area IS -
Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Ardleigh sub-
2,768 acre_s; rateable value, £3,480; the population in district, James Mayer, Great Bentley; deputy, William
1891 was 830, of which 215 were in the union house. Robinson, Frating; Harwich sub-district, Josiah
Parish Clerk, George Laitt. Frederick Kerry, 22 Maria street, Harwich; deputy, E.
Post Office.-Mrs. Mary Ann Mash, sub-postmistress. F. Durrant, 21 Market street, Harwich; Manningtree
Letters arrive from Colchester at 6.35 a. m. & 12 noon; sub-district (births & deaths only), Thomas Young,
dispatched at 6.25 p.m. & on sunday at 10.25 a.m. Ramsey; deputy, George Lucas, Ramsey; Thorpe sub-.
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at district, T. P. Ruffell, Thorpe; deputy, W. C. Bare-
Weeley. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid ham, Little Clacton
Wall Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 7·45 a.m. & 5.40 Registrars of Marriages, Brightlingsea sub-district, Wm.
p.m. week days only Folkard, Brightlingsea; deputy, William W. Folkard,.
County Magistrates for the Tendring Petty Sessional Brightlingsea ; Manningtree sub-district, Henry Mead,.
Mistley; deputy~ S. T. Taylor, Mistley
Workhouse, built in 1838, at a cost of £12,ooo, is capable
Norman Rev. Charles Frederick M.A. }ifistley Place, of containing 308 inmates & 12 vagrants; Richard
Manningtree, chairman Parnaby Lackey, master; Rev. Thomas Henry Cook.
Johnson Sir John Hel!ry, St. Osyth priory, Colchester chaplain; Francis Wheldale Foster, medical officer ;
Blanshard Richard esq. F.R.G.S., M.A. Walton Mrs. S. J. Lackey, matron; Miss Rena Smith Lackey.
Davis Colonel Richard Percival, New House farm, matron's assistant; Miss Totman La born, schoolmis-
Walton-on-Naze tress; Miss Agnes Craft, nurse ; Hy. Pamment, porter
Durrant Edward Cardinall esq. 18 Cromwell rd. Brighton
Egerton-Green Claude Egerton esq. Wyvenhoe hall, Rural Sanitary Auth~rity.
Colchester Meets at the Workhouse, Tendring, on wednesdays,
Hempson Annis esq. Hill house, Ramsey, Harwich monthly, at 1.30 p.m.
Impey-Lovibond Colonel Archibald D.L. New hall, Ard- Clerk, A. J. H. Ward, Harwich
leigh, Colchester Treasurer, Augustus Robert Clench, 7 Streatham hill.
Morrell Lieut.-Col. Edward, Mistley hall, Mannino-tree London S.W
Nichols Francis Morgan esq. F.S.A. Lawford hall~ Man· Medical Officer of Health, John Will Cook M.D. Colchester
ningtree Sanitary inspector, R. T. Stewart, Thorpe
Norman Edwd. Kensit esq. D.L. Mistley ldg. Manningtree
Page Rev. Arnold Henry M.A. The Rectory, Tendring, School Attendance Committee.
Colchester ~Ieets at the "\Vorkhouse, Tendring, every alternate
Smith John esq. Alton park, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O wednesday at Io a.m.
Woodgate John esq. Little Bentley hall, Colchester Clerk, A. J. H. Ward, Harwich
Clerk to the Magistrates, H. "\V. Jones, l\fanningtree & Attendance & Inquiry Officer, W. C. Bareham, Lit.Clacton
Petty Sessions are held at Mistley & Thorpe-le-Soken Schools.
every monday week, alternately at 12 noon. The places Board School (mixed), built in 1842, for 124 children;
in the division are Alresford, Ardleigh, Beaumont, average atl~ndance, 95 ; Miss Louisa Greenfield, mist
Great Bentley, Little Bentley, Bradfield, Great Bromley,
Little Bromley, Great Clacton with Clacton-on-Sea, Carriel'IS to
Little Clacton, Elmst~ad, Frating, Frinton, Great Colchester-Frederick Moles, passes through mon. wed.
Holland, Little Holland, Kirby, Lawford, 1\fanningtree, & sat. ; Arthur Parker, tues. thurs. & sat
Mistley, Great Oakley, Little Oakley, Ramsey, St. Harwich-Arthur Parker, mon. wed. & fri
Osyth, Tendring, Thorpe, Thorington, Walton-on-the- Ipswich James Dnmerton, tues. & fri. returning same
Naze, Weeley, Wix & Wrabness · day
_County Police Station, Frederick Mills, constable ~Ianningtree-James Dumerton, tues. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bacon Benjamin, jun. butcher Low George, farmer, Brett's hall
lJoyer Thomas Charles, Church house Clarey Alfred, butcher Manning Charles, farmer, Heath
·Chapman Mrs. Hollywood Clarke Frederick William, farm bailiff Mash Mary Ann (Mrs.), Post office
Clarke John Quintin, The Glebe to the Earl of Onslow & assistant Maskell Jacob, farmilr, Grove house
Earnshaw Rev. Richard Foulds (Wes) overseer, Hannams hall Perry George Arth. grDCer & draper
Greenwood 1Villiam Bowler, New hall Crampin Ishmael,carpenter & shopkpr Richardson Charles, beer retailer,Hth
Jves William Cutting James, carpenter Sargeant Mary Anne (Mrs.), Crown
Keeble Mrs. Old hall Fisher Abraham, grocer & draper, P.H. & blacksmith
May ·waiter Horatio, The Manor ho The Green Sorrell J oseph, farmer, Yewtree farm
1'age Rev. Arnold Henry M.A., J.P. Gobey David, butcher, Heath Sorrell Susana (Mrs.), farmer
Rectory Goddard Arthur, miller (wind & Stanford Stanley Fredk. frmr. Wolfs
"Thurman Richard John, The Hall steam), corn, flour, hay & straw Thompson John Sl. farmer, Bracket's
merchant & farmer, Tendring mills Thurman Richd. Jn. farmer, The Hall
COMMERCIAL. Tricker William, farmer, Hill farm
Goodchild Isaac, beer retailer
_\skew Thomas, boot & shoe maker Greenwood William Bowler, cattle W agstaff John, farmer, Pillcock's hall
Bacon Benjamin, shopkeeper dealer, New hall Webber Charles, beer retailer, Green
TERLING is an ancient parish on the Ter, a feeder of of Norwich, who had a palace and park here, besides a
the Chelmer, 3 miles north-west from Hatfield Peverel large chapel having privilege of sanctuary, which gave
l:!tation on the Colchester line of the Great Eastern shelter to the celebrated Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent,
railway, 4! west from Witham, and 8 south-east of in the reign of King Henry Ill. from which, however, he
Ilraintree, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham was taken and conveyed a prisoner to the Tower ; it was
petty sessional division and hundred, Braintree union, also a residence of King Henry VIII. and several acts of
Chelmsford county court district and in the rural deanery this king are dated from Terling, particularly the patent
!!lf Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. creating Sir Edward Seymour Viscount Beauchamp, Oct.
Albans. The church of All Saints is an ancient structure I8th, I536, in which year he gave his manor to Lord
-of flint and brick, standing in the centre of the parish, Chancellor Audley. The house, built by the late John
nnd consists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, north Strutt esq. sometime M.P. for Maldon, is now the seat of
and south porches, and a western tower with octagonal his descendant John William (Strutt ), 3rd Baron Ray·
shingled spire containing a clock and 5 bells : in the wall leigh LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. and is very pleasantly
of the south aisle are two brasses with effigies, to John situated in a park of 200 acres, intersected by the river
Rochester esq. ob. 31 March, 1584, his two wives and Ter and surrounded by extensive woods with stately
twelve children, with a Latin inscription in verse; and to forest trees. Lord Rayleigh is lord of the manor and
William Rochester esq. ob. 2 Sept. 1558, and his wife chief landowner. The land is principally arable; subsoil,
Elizabeth, ob. 29 July, 1556; beneath are twelve lines of clay and gravel. The area is 3,205 a,cres of land and 15
English rhyming verse : in the nave are other mutilated of water; rateable value, £2,g8I; the population in I8gi
brasses with half-effigies of a man and his wife, c. 1430, was 906.
and in the south aisle effigies of a man in armour, with F ARSLEY is I mile south-east; TERMITTS is 2 miles

his wife, c. 1490 : built into the wall on the inside of the south-west.
tower are _two stones, with inscriptions recording how Sexton, George Royce.
Solomon Monk and Sarah his wife, with others of that Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity
family set these stones during the rebuilding of the & Insurance Office. William Thurgood, sub-postmas•
steeple, May 10 and I I, I732 : the south porch is a good ter. Letters received from Witham, delivered at 8.30
example of the wood wC\rk of the latter part of the I5th a.m. & to callers at 12.20 p.m. ; dispatched at I2.20 &
century. Tlie register dates from the year I538. The 7 p.m. Pillar Box, opposite the vicarage, cleared at
l.iving is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £212, with 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 10.40 a.m
24 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift_of Lord Ray-
leigh, and held since I876 by the Rev. Charles Boutflower Schools.
M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Here is a National (mixed), built in 18I4, for 120 children, with an
Congregational chapel. There are charities of about £2o average attendance of 100; the school has an endow-
yearly, derived from land left by Henry Smith. A fair ment of £I9 yearly, arising from a rent-charge on
':is held here on Whit Monday. Terling Place was once Troyes farm, left by J oseph Holden Strutt, for the
appendant to Ely cathedral, but was separated from that education of IO boys; J ames Harrison, master
see by William the Conqueror, who gave it to his Infants', built by Lord Rayleigh, for 6o children; average
favourite, Ranulph Peveril; in I269 it was held under attendance, 48 ; Miss Annie Godfrey, mistress
the Bohuns, Earls of Hereford and Essex, by the Bishop Carrier. Frederick Thurgood, to Witham, daily
_Rayleigh Lord LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Drain J ames, farmer Sayers Thomas, general dealer
J.P. (lord lieut. of the Co. ), Ter- Eve William, boot maker Smith Elijah, farm bailiff to Lord
ling Place ; 4 Carlton gardens & Franklin William Robert, shopkeeper Rayleigh, Terling hall
Athenamm club, London S W & beer retailer Smith Wm. thrashing machine propr
"Boutflower Rev. Chas. M.A. Vicarage GDdfrey m:mry, head gardener to Terling Coffee House Club (Thomas
Frost Rev. Matthew (Congregational) Lord Rayleigh Isted, sec.; Alfred Wager, managr)
Goodday Augustus, New house Guilder Tamar (Mrs.), baker Terling Provident Society Limited
Bordon George Harris & Cook, blacksmiths (John Brant, manager)
• Isted Thomas, estate clerk Tuff Waiter, farm bailiff to Lord
COMMERCIAL. Lever John Thomas, clerk of the Rayleigh, Ringers
Alliston James, Rayleigh Arms P.H works, Lord Rayleigh's estate Thurgood Frederick, carrier
Bright John, farm bailiff to Lord Ray- Loker Frederick J. baker & corn dealr Thurgood 1Vm. shopkeeper, Post off
leigh, Three Ashes Middledi tch Louis a (Mrs.), beer retlr Wager Alfred, tobacconist
Bright William, wheelwright, smith & Palmer Thomas David, farm bailiff to Walford Sarah (Mrs.), earthenware
unde·rtaker Lord Rayleigh, Fardings dealer & draper
'Church David, farmer Richardson Chas. farmer, Great Lays Wood John, farmer, Sparrows
Doe Chas. Jsph.miller (wind & steam) Russell Josiah, shopkeeper Wright William, tailor
GREAT TEY in the 10th century belonged to Algar, £213, average titlie rent-charge £2n, with residence and
Earl of Mercia: it is a village and parish on the river 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. William Walsh, of
Roman, 3 miles from Marks Tey station on the main Grimblethorpe Hall, Louth, Lincolnshire, and held since
line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from Colchester 189I by the Rev. Edward Godfrey M.A. of Clare College,
nnd 4 north-east from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division Cambridge, the sinecure rectory, held from I854 to I891
of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree by the late Rev. William Walsh, liaving passed into the
petty sessional division and union, Colchester county hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Here is a
court district and in the rural deanery of Halstead, arch- charity of about £2o yearly, derived from 13 acres of
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of Rochester. The land, left by S. Hill esq. in the reign of Elizabeth. There
ancient church of St. Barnabas, standing on an eminence, is also a charity of about £9 yearly, arising from rents
is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, small tran- of cottages given by the Rev. W. Walsh M.A. late rector.
septs and a western tower of pure Norman work, erected A pleasure fair is held here on Trinity Monday and
in the 11th century, and containing 8 bells: the lower Tuesday. The representative of the late Mrs. Mary F.
stage of the tower forms a porch : the nave and aisles Reeve owns the manor and principal land. The soil is
"ll"ere pulled down in 1829. The register of baptisms and rich loam; subsoil, loam and clay. The chief crops are
marriages dates f!:om 1559; burials, I56o, and is in good wheat and barley. The area is 2,623 acres; rateable
~ondition. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value value, £2,654; the population in 1891 was 66x.
TE1 CROSS is 1 mile north-we,t.; P..!.TTOCK GREE~. rive fr 'm Kel>2don at 9 a.m. & are dispatched at 5.5::>
half a mile north. p.m. The nearest money order &; telegraph office is at
Sexton, William Hermon. Marks Tey. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
National School (mixed), built in I872, for ISO children;
}'ost Office.-Charles Eley, sub-postmaster. Letters ar- average attendance, I28; John J. Wills, master
Bell ~Irs. Walcotts Bickmore Thos. farmer, Flories farm Leatherdale Jeptha, thrashing ma-
Carter Mrs. Old vicarage Chaplin Jabez, boot & shoe maker chine proprietor
Godfrey Rev. Edward ~LA. Yicarage Church John Hy. farmer, Bett's farm Rayner George, frmr. Cherry Orchard
)lo~s "\Yilliam, Dowsen Green Firmin Henry John, Chequers P.H Sadler John, carpenter, \Broad green
Goodey Harry, Eight Bells P.H Sharp James, farmer, Uphall farm
Goodey Jeremiah S. frmr. Tey brook Smith & Son, blacksmiths & wheelwt
Bickmore Gardner. frmr. Bucklers fm Hawes "\Villiarn, frmr. "\Yindells farm Smith "\Valter, frmr. Lambert's farm
Browning Eliza Smith (~Irs. ), farmer Houchin .Ann, shopkeeper Theedom Henry Jas. grocer & draper
Elm farm King Percival, blacksmith Willsher ·wait. beer retlr. Broad grn
LITTLE TEY is a parish dose tt'O the Roman road· register dates from the year I66o. The living is a rec-
from Oolchester (Camalodunum) to St . .A.lbans (Veru- tory, gross yearly value £220, including I9 aeres of
qamium), t! miles west from the :Marks Tey station on glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since I8go
the m,ain line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west fr0m by the Rev. Joseph Robert Triphook D.D. of Trinity Col-
Colchester, and 2 north-east from Coggeshall, in the lege, Dublin. The Rev. George PiawS'On, rector here from
Eastern division 'Of the county, Lexden hundred, Le~den IBos, lefit £200, the interest of which is annually dis-
and 'Vinstree pettly 1sessional division and union, Col- tributed in coals to the poor. The trustees of the late
chester county court district and in the rural deanery of John 'Vatson Lay esq. who are lords of the manor, and
Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of £t. Mrs. Honywood, of Marks Hall, are the principal land-
.!lbans. The hamlffii of Surrex in Feering parish, about owners. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The
I mile from Coggeshall, was united to Little Tey for chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 491
eclesiastical purpos~s only by Order in Council in 1854· acres; rateable value, £405; the p(}pulation in I8gi
'The church of St. James is a small. building of stone, was 50.
consisting 'Of chancel and nave and a small wooden tower Sexton, L. Blackwell
at the west end ocontaining I bell : the south door is
Norman. The Rev. Erasmus Laud, rector here I6 4 I, re- Letters through Kelvedon. The nearest money order &
bui.lit 1the parsonage house and brarn and is chiefly me- telegraph office is at Marks Tey. Nearest post office
mOI'18ble on account of the cruel usage he received from at Gre'lllt Tey
the Colchester mob, merely, as is supposed, from his The children of this village attend the school at Marks
bearing the same name as Archbishop Laud. The Tey
Triphook Rev. Joseph Robert D.D. Rectory I Wilsher James, farm bailiff to Frederick Wilson e.sq
MARKS TEY, so called from a family of De Mark, by stands on the south of London road; part of the moat
whom it was held under the Mandevilles, is a village and still remains. The principal iandowners are Thomas
parish adjoining Little Tey, with a Sltation on the Great Ambrose esq. who is lord of the manor, Waiter Barnard
EaS~tern railway, which ia the junction for Bures, Sud- Byles esq. of Harefield H'Ouse, Uxbridge, !Round's trus-
bury and for the Colne valley line, and is 5 miles west tees, Mr. Thomas Carrington Wilson and Mr. .A.rthur
from Colchester, 4 east from Coggeshall and 46! miles Wilson. The soil is rich loam and clay; subsoil, gravel
from London, in Jthe ·Eastern division of the county, Lex- and fine sand. The chief crops '!lre corn, beans and roots.
den hundred, Lexden and 1Vinstree petty sessional The '!lrea is I,225 acres; ~·beable value, [5,730; and the
-division and union, Colchester county cour£ district population in I8gi was 43I.
and in the rural deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry LO~G GREEN and POTTS GREEN are t-o the south-
-of Colchester and diocese of St. A.libans. The church west.
()f St. .Andrew is a building of rubble and flint, Sexton, Newman Rayner.
-erected in the h13th century,
h d and consisting
d t of chan-
. 0 0 S E 1.
Po&t, M. . & T. ., . B., xpress De 1very "" nnmty o.. .A. ·
ce, nave, sou t pore an a woo en ower contam- & Insurance Office.---George Warren, sub-postmaster.
ing I bell: it has 'been thoroughly restored at a Letters through Colchester arrive at 7·45 a.m. ; dis-
cost of £I,200, every ancient feature being retained. pltched at 6. 30 p.m.; .sundays, IO.IO a.m
The register dates from the year I56o. The living is a
rectory, <average tithe rent-charge £185, net yearly value Postal Telegraph Office, open from -8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
£365, with residence '!lnd 32 acres of glebe, in the gift of week days only & from 8 till ro a.m. on sundays
.and held since I8 7 8 by the Rev.William Morgan Jones. National School (mixed), built in 1866, for I2o children;
Providence Baptist chapPl is in the London road. Marks average attendance, 105; Charles Richard \Yimbury,
Tey Hall, the property of Thomas Ambrose esq. and now master
a farmhouse, in the occupation of Mr. Francis Barritt, Railway Station, William Thomas Wild, station master
Collier William Roman, Church house Blackwall Elijah, Trowel & Hammer Garrett Joseph Stammers, maltster
Hawes .A.rthur John, The Villa P.H Graveling Elizabeth (Mrs.), Prince of
.Tonps Rev. William Morgan, Rector! Collier Wllllam Homan, red, 'Vales P.H
Wilson .A.rthur, Palmer's farm white & stock brick also tile & Martin Robert, Red Lion P.H
'Vilson :Frederick ·william, Ivy house pipe manufacturer, Marks Tey brick Polley John, farmer
1Vilson Mrs. T. C works. See advertisement Ravner

Newman, blacksmith
COMMERCI.A.L. Fincham Edwd. frmr. Long Green fm Warren George, grocer, & post officp
Barritt Francis, farmer, Marks Tey hll French Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wilson F. W. & .A.. farmers & corn &
Berry Charles, coal & coke merchant French Geo. carpenter & wheelwright seed merchants
THAXTED is an ancient town and parish, situated buttresses, terminating in canopied niC'hes: the building
near •tihe source of the Chelmer, on the road from Chelms- consists of chancel and nave, each with aisles, south
ford to Saffron Walden, 7 miles north-east from Elsen- transept, north and south porehes, much enriched, and a
ham station on the Cambridge section, and 7 south-east western tower with crocketed spire, 'S'tll'engthened lbv fir-
from ~ffron Walden station on the Audley End branch of ing- buttresses, the total height of tower and spire being
the Great Eastern railway, 7 norlih from Dunmow, I4 r8I feet; the tower contains 8 !bells and a clock: in I8q.
from B:rointree, 19 from Chelmsford, 30 from ColchPster, tlhe spire was struck by lightning and the rebuilding in
42 from Southend and 42 from London: the parish is in I82I cost upwards of £r,ooo: although the style of this
the Northern division of the county, Dunmow hundred, church, generally speaking, is PerpendicuLar, the pillars
petty sessional division, union and county court di~otrict and arches seem to belong to an earlier date, apparently
and in the rural deanery of Dunmow, '!l.rehdea.conry of the latter part of Henry IlL or the beginning of Ed~ard
Essex and diocese of St . .A.lbans. The town was formerly I.'s reign: the south aisle and trans~pt were probably
a borough, incorporated by ch.Brt-er from Philip and completed in the time of Edward III. ; subsequently the
Mary; the charter "Wrus confirmed by Queen ElizsbPth south porch was added and aboub I337• or rather later,
and again with additions by James I. but ~the corporation the north transept and north aisle were begun by Edmund
was extinguished in the quo warranto persecution of Mortimer, 5th and la~t Earl of March and Earl of rlster,
James II. in I687. The town is lighted with gas. The great unde of Edward IV. who succeeded to thP manor
parish church of St. ~iary the Virgin, St. John the Bap- of Thaxted, and also erected the tower and spirP, hut thP
tist and St. Lawrence, is a larj;\'e and fine structure of flint paintings in thiat aisle are of the reign of Ed~ara nr. and
with stone dressin~s, in the LatP Perpendicular style, the the chancel with its aisle.s was built by th~t monarch
whole fabric being embattlPd and supported by strong himself, in or about 1465; the font has an enriched
ESSE! 22

spire-like cover, land porbions of the beautifully carved Princess Elizabeth during po.rt af the reign of Queen
ch()ir stalls may be seen in the screen now inclosing the Mary and she subsequently visited it when queen in
tower arch, also relics of the fine stained !rlass with I 57 I ; it is now the property and residence of the Rev_
which the windows were {)nce filled : on the north door is George West M.A., J.P. curate he~, I856-6o. Mr. J_
a br'ass plate inscrilbed " Orate p. aiab Henrici Boyton et Evans, Io John sll:oreelt, Bedford row, London, is lord of
Johis," and in the north transept the figure and arms of ;the manor of Fitzralphs, in this tDwn. The Rev. G_
the Earl of March: there is also the _figure in brass of a West M.A. J.P. who is lord of the manor, Gny's Ho~pital
priest in vestmelllts, c. 1450, and inscribed memorials to and the Oountess of Warwick are the chief landowners.
the Rev. Robert Barnard M.A. vicar here for nearly so The soil is heavy; subsoil, gravel and clay. 'l'he chief
years, d. 26 June, 1726, h~s wife Anne, d. July g, r68I, crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 6,24()
and others : on the church are several crosses and on the acres of land and 12 of water; rateable valnP, £6,052;
east wall and on the n'Ol'lth porch are carvings of the the popula•tlion in I8gi wllis 1,767.
" Crucifixion :" one of !the 'buttresses on .the south side, MONK STREET is I mile south ; BARDFIELD END
towards the east, exhibits traces of an entrance through GREEN, I mile east; CUTLER'S GREEN, I mile west;
ill:, leading down to a crypt under the chancel; this was RIOHMONDS GREEN, a mile and half south-east;
opened about I865, but nothing was discovered: the HORHAM, a mile and half south-west; DAIRY GREEN,
church is about 183 feet long by 87 wide, and has 6oo I mile south-west; SIBLEY'S GREEN, a mile and &
sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The half south ; BOYTON END, a mile and a half north;
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £344• and Y.ARDLEY ·FARM, I mile north-west.
gross yearly value [587, nBit £390, with residence, in the
gift of the Countess of Warwick. and held since 1893 by Parish Clerk, Waiter Charles White.
the Rev. Leonard Sedgwick Westall, of Queen's College, Sexton, Ch-arles Glark.
Oamlbridge. The Baptist chapel, in Park street, erected Po>tt, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
in I832, wil1 seat a'bout 400 persons. The Congregational & Insurance Office.-Frederick Edward Britton, post-
chapel, in Bolford streeJt~ founded in I685, was rebuilt in master, Watling street. Letters arrive by mail cart
1705 and 1771, ;and altered in 1828; the present building from Dunmow at 7.30 a.m. & 1.40 JJ.m. & delivered
w_as erected in r857, and has 950 sittings; opposite is a !between 8 & 9 a.m. & 2.30 p.llJ.. & dispatched aJt. If
lecture hall, seating 350 persons. Samuel Purchas B.D. a.m. & 4.50 p.m. Bag made up at 4 p.m. The box is
of St. John's College, Camibridge, the author of the two always open. On sundays delivered at 7.40 a.m.; dis-
curious land intereslting books called " Purchas : his Pil- patched at II.45 a.m
grimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religious Public EstaJblishments : -
Observances Df all Ages" and "Purchas: his Pilgrimmes,"
was born here in 1577: entering the Church he became County Police Station, Town street, Frederick Waiter
Tayl()r & .Alfred William Soanes, constables
chaplain to Archlbishop Abbott and published the first
of these works in r6I3 and the second in I625 : he was Fire Engine Sit·ation, Bolford street, 0. Rali:cli:ff, supt
Public Officers:- ·
highly esteemed for his learning, piety and faithful dis-
.A~sistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates, Thomtts
charge of his duties, but eventually died in poverty and
distress caused by the expense's of publishing his books, Woodley Brand, Town street
and wt!s buried 3oth September, I626, at St. Martin's, Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, rst District, Sa:ffrom
Ludgate, in the city of London, of which church he was Walden Ulllion & Thaxted DisJtrl.ct, Dunmow Union,
then rector. The Guildhall, built in the reign of James William Sunde:rlland L.R.C.P.Edin
I. is now used for parish purposes; the old council Registrar of Births & Dea1ths for Thaxted Sub-district,
chamber as a reading room and the upper chamber for Frederick Edward Britton ; deputy, Miss Carrie llritt{)n
pe.rish meetings~ there i.s also a lock-up in the same Schools: -
building used by the county police. The t'Otal amount of A School Board of 5 members was formed 22 May,
charities· for V.arious purposes was at one time about I878; Frederick J. Snell, Great Dunmow, clerk to the
£ I,ooo yearly, but has materially decreased, owing to the board; James Hami~ton, Dunmow, attendance officer
depressed state of agriculture, and .the gross value is now Board School, built <in I88o, for us boys, II7 girls &J
~out £6oo. Yerdley's charity, conditionally bequeathed
I50 infants; average aJttendance, g6 boys, 72 girls k
temp. Henry VII. by Thoma~s Yeredele, was realized on 46 infants ; Charles Frederick Dupere, ma&ter; Miss
the failure of all his issue in 1498 : "'\.Yillmm, second Ellen .Archer, mistress; Mrs. Lavinia Grout, infants•
Baron Maynard, by will, in I6g8, left £4,000 for various mistress
charitaJble 'Objects. A pleasure fair is held on the Mon- Carriers to:-
da.y before Whit Monday and .another on the roth of London George Coe, fmm his house, :N ewbiggin stree't,
August for cattle. Horham Hall, about 2 miles soUith- to the 'Saracen''s Head,' Aldga·te, every tues. & fri.
west, is a fine_castellated edifice partly covered with ivy: morning, returning on thurs. & sun. at 2 o'clock
it was built by Sir John Cutts kt. who died in 1520; and Elsenha.m Stallion William Rugers, Newbiggin street,
at ll:•hat time it was of much larger dimensions than at 7.40 a.m. & 4.30 J".m. dtaily
present: but one wing and the chapel were taken down Dunmow-George Tyrrell, jun. from his house, Mile end,
about the middle of the last century and other portions tues. thurs. & sat
in the years I84I and I843: this was the residence of the Saffron Walden-George Tyrrell, jun. wed. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Franklin Alexander, Park farm Luttman Mrs. Town street
.Andrews Mordecai Charles, Park st Franklin Arthur, Town street Parrish William, Orange street
Archer Mrs. Rose cottage, Stony lane Franklin Douglas, Yew cot. Mill end Patmer Misses, "'\Vatling street
Barnard Miss, N ewbiggen sti,eet Franklin John, Terrier's PPaoock J olm, Mill end
Barnard Mrs. Newbiggen street Franklin Miss, Town street Phillips l\Irs. Watling street
Beavan Mrs. Town street Franklin Thomas, Watling street Rust James, Town street
Bennett William, May Tree house Franklin Mrs. William, Town street Smith Joseph, Blunt's
Britton Mrs. D. Watling street Goacher Rev. William (Baptist), l\pw- Sunderland William, Park street
Browne Mrs. Fishmarket strePt biggen street Tredgett John, Clay pits
Chaffer Henry James, Franklin villa, Grout Belsham, Mill end Turner Mrs. Town street
Newbiggen street Halstead Mrs. Watling street Tyler Benjamin, Freeman's
Crabb Miss, Bull ring Hockley Misses, Newbiggen street West Rev. George ~LA., J.P. Harham
Davies Rev. John Thomas Cynon Holland Jsph. The Rails, Bolford st hall & Armigers
(Congregational), Town street llett Thomas Mason, Franklin villa, "\YPstall Rev. Leona.rd Sedgwick, Vie-
Duke Miss, Town street Newbiggen street arage
Dupere Chas. Frederick, School house Leeder Misses, Thaxted lodge WhitE> Mrs. Hazlewood villa
:Francis George, Town street Leeder Thomas "\V. Richmond's Wise Thomas, Barnards cottage!*
COMMERCIAL. Barker Richard, beer retailer, Blardfield End green
.Andrews .Alfred, farmer, Boyton end Barltrop Reuben, blacksmith, Cutler's green
.Andrews Mordecai C. brewer & maltster, farmer & wool Barnard Frederick, farmer & hay dealer, Totman's
dealer, Park Sltreet Barnard Robert, farmer & wool dealer, Parsonage
Archer George, butcher, Newbiggen street Barnard Thomas, farmer, Yardleys & C{)pthall
.Audus Arthur, wholesale & retail grocer & draper, jacket, Barrett ·Samuel, grocer & china dealer, Newbiggen street
shawl, miNinery, mourning, boot & shoe, plough & Bass Art'hur, farmer, Dairy green
ironware warehouse; britis'h & forE>ign wines; funeral Bass Charlotte (Mrs.), laundress, Stanbrook
furnisher; agent to the Genei':ll Life; London & Lan- Bass William, farm bailiff to Edmund Henry TIDft esq.
cashire Fire & Railway Passengers' Accident Assurance Water hall
Companies, Town street Bennett Wilillam, commercial traveller, May Tree house
Barker John, Prudential Assurance agent, Stony lane Bennet<t 1Villiam, music dea1er, ~ill end
Barker Raynor, blacksmith, Bolford street Berry Frederick John, King's HPad P.H. Watling street
Bowtell John, baker, furniture dealer !;;:; ironmonger, 1Leeder Thomas W. farmer & threshing maehine
Town street owner, Richmond's farm & Thaxted Lodge farm
Bowtell Lewis, fellmonger, Town street Legerton Joseph, farmer, The Gravel pits & Hill fat·m
Brand Thomas Woodley, assistant overseer & collector .of Lindsell Samuel, shoe maker, Bolford street
poor rates, Town street Lind,ell Thomas, fishmonger, Vicarage street
Bright Js.aac, blacksmith, Mill end Lowe Robert, miller (wind) & farmer, Town mill
Bright Thomas, Oock inn, Town street Luttman & Beavan (:~le>-dames), ladies' boarding school,
BrittDn Oarrie (Miss), deputy registrar Qf births & Town street
deaths, Thaxted sub-district, Dunmow union, Watling ).Iansfield John, farmer, Lower farm, Cutler's green
street ~Iartin Sarah (~Irs. ). farmer, Goldings
Brltton Frederick Edwardo butcher & stationer, & :Mascall Eliza & Emma. (:Misses), fancy :repositpry.
registrar of births & deaths, Thax:ted sub-district, ·watling street
Dunmow union, Post office, \Vatling street Mead Henry, Rose & Crown P.H. Mill end
Britton Herbert, 6addler & harness maker, Town 'street ME>tson Henry, farmer, Monk street
Brock Joseph, farmer, Gladwyns & Yardley hall :\Ioores Elizabeth (:\:lrs. ), grocer & draper, Town ~t:ree'
Brook Frederick, farmer, Bardfield End green ~evitt Lydia (:\Irs.), tailoress, Newbiggen street
Burrows Harry, farmer, Hunts farm Palmer Amelia Harriett (:~Irs.), day school, \Vatling st;
Bush John, shoe maker, Mill end Palmer Sarah (Mrs.), market gardener, Newbiggen st
Chaffer Daniel, fellmonger & woolstapler, Town street Perry ·wm. chimney sweeper & thatcher, Bolford street;
Ohallis John, fishmonger, Mill end Purl Charles, veterinary surgeon, Fishmarket street
Clark Emma (Mrs.), coal dealer & carrier, :.\Iill end Ratcliff Orlando Emanuel, plumoer & builder, Town st
Coe George, carrier, Newbiggen street Heading Room (T. W. Brand, sec.), Guildhall
Collins William, farnner, Bardfield End green Rogers William, wheelwright & fly propr. Newbiggen 11t
Cornell George, Saracen's- Head P.H. :.\Iill end Rolph George Hurrull, castrator & beer retailer, Monk
Cornell John! farm bailiff to Joseph ~Ia11sh Welsh esq. street, & farmer, Folly mill
Higham's farm Savill John, farmer, Sibley green
Oounty Police Station (Frederick Waiter Taylor & Alfred Saville Joseph, baker, Town street
William Soanes, constables), Town street Small Richard, Sun inn, Mill end
Crisp Joseph, farmer, House hall Smith (iharles, bee!' retailer, Newbiggen street
Croft William, farmer, Sorrell's Smith Joseph, farmer, Blunts farm
Davis Lewis, Star P.H. Mill end Smith Samuel, farmer, Causeway end
Day Jane (Mrs.), baker, Town Slt'reet Sprent Susan F. (Mrs.), glover, Town street
Elliott Frederick John, hat manufr. (braid), Town street Spurgeon George Edward, farmer, Dove House farm
Everitt Charles, shoe maur, Mill end Stone Herbert Charles, baker, Newbiggen stree~
Fire Engine St:ation (0. Ratcliff, supt. ), Bolford street Stone Sarah (Mrs.), baker, N ewbiggen street
Fordham Elizabet!h (Mrs..) & Son, shopkeepers, Bull ring Sunderland William L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, & medical
Francis Samuel, poul:try dealer & carrier, Cutler's green officer & public vaccinator, Thaxted district, Dunmow
Foonklin Thomas & Son, auctioneers, Watling street union & Ist district, Saffron Walden union, Park street
Franklin Aiexander, farmer, Park farm Tanner Joseph William, grocer & draper, & agent for
Franklin John, farmer & landowner, Terriers; & at W. & A. Gibey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, Town 1St
Swallow's farm, Wimbish; & Champion's farm, Finch- Thaxted Consumers' Gas Company Limited (\Villiam
ingfield Holdsworth, manager). Park street
Giblin Robert S. farmer, Buckinghams Tofts Charles, farmer, Rails farm, Bardfield End green
Grout Charles, builder, undertaker & tobacconist, Mill end Townsend \Villiam, maltster & farmer, Town street
Grout Harry. Swan family & commercial hotel & Tredgett Jn. farmer, Claypits; Blue barn & Piggott's la
cyclists' touring club headquarters, & brewer, Bull ring Tyler Benjamin, jun. farmer, Goddard's farm
Harvey Alfred, farmer, Bardfield road Tyrrell George, boot. dealer, Mill end
Hlarvey William, farmer, Miller's farm, Bardfield End grn Tyrrell George, jun. carrier, Mill end
Harvey William, farmer, Newbiggen street Webb Thomas, wat<'h maker, Town street
Holdsworth Winiam, manager Thaxted Consumers' Gas White ·waiter Charles, coal dealer & parish clerk,
Co. Limited, Park street Watling street, & bicycle agent, Newbiggen street
Holland Joseph, farmer & landowner, The Rails, Bolford Whitwell Richard, grocer & provision dealer, Town strt>et
street; & Woodhams Wilkinson George, saddler & bill poster, Orange street
Jll'CkS'On Philip, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Cutler's grn Wisbey Wm. beer retailer & cattle dealer, Newbiggen st
Lawrance Robt. draper & grocer & ironmonger, 'l'own st Wright Frederick, Fox & Hounds P.H. Saffron Walden rd
Lee George, baket & confectioner, Mill end
THEYDON :BOIS (or Thoydon Bois) is a parish dates from I7I7 only, the Dldest register books having
bounded by the Roding and the highway from London been stolen. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-
to Ongar, a. considerabl~ portion of which consists of charge £u9, net yearly value £148, with residence and
forest land-whence the adjunct; it has a station on tlie 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. llall Dare and held
Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2 miles >ince 1874 by the Rev. Charles Edward Campbell B.A.
south from Epping, 6 south-west from Ongar, and IS of Trinity College, Dublin. Here is a Baptist chapel.
from London, in the ·vvestern division of the county, Here is a charity of £I,ooo left by Mrs. Elizabeth Wild";
Ongar hundred, Epping union and petty sessional divi- the purchase of £g88 I7S. 6d. was effected with th•
sion, Waitham Abbey county court district, Lambourne above-mentioned sum, and the investment stands in th
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans names of the late Rev. George Hambleton, Messrs. Wm.
diocese. The Essex and Herts ·water Company's mains Wederell, William Carter and Mrs. Abbot; the interest..
extend here. The church of St. Mary, an edifice of red duty free amounting to £29, is distributed with thr
brick and stone in the Early English style, occupies the annual rent of Theydon Mead, together with £2 payabl•·
site of the former church, begun in July, I843, com- yearly from the Elwes estate; one-sixth part is giveA-
pleted in April and consecrated, June sth, 1844; but m to poor widows and the remainder to the general poor j"
consequence of its unsoundness of construction, it was there are also four almshouses, founded in I 753 by
found necessary to takf' it dDwn in I85o, after stanJ:ng Benjamin Smart esq. tht>n lord of the manor. for poor
only six years; the present edifice, of which Sydney widows. In I893 a. drinking fountain was erected near
Smirke esq. was the architect, consists of chancel, nave, the church by Mrs. Moss in memory of her husband.
north vestry and a western tower with spire containing The trustees of the late Robert Westley Hall Dare esq.
a clock and 3 bells, and was opened for Divine service are lords of the manor and principal landowners. John
on Sunday, February 9th, 185I: the east window is a Strype M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, the well-
memorial to the Rev. Geo. Hambleton, 32 years vicar of known ecclesiastical historian, was vicar here from I66g;
this parish, d . 3 Feb. I874; there is another, presented he subsequently held for 66 years the vicarage of Low
by Mrs. Moss, I893, in memory of her husband, and one Leyton, and afterwards the sinecure of Terling and the
presented by John C. Powell esq. in I894: the chmch lectureship of Hackney, where he died I I December,
contains a few interesting mural monuments, and a I737· 'l"he notorious miser, John Elwes, who sat in
curious old painting of the "Royal Arms," bearing ihe parliament for somr time as member for Berks, also
initials J. R. ( J ames I.) ; in I 887 the interior was lived occasionally at Theydon Hall, then his property, but
thoroughly restored and decorated, the cost being de- died at Marchham, Berks, 26 Kov. 1789. The soil is
frayed by subscription: the old church, dating from the mixed; sub~oil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barlPy,
middle of the I5th century, was situated. half way roots &c. The area is 2,I76 acres; rateable •alne,
between Theydon and Abridge. The churchyard remamf, £6.202; the population in I891 was I,ojg.
but the fabric has wholly disappeared. The regi,ter Parish Clerk, William Pearce.
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. Express Delivery & Annuity 'Wall Box at Station, cleared at 8.20 & a.m. &
& Insurance Office.-John Cottee, sub-postmaster. 2.45 & 6.20 p.m
Letters arrive at 7.30 & a.m. & 7.30 p.m. from Police Station, Gem·ge Coppin, constable in charge
Epping; dispatched at 8.35 & 11 a.m. 2.50 & 7.25 p.m
Pillar Boxes.-Forest Side, cleared at 6.45 & 11.45 a.m. National School (mixed), built in 184o, for So children·
& 3.25 & 7 p.m.; Pearson hill, cleared at 7·5 & 11.25 average attendance, 57; Miss A. Stevens, mistress '
a.m. & & 6.45 p.m.; Coppice row, cleared at Railway Station, William Basford, station master
7.20 & n. ro a.m. & 3· 10 & 6.5o p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Slater Robert, The Poplars Jones Josiah J. farmer, Blunt's farm
Sorrell Jn. Brockett J. Theydon grn Keen Thomas, builder
Aldel'Son Christopher, Forest lodge Stewart Mrs. Coppice row McMurray William, Bull inn
Alien Headley, Lark hill Sturnfells Frederick C. 3 ManDr villas Mansfield Wm. Fras. bakr. & corn dlr
Baker John, Theydon green Triggs Henry, Weodland villa Maynard Elias, carter & carrier, Ches-
Bell Richard Thomas, Braceside Turnbull Samuel, Bell common nut cottage, Coppice row
Brown Harry Perry, Avondale Ware James William, 2 Oak villas Mills Thomas Coel, frmr. Hill Crest
Buss Miss, Boscombe Warman Mrs. Bellingham house Mitchell Peter, farmer & coal mer-
Buxton Gerald J.P. Birch hall West Arthur Anderson, Clyst house chant, Parsonage farm
Campbell Rev. Charles Edward B.A. Woodward Aifred Joseph, Red Oaks Morgan Waiter, farmer, Morgan's frm
Vicarage Nunn Thomas, coal merchant; depot,
Dodd Isaac, Prospect villa COMMERCIAL. StatiDn yard
Doe Miss, The Cottage, Coppice row Avila George Frederick, farmer, They- Parish David, beer retailer
Dott Mrs. Park view don Hall farm Parish Geo. gardener, Myrtle cottage
Godfrey Basil C. Springfield Bass William H. beer retailer, Ivy Parish James, builder, Woburn aven
Gooch Waiter, Hilda villa chimney Reynolds J oseph, greengrocer
Hogg Mrs. Sutton lodge Boreham Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rigg John & Son, tea gardens & re-
Huyshe Waiter, Piggotts farm Cottee John, post office & blacksmith freshment rooms, Chingford retreat
Jackson James, Theydon green Dawkins Amos, wheelwright Sayers Joseph, fishmonger
Jones Mrs. 7 Manor villas Dossett Thomas, refreshment rooms, Simmonds Danl. carron. Theydon ~rn
Kingsbury Willia.m, Watlington house Theydon green Skenerton James, Forest Gate P.H
Kitson William, Crofton lodge Flowers Charles, farmer & hay dealer Smith James, beer retailer
Martin Richard, Theydon lodge Foster James, buildel' Spruzen Arthur, grocer & nurserymn
Moss Mrs. Birdstown Gearing Percy & Frank, horse breakrs Thompson Benjamin (Mrs.), farmer,
Nichols William Henry, Burleigh ho Gearing Percy, beer retailer Baldock farm
Oades W. T. Homelea Giblet James, farmer, The Green Todd Edward, boot & shoe maker,
Owen John, Ethel cottage Giblett Waiter, farmer, Blackacre frm Coppice row
Parkes Chas. Reginald, Theydon hall Griffiths Rchd. beer ret. Railway stn· Warman Geo. farmer, Little Gregory
Pead Henry R. Amesbury cottage Gussin Sa.rah Jane (Miss), shopkeepr Whitlow Bros. farmers, Gregorys frm
Pearson Lewis, Delaford house ~armes Waiter, painter Wigg Josiah, carpenter
Peniston A. H. Lyndhurst Havers Henry, jobbing garde1;1er, I Wingfield William (Mrs.), Fox &
Phillips !\fisses, Rose villa Manor cottages Hounds P.H
Pierce William, Holly cottage Hicks Henry, farmer, Elm farm Wood Charles Henry, boot & shoe
Seymour Michael, Edgely cottage Hill William, jobbing gardener, Cop- maker, Rosary
Skinner Charles Weeding, Wansfell pice row Wood James, butcher
THEYDON GARNON (or Gernon), so-called from a rent-eharge £488, with 64 acres of glebe and residence, in
family of this name who held it in the Middle Ages, is the gift of Sir William Neville Abdy bart. and hl'ld smce
a parish adjoining Epping, 6 miles south-west from 1894 by the Rev. Thomas Lloyd.
Ongar, in the Western division of the county, Ongar
hundred, Epping union and petty sessional division, OOOPERSALE, the portion of the pari~b adjoining
Waltham Abbey county court district, rural deanery of Epping, waa formed into an ecclesiastical parish Oct. 22,
Lambourne, archdeaconr) of Essex and diocese of St. 1852, and ill in the Ohigwell rural deanery: tlb.e church of
Albans. The Epping railway station and also a portion St. Alban, erected in 1852, at the cost o.f Miss Archer
of the town of Epping, called Hemnall or Back street, Hou!blon, is an edifice of flint in the Early English style,
are both in this parish. The church of All Saints, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western
pleasantly situ:!lted on a gentle rise, is an edifice of rubble turret containing I bell: the east window is a memorial
and red brick, with stone dressings, and consists of to members of the Houblon family: the chancel has a
chancel, nave, two porches and an embattled western credence and piscina and on the south side are ~edilia.
tower with turret containing 5 bells; the tower was The register dates from the year 1852. The living is a
built by Sir John Crosby, of Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate vicarage, rent charge £go, gross yearly value £297, with
street, London, in 1552 : there are monuments in the 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of Miss Archer-Houblon, and
church to Sir John Archer knt. appointed justice of the held since 1891 by the Rev. Edward Herbert Grain M.A.
Common Pleas, 1659, ob. Feb. 8th, 1681 ; and to .Anne, ~tf St. Catherine's Olllege, Cambs. ; the vicarage house
wife of Sir William Fitzwilliam, of MiltDn, in the county was built at Miss Houblon's expense. The area is in-
of Northampton knt. lord-deputy of Ireland; she died eluded in Tlieydon Garnon. The population in 1891 was
I I June, 1602 and was the foundress of almshouses in 672. A parish room was built in 1882 at the expense of
this parish: to Mary Archer, daughter Df John, Earl 1\'Iiss Archer Houblon.
Fitzwilliam and wife of John Archer esq. of Cooper sale in The Cooper sale Cottage Garden Society holds a show
this parish; she died Sept. ro, 1776: to Den ton Nidholas annually. The charities of the joint parishes of Epping
esq. M.D. and Jane, 'his wife, 1714 and to Sir Charles and Theydon Garnon consist of the net income of
Dun kt. and Joan, his wife, 1617-40: there is also a Stonard's, Reynolds's and Rydden's Grove benefactions,
fine marble monument, with a sarophagus and medallion and are divided yearly between the two parishes of Ep-
portraits, to William Eyre .Archer esq. M.P. for Berks, ping and Theydon Garnon in egual moieties, pursuant
Susanna his wife, and others of this family, with inscrip- to a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners, approved in
tions from 1739 to 1751 and memorials, to the following 1863; Stonard's charity is applied to educational pur-
rectms of the parish: William Kyrkeby, ob. 1458, brass, poses and the maintenance Df the inmates of the Epping
with effigy and arms; James Meggs S.T.P. with other almshouses; Reynolds's is distributed to t!he poor, and
members of his family, 1665-72; Strotherd Abdy M.A. Rydden's Grove charity is for the benefit of the respective
archdeacon of Essex and 21 :rellrs rector, ob. 1773 and parish churches. The separate charities of Theydon
John Nicholas, ob. 1721: there is also an inscription, Garnon parish comprise Winstanley's, Archer's and Mrs.
almost illegible, to Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Walde- Kirwan's; the aggregate net income from these being
grave, of Smalridge, ob. 1556 and numerous inscribed divided amongst the poor of the :parish; Lady Fitz-
stones ·of modern date: the church was partially re- william's almshouses, founded by her in 1602, consist of
stored in I885, for the most part at the expense of the four dwellings, and are endowed for the maintenance of
Rev. Sir Cavendish Hervey Foster hart. B.A. rector the inmates. Here is the workhouse of the Epping
1843-87, who -also inserted a stained east window: in 1892 union, with accommodation for 175 inmates. Gaynes Park
a new vestry and organ chamber was added, and the is tlbe seat of William Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh esq.
interior restored, the cost being jointly defrayed by C. G. J.P.; the mansion is a fine building of stone in the
B. Hotham esq. and 1V. S. Chisenhale-Marsh esq. J.P.: Tudor style and is very pleasantly situated on an emi-
the churchyard has been enlarged. The registers are nence in an extensive and well-wooded park ()f 100 acres,
complete, with few exceptions, from the year 1558: the ·commanding extensive views of the surrounding country.
Manor Court rolls, from an early date, are also kept in 1 Coopersale House, occupied by Miss Archer-Houblon, is
the vestry chest. The living is a rectory, average tithe a structure of brick and stone in the Tudor style, situated
on a declivity, to the right of the road to Epping; the 11.30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wall Box, near Merry Fiddleu
grounds are extensive and well arranged and contain a P.H. cleared at 6.30 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; Pillar Box,
large sheet of water; it was held by the Archer family Coopersale Common, cleared at 6.45 a.m. 11.15 a.m. &
from the time of Henry V. who is said to have changed 6.45 p.m. Letters are received at 8 & 9·45 a.m. by
the name of this family from Dnbois to Archer on the foot post from Epping, which is the nearest money
occasion of a shooting match at Havering, when one order & telegraph office
Simon Dubois, his attendant at .Agincourt, acquitted Epping Union WorkhQuse, Rev. Francis Henson B.A.
himself so remarkably as to win from the king this dis- chaplain; Charles Hurford L.R.C.P.Edin. medical
tinction. W. S. Chisenhale-Marsh esq. J.P. who is lord
officer ; Frederick Moore, master ; Mrs. Ellen )!oore,
of the manor of Theydon Garnon, Hemnalls artd Gaynes matron
Park, and Sir William Bowyer Smijth bart. of .Attle-
borough Hall, Norfolk, are the principal landowners. National School (mixed), built, with teacher's house in
The soil is various ; subsoil, London clay. The chief 185o, at the expense & on land given by Miss .Archm.·
crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 3,157 Houblon, by whom it was enlarged, in 1879, at a cost
acres of land and I I of wate!'; rateable value, £'8,354; of over £3oo ; the building will now hold 200 children;
the population in 1891 was I,3J'II, including 109 officers average attendance, ng ; the school is partly supported
and inmates in Eppi~g workhouse. by endowments & 12 children of the parish receive a
Sexton, All Saints, James Furlong. free education, provided for by Stonnard's Charity;
Sexton, St. Alban, John Styles. Miss M. Philpot, mistress. This parish is united to
Wall Letter Box, Coopersale street, cleared at 6.30 a.m. Epping for Kational School purposes
~!ills Mrs. Hemnall street Cottis Wm. & Sons, brick & tile mas.
New .Alfred James, Easthorpe house Bower Hill brick fields
.!.Hen Edward, Hemnall street Xewland George, Hemnall street Day Wm. Jn. in. rev. off. Hemnall st
Ainger James, Coopersale Newstead Robert Joseph, Roseacre Fitch Samuel, farmer, Stonards farm
.A.ttwater Henry, Rosebank, Kew road Xicholl John, The Hemnal!s Ginger Frederick H. farmer
Baines Mrs. Fairholme Oliver ~Irs. Red house Hayden Edgar Wm. & Son, coal m<>r-
Bennett Misses, The Bower Payne Mrs. Bower hill chants & contractors, Hemnall st
Champness ~Ii~;s, H€m!!all street Pearson ·william, Redgrove ~!iller Henry J. farmr. Gardener's fm
Chisenhale-Marsh William SwaineJ.P. Pelly Jn. Gurney Richd. Theydon pi Mills Thos. Jas. farmer, Garnish hall
Gaynes park ; & Athemeum club Philpott Miss, Coopersale ~oore Fredk. master of Epping union
SW & Garrick club WC London Pissarro Lucien, Eragney house, ~ickerson Jsph. T. bldr. Coopersale st
OJoper John, Inchcape lodge Station road Osbourne Geo. paintr. Coopersale corn
Creed George, Kendall lodge Rivington Waiter B..A., M.B. Conistn Pegram .Alfred, farmer, Bridge farm
Fletcher William Henry, Coopersale Sackett Henry, Langford villa Penrose Donald W. organist to parish
Flux Edwd. Hutchings, Coopersale hall Sew€11 Mrs. Hartland road church (Tranmore)
Grain Rev. Edwd. Herbert M . .A. Smith William, West bank Pettit Fredk. school, Ivy Chimneys rd
(vicar of Coopersale), Vicarage Stubbings Ge.orge, Hemnall street Poulton Wm.shopkpr. Coopersale com
G'unn Mrs. Hemnall street lVaters .Arthur, Coopersale Purkis Charles, beer retailer, Cooper-
Hart F. G. The Mount Willis Mrs. Hemull street sale street
Hart Miss, Hartland road Windus John William, Church hill Rivington Waiter B..A., M.B., M.S.
Henson Rev. Francis B . .A. (curate & surgeon, Coniston
chaplain of the union),Coopersale st COMMERCIAL. Rumball Daniel, farmr. Peak's farm
Hine George, Chestnut villa Barnes Jn. timber mer. Hemnall st Smith Edward, farmer, Coopersale
Houblon }.lliss .Archer-, Cop€rsale ho Brown John, hay dealer, The Laurels, Smith James, farmer, Hobb's cross
Hotham Charles George Beaumont I Coopersale Stevens Waiter, butcher & beer re-
M ..A. Theydon priory Burden Jn. blacksmith, Coopersale st tailer, Coopersale common
Hotham Mrs. Theydon priory Coopersale Cottage Garden Society; Styles John, builder, Coopersale
Kemsley Joseph, Hartland road Col. G. B. .Archer-Houblon, pres.; Styles Thos. brick ma.Coopersale com
Lloyd Rev. Thomas (rector) William Pearson esq. hon. sec Whiffin Jas. builder, Coopersale corn
Marsh Robert Henry, Ingleside Crabb Robert, Merry FiddlQrS P.H Willis Willie Jas. farmer, Home farm

THEYDON MOUNT is a parish, on the banks of a rectory, united with that of Stapleford Tawney, aver-
the Roding and on the London road, 3 miles south- age tithe rent-charge £495· joint net yearly value
east from Epping station, on the Ongar branch of the £610, including 152 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir
Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west from Ongar and William Bowyer Smijth hart. and held since 1872 by
17 from London, in the ·western division of the county, the Rev. Lewis ~ewcomen Prance M . .A. of Trinity
Ongar union and hundred, Epping petty sessional divi- College, Cambridge F.S . .A. Lond. and rural dean of
sion, Brentwood county court district, rural deanery of Lambourne, who resides at Stapleford Tawney rectory,
Lambourne, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Romford. Hill Hall, the seat of the Smijths, is a
.Albans. Tlie church ()If St. Michael, which was struck quadrangular mansion, built in the reign of Queen Eliza-
by l!ghtning and destroyed in the 17th century, was beth, but has now been for several years unoccupied.
rebuilt by Sir William Bowyer Smijth, xst hart. of Sir '\V. Bowyer Smijth bart. who still owns the Hall,
that name, and is now an edifice of stone in the Norman but restides at .Attleborough Hall, NOtrfolk, is lord of the
style, consisting of chancel and nave and an embattled manor and principal landowner. The soil is mixed;
western tower containing one bell: there are manu- subsoil, London clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
me;nts oi. the Smijths from 1577 to IBxs, including a roots and beans. The area is 1,5oo acres; rateab:e
canopied tomb, with effigy, to Sir Thomas Smijth kt. value, £x,4'61; the populatiOill in 1891 was I35·
principal secretary of state to Edward VI. and Queen Pillar Letter Box cleared at 7.15 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. Let-
Elizabeth, ob. 1577, and Philippa, his wife, ob. 1578, ters from Epping, the nearest money order & tele-
and another fine tomb with effigies to Col. Sir William graph office, arrive at 7 a.m
Smijth, of Hill Hall. kt. D.L. ob. 1626, erected by Church School, built, with teacher's house, in 1846,
Bridget (Fleetwood), his widow: there are 350 sittings. for so children; average attendance, 24; l\lrs. l\lary
The register dates from the year 1564. The living is Gray, mistress
Banner Frederick, brick maker ~lillel' John, farmer, C.oleman's farm Smith James, farmer, Skinners farm
Merriday Thomas (::\Irs. ), blacksmith :Miller Thomas, farmer Stub bins Thomas, shoe maker
Miller Jacob, farmer, New farm
THORPE-LE-SOKEN is a parish and village, on The church oi St. Michael consists of chancel, with
the road from Colchester to 1Valton-on-the-Naze, near organ chamber and north aisle, nave of five bays,
lbe Landermere Creek of Hanford lVater, with a station aisles, north porch and a massive embattled western
on the Tendring hundred branch !Qf the Great Eastern tower of red brick containing 5 bells : the body of the
railway, forming' the juncti.on for '\Valton-on-the-Kaze church was thoroughly rebuilt of rubble stone in 1876,
a.nd Clacton-on-Sea, and is 5 miles west from '\Yalton at a cost of [4.500, one of the largest contributors
l!teamboat pier, 6 north from Clacton-on-Sea, 9 south- being the late Sir William W. Gull hart. ~I.D., D.C.L.
east from Manningtroee, 11 south-west from Harwich, 12 who~e early years were connected with this parish, he
east from Colchester and 66 from London, in the K orth died in Jan. 18go and is buried here; the north porch
Eastern division of the county, petty sessional division. and outer walls of the north aisle are embattled: the
hundred aiid union of Tendring, Harwich oounty court tower is of the Perpendicular period and an Early
district, rural deanery of St. Osyth. archdeaconry of Col- Perpendicular oak screen divides the south aisle from
chester and diOIC>e'Se of St. .Albans ; this is the chief place the organ chamber: the font dates from about the
of the liberties ol the Sokoos, C{)Ulprising the parishPs same period : the stained east window was inserted in
of Thorpe, Kirby and Walton (see Walton-on-the-Naze). 1876, as a memorial to the late Mr. Leake, and there

are others to Mrs. Leake;. James Rolph esq. d. 1874; Hempson Amis esq. Hill house, Ramsey, Harwich
and one erected by the daughters of John and Elizabeth Impey-Lovibond Col Archibald D.L. New hall, A.rd.·
Gull to their parents, who died in 1891: the chancel leigh, Colchester
contains several monuments. including the recumbent Morrell Lieut.-Col. Edward Jl.fistley Hall, 1\.Ianningtree
effigy of a warrior of the time of Edward I. with a ::;-ichols .Francis }!organ esq. F.S.A. Lawford halL
cushion under his head and a lion at hri.s feet, and abo!Ve, Mannin~tree
a shield with the arms o{ Salberghe : in the west :!'lorman Edwd. Ken.sit. e.sq. D,L. J\Iistley ldge. Manngtree
porch is a tablet to Thomas 1Yharton esq. of Gray's Page The Rev. Arnold Henry J\LA. The Rect<Ory, Ten..
Inn, secretary to Hemietta Maria, que,en of Charles I. dring, ColchPster
ob. 6 August, I66g. The register dates from the year Smith John esq. Alton park, Clacton-on-Sea 8.0
x6Bz. Among the buria:s of the 17th century occur Woodgate .John esq. Little Bentley hall, Colchester
many French names, probably of Huguenot refugees, Cle;rk to the Magistrates, H. W. Jones. Manningtree
one of whom is still perpetuated in " Comarques," a & Oolchester
fine old edifice a mile west of the church. The living Petty Sessions for this division are held at the Police
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £357• net yearly station every monday fortnight a:ternately with ~listley.
value £3oo, with residence and 6 acres of glebe, in Here the records of the Sokens are kept. The fol-
the gift of trusteeSJ, and held since I862' by the Rev. lowing places are included in the petty sessional divi-
Abraham Henly Rumboll M.A. of Corpus Christi col- sion: Alresford, Ardleigh, B-eiii.1mont, Great Bentley,
lege, Cambridge, rural dean and surrogate. The Bap- Little Bentley, Bradfield, Great Bromley, Little Brom-
tist chapel here was erected in 1802, and has 330 sit-
lev, Great Clacton, with Clacton-on-Sea, Little Clac-
tings; the celebrated Dr. Andrew Fuller, at one time •
ton, Elmstead, Frating, Frinton, Great Holland, Little
minister of this chapel, died at Kettering 7 May, x8I5. Holland, Kirby, Lawford, Mannin1;tree, Mistley, Great
There is also a Primitive l\Iethodist chapel. The 1York- Oakley, Little Oakley, Ramsey, St. Osyth, Tendring,
men's Institute and Coffee Tavern was endowed by Thorrington, Thorpe, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley,
the late John Gull esq. with £25 yearly; the beehold Wix & Wrabness
is vested in the vicar and churchwardens who are ex-
officio members of the committee of management, County Police Station, George Wapling, inspector &
which also consists of 6 members of the Established r constable
Church and 5 Nonconformists; F. W. Thompsr0n, hon. Fire Engine Station, Arthur Parker, supt. & 5 men
eec.; the Rev. A. H. Rumboll M.A. president. Near
the station are two large malt houses. Thorpe Hall Public Officers.
is the property of Mrs. Leake; the Grange is the resi- Assistant Overseer, William Nicholson
dence of ~Irs. Watson. Adolphus Edgar Church esq. of Inspector of Nuisances to the Tendring Rural Sanitary
Colchester, coroner for Thorpe, Kirby and '\Yalton-on- Authority, R. T. Stewart
the-Naze, Mrs. Leake, of Marshalls, High Cross, '\Yare,
Joseph Hume Burnley esq. of I9 Prince of Wales terrace, Inspector of Police under the Sale of Food & Drugs
Kensington, London W. the Earl of Onslow, Mrs. Act, Explosives Act, Slaughterhouse Act, & Contagious
Hamilton, Captain Grant, Frank W. Thompson esq. Diseases (Animals) Act, George Wapling
and Mrs. lratson are the chief landowners. The soil Medicals Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 8 District,
is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are Tendring Union, Arthur Somers Ivens M.R.C.S. Eng.,
wheat, barley, oats, peas and beans. The area is 3, I9I L.R.C.P. Edin. The Limes; No. 9 & n District,
acres of land and 81 water; rateable value, £5,350; Tendring Union & to the ·workhouse, Francis Whet-
the population in r89I was 1,099· dale Foster M.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng. The Abbey
Parish Clerk, Charles King. Registrar of Births & Deaths, Theophilus Philemon
Ruffell; deputy, W. C. Bareham, Little C:acton
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity Relieving Officer, Theophilus Philemon Ruffell
& Insurance Office.-Mrs. Martha Wilby, sub-post- National School (mixed), built in IB]o, with new wing
mistress. Letters arrive from Colchester at 5.20 added I88r, for 210 children; average attendance,
a.m. g.5o a.m. & 12.50 p.m. ; dispatched 12.30 & r8o; 1Villiam Tucker Henley, master
6.45 p.m. ; sundays 5·45 p.m Railway Station, Henry Gilbert Pollintine, · statn. master
Letter Box, Railway Station, 6.30 a.m. 12 noon
& 5.20 p.m Carriers.
Colchester-Frederick Moles, mon. wed. & sat. ; Arthur
County Magistrates for Tendring Petty Sessional Parker, tues. thurs. & sat. & Thomas 1Yass, tues.
Division. thurs. & sat
Norman Rev. Canon Charles Fredk. M.A. Mistley Place, Harwich Arthur Parker, mon. wed. & fri. & Thomas
Manningtree, chairman Wass, daily
Johnson Sir John Henry, St. Osyth priory, Colchester Ipswich James Dumerton, tues. & fri
Davis Col. Richard Percival, New House farm, Walton- Manningtree J ames Dumerton, tues. & fri
on-the-Naze Walton-James Dumerton, wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dumerton James, carrier rHill & Maskell, grocers & pork btchrs
Arnold Capt. F. A. Montagu Dumerton John, butcher Holby Shadrach, shopkeeper
Cock Capt. William James, Lander- Dumerton Samuel, carpenter, builder Hook Orlando, baker
mere Hall & undertaker; estimates given for livens Arthur Somers M.R.C.S.Eng.
Foster Francis Wheldale, The Abbey every kind of repairs L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, & medical
Hadler Rev. Edwd. Samuel (Baptist) Elvish Robert, farmer officer & public vaccinator for No.
Hempson Charles, New hall Ferm Patrick Burgess, frmr.. Kent's hl 8 district of the Tendring union &
Hempson George, Thorpe lodge Foster Francis Wheldale M.R.C.P. medical officer of health to the
Ivens Arthur Somers, The Limes Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, & Walton urban sanitary authority,
Miller Thomas, The Laurels medical officer & public vaccinator The Limes
Osmond Edward for Nos. 9 & I I districts of the Keeble Chas. fmr. & bldr. The Elms
Pritchard ~Irs. Coma.rques Tendring union & medical officer Lass Benjamin Eastes, baker
Preston Miss, Landermere hall to the workLouse & surgeon & Lines John, farrier
Rumboll Rev. Abraham Henly M.A. agPnt to the coast guard, The Abbey Lord George, farmer, Bradley Hall &
(rural dean & surrogate), Vicarage Foulger Hy. frmr. & horse slaughtr Barnard's farm
Saunders Richard, Ivy house Francis William, carpenter & undrtkr Marshall Geo. aerated water manufr
Thompson Frank William, Rose cot Free Rodwell & Co. Limited, mltstrs Martin John Thomas, grocer & draper
Warren Mrs. Culver house Fuller Susan (::\Irs.), draper & boot & shoe warehouse
Watson Mrs. The Grangl} Gifford Joseph, buildPr & shopkeeper Martin Robert George, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Gifford Leonard,bricklyr.Barker's hall Miller Thomas, farmer
Abbs George, blacksmith Gifford William, builder Moles Frederick, shopkeeper & carrier
BakPr John Thomas, farmer, Hill frm Goodwin William Harry, watch mkr Neale Ellen(Mrs.),saddle & harness ma.
Barton Henry, saddler & harness ma Gunfield George, beer retailer Nicholson William, farmer & assistant
Blowers & Martin, grocers & drapers Harris Philip Bendall, miller (wind overseer, Culver cottage
Carter William, cattle dealer & steam) Pallintine Henry Gilbert, station mstr
Dancey Susannah (Mrs.), Bell inn Hempson Charles, corn, coal, lime & Reynolds Edward John, butcher
Deal Alfred, Maid's Head commer- paraffin merchant, farmer, & King's Parker Arthur, carrier & superinten-
cial hotel; excellent accommodation Head P.H. Lendermere dent of fire engine
for excursion parties Hempson George, farmer, Thorpe lo Rudling William, painter & plumber
Deal James, carpenter, The Green Henley William Tucker, schoolmaster Ruffell Theophilus Philemon, registrar
of births & deaths for Thorpe sub- \rapling George, inspector of police Wilby l\Iartha (Mrs.), drug store &
district &:i relieving officer for ~o. &i in,pector under the Sale of Food stationer, Post office
3 district of the Tendring union &:i Drugs Act, Explosives Act, \Vilson John & Sons, blacksmiths
Scott Esau (:\Irs.), Rose & Crown P.H Slaughterhouse Act & Contagious \Vorkmen's Institute & Reading
Stewart R. T. sanitary inspector to Diseases (Animals) Act Room (F. W. Thompson, sec. &
Tendring rural authority Wells John, boot maker Rev. A. H. Rnmboll, president)
Taylor John Wm. veterinary surgeon \Yest George Frederick, wine &i spirit \Vorters John Thomas, grcr. & drpr
Thompson Frank \Yilliam, farmer & merchant Wright George, hair dresser
landowner, Rose cot. & The Green
THORRINGTON (or Thorington) is a parish, with canon of St. Alban's, who resides at F:rating. There
a station three-quarters of a mile north from the village, is a chapel for \Yesleyan Methodists. St. John's Col·
on the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern lege, Cambridge, who are the lords of the manor, Caius
railway, 8 mi:es south-east from Colchester and 6o College, Cambridge, and Mrs. \Y. W. Hawkins are
from London, in the ~orth Eastern division of the the principal landowners. The soil is of a light sandy
county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and nature; part of the ground lies high, but there are
union, Colchester county court district, and in the about 150 acres of marsh. The chief crops are wheat,
rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester oats, barley, beans and peas. The area is 1,969 acres
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary of land and 25 of water; rateable value, 2,343 ; the
)fagdalene is a building in the Transitional style, con- gopulation in 1891 was 384.
1listing of nave, north aisle and south porch and an Parish Clerk, \Villiam Death.
embattled western tower of flint and stone with pin- Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Offioo.
nacles and containing- 5 bells: the church was thoroughly -Ephraim .Andrews, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
Testored in I866. The register of baptisms and burials from Colchester at 4.50 a.m. & 3·5 p.m. ; dispatched
-dates from 1558; marriages, 1553. 'l'he living is a at 2.25 & 7.40 p.m. The near~st telegraph office is
-rectory, annexed to that of Frating, average tithe rent- at Great Bentley
.charge £624, net yearly value, £427, with 106 acres National School (mixed), built in 186c:;, for 100 chil-
-of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, dren; average attendanc~ 75; William Thomas
and held since I863 by the Rev. Robert Bickersteth Beaumont, master
Mayor B.D. formerly fellow of that col!ege and hon. I Railway Station, Henry Bishop, station master
Poole Rev. John Henry M ..A. (curate), Bacon \Yilliam, beer retailer & saddlr Harper James, wheelwright
The Parsonage Burling James, carpenter Howatt Alexander, frmr. Gatehouse
Porter Charles Cooper Frederick, miller (water) King William, umcksmith
.Aitken John, farmer, Marsh farm Death William, boot & shoe maker Ling Thomas (Mrs.), baker
Bacon Charles, farmer, Pearson & Gibson George, Red Lion P.H Lord Jonathan, farmer
Goldacre farms Girling John \Yeller, farmer, Thor- Puxley John, Cherry Tree P.H
lJacon Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Pound ring-ton hall Salmon Simon, farmer
farm Harper Henry, farmer & brick maker Wright Thos. farmer & beer retailer
'rHUNDERSLEY is a parish, near the high road to Major William Wreford: in 1887 the west end of the
from Grays to Southend, 1! miles from Rayleigh station church was restored and the west window, previously
on the Great Eastern railway and 2! north from South blocked up, was reopened. The register dates from
llenfleet station on the Tilbury and Southend railway, the year I569. The living is a rectory, average tithe
36 from London and 7 west-by-north from Southend, rent-charge £430, net yearly value £369, with 40 acres
in the South Eastern division of the county, partly in of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees, and held
llarstable but chiefly in Rochford hundred, Rochford since I88I by the Rev. William Wordsworth Talfourd
union and petty sessional division, Southend county M. .A. of New College, Oxford. Charles Bertie Polleine
court district, in the rural deanery of Rochford, arch- Bosanquet esq. of Rock Hall, Alnwick, is lord of the
-deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, and in manor and principal landowner. The soil is loam;
the liberty of the duchy of Lancaster. The church of subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
St. Peter, standing on an eminence, is a small but clover. The area i~ 2,499 acres; rateable value, £2,136;
~mcient edifice in the Early English style, consisting of the population in 189I was 556.
chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and a D.AWES HEATH is a hamlet a mile and a half east
western turret of wood with a spire and containing 2 •
bells: the arcades afford a good example of the Post Office. John Thorington, sub-postmaster. Letters
through Rayleigh S.O. by rural messenger, arrive at
period, and the carving of the capitals, no two of which 6 _30 & Io. 3o a.m.; dispatched at I & 5 p.m. Ray-
are alike, is especially remarkable: the church was re- leigh is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
stored and the chancel entirely rebuilt by the rector in Postal orders are received here, but not paid
;x885, when a stained east window was erected a.s a memorial
io Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd kt. justice of the Common National School (mixed), built in 1856, by the late Rev.
Pleas, who died suddenly at Stafford, I3 Mar. r854, William Robert Bosanquet ~LA. of Rock Hall, Alnwick,
-while in the '1Ct of addressing the grand jury : another on ground giYen by him, for 100 children; average
memorial wi•..dow -was erected in 1890 at a cost of £so attendance, 75; Mrs. Jane Hopwood, mistress
Mackenzie Tltos. Kenneth, Thunders- Harrod Samuel, farmer Thorington Frank, farmer & hurdle
ley lodge Harvey Stephen, farmer, Raymonds maker, Hacks farm
'l'alfourd R~v. William Wordsworth Howard Charles, butcher Thorington George, shopkpr. Dawes
M. .A. Rectory Howard George, marine store dealer heath
Kersey Samuel, farm bailiff to C. B. Thorington Jas. farmer & hurdle ma.
P. Bosanquet esq Thorington Jas. jun. frmr. Cedar ldg
"Baker lsaac, carpenter Lincoln John, hurdle maker & frmr Thorington John, shopkpr. Post office
'Cates John, farmer, Dawes heath :3Iayn William, farmer & steward to Thorington Arthur, fmr. Gt. Eurshes
Co~kman Henry, draper, Dawes hth C. B. P. Bosanquet esq. Lit. Tarpot Thorn Thos. coal merchant, Hillside
Cngg James, farmer &i hurdle maker Potter Samuel, "'nite Hart P.H Warren Frederick, beer retailer
B:arrod Fredk. Wm. oil &i color man Shelley Samuel," wheelwright Wiggins Joseph, farmer

LITTLE (or EAST) THURROCK is a small living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £4oo, net
parish, near the banks of the Thames, I mile east from yearly value, £329, with residence and 6! acres of glebe, in
Grays station on the London, Tilbury and Southend rail- the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since I888 by
-way, 2 miles north-west from Tilbury Fort and 22 from the Rev. Thomas Lander ~I.A. of Corpus Christi Col-
London, in the South EasC.ern division of the county, lege, Cambridge: the rectory house stands on high
Earstable hundred, Orsett union and :retty 8essional ground, commanding an extensive view of the river
-division, Gravesend county court distrk • and in the Thames and the county of Kent. Here is a. \Vesleyan
l."nral deanery of Orsett, arc).,leaconry of Essex and dio- )lethodist chapel, erected in 1876. In the parish are
cese of £t. .Albans. In I894 the parish v·as drained and some remarkable ca>erns in the chalk, known as
connected with the sewage works at Grays. The " Cunobelin's Gold ~lines," and sometimes called
church of St. Mary is a small l'milding ot ftint and stone "Dane-holes." HPnry Landfield and Champion Branfill
in the Early English style, .:onsi:.ting of chancel and Russell esq. of Stubbers, near Romford, are the prin-
nave and a western tower: it. was rest l}red in 1878-9, cipal landowners. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay.
when a singular arch was dis·~overed on the south side The chief crops are wheat, beans and peas. The area.
()f the nave, on which was an omcient a1 •d curious wall is 1,347 acres of land and 161 of water; rateable value,
painting. The register dates 1::-om the ) ~:>ar 1654· The £3,830; the population in 1891 was 849.
Post & :M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.- Wall Letter Box in Chadwell road, cleared at 11.50 a.:m.
,James Waters, sub-postmaster. Letters through Grays & 7 p.m. week days only
are delivered at 8. Io a. m. 2.20 & 6.40 p.m. ; arrive at National School (mixed), built in I872, enlarged in I888,
8 a.m. ; dispatched at 11.50 a.m. 4.30 & 8.30 p.m. There & further enlarged in I893, for I8o children; averag&
is no delivery or dispatch on sundays The nearest attendance, 150; Waiter Gregory, master; ~lrs.
telegraph office is at Grays .Annie M. Gregory, infants' mistress
Hickson .Alfred, Thurrock hall (letters received through Tilbury Ward Joseph, shopkeeper
Lander Rev. Thomas M..A. Rectory Dock) Waters Jas. baker & grcr. Post offic&
Gardner Charles Henry, Bull P.ll Hobdell Henry C. insurance agent White William, builder & beer re-
Gaylor David, dairyman Lock Robert, blacksmith tailer (letters received througa
Gregory Waiter, schoolmaster Turp George, farmer Tilbury Dock) .
Hat ton J oseph, grocer, Church road Vellacott Humphrey, farmer Woollett Percy Croft, Sh1p P.R
WEST THJJRROCK is a parish, 3 miles east from Pur- near the Fox & Goose, cleared at 8.45 & II. I5 a. m..
fleet and I~ west from Grays station on the London, Til- 4·5 & 8.5 p.m.; sunday ro a.m. Wall Box near
bury and Southend railway, rr south-east from Romford Tunnel House farm cleared at 8.30 & II.I5 a.m. 4 &
and I9 from London, in the South Eastern division of 8 p.m. ; sunday 9·45 a.m
the county, Chafford hundred, Orsett union and petty ses-
sional division, Gravesend county court district, rural PURFLEET is a hamlet of West Thurrock, with a
deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway,
of St . .Albans. The Grays and Upminster section of the I6~ miles from London, 6~ west from Tilbury, 7 from.
London, Tilbury and Southend railway joins the main Gravesend and 4~ west from Grays ; it is on rising
line here. The church of St. Clement is an ancient ground and near the mouth of the Marditch stream~
structure, consisting of chancel, nave, north transept, which is crossed by a bridge and here forms a little
aisles and a low but massive embattled tower at the harbour. Here is a chapel of ease to the church of
west end, containing 3 bells, dated 1632 : the nave and West Thurrock. The '\Vesl-eyans hold service on Sun-
aisles are the oldest part and date from rather early in days at the Boa;rd schools. Botany Gardens, the pro-
the _Lancet period: the chancel and west chantry are perty of Samuel Whitbread esq. M.P. a place of consi·
Decorated, and some windows in the aisles and chantry derable resort in summer, can be visited by obtaining a.
Perpendicular, the tower being late in the same style, ticket from the head gardener. Purfleet House is the
while the south chantry is modern Gothic : the material property of Samuel Whitbread esq. M.P. and the resi-
is chiefly flint, banded, in the case of the tower, with dence of Charles Whitbread esq. The manor formerly
stone : this church, built on the river bank and far away belonged to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem and
from the nearest house, was erected, it is supposed, was called "Portflete," and there was then a ferry over
soon after the murder of St. 'l'llomas a Becket, for the the Thames. Here are the extensive powder magazines of
convenience of pilgrims going to his shrine at Canter- the Government, consisting of store-houses and a good
bury: in the north chantry there are two full-sized effigies quay, and from which all the British military stations.
in alabaster of a knight and his lady, representing Sir both at home and abroad are supplied :there are also bar-
Daniel Holford knt. patron of the living, who put in racks and officers' quarters, an infantry detachment, and a
the east window in I623, and his wife ; in the chancel detachment of the Ordnance Store Corps being sta--
floor is this inscription, in Roman letters on a brass let tioned here. There is also a Metropolitan police force
into a slab of shell marble, " Katherina Ridinge Filia of one inspector, three sergeants and nineteen constables.
Homfridi Haies Obiit Decimo sexto Die Decembris anno Near the Thames on the marsh land are extensive petro-
domini I591, anno retatis wre vicesimo quarto." Another leum storage works and a paper mill. The Tilbury-
brass is that of Humphrey Heies, ob. Oct. 10, I584, and Masonic lodge (No. 2,oo6) is held at the Royal hotel
his son of the same name, ob. Jan. 22, I585, with 0111 the 2nd Saturday in May, June, July and October.
eighteen elegant Latin lines, containing a succession of Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
puns on the name of Rays or Heies : a rectangular slab
Purfleet (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex.
Il(~ar the east end of the chancel floor is inscribed-
added).-David Brice Maxted, sub-postmaster, Letters
" Nichol(a)s: Ferobavd: gist: ici: dev: de: sa: alme: delivered at 7 a. m. 2 & 7.30 p.m. ; dispatched 11. Io
eyt: merci:" and in the centre is the matrix of a
a.m. 5 & 9.30 p.m.; sunday delivery 7.30 a.m.; dis-
floriated cross, with a demi-figure in the head. The
register of marriages dates from I668; burials, I68I; patch 9.30 p.m
baptisms, 1683. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent- Wall Box, West Thurrock road, cleared at 10.55 a.m. &.
charge £192, net yearly value £149· with 3 acres of 8 p.m. ; sundays 8 a.m
glebe and residence, in the gift of Samuel Whitbread Government Powder Magazines, Lt.-Col. Edward B. .Ap-
f'sq. M.P. and held since 1876 by the Rev. Thomas Al- pelbe, assistant commissary-general of ordnance, in
dersey Morley M..A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The charge ; Sergeant-Maj. William ~fanning, conductor oi
Primitive Methodist chapel here was erected in r876 ; ordnance store department; Surgn.-Major James .Ad-
there is also an iron chapel, built in 1885, chiefly through setts; John Rose, canteen keeper; John Webb, police-
the exertions of Mr. W. H. Vellacott, but attached to inspector
no particular denomination. Here are extensive cement The " Cornwall" Training Ship, moored off the shore,.
works. Samuel Whitbread esq. M.P. of Southill Park, contains about 250 boys, who are taught seamanship
Beds, who is lord of the manor, the Tunnel Cement Com- & various trades: it was certified May 2, 1859; Cap-
pany, G. R. Burness esq. John Hunt esq. and John tain Arthur Morrell R.N. superintendent
Edward Curtis esq. are the principal landowners. The
soil is loamy; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are Schools.
wheat, beans and peas. There is much marsh land here. A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 Feb. I876;
The area is 2,995 acres of land and 7IO of water; rate- Thomas Alfred Capron, 2 Orsett road, Grays, clerk tO'
able value, £15,616 ws. ; the population in r891 was the board; George Watts, Grays, attendance officer
2,540, which includes Purfleet and 314 civil and mili- BoarJ School, built in 1879 & since enlarged, for 208
tary in the garrison and 207 persons on board the re- boys, I5o girls & I8o infants; average attendance, 125'
formatory ship "Cornwall," off Purfleet. boys, 120 girls & I 50 infants; veorge Davis, master;
Parish Clerk, John Francis. Miss .Annie Condy, mistress; Mrs. Elizabeth A.
P os t , M. 0 . & T . 0 ., S . B ., E xpress D el1very & Annmty
· Davis, infants' mistress
& Insurance Office.-.Alfred Burfoot Avery, sub- Purfleet (mixed,) built in 1889, for t6o children; ave-
postmaster. Letters arrive from Grays by foot rage attendance, qo; .Arthur Stapleton, master
m!'SSE>nger and delivered at 7 & 8.15 a. m. 2.30 & Railway Station, Purfleet, Charles M. .Ansell, station mast
7 p.m. ; dispatched 8.45 & II.3° a.m. 4 & 8.3o p.m. Conveyance Bus, from Fox & Goose inn, every week day
sunday delivery 8 a.m. ; dispatch ro a.m to Grays railway station at 8.30 & I I a.m. 2.o, 4·45
·wall Box near the cross roads, cleared at 8.50 & 11.35 & 7·45 p.m.; returning from Grays at 9.50 k 11.50
a.m. 4·35 & 8.35 p.m. Sunday 10.10 a.m. Wall Box a.m. 2.50, 5.25 & 5.40 p.m
WEST THURROCK. Roberts Rev. Charles Thomas (curate) Band John
Gibbs Douglas H. Millwood home Manor road Bowstone (The) Company (Bertie S.
Harvey George COMMERCIAL. Harvey, manager), artificial stone
Morley Rev. Thomas .Aldersey M.A . .Avery Alfred Burfoot, draper & manufacturers
Vicarage newsagent Carter & W oodgate, brick m.ake:n..
Morley Miss, Vicarage Baldwin Thomas, Old Ship P.H Clark Thomas. shopkeepe~
Clement Thomas, shopkeeper Tunnel Portland Cement Works Co. COMMERCIAL.
Curtis John Edward, farmer &; iand- Limited, cement manufacturers Anderson Charles, paper manufactr
owner, Bay manor Vaughan Alfred, grocer & draper Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited,.
Cutts James, butcher Vaughan Joseph, wheelwright & black- petroleum importers
Dansie George, sen. carpenter smith Ansell Charles M. station master
Davies George, schoolmaster Vellacott William Humphrey, farmer, Beaumont William, carman, coal dlr.
Gibbs & Co. Limited, cement, lime Tunnel House farm & shopkeeper
& whiting manufacturers Wallis Samuel, shopkeeper Cox & Palmer, grocers & drapers, &;
Gray Abraham, greengrocer Walker Robert, millstone maker agents for ,V. & A. Gilbey Lim.
Gray'! Paper Works Limited (Edwin Woods George, farmer & mrkt. grdnr wine & spirit merchants; & at
Sidney Brace, manager), paper mas Wouldham Cement Co. cement mnfrs Aveley
Humphreys George, l'hopkeeper PURFLEET Godsell Willia.m, carpenter
Button William, shopkeeper · Howard Henry, head gardener to S.
Idle Charles, beer retailer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Whitbread esq. :\-LP
Jarman Thomas, shopkeeper, Mill la Adsetts Surgeon-~Iajor James Joslin Clement, farmer, High house
Jones Edwin, boot maker Appelbe Lieut.-Col. Edward B. Ord- South Charles Henry, baker
:Mead James Thomas, Fox & Goose inn nance house Stapleton Arthur, schoolmaster
:Moore Caleb, grocer, beer retailer, & Halls Charles Henry, Bayonne villa Tank Storage & Carriage Co. Lim.
agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, Morrell Captain Arthur R.N. "Corn- petroleum importers, Caspian wharfl
wine & spirit merchants wall'' training ship Webb Jn. inspector of police, Garrison
Paine Richard J ames, hairdresser Whit bread Charles, Purfieet house Wingrove John Geor(re, Royal hotel;.
Parry Albert, beer retailer & shpkpr Whitbread Samuel H.P. Purfieet ho.; long famed for its fish & whitebait
Smith Albert, baker & grocer & 10 Ennismore gardens; Prince's dinners & for many years under the
Tucker William, shopkeeper gate & Brooks' Club, London S W same proprietorship
TILBURY-juxta-CLARE is a parish in the northern and residence, in the gift of and held since 1843 by the Rev.
part of the county, and must not be confounded with the Charles John Fisher M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, who
places of similar name in the south: it is I mile north of resides at Ovington. John Robert Vaizey esq. of Attwoods ..
the road from Colchester to Cambridge, 1! miles north Halstead, who is lord of the manor, Lewis John Way esq.
from Yeldham station on the Colne Valley railway, 3~ of Great Yeldham, and Lieut.-Col. Frederick Dawson J.P.
south-west from Clare and 8 north-west from Halstead, in are the principal landowners. Tilbury Court is the resi-
the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, dence of Lieut.-Col. Frederick Dawson J.P. Tilbury Hall,
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union the residence of Robert Edward Vaizey esq. is an ancient
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of moated house formerly belonging to the Mornington family.
Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester aud diocese of St. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops
Albans. The church (name unknown) is an ancient bmld- are wheat and beans. The area is 9S3 acres; rateable value,
ing of rubble, in the Perpendicular style, erected in 1517• £88o; the population in I891 was 163.
possibly by the de V ere family, whose arms appear on the Parish Clerk, :Mark Goody.
fabric, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an Letters for this place should be addressed:-Tilbury, HaT-
embattled western tower of red brick, and of later date, stead. Wall Letter Box cleared at s p.m. daily. Letters
containing 2 bells ; there are rso sittings. The register from Halstead, via Great Yeldham, arrive at 7 a.m. The
of baptisms and burials dates from rs61; marriages, 16u. nearest post, money order & telegraph office is at Great
The living is a rectory, annexed with the chapelry of Yeldham
Allbrights to the rectory of Ovington, average tithe rent- ~ational School (mixed), built in 1857, for 70 children:.
charge £420; net yearly value £396, with 6S acres of glebe average attendance, 40; Miss Elizabeth Rayner, mistress
Dawson Lieut.-Col. Frederick J.P. Til- Beddall Henry, !farm bailiff to R. E. Peacock Louisa (Mrs.), beer retailer
bury court Vaizey esq Winch Giles, shopkeeper & beer retailer
Vaizey Robert Edward, Tilbury ball Burgess Wm. farmer, Little Meadow end Wing Alfred, farmer, Meadow end
EAST TILBURY is a parish, on the banks of the tional fortifications on higher ground in order to command
Thames, ~~ miles east from Low Street station on the Lon- a more extensive range over the sea reach. This place was
don, Tilbury and Southend railway, 4 east from Tilbury sometime the seat of St. Chad, or Ceadda, Bishop of York
Fort, 6 east from Grays and 2S from London, in the South in 666, and in the next year Bishop of Licbfield, whose.
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett reputed stone coffin lies in the church; here also are re-
union and petty sessiOnal division, Gravesend county court mains of earthworks and also of the old sea wall. Buckland
district, and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry is the residence of Robert Hamilton Williams esq. J.P.
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. There is no manor. The principal landowners are the
Katherine, formerly dedicated to St. 1\iargaret, is an ancient trustees of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Cotton, lord justice-
building of flint and stone of the Transition Norman and of appeal; George R. Burness esq., the trustees of Rochester
Lancet periods, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, bridge, Kent, the trustees of "\\'bitechapel charity school.
north porch and a wooden belfry, with short spire on the Robert Hamilton \Yilliams esq. J.P. of Buckland, and :Mrs.
western gable, containing one bell, cast by William Oldfield Asplin, of Tilbury Place. The soil is loamy ; subsoil, gravet
in 1629: the lofty stone tower of the church is Eaid to have and chalk. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
been battered down by the Dutch fleet in 1667 : in the area is 2,113 acres of land and 1,196 of water; rateable
chancel, which retains a piscina, is a tomb to Sir Henry value, £3,182 IOS. ; the population in 1891 was SOI, in-
Knight, another inscribed to John Rawlinse, ob. 13 Sept. eluding 21 in Co&lhouse Fort.
I6g8, and a brass to William de Bordfield. The register MucKINGFORD.-A small portion of this place is in the.
dates from the year 1 6 2 7· The living is a vicarage; average parish of East Tilbury, but the greatest portion is in the
tithe rent-charge £183 ; net yearly value £ISO, with
residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since parish of Mucking ; which see for names.
I893 by the Rev. Richard Henry James Cook, of Durham Post Office.- Edward Deeks, sub-postmaster. Letters
University. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Coalhouse Fort is arrive from Tilbury S.O. at g.zo a.m.; dispatched at
a strongly fortified place on the north bank of the Thames, 3·1S p.m.; sundays, delivery 9.30 a.m.; dispatched 10
3 miles from Tilbury, and forms a triangle with the Shorn- a. m. The nearest money order office is at West Tilbury;
mead and Cliff forts on the opposite side of the river; it is telegraph office is at Tilbury 8.0., near to the Docks.
mounted with 20 guns and is occupied at ordinary times by Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
a detachment of 20 men under a master gunner: there are National School (mixed), built on land given by the late
officers' quarters and barracks for married men: this fort Mr. Wingfield Baker, of Orsett ball, & enlarged in 188S,
would, on an emergency, hold about 700 men : the War for IOO children; average attendance, So; James Gunn.
Department is now (I894) engaged in constructing addi- master; Miss Henrietta E. Spurging, infants' mistress
Andrew William, Rectory house Brock James, insurance agent Ridgway Samuel, farmer, St. Clere's
Cook Rev. Richard Henry Jas. Vicarage Cole Henry, farmer, & at West Tilbury Shuttlewood Francis Cornelius, farm
Williams Robt. Hamilton J.P. Buckland & Orsett bailiff to Robert H. Williams esq. J.P
COMMERCIAL. Deeks Edward, grocer, & post office Silver ·waiter, manager of l''loating
Asplin Frances Dalton (Mrs.), farmer & Horner Frederick James, Ship P.H Gunpowder magazine
landowner, Tilbury place Mott William, farmer & overseer
WEST TILBURY is a parish with a station called Low and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex
Street, on the Tilbury and Southend railway, 4 miles east and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. James is an
from Grays and 24 from London, in the South Eastern ancient building of stone, in the Early English style, con-
division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union and sisting of chancel, nave, small north porch and an embattled
petty sessional division, Gravesend county court district, western tower, erected in 1883, ;;~.t a cost of £1,ooo, given

by George R. Burness esq. ; it contains 5 bells, dating from main dock of 23 acres, r,8oo feet long and 6oo feet wide;,
1621 to 1694, formerly in the old tower, and a modern three branch docks, each 1,6oo feet long and 300 feet wide,
clock: the church, restored in 1879-80, is said to have been and covering together an area of 29i acres ; lock, and
despoiled in 1648 by the troopers of Lord Fairfax, when graving docks, together about 8 acres. There are six
on their way to the siege of Colchester, the edifice being, arrival and departure quays, each 6oo feet in length, a
ior the time, turned into a stable : the communion plate transhipment quay 300 feet in length, intended for the use
includes chalices presented in 1762 and 1797 by Mrs. Jane of Continental steamers ; and a coaling jetty at the south-
Harrison and the Rev. Sir A. Gordon bart. rector, who also western quay of the tidal basin, fitted with hydraulic cranes
presented a silver flagon in 1800: a lych-gate has been for discharging coal from colliers into barges and railway
erected at the expense of G. R. Hurness esq. The register trucks. On the south quay is a waiting-room for the con-
of baptisms dates from 1546; burials, 1540; marriages, venience of passengers, and a customs examination room i
1567. The living 1s a rectory, average tithe rent-charge, and a large hotel, with IIO bedrooms was erected, but is
£407; net yearly value £420, with 45 acres of glebe and resi- now ( 1894) unoccupied. There is a floating steam crane for
dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1871 lifting and shipping heavy weights, but the travelling
by the Rev. James Bonamy Dobree M.A. of Corpus Christi cranes for shunting railway trucks, and the gate and sluice
College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. machinery and capstans are all worked by hydraulic power;
Archbishop Laud was rector of this place in the year 1615 : within the dock boundaries are about 30 miles of railway
and acoording to Hede, this was the seat of a monastery, sidings, and the electric light is extensively used. The con-
founded in 63o, under Sigebert, king of the East Saxons, by tractors for the dock works, railways and buildings were
St. Chad, or Ceadda, bishop of York in 666 and of Lichfield Messrs. Lucas and Aird. The hydraulic machinery was pro-
in 667. A mineral spring, famous for its medicinal proper- vided by Sir W. G. Armstrong, ::\litchell and Co. Limited and
ties, was discovered in 1727 by ~rlr. John Kellaway on lands Messrs. Tannett, Walker and Co. and the pumping ma·
belonging to the manor, and a well was made for it in I734· chinery for the graving docks by Messrs. J. Simpson and
George R. Burness esq. is lord oi the manor and principal Co. The Great Eastern, Great Northern, Great Western,
landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. The chief London and North Western, and Midland railways have
crops are wheat, peas and potatoes. The area is r,69o acres inquiry offices and run goods here.
of land and 262 of water; rateable value, £3,278; the There is a temporary church for which see Chadwell St.
population in 1891 was 539, including 100 gipsies encamped Mary.
on the common. Telegraph office at Tilbury Dock station, is open for the
Tilbury Fort is in West Tilbury and Chadwell parishes, despatch of telegrams. Pillar Letter Box at Tilbury
2 miles from the village of West Tilbury, on the ferry over Docks station cleared II.5o a.m.; 4.20 & 8.15 p.m
the Thames above Hope Point, opposite Gravesend, and was Tilbury Docks :-
a blockhouse, built by Henry VIII. : here, in 1588, Queen Superintendent, Francis Greenway
Elizabeth reviewed the army, amounting to 17,000 men, Dockmaster, Thomas Francis Edward Ayles
raised to meet the .Spanish Armada : it was afterwards Berthing Dockmaster, Waiter Christie
converted into a regular fortification by Charles II. from Engineer, William Phillipson Anningson
plans by .Sir Bernard de Gomme, engineer-general, and Principals of Warehouse Departments, William Wright &
is now heavily armed: the chapel in 'l'ilbury Fort, which William Charles Cordwell Watson
occupies the site of the ancient West Lee chapel, dedicated Post & M. 0. 0 ., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
to St. Mary l\Iagdalen and used for many years as a billiard William Hart, sub-postmaster. Letters through Tilbury
and reading room, was restored to its original use by the S.O. arrive at 8.45 a. m.; dispatched at 3·45 p.m.; sun-
Rev. R. H. Killick 1\I.A. rector of Chadwell, 1869-79. The days, arrive at 7·45 a.m. ; dispatched, 10.15 a.m. The
officers' quarters are in this parish, and the men's quarters, nearest telegraph office is at Tilbury S.O. near to the
including school and chapel, are in that of Chadwell St. Docks. Pillar Letter Box at Low Street station cleared
Mary. Extensive military works have also been erected at 3-35 p.m. ; sundays at I 1 a. m
both here and at East Tilbury. A School Board of 5 members was formed 9th March, 1875;
Parish Clerk, James Austin. Thomas James, clerk to the board; George Watts, Grays,
TILBURY DOCKS.-The deep water docks of the East and attendance officer
West India Dock Company, commonly known as "the Til- Board School (mixed), erected 1877, & enlarged in 1894, for
bury docks," but locally in the parish of Chadwell St. Mary, no children; average attendance, 66; Miss Mary Eliza·
were opened on Saturday, April 17th, r886, by H. H. beth Symonds, mistress •
Dobree esq. chairman of the company. These are now the Military.
finest deep water docks in the kingdom, and were con- Garrison Artillery.

structed in about four years, at a cost of about £3,ooo,ooo, No. 4 Co. Head Quarters, Tilbury Fort.
from plans by Mr. A. Manning, engineer to the company, Armament Major, Alfred Henry Carter
and Mr. 1<'. C. Ahlfeldt. For the accomplishment of this Submarine Miners, Royal Engineers.
great work, the company acquired in 1882 an area of 460 Militia Engineers, The Thames Division.
acres of land, of which about 100 acres are occupied by Head Quarters, Tilbury Fort.
the docks and their accessories. The docks include a tidal Commanding, Major Charles P. Boyd
basin 19! acres in extent, with a width at the entrance of Captains, A. Spilsbury-Gybbon (hon.-major) & C. G. Holland
300 feet ; a depth at low water springs of 26 feet, and at Acting Adjutant, Lieut. W. Ridout R.E
ordinary high water springs of 45 feet, so that the largest
ships, whether discharging or loading, can enter or leave at Low .Street Railway Station, George ""\Yilliam Gothard,
any state of the tide ; the other principal sections comprise a station master
WEST TILBURY Tli.BURY DOCKS. London, Tilbury & Southend Railway
· Atlantic Transport Line (WilliamTorrey Shipping Off. (WalterJ. Butcher,agt)
Carter Major Alfred Henry R.A. Tilbury & Field Lim. agts. ), steamship owners Machinery & Ironware Co. (Wm. Olley,
fort Anglo-Australian Steam Navigation Co. propr. ), engineers,brass&ironfounders
Dobree Rev. Jas. Bonamy 1\I.A. Rectory Lim. (W. Milburn & Co. managers), Mahoney & Son, tailors
BriantCatherine(Mrs.),King'3 Head P.H steamship owners )'lidlandRailway Shipping Office {Henry
Bull Edwin, cattle dealer Board of Trade Mercantile Marine Office Mason, agent)
Chipperfield Joseph, milkseller, Tan- (Augustus OrltonCooper R.N.R.supt) Orient (The) Steam Navigation Co. Lim.
cred street Bowen John, patent fuel manufacturer steamship owners
Cole Alien Charles. farmer & threshing Cayzer Irvine & Co. steamship owners, Oxley Oscar Starling, butcher
machine proprietor, Low street Clan line Pacific Steam Navigation Co. (George
Cole Henry, farmer, Walnut Tree farm, D1tvis William, dining rooms N. Conlan, supt.), steamship owners
Low street & Gunhill & Offord farms ; Fletcher, Son & Fearnall,marine enginrs Pennell & Cole, stevedores
& at East Tilbury & Orsett Gilbert ThomasW custom housesurveyr Perlbach Henry John & Co. ship owners
Goodwin John, cowkeeper Great Eastern Railway .Shipping Office Pritchard & Loomes, ship painters
Harris William, baker, Tancred street (F. J. Keevil, agent) Rait & Gardiner, marine engineers
Hart William, grocer, & post office Great Northern Railway Shipping Office Ralli Brothers, east india merchants
Hunt ThomasHy. beer retailer & grocer (Jesse J. Smith, agent) Read & Co. coal merchants
James Joseph, miller (wind & steam) Great Western Railway .Shipping Office Suter, Hartmann & Rahtjen's Composi-
& farmer (William Sparks, agent) tion Co. Limited, anti-fouling compo-
James Thomas, farmer & clerk to \fest Henderson Brothers, steamship owners sition manufacturers
Ti!bury school board London & India Docks Joint Committee Tilbury Dock Club & Institute (A.
Such John, blacksmith (H. W. Williams, manager) Askew, sec)
Thomas Ann Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London & North Western Railway Ship- Tilbury Steam Laundry Co. (The)
Bryanstone road ping Office (R. F. Castleman, agent) ~Arthur VincentSlattery, manager)
W ebb George, baker London (The) Parcels Delivery Co. Lim. Truman, Hanbury, Huxton & Co. re-
Wright James, farmer, Low street (George Turner, agent) freshment rooms
TILLING HAM is a parish and large and pleasant village, cathedral. There are Baptist, Congregational and Primitive
4 miles north-east from Southminster station on the Somhend :\lethodists chapels, and two places of worship for the Peculiar
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 miles north-east-by- People. The charities, amounting to about £18 yearly, and
north from Burnham and 14 east-south·east from l\laldon, chiefly derived from land bequeathed in the year 1652 by
in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred Colonel Gregory Baker, a distinguished Royalist, are dis-
and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county court tributed to the poor; there are also almshouses endowed
district and in the rural deanery o! Dengie, archdeaconry of with £2o a year, founded by the same benefactor for four
Essex and diocese of St. Albans : the village is very plea- poor people. The manor and tithes of thili place were given
santly seat-ed about 3 miles from the Gennan Ocean, but by Ethelbert, Bretwalda of England and King of Kent (55o--
the parish extends to its borders. The church of St. Nicho- 616) to the Cathedral of St. Paul. The lords of the manor
las, which stands in a fine open space in the centre of the are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The principal land-
village, is an ancient building of stone in the Early English owners are the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Executors
and Perpendicular styles, repaired in 1708 by a rate on the of :Miss Willes, Arthur Attenborough, James Gale and
inhabitants, the south aisle was rebuilt in 1866 and in 1891 James and Thomas Jackson esqrs. The village has been
the church underwent a complete restoration, costing about much improved by the erection, in 1881, of some pictur•
£2,000; it consists of chancel, nave of four bays, south esque cottages by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, who
aisle and porch, and an embattled tower at the west end previously purchased and removed, at a considerable outlay,
containing 6 bells, the 3rd and 5th are dated 1684, the several dilapidated tenements. There is much land her~
4th, 1707, the rst 1513, and the 2nd 1460; the peal was formerly marsh, but now drained and under cultivation.
thoroughly refitted and rehung, and a 6th bell added in The soil is various ; subsml, gravel and loam. The crops
1889, at the co,t of ~liss Seabrook, of Chelmsford: the are wheat, beans, barley, oats, turnips, mangold wurtzel
tower was much damaged by lightning towards the close and on the land near the sea, white mustard, coriander and
of the last century, but in 1888 was completely restored caraway seeds are grown. The area is 4,646 acres of land
and its stair-turret rebuilt from funds raised by the vicar; and 3,788 of water and foreshore ; rateable value, £5,079;
a clock with chiming apparatus was placed in the tower in the population in 1891 was 954·
x887, at the cost of the parishioners; the piscina and sedilia Sexton, George Chinnery.
are still intact, and the font is a beautiful specimen of early Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity &
work ; the doorway on the north side is Norman; there ara Insurance Office.-James Pollll, sub-postmaster. London
brasses to Edward Wiot esq. ob. July, 1584, with two Latin & other letters are received throughSouthminster S.O. at
verses; and to John Wakeman, ob. 1584: the church 7.50 a. m. & I.3o p.m.; dispatched at 9.40 a.m & 5.30 p.m
affords 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1562. I Coast Guard Station, John Smith, officer in charge
The living is a vicarage, commuted tithe rent-charge £335; Police Station, Arthur A.. Collins, constable
average, £245; net yearly value, £188, with 12 acres of National School (mixed), built in 1868 & enlarged by the
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of addition of an infant school in r88 r ; the school now holds
~t. Paul's, and held since 1879 by the Rev. William Coase 210 children ; a,·erage attendance, 178 ; William James
Miller, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, London, and rural Chell, master; Miss Janet Dines, mistress
dean of Dengie. The rectorial commuted rent-charge Carriers to:-
amounts to £797 17s. which together with about £1,000 a Chelmsford-John Hazelton, tues. & fri. returning same
year derived from lands in the parish, belongs to the Dean days
and Chapter of ~t. Paul's and is applied, after deducting a :Maldon-Ernest Hart, tues. & sat. returning same days &
grant to ten poor livings in the cow1ty, to the repair of the to Southminster, mon. wed. & fri
Croxon Chas. Hy: Bowerman, Reddings Dowsett Joseph, bricklayer Pettifer Edmund Cleaver M.B. surgeon,
Jackson James, Leggatt's farm English Joseph, butcher & medical officer & public vaccinator,
Jackson Thomas, Bridgmans Everitt Charles, Cap & Feathers P.H Bradwell dist. & regis. of births &
Miller Rev. William Coase T.A.K.C.L, Ford William, farmer, Blackbirds deaths,Bradwell sub-dist.Maldn. union
[vicar & rural dean], Vicarage Hart Alfred, grocer & draper Playle Eliza (.Miss), milliner
Pettifer Edmund Cleaver M.B.Lond Hart Ed ward Albert, grocer & draper Pond Alfred, Cock inn
Sewell William, The Hall Hart Ernest, carrier Pond James, sub-postmaster
Hart Sarah S. (Mrs.), grocer & draper Raven William, draper
COMMERCIAL. Harvey FannyHannah(Miss), shopkeepr Rayner Alfred, saddler
Arthy Waiter Henry, baker Hawkins Henry, farmer, Shinglefoots Rodda Benjamin, carpentt>r
.A.ylett Robert, wheelwright 8.azelton John, general dealer & carrier Sewell William, farmer, The Hall
Baxter Thomas, blacksmith Hubbard William, blacksmith Sewell William T. grocer & draper
Coel Benjamin, Swan inn P.H Jackson James, farmer, Leggatts Smith John, coastguard officer
Collins Charles, sen. carpenter Jackson Thomas, farmer, Bridgmans Spurgin l\Iary(Mrs. ),agricult.imp.agent
Collins Charles Collingwood, carpenter Mitson Elijah, shoe maker Taylor Robert John, painter
Coombe Robert Gorton L.R.C.P.Edin. Orriss Waiter, boot maker Thurgood George, beer retailer
surgeon & admiralty surgeon & agent Peacocke George, brewers' agent Turner 1\:Iarshall, farmer, East Hyde
Croxon Charles Henry Bowerman, Peacocke Hugh Smyth, butcher Turner 'Villiam, farmer, Hill farm
farmer, Reddings Peacocke Sarah Ann (.Mrs.), draper Wildish Bertha (Mrs.), baker & miller
Dow Benjamin, marine store dealer Peacocke Thomas Fletcher, baker (steam)
TILTY is a parish, 5 miles west from Elseuham station register of baptisms dates from 1725 ; burials, 1724;
on the main line of the Great Ea>jtern railway, and 4 marriages, 1727. The living is a vicarage, averag~
north-north-west from Dunmow, in the Western division yearly value from tithe rent-charge £rgr, with residence,
of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division, in the gift of the Countess of Warwick, and held since
union and county court district, rura'l deanery of Dunmow, 1859 by the Rev. Willittm Gribson B.A. of St. John's Col-
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St.Albans. DUTON lege, Cambridge. Here was formerly a Cistercian
HILL, a hamlet in Great Easton, is attached to this abbey founded A.D. II53 by Maurice Fitz-Geoffrey, some
parish for ecclesiastical purposes only. The parish remains 'Of which are still standing; the revenue at the
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of rubble in Dissolution was £r77 gs. 4d. The Countess of Warwick
the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south is lady of the manor, and, as heiress of the late Visrount
porch, and a western tower with cupola containing x ~Iaynard.. sole landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil,
bell: the tracery of the chancel windows and particularly clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
that of the east window is very fine: in _the chancel are oats. The area is I,0$3 acres; rateable value, £845;
brasses in .good preservation to Gerard Danet esq. of the populatiOn in r8gr was 81, and including Duton Hill,
Bronkynsthorp, Co. Leic. counsel!l.or to King Henry VIII. whicll is now in this ecclesiastic-al parish, was 212.
ob. 1520 and his wife Mary, with 5 sons rand 6 daughters; Parish Clerk, John Barker.
to George Medeley, of Tyltey esq. with his figure in Letter carrier calls Rt 4·45 p.m. week days only. Letters
armour, "Ob. 1562 and his wife :\Iarr, 3 sons and .2 daugh- from Chelmsford through Dunmow, which lis the
ters; to Marg-aret, wife of George Tuke esq. of Layer nearest money order & telegraph office, at 8.30
:Marney, ob. xsgo, with 3 sons, 3 daughters and 3 in- a.m. & 3-30 p.m
fants in swaddling clothes and an inscription to Thoma~, The children of this village go to Broxted & Great Easton
of Tbakely Abbot, c.. 1460, with four Latin verses. The schvols
Gibson Rev. William B.A. Vicarage ).lilbank Daniel, farmer, Tilty hill Smith Hoffgaard, farmer & miller
Baynes Charles, frmr. Cold Harbour Stock John Jas. farmer, Tilty grange (steam & water)
Butcher John, hurdle & rake maker
TIPTREE HEATH was formerly part {)f the Great closed and was formed intD an ecclesiastical parish June
Forest of Essex: it embraces portions of six parishes, 24, 1859; it is 4 miles south-east from Kelvedon station
viz. :-Tolfeshunt Knights, Inworth, ~Iessing, Tolle,bury, on the main line ()f the Great Ea'Stern railway, 6 ea"t
Tolleshunt D'.Arcy and Great Wigborough, is mostly in- from 1Yitham, and 7 north-east from ~bldon, in the
Eastern division of the county, hundred of Lexden and which rby superior management and the use of machinery
Thurstable, Withram iJetty sessi'Onal division, union of was made to yield abundant crops of all sorts. The
Lexden and Winstree, county court district of Maldon, Britannia Fruit Preserving Company's farms, which are
rural deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of ColChester in this ·parish, produce <Jver 200 :hms a year of fruit,
and diocese of .St. .A1bans. The chureh of St. Luke, about half of which is converted into preserves on the
erected in I855 by subscription, at a cost of about £I,8oo, premises. Here also is a .brewery. 'fhe British school,
i•s a plain edifice of brick, consisting ()£ chancel, nave adjoining the Congregatroool chaiJel, is now used as a
and nmth aisle, south porch and a western turret, con· Sunday school and for public meetings, and will hold ISO
ctlaining I .bell : there are 400 sittings. The register dates persons. The princigal landowners are Sir William
from the year IB57· Th£> living is a rectory, average Neville Abdy hart. J.P. Hector John Gurd{)n-Rebow esq.
tithe rent-charge £14, net yearly value [3oo, with resi- D.L., J.P. of Wyvenhoe Park, J. H. Bridges esq. and
dence and I3 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Mesasrs. Rann and Wallis. The soil is plastic clay and
St. Albans, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Augustus gravelly; subsoil, clray. The chief crops are wheat,
Henry Eugene De Romestin M.A. of St. John's College, barley, <Jats, peas, beans, fruit, mangolds, turnips and
Oxford. The Congregational c'hapel here wa•s founded in seeds. The area is 3,ooo acres ; the population in I8gr,
I72o. Wix's charity consists of £100 Consols, the in- was 872.
terest of which is distributed yearly. A fair is held here Parish Clerk and Sexton, George Drain.
on July 25th. Here formerly stood a priory of Black S ,. &
t" · d f d d · th · f Posit, M. 0. & T. 0., . B., Express De1Ivery Annuity
Ca nons 0 f th e .augus mian or er, oun e m °
e reign & Insurance Office.-David Hill, sub-postmaster. Let-
Edward I. by R. de Mount Chesney, and dedicated to ters arrive from Kelvedon at a.m. & 12 . 40 p.m.;
tJhe Virgin Mary and St. Nichalas; the family of Mount 7 S
Chesney being its principal benefactors: this was one of 1
dispatched at 10 · 5 a. m. & 7· 20 p.m. unday arriv&
the forty small monasteries granted to Cardinal Wolsey 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 12 ·3° p.m
in 15 23 , for the endowment of his proposed colleges a.t School (mixed), built, with master's h{)use, in 1863, en-
Ipswich -and Oxford and was then valued at £ 22 16s. 4d. larged in 1866, for 250 children; average attendance,
but it was forfeited on his attainder. Tiptree Hall, now 190; Wilhlam E. George, master; Mrs. George, mist.
occupied as a farm house by Mr. George May, was once Carriers. Bennett, to Colchester, tues. & sat. & Maldon
the seat and famous .agricultural establishment of the on thurs. ; Dennis, t{) Colchester, on wed. &. sat.;
late J. J. l\Iechi esq.; it comprised 128 acres of poor soil, Bacon, to & from Kelvedon & Tollesbury, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brett Thos. P. farmer & mrkt. grdnr Lingley Joshua, blacksmith
ChaJon Col. Thos. H. T.Inworth QTnge Brita-:anla Fruit Preserving_ c_o. M~y Ge~r~e, farmer, Tiptree hall
Cook Rev. Arthur (Congregational) Llm1ted (Arthur Charles W1lkm, Miller Wilham, cooper
Sach J ames managing director), farmers, fruit Moss Elizabeth (Mrs.), Ship P.H
De Romestin Rev. Augustus Henrv growers & manufacturers of jams, Parish Joseph, grocer & draper,
Eugene M.A. Rectory • jellies, bottled fruit, pickles, sauces, farmer & seed grower
Sibley Henry aerated . waters &c. R_egistered Paris~ WilliaiD:, s~ed grower & frmr
Thorn Charles Thomas Heathfield office, T1ptree Heath; retail branch, Rawhnson David, JUn. butcher & dlr
Wilkin Arthur Charle; Trewlands go Duke street, Chelmsford Rawlinson William, beer retailer
' Edwards Edward, baker Rogers William, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Everitt Waiter, butcher Sach Arthur, carpenter
.Arnold Horatio, carpenter Fairhead William Appleby, farmer, Simpson Henry, wheelwright
Barfield William, farmer Tiptree Priory Thorn & Livermore, brewers & malt-
Bellliam Richard, beer retailer Fisher Waiter, Anchor P.H sters, Crown brewery
Bennett John, carrier Hull David, beer retailer Tiptree Self-Help Co-operative Society
Birkin Henry, shopkeeper & farmer, Kent John, bricklayer (George Kemp, manager)
Brook hall Keys Wm. beer retailer & seed growr Wass John, farmer
TOLLESBURY is a parish and large fishing village' numlber of fishing boa.t•s belonging to Tollesbury are em-
near the Blackwater e~tuary, 9 miles east-north-east' ployed on the river. The great disadvantage felt is that
from Maldon station, 12 south-east from Witham and 48 Tollesbury is ro miles from the railway. Taillor~s charity
from London, in the Ea~ern division of the county, 'of £8 yearly, arising from lrands at Tolleshunt Knights,
Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional divis~on, left in 1652 by Robert Taillor, is for bread. Alexander
Maldon union and county court district, rural deanery of McMullen esq. is lord of the manor. The princ:lpalland-
Hatrfield Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese owner is Jeffery Grimwood Grimwood• esq. of 29 Ennif!-
of St. Albans. Here is a coast guard sta.tion. The more gardens, London S.W. The soil lis various; sub-
church of St. Mary is a large building of stone in the soil, loam and gravel. The chief crops are wheart, barley
Early English style. consisting of a modern chancel and and beans. The aroo is 5,991 acres of land, of which a
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower with large portion is saline pasture, called saltings, and 3,139'
pinnacles, conrt:aJining a clock with dial and 6 bells; in of water; rateable value, [7,300; the population in
the church are some memorials to the family of Gardiner, 1891 was 1,617.
of Bourchier's Hall; and there are five stained windows : Parish Clerk, George Anthony.
the church was restored in 1872, at a cost of about Posrt, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
£2,300, raised by surbscription, and has sittings for & Insuvance Office.-William Walford, sub-postmaster.
aibout 300 .persons. The register dates from the yerar Letters arrive from Kelvedon at 9 a.m. ; dispatched a.t
1558. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £539, 6 p.m. Sunday arrive 9 a.m.; dispatched at 11.15 a.m
with 12 acres of gleJbe and residence, in the gift of trus- Schools:-
tees, and held since I857 !by the Rev. John Casson Bat- National (mixed), built in 1855, for 180 children; aver-
tersby M.A. {)f St. John's College, Cambridge. The age attendance, 128; john Peacock, master
Congregational chapel, erected in I864, has a school and Congregational (mixed), built in 1859, for 150 children;
burial ground attached. The place is celebrated for its avemge attendance, 114; Alfred Lines, master
oyster -beds, formed in a broad creek of the Blackwater Carriers to:-
and in Which large quant·ities of oysters are cultivated; Colchester Ucal Weavers, tues. thurs. & sat.; Georg~
the Blackwater Oyster Company having sold during a year Anthony, wed. & sat
oysters to the amount <Jf £J4,200. Several buildings Ma:ldon-Redgwell, daily, except thurs. & Sampsonp
have been erected with a view t-o becoming yachting daily
boxes, the ha~bour being very convenient for yachts; a Kelvedon-George Anthony, mon. & tues. & fri
Anstey Rev. Wm. B. (Congregational) Bowles John, oyster mer. & farmer Gurneys, Round, Green & Co. bank-
Battersby Rev. John Casson M.A. Brand David, but®er & farmer ers (branch) (Adam Elisha Chatter-
Vicarage Calver Theophilus, assistant overseer son, agent); draw on Lloyds Bank.
& rate collector Limited, London E C
COMMERCIAL. Chatterson & Co. ship chandlers Juniper James, bricklayer & builder
Anthony George, carrier Chatterson Adam Elisha, oyster mer- Leavett Isaac, jun. shopkeeper
Anthony William, King's Head P.H chant & fish agent & agent for Maskell Charles, baker & shopkeeper
Appleton Henry J. oyster merchant Messrs. Gurneys, Round & Co. May John, boot maker
Bailey Henry T. farmer bankers, Colchester Moss William, sail maker
Banyard Frederick Chaterson, oyster Cottis James, farmer Redhouse Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper
merchant & farmer Cole John, Hoy P.H. & coal merchant Redhouse Frederick, draper
Banyard George, shopkeeper Drake James, shipwright Riley Richard, shopkeeper
Banyard John, shopkeeper Fisher George, Plough & Sail P.H Rose Robert, Hope P.H
Banyard Wm. carpenter & undertaker Golding John, farmer, Bohun's hall Walford Wm. shopkeeper, Post office-
Beecham John, blacksmith Harvey Clara (Mrs.), baker Weavers Mahlah (Miss), shopkeeper
Biggs Henry, shopkeeper Heard! Mrs. Hannah, shopkeeper IWeavers Ucal, carrier & beer retailer
TOLLESHUNT D' ARCY is a parish and large vil- yearly, from a charity left by Henry Smith esq. of Tolles-
lage, pleasantly seated on .an eminence near the estuary hunt D'Arcy, in the year 1626. A pleasure fair is held
of the Blackwater, 7 miles south-east from Kelvedon and annually on the nth of June. Hector J. Gurdon-Rebow
9 south-east from Witham stations on the Great Eastern esq. of Wyvenhoe Park, who is lord of the manor, Jeffery
railway, 49 from London, 7 north-east from Maldon, and Grimwood Grimwood esq. of 29 Ennismore gardens, Lon-
7 east tfrom Uangford, .in the Eastern division of the don S.W. the Rev. Charles Brian Leigh B.A. late rector
county, Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional of G•Jldhoanger, John Bunting and the New England Corn-
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural pany are the principal landowners. The soil is various ;
deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchest-er subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops are wheat and
and diocese of St. Albans. The church af St. Nicholas barley. The area is 3,108 acres of land and 380 water;
is an edifice chiefly of ~tone, in the Per.pendicular and rateable value, £4,500; the population in r89r was 870.
Decorated styles, and consists of chancel, nave, north Parish Clerk. Waiter Holrnes.
aisle, :part of which constitutes the D'Arcy chapel, south I 0 & T 0 S
h d b ttl d t to t · · b 11 Po>Jt, ~ . · . ., . B., Expreis Delivery & Annuity
P.Orc an an em a e wes em wer con ammg 5 e s: & Insurance Office. James '\Villiam Blaxall, sub-post-
in the D'Arcy chapel is the ..stately figure, in brass, of a master. Letters arnive from Kelvedon at 8 a.m.; dis-
knight in armour, with an inscription to John de Boys pattched at 6. 20 p.m. Sunday arrive 8 a.m.; dis-
-esq. formerly lord of this inanor, ob. 15 Aug. 1419; patched I I . 30 a.m
another knightly figure represents Anthony D'Arcy J.P.
ob. r8 Oct. 1540; there are inscriptions to Katherine, Pub1ic Officers:-
wife of Thomas D'Arcy esq. ob. 7 July, 15 35, and several Mediool Officer & Public Vaccinator, Tollesbury Dis-
others of fuat name: in the windows are some shields of trict, Maldon Un[on & 4th District, Lexden & Winstree
arms: in r88o the church was restored by subscription, Union & Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, John Henry
at 8 cost of £4150, and has a. stained window presented by Salter, D'Arcy house
Joshua Nunn esq. to the memory of the Perry family: Registrar of Births & Deaths, Tollesbury District, Wm.
the church has about 300 sittings, all of which are free. Ottway
The register of baptisms dates from 156o, of marriages Relieving Officer & Collector to the Guardians, Thur-
from 1582. and of burials from 158 3. The living is a stable Distrid, Maldon Union, James Jackson
yicarage, average tithe rent-charge £ 190, with 3 acres of National School (mixed), built in r864, for 170 children;
glebe and residence, <in the gift of Hector John Gm·don- 'average attendance, qr; Henry Jackson, master
Rebow esq. lay impropriator of the great tithes, and held Carriers to:-
since 188o by the Rev. R01bert Vernon Ottley Graves Colchester Weavers, tues. thurs. & sa,t.; .Anthony,
M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford, who is also sinecure wed. & sat
-rector of Shorwell, Isle of Wtight. Here is a Congrega- Ke1vedon-.Anthony, mon. tues. & fri
tional chapel. The poor have the benefit of about £22 Maldon----Simpson, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Emery Edward William, upholsterer Page Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer
:Brown Miss & newsagent Posford Stowers, miller (wind) & fmr
Graves Rev; Robert Vernon Ottley Goodchild John, farmer, Freme farm Root Joseph, farmer, High hall
M.A. Vicarage Hall Charles Lenney, farmer Sadd Henry, pork butcher
Salter John Henry J.P. D'Arcy house Handley William, painter Sadd Mary A. (Mrs.), dressmaker
Seabrook Mrs Holding Dick, Plough P.H Salter John Henry, surgeon, Admi-
Sea.brook Mrs. Rose villa Holmes Waiter, boot maker & parish ralty surgeon & agent, & medical
clerk officer & public vaccinator, Tolles-
COMMERCIAL. Hudson Joseph, grocer, draper & fmr bury district, Maldon union & 4th
:Blaxall Ernest, Red Lion P.H Jackson James, relieving officer & district, Lexden & Winstree union
Blaxall Henry, baker collector to the guardians, Thnrs- & local sec. to the Poor Law Medi-
Blaxall Henry, jun. butcher table district, Maldon union cal Officers' Association, D' Arcy ho
Blaxall Norry, grocer & Post office Legerton Chas. Geo. frmr. Grouts fm Sanders Charles, farmer
:Blaxall Waiter, baker Legerton Frederick Uriah, farmer, Seabrook Richd. farmer & landowner
Bunting Henry, farmer & landowner Spring farm Smyth Wm. Driffield, frmr. The Hall
Cause Daniel & Abel, saddlers Leigh Olympia (Miss), farmer, Brook Stebbing Waiter, butcher
Cook Samuel John, wheelwright & farm Stiff Stephen, Queen's Head P.H
builder Messent Selina Ann (Mrs.), day school Strutt Thomas, bricklayer
Emeny Abraham, blacksmith, & That- Ottway Norris, veterinary surgeon Thompson Herbert, farmer, Tudwick
chers' Arms P.H Ottway William, registrar of births & Valentine Ann (Mrs.), Wheatsheaf P.H
Emery Edward, tea dealer deaths, Tollesbury district
TOLLESHUNT KNIGHTS is a scattered parish average tithe rent-charge £425, net yearly value £250,
and ~seems to be in the line of an ancient Roman way wifu 55 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
from Mlaldon to Colchester, as, near Barnwalden, Roman liord Chancellor, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Fredbrick
pavements have been dug up, it is 5 miles south-east George Bussell M . .A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here is
from Kelvedon station on the main line of the Great 8 Congregational chapel, erected in 1864. Abdy's Charity
Eastern railway, 45 from London, 9 north-east from of £12 16s. 4d. yearly, arising from lands [n Tollesbury,
Maldon, and 8 south-east from Witham, in the Eastern is for bread: Sir Thomas Abdy's Charity of £2oo, now
division of the county, Thurstable hundred, Witham producing about £4 yearly, is for poor widows belonging
-petty sessional division,_ Mlaldon union 'and county court to the parish, oand is distributed by the rector. Sir
-district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry William Neville Abdy hart. is lord of the manor and
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The chnrdh of t'he principal landowner. The soil is 'heavy; subsoil, th·e
All Saints is a building of flint. and rubble in the Early same. The chief crops 1are whe'at and 'barley. The arel\
Engl'ish style, consisting of chancel and nave and a west- is 2,101 acres; rateable value, £2,IOO; the population in
ern belfry of brick with shingled spire, and containing 2 1891 was 480.

Templar: the church was thoroughly restored m 1878

bells: in the chancel is the dilapidated effigy of a _Knight Letters through Kelvedon arrive at 8. 30 a.m. Tiptree
. _
and a stained west window presented by Sir '\Villiam .Heath IS the nearest money order & telegraph office
.Neville Abdy hart.; the stained east. window was also a Pillar ~etter Box c!ear~ at 7 p.m. week days only.
gift: the church has about 25 0 sittings. The register of The c'luldren of this village attend the sch.Jol at Tiptree
baptisms and burials dates from the year 1695 and of Heath
marriages from 1696. The living is a rectory, yearly Carrier to Colchester.-A.rthur John Dennis, wed. & sat
Bussell Rev. Fk. Geo. M.A. Rectory William Neville Abdy hart. J.P. Langley Thomas Pritchard, farmer,
Livermore Arthur, Mill Dene :Manifold Wick Four chimneys
Blyth Frederick, farmer, Oxley lodge Dennis Arthur John, carrier Lavender Edmund, farmer, Park frm
IHyth John, st-eam thrashing machine Drain Edward, farmer Palmer James, blacksmith
owner Eley Arthur, carriage builder, wheel- Posford John, farmer
<Joppill4 Joseph, farm bailiff to Sir wright, grocer & draper Rowe John, Rose & Crown P.H
TOLLESHUNT MA.JOR (or Magna), an appellative Albans. The church of St. Nicholas, situated half a mile
-corrupted from one Malger, who held it at the time of south-east of the village and formerly belonging to the
the Domesday survey, was also afterwards known as priory of Caldwell, Beds., is a building of pudding stone
"Beckingham" and is a parish, 47! miles from London, and rubble with Caen stone facings, in the Xorman and
5 north-east from 1\Ialdon station and 8 south-east from Early English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south
1Vitham, in the Eastern division of the county, Thurstable porch and a western embattled tower of brick, containinQ"
hundred, Witham petty sessional division, Mal don union 3 bells, one of which bears the lPgend : VOX EDV A.RDI
and county court district, rural deanery of Hatfield j SOX.AT EN AVRO DEI; the 15th century memorials of
.P~erel, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the Higham family formerly in the church were removed

about 1840: there was once a chapel on the north of the are lords of the manor, Jeffery G1·imwood Grimwood esq,.
chancel, finished 15th. Sept. 16og, and containing a stately of 29 Ennismore gardens, London S.W. the trustees- 2f
monument to Stephen Beckingham of Tolleshunt D' Arcy Robert Francis esq. and the Rev. Charles Brian Leigh
and Avis his wife, daughter of Sir Henry Tyrrel kt. of B.A. of Bloomsbury place, Brighton, are the prin-
Therne: the church was restored in 1888 from designs by cipal landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, loam
the Rev. Ernest Geldart, rector of Little Braxted, at a and gravel. The chitef crops are wheat, beans and bar-
cost of about £6oo, when a new vestry and handsome ley. The area is 2,270 acres; rateable value,
oak porch were added: there are 190 sittings. The [,1,86S ss. ; the population in 1891 was 4os.
register of baptisms dates from 1559; burials, 1559; and Letters through Witham by foot post, arrive at 9 a.m.
marriages, 1s61. The living is a vicarage, average tithe week days & on sundays 10 a.m. Wall Letter Bol,
rent-charge £142, net yearly value £125, with one acre cleared at p.m.; sundays at I I a.m. Tolleshunt
of glebe, in the gift of ths Rev. Orlando Beater D' Arcy is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Th. Assoc. K.C.L. of Sidcup, Kent, and held since 1892
by the Rev. Watson Hagger M.A. of St. John's College, A School Board of S members was formed 27 Jan. 1873 ~
Cambridge. Here is a Congregational chapel. An ancient J oseph Gurton, clerk to the board
brick gateway, with four embattled turrets, is all that Board School (mixed), built in 1878, for 70 children;
remains of the Manor House, formerly the seat of tlle average attendance, 70; Abel West, master; Mrs.
Beckingham family. The New England Company, who West, mistress
Hagger Rev. Watson M.A. Vicarage Crab Albert, farmer Gurton Harry, builder
Horsnail William Dent & Wager, farmers Gurton Joshua, farmer
Belsham Joseph, shopkeeper Dudley Arthur, bla.cksmith & assist- Humphrey Reuben, farmer
Cowell Henry, farmer, Gate farm ant overseer Mead Arthur, Bell P.H
Cocks Wm. Barrett, frmr. Manor frm Frost Henry, farmer & miller (steam Moore Edward H. watchmaker
Cooper Albert, wheelwright & beer ret & wind) Sharp Reuben, farmer
TOPPESFIELD is a village and parish and lies 1.outh sented in 1894 by the rector for purposes of buriaL
of the road from Colchester to Cambridge, about a mile The register of baptisms dates from 15S9; marriages and
and a half south-west from Yeldham station on the Colne burials, 1s6o. The living is a rectory, average tithe
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8 north-west rent-charge £,837, net yearly value [,58o, with 20 acres
from Halstead and so from London, in the Northern of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held
division of the county, Hinckf01:d hundred, North Hinck- since 1894 by the Rev. Joseph Jeremiah Baddeley L.Th.
ford petty sessional division, Halstead union and county of Bishop Hatfield's Hall, Durham. In 1891 a~ mission
court district, and in the rural deanery of Yeld.ham, room was built at the expense of the Rev. C. Taylor, rec-
archdeaconry of Coichester and diocese of St. Albans: tor here 1880-9. Here is a Congregational chapel, built in
the parish is elevated and healthy, the church and village 1882 with 230 sittings. Charities amounting to about £18
being 28o feet above the sea-level and other parts of the a year, are applied to the repairs of the church, the relief
parish considerably higher even than this. The church of of the poor and educational purposes. There are two
St. Margaret, built in 1519, is an edifice of brick, in the manors, Berwick and Scotness, and Camoys. Samuel
Perpendicular style, consisting of chanct-1, nave of four Arthur Sampson esq. of 13 Norfolk square, Hyde Park,
bays, south aisle, north and south porches and an em· London, is lord of the former and A. Cunnington esq. of
battled western tower with four pinnacles containing a Braintree, lord of the latter. The principal landowners
clock and 5 bells: in tlie chancel are mural tablets to the are S. A. Sampson and Charles Brogden Sperling, of
Rev. Richard King, a former vicar; to Dorcas, wife of Dynes Hall, Great :Maplestead. The soil is heavy; sub-
William Smyth esq. ob. 18 December, 1633 and was buried soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
at Cressing; the Rev. RobertJ Wilde, rector here in 16go; beans. The area is 3,332 acres; rateable value, £2,675;
the Rev. Thomas Willett, rector, ob. 1731 and to the Rev. the population in 1891 was 796.
George Pawson, ob. 1797 and Elizabeth Erle, ob. 1655 ;
there is also an altar tomb with floriated cross, to the Post Office. Daniel Chatters, sub-postmaster. Letters
founder of the church (name unknown); and bras~es to through Halstead arrive at J.'2o a.m. & 5 p.m.; dis-
William Cracherod gent. ob~ 15 s5 and Elizabeth his wife, patched 5· 10 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
ob. ISIJ, and another with effigies and an inscription to graph office is at Great Yeldham
John Cracherod and Agnes his wife, 1534, with other National School (mixed), built in 18s6, with residence for
memorials of this name: the chancel retains sedilia and master, on a site given by S. A. Sampson esq. for 200
m the nave is a rude and ancient font and a piscina: children; average attt-ndance, 120; ~iark Edward
there are 450 sittings : half an acre of ground was pre· Lansdowne, master
Baddeley Rev. Joseph Jeremiah L.Th. Butcher James, grocer & draper Smee .John, shoe maker
Rectory Butcher Wm. thrshng. machine ownr Smee Thomas, shopkpr. & carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Chatters Danl. shoe ma. Post office Smith William, blacksmith
Ashby Henry, wheelwright Clarke Joseph, farmer, Flowers hall Steward Elijah, farmer, Hurrells frm
Ashby Isabella (Mrs.), farmer, Brad- Darby Charles, farmer, Berwick hall Steward Lewis, miller (wind) &
fields farm Dowsett Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkpr farmer
Ashby Robert, farmer, Medes farm Metson Joseph, farmer, Mortimore's Whitlock Simon Quy, assistant ovrsr
Barber Cornelius, beer ret. & shopkpr Pannell Joseph, shopkeeper Whitlock Waiter, farmer, Poole house
Barker Charles Rider, blacksmith, Reeve Thomas, farmer, Woodleys (letters through Great Yeldham,
wheelwright, brewer & beer retlr Robinson John, farmer, Haxells frm Halstead)
Benson James F. farmer, The Hall Seaman Chas. Grn. Man P.H. k frmr Wilson John, farmer, Hill farm
GREAT TOTHAM is a parish, which includes Osey, in 1881 by the present vicar's family in memory of their
an island in the Blackwater estuary, 2~ miles north-east mother; and there is anotner to W. P. Honywood esq.
from Langford station on the Maldon branch of the Great D.L. of Marks Hall, d. r8sg: the church was thoroughly
.r..astern railway, and extends from 3 to 4 miles south-east restored in 1878 and a north aisle added from the designs
from Witham, and 3 to 4 north from Maldon, and is in of Mr. J. J. Clarke; 6 bells, replacing the former two,
the Eastern division of the county, Thurstable "IJ.undred. being also hung and the thurchyard laid out afresh; the
Witham petty sessional division, Maldon union m.d county total cost, amounting to about [,2,ooo: in 1884 a new
court district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, arch- organ was erected and a south transept built: in 1890
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. BeacorJ the walls of the chancel were painted and decorated, and
Hill, to the north, is ab_out 284 feet above the level of the in 1894 the organ was enlarged: the churchyard was
sea and commands an extensive prospect in evert direc- closed in 1881 and a new burial g-round adjoining was
tion; a single beacon still remains, placed on the hill at purchased. The register dates from the year IS57• but
the time when Napoleon I. threatened to invade England. is more or less irregular to the year 166g. The living is
The church of St. Peter is a small but ancient edifice of a discharged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £134, net
flint and rubble, in the Norman style, certainly existing yearly value £144, including 33 acres of glebe, with
before the year 1222 and given by Maurice de Totham, residence, and held since 1877 by the Rev. Henry Taylor
temp. Henry I. to the nuns of Clerkenwell; it consists of Williamson Eyre M.A. of 'Vorcester College, Oxford.
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a western Mrs. Honywood, of Marks Hall, near Kelvedon, holds the
belfry of wood with spire containing 6 bells: in the floor great tithes, valued at about £700 yearly. There are
of the chancel is a brass with two female figures, each ·wesleyan and Congregational chapels. .Almshouses for
s~rmounted by a shield of arms; and an inscription to three married couples and three widows were erected in
Elizabeth, wife of Richard Coke esq. and daughter of 1855, by William Goodday, of Drury farm, Colchester.
John Pilborough, Baron of the Exchequer (1545-6); she Mrs. Honywoo<f, of Marks Hall, who is lady of the manor,
died Dec. 24, 1606: the stained east window was er~W Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. the Hon. Mrs.
Byron, of Langford Grove, Langford, are the principal arrive 8 a.m.; dispatched at 12 noon. The neared
landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel aud loam. telegraph office is at "\Yickham Bi<:hops
The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area Wall Letter Box, placed near the 'Compasses,' cleared on
is 3,259 acres; rateable value, £3,077 4s. ; the population week days at r p.m. & 6.10 p.m
in 1891 was 722. A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 Mar. 1875;
Parish Clerk, Golden Wendon. Thomas \Yestern, hon. clerk to the board; Robert
Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, Fuller, attendance officer
1\faldon road.-Arthur EckwO'I'th, sub-postmaster. Let- Board School (mixed), erec~d in 1875, for 170 children;
~rs through Witham arrive at 7.30 a.m. &; 12.45 p.m. ; average attendance, 133; Henry Crow, master; Mrs.
dispatched at 12.45 &; 6.30 p.m. week days; sundays, Annie Blanche Crow, sewing mistress
Bateman Mrs. Rose cottage Crumpen Elizabeth (Mrs.), Bull inn Morton William, market gardener
Eyre Rev. Henry Taylor Williamson Crnmpen James, butcher Perry Edward, carpenter
M.A. Vicarage Eckwith Arthur, blacksmith & drapr Pulford Arthur, miller (steam &
:Malcolm George, The Firs Digby Wm. F. Prince of Wales P.H wind) & corn merchant
Harvey Rev. John (Congregational) Fuller Robert, veterinary surgeon & Saward George, beer retailer
Schelback Mrs assistant overseer Smith Arthur, thrashing machine pro-
COMMERCIAL. Gentry Alfred, shopkeeper & agri- prietor & assistant overseer for
Beadle George, saddler cultural machine maker Goldhanger
Beadle Hy. Clark, wheelwright Gentry Ernest, carpenter Vincett Horace, farmer, Waldon ho
Belsham Chas. pork dlr. The Beacon Gibbs Arthur, farmer Wager Herbt. Shoulder of Mutton P.H
Bickmore William, jobmaster Grout Waiter, farmer, Pains farm Ward Alfred & Son, builders, con-
Cooper John, farmer & brick & Hales William, farmer tractors & undertakers
earthenware manufacturer King Alfred, Compasses P.H Ward Alfred, farmer & landowner.
Corder Alfred, beer retailer King James, farmer Totham hall
Cottee Mark, farmer Marlin Jesse, fruit grower &; farmer, Warren George, tea traveller
Coult Geo. beer retailer & shopkpr, Chase Fieid farm Wendon Golden, farmer, Beacon hill
LITTLE TOTHAM is a parish on a small hrook, 3 with 35 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of G. D.
miles east from Langford station on the Maldon, Witham Collins esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Frederick
and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 42 'l'homas Gardner M.A. of St. Peter's Collegl', Cambridge.
from London, about 3 north-east from Maldon, and 6 who resides at Goldhanger. The Peculiar People have a
south-east from Witham, in the Eaiitern division of the small wooden chapel here. Frank Postle Bawtree esq. is
county, Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural Rev. Henry Fraser James Coape-Arnold ~LA. of Wolvey
deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchester Hall, Warwickshire, Mrs. Honywood, of Marks Hall, and
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a Mrs. Carter. The soil is various ; subsoil, mostly
small building in the Norman style, consisting of chance1, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
nave, south porch and a western tower of flints with a The area is 1,259 acres; rateable value, £1,400; the
wooden belfry, containing 3 bells: the south doorway population in 1891 was 323.
within the porch is a highly-finished specimen of Norman Sexton, Joseph Barnard.
work: in the chancel is an inscription to the Rev. John Post Office.-Miss 1\fury Mayhew, sub-postmistress. Let-
Lasby, rector of this parish with Goldhanger, d. 1703, ters through Witham arrive 8.35 a.m. ; dispatched at
and Elizabeth (Sammes) his wife; there is also an in- 6.5 p.m.; sunday, arrive 9·35 a.m. ; dispatched at
scription to John Sammes esq. ob. Oct. 18, r6o6 and 11.15 a.m. Tolleshunt D'Arcy is the nearest money
dame Isabel his wife. The register dates from the year order & telegraph office
1558. The living fs a rectory, consolidated with the National School (mixed), built in 1846, for 70 children;
rectory of Goldhanger, average tithe rent-charge £710, average attendance, 55; Miss Kate Ifulen Timmis, mist
Carter Fredk. Algernon, Rook hall Francis William F. farmer, Little Piggot Ernest, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Ranters Pryke Charles, boot maker
Belcher Wm. poulterer &; beer retlr Gurton Joseph, farmer Powell John, Eagle P.H
Bromly Matthias, frmr. Chapple frm Humphreys Harry, sheep dresser Quy Mark, shopkeeper
Fordham Arthur, White Horse P.H. Joscelyne William Hy. beer retailer Wakelin Frederick, farmer, The Hall
& carpenter :Mayne Arthur J ames, farmer farm & Lofts farm, Haybridge
TWINSTEAD (or Twinshead), reeorded in DomPF'uay parish; to Charlotte Augusta, elder daughter of Sir
book, is a village and parish, 4! miles south from Sudbury G-oorge William Denys bart. d. 1826, and to Elizabeth
station on the Stour Valley railway and 5 north-east from (Lind) hriis wife, d. 29 June, 1828. The register dates
Halstead station on the Colne Valley railway, in the from the year 1567. The living is a rectory, r.verage
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundrei, Sud- tithe :rent-charge £228, with residence and n! acres of
bury union and county court district, South Hinckford glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since
petty sessional division (Halstead bench), and in the rural 1878 by the Rev. Thomas Myers B.A. of Trinity t;ollege.
deanery of Headingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and Cambridge. There are no manorial rights. The prin-
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. John the cipal landowners are John and Oliver Stebbing tsqr~. the
Evangelist is a structure of red brick, cim. the Geometrical Rev. William Andrews, and William Nott esq. The soil
of Middle-Pointed style, consisting of chancel, nave, south is loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crors are
porch and a western turret, containing I bell: the walls wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The area is r,rog
of the interior are decorated throughout with ornamental acres; rateable value, £1,210; the population m 1891
brickwork and tiles laid in patterns: all the windows in was 195.
the chancel are stained: the entrance from the nave into Parish Clerk, Charles Dixey.
the chancel is thl'ough a stone screen of three equal Post Office. Mrs. Hannah English, sub-postmistress.
arches, a feature believed to be confined to four churches Letters received through Sudbury (Suffolk) arrive at
in England: the stone font is surmounted by a canopy: 8-35 a. m.; dispatched at 4.25 p.m. ; week days only.
here are brasses tQ Isaac \Vyncoll e~q. and Mary, his wife, The nearest money order office is at Pebmarsh & the
16ro, rla~ghter of Sir Thomas Gawdy kt. & jm1:;e of the nearest telegraph office is at Sudbury (Suffolk). Postal
Queen's Bench, with five daughters, the figure of a son orders are issued here, but not paid
being lost: the chancel contains mural tablets to the Church of England Elementary School (mixed), lluilt in
Rev. Robert Gray M.A. d. 1837, 45 years rector of the 1857, for 52 children; average attendance, 29
(~larked thus * receive their letters *Cress-well J ames, shoe maker Stebbing John, farmer, Rose farm
through Pebmarsh, :Bures R.S.O. Eng-lish Charles & Albt. carpenters Stebbing OlivPr, farmer, Hill farm
Suffolk) English Daniel, jobbing gardener Turpin John :Martin, farmer Twin-
~Iyers Rev. Thomas B.A. Rectory English Sarah (~Iiss), baker & shpkpr stead hall
Raymond Oliver John, Pelham hall Howard lVm. Wag-gon & Horses P.H Weaver Frederick, bricklaYer •
*Clarke Samuel, carpenter Nice lfilliam, blacksm;tb
UGLEY (or Oakley).-The name of this parish has l:een Stortford and Saffron Walden, 2 miles north-wPst from
Yariously pronounced. Quercetum appears to have been Elsenham station the main line of the Great Ea3tPrll rail-
the name by which it was known by the Romans, from way to Cambridge. 5! north from Bishop's Stonford and
the localiay abounding in oaks. and according to ~Iorant 33 from London by road, in the Northern divisiJn of the
the name has been corr'llpted, by the pronunciation of county, Clavering hundred, Saffron Walden petty ses-
the Norman clerks, from Oakley to Ugley; it is on the sional division, Bishop's Stortford union and county court
high road from London tQ Ne"market, between Bishop's district, and in the rural deanery of :Ke-wport, arch-

deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. ..!l!)..t.Js. The Baron Shingay, Viscount Barfleur and Earl of Orford,
church of St. Peter is an ancient edifice of b1 iek. in the but died in I727, when all these titles became extinct.
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, i:r11mrpt, R. Gosling esq. of Hassobury, who is lord of the manor,
south chapel, south porch, organ chamber and an em- Stanes Bracket Henry Chamberlayne esq. of Witherley
battled western tower containing 3 bells : the chapel on Hall, Atherstone; William Fuller·Maitland esq. M.P. of
the south silde was originally built from the ruins of Stanstead Hall; Miss Brocket, Capt. Inglis, Franciil
Bollington church; the east window and others are Saville D. Harry Judd, of Ricking, Henry Trigg esq. the
stained : the chancel retains a piscina : on the north wall trustees of James Newman esq. and Christ's Hospital are
of the church is a plain brass, in good preservation, and the principal landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil,
apparently local work, to Richard Stock, who died 3 May, £lay, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
1568. the parish chest, of wood and iron, with several barley and oats. The area is 2,720 acres; rateable
locks, is ancient and well preserved: the church was lOm- value, £ I,639; the population in I8gi was 389.
pletely restored and a transept added in r866. The DOLLINGTON, now a hamlet of Ugley, half a mile
regi!!ter dates from the year 1560. 'rhe livjJ'g '1s a south-west, belonged to King Harold and was formerly a
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £76, net yP.1rly value distinct parish with a church of its own, a portion of
£u6, with IS acres of glebe and residence, iin the gift of which on its being pulled down was re-erected as a
the Gove~ors of Christ's Hospital, but pro hac vice chapel on the south side of l'" gley church and has since
the Bishop of St . .Albans, by lapse, and held since 1892 been rebuilt by the late S. Sandford Poole esq. sometime ·
by the Rev. Charles James Duncan Forbes B.A. of owner of Bollington Hall. Wades Hall is about half a
Jesus College, Cambridge. Charities, left by Robert miles west-south-west; both of these halls are now occu-
Buck, r62o; Thomas Buck, 1679; and Edward Sandford, pied as farmhouses and held off-hand.
r863, amount to £48 yearly, and are chiefly distributed in O.AKLEY GREEN is I mile south.
ooal and clothing. Orford House, the property of Miss Parish Clerk and Sexton, J ames Reynolds.
Bracket, of Spains Hall, near Ongar, and now occupied
by Robert Woodhouse esq. is a fine old building about 1 Post Office.-Mrs. Naomi Wright, sub-postmistress. Let-
mile south from the church, erected by Admiral Edward ters through Bishop's Stortford, arrive at 4·5o a.m.;
Russell, a distinguished naval officer and commander of dispatched at 7·30 p.m. Quendon is the nearest money
the allied English and Dutch fleets in the great battle order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued
'Off La Rogue, rgth May, r6g2, when the French fleet, here, but not paid
under Count de Tourville, was completely defeated, and National School (mixed), built about 186o, for roo chil-
~2 of their ships destroyed:_ in May, 1697, he was created dren; average attendance, 54; Miss Peachy, mistress
Forbes Rev. Charles James Duncan Hayden Isaac, farmer, Ugley green Reed Nathaniel, farmr. Bollington hall
B.A. Vicarage Hayden John, blacksmith Trigg Henry, farmer & landowner,
Peachley Miss, Ugley green Jay John, farmer Ugley hall
Trigg Henry, Ugley hall Lean Richard, farmer, Wade's Hall Turner Charles, gardener to Robert
Woodhouse Robert, Orford house farm Woodhouse esq
COMMERCIAL. Luckin Jsph. farmer, Parsonage frm Waterman James, farmer
.Adams James, cattle dealer, New ho Markwell Geo. farmer, Crown frm Wiffen Charles, shoe ma. Patmore
Clayden Joseph, Chequers P.H Palmer Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wright l\Iary (Miss), dress maker
Dix William, carpenter, Ugley green Rand Thomas, farmer, Fieldgate Wright Naomi (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Hale Susannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Squires Charles, farm bailiff to the Post office
Ugley green exors. of James Newman, & farmer, Young Thomas Frederick, White
Harvey Mary Ann (Miss), dress ma Ugley green Hart P.H
ULTING is a parish on the no,.th hank of the l"iver living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £123,
·Chelmer, 2! miles south from Hatfield Pe,·erel station with residence, in the gift of Sidney Sussex College,
'()H the main line of the Great Eastern railwu:r and 2 Cambridge, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Theodore
west from Langford station on the Maldon branch of Rivington M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. Sir
the same company, and 8 east-by-north from Chelms- George Samuel Brooke Pechell bart. of Alton House,
ford, in the Eastern division of the t•ounty, With:1m hun- Alton, Hants, who is lord of the manor; Col. Archibald
dred and petty sessional division, l\l.ildon union and Impey-Lovibond J.P. and Silas Philip Greenslade esq.
.county court district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, are the principal landowners. The soil is light, gravelly;
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans,
The church of All Saints is a small and ancir-nt build- turnips and mangolds, The area is 1,149 acres of land,
-ing in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, anr 13 water; rateable value, £r,3oo; the population
nave, north porch and a western turret of wood with in I891 was r65.
spire, and containing one bell: the church was restored Parish Clerk, George Bowles.
in 1873 by subscription at a cos1; of £r,ooo, when the
-east, west and south walls of the chancel were partially Post Office. George Bowles, sub-postmaster. Letters
-rebuilt, new windows added, the turret and spire re- received through Maldon, arrive at 8. ro a. m. ; dis-
constructed and a new pulpit and lectern added ; it was patched at 4· 15 p.m. The nearest money order &I
-also re-seated throughout with oak and an oaken porch telegraph office is at Hatfield Peverel
~:rected on the north side. The register dates from the All Saints' School (mixed), built in I865, for 6o chil·
·year 1723, but the communion plate dates from 1571. The dren; average atendance, 31; Miss Clara Hinton, mist
Francis Mrs. The Grove Grout John, farmer Nicholas Clarissa (Mrs.), ~;,hopkeeper
'Greenslade Silas Philip, The Elms Grout Walter, farmer, Stock hall Turner Alfred, beer retailer
~ivington Rev. Thoedore M.A. V crge Havis .Tsph. frmr. Crouchman's frm Wood George, blacksmith
Aldham Thos, farmer, Ulting hall
-uPMINSTER is a parish and a pleasant and healthy of sedilia and piscina: in I771 the north aisle was
"Village, on a slight eminence and on the Ingrebourne cased with brick and almost rebuilt and is enclosed bv
brook, with a station on the direct line of the London, an open oak screen of the time of Henry VI. finely
1'ilbury and Southend railway, 3! miles south-east from carved; its eastern end, formerly a chantry of the
Romford, and IS from London, the parish is in the D'Engaine family, was appropriated to the manor of
Chelmsford division of the county, Chafford hundred, Gaynes and was rebuilt oy Sir James Esdaile kt. in
~omford petty sess1onal division, Romford union and I]7I, as appears from a tablet on the east wall: the font
county court district, rural deanery of Chafford, arch- has an octagonal basin supported on a slender panelled
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The village shaft and belongs to the Perpendicular period : of the
is lighted with gas from Romford, and supplied with numerous effigies, shields and arms and inscriptions
water by the South Essex Water Co. from their works once found here, there remains in the north aisle the
at Grays. The church of St. Lawrence, partially re- effigy in armour of Gerardt D'Ewes, eldest
built in r862 in the Decorated style, consists of chancel, son of Adrian D'Ewes, descended from the ancient
nave, north aisle and south porch and a western tower lords of Kessel, in Gelderland, who settled
()f rubble, with spire rising to a height of go feet and in En~land early in the reign of Henry VIII. ;
containing 3 bells, the smallest and most ancient of he died 12th od' April, 1591 : on the north wall are in-
which is inscribed, " Sancte Gabriele, ora pro nobis," scriptions to John Stanley, citizen and goldsmith of
-and the other two are dated respectively I583 and r6o2: London, ob. r626; to Hamlett Clarke, gent. of London
the early portions of the nave date from the reign of and Ali'ce Iiis 2nd wife, widow of Ralph Latham and
King John and afford a good example of the Transition their children; she died 7th of July, r636: and on the
1ltyie with details of a pronounced :Korman character: wall of St. Mary's chapel are memorials, with others,
the south wall of the chancel retained until r862 traces to two daughters, Martha, ob. 1624 and Grace, ob. r626,
daughters of Ralph Latham and ~Iary (Clarke) his wife; water Colonel Branfill is lord of the manor of Upminster
here also are several shields with the arms of the Gold, Hall, formerly known as Waltham Hall, being one of the
llmiths' Company, Latham, &c. and brasses with effigies 17 manors g-iven by Harold in 1062 to the abbey founded
to Roger Deincourt or Dencourt, ob. 1455 and Elizabeth by him at Waltham: it was purchased by Capt. Andrew
(de la Feld) his wife; and Nicholas Wayte, lord of the Branfill of the Earl of Gainsborough, in I685. Thomas
manor of Gaynes, ob. 1544 and Ellen (Deyncourt) his Gibson esq. and Edward Alexander Heelis are lords of
wife, ob. 1545 ; a few loose brasses, chiefly shields, were the manor of Gaynes. The principal landowners are Col.
in existence in 1859; in the north window are the arms Benjamin Aylett Branfill and Henry .Joslin esq. High
of Engayne, Dencourt and Latham; and there are various House was once the residence of Major Howard, killed
other monuments in the church to the families of Es- at Waterloo, and an intimate friend of Lord Byron,
daile (1793-1838) and Branfill (1709-1873); two in the who refers to him in his "Childe Harold." The soil is
nave to the Rev . .J. W. Hopkins, a former rector, d. loamy; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are corn and
1780; and .J. H. Wharrie M. D. 1824; and another in the vegetables. The area is 3,203 acres; rateable value,
chancel to George Hyla Holden, midshipman of H.M.S. £9,416; the population in 189I was 1,409.
"Vesuvius," who, with a number of the crew, died of "CP~liNSTER COMMON is a hamlet, z! miles north of
fever in the gulf of Mexico, August 18th, 1846, ret. 18. the village and I mile east of Harold ·wood station, on
The register dates from the year 1543. The living is a the Chelmsford section of the Great Eastern railwav .
. rectory, average tithe rent-charge £Box, with residence Here is a Congregational chapel. •
and 23 acres of glebe, in the gift of R. William Holden
esq. and held since 1862 by the Rev. Philip Melancthon CORBETS TYE, I mile south, and HACTO~, 1 mile
Holden, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, London. Dr. :south-west, are hamlets of this parish.
William Derham F.R.S. author of "Physico and Astro- Sexton, Samuel Gooden.
Theology," was rector of this parish from 1689 to 1735 : Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
he was born at Stoughton, near 'Vorcester, 26 Nov. & Insurance Office, Upminster. Miss Emma Lee, post-
1657, and became one of the most indefatigable and dis- mistress. Letters arrive from Romford at 5.20 &
tinguished members of the Royal Society : he was ap- I I a.m.& dispatched at 10.45 a.m. 2,25,7-IS & 9.15 p.m
pointed Canon of Windsor in 1716 and died 5 April, 1735. Post Office, Corbets Tye. Edward Phillips, sub-post-
The Congregational chapel here was built in 1 Boo. master. Letters through Romford. Upminster is the
Frith's charity of £4 xos. yearly is for bread. Upmin- nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
ster Hall, the property of Colonel Benjamin Aylett Bran- are issued here, but not paid
fill, and the residence of George Palmer Hope esq. is Schools.
an ancient timbered mansion dating from the reign of A School Board of 5 members was formed 30 Jan. 1885;
Henry VI. and for over two centuries has been the seat W. Smith, Romford, clerk to the board; William Ag-
of the Branfill family : it stands in pleasure grounds giss, Upminster Common, attendance officer
finely wooded and commands extensive views of the Board (boys'), opened March 25th, I85I, for l!o chil-
~urrounding country, reaching into Kent and Surrey. dren; average attendance, 65; Geo. Fredk. 'Vest, mstr
Hill Place, a modern Elizabethan mansion, standing in Board 1._girls & infants'), built in 185o-5I, & enlarged in
well-kept pleasure grounds, adjoining the High road, is x888, for I90 children; average attendance, 75 girls
the residence and property of Edwin Sydney ·woodiwiss. & so infants'; l\Iiss Emma Davis, mistress; Miss Kate
Gaynes Park is the property and residence of Henry Browne, infants' mistress
Joslin esq. D.L., .J.P.; the mansion is a modern Eliza-
bethan building surrounded by extensive shrubberies Carriers &c. see Hornchurch & Romford
and plantations, and grounds ornamented by a piece of Railway Station, Henry Edwards, station master
Aggiss 1\Iiss, .Jessamine cottage 'Villis Edward A. High house Hook Wllllam. builder & road sur-
Benn John Williams M.P., J.P. Hop- Williams Alfred E. Mavisbank veyor
pea hall; & Gladstone house, Cable Woodiwiss Edwin Sydney, Hill place Humphr~y Wm. carpntr. & painter
street, London E COMMERCIAL. Joslin Waiter, farmer, Hunts
Carter Rev. Alfd. Morgan B.A. (Cong) Abraham Bros. millers (wind & steam) Lavender Thomas Nathanlel.
Crawley Richd. Fras. Little Gaynes & coal merchant butcher
Garner ·wm. George, Bridge house Abraham Sldney. baker Lee Emma (Miss), grocer, Post office-
Hanbury Fredk. Barclay, Oak lodge Aggiss William, cab proprietor Marrable William, pork butcher
Hayues Henry Shekell, New place Barnes John, farmer, Heath farm Mills Joseph, wheelwright
Holden Rev. Philip Melancthon Th. Battson EdW'In. farmer & cab pro- Page Alfred, farmer, Bird's lane
A.K.C.L. Rectory prietor Rowe Frank H. plumber & decort:r-
Hope George Palmer, The Hall Bell Jacob, White Hart P.H. Hacton Rowe George, rate collector
Huggins Henry Thos. Millfield house Brown Ernest, assessor of taxes RoW'e Wllllam Henry. grocer &.
Irlam Alfred, Hacton house Brown James, brick & tile maker draper
Johnson Matthew, Elmhurst Brown James, farrier, Hall farm Russell Peter, beer retailer
Joslin Henry D.L., .J.P. Gaynes park Dale Waiter .Tames, grocer Shuttleworth Eliza (Mrs.), farmer
Knight Waiter, Park corner Day Priscilla (Mrs.), Bell inn Stalnea .Jamea. baker
Palmer George J.P. Hill house Eldred Samuel & Joseph, blacksmiths Wllaon Thomas LeW'Ia. builder &
Rigby Miss, Hacton house Fra'nklyn William, boot & shoe maker undertaker, America lodge; funer-
Rowe Lewis Gooderham William John, grocer & als furnished to suit the require-
Way William R draper ments of all classes inclusive of
Wheatley Edward S. Brook house Green Walter, nurseryman personal attention
Buckley Gefferey .J. Loudons Eve Richard, farmer, Bramble farm Leech James, blacksmith
Eve George, Fox hall Fassnidge .Joseph, George P.H Manklow Eliza (Mrs.), grocer & beer
Goad Wm. Thos. Harwood hall Gay William, market gardener, Great retailer
COMMERCIAL. Sunnings Phillips Edward, grocer & post oftice-
Clark Richard, farmer & hurdle ma Hewett John William, Huntsman & Rogers Charles, farmer, Sullens
Deari'ng Henry, shoe maker Hounds P.H Tween Charles, farmer
Grant .John .Tames Hoy William, farmer Saltmarsh Frederick, Shepherd k
Cressey John, blacksmith Mannings Edward, farmer I
Dog P.H
UPTON and UPTON PARK, populous suburbs of London, are given in Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
VANGE (or Fange) is a village and parish, on a creek ing of stone and rubble in the Perpendicular style, con-
of the Thames, and on the high road from Grays and sisting of chancel and nave, south porch and a small
Tilbury to Southend, nearly 2 miles south-west from wooden bell turret on the western gable, containing one
Pit sea station on the London, Tilbury and Southend rail- bell: the east window is filled with stained glass of
way, 9 north-east from Tilbury, and 12 south-east from ancient design. The register dates from the year 1558.
Brentwood, in the Mid division of the country, Barstable The living is a rectory, gross yearly value £300, with
hundred, Billericay unian, Brentwood petty sessional residence, in the g1ft of Major Spitty D.L., J.P. and
division and county court district, and in the rural held since 189I by the Rev. Richard Henry Gash )LA.
deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of of the Queen's "Cniversity, Ireland. Robert L. Curtis
St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a small build- esq. is lord of !he manor. The principal landowners are
Richard Dootson esq. Messrs. Withers and the trustees office is at Stanford-le-Hope. Postal orders are issued
of Norwich Hospital. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, here, but not paid
clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and clover. The A School Board of 5 members was formed 25 April, 1874
area is 1,387 acres of land and 40 of water; rateable C. C. Lewis, Brentwood, clerk to the board & at.
Talue, £1,904; the population in 189 I was 292. tendance officer
Post Office. John West, sub-postmaster. Letters from
Stanford-le-Hope S.O. arrive at 10 a.m.; dispatched Board School (mixed), built in 1885, for 120 children;
at 5 p.m. The nearest money order office & telegraph average attendance, 98; :Miss Elsie Reynolds, mistress
Bell George Bailey Francis, Barge inn Moss Alfred John, barge owner &
Curtis Robert L. Rectory Cox James, grocer & builder farmer, Vange wharf & Hill farm
Gash Rev. Richard Henry ~LA. Heywood William, grocer Stocks Charles, draper & prov. dlr
Rectory Hockley Samuel, farmer, Vange hall Vange Brick Fields (Robert L. Curtis,
COMMERCIAL. Lacey George, builder proprietor)
Bull John, farmer & landowner, Mansfield William, blacksmith West John. shopkeeper, Post office
Mountfitchet Rains George, chimney sweeper Wood James, FiYe Bells P.H
VIRLEY (or Salcott Virley) is a parish separated from £r71, with 72 acres of glebe, in the gift of Edward Cox.
Salcott by a creek 7 miles south-east from Kelvedon well esq. and Sir William Neville Abdy hart. the Rev.
station on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, Frederick Watson M.A. and ·w. Hall esq. alternately,
and 8 south-south-west from Colchester, in the North and held since 1878 by the Rev. Edward Musselwhite.
Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lex- Abdy's charity of £4 is for bread and clothing. Sir
den and Winstree petty ses-sional division and union, William N eville Abdy bart. is lord of the manor and the
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Mer- principal landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, the
sea, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. same. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
The church of St. Mary the Virgin, a small and ancient area is 6,547 acres; rateable value, £324; the popula-
building of flint and rubble, in the Early English style, tion in 1891 was 75·
eonsisting of chancel and nave, is now ruinous and dis- Parish Clerk, John BoJey.
used, and the inhabitants attend the church at Salcott. Letters delivered from Kelvedon arrive at 9.30 a.m.
The register of baptisms dates from the year 1628; Nearest receiving house at Salcott, & the nearest money
burials, r633 ; marriages, 1732. The living is a rectory, order & telegraph office is at Tolleshunt D'.A.rcy.
annexed to Salcott in 1879, average tithe rent-charge The children of this village go to the Salcott school
· Bright Thomas, blacksmith /1\Iead William, White Hart P.H. & coal merchant
Musselwhite Rev. Edward, Rectory
GREAT WAKERING is an ancient parish lying and there are also Salvation Army Barracks. Alien
near the coast and the :Maplin Sand, 2~ miles north Stallibrass, of Eastwood Bury, Edward Arthur '\Vedd,
from Shoeburyness station on the Tilbury and Southend Philip Benton and A. M. Haines esqrs. are the princi·
railway, 6 south-east from Rochford and 5 north-east pal landowners. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay.
from Southend, and in the South Eastern division of The crops are general. The area is 2,784 acres of
the county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional division land and 3,153 of water; rateable value, £6,785 ; the
and union, Southend county court district and in the population in r8gr was 1,652 including that portion in
rural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and Hushley and Great Potton Islands belonging to Great
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Nicholas is ·wakering parish.
a building of stone, principally Norman with Perpen-
dicular additions: it consists of chancel, nave, north Post, M. 0., T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
aisle, south porch and a western tower with shingled & Insurance Office. Waiter Henry Chipperfield, post-
spire containing 5 bells, cast in 18o8, the tenor bell master. Letters arrive from Southend at 7 & ID.30
weighing 8 cwt. : there are traces of mural paintings a.m. ; dispatched at 10·45 a.m. 4 & 6 p.m.; sunday
m the navP : the font is said to be Norman. The regi- delivery, 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 4 p.m
ster dates from the year 1604. The living is a vicarage, A School Board af 7 members was formed 30 Sept.
average tithe rent-charge £ 172, net yearly value £ 146, I88g, for the united district of Great and Little
with 2 acres of g!ebe and residence, in the gift of the lrakering, Barling & North Shoebury; George Wood,
Bishop of St. Albans and held since r8 72 by the Rev. Rochford, clerk to the board; Benjamin Reynolds,
Henry Malim B.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The Great Wakering, attendance officer
Congregational chapel, erected in r8go at a cost of Board School (mixed), built in 1876, & enluged in
£r,wo, affords 300 sittings. The Primitive Methodist r885 & again in r88g, for 6oo clrildren, two
ehapel, built in r85g, will seat 200 persons. The rooms are now (r894) being enlarged for 40 more
Peculiar People, a sect which originated in this village, children; average attendance, 410; Edward Charles
have a chapel built in 1893 and holding 200 persons, Lay, master; Miss Pennington, infants' mistress
Nalim Rev. Henry B.A. Vicarage Convalescent Home for Women (R. Oliver James, farmer, Trotter's farm
Rape-r William Augustus M.D Fruer, sec.), Friend's farm Oliver William, butcher
:Robertson Rev. Wm. (Congregational) Cooper George, watch & clock maker Potton Charles, boot maker
Wedd Edward Arthur J.P. Whitehall Dennis Thomas, tailor Raper William .A.ugustus M.D. phy-
Fenn James, White Hart inn sician & registrar of births & deaths
Fitch Edward James, Red Lion P.H & medical officer & public vacci-
Alp George, blacksmith Ford Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper nator for Wakering district, Roch·
.Andrew James Warren, farm bailiff French William, market gardener ford union
Archer Samuel Rogers, grocer Frost Rebecca (Mrs.), baker Raynes Thomas, farmer, Landwick
Arno-ld John, farmer; winters to Jas. Gilbey l\Iaria (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rutter D. & C. brick makers (Henry
Spear Vellacott esq. Oldbury Goodman Jas. saddler & harness ma Juniper, manager)
Aylett Alfred, grocer Green Alfred, grocer, pork butcher Saward William, baker & corn dealer
Bailey Thomas, builder & china. & glass dealer Simpson George, Exhibition inn
Baynard James, farmer, Wick farm Grigg William, shopkeeper Stowe Charles, fishmonger
Hennewith Henry, wheelwright Hart Thos. Joseph, Bell inn Stratford Stephen John, shopkeeper
:Brown Edward, blacksmith Heigho George, Anchor inn Tassell Charles, grocer & draper
Buckingham William, butcher Howard J oh'n, barge owner Taylor J essie (Mrs.), boot & shoe ma
Burgess George, bricklayer Howard J oseph, shopkeeper Till brook George, shopkeeper
Burgess John, baker Hudson Thomas, farmer, Great Pot- Vintress George, builder
Buxton, grocer & china & ton farm Web_b George W. grocer
glass dealer Mansfield William, shoe maker Webb John, butcher
Catmull Hcrbert, cowkeeper Milbourn James, farmer, Oxlam Wiggins William Thomas, builder
0hipperfield Waiter Henry, grocer & Mimpress George, master mariner Wood Golden, shoe maker
drapPr, Post office Older William, greengrocer Worskett Frederick William, grocer
Collin James, draper Oliver Herbert, shopkpr. & hairdressr & pork butcher
LITTLE WAKERING, adjacent to Great Wakering Island are in this parisli. The church of St. Mary is
and equally ancient, is a parish in the South Eastern a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, con-
divisian of the county, Rochford hundred, union and iiisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western
petty sessional division, Southend county court distri~t. tower with shingled spire, containing 3 ancient but un-
and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry dated bells: in 1878 the chancel was restored and the
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. LITTLE POTTON floor raised and re-laid: a Norman window discovered
and NEW ENGLAND ISLANDS and a part of 1\'allasea during the restoration has been carefully preserved:
in the nave is an arched recess, suppo,ed to have con-~ of Whitehall, Great Wakering; and Felix Hussey Webber
tained the founder's tomb: the chancel retains sedilia esq. of Glyn-Dderwen, Swansea, are chief landowners.
and a very perfect piscina: the east "indow, erected The soil is variable; subsoil, light clay. The chief
in 188o, is a memorial to Henry "\Yix, of 1\althamstow, cropg are wheat, oats, barley, peas and potatoes. The
and there is also another memorial window in the parish contains 2,736 acres of land and 2,516 of water;
chancel. The register of baptisms dates from 1715 ; rateable value, £2,675; the population in 1891 was 276.
burials, 1719; marriages, 1725. The living is a vicar- Sexton, Stephen Chattick.
age, average tithe rent-charge £18o, net yearly value Letters from Chelmsford through Rochford S.O. by
£n7, with residence (built in 1869 on the glebe of foot post, arrive at 8.30 a.m. Wall Letter Box,
2 acres), in the gift of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, cleared at 3.15 p.m.; on sundays at 9.15 a.m. The
London, and held since 1885 by the Rev. Robert Thomas nearest money order &i telegraph office is at Great
Shea M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. M. Wakering
D. Peacock esq. is lord of the manor of Barrow Hall, The parish is included in Wakering United School
in this parish. James Tabor esq. J. P. of New Hall, Sut- Board district; the children attend the Board school
ton; Philip Benton, sen. esq.; Edward .Arthur "\Yedd J.P at Barling
Fulcher George, The Hall Cockerton William, farmer & coal mer Holmstead William, farm bailiff to
Shea Rev. Robert Thos. M . .A. Vicarage Garnham Waiter, Castle inn T. B. Hudson esq
Baines Benjamin, farmer Green ·william, nurseryman Mow ling, shopkeeper
llurgess Edward, bricklayer Leonard William, shopkeeper Rickett Thomas, farmer
WAKES COLNE, see Colne.
WALTHAM ABBEY (or "\Valtham Holy Cross) is a parish Cross and St. Lawrence; its original form was that of
and ancient market town lying opposite to parts of a cross, with a lofty square tower in the oentre, rising
the counties of Middlesex and Herts, about one mile from four arches and opening to the choir, nave amt
east from the ·waltham Cross station of the Great East- transepts; but the tower and everything to the eastward
ern railway and 13 miles from London : it is the head of it is now gone : the existing fragment consists of
of a county court district, in the 'Vestern division of seven bays, with triforium and clerestory, aisles, a
the county, and half hundred of Waltham, Edmonton chapel to the south aisle and a western tower 98 feet
union, and in the rural deanery of Chigwell, arch- in height, erected in 1556, with a low pyramidal roof
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. A local and containing 8 bells and a memorial clock with chimes,
board of health of 12 members was formed in 1845. erected in 1887: the arcades have round arches, on
The parish is in the Metropolitan police district and massive circular piers, both enriched with zig-zag orna·
a police station was erect€d in Sun street in 1876. ment: as a very early example of the Norman style
The town is lighted with gas by a company, from works it is singularly interesting, and some part of it is,
erected in 1869 at Waltham Cross, Herts, and sup- perhaps, anterior to the Conquest: the triforium arches
plied with water from the East London Water lVorks, are bold and simple, but tho~e of the clerestory have
the pumping station having been erected in 1887; th'l"'O ()penings in each bay: the chapel, a work of th&
there are also sewage works at Townmead, built in Decorated period, has be:ow it a large cr)'pt, considered
1872. The river Lee runs through the town. The to date from circ. 1316: it consists of two bays with
town of Waltham .Abbey, which consists of one main quadripartite vaulting and small windows, which do not
street and several others branching from it, derives its appear to have ever been glazed, and has been used as
name and origin, according to Ogborne's "History of a burial place for the family of Worgan of Warlies and
Essex," from the following circumstance: Toni, stan- others: at the west end of the chapel is a fine six-ligh~
dard·bearer to Canute the Dane, attracted by the abund- square-headed window with rich tracery, but that of
ance of game in this locality, built a small station, the four windows on the south side is new; a restored
which gradually grew into a village peop:ed by his Narman doorway leads into the ~outh aisle of th&
vassals and retainers; he also erected a church, in church, on the right of which remains a fragment
which to deposit and preserve a relic of the Holy Cross, of ancient diapered work : the chapel was once a chantry
said to have been brought here by a miracle. The and subsequently served as a schoo>room, the first
~state seems rapidly to have increased, and when it schoolmaster recorded after the Reformation being
descended to Athelstan, on the death of his father Toni, John Matthew, who held that post in 1598: the fine
it was regarded as a great possession. Athelstan, how- arch at the east end of the nave, which formerly upheld
ever, by his prodigality soon dissipated his wealth the western side of the tower, although filled in, is
and the who!e appears to have passed to the Crown, plainly discernible, and on one of the jutting ruinous
for Edward the Confessor bestowed it upon his brother- ends of the south transept may be seen a portion of
in-law Harold, son of Earl Godwin, who greatly en- two round-headed arches, carved with zig-zag orna-
1arged and enriched the abbey, endowing it with many ment: a door and window in one of the buttresses on
of his former possessions, which, connected with it as the south side have been restored at the expense of
hamlets or townships, are traceable to the present day. the late incumbent's family: there are mural brasses
On the death of the Confessor, Harold ascend€d the in the church to Edward Stacy, ob. 1555, his wife
throne, but being defeated and slain at Hastings 14th Katherine, ob. 1565, and Francis their son, with 12
October, 1066, by William the Norman, his body, with Eng:ish verses; and to Thomas Colte esq. ob. 1559,
those of Gurth and Leofwin, his brothers, was brought and his wife Magdalen (who placed the memorial in
hither and interred, according to general tradition, 1576 and died in 1591), with six sons and four daughters:
by Githa, their mother, in the choir or eastern chapel; in the south aislt> is the large tomb of Sir Edward
in confirmation of which it is stated that in the reign Denny kt. and Margaret his wife, with recumbent
of Elizabeth, a rich grey marble tomb was discovered effigies : there are many :floor stones to the families
and, from its pillareted supports and the cross :fleury of Hillersdon, Floyer, Rudhall and Naylor, and ledgers
upon it little doubt exists that it covered the remains from which brasses of abbots have been removed:
of the ill-fated Harold and his gallant brothers. The a memorial window and a carved oak screen were
abbey lands were seized by 1Villiam and apportioned erected by the parishioners in Dec. 1886 to the Rev.
among his followers: King Henry II. however, recovered James Francis M.A. late vicar, 1846-85: the reredos,
the scattered endowments and re-endowed and re-dedi- erected in 1876 is of stone, richly carved, gilt and
~ated the church to the Holy Cross and St. Lawrence, coloured, and r~presents events connected with the
exchangin!? the monks for regular canons. Henry Ill. birth of our Lord: there are Boo sittings. The stocks
was also a great benefactor, and often, amidst the and the whiEJ>ing post, dated 1598, are preserved in
many changes he experienced, retired to the Abbey of the church : m the churchyard is an ancient elm tN6
Waltham, and bestowed on the town the privilege of 12 feet in height and 20 fe€t round the trunk. The
holding its fairs and weekly market. King Henry VIII. register from the year 1563. The living is a
possessed a house in the Romeland, and it was here that donative vicarage, net yearly value £190, including half
the first seeds of the Reformation were sown. The an acre of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of George
abbey had continued from its foundation for 478 years, (Gordon) 2nd Earl of Norwich, a title which became.
when, on the 23rd l\larch, 154-0, it was surrender€d to- extinct on his death in 1836, and held since x885 by
Henry VIII. by Robert Fuller, the last abbot, at which the Rev. Francis Burdett Johnston ~LA. of Trinity
time its revenues amounted to £1,097 yearly, the College, Dublin. The Baptist chapel, in Church street,
abbot also ranking as a peer of par:iament. was erected in 1845 and seats 250; that in Paradise
All that now remains of the once famous abbev is road, erected in 1836, has 450 sittings; there is another
the naw, which constitutes the present church of Holy in Fountain place, erected in 'x868 and rebuilt in 1879,

with 300 sittings; and a Baptist Mission room at Honey in the last century; it stands in a ·home-park of 70
lane, built in 1887 and enlarged in 1889 to hold 150; acres, commanding fine prospects over the counties of
the W esleyan chapel, in Sewardstone street, erected in Essex, Herts and Middlesex.
187g, affords 300 sittings; and there is a Salvation Pillar Letter Box (near the Board school), cleared at.
.Army hall in Quaker lane, holding 150. The cemetery, 10.15 a.m. & 4 p.m. & saturdays excepted at 6.30 p.m.;
in the Sewardstone road, opened in 1857, occupies about sundays 8.35 p.m. Letters through Chingford. Nearesfi
4 acres and contains two mortuary chape:s; it is under money order & telegraph office, Waltham .Abbey
the control of a Burial Board of nine members. There
are almshouses in High Bridge street, founded by George Board School (mixed), built in 1874, for 136 children;
Greene (purveyor to King J ames I.) in the year 1626, average attendance, 88; Willia:m Vanson Spink,.
for the use of eight poor widows, each of whom receives master; Miss Ada Miller, mistress
2s. 6d. weekly; they were rebuilt in pursuance of the
will of the late Mr. Robert Mason by his executors, in HIGH BEECH is 3 miles south-east and is an ecclesias-
the year 1818: there are also a few bequests, amounting tical parish formed in 1837 on the borders of Epping
in all to about £5o, are given to the poor. A mar- Forest, 2 miles north from Loughton station on
ket is held on Tuesdays for cattle, sheep and pigs, the Great Eastern railway, 3 north from Chingford and'
granted as already stated by King Henry Ill. ; and fairs about 12 miles from London. The church of St. Paul',
are he:d on the 14th of May and 25th and 26th of Sept. disused for some time, was finally removed and super-
The London and Joint Stock Bank Lim. have a branch seded, by an Order in Council, Dec. 2nd, 1884, by tha
in High Bridge street. On the banks of the Lee is a new church of the Holy Innocents, all rights and emolu-
large Govermnernt establishment for refining saltpetre ments attached to the ancient church being transferred
and for the manufacture of gunpowder : new works to the new. Holy Innocents' church, picturesquely
were ereeted rin 1890, at Quint()n hill, about half a situated in the forest, and erected at the cost of th6'
mile west of the town, for the manufacture of cordite. late Thomas Charles Baring esq. M.P. who died in 1891.
On Farm hill are the ammunition works of F. Joyce was opened in 1873 and consecrated in r883: it i~ a cruci-
and Co. Lim. Here are breweries and flour mills and form edifice of stone, in the Gothic style, from designs by
brick, tile and drain pipe works. The Royal Gunpowder Sir Alfred W. Blomfield knt. M.A., A.R.A., F.S.A. archi-
Factory Mechanics' Institute, in Powder Mill lane, tect, of London, and consits of apsidal chancel, nave.
built in 1874, comprises a reading room and library, transepts, south porch and a north-west tower with
containin~ IO,ooo volumes, and a billiard room. The octagonal spire containing a clock and 13 bells, played
Young Men's and Young Women's Christian .Associa- by machinery: the chancel windows, all of wluch ara
tions have also branches in the town. Sir Herew!Ld stained, were the gift of the late T. C. Baring esq.: a
Wake hart. of Courteen Hall, Northampton, is lord of memorial window was inserted in r893 by Mrs. Baring in
the manor of Waltham Holy Cross, and Major Charles nt£·mory of her late husband, T. C. Baring esq. M.P. :.
William Hamilton Sotheoy J.P. is lord of the manor there are 300 sittings. The register of baptisms and
d Sewardstone : the principal landowners are Sir Here- marriages dates from the year 1837 and that for burials
wald Wake hart. ; Sir T. F. Buxton bart.; Captain from 1884. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
Richard Bea1e Colvin B.A., J.P. The Kennels, Col- [190, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St.
chester; Peter Mills esq. of the Grange, Sewardstone; Aloans, and held since r865 by the Rev. Josiah Norton
Joseph William Melles esq. J.P. of Sewardstone Lodge; M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. A new vicarage-
William Alfred Gibbs esq. J.P. and Arthur Janion house was built in r893 at a. cost of £r,5oo. The Wes-
Edwards esq. J.P. of Beech Hill Park. Warlies Park, leyan mission room at Lippitt's Hill was built in 1876 and
the property and seat of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton will seat 8o persons. There are clothing and coal clubs1
hart. M.A., J.P., D.L. is about 3 mi:es east in a the Rev. Josiah Norton M.A. being hon. secretary and
sheltered valley in the hamlet of Upshire, on the road treasurer. 'l'he three almshouses, founded by George
to Epping: the estate consists of about 1,300 acres. Hall, a native of this place, and Bishop of Chester 1662-8,
Near the park are two obelisks, both of the last century, and the son of Joseph Hall D.D. !illlccessively Bishop of
but without inscription; local tradition connect!! them Exeter (1627) and Norwich (r641-61) and for some time
with the history of the British Queen Boadicea, who was •incumbent of Waltham Abbey, were pulled down in 1890
defeated by the Romans at · \e neighbourin~ camp, and the proceeds devoted to the repair of the almshouset
now called ".Ambresbury BanKs." Beech Hill Park, in Waltham .Abbey: in 1882 four almshouses were erected
the property and seat of .Arthur Janion Edwards esq. in l\Iott street by the late T. C. Baring esq. M.P. for
D.L., J.P. is pleasantly seated on the borders of Eppin~ the reception of four necessitous persons of both sexes
Forest; the mansion is in the E:izabethan style, and belonging to this parish. High Beech Hill was visited
lltands in an estate of 700 acres. Woodredon, the resi- by H. M. the Queen May 6th, r882, when Epping Forest
dence of Thomas FowPll Victor Buxton esq. J.P. is a was declared to be open to the public for ever, and a
modern mansion affording fine views. Waltham Holy tree was planted to commemorate the event. Wallsgrovtt
Cross is a large parish, consisting of the township of House, the seat of Mrs. Baring, is pleasantly situated
W3ltham Abbey and the hamlets of Holyfield, U]tShire in a park of 20 acres. The area is 1,5oo acres, and th~
and Sewardstone, containing 10,419 acres of land and population in 1891 was 548.
I03 water; rateable value, £38,961; the population in Sexton, Ernest Hunt.
1891 was: of the parish and local board district, 6,o66;
the population attached to the parish church in r89r Post Office.-1\Irs . •Tane Hunt, sub-postmistress. Letterl'
Will! 5,518.
dispatched at 7 & 8.40 a.m. &i 4 p.m. week days only.
Letters arrive at 8 &i 10.15 a. m. &; 8 p.m. througb
SEWARDSTONE is a hamlet of Waltham .Abbey about Loughton S.O. which is the nearest money order &
:;~~ miles south from the Waltham Cross station of the telegraph office. Postal orders arQ issued here, but
G. E. railway and about 3..,- ~lil6s north fro--: Chingforrl not paid
station on the road to Chingford. The area is 3,022 Wall Lettc·r Box, Church street, cleared 7.10 & 8.45 a.m.
acres. Divine service is conducted in the schoolroom &i 4·5 p.m. week days only
every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. by the clergy of
Waltham Abbey, and in the evening at 6.30 p.m. by National School (mixed), built in IB8x-2, by the late
the Rev. Robert Hunter 1\L.A., LL.D. Presbyterian Thomas Charles Baring esq. D.L., J.P. for 100 child-
minister. .A small iron parish room was erected here ren; average attendance, 6o; John Titt, master; Miss
in r889 by Miss Gibbs. Sewardstone Lodge, the resi- Susannah Hunt, mistress
dence of Joseph William l\Ielles esq. J.P. is a modern rPSHIRE (or Upstra) is a hamlet, 2! miles east. The

mansion of brick and stone, with attractive grounds, area IS 4,107 acres.
and stands on the road from Waltham Abbey to Ching-
ford. Gillwell Park, the seat and property of William COPT HALL GREEN is 3 miles east.
.Alfred Gibbs esq. is an old hunting lodge built by Sir HOLYFIELD is another hamlet r mile north, and has
.Anthony Denny in the reign of Edward VI. and enlarged a small iron mission room. 'l'he area is 3,146 acre11 .


Po~t, Parcel, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. &; .Annuity & Insurance cock, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 10.40 et
Office. --l\Iiss Ann Bavister, polltmistress, Sun street. 11.40 a.m. & delivered at 10 &i I I a.m. week days only
Letters received from Waltham Cross, Herts. Dis-
Pillar Letter Box, High Bridge street, cleared 9·5 & !1.35
patched at 9 & 11.30 a.m. & 3.3o, 7.40 & 9.30 p.m.;
sunday, 12.30 p.m. Parcels dispatched at 9 & 11.30 a.m., 3·35· 7·45 & 9·35 p.m.; sundays 1.10 p.m
a.m. & 7.40 p.m. Delivered at 6.45 & 8.30 a.m. & 1.45 'Yall Letter Boxes.-Sewardstone road, cleared 8.55,
& 6.45 p.m. ; sunday, delivered at 6.45 a.m 11.25 a.m., 3.25, 7·35 &i 9·35 p.m.; sunday, 12.55
Post & Parcel Office, Copt Hall Green.-George Glass- .A.imes green, cleared 7.40 p.m. week days only. Honey
Jane, cleared 7·55 &.m. & 12.40 p.m. week days only. Certified bailiffs, appoitned under the " Law of Distre8~
Upshire, cleared 8 & Io a.m. week days only Amendment Act," Stephen Chetwood, Waltham Abbey;
George Eversfield, Waltham Abbey; J. Tydeman,
County Magistrates for Waltham Abbey Petty Waltham Cross; Mark Gilbert, Enfield Wash; )lr.
Sessional Division. Newman, Chingford; Edward Cook, Cheshunt
Dm:t{)n Sir Thomas Fowell hart. M.A. D.L. Wadies park, Fire Brigade, Church street; Waiter Colyer, captain, &
Waltham Abbey, chairman 8 men
Abdy John Thomas esq. LL.D. 69 Cornwall gardens,
London SW Metropolitan Police Station, Sun street; Joseph Edmondg,
Bury Charles James esq. D.L. St. Leonards, Nazin~, inspector, 3 sergeants, 2 acting sergeants & I6 con-
Waltham Cross, deputy chairman stables
Buxton Gerald esq. Birch hill, Theydon Bois, Epping Royal Gunpowder Factory, Capt. Hugh Huleatt R.E. as•
Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor esq. Woodredon, Waltham sistant superintendent of works department; F. A.
Abbey Renshawe, staff clerk; \V. J. Brattle, second division,
Cl>isenhale-Marsh l.Yilliam Swaine esq. Gaynes park, clerk & cashier; l\lajor Urquhart R.A. captain in·
Theydon Garnon, Epping spector; J. Knowler, master refiner; Jas. Findlay,
Edwards A.rthur Janion esq. D.L. Beech Hill park, master worker; J. M. Thompson, manager of cordite .t
Waltham Abbey nitro-glycerine factory; W. Thomson & M. Robertson,
G-ellatly Peter esq. D.L. Albion hill, Loughton S.O chemists; Henry Craggs, chief inspector of police
Joyce Robert George esq. Clareville, Caterham Valley, Public Officers.
S.O. Surrey
Lockwood Lieut.-~l. Amelius Richard Mark M.P. Oertifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public
~ishop's Hall, Lambourne, Romford Vaccinator, Waltham Abbey District, Edmonton Union,
:Marter :Major-Gen. Richard James Combe, The Upland, James Damer Priest D.P.H. Sewardstone road
lV alton, Epping Collector of Poor Rates, Alfred Geo. Cook, High Bridge st
l\Ielles Joseph William ~q. M.A. Sewardstone lodge, Registrar of Births & Deaths, Waltham Abbey Sub-dis-
Chingford trict, Alfred George Cook, High Bridge street; deputy,
ParnEll John esq. The Grange, \Valtham Abbey John Eve, Sewardstone road
Tait Major John C. Vestry Clerk, Frederick Charles Edenborough J essopp,
Clerk to the Magistrates, Hubert Gough, High Bridge st High Bridge street
Petty Sessions are held at the County court every tuesday
at 10.30 a.m. The following places are included in the Places of \Vorship, with times of services.
division: -High Beech, Holyfield, Sewardstone, Upshire Parish Church of Waltham Abbey, or Waltham Holy
& Waltham Holy Cross Cross, Rev. Francis Burdett Johnston M.A. vicar; I I
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Local Board. Holy Innocents Church, High Beech, Rev. Josiah Norton
Offices, High Bridge street. M.A. vicar; 10 a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Board day, third wednesday in every month at 7 p.m. Baptist, Paradise road Rev. George Ki!by; 11 a.m. &
Members of the Board. 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m
Beck William, 'fhe Limes, Sewardstone road (chairman) Baptist, Fountain place; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7·45
Champness Ernest, Cold hall p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Chapmai1 Thomas, jun. Holyfield hall Baptist, Church street; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Cook William John, Alders grove, High Beech Baptist ~Iission Hall, Honey lane; 3 & 6.30 p.m
Findlay James, Farm hill Wesleyan, Sewardstone street; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Oram William, Sewardstone street wed. 7 p.m
Parnell John, J.P. The Grange W esleyan l\Iission Room, Lippitt hill, High Beech; 3 &
Palling George Marshall, Sun street 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Roddick Andrew, Quinton hill Salvation Army Hall, Quaker lane; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
Ward Frederick King, High Bridge street & daily, 8 p.m
Webster Charles, \Varlies Schools:-
Clerk, Frederick Charles Edenborough Jessopp, High
Bridge street A School Board of 7 members was formed in 1872;
Treasurer, Thomas Plomer Trounce, London Joint Stock Hubert Gough, High Bridge 'Str<>et, clerk to the board;
Bank Limited, Hig-h Bridge street Warrington Gowler, Sun street, attendance officer.
l\Iedical Officer of Health, James Damer Priest D.P.H. Board (boys), Milton street, erected in 1882, for 310
Sewardstone road children; average attendance, 258; George Middle-
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Charles William Wiggs, ditch, master; (girls), erected in 1874, for 210; aver-
Sewardstone street age att-endance, 192; Miss Marian \Valker, mistress;
Collector, George Eversfield, Sewardstone street (infants), erected in 18781 for 325 children; average
Manager of Sewage Farm, James Mnmford, Townmead st attendance, 233; Miss Kate Rosewell, mistress
Leverton's (boys & girls), Hig'h Bridge strPet, founded
Public Establishments. in 1823 by Thomas Leverton, of London, who left
Cemetery, Frederick Charles E. Jessopp, clerk to the £6,ooo in 3 per Cent. Consols, reduced by legacy duty
burial board; Joseph Todd, superintendent, Seward- to £5.378 I7S. sd. for educating & clothing 20 boys &
stone road 20 girls : the school has an income of £161 yearly &
County Court (held monthly), High Bridge street; His is managed by -a. body of 12 trustees, of which J. Parnell
Honor Judge Paterson; William John Bruty, registrar esq. J.P. is chairman; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton hart.
& acting high bailiff; Geo. Eversfield, bailiff. The dis- is a trustee; David Jones, master; Mrs. Jones, mist
trict of the court comprises :-Cheshunt (Herts.), Board (mixed), iJ:milt by the late Sir Edward Buxton,
C~ingford (Essex), Enfie~d Lock & part of Enfield Copt Hall Green, for rso children; average attendan<!e,
Highway (:~hddlesex), Eppmg, Latton, Magdalen Laver, 104; Miss Mary Townshend mistress
Loughton,. Nazing, Netteswell, North Weald_ Bassett, Newspaper.-Waltham Abbey ~ Cheshunt Weekl Tele-
Great & Little Parndon, Roydon, Theydon Bms, They- 1 graph H"gh B 1·d t t E c · & S y ·
don Garnon, Waltham Abbey (Essex) & Waltham tors. 'pu~lishe~ f~~d= ree • · owmg on, propne-
Cross (Herts) , . ' y
For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in •hat , Clar~1er to & fr?m London.-,Yilliam Dearman, of Enfie:d
of Edmonton, C. Mercer, official receiver; H. Shirt- Highway, daily
cliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple chambers, Railway Conveyance.-Great Eastern Railway Station,
Londen E. C W altham Cross
PRIVATE RESplENTS. Bentley John, jun. Sun street Chalk Joseph, Manor road
"Bates Mrs. Medhurst, Sewardstone rd Bentley John, sen. Sun street Chapman Chas. sen. Sewardstone rd
Bavister Francis, High Bridge street Brattle William J. Official quarters, Chetwood Stephen, Sun street
Bavister Samuel, Manor road Powder Mill lane Clark Harrv, Sun street
Beck William, The Limes, Seward· Brickwell Charles William, Manor rd c:ark Josep.h, Cold hall, Station road
stone road Buxton Sir Thos. Fowell hart. 1\I.A., Clark Mrs. River view
Bentley Charles S. Merton villa, Se- D.L., J.P. Warlies park Clayden Waiter, Sewardstone road
wardstone road Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor J.P. Cook Alfred George, Sun street
Bentley Ernest John, Ingleside, High Woodredon Corble Georg-e, Bridge house
Bcidge street Carr James, The Hollies, Church st Coupland Wm. Fredk. Sewardstone rd
Bentley Fredk. Joseph, Thrift cottage Carr The Misses, The Lawn, Church st Courtman Reuben, Lamblies, Farm hl
Coxshall Mrs. Sewardstone street Johnst<m Rev. Francis Burdett M. .A. Renshawe Frederick A. Official qnar-
Edwards A.rthur Janion D.L., J.P. (vicar), Manor road ters, Powder Mill lane
Beech Hill park; & Oxford & J ones David, High Bridge street Saunders Frank, R(}se mead, Honey la
Cambridge clubs, London SW Kilby Rev. George (Baptist), Para- Skerman John Charles, Manor road
Eve John, Sewardstone road dise road Spicer Miss, Manor road
:Findlay James, The Firs, Manor road Knowler John Thomas, Official quar- Stamp Rev. Jonathan Henry A.K.C~
Francis Lady, Farm hill ters, High Bridge street (curate), Nfanor road
Gardener Miss, Romeland Lancaster A.rthur, Honeylands Symondson George, Upshire hall
Gibbons Harry, Manor road Lawrence Mrs. Manor road Thomson James M. Sewardstone rd
Green Mrs. Copt Hall green Lee Alfred Collingwood, Seward'- Townshend Rev. Edward Mansel
Henderson John Brodie M.D., C.M. stone road M.A.. (curate), Sewardstone -road
Sewardstone road Lee George Herbert, Sewardstone rd Trounce Thomas Plomer, High
Hindley William Horace, The Laurels, Nathan Capt. F. L. R.A. Official Bridge street
Manor road quarters, High Bridge street Wailer Miss, Manor road
Hodgson William Mark, 3 High Oram William, Sewardstone street Warden John, Station road
Bridge street Parnell John J.P. The Grange Webb Thomas, Powder Mill lane
Hudson Mrs. South place, Sun street Priest James Damer, Sewardstone rd Webb Miss, Wood green
Huleatt Capt. Hugh R.E. Official Pyne Gustavus F. High Bridge street Winters Mrs. Sewardstone road
quarters, Powder Mill lane ·-p··:;;

COMMERCIAL. Cole Edward, shopkeeper, Paradise road

.Alderson Christopher, farmer, Forest lodge, Upshire; Colyer Waiter, saddler & harness maker, Sun street
(postal address, Epping\ Cook Alfred George, registrar of births & deaths & col-
Allam Charles, farm bailiff to •Sir Thomas F. Buxton lector of poor rate, High Bridge street
bart. Copt Hall green Cook William, farmer, Peck hill, & baker, High Bridge st.
A.llen James, groeer, High Bridge street Cooper Bryant Charles, The Compasses P.H. Seward-
A.llenson James, s·addler, Sun street stone street
Alps John, ironmonger, Sun street Copt Hall Green Cricket Club (W. Clark, sec)
.A.nsell J oseph, tea gardens, Honey lane Copt Hall Green Reading Room (W. Wilson, sec)
Ancient Order of Foresters, Court of St. Lawrance, No. Corne Charles, jun. tailor, High Bridge street
'5,148 (Richard Oartwright, sec.), Angel inn, Sun street County Court (His Honor Judge Paterson; William John
Avis Eliza Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, High Bridge street Bruty, registrar & actins_. high bailiff), High Bridge s~
Avis George, White Horse P.H. Market square Cuthbert Martha (~Irs. ), s~upkeeper, Milton street
Avis Henry, King's Arms P.H. High Bridge street Dean Alfred, chimney sweep~r. Woollard street
Baker Benjamin, furniture dealer, Market square Dellar John, Greyhound inn, Sun street
Baker John, •baker, Copt Hall green Dew George John, tobacconist, Honey lane
Bailey Emily (~Iiss), shopkeeper, Sewardstone street Dodd A.rtlhur, dairyman, Sun street
Bailey William A.. baker, Sun street Dodd George Robert, baker, Sun street
Barker Elizabeth (:~;lis.), grocer, Sewardstone street Duffield & Bruty, solicitors, High Bridge street
Bavister & Son, stationers & post office, Sun street Dunk Elizabeth Emily (Mrs.), clothier1 h'ltter, hosierp
Beard Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper & registry office fo~ glover, outfitter & carpet warehouse, Sun street
servants, Sewardstone street Dyer Richard George, tobacconist, Sun street
Bennett William George, wat-ch maker, Greenfield street Dyer Robert, cowkeeper, Townmead road
Bentley John, .Angel P.H. & builder, Sun street East London Water Works Co. (John Hemy Blewett,
Bestall William, farmer, Raveners, Oopt Hall green manager), Lea road
Biss Robert, beer retailer, Peak h'll Ellis Charles, farmer, Cobbin End farm
Blewett John Henry, superintenden\· ~f East London water ~llis John, farmer, Obelisk farm, Copt Hall green
works, Lea road ll.:llis Wm. poultry dealer & shopkeeper, Sewardstone st
Blount Thomas E. S. hair dresser, Gun street Eve John, deputy registrar of births & deaths, Seward-
Bolton John & Son, cowkeepers, Suffolk ho. Station rood stone road
Bond Arthur, watch maker, Sun street Eversfield George, house agent & appraiser, & collector to
Bott •Matthew, farmer, Dallance farm local board, Sewardstone street
Bowyer Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, High Bridge st Gardener William, builder, High Bridge street. & Seward- Susannah (Mis·s), Ordnance Arms P.H. High stone street
Bridge street - Garrad George, beer retailer, Copt Hall green
Brett John Thomas, farmer, Holyfield Gearing Percy, Wake Arms P.H. Upshire (postal address.
Brock Pleasance (Mrs.), laundress, Brook villa Epping)
Bruty William John (firm, Duffield & Bruty), solicitor & George George, baker & shopkeeper, Green yard
registrar & acting high bailiff of county court, High Gilby Edward, farmer, Reeve's gate
Bridge street Glasscock Geo. shoe repairer, Post office, Copt Hall grn
Bryers Samuel, boot repairer, Sewardstone street Golden Carp Angling Saciety (W. R. Dyer, sec.), Mar-
Butler George, apartments, Paradise road ket square
Butterfield Daniel, boot maker, Sun street Gough Hubert (firm, Jessopp & Gough), solicitor, clerk
Carr James & Sons, millers, Waltham Abbey mills, High to the magistrates & school board, High Bridge street
Bridge street Gowler Warrington, tailor & school attendance oflicerp
Carr Frank, butcher, High Bridge street Sun street
Carr Frederick, !farmer, Woodyers Gray William, shopkeeper, Copt Hall green
Carter Charles, Green Man P.H. Farm hill Greatrex ·william, baker, Paradise road
Carter Thomas, greengr(}cer, High Bridge street; & mar- Green Edward, farmer, Fisher's green
ket gardener, Sewardstone street Griffiths John Marriott, chemist, Market square
Cemetery (Fred. Charles E. J essop, clerk ; J oseph Todd, Hale Emma (~Irs. ), nurse, High Bridge street
superintendent), Sewardstone road Hanchet Edwin Jn. monunmtl. & marble mason, Sun st

Chalk Joseph, toocher ()f music & organist of the Abbey Harding William, cowkeeper, Copt Hall green
church, Manor road Harris James, Sun inn, Sun street
Chalkley A.llen, painter, Milton street Har' Ellen (Mrs.), draper, High Bridge street
Champness Ernest, farmer & cowkeeper, Cold Hall farm, Heasman John 'Valter, refreshment rooms, Ferns hollow,.
Station road Copt Hall green
Chapman Charles, jun. butcher, Sun street Henderson .John Brodie M.D., C.M. surgeon, Seward-
Chapman Charles, sen. cattle dealer, Farm hill stone road
Chapman Thomas, farmer, Abbey farm Hines Elijah, greengrocer & corn dealer, Market square-
Chapman Thomas, jun. farmer, Holyfield Hall farm Hinton Thomas James, farmPr, Skillett hill
Chapman William, jun. farmer, Marsh hill Holmes Henry, tailor, High Bridge street
Chetwood Stephen, auctioneer & valuer & estate agent, Hooper Charles, grocer, Franchise place
Sun street Horne Charles, farm bailiff to Mr. Dewey, Aimes green
Clark Daniel, farmer, Copt Hall green Hughes John, marine store dealer, High Bridge street
Clarke William J. baker, High Bridge street Hume Robert, farmer, Maynard's farm
Clayden Alfred & ·waiter, corn merchants & seedsmen, Hunt Effingham, beer retailer, High Bridge street
Sun street Hurdl-e F. & Co. brewers (G. F. Pyne, manager), High
Clayden WilEam, farmer, Breach barnes Bridge street & Abridge
Cleverly Eliza·beth West (Miss), beer ret. Woollard st International Tea Co. grocers, Market square
Cleverly Henry John, beer retailer, Fountain place Izard John, carter, Up shire (P<Jstal address, Epping)
Cleverly James, shopkeeper, High Bridge street Izard Samuel, cowkeeper, Church street

Jacobs ~hillip, tail()r, Sun street Royal Gunpowder Factory (Captain F. L. Nathan R.A.
James Henry Isaac, grocer, china & wine dealer, Sun danger building officer; F. A.. Renshawe, lltaff officer;
street, & draper, Market square W. J. Brattle, second division clerk & cashier;- Major
Jennings James, beer retailer, ·wood green Urquhart R.A.. captain inspector; J. Knowler, master
Jessopp & Gough, solicitors, High Bridge street refiner; James Findlay, master worker; J. M. Thorn-
Jessopp Frederick Charles Edenborough (firm, Jessopp & son, manager of cordite & nitro-glycerine factory;
Gough), solicitor, vestry clerk for Waltham Holy Cross Henry Craggs, chief inspector of police; W. Thomsoa
& clerk to the local & burial boards, High Bridge street & M. Robertson, chemists; Capt. Hugh Huleatt,
Joyce F. & Co. Lim. ammunition manfrs. Farm hill assistant supt. of works department)
Kelly John, Three Tuns P.H. Market square Royal Gunpowder Factory Mechanics' Institute & Library
King Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Sewardstone street (Thomas Cope, sec.), Powder Mill lane
King Henry, market gardener, Abbey gardens Saw A.nnie (Mrs.), draper, Sewardstone street
King William, refreshment rooms, Sun street Seager A.lice (Mrs.), beer retailer, Sewardstone l!treet
Kirby Frank, coal & corn merchant, High Bridge street Searle James, blacksmith, Sewardstone street
Lawrence Edwd. hair dresser, Church st. & High Bdg. st Sharp George, fishmonger, Market square
Lawrence Waiter, builder, Sun street Sibley John Henry, Red Lion P.H. Market square
Lee Conservancy (William Clark, lock keeper) Simpson J()hn, cowkeeper, Woollard street
Lee .Alfred Collingwood, solicitor, Sewardstone road Skinner William, Welsh Harp P.H. Market square
Lee George Herbert, brewer & wine & spirit mer. Sun st Stevens John Edmund, plumber, High Bridge street
Little William, beer retailer, Station road Stone Mary .Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer & registry
Littlechild William, farmer, Copt Hall green office for servants, High Bridge street
London Joint Stock Bank Lim. (Thomas Plomer Trounce, Streader Francis George, Volunteer P.H. Honey lane
manager), High Bridge street; draw on Lothbury Street \Valter, chimney !l.,Weeper, Silver street
office, London E C Symondson George, land & estate agent & brick manu-
Long Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Romeland facturer, Upshire hall. See advertisement
Macklin George, pawnbroker, High Bridge street Tassell .John, draper, clothier, grocer & wine & apiri4i
Marsh William James, watch maker, High Bridge street merchant & furniture dealer, Sun street
Marshall J. .A. & Sons, chemists, grocers & wine & Tayler John, farmer, Hayes hill
spirit dealers, High Bridge street Taylor Samuel, wheelwright, Sun street
Martin Henry, ironmonger, High Bridge street Taylor \Villiam, laundry, Honey lane
Meads James, shopkeeper, Upshire (postal add. Epping) Thompson Edmund, apartments, Paradise road
Metropolitan Police Station (N Division) (Joseph Ed- Thompson \Vallis, grocer, Sun street
monds, inspector), Sun !Street Threadgold Fanny (Mrs.), apartments, Sun street
Mills Harry, farmer, Wood green Tointon Mary (Mrs.), laundress, Paternoster lane
Mills Henry, farmer, Wood green Trounce Thomas Plomer, manager of the London .Toirtt.
Monkham's Brick Field (George Symondson, proprietor), Stock Bank Limited -& treasurer to the local board,
Upshilre hall. Soo advertisement High Bmlg~ ~tnet
Moorcraft Henry, pot, drain pipe & earthenware manu- Tyler Alfred Edward, baker, Sun street
facturer, Wood Green potteries Tyler Alfred John, grocer, Sun street
Nicholls Mary .Ann (Mrs.), beer & wine retailer, Honey la Vance John, farmer, Clavcrhambury
Nightingale George, head gamekeeper to .A. J. Edwards Wailer William, butcher, Market square
esq. D.L., J.P Waltham Abbey Building Society (Jahn Eve, ~ee.j,
Nye .Alfred, White Lion P.H. Sun street f!ewardstone road
Oakden Mary (Mrs.), Coach & Horses P.H. Paradise road Waltham .Abbey & Cheshunt Weekly Tele~raph Nrws-
Page Waiter 'William, baker, Church street paper (E. Cowing & Son, proprietors & publishers;
Pallett Thomas, ehopkeeper, Sun street published friday; .Alexander Bancroft, manager), High.
Pallett William, jun. corn chandler, High Bridge street & Bridge street
news agent, Chl!rch yard Waltham .Abbey Gas Company (Hubert Gough, sec.);
Parcell Frederick, shopkeeper, Sewardstone street office, High Bridge street
Parish William, farmer, Burgess farm, Copt Hall green Waltham .Abbey Literary Institute (Thomas Carter, sec.),
Parish William, tea gardens, Honey lane Church street
Pearce James, forest keeper to the Corporation of London, Waltham .Abbey Volun~eer Fire Brigade (Waiter Colyer,
Upshire (postal address, Epping) captain; Thomas Carter, hon. sec.); engine station,
Pegrum James, beer retailer, Copt Hall green Church street
Pelling George Marshall, grocer &; beer dealer, & agent Waltham Cross & Three Counties (Essex, Herts & :Mid-
for W. & .A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, dlesex) Sliire-bred & Hackney Horse Society (George
Sun street & High Bridge street Symondson, sec.), Upshire hall
Perkins Charles, forest keeper to the Corporation of Lon- Ward Frederick King, Cock P.H. High Bridge street
don, Upshire (postal address, Epping) Ward Willia.m, horse dealer, Paradise road
Phipps William, New inn, Sun street Watling Barley, smitli, Sun street & Copt Hall green
Pollitt Thomas, stationer, High Brid~e street & builder, Watts Frederick, farm bailiff to Peter Mills esq. Holyfield
Sewardstone street Wayland Richard, fly proprietor, Sun street
Ponder Charles, beer retailer, Crooked mile Webb Edward, butcher, High Bridge street
Priest James Damer M.R.C.S., L.S . .A., D.Ph. surgeon & Webster Charles, farmer & cattle dealer, Warliell
medical officer of health to urban sanitary authority & Webster Harry, miller (wind) & corn mer. Prince's field
medical officer & public vaccinator, Waltham .Abbey \Vederell William, Rose & Crown P.H. Copt Hall green
district, Edmonton union & certifying factory surgeon, 'Veston Frederick, shopkeeper, Sewardstone street
Sewardstone road "\Vhitman Caleb, apartments, Sun street
Pryor Thomas, farmer, Copt Hall Lodge farm Wiggs Charles, Green Dragon P.H. Market place
Puddephatt Thomas "William, draper, Sun street Wi!!P'S Charles William, surveyor & sanitary inspector t~
Pugh & Richards, drapers & clothiers, Sun street local board, Sewardsfone street
Reed Eleanor (Mrs.), china dealer, High Bridge street Wilson Frederick William, tobacconist, High Bridge street
Reed Frederick, boot maker, High Bridge street Wingfield. William, t>eer retailer, Upshire (postal address,
Reynolds Samuel, boot & shoe maker, Market square & Epping)
Church street Withers Emma (~Iiss), dress- maker, Wollard street
Richards John Edgecombe, draper, see Pugh & Richards Wood John, ~hopkeeper, Paternoster lane
Riding John, gardener to A.. J. Ed-wards esq. D.L., J.P. Young Charles L. & Co. domestic machinery dealers,
The Lodge High Bridge street
Risley Elizaoeth (..\Irs.), dress maker, \Vollard street Young Men's Christian .Association (Moore Findlay, sec.).
Roddick .Andrew, farmer, Quinton hill Sun street
Rose John, pork butcher, High Bridge stre~t Young 'Yomen's Chri-:tian Association (Miss C. Browu..
Rose Katherine (:Miss), ladies' school, High Bridge street hon. sec.), High Bridge street

Butcher Mrs. Luther house :\Iills Peter, The Grange Church William, shopkeeper
Chatfield Robert Edward, Woodlands Skinning Ernest, The Chestnuts Cockburn Thomas, Royal Oak P.H
Gibbs William Alfred, Gillwell park Cock Alfred William, farm bailiff tct
Melles Joseph William M . .A., J.P. COMMERCIAL. Peter Mills esq. Grange farm
Sewardstone lodge Brett Thomas, hay & straw dealer, Coventry Charles, Fox & Hounds P.H
1\ficklem Leonard, Yardley house Yardley cottage Coxshall Frank, farmer, Spencer frill
Miller Thomas, The Limes Cardwell & Sons, dairymen, Cashfield 1Coxshall Henry, farmer, Bury farm
:Micklem Leonard, farmer, Hawks- Patmore Chas. frmr. Nether ho. frm Salmon William, butcher
mouth farm Saville Charles, engineer, ironfounder, Smith John, beer retlr. & shopkeeper
Mills Peter, farmer & landowner, The boiler maker, smith & agricultural Wicks Jn. beer ret. Sewardstone grn
Grange implement ma. Gillwell iron l!"orks
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clark Cornelius, blacksmith Hunt John, sen. farmer, Pipers farm,
Cole George, farmer, Avey Lane farm Lippitt's hill
Arrowsmith Arthur John, Arab in ho Convalescent Home (Miss. Baring's), Hunt Sarah (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Vine-
Baring Mrs. Wallsgrove house; & 1 (Miss Payne, matron), Oak villa yard cottage
Grafton street, Bond street W Cook Wm. Jn. farmer, Aldergrove lo Langdon James Henry, The Owl P.H.
Beevers Henry:, Lippitt's lodge Cranville Chas. tea gardens, Rose cot Lippitt's hill
Carter Richard Samuel, Torwood Ellwood Edward, tailor McDaniels Jn. Duke of Wellington P.H
Curtis Edwin Richard, The Cottage Gnmprecht GeOTge Louis, King's Odell Charles & Richard, farmers,
Davis Waiter, The Laurels Oak hotel Carrols
Devoy Mrs. Beaulieu Hampstead Catherine (Mrs.), dres~ Paul William & Son, uurserymen
Jameson The Misses, The Firs, Mott maker, Ivy cottage Potter Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer,
street High Beech Clothing & Coal Club Turpin's cave
Kennedy Edmund Jn. Arabin cot (Rev. Josiah :Norton M.A. hon. Potter Henry, waggonette proprietor
McCarthy John, Bellair, Lippitt's hill sec. & treas) Reading Room (John Titt, librarian),
Martin James, Manor cottage High Beech Cricket Club (A. J. Oak villa
Norton Rev. Josiah M.A. Vicarage Edwards esq. D.L., J.P. capt. ; Riggs William, refreshment rooms
W estall William, Fairmead cottage Horace N orton esq. sec) Roddick George, farmer, Springfield
Hunt Charles, shoe maker, Post house, Lippitt's hill
office, Mott street Salmon Solomon, shopkeeper, Rose cot
Bartholomew Edward, ~efreshment Hunt George, shoe maker, Clemati~ Sawyer Arthur, tea gardens, Ivy cot
house, Fairmead lodge cottage, Mott street Spiers Robert, tea gardens, iRosherville
Bryon Edward, apartments, Red ho Hunt John, jun. builder, Mott street Stone Alfred, farmer, Lippitt's hill
GREAT WALTHAM (or Much Waltham) is an The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £298,
ancient village and parish, on the Chelmer river, 5 miles net yearly value [228, with 3 acres of glebe and resi-
north from Chelmsford station and 33 from London, on deuce, in the gift of Trinity College, Oxford, and held
tlre road from Chelmsford to Dunmow, in the Mid division since 1876 by the Rev. Henry Edward Hulton M.A. of
of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional that college, and rural dean of Chelmsford. Trinity
division and county court district, rural deanery of College, Oxford, owns the rectorial tithes, which are
Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. commuted at £r,8oo, with 124 acres of glebe. The
Albans. Wa.ter is 511pplioo from throo public hydrants cha~ities amount to about [30 yearly, arising from Lord
in the village, an hydraulic ram being placed at the spring Rich's, Straight's, Shuttleworth's and other bequests and
in South House meadow, from whence the water i~ are distributed in clothing and bread. The Village Hall,
pumped into a small reservoir. The church of SS. Mary in South street, erected in 1888 by the present vicar and
and Lawrence is a large edifice of flint and stone, in the endowed by him with the sum of £5oo, now held by
Late Perpendicular style, with a Norman tower and trustees, comprises a reading and other rooms, large hall
foundations of the same date in the chancel: it consists and a caretaker's house. Langleys, the seat of Col.
of a capacious chancel with clerestory added in the r6th Tufnell, is a large mansion pleasantly seated on rising
century, clerestoried nave of four bays, north aisle, built ground near the river Chelmer and is .surrounded by an
in 1875, and south aisle in 15oo, south porch and a extensive and well-wooded estate: the park of 100 acres
western tower, containing a clock and 8 bells of various is stocked with deer: this estate formerly belonged to
dates from 1422 to 1796; connected with the bells is a the Everard family, but was purchased by that of the
chiming apparatus, playing every four hours : the stained present owner in 1705, about which time the house was
east window is a memorial to one of the Tufnells, and the rebuilt of red brick with stone facings and has been
west window of the north aisle to the Rev. J. H. Dyer, since much improved. The trustees of the late J. J.
vicar 1857-1871: at the east end of the north aisle Tufnell esq. who are lords of the manor, and the
(removed from its position in the nave when the aisle Governors of Guy's Hospital, are the :t~rincipallandowners.
was added) is a beautiful tomb with recumbent effigies, The soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil, gravel and clay.
erected by Sir Anthony Everard, knight, to the memory The chief crops are wheat, barley und beans. The area,
of his wife, ob. 16n ; he died in 1614, before its corn- including the ecclesiastical parish of Ford End, is 7,426
pietion, and the inscription recounts his death in that acres of land and 31 of water; rateable value, £9,454;
year: on the pavement, also recumbent, are figures of the population in 1891 was 2,222.
two male infants and one female: there are slabs with BROADS GREEN is half a mile south·west; CHAT-
brasses to Thomas Wiseman and his wife, with effigies HAM GREEN, 2 miles north-east.
(1589), and to Sir Richard Everard, knight (r6rr), and At HOWE STREET, r mile north, is a Primitive
his wife (1617): a slab on the wall of the south aisle Methodist chapel, built in 1861.
perpetuates the prowess and fortunes of another of the Parish Clerk, James Tunbridge.
Everard family, who was lost on the Goodwin Sands, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
27 Nov. 1703: a stone reredos with niches containing & Insurance Office.-Arthur Brown, sub-postmaster.
sculptured figures was placed in the chancel in 1884, in Letters from Chelmsford arrive by mail cart at 4 a.m.;
memory of Col. A. J. Tufnell: an elaborately carved delivered at 7 a.m. & 1 p.m. Box closes at 3.10 &
screen of English oak was presented by the vicar in 1885: 7·45 p.m. Letters for Chatham Green go via Little
the church plate is antique and curious, the chalices are Waltham
very massive and bear date 1632, and one of the patens Post Office, Howe street.-William Gower, sub-postmas-
is dated 1518: in r8gr the tower was thoroughly restored, ter. Box cleared 1.30 & 7·45 p.m.; sunday, 7·45 p.m.
the spiral staircase carried up to the roof and a turret Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
with flagstaff added, under the direction of Mr. A. Y. Police Station, Sergeant George Richardson
Nutt, surveyor and architect to the Dean and Chapter of National School (boys, girls & infants), built in 1847, for
St. George's, Windsor, at a cost of £r,8oo, defrayed by 250 children & enlarged in 1872 & 1889 for 300;
the vicar: in 1893 an alabaster font with canopied oak average attendance, 85 boys, 85 girls & 6o infants;
cover and a western screen of carved oak were presented John R. Sydes, master ; Miss Fanny Anne J oslyn,
by the vica.r. The register dates from the year 1703. girls' mistress; Miss Lilian Stilliard, infants' mistress
(Markt>d thus* receive letters through Tufnell Col. William Nevill D.L.. Oobb George Robert, steward to Mrs.
Little Waltham.) J.P. Langleys Tufnell, Chatlham hall
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Tufnell Edward Augustus Murray. Dannatt Robert, assistant overseer,
Boosey Mrs. Bridge house, Howe st Walthambury Great Waltham sub-district,
Dannatt Robert Tufnell Mrs. Langleys Chelmsford union
Hitchin Miss Tufnell Miss, Wallops Dannatt Wm. farmer, Margate woods
Hulton Rev. Hy. Edwd M.A. (vicar) Vickers Jas. Muschamp, Waltham ho Drewry 1-Villiam, builder, plumber,
Lee Mrs COMMERCIAL. painter & house decorator
Smith Rev. Waiter M.A. (curate) Big-g Harriet (Mrs.), baker French George, farmer, Hnmphreys
Stock James. Walnut Trees farm *Britton Jn. shopkeeper, Chatham grn Frost Waiter, blacksmith
Stuart Sir Simeon Henry Lechmere *Cant William, farmer, Chatham grn Gower Brothers, boot manufacturers,
bart. D.L. Woodlands, Howe street; *Challis Henry, beer retailer & miller Howe street; & at Chelmsford
Q Palace mansions W & Army & (wind), Chatham green Gray Charles Harrison, maltster,
Navy club, London S W Coote Jonas, farmer, Fitzjohns farm Howe street
Hardy William, Six Bells P.H Matthams William, farmer, Fitz- Snook Lawrence Vincent, grocer &
Harris Jane (Mrs.), Green :Man P.H Andrews farm draper
Ha"\\kes Charles, farmer, Old Shaws ::\-Iillbank George, builder, Howe st Tufnell J<..dward ::\-Iurray, miller
Hockley James, farm bailiff to Mrs. Pyne Benjamin Thompson, farmer, (water) (James Martin, manager),
Tufnell South house Howe street
Lucking William, butcher Rayment Charles, Windmill P.H Wallis David, Rose & Crown P.H
Martin Agnes (Miss), 'boarding & day Richardson George, farmer, Chalks Wilkerson Alfd. sddlr. & harness ma
school, Howe street Rogers Arthur, shopkeeper, Howe st Witney "\<Yilliam, beer retlr. Broad grn
Mascall Waiter Samuel, blacksmith, Skingsley & Leeds, grocers & drapers Young George, blacksmith
Howe street Snow Joseph, butcher Young William, beer retailer
LITTLE W ALTHAM is a village and parish on the '' Coleman's " on Richard Sorrel and other persons of
river Chelmer, on the road from Chelmsford to Braintree, this parish, in trust for the repair of the church, and
4 miles north from Chelmsford station and 33 from pious uses; he died 27th February, I558, and the income
London, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford is now derived from 122a. 3r. 35P·: this charity is under a
hundred, petty sessional division, county CO,!lrt district scheme of management drawn up by the Court of Chan-
and union, rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of cery in I835 and apportioned (I) to sustaining, repairing,
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. enlarging or otherwise improving the parish church; (2)
Martin is an ancient edifice of stone and flint, in the to the maintenance of a schoolmaster and mistress, and
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north to the pay'lllent of incidental expenses for teaching and
aisle, so,uth porch, organ chamber, and an embattled for school buildings, and (3) for the benefit of the poor,
western tower containing a clock and 5 bells, dated particularly the aged widows and infirm persons. Aleyn's
respectively I632, I634, I657, 173I and 182I: there :ils a. charity of £5oo, founded in I663 by the John Aleyn
window and a door of the Norman period in good pre- above mentioned, is invested in 65 acres of land in
servation: the south porch was added about I500: in Broxted parish, and is appropriated (I) to apprenticing
the pavement of the nave are two slabs with brasses; poor boys of the parish and assisting girls going out to
one, with the full-length figure of a knight in armour, service; (2) to the repaill's of the church and chancel;
is inscribed to John Waltoun esq. "Dominus hujus ville," and (3) to the benefit of the poor. Henry Savill Young
ob. 2I December, I447; the other, near it, commemorates esq. is lord of the manor. The trustees of the late J. J.
Richard Waltham, also possessor of the lordship, ob. 28 Tufnell esq. and M. H. H. Bird esq. are the principal
October, I426 : there is also a mural tablet to John Aleyn, landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay and gravel.
ob. 26 June, I663, a benefactor to the parish and fourth The chief crops are wheat, barley and mangold. The
son of the Rev. Giles Aleyn, a former rector of Little area is 2,297 acres of land and Io of water; rateable
Waltham: the church was restored in I883-4, when a value, £3,294; the population in I89I w~s 661.
north aisle and an organ chamber were added : the work BLASFORD HILLS, half a mile south.
also included a new oak roof to the nave and chancel: a Assistant Overseer, Robert Dannatt, Great Waltham.
handsome stone pulpit, the gift of J. J. Tufnell esq. Sexton, Thomas Linnett.
D.L., J.P. was erected in 1892. The register dates from Post, M. 0., S. B. & Annuity Insurance Office.-George
35 Henry VIII. (1538-9). The living is a rectory, average Bearsby, sub-postmaster. Letters are received through
tithe rent-charge £5I2, net yearly value £4I9, with 10 the Chelmsford office at 7 a.m. & I2.30 p.m.; dis-
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Exeter College, patched at 3 & 7 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is
Oxford, and held since I8go by the Rev. Osborne 'William at Great Waltham
Tancock M.A. of that college. The Congregational chapel Elementary School (mixed), built in I857 & enlarged in
was built 1803, at an outlay of £8oo. Poole's charity 1892 for I65 children: it is partly endowed from Poole's
was founded in I557-8, by Roger Poole, yeoman, a charity, as specified above & has an average attendance
native and inhabitant of this place, who, at the date of n2 children; William Hooper, master
specified, settled certain lands called " Channels " and Carrier to Chelmsford.-C. Rayment, daily
{Marked thus * are in Great Wal- COMMERCIAL. Hall Edward Louis, miller (water &
tham parish.) Bearsby George & Co. grocers & steam) & farmer
drapers, Post office Hicks Isaac, baker
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beer Dennis, saddler & harness maker Holmes Robert, farmer, Rolphs farm,
Bamber Henry Kelway, The Lodge Brewster Thos. frmr. New Park frm Blasford hill
Bird Maurice Henry Uo.llings, Little Bridge Jas. beer retailer, Blasford hill Keeble George, farmer, Channel's frm
Waltham hall Bright li'eorge, farmer, Blasford hill Linnett Charles, thatcher, Blasford hl
Cockev Edmund Percival M.D Burton Arthur, boot & shoe maker *Mansfield James, grocer
Cole Mrs. Blasford hill *Campden Lewis Waiter, White Hart Marriage Frederick George, farmer,
Fox William P.H. & cattle dealer & farmer Pratts
Fowler Rev. Jsph. (Congregational) Campden Mary (Mrs.) (exors. of), Rust Frederick John, farmer, Foxtons
*Jefkins George, Knights farmers, Belsteads Sewell Emma (Mrs.), Bell inn
Ling- Henry Quie, Merefield Cockey Edmund Percival M.D. sur- Skinner Henry, grocer & shoe maker
Poole Isaac, Rolphs geon, & medical officer & public Snow Peter John, farmer, Long's farm
Rust Frederick John, Foxtons vaccinator, No. 8 district, Chelms- *Sorrell Henry, butcher
Seagar Edward ford union Sorrell James, butcher
Silvester George, Blasford hill Darby Charles Edwin, farmer, Sheep- *Stubbins Waiter, wheelwright
Tancock Rev. Osborne William M.A. cotes farm Whales Waiter, blacksmith
Rectory Darby John William, Thomas, farmer, Young George, blacksmith
Wells Mrs. W oodhouse Peverels
W ALTHAMSTOW is a populous parish and suburb of the county, but is given in Kelly's London Suburban
of London, and is not therefore included in the Directory Directory.
WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE (or Walton-le-Soken) stand powerful tide and wind mills : the air is salubrious
is a parish, small seaside town and watering place with a and bracing, and the beach, consisting- of sand and fine
t~rminal station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the shingle, is well adapted for bathing, and affords a pleasant
Great Eastern railway, 7! miles south from Harwich by promenade, the ebb tide leaving a hard smooth sand:
water and I6 by land. 7! east-south-east from Tendring, the cliffs adjoining the town have been protected from the
19! east from Colchester and 71~ from London, in the encroachments of the sea by the construction of break-
:North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, waters, and a Bill was passed by Parliament 4th Aug. 18go,
' petty sessional division and union, Harwich county court affording the necessary powers for repairing the sea wall,
district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of a work carried out in I892, at a cost of £I4,ooo. Walton
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans : this and the ad- is bounded on three sides by the sea, the land ter-
joining liberties of Thorpe and Kirby are called the minating in a bold promontory called the "Naze," on
&kens, from the A. S. s.oc, Scand. sake, a place which stands Walton Hall, and a. lofty tower built bythe
privileged to hold local courts. Other peculiar privileges Corporation of the Trinity House in 1796: the south
enjoyed were exemption from archidiaconal and com- slopes and seaward summit of this elevated land are now
missary jurisdiction, power to administer and execute lairl out for building, under the names of " South Park "
laws for themselves and the equal right of a wife with and "Walton Naze Park." The land is chiefly composed
her husband in the ownership of land ; this parish once of dark London clay, and at the Naze this is overlaid by
extt-nded much further seawards, and ruins are said to the crag formation, famous for its abundance of fossils;
have been discovered on a shoal called the West Rocks, the red crag here found is considered the oldest in Eng·
9 miles from shore ; the town lies between the sea-cliffs land and alone of all the red crag beds yields shells in
and Walton Creek, which is much frequented by sports- the condition in which their inmates died: fossil remains
men in quest of wild fowl, and on the head of the creek of antediluvian beasts have also been found : pyrites and
co-prolites from the- London clay and upper beds are col- Priory, Richard Blanshard esq. of Fairfield, Lymington,
lected on the shore and cliff as well as nodules of cal- Rants, Robert Warner and Peter S. Bruff esqs. are the.
careous clay of septaria used for making plaster of paris : principal landowners. The soil is fertile, consisting
copperas works formerly existed here and a considerable chiefly of loam, crag and sand; subsoil, clay and graveL
'I.Uantity of tbe mineral is still obtained from the beach. The chief crop~ are wheat, barley, oats &c. The parish
The town is lighted with gas, well drained, and supplied contains I,748 acres of land and r,ro6 of water; rateable
with an abundance of pure spring water from Mistley, by value, £6, I32; the resident population in I 871 was 1,070;
th~ Tendring Hundred ·waterworks Company: the affairs in I88I, I,376; and in I8gi, I,S86; but in the summer
of the town are managed by a local board of commis- season it is about s,ooo.
sioners, who also form the local urban sanitary authority : PoSJt, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Expre!ls Delivery & Annuity
the pier is Boo feet long and by an Act of Parliament & Insurance Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should
dated Igtli Feb. IB]B, its further extension was authorized have R.S. 0. Essex added). Mrs. Sarah Crooks Daniels,
for a distance of 3SS feet: many yachts resort here, and postmistress. Letters arrive at 6.2s & g.3o a.m. &
a. regatta is usually held in August : during the summer 12. IS & 6. IS p.m. ; dispatched at IO a.m. 12.30, 2.30 &
season, steamers run to and from London, Clacton-on- 6.5 p.m. Box closes at 6 p.m. During the months of
Sea and Harwich, and several times a day from Harwich June, July, Aug. & Sept. there is an extra dispatch at
up the river Orwell to Ipswich. The church of All 7-IS for which the box closes at 7·5 p.m. There is one
Saints, partially rebuilt of stone in I873, was completed, arrival at 6.2s a.m. & one dispatch at 6 p.m. on
except the upper portion of the tower, and consecrated in sundays
1882: it is an edifice in the Early Decorated style, and The ·walton Improvement Commissioners & Urban
consists of chancel with vestry and organ chamber, nave Sanitary Authority.
of five bays, south aisle, north porch, and an unfinished
Offices, High street.
western tower containing one bell: the organ was erected
in 1882: there are about 6oo sittings: the old church, a Board day, last thursday in the month
structure of red brick, was consecrated by Bishop Porteus The board which is elective, consists of I5 members;
in 1804 in place of an ancient edifice, which, with the 6 owners & 9 occupiers. The owners rated to the
churchyard and every house near it but one, had been amount of £so a year, & the occupiers rated at £25 a
entirely swept away by the encroachments of the sea in year;

5 members retire annually; 2 owners & 3 occu-
1798: a prebendal stall in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, p1ers
which took its name from an estate engulphed by the Members of the Board.
sea, but formerly part of this parish, is now called Elected in 1894.
"Prrebenda Consumpta per Mare." The t:egister of bap-
tisms dates from 1672; marriages, 1688 ; burials, 16go; Rev. James Theodore Cooke M.A. chairman
some of the latter registers are at Kirby-le-Soken: in Allen George Aldridge Col. Richd. Percival Davis J.P
the burial book the following extract appears " 1764, John Wickham Barnes John Woodroffe Eagle
John Pittman, vicar ; Alien Walker, curate. No burials William Barrell W alter Howe
this year, the only instance of this century." The living William Riddelsdell B!oom Harry Jones
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £gg, net yearly Thomas Dove Cole Samuel Rackham Palmer
value £129, with 1 acre of glebe and residence, in the John Collins J ona than Parsons Potter
gift of trustees, and held since 1876 by the Rev. James Joseph John Cross Robert Warner
Theodore Cooke M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and Chairman of the Committees, appointed annually
diocesan inspector of schools. The Primitive Methodist Clerk, Thomas Alfred Middleton, r Lavender gardens,
chapel, built in 187S, will seat 100 persons; the Society Clapham Common, London S W
of Friends' meeting house is open during the season. Treasurer, C. E. Egerton-Green, banker, Colchester
The Congregational church in Station road was erected Medical Officer of Health, Arthur Somers Ivens L.R.C.P.
in I878 and has 320 sittings. The Plymouth Brethren Edin. The Limes, Thorpe
have an iron meeting house in Saville row, erected in Surveyor, Collector & Sanitary Inspector, Edward Forster
188g, with 100 sittings. The Public Hall, in High street, Harvey, Mersea house, Saville road
a large structure of brick holding 300 persons is used for Oarriage & Boat Inspector, R'obert Henry Cresswell, r
gospel services, public meetings &c. An extensive iron Edward villas, Saville road
foundry here belonging to R. Warner esq. finds employ-
ment for ISO to 200 hands. The brick earth and strong Public Institutions.
clay are being manufactured into bricks of a good quality Coastguard Station, James C. Mills, chief officer, witli
at the Port w·alton works. There are several good lietels, rr men
including the "Marine," " Clifton," Portobello " and Home of Rest, Mrs. Moore, lady superintendent, High st
"Royal Albion;" attached to the "Marine" is an Masonic Lodge (No. 1799, Arnold), Marine hotel, tues.
assembly hall holding 300 persons, and the "Royal nearest full moon Jan. to May, Oct. to Dec. 7 p.m.;
Albion " has a large hall for 6oo persons, and connected R. H. Scott P.M., P.P.A.G. sec
with the Clifton hotel is a fully licensed theatre seating Public Hall, High street, Frederick A. Collins, lessee
350 persons. A fair was formerly held here on July 3rd Walton Convalescent Home, Miss M'ary Ann Luard,
but has now become obsolete. The coastguard station, lady superintendent

at the east end of the town, was erected in I8gr; the Volunteers.
force consists of a chief officer and I6 men. This station 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (H company),
has direct telephoo.ic communicatiO'Il with the Gunfleet depot, Marine hotel, Capt. Frederick Baker, com-
lighthouse. A lifeboat called the "Honorable Artillery mandant
Company," was presented in 1884 by the Dramatic Club .Assistant Overseer & Poor Rate Collector, Walter Tuffin,
of the Honorable1 Artillery Company to the Royal 9 Alfred terrace
National Lifeboat Institution for ·service on this coast,
which is only about eight miles from the dangerous Places of Worship, with times of services.
" Gunfleet " sands. The Convalescent Home, established All Saints Church, Rev. James Theodore Cooke M.A.
in r885, is an offshoot of the St. Alban's Diocesan Nurs- vicar; I I a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
ing Institution and is supported by voluntary subscrip- Congregational, Rev. Matthew Stoker Horton; n a. m.
tions. The Home of Rest in High st. connected with the & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Field Lane Mission in London, is used in the summer Primitive Methodist; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thUI"s.
months for the benefit of poor invalids requiring the sea 7-IS p.m
air. There are about 30 acres of land, left chiefly by Mr. Plymouth Brethren Meeting House; I I a. m. & 6.30
John Sadler, in IS63, for the good of the poor, the income p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
of which is managed and distributed by trustees, under Christian Mission Hall, High street; I I a.. m. & 6.30
the direction of the Charity Commissioners. Two parcels p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m .
of lan~ formerly belonging to the poor and yielding National School, built in I8S3 & enlarged in I872 &J 1878
respectively £IS and £4 Ios. annually have been sub- & again in 1886; it will hold 300 children; average
merged, as also the greater portion of two farms com- >attendance, 240; John Winchester, master; :\'Irs.
prising go acres of land purcliased in I793 by the Harriet Winchester, infants' mistress
governors of Queen Anne's bounty for the augmentation Police Station, Fred Fordham, constable
of tlie living of Holy Trinity church, Colchester. Adolphus Railway Station, Rolbert Scott, station master
Edgar Church, of Colchester, is coroner for the district Carrier to Colchester. Fred. Grant (van), tues. thurs. &I
called the Sokens. Sir JDhn Henry Johnson, of St. Osyth's sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Austin Miss, I Portland villas, Sta- Cooke Rev. James Theodore M.A.
Archer John, 3 Saville row tion road Vicarag-e
Archer Mrs. The Laurels Brvant :Misses, Gothic ho. Saville rd Cutliffe Miss, 3 Portland villas, Sta-
Brannon Mrs. Veranda cot. High st Cole Thos. Dove, Alma vil. Saville rd tion road
Corner Francis 1\read, 8 South ter Harvey Edward Forster, )iersea Rickarby Mrs. .Albert villa
Davie John Henl'y, 7 High street house, Saville road Smyth Robert Millner, Morton ter
Davis Col. Richard Pereival J.P. New Horton Rev. Matthew Stoker (Con- Stoker Richard A. 6 East terrace
Bonae farm gregational), Station road Taylor Mrs. 3 Pier crescent
Dawson William Edwd. 2 Navarino pl Howell Miss, Brunswick house, Turpin Mrs. Albert villa
Double Rbt. 4 Gordon viis. Saville rd Saville road Warner Robert, I East terrace
Eagle John W. Th~ Hall :Mann Frederick, 4 Marine terrace Watkinson Samuel, Marine vil. High st
Fitch Miss, 5 Marine terrace Mann Mrs. 3 Pavilion villas Winchester John, 3 High street
Fox Mrs. I Munster terrace Rackham Rowland, 5 East terrace Wroe Mrs. 5 Pier crescent
Hubbard Mrs. William, Barnard lea
COMMERCIAl•• Cutt-er Frederick, lodging house, I North street
Addy Susannah (Mrs.), private boarding ho. 5 Marine ter Cutter Henry, lodging house & pier master, 6 South ter
.Alderton Barry, grocer &c. Newgate street Cutcliffe Elizabeth (Miss), day school for girls 3 Portland
.Aldous Joseph, refreshment rooms & tobacconist, 1 villas, Station road '
High street Daniels Alfred George, apartments, Bouverie house, New
Archer E. (Mrs.), apartments, 4 South crescent Pier road
Archer Joseph, miller (wind & water) Daniels Joseph, apartments, 2 High street
Azulay Albert, photographer, High st. & Newgate st Daniels Sarah Crooks (Mrs.), fancy repository, & pos~
Azulay Clara. (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Old Pier street mistress, High street
Bacon John, apartments, 4 East terrace Dauiels William, apartments, 4 Edward villas, Saville rd
Barnden Arthur, apartments, facing the sea, 3 Marine par Davey Maggie (Miss), lodging house, 6 Marine terrace
Barnden Arthur, furniture broker & oil & lamp mer- Davis Col. Richard Percival J.P. farmer, New House frm
chant & certified bailiff, Suffolk street Dawson Wm. Edward L.R.C.P.I. surgeon, 2 Navarino pl
Barnden Elisha, builder & house agent, Cliff house Dolamore Benjamin, apartments, Concrete house
Barnden Elisha (Mrs.), apartments, facing the sea, Clifl Dorling Edward, private boarding house, 5 South terrace
House Downs William, poultry dealer, High street.
Barnes Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Everett terrace Du Merton J()hanna (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Gordon villas.
lJarrell William, farmer & steward to Peter Bruff esq. Saville road
Burnt House farm; eggs, 'butter, cream & poultry Dwyer Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Portland vis. Station rd
Bates Jeremiah, apartments, 2 May villas, New Pier st Eagle John W. farmer, The Hall
Bates Laura (Mrs.), apartments, 5 M~rtello road . Farley William Henry, apartments, ~ Eugene terrace,
Bates Charles, bathing machine owner, 23 North street Saville road
Bath House Hotel (Charles Matthew Hipkin, propr. ), Flory Rolbert, hair dresser & apartments, Ferndale house,.
wines, spirits, ales & stout supplied of the best quality; Station road
cartage agent to the G. R Railway Co Foster Francis "\Yheldale M.R.C.P. Lond. surgeon, 4
Bignell John R. lodging house, 3 Brittania villas, New Kavarino place; & at Thorpe-le-Soken
Pier street Gardiner Emily (Miss), fancy bread & biscuit baker, con-
Blewitt Harry, beer retailer, Suffolk street fectioner, beer retailer & furnished apartments, :I
Bloom Mar~in R. (Mrs.), Clifford temperance tea & dining South cliff
rooms ; apartments with board, 2 Clifford pi. High st Gas Co. Limited, Station road
Bloom William Riddelsdell, Queen's Head inn & saddler Gladwell Henry William, lodging house, 3 South crescent
& harness maker, High street Gladwell Joseph, thatcher, High street
• Bloomfield Gedney, blacksmith, Station road Goddard Samuel, draper, Old Pier street
Bowles Alice A. (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, milliner, haber- Good Seeley (Mrs.), apartments, I Tower terrace
dasher & fancy bazaar, 3 Old Pier street Grant Amos, greengrocer, I I High street
Bowles Benjamin, cab owner, 16 North street Gray Dennis, butcher, High street
Box James, farm bailiff to J. W. Eagle esq. The Ashes Green Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Everett terrace
Box John, apartments, 4 Eugene villas, Saville road Greenwood William Bowler, butcher, New street
Briggs William, apartments, I Bank villas Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co. bankers (Thomas
Britton Henry, pleasure boat owner, 2 Britannia villas, ·wade, manager) (branch), open thurs. n to 3; Marine
New Pier street place ; draw on Lloyds Bank Lim. London E C
Brooke Thomas C. stationer, Old Pier street Hatcher George, lodging house, 8 Alfred terrace
Browne E. (Miss), draper, 3 Marine place Hatcher Henry, apartments, 3 Alfred terrace
Bull R01bert, apartments, Martello cottage Hart Ann (Mrs.), ap~rtments & coal mer. 2 Saville row
Burch Edward, apartments, I May villas, New Pier street Harvey Edward Forster, apprais<>r, housu agent & sur-
Byford Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 2I North street veyor, sanitary inspector & collector to the Walton
Carter Arthur Oharles, confectioner, bread & biscuit jmprovement commissioners, Mersea house, Saville rd
baker; families & visitors supplied, 4 North street Havens Julia Lingwood (Mrs.}, apartments, 2 & 3 Mun-
Carter John, The Royal Albion hotel, facing the German ster terrace
Ocean, with unimpeded land & sea views ; accommo- Hawkins Jane Webster ()irs.), apartments, 3 Tower ter
dation for parties from 6oo to I,ooo Hayward Edward, watch maker, North street
Carter Stephen James, bathing machine owner, 6 Eugooe Hipkin Charles Matthew, Bath House hotel, & cartage
villas, Saville road agent to the G. E. railway
{}a son Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, Gun Fleet house Home of Rest (Mrs. Moore, lady superintendent), High st
Cash Supply Stores (John Edw. Rose, propr. ), dealer in Horrex Annie (Mrs.), shoe dealer, New street
grocery, provisions, patent medicines, wine & spirit Ivens & Smyth, surgeons, Morton terrace
merclhant, cask & bottled beers, High street James Henry (established 1866), bread & biscuit baker
Chandler Charles, apartments, 3 Everett terrace & confectioner, High street; horses & traps for hire.
Ch'!mdler Thomas, apartments, 2 Tower terrace livery stables, Marine hote-l
{)hapman Edward, Portobello commercial & family hotel; James Thomas, apartments, Kirby road
oilliards; good stabling & lock-up for tricycles, High st Juffs James, jobbing gardener, Field lodge
Ohitham Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Martello road Juffs James (Mrs.), furnished apartments; good accom·
O:lle Arthur, apartments, 3 Navarino place modation for families, good cooking, Field lodge
Cola David (Mrs.), farmer, Rigdons farm Lee George, apartments, Church road
Clancy Hugh, apartments, 7 Alfred terrace Lilley William, apartments, I Myrtle villas, Station road
Cllfton Hotel (The) (Mrs. C. E. M. Wilkins, mana- McKay Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, Adelaide place
geress), first class family hotel, having a southern Mackenzie D. & Son, brick manufacturers, Port Walton
aspect & close to railway station, facing the pier, with Brick works, & at Clacton-on-Sea
splendid sea views; private sitting rooms, assembly & Marine Hotel, The (A. King, manager), facing the
eeffee rooms ; hot & cold baths; theatre in hotel sea, southerly aspect, private sitting rooms, so bed·
(lecensed), seating 350 persons rooms, bath rooms, billiards, large hall, seating 300;
Coles Edward, head gamekeeper to R. Blanshard esq. superior stabling
The Hill Mason Em m a ()lrs. ), apartments, 2 Everett terrace
Colllns Frederlck Amos. baker, cunfectioner & tem- Mills Arthur, apartments, Morton ~errace
perance restaurant; large hall accommodation, High st Mills J ames C. chief officer of Coastguard station
Collins John, greengrocer, Old Pier street Modlen l\Iary (Mrs.), chemist, Old Pier street
Conlman James R. builder, Saville road Moore Thomas & Sons, grocers & drapers, High street
~am Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 2 South terrace Neville Frank Henry, apartments, Fern villa, ::Kew Pier sl
Cresswell RQbert Henry, inspector of Hackney carriages Norman William, carpenter, 3 "\Valton villas -
& boat~, r Edward villas, Saville road Norton Henry, apartments, 3 South terrace
Crick William, hair dresser &i antique dealer, Suffolk st Oxley J ames ()lrs. ), apartments, 2 Pier crescent_
Oxley Jonas, fishmonger, Old Pier street Sharman John, boot maker, High street
Oxley Philip, carpenter, joiner & undertaker, estimates Sharman Robert, boot maker, I3 North street
given, Shell cottage, High street Shearman John, apartments, 2 Spring cottages
Oxley Philip, jun. lodging house, 2 Swiss cottages, Simmons Frederick (Mrs.), apartments, Martello road
Saville road Smith David, fruiterer, greengrocer, fish, game &
Oxley Philip (Mrs.), apartments for families, Shell cot- poultry dealer, 5 Clifford place, High street
tage, High street Smith James, lodging house, 6 Alfred terrace
Oxley Wm. lodging house, I Swiss cottage, Saville rd Smith Waiter, pleasure boat owner, New street
Palmer John, apartments, 4 Morton terrace Smyth Robert Millner L.R.C.P.I. surgeon, see Ivens &
Palmer Samuel Rackham, baker & confectioner, I Smyth
Marine place Sparrow Frederick, lodging house, 5 Alfred terrace
Parmenter Alfred, boot maker, Station road Sparrow Samuel, beer retailer, Suffolk street
Pellat Francis Henry, furnished houses to let, facing Stanley Edward, apartments, 7 East terrace
sea; terms moderate, r & 2 Sea View place, & at Strutt Fred, clothing & boot stores ; any garment made
Kirby to measure; sand shoes in great variety, High street
Perry Richard, apartments, ro Alfred terrace See advertisement
Polley Brothers & Son, pleasure boat owners, Newgate st Strutt Fred (Mrs.), apartments, High street
Polley & Oxley, pleasure boat owners, Newgate street Stutchfield Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, Gothic cottage
PolJey David, lodging house, Britannia ho. New Pier st Taylor Peter (Mrs.), apartments, I Walton square
Polley Edward, fishmonger, Morton terrace Taylor Thomas William, grocer, 2 Marine place
Polley George J ames, apartments, Marine lodge Terris Eliza (Mrs.), r Britannia villas, New Pier street
Polley George James, furniture & general dealer, Townes George, apartments, Seaview oottages
Newgate street Tu:ffin Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Grosvenor house,
1'onting George, apartments, Alfred oottages High street
Portobello Commercial & Family Hotel (Edward Chap- Tu:ffin Waiter, assistant overseer & poor rate collector, 9
man, proprietor), billiards, good stabling, & lock up Alfred terrace
for tricycles, High street Turner \Villiam & Sons, greengrocers & farmers, Os-
Potter Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, Eugene ho. Saville rd borne house, High street
Poter Jonathan Parsons, butcher, High st. & Station rd Turpin John, painter & glazier, North street
Public Hall (Frederick R. A. Colins, lessoo), High st Volunteer Battalion 2nd Essex Regiment (H Company)
Puxlev Haven, fishmonger, I4 High street (Captain Frederick Baker, commandant), depot,
Queen's Head Inn (William R. Bloom, porprietor) Marine hotel
(established r83o), tea & dining rooms, beanfeasts Walton Convalescent Home (Miss Mary Ann Luard, lady
liberally catered, apartments, good sea views superintendent ; Rose villa, Suffolk street
Randall Charles (exors. of), grocer & draper, Totting- Walton News (A. Quick & Co. proprietors; published
ton house sat), High street
Randall Charles (Mrs.), apartments, Tottington house Walton-on-the-Naze Pier Co. Limited (P. S. Bruff, agnt.)
Riddelsdell Henry, smith, grocer & beer retailer & Walton & Clacton Gazette & Visitors' List (Benham &
earthenware dealer, 7 North street Co. proprietors, Colchester; Thomas William Taylor,
Riddelsdell Henry (Mrs.), furnished apartments for one local correspondent ; published wed.), Marine place.
or two families, Cyprus house See advertisement
Riddelsdell Thomas Cre:ffield, ironmonger, 3 Clifford Ward John, car proprietor, Station road
place, High street Warner Robert & Co. engineers, iron founders &
Rogers E. (Miss), apartments, 5 South crescent hydraulic machine makers ; & 27 J ewin crescent,
Roy Alien, plumber &c. 6 High street London E C
Royal Alblon Hotel (The) (John Carter, proprietor), W eeley Carolin.e (Miss), apartments, 4 N avarino place
facing the German Ocean, with unimpeded land & sea Wilson Barnabas, apartments, 7 & 8 Morton terrace
views ; accommodation for parties from 6oo to r,ooo Will'te Ellen (1\-Iiss), apartments, 2 Myrtle villas, Sta-
Samuel J olin, grocer & provision dealer, confectioner & tion road
oilman, 8 High street Wiseman Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, Ivy cottage, North st
Samuel John, Temperance Institute, apartments near Wiseman George, apartments, 4 Alfred terrace
sea, High street Woodroffe Charles, lodging house, St. Osyth home
Scates Elizabeth (Miss), 2 Eugene terrace, Saville road Woolston Eliza (Miss), fancy repository, 6 High street
Scott Robert, station master Wright Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 4 South terrace
Seeker Emma (Miss), Lorne villa, High street & pork Wood Carolina (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Pavilion villas
butcher, North street Wyatt Waiter, apartments, 2 Alfred terrace


WANSTEAD is a parish, a mile and a half north-west from ing 35 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs.
ilford, with a station called Snaresbrook on the Epping Shilcock, and held since r879 by the Rev Morton
and Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway and 7 Drummond M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. Christ
miles from Whitechapel or Shoreditch churches ; it is in Church, a chapel of ease to St. Mary's, and erected and
the North Eastern Metropolitan postal district, within opened in 186r, is a building of stone in the Decorated
the jurisdiction of the Central criminal court and Metro- style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch
politan police, in the Southern division of the county, and a western tower, containing a clock and 6 steel
Becontree hundred, West Ham union, Bow county court bells: it will seat about 650 personS>. Dr. James Pound,
district, and in the rural deanery of Barking, archdea- naturalist and astronomer, was rector here from 1707
.conry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, and is governed till his death in 1724; and James Bradley D.D. his
by a Local Board of nine members, formed June g, nephew, also a distinguished astronomer, Savilian pro-
1854, under the "Public Health Act, 1848" (rr & I2 fessor at Oxford, and the successor of Halley as astrono-
Vict. c. 63). Wanstead appears to have derived its mer-royal, was for some time curate during the incum-
names from the Saxon words wan (white) and stede bency of his uncle, and d. 13 July, I762. Admiral Sir
(mansion). The church of St. Mary, rebuilt in I790, William Penn, father of the founder of Pennsylvania, was
at the cost of Sir James Tylney-Long bart. of Dray- a resident here and died r6 Sept. r67o. There are Con-
cot, Wilts, is a brick structure, cased with Portland gregational and Wesleyan chapels, a Free Methodist
stone, in the Classic style, from designs by Mr. Thomas chapel and a Friends' Meeting house. The charities for
Hardwick, architect, and consists of chancel, nave and distribution amount to £6I r7s. yearly. At New Wan-
aisles, west porch, supported on pillars of the Corinthian stead the Weavers' Company have erected a block of
order and a Doric portico, surmounted by a cupola rest- almshouses in lieu of those situated in Potter's fields
ing on eight Ionic columns and terminating in a small and Old Street road, London, and founded in 1725 ;
turret, containing a clock and one bell : in the chancel these are for twelve poor freemen and twelve widows.
is a sumptuous marble monument with effigies to Sir Wanstead Park, under the control of the Corpora-
Josiah Child bart. merchant, ob. 22 June, I699, his tion of London, consists of about I84 acres, formerly
wife and his son, Sir Richard Child bart. M.P. for constituting an outlying portion of the Tylney estate,
"Essex, and subsequently created Viscount Castlemaine acquired by the Corporation from Earl Cowley, by an
and Earl Tylney, d. 1749. The church contains 6oo exchange of so acres of scattered land and a payment of
sittin~s. In the churchyard lies buried John Saltmarsh, £8,ooo, and conveyed to the Epping Forest Committee
of Magdalene ColleQ"e, Cambridge, an Antinomian in trust for the public. The park, opened in August,
divine, who died at Ilford in I647· The register dates r882, has several fine pieces of water and a heronry,
from the year r64o. The living is a rectory, average and is becoming much frequented. Adjoining are the
tithe rent-charge £286, net yearly value £712, includ- Wanstead Flats, another open space, levelled and par•
tially planted with trees and shrubs in the spring of consisting of a central block, with profecting wings.
1886; the cost being defrayed from the Mansion House The institution is intended for the orphan children
fund raised for the benefit of the unemployed. At Lake of respectable parents, who are received from theiF
House, l!outh-west of the park, Thomas Hood wrote his earliest infancy, and may remain till they attain the
novel " Tylney Hall :" this house was originally built as age of 15 years. Elections take place in :May and
a summer-house to the park. This place is mentioned November and about 6o are admitted annually; there
as having been bestowed on the abbey of St. Peter at are now (1894) 609 children in the asylum, which is
Westminster, by one Alfric, which grant, it is said, was entirely supported by voluntary contributions.
confirmed by Edward the Confessor: at the Domesday Post, l\1. 0., T. 0. S. B., Express Delivery, Annuity
~urvey it was held of the Bishop of London by Ralph & Insura.nce Offioe. James D. Bodger, sub-post-
Fitz Brien, its annual value being 40s. : in the reign of master. Letters dispatched at 8.40 & 9.25 a.m. 12.JS,,
Henry Ill. it passed by marriage to William de Hunter- 2.30, 5, 6.45, 8.;4~ &:; 11.20 p.m. week days; sundays,
combe, at which time it was held upon suit and service 11.20 p.m: Dehvery from Leytonstone
to the Bishop of London. In the reign of Henry VIII. Pillar Letter Box, Snaresbrook, cleared at 8.40 &:; 9.15
Giles, son of Sir John Heron, who married the daughter a.m. 12.20, 2.30, 4·55. 6.45, 8.50 & n.2o p.m. except
of Sir Thomas More, refusing to acknowledge the su- saturdays; sundays, 11.20 p.m. only
premacy of the King, was attainted, his estates forfeited, Wall Letter Box, Wanstead Park, cleared at 8.15 &:; 12
and Wanstead, forming part thereof, passed to the Crown. a.m. 5, 7 & 9 p.m. week days only
In 1549 Edward VI. granted it to Lord Rich, whose son ·wan Box, Hermon hill, cleared at 8.35 & g.2o a.m. 12.20
in 1577 sold it to Robert, Earl of Leicester, from whom 2.25, 4·So, 6.40, 8.40 & 11.5 p.m. except saturdays;
it passed to the families of Mildmay, Child, Tylney and sundays, 11.5 p.m
descended ultimately to Miss Tylney-Long, who married Local Board.
the Hon. William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, after- Offices, Church path.
wards Earl of Mornington; it is now the property of Board day, first friday in the month at 8 p.m.
Earl Cowley, his cousin. Here stood, in the 18th cen-
tury, a mansion, built by Sir Richard Child (afterwards Members.
created Earl Tylney) in 1715: the Prince de Conde, l\Iatthew James Mumford, chairman.
Louis XVIII. and other members of the exiled Bourbon Richard Adam Ells William George Nelson
family resided here during the time of the first Na- William Waiter Green Robert Peake
poleon. Owing to the extravagance of the above named Daniel Winter Stable Spedding Curwen
Hon. W. Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, the whole contents John Fretwell Frank Collins
of the mansion were disposed of in June, 1822; and the George Chew
residence was subsequently pulled down and sold in lots. Clerk, William Blewitt, Church path
A grotto, built at immense expense by the late Countess Treasurer, London & South Western Bank
of Mornington, was the only monument of this :fine Medical Officer of Health, Frank Argles 1\I.R.C.P. Edin.
estate, remaining until the early part of 1885, when it Hermon lodge
was unfortunately burned down. A tesselated pavement Surveyor, John Thomas Brassey, Church path
and other Roman antiquities were found in the park in Sanitary Inspector, An drew Duan, Voluntary place
1735. Earl Cowley is lord of the manm. The area is Collector, Sutton Abbott, High street
2,002 acres of land and 5 I of water ; rateable value,
£96,791; the population in 1871 WaS 5,II9, and in 1891, Public Establishments.
26,282, of which 5,971 are attached to the parish church Fitzgerald Room, Church path, Miss L. Dobson, hon. sec
(including inmates of the Infant Orphan Asylum). The Metropo:itan Police Station (J division); Alexander
population of the Urban Sanitary district in 1891 was '\Valiace, sub-divisional inspector, 2 station sergeants,
7·092. 3 sergeants & 21 constables
Psrish Clerk, John Miller, Wellesley road 'Weavers' Almshouses, New Wanstead; Charles Bannister.
sec.; Samuel Hotine, superintendent
SNARESBROOK is the old name of a former hamlet Public Officers.
of Wanstead, but now incorporated with Wanstead, it
is oo the Woodford road and has a station on the GJ'Ieat Clerk to the Burial Board, William Blewitt, Town Hall,
Eastern railway, 6! mileSI from Shoreditch and 'White- Church path
chapel churches. The Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum, Collector of Poor Rates, Alfred Miller, Fitzgerald road
on Hermon Hill, near the railway station, was first Registrar of Births & Deaths, John Miller, 48 Wei-
established in 1827 in St. George's-in-the-East, London, lesley road
for the maintenance, clothing and education of the Surveyor of Roads, Andrew Duan, Voluntary place
children of deceased British men-chant seamen from all Places of Worship, with times of Services.
parts of the world: up to the year 1886 more than 1,7oo St. Mary's Church, Rev. :Morton Drnmmond M.A.
children have enjoyed the benefits of this charity and rector; Rev. George Bell Doughty B.A. Rev. Leonard
there are now (1894) 296 in residence, 205 boys and Sewallis Staley B. A. & Rev. F. J. Poole, curates;
91 girls ; the premises being available for a full comple- n a.m. 3.30 p.m
ment of 300 : children are elected to vacancies by the Christ Church Chapel-of·Ease, 11 a.m. 6.30 p.m.;.
votes of the governors, no child being elected unless it wed. 8 p.m
poJs so votes : candidates for election must also be Society of Friends' Meeting House, near Cambridge
over seven and under n years and free from all disease park; I I a. m. ; thurs. 10 a. m
or infirmity a· • must further be recommended by a Baptist, Canhall road, Rev. G. T. Ennals; I I a.m_
governor and approved by the board of management : 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
the institution is under the patronage of the Queen and Congregational, Grove road, Rev. G. Frank Cullen;
is controlled by a committee of 20 gentlemen : the II a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
present buildings, erected in 1861 and opened in 1862, Methodist Free Church, Cambridge park, no resident
are of red and black brick with white stone dressings minister; II a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
in the Gothic style, from designs by Mr. G. C. Clarke, Wesleyan, Hermon hill, Rev. John Clegg & Rev. W. D.
architect, and have been twice enlarged; the buildings Barr, 11 a.m. 6.30 p.m. ; tues, 7.30 p.m
include a lofty tower with spire, and a chapel, opened Baptist Mission Room, Wellington road, W. Coverly,.
in 1882 by the Prince and Princess of Wa:es; Mr. F. supt.; sun. II.15 a.m. 6.45 p.m
W. Rawlinson, sec.; Miss Hodkin, matron.
The Eagle pond or lake, one of the principal features Schools.
of the place, !is a sheet of water about 7 acres in A School Boord of 9 members was formed 12 :1\lay.
extent, now secured for the enjoyment of the public, 188o; '\V. Blewitt, Wanstead, clerk to the board;
and in the summer months is frequented by anglers ; attendance officer, William Simmons, Goodall road
at the east end of the lake is the Eagle Hotel, a well Board, Canhall road, built in 1882 at a cost of £8,300
known and favourite resort, with large gardens and & enlarged in 1890, for 2,000 children; average attend-
pleasure grounds. ance, z,8oo; Harry Truelove, master; :Miss Sophia.
Near the Eagle Hotel, on the Woodford road, is an Louisa Gibbs, mistress; :Miss Harriet Jane Coppard,
ornamental drinkring fountain, presented by Samuel infants' mistress
Ellis esq. of Snaresbrook, in 1872. Trnmpington Road Board School, built in 1894, for I,140o
On the south side of the lake stands the Infant children; average attendance, I,Ioo; Harvey G.
Orphan Asylum, founded at Hackney in 1827 by Dr. Brew, master; l\liss Elizabeth Butcher, mistress;
.Andrew Reed and others and removed here in 1843: Miss Ada Wright, infants' mistress
the present building, the foundation stone of which was Board, Downsell road, built in 1870, for 1,300 children;
laid by the late Prince Consort in 1841, was opened in average attendance, 1,200; '\Valter Charles Vince.
1843 by the late King of the Belgians, and is a structure master; l\liss Gertrude Pringuer, mistress; Mrs.
of brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style, Alice Brookes, infants' mistress
Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum, Snaresbrook, ·wan- Kationa:, Horatius Sheaf, master; Miss Kate White,
stead, F. W. Rawlinson, sec.; Miss Bodkin, matron; mistress; :Miss Mary Godfrey, infants' mistress; aver-
office, I27 Leadenhall street E C age attendance, boys 230; girls 200; infants x8o
Infant Orphan Asylum, built in 1841 & now containing Railway Station, Snaresbrook; Edward Drew, station
6oo children; Henry William Green, sec. ; Miss master
Isabella. Lamder, matron; office, 63 Ludgate hill E C
(Names marked thus * receive their Bull Wltr. The Laurels, Cambridge pk Crouch Herbert, 46 Wellesley road
letters through South Woodford.) *Bulling Ralph F. Graham villa, Cleve- *Cullen Rev. George Frank (Congrega-
Abbott Sutton, 35 Grove road . land road . . tiohal), Wootlville, Cleveland road
Absolom Mrs. Rose bank, Hermon hlll *Bullock Francis John, 5 Lorne VIllas, Cumming Alfred, 56 Wellesley road
Addison Claude, Elgin ho. Church pth Marlborough road Guttie George, 4 Wellington villaa,
.Akers John, Letcombe, Blake Hall rd *Burnett John, Brightlands, Cleve- Gordon road
Allcock James Frederick, Bramble- land road Dacres Mrs. 20 Grove road
tighe, Cambridge road Cameron Edwin, 3 Hermon hill Dalton Mrs. 8 Claremont terrace,
Allin Mrs. 4 Grove villas, Nightin- Carpenter Harry, 5 Grove villa, Sprathall road
gale lane :Nightingale lane *Dalton Winnal Thomas, 2 Lorne vils.
*Anderson Thomas J. Roseneath, Carter _Alfd. C. Fernbal}k, Churc'h pth 1\Iarlborough road
Marlborough road *Carter George, Harold villa, Pul- *D'Arcy Arthur, Stanley lodge, Bed-
Argles Frank, Hermon ldg. High 8t teney road ford road
Ashbridge Jn. South Weald, Grove pk Carvell John McLean, 3 Grove villas, *Dartan-Del!~colle. Louis, 2 Lismere
Austen Wm. Glenairlie, Tavistock rd Nightingale lane villas, Cleveland road
Austin Mrs. Highbury lodge, New Gatford Henry, Holly bank, Sylvan rd *Davies William, Ivy cottage, Claren-
Wanstead Catley Jas. Kenilworth, Cambridge pk don road
Austin William Watts, 2 Fernbank Chalmers Frederick Victor, Mayfield, *Davies Wm. Ivy cot. Clarendon road
villas, Cambridge road Grove park *Davison Wm.3Holly vls. Clarendon rd
Ayling Mrs. 3 Albert ter. Hermon hl *Chamberlain William, Ethel villa, *Dawson John William, 1 Lismere
*Bain Capt. David, Waratah, Cleve- Pulteney road villas, Cleveland road
land road Chambers George, Cambridge house, Day Herbert George, Dunedin, Cam-
*Ballard William, Eleanor cottage, Cambridge park bridge park
Cleveland road Chandler Alfred, tleathfield, Sprat- Deane Fredk. Thos. Wm. I7 Grove rd
Banker Miss, 28 '\Vellesley road hall road Denington Geo. Oakhurst, Hermon hl
*Barfoot Samuel, Cleveland house, *Chapman _Mrs. Bredgar villa, Lans- Denner Frank, Dnnster ho.Sprathall rd
Cleveland road downe road Dill John H. Aldersbrook, Hermon hill
Barnett John Henry, sa Wellesley rd Chester Wltr. Lonsdale, Cambridge pk Dimbley Jabez Bunting I Wellington
Barringer Herbert Keston, Grove pk Chew Geo. Oakhurst, Cambridge pk villas Gordon road '
Barrow Captain Henry, Rosslyn, Chinnery Mrs. Wanstead cottage, New Dixon Harry, St.Alkmunds, Hermonhl
Sylvan road Wan stead *Dixon J sph. 2 Holly vls. Clarendon rd
Barsham John, 2 MilJfield villas, *Ohinchen Samuel, Carlisle villa, Dodds Horace James, Grasmere,
Sprathall road Cleveland road Sprathall road
*Bates William Henry, Trafford lodge, *Clark Hy. Lyndhurst, Tavistook rd Dodds Mrs. Westfield vil. Hermon hl
Cleveland road Clark Robert, Oakhurst, Sylvan r~ad Doughty Rev. Geo. Bell B.A. (curate),
Bawtree Mrs. Henry, 22 Grove. road Clarke ~erbert Broughton, 4 1\bll- Christcfiurch lodge, Cambridge road
Baxter Jn. Geo. Manor ho. High st field VIllas, Sprathall road D ,a· g AI xand r Will' nr dm n
*B eames J u rms, H omel e1g · h , T av1~
· Clar k e Mrs. H ermon VI'l . H ermon h I·ll o·"
MD Fm e e
t 10 d
H' h 8t t a
Iam ..
stock road Clarke Wm. Glendale, Selsdon road · · ores ge, Ig ree
*Beamish Frederick William, Brook~ Clarke Wm. Bordeaux ho. Selsdon rd Dowsett Sl. Hy. Sunnycroft, Selsdon rd
lyn, Tavistock road *Clayton Mrs.St. Helen's,Cleveland rd Drummond Rev. Mor!on M.A. _Rectry
*Bear Henry Andrew, I Linden villas, Clegg James, I5 Grove road ~udfield Alfd. Fern vil: Cambridge rd
Bedford road *Clemson Henry, I Hannibal villas, * Dyson Albt. Sefton vll. Cleveland rd
*Belham Henry, Hazlewood, Cleve~ Cleveland road Earle Ernest, Warden lodge, Marl-
land road Cockett John Edward, Evergreen borough road
Bennett Wm. Skelton, 22 Wellesley rd lodge, High street East Thomas, 2 Mornington villas,
Berry George, 27 W ellesley road Cochrane R. G. The Limes, High st ~lake Hal~ ~oad
Berry James, 3 Addison road *Cocks Mrs. Ivy cottage, Tavistock rd Edmger Wilham H. Kilsby Craig,
Berry Shelley Barnard, High street Gocksedge Miss, South'ville, Cam· Sylvan road
Blackhall Frederick William, Stone- bridge park *Edwards Samuel James, I Vine vils.
leigh, New Wanstead Cocquerel Engene, Holly hill, Kew Clarendon road
Blaine Robert Gordon, 2 Addison rd Wanstead *Elder Wm. Elswick, Cleveland road
*Blake Mrs. Claremont, Cleveland rd *Cole William, '\Vestwood, Bedford rd Ellis Richard Adam, The Warren,
Bland James Fox, Oakdale, Selsdon rd *Cole William, Dogmersfield, Wood- Wanstead park
Blunt Mrs. Forest villa, Selsdon rd ford road Emery Geo. Deal ho. New Wanstead
Blunt Thomas, I Stephenson villas, Collmg-wood Miss, 6 Grove villas, England Sl. Cintra villa, Hermon hill
Cleveland road Nightingale lane Enness Chas. Hy. 34 Wellesley road
Bodger Mrs. Rose cottage, Church pth Collins Frank, High street Ericson Mrs. E. Lindum cottage, Wel-
*Bodilly Reginald Thomas Hacker, Collins George William, High street lington road
Woodbury, _Woodford road Collins Miss, High street Escott Henry Frederick, Glenmore,
Banner Edwm, East lodge, Blake Colman Wi~iam, 26 Grove .road Sprathall road
Hall road Cooke Edwm, De Bourbon villa, Wel- Eves Thos. 2 Glendale viis. Sylvan rd
Bonton Charles, The Oaks, Hermon ~I lington road Fairfax Thos. W estfield, Hermon hill
Bouton Wm. The Oaks, Hermon hill Cooper John, Hermon hill Farbridge Mrs. Ryton ho. Hermon hl
Barman Sydney, Bournemouth lodge, Corlett Stewart, Ruckholt, Hermon hl Farish Thos. Manor vil. New Wanstd
B Sllva~ road H h"ll *Cottis Wm. Ivydene, Marlborough rd Farley Joseph, Uplands, Cambridge rd
or ond . enOry, lleRrmbonrt 1Th F Coulthard John, Huntingdon house, Farmer Wm. James, 6 Wellesley rd
B oHrra ai1e h"slwl e 0
e ' e erns, Selsdon road Farrant Granby Frederick, 2 Welling-
ermon I .
Bowler John, I I Grove road Cousens John Schot, I2 Grove road ton v1llas, Gordon r?ad .
Bowles Joseph, 10 Mornington villas, *Co~ Rev. ~ames Richard (Baptist), 2 Felton Thomas, Granville villa, Cleve-
W anstead park Lmcoln VIllas, Cleveland road . l_and road .
Boyd Miss, 2 Grove vils. Nightingale la *Cox Alexander Barbe, 6 Lorne VIllas, *~mch Fredk. TaVIstock ho. Wdfrd. rd
Boyton Morris, 2 I Grove road Marlb?rough road F~sh Frank, 6 Grove road .
Bradley Albt. Forest vil Church path *Cox Richard Reeves, Ianthe, Lans· F1sh Geo. Alexandra ho. Hermon h1ll
Brassey John Thom1,1s 'l'he Cottage downe road *F1ack James, Belle vue, Cleveland rd
Church path ' ' Craig James Anderson, Balgownie Flatt George Neeve, Norman house,
*Brent Wm. Husthwaite, Cleveland rd lodge, Sylvan road Blake Hall road
Brewer Richard, 25 Grove road *Cripps George, Maycrofb house, Fletcher Edwd. Danehurst, Hermon hl
*Brig-ntwell Robett 1-Villiam, Norfolk Woodford road Floyd Robert, 7 Claremont terrace,
villa, Cleveland road Crouch Charles G. J. I Albert terrace, Sprathall road
Britain Stephen Wm. 2 Fitzgerald rd Hermon hill Footit George William, Beeches,
Rrodie John, Ashley, Cambridge pk Crouch Waiter, 20 Wellesley road Sprathall road
Brown Mrs. Mornington villa, New *Curnock George Dennis, The Chest- Forster William East, Lenham lodge,
Wanstead nuts, Cleveland road Cleveland road
}'oreshew Mrs. 32 Grove road *Hill Jn. Homely villa, Lansdowne rd :Mackenzie Lawrence, Springbourne,
*.fox .Alfred William, Surrey villa, *Hogg "\<Yilliam Henry, Hope villa, Cambridge road
'favistock road 'Voodford road *Mackrow Henry James, Iona, Lans-
francis Thomas "\<Vatson, Dowlais Holden Jas. Hermon ho. Hermon hill downe toad
house, High street Holt Jesse, 3 Mornington villas, Wan- l\Iacmillan John, Kimberley, Sylvan rd
*l''raser George, Gordon house, Wood- stead park McCormie Mrs. Mary, Mary villa,
ford road Home Percy Malcolm Douglas, 8 New W anstead
Fraser Miss. Oaklands, Hermon hill Mornington villas, "\<Vanstead park l\Iacpherson .Archibald, 4 Addison rd
l''retwell John, York house, Bermonhl Hookway Jn. 2 Oaklands, Hermon hill Maddison Jn. Burghley, Sprathall rd
*l''ry William Storrs, Rosecroft, Wood- Horn Alex. Holly ho. New Wanstead l\Iainland Capt. David, Douglas house,
ford road Howard Thomas "\<Villiam, Plasket Hermon hill
Gardner Geo. Fellside, New Wanstead lands, New Wanstead l\Iallia Fredk. Claremont, Hermon hill
Gardner l\Iiss, 3 Glendale villas, *Howe Harry, Grove ho. Cleveland rd Marks Matthew, 2 Sarah villas, New
Sylvan road Hunt Percy, Draycott vil. Church path Wanstead
Gardom Mrs. 18 Grove road Hutt C. Woodland cot. New Wanstead *Marshall Edwd. Eliza vil. Pulteney rd
*Garratt Miss, Powerscroft, Wood- Hutt Geo. Four Oaks, New Wanstead Marshall Mrs. 2 Hermon hill
ford road *Hutton Capt. James Simpson, Ivy Martin .Arthur B. Gresley house, Cam-
Gavillier Miss, 33 Grove road bank, Woodford road bridge -road
Geere .Alfred, 4 Claremont terrace, Ide Thos. I Glendale villas, Sylvan rd *Maryon Frederick, The Poplars,
Sprathall road *Ives Geo. H. Melita vil. Cleveland rd Cleveland road
Gibson Jas. Oaktree cot. New Wanstd Jackson Montague, 5 Claremont ter. *Mearns Capt. Andrew, 2 Stephenson's
*Gill Arthur, Taunton vi!. Cleveland rd Sprathall road villas, Cleveland road
Gill Ashton, Bircholt, Sylvan road *Jacobs Lucien Charles, Sisland, Bed- Meers Ernst.Geo. Mayfield, Hermon hl
Gill Samuel, St. "\<Vinifred's, Cam- ford road *Mellows John, Northbrook lodge,
bridge park *Jacobs Sidney, l\Ielford lodge, Cleve- Lansdowne road
*Glaser .Albert, Fern vil. Bedford rd land road Miller .Alfd. Fairholme, Fitzgerald rd
Glasscock Mrs. Meadowcroft, Nightin- *Jago James Thomas, Woodholme, *:Miller Miss Littlehurst, Cleveland rd
gale lane Lansdowne road Ylillington "\<Ym. Hy. 40 W ellesley rd
*Glasse John Alfred, I Holly villa, *Jarrett Arthur Ernest, Ivanhoe, Pul- Mills John Baker, Mellendean lodge,
Clarendon road teney road Cambridge park
Gorton Charles, Oakbank, Sylvan rd *Jenks Wm. Athole ho. Cleveland rd *:Minett John Thomas, Oswald house,
Gotts Henry S. Westcombe lodge, Jennings Cecil Frederick Joseph, Cleveland road
Lansdowne road W olseley villa, Wellington road *l\Iitchell Mrs. Bedford ho. Bedford rd
Gower Alex. Parkstone, Hermon hill Jennings Miss, Hall house, High st Mitcheson Edward, 5 Westfield villas,
*Gowland Frederick Bennett, Laurel J epp Chas. Springfield, Grove park Hermon hill
villa, Lansdowne road *Johns Richard Lipson, Fernlea villa, Moore Mrs. 3 Grove road
*Grant James Brown, Montrose, Cleve- Cleveland road *::\foore Mrs. Cleveland lodge, Cleve-
land road Johnson .Alfred Henry, Rosedale, Blake land road
Grant Mrs. 24 Grove road Hall road *Morris Benj. Ben Mawr, Cleveland rd
*Gray Robert, Pentre ho. Cleveland rd Johnson Jn. Dungiven, Cambridge pk Morris George Field, Madeira, Cam-
Green Hy. W. Glengall, New Wanstd Johnson Robert Baynes, The Elms, bridge park
*Green Robert Russsll, Clifton cottage, Grove park Morris Harold George, Briarsley,
Cleveland road Jones John William, Balgownie, Cleve- Cambridge park
Green William Waiter, Evelyn villa, land road Morris Thos . .Alexander, Holly bower,
Hermon hill Jutson l\Iillner, Tr}ian, High street Selsdon road
Greig Ptr. Beechwood ho. Hermon hl *Kay Miss, Sydenham lo. Tavistock rd Yloseley Arthur, 16 Grove road
*Grey John, Rozel, Lansdowne road Kearns Mrs. Lake House park, Blake *::\Iuddiman John, Woodland view,
* Chas. Glenmore, Tavistock rd Hall road Cleveland road Mrs. I8 Wellesley road Kearsey Jsph. Sheridan ho. High st Mumford Matthew James, The Chest-
*Griggs Ebenezer, 2 Vine villas, Kerby Edwd. Stamford ho. Hermon hl nuts, Cambridge park
Clarendon road Kerby Miss, 4 .Albert ter. Hermon hl *Nation Wm. Fairview, Cleveland rd
Hack Walter Jn. Woollahra, Sylvan rd Kindersley Capt. Edward Nassau Neal Wm. By. Holly lodge, George la
Hamilton Jas. Borland, 36 Grove road Molesworth J.P. Old Clock house, *Neave By. 2 Eagle viis. Cleveland rd
Ham_mett Benj. Fern bank, Selsdon rd High street NePdham Waiter, The Croft, Blake
*Hancock Miss, Woodlands, Bedford rd *Kitson Henry Edward, Erena villa, Hall road
Hanks James Upton, The Shrubbery, Pulteney road *Nelson Percy, Sunnyside, Cleveland
Grove road Knight Richard, 6 Morning•on villas, road •
Hare Richd. Fredk. 54 Wellesley rd Wanstead park Nettleship John Henry, The Hollies,
Harper Augustus, Athelstan. house, *Lacey James, Rutland villa, Lans- High street
Grove park downe road Newberry Job, The Lindens, Cam-
Harris Edward Jenden, Pembroke *Lamb Jn. Lyndhurst, Lansdowne rd bridge road
lodge, Cambridge park Lambourn Edwin, Lake cottage, Wan- *Newcomen Richard .Augustus, Her-
Harrison Harry, Trecarrell, Selsdon rd stead park bert villa, Pulteney road
*Harrison Thos. Redlands, Clevelandrd Lawes Henry Alfred, Carlton villa, *Newling Benjamin, Woodleigh, Wood-
Basted Wm. Rt. Rosedale, Selsdon rd Hermon hill ford road
Hawthorn Elwin,Carlinhurst,Sylvan rd Lawrence Mrs. Woodside, Clevelnd.rd *Nicholson Mrs. Sarah, Melrose,
Haynes Charles Henry William, Lau- *Lawther Marmaduke, St. Leonards, Clarendon road
sanne villa, Hermon hill Marlborough road Northcott George, 23 Grove road
Heard Arthur Chas. 42 Wellesley rd Lepingwell George, 3 Wellington villas, *Norwood Rev. Samuel B.A. 4 Holly
Heisch Percy Frederick, 5 Grove rd Gordon road villas, Clarendon road
Hemmant Thos. Rose vil. Sprathall rd *Leslie John .Ashcroft, Lansdowne Nunn Alfred, 30 Wellesley road
Hemmings A. W. E. Winster house, house, Tavistock road Nutter Mrs. George lane
Grove park *Lever Ern est Frederick, Trneby *Odling John, Medeswell lodge, Marl-
Hemsley Thomas, I Grove villas, house, W oodford road borough road
Nightingale lane Liell Mark, Mereby, Sylvan road *Osborn Thomas, Tavistock lodge,
Henderson David D. Springvale, Her- Lincoln James E. Cambridge lodge, Tavistock road
mon bill Hermon hill *Osborn William M. Clarence lodge,
*Heritage .Arth. Batchelor, 1 Florence Lloyd Chas. Oliver, 39 Wellesley rd l.ansdowne road
villa, Pulteney road Lloyd Thomas John, I Hermon hill Ovit Wm. Dudley lo. New Wanstead
*Hesse Theodore, I Marlborough rd Locks Waiter .A. The Hawthorns, *Palmer Rev . .Abram Smythe D.D.
Hickman Chas. Croftdown, Hermonhl Selsdon road The Vicarage, Hermon hill
Hickman H. V. M.B.Lond. surgeon, Lockyer .Alfred, Edgcumbe house, Palmer Charles James, 5 l\Iornington
Overton house, High street Cambridge road villas, Wanstead park
Hickman Henry Woodburn, Grove Lockyer Geo. H. Canfield, Hermon hl *Pape Fraulein, Powerscroft, Wood-
villa, Church path Lodge Robert, Loxford, Grove park ford road
*Hilken Thomas Lyon, Knockholt ldg. Loomes Chas. Norfolk ho. Hermon hi Parker William, 9 Grove road
Lansdowne road Love John Waring, 52 Wellesley road Paske Mrs . .Ashmoor, Hermon hill
Hill Fras. Chas. Gwynne ho. High st Lowman Wm. Robt. 24 Wellesley rd Paterson Mrs. Cameron; I Rutland
*Hislop Hardy William, Clarence villa, *Lussitnea Alfred, Brockhill, Lans- villas, Selsdon road
Cleveland road downe road Pedley Mrs. George lane
Hodge Charles .Alfred, Cambey villa, Mace .Alfred, 31 Grove road *Penney Ferdinand John, I Tavistock
Sprathall road Mace Charles R. 2 Wellesley road villa, Tavistock road
Pedley S. Wm. Grove cot. George laj*Shead Waiter Herbert, I Mary villa$, Tyler ·waiter E. B. "\Yavertree, Church
Perry Mrs. I Wellesley road Pulteney road path
Pertwee James Frederick, Seaton1Sheaf Horatius, High street Venables Thomas G. Park house,
lodge, Sylvan road jshephard Edward, I3 .Addison road Blake Hall road
Pettendreigh J oseph, I Mornington Shoolbred George Frederick, Fernlea, Yines Mrs. 8 Grove road
villas, Blake Hall road Sprathall road *Waddington William, l\Iarlborough
Pettyfer James, 4 Wellesley road Short Samuel, High street house, Marlborough road
Phillips Fredk. G. Penlee, Hermon hl Sills Fras. G. Offord ho. Wellington rd Walker Capt. Henry, Montpelier hG.
Piggott Wltr. Boxmoor, Cambrdg. pk *Simmons James, 4 Lorne villas, Hermon hill
Pinchin George, Lynton, Grove park 1 l\Iarlborough road Walker Miss, Elm hall, George lane
*Pinckney Mrs. 4 Marlborough road Simmons John Wm. 62 Wellesley rd Walker :Miss, High street
*Pingo Waiter Lewis, 'l'opsham_ Simson John, 34 Grove road *Walker Mrs. I Hochester villas, Cleve-
Clarendon road Smith Chas. 2 Rutland vis. Selsdon rd land road
Pinney Richard, 28 Grove road Smith Mrs. Shornden, Fitzgerald rd Walker Mrs. I .Addison road
*Plenderleith John, Liddel villa, Cleve- Smith Miss, 3 .Alexandra terrace, *·Walker Thomas James, Dunorlan,
land road I Cambridge road Tavistock road
:Podger Wm. Jas. Brendon, Selsdon rd, Smith Miss, 9 Grove road *Ward Oliver H. Lorne villas, Lans-
*Port .Arthur William, Lansdowne'*Smith Noah, Oak villa, Cleveland rd downe road
villa, Lansdowne road [Smith Sydney, Wallwood, Sprathall rd Warner Benjamin, Park gate, Blake-
*Potter Jn. Beecholme, Cleveland rd Smith Thomas .Ashbridge, Edensor hall road
Potter William Henry, .Arbor villa, house, Cambridge park Warner Frank, Shernbourn, Grove pk
Bedford road *Smith William Hartley, Westoe, *Watkins Thomas, I Eagle villai,
*Powell .Adron, Hainault lodge, Lans-, Cleveland road Cleveland road
downe road Snell Edward Scotchburn, Treverbyn, *Watson Edward, Clyde villa, Cleve-
*Powell Mrs. Hainault lodge, Lans- Cambridge park land road
downe road *Soanes· James Walker, Rose villa, Watts George, 7 Wellesley road
Prince Wm. Oak lodge, Wellington rd Tavistock road Watts Rt. I Fernbank, Cambridge rd
Prior .Alfred, I3 Grove road I*Soanes Miss, Lynwood, Lansdowne rd *Waugh Thomas, 3 Lorne villas, Marl-
Pritchard Jn. Haslemere, Sylvan road Soar Fredk. Silverdale, Sprathall rd borough road
Proctor Hy. Charlton, Cambridge prk Solomon Wm. Vincent, I9 Grove road Wells Godfrey, 4 )fornington villa~,
Raison Frank, 9 Addison road jSoper Mrs. Roseneath Wanstead park
Raison Thos. Withrington, Hermon hl Spurgin Frederick William, Ivy bank, *Welton George William, Burnbrae,
Randle Edwd. White, Clanna,Grove plt 1 Sprathall road Marlborough road
*Ransom Capt. Matthew Henry, 7 Staley Rev. Leonard Sewallis M.A. West Robt. Chas. 10 Wellesley rd
Holly villas, Clarendon road I (curate), The Mall, High street Westcott John Richard, The Poplars,
Ray Edward Runchman, Firleigh, *Stalman Ernest Maitland, Elrington Sprathall road ·
Hermon hill villa, Cleveland road Westcott William George, The Grange,
Rayner Edwin Isaac, 3 Claremont ter- Stiles .Alfred Dyson, Fairmead, Her- Camb!:idge road
race, Sprathall road I mon hill Westwood Charles John C.E. Blake-
*Read Ernest Arnold, Tavistock road *Stokes Edward Thos. Duncan, New- hall, Cambridge park
Reader Geo. The Chilterns, Grove pk' lands, Lansdowne road Wheatley Joseph, Florence villa, Cam·
*Reed Thos. Penshurst, Marlboro' rd *Stokes .Alexander Hayden, "\Vartling bridge road
Reynolds Mrs. Kingtyre, Sprathall rd 1 villa, Cleveland road White Thos. Glenthorne lo. Sylvan rd
Rhodes Benjamin, sen. I Mapperley,Styles Chas. Edwd. I2 Wellesley road White Wm. Maison ho. Hermon hiU
villas, New Wanstead !Styles Thos. Ashenden, 14 Wellesley rd Whitwell Mrs. Lyndale, Cambridge rd
Rhodes Benjamin, jun. Llugwy house, *Sullings George, 2 Mary villas, Pul- Whitworth Jason Catley, Holme ho.
Selsdon road j teney road Blakehall road
Richardson Jas. Fern ho. Blake Hall rd *Swift Edward, Mary's cot. Hermon hi Wickham Thomas William, Oak lodge,
Riches Robert, Norfolk ho. Grove rd Symes Rev. Calmer B. (Congrega- Cambridge park
*Riggenbach Fredk. Rosaville, Cleve-' tional), Runswick, Cambridge park Wilkinson Miss, Bruce cottage, New
land road Tarbutt Henry Fison, Ferndale, Wanstead
*Rihll Louis William, Moreton house, Sprathall road Willan Leonard James, 3 Fitzgerald rd
Woodford road I*Taylor Jn. Kent villa, Tavistock rd Willard Waiter, 44 Wellesley road
Riley Robt. 2 .Albert ter. Hermon hill *Taylor Wm. Rosebank, Cleveland rd *Williams Jn. Trefula, Woodford rd
Roberts Carlton, Stone hall, High st Tegg Miss, 8 Wellesley road *Willmott Harry, Green Heys, Wood-
Roberts John, Rossett, Grove park *Thacker William, 6 Holly villas, ford road
*Robertson Harvey: Langside, Lans-' Clarendon road Wills William Percival, :May villa, New
downe road 1Thain Fredk. Bond, so Wellesley rd Wanstead
Robson Mrs. 2 Heathfield, Sprathall rd *Thirkettle Edward, Hollies, Cleve- *Wilson Harold Waissen, Sussex villa~
*Rob son Thomas Pears on, Oakleigh, I land road T_avistock road
Tavistock road 1Thomas Mrs. The Gables, Cmbrdg. rd *Wilson James William, Glencot,
Rob son Wm. Peterboro' ho. Selsdon rd *Thomson Andrew, Jessamine villa, Cleveland road
*Rockett John, Ingleside villa, LaRs-' Lansdowne road *"\Yilson Jn. The. Firs, Woodford rd
downe road ITho~pson Ralph, Marsden, Cam- Wllson Mrs. 3 Millfields villas, Sprat-
Rooke Mrs. Southville, Cambridge pk bridge road . ~all road
Root-Wm. Woodleigh, Selsdon rood Thompson Ralph I. 2 Mapperley villas, W~ndus Mrs .. 11 Addison road
Roper Robt. Avisforde, Blake Hall rd New Wanstead Wn~ Ephraim E. Garafraxa, Cam-
... S th Thorp Thomas Hart, Dowgate, Cam- bndge park
R ose H arry T racy,. ond on "" ou 1 bridge park Womersley .Albert, The Lodge, New
* Western Bank, High street. Thurgood Mrs. I Grove road Wanstead
Ross Chas .. Lyndthorpe, TaVIstock rdTomkins Miss, Elmwood, Hermon hill Womersley Pelham B. Lynmead, New
Rothwell Richard, Trelawney, Cam- *Tompson Miss Fern bank Tavi- Wanstead
bridge park . I stock road ' ' *Wood Charles Bennett, 2 Rochester
Rowell Edward S. Grove villa, Cam- Tonkins Edwd. Woodside, Hermon hi villas, Cleveland road
bridge park jTowers Edwd. Springfield, Sylvan rd *W()odmansee Arthur, I Lincoln villas~
Rule Capt. William, 5 r W ellesley rd *Tribe Mrs. 5 Holly viis. Clarendon rd Cleveland road
Russell Fredk. Chas. 38 Wellesley rd Trinder Frederick, 16 Wellesley road Woodroffe Hugh, High Lees,Hermn.hi
Sander Wm. Melrose villa, Sylvan rd Tuck Miss, 4 Fitzgerald road Woodroffe Hugh Bishop, Tudor lodge,
*Saunders James, 2 Florence villas, 1*Tunbridge Benjamin James, 8 Holly Sylvan road
Pulteney road j villas, Clarendon road *Worringham Charles, Roding house,
Scholefield Mrs. Holly bank, Cam- *Turner Hy. Cra.iglea, Cleveland road Cleveland road
bridge park Turner Jabez, 27 Grove road Worringham William, Dernecleuch~
Scott Edward, Thrums, Grove park *Turner Miss, The Limes, Cleve- Grove park
Scott J sph. Cumberland ho. George la land road Wright John, 14 Grove road
Scrivener Charles Thomas, 7 Morning- *Turquand Paul "\Villiam, 1 Lorne Wykes Mrs. Sunnyside, Grove park
ton villas, Wanstead park villas, Lansdowne road Wyles Mrs. Melrose, Cambridge park
Selby James, Oakleigh, Hermon hill *Tyler George William, Springlawn, Ziegele .Alfred, Wanstead villa, l'i"ew
Sell Arthur, 36 Wellesley road Tavistock road Wanstead
Sennick Charles, The Hollies, Cam- *Tyler John William, Southwold lodge, *Zillhardt Jules, Essex villa, Tavi-
bridge road 1 Cleveland road stock road
COMMERCIAL. *Hicks Henry Hartley, jun. painter & jecorator, Wood-
.Abbott Sutton, auctioneer & collector of rates to local ford road
board, High street *Hirst & Co. Fir Trees P.H. Hermon hill
Ansell William, cab proprietor, George lane Howard Emily (Miss), grocer, New Wanstead
Argles & Hickman, surgeons, High street Hudson & Co. glass & china warehouse, lligh street
Argles Frank M.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon & ".lledical officer Jolliffe .John, builder, 64 Wellesley road
of hea:th to the Local Board, see Argles & HICkman King William, jobbing gardener, George lane
Baker Samuel, chimney sweeper, George lane Knight Beaumont, farmer, Roding farm, George lane
Banks James & Co. printers, High street Lake George, corn & flour merchant, High street
Bayford Joseph, saddler, High street Lazell Harriet (~Iiss), dress maker, Church path
Bennett William Skelton, boys' private school, 22 Wel- Leverett & Frye, grocers & provision dealers & agents
lesley road for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants,
Beech Ernest W. oilman, High street High street
Bentley Charles, baker & confectioner, High street London & South Western Bank Limited (Harry Tracy
Berry Ernest, shopkeeper, High street Rose, manager), High street; draw on head cftice,
Berry James, boot & shoe malier, High street I68 Fenchurch street, London E C
Bird Thomas, draper, High street *Looker John, stone mason, Hermon hill
Blanks George, beer retaiJer, New Wanstead Martin John, upholsterer, High street
Blewitt William, clerk to burial & local Loard>:, Town Maughfling John, butcher, Higli street
hall, Church path Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum (Francis W1iliam
Blogg George Herbert, jobbing gardener, 20 Cowley rd Rawlinson, sec.; Miss Annie Bodkin, 111atron), Her-
Badger James D. baker, Post office, High street mon hill; office 45 Fenchurch street E C
*Bodilly Regina:d Thomas Hacker L.R.C.P. Lond., ~!iller Alfred, collector of poor rates for Wanstead &
:M.R.C.S. Eng. physician & surgeon, Woodbury, Wood- Woodford parishes & insurance agent, Fitzgerald rd
ford road Miller John, parisli clerk & registrar of births & deaths
Bradley Al'Eert J ames, fly propr. I Forest viis. Church pth for Leyton sub-district, 48 W ellesley road

Bressey JQhn Thomas, surveyor to the Local Board, Miller Waiter, deputy registrar for Leyton sub-oistrict,
Church path 22 Chancer road
Broughton Joseph, provision dealer, High street Moore William, shopkeeper, High street
Brown James Hall M.R.C.V.S.L. vet. surgeon, High st Mossman Samuel, Cuckfield Arms, High ~treet
*Brown John, greengrocer, Hermon hill Mulliner William, boot & shoe maker, High ~treet
Browning Thomas, ironmonger & china wareho. High st Mundy William, builder, George lane
Bywater Alfred J., George & Dragon P.H. High street *Norwood Rev. Samuel B.A. Lond. private tutor, 4
Cadd James, cowkeeper, Voluntary place Holly villas, Olarendon road
Garvell John Mc.Lean, surgeon, 3 Grove villas, Night- Newson Edward, tobacconist, High street
ingale lane Payne Samuel Leonard, hair dresser, High :.treet
Lassels Thomas, fruiterer, High street Perrin John, shopkeeper, I8 Cowley road
*Chinnery George, plumber &c. Hermon hill Perry Frederick, insurance agent, 43 Wellesley road
Clarke & Smith, grocers, Nightingale road Price Edwin L. builder, Linden villa, Nightingale lane
Clarke James, shopkeeper, I Cowley road Ransley Joseph, painter, 23 Cowley road
Clayden Waiter Hempstend, grocer & wine & spirit mer- Read Reuben, umbrella maker, New Wanstead
chant, High street Reid Emily (Mrs.), Duke of Edinburgh P.H. Nightin-
Co~Iins Frank L.R.C.P. Lond. physician & surgeon, gale road
High street Reim Charles, baker, George lane
Collins George William L.R.C.P. Lond. physician & Richards John, florist, Woodbine place
surgeon, High street Richardson Thomas, fishmonger, High street
*Coombs Walton, beer retailer, Hermon ]Jill Riches Robert, auctioneer, surveyor & estate agt. High st
Croft & Co. grocers & wine & spirit merchants, High st Ridington Eliza (Miss), lboot maker, High street
Cullen William Henry, baker & confectioner, High st Rippengal Alfred, fishmonger, High st:J:eet
Cuttle Miss Elizabeth, preparatory school, High street Robinson William, farmer, Model farm, Wanstead flats
Davis & Diaper, pharmaceutical chemists, High street Runcieman Harry, florist, Nightingale lane
Davis George James, insurance agent, Local Board Sands .Arthur, cycle maker, High street
office, Church path Sharpen Francis, ca1b proprietor & furniture remover,
Denham James, farmer, Nightingale farm Nightmgale lane
Diaper Albert, pharmaceutical chemist, see Davis & Sharpen Henry, bricklayer, Voluntary place
Diaper t:;kennerton Isaac, cowkeeper, Hall road
Dowding Alexander William \Voodman M.D., M.S. phy- Skennerton John, carman & contractor, Woodbine road
sician & surgeon, Forest lodge, High street Smith Charles William, laundry, New Wanst€ad
Duam. Andrew, sanitary !inspector to local board & sur- Smith John, grocer & provision dealer, High 11treet
veyor of roads, Voluntary place Smith John, grocer &c. see Clarke & Smith
Easton Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Park cottage, Blake Smith Evelyn (Miss), dress maker, Mall house, High st
Hall road Smith Fanny Eliza (Miss), ladies' school, 9 Grove road
Eastoe Nehemiah Wm. coffee rms. & tobccnst. High st Stock Frederick, carman, New Wanstead
Edgar Henry, dairyman & cowkeeper, Nightingale pi Storey Paul, shopkeeper, George lane
Evans Frederick John, decorator, High street Taplin George, jun. greengrocer, High street
Ewer William, butcher, Georg-e lane Thompson Harriett (Mrs.), laundry~ Voluntary place
Farmery Joseph E. stationer, High street Thompson John, plumber &c. Cowley road
Fe'<l.therstone William, greengrocer, I6 Sultan rood Thompson Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cowley road
Fitzgerald Room (Miss L. Dobson, hon. sec.), Church pth Thorne Frederick, dairy, High street
*Flack James L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, Belle vue, Cleve- Tolhurst Joseph, cowkeeper, Nightingale road
land road Turk George, carver & gilder, High street
Fletcher Mrs. greengrocer, ·woodbine place Turner Eleanor Louisa (:Miss), ladies' school, The Limeo;,
Follett Alfred, dairyman, High street Cleveland road
*Fraser John, nurseryman, \Voodford road Vail Mrs. shopkeeper, George lane
Free Mrs. greengrocer, Nightingale road Walker Emil-y: (~Ess), High Grade schl. for girls, High rd
Frye Frederick Charlwood, wine & spirit merchant, Wanstead Park Golf Club (Gurney Fowler, capt.; R. B.
see Leverett & Frye Johnson, sec.), Wanstead park
Gambiragio Luigo, confectr. & dining rooms, High st ·warren John, house decorator, New \Vanstead
*Garratt E. M. (:~Iiss) & Pape J. (Fraulein), ladies' Weavers' .Almshouses (Charles Bannister, sec.; Samuel
school, Powerscroft, \Voodford road Hotine, supt.), New \Vanstead
Gill Samuel L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, St. Winifred's, Webster & Co. photographers, High street
Cambridge park Welch Charles, shopkeeper, George lane
Godfrey Henry Edward, baker, :Xightingale road Weller Samuel, fishmonger,


Hall Charles, greengrocer, High street 'Vetherell Henry & George, zmc wo:rker8, I Eliza ter-
Hall \Villiam Robert, watc{l maker, High street race, New \Vanstead
Halligan Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 J:liza terrace, *Wheatley Edwin, blacksmith, Hermon hill
N'ew Wanstead Whitby Albert, boot maker, High street
Hickman Herbert Vigers :\LB. Lond. surgeon, see .Argles White Edward, butcher, Xiahtin"'ale road
& Hickman ~-Whiting James, boot maker~ zi Cowley road
Hicks Jessie (~Irs.), laundry, Nightingale pla~e 'Yigzell .Arthur, shopkerper, George lane

Wilkinson Frederick, greengrocer, High street Woodmansee Nellie & ~lay (:Misses), milliners, High st
Willmott Frederick Lathbury, builder, Church path Wright Edwin Charles, draper, Higli street
*Wilton Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, I Pult<mey road "\Vright lVilliam, boot & shoe maker, George lane
Woodhouse Amelia {Miss), shopkeeper, I7 Cowley road Yardley Daniel, tailor, Cowley road
(~larked thus* receive letters through *J ones Thomas P. Snares brook hall, *Tabrurn Mrs. Copsefld. Woodford rd
South Woodford.) Woodford road *Taverner Charles, St. John's lodge
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Maddison J. "\'V. St. Helen's, Wood- Tyer Edward, Forest ldg. ·woodford rd
.Ann .Alfred, The Oaks ford road *"Walker Henry, The Hawthorns, Wood-
.A.shbridge Samuel, Staffa house *Marno .A.dolph, "\Yoodland house, ford road
Baker George F.R.G.S., J.P. )lar- Woodford road *Weatherfield William Arthur, Oak
ryatt's lodge, Forest Martin Harry, Tylney house, Eagle la villa, Eagle lane
Bangs Mrs. Ellesmere lodge Mills Percy B. Elm cottage, Forest "\Vhitaker Philip, White house, Snares-
Benton Mrs. Oakneath, Woodford rd ::VIunday George James, Fernside, brook road
Binney Charles Hibberd, Buxton lodge, Woodford road Wright Miss, Forest
Forest *X elson Wm. George, lVoodford road COMMERCIAL.
Birt Wm.The Hermitage,Snaresbrk.rd Norman Rev. William ~LA. (chaplain Ansell "\Vm. cab propr. Woodford rd
Coates Geo. Ivy cot. south, l''orest to Infant Orphan Asylum) Brooks Daniel, blacksmith, Eagle lane
Colson .Alfred, .Addiwn· villa *Parker Thomas, Inverkep cottage, Drew Edward, station master, Rail-
Cook James William, "\Ventworth ho. Woodford road 1ray station
Woodford road Peake Robt. Valley ldg. Woodford rd Girling J. & H. coal merchants, Rail-
*Curwen Spedding J.P. Bywell, Wood- *Pearce James, Clements, Woodford rd ''"ay station
ford road *Pinchin 1Vm. Springfld. Woodfrd. rd *Hills Rowland M.R.C.S.Eng., L.F.P.S.
Davis Jas. T. Hollybush, Woodford rd Prior Herman, Ivy cottage north, The I Glas., L.M., L.S . .A. surgeon &
Dobson Mrs. Snaresbrook road Forest medical officer · to the Orphan
Edenborough Charles, Martham house *Rawlinson Francis William, Deep- I .Asylum, "\Vanstead & to the Forest
Graham Miss, Buxton house, Forest dene, Eagle lane school, Walthamsto1r, Brooke house,
Gay Rev. Ralph Courtney M •.A. The Savill .Arfh. Lakeside, Snaresbrook rd Woodford road
Forest *Siffken Miss, Gowan Lea, Wood- Huggins Henry George, Eagle hotel
*Hills Rowland, Brook house, "\Vood- ford road Infant Orphan .Asylum (Henry "\Ym.
ford road · *Simmons David, Snaresbrook house, I Green, sec. ; Miss Isabella Larnder,
Jsbell .Arthur, Gwydr lodge, Forest Woodford road I matron); office, 63 Ludgate hill,
Jobling Joseph Christopher, The Bun- Spedding Curwen, Bywell, Woodfrd. rdl London E C. See advertisement
galow, Snares brook road Stable Daniel, Wintringham, 1\Iorning-j Warren Frederic & Co. coal mer-
:Macadam Charles Thomas, The Lake ton lodge chants, High street
GREAT WARLEY (or West ·warley, or Warley is now utilized as a holiday home for working girls of the
.Abbess) is a parish and village, 3! miles south from city of London and is .supported by Evelyn Heseltine esq.
Brentwood station on the main line of the Great Eastern of the Goldings. Here is a pumping station, belonging to
railway, 6 east from Romford and r8 from London, in the the South Essex "\Vater Works, the water being conveyed
Mid division of the county, Chafford hundred, Brent1rood hither from Grays, 9 miles distant, for the supply of the
petty sessional division and county court district, Rom- town of Brentwood. Hampden House is the residence of
ford union, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of James William Cook esq. J.P. Warley Place of l\Irs. \Yill-
Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The London, Tilbury mott, and Goldings of Evelyn Heseltine esq. Lord
·and Southend Railway Company's direct line from Bark- Headley, who is lord of the manor, and Richard Benyon
ing to Pitsea passes through the pari..,h. The church of esq. of Englefield Park, Reading, Berks, are the princi-
St. Mary, restored in I86o, is an edifice of brick ori- pal landowners. The soil is clayey; subsoil, loam, with
ginally in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel and patches of gravel. The chief cro:2s are wheat, beans,
nave and a western tower with a low spire containing I barley and peas. The acreage is qrable,- 1,339; _pasture,
bell: the east and south windows in the chancel are r,or7; common (now inclosed), I59; and wood, 209;
stained, and on the north side of the chancel is a mural rateable value, £7,291; the population in 1891 was r,6og,
monument with a demi-effigy to Gyles Fleming, gent. of which 420 are attached to the parish church; included
ob. 18 Oct. r6_23, and to Gyles Fleming,_ h_is son, ob. in Christ Church population were 184 in Warley Bar-
1633. The register dates from 1539 and IS m excellent racks married quarters and I,469 in Essex County
preservation. There is also a curious list of "Briefs,'' .Asylum.
dating from I]09 to 1768. The living is a redory, aver- Parish ·Clerks: St. Peter. George P. Kemrp; Christ
age tithe rent-charge £396, net yearly value £288, with church, William Cudby.
9 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of St. John's
College, Cambridge, and held since I866 by the Rev. Post, M. 0. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
Hammond Roberson Bailey 1\I..A. late fellow and tutor & Insurance Office, Warley Common. James Hayes,
-of that college. Christ Church ecclesiastical parish was sub-postmaster. Letters from Brentwood arrive at
formed 27 July, 1855, out of portions of Great Warley, 6.50 & 11.20 a.m. & 4 & 6.45 p.m.; dispatched at
Shenfield and South Weald parishes, in its immediate a.m. & 2.30 & 7.20 p.m
neighbourhood. The church is an edifice of brick with Post, 1\I. & T. 0., S. B. & Express Delivery &
stone facings, in the Early English style, consisting of .Annuity & Insurance Office·, Great Warley.-John
nave, aisles and an embattled western tower, with pin- Crossingham, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by foot
nacles, containing r bell: in 1877 the church was en- post from Brentwood at 7.30 a.m. & I2.I5 p.m.;
larged, and in r8gi a new chancel was added, at a cost dispatched at 9.40 a. m. 2 & 7 p.m. & 11 a.m. on sund
of £r,2oo. The register dates from the year 1855· The Wall Letter Box, Lower Warley school, cleared at 1.30
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £7, gross & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, 11.30 a.m -
yearly value [330, net £289, with glebe (£26) and resi- Police Station, Warley road, George Butcher, constable
dence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1892 by the Police Station, "\'Yarley street, Samuel Pickett, constable
Rev. Herbert .Alfred Raynes M . .A. of Christ Church, Ox- Schools.
ford; Christ Church district population, 1891, 4•947· A Christ Church ~ational (mixed), enlarged in I8g2, at a
Cemetery of 2 acres was formed in r86o for Christ cost of £420, raised by puunc subscription, for 307
Church parish; it has a small mortuary chapel and is children; average attendance, 123 boys & uo girls &
under the control of a Burial Board of seven members. · 44 infants; George Morris 1 master_; Miss Sarah
The Catholic church, dedicated to the Holy Cross and Elizabeth Stacey, mistress
.All Saints, was erected in r88r at a c9st of about £2,5oo, Lower "\Varley (mixed), built in rS.:J-3, for 40 children,
and is a:n edifice of Kentish rag in_ the Gothic style, con- enlarged in r87o for So; average attendance, 51; Miss
sisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a small western turret l\Iary Ellen Yivian, mistress
containing I bell: this church is used by the Catholic Infants', Crescent road, in connection with Christ Church
soldiers of the Garrison. .A Convent of Mercy has re- Kational, built in 1875, for 120 children; average at-
cently been established. "The Crosses," Great 'Warley, tendance, n8; ~Iiss Annie Ruffell, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Campbell Arthur Alex. "\Yarley terr Gibson William, Warley terrace
B11iley Rev. Hammond Roberson }LA Campbell ~Ir~. The Cro~se, Grice ~Irs
Berkeley Robert, The Lea Church ~Irs Harlock Henry, Wind,or ho.Warley rd
Bla.ckburn Henry John, Holmers Cook .ra~. Williams J.P. Hampden ho Helme Edward Tho•. "\Yarley side
Broadmead Capt. Henry, "\Varlpy villa Cudby William, .Albion cot. Warley rd He~eltine Evelyn, The Goldings
Brown Leonard De .Artime Jose, The Glen Johmon Mrs
Brown Mrs. Globe ter. Warley road Gardiner Col. Thos. Geo. Kewport L.oiKitrQener Leonard John, Hayden vil
Maguire Col. C{)nstantine Cudby Thomas, carpenter, Vine cot Ollington Hy. farmr. Paddle Dock fm
Mathews John, Old Rectory Cudby William, carpenter, Warley rd Parker Jas. William, farmer, Norman..s
Mathews Thomas, Warley Elms Edwards Edgar, undertaker & wheel- Pearl John Reeve, farmer, Great 1Yar·
Nildred Mrs. Warley house wright ley Hall farm
Parson Miss, Pleasant cottage Elliott John, farmer, Dickenson's fm Perkins Charles, boot & shoe maker,
Playle Miss, Warley road Evans James, farmer W arley road
Rayms Rev. Herbert Alfred M.A. Francis David, pork butcher &; shop- Perkins Eliza (~Irs. ), dress maker, 3
(vicar of Christ Church) keeper, Warley road 'Yoodman road
Savill St.ephen James Hammond Hy. Jn. Queen's Arms P.H Pinch on John, farmer, Monks
Smyth Rev. C. J. Moncrieff (Catho- Bayes James, pharmaceutical chemist, Rayner Philip, hair dress-er & photu•
lie), The Presbytery, 1Yarley road & sub-postmaster grapher, Newport place
Stocks Robert, Harts house Husband Thomas, baker & confec- Rose George, W arley A..,rmms' inn,
Wahab Col. John H. Brick house tioner; genuine whole-meal bread; Warley road
Wallis Harry, Warley road families waited on daily,I Warley ter Scrivener Thomas Henry, gener'll
Willmott Mrs. 1Varley place Ives William Dunning, beer retailer smith, 1Varley road
Le Sueur Thomas, The Alexandra Shepard Daniel, tailor
COliMERCBL~ P. H. 1Varley road Shuttleworth J essie (Mn. ), dress ma
JJocock Thomas, tailor Lisle .Arthur Claud, Horse Artillery Simmons George, grocer & beer retl>."
Bromfield Elizabeth Pirs.), grocer P.H. & butcher & cattle dealer South Essex Water Works (CharleJ
]Juris Willjam, laundry, Headley corn Lucking Charles, army scripture Cook, engineer-in-charge)
Children's Convalescent Home; :Miss reader, 5 .Albert ~treet Sparrow Mary Ann (Mrs.), shop..
Marian Mathews, sec Lucking Chas. jun. shopkpr. Albert ,;t keeper, \Varley road
Clark Frederick, steward to Lord Mallinson J ames & Richard, farmeri! Taylor Susannah (Miss), Ivy Ho. sch!
Headley J.P. Harts Wood cottage ~Iunday John Alfred Leach, Headley Turban J ames Charles, farm bailiff
Cook Charles, engineer,Pumping statn .Arms P.H to Evelyn Haseltine esq
Cornell William, farm bailiff to Thos. N obes Geo. The Thatchers' .Arms inn 1Veal .Arthur Augustus, Seven Arche!
Mathews esq. Bury farm ~orfolk Jas. Robt. bldr. & blacksmitn P.H. & pig dealer
Cronin Samuel, carter & contractor, Nor folk ·william, The Prince Albert Weal William Edmund, pig dealer,
Albert street inn, Warley roa i W oodman road
Cronin Saml. jun. beer retlr. Queen st Xunn :\Iary (~Irs.) & Sons, grocers, ""ilson John, farmer, Fenn farm
Crossingham John, shopkeeper & col- provision- dealers & italian ware-
lector of taxes for Great ·warley, & housemen & hardware dealers, (For other names in Warley road,
post office Warley road see Brentwood.)

LITTLE WARLEY is a parish and village, seated on Militarv

an eminence with a commanding prospect, about I mile There are barracks on the common for the training of
east !from Great ·warley, in the Mid division of the county, recruits for the depot of the Essex regiment & are
hundred of Chafford, Brentwood petty sessional division capable of containing about I,5oo men; adjoining is a
and county court district, Billericay union, rural deanery garrison chapel of which the Rev. Joseph Henry Sutton
of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Moxly B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, has been chap·
.!lbans. Before the Norman accession it belonged to the lain since I892
cathedral of St. Paul. The London, Tilbury and South- Regimental District No. 44·
end Railway Company's direct line from Barking to Pit- The Essex Regiment (44th & 56th foot), depot of ISt &i
sea passes througp. the parish, and has a station at East 2nd battalions
Horndon, about 2 miles distant from the village. The The Barracks.
ehnrch of St. Peter, at a considerable distance from the Commanding Regimental District, Col. Constantine
~illage, is a. plain building of brick and stone, consisting Maguire
<Of chancel and nave and a western tower containing I Acting Adjutant, Capt. Robert C. Bowen (3rd battalion)
small bell : in the chancel are two marble monuments
with canopies to Sir Denner Strutt kt. and hart. lord of Army Service Corps, Quartermaster Lieut. Geo. ForJ.e
this manor, to Dorothy (Stasmore) his Ist wife, who died
:in I64I, and to Mary (Chapman) his 3rd wife, who died Army Medical St-aff.
:in I654· The register dates from the year I539· The Surgeon-Lieut.-CDI. 1Y. G. Fawcett ~LB. & Surgeon-Capt.
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £214, with C. S. Sparkes
residence and 37 acres of glebe, in the gift of iJavid Army Pay Department.
Roberts esq. and held since I878 ·by the Rev. Henry Staff Paymaster (Hon. ~Iajor} C. E. Souper
Jones Henry ~LA. oi St. John's College, Cambridge.
The Chappington charity, left in I709 by Hugh Chap- Jrd Battalion Essex Regiment, Essex (Rifles) Militia.
pington, of Little Warley, and arising from a house and Head quarters, The Barracks.
I7 acres of land, produces £4o a year, which is applied Commandant, CD1. '1'. S. Holroyd
t{)wards charitable purposes. Lord Headley is lord of Majors, Hon. Lieut.-Col. G. B. C. Lyons & H. C. 1\Ias--
the manor and principal landowner.:: The soil is clayey; terman
subsoil, stiff loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans, Instructor of Musketry, Capt. J. H. Greenhalgh
peas and barley. The area is I,688 acres of land and 13 Adjutant, Oapt. Robert C. Bowen
water; rateable value, [2,979; the population iu I89I Quartermaster, Capt. S. Cousins
was I,I65 (inclusive of I,019 military in the \)arracks). •

Parish Clerk, William Mumford. 4th Battalion Essex Regiment, West Essex Militia.
Wall Letter Box, Little \Varley school, cleared st 6. I5 Head quarters, The Barracks.
p.m. ; sundays, 11 a.m. Lett~rs through Brentwood, Commandant, Lieut.-Col. F. S. Walker
arrive at 8.30 a.m. 1Varley common is the nearest Majors, Hon. Lieut.-Cols. A. T. Robson &; E. C. Bond
money order & telegraph office Instructor of Musketry, Capt. C. H. CDivin
Parochial School (mixed), for about 40 children; aver- .Adjutant, Capt. H. Broadmead
age attendance, 16; :Miss F. E. Newman, mistress Quartermaster, Lieut. Daniel M. Bailey
.1Iexander Geoffrey, Warley lodge Crane Wm. Jas. farmer, Old England Parson Elizabeth pirs. ), farmer
Henry Rev. Henry Jones ~LA. Recto:--7 Harris Thomas, farmer, Tylers Pinchon 1Vltr. frmr. Little Warley hall
Brett Saml. farmer, Clapgate farm Harris Waiter, farmer Townsend William, Greyhound P.H
NORTH WEALD (BASSETT) is a scattered parish, chantry or lady cha~el and an embattled west~rn tower
with a station on the Ongar branch of the Great of red brick, containmg- 6 bells: the chancel is separated
Eastern railway, 3 miles north-east from Epping, 8 from the nave by an ornamental carved oak screen : the
north--east from 1Valtham Abbey and I9 from London, east window is a memorial to the late Rev. Henry
in the 'Vestern division of the county, hundreds of Cockerell )LA. who died Feb. 8th, I88o, having been 52
Ongar and Harlow, Epping petty sessional division, union years vicar of this parish, erect-ed by his son, the present
and county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- vicar : there are mural tablets to Henry Edmund
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Essex Cockerell, of the Bengal Service, and second son of the
and Herts 1Yaterworks Co. have extended their mains to late vicar, who was slain at Banda during the Indian
the villag-E', which IS now supplied with good whole~ome )lutiny, I5th of June, I857, iu his 27th year: the
water. The church of Si . .Andrew, in the centre of the chantry retains a piscina: in the south ai,le is a modern
parish, is a well-bmlt structure of brick and rubble, with octal;"onal font, with an elaborately carved cover, and a
st.()n~ dressings, comistmg of chancel, nave, south aisle, curious old chair vf the time of Queen Anne : there qrl;}
floor stones, dating from the early part of the 17th Gullett. The Essex hunt and Harlow private steeple-
century, one of which contains brass effigies in excellent chases are held at Rundells, on the Easter Thursday oi
preservation of "\Valttr Larder esq. ob. 1617, and Marie, each year, under Grand National rules. Charities.-Geo.
his wife, with three sons and two daughters; these are Rayment esq. of Broken wharf, London, for himself and
surmounted by shidds, but the greater portion of the surviving brothers and sisters, transferred the sum of
inscriptioa has been destroyed ; the interior underwent £150 3 per Cent. Consols into the names of the vica1
important alterations and additions in I885, when an and churchwardens of this parish; the dividends are
exquisitely carved oak eagle lectern was presented by applied in the first instance to the repair of the grave
the late Mr. J. T. Smith, of this parish: the church is and railings of his parent!! and the residue, if any, is
in good repair, having been reseated in 1849, new roofed distributed in the "first week of February in each year,
in 1865, the chancel rebuilt in 1867 and the lady chapel amongst four of the most necessitous and deserving
re-seated in 1873; in 1889 a new vestry and organ poor of the parish, in such proportions as ~hall !.lt>~ru
chamber were built and the organ thoroughly renovated expedient." The trustees of the late Charles Giles-l'hlleF
at the cost; of :Miss Cockerell, niece of the late Rev. L. A. esq. M.A. (d. 1892) are lords of the m.uwr. 'l'Loe
C()ckerell M.A. late vicar 1880-92; at the same time the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Mr. William Symonus and
interior of the tower was restored and a new ceiling Mr. George Hart are principal landowners. The soil is
erected, the tine moulded brick arch, dating from about chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops arc wh~at,
q8o to 1520, restored and a new west window add.ed, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 3,777 acres; rate-
the whole cost of this work being defrayed by the late able value, £5,683; the population in 1891 was r,u7.
vicar; in 1893 a stained window was presented by Mr.
THOR~WOOD is a hamlet r! miles west.
G. Hart of this parish, in memory of his wife. The
register dat-es from the year 1557. The living is a Sexton, Ezra Gridley.
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £337, with 15 acres Post. Office, Weald Gullett.-Mrs. Rachael Alexander,
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. sub-postmistres~. Letters received through Epping at
Albans and Mrs. Pemberton-Barnes alternately, and held 7.5 a.m. callers only I0.45 a.m. ; dispatched at I0.45
since 1892 by the Rev. Richard Standly Dewing M.A. of & 5 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
University College, Oxford. is at Epping. Postal orders are issued here, but
not paid
HASTINGWOOD is a hamlet 2 miles north-east. The ·wall Letter Box, 'Bull & Horse Shoe,' collected at
chapel of ease here (not yet named) was built in I864, 8.40 a.m
at a cost of £250, from plans by the late Mr. J. T. Pillar Letter Box, Tylers Green, cleared at 5.20 p.m
Smith, of this parish, and is an edifice of brick with Wall Letter Ilox, Duck lane, cleared at 9.20 a. m. & 6 p.m
stone dressings in t·he Gothic style, consisting of chancel, National School (mixed), rebuilt, with master's house,
nave, and sout.h vestry and a western turret containing in 1873, by public subscription, from plans by the late
r bell: the chancel contains a good east window partly Mr. J. T. Smith, of this parish, for ISO children;
filled with stained glass, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. average attendance, 124; William Edward Huxley,
.John Stallibrass: there are sittings for 120 persons. A master; Mrs. Ellen Huxley, assistant mistress
fort to contain six guns is erected at North Weald Railway Station, John Glassock, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baker James, blacksmith, Thorn- Law "\Ym. farmer, School Green frm
Bosley Thomas, Weald hall wood common Leaversuch William, fellmonger,
Bullivant George, Thornwood villa Blatch Samuel John, carpenter & Weald Gullett
Burrough Mrs. Thornwood common wheelwright, Tylers green Mansfield Robert (l\Irs. ), beer re-
Cockerell Miss Tylers Boram Benjamin, farmer & land- tailer, Thornwood common
Crane Thomas, Wood side owner, Thornwood grove Moy Thomas, coal merchant; depot,
Dean Thomas, Thornwood common Broad Jacob, Rainbow & Dove P.H Railway Station yard
Dewing Rev. Richard Standly M.A. Chambers John Thomas, farmer, Pegrum George, beer retailer
vicar, Vicarage Wildingtree farm' Pry or John, baker, Thornwood corn
James William Clark Lewis, blacksmith, Hasting- Rayment "\Villiam, Talbot P.H. &
J d G Mil G'bson
1 Park wood common blacksmith, Tylers green
· errar eorge ner ' Clark Samuel, builder & carpenter, Smith Horace, baker
L yall R oger Campb e11' H as t mgwoo d Hastingwood common Smith William Thomas, carpenter &
Rid a William Weald Gullett Clar k W m: ea ttl e d,
l T y 1ers grn b eer re t a1·r er, Th ornwoo d common
gw y h ' Cook Dav1d, wheelwnght Stuckey William, farmer, Weald
Sa1mon T oma.s, Tylers green Deadman Frederick beer retailer Lodge farm
Stuckledy Mwr·sri· Eade~ c:J~ta~e Ellis Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Paris hall, Symonds William, farmer & land·
S y~on 8 1 mm, ' e Pace Hastingwood common owner & assessor of taxes, Weald pi
Tw:tchett Mrs. Thornwood lodge Foster John, brick maker Teece Fredk. Wm. shopkp. Thornwd
Wr1ght Mrs. John, Prospect house, Hart George, farmer & landowner, " 7 ebster Oliver Jonathan, Black-
Tylers green Canes farm smiths' Arms P.H
COMMERCIAL. James Frederick, farmer, New house 'Villis Arthur, hay dealer, The Elms
Alexander Rachael (Mrs.), shop- & Bridge farm Winch Frederick, Bull & Horse Shoe
keeper, Post office Law Jas. farmer, Slough House frm P.H. & bricklayer
Avey Georgei, King's Head P.H. Law Waiter, hay dealer, Great Wood James, hay dealer, Woodside
W eald Gullett Wheelers & Chiffins farm
SOUTH WEALD ("the south wood") is an extensive and To"er families, at one time lords of the manor of
parish, bisected by the London road at Brook Street, 2 Calcots in this parish : some fragments of a brass remain
miles we t from Brentwood station on the main line of on the tomb of Sir Anthony Browne kt. Lord Chief
the Great Eastern railway, 5 north-east from Romford Justice of the Common Pleas, 1558, who died at Weald
and 17 from London and seems to have existed in the Hall, 16th May, 1567: under the tower are mural
time of King HarolJ, by whom it was given to Waltham monuments to the Neave family, including Sir Richard
Abbey: it is in the Mid division of the county, hundred Neave hart. governor of the Bank of England in 1780,
of Chafford, Brentwood petty sessonal division and county who died in 1814, and Frances (Bristow), his wife, d.
court district, Billericay union and in the rural deanery 1830; Sir Thomas Neave hart. d. 1848; Sir Richard
of Chafio:rd, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Digby Neave hart. d. 1868 and his wife, d. 1849; Sir
Albans. The church of St. Peter is an edifice of stone Arundell Neave hart. d. 1877; to the Ven. Francis
and flint in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, con- John Hyde Wollaston B.D., F.R.S. vicar here and arch-
sisting of chancel w1th vestry, nave, south aisle, separ- deacon of Essex, who died October 12, 1823, with
ated by an arcade of six arches, and a massive Perpen- medallion portrait in low relief; and to Peter Taylor
dicular embattled western tower at the end of the south D.D. rector of Ashington, Sussex, d. 1791: the church
aisle, containing 6 bells and a clock: part of the lay is seated with open oak benches and was restored in
rector's chapel, at the east end of the south aisle, is I868. 'fhe register dates from the year 1540. The
inclosed by an elaborately carved oak screen with central living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £380,
Pntrance and three arches on either side, crocketed, and net yearly value £223, with 35 acres of glebe and
Jilled -with flowing tracery, and is parted from the chancel residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and
hv a gilt iron railing, executed from designs by the late held since 1877 by the Rev. Duncan Fra,er ~LA. of
Bir Gilbert Scott R.A. : the carved stone font is dated Trinity College, Cambridge, hon. canon of St. Albans,
r662 : th.._, stained east window was erected by •
sub- rural dean of ChaffDrd and surrogate. The Vicarage
!'cription in 1886 to tlHl memory of the Rev. Charles House was built in 1822.
Almeric Belli M.A. vicar 1823-77, who died Jan. 6th, St. Paul's, Bentley, a chapel of ease to the parish
r886: there are five other stained windows and numerous church, is an edificv of flint with stone quoins and
monuments of the last and present century to the ~mith dres~ing~, in the E'lrly English !<tyle, from designs by
Ernest Lee esq. architect, of London, and consists of burst is the residence of Mrs. Morgan; Rochetts, of
chancel, nave, south aisk. north porch and on the north Sir William F. G. Guise bart.; Howhatch, of Oscar
side a. tower with spire (:Ontaining s bells : the pulpit Thompson esq.; Pilgrims Hall, of Richard Joseph
is of Derbyshire alabast{lr, panelled, and a reredos of Walmesley esq. ; Gilstead Hall, of A. V. Eyre esq.;
the same materials, enriched with sculptures, represent- l\Iillfield, of Charles William Matthews esq.; and Lup·
ing incidents in the Passion of our Lord, was erected tons, of Lady Arrow. Near the church is Belvedere
in November, 1883, from designs by the architect of the Tower, commanding a fine view over the surr::mndmg
church ; the east window and two others are stained ; country. The principal landowner is Christopher John
the church was consecrated by the Bishop of St. Albans, Hume Tower esq. who is also lord of the manor. The
November 3rd, 188o: the sum of £22,ooo was subscribed soil is clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
for the erection of the church and parsonage and for the barley. The area is 4,605 acres of land and 25 water ;
maintenance of a curate, of which not less than £2o,ooo rateable value £27,609; the population in 1891 "\\'as
was munificently contributed by the Rev. Charles A. 1,6rs, exclusive of Bxentwood and including 1,469 officers
Belli, late vicar, and the remaining [2,ooo by the .iate and inmates in the County Asylum,
0. E. Coope esq. M.P.: the site, of about 2 acres, was COXTIE GREEN, 2 miles north; PILGRIM'S
the gift of C. J. Hume Tower esq. of Weald Hall. The
Parsonage House adjoins the church. Ten almshouses HATCH, 2 north-east and BROOK STREET, I mile
south, are populous hamlets.
in the Elizabethan style, of which C. J. H. Tower esq. Parish Clerk, Horace Bright.
is the patron, were erected about r8s6 from designs
by Mr. Teulon, architect, of London. Charities :-Sarah Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annmty
Wright's is distributed to 13 aged poor, 12 of whom & Insurance Office.-Horace Bright, sub-postmaster.
receive ss. each, and one 3s. 6d.; Lamb's Charity of £r5 Letters from Brentwood, arrivs at 7·30 a.m. & 12.30
is for the repairs of the church; John Wright's Charity p.m. ; dispatched at 1.30 & 6.25 p.m. ; sundays 11 a.m
of £2, founded in 15 86, is also for the repairs of the Post Office, Pilgrim';, Hatch.-William Garrard, sub-post-
church; Wailer's for Brentwood and South Weald, master. Letters through Brentwood, arrive at 4.30
founded in r6or, provides £12 yearly for distribution & 11.30 a.m.; dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & 7-So p.m.
in bread. Jefferson's of £3, John Wright's of [2, founded The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at
in r6o2, and Gitten's of £6 IOS. are also for bread. The Brentwood & South Weald. Postal orders are issued
Omnty Lunatic Asylum is in this parish; for information here, but not paid
f>tle Brentwood. WealCI Hall, the residence of Christopher Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
John Hume Tower esq. D.L., J.P. was once the residence Brook Street. William Warner, sub-postmaster. Let~
of Princess (afterwards Queen) Mary and for some time ters through Brentwood, arrive at 7 a. m. & 12.10
the seat of Chief Justice Sir .Anthony Browne kt. the p.m.; dispatched at 1.50 & 6.4s p.m.; sundays, 11.5
founder of the Grammar school of Brentwood and of a.m. South lVeald is the nearest telegraph office
almshouses here: the mansion, which is of considerable Wall Letter Box, Coxtie Green, cleared at 12 & 3.50 p.m.
antiquity, has been elaborately restored and many of week days; 10 a.m. sundays
the rooms are of large dimensions and contain good Wall Letter Box, top of Brook Street cleared at 8.4s &
specimens of tapestry and a fine collection of china : the 10.20 a.m. & 2.5, 4, 6.4S & 9 p.m.; sunday, 11.45 a.m
hall is richly decorat-ed and hung with paintings : there Schools.
is also some old carved oak furniture in good preserva- The parishioners have the right to send their children
tion, ancient oak pannelling and several quaint arched to Brentwood Grammar school
stone fire-places : one of these, recently discovered, and National (mixed), built about r8s6, for 124 children;
bearing the date 1SSS, and the ceiling of the dining average attendance, ros ; Charles William Hide, master
room, by Adams, ar~ considered masterpieces : the park, National, Bentley (mixed & infants'), built in 1864, at a
undulating and well timbered, is singularly beautiful and cost of about £4SO, for 120 children; enlarged in 1893
contains a herd of red and fallow deer. There are traces for 165; average attendance, 12S; Benjamin Cooper,
of a circular camp, surrounded by a single ditch. Oak- master
SOUTH WEALD. Cooper Benjamin, master of Bentley :S::x,ight Thomas, Nag's Head P.H. &
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. school, Bentley horse dealer
ATrow Lady, Luptons Danes Thomas, shopkeeper, C1)xtie grn Knight William, hay carter
Baker Joseph, Fairlawn Huglws John, head gardener to C. J. Mann Walter, Fleece inn
Cochrane Mrs. Hill house H. Tower esq Parlby Margaret (:Miss), ladies' school
Eyre A. V. Gilstead hall Ives Sydney, hay binder, Coxtie grn Reynolds Samuel, farmer
Fraser Rev. Duncan M.A. (vicar, Jarvis Edward, Red Lion P.H. & Rowland Ephraim, miller (wind) &
hon. canon of St. Albans, rural farmer, Coxtie green corn dealer, Brook Street mill
dean of Chafford & surrogate), The Pain Hy. cattle dealer, Halfway ho ·warner 1Vm. baker, grocer & post ')ff
Vicarage Rainbird Fred. bricklayr. Coxtie grn Wills Edgar Geo. artist, Brook hou.-e
Guise Major Sir William Francis Rickwood Agnes (Mrs.), Horse & Wills Edga:r (Mrs.), ladies' school,
George bar"t. D.L., J.P. Rochetts Groom P.H. Warley common Brook house
Hirst Fredk. Hotham D.L. Gt. Ropers Scrivener Alfrd. whlwright, Coxtie grn Wingrave William, blacksmith
Horton John Henry J.P. Mascalls Stokes Thos. farmer, Lincoln's farm PILGRIMS HATCH.
Lescher Joseph Francis D.L., J.P. lYhiting Fredk. beer retlr. Coxtie grn
Boyles court (For names in W arley road, see Formby Edwd. Hesketh, Bentley lo
Matthews Charles Wm. J.J'. Mill field, Brentwood.) Harris Henry, Rose cottage
Smith Godfrey John, Elm house
Bentley BROOK STREET. 1Voods Bernard, Danbury house
:Matthews Edward, Dytchley's
Morgan Dvd. Jn. J.P. Cecil ho. Bentley Andrew Mrs. W eald view COMMERCIAL.
Morgan Mrs. Oakhurst Brampton George, Moat house Ager Samuel, beer retailer
Ripley Rev. William (curate of St. Harris Mrs. The Poplars Collier Edwrd. farmer, Downsells frm
Paul's, chapel of ease), Parsonage, Nichols Charles, Bromsgrove Cutchee Ambrose, farmer, Moat
Bentley Parlby Miss Davey Samuel, corn merchant, The Firs
Sperling Hy. R. J.P. Weald Side ho Souper Major Chas. E.Twickenham vil Delarue Henry, baker
Thompson Oscar, How Hatch Weymouth Richard, D.Lit. Collaton ho Filbee Albert F. farmer, Hulletts frm
Tower Christopher John Hume D.L., ·wills Edgar George, Brook house Garrard William, Erovision dealer,
J.P. Weald hall lYood Mrs. Brentmore farmer & assistant oversr. Pvst •)ff
co~niERCB.L. ITammond Geo. frmr. & markt. gardnr
Walmesley Richd. Jsph. Pilgrims hall
Art by Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Hammond William, market gardt>nt>r
COMMERCIAL. thrashing machine owner Harding Frederick Bowerman, THack
Bright Horace, watch maker & parish Bt>nnett Geo. carpenter, Brook St. bill Horse P.H
clerk, Post office Bennett William, carpenter Kni!!ht Henry, blacksmith
Ilrown Henry, Tower Arms P.H Chuck Robert, beer retailer Lagden George, farm~r, Crow's g-rt>t>n
Brown William, blacksmith, Lang- Creed Charles, Bull inn ~fanning Jas. ~fann, farmer, Ashwells
ton's forge Goodchild William Jo~epb, farmer, Pi~rgott Elijah, bay & straw dealer,
Brown lVilliam T. coach builder, Brookland's farm Gent's farm
wheelwright & smith; established Harris Frank, cattle deal~r & farmer, Toovey Arthur, farmer
so years The Poplars lYood George, builder
WEELEY is a village and parish, with a station on the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division
the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern rail- and union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery
way, 7 miles west from Walton steamboat pier, 61 from of St. Osvth, archdeaconrv of Colchester and diocese of
London, 12 south-west from Harwich, and 10 east-south- St. Albans. Tht> Holland brook runs through the middle
east from Colchester, in the North Eastern division of of the parish. The church of St. Andrew, a mile south·

east of the village, was originally an ancient edifice of landowners. The soil is rich clay and loam and produces
red brick, but the main portion of the structure was en- good crops of wheat, beans, barley and green crops gener~
tirely rebuilt by subscription in 1881 in the Perpendi- ally. The area is 2,064 acres ; rateable value, £J,oifJ;,
cular style at a cost of about £3,ooo: it now consists the population in 1891 was 623.
of chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle with organ Parish Clerk, Joseph Lait.
chamber at the east end, north porch, and its original Post, ::\1. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
embattled western tower of red brick containing 2 bells : & Insurance Office.-WiHilam Mustard, sub-postma.stilr.
the credence table is formed of an ornamental column
Letters arrive from Colchester at 5·5 a.m. & II.5o
found in the south wall of the chancel, forming part of
a.m.; dispatched at I2.45 & 7.Io p.m.; no second de-
an ancient piscina which had been em~dded : the 14th livery on sundays.
century font was also restored and placed at the west
end of the nave: a new organ was added in 1884 by Post Office, The Heath.-Jame-s Herbert, sub-postmaster.
l!lUbscription: there are 200 sittings. The register dates Letters arrive at 6.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.30 p.m.
from the year I562. The living is a discharged rectory, week days; sundaySI at 9.40 a.m. Weeley is th6
average tithe rent-charge £434; net yearly value £348, nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
with residence and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of Brase- are issued here, but not paid
nose College, Oxford, and held since 1883 by the Rev. Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at II.35 a.m.
William Wellington Welsh M.A. of Trinity College, & 6.45 p.m
Dublin, and Caius College, Cambridge. Near to the National School, with an endowment of £9 4s. yearly,
church are the antique wrought iron gates which once arising from the redemption of the land-tax upon tha
formed the entrance to the old hall. The W esleyan rectory which was left in I823 by Mary Jefferson: the
chapel, erected in I87o, has ISO sittings; the Primitive school was erected in 1866 & a class room added in
Methodist, built in 1858, will seat 100 persons. Hill I878 : it will hold 140 children & has an average a~
Side House, a mansion of red brick, in the Gothic style, tendance of 112; Mrs. Eliza Simmons, mistress
standing in well wooded grounds, is the residence of County Police Station, George William Rennett,constable
Henry Heath cote Morgan-Brown esq. and W eeley Manor Railway Station, William James Gowens, station master
House, that of John Weeley esq. who is lord of the Carriers pass through to Colchester.--George Block.
manor. Durrant Edward Cardinall esq. of Holly Court, from Clacton-on-Sea, mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Bowles.
Ardleigh, Colchester; Sir Joshua Thellusson Rowley from Walton-on-the-Naze, tues. thurs. & sat.; Ben-
bart. of Tendring Hall, Suffolk, and the Rev. William nett, from Li'ttle Clacton, wed. & sat. ; all returning,
Yorick Smythies B.A. curate here I876-g3, are the chief same days
PRIVATE RESIDE:NTS. Bridgeman Charles, bricklayer Manning William, cattle dealer & rat&
Burdett Capt. Wm. Edwd. :Sorwood Bruce John, beer retailer, The Heath collector, The Elms
Lilley Mrs. The Heath Byles .Alfred, licensed hawker }fay Wm. farmer, Gutteridge HI. frm
Mills :Miss Canham Thomas, agricultural imple- Moy Thoma~. coal mer. Railwy. :;tatn
Morgan Edward Henry Ellers, Hill ment ma.. timber mer. & saw mills Mustard William, stationer, Post office-
Side house Catchpole Wm. baker & shopkeeper Partridge Waiter J. farmr. Folly frm
)forgan-Brown Henry Heathcote, Hill Cook Arthur, shoe maker Plane Jacob, seedsman & farmer,
Side house Cook "\:Vm. lodging house, '\Veeley ho Weeley Gate farm
Page Mrs Emmeny Jn. farmr. High Birch frm Redit Thomas, blacksmith
Strutt Robert, The Heath Gowens William Jas. station master Simmons Harry, farmer, machinist &;.
Weeley John, }ianor house , Grimwood Thomas, miller (wind & dealer
Weeley Mrs. Manor house steam) & farmer Smith Clement, brick & tile maker
Welsh Rev. William "Wellington ::\I.A. Herbert James, grocer & draper, Smith Daniel, builder
Rectory Post office, The Heath Smith J ames, beer retailer & coal mer
COMMERCIAL. Hicks Peter, farmer, Baines farm Sorrel Frederick, farmer, Hawks frm
Bird Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Kettle James, Black Boy P.H Sparrow Joseph, farmer, Ash farm
Bloom Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. & saddler King Jehu, shopkeeper Stephens Joseph, cattle dealer, )fount
Blowers Edward, salesman &c King William, Railway inn Pleasant
Blowers John, grocer & draper, Leaver Henry, farmer Thorpe "\:Vm. Edwd. farmr. Pond frill'
Waterloo house Manning Eliza Maria ()Irs.), ladies' Watcham Geo. shopkeeper, The Heata
Bridgeman Annabella. (Mrs.), dress ma school, The Elms ·webb Joseph, farmer, Coles farm

WENDENS AMBO, comprising Great and Little living inciudes the vicarage of Great Wenden and the-
Wenden, is a parish on a feeder of the Cam near its rectory of Little Wenden, net yearly value £I6o, includ-
eonfiuence with that river, on the high road to New- ing I25 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of
market, 43l miles from London, and 2~ south-west from the Marquess of Bristol, and held since I892 by the Rev.
Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of the county, Charles Edward Barnes M.A. of Pembroke College~
Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional divi- Cambridge. There is a small Congregational chapel
sion, union and county court district, and in the rural here, erected in I85I, with 6o sittings. The poor parti·
deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester cipate in a charity left about three centuries ago by
and diocese of St. Albans. The Audley End station on Mrs. Lettice Martin, of Crishall and now amounting to
the Great Eastern railway is in thi'S parish and forms the £13 qs. 8d. yearly. A small brick building near
junction of the line to Saffron '\Valden and Haverhill: the church, erected in 1838, is used as a reading room
lhe parishes of Great and Little Wenden were united in for working men on week days and as a Sunday school
1662, at the request of the inhabitants and with the con- in connection with the parish church. Lord Braybrooke
sent of the Earl of Suffolk, patron of the two livings. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The crops
The church of Little Wenden, which formerly stood on are on the four-course system. The soil is principally
the left side of the road from '\Vendon Lofts to Great light; subsoil, chalk. The area i•s I,383 acres; rateabl~
Wendon, being ruinous, was pulled down. The church value, £4,3I3; the populatiOIJJ. in I8gi -was 358.
of St. Mary the Virgin is a small and ancient building
of flint with stone dressings in mixed styles, consisting CL.A.XVER E:J\"D is I mile west.
of chancel, nave of three bays -with clerestory, aisles, Sexton, Peter Fish.
south porch and low embattled western tower, with Post Office.-:Mrs. Fanny Harvey, sub-postmistress
short spire and containing 5 bells : a screen divides the Letters arrive by cart from Saffron Walden at 7 a.m.;
nave from the chancel: there is a brass of a man in collected at 7·5 p.m. on week days & II.20 a.m. ou
armour, perhaps of the Loveday family, c. 14I", and sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph office-
nE>ar this on the end of a pew is a curiously carved is at Newport
animal, possibly the crest of the family : IOill the chancel .A. School Board of 5 members was formed 26 March,
walls remains of fresco painting have lately (I 8go) been
1878; W. H. Wells, Newport, clerk to the board k
discovered : there is a very fine piscina in the chancel,
attendance officer
and a remarkably carved pulpit: the south aisle and
tower, -which are the oldest portions of the church, date Board School (mixed), erected in I88I, for 70 children;
from about IIOO: the east window of the north aisle is average attendance, 53; Miss Helena Davis, mistress
stained. In the churchyard is a marble slab to lVilliam Railway Station, Audley End, William Saward, station
:Nicholson of this church, once a midshipman in Nel- master
~>on's ship "Vanguard," who died I5 Dec. I886, aged I04 Carriers to Saffron Walden, Franklin, tues. & sat.;
years. The register dates from the year I538. The J effrey sat
Barnes Rev. Charles Edward M.A. Cornwell Mrs. Wm. Wendens place Barnard Brothers, coal, corn, seed &:;
Vicarage Thomson Miss, Wendon cottage manure merchants & general Pgcnts.
Collins l\Irs Barker William, shoe maker Audley End railway station ; & a\
High str~t & Railway station, Davis William, Fighting Cock P.H ] Havers William, shopkeeper
Saffron Walden, Little bury&; Elsen- Francis Alfred, brick manufacturer, Perry .Arthur, farmer,· Clanver End
ham; head office, Newport S.O Audley End station Rabinson John G. far", Trout hall
Coleman George, Bell P.H Hag-ger Stephen, farmer, Bulse farm Saich Waiter Isaac, Neville- Arms P.H.
Cornwell Thomas (l\Irs.) &; Charles Holland .Alfred J. miller (steam & & posting establishment ·
W. farmers, Wenden hall water), Wenden mills Thomas Samuel, blacksmith
WENDON LOFTS is a parish 6 miles west from the late John Wilkes esq. and held since 1890 by the
Saffron Walden and 4 west-north-west from Audley End Rev. Herbert Giles Brabant Smith L. Th. of University
junction station on the Great Eastern railway,in the North- College, Durham, who resides at Elmdon. Lofts Hall,
ell'Il division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron an ancient Elizabethan mansion of brick, dating from
Walden petty sessional division, union and county court 1579, pleasantly seated and commanding an extensive
district and in the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, arch- view to the south, is occupied by the family of the late
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St . .Albans. 'fhe John Wilkes esq. The wil is principally hea.vy, with
church of St. Dunstan, situated in the grounds of and some mixed; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are barley,
close to Lofts Hall, is an edifice of cut flint with stone wheat and roots. The area is 777a. 2r. 26p. ; rateable
dressings_, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, north value, £756; the population in 1891 was 67.
and south porches and a western tower, with four pin- PO~D STREET is half a mile south.
nacles, containing 3 bells: the fittings of the interior Sexton, Samuel Waters.
are entirely of aak: there is a br3Jss to 1Villiam Lucas Letters arrive through Saffron Walden by foot messenger
and Katherine his wife, c. 1450, with figures of these at 9 a.m. Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m. Elmdon is
and of eight children, one being an abbot. The register the nearest post & money order office & Saffron Walden
of baptisms dates from 1674; burials, I675; marriages, the nearest telegraph office
I678. The living is a rectory annexed to the vicarage of National School (mixed), Duddenhoe End, for 70 chil-
Elmdon, corn rent [342 ; net yearly value [305 ; in- dren; average attendance, 50; Miss Elizabeth Perks,
eluding 26 acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of mistress
Wilkes Miss, Lofts hall Edridge Henry .A. miller (wind)/ Wright Arthur, bailiff to Henry
Mills .Alfred, farmer Lofts mill Rolfe esq
WENNINGTON is a small parish and village, near sent rector, who died in 188I, and on the south side of
the shore of the Thames, I~ miles south-east from Rain- chancel is a memorial window to Frederick Brady, late
ham station on the London, Tilbury and Southend rail- paymaster in chief, R.N. The chuch was restored in
way, 5 miles south from Romford, 2 north-west from I886 at a cost of about £I,ooo, from plans by and
Purfleet and I4 from London, in the South Eastern divi- under the supervision of the Rev. Ernest Geldart,
sfun of the county, Chafford hundred, Orsett petty ses- rector of Little Braxted, when the south aisle was
sional division, Romford union and county court district, rebuilt on the old foundations, and other improvements
rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and made ; in the course of the work, the ends of the
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary and St. Perpendicular rood screen, bearing traces of colour,
Peter is an ancient building of flint and stone, consist- were discovered embedded in the nave walls. The
ing of chancel, nave, aisles, and a nnall embattled western register dates from the year 1757. The living is a
tower of Kentish rag, containing I hell, dated 1662: this rectory, average tithe rent-charge [320, net yearly
church was originally of Norman foundation, of which value £275, with 4t acres of land, but without house,
the chancel retains some traces, as well as of the Lancet in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since I874
period; but the structure was almost entirely rebuilt by the Rev. Nicholas Brady M. A.. of Trinity College,
and probably enlarged at various times; the south aisle CambridgP, who resides at Rainham Hall. There is no
was eventually pulled down and its arcade bricked up, manor, Robert 'Vestley Hall Dare esq. of Kewtownbarry
but it was rebuilt on the old foundation in I886: in House, eo. Wexford and Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard
the south wall of the chancel is a plain piscina and there hart. of Belhus, are the principal landowners. The soil
is another in the north aisle : the font, of Purbeck is gravelly and sandy; subsoil, gravel. A large par-
marble, consisting of an octagonal basin, on a shaft and tion of the parish is marsh land used for pasture. The
plinth, is 15th century work: some ancient oak bencl).es chief crops are wheat and barley, also peas and other
with finials remain in the tower: the pulpit is Jacobean vegetables. The area is 1,301 acres of land and 207
and retains an ancient hour glass stand, which has been water; rateable value, [3,706; the population in 1891
utilized for the purpose of a pulpit lamp: in the north was 3IO.
aisle :hs a sma.ll and curious mural tablet of alabaster, Church Official, William Phillips.
with kneeling figures and an inscription, to Dr. Bust, Post Office. Reuben Edwards, sub-postmaster. Letters
ob. I6 Jan. 1624, and to Henry, his son, rector here, ob. through Rainham S.O. delivered at 7 a.m. &:, 12 noon;
22 Dec. I625: below are verses in Latin and English dispatched at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order &
and above, a shield of arms : there is also an inscription telegraph office is at Rainham. Postal orders are
to 'Villiam Gordonman, bur. 4th February, I6o9: at issued here, but not paid
the east end of the north aisle is an altar, formerly in A School Board of 5 members was formed 24 May, I875 ;
the church of St . .Andrew, Halstead: the oak reredos, Rev. N. Brady, chairman & correspondent to the board
adorned with painted panels, is a memorial to the late Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 6o children;
Sir Antonio Brady kt. J.P., F.G.S. father of the pre· average attendance, 54; )fiss Rebekah Dickerson, mist
Hempleman Fredk. S. Wennington ho I Oliver Joseph, shopkpr. &:, dairyman Swann & Thomson, farmers & mar-
Thomson Charles Fox, W ennington hall Spear & Vellacott, farmers, East hall ket gardeners ; & at Rainham
Grainger James, Lennard Arms P.H & Coldharbour farms Wiffen William, coffee house keeper
Holmes Samuel Thomas, grocer Stock Thomas, shopkeeper
WETHERSFIELD is a parish and ancient village, Marsh, late ·dear, who was killed in the Afghan war,
near the Blackwater, 6£ miles north-west from Braintree 1878-So, and another to )lr. Thomas White: the in-
station on the Braintree and Dunmow branch, and 7 west terior of the church and the exterior of the chancel were
from Halstead station on the Colne Vallev •
line of the wholly restored in 1876-7. The register of baptisms
Great Eastern railway, 8 mst from Thaxted and 47 from dat-es from 1648; burialso, 1647; marriages, 1701. The
London, in the Eastern division l()f the county, Hinckford living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge {,250,
hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional division (Brain- net yearly value [26I with 2~ acres of glebe, in the gift-
tree bench), Braintree union and county court district of the )faster and Fellows of Trinity Hall, Cambridge,
and in the rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry of and held since I88g by the Rev. Reginald Hay Hill
Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. Tha church of LL.B. of that college. The Ecclesia..._~ical Commi'ssioners
St. ~lary :Magdalen is an ancient edifice of flint in mixed hold the rectorial tithes. This benefice was a rectory
styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, until I492. The vicarage house was left by a former
porches and a plain western tower containing 6 bells vicar, in trust to the Master and Fellows of Trinity Hall,
and a clock: in the church are monuments to the Cambridge, to be rented by the vicar of W ethersfield,
Clerke, Mott, Fitch, Wnite and Mar~h families, including but until occupied by the present vicar had ceased to
one to John Clerke, ob. r68I-2, another to the Rev. be so used for over roo years; the hon<:e contains an
Jonathan Wnite, vicar, d. 1 Sept. 178S, and a splendid old library, left in the reign of Charles II. by the Rev.
monument to Mark l\Iott esq. erected by Dorothy 1\Iott, Henry Pelsant. Here is a Congregational chapel, built
founder of Mott's charity, valued at £400: there are in 1662 and rebuilt in 1822 with 400 sittings. In 1634,
also recumbent alabaster figures 10\f a man and his wife, \Valter Wiltshire, of Great Windsey, in .f.inchingfield
dated 1462 : the nave is separated from the chancel by parish, who died in 164I, left the farm, comprising I05
an ancient oak screen: there are 5 stained windows, acres, now producing a gross rental of £6o yearly, for
including one to Lieut. ~Iarsh, son of the Rev. William a Sunday afternoon and Thursday morning lecture, which
Bradbury esq. who died in 1622, and is a small house Edmund Byng esq. The soil is heavy on the hills and
with ornamental gables and the arms of the Bradbury mixed; subsoil, chalk, with some gravel in the lowlands ;
family over the door. The Bonhunt farm is about half a in the valley the crops are principally on the four-course
mile east from the church, and adjoining it is the dPse~ shift. The area is 822 acres; rateable value, £944; the
crated chapel of St. Helen, which existed as far back as population in 1891 was 166.
the wth century: it consists of a small chancel and nave Parish Clerk and Sexton, George Gayler.
of very e~rly Norman work and is now used as a barn; Letters through Bishop's Stortford, via Newport, arrive
it is probable tliat this was formerly a parish church, but at 6.30 & 10.30 a.m. A Letter Box has been placed in
the parish becoming consolidated with Wicken it fell to the wall of the rectory grounds, which is cleared at
decay: two stone coffins and some human bones were dug 8.50 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. on week days; no collection on
up in a. close adjoining. The Hall, which adjoins the sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph office
church and is now a farmhouse, was formerly surrounded is at Newport
by a moat. The principal landowners are Joseph Charles National School (mixed), for 6o children; average at-
Thomas Smith M.A. who is lord of the manor, and Hat·old tendance, 42; l\Iiss Ida C. Wright, mistress
Bliss Rev. Wm. Blowers M.A. Rectry COMMERCIAL. Gayler George, parish clerk & sexton
Byng Harold Edmund J.P. Bonhunt Byng Harold Edmund, farmer & land- Moore George, miller (wind)
n>tterell Edmund, Wicken hall owner, Bonhunt Negus Samuel, farmer, Lower farm
Pollitt Mrs. The Brick house Bunting Ralph, Three Horse Shoes P.H Ruse Herbert John, miller (wind)
Wright ~fiss Cotterell Edmd. farmer, Wicken hall Smith Robert, farmer

WICKFORD (Wykeford, Wygeford, or Wicfort) is a rectory, yearly average tithe rent-charge £,361, net
named from its situation at the ford of the Crouch, in a yearly value £,282, with residence and 42 acres of glebe,
hollow between Billericay and Rayleigh, where a village in the gift of the Hon. Misses Brodrick, and held since
of this name existed in the time of King Edward the 1888 by the Rev. George Porter M.A. of Christ's College,
Confessor : it is 29 miles from London, s! east from Cambridge. The Congregational chapel, erected in
Billerieay, II west from Rochford on the road between 1874-5, has 300 sittings; in 1891 school rooms were added
the t~o towns, 5 north from Pitsea station on the Tilbury and are used as a village reading room during the week.
and Southend railway, and has a station on the Great Col. Fane, who is lord of the manor and George Brunwin
Eastern railway to Southend,and the l\Ialdon branch starts esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed;
from this place. The parish is in the Mid division of subsoil, heavy loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional oats, beans and peas. The area iS 1,751 acres; rateable
division, Southend county court district, Billericay union. value, £,2,533; the population in 1891 was 501.
and in the rural deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Parish Clerk and Sexton, Thomas Bell; deputy, William
Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. The Crouch is here Tilbrook.
crossed by three bridges. The church, supposed by an Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
inscription on one of the bells to have been dedicated to & Insurance Office (Sub-Office. Letters should have
St. Catherine, is an edifice of stone, rebuilt in 1876 5n the S.O. Essex added.)-George English, postmaster.
Early English style, and consisting of chancel, nave, south Letters arrive at 7·5 a.m.; second arrival at 9 a.m.;
porch and a turret at the west end containing 2 bells, one dispatched at 12.20 & 6 p.m. Sunday, arrive at 7·5
of which, dated 1460, bears the inscription " Sancta a.m. ; dispatched 10 a.m
Katerina, ora pro nobis :" there is a stained window in Schools (mixed), built in 186r, for 62 children; average
the nave to Henry Aubrey Bell, d. 1877; the east window attendance, 57; Miss Lovell, mistress
is a memorial to Henry Stone, churchwarden, d. 1883, to
whose memory a smaller window has also bel.'n erected Carriers to
by members of the family and a few personal friends : Chelmsford-Moses Murray, fri.; Edwd. Cox, tues. & fri
there are 250 sittings. The register of baptisms and Railway Station, ·wickford Junction, Thomas Lucking,
burials dates from 1538 ; marriages, 1561. The living is station master

Finn Frederick, Croft house Franklin Henry Edward, butcher & Perry IIenry, shoe maker
Hawes Rev. Jesse (Congregational) cattle dealer Ruffhead James, Castle inn, commer-
Marshall John Gigney James, saddler, harness mkr. cial & family hotel & coal & coke mer
Porter Rev. George M. A. Rectory ironmonger, oilman & upholsterer; Rushbrook Frank Lawrence, vet. surg
COMMERCIAL. garde!l & other seeds ; ~ at East Simpson James, shoe maker
Hannmgfield. See advertisement Skeels Thomas, farmr. Old Barn farm
Bartlett J ames (Mrs.), general dealr Lister Abraham, farmer, Glebe farm Stone Julia (~ss), farmer, Wickford
Bell Thomas, farmer, Beeches ~Iansfield Matthew Geo. insur. agent hall & Wick farm
Butcher Mark, shopkeeper :\Iarshall John, surgeon & medical Summers Montague, artist, Lynden ho
Carter Samuel, builder & undertaker officer & public vaccinator, sth dis- True Robert, draper & confectioner
Champion Sarah (Miss), private day trict, Chelmsford union & Wickford Upson David, saddler & harness maker
school district, Billericay union Ward Alfred, blacksmith
Clark George, builder & contractor Mott Chas. com. trav. & tea dealer White John, grocer & wine merchant
Cox Edward, beer retailer & carrier Mott Edwin, farmer, Belchams & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim.
Dean George, wheelwright Nicholls Joseph, farm bailiff to Geo. wine & spirit merchants
Elgie John, carpenter Brunwin esq Wickford Cricket Club (R. Patmore,
English George, baker & shopkeeper, Patmore George Hellen, baker, grocer sec.), Castle hotel
Post office & draper Wright Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker
WICKHAM :BISHOPS, a parish and village, 'ln the some distance from the village, _consists of chancel and
banks of the Blackwater, was from time jmmemorial in nave and a bell turret, but is now disused. The register
• the possession of the Bishops of London, who occasi;mally of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1662 and
resided here, and stands on one of the highest points in marriages from r663. The living is a rectory, average
the county, commanding a beautiful and extensive view tithe rent-charge £,342, net yearly value £,265, with 8o
from all points ; it has a station on the

Maldon branch

acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
of the Great Eastern railway, and is 40! miles from St. Albans and held since 1886 by the Rev. Alfred S"'lell
London, II! north-east from Chelmsford, 3t north from M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, hon. canon of St.
)laldon and 2! south from Witham, in the Eastern .Albans, rural dean of Hatfield Peverel, and surrugate.
division of the county, Thurstable hundred, \Yitham On an eminence adjoining the parish, at the head of
petty sessional division, Maldon union and county court Tiptree Heath, is a beacon, erected during the time of
district and in the rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, the threatened invasion of Napoleon I. Wickham Hill
archdeaconry of Colchester and dioces~ of St. Albans. hou!!e, the farm of Mr. Ernest Fairhead, is pleas:tntly
The church of St. Bartholomew, consecrated September, situated near the summit of the hill. The Ecclesia~tical
I85o, was erected by the late :1\'liss Leigh, daughter of Commissioners are lords of the manor. The Hon. Mrs.
the late Rev. Thomas Leigh, rector here from 1803, at a Byron and the trustees of John Wright esq. are the
cost of about £4,ooo, from the designs of Mr. Ewan principal landowners. The land i!! chiefly arable and
Christian, architect; it is a building of Kentish rag and light ; subsoil, gravel and sand. The chief crops are
Caen_ stone in the Early English style and consists of wheat, beans and barley. The area is r,5 -lO acres of land;
chancel, nave, north aisle, north porch and a western rateable value £,2,400; the population in 1891 was 473·
tower with a lofty spire containing one bell: there is a Parish Clerk, George King.
finely carved font with lofty oak cover: pearly the whole
of the windows are stained and there are 300 !!ittings. Post & Telegraph Offici.'.-)Irs. Emmaretta Brown, sab-
The old church, a small and ancient edifice standing at postmistress. Letters received through 1\itha.m at

7.30 a. m. & 12.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.50 p.m. ; sun. pense of the Rev. Stratford Leigli, formerly curate of
at 12.40 p.m. The nearest money order office is at this parish, for about 100 children; average attendance,
Great •.rotham 70 ; :Miss Constance Millburn, mistress
National School (mixed), built in 1850, at the gole ex- Carrier to London. l\farvin, to Three Nuns' inn, .ildgate
Dixon Thomas Butle1 Beard Oharlotte (Mrs.), grocer & Davey Frederick, Chequers P .H
Fairhead Mrs. The Grange pork butcher Fairhead Ernest A. farmer, Wick-
Fairhead :Miss Beard William, wheelwright ham Hill house
Otway Mrs Beck Emily (Miss), dress maker Harvey Waiter, grocer & draper
Snell Rev. Canon Alfred 1\I.A. (rector, Bickmore William Thomas, fiyman Marvin Charles, farmer, The Grallge ·
rural dean & surrogate), Rectory Bridge Charles, beer retailer Marvin David, carrier
Strutt Hon. Charles Hedley B.A., J.P. Bro"u Emmaretta. (Mrs.), baker, Mono Ernest, farmer
Wickham hall Post office Sparks Ann Maria. (Mrs.), grocer
Townsend Major George Philip D.L,, Brown Moses, shopkeeper Warren Ann (Mrs.), Carpenters'
J.P. Wickham Place Collins Henry, thatcher Arms P.H ·
Weston Mrs. Whitehall Dixon Thomas Butler, miller (water Williams Arthur Borrett, farmer &
Bareham Jose:p_h, wheelwright & steam) & farmer blacksmith
WICKHAM ST. PAUL is a village and parish, and baptisms, marriages and burials dates from 1609, and the
received its suffix from having belonged to the cath~dral second from 1701, no regular register being kept between
of St. Paul since the wth century; it is on the road the two dates. The living is a rectory, average tithe-
from Braintree, through Castle Hedingham to Sudbury, rent-charge £3oo, with residence and 19 acres of g1~be,
4 miles south-west from Sudbury station on the ~Lmr in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul, and held
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 3 north- since 1889 by the Rev. William Henry Cave-Browne 1\I.A.
east from Hedingham station on the Colne Valley railway, of Christ Church, Oxford. Here is a Primitive Methodist
5 miles north from Halstead and SI from London, ~n the chapel. The charities amount to about £12 yearly. The
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's are lords of the manor.
South Hinckford petty sessional division (Halstead b~nch), The landowners are John A. Copland esq. Mr._ .Ambrose
Sudbury union and county court district, and in the Ruffle and several smaller owners. The soil is a strong
rural deanery of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester loam; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a barley, turnips and mangolds. The area is 1,224 acres;
small edifice of brick, in the Early English style, con- rateable value, £1,424; the population in I89I was 324.
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, north transept, south Post Office.-Syer vVilliam Johnson, sub-postmaster. Let-
porch and an embattled western tower c>f brick, with ters through Halstead arrive at 8. I$ a.m. & via Castle
four pinnacles, erected about rsr5, and containing 4 bells : Hedingham at 1.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 5 p.m. by
the chancel and nave were refitted and the windows of foot post. The nearest money order & telegraph office
the latter restored and enriched with staineg glass at is at Castle Hedingham. Postal orders issued here,
the expense of the late Canon W. Key Borton M.A. rector but not paid
here from 1835: the church was thoroughly restored and Church of England School (mixed\ built in r852, for 70
a transept added. to the north aisle in 1866: in 1893 the children; average attendance, 55; Miss Janet Froment,
4th bell was recast and replaced in the tower by the Rev. mistress
Cecil Deedes M.A. rector 1882-9, in memory of his Carrier. William Hume, to Halstead, mon. & fri. & to
parents: there are r6o sittings. The earliest regist:!r of Sudbury thurs. & sat
Cave-Browne Rev. William Henry :M.A. Hardy Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. & frmr Ruffle Ambrose, farmer & landowner,
Rectory Hardy John Robert, farmer, Copy fm Park farm
Gardiner Edward, The Hall Hume William, carrier Ruffle Robert Blackman, Oak & Brick-
Ruffle Ambrose, Park farm Johnson Lucy (Mrs.), farmer , wall farms
Bull Wm. miller (wind) & farmer .Johnson Syer William, shoE' maker / Turp .Tames, whiting maker
Gardiner Edward, farmer, The Hall Layzell John, Victory P.H ! ·warren Arthur, farmer, Catley farm

WIDDINGTON is an ancient parish and village Cambridge. The Congregational chapel, erected in x858,
situated on the river Cam, 2 miles south-west !um has 6o sittings. Here is a Working Men's Reading Uo1m
Newport station on the Great Eastern (Cambridg;;l) rail- and Club, established in 1884, and self-supporting.
way, 5 south-west from Saffron 'Valden, 8 north-north- Widdington Hall, now a farmhouse, had formerly a
east from Bishop's Stortford, and 37 from London, m the private chapel, which has been converted into a par!Pur.
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Here are two manors. William Fuller-Maitland esq.
Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and county 1\I.P., J.P. of Stansted Hall, is lord of ·the manor of
court district, andl in the rural deanery of Newport, arch- Widdington with Veyses; and New College, Oxford, of the
deaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St. Albans. The manor of Priors Hall. The principal landowners are New
church Qf St. Mary the Virgin is a small buildi,lg of College, Oxford, Lord Braybrooke and Mrs. Griffiths
stone, principally in the Early English style, and consists Smith. The soil is mixed and heavy; subsoil, clay and
of chancel, nave, south porch, and an embattled western chalk. The chief crops are cereals, generaily on the four-
tower surmounted by four pinnacles, and contaimug 3 course shift. The common lands inclosure is now cotn-
bells : the church ( excleding the chancel)) was restored pleted. The area is 1,997 acres; rateable value, [4,595 ;
in I872-73, at a cost of £2,5oo, the tower being rebuilt the population in 189I was 412.
on the foundations of the old one, which fell down in Post Offi.ce.-Joseph Holgate, sub-postmaster. Letters
1871: all the windows except those on the north sid~ are
through Newport S.O. arrive at J.I$ a.m. &
stained: the font, presented by the late Rev. W. J. C1pe-
a.m. ; dispatched at ro.2o a.m. & 5·55 p.m.; Jn snn·
land B.D. rector of Farnham (1839-85) is designed from
the fragments of an old font found in the modern wall day, arrive at 8. I$ a.m. ; dispatched at 9·5 a.m. Xl·W·
port is the nearest money order & telegraph CJffice.
at the west end of the nave : an additional burial ground
Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
was consecrated by the Bishop of Rochester on the re-
opening of the church. The register dates from the year National School (mixed), built in r863, for I04 children;
r666. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-chqrge average attenda.nce, 75 ; Miss Mary Rebecca Hawkins,
£434, net yearly value £386, including residence and 40 mistress
acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1886 by the Carriers to Saffron vValden.-Walter Salmon, on tues.
Rev. James Waiter Court B.A. of St. John's Coll~ge, & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clausen George, jun. artist, Bishop's Pettitt Emma (Mrs.), blacbmith
Clausen George Dennison Charles, yeast dealer Reed George, farmer
Clausen George, jun. Bishop's Fisher Mark, artist, Aberyswith ho Reed Harriet (Mrs.), baker
Court Rev. Jas. Waiter, B.A. Rectory Free Emma (Mrs.), frmr. Ringers farm Salmon Waiter, carrier
Fisher Mark, Aberyswith house Ho! gate J oseph, grocer & shoe malwr, Simmonds Eliza (:Mrs.), laundress
Hawkins Miss Post office Smith Amos.1Villiam theConquerorP.H
Hodge John Henry, Rectory cottage Holgate Frank, shopkeeper & farm~:r Smith Robert, boot maker
Smith Mrs. Griffiths, The Hut Hopwood Frederick, Fleur-de-Lis P.H Smith Spencer, frmr. Waldegrave farm
Stride William, Prior's hall Hav James, baker Smith Thomas, beer retailer
Ketteridge Allan, bricklayer Stanley William, thatcher
MarkweP Thos. farmer, The Newlan•ls Thurgood Emma (Mrs.), carpenter
Banks David, gamekeeper to Charles Xewman Charles, higgler Working Men's Reading Room & Club
Marshall esq Perry George Woodcock, farmer h (John Henry Hodge, sec)
Brand Emma (Mrs.), 8hopkeeper miller (wind), Widdington hall Wright Frederick William, bricklayer
WIDFORD (the name of which is supposed to be de- are of the yearly value of [22, derived from Consols and
rived from a ford over the Wid, a feeder of the Cheimer) stock left by Lady Falkland, the Rev. Dr. Saunders and
is a parish on the ancient Roman and modern road from Messrs. Benjamiu Sargeant and Labouchere, and
London to Colchester, in the l\lid division of the cour.ty, given partly in bread on Sundays and in clothes and coal
Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional division snd at Christmas. Hylands, a spacious mansion in the midst
county court district, rural deanery of Ingatestoij.e, arch- of a large and well-wooded park of 596 acres, commanding
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St . .Albans. .A ]Ja!·t of extensive views of the surrounding country, is the seat of
the village is in the parish of Chelmsford, and distant 2 Arthur Pryor esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor
miles -south-west from Chelmsford station on the Great and chief landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel
Eastern railway. 'l'he church of St. Mary, erected in and clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley,
1862 on the sli'te of the older edifice, at the sole cost of turnips, mangolds and clover. The area IS 632 acr~s of
Arthur Pryor esq. J.P. is a building of stone in the land; rateable value, [4-o6r; the population in 1891
Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, was 293.
north aisle and a western tower with pinnacles and an Sexton, Alfred Turban.
octagonal spire rising to the height of 145 feet, and con- Post Office.-John & Mrs. 1\Iary Dains, sub-postmaster &,
taining 8 bells of the same date as the church: m the mistress. Letters through Chelmsford arrive at 7 &
churchyard is the tomb of Sarah,. widow
d "f of Henry,
f L . 1oth
h 11 a.m.;
d' t h d t
1spa c e a n.1o a.m. &
7.15 p.m.; sun-
earl of S u o lk B k h
an d er s Ire, an WI e 0 ucms, 7t day dispatch, 6 p.m. Moulsham is the nearest money
Viscount Falkland, ob. 1776, which formerly stood on the order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
site of the present church, but was altered and removed but not paid
to its present position in 1862. The register dates from
the year 16 19. The Fving is a rectory, average bthe Police Station, Sergeant Arthur A. Lunniss
rent-charge £r86, net yearly value, [201, with 20 acres Parochial School (mixed), built in 1859 & enlarged in
of glebe and residence, in the gift of Arthur Pryor esq. 1894 at the expense of .Arthur Pryor esq. for Ioo
and held since 1893 by the Rev. Hugh Townshend Wilson children; average attendance, about 55; Miss F1orence
M.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. The charities E. Taylor, mistress
(The names marked * are in the Wilson Rev. Hugh Townshend M.A. Fraser Robert, shopkeeper & beer
. parish of Chelmsford.) Rectory retailer
Clarke Francis, Holly cottage Blackburn James, carpenter *Je.ffers Richard, Silent Woman P.H
Coleman George Hy. Mount cottage Bryan George, shopkeeper Pannell Henry, farmer, Widford hall
Pryor Arthur D.L., J.P. Hylands *Calver George, optician, Hill house *Shelley John, blacksmith
Warner Robert, "Widford lodge Fleming Robert, farmer, Elms farm Thorn Ann (l\I,·s.), White Horse P.H
GREAT WIGBOROU~H is a parish 7 miles Col. Gordon Watson, and held since 1886 ry the Rev.
south-west from Colchester, 8 south from Marks Tey Frederick Theobald M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford.
station on the Great Eastern railway, and I I north- There are two manors, viz. Abbots Hall and Barn Hall;
east from Maldon, in the North Eastern division of the the manorial rights of the former are held by the
county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty trustees of the late Dr. Cline, and the latter by Sir
sessional division and union, Cruchester county court \Viliiam Neville Abdy hart. who, with Mr. Charles
district, rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Col- Hutley, is the principal lando\uier. The soil is heavy;
chester and diecese of St. .Albans. The parish anciently subsoil, strong loam. The chief crops are wheat and
belonged tQ the Abbess of Barking, and ils so recorded beans. The area is 2,524 acres of land and 86 water;
in the Domesday Survey: it afterwards passed to the rateable value, [r,16o; the population in 1891 was 270.
priory of St. Osyth. The church of St. Stephen, situ- Parish Clerk, James Cadman.
ated on the top of a hill, is a building of flint and Letters from Colchester via Peldon arrive about 7.30
rubble in the Early English and Decorated <>tyles, and a.m. The nearest money order office is !'eldon, &:.
cansists of chancel and nave, south porch and an em- telegraph office is at Tolleshunt D' Arcy
battled western tower of stone with pinnacles and con· Pillar Box cleared at 6 p.m. \V all Letter Box, at School,
taining 2 bells: the church was restored during the cleared at 6.30 p.m
period 1886-94. The register of baptisms dates from National School (mixed), built in 1854 & enlarged in
1602; burials, .I570; and marriages, 1560. The living 188g, for So children; average attendance, 52; Mrs.
is a rectory, with that of Little Wigborough anr-exed, J. Hill, mistress
average tithe rent-charge £426, joint net yearly value Carrier.-William Christmas, to Colchester, mon. wed.
£3oo, with 116 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of fri. & sat
Root Mrs Balls James, beer retailer Hutley Charles, farmer & landowner,
Theobald Rev. Frederick 1\LA. Rectory Bell John, King's Head P.H Brick house
cmnrEnCIAL. Cause Daniel & Abel, saddlers Williamson John, farmer & road sur-
Ab bott William ( exors. of), farmers Christmas William, carrier veyor
.Alen Samuel (trustees of), farmers Cook John, wheelwright
LITTLE WIGBOROUG.H is a parish about I mile with 20 acres o{ glebe here, in the gift of Col. Gordon
south-east from Great Wigborough, near the marshes \Yatson, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Frederick
and creeks or the estuary of the Blackwater, in the Theobald 1\I.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, who resides
North Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, at Great Wigborough. The manor and land chiefly belong to
Lexden and \Vinstree petty sessional division 11nd union, the Governors of the Charterhouse, London. The soil
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Mer- is heavy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat,
!!ea, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. beans and a considerable quantity of pasture. The area
Albans. The church of St. Stephen, situated near the is 1,214 acres of land and 168 wat-er; rateable value,
sea shore, is a building of stone in the J~arly English £439; the population in 1891 was 84.
style, restored in 1886-1887 at a cost of £ 1,ooo, and ·
consists of chancel and nave and an embattled western Letters through Colchester arrive about 8 a.m. Pel-
- don is the nearest money order office & 'folleshunt
tower, with pinnaeles, oontaining one bell, The regis- D'Arcy nearest telegraph office
ter m baptisms dates from 1586; buriaJs, 1588; mar-
riages, 15 92 . The living is a rectory, annexed io that Pillar Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m
of Great Wigborough, joint net yearly 'alue [300, The children attend school at Great Wigborough
Bean .A.Lex. ( exors. of), farmers, Copt hall
Hubbard Rev. John (curate)
I Wright John, farmer

WILLINGALE DOE (or Willingehall D'Eau, or built: the octa~onal font and the east windows are of
Rokely) is a parish 5 miles north-east from Ongar Perpendicular date; the chancel is fitted with stalls,
terminal station, on a branch of the Great Eastern and on the south side is a fine monument of black and
railway, 29 from London and 9 west from Chelmsford, white marble, to Sir Richard \Vyseman, of Torrell's
in the Western division of the county, Dunmow hun- Hall, knighted at Whitehall, 10 February, 161a, and died
dred, Ongar union and petty sessional •livi3ion, Chelms- the same year; and to his son Robert, ob. 16.p; the
ford county court district, rural deanery of Rod!ng, monument includes two small kneeling rgures, below
archdeaconrv •
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. 'l'he which on the table of the monument, lies a recumbent
church of St. Christopher is an edifice of stone, in the life-sized effigy; the whole is surrounded with shields
Decorated style of Edward IlL's reign, and CGDsists and other devices and has been painted and gilt:
of chancel, nave, north aisle, south pOII'ch and an em- at the end of the nave !s a brass with full-length figure
battled western tower, containing 4 bells, dated 161o, of Dorothy, wife of Thomas Brewster and daughter
1632, 1634 and 1797; the tower was rebuilt in 1853, of Sir Thomas Jocelyn •
kt. ob. 1611: on the south side
when the north wall of the nave, the most ancient are full-length figures in brass of a man ~nd Lis wife;
part of the church, was destroyed, and a north ai::.le the inscription attached to the former iS eff:lced, but
the latter appears to represent Anne, daughter of TORRELL'S HALL is a hamlet in this J.larish, I mile
Homfrey Torrell, of Torrell's Hall, and widow of John north; WALLS GREEN 2 mHes south, RADLEY
Sackfield esq. of Buckhurst, Sussex, ob. 1582. 'l'his GREEN 3 miles south-east, and MARVEL GRE&"'i
church and that of Willingale Spain are situated in (or Currier's Green) about 2 miles east.
the same churchyard. The register dates from the Parish Clerk, Samuel Childs. .
year ISS8. The living is a rectory with that of Shellow Post Office.-Joseph Brittain, sub-postmaster. Letters
Bowells and Berners Roding annexed, average tithe rent- arrive through Ongar S.O. from Brentwood at 8 a.m.;
charge £4so, joint net yearly value £soo, including 46 dispatched at 5 p.m.; sunday II.4o a.m. Ongar is
acres {)[ glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lieut.-Col. the nearest money order office; the nearest telegraph
Bramston, and held sr1nce 1883 by the Rev. John Swayne office is at Fyfield. Postal orders are issued here,
M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. Lieut.-Col. Thomas but not paid
Harvey Bramston, of Skreens Park, Roxwell, is lord :Kational School (mixed), built in 1863, for ISO chil-
of the manor and the principal landowner. The soil dren; average attendance, ISO; Alfred Henry Bickley,
is various ; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, master
beans, barley and oats. The area is I,763 acres; rate- Carrier to Chelmsford, mon. wed. & fri.; & to Chip-
able value, £1,702; the population in I891 was 37I. ping Ongar, daily, .Arthur Marriage
Swayne Rev. John M.A. Rectory Fincham Arthur, blacksmith Marriage Arthur, carrier
Black Stewart Henderson, farmer, Furze William Henry, farmer, Duke's Oddy William, shoe maker
Warden's hall Jackson .Arnold, farmer, Torrell's hall Raven John, grocer & draper
Brittain Joseph, grocer, Post office & Rowes farms Skingley Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer rtlr
Caton William Oliver, frmr. Diggings Lucking Arthur, farmer, Clap gates Taylor Henry, Maltsters' Arms P.H
Fenner William, Bell P.H Lucking Jabal, farmer, Sawyers Tween Denham, farmer, Mill farm
WILLINGALE SPAIN, anciently belonging to the foils and rosettes, while the shaft Is arched w1th cusps
family of de Hispania, is a parish near the Roding, S! and the plinths are finely ~Q!Ulded: there is a. fine
miles north-east from Ongar terminal station on a stained window at the east end to the Rev. Helll'y J.
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8! west from Parker, Eliza his wife and two of the_ir children and a
Chelmsford and 26 from London, in the Western divi- mural tablet to some members of the Brocket family:
sion of the county, Dunmow hundred, Ongar petty the church was restored in 1891 at a cost of about
sessional division and union, Chelmsford county court [570. The register dates from the year I576. The
district, rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge [240,
and diocese of St . .Albans. The church of St. Andrew net yearly value £2oo, with residence and 14 acres of
and All Saints, situated in the same churchyard as glebe, in the gift of the Crown, on the nomination of
that of Willingale Doe, is the southern and more ancient the Bishop of St. .Aibans, and held since r89o 1:-y the
of the two churches ; it is a small structure in the Early Rev. Charles Lennard Payne. Spains Hall is the seat
English style, of the reign of Henry Ill. consisting of of Miss Bracket, who is lady of the manor and princi-
chancel, nave, south porch, vestry and a western beliry pal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, marl. The
of wood, with spire, containing 2 bells: the chancel has chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,215
undergone considerable alterations but retains its sedilia acres; rateable value, £1,706; the population in I8gr
and piscina : the porch is modern, but the north door- was 2I5.
way is a curiOIUs relic, constructed with v.ery thin MILLER'S GREEN is half a mile north.
bricks and entirely destitute of mouldings~ the ancient Sexton, .Tames Perry.
and highly-wrought ironwork, made to the form of an Letters through Chipping Ongar arrive :1t 8 a.m. 'l'he
arch, is of corresponding date: the belfry is supported nearest money order office is at Chipping Ongar; the
by massive timbers spanning the nave in an arch-like nearest telegraph office is at Fyfield
form : the octagonal font is an elegant example of l~er- The children of this parish are educated at Willingale
pendicular work, ornamented at the top with quatre- Doe & the Radley Green National schools
Brocket Miss, Spains hall Brundish William, farmer, Hodgkins Gooday Henry, farmer, Minson's
P.ayne Rev. Chas. Lennard, Rectory Cutting Samuel, farm bailiff to Miss Johnson Charles, farmer, Hulks
Brown George, farmer, Brook end Brocket, Bridge farm Millbank Chas. Hy. farmer, Bassett's
Brown Henry, farmer Day Saml. beer rtlr. & frmr. Parnell's Rogers James, farmer, Alders
WIMBISH and THUNDERLY. Wimbish is a The principal landowners are the Gibson family, T. W.
large and very scattered parish, 4! miles south-east from Gayton esq. Brasenose College, Oxford, and the trustees
Saffron Walden statiOn OI• a J:>ranch of the Great Eastern of St. .Andrew's, Holborn, London. The soil is princi-
railway, and 4! north from Thaxted, in the Northern pally clay, in some parl.s of a gravelly nature; subsoil,
division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron blue clay. The crops are principally on the four-course
·walden petty sessional division, union and county court shift. The extent of the united parishes is 4,920 acres;
district and in the rural deanery of Dunmow, arch- rateable value [4,28I; tha population in I89I was 729.
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The THUNDERLY, once a distinct parish, was in 1425
church of All Saints consists of chancel, nave, north united with Wimbish: the parish church, which stood
aisle and south porch. the tower, rebuilt of brick after on the left of the road leading from Thaxted to Walden,
its partial destruction by lightning in 1756, contained has long ceased to exist, but the foundations are still
3 bells, of which the tenor is dated 1734 and the third to be traced. Thunderly Hall, now a farm house, is
1599: the church was partially restored and the chancel 2! miles west, near the road from Thaxted to Saffron
rebuilt in the Decorated style in I868; the tower Waldon.
was pulled down in I883 and has not yet been rebuilt:
the porch has a Norman arch, and retains a stoup : in WniBISH GREEN is 1! miles south. There is a
the church is a memorial to Mrs. Mary Wiseman, ob. mission room at HO"\YLET END for all denominations,
1654• and near the vestry entrance is a small but fine built in I874· Church services are held in the old
brass to Sir John de Wantone, ob. 1347, and Ellen, his school room every Wednesday evening.
wife, within the head of a mutilated cross : a palimpsest Parish Ulerk, Henry Matthews.
urass to Joan, widow of Strangman, c. 1570, the Post & M .. 0. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Teverse exhibiting an effigy of St. John, was lost in 1868: Benjamin Buck, sub-postmaster. Letters through Saf-
there is some fine glass of the 15th century in the fron Walden are conveyed from there by messenger
vestry windows, and the church contains a tablet to the 'Maple,' Radwinter, where they are met by the
bearing the ten commandments, with the date 1568. Wimbish messenger at 8 8a.m. ; dispatched at 5· 15 p.m.
The register dates from the year IS72 and contains a Radwmter is the nearest telegraph office
list of the vicars from 1361. The living is a vicarage, A Sch•)ol Board of 5 member~ was formed 24 July, 1874;
with that of Thunderly annexed, average tithe rent- H. Carew Cox, Saffron Walden, clerk to the board
charge £2I5 ; net yearly value £204, including 12 acres Boa.rd School (mixed), built in 1876, for I 50 children;
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since average attendance, 85. Mrs. Mary "\Yiseman, mistress
1879 by the Rev. Robert James "'alsh, of Emmannel Carriers to Saffron 'Yaldeu, George Frost, tues. & sat.;
College, Cambridge. The trustees of the late George Thomas Overall, tues. & sat. ; George Tyrrell, wed.
Stacey Gibson esq. are lords of the manor of Wimbish. & fri
Bowen Rev. Edward Charles Jackson Baynes John, farmer, Little Gowers Cornell Edwd. farmr. & dlr. Cole end
B..A. (curate) Blanks William, wlieelwright Franklin John, frmr. Swallows frm
Walsh Rev. Robert James, Vicarage Buck Benjamin, sh(}pkpr. & Post office Giffen Henry, farmer, Westleys
COMMERCIAL. Chapman Mary (M1ss), beer retailer, Jeffery John, farmer, Lower farm
.Anderson Thos. farmer, Freeman's frm Upper e-reen Ketteridg-e Alfred, bricklayer
Bass Waiter, shopkeeper Clayden John, farmer, Stonards Ketteridge Jn. bricklayer, Lower grn
Ketteridge Saul, White Hart P.H Norden Arthur Charles, blacksmith, Wells Herbt. Chas. frmr. Hawes farm
Kettley Chas. farmer, Tiplofts, Frogs Howlett end Winder Matthew Henry, farmer,
green, Cole end, Wimbish Hall, Par- Pallett William, farmer, Elder street Thunderly hall
sonage, Sewers end, Abbots, & Parkin John, shoe maker Wiseman William & Thomas, farmers.
Campions farms Ridgwell Wm. farmer, High Garrett Pinkney
Marshall Chas. Star P.H. Howlett end Rule Joseph, farmer, Hodges farm Wiseman Edwd. frmr. New House frm
:Yarshall Suddy, farmer, Maypole Rushforth Jas. farmer, Joy~e's farm Wiseman Edward, jun. farmer, Wim-
Matthews Charles, shoe maker Savill Susan (Mrs.), cattle dea!er & bish parsonage farm
Munson Geo. miller (wind) & shopkpr farmer, Gunter's farm Wiseman Joseph, farmer, Elms farm
Mynott Eliza (Mrs.), farmer Scruby Thos. We strop, frmr.Broadoaks Wright John, farmer, Upper green
)fynott William Huntington, miller Sharp Alfred, farmer, Wiggles 1Vright William, farmer
(steam) & farmer, Lower green Stalley David, beer retailer, Lower grr
WITHAM with CHIPPING HILL is a pleasant 1 average tithe rent-charge £203, with 127 acres of glebe
and ancient town on the river Guith or Podsbrook, near and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Alban!;',
its confluence with the Blackwater; part of it lies on and held since I886 by the Rev. David Ingles ~LA. of
the ancient Roman and modern high road from London Trinity College, Cambridge. All Saints', a chapel of
to Colchester and the other part, known as "Chipping ease to the parish chur~.:h, is a building of cut flint with
Hill," lies around the church, half a mile from where the white brick quoms, in the Early English style, con-
main part of the tow.t is now situated : the Great sisting of chancel, nave and transepts, and was erected
Eastern railway has a station here, a branch line in I842, at a cost of £s,ooo, defrayed by subscription:
between Maldon and Braintree joining the main line at the land was given by the late W. H. Pattisson esq. :there
this point; it is 6 miles north from Maldon, 14 miles are 700 sittings, of which 400 are free. The Catholic
south-west from Colchester, 7 south-west from Cogges- church, dedicated to the Holy Family, is a modern
hall, 8 north-east from Chelmsford, 8 south-east from building of blue Kentish rag with dressings of Caen
Braintree and 38 from London and is in the Eastern stone, in the Early J<:nglisl: style, and consists of chancel.
division of the county and the chief place of the nave, sacristy, south porch and a western turret con-
hundred and head of a petty sessional division, in taining I bell : the church will hold zoo people and has
Braintree union and couniy court district, rural deanery a school adjoining. The Congregational chapel was re-
of WitLam, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of built in I84o, a.t a co~t of [I,700. There are also
St. Albans. The t0wn has a boal'd of health of 9 Baptist and Wesleyan Methodist chapels, and the Peculiar
members, establishf'ti in I852, and is lighted with gas People have a meetmJ house. The Public Hall, erected
oy a company. ·water is obtained from an artesian well in 1894, at a cost of £z,ooo, will seat 6oo persons. The
and a spring near Blunts Hall, and the supply is under market, originally held on Sunday, afterwards on Wed-
the control of the local board. The church of St. nesday, and then on Tuesdays, on Chipping Hill, where
Nicolas is an ancient but spacious and lofty edifice, the parish church is situated, is now discontinued. Mr.
chiefly in the Early Decorated style, with walls partially A. E. Clear of Maldon holds a fortnightly sale of fat and
built of Roman brick, and consists of chancel with aisles, store !;tock in a field adjoining the railway, near Chipping
nave of four bays, aisle~. a fine st;>uth porch and an Hill. There is a branch bank of Messrs. Sparrow & Co.
embattled western tower containing a clock and 6 bells : and a police station. ln the village are three blocks of
there are several stained windows: the Transition south almshouses, one of which is conn~cted with the Non-
door, dating from the 12tl. century, is the most ancient conformists, the othrrs being in charge of trustees: the
feature in the present structure, but the body of the total income of thes·e charities amounts to about £180
church appears to have been erected about 1327: the yearly, and the mosv ancient endowment is that of
church was repaired in the year I877 under the direction Thomas Green esq. which dates from 1491 and supports
of Mr. Joseph Clarke, architect, when the upper part 18 persons: there are other charities, amounting to £57
of the tower was rebuilt, two bells re-cast, the galleries yearly, which sum is distributed in bread and fuel. On
removed and the church partially reseated ; the cost of Chipping Hill are the remains of a circular camp, with
the whole was £z,ooo: the church contains a fine tomb a double vallum, probably of British origin. There are
with effigies and a Latin inscrintion to John Southcote, four manors, viz. :--lllunt·s Hall, Newlands and Chipping,
a justice of the Queen':; Bench, 1563 to 1584, ob. April and Hogend. Lord Rayleigh is a landowner and lord of
18th, I585, and to hi;~ wife: there are others to Sir the manor of Blunt"s Hall. Charles Henry Copley Du
Robert Nevill, ob. 1593; Robert Barwell gent. ob. 27 Cane esq. D:"L. of Braxted Park, is lord of the Newlands
June, 1697, and several tombs of the East family, and Chipping manors, and all property within these
baronets, including William East esq. buried here in manors is subject to a fine of one year's value upon
1726, to Sir Gilberc Ea8t bart. d. I I Dec. 1828, and also death or alienation: if. however, the person taking the
buried here ; and to four vicars of the church, viz. : - property were born within the manor, or be already a
Robert Tinley D. D. prebendary and archdeacon of Ely, tenant of it, no such fine is payable: this custom is
ob. 2S Nov. 1616; the V en. Jonas Warley D.D. d. 9 peculiar and there are but few instances in which it
Aug. 1722, the Ven. Andrew Downes M.A. d. 19 Oct. prevails. The vicar is lord of the manor of Hogend.
1820, and the Rev. J osepll Jefferson M.A., F.S.A. d. 28 The land is principally arable and level; subsoil, gravel.
Dec. I821 : in the floor of the chancel is a stone with a The area is 3,633 acre-; 0f land and I6 water; rat€able
much nbliterated inscription to Bishop Lindsell, 2nd value, [15,896; the population in 189I was 3,444, which
bishop of Colchester and one time vicar of this parish. is also the local board district; it includes 216 in the
The register of baptisms and marriages dates from 1669 South Metropohtan District Poor Law schools.
and of burials from 1678. The living is a vicarage,
Post, M. 0. & T. 0., !). B Express Delivery & Annuity Incoming Mails.
& Insurance Office.-Augustus Edward Goss, post- From Lonicn & all pa1·ts. delivery by postman & to
master. The office is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. for callers, 7 a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; London, Chelmsford &c.
postal business ; for telegraph business-week days, delivery by po!'tman, I 1.10 a.m. & to callers, I I a.m
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to IO a.m On Sunday-One delivery by postman commences at 7
Outgoing Mails. a.m. ; ontgomg mail-down 9.20 p.m.-up 10 a.m
London, Colchester, Ipwich & Kelvedon, 9.40 a.m. Lett€r Box at W1tham Raitway station cleared 9.15 &
(extra !d. stamp, 9.50 a.m.); registered until 9.30 11.25 a.m. & 6.25, 3-45 & 9· 15 p.m. ; sun day, 12.15
a.m p.m. ; office open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m
Ipswich, Colchester & down road letters, 12 p.m. (extra Letter Box, Metropolitan School, cleared at 9 & II. IO
!d. stamp, 12.10 p.m.) ; registered until a.m a.m. & 3-30, li.Io & <i p.m.; no collection on sunday
London & places through, 12.40 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, Chipping Hill To\m Suh-Office & M. 0. 0., S. B. &.
12.45 p.m.) ; registered until 12.10 noon .Annuity Insurdnce Ofll.ce.-Clarence Henry Hamblin,

London & places through; 4· 10 p.m. ; registered until receiver
4 p.m ~

Braintree & Maldon, 5 p.m. ; registered until 4·45 p.m "'~ 1st morning delivery at 7 a. m. from London & all parts
London &; places through, 7 p.m. ; registered until 'd
2nd , , I 1 a.m. , , p.m
Colchester, Kelvedon, Ipswich & all down road letters,
a) 3rd , , 7 p.m. , ,
9.20 p.m. (extra ~d. stamp, 9.40 p.m.); registered until ~ p.m Sundays rst 7 a.m.
" " "
London, Braintree, Cht>lffisford &c. 10 p.m. ; registered Dispatches-London & all parts 8 II.45 a.m. 3
until 9 p.m & 7 ·30 p.m. ; sundays, 12.15 a.m

County Magistrates for the "Yitham Divisitm. Braintree Umon &; Wickham District, Maldon Unioil,
Strutt The Hon. Charles Hedley B.A.. Wickham hall, William Gimson Gimson M.D
Registrar of Births & Deaths, \Yilliam Edwin Shee;
Witha.m, chairman
Rayleigh Lord F.R.S., LL.p., D.C.L. (Lord-lieut.), Ter- deputy, Harry Everard
ling place, Witham Registrar of Marrrages, Braintree Union, Harry Everard;
Roward-Vyse Lieut.-Gent>ral Ed-ward, The Lawn, Witham deputy, .A. W. Garrett
Lua.rd .Admiral William Garnham C.B., D.L. Witham Places of Worship, with times of service.
lodge, Witham St. Nicholas Church, Chipping hill, Rev. David Ingles
Luca.s Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Jas. The Wilderness, Witham l\I.A. vicar, 8 & 11 a.nt. & 3 p.m. ; wed. n.3o a. m
:Moss John esq. Thresht!]fords, Messing, Kelvedon .All Saints' chapel of easl', Guithavon street, 8 & n a.m.
Parker Charles .Alfred esq. Durwards, Rivenhall, Witham & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.; fri. II.3o a.m. & 7·30
Rann Ricliard Edward esq. l\I..A. Hill house, Messing, p.m. ; da1ly 8 a.m. &i 4.30 p.m
Kelvedon Holy Family Catholic, Newland street, Rev. Angelo
Salter .John Henry esq. D'Arcy house, Tolleshnnt D'.Arcy, Lucas, priest; mase, I 1 a.m. ; evening service, 6.30
Kelvedon Baptist, Maldon road, ministers, various, 10.30 a.m. 2.30
Townsend :Major George Philip, Wickham pl. Witham & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
Townsend Capt. William Johnson Howard, Berwick place, Congregational, High street, Rev. F. A. Walker, 10.45
Hatfield Peven~l. Witham a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m .
Clerk to the Magistrates, William Bindon Blood, "Yitham Wesleyan Methodist, Guithavon street
Petty sessions are held at the County Police station Peculiar Paople, Maldon road, Ininisters, various, time

every alternate tuesday at I I a.m. The places in the varwus
division are Bradwell, Great Braxted, Little Braxted,
Great Coggeshall, Little Coggeshall, Cressing, Fair- Schools.
stead. Faulkbourne, Feering, Goldhanger, Hatfield A School Board of five members was formed 29 March,
Peverel, Heybridgo, Inworth, Kelvedon, Langford, 1894; clerk to the board (none elected).
:Markishall Messing, White Notley, Pattiswick, Riven- National, built in. 18-;::! & enlarged in 1871, for 380
hall, Terling, Tolle~Lury, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Tones- children; average attendance, 120 boys, So girls & 89
hunt Knights, Tolleshunt Major, Great Totham, Little infants ; Charles Cranfield, master; Miss R. Abbey,
Totham, Ulting, Wickham Bishops, Witham mistress & :Miss M. Gleave, infants' mistress
British (mixed), built in 1837, for 120 children; average
Lochl Board. attendance, TI4; \V1lliam Laurie, master
British (infants), for 100 children; average attend-
Offices, Police Station. ance, 6o ; Mrs. Kate Laurie, mistress
Board day, last sah~rday in every month at 10 a.m. Chipping Hill ( mfants ~. for 120 children; average attend-
()hairmnn, Philip Hutley ance, 69 ; Miss Mary Ann Hawkes, mistress
Clerk, John Cook, Pol;c·~ station Catholic (mixed), reopened in 1889; Miss Agnes
Treasurer, W. M. Tufnell, Witham bank Macarthy, mistress
:Medical Officer of Health, William Gimson Gimson M.D South Metropolitan District School (branch), for 200
Surveyor, Sanitary Impectoi & Collector, Harry Everard children; Wm. Humphreys, head master & superin-
tendent; matron, Mrs. Humphreys; assistant masters,
Public Establishments. William Hamilton Rain, Frank W. Wnitworth; mistress,
County Police Station, Guithavon street, Thomas Gillie, Miss Magdalene J ervi;; ; assistant mistress, Miss Bessie
superintendent, a sergeant & two constables Cock
Inland Revenue Office, Jas . .Anthony Walsh, officer Great Eastern Railway, Robert Daniels, statio!l master
Public Officers. Carriers .
.Assistant Overseer & Assessor &; Collector of Property, Pudney, passes through from Coggeshall to the 'One
Income & Land Taxes, Harry Everard Swan,' Bishe>psgate stret-t, London, fri. ; returning sun
Clerk to the Commissioners of Land Tax, Frank Postle Charles & Edward ::'.Iooro, from Kelvedon, through Wit-
Bawtree ham to Chelmsford, mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat. ;
Clerk to the Commissioners of Property & Incime Taxes returning same day; to Colchester, mon. wed. & sat
& House Duty, John Cook Hubbard, to Maldon & back, tues. thurs. & sat. ; re-
Medical Officer & Public Yaccinator, Witham District, turning sa.:ne day
PRivATE RESIDENTS. 'Howard-Vyse Lieut.-General Edward Walker Rev. F. A. (Congregational)
Abrey l\Irs J.P.,. The Lawn Ward Mrs. Lawn cottage
.Alger Mrs Ingles Rev. David M.A. Vicarage Whiting George, Freeland house
.Archer Samuel, Christmas house Kemp Mrs. Wyoming house COMMERCIAL.
Atkins John, Tiptree villa King William Abbott James, boot & sh.oe maker,
Ball George, Chipping hill Laurie :Mrs Chipping hill
EaU Samuel Greenlees, Adansam cot Luard Admiral William Garnham .Abrey & Gardner, auctioneers &
Eawtree Frank Postle, Batsford C.B., D.L., J.P. Witham lodge estate agents
Eeadel Mrs Luard Misses. Ivy chimneys Adnams George, fruit grower
Eevington Timothy, The Grove Lucas Lieut.-Col. William James J.P Artis }?rr.derick, photographer
Blood William, Bindon The Wilderness Askew Frederick, Red Lion P.H
Elyth Edward M · Lucas Rev. Angelo (Roman Catholic) Barwell Henry, butcher
Erake Mrs. Chipping hill May James Barwell Newman, pork butcher
Erown l\Irs :'.lead Edward, 3 Guithavon street Bateman Charles Henry, White Horse
:Bullock Waiter H. Temple villa Mens .Alfred P.H. Chipping hill
Butler "\Yilliam, Holly bank Mitchell :\Iiss, Avenue house Bawtree Frank Postle (firm, Stevens,
Church Mrs Moore Mrs Bawtree & Stevens), solicitor, corn-
Cook Mrs. Grove terrace Morrell Miss, The Limes missioner for oaths & clerk to corn-
Cox Mrs. Grove terrace XeWIIIan The Misses, Chipping hill missioners of land tax & sec. to
Cullen 'l'homas, Chipping hill Xunn Mrs Witham Gas Co
Davie Mrs . .All Saints' terrace Payne Frank Cobham Beckwith Hannah Elizabeth C~Iiss),
Drake· Francis Piggot John Sampson, Newland house baker, Chipping hill
Everard Harry, High street Pittman Rev. Sydney Th.A.K.C.L. Beddall John, day school
Fowler Mrs. Horwood house (curate), The Parsonage Blackie Thos. Morell, schl. Chipping hl
Gardner Waiter, Sunnyside Potter Miss, l\Iillfield terrace Blood lVilliam Bindon, solicitor, clerk
Gimson Karl Carwardine M.B Reeve Mrs. Collingwood house to the magistrates, commissioner
Gimson William G-imson M.D Russell Richard, Park villa for oaths & perpetual commissioner
Goulder lVilliam B. Colne house Shoobridge l\Iisses, Elmside & deputy coroner
Grainger Samu<>l, 2 Avenue villas Smith Henry, Earlsmead, Chipping hl Blyth Edward Mark, miller (steam k
Green )lrs. Temple villa, Chipping hill Smith Joseph, The Temples, Chip- water) &; corn merchant; offices,
Hammond Cyril F. High street ping hill Witham Roller flour mills & High st
Hann8r Peter, The Poplars Smith Mrs. Edward, Medina villas Boreham Jane (~Irs.), corset maker
Hely ~Iiss, Chipping hill Smith Robert, Grove terrace Brewster Alfred James, saddler
Harrison Rev. Harry George 1\I.A. Smith Thomas mercial hotel & posting house; 'bus
(curate), The Paroonage Spooner J esse, High street meets all trains
Higham Miss, :Millfielrl terrace Stevens William, Grove terrace Brice Robert Alfred, Whitt> Hart coro-
Holloway Mrs. Beatenberg,Chipping hl Thomasin Mrs. Roslyn house Bridge "\Ym. pork butcher k greengrcr
Hutley Mrs Tomkin Thomas l\Iarchant Bridgeman Kate (:\Irs.), Bell inn

Bridge House Refuge in connexion Ha,ler l\lary Ann (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rust John, saddler, Chipping hill
with the House of 1\fercy, 1\faple- Chipping hill Rust Wltr. W. carpenter, Chipping hi
stead (Sisters of the Community in Head Methuselah, Spread Eagle corn- St. Albans Diocesan Institution for
charge) . merciai hotel Trained 1\urses (l\fiss Montifiore,
Brock Isaac, boot maker Herbert Jane (Mrs.), dress. maker, matron)
Brockes Arthur Charles, farrier Chipping hill Sach John Chaplin, cabinet maker,
Brown Charles, corn & seed merchant, Hicks Harry, baker, Maldon road upholsterer & house furnisher
& maltster Hodges William, brewer Sayer Henry, cooper
Brown David, butcher Hogben John, tobacconist Scrivener Wm. miller(water),Blue mls
Brown John, farmer, Chipping hill Howland Harry, confectioner Shedd Frank, baker
Brown Lydia (Mrs.), Swan P.H Howlett Nathan, teacher of music Shee William Edwin, registrar of
Challis Joseph, butcher & cattle. dlr Hubbard John, beer retailer births & deaths, Witham sub-district,
Chaplin John & David, butchers Hubbard Robert, carrier Braintree union
Clark Henry, Woolpack inn, & baker, Hubbard Waiter, grocer Shelley Laurie Annie (Miss),dress mkr
Chipping hill Humphreys William, head master & Slythe James B. statuary ~ monu-
(.,'!aydon Edward, cabinet maker superintendent of the South Metro- mental mason, Railway station
Claydon Thomas, shopkeeper, Mill la politan Schools (branch) Smith Fredk. basket ma. Guithavon st
Cock Reuben, farmer, Oliver's farm Hurrel George F. picture frame maker Smith Henry, coal merchant
Colyer Alien, watch & clock maker & greengrocer Smith Joseph, builder & contractor,
Conservative Association (G. Thorpe Hutley Jas.& Philip, frmrs. Powers hall Steam Joinery works, sawing,
Hartrum, sec) Jewell Eliza (Mrs.) & Georgina (1\fiss), planing & moulding mills, Chip-
Cook John, clerk to the local board, dress makers ping hill
Police station John W. & T. fellmongers &c Smith ~Iary (l\Irs. ), dress maker
Cooper, Taber & Co. Limited, seed Kearley & King, grocers Smyth James & Sons Lim. patent
growers & merchants; & go South- King Edward, grocer & draper & drill manufacturers; & at .P~asen-
wark street, London S E wine dealer hall, Suffolk ; & 8 Rue Phllhpe de
Coote John, agt. for Romford brewery King lVilliam, oil merchant Girard, Paris
County Police Station (Thomas Gillis, Lake Ardley Benjamin, draper Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (of
supt.), Guithavon street Lewis Charles, contractor, house deco- Chelmsford) (Alfrd. Mens, mangr.);
Crickmore & Son, saddlers rator & gasfitter draw on Barclay, Bevan, Trittou,
Daniels Robt. statn. mstr. Railway stn Little Charles, grocer &c. Chipping hl Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London E C
Davie Elizabeth C~Irs. ), apartments, Mace J ames, Albert Railway hotel Spurl!e Edward & Co. grocers & drprs
Guithavon street Malyns James, cab proprietor Spurge, :Murrells & Co. wine & spirit
Davies Samuel Thomas, accountant Mann Frederick J. academy merchants
Day John, printer, bookseller & Manu Jessie pirs.), dress maker, Stevens, Bawtree & Stevens, solicitors
stationer Guithavon street Stevens Charles Richard, solicitor
Drake :Francis, wine & spirit merchant ~t:Pachen "lVilliam, beer retailer (firm, Stevens, Bawtree & Stevens)
Ea,!!les Rosse, ironmonger Merington Chas. cowkpr. Chipping hi Stevens Edwin Henry, Crotchet P.H.
Ellis Robert, clothier Middleton John, beer rtlr. Chipping hi & teacher of music; every accom-
Essex Provident Society (Walt~r Moore Robert, Temperance hotel modation for bicyclists & travellers;
Hubbard, collector) Mortimer Samuel Henry, carpenter good stabling, horses & traps for
Everard Harry, registrar of marriages Moy Thomas Limited, coal, oil cake & hire
for Braintree union, surveyor, sani- general merchants Stevens Richard (firm, Stevens, Baw-
tary inspector & collector to local Munday William, Crown P.H tree & Stevens), solicitor, perpetual
board & deputy registrar of births Newman Thos. William, leather dealer commissioner, & commiiiisioner for
& deaths Witham sub-district, Norris John, confectioner oaths
Braintree union North Frederick "\Villiam, hair dresser Stoneham James, blacksmith
Finch Caleb & Samuel, watch makers & tobacconist Stoneham Robert Steele, George P.H
J11euty William, wheelwright Nunn Sarah (Miss), fancy repository Strutt & Hope, frmrs. Blunt's Hall frm
Foster Josiah, railway insp. Church st Olley l\Iartha (Mrs.), fancy repository Thomas Edwin, grocer, & agent for
Fuller James, boot maker Patten John, pork butcher & baker W. & A. Gllbey Lim. wine & spirit
Fuller "William Harvey, upholsterer &c Pavelin David, shopkeeper merchants
Gamble James, builder Paw&ey Harry, beer rtlr. Chipping hi Tillett Mary A. (Mrs.), apartments
Garrett Henry & Son, tailors PaYne Frank Cobham L.R.C.P.Lond. Tomkin Thos. Marchant, surgeon &
Garret't A. W. deputy registrar of ~urgeon proprietor of a private lunatic asylum
marriages for Braintree union Pearce & King, grocers Wadley Jn. baker & grcr. Chipping- hl
Garrett Alice (Miss), dress maker Pees Philip Smith, coach builder Wager Harry, George & Dragon P.H
Garrett Hy. china & earthenware dlr Plant Henry L. corn. trav. Row cot Wakelin Joseph, farmer & landowner,
Gentry Henry Arthur, tailor Pluck Josiah Geo. be>ot & shoe maker Freebournes
Gimson & Son, surgeons Pluck Samuel, tailor Waite & Smith, milliners & dress
Gimson Karl Carwardine 1\f.B., B.S. Porter James, plumber makers, Fir cottages
surgeon PriQr Charles J. beer retailer & coal Walsh James A. officer of inland re-
Gimson "\Villiam Gimson M.D. (firm, dealer, Mill lane venue, Maldon road
Gimson & Son), surgeon & medical Quy WhitleyDL blcksmth. Chippinghl Ward Fras. Eben. chemist & stationer
officer of health to the urban sani- Randall Waiter, proprietor of thrash- Ward Thomas, van proprietor
tary authority & medical officer & ing &c. machines, Cuppers farm Ward William, carman
public vaecinator, Wickham district, Reed ·william, ironmonger 'Vass A.rtuur "\Villiam, Globe P.H
Maldon union & "\Vitharn district, Rees Brothers, linen drapers Whiting George H. fishmonger
Braintree union Resbury Harry, chimney sweeper Willsher Abram, builder
Glass .Miss Emma, dress maker Resbury Henry Richard, saddler Witham Co-operative Society Limited
Gray Charles H. maltster, Station yrd Resbury John, chimney sweeper (Arthur Atkinson, manager)
Greatrex Quintin Dick, butcher, Chip- Richards Charles & Son, builders & Witham Gas & Coke Co. Limited
pin!! hill carpentE.>rs, Chipping hill (Frank Postle Bawtree, sec.;
Green Joshua George, greengrocer Richards George, carpenter & builder, Robinson, manager), Gas works
Green Robert Poynter, pharmaceutical Chipping hill Wood Charlotte (Mrs.), tea dealer
chemist & dentist Roberts Charles, Angel P.H Wood George, town crier & bill poster
Groves William Benjamin, tailor Robinson Robert, gas works manager "\Vood Samuel Thomas, shopkeeper
Hamblin Cla.rence Henry, grocer & Row Joseph, confectioner Wright Frederick John, dairyman
draper, Chipping hill Howe Augustus, jobmaster • •

WIVENHOE is a parish, on a gentle declivity of the lation is largely engaged in the fishery of oys1ers an<l
Colne, with a station on the Tendring Hundred branch of sprats. The town is lighted with gas by a company; the
the Great Eastern railway, from which a short line ex- water supply is obtained from a brook, and sold from
tends to Brightlingsea, 5 miles south-east from Col- water carts at the rate of four buckets for one penny,
chester and 57t from London, it is in the North Eastern but some houses have pumps of their own. The church
division of the county, Colchester division of Lexden of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of stone, consisting
hundred, Lexden and "\Vinstree petty sessional division of chancel with south aisle, nave of four bays, aisles,
and union, Col'Chester county court district and in fhe north and south porches and an embattled western tower
rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and with clock and 5 bells, and was restored in the year 186o
diocese of St. Albans. Wivenhoe also forms, with Bright- at an expenditure of about [,3,000: in the cliurch are
lingsea and Rowhedge, a member of the Cinque Port of brasses in good preservation, to Sir Thomas Westeley,
Sandwich in Kent. There is a good quay and the popu-! priest, chaP.lain to the Countess of Oxford, ob. 5 Feb.
1535• with effigy, vested, and bearing a chalice and Domesday Survey the manor of Wivenhoe was held bv
wafer; another of Flemish work to William, 2nd Vis- Robert Gernon as part of his barony of Stansted Monnt:_
count Beaumont and titular Baron Bardolf, with effigy in fichet; from 1300 to 1400 it was held by the Sutton
armour, and triple and super-canopy and a marginal in- family, and in the 15th and 16th centuries hela by that
scription, ob. 1507; the third is to Eliza•beth (Scroope ), of De Vere, Earls of Oxford, and was sold in 1657 by
second wife of John de Vere, 14th Earl of Oxford, and .Aubrey, 19th earl K.G. to Nicholas Oorsellis, an aocesti)I'
widow of William Beaumont, ob. 1537, and exhibits her of the present owner (a minor), whose family was long
effigy with coronet and heraldic mantle, triple and sruper- seated at Wivenhoe Hall, a fine old mansion with pleasant
ca.nopy and marginal inscription, both much mutilated: grounds on the north-west side of the village, and now
in the vestry is a chest of Flemish workmanship, highly (1894) vacant. The principal owners of the land are
embossed and studded with nails : this church suffered Hector John Gurdon-Rebow esq. and the trustees of N.
considerable damage by the shock of an earthquake 22 C. Corsellis Lawton esq. who are lords of the manor.
April, 1884. The register of baptisms dates from 1566; The sDil is light; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are
burials and marriages, 1560. The living is a rectory, wheat, barley and roots. The area is 1,542 acres of land
average tithe rent-charge [326, net yearly value £278, and 42 of water; rateable value, £6,576; the population
with 6o acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the in 1891 was 2,309.
trustees of N. Cresar Corsellis Lawton esq. (a niinor), and Parish Clerk, George Hewett.
held since 18go by the Rev. John Robert Sinclair Carolin Poflt, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity
:M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The Congregational & Insurance Office. Thomas William Goodwin, mb-
chapel, erected in 1846 by Mr. Thomas Sanford, at a cost postmaster. Letters arrive from Colchester at 4.10
of £2,400, is endowed with a sum of £soo, left by the a.m. 12.15 p.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a. m.
late Miss Mary Ann Sanford, and has Sunday schools, 2.5 & 8.20 p.m. ; sundays, at 8 p.m
erected in 1874 by Mr. John Sanford. There is also a
W esleyan chapel. The cemetery, about half a mile Public Officers.
from the church, comprises 2 acres a·nd is under Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 2nd District, Lex-
the control of a burial board of 8 members. Wiven- den & Winstree Union, Samuel Nathaniel Squire
hoe Reading Club is managed by a committee of 6 ·M.R.C.S.Eng
seamen and 6 landsmen, and is open from 10.30 a.m. to Medical Officer, Elmstead District, Tendring "Cnion,
10.30 p.m. A fair is held on the 4th of September Edward Herbert Squire M.R.C.S.Eng
yearly. Ship and yacht building is carried on here, and Deputy Registrar of births, deaths & marriages, Pel-
a new graving dock, 205 ,feet long, was constructed in don Sub-district, Lexden & 1Vinstree Union, & Assis-
1888. A sum of £s,ooo was left by the late Mis•s Mary tant Overseer, Thomas William Goodwin, Post Office
Ann Sanford, for building and endowing six almshouses Relieving & Vaccination Officer, No. 2 District, Lexden
for six widows or spinsters of 6o years old and upwards, & Winstree Union & Registrar of births, deaths &
resident in the parish, preference being given to the marriages for Peldon Sub-district, Edwin Charles
widows of seamen; each inmate receives 6s. per week. Bonner
A further endowment of £soo was made by Mrs. Kezia Town Crier, James Cole
Hines, sister of the foundress, for the repair of the alms- A School Board of 7 members was formed 23 .Apri1,
houses. The charities for distribution amount to about 1·888; Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria chambers,
[21 yearly. Wyvenhoe Park, the property of Hect.or West Stockwell street, Colchester, clerk to the board;
John Gurdon-Rebow esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. and at present Samuel William Goodwin, attendance officer
ocupied by Sampson Hanbury esq. is about a mile and a Board Sohool, for 6oo children; average attendance, 400;
half from the village; the mansion, a modern building, William Thomas Wadley, master; Mrs. Wright, mist
received considerable damage by the shock of earthquake Railway Station, Charles Rumsiby, station master
mentioned above; the park is unaulating, well timbered, Carriers to Colchester. WiUiam Cole, to 'Swan,' daily>
stocked with deer and contains about 180 acres. At the Robert Wyatt, to Angel hotel, daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Catt Samuel Edmund, Horse & Groom Harlow Joseph, master mariner
Browne Miss P.H. Wivenhoe cross Harlow Thomas, jun. master mariner
Carolin Rev. John Robert Sinclair Cemetery (..!dolphus E. Church, Col- Harvey Abraham, master mariner
M.A. Rectory chester, clerk to the burial board ; Harvey George, master mariner
Hanbury Sampson, Wyvenhoe park George Hewett, sexton) Harvey William, master mariner
Hewlett William Henry M.B., O.M Chapman Edgar & Daniel, builders Haywood Eliza (Mrs.), draper
Howard Mrs Coker Richard, fish dealer Heath J ames, oyster planter & coa1
Howling Mrs Cole Daniel, master mariner merchant; best natives always in
Husk James, Anglesea house Oole James, town crier stock; importer of all kinds of
Juby Mrs Col~ William, carrier foreign oysters
Pender-Smith George Cook Edward, Park hotel, 7 minutes Husk James, yacht builder
Pitt Robert walk from the station; visitors Langmaid Francis, Railway hotel
Pittuck James, Anglesea road boarded on moderate terms; good Last William, baker
Rice Harry Oliver stabling Madder William & Co. sail makers &;
Squire Edward Herbert Cook George Samuel, beer retailer yacht outfitters
Squire Samuel Nathaniel Cracknell Louisa (Mrs.), baker Martin Elizabeth (Miss), baker
Townshend Howard, Elaine cottage Dennis James Cheveley, butcher; & Mason James, master mariner
Tyler Rev. Wm. Franklin (Congrgtnl) at Colchester Mason James, jun. master mariner
Watson John Thos. Park Farm house Doubleday Alfred Edwd. beer retailer Mason Robert James, master mariner
Went John Ellis Charles, master mariner Moore James, grocer & draper
Wilkins J. Edwin, Myrtle villas Ellis Charles Albert, master mariner Mortlock Chas. (Mrs.), miller (water)
Felgate John, farmer, Vine farm, Nevard Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer
CO:YMERCIAL. Wivenhoe cross Oakley Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer .
Abbott William Abraham, carpenter, Forks George 0. master mariner Parmenter .Albert Charles, farmer~
Wivenhoe cross Forrestt & Son, Lim. yacht builders Wivenhoe farm
..!nderson John, beer retailer Forsgate Thomas, master mariner Pender-Smith George L.S . .A. surgeon
Barker Arthur, beer retailer Forster Charles H. Anchor P.H Pittuck George Wm. master mariner
Barker Richard, master mariner Franks James & Edwin, bakers Proctor Isabel (Miss), ladies' school,
Barr Benjamin, fruiterer Gardner Jane (~Vlrs. ),Rose & Crown P.H Trinity house
Barrell Danl. crpntr. Wivenhoe cross Garrett Arthur, draper Ray:ner George Miles, master mariner
Barrett Frederick, Wm. confectioner Goldsmith William, Union Flag inn, Rayner George Wm. master mariner
Bartlett William, oyster merchant Wivenhoe cross Rayner William, master mariner
Bates Charles, butcher Goodwin John Arthur, builder Robinson Abrabam Wesley, farmer,
Bates James Charles, pilot Goodwin Tlios. Corder, Black Boy htl Wivenhoe cross
Beckwith Asa,prk. btchr.Wivenhoe crss Goodwin Thomas 1Villiam, stationer, Robinson Joseph, Falcon hotel; bil-
Bonner Edwin Charles, relieving & assistant overseer & deputy regis- liards, pyramids & pool; house corn-
vaccination officer, No. 2 district, trar of births, marriages & deaths, forts combined with moderate
Lexden & Winstree union & regis- Peldon sub-district, Lexden & Wins- charges ; good stabling & lock-up
trar of births, deaths & marriages tree union, Post office coach houses
for Peldon sub-district Grimes Arthur John, butcher Rogers William, plumber &c
Brown & Son, grcrs. & provision mers Hadley Charles, beer retailer Rose Moss, blacksmith, ,,.ivenhoe cr;;s
Brown Henry, master mariner Ham Dick, builder Rudland Alfred Isaac, Yachtsman's
Browne & Son, rope makers Ham James, master mariner Arms P.H
Bn~h I~aac, hoot & shoe maker Ham "\Vm. mstr. mariner & ship chndlr Rum:- by Char~es, station master
Chamberbin l'b:lip Edgar, boot maker Harlow Harry, master mariner Scofield Charles, jun. painter
Shead Benjamin, beer retailer cal officer & public vaccinator, 2nd Wilkins J. Edwin M.I.N.A. naval
Simmons Daniel W. master mariner district, Lexden & Winstree union architect & yacht surveyor
Simons John Richard, Red Lion P.H Stebbing George, grocer Wivenhoe Gas Co. (Francis Price,
Smith Daniel Francis, builder Stewardson "\Yilliam, hair dresser sec.; Arthur Goodwin, collector)
Squire Edward Herbert M.R.C.S.Eng. Tosbell Thomas, Grosvenor hotel Wivenhoe Reaamg Club (Samuel
physician & surgeon, & medical Trayler Joseph, master mariner Nathaniel Squire, president; Geo.
officer, Elmstead district, Tendring Trayler William, master mariner Hewett, sec)
union Wadley Henry, master mariner Wood Stacey, grocer & provision dlr
Squire Samuel Nathaniel M.R.C.S. Walker Saml. Chas. chemist & statnr Wyatt Robert, carrier
Eng. physician & surgeon, & medi- Waiters Martha (Mrs.), grocer
WIX (anciently Wikes) is a village and parish, 2~ miles factors and its revenue at its suppression was estimated
from Brad.field and Wrabness stations Qn the Manningtree at £92 12s. 3d. Edgar Walter Garland esq. of Ramsey,
and Harwich branch of the Great Eastern railway, 5 easf- Harwich, is lord of the manors of Wix Hall ()r Abby and
south-east from Manningtree, 8 west-south-west from Wix Park Hall. The Rev. Canon Chllrles F. Nmman
Harwich, and 12 from CQlchester, in the North Eas_tern M.A., J.P. rector of Mistley, Edward Clay Eagle, Charles
division of the county, petty sessional division, hundred William Grant esq. and Thomas Teshmaker Busk esq. of
and union of Tendring, Harwidh rounty court district, Fords grove, Winchmol"e Hill, Middlesex, are the princi-
rural deanery of Ardleigh, archdeaconry of Colchester pal landowners. The Pond Hall esta-te belongs to the
and diocese of St. Albans. This parish formerly belonged trustees of the late Lord Bellew. The SQil is loamy;
to Edith, queen of Edward the Confessor. The church subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
of St. Mary, partly rebuilt in 1701 and restored in 1888, green crops generally. The area is 3,129 acres; rateable
is a small building of stone, consisting of chancel and value, £4,255 ; the population in 1891 was 682.
nave, with a detached belfry situated in the centre of the Parish Clerk, John Everson.
churchyard and containing I bell. The register dates Post Office. William Paskell, sub-postmaster. Letters
from the year 156o and is in good condition. The living arrive from Manningtree at 8.15 a.m.; dispatdhed at
is a vicarage, net yearly value £90, including 75 acres of 6 p.m. The nearest ·money order office is at Great
glebe, with residence, in the gift of trustees and held Oakley, & telegraph office at Mistley. Postal orders
since 1883 by the Rev. Proctor Benwell B.A. of Exeter are issued here, but not paid
College, Oxford. The Wesleyans and Primitive Metho- Schools.
dists have each a chapel here. A nunnery for Bene- National (mixed), built in 1843 & enlarged in 1879, for
dictines was founded here in the time of King Henry I. 96 children; average attendance, 85 ; Mrs. Elizabeth
by Waiter Mascherell, his brother Alexander and sister Fry, mistress
Edith and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary; it was Wesleyan (infants), built in 1872, for 85 children; aver-
amply endowed by the founders and subsequent bene- age attendance, 31; Miss A. Vercoe, mistress
Benwell Rev. Proctor B.A. Vicarage Eagle Chas. James, farmer, Park hall Paskell John, carpenter
Eagle Charles James, Park hall Eagle Edwd. Clay, farmer, Spring frm Paskell William, wheelwright & car-
Green Harcourt Reginald, Pond hall Ellis Samuel, blacksmith penter, Post office
COMMERCIAL. Golby William, beer retailer Pearson James, market gardener
Rr~rker Geo. White Hart inn, Wix grn Green Harcourt Regld. frmr. Pond hall Reynolds Daniel, farmer, Red house
Benewith Avice (Mrs.), dairy Gross Edward, market gardener Sage James, builder
Brooks Joseph, grocer, draper & beer Kedge Thomas, carter & shopkeeper Sparrow Bernard Daniel, farmer,
retailer, "\Yix green Lawrance John, shoe maker Hempstalls
Brunwin Herbt. Waggon P.H. & frmr Mead Harry, assistant overseer Sorrel Philip, farmer, Carbonell's hall
Cutting- Hy. Robt. shopkpr. & beer rtlr Mills William, farm bailiff to Edward Taylor James, farmer, Clay hall
Eagle Charles, farmer, The Lodge Eagle esq Tuckwell Joshua, blcksmth. Wix cross
Eagle Charles Edmund Taylor, far- Nunn Thos. Douglas, grocer & baker, \Yebb Arthur, frmr. Dairy House frm
mer Abbey farm & Willow Hall frm Wix cross
WOODFORD i;; an ancient parish, with two stations church will seat Boo persons: on the south side of the
on the Great Eastern railway, and is within Epping churchyard is a yew tree, 14 feet in circumference at 3
Forest, 9 miles from London, in the South Western divi- feet from the ground, which, before the rebuilding of the
siun of the county, Becontree hundred, "\Vest Ham union, church in r8r6-7, had a spread of 180 feet, but many of
county court district of Bow, rural deanery of North the branches were then cut away : in the churchyard is
Barking,_archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, also a monument with a tall marble column of the
and is within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Corinthian order, designed by Sir Robert Taylor kt.
Court and Metropolitan police ; it formed a portion of sheriff of London and architect, and erected at a cost of
the endowment bestowed by King Harol.d on Waltham £1,5oo, to Peter Godfrey esq. ::\LP. d. 1742; there are
Abbey and was held by that monastery until its dissolu- other memorials t() Sir Thomas St. George kt. Garter
tion. Th~ parish is divided into four parts or localities- King of Arms, ob. 6 Mar. 1703, and to the Raikes and
namely, \Voodford, or Soutlh \Voodford, Woodford Green, Pelly families. The register dates from the year 1638.
Woodford Wells and Woodford Bridge. That part called The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £670, average
Woodford, ()r South \Voodford, lies nearest the George [510, net yearly value [430, with 15 acres of glebe and
Lane station (South W oodford being the name of a postal residence, in the gift of Earl Cowley K.G., G.C.B. and
district), but the other three localities are nearer the held since 1875 bv the Rev. Albert Hughes ~LA. of St.
Woodford station. The Local Government .Act was John's College, Oxford, and Rural Dean of :Xorth Bark-
adopted in 1873; the board consists of nine members. ing. Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill, is a consolidated
Water is supplied by the East London Water ·works Co. chapelry, formed 3rd May, 1888, out of portions of th<'
The church of St. Margaret, au edifice of, covered parishes of \Vanstead and Woodford: the church, erected
with stucco, was rebuilt under an Act of Parliament, with in 1887-go, at a cost of about £r2,ooo, is an edifice of
the exception of the tower, in 1817, at a cost of £g,ooo, Ancaster stone in the Trans'ition Norman style, from
but has since been added to and improved, and now con- designs by the lat-e Mr. J. Fowler F.R.I.B.A. of Louth,
l!ists of chancel, nave, aisles, east and south porches and and consists of a semi-circular apsidal memorial chancel,
an embattled western tower of brick, built in 1720, and erected by the ~Iisses Nutter, of Wunstead, with vestries
containing a clock; the chancel was added in 1889, when and a transeptal chapel on the north side, clerestoried
also the western gallery was removed and the interior re- nave of five bays, aisles, south porch, and a lofty tower
seated: there are memorials in the church to Elizabeth of four stages on the north-west, with angle pinnacles
(Rogers), Countess of Litchfielcl and first wife of Charles and octagonal broach spire, relieved by three bands of
Stewart, Duke of Lennox and Richmond K.G. and Earl ornamental work and dormers at the base: the rert'do;~
of Lit.chfield; he died at Elsinore, Dec. 1672 ; to Sir of stone represents " the Ascension " and there are thrf't-
Josiah Child bart. merchant and writer on political stained windows in the chancel: the organ "as presented
economy, ob. 1699; to ~Irs. Selwyn, grandmother of the in 1891 by l\Ir. J. R. Roberts, of Stratford: the c-hurch
Rt. Rev. G. A. Selwyn D.D. Bishop of Lichfield 1867-78: affords Boo sittings, of which 500 are free. The living is
the stained east window was presented in 1801 by Mrs. a vicarage, yearly value from endo"ment £101, with pew
Clarke, of Eling, Hants, in memory of her father and rents, about £90, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Alban~,
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, of Woodford: the rere- and held since 18S8 by the Rev. Abram Smythe Palmer
dos, which is not yet complete, was given in 1892 by the D.D. of Trinity College, Dublin. The population in 1891
family of the late H. F. Barclay, of :\-Ionkham, Woodford, was 3,657· The Parish Church Mission room in Beacom-
in memory of their father and mother, H. F. Barclay and field road, erected in 1882, will seat 100 perSQns. The
Richenda, his wife; and a brass to - Wynche, 1590: the Congregational church, George lane, erected in 1885-S
organ was the gift in 1889 of Mr. Thomas Baxter: the from d.:>~igns by ::\Ir. Thomas Arnold ::\I.R.I.B.A. of
Basinghall street E.C. is a structure of Kentish rag Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
stone, with Bart;h stone dressings in the Early English & Insurance Office, High road, W oodford or South
style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts, "\Voodford.-George Thomas Liddle, postmaster. Let.
organ chamber, vestries and the lower stage of a tower : ters dispatched at 9.30 a.m. 12.40, 2.55, 5, 8.40 & 10.25
the cost, inclusive of site, was £6,ooo : an organ was p.m. except saturdays; sundays 10.25 p.m
erected by subscription in 1889 at a cost of £45o: there Post, M. 0. & 'I'. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
sre sittings for 700 persons. The Congregational church, & Insurance Office, Woodford Green.-Alfred John
in Snakes lane, Woodford Green, built in 1873, is an Holliday, postmaster. Letters dispatched at 9 &; 10
edifice in the Gothic style, and consists of a large and a.m. I2.45, 2.45, 4·45 & 9.25 p.m. ; delivered at 6.45 &;
lofty apsidal nave, aisles, transepts and a t<Jwer with 8.5 a.m. 1.40, 4.30 & 8.30 p.m.; dispatched sundays
i;pire, together 145 feet high: it will seat Boo: there is 8.40 p.m. only, and letters for callers, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m
also a Congregational Mission chapel. The W esleyan Post & M. 0., T. 0. & Express Delivery, S. B.
Methodist chapel in Derby road is an edifice of brick & Annuity & Insurance Office, Woodforll Bridge-e-
erected in 1876. There is a Baptist school-chapel, Charles Grayston, sub-postmaster. Letters dis-
opened in 1882, a Mission Hall in Grove road, erected in patched at 10 a. m. 12.55, 4.50 & 9.30 p.m.;
I883, and a Primitive Methodist chapel at Snakes lane. sundays 8.30 p.m. only. Delivery from Chigwell Road
The Woodford Art and Industrial Society, established in S.O. the nearest telegraph office
1877, for the encouragement of local amateur talent, Post & l\1. 0. 0. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
holds yearly exhibitions, including collections on" loan; Orchard House, George Lane. -John Pearce, sub-post-
the society embraces in its operations the parishes of master. Letters dispatched at 9.40 a.m. 12.50, 3.15
Woodford, Chigwell, Chingford and Wanstead. The Wil- 5.15, 8.50 & 10.40 p.m.; sundays, 10.40 p.m. Delivery
frid Lawson Temperance hotel, at the junction of Ching- from South Woodford
ford lane with the Epping main road, is a structure of Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
brick in the Gothic style, erected in 1883 at a cost of & Insurance Office, Snakes Lane.-Mark Griggs, sub--
about ·£7,ooo: the local board have their offices in its postmaster. Letters disaptched 7·45 & 8.45 a.m. 12.20.
!buildings, which also include a hall for meetings and 3·45 & 8.45 p.m. ; no dispatch on sunday. Delivery from
entertainments. W oodford Hall, formerly the seat of the W oodford Green
Hickman and Maitland families, is now a convalescent
home for the poor of London; it was first established by Local Board.
Mrs. Gladstone in 1866, at Clapton, Middlesex, but in the Offices, W oodford Green.
following year was incorporated with a similar institu- Board day, alternate mondays, at the Wilfrid Lawson
tion at Snares'brook, founded by Mrs. Charlesworth, and 1emperance hotel, at 7 p.m.
was transferred to W oodford in I 869; about So patients Members.
suffering from any form of disease not contagious are re-
ceived here free of charge. There are many parish Alfred Buck, chairman; A. H. Tozer, E. R. Cook, T. J.
charities, some being of very ancient date ; among those Tee, J. Bentley, 1-V. Holloway, J. Nicholas, Geo. Smith
of more- recent date may be mentioned a sum of £ 1,ooo Clerk, Robert Martin, Local Board offices
left 1by Mr. Thomas Read, of 1-Voodford Wells, the interest Treasurer, E. Purkess, London Joint Stock Bank, Wood-
to be given to the poor in clothing in October, and £750 ford Green
left by the late Dr. Bunce, of Salway Hill, Woodford, the Medical Officer of Health, William George Groves, Linden
interest to be given away in coals yearly to twenty-five house, 1-Voodford Green
families. The custom of Borough English prevails in Road Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Charles Mathew~
the manor of Woodford, of which Earl Cowley K.G., Local Board offices
G.C.B., P.C. is the lord. The soil is loam and gravel; Collector, Alfred Miller, Fitzgerald road, Wanstead
subsoil, clay. · Public Establishments.
Organist and Choirmaster, Waiter Latter R.A.M.
Fire Engine Station, James Waterman, supt. Horn lane-
Parish Clerk and Sexton, Alfred Lowe.
Gladstone's (Mrs.) Convalescent Home, Woodford hall;
WOODFORD BRIDGE, about 2 miles north-east on Miss Emily Simmons, lady superintendent
the road to Chigwell, is an ecclesiastical parisn formed London County Lunatic Asylum, Claybury, Woodford
Dec. I9, 1854. The church of St. Paul, erected in 1854 Bridge; Robert Jones M.D. Lond. medical superin·
and rebuilt in 1886, is an edifice of stone in the Gothic tendent ; Thomas Edward Knowles Stansfield M.B.
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porc~.. and Edin.; Ernest Wills, M.D. Lond.; Frederic Ryott
a tower on the north side, with small spire and contain- Percival Taylor M.B. Lond.; Charles Dudley Cooper
ing I bell : the church will seat 400 persons. The :M.R.C.S. Eng. M.R.C.P. Lond.; & Herbert Wolseley
register dates from the year 1854. The living is a vicar- Lewis M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Lond. assistant medical
age, net yearly value £zso, with residence, in the gift of oflicers ; Rev. Frederic Mann :M.A. chaplain; Fredk.
the rector of Woodford, and held since 1855 by the Rev. Alderton, steward ; J ames Britton, clerk of asylum;
Charles Blackmore Waller M.A. of \Vorcester Oollege, Miss :Frances Mary Browne, matron. Visiting days
Oxford. The area is I, wo acres ; the population in for friends of patients, sundays 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.;
1891 was 1,955. mondays, thursdays & all bank holidays, 2 p.m. to
Sexton, Robert Witham. 4.30 p.m
The London County Asylum, Claybury, erected during Metropolitan Police Stations (J division), Woodford
1890-3, on a site costing nearly £38,ooo, was opened in Wells, James Stevens, inspector; & Woodford Bridge,
1893, the cost of the building being £337,945 ; the site, Richard Nankerville, sergeant
consisting of 270 acres, has an elevation of 230 feet above Knighton Rescue Home for Girls, Woodford Wells; Mrs.
the Ordnance datum, and includes a mansion, bailiff's Emma Golding, matron
house, and farm buildings! the buildings are available South Woodford Volunteer Fire Brigade, l\Iaybank road;.
for I.zoo male and Boo female patients, and also include E. Chinnery, captain
a residence for the medical superintendent. Public Officers.
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Woodford District.
WOODFORD WELLS is a consolidated chapelry, con- West Ham Union, Frederick Turtle, M.D., B.S
stituted October 29, IB75· All Saints' church, opened Relieving Officer, 'No. 9 District, West Ham Union, John
November, IB74, at la cost of £6,ooo, is a building of James Penly Cooper, Buckingham road
lltone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave,
north transept, aisles and south porch : there are 666 Jllaces of Worship, with hours of services.
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1874, and Parish Church, Woodford, Rev. Albert Hughes l\I.A.
that of marriages from 1876. The living is a vicarage, rector; 8 & I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; saints' days, 7.30
gross yearly value £400, with residence, in the gift of a.m. ; wed. 8 p.m. ; wed. & fri. in Lent 12 a.m. & 8
trustees, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Nicholas p.m. ; wed. in Advent & Lent, I2 a.m. & 7.30 p.m
Richard Fitzpatrick M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. St. Paul's, Woodford Bridge, Rev. Charles Blackmore-
'!ne population in 1891 was 3,352. There is a Metro· Waller l\LA. vicar; n·a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
politan police station here, occupied by a sub-divisional All Saints', Woodford Wells, Rev. Nicholas Richard Fitz-
~>ection of the J division, with a force of 5 inspectors, I patrick .~LA. vjcar; II a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
sergeant and 26 constables, who supervise the districts 7·30 p.m
of "\Yoodford and part of Buckhurst Hill, Loughton, Wood- Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill, Rev. Abram Smythe Palmar
ford Bridge, Chigwell and Chigwell Row. D. D. vicar; 8 & I I a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m.;
The area of the entire parish is 2,146 acreS' of land, 20 saints' days, II a.m. & 7.30 p.m
of water; rateable value, £62,398 ; the population in 1891 St. Andrew's Mission Church, Woodford Green (All
was 10,984, and of the Local Board district, II,024; the Saints' l\IoihPr Church), 6.30 p.m
population attached to the parish church in I8gr was Christ ChurPh Mission, 6.30 p.m
3·577· Parish Church l\Iission Room, 6.30 p.m. sundays
Baptii!t, Gcorge lane; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 tendance, nearly I,OOO; Henry Arthur Rants, master;
p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m ~Irs. Isabel Elmer, mistress. Infants' School, erected
Congregational, Woodford, Rev. William E. Anderton in 1885 & enlarged in I8gi, ~Iiss Rose Witty, mistress
::\LA.; I I a.m. &:i 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Board (formerly National), Woodford Green, built in
Congregational, George lane, \Voodfurd, Rev. Tuo::roas 1 1820, enlarged in 188g, for 750 children, average I
Hammond; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m attendance, 530; Edmund Robert Spragg, master;
Congregational, Ray Lodge road, Snakes lane ; I I a.m Miss Fanny Clutter, girls' mistress; Miss Alice Thomp-
& 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m son, infants' mistress
We~Ieyan, Derby road, South Woodford, Rev. John Clegg Board (formerly National), Woodford Bridge, built in
(Wanstead); resident minister, Rev. D. W. Barr; 1859 for I69 children, with house for mistress; average
11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & wed. 7.30 p.m 1 attendance, 82 boys & 88 girls; Alfred Wm. Hooper,
'C'nion Church, \Voodford Green, Rev. George .A.tchison; master; ~Iiss .A.nnie E. Pointon, mistress
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Infants' School, Woodford Bridge, held in a building at
::\fission Hall, Grove road, Edward Hobbs, superintendent; back oi the Coffee Tavern; average attendance, 73;
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m Miss Mary E. Corder, mistress
Newspaper.-" \Voodford Times," Woodford Green;
Schools. J ones & Sons~ proprietors ; published friday
A School Board of 7 members was formed Jan. 9, 1872; , Railway Stations.
J. E. Stacpoole, clerk to the board; John Cricks, at- George lane, for Woodford & Hermon Hill, William
tendance officer Hu~sey Ketcher, station master
Board, Churchfields, built in I873, enlarged in I873, & Woodford, for Woodford Green & Woodford Bridge,
again enlarged I891, for I,2oo children; average at- \Villiam Joseph Hancock, station master


(~larked thus * should be addressed 'Badger Thos. Bourn cot. Maybank rd Clarke Frederick Charles, Chelmsford
South Woodford; for others in fBoulton Waiter John, 2 :Milton villas, villa, Chelmsford road
South Woodford, see Snaresbrook & Primrose road *Clarke Geo. :Myrtle Yils. Maybank rd
Wanstead) Bourke 1\Iiss, Repton lodge, Chelms- Clerc Leon, Rosedale, Buckingham rd
PIDVATE RESIDENTS. ford road Close Miss South villa, Derby road
.A.bbott l\Irs. L1me villa, Derby road Ilrayne Francis Wm. I Grove crescent *Clowes Joseph, Mount Hawke house,
*.A.llars :Mrs. .A.gnes villas, Latchett rd *Brent Charles, I Rose bank villas, Maybank road
.Andrews Mrs. 8 Grove hill Gordon road Clutterbuck William George, Berry-
Archer William, Heilcham lodge, Buck- Brett .A.lfd. Jas. Fairleigh,Churchfields nabor, Derby road
ingham road Brett Jn. The Laurels, Chelmsford rd CoateS" Harry Whitfield, Selbourne,
.A.tkins Mrs. Ferndale, Buckingham rd Brickland Tom, Tibbermuir, GrQve hill Churchfi~l~s .
.A.ukland Joseph James, The Poplars, Brigham Edwin, Holmhurst, Derby rd Coates Wilham, Northampton villa.
Buckingham road Bristow Stanley Frederick, 2 Hill side, ~elmsford road
Ayling Henry, Rosedale, Churchfields Grove hill Collms .A.rthur, Augusta house,.
*Bagnold Wm. Luscombe, Oak villa, Hroodbank Caleb, Briarwood, Grove hl Chelmsford road .
Chigwell road Brown Daniel, St. John's vil. Derby rd *Cockerell Mrs. Washmgton road
Bailey Capt. Dudley S. Monowai, Brown Joseph, 2 Rose vils. Stanley rd *Combes Henry, Bracklesbam house,.
Grove road Bryan Saml. Kingsthorpe, Stanley rd Maybank ~oad
*Baines Thos. Kelso lodge, Primrose rd Buckland Henry, l:Hendower, Grove rd *Comfort Gilber~ Humphrey, Limes
*Ballard Charles, Roselea, Gordon rd *Bull William, 2 St. Thomas's villas, cottage, Cowslip road
*Barfoot Philip .A.din, 3 Woodgrange :Maybank road CQmpton Geo. Clevedo!l, Chelmsford rd
villas, Daisy road Burden Jas. Ebor ho. Buckingham rd ~onquest Herbert, High ro!'-d
Barley John Johnson, Bedford villa, .durtsal Henry J. The Retreat, Buck- Cook John George, Fern villa, May-
Fuller's road ingham road bank road . . .
Barnes Frederick 7 Grove crescent *Butchart .Alexander 4 St. Thomas's Cooper JR;mes Damel, 3 Hillside,
' 1 ·
Barnes Henry, Enfie d ho. Grove road villas, Maybank roa
' d Grove hill
*Co 1 d F d r· k 2 Cecil villas,
*Barnes Hy. I Tower vils. Cowslip rd Caird Edward, Clifton ho. Grove rd cE!:~p ro~~ e IC '
Barr Rev. David William (Wesleyan), *~ampbell Alex. Elim villa, Cow~lip rd Copeland Thos. '\Tynstone, Churchflds
Malmesbury house, Malmesbury rd ·<Campbell Charles Henry, 3 Salisbury *Copley Mrs 3 .A.lbert terrace May-
*Barrett W~ .. Florence vil. Gordon rd villa, Latchett road bank road· '
*Barton Wllham Henry, 2 :Maybank Campbell Ernest _Thomas, Folkestone Coppin Samuel, ~ Buckingham villas,
crescent, Maybank .roa~ , lodge, Grove ~Ill . Buckingham road
Barwood Rbt. Oak vil.~lmesburY: rd Camp bell Jas. VI_ll~rvllle, Churchfieldsl *Cornish Wm. Braeside, Gordon road
Beer James Thomas, EliZabeth villa, Ca~e .A.rthur Willmm, I .A.lexandra *Cotton .Alfred Ernest, Jasmine villa,
Crescent rd. north, Maybank road VIllas, Stanley road Daisy road
Bell Hy.Fitzwm. Rochdale, Derby rd "'Carr Thomas, I Palmerston villas, *Coverly Charles James, Elizabeth
*Benson Fredk. Glenville, Pr~mrose rd Gordon road cottage, Gordon road
Berger ~Irs. Grove lodge, High road Carter Henry Massey, 9 Grove cres- *Cowland Jas. North view, Gordon rd
Berrill .Alfred, '\Vaveney house, High rd cent, Grove road Cox Fredk. I Rose villas, Stanley :rd
Bianchi .A.lbt. Edw.Fernhurst, Grove rd Carter Jas. 1 Spring villas, Fuller's rd Cox :Mrs. Cumberland vil. Stanley rd
Bianchi Antonio, Lincoln ho. High rd Carter Thomas, I Lammas villas, *Oreech Jn. Grange vil. Maybank rd
Bmnchi .A.ntonio, jun. Lincoln house, Buckingham road Crouch Pearce H. The Hollies, Grove hl
High road Chaldecott Jarnes, 2 .A.rundel villas, Crow John, Oldham, Thorney croft,.
*Billings Danl. 2 .A.lma vils. Primrose rd G'helmsford Derby road •
Billings Robert, Westbury villa, Chalmers Andrew John, West view, Curry James John, Stebonheath,.
Chelmsford road Washington road Grove hill
*Bindoff Daniel, Stanley villa, May- Chandler Lewin John, Glenrose, *Cusher Hy. The Rookery, George la
bank road Derby road Davison Edward Percy, Fyfield villa,.
Bird Clarenee Frederick, I Bucking- *Chandler :Mrs. 3 St. Thomas villas, Buckingham road
ham villas, Buckingham road Maybank road *Day Ezeklel, I Engleside villas, May-
*Birch Thomas Denny, Fairlight villa, Chapman Frederick, 7 Derby villas, bank road
l\Iaybank road, George lane Derby road de Hailes Alfred James, 5 Grove cre5
*Blanchetiere Dennis .Alexander, Chapman George \V. York house, De La Mere .A.ndrew James,St. Bede's,
Champsecret cottage, Gordon road George lane Grove hill
Bligh John, Norwood villa, Grove hill *Chapman Herbert, I Cecil villas, *Dennis William Sewell, Primro~e
Blunsum :Mrs. 3 Buckingham villas, Cowslip road villa, Gordon road
Buckmgham road *Chinnery George Robert, Gloster Dent Louis W. Yanko, Grove road
Blyth Bertie, I Nuremberg villas, villa, George lane *Devlin Mrs. 4 Louisa terrace, ;.\lay-
Derby road Chinnery Mrs. 1 & 2 Glendower villas, bank road
*Bl)th Hy. Dunedin villa, Maybank rd Carnarvon road Dixon George Smith, Belle Vue,
Boatman Mrs. 16 Chelmsford road Chisho:m Rev. Samuel (Congrega- Grove hill
Bodell l\frs. 2 Elizabeth villas, Car- tionalist ), Glausmnir, Malmesbury rd Dixon Samuel, I Woodland vil:as,
narvon road Christie :Miss, St. )Jargaret's, Grove hl High road
Fair view, Ful~
ingham road villa, Stanley road !er's road

*Drew Edmond, Ellesmere, Buck- *Goddard John, 5 Salisbury villas, *Hollingum Albert Josiah, Rose villa,
ingham road Latchett road Maybank road
Duck Chas. Hy. Za.nte cot. Derby rd Golding Henry Thomas, Kirkstone, *Hollingsworth David, I Elizabeth
*Dunn Mrs. The Laurels, George la Churchfields villas, George lane
Durrant Charles James, Myrtle villa, *Goode Herbert, 2 Woodgrange villas, Holloway William, 2 Woodford Hali
Churchfields Daisy road villas, Chelmsford
*Dyer John James, Mount Ash, Cow- Goslin John, 2 Lorne villas, Buck- Holman Jn. Bruce vil. Malmesbnry rd
slip road ingham road Hopwood Ja~pes, Carnarvon lodge,
*Dyett John Joseph, 2 Crystal villas, Gower James, Langford cottage, Chelmsford road
Cowslip road Stanley road *Horn James, Amelia villa, May-
*Dyett William Smith, I Crystal villas, Gowland Frederick Bennett, Laurel bank road
Cowslip road villa, Lansdowne road Hornsby Thomas, 2 The Laurels,
*Eades Mrs. Avenham villa, Prim- Graham Fredk. Hughenden, Malmes- George lane
rose road bury road Hudson William Henry, 3 Lorne villas,
Earl Samuel, Grasmere, Grove hill *Gray Thomas, I Mizpah villas, Cow- Buckingham road
Edenborough Frederick, 6 Grove cres slip road *Huett Mrs. 3 Lonisa terrace, May-
Edmonds William Mills, Roseneath, *Gray William Francis, 2 Mizpah bank road
Stanley road villas, Cowslip road Hughes Rev. Albert M.A. (rector &
Elliott Robert, Brooklyn, Chelms- *Green Archibald, 2 Roding villas, rural dean), Rectory
ford road Maybank road Hughes Daniel, The Laurels, Derby rd
Elliott Thomas, Middleton house, ii>Green Charles, I Orchard villas, Hunt George, St. Hilda's, Grove hill
Chelmsford road George lane Hunt Joseph, The Grove, High road
*Elliott Waiter, Aberdeen cottage, *Green Charles, 8 Salisbury villas, *Hunter Mrs. I Eleanor villas, May-
Mavbank road Latchett road bank road
Ellis Harry Frederick, Mattock villa, *Green Henry, I Louisa terrace, May- Runwick Edniund, Glenhurst, Church-
Chelmsford road bank road fields
*Ellis Robert, Thornganby lodge, Green Miss, 2 Myrtle villas, Chelms- Button Martin Luther, High view,
Crescent road, Maybank road ford road Chelmsford road
*Emery John, Prospect cot. George la Greville Harry Leicester, Diersheim, Ide Thomas, Hope lodge, High road
Emler Francis George, I Florence Churchfields !nee Geo. M!rtle viis. Chelmsford rd
villas, Chelmsford road Griffin Alfred, Hill side, Churchfields IJackson Mrs. Byrn vil. Buckingham rd
Ennals William Reeve, 4 Augusta Griffin Harold Edmund, Avondale, James Edwin, I Orchard villas,
terrace, Chelmsford road Churchfields Chelmsford road
*Epp Christian Herman, Le Colom- Griffiths William Powell Bellerive, Janes Edmund, Stanford, Churchfields
bier, Gordon road George lane Jefferson Thomas, Washington house,
Farringdon Richd. Hilldane, Malmes- Groves Leonard, Woodleigh, Derby rd Grove road
bury road Habell Mrs. Lorraine, Grove hill Jennings Elliott, The Laurels, Chelms-
Faust Carl, The Limes, High road *Hackett William Sheppard, Conis- ford road
Ferry William, I Oakley villas, ton, Gordon road *Jewitt Waiter Sheldon, 4 Salisbury
Chelmsford road *Haines William J. 2 Floral villas, villas, Latchett road
*F1ghiera Felix, Myrtle cottage, Prim- Cowslip road '*'Johnstan Arthur James, Claybury
rose road Hall Alfred John, Clovelly, Grove hill view, Latchett road
*Finch Josiah Benjamin, Blue Bell *Hall Jsph. E. Manc•r ho. Chigwell rd Johnston Edward, 5 Augusta t-errace,
cottage, Gordon road Hallam Louis Charles, Burnham villa, Chelmsford road
*Fleming Mrs. Moncaster villa, May- Carnarvon road Jones Thomas, 2 Ash viis. Fuller's rd
bank road Hammond Rev. Thomas (Congrega- *Jupp William Edgar, St. Swithins,
*Foot George Charles, I Salisbury tional). Studley, Grove road Maybank road
villas, Latchett road Hammond William Alexander, Lilian Keeley Henry, Twyford vil. Stanley rd
*Foot George Edmund, Beaconsfield cottage, Derby road *Kendon William, 5 Lotiisa terrace,
house, Latchett road Hansing Frederick, The Priory, Buck- Maybank road
*Ford John, Vine cottage, Violet rd ingham road *Ketley Geo. 2 Tower viis. Cowslip rd
*Foreman Thomas Beck, Ivy cottage, Hanslow Mrs. Woodford cottage, Buck- Kind James, I Ash villas, Fuller's rd
Gordon road ingham road King Frederick, 2 Springfield villas,
Forster Mrs. Fremont, Chelmsford rd Harcourt George, Woodford lodge, Fuller's road
*Foster Charles Henry, 2 Eleanor Grove hill King Wm. P. Hildrop, Derby road
villas, Maybank road Harding Charles Frederick, Church- *Knight John, Eden ho. Maybank rd
Fowler Mrs. Henry, Glebelands, fie1d house, Churchfields La sham John, Dee side, Grove hill
High road *Harris Rowland William, I Sarah *Lamplugh Richard, Hildathorpe,
*Fowler Mrs. Lyndale, Gordon road villas, Chigwell road Violet road
Fowler Joseph Gurney, Glebelands, Harrison Charles Richard, Primrose Lannigan Henry Trevor, Airmount,
Hig-h road cottage, Malmesbury road Grove hill
*Fox William Robert, Frithmans, Harrison Smith Mrs. Elmhurst Large Frederick Northcote, Hasle-
George lane *Hart Waiter Samuel, Oak Dene, mere, Grove bill
Francis Edwd. Albt. I2 Latchett rd :Maybank road Latter Waiter R.A.M. Carlisle house,
*Francis Grant Richardson, The Tros- Harvey Mrs. 3 Grove hill Chelmsford road
sachs, Gordon road *Hassam Mrs. Compton villa, May- Lawson James, I Hill side, Grove hill
Fraser John, The Chalet, Grove hill bank road Leakev James, I2 Grove crescent
*Fraser Geo. I Alma vil. Primrose rd *Hepworth George, Woodlands, Lat- Lee Pbilip Stirling,Holmleigh,High rd
Fr~eman Mrs. I Cyprus villas, Buck- chett road . . _ Leete Joseph Thomas, Sydney villa,
mgham road Eeraud Claudms Wlilliam, Wash- Gtove hill
Friend William Henry, Holmcroft, bourne, Grove hill Leslie Robt. Hy. 5 Hill side, Grove hi
Che,tmsford road Herdman George Albert, Essex villa, Lever J oseph Frederick, The Old
Gain Misses, Cairnbrook college, Grove hill lodge, High road
Churchfields Hesse Joseph Samuel, Rose villa, Lewis Mrs. Red lodge, Chelmsford rd
*Gammage 'l'homas, Woodbine villa, Walpole road Liddle Alfd.Isaac, Daisybank,Derby rd
Maybank road, George lane Hill Arthur, 2 Swiss viis. Derby rd Liddle George''l'homas, Clifton lodge,
*Gansh Mrs. Falcon ho. Chigwell rd *Hill Miss, 2 Elizabeth viis. George la Grove hill
Garthwaite Rev. Augustus B.A. *Hind Mrs. Farnley ho. Maybank rd Lilley Charles T. Springfield villas,
(curate), St. Mary's, Chelmsford rd Hinderwell Joseph, 2 Cyprus villas, Fuller's road
*Gates Frederick Charles, Heathcote, Buckingham road Lindus Henry, Avondale, Peel road
Daisy road *Hird Mrs. 7 Louisa ter. Maybank rd Litchfield Edwin, Durham cottage,
*Gausd~n Chas. Myrtle cot. Daisy rd Hobbs Edward, 2 Florence villas, Chelmsford road
Gayton Thos. Claremont, Grove rd Chelmsford road Littlejohn Thomas, 4 Grove crescent
*Ghinn Thomas, 2 Sherborne villas, *obbs Frank, Maud villa, Gordon rd Littlejohn Thomas, Stafford lodge,
Cowslip road *Hobbs John, 3 Maybank crescent, Chelmsford road
Gibbons Arthur John Fry, Tylehurst, ~Iaybank road *Lomax Kelley Xazer, I & 3 May
Derby road <fHodges Mrs. Hope house, Primrose rd villas, Primrose road
Gibbons Mrs. Norfolk ho. Stanley rd *Hodgson Joseph C. I Floral villas, Long- Joseph Wood, I Victoria villas,
Gilbey Miss, Brighton vil. Stanley rd Cowslip road Derby road
Girling Richard A. Dunningworth, Hodgson Richard, .Aylesford cottage, *Love Joseph Thomas, Lea Mount
Grove- road Chelmsford road villa, Gordon road
G:iniste-r Thomas Arthur, Albury villa, *Hoffman Alfred, 4 St. Andrew's j*Love Mrs. Castleacre cottage, Lat-
Lansdowne road villlas, Primrose road chett road
Ludbrook Joseph, Cumberland lodge, Patehin Tbos. lnglewood, Churchfields Elbillinglaw John Andrew, Laburnam
Churchfields *Pattison Mrs. rawJty lo. George la cottage, Fuller's road
Lynn John, 3 Stanley ter. Stanley rd Pennington Bennett, Addington villa, •Sioper Miss, The Ferns, Gordon rd
Macalister Alex. Cosmo ho. Stanley rd Chelmsford road .,.Smallridge William, Victoria cottage,
*."Macklin Reuben, Ann vil. George la Penton Geo. Hy. Belmont, Derby rd Victoria road
:Yackrow Clement M. Oaklands, Peppiatt William Robert, Maglona *Smith Charles, 4 Tower villas, Cow-
Grove hill VIlla, Derby road slip road
:Yalby Henry Thomas, 2 Blyden villas, Pepys William Price, Chepstow lodge, ~mith Henry, 5 Derby viis. Derby rd
Chelmsford road Chelmsford road Smith Herbert Blomfield, Corbens,
:Maiden John Coleman, Earl villa, Pepys Mrs. Stanley ho. Derby road Churchfields
Grove road Perkins Mrs. Medbury, Churchfields *Smith Joshua Charles, Fern cottage,
Mallet Louis, Airedale villa, Buck- *Phillips Charles N. 3 Tower villas, Daisy road
ingham road Cowslip road Smith Keeble George, Felsted,
Mandy )lerbert S. 2 Albert terrace, •Philip Frederick Richard, Arbour Churchfields
Marybank road cottage, Violet road *Smith Mrs. Glenairlie, Gordon road
Marriage Jas. H. Ellerby, George la Pick James, Holly lodge, Derby road Smith Richard Thomas, 2 Victoria
*Marshall John William, Courtfield, Picton Henry, 2 Lammas villas, Buck- villas, Derby road
Grove hill ingham road Southcott Arthur, Buckingham villa,
*Marshall Thomas, North view, Gor- Pilgrim Geo. Ann's villa, Stanley rd Buckingham road
don road P0ole Henry, 2 Portland cottages, Spackman A. Elmy, 3 Cyprus villas,
*l\Iartin Hy. Stafford ho. Chigwell rd Carnarvon road Buckingham road
• *Masons Mrs. 4 Maybank crescent, *Poppey James Edward, Woodbine •stanton John, Smedleigh, May-
Maybank road cottage, Gordon road Bank road
.Massingham James, Milton lodge, Poulteney Edward, Blyden villa, *Stapleton George Bamford, Percival
Grove road Chelmsford road house, Maybank road
Mathews Charles, I Camden villas, Powell George, Myrtle vil. Peel road Smrk John, .Ambleside, Chelmsford rd
Grove road *Price Henry John, Henry villa, May- *:;;tark William, Waverley villas,
*Maydwell Wtilliam, Clinton villa, bank road Crescent road north
Maybank road Priory Miss, 8 Grove crescent Stebbing Alfred, Fernleigh, Church-
Mayell William, 2 Alexandra villas, *Purcell William, Hearn cottage, fields
Stanley road Maybank road Stevens James, I Lorne villas, Buck-
*Maynard Richard, 8 Louisa terrace, Rains George William, Clarence ingham road
Maybank road villa, Grove road Stevenson Thomas Alfred, I Oak-
Medland John Rowe, 2 Woodbine Ransom Frank Purvis, 2 Sarah villas, villas, Derby road
villas, Chelmsford road Ch1gwell road *Stiles Joseph John, The View, Chig-
Meyer Arthur, The Briars, Chelms- Rankin Patrick Powlett, Bayford well road
ford road house, Chelmsford road Stoessiger Frederick, Essex villa,
Meyer Arthur, Murton villa, Chelms- Rayner William, I Portland cottages, Derby road
ford l'oad Carnarvon road *Strongman Mrs. 3 St. Andrew's
*Meyer Mrs. Bremen villa, Chig- Read Thomas James, The Limes, villas, Primrose road
well road Chelmsford road Stnart Capt. Dugald R.N.R. Ingle-
Milborrow Thomas, Florence house, Reader Mrs. Cambria house, ~Ialmes- wood lodge, Chelmsford road
Stanley road bury road Stumbles William Henry, Fern villa,
Mil9s John, Palm cot. Malmesbury rd l?.eid James, 6 Frost villas, Peel road Derby road
Mileson Edwd. Garforth vil. Stanleyrd Reid Robert William, 3 Woodland *'3umpter Thomas, Ebenezer cot-
Miller Ira, Grove house, Grove road villas, High road tage, George lane
Miller Peter, Winwick vil. Grove hill Rey Edward Albert, I Warwick villas, *Sutton Wm. Eagle ho. Chigwell rd
*Mills Robert Heath, Holly cottage, Chelmsford road •Jymmons Thomas, Hermon villa,
Primrose road Reynolds Robert Barclay J.P. The Chigwell road
Mitchell Robert, I Chelmsford road Shrubbery *Tait George, Medina villa, :\:lay-
Morris Rev. Joseph S. 2 Oak villas, Rich Wm. Hope villa, Chelmsford rd hank road
Derby road *Ringer Waiter, Sabina vil. May- Tavlor Hv. Camden vil. Fuller's rd
Morton James, Io Grove crescent bank road Taylor James, Woodcroft, :\Ialmes-
Mumford James, Don side, Grove hill Risby George Harmer, Connaught bury road
*Munday Philip, Fernlea, Latchett rd villas, Stanley road 'fhalsino Demetrius, Zante villa,
*Must Miss George lane Robertson Atholl Bruce, Wood lodge, Derby road
Nears Wm.' Florida cots. Stanley rd Stanley road Thomas William Quinton, lvinghoe,
Nell Henry Thomas, Studley-royal, *Rowan Harry Drury, Fairview, Gor- Grove hill
Grove road don road Tbompson James, The ·woodrow,
Newland Mrs. 9 Grove hill Rowberry Alfred John, 2 Grove cres- Derby road
Newman Thomas, Carisbrook villa, cent, Grove road T.bompson William Thomas, I Au-
Lansdowne road Rc.wland Mrs. Edith villa, Churchfields gusta terrace, Chelmsford road
*Newton John Oliver, 2 Salisbury *Rumball Alfred William, May cot- •Thurgood Charles, Rose house, Prim-
villas, Latchett road tage, Violet road rose road
*Nicholas John, St. Catherine, ~lay- Russell John Alexander, Hawarden, Tiffin John Bunting, Kenilworth
bank road Chelmsford road house, Chelmsford road
Noel William James, Sunnyside, Sackett Frank, Rydalmount, Grovehl Tijou Charles James Richard, Lyn-
Grove hill "~alter Richard Nicholas, Malvern don, Chelmsford road

:Norris William Henry, 3 Augusta villa, Primrose road *Tilley Thomas Henry, St. Thoma~
terrace, Chelmsford road Savill Alfred William, Ursala villa, villa, Gordon road
North Arthur William, St. Keyne, Grove hill Tindall George, The Shrubbery,
Grove hill *Scott Waiter Thomas N. 7 Violet Peel road
Nunneley Chas. Southside, Grove hill terrace, Violet road Tindall Mrs. I Woodford Hall villas,
Oades Waiter, Waverley, Grove hill Seeley Frederick G. Woodville, Stan- Chelmsford road
Oldham Charles, 2 Warwick villas, ley road *Tippetts James B. 5 Tower villas,
Chelmsford road Sendell George, Abbotsford, Grove rd Cowslip road
Osborn Mrs. The Retreat, Derby road *Senior William, Cheriton lodge, *Torpy Wm. Sunnycroft, Gordon rd
Os-borne John~ I I Grove crescent Gordon road Towers Arthur Frederick Henry, 14
Ostlere Robert, The Chestnuts, Sharp Williamson, 2 Augusta villas, Hill-side. Grove hill
Derby road Chelmsford road *Town send J oseph, Francis cottage,
*Overall William Henry, Waverley Sharp Alfred, Evanston house, Victoria road ..
villas, Maybank road Churchfields *T~rner George William, Florence
Ozanne Leon, Berjouville, Grove road Shaw James Wilson, I Elm villas, villa, M~ybank_ road
Packer Thos. Hebburn vil. Grove hill Derby road Turner :\bss, High road
Parker Willliam Ray,Parkdale,Church- Sheldon John .lc">~ph, ~orth view, Turtle Frederick M.D. Kirkmead,
fields Derby road Churchfields
*Parkin The :Misses A. A. & E. E. •Shephard Joseph, 2 Rosebank villas, Turtle Frederick Wenman :\I.D.,
York villa, Maybank road Gordon road B.S. Woodland villas, High road
Parr Chas. Devonshire lo. Fuller's rd *Shepherd Frank Browning, Bololo Tween Alfred Augustus, 3 Grove
*Parsons Frederick, Chestnut cot- cottage, Primrose road crescent, Grove road
tal!e, Latchett road Shillinglaw Edward J. Lawn villa, Tween Wm. Clifton villa, Derby rd
Passfield Richard C. Parkhill, Church- Derby road *Vale Thomas, ~aybank cottage,
fields . Single :\frs. The Grove, High road Maybank road


*Vaughan Mrs. Homeland villa, *Watts Sidney Ernest Burgoyne, Wiles Arthur, 2 Derby viis. Derbyrd
Latchett road Holly bush, Maybank road Wiles Mrs. Albion cot. Derby road
*V-erry George Ward, Clematis villa, Watts William, Bohella, High road Williams Henry, Carisbrooke Muse,
Chigwell road *Webb George, 7 Salisbury villas, Chelmsford road
*Vince Abraham, 5 St. Andrew's Latehett road *Williams J ames Drybrough, Glen-
villas, Primrose road \Vebster .Tames, 2 Elizabeth terrace, thorne villa, Gordon road
*von Puttkamer Madame, 2 St. An- Peel road Williams John T
drew's villas, Primrose road *Wedlake Edward William, Wood· *Williams William Samuel, Holmle:gh,
*Wadham George, 2 Engleside villas, lands, Latchett road Latchett road
Maybank road Welsh Thomas, Montreal vil. Grove rd *Willis George, I Sherborne villas,
Wagstaff Alfred William, Halstead *\Vest Mrs. Leigh ho. Primrose road Cowslip road
lodge, Stanley road West Thomas, Wellington vil. Grove n Wilmer Horace, Mount Stewart,
Walker Miss, Cminth villa, Derby rd White Frederick John, 4 Cyprus villas, Grove hill
*Walker Robert J. Hurst cottage, Buckingham road Wilson Thomas Charlton, Kingsland
Daisy road *White Joseph Broster, Gibraltar villa, Grove road
Wall Robert Frederick, I Swiss villas, cottage, Gordon road *Witney William Jesse, I St. Thomas
Derby road fWhite Thomas, Sunnyside, Gordon rd villas, Maybank road
\Varren Geo. Forest view, Grove rd 1Yhitton John, 2 ~uremiberg villas, *Wood Mrs. London hou. Chigwell rd
*Warren Mrs. I Daisy road Derby road W oodhouse J ames, Billingford house,
Warwick .Tames Charles Henry, Croft Whybrow Richard, 8 Derby villas, Grove road
cottage, Derby rpad Derby road *Wooding William Hy. Latchett rd
Wastell William Louis Francis, Cuba Wiggins George, 2 Oakley villas, *Woods Thomas M. Carisbrooks
cottage, Fuller's road Chelmsford road house, Maybank road
Watson Mrs. Malvern house, Grove rd
COMMERCIAL. Erskine Henry, fancy repository, The Bazaar. George laue
Abbott Bros. dairymen, High road Everett William, jobbing gardener, 5 Grove hill
*Alexander & Shelley, florists, Home Hill fm. Chigwell rd Ferry William, printer, 7 Grove terrace, High road
nailey J. & R. grocers, George lane Fieldgate Samuel, draper, I Gladstone terrace, High rd
llaker .Toseph, jobbing g-ardener, Milton vils. Carnarvon rd Fleming David Newton, house decorator, George lane
13ake·r Thos. mineral water manufr. IS Grove End road *Foster V\~illiam, shoe maker & tobacconist, George lane
Banks Henry, baker, Maybank road Gain J essie & Alice (Misses), ladies' school, Cairnbrook
•Barrett William & Thomas, brick makers, Maybank rd college, Churchfields
*Barsham Jamei!, butcher, 2 & 5 Maybank road *Gale William & George, brick makers, Chigwell road
*Ba~kett Louisa (Mrs.-), shirt & collar dresser, I Percival *Gale George, carman, Chigwell road
villas, AlLert road Genever J ane (Mrs.), nursery, Derby road
Bass Reuben, florist, 4 Derby villas, Derby road Gibbons .Arthur John Fry, auctioneer &c. Tylehurst,
Bayford .Tames, harness maker, High road Derby road
*Beadel & Co. fancy drapers, George lane Gibson Arthur .Tames, corn dealer, IO Gladstone terrace,
*Bedden .Andrew, greengrocer, George lane High road, & George lane
*Benfield Joseph & 1Villiam, painters, I Oak cottages, Giles William, carman, Georg~ lane
l\Iaybank road Gill Henry & Son, boot makers, 2 Gladstone ter. High rd
Benfield Lawrence C. G. builder, I Oak cot. Maybank rd Gilham Henry, provision merchant, 9 Gladstone terrace,
·•Benson Charles, jun. boot & shoe maker, George lane High road ·
*Benson Frederick, shirt & collar dresser, Maybank road Gladstone's (Mrs.) Free Convalescent Home for the Poor
Ilerrill Alfd. L.R.C.P.Lond. surgn. Waveney ho. High rd (Miss Emily Simmons, lady supt. ), Woodford hall
Blumsom William, Napier Arms P.H. New road Gowers Henry, baker, Fuller's road
*Boardman John Faux, grocer, George lane Gray John, tlorist, Denmark terrace, Carnarvon road
Ilond Ernest J. solicitor, Willowbank, Buckingham road *Green Charles, professor of music, I Orchard villas,
Brett John, stone & marble mason, Peel road G eorg-e lane
*Bruehl Ernest, hairdresser, George lane Grice Charles, farm bailiff to Thomas 1\Iason esq. Church-
Butcher Joseph & Sons, blae;ksmiths & gasfitters, High rd fields farm
Carter Arthur, jobbing gardener, High road Guthrie Peter, oil & color merchant, 5 & 6 Grove terrace,
Chapman Frederick, tailor, Grove terrace, High road High road
Chapman George William M.R.C.S. Eng. & L~R.C.P. *Hamilton John, baker, Victoria road
Lond. surgeon, York house, George lane Handmann Elise (Mrs.) & Co. drapers & milliners,
*Chinnery Charles Ernest, plumber, I Violet road George lane
*Chout William, shopkeeper, Albert road Harris William, jobbing gardener, 5 Cheyne row, Car-
Christie :Margaret (Miss), preparatory boarding school narvon road
for boys, St. Margaret's, Grove hill Harrison Edwin, plumber, 2 Buxton villas, Stanley rd
Clark Emily (Miss), slrirt & collar dresser, High road Harwood Frances (Miss), dress maker, I Vine terrace,
Clarke William Joseph, insurance agent, I Hope terrace, Grove road
Grove road "Hayward Frederick, butcher, George lane
Cockett & Henderson, auctioneers & estate agts. George la Hay George, greengrocer, 4 Grove terrace, High road
*Cockrell B. B. (Mrs.), school for boys, Washington road Hedges Fredk. John, draper, 4 Granville ter. George la.
Coombes Waiter, livery stables, George hotel, High rd *Hersey James, shopkeeper, Chigwell road
Cooper John .Tames P. relieving officer, West Ham Union, Hickman George, nurseryman, Gordon road
Fernlea, Buckingham road Hilton Thomas, carman, I2 Grove End road
*Coopt-r Thomas, grocer, I Albert terrace, l\Iaybank road Hingston John, coal & house agent, George lane
Cootes .Tohn, greengrocer, High road Holder William, carpenter, High road
Cootes Wm. Robert, cab propr'etor, High road Howell Hichard, french polisher, 3 Grove hill
*Cornish William & Co. brick makers, South Woodford *Hudson Henry, grocer, 7 Maybank road
*Cozier H. & Co. laundry, 3 George lane Hughes John, pawnbroker, George lane
*Cousins Thomas, grocer, I St . .Tames terrace, Gordon rd Hunt Joseph, boot maker, 3 Sunny tiew, Grove road
Cox Mary Ann (:\<Irs. ), grocer & confectioner, Fuller's rd Hutchins Charles, decorator, Stanley road
CracknPll Thomas, boot & shoe maker, I8 Grove End rd Huxtable Mary Victoria (Mrs.), baker, J ligh road
Croft John, laundry, Peel road Hvett George, upholsterer, 6 Gladstone ter. High rd
Crowl Mary (Miss), dress maker, 4 Stanley ter. Stanley rd Ince George, ooHector of queen's taxes, Myrtle vill~
Cubitt Joseph, boot maker, Ia, Grove terrace, High road Chelmsford road
*Cumber William, shopkeeper, Chigwell road Ince Jessie (:Miss), private school, 2 Orchard villas,
Davis & Diaper, pharmaceutical chemists, George lane CheJ.msfo,rd road
*Dennis Edward Albert, agent to Royal London Friendly James Frederick, cycle manufacturer, High road
Society, 2 Clifton terrace, Maybank road Jenner 1Vm. Hy. builder & house decorator, High rd
Dent Louis Wm. L.R.C.P.Lond. surgn. Yanko, Grove rd *Johnson Edward, dairy, Violet cottage, Violet road
Dowding Alex. William Woodman M.D., M.S. physician Joiner George, jobbing gardener, I Stanley terrace,
& surgeon, George lane Stanley road
*Dyer John .Tames, jun. dairyman, 7 Melbourne terrace, *Jordan Harry, greengrocer, 9 :Maybank road
Daisy road Kennard William Francis, dairy, tobacconist & con-
*Dyer John .Tames, farmer, Cowslip road fectioner, Gladstone terrace, High road
Ellis James George, greengrocer, High road *Keteher William Hussey, station master, G. E. Rail·
Elmer Harry, dairy, Carnarvon villa, Carnarvon road way station, George lane
England William John, watch maker, George lan~ Knightbridge Waiter, butcher, George lane


Bursill Henry, butcher Jones Robert M.D. medical supt. Lon- Raby Jessie (Miss), draper
Comb en Robert, The Village Rest don County Lunatic Asylum, Clybry Rackham L. (Mrs.), baker
coffee tavern Lin'nett Waiter, Crown & Crooked Ranson James J. boot & shoe maker
Dixon Joh'n Henry, baker Billet P.H Reeves Alfred, White Hart P.H
Dyer Charles William, butcher London County Lunatic Asylum (Rbt. Roake Sarah A'nn (Mrs.), beer retlr
Dyer Francis William, corn, coal, Jones M.D. medical supt.; Fredk. Robinson Alfred, shopkeeper
coke & meal merchant, hay, straw Alderton, steward; James Britton, SchofiP.ld Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dreS&
& clover salesman, Chigwell road clerk of Asylum; Miss Frances Mary maker, 6 Cambridge terrace
Gee Jane (Mrs.), grocer Browne, matron), Claybury Scott George, boot maker
Grayston Chas. grocer & post office Messer Thomas, builder Shepherd Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner
Green Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository Parry William, shopkeeper, Wal- Skingley Henry, corn & flour dealer
Gunton Joseph, coach builder & tham terrace Smith John, dining rooms, I Cam-
farrier Nichols George, jobbing gardener bridge terrace
Hare John, carman Osborn T. & Sons, funeral furnishers Stevens Henry, dairyman
Hempsted John, blacksmith & house decorators, Waltham ter Watkins Waiter, farmer, Great Gales
Hosier William, saddler Pulfer Alfred George, assistant turn- Wood Charles William, grocer
Ledger Charles, hair dresser cock to E. L. W. works ""'~~~

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. England Richard, Broomhill lodge, Jones Stanley, High Elms, The Grn
Akers Hubert, The Oaks Broomhill walk Kaye Fredk. Oakleigh, Sunset avenue
Allan Donald Robert Percy, Clovelly, Ewald Mrs. Oakdene, Sunset avenue Kaye He'nry Edward, Inglebrook,
Salway hill Farrant James Isaac, Io The Terrace Chestnut walk
Alien (The Willows), The Grn Fatt Brownlow Brashier, Blairmore, Kebbell Mrs. 8 The Terrace
A'nderton Rev. William Edward M.A. Glengall road Keed Charles, Sebert, The Green
(Co'ng.), Ambleside, Broomhill walk Fearn Waiter Ellis, Oakleigh, Clare- Keith Jas. B. Hallacarry, Fairfld. rd
Ashbridge Alfd. Cromer wdge, G:en- mont grove, Snake's lane Kemsley Alfred Edward, The Grange
gall road, Snake's hme Fitzpatrick Rev. Nicholas Richard Kemsley Joseph William, Oakfield,
Atchison Rev. George. (Woodford M.A. (vicar of All Saints), The Snake's lane
Union church), Snake's lane Parsonage, Sydney road Kemsley Waiter, Glengalllodge, Glen•
Baxter Thomas, The Roses, Salway hl Forge Arthur J. Oakleigh, Clare- gall road
Bell Waiter W. Caroline cottage, West mont grove, Snake's lane Kent Frederic, High Elms, The Grn
Grove road Fox Chas. Edwd. Westwd. Snake's la Kirkaldy Thomas, Charteris house~
Bentley Jn. sen. Mountash, Snake's la Francis Edward, Grove end, Clare- Snake's lane
Bentley Jn. jun. Mountash, Snake's la mont grove, Snake's lane Knight John, The Larches, Snake's la
Bu esford William Charles, 7 The Francis Mrs. Maida villa, Snake's la Knight Mrs. Baytree cot. The Green
Terrace Gannaway Henry, I Elm terrace Ladbrook Ephraim, Verbena cottage,
Boyce Hy. Northview, Snake's lane Gardner Alfd. West Dene, Charteris rd Snake's lane
Broadbank Jsph. The Elms, Snake's la George Miss, Rose villa, West Grove Large Wm. Henry, 2 Carlto'n villa&
Broome Bertie, Glengall cottage, road, Snake's lane Leatherdale Arthur, Fir Tree house,
Glengall road Giddins Rev. Geo. Hy. (Cong.), Dur- Snake's lane
Brown Henry Hunsdon, Ferndale, ley, West grove, Snake's lane Lee Henry, Woodford lodge, Salway hi
Glebe avenue Good Mrs. Hermitage ho. Snake's la Lee-Warner Miss, High Gro. Sunset av
Brown Leonard, 6 Sunley v1llas, Goodwin John Palmer Willis, Marston Legerton John Stock, I Trevor villas
Higham road cottage, The Green LeSouef Edwd. Fredk. Higham court
Brown William Henry, Harts Grooves William Geo. Linden house, LeSouef Miss, 2 East view, The Grll
Buck Alfd. Roseneath, BNemhill wlk The Green Leonard Miss, St. Margarets, The Grn
Ilurleigh Mrs. Ivy cottage, West Hall R~v. Jas. B.A., B.Sc.L<md. (sen. Letchford Robt. Michael, Prospect ho·
Grove road, Snake's lane asst. at Bancroft' s schDol), Balstock, Liddle Mark Anthony, Wensley house,
Burton Henry, Ray lodge, West gro The Green The Green
Cameron William Rostellan, Prospect 1 Halsey Wm. The Homestd. Sydney rd McGill David, Holmwood, Glengall r~
road, Snake's lane I
Hand William Henry, Martha cottage, Martin Robert, Belbrook, Snake's la.
Channon John, Cotswoldbury, Glen- 1 Snake's lane Mason Thos. Merleswood, Sunset av
gall road Hanlon Arthur 0. Ferncote, Broom- Maw Fra'ncis, Cromer, West Grove
Chew Thomas, Glneryn, Salway hill hill walk road, Snake's lane
Chilton Henry, Craig Millar, Glen- Hannemann Miss, Essex house, Brom- Mead John, Ravenswood, Sydney ra
gall road hall road Meadowcroft Walter, Douro villas,
Clark Henry, May villa, West Grove Harcourt Robert Frederick, Upwey, Snake's lane
road, Snake's lane Snake's lane Miller John, Alfreton, The Green
Clay John Dodd, St. Alban's cottage, Harding Fredk. Edmund, Murton ho. Miller Marmaduke, Sherwood lodge,.
Sah' ay hill Higham road Glengall road
Cook Edward Harry, The Hollies, Harper John Whyte, Anworth house, Mills Arthur John, Dene Hurst, Sal-
Sydney road Snake's lane way hill
Cook Edward Rider F.C.S., F.C.~., Harris Edwin, Hurst ho. Salway hill Mills Mrs. Glengall villa, Snake's la•
J.P. Woodford house, Salway h1ll Hart Miss, 3 Alma ter. Snake's lane Mobbs Jas. Wm. Essex vil. The Grn
Cook Hy. John, The Firs, The Green Hawkey Richd. Sunnycroft, Snake's la Moore John, Ray villa, West Grove
Cordeaux Mrs. 'Yoodside cottage, The Hegarty William, Rose villas, Prospect road, Snake's lane
Green road, Snake's lane Mugford Fra'nk William, The Heath,.
Cornock Thomas Morris, 4 Madeira Hellyer Syd'ney, Moorlands, Sunset av Sunset avenue
villas, Snake's lane Henwood Edward Augustus, Highfield Nicholson George Henry, Salway hill
Crawley Mrs. Aubrey ho. Snake's la cottage, Horn lane Nicholson William, The Green
Gremer Rudolph, 2 Elm terrace Hepburn Andrew, Croft ldg. Snk.'s la Noble Henry, II The Terrace
Groom John Edward, 6 Sylvan villas, Hills Arnold Frank, Monkhams Norris John, Glenavon, West Gl"o~e
Snake's :iane Hogg Mrs. 2 Alma terrace, Snake's la road. Snake's lane
Crump Mrs. St. Aubyn's, The Green Hollington Mrs. Ea. Dene, Charters rd Orr Thomas Workman, Rowallan,.
Cunnington Miss Felstead, The Grn Hooper l\1iss, 4 Carlton cottages Mornington road
Dalladay John George, I Carlton cots Howard Alexander, Forest lodge Osborn :1\'.I:rs. Glenville, Higham road
Daniels Chas. 2 Oporto viis. Snake's la Howard Alfd. Holmbry. Charteris rd Pascoe James Roger, Pyrmont, Sal-
Davies Hy. 5 Sylvan viis. Snake's la Howard David Lloyd, Alton lodge. way hill
Davison Robert, 8 Su'nley villas, Horn lane Paterson Mrs. I Morden villa~..
Higham road Howe Miss, 3 Carlton cottages Higham road
Dawson Mrs. 2 Madeira viis. Snake's la Hughes George, Broomhills Pechey Thomas Primrose, Rosebrae, ·
Dixon Elijah Marsh, Heatherdale, Hunt Joseph Brooke, Haddo'n, Fair- Snake's lane
Snake's lane field road Percival James Edward, Ellerslie,
Dowding Alfd. Chas. 4 The Terrace Hunt Mrs. 7 Sylvan viis. Snake's la Higham road
Durrant Wm. Parker, 3 The Terrace Hustwaite l\Irs. The Priory, The Grn Pool James, The Ferns, Snake's J.a.
Egg Rev. Edward Thomas (Congre- Ireland William Francis, Eleanor villa, Pratt Edwd. Woodbury ho. Snake's la
gational), Sydney villa, Sydney rd West Grove road Purkess Edwin, The Terrace
Ellerton James F. Roselyn, Fairftd. rd Joad Edwin, Westward Ho. The Grn Rankine Adam, Romford ho. The Gm
Elliott Frederick Waiter, 4 Sunley Jones Courtney, Firleigh, The Green Ringer John. Chestnnt~ Prt)j!pect :rd·.
villas, Higham road Jones Mrs. High Elms, The Green Snake's lane
Reynolds Miss Silverdale, Snake's la Stacpoole Joseph Edmund, Clare ldg. Vigne Mrs. The Oaks, High road
Roberts John Reynolds, Salway house, Snake's lane Walker Charles Strathden, Broom..
Salway hill Stacpoole Mrs. R. W. Clare lodge, hill walk
Roberts Thomas Howell K. Elmview Snake's lane Waiter William, 2 Morden villas,.
Robertson George, 3 Madeira villas, Stacpoole Wm. Clare ldg. Snake's la Higham road
Snake's lane Steele Mrs. 2 The Terrace Walthew William Henry, Ivy lodge,.
Russell Alfred, The Perie, The Grn Stevens Wm. Norfolk vil. The Green West Grove road
Sapsworth Geo. Sanders, Highm. ldg Stoke11 James, Manor cottage Warner Percy Rydal, The Green
Savage Wm. Hazlehurst, Snake's la Strugnell Wm. Holly cot. Salway hill Warn"r Thomas Courtenay Theydon,
Schwartz John, Ivy house, Salway hl Stubbs Edward, Haydn lodge, Pro- Higbams
Seare Chas. I Alma ter. Snake's lane spect road, Snake's la'ne Watson Jn. G. Hurstwood, Snnset av
Secretan Hy. Clarence vil. Glebe av Sworder Waiter, 5 The Terrace West Joseph Hy. Cranleigh, Salwy. hl
Shepherd George, 6 The Terrace Taylor Miss, 9 The Terrace White Robert, 5 Alma. ter. Snake's la
Sheppard Frederick, Ellerslie, West Taylor Robert William, Summerfield, Whitta Mrs. High Elms, The Green
grove, Snake's lane Snake's lane Wiggins Frederick George William,
Skaife Mrs. Salway hili Terrell Waiter, The Hollies, West gro. Overda.le, The Green
Slater Josiah, Laburnum cottage, Snake's lane Wilkinson Mrs. Claremnt. vil. Snk'
Snake's lane Tewson Edward Arthur, Heathside, Willoughby Edwd. Godfrey, Ashleigh
Smith Charles J ames, I Madeira Sunset avenue road, Snake's lane
villas, Snake's lane Tholander Elieser, Villa de Portugal, Withers Henry, I Ann's villas, West
Smith Charles Oxley, Inglewood, Snake's lane Grove road, Snake's lane
Claremont grove, Snake's lane Tibbs Frederick G. Sunley villas, Withers Mrs. 2 Ann's villas, West
Smith George, West Grove lodge, Higham road Grove road, Snake's lane
West Grove Tite Mrs. St. Alban's, Salway hill Wetherington Henry Rookstone, Fair·
Smith William, Liddisdale, Glebe av Tosetti Max, Ashdene, Charteris rd field road
Snow Fredk. Thos. Clarendon house Tozer Aug. Fairmead, Sunset av:enue Witz Mrs. Rosslyn, Claremont grove,
Spragg Edmund, 5 Sunley villas, Tozer Mrs. Dalkeith, Glengall road Snake's lane
Higham road Ullmer Michael, Redcot, Broomhill wlk
COJ\DfEBCIA'L. Fuller Alfred John, fishmonger, High street
Abraham John & Son, grocers, High street Garrod Elizabeth A. (Mrs.), certified nurse, Alma cot-
Adams James, florist, Salway hill tages, '\V est Grove road
Andersen Lars J. joiner & upholsterer, I Eagle house Girling J. & H. coal merchants, Woodford station
Ayres Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Prospect road, Goodfellow Thomas, grocer, 6 Alma ter. Snake's lane
Snake's lane Griggs Mark, grocer & post office, Snake s lane
Ayres James, house decorator, 6 Prospect terrace, Pros- Groves '\Villiam George, surgeon & medical officer of
pect road, Snake's lane health to Woodford urban sanitary authority, Linden ho
Baines Joshua Henry, hair dresser, Mill lane Hancock William Joseph, station master, Woodford
Bannister Edward, carpenter, The Square station (G.E.R)
Barnard Joseph William, dairyman, Snake's iane Hannabuss Phillip, farrier & smith, The Square
Barnard Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, Oporto villas, Snaka's l>\ Hannemann Lina (Miss), ladies' school, Essex house-~
Barnett Sarah Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Station terral!c, Bromhall road
Snake's lane Hemmings, J oseph, dairyman, Chingford lane
Bathg~te William, hair dresser, Salway hill Hetherington Henry, grocer, High street
Bestall Aubrey Henry, pianoforte tuner, 3 Elm terrae.~ Hill Frederick John, plumber, Richmond cottage
Blows Frederick, fishmonger, 2 Gladstone cotta,5es Hitch Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Salway hill
Blundell John Jesse, Wilfrid Lawson temperanetl hotel Holliday Alfred John, postmaster, post office
Bracey Thomas, Rose & Crown P.H. Mill lane Hoop er Alice C. (Miss), kindergarten school, Felstead,
Bradshaw John, carman, The Square High road
Bradshaw Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, The Squa?e Hooper J ames Drummond, architect & surveyor & con,
Bray Belissa (Mrs.), Castle hotel suiting engineer to the local board
Bridge William W. saddler, High street Ho"Well Edwin George, french polisher, High street
Brittain Beniah, butcher, 5 Alma terrace, Snakes !ane Howes '\Yilliam, greengrocer, High street
Broome Bertie, chemist, High street Hoy Ccesar, greengrocer, Mill lane
Bullen Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, Lime Tree .:;otta~e. Hunt .llice (:Miss), drelils maker, 2 Sylvan vils. Snake's la
The Square I Hustwaite Alice (Mrs.), ladies' school, The Priory
Burgess Alex. nurseryman, Horn lane Jessop Charles & Alfred, van & cart builders, The Square
Burns Moses, fly proprietor, Sydney cottage, Horn lane Johnson Joseph, farm bailiff to J. W. Kemsley esq.
Carswell Frederick, tailor, High street Milkwell farm Susan (_Mrs.), grocer, 7 Station ter Snake's la Johnston's (Mrs.) Children's Rescue Home (Miss May
Chigwell, Loughton & Woodford Gas Co. (Allan Brown, Baldry, matron), Hope cottage, Manor road
manager; Edward J ames Holwell, sec.), Snake's lane J ones ,T. & Sons, steam printers & stationers, High ~ot
Clarke Francis Clisby, Railway tavern, Snake's lane Judge Thomas, beer retailer, Salway bill
Clinch Frank, butcher, Mill lane Kaye Frederick, pill m~mufacturer
Coller William P. boot maker, 2 Station ter. Snake's la Kemsley Joseph ·william F.S.I. auctioneer, surveyor,
Collins Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, Snake's lane estate agent & farmer, Snake's lane (near station)
Cornish George, carpenter, Castle yard Kemsley's (.Mrs.) Children's Rescue Home (Miss Fanny
Cotton Mary Ann (Mrs.), fancy repository, High ~treet Pratt, matron), Faith cottage, Manor road
Crang Waiter, butcher, High street Ketts William, fly proprietor
Crick Christopher Thos. carpenter, Greenwood cott~g~. King Ambrose, turncock to East London Waterworks,
The Green 2 1Iilllane
Cricks John, milliner, High street Kin~ston James Samuel, plumber, Douro vils. Snake's fa
Crump Mrs. preparatory school, St. Aubyn's Knight Thomas, Golden Cross P.H. Mill lane
Cutforth Samuel, draper, tailor & outfitter Lea Charles, beer retailer, Snake's lane
Daniels William, builder, The Green Lomas J oseph, cabinet maker, 4 Alma terrace, Snake's !a
Edwards & Co. piano & organ tuner & repairer, High st London Joint Stock Bank Limited (The) (branch) (Edwin
Ellis James George, greengrocer, Salway bill Purkess manager), High street; open daily 9 till 4;
Emery Daniel, ironmongery & glass warehouse, 4 Station sat. 9 till 2; draw on Lothbury office, 6 Lothbury,
terrace, Snake's lane London E.C.; head offices, 5 Princess street
Enness Charles, boot maker, High street Long J. & M. (Misses), dress makers, East view
Ensom Alfred, The George & Dragon coffee tav~rn, Long John, builder, I East view•
The Square l\Iartin Robert, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & cl!'rk
Ernteman George, tailor, High street to the local board, Bellbrook, Snake's lane
Everett Barbara (Miss), confectioner, High street :\!iller Alfred, collector to urban sanitary authority, Locdl
Farmer Stephen George, nurseryman & florist, Snake's la Board offices, Wilfrid Lawson
Fislier Charles Ed'Jin, butcher, 8 Station ter.Snake's la :Ke"man Edward, stationer, High street
Fontanne Jules, tobacconist &i china warehouse, 6 Osborn Thomas & Sons, builders & undertakers, High st
Station terrace, Snake's lane O:xley Robert Bass, draper, 3 Station terrace, Snake's la
Forge Arthur J. architect & surveyor, Oakleigh, Clare- Parker Frederick Henry, shoe maker, 3 Horn lane
mont grove, Snake's lane Paul Albert Edwin, shoe maker, 3 Sylvan villas, Snake's la
Free Harry, carpenter, Felstead, High road Penman Sidney John & Co. corn merchants, 5 Station
Freshwater Susannah (Miss), confectioner, lligh street terrace, Snake's lane
Pentridge Alfred, hair dresser, High street Stone Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, Snake's lan&
Pentridge Mary (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, High street Taylor Thomas, coach painter, Chingford lane
Perrin Jabez, tailor, Salway hill Trinder J ahn, hair dresser, 3 Snake's lane
Perrin William Henry, boot & shoe maker, High street Wales Fanny (Mrs.), fancy depository &c. High street
Pickett Thomas, watch & clock maker, High street \Varner Percy, L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, Rydal
Pratt Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Salway hill lVaterman James, landscape gardener, Horn lane
Purkess Edwin, manager of the London Joint Stock Bank Waterman Stephen, jobbing gardener, Snake's lana
Limited, High street \Yatson Robert Samuel, whitesmith, High street
Read James Wm. coach builder & wheelwright, Snako':l Wells Henry & Sons, builders, The Green
lane; & coach builder at 1Woodford Wells. See advert Wllfrid Lawson Temperance Hotel (Jesse John
Robinson Robert (Mrs.), cab proprietress, Oak hill cot Blundell, manager), schools, parties & cyclists specially
· Rodwell William, greengrocer, I Station ter. Snake's la catered for
Root William, carman, Horn lane Woodford Art & Industrial Society (Hy. Crump, hon. sec)
Schwier Charles, farmer, Great Monkham's farm Woodford Fire Engine Station (James Waterman, supt.),
Sellar John, plumber, Grove road, Snake's lane Horn lane
Sheppard Jas. & Sons, builders & rustic workers, Horn la W oodford Golf Association (Frank William Mugford, hon.
Shepperd Alfred Edward, butcher, High street sec.), Sunset avenue
Sigg~>rs Alfred, draper & grocer, & agent for W. & A. Woodford Mutual Benefit Building Society (John Yeats,
Gilbey Limited, wine r& spirit merchants, High street sec.), Prospect road, Snake's lane
Smith Charles J ames, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Woodford Times Newspaper (J ones & ·Sons, proprietors;
Madeira villas, Snake's lane published friday)
Smith Susannah (~irs,), dress maker, I Sylvan villas, Woodford ·working Men's Institute (Rev. Nicholas
Snake's lane Richard l''itzpatrick l\I.A. president), High street
.Smith William James, farrier & smith, High street & W oodford Young Men's Christian Association (Ralph
Mill lane Kent, sec.), Eagle house
Stacpoole Joseph Edmond, solicitor, & clerk to the school Woods James, general smith, plumber &c. 4 Snake's la
board, Clare lodge, Snake's lane Woods William, shopkeeper, Snake's lane
Stacpoole William, solicitor, Clare lodge, Snake's lane \Vooldridge H. & Co. coal merchants, Woodford station
Stephens Alfred Duggan, ironmonger & ·glass & china Wright George, baker, 3 Castle yard
warehouse, High street Ziegler Sydney, baker, High street
Stockwell & Co. tobacconists & watch makers, High st
(Letters received through Woodford Foottit William, Ripple *Newman William Purnell, Rose bank,
Green.) Fox William R. The Beeches, "\Vhite- Whitehall lane
(Marked thus * receive their letters hall road · X ewmarch Fras. Wm. 2 Monkham's ter
through Buckhurst Hill.) *Frey Arthur Abraham, The Birches, Nicoll Frederick, 3 Mornington villas,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Epping New road Mor'nington road
Apple by John, Fairview Garrett Jas. Thomas, 2 Fiorence vils *Oliver Edward, 2 Hawthorne villas,
.Appleton .Anthony Hague, Forest ho. Gebhardt Thos. The Firs, High road High road
High road Geer Edward, 5 Mornington villas, *Oliver Frederick James, The Holliea,
.Argent William John, Monkham's ter Mornington road Whitehall lane
*Ashby Frnk. Robthm. 6 Knightn. "\'Is *Gleeser Albert, Hurstcombe, ·white- Parez C. C. T., B. A. assistant master,
*Ashby Mrs. 6 Knighton vis. High rd hall lane Bancroft's school
*Atherton Wm. Lords Bshs. High rd Goldby William Samuel, Lynmouth *Pavitt Joseph Henry, Burst view,
Ball G. H., B.A. (assistant master), villa, High road Epping New road
Bancroft's school *Gould Francis Carruthers, 10 Pigott Capt. lVellesley George, Fair·
*Barwell Mrs. 9 Knighton vis. High rd Knighton villas, High road field, High road
Blyth Frederick Delacourt, The Lea- *Graham Mrs. The Firs, Epping Plender William, I Morp.ington villas,
sowes, Wnitehall road New road Mornington road
Eose Mrs. Langbourne lodge, White- Green Samuel, Fernbank, Morning- *Reeves Mrs. Darwen ho. High rd
hall road ton road *Reynolds Henry Bion, Brandon ho.
Eoyer Mrs. Holmleigh, Whitehall rd Hall Rev. J., B.A., B.Sc. Balstock Epping New road
*Breeze John Saunders, Queenboro', High road Richards Thomas B. Hawthorns,
High road Hall .J. E., B.A. assistant master, Whitehall road
*Breuer Francis Richard John, Hill Bancroft's school *Roe Rev. Robert Gordon M.A. 3
side, Epping New road Hancock H. M.A. assistant master, Knighton villas, High road (curate
lJrinkman G. assistant master, Ban- Bancroft's school in charge of St. Stephen's, Buck-
croft's school *Hardy Charles, 5 Knighton villas, hurst Hill) .
Broughton William, 3 Florence Yillas High road Rose Edwn. Lyndhrst. Morningtn. rd
'Brown Waiter, 2 Mornington villas, Harris Francis, Cromwell house, Morn- *Rose Matthew, Oahlea, Whitehalll:J
Mornington road ington road Schwinge Miss, Hanover ho. High rd
*Buxton Edward North D.I.., J.P. Holliday Alfred John, I Mornington Scott Archibald, 2 Morningto'n villas,
Knighton house, High road villas, High road High road
*Cole Henry, 8 Knighton vls. High rd Holmes Peter Christie, Hawthornden, *Siffken Bernard Ernest, Forest side,
*Cole Wm. 7 Knighton villas, High rd Morningto'n road Epping New road
Collenett Adolphus, Gothic lodge, Horton H. H., B.A. assistant master, Skelton Benjamin, Woodside, High rd
Mornington road Bancroft's school *Smith Captain Adam, 4 Knighton
Cooper Herbert, 4 Mornington villas, *Hudson Mrs. I Knighton villas, villas, High road
High road High road Smith William Edward, Glencairn,
Cox Chas. Forest view, Mornington rd Hurell William, Fern cottage, Morn- Whitehall road
Crowther John Cooper, Woodlands, ington road *Smith William Henry, Charlotte vil.
Mornington road Jones James Horace, Stockleigh Epping New road
Dauber Mrs. 4 Florence. villas Kettridge Chas. The Limes, High rd *Sowter J ames, I Hawthorne villas,
De la Crouee Henri, Homeleigh, *Kibble William ;Frederick. Korton High road
Whitehall road villa, High road Spring Henry, I Monkham's terrace
*Dorling Rev. William M.A. (Congre- Kurtz Andrew, Cleveland house, Stei'nhoff Godfrey, Hepworth house,
gational), 2 Knighto'n viis. High rd Whitehall roa.d Whitehall road
Dredge Edgar, The Almonds, White- Littlewood T. H., M.A. assistant Swift Edmund, Turn Lee
hall road master, Eancroft's school \ Symns Rev. J. E. l\I.A. head master,
*])ring William Ernest, Willesden, :\Iartin John, 6 Mornington villas, 1 Bancroft's school
High road MorningtoQ road *Tee Thomas J oseph, Hadleigh lodge,
*Duffus John, Glenlossie, Whtehl. la :\!orris Mrs. 2 Albert villas, White- Whitehall lane
*Durnford Douglas, Elizabeth house, hall road Timms Charles, Albert cottage,
Whitehall lane ~!orris Edward John, Rock Dene, WhitehaJl road
*Elphinstone Henry Walker, lYestdene, High road Towle William John, High Dene,
Whitehall lane ~Iuir Robert William, ·woodlands, Whitehall road
Evans Edward Reid. Beaulieu, Morn- Whitehall road Trewby N., l\I.A. assistant master,
ington road )lunro Mrs. Ivy lodge, High road Bancroft's school
Forsyth David Cadenhead, Mor'ning- Naughton William, Blanchard house, Watson 'Yalter, 4 Mornington villas,
ton house, l\Iornington road \Yhitehall road 1 Mornington road
*Wilkins "C"riah Thomas, Ivy bank, Convalescent Home for City Work Knighton Girls' Home (C. S. Thorpe,
\Yhitehall lane Girls (Miss Helen Reynolds, sec.), sec.; Miss Alice Hopton, matron)
Wilson Mrs. 3 Mornington villas, Whitehall road Price Susan (Miss), laundress, 5 Bel-
High road Cooper Herbert, veterinary !!Urgeon, grave cottages, Forest road
"\Yint€rton Rev. W. C., B.A. Land. 4 Morningto'n villas, High road Read James William, coach builder &
assistant master, Bancroft's school Cullen lVm. baker & confectr. High rd wheelwright. See advertisement
COllliERCIAL • *Dring William Ernest, physician & *Reeves l''ranklin (Mrs.), Darwen
.!ndrews Alfred, plumber & shopkpr surgeon, "\Villesden, High road College (for ladies), High road
Arnill Hy. blcksmth. "\Vnitehall road *Epping Forest School of the Sctence *Riggs John, refreshment contractor,
Bailey J sph. Salmon, grocer & post off & Art Department, South Kensing- Chingford retreat
Bancroft's School (Rev. J. E. Symns ton (Woodfo"rd & Buckhurst Hill Shaw Jas. Walt. Travellrs.' Frnd. P.H
l\I.A. head master; Rev. J. Hall District) (Henry Cole head master), Smith Christopher, chimney sweeper
B.A., B.Sc. (Land.), Rev. W. C. 8 Knighton villas & tinman, Avenue road
Winterton B.A. (Land.), G. Brink- Essex Field Club (head quarters} Ta'bois :Frederick William L.D.S. Eng.
manu, J. E. Hall B.A., H. Hancock (Wm. Cole sec.), 8 Knighton villas dentist, High road
l\I.A., H. H. Horton B. A. (Lond. ), Gilli'ngham Charles, dairyman, White- Taylor \Yilliam, wheelwright &c
T. H. Littlewood M.A., N. Trewby hall road *Tee Thomas Joseph, solicitor & com-
M.A., G. H. Ball B.A., C. C. T. Grig~s James, greengrocer, High rd missioner for oaths, Hadleigh lodge,
Parcz B. A. assistant masters) Humphries William, farm bailiff to Whitehall lane
tluckhurst Hill Technical Instruction Edward N. Buxton esq. Knighton Warmington Hy. & Son. coach bldrs
Classes (science & art), Henry farm Warmington Minnie Elizabeth (Miss),
Cole, head masler, 8 Knighton vils. Kitchin Annie (Mrs.), laundress, 4 dress maker, Florence ·villa
Bush Selina M. (:\Irs. ), The Horse Belgrave cottages, Forest road Willmott Fredk. \Vm. ho. decorator
& Well P.H Mason William, cab propr. High rd
WOODHAM FERRERS (or Woodham Ferris) is a esq. of Good'nestone Park, Kent, and held since 188g
-village and parish, on the slope of a hill, with a station by the Rev. Charles Pemberton Plumptre B.A. of Sidney
on the Maldon and Southminster branch of the Great Sussex College, Cambridge. A new rectory house was
Eastern railway, and 10 miles north-west from Rochford, built in 18go. Here is a Congregational chapel. A sum of
3 north from Hull Bridge wharf on the Crouch, 6 south- £63 in £3 per Cent. Coosols was left by, in 1790, Lady
west from Waldon, 9 south-east from Chelmsford, and FaJkner Cir Faulkner, the interest now (1894) "£r 14s. 4d.
341 from London, in the Mid division of the county, is distributed in bread; other charities, amounting to
Chelmsford hundred, uniQn and petty sessional division, £21 yearly, derived from land left in 1730 by Mrs. E.
~aldon county court district, rural deanery of Danbury, "\Voolard, are .given in coals to the poor. Lord Rayleigh
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. There is lord of the manor and principal landQwner. The soil
is still standing part of the ancient mansion of Edwin is stiff clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
8andys, Archbishop of York, 1577-89. The church of beans, barley and oats. The area is 4,476 acres of
St. Mary, built by Robert de Ferrers, 4th Earl of Derby, land and 22 water; rateable value, £4,442; the popula-
in the reign of Henry II. consists of chancel, nave, aisles, tion in 1891 was 769. A part of Bycknacre is in this
south porch and a western turret containing one bell : parish, where there is a Church Mission room, the re-
there is a mural monument of marble on the north side mainder is in Danbury parish.
of the chancel, with an inscription as follows: "Cecilie, Sexton, James Harvey.
wife of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, and daughter Post Office, in the village. Thomas Pitts, sub-post-
of Thomas Willford, of Cranbrooke, in Kent esq. sister master. Letters through Chelmsford arrive at . 50
to the worthy souldiers Sir James Willford and Sir a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. No mail on sundays,
Thomas Willford." "She dep'rted this life constant in Stow Maries, Battles Bridge & Danbury are the nearest
Christian faith, 5 F~bi. 1 6 10• at ye rising of ye sun" money order offices. Danbury is the nearest telegraph
the Archbishop pre-deceased her at Southwell, Notts, office for delivery & the railway station for collection of
10 July, 1558: the memorial was erected by her eldest
son, Sir Samuel Sandys kt. in 1 6 19, he being then telegrams. Postal orders are issued at this office,
sheriff of \Vorcester ; on the same monument are the but not paid
names of six other sons of this lady and of two married Post Office, Bycknacre. David Upson, sub-postmaster.
daughh~rs: the church underwent a thorough restoration Letters through Chelmsford, arrive at 6.40 a.m.; dis-
in 1884 at a cost of £98o, under the direction of Mr. patched at 6.40 p.m. No sunday business. The
Charles Pertwee, architect, of ChelmsfOTd, when the oak nearest money order & telegraph office is at Danbury
roof of the nave was restored t 01 view and the church Wall Letter Box, near Champion's farm, cleared at 5.30
reseated with open benches : there are 400 sittings. p.m. on week days only
The regist~r dates from the year I558. The Kational School (mixed), built in 1846, for ISO children;
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-cha.rge average attendance, about :ro5; Henry J. Ashton, mast
£705, ni>t yeerly value £s 39 , with 10 acres Railway Station, Z. W. Firrow, station master
of glebe, in the gift of Henry FitzwaJter Plumptre Carrier to Chelmsford. John Chapman, tues. & fri
WOODHAM FERRERS. Hawes Jesse (exors. of), farmers, Richardson Frank, frmr. Birkett's hall
Plumptre Rev. Charles Pemberton Charity farm Smyth William Douglas Watson, frmr.
B.A. (rector), The Rectory Hills Thirza (Mrs.), "nalebone P.H & landowner, Edwins hall
Smyth William Douglas Watson, Kerridge Daniel, farmer, "\Yoodham Starkey Anthony, farmer, Brazils
Edwins hall Hall farm Tyler William, farm bailiff to 1\Ir.
COMliERCIAL. Lee Ernest George, White Swan P.H J. H. Fielding, Town farm
Baker Frederick George, plumber Lewin Robert, blacksmith "\"\nitwell Jn. farmer, Peatlands farm
Beard Frederick, farmer, Dyer's farm Lowe John Manley, farmer, Eyots fro Wolf "\Yilliam, grocer & draper
Burchell Benjamin George, farmer, ~Iackintyre Archibald, farmer, The Wood William John, smith & whlwght
Horse Shoe farm Fen farms Wright Peter higgler
Chapman John, beer retailer & carrier :\loss Ed~rd, farmer, Ilgars farm ' •
Colver Arthur Bloxom, baker Murkin John, farmer, Priory farm BYCKNACRE.
CoopPr Samuel, Eagle P.H. wheel- Ockleston Jas. farmer, Hnmberts fro Brewster Thomas, beer retailer
wright & smith Orriss John, beer retailer Doe Thomas, miller (wind)
Cumbers John, farmer, Hollands frm Pike James Joseph, Bell P.H Haines William, market gardener,
Ely Kathaniel, farmer Pitts Thomas, grocer &; draper, Post Moor Hall farm
Eves Thomas, farm bailiff to Lord office ~Iann George Hy. assistant overseer
Rayleigh D.L., J.P. Brook farm Richardson Thomas, farmer, Wood- Punt Eliza (Mr.), Brewers' Arms P.H
Hawes Joshua, farmer ham lodge Lpson David, grcr. & drpr. Post office
WOODHAM MORTIMER (or Little Woodham) is main;;:, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south
a. parish 2 miles west-south-west from "\'Yest Maiden porch and a wooden belfry at the west end, surmounted
station on the Great Eastern railway and 7 east from by a spire and containing 3 bells : on the north side of
Chelmsford, in the S0111th Eastern division of the county, the chancel are mural monuments to James Wright,
uniQn and county court district of Maldon, Dengie hun- d. 1795, and Sally his wife, d. 1824, and to the Rev.
dred and petty sessional division, and in the rural Xicholas Griffinhoofe ~LA.. a former rector, d. 7 July,
deanery of ~Ialdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of 1789; on the south side is a marble monument to Ed-
St. Albans. The church of St. Margaret, entirely re- ward Codu esq. d. 1780; the church has an elaborately
built at a cost of £2,ooo, is an edifice in the Perpendi- carved oak reredos, pulpit and reading desk and a fine
cuiar style, with some ~orman and Early Englh.h re- octagonal font : the original piscina remains in the
chancel: the north transept, built in 1842, has been re- parish took its name. James Round esq. M.P. of the
moved. The register of marriages and burials dates from Holly Trees, Colchester, is lord of the manor. The
1664; baptisms, 1731. The living is a rectory, average principal landowners are Christopher William Parker
tithe rent-cha;rge £259; net yearly value £271, with re- esq. of Hatfield Priory, Chelmsford, the Coopers' Com-
sidence and 45a. 2r. of glebe, in the gift of James Round pany and J effrey Grimwood Grimwood esq. J.P. of
esq. M.P. and held since 1891 by the Rev. John Gilmore 29 Ennismore gardens, London SW. The soil is mixed;
M.A. Caius College, Cambridge. There are benefac- subsoil, gravel and clay. The ch1ef crops are wheat.
tions to the poor of the amount of £9 yearly, being barley, oa'ts and turnips. The area is 1,385 acres; rate-
the interest on £3oo, two-thirds of which was left in able value, £1,314; the population in 1891 was 2gB.
1786 by Susannah Meard and £100 in 1766 by Sarah Vis- Parish Clerk, Thomas .Aylett.
countess Falkland : the whole sum is given away weekly
in bread. The Coopers' Company of London have an Post Office. William Barltrop sub-postmaster. Letters
estate here, left to them by William Alexander esq. to arrive from Maldon at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at 5
whom they have erected an obelisk near to the church. p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph offices are
Woodham Mortimer Place, the seat of the Misses Ox- at :\-Ialdon & Danbury. Postal orders are issued
ley Parker, is a modern residence, standing in a plea- here, but not paid
sant park; i't occupies the site of an ancient mansion School (mixed), built in 1864, for 100 children; average
once the seat of the Mortimers, from whom this attendance, 53; ~Iiss Georgina Bowyer, mistress
Gilmore Rev. John M.A. Rectory Cockeram John Buncombe, farmer Taylor .Abraham, farm bailiff to the
Parker The Misses Oxley, Woodham Cooper's Company, farmers (Arthur Misses Oxley Parker
Mortimer Place Barrett, manager) Ward \Villi am, farmer
Roberts Charles Samuel, Tyndales ho Emmerson Samuel, beer retailer Wilkin William M. Royal Oak P.H
Barltrop Wm. grocer, & post office Philbrick Mark, blacksmith
WOODHAM WALTER is a picturesque village and The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £374;
parish, bounded on the north by the river Chelmer, and net yearly value £302, with residence, and 45 acres of
watered by a rivulet, 4 miles west from West Maldon glebe, in the gift of Mrs. Waiter Green and held since
station, on the Great Eastern railway, and 9 east from 1875 by the Rev. Robert Henry Falkner M.A. of
Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the county, Trinity College, Dublin. Captain Bird, of Yarmouth, is
union and county court district of Maldon, Dengie hun- lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the
dred and petty sessional division, and in the rural trustees of the late Jeremiah Pledger esq. E. Gibson
deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese esq. and Charles Ward esq. The soil is mixed; sub-
of St. Albans. The church of St. ~Iichael was built in soil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
1562 under a licence obtained from Queen Elizabeth, by barley and turnips. The area is 2,462 acres of land and
Thomas, Earl of Essex, and consecrated .April 3rd, 1564: 15 water; rateable value, 2,470; the population in r8gi
it is a brick edifice in the Perpendicular style and con- was 491.
sists of chancel, nave, north aisle, north porch and a Parish Clerk, John Green.
wooden belfry, with spire, containing 3 bells: the east Post Office. 'Miss .Agnes Gozzett, sub-postmistress.
window is stained: the church was restored at various Letters arrive from Maldon at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched
dates by the present rector and reseated in 1867, at a at 4.40 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
cost of about £325 : the nave, belfry and some of the office is at Maldon. Postal orders are issued here, but
windows were restored by general subscription in 1878: not paid
there are about 310 sitings. The register dates from the I National School (mixed), built in 187r, for 120 children.
year, burials, 1558; baptisms, 1568; marriages, r681. with an average attendance of 56; Mrs. N. Sole, mist
Boddy Robt. Jas. Earl's cottage Davis William, beer retailer Overall James Henry, Bell P.H
Falkner Rev. Robt. Hy. M.A. Rectory Garratt Samuel, miller (steam & Ratcliffe Samuel, farmer, Woodlands
Garratt Samuel, The Cedars water), Hoe mills Smith & Son, blacksmiths
Speakman Henry, The Lodge Gozzett Alfred, farmer Smith Robert, farmer
Allington Thomas, baker Gozzett Henry, farmer Speakman Hy. farmer, Lodge farm
Barritt Arthur, farmer, Guys Green John, grocer & assistant 6Vseer Stowell Jeremiah, thatcher
Chapman Henry, bricklayer Lang Samuel, farmer Wallis Henry, beer retailer
NORTH WOOLWICH, a portion ofWo01lwich (Kent), is not included in the County of Essex, but will be found
but locally in Essex, is a suburb of London, and therefore in Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
WORMINGFORD is a parish and village situated on Colchester, money sufficient to produce £31 1os. yearly,
the navigable river Stour and the borders of Suffolk, 3 to be applied as follows : £9 to the school, £ ro for the
miles east from Bures station on the Stour Valley branch purchase of coal to be sold to the parishioners at a
of the Great Eastern railway, IO east from Halstead and reduced price and £n ros. for blankets and winter
6 north-west from Colchester, in the North Eastern clothing, to be distributed at the discretion of the vicar;
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and he also by will dated August 27th, 1832, directed his
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester executors to invest in their names, in Government
county court district and in the rural deanery of Ded- securities, the sum of £soo, and to distribute the
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. interest annually to the deserving poor on St. Thomas'
Albans. The church of St. .Andrew is a building of stone day. The trustees of the late John Jolliffe Tufnell esq.
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of Langleys, Great "\Valtham, who are lords of the manor
of four bays, north aisle, south porch and a western and Thomas George Hallum esq. are the principal land-
tower containing a clock and 3 bells, dated 1591 : in owners. The soil is light loam and clay; subsoil, loam
the chancel are a piscina and three stained windows, the and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
east window being a memorial to the Rev. George The area is 2,256 acres; rateable value, £2,424; and
Tufnell, vicar from 1825: the church was thoroughly the population in 1891 was 483.
restored in 1869-70, seated with open oak benches and Paris~ Clerk, James Clarke.
an organ introduced. The register dates from the year Post Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have
1557. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge R.S.O. Essex added).-Frederick Death, sub-post-
£282 ; net yearly value £194, with residence and 5 master. Letters received at 3 a.m. ; dispatched at
acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the late J .. 8.45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
J. Tufnell esq. and held since 1891 by the Rev. Louis is at Bures St. ~Iary. Postal orders are issued here,
.Arthur Cockerell M ..A. of Balliol College, Oxford. Chari- but not paid
ties, producing £45• derived in part from a bequest in Wall Letter Box, cleared 7.30 p.m
1564, by Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley, for the National School (mixed), built for 100 children; average
benefit of this and other parishes, are distributed attendance, 75
yearly. James Robinson, in 1832, invested in the names Carriers to Colchester.-William Sach, mon. wed. fri. &i
of the vicar and churchwardens and the .Archdeacon of sat. ; Harry Scott, mon. wed. thurs. fri. & sat
Boggis Mrs. Woodhall farm COMMERCIAL. Bullock Charles, Queen's Head P.H
Boggis-Rolfe Capt. Francis Douglass Andrews William E. saddler Death Frederick, grocer
J.P. The Grange Ball Frederick, boot & shoe maker Frost George, wheelwright
Clark George Frederick Berry James, Crown P.H. & blcksmth Green William Stannard, farmer, Wor·
Cockerell Rev. Louis Arthur M.A. Boggis Ernest, farmer, Wormingford mingford hall
Vicarage Garnons Hitchcock Cornelius, miller (water);
Hallnm Thomas George, Grove farm Bouttell Abraham, farmer & at Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk)
}Iallum Thos. Geo. farmer, Grove fm Rudduck Elizabeth .Ann (Mrs.), gro· Rudduck James Thomas, baker & beer
Leggett Edward, grocer cer, draper & ironmonger retailer
Pettitt Frank, frmr. Church Hall fm,Sach William, carrier Scott Harry, carrier
WRABNESS is a village and parish, and derives its held since 1837 by the Rev. Anthony Cox Fenn B.A. of
name from its situation on a ness or promontory in the St. John's College, Cambridge. There is a small Wes-
frith of the river Stour : it is on the main road leading leyan chapel here. A charity of 6s. Sd. yearly is dis-
from Harwich to Manningtree, and has a station on the tributed in bread. Edgar Waiter Garland esq. of Ramsey,
Harwich and Manningtree branch of the Great Eastern Harwich, who is lord of the manor, and the trustees
railway, 6! miles west from the former, 6 east from the of the late Thomas Glover Kensit esq. are the chief
latter and 15 north-east from Colchester, in the North landowners. The soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil,
East~rn division of the county, hundred, petty sessional clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
division and union of Tendring, Harwich county court and beans. The area is I,II2 acres of land and 390 of
district, rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, arch- water; rateable value, £2,794; the population in 1891
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The was 264.
church of All Saints is a plain building of rubble, con- Parish Clerk, William Rowland.
sisting of chancel, nave and south porch: the belfry, a Letters received from Manningtree via Bradfield. The
picturesque ivy-clad structure, containing I bell, stands Pillar Box closes at 5.30 p.m. in winter & 6 p.m. in
detached in the churchyard : in the chancel is a tablet summer. The nearest money order & telegraph office
to the Rev. Robert Riche (1728), 27 years rector of this is at Mistley
pa.rish and 48 years vicar of Ramsey. The register of Pillar Box (Station), cleared at 5.50 p.m
baptisms dates from 1650; burials, 1681: marriages, National School (mixed), built in 1872 & enlarged 1875,
1684. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge for So children; average attendance, 56; Miss Fanny
£245; net yearly value £285, with residence and 58 Canty, mistress
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, anct Railway Station, George Nunn, station master
F1!nn Rev. Anthony Cox B.A. Rectory Churchyard Marshall David, market Paskell Archibald, blacksmith
Fisher Edward, New House farm gardener Richardson Frank, frmr. Priory frm
Patrick Henry, Wrabness hall Fisher Edward, farmer Robinson Robert, farmer, Shore farm
Gardener John, Wheatsheaf P.H Young Thomas, relieving & vaccina-
COMMEBCIAL. Garnham Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Dim- tion officer, Harwich district, &
Calver Joseph, Black Boy P.H. & bol's farm registrar of births & deaths, sub-
shopkeeper Hamm John, farmer district, Tendring union
WRITTLE, formerly a market town, is a village and since 1884 by the Rev. Thomas Leslie Papillon M.A.
parish near the river Can, a feeder of the Chelmer, on formerly fellow and tutor of that college. A list of 30
the road from Chelmsford to Ongar, 2! miles west from vicars, from the year 1405 to 1884, is preserved in the
Chelmsford station and the Chelmer navigation, in the college archives. The vicar of Writtle, as a chaplain
Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty appointed by New College, requires no institution by
sessional division, county court district and union, rural the bishop of the diocese. On Writtle Green there is a
deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Congregational chapel, rebuilt in 1885 at a cost of £soo,
of St. Albans. A part of this parish was taken in March and now seating 200 persons. There are almshouses
1888 to form the new parish of Chignall. The village near the churchyard (Hawkin's charity) for six widows.
is lighted with gas from works belonging to the Writt1e Here is an extensive brewery with maltings carried on
Brewery Co. The church of .A.ll Saints is a spacious by the Writtle Brewery Co. Limited, who are also
building of rubble, with stone dressings, in the Early owners of the gas works. Within this manor a curious
English and Perpendicular styles and consists of chancel, custom prevailed in ~arly times, called " Leppe and
restored in 1885, clerestoried nave, entirely rebuilt in Lasse," under which every cart coming to a part called
1879• at a cost of about £1,000, aisles, north and south "Greenbury," except the carts of peers, paid 4d. to the
porches and a lofty embattled western tower of stone, lord of the manor : Greenbury is supposed to have been
with pinnacles, .rebuilt in 1802 and containing a cloc'k and a market place and had therefore this privilege granted
8" bells: the lower story of the tower was restored, and to it. John Bastwick M.D. of Emmanuel College, Cam-
an arch opened into the nave in 1893: the font is bridge, born at Writtle in 1593, and afterwards a
Norman: on the north side of the chancel is a marble physician at Colchester, was a person of considerable
monument with two various allegorical figures and notoriety in the 17th century : being a good Latin
subjects, and an inscription to Edward and Dorothea scholar and possessed of no mean ability, he embarked
Pinchon, and near it another monument, also of marble, in a literary career and unfortunately for himself at-
representing a father and mother with four sons and six tacked the flagrant existing abuses of the Church; per-
daughters, and above these, on_ a brass plate, an sisting in this course, he was first heavily fined and
anonymous inscription : here is also an inscribed plate thrown into prison and afterwards, together with Prynne
to Edward Elliott, of Newland, Essex, ob. Dec. 22, 1595, and Burton, condemned to the pillory and deprived of
and on the south side a large and lofty monument with his ears: in 1640 Parliament reversed these sentence!!
bust, to Sir John Comyns kt. Lord Chief Baron of tlie and ordered him a reparation of £5,000 out of the
Exchequer (1738-40), who died Nov. 13, 1740, erected by estates of the Archbishop of Canterbury, of which, in
his nephew and heir, John Comyns, of Hylands esq. in 1644, sufficient was received for the maintenance of
1759 :on the chancel 'floor are inscribed ledgers of stone himself and wife : he died October 6th, 1654. Lord
and marble to John Pinchon, of Writtle, son of Sir Edw. Petre, who is lord of the manor, and Arthur Pryor esq.
Pinchon, ob. July 30, 1654; John, his son, 1672, and of Hylands, Chelmsford, are chief landowners. The
Anne, wife of the latter, 1675; and to the Rev. John soil is various, clay and loam; subsoil, chiefly clay.
Birch LL.B. rector of Corringham and vicar of Margaret- The chief crops are wheat, barley, clover, beans and
ting, Essex, besides several memorials to the Comyns roots. The area is 8,325 acres of land and 27 water;
family and the Petres, of Fithlers, including one to rateable value, £13,086; the population, including High-
Elizabeth, wife of John Petre esq. ob. Aug. 1658: on the wood, in 1891 was 2,462. The population of Writtle
Past wall of the north aisle is a brass to Edward Hunt, in 1891 was 1,794; of Highwood 668 ; total of the parish
of "\Vrittle, gent. and his wife, ob. 16o5-6; a small 2,462. The area of Writtle is 4,925 acres; of Highwood
brass to Cons tans, " meyden doughter " of John Berners 3,400 ; total 8,325.
e~q. ob. 1524, and a third, now imperfect, to Wm. IDGHWOOD is a hamlet and ecclesiastical ,',istrict
"Pinchon esq. ob. 1592, Rose (Reddin) his wife, 6 sons and 3 formed Oct. 29, 1875, from the parish of "\VrittlP, ft·om
daughters: in the nave is a figure of a man in armour, which place it is 2! miles south-west, 5 miles west-.:auth-
<Of the Hyde family, with his wife, c. 1500, 6 sons and west frl)m Chelmsford and 4 miles north from Ing-ate-
2 daughters: in the chancel are the figures of two men stone !'tation on the Great Eastern railway. The c'!J.urch
in armour and two ladies with groups of children; the of St. Paul, erected in 1842 as a chapel of ease to Writtle,
inscription, now lost, was to Thomasina, daughter of is a plain building of brick consisting of small chancel,
Thomas Heveningham, jun. and wife successively of nave, west porch and a western turret containing one
Thomas Berdefield, John Bedall and w·alter Thomas, bell: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the
gent. 1513: of another fine brass, all that now remains year 1875. The living is a vicarage, average Lithe
is a scroll with the word "Mercy;" and there linger rent-charge £92, net yearly value £126, with resi:i~nce,
also two shields, c. 1580: a new organ was erected and held since 1882 by the Rev. Henry ~Iilward .3urgess
in 1887, at a cost of £325, raised by subscription. The ~LA. of Worcester College, Oxford. The area of the
-register dates from the year 1634. The living is a ecclesiastical parish is 3,400 acres; and the popnlatwn in
chaplancy or vicarage, avera~e tithe rent-charge £456; 1891 was 668.
net yearly value £4-1-8, with z! acres of glebe and Sexton, Writtle, William Brazier.
residence, in the gift of New College, Oxford, and held l:lexton, Highwood, James Skingley.

Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & An~mity Board Schools, Writtle, for 300 children; boys, on the
& Insurance Office. .Alfred Richard Hunt, sub ·]nst- Green, average attendance, 100; Thomas ·williams,
master ,Writtle Green. Letters arrive from Chelms- master ; girls & infants near the churchyard, with
ford at 7 & II.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 residence for mistresses ; average attendance, 100 girls
a.m. & 3·55 & 7 p.m. ; sunday, 10.30 a.m. only. lligh- & Bo infants; Miss Annie Gristwood, mistress; Miss
wood sub-office, for the sale of stamps & postal orders Harriet Jane Spink, infants mistress
& receiving letters, which are dispatched at 5 p.m. Board, Highwood (mixed), fm 100 children; av·~rage
CDoksmill Gre-en. WaJl Letter Box cleared at 5.30 p.m. attendance, 85; R. J. Pimm, master; Miss .A. ~ash,
week days only at each place. Pillar Box, at C•.xney assistant mistress
Green, cleared at 6.50 p.m. ; sundays, 8.55 a.m National, Radley green, Highwood, Mrs. F. Quare, m1st
Police Station, W. Parrott, acting sergeant in charge Blencowes' Charity, formerly applied to the National
Schools. schools, fs now, under order of the Charity Commis•
sioners, applied to the enco.uragement of Sunday
.A School Board of 5 members was formed 27 Oct. 1888; School Education
A. P. Lindsell, clerk to the board; E. A. Hunt, attenP-- Carriers to & from Chelmsford.-Mrs. Caroline S•)well,
ance officer Bridge street, .Alfred Staines, Oxney green, & .A. Smith,
The Board have taken over the schools, formerly National, Love's green, daily; J. Bowyer, Cooksmill green, t1,_1es.
& improved the buildings & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brew.ster Thos. shopkeeper, Oxney grn Xottage George, farm bailiff t<J T.
h Burton Charles, grocer Usborne esq.M.P.Lit. Waterhousefm
.Arnol d -W allinger R 0 b ert N asmy t ' Buy Kate (Miss), dress maker Pamplin James, farrier & blacksmith
. Croftb H h M t Castledine Wm. veterinary surgeon Parlett Fredk. dauy · farm, Hickeridge
Atkmson; Ro ert ug on .gomery Challis John & J ames, farmers, Bush Peacocke Richd. baker & beer retailer
Buddle! GreenburJ house farm, Oxney green Pell Bennett, farmer, St. Christopher's
Evans Mis.s, Rom~n s place Christy Jas. frmr. The Warren farm Pitts Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Barlow Mis.s,. Wntt~e green Clark J ames, market gardener Oxney green
Bowman Wilham Fair, Hylands Coldridge John farmer Rollestons Poole Edward & Son harness makers
Buddell Rev:. James Fras. (Cong) Collis David, shoe :mak~r Ridley T. D. & So~s, maltsters; &
Candler ~hristopher · Corder Edward farmer Reed's farm at Chelmsford
. k Misses
Mi W 'ttl Denmson
· Ch arles
' J oh n, 'b ak er & corn Roast George, beer retailer ·
D1c son
Evans Miss,sses, n place
Roman's e green & :tlour d ea1er & assis
· t ant overseer Ro b ~rts .A rt h r. black~sm1t
· h , 0 xney grn
Everitt George, Orient cottage Dent Tho~_:.ts, grocer Roslmg Edward, farme~, Melbourne
Hardcastle Joseph Alfred, Motts Easter Wilham, plumber, O~ney grn Rumsey Geo. beer retailer, Oxney grn
Harvey Mrs. Writtle green E:ve George, farmer, Jordan s farm Salmon Thomas, pork butcher
Billiard George Bridge Oxney ho Fitch George, shoe maker Saltwell J esse, shoe maker
Hilton .Arthur Gerald Denny, South- Frankl~n .Arth:ur, tailor Scarlett .Arthur Richard, inland rev-
. woods Goodwm DaVId, farmer, Bulmer's fm enue officer
Hilton; Robert Writher Popplewell Gray Charles Harrison, maltster Sewell Caroline (Mrs.), carrier,
Southwoods ' Green Herbert, butcher Bridge street
Hockley Charles, Writtle green Green James John, carpenter Shanks William, farmer, Moor Hall
Joyce William, Oxney green Groom Henry, butcher Shead He~ry-: Newell, corn merchant
Leetham Capt. Arthur The Priory Grove James, Horse & Groom P.H. & commiSSIOn agent
Papillon Rev. Thoma; Leslie M..A. Chelmsford road .. Shedd Ebenezer, surgeon, & medical
(vicar), The Vicarage Halls. Charles, farm ba1h~ to the o~cer & public vacci~ator, 2nd dis-
Pattisson Wm. H. Luard The Manse Wnttle Brewery Co. Lim. Lord- tnct, Chelmsford umon
Reeves Boleyn, Writtle g~een .ship farm Smith William, headJ gardener t<l T.
Roffey William Thomas Manor ho Hit~h George, farmer, Ropers Usborne esq.. M.P., J.P
Shaw Mrs. Romans pla~e Hitch John, bricklayer Sou~hgate ~usannah Margaret (Mrs.),
Shedd Ebenezer, Writtle green Howard Henry! farme: ~Iller (wmd & water)
Thitchener Thomas Hunt Alfred RIChd. tailor, Post office Sta1nes .Alfred, carrier, Oxney green
Tunmer John George, New house Hunt Edwd . .Alfd. schl. attend. officr Staines Richard James, farmer, Bam-
Usborne Thomas 1\'L.P., J.P. The Hutley Mary (Mrs.), grocer steads
House · & Carlton club S W · Con- Inns Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer Summerfield J abez, plum her & glazr
stituti~n club w c. & Cit; club Jones Frederick (Mrs.), farmer, New- Wallace Geo. whlwght. & blacksmth
E c London ' ' ney green Wallace William Thos. Chequers P.H.
Vigne John Henry Writtle wick Kennell Harry, Rose & Crown P.H. Oxney green
Woodhouse Robert 'J.P. Longmead & builder Ward Fredk. frmr. Montpelier farm
Lindsell .Alfred Philip, clerk to the Watkins Elizh. (Miss), ladies' school
school board Watkins James, boys' school
.Adkins Frederick, poulterer Lowe Frederick John, carpenter Wells Charles, shopkeeper
.Arnold-Wallinger R Jbert Nasmyth, Luck William, nurseryman Wenden Emma (Miss), dress maker
physician & surgeon, Kitts croft McKinley John, laundry White Thomas, butcher
Baker Charles, Carpenters' .Arms P.H Mann Henry Frdk. plumber & glazier Whybird Thomas, farmer, Phillip's fm
Barker Frederick, m:trket gardener, Marden .Alfred, thatcher Writtle Brewery Co. Lim. (W. H. L.
Oxney green Marden Reuben, thatcher, Oxney grn Pattisson, managing director), brew-
Beach W. & Son, leather manufactrs Marden Thomas, thatcher ers, maltsters & wine & spirit mers
Beeson Henry Muncy, Cock & Bell P.H Milbank William, farmer, Skegg's fm Writtle Gas Works (Writtle Brewery
Blanks Alfred, laundry Miller John, Star P.H Co. Limited, proprietors)
Blyth William, farmer & landowner, Moss Frederick, carpenter, Oxney grn Yonden .ArThur, laundry, Oxney grn
Sturgeon's farm Palmer Fredk. cowkeeper, Newney gn
(Letters for C<Joks Mill green & Rad- Caton John .Abram Young, farmer & Perry Jn. Green Man P.H. Edney gn
ley green are delivered from the cattle salesman, The Hands, Black- Quare .Alfred, wheelwright, Radley grn
Writtle office.) more, Ingatestone Radford ·william, farmer, Barrow frm
Burgess Rev. Henry Milward M. .A. Flack .Alfred, Cock P.H Reeve Henry, cowkeeper, Edney grn
Vicarage Gandy John, farmer, Eusens farm Staines George Watson, farmer, Gor-
Woods Rev. George (Congregational), Hughes William Baker, farmer, Cooks rail's farm
Cooks Mill green Mill green Turner Eli, farmer, Cooks Mill green
COMMERCIAL. Knowles Geo. farmer, Cooks Mill grn Turney George, Fox & Goose P.H.
Blanks Charles & Joseph, blacksmiths Limmer Joseph, farmer, Monks & Cooks Mill green
Bowyer Jsph. shoe ma. Cooks Mill gn Burrows Wilkinson Geo. farmer, Radley green
Bucknell Hy. farmer, .Almswich frm Mason Waiter, farmer Williams John, cowkeeper, Post office
Bucknell Wm. farmer, Fithler's farm Maylon Geo. shopkpr. Cooks Mill grn Wood James Millbank, shopkeeper
Burr John, farmer, Writtle Park Metson Benj. Adams, frmr. Wards fm
GREAT (or LOWER) YELDHAM is an nn'liPnt south-west from Clare, 8 south~east from Haverhill and
parish on the river Colne, and on the high road from 6o miles ,by rail from London, in the Northern division
• Colchester to Cambridge, with a station on the Colne of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford 1•etty
Valley railway, 7 miles north-west from Ralstead, 5 sessional division, Halstead union and roounty court dis·

trict, Yeldham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry of the village and supposed to be over I,ooo year.s old, is
and St . .Albans diocese. The church of St . .Andrew i8 an 30 feet in girth. Spencer Grange, the residence of Lewis
ancient building of rubble, in the Perpendicular slyle, John Way esq. :M.A., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the
consisting of chancel with south chapel, nave, Hl.uth manor of Great Yeldham, is a fine mansion standing in
transept, south porch and an embattled western tower well-wooded grounds of about 75 acres. Spaynils Hall,
with four pinnacles containing a clock and 6 bells : the the seat of Charles :Martin Wade esq. is a manor house
chancel, which retains a piscina and sedilia, is d.vided pleasantly seated on the east bank of the river Come and
from the nave by a carved oak screen : there are takes its name from the family of Spain, or de Hisp:tnia,
memorial windows to Francis E. :Merewether, I87o; to who held the manor in the reigns of Henry III. and
Caroline Way, of Spencer Grange, and to her grand- Edward I. The principal landowners are Thomas Good-
daughter, :Mary E. H. Way: in the south chancel, or child esq. Earl Amherst, Charles :Martin Wade esq. and
chapel, is a. monument of black marble and alabaster to Lewis John Way esq. The soil is rich loam and clay,
John SymQ'Ilds, of Great Yeldham, esq. ob. 29 Feb. I692, and gravelly sand in places; subsoil, various. The chief
and a mural monument to Richard Fitz-Symonds, ob. crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots ; a large propor-
I68o : there are brasses to Richard Symonds, ob. I6I I tioo is meo.dOfW land. The area. is 1,838 acres; rateable
and Elizabeth (Plume), his wife, with six children; 1\lary, value, £2,179; the population in I89I was 619.
wife of Samuel Weel, ob. I692; Elizabeth, wife of John Sexton, Thomas Rice.
Symonds esq. ob. I666, and Orlando Fitz-Symonds esq. Post, :M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & -\.nnuity
I69I and some effigies supposed also to belong to the & Insurance Office.-Arthur \Vestwood, sub-postmas-
Symonds family: an elegant memorial commemorates ter. Letters from Halstead, arrive at 6.30 a.m. & 2.30
the Dowager Viscountess Bateman, d. I9 Feb. I769: the p.m.; dispatched at I2.I5 & 6.5 p.m
church was restored in 1884 at a cost of £I,50o, f:·om Wall Letter Box, Pool street, cleared 5.30 p.m. week
plans prepared by Mr. Frederic Chancellor, of Chelms- days only
ford: there are 300 sittings. The register dates f1·om
the year 1653, The living is a rectory, av.erage tithe Schools.
rent-charge £386, net )'early value £316, with 31 acres Endowed, founded in 1694, by John Symonds e~q. of
of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees and held Great Yeldha.m, with an endowment of about £3o
11ince I887 by the Rev. William James Earle :M.A. d St. yearly, d&ived from about 25 acres of land & house
Jolin's College, Cambridge, and surrogate. The Baptist called "Kettles," in Halstead: the school is managed
chapel here, built in I867, will seat 100. The building by a body of 8 trustees; treasurer, Lewis John Way
now used as an endowed school was originally employed esq.; Charles Applegate, master
for dressing a dinner when any of the poorer inhabtt:mts National (mixed), built in I874, for IIJ children; average
were married. There is an almshouse, comprising six attendance, 95 ; :Miss J essie Nice, mistr~>sf;
tenements, founded in I694 by John Symonds esq of this Railway Station, Joseph Pittock, station master
parish. The Yeldha.m great oak, standing in the centre Carrier to Braintree.-N. Wm. Turner, mon. wed. & sat

Finch Thomas, shopkeeper Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants
Goldsmith John, plumber & painter :Mynott Chas. farmer, Waybridge frm
Earle Rev. William James :M.A. (rec· Goldstone Hannah Jessie (:Mrs.), sddlr Newman :Mark, butcher
tor), Rectory Goodchild Thomas, corn merchant, Pooley Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker
Goodchild Miss, Oak house farmer & landowner Raymond Charles, baker
Goodchild Thomas, Yeldham hall Goodchild Thomas William, farmer, Rice Charles, beer retailer & baker
Oxland Charles, Hill house Yeldham hall Rice Thomas, wheelwright
Rayner William John, Grove house Great Yeldham Cottage Garden So- Sibley George, poultry dealer
Wade Charles :Martin, Spaynes hall ciety (Waiter Whitlock, sec) Smith Edward & Bessie (:Miss),
Way Lewis John M . .A., D.L., J.P. Groves John, coal, lime & slate mer. saddlers; & at Halstead
Spencer grange Railway station; & at Braintree Spilling John, grocer, draper &
Harding John Henry, registrar of farmer
COMMERCIAL. births & deaths & relieving officer Steward William, farm bailiff to Mr_
Ardley & Chapman, dressmakers for the Hedingham district of Hal- Waiter Whitlock, Lovingtons
Backing Charles, farmer, Potters hall stead union Turner Nehemiah, boot maker
Boosey William, watch maker Hardy George & Son, builders Turner Nehemiah William, carrier
Bowyer Henry, butcher Hasler Jonah, carpenter Warner John, joiner & cabinet maker
Bowyer :Mary Ann (:Mrs.), shopkeepr Hawkins Frederick Wm. wheelwright Westwood Arthur, grocer & draper,
Brett Sarah (:Mrs.), laundress Ince Charlotte (:Mrs.), laundress Post office
Butcher Hy. beer retailer & jobrilaster Ives Henry, blacksmith Wright Saunders, carpenter & beer ret
Cook Charles John, machinist Linsell William, White Hart P.H. & Yeldham Thomas, agent for St. Catha-
Corder William, brick maker brewer rine's College, Cambridge
Debenham George, seed grower :Metson James, farmer, Change
LITTLE (or UPPER) YELDHAM is a parish 2 Chancellor, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Louis Arthur
miles north-east from Yeldham station on the Colne Bellhouse M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge.
Valley railway and 8 north-west from Halstead, in the James Spa.lding Gardiner esq. of Barley, who is lord of

division of the county, Hinckford hundred, the manor, Lewis John Way esq. of Great Yeldham,
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union .Alfred Donnison esq. Mr. Waiter Wnitlock and Mr.
and county court district, ~ral deanery of Yeldham, George Unwin are the principal landowners. The soil is
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. clay, loam and gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
The church of St. John the Baptist is a small building are wheat, beans a.nd barley. The area is 956 acres;
of flint in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, rateable value, £822; the population in I89I was 264.
nave, south porch and a small wooden bell turret at the NORTH END is a hamlet I! miles south.
wes• end containing 2 bells dated I678: there is a piscina Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5.30 p.m. Letters through
in the chancel: the interior was restored in I876 and Halstead via Great Yeldham, arrive at 9 a.m. The
again in I893, and is seated with open benches, affording nearest money order & telegraph office is at Great
130 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from I564; Yeldham
buriais and marriages, IS86. The living is a rectory, National School (mixed), built in I857, for 6o children;
average tithe rent-charge £2o6, gross yearly value £220, average attendance, 45; ~liss 1\largaret .Annie \Vhalley,
with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord mistress
Bellhouse Rev. Louis Arthur M.A. Edwards William, farm bailiff to Xewman William, farm bailiff to Mr.
(rector) Alfred Donnison esq. Red hol'lse Unwin
Bennett Arthur, Horse Shoes P.H. & Gardiner William C. farmer & sur- Smith J oseph, carpenter
blacksmith veyor, Yeldham hall Smith Waiter, carpenter
Cooke Emily (Mrs.), thrashing ma- Hard John, horse dealer Walden .Alfred, land agent & patentee,
chine owner, Marshy farm Lawrence Thos. beer ret. North End & agent to Lewis John Way esq
In order to afford space for the addresses, the abbreviation "esq." for esquire has no longer been appended to each
name in the" Court Directory." It should be understood that such should be adde:l to the name of evdry gentleman
in the following pages to which no inconsistent addition is affixed.
AbbottArthur,6Victoria aven.EastHamE Adsetts Surgeon-Major James, Pur- Allan William, Shetland house, Romford
Ab bott Benj. ro Lathom rd.East Ham E fleet S.O road, Manor Park
Ab bott E.Freeman, rChapel st. Colchester Adshead Aaron Ed ward J.P. BJslyns Aliar Chas. Wm. 4 Clement's grdns.Ilford
AbbottMrs.Lime villa, Derby rd. Woodfrd house, Great Bardfield, Braintree Allard Charles, Wilton road, Ilford
AbbottHarold Ray,ss Wooihmds rd.Ilfrd Ady Mrs. WoodlandsLit.Badd w.Chlmsfd Allard F. Melcombe lo. Barking la. Ilford
Abbott Howard, 55 Woodlands rd. Ilford Agassiz Lieut.-Col. Roland Lewis R.M. Allard Henry, 2 Queen's terrace, Ilford
Abbott P.C.P.rsForest view,Manor Park Octagon house, Dedham, Colchester Allars Mrs. Agnes villas, Latchett road,
AbbottS.IFernside vls.Carlisle rd.Rmfrd Agassiz :Miss, Great ho.Dedham,Colchstr South Woodford
AbbottSutton,35 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Agate Mrs. Cool more, Marine parade Allchin Toru,Langford cottages, Victoria
Abbott Waiter Jsph.43 Bedford rcl.Ilford west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Buckhurst Hill
Abel Thos.Matthw. I I Woodlands rd.Ilfrd Ager Arthr. :Mark, 7 Culver st.Colchester Allcock James Frederick, Brambletighe,
Abercrombie Arthur, Georgina house, Ager F.s Station rd.Dovercourt,Harwich Cambridge road, Wanstead NE
Clement's road, Ilford Ager Waiter, 37 Church road, Barking Alien Rev. Francis Edwin M.A. The
.!blitt Summersett De La Cour, Maldon Aggiss Miss, Jessamine cottage, Up- Vicarage, North street, Romford
house, Wellesley road, Colchester minster, Romford Alien Rev. Solomon Wall Ley, Rectory,
Abrahams Jas. C. 7 St. Mary's rd. Ilford AgnewH. TheWisterias,High st.Brentwd Little Oakley, Harwich
A.brahams James R.7St.Mary'srd.Ilford Agnew John, I3 Meyrick crescent, Allen Rev. William B.A. St. Mary's
Abrahams Mrs. E. 92 Ripple rd. Barking Mersea road, Colchester lodge, High Beech rd. Loughton S.O
Abrahams John, Brooklands, Eastern Ahlstrom August, Swanley villa, Rom- Alien Arthur Thomas, Holly lodge,High
road, Romford ford road, Manor Park road, Buckhurst Hill
Abrahams Miss, The Folly, Felstead, Aiano G.E.I8 Manor Pk. rd.Manor Park Alien Edward, Hemnall street, Theydon
Chelmsford Aiken Rev. William, Athelstan road, Garnon, Epping
Abrey George, Connaught villa, Barking Harold Wood, Romford Alien Elliston, The Grove, Ballingdon,
road, East Ham E Ainger James, Coopersale, Theydon Sudbury, Suffolk
Abrey Mrs. Witham Garnon, Epping Allen George, 2I Maldon rd. Colchester
Absolom Mrs. Rose bank, Hermon hill, AinslieMiss, TheRolls, Hink's grn. Chngfd AllenGeo. r 2Manor Park road, Manor Park
Wanstead NE Air Robert, Fircot,High rd.LoughtonS 0 Allen H. Lark hill, 'fheydonBois, Eppin~
Ackers Mrs. Kelvedon Aitchison Wm.Kinghorn, Willnett lodge, AllenJ.Elizabeth vls.ChadwellHth.R.S. 0
A.ckland Bryans Thomas Limbut LL.M. Chadwell st. Chad well Heath R.S.O Alien James Charles, Rocklands, Station
Myddleton house, Saffron Walden AitkenJas.M.B.I3Clement's grdns.Ilford road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
A.ckland William Fitzroy, 4 Audley ter- Akers Alfred, Hill side, Russell road, Alien James Pattishall, Hadleigh villa,
race, Audley road, Saffron Walden Buckhurst Hill Anglefield road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
A.cres John,2 Cambridge villas, Victoria Akers Hubert,TheOaks,Woodford green Alien John, Shelley hall, Brentwood
road, Romford Akers John, Letcombe, Blake Hall road, Allen Mrs. Glencairn cottage, Whale-
Adam James Chapman, Tay Bank, Wanstead NE bone lane, Chad well Heath R.S.O
Milton avenue, East Ham E Alcock A.E. Grammar school,Chelmsfrd Alien Mrs. Langdon, Romford
Adams Adam, 20 Culver st. Colchester Alder Mrs.2Claremont terrace, Mildmay Allen Mrs. South bank, Beaconsfield
Adams Albert, 13 Grosvenor rd. Ilford road, Chelmsford avenue, Colchester
Adams Alfred, 77 East hill, Colchester AldersonC.Forest lo.TheydonBois,Eppng Alien Mrs.2 The Sheaves,St.John's road,
Adams Charles Edward M.B.,B.Sc. 4 St. Al<ierton Frederick, Asylum, Clay bury, Southend
John"svls Palmer.;ton rd.BuckhurstHl Woodford Bridge AllenRobin, Woodbury hill,LoughtonS.O
Adams EdgarTarry, Trinity st.Halstead Alderton Mrs. Green house, Mistley, AllenRobert,Greenstead hall,Greenstead
Adams Henry Atherton J.P. Wynter's Manningtree Green, Halstead
grange, Harlow AldbamA.T.Towerho.Springfld.Chlmsfd Alien Wm. 22 Clarence rd. Manor Park
Adams Miss, 4 Springfield terrace, Aldis Richard, 99 Ripple road, Barking Allenspach Isaac, Marston gate, Queen's
Sprin~field, Chelmsford Aldis R. W.76North Station rd.Colchestr road, Buckhurst Hill
Adams Mrs. E.29 First aven. Manor Park Aldous J. New st. Brightlingsea, Colchestr All in Jas. T 90 Durham road. :Manor Park ·
Adams Percy, Oaklands, Halstead Aldous Mrs. 2 Fairfield villas, Fairfield Allin John, 88 Durham rd. Manor Park
Adams ~tephen, The Avenue, Braintree road, Chelmsford Allin Mr.;~. 4 Grove villas, ~ightingale
AdamsS.I.Ravenhurst,York rd.Southend Aldons R.High st.Brightlingsea,Colchstr lane, Wanstead NE
Adams Thomas, 9 Hawkswood villas, Aldridge A. G. 90 Barrack st. Colchester Allison Rev. John, Stock, Ingatestone
King's Head hill, Chingford Alexander Fraderick John, Melrose, Allison Waiter, 1 Leicester terrace. Rom-
Adams Thomas, 1 Myrtle villas, Victoria London road, Southend ford ro 1d, Manor Park
road, Romford Alexander Geoffrey, Warley lodge,Little Allott Rev. Henry Hepworth M.A. Rec-
Adams Thomas, Western road, Romford Warley, Brentwool tory, Stifford, Grays
Adams Thomas, jun.The Acacias, Xorth Alexander Mrs. 44 Clarence rd. :ManorPk Allshorn.A.lfd.S.42Hamletrd.Chelmsford
street, Romford AlflattThos.27 Victoria aven.EastHam E Almond Nicholson, Ongar S.O
Adams William, Kirtland villa, Western Alford Thomas, Beechmont, Palmerston Alston Alfd.Ernest,High st.Manningtree
road, Romford road, Buckhurst Hill Alston George, 22 Randulph terrace,
Adams Wm. Sun hill, Saffron Walclen Algar Mrs. Clematis villas, Shaftesbury Springfield, Chelmsford
AdamsonMrs.Rathlpie.High st.Chin~frd road, Romford AlstonJohnEdwd. South st.Manningtree
Adamson Robert Lawrence, St. Hilda, Alger Daniel, Great Canfield, Dunmow Alston Miss, Harlow
Rectory lane, Loughton S.O Alger Mrs. Witham Alston Misses, Gold Hall farm, Great
Addison Chas. E. 4 Head st. Colchester Allan Lieut.-Col. Crawford Lewin, 30 Bromley, Colchester
Addison Claud, Elgin house, Church Creffield road, Colchester Alston Mrs. ro Elstow terrace, Creffield
path, Wanstead NE Allan Donald Robert Percy, Clovelly, road, Colchester
Addison Mrs. S. Bearmains, Chelmsford Salway hill, Woodford Green Ambrose Alexander LL.B., M.D. Tran-
Adey Mrs. Grange vil.Sutton st.Southend Allan Mrs. 5 Park terrace, Southend more house, High rd. Buckhurst Hill
Adkins Mrs. Ashley, Bradford street, Allan Samuel, The Willows, The Green, Ambrose Jethro, Fern bank, Station
Bocking, Braintree Woodford Green I road, Loughton S.O.
E~SF.X. ~6


Ambrose Samuel R. 9 Head st. Halstead Archer 1\:lrs. The Laurels, Walton-on- Ashe l\Irs. Roman vil.Lauriesq.Romford
Ambrose William, Prospect house, Earls the-Naze R.S.O Ashley Arthur, 42 Fambridge rd.Maldon
Colne, Halstead Archer William, Heacham lodge, Buck- Ashley Edward, 26 St. Paul's rd.Barking
Ames George,Sible Hedingham,Halstead ingham road, Woodford Ashmola Ernest, Rodenside, llford
Ames Mrs. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Ardley Horace Barker, High st. Halstead Ashmole Miss A. 2 Cleveland vils. Tiford
Amey William, IS Parsonage st.. Halstead Ardley John, Rickling green, Rickling, Ashmole 1\Irs. Rodenside house, Ilford
Amor Misses, I Albert villas,Albert road Newport S.O Ashmole W. I2 Clement's gardens,Ilford
south, Buckhurst Hill Ardley Mrs. 51 Wimpole lane, Colchestr Ashmole Wm. T. Aidborough rd. Ilford
Amsden George M.B., C. M. Asylum, ArgentJ.T.Horspits,WestBergholtR.S.O Ashton Edmund Gerald, Bramleigh,The
Crescent road, Brentwood Argent Miss, Sutherland house, Baddow Drive, Chingford
Anderson Lt.-Col. John Grant, Neyland road, Chelmsford Ashton John, The Brackens, Chadwell
house, Warley road, Brentwood Argent Misses, Newbridge mills, West Heath R.S.O
Anderson Rev. Isaac, Ridgwell, Halstead Bergholt R.S.O Ashton Samuel, 3 Adelaide ter. Ilford
Anderson Charles, 34 Second avenue, Argent William John, 3 Monkham's Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lecture
Manor Park ter. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green house, Dedham, Colchester
Anderson John, 34 Grosvenor rd. Ilford ArglesFrank,Hermonlodge,Highstreet, Ashworth James Henry M.D. High
AndersonMrs.r7Meanleyrd.ManorPark Wanstead NE street, Halstead
Anderson Mrs. The Cottage, Katherine Arkwright Lieut.-Col. .Arthur Chandos Askew Mrs. Stock, lngatestone
road, East Ham E J.P. Thoby Priory, Mountnessing, Askham Alfred William, 2 Penelopevils.
Anderson R. 6 Cambridge rd. Colchester Brentwood Dovercourt, Harwich
Anderson James Henry, Belmont, Upper Arkwright E. H. M. A. The Grammar Aspinall H.H.Shortland,High st.Epping
park, Loughton S.O school, Chigwell Aspinall William Hill, 4 Durham villas.
Anderson Miss, Wallace lodge, High Arkwright LoftusJsph.Wigram,Parndon King's place road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Chadwell Heath R.S.O hall farm, Little Parndon, Harlow Asten John, 48 North hill, Colchest~r
Anderson Sidney, Princes rd. Romford Armitage Rev. Allan Leathley M.A. Aston Edward, Rochester house,Prince's
Anderson Thomas J. Roseneath, Marl- Vicarage, Ford end, Chelmsford road, Buckhurst Hill
borough road, South Woodford Armfield Rev. Henry Thos. l\I.A,, F.S.A. AtchisonRev.G.Sna1te's la. WoodfordGrn
.Anderton Rev.Wm. Edwd. M.A. Amble- Rectory, Colne Engaine, Halstead .Atherton William, Lords Bushes, High
side, Broomhill walk, Woodford Green Arman Edward William James,Dorring- road, Woodford Wells, Woodford Grn
Andrew Rev.Edward George B. A. Vicar- court, Maltese road, Chelmsford Atkin Rev. Frederick William, 39 Mild·
age, Mundon, Maldon Armstrong John Lewis Pasteur, Ford may road, Chelmsford
Andrew Mrs. Weald view, Brook street, end, Chelmsford Atkin Thos.F.24 Durham rd.ManorPark
Brentwood Armstrong Mrs. Grasmere house, High Atkins A. A. 41 First avenue, ManorPark
Andrew William, Rectory house, East street, Chingford Atkins John, Tiptree villa, Witham
Tilbury, Tilbury S.O Armstrong Mrs. Peverelllodge,Hatfield, Atkins Miss, Erin villa, Edith road.,
Andrewes Rev. John Brereton 1\:I.A. 2r Wilham Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Head street, Halstead Arnell Ernest Henry, Milton villa, Mil- Atkins Mrs. 43 Woodlands road, Ilford
Andrews Henry, The Grange, Upper ton avenue, East Ham E Atkins Mrs. Ferndale, Buckingham rd.
park, Loughton S.O Arnold Capt. F. A. Montagu, Thorpe-le- Woodford
Andrews M. C. Park st.Thaxted,Dunmow Soken, Colchester Atkin, S. E. East Ham ho. East Ham E
Andrews Mrs. 3 Carlton ter. Leigh S.O Arnold Carl, 88 Gordon road, Southend AtkinQon C. W. B.A. Grammar school.
Andrews Mrs. 8 Grove hill, Woodford Arnold Henry, 14 Lion walk, Colchester Chelmsford
Andrews Richard, 88 Third avenue, Arnold Julian B. Brooklands, Broom- Atkinson Charles Howard, Clement's
Manor Park field, Chelmsford hall, Hawkwell, Rochford S.O
Angell Lewis C. E. Stanley house, I99 Arnold-Wallinger Robert Nasmyth,Kitts Atkinson John Parkinson, M.D. High
Romford road, Stratford E Croft, Writtle, Chelmsford street, Saffron Walden
Anglin Benjamin, 75 Bedford rd. Ilford Arnot Captain, Le Bury, Aldborough Atkinson John Wm.Easternrd.Romford
Ann Alfred, The Oaks, Woodford road, Hatch, Ilford .AtkinsonRobt.HughMontgomeryBuddlet
Snares brook NE Aris Thomas, 19 Kandahar villas, Ash- Green bury house, Writtle,Chelmsford
AnsellMiss.Albert rd.soutb,BuckhurstHI burnham road, Southend Attenborough Arthur Urry, Landwycke,
Anslow Thos. C. Hills rd. Buckhurst Hill Aron James, Rhoda villa,Milton avenue, Dengie, Southminster S.O
AnsonRev.HughRichardB.A. Vicarage, East Ham E Attenborough Edwin John, New hall,
Coggleshall · Arrow Lady, Luptons, South Weald, Asheldham, Southminster S.O •
Anstead Oliver,Crayford villa, Katherine Brentwood Attenborough 1\Irs. London rd. Maldon
road, East Ham E Arrowsmith Arthur John, Arabin ho. Atthill Robert Chapman, The Laurels.
Anstey Rev. Wm. B. Tollesbury,Kelvedon High Beech, Loughton S.O Great Bent'ey, Colchester
Anthony Alfred, Inglewood, Beaconsfield Arrowsmith Waiter, Sunnyside, Albion Attwater Henry, Rose bank, New road,
ayenue, Colchester hill, Loughton S.O Theydon Garnon, Epping
Applebe Lieut.-Col.EdwardB. Ordnance Arscott John James, 15 Meanley road, Attwater Waiter John, 6 Lansdowne
house, Purfleet S.O Manor Park villas, Hadley road, Southend
ApplebyGeorge,36Carlton rd.ManorPark Arter Charles Yulecroft, New London Attwater William Frederick, Milton
ApplebyGeorge,92Winnock rd.Colchestr road, Chelmsford Hall villas, London road, Southend
ApplebyGeorgeWilliam Hainault, Chad- Arthy Alfred Joseph, Rochford S.O Attwell l\Iiss, 2 Reede v:itias, North st.
well Heath R.S.O ArthyCharles, West Bergholt R.S.O Romford
ApplebyJohn,Fairview,Woodford Wells, Arthy Miss, Aldham, Colchester Attwell T. Shirley, South Benfleet S.O
Woodford Green Artis Robert, The Cliffs, Leigh S.O Attwood George Ethelred, The Limes.
Appleby Mrs. 48 High street, Halstead Arundel :F. Rivers, Mount Pleasant rd. Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester
Appleby Robert,22 Hytbe hill,Calchester Saffron Walden Attwood William, 4 Nelson villas, Ash·
Appleby Wm. r Papillon rd. Colchester Ash Mrs. St. Lawrence house, Bocking, burnham road, Southend
Appleford Mrs.Lit.Coggeshall, Kelvedon Braintree Aubrey George Henry, Springfield villa,
Applegat.e Charles, Grammar school, Ashbee Miss, Laurie square, Romford Springfield, Chelmsford
Great YelJham, Halstead Ashbee W.N.I7 Westburyrd.Brentwood Aubrey Mrs. Riversdale, London road,
Applegate George John, Beulah villa, Ashbridge Alfred, Cromer lodge, Glen- Southend
Plashet grove, East Ham E gall road, Snake's la. Wood ford Green Auger .Mrs. Charles, Burnham S. 0
Appleton Anthony Hague, Forest house, Ashbridge John, South Weald, Grove Auger Mrs. Wm.TheLawn,BurnhamS.O 0

High rd. WoodfordWells,WoodfordGrn park, Vl'anstead NE Auger Thos. Salem cot. High st. Epping
Appleton A.Jn. B. A. Earls Colna, Halstead AshbridgeSaml.Staffa ho.SnaresbrookNE .Augood J ames, 9 Bedford garden, Bark-
AppletonEdwd.59Victoria av.EastHam E Ashby Charles, Elm villa, Lower park, ing lane, Ilford
Appleton John Samuel, Olive villa, Third Lough ton S.O Aukland Joseph James, The Poplars,
avenue, ::\Ianor Park Ashby Frank Robotham, 6 Knighton viis. Buckingham road, Woodford
Appleton Wm. High st. Saffron Walden Buckhurst Hill Ault Rev. Ebenezer, The 1\Ianse, Claver-
Appleton W m.J.23Fairfield rd. Chelmsfrd Ashby John Thomas, 4 Elm viis. Lower ing, Newport S. 0
Archer Ernest Waiter, I 'l'hornbank park, Loughton S.O Ault W. H. Sunnyside,Oakfield rd.Ilford
villas, Albert road, Ilford Ashby Mrs. 6 Knighton villas, High road, Austen William, Cambridge rd.Stansted
Archer James, 44 Albany rd.l\:lanorPark Buckhurst Hill Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Archer John, 3 Seville row, Walton-on- Ashby Miss, 3 Penrhyn terrace, Victoria Austen William, Glenairlie, Tavistock
Naze R.S.O road, Romford road, Wanstead :sE
Archer John, ro Woodlands road, Ilford Ashby Roger, 4 Rawstorn rd. Colchester Austin Rev. William George Gardiner
Archer John Coley, High street, Epping Ashdown Alfred, Marden Ash, High M.A. Rectory, Stanway, Colchester
.AJ:,>:her Mrs. Rose cottage, Stony lane, Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O AustinArthur, 40Tennysonav Ea.HamB'
Thaxted, Dunmow Ashdown l\Irs. 'fempleton, Coventry rd. Austin George, Compton house, Vie-
Archer Samuel, Christmas ho. Wit~am Ilford toria road, Romford
Austin Miss, I Portland villas, Station Baines Mrs. Fairholme, Theydon Balls John, I Park villas, Station road,
road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Garnon, Epping Manor Park
Austin Misses, Dedham, Colchester Baines Thomas, Kelso lodge, Primrose Balls 1\Iiss, 9 Salisbury road, Colchester
Austin Mrs. Highbury lodge, New lVan· road, South Woodford Balls Robert, Castle Hedingham, Halstd
stead, Wanstead NE Baird Rev. S:tmuel Bawtree :\I. A. Rec- Balls Saml. 40 Salisbury rd. Colchester
Austin William Watts, 2 Fernbank vil. tory, Pattiswick, Braintree Bally Lieut.-Col.John Ford R.A. S. Shoe-
Cambridge road, Wanstead NE Baker Rev. John Julius ~LA. Rectory, bury, Shoeburyness S.O
Avenell Wm. Jas. Ivy hill,Margaretting, Little Hallingbury, Bishop's Stortford Bamber Henry Kelway, The Lodge,
lngatestone Baker Alfre1, I6 Grosvenor road, llford Little Waltham, Chelmsford
Aves Henry, Winsloe house, Milton Baker Benjamin, High st. Brentwood Bamber Patrick, I Bellon villa, Dover·
ayoenue, East Ham E Baker Edwd. Thos. The Limes, Maldon court, Harwich
Axon Joseph, I6 Elm villas, Southend Baker Frederick l\Ianley, Hockley S.O BamfordA.B.Bungalow,
Ayers A. W. P. 9 Head st. Colchester Baker George, Crabtree, Great Bentley, BamfordC.Stanley lo.Eastern rd.Romfr
Ayers R. Hazeldene, Western rd.Romford Colchester Bamford F.54Victoria aven. East Ham
Ayles Thomas Francis E. 2 Tilbury gar- Baker George J.P., F.R.G.S. Marryatt's Bamford Mrs. Illesley,Cheshunt cottage,
dens, Tilbury S.O lodge, Forest, Snaresbrook N.E The Hamlet, Southend
Aylett Charles John, 2 Khartoum villas, Baker George, Oak bank, Ongar road, BamwellWltr.32 Longbridgerd.Barking
Gordon road, Southend Brentwood Band John, Wt>st Thurrock, Grays
Ayling Henry, Rosedale, Churchfields, BakerGeo.29Tennysonav.EastHamE Banes Arthur Alexander, Red house,
Woodford Baker George Thomas, Bank house, Uptonlane, Upton, Forest GateE
Ayling Mrs. 3 .A.lbert terrace, Hermon High street, Brentwood Bangs Mrs. Ellesmere lodge. Woodford
hill, Wanstead NE Baker Henry Thos 6 Spital rd. :Maldon road, Snaresbrook NE
Aylott Jos~pb, Anthony villa, Cbadwell Baker John, Theydon green, Theydon Banbam Rev. Daniel Beales Redfarn
Heath R.S.O Bois, Epping 'M. A. Ashdon, Saffron Walden
Ayre Mrs. Margery villa, Grove road, Baker John Henry, Bryndirwen, Plashet Banham Abraham, 90 Bergholt road,
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O grove, East Ham E Mile end, Colchester
Ayres Alfred, 2 Avenue cotts. Manor Pk Baker Joseph Fairlawn, South Weald, BanhamJacob, 32 Cambridge rd.Barking
Bache Rev. William Charles M. A. Hec- Brentwood Banker:Miss,28Wellesley rd. WansteadNE
tory, Alresford, Colchester Baker Luke, 5 Stelton terrace, Harrow Bankhart Arthur, Stock, Ingatestone
Back Hatfei:d James, The Hill house, road, East Ham E Banks Alfred W. 12Bedford rd. Ilford
Dedham park, Dedham, Colchester Baker Miss, I Oxford terrace, Southend Banks Jspb.I3 Victoriaaven.EastHam E
Bacon Lieut.-Col. Huntley J.P. Apton Baker ~Iiss, Roman's place, Writtle, Banks Thos.Wm.I5 St. Mary's rd. Ilford
hall, Canewdon, Rochford S.O Chelmsford Bannaker Thos. I4 Richmond rd. llford
Bacon Miss, The Downs, Dun mow Baker The Misses, 72 Duke st. Chelmsfrd Bannister The Misses, The Warrens,
Bacon Mrs. 5 Beverley road, Colchester Baker Mrs. Coptfold road, Brentwood Feering, Kelvedon
Bacon Mrs The Olives, Dunmow Baker Mrs. I6 'Vellesley rd. Colchester Banwell Edmund, Hawkswood yillas,
Baddams Miss, I Bedford villas, Park Baker Samuel Sidney, Hockley S.O King's Head hill, Chingford
road, Southend Baker Thomas, 1 Carlisle villa, Romford BanyardG.TheStreet-,Gt.Clacton,Colchstr
Baddeley Rev. J. J. L.'fh. Toppesfield, road, Manor Park Banyard Jn.Silby vil.Manor st. Braintree
Halstead Baker Thomas Henry, Head street, Col- Barber Rev. William, Prospect house,
Badger Wm. I I Warren road, Chingford chester & Leicester lodge, Pier avenue, Castle street, Saffron Walden
Baerselman Jan. Wessel Klopman, 2 Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Barber Alfred, Heath house, Chadwell
Bolton villas, The Cliffs, Southend Baker William, Bullsteads farm, Great Heath R.S.O
Bagnold William Luscombe, Oak villa, Burstead, Brentwood Barber AlfredR. Io Wellesley rd.Colchstr
Chigwell road, South W oodford Baker Wm. East st. Prittlewell, Southend Barber Benj. I9 Maldon road, Colchester
Bagshaw Leonard Alfred, II Gladstone Baker William, Junction villas, Eastern Barber James,I2 St.John's st.Colchester
road, Colchester road, Romford Barber .Miss, Finchingfield, Braintree
Bagshaw Miss, 2 Orwell terrace, Dover- Baker Wm. 5 Provident pl. Colchester Barcham T. E. High st. Saffron Walden
court, Harwich Baker Wm. 19 Tylers avenue, Southend Barclay Edward Exton, Roydon lo. Ware
Bagwell William, The Elms, Buttsbury, Baker William Sanders, 2 Pier avenue, Barclay Gordon, 2 Waltbam terrace,
Ingatestone Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Woodford Bridge
Baigent EdwinJ.2oMeanley rd.~IanorPk Baldry Fredk. I Salisbury rd. Colchester Barclay John King, Sea view,Carnarvon
Bailey Capt. Dudley S. Monowai, Gro\'"e Baldry Harry, Eleanor lodge, South- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
road, Woodford church Beach, Southend BarefootJas.W.28 Broadway,StratfordE
Bailey Rev. George, The Manse, Finch- Bald win Rev. George, I Richmond ter. Barfield Alfred, I Roseville villas,Hadley
ingfield, Braintree Seward's End road, Saffron Walden road, Southend
Bailey Rev. Hammond Roberson M.A. Baldwin Edmd. 154 Manor st. Braintree Barfield Hy.4gVictoriaaven.EastHam E
Great Warley, Brentwood Baldwin James Wm. 4 Trinity avenue, Barfoot Philip Adin, 3 Woodgrange
Bailey Benjamin, Kingswood, Co>entry West cliff, Southend villas, Daisy road, South Woodford
road, Ilford Baldwin Mrs.Ernsbrake,Victoria avenue, Barfoot Samuel, Cleveland house, Cleve-
Bailey Charles, Cardigan house, Rom- Southend land road, South Woodford
ford road, Manor Park Baldwin Thomas :Frazer, Sea view, Barford Charles,6I1\lilitary rd.Colcbestr
Bailey George, Laurie square, Romford Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester Baring Miss, Oak villa, High Beech,
Bailey Henry, Woodfield terrace, Stan- Baldwin William, 8o High st. Braintree Loughton S.O
sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Bale Major John Edward, I I Gray road, Baring Mrs. Wallsgrove house, High
Bailey James, Short grove, Newport S.O Colchester Beech, Loughton S.O. & 1 Grafton
Bailey John, 8 South park, Ilford Ball Rev. Frederick Jsph. M.A. Rectory, street, Bond street w
Bailey Jn. Thos. 22 Priory st. Colchester East Mersea, Colchester Barker Rev. John Collier ~LA. Vicarage,
Bailey Mrs. Hollybush villa. Chingford Ball Edward Ash, Egg hall, Epping Havering-Atte-Bower, Romford
Hatch, Chingford Ball G. H. B.A. Woodford We:Ms, Barker A.TheHall,Gt.Bentley.Colchestr
Bailey Mrs. 5 Kandahar villas, Ash- Woodford Green Barker Albert Edward, 2 Clifton villa~,
burnham road, Southend Ball George, Chipping hill, Witham New London road, Chelmsford
Bailey Mrs. Mount house, Harwich road, Ball James, II6 Glenny road, Barking BarkerE. Dorset ho. Harold wood,Romfrd
Colchester Ball Jn. Beech ho. Forest side, Chingford Barker Ellis,4I Balkerne lane, Colchester
Bailey Mrs. J. B. so Lon:lon rd.Braintree Ball Mrs. 7 St. John's ter. Buckhurst Hill Barker Frederick Charles, ro Meyrick
• Bailey Samuel, 2 Holly villas, Princes Ball Richard Francis, Egg hall, Epping crescent, Mersea road, Colchester
road, Buckhurst Hill Ball Samuel Greenlees, Adansam cot- Barker George, Steeple Bumpstead,
Bailey Thos. 14 Belle Vue rd. Colchester tage, Witham Haverhill (Suffolk)
Bailey Thomas, I Bourne villas, Princes Ballard Charles, Roselea, Gordon road, BarkerH.20live ter. Tyler's avn.Southnd
road, Buckhurst Hill South Woodford Barker Jas. Ashdon rd. Saffron Walden
Bailey Wm. Harefield, High rd. Romford Ballard Mrs. I Merton villas, Holland Barker Joseph, 17 Sutherland terrace,
Bailey William Henry, 27 Wentworth road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Baddow roJ.d, Chelmsford
road, Manor Park Ballard Willia'11, Eleanor cottage, Cleve- Barker Joseph William, Wythburn,
Baily Edward H. East lodge, Palmerston land road, South Woodford Church hill, Lought<m S.O
road, Buckhurst Hill Ballock Arthm C. l\Iarchings, Gravel Barker Miss, B3adel's hall, Chignal,
B<1in Capt. Darid, 'Varatah, Cleveland lane, Chigwell Chelmsford
road, South Woodford Balls George William, 54 Bergholt road, Barker Miss, Ivy cottage, Hill green,
Bain William A. n Durham road, Mile End, G>lch3ster Clavering, Newport S.O
Manor Park Balls James ::\lay hew, The Nunnery, Barker Miss, l\Ieadow side, Rectory lane,
Baines Mrs. 6o London ro:1d, Braintree Castle Hedingham, Halstead Chelmsford
ESSEX. 26:t

Barker Mrs. 99 High strt>et, Braintree Barnett Col. Charles, St. John, Stanford Bates Jas.F.g Southchurch aven.Southnd
Barker Mrs. Ingatestone Rivers, Romford Bates Mrs. Medhurst, Sewardstone road,
BarkerMrs. 7 Sutherland terrace,Baddow Barnett•EdwinW ·3SWakering rd. Barkng Waltham Abbey
road, Chelmsford Barnett Elijah William, Lawn house, Bates William Henry, Trafford lodge,
Barker Samuel, 18 Sutherland terrace, Southchurch, Southend Cleveland road, South Woodford
Baddow road, Chelmsford BarnettJ.H.s8Wellesleyrd.WansteadNE Batey Isaac, n8 Glennyroad, Barking
BarkerS. Wm.I3Carlton rd.Manor Park Barnett The Misses, I Clarence villas, Bathe Anthony, Stamford house, Lower
Barker William, Melbourne house, Gold Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill park, Loughton S. 0
street, Saffron Walden Barnett Mrs. Woodfield terrace, Stansted BatherMiss,66NorthStation rd.Colchestr
Barker Wm. F. Crescent rd. Brentwood Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Batterham Mrs. 9I Crouch st. Colchester
BarkerWm. Jn.Church st. SaffronWalden Barnett Waiter H. Holly court,Ardleigh, Battersby Rev.JohnCassonM.A. Vicarage,
BarkworthThomas, WestHatch, Chigwell Colchester Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Barley John Johnson, Bedford villa, Barns Mrs.Ingleside,Wilton rd.Southend Battiscombe Rev. Henry F., T.A.K.C.L.
Fullers road, W oodford Baron Mrs. 32 Hamlet road, Chelmsford Vicarage, Broxted, Dunmow
Barlow Alexander Kay, Lynders wood, Barr Rev. David William, Malmesbury Battle Misses, High street, Epping
Black Notley, Braintree house, Malmesbury road, Woodford Battram Miss, Holly place, Rayne road,
Barlow E.Beulah cot. St.Mary's rd.Ilford Barr Andrew W. Terryglen, The Drive, Bocking, Brain tree
Barlow Miss, The Cottage, Bradfield, Chingford Batty Rev.Thos. so Crouch St. Colchester
Manningtree Barraclough Francis, 15 Cambridge ter- BauckhamA.E.12Cambridge rd.Barking
Barlow Miss, Writtle green, Chelmsford race, Southend BaughanJames, uSalisbury rd. Colchestr
Barlow Mrs. Riversdale, Ongar S. 0 . Barraclough Wm. 83 Bedford rd. Ilford BavisterF.HighBridge st.WalthamAbbey
Barnard Rev. Mordaunt Roger B.A. Barralet William Henry, The Cot, Ching- Bavister Saml.Manor rd.WalthamAbbey
Vicarage, Margaretting, Ingatestone ford road, Chingford Bawden Mrs. II3 Wannock rd.Colchester
Barnard Rev.Robert,Woodfield,Stansted Barrett George, 23 Tennyson avenue, BawtreeEdward William M.D. Abberton
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford East Ham E house, Abberton, Colchester
BarnardAbram,ThePriory,Newport 8.0 Barrett John, Granville house, Crescent Bawtree Frank Postle, Batsford,Witham
BarnardAlbert,4Albert terrace, Victoria road, Brentwood Bawtree John, 9 Beverley rd. Colchester
road, Romford Barrett Mrs. Sunnydene, Kil worth aven. Bawtree Misses, 23 Queen st. Colchester
BarnardAlfred,4cHamlet rd.Chelmsford Hastings'road, Southend BawtreeMrs.H.22Grove rd.Wanstead NE
Barnard Alick George, I Walpole villas, Barrett Mrs. 111 Winnock rd. Colchester Baxter A.Holmwood, Eastern rd.Romfrd
Maltese road, Chelmsford Barrett William, Florence villa, Gordon Baxter Benj. go Military rd. Colchester
Barnard C. Jas. Brewery ho.Rayleigh 8.0 road, South Woodford Baxter E. R. I Ann's villas, Manor Park
Barnard George Herbert, The Maltings, Barrett William, 28 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Baxter GeorgeJn. Button pk.Brentwood
Newport S.O Barrett William, Rose valley, Brentwood Baxter Jehn George, Manor house, High
Barnard Markland, Galleydean, Galley- Barringer Herbert, Keston, Grove park, street, Wanstead NE
wood common, Chelmsford Wanstead NE Baxter Thomas, The Roses, Salway hill,
Barnard Miss, Glen dale, Market road, Barritt J ames, W entworth ho. Maldon W oodford Green
Chelmsford Barritt Joseph, Sunnyside, Station road, Baxter W. W. High street, Manningtree
Barnard Miss, Marigolds, Harlow Saffron Walden Bayfield William, Ongar S.O
BarnardMiss,Newbiggen street,Thaxted, Barritt Samuel, Fullbridge ho. Maldon Baylis James, 20 Roman rd. Colchester
Dunmow Barron Capt. Henry, Rosslyn, Sylvan Bayliss Charles Jenkins, Carlton house,
Barnard Mrs. s Brandon terrace, Ilford road, Wanstead NE Barking Side, Ilford
hill, Ilford Barrow Miss, Queen's road, Brentwood Bayliss Benj. 24 Woodlands road, Ilford
BarnardMrs.IEthel vls.Park rd.Southnd Barrow Thomas F. South st. Romford Bay1issSaml.Chas.22Woodlands rd.Ilford
Barnard Mrs.s Gladding rd. Manor Park Barsham John, 2 Millfield villas, Sprat- BaylyCapt.V.TheShrubbry.ChigwellRow
Barnard Mrs. Holts villa, Stebbing, hill road, Wanstead NE Bayne Rev. George Smith, The Hollies,
Chelmsford Bartholomew John, 8 Southchurch Aldborough road, Ilford
Barnard Mrs. 46 Maldon rd. Colchester avenue, Southend Bayne Rev.P.M. The Rectory, ManorPark
Barnard Mrs. Meadow side, Springfield, BarthropA. S. Newport ho.Xewport S.O BaynesSaml.Stationrd.SouthminsterS.O
Chelmsford BartindaleJoseph,Shanklin villa,Osborne Beach George, Rainsford rd. Chelmsford
BarnardMrs.Newbiggen street,Thaxted, road, Buckhurst Hill Beach Mrs. so Wellesley rd. Colchester
Dunmow Bartlett Rev. Robert Edward M.A. Beach l\Irs. C. 6 Albert place, New
Barnard Mrs. Parsonage ho.Newport S.O Rainsford lodge, Chelmsford London road, Chelmsford
Barnard Mrs. The Elms, High Easter, Bartlett Hedley, High st. SaffronWalden Beach Nathnl.B. Rainsford rd.Chelmsfrd
Chelmsford Bartlett James Hugh, Bird villa, Wood- Beach William, Rainsford rd.Chelmsford
Barnard Sidney Charles, High street, field road, Braintree Beadel Rev. Frank M.A. Rectory, Great
Newport S.O Bartlett Mrs. 19 Sutherland terrace, Holland, Colchester
Barnard T.G. Debdenrd.SaffronWalden Baddow road, Chelmsford Beadel Mrs. Witham
Barnard William, s Colchester terrace, Bartlett Thomas Henry, Caroline villa, BeadelT.E.WestHanningfield,Chelmsfrd
Colchester road, Halstead Clement's road, Ilford Beal E.J. The Elms,Aldborough rd.Ilford
Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel D.L., J.P. Bartley Fredk. Wm. White ho. Dunmow Beal Edward J. St. Margaret's, High
& Lady Florence, The Ryes, Little EartonD.Ingleside,Highst.Saffrn.Waldn road, Loughton '8.0
Henny, Sudbury Barton John, High st. Saffron Walden BealeHenryJ.22Second aven.MonorPark
Barnardo Thomas J. Ardmore, High Barton Mrs. Stour lodge, Bradfield, BealeJohn Charles,Florence villas,South-
road, Buckhurst Hill :\Ianningtree church avenue, Southend
Barnes Rev. ArthurStapylton,St.Mary's Barton William Henry, 2 Maybank cres- Beale Thomas, IO Lorne villas,Southend
Hospital, Ilford & 25 Victoria square, cent, Maybank road, South Woodford Beales Mrs. so South street, Colchester
London s w BartramJoseph,Lit.Burstead,Brentwood Beames Julius, Homeleigh, Tavistock
Barnes Rev. Charles Edward M.A. BartramW.Lindhurst,Granvillerd.Ilforcl r-oad, South Woodford
Vicarage, WendensAmbo,SaffronWldn Bartrum Rev. Edward D.D. Rectory, Beamish Frederick William, Brooklyn,
Barnes Frans.Hy.6sWoodlandsrd.Ilford Wakes Colne, Halstead Tavistock road, South Woodford
Barnes Fredk. 7 Grove cres. W oodford Barwell Mrs. 9 Knighton villas, High Beamishi.Holly cot. Western rd.Romford
BarnesHy.Enfield ho.Grove rd.Woodfrd road, Buckhurst Hill Bean Edwin M.A. Grammar school,
Barnes Henry, I Tower villas, Cowslip Barwood Robert, Oak villa, Malmesbury Brantwood
rJad, South Woodford road, Woodford Bean Willoughby John, The Firs, West
Barnes Jacob, 9 Park terrace, Southend Basclen Rev. Alfred J. Parsonage, Decl- Mersea, Colchester
Barnes Jas. Broom Hill house, Chigwell ham, Colchester Bear Mrs. Castle Headingham, Halstead
BarnesJ.Hillcot.LittleBaddow,Chelmsfd BashamFredk. T.Hubbard's hall,Harlow Bear Henry Andrew, I Linden vils. Bed-
Barnes Miss, 21 Randulph terrace, BaskettChas.E.14 Hospital rd.Colchester ford road, South Woodford
Svringfield, Chelmsford Bass William, Dunmow Bear Thos. M. 9 W ellesley rd. Colchester
Barnes Miss, 23 South Primrose hill, Bass Wm. Rose vii.Barnston, Chelmsford Beard Edwin, 26 Lexden road, Colchestr
Chelmsford BassettH. TheCottage, Netteswell,Harlow Beard ErnestStanly.sOxford rd. Colchstr
Barnes Mrs. so 1\Ialdon road, Colchester Bassett JohnJabez,I Rutland road,Ilforcl Beard Frank, Stoneham st. Coggeshall
Barnes Richard Saxty, 7 Cliff villas, Bastick Joseph, s Granville terrace,:Mild- Beard George Edwd. East st. Coggeshall
Dovercourt, Harwich may road, Chelmsford Beard John, Church street, Coggeshall
I~arnes T.High st.Brightlingsea,Colchstr,Braintree Beard Miss, The Lodge, Cold Engaine,
IhrnesValentine,71Wakeringrd.Barking Bateman John J.P. Brightlingsea hall, Halstead
1brnesW.Rowland ho.Elmstead,Colchstr Colcl1ester Beard Mrs. Earner, East st. Coggeshall
.Barnes Wm. s Station road, Manor Park Bateman Mrs. Rose cottage, Great Tot- Beard 1\Irs. Bayardere, Brentwood road,
Barnes Wm. 54 Woodlands road, Ilfnrd ham, Witham Romford
ltll'nes William Charles,Oak hall,Eppmg Bates George William, Tiw "'arrens, Beard P. Ilford ho. London rd.Southend
New road, Buckhurst Hill I Romford common, Rmnford Beard R. B. 2 St. John's st. Colchester
Beard Samuel, High st. Saffron Walden Bell Charles R. E. The Laurels, Pal-1Benstead Alfred, 203 Ripple rd. Barking
Beard Saml.jun.High st. SaffronWalden merston road, Buckhurst Hill Bentall Anthony, Church house, Maldon
Beard W. F. B. A. Felstead, Chelmsford Bell Edwin, Strathbogie, Station road, Bentall Charles Arthur, I Fairfield villas,
Beardwell William, Cuba cottage, Hills Chingford Fairfield road, Chelmsford
road, Buckhurst Hill Bell George, 2 Third avenue,::UanorPark Bentall Edmund Ernest, Holloway
Bearman George, Hatfield, Witham Bell Geo. Vange, Stanford-le-Hope S.O house, Heybridge, Maldon
Beaten Henry Arthur, Dovercliffe, Mil- Bell H. F. Rochdale, Derby rd. Woodford Bentall Edward Hammond, The Tower!;,
ton avenue, East Ham E Bell Hy. L. 30 Albany rd. Manor Park Hey bridge, Maldon
Beatton W.2 Cumberland rd.l\ianorPark Bell James, 2 Alexaudra ter. Southend Bentall Leonard, High street, :\laldon
Beauchamp Major, Lexden, Colchester BellJ. Warwick lodg.Queen's rd.Brentwd Bentall :Vlrs. College farm, London road,
Beauchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A. Bell James Adamson, Mortimer house, Braintree
Rectory, Little Laver, Ongar Balfour road, Ilford Bentall Mrs. Prospect terrace, Spring-
Beaumont Col. Lord, Copford Place, Bell Joseph, Dorset house, Church street, field, Chelmsford
Copford, Colchester & Army & Navy Saffron Walden Bentall Mrs. The Grove, Gestingthorpe,
& r.avalry clubs, London Bell Mrs. 5 Alexandra terrace, Southend Halstead
BeaumontA. W.,B.A.High st.EastHam E Bell Mrs. I28 High street, Maldon Bentall Mrs. The Peaches, Felstead,
BeanmontF.IKensington vils.EastHamE Bell Mrs. 69 North street, Halstead Chelmsford
Beaumont George, I Horace villas, Vie- Bell Mrs. Walcotts, Great Tey,Kelvedon Bentall Mrs. 4S Head st. Halstead
toria road, Romford Bell Richd. Thos. Braceside, Theydon Bentall Pendril, Leigh hall, Leigh 8.0
Beaumont Geo. F. The Lawn,Coggeshall Bois, Epping Bentall William Rufus, Castle Heding-
Beaumont Mrs. The Lawn, Coggeshall Bell Samuel, High street, Maldon ham, Halstead
Beaumont Percy M. Langley, Maldon Bell Thomas Sampson, Hay house,Earls Bentcliff Waiter D. Craigevar, Plashet
Beaumont Thomas, 7 Garfield terrace, Colne, Halstead grove, East Ham E
Springfield, Chelmsford Bell Waiter W. Caroline cottage, ·west Bentley Charles S. Merton villa, Seward-
Beavan Mrs. Townst.Thaxted, Dunmow Grove road, Woodford Green stone road, Waltham Abbey
Beavan Wm. West road,Saffron Walden Bell Will:am Charles George, Saffron Bentley Edwd. I Albany rd. Manor Park
Becher Maj.C.L.37 Lexden rd.Colchestr lodge,MountPleasantrd.SaffronWaldn Bentley Francis Rd. I7 Bedford rd. Ilford
Becher Wm. S. 4 The Avenue, Colchester Bellett Charles. 63 Bedford road, Ilford Bentley George, Pelham house, Milton
Beck S. 4S Second avenue, Manor Park Bellhouse Rev. Louis Arthnr M. A. Little avenue, East Ham E
Beck William, The Limes, Sewardstone Yeldham, Halstead Bentley John, iun. Mountash, Snake's
road, Waltham Abbey Bellinge James Emanuel, Park road, lane, Woodford Green
Becker Charles Otto Gustavus M.D. The Brightlingsea, Colchester Bentley John, sen. Mountash, Snake's
Minories, .All Saints, Colchester Bellingham Mrs. High st.Saffron Walden lane, Woodford Green
Becker Harry, The 1\finories, All Saints, Belsham Alfred, 2 Sun terrace, Western Bentley Edward J. Florence villa, 36
Colchester • road, Romford Wakering road, Barking
Becker Jonathan M.B., C.M. I5 Queen Belsham George Augustus, Fern cot- Bentley Ernest John, Ingleside, High
street, Colchester . tage, Hall street, Chelmsford Bridge street, Waltham Abbey
Beckett Rev. W. H. Stebbmg, Chelmsford Belsham Henry I. Lothian house, Upper Bentley Frederick J oseph, Thrift cottage,
Beckett George, Staples rd.LoughtonS.O Railway street, Brain tree Sewardstone road, Waltham Abbey
Beckett P. 30 Broomfield rd.Cbelmsford Belsham Isaac, Boucherns, Heybridge, Bentley Jn jun. Sun st. Waltham Abbey
Beckett William Cornelius, 2 Magda- Maldon Bentley Jn. sen. Sun st. Waltham Abbey
lene place, Glebe road, Chelmsford Belsham Oliver D. Heybridge, Maldon Benton Edwards,Beauchamps Shopland,
Beckwith Jsph.H.42Hythe hili,Colchestr Belsham William, 2 Albion villas, l\lild- Rochford S.O
BeckwithMisses,GreatHolland,Colchestr may road, Chelmsford Benton Frank, Debden house, Debden
BeddallA.Daw st.Finchingfield,Braintree Bendall The l\.\isses, Hill house, Col- green, Loughton S.O
Beddall Augustus,Prospect house,Finch- chester road, Manningtree Benton J. Melrose, Cranbrook rd. Ilford
ingfield, Braintree Bendall Offwood, Colchester road, Man- Benton James Mason, New road, Had-
Beddall Miss, Prospect house, Finching- ningtree leigh, Rayleigh S. 0
field, Braintree Bendix Gustav, I 1\lay villas, The Ham- Benton John Wheeldon,Sidmouth house,
BedfordRev.E.C.TheRectory,ManorPark let, Southend South Park, Ilford
Bedford Alfred, Dodbrooke, Milton Benham Charles Edwin, 45 'Vellesley Benton Mrs. Oakneath, Woodford road,
avenue, East Ham E road, Colchester Snares brook NE
Bedford Edward Wilson, Hazeldine, BenhamGurney,IsLexden rd.Colchester Benton Philip, Frankleigh house, White-
York road, Southend Benham 1\Irs. 3 Culver st. Colchester gate road, Southend
Bedford George Cornell, 2 Garfield ter- Benn John Williams M.P., L.C.C., J.P. Benwell Rev. Proctor B.A. Vicarage,
race, Springfield, Chelmsford Hoppea Hall, Upminster, Romford, Wix, Manningtree
Bedingham Robert, Chad well avenue, & Gladstone house, Cable st. London E Ben well Misses, 2 Winnock rd. Colchester
Chadwell street,Chadwell HeathR.S.O Bennell James, 43 Duke st. Chelmsford Beresford Thos. 2 Grosvenor rd. Ilford
Bedlow Frederick William, Woodfield, Bennett Rev. Geo. Victoria rd. Romford Beresford William Charles, 7 The Ter-
Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop'sStortfd Bennett Alfred, 8 St. John's road, race, 'Voodford Green
Bedwell John Robt.6sHigh st.Colchester Southend Berger Mrs. Grove lodge, High road,
Bedwell Misses, SS North hill, Colchester Bennett Edward J. Clarence house, Woodford
Bedwell Mrs. Chester house, Gordon Whitta road, Manor Park Berk Frederick William, Tower house,
road, Southend Bennett Frank, 2 Clarence villas, Gordon Epping
Bedwell Mrs. A. 72 High st. Coichester road, Southend Berkeley Robert, The Lea, Great Warley
Beech William, Cranham pi. Romford Bennett Jas. Hy. Eastern rd. Romford Berkeley Rev. William M. A. Vicarage,
Beeching Walter,6 Warren rd.Chingford Bennett John Rayner, )-!eadowcroft, Navestock, Romford
Beecroft S. C. 44 Alexander st.Southend Chingford road, Chingford Berks Wm. 26 Woodlands road, Ilford
Beecroft William, SunnyLawn,LeighS.O Bennett Misses, The Bower, Theydon Bernard Mrs. Rose lawn, Warrior square,
Beer Alfred, 42 Woodlands road, Ilford Garnon, Epping Southend-on-Sea
Beer Jas. Thos.Elizabeth vil.Crescent rd. Bennett Mrs. 7 Albert road, Southend Bernays Arthur Edwin, 1\Ioulsham :\Iill
north, Maybank rd. South Woodford Bennett Mrs. New hall, Harlow house, Buddow road, Chelmsford
Beer T. R. I7Second avenue, Manor Park Bennett Thomas William, I Abbey gate Berridge Chas. I7 St. John's rd. Southend
Beers Rev. J.B., 1\I.A.Sturmer,Halstead street, Colchester Berrill Alfred, Waveney house, High
Beeson Henry,I Cambridgevils.Southnd Bennett ·waiter, 6 Beaconsfield terrace, road, Woodford
Beeson John, Orttez Gidea hall, Romforo Milton street, Southend Berry Rev. William M. A. 24 Broomfield
Beevers Henry, Lippitt's lodge, High Bennett William, Fence Piece, Barking road, Chelmsford
Beech, Lough tonS. 0 side, Ilford Berry David, 5 Albany rd. Manor Park E
Belcher Mrs. I Port terrace, Mildmay rd. Bennett William, May Tree house, Berry G. 27 Wellesley rd. Wan stead NE
Chelmsford Thaxted, Dunmow Berry Henry, 38 Linton road, Barking
Belfield Louis, Ilford hl. High rd. Ilford Bennett William Skelton, 22 'Yellesley Berry Jas. 3 Addison rd. Wanstead NE
Belfield)-lrs. T.D.Ilford hall,High rd.Ilfrd road, Wanstead NE Berry James, Wilfred house, Plashet
Belfield Reg. Ilford hall, High rd. Ilford Benny Andrew, 2 Milton terrace, :\Iilton grove, East Ham E
Belfield Thomas D. Ilford hall, High avenue, East Ham E Berry Samuel, Albert villa, l\listley,
road, Ilford Benson Rev.William John ].\LA. Rectory, Manningtree
Belfield W. S. Ilford hall, High rd.Ilford Dunton, Brentwood Berry Shelley Barnard, High street,
Beley Rev. Charles Alien Evans B. A. Benson Frederick Glenville, Primrose Wanstead NE
Vicarage, Chrishall, Royston road, South Woodford Bescoby Charles, Fernleigh, Victoria
Belham Henry Hazelwood, Cleveland Benson John, I Archdale villas, South- road, Romford
road, South Woodford end, Ashburnham road Bessex \Ym. Jas. 30 Woodlands rd. Ilford
BelJ Abraham, 3 Cowper villas, Clarence Benstead Samuel, 2 Audley terrace, Best G. 24 Tennyson avnu. East Ham R
road, Southend Auclley road, Saffron Walden Best J. W. W. 27 Woodlands rd. Ilford
Best William Harris L.S.A. Lond. 3 Bird Maurice Henry Hollings, Little Blewitt .Alfred Waiter, Seaholm, Milton
High road, Ilford 1 1Valtham hall, Chelmsford avenue, East Ham E
Bethel Alfred, 3 Wilbraham terrace, Bird Mrs. Hampden cottage, Collier Bligh Jn.Norwood vi. Grove hl.Woodford
East Ham E I
row, Romford BlighMrs.2Leigh vls.West cliff,Southend
Betteridge James, Rose cottage, Junc-.Bird Robert, 30 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Bligh Thomas, 55 Bedford road, Ilford
tion road, Brentwood Bird Thos. Canons, North st. Romford Blinman Alfd. Geo. 30 Bedford rd.Ilford
Bettridge William John, 41 Second Bird William, 57 Buxton rd. Chingford Bliss Rev. William Blowers M.A.Rectory,
avenue, l\Ianor Park Bird 1Villiam Henry, I Lansdown villas, Wicken Bonant, Bishop's Stortford
Betts Alfred, Church street, Coggeshall Western road, Romford Blomfield Right Rev. .Alfred D.D.
Betts Alfred, 48 Thorold road, Ilford Birkett Alfred G. Norfolk house, Rom- (Bishop Suffragan of Colchester), Park
Betts Thomas, Brooklyn, Chad well ford road, Manor Park house,Cornsland,Shenfield,Brentwood
Heath R.S.O Birkett Tlws. 123 Winnock rd.Colchester Bloomfield John, Bradford street, Bock-
Bevan Charles, 6 Clement's road, Ilford Birks Rev. Herbert Alfred M.A. Bowls, ing, Braintree
Bevan Frank, Main road, Dover court, Chigwell Row Bloomfield l\Irs.22Military rd.Colchester
Harwick Birks Mrs. Bowls, Chigwell Row Blood William Bindon, Witham
Bevan Geo. Elmside, Balfour rd. Ilford Birley John, Bartlow road, Ashdon, Blood Wm. R. 2oGladstonerd.Colcbestr
Bevans George Ernest L. Faircourt, The Saffron Walden · Bloom Miss Martha,65Bedford rd.IIford
Drive, Chingford Birt Col. George, Elsinoor, Victoria road, Bloomfield Charles, I Carlton vilJas,
Beverley Benjamin Thomas, ·woodbine Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Victoria road, Romford
terrace, Victoria road, Romford Birt 1Villiam, The Hermitage, Snares- Bloomfield John, Waverley villa, June·
Bevington Timothy, The Grove, Witham brook road, Sn'lresbrook NE tion road, Romford
Bevis George Thorpe, Squirrel's Heath, Birtles Hy. L. 29 Woodlands rd. Ilford Bloomfield Miss, I Forest rd. :\IanorPark
Romford Biscoe Maj. Robert J.P. Quendon court, Blott .Albert V. 40 Thorold road, Ilford
:Bevitt William, Hazlehurst, Havering Bishop's Stortford · Blowers E. Bleak ho.Gt.Oakley, Harwich
road, Romford Biscoe Hy.Rothsay, Eastern rd.Romford lllowersl'viiss,zChurch st.north,Colcbestr
.Bew-Stevens Charles, 3 Tyler's avenue, Bishop John, Clarence villas, Kirby Blows John, The Bower, High road,
Southend cross, Colchester Loughton S. 0
:Hewers David, Woodlands, Gulleywood Bishop Miss, 55 Lexden road,Colchester Blunsum Mrs. 3 Buckingham villas,
common, Chelmsford Bishop Mrs.South cottage, Newport S.O Buckingham road, Woodford
Bewers Chas. 4 Provident pi. Colchester Bishop Thos.2ForestView rd.ManorPark Blunt Miss,6 Queen'sGrove rd.Chingford
Bewers William, Highfield house, 74 Bishop William, 5 Quee'!l'~ terrace, Ilford Blunt Mrs. Forest villa, Selsdon road,
Longbridge road, Barking BittenR.Galleywood common,Chelmsfrd Wanstead NE
1Hale Rev. Cornelius James, Presbytery, Bittles F. Wm.Shenfield corn. Brentwood Blyth Bertie, I Nuremberg villas, Derby
Priory street, Colchester Bittleston F.l\:L 4 Cambridge rd.Barking road, Woodford
Bianchi .Albert Edward, Fernhurst, Black Charles C. Hill house, Palmerston Blyth C. S. Rayne, Braintree
Grove road, Woodford road, Buckhurst Hill BlythC.Highst.Brightlingsea,Colchester
Bianchi Antonio,· Lincoln house, High Black James, Goosehayes, Romford Blyth Daniel, 8 Provident pl. Colchester
road, Woodford common, Romford Blyth Edward M. Witham
Bianchi .Antonio, jun. Lincoln house, Black Mrs. Lyndhurst, High road, Blyth Frederick D. The Leasowes,White-
High road, Woodford Buckhurst Hill hall rd.Woodford Wells,WoodfordGrn
Bickford :Major Stephen, 5 Hillcrest Blackall Col.R. ITiptree villas, Southend Blyth Henry, Dunedin villa, Maybank
road, Southend Blackburn Frederick Close, 35 First road, South Woodford
Bickmore Arthur, Hainault Gore, Chad- avenue, Manor Park Blyth Henry A.Stansted house, Stansted
well Heath R.S.O Blackburn Henry John, Hulmers, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Bickmore William George, I Orange Great Warley, Brentwood Blyth James, Wood house, Stansted
place, Mildmay road, Chelmsford Blacker William, Teignmouth villa, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Biddell George, 2 Oak villas, Sherfield Milton avenue, East Ham E BlythJohn George,I7North hill,Colchestr
road, Grays Blackball F. r I Hill crest rd. Southend Blyth Mrs. 2I Castle road, Colchester
Biddell J. Byford ho. York rd. Southend Blackball Frederick William, Stoneleigh, Blyth Mrs. Mont house, Stansted Mount·
Bigg C. Maud villa,Station rd.Chingford New Wanstead, Wanstead NE fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Bigg Miss, Myrtle villa, Kelvedon BlackmanMrs.r7Carlton rdl'I'IanorPark E Blyth Robert, Mount Pleasant, Broom·
Bigg Mrs. Messing, Kelvedon Blackstock James, I Howfield villas, field road, Chelmsford
Biggs Edmund, 3 Verandah terrace, St. Western road, Romford Blyth Robert William, Mount Pleasant,
Mary's road, Ilford Blackwell William, Elmhurst, Plashet Broomfield road, Chelmsford
BiggsE. 4 Waltham ter.WoodfordBridge grove, East Ham E Blyth Samuel William, Ingatestone
Biggs George Jonathan, New Moze hall, Blackwell Arthur Seal B.Sc., M. D. Blyth Thos. I Stephenson villas, Cleve·
Beaumont-with-Moze, Colchester F.R.C.S.Eng. Claremont, Marine land road, Wanstead, South Woodford
BiggsJames, Westbury lodge,Brentwood parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Biyth Thomas Waiter, Leighs lodge,
BigmoreJames, Balcarras, Church road, Blackwell John, Holly villa, Third Felstead, Chelmsford
ChadweJI Heath R.S.O avenue, Manor Park BoardmanCiement,4rDukest.Chelmsfrd
Billett Alfd.36Victoria aven.East Ham E Blackwood Mrs. 27Pleasant rd.Southend Boardman W. The Firs, Ingrave,Brentwd
Billing John, 7 Brandon terrace, Ilford Blades Rev. James, Oak villas, Brent- BoatmanMrs.r6Chelmsfordrd.Woodford
hill, Ilford wood road, Romford Boaz John W.2 First avenue, Manor Park
Billings Daniel, 2 Alma villas, Primrose Bla1ke John, Erridge house,Southchurch Boby Mrs. 36 Crouch street
road, South Woodford road, Southend Bocquet E.Lynton vil.Coventryrd.Ilford
Billings Robert, Westbury villa,Chelms- Blaine R. G. 2Addison rd. Wanstead NE Boddy Robert James, Earl's cottage,
ford road, Woodford Blake Mrs. Claremont, Cleveland road, Woodham Waiter, Maldon
Binder John Jas. Ongar rd. Brentwood South Woodford Bodell Mrs. 2 Elizabeth villas, Carnarvon
Bindoff Daniel, Stanley villa, Maybank Blake Mrs. I Fern villas, Avenue I, road, Woodford
road, George lane, South Woodford Dovercourt, Harwich Bodger Mrs. Rose cottage, Church path,
Binney Charles Hibbert J.P. Buxted Blakeley Miss, 7 Avenue rd. Southend Wanstead NE
lodge, Forest, Snaresbrook NE Blakey Mrs. 9 .Avenue road, Southend Bodger Thomas, Bourn cottage, May-
Binnie David Carr, Hill house, l\Ialdon Blaikie Mrs. 2 Westbury rd. Brentwood bank road, South Woodford
inns Charles Fergus, 3 Hawkswood Blanc Mrs. 8 Hawkswood villas, King's Bodily Rev. Henry James, Rectory,
villas, King's Head hill, Chingford Head hill, Chingford Little Burstead, Brentwood
Binyon William John, I3 Allendale ter- Blanchetiere Dennis Alexander, Champ- Bodilly Reginald T.H. Woodbury, Wood-
race, Old Southend road, Southend secret cot. Gordon rd.SouthWoodford ford road, South Woodford
Birch Alfred L. Coventry road, Ilford Blanchfield T. 73 Carlyle rd. ~IanorPark Bodkin Williaml\I.D. The Cloisters,New
Birch Frederick William, Cherry Tree Bland Chaf'. E. Balkerne hill, Colchester London road, Chelmsford
cottages, Chadwell Heath R.S.O 1BiandChris.Jn.24Wimpole la. Colchester Bodman Geo. 87 Longbridge rd. Barking
Birch Mrs. I6 North hill, .Colchester Bland James Fox, Oakdale, Selsdon Boggis .Arthur Kemp, Avondale villa,
Birch Thomas Denny, Fairlight villa, road, Wanstead NE Inglis road, Colchester
Maybank rd.George la.SouthWoodfrd Bland Mrs. Napier avenue, Southend Boggis Mrs. Woodhall farm, Worming-
Birch-Wolfe Mrs. Wood hall, Arkesden, BlandThos.Elsey,J.P.TheFriary,Maldon ford R.S.O
Newport S.O Bland Wm. 2 Durham rd. Manor Park Boggis-Rolfe Capt. Francis DouglassJ.P.
Bird Clarence Frederick, I Buckingham Bland William Henry, St. Runwalds, The Grange, Wormingford R.S.O
villas, Buckingham road, Woodford Maldon road, Colchester Boghurst-Fisher Henry,Pitt place, Great
Bird Francis, Spital road, Maldon Blaxill EdwinFredk.Io4High st.Colchstr Baddow, Chelmsford
Bird Frederick .Augustus, Oak lodge,· Blaydon I. Stisted vil. Stisted, Braintree BogleCapt.Geo. Maisonnette,Ingatestone
Grange hill, Chigwell Bleby Rev. W. H. 23 Roman rd.Colcbstr Boku ThoS.2I Eversleigh rd. East Ham E
Bird George, 20 Longbridge rd. ~arking Blenkinsop .l\Iisses, The Gables, High BoldroJ.J.Ridgwell hall,Ridgwell,Halstd
Bird Hy.St.Helen's, The Drive,Chmgford street, Saffron Walden l Bolger Walter,22 Fairtield rd. Chelmsford
:Bolingbroke George John, Lancaster BoswellRobert Bruce M.A. 2Hawkswood BoysJ.Hampton viis. Victoria rd.Romfrd
home, Spri~o-field, Chelmsford villas, King's Head hill, Chingford Boyton Morris,21 Grove rd. Wanstead ~"E
.:Bolt Mrs. 8 Hainault villas, Chigwell Bott Lindley, Broomfield rd.Chelmsford Box Rev. Charles Francis, 35 London
Bolton Charles, Forest View house, King's Botten Mrs. Military road, Colchester road, Grays
Head hill, Chingford Boucher Rev. Thomas Frederick, Layer Box Miss, Prince! ho. Dedham,Colchestr
Bolton Charles J. Hocking hall,Braintree Breton, Kelvedon Brackenbury Mrs.8 Osbornest.Colchestr
Bolton Mrs. 29 Durham rd. Manor Park Boughey William, Greenbank villa,York Brachert Richard, Chace cross, Romford
Bolton :\'Irs. Roydon, Ware road, Southend BracyJohn,MelrosePlashet gro.Ea.HamE
BoltonWilliam Henry, Ivydene, Milton Boughtwood Mrs. Hillcroft, York road, Bradbrook F. 24 Rawstorn rd.Colchester
avenue, East Ham E Southend BradburnJ.SummerfieldPark rd.Sthend
Bolton-Sm ithMiss, 6 Victoria rd.Colchstr Boulton Major-Gen. Charles Frederic, Braddick AlbertHarry,Brickleigh,Milton
Bomfield Miss, 2 Essex ter. Southend Norman house,StanstedMountfitchet, avenue, East Ham E
:Bonar Mrs. Billericay Bishop's Stortford BradfieldHy.1ManorPark rd.ManorPark
Bon Bernard John Charles, 9 Avenue Boulton Alfred W. Grosvenor villas, Bradhurst Augustus Maunsell,TheMoat,
terrace, Southend Chad well Heath R.S.O Pebmarsh, Hures R.S.O. (Suffolk)
Bon Bonard Louis, 1Avenue ter.Southend Boulton Waiter John, 2 Milton villas, Bradley Albert, Forest vil. Church path,
Bond Rev.William Henry M.A. Rectory, Primrose road, South Woodford ·wanstead NE
High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O Bourchier Staff Commander William S. Bradley Frederick L. Tharpe lodge,
Bond B. Lit.Walden hall, SaffronWalden Grays Hornchurch, Romford
Bond Charles, Langfords, King's Place Bourke Miss, Repton lodge, Chelms- Bradley Mrs. 55 New street, Chelmsford
road, Buckhurst hill ford road, Woodford BradmallJ.Hawksburn,Forest rd.Chngfd
Bond Ernest J. Willow bank, Bucking- Bourn Henry, Baythorn end, Halstead Brads haw Eugene,3 Hilda vil.Ea.Ham E
ham road, Woodford Bourne Rev. Robert B.A. Ashingdon, Bradshaw William Graham, Parndon
Bond Henry C. I Calcutta rd. TilburyS. 0 Rochford S. 0 hall, Little Parndon, Harlow
Bond John, Charlton villas, Mildmay Boutflower Rev. Charles M. A. Vicarage, Bradstock J. Wilbraham ter. East Ham E
road, Chelmsford Terling, Witham Brady Rev. Nicholas J\!.A. Rainham
.Bond John George, Lyndhurst, New Bouttell Miss, 5 St. John's st. Colchester hall, Rainham S.O
London road, Chelmsford Bowden Richd.34 Carlyle rd.Manor Park Brady F. Lismore, Station rd. Chingford
£ond Samuel, Poplar hall, North Station Bowditch John, 8 Harrow rd.EastHam E Brady Mrs. Sunnyside, King's Head hill,
road, Colchester Bowen Lieut.-Col. Henry, 7 Victoria Chingford
Bond William,34 Cambridge rd. Barking road, Colchester Brady Mrs. John, Shrub cottage, Elm-
Bones John E. 68 Third aven. Manor Park Bowen Rev. Edward Jackson, Wimbish, stead, Colchester
Bones :Mrs. Cliffvil.Mistley,Manuingtree Saffron Walden Bragger Henry William, Newington cot-
Bones Wm. 17 Wakering road, Barking Bowen Rev. Thomas, Rectory, Little tage, Chingford road, Chingford
llonina Miss, 5 Durham ter. Manor Park Leigqs, Chelmsford Brain Harvey, Elbro house, Prince's rd.
Banner Edwd. T. 2 Ann's vils.ManorPark Bowen Henry Storer, Eastfield lodge, Buckhurst Hill
BonnerE.East lo.BlakeHall rd.Wanstead Eastfield road, Brentwood Brake Mrs. Chipping hiil, Witham
Bonner Mrs. The Chestnuts, Stansted Bowers E. Elm villa, Granville rd.Ilford Brampton G. Moat ho.Brook st. Brentwd
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Bowers ~Iiss,Maisonnette, Warren road, Bramston Geo. 8o Woodlands rd. Ilford
:Bonton Charles, The Oaks, Hermon hill, Qhingford BramwellE. W.28Clarence rd.ManorPark
Wanstead NE Bow hay George Henry, The Poplars, Branch Charles,24Albany rd.ManorPark
lJonton William, The Oaks, Hermon hill, Shrewsbury road, East Ham E Branch Henry, 16 Mersea rd. Colchflster
Wanstead NE Bowhay John H. Ella villa, Milton Brand F. Holmesdale, Oakfield rd.Ilford
lloor Henry William, 39 Victoria avenue, avenue, East Ham E Brand JohnJsph.IVictoria vils.LeighS.O
East Ham E Bowler John,u Grove rd. Wanstead NE Brand Mra. 29 Roman road, Colchester
Eoosey Mrs. Bridge house, Howe street, Bowles Joseph, 10 Mornington villas, Brand Mrs. West street, Saffron Walden
Great Waltham, Chelmsford Wanstead park, Wanstead NE Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson
13ootes Ernest Butler, Edgington, Bea- Bowley Miss, Rythdale, High road, J.P. Burghstaad lodge, Billericay
consfield avenue, Colchester Loughton S.O Brannon Mrs. Veranda cottage, High
Booth George, 25 Scratton rd. Southend Bowmaker Chas.3 Scratton rd.Southend street, 'Valton-on-Naze R.S.O
.Eooth H.Hillside,Albion hl.LoughtonS.O Bowman James Bedcote,Katherine road, Bransby Henry N. Winyats, Mount
BoothMiss, IYy lodge, Dedham,Colchester East Ham E Pleasant road, Saffron Walden
BoothMrs.Ivylodge,De::lham,Colchester Bowman Hobert, 23 Rutland rd. Ilford Branson Albert. 20 Castle rd. Colchester
Booth William, Oc~an villa, Marme BowmanW.F.Hylands,Writtle,Chelmsfd Branson LovellW.9Cromwellpl.Southnd
parade east, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Bowmer John, 56 Albert road, Braintree Branston Mrs. Deveron villa, Station
.Booty Charles,4Second aven.ManorPark Bown Henry, Cold Norton, Maldon road, Chingford
:BootyErnest,I Claremont ter. Manor Park Bow ring Miss, 5 Carew terrace, New Branston Thomas, Stewart vil. Coleman
Boreman :Mrs. 26 Spital road, Maldon London road, Chelmsford street, Southend
.Boreham Geo. Becontree heath, Romford Bowtell C. I23LowerRailway st.Braintree Branwhite Miss, Cromwell cot. Maldon
Boreham Miss, I Alexandria villas, Bowtell Charles, 43 Manor st. Braintree Branwhite Mrs. Moat farm, Gesting·
Queen's road, Huckhurst Hill BowtelLMrs.125 Low.Railway st.Brntree thorpe, Halstead
l3orham John,28 Wellesley rd.Colchester Bowtle Charles, Hascadale, South road, Brasher Benj. 32 Fambridge rd. 1\Ialdon
Borman Sydney, Bournemouth lodge, Saffron Walden Brass Rev. William,9 Orsett road,Grays
Sylvan road, Wanstead NE Bowtle Miss,,Brntree Thurrock, Grays
Borradaile Herbert C. High street, Grays Bowtle Mrs. Wethersfield, Braintree Hrassey John Thomas, The Cottage,
Horradaile Oswell Robert, The Ferns, Bowton John Wm. Sturdy, 96 New rd. Church path, Wanstead NE
Hermon Hill, Wanstead NE Grays Brasuer Francis Herbert, Temeraire vil.
.Borredell Mrs. 3 Hill villas, Leigh S.O Bowyer Miss, Rose cot. Potter st.Harlow Oakfield road, Ilford
Borrett The Misses, Elsenham, Bishop's Bowyer Mrs. Heaumont lodge, Chad- Brattle William J. Official quarters,
Stortford well Heath R.S.O Powder Mill lane, Waltham Abbey
Borrodell Christopher John, 5 Grove Boyce Henry, Northview, Snake's lane, Braun Mrs. Belmont cottage, Upper
villas, High street south, East Ham E Woodford Green Dovercourt, Dovercourt, Harwich
13orrodellPhilip,sCarlton terrace,Queen's Boyce William, Belper house, Avenue Braun Peter, I Belmont villas, Victoria
road, Southend road, Southend road, Romford
13orst Martin, 4 Richmond terrace, Boyd Archbld. 64 Woodlands rd. Ilford Braund John Wilton, The Germans, II2
Glenny road, Barking Boyd Ebenezer, 3I Thorold road, Ilford North street, Barking
Borton Capt. Charles, Woodland house, Boyd Miss, 2 Grove villas, Nightingale Brawn John, Ashmeads, Locghton S 0
Warley road, Brentwood lane, Wanstead NE Brawn tl. Meads, High rd. Loughton S.O
EortonHenry,Hermonhill,Wanstead NE Boyd Miss, Hempstead, Saffron Walden BrayRichd.H.C.Bank,Marketpl.Romfrd
.Borwick J.C.Gwynne ho.WoodfordBridg Boyd Mrs. 31 Durham road, "Manor Park Bray Wm. Nice, 56 Woodlands rd. Ilford
Bose Mrs. Langbourne lodge, Whitehall Boyden Henry, 2 Carlton viis. Leigh S.O Braybrooke Lord D.L., J.P.Audley End,
road,Woodford Wells,Woodford Green Boyden Wm. Great Hallingbury,Bishop's Saffron Walden; & Travellers' & Carl·
13ose Wm. Balgores, Hare st. Romford Stortford ton clubs, London s w
.BosleyT.Wealdhall,NorthWeald,Epping Boyer Mrs. Homeleigh, Whitehall road, Brayne Fras. Wm. I Grovecres.Woodfrd
:BostockWilham,1JCreffield rd.Colchestr Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Breadir;.g Mrs. 4 St. Kilda villas,Queen's
:SostonEdgar, TheHungalow,RayleighS. 0 Boyer T .C. Church ho. Tenclring ,Colchstr road, Buckhurst Hill
.Boston Thomas,32Albany rd.ManorPark Boyer W.Essex ho.Milton av.EastHam E Breavington William Kindred, Coppin's
Dosustow Henry,ss Buxton rd.Chingford Boyle Frederick, 27 Thorold road, Ilford farm, Alphamstone, Colchester
Boswall Rev. Arthur Henry B.A. 6 Boys Rev. Henry James M. A. Rectory, Bredin Rev. Andrew Noble William B.A.
Abbeygate street, Colchester Layer Marney, Kelvedon Rectory, Sutton, Rochford S.O
Boswell Henry St. George M. B. High! Boys-Johnston Rev. William Geo. ~I. A. Breen Wallace, Trosley house, Bridge
street, Saffron Walden Woodford Bridge road, Grays

Breens Mrs. Wilton road, llford Broadbank Joseph, The Elms, Snake's Brown DuncanDavid,Stebbing,Chelmfrd
Breeze John Saunders, Queenborough, lane, Woodford Green Brown Edward Philip, Grange villa,
Buckhurst Hill S.O Broadbridge Thomas, I Palmerston cot- Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon
Brennan John, 3 Cottingham terrace, t:1ges, Palmerston rd. Buckhurst Hill Brown Ernest F. Lindisfarne, Albert.
l\Iain road, Dovercourt, Harwich Broadmead Capt. Henry, Warley villa, road south, Buckhurst Hill
Brent Charles, I Rosebank villas,Gordon Great Warley, Brentwood Brown Fredk. 6 Provident pl. Colcheste~
road, South Woodford Brock Alexander, 26 Grosvenor road, Brown George M.D.I Headgate,Colchstr-
Brent William Husthwaite, Cleveland Ilford Brown Geo. Milton ho.Hamlet,Southenll
road, South Woodford Brocket Miss, Sprains hall, Willingale Brown George, Primrose hill, Queen's
Bretnall Mrs. Kelvedon Spain, Chipping Ongar S.O road, Brentwood
Brett Capt. Edward J.P. Watch house, Brockhurst Mrs. Avenue ho. Chingford Brown Geo. White Roothing, Dunmow
Wakes Colne, Halstead Brodhurst B. E. Grange court, Chigwell BrownG.R.Hainault, TheDrive,Chingfrd
Brett Rev. Jesse L.Th. 2I Mile End BrodieJ.Ashley,Cambridgepk.Wanstead Brown George Thomas, I Lime Tree-
road, Colchester Broke Horace M.A., J.P. Gladwyns, villas, Princes road, Buckhurst Hill
BrettA.J.Fairleigh,Churchfields,Woodfd Hatfield, Harlow Brown Geo. Wm.Military rd. Colchester
BrettE. W.A.12Victoria aven.EastHam E Bromhead Frank Hodson B.A., M.B. Brown H.Gt.Cannons,Gt.Parndn.Harlw
Brett John, The Laurels, Chelmsford Asylum, Crescent road, Brentwood Brown Harry Perry, Avondale, Theydon
road, Woodford Bromhead Mrs. 91 East hill, Colchester Bois, Epping
Brett Thomas, 38 Wakering rd. Barking Bromilow William, Priory cottage, Earls Brown Henry, Belgrave vi!. West Cliff,.
Breuer Francis Richard John, Hill side, Colne, Halstead Southend
Epping New road,Buckhurst Hill S.O Bromley Charles Henry, Hazelville, Brown Hy. Chas. 56 Manor st.Braintree
Brewer J. South bank,Barking side,Ilford Oakfield road, Ilford Brown Henry ,H unsdon, Ferndale, Glebe-
BrewerRichd.2_SGrove rd. Wanstead NE Bromley John Bourne, Castle Heding- avenue, Woodford Green
Breweston W.4Whitta rd. Manor Park E ham, Halstead Brown Herbert Bowyer, Ongar S.O
Brewster Charles Edward J.P. Maple- Bromley Thomas, 5 Cambridge terrace, BrownHerbt.C.5Cambridge rd.Colchestr-
stead hall, Halstead Woodford Bridge Brown Jas.Albert ho.)lanor st.Braintree
Brewster David Jas.66 Bedford rd.Ilford Bromwich Rev. Crowder Tom, Vicarage, Brown James,5o Clarence rd.ManorPark.
Brewster Mrs.Dunedin,High st.Chingfrd Gestingthorpe, Halstead Brown James Hermitage, Rocking end,
Brian D. J. C. 15 Hastings rd. Southend BroodbankC.Briarwd.Grove hi. Woodfrd Rocking, Braintree
Brice Thomas, Herne villa, Brentwood Brook Charles, Arnold house, 'Varley Brown James Samuel, Yverdons, New
BricklandT.Tibbermuir,Grovehl.Woodfd road, South Weald, Brentwood London road, Chelmsford
BrickwellC. W.Manor rd. WalthamAbbey Brook John Robert, 1 Brooklyn villas, Brown Jesse Ambrose, Chepstow lodge~
Brickwe!l Hy. Taylor, High rd. Chigwell Gordon road, Southend Whitegate road, Southend
Bridge Rev. H. D. Cromwell villa, Pal- Brook Thomas, II Richmond terrace, Brown John, Gilling cottage, Garfield
merston road, Buckhurst Hill Glenny road, Barking road, Chingford
Bridge Charles, 3 Ebenezer villas, St. Brook Thomas Daniel, 146 High street, Brown John, Lyncely grange, Epping
Mary's road, Ilford Colchester Brown John, 56 Milton street, Southend
Bridge Ernest Joseph, Chelmsford villa, Brooke David Dudley, Low st.Chingford Brown John,Recko ho. Hamlet,Southend
Mildmay road, Chelmsford Brooke John William, The Limes, BrownJohnEdwin,33Ipswich rd.Colchstr
Bridge Geo. 2 Avenue ter. Ingatestone Mistley, Manningtree Brown John Wade, 25 Bedford rd. Ilford
Bridge Mrs. 7 Alexandra ter. Southend Brook er Richard, l\Iagdala house, Rom- Brown J. 2 Rose viis. Stanley rd. Woodfrd
Bridges Rev. Sir Thomas Pym hart. B. A. ford road, Manor Park Drown Leonard, Great Warley, Brentwd
Rectory, Danbury, Chelmsford Brooker Waltr.56Papillon rd. Colchester Brown Leonard, 6 Sunley villas,Higham
Bridges Rev. Frederick Bealey Hansom BrookesW.HiltonH.Mistley,l\Ianningtree road, Woodford Green
M.A. Rectory, Rivenhall, Witham Brooks Alfred, Hill side, Grays Brown Leonard Albun George, 7 Arch
Bridges Frederick, Essex house,Frinton- Brooks A. London rd.Stanway, Colchestr cottage, Shenfield common, Brentwd
on-Sea, Colchester Brooks Charles N. Mistley, Manningtree Brown Miss, I8 Durham rd.Manor Park
Bridgland William Edward, Doriclodge, Brooks EdmundWright J.P. TheDuvals, Brown Miss, Friends' school, Mount-
The Hamlet, Southend Grays Pleasant road, Saffron Walden
Briegel Fras. A. 52 Woodlands rd. Ilford Brooks E. Vine vil.Chadwell HeathR.S.O Brown Miss, Great Leighs, Chelmsford
Briggs JamesAlbrt.27 Rutland rd.Ilford Brooks Herbt.Edmnd. Stiffordlo. Grays Brown Miss, 18 St. John's rd.Chelmsfrd
Brigham E.Holmhurst,Derby rd. Woodfd Brooks Mrs. Mistley, Manningtree Brown Miss, TolleshuntD' Arcy,Kelvedon
Bright B. Galleywood corn. Chelmsford Brooks Mrs. Wormwood house, South Brown Misses, Becontree Heath,Romfrd..
Bright Frederick Henry, Cromwell street, Manningtree Brown Misses, The Chase, Head st.Halstd
house, Maldon Brooks Robert, Mistley, Manningtree Brown Mrs. 19 Cr0ffield road,Colchester
Bright Mrs. 23 Sutherland terrace, Brooks Saml.2oManorPk.rd.Manor Park Brown Mrs. Globe terrace, Warley road~
Baddow road, Chelmsford Brooks Waiter, Drayton villa, Palmar's Great Warley, Brentwood
Bright Richd. E. Sunnybank,Coggeshall avenue, Grays BrownMrs.Lawn vil.Victoria rd.Romfrd
Bright Simon, The Limes, Dunmow Brooks William, 2 Lamorna terrace, Brown Mrs. Lorne villa, Colne road~
Bright S. 3 Tilbury gardns. Tilbury S.O Victoria road, Romford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Bright William, Cromwell house, Stone- Brooks Wm. Thomas, South rd. Saffron Brown Mrs.Mornington villa, New Wan-
ham street, Coggeshall Walden stead, Wanstead NE
Bright William, York hi. Lough ton S. 0 Broom Mrs. Hythe hill, Colchester BrownMrs. Osborne ho.l\Iilton rd.Romfrd..
Brighten William Green, Argyle house, Broome Bertie, Glengall cottag'.~, Glen- Brown Mrs. Witham
Cliff town, Clifton terrace, Southend gall road, Wcodford Green Brown O.Woburnho. York rd.Southend..
Brightman Mrs. I l\Iinnesota vils.Gordon Brougb Mrs. 6Beverley road, Colchester Brown Oswald, Lanhams farm,Cressing,.
road, Southend Broughton 1\Irs. Wellesley rd.Colchester Braintree
BrightwellJohnR. 15 Royal ter. Southend Broughton William, 3 Florence villas, Brown Peter,38Victoria aven.EastHam E
Brightwell Robert William,Norfolk villa, Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Brown Philip, Holly cottage, Epping
Cleveland road, South Woodford Brown Rev. George Gibson 1\I.A. All Brown Q. Ventnor ho.Kendal rd.Colchstr
Brignell Wm. Jn. 8East hill, Colchester Saints rectory, High street, Colchester BrownR.xHannah vls.Easternrd.Romfd..
BrinkmannG.Woodfd.wells,Woodfd.Grn Brown Rev. Richard E. New st. Harlow Browu Robt. 7 St. Vincent rd. Southend
Brinkworth Rev. Jabez Arthur, Hill Brown Rev. William Tom B.A. Broom- Brown Robert George, Goodmays,Chad-
street, Saffron Walden 1ield road, Chelmsford well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Briscoe Mrs. Fir wood, Halstead Brown A. Ada viis. Victoria rd.Romford Brown Samuel, 49 Grosvenor rd.llford
Bristow Mrs. Birkbeck estate, Barking Brown A. Hollywood, Rocking end, Brown T. The Hollies, Ongar rd.Brentwd
side, Ilford Bocking, Braintree Brown Waiter, 2 Mornington viis. 1\Iorn-
Bristow Stanley Frederick, 2 Hill side, Brown Alfred, Blythwood, Wellesley rd. ington rd. Woodfd. Wells, WoodfordGrn
Grove hill, Woodford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O BrownWalter,BIVictoria aven.Ea.Ham E
BritainS. W.2Fitzgerald rd. Wanstead NE Brown Arthur Henry, Crown st.Brentwd Brown William, 33 Church road, Barking.
Brittan Capt.R.26Wellesley rd.Colchestr Brown Arthur Percy, I Sandown villas, Brown William, Elizabeth villa, Milton.
Br1ttan Frederick William, 6 May villas, Victoria road, Romford avenue, East Ham E
The Hamlet, Southend Brown Calverley B. The Porch, Stansted Brown Wm.3 Kensington viis. Ea. Ham E
Britton Rev. James Pownall T.A.K.C.L. Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Brown William Arthur, 3 Exmouth road,.
Vicarage, Chappel, Halstead Brown Charles, I3 Lion walk, Colchestr Grays
Britton John, I Alexander ter. Southend Brown Clement, 45 Manor st. Braintree Brown Wiliam Hy. Harts,Woodford Grn
Rritton Mrs. D. Watling street,Thaxted, IBrown Daniel, St. John's villa Derby Brown Wm. John, 139 Wantz rd.l\Ialdon
Dunmow 1 road, Woodford Browne John L. Military rd. Colchester
Britton Robert, Anchor house, New Brown Duncombe, 4 Colchester ten·ace, Browne J.M.Roding ho.Abridge,Romfrd.
Writtle street, Chelmsford Colchester road, Halstead Browne Miss, Asylum, Claybury, Wood-
Broad George, Heath cottage, Chad well tBrown Edward, Lyndhurst, Ridgeway ford Bridge
Heath R.S.O road, Chingford Browne Misses, Shenfie!d, Brentwood
Browne Miss, Wivenhoe, Colchester Bull William, 2 St. Thomas's villas, 1Burnside Rev. John Charles T.A.K.C.L.
Browne Mrs.Fishmarket street,Thaxted, Maybank road, South Woodford Vicarage, Cornish Hall end, Br!l.intree
Dunmow Bulley Frederick G. l\Ianor house, Layer BurrageArthur,31Carlton rd.ManorPark
Browne Philip, Great Hallingbury, Breton, Kelvedon Burrage Miss, Causeway, Dunmow
Bishop's Stortford IBullifantHy.F.BsDurham rd.ManorPark Burrell Fras. 40 Roman rd. Colchester
Browne Tom,IOWestbury rd.Brentwood Bulling Ralph !<'. Graham villa, Cleve- BurrellJohn, Littlebury, SaffronWalden
Browning George, Waverley ho. Albert land road, South Woodford BurrellWalter,Stanway lodge, Colchester
road, Ilford Bullivant George, Thornwooi villa, North Burrill John, Seventh aven. Manor Park
Browning Mrs.Hill house,Great Clacton, Weald, Epping Burrough Mrs. Thornwood common,
Colchester Bullock Rev. John Prederic Watkinson, North Weald, Epping
Bruce Capt. Shrubbs, Harlew B.A.Rectory,Radwinter,SaffronWaldn Burrows Rev. Charles Rich Nelson~
Bruce William, 13 Salisbury rd. Colchstr Bullock I<'ras. Jn. 5 Lorne villas, Marl- Vicarage, Rainham S.O
Brunt Mrs. St. John's road, Southend, borough road, South Woodford Burrows E. 30 Linton road, Barking
Westmead Bullock Samuel, Creffield lodge, 20 Burrows J. T.Cricklewood,High rd.Ilford
Brnnton Sydney Linton, Upper terrace, Creffield road, Colchester Burrows Mrs. North street, Romford
Springfield, Chelmsford Bullock Waiter H. 'Temple villa, Witham Burrows Robert, Eastern road, Romford
BrnnwinA. W.Littles,Shalford,Braintree Bullwinkle John, Rose villa, Milton Burt Frederick M. Sloe house, Halstead
Brnnwin George Alfred, Haverings, avenue, East Ham Burt Thomas, Anglefield house, Angle-
Rayne, Braintree Bullwinkle Joseph, 8 Carlyle rd. ~Ianor Pk field road, Clacton-on-Sea R. S.O
Brunwin Henry Tweed, Park house, Bulmer C.J. Ballingdon,Sudbury(Suffik) Burton A. Porters, Boreham, Chelmsford
Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree BultitudeErnest,46 Papillon rd.Colchestr Burton Charles, Dunmow
Brunwin Miss, Park house, Bradwell- Bultitude Robert,6I Castle rd.Colchester Burton Clement Ferrier, I St. Kilda's
juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree Bumstead H. I I6 Third av. Manor Park villas, Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
Brnnwin Thos. George, Sherring hall, Bundock Mrs. I Adur villas, Sea View Burton George Wm. Lyndhurst, Wood-
Shalford, Braintree road, Leigh S.O house grove, East Ham E
Brunyee John, Whalebone villas, Chad- Bundock Thos . .A. 2 Adurvils. LeighS.O Burton Henry, Ray lodge, West grove~
well Heath R.S.O Bundock Westley, Jeannette villa, Sea Woodford Green
Bryan Samuel,Kingsthorpe, Stanley rd. View road, Leigh S. 0 Burtsal Henry J. The Retreat, Bucking-
Woodford Bunn J.Clipt hedges, Factory la.Halstead ham road, Woodford
BryanAlfred,6Shrewsburyrd.Ea.HamE Bunn Robert, Lancaster house,Mildmay Burwood E. 67 Crouch st. Colchester
Bryant Edward, Harold Wood hall, road, Chelmsford Bury Charles James J.P., D.L. St.
Romford common, Romford Bunn T. Ashcroft,Whittard. ManorPark Leonards, Nazeing, Waltham Cross
Bryant George, Selina villas, South- Buntcn John, Newport S.O Bury Miss, Duck End, Birchanger,
church, Southend Bunting A.72 North. Station rd.Colchestr Bishop's Stortford
Bryant James Mus. Bac. 2 Eastern Bunting George G.Derwent villa, Queen's Bush Alfd. W. I Carlton rd. Manor Park
villas, Eastern road, Romford road, Buckhurst Hill Bush Alfred Wm. 53 Rutland rd. Ilford
Bryant James, Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Bunyan .Arthur, Globe road, Romford Bush Joseph, Claverin2", Newport S.O
Bryant John S.43 St. John's st.Colchester Burch Thomas,7oDurham rd.Manor Park Bush Miss, Billericay
Bryant Misses, Gothic house, Saville BurchamJohnWm.68 Bedford road,IlfrdBush Miss, 3 Capel terrace, Southend
road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Burchell John, Little Cannons, Great Bush Mrs. I Clement's road, Ilford
Bryant Albert, 42 Albany rd. Manor Park Parndon, Harlow Bush Mrs. Middle Street house, Claver-
Bryant Wm. Ivy cot. Stanway,Colchester Burchell Mrs. Delamers,Bradwell-juxta- ing, Newport S.O -
Buck Rev. John, Rose villa, .Avenue I, Mare, Southminster S.O Bush Obadiah, Gold st. Saffron Walden
Dovercourt, Harwich Burckhardt John Charles,Rhydallodge, Bush Thomas, Stanley house, Romford
Buck Alfred, Roseneath, Broomhill walk, Marine par. east,Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O road, Manor Park
Woodford Green Burden James, Ebor house, Buckingham Bushell.A.E.2INewLondon rd.Chelmsfrd
Buck Charles, Fern cottage, Meadow road, W oodford Buss Miss, Boscombe, Theydon Bois,
road, Loughton S.O Burdett Capt. William Edward,Norwood, Epping
Buck Charles, I7 Chapel hill, Halstead Weeley, Colchester Bussell Rev. Frederick George M.A.
Buck Charles Henry, 7 Sandown villas, Burdett J . .Aylestone,Milton rd.Southend Rectory, TolleshuntKnights,Kelvedon
Victoria road, Romford Burfoot George, 6 Hill villas, Leigh S.O Bus!':ell S. 10 Salisbury rd. Manor Park
Buck Shadrach, Osborne house, High Burgess Col. William James, Glantham Buswell Miss, St. John's cottage, St.
road, Loughton~.O house, Shenfield, Brentwood John's road, Chelmsford
Buck William, 2 Lexden rd. Colchester Burgess Rev. Frederick George, 5 Albert Butchart Alexander, 4 St. Thomas villas,.
BuckhamMrs.SteepleBumpstead,Haver- place, New London road, Chelmsford Maybank road, South Woodford
hill (Suffolk) Burgess Rev. Henry Milward M.A. Butcher Rev.J.S. Little Chishall,Royston
Buckingham Augustus James, .Ashdene, Vicarage, Highwood, Chelmsford Butcher Rev. J. W. Bark villas, Harlow
Eastern road, Romford Burgess Rev. James, The Manse, New Butcher A. 46 Wimpole lane, Colchester
Buckingham Frederick Thomas, 4 West- London road, Chelmsford Butcher E.llallingdon, Sudbury, Suffolk
field terrace, Saffron Walden Burgess Alfred, 2 Anglesea villas, Dover- Butcher Edward Henry, 2 Elstow tar-
Buckingham Mrs. 2 Clifton villas, High court, Harwich race, Creffielcl road, Colchester
road, Ilford Burgess.A.J.42Tennysonaven.EastHamE Butcher H. Rose vil. Takeley, Chelmsfrd
Buckland Henry, Glenclower, Grove Burgess Charles, Western rd. Romford Butcher John, Washbrook house, Station
road, Woodford Burgess Charles Thomas, Shenfield cot- road, Loughton S.O
Buckle Lieut. Archie Stewart, S. Shoe- tage, Shenfield, Brentwood Butcher Miss, High st. Saffron Walden
bury, Shoeburyness S. 0 Burgess Eel ward, 5 Queen's road, Ilford Butcher l\Iiss, 53 Manor st. Braintree
Buckley Gefferey J. Loudons,CabelsTye, Burgess Misses, 46 Manor st. Braintree Butcher Mrs. Luther house, Seward-
U pminster, Romford Burgess Mrs. Henry vil.Mile end, Colchstr stone, Chingforcl
BuckmasterRev.Edward M.A.Vicarage, Burgess Mrs. Newport S.O Butler E. G. Hillho. Danbury,Chelmsfrd
Epping Burgoyne Rev. Arthur Francis M..A. The Butler James, South hill, Manningtree
BuddMrs.White ho,Bradfld.Manningtree Vicarage, Finchingfield, Braintree Butler James F. 8 Park villas, Chadwell
Buddell Rev. Jas.F. Writtle, Chelmsford Burke Lieut.-Col.Walter St. George J.P. Heath R.S.O
BuddsJ.Milton vil.Fairfield rd.Chelmsfrd .Auberies, Bulmer, Sudbury (Suffolk) Butler Miss Julia, Boreham, Chelmsford
Buen George, 39 Papillon rd. Colchester Burke Misses, Hulmer lodge, Sud.bury Butler Percy, Tavistock house, New
BuffereyMrs.A. Io7Carlyle rd.ManorPark Burland Rev. William l'I.A. Rectory, London road, Chelmsford
BugdenWalt.J.37Victoria av.EastHam E Fyfield, Ongar S.O Butler William, Holly bank, Witllam
BuggFredk. C. 10 Provident pi. Colchester Burleigh J.L.92 Durham rd. Manor Park Butler-Harris .Arthur M. A., M. B. z
Bulbick James, 23 Pleasantrd.Southend Burleigh Mrs. Ivy cottage, West Grove Westbournevils.Highrd.Loughtn. S.O
Bull Rev. I<'elixE. Pepys M.A., F.R.G.S. road, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Butlin George, Grosvenor villas, East-
Rectory, Pentlow, Sudbury (Suffolk) Buries Arthur, 11 Connaught villas, ern road, Romford
Bull Rev. Henry Foyster M.A. Rectory, Southchurch road, Southend Butt T. F. The Hill, Hocking, Braintree
Borley, Sudbury (Suffolk) Burn Rev. Samuel Clift, Berwick house, Butler Wm. F. 37 Rutland road, Ilford
Bull Benjamin, St. John's road, Epping Romford road, Manor Park Butterfield J. Ivy villa, Balfour rd. Ilford
Bull Jas. J. I Cliff Town parade, Southend BurnessA.Park ho.High rd.BuckhurstHl Bnttle Mrs. New house, Alphamstone,.
Bull J. Richmond ho. High road, Ilford Burnet Rev. W. M.A. Childrdtch.Brntwd Colchester
Bull Miss, Great Oakley hall, Great Burnett James,8o Carlyle rd.Manor Park Buttle Thomas, Alphamstone, Colchester
Oakley, Harwich Burnett John, Brightlands, Cleveland Button ::\Irs. Henry, Lawn house, Chad-
Bull Miss, 25 Hamlet road, Chelmsford road, South Woodford well Heath R S.O
Bull :\Iisses, 28 Hamlet road, Chelmsford Burnett Mrs. 6 Marineavenue,\Vestcliff, Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. 1'I.A.,
Bull Mrs. Dunmow Southend D.L.,J.P. Warliespk.Waltham.Abbey
Bull Waiter, The Laurels, Cambridge Burningham James, 3 Camden villas, Buxton ~dward North D.L., J.P.
park, Wanstead NE Victoria road, Romford Knighton house, Buckhurst Hill S.O
Buxton Gerald J.P. Birch hall, Theydon Cantor Ferdinand,4Cromer rd.Southend Carter Henry Massey, 9 Grore crescent,
Bois, Epping CapeArthur William, 1Alexandra villas, Grore road, Woodford
Buxton Thomas, Greenwood cottage, Stanleyroad, Woodford Carter Henry Stibbard, 3 Stanley villas,
Chigwell Row Capel Rev. Horatio Bladen, Rectory, Brentwood road, Romford
Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor J.P. Great Eastern, Dunmow Carter James, 2 Adelaide terrace, llford
Woodredon, Waltham Abbey Capel-Cure Francis, Tylehus,Ingatestone Carter James, 4 Clement's road, Ilford
.Byard H. 9 Manor Park rd. Manor Park Capes George Augustus Harrison,Hilton Carter James, I Spring villas, Fuller's
.Byford Alfred Thomas, 'fhe Limes, house, Sible Hedingham, Halstead road, Woodford
Crescent road, Brentwood Capron Mrs. Adelaide cottage, Hare Carter Jn.Mill house,Causeway,Halstead
.Byford John, Woodhouse, Woodhouse street, Romford Carter Miss, 22 Spital road, Maldon
grove, East Ham E Capron Thomas Alfred, 2 Orsett road, Carter Misses, 23 West st. Colchester
Byford Mrs. High street, Epping Grays Carter Mrs. 6r Albert road, Braintree
Bygrave Miss, Rockholm, Beaconsfield Card Hedley H.W.9 Woodlands rd.Ilford Carter:Mrs.OldVicarage,Gt. Tey,Kelvedn
avenue, Colchester Card Wm. G. 55 First aven. Manor Park Carter Mrs. r8 Royal terrace, Southend
.Byles Chas. 20 Second avnu. Manor Park Cardozo Arthur George, 2 Lansdown Carter Mrs. I Russell cottages, Russell
Byng Harold Edmund J.P. Bonhunt, villas, Western road, Romford road, Buckhurst Hill
Wicken Bonant, Bishop's Stortford Carew BrigadeSurgn.Lieut.-Col.Richard Carter Mrs. Stock, Ingatestone
Byron Lord, Langford grove, Maldon ; Hugh, 5 Victoria road, Colchester Carter Mrs. IO Sutherland terrace,
& 5 Grafton street, New Bond street ; Carey George, I Spencer villas, Meadow Baddow road, Chelmsford
Carlton & Bachelors clubs, London s w road, Lough ton S.O Carter l\Irs. The Orchard, High road,
.Byron Hon. & Rev. Frederick Ernest Carlisle Rev. Henry Herman M.A. The Loughton S.O
Charles B. A. Langford grove, Maldon Bower, London road, Maldon Carter Mrs. IO Wellington rd. Maldon
Byron The Hon. Mrs. Langford grove, Carlyon-Hughes John William, Long CarterR.IBrookland vls.North st.Romfd
Maldon Ridings, Hutton, Brentwood CarterRichd.I2Broomfield rd.Chelmsfrd
Cable James, 7 Albany rd. Manor Park CarmanGeo.Wm.I9'fheAvenue,Colchstr CarterRichardJames,sThorold rd.Ilford
Cable James, St. John's road, Epping Carman Miss, 43Wellesley rd.Colchester Carter Richard Samuel, Torwood, High
Cable William, Bell villa, Epping Carmichel William Vyse, 5 Olive terrace, Beech, Loughton S.O
Cadle C. W. Balcarras, High st. Chingfrd Tylers avenue, Southend Carter Robert, Glenny road, Barking
Cadman Benjamin Alfred, Orchard Carne Capt. Francis, I6 Sixth avenue, Carter Samuel Plummer, Woodholme,
villas, Whitta road, Manor Park Manor Park Forest road, Chingford
Cadman Chas. W. The Cliffs, Leigh S.O Carolin Rev. Sinclair M.A. Rectory, Carter T. J. Longbridge, Victoria road,
Cadness William Thomas, Fern villas, Wivenhoe, Colchester Buckhurst Hill
Chadwell Heath R.S.O Carpenter Rev. Herbert, The Rectory, Carter Thomas, I Lammas villas, Buck-
Caine Charles Lomas, 2 Richmond Basildon, Brentwood ingham road, Woodford
villas, North road, Southend Carpenter Rev.Jabez Grey, Newport S.O Carter Thomas, The Oaks, Beaumont•
Caird E. Clifton ho. Grove rd. Woodford Carpenter Francis,g Thorold road, Ilford with-Moze, Colchester
Calder Hugh, Swanmore, Avenue road, Carpenter Harry, 5 Grove villa, Night- CarterT.Western cot. Western rd.Rmfrd
Southend ingale lane, 'Yanstead NE Carter Thomas J. Longbridge, Victoria
Caldwell Ralph William, Stanway All CarpenterHrbt.3Durham rd.ManorPark road, Buckhurst Hill
Saints, Colchester CarpenterW.3Queen'sGroverd.Chingfrd Carter William, 47 Thorold rd. Ilford
Callan W. 24 Manor Park rd. Manor Pk Carr James, The Hollies, Church street, Cartwright John,IosManor st.Braintree
Callow A. J. IOO Carlyle rd. Manor Park Waltham Abbey Cartwright Josiah, Haverstock villa,
Calverley G. 36 First avnu. Manor Park Carr The Misses, The Lawn, Church Ashburnham road, Southend
Cam Rev. William Herbert M.A. Tbe street, Waltham Abbey Cartwright Mrs. St. John's rd. Epping
Rectory, Birchanger, Bishop's Stortfrd Carr Thos. Lyncroft, Bocking, Braintree Carrell John McLean, 3 Grove villas,
Cameron E. 3 Hermonhl. Wanstead NE Carr Thomas, I Palmerston villas, Nightingale lane, Wanstead NE
Cameron Mrs. St. John's road, Epping Gordon road, South Woodford CarverWm.sManorPark rd.ManorPark
Cameron William, Coventry villa, Carr Wm. Isaac, Trueloves, Ingatestone CaseC. Lansdowne vl. Broomfid.Chelmsfd
Coventry road, Ilford Carrell Geo. N.P.5I Woodlands rd.Ilford Case John, Maltese road, Chelmsford
Cameron 1-Villiam, Rostellan, Prospect Carrett John, 6 Carlton rd. Manor Park Casey Miss, Laurie square, Romford
road, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Carrington Very Rev. Henry M.A. Cash Henry, Stock, Ingatestone
Campbell Rev. Charles Edward B.A. Deanery, Bocking, Braintree Caslake Misses, Shortland's house,
Vicarage, Theydon Bois, Epping Carrington Elkanah, The Oaks, Forest Seward's End road, >Saffron Walden
Campbell Alexander, Elim villa, Cowslip drive, Manor Park Cass Edmund, 39 Thorold road, Ilford
road, South Woodford Carrington Menotti, I Oak cottages, Cassels Mrs. I Wilson road, Southend
Campbell Arthur Alexander, Warley Forest drive, Manor Park Cassidy Mrs. Rose villa, High Easter,
terrace, Great Warley, Brentwood Carroll Jno. IO Clarence rd. Manor Park Chelmsford
Camp bell Charles Henry, 3 Salisbury Carruthers James Benjie, 2A, South- Cassidy T. The Curatage, High rd.IIf6rd
villas, Latchett road, South Woodford church avenue, Southend Casson Joseph R. Maiden VIlla, Wood·
Camp bell Chas. R. 3I Rutland rd. Ilford Carswell Edwin C. I Meanley road, house grove, East Ham E
Campbell Colin, Perth lodge, London Manor Park Castell Col. John, Roman Hill house,
road, Southend Carter :\faj. Alfred Henry R.A. Tilbury East Donyland, Colchester
Campbell 'Ernest Thomas, Folkestone fort, Tilbury 8.0 Catchpool Alfred, 56 Bergholt road,
lodge, Grove hill, Woodford Carter Rev. Alfred :Morgan B.A. Up- Mile end, Colchester
Campbell F.33 Victoria avnu.East Ham E minster, Romford Catchpool Edward, Feering Bury Manor
Campbell James, Villerville, Church- Carter Rev. Henry Frederick Victor, house, Feering, Krlvedon
fields, W oodford Gleadowe, Queen's rd. Brentwood Catch pool Mrs. 4I Lexden rd. Colchestr
Campbell John Turner, Alma house, Carter Alfred, Blenheim ·villa, Forest Cate Alfred, 5 Salisbury rd. Manor Pk
Mistley, Mannington drive, :Manor Park Cater Miss, 5 Gladstone rd. Colchester
Campbell Mrs. The Crosses, Great Carter Alfred, Galleywood Common, Cater Mrs. W. jun. r Sir Isaac's walk,
Warley, Brentwood Chelmsford Colchester
Camp bell Robert B. I Marine avenue, Carter Alfred, IIO Glenny rd. Barking Cater Mrs. Lex den house, Marine parade
West cliff, Southend Carter Alfred C.Fernbank, Church path, west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Campbell William, Woodland cottage, Wanstead NE Catford Henry, Hollybank, Sylvan road,
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Carter Charles, Buckingham villa, Wanstead NE
Camp bell Wm. Hy. 5I Rutland rd. Ilford i:lpringfield, Chelmsford Cathels Peter F. I Durham ter.ManorPk
Campion Mrs.CornishHallEnd,Braintree Carter Charles, I Hill terrace, Romford Catley James, Kenilworth, Cambridge
Candler Christphr. Writtle, Chelmsford road, Manor Park park, Wanstead NE
Candler Mrs. 4I Head street, Halstead Carter Charles James, Friary, Maldon Catling John, 3 Granville terrace, Mild·
Canning All en TayI or, The Cedars, Carter Eccles, 25 Tylers aven. Southend may road, Chelmsford
Sudbury road, Halstead Carter Edward Hunt, Fairfield house, Catmur William, 12 Cliff Park villas,
Canning lVIiss, Old mead, Henham, Duke street, Chelmsford Park road, Southend
Bishop's Stortford Carter Frederic J.P. Marden Ash, High Caton Mrs.NortonMandeville,Ingatestne
Canning T. P. High st. Saffron Walden Ongar, Ongar S.O Caton William, Whitta road, Manor pk
Cannon Geo. Hy. 19 Thorold rd. Ilford Carter Frederick M. D. Billericay CatUirs.l<,airfield ldg.Duke st.Chlmsfrd
Cansdale Arthur,62 Castle rd.Colchester Carter Fredk. 37 Chapel st. Colchester Cattell H·uold, I2 'Yestfield terrace,
Cansdale Mrs. 63 Castle road,Colchester Carter Frederick Algernon, Rook hall, Saffron Walden
Cant Benjamin Revett, Myland lodge, Little Totham, Witham Cattermoul 'f. 36 Durham rd.ManorPk
Mile end, Colchester Carter George, 15 Elm villas, Avenue Caudwell F. B. H. Church st.Coggeshall
CantJohn,Malting ho.Aldham,Colchestr road, Southend Cause A. Flora vil. Southcurch rd.Sthnd
Cant Wm. 18 Wellesley rd. Colchester Carter George, Harold villa, Pulteney Causton Rev. Edward Atherton M.A.
Canton Miss, 7 York road,. Southend road, South Woodford S. Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O


Cave-Browne Rev. 'Yilliam Henry M.A. Chapman Herbert, I Cecil villas, Cow- Chinchen Samuel, Carlisle villa, Clel"'e-
Rectory, Wickham St. Paul, Halstead slip road, South Woodford land road, South Woodford
Cavell Rev. Alexander, Higham house, Chapman John Mercer, 9 Forest drive, Chinnery Arthur William, 2 Holly ter- •
Albert road, Ilford l\Ianor Park race, Whitta road, Manor Park
CawdronH. R. I4Broomfield rd. Chlmsfrd Chap man John William, 66 Third Chinnery George Robert, Gloster villa,
Cawker SI. Devon vi!. York rd. Southnd avenue, Manor Park George lane, South Woodford
Cecil Charles Albert, Halstead house, Chapman ::\Iiss, London road, Maldon Chinnery Mrs. I & 2 Glendower villas,
Mawneys road, Romford Chapman Mrs. Bredgar villa, Lans- Carnarvon road, W oodford
ChabOt Clement, Fernleigh, Mawneys downe road, South Woodford Chinnery Mrs. Wanstead cottage, New
road, Romford Chapman Mrs. Hollywood, Tendring, Wanstead, Wanstead NE
Chaffer Henry James, Franklin villa, Colchester Chisenhale- Marsh Miss, Birchanger
Newbiggen street, Thaxted, Dunmow Chapman William, High house, Sible lodge, Birchanger, Bishop's Siortford
Chaldecott James, 2 Arundel villas, Hedingham, Halstead Chisenhale-Marsh William Swaine J.P.
Chelmsford road, Woodford Chapman William, 6 Kensington villa:!!, Gaynes pk. Theydon Garnon, Epping;
Chalenor Samuel John, 3 Tregenna East Ham E & Atbenreum & Garrick clubs, London
villa, Victoria road, Romford Chappell Mrs. Woodbury villas, Writtle Chi'!holm Rev. Samuel, Gladsmuir,
Chalk E. Clovelly, Wilson rd. Southend road, Chelmsford Malmesbury road, Woodford
Chalk Miss, Ashby house, Warley road, Chapple John, 5 Hilda villas, Plashet Chisney Fredk. I26 Ripple rd. Harking
Brentwood grove, East Ham E Chisolm Miss, 4 Beaconsfield ter. Colcbstr
Chalk Joseph, Manor rd.WalthamAbbey Charleston T. 2 Prospect viis. Leigh S.O Chissell Charles, 3 The Green, Mistley,
Challen Wm. Jsph. Albert road, Ilford Charlesworth Mrs. 3 St. John's villas, Manningtree
Challis August us George, Bedford house, Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Chissell Mrs. Mistley, Manningtree
Westbury road, Buckhurst Hill Charleton George Phillip, 4 Clarendon Chitham :Mrs. 45 Crowhurst rd.Colchestr
ChallisMrs. White Roothing, Dunmow villas, Dovercourt, Harwich Chitham Richard, Elm lodge, Wellesley
Chalmers An drew John, West view, Charlton G. I Gazeebo vils. Rayleigh S. 0 road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Washington road, Woodford Charlton Mrs. 2I Avenue rd. Southend Chittenden Henry, Epping grn. Epping
Chalmers Frederick Victor, Mayfield, Charlton T.:F. I6 Katherine rd.East Ham Choat C. W. 11 Mildmay rd. Chelmsford
Grovepark, ·wanstead NE Charlton W. I7 St. John's rd. Southend Choat Joseph, Brook house, Finching-
Chalmers Mrs. Garden terrace, Harlow Charsley-Thomas Col. William, Planta- field, Braintree
Cha!mers Wm. 31 Coventry rd. Ilford tion, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford Choat Mrs. I Cottingham terrace,
Chalton Col. Thomas H. T. Invrorth Chart Edwd. I9 Albany rd. Manor Park Dovercourt, Harwich
grangP., Tiptrec Heath, Kelvedon Chart Richd. 46 Woodlands road, Ilford Choppen Stephen, East cottage, Had-
Chamberlain Charles, Kent cottage, Charter G. IoCumberland rd.ManorPark leigh, Rayleigh S.O
Prince's road, Buckhurst Hill Chatfield Robert Edward, Woodlands, Chopping Stanton, 207Ripplerd.Barking
Chamberlain William, Ethel villa, Pul- Sewardstone, Chingford Chopping Wasey, Mill house, Fingring-
teney road, South Woodford Chatham Alfred, Hazlewood, Milton hoe, Colchester
Chambers Alfred, I6 Roman rd.Colchstr avenue, East Ham E Christ Albert, Queen's road, Southend
Chambers C. F. 89 Durham rd.Manor pk Chatting W. 22 Cambridge rd. Barking Christian Waiter Thomas, Clarence
Chambers George, Cambridge house, Chaytor Major Hobert James, Abbey house, Station road, Loughton S.O
Cambridge park, Wanstead NE field, Colchester Christie Charles Henry Fehler J.P.
Chambers John, Kensington house, Cheeld John, Little Clacton, Colchester Wilderness, Ongar S. 0
North end, East Ham E Cheesman Mrs. Fanny, 21 Tennyson Christie Fairgray, I7 Head st. Halstead
Chambers John, The Lodge, High road, avenue, East Ham E Christie Miss, St. Margaret's, Grove
Buckhurst Hill Cheetham Waiter, I Alexandra villas, hill, Woodford
Chambers William, Porter's villa,Brent- Victoria road, Romford Christie W. 4 Tilbury gdns. Tilbury S.O
wood road, Romford Cheffins Hy. J. Hill st. Saffron Walden Christy A. Roseville, Balfour rd. Ilford
Champ C. J. 5 Devereux ter. Southend Cheffins Misses, Mawbyns, Little Easton, Christy David J.P. Patching hall,
Champ Mrs. Hope lodge, New London Chelmsford Broomfield, Chelmsford
road, Chelmsford Cheke Richard, Beaconsfield house, Christy Fell, I Prospect terrace, Broom·
Cbampion-de-CrespignySir Claude bart. Romford road, field road, Chelmsford
J.P.Champion ldg.Heybridge.Maldon Chennell Mrs. High st. Saffron Walden Christy :Frank, I Prospect terrace,
Champness Miss, Hemnall street, They- Chennells W. 77 Third avnu. Manor Park Broomfield road, Chelmsford
don Garnon, Epping Chesshire Rev. Humphrey Pountney, Christy Joseph L. 4 Port terrace, Mild-
Champness Mrs. 2 Claughton villas, Rose bank, Rose valley, Brentwood may road, Chelmsford •
Eastern road, Romford Chester Harry, Pines hill, Birchanger, Christy Leonard Fell, I Prospect terrace,
Chancellor F. J.P. 2 High st. Chelmsfrd Bishop's Stortford Broomfield road, Chelmsford
Chandler Rev. John, West villa, Prittle- Chester Mrs. Pines hill, Birchanger, Christy:Mrs.Boyntn.hl.Roxwell,Chlmsfrd
well, Southend Bishop's Stortford Chrystall Charles Bowman, 3 Forest
Chantler Alfred, Ashingdon hall, Ash- Chester Thomas G. IS Vi'entworth road, villas, Princes road, Buckhurst Hill
ingdon, Rochford S. 0 Manor Park Chudley Henry Fredk. High st. Epping
Chandler Alfred, Heathfield, Sprathall Chester Waiter, Lonsdale, Cambridge Church A. E. 30 Crouch st. Colchester
road, Wamtead NE park, Wanstead N" E Church John, Church hill, Epping
ChandlerL.J.Glenrose,Derby rd. Woodfd Chetwood S. Sun st. Waltham Abbey Mrs. Great Warley, Brentwood
Chandler Mrs. 3 St. Thomas villas, Cheveley Geo. I7 Duke st. Chelmsford Church :\Irs. Witbam
Maybank road, South Woodford Cheveley Miss, Hillericay Church Philip, The Mount, Birchanger,
Chandler Thomas, Ventnor villa, Cleve- Chew George, Oakhur~t, Cambridge Bishop's Stortford
land road, Ilford park, Wanstead NE Church Thos. J. Queen's rd. Brentwood
Chandler Thomas G. Bellvue, Milton Chew Thomas, Glenryn, Salway hill, Churcher Mrs. 4 Leigh villas, The Cliffs,
avenue, East Ham E "'oodford Green Southend
Channon John, Cotswold bury, G Ien gall Chick Arthur, 4 Rose Vale villas, Rose Churchfield Chas. 4"Meanley rd. Manor Pk
road, Woodford Green valley, Brentwood Churchill Rev.JosephDixie 1.\I.A.Rectory,
Chaplin Frederick, Langford house, Chick Jn. H. T. 15 Rayne rd. Braintree Little Bentley, Colchester
Queen's road. Buckhurst Hill Chickall Miss, I3 Cliff villas, Cliff road, ChurchillE.66Victoria aven.East Ham E
Chaplin Francis, 9 Lorne vils. Southend Dovercourt, Harwich Churchouse Alfred William, 5 Clifton
Chaplin Mis!', Chapel lane, Epping Chignell Mrs. Bellevue villa, Hadleigh, villas, High road, Ilford
Chaplin :\Irs. Bulls hill, Castle Heding- Rayleigh S.O Churchman Edward, 2 Richmond ter-
ham, Halstead Chignell Mrs. 70 High st. Colchester race, Glenny road, Barking
Chaplin ~Irs. Harlow Chignell Wm. 25 Queen st. Colchester Churchward Rev. M. W. M.A. Shoe-
Chaplin Mrs. T. The 'Vayre, Harlow Chignell Wm. Jsph. Grove rd. Southend buryness S.O
Cha!Jlin William Mornington, Town Childs George, I6 Queen's road, llford Clapham George Frederick, Dunmow
house, Ridgwell, Halstead Childs Henry, Ongar S. 0 Clapham~Irs. Thurlby ho. WoodfordBrdg
Chapman Charles, Rose villas, Barking Childs J. 11 Manor Park rd. Manor Park Clapham Mrs. G. D. Dunmow
Side, Ilford Chillingworth Andrew, The Hall, Brad- Clapham Wm. B., J.P.High st.Dumnow
Chapman Charles, sen. Sewardstone well-juxta-Mare, Southminster S.O Clarance Charles, Trinity house, Castle
road, Waltham Abbey Chilton Rev. Robert William M.A. street, Saffron Walden
Chapman Frederick, 7 Derby villas, Vicarage, Mountnessing, Brentwood Clarendon Percy, Clarendon house,
Derby road, "'oodford Chilver James, 2 Pembroke villas, Brewery road, Southend
Chapman George Arthur, Rohilla, Inglis Dovercourt, Harwich Clark Rev. A. ~LA. Gt. Leighs,Chlmsfrd
road, Colchester J Chilvers Harry, St. John's road, Epping Clark Rev. R. B. B.A.Jt'elstead,Chelmsfrd

Chapman George W. York house, Chilton Henry, C,·aig Millar, Glengall Clark Rev. T. H. M.A.Heybridge,:\Ialdon
George lane, Woodford road, Woodford Green Clark Alex. 49 Durham rd. Manor Park
Chapman Herbt. I4 High st. Chelmsford. Chinery Chas. 25 .1\Ialdon rd. Colchester Clark Arthur, Great Parndon, Harlow
Clark .Andrew M. D. Helensholme, Hol- Clarke Mrs. Queen street, Brightlingsea, Clowes l\Irs. Carlton house,Warley road,.
land road, Clacton-on-Sea R S.O Colchester I South Weald, Brentwood
Clark Arthur, Kenilworth, Heathcote ClarkeThos.Rose vil.Albert rd.Braintree Cluff Benj. 4 First aV"enue, :Manor Park
grove, Chingford Clarke William, Bordeaux house,Selsdon Cluff J.Avenue ho.Romford rd. ManorPk
ClarkArthr. TheLimes,Stock,Ingatestone road, Wanstead Clutterbuck Willlam GeorJe, Berry-
ClarkA.Benning,OldChurchhl.Chingfrd Clarke William, Glendale, Selsdon road, narbor, Derby road, Woodford
Clark A. The Ferns, Rayne, Braintree Wanstead NE Coaffee John Lewls,9I Ripple rd.Barking
Clark Charles, I8 Beverleyrd.Co!chester Clarke Wm. I Southchurchav.Southend CoakerJ.43Wordsworthaven.EastHamx
ClarkE.G.3Trinity ter.Trinityst.Halstd Clarke William,28 Weston rd. Southend Coakes William J. Prospect cottage,
Clark Fras. Danesdale, York rd. Southend Clarke Wm. R. Clare hall, Chigwel!Row Princes road, Buckhurst Hill
Clark Frank, Park side, Ardleigh green, Clarkson Rev. Harry M.A. 20 Rayne Coales Mrs. 4 Hawkswood villas, King's
Hornchurch, Romford road, Bocking, Braintree Head hill, Chingford
Clark Frederick, 56 Thorold road, Ilford Clarkson Algernon, I Westbourne villas, Coates George,Ivy cottage south,Forest,
Clark George, 3 First aven. Manor Park High road. Loughton S.O Snaresbrook NE
ClarkGeorge,Medley ho.Rayne,Braintree Clarkson Frederick Comerford, 4 Carlton Coates Harry Whitfield, Selbourne,
Clark Geo. Fredk. Wormingford R.S-0 terrace, Queen's road, Southend Churchfields, Woodford
ClarkG.J.Brooklands,Chadwl.Hth.R.S.O Claughton Rev. Piers Leopold B.A. Coates Hy. I8 Cambridge road, Barking
Clark Geo. Jas.75 Carlyle rd.ManorPark Rectory, Hutton, Brentwood Coates William, Northampton villa,
Clark George Plush, I Washbrook villas, Clausen George,Widdington,Newprt.S.O Chelmsford road, Woodford
Station road, Loughton S.O Clausen George, jun. Bishop's,Widding- Coats Surgn.-Lt.-Col. John M.B. Shoe-
Clark Harry, Sun st. Waltham Abbey ton, Newport S.O buryness S.O
Clark Henry, Arkesden road, Clavering, Clavering Chas. 4I Buxton rd.Chingford CobbRev. William,4Hainaultvils.Chigwll
Newport S.O Clavey Ernest E.7 Buxton rd. Ghingford Cobb Alfred, 9 High street, Colchester
Clark Henry, 15 Clement's grdns. Ilford Claxton Rev. William Henry, Hurst CobbChas.Hythe ho.Hyt-he hill,Colchestr
Clark Henry, Lyndhurst, Tavistock rd. green, Brightlingsea, Colchester Cobb G.H.,M.A. Church house,Chigwell
South Woodford Clay Lieut.-Col. Albert Newby J.P. Cobb Hy.G.Fairfield vils.North st.Halstd
Clark Henry, May villa, West Grove Slades,Beauchamp Roothing,Brentwd CobbMichaelMiles,Hornchurch,Romford
road, Snake's lane, Woodford GrP.en Clay Capt. Richd. Earl's Colne,Halstead Cobb :Miss, 2 Hill villa, North street,
Clark James, 4 Bedford road, Ilford Clay John Dodd, St. Alban's cottage, Prittlewell, Southend
Clark James Wm. Church st.Coggeshall Salway hill, Woodford Green Coi:boldR. T.Dedham Io.Dedhm.Colchstr
ClarkJ .30live ter. Tyler's aven.Southend Clay Miss, 5 Queen street, Colchester Cobham Charles, 3 Shakespeare villas,
Clark J.W.Hazeldene,High st.ChingfQrd ClaydenArthr.Digby,St.John's rd.Eppng High street, Grays
ClarkJ.Coldhall,Stationrd.Wlthm.Abby Clayden Mrs. Church hill, Epping Cobham Wm. I Durham rd. ManorPk
Clark Matthew, 201 Ripple rd. Barking Clayden Mrs. Edward, Parkside, High Cochrane Mrs. Hill house, South Weald,
Clark Miss, Newport S.O street, Saffron Walden Brentwood
Clark Miss, Stanford-le-Hope S. 0 Clayden W.Sewardstone rd. Wlthm.Abby Cochrane R. G. The Limes, High street,
ClarkMiss, TheMoat,Nth.Shoebry.Sthnd Claydon M. A. 16 Clarence rd.ManorPark Wanstead NE
Clark Mrs. Ashdon, Saffron Walden Claydon Mrs. Meadow rd.Loughton S.O Cock Capt. William James, Landermere
Clark ~Irs. River view, Waltham Abbey Clayton Rev. Francis M., Th.A.K.C.L. hall, Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester
Clark Mrs. Selwood cottage, Ongar S.O Linden road, Romford Cock J. T. Sunnyside,Ridgwell, Halstead
Clark Mrs. Walton's hall, Mucking, Clayton Mrs. 3Albert place,NewLondon Cock Mrs. Causeway, Dunmow
Stanford-le-Hope S.O road, Chelmsford Cockburn James,25 Carlton rd.ManorPk
ClarkR.Oakhurst,Sylvanrd.Wanstd.N E Clayton Mrs. 86 High street, Colchester Cockerell Rev. Louis Arthur M.A.
ClarkW .Victoria cot. Colchester rd.Halstd Clayton Mrs. St.Helen's,Cleveland road, Vicarage, Wormingford R.S.O
Clark W .Primrose lo.St. Vincent rd.Sthnd South Woodford Cockerell Miss,Tylers,Nth. Weald,Epping
Clark William, 134 Ripple rd. Barking Clayton Simeon,I7Lornevillas,Southend Cockerill Miss, I Sion terrace, Western
Clark Wm.4 Wilton ter. Wilton rd.llford Clear Albert Prime, Uuyvers, High road, Romford
Clark Dr. William Chignell, Grammar street, Maldon Cockett John Edward, Evergreen lodge,
school, Ongar S.O CleaveRev.P.R.,B.A.Felstead,Chelmsfrd High street, Wanstead NE
Clarke CaptainDavidRoss, Leigh S.O Cleaver Mrs.Clifton cottage,TheAvenue, CockeyE.P.M.D. Lit.Waltham,Chlmsfrd
Clarke Rev. Charles James, Steeple Brain tree Cocking Thos.zo Third aven. Manor Park
Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Cleffon Hugh, Ivy villas, High road, Cockrell Mrs. Washington rd.S.Woodford
Clarke Alfred Ernest George, Eltham Loughton S.O Cocks Surgeon-Captain Horace,Elsmere,
villa, Stanleyroad, Woodford Clegg James, 15 Grove rd. ·wanstead NE Inglis road, Colchester
Clarke Alonzo, Water lane, Steeple Clegg Joseph, Ferndale, Epping Cocks Frederick Chas.Heybridge,:Maldon
Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Clemence Frank, Harrolds, Castle road, Cocks Mrs. Ivy cottage, Tavistock road,
Clarke Benjamin,I 1Holly terrace, Whitta Colchester South Woodford
road, Manor Park Clement William, Oak villa, Leigh S. 0 Cock sedge Miss, Southville, Cambridge
Clarke Charles, Beechcote,Vicarage lane, Clementi-SmithRev.A.E., M. A. Rectory, park, Wanstead
East Ham E Chadwell St. :Mary, Grays Cockshott Henry, Marks' gate, Romford
Clarke Francis, Albany terrace, Rayne ClementsRev. William Fredk. T.A.K.C.L. Cocquerel Eugene, Holly hill, New Wan-
road, Bocking, Braintree 78 North Station road, Colchester stead, "\Vanstead NE
Clarke F.Holly cott.Widford,Chelmsford Clements D.R.77Durham rd.ManorPark Codd George, 6 Silver street, Maldon
Clarke Frank Edward, Fernside, Queen's Clements Harry, Normanhurst, Station CoeAlfred,Rosendale,Albert rd.Braintre.;,
road, Buckhurst Hill road, Chingford Coe HoraceJohn,3Belmont vils.Southend
Clarke Frederick Charles, Chelmsford Clements M.Rodney vil.Oakfield rd.Ilfrd Coe Miss, Ongar S.O
villa, Chelmsford road, W oodford Clements Thomas; I Stilton terrace, Coe Robert, 70 'fhird aven. Manor Park
ClarkeG.James' ter.:\Iistley,Manningtree Harrow road, East Ham E Coggins Waiter Wilson, Parian villa, 26
Clarke George, Myrtle villas, Maybank Clemson Henry, I Hannibal villas,Cleve- Longbridge road, Barking
road, South Woodford land road, South Woodford Cogill Harry, Carlton house, Whitegate
Clarke Henry, Whites place, Margaret- Clerc Leon, Rosedale, Buckingham road, road, Southend
ting, Ingatestone Woodford Colchester Bishop Suffragan of, Right
Clarke Herbert Broughton, 4 Millfield Clewes Miss, Lindsell, Chelmsford Rev. Alfred Blomfield D.D. Park ho.
villas, Sprathall road, Wan~tead NE Cliff John, South Ockenden, Romford Cornsland, Shenfield, Brentwood
Clarke James, 9 Harrow rd. East Ham E Clifford Herbert,Western road, Romford Colcutt Staff-Sergt. William, St. John's
Clarke John, The Roos, Saffron Walden Clift Miss, Cromwell cottage, Maldon green, Colchester
Clarke Jn. Herbt. 136 Ripple rd.Barking Clifton Alfred, Ivy house, Queen's road, Cole Rev. Wm. J. The Avenue, Braintree
Clarke John Quintin, The Glebe, Tend- Buckhurst Hill ColeCharlesAlfd. 104Maldon rd.Colchestr
ring, Colchester Clifton W .C. The Cot. London rd. Romford Cole George, I J ames street, Colchester
Clarke Joseph F.S.A. The Roos, Saffron Cloete-Smith E. A. Ingatestone, Brentwd Cole Henry, 3 Brandon terrace, Ilford
Walden CloseMiss,South vil.Derby road, Woodfrd Cole H. Hastings ho.Hastings rd.Southnd
Clarke Miss, Church house, UpperDover- Closson John,Hurst green,Brightlingsea, Cole Henry, 8 Knighton villas, High
court, Dovercourt, Harwich Colchester road, Buckhurst Hill S.O
Clarke 1\tliss, Falcon grove, Audley road, Clouter R.P.Layer-de-la-Hay,Colchester Cole Horace Wm. High st. Brentwood
Saffron Walclen Cloveley AlfredJ. 74Woodlands rd.Ilford Cole Miss, The Laurels, East Horndon
Clarke Miss,TheCot.Cold Norton,Maldon Clover E.Dael holm, Dedham, Colchester & Heron gate, Brentwood
Clarke Misses, Dunmow Clover Miss, 13 Maldon road, Colchester ColeMiss,Tye com.Gt.Burstead,Brentwd
Clarke Misses, Writtle, Chelmsford CloverO.Linden ho.Sudbury rd.Halstead Cole Misses, Hill cot.Helions Bumpstead,
Clarke Mrs. Baythorn end, Halstead Clover William, Trinity street, Halstead Haverhill (Suffolk)
Clarke Mrs. Hermon villa, Hermon hill, Clowes Joseph, :Mount Hawke house, ColeMrs.Blasford.hl.Lit. Wlthm.Chlmsfd
Wanstead NE l\Iaybank road, South Woodford Cole Philip, Billericay
ClarkeRobert Holden,7Rutland rd.Ilford Clowes Wm. F ..A. Church st. Coggleshall
ColeRichardJ.IOCowper aven.EastHamn
Cole Robert, 10 Albyn terrace, Southend Colman Wm. 26 Grove rd.,Vanstead NE Cook Waiter, 38 Fambridge rd. l\Ialdon
Cole Robert Swinborne, Holt farm, Great Cologan Rev. William H. Lilystone hall, Cook William J. Nelson house, Romford
Oakley, Harwich Stock, Ingatestone road, M:1nor Park
ColeS.E.Bath ho.Brentwood rd.Romford Colson Alfred, Addison villa, Woodford Cook William Jn. 14 Spital rd. Maldon
Cole Thomas Dove, Alma villa, Saville road, Snaresbrook NE Cooke Rev. Charles John Rashleigh M. A.
road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Colson Miss, 2 Crown villas, Queen's Rectory, Cranham, Romford
Cole William, Dogmersfield, Woodford road, Brentwood CookeRev. JamesTheodore M.A. Vicar-
road, South Woodford Colvile Rev . .Asgill Horatio, The Priory, age, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Cole William, 7 Knighton villas, High Earls Colne, Halstead Cooke Rev. Thomas Frederick Th.
road, Buckhurst Hill S.O Colvin B. W. :Manor ho.Lexdon,Colchstr A.K.C.L. Market place, Romford
Cole William, Westwood, Bedford road, Colvin Miss, The Hall, Little Horkesley, Cooke Charles Marks, 3 Springfield ter-
South Woodford Colchester race, Springfield, Chelmsford
ColegateWilliam Hook, 2 Ebenezer villas, Colyer E. Beech vil.Victoria rd.Romford Cooke Edwin, De Bourbon villa, Wel-
St. Mary's road, Ilford Combes Henry, Bracklesham house, lington road, Wanstead NE
ColemanRev.E.0.32Romanrd.Colchestr Maybank road, South Woodford Cooke Henry, 40 Wakering rd. Barking
Coleman A.J. 19 Meanley rd. Manor Park Corner Charles, 12I Winnock rd. Colchstr Cooke J n.N orton:Mandeville,Ingatestone
Coleman Chas. I~ The Avenue, Colchstr Comfort Gilbert Humphrey, Limes Cooke Misses, 2 West avenue, Clacton-
Coleman George Henry, Mount cottage, cottage, Cowslip rd. South Woodford on-Sea R.S.O
Widford, Chelmsford Compson Mrs. Elizabeth, Swanley house, Cooke Robt. G. I 3 Gladstone rd. Colchestr
Coleman Hy.S.NewLondon rd.Chlmsfrd Romford road, Manor Park Cookson Rev. O.M.A. Elmstead, Clchstr
Coleman Joseph, Benfield end, Stansted Compton George, Clevedon, Chelmsford Coolbear A. Rose cot. Ilford hill, Ilford
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford road, Woodford Coombe R. G. West ho.Southminstr.S.O
Coleman Leonard, Lansdowne villa, New Compton Henry, The Grange, Harold Coomber Alfred William, Marian villa,
London road, Chelmsford Wood, Romford Staples road, Loughton S.O
Coleman Misses, 29 Lexden rd. Colchstr Conder John Garwood, Hamlet house, Coombes C.H.I4 Third aven.ManorPark
Coleman Percy M.B Essex& Colchester Moulsham, Chelmsford CoombesE.Hillside,Lambourne,Romfrd
General hospital, Lexden rd. Colchstr Conduit John, 2 Maldon villas,Gladding Coombs Miss, Berden,Bishop's Stortford
Coleman William, Martin villa, Baddow road, Manor Park Coombs Richd.Olibar, Inglis rd.Colchstr
road, Chelmsford Coney Major W. B. 6TheAvenue,Colchstr Coone Daniel, Billericay
Coley John Geo. 57 Rutland rd. Ilford Coney William Frederick, II Clift Park Cooper Rev. Herbert M.A. 99 Military
Coling Rev.RichardJamesM. .A. Rectory, villas, Park road, Southend road, Colchester
Stow Maries, Maldo:~. Coningham George, Woodside, Epping Cooper Rev. J. A., B. .A. Heydon,Royston
Collenett Adolphus,Gothic ldg.Morning- Connell J.R.6 Tennyson avnu.Ea.Ham E Cooper Rev. J. 1\'I.A. Beaumont, Clchstr
ton rd. Woodford Wells, WoodfordGrn Conquest Herbert, High rd. Woodford Cooper Alfred,76Durham rd.ManorPark
Coller Miss, 8 Carew terrace, New Conquest John, Granville lodge, Pal- Cooper A.Lightwater,Panfield,Braintree
London road, Chelmsford merston road, Buckhurst Hill Cooper Charles Dudley, Asylum, Clay-
ColleyRev.A.N.M.A.Gt.Baddw.Chlmsfd Conron Capt. Philip Sidney, The Billett, bury, Woodford Bridge
Collier Rev. G. Victor B. A. Suffolk Hornchurch, Romford Cooper E. B. 14 Durham rd. Manor Park
villas, Mildmayroad, Chelmsford Constable John Matthew, Elm cottage, Cooper Fredk.R.7 Salisburyrd.Colchestr
Collier Rev. Thomas Grey M.A. Vicarage, Mistley, Manningtree Cooper George John, Danes bury house,
Up Dovercourt, Dovercourt, Harwich Constantine Henry, I Sydney villas, Milton avenue, East Ham E
Collier Edward, 6 Wellington terrace, Southchurch beach, Southend Cooper Henry Spencer, High st. Bright-
New road, Barking Conybeare Mrs. J. C. St. Leonard's lingsea, Colchester
Collier Geo. 44 Victoria avnu.EastHam E grange, Fryerning, Ingatestone Cooper Herbert, 4 Mornington vils.High
Collier Jn. 35 Victoriaavnu. East Ham E Cook Rev. Richard HenryJames,Vicar- road, Woodford Wells, Woodford Grn
Collier Robert Charles,Grosmonthoase, age, East Tilbury, Tilbury S.O CooperJ.D.3Hillside,Grove hl.Woodfrd
Romford road, Manor Park Cook Rev. Thomas Henry, Frinton-on- Cooper John,Hermon htll, Wanstead NE
Collier Robert James, Grosmont house, Sea, Colchester Cooper John, Inchcape lodge, Theydon
Romford road, Manor Park Cook Alf, I9 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Garnon, Epping
Collier William Roman, Church house, Cook Alfred, St. John's road, Epping Cooper John, I Western road, Romford
Marks Tey, Colchester Cook Alfrd. G. Sun st. Waltham Abbey Cooper John Wesley, West Cliff house,
Collin Rev. J. Elmdon, Saffron Walden Cook Charles, 3 Langthorne terrace, West Cliff, Southend
Collin Ephraim, Park villas, Birchanger, .Ashburnham road, Southend Cooper J. 33 First avenue, Manor Park
Bishop's Stortford Cook Edmund Miall, Methlick villa, Cooper Miss, All Saints' house, High
Collin Mrs. Wendens Ambo, Saffron Warley road, Brentwood street, Colchester
Walden Cook Edward Harvey, The Hollies, Cooper Mrs. 52 Crouch st. Colchester
Collin Spencer, Woodville, Cornsland, Sydney road, Woodford Green Cooper Mrs. Moorlands, Great Bentley,
Shenfield, Brentwood Cook Edwd. Rider J.P., F.C.S., F.C.I. Colchester
Collin T.,M.A.Churchst.SaffronWalden Woodfordho. Salwayhl. Woodfrd.Grn Cooper Mrs. The Cedars, Queen's road,
CollingsW. Hill vils.Broomfield,Chlmsfrd Cook George, .Avenue villa, Woodfield Brentwood
Collingwood Miss, 6 Grove villas, Night- road, Braintree Cooper Mrs. C. Bigh street, Mistley,
ingale lane, Wanstead NE Cook George, Bridge house, North Manningtree
Collins Arthur, Augusta house, Chelms- street, Prittlewell, Southend Cooper Sidney, Hawkwood, Chingford
ford road, Woodford Cook George Edwin, I Maldon villas, Cooper Thomas, Millington house, Dan-
Collins Benjm. 24 The Drive, Chingford Glading road, Manor Park bury, Chelmsford
Dollins Chas. Wm. 4I Thorold rd. Ilford Cook Hy. 23 Eversleigh road,EastHam E Cooper William, 2 Russell cottages,
Collins Edwin C. 32 Tennyson avenue, Cook Henry John, The Firs, The Green, Russell road, Buckhurst Hill
East Ham E Woodford Green Coote Robert,Ashburnham rd. Southend
Collins Floyd, Burnham S.O Cook James Cornelius, Stenmore house, Copeland Frederick, 2 Cecil villas, Cow-
Collins Frank, High st. Wanstead NE Milton avenue, East Ham E slip road, South Woodford
Collins Frederick, Sweetbriar, West Cook Jas. Hy. 22 St. Paul's rd.Barking Copelaud :Mrs. Junction rd. Brentwood
avenue,Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Cook James Williams J.P. Hampden Copeland Thomas, Wynstone, Church-
Collins Geo. 64 Manor Pk. rd. Manor Pk house, Warley ruad, Brentwood fields, Woodford
Collins Geo. Wm. High st. Wanstead NE Cook J ames William, Went worth house, Copland Charles Albert, Bellefield, New
Collins Miss, High street, Wanstead NE ·woodford road, Snares brook NE London road, Chelmsford
Collins ~Irs. Street hill,StanstedMount- Cook John George, Fern villa, :Maybank Copland Henry, Broomfield pl. Broom-
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford road, South Woodford field, Chelmsford
Collins Thos. 19 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Cook John Will M.D. Thistledean, Copland John A. Bellefield,Xew London
Cullins Thomas Andrew, Malvern house, Crouch street, Colchester road. Chelmsford
Brentwood road. Romford Cook Miss, II North road, Prittlewell, Copland Mrs . .Alfred, 2 Rodney villas,
Collins William, Hill house, I! ford Southend New London road, Chelmsford
Collins W. E. 51 Buxton rd. Chingford Cook Mrs. Grove terrace, Witham Copland Mrs. Alfred John, I Rodney
<k>llison:\Irs.Cheshunts,Boxted,Colchstr Cook Mrs. I Hill villas, North street, villas, New London road, Chelmsford
Collop :\Irs. x Bartholomew villas, High Prittlewell, Southend Copland Patrick, Braehead, Russell rd.
road, Loughton S.O Cook 1'1rs. Hurst villa, Brightlingsea, Buckhurst Hill
£ollyer Mrs. St. Helena villa, Queen's Colchester Copland Reginald L. Claremont villa~,
road, Buckhurst Hill Cook Mrs. Main rd. Dovercourt,Harwich Victoria road, Romford
Colman Albert,22Alexandra rd.Colchstr Cook Osborne, 57 Woodlands rd. Ilford Copleston William Clement, 312 Hoe
Colman George, The Clays, Ashdon, Cook Richard, Cranbrook lodge, Ilford street, Walthamstow
Saffron Walden CookS. S. W. Meadow rd.Loughton S.O Copley Chas.T.IoCromwell pi. Southend
Colmer Christopher Augustus, Somer- Cook Waiter, Westfield, Palmerston Copley Mrs. 3 .Albert terrace, :\Iaybank
ville house, High st. Saffron Walden 1 road, Buckhurst Hill road, South Woodford

Coppard George, Ripplehall, Rippleside Coulthard John, Huntingdon house, Craig.dbrahamW.Docklands,Ingatest<lne

Coppen Mrs. I3 Lorne villas, Southend Selsdon road, ~ranstead NE Craig Alexander, 2 Station road, Dover·
Coppin John, The Limes, Rawstorn rd. Coupe ShirleyW. South Shoebury, Shoe- court, Harwich
Colchester buryness S. 0 Craig J ames Anderson, Balgownie lodge,
Coppin Samuel, 2 Buckingham villas, Coupe Thos.H.I2 Harrow rd.EastHam E Sylvan road, Wanstead NE
Buckingham road, Woodford Coupland "'\Yilliam Frederic, Se ward- CraigJ.Jas.Heath ho.Eastern rd.Romfrd
Coppin Sydney, Rose cottage, York hill, stone road, Waltham Abbey Craig Robert, New North road, Barking
Loughton S.O Courage Edward, Shenfield place, Shen- Side, Ilford
Copus George, 69 New street, Halstead field, Brentwood Craigen Miss, 2 & 3 Grove villas, Bark-
Corbell George Henry, Rosemount, Vie- Court Rev. James Waiter B. A. Rectory, ing lane, Ilford
toria road, Romford Widdington, Newport S. 0 Crane Miss, 4 Claremont terrace, 1\Iild-
Corbet Rea, Orsett S.O · Court Matthew William, Fernleigh, may road, Chelmsford
Corbett Rev. John R., M. A. St. Botolph's Southchurch road, Southend Crane T. Wood side,North Weald,Epping
vicarage, Priory street, Colchester Courtauld George J.P. Cut Hedge, Cranmer F. Ashburnham rd. Southend
CorbleGeorge,Bridge ho.WalthamAbbey Gosfield, Halstead Craske Harold, I2 Beverleyrd.Colchestr
Corby Mrs. Grove Hill house, Dedham, Courtauld Miss, Knights,Colne Engaine, Craske Mrs. I2 Beverley rd. Colchester
Colchester Halstead CraskeRobrt. G. I2Beverley rd. Colchester
Cordeaux Mrs. Woodside cottage, The Courtauld Samuel A. I,ittle Brad fords, Crate Rev. Eustace Henry, Heath house,
Green, W oodford Green Braintree Lexden, Colchester
Corder H. S. Meadow side, Chelmsford Courtauld Sydney J.P. Bocking Place, Crawford John Thomas, 1 Lansdowne
Cork Henry, Primrose villa, Milton Bocking, Braintree villas, Hadley road, Southend
avenue, East Ham E Courteen Rev. Wilfred Henry, Fairleigh, Crawley Rev. Robert Townsend 1\I.A.
CorkeArthur C. St. Vincent rd.Southencl Eastern road, Romford Rectory, North Ockendon, Romford
CorkeChas.Edwd.nLorne vils.Southend Courtman Reuben, Lamblies, Farm hill, Crawley Charles Henry, Osborne villa,
Corker Augustus E. I7 Rutland rd.Ilford Waltham Abbey Osborne road, Buckhurst Hill
Corkett Abraham, 3 Grafton villas, Cousens Hy. Queen's rd. Buckhurst Hill Crawley Evelyn M. White house, High
Barking lane, Ilford CousensJ.Schot,I2Groverd.WansteadNE road, Loughton S.O
Corlett Stewart, Ruckholt, Hermon hill, Cousins Ralph Cowee, Hornshy house, Craw!ey Mrs. Aubrey house, Snake's
Wanstead NE Queen's road, Brentwood lane, "\Yoodford Green
Cornah Rev. Joseph B.A. Vicarage, Coverdale Frederick John, Ingatestone Crawley Richard Francis, Little Gaynes,
Asheldham, Southminster S. 0 hall, Ingatestone Upminst~r, Romford
Corne11Benjamin,68Londonrd.Braintree Coverly Charles James, Elizabeth cot- Craze Alfd. R. Staples rd. Loughton S.O
Cornell Jsph. 5 Wentworth rd.ManorPk tage, Gordon road, South Woodford Creagh Pierce, Great l\Iascalls, Great
Cornell King V. 6 Milton terrace, Milton Cowan Rev. Deans F.R.G.S. Clock Baddow, Chelmsford
avenue, East Ham E house, Ilford bill, Ilford Creasey William Henry, 8 Garfield ter-
Cornell Mrs. 28 King's Quay st.Harwicb Cowee Thomas, Ongar S.O race, Springfield, Chelmsford
Corner Francis Mead, 8 South terrace, Cowell Alfred, 32 Albert road, Braintree Creasy A. St. Marys,Gt.Bentley,Colchestr
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Cowell Alfred, Gransden lodge, London Creasy John Jackson, Faircross, Spring·
Cornish William, Braeside, Gordon rd. road, Saffron Walden field, Chelmsford
South Woodford Cowell Charles, Albany villa, Words- Creaton Harry, 2 Runwell ter. Southend
Cornish Wm. I Warren rd. Chingford worth avenue, East Ham E Creech John, Grange villa, Maybank
Cornock Thomas Morris, 4 Madeira viis. Cowel1Jn.Waltr-43Lexden rd.Colchester road, South Woodford
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Cowell Miss, Great Chesterford S.O Creed George, Kendallodge, Epping
Cornwell Mark James, York cottage, Cowell Misses, High st. Saffron Walden Creed Richard, Little Bardfield hall,
Wakefield street, East Ham E CowellMrs.J.R.Debden rd.SaffronWaldn Little Bardfield, Braintree
Cornwell Mrs. William, Wendens place, Cowell Peter, Bardfield hall, Braintree Creffield Mrs. Debclen rd.SaffronWalden
Wendens Ambo, Saffron Walden Cowell T.Dovedale,The Drive,Chingford Cremer R. 2 Elm ter. Woodford Green
Cornwell Thos.8Wentworth rd.ManorPk Cowell Waiter, 2 Nightingale terrace, Cressall G.Rose cot. Mount hill,Halstead
Uorrance Rev. Henry Clemence B.A. Broomfield road, Chelmsford Cressall Waiter A.R.I.B.A. New Town
Rectory, West Bergholt R.S.O Cowland James, North view, Gordon lodge, Colchester
Corrie Rev. Edgar Siritt M.A. St. James road, South Woodford Cresswell George, l\Iount rd. Braintree
vicarage, Greenstead green, Halstead Cowling Daniel, West rd. Saffron Walden Cress well S. W. 45 Papillon rd.Colchestr
Corser Haden M.A., J.P. The Hyde, Cox Rev. James Richard, 2 Lincoln vls. Cressy Thomas Alfred, The Cedars,
Ingatestone & Junior Carlton club Cleveland road, South Woodford Colne road, Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O
Cory William,Copthorpe, Milton avenue, Cox Rev. John Charles M.A. Vicarage, Creswelll\'Iaj.Edwd.R.E.Shoebrynss.S.O
East Ham E Fe! stead, Chelmsford Creswell John Charles, Billericay
Coryn S. Ramsden Bellhouse,Brentwood Cox Alexander Barbe, 6 Lorne vils.Marl- CridgeJ.2Churchla.l\Iagdalen st.Colchstr
Cosburn F. C. I29Carlyle rd.Manor Park borough road, South Woodford Cripps George, l\Iaycroft house, Wood-
Cosburn J.66ManorPark rd.ManorPark Cox Charles, Forest view, Mornington ford road, South Woodford
Costin Levi, 56 Victoria aven.EastHamE rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Cripps James, Epping green, Epping
CotchinWm.Arthr.22Roman rd.Colchstr Cox E.H.Canvey Island,Sth.BenfleetS.O Crisp Charles, I Colchester rd. Halstead
Cotgreave Alired, F.R.Hist.S.Pendennis, Cox F. I Rose vls. Stanley rd. Woodford Crisp Henry, The Hawthorns, Chadwell
I6bA, Romford road, Stratford E Cox F.St.John's vil. The Cliffs,Southend Heath R.S.O
Cotgrove David, Oakdenc, Queen's road, Cox George, Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Crispin Henry, 2 Chapel st. Colchester
Southend Cox Henry, High st. Saffron W alden Critchley S. 72 Winnock rd. Colchester
Cotgrove Jas.g Tyler's avenue,Southend Cox Hy. South view, Lexden,Colchester CrittallF.H.Lynton,London rd.Braintree
Cottee Miss, London road, Maldon Cox Henry Carew, The Lindens, London Crittall Miss, Causeway cottage, Bock-
Cottee Mrs. I6 Sutherland ter. Baddow road, Saffron Walden ing, Braintree
road, Chelmsford Cox Miss, Albert villa, Princes road, Cro Benj. Market hill, Saffron Walden
Cotter Rev. J oseph Rogerson B. A. St. Buckhurst Hill Crockford Frederick, TheCottage, Spring·
Mary Magdalene rectory, Colchester Cox Mrs. Cumberland villa, Stanley field, Chelmsford
Cotterell Edmund,Wicken haH, Bishop's road, Woodford Crockford James, Norfolk cottage, Third
Stortford Cox Mrs. Grove terrace, Witham avenue, Manor Park
Cottinham Francis, Little Oakley lodge, Cox Mrs. Spurriers, Netteswell cross, Croft Mrs. 4 Avenueter. lngatestone
Little Oakley, Harwich Netteswell, Harlow Croger R. Yew Tree vis. Green la.Ilford
Cottingham W. Debden rd. SaffronWaldn CoxMrs. TheFerns, West bury rd. Brentwd Crozier Thos. 6 Eversleigh rd .EastHam E
Cottis Crispus, Squires, Epping Cox Patrick, 52 Linton rd. Barking Croisdale Captain Richard, Vale villa,
Cottis Joseph, 30 Orsett road, Grays Cox Richard Reeves, Ianthe, Lansdowne Rose valley, Brentwood
Cottis Lionel, 6o New road, Grays road, South Woodford Croker Wm.Cholditch,Fyfield,OngarS.O
Cottis Reuben, High street, Epping Cox William Hy. 3 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Crole-Rees Charles, Brooklyn house, The
Cottis William, Ivydene, Marlborough Coxford F. 39 Durham rd. Manor Park Cliffs, Southend
road, South Woodford Coxshall Mrs. Sewardstone street, Croly Richd. Fairlawn, Hatfield, Harlow
Cotton Rev. Benjamin M.A. Rectory, WalthamAbbey · CromwellRev.CanonJohnGabrielM.A.
Rochford S.O Coyle Alfred, Gladstone house, Ilford Rectory, Stisted, Braintree
Cotton Alfred Ernest, Jasmine villa, Coyle Charles, 52 Bedford road, llford Crook Rev. :Mgr. John Edward Ingrave,
Daisy road, South Woodford 1Coyne H.Fulwood cot. Barking side,IIrord Brentwood
Cotton Chas. 78 Durham rd.Manor Park 1Crabb Miss, Bull ring, Thaxted,Dunmow Crook B.Glengyle, Buxton rd.Chingford
Cotton Miss, 22 Cambridge ter.Southend, Crabb Richard Hatley, Baddow place, Crooks William,Linden house, Common,
Coubrough John, Coleraines, Little Great Baddow, Chelmsford Shenfield, Brentwood
Baddow, Chelmsford CrabbMrs.Dorcas vil. Victoria rd.Romfrd Croom John Edward, 6 Sylvan villas,
Coulson Eugene William, Annesley vil. Cracknell George, Holly villa, Barking Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Station road, Chingford road, East Ham E Cropley F. 36 Tennyson aven.East HamE
CropperH.J.YewTreevil.Green la.Ilford Cunnington Augustus, Camoys, Lon- DampierEdwardJohn,Headst.Colchester
CrosbieMrs.Cherrywood,Lexden,Colchstr don road, Braintree Dand Fredk.3 Forest View rd.ManorPark
Crosby David, Birch cottage, Epping Cunnington Herbert John, Lyngwood, Danes Wm. 50 Longbridge rd. Barking
New road, Buckhurst Hill The Avenue, Braintree Dania George, 86 Third aven.ManorPark
Crosby Frank, 25 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Cunnington Miss, Felstead, The Green, Daniel G.Albion cot.ChadwellHth. R.S.O
Crosby W.Chapel ho.Langham,Colchestr Woodford Green DaniellEdgarSands,82East hill,Colchestr
Cross Alfred, 4 Silver street, Maldon Cure Rev. Lawrence Capel B.A. Rectory, Daniell J.B. Hill ho. West Bergholt R.S.O
CrossH.Spring vale,TheHamlet,Southnd Abbot's Roothing, Brentwood Daniell Robert Thomas, Heath housep
Cross :Miss, Bell Vue house, Stansted Curgey G. J. 33 Eversleigh rd.Ea.Ham E East Donyland, Colchester
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Curie John, Collingwood villa, Words- Daniell Samuel, Plevna lodge, 8 Victoria.
Cross Miss, London road, Maldon worth avenue, East Ham E road, Colchester
Cross Mrs. Belle Vue house, Stansted Curnock Rev. Nehemiah, 8 Marine DaniellT.B.Heathho.WestBergholtR.S.O
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford avenue, West cliff, Southend Daniell Thomas Lorkin, The Armoury,
Cross Mrs. Rayleigh S.O Curnock G. D. The Chestnuts, Cleveland West Bergholt R.S.O
Cross Rbt.Elm cot. Victoria rd. Romford road, South Woodford Daniell WilliamWilberforce,TheBrewery,
Cross William, I The Avenue, Colchester Currie Rev .Fredk. Hill M. A. Brick House West Bergholt R. S. 0
Crossley Edward William, 25 Manor farm, Little Dunmow, Chelmsford Daniels Charles, 2 Oporto villas, Snake's
Park road, Manor Park Curry James John, Stebonheath, Grove lane, Woodford Green
Crouch Chas. 8 Clarencerd. Manor Park hill, Woodford Daniels Wm. Flint cottage, Chigwell
Crouch Charles G. J. I Albertterrace, CurryJn.ITennysonaven.EastHamE Daniels William J. 39 Wordsworth
Hermon hill, Wanstead NE Curry John T. 64 New road, Grays avenue, East Ham E
Crouch H. 46 Wellesley rd. W anstead N E Cursons William, I Richmond terrace, Dannatt Robt. GreatWaltham, Chelmsfrd
Crouch Jas. W. 42 Grosveuor rd. Ilford Glenny road, Barking Darby Rev.EdwardGeorgeB.A.Billericay
Crouch Miss F. E. 4 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Curtis Rev. Alfred, The Manse, Cogges- Darby Alfred, High street, Brentwood
Crouch Pearce H. The Hollies, Grove hall road, Braintree Darby Alfred, Meadow side, Rectory lane,
hill, Woodford Curtis Rev. Arthur Fras. M.A. Vicarage, Chelmsford
Crouch W. 20 Wellesley rd. Wanstead NE White Notley, Witham Darby Miss, 19 Mildmay rd. Chelmsford
Crow John Oldham, Thorney croft, Curtis Alfred, York hill, Loughtou S.O D'Arcy Arthur, Stanley lodge, Bedford
Derby road, Woodford Curtis Chas. W. 2 Lathom rd.EastHam E road, South Woodford
Crow Lot Zoar, Beat a lodge, Station Curtis Edwin Richard, The Cottage, High DarleySamuel,54ManorPark rd. Manor Pk
road, Loughton S. 0 Beech, Loughton S. 0 Dartan-Delecolle Louis, 2 Lis mere villas,
Crowe J.J. Gweedore,Crown st.Brentwd Curtis Hy. A. Southchurch rd. Southend Cleveland road, South Woodford
Crowfoot Henry, Chigwell Row Curtis Jas. 4 Clarence road, Manor Park Dash wood Henry W.G.'fhe Manor house.
Crowther J. C. Woodlands, Mornington Curtis James, 7 Devereux ter. Southend Gaybowers, Danbury, Chelmsford
rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Curtis James, I St. John's villas, Mild- Daunt Thomas, Hoates house, Little
Croxon AbrahamBowerman, 'fheLimes, may road, Chelmsford Horkesley, Colchester
Burnham S.O CurtisJn. Jas. I Lathom rd. EastHam E Davey Charles E. London road, Maldon
CroxonArthr. Wm. Wick, Burnham S.O Curtis J. Sunbury, York rd. Southend Davey Ebenezer, I I Park villas, Chad well
Croxon Chas. Hy. Bowerman, Reddings, Curtis Miss, I9 Lexden road, Colchester Heath R.S.O
Tillingham, Southminster S.O CurtisMiss, TheBays,SouthminsterS.O DaveyEdward,The Lodge, BlackNotleyt
Croyden Geo. J. 35 Ipswich rd.Colchestr CurtisMissJ.Randlph.vls.SouthmnstrS.O Braintree
Croydon Fk. 49 Roman road, Colchester Curtis Mrs. Rayleigh S.O Davey Francis, Dedham, Colchester
Croydon Hy. Boydon, Stock, Ingatestone Curtis R. L. Vange,Stanford-le-HopeS.O Davey Fras.Hy.3Claremont ter.ManorPk
Croysdill Wm. 36 Albany rd.Manor Park Curtis Thos. 29 Carlton rd. Manor Park DaveyF.Birch cot. Whitehall rd.Chingfrd
Cruddas John, Holmwood, Cornland, Curwen Spedding J.P. Bywell, Wood- Davey George, Elm cottage, Brentwood
Shenfield, Brentwood ford road, South Woodford NE Davey George, 2 Orange place, Mildmay
Cruickshank Jn.D. Goulburn, Chingford Cusack William, Greenstead house, road, Chelmsford
lodge, The Green, Chingford Greenstead, Colchester DaveyGeorgeWm.Barkingcreek,Barking
Crnmp Miss, 6o Crouch st. Colchester Cusher Henry, The Rookery, George Davey Miss, 24 Albert road, Braintree
Crump Mrs. St. Aubyn's, The Green, lane, South Woodford Davey Mrs. Virginia house, Princes road
Woodford Green Cutcliffe Miss, 3 Portland villas, Station Buckhurst Hill
Crumpton Henry, 20 Wellington ter- road, Walton-on-the Naze R.S.O DaveyTheophilus, 2Westernrd.Romford
race, New road, Barking Cuthbert Geo. 6 Hillcrest rd. Southend Davey William, 37 Wakering rd.Barking
Cruse Hy. 4 Victoria aven. East Ham E Cuthbert Miss, The Mount, Queen's David Henry Wm. Albert road, Ilford
Cruse Henry William, Oakdene, Eastern road, Brentwood Davidge James, 46 Third aven. ManorPk
road, Romford Cuthbert Ransome, Collyers, Nazeing, Davidson Duncan (of Tulloch), Ford
CrushMrs. 32 New London rd. Chelmsfrd W altham Cross house, South Hornchurch, Romford
Crusba David Thomas, 4 Wentworth Cutler James Henry, 6 Cliff Park villas, Davidson E. Gt. Chesterford S.O. Essex
road, Manor Park Park road. Southend DavieJohn Henry, 7 Highstreet,Walton-
Cubitt E. Stock cot. Stock, Ingatestone Cuttle George, 4 Wellington villas, on-the-Naze R.S.O
CubittJ.Brook vil.High rd.Loughtn.l:3.0 Gordon road, Wanstead NE Davie Mrs. All flaints' terrace, Witham
Cudby William, Albion cottage, Warley Cutts Wm. 33 NewLondon rd.Chelmsfrd Davies Rev. Charles Henry, New road,
road, Great Warley, Brentwood Dace Charles, St. John's road, Epping . Grays
CuddonMrs.TheLimes,OldHeath,Clchstr Dacres Mrs. 20 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Davies Rev. Daniel, Prospect villa, Stan-
Cuckow G. F. 6g Carlyle rd. Manor Park Dadd Rev. John Barton, Dunmow sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
CulfS.Highbury ho.EarlsColne,Halstead DadsonMiss,TheNest,Gt.Chesterfrd.S.O Davies Rev. David Jones M.A. Rectory,
Culf Wm. Carrngtn. 65 Newst.Halstead Dadson Wm. I Carlton viis. Manor Park North Benfleet, Bowers Gifford S.O
Cull Fredk. 11 Carlton rd. Manor Park Dager W. S. 71 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Davies Rev. John Thomas Cynon, Town
Cull~n Rev. Geo. F. Woodville,Cleveland Daines B. 2 Hainault ter. High rd.Ilford street, Thaxted, Dunmow
road, South Woodford Daines Elijah, Mildmay villa, Wellesley Davies Rev. Robert Henry, Rectory-
CnllenJ.Rj;'enhallEnd,Rivenhall,Withm road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Barnston, Chelmsford
Cullen Miss, High street, Epping Daines Wm. Wesley, Mill ho. Braintree Davies Rev. Thos. 23 Linton road ,Barking
Cullen Mrs. St. John's road, Epping Dalby Fredk. 68 Durham rd. Manor Pk Davies Benjamin Morris, Riversdale, Sea.
Cullen Thomas, Chipping hill, Witham Daldy Miss, I7 Hythe hill, Colchester View road, Leigh S. 0
CullingfordC. 13Eversleigh rd.Ea.Ham E Daldy 0. G. Stewards, South st.Romford Davies Charles Edward, Whitehall,Grays
Cullingford George, Sizewell, Milton Daldy Robert Joseph,8West st.Colchester Davies C. W.3o Eversleigh rd.EastHam E
avenue, East Ham E Dale Lionel N.E.9Victoriaav.EastHamE DaviesEdwardA.ITannerstreet,Barking
Cullingford Rd. W. 4 Chapel st. Colchestr Dales John T. Cyprus ho.Rayne,Braintree DavisE.Stanley vil. ChadwellHeathR.S.O
Cull'erhouseMrs. 8 Wellesleyrd.Colchstr DalladayJohn George,1 Carlton cottages, Davies Harry Matthew, Clarence villa,
CnmmingA.56Wellesly.rd.WansteadNE Woodford Green Agate road, Clacton-on-Sea K.S.O
Cumming Mrs. 25 Thorold road, Ilford DaltonRev.H.A.,M.A.Felstead,Chelmsfd Davies Henry,4 Cowper aven.EastHam B
Gumming Richard Somerville, Dedham Dalton Albert, Billericay Davies Henry, 5 Sylvan villas, Snake's
hall, Dedham, Colchester Dalton Misses, St. Thomas' hill, Queen's lane, Woodford Green
CnmminsE. R. Sheepcotes,ChigwellRow road, Brentwood Davies Henry, The Cottage, Queen's
Cummins Thomas, Kent villa, Grove Dalton Mrs. 8 Claremont terrace, Sprat- road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O hall road, Wanstead NE Davies John,4 Rose villas,~Seward'sEnd
Cunliffe Harry Pickersgill, see Pickers- Dalton William, Button, Brentwood road, Sa:tiron Walden
gill-Cunhffe Dalton Winnal T. 2 Lorne villas, Marl- Davies John Smallman, Ramsden hall,
Cunnew Arthur, Fernleigb, High Beech borough road, South Woodford Ramsden Crays, Brentwood
road, Loughton S.O Dalziel Thomas, Ivy house, Dunmow Davies The Misses, Warescot house,
Cunningham George 1\fatthew, 16 Hill- DalzielW.Northenhay,TheDrive,Chingtd Warley road, Brentwood
creat road, Southend Damant Chas. S. 7 Woodlands rd. Ilford DaviesMrs.14ForestView rd.ManorPa.rk

Davies Mrs. 24 London road, Braintree Day J. Egilamy ldg.Whitta rd.ManorPk Dennis 1\Irs. Brick ho. Hatfield, Harlow
Davies Mrs. W. Albert road, Ilford Day John, I3 Tanner street, Barking Dennis Mrs. I2I Crouch st. Colchester
Davies William, Ivy cottage, Clarendon Day Mrs. Secretaries, Bures Hamlet, Dennis Mrs. 7 Provident pl. Colchester
road, South Woodford Bures R.S.O Dennis Mrs. Queen street, Coggeshall
Davies William, 2 Stilton terrace, Harrow Day Robert, N ewcombe, Harlow Dennis Thomas, 12 North road, Prittle·
road, East Ham E Day Thos. E. 25 First avnu. Manor Pk well, Southend
DaviesW.J.Cintra ho.Harold wd.Romfrd Day Thomas Montagu, Harlow Dennis T. 47 Third avenue, Manor Park
Davis Col. Richard Percival J.P. New Day Waiter, Salcombe house, High road, Dennis Thos. H. P. High st. Chelmsford
Housefarm,Walton-on-the-NazeR.S.O Loughton S.O Dennis William Drake, Baddow road,
DavisRev.Herbert,35Buxton rd.Chingfrd Daynes "\Vm. D. Terrace vil. Brentwood Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Davis Rev. Leonard, Burnham S.O Deacle Rev.Edward LeathesYoung M. A. Dennis William Sewell, Primrose villa,
Davies Hev. William Alfred, 6 Carlton Vicarage, Messing, Kelvedon Gordon road, South Woodford
terrace, Queen's road, Southend Deacon Miss, Laurie square, Romford Dennison John William, Wakefield
DavisAlbt.Chesnut cot.Abridge,Romford Deacon Octavius,'rhePark,LoughtonS. 0 lodge, East Ham E
Davis Alfred, 7 Linton road, Barking Deadman George, I Gloucester terrace, Dennison Mrs. Seward's End road,
Davis Arthur, 6I Carlyle rd.Manor Park Avenue road, Southend Saffron Waldea
Davis Charles, I4 Hillcrest road, Southend Dean Henry C. 29 Albert rd. Southend Dennison T. High st. North East Ham E
DavisEdm.L.3oNewLondon rd.Chelmsfd Dean J. W.19 Tennyson avnu.Ea.Ham E Denniss Rev. Augustus Brooke Warden,
Davis Edmd. T. 37 .Albany rd.ManorPark Dean Thomas, Thorn wood common, Chignal, Chelmsford
Davis Frank, 65 Westbury rd. Barking North Weald, Eppin~ Denny Rev.Thos.C. Wilton rd. Southend
DavisFrdk.North rd.Prittlewell,Southnd Deane Rev. WilliamJohn M. A. Rectory, Denny Jn. Balfour ho. Balfour rd. Ilford
Davis Henry, 36 Fambridge rd. Maldon Ashen, Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) Dent L. W. Yanko, Grove rd. Woodford
DavisJ.Arley vil.Princes rd.BuckhurstHl Deane F. T.W. I7 Grove rd.Wanstead NE Dent Mrs. Hatfields, Rectory lane,
Davis James T. Hollybush, Woodford Deane Mrs. 31 Lexden road, Colchester Loughton S.O
road, Snares brook NE DeardsSl. YeOlde ho. TheBroadwy. Harlw Dent William Richard, Harlow
DavisJamesW.51 Durham rd.ManorPark De Artime Jose, The Glen, Gt. Warley, Deuton Charles, 33 Wordsworth avenue,
Davis Jn.P.Latton Island,Latton,Harlow Brentwood East Ham F.
DavisJsph.C.15NewLondonrd.Chelmsfd Deason Wm. 98 Romford rd.StratfordE Denton Charles Edward, East Stockwell
Davis Mrs. 3 Carisbrooke villa, Hamlet D'Eath A. Suffolk vil.Harold wd.Romfrd street, Colchester
road, Southend Death George, Leith villa, Prittlewell Denton George, Bellevue, Coggeshall
Davis Mrs. 2I Buxton road, Chingford street, Southend road, Braintree
DavisMrs.Manor ho.Victoria rd.Romfrd Death Misses, 46 Linton road, Barking Deritter G. S. 7 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
Davis Robt. 76 Victoria avnu. Ea. Ham E Death William, Leith villas, Prittle- De Romestin Rev. Augustus Henry
Davis Thos. 5 Clement's grdns. Ilford well street, Southend Eugene M. A. Rectory, Tiptree Heath,
Davis Thos. E. 52 Durham rd.ManorPk Debbage Frank, 4 Verandah terrace, St. Kelvedon
Davis T. W. J. I2 Third avnu. Manor Pk Mary's road, Ilford Derrent George William, Western villas,
Davis Waiter, The Laurels, High Beach, Debenham Charles,34 Tennyson avenue, South street, Romford
Loughton S.O East Ham E Derry George, I Challenger villas,
Davis Wm. I63 Coggshall rd. Brain tree De Bucher FranCis, 24 Queen's Grove Dovercourt, Harwich
Davis W.L.31 New London rd.Chelmsfrd road, Chingford Deverill Mrs. Victoria grove, Brentwood
Davis W. T. Brandon ldg. High rd.Ilfrd de Caen Mrs. 113 High street, Maldon Deveson C. 28 Longbridge rd. Barking
Davison Edward Percy, Fyfield villa, de Caen Waiter, 38 Wantz road,Maldon de Vitre Mrs. 56 New road, Grays
Buckingham road, Woodford De Carle James, Oakwood, Ashburn- Devlin Mrs. 4 Louisa terrace, Maybank
Davison l\lrs. 2I Carlyle rd. Manor Pk ham road, Southend road, South Wcodford
Davison Mrs. 3 Holly villas, Clarendon Dedman Ebenezer, Highbury terrace, Devonshire Alfd. Chas. 2 Chad well avnu.
road, South Woodford Colchester road, H~tead Chadwell st. Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Davison Mrs. Kelvedon Deeble Jack, 19 Carlton rd. Manor Pk Devoy Mrs. Beaulieu, High Beech,
Davison Robert, 3 Sunley villas,Higham DeeksWalter, 5 Claremont ter.Manor Pk Loughton S.O
road, Woodford Green Deen Martin, Woodfield place, Stansted Dew Daniel James, 48 Eversleigh road,
Dauber Mrs. 4 Florence villas, Wood- Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford East Ham E
ford Wells, Woodford Green Deeping George Davidson J.P. 8 Royal Dewey Samuel Henry, Coldstream villa,
Dawe E. J. 78 Carlyle rd. Manor Park terrace, Southend Hadley road, Southend
Dawe Frank, 53 Durham rd. Manor Pk deHailes A. C. 40 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Dewing Rev. Richard Stanley M.A.
Dawes H. P .Rokeby, Creffield rd. Colchstr de HailesAlfred J. 5 Grove cres. W oodfrd Vicarage, North W eald, Epping
Dawes Thomas James, Reginald house, De Hochepied-Larpent Maj.-Gen. Lionel de Zoete Waiter lVI. Baddow house,
Chingford road, Chingford Henry Planta, Holmwood, Colchester Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Dawson Lieut.-Col. l<'rederick J.P. Til- De la Crouee Henri, Homeleigh, White- Dick Alex. 44 Bedford road, Ilford
bury court, Halstead hall rd. Woodford Wells, WoodfordGrn Dickenson Rev. Francis Wingfield, Rec-
Dawson Major Edward Boghurst, Tower Delafield Rev. Alfred Haselhurst M.A. tory, Inworth, Kelvedon
ldg. Penfold rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Vicarage, High street, Grays Dickenson Charles James, Elmhurst,
Dawson Lieut. John R.N. 19 Roman De La Mere Andrew James, St. Bede's, Tennyson avenue, East Ham E
Toad, Colchester Grove hill, Woodford Dickinson Capt. Frank W. 12 Beach
Dawson Rev.EdwardGoodallT.A.K.C.L. Delaney Lincoln, Burnaby house, Wood- street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Rectory, Belchamp Otten, Clare house grove, East Ham E Dickinson Henry Basham, Colne park,
R.S.O. (Suffolk) DelanyW.6Trinity avnu. We.Cliff,Sthnd Colne Engaine, Halstead
Dawson Rev. William M. A. Susancourt, Delbridge Andrew, 2 Grove villas, High Dickinson John George, 2 Lansdowne
Upper park, Loughton S.O street, East Ham E villas, The Hamlet, Southend
Dawson Charles James, Wykeham de Lisle Rev. Hirzel Carey M.A. Vicar- Dickson Misses, Writtle green, Writtle,
house, Queen's road, Barking age, Galleywood corn. Chelmsford Chelmsford
Dawson John William, I Lismere villas, Dempster A. so Woodlands rd. Ilford Dickson Waiter George, White house,
Cleveland road, South Woodford Dendy Waiter, Hornchurch, Romford North Shoebury, ~outhend
Dawson Miss, 6 Elm villas, Avenue Denington George, Oakhurst, Hermon Dietrich R. 2 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E
road, Southend hill, Wanstead NE Dietrichsen James Mark, Allbrightleigh,
Dawson Mrs. Camden lodge, vYarley Dennant Geo. B. 3 Thorold rd. Ilford High road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Brentwood Denner Frank, Dunster house, Sprath- Digby Alfred Wyatt, Gordon house,
Dawson Mrs. 2 Maderia villas, Snake's hall road, Wanstead NE Queen's road, Southend
lane, Woodford Green Dennett Jsph.W. 108 Glenny rd.Barking Digby Henry, 2 Eden villas, Victoria
llawson Mrs. 32 Manor Pk. rd. Manor Pk Denney Mrs. 77 West street, Harwich road, Homford
Dawson Mrs. A. C. 36 Thorold rd.Ilford Dennis Rev. Sml. Toppesfield, Halstead Digby Miss, 2 St. John's rd. Chelmsford
Dawson Nicholas, Bury road, Harlow Dennis Benjamin, Hatfield house, Vie- Digby Mrs. 22 Wellesley rd. Colchester
Dawson Wm. 13 Albany rd. Manor Pk toria avenue, Prittlewell, Southend Digby Wm. K. 16 Spital road, Maldon
Dawson William Edward, 2 Navarino Dennis Ed,vin, 28 Military rd. Colchestr Diggens Robert, 35 Queen st. Colchester
place, Walton-on-Naze R.S.O Dennis G. Chapel vil. St.Osyth,Colchstr Dilke Charles W. Rowhedge, Colchester
Day Alfred, I Grove villas, Common Dennis Henry H. 24 Bedford rd. llford Dill John H. Aldersbrook, Hermon hill,
hill, Saffron Walden Dennis Henry S. 7 Meyrick crescent, Wanstead NE
'Day Alfred, 4 Tennyson avnu.Ea.HamE Mersea road, Colchester Dimbley Jabez Bunting, 1 Wellington
Day Charles, 74 Duke st. Chelmsford Dennis J a>'. 64 Carlyle rd. Manor Park villas, Gordon road, ·wanstead N E
Day Ezekiel, 1 Engleside vilhs, May- Dennis John Wetham, Badnocks, Dines William Avis, II7 Winnock road,
bank road, South Woodford Asheldham, Southminster S.O Colchester
Day George, 7 Victoria avnu.Ea.Ham E Dennis Miss, 34 Maldon rd. Colchester Dinmore William, 2 Carlton terrace,
Day Herbert George, Dunedin, Cam- DennisMiss,TheRise,ColdNorton,l\Ialdon Leigh S.O
bridge park, Wanstead NE Dennis Misses, 36 Roman
rd. Colchester

DipnallE.Overstand,West cliff, Southend
Dipper William, Low street, Chingford JDone John, I Junction road, Brentwood Duchesne F. Audley rd. Saffron Walden
Disney Col. Edgar John D.L., J.P. Done Miss, :\'Iervyn villa, 1\'Ieanley road, Duchesne Mrs. Fernbank, South road,
Ingatestone Manor Park Saffron Walden
DisneyW.H.I4 Clarence rd. l\Ianor Park Donnett F. 39 Wellesley rd. Colchester Duchesne Rt. 6 Westbnryrd. Brentwood
Ditcham Henry, 7 West street, Harwich Donovan Capt. C. H. W. I7 The Avenue, Duck C. H. Zantecot.Derby rd. Woodfrd
Ditmas Capt. - , 3 Victoria rd. Colchestr Colchester Duck worth William Edward, Parsonage,
Dix Andrew R. West rd. Saffron Walden Donovan Rev.SydneyChas.M.A.Rectory, Henham, Bishop's Stortford
Dix Dick, Edison's villa, West road, East Horndon&Heron Gate, Brentwood Dudfield Alfred, Fern villa, Cambridge
Saffron Walden Donovan Daniel, Grove road, Southend road, Wanstead NE
Dix Joseph, Debden rd. Saffron Walden Dore Stephen, 29 Bedford road, Ilford Dudley Samuel Robert, Riverview villa,
Dixey A. Sea view, Avenue ter. Southend Dorling Rev. William M.A. 2 Knighton Argent street, Grays
DixeyC.D. Holmlea, Milton rd. Southend villas, High road, Buckhurst Hill S.O Dudman John William, Seaford, Milton
Dixey William, Mansion house, Great Dorling William, Homebush, King's avenue, East Ham E
Clacton, Colchester place road, Buckhurst Hill Duff St. John Miss, St. Winifred's, Wel-
Dixon Captain Thomas Dixon, Capt. DormanH.Sunnyside,Takely.Chelms'rd lesley road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Thomas, Canton, Southend Dorman l\Irs. Burnham S.O Duffield William Ward, Brl)wnings,
Dixon Rev. Horace Henry B. A. St. Dormer Jsph. T. 22 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Hroomfield, Chelmsford
John's road, Epping DotJ. F. Alandale,High rd.LoughtonS.O Duffus John, Glenlossie, Whitehall lane,
Dixon Edward A. 27 Head st. Colchester Dott H. I<'. Fair view ,Fuller's rd. Woodfrd Buckhurst Hill S. 0
Dixon Elijah, Marsh, Heatherdale, Dott.Mrs.Park vmw,'fheydonBois,Eppng Dugdale Mrs. 40 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
Snake's lane, '\Voodford Green Dottram L. 25 Castle road, Colchester Duke Miss, Town st. Thaxted, Dunmow
Dixon Frederick, 1 The Sheaves, St. Double Robert, 4 Gordon villas, Saville DulleyJ.Stanhope vils.Grove rd.Southnd
John's road, Southend road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Dunball Robert Thomas, Western house,
Dixon George Smith, Belle Vue, Grove Doublet Thos. 2 Clara villas, :Manor Park Western road, Romford
hill, Woodford Doughty Rev. Geo. B. B.A. Christchnrch Duncan Rev. John, Silver street, Maldon
Dixon Harry, St. Alkmunds, Hermon lo. Cambridge road, Wanstead NE Duncar Mrs. Billericay
hill, Wanstead NE Douglas Frank, I2 Park villas, Chad well Duncotnbe Joseph, 2 Myrtle viis. Victoria
Dixon John, Manor house, Boreham, Heath R.S.O road, Romford
Chelmsford Douglas T. 34 Eversleigh rd.East Ham E DunhamJ.Oak vil.Stapls.rd.Loughtn.S.O
Dixon Joseph, 2 Holly villas, Clarendon Dove Frank, 37 Wellesley rd. Colchester Dunk Jas. Hy. 2I Cambridge rd.Barking
road, South Woodford Dowding Alex. William W. M. D. York Dunkin H. E. 40Second aven.ManorPark
Dixon Jsph.H.B.84 Third avn. Manor Pk house, George lane, Woodford Dunlop James M. A., M. B., C. M. Shady-
Dixon Mrs. Dunmow Dowding Alexander William, Forest side, Aveley, Purfleet S.O
Dixon Mrs. Mulberry green, Harlow lodge, High street, Wanstead NE Dunlop Miss, Training college, South
DIXon Mrs. New street, Braintree DowdingA.C.4TheTerrace,Woodfrd.Grn road, Saffron Walden
Dixon Samuel, I Woodland villas, High Dowell Col. J. H. The Crouches, Aid- Dunmoor Frank, 2 St.John's rd.Southnd
road, Woodford borough Hatch, Ilford Dunn Frederick Edwin, Ballingdon hall,
Dixon Thomas, Chandus house, New Dower John, 48 Bedford road, Ilford Ballingdon, Sudbury, Suffolk
London road, Chelmsford Dowing Fredk. 86 Bedford road, Ilford Dunn Herbert R. Dromalgah, Thorold
Dixon Thomas, The Elms, North road, Downes Mrs. 2 Salisbury rd. Colchester road, Ilford
Prittlewell, Southend Downing Henry, 2 Rosedale villas, Had- Dunn Mrs. The Laurels, George lane,
Dixon T. 46victoria avnu. East Ham E ley road, Southend South Woodford
Dixon T. B. Wickham Bishops, Witham DowningJ.Smallways,Matching,Harlow Dunn Mrs. Lynton villas, Queen's road,
Dixon Rev. John Hulke M.A. Rectory, Downman Rev. H. C. Birch, Colchester Buckhurst Hill
Little Sampford, Braintree Downman Charles Fredk. BurnhamS.O Dunn William Henry, Plashet cottage,
Dobney Joseph, I Salisbury villas, }<;llis Downs King, Rectory farm, Gesting- Katherine road, East Ham E
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O thorpe, Halstead Dunn William Robert, 22 Meanley road,
Dobree Rev. James Bonamy M.A. Rec- Downs Lewis Wm. 24 High st. Halstead Manor Park
tory, West Tilbury, Tilbury S.O Downs Mrs. 57 New street, Halstead Dunnage Alfred, Upper park, Dedham,
Dobson F. W. Meadow rd. Loughton S.O DowsettJohn, I8 Third aven.Manor Park Colchester
Dobson John, Bristol villa, Avenue road, Dowsett John, 7 Thorold road, Ilford Dunne John J. 3 Park villas, High road,
Brentwood Dowsett Mrs. Fairholme, Anglefield road, Loughton S. 0
Dobson Miss, I Wellesley rd. Colchester Clacton R.S.O Dunnett Albert James, Daines farm,
Dobson Misses, Little Saling, Braintree Dowsett Phillip R. Ford End house, Sonthchurch, Southend
Dobson Mrs. Brewery house, Duke Ford end, Chelmsford Dunnett HarryNorman, Abbot's manor,
street, Chelmsford Dowsett l;amuel Henry, Sunnycroft, Lawford, Manningtree
Dobson Mrs. Snaresbrook road, Selsdon road, Wanstead NE Dunnett William Herbert, Stour house,
Snaresbrook NE Dowsett Thomas J.P. Rayne villa, Vie- Dedham, Colchester
Dobson Mrs. 2 Tiptree villas, Southend toria avenue, Southend Dunningham Alfred W. The Elms, Cliff
Dobson Stephen, Bury road, Harlow Dowson Alfd. I Coniston villas, Victoria road, Dovercourt, Harwich
Docwra John W. Durrington house, road, Romford Dunningham T.J.38 East hill,Colchester
Sheering, Harlow Dowson Jsph.2o Westburyrd.Brentwood Dunt William Charles, I Trinity ter-
Docwra Mrs. Greys, Kelvedon Doyle Rev. Thos. 120 Bridge rd. Grays race, Trinity street, Halstead
Dodd Alexander, Mountwise, )lilton Drage Jas. Cambrook villa, Newport S.O Dupere Charles Frederick, School house,
avenue, East Ham E Drake Francis, '\Vitham Thaxted, Dunmow
Dodd Isaac, Prospect villa, Theydon Drake Henry, 2 Glen villas, Meadow Dupont John, Belle Vue villas, Bures
Bois, Epping road, Loughton S.O hamlet, Bures R.S.O
Dodd Mrs. Lower Bedford ho. Romford DrakeW.Holly ho.Milton aven.Ea.Ham E Dupont Philip, Belle Vue villas, Bures
Doddenneade Sidney, 5 St. John's ter- Drake William Henry, Gordon villa, hamlet, Bures R.S.O
race, Buckhurst Hill Barking lane, Ilford Dupre F. W. 4 Cambridge ter.Southend
Dodds Horace James, Grasmere, Spra- Drane Henry, Ferndale, Epping New Durham Edward Burton,Fryernshome,
thall road, Wanstead NE road, Buckhurst Hill Basildon, Brentwood
Dodds Mrs. 4 Westfield villas, Hermon DraperH.Ravenroyde, TheCliffs,Southnd Durham Miss, 6 Devereux ter.Southend
hill, Wanstead NE Dredge Edgar, The Almonds, Whitehall DurnfordDouglas,Elizabeth lodge,White-
Dodgson Robt. F. I5 Thorold rd. Ilford rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green hall lane, Buckhurst Hill S.O
Dodson Alex. 46 Thorold road, Ilford Drew Edmund, Ellesmere, Buckingham Durrant Andrew, Bishop's Hall farm,
Dodson Mrs. 20 West street, Colchester road, W oodford Rectory lane, Chelmsford
DodsworthB. 3Argyle gdns. York rd. Ilfrd Draw Mrs. Nazeing, Waltham Cross Durrant Charles James, Myrtles villa,
DodsworthJ.4Argylegdns.Yorkrd.llfrd Dring William Ernest, Willesden, High Churchfields, Woodford
Doe Geo. Wm. 4 Papillon rd. Colchester road, Bucll:hurst Hill Durrant Henry, Squirrels Heath,Romfrd
Doe Miss, The Cottage, Coppice row, Droesse H. Edmund vil.Balfour rd.Ilford Durrant James, II Cliff villas, Dover-
Theydon Bois, Epping Druce Rev. Gerald William M.A. court, Harwich
Dohoo G. 3I Tennyson aven. East Ham E Rectory, Leaden Roothing, Dnnmow Durrant J. East ho. North st. Romford
Dolby John Thomas, Snowdon house, Drummond Rev. :Jiorton M.A. Rectory, Durrant John,115 Argyle rd.ManorPark
Romford road, Manor Park Wanstead NE Durrant Mrs. 4I Salisbury rd. Colchestr
DomonE.Ferndle.Milton aven.Ea.Ham E Drury Edward, 93 Carlyle rd.:ManorPark Durrant William Parker,3 The Terrace,
DommersenW.R.26 Albany rd.ManorPk DrurylsaacJ. 34 Durham rd.:JianorPark Woodford Green
DonH.G.TheLodge,Fingringhoe,Colchstr Drury John A. 39 First aven. Manor Park Dutton John, Cottage place, Chelmsford
Donald Tom, I9 Bedford road, llford Drynon Wm. 48 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Dutton "William, Woodlands, Kelvedon
Donaldson Jas. I44 R1pple road, Barking Du Cane Mrs. Lightoaks, Ingatestone Hatch, Brentwood
Dye C. Park view, Havering rd.Bomford Edmonds Waiter, 2 Ea.ton villas, High Ellis Herbert 0. The Cottage, Havering.
Dye Charles James, 2 Forest villas, road, Loughton S.O atte-Bower, Romford
Princes road, Buckhurst Hill Edmonds William Mills, Roseneath, Ellis Joseph George, TheNest,Heathcote
Dyer Rev. Edward, The Grange, St. Stanley road, W oodford grove, Chingford
Vincent road, Southend Edmondson John, Bedford vil. Romford Ellis Mrs. I9 Grove road, Grays
Dyer Edward Shaw, 3 Lomer terrace, road, Manor Park Ellis Richard .Adam, The Warren, Wan.
St. Mary's road, Ilford Edmunds Charles James, Rayleigh S.O stead park, Waru.tead NE
Dyer Fredk. II3 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Edmunds Edward Nixou, Worcester Ellis Robert, Thornganby lodge, Crescent
Dyer John, Rayne, Braintree villa, The Cliffs, Southend road, Maybank road, South Woodford
Dyer John James, Mount Ash, Cowslip Edmunds Edward W.,B.SE.NewportS.O Ellis Thomas, Hadleigh, Rayleigh 8.0
road, South Woodford Edmunds S.8Wilbraham ter.EastHamE Ellisdon Richard, I Sussexrd. Colchestr
Dyer Mrs. 20 Queen street, Colchester Edwards Capt. Gustavus, ro6 Military Ellison O.J., LL.B.3Queen's rd.Colchstr
Dyer Wm. ro Victoria aven.East Ham E road, Colchester Ell wood William R. 7 Queen's ter.Ilford
Dyett John Joseph, 2 Crystal villas, Edwards Rev. Frederic B..A. Harlow Elmslie Major Frederick Baumgardt
Cowslip road, South Woodford Edwards Arthur Janion D.L.,J.P. Beech R.A., S. Shoebury, Shoeburyness 8.0
Dyett William Smith, I Crystal villas, Hill park,Waltham .Abbey; & Oxford ElphickB.H.Ambleside,York rd.Sonthnd
Cowslip road, South Woodford & Cambridge clubs, London s w Elphick l\Irs. l.\Iaugapp, Burnham 8.0
Dyke Charles, Leigh ho. Purleigh,Maldn Edwards Benjamin, Ingrave grange, Elphinstone Henry Walker, Westdene,
Dyke Waiter John, 8 Sutherland ter- Ingrave, Brentwood Whitehall lane, Buckhurst Hill S.O
race, Baddow road, Chelmsford Edwards Charles James, Park house, Elrington Miss, Onchors, Great Saling,
Dymock Corporal, Felstead, Chelmsford Lower park, Loughtou S. 0 Braintree
Dyne Rev. William Tyld.en M.A. 6 Edwards Edward, The Cedars, Eastern Elrington }Irs. Swan street, Hible
Queen's Grove road, Chingford road, Romford Hedingham, Halstead
Dyson .Albert, Sefton villa, Cleveland Edwards Eleazar, Fresh well house, Elsey Mrs. Lydia,24First avnu.ManorPk
road, South Woodford Freshwell street, Saffron Walden Elson Thomas, 26 Durham rd.:ManorPk
Dyson Charles, 48 Woodlands rd. Ilford Ed wards E. 2I Victoria avnu.Ea. Ham EI Elston Ralph,6 Claremont ter. ManorPk
Dyson Fredk. 9 Clements road, Ilford Edwards F. J. 24 Weston rd. Southend El well Rev. Henry M.A. St. Mary Mag-
Dyster Joseph, 8 Bedford gardens, Ilfrd Edwards Frederic Chaplin, Park house, dalen vicarage, Potter street, Harlow
Eades Mrs. Avenham villa, Primrose rd. Harlow Elwes Hy. Hervey, 86East hill,Colchestr
South Woodford Edwards F.L. Holmhurst,Loughton S.O El wood Miss, Chapel lodge, High road,
Eady Mrs~ 84 North Station rd.Colchstr Edwards Hy.J. 42 St.John's st.Colchstr Loughton S.O
Eagle Charles James, Park hall, Wix, Edwards James, Mill house, Seward's Elwyn Rev. R. F. B.A. Fclstd. Chlmsfrd
Manningtree end, Saffron Walden Ely Wm.Wayland, .Albert pl.Coggeshall
Eagle George 'Villiam, Paul's hall, Bel- Edwards Jas. 17Victoria avnu.Ea.Ham E Embleton George, Glenthorne, Mild-
champ St. Paul, Clare R.S.O.(Suffolk) EdwardsJ.A. Rita cot.Chdwll.Hth.R.S.O may road, Chelmsford
Eagle John W. The Hall, Walton-on- Edwards J.T. 47 Cambridge rd.Barking EmblinG. Sydneyvil.Stationrd.Chngfrd
the-Naze R.S.O Edwards Mrs. 20 Carlton rd. Manor Pk Emerson Waiter Edward .Arthnr, 30
Eagle Misses, 61 Lexden rd. Colchester Edwards Mrs. Great Chesterford S. 0 King's Quay street, Harwich
Eagle Mrs. Red ho. Beaumont, Clchster Edwards Samuel James, I Vine villas, Emery George, Deal house, New Wan-
Eagles James, Rhoden villa, Princes rd. Clarendon road, South Woodford stead, Wanstead NE
Buckhurst Hill EdwardsW.J.32Wentworth rd.ManorPk Emery Henry J. 6 Richmond terrace,
Eales Rev. .Arthur Richard Thomas Egan Rev. John, Kelvedon Gienny roa.d, Barking
M.A. Market place, Romford Egan E.Holmdale,High rd.LoughtonS.O Emery John, Prospect cottage, George
Eales Edward Daniel Oliver, Lexden Egbert Wm. H. 26 Bedford rd. Ilford lane, South Woodford
view, Lexden, Colchester Egerton-Green Claude Egerton l\I.A., Emler Francis George, I Florence villas,
Ean:ie Rev. William, Rectory, .Alpham- D.L., J.P. East Hill house, Colchester Chelmsford road, Woodford
stone, Colchester Egerton-Green HoraceGeorgeD.L.,J.P. Emson Alfred, Howe hall, Littlebury
Earl Saml. Grasmere, Grove hl. Woodfrd King'sFord,Stanway AllSaints,Clchstr green, Littlebury, Saffron Walden
EarleRev.Chas.B..A.Rectory,Ingatestone Egg Rev. Edward Thomas, Sydney Emson Frank Everitt, Market plaee,
Earle Ernest, Warden lodge, Marlboro' villa, Sydney road, 'Voodford Green Saffron Walden
road, South Woodford Eggby J ames, Upper park,Loughton S. 0 EmsonJn.Green, High st.SaffronWalden
Earle Rev. William James M.A. Rectory, Eggleston Charles, 2 Sandown villas, Emson Mrs. Sherwood house, High
Great Yeldham, Halstead Victoria road, Romford street, Saffron Walden
Earle Mrs. ThePriory,High st.Brentwood Eicke R. D. Rosslyn,Eastern rd.Romford England Richard, Broomhill lodge,
Early Rev. John Bush M.A. 73 Crouch Eisdell Miss, 59 Lexden rd. Colchester Broomhill walk, Woodford Green
street, Colchester EkinsC.2Victoria st.Dovercourt,Harwch England Samuel, Cintra villa, Hermon
Earnshaw Rev. Richard Foulds, Tend- Eklund Maximilian, Bleak house, New hill, Wanstead NE
ring, Colchester London road, Chelmsford England Thomas,, Fear-
Earthy Richard, Pleasant house, King's Elce William, Hainault road, Chigwell ing, Kelvedon
road, Brentwood Elder William, Elswick, Cleveland road, En~lish John, Exmouth villa, Wood-
Earwicker Jsph. 10 Avenue rd.Southend South Woodford house;'grove, East Ham E
East .Alfred, South bank, York hill, Eley Capt. Harry, Boxted hall, Boxted, English Miss, High street, Manningtree
Loughton S.O Colchester English Wm. 96 Winnock rd. Colchester
East Francis, Little Mollands, South Elford Rev. C. E. Fordham, Colchester Engstron Ernest F. Clifden villa, Milton
Ockendon, Romford Ellaby Rev. George Alfred B.A. Pros- avenue, East Ham E ·
East F. 7 Tennyson avenue,East Ham E pect terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford Ennals William Reeve, 4 Augusta ter-
East Harry,r6 Wentworth rd.ManorPrk EllertonJamesF. Roselyn,Fairfield road, race, Chelmsford road, Woodford
East Joseph Thomas, The Limes, White- Woodford Green Ennefer Mrs. 3 Cotswold terrace, Tylers
p@st lane, East Ham E Elliot Rev. Henry Lettsom M.A. Vie- avenue, Southend
East Thomas, 2 Mornington vils. Blake arage, Gosfield, Halstead EnnelsW.9Cliff ter.Dovercourt,Harwich
Hall road, Wanstead NE Elliot George, 2 Granville terrace, Mild- Enness C. H. 34Wellesley rd.Wanstd. NB
East Warwick, St. Morith, Chadwell may road, Chelmsford Ennis Mrs. Rayne rd. Bocking,Braintree
Heath R.S.O Elliot Robt. 14 Cambridge rd. Barking Epp Christian Herman, Le Colombier,
Eaton Edwin, 48 Durham rd.ManorPark Elliott Edmund Frederick, May bank, Gordon road, South Woodford
Eaton Henry, New road, Harlow Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Eraut George, The Laurels, Upper Rail~
Ebersbury Countess, Milton villa,South- Rlliott Edward, Yarrow villa, Princes way street, Braintree
church road, Southend road, Buckhurst Hill Erick Ernest, 59 Rutland:road, Ilford
Ebert Charles, Ebert house, Milton Elliott Frederick Waiter, 4 Sunley Ericson Mrs. E. Lindnm cottage, Well-
avenue, East Ham E villas, Higham road, Woodford Green ington road, Wanstead NE
Edden Thomas Lewis, Ivy cottage,Bark- Elliott George, Lucerne villa, Plashet Ernest E. L. St. Stephens, Stansted
ing lane, Ilford grove, East Ham E Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Eddington Sylvanus,Cottage pl.Chlmsfd Elliott J. 2 Bedford vils.Park rd.Southnd Erswell Archer Benjamin, I Rose villas,
Eddleston Rev. Thomas, Rectory, High ElliottMrs.G. rHainault ter.High rd.Ilfrd Seward's End road, Saffron Walden
Roothing, Dunmow ElliottR.Brooklyn,Chlmsfrd.rd.Woodfrd Erswell John, Seward's End road,
Eddy Stephen,137 Winnock rd.Colchestr Elliott Thomas, Middleton house, Saffron Walden
Eden W.Riversdale, Station rd.Chingfrd Chelmsford road, Woodford Erswell Miss, The Priory, Common hill,
EdenboroughC.Martham ho.Snarsbk.NE Elliott Waiter, Aberdeen cottage, 1\Iay- Saffron Walden
Edenborough F. 6 Grove cres. Woodford bank road, South Woodford Erswell Mrs. 2 Rose villas, Seward's
Edgerley Rev. Ernest Edward :;\l.A.Rec- Elliott Wm. 30 Victoria avnu.Ea.Ham E End road, Saffron Walden
tory, Littlebury, Saffron Walden Ellis Edwd. Jn. Bow bridge, Stratford E Escott Mrs. Rose valley, Brentwood
Edinger William H. Kilsby Craig, Syl- Ellis Harry Frederick, ~Iattock villa, Escreet Rev.John,Vicarage 1 Hempstead,
van road, Wanstead NE Chelmsford road, Woodford Saffron Walden
Escott Henry Frederiek, Glenmore, Fa1rheacD1iss, WickhamBishops, Witham :"Felton William, 46 Roman rd. Colchestr
Sprathall road, Wanstead NE Fairhead Mrs. The Grange, Wickbam · .l<'enn Rev. Anthony Cox F.A~ Rectory,
Etridge JosephiJames, The Oaks, Vicar- Bishops, Witham . Wrabness, Manningtree
age lane, Cliigwell Fairhurst Robert Salter, I2 Cnmberland Fenn Cooper, Dedham, Co}chester
Eude Mrs.Eude cot. Victoria rd.Romford road, Manor Park Fenn Edward Living, High st. Colchestr
Eustace Rev. Robert Henry l\I.A. The FairweatherJas.I4Albanyrd.ManorPark Fenn George Green, The Rookery, Atd'"
Grange, Little Sampford, Braintree l''airweather John Edgar, Finedon, leigh, Colchester
Evans Rev. •Arthur Fitz-Gerald :M.A. Victoria avenue, Southend FennJILArdleigh hall,Ardleigh,Colchstr
Great Maplestone, Halstead Fairweather Joseph, 7 Carlyle villas, Fenn Joseph William Beckford, I Beck-
Evaus Rev. James, The Cottage, Horn- Romford road, Manor Park ford villas, Upper park, Loughton S.O
church, Romford Fairweather Robert M. A. Ripple road, FennMiss,New road,Mistley,Manningtree
Evans Rev.John :\I.A.Ardleigh,Colchestr Barking Fenn Miss, Wrabness lodge, Beaconsfield
Evans Rev. John Lewis B.A.. Lower Falconbridge 'Villiam, 2 Carisbrooke avenue, Colchester
green, Brightlingsea, Colchester terrace, Hamlet road, Southend Fenn Robert, Rosebank, Plashet grove,
Evans C. I Clifton villas, High rd.Ilford FalconerS. Highfield, The Hamlet,Sthnd East Ham E
Evans Edward Reid, Beaulieu, Morning- Falkner Rev.RobertHenry M.A.Rectory, F~nn Waiter Patrick, Ongar S.O
ton rd.Woodford Wells,Woodford Grn Woodham Waiter, Maldon Fennell Miss, The Hollies, Albion hill,
Evans E.R.gAlbyn ter.Queen'srd.Sthnd Fallover Thomas Henry, 2 Swinburn Loughton S.O
Evans Frank, 2I Bedford road, Ilford villas, Eastern road, Romford Fenner GouldenJohn, Springad. Tyrells,
EvansFrederwk,xFairfield rd.Chelmsfrd Fancourt Mrs. 4 Eleanor villas, St. Springfield, Chelmsford
Evans Henry B. Avenue rd. Brentwood Mary's road, Ilford Fenner Mrs. Hornchurch lodge, Horn-
Evans Jn. Bishop, 6 St. Mary's rd.Ilford Fane Rev.FrederickAdrian ScroopeM.A. church, Romford
Evans Miss, Roman's place, Writtle, Priors, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood Fenning Ernest, 73 Brook st. Colchester
Chelmsford Faning Mrs. 2 Westbury ter. Brentwood Fenning J.lisses,6Nth.Station rd.Colchstr
Evans Mrs. 8 Cambridge ter. Southend Fansett George, 27 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Fennings Richard Montague, Lincoln
Evans Mrs. Hatfield, ·witham Farbridge Mrs. Ryton house, Hermon house, Clement's road, llford
Evans Mrs. :\Ielford, Cleveland rd. Ilford hill, Wanstead NE Fen ton Charles F. 31 Linton rd. Barking
Evans Mrs. Edward, Hutton,Brentwood Farey Herbert Samuel, The Chestnuts, FentonChas.F.52Wellesleyrd.Colchester
Evans Onley William John, Highlands, Aldborough road, Ilford Fenton Thomas W.52 Manor st.Braintree
Maldon road, Colchester Farish Thomas, Manor villa, New Wan- Fenwick R Henry Howard, n Buxton
Evans Owen, Seymour house, Romford stead, \Vanstead NE road, Chingford
road, Manor Park FarleyE.E.2Carlton vls.Barking la.Ilford Fereday William, Fairview, Whalebone
Evans Samuel, Banksea, Orwell terrace, Farley Joseph, Uplands, Cambridge lane, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Dovercourt, Harwich ·road, \Vanstead NE Ferguson Col. Charles O'Neil R.E.Abbey
Eve George, Fox hall, Curbets Tye, Up- Farley Wm. J. Forest drive, Manor Park house, St. John's green, Colchester
minster, Romford Farmer Geo. Jas. 92 East hill, Colchestr FergusonChas.6 Salisbury rd.ManorPark
Eve Henry Thomas, The Friary, ~Ialdon Farmer Henry, 69 Roman rd. Colchestr Ferguson D.26Wentworth rd.ManorPark
Eve Jn. Sewardstone rd.Waltham Abbey Farmer Mrs. 3 Sunnyside, Moulsham Ferguson Miss, Sunnyside, Shenfield,
Eve Mrs. Glebe road, Chelmsford street, Chelmsford Brentwood
Eve Robert Hy, Fullbridge ho. Maldon FarmerW.J.6Wellesley rd.WansteadN E Ferguson William, 82 Bedford rd. Ilford
Eve Thomas Lawrence, Hillside,Maldon Farnan John, 6 Granville road, Ilford FerneJas.H. xoWentworth rd.ManorPark
Eveness Jn.Alfrd.62Woodlandsrd.Ilford Farncombe-Tanner William Tanner, Fernie Rev. John Francis, Station road,
Everard Frederick, Stoke house, Main Fi"her's, ·wakes Colne, Halstead Dovercourt, Harwich
road, Dovercourt, Harwich Farndell Mrs. East street, Coggeshall Fernshaw Edward, 8 St. Mary's rd.Ilford
Everard Harry, High street, Witham Farr John, 6o Albert road, Braintree FerrarW.G.Redclyffe,Coventryrd.Ilford
Everard H.G.2gKing's Quay st.Harwich Farr i:1lrs.Highfields,Langham,Colchestr Ferry Mrs. Baldwyns, Baldwin's hill,
Everett Fredk. W. 56Barrack st. Colchestr Farr Thos. Hy. Ed.33Woodlands rd.Ilford Loughton S. 0
Everett Henry, Holmleigh, 28 Newtown Farrant Granby Frederick, 2 Wellington Ferry William, I Oakley villas, Chelms-
road, Colchester villas, Gordon road, Wanstead NE ford road, Woodford
Everett Jas.H.33Carlton rd.Manor Park Farrant James Isaac, xo The Terrace, Festing Lieut.St.Edmund GrendallR.N.
Everett J.Ivydean,Victoria rd.LeighS.O \Voodford Green II4 New road, Grays
EverettJ.Lucton vl.High rd.Lowshtn.S.O Farringdon Richard, Hilldane, Maims- Fidge John Henry, St. l\Iagnus, ·West
EverettMrs.Brookst.Dedham, Colchestr bury road, Woodford cliff, Southend
Everitt Ezekiah, 128 Ripple rd. Barking Farrow Rev. Henry, Vicarage, Harlow Fidler Rev. Daniel Robertson Williams
Everitt G. Orient cot. Writtle,Chelmsfrd Farrow John, 3 Queen's road, Ilford M.A. Vicarage, May land, Maldon
Everson Abraham,45Roman rd.Colchstr Farrow Mrs. J.Hill ho.Chappel,Halstead Fie,:;-ehen Harry, x Thorold road, Ilford
Eves David, Spital road, Maldon J<'arthing ChaS.IS5 St.Ann's rd. Barking Field Albert, Camden home, Princes
Eves Thomas, 2 Glendall villas, Sylvan Farthing James Charles, 1 Pembroke road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Wanstead NE villas, Dovercourt, Harwich "Field John Doyle, Beeleigh abbey,Maldon
Evitt Clifford,Latneys,Hadfield, Witham Fatt Brownlow Brashier, Blairmore, Field i\fiss,4 S~.John's ter. BuckhurstHill
Ewald Mrs. Oakdene, Sunset avenue, Glengall road, Woodford Green Field Mrs. Ivy villa.Cromer rd.Southend
Woodford Green l''aulke Hrbt. Chas.WestMersea,Colchstr Field ::\irs. 2 Salisbury rd. Manor Park
Ewart l\Iaj.-Gen. Sir Henry P. hart. Faulkner John, 62 Linton road, Barking Field Mrs. Wainford's, Little Bardfield,
K.C.B. Felix hall, Keh·edon Faulkner Wm.-Gf0.72Woodlands rd.Ilfrd Braintree
Ewen Thomas L'Estrange, Rookery cot- Faunch Fredk.Geo. 37Thorold rd. Ilford Fielder Chas.A. Queen's road,Brentwood
tage, Dedham, Colchester FaunchG.S.lArgyle gdns.York rd.Ilford Fielder l\Irs. Norfolk cottages, Princes
Ewer Mrs.Claypits farm, Foxearth,Long FaunchJsph.E.35 Albany rd.ManorPark road, Buckhurst Hill
Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) Faust Carl,The Limes,High rd.Woodford Fieldgate Mrs. I Stanwell st. Colchestfr
Eyre H. Plym,Station rd. Loughton S.O Faviell Frederick Henry, The Cottage.• Fields James, 35 Church road, Barking
ExtonLeonard,22St.Albans rd.Colchestr Albion hill, Loughton S.O Figg Henry, I Woodlands, Queen's road 1
Exton Mrs. Heath vil.Dedham,Colchestr Fawcett Surgeon Lt.-Col. Wm. Jas. M. B. Buckhurst Hill
Eykelbosch Alfrd.W.2oBedford rd.llford Copenhagen ho. Warley rd. Brentwood Fighiera Felix, Myrtle cottage, Primrose
Eyre Rev. Henry TaylorWilliamsonM.A. Fawkes Frank Attfield, The Red ·House, road, South Woodford
Vicarage, Great Totham, Witham New London road, Chelmsford Filby Thomas Samuel, Maldon house,
Eyre A. V. Gilstead hall, South Weald, Fay William G. Avon villa, Princes road, Barking road, East Ham E
Brentwood Buckhurst Hill Finch Chas.Hy. 7 Salisbury rd.ManorPk
Eyre Edmnd.g2 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Fearn Rev. Herbert Matthew B..A. FinchE.G.Isleworth,Milton av.Ea.HamB
Eyre Walpole, Folly house, HighGarrett, Vicarage, Arkesden, Newport S.O FinchFrederick,25Salisburyrd.Colchestr
Braintree Fearn Waiter Ellis, Oakleigh, Claremont Finch Frederick, Tavistock house, Wood·
Eyres Mrs. Church st. Saffron Walden grove, Snake's lane, Woodford Green ford road, E'outh Woodford
FaceyW.EdwinB.A.,M.B.West sq.Maldn Feather Waiter Townend, 6 Garfield FinchJosiahBenjamin,Blue Bell cottage,
Fairbairns William Henry, The Elms, terrace, Springfield,.Chelmsford Gordon road, South Woodford
High street, Chingford Featherstone Waiter F. 75 Durham road, Finch Miss, u Cambridge ter. Southend
Faircloth W. H. 33 Maldon rd. Colchestr l\Ianor·Park FinchMiss,Lyndale,Eastern rd.Romford
Fairfax Alfd. I8 Clarence rd.l\:Ianor Park Feldon Theodore, IO Richmond terrace, Finch Miss, 3 Prospect terrace, Broom·
Fairfax Thomas, Westfield, Hermon hill, Glenny road, Barking field road, Chelmsford
Wanstead NE Fell Aaron, Oak villa, Queen's rd. Barking Finch Walter Geo. 2I Rutland rd. Tiford
Fairhead D.73NorthStation rd.ColchestrjFeltonFrederickThos.Hutton,Brentwood Fincham Geo. W. I I Trinity st. Colchstr
Fairhead George, St. Mary's villa, Bal- Felton Thomas, Granville villa, Cle1elandl FinchamJohnThos.23Woodlands rd.Ilfrd
kerne lane, Colchester road, 5outh Woodford Fincham Mrs.Rose cottage, Newport S.C
ESSEX. 2~*
Finckenstadt Edward, 2 Gazeebo villas, Fletcher Mrs. Heron's nest, Forest side, Foster Rev. William Rands, Elm cottager-
Rayleigh S.O Chingford Earls Colne, Halstead
Find en Henry, 10Clement's gardns. Ilford Fletcher William Henry, Coopersale, Foster Miss Agnes, Florence villa, Cle-
Findlay James, The Firs, Manor road, Theydon Garnon, Epping ment's road, Ilford
Waltham Abbey FletcherW.W.Rosstulla,Prk.rd.Southnd Foster Charles, Ongar S.O
Finlay Archd.3 Cambridge ter. Southend Flindall Alfd. 33 Third aven. Manor Park Foster Charles Henry, 2 Eleanor villas,
Finlay James, 48 Grosvenor road, llford Flint Abraham, The Grange, Chig-well Maybank road, South Woodford
Finley Horace Martin, Kenilworth, Vie- FlintH.J. Merivale,Crescentrd.Chingfrd Foster Edward, Sunnymonnt, Hadleigh-
toria road, Leigh S.O Float John Charles, Fullbridge, Maldon road, Southend
Finn Frederick, Croft ho. Wickford S.O Float Wm. T. 38 Longbridge rd. Barking Foster Francis Wheldale, The Abbey,
Finn John, 37 Second aven. Manor Park Flood Henry, Debden rd. SaffronWalden Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester
l•'inneyJ. Bradford st. Bocking,Braintree Flower Alfd. 30Tennyson rd. EastHam E Foster George, Bank house, Stansted'
Firman Edwin, 26 Wellington terrace, Flower John, Caerleon, Palmerston road, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
New road, Barking Buckhurst Hill Foster George, York hill, Loughton 8.0
Firman Mrs. 2 The Avenue, Colchester Flowers Mrs. Bury road, Harlow Foster Her.ry J. West street, Coggeshalr
FirmanOliver,7Cumberland rd.ManorPk Floyd Charles, 76 Park road, Southend Foster Herbert J. Aid wick lodg. Barking
Firmin John Archibald, Eyston hall, Floyd Robert, 7 Claremont terrace, Foster James Thomasin LL.M., J.P.
Belchamp Waiter, Sudbury (Suffolk) Sprathall road, Wanstead NE Pontlands, Great Bad~w, Chelmsford
:Fish Lady, Stanford villa, Southend FludeJas. Springfield, York rd.Southend Foster Misses, Rookwood house, Higb.
road, Stanford-le-Hope S. 0 Flux Edward Hitchings, Coopersale hall, street, Epping
J<'ish Arthur W. I42 Manor st. Braintree Theydon Garnon, Epping Foster Mrs. East street, Coggeshall
Fish Frank, 6 Grove road, Wanstead NE Flux James Felix, I9 Meyrick crescent, Foster Mrs. Gladstone cott. Kelvedon
Fish George, Alexandra house, Hermon Mersea road, Colchester Foster Mrs. Newied house, Queen's
hill, Wanstead NE Foakes A. J. I09 Carlyle rd. Manor Park road, Buckhurst Hill
Fish Samuel, 4 Cromwell place, Southend Foakes E. T. J.P. Westbury ho.Dunmow Foster Mrs. Rectory, Foxearth, Long
FishWm.Sl.Cranleigh,York rd.Southend Foakes Miss, Westbury house, Dunmow Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk)
Fisher Rev. Charles John M. A. Rectory, Foley M. Rose cot. Copford, Colchester Foster Mrs. Robert, Belle Vue, Land
Ovington, Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) Folkard Geo. I8 North hill, Colchester lane, East hill, Colchester
Fisher Rev. Frederic Horatio M. A. Folkard J. Grove cot. Langham,Colchstr Foster Samuel, Moxley house, MiltoD
Rectory, Debden, Saffron Walden Folkard Mrs. 45 Lexden rd. Colchester avenue, East Ham E
}''isherRev.StewardTraversM.A. Rectory, FolliottWm. Ashleigh,Bocking, Braintree Foster William, Belle Vue, Epping
Liston, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) Fonceca Mrs. Warley road, Brentwood Foster William, Pittington ho.Leigh 8.0
Fisher Arthur, 5 Tregenna terrace, Foot George Charles, I Salisbury villas, Fothergill Mrs. Clevedon house, Park
Victoria road, Romford Latchett road, South Woodford crescent, Southend
J<'isher Edward, New House farm, Wrab- Foot Geo. Edmund, Beaconsfield house, Foulger H. The Shrubbery,ChigwellRow
ness, Manningtree Latchett road, South Woodford Foulger Robert, South Shoebury, Shoe-
Fisher Ernest John, Bedford, Milton Foot .Stanley, Brooklyn,High st.Chingfrd buryness S.O
avenue, East Ham E Foottit George William, Beeches, Spra- FowellJ.Murtwell ho.Grange hl.Chigweli
Fisher John H. Ford pl. Stifford, Grays thall road, Wanstead NE Fowell Rchd. 46 Cambridge rd. Barking
Fisher Mark, Aberystwith house, Wid- Foottit William,Ripple, Woodford Wells, Fowke William Villiers M. A., J.P. The
dington, Newport S. 0 Woodford Green Old Hall, Great Saliug, Braintree
J<'isher Miss, 6 Belmont villas, Southend Forbes Rev. Charles James Duucan B. A. Fowler Lieut. George C. 0. Dacca house,.
FisherT.Bincleaves,Miltn.avn.Ea.HamE Vicarage, Ugley, Bishop's Stortford Queen's road, Colchester
Fisher Thomas, I Colchester terrace, Forbes P.Perth lodge, West cliff,Southnd Fowler Rev. Alfred Enoch B.A. High
Colchester road, Halstead Forcey A. 2 Wilton vils.Barking la.Ilford street, Saffron Walden
Fisher Travers, 3 Alexandra terrace, Ford Alfred, 5 Richmond road, Ilford Fowler Rev. J.Lit.Waltham,Chelmsford
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Ford A. 32 Victoria avenue, East Ham E Fowler A.H.8 Tilbury grdns. TilburyS.(}
Fisk Mrs. Ann, 78 Bedford road, Ilford Ford Chas. M. IO Hastings rd. Southend Fowler Chas. 31 First avenue,ManorPark
Fisk Miss, Gaybowers cottage, Danbury, Ford Frank, 2 Nelson villas, Ashburn- Fowler Charles, Vine cottage, Princes
Chelmsford ham road, Southend road, Buckhurst Hill
Fisk Mrs. Oxford road, Manningtree Ford George, 25 St. Mary's villas, Ilford Fowler Howard, Fedsdens,Roydon,Ware--
FiskeE. Tiverton ldg.Rosevally.Brentwd Ford John, 53 Bedford road, Ilford Fowler Joseph Gurney, Glebelands,High
FisouLewis, 8 Queen'sGrove rd.Chingfrd Ford J. Vine cot. Violet rd. SouthWoodfrd road, Woodford
Fitch C. F. 4 Clifton vils. High rd. Ilford Ford John H. 34 Linton road, Barking Fowler Mrs. Howood house, Witham
Fitch Charles John Horner, Hill house, Ford R. Globe ho. George st. Colchester Fowler Mrs. Lyndale, Gordon road,
Sible Hedingham, Halstead Ford Thos. 44 Eversleigh rd.East Ham E South Woodford
Fitch Edwd. Arthur, Brickhouse, Maldon Ford Waltr. Cottons, London rd.Romfrd Fowler Mrs. Henry, Glebelands, High
Pitch G. J. Oakley ho. North st.Halstead Ford W. Laurel mnt.Warley rd.Brentwd road, Woodford
Fitch Miss, 5 Marine terrace, Walton- Ford Lieut. George, 2 Fir villas, Crescent Fowler R. Grammar school, Chelmsford
on-the Naze R.S.O road, Brentwood FowlerT.G.8Forest View rd.Manor Park
Fitch Miss, Prospect house, Steeple Fordham Alfred, The Cottage, King's Fowler Thos, M. Chadwell Heath R.S.(}
Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Head hill, Chingford Fowler Trevor, High street, Epping
Fitch Miss, ro Trinity street, Halstead Foreman Thomas Beck, Ivy cottage, FowlerW.Gt.Hallingbury,Bishop's Strtfd
Fitch Mrs. Church hill, Epping Gordon road, South Woodford Fowler William J.P. Moor hall, Harlow
Fitch Mrs. I Oxford road, Colchester ForeshewMrs.32 Grove rd.Wanstead NE Fowler William C. 33 Thorold rd. Ilford
Fitch :Mrs. Sydney vil. Oakfield rd. Ilford Forge Arthur J. Oakleigh, Claremont Fowles James, South hall, Rainham S.O
Fitch Zachariah A. 59 New st. Halstead grove, Snake's lane, "'oodford Green Fox Alfred William, Surrey villa, Tavis-
Fitz-Gerald Lady, Bigods hall, Dunmow Formby Rev. Richard Edward B.A., tock road, South Woodford
FitzgeraldWm. 83 Carlyle rd.ManorPark J.P. Rectory, Latchingdon, Maldon Fox Charles Edward, Westwood,Snake'9
Fitzpatrick Rev. NicholasRd. M.A. The Formby EdwardHesketh, Bentley lodge, lane, Woodford Green
Parsonage,Sydney rd. WoodfordGreen Pilgrim's Hatch, Brentwood Fox C. The Plas,Endlebury rd.Chingford
Fitzpatrick Rev. Patrick, New hall, Bore- Forster Rev. Joseph B. M.A. Manuden Fox E. Ferncote, The Hamlet, Southend
ham, C helmsford house, Manuden, Bishop's Stortford Fox Frederick, 5 Albert terrace, Vicwria
Flack James, Belle Vue, Cleveland road, Forster George William, Hillside cottage, road, Romford
South Woodford Great Easton, Dunmow FoxG.Rosendale, Cottagepl.Chelmsford
J<'Jatt Alex. W. 6r Woodlands road, Ilford ForsterMiss,Grove vil.Crown st.Brentwd Fox Mrs. I Munster terrace, Walton-on-
Flatt George Neeve, Normanhoe, Blake Forster Mrs. Fremont,Chelmsfordroad, the-Naze R.S.O
Hall road, Wanstead Woodford Fox William, I Auckland villas, Brent-
FleetW.Stanly.ho.l\Iiltonaven.Ea.Ham E Forster Robert, Brook house, Sible wood road, Romford
FJeming John, Essex road, Cbadwell Hedingham, Halstead Fox Wm. Little Waltham, Chelmsford
Street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O ForsterR. 8 Cliff ter.Dovercourt,Harwch Fox William, White house,Rayleigh 8.0
Fleming John, r Harrow rd. East Ham E Forster William, East Lenham lodge, Fox William Moses, I I Beaconsfield
Fleming Mrs. Moncaster villa, Maybauk Cleveland road, South Woodford terrace, Milton street, Southend
road, South Woodford Forsyth D. C. Mornington ho. Morning- Fox William R. The Beeches, Whitehall
Fletcher Rev. Thomas Minchiu, Fernlea, ton rd. W oodford Wells, Woodford Grn rd. W oodford Wells, Woodford Green
Victoria road, Leigh S. 0 Forsyth W. Tower ho.Mawneys rd.Rmfrd Fox William Robert, Frithmans, George
Fletcher Edward, Danehurst, Hermon Fortescue Hy. Jas. Fras. High st.Maldon lane, South Woodford
hill, Wanstead NE Fortescue Patrick W. F. Innesfail, FoxWm.Thos.46Clarence rd.:ManorPark
FJetcher Elliott, r8 Weston rd. Southend Plashet grove, East Ham E Foxley Ben, 2 Heathcote villas, Eastern
Fletcher Henry l\Iarshall, The Dragons, Forward Henry, ro :\Iarine avenue, West road, Romford
Upper Park, Loughton S.O cliff, Southend Foyne William, Dorset villa, King'sPlace
FJetcher Wm. 73 Wakering rd. Barking Foskett Jsph. I I Prittlewell sq. Southend road, Bttckhurst Hill
Foy George, 42 Carlton rd. )Ianor Park l<'reeman Edward, Ashbrook, Becontree'Fuller George, I Parkside villas, Ilford
Foyster Geo. 3 Westbury rd. Brentwood Heath, Romford Fuller Herbert,23 Albanyrd.ManorPark
Framjee F. 12 Grosvenor road, Ilford Freeman Francis William, The Limes, Fuller James, Fairfield house, Braintree
Frampton Rev. George Richard B.A. Chadwell Heath R.S.O Fuller Mrs. Great Hardfield, Braintree
Helions Bumpstead,Haverhill(Suffolk) Freeman Fredk. W.Prospect ho.LeighS.O Fuller Mrs. Langland house, Station
Francis Lady, Farm hill,WalthamAbbey l<'reemanH.A. Tyndal ho.Barkingla.Ilfrd road, Chelmsford
Francis A. K. 55 Crouch st. Colchester Freeman Herbert L. Gilmore house, Fuller Mrs. Philorth, Balfour rd. Ilford
Francis Edward, Grove end, Claremont Pelham road, Ilford Fuller R. H.,M.A. High Garrett,Bmtree
grove, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Freeman Herbert L. 8 Thorold rd.Ilford Fuller-Maitland William M.P., J.P.
Francis E.A.I2Latchett rd.Sth.Woodfrd FreemanJ.Holdam,Mawneys rd.Romfrd Stansted hall, Stansted Mountfitchet,
Francis ·Frederick Waiter, Rochford S.O Freeman John, I Runwell ter. Southend Bishop's Stortford; & Brooks' club,
Francis FrederickWilliam, 2 Beaconsfield Freeman John C. 42 London rd. Maldon London s w
villas, Chad well Heath R.S.O Freeman John Wm. Beachcroft, Eastern Furbank Arth.Jas.73Duke st.Chelmsford
Francis George, Norfolk cottages, Princes road, Romford l<'urlong Frank, 2 Grove villas, Common
road, Buckhurst Hill Freeman J oseph, Hilcrest, Rayleigh S. 0 hill, Saffron Walden
Francis Geo. Town st. Thaxted, Dun mow Freeman Louis, 4 Olive terrace, Tyler's Furness Richard Alfred, 1 Grafton vils.
Francis Grant Richardson, The Tros- avenue, Southend Barking lane, Ilford
sachs, Gordon road, South Woodford Freeman Miss, London road, Maldon Furze Robert,ThePriory,Latton,Harlow
'Francis Harold,EastBay house,Colchestr Freeman Mrs. 39 Manor st. Braintree Gabbett Surg.-Lieut.-Col. PooleRoberts,
Francis James, New road, Harlow Freeman Mrs. I Cyprus villas, Bucking- 9 The Avenue, Colchester
Francis Miss, Garden terrace, Harlow ham road, Woodford Gabriel Wm. J.2 Carlyle vils.ManorPark
FrancisMiss, Tymperleys, Trinity street, l<'reeman Mrs. Rose cottage, Upper Gace Rev. Frederic Aubert M.A. Bar-
Colchester Dovercourt, Dovercourt, Harwich ling, Rochford S.O
Francis TheMisses, Goldhanger, Maldon Freeman Sl. 99 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Gadd Samuel, 1\Iinerva villa, Albert rd.
Francis Mrs. Hill st. Saffron Walden :FreemanW.Olive vil.Clevelandrd.Ilford south, Buckhlll'st Hill
Francis Mrs. Maida villa, Snake's lane, Freestone Alex.Heathcote gro.Chingford Gadsden Miss, The Elms, North road,
Woodford Green French Edward, Queen's rd. Brentwood Prittlewell, Southend
Francis Mrs. Milton villa, Harlow French Elijah, Alghers rd.Loughton S.O Gadsdon !<'rank, Marden Ash, High
Francis Mrs. Rayleigh S.O French John, I3 Kandahar villas, Ash- Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O
Francis Mrs. The Grove, Ulting, Maldon burnham road, Southend Gadsdon George J. Four Elms, South
Francis Nathaniel Draper, Holmleigh, French Miss, Great Bardfield, Braintree park, Ilford
Ridgeway road, Chingford French Miss, IO Milton street, Southend Gadsdon Henry, Hawkenbury, Palmers-
Francis Richd. Fairfield rd. Chelmsford French Mrs. I Edith villas, Lower Rail- ton road, Buc~hurst Hill
Francis Thomas Watson, Dowlais house, way street, Braintree Gain Misses, Cairn brook college,Church·
High street, Wanstead NE French Mrs. Nw.lo.Gt.Burstead,Brntwd fields, Woodford
Franghiadi :raul, I Laburnam villas, French Mrs. 7 Shakespeare villas, High Gair John, 72 Carlyle road, Manor Park
South park, Ilford street, Grays Gaitskell William, 3 Richmond villas,
FranklinAlex. Park frm.Thaxted,Dunmw French Thomas, Hope villa, Ingatestone York road, Southend
FranklinA. Town st. Thaxted, Dunmow French Thomas, Langdon, Romford Gale Alfd. Jn.B.27 Maldon rd.Colchester
Franklin Augustus, 2 Prospect terrace, Frere Mrs. John, Kelvedon Gale Charles, 51 Butt road, Colchester
Broomfield road, Chelmsford Fretwell John, York lodge, Hermon hill, Gale Ernest James, Orplands, Brad-
Franklin Douglas, Yew cottage, Mill Wanstead NE well-juxta-Mare, Southminster S.O
end, Thaxted, Dunmow Frey Arthur Abraham, The Birches, Gale James Theobald, Orplands, Brad·
FranklinJohn,Terriers,Thaxted,Dunmow Epping New road, Buckhurst Hill S.O well-juxta-Mare, Southminster S.O
Franklin Miss, 32 ~orth hill, Colchester Fricker Miss, Norton Mandeville, In- Gale Mrs.Brick ho.Rettendon,Chelmsfrd
FranklinMiss,Town st. Thaxted,Dunmow gatestone Galer H.J. May bank, West st. Leigh S.O
Franklin Mrs. William, Town street, Friend Mrs.Inganess, TheDrive,Chingfrd Galer William, Claremont, Leigh S.O
Thaxted, Dunmow Friend William Hy. Holmcroft, Chelms- Gall Arthur, St. John's road, Epping
Franklin RichardJohn,Glenmore,Plashet ford road, Woodford Galley Joseph Emmanuel, Foxearth,
grove, East Ham E Frith Alfred G., B.A. Grammar school, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk)
FranklinR.J. 16Cambridge ter.Southend Ashdon road, Saffron Walden Galliford Mrs. Ayrshire house, Milton
FranklinT.Watling st.Thaxted,Dunmow Frodsham George Edward, Lower grn. avenue, East Ham E
FranklinW.J.26Second aven.ManorPark Brightlingsea,Colchester Galpiu Rev. Francis \Yilliam M.A.
Franklin William, Bird green, Clavering, Frogley J sph. 44 Longbridge rd. Barking Hatfield, Harlow
Newport S.O Frost Rev. Matthew, Terling, Witham Galpin Richard M.R.C.S.Eng. Kelvedon
FranksJas.R.34King's Quay st.Harwich Frost AlfredJohn J.P. Hazelwood,Upper Gammage Thomas, Woodbine villa,
Frankton Wm.3 Forest Side viis. Epping park, Loughton S.O Maybank road, South Woodford
Frapwell G.Holly lo.Eastern rd.Romford Frost Arthr. T. I4Wellesley rd.Colchester Gandy C. W. Blackmore, Ingatestone
Fraret Armand, 3 Castle villas, South- Frost B. Park rd. Brightlingsea,Colchestr Gandy Robert, 45 Buxton rd. Chingford
church avenue, Southend Frost Charles, 38 Balkerne la. Colchestr Gannaway H. I Elm ter. Woodford Grn
Fraser Genl. Alexander R.E., C.B. Frost J. I8 Victoria avenue,East Ham E Garden Misses, Manor house, High
Rayleigh house, Rayleigh S.O Frost Mrs.AilsaCray,Eastern rd.Romfrd street, Brentwood
Fraser Rev. Duncan M. A. Th9 Vicarage, Frost Miss,Colne villa,St.Osyth,Colchstr Gardener Miss,Romeland, '\ValthamAbby
South Weald, Brentwood Frost Mrs. 34 Creffield road, Colchester Gardiner Col. Thomas George, Newport
Fraser George, Gordon house, Woodford Frost Mrs. 23 Ma1don road, Colchester house, Great Warley, Brentwood
road, South Woodford Frost Richard George,Oakleigh,Western Gardiner Arthur Stephen, Fern villa,
FraserJn.TheChalet, Grove hl.Woodford road, Romford Crescent road, Brentwood
Fraser }iiss, I Oaklands, Hermon hill, Fry Edmd. 29 Second aven. Manor Park Gardiner Edward, The Hall, Wickham
Wanstead NE Fry Fredk. Wm l<'ryerning, Ingatestone St. Paul, Halstead
Fraser Robert, Stoneycroft, Avenue rd. FryH.Barnston lodge,Barnston,Chlmsfd Gardiner F. 57 Harrow rd. East Ham E
Southend Fry Joseph D. L., J.P. Fairkytes, Horn- Gardiner W. 46 Durham rd. l\Ianor Park
Frayling Capt. Edward, Athole, Gran- church, Romford Gardner Rt. Hon. Herbert Coulston
ville road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Fry Thomas, Laureate house, Princes P.C., ~1. P., l\LA., D. L. Debden hall,
Frazer George, I Alma villa, Primrose road, Buckhurst Hill Debden, Saffron Walden ; & 48 Charles
road, South Woodford Fry William Storrs, Rosecroft, Woodford street, Berkeley square w & Brooks' &
Frazer Samuel, Warley rd. Brentwood road, South Woodford St. James' clubs, London
Free l\Irs. 3 Dalcoath terrace. Victoria FryeFrdk.R.35XewLondon rd.Chelmsfd Gardner Lady, Debden hall, Debden,
road, Romford Frye Miss, I8 Longbrid!5e rd. Barking Saffron Walden
FreeR. The Elm~, Mistley, Manningtree Fryer :Mr.;;. 5 Langthorne terrace, Ash- Gardner Lieut.-Col. Alan Colstoun D.L.,
Free William, 5 Park avenue, Chelmsfrd burnham road, Southend J.P. Newton hall, Dunmow
Freeborn Mrs. 37Manor st. Braintree Fuge :Mrs. Bradford st.Bocking, Brntree Gardner Rev. Frederick Thomas :\LA.
Freeland Comdr, N. F. E., R.N. l\Iarl- Fulcher George, The Hall, LittleWaker- Rectory, Goldhanger, Maldon
borough ho. Whitegate rd. Southend ing, Romford S.O Gardner Albert William, 30 Wentworth
J<'reelove Markwell F.Newlands,Stansted Fulcher George Frederick ~LB. Ever- road, Manor Park E
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford leigh, Station road, Chingford Gardner Alfred, West Dene, Charteris
Freelove Miss, l\Iill side,Stansted}Iount- Fuller Alfred, Whitta house, Whitta rd. road, Woodford Green
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Manor Park Gardner Ambrose, Garlands cot, Steeple
}'reelove Mrs. Chapel house, Stansted Fuller Charles, 20 Be;•erley rd. Colchestr .Humpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk)
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Fuller Charles, Holly, Osborne rd. Gardner Frdk. H. Church st. Coggeshall
Freeman Alfd. C. 20 }larket hill,Maldon Buckhurst Hill Gardner Frederick John, Vine villas,
Freeman Charles A. Kersbrook villa, Fuller Edward J. The Poplar;;, Black- Chadwell Heath R.S.O
76 Longbridge road, Barking more, Ingatestone Gardner Henry Joseph, Ingat~stone
Gardner George, Fellside, New Wan- Gayton Thos. W. The Towers, Sewards Gibson Rev. \Villiam B.A. Vicaragf,
stead, Wanstead NE end, Saffron Walden Tilty, Chelmsford '>I
Gardner Miss, 3 Glendale villa~, Sylvan Geare Rev. John Gullett M. A. The Rec- Gibson Edmund Birch J.P. Elm grw•
road, Wanstead NE tory, Farnbam, Bishop's Stortford Audley road, Saffron Walden '
Gardner Miss, 74 North Station road, Geary Hy. 42 Clarenc£" rd. Manor Park Gibson Edward, Crix, Hatfield, Witbam
Colchester Geary :\lrs. 23 Wentworth rd. :Manor Pk Gibson Henry, Wbitehouse, Ongar S.o-
Gardner Mrs. Bridge house, Little Geary Percival, Leigh cottage, Avenue Gibson Herbert, Springfield Ly~,
Coggeshall, Kelvedon road, Southend Springfield, Chelmsford
G-ardner Mrs. The Lawn, Havering- Gebhardt Thomas, The Firs, High road, Gibson Herbert William, :Marden Ash,
Atte-Bower, Romford Woodford Wells, Woodford Green High Ongar,Chipping Ongar S.O
Gardner Mrs.M.A. Church st.Coggeshall Geer E. sl\Iornington ,;nas, l\Iornington Gibson James, Oaktree cottage, New
Gardner Thos. Hornchurch, Romford rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Wanstead, Wanstead NE
Gardner Waiter, Sunnyside, Witham Geere Alfred, 4 Claremont terrace, Gibson John, Grape Vines cottage, Sible
Gardom Mrs. 18 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Spatball road, Wanstead NE Hedingham, Halstead
Garland George, x6. Third avenue, Geich William Henry, 12 Victoria street, Gibson :1\liss, Hill house, High str~et,
Manor Park Dovercourt, Harwich Saffron W alden
Garland Mrs. 40 Manor st. Braintree Geldart Rev. Ernest T.A.K.C.L. Rec- Gibson TheMisses,7oDuke st.Chelmsford
Garland Thos. 36 Vineyard st. Colchester tory, Little Braxted, ·witham Gibson Mrs. Ongar S.O
Garment A. 25 Victoria avnu.EastHam E Gel!atly Peter D.L., J. P. Albion hill, Gibson Philip Robert, Carlton villa, New
G-arner l\liss, Vine cottage, Steeple Loughton S.O London road, Chelmsford
Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Geller Samuel B. Matching Tye, Match- Gibson William, Warley terrace, Great
Garner William George, Bridge house, ing, Harlow Warley, Brentwood
Upminster, Romford Gentry .Arthur F. 2 Gray rd. Colchester Giddins Rev.George Henry, Durley,West
Garnett Thomas Charles, 4 Carlyle Gentry Joseph, Great Bentley, Colchester grove, Snake's lane, Woodford Green
villas, Romford road, Manor Park Gentry Mark, Rookwoods, Sible Heding- Gidley-1\Ioore John Bartholomew Gil~
Garnsey A.E. Church st. Saffron Walden ham, Halstead Fyfield house, :Fyfield, Onga-r S.O
Garon Hy. I Tylers avenue, Southend Gentry Mrs. 57 .Albert road, Braintree Giffard Stephen, High street, Dunmow
Garrad Miss, 4 .A venue ter. Southend G.eorge .Alex.42Eversleigh rd.EastHam E Gifford John, Heydon Bury, Royston
Garrad Mrs. Charles, St. :Mary's house, George Arth.C.Rohilla,Inglis rd.Colchstr Giggins J.New rd.Hadleigh,RayleighS,O
Crouch street, Colchester George Ed ward Holder ,Ivy house, Milton Gigney Henry, Rayleigh S. 0 ';;
Garrad William, Brook house, Bures avenue, East Ham E Gilbert MajorA.S.Hainault lodge,Chigwl
Hamlet, Bures R.S.O George Miss, Rose villa, West Grove Gilbert Geo. 8 Eversleigh rd. Ea. Ham E
Garrard Charles E. James' terrace, road, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Gilbert Misses, Old Heath cot.Colches\e]."
Mistley, Manningtree George Robert, I7 Gladstone rd.Colchstr Gilbert Mrs. Marden Ash, High Onga~
Garrard Josepb, 2 Cromer rd. Southend George Wiiliam, 7 Station rd. Manor Pk Chipping Ongar S.O
Garratt James Thomas, 2 Florence villas, Gepp Col. Wa~ter Payne, l\Iaynetrees, Gilbert Mrs. The Shanty, Seward's En~
Woodford Wells, Woodford Green New street, Cheln:sford road, Saffron Walden
Garratt Miss, Powers croft, Woodford GeppRev.Edwd.M.A.}'elstead,Chelmsfd Gilbert Thomas, Orleans cottag~, West
road, South Woodford Gepp Rev. Edward Francis 1\I..A., J.P. l\Iersea, Colchester I
Garratt Mrs. Gothic house, Harlow Vicarage, High Easter, Chelmsford Gilbey Sir Waiter, bart. J.P. Elsenha!l
Garratt Samuel, The Cedars, W oodham Gepp :\liss, Coval place, Chelmsford hall, Bishop's Stortford ; & Cambridge
Waiter, Maldon Gepp Mrs. Maltese lodge, Maltese road, house, Regent's park, London N 'W
Garrett Lieut.-Col. Edmund J.P. Bel- Chelmsford · GilbeyG.B.Melbourne Io.South st.Roq~fd
mont, Chigwell Gepp William, Wantz road, Maldon Gilbey Miss, Brighton villa,Stahle)' rQllldb.
Garrett Joseph, 4 Lauretta villas, Third Gerahty Charles Echlin, Netteswell Woodford f
avenue, Manor Park house, Netteswell, Harlow Gilders Edwin Joseph,Hurst lodge,Edittl
Garrett T. IO Milton avnu. East Ham E Gerrard Mrs. Aberdour house, ·western road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O '!
Garrood Arthur W. High st. Brentwood road, Romford Gilderson Caleb,Cromwell house,Barking
Garthwaite Rev. Augustus B.A. St. Gerritsen Henry J. Swiss cottage,Albion lane, Ilford :1
Mary's, Chelmsford road, Woodford hill, Longhton S. 0 Gilderson Robert, Cleveland villas-, !Hord
Garton Wm. 4 Harrow rd. East Ham E Gerussi Aristotelis M. IS Hainanlt villas, Gilderson Robert, 8 St. 1\Iary's rd. ilf!>J'O
Gascoigne Wm. G. 2 Gordon villas, Mag- Chigwell Gilderson Urbane, 3 Bedford gal'dell~
dalen green, Great Clacton, Colchester GeytonWilliam,34 Wakering rd. Barking Barking lane, Ilford " >I
Gash Rev. Richard Henry M . .A. Rectory, Ghinn Thomas, 2 Sherborne villas, Cow· Gill Rev. E. E. Shirley, Balfour rd.IlfQJ"4
Vange, Stanford-le-Hope S.O slip road, South Woodford Gill Arthur, Taunton villa, Clevet1{nd
Gaskell Mrs. Joseph, .Alpha cottage, Gibb '\Villiam Edward J.P. Pyrgo park, road, South Woodfotd .J_ '>I
South park, Ilford Havering-atte-Bower, Romford Gill A. Bircholt, Sylvan rd. Wansteruhr.t:
Gate Geo. E. xs St. John's rd. Southend Gibbard Wm. 48 Cambridge rd. Barking Gill Daniel, 45 Victoria aven. Eastlla:m~
Gates Fredcrick Charles, Heathcote, Gibbens Rev. William B.D. Chignal, Gill Edward John, The Firs, Lond~
Daisy road, South Woodford Chelmsford road, Braintree ')
Gates James, South Ockendon, Romford GibbensFrankE. 10Cambridge rd.Barkng Gill Leonard, 40 Carlton rd.l\Ianor--Part
Gatrell M. I2 :First avenue, Manor Park Gibberd J.Rye Mill ho. Feering,Kelvedon Gill Samuel, St. Winifred's, Cambri,dg&
Gatrill Rev. James Matcham, Vicarage, GibbonsRev.Thos.Geo.M.A.St ..Andrew's park, Wanstead NE -~I
Stanway All Saints, Colchester vicarage, Parsonage street, Halstead Gill Wm.Maldune, Maldon rd.Colcbe~er
Gatward H. J. Bell common, Epping Gibbons Rev. William, Randolph villas, Gillespie 1\Irs. I3 Royal terrace, South~
Gatward J ames, Swiss cottage, Finch- Southminster S. 0 Gillett Mrs. New street, liarlow .
infield, Braintree Gibbons Arthur John Fry, Tylehurst, Gilly Charles, The Lodge, Layer BretQtli
Gatward Mrs. 2 Sidney villas, Ash- Derby road, Woodford Kelvedon ~
burnham road, Southend GibbonsHarry,Manorrd. WalthamAbbey Gilmore Rev. John M. A. Rectory,W()(ld·
Gaunt Percy Frederick, 19 Victoria Gibbons Henry, 3 Albert terrace, Yic- ham l\Iortimer, Maldon - -
avenue, East Ham E toria road, Romford Gilmore Henry, 9 Bedford road, llfol'd
Gausden Charles, Myrtle cottage, Daisy Gibbons Mrs. Norfolk house, Stanley Gilpin Edward, 5 Meanley rd. Manor fi
road, South Woodford road, Woodford Gilson l\Iiss, Debden road, SaffronWaldn
Gaush Mrs. Falcon house, Chigwell Gibbons Thomas, Down ho. Dunmow Gilson Miss, Fairfield road, Chelmsford
road, South Woodford Gibbs D. Cecil, Vineyards, Great Bad- Gilson l\Iisses, 55 Roman road, Colcb~tr
Gavillier Miss, 33 Grove rd. Wan stead NE dow, Chelmsford Gilson Mrs. Ivy lodge, London road,.
Gavin Miss, Aspen villa, Albion hill, Gibbs Douglas H. l\Iillwood house, West Saffron Walden
Loughton S.O Thurrock, Grays Gilson Wm. Wltr. Aldborough rd.Ilford
Gawler Thos. Shaftesbury villa, Chad- GibbsEdmd.Seward's end,SaffronWaldn Gimson Karl Carwardine M.B. WithaPI

well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Gibbs Henry, Magdala. villa, Rayne Gimson William Douglas, Springfield

Gay Henry Robert, Cairo house, Rom- road, Bocking, Braintree hill, Springfield, Chelmsford
ford road, Manor Park Gibbs Henry Brandrith, Kumra lodge, Gimson William Gimson M.D. Witoom
Gay John, 4 Station road, l\Ianor Park Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood Gingell Daniel Taylor, l\Iarden Ash,.
Gay Jn. Turner, Brentwood rd. Romford Gibbs James, 3 Whitta road, l\Ianor Park High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O
Gayford S. Ends!eigh, Balfour rd. Ilford Gibbs Silas, Dunmow Gingell Geo. 13 Westbury rd.Brentwood
Gayler Rev. Charles J. Kingsley house, Gibbs William Alfred, Giliwell park, Gingell John, Ivy lodge, Epping
Colne road, Clacton-on-Sea Sewardstone, Chingford I Gingcll l\Iiss, Kingsthorp villa, Lower
Gayler Benjamin, Pearce Webbs, Claver- Giblin Rev. John Michaell\I.A. Vicarage, I park, Loughton S.O
ing, Newport S. 0 Good Easter, Chelmsford Gingell William, Forest villa, Queen's
Gayler Frdk. so Third avnu. l\Ianor Park Gibling Robert, S.t Bedford road, llford road, Buckhurst Hill
Gayler Wm. 271\feanley rd. 1\Ianor Park Gibson Rev. Edward Pendarves B.A. Giraud Surgn.-Maj.-Gen. CbarlesHerv~,
Gayton T. Claremont, Grm·e rd. \Voodfrd Stock, Ingatestone 2I The Avenue, Colchester
Girling Richard A. Dunningworth, Goldby William Samuel, Lymnouth vil. Gosling Robert D.L., J.P. Hassobury.,
Grove road, Woodford High rd.WoodfordWells,Woodfrd.Grn Farnham, Bishop's Stortford
Gissing Frank, 48 Roman rd.Colchester Goldfinch Rev. A. C. Barking Side,Ilford Goss Cbas. Thos.n Albert rd.Southend
GladwellA.C.44Tennyson avnu.E.HamE Golding Chas.7We.Stockwell st.Colchstr Goss Miss, 63 Albert road, Braintree
GladwellGeo.H. n5Winnock rd.Colchstr Golding HarryWenJock,Bradford street, Gosset Daniel Wright. Root's hall, West
Gladwell H.Lee rd.Dovercourt,Harwich Bocking, Braintree street, Prittlewell, Southend
Gladwin The 1\Iisses,Felstead,Chelmsfrd Golding Henry, Whitta road, Manor Pk Gostling G. M. Hartsbuckle farm,Liston,
Glaize Alfrd. 39 Third Avenue,ManorPk Golding Henry Thomas, Kirkstone, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk)
Glaser Albert, Fern villa, Bedford road, Churchfields, Woodford GostlingJ.C.Loughton ldg.LoughtonS.O
South Woodford Golding H. F. 46 Military rd. Colchester Gott Godfrey, 67 Bedford road, Ilford
Glasgow Lieut.-Col. John Campbell Goldsmith Edward John, Hill crest, Gotto Rev.DonaldB.A.London rd.Maldll
Robertsan, Abbeyfield, Colchester Palmer's avenue, Grays Gotts HenryS. Westcombe lodge,Lans-
Glasscock James, Rose villa, Forest Goldsmith Mrs. Lamarsh, Colchester downe road,Wanstead,South Woodfrd.
road, Loughton S.O Goldsmith John J. 6o Thorold rd. Ilford Gough Rev.Charles H., M. A. Grasmere,
Glasscock Mrs. Meadowcroft, Nightin- Golledge E. Lindfords, Balfour rd.Ilford Church road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
gale lane, Wanstead NE Gooch .Arthur Brooks, Hillside villa, Gough G. W., B.A. Grammar school,
Glasse John Alfred, I Holly villa,Claren- Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon Chelmsford
don road, South Woodford Gooch John William, 58 Bergholt road, Gould Douglas, I Woodlands rd. Ilford
Glaysher Mrs. Ann, 7 Carlton road, Mile end, Colchester Gould Francis Carruthers, IO Knighton.
Manor Park GoochW. Hilda vil. 'fheydonBois,Epping villas, High road, Buckhurst HillS. 0
Glazier Wm. Edwd. Cleveland rd. Jlford Good Jn. I Wilton viis. Barking la.Ilford Gould George, Brooklyn, Loughton S.O
Gledhill Mrs. 27 Tylers avnu. Southend Good Mrs. Hermitage house, Snake's Gould George Sydney, Woodlands, Higb.
Gleeser .Albert, Hurstcombe, Whitehall lane, Woodford Green road, Loughton S.O
lane, Buckhurst Hill S.O Goodair H. Kilearn,Station rd.Chingfrd Gould Geo. W. Chigwelllodge, Chigwell
Glenny Edwd.Hy. 21 Linton rd. Barking Goodaker Henry, 18 Wellington ter- Gould I. C. Trap's Hill ho.Loughton S.O
GlennyMissH. White ho.23East st.Brkng race, New road, Barking Gould J. H. Trap's Hillfarm.LoughtnS.O
Glenny Thomas W. The Paddock, 68 Goodall Rev. Alfred, Marden Ash, High Gould John T. 20 Cambridge rd. Barking
East street, Barking Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O Gould Mrs. 54 Thorold road, Ilford
GlennyWm. W., J.P. 25 East st. Barking Gooday Mrs. Ormonde lodge, Kelvedon Gould Wm. Kelvedon Hatch,Brentwood.
Glindoni Henry Gillard,Whalebone villa, Goodchild Miss, Burntwood house, Gonlder William B. Colne ho. Wit ham
Chadwell Heath R.S.O Mawneys road, Romford Gouldstone William, Maud villa, Milton
Glinister G. C. 72 Durham rd.:ManorPk Goodchild Miss, Oak house, Great Yeld- avenue, East Ham E
Glinister Thomas .Arthur, Albury villa, ham, Halstead GoultHenry, 16Broomfield rd. Chelmsfrd
Lansdowne road, W oodford Goodchild Thomas, Yeldham hall, Great Govas George, Cherry 'free cottage,
Glithero Mrs. London road, Braintree Yeldham, Halstead Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Glover Charles, 2 Castle villas, South- Goodday A. New ho. 'ferling, Witham Gover Henry John M.A., M.B. Little-
church avenue, Southend Goode Herbert, 2 Woodgrange villas, bury, Saffron Walden
Glover Edwd.A. 28Woodlands rd. Ilford Daisy road, South Woodford Govett Rev. J. L.Vicarage,Burnham S.O
Glove! William, 78 East hill, Colchester GoodeJ.C. TheGrnge.Queen's rd.Brntwd Govett John, 16 St. John's rd. Southend
Glover Wm. 78 St. John's st. Colchester Goodes G.F.Eilenau,Plskt.gro.Ea.HamB Gowar Wm. Hy . .A. Crescent rd.Brentwci
Glyn Clayton Louis M.A. 1 J.P. Sheering Goodey F. Oak vil.gGranville rd.Colchstr Gower Alexander, Parkstone, Hermon
hall, Harlow Goodey Harry, 38 Wimpole la. Colchestr hill, Wanstead NE
Glyn E. J. Priors, Lambourne, Romford Goodey Jas.Frdk.N ewTown lo.Colchestr Gower Henry, 8 Spitalroad, Maldon
Glynn Maj.-Gen. John Plumptre Carr, Goodey Mrs. 20 Wellesley rd.Colchester Gower James, Longford cottage, Stan-
Scarletts, Old Heath road, Colchester Goodey Robt. I8 Colchester rd. Halstead ley road, Woodford
Goacher Rev. William, N~wbiggen Goodhart Rev. Charles Alfred M. A. Gowers Edmund, 57 High street,Maldon.
street, Thaxted, Dunmow Rectory, Lambourne, Romford Gowing Fred. W.13Roman rd.Colchestr
Goad William Thomas, Harwood hall, Gooding Rev. Charles D. Burnham S.O Gowing Herbert John, Albert rd. Ilford.
Corbets Tye, Upminster, Romford Gooding F. Mesina,TheDrive,Chingford GowlandF.B.Laurel villa,Lansdownerd.
Gobell Mrs. Stoneham st. Coggeshall Gooding Miss, 3 Nelson villas,Ashburn- South Woodford
Godber Rev. William K.C.L. Vicarage, ham road, Southend Gowland William, The Hollies, Forest
Langley, Bishop's Stortford Goodman Mrs.9 Prittlewell sq.Southend road, Chingford
Godbold Henry William, 10 Brandon Goodman R. 28 Wentworth rd. ManorPk Grace Charles, 8 Park terrace,Southend
terrace, Ilford hill, Ilford Goodman W. 67 Carlyle rd. Manor Park GraceR. W.Lindisfarne:Avenuerd.Sthnll
Goddard Capt. E. H. Clock ho.Braintree Goodram Mrs. 77 New street, Halstead Graffy John, u2 Glenny road, Barking
Goddard Rev. Thomas Ward M.A. Vie- Goodrum C. W. Oxford rd.Manningtree Graham Rev.Arthur Etough B.A. Great
arage, Mazeing, Waltham Cross Goodwin Rev. J. H. B.A. The Vicarage, Bromley, Colchester
Goddard Algernon Robertson,Fernleigh, Ripple road, Barking Graham Rev. Horace D. D., F.R.S. 2
London road, Saffron Walden GoodwinArthurWilliam,5Clarence villas, Albion vHs. Wellesley rd. ClactonR.S. 0
Goddard Davison, Wave cottage, Mild- Gordon road, Southend Graham Frederick,Hughenden, Malmes
may road, Chelmsford Goodwin C. Mill la.ChadwellHeathR.S.O bury road, Woodford
Goddard Edward, Woodcrl)ft High Goodwin John Palmer Willis, Marston Graham <.xeorge, Clarence house, Bark-
road, Buckhurst Hill cottage, The Green, Woodford Green ing lane, Ilford
Goddard John, 5 Salisbury villas, Goodwin Mrs. M.A.4 St.Mary's rd.Ilford Graham Miss, Buxton house, Forest,
Latchett road, South Woodford Goody Charles, South st. Manningtree Snarestrook NE
Goddard J. Oaks,Southchurch,Southend GoodyH.GlenMervyn,Lexden rd.Clchstr Graham Mrs. The Firs, Epping New
Goddard W.H.31Second avnu.ManorPk Goody Misses, 3 Head street, Colchester road, Buckhurst Hill S.O
Godfrey Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage, Goody Rowland,64Winnock rd.Colchestr Graham Mrs. Ireland,St.Osyth,Colchstr
Great Tey, Kelvedon Goodyear Herbert, Stanwell house, 17 Graham N. C. Rose mount, Queen's rd.
Godfrey .Alfred, 14 Roman rd. Colchestr Stanwell street, Colchester Brentwood
Godfrey Basil C. Springfield, Theydon Gordon Col. Henry Wilson, The Gables, Graham P.8 Queen's ter. High rd. Ilford
Bois, Epping High Ongar, Ongar S.O Grain Rev. Edward Herbert M.A.Vical'-
Godfrey Edward, St. John's rd. Epping Gordon George, Terling, Witham age, Coopersall, Epping
Godfrey Henry, 1 Selkirk villas, ~ew Gordon Mrs. 23 The Drive, Chingford Grainger Saml, 2 Avenue villas, Witham
London road, Chelmsford Goreham John, 52 Military rd.Colchestr Grainger W. 51 First avenue, Manor Park
Godfrey James, York hill,Loughton S. 0 Gormley H. P. Old Hall,Rayne, Braintree Granger E. The Eaves,Springfld. Chlmsfd
Godfrey Jn. ·wm. Barking Side, Ilford Gorringe H. 2 Clarence rd. ::.\Ianor Park Gransden J. Swiss cot. Vicarage la.Ilford
Godfrey Miss, 3 Gray road, Colchester Gorst Right Hon. Sir John Eldon P.C., Grant Alfred, 23 Queen's road, Ilford
GodfreyWalter,x5Gladstone rd.Colchstr M.P., Q.C. Lawford ho.l\Ianningtree; Grant H.Sodbury ho.Gt.Clactn.Colclli;tr
GodfreyWm.R.2 Harrow vils.Ea.HamE & Carlton club, London Grant James Brown, Montrose, Cleve-
GodinLewis,HighBeech rd.Loughtn.S.O GortonC.Oakbank,Sylvan rd.Wanstd.NE land road, South Woodford
GodinR. High Beech rd. Loughton S.O Gosden Jn.'fheLodge,London rd.l\Ialdon GrantJ. J.Upminstercommon,Romford
Godley John, 3 Richmond terrace, Goslin John, 2 Lorne villas, Buckingham Grant Mrs. 24 Grove road, Wanstead NX
Glenny road, Barking road, W oodford Grant Mrs. 4 Milton villas, Dovercourt,
Godley Mrs. Yew viUVarley rd.Brentwd GoslingAlfd.Jas.2Cambridge rd. Barking Harwich
Godlonton William, Homelea, Princes Gosling Benjamin, Royston villa, West GrantS. T. Hill house, Chigwell
road, Buckhurst Hill road, Saffron Walden Grattan::\Iatthw.Hy.Ongar ho.OngarS.O
Godson Rev. George St . .Alban M.A. Gosling l\lisses,Bradford street,Bocking, Gratze H. 3 Clifton villa, High :rd. Ilford
Moulsham vicarage, Chelmsford Braintree Grave Misses, Chelmer cottage, Great
Gold Arthur, Fairfield villa, Birchanger, Gosling Mrs. John, Bradford street, Baddow, Chelmsford
Bishop's Stortford Backing, Braintree Gravely Mrs. 4 Tregenna terrace, Vie-
Gold Wm. I2 Provident p!. Colchester GoslingO.Bradford st.Bocking,Braintree toria road, Romford
424 G!lA ESSEX. (KEI.LY's
GraveleyHy.53l<'irst avenue, Manor Park Green H.Strood, West Mersea,Colchester Griffin George L. St1nway, Colchester
GravesCapt.Alexander Hope, TheLodge, Green Jas. Mercer, Aldham, Colchester Griffin Mrs. Twickenham villa, Runwell
UpperDovercourt,Dovercourt,Harwch Green Jas.W.St. John's rd. East Ham E terrace, Southend
Graves Rev. Robt. V. 0. M. A. Vicarage, Green John, West rd. Saffron Walden Griffin Thomas John Cornish, 7 Durham
Tolleshnnt D'A.rcy, Kelvedon Green John H. Bradfield hall, Bradfield, road, Manor Park
Graves A. S., B.A. Felstead, Chelmsford Manningtree Griffin William, 5 Cromwell pl. Southnd
Graves Albert, 3 Oak cottages, Forest Green Miss, Bradford st.Bocking,Braintr Griffin William, Farnboro', Victoria road,
drive, Manor Park Green Miss, 2 Myrtle villas, Chelmsford Buckhurst Hill
Gray Rev. John Place, Homestead, Oak- road, Woodford Griffinhoofe Rev. Thos. Hy. B.A.,S.C.L.
field road, Ilford Green Mrs. 5 Albert place, New London Vicarage, Great Chishill, Royston
Gray A. 7 East Stockwell st. Colchester road, Chelmsford Griffinhoofe"Mrs.Churchst.SaffronWaldn
Gray A.2 Lomerter.St. Mary's rd.Ilford Green Mrs.Colne vils.Lexden,Colchester Griffith Charles, Glenmore, Tavistock
Gray Chas. Ingatestone hall,Ingatestone Green Mrs.Copt HallGrn.Wa!thamAbby road, South Woodford
Gray Charles Wing J.P. Perces, Green- GreenMrs.Linden villa, StanstedMount- GriffithMrs.I8Wellesleyrd.WansteadNE
stead green, Halstead fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Griffith Mrs.S.36 Third aven.ManorPark
Gray Ernest Copeland, Goldlay house, Green Mrs.2 Sutherland terrace,Baddow Griffiths Miss, Rose Tree cottage, Ard-
Baddow road, Chelmsford road, Chelmsford leigh, Colchester
Gray Frank, I8 Scratton road,Southend Green Mrs.25Tennyson aven.EastHam E Griffiths William Powell, Belleriv-e,
Gray George Herbert, Brewery house, GreenMrs.Templevl.Chipping hl.Withm George lane, Woodford
Springfield lane, Chelmsford Green Mrs. The Cottage,Hatfield,Harlow Griggs Arthur, Shrublands, Trinity
Gray H. Ilfracombe, Wilson rd.Southend Green Mrs. TheNest,Gt.Chesterford S. 0 street, Halstead
Gray John T. Wood grange, Gravel la. Green Mrs. George, Hill side, Beacons- Griggs Ebenezer, 2 Vine villas,Clarendon
Chigwell field avenue, Colchester road, South W oodford
Gray Miss, Newnham house, High road, Green Mrs. H. Brookfield, Granville Griggs Henry Thomas, 2 Wallas villas,
Loughton S.O road, Ilford Western road, Romford
Gray Mrs. Goldlay house, Baddow rd. Green Mrs. Henry Egerton, Kingsford, Griggs Mrs. Woodfield place, Stanstead
Chelmsford Stanway All Saints, Colchester Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Gray Mrs. The Ferns, London rd.Romfrd GreenPatrickR. 3Wellesley rd. Colchester Grimble Frank, Elizabeth villa, Palmers-
Gray Oswald Harrison, Goldlay house, GreenR.C.Mt.Pleasant rd.SaffronWaldn ton road, Buckhurst Hill
Baddow road, Chelmsford Green Robert Russell, Clifton cottage, Grimes Herbert, 7 Beverley rd.Colchestr
Gray Robert, Pentre house, Cleveland Cleveland road, South Woodford. Grimes Joseph,North Gate ho.Colchester
road, South Woodford Green Samuel, Fernbank, Mornington Grimston Waiter Edward J.P. Colne
Gray Thomas, I Mizpah villas, Cowslip rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Place, Earls Colne, Halstead
road, South Woodford Green Thomas, Lothian house, Romford Grimwade Henry, Head st. Colchester
Gray Waiter, Gate street, l\Ialdon road, Manor Park Grimwood James, Meadow side, Spring-
Gray Waiter, Phoenix house,NewLondon Green Tbos.Cooper,Langenboe,Colchestr field, Chelmsford
road, Chelmsford Green Thos. J. Forest rd. Loughton S.O Grim wood Thomas, Upper Hill house,
Gray Wltr.G. 28 Albany rd.Manor Park GreenW.C.Elgin lo.ChadwellHeathR.S.O Lexden hill, Lexden, Colchester
Gray William Francis, 2 Mizpah villas, Green William Waiter, Evelyn villa, Grinstead Rev. Charles M.A. The Vicar-
Cowslip road, South Woodford Hermon hill, Wanstead NE age, Ingrave road, Brentwood
Gray William Johns, Goldlay house, Greene Misses, Baddow hall, Great Grinstead Mrs. 34 Hamlet rd. Chelmsfrd
Baddow road, Chelmsford Baddow, Chelmsford Gripper Herbert, 2 St. John's terrace,
Grayson Francis Dorrill, Rayleigh S.O Greenfield Rev. John D. D. Birdholme, New London road, Chelmsford
Grayson Mrs. Billericay Pier avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Gripper Joseph, Boswells, Springfield
Grayston John, 7 Cambridge terrace, Greenfield Samuel, I Edith villas, Church road, Springfield, Chelmsford
Woodford Bridge road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Gripper Misses, White house, Layer
GreasleyJsph.Hawthorn vls.East Ham E GreenfieldWaltr.goThird aven.ManorPk Breton, Kelvedon
Greatheed Rev. John M.A. Rectory, Greenfield Wm.Jas.Plashet la.EastHamE Groom Saml. R. 40 Church st. Harwich
Corringham, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Greenhow Joseph S. Highfield, London Groom Wm. 40 Church street, Harwich
Green Lieut.-Col.Richard Spurgeon J.P. road, Chelmsford Groom bridge Mrs. I Leon villas, Wilton
Stonylands, Dedham, Colchester GreeningC.siUpperRailwayst.Braintree road, Ilford
Green Rev. Edward Kennedy M.A. Greens Miss, 23 Lexden road, Colchester Groome G. Beaufort ho.Coventry rd.Ilfrd
Rectory, La wford, Manningtree Greenslade S.P. TheElms, Ulting, Maldon GroserJames, IgCowper aven.EastHam E
Green Rev, James William M.A. St. Greenway F. I Tilbury grdns. TilburyS.O GrosvenorClementHenry,Norfolk house,
John's lodge, East Ham E GreenwoodErnestA.54Butt rd.Colchestr Carnarvon road,Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O
Green Rev. William M.A. Vicarage, Greenwood Jn.A.23 Castle rd.Colchester Grout B. Mill end, Thaxted, Dunmow
Little Clacton, Colchester Greenwood Miss, 26 Broomfield road, Grout Herbert E. Ravenswood, Upper
Green A.Brookside,Cranbrook vils.Ilford Chelmsford park, Loughton S.O
Green Alfred, I Queen's rd. Brentwood Greenwood Miss, School lane, Halstead Grout Mrs. 2 Spencer villas, Meadow
3-reen Archibald, 2 Roding villas, May- GreenwoodThos.W.2Winsleyrd.Colchstr road, Loughton S.O
bank road, South Woodford GreenwoodW.B.Newhl.Tendring,Clchstr Grout W.H. York vil. Victoria rd.Romfrd
Green Charles, Crepping hall, Wakes Greenwood W. H.3 Buxton rd.Chingford Groves George, l\Iile end, Colchester
Colne, Halstead Gregory Rev. John Robinson, John st. GrovesHy.Bay cottage, Mile end,Colchstr
Green Charles, High street, Epping Brightlingsea, Colchester Groves John, Manor street, Braintree
Green Charles, Hill Green cottage, Gregson Frederic, Creevelea house, Groves Leonard,Woodleigh, Derby road,
Clavering, Newport S.O Whitegate road, Southend Woodford
Green Charles, I Orchard villas, George Gregson James, Heartshill, Debden Grubb Richard Theodore, Harlow
lane, South ·woodford green, Loughton Groves William George, Linden house,
GreenCharles,8Salis~uryvillas,Latchett Gregson Percy L. 5 Elm villas, Lower The Green, Woodford Green
road, South Woodford park, Loughton S.O Grubb Henry, The Laurels, Barking
Green Chas.E.OldRectory,LoughtonS.O Gregson Rbt. 6 Wellesley rd. Colchester Side, Ilford
Green Daniel Abbott, Donyland place, Gregson William, 8 F,oyal ter. Southend Grubbe Francis William, The Parsonage,
East Donyland, Colchester Greig George, Hamiet house, Southend Shellow Bowells, Brentwood
Green Dixon, I44 Hythe hill, Colchester Greig Peter, Beechwood house, Hermon Guise Major Sir Wm. Fras.G. hart. D.L.,
Green Frederick, Fernleigh villas, South hill, Wanstead NE J,P. Rochetts,South Weald, Brentwood
street, Manningtree Greville Harry Leicester, Diersheim, Guise Francis, 7 St. Mary's road, Ilford
Green Frederick J.P. Hainault lodge, Churchfields, Woodford Gumbley Charles, 3 Cambridge terrace,
Chigwell Row R.S.O Grey John, Rozel, Lansdowne road, Woodford Bridge
Green Harcourt Reginald, Pond hall, South Woodford GunnJ ohn,Marion vil. Victoria rd.Romfd
Wix, Manningtree Grey Miss,4 Brandon ter. Ilford hl.Ilford Gunn Mrs. Hemnall street, Theydon
Green Harford, Tayspill house, Stansted Grey Mrs. West road, Saffron Walden Garnon, Epping
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford GribbleEdwin Frank, I Richmond villas, Gunning ham Joseph, 1 Milton villa,
Green Harry, Raeburn house, Beacons- Crown street, Brentwood Princes road, Buckhurst Hill
field avenue, Colchester Gribble John, Eastern road, Romford Gunter Rev. William B. A. Rectory,
Green Hy. Gants hl. Barking side, Ilford Grice James, Earls Colne, Halstead Abberton, Colchester
Green Henry, I Louisa terrace, May- Grice J. Stour cot. Dovercourt, Harwich Guppy William, Marston gate, Palmers-
bank road, South Woodford Grice Mrs. Great Warley, Breniwood ton road, Buckhurst Hill
Green Hy. G. 6o Durham rd. Manor Pk GriffinA. Hillside,Uburchfields, Woodfrd Gurnett Thomas Charles,4 Carlyle villas,
Green Henry W. Glengall, New Wan- Griffin Harold Edmund, Avondale, Romford road, Manor Park
stead, Wanstead Churchfields, ·woodford Gurney H. Star ho. Dovercourt, Harwich
Green Horace G. The Nest, Great Griffin Henry Lainson, 6o West Stock- Gurteen Jabez, Couples, Sturmer,Halstd
Chesterford S.O well street, Colchester Guthrie A. Church la. Hocking, Braintree
Gusson Charles, Victoria villas, High Halliday Mrs. Laurie square, Romford Hanchard Wm. Bramshot, Rayleigh S.O
road, Loughton S.O Halls C. H. Bayonne villa, Purfleet S.O Hancock George, Albincott, Chad well
Gutteridge Edwin P. u6 High st. Maldon Halls Miss, 8 Hall street, Chelmsford Heath R.S. 0
6uttridgeGeo.H.3Salisbury rd.ManorPk Halls Mrs. 20 Portland road, Colchester Hancock H. M.A. assistant master Ban-
Guy Rev. Ralph Courtney M. A. The Halls Mrs. I St. John's rd. Chelmsford croft's school, Woodford Wells, Wood-
Forest, Snaresbrook NE Halls Norman, 2 Provident pi. Colchestr ford Green
Guy Charles C. I<'armadine grove, Halls R.A. V. 27 Mildmay rd.Chelmsford Hancock J.H. 47 Second avnu. Manor Pk
Saffron Walden Halls W. 58 Manor Park rd. Manor Park Hancock Miss, Woodlands, Bedford road,
Guy Mrs. Park ho. Ingrave, Brentwood Hallum Edward Henry, Krishna house, South Woodford
Guyatt John, 6 Lorne villas, Southend West Lodge road, Colchester Hancock Wm. The Cottage, Ongar S.O
GuyverJ.Duton hill,Gt.Easton,Dnnmow Hallum Thomas George, Grove farm, Hand Capt. George W. R.N. Castle
Qwalter Richd. Spa ho.Thor~ld rd.Ilford Wormingford R.S.O house, Dedham, Colchester
Gwilliam Jsph. I Clement's gdns. Ilford Halsey Mrs. :Milton cottage, Queen's Hand William Henry, Martha cottage,
Gwynne-Evans William, Penlan hall, road, Buckhurst Hill Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Fordham, Colchester Halsey William, The Homestead, Sydney Handisyde Misses, I3 Avenue road,
Habben E. 2 Argyle gdns. York rd. Ilford road, Woodford Green Southend
Habell Mrs. Lorraine, Grove hill, Woodfrd Halstead Mrs. Watling street, Thaxted, Handley Chas. M. I07 High st. Maldon
Hack George S. 3I Grosvenor rd. Ilford Dunmow Hankins A.E. 38 Albany rd. Manor Park
Hack Waiter John, Woollahra, Sylvan Haltridge John, Abbey lodge, Crown Hanks James Upton, The Shrubbery,
road, \Vanstead NE street, Brentwood Grove road, Wanstead N E
HackerW.Lit.Gearies, Barkingside,llfrd Hamblin Mrs. ns Carlyle rd. Manor Pk Hanlon Arthnr 0. Ferncote, Broomhill
Hackett William Sheppard, Coniston, Hambly E. so Carlyle road, Manor Park walk, W oodford Green
Gordon road, South Woodford Hambridge George L. Grove house, Hanna J. The Ferns, South st. Romford
Hadfield Rev. Joseph [Congregational], Plashet grove, East Ham E Hannar Peter, The Poplars, Witham
The Manse, Chigwell Row Hamer Rev. David, School house, Hannemann Miss, Essex house, Brom-
Hadgraft Charles, 9 Station road, Dover- Stisted, Braintree hall road, Woodford Green
court, Harwich Hamilton Major-General, Tyle hall, Hansing Frederick, The Priory, Buck-
Hadler Rev. Edward Samuel, Thorpe- Latchingdon, Maldon ingham road, Woodford
le-Soken, Colchester Hamilton Rev. Edward, Brightside, Hanslow Mrs. Woodford cottage, Buck-
Hadley Rev .Ado! phus A. W. Rochford S. 0 London road, Southend ingham road, W oodfi)rd
Hadley Henry Chas. 33 Rutland rd.Ilford Hamilton A. Queen's rd. Buckhurst Hill HardcastleJ.A.Motts,Writtle,Chelmsfrd
Hadley William, Hainhault villa, Haver- Hamilton Arthur, 2S Wentworth road, Harcourt George,Woodland lodge,Grove
ing road, Romford Manor Park hill, Woodford
Hadrill Mrs. Lee house, East street, Hamilton George Stuart, 2 Eden villas, Harcourt Robert Frederick, Upwey,
Prittlewell, Southend Victoria road, Romford Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Had wick J. Epton, Brentwood Hamilton J. B. 36 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Harden Col. J. E. 9 Oxford rd. Colchestr
Hagger Rev. Watson 1\'I.A. Vicarage, Hamlyn Clarence A. The. Yew trees, HardingCharles, Pembroke villa,Words-
Tolleshunt Major, Witham Kirby, Colchester worth avenue, East Ham E
Hagon Herbert John, Hutton,Brentwood Hammett Benjamin, Fernbank, Selsdon Harding Charles Frederick, Churchfield
Hahnemann Madame, I Park T"illas, road, Wanstead NE house, Churchfields, Woodford
Chadwell Heath R.S.O Hammond Col. Peter Henry R.A. 24 Harding Edgar,Meyrick crescent,Mersea
Haiden Mrs. Alderford house, Sible Creffield road, Colchester road, Colchester
Hedingham, Halstead HammondRev. Thomas, Studley, Grove Harding Edward, Rose cottage, King's
Hailes John, 48 Wantz road, Maldon road, Woodford Head hill, Chingford
Haines William J. 2 Floral villas, Cow- Hammond Charles, Market pl. Romford Harding F.D. Market pl. Saffron Walden
slip road, South Woodford Ffammond Chas. 42 Thorold rd. Ilford Harding Fredk. Edmund, Murton house,
Hainsworth Chas. J. Forest side, Epping Hammond Charles Wallis, Bank house, Higham road, Woodford Green
Hale William, 4 Clement's road, Ilford High street, Halstead Hardmg Mrs. South Benfleet S.O
HalesRev.GrevilleTurnerM.A.Vicarage, Hammond Cyril F. High st. Witham Harding Thomas, 2 Alexandra villas,
Ardleigh, Colchester Hammond George F. 4 Forest drive, Victoria road, Romford
Bales Rev. James Tooke, Rectory, Brad- Manor Park Harding W. 3 Carlyle vills. Manor Park
well-juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree HammondJames William, Sunneyleigh, Hardingham Arthur Shortridge, Mount
Hall Rev. Edmund M.A. Rectory, Mile Eastern road, Romford Mead, Coggeshall
end, Colchester Hammond John, 3 Oakley villas, Princes Hardisty Mrs. Chestnut lodge, High
Hall Rev. James B.A., B.Sc.Lond. Bal- road, Buckhurst Hill street, Chingford
stock, The Green, Woodford Green Hammond John, Park villas, Birch- HardwichMrs.White ho.Dedham,Clchstr
HallAlfredJ.Clovelly,Grove hill, Woodfrd anger, Bishop's Stortford Hard wick Frank, 3 Fairycroft terrace,
HallChas.7Aibert ter. Victoria rd.Romfrd Hammond John George, Langsett, Audley road, Saffron Walden
Hall Collinson, Maylands Green house, Cranbrook road, Ilford Hardy Charles, s Knighton villas, High
Hornchurch, Romford Hammond John Henry, 2S Wimpole road, Buckhurst Hill
Hall Cuthbert, 9 Clement's gardns. Ilford lane, Colchester Hardy G.Heathfield, Cranbrook rd.Ilford
Hall Edward, 16 Baddow rd. Chelmsfrd Hammond Jsph. S. Hill house, Romford Hardy George Simpson, Jacques hall,
Hal!F.W.Caerleon,NewTownrd.Colchstr Hammond Mrs. Hill house, Rayne road, Bradfield, Manningtree
Hall George, I Wellesley villas, Pier Bocking, Braintree Hardy James, Mile f'nd, Colchester
avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Hammond Mrs. Holmdale, Trinity HardyJohnJoseph, Queen st.Colchester
Hall Harold, 16 Hospital rd. Colchester street, Halstead Hardy Miss,Parkstone, Balfour rd.Ilford
Hall Henry, Grove cottage, Chadwell Hammond Mrs. Oak lodge, Western Hardy Mrs. C. 23 Lexden rd. Colchester
Heath R.S. 0 road, Romford Hardy Richard, go East hill, Colchester
Hall Henry J. s6 Linton road, Barking Hammond Mrs. Park villas, Birchanger, HardyThos.24Wentworthrd.ManorPark
Hall H. 0. Beaulieu, Dedham, Colchester Bishop's Stortford Hardy William, I Fairfield terrace,
Hall J. E. B. A, Bancroft's school, Wood- Hammond Mrs. I Port View villas, ~orth street, Halstead
ford Wells, Woodford Green Mistley, Manningtree Hare Geo.28 NewLondon rd.Chelmsford
Hall Joseph E. Manor house, Chigwell Hammond William, Park villas, Harlow Hare George William, The Bower, Bore-
road, South W oodford Hammond William Alexander, Lilian ham, Chelmsford
Hall Robert, IS Chapel hill, Halstead cottage, Derby road, Woodford Hare R. F.s4 Wellesley rd.Wanstead NE
Hall Thomas, I Napier villas, Sherfield Hammond William E. Fern villa, High Hargreaves Rev. J. 29 Bedford road,
road, Grays road, Loughton S.O llford
Hall William, Holymead house, Mile Hampton Hy. 4 Castle road, Colchester Hargreaves Percy, Abridge, Romford
End, Colchester Hampton Henry S. I7 Durham road, Harley Edwd.Church st.Saffron Walden
Hall Wm. 13 Marine Park sq. Southend Manor Park HarlockH.Windsorho.Warleyrd.Brntwd
Hall William, May villa, Mill lane, Chad- Hampton Richard~ Broadley common, Harman James, The Hall, Frinton-on-
well Heath R.S.O Roydon, Waltham Cross Sea, Colchester
Hall W. The Limes, Greenslead rd.Ongar Hanbury Barclay, The Grove, The Corn- Harman Orlando George, Halesworth
Hallam John, Belgrave villa, Chad well mon, Saffron Walden vil. Marine par. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Heath R.S.O Hanbury Capel, Elmhurst, Collier row, Harmer F.Bennett, 3 Rutland rd. Ilford
Hallam Louis Charles, Burnham villa, Romford Harold Mrs. South street, Manningtree
Carnarvon road, Woodford Hanbury Frederick Barclay, Oak lodge, Harold Wm. 13 Brentwoodrd. Romford
Hallett F. 23 Victoria avnu. East Ham E 1 Upminster, Romford Harper Alex. In Crouch st. Colchester
Hallatt Waiter, Russell grange, Ching- Hanbury Sampson, Wivenhoe park, Harper Augustus, Athelstan house,
ford road, Chingford Wivenhoe, Colchester Grove park, Wanstead NE
Hallett Mrs. Knighton Briars, Avenue Hancock Rev. Henry C. Warden's lodge, Harper John Whyte, Anworth house,
road, Southend Great Maplestead, Halstead Snake's lane, W oodford Green
4:26 H.AR ESSEX~ {REU,y's
Harper Hy.E.4o Third aven.l\:Ianor Park Hart Manor Park rd.ManorPark Hathway R. T. :ro Carlton rd. Manor Pk
Harrington Edward,. Ash grove, Eastern Hart Jas. V. 11 Salisbury rd.l\:IanorPark Hatton Llewellyn, Hatton's corner,
road, Romford Hart Joseph, 16 Wakering rd. Barking Barking side, Ilford ~
Harrington Jackson F.R.G.S. Trinity Hart Miss, 3 Alma terrace, Snake's lane, Havers Misses,Ingatestone hall,lngatstn
college, Wimpole lane, Colchester Woodford Green HatersStanislau~ J.Queen's rd.Brentwd
Harrington Mrs. I2 Lorne villas,Southnd Hart 1\:Iiss, Hartland road, Tbeydon Ha vis Mrs. Great Burstead, Brentwood
Harrington T.B.:r4Meyrick cres.Colchstr Garnon, Epping Havis Mrs. Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O
Harris Capt. P.8 Cranbrook villas,Ilford Hart Miss, Rylstonelo.London rd.Maldn Haward E. J. 50 Creffield rd. Colchester
Harris Rev. Henry Kingsford B. A. Run- Hart Misses, West rd. Saffron Walden Haward E. J. 2 Cambridge rd.Colchester
well, Chelmsford Hart Mrs. Clara, I Oakfield rd. Jlford Haward Mrs. Meadow side, Springfield,
Harris A. 46 Tennyson aven.East Ham E Hart Soloman, Salisbury rd. ManorPark Chelmsford
Harris Anthony Joseph, Hnrst green, Hart Talbot, Hadleigh cottage,Hadleigh, Hawes Majqr-Gen. George Harrington,
Brightlingsea, Colchester Rayleigh S. 0 Holley lodge, Lexden, Colchester
Harris A.Oak bank,Victoriard.Romford HartW.TheYews,Gt,Baddow,Chelmsfrd Hawes Rev. Jesse, Wickford S.O
Harris A. W. 35Broomfield rd.Chelmsfrd Hart Waiter Samuel, Oak Dene, May- HawesA.J.'fheVilla,MarksTey,Colchster
Harris Edward, 20I North st. Barking bank road, South Woodford Hawes C. Belvedere ho. Cross rd. Maldon
Harris Edward Jenden, Pembroke lodge, HartWilliam,CastleHedingham,Halstead Hawes Mrs. Oak cottage, Stanway All
Cambridge park, Wanstead NE Hart W.6 Lomer ter. St.Mary's rd.Ilford Saints, Colchester
Harris Edwin, Burst house, Salway hill, Hart William Ernest,King street,Saffron Hawkey P. H. 27 Wordsworth avenue~
Woodford Green Walden East Ham E
Harris Francis B.A. Nether priors, Col- HartinJ. F., B.A. Felstead, Chelmsford Hawkey Richard, Sunnycroft, Snake's
chester road, Halstead Hartland E. A. 4 Warren rd. Chingford lane, Woodford Green
Harris Francis Eldred Lodge, n Ran- Hartland Henry, Prospect house, Rose Hawkes Mrs. London road, Braintree
dulph terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford valley, Brentwood Hawkins Capt. J. l''airview house, Bum.._
Harris Francis, Cromwell house, Morn- Hartley Rev. Charles M.A. The Chest- ham S.O
ington rd. WoodfordWells,Woodfrd.Gn nuts, Dunmow HawkinsChs.Hy. J.P.Maitlands,Colchstl'
Harris Frederick, 8 Cromwell place, HartwellJ.Bosgrove ho.High st.Chngfrd Hawkins Charles John M. Magnolia
Cambridge road, Southend HartwellW.4 Grafton cottage, Epping
HarrisH.Rose cot.PilgrimsHatch,Brntwd Hartwell W. West view ,High st. Chingfrd Ha wkins Harry Croxon, 2 Selkirk villas,
Harris Henry Herbert, Wycombe villas, Harverson Thomas William, Carlton New London road, Chelmsford
Fairfield road, Chelmsford house, Junction road, Romford Hawkins Henry D. New st. Halstead
HarrisJas. It Cowper aven.East Ham E Harvey Rev. John, Gt.Totham, Witham Hawkins J. J. Cupola ho. BurnhamS.O
Harris J.Passmores,Gt.Parndon,Harlow Harvey Rev. John Kentish, Rectory, Hawkins Miss, Burnham ~.0
Harris James, Rampart house, South Foulness Island, Southend Hawkins Miss,Widdington,Newport 8.0
Shoebury, Shoebnryness S.O Harl"ey Albert, Westrd. SaffronWalden Hawkins Mrs. Alresford hall, Alresford,
Harris John Richardson, Abbotsford, Harvey Albert E. 56 Butt rd. Colchester Colchester
Oakfield road, Ilford Harvey Alfred, South street, Romford Hawkins Mrs. Church villa, Heath,
Harris Joseph, Riseholm, Beaconsfield HarveyBawtree,2gWellesley rd.Colchstr Hatfield, Harlow
avenue, Colchester Harvey Edward, Sidney villa, Sible Hawkins Mrs. Eldon ho. Burnham 8.0
Harrisl\'Irs.ThePoplars,Brookst.Brentwd Hedingham, Halstead Hawkins Mrs. Old Parsonage,Abberton,
Harris Philip Johnson~ The Square, Great HarveyE.G.48Tennyson avnu.Ea.HamE Colchester
Clacton, Colchester Harvey Edward Forster, 1\'lersea house, Hawthorn Edwin, Carlinhurst, Sylvan
Harris Richard A.4Cranbrook vls. Ilford Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O road, Wanstead NE
Harris Rowland William, 1 Sarah villas, Harvey George, West Thurrock, Grays Hawthorne James, Stock, Ingatestone
Chigwell rood, South Woodford HarveyMiss,CastleHedingham,Halstead Hay Rev. E. F., M.A.Vicarage,Kelvedon.
l:Iarrison Capt. Jasper Nicolls J.P. The Harvey Mrs. 58 Albert road, Braintree Hay Geo. 42 First avenue, Manor Park
Grove, Great Saling, Braintree Harvey Mrs. 3 Grove hill, Woodford . Hayden Edwin, 4 Adelaide ter. Ilford
HarrisonRev.H.G.TheParsonage,Withm Harvey Mrs. HockleyS.O Hayden Mrs. Emma, 2 Mariner villas,.
Harrison Alfred, St. George's villas, Harvey Mrs. Rye ho. Feering, Kelvedon Longbridge road, Barking
Queen's road, Southend Harvey Mrs. :15 Westbury rd. Brentwood Hayes Rev. Henry 'f .A.K. C.L. Vicarage,
Harrison B. H.27 Hamlet rd.Chelmsford Harvey Mrs. Writtle green, Writtle, Canvey Island, South Benfl.eet S.O
Harrison C. B. King's Weir, Wormley, Chelmsford . Hayes Rev. John William B.A. South
Broxbourne S.O. (Herts) Harvey Mrs. Samuel, Barnfield house, Hanningfield, Chelmsford
Harrison Charles,Napier aven.Southend Mistley, Manningtree Hayes Dennis, g6 Carlyle rd. Manor Pk
Harrison Charles Richard, Primrose cot- Harward Rev. John Frederic 1\:I.A. Hayes Harry, Fern villa, East street,
tage, Malmesbury road,. W oodford Little Maplestead, Halstead Saffron Walden
HarrisonF.W.I8ForestView rd.ManorPk Harwood Mrs. 2 Bartholomew villas, Hayes Mrs. Letetia, 2 Oak cottages,
HarrisonG.H.Valleyho.Wealdla.Brntwd High road, Loughton S.O Forest drive, Manor Park
Harrison Harry, Trecarrell, Selsdon Harwood Mrs. I7 Buxton rd. Chingford Hayes Thomas, I6 Market hill, Maldon
road, Wanstead NE Harwood William .Henry, 94 North Hayes Waiter, Albert villa, Broomfield,
HarrisonH.Mahonville, York rd.Southnd Station road, Colchester Chelmsford
Harrison John, 23 Bank st. Braintree HaslamW.A., M.A.Felstead,Chelmsford Haynes CharlesHenryWilliam,Lausanne
HarrisonJ.Hope cot.CLadwellHth.R.S.O Hasler Frederick, I Ellerslie villas, New villa, Hermon hill, Wanstead NE
HarrisonMiss,Fairview,Eastrn.rd.Rmfrd London road, Chelmsford Hayne.s H.S. New pl. Upminster,Romfrd.
Harrison Ralph Waiter, Ballater,. Milton Hasler Henry Charles, Lyon terrace, Haynes Sydney, Stansted Mountfitchet,
avenue, East Ham E Springfield, Chelmsford Bishop's Stortford
Harrison Thomas, Birchanger place, HaslerJ. 9 Holly ter. Wbitta Td.:\IanorPk Haynes Waiter Frederick, The Rise,
Birchanger, Bishop's Stvrtford Hasler Mrs. High street, Dnnmow Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop'sStrtfrd
Harrison Thomas, Redlands, Cleveland Hasler Robert, Burnham S.O Hayward Chas.W.WhiteNotley,Witham
road, South Woodford Hasler Robert, Throws, Little Dunmow, Hayward Francis, 1 St. James villas,
Harrison Thos. 40 Woodlands rd. Ilford Chelmsford Victoria road, Romford
Harrison Thomas Haynes, Copford ball, Haslewood Miss, Boreham place, Bore- Hayward JohnPrice,Gt.Chesterford S.O
Copford, Colchester ham, Chelmsford . Hayward Joseph Hawkins, Bath villa,
Harrison-Smith Mrs. Elrnhurst, High Haslewood Misses, Feasons, Sandon, :Forest road, Loughton S.O
road, Woodford Chelmsford Hayward Mrs. Ashdon hall, Ashdon,
HarrissonF.Green cot.EarlsColne,Halstd Haslock Rev. Frederick, Mission house, Saffron Walden
Harrisson Jn. Oates, Great sq.Braintree Arthur stroet, Grays Hayward Mrs. 65 High street, Maldon
Harrisson Miss, Green cottage, Earls Hassam Mrs. Compton villa, Maybank Hayward.R.F.w4Moulshamst.Chlmsfrd
Colne, Halstead road, South Woodford Hayward Thomas, Westview, Whale-
Harrold James, Queen's rd. Southend Hast Mrs. 58 Crouch street, Colchester bone lane, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Harsent Alfred,4Sandown villas, Victoria Basted Rev. Henry B. A.~ J.P. Pitsea, Hazell Jesse Golden, Duke st. Chelmsford
road, Romford Bowers Gi.fford S. 0 Hazell R. L. 44 Salisbury rd. Colchester
Harsum George,Holmleigh, Beaconsfield Basted William Robert, Rosedale, Sels- Heading John,92 Long bridge rd.Barking
avenue, Colchester don road, Wanstead NE Headland Charles,42 Duke st.Chelmsfrd
Harsnm G.A. I06 1\Ialdon rd. Colchester Hatch A. Reta cot.ChadwellHeathR.S.O Heale F.Abbotsford, Cranbrook rd. Ilford
Hart Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage, Take- HatchCharles,Cambridge road,Stansted Heale Herbert John, 82 Durham road,
ley, Chelmsford Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Manor Park
Hart Edwarcl, Endlebury rd. Chingford Hatch :Frederick Samuel, I27 Carlyle Heale 1\:Irs. 38 Durham rd. Manor Park
Hart F. G. The }fount,Theydon Garnon, road, Manor Park Heard A. C.42 Wellesleyrd. Wanstead NE
Epping Hatch Wm. 78 Longbridge rd. Barking Heard Arthur G. 36 Bedford rd. Ilford
Hart H. Woodbine vil. Third av.ManorPk Hathway Lewis, 2 Lime Tree villas, Heard Frank M. 38 Woodlands rd. Ilford
Hart Henry, Birch, Colchester Princes road, Buckhurst Hill Heard George Fdk. 2 Roding viis. Ilford
)lemd WilliaJll D!!tll<>ll, ·Junction villa, Henry Rev. Henry Jones M.A.. Rectory, Hickson Alfred, Thurrock hall, Little
l'Astern road.ltomfQrd Little Warley, Brentwood Thurrock, Grays
,Bearle MM. Linden Muse, Creffield Henshaw William, I Grove villas, High HideJ.rEaton vils.High rd.Longhtn.S.O
road, Colchester street south, East Ham E Hider Rev. George, The Manse, Great
'Hearn Jamt~s, -Grays, Sil>le Hedingham, Henslowe Capt. Spencer Vassail F.rancis, Sampford, Braintree
Halstead 1 Queen street, Colchester HigginbothamC.47Mersea rd.Colchester
Hearn Mrs. Grove farm,Chadwell street, Henson Rev. Francis B.A. Coopersale Higgs Edwin, New House, Greensted-
Chadwelllleath R.S.O street, Theydon Garnon, Epping juxta-Ongar, Brentwood
Heasell Egbert, 2 Richmond terrace, Henson Rev. Herbert Hensley M. A. The Higgs Henry, High street, Brentwood
Seward's End road, Saffron Walden Vicarage, Barking Higgs Robt.36Eversleigh rd.East HamE
,Heaster Samuel Albert, 45 Upper Rail- Henwood Edward Augustus, Highfield Higham Miss, Millfield terrace, Witham
way street, Braintree cottage, Horn lane, Woodford Green Hilder Richard, 52 Milton st. Southend
Jieath Rev. Douglas Leopold, St. John's Hepburn An drew, Croft lodge, Snake's Hildyard David,r5 Beverley rd.Colchestr
vicarage, Bush end, Ilatfield, Harlow lane, Woodford Green Hildyard Ernest Geo.Takeley,Chelmsfrd
Heath Horace Henry, 4 Castle villas, Hepworth George Woodlands, Latchett HilkenThos.Lyon,Knockholtlodge,Lans-
Southchurch avenue, Southend road, South \Yoodford downe road, South Woodford
Heath James, 7 Runwell ter. Southend Hepworth Waiter, Ocean view, Main rd. Hill Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory, Sheer-
Heath Miss, Coburg house, High road, Low.Dovercourt, Dovercourt,Harwich ing, Harlow
Buckhurst Hill Heraud Claudius William, Washbourne, Hill Rev. Edward James 1\-LA., J.P.
Heath Thos. Elms ho. High Laver, Ongar Grove hill, Woodford Rectory, Panfield, Braintree
HeathW.J. Florence ho.Park rd. Southnd Herbert Rev. Chas. Benj. Rochford S.O Hill Rev. Neville George B.A. Tudor
Heathcote Lieut. Herbert Moultrie R.N. Herbert Rev. Thomas William M. A. Hey- house, Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop's
I4 Or well terrace,Dovercourt,Harwich gate avenue, Southend Stortford
Heathcote Mrs. Friday hill, Chingford Herbert Fredk.Chas. Leas ho. Coggeshall Hill Rev. Reginald Hay LL.B. Vicarage,
Heatley Rev. Henry Davis M. A. Rectory, Herbert Mrs. Great Chesterford S.O Wethersfield, Braintree
Ingrave, Brentwood Herdman George Albert, Essex villa, Hill Rev.R.C.Rectory,Panfield,Braintree
HeckmannMiss,York hill,Loughton S.O Grove hill, Woodford HillA.J.2Bexley vils.Hamlet rd.Southnd
Hedge ~1rs. East Bay house, Colchester Heritage Arthnr B. I Florence villas, Hill A. 2 Swiss viis. Derby rd. Woodford
Hedge Thomas H.49 Lexden rd.Colchestr Pulteney road, South Woodford Hill F.C.Gwynne ho.High st. Wanstd.NE
Hedgecock Samuel, 6 Bedford rd. Ilford Herivel William, 3 Meadow view,Broom- Hill I<'rederickMorley F.S.S. Northlands,
Hedger Henry, Market place, Romford field road, Chelmsford Langdon, Romford
.HedgesMiss,Barrington ho.ChigwellRow Herridge Mrs. 4 Cambridge terrace, Hill George, Fernside cottage, Church
HeeryRev.Edward,Boreham,Chelmsford Woodford Bridge street north, Colchester
ilefford Charles, Eliza villa, Barking Herring Major William Henry, Rose Hill Geo. Wm. I2 Richmond rd. Ilford
road, East Ham E cottage, West Bergholt R.S.O Hill J. Fernleigh, Warley rd. Brentwood
Hegarty Willia:r.n, Rose villa, Prospect Herring Mrs. Merly house, West Lodge Hill John, I Homely villas, Lansdowne
road; Snake's lane, Woodford Green road, Colchester road, South Woodford
Heisch Percy F.sGrove rd. Wanstead NE Herring Robert, Belle Vue, Endlebury Hill Miss, 2 Elizabeth villas, George la.
Hellen Mi,~~S; 7 W ellesley road, Colchester road, Chingford South W oodford
HellenT·lws.8 Park vils.Park rd.Southend Herrod Matthew, New road, Harlow Hill Mrs. Albert place, Coggeshall
HellyerSidney,Moorlands,Sunsetavenue, Hertslet Miss, New street, Bmintree HillMrs.Ecclesbourne,Clement's rd.llfrd
Wqodford Green Heseltine Evelyn, The Goldings, Great HillPeter,Dynes,GreatBaddow,Chelmsfd
Helme Edward Thomas, Warley side, Warley, Brentwood Hill R. D. Holfield grange, Coggeshall
Great Warley, Brentwood HeslopMrs.7Queen'sGroverd.Chingford Hill Richard William, 2 Blandford viis•
.Belr11om 4. 1.21 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Hesse J. S. Rose vil. Walpole rd. W oodford Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
Helmore Harry,13 Hillcrest rd.Southend Hesse Theodore, I Marlborough road, Hill T. Oakfield ldg. Warley rd.Brentwd
• Helps Arthur William, 2 Second avenue, South Woodford Hill W. Reed, 29 Crouch st. Colchester
Manor l'ark. Hewett Henry Morey, Chilliswood villa, Hill Wm. Richd. 45 Bedford rd. Ilford
'Helps Mrs. 6x Crouch street, Colchester Princes road, Buckhurst Hill Hill-Climo Brigade Surgeon Lieut.-Col.
,Helsdon George, 2 Fernlea terrace, Main Hewett Robert, xoo North st. Barking William, 7 Oxford road, Colchester
road, Dovercourt, Harwich HewettR.M.Roden lo. Queen's rd. Barkng HilleF. W. Beach rd. Clacton-on-SeaR. S. 0
]Iely MH!s, Chipping hill, Witham HewittCharles, Parkavenue,Chelmsford Hilleary Frederic Edward LL.D. 43
J!emmant Thomas, Rose villa, Sprathall HewittJames, 4 Landsdown villas, Had- The Green, Stratford E
road, Wanstead NE . leigh road, Southend . Hiller George, 8 Forest rd. Manor Park
Hemmery Mrl!. 23 The Avenue, Colchstr Hewitt J ames R.2 Woodlands road,IIford HilliardG .B.Oxney ho. Writtle,Chelmsfd
;Hemming Re\T. William Spence M.A. Hewitt Mrs. I3 Broomfield rd.Chelmsfrd Hills A. F. Monkhams, Woodford Green
Rectory, Rayne, Braintree Hewitt Mrs. Mornington road, Chingfrd Hills Daniel, Beverley, Hare st. Romford
.Hemming Chas, W, 7 Gray rd. Colchestr Hewitt W. H., B. A. Grammar school, Hills Frank, 36 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
Hemmings A. W. E. Winster house, Chelmsford Hills Harris J.P. Berwyke hall, White
Grove park~ Wanstead NE - Hewitt Waiter, 2 Albert terrace, Victoria Colne, Halstead
Jiempleman Frederick S. Wennington road, Romford HillsH.F.Chalkney ho.WhiteColne,Hlstd
house, Wepnington, Rainham S.O Hewlett William Henry M.B., C.M. Hills Mrs. York hill, Loughton S.O
Hempson Amis J.P. Hill house, Ramsey, Wivenhoe, Colchester Hills Rowland, Brooke house, Woodford
Harwich Hext Rev. Edward Francis Amyas M.A. road, South Woodford
Heltlpson Arp.isAyton,Ramseyhall,Ram- High street, Saffron Walden HillsWm.Bnrt,125Carlylerd.:\IanorPark
sey, Harwich Heyborn Mrs. Clive cottage, Romford Hilton Arthur Gerald Denny, South-
IIempson Cbarl,es, New b.all, Thorpe-le- road, Manor Park woods, Writtle, Chelmsford
1 ~ken, Colchester Heygate Rev. Thomas Edmund,Porters, Hilton Robert WritherPopplewell,South-
Hempsoa George, Thorpe lodge,Thorpe- Southchurch road, Southend woods, Writtle, Chelmsford
le-So ken, Colchester Heygate Jas. U. 8 & 9 York rd. Southend Hilton S. 5 Kensington viis. East Ham E
Hempson Mrs.Bradfield lodge, Bradfield, Heywood Capt. Henry, Greenwood, Himer I<'ranz, 6 Cambridge rd. Barking
Manningtree Stock, Ingatestone Hinchley G. The Orchards, Chigwell Row
Hempstead Joshua, Ingleside villa, Pal- Heywood Rev. Thomas, 2I London road, Hinckley J. 68 Eversleigh rd. East Ham
mer's avenue, Grays Grays Hind Mrs. Farnley house, Maybank rd.
Hemsley Toomas, l Grove villas, Night- Hichens Mrs.Birchwood,Birch,Colchestr South Woodford
ingale lane, Wanstead NE Hickey Rev. David, Linton rd. Barking Hinder well Joseph, 2 Cyprus villas,
Hemsley Thomas Frankl.yn,. 4 Queen's Hickman Charles, Croftown, Hermon Buckingham road, Wowford
terrace, High road, liford hill, Wanstead NE Hindley William Horace, The Laurels,
Henderson Benj. 20 Woodlands rd. Ilford Hickman Henry Woodburn, Grove villa, Manor road, Waltham Abbey
Henderson David D. Springvale,Hermon Church path, Wanstead NE Hinds Mrs. 3 Colchester terrace, Col-
hill, Wanstead NE Hicks Alfred, The Elms, Stansted chester road, Halstead
Henderson John Brodie M.D., C.M. Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Hine George, Chestnut villa, Theydon
Sewardstone road, Waltham Abbey Hicks ErnestD.I8 Militaryrd.Colchester Garnon, Epping
Henderson Robert A.Parkeston, Harwich HicksG.E.Copford ldg.Copford,Colchstr Hinman William Philip, Glenwood,High
Henderson Samuel, 3 Eastern ¥illas, Hicks Herbert Timperley, The Hall, road, Loughton S.O
Eastern road, Romford Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon Hinton John, 57 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
Hendry Jame3 N. Little Marles, Epping Hicks Miss, 17 Coggeshall rd. Braintree Hinton L.W.38Second aven.Manor Park
Henn Mrs. 3 Avenue road, Southend Hicks Mrs. 20 Moulsham st. Chelmsford Hird Mrs. 7 Louisa terrace, l\Iaybank
Hennell Major Arthur Reginald, xo The HicksMrs.2oQueen'sGrove rd.Chingford road, South Woodford
Avenue, Colchester Hicks Robt.HighBeech rd.Loughton S.O Hiron John, 25 Durham rd.l\Ianor Park
Hennequin Mrs. Bolton's farm, ChadwelljHicks Thomas, Stansted Mountfitchet, Hirst George Young, Brighton villa~
Heath R.S.O Bishop's Stortford Coventry road, Jlford
Hirst Frederick Hotham D.L. Great HoggMrs.Sutton lo. TheydonBois,Epping Holtaway E. W.46 Carlyle rd.Manor Park
Ropers, South Weald, Brentwoo<! Hogg William Henry, Hope villa, Wood- Holtham Wm. 20 Albanyrd. ManorPark
Hirst J. Prospect ter.Springfld.Chelmsfd ford road, South Woodford HoltwayW.Oak vils.Queen's rd.Southend
Riscock H. Rose vil.Millla.Saffron Waldn Hoggan Mrs. 56 London road, BrJ.intree Holwell Edward John, Queen's villa,
Hiscock Mrs. Holmhurst, Milton avenue, Holbert Fredk. I Bolton villas, Southend Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
East Ham E Holden Rev. Philip M. Th.A.K.C.L. Home Percy Malcolm Douglas, 8 Morn-
Hiscock Mrs. 29 Buxton rd. Chingford Rectory, Upminster, Romford ington vils.Wanstead pk. Wanstead NB
Hislop Hardy Wm. Clarence vil. Cleve- Holden J ames, Hermon house, Hermon Honnor George, 56 Third aven. ManorPk
land road, South Woodford hill, Wanstead NE Honywood Mrs. Marks hall, Markshall,
Hitch A.2TheVillas,Rose valley,Brentwd Holderness Lewis A. Hope farm, Stock, Kelvedon
Httchcock Mrs. Bay ldg.Danbry.Chlmsfd Ingatestone Hood John, u8 Maldon road, Colchester
Hitchin Chas. W. I2TheAvenue,Colchestr Holding Mrs. I Beaconsfield terrace, Hood Mrs. 3 Bedford road, llford
Hitchin Miss, Great Waltham,Chelmsfrd Milton street, Southend Hood Robert, I2 Durham rd. Manor Park
Hitching Mrs. 70 London rd. Braintree Holdstock Thomas William, Oak villa, Hoqd Thomas, West house & villa, St.
Hitchins Henry, 9 Hainault viis. Chigwll Princes road, Romford Vincent road, Southend
Hoad H. C. 2 Cambridge ter. Southend Hole John, 8 Clement's gardens, Ilford Hook-Child Albert Theodore, Gresham
Hoare Rev. George Edward Gerard Holgate Mrs. Gable villa, Dunmow villa, Park rd. Brightlingsea, Colchestr
M.A. Duke street, Chelmsford Holgate Thomas, Woodfield villas, Stan- Hookway John, 2 Oaklands, Hermon
Hoare Charles Richard Gurney J.P. sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford hill, Wanstead NE
Lexden house, Colchester HoJgate Wyndham, Springfield house, Hooper Harry, St. Mary's villa, The
HobbsB. H. Nightingale, Thorold rd.Ilford Springfield, Chelmsford Cliffs, Southend
Hobbs Edward, 2 Florence vils. Chelms- Holland James, Sloe farm, Halstead Hooper J. 3 Cumberland rd. Manor Park
ford road, Woodford Holland Joseph, I Ebenezer villas, St. HooperJames, Newland house, Western
Hobbs Frank, Maud villa, Gordon road, Mary's road, Ilford road, Romford
South W oodford Holland J oseph, The Rails, Bolford street, Hooper Miss, 4 Carlton cottages, Wood-
Hobbs Henry, 2 Cromwell pl. Southend Thaxted, Dunmow ford Green
Hobbs Henry, 48 Fambridge rd. Maldon Holland Michael, 2I Hythe hill, Colchstr Hopcraft Lewis, Orchard Dean, Kelve-
Hobbs Henry, 7 St. John's rd. Southend Holland Miss, 8 Salisbury rd.Colchester don Hatch, Brentwood
Hobbs Henry, jun. Ivy place, Braintree Holland Mrs. Crown house, Newport S.O Hopcraft Mrs. I2 Royal ter. Southend
Robbs John, 3 Maybank crescent, May- Holland Mrs. Gastons, Little Balling- Hope E. C. Levitts, Sandon, Chelmsford
bank road, South Woodford bury, Bishop's Stortford Hope Mrs. Emma, 6I Bedford rd. Ilford
Hobbs Joseph William, Oakhurst, Cres- Hollaway Henry, Colchester Hope G. Fountaine W. Bnngalow, Stan-
cent road, Chingford Hollebone Henry, Gidea hall, Romford ford-le--Hope S.O
Hobbs Mrs. 40 Wellesleyroad, Colchestr Holliday Alfred Jn. I Mornington villas, HopeG.P. The Hall,Upminster,Romford
Hobbs W. Evegate ho.Bocking,Braintree High rd.WoodfordWells,WoodfordGrn Hope The M1sses, Havering grange,
HobdayG.Ivy cot.Havering rd.Romford HollidayJohn C. 64 Thirdaven.ManorPk Havering-Atte-Bower, Romford
Hobdell F. G. 2r Albany rd.Manor Park Holliday Joseph Frederick, Hope villa, Hopkins Rev. George Hanslip M.A.
HobsonRev.Geo.HighEaster,Chelmsford Chadwell Heath R.S.O Rectory, Chigwell Row
HobsonJ.D.Briggate,Western rd.Romfrd Hollingsworth Chas.A. Thorold rd.Ilford Hopkins Mrs. IOI Ripple road, Barking
HockleyC.Writtlegrn.Writtle,Chelmsfrd Hollingsworth David, 1 Elizabeth villas, Hopper John Edwin, 64 Durham road,
HockleyGeo.A. I2 Mildmay rd.Chelmsfrd George lane, South Woodford Manor Park
HockleyGeorgeJacob,4Henfreyterrace, Hollingsworth John McKee, The Limes, Hopson Charles, 4 Queen's road, Ilford
Fairfield road, Chelmsford Felstead, Chelmsford Hopwood James, Carnarvon lodge,
Hockley Misses, Newbiggen street, Thax- Hollingsworth Thos. 72 Bedford rd. Ilford Chelmsford road, Woodford
ted, Dunmow Hollington James, Dagenham, Romford Hopwood Joseph, Woodbine, I6Creffield
Hockley Mrs. The Laurels, Stansted Hollington Mrs. East Dene, Charteris road, Colchester
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford road, Woodford Green Hopwood J. C. 22 Lexden rd. Colchester
HoddyBenj.Redho.Colchesterrd.Halstd Hollingum Albert Josiah, Rose villa, Hore Rev. Samuel Coode, Navestock,
Hodge Charles Alfred, Cambey villa, Maybank road, South Woodford Romford
Sprathall road, Wanstead NE Hollinshead Edward, Henham lodge, Hore Henry, Braganza, Connaught road,
Hodge John Henry, Rectory cottage, Henham, Bishop's Stortford Loughton S.O
Widdington, Newport S.O Holloway Frank, Laurie square,Romford Horlock D. 5 Forest View rd. Manor Pk
Hodge Samuel William, jun. Holly burst, Holloway Geo.25 Albany rd. Manor Park Horlock Mrs. I6 Royal terrace, Southend
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Holloway Mrs. Beatenberg, Chipping Horn Alexander, Holly house, New
Hodge William Rundell, Magdala house, hill, Witham Wanstead, Wanstead NE
Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Holloway Mrs.Emma S. 52 Third avenue, Horn James, Amelia villa, Maybank
Hodges George, 2I Rayne rd. Braintree Manor Park road, South Woodford
HodgesMiss,37NewLondon rd.Chelmsfrd Holloway William, 2 Woodforrl Hall viis. Horn John, Marlcraft house, Englands
Hodges Mrs. Hope house, Primrose road, Chelmsford road, Woodford lane, Loughton S.O
South Woodford Holm Hans Peter, Clarence st. Southend Horncastle Miss, 43 High street, Grays
HodgsonC.M.Fairstead,Thoroldrd.Ilford Holman Edward F.4 Richmond rd.Ilford HorneMrs.M.E. 6 Durham ter.Manor Pk
Hodgson Edwin, 8 Brandon ter. llford Holman George, Fullbridge, Maldon Hornor Mrs. The Howe, Halstead
Hodgson Joseph C. I J<'loral villas, Cow- Holman George, Martyns, Newport S.O Hornsby'fhomas, 2 The Laurels, George
slip road, South Wuodford Hohnan John, Bruce villa, Malmesbury lane, South Woodford
Hodgson Richard, Aylesford cottage, road, Woodford Horry William Smith, Hill lodge, Vic-
Chelmsford road, Woodford Holmes Major Henry D.L., J.P. Grey toria road, Romford
Hodgson William, Providence villas, Towers, Hornchurch, Romford Horsman Mrs. I3 Belle Vuerd.Colchestr
Victoria road, Buckhurst Hill Holmes AHred J. Holmhurst, Plashet Horsnail W. Tolleshunt Major, Witham
Hodgson William, Wilton road, Ilford grove, East Ham E Horsnell Miss, Waterloo cottage, Hemp-
Hodgson William Mark, 3 High Bridge Holmes Basil, Mill Hill villas, East Horn- stead, Saffron Walden
street, Waltham Abbey don & Heron gate, Brentwood Horton Rev. Matthew Stoker, Station
Hodnott Mrs. 34 Carlton rd. ManorPark Holmes C. E. 23 ManorParkrd.ManorPk road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Hodson James Shirley, Providence villa, HolmesE. Hocking end,Bockng.Braintree Horton H. H. B. A. Woodford Wells,
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Holmes Edward R. Button, Brentwood Woodford Green
Hodson Mrs. 6 Fairfield villas, Fairfield Holmes G. E. 30 Durham rd. Manor Park Horton John Henry J.P. Mascalls, South
road, Chelmsford Holmes Harry, Great Nelmes, Horn- Weald, Brentwood
Hodson Mrs.Chas. Mulberry grn. Harlow church, Romford Horton Mrs. London rd.Aldham,Colchstr
Hodson Thomas, Ingatestone Holmes John, Broadley house, Roydon, Horwood Rev. Edward Russell M.A.,
Hoffman Alfred, 4 St. Andrew's villas, Waltham Cross J.P. Vicarage, Maldon
Primrose road, South Woodford Holmes J. 3 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Hoskin Alex. Broomfield rd. Chelmsford
Hoffman Mrs. 23 Carlyle rd. ManorPark Holmes Mrs. Mulberry green, Harlow Hotham Charles George Beaumont M. A.
Hotlin Wm. 47 Durham rd. Manor Park Holmes Peter C. Hawthorn den, Morning- Theydon priory, Theydon Garnon,
Hogan Rev. Thomas, St. Nicholas In- ton rd.Woodford Wells, Woodford Grn Epping
dustrial school, Manor Park Holmes Robert, Norfolk house, Milton Hotham Mrs. Theydon priory, Theydon
Hogarth Rev. William John, The Vicar- avenue, East Ham E Garnon, Epping
-age, Great Saling, Braintree Holmested Miss, Coggeshall road, Bock- Houblon Lieut.-Col. George Bramston
Hogbin Rev. Frederick Albert, Norman- ing, Braintree Archer- J.P. & Lady Alice F. Balling-
burst, York road, Southend Holroyd Col. Tyssen S. Donyland bury Place, Bishop's Stortford
Hogg Mrs. 2 Alma terrace, Snake's lane, lodge, East Donyland, Colchester Houblon Miss Archer, Coopersale house,
Woodford Green Holt Mrs.Leigh villa, The Cliffs,Southend Theydon Garnon, Epping
Hogg Waiter, Holly cottage,Lower park, Holt Jesse, 3 Mornington villas, Wan- Houchin Rev. Ebenezer Mathew, Fel-
Loughtun S. 0 stead park, W anstead NE stead, Chelmsford .
Houblon Fredk. A. Forest lo.:lge, Epping Howlett )!rs. Holly place, Mistley, Hume Miss, Hatfield, Harlow
Houchin Rev. John C. Stambourne, l\Ianningtree Hume Mrs. I I Queen's road, Barking-
Halstead Howlett William Hemy, 21 l\Ianor Park Humpherys Wm. East st. Coggeshall
Houchin Rev. John Wesley, Ingatestone road, Manor Park HumpbreyMira,6o Woodlands rd. Ilford'
Houchin Charles, I Waltham terrace, Howling Mrs. Wivenhoe, Colchester Humphrey Miss, Westbury, Lexden rd.
Woodford Bridge Howson John, BrockP.nburst, Coventry Colchester
Hough Robert, Monkcbester, Goldings road, Ilford Humphrey Mrs. 6 Kandahar villas,
bill, Loughton S.O Hoy John, Eastbourne villa, Victoria Asbburnham road, Southend
Hough Robert B. Forest view, Epping road, Romford Humpbrey Mrs. New house, Steeple
New road, Buckburst Hill Hoy Waiter, 24 Queen's road, Ilford Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk)
Hough Sidney, Dunsley, Palmerston Hoysted Rev. Jas. D., B. A. Billericay Humphrey 1\Irs. nSecond av.ManorPark
road, Buckhurst Hill Hnbbard Rev. J.LittleWigboro',Colchstr Humphreys Edward, Ingleside, Western
Houghton Rev. Robert Walpole B.A. 75 Hubbard F. W. 54 Papillon rd. Colchstr road, Romford
New street, Halstead Hubbard James, Fairview, Plashet gro. Hnmphreys James, Slewin's, Horn•
Honghton Alfred, Burstead house, East Ham E church, Romford
Thorold road, llford Hubbard Mrs. William, Barnard lea, Humphreys James John, Redcliffe, Mil-
Houghton D. Debden grn. Loughton S.O Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O ton avenue, East Ham E
Hougbton George, 70 Victoria avenue, HubberfieldChas.3r.Hamlet rd.Chelmsfd Humphreys Mrs. Ashdon road, Saffron
East Ham E Hubbersty Miss,17Sirlsaac's wlk.Clchstr Walden
Houghton Miss, Station road, Nettes- Huckman Mrs. Whitta rd. Manor Park Humpbries Wm. so East st. Colchester
well, Harlow Huckman Mrs. 6 Queen's terrace, High Humpbrys Henry Frederick, I7 Forest
Houghton Mrs. Potter street, Harlow road, llford View road, Manor Park
Houison-Craufurd Lieut.-Col. William HucksonA.43Lowr.Railway st.Braintree Hundley Francis Philip, Alpha house.
Reginald, Abbey field, Colchester Hucksteppe Frederick Stephen, White- Lower park, Loughton S.O
Houlton Robert Timothy, 52 Bergholt hall villa, Forest drive, Manor Park Hunt Rev. Alfred Leedes M.A. Rectory,
road, Mile End, Colchester Hudson Arthur, I Ella villas, Ashburn- Mill road, Maldon
Housden W. Debden rd. Saffron Walden ham road, Southend Hunt Charles Frederick,Northfield,High
Houseal Mrs. 31 Buxton road, Chingford Hudson James, Chator, Fairview, Vie- street, Chingford
Houston David, Springfield, Chelmsford toria avenue, Southend Hunt Edgar A. 107 Crouch st.Colchester
Houston Mrs. C. 29 Queen's road, Ilford Hudson James John,S York rd.Southend HuntEd. Arthr.17Albanyrd.ManorPrk
Howard Lieut.-Col.Frederic R.A. South Hudson Mrs. :Florence villa, The Cliffs, Huntl<'.A.Chase side, Crescent rd.Chngfd
Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Southend Hunt G. St.Hilda's,Groye hill,Woodford
Howard Capt.Daniel,Parkeston,Harwich Hudson Mrs. I Knigbton villas, High Hunt Harry, Clarence house,Woodhouse
Howard Rev. John B.A. Rectory, Beau- road, Buckhurst HillS.O grove, East Ham E
champ Roothing, Brentwood Hudson Mrs. South place, Sun street, Hunt Joseph Brooke, Haddon, Fairfield
Howard A. Forest lodge, Woodford Green Waltham Abbey road, W oodford Green
Howard Alfred, Holmbury, Charteris Hudson William, Braeside, Palmerston HuntJsph. The Grove, High rd. Woodford
road, Woodford Green road, Buckhurst Hill Hunt Leonard, Cromer villa, Osborn
Howard David D.L. Devon house, High Hudson William Henry, 3 Lorne villas, road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Buckhurst H1ll Buckingham road, Woodford Hunt :Mrs. 58 Castle road, Colchester
Howard David Lloyd, Alton lodge, Hudson William Richard, 2 Oxford viis. HuntMrs.Romford hali,Southst.Romfrd
Horn lane, Woodford Green Queen's road, Brentwood Hunt Mrs. 7 Sylvan villas, Snake's lane,
Howard Heaton Clark, Bower house, Huett Mrs. 3 Louisa terrace, Maybank Woodford Green
Rosemary rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, South Woodford Hunt Percy,Draycott villa,Chnrch path,
Howard Henry, Hereford house, Park Huggett William, May villa, Hadleigh Wanstead NE
terrace, Southend road, Leigh S.O Hunt R.,J.P. Tillwicks,EarlsColne,Hlstd
Howard John Thomas M.I.N.A. The Huggins HenryThomas, Millfield house, HuntSaml.Oaklands,London rd.Southnd
Hythe, Maldon Upminster, Romford Hunt Zachariab, Berecrofts, Earls
Howard Col. Samuel Lloycl C.B., J.P., Hughes C{)l.Wm.97 Military rd.Colchstr Colne, Halstead
D.L. Goldings hill, Loughton S.O HughesMaj.A. J. R.A.ShoeburynessS.O Hunter Rev.RobertLL.D.Forest retreat,
Howard Miss C. 6 Langthorne terrace, Hughes Rev.Albt.M.A.Rectory,Woodfrd Staples road, Loughton
Ashburnbam road, Southend Hughes Rev. Geo. 40 Spital rd. Maldon Hunter Rev. William George L.M. :Fern
Howard Mrs. Cromwell villa, Maldon Hughes Rev. J. W. London rd. Maldon villa, Orsett S.O
Howard Mrs. Rose cottage, St. Osyth, HughesChas.Alfd.Queen's rd.Brentwood Hunter Mrs. I Eleanor villas, Maybank
Colchester Hughes D.TheLaurels,Derby rd.Woodfd road, South Woodford
HowardMrs.Sion vil.Prittlewll.Southend Hughes Geo.Broomhills,WoodfordGreen Hunter William, Hutton, Brentwood
Howard Mrs. 3 Sutherland terrace, Hughes Henry, Suttons lodge, Horn- Hunwick Edmund, Glenhurst, Church-
Baddow road, Chelmsford church, Romford fields, Woodford
Howard Mrs. WivenhoP-, Colchester HughesJ.Hove vil.Chadwell HeathR.S.O Hunwick Fred, Tilkey road, Coggeshall
Howard Thomas William, Plasket lands, Hughes James, The Cottage, Junction Hurald John, Genny road, Barking
New Wanstead, Wanstead road, Romford Hurden T. 22 Wentworth rd. ManorPark
Howard Wm. 40Albany rd. Manor Park Hughes Jn.Oak cot.London rd.Southend HurdenWm.r.2Wentworth rd.ManorPrk
Howard William, Kingeswode Hoe, Hughes Mrs. Amy villa, Sea View road, Hurford Charles, High street, Epping
Sussex road, Colchester Leigh S.O Hurley Mrs. Laburnum house, Queen's
Howard William, The Limes, South Hughes Mrs.M.8 Cambridge rd.Barking road, Buckhurst Hill
Benfleet S.O Hughes Mrs. Silvester, Gloucester ter- Hurnard S.F.Hill ho.Lexden,Colchester
Howard-Vyse Lieut.-General Edward race, Avenue road, Southend Rurndall Charles, Carisbrooke, The
J.P. The Lawn, Witham Hughes Robert, 4 Park aven. Chelmsfrd Hamlet, Southend
Howe A.J.Maldune,Maldon rd.Colcbestr Hughes R. jun.6 Park aven. Chelmsford Hurrell George, 28 Spital road, Maldon
Howe C. H. I2o Maldon rd. Colchester Hughes Robt. L. Sudbury rd. Halstead Hurrell Mrs. 3 St. John's villas, Mdd-
Howe Harry, Earls Colne, Halstead Hughes Thomas, Berkshire vil. Lower may road, Chelmsford
Howe Harry, Grove house, Cleveland Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Hurrell Robert George, I Albion villas,
road, South Woodford HugbesTbos.Osborne ho.Balfour rd.Ilfrd Wellesley road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Howe Miss, 3 Carlton cottages, Wood- HugbesWilfred,Margaretting,Ingatestne Hurrell Wm. Fern cot. Mornington rd.
ford Green Hughes William, Newbury house, Pal- Woodford Wells, Woodford Green
Howe John, I2 Wakering road, Barking merston road, Buckburst Hill Hurren J. Oregon, Milton av.EastHam E
Howe Robert, 27 Military rd. Colchester Hugbes William S. The Common, Ret- HuskJas.Anglesea ho. Wivenhoe,Colcbstr
Howe William, 16 ·wellington terrace, tendon, Chelmsford Hussey E. A. The Poplars, High rd.Ilford
New road, Barking Huleatt Capt. Hugh R.E. Official quar- Hustwaite Mrs. The Priory, The Green,
Howell Charles, Comus villas, Manor ters, Powder Mill la. Waltbam Abbey Woodford Green
road, Romford Hull Arthnr, 38 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Hutcbin Mrs. 3 Audley terrace, Audley
Howell Jas. 68 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Hull Miss, The Views, Mount Pleasant road, Saffron Walden
Howell J. Red ho. Hornchurch, Romford road, Saffron Walden Hutcbin Mrs. Chapel Hill, Stansted
Howell Miss, Brunswick house, Saville Hull Thomas Read, Jericho, Blackmore, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Ingatestone Hutcbings Alfred, 3 Eleanor villas, St.
Howell Mrs. Park side, Hare st. Romford Hulse John Richd. Augustus, 4 Carlton l\Iary's road, Ilford
Howell Mrs. St. Ann's cottage, Mount- gardens, Junction road, Romford Hutchinson John William P. Billericay
nessing, Brentwood HulsmannJ.sQueen'sGrove rd.Chingfrd Hutchison Fredk. Wm. Ernest M. B. Hill
Howes-Tipple The Misses, Ingatestone Hulton Rev. Henry Edward M.A. Vicar- house, Finchingfield, Braintree
hall, lngatestone age, Great Waltham, Chelmsford Hutcbison William M.D. Hill house,
Howis Rev. Charles William, Vicarage, Hume Lt.-Col. John W. Thring, Abbey- :Finchingfield, Braintree
Pleshey, Chelmsford I field, Colchester HutleyA.Dorewardshll.Bocking,Brntree
Hutley Barzillai, St. John's rd. Epping Is bell Arthur, Gwydr lodge, Forest, James Lewis L. South st. Rochford S.O
Hutley Mrs. 77 Manor street, Braintree Snaresbrook NE James Richard William, The Chestnuts,
Hutley Mrs. Messing, Kelve-don Isbister Wm. Geo.I8Grosvenor rd.Ilford Woodfor4 Bridge
Hutley Mrs. Perry Green house, Brad· Isitt Charles, 19 Buxton road,Cbingford JamesWilliam,n: Carlyle rd.ManorPark
well-juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree Ivens Arthr. Somers,'fhe Limes, Thorpe- James William, North Weald, Epping
Hutley Mrs. Witham le-Soken, Colchester Jameson Brigade-Surg. George William,
Hutt C. Woodland cottage, New Wans· Ives Major-Gen. Cecil Robert St. John Hatch house, Chigwell Row
ford, Wansford NE D.L., J.P. Moyns pk. Birdbrook,Hlstd Jameson Hugh William, Sunnyside,
Hutt Clement, Sunny bank cottage, Ives E. 27 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Brentwood road, Romford
Woodbury hill, Loughton S.O Ives George H. Mehta vil. Cleveland rd. Jameson The :Misses, The Firs, Mott
Hutt George, Beulah lodge, Epping South Woodford street, High Beech, Loughton S.O
HuttGeorge, Four Oaks,New Wanstead, IvesRichd.Haward,High street,Colchstr Jameson Wm. 8 Woodlands road, Ilford
Wanstead NE Ives Samuel, 24 Thorold road, Ilford Jamieson Edward, I4 Bedford rd. Ilford
Button Capt. James Simpson, Ivy bank, Ives T. 70 North Station rd. Colchester James Edmund, Stanford, Churchfields,
Woodford road, South Woodford Ives William, Tendring, Colchester Woodford
HuttonMartinLuther,High:view,Chelms- Ivey Stephen, I07 Winnock rd.Colchestr Japp Alexander H. LL.D. The Limes,
ford road, Woodford Ivory John,35Tennyson aven.Ea.Ham E Elmstead, Colchester
Huyshe Waiter, Piggott's farm, Theydon lzodE.C.IClara vils.Church rd.ManorPk Jarrett Arthur Ernest, Ivanhoe,Pulteney
Bois, Epping Jackman Rev. G.F.H.East st. Coggeshll road, South Woodford
Hyde John Albert, Douglas house, Rom- Jackson Abraham, Sandon lo. Chlmsfrd Jarrett Mrs. 47 North hill, Colchester
ford road, Manor Park Jackson Chas.Ed.39 Grosvenor rd.Ilford Jarritt Wm. 34 Alexandra st. Southend
Hyde William, Hillborough, South- Jackson E. TheLavenders, RochfordS.O Jarvis Mrs. Clarence viis. Kirby Cross,
church road, Southend Jackson Edwd.T.Churchst.RochfordS.O Colchester
Hymans James, Wellington villas, Ash- Jackson Fred, Hudson house, Romford Jarvis Edwin C. Violet villa, Princes
burnham rQad, Southend road, Manor Park road, Buckhurst Hill
Hynam Mrs. Clifford house, Queen's Jackson G.4RoseValley villas,Brentwood Jassory Wm. so Durham rd.Manor Park
road, Southend Jackson George Langley, 5 Macdonough Jay Miss, Mill lane, Saffron Walden
Hynds William, 3 Tregenna terrace,Vic- terrace, Main road, Harwich JealousWilliam,Church st.SaffronWaldn
toria road, Romford Jackson James, Leggatt's farm, Tilling- Jebb Mrs. I St. John's villas,Palmerston
Ibbetson Major Geo. E. Heath ho. Little ham, Southminster S.O road, Buckhurst Hill
heath,Chadwell st.Chadwll.Hth.R.S.O Jackson James, Theydon green, They- Jefferies Edwin, 31 Victoria avenue,
!cough Hy.42 Victoria aven.East Ham E don Bois, Epping East Ham E
Ide Thomas, I Glendale villas, Sylvan Jackson Miss, 8 Cliff Park villas, Park Jefferies John, Billericay
road, Wanstead NE road, Southend Jefferies Mrs. 2 Alexandra vils.Southend
Ide Thos. Hope lodge,High rd. W'oodford Jackson Miss, Rose valley, Brentwood Jefferies R.L. 62 Winnock rd. Colchester
Ilett Thomas Mason,Franklin villa,New- Jackson Miss, The Lodge, The Avenue, Jefferson Mrs. Manor house, Little
biggen street, Thaxted, Dunmow Braintree Chishill, Royston
Illidge Mrs. 3ManorPark rd.ManorPark Jackson The Misses, Prospect place, Jefferson Robert Theodore,RayleighS.O
Impey-LovibondCol.Archbld.R.E.,D.L., Collier row, Romford Jefferson Thomas, Washington house,
J,P. New hall, Ardleigh, Colchester Jackson Montague, 5 Claremont terrace, Grove road, Woodford
Ind Capt. James Algernon D.L., J.P. Sprathall road, WanSitead NE Jeffery E. G. 40 Pownallcres.Colchester
White hall, Old Heath rd. Colchester Jackson Mrs. Byrn villa, Buckingham Jeffreys Frederick Herbert, 7 Albert
InceG.Myrtle vils.Chelmsfrd.rd. Woodfd road, Woodford place, New London road, Chelmsford
Ind Miss,IWestern vils.South st.Romfrd Jackson Mrs. 8 Cliff Park villas, Park Jeffries Miss, Training college, South
IndMrs. Coombelodge,Warley,Romford road, Southend road, Saffron Walden
Ineson Rev. George, Church street, Jackson Mrs. 2 Milton villas, Princes Jeffs Edgar Lindley, I Eleanor villas, St.
Bocking, Braintree road, Buckhurst Hill Mary's road, Ilford
InettEdmd.5I Victoria aven.EastHam E Jackson Mrs. The Hall, Childerditch, Jefkins George, Knights,LittleWaltham,
Ingland W.g Forest View rd.Manor Park Brentwood Chelmsford
Ingleby Mrs. Valentines, Ilford Jackson Robert, Rose valley, Brentwood Jenkings George Mills, The Chestnuts,
Inglefield Major Norman Bruce R.A. Jackson Sam, Waterloo house, Romford High road, Loughton S.O
South Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O road, Manor Park Jenkins Edmd. E. 16 Bedford rd. Ilford
Ingles Rev.DavidM.A. Vicarage, Witham Jackson Samuel Westlake, Greenleaf Jenkins Mrs. 2 Gresham villas, South-
Inglis Capt. Wm. Raymond, The Lee, cottage, Station road, Chingford church road, Southend
Littlebury green, Saffron Walden Jackson Thomas, Bridgemans, Tilling- Jenkinson Samuel, I I Roman road,
Inglis Mrs. The Lee, Elmdon Lee, Elm- ham, Southminster S.O Colchester
don, Saffron Walden Jackson Thomas M.A.South st.Romford Jenkinson Samuel Cranfield, Henfrey
Ingram Rev. Delaval Shafto M.A. Rec- Jackson Thomas, Springfield place, house, London road, Southend
tory, Great Oakley, Harwich Springfield, Chelmsford Jenks William, Athole house, (1eveland
Ingram Fredk. 33 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Jackson Wm. 22 Durham rd.ManorPark road, South Woodford
IngramGeo.TheLimes,Barkingla.Ilford Jackson William Mincbin, Albanyvillas, Jenner William, 26 Manor Park road,
Ingram Jas. I I Weston road, Southend Warley Mount, Brentwood Manor Park
Ingram John, 3 Royal terrace, Southend Jackson Willis G. Uplands, Brentwood Jennings Capt. Benjamin, Grange cot-
Ingram Matthw.L.3Lorne vils.Southend road, Romford tage, Grange hill, Chigwell
IngramMrs.2Trinity av.WestCliff,Sthnd Jacob Lucien Charles Sisland, Bedford Jennings Cecil Frederick Joshua, Wolsa-
Ingram Mrs. W oodleigh villa, Clarence road, South W oodford ley villa, Wellington rd. Wanstead NB
street, Southend Jacobs Henry, St. Swithins, Barking Jennings Elliott, The Laurels~ Chelms·
Ingram Mrs. Lionel, Mossford house, side, Ilford ford road, W oodford
Barking Side, Ilford Jacobs Sidney, Melford lodge, Cleveland Jennings George Stephen, 47 First
lngram Robert, Clarence st. Southend road, South Woodford avenue, Manor Park
Inman Edwin H. Colchester rd.Halstead Jacques Mrs. Ely villa, l>ier avenue, Jennings John, Rowhedge, Colchester
Inman Mrs. Colchester road, Halstead Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Jennings J. A. C. 56 Bedford rd. Ilford
Innes Alfred, 4I Albany rd. Manor Park Jaggers Henry, Elmhurst, Milton aven. Jennings Miss, 32 Crouch st. Colchester
Innes William Arthur M. A. Frinton East Ham E Jennings Miss, Hall house, High street:,
college, Frinton-on-the-Sea, Colchestr Jaggers Wm.uSalisbury rd.ManDrPark Wanstead NE
Inward Geo.Lee rd.Dovercourt,H,.rwich Jago J. T. Woodholme, Lansdowne rd. Jennings Mrs. II Abbey Gate st.Colchstr
Ireland Henry,82 Carlyle rd.ManorPark South Woodford Jennings Robert, 2 Albert vils.Mawneys
IrelandJoshuaA.Plashet gro.East Ham E Jago John, 67 New street, Halstead estate, Romford
Ireland William Francis, Eleanor villa, Jago Sidney A. Hutton, Brentwood Jenson Jens, Forest side, Epping
West Grove road, Woodford Green James Rev. HumphreyF. G. Hill house, JeppC.Springfield,Grovepk.Wanstead..'<B
Irlam A. Hacton ho. Upminster,Romford Chad well St. Mary, Grays Jepson John William, 13 Forest View
Irvine Rev. John William M.A.St.Mary's- James C.4Wellington ter.New rd.Barkng road, Manor Park
at-the-Walls rectory, Colchester JamesChristr.6oLongbridgerd.Barkng Jermyn Benj. I Gladstone rd. Colchestr
lrwin Mrs. 67 Lexden road, Colchester James Edwin, I Orchard villas, Chelms- Jerrard Geo.Milner Gibson,Parkcorner,
Irwin Mrs. The Lindens, Lexden hill, ford road, Woodford North Weald, Epping
Lexden, Colchester James George Charles, Tregelles, St. Jervis James, St. John's road, Epping
Irwin-Packington James, Vale cottage, Vincent road, Southend JessopMrs.Bocking end,Bocking,Brntree
Princes road, Buckhurst Hill James Henry, Stag lodge, Stag lane, Jewitt Waiter Sheldon, 4 Salisbury vils.
IsaacJohnKing,I2Meanley rd.ManorPrk Buckhurst Hill Latchett road, South Woodford
Isaac Thomas, Fambridge ro8-d, :Maldon James J. 7Richmnd. ter. Glenny rd. Brkng J ex E. The Dukes, Springfield, Chelmsfrd
Isa~cs Levi,4Kensington vils.EastHam 1!. James Mrs. Denvers lodge, ~azeing, Jex. Ernest Edward, :Meadow side,
Isb1ster Thos,62 Durham rd.Manor Park Waltham Cross Springfield, Chelmsford
Jillings Frederic Vince, Dene house, West Jolly Arthur, Hurstleigh, Palmerston Joslin Miss, 6 Sutherland terrace, Bad·
road, Saffron Walden road, Buckhurst Hill dow road, Chelmsford
Jillings William Gayford, Wim,Pole road, Jonas Frederick, :Manikin, Chrishall Joslin Misses, 18 Spital road, Maldon
Colchester grange, Chrishall, Royston .Joslin :Mrs. 9 Queen street, Colchester
Jinman George Webster, Longwood, Jonas Mrs. S. 23 Meanley rd. Manor Pk Joslin Shadrach, 2 Fairview villas,
York road, Southend Jonas Percy C. Ivy Todd, Ashdon, Barking road, East Ham E
Joad Edwin, Westward Ho, The Green, Saffron Walden Josselyn Charles, Bow cottage, Lexden
Woodford Green JonesRev.Chas. A.,M.A.Dedham,Clchstr heath, Lexden, Colchester
Jobling Joseph Christopher, The Bunga- Jones Rev. Edmund Carlin William Josselyn J. A. W. 2 Oxford rd. Colchester
low,Snaresbrook road, SnaresbrookNE ·wall, Vicarage, Roydon, Ware Jowett Thomas, Great Chesterford S.O
Joffer John, 2 Willow street, Chingford Jones Rev. John Arthur, Sidney house, Joy Charles F. 2 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
Johns Mrs.42 ManorPark rd.ManorPark Lower park, Loughton S.O Joy Edwin, I9 Cambridge road, Barking
Johns Richard Lipson, Fernlea vil.Cieve- Jones Rev. William Morgan, Rectory, Joy F. G. 9 Wilbraham ter. East Ham E
land road, South Woodford Marks Tey, Colchester Joy Frederick Thomas, Old 1\Ioze hall,
Johnson Sir John Henry J.P. The Priory, Jones Alfred John, 3 Granville rd. Ilford Beaumont-with-Moze, Colchester
St. Osyth, Colchester Jones Alfred R. Beech view, Epping Joyce William, Oxney Green, Writtle,
Johnson Surg.-)lajor P. H. Deniva ldg. New road, Buckhurst Hill Chelmsford
Newtown road, Colchester Jones Charles, Talbot house, Queen's Jubb Mrs. Emily, 76 Bedford rd. Ilford
Johnson Ven. Henry Frank LL.B. Rec- road, Buckhurst Hill Juby Mrs. Wivenhoe, Colchester
tory, Chelmsford Jom·s Courtney, Firleigh, The Green, Judd Francis Savile Harry B.A., J.P.
Johnson Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage, Woodford Green Rickling green, Rickling, NewportS.O
Hornchurch, Romford Jones D. High Bridge st. Waltham Abbey JudsonC.Easton lodge, High road, Ilford
Johnson Alfred Henry, Roseclale, Blake Jones E. H. L. 68 Winnock rd. Colchstr Julier James, Portland villa, Queen's
Hall road, Wanstead NE Jones Edgar J.P. The Elms, Great road, Buckhurst Hill
Johnson C. 6 Third avenue, Manor Park Burstead, Brentwood Jump James J.P. Blake hall, Bobbing-
Johnson Frank, Fairlawn, New London Jones Evan, 4 Rosebank villas, Victoria worth, Ongar S.O
road, Chelmsford . road, Romford Juniper John, High street, Epping
Johnson Frederic Henry, Church street, Jones Fredk. 40 Wimpole la. Colchester Jupp Mrs. :Melchett place, Mountness-
Saffron Walden Jones Frederick Roberts, Westgate, I ing, Brentwood
Johnson George, The Grange, Lawford, Lexden road, Colchester Jupp William Edgar, St. Swithins,l\iay-
Manningtree Jones Fredk. W. East st. Saffron ·walden bank road, South Woodford
Johnson George, The Limes, Grange Jones George Francis, Clarence house, Justice David, I Forsyth terrace, \-Yhite
hill, Chigwell High street, Southend Post lane, East Ham E
Johnson George, Victoria road, Romfrd Jones G. R. 3 Forest drive, Manor Park Justice James N. 2 Challenger villas,
Johnson Harry J. 6 St. Kilda's villas, Jones Henry Edward C.E., J.P. ~Iarden Dovercourt, Harwich
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Ash house, High Ongar, Ongar S.O Jutsum M. Tryfan,High st.Wanstead NE
Johnson Henry, Rodenhurst, Coventry Jones Henry William, Plum hall, Kale Joseph, Brynmere, Upper park,
road, Ilford Mersea road, Colchester Lough ton S. 0
Johnson Henry Fielder, Pipers, Harlow Jones Jas. 7 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Kavanagh John, The Cedars, St. John's
Johnson Herbert, I I Brandon terrace, Jones James Horace, Stockleigh, Wood- green, Colchester
Ilford hill, Ilford ford Wells, Woodford Green Kay Miss, Sydenham lodge, Tavistock
Johnson Herbert F. Thaxted road, Jones John, 3 Carlton villas, Leigh S.O road, South Woodford
Saffron Walden Jones John, Longfield house. Havering- Kay Mrs. 3 Clarence villas, Gordon
Johnson J n. 23 Cambridge rd. Barking well, Hornchurch, Romford road, Southend
Johnson John, Dungiven, Cambridge Jones John A. 4 Eaton villas, High Kaye Frderick, Oakleigh, Sunset aven.
park, Wanstead NE road, Loughton S.O Woodford Green
Johnson John, 43 Thorold r(ad, Ilford Jones John Algernon, Kelvedon hall, Kaye Henry Edward, Inglenook, Chest-
Johnson J. R. I6 Woodlands rd. Ilford Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood nut walk, Woodford Green
Johnson Matthew, Elmhurst, Upmin- JonesJ.C. St.Hilliers,Cleveland rd.Ilford Kayess Walter, Abbertoncottage,Abber-
ster, Romford Jones John William, Balgownie, Cleve- ton, Colchester
Johnson Miss, Church st. Saffron Walden land road, South Woodford Kean Mrs. 54 Durham.rd. Manor Park
Johnson Mrs. 10 Cliff Park villas, Park Jones Miss, The Laurels, Raine,Braintree Keane Rev. Patrick, I20 Bridge road,
road, Southend. Jones Misses, High st. Saffron Walden Grays
Johuson Mrs. Dunmow Jones Mrs. 3 Alexander ter. Southend Kearsey Joseph, Sheridan house, High
Johnson Mrs. Great Warley, Brentwood Jones Mrs. High Elms, The Green, street, Wanstead NE
Johnson Mrs. High street, Halstead Woodford Green Keary George, Spencer villas, Meadow
Johnson Mrs. Hurstleigh, Junction road, Jones Mrs. 7 Manor villas, Theydon road, Loughton S.O
Romford Bois, Epping • Kearns Mrs. Lake House park, Blake
Johnson Mrs. North End house, Barking Jones Mrs.Shrublands,Stanway,Colchstr Hall road, Wanstead NE
side, Ilford Jones Mrs. Henry, Cloisters, Maldon Kebbell Mrs. 8 The Terrace, Woodford
Johnson Nicholas, Falrner, Milton road, Colchester Green
avenue, East Ham E Jones P. I4Queen'sGrove rd. Chingford Keddie John F. Stansted Mountfitchet,
Johnson Philip, Ingatestone Jones Rich d. Preston villa, Rayleigh S. 0 Bishop's Stortford
Johnson Robert, The Hope house, Little Jones Robert M. D. Asylum, Claybury, Keeble Alfred, IO St. Mary's rcL Ilford
Burstead, Brentwood Woodford Bridge Keeble Arthur Jas.siRoman rd.Colchstr
Johnson Robert Baynes, The Elms, Jones Samuel, Graystock Plashet grove, Keeble Mr~.0ld Hall,Tendring,Colchestr
Grove park, Wanstead NE East Ham E Keed Charles, Sebert, The Green, Wood·
Johnson Robert James, Manor place, Jones Stanley, High Elms, The Green, ford Green
Braintree W oodford Green Keeley Henry, Twyford villa, Stanley
Johnson Sadler, Holly house, Elmstead, Jones Thos. 3 Ann's villas, Manor Park road, Woodford
Colchester Jones Thomas, 2 Ash villas, Fuller's Keeling Fredc.J.27 Lexden rd.Colchester
Johnson Samuel Henry F.C.S. Warren road, Woodford Keeling John William Howard, River
hill, Loughton 8.0 Jones Thomas, Milton street, Southend house, Earl's Colne, Halstead
Johnson Thomas, Tyne house, Goldings J ones Thos.P .Snaresbrook hall, W oodford Keen John Frd k. White Col ne, Halstead
hill, Loughton S.O road, South Woodford Keen Mrs. The Elms, Marden Ash,
Johnson William, 8 Beaconsfield terraee, Jones W. 38 New London rd. Chelmsford High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O
Milton street, Southend Jones W. The Morleys, Woodford Bridge Keen Thomas, The Cottage, Chigwell
Johnson Wm. Newtown road, Colchester Jones Wm. n First avenue, Manor Park Keen William, The Woods, Hadleigh,
Johnson William, so High st. Halstead Jopson Jn. Fieldside, Coventry rd. Ilford Rayleigh S.O
Johnston Sir William bart."The Ranche, Jordan E. D. M.A. The Grammar Keenan Matthew, Veranda house, Had·
High road, Buckhurst Hill school, Chigwell leigh, Rayleigh S.O
Johnston Rev. Francis Burdett l\'I.A. Jordan John, Hemp cottage, Moulsham Keene Mrs. 25 Cambridge ter. Southend
Manor road, Waltham Abbey street, Chelmsford Keightley Rev. George Wilson M.A. Rec-
Johnston Arthur James, Claybury view, Joscelyne Edward, 76 High st. Braintree tory,Great Stambridge, Rochford S.O
Latchett road, South Woodford Joscelyne Mrs. Hocking end, Braintree Keigwin Charles David, Capel house,
Johnston Edward, 5 Augusta terrace, Joseph Rev. Joseph, Parsonage, Hocking, Creflield road, Colchester
Chelmsford r0ad, Woodford Braintree Keigwin Mrs. 5 Creflield terrace, Cref·
Johnstone Chas. I04 North st. Barking Joslin George Haynes, Colchester field road, Colchester
JohnstoneMrs.39Moulshamst.Chelmsfrd Joslin Harry, 108 High st. Colchester Keith James B. Hallacarry, Fairfield rd.
JohnstoneThomas Meredith, 38 Roman Joslin Henry D.L., J.P. Gaynes park, Woodford Green
l'oad, Colchester Upminster, Romford Keith William, The Cornwalls, High
Joliffe :Miss, St. Thomas' rd. Brentwood Joslin John, 48 Crouch street, Colchester street, Brentwood
Kelley Conrad, Rush green, Romford Kernaghan l\Irs.23TheAvenue, Colchestr'King Mrs. 8 Third avenue, Manor Park
Kelly John, 24 Meanleyroad,ManorPark Kernahan John, 6 Southchurch avenue, King Mrs. 82 Winnock road, Colchester
Kelly John, 24 St. Paul's road, Barking Southend King Mrs. Woodlands, Coggeshall
Kelly Rev. Robert, Main road, Harwich Kerr John, Melbourne house, Milton King Philip, 25 Church road, Barking
Kelly Hy. Jas. Southchurch rd.Southnd avenue, East Ham E King T. Crown ho. Gt. Chesterford 8.0
Kelsey l\Irs. 3 Richmond ter. Seward's Kerridge Thomas, 2 Bourne villas, King T. 2 Trinity ter. Trinity st.Halstead
End road, Saffron Walden Prince's road, Buckhurst Hill S.O King Thomas John, The Cottage, Cran-
Kelsey Wm. Freer, London rd. l\'Ialdon Kershaw Rev. John .Albert M.A. St. brook road, Ilford
Kelso Commander Edward Barrington James's rectory, East hill, Colchester King Thos. P. 4 Salisbury rd. Colchester
Purvis R.N., D.L., J.P. Horkesley Kerslake C. 5 Cowper avnu. East Ham E King Walter Robert, I Florence villas,
Park, Colchester Kerworth J. T. 35 Meanley rd. Manor Pk Hadley road, Southend
Kemball Frank, Clarendon house, Pal- Kesterton J. Exeleigh, York rd. Southend King Watson Bradshaw, Toddingt~n
merston road, Buckhurst Hill Kesterton Thomas Henry, Old house, villa, Plashet lane, East Ham E
Kemball Joseph, Fairlands, Epping New Beaumont-with-1\Ioze, Colchester King William, Alexandra villa, Alex-
road, Buckhurst Hill Ketley George, 2 Tower villas, Cowslip andra road, Southend
Kember Henry W. The Rosery, Ching- road, South Woodford King William, The Cedars, Chad.well
ford road, Chingford Kettle Chas. 7 Meanley rd. Manor Park Heath R.S.O
Kemble CommanderHoratio Fraser R.N. Kettle George, I Bedford gardens, King William, The Gravel, Coggeshall
Gt.Claydons,Ea.Hanningfld.Chelmsfd .Barking lane, Ilford King William, Witham
Kemble Major Thomas Albert J.P. Run- Kettlewell William John, 3 St. John's King William Hedley, 3 Beaconsfield
well hall, Chelmsford terrace, High road, .Buckhurst Hill ter. Beaconsfield avenue, Colchester
Kemble Thomas J.P. Runwell hall, Kettridge Charles, The Limes, High rd. King Wm. Francis, 50 Bedford rd. Ilford
Chelmsford Woodford Wells, Woodford Green King W. P. Hilldrop, Derbyrd. Woodfrd
Kemp Rev. Godfrey George M.A. Rec- Kevan D. 36 Hamlet road, Chelmsford King William Thomas, 14 Cambridge
tory, Rawreth, Chelmsford Kew Frederick Edward, Cromwell terrace, Southend
Kemp Alexander D. Burnt ho. Pudding house, London road, Southend Kingsbury Edwd. Thoroughgood house,
lane, Chigwell Row Key Frederick, 3 Oakfield road, llford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Kemp Alfred, Brasside, Forest Side rd. Key P. The Common, Saffron Walden Kingsbury William, Watlington house,
Loughton S.O Key Septimus, 55 Wakering rd. Barking Theydon Bois, Epping
Kemp A. 63North Station rd.Colchester Key Wm. G. 50 Grosvenor road, Ilford Kingston Arthur James, 9 Cowper
Kemp Charles, Melrose, Marine parade Key William R. 66 Woodlands rd. Ilford avenue, East HamE
east, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Keyes Misses, All Saints' villa, Stanway Kinnaird Henry John, 47 Buxton road,
Kemp Edward M. 4 Clifton ter.Southend All Saints, Colchester Chingford
Kemp Mrs. Wyoming house, Witham KeyesMisses,Shrub end,Lexden,Colchstr Kinnear D. D. 54 Third avnu. Manor Pk
Kemp Obadiah, K empton villas, King's Keyes William, Newark house, London Kinnell Ern est R. High street, Epping
road, Halstead road, Southend Kipling Mrs. 3 Cromwell pl. Southend
Kemp Sidney, Braeside, Forest Side rd. Keyes W. 5 Park viis. Park rd. Southend Kippen James, The Bungalow, St. John's
Lough ton S. 0 Keys Elias, Boleyn villa, Barking road, road, Southend
Kemp William, 4 Park villas, Southend East Ham E Kipping C. 10 Manor Park rd. Manor Pk
Kemp William, I5 Scratton rd.Sonthend Kibbey R. 76 Victoria avnu. East Ham E Kirbey Geo. Rt. 2 Carlton vils. Manor Pk
Kempthorne Rev. Charles Henry B.A. Kibble Alfred William, Jesmond road, Kirby Rev. Augustus George M.A. Rec-
New road, Mistley, Manningtree King's road, Halstead tory,Pebmarsh, Burrs R.S.O. (Suffolk)
Kemsley Alfred Edward, The Grange, Kibble William Frederick, Norton villa, Kirby John McGuffie, Lower park,
Woodford Green High road, Buckhurst Hill S.O Dedham, Colchester
Kemsley Joseph, Hartland rd. Theydon Kibble William F. Norton villa, High Kirk John, 2 Forest view, Epping New
Garnon, Epping road, Buckhurst Hill S.O road, Buckhurst Hill
Kemsley Joseph Wm. Oakfield, Snake's Kidby Mrs. Kirby, Colchester Kirk Wm So Longbridge road, Barking
lane, Woodford Green Kidd Alexander, 47 New st. Halstead Kirkaldy Thomas, Charteris house,
Kemsley Waiter, Glengall lodge, Glen- Kidd Henry, Morant house, Milton Snake's lane, Woodford Green
gall road, Woodford Green avenue, East Ham E Kirkby J. 12 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E
Kendall Richd.58 Carlyle rd.ManorPark Kidd Wm. Hy. Woodfield villas, Stansted Kirkby John, St. John's road, Epping
Kendill Richard, Oxford cottage, Lee Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Kirk by Mrs. 7 Creffield terrace, Creffield
road, Dovercourt, Harwich Kiddell Thomas J. B. St. Bride's villa, road, Colchester
Kendon William, 5 Louisa terrace, May- Wordsworth avenue, East Ham E Kirkland Alfred, Roslyn, Plashet grove,
bank road, South Woodford Kilby Rev. George, Paradise road, East Ham E
Kennard Mrs. I Char! ton villas, Princes Waltham Cross Kirkman H. 94 Longbridge rd. Barking
road, Buckhurst Hill Kimler James, Oakwood, Chigwell Kirkman Mrs. 6 Gloucester terrace,
Kennedy Edmund John, Arabin cot- Kind J. I Ash viis. Fuller's rd. Wooclford Avenue road, Southend
tage, High Beech, Loughton S.O Kindersley Capt. Edward Nassau Moles· Kirkpatrick C.J.Hartfordend,Chelmsfrd
Kennedy George, Alfred house, Barking worth J.P. Old Clock house, High Kirton Chas. S. Oriel house, Leigh S.O
roctd, East Ham E street, Wanstead NE Kirton Miss, Beverley ho.Hill crest, Stan•
Kennedy James,Arden cottage, Junction Kindred John, 10 Orwell terrace, Dover- sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
road, Romford court, Harwich Kitchener Leonard John, Hayden villa,
Kennedy Miss, Laurie square, Romford King Rev. John Freeman B.A. St. John's Great Warley, Brentwood
Kennedy Wm. 43 Buxton rd. Chingford vicarage, Ipswich road, Colchester Kitchin Ashworth, Lyndhurst, The
Kennedy W. 4 Park terrace, Southend King Rev. Robert Stuart B.A. The Cliffs, Leigh S.O
Kenner Jas. B. Rose valley, Brentwood Rectory, Leigh S.O Kitching Albert George J.P. 5 Eagle
Kennett Thomas Henry, Ongar S.O King F. S. 38 Wellesley road, Colchester crescent, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Kent Augustus,Great Burstead,Brentwd King Frederic, 2 Springfield villas, Kite Mrs. The Orchards, Chigwell Row
Kent Arthur J. 3 Brook cottages, High Fuller's road, Woodford Kitson Henry Edward, Erena villa,
road, Loughton S.O King F. Hadleigh, Crescent rd. Chingfrd Pulteney road, South Woodford
Kent E. Cambrook villa, Newport S.O King Frederick Robert, Halcyon house, Kitson William, Crofton lodge, Theydon
Kent Frederick, High Elms, The Green, Warley mount, Brentwood Bois, Epping
Woodfori Green King George, High st. Saffron Walden Kittoe Capt. M. Robinson, Fern lodge,
Kent Henry, St. John's road, Epping King Hy. Mill ho. Great Chesterford S.O East Ham E
Kent John, St. Mary's cottage, Church King Henry George, Essex cottage, Klein C. Edith lodge, Park rd. Southend
street south, Colchester Sea View road, Leigh S.O Klein Frdk. 6o Third avnu. Manor Park
Kent John, 28 Third avenue, ManorPark King Herbert T. Woodlands, Coggeshall Kluht Rev. Alfred, Billericay
KentW.6 Park vils.Chadwel!HeathR.S.O King John, I Penrose terrace, Victoria Knapp Mrs. 5 Grange vils.High rd.llford
Kenworthy Rev. J. W. Vicarage,Braintree road, Romford Knight Alfred, Kentsbury house, Third
Keogh Rev. Daniel, Milton rd. Southend King John, 40 Longbridge rd. Barking avenue, Manor Park
Keogh Mrs.Colaba cot.Stock,Ingatestone King Jn. J. 23 First avenue, Manor Park Knight A. 68 North Station rd. Colchestr
Keppel Capt. Leicester Chantrey R.N. King J. 7 Cliff ter. Dovercourt, Harwich Knight Arthur, 16 Lexden rd. Colchestr
The Lodge, West Bergholt R.S.O King Martin Daniel, 3 Cliff villas, Cliff Knight Frederick George, 3 Park villas,
Keppel Henry, Scrubbs, Harlow road, Dovercourt, Harwich Park road, Southend
Kerby Edward, Stamford house,Hermcm King Miss, I Melrose villas, Leigh S.O Knight James Percy, Ravenswortb,
hill, Wanstead NE King Miss, Woodfield, Stansted Mount- Cranbrook road, llford
Kerby Miss, 4 Albert terrace, Hermon fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Knight Kester T. Elmhurst, Leigh S.O
hill, Wanstead NE King Mrs. Billericay Knight John, Eden house, Maybank
Kerly Alexander William, St. Peter's, King Mrs. Castle house, Leigh S.O road, South Woodford
Horndon-on-the-Hill, Grays King 1\Irs.Lina vil.Hadleigh rd.LeighS.O Knight John, The Larches, Snake's lane,
Kerley S.F.3o ~IanorPark rd.ManorPark King Mrs. 5 St. Vincent road, Southend Woodford Green
Knight John, to Warren rd. Chingford Lamb George, 35 Buxton rd. Chingford Lathbury Rev. Charles Edward, The
Knight J. H. Church hill, Loughton S.O Lamb Joseph, 6 Queen's road, Ilford VicaraJe, Aldborough Hatch, Ilford
Knight )lrs. Baytree cottage, The Green, Lamb Mrs. 18 Lorne villas, Southend Lathorpe Hy. T. I3 Linton rd. Barking
Woodford Green Lamb Thomas, 54 Linton road, Barking La Treille }Iiss, 49 Albert rd. Braintree
Knight Mrs. Belle vue, West avenue, Lamb W. 39 Tennyson avnu.East Ham E Latten Mrs. St. Osyth, Colchester
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Lamb Wm. J. I53 St. Ann's rd. Barking Latter A. B.A. Felstead, Chelmsford
Knight Mrs. Dunmow Lambert Francis, Fairlight lodge, Park Latter Hy. I Winona villas, Leigh S.O
Knight Mrs. High street, Halstead road, Southend Latter Waiter, Carlisle lodge, Chelms-
Knight Mrs. 28 Mildmay rd. Chelmsford Lambert John Campbell, Bridge house, ford road, Woodford
Knight Mrs. Nazein~, Waltham Cross Liston, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) Laud Miss, The Downs, Dunmow
Knight Mrs. Woodthorpe, High road, Lambert Mrs. Norman house, Thorold Lauderdale E. M. 6 Richmond rd. Ilford
Buckhurst Hill road, Ilford Lauezzari Henry, Manor cottage,
Knight Percy J. Woodfield house, Cran- Lambert-Brown Edward Francis Albert, Wethersfield, Braintree
ham, Romford 2 Hannah villas, Eastern rd. Romford Laundon Jsph. 33 Wakering rd. Barking
Knight Richard, 6 Mornington villas, Lamborn Charles, Albert rd. Southend Laurence Rev. Frederick John Ross
Wanstead park, Wanstead NE Lambourn Edwin, Lake cottage, Wan- M. A. Birch, Colchester
Knight Samuel, The Firs, Sudbury stead park, Wanstead NE Laurie Arthur Pillans, Woodside, Bald-
road, Halstead Lam pet Rev. Wm. Edwd. Lionel M. A., win's Hill, Loughton S.O
KnightS. C. Great Baddow, Chelmsford J.P. Vicarage, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Laurie Miss, Witham
Knight Waiter, Park corner, Upmin- Lamplugh Richard, Hildathorpe, Violet Laurie Peter G. Heron court, East
ster, Romford road, South W oodford Horndon & Heron Gate, Brentwood
Knight W. G. 20 Clarence rd. Manor Pk Lamprell Charles, Dunmow Laurie Thomas, 2 Langthorne terrace,
Knightbridge George, Woodbines, Black- LancasterA.Honeylands, WalthamAbbey Ashburnham road, Southend
more, Ingatestone Lancaster James, 6 Connaught villas, Laver Henry F.S.A., F.L.S. H3::td
Knights Albert, St. John's road, Epping Southchurch road, Southend street, Colchester
Knights E. I9 Wentworth rd. Manor Pk Lance Mrs. Red house, Kelvedon Laver Wm. 28 Cambridge rd. Barking
Knock W. F. 12 Belle Vue rd. Colchester Lander Rev. Thomas M.A. Rectory, Law Rev. Arthur James B. A. Vicarage,
Knopp Geo. S. 49 North hill, Colchester Little Thurrock, Grays Shalford, Braintree
Knopp Samuel George, Mersea house, Landon Frank, Red house, Brentwood Law John C. IO Queen's road, Ilford
St. Botolph's, Colchester Landon Harcourt, The Lodge, Sben- Law Misses, Sky villa, Ashdon, Saffron
Knowler John Thomas, Official quarters, field, Brentwood Walden
High Bridge street, Waltham Abbey Landon-Smith Rev. Waiter M.A. Vicar- Law William, Low street, Chingford
Knowles Charles, Hainault, Cranbrook age, Rickling, Newport S.O Lawes Henry Alfred, Carlton villa, Her-
road, Ilford Landquist Justin, Woodside, Albion hill, mon hill, Wanstead NE
Knowles Edward, 6o Linton rd. Barking Loughton S.O Lawford Godfrey, Connaught avenue,
Knowles Hy. W. I99 North st. Barking Lang Commander Conyers R.N. n Loughton S.O
Knowles P. J. 49 Woodlands rd. Ilford Orwell terrace, Dovercourt, Harwich Lawrance Mrs. Manor road, Waltham
Kortright Augustus, Furze hall, Fryern- Lang Rev. Henry Charles M. D. Vicar- .dbbey
ing, Ingatestone age, High street, Southend Lawrence James, Primrose villa, Gor-
Kortright William, The Hut, Fryerning, Lang R. Hamilton C.M.G. The Grove, don road, Southend
Ingatestone Dedham, Colchester Lawrence ::.\Irs. IS Carlton rd. Manor Pk
Kraushaar Mrs. Florence Amey, Albert Lang Robert, 6 Elstow terrace, Creffield Lawrence Mrs. The Cottage, Abridge,
road, Ilford road, Colchester Romford
Kraushaar William Abraham, 43 Orsett Langbeck Hugo Waldemar, 2 Clare- Lawrence Mrs. Woodside, Cleveland
road, Grays mont villas, High road, Loughton S.O road, South Woodford
Kreele Frank, 6o Carlyle rd. Manor Pk Langdale Henry Jackson, Bridgewick Lawrence Nathaniel T. Draxted park,
Kruse George James, Kent house, York hall, Chappel, Halstead Great Braxted, Witham
road, Southend Langdon James H. Kingswear lodge, Lawrence Robert John, 4 Granville ter-
Kruse Herbert C. 1 Fir villas, Crescent High road, Loughton S.O race, Mildmay road, Chelmsford
road, Brentwood Langford Mrs. 6 Springfield terrace, Laws Mrs. 33 Meanley road, Manor Park
Kurtz Andrew, Cleveland house, White- Springfield, Chelmsford Lawson Rev. William Dickinson, !lee-
hall rd.Woodford Wells,WoodfordGrn Langford 1\'Irs_. I3 Queen's road, llford tory, Magdalen Laver, Ongar
La Barte Rev. William White M ..d. 9 Langford William, 38 Thorold rd. Ilford Lawson J. I Hill side, Grove hill, Woodfrd
Creffield ter. Creffield rd. Colchester Lan~ham Mrs. Springfield hill, Spring- Lawson William, 3 New road, Ilford
Labelt William, 3 Brisbane villas, Leigh field, Chelmsford Lawther Marmaduke, St. Leonard's,
road, Southend Langley E. IS Cowper avnu. East Ham E Marlborough road, South Woodford
Lacey James, Rutland villa, Lansdowne Langley Miss, 2 Whitta rd. Manor Park Lawton Edgar Harry, Haveringwell
road, South Woodford Langlois F. D. I2 Forest drive, Manor Pk house, Hornchurch, Romford
Lach-Szyrma Rev. Wladislaw Somer- Langridge Albert Kent, Anewa, Haclley Lawton Edward Harding, Oaklands,
ville M.A. The Vicarage, Barking Side, road, Southend Squirrels Heath, Romford
llford Langridge W.E. 35 Woodlands rd. Ilford Lawton H. P. Huelva, Balfour rd. Ilford
Lad brook Ephraim, Verbena cottage, Langton Mrs. I6 Avenue rd. Southend Lawton J. Sidney vil.Cranbrook rd.Ilford
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Langton Robert, Axholm, St. Vincent Lawton Mrs. Ballast quay, Elmstead,
Ladensack Ernest Charles, 52 Manor road, Southend Colchester
Park road, Manor Park Lannigan Henry Trevor, Airmount, Lay D. The Hollie'J, lngrave, Brentwood
Lagden Waiter Henry, 4 Eversleigh Grove hill, Woodford Lay John, IO High street, Colchester
road, East Ham E Lansdell Henry, Woo:lbine cottage, Lay John Watson J.P. Pier view, Marine
Lagden William, Tudor villa, West road, Earls Colne, Halstead parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Saffron W alden Lappage George, 9 Kandahar villas, Laycock Rev. J ames Marshall M. A. St.
Laight J. 62 Victoria avnu. East Ham E Ashburnham villas, Southend Peter's vicarage, North hill, Colchester
Lailey F.~. 2 Victoria avnu. East Ham E Large Frederick Northcote, Haslemere, Layton Rev. 'Villiam Edwd. M. A. Long
Laing :Miss, 26 Rawstorn rd. Colchester Grove hill, Woodford house, Church street, Saffron Walden
Laird Charles, The Bury, Clavering, Larg-e William Henry, 2 Carlton villas, Layzell John, 43A, North st. Halstead
Newport S.O Woodford Green Lazarus Henry, 15 Durham road, Manor
Laird James, Church end, Rickling, Larkin George Thomas, St. Thomas' Park
Newport S. 0 hill, Queen's road, Brentwood Lazell Geo. M. I Provident pl. Colchester
Lake Rev. Henry Ashton M.A. Castle Larkin Jn. Wm. Queen's rd. Brentwood,Lea Rev. Thomas, The Rectory, Pegle·
Hedingham, Halstead Larman G. Oak-lea, :Milton rd. Southend sham, Rochford S.O
Lake Isaac, Aldborough Hatch, Ilford Larnach William, Camperdown, Avenue Leach Joseph Thomas, Mayville, Plashet
Lake Isaac, High street, Romford road, Southend gro>e, East Ham E
Lake Miss, East street, Saffron Walden Larter Albert, 23 Wordsworth avenue, L~ach Miss, Fern villa, Prince's road,
Lake Mrs. Baddow road, Great Baddow, East Ham H Buckhurst Hill
Chelmsford Larter Matthew, 2 Carlton villas, Vie- Leaky Jas. I2 Grove crescent, Woodford
Lake Thos. C. 5 Lorne villas, Southend toria road, Romfurd Leaning Mrs. The Chauntry, 32 Lexden
Lake Wm. Fayecrosse, Milton avenue, Lasham J. Dee side, Grove hill, Woodfrd road, Co:chester
East Ham E Lass E. Bank house, High st. Braintree 1Leaper William, East street, Coggeshall
Lamarque Waiter A. Oakwood, Epping Last Hy. Knight, 45 Duke st. Chelmsfrd Le~therJale Arthur, Fir Tree house,
Lamb A. F. I23 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Last Miss, IS Broomfield rd. Chelmsford Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Lamb John, Lyndhurst, Lansdowne[Last Misses, Silbyvil.Manorst.Braintree Leathes Col. Hill de Massenden, Clif!
road, South Woodford Last Mrs. F. 46 Duke street, Chelmsford house, Doveroourt, H1 rwich
LeBall Mrs. 2 Atherstone villas, Beacons- Leonard Miss, St. 1\Iargarets, The Green, Linder S. Oakfield,High rd.Buckhurst ID
field avenue, Colchester Woodford Green Lindley Percy, York hill, Loughton 8.0
Le Boutillier John, 43 Victoria avenue, Lepingwell George, 3 Wellington villas, LindreyT. Fernleigh,Easternrd.Romfrd
East Ham E Gordon road, Wanstead Lindsay A. n Albany rd. Manor Park•
Lecquire Samuel, Pier lodge, Argent Le-Riche Capt. George, Connaught Lindsay John Wm. 89 Bedford rd. Dford
street, Grays avenue, Loughton S.O Lindsell Arthur,26 Fairfieldrd.Chelmsfd
Lee Sergt.-Maj. Arthur, St. John's Lescher Joseph Francis D.L., J.P.Boyles Lindsell Harry, I3 Wordsworth avenue,
green, Colchester court, South Weald, Brentwood East Ham E
Lee Rev. Hy. The Manse, Roydon, Ware Leslie John Ashcroft, Lansdowne house, Lindsell Misses, Colne road, Coggeshall
Lee Alfred Collingwood, Sewardstone Tavistock road, South Woodford Lindus Alfred, Lincoln house, Romford
road, Waltham Abbey Leslie R. H. 5 Hill side,Grove hl. W oodfrd road, Manor Park
Lee Cuthbert Ridley, North st. Dunmow Le Souef E. F. Highamct.Woodford Grn Liudus Hy. Avondale, Peel rd.Woodford
Lee George, 48 Creffield road, Colchester LeSouef Miss, 2 East view, The Green, Lineker T. A. 42 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
Lee George, 4 Lomer terrace, St. Mary's W oodford Green Ling Abraham, I Landscape villas, Ash·
road, Ilford Lester Rev.Prebendary John Henry M. A. don road, Saffron Walden
Lee George, 32 Queen's road, Ilford The Rectory, Lexden, Colchester Ling Charles Arthur Squire, High street~
LeeG.H.Sewardstone rd.WalthamAbbey Lester Wm. 8 Meanley rd. Manor Park Brightlingsea, Colchester
Lee Henry, Woodford lodge, Salway Letch James, 28 South street, Colchester LingE.4 Brisbanevils.Leighrd.Southend
hill, Woodford Green Letchford R. M. Prospect ho. W oodfd. Gn Ling H. Stanley vil.Maltese rd. Chelmsfrd.
Lee James, 5 Grosvenor road, Ilford Lettington George D. 5 Richmond ter- LingH.Q.Merefld.Lit.Waltham,Chlmsfd
Lee J. H. Shaftesbury viis. Roydon,Ware race, Glenny road, Barking Lingham Rev. Thomas Lawford B.A.
Lee John, 4 Eastern villas, Eastern Lever Ernest Frederick, Trueby house, Rectory, Fordham, Colchester
road, Romford Woodford road, South Norwood Lingwood Mrs.33 St. John's rd.Southend
Lee John, 47 Papillon road, Colchester Lever J. F. The Old ldg.High rd. Woodfd Linney Miss, ·3 Garfield road, Chingford
Lee Joseph, I8 Crouch st. Colchester LeverettMisses,Mrket. hl.SaffronWalden Linsdell Jn. 4 Carisbrooke vils.Southend
Lee Jsph. 66 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Leverett S. Market hill, Saffron Walden Linsell Horace George, Spring meadt
Lee Mrs. Coventry road, Ilford Levett A. I8 Tennyson aven. East Ham Finchingfield, Braintree
Lee Mrs. Earls Colne, Halstead Levey Alfred, Woodfield,Stansted Mount- Linsell John Thomas, 2 Dolcoath ter-
Lee Mrs. Great Waltham, Chelmsford fitchet, Bishop's Stortford race, Victoria road, Romford
Lee Mrs. I2 Westbury road, Brentwood Levey Mrs. Stansted Mountfitchet, Linsell Joseph, Dunmow
Lee P. S. Holmleigh, High rd.Woodford Bishop's Stortford LinsellMrs. Raynerd.Bocking,Braintree
Lee Thomas J. The Friends' Mission Lewer Henry William, West wood, Albion Linsell William, 54 London rd. Braintree
house, Elsenham, Bishop's Stortford hill, Loughton S. 0 Linstead Mrs. 2 Forest rd. Manor Park
Lee W. A. 41 Meanley rd. Manor Park Lewis Rev. John Herbert Wightman Lishman Mrs. 7 Holly terrace, W'bitta
Lee-Warner Miss, High Grove, Sunset M.A. High Ongar,Chipping Ongar S.O road, Manor Park
avenue, Woodford Green Lewis Rev. Lewis M.A. Marden Ash, Litchfield Edwin, Durham cottage.
Leech William, 44 Duke st. Chelmsford High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O Chelmsford road, Woodford
Leech William Arthur, Meadow side, Lewis Rev. Marcus Hedges M. A. The Little Mrs. Damyons,Castle Hedingham.
Springfield, Chelmsford Avenue, Braintree Halstead
Leeder Misses, Thaxted lodge, Thaxted, Lewis Charles, 32 Woodlands rd. Ilford Little Mrs. Parsonage street, Halstead
Dunmow Lewis Chas. C. Shenfield vil. Brentwood Little William, 3 Clement's road, Ilford
Leeder ThomasW.Richmond's,Thaxted, Lewis Ernest Edward M.D. Springfield Littlebury George, Credenda, Roman
Dunmow road, Springfield, Chelmsford road, Colchester
LeegoodS.Eagleho.Chadwell Hth.R.S.O Lewis George, 21 Queen's road, Ilford Littlehales Rev. Waiter Gough M.A.
Leeman Rev. A. M.A. Starling lodge, Lewis Jas. I Rodingvils. Ilford hl. Ilford Rectory, Bulphan, Romford
Epping New road, Buckhurst Hill Lewis John, 12Eastgate street, Harwich Littlejohn Thos. 4 Grove cres. Woodford
Leese Mrs. 29 Albany road, Manor Park Lewis Joseph, 29 Salisbury rd.Colchester Littlejohn Thomas, Stafford lodget
Leete J. T. Sydney vil. Grove hl. Woodford Lewis Misses, 1 Gladding rd. Manor Park Chelmsford road, Woodford
Leetham Capt. Arthur, The Priory, Lewis Mrs. 32 Clarence rd. Manor Park Littlewood T. H. M. A. Bancroft's school,
Writtle, Chelmsford Lewis Mrs. I2 Eastgate street, Harwich Woodford Wells, Woodford Green
Lefroy Lieut.-Col. Augustine Hugh J.P, Lewis Mrs. Red lo.Chelmsfrd. rd. Woodfd Livcrmore Arthur, Mill Dene, Tolles·
The Lodge, Boxted, Colchester Lewis R. 13Elm viis. Avenue rd.Southend hunt Knights, Kelvedon
Lefroy Rev. Anthony William Hamon Lewis Robert, Walpole villa, Main road, Livermore Ernest Henry, Darenth lodge,
B.A. Rectory,Mount Burrs, Colchester Dovercourt, Harwich High street, Chingford
Lefroy C. E. C. M. A. 10 Albert rd. Ilford Lewis W. J. 9 Eversleigh rd.East Ham E Livermore Miss, Sycamore villa, New
Legerton Rev. Waiter, Bellevue house, Lewis Willia.m P. 36 Maldon rd.Colchstr London road, Chelmsford
Primrose hill, Brentwood Ley Rev. A. B.M. The Hollies, Kelvedon Livermore Misses, Rayne, Braintree
Legerton Barnard, Boyton hall, :Finch- LeyJ.B. White hall,LayerMarney,Kelvdn Livermore Mrs. 64 London rd. Braintree
ingfield, Braintree Lidbetter Thomas, The Anchorage, Livermore Mrs. Wm. Rayne, Braintree
Legerton John Stock, I Trevor villas, Borough lane, Saffron Walden Ltversage Robt. W. 20 Queen'srd. Ilford
Woodford Green Liddle A. I.Daisybank,Derby rd.Woodfd Lloyd Major Wilford Neville R.A. I2
Legerton Misses, Potter street, Harlow LiddleG.T.Cliftonldg.Grovehl.Woodfrd Cambridge road, Colchester
Le;;-erton Mrs. Queen's road, Brentwood Liddle Mark Anthony, Wensley honse, Lloyd Rev. Thomas Theydon Garnon,
Legerton Thomas Winterfiood, Howe The Green, Woodford Green Epping -
hall, Finchingfield, Braintree Liell M. Mere by, Sylvan rd. Wanstead NE Lloyd Alfred, Wakefield ho. East Ham E
Legg Miss, Mason villa, New London Light Mrs. Manor road, Braintree Lloyd Charles F. Avenue rd. Brentwood
road, Chelmsford LightfootRev.Charles Henry, 2 Stanley LloydC. 0. 39Wellesleyrd.WansteadN:&
Leggatt John H. Whitta rd. Manor Park villas, Lower Railway street,Braintree Lloyd Mrs. Billericay
LeggA Rev. John R. [Congregational], Lightley Geo. E. Whitta rd. Manor Park Lloyd Richard, Mount road, Braintree
::.. St. John's ter.High rd.Buckburst Hll Lilley Charles •r. Springfield villas, Lloyd T. J. I Hermon hill,Wanstead NE
Leggett John, Lime villa, Whitta road, Fuller's road, Woodford Lloyd-Foster Mrs. l\Ioreton, Ongar
Manor Park Lilley John, Dedham, Colchester S.O
Leggett Mrs. Oak lo.Forest side,Chingfrd Lilley Mrs. The Heath, Weeley,Colchstr Loader T. B. Woodford ho. Woodfrd. Bdg
Legh R~v. Henry Edmund M.A. VICar- LilleyT.Holland ho.Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O LoakeS.H.Hampden ho.Collier rw.Rmfd
age, Steeple, Maldon Lilly Frank James, 2 Meadow view, Lock Maj.-Gen. Andrew CampbellKnox.
Le Good H. B. 18 Gladstone rd.Cholchstr Broomfield road, Chelmsford Over hall, Colne Engaine, Halstead
Legrew-Harrison Percy, Inglis house, Lilly Miss, Newport S.O Lock Alfred, 90 Gordon rd. Southend
lnglis road, Colchester Limmer Charles S. n Oakfield rd. Ilford Lock Charles, Albert road, Ilford
Lehmkuhl F. H. 14 Woodlands rd.Ilford Limmer William Frederick, Edmunds- Lock Edgar,2oTennyson av. EastHamE
Leighton Jn. 8 Carlton rd. Manor Park bury, Oak field road, Ilford Locks Waiter A. The Hawthorns, Selsdon
Leiningtou George Edward, Fairview, Linard Alfred C. G. I Mansfield gardens, road, Wansteacl NE
Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill York road, Ilford LockwoodLt.-Col. A. R. l\1. l\I.P., D.L.,
Lemon A. Arnewood, York rd. Southend Linard Arthur J. D. I Mansfield gardens, J .P. Bishop's hall, L3.mbourne, Horn-
Lemon HoberL Alexander,Belford house, York road, Ilford ford; & 5 AuJley square sw, Guards'
Romford road, l\Ianor Park Linard William John, I Mansfield gar- & Arthur's clubs sw, & Bachelors'
Le Mottee Rev. William M.A. Vicarage, dens, York road, Ilford club, London w
HelionsBumpstead,Haverhill(Suffolk) Lincoln Henry, The Hardings, High Lockwood :VIisses, Ashbourne house, :1
Lendon R. Claremont, Highst.Chingfrd road, Loughton S.O Victoria road, Colchester
· Lengemann Adam, 7 Grosvenorrd.Ilfrd Lincoln James E. Cambridge lodge,Her- Lockwood T. 72 Victoria av. EastHamE
Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett- hart. ::.\:I. A., mon hill, Wanstead NE Lockyer Alfred, Edgcumbe house, Cam-
D.L., J.P. Belhus,Aveley,Purfieet S.O Linder Henry, l\Ielrose,Palmerston road, bridge road, Wanstead NE
Lennard Geo. 18 .First aven. Manor Park Buckhurst Hill Loder J. Franklin ho.Hornchrch.rd.Rmfd
Lockyer George H. Canficld, Hermon Luard Admiral William Garnham C.B.,Il\IcCaba David Henry, 39 Second.
hill, Wanstead NE D.L., J.P. Witham lodge, "\V1tbam avenue, Manor Park
J.,odgeFredk.36Broomfieldrd.Chelmsfrd Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham ::\LA., J.P. l\IcCarthy John, Bellair, Lippitt's hill,
Lodge Geo. C. Upper pk. Loughton S.O Vicarage, Aveley, Purfleet S.O High Beech, Loughton S.O
Lodge R Loxford, Grove pk. Wanstd.N R Lucas Lieut.-Col. William James J. P. McCoil John, 205 Ripple road, Barking
Lofthouse Walker, r6 Tborold rd. Ilford The Wilderness, Witham l\IcCombie A. W. 33 l\Iersea rd. Colchestr
Loftus Capt. Ferrers. C.C. Sabridge Luca.s Rev. Angelo, Witham }lcComby T. 84 Winnock rd. Colchester
lodge, Blackmore, Ingatestone Lucas Alfred Parry, Westfield, Broom-,McConnell Archibald, High st. Epping
Logan Edward, Church hill, Epping field road, Chelmsford ll\IcCorkindale D. 62 Carlyle rd.Manor Pk
Logg R.D. Dillkhooshha,Pk.rd.Southend Lucas Frederick, Friths farm, Great ::\IcCormie Mrs. Mary, Mary villa, New
Loischer R. 83 Victoria aven.East Ham E Oakley, Harwich Wanstead, Wanstead NE
Lomas Richard, 61 Westburyrd.Barking Lucasl\Irs.Scravels,Broomfield,Chlmsfrd McCrae William, Osborn house, Rom•
Lomax Kelley Nazer, r & 3 May villas, Lucas William, Billericay ford road, Manor Park
Primrose road, South Woodford Lucas Wm. Meadow rd. Loughton S.O Macdona Chas. J. 47 Butt rd. Colchester
Lomer Godfrey Charles, The Ferns, Luck Edmund, Jesmond, Plashet grove, Macdonald Alexander, The Limes,
Upper park, Loughton S. 0 East Ham E Coventry road, Ilford
London Mrs. 68 Bergholt road, Mile End, Luckhurst Mrs. 4 Run well ter. Southend Macdonald Donald, Covandale, Plashet
Colchester Luckin James, St. Alban's, New London green, East Ham E
Long Rev. Eustace Earl, Stansted road, Chelmsford McDonald J. S. 8r Carlyle rd. Manor Pk
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Lucking Alfred, roo High st. Maldon McDonald Montague, Hillside, High·
Long Rev. J.E. White Roothing,Dunmow Lucking C. I Lorne villas, Southend road, Buckhurst Hill
Long George W. Woodland green, Stur- Lucking Edward, 3 Carlton terrace, McDonald Wm. 25 Carlyle rd. Manor Pk
mer, Halstead Queen's road, Southend McDowall Hy. 35 Durham rd. :Manor Pk
Long Joseph Wood, I Victoria villas, Lucking John, Rose valley, Brentwood Mace Alfred, 31 Grove rd. Wanstead NE
Derby road, Woodford Lucking Joseph, 13 Creffield terrace, :Mace C. R. 2 Wellesley rd. Wanstead NB
Long James R. High st. Saffron Walden Creffield road, Colchester M'Ewen Lieut.-Colonel R. B. Millfield,
Longmore R. 22 Westbury rd. Brentwd Lucking Mrs. Queen's road, Southend West street, Prittlewell, Southend
Longuehaye William,Hutton,Brentwood Luckock Rev. Reginald l\Iortimer M. A. M'Ewen Maj.J.H. Millfield, West street,
Looker Arthur, High rd. Loughton S.O Grammar school, Ashdon road, Prittlewell, Southend
Loomes Charles, Norfolk house, Hermon Saffron ·vratden Macey Mrs. Melville lodge, High street,
hill, South Woodford, Wanstead Ludbrook Joseph, Cumberland lodge, Brentwood
Loosley Charles Reuben, Morley road, Churchfields, Woodford McGill David, Holmwood, Glengall
ChadwellHeath R.S.O Ludgater Rev. Henry 1\I.A. Rectory, road, Woodford Green
Lord Arthur, 25 Second aven. Manor Pk Aythrop Roothing, Chelmsford McGlashan Mrs. 4 Salisbury terrae~
Lord George Henry, Florence villa, Luecke Wilhelm Andreas, The Hyde, Milton street, Southend
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Danbury, Chelmsford McGowan Rev. Willie M. A. Rectory,.
Lord John G. B.A. Grammar school, Lufkin Rev. Henry Everitt M.A. East Nevendon, Battles Bridge S.O
Ashdon road, Saffron Walden Donyland, Colchester MacGowan William Bertram, Hill
Lorrimer Chas. I5 Carlton rd. Manor Pk Lugg-er Thos. Edwd. London rd. Maldon street, Saffron Walden
Lotscho Isaac, 8 Sandown villas, Victoria Luker Hy. Farringdon house, Southend McGregor Alfd. 19 Carlyftl rd. Manor Pk
road, Romford Lummis Richard, 97 Ripple rd. Barking l\Iacgregor Joseph Johnston M.D.,
Louis A. H. Ivy cottage, Reindeer lane, Lundgren Charles, The Anchorage, F.R.C.S. Head Gale house, Colchester
Buckhurst Hill Thorold road, Ilford McGregor Montague Malcolm, Har-
Louth J. The Bays, 23 Tanner st.Barking Lundgren John, 50 Thorold road, Ilford warters, Goldings hill, Loughton S.O
Love Rev. Reginald Taverner M.A. Lunt Richard E. A. 50 Tennyson Machell Mrs. M. A. 4 South park, Ilford
Rect.ory, Purleigh, Maldon avenue, East Ham E McHugh Edward, 82 Butt rd. Colchester
Love Henry, r2o Third aven. Manor Prk Lussitnea Alfred, Brockhill, Lansdowne McHugo William, 1 Milt.on villas, South-
Love James, 32 Linton road, Barking road, South Woodford church road, Southend
Love Joseph Thomas, Lea Mount villa, LuttmanMrs. Town st.Thaxted,Dunmow Macilwain Mrs. Matching green, Match-
Gordon road, South Woodford Luxmore )lrs. Valance farm, Chadwell ing, Harlow
Love J. W. 52 Wellesley rd. Wan stead NE Heath R.S. 0 Mclntosh Mrs. Havering park, Havering-
Love Mrs. Castleacre cottage, Latchett Lyall Roger Campbell, Hastingwood, Atte-Bower, Romford
road, South Woodford North Weald, Epping Macintyre Miss, Kelvedon
Loveday John, Harlow common,Harlow Lye John, 90 Ripple road, Barking McKay Rev. Hugh, Beaconsfield avenn~,
Loveday W. 36 New London rd.Chelmsfd Lyle Josiah, 51 Tanner street, Barking Colchester
Lovell John, Bethello.Mersea rd.Colchstr Lyle Mrs. Broadgroves, Dunmow McKay Thomas, Aveley, Purfleet S.O
Lovell William :Francis, 7 Hawkwood Lyle Robert C. The Hazels, Dunmow McKechnie John, Napier house, Romford
villas, King's Head hill, Chingford Lynch Josiah Burke, Ardleigh Green, road, Manor Park
Lovelock Mrs. 18 Queen's Grove road, Hornchurch, Romford McKee Joseph, 2 Lorne villas, 1{ictoria
Chingford Lynch Misses, Toy Holt, Havering-Atte- road, Romford
Low David Allan, 3 Mansfield gardens, Bower, Romford McKellar Donald, 20 Wentworth road.
York road, Ilford Lyne T. 47 Upper Railway st. Braintree Manor Park
Low Edmund, I Long view, Foreet Lynn Henry Thomas, Selwood house, Mackenzie Rev. Arthur Peter, Harlow
drive, Manor Park Milton avenue, East Ham E Mackenzit' Alexander Linton, 2 Brook..
Low Francis George Robert, Stanford Lynn John, 3 Stanley terrace, Stanley lands, North street, Romford
house, Stanford Rivers, Romford road, Woodford Mackenzie Colin Ed ward, 2 Carlton
Lowden Charles, Clifton villa, Fairycroft Lynn 1\Iadam, r5 Manor Park road, villas, Ellis rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
road, Saffron Walden Manor Park Mackenzie D. Stornaway vills. Southend
Lowder Rev. William Henry M.A. Lyon Edward, 64 Bedford road, Ilford Mackenzie Donald, 5 Gran·dlle road,
Vicarage, Southminster S.O Lyon Ralph H. The Denne, Eastern Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Lowe Arthur Courtauld Willoughby, road, Romford McKenzie F. F. The Warren, Loughton
Gosfield hall, Gosfield, Halstead Maas.sen Alexander William, 20 Cumber- Mackenzie John Henry, 28 Durham
Lowe Ed ward Aubrey Courtauld,Sunny- land road, :Manor Park road, Manor Park
field, High Garrett, Braintree Maberly J oseph Strutt, Braiswick, Mackenzie Thos. Kenneth, Thundersley
Lowe Mrs. Gosfield hall, Gosfield, Beaconsfield avenue, Colchester lodge, Thundersley, Rayleigh S.O
Halstead Macadam Cbarles Thomas, The Lake, Mackenzie Lawrence, Springbourne,
Lowe Mrs. Laurel cottage, King's place Snaresbrook NE Cambridge road, Wanstead NE
road, Buckhurst Hill Macalister Alexander, Como house, Mackenzie 'Villiam Henderson, Achna-
Lowe Percy Taylor, Gosfield hall, Gos- Stanley road, Woodford cone, Lexden, Colchester; & r2 Por-
field, Halstead McAllister Robt. I05 Ripple rd. Barking chester square, London w
Lowe T. R. 41 Wellesley rd. Colchester McAllum William, Strathleven, Balfour McKettrick Frederick Jn. 12 Wilbraham
Lowen George, xo Thorold road, Ilford road, Ilford terrace, East Ham E
Lowman William Robert, 24 Wellesley Macandrew William J.P. Westwood Mackie Charles, u Bedford road, Ilford
road, Wanstead house, Little Horkesley, Colchester Mackie William, 73 Bedford road, I!ford
Lowndes George Alan M.A., D.L., J.P Macartney Lt.-Col. Arthur Sutherland, Mackie Wm. 34 Clarence rd. Manor Pk
Barrington hall, Hatfield, Harlow Acacia house, South st. Rochford S.O 1\Iacklin A. P. Mill ho. Barmton,Chlmsfd
Lowrey Joseph, Medbury, Palmerston .McBernie William, Hope view, Dover- Macklin Reuben, Ann villa, George lane,
road, Buckhurst Hill court, Harwich South Woodford
Lowth J. C. 3 Lathom rd. East Ham E ' Charles 1\IcKenzie, n Bel- Mackrow Clement M. Oaklands, Grove
Luard Misses, Ivy chimneys, Witham mont villas, Southend hill, Woodford
E ::5:::-
~~-x L~ •
Mackrow Henry James Iona,Lansdowne MalletL.Airedalevil.Bucknghm.rd.Wdfd Marriott Cyril Humphrey White J.P·
road, South Woodford Mallia F. C. Hermon hl. Wanstead NE Abbot's hall, Shalford, Braintree
McLachlan Mrs. 53 Albert rd. Braintree Mallinson Frederick William, IO East Marriott Henry William, Comus rilla
McLachlan R. Low .Railway st. Braintree Stockwell street, Colchester Manor road, Romford '
McLaren Herbert, New road, Brentwood Mallinson Mrs. Garfield lodge, Carlisle Marriott Humphrey Richard Geo. J.P.
Maclean Charles, Layer Marney hall, road, Romford Abbot's hall, Shalford, Braintree
Layer Marney, Kelvedon Maltwood T. Elmfld. High st. Chingford Marriott Thomas, Hatfield, Harlow
McLean Miss, Newnham house, High Malyn Thomas, 140 Manor st. Braintree MarsdenRev. Thos.M.A.Vicarage,Chigwl
road, Loughton S.O Malyon Miss, 2 Caxton terrace, Mildmay Marsh Rev. Richard Henry M.A. 2
McLean Richard, High street, South road, Chelmsford Meyriek cresc. Mersea. rrl. Colchester
Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Mandy Herbert S. 2 Albert terrace, MarshE.Addison,95Winnock rd.Colchstr
McLeod Rev. Ronald Fisher, Rectory, Maybankroad, South Woodford Marsh Frederick William,4 Hildavillas,
North Fambridge, Maldon Maning Rev. Thomas Anthony M.A. Plashet grove, East Ham E
McLeod Geo. 9 Buxton road, Chingford Vicarage, Canewdon, Rochford S.O Marsh Miss, Hill st. Saffron Walden
McLoughlin Mrs. Providence villas, Vie- Manley Leopold Frederick, The Cedars, Marsh Miss, Hollycroft, Mount Pleasant
toria road, Buckhurst Hill Stanway, Colchester road, Saffron Walden
McMaster H. 30 Clarence rd. Manor Pk Mann Rev. Frederic M.A. 4 Cambridge MarshMiss,IOINorthStationrd.Colchstr
MacMichael J. Holden, The Willows, terrace, Woodford Bridge Marsh Mrs. Earl's Colne, Halstead
High Roothing, Dunmow Maun Frank, York house, Milton avenue, Marsh Mrs. Manor house, Wethersfield,
Macmillan John,Kimberley,Sylvan road, East Ham E Braintree
Wanstead NE Mann Frederick, 4 Marine terrace, Wal- Marsh Mrs. 4 Queen's villas, Queen's
Macmullen General Stephen Francis, ton-on-Naze R.S.O road, Southend
The Hermitage, Shenfield, Brentwood Manu J.Marine parade,Doverct.Harwich Marsh Robert Henry, Ingleside, Theydon
Macnab Mrs. Bridge End house, Hey- Mann John, Blue ho.Gt. Clacton,Colchstr Garnon, Epping
bridge, Mal don Mann Mrs. Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood MarshThos. Teader,Avenue rd.Southend
Macnaughtan Robert, Oak villa, Park Manu Mrs. Lindon grove, Victoria road, Marsh Waiter Hy.Melrose vils.LeighS.O
crescent, Southend Leigh S.O Marshall Lt.-Col.Geo. Hy.R.A.Shoebury
Macpherson A.4 Addison rd.Wanstd.N E Maun Mrs. 3 Pavilion villas, Walton-on- cottage, S.Shoebury,ShoeburynessS.O
McQuat John, Alexandra house, Rom- the-NazeR.S.O Marshall Rev. Gerald K. S. B.A. The
ford road, Manor Park Mann William, 4 Gray road, Colchester Vicarage, Ripple road, Barking
McQueen Oscar, 4 Woodlands rd. Ilford Mann William, 26 Queen's road, Ilford Marshall Alexander, Comus cottage,
Macrae J. C. C 39 Woodlands rd. Ilford Manu Wilham, 20 Randulph terrace, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
MacTaggart Peter Laurie, Astridene, Springfield, Chelmsford Marshall Arthur W. M. Baddow lodge,
King's Place road, Buckhurst Hill Mannelle G. Chaseley Park rd. Southend Great Baddow, Chelmsford
McWilton 1Archibald, Ash lodge, York Mannmg Rev. Frederick James D.D. Marshall Charles, Little Henham hall,
Hill lane, Longton S.O Rectory, Fairsted, Witham Henham, Bishop's Stortford
Maden John, Glenny road, Barking Manning C. Milton avenue, East Ham E Marshall C. H. T. 34 Lexdenrd. Clchstr
Maddison J. W. St. Helen's, Woodford Manning H. 7 Clement's gardens, Ilford Marshall Edward, Eliza villa, Pulteney
road, South Woodford Manning John, 4 Clarement terrace, road, South Woodford'athl.rd.Wnstd.NE Romford road, Manor Park Marshall Gerald C. R. Baddow lodge,
MaddocksW.H.Ada vil. Victoria rd.Rmfd Manning Julius A. St. Oswald, Edith Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Madell Christopher, 6 Bedford gardens, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Marshall H. 48 Manor Park rd.Manor Pk
Barking lane, Ilford Manning S. Agard, St. Osyth,Colchester Marshall H. 26Tennyson av.East Ham E
Madell Christopher W. Thackham, Mil- Mansell George Frederick, 4Albert road, Marshall J. Herbert A. Baddow lodge,
ton avenue, East Ham E Colchester Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Madigan Mrs. Evelyn house, Lower Mantel W. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Marshall John, Wickford S.O
Southend, Southend Manton Herbert Roberts, Holmhurst, Marshall JohnWilliam,Courtfield, Grove
Magee R. 44 Manor Park rd. Manor Pk Inglis road, Colchester hill, Woodford
Magee Thomas, Portsea house, Romford Manwaring Arthur F. 36 Wentworth Marshall Milton, 23 Thorold road, Ilford
road, Manor Park road, Manor Park Marshal1Mrs.2 Hermonhill,Wanstead.>iE
Mager George S. Iga, Head st. Halstead Maquire Col. C. Gt. Warley, Brentwood MarshallMrs.Street,Takeley,Chelmsford
Maggs John, West road, Saffron Walden Marah Jn. 3 Wilton vils. Wilton rd. Ilfrd Marshall Robert L. Baddowlodge, Great
Maginniss Mrs. The Rectory, Farnham, March D. The Limes, Western rd. Rmfd Baddow, Chelmsford
Bishop's Stortford March Mrs. I Rosebank villas, Victoria Marshall Thomas, North st. Halstead
Magnus Harry, Ingatestone road, Romford Marshall Thomas, North view, Gordon
Magson Anthony ,sgCarlyle rd.Manor Pk MarchantJ.J.SStation rd.Doverct.Hrwch road, South Woodford
Magson H. 7 Manor Park rd. Manor Pk Marchant Mrs. High street, Mistley, Marshall Thomas Edward, Selhurst,
Maguire Col. Constantine, Cottesmore, Manningtree Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
Queen's road, Brentwood Marchant William, I07 Axe st. Barking Marshall Thomas Shaw, Blythswood,
Maguth Rev. Stphn. S. LL.D. Billericay Marchbank William Richard, 2 Carlton The Drive, Chingford
Maile Charles Edmund, Drayson, Ded- gardens, Junction road, Romford ~:Iarston l\Irs. Thomas, The Myrtles,
ham house, Dedham, Colchester Mardel Mrs. The Limes, Newport S.O Spencer road, East Ham E
Maile Wm. E. D. Dedham, Colchester Marfleet Harry A. 43 Second avenue, Marter Maj.-Gen. Richard Jas. Combe
:Main J. W.67Victoria aven. East Ham E Manor Park J.P. Walton, Epping Upland, Epping
Maine Waiter, Dud brook house, Pallister Margaritis H. D. Fern cottage, Chigwell MartinAlbert,Park vils.Hare st.RomforJ
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Markey :Michael, 4 Cumberland road, Martin Alfred Jacksou A.R.I.B.A. Fair-
Mainland David Capt. Douglas house, Manor Park mount, York road, Southend
Hermon hill, Wanstead NE MarkingRobt.St.Aylott's,SaffronWalden MartinArthurB. Gresleyho. Cambridge
Maisey W.H. 17 Wentworth rd.Manor Pk MarksGeo.M.6ForestView rd. Manor Prk road, Wanstead NB
Maitland Rev. John Whitaker M.A. Marks John Henry, Harold house, Had- MartinDanl.Arth.68Romanrd.Colchestr
Loughtonhill, Loughton S.O leigh, Rayleigh S.O Martin David, 6 Queen st. Colchester
Major Hedley J. Hainault villas, Chad- Marks Matthew, 2 Sarah villas, New MartinEdwd.I8 Wentworthrd.ManorPk
well Heath R.S.O Wanstead, Wanstead N.E MartinFrancis,I3Militaryrd.Colchester
Major Mrs. M. Hainault villas, Chad- MarltonLawrence J. Queen's rd.Brentwd Martin George, 104Ripple road, Barking
well Heath R.S.O )!arno Adolph, Woodland house, Wood- Martin Geo.Dunlop,I8Markethl.l\Ialdon
Makings Charles, Stock, Ingatestone ford road, South Woodford Martin Harry, Tylney house, Eag:e
Makins A. 5 Albert ter. Victoria rd.Rmfd Marrable Edward Wm. High st. Epping lane, Snares brook NE
MalbyGeorge,2 Beaumont villas, Queen's Marriage Andrew,4oDuke st. Chelmsford MartinH.Lyttleton, Milton av. EastHamE
Park road, Loughton S.O MarriageEdward,89Easthill,Colchester Martin Henry, Stafford house, Chigwell
Malby Henry Thomas, 2 Blyden villas, MarriageHy.Ayletts,Broomfld.Chlmsfrd road, South Woodford
Chelmsford road, Woodford Marriage Jacob,Covallodge, Chelmsford Martin Hy. IS Wakering road, Barking
Malcolm Col. George, Baker's farm, MarriageJ.H.Ellerby,George la. Woodfrd MartinJames, 106 Hythe hill, Colchester
Sible Hedingham, Halstead Marriage Lawrence, · Fingrith hall, Martin James, Manor cottage, High
Malcolm George, The Firs, Great Tot- Blackmore, Ingatestone Beech, Loughton S.O
ham, Witham Marriage Mrs. Coval hall, Chelmsford MartinJas. Wm. I8Crilffield rd.Colchestr
Maiden John Coleman, Earl villa, Grove l\Iarriage Philip, Broomfield mill, :Martin James William, Oakdale house,
road, Woodford Broomfield, Chelmsford Pallister road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Male Herbert Christopher M. D. 24Bridge Marriage Sampson, Parsonage, Broom- Martin John, 6 1\'Iornington viis. Morn-
street, Grays field, Chelmsford ington rd. Woodford Wells, ·wdfrd. Grn
J\Ialenoir R. I Second avenue, Manor Pk Marriage Wilfred, Springfield hall, :Martin John, Rowhedge, Colchester
1\lalin Rev. Henry B. A. Vicarage, Great Springfield, ChelmsforJ Martin l\Iiss Z. S. 2I Durham road
Wakering, Southend 1\IarriageWilson,Dilbridgehall,Colchestr ~Iartin Mrs. 34 Salisbury rd. Colchester
:Martin Mrs.Shawfield,Aveley,Purflt.S.O l\Iatland George Read, Alprach, St. Mayston Mrs. 69 Durham rd.ManorPark
:Martin Richard, Theydon lodge, They- John's road, Lou~hton S.O :Mayston Samuel Friday, Aldborough
don Bois, Epping Matland Thomas C. Grindelwald, St. house, .Aldborough Hatch, Ilford
:Martin Robert, Belbrook, Snake's lane, John's road, Loughton S.O Mead Charles, Templehouse,EastHam B
Woodford Green Matson Alfred K. Chestnut villa, New Mead Edward, 3 Guithavon st. Witham
MartinR.Ingleglade, Queen's rd. Colchstr London road, Chelmsford Mead George, Kitts villa, Palmerston
Martin Thos. W.P.6Durham rd,ManorPk Matson Miss, Meadow side, Springfield, road, Buckhurst Hill
Martin W. Oakdene, Whitta rd. ManorPrk Chelmsford Mead George John, I Fernlea terrace,
Martin William Henry, 1 Eastern villas, Matson Misses, St. Osyth, Colchester Main road, Dovercourt, Harwich
Eastern road, Romford Matthams Mrs. H. 9 Clements rd. I !ford Mead Henry G. Florence villa, Station
Martin Wm. Henry Thomas, Leigh S.O Matthams W.H.Church st.Rochford S.O road, Chingford
Martin William Thurston, 2 Penrose Matthews Alfred, Holland house, Ham- Mead John, Ravenswood, Sydney road,
terrace, Victoria road, Romford let, Southend Woodford Green
MartleyFrancis Chas. 1\'I.A., 1\'I.B,, B. C. Matthews Arthur, 4 Sutherland terrace, Mead Miss, I Kilmarnock villas, South-
The Elms, Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill Chelmsford church road, Southend
MaryonFras.Jas.IPark aven.Chelmsford Matthews Chas.27 Albanyrd.ManorPark Mead Mrs. 2 St. James' villas, Victoria
Maryon Frederick, The Poplars, Cleve- Matthews Charles Wm. J.P. Mill field, road, Romford
land road, South Woodford Bentley, South Weald, Brentwood :\'Ieadowcroft Waiter, Douro villas,
Maryon Mrs. Kildare villa, Mildmay Matthews Edward, Dytchleys, South Snake's lane, Woodford Green
road, Chelmsford Weald, Brentwood Meadows Mrs. Bradford street, Bocking,
Maryon-Wilson Rev. Geo. M.A.Vicarage, Matthews Edward, Glastonbury villas, Braintree
Great Canfield, Dunmow Wilton road, Ilford Mearns Capt. A. 2 Stephenson's villas,
Mascall Josiah, Ashdon, Saffron Walden Matthews Fredk. R., Campions, Harlow Cleveland road, South Woodford
Mascall Mrs. Benfield end, Stansted Matthews George, 2 Brook cottages, Mechi Mrs. Mornington villas, Earl's
Monntfitchet, Bishop's Stortford High road, LoughtonS. 0 Colne, Halstead
Mash Wm. I27 Winnock rd. Colchester Matthews H. I29 Winnock rd. Colchester Medcalf Daniel, Ash bury, Ashburnham
Mashiter Miss, Priests, Romford Matthews Jonathan, 4 Thorold rd. Ilford road, Southend
Mashiter William, The Elms, Romford l\Iatthews Miss, The Acacias, I Cliff Medcalf Mrs. I Western road, Romford
Maskell Adolphus George, I Waltham road, Dovercourt, Harwich Medcalf Mrs.K.73Victoria av.EastHam E
villas, New London road, Chelmsford Matthews Mrs. B. Bury road, Harlow Medland John Rowe, 2 Woodbine villas,
Maskell Mrs. Currey, Bradwell-juxta- MatthewsMrs.C.P.Marshallspk.Romfrd Chelmsford road, Woodford
Mare, Southminster S. 0 Matthews S. G. 29 Mersea rd. Colchester :Medwin Mrs. 12 Oxford road, Colchester
Maskell Mrs. 2 Henfrey terrace, Fairfleld Matthews William, Ashwells, Earls Mee Misses, Grove vls.Crown st.Brentwd
road, Chelmsford Colne, Halstead Mee Mrs. Wick place, Bulphan, Romford
Mason Alfred H. Sth.Ockenden,Romford Matthews W.3oEversleigh rd.EastHam E Meers Ernest George, Mayfield, Hermon
Mason Amos J.14Hainault vils.Chigwell Matthews William David, 3 Reede villas, hill, Wanstead NE
1\IIason Edwin John, 2 Tennyson avenue, North street, Romford Mees Chas.2Grafton vils.Barking la.Ilfrd
East Ham E ~JatthewsonCap~.J.J7 Avenue rd.Sthend Mees William, 43 Albanyroad, Manor Pk
Mason George, Duke street, Chelmsford Maude Rev. Samuel :\LA. Vicarage, :MeesonA.J. Telfords,Rawreth,Chelmsfrd
Mason Geo. Hope vil. Copeford,Colchestr Hockley S.O Meeson Edwin Hill, Mill house, Battle
Mason Geo.8 NewLondon rd.Chelmsford Maurel Mrs. 5 Eastfield road,Brentwood Bridge, Rawreth, Chelmsford
Mason George E. High st. l\Ianningtree Maurice L. Low. Railway st. Braintree Meeson William, Merryfield, Rettendon
Mason Hugh H. IJ & 19 East st. Barking Maw l<'rancis, Cromer, West Grove road, place, Rettendon, Chelmsford
Mason James, Claremont villa, Junction Snake's lane, Woodford Green Meggy Andrew, 2 Waltham villas, New
road, Romford Mawhood Richard, I Sunnyside, Moul- London road, Chelmsford
Mason Jas. H. I4 Military rd. Colchester sham street, Chelmsford Meggy A. R. The Ferns, Balfour rd. Ilfrd
Mason J. 2a, Clarence rd. l\Ianor Park Maxtead Reginald A. Justices, Finching- Meggy F. H. 16 New London rd.Chelmfd
Mason John Andrew, Sydney villa, fielQ, Braintree Meggy Mrs. Halstd. ho. The Cliffs, Sthend
Wordsworth avenue, East Ham E May Rev. Charles Edwd. Gooding l\LA., Meiter Knevett, 20 Thorold road, Ilford
Mason Miss, 4 Alexandra viis. Southend LL.M. Holy Trinity vicarage, Halstd Meiville John F. Button, Brentwood
Mason Miss, Myrtle cot. Kirby,Colchestr May Charles Osborn, Suttons gate, Melles Joseph William J.P. Sewardstone
Mason:Miss,Pound frm.Dedham,Colchstr Hornchurch, Romford lodge, Chingford
MasonMiss,Shaftesburyvils.Roydn. Ware May Edwin, High street, l\Ialdon Mellish Charles, The Ferns, Epping New
Mason Misses, Cambridge rd. Colchester :May Henry Jn. West Mersea, Colchester road, Buckhurst Hill
Mason Mrs. 61 Castle road, Colchester May James, 29 Wakering rd. Barking Mellows John, Northbrook lodge, Lans-
Mason Mrs. 4 Maybank crescent, May- May James, Witham downe road, South Woodford
bank road, South Wood ford May Miss, Western vils.London rd.l\Ialdn Melsom Chas. 108 Military rd.Colchestr
Mason Mrs. 26 St. John's rd. Southend May Mrs. Covenbrook, Maltese road, Melvin James, xo Wellington terrace,
Mason Mrs. St. Mary's, Colchester Chelmsford New road, Barking
Mason Mrs. 24 Scratton road, Southend May Mrs. Laurel grove, New London Mendham Henry, Shaftesbury house,
Mason Robert Rushbrook, 22 Queen's road, Chelmsford Eastern road, Romford
Grove road, Chingford May Mrs. West house, l\Ialdon Mens Alfred, Witham
Mason Thomas, Merleswood, Sunset May T.Valence ho.Chadwell HeathR.S.O Mens Edwin, Dedham, Colchester
avenue, Woodford Green May Waiter Horatio, The Manor house, Mensing Louis Carl Henry, F~orence
Mason Thomas Edward, The Lictors, Tendring, Colchester villa, Broomfield road, Chelmsford
New London road, Chelmsford May Wm. Apple viila, Wilton rd. Ilford Mercer John, Stock, Ingatestone
Mason Wm. 7 Park viis. Park rd.Southnd May William, 13 Hainault viis. Chigwell ::\Iercer John, The Shrubbery, London
Massey-Lloyd Samuel, Trinity lodge, 20 May William, Herriots, Church street, road, Romford
Lexden road, Colchester Bocking, Braintree ::\Iercer William B. 14 Grosvenor rd.Ilfrd
Massingham Henry, Queen's road, Earls }!aybury William August us M. D., \1. CH. Merchant Rev. J ames, Ferndale villa,
Colne, Halstead 9 West Stockwell street., Colchester New road, Grays
Massingham James, Milton lodge, Grove l\Iaydwell William, Clinton villa, May- Merck Edwarl. 7 Forest drive,Manor Pk
road, Woodford bank road, South Woodford Merckell Alfred, 37 First aven.l\Ianor Pk
Masters Thomas, Maldon hall, Maldon Mayell William, 2 Alexandra villas, Mercy Arthur W. Stanford-le-Hope S.O.
Matcham Mrs.E.13Durham rd.ManorPk Stanley road, Woodford Meredith Lieut.-Col. George Vincent, IO
Matheson Joseph Stanley,Oaklands park, Mayer l\Iadam, 45 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Victoria road, Colchester
Black Notley, Braintree Mayes Arthur, 27 Bedford road, Ilford Merewether Francis Lewis Shaw, Ingate-
Mathew Gervase F., R.N. Lee house, Mayes Edward, 36 Grosvenor rd. Ilford stone hall, Ingatestone
Dovercourt, Harwich Mayes John, 21 First avenue, Manor Park :Merriman Col. W. 24 Lex den rd.Colchstr
l\lathew Mrs. North street, Romford Mayes John, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Merriman Henry John B.A. Princes
Mathews Arthur Albert, 2 Camden villas, Mayes l\Irs. 9 Royal terrace, Southend road, Buckhurst Hill
Grove road, Woodford 1\IayhewHenryHasker,Bank st.Braintree l\Ierritt Wm. 33 Second aven. Manor Pk
1\fathews Charles, 1 Camden villas, Mayhew Walter,76 Winnock rd.Colchstr .Methold Alfred, Hempstead hall, Saffron
Grove road, Woodford Maynard G. ~.Castlehill,SaffronWalden Walden
l\Iathews Frederick John, High Easter, Maynard Richard, 8 Louisa terrace, l\IethvenRev.D. M.A.Earl'sColne,Halstd
Chelmsford May bank road, South Wooclford :\Iethven J. Shrewsbury ho. East Ham B
Mathews John, Old Rectory, Great Mayne Mrs. 9 Carlton road, Manor Park l\Iewburn Fras. C. 18 'Ihorold rd. Ilford
Warley, Brentwood Mayor Rev. Cannn Robert Bickersteth :\Iexborough Agnes The Countess of,
Mathews John R. The Mount, Pleshey, B. D. Rectory, Frating, Colchester Stockwell hall, Lit. Burstead, Brentwd
Chelmsford Mayor Arthur, Hose bank, High road, ~Ie:yer Rev. E.Ingatestone hall,Ingatestn
Mathews Thomas, War!ey Elms, Great Lough ton S. 0 (Meyer A. TheBriars,Chelmsfd.rd. Woodfd
Warley, Brentwood Mays William, Albert road, Ilford :\Ieyer A.Murton vil.Chlmsfd.rd. Woodfd
Meyer C.Lit.Laver hall,Lit.Laver,Ongar Mills 1\Iiss, 91 Car1yle road, Manor Park ::\foore Rev.D. H. r7Church rd. Barking
Meyer Mrs. Bremen villa, Chigwell road, Mills Miss, Weeley, Colchester ::\Ioore Dan, Mill house, Littlebury,
South Woodford Mills The Misses, 25 Rawstorn road, Saffron Walden
Micklem Leonard, Yardley house; Se- Colchester Moore Edward Hy. 81 Bedford rd.Ilford
wardstone, Chingford :Mills Mrs. Glengall villa, Snake's lane, ::\Ioore Frank, 34 Bedford road, Ilford
Mickley Mrs. Johns farm, Littlebury, Woodford Green MooreFrdk.Wm.South rd.SaffronWaldn
Saffron Walden Mills Mr.;;. Hemnall street, Theydon Moore Harold, Linden road, Romford
Middleditch H. 32 Wakering rd. Barking Garnon, Epping ~Ioore James, 23 St. John's rd.Southend
Middleditch William, Lawn villas, Vie- :MillsMrs.2 Salisbry.ter.Milton st.Sthend MooreJas. Thos. 19 Woodlandsrd.Ilford
toria road, Romford MillsThos. Geo.6Salisbury rd.Colchester Moore John, 38 Bedford road, Ilford
Middlehurst James, The Dells, Great Mills Mrs. Shrubbery, High road, Moore John, Ray villa, West Grove rd.
Chesterford S. 0 Lough ton S. 0 Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Middleton Capt.J.2o.Avenue rd.Southend Mills Percy B. Elm cottage, Forest Moor a Mrs. Billericay
Middleton Francis, 3 Gordon villas, Gor- Snares brook N E Moore Mrs. Cleveland lodge, Cleveland
don road, Southend Mills Peter, The Grange, Sewardstone, road, South Woodford
Middleton Mrs. Burnham S.O Chingford Moore ~Irs. Church st. Saffron Walden
Middleton William,Lornecottages, Rose- Mills Sidney, 30 Thorold road, Ilford Moore Mrs. 3 Grove rd. Wanstead NB
mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Mills Waiter, 17 Queen's nad, Ilford Moore Mrs. '1'. Mill Hill villas, East
Midgley Arthur, Larchmount, London Milne Mrs. 18 Castle road, Colchester Horndon; & Heron Gate, Brentwood
road, Saffron Walden Milne Mrs. Park lo.Mistley,Manningtree Moore)Irs.Plashet lo.Plashet la.E.Ham E
MilborrowThomas, Florencehouse,Stan- Milner Alfred G. 2 Dalmeny villas, Moore Mrs. Witham
ley road, \Voodford Napier avenue, Southend )loore Mrs. Ann. 9 Cumberland road,
Mildred Mrs. Brook house, Chigwell MiltonEli,r Lorne viis. Victoria rd.Rmfrd Manor Park
Mildred Mrs. Warley house, Great War- Milton Hy.Fairlight,Forest rd.Chingford nioore Mrs. Martha, 66 Durham road,
ley, Brentwood MiltonJsph.Geo.B.r3Woodlands rd.Ilfrd ::\Ianor Park
Mildren Alfred, 39 Wakering rd.Barking Minchin Rev. Harry Holdsworth M.A. Moore NicholaE! Thomas, 6 Sandown
Miles George, London road, Maldon Rectory, Little Bromley, Manningtree villas, Victoria road, Romford
MilesJ. Palm cot. Malmesbury rd. Woodfd Minett John Thomas, Oswald house, MooreS. South ho. Creffield rd. Colchester
Miles Mrs. 6o London road, Braintree Cleveland road, South W oodford Moore Thomas, The Chestnuts, Chad-
Mileson E.Garforth vl.Stanly.rd. Woodfd Minnott Waiter, 32 Thorold rd. Ilford well Heath R.S.O
Millar Frederick Charles James Q.C., MinnsWm.Robt.IOsCarlyle rd.ManorPk l\Ioore William, Church st. Harwich
LL.B. Leigh house, Leigh S.O Minshull Miss, 22Rawstorn rd.Colchestr ~Ioore William J. Rendall, Oakdene,
1\Iillar William, Holland Bush villa, Mitchelll\I. 18 Meanley rd. Manor Park High road, Ilford
Plashet grove, East Ham E Mitchell Rev. Robert Andrew B.A. 3 Moore Wm. Thos. 32 Bedford rd. Ilford
Millbank Mrs. The Poplars, New London Creffield, Colchester Moran John, Main road, Dovercourt,
road, Chelmsford Mitchell Charles, 8 Cambridge terrace, Harwich
Miller Rev. E. B. A. 88 East hl. Colchestr Woodford Bridge MordauntFras.Geo.23Buxton rd.Chngfd
Miller Rev. Edward, 7 Butt rd.Colchestr MitchellEdwd.Doddinghurst,Brentwood Mordm Jas. 44 Second aven. Manor Park
Miller Rev. William Coase T.A.K.C.L. Mitchell Henry B. Eastbury lodge, Lon- Morecraft Mrs. 17 Roman rd. Colchester
Vicarage,Tillingham,SouthminsterS.O don road, Romford Moreham John Augnstus, 2 Claremont
Miller Rev, 'f W.T. Goldhanger,Maldon MitcheliJas.u Eversleigh rd.EastHamE terrace, Manor Park
Miller Alfred, Fairholme, Fitzgerald Mitchell Luther Robinson, Newport S.O Morehen William, 2 Claremont terrace,
road, Wanstead NE Mitchell Miss, Avenue house, Witham Romford road, Manor Park
Miller Benj. 2 Carlton road, Manor Park Mitchell Mrs. Bedford house, Bedford Morell Misses, Baddow road, Great
Miller Charles, 10 Rawstorn rd Colchstr road, South Woodford Baddow, Chelmsford
Miller C. Pryor's fm.Broomfld.Chelmsfd l\Iitchell Mrs. 24 Wellington terrace, Morfey Kenrick, 2 Marine av. Southend
Miller C. M. M. A. Felstead, Chelmsford New road, Barking MorfordMrs.TheElms,Eastern rd.Rmfrd
Miller Henry, 53 Buxton road,Chingford MitchellRobt. rChelmsford rd.Woodford :\'~:organ Rev. Arthur Middlemore M.A.
Miller Henry, Parkeston, Harwich ~litchellRobt.Hy.28Creffield rd.Colchstr Mucking, Stanford-le-Hope S.O
Miller H.9Park vils.Chadwell Hth.R.S.O Mitchell William, Whitehall, Roydon Morgan Rev. David Morgan, 1 Penelope
Miller lra, Grove ho. Groverd. Woodfrd hamlet, Roydon, Ware villas, Dovercourt, Harwich
MillerJ. Alfreton,TheGreen,Woodfd.Gn Mitcheson Edward, 5 Westfield villas, Morgan David John J.P. Cecil house,
Miller John, 51 Grosvenor road, Ilford Hermon hill, Wanstead NE Bentley, South Weald, Brentwood
MillerJ.Leonard ho.Milton av.EastHamE Mitford Lloyd, Coptfold hall, l\Iargaret- Morgan Edward Henry, Girton house,
Miller Marmaduke, Sherwood lodge, ting, Ingatestone; White's clubs w & Wilson road, Southend
Glengall road, Woodford Green New Travellers' club, London w Morgan Edward Henry Ellers, Hill Side
Miller l\liss, High street, Harlow MoatEthelbert,Mill ho. BattlesBridgeS. 0 house, Weeley, Colchester
Miller Miss, Littlehurst, Cleveland road, Mobbs Henry Daniel, 5 Salisbury terrace, l\Iorgan Geo. White Roothing, Dunmow
South Wooclford Milton road, Southend Morgan Harry, Holme villa, Lower
Miller Mrs. Belfairs lodge, Leigh S.O }lobbs James William, Essex villa, The park, Loughton S.O
Miller Mrs. H. Nazeing, Waltham Cross Green, Woodford Green Morgan Jas. 27 Carlton rd. Manor Park
Miller Mrs.Monicaho.Ardleigh,Colchestr Moll F. H. L. R. Redbridge house, :Morgan Miss, Vicarage, Mucking, Stan-
Miller :Mrs. 2 Talbot villa, Princes road, Barking Side, Ilford ford-le-Hope S.O
Buckhurst Hill Molony Rev. Henry William Eliott M.A. Morgan Miss, White Roothing, Dunmow
Miller Mrs. 14 Wellington roa-d,Harwich Vicarage, Ilford Morgan Mrs. Oakhurst, South Weald,
Miller P. B. Traps hill, Loughton S.O Molson John Elsdale M.B. Springfield Braintree
Miller P. Winwick vil. Grove hill, Woodfd road, Springfield, Chelmsford .. Morgan William H. I Grape villas, War-
Miller Robert, Great Baddow, Chelmsfrd Molyneux Edward, Bower hall, Steeple ley road, Brentwood
MillerSaml.Summer hl.Althorne,"Maldon Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk nlorgan-Brown Henry Heathcote, Hill
Miller Thomas, 5 Carisbrooke villas, Monday Edward, Glenthorn, Albion Side house, Weeley, Colchester
Hamlet road, Southend hill, Loughton S.O Morison John, Tamworth villa, Morn-
Miller Thomas, The Laurels, Thorpe-le- Money Alfd. 41 Wakering rd. Barking ington road, Chingford
Soken, Colchester Monk Frederick, 2 Eleanor villas, St. Morison Jn. jun, Cliff lodge, Leigh S.O
Miller T. TheLimes,Sewardstone,Chingfd Mary's road, Ilford Morison Joseph Ketley, Upper terrace,
Miller Thomas Frederick J.P. Monks Montagu Gen. Horace William R.E., Springfield, Chelmsford
lodge, Great MapJestead, Halstead C.B. 5 Lexdenroad, Colchester Morison Mrs. I Wentworth rd.ManorPk
Miller W. C. 2 Butt road, Colchester Montagu Rev. James B.A. Sutton, Morley Rev. Thomas Aldersey M.A.
Millington William Henry, 40 Wellesley Rochford S.O Vicarage, West Thurrock, Grays
road, Wanstead NE Moody Miss, Little Haylands, Chigwell Morley Miss, Vicarage, West Thurrock,
Milligan Rev. H. M. B.A.Althorne,Maldn MoodyRobt.Heath cot.Dedham,Colchstr Grays
Mills Rev. Charles Craigie M.A. Vicar- Moon Rev. Cecil Graham, Bradfield, 'MorleyW.H.9 Secondavenue,ManorPark
age, Coggeshall Manningtree )lorphew George Edward, The Willows,
Mills Alfred Job, High street, Dunmow Moon Jn.Candler ,26~filitary rd.Colchstr Hutton, Brentwood
Mills .Arthur John, Dene Hurst, Salway Moor William John, 9 Cliff terrace, Morphey Henry, Sunny side, Avenue
hill, Woudford Green Dovercourt, Harwich road, Southend
Mills Heath, Holly cottage, Primrose Moore Rev. John James Stevenson M. A., l\forphy Lionel, Greencrofts, Little
road, South Woodford LL.D. Vicarage, Dagenham, Romford Canfield, Dunmow
Mills Jas. Hy. 43 Cambridge rd.Barking Monre Rev. John Edward StevensoniMorrant James, 4 Victoria terrace, Park
Mills James William, 39 New London J:\I.A. Felstead, Chelmsford road, Southend
road, Chelmsford Moore Arthur, I I Meanley rd. Manor Pk Morrell Lieut.-Col. Edward J. P. Mistley
Mills John Baker, Mellendean lodge, Moore Charles Franklin, ~orton villa,jl hall, Manningtree
Cambridge park, Wanstead NE Chingford road, Chingford Morrell Capt. Arthur R.N. Purfleet S.O
Morrell :Miss, The Limes, Witham Mugford William Henry, Dorset house, l\Iyhill Mrs. 2 Arundel villas, New Lon-
Morris Rev. F. 46 Fam bridge rd. Mal don Mistley, Manningtree don road, Chelmsford
Morris Rev. Joseph S. 2 Oak villas Muir RobertWm. Woodlands, Whitehall Nagle Mrs. 4 Abbey Gate st. Colchester
Derby road, Woodford road, Woodford Wells,Woodford Green Navin Miss, Hill Bank cott. Newport S.O
:Morris Rev. William M.A. Ellesmere, Mull Wm. I9 Forest View rd.ManorPark Xairn Mrs. 52 Carlyle road, Manor Pa.rk
Linden road, Romford MullettG.J.Roding ho.West bnk.Barkng Nairne Rev. S. M.A.Vicrge.Latton, Hrlw
Morris Benjamin, Ben Mawr, Cleveland Mulley Mrs. 2 Springfield terrace, Spring- Nairne Chas. I03 Ripple road, Barking
road, South Woodford field, Chelmsford Naish Rev. Francis Clement, 2 Calcutta
Morris Charles, I Claremont villa, High Mullins Capt. Arthur John R.A. S. road, Chad well, St. Mary, Grays
road, Loughton S.O Shoebury, Shoeburyness 8.0 Nalborough Misses, I Clevevillas, Dover·
Morris Etiward John, Rock Dene, High Mumferd Allan, Whitehouse, Bures court, Harwich
road, Woodford wells, WoodfordGreen Hamlet, Bures R.S.O Nalborough William John, 2 Clevevillac;,
Morris George, Rokeby, Milton avenue, l\Iumford A. G. 3 Bank pass. Colchester Dovercourt, Harwich
East Ham E Mumford Chas. 140 Ripple rd. Barking Nansor Rev. Robert Vipond LL.B. Vic-
Morris George Field, Madeira, Cambridge l\Iumford J. Don side,Grove hill, W oodfrd a rage, Manningtree
park, Wanstead NE Mumford John William F. Oakfield Narracott N. K. 37 Carlton rd.Manor Pk
Morris Harrold George, Briarsley, Cam- house, High road, Ilford Nash Rev. l<'rederick Co:"don M.A. Vie-
bridge park, Wandstead N :Ill Mumford Matthew James, The Chest- arage, Berden, Bishop's Stortford
1\'Iorris Henry, Junction road,Brentwood nuts, Cambridge park, Wanstead NE Nash Rev. F. G. M.A.Clavrng.Nwprt.S.O
Morris Jn.Ellesmere,TheDrive,Chingfrd Mumford Miss, Chapel hill, Stansted Nash Arthur W. Sion house, Birchanger,
Morris Miss, Orphanage, South road, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Bishop's Stortford
Saffron Walden Mumford Miss, The Green, Great Hol- Nash Herbert Frederic, Winnock house,
:Morris Mrs. 2 Albert villas, Whitehall land, Colchester Wimpole lane, <3olchester
road, Woodford wells,Woodford Green Mumford Mrs. Caroline, Grove villas, Nash Miss, ~ill green, Ingatestone
Morris Mrs. 2I Kandahar villas, Ash- Barking lane, Ilford Nash Mrs. 7 Carew terrace, New London
burnham road, Southend l\lumford Waiter, I Cambridge villas, road, Chelmsford
Morris Thomas Alexander, Hollybower, Victoria road, Romford Nash Mrs. Old Grammar school, Castle
Selsdon road, Wanstead NE Mum ford William, 62 Bedford rd. Ilford street, Saffron Walden
Morris William, I Edinboro' villas, :Mumford William, Lindsey st. Epping Nash Mrs. Sion house, Birchanger, Bi-
Southchurch beach, Southend l\Iumford William, The Bower,Clavering, shop's Stortford
Morrish Richard, IS Rutland rd. Ilford Newport S.O Nash Searle James, The Firs, East Horn-
:Morrison Arthur George, East wood, Munday Geo. J. Fernside,Snaresbrk. NE don; & Heron Gate, Brentwood
The Drive, Chingford Munday Henry, Rose valley, Brentwood N ash Thos. 34 Albany rd. Manor Park
Morrison Geo.W.21 Second :w.:VIanor Pk Munday Mrs. The Poplars, High road, Naters Rev. C. Cuthbert M.A. Dunmow
:Morrison Miss, Struan cottage, Seward's Buckhurst Hill Nathan Capt. I<'. L. R.A.Officialquarters,
End road, Saffron Walden Munday Philip, Fernlea, Latchett road, High Bridge street, Waltham Abbey
.1\'Iorrison Mrs. 8 Alexandrard.Colchester South Woodford "Nathan J. Clarmnt. Upperpk.Lghtn.S.O
Morrison Roderick, 2 Forsyth terrace, l\Iunday Sydney E. 5 St. Kilda's villas, Nation William, Fairview, Cleveland r<!.
White Post lane, East Ham E Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill South W oodford
Morrow Rev. Jn. G. Osborn ho. Main rd Mundle Rev. T. McDougall, Osborne Katusch Miss, 6 Carlton ter. Leigh S.O
Morter Thomas, 28 Castle rd. Colchester place, New London road, Chelmsford N atzler Sl. Curd vil. Plashet la. Ea. Ham E
}'lortimer Joseph, Jersey house, Milton Mundy H. Wycliffe ho. Barking la. Ilfrd Nau~hton William, Blanchard house,
avenue, East Ham E Munn Rev. Herbert M.A. Blackmore Whitehall rd.Wdfrd.Wells,Wdfrd.Grn
Mortimer Waiter, St. John's rd. Epping end, Wethersfield, Braintree Naylor Wm. 97 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
MortlockFredk. J. Eglington, LeighS.O Munro John, Rutlancl house, Romford Naylor-Leyland Capt. H. S. M.P.
Mort on Alfred Geo. Ed win J .P. Clarendon road, Manor Park F. R. G. S., F.Z.S. Lexden pk. Colchester;
house, New London road, Chelm.;ford Munro Mrs. Brook ho.Lit.Saling,Brntree & Hyde Park ho. Albert gt. London sw
J\Iorton Alfred Reay, Trinity cottage, l\Iunro Mrs. Ivy lodge, High r::>ad, Wood- NealWm.H.Holly ldg. George la. Wanstd
Springfield, Chelmsford ford Wells, Woodford Green Neale Robert, Roydon, Ware
MortonCecil Howard, Fairlight Tower, l\Iunro Wm. M.D. 27Richmond rd.Ilford Neale Thompson, White house, Little
Queen's road, Colchester l\Iunson Jn. 29 Fairfield rd. Chelmsford Stambridge, Rochford S.O
Morton James, 10 Grove cres. Woodford l\Iunt Wm. Meadow road, Loughton S.O Neales Ernest William, Langford cot-
1\Iorton Robert R. Star stile, Halstead Munt William T. 2 Durham villas, King's tages, Victoria road, Buckhurst Hill
Moseley Arthur,I6 Grove rd.Wanstd. NE Place road, Buckhurst Hill Nears W. Florida cots.Stanley rd. Wdfrd
11-Ioss A. The Mills, Chad well Hth. R.S.O Murch Jn. J.2 Grange vls.High rd. Ilfrd Neave The Hon. Lady, Dagnam park,
Moss C. Fobbing, Stanford-le-Hope S.O l\Iurch S. H. Goldings hl. Loughton S.O Noak hill, Romford
Moss Edward, Wants farm, Ongar S. 0 Murless Charles, West hatch, Chigwell Neave Capt. D.Hutton hali,Huttn.Brntwd
MossFredk. W. Io Market hill, :Maldon Murley Mrs. Mary H. Boseland house, NeaveC.Milton ho.Milton avnu.E.HamE
Moss George, Church street, Coggeshall Clement's road, Ilford Neave Edward Strangeways, Peacocks,
Moss George, Queen's road, Southend Murphy-Grimshaw William Howard, Margaretting, Ingatestone
Moss H.Heathside,ChadwellHeath R.S.O St. Mary's priory,Prittlewell,Southend Neave Henry, 2 Eagle villas, Cleveland
Moss Miss, 2 Rosebank villas, Victoria Murray D. 33 Durham rd. Manor Park road, South Woodford
road, Romford Murray D. R. Waltham, Oakfid.rd. Ilfrd Neave James William, Weston villa, New
M()ss Mrs. Birdstown, Theydon Bois, Murray Jas. 15 Albany rd. Manor Park London road, Chelmsford
Epping Murray John B. 29 Rutland road, Ilford Neave S. H. M. Mill Green pk. Ingatestn
Moss Mrs. ng Winnock road,Colchester MurrayWtlliam George lVI.B. Beta house, Needham George,Georgetan,villa,Staples
Moss Wm. D. G. Great 'fey, Kelvedon Station road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Loughton S.O
11-Iothersole Mrs. 23 Head st. Colchester Murrell Chas. I7 Broomfield rd.Chlmsfd Needham Jn. III Carlyle rd. Manor Pk
1\Iotion Andrew Richard, Faulkbourn Murrell T. Dry st. Langdon, Romford Needham Waiter, The Croft, Blake Hall
hall, Faulkbourn, Witham Murrells F. 30 Second avenu. Manor Pk road, Wanstead NE
Mott Frederick William, Melrose house, Murrells Wm. 4 Grove terrace, Ilford 1\eild Frederick William, Broomfield ho.
Station road, Chelmsford Murton Rev. G. SI Lexden rd. Colchstr Broomfield, Chelmsford
Mott George, Warley road, Brentwood .MurtonH. Weliington's,Southminster S.O Neild William, I32 Ripple road, Barking
Mott Jas. 14 Cumberland rd.l\IanorFark Musgrove George, The Lodge, Horne Nell H. T. Studley-royal,Grove rd. W dfrd
Mott Mrs. Clifton cot. Stock,Ingatestone row, Danbury, Chelmsford Nelson John, 48 Clarence road, Manor Pk
Mott Mrs. 173 Coggeshall rd. Braintree Muskett Edward,IWinsley rd. Colchester Nelson Percy, Sunnyside, Cleveland road,
1vloule Capt. L.I4 Clementsgrdns.Ilford Musselwhite Rev. Edward, Rectory, South Woodford
Moull Mrs. Valentine villa, Warleyroad, Virley, Kelvedon Nelson Wm.Geo.Woodfordrd.Sth.Wdfrd
Brentwood Must Miss, George la. South Woodford Nethercot Hy. I I Hastings rd. Southend
Moull William,Western villa, Brentwood Mustard Albert, 67 N.Station rd.Clchstr NettleshipJ.H.TheHollies,High st.Wnstd
}'fount Ensor, High road, Loughton S.O :Mustard Charles, High st. Manningtree Neltlestone E. 9 Wentworth rd.ManorPk
Moxham James, 79Carlyle rd.l\IanorPrk Mustart James, 2 Hilda villas, .Forest NevardH.sollergholt rd.MileEnd,Clchstr
Moxley Rev. Joseph Henry Sutton B.A. road, l\'Ianor Park .Kevard James, 128 Magdalen st. Clchstr
Crescent road, Brentwood :VIyers Rev. Thomas B. A. Rectory, Twin- .Kevill :\Irs. Abberton, Colchester
Moy Ernest, 6 Oxford road, Colchester stead, Sudbury Neville Rev. The Hon. Canon Latimer
Moy T. Stanway hall,Stanway,Chlchestr :Myers Andrew, Brooklyn,l\Iilton avenue, M.A. Rectory, Heydon, Royston
Muddiman John, Woodland view, Cleve- East Ham E Xeville Rw. Brent R. J\-I.A. Rectory,
land road, South Woodford :MyhillAddy.Nunn, High st.SaffronWaldn Greenstead, Colchester
Mugford Frank William, The Heath, 1.\lyhill Ed ward Henry, Newport 8.0 Xew Alfred James,Easthorpe house, They-
Sunset avenue, Woodford Green l\lyhill H. Dawkins, Hmpstd.Sffrn."\Vldn don Garnon, ~pping
J\Iugford Sidney Arthur, High street, l\lyhill H. Debden road, Saffron Walden Newall John Li~htfoot J.P. Forest hall,
blanningtree Nag1e E. M. 28 First ave~ue, l\Ianor Pk High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O

Newall John Walker, Forest hal1, High Nicholl C. Bovills hall,.Ardleigh, Colcbstr Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmeley
Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O Nicholl C. jun. 73 East hill, Colchester Ralston M . .A. J.P. Orsett house, Or-
Newberrr Job, The Lindens, Cambridge Nicholl C. K. M. .A. Danbury, Chelmsfrd sett S.O
road, Wanstead NE :Nicholl F. 3Mornington vils.Momington North .A. W. St.Keyne, Grove hi. Wdfrd
Newbery E. Fried ho. Leigh rd.Southend rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green North E. East Stockwell st. Colchester
Newbitt F. M. 5 Salisbury rd.Colchester Nicholl John, The Hemnalls, Theydon North Henry, 5 Adelaide terrace, Ilford
Newborn Mrs. Swanley lodge, Romford Garnon, Epping NorthardWm. Avenue ho.Latton,Harlow-
road, Manor Park Nicholl Miss,CastleHedingham,Halstead Northcott Ed.C. St. John's rd. E. Ham E
Newborn Chilton William, Rettendon Nicho11MissM.A.8r Durhamrd.ManorPk Northcott G. 23 Grove rd.Wanstead NE
hall, Rettendon, Chelmsford Nicholl Percy, 5 Carlton rd. Manor Park N orton Rev. Josiah M.A. Vicarage, High
Newby Nathan, IS Maldon rd. Colchestr Kicholls H.Bonacord,Milton av.E.HamE Beech, Loughton S.O
Newcomb James, St. Osyth, Colchester NichollsH.E.8Cumberland rd.ManorPkE Norton Edwd. 9 Brandon terrace, Ilford
Newcomen Rev. Gilbert Arthur, Glea- Nicholls Mrs. Fore street, Harlow Norton F. J.6 Cumberland rd.Manor Pk
dowe, Queen's road, Brentwood Nicholls Mrs. Nazeing, Waltham Cross NortonH. 25 Wordsworth av. E. Ham E
Newcomen RA. Herbert villa, Pulteney Nichols C.Bromsgrove,Brook st.Brentwd NortonJames,Hazlehurst,Pleasantgrove.
road, South W oodford Nichols Charles, Gatton, St. Paul's road, East Ham E
Newell Charles Hy. 37 Bedford rd. Ilford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O NortonMrs.Norton bouse,Milton avenue,.
Newham Henry, 9 Meanley rd.Manor Pk Nichols Francis Morgan J.P. Lawford East Ham E
Newland George, Hemnall street, They- hall, Manningtree Norton William, Oxford st. Manningtree.
don Garnon, Epping Nicbols Henry, Kelvedon NorwoodRev. Samuel B.A.4 Holly villas.
Newland Mrs. 9 Grove hill, Woodford Nichols Mrs. 39 Hamlet road,Chelmsfrd Clarendon road, South Woodford
Newling Benjamin, Woodleigh, Wood- Nichols P. Ramsey lo. Ramsey, Harwich Xottidge Mrs. 1 Colne Bank rd.Colchstr
ford road, South Woodford Nicbols Waiter Buchanan, East lodge, Nottley Rev. William George Glutton,.
Newman Charles Parker, Albany ter- Mistley, Manningtree Ramsden Bellbouse, Brentwood
race, Rayne road, Bocking, Braintree Nicbols Wm. Park ho. Plasbet gr .E. Ham E Nunn Alfred,3o W ellesley rd. Wnstd.N E
Newman Edgar, 5 Chapel st. Colchester Nichols William Henry, Burleigh house, Nunn Francis, The Croft, Coggeshall
NewmanFrederick,r Trentvillas,Church Theydon Bois, Epping road, Bocking, Braintree
road, Buckhurst Hill Xicholson Benj. H. M. B. High st.Clchstr Nunn H. E. 41St. John's st. Colchester
Newman Henry, 2 Grove terrace, Ilford Nicholson G. H. Sal way hill,Woodfrd.Gn Nunn John, 2 Brighton villas, Lee road~
Newman Jarnes, Albert villa, Coggeshall Nicbolson Mrs. 2 Port terrace, Mildmay Dovercourt, Harwich
road, Braintree road, Chelmsford NunnJ.39 Pownall crs.Mersea rd.Clchstr
Newman JobnTbomas,Crownfield house, Nicholson Mrs. Sarah,Melrose, Clarendon Nunn Mrs. 31 Culver street, Colchester
Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood road, South Woodford Nunn Mrs. Witham
Newman Joseph, Church hill, Epping Nicholson Ralph, Beech villa, Barking Nunn P.Myrtle cot. Earls Colne,Halstead
Newman Miss, .Albany terrace, Rayne road, East Ham E Nunn Thos. Hill street, Saffron Walden
road, Rocking, Braintree Xicholson Richd. T. 23 Coventry rd. Ilfrd Nunn Thomas T. Hetton house, Station
Newman Miss, Chapel hill, Stansted NicholsonWm.'fheGreen,WoodfordGrn road,LoughtonS.O
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Nicbolson William J. 87Bedford rd.IIfrd XunnW.J.rEgle. crs.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O
Newman Miss, Shenfield common, Shen- Nicols Rev. David Chas. M.A. Ongar S.O Nunn \Yilliam Travis, Langford,Maldon
field, Brentwood Nightingale Robert, Cross road, Maldon Nunneley C. Southside, Grove hl. Wdfrd
Newman Misses, Augusta house, Castle Nix John K. Billericay Nurse Edward, Mill house, Chelmsford
Hedingbam, Halstead Nix William, Billericay .Nutter Mrs. George lane, Wanstead NE
Newman Misses, Chipping bill, Witbam NixonEdmund H.124Maldonrd.Colchstr OadesW.T.Homelea,TheydonBois,Eppng
Newman Misses, Rayne, Braintree Noad Mrs. Chigwell Row Oades W. Waverley, Grove hi.Woodford..
Newman Mrs.I Blandford villas,Queen's Noah Wm. 20 Victoria av. East Ham E OakerMrs.IAlbynter.Queen'srd.Sthend
road, Buckhurst Hill Noble Frederic, Ongar S.O Oakes A. I Holly ter.Whitta rd.Manor Pk
Newman Mrs. North place, Great Bard- Noble Frederic Miller, Ongar S.O Oakes l\I. N. The Elms,Chappel,Halstead
field, Braintree Noble H. 11 The Terrace, Woodford Grn Oakley Rev.Edwin Henry M..A. Rectory,.
Newman Richard Meade, Mount bill, Noble Sier, I Maple villas, Palmerston Lamarsh, Colchester
Springfield, Chelmsford road, Buckburst Hill Oakley Adam R.A.Hornchurch,Romford
Newman Robt. 69 Wakering rd.Barking Nocholds Martin, Castle Hill house, The Oakley Samuel Robson, Pilcrofts, Great
Newman Thomas, Carisbrook villa,Lans- Common, Saffron Walden Clacton, Colchester
down road, Woodford Nockolds Alfred, Abbey farm, Audley Oakley William, :oo Head st. Halstead
NewmanTbos.2rForestView rd.ManorPk End, Saffron Walden OakleyWilliam. St. John's road, Epping
Newman Thomas Beddall, Westfield Nocton Mrs. Langham hall, Langham, OatesW. E. Over Hall,Gestingthrp.Hlstd
house, Wethersfield, Braintee Colchester Obery John, St. Austell villa, Milton
Newman T.H. TheElms,Rayne,Braintree Noel W. J. Sunnyside, Grove hl. Woodfd avenue, East Ham E
Newman Thomas 0. Woodville, Stansted Noon Frederick, I Cromer rd. Southend O'Brien John,Crossleigh, Milton avenue,.
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford NordenE.C.Elmsdale,Statn. rd.Loughtn East Ham E
N ewman William Purnell, Rose bank, N orden W. G. Chester lodge, Albion hill, O'Brien J. H.48 Second aven. Manor Pk
Whitehall lane, Burkhurst Hill S.O Loughton S.O O'Brien Mrs. Feltimores, Harlow
NewmarchFrancis William,2Monkham's Norman Rev. Canon Charles Fredk. Ockenden P.Rydal mt. Eastern rd.Rmfd
ter. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green 1\'I.A., J.P. Mistley Place, Manningtree O'ConnellJ.Acacia vil.Queen's rd. Brkng
Newport William Robinson, Pledgden Norman Rev. Alfred John, Lealholme, Odling John, Medeswell lodge,Marlboro"
hall, Henham, Bishop's ctortford The Cliffs, Leigh S.O road, South Woodford
Newstead Mrs. Beach cottage, Beach Norman Rev. W. l\l.A. Snaresbrook NE Offin Mrs. 2 Washbrook villas, Station
street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Norman Edward Kensit D.L., J.P. road, Lougbton S.O
Newstead Robert Joseph,Roseacre, They- Mistley lodge, Manningtree Offin Thos. W. Turret ho. Rayleigh S.O
don Garnon, Epping Norman George, The Limes, Barking Offin T. W. jun. Turret ho. Rayleigh S. 0
Newstead Thos. H. Sweep'shill,Chigwell side, Ilford Offin Thomas William, HockleyS.O
Newton Abraham, 2 Mount Pleasant Norman Geo.D. 59 High st. Chelmsford Ogden H.Thule. Ashburnham rd. Sthend
villas, Parsonage street, Halstead Norman J. Hill estate, Doverct.Harwicb Ogden Rcbd.S. ro Wakeringrd. Barking
NewtonE.E.Rosevil.NewTown,Harwich Norman Mrs. Oakes cottages, Maybank O'Grady Mrs.Lexden st. Lexden,Clchstr
Newton George John, Fern lodge, Lon- road, South Woodford Oldaker J. B. I Queen's ter. High rd.IIfd
don road, baffron Walden Norman R.Connaught av.Loughton S.O OldakerMrs. 12 Oakfield road, Ilford
Newton John Oliver, 2 Salisbury villas, Norman William, Ulifton house, l\Iain Older Ernest Rlph. 19 Headst. Halstead
Latchett road, South Wood ford road, Doverc~urt, Harwich Oldfield Mrs. Marden Ash, High Ongar ~
Newton Joseph, East house, Harlow NormanWilliam Dunbeath house, Queens Chipping Ongar S.O
Newton Lewis B. 23 Tyler's av. Southend road, Buckburst Hill Oldham Arthur Combermere, Greensted
Newton M. P.l\'Iarine lo.Battles Brdg.S.O Norman W. 17 Ev-ersleigh rd. E. Ham E bouse,Greensted-juxta-Ongar.Brntwd
Newton Mrs. 35 West street, Harwich Norris Rev Thoma'3Francis, The Presby- Oldham Charles, 2 Warwick villas,.
Newton William, :Fawn villa, Queen's tery, Ingrave road, Brentwood Chelmsford road, ·woodford
road, Buckhurst Hill Norris George, 42 Linton road, Barking Oldham Mrs. 24 Fairfield rd.Chelmsford
NewtonWilliam,3 Queen'svils.Southend Norris Henry, Laur!e square. Romford Oldridge James,4oManor rd. Colchester
Nice Miss, 2 Providence villas, Mount Norris James Alfrtd, 4 Prospect ter- Olive William, Kelvedon
road, Braintree race, Broomfield rold, Chelmsford OliverRev. William 1\'IacjanlayM.A. Rec-
Nice Mrs. Ballingdon Sudbury, Suffolk Non is Jas. C. 45 Woodlands road,Ilford tory, Bobbingworth, Ongar S. 0
Nicbolas John H.66 London rd.Braintree Norris John, Glenavon, West Grove road, Oliver A. L.Fernbank, Sth. Benfleet S.O
Nicbolas John, St. Catherine, Maybank Snake's lane, Woodfotd Green Ohver Edward,2 Hawthorne villas,High
road, South Woodford Norris S. F. Horrell's,Gt. Smpfd. Brntree road, Buckhurst Hill
NicholasMiss,34NewLondonrd.Cheimsfd[Norris William Henry, :J Augusta ter- Olh·er Frederick James, The Hollies.
Nicholas Mrs. South street, Mar.ningtree race, Chelmsford road, Wooclford Whitehall lane, Buckhurst Hil1
Oliver Frederick S. Whitehouse, 1\Iar- Owles A. Ivy ho. Shenfield, Brentwood Palmer Charles, Eaton villa, Eastern
garetting, Ingatestone Owston Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory, road, Romford
Oliver G. T.Lyonter. Springfld.Chlmsfrd Layer Breton, Kelvedon Palmer C. J. 2 Clement's grdns. llford
Oliver J. St.Catherine's, Lndn.rd.Sthend Oxenham William, Marine parade, Palmer Charles James, 5 Mornington
Oliver Miss, 5 Clifton terrace, Southend Dovercourt, Harwich villas, Wanstead park, Wanstead NE
Oliver Mrs.Redho.Thydn.Grnon.Eppng Oxland Charles, Hill house, Great Palmer E. 27 Second avnu. Manor Park
Oliver Richard Charles, 10 Bedford gar- Yeldham, Halstead Palmer Frank William, 77 North Sta-
dens, Barking lane, llford Oxley A. 58 Victoria avnu. East Ham E tion road, Colchester
Oliver William, 4 Ebenezer vlllas, St. Ozanne Leon, Berjouville, Grove road, Palmer George J.P. Hill house, Up-
Mary's road, Ilford Woodford minster, Romford
Olirieri C. TheLimes,Takeley,Chelmsfrd Packe Rev. Wm. James M. A. Vicarage, PalmerG.Lothian ho.Park cres,Southend
Ollard George,q Hythe hill, Colchester Feering, Kelvedon Palmer Geo. Jas. 4 Oxford rd.Colchester
Olley Edward,Baltic, Balfour rd. Ilford Packer E. J. 38 Third avenu. Manor Pk Palmer Harry William, Hawarden villas,
Olley T.Gal!eywd. Common, Chelmsfrd Packer Henry John, High st. Romford Eastern road, Romford
Olsen Andrew, 8 Queen's road, Ilford Packer Thomas, Hebburn villa, Grove Palmer J. T. Debden hall, Loughton S.O
O'Neill Lt. Owen R.A. South Shoebury, hill, Woodford Palmer Merry, 106 Ripple rd. Barking
Shoeburyness S.O Packman James, Great Newbury's, Aid- Palmer Miss, 1 Church villas, Church.
Opperman Henry, 2 Grosvenor villas, borough Hatch, Ilford road, Clacton-on·Sea R.S.O
Eastern road, Romford Packman W. 16 Second avnu. Manor Pk Palmer Miss, Tumours hall, Gravel
Oram William, 30 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Pad bury Rev. J oseph Fredk. 8 Albert lane, Chigwell
Oram W.Sewardstone st. Wlthm. Abbey place, New London road, Chelmsford Palmer Miss, The Croft, Warren road,.
OramsW. J. Brkside. Carlton rd. Rmfrd Paddon Mrs. Clara, 16 Forest View Chingford
Ord Mrs. 10 Lexden road, Colchester road, Manor Park Palmer Mrs. Bury ho. London rd.Romfrd
O'Reilly Rev. Charles James B.A. Vicar- Paffey Samuel, 6 Holly terrace, 'Vhitta Palmer Mrs. London rd. Saffron Walden
age, Cressing, Brain tree road, Manor Park Palmer Mrs. Marden Ash, High Ongar,.
Orfeur Charles Ernest, 124 North Sta- Page Rev. Arnold Henry M.A., J.P. Chipping Ongar S.O
tion road, Colchester Rectory, Tendring, Colchester Palmer Mrs. 23 Salisbury rd. Colchester
OrfeurMrs. Mayholme,TheAvnu.Brntree Page Rev. Arthur Thos. Bristed A.K.C. Palmer Mrs. Verandah, Beaconsfield
OrfeurN.Mayholme,The Avenue,Brntree Castle Hedingham, Halstead avenue, Colchester
Orme Robert, The Firs, Leigh S.O Page Arthur John, Bacon's, Dengie, Palmer Ralph Charlton, Nazeing park,.
Orpen Daniel, 59 Castle ter. Colchester Southminster S.O Nazeing, Waltham Cross
Orpen Osmond George, Hill side, West Page Charles, The Hall, Dengie, South- Palmar Wm. 54 Longbridge rd. Barking
Bergholt R.S.O minster S.O Pamphilon Stephen Alger. Lyndon cot-
Orpen Robt. 30 Wellesley rd. Colchester Page Charles G. 2 Crouch st. Colchester tage, Sheering, Harlow
Orr Alexander Thompson, 7 Tilbury Page Duncan Lionel, Laurel house, Pannell Samuel Hughes, The Oak, Peb-
gardens, Tilbury S.O :Forest side, Chingford marsh, Bures R.S.O. Suffolk
Orr Thomas Workman, Rowallan, Morn- Page F. E. New moor, Southminster S.O Pape Fraulein, Powerscroft, Woodford
ington road, W oodford Green Page Geo. Hy. 30 Mersea rd. Colchester road, South W oodford
Orridge W. so Victoria avnu. East Ham E Page Henry, Woodfield road, Brain tree Papillon Rev. Thomas Leslie M.A.
Orriss James, 34 Mersea rd. Colchester Page J. C. 3 Cranbrook villas, Ilford The Vicarage, Writtle, Chelmsford
Orsborn John Collis, Gartlands, l\Ialdon Page Jas. 27 Broomfield rd. Chelmsford Papillon The Misses, 26 Creffield roadp
road, Colchester Page Jas. Smoky house, Great Clacton Colchester
Orttewell Frank, 2 High street, Maldon Page John, New street, Harlow PapillonMrs.Church ho.Lexden,Colchstr-
Orttewell Richard, 2 High street, Maldon Page Jn. J.P. Rawlings,Mayland,Maldon Papprill W. 43 Grosvenor road, Ilford
Osborn Edwin Emanuel, 16 Tennyson Page J. C. Old moor, Southminster S.O Parchment ::.\'Irs. 10 Randulph terrace,
avenue, East Ham E Page John Knight, Holly cottage, Chad- Springfield, Chelmsford
Os born Mrs. Rose cot. Chappel, Halstead well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Pardoe Joseph, 2 Winona vils.Leigh S.O
Osborn Mrs. The Retreat, Derby road, Page Miss, Kelvedon Pardy William,I6Fairfield rd.Chehnsfrd
Woodford Page Miss, W asteria house, Manningtree Parez C. C. T., B. A. Woodford Wells,.
Osborn Thos. Tavistock lodge, 'favistock Page Mrs. Boxted vil. Boxted, Colchestr Woodford Green
road, South Woodford Page Mrs. 38 Creffield road, Colchester Parfait E. C. I2A, Church st.Chelmsford
Osborn Wm. M. Clarence lodge, Lans- Page Mrs. South street, Manningtree Parish G. Goodwyns, 'fakeley,Chelmsfrd
downe road, South Woodford Page Mrs. Weeley, Colchester Parish Joseph, Roydon, Ware
Osborne Hy. 32 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Page Robert, Down hall, Bradwell-juxta- Parish Mrs. Cambridge villa, Great
Osborne John, 11 Grove cres. Woodford Mare, Southminster S.O Clacton, Colchester
Osborne Mrs. Glenville, Higham :road, Page William J.P. The Hall, South- Parish Wm.Barrett,Malteserd.Chlmsfrd
Woodford Green minster S.O Park Elphinstone, 4 Milton terracep
Osborne Rev. Henry Trimmer M.A. Page W. H. The Hall, Southminster 8.0 Milton avenue, East Ham E
Hythe, Colchester Page W. S. The Gales, Woodford Bridge Park William, Oakhurst, High rd.Ilford
Osborne Mrs. Holly lodge, Dovercourt, Pagenstecher G.2o6 Portway,WestHam E Parker Rev. J. Coventry road, Ilford
Harwich Paget Julius, 12 Hainault vils. Chigwell Parker Arthur, Ardencroft, South road,
Osborne Thomas, Stock, Ingatestone Pain Mrs. 3 Cliff terrace, Cliff road, Saffron Walden
Osbourn F. B. 4 Beverley rd. Colchester Dovercourt, Harwich Parker Arthur Charles, Great Mascalls,.
Osburn Commander Francis R.N. Pain Mrs. William, Hatfield, Harlow Great Haddow, Chelmsford
Bouchiers hall, Messing, Kelvedon PaineD. G. 14 Westbury rd. Brentwood Parker B.Beech vils.Victoria rd.Romford
Osmond Chas. 1 Maldon rd. Colchester Paine Geo. 7 Second avenu. Manor Park Parker Charles, 5 Richmond villas, York
Osmond E. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester Painter Charles, Aldborough hall, Ald- road, Southend
Ostlere Robert, The Chestnuts, Derby borough Hatch, Ilford Parker Charles Alfred J.P. Durwards
road, W oodford Painter Edmund George, Gaysham hall, Riven hall, Witham
Oswald Rev. Hy. Murray M. A. Rectory, lodge, High road, Ilford Parker Chas.A.83 Winnock rd.Colchester
Great Hallingbury, Bishop's Stortford Painter John, Hutton house, High Beech Parker Christopher William, M. A., D.L .•
Otway Mrs. Wickham Bishops, Witham road, Loughton S.O J.P. Hatfield priory, Witham
Ovenstone David, Ash villa, Queen's Painter Miss, Northfield, Princes road, Parker Edward Hy. 8 Gray rd.Colchestr
road, Barking road, Buckhurst Hill Parker Edward Richard J.P. Belmont;
OverT. Fernleigh, Garfield rd.Chingford Palmer Col. Frederick J.P. List on hall, castle, Grays
Overall William Henry, Waverley villas, Liston, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) Parker Francis, 6 Park ter. Southend
:Maybank road, South Woodford Palmer Rev. Abram Smythe D.D. The Parker Frederick Charles, F1llebrook,
Overmark Miss Emma, 63 Carlyle road, Vicarage, Hermon hill, Sth. Woodford The Drive, High road, Loughton S.O
Manor Park Palmer Rev. Ebenezer Reeves M. A. Parker G. High st.Brightlingsea,Colchstr
Ovit William, Dudley lodge, New Wan- Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Parker George B. 8 Clement's rd. llford
stead, Wanstead NE Palmer A. so Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Parker J. Florence vil.Coventry rd.Ilford
Owen Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory, Brad- Palmer Alfred Edward, Rose villa, Sta- Parker John, Coverdale, Romford road,
well-juxta-Mare, Southminster S.O tion road, Chingford Manor Park
Owen Francis, Thorndon, Iregrave, Palmer Archdale, Collyers, Xazeing, Parker John, St. )largucret's, Runwell
Brentwood Waltham Cross terrace, Southend
Owen John, Ethel cottage, Theydon Palmer Archdale Villiers, Nazeing park, Parker John Archd. Clarendon house,.
Bois, Epping Nazeing, Waltham Cross Forest drive, Manor Park
Owen Mrs. E. A. 19 Rutland rd. Ilford PalmerA.R. 8 Cowperavnu. EastHamE Parker :\-lissesOxley,Woodham)Iortimer
Owen Walt. 25 Meanley rd. Manor Park Palmer Arthur William, 4 Forest View place, Woodham }lortimer, )!aldon
Owers Frank H. Maltese rd. Chelmsford road, :Manor Park Parker Mrs. Mill end, Clavering,
Owgan J:t'rancis Alleyn, Clifton house, Palmer Charles, Bycula house, The Newport S.O
High road, Loughton S.O Cliff, Southend Parker:Mrs.Rosecot.Gt.Clacton,Colchstr-
Parker Mrs. 85 Winnock rd. Colchester Passmore William H. Devon villa, Se- Peachey Miss, 46!:Mersea rd. Colchester
Parker Robert, Billericay ward's End road, Saffron Walden Peachy Miss, Ugley green, Ugley, His-
Parker Richard, Fillebrook, The Drive, Patch Mrs. S. 52 Longbridge rd.Barkng hop's Stortford
High road, LoughtonS. 0 Patchett William, Bury lodge, Epping Peacock E.B. I I Westbury rd. Brentwood
Parker Samuel, Brackenhurst, High Patchin T.Inglewood,Churchflds.Woodfd Peacock Jn. Mill end, Thaxted,Dunmow
road, Loughton S.O Paterson John, Bank house, Harwich Peacock Misses, Repton cottage, Hare
Parker Thomas, Inverkep cottage, Wood- Paterson Mrs. Elm vi!. Station rd.Chngfd street, Romford
ford road, South Wood ford Paterson Mrs. I6 Hainault vils. Chigwell Pead Henry R. Amesbury cottage, They-
Parker W.J. 30 First avenue,ManorPark Paterson Mrs. I Morden villas, Higham don Bois, Epping
Parker Wm. 9 Grove rd. Wanstead NE road, Woodford Green Peake Albt. Richd. Trinity cotts. Harwich
Parker William, Langdon, Romford Paterson William Cameron, 1 Rutland PeakeAugustus,35 Thirdaven.ManorPk
Parker William Roy, Parkdale, Church- villlls, Selsdon road, Wansford NE Peake Jas. Hy. roo Glenny rd. Barking
fields, Woodford PatersonW.E.9Queen'sGroveTd.Chngfd Peake Robert, Valley lodge, Woodford
Parkes Charles Reginald, Theydon hall, Patmer Misses, Watling street, Thaxted, road, Snaresbrook NE
Theydon Bois, Epping Dunmow Peall John, 13 Wentworth rd. ManorPk
Parkes Edward, 41 East st. Colchester Patmore Frederick William, Tirhurst, Peall Mrs. Great Clacton, Colchester
Parkin G.R. 42 King's Quay st. Harwich Plashet grove, East Ham E Pearce James Clements, Woodford road,·
Parkin The Misses A. A. & E. E. York Patmore Mrs. Stansted Mountfitthet, South Woodford
villa, Maybank road, South Woodford Bishop's Stortford Pearkes Arthur E. 49 Thorold rd. Ilford
Parkinson Rev. S. Parsonagest.Halstead Patmore Philip, Grove house, Creeksea, Pearkes George J. 49 Thorold rd. Ilford
Parkinson Rev. William M.A. Rectory, Hurnham S.O · Pearl William, Mitre villa, Chadwell
Langenhoe, Colchester Paton Frank, Scott's, Moreton, Chipping Street, Chad well Heath R.S.O
Parkinson Frederick, The Grange, Fry- Ongar S. 0 Pearmine J. F. 3 Albany rd. Manor Park
erning, Ingatestone Paton F .Kilgower,Plashet gr.East Ham E Pearse Mrs.Lynfords,Runwell,Chelmsfd
Parlby :Miss, Brook street, Brentwood Patrick Henry, Wrabness hall, Wrabness, Pearson Lieut.-Col. Arthur J. R.A. Lynn
Parmenter Cyrus, Victoria house,Manor Manningtree house road, Warley, Brentwood
street, Braintree Patrick :Mrs. 73 New street, Halstead Pearson Rev. Arthur C. M.A. Rectory,
Parmenter l\Irs.J.28 Albert rd.Braintree Patten Capt. George R. B. Creffield Springfield grn. Springfield,Chelmsfrd
Parmenter Saml. C. Mount ho.Braintree house, Gray road, Colchester Pearson Rev.T.L. B.A.London rd.Maldn
Parmenter Silas, Ivy house, Bradford Patten John, 6 Gladding road, Manor Pk Pearson Charles, Woodfield rd. Braintree
street, Bocking, Braintree Pattison John, 11 Harrow rd. E. Ham E Pearson Geo. Helvetia, Coventryrd.Ilfrd
Parmenter William, The Limes, Cogges- Pattison J oseph, 1 Oakley villa, Princes Pearson James,5o Longbridge rd. Barkng
hall road, Braintree road, Buckhurst Hill PearsonL.Delafordho.Thydn.Bois,Eppng
Parmenter "William Charles, Bevingdon PattisonJoshua, Elm villa, Princes road, Pearson Miss, 2 Whitegate, Southend
house, Belchamp Otten, Clare R.S.O. Buckhurst Hill PearsonRobert, 49 Wakeringrd.Barking
Suffolk Pattison Miss, I 1 Hospital rd. Colchester Pearson William, Redgrove, Theydon
Parnell Harry W. 32 Grosvenorrd.Ilford Pattison Mrs. 2 Carew terrace, Xew Garnon, Epping
ParnellJ.,J.P.TheGran~e,Walthm.Abby London road, Chelmsford Peart Rev. John, 22 Trinityrd. Halstead
Parr Charles, Devonshire lodge, Fuller's Pattison :.\'Irs. Fawley lodge, George lane, Pease Wm. 2 Glen viis. South Benflt. S.O
road, Woodford South Woodford Peat F. S. 2 Beaconfield ter. Colchester
Parr Mrs. Pboobe, I 1 Tennyson avenue, Pattisson William H. Luard, The Manse, Pechey Thomas, Primrose, Rosebrae,
East Ham E Writtle, Chelmsford Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Parr Thomas, 18 Albany rd.Manor Park PattrickJ.R.TheTower,Dovercrt.Harwch Peck William, 30 Queen's road, Ilford
Parris Edward, Mascall's Bury, "White Pat trick Misses, Hill ho. Dovercrt.Harwch Peck Wm. Winsleys ho.High st.Colchestr
Roothing, Dunmow Paul Alexander, The Cedars, Mawneys Pedley Mrs. George lane, Wanstead NE
Parris Mrs. Queenborough, Braintree estate, Romford Pedley S. William, Grove cottage, George
Parrish Coulson Douglas, Frizland, Paul Edmd.J. 12MarinePark sq.Southend lane, Wanstead N El
Becontree Heath, Romford Paul Richard, 4 Gladding rd. Manor Pk Peecock Octavius Herbert, 19 East hill,
Parrish George, I New road, Ilford Paul W. H.Canvey Island,Sth.Benflt.S.O Colchester
Parrish W. Orange st. Thaxted,Dunmow Pavey William, 3 Forest road, Manor Pk PeelCol.Arthur, 7 Lexden rd. Colchester
Parrott Mrs. 2 Palmerston cottages, Pavie George, 44 Carlyle road, Manor Pk Peel Captain Francis, Boxted house,
Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Pavie William, Primrose house, Third Boxted, Colchester
Parry Rev. William Cadwaladr, The avenue, Manor Park Pegg James, 5 Fairycroft terrace,
Hurst, Brightlingsea, Colchester Pavie William, 3 Station road,Manor Pk Audley road, Saffl'on Walden
Parry Mrs. Eweland hall, Margaretting, Pavitt l\Irs. Grosvenor villas, ·whalebone Pegram James E. The Bank, Dunmow
Ingatestone lane, Chad well Heath R.S.O Pegrum Mrs. Nazeing, Waltham Cross
Parson Miss, Pleasant cottage, Great Pavitt ..rt'seph Henry, Hurst view, Epp· Pelham Rev. the Hon. Canon Francis
Warley, Brentwood irg New road, Buckhurst Hill S.O Godolphin, The Rectory, High road,
Parson Mrs.TheCottage,Boxted,Colchstr Pa>itt \Villiam, 74 Third aven.Manor Pk Buckhurst Hill
Parsonage Charles Tester, ro Westfield Pavitt William Spencer, Rettendon, Pelham Jn.Frank,2 Richmond rd. Ilford
terrace, ~affron Walden Chelmsford Pellas Eugene, Villa De Maillane, Burn-
Parsons Frank L. I Carlyle rd.:Manor Pk PawlettT.L. Asylum, Crescent rd.Brntwd ham S.O
Parsons Frederick, Chestnut cottage, Pawsey James .A. 15 East hill, Colchestr Pellatt Stephen, 1 ·Hamlet court, The-
Latchett road, South Woodford Paxman J. N. J.P.Stisted hall,Braintree Hamlet, Southend
Parsons F. 37 Tennyson av. East Ham E Paxman Noah, 54 South street, Colchstr Felling Thomas, Fawley house, 21 East
Parsons George, Bellingham house, Paxman William, 4 North hill, Colchestr street, Barking
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Paxon Waiter, Little Langtons, Horn- Pelly Rev. Raymond Percy M. A. Walden
Parsons G. 44 Third avenue, Manor Park church, Romford place, Saffron Walden
Parsons John, Rawreth, Chelmsford Pay Rev. Alexander William, West ~Ier- Pelly Herbert Cecil, Shortacres, High
Parsons John, 31 West street, Harwich sea, Colchester road, Loughton S.O
Parsons Jn. G. 25 Wellesley rd.Colchestr Payne Rev. Cbarles Lennard, Willingale Pelly John Gurney Richard, Theydon
Parsons :\Irs. I I The Green, Mistley, Spain, Chipping Ongar S.O place, Theydon Garnon, Epping
Manningtree Payne Amos, 31 Manor Pk. rd.Manor Pk Pelly Leonard J.P. Bowes, Ongar S.O
Parsons Thomas Webb, Pouchers hall, Payne Frank Cobham, Witham Pemberton Rev. Jsph. Hardwick, Round
Wethersfield, Brain tree Payne Fredk. 35 Manor Pk. rd.Manor Pk house, Havering-Atte-Bower,Romford
Parsons William, 3 Connaught villas, Payne Harold, Spilfeathers, lngatestone l'emberton George, The Plain, Epping
Southchurch road, Southend Payne Henry, Up. Railway st. Hraintree Pemberton Mrs. Round house, Haver-
Partin Mrs. Shingfield villa, Milton Payne James, Wolseley house, Romford ing-Atte-Bower, Romford
avenue, East Ham E road, Manor Park Pemberton Robert, Hare hall, Hare
PartridgeW,A.Mill ho.Lamarsh,Colchstr Payne J. H. Homefield,Crown st.Brntwd street, Romford
Pascoe James Roger, Pyrmont, Sal way Payne J. H. Northend, Southminster S.O Pemberton-Barnes Mrs. The Hall, Hav-
hill, Woodford Green Payne Miss, Finchingfield, Braintree ering-Atte-Bower, Romford
Pasfield George, Oak cottage, King's Payne Mrs. Bower hill, Theydon Gar- Pender-Smith Geo. Wivenhoe, Colchstr
Place road. Buckhurst Hill non, Epping Peniston A. H. Lyndhurst, Theydon
Pash J. Brittain, Rainsford rd. Chelmsfd Payne Mrs. Epping Bois, Epping
Pask Edgar, Heath Park estate, Romfrd PayneO. The Place,Borley,Sdbry.(Suffik) Penn Charles Albert, 38 Wentworth
Pask Frank William, 5 Hawkswood vil- PayneS. T.Gartlands,~Ialdon rd.Colchstr road, l\Ianor Park
las, King's Head hill, Chingford Payne William, Ebenezer lodge, Alfred PennChas.Ebnzr.Crosby ho.ChigwellRw
Paske ~Irs. A. Hermon hl.Wanstead NE road, Buckhurst Hill Pennack Mrs. 41 Hamlet rd. Chelmsfrd
Paskell Robert T. High st. Manningtree Payne Wm. Wall ho. Ford End,Cbelmsfd Pennell George, Grasmere, Victoria
PassfieldR. C. Parkhill, Chrchflds. Woodfd PayzeR.Broomfields,Chadwell HthR.S. 0 road, Leigh S. 0
Passingham G. 103 Carlyle rd.Manor Pk Peache Jas. C. 87 St. John's st. Colchestr Penney E. Jas. 24 vYellesleyrd.Colchestr
Penney Ferdinand John, r Tavistock vi!. Petrie Rev. "\Yalter Layton Th.A.K.C.L. Picton Henry, 2 Lammas villa, Bucking-
Tavistock road, South Woodforc!. Blackmore, Ingatestone ham road, Woodford
.Pennington Bennett, Addington villa, Petrie Charles,13 Harrowrd.EastHamE Pidduck Sidney, High st. Saffron Waldn
Chelmsford road, Woodford Pettendreigh Joseph, I Mornin,o-ton viis. Pidgeon A.Lindisfarne,High st.Chingfrd
PenningtonJohn,45Durham !'d.ManorPk Blake Hall road, Wanstead NE Pidgeon J. S. 5 :First avenue,Manor Park
Penny William Christie, 5 Cumberland Pettifer Edmund Cleaver M.B.Lond. Pierce John Timbrell F.R.G.S., D.L.,
road, :Manor Park Tillingham, Southminster S.O J.P. :Frettons, Danbury, Chelmsford
Fennyfeather Miss, The Cottage, Brad- Pettigrew Robt. 3 Clement's gdns. Ilford Pierce William, Holly cottage, Theydon
ford street, Bocking, Braintree PettipherFredk.6Whitta ter.l\Ianor Park Bois, Epping
Penrose William Henry J. P. The Old Pettipher Step hen, 3 Hilda villas, Station Pierson Mrs. M. 10 Durham rd.ManorPrk
House, Dedham, Colchester road, Manor Park Pige Alfred, 3 Alexandra villas, Queen's
Pentin Mrs. 2 Albion villas, Wellesley Pettit Elias, Lone Star cottage, Seward's road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O End road, Saffron Walden Pigg Misses, Clavering place, Clavering,
PentonGeo.Hy.Belmont,Derby rd.Wdfd Pettitt Alan, Baker's hall, Bures Newport S.O
Pepper Rev. Henry, The Manse, ·west Hamlet, Bures R.S.O Piggin Miss, "\Voodfield road, Braintree
road, Saffron Walden Pettitt Henry, 41 Hythe hill, Colchester Piggot James, London road, Maldon
· Pepper Frederick, Royden villa, Plashet Pettitt Mrs. 3 Creffield terrace, Creffield PiggotJohnSampson,Newland ho. Withm
grove, East Ham E road, Colchester Piggot Mrs. 22 High street, Mal don
Pepper Harry Joseph, 9 Tennyson Pettitt Robert, West Hall farm, Pag- Piggott James, Io Park ter. Southend
avenue, East Ham E lisham, Rochford S.O Piggott Mrs. Sunningdale, Palmerston
Pepper Mrs. I09 Crouch st. Colchester Pettitt Zachary, Loftman's-Canewdon, road, Buckhurst Hill
Peppiatt William Robert, Maglona villa, Rochford S.O Piggott Waiter, Boxmoor, Cambridge
Derby road, Woodford Petts Edward Waiter, The Chestnuts, park, Wanstead NE
Pepys Mrs.Stan!ey ho .Derby rd. "\Yoodfrd New London ro:1d, Chelmsford Pightling A. 3 Cowper aven.East Ham E
Pepys William Price, Chepstow lodge, PettyGeo. Wm. 21Meanley rd.Manor Prk Pigott Capt. Wellesley George, Fairfield,
Chelmsford road, Woodford PettyWm.John,8Victoria av.EastHam E High rd. WoodfordWells,Woodfrd.Grn
Percival JamesEllward,Ellerslie,Higham Pettyfer J. 4 Wellesley rd.Wanstead NE Pigott Mrs. Hope house, Pier avenue,
road, Woodford Green Philbrick Miss, Blomfield, Colne place, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Percy Samuel W. Hope villa, High road, Wakes Colne, Halstead Pike Ernest B. 6 Harrow vils.EastHam E
Loughton S. 0 Philbrick Miss, 39 Roman rd. Colchester Pike Frank, 8 Bedford road, Ilford
Peregrine Rev. David Wilkie B.A.,L. Th. Philbrick Mrs. M. Church end, Dunmow Pike Herbert Stanley,Old Rectory house,
Rectory, Kel vedon Hatch, Breutwood Philby Mrs. Taylors, Chigwell Hythe hill, Colchester
PerkinsJas.E.55Eversleigh rd.EastHamE Phillips A. Lexden st. Lexden,Colchestr Pike R. Hillside, Brentwood rd.Romford
PerkinsMrs.Medbury,Churchflds.Wdfrd Phillips Charles N. 3 Tower villas, Cow- PikeW.J. I2 Clarence rd. Manor Park
Perki::s Rowland, Lustleigh, :Milton slip road, South Woodford Pike William, 34 Albert road, Braintree
avenue, East Ham E Phillips Edmund George, Lonsdale, The Pike Wm. 36 Second avenue, Manor Park
Perkins Samuel, 20 Albert rd. Southend Cliffs, So:zthend Pilgrim Edmund,Gold st.SaffronWalden
Perkins Thomas, 4 Richmond terrace, Phillips E. S. Church la.Lexden,Colchstr Pilgrim G.Ann's vil.Stanley rd.Woodfrd
Sewanl's End road, Saffron Walden Phillips Frederick William, The Laurels, Pilgrim Mrs. Manor house, Great
Perkins William, Westridge, Milton Carlton road, Romford Chesterford S.O
avenue, East Ham E Phillips Frederick, St. Kilda's villas, l'ilgrimMrs.R.21Wentworth rd.ManorPk
PerksJ. E. Grammar School,Brentwood Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Pills John Frederick, I Brighton villas,
Perrett Rev. John, Cromer house, Phillips Frederick G. Penlee, Hermon Lee road, Dovercourt, Harwich
l\iawney's road, Romford hill, Wanstead NE Pinchin George, Lynton, Grove park,
Perrett Waiter John, Oakdene, Eastern Phillips George, Bhundara, Chingford Wanstead NE
road, Romford lane, Chingford Pinchin Wm. Springfield, Sth.Woodford
Perrian Henry R. Lynton house, Milton Phillips Geo. 86 Winnock rd. Colchester l'inchon William, 66 Priory st.Colchestr
avenue, East Ham E Phillips George 0awkwell, The Limes, Pinckney :Mrs. 4 Marlborough road,
Perrin Benj. 101 Third aven. ManorPark Grove road, Chelmsford South Woodford
Perrin Wm.Jas.53 Victoria av.EastHam E Phillips Hy. Manuden, Bishop'sStortford Pingo Waiter Lewis, Topsham,Clarendon
Perry Alexander, 33 Bedford rd. Ilford Phillips Henry, 2 Meanley rd.Manor Prk road, South Woodford
Perry Chas. I6 St. John's rd.Chelmsford Phillips Hy. W ..p Durham rd.ManorPrk Pink Jn. T.Laurels, Western rd.Romford
Perry Edwin Arthur, 1 Milton terrace, Phillips John G. Clifton ho.Benfield end, Pinney Richd.28 Grove rd.Wanstead NE
Milton avenue, East Ham E Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop'sStrtfrd PiperFredk.Mabbs,26Albertrd.Braintree
Perry Henry, The Woodland, Becontree Phillips Misses, Rose villa, Theydon Piper Miss, Dovecotes, Dunmow
Heath, Romford Bois, Epping Pissarro Lucien, Eragney house, Station
PerryJas.A.H. Rettendon com.Rettendn Phillips M. H. Picton ho. Rayleigh S.O road, Theydon Garnon, Epping
Perry Joseph, London road, ~Ialdon Phillips Mrs. Cuckoo, Little Haddow, Pissey Miss, 8 Avenue road, Southend
Perry l\Iiss, Shrublands, Springfield, Chelmsford Pissey Mrs. I I Avenue road, Southend
Chelmsford Phillips Mrs. 7 Lorne villas, Southend Pitcairn l\Iiss, Beeleigh road, Maldon
Perry Miss, 2 West bury vils. Brentwood Phillips:Mrs. Watling st. Thaxted,Dunmw Pitcher W.H.28 Second aven. ManorPrk
Perry Mrs. 5 Beaconsfield terrace, 1\'lil- Phillips Peter, 2 Mason viis. NewLondon Pitstow Nathan, West rd.FlaffronWalden
ton street, Southend road, Chelmsford Pitt Robert, Wivenhoe, Colchester
PerryMrs. 12Queen's Grove rd.Chingford Phillips R.J.62 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E Pitt Wm. Edwd.41 Woodlands rd. Ilford
Perry Mrs. 51 Wakering road, Barking Phillips Thos. 37 ThirJ avenue,ManorPk PittmanRev. Sydney Th.A.K.C.L. The
Perry Mrs. I Wellesley rd. Wanstead NE Phillips Thos.Herbt. 5 Bedford rd. Ilford Parsonage, Witham
Perry ~Irs. Eliza, 7 Clement's rd. Ilford Phillips Thos. J. 6 Forest rd.ManorPark Pitts Mrs. H. Springfield road, Spring·
Perry Thomas, Great Chesterford S.O Phillips Waiter J. King's Place road, field, Chelmsford
Perry Wm.Jn.6r Durham rd.ManorPark Buckhurst Hill Pitts P. Bell Vue ho.Dovercourt,Harwch
Perryman Mrs. 2 Albion villas, Fair- Phillips Uriah, Ballingdon, Sudbury Pittuck J.Anglesea rd.Wivenhoe,Clchstr
field road, Chelmsford (Suffolk) Pixley Robert Ellis, Woodville, Holland
Pertwee Rev. Arthur }LA. Vicarage, Phillips W. 62 Third avenue,Manor Park road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Brightlingsea, Colchester Phillpotts Rev. H. R., B. A. The Vicar- Pizey G.H.Armadale, High st.Chingford
Pertwee Charles, Claremont villa, New age, Ripple road, Barking Pizey R.E.2 Cliff ter.Dovercourt,Harwch
London road, Chelmsford Philp Rev. Wm. Harold Wood, Romford Plane Hy. Geo. 44 Military rd.Colchestr
Pertwee Henry, Baddow road, Great Philp Frederick Richard. Arbour cot- Platt Rev. Noel B.A. Rectory, Great
Baddow, Chelmsford tage, Violet road, South W oodford Parndon, Harlow
Pertwee James Frederick, Seaton lodge, Philpot F. J. 1Grange vils.High rd.IIford PlattJn.Wm.65 Durham rdJ~hnor Park
~ylvan road, Wanstead NE Philpott Rev. John Ntgel M. A. Rectory, Platten Herbert, 6 S(luth par~, Ilford
Pertwee The Misses, 2 Ellerslie villas, Southchurch, ~outhend PlattenT.Hurstleigb,Junction rd.Romfd
New London road, Chelmsford Philpott Miss, Coopersale, Epping Player Misses, Dorchester ho.Carnarvon
Pertwee}Irs.Eim cot. Writtle rd.Chlmsfd Philps Rev. Alfred D. The Manse, East road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Pertwee :Mrs. South street, Romford street, Coggeshall Playle Miss, Newport S.O. Essex
Peters Arthur Robert, I Mariner villas, Phipps Fras. ·wm. Manor st. Braintree Playle~Iiss, Warly.rd.Gt. Warley,Brntwd
Longbridge road, Barking Phipps W. 7 Cowper aven. East Ham E Playle Mrs. Frederick, Ratcliff house,
Peters}lrs. 1Carlton viis. Barking la. Ilfrd Pick Jas. Holly lodge, Derby rd.Woodfrd Black Notley, Braintree
PetoFrank,Hawkesbury,York rd.Sthend Pick John, I Norman villas, Alexandra Playle Sidney, South st. Rochford S.O
Petre The Right Hon. Lord, Thorndon road, Southend Pledge George Thomas, Kent house,
hall, West Horndon, Brentwood Pickering Rev. G. H. 34 Orsett rd.Grays Milton avenue, East Ham E
Petre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund Pickersgill-Cunliffe Harry J.P. Chester- Pledger J. W. H.Lit. Baddow, Chelmsfd
J.P. Bay cottage, Brentwood ford Park, Saffron Walden Pledger J. Upper ter.Springfld.Chlmsfd
.PetreSebastianHy. The Elms,Ingatestone Pickford W.F.44 Durham rd.ManorPark Pledger Mrs. R. Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfrd
PlenderWm. I Mornington villas, Morn- Potter T. J. North street. Rochford S.O Prior J. Rose cot. Mill la. Saffron Walden
ington rd. W dfrd. Wells, Wdfrd. Green Potter Wltr. Low. Railway st. Braintree Prior Mrs.Kintyre, Warren rd. Chingford
Plenderleith John, Liddel villas, Cleve- PotterW.sPark rd.Cbadwell Htb.R.S.O Prior Mrs. George, Park villa, Harlow
land road, South Wood ford PotterW.H.Arbor vil. Bdfrd.rd. WnstdNE Prior William Dvd. Mile End, Colchester
Plowrigbt Rev. J. Hnbm. Bisbop'sStrfrd Pottinger G. 4 Third avenue, Manor Pk Prior W. F.Asbfields,Maldon rd.Colchstr
PlumMiss,9Baddw.rd.Gt.Bddw.Cblmsfd Potts C. 4I Wordswortb avn. E. Ham E Prior-Johnson Mrs. Houghtons, Great
Plumb Wm. Castle cottage, Leigb S.O Poulton Edward R. Elmburst, Wbitta Baddow, Chelmsford
Plumptre Rev. Charles Pemberton B.A. road, Manor Park Prior-Johnson PriorWilliam,Houghtons~
TheRectory,WadbamFerrers,Chlmsfd PoultneyE.Blyden vl.Chlmsfrd.rd. Wdfd Great Baddow, Chelmsford
PlumptreRev.J. B. M.A.Dnbry.Cblmsfd Poulton Charles, Church st. Coggeshall Priory Miss, 8 Grove crescent, Woodford
Pockington R. I2 Belmontvils.Southend Pounds E. J. IS First avne. Manor Pk PritcbardJohn, Haslemere, Sylvan road,
PodgerW. J.Brendon, Selsdon rd.Wnstd Poupard A. F. 46 Albany rd. Manor Pk Wanstead NE
Poile Thos. I9 Manor road. Manor Park PowellRev.F.P.H. M.A.Gt.Bently,Clhstr Pritchard Mrs. Comarques, Thorpe-le-
Pointing Wm. J. 32 Creffield rd.Clchstr Powell A. 29 Maldon road, Colchester Soken, Colchester
Polatch Edwd. rs Grosvenor rd. Ilford Powell Adron, Hainhault lodge, Lans- PritloveW.2Fern vls.ChadwellHth.R.S.O
Pollard T. The Elms, Langhm. Colchstr downe road, South Woodford Privett Percy, 2I Sutherland terrace,
Pollexfen Rev. Robert Taylor M.A. Powell Ernest, IWilbrham ter.E.Ham E Baddow road, Chelmsford
South Weald, Brentwood Powell G. Myrtle vi!. Peel rd. Woodfrd Proctor Frank, Donard lodge, West
Polley David I9 Duke st. Chelmsford Powell Geo. W.37 Hamlet rd. Chlmsfrd Bergholt R.S.O
Pollitt Mrs. The Brick house, 'Vicken Powell J. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich Proctor Henry, Charlton, Cambridge
Bonant, Bishop's Stortford PowellJ.F.Rosedene,Station rd.Chngfrd park, Wanstead
Pollock Wm. 9 Durham rd. Manor Park PowellMrs.Hainhault lodge, Lansdowne Proctor James, Chigwell road, Chigwell
PolsonW.Lintalee, road, South Woodford Prosser Rev. Owen r. 46 Highst.Halstd
Pomeroy James l\'olseys, Duton hill, Powell Mrs. St. Thomas' hill, Brentwood ProsserMrs. Ashburnhamlodge, London
Great Easton, Dunmow Powell Nathaniel D.L., J.P. The Luc- road, Southend
Ponley Mrs. 4 Claremont ter.Manor Pk tons, High road, Buckhurst Hill Prosser Mrs. 7 Head street, Colchester
PoolJ.TheFerns,Snake's la.Wdfrd. Grn Powers Edward, I4 Elm vils. Southend ProudRichard, Queen'sroad,Brentwood.
Poole Rev. A. M. A. Retry. Lngdn.Rmfrd Pownall Col. Pickhurst, Victoria road, Pryke Harry W. 62 London rd. Braintree
Poole Rev.J. H. l\'LA. Torrington,Clchstr Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Prynn G. Nithsdale, Coventry rd. Ilford.
Poole H. R. 62 WestStockwellst.Clchstr PoyntcrJ.3Boxleyvls.Hamlet rd.Sthend Pryor Arthur D.L., J.P. Hylands, Wid-
Poole Henry, 2 Portland cottages, Car- Poyser F. Hill side, Hutton, Brentwood ford, Chelmsford
narvon road, Woodford Prance Rev. Lewis Newcomeu M.A. Puckle H. M.A. Felstead, Cnelmsford
Poole I. Rolphs, Lit. W altham, Cblmsfrd Rectory ,Stapleford Tawney, Romford Puck ridge A. F. Forest ho. Chigwell Row
Poole Miss, Oaklands, Heath, Htfld.Hrlw Pratt Edward, Wood bury house, Snake's Pudney John William, Wash Farm house,.
Poole Mrs. 4I New London rd. Chlmsfrd lane, Woodford Green Sible Hedingham, Halstead
Pope Jas. 68 Victoria av~. East Ham E Pratt Frank, 2 Norfolk villas, Princes Pudney Miss, Cappin's hall, Great
Pope Mrs. Upper ter.Spnngfld.Cblmsfd road, Buckhurst Hill Clacton, Colchester
Popham Miss, The Gravel, Coggeshall Pratt George, 2 Kyme road, Romford Pudney Mrs. Church street, Coggeshall
Poplar Wm.35 Eversleigh rd. E. HamE Pratt John G. 49 Bedford road, Ilford Pudney Robert Bridge, Buxton house,
Poppey James Edward, Woodbine cot- Pratt Mrs. High street, Harlow Earl's Colne, Halstead
tage, Gordon rd. South Woodford Pratt Thos. J. I4 Fairfield rd.Chelmsfrd Puffett William, High street, Epping
Popplewell Thomas, 2 Norman villas, Preece Richard, I8 Roman road,Colcbstr Pugb :Mrs. Cliff side, The Cliff, Southend
Alexandra road, Southend Preeston Percival ~.Marshall's,Braintree Pugb Mrs. Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Popplewell T. I Queen's villas, Southend Prendergast M. 8 Durham rd. l\Ianor Pk Pugbe Miss, 4 Carlton ter. Leigh S.O
Port Arthur William, Lansdowne villa, Prentis Waiter, I Richmond road, Ilford Pulfer Herbert, Wilton road, Ilford
Lansdowne road, South Woodford Press Benj. I I Cumberland rd. Manor Pk Pulford 1\Iisses, 7 St. J obn's st. Colchstr
Portcb S.H. 2Kensington vls. EastHam E Pressey Rev. William James M.A. Fox- Pullen J.Constance vil. Oakfield rd.Ilford
Portch T. 3 Tennyson avn. East Ham E earth, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) PulleyC.O.Butterflds.Latcbingdn.Maldn
Porteous George, BelleVue house,Mount Pressman Reuben Henry, St. Lawrence, Pulleyn Mrs. I3 Queen's road, Barking
Pleasant road, Saffron Walden Plashet grove, East Ham E Pulteney Nlisses,Hargrave park,Stansted
Porter Rev.G. M.A.Rctry. Wickford S.O Preston Capt. H. 4 Gladstone rd.Colchstr Mountfitcbet, Bishop's Stortford
Porter Abrhm. 70 Carlyle rd. Manor Pk Preston Rev. A. B. 95 North st. Halstead Puncharcl Geo. 37 Durham rd. Manor Pk
Porter Alfred Chas. 5 Clement's rcl.Ilfcl Preston Rev. Percy Rawson B.A. 24 Purcell William, He~rn cottage, May-
Porter Alfred L. 88 Carlyle rcl.ManorPk Broomfield road, Chelmsford bank road, South Woodford
Porter Arthr. 6 New Lndn. rd. Chlmsfrd Preston Miss, Landermere ball, Tborpe- Purgin T. Garland vil. I 46Ripple rd.Barkg
Porter C.Gt. IIallingbury, Bsbp. 's Strtfd le-So ken, Colchester Purkess E. The Terrace, Woodford Green
Porter Charles, Tborrington, Colchester Preston Stanley R. I7 Linton rd.Barking PurkisC.B. TheBungalow,Sturmr.Halstd
Porter Cbas. J. 38 Papillon rd. Colchstr Preston Stanley Richard, Beaconsfield Purkis William, Tburlow villa, Asbdon,
Porter Fred, 3 Clement's road, Ilford house, Romford road, Manor Park Saffron Walden
Porter Henry E. 6 Clement's rd. Ilford Prevost A.Sborefield ho.Hamlet,Southnd Pursur Henry, 25 Buxton road,Chingfrd
Porter H. R. Glen Coe,Gramille rd.Ilfd Price Rev. 'Thomas Oldmeadow B. A. Purvis H. Grove ho. West Cliff, Southend
Porter Mrs.M.IS Manor Pk.rd.Manr.Pk Vicarage, Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchester Pusey George, 12 Woodlands rd. Ilford
Porter T. The Morleys, Wdfrd. Bridge Price Edwin, St. John's .road, Epping Putterill Rev.H.Great Leighs,Chelmsfrd
Porter Tbos. D. 7 Queen's road, Ilford Price Geo. A. 2 Abbey Gate st. Colcbstr Pyne Dillman, Roydon, Ware
Porter \Vm. 5 The Avenue, Colchester Price Henry John, Henry villa, Maybank Pyne Frank P. IoTbird aven. Manor Pk
Port way C. J. P. The Croft, High st.Hlstd road, South Woodford Pyne G. F. HighBridge st. WalthamAbbey
PortwayHarryHarvey,Bois hall,Sudbury Price Howel John James, B.A., J.P. Pyne l\Irs. Cambridge bo. Roydon, Ware
road, Halstead Greensted hall, Brentwood Pyner :Mrs. 58 Linton road, .Barking
Portway Mrs. 6I High street, Braintree Price L. Ash vil. Warley rd. Brentwood Pyner Richard, I04 Glenny road,Barkng
Postance G.Fendale, l\Iilton av.E.Ham E Price Mrs. Sarah, xo Richmond rd. Ilfrd Quare D. Matching gn.Matcbing,Harlow
Postans H. Wm. SouLh st. Manningtree PriceThomas,Copsall,Netteswell,Harlow QuareE.Honingtonho.Matching,Harlow
Poston \Valter William, 2 Coniston villas, Price W. H. 12 Forest View rd.Manor Pk Quartly Fras. G. Connaught rd.Chlngfd
Victoria road, Romford PrideJ.F. M.B.Belmont,High st.Chingfd QuashJ.J Brkng
Pott Thomas, Elson villa, Wordsworth Pridmore Henry L. 20 High st. Halstead Queary R. May vil. Havering rd.Romfrd
avenue, East Ham E PriestJ.D.Sewardstone rd. Walthm.Abby Quelcb J.2 Spring vls.Fuller's rd.Woodfd
Potter Rev. James Edward 1\I.A. Vie- Priestman W. Holly Trees, Rayleigh S.O Quennell Rev. W. M.A. Shenfl.d.Brntwd
a rage, St. Osyth, Colchester Prime Thomas, 57 Durham rd. Manor Pk Quennell John, Coptfold road,Brentwood
Potter A. 4 St. John's rd. Chelmsford Prin Henry J. 3 Durham ter. Manor Pk Quennell John Cooper, High st.Brentwd
PotterA. G. Cedar lo. Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfd Prince George Edward, I Mount Pleasant Quennell R. W. The Cot. High st. Brntwd
Potter G. Brookside, Carlton rd. Rmfrd villas, Parsonage street, Halstead Quick Jn.l\Iorningside,Western rd.Rmfd
Potter Geo. 2 Park avenue, Chelmsford PrinceW.Oakla.Wellngtn.rd.WanstdNE QuilterJohnC.r32Maldenrd. Colchester
Potter J. 26 Orsett road, Grays PringG.St.Edmund's vil.Park rd.Sthend Quilter:Miss,zSt.Clement's vils.LeighS.O
Potter Jas. C. M.B. St. Osyth, Colcbstr Pringle Charles Wales, Hawarden villas, Quinn Thomas, Windmill house, Milton
Potter James W. Trinity st. Colchester Eastern road, Romford avenue, East Ham E
Potter J. 8 Albert ter. Victoria rd.Rmfrd Prior Alfred, 13 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Quinn John Joseph, 17 Randolph street,
Potter J. Beecbolme, Cleveland road, Prior Alfred J. ro St. John's st. Colchstr Springfield, Chelmsford
South Woodford Prior Asher, Havergall house, 4 Victoria Quttenton Frederick, Avondale, Milton
Potter Miss, l\Iillfield terrace, Witham road, Colchester avenue, East Ham E
Potter Miss, 14 Royal terrace, Southend Prior Frederick, Burnham S.O Quittington Richard, Hockley S.O
Potter:.\1rs.Blckmre.end, Wtbrsfld.Brntee Prior Hermaa, Ivy cottage north, Forest, Quy Miss, Albert rd. York rd. Southend
Potter Mrs. xo Cambridge ter. Southend Snaresbrook NE Raby Artbur, Eleanor villa, Woodbouse
Potter Mrs. 49 Up. Railway st. Brntree Prior J. S. '('he Limes,Soutbminster S.O 1 grove, East Ham E
Raby Mrs. East Lynne, Wellesley road, Rasch Major Frederic Carne 1\I.P.,D.L., 'Read John, 46 Second aven. Manor Park.
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O J.P. Woodhill, Sandon, Chelmsford ; Read John, Suffolk house, Victoria road,
Raby Wm. 32 First avenue, Manot" Park & Windham & Naval & Military clubs, Buckhurst Hill
Race John, 43 First avenue, Manor Park London s w Read John Jervis, High house, Rose
Rackham Rowland, 5 East terrace, Rasmussen Andrew Christian, Royston valley, Brentwood
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O villa, West road, Saffron Walden Read Josiah, I Lamorna ter. Victoria rd
Radford 'fhos. 36 Longbridge rd.Barking Rastrick Miss, Dedham, Colchester Read Misses, Heybridge cot. Ingatestone
Radford Fras. TheElms,B'lrking la.Ilford RatcliffMiss,Rose cot.Sandon,Chelmsford Read Mrs. M. South park, Ilford
Radford William, 28 Bedford rd. Ilford Ratcliff Wm. I8 Baadow rd. Chelmsford Read Saml. 52 Clarence rd. Manor Park
Radford Wm. W. Rolls park, Chigwell Rattee Rev. James E. Abbot's Rooth- Read T. TheLeys,Lit.Clacton,Colchester
Radley Wm. Lime villas, Chigwell row ing, Brentwood Read ThomasJames, TheLimes,Chelms-
Rae George, Brisbane villa, Wordsworth Rattray Mrs. Kelvedon ford road, Woodford
avenue, East Ham E Ratto John L. Ember lodge, Albert road, Reader Rev. Clement Saunders, 38
Raffles Rev. Thomas Stamford M.A. Buckhurst Hill Hamlet road, Chelmsford
The Rectory, Langham, Colchester Raven Henry, 26 East hill, Colchester Reader George, The Chilterns, Grove
Ragge John, Albion hill, Loughton S.O Raven Herbert Thomas, 28 Manor Park park, Wanstead NE
Rahn Mrs. I Atherstone villas, Beacons- road, Manor Park Reader Mrs. Cambria house, Malmesbury
field avenue, Colchester Raven Miss, Ingatestone road, Woodford
RainbirdWalterThos.23 High st.Colchstr Raven Mrs. The Firs, King's rd.Halstead Reading Chas. 31 Wimpole la.Colchestr
Rainbow Hy. 30 Cambridge rd. Barking Raven Mrs. Wethersfield, Braintree Reay Rev. Thomas Osmotherley M. A.
Raincock Mrs. Waltons, Ashdon, Saffron Raven Thomas, 45 Butt rd. Colchester Vicarage, Prittlewell, Southend
Walden Raven Thomas, The Common, Shenfield, Redgate Miss, Grindelwald, Inglis road,
Rainford James K. Charlton house, Brentwood Colchester
Danebury, Chelmsford RavenThos.Jas.J.Plashetla.East Ham E Redgreave Rev. Henry H. St. John's
Rains George William, Clarence villa, RaweMrs. Benj. C. Hainault ho. Chigwell road, East Ham E
Grove road, Woodford Rawkins Aaron, Io Grosvenor rd. Ilford Redhead Miss, Churchst.SaffronWalden
RaisonFrank,9 Addison rd. Wanstead NE Rawkins John, I Wheatfield villas, St. Redwood Theophilus Horme, Bryncoed,
Raison Henry, Cardigan house,Chadwell Mary's road, llford Crescent road, Chingford
Heath, R.S.O Rawkins Thomas George, 2 Elsie villas, RedwoodJ.Cliff vils.Dovercourt,Harwch
Raison Thomas, Withrington, Hermon High road, Ilford Reed George, London road, Southend
hill, Wanstead NE Rawlings Chas. 61 Wakeringrd. Barking Reed Henry, Prospect house, Debden
Raker Edward, 9 Meyrick crescent, Rawlings Miss, 3 Portland rd. Colchester road, Saffron Walden
Mersea road, Colchester Rawlinson Francis William, Deepdene, Reed Robt. IO Harrow rd. East Ham E
RallingTho:3.Jn.IOI Winnockrd.Colchstr Eagle lane, South Woodford Reed Thomas, Penshurst, Marlborough
RallsJn.Mill ho. Gt. Sampford,Braintree Ray Maj. C.Pincelgrn.Dedham,Colchstr road, Wanstead, South Woodford
Ralph ;.\irs. Forest road, Loughton S.O Ray Edwiu Runchman, Firleigh, Her- Reeder Edwin, 42 Salisbury rd.Colchestr
Ralph S. Primrose vil. Victoria rd.Rmfrd mon hill, Wanstead NE Reeland Peter Yarde, Forest house,
RalstonRonald,4 Harrow viis. EastHam E Ray Arthur, Ferndale, Sea View road, Crescent road, Chingford
Ram Arthur, 20 St. John's rd. Southend Leigh S. 0 Rees John, 16 Carlton rd. Manor Park
Ramm Miss Agnes, Rose cottage, Latch- Ray Henry, Ibrox, Palmerston road, Rees T. Ingman, 2 St. Mary's rd. Ilford
ingdon, Maldon Buckhurst Hill Reeve Rev. Charles Robert B. A. Rectory,
Ramos Pedro,6 Meanley rd. Manor Park Ray Mrs. Cresslands, Alresfrd. Colchstr Great Henny, Sudbury
Ramsey Samuel, Oak lodge, Albertroad Rayleigh Lord LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Reeve Rev. Edward Henry Lisle M.A.
south, Buckhurst Hill J.P. Terling Place, Witham; & Athe- Rectory, Stondon, Brentwood
Ramsey Waiter, Blaen-y-Cwm, Coventry nreum club, London s w Reeve Arthur, I Forest villas, Princes
road, Ilford RaymentMiss,2Weald vils.South pk.Ilfrd road, Buckhurst Hill
Ramsey Walter, Westrd.Saffron Walden Rayment Misses, Paulatim lodge, Chad- Reeve Miss, Queen's road, Brentwood
Ramsey William, Drayton villa, Princes well Heath R.S.O Reeve Mrs. Collingwood house, Witham
road, Buckhurst Hill Rayment Mrs. Tindon End house, Great Reeve :Mrs. 6 Granville terrace, Mild-
Ramuz Frederic Francis, Westholm- Sampford, Braintree may road, Chelmsford
Westcliff, Southend Raymond Rev. Oliver Edward M. A. Reeve Walter,I3I Winnock rd.Colchester
Rand Geo. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchester Rectory,Middleton, Sudbury (Suffolk) Reeves Hy. G. Onea, 'fhoro!d rd. Ilford
Randall Edward, Brick ho. RainhamS.O Raymond Rev. Philip Foster, 32 We!- ReevesB.Writtle grn.Writtle,Chelmsfrd
RandallFrank, xCumberland rd.ManorPk Jesley road, Colchester Reeves Mrs. Darwen house, High road,
Randall Geo.Arthur, Brick ho. Dunmow RaymondA.E.41Tennysonav.EastHamE Buckburst Hill S.O
RandallJas. 17Ashburnham rd.Southend RaymondC. Straight rd. Lexden,Colchstr Reeves Mrs. Woodbury villas, Writtle
Randall Miss, 2 Verandah terrace, St. Raymond Oliver John, Pelham hall, road, Chelmsford
Mary's road, llford Twinstead, Sudbury Reeves Peter,6Wilbraham ter.EastHm.E
Randall Mrs. Lime vils. Chigwell Row Raymond Samuel John St. Clere J.P. Reeres William, 77 Bedford road, Ilford
Randall'fhos,I3 Meanley rd.Manor Park Belchamp hall, Belchamp Waiter, Reid C.S. Leemarchie,Park rd.Southend
Randell Charles, Glenny road, Barking Sudbury (Suffolk) Reid Hy. F. 55 Durham rd. Manor Park
Randle Edward White, Clanna, Grove Rayne Mrs. Stanford house, Bradford ReidJas. 6Forest viis. Peelrd.Woodford
park, Wanstead NE street, Bocking, Braintree Reid Robert William, 3 Woodland villas,
Randolph Rev. Edward Seymour Leve- Rayner Chas.I Westburyter.Brentwood High road, Woodford
son B.A. Vicarage, Gt. Chesterfrd S.O Rayner Chas. II3 Winnock rd.Colchestr Renshaw Mrs. 2 Victoria villas, Princes
Randolph-Symmons Francis, 9 Lexden Rayner Ed win Isaac, 3 Claremont ter- road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Colchester race, Sprathall road, Wanstead NE Renshawe Frederick A. Official quarters,
Rankin Alfred Mottram, Broomhills, Rayner John, 49 Third aven.ManorPark Powder Mill lane, Waltham Abbey
Great Stambridge, Rochford S.O Rayner John Collins, I Caxton terrace, Revell Richard, 7 Beaconsfield terrace,
Rankin Harold, Mill house, Little Stam- Mildmay road, Chelmsford Milton street, Southend
bridge, Rochford S. 0 Rayner Mrs. I6I Coggeshall rd. Braintree Revett J n. St. Mary's vils. High rd. Ilford
Rankin Hugh, South st. Rochford S.O RaynerMrs.Mitford lo.Park rd.Southend Revitt Joseph, I Hilda villlas, Station
Rankin Jabez, Prospect house, Cogges- Rayner Samuel, King's road, Halstead road, Manor Park
hall road, Braintree Rayner Samuel, Mount road, Braintree Revill George Frederick, Rockingham
Rankin :Mrs. 40 Victoria av. East Ham E Rayner Wm. 4 Ann's villas, ~ianor Park villa, King's road, Romford
Rankin Patrick Powlett, Bayford house, Rayner William, I Portland cottages, Rey Edward Albert, 1 Warwick villa8,
Ch2lmsford road, Woodford Carnarvon road, Woodford Chelmsford road, Woodford
Rankine Adam, Romford house, The Rayner William John, Grove house, Reynolds Alfred, 32 Third av.ManorPark
Green, Woodford Green Great Yeldham, Halstead Reynolds EdwardJ. Glenhurst,Coventry
RannB.28Wellington ter.New rd.Barkng Raynes Rev. Herbert Alfred M.A. Great road, Ilford
Rann Richard Eiward :i.VI.A., J.P. Hill Warley, Brentwood Reynolds Hy. 6 Clarence rd.l\IanorPark
house, Messing, Kelvedon Raynor Frederick John, 6o Manor Park Reynolds Henry Bion, Brandon house,
Ransom Capt. l\Iatthew Hy. 7 Holly viis. road, Manor Park Epping New rd. Buckhurst Hill S.O
Clarendon raod, South Rea CharlesFredk.,B.A.,B.Sc. Grammar Reynolds James, Haveringwell villa,
Hansom Frank Parvis, 2 Sarah villas, school, Chelmsford Hornchurch, Romford
Chigwell road, South \Voodford NE Rea Frederick, 53 Lexden rd. Colchester Reynolds ~Iiss, Si! \·erdale, Snake's lane,
Ransom 'fhos. 35 Second av.l\Ianor Park Read Charles, 36 Orsett road, Grays Woodford Green
Raper William Augustus M. D. Great Read Chas.H.Coppid hall,Stifford,Grays Reynolds Mrs. Kingtyre, Sprathall road,
Wakering, Southend Read Edward,74 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Wanstead NE
Raphael Herbert Henry, Rose court, Read Edwd.,V.Roden ho.IIford hi.IIford Reynolds :Mrs. Ongar S.O
Havering-atte-Bower, Romford Read Ernest Arnold, 'favistock road, Reynolds Robert, Little bower, Steeple
Rapson Fredk. John, Hutton,Brentwood South Wooiford Bumpstead, Hav-erhill (Suffolk)
Reynolds Robert Barclay J.P. The Ricketts John, Forest lodge, Albert road Roberts John Reynolds, Salway house,
Shrubbery, Woodford· south, Buckhurst Hill Salway hill, Woodford Green
Reynolds Waiter, Engell house, Princes Ridgewell A. 6 Cranbrook villas, Ilford Roberts Mrs. 4 Carlyle rd. l\Ianor Park
road, Buckhurst Hill Ridgway Rev. George, Vivian lodge, Roberts Ricbd. E. S Grosvenor rd. llford
Rhodes Benj. sen. I Mapperley villas, High street, Chingford Roberts Samuel, Orford villa, Ching~
New Wanstead, Wanstead Ridgway Wm. Weald Gullett, Epping ford road, Chingford
Rhodes Ben. jun. Llugwyhouse, Selsdon Ridgwell Tbos. 6S Ipswich rd. Colchestr Roberts Thomas Henry, Denford house,
road, Wanstead NE Ridley Charles E. The Elms, Broomfield Barking road, East Ham E
Rhodes H.A., B.A. Felstead,Chelmsford road, Chelmsford Roberts Thomas Howell K. Elmview,
Rhodes W. 33 Tennyson av. East Ham E Ridley 1\liss, The Folly, Felstead, Woodford Green
Ricardo Capt. Henry George R.A. Ston- Chelmsford Roberts William, Hillside, Ridgeway
don place, Stondon, Brentwood Ridley Mrs. 27 Carlyle rd. Manor Park road, Chingford
Rice Frederick, Eastern road, Romford Ridley Mrs. T. D. The Elms, Broomfield Roberts-Aitkin Rev. John Charles M.A.
Rice H. 0. The Nook,Wivenhoe,Colchstr road, Chelmsford Abbotswick hall, Navestock, Romford
Rice-Jones Rev. David M.A. Rectory, Ridley Waiter, Redgates, Springfield, Robertson Rev. William, Great Wake-
Stambourne, Halstead Chelmsford ring, Southend
Rich Chas. Elmhurst, Oakfield rd.Ilford Ridout Rev. John Dowelll\LA. Rectory, Robertson Atholl Bruce, Wood lodge,
Rich George, Victoria villa, Victoria Little Canfield, Dunmow Stanley road, Woodford
·road, Romford Rigby Miss, Hacton house, Upminster, Robertson D. 46 Grosvenor road, Ilford
Rich Jn. I Roche viis. Victoria rd.Romfd Romford Robertson E. F. I2 Trinity st. Colchester
Rich William, Hope villa, Chelmsford Rigg Joseph, IS Hythe hill, Colchester Robertson George, 3 Madeira villas,
road, W oodford Rigge John Morton, 32 Orsett road, Snake's lane, W oodford Green
Rich W.2 Marion viis. Victoria rd.Romfd Grays Robertson Harvey, Langside, Lans-
Richards Rev.J.,M,A.Shelley,Brentwood Riggenbach Frederick, Rosaville, Cleve- down road, South Woodford
Richards James, 2 Ella villas, Ashburn- land road, South Woodford Robertson James Robert C.E. The
ham road, Southend Riggs Fredk. H. Finchingfield, Braintree Hollies, Hornchurch, Romford
Richards JohnGo!ding,Northst.Romfrd Rihll Louis Wm. Moreton house, Wood- Robertson :Mrs. 6 Gladstone rd. Colchstr
Richards Mrs. Whit~ house, Station ford road, Wansford, South Woodford Robertson William M.B. ss New road,
road, Chingford Riley George, 2 Church villas, Church Grays
Richards Mrs. Willingham, The Gables, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Robey John T. Dolby house, Leigh S.O
S. Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Riley Robert, 2 Albert terrace, Hermon Robins Harry, The Tiles, Fryerning,
Richards N. 22 Victoria av. East Ham E hill, Wanstead NE Ingatestone
Richards Thomas B. Hawthorns, White- Riley William, 3 Carlton gardens, June- Robinson Capt. John, Harbour view,
hall rd. Woodford Wells,Woodfrd.Grn tion road, Romford Dovercourt, Harwich
Richardson Rev. Montague, Myrtle Ringer John, Chestnuts, Prospect road, Robinson Rev. Thomas B.A. 52 Creffield
villas, Rayne road, Bocking, Braintree Snake's lane, Woodford Green road, Colchester
Richardson Arthur, Sampford hall, Ringer Waiter, Sabina villa, Maybank Robinson Anthony George, Shenfield
Little Sampford, Braintree road, South Woodford lodge, Brentwood
Richardson Edward, 19 Westbury road, Ringrose George, 71 Bedford rd. Ilford Robinson Cawood, 3 Cliff Park villas,
Brentwood Ringrose S. A. 33 Albany rd. Manor Pk Southend
Richardson Edward William, The Chest- Rinold A.G. 34 Victoria avnu.East Ham E Robinson Donald, xo Forest View road,
nuts, High road, Buckhurst Hill Ripley Rev. Wm. Parsonage, Bentley, Manor Park
Richardson Ernest, I4 Victoria avenue, South Weald, Brentwood Robinson E. 4 Hainaultter.High rd.Ilfd
East Ham E Risby George Harmer, Connaught villas, Robinson Francis Stephen, Audley End,
Richardson Frederick, Church lane, Stanley road, Woodford Saffron Walden
Lexden, Colchester Risley A. E. ss Durham rd. Manor Park Robinson Frederick S. Mortivalst Take-
Richardson Frederick, Dyer's hall, Rist Robert G. The Laurels, High ley, Chelmsford
Chignal, Chelmsford street, Brentwood Robinson Isaac B. :\Ianhattan, Thorold
Richardson Henry, I33 Carlyle road, Ritchie David, 4 Albany rd. Manor Park road, Ilford
Manor Park Ritchie James Ewing, Adwell house, Robinson James, 35 Bedford rd. Ilford
Richardson James, Fern house, Blake Pallister road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Robinson John Charles, Burnham S.O
Hall road, Wanstead Riviere Henri, The Cottage, Stansted Robinson J. 28 Victoria aven. E. Ham E
Richardson John, Primrose hall, Ram- Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Robinson ~Iiss, High st. Saffron Walden
sey, Harwich Rivington Rev. Theodore M.A. Vicarage, Robinson S. J. sS Woodlands rd. Ilford
Richardson Maurice, Wingrove, Low Ulting, Maldon Robinson Thomas, Albert road, Ilford
street, Chingford Rivington Waiter, Coniston, Theydon RobinsonThomasGeorge,J.P. TheMount,
Richardson 1\Irs. Lexden street, Lexden, Garnon, Epping Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
Colchester Rivron Mrs. 122 Maldon rd. Colchester Robinson Waiter Albert, 46 Manor Park
Richardson Mrs. George, Ivy cottage, Rix F. I Park ter. St. Mary's rd. Ilford road, Manor Park
Burnham S.O Rix Mrs. Thorneycroft, High street, Robinson W. 45 Meanley rd. Manor Pk
Richardson Thomas, Lexdonville, Stan~ Clacton-on~Sea R.S.O RobinsonW. T. Gt. Sampford,Braintree
way-All-Saints, Colchester Rix Thomas, 97 Winnock rd. Colchester Robson Arthur, Ormonde house, High
Richardson William, 5 Sunnyside, Robb Miss, The Cottage, Mistley, road, Buckhurst Hill
Moulsham street, Chelmsford Manningtree Robson Joseph John, Elmhurst, High
Richardson William Scrivener, Lexden- Robbins Frederick B. 4 Shrewsbury street, Saffron Walden
ville, Shrub end, Lexden, Colchester road, East Ham E Robson .Miss, Corrie brow, Mount Plea~
Richer Hy. 7S Winnock road, Colchester Robbins W. 23 Carlton rd. Manor Park sant road, Saffron Walden
Richer Thos. 2 Beverley rd. Colchester Roberson Benjamin, Queen's house, Robson Mrs. 2 Heathfield, Sprathall
Riches Charles Thomas, Church road, High street, Romford road, Wanstead NE
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Roberts Rev. Arthur Courtenay, Elm RobsonThomas Pearson, Oakleigh, Tavi-
Riches Mrs. Henry, n Hainault villas, villas, Avenue road, Southend stock road, South Woodford
Chigwell Roberts Rev. Charles Thomas, Manor Robson ·waiter, Illawarra cottage, Dab-
Riches Robert, Norfolk honse, Grove road, West Thurrock, Grays den road, Saffron Walden
road, Wanstead NE Roberts Alfred Charles, Luton villa, Robson William, Peterboro' house, Sels-
Riches G. The Cottage, WoodfordBridge Romford road, Manor Park don road, Wanstead NE
Richmond A. Stokedoyle, Balfour road, Roberts Arthur Herbert, Harewood, Rock Edward, Red house, Ingatestone
Ilford The Drive, Chingford Rockett Geo.W. High rd. LoughtonS.O
Richmond James, Bruce house, The Roberts Carlton, Stone hall, High Rockett John,Ingleside villa, Lansdowne
Cliffs, Southend street, Wanstead NE road, South "\Yoodford
Richmond James, Burnham S.O Roberts Chas.Gordon M.A.,M.B. Cambs. Rodd Sidney, The Lictors, New London
Richmond Mrs. Johnson, 6 Hill road, Pitchards, Trinity street, Halstead road, Chelmsford
Dovercourt, Harwich Roberts Charles Samuel, Tyndales Rodley Mrs. 40 Papillon rd. Colchester
Richmond Richard M.D., C.M. Brook house, Woodham Mortimer, Maldon Rodway l\Irs. 6 First avenue, Manor Pk
house, Great Bardfield, Braintree Roberts Edward, Berden hall, Berden, Rodwell Rev. Robert Mandeville M.A.
Richmond W. Stokedoyle, Balfour Bishop's Stortford Rectory, High Laver, Ongar
road, Ilford Roberts Edwd. 20 Hythe hill, Colchester Rod well James Medows, Westgate house,
Richter F. The Ferns, High st. Chingford Roberts E. A. Vicarage ho. Newport S. 0 Dedham, Colchester
Rickarby Mrs. Albert villa, Walton-on· Roberts Fredk. 53 Wakering rd. Barking Rodwell W. J. So Winnock rd. Colchstr
Naze R.S.O Roberts John, 3 Chad well avenue, Chad- Roe Rev. Robert Gordon M.A. 3 Knigh-
Rickett Octavius Havelock, Hawkwell, well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O ton villas,High rd.Buckhurst Hill S.O
Rochford S.O Roberts John, Ros&ett, Grove park, Roff John E. 35 Mersea rd. Colchester
Rickett Wm. 2 Warren road, Chingford Wanstead NE Roff Wm. 10 Alexandra ter. Southend

Roffey William Thomas, Manor house, Roulston Rev. Frederick William, Lind- Rushworth Wm. Globe cot.Chigwell Row
Writtle, Chelmsford sell, Chelmsford Russell Surg.-Capt. Michael William
Rogan Jn. 9 Salisbury rd. Manor Park Round D. Birch cot. Birch, Colchester Hansby, Shoeburyness S.O
Rogers Rev. Thomas M.A., Mus.Doc. Round E. J. 3 Meanley rd. Manor Park Russell Rev.A.F., M.A.Rectory,Chingfd
Vicarage, Roxwell, Chelmsford Round James M.P., M.A., D.L., J.P. Russell Alfred, The Perie, The Green,
Rogers B. Cedar ho. Frating, Colchester Birch hall, Colchester; The HollyTrees, Woodford Green
Rogers Charles, 5 St. Mary's rd. Ilford East hl. Clchstr.; & 3I De Vere gdns. Russell A. 3I Eversleigh rd. East Ham E
Rogers Chas. 2 Victoria vils. Leigh S.O Kens. w & Carlton clubs w London Russell Champion Branfill J.P.Stubbers,
Rogers Frncs.B. B.A. Felstead, Chlmsfd Round Misses,Holly trees, Clchstr North Ockendon, Romford
Rogers Frank W Illiam M. A. Grammar Ro.use Rev.Rolla Charles Meadows M. A. RussellFdk. C. 38 W elle<>l~y rd. W anstd.NE
school, Duke street, Chelmsford Rectory, Rayleigh S.O Russell Henry S. Abery, Aldborough,
Rogers G. 2 Albany road, Manor Park Rouse P. F. I6 Westbury rd. Brentwd Hatch, Ilford
RogersG.3 Eaton vls.Hi.rd.Loughtn.S. 0 Row George Cummings, Panfield house, Russell John, 5 Forest drive, Manor Park
Rogers Geo. W. 74 Bedford road, Ilford Bocking, Braintree Russell John Alexander Hawarden,
Rogers James, 8 High street, Maldon Rowan Harry Drury, Fairview, Gordon Chelmsford road, W oodford
Rogers John, Earls Colne, Halstead road, South Woodford Russell Miss, The Limes, Newport S.O
Rogers John Frederick, The Manor, RowberryA!fred John, 2 Grove crescent, Russell Mrs. Meadow side, Springfield,
Little Easton, Chelmsford Grove road, W oodford Chelmsford
Rogers Jn. Thos. Hill ho. Burnham S. 0 Rowe A. Carlingford, Park rd. Southend Russell Richard, Park villa, Witham
Rogers Miss, Epping place, Epping Rowe Charles, Stoneleigh villas, The Russell Robert W. North st. Dunmow
Rogers Mrs. Central villa, Stansted Cliffs, Southend Russell Sidney Geo. 2 Queen's rd. Ilford
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Rowe Daniel, Kelvedon Russell S. IS Eversleigh rd. East Ham E
Rogers Samuel Smith, The Brewery ho. Rowe Edward Bloomfield, II4 Maldon Russell William, The Dell, Grays
Stansted Mountfitchet, Bishop'sStrtfd road, Colchester Rust Edward Geo.Park vils.Birchanger,
Rogers T. G. 3 Ea ton vls. Lough tonS. 0 Rowe James, St. John's road, Epping Bishop's Stortford
Rogers Thomas William, The Priory, Rowe Jn. W.Hainault hall,ChigwellRow Rust Frederick John, Foxtons, Little
Common hill, Saffron Walden Rowe Lewis, Upminster, Romford Waltham, Chelmsford
RogersWilliam,:z Anglesea villas, Marine Rowe Percy, I2 Milton aven.East Ham E Rust Hy. R. G. Wethersfield, Braintree
parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Rowell Alfd. 34 St. John's rd. Southend Rust Jas. Town st. Thaxted, Dunmow
Rogerson Mrs. Stabbing, Chelmsford RowellEdward S.Grove villa, Cambridge Rust M. Springfield ho. Hatfield,Withm
Rohan J. 25 Eversleigh rd. East Ham E park, Wanstead NE Rust Mrs. Laurie square, Romford
RolfeA. J. 8 Second avenue, Manor Pk Rowland Arthur, High street, Epping Rust Mrs. 32 London road, Braintree
Rolfe Chas. A. 52 Thorold road, Ilford Rowland Mrs. Edith villa, Churchfields, Rust Philip, Aldesbrook villa, Forest
Rolfe D. C. Grove cot. Rayne, Braintree Woodford drive, Manor Park
Rolfe Miss. Queenborough, Braintree RowlandW.Ash villa, Cleveland rd.llford RustonJoseph Charles, Brecon,Kilworth
Rolfe Miss, Rayne, Braintree Rowlandson Rev. William Henry M. A. avenue, Hastings road, Southend
Rolfe Miss, 35 Thorold road, Ilford Rectory, Great Braxted, Witham Rutt Stephen A. N. High street, Maldon
RolfeW.R.Crescnt.vil.Crscnt.rd.Brntwd Rowley Rev.Julius Henry M. A. Rectory, Rutter Alfred John, 3 Grange villas,
Rollason Rev. A. Audley rd.Saffrn. Wldn South Ockendon, Romford High road, Ilford
Rolles Wm. 2 Cowper avn. East Ham E Rowley J. Rosebank. Park rd. Southend Rntter Mrs. Norton Mandeville,Ingatstn
Ro!leston Rev. Robert B.A. Rectory, Rowlinson Rev. Alfred E. Newport S.O RuttyGeo.G. The Acorns,ChigwellRow
Stanford Rivers, Romford Roworth Alfred Thomas, Avenue )odge, Ryan J. M., M. B. 85 East hill,Colchestr
Rontree W. 87 Car!yle rd Manor Park Palmar's avenue, Grays Ryle Thomas, 3 Lamorna terrace, Vic-
Rooda Johannes Arien, The Ferns, Park Rowse Mrs. I Cambridge villas, Hayes toria road, Romford
road, Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Sabine Chas. 0. IO Second av.Manor Pk
Rook James William, 3 Caxtou terrace, Roy Mrs. Wingfield lo. Victoria rd.Romfd Sach Edward John Sharpe, Wright's
Mildmay road, Chelmsford Roydhouse Thomas, Eton villa, Cam- farm, Cressing, Braintree
Rooke Mrs. Southville, Cambridge park, bridge road, Southend Sach James, Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon
Wanstead NE RoJd Rev. Charles Leopold M.A. Sach Mrs. Queen street, Coggeshall
Rookwood Lord Right Hon. P.C., D.L., Brizes park,Kelvedon Hatch,Brentwd SackettF.Rydalmount,Grovehl.Woodfd
J.P. Down hall, Hatfield, Harlow; & Royle Jas. Ellesmere, York rd. Southend Sackett Henry, Langford villa, Theydon
6I Princes gate&Carlton & Travellers' Ruck-Keene Rev. Benjamin B. A. Cop- Garnon. Epping
clubs, London s w ford, Colchester Sacre Rev. Arthur Joseph, Rectory,
Root Alfred, Galley hall, Galleywood Ruck-Keene Rev. Edmund Ralph, M.A. East Hanningfield, Chelmsford
common, Chelmsford Parsonage, Eight Ash green, Copford, Sadd Alfred Grainger,Hill house,Maldon
Root The Misses, CastleHdnghm. Hlstd Colchester Sadd A. H. 8 Westbury rd. Brentwood
Root Mrs. Gt. Wigborough, Colchester Rudge Rev. Edward LL.B. Vicarage, SaddJohnGrainger,Mountview,Maldon
RootW. Woodleigh,Selsdon rd. Wnstd.N E Matching, Harlow Sadd Jn.P.Laurel vil. London rd.Maldon
Roper A. 6 Broomfield rd. Chelmsford Rudhall John Percy, The Elms, Grays Sadgrove Alfred, Chingford rd.Chingfrd
Roper C. 2 Belton vi!. Doverct. Harwich RudkinG.Bradford st.Bocking,Braintree Sadler Joseph, 85 Holm bay, Maldon
Roper Henry Edward, 9 Sandown vlllas, Ruffie Ambrose, Park farm, Wickham Sadler Mrs. 40 Clarence rd. Manor Park
Victoria road, Romford St. Paul, Halstead Sadler William, Crown cottages, High
Roper Mrs. 37 Broomfield rd. Chlmsfrd Ruffie J.3 Penroseter.Victoriard.Romfd road, Loughton S.O
Roper Mrs. 4 Reede vis. North st.Rmfrd Ruffie Mrs. Head street, Halstead Sadler William, xs6Manor st. Braintree
Roper Robert, Av1sforde, Blake Hall RuffieR.Oaklands,Brentwood rd.Romfrd Sage Rev. Jn. Ashrlon, Saffron Walden
road, Wanstead Rugg Robert, 4 Avenue road, Southend Sage G. A. I4 St. John's st. Colchester
Rose Rev.Frederic B.A. Rectory,Green- Ruggles Mrs. Gt. Burstead, Brentwood Sage Robert John, Montwick, Colchestr
sted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood Ruggles-Brise CoLS. B., C. B., D.L., J.P. Saich G. J. Cambridge ho. Newport S,O
Rose Charles Frederick, 6 Brandon ter- Spains hall, Finchingfield, Braintree Saich Joseph, Newport S.O
race, Ilford hill, Ilford Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland J.P., St. Leger Rev. Rupert B.A. Ridgwell,
Rose Edwin, Lyndhurst, Mornington rd. D.L. Durwards, Rivenhall, Witham Halstead
Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Rule Capt. W.5I Wellesleyrd. Wanstd.NE Sale Miss, 3 Carew terrace, New London
Rose Harry Tracey, London & South Rule Miss, Burnt Wood end, Little road, Chelmsford
Western Bank, High st. Wanstd. NE Walden, Saffron Walden Sale W.J. Cromwelllo.Lexden,Colchestr
Rose Matthew, Oakles, Whitehall lane, Rumball Alfred William, May cottage, Sa!isburyRev.C.H.,B.A.Felstead,Clchstr
Buckhurst Hill S.O Violet road, South Woodford Salman Miss, Hadstock, Cambridge
Rose Mrs. Barringtons, Rayleigh S,O Rumbles Thomas, 1 Swaffham villas, Salmon Frederick Valentine, 9 Beacons-
Rose Mr. Fryerning cot.Fryrng.Ingtstne Mildmay road, Chelmsford field terrace,Beaconsfield av.Colchestr
Rosenway H. 86 Durham rd. Manor Pk Rnmboll Rev. Abraham Henry M.A. Salmon John, 3 Provident pl. Colchester
Rosewarne Mrs. 2 Wellington place, Vicarage, Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester Salmon Jn.Sneating hall,Kirby,Colchstr
Lower Southend, Southend Rumsey H. A. Eaton villa,Rochford S.O Salmon Miss, Alton house, l\fildmay
Rosling A. Cardfields, Hatfield, Witham Runnacles E. 78 Parsonage st. Halstead road, Chelmsford
Ross Charles Lyndthorpe, 'favistock rd. Runnacles Mrs. Colchester rd. Halstead Salmon Miss, St. John's road, Epping
South Woodford Ruse Henry, Clarence villa, Ashdown Salmon Miss, White house, Beaumont-
Ross James, 3I Bedford road, Ilford road, Saffron \Valden with-Moze, Colchester
Ross Mrs. Vicarage villas, Harlow Ruse Mrs. Ashdown rd. Saffron Waldon Salmon Miss C 7 Clements road, Ilford
Rostlund H. E. SI Eversleigh rd.E.Ham Rush John, 7 Henrietta villas, Clement's Salmon Mrs. Magdalen house, Magdalen
Rothney Mrs. 59 Bnxton rd. Chingford road, Ilford green, Great Clacton, Colchester
Rothwell Richard, Trelawney, Cam- Rush Thomas John, 2 Suffolk villas, Salmon Mrs. ,Sarah, Woo:lfield, Plashet
bridge park, Wanstead l\Iildmay road. Chelmsford grove, East Ham E
Rotton Charles Jennings, 2 Penrhyn Rush William, 6 Beaconsfield terrace, Salmon Robert Green, The L:>dge, St.
terrace, Victoria road, Romford Beaconsfield avenue, Colchester Osyth, Colchester
Salmon Thomas, Tylers green, North Saunders Rev. Barnard Wilkes,Wethers- Scotcher Willie, 5 Rutland road, Ilford
W eald, Epping field, Braintree Scott Rev. Richard Leslie M. A. Rectory,
Salmon Wm. 4Durham ter.Manor Park Saunders Chas. 3 Hainault viis. Chigwell Little Parndon, Harlow
Salmon William, Ivy cottage, Seward's Saunders E. W. Cantyre cot. Coggeshall Scott Arch. 2 Mornington villas, High
End road, Saffron Walden Saunders Ebenezer, Sharmans hall, rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green
Salmond Jn.23 Cambridge ter. Southend Dedham, Colchester ScottArnld.Bradford st.Bocking,Bmtree
Salt Miss, Crown street, Brentwood Saunders Ebenezer jun. Sharmans hall, Scott Daniel Allan, Russell house, Roe-
Salter Job J. South villa, Billericay Dedham, Colchester buck lane, Buckhurst Hill
Salter John J.P. Ballingdon, Sudbury, SaundersEdwd.Grange vil.Chigwell Row Scott E. W. 2 Westbnry rd. Brentwood
Suffolk Saunders Frank, Rose mead, Honey Scott E. T. Grove park, Wanstead NE
Salter John Henry J.P. D'Arcy house, lane, Waltham Abbey Scott E. 2 Park cres. Park rd. Southend
Tolleshunt D' Arcy, Kelvedon Saunders Henry Richard, I4 Wakering Scott Edwin, Clarement house, IO Cam-
Salter Richard Nicholas, Malvern villa, road, Barking bridge road, Colchester
Primrose road, South Woodford Saunders Jas. 2 :Florence villas, Pulteney Scott Fridulph, 69 Bedford road, Ilford
Salter Waiter, 2 Wheatfield villas, St. road, South Woodford Scott George Melmouth M.B., B.C. n8
Mary's road, Ilford Saunders Miss,Oaklea,London rd.Maldn High street, Maldon
SalterWm.Main rd.Dovercourt,Harwich Saunders Mrs. Chadwell avenue, Chad- Scott Mrs. Avenue road, Brentwoud
Saltmarsh Edgar, Haslemere, ~1arket well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Scott Mrs. The Laurels, Fingringhoe,
road, Chelmsford Saunders :Mrs. 3I Queen's road, Ilford Colchester
Saltmarsh Geo. 35 Hamlet rd.Chelmsfrd Saunders Nathaniel, Hallfield house, Scott Mrs. 5 Wellesley road, Colchester
Saltmarsh John, St. John's rd. Epping Dedham, Colchester Scott Joseph, Cumberland house,George
Saltmarsh Misses, Dunmow Saund('rS Nathaniel jun. Albany house, lane, W anstead N E
Saltmarsh Thomas Joseph, The Nur- Dedham, Colchester ScottRobert,Birchwood,Dedham,Clchstr
series, Moulsham, Chelmsford Saunders Richard, Ivy house, Thorpe- Scott Robert M.A., LL.D. Glenberre,
Saltmarsh Frank, 59 Bedford rd. Ilford le-Soken, Colchester The Drive, Chingford
Sampson Rev. Sidney Gerard, The Saunders Wm. Thorn cot.Sandn.Chlmsfd Scott T. I7 Alexandra road, Colchester
Vicarage, Ripple road, Barking Savage Wil!iam, Hazlehurst, Snake's Scott W. I2 Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester
Sampson John, I2 Wellesleyrd.Colchster lane, Woodford Green Scott Waiter Thomas N. 7Violetterrace,
Sampson Thomas Albert, 3 Woodlands, SavileHon.Mrs.Arth.Heydon ho.Royston Violet road, South Woodford
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Savill Lieut.-Col. Samuel George J.P. Scott William, 22 Linton rd. Barking
Samuel George, 3I Roman rd. Colchestr Boleyns, Bocking, Braintree Scott William, 2 Tregenna terrace,
Samuel John Geo. 6I Priory st. Colchstr Savill Alfred, Chigwell hall, Chigwell Victoria road, Romford
Sander William, Melrose villa, Sylvan Savill Alfred, Wilton road, Ilford Scragg William White house, Great
road, Wanstead NE Savill Alfred jun. Brendon, Palmerston Clacton, Colchester
Sanders Arthur, Jubilee house, Stansted road, Buckhurst Hill Scratton Miss, Gosfield cottage, Gos·
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Savill Alfd. W.Ursulavil.Grovehl.Wdfd field, Halstead
Sanders Edwin Joseph, Gostwycke, 4 SavillEdward,Ashdon rd.Saffron Walden Scriven Capt.Algernon Garrett,Ardleigh
Cambridge road, Colchester Savill Arthur, Lakeside, Snares brook park, Ardleigh, Colchester; & Army
Sanders Henry,I6 Albanyrd.ManorPark road, Snaresbrook NE & Navy club, London s w
Sanders Mrs. J. I First av. Manor Park SavillChas.Dunluce,Crescent rd.Cbngfd Scriven Captain William R.N. Train-
Sanders Miss. Myrtle villas, Woodfield SavillJas.Verandah st.Crownst.Brentwd ing Ship" Shaftesbury," Grays
StanstedMountfitchet, Bshp's. Strtfrd SavillJn. Ths.Craven vil.Highst.Brntwd Scriven Charles A.M. 4 Napier villas,
Sanders Mrs. The Haylands, Chigwell Savill Leonard, 20 Sutherland terrace, Sherfield road, Grays
Sanders Montague, The Cedars, Rein- Baddow road, Chelmsford ScrivenWilliam Henry,Fir lodge, Broom-
deer road, Huckhurst Hill Savill Misses, Lauderdale, Granville field, Chelmsford
Sanders Waiter W. Woodfield, Stansted road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Scriven William Henstridge, 22 Suther-
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Savil!The Misses, Ten Mile villa,Chigwell land terrace, Baddow rd. Chelmsford
SandersWm. H. I 5Victoria av .EastHam E Sa vill Philip, Whalebone house, Chad- Scrivener Charles Thomas, 7 Mornington
Sandford Rev, Henry Stanley, Rayne well Heath R.S.O villas, Wanstead park, Wanstead
road, Braintree SavillPhilipJ. P. Woodlands, ChigwellRow Scrivener J oseph Elliott, I Meadow view,
Sandford Mrs. II Belle Vue rd. Colchstr SavillStephen Jas Gt.Warley,Brentwood Broomfield road, Chelmsford
Sandford Samuel Wadlin, Straitharn, Savill-Onley Charles Alfred Onley D. L., Scruby F. 33 Hamlet road, Chelmsford
West Cliffs, Southend J.P.Bexfields,Galleywd.Com.Chlmsfd Scruby James, The Ferns, Harlow
Sandle Mrs. Town house, Great Bard- SavilleMiss,Edith rd.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O Scruby Miss, Market st. Saffron Walden
field, Braintree Saville Mrs. The Limes, Chigwell Scruby Mrs. 28 Broomfield rd.Chlmsfrd
Sandle Saml. :\1. I2 Roman rd. Colchstr Saxton Wm. I6l\IanorPark rd.Manor Pk Scruby Mrs. Ongar S.O
Sands John, Priory, Noak hill, Romford Saxty John, 3 Trinity street, Colchester Scruby Theodore R. Hatherley, The
'Sands Stephen Richard, I3 Manor Park Saxty William 26 High st. Colchester Common, Saffron Walden
road, Manor Park Say E. I Monica vls. Chdwl. Hth. R.S.O Scruton Edwin, I3 Thorold road, Ilford
Sanky John Joseph, RictJ.mond house, Sayers David, 8 Albert road, Southend ScruttonR.Colneview,Rowhedge,Clchstr
Pilham road, Ilford Sayers W. I8 Cumberland rd.Manor Pk Scrutton W. 25 Fairfield rd. Chelmsfrd
SansomChas Hy.7I East hill, Colchester Saywood Mrs. I Bay villas, Warley road, Scudamore Major Frederick William,
Sansom Henry John, High st. Maiden Brentwood West lodge, West Lodge rd. Colchstr
SansomWm.John,20xford ter.Southend Scantlebury Ernest, Ringsteed, York Scudder Hy. IS Lorne villas, Southend
SansonStanley,84 Durham rd.ManorPrk road, Southend Sense James, 26 Carlton rd. Manor Pk
Santler Charles Pratt, Greenheyes, 3 Scantlebury J.RJCkling hall,NewportS.O Seabrook Arthur, Berden,Bishop'sStrtfd
Warren road, Chingford Scarfe Albert, I2 Lexden rd. Colchester Seabrook Joseph, 6 Princes terrace,
Sapsworth George Sanders, Higham Scarlett Wm. Castle st. Saffron Walden Princes road, Buckhurs1; Hill
lodge, Woodford Green Scarsbrook Frederic, I Arundel villas, Seabrook Jsph. 22 Queen's road, Ilford
Sargant. Rev. Arthur Edward A.K.C. New London road, Chelmsford Seabrook Miss, Butlers',Brmfld.Chlmsfd
South street, Romford Scase Mrs. sMaria st. New Town, Hrwch Seabrook Misses, Oak lodge, Springfield,
Sargeant Rev. George, Frankfort, Xew Schelback Mrs. GreatTotham, Witham Chelmsford
London road, Chelmsford Scheurer Mrs. 26 Cambridge rd. Brkng Seabrook Mrs. I Princes terrace, Prince's
Sargeant Mrs. Gt. Bromley, Colchester Schlenthem L. 3 Leigh vis. Southend road, Buckhurst Hill
SargeantMrs.29NewLondonrd.Chlmsfd Schmidt Henry Peter, Sunnyside, York Seabrook Mrs. Rose villa, To!leshunt
Sargent Frederick George, The Laburn- road, South~nd D'Arcy, Kelvedon
hams, Western road, Romford Scholefield Mrs. Hollybank, Cambridge Seabrook Mrs. The Cottage, Berden, •
Sargent George, Ongar S.O park, Wanstead Bishop's Stortford
Sargent George, The Bank house, High Scholtensack George, Belle vue, Upper Sea brook Mrs. 'l'olleshunt D' Arcy,
street, Chelmsford Dovercourt, Harwich Kelvedon
Sargent Robert, !<'airfield villas, North Schrader Mrs. 40 Crouch st. Colchester Seabrook Mrs. Woodfield terrace, Stan-
street, Halstead Schreuder Herrman,3 Park villas, Chad- stead Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
.&rgent-Openshaw Lieut.-Col. F. 0. I7 well Heath R.S.O Seabrook Samuel, I Albert terrace, Vic-
Beverley road, Colchester Schwartz John, Ivy house, Sal way hill, toria road, Romford
Sargisson Henry E. Little Hallingbury, Woodford Green Seabrook ''Talter, The Priory, Berden,
Bishop's Stortford Schwin~ William, Willow cottage, High Bishop's Stortford
Sas Jas. Hy. 77 Carlyle rd. Manor Park road, Loughton S.O Seabrook W. Hill villas, Br;nfield,
Sasse George Henry, 2 Albert place, New Schwinge Miss, Hanover house, High helmsford
Londonroad, Chelmsford rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Seabrooke Charles, The Echoes, Newrd.
Saulez Rev. Robert Travers M.A. The Scopes Harry, 14 Carlton rd. Manr. Pk Grays
Vicarage, Belchamp St. Paul, Clare, Scotcher William, Clifton villas, New Seabrooke Jonathan, Brooksea, Bridge
R.S.O. (Suffolk) London road, Chelmsford road, Grays

Seabrooke Robert Ellis, St. Winifred, ShambrookW.62ManorPark rd.ManorPk Sheppard .Alfred Edward, Laurel house,
Plashet grove, East Ham E Sharman Richard Can trill, Belle vue, Low street, Chingford
Seabrooke Thos. Wm.22Bridge rd.Grays Southchurch, Southend Sheppard Frederick, Ellerslie, West
Seabury E.Burnt ml. Netteswell,Harlow Sharp .Arthur, High street, Epping grove Snake's lane, Woodford Green
Seaden John, Trafalgar house, ·west Sharp George, 24 Grosvenor road, Ilford Sheppard William, 10 Hawkswood villas,
Bergholt R.S.O Sharp N. Wilton ter. Wilton rd. Ilford King's Head hill, Chingford
Seager Alfred, Grovedale villa, Wellesley Sharp~Irs.Lyndhurst,Manor st.Braintree Sheppee Arthur Raynsford, The Lions,
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Sharp Robert Harrison, The Cedars, Junction road, Brentwood
Seager E. Little Waltham, Chelmsford Upper park, Lought-on S.O Sherborne .Capt. William T. 5 Second
Seagreff :Mrs. I Norfolk villas, Princes Sharp Wm. 63 Durham rd. Manor Park avenue, Manor Park
road, Buckhurst Hill Sharp Williamson, 2 Augusta villas, Sherlock Hy. 4 Laburnam villas, Ilford
Seamon Mrs. 9 .Alexandra ter. Southend Chelmsford road, Woodford Sherman Pullam K.9 St.Mary's rd.IIford
Sear Mrs. Lucy .Ada, 94 Carlyle road, Sharpe Alfred, Evanston house, Church- SherriffJsph.54Eversleigh rd.EastHam B
Manor Park fields, Woodford • Sherrin George, The Gate ho. Ingatestn
Seare Charles, I .Alma terraco3, Snake's Sharpe Clement, N etteswell hall, N e1tes- Sherwood Sidney, Belsize, Harold
lane, Woodford Green well, Harlow Wood, Romford
Sear! John, White house, Chad well St. Sharpe Edward James, Tyne hall, Ilford Shildrick Rev. Henry John B..A. I65
Chadwell Heath R.S.O Sharpe Gee. Pitfour,Cranbrook rd.Ilford Coggeshall road, Braintree
Searl William, Ferndale, High road, Sharpe H. G. Meadow rd. Loughton S.O Shillinglaw Edward .J. Lawn villa,
Loughton S.O Sharpe T. S. IoSalisbury rd.Manor Park Derby road, Woodford
Searle John, Manor la.Gt.Chesterfld.S.O Shave Henry, Stoneham st. Coggeshall Shillinglaw John Andrew, Laburnam
Searle W. 77 Victoria avenue, E. Ham E Shaw Rev. Charles H., M.A. 39 Coven- cottage, Fuller's road, Woodford
Searless G. Cannanore, TheDrive,Chngfd try road, Ilford Shimeld James, Salisbury house, Tiford
Searless Mrs. Holly cot. Cop ford, Clchstr Shaw Frederick C. Rose villa, Plashet Shine Eustace B. Grammar school,
Searness Wm. :\Ialtese rd. Chelmsford grove, East Ham E Ashdown road, Saffron Walden
Sears Thomas, I Stanley villas, Chad- Shaw Henry Edwards, Southolm, Bea- Shipperd Mrs. Burringt-on villa, Mag-
well Heath R.S.O consfield avenue, Colchester dalen green, Gt. Clacton, Colchester
Seaward T.W.Glstnbry.,,l.Wiltn.rd.IIfrd Shaw James Wilson, I Elm villas, Derby Shirley John, New road, Harlow
Seeker John Howard, .Ashfields, Maldon road, Woodford Shirley M1ss, Newport S.O
• road, Colchester Shaw Mrs. Romans pl.Writtle,Chelmsfrd ShirmerWm. Rd.76Carlyle rd.ManorPrk
SeckerMrs.Danbry.ho.Westst.LeighS.O Shaw Robert, 30 Carlton rd.ManorPark Shoolbred George Frederick, Fernlea,
Secretan Francis H.Eastfield cot. Harlw Shawcross Rev. John Peter M.A. Home Sprathall road, Wanstead NE
Secretan Henry, Clarence villa, Glebe house, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Shoobridge George Frederick, 7 New
avenue, Woodford Green Sh2a Rev.Robert Thomas M. A. Vicarage, London road, Chelmsford
Secretan M.W.2o Cambridgeter.Sthend Little Wakering, Rochford S.O ShoobridgeMisses, Elmside, Witham
Sedgwick Rev. John D. D. Rectory, Shea Daniel, 22 Carlton rd. Manor Park Short Samuel, High st. Wanstead NE
Birdbrook, Halstead Shead Waiter Herbert, I Mary villas, Short l\Irs. I67 Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Sedgwick Rev. John Edmnnd M. A. Rec- Pulteney road, South Woodford Short Waiter Hercules, Sunnyside,
tory, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Shead W. 4 Meadow view, Broomfield rd Victoria road, Colchester
Seel Hy. J. 2 Southchurch av. Southend Sheaf Horatius, High st. Wanstead NE Shorter James, The Limes, Epping
Seeley Rev. Henry, The Vicarage, St. Sheaf Miss, Onchors, Great Saleing, Shorter John,Millbrk.Grange hl.Chigwll
Paul's road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Braintree Shorter Thomas, Holly house, High
SeeleyF.G.Woodville,Stanleyrd.Woodfd Shears Rev. Augustus M.A. Rectory, road, Buckhurst Hill
Seeley Mrs. F. 42 Second av. Manor Park Black Notley, Braintree Showers Capt. Edward Maclean, Spring·
Segust Hy. 48 Third aven. Manor Park Shedd Ebemzer, Writtle green, Writtle, field court, Springfield, Chelmsford
SelbyJ.Oakleigh,Hermon hl. Wanstd. NE Chelmsford Shread Geo. 42 Longbridge rd. Barking
Self J. Winchelsea, York rd. Southend Shedlock Henry, Lee road, Dovercourt Shrimpton Wltr.J.10Hillcrestrd.Sthend
Sel!Arthur,36Wellesley rd. Wanstead NE Sheel John G. 7 Rom:1n rd. Colchester Shuckburgh)Irs.Mill ho. Hatfield, Withm
Sellar Alfred, 2 Monica villas, Chad well Sheerman E. 79 Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd Shum Arthur Robert, 8 Hillcrest road,
Heath R.S.O Sheffield Charles Edward, Tyre villa, Southand
SellarD.P.Dudbrook,Navestock,Romford Eastern road, Romford Shum Miss, Hill ho. Kirby, Colchester
Sellar James, I5 Avenue road, Southend Sheldon PercyJn. Springfield,Chelmsford Shuttleworth John, Queen st.Coggeshall
Sendell G.Abbotsford,Grove rd. Woodfrd Sheldrake Henry William, Hartest villa, Sibbon John, 65 Wakering rd. Barking
Senior William, Cheriton lodge, Gordon ~Ialtese road, Chelmsford Sibley George, 21 Woo:llands rd. Ilford
road, South Woodford Sheldrake J. Ernest, The Hamlet, Little Sibley Henry, Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon
Senior Wm. Elmwood, High rd. Ilford Coggeshall, Kelvedon Sibley James, Westmoreland villa,
Sennick Charles, The Hollieg,Cambridge Sheldrake Mrs. The Hamlet, Little Victoria road, Romford
road, Wanstead NE Coggeshall, Kelvedon Sibson Edward, 2 St. John's villas, Pal-
Senton fhomas, Smith villa, Chadwell Sheldon Arthur, Holly house, King's merston road, Buckhurst Hill
Heath R.S. 0 Head hill, Chingford Sichel Gerard, .Asylum, Colchester
Setterfield Robert, sTylers av.Southend Sheldon John Joseph, North view, Sidle Thomas, 5 Abbeygate st. Colchestr
SewellRev.W.M.A.Lit.Sampfrd.Brntree Derby road, Woodford Sidford Harry Maurice, Ailsa Craig,
Sewell Francis S. Market pi. Dunmow Sheldon John L. 5 Buxton rd.Chingford High street, Chingford
Sewell Frederick, I2 Wellington rd.Maldn Sheldon Robert J. Thanet villa, Queen's Siffken Bernard Ernest, Forest side,
Sewell Jesse, I25 Winnock rd.Colchester road, Buckhurst Hill Epping New road, Buckhurst Hill S.O
Sewell Mrs. Hartland road, Theydon ~helford Richard J. Gt. Chesterford S.O Siffken Miss, Gowan Lea, Woodford rd.
Garnon, Epping Shellitoe Hy. jun. 93 Ripple rd. Barking South Woodford
Sewell R.I6 Qtieen's Grove rd.Chingford Shenton J.Glen-rosa,l\'Iilton rd.Southend SiggersArth.Ransom,sRoman rd.Clchstr
Sewell Thomas Francis, The Grove, ~hephard E.13 Addison rd.Wanstead NE Sigismund Samuel, Hermitage, Forest
Colne Engaine, Hals~ead Shephard Joseph, 2 Rosebank villas, road, Chingford
Sewell William, The Hall, Tillingham, Gordon road, South Woo::lford Silberrad Arthur P. Sunnycroft, High
Southminster S.O Shepherd Rev. Francis Burton M.A. road, Buckhurst Hill
Sewell William A. 2 Carlton terrace, Rectory, Margaret Roothing,Dunmow Silk Robt. Clyde ho. Sheering, Harlow
Queen's road, Southend Shepherd Chas. 74 Winnock rd. Colchstr Sills Francis G. Offord house, Wellington
Sewell William Hy. Epping pl. Epping ShepherdC.W.24 St.John's st.Colchester road, Wanstead NE
Seyfred G. 59 Eversleigh rd.East Ham E Shepherd Frank B. Bololo cottage, Siker Stephen W. Stock, Ingatestone
Seymour Michael, Edgely cottage, They- Primrose road, South Woodford Silvers tone Thos. J. I Clement's rd. Ilford
don Bois, Epping Shepherd George, I Grosvenor rd. Ilford Silverwood George Henry M.A., LL.B.
Seymour Robert, 4 Oak cottage, Forest Shepherd G. 6 The Terrace,"\Yoodfd.Grn The Cottage, Grays
drive, Manor Park Shepherd Hedley James Henry, Hedley Silvester George, Blasford hill, Little
Shadbolt Frederick, Alicia house, Kath- villas, Milton avenue, East Ham E Waltham, Chelmsford
erine road, East Ham E Shepherd J. H. Springfield, Chelmsford Simkin Rev. Thomas L. V. M ..A. Bel-
Shadbolt Frederic Toulmin, 2 Oak villas, Shepherd John, 6o Winnock rd. Colchstr champ Waiter, Sudbury (Suffolk)
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill ShepherdMr!'.26NewLondon rd.Chelmsfd Simkins W . .A. M.A. Grammar school,
Shadwell Arthur, South park, Ilford Shepherd Thomas, 57 Bedford rd. Ilford Chigwell
Shafto Geor~e Dalst-on, Delavel lodge, Shepherd Thomas, I Church lane, Mag- Simmonds Jas. 9 Cambridge rd. Barking
Lexden, Colchester dalen street, Colchester Simmonds)lrs.26Mildmay rd.Chelmsfrd
Shalders Thos. 57 Wakering rd. Barking Shepherd Ths.Melville rd. Rainham S.O Simmonds John, 20 Grosvenor rd. Ilford
Sham brook Miss, 3 St. John's villas, ShepherdT.G.24NewLondon rd.Chlmsfd ISimmondsJohnD.37 Woodlands rd.IIford
Mildmay road, Chelmsford ShepherdWrn.24 Carlton rd.l\Ianor Park Simmonds Wm. East st. Saffron Walden
E:::SEX. 29
5immonds William Robert, I Weald Slader Mrs. Holly house, Broomfield Smith E. 12 Elm vil. Avenue rd.Soothnd
villa, South park, Ilford road, Chelmsford Smith E.J.'l'he Caidge,Southminster 8.0
SimmonsChas. 8 Belle Vuerd. Colchester Slaiter Richard, 16 Lorne viis. Southend Smith F. Luckin, Oak Lea, Springfield,
Simmons David, Snaresbrook house, Slaney Mrs. 2I Middleborough, Colchstr Chelmsford
Woodford road, South Woodford Slaney William L. 5 Beaconsfield terrace, Smith Francis, 1o6 Glenny rd. Barking
Simmons Edward Charles, Prospect vil. Beaconsfield avenue, Colchester Smith Francis Nelson, Billericay
Princes road, Buckhurst Hill Slarke John, 31 Military rd. Colchester Smith Frank, 22 Albert road, Braintree
SimmonsErnst.Meadow rd.Looghtn.S.O Slate Richard, goCarlyle rd.Manor Park SmithFrnk.Cromwell vil.Oakfield rd.llfd
Simmons Frederick Richard, West road, Slater Harold H. 66 New road, Grays Smith Frederic Wiffen, Marden Ash,
Saffron Walden Slater John, Holly villa, Princes road, High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O
Simmons James, 4 Lorne villas, Marl- Buckhurst Hill Smith F. U. 28 Fairfield rd. Chelmsford
borough road, South Woodford Slater Josiah,Laburnum cottage,Snake's Smith Frederick George, Westcroft,
Simmons John William, 62 Wellesley lane, Woodford Green Hastings road, Southend
road, Wanstead NE SlaterR. ThePoplars, TheydonBois,Eppng Smith G. Llantrissant, Coventry rd. llfd
Simmons Miss, The Firs, Common, Slatford William H. The Elms, Wood- Smith George, West Grove lodge, West
Shenfield, Brentwood house grove, East Ham E Grove, W oodford Green
Simmons Mrs. Cavendish villas, South Sleep William J. Elsie viis. High rd.Ilfd Smith George, 13 Albyn ter. Southend
street, Romford SlightRev .J. B.,M. A. Moreton, Ongar S. 0 SmithGeo. Albt. I I Victoria ave. Ea.HarnE
Stmmons 1\Irs. Vine cot. Rochford S. 0 Slimon Henry M. B. Angle view, SmithG.H.Hillsborough,Oakfield rd.Ilfd
Simmons William, 3 Port terrace, Mild- Anglefield road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Smith George Hy. 29 Eld la. Colchester
may road, Chelmsford Sloane-Stanley Henry Charles, Colneford Smith George Percy, Ingatestone
Simms John William, 2 Wentworth house, Earl's Colne, Haistead SmithGeorge,Shoobridge,Greenharbour,
road, Manor Park E SlomanT .5Trinity av. W estCliff,Southnd Great Easton, Dunmow
Simonds Mrs. Northian villa, Crescent SloperB.Durham ho.London rd.Southnd Smith Godfrey John, Elm house,Pilgrims
road, Brentwood Sloper Frank, Haselmere villa, Palmer's Hatch, Brentwood
Siinons Hy. Kyneton, Balfour rd. !!ford avenue, Grays Smith Harold, Mawneys hall, Mawneys
Simons Thomas, Fairlawn villas, Vie- SloperMiss,TheFerns,Gordonrd.S.Wdfd road, Romford
toria road, Romford Sloughgrove John, Brook house, Queen's Smith Harold J. Stansted Mountfitchet,
Simpsou Edward William, I I Creffield road, Buckhurst Hill Bishop's Stortford
terrace, Creffield road, Colchester Sly Mrs. Mount road, Braintree Smith H. E. 46 Salisbury rd. Colchester
Simpson Hales, 32 Military rd. Colchster Sly Mrs. 5 Sandown villas, Victoria Smith Hy.5 Derby vils.Derby rd."\Voodfd
Simpson Jsph. 13 Buxtou rd. Chingford road, Romford Smith H.Earlsmead,Chipping hl.Withm
Simpson Miss, Cologne villa, New Lon- Smales Miss Kathariue, St. Swithuns, Smith Henry, London road, Romford
dou road, Chelmsford Ongar road, Brentwood Smith H. Romsdale ho.Clement's rd.Ilfd
Simpson Mrs. East street, Coggeshall Small A. 14 Wentworth rd. Manor Park Smith Henry, South Ockendon, Romfrd
Simpson 'l'hos.Market hill,SaffronWaldn Small William J. I Buxton rd.Chingford Smith Henry Arthur, 51 Bedford rd.Ilfd
Simpson 'l'hos. 57 Roman rd. Colchester Smallpeice Rev. Frank Freshfield B.A. Smith Henry Charles, 8 Richmond ter-
Sims Henry '1'. 53 Woodlands rd. Ilford Marks Gate, Dagenham, Romford race, Glenny road, Barking
Simson John,34 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Smallridge William, Victoria cottage, Smith Henry Cleveland, Warrior house,
Simson Miss, Stour villa, Mistley, Victoria road, South Woodford Warrior square, Southend
Manningtree Smart Alf.Lortay vil.Clement's rd.Ilford Smith Hy. T. Hartford End, Chelmsford
Simson Mrs. Shrubland rd. Colchester SmartB.TheLimes,High rd.Loughtn.S. 0 Smith Henry William, Crichton, Brent-
Simson Mrs. West Storkwell st.Colchstr Smart Seth J. London rd. SaffronWalden wood road, Romford
Simson Mrs.George, Stock, Ingatestone Smartt Miss, Buckhurst villa, Queen's Smith Herbert Blomfield, Corbens,
Sinclair Alex. Hope vil.Doverct.Harwich road, Buckhurst Hill Churchfields, Woodford
Sinclair Misses, High st. Saffron Walden Smedley Geo. Great Bardfield,Braintree Smith J. I2 Tennyson avnu. East Ham E
Sinclair Mrs. 1 Egremont villas, Ham- SmeeT.J.Adstocks,Gt.Baddow,Chlmsfd Smith J. A. Grammar school, Brentw,ood
let, Southend Smeeton John, 5 St. John'srd.Southend Smith James, 31 Wakering rd. Barking
Single:Mrs.'l'heGrove,Highrd.Woodford Smith Sir Charles C. bart. D.L., J.P. Smith James, 63 Wakering rd. Barking
Sissons Mrs. IO First Avenue, M~nor Park Suttons, Stapleford Tawney, Romford Smith J .J. Bergholt rd.Mile end, Colchstr
Skaife Mrs. Salway hi. Woodford Green Smith Capt. Adam, 4 Knighton villas, Smith John J.P. AlJ;on park, Great
Skelton Benjamin, Woodside, High road, High road, Buckhurst Hill S.O Clacton, Colchester
Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Smith Rev. Albert, Kelvedon Smith John, 38 Carlton rd. Manor Park
SkeltonWm.Linstock,TheDrive,Chingfrd SmithRev.F.E.,M.A.Hadstock,Cmbrdge Smith John, 2 Durham ter. Manor Park
SkermanJn.Chs.Manorrd. Walthm.Abby Smith Rev. Fredk. King's rd. Brentwood Smith John, Elm house, Leigh S.O
Sketchley Joseph, 1 Oxford villas, Brent- Smith Rev. Herbert Giles Brabant L. Th. Smith John, I Shewell road, Colchester
wood road, Romford Vicarage, Elmdon, Saffron Walden SmithJn. J.P. The Limes, BurnhamS.O
Skill Alfred, South rd. Saffron Walden t-lmithRev. W .M. A. Gt. W altham, Chlmstd Smith J oseph, Blunt's, Thaxted, Dunmow
Skillman Richard, Lime villa, 22 Long- Smith A. White Ho. North end, Ea. Ham E Smith ,Joseph, Hill house, Romford
bridge road, Barking Smith Alfred, 114 Glenny road, Barking Smith Joseph, Redgate, Saffron Walden
Skilton William Grant, Reede villas, Smith A. 3 Grove viis. High st.Ea.Ham E Smith Joseph, The Temples, Chipping
North street, Romford Smith Alfd. TheRosery,Lowst.Chingford hill, Witham
Skingles Henry, Woodfield rd. Braintree Smith A. The Laurels, Aldboro' rd.IIford Smith J. Woolpits, Lit. Saling, Braintree
Skingley H. P. C. Coggeshall SmithA.l\'Iinden ho.Romfrd.rd.ManorPk Smith J oseph Charles Thomas M.A., J,P.
Skinley Joseph, Southbury house, Hart Smith Alfred, 5 Whitta road, Manor Pk Fairycroft, Audley rd. Saffron Walden
street, Barking Smith Arthur, Castle st. Saffron Walden Smith J. J. The Elms, Heybridge,Maldon
Skinner Major Monier Williams R.E. 3 Smith Arthur, Cottage place, Chelmsfrd Smith Joshua Charles, Fern cottage,
Lexden road, Colchester Smith A. C. I6 Durham rd. Manor Park Daisy road, South Woodford
Skinner Charles Weeding, Wansfell, Smith Benjamin, Fernside, Havering- Smith Josiah Jonathan, Ingatestone
Theydon Bois, Epping Atte-Bower, Romford SmithK.G. Felsted, Churchflds.Woodfrd
Skinner Frederick, Durley Grange, Smith Burgess, 1 Carlton ter. Leh:h S. 0 Smith K. J. Caithness, Eastern rd.Rmfrd
South Benfleet S.O Smith Charles, Land view house, Marden Smith M. 62 We. Stockwell st. Colchestr
Skinner Mrs. Swiss chalet, Sussex road, Ash, High Ongar, ChippingOngarS.O Smith Minden, High rd. Loughton S.O
Colchester Smith Charles, 4 Tower villas, Cowslip Smith Miss, 3 Alexandra terrace, Cam-
Skinner Mrs. West rd. Saffron Walden road, South "\Yoodford bridge road, Wanstead NE
Skipper Frank T. 70 Woodlandsrd.llfrd Smith Charles, 2 Rutland villas, Selsdon Smith Miss, Brook farm,Chappl.Halstead
Skipper Frederick J. Cop pins Wick, road, W anstead NE Smith Miss, Church house, High street,
Great Clacton, Colchester Smith Charles, Queen's road, Brentwood l\Ianningtree
Skirming Ernest, The Chestnuts, Se- Smith Charles James, I Madeira villas, Smith Miss, 9 Grove rd. Wanstead NE
wardstone, Chingford Snake's lane, Woodford Green Smith Miss, Hockley S.O
Skottowe F. The Cot, Buxtonrd.Chingfd Smith Charles Oxley, Inglewood, Clare- Smith Miss, 27 Queen's road, Ilford
Skottowe Frederick Wybrants, Forest mont grove, Snake's la. Woodford Gn Smith Miss, 32 Salisbury rd. Colchester
view, Buxton road, Chingford Smith Cowie, 11 Queen's road, Ilford Smith Miss, South lodge, Great Bard-
SkottoweW.S.4Queen'sGrove rd.Chngfd SmithE . T. Beverley road, Colchester field, Braintree
Skrimshire Rev. Arthur James M.D. Smith Edward, East st. Saffron Walden Smith Miss, Stansted Mountfitchet,
Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Smith Edwd.46 Eversleigh rd.Ea.Ham E Bishop's Stortford
Slade A. Clactonville, Thorold rd. Ilford Smith E. I I Forest View rd. Manor Pk Smith Miss, Ingatestone
Slade John, 1 Wellington place, Lower Smith Edwd. 6 St. John's rd. Southend Smith Misses, Ethel house, Great Bard-
Southend, Southend Smith Edwd. I2 St. John's rd.Southend field, Braintree
Slade Milford, Couchman~, South Shoe- Smith Edward, St. Mary's lodge, Lexden Smith Misses, Kelvedon
bury, Southend road, Colchester Smith The Misses, Sylvan villa, Tyne
Slade Wm. G. 14 First M·en. Manor Prk Smith E. Willow cot. Kirby, Colchester estate, Ilford
Smith Mrs. I7 Fairfield rd. Che:msford Smoothy l\Iiss, Bradford house, Bock-,Spalding Charles, South Shoebury,Shoe~
Smith Mrs. Glenairlie, Gordon road, ing, llraintree burvness S.O
South Woodford Smoothy Miss C. Bradford house, Spalding Fdk. 3 Beverley rd. Colchester
Smith Mrs. Hope cottage, Stansted Bocking, Braintree J Spall J. Oak field vi. Oakfield rd. Ilford
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Smyth Rev. C. J. l\Ioncl"leff, The Pres- Sparkes H. J. Lee rd. Doverct. Harwich
Smith Mrs. South lodge, Great Bard- bytery, Warley road, Great Warley, Sparling Arthur Steward Blyth, 2I Cref·
field, Braintree Brentwood • field road, Colchester
Smith Mrs. 4 Sunnyside, Moulsham Smyth Rob3rt Millner, Morton terrace, Sparling Mrs. 2 East hill, Colchester
street, Chelmsford \Valton-on-the-Xaze R.S.O Sparling Waiter Bryant, The Chestnuts,
Smith Mrs. E. Medina villa, Witham Smyth Wm. Douglas Watson, Edwins Crouch street, Colchester
Smith Mrs. Griffiths, The Hut, Wid- hall, Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford SparlingWilliam, The Chestnuts, Crouch
dington, Newport S.O Smythies Rev. William Yorick M.A. street, Colchester
Smith Mrs. Joseph Alfred, Orchard West :\fersea, Colchester Sparrow Rev. Basil James Harold M.A.
lodge, New London road, Chelmsford Snap3 William Hethcote B. I7 Manor Bulmer house, Bnlmer Tye, Sudbury
Smith Mrs. Shornden, Fitzgerald road, Park road, l\Ianor Park (Suffolk)
Wanstead NE Snatchall James, Eastern rd. Romford Sparrow E. C. 3Dollmartns. RayleighS.O
Smith Mrs. William, Greensted hall, Snell Lieut. William Cecil Howard R.N. Sparrow J. L. Gal!eywd.Com.Chelmsfrd
Greensted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood Godolphin, Park road, Southend Sparrow Mrs. Gosfield pl. Gsfld. Halstd
Smith Noah, Oak VIlla, Cleveland road, Snell Rev. Canon Alfred M.A. Rectory, Spashett William H. Ley street, Ilford
South Woodford Wickham Bishops, Witham Speakman Henry, The Lodge, Woodham
Smith Parker, 3 Park crescent, Southend Snell Edward A. M.B. Adeane villa, Waiter, Maldon
Smith Percy, The Limes, Broom.field, Princes road, Buckhurst Hill Spedding Curwen, Bywell, Woodford
Chelmsford Snell Edward Scotchburn, Treverbyn, road, Snaresbrook, South Woodford
Smith P. Clay hall, Gt. Clacton, Colchstr Cambridge park, Wanstead Spelling Alfred, 58 Thorold road, llford
Smith Pilcher, Leonard terrace, Mag- Snell Frank T. 25 High st. Colchester Spells Edward, Victoria lodge, South~
dalen green, Great Clacton, Colchester Snell Frederick John, High st. Dunmow minster S.O
Smith Reginald Cunliffe, Stondon house, Snell Herbert Sidney M. D. 24 Bridge Spells Herbt. Victoria Idg. Sthmnstr.S. 0
Stondon, Brentwood road, Grays Spence Alex. J. 4I Durham rd.ManorPk
Smith Richard Thomas, 2 Victoria Snell Mrs. Lintou villa, New London Spence Horace R. St. Paul's road, Clac~
villas, Derby road, Woodford road, Chelmsford ton-on-Sea R.S.O
Smith Richard William, 3 Waltham ter- Snelling A. 4I Manor street, Braintree Spencer Colonel Thomas Conyer, 8
race, Woodford Bridge Snodgrass William, Romsey house,Rom- Prittlewell square, Southend
Smith Robert, Grove terrace, Witham ford road, Manor Park Spencer Rev. John M. A. Eastwd.Sthend
Smith Samuel, Glenbervie, Palmerston Snosswell Rev. Charles A.K.C. Napier Spencer Rev. Walter Edmund M.A.
road, Buckhurst Hill avenue, Southend Vicarage, South Benfleet S.C
Smith Samuel, 19 Hythe hill, Colchester Snow Frederick Thomas, Clarendon Spencer Cbarles,Brooklands,Birchanger,
Smith tlamuel, Rancliffe ho, East Ham E house, Woodford Green Bishop's Stortford
Smith Sydney, Wallwood, Sprathall Snow Mrs. Waltham villa, Princes road, Spencer Charles, St. John's house, Cro~
road, Wanstead NE Buckhurst Hill mer road, Southend
Smith Sidney A. 9 Gray rd. Colchester Snow William Henry, 5 Candahar villas, Spencer Edwin Parkinson, Woodsworth
Smith Sidney A. g Queen st. Colchester Ashburnham road, Southend ho. Bradford street,Bocking,Braintree
Smith S. Church ho. Hutton, Brentwood Soanes Alfred A. High street, Chingford Spencer Henry B. Harriet villas, Mil~
Smith Stephen Sydney, I Colne villas, Soanes James Walker, Rose villa, Tavi- ton avenue, East Ham E
Colne road, Lexden, Colchester stock road, South Woodford Spencer John, Western road, Romford
Smith Thomas, 3 South park, Ilford Soanes Miss, Lynwood, Lansdowne rd. Spencer Joseph, Montery, St. Vincent
Smith Thos. 135 Winnock rd. Colchester South Woodford road, Southend
Smith Thomas, Witham Soar Frederick Silverdale, Sprathall Spencer Miss, Felsted, Chelmsford
Smith Thomas Ashbridge, Edensor road, Wanstead Spencer Misses, Clavering ball, Claver-
house, Cambridge park, Wanstead NE Soffe John Robert, London rd. Maldon ing, Newport S.O
Smith Thos. P. 63 Woodlands rd. Ilford Soilleux Edmund A. 7 Cliff Park villas, Spencer Thomas William, Clyde villas,
Smith Waiter, Argyle house, Milton Park road, Southend Eastern road, Romford
avenue, East Ham E Soley G. St. Vincent road, Southend Spencer W. T. 56 Durham rd. ManorPk
Smith Wltr. 7I Durham rd. Manor Park Solly Mrs. Holland house, Romford road, Spendelow Benjamin, Bancroft, North
Smith Wltr. 3 .Harrow viis. East Ham E Manor Park street, Prittlewell, Southend
Smith Waiter, Palmerston villa, Pal- Solly Thos. Herbt. Mundon hall, Maldon Sperling Charles Brogden D.L., J.P.
merston road, Buckhurst Hill Solomon William Vincent, Ig Grove Dynes hall, Gt. Maplestead, Halstead
Smith Waiter J. 15 Queen's road, liford road, Wanstead NE Sperling Charles Frederick Denne J.P.
Smith Wm. 3 Gladding rd. Manor Park Sones John J. 3I Woodlands rd. Ilford Dynes hall, Gt. l\Iaplestead, Halstead
Smith William, Liddisdale, Glebe Songerlsaac,22WestStockwell st.Clchstr Sperling Frederick, 3 The Sheaves, St.
avenue, Woodford Green Soper J. 23 Second avenue, Manor Park John's road, Southend
Smith William, North street, Romfod Soper Mrs. Roseneath, Wanstead NB SperlingHenry R.,J.P.WealdSide house,
Smith William, Rose Maud villa, Park Sopwith Misses,4 Dollmrtns.Raylgh.S.O South Weald, Brentwood
road, Southend Sorrell John Brockett J. Theydon green, Sperling Rochfort Astle, The Astles,
Smith WilliamJ.P. West Bank, Theydon Theydon Bois, Epping Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Garnon, Epping Sorrell Mrs. I9 Friar's place, Chelmsfrd Spicer 1\li.>s, l\Ianor rd. Waltham Abbey
Smith William Alexander M.A., M.B. Soull\Irs. E. 29 Church road, Barking Spicer William Stock, Westcroft, West
Belmont house, Newport S.O Souper Major Charles C. Twickenham ro3.d, Saffron Walden
Smith Wm. Edwd. Glencairn, Whitehall villa, Brook street, Brentwood Spink John Edwards, Billericay
rd. Woodford Wells, Woodford Green SouperC. E. Brook Street hill, Brentwd Spitty :Major T. J., D.L., J.P. Billericay
Smith William George, School house, Sourworth Mrs. 3 Park avn. Chelmsfrd Spire William, 65 Carlyle rd. Manor Pk
Ashdon, Saffron Walden South G. M. 32 Carlton rd. Manor Park Spooner Rev. Rutland, New road, Mist-
Smith William George Henry, I2 Bedford South Harry, 6 Bartholomew villas, ley, l\Ianningtree
gardens, Barking lane, Ilford High road, Loughton S.O Spooner Frederick William, Florence
Smith William Hartley, Westoe, Cleve- Southcott Arthur, Buckingham villa, vil. ChadwellSt. Chadwellllth. R.S.O
land road, South Woodford Buckingham road, Woodford Spooner Harry G. 38 Grosvenor rd.Ilfrd
Smith William Henry, Charlotte villa, Southcott William, Gordon house,Rayne Spooner Isaac J. 3 Laurette villas, Third
Epping New rd. Buckhurst Hill S.O road, Bocking, Braintree avenue, Manor Park
Smith William James, Tweed villas, Southernwood Charles, I46 Moulsham Spooner Jesse, High street, Witham
Park road, Southend street, Chelmsford Spooner John 'Villiam, Ernest villa,
Smith William Knight, Dulce Domum, Southgate Edgar William, I7 Weston Chadwell St. Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Southchurch avenue, Southend road, Southend Sporne A. J. 7 Wilbraham ter.E.Ham B
Smith Wm. S. I3 St. Mary's rd. Dford Soutbgate G. Galleywood corn. Chlmsfd Spragg Edmund,5 Sunleyvillas,Higham
Smithard Edmund George, Lyon ter- South well W. I2 Prittlewell sq. Southend road, Woodford Green
race, Springfield, Chelmsford Soward ~Irs. I Park terrace, Southend Sprague Mrs. Hill crescent, Epping
Smitber Mrs. 9 Cliff Park villas, Park Sowman William, 28 East hil1, Clchstr SpreysmithG.Cliff ter.Doverct.Harwich
road, Southend Sowter James, Hawthorne villas, High Spring Henry, I Monkham's terrace,
Smithers Henry William, Baddow court, road, Buckhurst Hill Woodford Wells, Woodford Green
Great Baddow, Chelmsford Spackman A. Elmy, 3 Cyprus villas, Springall Arthur H. Onslow, 1\filton
Smoothy Frederick, Bradford house,\ Buckingham road, Woodford avenue, East Ham E
Rocking, Braintree Spackman F. Hy. T~e Pavement. Romfd Springett H.J. 45 Third avn. Manor Pk
ESSEX. 29~

Springett J. W.29 ManorPk.rd.ManorPk Stansfeld Rev. John Birkbeck Evelyn Stephens Victor, Pendennis house,Miltou.
Springett Nrmn. 8 Wellington rd. Mldn M.A. Rectory, Downham, Brentwood avenue, East Ham E
Spry John F.R.H.S. Grammar school, Stansfield Thos. Edward Knowles M.A. Stephens William L. 20 First avenue,.
Junction road, Romford Asylum, Claybury, Woodford Bridge Manor Park
Spurge James, East street, Coggeshall Stanton John, Dalefield, Palmerston Stephenson Charles, Trevordale, Bark-
Spurge R. Fir bank,Albn.hl. Loughtn. S. 0 road, Buckhurst Hill ing lane, Ilford
Spurge Thomas M. Gram·ille villa, Stanton John, 2 Brisbane villas, Leigh Stephenson Robert M. Carisbrooke villa,.
Clement's road, Ilford road, Southend Osborne road, Buckhurst Hill
Spurgeon George Hughes, 4 Caxton Stanton John, Smedleigh, Maybank Stephings John, 7 South park, Ilford
terrace, Mildmay road, Chelmsford road, South Woodford Stepney Rev. William, High road, llford
Spurgeon Obadiah, East Appleton cot- StantonRobt.13Tennyson av.EastHam E Steven Rev. James McLaren, London
tage, Henham, Bishop's Stortford StanwayRandall, road, Romford
Spurgeon Robert Frederick, Ivy cottage, Stanway Rbt.Burywood cot.Hatfld.Hrlw ~tevens Rev. Geo. Blackmore, Ingatestrr
Earl's Colne, Halstead Staple Miss, 4 Camden villas, Victoria Stevens Alfd.J.32 St. John's rd.Southend
SpurgeonSaml.Chas.34London rd.Maldn road, Romford Stevens J.Lochgoil,London rd. Romford
Spurgeon Wm. 38 Trinity st. Halstead Stapleton George Bamford, Percival Stevens James, 1 Lorne villas, Bucking-
Spurgin Frederick William, Ivybank, house, Maybank road, Sth. Woodford ham road, Woodford
Sprathall road, Wanstead N E Stapleton George Henry Cotton, Lower Stevens Misses, Sunnyside villas,Epping
Spurgin Thomas, Ongar S.O park, Loughton S.O Stevens Mrs. Globe house,George street,.
Spurling Miss, Grey's cottage, Kelveclon Stares Alfd. 112 Carlyle rd. Manor Park Colchester
SpurlingStephen, Gt. Burstead, Brentwd Stark Jn. Ambleside,Chlmsfrd.rd. W dfrd Stevens Mrs. 1 Parkside villas, Vict()ria
Spurrell Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory, Stark William, Waverley villa, Crescent road, Romford
Faulkbowen, Witham road, South Woodford Stevens Mrs. York ho.Dovercourt,HrwclL
Spurrier Rev. Edward, 33 Wellesley Starkey Mrs. Ongar S.O. Stevens Percy Richard, The Avenue,.
road, Colchester Starkey Robt. West rd. ::laffron Walden Braintree
Spurrier Thomas, Aveley, Purfieet S.O Starkie Francis Chamberlain LeGendre, Stevens Richard H. 2 Oakfield rd. llford
Spurway Wm. 149 St. Ann's rd.Barking Mitchells, Saffron Walden Stevens William, Grove ter. Witham
Spyers Richard, Pleasant villa, Plashet Starling Miss, Audley rd. SaffronWalden ·Stevens William,Norfolk villa, TheGreen,.
grove, East Ham E Starling Mrs. 1 Clarence villa, Gordon I ·woodford Green
Squier Samuel Westwood J.P. The road, Southend 'Stevenson A.Stour vils.N w. Town,Hrwch
Rookery,Mucking,Stanford-le-Hp.S.O Starling Nainby, Church street, Saffron Stevenson John Thomas, 44 First
SquireEdwd.Herbert,Wivenhoe,Colchstr Walden avenue, Manor Park
Squire Frederick, 3 Salisbury terrace, Start Chas. Wm. J.P. The Cottage, Peb- Stevenson Miss Maria, Trafalgar house,.
Milton street, Southend marsh, Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk) Romford road, Manor Park
SquireSaml. Natbnl.Wivenhoe,Colchestr Start Joseph Wm. 42 Crouch st.Colchstr Stevenson Thomas Alfred, 1 Oak villas,.
Squirell Benj. 50 Linton road, Barking Start Miss, Causeway, Dunmow Derby road, Woodford
Stable Daniel Winkingham, Mornington Statham Frederic William, 14 Beverley Steward G.Alpha viis. Victoria rd.Romfd
lodge, Snaresbrook N E road, Colchester Steward Jas. Wm. Princes st. Southend
Stacpoole Joseph Edmond, Clare lodge, Stayner Rev. Wmslow Sutherland M.A.· Steward John,8 Forest drive,M:anorPark
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Aldham, Colchester [Steward Mrs. Shelley, Brentwood
Stacpoole Mrs. R. W. Clare lodge, Stear Henry, Market pi. Saffron Walden Stewart Col.Rbt.Macgregor C.B.,A.D.C.,.
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Stears Edward,4Clarencevillas, Gordon R.A. Grove house, South Shoebury,.
Stacpoole William, Clare lodge, Snake's road, Southend Shoeburyness S.O
lane, Woodford Green Stabbing Alfred, Fernleigh, Church- StewartMaj.Jn.woMilitaryrd.Colchestr
Stacy Miss, 8g Carlyle rd. Manor Park fields, Woodford Stewart Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory,.
Staff James, 3 Arch dale villas, Ashburn- Stebbing Charles James, Bourchiers hall, Doddinghurst, Brentwood
ham road, Southend Aldham, Colchester Stewart Alan, Highlands, Maldon
Stagg Rev. Samuel William, Vicarage, Stabbing Fredk. 3 Richmond rd. Ilford IStewart A. H. 28 Alexandra st. Southend
Kirby, Colchester Stabbing George, Church st. Coggeshall Stewart Henry J. Tresco,Milton avenue,.
StaggGeo. Sion villa, Western rd. Romford Stebbing Miss, 7 The Avenue, Colchester East Ham E
Staines Frederick William,Chelmer ter- Stebbing Mrs. Galla way cottage, Little Stewart James Gordon, Highlands, Ded-
race, Springfield, Chelmsford Clacton, Colchester ham, Colchester
Staines John Henry, Newport S.O Stedman Rev. William Newland B.A. Stewart John, 3 Cambridge rd. Barking.
Stainton Francis Charles C.E. Willow Peldon, Colchester Stewart John W. Peoria villa, Chad-
Dean, Springfield, Chelmsford Stedman John Gardner, Earl's Colne, well Heath R.S.O
Stair Waiter, Hidgeway road, Chingford Halstead Stewart Mrs. Coppice row, Theydon
Staley Rev. Leonard Seawallis M. A. Stedman Mrs. 3 Roman road, Colchester Bois, Epping
The Mall, High street, WansteadN E Steel James, 1 Carlton terrace, Queen's Stewart Mrs.47 Victoria av.East Ham &
Stalley Alfred, 3 Sandown villas, Vie- road, Southend Stewart Mrs. Maynard villas, Woodfield,
toria road, Romford Steel-Johnson Miss, Blandford house, Stansted 1\Iountfitchet, Bishop'sStortfd
Stallibrass Allen, Eastwood Bury, East- London road, Braintree Stewart W.G. 12 Cowper av.East Ham E.
wood, Southend Steele Adam Rivers, N orthbrooks, Great Stewart William Jas. 6 Gray rd. Colchestr
Stallibrass Mrs. Sunbury villa, Park Parndon, Harlow Stiles Alfred Dyson, Fairmead, Hermon
terrace, Southend Steele Miss, Brick ho.Rettendon,Chlmsfd hill, Wanstead NE
Stalman Ernest Maitland, Elrington vil. Steele Miss, Mount Pleasant road, Saf- Stiles Richard P. Clarence villa,Stansted
Cleveland road, South Woodford fron Walden Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Stammers Thomas J. Ivy house, South- Steele Mrs. 2 The Terrace, Woodfrd.Grn Stiles Joseph John, The View, Chigwell
minster S.O SteeleMrs.Rivenhall pl.Rivenhall, Withm road, South WCtldford
Stamp Rev, Jonathan Henry A.K.C. Steer Mrs. 4 Khartoum villas, Gordon Still Miss, 63 Orsett road, Grays
Manor road, WalthamAbbey road, Southend Stillwell Mrs.3Wentworth rd.ManorPk.E
Standen William, 4 Church villas,Church Steere Thos. W. 40 Durham rd. :NI anor Pk Stirling Mrs. Rochester villa,N ewLondon
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Steffen Otto Wilhelm Theodore, Murray road, Chelmsford
StandingfordWm.Nazeing,WalthamCrss house, Meadow road, Loughton S.O Stock James, Walnut Trees farm, Great
Staniland Charles Joseph, Black nest, Steib Wm. Hy. 18 Woodlands rd. Ilford Waltham, Chelmsford
The Drive, Chingford Steinhoff George, Woburn, Epping New Stock Mrs. 1 Creffield terrace, Creffield
Stanford Alan Septimus, Hou bridge hall, road, Buckhurst Hill road, Colchester
Great Oakley, Harwich Steinhoff Godfrey, Hepworth ho. White- Stock William, Fern villa, Forest road,
Stanford Arthur Henry, Beaumont hall, hall rd. "\Voodford Wells,Woodfrd.Grn Loughton S.O
Beaumont-with-Moze, Colchester StenningFras. Wm.14St.Mary's rd. Ilford Stock-Bush T. Clavering, Newport S.O
Stanford Charles Maurice, Braiswick Stenning Henry, Gordon Club house, Stocks R. Harts ho. Gt.Warley, Brentwd
house, Lexden, Colchester Green lane, Ilford Stocks Wm. 18 Cowper av. East Ham :s
Stanford Ernest K. 7 Head st. Colchestr SteooHy.Devon vil. Third av.ManorPark Stock well G. 17 St. John's rd. Cbelmsfrd
Stanley Rev. Joseph Helliwell, The Stephens Rev. Henry M.A. Hylton villa, Stoessiger F.Essexvil.Derby rd.Woodfrd
Manse, Little Baddow, Chelmsford Warley road, Brentwood Stoke Mrs. Church End, Dunmow
Stanley Alan Sidney Wentworth, The Stephens Rev. Herbert H. M.A. Lynd- Stoker C. E. 24 Clarence rd.Manor Park
Elms, Great Chesterford S.O thorp, Western road, Romford Stoker J. W. Melville rd. Rainham 8.0
Stannard Arthur, 122 High st.Colchester,Stephens Cecil James J.P. The Views, Stoker Miss, 1\lount Pleasant road, Saf-
StannardGeo.R~yne rd. Rocking, Braintr Rickling, Newport S.O.; & Foston ho. fron Walden
Stannard Miss, Rose cottage, Great Marine par. we. Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Stoker Richard A. 6 East terrace, Wai-
Horkesley, Colchester Stephens The Misses, 8 Axe st. Barking ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Stannard Richard, 2 Chelmsford Yillas, Stephens Mrs. Charles, Gordon yilla, 16 Stoker W1lliam C. J. Ardlamont, Plashet
Victoria road, Romford St. Paul's road, Barking grove, East Ham E
Stokes .Alexander Hayden, Wartling gate w, & Army & Navy club, Swallow Rev. Richard Dawson M.A.
villa, Cleveland road, South ·woodford London s w Grammar school, Chigwell
'Stokes Edwd. Thos. Duncan, Newlands, Stuart Capt. Dugald R.N.R. lnglewood SwallowNathan, Debden,SaffronWalden
Lansdowne road, South Woodford lodge, Chelmsford road, Woodford Swan E. St. Ann's, Harwich rd. Colchstr
Stokes Frederick, Macrame villa, Plashet Stuart Rev. William M. A. Rectory, Swann Henry, Bright's, Rainham S.O
grove, East Ham E Hazeleigh, Maldon Swann Miss, Maltese road, Chelmsford
Stokes George, High st. Saffron Walden Stuart John Sidey, Kimberley lodge, Swayne Rev. John M.A. Rectory, Wil·
Stokes James, Manor cot. Woodford Grn Sib le Hedingham, Halstead lingale Doe, Brentwood
Stokes Miss, White Rose villa, Rosemary Stuart Mrs. 9 Provident place, Colchestr Sweet Rev. Frederick, The Manse, West·
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Stubbings George, Hemnallstreet,Tbey- ern road, Romford
Stokes William, Claremont, Plashet don Garnon, Epping Sweating Mrs. Princes street, Southend
grove, East Ham E Stubbs Edward, Haydn ledge, Prospect Swift Edmund, Fron Deg, Stansted
Stokes Wm. I4 Harrow rd. East Ham E road, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Stokes Wm.R.32Durham rd.ManorPark Stubbs William, Hockley S.O Swift Edmund, Turn Lee, Woodford
Stone Rev. Arthur, South hl.Manningtree StuckeyMrs.Eaden cot.N thW eald,Eppng Wells, vVoodford Green
Stone D. St. Kilda, Eastern rd.Romford Stumbles William Henry, Fern villa, Swift Edward, Mary's cottage, Hermon
.Stone James, 2 Chester villas, Ellis Derby road, Woodford hill, South Woodford
road. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Stunt Francis, Fonthill, New London Swinborne F.W.P. Sunnedon,Co~geshall
Stone John Chas. 6o Bedford rd. Ilford road, Chelmsford Swinborne L. P. Sunnedon, Coggeshall
Stone Joseph, Wesley house, South hill, Sturdy Frederick E. I Claughton villas, Swinburne T. Nook, Shenfield, Brentwd
Manningtree Eastern road, Romford Swindells Edgar, 23 Broadway, Barking
Stone L. Nithsdale,Western rd.Romford Sturgeon Alfred J.P. Grays hall, Grays Swindells Mrs. 49 New street, Halstead
Stone Owen E. I Queen's villas, The Sturgeon Charles, The Hall, South Swingland C. T. 3I Albany rd.Manor Pk
Green, Chingford Ockendon, Romford SwinscoeG.Dancer's,Clavering,Nwpt.S.O
Stone Thomas, 24 West st. Colchester Sturgeon Edwin, 3 Oak villas, Sherfield Sworder Charles B. Woodlands, Epping
Stone William, IS Carlyle rd.Manor Prk road, Gray~> Sworder Edward, Woodville, Stansted
Stone Wm. 74 Victoria av. East Ham E Sturnfells Frederick C. 3 Manor villas, Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Stone Wm. J. I Avenue ter. Ingatestone Theydon Bois, Epping Sworder Henry, Central house, Stansted
Stoneham Geo.Hy. 4I Bedford rd. Ilford Styles C. E. I2 Wellesley rd.Wanstd. NE Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Stoneham Mrs. 4 Westbury rd. Brentwd Styles Thomas Ashenden, I4 Wellesley SworderHughF.S.I.Woodbinecot.Eppng
Stoneham Robert Thompson, Beredens, road, Wanstead NE Sworder Jn. S. Somerby, Loughton S.O
Warley, Romford Suart Alfd. Pettits, Pudding la.Chigwell Sworder Misses, Pelham lodge, Epping
Stoneham William, Belle vue, Queen's Suckling George,2 Orchard villas, Whitta Sworder W. s The Terrace, WoodfrdGrn
road, Brentwood road, Manor Park Sword well Mrs. Park side, A.rdleigh
Stoneley Geo. 22 Albany rd. Manor Park Suckling Miss, Lower Hall farm, Fox- green, Hornchurch, Romford
Stonham Edwin, Ilford hill, Ilford earth, Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) Sydmondson George, Upshire hall, Wal·
Stopes Arthur 0. Io East hill, Colchestr Suckling Mrs. Dunmow tham Abbey
Storer Mrs. E. I7 Cambridge rd.Barking Sudbury :Miss, Colchester road, Halstead Syer Mrs. South street, Manningtree
StoreyJoseph Shaw, Kelvedon SudburyMrs.I5gCoggeshall rd.Braintree Symes Rev. Colmer Runswick, Cam·
Storey Miss, Rayleigh S.O Sudbury Mrs. 6 Colchester terrace, Col- bridge park, Wanstead NE
Storey Robert R. Westbury house, ~·est- chester road, HalsLead Syrnmons Thomas, Hermon villa, Chig·
bury road, Buckhurst Hill Sudbury William, Mallowsfield, Colches- well road, South "\Voodford
Storr Rev. John B.A. Rectory, Great ter road, Halstead Symns Rev. J. E., M.A. WoodfordWells,
Horkesley, Colchester Sudul Leonard, Sunnyside viis. Epping Woodford Green
Storr Alfred, I9 Durham rd.Manor Park Sugden Rev. Arthur Maitland M.A. Symonds H. I Wennford villas, Harold
Stow Thomas Jas. s Woodlands rd.Ilford Rectory, Markshall, Kelvedon Wood, Romford
Stoy Charles M. go Winnock road, Col- Sugg Thomas, 3 St. Mary's road, llford Symonds Robert John, Gresham house,
chaster Sullings George, 2 }lary villas, Pulteney Market place, Romford
Straight Arthur Brooks, The Acacias, road, South "\Voodford Symonds William, Weald place, North
Springfield, Chelmsford Sullivan R. J. 3 Second aven. Manor Pk Weald, Epping
Straight F.l\'1. 10 ~Iildmayrd.Chelmsfrd Sullivan M.:Mary'svil. Stanleyrd.Sthend Symons_George S.8Hollyterrace,Whitta
Straight William, Guy Harlings, New Sulman Mrs. Gidea hall, Romford road, Manor Park
street, Chelmsford SummerfieldF. Bleakho.Princes rd.Rmfd TaberG. Rivenhall End, Rivenhall, Wthm
Strange Matthew, Wycombe villas, Fair- SummerfieldMrs.67Durham rd.ManorPk Tabor Henry S.Fennes, Bocking,Brntree
field road, Chelmsford SummersThomas,ss Albertrd.Braintree Tabor James J.P. New hall, Sutton,
StrattonJ.H.Herondale,Cranbrk.rd.Ilfrd Sumner C. Primrose cot. Pelham rd.Ilfrd Rochford S.O
StreetHenry,4 Albert cots.Loughton S.O Sumner George, Ilford hill, Ilford Tabor Juhn English J.P. Bovingdon hall,
.Street Mrs. IS Cretiield terrace, Cretiield Sumpter Thomas, Ebenezer cottage, Rocking, Brain tree
road, Colchester George lane, South Woodford Tabor Miss, Rayne Place, Braintree
Street Thomas, 24 Second av.~IanorPark Sumsion E. 31 ):leanley rd. Manor Park Tabrum Burnett J.P. The Grange,
Stride Herbt. Holly lo. Upminster,Romfd Sunderland Rev. Thomas, 79 Durham Queen's road, Brentwood
'Stride William, Priors hall, Widdington road, Manor Park Tabrum l\Irs. Copsefield, Woodford rd.
Newport S.O Sunderland W. Park st.Thaxted,Dumnw Snaresbrook, South Woodford
Stringer Edwin Thomas. Flawn villa, Surridge Benjamin, Leigh S.O Tadman C. A. ~lyrtle villas, Woodfield,
Princes road, Buckhurit Hill Surridge E. E. Gordon ho. Coggeshall Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop's Strtfrd
Stringer William Penn, 1 York villas, Surridge Henry, Eden Hurst, Sea View Tagg C. Lee rd. Dovercourt, Harwich
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill road, Leigh S.O 'l'ait Major John C. J.P. Epping
Stromeyer :Fk. 'Yilliam, Ravens wood, Surridge John, Clairville, Ongar S.O Tait Andrew F. 34- Woodlands rd. Ilfrd
Eastern road, Romford Surridge John, Russell cottage, North Tait George, Medina villa, Maybank,
Strong James, 14 Thorold road, Ilford Ockendon, Romford South Woodford
Strong :Miss, 2S Lexden road, Colchester Surridge J. S. Abbey view, Coggeshall Tait John James, sOak cottages, Forest
Btrongman :Mrs. 3 St. Andrew's villas, Surridge Miss, 3S Roman road,Colchestr drive, ·Manor Park
Primrose road, South Woodford Surridge Mrs. 6 Parsonage st. Halstead Talbot A.G!encairn,St Vincnt.rd.Sthend
"Stroud Frederick William, Sheering hall, Surridge Mrs. The l\Iount, Coggeshall Talfourd Rev. WilliamWords worth M.A.
Takeley, Chelmsford Surtees J.O.GorePit ho. Feering,Kelvdon Rectory, Thundersley, Rayleigh S.O
Stroud Thomas, Great Chesterford S.O Sutcliffe Re>. Charles Thomas B.A. Tampkins ~Irs. Thrift villa, Bridge
.Strover Waiter ::'II.R.C.S. Ballymere,The Greenstead Green, Halstead road, Grays
Drive, Chingford Sutcliffe Thomas, 1 Milton villas, Dover- Tamplin Rev. George Frederick 1\I.A.
Strugnell William, Holly cottage, Salway court, Har"\lich Church house, Newport S.O
hill, Woodford Green Sutherland l\Iajor R. S. Crown house, Tancock Rev. Osborne William ~I.A.
Strutt Hon. Charles H. B.A., J.P. 'Yick- Sheering Harlow Little ''Taltham, Che!msford
ham hall, Witham Suttbery Frank Pellatt,Springfield lodge, Tangner ::'!Irs. Mountain ash, Chingford
Strutt Hon. Edward Gerald, White Springfield, Chelmsford road, Chingford
lands, Hatfield, Witham Sutton Rev. William, Stansted )fount- Tann Edward, Eastwood house, Chad-
Strutt Golden, I Sidney villas, Ashburn- fitchet, Bishop's Stortford well Heath R.S.O
ham road, Southend. Button l\Iiss, Rose cottage, \Voodfrd.Bdg Tanner Rev. James :\LA. Ongar S.O
Strutt James, 6 'Yellington rd. :Maldon Suttoni.Penistone,)Iilton aven.E.Ham E Tanner Francis James, 6 Tregenna ter·
Strutt J. The Heath, 'Veeley, Colchester Sutton Jn. Pitville,)lilton aven.E.Ham E race, Victori:1 road, Romford
Strqtt William Jas. 2 Mill road, }Ialdon Sutton W. Eagle ho. Chi;well rd.S."'dfd Tanner William, 63 Duke st. Chelmsfrd
.Stuart Sir SimeonHenryLechmere hart. Swaine Col. The Villa, Stanwa!·,Colchstr Tansley George, 3 Alexandra villas,
D.L. Woodlands,Howe Street,Chelms- Swaine :Mrs. St. l\largaret's,3 Cambridge Victoria road, Romford
J.ord; 2 Palace mansions, Buckingham ro:.ld, Colchester Tappen J. 4 Salisbury rd. Manor Park

Tappin George, Nelson house, Romford Taylor Mrs. Farmadine t-.ome, .Audlcy Thomrrs Mrs. Garden terrace, Harlow
road, Manor Park road, Saffron 'Yalden Thomas l\frs. 'l'he Gables, Cambridge
Tapscott John, 7 Cromer rd. Southend Taylor Mrs. Myrtle cottage, Cromer road, Wanstead N B
TapseJI Capt. J. B. Forest side, Epping road, Southend Thomas Mrs. 1 Harrow viis. Ea. Ham B
Tarbntt Henry Fison, Ferndale, Sprat- Taylor Mrs. 3 Pier crescent, Walton- Thomas l\Irs. Charles, St. Helen·s, Pal-
hall road, Wanstead NE on-the-Naze KS.O merston road, Buckhurst Hill
Tarling John, Meadow rd. Loughtn. S. 0 Taylor Mrs. Pound ho.Earls Colne,Hlstd Thomas William, .Atherstone,High road,
Tarpey J. Litt~e Newburys,Ley st. Ilfrd Taylor Mrs. G. Backing End, Braintree Loughton S.O
Tarry H.Bellevue ho.London rd.Romfrd Taylor Robt. C. 12 Thorold rd. Ilford Thomas W.H. Talbot ho.High st.Chingfd
. Ta~·lor Robt. H. Queen st. Coggeshall ThomasW. Q.Ivinghoe,Grovehl.Woodfd
Tasker J. Alma ho. Barking side, Ilford Taylor Robert William, Summerfield, Thomasin Mrs. Roslyn house, Witham
Tasker J. C. Millhill ho.Shenfld.Brntwd Snake's lane, Woodford Green Thomason Robert, 5 Carlyle villa, Rom-
Tate Mrs. 8 :First avenue, Manor Park Taylor Rowland, The Chestnuts, West ford road, Manor Park
Tatham Alfred, Bel grave villa, Chad- Bergholt R. S. 0 Thompson General Charles William J.P.
well Heath R.S.O Taylor S. T. Mount Echo, Chingford Wethersfield Place,Braintree; & Army
Tatum James, Provident villa, Suffield Taylor Thomas, Beech Holme, Bradford & Navy club, London sw
hatch, Chingford street, Bocking, Braintree Thompson Rev. Thomas, Steeple,Maldon
Taunton Theophls. 6Woodlands rd.Tifrd Taylor Thomas, Uosemore, Plashet Thompson Alex. 5 Victuria av. Ea. Ham E
Tavener Charles, St. John's lodge, South grove, East Ham E Thompson Darius Charles, Manor house.
Woodford NE Taylor Thomas Edwin, .Ash villa, Chad- Squirrel's Heath, Romford
Tavener Walter, Stagsdene, Epping New well Heath R.S.O Thompson Frank William, Rose cottage.
road, Buckhurst Hill Taylor T. G. 32 Second aven. Manor Pk Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester -
Taverner Frederick George, 5 Meadow Taylor Vero Wi!liam J.P. Castle Hed- Thompeon Fredk. G. 15 Bedford rd.Ilfrd
view, Broomfield road, Chelmsford ingham, Halstead Thompson Geo. 2 Harrow rd. Ea. Ham &
Taverner Mrs. Primrose villa, Victoria Taylor V. The Shaws, Gravella.Chigwll Thompson G. E.12Alexandrard.Clchstr
road, Romford Taylor Vi"illiam, Rose bank, Cleveland Thompson G. J. Woodbine, Hare st.Rmfd
Tawell James .Augustus, Greenhill, road, South Woodford ThompsonH.Hazeldene,Cranbrk. rd.lifd
Earls Colne, Halstead Taylor William, Wilton road, Ilford Thompson J. Thornleigh, York rd.Sthend
Tawell Mrs. Bray ho.EarlsColne, Halstd Taylor William Henry, The Laurels, St. ThompsonJ.TheWoodrw.Derbyrd.,Ydfd
Tawke Major Arthur Christian J.P. Paul's road, Colchester Thompson J. A. B. M.D. Abridge,Romfd
The Lawn, Rochford S. 0 Taylor W.R.Berwick house,RainhamS. 0 Thompson John, 2 St. Vincent rd. Sthend
Tawke Mrs. Whitbreads, Hockley S.O Tee James H. Goldings rd.LoughtonS.O Thompson Joseph :Harry, Nutfield,Rose-
Tay William Joseph, Milton avenue, Tee Thomas Josepb, Hadleigh lodge, mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0
East Ham E Whitehall lane, Buckhurst Hill S.O Thompson Mrs. Billericay
Tayler Rev. Frederick Thomas, Little Tee Waiter George,55 Rutland rd. Ilford Thompson Mrs. Brook house, Great
Baddow, Chelmsford 'fegg Miss, 8 Wellesley rd. WansteadNE Bentley, Colchester
Tayler Mrs. Ashford lodge, Sudbury, Temperley John, Shenfield, Brentwood Thompson Oscar, How Hatch, South
road, Halstead Trmple William, Bennet's Castle house, Weald, Brentwood
Tayler Rowland, Qneen street,Colchestr Chadwell Heath R.E-1.0 Thompson Ralph, Marsden, Cambridge
Taylor Lady Elizabeth, Colne honse, TC"mpleman Henry, 3 Burnham terrace, road, Wanstead NE
Earls Colne, Halstead Clarence street, Southend Thompson Ralph I. 2 Mapperley villas,
Taylor Rev.G.J.M.A. WhiteColne,Halstd Templeton H. J. 6 Clement's gdns. Ilfrd New Wanstead, Wanstead NE
Taylor Alfred, 2 Thorold road, Ilford Tench Mont ague M. D. Dunmow Thompson S.Belvedere pl.Cross rd.!llldn
Taylor .Arthur B. Elinghurst, High st. Tennear Mrs. 5 Royal terrace, Southend Thompson Thomas, Bella cottage, Se-
Saffron Walden Tentore Guiseppe, 18 Qneen·s rd. Ilford ward's End road, Saffron Walden
Taylor Benjamin, TheCauseway,Dunmw Terrell Waiter, The Hollies, West grove, Thompson Thomas, 7 Granville terrace,.
Taylor Charles, 3 Claremont terrace, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Mildmay road, Chelmsford
Mildmay road, Chelmsford Terry George, Maybank, Leigh S.O Thompson Thomas, 4 Stilton terrace,.
Taylor Charles, Mistley house, Mistley, Terry James W. Victoria villa, Words- Harrow road, East Ham E
Manningtree worth aYenue, East Ham E Thompson Waiter, Debden road, Saffron
Taylor Charles, 3 Whitegate, Southend 'Tester G B. 47 Lex den road, Colchester Walden
Taylor Charles Richard M. A., LL.D. Tetley Rev. James, Park road, Southend Thompson Waiter, Overbury,Palmerston
Shenfield house, Brentwood Tetley H.G.Bridgeho.Bocking,Braintree road, Buckhurst Hill
Taylor David, Felsted, Chelmsford Teverson George, Hill view, High road, Thompson William Thomas, 1 Augusta-
Taylor Edward, The Close, High street, BnckburstHill terrace, Chelmsford road, lVoodford
Saffron Walden Tewson Edward Arthur, Heathside, Sun- Thomsett Geo.29 Eversleigh rd.E.Ham E
Taylor Elias, Felsted, Chelmsford set avenue, Vi'oodford Green Thomson Rev. William S. M.A. J.P.
Taylor F. J. 29 St. John's rd. eouthend Thacku Frederick,Mount Pleasant road, Uectory,Fobbing,Stanford-le-HopeS.O
Taylor Fred, 2 ''Valpole villas, :Maltese Saffron Walden Thomson Andrew, Jessamine villa,Lans-
road, Chelmsford Thacker William, 6 Holly ,·illas, Claren- downe road, South Woodford
Taylor Frederic Ryott Perci-ral M. B., don road, South Woodford Thomson Charles Fox, Wennington hallp
Asylum, Clay bury, Woodford Bridge Thackeray Lieut.-Col. Char~es B.A., J.P. Wennington, Rainham S.O
Taylor George, Mount Pleasant, Earls Chappel, Halstead Thomson George Freierick, Quendon
Colne, Halstead 'l'hain .Alfred Geo. 35 Rutland rd. Ilford cottage, Quendon, Bishop's Stortford
Taylor George, Summerhill, New Lon- Thain F. B. so Wellesleyrd.Wanstead NE Thomson Henry, Eden lodge, LeighS.O
don road, Che~msford Thalsino D. Zante vi!. Derby rd. Woodfrd Thomson James, Mount Pleasant road,
Taylor G. '1'. Oxford villa, Manningtree 'l'hane George D. 6 Cromwell pl.Southnd Saffron Walden
Taylor George William, Colne house, Theobald Rev. Fretlerick l\LA. Rectory, Thom~on James M. Sewardstone road,
Earls Colne, Halstead Great Wig-borough, Colc-hester Waltham .Abbey
Taylor Henry, Camden villa, Fuller's' TheobaldA!fd. Oak cot.:~ ew st. Chelmsfrd fhomson Miss, Wend en cottage, Wen-
road, ·woodford Theobald Frederick Cecil, 4 Garfield ter- den's Ambo, Saffron Walden
Taylor Henry, 2 Hedley vi!las, Milton race, Springfield, Chelmsford Thomson Robt. 5 Carlyle vi!s. :\Iahor Pk
avenue, East Ham E Theobald Joseph, 36 Albert rd.Braintree Thorburn Chas. 2 Laburnam villas, Ilfrd
Taylor Herbert John, Glencroft, l\Iild- Thirkettle Eel ward, Hollies, Cleveland Thorn Alfred, 105 High street, Maldon
may road, Chelmsford road, South Woodford Thorn Charles Thomas, Heathfield, Tip-
faylor James, Woodcroft, Malmesbury Thitthener Thomas, "\Yrittll', Chelmsfrd tree Heath, Kelvedon
road, Woodford Tho~ander Elicser, Vil!a de Portugal, Thorn Harry, 3 Sussex terrace, Southnd
Tayi::Jr J. Bextead, EarlsColne, Halstead Snake's lane, Woodford Green Thorn James, 8 Runwell ter. Southend
Taylor J.The Cedars,Springfld.Chlmsfrd Thomas Col. Charsley, Stock, Ingatestn Thorn Mrs. 35 .Albert road, Braintree
Taylor John, Kent villa, Tavistock road, Thomas Rev. Alfred, West Hey,Kilworth Tlwrn Richard, 98 Carlyle rd.l\Ianor Pk
.South Woodford avenue, Southend ThorneAlbertEdwd.6St.l\Iary's rd.Ilford
Taylor John B. Fambridge nl. :Maldon Thomas Rev. John B.A. Royal Grammar Thorne Corne!ius Josiah, 12 Randulph
Taylor John Vincent,Baddow road, Great school, Colchester terrace, Spring field, Chelmsford
Baddow, Chelmsford Thomas Caleb J. 19 Second av.l\Ianor Pk Thorne Stan!ey Graham, 4 Or.;:ett road.
Taylor J. W. Mind en vii.Brkng.8iclc, Iifd Thomas Henry, Awnue ho. Ingatestone Grays
Taylor Martin, Ingersl{,y, l'almerston Thomas Henry C. 10 Bedford rd. I! ford Thorn ton James Henry, 2 Howficld villa.
road, Huckhurst Hill • Thomas James H. Haylands, Chigwell Western road, Romford
Taylor Miss, 10 Head street., Co!chester Thomas John, Dolgelly, Ha Jour rd.Ilfrd Thornton Miss, Prospect villa, War!ey
'faylor l\Iiss,9The Terrace, Woodfrd.Grn Thomas J. 1 Lomer ter. St.l\Iary's rd.Ilfd road, Brentwood
Taylor ::\Irs. 27 !<'airfield rd. Chelmsfrd Thomas Joseph Charles, Hainau1t villa, Thorogood William, Billericiy
Taylor Mrs. 3 Charlton villa«, Princes Westbnry road, .Huckl.urst Hill Thoro:d HerbertB.A.1oQueen's rd.Ilford
road, Buckhurst Hill Thomas ::\f1ss, 13 Wel'e•lcy road,Colchstr Thorp Arthu!", 5 Durham rd.)IanorPark
Thorp Edwd. 2Shorefield viis. Leigh S.O Tollorvey William Henry, Buckshoms, Tremlett James Dyer, Dalethorpe, Ded-
Thorp Thomas Hart, Dowgate, Cam- Boreham, Chelmsford ham, Colchester
bridge park, Wanstcad NE Tomkin Thomas ~Iarchant, Witham Trenow Evelyn H. R. 1 Talbot villas.
Thorp William, jun. I Shorefield villas, Tomkins Frederick Arthur, 6 Park Princes road, Bnckhurst Hill
Leigh S.O villas, Park road, Southend Trevallion A. 20 Durham rd.ManorParlt
ThorringtonMrs.LittleClacton,Colchestr Tomkins l\Ilss, Elmwood, Hermon hill, Trewby N., M.A. Bancroft's school.
Thorrington Waiter Edmund, I33 Win- Wanstead NE Woodford Wells, Woodford Green
nock road, Colchester Tomkinson A. 66 Carlyle rd.Manor Park Tribe Mrs. 5 Holly villas, Clarendon rd.
Threadgold Foster, Little Heath, Chad- Tomley Alf. E. 27 Cambridge rd.Barking South Woodford
well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Tomlin Rev. M. Leigh S.O Trigg H. Ugley hall, Ugley, Bishop's
Threadgold Mrs. 4 Tiptree villas, Cliff Tomlin Stephen, Lodore, Victoria road, Stortford
town, Southend Leigh S.O Trigg Jas. The Cliff, West cliff,Southen«l
Threadkell Jn.57Eversleigh rd.Ea.HamE Tomlinson Thomas, 2-J. High st. Maiden Trigg Jas. Richd. 3 Wilson rd. Southend
Threlford Herbert, 34 Manor Park road, Tomlinson '\Vm.2Gladding rd.ManorPrk Triggs Henry, Woodland villa, Theydoa
Manor Park Tompson Charles Hardy, Thame villa, Bois, Epping •
Thresh John ('lough D.Sc., M.B.,F.I.C., I4 Creffield road, Colchester Trimblett William, 1 Khartoum villas.
F.C.S. The Limes, New London road, Tompson MiRs, Fern bank, Tavistock Gordon road, Southend
Chelmsford road, South Woodford Trimmer Rev. William M.A. Vicarage.
ThrowerMrs.3.J.Broomfield rd.Chelmsfrd Tompson Mrs. 33 Lexden rd. Colchester Broomfield, Chelmsford
Thurgood Charles, Rose house, Primrose TomsonRev. Edmd. L. B.A.Newport S.O Trinder F. I6 Wellesley rd.WansteadNB
road, South Woodford Tonge Gervase, 2 Clement's road, Ilford Triphook Rev. Joseph Robert D. D.
Thurgood James, 9I New road, Grays Tonge Jn. W.Limefield,Coventry rd.IIfrd Rectory, Little Tey, Kelvedon
Thurgood John P. Grove lotlge, The Tonkins Edward, Woodside, Hermon Tripp Mrs. 1 Orwell terrace, Dovercourt,
Common, Saffron Walden hill, Wansteacl N E Harwich
Thurgood .Mrs. I Grove rd. Wanstead N E Tooley Herbert, Belmont villas, Albert Tritton Joseph Herbert, Lyons hall,
Thurgood Mrs. Clifton house, High road south, Buckhurst Hill Great Leighs, Chelmsford
street, Saffron Walden Topham Mrs. Fernholme, Palmerston TrottJas.Jn.Cecilho.Market pl.Rom.for4
Thurgood l\Irs. High st. Saffron Walden road, Buckhurst Hill Trott Philip, Newport S.O
Thurlow Re\·. John M. A. Vicarage, TopsfieldHy.Perry,South st.Rochfrd.S.O Trotter Capt. James, Hadleigh house,
Henham, Bishop's Stortford Topsfield John William, 74 Bergholt Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O
Thurlow Robert John, 5 Lomcr terrace, road, ::\Iile end, Colchester Trotter Raymond Douglas, Epping
St. l\:1ary's road, Ilford Torpy William, Sunnycroft, Gordon Trounce Thomas Plomer, High Bridge
Thurlow Robert Youngman, Melford road, South Woodford street, Waltham Abbey
house, High street, Chingford Torrance Mrs. Bury road, Harlow Trounson James, Norwood, Edith road,
Thurman Richard John, The Hall, Tosetti Max, Ashdene, Charteris road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Tendring, Colchester Woo::lford Green Trowell Mrs. 4 Elm villas, Avenue roa~
Thurston Mrs. High st. Saffron 'Valden TothamBenj.'fheLaure~s,SthminsterS.O Southend
Thwaites Philip, Hope villa, King's Place Toulmin Rev. Frederic Bransby M. A. Tubbs Arthur, Sawkins far-m, Galley-
road, Buckhurst Hill Vicarage, Hatfield, Witham wood common, Chelmsford
Tibbles Joseph, Beaconsfield villa, Chad- Tower Beachamp, Warley Mount, War- Tubbs Francis, Kingston hall, Harlow
well Heath R.S.O ley road, Brentwood Tuck Miss, 4 Fitzgerald rcl.Wanstead NB
Tibbs Frederick G. 3 Sunley villas, Tower Christopher John Hume D.L., Tucker George, Iol<'orest drive,ManorPk
Higham road, Woodford Green J.P. Weald hall, Brentwood Tucker James, 44 Thorold road, Ilford
Tidball William, South view, Mount Towers Arthur Frederick Henry, 4 Hill- Tucker John F. 85 Carlyle rd.Manor Prk
Pleasant road, Saffron Walden side, Grove hill, Woodford Tucker Mrs. 3 Forsyth terrace, Wbit3
Tidbury Henry, Church hill, Epping Towers Edward, Sprmgfield, Sylvan Post laue, East Ham E
Tiddeman Rev. Edmund Spenser M. A. road, Wanstead NE Tucker Mrs. 64 Victoria av. East Ham B
TheRectory,We.Hanningfield,Chlmsfcl Towle William John, Hig-hDene, White- Tudor William, Queensbury, High road,
Tidman Hy. 38 Tennyson av.East Ham E hall rd. Woodford Wells, Wdfrd. Grn Buckhurst Hill
Tiffin John Bunting, Kenilworth house, Towne Rev. Lynclhst.B. F.S.S.C.Harlow Tufnell Col. William Nevill D.L., J.P_
Chelmsford road, Woodford Townend Frederick Bedborough, 7 Langleys,GreatWaltham,Chelmsford;
Tighe Charles, Glen Roy lodge, Car- Westbury road, Brentwood & ~tonken-Hadley, Bocking, Braintree
narvon road, Clacton-on-Sea H.S.O Townsend Major George Philip D.L., TufnellRev.F. M.A.Fryerning,Ingatestne
Tighe Mrs. S. 3 Carlton rd. Manor Park J.P. Wickham Place, With am Tufnell Edward Augustus Murray9
Tijou Charles James Richard, Lyndon, Townsend Capt.WilliamJohnsonHoward Walthambury, Gt.Waltham,Chelmsfd
Chelmsford road, Woodford J.P. Berwick Place, Hatfield, Witham Tufnell Fanshaw, Cedars, Sible Heding-
Tilbrook Benj. Woodfield ter. Stansted Townsend Joseph, l<'rancis cottage, Vie- ham, Halstead
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford toria road, South Woodford Tufnell Miss, Easton Park cottage9
Tilleard Alex. John, lvylands, Epping 'fownsen1l\Irs. Florence villas, Carlton Little Easton, Dunmow
Tillett Mrs. 7 Beaconstield terrace, Bea- road, Romford Tufnell Miss, Wallops, Great Waltba:m,
consfield avenue, Colchester Townshend Rev. Edward Manse! M.A. Chelmsford
Tilley :Mrs. Great Chesterford S.O Sewardstone road, Waltham Abbey Tufncll Mrs. Langleys, Great Waltham,
Tilley Thomas Henry, St. 'l'homas' villa, Townsheud Howard, Elaine cottage, Chelmsford
Gordou road, South Woodford Wivenhoe, Colchester Tufnell William Michael D.L., J.P. Hat-
Tillott Mrs. High road, Loughton S. 0 TowseHarry W. Cowicks,Sheerng.Harlw field Place, Witbam
Tilney Mrs. 3 Elm villas, Southend Tozer Augustus, Fairmead, Sunset Tufnell-Tyrell Lt.-Col.John Lionel D.L.,
Timms Charles, Albert cottage, White- avenue, Woodford Green J.P. Boreham house, Chelmsford; go
hall rd. Woodford. WeUs,Woodfrd.Grn Tozer)Irs.Da!keith,Glengll.rd.Wdfd.Grn Eaton sq sw & Carlton & Army &
Tims John, 8o Durham rcl. Manor Park Tozer Richard, Western road, Romford Xavy & Boodle's & Hurlingham clubs,
Tindall George, The Shrubbery, Peel Tracey Edward, Lily villa, Lower South- London
road, Woodford end, Southend Tugwell Rev. Canon Lewen M.A. The
Tindall Mrs. I Woodford Hall villas, Traey A. C. W. I30 l\bldou rd.Colchestr Rectory, Stapleford Abbots, Romford
Chelmsford road, Woodford Tracy J. G. 65 NorthStation rd.Colchstr Tuke Miss,Hill ho.High st.SaffronWaldu
Tinning William, Hillands, Dedham, Trafforcl Rev. William l\I.A. Rectory, Tuke William :\Iurray, Th'3 Vineyard,
Colchester St.Lawrence~ewland,Southmustr.S.O Windmiil hill, Saffron Walden
Tippetts James B. 5 Tower villas, Cow- Trafford Frederick, Whalebone lodge, Tully Thomas, South Shoebnry, Shoe-
slip road, South Woodford Chad well Heath R.S.O buryness S.O
TisdaooAlfd.28Eversleigh rd.EastHam E Tranter Charles, Garfield villa, IS St. Tunbridge Benjamin James, 8 Holly
Tissiman William HenryS. Hope house, Paul's road, Barkmg villas, Clarendon rd. South Woo.iford
Stansted 1\Iountfitchet, Bishop's Strtfd Travers Capt. :\Iordaunt Thomas Otho, Tunbriclge Thomas, Bradford street.
Tite Mrs. St. Alban's, Salway hill, Wood- Slampsey's frm.BlackXotley,Braintree Bocking, Braintree
ford Green Travers l\Irs.S. 6 Carlyle rd.Manor Park Tune John, 15 Cambridge road, B:uking
Todd Arth.Jn.55 Victoria av.EastHam E Travers Thomas, Edith villa, Wood- Tunmer J.G. New ho. Writtle,Chelmsfrd
ToddJames, 59 Durham rd. :\Ianor Park house grove, East Ham E Tunstall Harry, 21 Carlton rd.l\Iauor Pk
Todd l\Irs. Cliftonville, :\lanor Park Trayler George, Stanley house, 48 Long- Tupper F. Fcering hill, Feering,Kelvedu
Todhunter Jose ph J. P. King's )loor ho. bridge road, Barking Tupper Mrs.HamL t house,LittleC::>gges-
Great Parndon, Harlow frayler Wm. 29 Scratton rd. Southend hall, Kelvedon
Tolhurst Bernard,2o Royal ter.Southend Treby Albert Geo. 47 Bedford rd. Ilford Turnbull F.Roche viis Victoria rd.Rmfrd
Tollemache Rev. Algernon Edward B. A. Treby Eelward Charles, 8 Richmond Turnbull S.Bell com. TheydonBois,Eppng
Rectory, Quendon, Bishop's Stortford road, Ilford Turnbull William, 59 Grosvenor rd.Ilfrd
Tolliday Arthur, The Limes, High road, Treby Saml. J. 47 WooJlands rd. Iiford Turner G. A. South Ockendon, Romfrd
Loughton S.O Tredgett Jn. Clay pits, Thaxted,Dumnw Turner )lrs. Heath lo. Lexden,Colchesk

Turner George W. Newport S.O Tyler John William, Southwold lodge, 1Veley Arthr. C.GreatBaddow,Chelmsfrd
Turner George William, Florence villa, Cleveland road, South W oodford Veley Miss, Mayence, New London road,
Maybank road, South Woodford Tyler Mrs.Ilford ho.Whitegate rd.Sthnd Chelmsford
Turner Henry Craigilea, Cleveland road, Tyler Paul Philip, Dunmow Venables Thomas G. Park ho. Blakehall
South Woodford Tyler Samuel, Head street, Halstead road, Wanstead NE
Turner Henry, I03 Crouch st.Colchester Tyler Waiter E. B. Wavertree, Church Vennell Godfrey, Kennards, The Avenue,
Turner Herbert Rhodes,Katoomba, York path, Wanstead N E Braintree
road, Southend Tyrrell Richard Henry, IO Park road, Verdon Rev. Bertram H. Field house,
Turner Howard Lake, Billericay Chad well Heath R.S.O Leigh road, Prittlewell, Southend
Turner J. 27 Grove road, Wanstead NE Tyser R. B. 20 Forest view, Manor Park Vernall William, The Nutshell, Stock
Turner James, 23 West street, Harwich Tyson E. 2 Park terrace, Southend lane, Ingatestone
Turner John M. B., C. M. Asylum, Cres- Ullmer Michael,Redcot, Broomhill walk, Verry George Ward, Clematis villa,
cent road, Brentwood Woodford Green Chigwell road, South Woodford
Turner John J. C. Asylum, Colchester Ullyett Arthur, 22 Bedford road, Ilford Viall King, Baythorn park, Baythorn
Turner John R. Queen st. Coggeshall Ulph Mrs. 8 Lexden road, Colchester end, Halstead
TurnerJ.Suttons ho.Hornchurch,Rmfrd Underdown William, I Church street Vickers James Muscham, Waltham ho.
Turner Miss, Audley villa, Audley road, north, Colchester Great Waltham, Chelmsford
Saffron Walden Underhill William, Devonia, Woodhouse Viehoff Jas. Marinus,TheDrive,Chingfrd
Turner Miss, 4 Dolcoath terrace, Vie- grove, East Ham E Viener H. D. L., B. A. Grammar school,
toria road, Romford Underling A. 34 St. John's rd. Southend Brentwood
Turner Miss, The Limes,Cleveland road, Underwood Chas. 5 St. Mary's rd. Ilford VigneJ.H. Writtle wick, Writtle,Chlmsfd
South Woodford Underwood George, Hollycroft, Queen's VigneMrs.TheOaks,HighRood,Wdfd.Gn
Turner Miss, High road, Woodford road, Buckhurst Hill Vince Abraham, 5 St. Andrew's villas,
Turner Mrs. 3 Carlton vils. :Manor Park Underwoocl Mrs. Hurst green, Bright- Primrose road, South Wooclford
Turner Mrs.Carlton vil.High st.Brentwd lingi'ea, Colchester Vincent Henry John, Horndon-on-the-
Turner Mrs. 87 Coggeshall rd. Braintree Underwood William, I Bedford rd.Ilford Hill, Grays
Turner Mrs. Lawn house, Kelvedon Unwin l\Iiss, Church street, Coggeshall Vincent Mrs. Clare house, Main road,
Turner Mrs.3Lorne viis. Victoria rd.Rmfd Unwin Mrs. 3 Cambridge villas, Hay~s Harwich
Turner Mrs. I Olive terrace, Tyler's road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Vincent Mrs. E. 23 Queen's road, Ilford
avenue, Southend Unwin Robt.Gt.Bromley hall,Colchester Vincent William, 5 Park villas, High
'furner Mrs. Shrubland house, West Upsher J. W. IIgCarlyle rd.ManorPark road, Loughton S.O
• Bergholt R.S.O Upton James R. Ingatestone Vindervord Miss, Woodroydon, York
'furner Mrs. Town st. Thaxted,Dunmow UptonT.4Lamorna ter. Victoria rd.Rmfd road, Southend
Turner Mrs. Woodfield place, Stansted Urell Mrs. Great Maplestead, Halstead Vines Mrs. 8 Grove road, Wanstead NE
1\Iountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Urwick Benjamin, I Clarendon villas, Viney Arthur E. Bank house, Market
Turner Thomas, Suffolk villas, )1ildmay Dovercourt., Harwich place, Saffron Walden
road, Chelmsford Usborne Thomas M.P., J.P. 'rhe House, Viney Thomas, 2 Horace villas, Victoria
Turner Thomas Bentley, Abbey Gate Vrrittle, Chelmsford; & Carlton, Con- road, Romford
houce, St.•John's green, Colchester stitutional & City clubs, London s w Von Puttkamer Madame, 2 St. Andrew's
Turner Wm. Crown st.Dagenham,Rmfrd Vail Charles, Ely house, Main rd.Dover- villas, Primrose rd. South Woodford
Turner William, Queen's rd. Brentwood court, Harwich Wackerbarth H. A. Forest Side, Epping
'furner Wm. 43 Wakering rd. Barking Vaile William, Goldsboroughs, Endle- Wackrell Miss,HoJliwell ho. Burnhm.S.O
Turner William Henry, Dewlands, Black bury road, Uhingford Wackrill Miss, 29 Hamlet rd. Chelmsfrd
Notley, Braintree Vaizey John Robert LL.M., D.L., J.P. Wackrill Mrs. Osborne place, New Lon-
Turnnidge John, Myrtle cottage, Had- Attwoods, Halstead don road, Chelmsford
leigh, Rayleigh S.O Vaizey R. E. Tilbury hall, Tilbury, Halstd Wackrill Rbt. 26 Hamlet rd. Chelmsford
Turpin John, 2 Swaffham villas, Mild- Vale Harry T. 9 Albany rd. Manor Park Waddington Frederick Eden, 33 Bux-
may road, Chelmsford Vale Thomas, Maybank cottage, May- ton road, Chingford
Turpin Mrs. Albert villa, Walton-on- bank road, South Woodford Waddington Frederick George, Hope
the-Naze R.S.O ValeMrs. rDalcoath ter. Victoria rd.Rmfd Dene, Ashburnham road, Southend
Turquand Paul William, I Lorne villas, Vale Mrs. Napier avenue, Southend ·waddington William, Marlboro' house,
Lansdowne road, South Woodfard Vale William, 2 Kendall rd. Colchester Marlboro' road, South Woodford
Turtle Fredk. M.D. Kirkmead, Church- Valentine Rev. Geo. Thos.B.A.Yicarage, Wade Charles Martin, Spaynes hall,
fields, Woodford Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop'sStortfd Great Yeldham, Halstead
Turtle Frederick Wenman M.D., B.S. ValentineChas. Wm.Ferndale,LeighS.O Wade Charles Stewart Douglas, Reed
Woodland villas, High road, Woodfrd Valentine Edward, 4 Holly terrace, cottage, Audley road, Saffron Walden
Turville Miss, Heron Gate house, East Whitta road, Manor Park Wade Edward John Alfred, 25 Queen's
Horndon, Brentwood Valentine James Morrison Hannay, 4 road, Ilford
Turville Thos. East Horndon,Brentwood 1\Iarine avenue, West cliff, Southend Wade Edmund, 33 Roman rd. Colchester
Twamley Hy.J. Sible Hedingham,Halstd Valero Joseph, La Rabada, Prmces rd. Wade John, 4 Bedford gardens, Bark-
Twaddle William G. Thornleigh, Pal- Buckhurst Hill ing lane, Ilford
merston road, Buckhurst Hill Valiance Charles, Holland villa,Creffield Wade John James, Rawstorn villa, Raw-
Tweed James, Little Baddow;. hall, Little road, Colchester storn road, Colchester
Baddow, Chelmsford Van Bylevelt Willem Frederik Karel, 2 Wade Miss, Brook house, Dunmow
Tweed Waiter, Marshalls, Epping Park villas, Chadwell Heath Wade Miss, The Elms, Prittlewell,
Tween Alfred Augustus, 3 Grove cres- Van der Gucht Gerard, The Cottage, Southend
cent,, Grove road, Woodford Debden green, Loughton S.O Wade Mrs. The Elms, Prittlewell,
Tween Alfred Waiter, Aston villa, West Van der Gucht Mrs. Charles, The Cot- Southend
road, Saffron Walden tage, Debden green, Loughton S.O Wade Thomas, Lilleshall, Carnarvon
Tween W. Clifton vil. Derby rd. Woodfrd Vandervord E. I Grosvenor pi. Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Twelftree S. I2 Carlton rd. Manor Park Vandervord George, 1 Canton villas, Wade W. de Vins, Brick house, Dunmow
Twist Rev.G.C.,B.A. Vicarage,Coggeshll Heygate avenue, Southend Wade William, xo Spital road, Maldon
Twitchett Mrs. Thornwood lodge, North Vane Wm. Thos. I8 Bedford road, Ilford Wadham George, 2 Engleside villas,
Weald, Epping Vanes S., B.A.Grammarschool,Brentwd Maybank road, South Woodford
Twyford John F. 2 Parkside villas, Vie- Van Homrigh Mrs. Homesdale, New Waggett John, I Garfield terrace,
toria road, Romford London road, Chelmsford Springfield, Chelmsford
Tyacke Capt,. George R.A. South Shoe- Van Laun H. T. Rudder grange, St. Waghorn Edward, Laurel cottage,
· bury, Shoeburyness S.O John's road, Colchester Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Tyacke 1\Irs. Northcliff,Yorkrd.Southnd Varcoe Richard Freeman, r6 Cumber- Wagstaff Alfred William, Halstead
Tye John,Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich land road, Manor Park lodge, Stanley road, Woodford
Tyer Ed ward, Forest lodge, ·woodland Vardy Miss, High street, Harlow \Yagstaff H y. I I Cambridge rd. Barking
road, Snaresbrook NE Varenne 1\Irs. I44 Hythe hill, Colchester Wagstaff Hy. 36 ·woodlands rd. Ilford
Tyer Geo. Wm. Springlawn, Tavistock Varney Rev. Thomas M.A. Cambridge Wagstaff James, Loughborough villa,
road, South Woodford Town, Shoeburyness S.O York road, Southend
Tyer William Henry, 2 Clarance villas, \"arty R. Jarvis hall, South Benfleet S.O Wagstaff Jn. 63 West bury rd. Barking
Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Vaughan Mrs. Homeland vil. Latchetts Wahab Col. John H. Brick house, Great
Tyley Rev.William F. Wivenhoe,Colchstr road, South Woodford Warley, Brentwood
Tyler Benj. Freeman's, Thaxted,Dunmw Vaughan 1\Irs. Kelvedon Wahab Edward, Goldings manor,
Tyler Frederick, 13 rCarlyle rcl.Manor Prk Vaughanl\Irs. TheLodge,Bocking,Brntree Loughton S. 0
Tyler G.Rosedalevil.Colchesterrd.Hlstd Vaux John Hy. King's Quayst.Harwich Waite E. 36 )lanorPark rd.l\IanorPark
Tyler John Stephen, Eilenreide, Cran- Vavasseur Miss, 5 Springfield terrace, Waite F. 24 Third avenue, Manor Park
brook road, Ilford Springfield, Chelmsford \Yaites Jas. 58 Longbridge rd. Barking
Wakefield Thomas H. Pengelly lodge, Wallis F. M. 46 Head street, Halstead Warner Robert, I East terrace, Walton-
Forest road, Chingford Wallis G. Fairview, High st. Chingford on-the-Naze R.S.O
Wakeling Thomas George, Claremont, Wallis Harry, Warley road, Great Warner Robert, Widford lodge,Widford,
Marine parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Warley, Brentwood Chelmsford
WakelyR. Tile ho. The Green, Chingford Wallis Miss, 8 .Albany road, Manor Park Warner Sidney, 95 Carlyle rd. ManorPk
Walbourn Charles Salter, Holmdale, Wallis Miss, High street, Brentwood Warner T.C.Thydn. Highms.Wdfd. Grn
High street, Chingford Wallis Mrs. 11 Alexandra ter. Southend Warner T. W. Rosemary lane, Dunmow
Walby George, Broomhill, Chigwell Wallis Mrs.·Eaglehurst, Great Clacton, Warner Wm. C. Clavering, Newprt S.O
Walenn W .G. 6.Alexandra vils. Southend Colchester Warren Rev. William Quin B. A. Vicar-
Wales Waiter, I The Villas, Rose valley, Wallis Mrs. g8 Head street, Halstead age, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill
Brentwood Wallis Owen, 4 Lorne villas, Southend ·warren Charles, Dunmow
Walford Alfred, Rose bank, Rose hill, Walmesley Richard Joseph, Pilgrims Warren Chas. Hill ho. Bckng. Braintree
Braintree hall, South Weald, Brentwood Warren C. Orchard ho.Feering, Kelvedn
Walford Alfred Saunders J.P. Cran- Walmsley Henry, 8 Elm villas, Avenue Warren Charles, 6 Thorold road, Ilford
brook hall, Ilford road, Southend Warren Ernest E. 22 Queen st. Clchstr
WalfordMisses,46 Wellesleyrd. Colchstr Walrond Mrs. Rose villa, South Ocken- Warren G. Forest view,Grove rd.Wdfrd
Walford Wm. Ormonde house, Kelvedon don, Romford Warren Hy. l\Iay vill, Barking la. Ilford
Walford-Gosnall Capt. John Desborough WalshRev.R.Jas.Wimbish,Saffrn.Waldn ·warren Henry, 3 Parkeston villas, Do-
Pearson, Mount Maskall, Boreham, WalterWilliam, 2 Morden villas,Higham vercourt, Harwich
Chelmsford road, Woodford Green Warren Mrs. 1 Cambridge ter. Southend
Walker Col. John, Broom hill, Mersea Waiters Mrs. 4 Penrhyn terrace, Vie- Warren Mrs. Culver house, Thorpe-le-
road, Colchester toria road, Romford Soken, Colchester
Walker Capt. Henry, Montpelier house, WalthewCharles, 5 Holly terrace,Whitta Warren Mrs. I Daisy rd. South Wdfrd
Hermon hill, Wansteacl NE road, Manor Park Warren Thos. 25 Rutland road, llford
Walker Rev. Charles Littlewood B.A. Walthew William Henry, Ivy lodge, Warren William, 72 South st. Colchestr
Vicarage, Fingringhoe, Colchester West Grove road, Woodford Green Warwick Earl of D.L., J.P. & Countess,
Walker Rev. F. A. Witham Walton Charles Robert, 3 Beaconsfield Easton lodge, Dunmow ; Warwick
Walker Rev. Thos. A. South pk. Ilford terrace, Milton street, Southend castle,Warwick; &28Park la. London w
Walker Rev. Wm. Warley rd. Brentwood Walton Mrs. Rayne road, Braintree Warwick James Charles Henry, Croft
Walker Alfred, Adelaide cottage, Lon- Wand .Alien, 27 Church road, Barking cottage, Derby road, Woodford
don road, Southend Wanklyn H. C. I9 Beverley rd. Clchstr Warwick Joseph, The :Mount, Debden
Walker Chas. 5 Harrow rd. East Ham E Warburton Lieut. William R.E. Shoe· green, Loughton S.O
Walker Charles, Strathden, Broomhill buryness S.O Warwick Mrs. Audley end, Saffrn.Wldn
. walk, Woodford Green Warburton Rev. Henry B.A. Rectory, Wasfould Edwd. I44 Ripple rd. Barking
Walker Eyre, Kent lodge, Harlow Sible Hedingham, Halstead Wash John, West street, Coggeshall
Walker Henry, The Hawthorns, Wood- Warburton Rev. Welby Russell B.A. Wash Reuben, Spergula house, New
ford road, South Woodford Sible Hedingham, Halstead London road, Chelmsford
Walker J. Oakhurst, York rd. Southend Warburton Mrs.Gnhl.ho.Dedhm.Clchstr Wastel!W. E. 47 Eversleighrd.E.Ham E
Walker John Edward, Friends' school, WarburtonMrs.42Military rd.Colchester Wastell William Louis Francis, Cuba
Mount Pleasant road, Saffron Walden Warburton "\Villiam, 4 Richmond villas, Fuller's road, Woodford
Walker John Henry, Clooneaven, High York road, Southend Watel Henry Garwood, Raleigh villa,
street, Chingford WardRev.C.J.M.A.,B.D.,Nettlswll.Hrlw Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
Walker Miss, Corinth villa, Derby road, Ward Rev.ThomasWilliam M.A. Heath, Waterhouse William M.A. School house,
Woodford Hatfield, Harlow Newport S.O
Walker Miss, Elm hall, George lane, Ward A. J. H. Cliff rd. Dvrct. Harwich Waterland Thomas, Sunnyside, Chad-
Wanstead NE Ward E. 8 West Stockwell st. Clchstr well HeathR.S.O ·
Walker Miss, High street, Wanstead NE Ward Edward Charles, Rosemary houoe, Waterlow Arthur V. Cranbrk. rd. Ilfrd
Walker Miss C. M. 12 Crouch st. Colchstr Ellis road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O WatersA.Coopesale. Thydn.Grdn.Eppng
Walker Mrs. I Addison rd. Wanstead NE Ward Edward l.IS8 Manor st. Braintree Waters J. Fernside, Lndn. rd. Southend
Walker Mrs. Highfield, Epping Ward GeorgeEdward, 2 Lauretta villas, Waters S.Oakleigh,The Cliffs, Southend
Walker Mrs. 1 Hochester villas, Cleve- Third avenue, Manor Park Watkins C. 45 Cambridge rd. Barking
land road, South Woodford Ward Henry, Beeleigh falls, Maldon Watkins E. 2 Brandon ter. Ilford rd.llfd
Walker Ralph, 3 Queen's terrace, Ilford Ward Joseph, Beeleigh grange, Ma1don Watkins J.S. Brooklands,
Walker Robert J. Hurst cottage, Daisy Ward Miss,Albany house,Church street, Watkins Peter, Cleveland villas, Ilford
. road, South Woodford Saffron Walden Watkius Thomas, I Eagle villas, Cleve-
Walker Thos. J. 3 Woodlands rd. Ilford Ward Miss, 2I Mersea road, Colchestr..r land road, South Woodford
Walker Thos. Jas. Dunorlan, Tavistock Ward Mrs. Hillho.Fryerning, Ingatestn Watkins W. Great Gales, Wdfrd. Bridge
road, South Woodford Ward Mrs. Lawn cottage, Witham Watkinson J. E. I38 Ripple rd. Barking
Walker Wm.M.A.2 Warrior sq. Southend Ward Oliver H. Lornevillas, Lansdowne Watkinson Samuel, Marine villa, High
Walker William, White hall, Chingford road, South Woodford street, Walton-on•the-Naze R.S.O
Wall Howard, Eversley, Palmerston Ward Richard, I Granville terrace,Mild- Watson Rev. Charles Arthur B.A. Ash-
road, Buckhurst Hill may road, Chelmsford field lodge, York hill, Loughton S.O
Wall Robert Frederick, I Swiss villas, Ward Richard H. Newport S.O Watson A. 3~ Clarence rd. Manor Park
Derby road, Woodford \Yard Thomas, I5 Buxton rd. Chingfrd Watson Edward, Clyde villa, Cleveland
\Vallace Alexander M. D., M.A. I I St. Ward Thomas Albert, St. Kilda villa, road, Wanstead, South Woodford
John's street, Colchester Wordsworth avenue, East Ham E Watson Fredk. 73 Durham rd.ManorPk
Wallace Harry, I Chad well avenue, Chad- Ward W. H. 6 Cowper avn. East Ham E Watson H. Debden rd. Saffron Walden
well Street, Chad well Heath R.S.O Wardell Rev. William Henry 1\I.A. St. Watson Jas. 8 Salisbury rd. Manor Park
Wallace Loudon, 3 Leicester terrace, Giles' rectory, Mersea rd. Colchester \Vatson Jas. T. St. John's road, Epping
Romford road, Manor Park Wardell Mrs. I Boxley villas, Hamlet Watson John G. Hurstwood, Sunset
Wallace T. 2I Salisbur,v road, Colchester road, Southend avenue, Woodford Green
Wailer Rev. Alfred, 5 Elm terrace, Warden Jn. Station rd. Waltham Abbey Watson J. R. Violet vil.Main rd. Hrwch
Avenue road, Southend Ware Rev. J. Hubert M.A. The Vicar- WatsonJohn Thomas,Park Farmhouse,
Wailer Rev. Charles Blackmore M.A. age, East Ham E ·wivenhoe, Colchester
Vicarage, Woodford Bridge Ware JamesWilliam, 2 Oak villas, They- Watson Miss, Newport S.O
WallerF.Coleman's, Prittlewell,Southend don Bois, Epping Watson Miss, Sunny side,Shnfld.Brntwd
Wailer Miss, 83 Maldon road, Colchester Warewood G. 8 Tennyson av. E. Ham E Watson M. Agnes, I I Wilbraham ter-
Waller Miss, Manor rd. Waltham Abbey Waring Miss, 8 Cambridge rd. Clchstr race, East Ham E
Wailer Mrs. Emily, 14 Manor Park Warman Mrs. Bellingham house, They- \Vatson Mrs. 56 Crouch st. Colchester
road, Manor Park don Bois, Epping Watson Mrs. The Grange, Thorpe-le-
Waller S. D. 42 Wellesley rd. Colchester Warmington Rev. Edward James 1\LA. Soken, Colchester
Waller T.H.12XewLondon rd.Chelmsfrd Rectory, Dengie, Southminster S.O Watson Mrs. The Hall, Little Horkesley,
Wailer T. H. 28 Carlton rd. Manor Park Warmsley Henry, 8 Elm vls. Southend Colchester
Wailer Tom, 29 Grosvenor road, Ilford Warmsley Miss Maria, 4 Grange villas, WatsonMrs.Malvern ho.Grove rd. Wdfrd
Waller W. Luther ho. Barking la. Ilford High road, Ilford Watson R. Brooklands, Sth. Benfleet S.O
Wailer William Chapman ~LA. York ·warmsley William Harman, 6 Avenue \Vatson Walter,4Mornington vils.Morn-
hill, Lough ton S.O road, Southend ington rd. Woodfrd. Wells, W dfrd. Grn
Wallis Brig.-Surg. William Beale, Old v;·arnerB.Parkgt.Blakehall rd.Wnstd.NE Watson William, Croft house, Stansted
Bank, High street, Colchester Warner Benjamin H. New st. Dunmow Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Wallis Albert Wm. High st. Brentwood Warner Daniel F. 4 St. John's st. Clchstr Watson Wm. I02 Glenny rd. Barking
Wallis A. Sydenham ho. Rochford S.O vVarnerF.Shernbrn.Grovepk.Wnstd.NE Watson William Charles Cordwall, 5
Wallis Christphr. 2I Thorold rd. Ilford Warner Percy,Rydal, TheGrn. Wdfd.Grn Tilbury gardens, Tilbury S.O
Watt James, Burnham S.O Webster John Edward, Holly lodge, West Mrs. Leigh house, Primrose road,
Watt Jas. 5 \Yordsworth av.East Ham E High road, Loughton S.O South Woodford
Watts Rev. Edward George B. A. The Webster Misses, Hill cottage, Sible Bed- Westl\Irs.Linden ho.London rd.Braintree
Elms, Roxwell, Chelmsford ingham, Halstead West Richard Alexander, I2 l\Ieyrick
Watts Rev. William Longmore A.K.C.L. WebsterW.Lyndhurst,York rd.Southendl crescent, Mersea road, Colchester
The Vicarage, Boxted, Colchester Wedd Edward Arthur J.P. Whitehall, WestRobt. C.10Wellesleyrd.Wanstd.NB
Watts Charles Haynes, 6 Wentworth rd Great Wakering, Southend West T. Wellington vi!. Grove rd. Woodfd
Watts Horace New begin M.D. Crown Wedgwood G. A. Feering hill, Feering, West William Morton, Maisonette, East-
park, Stapleford Abbots, Romford Kelvedon ings road, Southend
Watts Miss Ellen, 7 Wentworth road, Wedlake Edward William, Woodlands, Westall Rev. Leonard Sedgwick, Vicar·
Manor Park Latchett road, South Woodford age, Thaxted, Dunmow
Watts Geo. 7 Wellesley rd. Wanstead NE WedlakeT.W. White ho.Hornchrch.Rmfd Westall William, Fairmead cottage,High

Watts Lent John, 90 High st. Colchester Wedrell Thomas, Oak cottage, Princes Beech, Loughton S.O
Watts Robert, I Fernbank, Cambridge road, Buckhurst Hill Westbrook Rev. Francis Stephen M.A.
road, Wanstead NE Weedon Henry, 9 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Chaplain'sho. Springfield, Chelmsford
Watts Sidney Ernest Burgoyne, Holly Weeks George Thomas, I Melford villas, Westby J. T. I4 Second aven. Manor Pk
bush, Maybank road, South Woodford New London road, Chelmsford Westcott John Richard, The Poplars,
Watts Thomas, Alveston house, Milton WeeleyJohn, Manor ho.Weeley,Colchstr Sprathall road, Wanstead NE
avenue, East Ham E Weeley Mrs. Manor ho. Weeley, Colchstr Westcott William George, The Grange,
Watts Valentine Wylde, Park villas, Wehner T. Hazlemere, Balfour rd.Ilford Cambridge road, NE
Hare street, Romford WeidnerThomas, 24Linton rd. Barkmg Western G. J. 86 Carlyle rd. Manor Pk
Watts William, Billericay Weidner William, 9 Richmond terrace, Westgate Frederick, I Swinburn villas,
Watts Wm. Bohella, High rd. Woodford Glenny road, Barking Eastern road, Romford
Watts William, Dean street, Bright- Weir Rev. John B.A. The Grove, Great Weston Maj. T. B. 11 Oxfordrd.Colchstr
lingsea, Colchester Horkesley, Colchester Weston Henry, 39 Bedford road, Ilford
Watty William Hy. 2 Cottingbam ter. Welch Charles, I Holly villas, Princes Weston Mrs. Whitehall, Wickham
Main road, Dovercourt, Harwich road, Buckhurst Hill Bishops, Witham
Waugh Thomas, 3 Lorne villas, Marl- Welch Jas.W. T. Cambridge rd.Stansted Weston Percy James, 2 Clyde villas,
borough road, South Woodford Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Easton road, Romford
Way Arthur, 15 Second av.l\Ianor Park Welch J. Ellerslie, Hastinl:{s rd.Southend Weston William George, 4 Bartholomew
Way Lewis John l\LA., D.L., J.P. Spen- Welch Joseph Marsh, High st. Dunmow villas, High road, Loughton 8.0
cer grange, Great Ye!dham, Halstead Welch Mrs. Western house, Stansted Westrup Mrs. Parndon lodge, Little
WayMrs. TheCottage,Lit.Chishill,Roystn Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Parndon, Harlow
Way Mrs. C. Cranham lo. Cranham,Rmfd W elchMrs. Stanley vil. Station rd. Chingfd Westthorpe Mrs. Sutherland house, Pal-
Way William R. Upminster, Romford Welch T. S. Lit.Walden, Saffron Walden merston road, Buckhurst Hill
WaylandMrs.M.7Claremnt.ter.Manr.Pk Welch William, Rush Green, Romford Westwood Charles John C.E. Blakehall,
Way land L. A. 83 Durham rd.ManorPrk Weller J. W. 112 Longbridge rd. Barking Cambridge park, Wanstead NE
Waylen Mrs. 7 Claremont terrace, Rom- Wells Alfred George, Granville cottage, Westwood Edward Thomas, Red house,
ford road, Manor Park Hill's road, Buckhurst Hill Ramsden Bellhouse, Brentwood
Wayman Mrs. Devanants, Sible Hed- Wells Charles, 9 Queen's road, Ilfot'd Westwood Miss, Langdon, Romford
ingham, Halstead Wells Ephraim, Hurst cottage, Queen's Weybrew J. H. 39 Carlton rd.Manor Pk
Weakley Percy W. 40 Bedford rd. Ilford road, Buckhurst Hill Weymouth Richard D.Lit. Collaton
Wear William, I Valias villas, Western Wells F. East lo. Broomfield,Chelmsford house, Brook street, Brentwood
road, Romford Wells Frederick, Oaklands, Chelmsford Whaley Thomas, Glenartney, Anglefield
WeaserW.Holmleigh, London rd.Sthend Wells Frederick Arthur, Thornwoods, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O

Weatherall Henry Hawkins, I Beacons- New London road, Chelmsford Wharton Miss, Holly house, New Lon·
field terrace, Beaconsfieldav.Colchestr Wells Godfrey, 4 Mornington villas, don road, Chelmsiord
Weatherfield William Arthur, Oak villa, Wanstead park, Wanstead NE Whateley Rev. John B.A. Vicarage,
Eagle lane, South Woodford Wells Hy. Victoria rd. Buckhurst Hill Elsenham, Bishop's Stortford
Weatherhead Hy. 47 Lexden rd.Colchstr Wells Henry Collings J.P. The Lodge, Whatley Robert, 56 Roman rd.Colchestr
Weaver Fredk.W. I Whitta rd.ManorPk Broomfield, Chelmsford Whatman Capt. WilliamDouglas, Brais-
Webb Arthur, 18 Second av. Manor Park Wells J. TheWallravens,Abbertn.Clchstr wick lodge, Mile End, Colchester
Webb Charles, West dene, Victoria ave- Wells John, Carlton house, New road, Wheatley Edward S. Brook house, Up-
nue, Prittlewell, Southend Grays minster, Romford
Webb C. B. S. 48 Wellesley rd.Colchestr WellsJ.Sidney ho.Milton aven.Ea.Ham E Wheatley Joseph, Florence villa, Cam·
Webb Fredk. A. 98 Winnock rd. Colchstr Wells Joseph, Longbridge house, 96 bridge road, Wanstead NE
Webb George,7 Salisbury villas,Latchett Longbridge road, Barking Wheatley William Henry, 4 Park villas,
road, South Woodford Wells Miss, Arkesden, Newport S.O High road, Loughton S.O
Webb George, East st. Saffron Walden Wells Miss, 110 Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd Wheeler E. The Ferns, Barking la. Ilfrd
Webb Henry, 25 Mildmayrd.Chelmsfrd Wells Mrs. Woodhouse, Little Waltham, Wheeler Frederick, Broxted, Dunmow
Webb Hy.C. Audley end,SaffronWalden Chelmsford Wheeler George, 28 Head st. Colchester
Webb John,12 Richmond terrace,Glenny Wells R. J. The Croft, Coventry rd.Ilfrd Wheeler John James, Redcliff, Plashet
road, Barking Wells Thomas James, School house, grove, East Ham E
Webb J. R. 7 Hainault villas, Chigwell Alphamstone, Colchester Wheeler Miss, Roman road, Colchester
Webb Miss, Wood green,WalthamAbbey Wells William Clement, Billericay Wheeler Mrs. Shenfield corn. Brentwood
Webb Mrs. Clifford house, Queen's road, Wellsteed William John, 26 King's Quay Wheeley Alfred, 25 The Drive, Chingfrd
Buckhurst Hill street, Harwich Wheland William, Woodville, Milton
Webb SamuelJonas, Gt.ChesterfordS.O Welsh Rev. William Wellington M.A. avenue, East Ham E
Webb T. Powder Millla.Waltham Abbey Rectory, Weeley, Colchester Whent Frederick, 5 Grayrd. Colchester
Webb Thomas A. Portland villa, Plashet Welsh T. Montreal vil. Grove rd. Woodfd Whichen Henry,6 Second aven.ManorPk
grove, East Ham E Welton George William, Burn Brae, Whiffen William, I2 St. Mary's rd. Ilfrd
Webb Wm. 55 Wimpole lane, Colche!>ter Marlbro' road, South Woodford Whilby Hy. 10 Ea. Stockwell st.Colchestr
Webb W. H. 70 Winnock rd. Colchester Wenden Mrs. 29 Military rd. Colchester Whincop John, Brynmawr, High road,
Webb Wm.J. I Rose Valley vils. Brentwd WenleyWm. G. 23 Baddow rd.Chelmsfrd Lough ton S.O
Webber Hy. W. 26 Third av.Manor Park Wenley William Gilson, jun. The Cot- Whincup Mark, 84 Carlyle rd.Manor Pk
Webber Hugh, Bengeo,Thorold rd.Ilford tage, Hall street, Chelmsford Whipps Charles John, Laurie sq.Romfrd
Webber J.Victory ho.Old Heath,Colchstr Went John, Wivenhoe, Colchester Whistler William W. Clarence st.Sthend
Webber J. 2Rose vils.West ern rd.Romfrd Went Wm. Cliff ter. Dovercourt,Harwch Whitaker Charles George, Glad stone
Webber Misses, High street,l\Ianningtree West Rev. George M.A., J.P. Horham villa, Whitta road, l\Ianor Park
• Weber Rev. Edwd. Percival B. Harlow hall & Armigers, Tbaxted, Dunmow Whitaker Philip, White house, Snares·
Webster Rev. Thomas Caltbrop M. A. ·west Arthur Anderson, Clyst house, brook road, Snaresbrook NE
The Rectory, Rettendon, Chelmsford Theydon Bois, Epping Whitbourne l\irs.Great Gearies, Barking
Webster Arthur, Burton villa, Helions West Charles, I1 Second aven.:Manor Pk side, llford
Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) West E. 23 Broomfield rd. Chelmsford Whitbread C. Purfleet ho. Purfl.eet S.O
Webster Frank, 2 Oaldey villas, Princes ·west Ezra, Croft cottage, Coggeshall, Whitbread Samuell\l.P. Purfleet house,
road, Buckhurst Hill Docking, Braintree Purfleet S.O; & IO Ennismore gar·
Webster F. A. I I Alexandra rd. Colchstr West Fl'ederick J. P. Redclyffe, Bradford dens, Prince's gate & Brooks" club,
Webster Henry, 36 Clarencerd.l\IanorPk! street, Bocking, Braintree London sw
Webster James, Brooklyn villa, Hill West George H. 5 Warren rd. Chingford White Rev. Richard Henry :aLA. Little
street, Saffron Walden \Vest Herbert W.34London rd.Braintree Bardfield, Braintree
Webster James, 2 Elizabeth terrace, Peel West Joseph Henry, Cranleigh, Salway White A.5 Bediord gJns. Barking la.Ilfrd
road, Woodford hill, Woodford Green White Alexander F. Sandon lo. Chigwell

White Alexander Miller, The Rookery, Whitmore John, Chnrch st. Harwich Wilkinson Mrs. 29 Thorold road, Ilfordl
St. John's street, Colchester 'WhittaMrs.HighElms,TheGrn.Wdfd.Gn Wilkinson Ths. Grove ho. Chigwell Row
White Alfred, Ashingdon hall, Ashing· Whittaker Mrs. Burnham S.O Wilkinson William, Hythe house, Rom·
don, Rochford S.O Whittingham Henry Waiter, 87 Durham ford road, Manor Park
White A.2Florence vil.Hadley rd.Sthend road, Manor Park WiikinsonW. I May viis. Victria. rd.Rmfrd
White Charles Edward. The Rookery, Whittingham Mrs. Whalebone lane. WilkinsonWm.G.34 Wntwth.rd.ManrPk
St. John's street, Colchester Chadwell Heath R.S.O Wilks Saml. Goldings hl. Loughton 8.0
White Frank, Ashurst, Beaconsfield Whittingham Rev. Canon Richard Willan Leonard James, 3 Fitzgerald
avenue, Colchester Thomas M.A. Rectory, Orsett S.O road, Wanstead NE
White Frederick John, 4 Cyprus villas, Whittingham Rev. Charles S. A. 6 Willard Wallis,44 Wellesley rd. Wnstd.N E
Buckingham road, Woodford Broadway, East Ham E Willden Dennis Reeve, Elmbank,Maldon
White F. W. 4 Durham rd. Manor Park Whittle Francis, 3 Marine avenue, West road, Colchester
White Geo. D. I I6 Maldon rd. Colchestr Cliff, Southend Willement Miss, Kirby Cross, Colchester
White Geo. W. 94 Durham rd.Manor Pk Whitton John, 2 Nuremberg villas, Willes William, Ellerslie, High road,
White George William, Fairlawn villas, Derby road, Woodford Buckhurst Hill
Victoria road, Romford Whitwell Mrs. Lyndale, Cambridge Willett Fnk.Pitlochrie, Balfour rd.I!ford
White Henry John, St. Heliers, Warrior road, Wanstead NE Willett John, Baintree house, 94 North
square, Southend Whitwell William, 2 Kilmarnock villas, street, Barking
White James, High street, Brentwood Southchurch road, Southend Willett Thos. Little Coggeshall, Kelvedn
Whit.e Jas. A. 15I St. Ann's rd. Barking Whitworth Jason Catley, Holme honse, Willetts Rev.Saml.Artillery st.Colchestr
White JamesRobertB.A.,M.B.Auberries, Biakehall road, Wanstead NE Willey Frederick, 5 Avenue rd.Southend
Blackmore, Brentwood Whitworth Thompson C.E. TheNelems, Williams Rev. A!fred S. 8-t. Longbridge
White John, Oak vils.Haveringrd.Romfd Station road, Chingford road, Barking
White John Richard, Hilldrop Whur Thomas, 6 Carisbrooke villas, Williams Rev. Daniel Rowland 1\I.A.
London road, Grays Hamlet road, Southend Rectory, Bowers Gifford S.O
White J. 2 Bedford gdns. Barking la.Ilfd Whyborn Mrs. E. I6 First av.Manor Pk Williams Rev. Henry Percy M. A. West
White Jsph. Florinda, Oakfield rd. Ilford Whybrow Richard, 8 Derby villas, Derby Stockwell street, Colchester
White Joseph Broster,Gibraltar cottage, road, Woodford Williams Rev. Joseph Monahan, Church
Gordon road, South Woodford Whybrow Mrs. 2 May villas, The street, Bocking, Braintree
White Joseph Henry, Pease's Hall farm, Hamlet, Southend Williams Rev. Stephen Frederick M.A.
Sptingfield, Chelmsford Wicker John Edward, 2 Sunnyside, Rectory, Cold Norton, Maldon
White Miss, Myrtle cottage, 98 Long- Moulsham street, Chelmsford Williams Rev. Thos. Francis Ford M.A.
bridge road, Barking Wickham Thomas William, Oak lodge, Vicarage, Castle st. Saffron Walden
White Miss, The Rookery, St. John's Cambridge park, Wanstead NE Williams Alfred E. Mavisbank, Up-
street, Colchester Wicks C.A.3 Hainaultter.High rd.Ilford minster, Romford
White Miss, Woodfield place, Stansted Wicks Hy. Marine ldg. We. Cliff, Sthend Williams Charles, London & County
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Wicks James, 2 Lex:den rd. Colchester Bank, 7 High street, Chelmsford
White Miss, 2 Zion viis. Western ter. Wicks Miss, 48 Manor street, Braintree Williams George William, 3 Holly ter-
WhiteMrs.Bradford st.Bocking,Braintree Wicks Thomas William, Beverley house, race, Whitta road, Manor Park
White Mrs 2 Chelmsford villas, Victoria · I8 Lex:den road, Colchester Williams Gerald Henry, M. A. The Old
road, Romford WiddowsMrs. I Queen'sGrove rei. Chngfrd School house, Felstead, Chelmsford
White Mrs. I Durham villas, King's Place Wieland Arthur Stewart, 10 Holly ter- Williams Henry, Carisbrooke house,
road, Buckhurst Hill race, Whitta road, Manor Park Chelmsford road. W oodford
WhiteMrs.Hazlewd.vil.Tha.xted,Dunmw Wigzell Ernest Eustace, Albion cottage, Williams Henry, North End house, Ford
White Mrs. 2 Marian villas, Longbridge High road, Loughton S.O end, Chelmsford
road, Barking Miss, 3 Durham villas, King's Williams H. H.35 Carltonrd.ManorPark
White Mrs. Meadow side, Factory lane, road, Buckhurst Hill Wi!liams Herbert, I 52 High st. Colchester
Chelmsford Frederick George Willia.m, Williams James, Drybrough, Glenthorne
White Mrs. 13 Tyler's avenue, Southend The Green, WoodfordGreen villa, Gordon road, South Woodford
White Mrs. Wm. The Views, Stansted, Wiggins George, 2 Oakley villas,Chelms- Williams J. 38 Eversleigh rd. Ea. Ham E
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford ford road, Woodford Williams John, Trefula, Woodford road,
White Robert, 5 Alma terrace, Snake's Wigglesworth Mrs. Myrtle vils. Rayne Sonth Woodford
lane, Woodford Green road, Backing, Braintree Williams Mrs. 14 V~xden rd. Colchester
White Robert, Warley road, Brentwood Wight Surg.-Maj. Ernest Octavius, The Williams Mrs. Ye'v Tree house, Mistley,
White SI. Elsmere,Highrd.LoughtonS.O Cannons, Layer road, Colchester Manningtree
White Thos. I3 First aven. Manor Park Wightman Misses, Wel!esley hous<>, Col· Williams~Irs.A.E.63Lexden rd.Colchestr
White Thomas,Glenthorne lodge,Sylvan chester road, Halstead Williams Robert Hamilton J.P. Buck-
road, Wanstead NE Wilcox John, Low street, Chingford land, East Tilbury, Tilbury S.O
White Thomas, Sunnyside, Gordon road, Wilde Adam, West De ne, Princes road, Williams Robert Lloyd, 5 I New rd. Grays
South Woodford Buckhurst Hill Williams William Samuel, Holmleigh,
White Thomas George, St. Monaco, St. Wilde Miss Lil!a, 56 Manor Park road, Latchett road, Sonth Woodford
Paul's road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Manor Park Williams William Varco J. P. Merrie-
White TyndaieJ.P.Stondon cot.Brentwd Wilde Wm. 5 Latham rd. East Ham E lands, Dagenham, Romford
'White Wm. Kildare, The Hamlet,Sthend Wilden Mrs. I I Rawstorn rd. Colchester Williams Rev. H. J. Churchgate street,
White William, Maison Rouge, Hermon Wiles Arthur, 2 Derby villas, Derby Harlow
hill, Wanstead NE road, Woodford Williamson Albert George, Ivanhoe,
WhiteWm.Jn.74Durham rd.Manor Park Wiles Charles, Hartley house, 1\Iiiton Milton avenue, East Ham E
Whitehead John B. Hampton villa, Mil- avenue, East Ham E Williamson V.22Firstavenue,ManorPrk
ton avenue, East Ham E WilesFredk.Jas. 48 London rd.Braintree Williamson W.F.3 Carlylerd.ManorPark
Whitehead John William, I Forest View Wiles Mrs. Albion cot. Derby rd. Wdfrd Willis Edward, 23 Grosvenor rd. Ilford
road, Manor Park Wilford Chas.4gl\Ieanieyrd.Manor Park Willis E. A. High ho. Upminster,Romford
Whitehead J. G.Dunblane,Balfr.rd.Ilfrd Wilkes Miss, Lofts hall, Windon Lofts, Willis George, I Sherborne villas, Cow·
Whitehouse Thos.Io2Military rd.Clchstr Saffron Waiden slip road, South Woodford
Whiteleg Jn.8 Shrewsbury rd.Ea.Ham E Wilkes Mrs.Nemora,Station rd.Chingfrd Willis Henry, Great Chesterford S.O
Whiten ~lrs. Craven house, Colne road, Wilke<;; William Thomas, Woodbine Willis John, 1 I Provident pl. Colchester
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O cottage, Chingford road, Chingford Willis Mrs. Hemnall street, Theydon
Whiteside-Cook ~Iiss, Brook, Stondon, Wilkin Arthur Charles, Trewlands, Tip- Garnon, Epping
Brentwood tree Heath, Kelvedon Willis Mrs. Ingatestone
Whitfeld Rev. Arthur Lewis M.A. Little WilkinsJ.E.Myrtle vil.Wivenhoe,Clchstr Willmott Harry, Green Heys, Woodford
Easton, Dunmow Wilkins Uriah Thomas, Ivy bank, White- road, South 'Voodford
Whitford Saml. Lower pk. Loughtn.S.O hall lane, Buckhurst Hill Willmott Mrs. Warley place, Great
Whiting George, Freeland ho. Witham Wilkins Walter,21Tyler's aven.Southend 'Varley, Brentwood
Whiting James, High street, Epping WilkinsonRev.Geo. Hawthorn lo.Epping Willoughby E. G.Ashleigh,WoodfordGrn
Whiting Jas. Shardhighs,Gsfield,Hlstead Wilkinson John, Tower house, Carnarvon Willoughby J ames X elson, Billericay
Whiting Mrs. NortonHeath, Ingatestone road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wills Major P. Turner, Lawford place,
Whitmore Capt. 'fhomas Chas. Douglas Wilkinson Miss, Bruce cottage, New Lawford, ~Ianningtree
D.L., J.P. Orsrtt ha!!, Orsett S.O Wanstead, Wanstead NE WillsEdgar George, Brook house, Brook
Whitmore Frank, Maltese house, Mal- Wilkinson Mrs. Claremont villa, Snake's street, Brentwood
tese road, Chelmsford lane, Woodford Green Wills Ernest l\I.D. Asylum, Claybury,
Wbitmore James, Trinity cot. Harwich Wilkinson Mrs. 85 Maldon rd. Co!chestr Woodford Brido'e
Whitnore Henry, Holm lodge, London Wilkinson Mrs. Roseneath, West road, Wills William Pe~cival, May villa, Xe'"
road, Romford Saffron W alden W anstead, W anstead N E

Willsdon W.S.22Third aven.Manor Park Winmill Ernest, Harewood,Carlton gar- 'Vood Archibald H. B.A. High st.Halstd
Willsher James, Primrose villa, Lee rd. dens, Junction road, Romford Wood Charles, Fairlight, Palmerston
Dovercourt, Harwich Winmill Field, Chestnut cottage, Hare road, Buckhurst Hill
Willsher Samuel,I26 Maldon rd.Colchstr street, Romford Wood Charles B. 21 Grosvenor rd. Ilfrd
Willsmer George, Ringwood house,High Winmill Hy.W.27St.John'srd.Southend Wood Charles Bennett, 2 Rochester
street, Chingford WinmillRichard, South Shoebury, Shoe- villas, Cleveland road, South Woodfrd
Willsmer Hy. 44 Carlton rd.Manor Park buryness S.O Wood Charles Page D.L., J.P. Wakes
Willson Wm. V. I2 Albyn ter. Southend Winn William, Woodfield cot. Leigh S.O hall, Wakes Colne, Halstead
Wilmer B.G.Priory ldg.Shenfld.Brentwd Winsdale Alfd.J.g Hastings rd.Southend Wood Frank J. Llanberris, Milton road,
Wilmer Horace, Mount Stewart, Grove Winslow Rev. James Stephen B. A. West cliff, Southend
hill, Woodford Vicarage, Great Burstead, Brentwood Wood George, Ashley villa, Warrior
Wilmhurst Jas.J.6 Albany rd.ManorPrk Winstanley Mrs. Earl's Colne, Halstead square, Southend
Wilmot Rev. Henry Thomas M. A. Vicar- Winstone Benjamin, Ockridge, Epping Wood George, 65 Priory st. Colchester
age, North Shoebury, Southend Winter Edward, Granville, Epping Wood Geo. 6o Victoria avn. East Ham E
Wilmot Miss, 42 Bedford road, Ilford Winter James, Dane lodge, Epping Wood Henry,uClement's gardens, llfrd
Wilmot William Ballard, The Bank, Winter J. Corner ho. Kings rd. Brentwd Wood John, 34 Roman road, Colchester
High street, Grays Winter Mark, 4 Fairfield villas, Fair- Wood Miss, Randolph terrace, Spring-
Wilmshurst Jas.6 Albanyrd.ManorPark field road, Chelmsford field, Chelmsford
Wilson Capt.Frank,Meadow side, Spring- Winter Miss, Regent lodge, Mount Plea- Wood Misses, I Nightingale terrace,
field, Chelmsford sant road, Saffron W alden Broomfield road, Chelmsford
Wilson Capt. Henr~· F. M. Southfleet, Winter Mrs. Oak hall, East Ham E Wood Mrs. 30 Albert road, Braintree
High road, Buckhurst Hill Winterbourne A.4IVictoria av.E.Ham E Wood Mrs. Brentmore,Brook st.Brntwd
Wilson Rev. Hugh Townshend M.A. Winters Miss, Borough la. SaffronWaldn Wood Mrs. CastleHedingham, Halstead
Rectory, Widford, Chelmsford Winters Mrs. Sewardstone road, Wal- Wood Mrs. London house, Chigwell rd.
Wilson Rev. Wm. LintonM.A. St.John's tham Abbey South Woodford
college, High road, Loughton S.O Winterton Rev. W. C. B.A.Lond. Ban- Wood Mrs. St. Leonard's, Wellesley rd.
Wilson Arth. 27 Manor Park rd.ManorPrk croft's school, W dfrd. Wells, W dfrd. Grn Clacton-on-Sea R. S. 0
Wilson Arthur, Palmer's farm, Marks Winterton Ralph, East Horndon&Heron Wood Mrs. Solbys,Hadleigh,Raylgh.S.O
Tey, Colchester gate, Brentwood Wood Mrs. South street, Rochford S.O
Wilson Charles,3 Stilton terrace,Harrow Wire Ephraim E. Garafraxa,Cambridge Wood Mrs. Rose, 5 Milton terrace, Mil-
road, East Ham E park, Wanstead ton avenue, East Ham E
Wilson Frederick, The Retreat, Romford Wisbey Henry Chaplin, 6g North Sta- Wood Richard, 12 Hillcrest rd.Southend
Wilson Frederick William, IVY house, tion road, Colchester Wood Thomas, 48 Wimpole la. Clchstr
Marks Tey, Colchester Wise George, Kingston ho. Wdfrd. Brdg Wood Ths. S.IVictoria avn. East HamE
Wilson Harold Waissen,Sussex vil.Tavis- Wise Thomas, Barnards cottages, Thax- Wood W. Rozel, St. Vincent rd. Stbend
tock road, South Woodford ted, Dunmow Wood W. J. 2I Alexandra st. Southend
Wilson James, South Benfleet f'.O Wise Lloyd William F.R.G.S., J.P. Woodall Frank, Bedford villa, Nettes-
Wilson James William, Avenue road, Glan-mor, The Cliffs, Southend well, Harlow
Harold Wood, Romford Wiseman Arthur, 7 Bedford road, Ilford Woodard Mrs. Stock, Ingatestone
Wilson James Wm. 58 Bedford rd. Ilford Wiseman John Edward, The Cyprus, Woodbridge Geo. 7 Park ter. Southend
Wilson James William, Glencot, Cleve- Brightlingsea, Colchester Wooden Rbt,. 16 Victoria av.EastHam E
land road, South Woodford Wiseman Miss, Great Stambridge, Wooder Reuben,6 Brisbane villas, Leigh
Wilson James William, 11 Wentworth street, Rochford S.O road, Southend
road, Manor Park Wiseman Mrs. Glenmore house, East Woodhead Mrs. 14 Wellington terrace,
WilsonJ.Bancroft ho.Gt.Baddw.Chlmsfd street, Rochford S.O New road, Barking
Wilson John, Dunkirk, Debden road, Wiseman 1\'Irs. 28 St.John's rd.Southend Woodhouse A. 23 Durham rd.Manor Pk
Saffron Walden Wiseman William, Owencliffe, Milton Woodhouse James, Billingford house,
Wilson John, The Firs, Woodford road, avenue, East Ham E Grove road, Woodford
South Woodford Wisken E. H. Gold st. Saffron Walden Woodgate Rev. Philip Baker, 2 Fairy·
Wilson Jobn,Leaden Roothing,Chelmsfd Witham Charles Thomas,I Dollmartons, croft ter. Audley rd. Saffron Walden
Wilson Jn. 62 Longbridge rd. Barking Rayleigh S.O Woodgate John J.P. Little Bentley ball,
Wilson Miss, Clavering, Newport S.O Witherby Rev. Robert Hale, The Bun- Colchester
Wilson Miss, High street,Saffron Walden galow, Little Baddow, Chelmsford W ooding W. H. Latchett rd.Sth. Woodfrd
Wilson Misses, Hazelmere, Carnarvon Witherick Alfred, 34 Third avenue, Woodham William, Verandah cottage,
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Manor Park Alresford, Colcbest3r
Wilson Mrs. Ada, Albert road, Ilford Witherington Henry, Rookstone, Fair- Woodhouse Robert J.P. Longmead,
WilsonMrs.Cliff ho.Mistley,Manningtree field road, Woodford Green Writtle, Chelmsford
Wilson Mrs. 4 Langthorne terrace, Ash- Withers Henry, I Ann's villas, West Woodhouse Robert, Orford house,Ugley,
burnham road, Southend Grove road, Snake's lane, W dfrd. Grn Bishop's Stortford
Wtlson Mrs. T. C. Marks Tey,Colchester Withers Mrs. 2 Ann's villas, West Grove Woodiwiss Edwin Sydney, Hill place,
Wilson Mrs. 3 Millfields villas, Sprathall road, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Upminster, Romford
road, Wanstead NE Withers W. Wroxham, Park st. Sthend Woodley Jas. A. I7 Thorold rd. Ilford
Wilson Mrs. 3 Mornington villas, High Witney James H. Queen Anne villas, Woodmansee Arthur, I Lincoln villas,
road, Woodford Wells, Woodford Grn Whitegate road, Southend Cleveland road, South Woodford
Wilson T. Carlisle ho.Carlisle rd.Romfrd Witney Mrs. London road, Braintree Woodroffe Hugh, High Lees, Hermon
Wilson Thomas Charlton, Kingsland vil. Witney Mrs. 10 Park road, Southend hill, Wanstead NE
Grove road, Woodford Witney William Jesse, I St. Thomas Woodroffe Hugh Bishop, Tudor lodge,
Wilson Thomas Draper, Arctic ter.l\'Iag- villas, Maybank road, South Woodfrd Sylvan road, Wanstead NE
dalen green, Great Clacton, Colchestr Wittey George C. 8 Elstow terrace, Woodroffe Wm. The Elms,Wdfd.Bridge
Wilson Thos. R. Wethersfield, Braintree Creffield road, Colchester Woodroffe Jas. Abbey field, Colchester
Wilson Tom Hay, Crawcrook, Endlebury Wittey Henry, 1 Beverley rd. Colchester Woodrow Mrs. Cromer villa, Warley
road, Chingford Witz Mrs. Rosslyn, Claremont grove, road, Brentwood
Wilson Wm. R. 26 Thorold road, Ilford Snake's lane, Woodford Green Woods Rev. George, Cooks Mill green,
Wilson William George, Haselmere, Wix Edwin Waiter, High street,Dunmw Highwood, Chelmsford
Milton avenue, East Ham E W olff Ed ward, Rodens villa, Cbingford Woods Arthur Thomas Gunnel!, Rich-
Wilstead R.Elm grn.Danbury,Chelmsfrd road, Chingford mond villa, Crown street, Brentwood
Wilton Frank Joseph, 4 Carlton road, Wolseley-Lewis Herbert L.R.C.P.Lond. Woqds Bernard,Danbury house,Pilgrims
Manor Park Asylum, Claybury, Woodford Bridge Hatch, Brentwood
WiltshireJoseph,uBeverley rd.Colchestr Wolton Miss, The Chestnuts, Stansted Woods Francis Edward, 3 Rose villas,
WiltshireMrs.Mary,sCarlyle rd.~IanorPk Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Seward's End road, Saffron Walden
Winch William, Mulberry green, Harlw Womack William Thomas, 64 North Woods G. F. 6 Carlyle viis. Manor Park
WinchesterJohn,3 High street, Walton- Station road, Colchester Woods H. L. 39 Albany rd. Manor Park
on-the-Naze R.S.O Womersley Albert, The Lodge. New Woods Mrs.6 Cliff rd.Dovercourt.Hrwch
Windle Rev. John M.A., J.P. Horndon- Wanstead, Wanstead, South Wdfrd Woods Rt. 26 Clarence rd. Manor Park
on-the-Hill, Grays Womersley Pelham B. Lynmead, New Woods Thomas M. Carisbrooke house,
Windsor F. D.,l\I.A. Felstead,ChelmsfrC:. Wanstead, Wanstead Maybank road, South Woodford
Windsor Mrs. The Limes, Warley road, Wontner Russell, Little Oakley hall, Woods William, 2 Clement's road, Ilford
Brentwood Little Oakley, Harwich Woods W .sShakespeare vls.High st.Grays
Windus John William, Church hill, Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding J.P. Woodward Alfred Joseph, Red Oaks,
Theydon Garnon, Epping Nithsdale house, Ingatestone Theydon Bois, Epping
W~ndus John Willia~, Eppin~ WoodR~v. William HughM.A. Ramsey, WoodwardC.W.38:Mildmayrd.Chelmsfd
Wmdus Mrs.II Addtsonrd."\\ansteadNE Harwich · Woodward F.S.Leyfields,Rayne,Brntree
WoodwardFredc.22 Rawstorn rd.Clchstr" Wright Geo. 102 Carlyle rd. ManorPark Wynyard-Warner Mrs. The Lodge, Mes-
Woodward Fredk.2rLexden rd.Colcbestr Wrigbt George Henry, Earlham villa, sing, Kelvedon
Woodward John, Seaton .house, Forest Plasbet grove, East Ham E Wytbe Waiter Henry, Brooklands, West;
drive, Manor Park Wright George Lucas, Coombe cottage, Bergholt R.S. 0
Woodward John A. G. Silver cloud, Pier Warley, Romford WytbesErnestJames,Copped hall,Eppng
avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wright Isaac, 2 Claremont villas, Vie- Yardley Henry B. Belmont, Albert road
Woodward Miss, Earls Colne, Halstead toria road, Romford south, Buckburst Hill
Woodward Mrs. Rayne street, Braintree Wrigbt Jas. 6 Salisbury villas, Latchett Yates GeorgeJames "M.A.Grange,Green-
Woodward Stepben, Chandler's house, road, South Woodford stead green, Halstead
Earl's Colne, Halstead Wrigbt James Frank, Seward's End Yates HenryS. B. 23 Bedford rd. Ilford
Woolard Benjamin, 45 Tborold rd.Ilford road, Saffron Walden Yates Mrs. Erin villa, Epping New road,
Woolnough Robert B. 7 Bedford gardens, Wrigbt John, 14 Grove rd. Wanstead NE Buckhurst Hill
Barking lane, Ilford Wright John, Whitta road, Manor Park Yeomans Frnk.47 Meanley rd. Manor Pk
Wooldridge George, Rose-~eath, Bea- Wright Miss, Chappel, Halstead Yerbury Walter,67 Head street,Halstead
consfield av-enue, Colchester Wrigbt Miss, Forest, Snaresbrook NE Yglesias Miguel, Crows, High st.Epping
Woolfe Frederick, Elm house, High Wrigbt Miss, Mill bill, Harlow Yonge Rev. Denys Nelson B. A. Vicarage,
road, Lough ton S. 0 Wright Miss, Wicken Bonant, Bishop's Boreham, Chelmsford
Woollings Henry, . 1 Trinity avenue, Stortford York Mrs. 23 Rawstorn road, Colchester
West cliff, Southend Wrigbt Miss S. 17 I.exden rd. Colcbestr Yorke Brig.-Gen. Pbilip, Roden house,
Woosnam Chas. Clovelly, Southchurcb Wright Mrs. 49 Crouch st. Colchester Shenfield, Brentwood
road, Southend Wright Mrs. 6 Head street, Colchester Young C. T. Eden vale, Grove hili,Wdfd
Wooton Mrs. Exel lodga, High road, Wrigbt Mrs. 5 Marine parade, Dover- Young E. Albion lo. Station rd. Chiugfrd
Loughton S. 0 court, Harwich Young George, 2 George's villas, Princes
Wordley James, Goodwin house, Frin- Wright Mrs. Melville rd. Rainham S.O road, Buckhurst Hill
ton-on-Sea, Colchester Wright Mrs. Museum st.Saffron Walden Young George Howard, Victoria place,
Words William, 2 Clement's road, Ilford Wrigbt Mrs. Seward's End road,Saffron Loughton S.O
Wormald Matt. gGladstonerd.Colchestr Walden Young Henry, Larksball farm, Cbing-
Wormell Mrs.Hill bo.Netteswell,Harlow Wright Mrs.Jobn,Prospect house, Tylers ford Hatch, Chingford
WormellRichd.Beaumont,Roydon,Ware green, North Weald, Epping Young Hy. Wm. 51 :Militaryrd.Colchstr
Worraker Robert, Heybridge, Maldon Wrigbt Natbaniel Ernest, 2 Jubilee viis. Young John, Coggesball road, Braintree
Worrall Capt. T. 5 Maldon rd.Colchester North road, Prittlewell, Southend YoungJ. Guilford lo. Queen's rd.Brntwd
Worrin Hastings, Bourcbiers, Little Wrigbt Richd. Springwell,SaffronWaldn Young John, 1 Lauretta villas, Third
Dunmow, Chelmsford Wright Robert, 11 Elm villas, Southend avenue, Manor Park
Worrin Misses, Gobions green, Great Wright Samuel, Langham Wick, Lang- YoungJobnBishop,Sandyhurst,Cogges-
Leighs, Chelmsford ham, Colchester ball road, Braintree
Worrin Percy John, Grange house, Wright T. May viis. Victoria rd. Romfrd Young Joseph, 12 Wellington terrace,
Little Dunmow, Chelmsford Wright Wm. 96 Durham rd.Manor Park New road, Barking
Worringham Charles, Roding house, Wright William, Lawn house, Chadwell Young Jsph. sen. 145 St.Ann's rd.Brkng
Clevelandroad, South Woodford Heath R.S.O YoungJsph.jun.147St. Ann'srd.Brkng
Worringham William, Dernecleuch, Wright Wm. A.B. 11 Rutland rd. Ilford Young Miss, High street, Dunmow
Grove park, Wanstead NE Wright William Henry, The Firs, High Young Miss M. Causeway, Dunmow
Worsley Maj.-Gen. George Francis R.A. road, Lougbton S.O Young Mrs.Craig Millar,Grove rd.Wdfd
Old house, Great Horkesley,Colchestr Wright William Henry,Oakburn,Epping Y Mrs. Fryers, Bradford street.
Wortman G. 17 Carlyle rd. Manor Park New road, Buckhurst Hill Boc Braintree
Worton Miss, Stansted Mountfitchet, Wright William Osborne David,Chelmer Young M. B. North st.Rocbfd.S.O
Bishop's Stortford lodge, Duke Street fields, Chelmsford Young Samuel, Mulberry green, Harlow
WortsC.J.Fordhamlo.Fordham,Colcbstr Wroe Mrs. 5 Pier crescent, Walton-on- Young Thomas, 9 First aven. Manor Pk
Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity street,Colchestr Naze R.S.O Young Waiter, Ivanhoe, St. Paul's road,
Worts Stanley E. 5 Trinity st. Colcbestr Wroughton Thomas Coleman, Wangey Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Wraith Lawrence Hargreaves,Ingatestn house, Cbadwell Heath R.S.O Young William, Essex street, Southend
Wren Thomas James, 1 Verandah ter- Wyatt Charles Sydney, Lee road, Dover- Young W. 14 Tennysonaven. Ea. HamE
race, St. Mary's road, llford court, Harwich Youngman Alfred Buswell, Kelvedon
Wright Rev. Augustus Robert Bingham Wyatt FrederickAugustus,Moatcottage, Youngman David, 1o2Ripple rd.Barkng
M.A. Vicarage, Stebbing, Chelmsford Heybridge, Maldon Youngman Miss Harriet, Kelvedon
WrigM Rev. Benjamin M.A. Sandon, Wyatt William Andrew, Grant villa, 20 Youngs Robert, 48 Militaryrd.Colchestr
Chelmsford St. Paul's road, Barking Ziegele Alfred, Wanstead villa, New
Wright Rev. Charles, High st. Epping Wyeth Miss,3West Cliff villas, West Cliff, Wanstead, Wanstead NE
Wright Alfred, 79 Bedford road, Ilford Southend Ziegele Aug. Little Friday hill, Cbingfd
Wright Alfd. TheLodge,Soutb st.Romfrd Wykes Mrs. Sunnyside, Grove park, ZiegeleO.Lyndhurst,Crescent rd. Chngfd
Wright Arthur H.Connaughtrd.Chingfd Wanstead NE Zilles Henry, 39 Buxton road, Chingfrd
Wrigbt Benjamin, Epping Forest house, Wyles Mrs. Melrose, Cambridge park, Zillhardt Jule!!, Essex villa, Tavistock
New road, Woodford Wanstead NE road, South Woodford
Wright Frank, 128 Maldon rd.Colchestr Wylie Mrs. 30 Hamlet road, Chelmsford Zuber Chas. 13 Cambridge rd. Barking
Wright Fredk.76 Third aven. ManorPark Wyncoll Francis Henry, 95 North Station Yull Alfred, Clatterfoot End house, Fy-
WrigbtFredk.J.27 Durham rd.ManorPk road, Colchester field, Ongar S.O
Wrigbt George, The Laurels, Hadleigb, Wyncoll Thos. E. 49 East st. Colchester Zimmerman Henry, Oxford house,Rom-
Rayleigh S.O WynneAlfd.Hy.25St.John'srd.Southend ford road, Manor Park


ABYSSINIAN TUBE WELLS Agents-Business Jackson Waiter (for J. & H. Girling),
(NORTON:s PA~ENT). . Norman W. G. & Son, 62 &; 64 Bark- Ongar S.O . .
LeGrand & Sutchff (artesian well eng1- ing road, Canning Town E. & Town London Parcels Delivery. Co. Lim,
neers), 125 Bnnhill row, London E.C Hall chambers, 29 Broadwy.Strtfd. E (<!eorgeTurner, agent), Tiiburydock,
ACCOUNTANTS. Westgate Frederick, Public hall,South Tilbury S.O
Marked thus :1: are Fellows of the Society of street, Romford Pag-e Arthur Robert, Orwell road,
.Accountants & Auditors. Clacton-on-Sea
Marked thus t is an .Associate. Agents-Coal. Pickford & Co. (Joseph William Sadd,
tAtkins Ellis Charles F.S.A. Trinity ho. Bush Thos. Romford rd. Manor park agent), 131 High street, Colchester
Queen st. Brightlingsea, Colchester Edmondson John, Bedford villa, Rom- Sutton & Co. (C. L. Mead), 8 Crouch
Earber James, 57 High st. Colchester ford road, Manor park • street, Colchester; (Leo ~ames Pen·
Eradley Wm. 47 Wellesley rd. Colchstr Finch Emile George, Milton avenue, dle, agent), qal_r yard, High street,
tBryan James Gosnell .A.S.A.A. 51 East Ham E Halstead; (W_Ilham Randall Blowers,
Castle road, Colchester Hingston John, George lane, Woodford agent), 35 High street, Maldon; &
Chenery Cecil,13 Sir Isaac's wlk.Clcbstr Hyam Fdk. Wm. 35 Maldon rd. Clchstr (Charles Bagger), George street,
Cottee John William, 22 South Prim- Murfet Henry John, Bures Hamlet, Saffron Walden
rose hill, Chelmsford Bures R.S.O
Cutcbey Christopher George, Oak vn.. Pattison Wltr. E. 27 High st. Halstead Agents-General. .
High road, Buckhurst hill S.O Richardson Thomas, 5 Bartbolomew Barnard Bros. head office, High .st.
Davies Samuel Thomas, Witham villas, High road, Lougbton Newport. S.O. Ess~x; depots, High
Dunn Wm. Katharine rd. East Ham E Scopes Harry, 14 Carlhm road, Manor st. & Rrulway statiOn,. Saffron 'Yal-
tGentry.Arthr.Fredk.'rownHall,Colchstr park E den; Audley End railway sta_hon,
HerringRt.Belle vue.Endlbry.rd.Chngfd Thurgood James, Takeley, Chelmsford Wendens .Ambo; Elsenham & Little-
Hollaway Henry, Colchester . . bury
Horne Robert, 23 Straight rd. Lexden, Agents-Comm1ss1on.
Colchester .Aprile Joseph, Ballingdon, Sudbury, Agents-House, Land & Estate.
HulmeAlfd.E.5 NewLondon rd.Chlmsfd Suffolk .Abrey & Gardner Witham
Luckin James F.C.A. Bank chambers, Fuller Charles, Rayne road, Bocking, Appleton John s~muel Central estate
New street, Chelmsford Braintree . office, 4a, Broadway,' Manor park
Mace Thomas, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Haiden Edward Harry, Sible Hedmg- Balls James Mayhew & Robert Balls,
Mansell George Frederick, St. Mary's ham, Halstead Castle Hedingham, Halstead
chambers, 10 Church st. nth. Colchstr Harvey Robert, Grove road, Grays Barnden Elisha, Cliff house, Walton-
Marvin Edwin James, Ingatestone Thurrock, Grays · on-the-Naze R.S.O
OwersFnk:Howard,78 Duke st.. Chlmsfrd Lester Jas. 8 Butt road, Colchester. Barton Alfred, Bowyer villa, Romford
PolleyDav1d A.C.A. 18 Duke st.Chlmsfrd Mercer George, George street, HarwiCh Beard Ernest Stanley,Headgate,Clchstr
PorterA.&Co.6NewLondon rd.Chlmsfrd Palmer Edward Newman, 25 Broom- Biddell George, 2 Oak villas, Sherfield
Porter Henry E. W. 3} New rd. Grays fi~ld roa~ •. Chelm~ford road, Grays Thurrock, Grays
tShortWltr.Hercules,o2North hl.Clchstr Pavitt William, Hill crest, Stansted Brooke John William The Limes
Spurgeon & Son, 3_2 High street, Maiden Mo_untfitchet, Bi~bop's Stortford Mistley, Manningtree' '
Taylor Fred. 73 H1gh street, Chelmsford Rawlms J oli.n Friend Palmer, East Brow ne Philip Great Hallingbnr.y
W~ite Wm.Chs.10Church st.nth.C}chstr Horndon & Heron g!lte, Brentwood Bishop's Stortford '
Wills Robert, 1\'Iarket hi. Saffron Walden Shead Hy. Newell, Wnttle, Chelmsford Cheke Richard &; Co. Beaconsfield ho.
Willsher. F~ank, 67 Duke st. Chelmsford Smith, Birch cot. Birch, Clchstr Romford road, Manor park
Wood W1llmm Carter, Rochford S.O Clear Albt. Prime, 70 High st. Maldon
Yerbury Waiter, 67 Head st. Halstead Agent-C.oncert & Enter- Cobham Charles AS I F SI
ta1nment · · ·• · · •
ADVERTISING CONTRACTR. . . . Shakespeare villas, High street,
Driver .Albert, 24 Tindall st. Chelmsfd Spaldmg Fred, 4 High st. Chelmsford Grays Thurrock, Grays
AERATED FLOUR MANUFRS. Agent-Corn. Cockett & ~enderson, George lane,
Coomb's Eureka .Aerated Flour Co.Lim. South Woodford
Stanford street Nottingham Porter John, Sewards End rd. Saffron Cottis Joseph 30 Orsett road, Gray&
' 1Valden '
See Soda Water &c. Manufacturers. Agent-Emigration, Craske & Sons, 35a, Head street,
AERATED WATER MA CHIN- Chenery Cecil, 13Sir Isaac's wlk. Clchstr Cressy
omas .Alf d
re , Th C d
e e ars,
ERY MANUFACTURERS.. Agent-Fina.nciaL Colne road Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Tyler (HatywatrdL) &dCo. E9oC& 92 White- Shrimpton Caleb, 31 Salisby. rd. Clchstr Curtis George, Billericay
llross 8 ree • on on · Darby .Alfred, 97 High st. Chelmsford
AGENTS. Agents-Forwarding. Davey Theo. & Co. 2 Western road &
Brown John, Railway station, Tilbury Crown chambers, South street, Rom-
Agen · lane, Southend ford. See advertisement
(S~e also Ale & Porter Mers. & .Agts.) Bull George, Billericay Dennis Wm.Rbt. Romford rd.Manor pk
Bland T. Elsey, The Friary, Maldon Chalenor Ernest Guy, 2 Kingston viis. Dowsett Thomas, High street & .Alex-
Coote John (for Romford brewery), Victoria. road, Romford ander stre!lt, Sontheud
Witham Davis A. B. High street, Epping Duke Edwin George Hide, 7 Elm viis.
Filby William (for Charrington, Nicholl Deal.Alfrd. Tho r e-le-Soken, Colchester Avenue road, Southend
& Co.), Wantz road, Maldon Fuller Thomas, The Park, Brightling- Eversfield George, Sewardstone street,
Fuller George (for Daniell & Sons' sea, Colchester Waltham Abbey
Breweries Limited), Heybridge, Mal- Great Eastern Railway Co. receiving Fenn & Co. 146 High street, Colchester
don. See advertisement office for parcels,19 Head st. Clchstr & The Hall, .Ardleigh
Hayes Thomas (for .Allsopp's Burton Green William, 32 King Quay street, Fuller Charles & Sons, Station road,
ales), 3 Market hill, Maldon Harwich Loughton & at Buckhurst Hill
Peacocke George, Tillingham, South- Halstead William Henry, 7 Station rd. Fuller Charles, Headgate auction
minster S.O Dovercourt, Harwich rooms, Colchester
Pudney William (to Daniell & Sons' Hayes Thomas, 3 Market hill, Maldon Gilders Bros.; offices, Station road,
Breweries Limited), LondDn rDad, Hipkin Chas. Matthew, Walton-on-tbe- Clacton-on-Sea. See advertisement
Southend. See advertisement Naze R.S.O Gillingham William George, Frinton-
Wright David James, Wintersteet cot- Howard Josepb Benjamin, G.E.Rlwy. on-Sea, Colchester
!age, London road, Maldon station, Southend Glenny Samuel, 65 East street, Barking

Godwin Isaac William; offices, Chapel Stimson & Sons, 8 Moorgate street AGRICULTURAL MACHINE
street, Colchester E. C. & 2 New Kent road London S.E OWNERS.
G~n Henry Lainson, 18, 19 & 145 Turner Alex. H. & Co. 199 Piccadilly, Marked thus tare Steam Plough Owners:
High street, Colchester. See advert London W; & at Guildford, Wey- Marked thus • are Thrashing Machine
Hall James, 4I Orsett road, Grays bridge, Reading & Tunbridge Wells Owners.
Thurrock, Grays (&auctioneers) *Ardley William, Aylward's farm, Gos-
Haltridge John Railway bridge, A ents M eh. field, Halstead
Brentwood ' g - a lnery. *Arthy Mrs. Eliza, Brook st. Brentwood
Hardy J. & Son, 15 I High st. Colchstr Dupont &Son,BuresHamlet,BuresR.S.O :Bishop Fredk. SibleHedin~ham, Halstd
Barman John Herbert, Marine parade, Agents-Manure. Blyth John,Tollesh:untKrughts,Kelvedn
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O *Blyth Samuel ~ilham, Ingatestone
H Ed d F t l\I h Dupont & Son,BuresHamlet,BuresR.S.O Brown James Kirby Colchester
asrve-,11 dwawr It ors er,h eNrsea RouSseO, Petts Edward Waiter (for Lawes' Chemi- Brown J Gall~ywood' commn Chelmsfrd
av1 e r . a on-on·t e- aze . . ea1 Manure c o. L"tmi"t ed) , The Chest- *Butcher· William Toppesfield· Halstead
Hobday George, Mark e t p lace, R om f ord ts N L0 d d Ch Im f d ' '
Howe Edwin, 39 Maldon road, Colchestr Thnu b • d ~wS ". o~roa p e s ~ta *.Byford Cornelius, Spital road, Maldon
Huxter Adolphus William, Station road, t~o a1 d .onsd, o t ce,G asds_enRge~l : *Coe Joseph, Gestingthorpe, Halstead
_ -S R s 10". yar • epo • 00 :. ai waJ *Cole Alien Charles, Low street ·west
Clac to n on ea · · 0 statton Chelmsford · '
Jackson Danl. T. jun. 8 1 Axe st. Barkng ' . . Tilbury, Tilbu~· S:O
Joscelyne Henry, 62 High st. Braintree Agents-Shippmg. *Cole Thomas, BrlleriCay.
Kemp-Smith Jame1 Fredk. Orsett S.O Knight Josaph, IO King street, :\Ialdon Cook Henry, 2 Bedford villas, Rosemary
Kemsley Joseph William F.S. I. Snake's Read & Co High street, Grays road, Clacton-0~-Sea R.S.O
lane (near station), Woodford Green; United (The) Steamship Company's *Cooke Mrs. E. LrttleYeldham,Halstead
& Corn exchange, High st. Romford Agency (Tegner, Price & Co.), Parke- Co~Wm.H.Elms,GreatCanfield,Dunmw
Kingston John, George lane, Woodford ston quay, Parkeston, Harwich *DICkson & Co ..~hopland, Rochford S:O
Natzler Samuel, Curd villa Plashet lane, A t T tDownham Phthp, Park house, Chrrs-
East Ham E ' gen s- ea. hall, Royston
Newman T. H. & Son 5 1 High street Delson J. 112 Low. Railwayst.Braintree *Drage Henry Thos. Chrishall Royston
Braintree ; & at Ra)~ne ' Geldart Francis, 5 Rose villas, Seward's Drake l\Irs. Kate, Felstead, Chelmsford
Nockolds::.\LF.S.I.Churchst.SaffronWldn End road, Saffron Walden *Foster Edmund. Lockley's farm, Hat-
Norman W. G. & Son, 62 & 64 Barking AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS field, Harlow
road, Canning Town E; & Town Hall . . · Goode Edwin,Elmdon Lodge farm,Elm-
chambers, 29 Bro:.tdway, Stratford E See Engmeers-AgriCultural. don, Saffron Walden
Nu~n. Joshua, Ashingdon, Rochfrd. S.O AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- Gree~ John Abrahm. South Benfleet S.O
Offin f.W.Rochford 8.0; & at Rayleigh MENT AGENTS. *Josh~ &<!room,Mountne3smg,Brentwd
Offin Thomas William, jun. Rochfrd.S.O *Keelmg Fredk.RamsdenCrays,Brentwd
Oldaker J. B. 1 Queen's ter. High rd.Ilfd Ba~on H~rry J ames, The Gore, Great *~eepMiss S. Gladwins frm. Roydn. Ware
Page George Henry, Trinity chambers, Stambndge, Rochford S.O Ktrby Henry Wm. Spital road, Maldon
Culver street, Colchester Blanks Robert, Steeple, Maldon •. *Leatherdale Cornelius, Manuings farm,
PhilpotFrederick James,x Grange villas, Bro~n G_e~rge, Great Brax.ted, "\\ rtham White Colne, Halste<J.d
High road, Ilford Cottrs_Wrlliam & ~ous, Epprng. See advt *LeatherdaleG.Rose grn.Chappel,Halstd
Portway & Brown, 61 High st. Braintree Hawkms Henry Thomas, Heath, Hat-· *LeatherdaleJephtha,GreatTey,Kelvedn
Riches Robert, High st. Wanstead NE J ~eld, HHarlobw F D b d *Leeder Thos. W.Richmond's, Thaxted,
Rodd Sidney, 16 Duke street, Chelmsfrd 0 ~son er ert · e c1enroa ,Saffron Dunmow
RodwellJ ames~Iedows, Dedham,Colchstr \'\ alden . *Mar~in, ~lackmore,Ingatestone
Rogers James, 6 High street, l\Ialden Orttewell & Son, 35 Hrgh street, Maiden Partndge Benpmm,New Bergholt R.S.O
Roynon John, South street, Romford Pertwee & Co. Bo~eh~m, Chelmsford *Pearce John James, Stanley rd. Ilford
Salter William, Market place, Harwich Raven. Edward, Kmg 8 . r?ad, Halstead *Raudall Waiter, Cuppers farm, Witham
Sexton & Grimwade,Head st.Colchester; Spu~gm Mrs. Mary, Trlhngham, South- t*Raven Edward, King's road, Halstead
& at Hadleigh, Suffolk & Ipswich mn~ster ~- <? *Rayment Geo.Sible Hedingham,Halstd
Simkin W. R. ; otlice & show-rooms Suckhng Wilha~ Joseph, Steeple Bump- *Rogers Dvd. Wm.GreatOakley,Harwich
North hill; depository, North Statio~ .~t~d, Haverhill (Su_ffolk) . *Simmons Horatio & Harry, Little
road, Colchester "\\ rlhams & Co. I 52 High. street; tmple- Clacton, Colchester
Smith Step hen Sydney, I Colne villas, ment warehouse, ''est Stockwell *Smith Arthur, Great Totham, Witham
Come road, Lexden," Colchester .~t~eet, Colchester . . *Smith Brian, Kelvedon
Spurgeon & Son, 32 High street, Maldon Wrlhs. Walte~, Great Lerghs, Bramtree; *~mith William, ~erling, Witham
Stanford Charles )1aurice,23 High street, & Ltttle Lmghs, Chelmsford *::Symes Waiter, Htgh Laver, Ongar
Colchester AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- *Thorne J.GreatStambridge,Rochfd.S.O
Stewart & Bon Bernard, 28 Alexandra MENT MANUFACTURERS. *Whalley George, Rayleigh S.O
street, Southend Belcher John Argent, Bridge house, *White Samuel, Stock, Ingatestone
Stuck John Fairlight, Brewery road, Sandon, Chelmsford *Woods Fre:lerick, Sharrington house,
So?thend Bendall O.Lawford iron wks.Manngtree ,w~rley r~ad, B~entwood
Surridge & Son, Coggeshall Bentall E. H. & Co. Heybridge, Maldon; ~ornnHastmgs,LittleDunmow,Chlmsfd
Surridge Jsph. S. Abbey view,Coggeshall agricultural implement & machme
Sworder Hugh F.S.I. High st. Epping makers AIR PROPELLER MANFRS.
Symondson George, Upshire hall, Wal- Blyth C. S. Ra~e,_ Braintree Blackman Ventilating Co. Limited, 63
tham Abbey. See advert Blyth Samuel Wtlham, Ingatestone Fore street London E c
Talbot & Whit-e, 24 High street,Southnd Brand Frederick, Elmdon,SaffronWaldn Wing's D"sc
Taylor Fred, 73 High street, Chelmsford Canham Thomas, Weeley, Colchester
1 Fan
F. ,V.
Potter& Co.
Phipp st. London
Taylor Fred, 5 High street, Plaistow E Coleman & Morton, London road iron
TownsendJ.Mowden hall,Hatfld.Witham works, New London road, Chelmsford E. C. ; for venti·
Tyler & Son ; auction rooms, ·Head Cottis William & Sons, Epping. See advt i~~:. re:~~:g'
street, Halstead; & Coggeshall road, Dendy w. & Co. Union Ioundry,Horn-
Braintree, & Bocking church, Romford ; depot, South street, steam, dust 0 or
Vaizey John G. Gre..1.t square, Braintree Romford f u m es ; m r e
Walden Alfred, Little Yeldham, Halstd Downs King, Gestingthorpe, Halstead easily fitted &
Warren Henry, 3 Parkestone villas, Dupont &Son,BuresHamlet,BuresR.S.O uses less power
Dovercourt, Harwich Gentry Alfred, Great Totham, Witham t~an anh other
Welch J. M. Dunmow Hunt R. & Co. Atlas works, Earl's Colne, air prope er
Westgate F.Public hall, South st. Romfrd Halstead
Weymouth Joseph, 17 High street,Grays Joslin H. & G. 108, 1og & 140 & 145 ALE & PORTER MERCHANTS
Thurrock, Grays. See advert High street; Maidenburg street & & AGENTS.
Wood Frank J. 49 Alexandra st. Sthend stand, 47 New Corn market, Colches- (See also Agents-Brewers'.)
YoungThom~, 20 Broadway & 9 Linton ter; & stand 98 Corn ma;ket, Ipswch Bland T. Elsey, The ~riary, Maldon
road, Barkmg Maldon Iron Works Co. Limited (J. C. Brooks W. & Sons, Mistley, Manningtree
Float, manager), Fullbridge, Maldon & at Colchester
B~l & M:yrtle, 20Regent st.Lon~lonS.W Saville Charles, ~illwell iron works, Cash Supply Stores (John Edw. Ro5E1
Elhoti, Son & Boyton (&auctiOneers), Sewardstone, Chingford prop.),High st. Walton-on-Naze R.S.O
_6 V ere st~eet, Oxford street, J,ondon W Stanford & Co. High street, Colchester Daniell & Sons' Breweries Limited(Wm.
Gtddy & Giddy,_ 121 Pall mall, ~ondon Wedlake T. W. ~ eo. Hornchurch James Pointing,sec.), Ca:.tle brewery,
S. W; & at Matdenhead & Sunmngdale Iron works, White House, Horn- Colchester ; & at West Bergholt. See
Hampton & Sons, I Cockspur street, church, Romford ; & Corn Exchange, advertisement
Pall mall, London S. W Romford Fitch Samuel, Stonards, Epping

ALE & PORTER MERS. & AGENTS-con. APARTMENTS. Blanks Mrs.Rayne rd.Bocking,Braintree
Fuller George (sole agent for Dauiell & . Bloomfield Charles, I Myrtle villas,
Sons' Breweries, Limited), Heybridge, I (See also Boardmg Houses.) Rosemary rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Maldon. See advertisement Abbot Mrs. Mary Ann, I West avenue, Bloomfield Noah, Hamilton ho. Colne
Gale George, The Quay, Burnham S.O. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
See advertisement Addis Mrs. Elizabeth, Hartwell cottage, BloomfieldR.Manr.rd.U.Doverct.Hrwch
Goody & Son, South street, Manningtree Castle road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Bloomfield William, I Essex: villas, St.
Greene, King & Sons Limited,St. Peter's Addison Miss Emily, 4 Castle road,Cbc- Osyth road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
street, Colchester ton-on-Sea R.S.O Badger Miss Ada,sAlexandra vils.Sthend
Household Supply Stores (The), 16 High Adlington Fre:lerick, IO Beach street, Bolingbroke Samuel Henry, 10 Anchor
street, Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O villas, Old rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Lawrence Miss J. Station rd. :\Iauor Park Alderton Mrs.32 King's Head st.Harwich Bolton Mrs.Mary A. 12 Clifton ter.Sthend
Lay & Wheeler, 10 High st. Colchester Allan ~Ii'ls Agnes, I Seaford vils. Harold Bolton Wm. Cliff Town par. Southend
Miller Jsph. Hy.39 St. Botolph st.Clchstr road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Bone Henry Joseph, I Archdale villas,
Oliver Brothers (David James Wright, Allaway Charles, 16 Stanley rd.Southnd Rosemary rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
agent; res. Wintersleet cottage, Lon- Alien Robt Jsph. 15 Brewery rd.Southnd Borrett Fkd.Lee rd.Dovercourt,Harwicb
don road), Maldon Allison ::\Irs.l\1. 3 Devereux ter.Southend Borrowdale Mrs. Henrietta Jane, 24
PascallGeo. Wm.46&47High st.Chelmsfd Almond Albert James, Linden villa, Cambridge terrace, Southend
Pettit S. Post office,Station rd. Chingford Grov~ road, Clacton-on-Sea R. S. 0 Bost Paul, Red Rose villa, Rosemary
StarlingW.&N.Church st.SaffronWalden AnsellMrs.E. Paragn.ho.Aven.rd.Sthend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Stowers Samuel ,V. Bradwell-juxta- Appleby William, Charlton villa, Agate BourneMrs.Kemsey,13Stauly.rd.Sthend
Mare, Southminster S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Bowden Henry, 4 Cliff villas, Cliff road,
Tabrum & Jones, 40 & 4I High street; Archer Mrs. E. 4 South crescent, Wal- Dovercourt, Harwich
Culver street& Lion walk, Colchester. ton-on-Naze R.S.O Box John, 4 Eugene villas, Saville road~
See advertisement ArgentMrs.Sarah,19Trinity sq.Halstead Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Titchmarsh Arthr.King st.Saffron Waldn Armitage Thomas, 62 New road, Grays Boyle Mrs. Annie, so West st. Harwich
Veitch Wm.J.LaurieTown hall,Romford Thurrock, Grays Boyles Thos. IO Crouch st. Colchester
Armstrong Mrs. Laura Charlotte, Gras- Bradley Mrs.Elizth.I Hill vils.Leigh S.O
Foster M. B. & Sons Limited; mere, High street, Chingford BrandM.7Scott's l"ils.Low.Sthend.Sthnd
offices & home stores, 242 & 244 Ashton John, 1 Stanley road, Chingford Bridges Herbert, 18 Anchor road,.
:Marylebone road N w; export dep6t, AshtonMrs.Sarah,B Cromer rd.Southend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Victoria stores, Atkins G.8 Beach st.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O BriggsW.1Bnk.vils.Wltn.-on-NazeR.S.O
North W oolwich E AustinMrs. Elizth. 2 Scratton rd. Sthend Broad berry :Mrs. L. 2 Belmont vils. Sthend
London; Brighton AustinJamesW .OldChurch rd. Chingfrd Brooks Mrs.Elizth.6 Albert rd. Southend
branch, 131 & 132 AustinJ.SMrine.par.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O BryonE.Red ho.HighBeech,Loughtn.S.O
Queen's road. The AvesMrs. Hstr. I{St. Leonard's rd. Sthend BullRt.Martello cot. Wltn. on-NazeR.S. 0
leadmg house of Ayres"Mrs.Jane,nCli:fi Town par.Sthend BurberryA.Castle rd.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O
home & export BaconJ.4 East ter. Waltn.-on-NazeR.S.O Burch Edward, 1 May villas, New Pier
BUGLE BRAND.bottlers in the BagleyRt.6Beach st.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O street, Walton-on-the-Naze H..S.O
United Kingdom Bailey Harry, 47 King'sHeadst.Harwich Buries David, 9 Marine par. Southend
Probyn A. & Co. ale, stout, spruce & BakerJ.60xford ter.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O Hurling John, Maria villa, Wellesley
cider merchants, Baker Mrs. Maria, 5 Marine pararde, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
agents for Bass Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Burrell John, Orwellhouse, Orwellroad,.
& Co.& Guinness Baldry William, Eaton house, Marine Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0
& Co.'s stout, parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Burridge Mrs. Mary Ann, 4 Pallister
wme & spirit Banks George Henry, 4 Allandale ter- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
merchants & race, Brewery road, Southend BushC.7Anchor rd.Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O
mineral water & Barber Natbaniel, The Dutch house, Butler Geo. Paradise rd. Walthm.Abbey
draught ginger Dovercourt, Harwich Butler Jas. Lee rd. Dovercourt, Harwich
beer manufac- BarberWm. 10Victoria st. Doverct.Hrwch Butler:MissJ.4Devreux. ter.Cliff tn.Sthnd
turers ; , beer Buxton John Thomas, Lonsdale villa,
bottlers; offices Cross street, Fins- BarkerMrs.C.29Victoria st.Dvrct.Hrwch Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
bury pavement E. C ; stores, 292 Essex Barley Mrs. L. Oxfrd. vil. Gordn. rd. Sthend Campkin:Mrs. Elizh. 7 Scratton rd. Sthend
road, Islington N · refreshment con- Barnden Arthur, '3 Marine par. 'Valton- CanlerA.9Anchor rd.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O
tractors, RoyalAgricultural hall, Lndn on-the-Naze R.~.O . Canler Ambrose Ralph, Holmesdale,
Whitbread & Co. Limited (ale & porter Barnden Mrs. Ehsha, Chff house, Wal- Jackson road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
bottlers) (Robert Baker, sole agent), ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Canler Philip, 2 Anchor villas, Old road,
277 Gray's inn road, London W.C Barnes Mrs. Charlotte, 6 Everett ter- Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
race, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Cant Chas. Robt. 6 Royal ter. Southend
AMMUNITION MANUFCTRS. Barry William M. 24 Anchor road, Carruth Mrs. Enefer, 6 Anchor villas.
Joyce F. & Co. Lim. Farm hill,Waltham Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Old road, Clacton-on-Sea
Abbey - Barwick Miss Emily, I Anglesea villas, CarterJ.3 Anchor rd.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O
Joyce F. & Co. Limited, 57 Upper Marine par. we. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Cartiell Henry, 77 West street, Harwich
Thames street, London E.C Basham Frederick Wm. I Osborne viis. Cason Mrs. Caroline, Gunfteet house,
AMUSEMENT CATERER Harold rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
· . Bashman Edgar Waiter Charles, 4c Castle Alfred, I & 2 Compton house,
Cole John, Queen's road,Buckhurst Hill Victoria street, Dovercourt, Harwich Pier avenne, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
ANNATTO & RENNET MNFRS, BatesG.7Alxndr.ter.Clctn.-on-SeaR.S.O CaterMrs.Elizth.ICashioburyter.Sthend
Fullwood R. J. & Bland, I Bevenden Bates George, Kintara villa, Wellesley Cattermole Mrs. Emily, 4 Bradfield ter.
street Hoxton London N 3 road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O St. Osyth rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
' ' Bates Jeremiah, 2 May villas, New Pier Cattermole Mrs. Mary, I Clyde villas,
ANTIQUE FURNITURE DLRS. street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Beach road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Cook Arthur, Fairfield road, Braintree Bates Mrs. Laura, 5 Martello road, ChadwickMrs.J.3AbbeyGate st.Colchstr
Cook Henry, Swan street, Braintree Walton-on-t~e-Naze R.S.O ChambersMissSrh.A.9 Cliftn. ter.Sthend
Crick William, Suffolk street, Walton-on- Baxter Mrs. Eliza A. 6 York rd. Sthend Chandler Miss Ann, Norland, Castle
the-Naze R.S.O BaxterJn.60liveter.'fyler's aven.Sthend road, Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O
Howard Thomas, Earls Colne, Halstead Bayford Benjamin, Queen's rd.Southend Chandler Charles, 3 Everett terrace,
Simkin W. R. ; office & show rooms, BeatseMrs.Mary,s Scratton rd.Southend Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
North hill; depository, North Station Beeby Fredk. Jn. I2 Cromwell pl.Sthend Chandler Thomas, 2 Tower terrace~
road, Colchester BeneyMrs.Elizh.4Cashiobury ter.Stbend Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Stutter James, Earls Colne Halstead Bennett George, 23 George st. Harwich Chaplin Mtss Ann A.7Bridgest.Halstead
Watsham Samuel, Elmstead Colchester Bennett George, Napier aven. Southend Chaplin Elijah, 51 New street, Hals~ad
' Bernasconi :Frederick, Goath cottage, Chapman Alien, Inglefield, Ellis road,
ANTIQUITIES-DEALERS IN. Endlebury road, Chingford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Cater John Thos. Pelham's Ia.Colchester BesantMrs. Emily, 6 Capel ter. Sthend Chapman Mrs. Annie, 39 St. Leonards
Hildyard David Cutts, 7 High st.Colchstr Bickerton Miss Ada, 9 Beach road, road, Southend . .
Lee Hiram Mill road Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Chenery Mrs. Jane, 5 Chff VIllas, Dover-
Williment Robert Ge~rge High street & Bignell John R. 3 Britannia villas, New court, Harwich
Crown street Brentwo~d Pier st. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O 'Childs Miss E. 3 Grove ter. &uthend
ANVIL ~ VICE MAKERS Blake C. Glendale,Sea View rd.LeighS. 0 Childs George, 5 York road, Southend
· Bloom Mrs. Martin R. 2 Clifford place, Chinery William, Clift cottage, Back
Askham Bros. & WiJson Lim. Sheffield High st. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Church road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Childs Thomas, r I Stauley rd. Southend\ Day Francis B. ro Anchor road, Clacton- Gager Mrs. Sarah, Earls Colne, Halstead
Chitham Mrs. Annie, 4 Martello road, on-Sea R.S.O Gant Richd. 9 George street, Harwich
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Day Henry G. 9 Alexandra terrace, Gardiner Miss Emily, I South cliff,
Christey Mrs. Ann, 24 St. Leonard's Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Walton-on-the-NazeR.S.O
road, Southend Day Mrs. Susannah, 4 Anchor villas, Old Gardiner George, Cheltenham villa,
Christie Mrs. Maria, Ocean view, Marine road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Orwell road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Dean Mrs. The Cottage, Rosemary road, Gardner Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 Tennyson
Chudley Mrs. Charlotte, High st.Epping Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O vls.Rosemary rd.Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O
Claney Hugh, 7 Alfred terrace, Walton- Dent Mrs.Isabella, 9 Albert rd.Southend Garnett Adam, 6 Station road, Dover-
on-the-Naze R.S.O Devall Mrs.MaryA. 2 Crouchst.Colchstr court, Harwich
Clapperton Miss Margeret, 2 Prittlewell Digby Isaac, 9 Scratton road, Southend Garrod William, 7 Anchor villas, Old
square, Southend Ditch Mrs. Susannah, I Chester villas, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Clarence MissE.M. Maltese rd.Chelmsfrd Ellis road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Gatfield George, Avondale, Wellesley rd.
Clark Mrs. H. 5 Garfield rd. Chingford Dobbs Alfred, 3 Anglesea villas, Marine Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Clark James, 2 Cambridge villas, Ha yes parade west, CJacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Gibbons Miss Rachael Anne, 2 Eagle
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Dolomore Benjamin, Concrete house, terrace, Avenue road, Southend
Clark Leonard Alfred, School chase, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Gibbs Mrs. Marie, I5 Weston rd.Sthend
Tislingshill, Halstead Dove Mrs. William, 2 Martello terrace, Gifford Mrs. 1VI.4 St. Leonards rd. Sthencl
Claydon Mrs. Rebecca, IO Cliff Town Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Giles Miss Ann IS Tylers avn. Southend
parade, Southend Dowman Mrs. Martha, I Mayell villas, Glad well Henry William, 3 South cres-
ClaydonMrs.W.8 Belmont viis. Southend Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O cent, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Clayton William, I Clifton ter. Southend Downes George Charles, 2 Redbourne Glasscoe John, 26 Weston rd. Southend
Clements Mrs. Mary A. 8 Capel terrace, villas, Old road,Clacton-on-Sea R. S. 0 Glover Mrs. Ann, I Wellington rd.Hrwch
Cliff town, Southend Drury MissF.2 Cambridge vils.Southend Goodwin Charles, 37 Victoria street,
Clifford Misses Ellen & Emma, 7 Bel- Du Merton Mrs. Johanna, 3 Gordon vils. Dovercourt, Harwich
mont villas, Southend Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Goldsmith Mrs. Charlotte, 57 Crouch
CocksedgeFrdk.Bay ho.High st.Halstead Duncan Harry, I5 George st. Harwich street, Colchester
Coe Mrs. Louisa, Orchard cottage, Durham William, 4 Cambridge villas, Good Mrs. A. E. 5 Cashiobury tar-
Forest side, Chingford Hayes road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O race, Southend
Cohen Mrs. E. 5 Oxford ter. Southend Dunn George, Rosbrook cottage, Orwell Good Mrs. Seeley, I Tower terrace, Wa!-
Cohen Mrs.Keyna, 7 Capel ter.Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Cole Arthur, 3 Navarino place, Walton- Durham Mrs. Elizabeth, 5 Prittlewell Gorse Thomas, 6 Cotswold terrace,
on-Naze R.S.O square, Southend Tylers avenue, Southend
Collier Mrs. Marion, Western villas, Dwyer Mrs. Eliza, 2 Portland villas, Graham Mrs. H. 4 Prittlewell sq.Sthend
South street, Romford Station rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Graham Mrs. Jane, 3 Essex villa, St.
Cook Mrs. Lydia, 5 Highbury terrace, Eade S. 5 Pallister road, Clacton-on-Sea Osyth road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Colchester road, Halstead Eales Mrs. Kitty, Billericay Green Mrs. Annie Elizabeth, 33 Victoria
Cook W. A. Lee rd. Dovercourt,Harwich Earp Thomas, 6 Prittlewell sq. Southend street, Dovercourt, Harwich
Cook Wm. Weeley ho. Weeley ,Colchester Eaton Harry, I4 Albert road, Southend Green Mrs. Elnr. 4 Queen st. Colchester
Cooper James, 2 Wesley road, Southend Eaton Henry, I4 Scratton rd. Southend Geeen Mrs. E. 1· Maldon rd. Colchester
Cornborough William, Crouch house, Edwards William, 2 Avenuerd.Southend Green Mrs. l\hryAnn,5 Everett terrace,
Orwell road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Ellis George, Garden terrace, Harlow Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Cornell MissElizbth.29 High st.Southend EtheridgeMissAlice,2Lorne vils.Southend Green Wm. I42 Hythe Hill, Colchester
Cornwall Mrs. Myra, 7 Broomfield road, Evenden Alfred, I I Royal ter. Southend Greer John, I Rhine villas, J ackson road,
Chelmsford Evers Miss Susan Ann, Kelvedon Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Corwell Mrs. E. 9 Anchor villas, Old Fage Mrs. Rebecca, 2 Grosvenor place, Griffin Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Prospect ter-
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Lower Southend, Southend race, Lower Southend, Southend
Cox Frederick, 5 Runwell ter. Southend Fairclough Mrs. Zac. Fairfield, Jackson Grigson George, 2 Edith villas, Church
Cox Mrs. Mary, 38 Victoria street, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Dovercourt, Harwich Farley William Henry, 3 Eugene ter. Grove Harcourt, II Tylers av. Southend
Cox Thomas, 2 Archdalevillas,Rosemary Saville road,Walton-on-the-~azeR.S.O Growns John, 5 Alexandra terrace,
road, Clacton-on-Sea R. S. 0 Farthing:Mrs.E. 13Wellington rd.Harwch Cla'Cton-on-Sea R.S. 0
Cream Mrs. Emma, 2 South terrace, Fenn James, I Linton villas, Rosemary Gull Mrs. Elzth. 7 Chapel st. Colchestr
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Gumprecht Mrs.M.4Garfield st.Chngfd
Credland Mrs. Albania, 3 Eagle crescent, Field Mrs. Mary, 4 Fairycroft terrace, Hales Mrs. Hannah, Grosvenor house,
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Audley road, Saffron Walden Southchurch avenue, Southend
Crook Waiter Frederick, Tower house, Fielder James,3o King'sHead st.Harwch Harling Mrs. E.6Cashiobury ter.Sthend
Jackson road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Fielder Thomas, 4 Fernlea terrace, Main Harman Clement V. Overcliffe, Orwell
Croxford Mrs. Jane, IO Prittlewell road, Dovercourt, Harwich road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
square, Southend Fisher Albert, I Castle road, Clacton- Harper Waiter, 28Victoria street, Dover-·
CullumMrs.E. I9 St.Jobn's st.Colchestr on-Sea R.S.O court, Harwich
Cullum Mrs. George, Loretto house, Fisher Thomas King, West villa, Ellis Harris Wm. H. I2 Stanley rd. Southend
Colne road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Harrison Miss H. M. Bury rd. Harlow
Cummins Thomas, Kent villa, Grove Fitch Frederick, 3 Beach villas, Beach Hart Mrs. Ann, 2 Saville row, Walton-
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O on-Naze R.S.O
Cutter Frederick, I Northstreet,Walton- FletcherJ.TheRoyd,Dovercourt,Harwch Hart Chas. I3 St. John's rd. Southend
on-the-Naze R.S.O Flory Robert, Ferndale house, Station Hart Henry, 8 Alexandra terrace, Clac-
Cutter Henry, 6 South terrace, Walton- road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O ton-on-Sea R.S.O
on-the-Naze R.S.O Flowers S. East st. Prittlewell,Southend Harvey Mrs. Elizabeth, I & 2 Marine
Cutting George, Lorne house, Marine Forbes J. E. 3 Cliff Town par. Southend villas, The Hamlet, Southend
parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Fordham Henry, 4 Albyn terrace, Hastee John, 20 Victoria street, Dover-
Dale Mrs. Wm. 2 Wellington rd. Harwich Queen's road, Southend court, Harwich
Daniels Alfred George, Bouverie house, Forrest Mrs. Rebecca, 3 Oxford ter- Hatcher George, I Alfred terrace, Wal-
NewPier rd.Walton-on-the-NazeR.S.O race, Southend ton-on-Naze R.S.O
Daniels Joseph, 2 High street, Walton- Forshaw Mrs. William H. Harold lodge, Hatcher Henry, 3 Alfred terrace, Wal-
on-the-Naze R.S.O Church road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O ton-on-Kaze R.S.O
Daniels William, 4 Edward villas, Saville Forster Mrs. Tate, 44 West st. Harwich Havens Mrs. Julia Lingwood, 2 & 3
road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Foster Mrs. Susan, 4 Oxford terrace, 1\Iunsterter."Waltn.-on-the-NazeR.S..O
Darbyshire Hy. IO Royal ter. Southend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Hawker Mrs. Sarah, 3 Bradfield terrace,
Davall Henry, Durham house, Station Foster Mrs. Vi'illi<lm, Anglia cottage, St. St. Osyth rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Osyth road, Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Hawkins Mrs. Jane Webster, 3 Tower
Davey Miss Maggie, 6 Marine terrace, Fox Miss Mary Ann, 3 Victoria terrace, terrace, Walton-on-the-Xaze R.S.O
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Park road, Southend Haycroft Mrs. Catherine, B~airgowrie,
Davey Nehemiah, I Sta.nley villas, Hol- Freeman Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Beech road, Granville road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
land road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Haydon George, 2 Stanley ¥illas, Ho!-
Davie Mrs. E. Guithavon st. Witham Frost Wm. H. 8 Scratton rd. Southend land roa 1, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Davies Jn. Wm. 25 Albert rd. Southend Fulcher William Herbert, 22 Anchor Haye Josepb, 40 Stanley rd. Southend
Davis Samuel Forbes, I ] Cambridge ter- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Heigho Daniel, I I Scratton rd. Southend
race, Southend Galley ~Irs. Elizabeth, 2 St. Ann's ter- Henbest ~Irs. Harriet, 6 Marine Park
Davy Mrs. 8.8 Cliff Town par. Southend race, l\Iilton street, Southend square, Brewery r.:>ad, Southend
' ESSEX. 30
466 .lP.l ESSEX.
APARTMENTS-continued. Legerton Saml. Jn. Robt. D'Arcy lodge, Oxley Philip, jun. 2 Swiss cottages,
Henderson Miss Rosa, Westbourne villa, Marine par. we. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
villa, Jlarold rd. Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Legett George, I6 Scratton rd. Southend Oxley Mrs. Philip, Shell cottage, High
Hendrick Mrs. Ann, 33 King's Head Letchford Mrs. Mary, Lee road, Dover- street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
street, Harwich court, Harwich Oxley William, I Swiss cottages, Saville
Hendrie Harry, Lee rd.Doverct.Harwch Lever Mrs. Thomas, 6 Anchor road, road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Hewitt & West, 3 Marine par. Southend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Packer Mrs. Jane, I6 St. Leonards
Hinsch Miss Eliza Caroline, 7 Beach st. Lilly William, I Myrtle villas, Station road, Southend
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Page Arthnr, Stockton villa, Rosemary
Hobby Mrs. Mary,8 Beach road,Clacton- Lincoln Jas. T. 8 Lorne villas, Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0
on-~ea R.S.O Lingwood John, 6 Scott's villas, Lower Page George, Colne house, Orwell road,
Hobrow James H. Avenue villa, Old Southend, Southend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O List Miss Ellen, 2 Trinity terrace, Page Samuel, Roseneath, Ellis road,
Hobrow Waiter, Kirkdale, Castle road, Dovercourt, Harwich Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Little Robert, I Cromwell pl. Southend Page William, Clacton villa, Rosemary
Hodgkin William, 20 Weston rd. Sthend Loker Mrs. M. 42 Market hill, Maldon road, Clacton-on-Sea R.8.0
Holland Mrs. Annie, 6 Cliff terrace, Lose John, 13 Weston road, Southend Palmer John, 4 Morton terrace, Walton-
Dovercourt, Harwich Mclntyre Mrs. Emma, 1 Ethel villas, on-the-Naze R.S.O
Holmes Charles James, 2 Mayell villa, Park road, Southend Parry George, 2 Scots terrace, Lower
Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O McKay Miss Elizabeth, Adelaide place, Southend, Southend
Honey Mrs. Ann, 7 Marine avenue, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Paskell John, 43 Church street, Harwich
West cliff, Southend McKay James, Clareville, West avenue, Paul William, St. Osyth villa, Grove
Hubbard Joseph, Whitfield house, Rose- Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Madge Charles Robert, 2 Castle street, Payne Mrs.E.I8Cambridge ter.Southend
Hughes David John, 3 Castle terrace, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Peake Geo. 6 Alexandra rd. Colchester
Lower Southend, Southend Manu Miss, Chandos house, Church Pearl Robert, 2 Devereux ter. Southend
Huxter Mrs. Sarah, Sprayside, Carnar- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Pegram Mrs. Susan, 2 Cliff Town
von road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Martin Wm. A. 4 Scratton rd. Southend parade, Southend
Ingram E. J. 6 Alexandra ter. Southend Mascall Jas. I7 Scratton road, Southend Pellat Francis Henry, I & 2 Sea View
Irton James,2o Marine parade,Southend Mash Mrs. Annie, 8 Beaconsfield terrace, place, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Irving Miss, Elizabeth, 6 Alexander ter- Beaconsfield avenue, Colchester Percyl\Irs. Cambridge ter.Southend
race, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Mason Mrs. Emma, 2 Everett terrace, Perkins H. Mayfield, Station rd.Chingfrd
Irving Mrs. Elizabeth, IO Alexandra Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Perry Mrs. B. 2I Westbury rd. Brentwd
terrace, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Mathams George, 5 Tennyson villas, Perry Richard, ro Alfred terrace,
Jackson Mrs. E. 3 Rawstorn rd. Clchstr Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
James Thomas, Kirby road, Walton- Mead George, 15 Victoria street, Dover- Pettitt Mrs. Magdalen green, Great
on-the-Naze R.S.O court, Harwich Clacton, Colchester
Jenkins Mrs. Annie, Earlsmead, Marine Meadows Mrs. Maria, 12 Orwell terrace, PhillipsWalterJoseph, 4IVictoriastreet,
parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Dovercourt, Harwich Dovercourt, Harwich
Johnson Mrs. K. 27 Scratton rd.Sthend MensonMrs.Agnes,23Scratton rd.Sthend Philpott R.White ho.Factory la.Halstead
Johnston Miss Annie Agnes, 3 Essex Mills Arthur, Morton terrace, Walton- Pickersgill Miss Elizabeth, 7 Marine
terrace, Southend on-the-Naze R.S.O parade, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Joist Edwin George, r4 Marine Park Mills Charles William, May villa, Old Pigg Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Cambridge villas,
square, Brewery road, Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Hayes road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Jones Mrs. E. E. Stamford house, Sta- Mills George, 3 Church lane, Harwich Pike Mrs. Flora, 3 Pallister road,
tion road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Mitchell Mrs. A. r Scratton rd. Southend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Jones Mrs. Emma, 4 Everett terrace, Moore Mrs. A. 12 Hartington rd.Southend Polley David, Britannia house, New Pier
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Moore J. W. 5 Marine parade, Southend street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Judge Mrs. Sarah, 4 Marine parade, Moriarty Edward, Crosby house, Colne Polley George James, Marine lodge,
Dovercourt, Harwich road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
.Juffs Mrs. James, Field lodge, Walton- Morley William, Square, Rochford S.O Pouting George, Alfred cottages, Walton-
on-Naze R.S.O . Morton Miss Hannah Mary, 36 Creffield on-the-Naze R.S.O ·
Keens James, Franklin lodge, Station road, Colchester Poole Mrs. Branscombe villas, Pier
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O MossMrs. MarthaAnn, 2Eaglecrescent, avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Kelman James, The Green, Chingford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Poole Thomas, 6 Victoria terrace, Dover-
Kemball Mrs. C. 26 Roman rd. Clchstr Moston James William, Claremont cot- court, Harwich
Kempster W. I7 Marine par. Southend tage, Castle rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Poole Mrs. William, Marguerite, West
Kerr John, 7 Clifton terrace, Southend Munro Mrs. Martha, 3 Anchor villas, avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Kerridge Mrs. M. 3 Oxford terrace, Old road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Popham Mrs. James, Beach street,
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Murphy Fredk. 14 Stanley rd. Southend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
King Mrs. Charlotte, Wesley villa, Rose- Mutimer Mrs. Mary, The Hollies, Colne Potter Mrs. Hannah, Eugenie house,
mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
King Edwin, 2 Tennyson villas, Rose- Myall Geo. 1: Marine parade, Southend Potter Mrs. Ann, 2 Kandahar villas,
mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Myall Mrs. Mary E. 3 Prittlewell Ashburnham road, Southend
King George, Acton lodge, Marine par- square, Southend Potts Misses, Rocklands, Edith road,
ade east, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Nalborough Mrs. Emma, 6 Marine Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
King Sydney, I Tennyson villas, Rose- parade, Dovercourt, Harwich Pratt Mrs. Ann Elizabeth, 7 Cashiobury
mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Neilson Mrs. Alice, 5 Oxford terrace, terrace, Southend
King William Davis, 2 Seaford villas, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Pugh Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Hannah,
Harold road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Nelson Mrs. Clara, 4 Essex ter. Southend Garfield road, Chingford
Kirby Mrs. Mary, 5 Khartoum villas, Neville Frank Henry, Fern villa, New Pulham Samuel, I2 Anchor road, Clac-
Gordon road, Southend Pier st. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O ton-on-Sea R.S.O
Kirby Mrs. Mary Ann, Ada villa, Wel- Newing Stephen, 6 Marine parade, Purser Miss Elizabeth, 2 Capel terrace,
lesley road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Cliff town, Southend
Kistorwek Mrs. Joseph C. Medford ho. Newman Mrs. Hannah Eliza, 6 Abbey Quilter Francis, Isledon, Old road,
Station road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Gate street, Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Kittle Robert Jeremiah, 2 Salisbury Newman R. Lee rd. Dovercourt, Harwich Quinton Thomas, I I York rd. Southend
villas, Ellis rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Nichols Mrs. Ell en, 4 Capel ter. Southend Rand Chater, 4 Tennyson villas, Rose-
Knoll Ernest, Garfield road, Chingford Nickolds Fredk. 30 Willow st. Chingford mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Knowles Mrs. Catherlne, I Vaughan Noble Mrs. Fredk. Marine view, Marine Randall Mrs. Charles, Tottington house,
terrace, Garfield road, Chingford parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Laker Mrs. Rebecca, Brooklyn villa, Norton Henry, 3 South terrace, Walton- Raven Mrs. C. 7 Garfield rd. Chingford
Church road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O on-the-Naze R.S.O Raven Mrs. M. A. 28 High st. Southend
Lamart John, I6 Hastings rd. Southend Noyes Albert, 9 Beach street, Clacton- Rawlings Edward, I Anchor road, Old
Langmead Mrs. Jane, 36 Alexandra on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
street, Southend Osborn Miss Mary Ann, 2 Clyde villas, Ray Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Clifton terrace,
Laskey Mrs. Martha, 5 Marine Park sq. Beach road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Southend
Brewery road, Southend Osborn Robert, 12 Beach road, Clacton- Reynolds Mrs. S. 6 Garfield rd. Chingfrd
Lawson Albert, Warwick house, Colne on-Sea R.S.O Rice George, 2 Essex villas, St. Osyth
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Otton Edward, 29 Willow st. Chingford road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Lee George, Church road, Walton-on- Oxley Mrs. James, 2 Pier crescent, Richardson William F. 2 Dalberry villas,
the-Naze R.S.O Walton-on-the-Xaze R.S.O Beach E;treet, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Riches Charles Thomas, Roseberry villa, Spiller Mrs.E.22St.Leonards rd.Southnd West Thos. 19 Cambridge ter. Southend
Church road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Staines :Mrs. John,Bocking end,Bocking, Westobey Mrs. Harriet, Belgrave house,
Riddelsdell Mrs. Henry, Cyprus house, Braintree Carnarvon rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O StanleyE.7East ter.Wltn.-on-NazeR.S.O White MissEllen,Q Myrtle villas, Station
1Udlington Misses ~Iary & Millicent, Starling Henry,Charlotte cottage, Hayes road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Highcliffe, Beach road, Clacton-on- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O White Mrs. Mary, 4 Marine parade1
Sea R.S. 0 Stabbing Charles George, I Dalberry vils Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0
Bigden John, 2 Beach street, Clacton- Beach street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O WhiteT.3Bristol ter..Breweryrd.Southnd
on-Sea R.S.O Stevenson John, Amber house,Rosemary Whitman Caleb, Sun st. Waltham Abbey
.Roberts Wm. Jas. Garfield rd. Chingford road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O -' Wilson Barnabas, 7 & S Morton terrace,
Bobertson Mrs. Thomas, Stour house, Stewart Mrs. A. Garfield rd. Chingford Walton-on-the-Naze R S.O
Orwell road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Stewart Arthur, 26 Anchor road, Clac- Wilson Jared, Portland house, Marine
:Robinson Abraham, 3 Ashburnham ter- ton-on-Sea R.S.O parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
race, Southchurch, Southend Stewart Henry, Garfield rd. Chingford WilsonMrs.Mary,I8St.John's st.Colchstr
Robinson Mrs. C. 8 Albert rd. Southend Stiff J. 3 Maria st. New town, Harwich Winslow Edwd. I2 Marine par.Southend
:Robinson William, I Scott's villas, Lower Stratford Thomas, so Heath st. Barking Wiseman Mrs. Eliza, Ivy cottage, North
Southend, Southend Stringer Miss Sarah A. Crawfold, Colne street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
"Robinson William, Grove rd. Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wiseman George, 4 Alfred terrace,
:Rogers Miss E. 5 South crescent, Walton- Strutt Mrs. Fred, High street, Walton- Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
on-the-Naze R.S.O on-the-Naze R.S.O Wood Mrs. Carolina, 2 Pavilion villas,
Rogers Mrs. Lucinda, I Prittlewell Strutt Mrs. Louisa, King's rd. Halstead Walton-on.-the-Naze R.S.O
square, Cliff town, Southend StuartJ.I&2Cliffvls.Dovercourt,Harwich Wood~IissE.Post office,Ingrave,Brentwd
Rogers Mrs. The Gables, Colne road, Stutchfield Mrs. Carolina, Gothic cot- Wood Mrs. E. I York ter. Low. Sthend
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O tage, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wood l\Irs.MaryA.3IPleasant rd.Sthend
.:Roper Jabez, Horkesley villa, Willesley Suckling Mrs. Sarah, Beach house,Beach Woodley Mrs. Su'lan, 4 Beach street,
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Rowland Mrs. Frances, 30 Victoria Tanner Alfd.I6 King's Head st. Harwich Woodroffe Charles, St. Osyth's house,
street, Dovercourt, Harwich Taylor ~1rs. B. 8 Hartington rd.Southnd Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
.Rowland Mrs. Sarah, Ferndale villa, Taylor Mrs. Peter, I Walton square,
Gordon road, Southend Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Worm well Miss Emily, 4 Eagle crescent,
:Rowland Mrs. S. 72 High st. Halstead Taylor Philip, r Carlton villas, Ellis Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
:Rudd Jn.34Victoria st.Dovercrt.Harwich road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Worr:.wick Mrs. Emma, Castle road,
:Rnmsey Mrs. Mary Ann, Station road, Terris Mrs. Eliza, I Britannia villas,New Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Southminster, S.O Pier street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wright Misses Mary Ann & Ellen, 4
Rush R. Rocklands, Royal ter. Southend Thatcher Mrs. Ellen, Sandcliff cottage, Royal terrace, Southend
.Russell lsaac, Hazelhurst, Ellis road, Beach street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wright Mrs. Emily, 4 South terrace,
Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Thatcher William, Grove villa, Rose- Walton-on-the-N aze R.S. 0
.Sage William, 2 Lime villa, Main road, mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O WrightMrs.Evelyn,4Belmnt.vils.Sthend
Dovercourt, Harwich Thomas Mrs. Mary, I Anchor villas, Old WrightMrs. Grace,6 Run well ter.Sthend
.Sarfas ~Irs. Frances,Selina house, South- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wright John, Helen cottage, Orwell
church Beach, Southend ThompsonE.Paradise rd.WalthamAbbey road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
:Saxby Mrs. Sarah Ann, 2 Gordon villas, Thompson Jas. 3 I Stanley rd. Southend WrightMiss L.4 Cliff Town par.Southend
Gordon road, Southend Thorby John, 8 Scott's villas, Lower Wright William, 2 West avenue, Clac-
.Scates Miss Elizabeth, 2 Eugene terrace, Southend, Southend ton-on-Sea R.S.O
Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Nazc R.S.O Thorn Mrs. Alice, 6I West st. Harwich Wyatt Waiter, 2 Alfred terrace, Walton-
.Schmidt Mrs. S. 63 Pleasantrd.Southend Thorogood Frances, I3 Victoria street, on-the-Naze R.S.O
Schofield William, 3 Dalberry villas, Dovercourt, Harwich YoungR.39 Victoria st.Doverct.Harwich
Beach street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Threadgold Mrs.F.Sun st. WalthamAbby
.Scolding Mrs. Maria, 3 Beach street, Thurgood Mrs. Mary, High st. Epping APPRAISERS & _VALUERS.
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Till Mrs. Elizabth. Queen's rd.Southend See also Auctwneers .
.Scott Mrs. Alfred, Clifton lodge, Angle- Tillett Mrs. Mary A. Witham AmbroseJ.Fernbk.Statn.rd.Loughtn.S.O
field road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Townes George, Seaview cottages, Wal- Barber James, 57 High st. Colchester
.Seager George, Elm villa, Rosemary ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Barton Alfred, Bowyer villa, Romford
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Tuffin Miss Elizabeth, Grosvenor house, Browne Philip, Great Hallingbury, Bis-
Secker Miss Emma, Lorne villa, High st. High st. Wal ton-on-the-N aze R.S. 0 hop's Stortford
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Turner Mrs. M. 2 Clifton ter. Southend Clark James William, Ch'Jrch street,
.Secretan Mrs. A. I Devereux ter. Sthnd TydimanMrs. J. 22\Veston rd. Southend Coggeshall
Sexton Henry, 8 Anchor villas, Old road, Upson Mrs. Mary, 3I Victoria street, Cornell Benj. 68 London rd. Braintree
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Dovercourt, Harwich Craske & Sons, 35A, Head st. Colchester
ShearmanJohn,2Spring cottages,Walton- Wade Edward, Church end, Dunmow Darby Alfred, 97 High st. Chelmsford
on-the-Naze R.S.O Wade Miss Ellen, 5 Grosvenor place, Darby Charles Daniel, I8 Springfield
.Sherlock Mrs. Mary A. Granville road, Lower Southend. Southend road, Chelmsford
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wagstaff Thomas Henry, 5 Beach street, Wlthm.Abby
Shillam Mrs. Rosa, Spencer house, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Fuller Charles, Head Gate Auction
Marine parade, Dovercourt, Harwich Wakeling Mrs. Louisa, 4 Grosvenor st. rooms, Colchester
.Shotter Mrs. Catherine, I Bedford villas, Lower Southend, Southend Gilders Ed win J oseph (firm, Gilders
Rosemary villas,Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 WaleMrs.M.26 St.Leonards rd.Southend Bros.), Station road & Rail way station
.Sibley Mrs. Emma, Belsize house,Orwell Walker Mrs. Julia, Athel villa, Kilworth Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. See advert
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O avenue, Hastings road, Southend Godwin Isaac William, office, Chapel
.Simmons Mrs. Frederick, I Martello Walker Mrs. Susan, 7 Oxford terrace, street, Colchester
road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Haltridge John, Railway bridge,Brentwd
.Skilleter Mrs. Emma, 5 Burnham ter- Walker Wm.27 Cambridge ter.Southend Hardy J. & Son, 137 High st. Colchester
race, Clarence street, Southend Waller William, I Castle terrace, Lower Harvey Edward Forster, Mersea house,
Slee Mrs. Edwin,:, Clifton ter. Southend Southend, Southend Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Smith Alfred, 32 Stanley rd. Southend Ward Mrs. M. E. 3 Clifton ter. Southend Newman T. H. & Son, 61 High street,
Smith B. 4 Victoria st. Dovercrt.Harwch Wardill Frank, 6 Wesley rd. Southend .Braintree; & at Rayne
.Smith Edmund, 1 & 2 Alexandra ter- Warner J. A. 3 Tiptree villas, Southend Norman W. G. & Son, 62 & 64 Barking
race, Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Watkins Chas.W.r6 Willowst.Chingford road, Canning Town E; & Town Hall
Smith Ed.s Southchurch aven.Southend Webb Mrs. Ellen, Regent house, Car- chambers, 29 Broadway, Stratford E
.Smith James, 6 Alfred terrace, Walton- narvon road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Palmer E. N. 25 Broomfield rd.Chlmsfd
on-the-Naze R.S.O Webb l\Irs. Margaret 5 Orwell terrace, Road Sidney, I6 Duke st. Chelmsford
SmithJ.Claremont ho. Warley rd.Brntwd Dovercourt, Harwich Rogers J ames, 6 High street, Maiden
Smith Mrs. Peter, 2 Branscombe villas, Weeks Mrs. Annie, Avondale, Rosemary Simkin W. R.; office & show rooms,
Pier avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O North hill; depository, North Station
Smith Zachariah, Ocean View house, Weeley Miss Carolina, 4 Navarino place, road, Colchester
Dovercourt, Harwich Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Stanford Charles 1\Iaurice, 23 High
Sneddon Mrs. Ann, 5 Cape] ter.Southend Wellham Ernest, 6 Pallister road, street, Colchester
Sparrow Frederick, 5 Alfred terrace, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Sworder Hugh F.S.I. High st. Epping
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wells Mrs. A. A.3 Runwell ter.SouthendiTyler & Son, Auction rooms, Head st.
Spill Mrs. Laura, 7 Royal ter. Southend Wells Miss Elzbth. 154 High st.Colchester Halstead ; & Braintree & Bocking
ESSEX. 30:1=
APPRAISERS & VALUERS continued. ART METAL WORKERS. Cockett & Henderson, George lane,
WenleyW.G._ssHighst.Chlmsfd.Seeadvt ChingComyn & Co. Castle street, Long tCSo~h :~odford Had t C heste
WestgateF.Public hall, South st.Romfrd acre, London W.C ras e ons, 35a,_ e s · o1c r
Weymouth Joseph, 17 High st. Grays. tDarby Alfred, 97 ~1gh st. Chelmsford
See adl'ert ART NEEDLEWORK RE- tDavey Theo. & Co. 2 Western road,.
Wood FrankJ. 49 Alexandra st. Southend POSITORIES Crown chambers,. South street, Rom-
King Thomas Percy &; Co 6x North hill ford. See advertiSement
AQUARIUM COLLECTOR. Colchester · ' tFenn & Co. 146 Hi~h street, Colchester
Thompson John, 12 York rd. Southend Parish Mrs. Josiah, 8 Head st. Colchester & The Hall, Ardlmgh
Foster Charles & Son, Ongar S. 0
ARCHITECTS. ARTESIAN WELL BORER. Franklin Thomas & Son, Watling street,
Cooper William, 13 Head st. Halstead Thaxted, Dunmow
:Marked thus t are also Surveyors. Fuller Charles & Son, Station road,
tBaker Thomas Henry, Head street, ARTIFICIAL MANURE MFRS. Loughton S.O. & Buckhurst Hill S.O
Colchester; & Leicester lodge, Clac- See Manure Manufacturers. tFuller Charles, Head Gate auction.
ton-on-Sea R.S. 0 rooms, Colchester
tBaker Thomas Henry, Leinster lodge, ARTIFICIAL MANURE MERS Gale Ernest James, Orplands, Bradwell-
Pier avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 See Manure Merchants. juxta-Mare, Southminster S.O. & at
t Barton Alfred, Bowyer villa, Romford Southminster
Beaumont Percy Munro,High st.Maldon ARTIFICIAL STONE MANFRS. Gibbons Arthur John Fry, Pembury rd.
tBurles & Harris, Clarence st. Southend Bowstone (The) Company (B.S. Harvey, Lower Clapton N.E. & Tylehurst,
tButcher Charles Edward M.S.A. 3 manager), West Thurrock, Grays _Derby road, Woodford .
Queen street, Co~chester Colchester Stone Co. Limited, Kendall Gliders Brothers ; offices, Station road,.
tCh~ncellor FrederiC J.P., F.R.I.B.~. 2 road Colchester Clacton-on-Sea & 57 Fleet st. London
High st. Chelmsford; & at 20 Fms- ' E.C. See advertisement
bury circus, London E.C ARTISTS. Glenny Samuel, 65 East street, Barking
tClark James William, Church street, B f d Alf dB N th t R f d Grice Hy. Dowling, 78 West st. Harwch
C ogges h a]I Bamb orAlf dreR 10. W ... or
11 1s . d om
Colorhstr tHa1tri"dge J oh n, R ail way b n·dge, Brent -
tCobham Charles Assoc. San. Inst., Barker Hre · tt eThes eMy .r · . c All wood. Telegrams," Haltridge, Brent-
F.S.I. 3 Shakespeare villas, High st. ec .er arry 0 o, e mones, wood"
Grays Thurrock, Grays Samts, Colche~ter . , . . Barman John Herbert, Marine parad'et
tCressy Thomas Alfred, The Cedars, Clausen George, JUn. Bishops, Widdmg- Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Colne road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O _ton, Newport S.O . . tHilliard George B. & Son, New street,
tCubitt Edward N. 7 High st. Brentwd Fis~er Mark, Aberystwith house, Wid- Chelmsford
Cubitt J. Brook vil. High rd. Loughton dmgton, ~ewport S.O Howard Thomas, Earls Colne Halstead
tDampier Edwd.J.4o Head st.Colchester GoCody RisSaiaOh(,S Bffellckh)amp St. Paul, tHuxter Adolphus William, Station rd.
tDavey Theo. & Co. 2 Western road & lare · · u ° Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Crown chambers, South st. Romford. Head Charles, 43 Crow~urst rd.Coldhstr Joscelyne Henry, 62 High st. Braintree
See advertisement Manley Leopold FrederiCk, The Ce ars, tKemsley Joseph William F.S.I. Corn.
tDawson Charles James F.R.I.B.A. 70 _Sta~way, Colchester "·'" ld exchange, High street, Romford &.
East street Barking N~ghtmgale Robert, Cross road, on W df d G e
, k S , M Ch" . oo or r en
tDay Geo. 7 Victoria aven. East Ham E Paton Fran • cott s oreton, Ippmg Lawrence George James Epping
"tDennisonJ.W. Wakefield lo.EastHam E Ongar S.O . Lingwood E. 3 St. Botolph st.Colchester
tEganE. A.R.I.B.A.Holmdale,Loughton Su_mmers M. Lynden ho. WICkford S.O Matthews Robert, ·79 High street, Grays;
tFaunchFredk.Geo. 37 Thorold rd.Ilford Wills E. G. Brook ho. Brook st.Brentwd & at Gravesend
tFieldA.A.York chmbrs.~igh st.Sthend ARTISTS' COLORMEN. Medcalf William A. High rd. Woodford
tForge Arthur J. Oakleigh, Claremont . . Mercer George, George street, Harwich
grove, Snake's lane, Woodford Green Hockmg Edwd. C. 91 ~I~h st. Colchestr tMoger Stanley, 23 High st. Halstead
tFrancisHrbt.. H.Stationrd.Loughtn.S.O Maddert~n &Co.~aldwmshl.Lghtn.S.O tNewman T. H. & Son, 6x High street,
tGoodey & Cressall, 2 Victoria chmbrs. Mark Julms, 35 High street, Chelmsford Braintree; & at Rayne
We~t Stockwell street,_Colchester ARTISTS' MATERIAL DEALR. Nightingale Robt. 6o Northhill,Colch_str
tHarrisF.EldredL. 75 Highst.Chlmsfrd . Norman W. G. & Son, 62 & 64 Barking
tHobbiss William G.Essex hall, Clarence Cumine Frederw Jas. Borough bazaar, road, Canning Town E. & Town Hall
road, Southend High street, Southend chambers, 29 Broadway, Stratford E
tHooperJamesDrummond,Woodfrd.Grn SBESTOS ,.,..ANUFACTURS Offin Thomas William, Rochford S.O. &
tJackson Sam, Waterloo house, Romford A .uL • Turret house, Rayleigh S.O
road, :Manor Park Asbestos Co. Limited (The United), Offin Thomas Wm. jun. Rochford S.O
JohnsonFredk.H.Churchst.SaffronWldn Dock house, Billiter st. London E.C Oldaker James Blake, r Queen's terrace,
tLamb George, 76 East street, Barking Imperial Asbestos eo. 41 St. High road, Ilford
tMartin Alfred Jackson A.R.I.B.A. Mary Axe, London E.C Prior Alfred Jesse, Eld lane, Colchester
Fairmount, York road, Southend Bona fide manufac~urers, lowest Riches Robert, High st. Wanstead N.E
Mawhood RIChd. Market rd. Chelmsford prices, undoubted quality, stock kept tRodd Sidney, x6 Duke st. Chelmsford
tPage George Henry, Trinity chambers, Morrison Stanley & eo. 24 Duke tRogers James, 6 High street, Maldon
Culver street, Colchester street, Aldgate, London E. C. Actual Roynon John, South street, Romford
tPavitt William Spencer, Rettendon, manufacturers, prompt delivery. Tele- Salter William, Market place, Harwich
Chelmsford grams, " Asbestiform London" Sexton & Grim wade, Head st. Colchester
-tPertwee Charles A.R.I.B. A. Bank Witty & Wyatt Limited, 88 Leadenhall & at Hadleigh & Ipswich, Suffolk
chambers, New street, Chelmsford street, London E.C Single Arthur, 83 The Grove, Stratford
Pilkington&Don, ASPHALTER E. & 70 Woodgrange rd.ForestGate E
tSimpson William, St. Mary hall, Bel- • Smith (Edward) & Boggis, 6 North hill,
champ Waiter, Sudbury (Suffolk) Hardy Mr~. Carolina, New London road Colchester
tStair W alter, Ridgeway rd. Chingford & 17 Friars place, Chelmsford Smith Harold Eugene, Market place &
tStart J oseph Wm. F .S.I. Cups cham- Mawneys road, Romford
hers, Colchester ; 4 Main road, Dover- ASSOCIATIONS. Spurgeon & Son, 32 High st. Maldon
court, Harwich ; & Pier avenue, See Societies & Associations. tStanford Charles Maurice, 23 High
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O street, Colchester
Tooley Herbert A.R.I.B.A. Queen's rd. AUCTIONEERS. tStewart & Bon Bernard, 28 Alexandra
Buckhurst Hill Marked thus t are also Appraisers. street, Southend
tWatkins Peter, I Cleveland viis. Ilford Abbott Sutton,High street,Wanstead NE Surridge & Son, Coggeshall
tW~tmore Frank, 21 Duke st.Ch_lmsfrd Abrey & Gardner, Witham . S~rridge Jsph.S.Abbey v!ew,Cogge~hall
tWmter James, Dane lodge, Eppmg Ambrose Jethro, Fernbank,Statwn road, -~Sworder Hugh F.S.I. H1gh st. Eppmg
tWoodWalterJ. 26 Alexandra rd.Sthend Loughton S.O falbot & White, 24 High st. Southend
tWoods Arthur Thomas Gunnell, New Ashmole William, Broadway, Ilford Taylor Fred, 73 High street, Chelmsford
road, Brentwood tBalls James Mayhew & Robert, Castle Thorne Abraham John, High st. Brent-
Wright & Higgins, 3 Queen Anne villas, Hedingham, Halstead wood & 4 Orsett rd. Grays 'fhurrock,
Southend tBeard Ernest Stanley, Headgate, Grays
Colchester Thurgood Benjamin Tomson & Sont
ARMY CONTRACTORS. Cheffins Henry J. Hill st.Saffron Walden King street, Saffron Walden
Flux Joseph 21 Military rd. Colchester tChetwoodStphn.Sun st. WalthamAbbey tTyler & Son, Auction rooms, Head st.
Strange Ed~·ard & Co. Manchester ho. Clark James Wm: Church st ..Coggeshall J;Ialstead & Braintree & Bocki_ng
30 High street & Waterloo house, 24 tClear Albert Prime, 70 High street, Vmzey John Geo. Great _sq. Bram~ree
& 25 Long Wyre street, Colchester Maldon & Southminstflr S.O Wakefield Thos.Hy. Statwn rd.Chmgfrd
Wederell Arthur Hugh, Threshers bush, Bigg Mrs. Harriet,Gt. Waltham,Chlmsfd ClarkW.Albert pl.Low.Southend,Sthend
High Laver, Harlow Bigg3 F. G. Post office,Ardleigh,Colchestr Clarke James, Parsonage down, Dun mow
tWelch J. M. Dunmow Biggs J. Post office, Boxted, Colchester Clarke T. H. 82 Moulshamst. Chelmsfrd
tWeymouth Joseph, 17 High street, Binder David, 10 Axe street, Barking ClarkeW.J.HighBridgest.WalthamAbby
Grays. See advert Binks Ben jamin, 2 r Chapel hill,Halstead Clayden Mrs. Lavinia, Potter st. Harlow
tWillson Wm. V. Clarence st. Southend Bird George, Foulness Island, Southend Clayden Mrs. Sarah, Steeple Bumpstead,
tWood FrankJ.49Alexandra st. Southnd Blaxall Hy. Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvedon Haverill (Suffolk)
Young Thomas, 20 Broadway & 9 Linton Blaxall W. Tolleshunt DIArcy, Kelvedon Clayden William, West Bergholt R.S.O
road, Barking Blows Frederick Edward, Rainham S.O Coates Frank Samuel, Northst.Dunmow
Blows Jsph. Thos.High rd. Lough ton S.O Coates Fred E. Church end, Dunmow
Fox (Edwin) & Bousfield, 9;1 Gresham Bodger James D. High st. WansteadN.E Colchester & East Essex Co-operative &
street, Bank, London E.C BogueJohn, LittleMaplestead, Halstead Industrial Society Limited (Roberl
Jones, Lang & Co. 3 King st. Cheapside Boorman Chas. S. Stanford-le-Hope S.O Bultitude, sec.), 14 Culver street; 12
E.C. & 101 Leadenhallst. London E.C Boughtwood Frank, High st. Brentwood 15 & 26 Long Wyre street; Kendall
Orgill (J. J. ), Swann & Orgill, 21 Hart Bowen Cornelius, Ba.rkmg Side, Ilford road & 33 North Station road,Colchstr
street, Bloomsbury, London WC Bowell John, Town st.Thaxted,Dunmow Cole Charles, Boxted, Colchester
Stimson & Sons, 8 l\'Ioorgate street E. C. Bowtle Basil, Wethersfield, Braintree Cole William, King's road, Barking
& 2 New Kent road, London S.E Bowtle John, 75 Coggeshall rd.Braintree Cullen William, High road, Woodford
Boyd 1\'Irs. Martha,Lambourne,Romford Wells, Woodford Green
BABY LINEN WAREHOUSES. Brazier Silas, Stow Maries, Maldon Collin George Albt. Junction rd.Brentwd
Cook MissDaisy, 4 l\'Iersea rd. Colchester Brazier W. Galleywood corn. Chelmsford Collins Frederick Amos, High street,
Fulton )frs. :M.S.u-! High st.Colchester BrewerWilliam George, Rayleigh S.O Walton-on-Naze R.S.O
,.... BrewsterJonathan, Bradfield,Manngtree Collins James, High street, Brentwood
BACK & VAT MAKER;:;. Brewster Jonn. 12King's Head st.Harwch Collins John Saml. White Notley,Withm
Shuters & Chippindales Lim Brewster Thos. 9 St. Austin's la.Harwch Colver A. B. Woodham Ferrers,Chelmsfd
The Cooperages, High street, Strat- Broad Fredk. John, 24 High st. Grays Constahle Charles R. Victoria rd. Romfd
ford, London E (& Shad Thames, Bromley Henry, The Roller Flour mills, Cook W. High Bridge st.Waltham Abby
Southwark, London S.E.) Every de- Great Clacton, Colchester. See advt Cooper George, Coggeshall rd.Braintree
.scription of backs, vats & wood vessels; Bronsdon Benj. Great Bentley,Colchestr Cooper George, 23 Seymour rd.E.Ham E
for brewers, distillers & chemical Brooks John, Ramsey, Harwich Coppin George Edmund,Bradford street,
manufacturers, for home & export Brown Arthur, 7 Tidings hill, Halstead Hocking, Braintree
Brown Cbas. GalleywoodCom.Chelmsfrd Coppin Waiter C. Sidney street, Bright-
BACON CURER. Brown Mrs. E. WickhamBishops, Withm lingsea, Colchester
Earnshaw Chas. Bridge st.SaffronWaldn Brown Fredk.BuresHamlet,Bures R.S.O Cornwell Thomas &Sons, High st.Eppng
Brown 1\'Irs. Mary, Aveley, Purfieet S. 0 Cottee Arthur Chas. Stock, Ingatesoone
BAKERS. Brown Robert, Ford end, Chelmsford Cottee Septimus, Baddow road, Great
Abbott William James, Springfield grn. Brown Robert, Rainsford rd. Colchester Baddow, Chelmsford
Springfield, Chelmsford Brown Thomas, West Bergholt R.S. 0 George, 41 Chapel hill, Halstead
Ablin Henr.v, Ingrave, Brentwood Brown Waiter, Purleigh, l\'Ialdon Cottis W. J. Gt. Stambridge,Rochfd.S.O
Abraham Sidney, Upminster, Romford Buck Philip Benjamin. High st.Dunmow Counties Dairy & Bakery Co. ; chief
Adams Fredk.Wm.126High st.Colchestt• Buckingham Ernest, White Post lane, offices, St. Botolph street; shops, 4
Algar Waiter James,Albert rd.Romford North end, East Ham E High street; 89 Crouch street; Ken-
A.llen J. Horndon-on· the-Hill, Grays S. 0 Bull G. Colneford hili,Earls Colne,Halstd dall rd. & St. Botolph st. Colchester
Alien Wellesley John, Epping Bunting Joseph, Debden Green, Saffron Cracknell Mrs. L. Wivenhoe, Colchester
Allington Tbos.WoodhamWalter,Maldon 1Valden Crampin Alfred John, Kelvedon
Alston Israel, Corringham, Stanford-le- Burgess John, Great Wakering,Southnd Creffield Thomas, Pebmarsh, Bures
Hope S.O Burrell Arthur, Great Burstead,Brntwd R.S.O (Suffolk)
Alston Jas. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Grays Burton Edward, Heydon, Royston Cresswell George, 145 & 147 Coggeshall
Alt George Thos. Fordham, Colchester Burton John, Great Chishill, Royston road, Braintree
Amey John Thos.21Tidings hill,Halstead ButcherHerbert H. 146 High st.Braintree Crisp Waltr. H. Station rd. M:anningtree
_1\mosJamesStuck,WestMersea,Colchstr Butcher Joseph, Ashdon road, Castle Crowfoot George, Leggstreet, Chelmsfd
Aplin Robert, Fore street, Harlow street, Saffron Walden Cudmore George,Great Bentley,Colchstr
Arber William, :Felstead, Braintree Butcher William, 44 Manor st. Braintree Cullen William Henry, High st. Wan-
Arber William, Rayne, Braintree Byford Saul, Earls Colne, Halstead stead N.E.; & Woodford Wells N.E
Arthy James, Little Bentley, Colchester Cable Mrs. M.32Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd Cullern Frank, Greenhill gro.Manor Prk
ArthyW.Hy.Tillinghm.Southmnstr.S.O Camp Wm. Didgemere, Roydon, Ware Curtis Herbert, The Common, Dodding-
Auger James, 127 Fisher street, Barking Canham Thomas, St. Osyth, Colchester burst. Brentwood
AvelineCbas.Layer-de-la-Hay,Colchester Cannon Frederick, 5 Wellington place, Cutts Isaac, Finchingfield, Braintree
Aylett Thomas, Mole Hill green, Take- Lower Southend, Southend Davis Charles, 38 Broadway, Grays
ley, Chelmsford Cant Elijah, Steeple, Maldon Thurrock, Grays
• Bacon James, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Cant Waiter, Southminster S.O DawsonJohn,Northst.Prittlewell,Sthend
BagleyT. TTigh st. Brightlingsea, Colchestr Capp George, East st. Prittlewell, Sthend Day Mrs. J a ne, Town st. Thaxted, Dunmw
Bailey WilliamA.Sun st. WalthamAbbey Cardnell Edmund, Steeple, Maldon Day William, Magdalen green, Great
BakerG.Hill green,Ciavering,~ewprt.S. 0 Cardy Harry, 41 Barrack st. Colchester Clacton, Colcha~~ter
Baker J ames, 76 West street, Harwich Carrington Edgar W. 36 East st. Colchstr Death Thomas Alex. 18 North st. Maldon
Baker J. CoptHall green, WalthamAbbey Carter & Son, 13 & 14 West st. Harwich Death Waiter W. Full bridge, :\Ialdon
Ball Sidney, Moreton,ChippingOngarS.O Carter Alfd. Gt. Henny,Sudbury,Suffolk Deeks Alfred Harry, High st. Romford
Balls George, Castle st. Saffron Walden Carter Arthur Charles, 4 North street, Delarue Henry, Pilgrim's Hatch,Brntwd
BanksHenry,Maybank rd.SouthWoodfrd Walton-on-the-N aze R.S. 0 Dennison Charles Jn. Writtle,Chelmsfrd
Banks Richd. Thos. 143 William st.Grays Carter Henry, Mundon, l\'Ialdon Dilliway George, Burnham S. 0
Barker John, Chappel, Halstead Carter Henry, jun. Gt. Baddow, Chehnsfd Dixon John Henry, Woodford Bridge
Barnard Benj. Wm. High st. Leigh S.O Carter John William, Ardleigh green, Dodd Geo. Robt. Sun st. Waltham Abby
Barnard Chas. Wm.43 Park st.Southend Hornchurch, Romford Dodwell Amos, Victoria road, Romford
Barnett W.I Stanley ter.Stanley rd.IIfrd Carter Miss "Martha, Gt. Oakley,Harwch Dore William M. 4 Market st. Harwich
Barton George, 12 Market st. Harwich Carter Samuel James, 148 High street, Douglas James, Station road, Manor Pk
Batchelor Jas. White Post la.Manor Park Grays Thurrock, Grays DowningRobertW.Brook sL\Ianningtree
BausorChas.Harris,47Dukest.Chelmsfrd Cast James, Ingrave, Brentwood Drake Arth. R. Summercourtrd.Sthend
BayleyT.F.~ew st.Brightlingsea,Clchstr Castle John, The Gravel, Coggeshall Drake James Henry, High st.Brentwood
Beard Fredk.Richd.Dagenham,Romford Catchpole William, Weeley, Colchester Duffield Harry, High st. sth. Ea. Ham E
Beard Wm.Henry,Hornchurch,Romford Chalk Mrs. Sarah, Brad well-juxta- Duffield William, 17 Bro3.dway, Barking
BearmanH.Bradford st.Bocking,Brntree Coggeshall, Braintree Dunmow William, RunseU green, Dan-
Bearman J.Church st.Bocking,Braintree Chamberlain Maurice,St.Osyth,Colchstr bury, Chelmsford
Beckwith Miss H. E. Chipping hl. Withm Chapman Edward, 35 East hi. Colchester Dyson James, Castle Hedingham,Halstd
.Bedford William Arthur, Springfield rd. Cheek Peter, 39 South street, Colchester Dyster Charles, 59, Broadway, Barking
Springfield, Chelmsford Cheverton John,Broomfield rd.Chelmsfd Eade Edward Henry,Highstreet,Bright·
Bennett .Albert E. Crown s·. Brentwood Chignell James, 40 Military rd.Colchestr lingsea, Colchester
Bennett James, Dedham, Colchester Church Thomas Charles, High st.Romfd Earl William G. Dagenham, Romford
Benson )lrs. Mary, Battles bridgeS. 0 Clark & Hutchin, Potter street, Harlow East Frederick. Aldham, Colchester
Bentley Mrs. A. S. Barrack st.Colchester Cl ark Chas. Golding·s hl. Loughtou S. 0 Ed wards El wd. Tiptree Heath, KelveJon
Bentley Charles, High st. Wanstead ~.E Clark Charles, Ridgwell, Halstead Edwards Thomas, Chigwell Row
Benton Fraucis, High street, Ilford Clark George, ChaJwell Heath R.S.O Eldred J. Pebmarsh, Burrs R.S.O(Sffik)
Berry A. J3allingdon, Sudbury, Suffolk Clark Henry, Chipping hill, '\"itham Eley John,Highstreet,Dedham,Colchstr

.BAKERS continued. Harringtou A. Ramsden Crays, Brntwd Leftley John, 44 North street, Barking
Elliott John, 20 H1gh street, Southend HarringtonGeo.W.SibleHedinghm.Histd Leggett John L. Great Oakley, Harwich
Ely James, Bridge street, Coggleshall Harrington William, Earls Colne, Hlstd Leggett Jn. Thos. West Bergholt R.S.O
Embersou John, 54 Spital road, Muldon HarrisMrs. E.Station rd. Nettlswl.Hrlw Letch T.A. Hill ho. Gt.Bardfield,Braintr-
Emery Robert Frederick, Leigh S.O Harris Goo. Isaac,Heath, Hatfield,Hrlw LeveridgeJas. I3Berechurchrd.Colchstr-
English George, Wickford S. 0 Harris Thos. J. 24 Townfield st. Chlmsfd Le win l\Ioses, York hill, Lough ton S. 0
English Miss S.Twinstead,Sdbry. (Sffik) Harris Lewin Samuel, I35 High street, Maldon
Essex Bread Co. Queen's rd.Bckhrst.ffil Harris William~ Tancred street, West Lilly Wm. West Hanningfield,Chelmsfrd
Everard Mrs. Sarah, Bradford street, Tilbury, TilburyS.O Ling Mrs. Eliza, North st. RochfordS.O
Backing, Braintree Harrison George, Leigh Hill, Leigh S. 0 Ling Mrs. Thomas, Thorrington, Colchstr-
Everett Geo. Good Easter, Chelmsford Harrison William Henry, Leigh S.O Linsell Jonathan, Sheering, Harlow
Everitt Joseph C. 6I High st. Halstead Harvey Mrs. Clara, Tollesbury, Kelvedn Little bury William Warden, I90 Mag-
Farthing Benjamin, Cressing, Braintree Harvey William Henry, Dumnow dalen street, Colchester
Fayers Wm. Shenfield corn. Brentwood HaycockJames,Springfield road,Spring- Loker Frederick J. Terling, Witham
Felgate Charles, Abberton, Colchester field, Chelmsford Long Fredk. Wm. Romford rd.ManorPk
Field Frederick, The Broadway, Ilford Hayden George, Abridge, Romford Lott John, Market hill, Saffron Walden
Finch Arthur, Gestingthorpe, Halstead Hayden Wm. Bennett, Ilford hill, Ilford Low William Henry, Stock, Ingatestone:
Finch Ebenezer, 32 North street, Maldon Hadgen George, Chigwell Mann Geo. A.NewWrittle st.Chelmsford
Finch J. Church st. Bocking, Braintree Haylett Mrs. :.Vlurrian, High st.Brentwd Mann Joseph, Little Leighs, Chelmsford
Fincham .Alfred,n Baddow rd.Chlmsfrd Hazell Charles, Stanway, Colchester 1\Iann Leonard,8Maidenburg st.Colchstr-
Fincham Jonathan, 37 Broadway & 40 Heath Frederick Charles, Blackmore ManningMissM.A.Hornchurch,Romford
St. Ann's road, Barking bakery, Blackmore, Ingatestone MansfieldWm.Fras. TheydonBois,Epping
Fincham. Sidney, 29 ffeath st. Barking Heffer Mrs. Emma, Ley street, Ilford Marrable H. North Ockendon, Romford
Fitch George, .Ashtlon, Saffron Walden Hickman Mrs. Mary,Hornchnrch, Rmfd Martin .Alfd.Geo.Finchingfield, Brain tree
Fitch Mrs. Mary Ann,N orth st.Romford Hicks Harry, Mal don road, Witham Martin Miss Elizbth. Wivenhoe,Colchestr-
Fitzgerald Patrick, Start Hill, Great Hicks Isaac, Little Waltham, Chelmsfrd Martin James, Ashdon, Saffron Walden
Hallingbury, Bishop's Stortford Hicks James,Church st.Bocking,Brntree Maskell Charles, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Flack Charles, Castle st. Saffron Walden Hicks James Robert, Kelvedon Mason John, 20 Tanner street, Barking
Flutter Frederick A. High st. Brentwd Hill .Alfred, Hornchurch, Romford Matthams Arthur,Churchst. Coggeshal!
Folkard John, 63 Hythe hill, Colchester Hinson Henry Joseph, Roydon, ·ware Matthams Mrs. H. 8o High st. Maldon
Ford John Bracll, Epping green, Epping Hollingsworth Charles, Garland road, May John, Postoffice,Pleshey,Chelmsfrd
Forsdick Isaac S. High st. Manningtree Parkeston, Harwich Mayn Albert Edward Ager, 24 New
Frankling R.Bran end,Stebbng.Chlmsfd Holmes Jas. Primrose bill, Chelmsford street, Braintree
Franks Jas.&Edwin,Wivenhoe,Colchestr Honey Henry, Kings Quay st. Harwich Mead Thomas, Ongar S.O
Freeman John, 37 Marine par. Southend Hook 0. Tborpe·le-Soken, Colchester Meadmore William, High st. Romford
French William, Harlow Horide John, Mill terrace, Romford Meadows A.Seward's End,SaffronWaldn
Frost l\Irs. R. Great Wakering,Southend Horner Geo.Manuden,Bishop's Stortford Mihill John, Little Bardfield, Braintree
Frostick Mrs. Charlotte Emily, Stan- Howard Francis, 39 High st. Southend Millbank Herbt. Wethersfield, Braintree:
ford-le-HopeS. 0 Howard Henry, I4 Trinity sq. Halstead Miller .Alfred, Castle Hedingham, Halstd
Fuller William, Rayne, Braintree Howard Thos. F. South st.Rochford S.O Miller David, Park pl. Saffron Walden
Game Harry William, Orwell road, Howell Henry, Ingatestone Miller Henry, 82 Priory st. Colchester
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Howgego Waiter, 14 Church rd. Barking Millns James P. 4 North street, Barking-
Gardiner l\Iiss Emily, I South cliff, Wal- Hoy James, Widdington, Newport S.O Mills George, I5 Tindal st. Chelmflford
ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Hoy William, Great Chishill, Royston Moore Cornelius, Hatfield, Witham
Garling Edgar James, ·Lexden, Colchstr Humphrey Harry, Market pl. Romford Morrell Wm. Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Garling James Jacob, 20 Long Wyre st. Husband Thomas, I Warley terrace, Mortier Arthur, Black Notley, Braintree.-
& I37 Magdalen street, Colchester Great Warley, Brentwood Mortier Fred, Cressing, Braintree
Garling Waiter, West Bergholt R.S.O Hutchings Chas. jun.26East st.Colchestr Moss James, Canewdon, Rochford 8.0
Gay Edwin, Low.Queen's rd.Bckhrst.Hl Hutley Henry, Stansted Mountfitchet, Mount William, Church st. Coggeshall
Gayler David, Newport S. 0 Bishop's Stortford Mulley R. Church st. Heybridge, Mal don
George Geo. Green yd. Waltham Abbey Huxtable Mrs. M. V. High rd.Woodford Mumford Danl.Castle st. SaffronWalden
Giblin Geo. W. Kelvedon Hatch,Brntwd Ingall Matthew, I Fairview terrace, Mumford Joseph, I9 Broadway, Grays.
Gibling Robt. Wm. South st.Manningtree Barking road, East Ham E Mundy Mrs. Maria, 23 High street,.
Gilbert Reuben Benjamin,Nelson street, Isbern Arthur Frederick, Kelvedou Grays
Brightlingsea, Colchester Ives Geo. Rayne rd. Backing, Braintree Nelmes Alfred, High road, llford
Gill Edmund, Dagenham, Romford Jackson George, 19 Heath st. Barking NiceH.Springtield hl.Sprngfid.Chlmsfrd
Gill John Harridge, 55 Wantz rd.Maldn Jackson James, Earls Colne, Halstead Nichols Mrs. Eliza,Bridge st. CoggeshaU
Godfrey Henry Edward, Nightingale James H. High st.Walton-on-NazeR.S.O Norris Herbrt. Isaac, Stock, Ingatestone.-
road, "\Vanstead NE James Mrs. R. l\Iistley, Manningtree Norris Thomas, .Althorne, Maldon
Godfrey Wm. Little Coggeshall, Kelvdn Jarvis George, Finchingfield, Braintree Nunn T. D. Wix cross,Wix,Manningtree.
Goodes George, 149 North st. Barking Jarvis Joseph C. Stambourne, Halstead Nurse Mrs. Frederick, New st. Bright-
Goodey Wm. D. 22 Parsonage st.Halstd Johnson Fredk.Geo.Aveley, Purfieet S.O lingsea, Colchester
GoodmanWalter,62Magdalenst.Clchstr Johnson Henry, 73 High street, Grays Offord Wm. S. Gt. Oakley, Harwich
Goodwin Charles, Navestock, Romford 'Jhurrock, Grays Oliver William, Hatfield, Witham
Goodwin Henry, Havering-Atte-Bower, Johnson James, 26 East street, Barking Osborne William George, Burnham S.O
Romford JordanM.HighOngar,ChippingOngr.S.O Owers Charles, Toot hill, Ongar 8.0
Gould Henry William, 6 King's Quay Joscelyne ~'l:issC. Harold wood, Romford Owers Jas. Low. Railway st. Braintree
stre3t, Harwich JoslingThos.Chas.Gt.Baddow,Chelmsfrd Page W. W. Church st. \Valtham Abbey
Gower John William, Epping New road, KeebleJ. W.EightAsh grn.Copfrd.Clchstr Palmer Samuel Rackham, x Marine-
Buckhurst Hill Kendall Wm.Sible Hedingham,Halstead place, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Gowers Henry, Fuller's road, Woodford Kennis William, High st. East Ham E Parish James, 97 High street, Braintree-
Gowers Wm. Hy. I7 N otley rd. Brntree KillingbeckFrank, Cop fold rd. Brentwood Parrish Jas. E. Broomfield, Chelmsford
Greatrex Wm. Paradise rd.Wlth . .Abbey King William & Sidney, ro2 High street, Parsons Mrs. S. Broomfield, Chelmsford
Green Charles, Messing, Kelvedon Grays Thurrock, Grays Parsons Mrs. Sarah, Ongar S.O
Green Samuel Jamcs, III & II3 Manor King .A. London rd . .Aidham, Colchester Patmore Alf, 25 Axe street, Barking
street, Braintree Knight Edward, Boxwell, Chelmsford Patmore .Alfred J. Glenny rd. Barking
Green William, 41\Ianor street, Brntree Krailing Mrs. Wm . .Abridge, Romford Patmore George, Hellen, Wickford S.()
Greenhill Thos. Elmdon, Saffron Wldn Lagden George, Crown street.,Brentwood Patten John, Witham
Grugeon T. E. Finchingfield, Braintree Lass B. E. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester Paveley Joseph, Hatfield, Harlow
Guilder Mrs. Tamar, Terling, Witham LastWm.&Geo.85&Io3Hythehl.Colchstr Peace Charles Hy. High rd. Woodford
Gutteridge Henry, Queen's rd. Brentwd Last Joseph G. Kelvedon Peacocke Richard, Writtle, Chelmsford
Gutteridge Wm. Cromwell rd. Brntwd Last William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Peacocke Thomas Fletcher, Tillingham,.
Hamilton John, Victoria rd. Sth. Wdfrd Law Henry, Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Southminster S.O
Hammond Charles, Rivenhill, Witham Law Philip Walter, 68 William street, Peake Chas. Wm. Elmstead, Colchester
HammondJohn, Black Notley,Braintree Grays Thurrock, Grays Pearson Jn. Hall rd. Heybridge, Maldon
Handley George D. 87 High st. Maldon Lawrence Mrs. E. South Benfleet S.O Pepper Mrs. S. Battles bridge S.O
Handley Henry, I4 North st. Maldon Lawrence Norman Stains, Epping Perring Waiter, Rickling, Newport S.()
Hardwick John, Littlebury, Sffrn.Wldn Lawrence Mrs. Ruth, Roydon, Ware Perry Hobert, Gt. Chesterfield S.O
Hardy Mrs. Elzth.Hulmer,Sdbry. (Sffik) Lay ton Mrs.M. I&2Anchor st. Chelmsfrd Phillips Ernest, High road, Ilford •
Hardy Mrs. Saul, Gt. Baddow,Chlmsfrd Lee W. J. & Son, Station rd. Chingford Phillips George, Benfield end. Stansted,.
Harrington George, Post office, White Lee Geo. l\Iill end, Thaxted, Dunmow Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Notley, Witham John, Burnham S.O Pigg Thomas Strangeways, Orsett S.O
BAN 471
Pilbeam Geo. W. I Cranbrook rd. Ilford Shedd Frank, Witham -
Walden Thomas, Tiie Hygienic bakery
Pitcher Mrs. M. S. High st. Saffron Wldn Shepherd Geo. I IO Magdalen st. Colchstr & restaurant, Southchurch road,
Pitt John, Rowhedge, Colchester Shynn Fredk. J. 42 North hill, Colchestr Southend
Pitt Thos. Wm. Rowhedge, Colchester Simmit George, St. Osyth, Colchester Wallis WalterEdwd.Ingrave rd.Brentwd
Playle George, South st. Rochford S.O Simmons Jabez & Son, 5 High st. Halstd Ward Henry, 179 High street, Maldon
Plumstead Thos. Church st. Coggeshall Simmons James, St. John's road & Warner Mrs. E. Stoneham st. Coggeshall
Podd William, Lamarsh, Colchester Milton road, Southend Warner William, Brook st. Brentwood
Poole William, Squirrels heath, Romford Simons Wm. High st. pavemnt. Sthend Wash George,45St.Botolph st.Colchester
Popplewell William, 8 Nelson terrace, SimpsonMrs.A.M.2r2 Waters Jas. Post off.Lit.Thurrock,Grays
Cliff town, Southend Skinner Arthur, Sidney street, Bright- Watson Charles, High st.SaffronWalden
Porter A. W. 64 ~ioulsham st. Chelmsfrd lingsea, Colchester Watson Fras. London rd.Saffron Walden
Porter Charles, Rayleigh S.O Skinner Jesse, Lower green, Brightling- Watts Samuel & Son, Main road, Dover-
Powell S. A. 140 Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd sea, Colchester court, Harwich
Prance Jsph. jun. Gt.Bardfield,Braintree Smallwood George, Peldon, Colchester Webb Geo. West Tilbury, Tilbury S.O
Prentice Arthur John, High st. Epping Smee Harry, 2 Park street, Southend Webster Arthur, Queen's rd. Brentwco:l
Price Mrs. Phoobe, North street, Prittle- Smith Albert, Maple road, Grays & at WebsterA.R.Moretn.Cbipping,OngarS.O
well, Southend West Thurrock, Grays Webster WalterJn.Sth.Ockendn.Romfrd
Priestley Jn. 46 Maidenberg st. Colchstr Smith Christopher, Downham, Brentwd Webster Wm. St. Andrew's rd. Romford
Prime Samuel, Mill End green, Gt. Smith Henry, Ongar S.O Wedd Charles, Newport S.O
Easton, Dunmow SmithH.Mid.Mead,Lit.Baddow,Chlmsfd Wells George, Alresford, Colchester
Prior Edward, Great Saling, Braintree Smith Horace, North Weald, Epping Wells George, 164 Moulsham st. Chlmsfd
Prior James, 9 Butt road, Colchester Smith Humphrey,LayerBreton,Kelvedn Wendholt Julius, Rayleigh S.O
Prutton James, Romford rd. Manor Pk Smith Philip, St. Osyth, Colchester Went Josiah, Bulphan, Romford
Pryor John, Thorn wood common, North Smith Saml. Church st. Rochford S.O Wheeler Miss Martha,East st.Coggeshall
Weald, Epping Smith Mrs. Sarah Ann, Burnham S.O White Geo. North st. Prittlewell,Sthend
Pudney William, London road,Southend, SmithS. J. Great Bentley, Colchester WhiteMrs.L. East st. Prittlewell,Sthend
See advertisement Smith Waiter, High street, South Shoe- Wiffin John, Helions Bumpstead, Hav-
Pyke Maurice, Great Holland, Colchestr bury, Shoeburyness S.O erhill (Suffolk)
Rackham Mrs. L. Woodford Bridge Smith Wm. 39 Alexandra rd. Colchester Wilcox Mrs. Annie, 34 Fisherst.Barking
Rain bird Mrs M. Sth. Ockendon,Rmfrd SoamesWm.6 Sirlsaac's walk, Colchestr WildingMrs.Sarah,gs:Market hill, Maldon
Ralling Charles, Birdbrook, Halstead Sorrell Fredk. Wm.Boreham,Chelmsford WildishMrs.B.Tillingham,Sthmnstr.S.O
Randall Thos. F. Station rd. Chingford South Charles Henry, Purfleet S.O Willings Fred.H. 22 Trinity st. Halstead
Rashb,·ook George Myles, Middle- Sparling Robert, Kirby Cross, Colchestr Willsmer John,l'itsea,BowersGiffordS.O
borough, Colchester Sparling Shadrach John, Station road, Wilson Miss Louisa & Waiter, Black-
RashbrookSamuel,GroveElmer,2IStock- Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O more, Ingatestone
well street, Colchester Sparling Wm. 49 Stanwell st. Colchestr WilsonP.H.Henny ml.Gt.Henny,Sudbry
Rashbrooke J onathan C. Ballingdon, SparrowG. W. We. Hanningfield, Chlmsfd Withrington Siduey W .Sheering, Harlow
Sudbury, Suffolk SpellsMisses Mary & EmmaJane,South- Wood Frederick Joseph, Colchester rd.
Raven Henry, Ingatestone minster S.O Brightlingsea, Colchester
Raymond Chas. Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Spendley Mrs. Ann, New road, Mistley, WoodcockJohn,6IMalvernrd.EastHm.B
Rayner Mrs. Eliza, 43 Head st. Halstead Manningtree Woodrofl:eS.7&8Middleborough,Colchstr
Rayner Samuel, 28 Trinity st. Halstead Spooner Mrs. Elizbth. A.Steeple, Maldon Woolard Jas. Isaac, 32 Head st.Halstead
Rayner Mrs. Selina, 20 New st. Halstead SpringettJohn,IISt.Botolph st.Colchestr Woollings Alfred, Orsett S.O
Read Geo. Ernest, High st. Romford SpurgeonEdwin,Lit.Sampford,Braintree Wright G. 3 Castle yard, Woodford Grn
Reed Mrs. H. Widdington, Newport 8.0 Staggs Thomas Lewin, Rochford S.O Wright William, 46 Bridge road, Grays
Reed James, Castle st. Saffron Walden Staines James, Dunmow Wright Wm. W. Stansted Mountfitchet,
Reed Wm. Church st. Saffron Walden Staines James, Upminster, Romford Bishop's Stortford
Reeve Fdk. &. Chas. Gt. Chesterford S.O Stannard !Richard, 5 Broomfield road, Wyatt Fredk. High st. Saffron Walden
Reim Chas. George lane, Wanstead NE Chelmsford Yeomans Elijah, Lindsell, Chelmsford
Reynolds James, High street, Epping Start Mrs. H.SibleHedingham,Halstead Young Jonathan, Chadwell Hth. R.IS.O
Rice Charles, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead StoneH.C.Newbiggen st.Thaxted,Dnmw Ziegler flydney, High st. Woodford Grn
Richards Rbt. 7 Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd StoneMrs.S. Newbiggen st. Thxtd.Dnmw
Richardson Silas, Sandpit rd. Braintree Stonehouse Isaac, Lexden, Colchester BAKING POWDER MANUFRS.
Riches G. Hearn, Gt. Clacton, Colchestr StrowlgerC. rooNth.Station rd.Colchestr Goodall, Backhouse & Co. Leeds; & 54
Riechter Edmund, 197 High st. Maldon StruttWaltr.B.37Parsonage st. Halstead Southwark street, London S.E
Riley William, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Suckling William Joseph,Steeple Bump- BANKERS
Robinson Thos. Gt. Bromley, Colchester stead, Haverhill (Suffolk) ·
Rolstone Charles, 4 Gladstone terrace, Suggett Hy. Alfd. I Dock rd. Tilbury S. 0 Bacon, Cobbold & Co. (branch), King's
High road, Woodford SwainstonFdk.Chas.Highst.EastHam E Quay st. Harwich; draw on Glyn,
Rose T. A. 2 Middleborough, Colchester TaborW.B.Copous pl.Shenfield, Brentwd Mills & Co. & Drummonds & Co.
Rudduck Jas. Thos. Wormingford R.S.O Taylor David, Dunmow London E.C
Sach John, High Easter, Chelmsford Taylor Mrs. Mary, Burnham S.O Colchester Bank, see Gurneys, Round,
Sadd Isaac, Earls Colne, Halstead TewRobert Edwd.1 & 3 High st. Maldon Green, Hoare & Co
Salmon Waiter, Stebbing, Chelmsford TharbyMissE.Manuden,Bishop'sStortfrd Essex Bank, see Sparrow, Tufnell & Co
Samuel George, Harlow ThomasG.A.9Brghlt.rd.Mile end,Clchstr Gibson, Tuke & Gib5on (Arthur Elliott
Samuel George, Matching green, Match- 'fhompsonMissAnn,Shenfield,Brentwood Viney, manager), head office, Mm-ket
ing, Harlow Thompson John, Leigh S.O place, Saffron Walden & (branch)
Sanders Arthur, Stansted Mountfitchet, Thorgoodlsaac, I8A, Military rd.Colchstr (Geo. lt'oster, manager), Stansted
Bishop's Stortford Thorn Fras.Saml.Gt.Bardfield,Braintree Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford ;
Sanders Arthur Thos. Purleigh, Maldon Thorogood James, Stebbing, Chelmsford draw on Prescott, Dimsdale, Cave,
Sanders John Deeks, Heybridge, Maldon fhorogood Wm. E. 12 Culver st. Colchestr Tugwell & Co. so Cornhill, London
Sargent Robert, 4 North st. Halstead Throssell Wm. Io7 North st. Barking Gurneys, Alexanders, Birkbeck, Barclay,
Saunders George Hy. Copford, Colchestr Thurgood Joseph, Harlow · Buxton & Kerrison (branch) (George
Saunders Mrs. I. Stoneham st. Coggeshll Tidmarsh Mrs. S. High st, Romford E. Mason, manager), High street,
Savill William, East st. Saffron Walden TobiasMrs.A.Park la.Langham,Colchstr Manningtree; (C. M. Stanford, agent)
SavilleJsph. Town st. Thaxted, Dunmow Travell Wm. & Richd. Fyfield,OngarS.O (open daily from 10 to 4 o'clock), 23
Saward Benjainin, Harlow Turner Ashton, West Mersea, Colchestr High st. Colchester; draw on Lloyds
Saward Wm. Gt. Wakering, Southend Turner George Hurrell, Bradwell-juxta- Bank Limited, Lombard street,
Sawyer John, Margaretting, Ingatestone Mare, Southminster S.O London E.C
Scarborough E. Barking rd. East Ham E TurnerMrs.Louisa,King's rd.Brentwood Gurneys, Round, Green, Hoare & Co. ;
ScarboroughH.J.Katharinerd.Ea.HmE TweedCharles,1~th.Stationrd.Colchstr head office, 9 High st. Colchester;
Scheffel A. Maybank rd. Sth. Woodford Tweed John A. South hill. Manningtree (branches) (open on tues. & fri. ),High
Scott James, 86 North street, Halstead TylerAlfd.Edwd. Sun st.Walthm.Abbey st. Brightlingsea, Colchester; (Thomas
Sear le Ernest, South Ockendon,Romford Tyler Charles, 29 Sutton rd. Southend Wade, manager), The Bank, Station
Searle W. Station rd. Netteswell. Harlow Tylor Edward, llillericay road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. ; (James
Eenior James, Cambridge town, Shoe- Unwin Oscar, Milton street, Southend Medows Rodwell, agent), Dedham,
buryness & at Billericay S.O Vale George, 127 Magdalen st. Colchestr Colchester; (Adam Elisha Chatterson,
Shade Jn. Fobbing,Stanford-le-HopeS.O Vale Jas. Great Horkesley, Colchester agent), Tollesbury, Kelvedon; (Thos.
Sharp Mrs. M. A. Mistley, Manningtree Vass James, Plashet grove, East Ham E Wade, manager) (open thurs.
Shaw William, Bannister green, Fel- Vohman Fredk. George lane, Woodford I I till g), Marine place, Walton-on-
stead, Chelmsford Wadley Jas. Layer Marney, Kelvedon the-Xaze R.S.O.; draw on Lloyds
Shedd Arthur, 50 Duke st. Chelmsford Wadley John, Chipping hill, Witham Bank Lim. 72 Lombard st.LondonE.C


Hill & Sons, Market place, Romford; See Flag & Banner Makers. Bates Charles, 23 North street, Walton.
draw on Hill & Sons, 66 West Smith- on-the-Naze R.S.O
field & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. BAR FITTER. Carter Stephen James, 6 Eugene villas,
London E,-C . . . Loftus William R. 321 Oxford st. & Saville row, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
London & County Bankmg C~: Limited Lancashire court, London W C"ttermole Alfred, 4 Rhine villas, Jack·
(branc~es) (Edwa~d John GI1l, mana- son road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
ger), High st. Bran~tree; (Geo. Thos. BARGE BUILDERS. Finch & Almond Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
.Baker, manager), H1gh st. Brentwood; . . I T w L' s h ds h d
(cl1arl es ~·~Jl"
) H" h Cann John & Herbert Bath side Harwich ngram . . ower out en , out en
r 1 mms, manager , Ig ' '
f d. (F kT"db Id s 11 Howard John Thomas M.I.N.A. St. age osep , I_, eo s VI as, ower
p J h ~ S tt' ·11 L
s . eh I
ems or ' ran 1 a ne ' p ' Sh"1 B "Id. d M Id Southend Southend
manager) 2- High st Colchester· eter s P m mg yar , a on . ' ..
(eh I W ' 1.:>1. H ·d )' Norman Brothers, Quay, Harwich Robmson Abraham William, Beech bo.
. ar es a IS ammon , manager , Lower Southend Southend
High st. Halstead; (Henry James BARGE OWNERS. '
Francis Fortescue, manager), High BAZAAR & EXHIBITION
st. J\Ia!don; (F. T. Snell, manager), See Boat & Barge Owners. DECORATORS.
High st. Manningtree ; (S. C. Beer- BARRISTERS. .
croft manager) (tbursda'"·s 2 to 4 go Edgmgton John & Co. 19 Long lane E. C.
• J • • Ewen Thomas L'Estrange, Rookery & IOS Old Kent road, London S.E
p.m.), Square, Rochford S.O. i (Thos.
Fl k B ) H"1 h t
cottage Dedham Colchester
' '

tt B
o. 57• 5
8& n· h
59 IS ops-
oc ton arrow, manag~r • g. s · Watts Horace Newbegin M. D. Crown gate street without, London E.C
Romford ; (Frank DaVIs Hardmg, park, Stapleford Abbots, Romford
manager), Market place, Saffron BAZAARS.
Walden; (Sidney Chas. Beecroft, BARROW MAKERS. Knopp & Son
& 40 Long Wyre st
manage,r), Alexandra st. Southend; Taylor & Brooker, British timber Colchester ' .
(Frank r. Snell, manager) (o~e~ mon~ works, Dorking. See advertisement Sidle Thomas, g6 Long Wyrest.Colchstr
& wed. 10.30 2 ·3° p.m. ,fn. 12 ·3 Spalding Fred 3 Tindal sq. Chelmsford.
to 4 p.m.), Station road, Clacton-on- BASEMENT LIGHT ENGINRS. '
Sea R.S.O. ; (Edward John Gill, BEDDING .MANUF ACTRS.
manager) (open tues. & fri.), Market St.Pancraslron-WorkCompany,Pancras .
hill Cogge.shall· ('f. F. Barrow road, London N.W Bussey Alfred Henry, Northcott VIlla,
' ) (
manager open tues. thurs. ' & )' ...,
sat. , .oASKET & SIEVE M. K R . G ·m H A E S Pleasant road, Southend
L · s 1 & 1
Hio-h st. Ilford · draw on head office I"l • n enry amson, 1 • 9 45
21 "'Lombard st;eet London E.C ' AAmbhrosFe Thdon!aks, BHurnl ham S.O High street, Colchester. See advert
. S . ' . (b h ) re er re eriC , ar ow Roberts J. R. 78, Soa, So, S2, 84,
LondonJomt tock Bank Lim. ranc es Branch Frederick, Quay, Harwich 8S, 90 & 92 Broadway, Stratford E
(~hos. P_Iomer Trounce, manager), Cadby Frederick Thomas, 8 Highbury

H1gh. Bndge Su. Waltham Abbey; terrace, Colchester road, Halstead BEE-HIVE MAKER.
CE?wm . Purkess, m~nager) . (open Cadby Thomas, 69 Head st. Halstead · ·
daily 9 till 4; saL. 9 till 2), High st. Ch Th J H; h t R f d Debnam W. Primrose lull, Chelmsford
,., df d G . ( b b b) ( apman os. ames, .g s . om or
., oo or re~n • su.- ranc open Coker Alfred & Wm. 62 Bridge rd. Grays BEER ENGINE MAKERS.
tues. _& fri. I I t1l13),Higb rd.Loughton Cooper Waiter Wm. 26 High st.Halstead .. .
S.O. , draw on Lothbury office, 6 Cornell Simeon Cross st Saffron Walden Sanders & Sons, 228 High Holborn,
Loth bury, Lon~o~ E.C . . Cornell Wm. High st. Saffron Walden London W.C
London & Provmcml Bank Limited D b F dk c 2 M k bl M Id
(b b ) (w .ll" B ll d W"ll1 10 t eat re · · 2 ar et · a on BEER ENGINE & BAR FITTER
. ranc es I Jam a ar I,. ~ • Dennish Mrs. M. A. Southminster S.O .·
manager), Grays; (James V\ 1lham Funnell Alfred, Little Clacton,Colchestr Yates Jam~s, 39, 40, 41 & 42 Coleshill
Barefoot, manager), 28 Broadway, Hamilton Edward, 6 Tanner st. Barking street, Birmmgham
Stratfod E.; (sub-agency) (Raymond Hitchcock f. B. 43North hill, Colchester
Clar~e,manager)(openmon. &thurs.), Johm:t.oueG. Romford rd. Little Ilford BEER ~~~AI~ERS.
Station _road, C~ungford; draw ,on Kitson Mrs. Laura, Stansted J\Iount- Abraha~ John V\ Illlarr., Littlebury, Saf-
Glyn, Mill,s, Curr~e & Co. London ~- C fitche:·,, Bishop's Stortford fron "\\a! den . .
London & South V\ est ern Bank .Lim. Monk '.Yilliam Great Hallino-bury Ager Samuel,PJlgnms Hatch,Brentwood
(branches) (J. ~- Swann, manager), Bishop·~ Stortford "' ' Alexander Charles, ~oldhanger, Maldon
2 East st. Barkmg _& (Harrr Tracy Mount'\\ \lliam, Market end,Cog-geshall Alien James! Latc~mgdon, :Ma~don
Rose, manager), High st. \\anstead Parsonson Chas. 79 High st. Halstead Allen Jerem~ah, 1\IIstley, l\Iannn~gtree
N.E. ; draw on head office, 168 Fen- Parsonson Mrs. Eliza, Ballingdon, Sud- Alien Mrs. Sarah, Shalford, Bramtree
church str.oet, London E.C bury (Suffolk) Ambrose Geo. Castle Hedingham,Halstd
Par(s _Banking Co. & Alliance Bank Parsonson '{'. 3 Stanwell st. Colchester Amos James, Nine_ Ashes, Ingatestone
Limited (branch) (open m on. & thurs. Prior Charlo'3 North street Dunmow Anderson John, Wivenboe, Colchester
& sat.) (Alfre~ Lediard, manager), Ridgwell Jam'r.s, Hadleigh,'Rayleigh S.O AndrewsGe?.I8WestStockwell,Colcb~str
G~orge lane, '' oodford; draw on head Rogers E. A. 23 Long Wyre st.Colchestr Argent David, ro8 North street,Barkmg
office, Bartholomew lane, London E.C Shalder ThNntls, n6 East st. Barking Arnold Jspb. Greenstead green,Halstead
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co.; head office, Simons John Greenstead Colchester Arnold Thos. Greensteadgreen,Halstead
High st. ~helmsford; (~ran~bes~ Smith Wm.Dykes&Sons,Northst.Romfd Arrow Jos~p~. 9a, East street, Barking
(John Jeffer1es, agent), B1llencay, Smith Fredetif~k, Guithavon st. Witham Atta~ay V\ ilham, 59 East st. Colchester
(Henry Haske~ Mayhew, manager), Sowman DanieJ, 17 Barrack st.Colchester Austm John, Baslldon, B_rentwood
~ank st. Bramtre_e ; (Arthur W. Sowman Henry,6 9 East street,Colchestr Aylett Jn.Aythrop Roothmg,Chel.msford
Garrood, agent), High st. Brentwood; Stanley George, Newport S.O Ayres Henry, South st. Manm?gtree
(open wed. & sat.), Burnham S.O.; Stubbins John so East street Barking Baalam John, West Bank, Barkmg
(Wm. Humphreys, manager), East st. TurnerS.&Son:sMoulsham st.Chelmsfrd Bacon Richard, Brentwood rd. Rmfrd
Coggeshall; (James E.Pegram, agent), Turner Charles I06 High st. Braintree Bacon Thos. Aveley, Purfl.eet S.O
Dunmow; (W. A. Merchant, agent), Ward Alfred Charles Market hill & Bacon Wm. Thorringon, Colchester
(open tues. & fri. 10 to 4), Earls Church street, Cogg~shall Ba~ey J oh?, Rod~n str~et, llford
Colne, Halstea~; (Waiter Twee?, West,New-Year& Co.New road,Barking Bailey Lev1, Bark_mg S1de, Ilford
manager), Eppmg; (John .Morris, \Yestrop A. J. Castle Hedingham, Halstd Baker Harman, M~l green, Ingatestne
manager), H1gh street, Halstead ; White Theophilus Church st Coggeshall Baker John, Raylmgh S. 0
(open tuesday & friday), Harlow; (F. ' · Baker Wm. Little Easton, Dunmow
Maryon, agent), Ingatestone; (open BATH MAKERS. Baker William, Rochford S.O
tues. & fri. n.go to 2.15), Kelvedon; . Baldry Mark E. Gt. Oakley, Harwich
(H. J. Sansom, manager), High st. Tylor Joseph & Sons.LI~. 2 Newgate ~;t. Baldwin J. Smart's la. Loughton S.O
Maldon ; (Waiter Pat rick Fenn,agent ), E. C. & Bellelsle,Kmg s crss.London N Balls J. Gt. Wig borough, Colchester
Ongar S.O.; (John SmiLh Prior, BATH CHAIR PROPRIETORS. Bantick Henry William, 57 & 59 Bar·
agent), Southminster S. 0. ; (Alfred . rack street, Colchester
Mens, manager), Witbam; draw on Cate~ G. 1c_o~per vils.Clarence rd.Slhnd Barber C. Toppesfield, Halstead
Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Powlmg Wilham Thomas, 9 Park street, Barker Arthur, '\Vivenhoe, Colchester
Bouverie & Co. London E. C.; (Edward Southend-on-Sea Barker Mrs. Catherine, Church e'nd,
Jackson, agent), Roehford 8.0.; Clavering, Newport S.O
(Frederick Cox, manager), High st. BATHS & BATH PROPRIETRS. Barker C. R. Toppesfield, Halstead
Southend; draw on Glyn, Mills, AbsalomHenry,LowerSouthend,Southnd Barker Mrs. J\Iatilda, Duck end,
Currie & Co. London E.C Barking Public Baths (Henry Frederick Stebbing, Chelmsford
-·- Van, proprietor), 76 Axe st. Barking Barker Richard, Bardfield End green,
Cunliffe, Rnssell & Co. 10 Place de la Ellis ""·Marine par. Do\-ercourt,Harwich Thaxted, Dunmow
Bourse, Paris Handley Henjamin, The Hyde, l\Ialdon Barlow Edward, Ongar S. 0
Barltrop Mrs. Hannah, Amberdon Bunting Mrs. Ann, Great Samp- Cooper .J. High Garrett, Braintree
end, Debden, Saffron Walden ford, Braintree Corder Alfred, Gt. Totham, Witham
Barnard James, Blackm"ore, ln-gatestne Bunting Mrs. Elizabeth, Hill green, Corder Mrs. C. Gestingthorpe, Halstd
Barnard J. 0. Rowhedge, Colchester Clavering, Newport S.O Cornell Edward, James place, King's
"Barnard Rbt. 63 Broadway, Barking Bunting W. Fordham Hth. Colchester road, Bre'ntwood
Barrack Samuel, Harlow Burgess W. E. Chadwell Heath R.S.O Cornell W. Seward's End, Sffrn. Wldn
"Barrett Job, Gt. Chesterford S.O Burr Waiter, Whitehorse side, Nave- Cottis G. 41 Chapel hill, Halstead
Barrett Joseph, Steeple Bumpstead, stock, Romfo!'d Coulson Mrs. Eliza, Romford com-
Haverhill (Suffolk) Burrell Miss Maria L. Squirrels mon, Romford
Barwood Daniel, 5 Church st. Harwich Heath, Romford Coult G. Great Totham, Witham
Basham Christopher, Helions Bump- Burrell Wi:liam, Ardleigh green, Courtman Isaac, Hatfield, Witham
stead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Hornchurch, Romford Cousins Wm. 32 Head st. Colchester
Bass Wm. H. Ivy chimney, Theydon Burton Arthur, Church st. Coggeshll Cowlen G. Latchingdon, :Maldon
Bois, Epping Bush J. Birchanger, Bishop's Stortfd Cox Edward, Wickford S.O
Batho Wm. Nazeing, Waltham Cross Buswell H. H. Epping green, Epping Cox T. Greenhill grove, Manor Park
Baxter T. Jas. Mistley, Manningtree Butcher H. Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Crabthorn John, High Laver, Ongar
Beacock H. W. 82 Ripple rd. Barking Butcher S. Gt. Maplestead, Halstead Crack'nell Sl. Bradfie!d, Manningtree
Beard Joseph, sen. Rose green, Butcher 1Villiam, Bradford street, Crammer G. 21 Maidenburg st.Clchstr
Chappel, Halstead Rocking, Braintree Crane John, Magdalen Laver, Ongar
Beardwell J. West Bergholt R.S.O Butt Chas. 22 Seymour rd. E. Ham E Cronin Samuel, jun. Queen street,
Beckett 1Villiam, Baddow road, Great Byford Jas. Brauwc!.U, Manningtree Great 1Varley, Brentwood
Baddow, Chelmsford Callow W. Lit. Maplestead, Halstead Crosby H. J. Gree'nstead, Colchester
Beckwith Herbert, 13 Head street, Calver Mrs. Caroline, Coggeshall rd. Crossman Frederick, New quay,
Colchester Braintree Hythe, Colchester
Belcher Wm. Little Totham, Witham Calver W. 77 Maidenburrh st.Clchstr Crowe Frederick, Rochford S.O
Belfall Hy. I Linton road, Barking Cann James, Newport S.O. Essex Crozier Felix, Littley green, Ford
Bellham R Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon Carder Joseph, Shalford, Braintree End, Chelmsford
Bennett Waiter, East Horndon & CarringtDn G. x6 Hythe quay, Clchstr Culham W. H. 33 Stanwell st. Clchstr
Heron Gate, Brentwood Carter F. Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford Cumbers P. Tower hill, Brentwood
Bensley George, Parson's hth. Green- Cass George, Hatfield, Harlow Cuming Jn. 1Vethersfield, Braintree
stead, Colchester Cass Wm. East Hanningfield, Chlmsfd Cutmore John, 22 Heath st. Barking
Bentley Abbis Jesse, Blackmore end, Challis Henry Chatham green, Little Cutting Hy. R. Wix, Manningtree
Wethersfield, Braintree 1Valtham, Chelmsford Cutting John, Lit. Bentley, Colchester
Benton John T. Green lane, Chad- Chapman John, Boreham, Chelmsford Dade 1Vm. J. Castle st. Saffron Wldn
well Heath R.S.O Chapman John, Woodham Ferrers, Dalby Francis, Lexden, Colchester
:Berry John, 109 North st. Barking Chelmsford Danes Jas. Orsett heath, Orsett S.O
Berry Robt. 48 Queen's rd. Barking Chapman Miss Mary, Upper Green, Daniels Henry, Gt. Clacwn, Colchester
Bezant Mrs. Charlotte, Ballingdon, Wimbish, Saffron Walden Da'nsie F. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Sudbury, Suffolk Chapman Waiter, Brick end, Brox- Davey A. 22 Moulsham st. Chlmsfrd
Biggs 1\fr~. Rachel, Bennett's Castle ted, Dunmow Davey Mrs. P. 92 North st. Halstead
lane, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Cheshire E. Little Canfield, Dunmow Davey Waiter, 39 North st. Halstead
"Bird Geo. Dedham, Colchester Choat J. 1V. Finchingfield, Braintree Davis Harry, Back st. Brentwood
Bishop Wm. Southminster S.O. Essex Choat William, Junction rd. Brentwd Davis John Edward, 229 London road,
Biss R. Peak hill, Waltham Abbey Chubb Robert Richard, Old road, Grays Thurrock, Grays
Blanks George, New Wanstead N.E Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Davis Joseph, Victoria rd. Romford
Blewitt Harry, Suffolk street, 1Valton- Chuck Robert, Brook st. Brentwood Davis 1V. Woodham Waiter, Maldon
on-Naze R.S.O Church E. Gt. Bromley, Colchester Dawson Hy. T. 12 George st. Harwich
Blomfield J. 16 Magdalen st. Clchstr Clapton John, Smith's green, Takeley, Dawson James, Butts green, Horn-
Bloomfield T. 131 Hythe hill, Colchstr Chelmsford church, Romford
Bloomfield William, Ray'ne, Braintree Clare G. Latchingdon, Maldon Day Samuel, Parnell's, Willinga~e
Blowers Herbert, 126 Wantz rd. l\fldn Clark Charles, Ridgwell, Halstead Spain, Chipping Ongar S.O
1Uowes J. Abbot's Roothing, Brntwood Clark Alfred, 147 Fisher st. Barking Deadman Fredk. North Weald, Epping
Bones Alfred John, 30 North Station Clark John, so Moulsham st. Chlmsfd Death Oscar, High street, Bright-
road, Colchester Clark John, Roydon, Ware lingsea, Colchester
Bourne Henry, Mill grn. Ingatestone Clark W. jun. Gt. Easton, Du'nmow Deex Richard, Ramsey, Harwich
Bowen J. T. Kelvedon Hatch, Brntwd Clark Mrs. W. Black Notley, Braintree Dennis Mrs. Ellen, 172 Moulsham
Bowtell Simeo'n, Little Hallingbury, Clarke Albert, Burton's green, Green- ·street, Chelmsford
Bishop's Stortford stead green, Halstead Dennis Mrs. Sarah, Matching Tye,
Bradley George, Stock, Ingatestone Clarke Mrs. Elizabeth, Mill end, Matching, Harlow
Bragg A. W. Brook st. Manningtree Takeley, Chelmsford Desmond John James, The Canteen,
Bragg F. 5 Mountfield rd. E. Ham E Clarke George, Stansted Mountfitchet, South Hornchurch, Romford
Brand Charles, Manuden, Bishops' Bishop's Stortford Digby James, Felstead, Chelmsford
Stortford Clarke H. J. 43 Culver ·st. Colchester Dixey G. Bulmer, Sudbury (Suffolk)
Brand Fredk. Elmdon, Saffron Walden Clarke Jas. Parsonage down, Dunmow Dockerill George, 1Vood lane, Chad-
Brazier Silas, Stow Maries, Maldon Clarke Robt. Ridgwell, Halstead well heath R.S.O
Brewster T. Bycknacre, Chelmsford Clarke Wm. E. Waterloo rd. Brentwd Dodd George, Springfield street,
Bridge Charles, 'Wickham Bishops, Clayden George, Steeple Bmnpstead, Springfield, Chelmsford
Witham Haverhill (Suffolk) Dodd Samuel, Eve's corner, Dan-
Bridge J ames, Blasford hill, Little Clements A. 54 Tidings hill, Halstead bury, Chelmsford
Waltham, Chelmsford Cleverly Mrs. Elizabeth West, Wool- Dore Jn. 111 Military rd. Colchester
Brittain Alfred, Mount'nessing, Brntwd lard street, Waltham Abbey Doubleday .A. E. Wivenhoe, Colchestr
Britten Alfred, Shenfield, Brentwood Cleverly He'nry John, Fountain place, Downham Mrs. Mary, Thaxted road,
Brooks J. Galleywood Com.Chelmsfrd Waltham Abbey Saffron "\Valden
Brooks J. Wix grn. Wix, Manningtree Coe James, St. Osyth, Colchester Downing Alfred, Southminster S.O
Brown Chas. Chapel hill, Braintree Coe Mrs. M.A. Castle street, Saffron Downs Arthur Robert, Steeple Bump-
Brown J. Great Parndo'n, Harlow Walde'n stood, Haverhill (Suffolk)
Brown Mrs. Mary Ann, Great Eas- Coe Thos. Aldboro' Hatch, Ilford Downs Frank, Ipswich road, Ardleigh,
tQn, Dunmow Collard Thomas, Back st. Brentwood Colchester
Brown Mrs. P. London rd. Brntree Collier Wm. Heybridge, Maldon Drain John, Felstead, Chelmsford
Brown Rd. Up. Dovercourt, Harwich Conlan Mrs. F. 55 Linton rd. Barking Drake Ernest '\Villiam, Hog hill, Chig-
Brown T. Gt. Bromley, Colchester Conway E. Sible Hedingham, Halstead well Row, Dagenham, Romford
Brown T. Lit. Baddow, Chelmsford Conway Lewis, Stansted Mountfitchet, Dudley Robert, Rivenhall, Witham
Brown Thos. West Bergholt R.S.O Bishop's Stortford Dyer Fredk. Ingrave, Brentwood
Broyd James, 125 High street, Grays Conway S. Lawford, Manningtree Eadle Geo. 14 Kelly rd. East Ham E
Thurrock, Grays Cook Alfred, Col'ne road, Coggeshall Earthy Jas. South st. Manningtree
Broyd William, Fordham, Colchester Cook F. J. 45 High street, Halstead Eary \\-•alter, Kelvedon
Bruce John, The Heath, Weeley, Cook Geo. S. Wivenhoe, Colchester East ::\Ir<~. Elizabeth, 95 Roman road,
Colchester Cook Jas. South street, Manningtree East Ham E
'Bull Mrs. Sarah, New road, Dagen- Cook Wm. Mistley, Manningtree Edwards .John, Dagenham, Romford
ham, Romford Coombs W. Hermon hl. Wanstead N.E Ed"ards Mrs. Mary, Rayleigh S.O
"Bullock Henry, Fordham, Co:chester Cooper Albt. Tolleshunt Major, Wthm Elnre<l John, Pebmarsh, Bures R.S.O
Eunn James, 12 Baddow rd. Chlmsfd Cooper G. Coggeshall rd. Braintree (Suffolk)
BEER RETAILERS-continued. Gilbey John, I44 High st. Braintree Jagger Wm. Bishop's green, Dunmow
Elgie Mrs. S. Broomfi.eld, Chelmsford Gilbey John, Rettendon, Chelmsford James H. W. Gt. Bentley, Colchester
Ellis Joshua, Queen's road, Brentwood Godfrey W. 4 Artillery st. Colchester James Z. Carls Colne, Halstead
Ellison Mrs. Grace, 36 North hill, Golby William, Wi:x:, Manningtree Jasper Wm. 65 West street, Harwich
Colchester Golby William, jun. Stones green, Jeffery E. Elmdon, Saffron Walden
Elmer G. R. Northgate st. Colchestr Great Oakley, Harwich Jeffrey .Alfred Smith, Little Walden
Ely John Bentley, Cressing, Braintree Golden John, 48 Bridge road, Grays road, Saffron Walden
Emberson William, Burton's green, Thurrock, Grays Jennings J. Gt. Leighs, Chelmsford
Greenstead green, Halstead Golding Henry, North st. Romford Jennings James, Wood green, Wal-
Emmerson Samuel, Woodham Morti- Goldstone Thomas, Cornish Hall End, tham Abbey
mer, Maldon Braintree Jennings Robert, Hornchurch, Rmfrd
Evans Mrs. C. 59 Parsonage street, Goodaker J. H. 59 North st. Barking Johnson George, The Wash, Hemp-
Halstead Goodchild Isaac, Tendring, Colchester stead, Saffron Walden
Evans Henry, Collier row, Romford Gould J. Little Holland, Colchester Johnson Jn. Barnston, Chelmsford
Evans Mrs. Maria, Uallows green, Graham J. High rd. Loughton S.O Jolinson Mrs. John Roden, Mistley~
.Aldham, Colchester Grange R. 25a, Mnt. Pleasant, Halstd Manningtree
Evans William, 5 Trinity sq. Halstead Gray Mrs. H. Fairfield road, Braintree Johnson Mrs. M . .A.. Milton rd.Brentwd
Eve "\VaJter, The Wharf, Springfield, Grayling John, Curtis Mill gree:n, Johnstone Mrs. Johanna, Finching-
Chelmsford Navestock, Romford field, Braintree
Everett G. 6 Anchor st. Chelmsford Green F . .A.. J. Manor st. Braintr~e Joily W. Ipswich rd . .A.rdleigh, Clchstr
Everett William, Robins Bridge road, Griffiths Richard, Railway statwn, Jordan Manasseh, High Ongar, Chip-
Coggeshall Theydon Bois, Epping . ping Ongar S.O
Everitt George, Henham, Bishop's Grimsey lslaa.c, Park road, Bnght- Jordan W. Doddinghurst, Brentwood
Stortford lingsea, Colchester Joscelyne W. H. Lit. Totham, Witham
Ewers Thomas, Borne row, Danbury, Groom Mrs. Mary, Dunmow J oslin Geo. Romford rd. Manor Park
Chelmsford Groves Jas. High East~r, Chelmsford Joyce T. jun. Felstead, Chelmsford
Ezra J. H. I25 Cronch st. Colchester Gunfield Fred. St. Osyth, Colchester Judge T. Salway hill, Woodford Grn
:Faiers Mrs. M. 2 Castle rd. Colchestr Gunfield George, Thorpe-le-Soken, Keeble Simeon B. Steeple, Maldon
Farnham W. Arkesden, Newport S.O Colchester Keeble Wm. Little Bentley, Colchestr
Fairmaner Mrs. Sarah, Chigwell Row Hadley Charles, Wivenhoe cross, Wi- Kemp James, Hill green, ClaverinO',
Farran Geo. 2I Osborne st. Colchest:r venhoe, Colchester Newport S.O · "
Farrow William, Round bush, Pur- Haggerwood John, Stansted Mount- Kendell George, Castle Hedingh:tm.
leigh, Maldon fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Halstead
Felton Mrs. .A.nn, Gestingthorpe, Hale Mrs. Susannah, Ugley green, Kennedy C. ro Artillery st.Colchestel'
.Halst.ead . . Ugley, Bis~op's Stortford Kent George, High street, Brightling-
Fidgeon Mrs. Emlly, Raylmgh S.O Handley B. JUn. Church st. Maldon sea, Colchester
Filby Wm. Fambridge rd. Maldon Handley H~ .. 14 Nortl_l street, Maldon Kettle Fredk. 56 West st. ITarwich
Finch George, Belchamp St. Paul, Handley W1lham, .A.lndge, Romford Kettridge Mrs. ~Iary, Radwinter.
Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) Hardy Fredk. Great Chesterford S.O Saffron Walden
Finch J. Church st. Backing, Braintree Harrod Wm. Rettendon, Chelmsford Key George, Battle 'Bridge S.O
Firman Jas. T. r8 North st. Barking Harvey D. North st. Rochford S.O Keys Saml. Vicarage la. East Ham E
Firmin Mrs. Maria, Great Bromley, Harvey Geo. Castle st. Saffron Walden Keys Wm. Tiptree heath, Kelvedon
Colchester Harvey W. Langley, Bishop's Stortfrd Killingback .A.l'thur, Blackmore en;l.
Fisher George, Teering, Kelvedon Rawkins C. I St. John's grn. Clchstr Wethersfield, Braintree
Fisher James, Hornchurch, Romford ffawkins Geo.142 Magdalen st. Clchstr Kindred Arthur, Ridgwell, Halstead
Fitch Geo. .A.shdon, Saffron Walden Hawkins J. Mountnessing, Brentwood King .A.lphonso James, Randulph ter-
Fitch George, Stanford-le-Hope 8.0 Haycock Charles, Queen's road, race, Springfield, Chelmsford
Fitch George, 178 Wa.ntz rd. Maldon Buckhurst hill King Edwd. C. Hadstock, Cambridge
:flack James, Cranham, Romford Hayden .A.lbert Drivei:, South Ocken- King Hy. Magdalen J.. aver, Ongar
Flack Stephen, Clavering, Newpt .. S.O don, Romford King "\Vm. Castle st. Saffron Walden
Folkard J. 27 Belle Vue rd. Colchestr Hayden Owen, Rickling, Newport S.O Knight Mrs. Emily, Heath, Hatfield,
Ford Frederick, Ashen, Clare R.S.O. Haywa;rd Jas. Mistley, Manningtree Harbw
(Suffolk) l:feath F. C. I62 Magdalen st. Clchstr Lambert William Charles, 134 Hythe
Fordham Geo. Gt. Chesterford S.O Heather Mrs . .A.. Smart's la. Loughtn hill, Colchester
Foster John, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Hempsted Geo. West Eergholt R.S.O Larke George Herbert, Queen street.
Franklin Wm. R. Terling, ·witham Herbert .A.lfd. Hythe quay, Colchester Brightlingsea, Colchester
Fraser Robert, Widford, Chelmsfurd Hicldord Edward, Ashen, Clare R.S.O. Law Philip, Chrishall, Hoyston
Freeman Jos. 13 Back lane, Barking (Suffolk) Lawrence Thomas, North End, Littll}
Freeman Joseph, Gt. Chesterford S.O Hockley John, Shalford, Braintree Yeldham, Halstead
Frost Mrs. E. High st. Manningtree Hodson J. Market row, Saffron Wldn Lay Richard, Steeple, :i\Iald(ln
Frost Mrs. Myra, Heybridge, Maldon Holland William John, 174 Ripple Lea Chas. Snake's la. Woodford Grn
Frost Wm. go Butt road, Colchest-er road, Barking Leach Robert, Boxted, Colchester
Fuller Mrs. Sarah .A.nn, S.O Hollingshead Hy. Ley street, Ilford Lee Geo. W. 5 Stanwell st. Colchestr
Fuller 'William, Barnston, Chelmsford Houlton Jas. E. Green lane, Ilford Lennon John Patrick, Baker st. Xew
Fuller William, Dunmow iiowe F. Katherine rd. East Ham E Writtle street, Chelmsford
Fuller "\Villiam, Rayne, Braintree Howland W. High Roothing, Dunmow Letch W. M. Sible Hedingham,HalstJ
Fynn ·william Henry, Horndon-on.,,the Howland W. Little Saling, Braintree Levett Chas. 24 Roman rd. Colche~ter
Hill, Grays Hubbard John, "\Vitham Linsell Jonathan, Sheering, Harlow
Game Harry, 15 1\fersea rd. Colchestr Rughes J. York hill, Loughton S.O Little Wm. Station rrlWalthamAbbcy
Gandy Alfred, Stondon, Brentwood Hull David, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Livings Charles, Stisted, llraintree
Gannon William, Boreham, Chelmsfrd Hummerstone William, Broadley corn- Livings Thomas, Middle st. Clavering.
Gardiner Miss Emily, I South cliff, mon, ·~raltham Cross Newport S.O -
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Hunt Effingham, High BYidge street, Lodge John, High Roothin~, Dunmow
Gardner Joseph, Ingatestone 1Valtham Abbey Long 1\frs. Sarah, Romebnd, Wal-
Garrad George, Copt Hall green, Runt James M. Stisted, Braintree tham Abbey
WaJtham Abbey Hunt T. H. 1Yest Tilbury, Tilbury S.O Long W. Princes rd. Buck burst Rill
Garrad Mrs. S. 52 East hl. Colchestr Hunt Timothy, Fairy Croft road, Lovelace Waiter, Little Chestl3rford,
Garrard Joseph, East street, Prittle- Saffron Walden Great Chesterford S.O
well, South End Hunwick A. Church st. Cog-geshall Lucking Mrs. Martha, Hatfield,Withm
Garwood "\Ym. Bradfield, ManningtrPe Hunwicks .A.lbert., Golden Noble hill, Lusted Hy. Luther, Lexden, Colchestr
Ga.rwood William, High street! south, Military road, Colchest~r Lyon Wm. Great Burstead, Brentwd
East Ham E Hvam Wm. Junction rd. Brentwood Machell Francis L. Little heath, Chad-
Gaylor ·wm. Market place, Romfa.rd Idle Charles, West Thurrock, Grays well street, Chadwell ~eath R.S.O
Gearing Percy, Theydon Bois, Epping Ince Georg-e, Sturmer, Halstead McKay .A.lex. Mount~~ssmg, Bren~~d
Gearon Frederick John, Ingatestone l~'<bern .A.rthur Frederick, Kelvedon McNaley W. H. 59 Fisher st. Baroung
Gees P. J. Io Stanwell st. Colchester Ives Wm. D. Gt. Warling, Brentwood Manklow l\Irs. Eliza, C01·bets Tye, 'Cp-
Gibbs Edward, 34 Chapel h!. Halstead Jackson Albert, Belchamp St. Paul. minster, Romford
Gibbs John, Church street, Backing, Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) Mann.Jsph. Little Lei.ghs, ChelmsbrJ.
Braintree Jackson Philip, Cutler's green, Tha:x:- ManTllng Wm. .A.rdle1gh, Colche<;ter
Giblin Thomas, Ong-ar S.O tPd, Dunmow Mansfield Mrs. Robert, Thornwo:Jd
Gibson G. Sible HPding-ham, Halstead .Tackson Richard T. Kirbv, CQlchester common, North Weald, :Epping
Gilbey Geo. Wethersfield, Braintree Jackson William, Newport S.O Mardell .Alfred, Hatfield, Harlow
:Markwell S. Debden, Saffron Walden Patten Mrs. Rebecca, Colne green, Rice Chas. Great Yeldham, Halstead
l\Iarshall Alfred, Southey green, Sibl€> Wakes Colne, Halstead Richardson Charles, Heath, Tendring~
Hedingham, Halstead Paul Mrs. Emily, Heybridge, Malrlon Colchester
1\Iarshall Wm. 7 Hall st. Chelmsfor·l Pavitt Isaac, Kine .Ashes, Ingatestone Richardson P. Ongar road, Dunmow
l\Iart~n .Alfred, We~hersfield, Braintr~e Pawsey Harry, Chipping hill, Witham Richardson Silas, Sandpit rd.BraintreD
l\lartm Mrs. Ehzabeth, Belchamp Payne Jas. Peglesham, Rochford S.O Ri('hardson Thomas, Hurst green,.
Waiter, Sudbury (Suffolk) Peachey W. Hill st. Saffron Walden Brightlingsea, Colchester
~J:artin Miss Florence M. Belchamp Peachey W. Manuden,Bishop's Strtfrd Rickett Mrs. Sarah, Chingford
St. Paul, Clare R.S.O (Suffolk) Peacock l\Irs. L. Tilbury, Halstea•l Riddelsdell Henry, 7 Korth stre~t,.
~Iartin F. 13 King's Quay st. Harwich Peacocke Richard, Writtle, Chelmsfrd Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Martin J. 19 & 21 Winnock rd.Colchstr Peagram Stephen Geo. Pye's bridge, Ridgwell John, Great Saling,Braintree-
)lartin Robt. 17 George st. Harwich Felstead, Chelmsford Rippingale William, Goorlmays, Chad-
:Martin Wm. Black Notley, Braintree Pearman I' . .Ashdown, Saffron Walden well Heath R.S.O
:Marvell Mrs. Mary .Ann,Chigwell road, Pearson .Andre,v, High Ongar, Chip- Roake Mrs. Sarah .A. Woodford Bridge
South Woodford ping Ongar S.O Roast George, Writtle, Chelmsford
l\Iaskell J. Mountnessing, Brentwood Pearsons John, Belchamp Otten, Clare Roberts Jas. Ongar road, Brentwood
:Mason Mrs. Eliza, Grangehill,Chigwell R.S.O (Suffolk) Hobins Henry, Potash, Radwinter,.
:\Iason W. r68 Magdalen st. Colchester Pegrum George, North Weald, Epping Saffron Walden
Matthews Jas. Clavering,Newport S.O Pegrum James, Copt Hall green~ Rogers Thomas, Panfield, Braintree
1\Iaxim .A. Castle Hedingham,Halstea•l "\Valtham .Abbey Rclph George Hurrell, :Monk street,.
l\Iay John, We. Hanningfield,Chlmsfrd Pelling Frederick William, 28, 30 k Thaxted, Dunmow
~fay Jsph. We.Hanningfield,Chelmsfrd 32 High street & u6 William streat, Rose Mrs . .A. Hythe quay, Colchester
Maylon Lawrence,Helions Bnmpstead, Grays Thurrock, Grays Row:den Charles ~oh?-, Marden ~sh,
Haverhill (Suffolk) Felling George Marshall, Sun street, High Onga::, Ch!ppmg Qngar S.O
Meachen William, Witham WaHham .Abbey Ruddock Darnel, l'\ewport S.~ .
1\fead .Alfred, Dagenham, Romford Penning J. Gold st. Saffron Walden Rudduck James Thomas, "ormmg-
:Mead Edward, Gate street, Maldon Penning Wm. Gold st. Saffron Walden ford R.S.O .
:Mead James, Laindon, Brentwood Pe-r:cival Ernest, Sidney street, Bright- Rumsey George,Oxney green, Wnttle,.
:Mead J. F. 11 Market hill, Maldon lingsea, Colchester Chelmsford
Mead Waiter, Dunmow Perrin Saml. Becontree heath,Romfrd Russell Peter, Uprninster, Romford
Mead Waltr.South Ockendon,Romfod Perry John, Nounsley green, HatfieH, Rutkin C. Layer.-de-la-Hay, Colchest,r
::\fean Hy. Birchanger, Bishop's Strtfr 1l Witham Rycraft Jacob,, Little Bentley, ColchsLr
:Middleditch Mrs. L. Terling, Witham Peters Jn. St . .Andrew'~ rd. Romford Sadd Isaac, Earls Colne, Halstead .
Middleton John, Chipping hill, Withru Pettitt E. Ramsden Bellhouse,Brentwd Salter Charles, Ge?rge. street,HarWich
Miller Sam 1. St. Osyth, Colchester Phillips Jsph. W. Rippleside, Barking Saltwell Waiter, BilleriCay .
Miller Thomas, Goldhanger, Maldon Fhillips Thos. Notley rd. Rraintree Saunders Charles, Battles Bndge ~.0
Mills J. C. 83 Magdalen st. Colch•3Ster Phillips W. M. York hill,Loughton S.O Sau?ders Frank, 19 Churc~ st.Mal<ton
Mills Thomas, Lexden, Colchester Philpot Mrs. :Mary, Corringham, Stan- Sa_vill .Abraham, Beggar lull, Fryern-
.Miriam Mrs. Jane Matilda, Chad-v~ell ford-le-Hope S.O n~~. Ingatestone
Street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Philpot Waiter, Lindsell, Chelmsford SaVIle . John, Matching green,.
Mitson Moses, Ridgwell, Halstead Philpott Mrs.Louisa,Pleshey,Chlmsf-<d Matchm1;5,. Harlow
:\Ioore Caleb, "\Vest Thurrock, Grars Pierce William, South Benfleet S.O Savo:y 'Yllham. George, New street,.
Moore James, Billericay Piggott :Mrs. Mary .Ann, StanforJ Bnghtlmgsea, Colchester
Moore Jas. E. Dedham, Colchester Rivers, Romford Saward Geo. Gt. Totham, Witham
!vfortier Fred, Cressing, Braintree Pilgrim George, Fenns, Colne road, Sayer Mrs. .Annie, High st. Ilford
Moss John, Inworth, Kelvedon Halstead Scarborough James Hy. Plashet lane.
~loss William, Shenfield, Brentwood I"ilgrim John, Great Chesterford S.O East Ham E
Motrin .Anthony, 35 West Stockwell Pilgrim Samuel, Castle Hedingham, Scotcher James, Havering-atte-
st.reet, Colchester Halstead Bower, Romford
Mullett S. Jas. Mistley, Manningtree Pipe William, Southminster S.O Scott Dyster, The Pavement, Ilford
Mumford T. E. Gt.Bardfield,Braintree Piper H. Street, 'fakeley, Chelmsford Scott James, 86 North st. Halstead
Munson James, jun. Boxted, Colchestr Playle Henry, Cooksmill green, Rox- Scott Jas. jun. North street, Halstead
Murkin John, Ovington, Clare R.S.O well, Chelmsford Scott Mrs. Mary .Ann, Sam's gn. Ilford
(Suffolk) Ponder C.Crooked mile,Waltham.A0by Seagar Mrs. .Alice, Sewardstone st.
Murrell H. 78 Barrack st. Colchester Ponder Edward, Butcher's green,Stan- 1Valtham .Abbey
Murton Mrs. Emily, Stanford Rivers, way .All Saints, Colchester Searle .Albert, Post office, Great
Romford Pool James, Rippleside, Barking Parndon, Harlow
Nash Frederick, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Potter Mrs. Eliza, Turpin's cave, High Searle .Alfred, ~Iole Hill green,.
Nayler .Augustus, 14 Northgate street, Beech, Loughton S.O Takeley, Chelmsford .
Colchester Potter George, Rush green, Romford Sear~es John, Ranks green, Fairsted,.
N"eal Frederick Cooper, 34 King's Hea'l Poult~r Henry, Bradford st. Docking, Witham .
street, Harwich Bramtree Sewell J. "\V. Hannmgfield, Chelmsfrd
:Nevard Mrs. Sarah,Wivenhoe,Colchstr Pretty .Alfred, Fingringhoe, Colchester Sewell "\V. r5 & 16 .Artillery st.Colchsti"
Neville T. Leaden Roothing,Chelmsfrd Prior Charles J. ::.Iilllane, 1Yitham Seymour James. Epping New road.
Newman Mrs. C. Gt.Leighs,Chelmsfrd Pryke .Alfred, Elmstead, Colchester Buckhurst Hill
~ice Henry, High street, Brentwood Pryor Mrs. B. Burton end, Stanstetl Shead Benj. Wivenhoe, Colchester·
Nice Isaac, Hatfield, Witham ~Iountfitchet, Bishop'.s Stortford Shepard Mrs . .Amy, Ballingdon, Sud-
Nicholls 1\Irs. Mary .Ann, Honey lane, Pudney Walter,Bridge street,HalsteJ.d bury (Suffolk)
Waltham Abbey Purkess Harry Charles, Plashet grove, Short H. 1 MiddlPboro' Colchester
Nichols Wm. II3 Fisher st. Barking East Ham E Shurey G. 3 Short "\Vyre st. Colchstr
Nightingale R.Station rd.Manningtree Purkis Charles, Coopersale street, Shuttlewood Mrs. l\Iaria, Stebbing
Nokes J. J. I7I :Moulsham st. Chlm osfrol Theydon Garnon, Epping green, Stabbing, Chelmsford
Norfolk James, Rowhedge, Colchester Pye .Abraham, Rose lane, Romford Sillitoe Mrs. Susannah, Barley, Sud-
North J. :Fordham heath, Colchester Radley William, Castle Hedingham, bury (Suffolk)
Oakley .Alfred, Orsett S.O Halstead Sills J. 36 New Sltreet, Barking
Oakley Mrs . .Ann, "\Vivenhoe,Colchest:r Raison 1Ym. East Donyland, Colchestr Silvester M'rs.P . .Alphamstone,Colchstr
Oliver G. Sth. Hornclmrch, llomford Rampling Jn. 30 Tidings hill,Halstpad Simmons G. Gt. Warley, Brentwood
Olley James, Cranham, Romford Rand "\Vm. 77 Crouch st. Colchester Simmons H. "\Veald la. Brentwood
Orriss J. Woodham Ferrers,Chelmsfrd Randall ~Irs. Jas. Shenfield common, Simpson S. Southminster S.O
Osborne .A. 28 Parsonage st. Halstead Shenfield, Brentwood Siviter I. 56 Stanwell st. Colchester
Owers George, Hatfield, Witham Randell James, 88 Linton rd. Barking Skillington William, Romford road.
Pamplin I. Coggeshall road, llraintree Raven G. Kevendon,Battles BridgeS.O Little Ilford
Parish David, Theyc.on Bois, Eppin~ Uawlings Charles Henry, Stanste•l Skingley l\Irs. l\Iary .Ann, W"illingdale
Parker E. r2 Short "\Vyre st. Colchestr :Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Doe, Brentwood
Parker Thomas, .Ardleigh, Colchester Rawlinson "\V. Tiptree heath,Kelvedon Smee G. 127 Moulsham st. Chelm5fd
Parr W. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Read James, Burnham S.O Smith .!.. Ford End, Cheimsford
ParrY: .Alfred, West Thurrock, Grays Header Elijah, Becontree hth. Romfrd Smith C. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Partr1dge .Agur, High st. Brentwood Reed Hy. Jn. London rd. Romford Smith Charles, J'\e"\\biggen street,
Partridge .A. Surrex, Feering,Kelvedn Reed P . .Ashdon rd. Saffron "\Yalden Thaxted Dunmow
Partridge S. Great Clacton, Colchestr Reeve James, Ford end, Chelmsford Smith Da;iel, Benfield end, Stansted
Patrick James, Sidney street, Bright- Reeve Jn. G. Great Chesterford S.O ::.Iountfitchet, Bi,hop's Stortford
lingsea, Colchester Hevell J. Langley, Bishop's Stortford Smith G. Bannister gn.Felstd.Chmsfd


BEER RETAILERs-continued. Turner Thomas, Sheering, Harlow Wilson W. Radley gn. Roxwell, Writtle
Smith J. r & 2 George st. Chelmsfrd Turrell W. 36 Chapel st. Colob.ester Winch Giles, Tilbury, Halstead
Smith J. TheydDn Bois, Epping Tween Mrs. H. Chignal, Chelmsford Wingfield William, Upshire, Epping
Smith Jas. Weeiey, Colchester Tya;; William, Roden street, Ilford Wisbey William, Newbiggin street,
Smith J. S. West Mersea, Colchester Tye Allan, Earls Colne, Halstead Thaxted, Dunmow
Smith J. Bush end, Hatfield, Harlow Tyl-er J. W. Aveley, Purfleet S.O Witney William, Broad green, Great
Smith J. Sewaxdstone, Chingford Tyrrell W. Old Heath, Colchester Waltbam, Chelmsford
S'mith Mns'. Lucy, London road, Underwood Joseph, Burst green, Wolton George, Greenstead, Colchester
Copford, Colchester Brightlingsea, Colchester Wood Mrs. Ca!'oline, Horn's lane, Bark-
Smith Luke, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Unwin Henry, London rd. Romford ing Side, Ilford
.Smith T. Widdington, Newport S.O rpson G. Had:eigh, Rayleigh S.O Woodcraft E. Basin, Heybridge, Maldon
Smith 'Villiam, Canvey Island, South Vale D. 126 Magdalen st. Colchester Woodgate Jonathan, Mile end, Colchester
Benfleet S.O Vale James, Gt. Horkesley, Colchester Woodrow C. Low. Railway st, Braintree
Smith William, Chigwell row Va:Oentine Alfred, Purleigh, Maldon Woollard George, I Baddow rd.Chelmsfd
Smith William Francis, London rd. Valentine J. Rainham S.O Woolley Thomas, Romford corn. Romfrd
Saffron Walden Vince Mrs. J. St. Osyth, Colchester Wooster Aaron, Low hill, Roydon, Ware
Smith William ThDmas, Thornwood Vincent Alfred, 1\!istley heath, 1'list- Wo~th H~rry, Quay street, Manningtree
common, North Weald, Epping ley, Manningtree Wr1ght RJC~ard Thomas,Boreham road,
Smoothy William, Horsley Cross rd. Vincent Mrs. Kezia, Brook street, Great Le ghs, Chelmsford
Mistley, Manningtree Manningtree Wright Saunders, Gt. Yeldham, Halstd
Snelling Peter, Rainham S. 0 Wade William, Rowhedge, Colchester Wr!ght Thomas, T~orringto,I?-, Colchestr
Snowden Robert, Boxted, Colchester Wade W. F. Broadway, Barking Wr~ght W?-l~er, Fairsted, ""Itham
Sorrell J. R. Springfield rd. Chlmsfd Wager William, Kelvedon ~r~ght W~ll~am, Abberton, Colchester
South Joseph, Causeway, Maldon Walker J. Elmdon, Saffron Walden ""g~h{ ~Ill~m, Boyton cross,Roxwell,
Southgate D. Hythe quay, Colchester Wa:li.s H. Woodham Waiter, Maldon y e ~-fi:
Gt W lth Ch 1 fd
Southgate I. Lit. Bromley, Manningtr Waiters J. Elmdon, Saffron Walden oung Iam, · a am, ems
Southgate Nathan, Langhrun,Colchstr lrarboys Thomas, Gipsy lane, Grays
Sparks William, Boxted, Colchester Thurrock, Grays BELLHANGERS.
Sparrow Chas. Dagen!ham, Romford Ward Mrs. Charlotte, Foxearth, See Whitesmiths, Locksmiths & Bell-
Sparrow Samuel, Suffolk street, Long Melford R.S. 0. (Suffolk) hangers.
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Warder F. J. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
Spittey James, Waterside, Bradwell- Warraker Henry, Rayleigh S.O BELTING MANUFACTURERS,
juxta~Mare, Southminster S.O Warren F. Thundersley,Rayleigh S.O THE" CAMEL" HAIR&c.
Springham D. Barnard's gn. Harlow ·warren Mrs. Isabella, Coichester Reddaway F. & Co. Limited
Springham Fredk. Green hill, Hatfield, road, Coggeshall are the largest belting makers
Harlow Warren J. Coggleshall rd. Braintree in the world
Spurgeon Mrs. M. 82 High st.Halsted ·waters Frank, Theydon, Royston Every bit of our belting we guarantee
Staines J ames, Dunmow 'Vatling E. Lawford, Manningtree
Stalley David, Lower green, 'Wimbish, 'Vatson R. Castle st. Saffron \Valden
Saffron Walden , \Veaver Deal, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Standen Jamrs William, Havering- Weavis Willia.m, The Gore, Great
atte-Bo"~>er, Romford S'tambridge, Rochford S.O
St::mley Thomas, Bambrows green, Webb Charles Harvey,Springfield hill,
'fakeley, Chelmsford Spring-field, Chelmsford ~
Stevens Waiter, Coopersale common, "'-ebb Mrs. Einily, Fence piece, i!
Theydon Garnon, Epping Barking Side, Ilford ~
Steward William, Causeway end, "\Yebber C. Green, Tendring, Colchstr 'Tj
Felstead, Chelmsford Welch C. Holme rd. East Ham E j
Suckling W. Gt. Burstead, Brentwood \Vellham J. Lit. Cladon, Colchester .~
Stock G. W. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Wells Albert, 55 Axe st. Barking !
Stock Newman, Navestock Side, Wen James, Rayleigh S.O ......
Navestock, Romford \Vent Josiah, Bulphan, Romford
Such George, ~tock, Ingatestone 'Vest James, Grove road, "\Voodford
Suckling W. Gt. Burstead,Brentwood ·wheeler James, Colne road, Bright-
Button A. Blackmore, Ingatestone lingsea, Co~chester " Camel" brand & cotton belting
Sutton W. 63 East hill, Colchester Whife Frederick William, Church It is thoroughly waterproof
Swann Geo. Hadstock, Cambridge street, !locking, Braintree Not affected by damp
Sweeting Mrs. E. Queen's rd.Southnd Whisking George, Chigwell Clings tenaciously to the pulleys
Swindley R. 75 Axe st. Barking Whitbread Henry, Birds green, Strain evenly distributed
Symonds J. Barking lane, Ilford Beauchamp Roothing, Brentwood Runs perfectly true
Syrett S. Gt. Bentley, Colchester 'White Thomas, Ardleigh rd. Dedham, Stretches less than any other
Tannar ::\Irs. Mary, High Roothing, Colchester Is far superior to leather
Dunmow 'Wliite William, Little Thurrock, Mills & chief' offices:-
Tans:ey E. Wood st. Chelmsford Tilbury Dock S.O Pendleton, Manchester
Tant J. Debden, Saffron Walden White William John, Bottle hall, See advertisement inside Front Cover
Tav:or J. Alfred rd. Buckhurst hill Sible Hedingnam, Halstead
- Taylor J. Gt. Bromley, Colchester 'Yhiten Chas. Langham, Colchester BERLINWOOL REPOSITORIES.
Taylor J. Galleywood Corn, Chelmsfrd "''biting Frederick, Coxtie green, See also Fancy Repositories.
l'aylor W. Barking Side, Ilford s.outh Weald, Brentwood CoakesJohn, Queen'srd. BuckhurstHill
Tay:or William, Rowhedge, Colcht>ster ":h~tman Waiter, Gt ..Chesterford S. 0 Cnmine Frederic James,Borough bazaar,
Thompson J.Galleywood Com.Chlmsfd l\·h1tmore John, Chr1shall, Royston High street, Southend
Thomson Waiter, Beggar hill, \Vhymm~ Henry, Sheepcote green, GeorgeMissAbigall,r6Highst.Chelmsfd
Fryerning, Ingatestone Clavermg, Newport S.O Hart Misses, High st. Saffron Walden
Thorndick John Horace, Baddow rd. \Vicks John, Sewardstone green, Perry Miss Emma, Crown st. Brentwood
Great Baddow, Chelmsford Sewara.stone, Chingford Root Miss S. Queen's rd. Buckhurst Hill
'fhorne J. Rayne rd. Bocking,Braintree ·wicks T. W. Wethersfield, BraintrPe Sargeant Miss C. 13 Band st. Brain tree
Thorrington H. Stroud gn.Rchfrd.S.O '\Viffen Jn. Nth. Ockenden, Romford Skinner & Tucker, High st. Brentwood
fl'l1reader Samuel, Common, Staple- "-iffen T. Kent's gn. Hatfild. Harlow
ford Tawney, Romford Wiggins Mrs. Sarah, Runsell green, BICYCLE DEALERS &AGENTS.
Thurgood C. Pentlow,Sudbury(Sfflk) Danbury, Chelmsford See Cycle Dealers & Agents.
Thurgood George, Tillingham, South- "\-Vilding J. T. Sidney street,
minster S. 0 Brightlingsea, Colchester BICYCLE MANUFACTURERS.
Thurgood Mrs. M. Purleigh, Ma~don W~lks Charles, Inworth, .Kelvedo_n See Cycle Manufacturers.
'I'ice "\V. Oxford rd. Manning-tree "\Vlllsher Charles, Gore p1t, Feermg,
Tinworth J. Berden, Bishop's Strtfrd Kelvedon BICYCLE REPAIRERS.
Titmus Alfred 22 East st. Barking "\Yillsher Henry, Springfie:d street, See Cycle Repairers.
Tobia•s Edward, Coxhall, Dunmow Springfield, Chelmsford
Totham W. Harwich rd. Colchester Willsher Waiter, Broad green, Great BICYCLE· TYRE MANUFCTRS.
'l'raveller Thomas, Roydon, "\Vare Tey, Kelvedon India Rubber,Gutta Percha & Telegraph
Trueman J. 30 Broadway, Barking Williams Edward, The Hythe, 1\Ialdon Works Co. Limited, xco & 106 Cannon
Turner Alfred, Ulting, Maldon Wilson John, Cranham, Romford st. London EC; works, Silvertown
BILL POSTERS. BOARDING HOUSES. l\Iyall Charles, Grove road, Southend
Askew & Son, I Sheepen rd. Colchester Addy Mrs. Susannah, 5 Marine terrace, tPannell & Hibbs, Waterside, Bri;htling--
Beadle George, Cottage place, Chelmsfrd Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O sea, Colchester
Carswell James, Shenfield corn. Brentwd Beaumont Miss Elizabeth, Beaumont Polley Brotuers & Son, Newgate stre~t,.
Chandler William, 6 Artillery st. Colchstr hall, Marine par. Clacton-on-Sea R. S. 0 Walton-on-the-N aze R.S. 0
Clark Joseph, Little Coggeshall,Kelvedn Bell Mrs. Kate, 5 Alexandra ter.Southend Polley & Oxley, Newgate street, Walton-
Copping Joseph, Lorne cottage, Alex- Bellamy Misses Marian & A. Ramsey, on-the-Naze R.S.O
andra road, Southend Carnarvon road,Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O tRaven William E. 45 West st. Harwich
Coult Joseph, Queen street, Maldon Bolton Thomas, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Smith W.Xew st.Walton-on--~aze R.S.O
Cuff Samuel Thos. Fairfield rd.Braintree Buries David, Marine parade, Southend tWard J_ Silcott st. Brightlingsea,Cichstl'"
Downing & Son, 11 Beach street, Clac- Cole Mrs.L.gWestfield ter.SaffronWaldn tWood Edward & Co. South Benfieet
ton-on-Sea R.S.O Dorling Edward, 5 South terrace, Wal- ~.0. ; & at GrJenwich
Evenett John, Gold street,Saffron Waldn ton-on-the-Naze R. S. 0
Howe William, Rochford S.O Eagle Mrs. Julia, The Towers, Marine BOILER MAKERS.
Hurrell George, 53 Orsett road, Grays parade east, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Thurrock, Grays Emerson Mrs. Sarah E. Billericay Christy & Norris, Broomfield road iron
Moss John, Church street, Coggeshall Foster Miss Helen, Sea View, Marine works, Chelmsford
Rawlinson R. & Sons, 2 Market street, parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Dendy W. & Co. Union foundry, Horrr-
Braintree GregoryMissE.Bude,Wilson rd.Southnd church, Romford; dep6t, South st.
Scott James, jun. ~orth street, Halstead Harvey Mrs. Elizabeth, I & 2 Marine Romford
Tice William, Oxford road, l\Ianningtree villas, The Hamlet, Southend Eddington Sylvanus,New st.Chelmsford
Totman Thomas, Rayleigh S.O Haynes Mrs. Elizabeth A.Bedford lodge, Jones John, High street, East Barn E
Turner George, Dunmow Carnarvon road, Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Lockwood William (repairer), Mount.
Wilkinson G. Orange st. Thaxted, Dunmw Hayward Miss Sarah Elizabeth, I St. hill, Halstead
Wood George, Witham Vincent road, Southend Noy B. K. 11 Hythe quay, Colchester
Hoskins John, Clifton Ville, The Hamlet, ~aville Charles, Gill well iron works,
BILLIARD TABLE MANUFRS. Southend . Sewardstone, C~ingford
ur d R fd Lambson Mrs. Jane, 6 Chfton terrace, Stanford & Co. Higb street, Colchester
C0 I tram H · F · & C0 · H arold " 00 • m Southend Stapley An drew, ~ugar House lane,
Page Miss Annie l\L Bentley, Carnarvon Stratford E
Hennig Bros. Limited, 29 High street, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O \'Vedlake 1'. W. & Co. Hornchurch Iron
Bloomsbury, London W.C Prestwich Mrs. Elizabeth, Bideford, works, White House, Hornchurch.
Wilson road, Southend Romford; & Corn Exchange,RomforJ.
BIRCH BROOM MAKERS. Westward Ho! (Mrs. Purdy, proprie-
Jeggo Golden, Gosfield, Halstead tress), Cliff Town parade, Southend
Plume E. Bulmer, Sudbury (Suffolk)
Shead Herbert, Feering, Kelvedon Jones Waiter, Magnet wharf, Bow
bridge. Stratford E
BIRD & ANIMAL PRESERVRS. Be~~~£hee! Peed, Southchurch Beal!h, St~nton Wm. J. off.:\fagdalen st. Colchest'r
Ambrose H. 34 North Station rd. Colchstr Hall William, Peglesham, Rochford S. 0 BONE DEALERS BOILERS &
Cater A~f~ed, 62 East _hill, Col_chester Howard Jo~n T_ho~as M.I.N.A. St. CRUSHERS
CaterWilham ~athamel,53 Prwry street, Peter's Ship Bmldmg yard, Maldon ·
& 32 Queen street, Colchester Kidby Charles Jas. Waterside, Bright- Cook Edward & Co. steam bone mills,
Chapman Alfred Edward, Panfield lane, lingsea, Colchester Bow, Stratford E
Bocking, Braintree March Maskell, Waterside, Brightling- Harris Thomas Horatio & Sons, .:\Iarsh-
Cheek Thomas, 49 William street, Grays sea, Colchester gate lane, Stratford E
Chopping Ernest, Stansted Mountfitchet, Marsh Edwin Payn W. Beach, Southend Hunt Jared Terrett & Son Limitd, Bow
Bishop's Stortford Nichols Obediah, Waterside, Brightling- Bridge works, High st. Stratford E
Coleman William, 2 Merton villas, Hol- sea, Colchester
land road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O . Peters Samuel John, jun. Lower South- BONE MANURE MNFR.& MER.
Humphreys Arthur Cranmer, 8 Sprmg- end, Southend

field terrace, Springfield, Chelmsford Read William, Burnham S. 0 WarnerAlfred,Railway arclls.Chelmsfrd
Joynes Frank, 34 Tanner street, Barkng Thorn & ::\Ianhood,22 Georgest.Harwich
Pettitt J. 108 North station rd.Colchestr Tracey Robert, 67 Pleasant villas, BONNET MAKERS.
Rose Henry, Low. Railway st. Braintree Pleasant road, Southend
Rosewel !James, 6Sou thch urch rd. Sthend See Straw Hat & Bonnet Makers_
Travis Joseph, Hill st. Saffron Walden BOAT & BARGE OWNERS.
• Marked thus tare Barge Owners. BOOKBINDERS .
BIRD DEALERS. Anslow Thomas, Connaught water, . _
B dH B k1 B k" Buckhurst Hill Blowers G. Edgar, 5 High st. Colchest3r-
atrna.;"'ill" enrJy,h7 acNanteh,hlaCr lmhgt Bocking Joseph Burnham S 0 Collins Henry, 132 High st. Braintree
ca er ,. Iam o n, 27 or . o c s r • · C · F J H 'b H" t '"' tl d
Porter John, r4 Back lane, Barking tBowman William, Stanley rd. Southnd umme · · oro azaa~, I. s .vou m
TIppmg UT"lli
o • H v· t . 1
ni am enry, 3 IC ona p.ace,
Briton Henry 2 Britannia villas New Doe Joseph, 22 St. John s st. Colchester
• • D · Alb t T" d 1 t Ch 1 f d
Pier street Walton-on-the-Naze H.S.O river er, 24 n a s .
1 ems or
L ower South en d , Sou th en d •
Brooks Thos.Henry,4Albert rd.Southend F ranciS · & s.. o~s, .l:i"Ig h s t reet , s ono•[wn ci
BISCUIT BAKERS. Burrell John, Orwell house, Orwell Godfrey v\ J!ha~, Kelvedon r
. road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Hart & Son, King st. Saffron "\:\ alden
Roughtwood Frank, Highs\ Brentwood Childs Miss Eliza, 3 Grove ter.Southend Hart Arthur, 93 Manor st. Braintree
Car~er Arthur Charles, 4 North street, tCole & Lecquire, Pier wharf, Grays Mattacks & Co. 14 IIaad st. Colchester-
"\:\alton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Thurrock Grays Poole Chas. Wm. Market pi. Chelmsford
BLACK LEAD MANUFACTRS tCowlingJ.Lit.Stambridge, RochfrdS.O Rogers Herbert George, 2 St. Nicho!as
· tE!Iis A. Stanford-le-Hope S.O street, Colchester
.:\!organ Crucible Co. Limited (The) tEtherden Thos. Wm. West st. Harwich Rudkin 1\IissFanny, rsCrouch st.Colchstr
(The Patent Plumbago Crucible Co.), tForster Mrs. Chas. 2 West st. Harwich Saltmarsh Charles A. 2 Myrtle villas.
Battersea works, London S.W tGoddard John, Wellington st. Bright- ,H.ose~ary rd, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
lingsea, Colchester "\:\ h1te Ernest Waltr.Duke st.C'helmsford
BLACKSMITHS. tGoddard Thomas, jun. Tower street, WhitflehlW.F.I6We.Stockwellst.Clchstr
See Smiths &c. Brightlingsea, Colchester
tGoldsmith E. J. & W. Town wharf, BOOKSELLERS.
Pickering Joseph & Sons, Albyn works, Grigson Ge,1rge, Harold house, Jackson Marked Markeu thus<:> are Circulating Libraries-
thus tare Publishers.
f:iheffield road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
tHawes & Thompson, Cross rd. Maldon Beckwith Charles, Lewisham lln. Beach
BLASTING EXPLOSIVES- tHibbs A. New st. Brightlingsea,Colchstr road, Clacton-on-Sea RS.O
MANUFACTURERS OF. tHills Edward, 3 Fernlea terrace, )fain Blowers G. Edgar, 5 High st. Colcheste::-
)Iiners (The) Safety Explosives Co. road, Dovercourt, Harwich BridgeEdgarJeremiah,66High st. :\laid on
Limited (Henry 'Vilcox, manager), tHorlock Robert, l\Iistley, 111anningtree tBurrows John Henry, Cliff Town road,
Stanford-le-Hope S.O tHorlock Samuel Horatio, The Green, Southend. See adveroisement
Mistley, Manningtree Butler :Miss Lily, Broadway, Ilford
BLOCK MAKER. tHoward Jn.Great Wakering, Southend Chipperfield Tilos.King st.Saffron Waldn
BriJges Joseph Herbert, Waterside, t:Moss Alfd.Jn. Vange wharf & Hi l farm, *Clark Charles, 15 High st. Colchester
Brightlmgse.1, Colchester Vange, Stanford-le-Hope S.O IClarke)Irs.J. H.77&78 High st.Chelmsfrd
478 BOO ESSEX. [ :KEu.y's
BooKSELLERS continued. Anthony Abraham, Church st.Coggshl Bridge Samuel, Colneford hill, Earls
Corder Miss M. A. 2 Headgate,Colchestr Appleby John, High street, Bright- Colne, Halstead
Cullingford Richard Wincup, 153 High lingsea, Colchester Brock Isaac, Witham
street; works, Nunn's rd. Colchester Argent Mrs. Eliza, Bridge st. Halstead Brooks & Co. 13 Market st. Harwich
Cumine Frederic Jas. Borough bazaar, Arnold Felix, Kelvedon Brown Albert, Market pi. Romford
High street, Southend Ash John, 40 Fisher st. Barkin~ Brown Carrington, Upper Dovercourt,
Davey Mio.s Susannah, Castle Heding- Askew Thos. Tendring, Colchester Harwich
ham, Halstead Atkins Arthur, Maria street, New Brown Chas. J. Stisted, Braintree
Day John, Witham town, Harwich Brown Danl. Birdbrook, Halstead
tDurrant Edmund & Co. go High street, Audus Arthur, Town street, Thaxted, Brown George, North road, Brentwood
Chelmsford Dunmow Brown Jn. Farnham, Bishp's. Stortfrd
Edwards Miss E. xoo High st. Chelmsfrd Austin Alfred, Hazeleigh, Maldon Bruce Saml. North Station rd.Colchstr
Forster Thomas, rox High st. Colchester Austin Chas. Canewdon, Rochford S.O Buckingham S. & Son, 28 & 29
tGazette's Publishing & Printing Co. Austin Charles, Epping Head street, Colchester
Limited (Douglas Roberts, manager), Avis Edgar, 28 East st. Colchester Buckingham & Sons, 13 High street,
Rosemary lane, Halstead Bacon Reuben, Blackmore end, Chelmsford
Godfrey William, Kelvedon ·wethersfield, Braintree Bugg Frederick John, 38 High street,
Guy William Edward, Cross street, Bacon William Planton, 44 Bedford Chelmsford ; 33 Long Wyre street,
Saffron Walden road, Grays Thurrock, Grays Colchester & 68 High st. Halstead
Hart & Son King street, Saffron Walden Bagley Wm. S. Gt. Clacton, Colchstr Bugg William, Royal mews, High sl
J"oscelyne Charles, 78 High st. Braintree Bainbridge Harry, x6 Tindal street, Southend
Mark Julius, 35 High st. Chelmsford Chelmsford Bunton Charles, Steeple Bumpstea.d,
Mattacks & Co. 14 Head st. Colchester Baines Joseph, Goldhanger, Maldon Haverhill (Suffolk)
*Neale Mrs. William, Station road, Baker Geo. 65 Greenstead rd. Colchstr Burgess Elijah, Ley street, llford
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Baker Jas. 138 Hythe hill, Colchstr Burton Arthr. Lit. Walthm. Chelmsfrd
Poole Richard, High street, Maldon Baker William, Chrishall, Royston Bush Alfred, Fullbridge, Maldon
tPotter Edwin, Post office, Market Ball Fredk. Wormingford R.S.O Bush Isaac, Wivenhoe, Colchester
end, Coggeshall Balls Josiah, 83 High street, Maldon Bush John, Mill end, Thaxtd.Dunmw
Robinson Mrs. Thomas, High st.Romfrd Bannock Alfred James, Church street, Buss Henry, Dedham, Colchester
.Rogers Herbert George, 2 St. Nicholas Rocking, Braintree Buss William, Ardleigh, Colchester
street, Colchester Barker Alien, .A.veley, Purfl.eet S.O Butler George, Rivenhall, Witham
tRoot William H. Trinity st. Halstead Barker James, Cambridge town, Butterfield Dl. Sun st. Walthm. Abbey
.Smith W. H. & Son, Railway station, Shoeburyness S.O Byatt Thomas, Felstead, Chelmsford
Bridge street, Halstead Barker William, Wendens Ambo, Cade John, 20 Belle Vue rd. Colchstr
Steele Stephen, Burnham S.O Saffron 1Valden Caler Alfred, Lexden, Colchester
Thompson Waiter, stationer, printer, Barnard Alfred William, Ongar S.O Camp Ernest, Ingatestone
fancy goods & circulating library ,Mar-Barnard Arthur, Gate st. Mal don Campion J oseph, Danbury, Chelmsfrd
ket place, Saffron Walden Barrell Wm. Rowhedge, Colchester Cann John, Fairy Croft rd.Saffrn.1Vldn
Wallis WalterEdward (catholic),Ingrave Basham Alfrd. Romford rd. Manor Pk Cansdale Geo. Gt. Horkesley, Olchstr
road, Brentwood Baynes Geo. East st. Rochford S.O Carter Jn. 179 Magdalen st. Colchester
Whittaker Charles, Harlow Beardwell Geo. 36 Artillery st. Clchstr Case Alfred, Lexden, Colchester
Wilson & Whitworth Limited, High st. Beazley Geo. Herbert rd. Manor Park Chamberlain P. E. Wivenhoe, Colchstr
Grays Thurrock, Grays & Broadway, Bedford George, 19 Springfield road, Chaplin Jabez, Gt. T·ey, Kelvedon
Stratford Springfield, Chelmsford Chapman Henry, Stansted Mount-
-[Winch Brothers (fine art), St.Botolph's Bedwell Geo. 14 Alexandra st. Sthend fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
house, Colchester Bell Wm. Junction road, Brentwood Chapman John, jun. II2 High street,
Bennell Herbt. 85 High st. Chelmsfrd Grays Thurrock, Grays
BOOT & SHOE FACTORS. Benson Charles, jun. George lane, Chapman John, sen. 28 Broadway,
Francis Waltr. Gold st. Saffron Walden South Woodford Grays Thurrock, Grays
Tunbridge Arthur,Hill st.SaffronWalden Bentall & Co. 7 Heath st. Barking Chatters Danl. Toppesfield, Halstead
.,.,OOT & SHOE MANU ACTRS Bentley Wm. Becontree hth. Romford Olark James, Clavering, Newport S.O
~ F · Berry Jas. High st. Wanstead NE Clark John, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford
-WHOLESALE. Binder Charles, Moreton, Chipping Clark John, Greal:i Clacton, Colchester
Buckingham S. & Son, 28 & 29 Head Ongar S.O Clark Samuel, 70 North st. Barking
street, Colchester Binder M. Bobbingwrth. Ongar S.O Clarke Wm. Burnham S.O. Essex
Fuller James, East street, Coggeshall Birch Andrew, Tower hill, Brentwood GJ.aydon Jas. Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Fuller James, Fairfield rd. Bank st. & Bird Frederick, Hope cottage, Albert Claydon Wm. Hbt. 72 Park st. Sthend
Little sq. Braintree road north, Buckhurst Hill Cloughton John, King's rd. Brentwood
George .A.. C. & Co. Kendall road, 6o Bird James, High street, Brightling- Cockley George W. 32 London road,
High st. & 2 Long Wyre st. Colchester sea, Colchester Grays
Halls Geo. Berry, so North hill,Colchstr Bird James, Main road, Dovercourt, Coe George, Smith street, South
Kavanagh J. Lim.27Stanwellst.Colchstr Harwich Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O
Knopp & Son, Portland rd. Colchester Bird Jas. 27 St. Botolph st. Colchstr Cole Daniel, Steeple, Maldon
()lley George, Rayleigh S.O Birkin John, 31 Head st. Halstead Cole Jesse, Howe green, Sandon,
Patterson John William, Ainsleywood Black James, 23 North street, Barking Chelmsford
road, Chingford Black Jas. L. 13 Axe street, Barking Cole Joseph, Southminster S.O
Pocock Brothers, 36 & 38 Bank st. Bland Ellis, Belchamp St. Paul, Clare Coller William P. 2 Station terrace,
Brai:ntree R.S.O. (Suffolk) Snake's lane, Woodford Green
·warren William, 42 High street & 19 Blanks Henry, Rochford S.O Collis David, Writtle, Chelmsford
Short Wyre street; manufactory, Blaxall John, Gt. Bentley, Colchester Collins Wm. Queen's rd. Buckhurst ID
Eld lane, Colchester Bloomfield Robt. Birch, Colchester Cook Arthur, Weeley, Colchester
Wilkinson John Seager, Bridge house, Boreham J osiah, }.fill road, Mal don Cook George, Spring road, Bright-
Bridge street, Saffron Walden Borrett Wm. Stour st.New twn.Harwh lingsea, Colchester
Bowell Wm. North st. Rochford S.O Cook John, Rayleigh S.O
:BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Bowtell Thos. 104 Wantz rd. Maldon C"(){)per Edward Waiter, 2 Alexandria.
Abbott Jas. Chipping hill, Witham Bowyer Joseph, Cooks Mill green, villas, Queen's rd. Buckhurst Hill
Adcock Richard, r Lillian terrace, Highwood, Chelmsford Cooper Elijah, Southminster S.O
Essex street, Southend Boyce George, Gt·. Baddow, Chelmsfrd CorneU Joseph, 130 High st. Braintree
..Anger George, Horsley Cross road, Boyles Danl. n Military rd. Colchester Cornell Ths. Wm. North st. Romford
Mistley, Manningtree Boyton Chas. 57 High st. Braintree Cornell Wm. Rayne, Braintree
Aldis Thos. Market place, Harwich Brand Charles, High street, Dunmow Cottee Wm. Stanford Rivers,Romford
Alien John, Epping Brand David, 30 North st. Barking Coveney Abraham, 150 Magdalen st.
Alien John, Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchstr Brand David, London road, Romford Colchester
Allston Wm. West Bergholt R.S.O Brand Jsph. Romford rd. Manor Park Coveney .Arthur, 16 Eld la. Colchester
Almond Edmund, Rosemary road, & High street, Ilford Cowell Robt. Hig-h st. Saffrn. Walden
Clacton-on-Sea. Brand Thos. High st. Saffron Walden Cowell Wm. Audley End, Saffrn.Wldn
Almond Samuel, Gt. Clacton, Colchstr Bray John, Leigh S.O Cowles Robt. 86 Priory st. Colchstr
Amey & Son, Romford rd. Manor Pk Brewster Thomas & Sons, East Horn- Crabb George, Crown st. :Brentwood
Amey George,Castle Hedinghm.Halstd don & Heron Gate, Brentwood Crabb Samuel, Galleywood Common,
Amey Hy. Greenstead Grn. Halstead Brewster Alex. Hornchurch, Romford Chelmsford
Amos Wm. Hordon-on-the-Hill, Grays Bridge Jeremiah, Ongar S.O Cracknell Ths. 18 Grove Endrd.Wdfrd
Andrews Edwd. Colne road, Coggeshall Bridge Martin, Aldham, .Colchester Craig Jn. Jjls. Market pl. Rom!ord
Cranfield W. 99 Nrth. Statn.rd.Clchstr Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, Hughes John, Langenhoe, Colchester
Crawley Geo. E. R. Barking Side,Ilfrd ro High .street, Chelmsford & 49 Hnmphrey George, St-eeple Bnmp-
Cresswell James, Pebmarsh, Bures High street, Soui!hend stead, Haverhill (Suffolk) ·
R.S.O. (Suffolk) Freeman Mrs. Mary Ann, 45 High Hnmphrey H. Cornish HI. end, Brntre
Crisp Wm. Eastgate street, Harwich street, Chelmsford Hnmphreys Charles, r88 :Magdalen
Orussell John James, Corringham, French Charles, Harlow street, Colchester
Stanford-le-Hope S.O Frisby Benj. Gt. Cheswrford S.O Hnmphreys Thomas, Snnnyside,
Cudmore William, r6 Golden Noble FuUer Jas. 79 & 8o High st. Chlmsfd Rayne road, Bocking, Braintree
hill, Military road, Colchester Fuller James, 59 High st. Maldon Hunt, l\Iott street, High
Oushing Thos. 19 Military rd. Colchstr FuHer James, High street, Romford Beech, Loughton S.O
Cubitt Joseph, ra, Grove terrace, Fuller Jas. 29 Long Wyre st. Clchstr Hunt George, Clematis cottage,
High road, Woodford Fuller James, Witham l\Iott st. High Beech, Longhton S.O
Cubitt Jsph. Forest road, Loughton Fuller John, Felstead, Chelmsford Runt H. James, 6 Forest rd. Lough-
Davey .Alfred J. Harpour rd. Barking Fuller Thomas, Bannister green, ton 8.0
Davey Frederick, 97 Primy st. Olchstr Fels'tead, Chelmsford Hunt J oseph, 3 Sunny view, Grove
Davey Henry, 89 Crouch st. Colchester Fuller Wm. Colne Engaine, Halstead road, Woodford
Davey Hy. A. 162 Ripple rd. Barking Gammer Henry, High street, Ded- Hunt Uncas, 76 Head st. Halstead
Davey Oliver, 91a, North st. Halstead ham, Colchester Hunter George, Ohigwell
Davis Charles, ro Church st. Maldon Garrett Ernest, Ni!h. rd. Brentwood Hunter H. Princes rd. Buckhurst HI
Day Ernest, Nelson street, Bright- Gentry Frederick, Billericay Ince R. Sible Hedingham, Halstead
lingsea, Colchester Gentry Jn. Hy. Mountnsng. Brntwd Inman Chas. 37 Mersea rd. Colchester
Dearing Henry, Corbets Tye, Up- Giffin James, Ongar S.O Jackson G. 'l'haxted rd .. Sffrn. Wldn
minsber, Romford Gilby Charles, Little London, Jameson "\V. A. Hainanlt st. llford
Deatn Wm. Thorrington, Colchester Cornish Hal~ end, Braintree Jay J. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Deed James, East st. Prittlewl.Sthend Giles Edwd. High rd. Loughton Jermy James, Harlow
Diamond Charles, Kelvedon Gill Henry & Son, 2 Gladstone ter- Jocelyn George, Littlle Hallingbury,
Dixon D. 78 Stamford rd. East Ham E race, High road, Woodford Bishop's Stortford
Dixon Phillip, Hatfield, Harlow Gisby Waiter, Baddow road, Chlmsfd Jocelyn Henry, Little Hallingbury,
Doe David, Hatfield Witham Goby Jas. Gt. Oakley, Harwich Bishop's Stortford
Dolphin Charles John, 18 Market Gooding William, .Albemarle street, Johnson J. 74 Bamack st. Colchester
place, Southend Newtown, Harwich IJohruson Syer William, Wickham
Dorrington Alfred, Arbour lane, Gosling A. J. 77 East st. Barking St. Paul, Hruls-tead
Springfield, Chelmsford Gosling Edwin, 68 High st. Chlmsfrd Johnson WaUer, Ongar S.O
Downham Joseph, Stanford Rivers, Gas'ling Jn. 59 High st. Chelmsford JO'hnson W. H. 40 Heath st. Barking
Romford Gouldstone Abrhm. High st. Epping Jones & Watt, 81 Barrack st. Clchstr
Dowsett H. North st. Prittlewl. Sthend Gouldstone Benjamin, Epping .Tones Edwd. West Thurrock, Grays
Dowsett William, East street, Prittle- Gowen Mrs. H. South st. Manningtree Joslin Josep'h, Billericay
well, Southend Gower Ilrothel'ls, 48 High street, Judd H. Fairycroft rd. Saffron Wldn
Drake Philip, Great Clacton, Colchstr Chelmsford & at Great Waltham Juniper J. 13 Little sq. Braintree
Drake William, Springfield st. Spring- Gower James & William, Howe street, Kavanagh John, 24 Broadway, Brkng
field, Chelmsford Great Waltlham, Chelmsford Keable Jn. High Roothing, Dunmow
Duke Charles, High street, Harlow Gowers S. Duck end, St;bng. Chlmsf.:l Keeble Wm. Church st. Coggeshall
Du Merton Ebenezer, 99 Crouch st. Gowers Thos. Stebbing, Chelmsford Kempster J. Baker st. Orsett 8.0
Colchester Great Eastern Boot Co. 186 Mouls- Kerry J. London rd. Lexdon, Clohstr
Duprey Fredk. 9 Princes st. Southend ham street, Chelmsford Keyte Misses Kate & Annie, High
Durrant Arthr.1o Gladstone rd.Clchstr Gregory R. 7 Nelson ter. Southend street, Brentwood
Durrant Wm. Fingringhoe, Colchester Grubb William, Panfield, Braintree Kidby James, West Bergholt R.S.O
Eagle 1-Vm. Great Bromley, Colchestr Gunn Charles, High st. Rollllford King Charl~i!, 4 Whltehall lane,
East Ham Boot Repairing Co. 6o Hale J. J. 26 Winnock rd. Calchester Graxs Thurrock, Grays
Katharine road, East. Ham E Hall Ths. Jsnh. High st. Ilford King Robt. Eagle, Stock, Ingatestone
Easter Joseph, White Notley, Witharn Halls T. Freshwell st. Sffrn. Walden King Samuel, 2 Victoria terrace,
Eastwood Thos. Coptfold ter. Brentwd Rammond Saml. High st. Manningtree Park road, Southend
Edwards Mrs. George, Bocking end, Harding Ja's. Little Bentley, Colchstr Kirby F. J. 9 High st. East Ham E
Bocking, Braintree IHiarris Wil1iam Ge:orge, Eastwick Kirby Jas. Geo. Soutlb.minster S.O
Ellis William Henry, High road, road, Prittlewell, Southend Knopp & Son, 38 Long Wyre street,
Loughton S.O Harrod G. F. 36 Marine par. Suthnd Colchester
Emery Geo. Black Notley, Braintree Hartley F. C. 2 George st. Colchester Lacey Peter, Ongar S.O
Emery Stephen, Black Notley, Brntree Hatch John, Fyfield, Ongar S.O Lamb W. J. II7 Hythe hi. Colchester
Emm Hy. 7 Denmark ter.Est.Ham E Hatt Henry, King's rd. Brentwood Lane A. 57 Malvern rd. East Ham E
Enness Chas. High st. Woodfrd. Grn Hawke!! Thomas, Trinity st. Halstead Larkin G. & J. Crown st. Brentwood
Eustace & Son, 40 St. Botolph street, Hayne J. 48 Townfield st. Ohelmsfrd La<st W. Upper Do:vercourt,. Harwich
Oolchester Haynes J. H. Plashet gr. East Ham E Lawrance John, W1X, Mannrngtree
Eve William, Terling, Witham Heard H. Hope cot. Sandon, Chlsfrd Lawrence R. J. Napier av. Southend
Evans Reuben, Church st. Coggeshall Hedgecock J. Smith st. Rochford S.O Lawrence Thomas, Epping
Evans Robert, Church st. Coggeshall Hews George, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Leja.Oh Mrsl. ~ate, Queen's road,
Everett Alfred, Rowhedge, Colchester Soutlb.minster S.O Buckhurst Hill
Everett William, Ballingdon, Sud- Heymer Mrs. Mary Ann, 43 High Lebbon Wm. York hl. Loughton S.O
bury (Suffolk) street, Grays Thurrock, Grays Lee John, Gosfield, Halstead
Everitt Chs. J\llill end, Thaxtd.Dunmw Hickman B. Queen's rd. Buckrst. hl Lee W. 132 Moulsham st. Chelmsford
Farrow George, Rainham S.O Hicks Edwd. 37 Queen st. Colchester Leivington H. Greenhill gr. Mnr. pk
Ferguson .Albert, r6 High street, Hicks J. 2 Wellington st. Colchester Letc'h H. 9 Short Wyre st. Olchstr
Grays Thnrrock, Grays Hicks W. 45 Winchester rd. Colchstr Lettington A. The Pavement, llford
Fergusson Hy. II Broadway, Barking Hitch A. F. Latchingdon, Maldon Levi C. West rd. Saffron Walden
Fewell Thos. Chignal, Chelmsford Hitcheock J. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Lewin W. 5 Fambridge rd. Maldon
Finch Ebenezer, Station road, Clac- Hitching E. J. Finchingfield, Brntree Lewis John, 126 Moulsham street,
ton-on-Sea. R.S.O Hill Jame!, Smith street, South Chelmsford
Finch Jas. 5 Baddow rd. Chelmsford S'b.oebury, Shoeburyness S.O Lindsell Chas. Debden, Saffron Waldn
Finch William Ward, 83 North Station Hill W. I Ea.ton vils.New rd.Leigh S.O Lindsell S.Bolford st. Thaxted, Dunmw
road, Colchester Hills JOhn, Potter street, Harlow List G. Church st. Saffron Walden
Fitch Benj. Ashdon, Saffron Walden Hillyer R. Ca.stle st,_ Saffron Walden List J. London rd. Saffron Walden
Fitch George, ·Writtle, Chelmsford Hodgson C. W. 23 Butt rd. Colchstr List :Wm. King st. Saffron Walden
Fitch Jas. Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwd Holgate & Sons, Newport S.O LouriCks A. 50 Seymourrd. Ea. HamE
Fossett Thoma.g William, 7 Sir Holgate John, Newp<>rt S.O Loyd G. & Son, 64 North hl. Olchstr
Isaac's walk & 4 Pelham's la. Clhstr Holgate J. Widdington, Kewport S.O Lubbock Thomas Benja.min, Rose-
Foster Wm. George la. S. Woodford Holmes W. Tolleslhunt D'Arcy, Klvdn mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Fowler Hy. Sible Hedingha.m, Halstd Hopkins G. 6 St. Mary's rd. Barking Lucking Charles, Boreham, Chelm.sfd
Fowler Jn. Gt. Eastern, Dunmow Horrex Mrs. Annie, Kew street, Lungley Abraham, Sidney street,
Francis John & Son, Debden green, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Brigh1!lingsea, Colchester
Debden, Sa:f.Lron Walden Hounchin Alfd. Bradfield, 1Ianningtree Lungley Oharles, Sidney street.
Franklin Athr. Gt. :M:aplestd. Halstd Howard Charles, 69 West st. Harwich Brightlingsea, Colchester
Franklyn Hy. Hornchurch, Romford HGward Jas. Elmstead, Colchester 1Ialing Bros. High street, Brentwood
Franklyn Wm. Upminster, Romford Rowland T. Sth. Ockendon, Romford, :Malyon Geo. Blackmore, Ingattl_stQne
BooT & SHOE MAKERs-continued. Percival Thomas, Castle Hedingham, Ridington Miss Eliza, High street.
Mann Mrs. E. Magdalen green, Gt. Halstead Wanstead N.E
Clacton, Clchstr. & at Ol.ctn-on-Sea Perkins Charles, Warley road, Great Riley George, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Mann W. J. Napier av. Southend Warley, Brentwood Riley Peter, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Mnmiield W. Gt. Wakering, Southend Perks George Edwin Kesterton, High Ringer Geo. White Co1ne, Halstead
Martin E. New st. Brghtlngsa. Clohstr street, Manningtree Rison George, 16 New st. Chelmsford
Martin J. T. Thorpe-le-Soken, Clchstr Perrin E. 107 Military rq. Colchester Rix Thomas, 39 Sydney road, Til-
l\Iartin R. G. Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Clchstr Perrin William Henry, High street, bury S.O
:Martin WiN.iam, Belchamp St. Paul, W oodford Green Rixon William, Matching, Harlow
Clare, R.S.O (Suffolk) Perry David, Ballingdon, Sudbury, Roberts Edward, New st. Braintree
1\fascall T. Radwinter, Saffron Wldn Suffolk Robinson John, Elsenharn, Bishop's
Mason .A.rthur, Bradfield, Manningtree Perry George, Ingatestone Stortford
Mason H. G. 63 Stanwen st. Clc'hstr Perry Hy. 98 Manor street, Braintree Robinson J. Henham, Bishop's Strtfrd
Ma•son Thomas, Church end, Great Perry Henry, Wickford S.O Robinson Nathaniel, 53 & 55 High st.
Canfie[d, Dunmow Perry Thomas, Cocksmill green, Rox- Halstead & at .Earl's Co1ne
Matthews C. Wimlbish, Sffrn. Wldn well, Writtle Robson Waiter, King st. Saffron Tildn
:Matthews Mrs. Elizabe·th, .A.shdon, Pliillips George, High Ongar, Chip- Roff Edwd. St. John's rd. Southend
Saffron W alden ping Ongar S.O Rose Henry, hurch st. Coggeshall
~lay James, Gt. Oakley, Harwich Phillips William, Leigh S.O Rose Jere~iah, Queen's road, Buck-
May John, Tollesbury, Kelvedon Pitchell Charles, .A.rdleigh, Colchester . hnrst Hill
Maynard G. 121 Priory st. Colchster Pike Henry, Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Rowland Richard, 7 Park terrace,
Medway Francis, Market pl. Romford Pitts Thomas, Broomfield, Chlmsfrd Ley street, Ilford
Mil~er C. Gladstxme rd. Buckhul'St hl Pluck George, 78 Manor st. Braintree Russell John, Station rd. Manor Park
Mills Thos. Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Pluck J osiah George, Witham Rutland George, Hempstead, Saffron
Mitson Elijah, Tillingham, South, Plumb Jas. Castle cot. Leigh S.O _ Walden
minster S.O Pocock Bros. Maxket end, Coggleshall Rutland J. 2 Debden rd. Saffron TI1dn
Mole Isaac, 52 North h1. Colchester Pollard Henry, High road, Woodford Saggers Jsph. Stebbing, Chelmsford
Moore J. H. Ridgwell, Halstead Pomfret James, Bowers Gifford S.O Saltmarsh 0. 24 New st. Chelmsford
Morris .A.. T. Gt. Pa·rndon, Harlow Poole Isaiah, Hawkwell, Rochford S.O Saltmarsh Rayment S. Pleshey,
Moss Thos. 55 Winnock rd. Colchestr Pope Albt. H. Plashet la. East Ham E Chelmsford
~Iott Jas. jun. Stock, 1ngatestone Pope Edwin, King's rd. Brentwood Saltwell D. Wethersfield, Braintree
Mott T. Ramsden Bellhse. Brentwood Porter Edwd. High Easter, Chlmsfrd Saltwell Jesse, Writtle, Chelmsford
Mountford Jn. Wethersfield, Braintree Potter Charles, Little Hallingbury, Sapsford .A.rthur, South st. Romford
Mulliner Wm. High st. Wanstead N.E Bishop's Stortford Sapsford Thos. J. Victoria rd. Rmfrd
~Iumford T. E. Gt. Bardfld. Braintree Potter Jsph. St. Andrew's rd. Rmfrd Savage Henry, High street, Southend
Murrell Danzie E. Burnham S. 0 Potter Mrs. S. 48 High st. Maldon Savill & Co. Market place, Romford
Muske F. Hempstead, Saffron Walden Potter Thomas, Galleywood. Common, Schooling John, Or sett S. 0
Nash Frederick, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Chelmsford Scofield William, I Market hi. Maldon
Nash William, Stanford-le-Hope S.O. Potter Wltr. 113 High st. Braintree Scott .A.rthr. South st. Manningtree
Near Isaac, Colne road, Coggeshall Potton Cha.s. Gt. Wakering, Southend ~cott George, Woodford bridge
Neeve F. J. 8 Heath st. Barking Potts Frederick, Radwinter, Saffron Scott Henry, High street, llford
Newell Jn. White Roothing, Dunmow Walden Sewell G. Bradford st. Bockinf.;,Brntee
Oakley George, 7 New road, Grays Presland Jolin, Farnham green, Farn- Sewell G. Great Bardfield, Braintree
Thurrock, Grays _ ham, Bishop's Stortford Sewell Geo.rge, Ingatestone
Oakley J ames, Epping Prestney Jeremiah, 33 Culver street Sharman John, High street, Walton-
Oddy J ames Frederick, The Common, & 8o East hill, Colchester on-the-~aze R.S.O
Rettendon, Chelmsford :Prestney Robt. 8 Winnock rd. Clchstr $ftarman John, Kirby, Colchester
Oddy J oseph, Ingatestone Prior Jsph. 21 Essex rd. Colchester Sharman Robert, 13 North street.
Oddy W. Willingale Doe, Brentwood Prior Wm. Victoria rd. Sth. Woodford Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Oliver John, Galleywood Common, Pryke Charles, Lit. Totham, Witham Shemming Waiter, Kelvedon
Chelmsford Pryke John, Sible Hedingham, Halstd Sheppard Wm. High st. Brentwood
Oliver M. 79 Crouch st. Colchester J;>udney George, Fordham, Colchester Sherman William, Dedham, Colchstr
Olley Thomas, Billericay Quilter Nathan, Leigh S.O Shull Jas. White Post la. Manor Pk
Onion Joseph, Wakefield street, East Railings Lewis, New street, Braintree Simpson Frederick, Epping
Ham E Randail Isaac, 63 Roman road, East Simpson H. T. 54 Maldon rd. Clchstr
Orrin Ebenezer, 36 St. John's street, Ham E Simpson James, Wickford S.O
Colchester Randall John, Albemarle street, New Skingle Moses, Hatfield, Harlow
Orrin E. jun. 55 South st. Colchstr town, Harwich Skinner H. Lit. W a.ltham, Chelmsford
Orrin Thomas, 123 Moulsham street, Randall Thomas, Broadway, llford Smee .A.braham, 4 Hall st. Chelmsfrd
Chelmsford Ranson James J. Woodford Bridge Smee Edward, .Albert rd. Romford
Orriss Waiter, Tillingham, South- Rapley Richard, 67 East hl. Colchestr Smee John, Toppesfield, Halstead
minster S.O Ratcliff Harry, Ballingdon, Sudbury, Smith Edwd. Hadleigh, Raylei~h S.O
Osborn Joseph Turner, Kelvedon Suffolk Smith George, Bradfield, Manningtree
Owers Geo. Pleshey, Chelmsford Raue Berthold, 3 Forest villas, Peel Smith Geo. Castle st. Saffron Walden
Oxborrow R. Church st. Saffron Wldn road, Woodford Smith G. Great Chesterford S.O
Oxley Jas. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchestr Raven .A.rthur \<V. Burnham S.O Smith Harry, .A.shdon, Saffron '\Yalden
Page David, Elmstead, Colchester Raven S. P. West Bergholt R.S.O Smith Herbert, II2 & II4 High st.
Pa.lmer J. Great Sampford, Braintree Rawlinson John, Earls Colne, Halstead Braintree
Palmer lVm. H. 16 Butt rd. Colchstr Rayner 0. North st. Halstd. Kelvedon Smith Isaac, Langham, Colchester
Pannell William, Steeple Bumpstead, Rayner William, 37 Axe st. Barking Smith James, I05 High st. Hal;stead.
Haverhill (Suffolk) Rayner William, 10 East st. Barking Smith James, Quay, Harwich
Parish Alfred, George street, Romford Read W. Manuden, Bishop's Stortfrd Smith R. East street, Coggeshall
Parish Wm. J . .A.rkesden, Newpt. S.O Read William, Toot Hill, Ongar S. 0 Smith Richard, 6 Back lane, Barking:
Parker Frederick Henry, 3 Horn lane, Read William, 45 Wonsley rd. Clchstr Smith Robert, Church lane, Harwich
W oodford Green Reed Frederick, High Bridge street, Smith R. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
Parker Jn. Coggeshall rd. Braintree Waltham Abbey Smith R. Widdington, Newport S.O
Parker Lewis Edwin, Rainham S.O Reeve .A.dolphus William, Francis st. Smith Thomas, George lane, S. Wdfrd
Parkin Jn. Wimbish, Saffron 'Yalden Brightlingsea, Colchester Smith T. Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O
Parmenter Alfred, Station road, Reeve Thos. Great Chesterford S.O Smith William, Gt. Chesterford S.O
Walton-on-the-:Naze R.S.O Reeve William, Little Chesterford, Smith William Henry, High street,.
Parnwell W. B. 107 High st. Braintree Great Chesterford S.O Dedham, Colchester
Pasfield Mrs. Clara, 32 & 34 Bank Reeves Henry, 10 'Vest st. Harwich Snell George, 35 Bond street, Grays
street, Braintree Reeves William, George lane, South Thurrock, Grays
Pasfield Mrs. Sarah, Bradford street, \Voodford Souster Brothers, High street, llford
Bocking, Braintree Reid James, Dunmow Southgate Charles, The Grn. ).Ii~tley,
Paul .A.lbert Edwin, 3 Sylvan villas, Reid William, Harlow Manningtree
Snake's lane, 'Yoodford Green Reynolds Samuel, Market square & Southgate William, .A.rdleigh, Colchstr
Payne Edwd. High st. East Ham E Church street, '\Yaltham Abbey Spall William, High street, Ilford
Payne William, Hatfield, Harlow Richardson Charles, Springfield road, Sparks .Alex. 20 Back lane, Barking
Pearce C. South Ockenden, Romford Springfield, Chelmsford Sparrow 0. Stoneham st. Coggc>shall
Peck Charles, ~Iarket place, Romford Richardson Henry, Navestock, Romfd Sparrow William, 'Vest Hanningfield,
Penning W. Littlebury, Saffron Wldn Richardson James, Rayne, Braintree Chelmsford
Spells Wm. Wantz road, Maldo~ Warren Isaac, Dn'n~ow lBOOT UPPER MANUFACTRS .
.Spe~cer G. Gt. Bardfield, Bramtree Warren Lovell, High street &i I I Warmington Frederick Wm. & Co. 3 St.
Spr~'ngham George, Potter st. Harlow Nelson ·street, Southe?d Nicholas st. & St.Peter's st.Colchester
Sprmgham John, Bury road, Harlow Watsham G. 91 Hythe hill, Colchester
Spurgeon F. 62 Manor st. Braintree Watson Frank, Bradwell-juxta-Cogge- BOTTLE MANUFRS.-GLASS.
Spurgeon Wm. 26 Great sq. Braintree shall, Braintree Kilner Bros. G. N. goods station, King's
"Staines Benj. Felstead, Chelmsford Watson James, Glenny road, Barking cross, London N
Staines H~nry, Ma7ket st-. Dunmow Waylett Edwin, Billericay BOTTLED BEER MERCHANTS.
Stead & S1mpson L1m. 4 St. Botolph Webb Thomas Charles, 25 West
street & 22 Head street, Colchester; Stockwell street, Colchester See also Ale & Porter Merchants.
3 Bank street, Braintree; 53 Church Wells John,Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchstr Fuller, S~nith & Turner, Griffin
street, Harwich; 42 High street, Went Wm. 3 Market street, Harwich
Maldon; & King st. Saffron Walden Whall Waiter, Stansted Monntfitchet,
Steel George, High street, Romford Bishop'& Stortford
Stephens William J. 6 Broadway, East Wheal John, Billericay
Ham E Wheeler Chas. Romford rd. Manor Pk
Sterling Boot Manufacturing Co. 13 Whiting James, 21 Cowley road,
Church street, Harwich Wanstead N.E
Stimson William, 117 Moulsham st. Whiting T. Colne Engaine, Halstead
Chelmsford Whitby Albert, High st. Wanstd. N.E
'Stinton Henry, High -street, Romford Whitman Thos. Chappel, Halstead
Stone Harry, 41 Talbot rd. E. Ham E Whittrick E. 9 Hamlet rd. Southend Brewery, Chiswick w.; pale ale,
-8tratford John, 121 High st. Maldon Wiffen Charles Patmore, Ugley, stout & family brewers; branch
Stringer A. J. 23 North street, Maldon Bishop's Stortford stores at Brighton; Cardiff; Croydon;
Strutt Chas. 65 Manor st. Braintree Wiffen John, Belchamp St. Paul, Eastbourne; Guildford; llford hill;
Strutt Fred, High street, Walton-o'n- Clare R.S.O (Suffolk) Portsmouth; Sandy; Southampton
the-Naze R.S.O Williams Geo. Blackmore, Ingatestone & Slough
'Strutt William, Bradford street, Williams Thomas, Chigwell Row
Backing, Braintree Willis Wm. & Sons, High road, llford BRASS FOUNDERS.
Stubbings Alfred, Lower Railway Willis F. Ramsden Bellhouse, Br'ntwd Bendall Offwood, Lawford iron works,
street, Braintree Willis William, 6 Read's place, High Manningtree
Stubbins T. Theydon Mount, Epping road, llford Bennell Frederick, Greenstead, Colchstr
.Suckling S. Wethersfield, Braintree Wilson William A. & Co. High Carter Frederick, Queen st. Romford
Swann Chas. Back street, Brentwood street, Brentwood! Christy & Norris, Broomfield Road iron
'Tanswell George, 47 High st. Halstead Wilson John, Southminster S.O works, Chelmsford
Taylor Aquilla, Cambridge Town, Wilson S. F. uo High street, :Maldon Cottis William & Sons, Epping. See advt
Shoeburyness S.O Windell James & Son, Park cottage, Dendy W. & Co. Union foundry, Horn-
'Taylor Henry, High street, Eppi'ng Dedham, Colchester church, Romford ; dep6t, South
Taylor Mrs. Jessie, Great \Yaker- Windell Wm. Dedham, Colchester street, Romford
ing, Southend Wood Charles Henry, Rosery, They- Fuller WaiterS. Phcenix foundry, Hart
Tedder Wm. Manude'n, Bshp's. Strtfrd don Bois, Epping street, Barking
Theobald Jehn, Abberton, Colchester Wood G. Gt. Wakering, Southend )lachinery & Ironware Co. (Wm. Olley,
'l'heobald W. Layer-de-la-Hay, Clchstr Wood T. P. Queen's rd. Brentwood propr.), Tilbury dock, Tilbury S.O.
Thompson Geo. High st. East Ham E Woodrow Frederick, 32 East Stockwell & IS High street, Grays
Thompson William, Dagenham, Rmfrd street, Colchester Maldon Iron Works Co. Limited (J. C.
'l'horpe A. 6 Maldon rd. Colchester Woods A. 45 North Statio'n rd. Clchstr Float, manager), Fullbridge, Maldon
Thurston & Son~ 9 St. Botolph Woolvett Edward Thomas, Tower st. Portway & Son, Highstreet& Rosemary
street, Colchester Brightlingsea, Colchester lane, Halstead
Tiffen Joseph White, 3 Head street Wright A. E. Museum st. Sffrn. Wldn Stanford & Co. High street, Colchester
Tiffen J. W. 3 Head sreet, Halste!ld Wright Charles, Hill green, Claver- Stone Barry H. I Eld lane, Colchester
Tiffen J. 32a, High street, Maldon ing, Newport S.O Tortoise Foundry Co. Rosemary lane,
Tinworth vV. Dry st. La'ngdon, Rmfrd Wright John, Roxwell, Chelmsford Halstead
Tipper William, Mill End, Colchester Wright Robert, Helions Bumpstead,
Todd Edward, Coppice low, Theydon ~averhill (Suffolk) )lorton Robert & Co. Trent works,
Bois, Epping Wr~ght T. Henham, Bishop's Stortfrd Burton-on-Trent; makers of brass
'Towell Wm. Romford rd. l\Ianor Park Wr1ght W. George la. Wanstead N.E cocks, valves & e>ery class of brass
Townley J. F. 135 North st. Barking Wr~ght. William, Quendon street, r ;vork . . r
Trudgett E. Button, Brentwood RICklmg, Newport S.O fylor Jos~ph& Sons Limited, .2 ~ewgate
Tunnicliff Fras. Station rd. Chingford Wyatt Wm. 56 New st. Braintree street E.C.; & Belle Isle, Kmg's cross,
'Turner Charles, Newport S.O Wybrow Arthur, 161 Moulsham st. London N
Turner John, Hempstead, Sffrn. Wldn Chelmsford BRAZIERS.
Tur'ner Joseph Samuel, Hall road, Yates Alfred, Epping See Tinmen.
Heybridge, Maldon
Turner N. Gre~t Yeldham, Halstead BOOT & SHOE REPAIRERS.
Turrell L. J. H1gh street, Brentwood Abridge Brewery Co. (Herbert P. Stes-
'Tween Wm. Langdon, Romford Bragg E. 57 Mount Pleasant, Halstead siger, manager), Abridge, Romford
Twitchett Peter, Belchamp \Valter, Bragg H. 59 Mount Pleasant, Halstead Adams & Son (stores), Main rd.Harwich
Sudbury (Suffolk) Bragg John, I Highbury terrace, Adams Thomas :Francis & l::lons, Trinity
Tyrrell George, Mill end, Thaxted, Colchester road, Halstead street, Halstead
Dunmow Bridge Geo. Earls Colne, Halstead Alston & Sons, High st. l\Ianningtree
Tyser John, Roydon, 'Ware Bryers Samuel, Sewardstone street, AmosE. & Son,Up.Railway st.Braintree
Ulyate John, 5 Florence place, London Waltham Abbey Andrews Mordecai C. Thaxted, Dunmow
road, Soutliend Burgess F. 23 Milton st. South11nd Barker Chas. Rider, Toppersfield,Halstd
Vince William, 2 Fernlea road & 1\Iar- Bush A. E. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Beard & Bright, Stoneham st.Coggeshal
ket place, Harwich Glasscock G .CoptHall Grn.Wlthm.Abby Beard John, Church street, Coggeshall
Wackrell J. Stanford-le-Hope S.O Hardy Samuel, Stambourne, Halstead BearmanJ. Churchst.Bocking,Braiutree
Wakeland Benj. Rowhedge, Colchester Horseuell John, Cambridge town, Shoe- Bell Thomas Simpson, Hay house, Earls
Walker Job E. 22 Stanley rd. Southnd buryness S.O Colne, Halstead
\Valker William, The Green. Chingfrd Jarvis Saml. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Blacklock l\Irs. H. Birdbrook, Halstead
Wallis Nathaniel, Prospect place, Knights Albert, Trinity street, Halstead Blyth & Squier, Stanford-le-Hope S.O
Collier row, Romford Lambert A. 54 Hartington rd. Southend Brown Charles, Hatfield, Witham
Wallis John, Rochford S.O London Boot Repairing Co. Royal mews, Brown \Villiam Forman, Abridge,Rmfrd
Wallis Thomas, Rochford S.O High street, Southend Brunwin Thomas George & Alfred Willis,
Ward Henry, Churchgate st. Harlow Mitson Moses, Ridgwell, Halstead Sheering hall, Shalford, Braintree
Ward J. Stansted Mountfitchet, Nash James, 78 North street, Halstead Butcher E. Ball ngdon,Sudbury(Suffolk)
Bishop's Stortford Pettit John, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Castle Brewery (Daniel& Sons' Breweries
Ward J. A. 30 New street, Halstead Rampling John, 30 Tidings hill,Halstead Limited), Maidenburgh st. Colchester;

lane, Manor Park I

Warren Xatbaniel, 32 Vi.hite Post Smee John, Stambourne, Halstead & at \\"est Bergholt. See advert
Whellan Thos. 7 Prittlewell st.Southend Chaplin :\lrs. Isabella, White Notley1
'WM'!'en Henry T. 30 Bridge rd. Grays WJ?.itlock John, Low street, Chingford Witham
• ESSEX, 31


BREWERS continued. Randall R. & W. (G. A. Randall, Collier William Homan, Marks Tey
Chaplin & Co. Harlow manager),Dunmow brewery,Dunmow brick works, Marks Tey, Colchester.
Chelmsford Brewery (Wells & Perry) Rankin :F. Bradford st.Bocking, Brntree See advertisement
Limited (The), 26 Duke st. Chelmsfrd Raven Mrs. Elizabeth, Wethersfield Clover Wllliam Lim. Hatfield, Witham
Clarke 1\frs.S. SibleHedingham,Halstead brewery, Wethersfield, Braintree Clover William, Boreham, Chelmsford
Colchestel" Brewing Co. Lim. (Charles Raven Thos. Wm. Wethersfield,Brntree Cooper John, Gt. Totham, Witham
Armstrong, manager & receiver),East Richbell Thomas, Little Maplestd. Hlstd Corder William, Sible Hedingham &
hill, Colchester Ridley T. D. & Sons, Hartford End, Great Yeldham, Halstead
Coleclough & Palmer, Marden Ash, High Chelmsford Cornish William & Co. South Woodford
Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O Rogers S. S. & Co. Stansted Mount- Cornish Eli, Tortoise brick works, Sibla-
Collier Bros. Essex brewery ,Walthamstw fitchet, Bishop's Stortford Hedingham, Halstead
Conron Philip Ronayne, The Old Horn- Savill Brothers Limited, Stratford E. ; Cottis William & Sons, Epping & Bower-
church brewery,Hornchurch,Romford stores, 25a, North Portman mews, Hill brick fields, Theydon Garnon,
Cook George, 54 Parsonage st. Halstead Baker street, London W. & Enfield, Epping. See advertisement
Crabb & Veley, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsfrd Middlesex Croxon A. B. & A. W. Burnbam S.O
Cuddon B. & J. Old heath, Colchester Saward & Sons, Angel yard, Tindal Daniel Joseph Brabrook, Mile End,.
Daniell Shepherd Thos. & Co.Rowhedge, street, Chelmsford Colchester; & at West Bergholt
Colchester; & stores, 5 :Maidenburg Seabrook & Sons Limited, Bridge road Dann John Austin, Main road, Dover-
street, Colchester & High street, Grays & Corn market, court, Harwich
Daniell & Sons' Breweries Limited (Col- Romford Diss Alfred, Copeford, Colchester
chester), South hill, Manningtree; Shepard Mrs. Amy, Ballingdon, Sud- Dobson George; office, Colchester,West
Burnham S.O.; & West Bergholt bury (Suftolk) Bergholt R.S.O
R.S.O. See advertisement Skitter Robt. Hbt. 58 High st. Halstead EaRtwood & Co. Lim. Rainham & Shoo-
Day William Hy. & Co. Castle brewery, Smith Mrs. Elizh. Gt. Bardfield,Brntree buryness. See advertisement
Gold street, Saffron Walden Stansi'"eld & eo. Swan brewery, :Fu1- English George William, Bulmer, Sud_
Death Chas.W.Fordham Heath,Colchstr ham S.W.; depots, Kingston road, bury (Suffolk)
Durrant Andrew, Tindal st. Chelmsfrd Staines; The Grove, Hammersmith; Everitt Henry, Ipswich rd. Colchester
Eldred William, Great Henny, Sudbury Wood street, Barnet; Lea Bridge Fairclough William & Son, Magdalen
Everitt Geo. Henham,Bishop's StortforJ road, Leyton; Duppas hill, Croydon ; green, Great Clacton, Colchester
Fielder & Co. King's road, Brentwood High street, Egham; 207 North End Finch George, Gestingthorpe, Halstead
Ff,.lller, Smith & Turner, Griffin road, Fulham & Redhill Finch Wm. Herbt. Gt. Oakley,Harwicl:t
Taylor J. W. & J. L. brewers, spirit Foster John, North Weald,Epping
merchants & aerated water manu- Francis Alfred, Audley End stationt
facturers, High street, SaffronWalden Wendens Ambo, Saffron Walden
Thorn & Livermore, Crown brewery, Gale William & George, Chigwell road,.
Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon Sonth Woodford
Walker & Sons (branch), 10 Nelson Gale William, Hainault road, Romford
street, Cliff Town, Southend Gardner M. & Son, Church st. Coggshll
Ward & Son, Foxearth, Long Melford Gayler David, Newport S.O
(Suffolk) Gentry Mark, Hedingham brick & tile-
\Varde Capt. Charles Apriles Sutton, works, Sible Hedingham, Halstead.
Heath, Hatfield, Harlow See advertisement •
Brewery, Chiswick w.; pale ale, Webb & Gibbons, Crown brwry.Dunmw Gibbons Edward Charles, Bal!ingdon,.
stout & family brewers ; branch stores Writtle Brewery Co. Lim. (W. H. L. Sudbury (Suffolk)
at Brighton ; Cardiff ; Croydon ; Pattison, managing director), Writtle, Gilders Edwin Joseph (firm, Gilders.
Eastbourne ; Guildford; Ilford hill; Chelmsford Bros.), Station rd.& Railway station,
Portsmouth; Sandy; Southampton & Yerburgh Harry B. Lindsey st. Epping Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. See advert
Slough Globe (The) Brick, Lime &-Coal Co.
Fuller John, Kelvedon Lovibond Henry & Son, Cannon brewery, Whitehall, Grays
Gardner E. & Son, Little Cggshl.Klvdn GoLD MEDAL. Lillie road, Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Lim. Grays
Glenny Thos. W. 18 Linson rd. Barking Fulham SW: Harold Wood Brick Co. (George King,.
Gosling 0. Bradford st. Bckng. Brntree Victoria pale proprietor), Harold Wood, Romford
Gray & Sons, Springtield Road brew- ale brewers; Harper Henry, Thorrington, Colchester
ery, Chelmsford; & Maldon awarded Hasler Robert & Son, Dunmow
Grout Harry, Bull ring,Thaxted, Dnmw gold medal Hedingham Brick & Tile Works (Mark
Hawkes & Co. Great square, Braintree at the In- Gentry, proprietor), Sible Heding-
Hill J. & Co. The Brentwood brewery, LoNDON 1884. ternation a 1 ham, Halstead
Warley road & Higb street, Brentwd . Health Ex- Heffer Samuel & Robert, Hornchurch
Hodges William, Witham hibition London, 1884. road, Squirrels Heath, Romford
Hunt T. !<'airycroft rd. Saffron Walden Sole address Llllie road, Fulham S. W. Heffer Samuel, Sidney villas, Old Bren~
Hurdle & Co. Abridge, Romford; & Telegraphic' address, '' Lovibond, wood road; brickyard, Hornchurch
(G. F. Pyne, manager) High Bridge Fulham" road, Squirrels heath, Romford
street, Waltham Abbey Humphrey Mrs. Maria, Blackmore,
HutleyJohn, 137 Wantzroad, Maldon BREWERS' ENGINEERS. Ingatestone
Ind,Coope & Co.Limited,High st.Romfrd Morton Robert & Co. Trent works, Lindus Henry, Fyfield. Ongar S.O
Jervis Mrs. Victoria, 155 & 156 Magda- Burton-on-Trent ; makers of every Mackenzie Donald & Son, Station works,
len street, Colchester description of brewers'&distillers'plant Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. ; & Port Walton
King W. & S. J. The Gravel, Coggeshall Brick works, Walton-on-the-Naze
Lee Geo. Herbt. Sun st.WalthamAbbey BREWERS' VALUERS. Milton Hall Brick Co. (Thomas Dowsett.
Letch Waiter M.Sible Hedinghm.Halstd Orgill (J. J.), Swann & Orgill, 21 Hart managing director), Highst. tlouthend
Linsell William, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead street, Bloomsbury, London W.C :Monkham's BrickField (GeorgeSymond-
Luker Henry&Co. TheBrewery,White- BRICK AND ILE son, proprietor),Upshirehall,Waltham
gate road, Southend; & at Rayleigh & T MAKERS. Abbey. See advert
Rochford Allen Robert A.& Sons, Ballingdon, Sud- Nichols William Thomas, Southend
l\Iartin Miss Florence Minnie, Belchamp bury (Suffolk) & Bures Hamlet, brickfields, Southend
St. Paul, Clare R.S.O (Suffolk) Bures R.S.O Nix William, Billericay
:Mauldon A. M. & Son, Bollingdon Allston Mrs. Josph.Mile End, Colchester Noble Frederick & Son, Ongar S.O
Sudbury (Suffolk) Bacon Fredk. Great Canfield, Dunmow Page R. & Co. Cauliflower brickfie!ds,
Metson Frederick, Gosfield, Halstead Barrett William & Thomas, Maybank Ilford
l\Iiller Fred & Sons, High street, Bright- road, South Woodford Pat trick Jn. & Son, Dovercourt, Harwich
lmgsea, Colchester Beard Joseph, jun. Fordham, Colchester Pratt A. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich
?\ewell Edwin, Radwinter, Sffrn. Wldn Bloomfield Alfd.& J. Brook farm,Halstd Pudney & Son, Colne Engaine, Halstead
Nicholl (Charrington) & Co. East Bonner Fredk. Theydon Mount, Epping Puxley Francis, Bradfield, Manningtree
Hill brewery, Colchester BrownJames,NewWrittle street,Chelms- Rayner William & Son, Castle Heding-
Patten Richard, Wakes Colne, Halstead · ford ; Upminster, Romford & Brntree ham, Halstead
Payne Henry, Up. Railway st. Braintree Bryan & Son, Wood street, Chelmsford Rayner Mrs. E. Gestingthorpe, Halstead
Pearsons James, Belchamp Waiter, Butler Frank, Brickfields, Sth. Bnflt.S.O Rayner Henry, Bromley lgdge, Retten-
_Su~bury (Suffolk) Carter_& Woodgate,We.Thurrock,Grays don commo~, Chelms~d
P1lgr1m John Thomas (exors. of), Great Choppmg Samuel Davey, Watch house, Rogers Zachanah, Earl;s Colne, Halst€ad
Chesterford S.O Stebbing, Chelmsford Rosling H. Cardtields, rt{atfield, Witham
Pope & Co. Limited (George Major, Clark Hy. 15 Clement's gardens, Ilford Rush brook Brothers, T ilbury brickfields,
manager), 52 High street, Grays Clonghton Thomas,Felstead,Chelmsford Corringham, Stanfo:lrd-le-Hope S.O


Rutter D. & C. (Henry Juniper, man- Claxton Wm. T. Dagenham, Romford Nash C. Bannister grn.Felstead,Chlmsfrd
ager), Great Wakering, Southend Clayden Thomas, Steeple Bumpstead, Negus E. Elmdon, Saffron Walden
Saunders:Nathl. & Son,Dedham,Colchstr Haverhill (Suffolk) Oliff Hugh, Ingrave, Brentwood
Shoeburyness Brick Works (J. Jackson, Claydon Robert, Queen's rd. Brentwood Usborne Hy. Ramsden Crays,Brentwood
manager), South Shoebury, Shoe- Collin George, Great Easton, Dunmow Page Charles, St. Osyth, Colchester
buryness S.O Cook George, Rowhedge, Colchester Pepper John, Dunmow
Smith Clement, Weeley, Colchester Cooke George William, Victoria road, Pettitt James, Orsett S.O
Smith J. Birchanger, Bishop's Stortford Stanford-le-Hope S.O Phillibrown Geo. Broomfield, Chelmsfrd
Southchurch Brickfields Company (The), Cooper Chas. jun. Lamarsh, Colchester Port way C. Hempstead, Saffron Walden
Southchurch, Southend Coppin Charles, London road, Stanway, Prior Edward, Sheering, Harlow
Stansted & Birchanger Hall Estate Brick Colchester Pyman William, Gt. Clacton, Colchester
Works (J. Caygill steward),Stanstead Corder Charles, Stisted, Braintree Rainbird Frederick, Coxtie green, South
:Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Cowell Geo. Great Bentley, Colchester Weald, Brentwood
Stockwell & Son, South Benfleet S.O Crew John, 53 Axe street, Barking Raison D. Fobbing,Stanford-Ie-HopeS.O
Stone William Joseph, I .Avenue ter- Crick Charles, Bradfield, Manningtree Reed Hy. IS Up. Railway st. Braintree
race, Ingatestone Cutting Fredk. Bradfield, Manningtree Richardson Arthur, Rayne, Braintree
Styles Thomas, Coopersale common, Dance George, Barking Side, Ilford Richbell Jn. Little Maplestead, Halstead
Theydon Garnon, Epping Dawkins Geo. White Roothing, Dunmow Rider John, Mill cottage, Littlebury,
Symondson George, Upshire hall, Dawkins Jas. White Roothing, Dunmow Saffron Walden
Waltham Abbey. See advert Dee Joseph, Wethersfield, Braintree Rost James, Crescent road, Brentwood
Utton L. & L. Great Eastern brick Deeks John, Mundon, Maldon Samuels A. Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood
works, Prittlewell, Southend Deeks John Thomas, 6 Fairfield terrace, Saunders Frank, 22 Essex st. Colchester
Vange Brick Fields (Robert L. Curtis, North street, Halstead Seaborne Wilham, Langham, Colchester
propr. ), Vange, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Denny Waiter, Little Bentley, Colchester Searle Harry, Great Chesterford S. 0
Webster T. H. Stock, Ingatestone & Diss William, 24 Hamilton street, Sharp George, 75 Head street, Halstead
South Hanningfield, Chelmsford Parkeston, Harwich SharpenHy. Voluntary pl. Wanstead N.E
Went Solomon, Gt. Bentley, Colchester Dowsett Joseph, Tillingham, South- Silcock John, Green lane, Ilford
Winch Waiter, Harlow minster S.O Slowgrove Thos. Gt. Bentley, Colchester
Woods W.Poplar lane, Mile End,Colchstr Ea ton Alfred, Marriages cottages, New Smith Henry, Rayleigh S.O
YoungmanAlfred B. Inworth, Kelvedon London road, Chelmsford Smith Jack, Rickling, Newport S.O
Edwards John, Heybridge, Maldon Smith R. 2 Coke st. New town, Harwich
BRICK & TILE MERCHANTS. Foster Isaac, Debden, Saffron Walden Snow Arthur, Benfield end, Stansted
BenningfieldA.E. Queen's rd.Brentwood French Arth. J. Great Saling, Braintree Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Byford John, Moody wharf, Iron bridge, Garnham Wm. Gt. Clacton, Colchester Snow John, Purleigh, Maldon
Poplar E; 75 Barking road, Canning Gate & Sons, Southminster S.O Sortwell Charles, Common, Harlow
Town E & .Byford's wharf, Barking E Gentry George, Billericay Sortwell John, Netteswell, Harlow
Groves John, Railway station, Braintree; Gifford Leonard, Barker's hall, Thorpe- SpendelowJ. West st. Prittlewll.Southend
& at Dunmow, Yeldham & Rayne le·Soken, Colchester Steed W. II9 North Station rd. Colchstr
Mackenzie Donald & Son, Station works, Golden James, 139 Argent street, Grays Steward C. New rd. Mistley,Manningtree
Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0. & at Walton- Thurrock, Grays Stock Geo W. Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
on-the-Naze R.S.O Goodey Daniel, 90 North st. Barking Strutt Thos, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvdn
Maw James & Son, Harrow bridge, Goody Thomas Albert, Dunmow Taverner Isaac J. Boreham, Chelmsford
High street, Stratford E Gowen William Richard, Victoria road, Thurley Geo.LeadenRoothing,Chelmsfrd
Ottley Ovid, 134 Romford road & 1 Barking Side, Ilford Thurley Robt. High Roothing, Dunmow
Vaughan road, Stratford E Green John, West street, Coggeshall Twitchett George, Belchamp St. Paul,
Sadd John & Sons Limited, adjoining Greenhill Henry, Gt. Chishall, Royston Clare R.S.O (Suffolk)
the Great Eastern railway, Maldon Hainsworth William, Rayleigh S.O Ward Henry, 1\Ianuden,Bishop's Stortfrd
Sankey John Hart, Iron Bridge & Essex Harden Joseph, 20 East st. Colchester Ward Joseph, Church end, Clavering,
wharves, Canning Town E ; Barge Harman Charles, Pleshey, Chelmsford Newport RS.O
House wharf, North Woolwich E & at Hayward Alfred, 45 Grove road, Grays Warren George,Coggeshall rd.Braintree
East Ham E Thurrock, Grays Watson Charles Hy. Hatfield, Witham
Hazell G. Pilgrim, 106 Priory st. Clchstr Watts Wm. St. Andrew's rd. Romford
BRICK & TILE MACHINERY Hills Jn. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Grays Weaver Fredk. Twinstead, Sudbury
MAKERS. Hitch John, Writtle, Chelmsford WebbAlfd.Green la.Chadwell Hth.R.S.O
Christy & Norris Broomfield Road iron Hitchin Joseph, Steeple Bumpstead, Wells Thomas, Salisbury house, Main
works Chelm;ford Haverhill (Suffolk) road, Dovercourt, Harwich
' Hobrough Henry Sizer, Crockleford, Wells James, 4 Pembroke villas, Dover-
Whitehead John & Co. Albert works, Ardleigh, Colchester court, Harwich
Preston. See advert Hockley Jas. White Roothing, Dunmow Wilby Frederick Edward, 2 Essex VIllas,
Hockley W. Shrub end, Lexden, Clchstr St. Osyth road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
BRICKLAYERS. Horsenell R. Street, Takeley, Chelmsfrd Willingale Jn. Staples rd. Loughton S.O
Atkins Geo. Great Holland, Colchester James Thos. & Son, Crown st. Brentwd Wilson Henry, Danbury, Chelmsford
Balls William, 88 North st. Halstead James John W. 75 Greenhill grove, Winch Frederick, North Weald, Epping
Barker Geo. Langley, Bishop's Stortford Manor Park Wombwell A. Langley, Bishop's Stortfrd
Baxter Arthur, ISI High st. Maldon Jarvis Henry, Stock, Ingatestone Woodyard Jonathan, Bradwell-juxta-
Beanmont Geo. 42 New st. Chelmsford Jeffrey Alfred Smith, Little Walden Mare, Soutbminster S.O
Benham Alfred, Roydon, Ware road, Saffron Walden Woodyard Robert, Mill road, Maldon
Bone Henry, Colne Engaine, Halstead Jeffrey I. E. Ashdon rd. Saffron Walden WrightF. W. Widdington, Newport 8.0
Boreham Rt. South Ockendon, Romford Juniper James, Tollesbury, Kelvedon Young Samuel J. 4 Queen's villas, The
Bowtle Jas. Great Bardfield, Braintree Kent James, 40 Artillery st. Colchester Green, Chingford
Boyden John, 61 North hill, Colchester Kent John, Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon
Boyden William, Lexden, Colchester Ketley Waiter, Dunmow BROKER-INSURANCE.
Brand W. 8 Upper Railway st. Brain tree Ketteridge A. Wimbish, Saffron Walden Appleton John Samuel, 40 Broadway,
Brett Waltr. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Ketteridge A. Widdington, Newport S.O Manor Park
Bridgeman Charles, Weeley, Colchester KetteridgeJn. Wimbish, Saffron Waldn
Broyd John, Great Bardfield, Braintree Ketteridge York, Ashdon, Saffron Wldn BROKERS-SHIP.
Burgess E. Lit. Wakering, Rochford 8.0 Ladbrook Jn. C. West Mersea, Colchstr Robinson James, 4 Fullbridge, Maldon
Burgess Geo. Great Wakering, Southend Last John, St. Osyth, Colchester Warwicker Hy. Geo. 3 2Market hl.Maldn
Bury Edwin, Cromwell rd. Brentwood Layzell Edward, Felstead, Chelmsford
Butcher George, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Levey Arthur, Stansted Mountfit<;het, BRUSH MANUFACTURERS.
Butcher Herbert, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Bishop's Stortford Madocks Alfred, 36 High st. Chelmsford
Carder John, Wethersfield, Braintree Lilley Henry, Langham, Colchester Rudkin Barney, Cattle markt. Braintree
Carder Joseph, Shalford, Braintree Linn George, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford West John & Sons, High st. Braintree
Carder Thomas, Wethersfield, Braintree Lion J oseph, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford
Challis Charles, Helions Bumpstead, Lissimore B. 31East Stockwellst.Clchstr Osmond & 1\Iatthews, I3 to 25 Hearn
Haverhill (Suffolk) Lyes Henry Thomas, Magdalen street street, Curtain road, London E C
Chapman H. Woodham Waiter, Maldon Maynard Richd. Blackmore, In,o-atestone •
Cheek Wm. sen. Roxwell, Chelmsford :\lead Geo. 22 Broomfield rd. Chelmsford BRUSH VENEER CUTTER.
Choat Benjamin, RiJgwell, Halstead :\Iurrell Henry, Billericay 'Watts Francis, Birkbeck road, Barking
Clark Thos. l\Ianuden, Bishop's Stortfrd.~luo;;grove Jsph. Black ~otley, Braintree Side, llford

BUILDERS. ClarkW.&F.Gt.Easton,Dunmow.See advt Gooch R. I Gordon vils.Gordon rd.Sthnd

Abbott George, Redbourne villas, Old Clark Edwards, Gt. Bentley, Colchester Goodey James R. 3I Churcli rd.Barking
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Clark F. Moreton, Chipping Ongar S.O GoodwinJohnArthur, Wil-·enhoe,Colchstr
Abraham John William, Littlebury, Clark George, Wickford S.O Gowen F. Victoria rd.BarkingSide,ILrord
Saffron Walden Weald,Epping Gower William, Sturmer, Halstead
Ainger Waiter, Epping Cobb L. Bambro cot. Dovercrt. Harwich GozzettJohn, Spital road, Maldon
Aldous Albert James, Tower st. Bright- Cook Henry, West street, Colchester Green Elijah & Sons, Thaxted road,
lingsea, Colchester Cook Mrs. A. M. Burnham S.O Saffron Walden
Alien Jn. & Waltr. East st.Rochford S.O CookS. J. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Green Julius, A.udley rd. Saffron Walden
Alien Geo. Rochdale, York rd. Southend Cook William, North street, Halstead Greenaway J. Baldwin's rd.Lougton S.O
AllenJ.C.Station rd.Clactn.-on-SeaR.S.O Cooper Jordan, Black Notley, Braintree Gregory Joseph,74Herbertrd.ManorPrk
AllenW.Hy.Parkhurst, London rd.Sthud Cornell James, 75 Wakering rd. Barking Grimes Jsph.NorthGate wrks.Colchester
Alp James, High street, South Shoe- Coulman JamesR. Saville road, Walton- Grout Chas. Mill end,Thaxted, Dunmow
bury, Shoeburyness S.O on-the-Naze R.S.O GunnEdwin Stephen, Fea;rnlea rd. New
Ansell William H. G. Billericay Cox James, Vange, Stanford-le-Hope S. 0 town, Harwich
Appleton,Smith &Co.Maldon rd.Colchstr Crickmore W. S. Row hedge, Colchester Gurton Harry, TolleshuntMajor,Witham
Argent David, ro8 North st. Barking Crispe S.S.16 Longbridge road, Barking Ham Dick, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Ashmole & Grant, Roden works, Ilford Cross John, Hutton, Brentwood Hamlin George,Birkbeck estate,Barking
Avey Samson, Ingatestone Cnthbert Walter John, High road & Side, Ilford
Bacon Alfred, Holly cottage, Brentwood Forest road, Lought.on Hammond J. S. & Son, Hill ho.Romford
road, Homford CuttingJn.Maurice,Bradfield,Manningtr Hammond Arthur,BeauchampRoothing,
Bailey Thomas, Gt. Wakering, Southend DanielsW.EppingNew rd.Buckhurst Hill Brentwood
Baker &Wiseman, Ty lers a ven. Southend Daniels Wm. The Green, Woodford Green Hammond Ed ward, Crown st. Brentwood
Baker CharlPs, 8 Railway st. Chelmsford Darke Samuel & Son, 54 Alexandra st. Hammond James,Albany terrace,Rayne
Baker Isaac, Rayleigh S.O & Nelson street, Southend road, Hocking, Braintree
Baker William, Eve's Corner, Danbury, Davey Abraham,Market pi. nth.Romfrd HardyG.&Son,GreatYeldham,Halstead
Chelmsford Davey Isaac, South Ockeudon, Romford Harrison Henry, Abberton, Colchester
Bald win Henry, Rayleigh S. 0 Day James, King street,Saffron Walden Hart Solomon, I Salisbury rd.ManorPark
Barber Alfred, Langford, Maldon Death Geo. Wm.C.ChadwellHeath R.S.O Haws Thos.Waters,King's rd.Brentwood
Barker Isaac & Sons, Hatfield, Harlow De Maid Norman, Church road,Clacton- Heath Wm.Gladstone rd.Buckhurst Hill
Barker Thomas,'Heath, Hatfield,Harlow on-Sea R.S.O Henn Charles, I24 Ripple road, Barking
Barlow Harry, Ongar S. 0 Devenish George, 1 St. Clement's villas, Hinds John, Market place, Romford
BarndenE.Cliffho.Waltn.-on-NazeR.S.O Leigh S.O Hobbs J. W. & Co. Lim. (John Annam,
Barnes John, Hockley S.O Dines Jsph. & Son, 71 High st. ~Ialdon manager), Cranbrook road, Ilford
Bassett John & Son, Grange road, Bark- Diss Alfred, Stanwellstreet, Colchester Hockley Ernest H.Heath,Hatfield,Harlw
ing lane, Ilford Dix: Dick & Sons, West rd.SaffronWalden Holding J. & Son,Prittlewell st.Southnd
Bastard George James, 32 Clarence rd. Dix Benjamin, High st. Saffron Walden Holland Geo. Great Leighs, Chelmsford
Grays Thurrock, Grays Dobson Geo. Butt Road works,Colchestr HollidayJ.F.Hope vil.Chadwll.HthR.S.O
Ravin Nat, Elm vil.Station rJ. LeighS.O Dorling William, Clifton ho. Katherine Holmes G. & Sons, Sam's green, Ilford
Beard Joseph, jun. Rose !!reen, Chappel, road, East Ham E Holmes Adolphus, 94 Park st. Southend
Halstead Dowsing & Davis, Mawneys rd.Romford Hook William, Upminster, Romford
Beaumont Robert, 72 London road, Drake Joseph, 27 North street, Barking Hopkins & Co. 21 St. Bernard's road,
Lexden, Colchester Drake William Henry, Barking la. Ilford East Ham E
Bell Wm.&Sons,South rd.SaffronWalden DrewryWilliam,Gt.Waltham,Chelmsfrd Howell William James, Rainham S.O
Benfield Lawrence Charles Gibson, I Oak Dumerton S. Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchester Hughes Francis,Katherine rd.Ea.Ham E
cottages, Maybank rd. SouthW oodford Dupont Frederick, North hill, Colchester H unnable G. 82LowerRailway st. Brntree
Bentley & Francis, Ingatestone Eade W. H. ThePopseys,Kirby,Colchester Hunnable Waiter, Mount rd. Braintree
Bentley John, Sun st. Waltham Abbey Easun Charles, Station road, Chingford Hunt John, jun.Mott street, IIighBeech,
BerryJ .2Minnesota vls.Gordon rd.Sthnd Edwards Charles, Ingrave, Brentwood Loughton S.O
Bishop Henry, Southminster S.O Eldred Henry, Little Clacton,Colchester Jarvis James, Stock, Ingatestone
BloomfieldWm.Springfield rd.Chelmsfrd Elgie James G. Broomfield, Chelmsford Jefford Jas.H.24Victoria aven.Ea.Ham E
Bloyce F. G. 202Magdalenst.Colchester Ellis & Turner, Magdalen green, Great Jenner Wm. Hy. High road, Woodford
Bloyce G. 39 Winchester rd. Colchester Clacton, Colchester Jepp T. & Son,Bridge street, Coggeshall
Blyth E.Waterside,Brightlingsea,Clchstr E!sdonWaltr.SibleHedingham, Halstead Johnson Frank, 41 New st. Chelmsford
Boardman William, Salmon's farm, In- England Frederick,Hastings rd.Southnd JolliffeJohn,64Wellesley rd. Wanstd.N.E
grave, Brentwood Enness Job, 22 London road, Braintree Jones Arthur, 8 Wesley road, Southend
Bohannan Geurge, Pleshey, Chelmsford ErswellE.W.Market row,SaffronWalden Juniper James, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Booth Henry, Mawneys road, Romford Everett H. & Son, Hythe hill, Colchester Keeble Charles, The Elms, Thorpe-le·
Bow hay George H. The Poplars, Shrews- Everett Mayes, 7 Cliff villas, Dovercourt So ken, Colchester
bury road, East Ham E Ewins Jas. E. High street sth. E. Ham E Keen Thomas, Theydon Bois, Epping
Bowles Geo. 4_1 Magdalen st. Colchester Faircloth Alfred Edward, 4 Friars place, Kemp Nathan, South st. Rochford S.O
Braddy George, Kelvedon New London road, Chelmsford Kennell Harry, Writtle, Chelmsford
Bradley William, Gladstone house, Farran George, 21 Os borne st. Colchestr Key William G. so Grosvenor rd. Ilford
Hartington road, Southend Faux: Burrell, Chigwell Row King John, I King's road, Halstead
Brand C. 5 Upper Railway st. Braintree Fenn Mrs. Ardleigh, Colchester Lacey Geo. Vange,Stanford-le-Hope S.O
Brand Thomas, Grange hill& West street, Finch Wm. Herbt.GreatOakley,Harwich Lad brook Henry, West Mersea, Colchstr
Coggeshall Fincham Wm. 8 Baddow rd.Chelmsford Lake Wilby Joseph, Lower green,
Brickell J. jun. White Post la. ManorPark Firmin Thomas, Greenstead grn. Halstd Brightlingsea, Colchester
Brock John, The Firs, Rayne, Braintree Fitch William,Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwd LancasterJ. 32 Up. Railway st.Braintree
BrownA. & Son, Station works, Brain tree Flory Thomas, 40 Manor road, Colchestr LawrenceWalter,Sun st. WalthamAbbey
Brown Charles, North street, Romford FolkardEphraimB.8Balkerne la.Colchstr Leggett James, High rd. Buckhurst Hill
Brown John, 74 Bridge road, Grays Fookes James Oscar, Waterside, Bright- Lemon Robert, Ongar S.O
Thurrock, Grays lingt;ea, Colchester Letch Mrs. W. E. 103 High st.Braintree
BrownW. W. 102Elizabeth rd.EastHam E Fordham Charles, The Green, Chingford LetchW.,Braintree
Bruty Thomas, Hornchurch, Romford Forster Thomas, York hill,Loughton S.O Lewin George, Ley street, Ilford
Bullock Joseph, 7 Cotswold terrace, Foster C. S. High Beech rd.Loughtn.S.O LingChas.R.CastleHedingham,Halstead
Tyler's avenue, Southend Foster James, Bell common, Epping Lingell Harry J. Gt. Clacton, Colchester
Bnrrill John, Seventh aven. Manor Park Foster James, Theydon Bois, Epping Lingwood James Samuel, I York street,
BushF.W.Bran end,Stebbing,Chelmsfrd French Waiter, Birdbrook, Halstead Old Southend road, Southend
Byatt Hy. New Writtle st. Chelmsford Gammon James, Witham Lissimore Albert, 25 Culver st. Colchstr
Byford John, Rayleigh S.O Gann James Thos. Stondon, Brentwood Livens Hy. Jn. Rosedale, So.Benfield S.O
Canon Francis B. Brook st. Manningtree Gardener William, High Bridge street Lloyd Charles, Crescent rd. Brentwood
Carder John, Great Bardfield, Braintree & Sewardstone st. Waltham Abbey Lomax Geo. so Herbert rd. Manor Park
CarringtonM. Forest drive, Manor Park Garwood Benjamin Wm. 3 Rhine villas, Long John, I East view, Woodford Grn
Carter Henry James, I Orsett road & Jackson road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Love Hy. I20 Third aven. Manor Park
Argent st. Grays Thurrock, Grays Garwood Samuel, Mile end, Colchester Low W. T. & Co.Arragon rd.EastHam E
Carter Samuel, Wickford S. 0 Gifford Jose ph, Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchstr LummisJas.&Son,xRailway st.Chlmsfrd
CassH.Brewer's end, Takeley,Chelmsford Gifford Wm. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchestr Mackenzie Donald & Son, Station works,
ChambersW. A.Ioi:Magdalenst.Colchstr Gillett W. H. &Sons,Sutton rd.Southnd Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O; & at Walton-
Chapman E. & D. ·wivenhoe, Colchester Gladding Walter,Stansted Mountfitchet, on-the-Naze
Charter Georga, Great Parndon, Harlow Bishop's Stortford :\lartin Joseph, 88 William street; work·
Choat & Son, Mildmay rd. Cl}elmsford Golding George, Rochford S.O shops, High street, Grays
Mason William Stacey, 2 Bedford road; Rogers Zachariah, Earls Colne, Halstead Whiteley George B. Castle road, Clac-
workshops, Albert road, Ilford Room Frederick, Garfield rd. Chingford ton-on-Sea RS.O
Mead & Willsher, I Fernlea terrace, Roper Wm.&Son,Broomfield rd.Chlmsfd Wbur Thomas, Hamlet road, Sou~hend
Main road, Dovercourt, Harwich Rous George Benj. I02 Bridge rd. Grays Wicks Thomas, Wethersfield, Braintree
Meadowcroft Joseph, Chigwell Row Rous Henry Robert, 37 & 39 London 1·d. Wiggins W. T. Gt. Wakering, Southend
)lesser Thomas, Woodford Bridge Grays Wiles Jas. 4 North Station rd. Colchster
MilbankG.Howest.Gt.Walthm.Chlmsfd Rowland R.Albemarlest.Newtn.Hrwch Wilkinson Harry, Torquay house, Or-
Milbon Arthur & Bros. Queen street, Rule Jn. T. I3 St. 1\Iary's rd. Colchester well road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Romford RunnaclesMrs.C. Colchester rd.Halstead Wilkinson Hy. 21 Wesley rd. Southend
Miles Alfred, High road, llford Sach Edward, Church st. Coggesha.ll WillmottFredk.Hope cot.High rd.Ilford
1\fillerHarry, Victoria saw mills,Brentwd Sage James, Wix, 1\lanningtree Willmott F .L. Church path, Wanstd.NE
1\Ioran John, Main rd. Doverct. Harwich Samms Wm. Rainsford rd. Chelmsford Willsner Abram, Witham
1\loran John, 54 West street, Harwich Sanders Arthur, Stansted l\Iountfitchet, Willsher James, Primrose villa, Lee
l\Ioss A. & Co. 49 High st. Chelmsford Bishop's Stortford road, Dovercourt, Harwich
Mundy Wm. George la. Wanstead N.E Sansom Fredk. 8o Barrack st.Colchester Wilmer George, High street, Chingford
~ayler Samuel, Greenstead, Colchester Saunders N. & Son, Dedham, Colchester Wilson John William, Elizabeth road,
NaylorGeo.Parson's hth.Grnstd. Clchstr Saunders Edward, I Station road, East Ham E
NearJsph.L.37NorthStation rd.Colchstr Dovercourt, Harwich. See advert Wilson Thomas Lcwis, America lodgE.',
Newman J ames, 79 Axe st. Barking Scott Charles John, 8 North hill, Colchstr Upminster, Romford
Newton Ernest Edward, 35 & 36 West Sharp Wilmer, Clairmont villa, Ash- WilsonWm. Coke st. Newtown,Harwich
street, Harwich burnham road, Southend Wilson-W ebb Thomas, S~dney street,
Newton Joseph jun. High street & Old Shead Frank, Blackheath, East Dony- Brightlingsea, Colchester
road, Harlow land, Colchester Winch Waiter, Harlow
~icholls Benjamin, Bury road, Harlow Sheppard James & Sons, Horn lane, Winter Brothers, King's rd. Brentwood
~icholsW.Park rd.Brightlingsea,Clchstr Woodford Green Wood Charles, Myrtle cottages, Prince's
Nickerson Joseph T. Coopersale street, Sibthorp George, Hornchurch, Romford road, Buckhurst Hill
Theydon Garnon, Epping Siggers Waiter, Kelvedon Wood George, PilgrimsHatch,Brntwood
Nix William, Billericay Simmons Samuel, Florida cottage, Woodhams Francis Edward, South
Nob le Frederic & Son, Ongar S. 0 Stanley road, W oodford Church road, Southend
Norden Samuel, Rochford S.O Sims J. W. 2 Wentworth rd. Manor Pk Woodhouse Waiter, Grove rd. Woodford
NorfolkJas. Robt. Gt. Warley,Brentwood SimpsonMichael, South Shoebury, Shoe- Woodward Alfred, Stock, Ingatestone
OldroydJ. Albert rd.nth.Buckhurst Hill buryness ~.0 Wyles J. W. Plashet gro. East Ham E
OrfeurCharlesErnest,ColneBank works, Smith, Beaumont & Dawson, Coke Yate John, High road, IIIord
North Station rd. Colchester. Seeadvt street, New town, Harwich
Osborn Thomas & Sons, High rd. Wood- Smith Daniel, Weeley, Colchester BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS.
ford & High street, Woodford Green Smith Daniel F. Wivenhoe, Colchester Lowe & Road, 92 High road, Southend
Os borne John, Fairview, Leigh S.O Smith Fredk. 31 Princes st. Southend
Owers Frederick, Hatfield, Witham Smith John, 56 Longbridge rd. Barking BUILDING MATERIAL DLRS.
Palmer Brothers, High street, Epping Smith Jonas, Io6 Wantz road, Maldon Byford John, New road, Barking
Parish James, Woburnavenue, Theydon Smith Joseph, Chipping hill, Witham Eastwood & Co. Limited, Ilf01d wharf,
Bois, Epping Smith William, Kirby cross, Colchester Ilford & Railway station,East Ham E.
Parmenter Samuel Catley, Coggeshall Smith William, Stoneham st.Coggeshall See advertisement
road, Braintree Sortwell James, Epping Foster Herbert J. Town Quay Steam Sortwell Waiter, Queen's road, Buck- wharf,St.:\Iargaret's wharf &~!organ's
Parsons & Son, High street & South burst Hill quay, Barking. See adverti~ement
street, Manningtree Staines John Henry, Newport S.O facing commencement of Essex:
Partridge & Bros. North st. Romford Stammers Thos. Jn. Southminster S.O Hunt Leonard,High rd. Buckhurst Hill
Partridge George, Birch, Colchester Start Samuel, I4 Mersea rd. Colchester ~Ioy Thos. Lim. Station rd Manor Park
PayneWm.Fobbing,Stanfrd.-le-HopeS.O Steward Jas. W. 28 Park st. Southend Ottley Ovid, 134 Romford road & I
Patten Herbert, Purleigh, Maldon Stock Geo. Fairycroft rd.SaffronWalden Vaughan road, Stratford
Pavitt John, Aveley, Purfleet S.O Stokes James, High st. East Ham E Sankey J. H. Railway statn. EastHam E
PayneHy.44St.Stephen'srd.EastHamE ~troud Robert, Ley street, Ilford Young & Marten, Caledonian works,
Peake Wm. Rayne rd.Bock1ng,Braintree Styles John, Coopersale, Theydon Gar- Romford road, gS, 100 & 102 Broad-
Pearce John, George la. Sth. Woodford non, Epping way & Wharf road, S~ratford E
Pees George, Magdalen green, Great Sudbury George & Sons, Halstead
Clacton, Colchester Sudbury Wm. sen. 5 Bridge st.Halstead BUILDING SOCIETIES.
Penn Charles Ebeuezer, Chigwell Row Sullings Thomas, Stanford-le-Hope S.O See Land & Building Societie<>.
Percy Edwin, Romford rd. Manor Park Sutton G. Station rd. Netteswell,Harlow
Phillips Frederick, Messing, Kelvedon Tanner & Son, Gt. Saling, Braintree BUSINESS AGENT.
Phillpott Thomas, Hawkins hill, Little Tanner George, Shalford, Braintree See Agent-Business.
Sampford, Braintree Tate John, Harlow
Pollitt T. Sewardstone st. WalthamAbbey Thipthorpe Thos. I8 Lambert st. Sthnd BUTCHERS.
Potter Henry, Fairfield rd. Chelmsford Thorn Joseph, so Manor st. Braintree Adams John, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
Potts Mark, Pallister rd. &. 5 Anchor Thorn Samuel, :Messing, Kelvedon Ainslie Brothers, 48 High st. Southend
villas, Old road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Thorogood C. &Son, Waterloo rd.Romfrd Alexander J J. mes, Hey bridge, Maldon
Powell Kerlogue A.WhiteColne,Halstead Thorp William, Prospect vil. Leigh S.O Alexander Joseph, Sidney street,Bright-
Pratt William, High street, Harlow Tunbridge, Cressing, Braintree lingsea, .Colchester
Price Edwin L.Linden villas, Nightin- Vaile Geo. Albert rd.nth. Buckhurst Hill AmbroscJeffery,Finchingficld,Braintree
gale lane, Wanstead N.E Vintress Geo. Gt. Wakering, Southend Amey Arthur, Earls Colne, Ha1stead
Prictor James, Grove road, South Shoe- Waiter Robt. Geo. Barking Side, Ilford Amos C. T. Church st.Bo:::king,Braintree
bury, ShoeburynessS.O Ward Alfred & Son,Gt.Totham,Witham .Andrews Major, 6o Notley rd.Braintree
Prictor Samuel, Grove road, South Ward T. J. 30 St. John's st. Colchester Anger Frederick William, Ingatestone
Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Warner Chas. High st. sth. East Ham E Anstee James, Rayleigh S.O
Prior Freclerick, Burnham S.O Warren William, 2 Brooklyn villas, Archer George, Gt. Sampforu,Braintree
Prior George, Suffield hatch, Chingford Gordon road, Southend Archer George, Newbigo-en stred,
Pudney & Son, Colne Engaine,Halstead Warriner Robt. High rd. Lo~hton S.O Thaxted, Dunmow "'
PuxleyAbrhm.C.Bradfield, Manningtree Wash Charles, Earls Colne, Halstead Archer Mrs. l\lartha, Newport S.O
Radley Willi'lrn, Chigwell rd. Chigwell WatkinsonThos.Sirlsaac's walk,Colchstr Armstrong John, 33 Marine par. Sthend
Ranger Frank, George lane, Woodford Watson William, Ilford Hill, Ilford Averre William J. 5 High st. Ea. Ham E
Ratcliff 0. E. Town st. Thaxted,Dunmow Watson Wi~liam C. Lifford house, Bacon Benjamin, jun. Tend ring ,Colchstr
Raven T. J. J. Plashet la. East Ham E Plashet Grove, East Ham E Bailey T. Hill ho. Arkesden,Newport S.O
Rayment Walter,Plashet la.East Ham E Welch Charles, Holme road,EastHam E Baker SamuelJohn,34 Dukest.Cbelmsfd
Rayner Jn.EastHanningfield,Chelmsford Wells Henry & Sons, Queen's road, Bantick Hy.W .57&59Barrack st.Colchstr
Read Charles, Burnham S.O Buckhurst Hill & Woodford Green Barker Henry, Broad street, Har:ow
RichardsChas.&Son,Chipping hl.Withm Wells Wm. C. Ashingdon, RochfordS.O Barker Mrs. Henry, Harlow
Richards George, Chipping hl. Witham West Ernest, Fairfield works,Chelmsfrd Barker Richard, Stebbing, Cbelm<>ford
Riley Joseph, George lane, Sth. Woodfd Wbitlin Alfred, Gold st. Saffron Walden Barker W. J. Church st. Saffron \Valden
RipperW. C.CastleHedingham,Halstcad Whiffin James, Coopersdale Common, Barnard Arthur, Romford rd. Lit. Ilford
Rist Geo. 59 Wakering road, Barking Theydon Garnon, Epping Barsham Jas.2&5Maybank rd.S. Woodfrd
Rocall John, I St. George's terrace, White Fredk. Shenfield, Brentwood Barwell Henry, Witham
Sibley grove, East Ham E White James, High stret, Brentwood Bates Charles, Wivenhoe, Colcbester
Rogers & Robson, Ongar rd. Brentwood White W. Lit.Thurrock,TilburyDck.S.O Beaumont Thomas, qNorth st.Barking

BuTCHERS-continued. Cooper James, Dunmow Gray Dennis, Kirby, Colchester

Beckwith Thomas, Kelvedon Cooper Thomas, Heath, Hatfield,Harlow Greatrex Quintin Dick, Chipping hill,
BelchamCharles Fras.68 High st.Sthend Coppen Thomas, The Pavement, Ilford Witham
Belcham Waiter C. 5 Hamlet rd.Sthend Cotton John, 21 .Axe street, Barking Green & Sons, Ingatestone
BenhamW.Bradford st.Bocking,Braintre Coulson Frederick, Victoria rd.Romford Green Herbert, Writtle, Chelmsford
Berry G. 12 Nelson st.&7High st.Sthend Cowee Thomas, Ongar S.O Green Mrs. 1\1. .A. 78 High st. Halstead
Hewers Patrick G. Stanford-le-HopeS.O Cowell.Alfred, Market row,SaffronWldn Greenwood & Sons, 6 Crouch st.Colchstr
Biggs James Bell, .Ardleigh, Colchester Cowell WilliamPalmer,Hillgreen,Claver- Greenwood Thomas Bagnall, 18 St.
Bird George, Dedham, Colchester ing, Newport S.O Botolph st. & 66 Crouch st. Colchester
Bird Waiter, Boxted, Colchester Crang Wltr. Queen's rd. Buckhurst hill Greenwood William Bowler, 7 Market
Blackwell Joseph Henry, High st. Romfd Crang Waiter, High st. Woodford Grn st. Harwich & New st. Walton-on-the·
.Blandon RobertColum, Ridgwell,Halstd Cranmer Robert, Rowhedge, Colchester Naze R.S.O
Blatch Waiter, Ingrave, Brentwood Creasy John Jackson, 6 Tindal street, Gregory George, Wennington road,
Blaxall H.jun.Tolleshunt,D'.Arcy,Kelvdn Chelmsford Rainham S.O
Blaxall Norris Edward,s High st.Maldon Creasy L. 13 St. Botolph st. Colchester Grimes .Arthur John, Wivenhoe,C-olchstr
Blaxall Robert, 26 Market hill, Maldon Crouchman Mrs. M.Roxwell,Chelmsford Groom Henry, Writtle, Chelmsford
Blowers Daniel, 77 Wantz road, Maldon Croxon .Alfred Jeremiah Burnham S.O Grove .Arthur James, Potter st. Harlow
Blows William, .Aveley, Pur:fieet S.O Crumpen James, Great Totham,Withm Grove James, High street, Epping
Bone Philip, Great Bardfield, Braintree Cutts James, West Thurrock, Grays Hall Henry, High road, llford
Bosworth Fredk. High rd. Loughton S.O Dalby Wm. Hy.Romford rd.Manor park Handley Chas. M. 122 High st. Maldon
Boughtwood .Alfred, Stock, lngatestone Darby A. E. 43 Moulsham st.Chelmsfrd Hardman Frank, High street, llford
Boughtwood Frederick Thos. Billericay Dayten Wm Barking Side, Ilford Harris Mrs. A. Queen's rd. Buckhrst. hl
Bowyer F. D. King st. Saffron Walden Dearof Fredk. 92 North st. Barking Harris W. S. m, Station rd.Manor park
Bowyer Henry, Great Yeldham,Halstead Dench William, Barking Side, Ilford Hart H. G. x8 Pleasant rd. Southend
Bowyer Henry, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Dennis James Cheveley, 133 High street, Hart Joseph, xs Broadway, Barking
Bowyer Spencer, xa, East street, Barking Colchester; & at High st. Wivenhoe Haylett William, .Albemarle street, New
Brand David, Tollesbury, Kelvedon Dennis Thomas, Danbury, Chelmsford town, Harwich
Brewer Samuel & Son, xx Alexandra Dent Thos. junr. Stanford-le-Hope S.O Hayward Ernest, 5 Broadway, Grays
street, Southend; & Leigh S.O Dig-by .Alfred, 26 New street, Braintree Thurrock, Grays
Brewer Mrs. Fredk. High st. Leigh S.O Digby Henry, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Hazlewood W . .A. Highrd. LoughtonS.O
Brewster Robert,Warleyroad,Brentwood Digby John, Great square, Braintree Hearn John, 72 High st. Braintree
Bridge George, Orsett S.O Dodwell Eber John, Chadwell street, Hellen Geo. 6 Long Wyre st.. Colchester
Bridge Robert,South Ockendon, Romford Chadwell Heath R. S. 0 Higgleton Mrs. Louisa, High street,
Bridges Francis, High street, Brentwood Dowsett F. W. Greenhill gro. Manor Pk S. Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O
BrittainB.s.Aima ter.Snake's la.Wdfd.Gn Doe Arthur, 8 Trinity st. Halstead Hill H. S. 7 Debden rd. Saffron Walden
BrittonDanielG.Elmdon,SaffronWalden Downey John, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford Hills John, Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon
Britton Frederick Edward, Watling Downing Charles, Southminster S.O Holttum T. G. Plasket gro. East Ham E
street, Thaxted, Dunmow Draper Robert, Sible Hedingham,Halstd Hopwood G. Elmdon, Saffron Walden
Britton William, Stebbing, Chelmsford Dumerton J.'Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchester Home Benjamin, Brookmans farm,
Brock Chas. 41 Up. Railway st.Braintree Dunn J. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich Dovercourt, Harwich
Brockman William Stanhope, 4 Station Durrant James, 21 Market st. Harwich Home J. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich
road, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester Dyer Charles William, Woodford bridge Iiorton George, Forest rd.Loughton S.O
Brown David, Witham Earler George, 24 Heath street, Barking Hoskins William, Redwood, Dunmow
Brown James, Kirby, Colchester Eastmans Lim. Short Wyre st. Colchstr Howard C. Thundersley, Rayleigh S.O
Brown James J.Smart's la.Loughton S.O Edwards C.Main rd. Dovercourt,Harwch Hull G. Horseshoes, Barking Side,Ilford
Bryant Alfred, 43 Seymourrd. E.HamE ElwoodJ.Hamiltonst.Parkeston,Harwch Hume George,BuresHamlet,BurrsR.S.O
Buckingham Wm. Gt.Wakering,Sthend English J. Tillingham, SouthminsterS.O Humphrey .Arthur, Steeple Bumpst~d,
Bucklaud William Frederick, 69 High Ennells & Son, King's Quay street; & Haverhill (Suffolk)
street, Grays Thurrock, Grays Church street, Harwich Jaggard Robert, GreatsChesterford S.O
Bursill Henry, Woodford Bridge Evans Henry, Dedham, Colchester JenkinsDavid,gsMoulsham st.Chelmsfrd
Burton John, Great Chishill, Royston Evans Thos. Wm. 6o Head st. Halstead Johnson .Alfred, Elmstead, Colchester
Butcher Reuben, Wall end, East Ham E Eve Robert B. 32 East 'st. Colchester Johnson Maurice Sadler, High street,
Butcher Wm. Ballingdon, Sdbry.(Suffik) Everitt S. Rose grn. Chappel, Halstead Brightlingsea, Colchester
Butler Allan, Newport S.O Everitt Waiter, Tiptree heath, Kelvedon Johnson Wm.H. Wakefieldst.EastHamE
Butler James, High street, Epping EwerWilliam, Georgela. Wanstead N.E Jordan John, 47 Bridge road, Grays
Butler Job, Lower street, Stansted Ewers David, Rayleigh S.O Thurrock, Grays
Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Fairhead Charles, Dedham, Colchester Joyce.Albt.Churchst. Bocking,Braintree
Byford Thomas William, Newport S.O Fairhead Frank, Magdalen green, Great Joyce Harry, Market hill, Coggeshall
Camp George, Ongar S.O Clacton, Colchester Joyce William, Cattle market, Braintree
Carr Fnk.High Bridge st. Waltham.Abby Fairs Frank, Rowhedge, Colchester Kempton Nelson,Blackmore,Ingatestone
Carter John Ernest, 176 Ripple rd. Brkng I<'erris Francis, 4 King· s Head st. Harwch Ken dell Geo. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Carter Waiter, Burnham S.O Field James, Epping Kendall Isaiah John, Burnham S.O
Carver Charles, Romford rd.Manor Prk Finch .Alfred, Cambridge Town, Shoe- Ketteridge Thomas .Alien, Hull's bridge,
Cater William, xi Magdalen st. Colchstr buryness S.O Hempstead, Saffron Walden
Challis Joseph, Witham Finch E. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Key .Arthur, Great Easton, Dunmow
Chaplin John & David, Witham Finch R. Great Baddow, Chelmsford Key John, Dagenham, Romford
Chaplin Dean, xN ewLondon rd. Chelmsfd Fisher Charles Edwin, 8 Station terrace, Keyes G. W.Minerva cot. Lower Southend
Chapman C. jun. Sun st. Waltham .Abby Snake's lane, Woodford Green Knightbr1dge W. George lane, Woodford
Chard & Co. 132 Magdalen st. Colchestr Fletcher W. & R. Lim. 4 St. Nicholas st. King & Stewart, xo8 High street, Grays
Cheshire Edwin, u2 High st. Colchester Colchester & 24 High st. Chelmsford Thurrock, Grays
Chinery John, White Colne, Halstead Folkard Robert, 97 Crouch st. Colchestr King C. Hamilton st. Parkeston, Harwich
Chisnall George, 37 North hill, Colchestr Folkard W. 27 Middleborough,Colchestr King Samuel, 37 St. John st. Colchester
Church Stephen, Little Parndon, Harlow Fordham C. North st. Rochford S. 0 Kirkby James, Epping
Churchill Thomas, Broad street, Harlow Foster J. & H. Church st. Coggeshill Knight Herbt. Street, Takeley ,Chelmsfrd
Clapham .A. x8 Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd Franklin Henry Edward Wickford S.O Knightbridge Frank, Havering- atte-
Clarey .Alfred, Tendring, Colchester Franklyn George William, Hornchurch, Bower, Romford
Clarke Elkanah, Great Oakley, Harwich Romford KnightbridgeGeorge,High st.Brentwood
Clarke Frederick, Market place, Romfrd Garon H. & Co. 94 & 96 High street, Knightbridge Henry, Orwell road, Clac-
Clarke Osborne G. xx Head st. Halstead Southend ton-on-Sea R.S.O
Clarke Mrs. S. Sib1e Hedingham, Halstd Garon Henry, 92 High st. Southend Knightbridge William Charles,Kelvedon
Clayden Robert, Steeple Bumpstead, Garrard James, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood
Haverhill (Suffolk) Gatward J. Castle Hedingham,Halstead Lacey Waiter George, MardeB .Ash,
Clayden William, Steeple~ Bumpstead, Gatward W. Gt. Maplestead, Halstead High Ongar, Chipping Ongar S.O
Haverhill (Suffolk) - Gaywood Hy. Chad well Heath R.S.O Lavender Edwin, Queen's rd. Brentwood
Clinch Frank, Milllane,Woodford Green Gaywood Mrs. L. Hornchurch,Romford Lavender Thos. N. Upminster, Romford
Coe William, Little Clacton, Colchester Gibbs George, Church street, Braintree Law Edmund W. Station rd. Chingford
Cole Thomas, Great Bromley, Colchestr Gobey David, Heath, Tendring,Colchstr Leeson Henry, Birkbeck estate, Barking
Colonial Meat Stores (.Arthnr Gomm, Goodwin Edwin, 17 Victoria street, side, Ilford
man.), Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Dovercourt, Harwich Leeson Henry, Smart's la. LoughtonS.O
Cook J. Sth. Shoebury, ShoeburynessS.O Gotobed George, High st. East Ham E Lilley .Abraham,Gt.Horkesley,Colchestr
Coombe Thomas A. High street,Brentwd Gray Dennis, High street, Walton-on- Ling Mrs.Charlt.Sible Hedinghm.Halstd
Cooper Alfred, High street, Romford the-Naze R.S.O LisleArthurClaud,Gt.Warley,Brentwood
Long Isaac, 3 Gladstone terrace, High Powell W. The Horns,Barking side, Ilford Wenden Fred, Wethersfield. Braintree
road, Woodford Rann Benjamin, 7 Broadway, Barking Wenden Geo. Olly, Earls Colne,Halstead
Long Mrs.Rachel, South st.l\:Ianningtree Raven Solomon, West Bergholt R.S. 0 Wenden Henry, Great square, Braintree
Longland Mrs. Alice Ann, 21 New road, Rawlinson David, jun. Tiptree Heath, Wenden l\I. Little Bromley, Manningtree
Grays Thurrock, Grays Kelvedon West F. High road, llford
Lord & Co. 118 William street, Grays Rayment John, Pleshey, Chelmsford Wheals Arthur, Harold wood, Romford
Thurrock, Grays Remington A.16sMoulshamst.Chlmsfrd Wheeler George, :Fuller's rd. ·woodford
Lord Henry, Great Bentley, Colchester ReynoldsE.J.Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchester White E. Nightingale rd. Wanstead NE
Lucking Thomas, Dunmow Reynolds Thomas, George la. V\roodford White Thomas, Writtle, Chelmsford
Lucking Thomas, 8 & 9 Grosvenor place, ReynoldsThomas,Springfield hill, Spring- Wilder V\'illiam, Leigh S.O
Southend field, Chelmsford Willett Mrs.l\Iartha, High street,Saffron
Lucking W. GreatWaltham, Chelmsford Reynolds Wm. Rickling, Newport S.O Walden & Littlebury, Saffron Walden
Marking Isaac,Church st.SaffronWalden Rich George James, South st. Romford Williams William, Cambridge town,
Marlton Fredk.John, High st.Brentwood Rich Waiter, Victoria road, Romford Shoeburyness S.O
Martin Wm. Market place, Romford Richardson Charles, Billericay Williamson W.3Calcutta rd. Tilbury S.O.
:Mascall John, Stansted Mountfitchet, Richardson Frank, High street, Bright- Winn John, 122 Argent street, Grays
Bishop's Stortford lingsea, Colchester Thurrock, Grays
MascallSwan,Radwinter,SaffronWalden Riches Arthur, Queen street, Bright- WoodJames, Theydon Bois, Epping
ltiayhew George, Rainham S.O lingsea, Colchester Vi'ood John, Abridge, Romford
Mayo Alfred. Up. Railway st. Braintree Roberts John, Magdalen green, Great Woodrow Frdk.WhitePost la.ManorPark
1\:Iaughfling John, High st. Wanstead NE Clacton, Colchester & Pier avenue, Wright Charles Thomas, Orsett S. 0
Mettam Harry,Stanwayterrace,Parkes- Clacton-on-Sea Wright C. Horndon-on-the-Hill, Grays
ton, Harwich Rogers George, 90 Hythe hill, Colchester Wright :Freierick, Leigh S.O
Miller John, High road, Woodford Rowland.A.6 Ilford markt.High rd.Ilfrd Wright Waiter, Fairsted, Witham
1.\'Ioore Thomas, Church street, Grays Rowland William, High street, Ilford Wright W. South Ockendon, Romford
Thurrock, Grays Ruggles & Son, High street, Brentwood Wright William, Stanford-le-Hope S.O
1.\'Ioore Thomas, Roydon, Ware Rule William, Great Chesterford S.O
Morgan James, IS Magdalen st. Colchestr Rutterford Jas. TheSquare,Rochford S. 0 CAB PROPRIETORS.
Moss Arthur, Ashdon, Saffron Walden Salmon William,Sewardstone,Chingford Aggiss William, Upminster, Romford
1\'Iullocks P.F. Castle Hedingham, Halstd Salter Sidney H. High rd. Loughton S.O Ansell William, Woodford road, Snares·
Nash Charles, Black Notley, Braintree Scott Frederick, South st. Manningtree brook NE & George la. Wanstead NE
Nash Robert, 107 High street, Halstead Scott Wm.E. Market st. Saffron Walden Bates Thomas, Beaconsfield villa, Hart·
Nash Thomas, Great square, Braintree Seabrook John, The Chestnuts, Bore- ington road, Southend
Neave William Henry, 69 & 71 High ham, Chelmsford Battson Edwin, Upminster, Romford
street, Halstead Sedger Hy.Lee rd. Dovercourt, Harwich Bibby W1lliam, 95 Crouch st. ; Butt rd.
Nevard .Albert, Mile end, Colchester Self Wm. 10 Vicarage lane, East HamE & 3 West Lodge road, Colchester
New Zealand Meat Stores (Sml.Fletcher, Selmes George & William, Harlow Bowles Benjamin, 16 North st. Walton·
manager), Market place, Romford SergantGeorge,GreatClacton,Colchester on-the-Naze R.S.O
.New Zealand Meat Supply Co. (Charles & at Clacton-on-Sea Carter George, Victoria cottage, Smart's
J. Wells, man.), George la. Woodford Shackell Richard, 30 Broadway, Barkin.g- lane, Loughton S.O
Newman Mark, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Sheppard AlfredE.Highst. Woodfrd.Grn Chalk Alfred, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Newman William Henry, 14 LongWyre Sherwood Frank, Aveley, Purfleet S.O Cootes Wm. Robt. High rd. Woodford
street & 20 East hill, Colchester Sibley Harry Fras. Kings rd. Brentwood Faiers Edward, Dedham, Colchester
.Nice Ambrose Newman, Ballingdon, Sibley William, Stisted, Braintree Fitch George, High street, Brentwood
Sudbury (Suffolk) Simmons Henry, Wethersfield,Braintree Flack Abraham, Abridge, Romford
Nokes Albert, 83 High st. Chelmsford Smith Alfd. jun. 70 Trinity rd. Halstead Flack Frederick, Station road, Epping
Nokes Miss C. E. 44 High st.Chelmsford Smith E. Filmer, Church st. Coggeshall Harvey Daniel, North st. Rochford S.O
Norfolk George, Ardleigh, Colchester SmithEbenezer, Gt. Bardfield, Hraintree Hornsby William, Square, Rochford S.O
.Norman Arthur, St. Osyth, Colchester Smith Mrs. E. B. Church st. Coggeshall Lilly Charles, Green farm, Great
.Norris James, Causeway end, Felstead, Smith Henry, High street, Romford Clacton, Colchester
Chelmsford Smith J.Low.Queen's rd. BuckhurstHill Lucking George, 24 Culver st.Colchester
()gden Ellis Henry, High street, S. Shoe- Snow Joseph, Gt. Waltham, Chelmsford Malyns James, Witham
bury, Shoeburyness S.O Snoxell Alfred, Chigwell Row Mason William, High road, Woodford
{)liverJ.Victoriaav.Prittlewell,Southend Sorrell Hy. Little Waltham, Chelmsford Wells, Woodford Green
()liver William, Gt. Wakering, Southend Sorrell Richard, Broomfield, Chelmsford MillbankJ.Sth.Shoebury,Shoebrynss.S.O
Oliver Wm. E. 87 Duke st. Chelmsford Spurgin Alfred, Harlow Page George, Colne house, Orwell road,
OrmesH.Highst.Brightlingsea,Colchestr Stahl Charles, 23 Heath street, Barking Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
()sborn Charles. 142 High street, Grays StebbingW. Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvedn Peggs William & Son, 10 Lion walk &
Thurrock, Grays Steele John, Hatfield, Witham Plough yard, Magdalen st. Colchester
.O:rley 0. 8. Tilbury dock, Tilbury S.O Stevens Fredk. Jn. Victoria rd. Romford Pitt & Son, I I Butt road, Colchester
PageThos. W. 43 Crouch street,Colchestr Stevens Waiter, Coopersale common, Pollard Fredk.J. 23 Military rd.Colchstr
Palmer ·wm, South street, Rochford S.O Theydon Garnon, Epping Pollard John Artist, Sussex road,Lexden
Pankhurst E.H.4 Broadway, EastHam E Stevens William, Albert road, Romford road, Colchester
Pannell William, Lower green, Bright- Steward Fredk. Wm. 30 Park st.Southnd Poulter S1las, Earls Colne, Halstead
lingsea, Colchester Stone George, Copfold road, Brentwood RaynerArthurG.27Rawstorn rd.Colchstr
l'ateman James, Witch trees, Hemp- Stowell George, Goldhanger, 1\:Ialdon Robmson)lrs.R.OakHillcot.Woodfd.Grn
stead, Saffron Walden Sturman E. High rd.ChadwellHth.R.S.O Scrivener George, Coach road, Great
Pattle Robert, IS Market st. Harwich Taylor Hrbt.4Southchurch rd.Southend Clacton, Colchester
.Payne James R. Dagenham, Romford TeeceCharles, Epping Sharpen F. Nightingale la.WansteadX.E
PayneJamesR. 14Longbridge rd.Barking Teverson 1\:Irs.Sarah, Queen's road, Buck- Shuttleworth &; French, Ingat~stone
Payne Wm. 6o North street, Barking burst Hill S.O Siggers & Son, Sir Isaac·s walk, Col-
Paynter Edward, Burnham S.O ThompsonFredk.W.Felstead,Chelmsford chester. See advertisement
Peacocke Hugh Smyth, Tillingham, Ticehurst William Mark, 6 High street, Walesby William, 29 Axe st. Harking
Southminster S.O Grays Thurrock, Grays Ward John, Station road, Walton-on·
l'earson Edward, 28 East st. Barking TiffinFrank, Birch, Colche5ter the-Naze R.S.O
Perkins George, High street, Brentwood TonkinLeeming N.Fuller's rd.Woodford Washburn Henry, Pleasant road, Lower
Phillips & Howells, Station rd.Chingford Topple John, Church street, Harwich Southend, Southend
Phillips Arthur Jn. West Bergholt R.S.O Totham Elizbth.&Son,Southminster S.O Witney Charles, Adelaide terrace, Ilford
Phillips Mrs. Sarab, Bradford street, Vinton & Keeble, Rainham S.O CABINET M ERS
Backing, Brain tree Wade George, High street, Maiden AK ·
l'hillips Wm. 138 High street, Braintree Walby Joseph Benj. Broomhill, Chigwell See also Upholsterers.
Pickett Herbert, High street. Brentwood Wailer Wm. Market sq. Waltham Abbey Barlow Harry, Ongar S.O
Playle Alfred, Southminster S.O Warmoll Eruest E. Bradford street, Barnard Daniel C. & Son,37 High street,
Polly William, Great Braxted, Witham Bocking, Braintree Chelmsford
J'oole & Edwards, High st. Manningtree WarrenW.North st.Prittlewell,Southend Beckett T. A. 20 St. Mary's rd.Colchestr
.Poston James, High street, Ilford Webb E. High Bridge st.WalthamAbbey Heckwith C. 71 Parsonage st. Halstead
Poston James Roger, High st. Romford Webb John, Gt. Wakering, Southend Belsham & Son, 181 to 186 Moulsham
PotterJ. 83High st.GraysThurrock,Grays WebsterJonathan,Hadleigb, RayleigbS. 0 street, Chelmsford
.Potter J onathan Parsons, High street & Webster Joseph, Rayleigh S. 0. & Cliff Bond Saml. 12, 13 & 14 North hl.Colcbstr
Station rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Town road, Southend Bond Wm. C. so & 51 New st.Chelmsfrd
Potter Joseph Henrv, 22 High street, Wenden Christopher John, Springfield Boswell David, 98 East street, Harking
Grays Thurrock, Grays road, Springfield, Chelmsford Braddy Mrs. Charlotte, Kelvedon

CABINET MAKERs-continued. CAP MAKER-LADIES'. Ponder Robert, 3o Broadway, Grays.

Brand F. East st. Prittlewell, Southend . Thurrock, Grays
BrownM.H.43WestStockwell st.Colchestr Mar~ueretel\Iademmselle, ThePavement, Rickett & Sons, 33 Orsett road, Grays
Buck William Jas. East st. Coggeshall Htgh street, Southend Thurrock, Grays
Burwood David, 8r Crouch st. Colchestr Roberts William, 126 High street,Grays
Camping George, Southminster S.O CARBOLIC ACID MANUFRS. Thurrock, Grays
Carlow William, Dunmow Dus~ek Brothers & Co Verney road Root Ewin, 68 Head street, Halstead
Carter Fredk. 4 Stanwell st. Colchester London S.E · ' Root William, Horn la. Woodford Greelh
Chiswell.Alfred, York hill, Loughton 8.0 SawkinsWaltr.Kelvedon Hatch,Brentwcl
Clark Josiah, 95 Manor st. Braintree CARMEN. Sharman Richard, Steeple Bumpstead,
Claydon Edward, Witham Haverhill (Suffolk)
Cook David, Kelvedon Bailey James, Hope cottages, Princes Shead Robert, Hythe Quay, Colchester
Copsey George, Market place, Romford road, Buckhurst Hill Silk David, Forest side, Chingford
Day Charles, 5 Frost's yard, North hill, Bailey William, Stanstead cottage, Simmonds Daniel, Theydon green,.
Colchester Princes roJ.d, Buckhurst Hill Theydon Bois, Epping
Dennish Wm. Ruffell, Southminster S.O Baker George, St. Osyth, Colchester Skennerton John, Woodbine road, Wan-
DurrantJohnBlogg,61Church st.Harwch Bambridge Charles,Lindsell,Chelmsford stead N.E
Earnshaw C. Bridge st. Saffron Walden Bardell Edmd. Cromwell rd. Brentwood Smith S. Runsell, Danbury, Chelmsford_
Griffin Henry Lainson, 18, 19 & 145 Barker Geo. Langley, Bishop's Stortford South & Son, London road, Maldon
High street, Colchester. See advert Barker Jsph. Layer-de-la-Hay,Colchestr Speller Mrs. Elizabeth, Moreton, Chip-·
Griffiths Griff, St . .Andrew's rd. Romfrd BarkerJ. Lit.Waldenrd.SaffronWaldon ping Ongar S.O
Harvey Chas. 125 Magdalen st.Colchestr Barnard Waiter, Ridgwell, Halstead Staines William, 79 High stre~t, Gray~K
Hughes Henry Lake, High st. Halstead Beadle Jsph.T. 5 Calcutta rd.Tilbury S.O Stock Frederick, New Wanstead N.E
Jarman Frederick Bennett, Castle Bed- Beaumont William, Purfleet S.O Surridge Ernest, Silver Birch cottage,.
ingham, Halstead Bloomfield Henry,North st.RochfordS.O Greensted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood
Jones John Wm. 71 Crouch st.Colchestr Bradshaw Jn.The Square,WoodfordGrn Tansley Francis, Wood st. Chelmsford
Joscelyne Henry, 62 High st. Braintree Bridger & Son, 27 Sherfield road, Grays Tollworthy Fdk.Chingford ball,Chingfrd.
Letch James, Head street, Colchester Thurrock, Grays Townsend Samuel, Napier road,Barking
Ling David, Rochford S.O Brown John, 56 Milton street, Southend road, East Ham
Littlewood & Son, Sidney street, Bright- Brown John, White Roothing, Dunmow Tucker James, Stanford Rivers,Romford
lingsea, ColchP.ster Cbipperfield .Albert, Mill lane, Chad well TuckerMrs.Jane,I.') Hythe hl. Colchester-
Locke Thomas Marriott, 27 & 28 Long Heath R.S.O Waite William, 29 Fisher street,Barking_
Wyre street, Colchester Clark Maurice F.Harold Wood,Romford Ward Thomas, Witham
Lomas Joseph, 4 .Alma terrace, Snake's Cole Charles, 34 Artillery st. Colchester Ward William, Witham
lane, Woodford Green Cottis William, Rainsford la. Chelmsford Weal Wm. Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood.
Manu George Thomas, Pier avenue, Cronin Warley,Brentwood
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Cross James, 25 Albert road, Colchester CARPENTERS & JOINERS.
)leades Wm. Hy. Hamlet rd. Southend Cross Robcrt, Great Warley, Brentwood Abbott William .Abraham, Wivenhoe-
Nice .Ambrose R. II7 Crouch st. Colchstr Cross William, Shenfield, Hrentwood cross, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Notley Benjamin, Cambridge town, Dawes David, 54 Castle st. East Ham E Abraham Henry, Great ChesterfordS.O
Shoeburyness S.O Dudley Robert, Rivenhall, Witham Abraham John William, Littlebury..-
Nunn Jas. Wm. 23 Duke st. Chelmsford Dudley William, Heath house, Little Saffron Walden
Oakley & C1ark, 1 High street, Halstead Bra:xted, Witham Abrey Daniel, Cromwell rd. llrentwood
Pannell Arthur, Gestingthorpe,Halstead Ellis George, Parsonage down, Dunmow Adams Absalom, High rd.Loughton S.<T
Potter C. Hocking end,Bocking,Braintree Fairclough Zachariah, Fairfield, Jackson Adams F.Aden lo.Hign rd.Loughton S.O
Read Charles, jun. Burn ham S. 0 road, Clacton-on-Sea R. S. 0 Alderton William, Ongar rd. Brentwood
Reed George, St. .Andrew's rd. Romford French William, Harlow Andersen Lars J.Eagle ho. WoodfordGrn_
Reeve Charles Gurdon, I I North hill, Gale George, Chigwell rd. So. Woodford AndrewsB.Ballingdon,Sudbury(Suffolk)
Colchester Giles Wm. George lane, South Woodford Applebee William H. Eve's corner, Dan-
Rice Jas. High st.Brightlingsea,Colchestr Gould John, Mistley, Manningtree bury, Chelmsford
Sach John Chaplin, Witham Green Wm. 3 St. Peter's st. Colchester Arnold Horatio, Tiptree Heath,Kelvedon
Shave William, East street & Gravel Grout Waiter, Epping Ashmole & Grant, Roden works, Ilford
end, Co!Sgeshall Hare John, Woodford Bridge .Ayton John, Cressing, Braintree
Simkin W. R. ; office & show rooms, Harris William, 181 London road,Grays Bacon George, High Roothing, Dunmow-
North hill; depository, North Station Thurrock, Grays Baker Isaac, Thm1dersley, RayleighS.O
road, Colchester Heffer William, Ley street, Ilford Bannister Edward, The Square, Wood-·
Smith Lenny, 55 High street, Brain tree Hilton Thos. 12 Grove End rd. Woodford ford Green
Spurgeon James N. 76 High st. Halstead Howard W.& Son,Maidenburg st.Clchstr Banyard William, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
Tunmer Geo. Hy. 19 Market hill,Maldon Howard James Benjamin, \Vest street, Barber Jn.F. Grove hl. Dedham,Colcbstr
Turner James, Queen street, Romford Prittlewell, Southend Barber R..Ardleigh hth.Ardleigh,Clchstr-
Tyler & Co. Tindal street, Chelmsford Howard Mrs. M. 21 Culver st.Colchester Barker Benjamin, Steeple Bumpstead,.
Vickridge J. .A. & Co. 53 High st.Chlmsfd Hudson James, Gate street, Maldon Haverhill (Suffolk)
Wadley Fredk. C. Gt. Bentley, Colchstr Izard John, Upshire, Epping BarrellDaniel, Wivenhoe cross, Wivenhoe,,
Warner John, Great Yeldbam, Halstead Jackson Daniel Thos. 81 .Axe rd.Barking Colchester
Welton H. & Co. 43 Stanwell st.Colchstr Jackson Waiter, Ongar S.O Beaman John, Little Baddow,Chelmsfrd
Wenley & Son, 55 High street, Chelms- Jones Benjamin, 48 Willow st.Cbingford Heckett Thos.A.2o St.Mary's rd.Colchstl"'
ford. See advertisement Kedge Thomas, Wix, Manningtree Beckett William, Baddow road, Great
Keeble David, 24 Eld lane, Colchester Baddow, Chelmsford
CAKE & BISCUIT MAKERS. Killick .Aibert, South hill, Manningtree BeckwithCaleb,71 Parsonage st.Halstead'
. . Kmg E . .Alpha cot. ChadwellHeathR.S.O Beer Chas.Ballingdon,Sudbury (Suffolk~
Far-Famed) <tk~ CoE (John W llhams, King R. Ern est cot. ChadwellHeathR.S. 0 .Hennett George, Brook Street hill, BrooiG
manager ' on on Knight William, Little Heath, Chadwell street, Brentwood
CALCARIUM MANUF ACTRS Street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O BennettJ,NavestockSide,Navestck,Rmfd'
· Knight William, Brook st. Brentwood Bennett William, Brook st. Brentwood
1\Iorse Alfred 'f. & Co. Ward road, High Lee 0. Old School ho. Barking side, Ilford Bines Thomas, Canewdon, Rochford S.O
street, Stratford E Lefiley Mrs. Isabel, 86 North st.Barking BirdGeo.Gt.Hallingbury,Bshp.'sStortfrcl
Linard w. J. & Sons, Linard's Bird Stephen, Good Easter, Chelmsford
CANDLE MANUFACTURERS. steam wharf, Fisher street, Barking Blackburn James, Widford, Chelmsford

t: E
B dd J 0 h S 1 1 H' h t Ch 1 f d Lord John, Great Baddow, Chelmsford Blatch .Alfred, Fyfield, Ongar S.O
~2 HigT~ ·
~1~r Mansfield William George, Roydon ham- BlatchS.J.Tylers grn.Nth. Weald,Epping
ey let, Roydon, Ware Bloomfield William, Springfield road,.
"'!0 r s, West Ham E . MarshThos.&Sons,1Avenuerd.Southend Springfield, Chelmsford
Kmg:ht Jo~n & Sons, S~ap 'Yorks & 01 ~ MartinC.&Son,Chingfrd.Hatch,Chingfrd Bonner John Thomas, Stambourne,
~Ills, Silverto"'!n_, VICtoria docks E ' Martin& 'fownsend,2osNorth st. Barking Halstead
City office, 17 Billiter street E.C Maynard Elias, Chestnut cottage, Cop- BoramWm.Moreton,ChippingOngarS.O
pice row, Theydon Bois, Epping Bouttell Robt. 30 Belle Vue rd.Colchestr
CANE WORKER. Miller Thos. So. Primrose hi. Chelmsford Bragg Tum,North st.Prittlewell, Sthend
Hayward Isaac, 16 Manor st. Braintree Monk William, 25 New street, Halstead Brand Lewis, Horndon-on-the-Hill,
Nickells Henry, Greenstead, Colchester Grays; & at Stanford-le-Hope
CANINE SURGEON. Osborn Charles, Earls Colne, Halstead BrenesFredk. Hy. King's rd. Brentwood..
Wilkins John, The Warren, Stausted Phillips Wm. M. York hi. Lough ton S.O Britton Thomas, Kelvedon
.:\lountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Playle John, Fullbridge, 1\Jaldon Brock William, Inga~estone.
Brown James. 2I (;hapel hill, Halstead Graham George, St. Osyth, Colchester Norman William, 3 Walton villas,
Brown Wm. Chas. Cressing, Braintree Gray William, Gt. Sampford, Braintree Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Broyd Joseph, Alphamstone, Colchester Green Donald W. East bay, Colchester Norrington Jas. Broomfield, Chelmsford
Buck Simon, Forest rd. Loughton S.O GreenG.F.Bradford st.Bcking.Braintree Nunn Joseph, Steeple, ~Ialdon
Burling .Tames, Thorrington, Colchester Green James John, Writtle, Chelmsford Os born J. Common, Shenfield, Brentwd
Butcher Robt. West rd. Saffron Walden Greener Hy.North st.Prittlewell,Sthend Oxley Philip, Shell cottage, High street,
Butcher Thomas, BlackNotley,Braintree HaggerW.Duton hl.Gt.Easton,Dunmow Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
Butters William, Colvin rd. East Ham E, Hagger Algernon l\I. Gt. ChesterfordS. 0 Pagram Phillip, Blackmore, Ingatestone
Campen John, Pleshey, Chelmsford Hamblion J. G. 22 Maldon rd. Colchster Pannell Arthur, Gestingthorpe,Halstead'
Carter Abraham, Runwell, Chelmsford Harding J. 1 Heigham rd. East Ham E Parmenter Thomas, Manor rd. Braintree
Carter Jacob, Nth. Fambridge, Maldon Harman James, Chigwell row Paskell John, Wix, Manningtree
Carter James, Chappel, Halstead Harman Richd. 20 Hamlet rd. Southend Paskell William, Wix, Manningtree
Clark Williau~ & Francis, Great Easton, Harvey Henry, Greenstead, Colchester Pearcey George, Dagenham, Romford
Dunmow. See advertisement Hasler Jonah, Gt. Yeldham, Halstead Pees George, Queen's Arms inn, Magda-
Clark Alfd.Church la.Lexden,Colchester Hawkes George, Gt. Leighs, Chelmsford len green, Great Clacton, Colchester
Clark Samuel, Hastingwood common, Hawkins Nathanl. 35 Heath st. Barking Pegrum Alfred, Nazeing,Waltham Cross
North Weald, Epping Hayward Frank, London road, Maldon Pennack Thos. Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford'
Clarke James, Earls Colne, Halstead Heard Samuel, Billericay Perry Edward, Gt. Totham, Witham.
Clarke Noah, Earls Colne, Halstead Heslop Joseph, Navestock side, Nave- Pettitt E Ramsden Bellhouse, Breutwd
ClarkeS.Pebmarsh,BuresR.S.O.(Suffik) stock, Romford Philbey Waiter Abel, 140 High streetr
Claydon Geo. Margaretting,Ingatestone Roar Albert, Danbury, Chelmsford Grays Thurrock, Grays
Col!ins C.sen. Tillinghm.Sthminster.S. 0 Holder William, Chigwell Piggott Wm. Great Sampford, Braintree
CollinsC.C.Tillingham,SouthminsterS.O Holder William, High road, Woodford Pike Jacob, Althorne, Maldon
Connor Edward, 67 Or~>ett road, Grays Holmes Adolphus, 94 Park st. Southend Pilgrem Jn. G. Coggeshall rd. Braintree
Thurrock, Grays Horslin Thomas, Hockley S.O Piper G. Brewer's end, Hatfield, H~rlow
Cook David, Bulmer, Sudbury (Suffolk) Howard Charles, Orsett S.O Piper H. jun. Street, Takeley, Chelmsfrd
Cooper James, 88A, Axe street, Barking Howard James, The Willows, Princes Plume Jesse, Stock, Ingatestone
CooperT.Stones grn.Gt.Oakley,Harwich road, Buckhurst. Hill Poole Henry, I Maybank villas, May-
Cooper Thomas James, 2 Trent villas, Hudson George Wm. Abridge, Romford bank road, South Woodford
Church road, Buckhurst Hill Humf>hrey Albert Portway, Steeple Prior Frederick, Burnbam S.O
Cornish Geo. Castle yard, Woodfrd. Grn Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Prior James Charles, Sheering, Harlow
CoultFredk. Geo. IS High st. Maldon Humpbrey Thomas, SteepleBumpstead, Reed George, Newport S.O
Crampin Ishmael, Tendring, Colchester Haverhill (Suffolk) Richards C. & Son, Chipping hill, Witham
Crick Christopher Thomas, Greenwood Humphrey Wm. Upminster, Romford Ricbards George, Chipping bill, Witham
cottage, The Green, Woodford Green Hutton John, Birch, Colchester Robinson D. Elsenham, Bishop's Strtfrd'
Cross Jsph. Jn. I07 High st. Colchester Hutton JJsiah, Copford, Colchester Robinson Daniel, Pledgden, Henham,
Cud by T. Vine cot. Gt. Warley, Brentwood J ackson Richard Thos. Kirby, Colchester Bishop's Stortford
CudbyW.Warleyrd.Gt.Warley,Brentwd Jennings George, Sheering rd. Harlow Robinson W. Peglesham, Rochford S.O
Cudmer Thomas, Coach lane, Maldon Jowers Javan, 62 Head street, Halstead Rodda B. Tillingham, Southminster S.O
Cutting James, Tendring, Colchester Judd Charles, Fyfield, Ongar S.O Rook George, 34 Heath street, Barking
CnttingJn.Maurice,Bradfield,Manningtr Kebby William, Devon villa, Pleasant Rouse John William, Burnham S.O
Dale William, 29 Brook st. Colchester road, Southend Ruse William, Helions Bumpstead,.
Dansie Geo. sen. West Thurrock, Grays Kemble Thomas, Althorne, l\raldon Haverhill (Suffolk)
Davey Nehemiah, Stanleyvillas, Holland Kent Ephraim, Gt. Clacton, Colchester Rust Waiter W. Chipping hill, Witham
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Key Arthur, Stanley villas, Lower Sach Arthur, Tiptree heath, Kelveclon
DealJ.TheGreen, Thrpe-le-Soken,Clchstr Railway street, Braintree Sadler Jn. Broad grn. Gt. Tey, Kelvedrr
DeedW.Victoriard.Stanford-le-HopeS.O Knight Daniel, Boreham, Chelmsford Sargent George, New street, Halstead
Demmond Jn. Layer-de-la-Hay,Colchstr Ladbrook G. Bures Hamlet, Bures R.S.O Savill Henry, North street, 1\Ialdon
Dennis Charles, Boxted, Colchester Lee Robert John, Chadwell street, Scott Charles Jn. 8 North hill, Colchestr-
DixW.SteepleBumstead,Haverhl(Sufflk) Chad well Heath R.S.O Seaborn & Woodroffe, Great Horkesley,.
Dix William, Ugley green, Ugley, Letch Robert, Gt. Bardfielcl, Braintree Colchester
Bishop's Stortford Lee William, 49 Priory st. Colchester Shipman Roger Edward, 53 New road,
Dockrill George, Hornchurch, Romford Leech Wi!liam, Hall street, Chelmsford Grays Thurrock, Grays
Dodd Frederick, Danbury, Chelmsford Levey F. Birchanger, Bishop's Stortford Shipton George, Dagenham, Romford
Dodd S. Trellis cot. Danbury, Chelmsfrd Levey George, Cambridge road, Stan- Skingle Mark, Hat field, Harlow
Dowman Jas. Great Bentley, Colchester sted Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Skingsley Arth. W. Latchingdn, Maldorr
Downes John, Ardleigh, Colchester Levey James, Gt. Hallingbury, Bishop's Smee Thomas, Toppesfield, Halstead
Downintr & Son, I I Beach street, Clac- Stortford Smith A. Hordle st. Dovercrt. Harwicli
ton-on-Sea R.S.O Levey Thomas, Stansted Mountfitchet, Smith Chas. Alien, 25 Head st. Halstead
Driver Amos, Langley, Bishop's Strtfrd Bishop's Stortford Smith D. IS A.lbert pl.Beeleigh rd. Maldn
Dumerton Samuel, Thorpe-le-Soken, Lewis W. G. 33 King's Quayst.Harwich Smith Joseph. Little Yeldham,Halstead:
Colchester Littlewood R. Hill's rd. Buckhurst Hill Smith Lewis,Quendon,Bishop'sStortford
Dunn George, Aveley, Purfleet S.O Lowe Fredk. John, Writtle, Chelmsford Smith Richard, 6 Regent cottages, Low.
EadeW.H.Richmond ho. Ridgwll.Halstd Lucking EdwinH.Boreham, Chelmsford Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
Earl William G. Dagenham, Romford LuckingWilliam .Augustus,New London Smith Thomas, Chigwell
Elgie John, Wickford S.O road, Chelmsford Smith Walter, Little Yeldham, Halstead
Elliott Joseph, Kelvedon Mann Edward, Causeway, Dnnmow Smith William, Stoneham st. Coggeshall
Ellis Stepheo, Ramsay, Harwich Manning Elijah, Ingrave, Brentwood Smith William Thomas, Thoruwood
Ely Chas.Thos. 4 Evelyn ter. Chelmsford Mansfield Albert Henry, Newport S.O common, North Weald, Epping
English C. & A. Twinstead, Sudbury Marriage H. Becontree heath, Romford Soole William, Chrishall, Royston
EvansA.8Boar's Head Marrington George, Beaumont-with- Spencer Henry, High road, Ilford
Fe!lter Geo. Quay st. 1\Ianningtree & Moye, Colchester • Spooner Samuel, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Mistley, Manuingtree Marshall Jn. W. 33 Manor st. Braintree Stead Henry, Helions Bumstead,Haver~
Firman Arthur James, Io6 Manor road, Martin John, Hill green, Clavering, hill (Suffolk)
Up. Dovercourt, Dovercourt, Harwich Newport S.O Stibbards John, Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O
Ford Fredk. Ashen,ClareR.S.O.(Suffolk) Mason William Stacey, 26 Bedford road; Stock Geo. Fairycroft rd.Saffrou \Yalden
Fordham Arthur, Lit. Totham, Witham workshops, Albert road, Jlford Stubbings J.Hempstead,Saf'ron Walden
Francis Fredk. 21 Portland rd.Colchester Mather William, 38 Willow st.Chingford Studd Charles, Mile End, Colchester
Francis James, Gt. Holland, Colchester l\Iay James, Langenhoe, Colchester Studd Jsph. Great Horkesley,Colchester
Francis Wm. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchstr Mortimer Samuel Henry, Witham Susans Geo.North st.Prittlewell,Southn<'l
:Free H. Felstead, High rd. Woodfrd. Grn .\loss Fredk. Oxney grn. W rittle, Chlmsfd Tanner Ed ward Page,Shalford, llraintree
French George, Marks Tey, Colchester Mott John, Leaden Roothing, Chelmsfrd Taylor Albert,GreatBaddow,Chf'lmsford
French Waiter, Birdbrook, Halstead Munson Saml. West Mersea, Colchester Thomas Geo. F. 52London rd. Braintree
Gates William, Great Chesterford S.O Nash George, Tye green, Elsenham, Thomas Thomas, Milton rd. Brentwood
Gentry Ernest, Gt. Totham, Witham Bishop's Stortford Thompson Jesse & Son,6I Argent street,.
Gentry John, ~tanford-le-Hope S.O Nears W. Middleton, Sudbury (Suffolk) Grays Thurrock, Grays
Gibson Geo. Sible Hedingham, Halstead Nevard John, }lile End, Colchester Thompson&:\Iedding,Harold wd.Romfrd
Godsell William, Pnrfleet S.O ~evinson Waiter, Orwell road, Clacton- Thorington Philip, Dedham, Colcbes"er
Gordge Jn.H.I Princesrd.BuckhurstHill on-Sea R.S.O Thorogood Josiah, London rd. Romford
Gosling WalterJn. Gt. Bentley ,Colchester Newton Arthur & Isaac, Harlow Thorpe Maurice, West Mersea, Colchester
Gower William, Sturmer, Halstead Newton Ernest Edward, 35 & 36 West Thurgood:Mrs.E.Widdingtn.Xewprt.S.O
GowlettEdwd.Radwinter,SaffronWalden street, Harwich Trott Philip, Newport S.O
CARPENTERS & JOINERs-continued. Blowes Jn. Abbot's Roothing,Brentwood Reader Wm. Hempstead,SaffronWalden
Tunbridge Waiter, Cressing, Braintree Blowers Thomas, Southminster S.O Reeves George, Peldon, Colchester
TurnerChas.Henham,Bishop's Stortford Brown John,Farnham,Bishop'sStortford Reynolds Isaac, Chapel hill, Stanstead
Turner :Frank, Great Oakley, Harwich Buck Waiter, Earls Colne, Halstead :Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Turner Geo.Henham,Bishop's Stortford Burmby Waiter, Birch, Colchester Riches James, Gt. Clacton, Colchester
Turner William, Henham, Bishop's Burrells Chas. W. 144 High st. Maldon Root G. Games, High Easter,Chelmsfrd
Stortford Chap man J. Woodham Ferrers, Chlmsfrd Rudlin Percy, West Mersea, Colchester
Tyrrell Henry, 12 Hamlet rd. Southend Christmas W. Gt. Wigborough, Colchestr Rudlin William, WestMersea, Colchester
Tyrrell Robert, 14 Highbury ter. Col- Christmas William,Peldon, Colchester RuffleEdward, Sible Hedingham,Halstd
chester road, Halstead Clapson Edwin, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Rust R. Elm cot. Wethersfield,Braintree
VaughanA.WestHanningfield,Chelmsfrd Clark Mrs.E. Millend,Thaxted,Dunmow Sach William, Wormingford R.S.O
Wailer Henry, Ardleigh, Colchester Coe George, Newbiggen street,Thaxted, Salmon Waltr.Widdington,Newport S.O
Ward George, Kirby Cross, Colchester Dunmow Scott Harry, Wormingford R.S.O
Ward James, Church end, Clavering, Cole Mrs. Harriet, St. Osyth, Colchester Sewell Mrs. Caroline, Bridge street,
Newpo!'t S.O Cole William, Wivenhoe, Colchester Writtle, Chelmsford
Ward Robert, Ridgwell, Halstead Cornell James, Ongar S.O Shead James,Bures Hamlet,BuresR.S.O
Warner John, Great Yeldham, Halstead Cox Edward, Wickford S.O Smith Charles,CastleHedingham,Halstd
Warren William, 2 Brooklyn villas, Gor- Crisp John, Belchamp St. Paul, Clare Spooner James & Son, Lower Railway
don road, Southend R.S.O. (Suffolk) street, Braintree
Watkinson J. Little Maplestead,Halstead Crisp John, Belchamp Otten, Clare Staines A. Oxney grn.Writtle,Chelmsfrd
Watts Edmd.Horndon-on-the-hill.Grays R.S.O. (Suffolk) Stone Cyrus, Great Sampford, Braintree
Watts William,18 Frmrspl. Chelmsford CudmoreMrs. G.WestMersea,Colchester Stowell George, Goldhanger, Maldon
Waylett William Richard, Billericay Daking Robert, Gt. Baddow, Colchester Sutton & Co. (Leo James Pendle, agent),
Wells Hy. E. Finchingfield, Braintree Dale W. Butts grn. Hornchurch,Romfrd Oak yard, High st. Halstead; (Charles
Went Jonathan, 9 Mersea rd. Colchester DayB.Hurst grn.Brightlingsea,Colchestr Hagger, agent), George st. Saffron
Westwood M. Debden, Saffron Walden Death Chas.Wm.FordhamHth.Colchestr Walden; & (William RandallBlowers,
·westwood Wm. Toot hill, Ongar S.O Dennis ArthurJohn, TolleshurstKnights, agent), 35 High street, Maldon
White Thos. 3 Station road. Leigh S.O Kelvedon Sutton Henry, Heydon, Royston
Whur Thomas, Hamlet road, Southend DumertonJas. Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchstr Tant George, Berden, Bishop's Stortford
Wicks Thomas, Wethersfield, Braintree Dunmow William, Runsell green, Dan- Taylor Waiter, Stock, Ingatestone
Wigg Josiah, Theydon Bois, Epping bury, Chelmsford Thurgood Frederick, Terling, Witham
Wilding Thomas, 35 Market hill,Maldon Everitt Arthur, Chappel, Halstead Turner Edward, Billericay
Williams James,Birkbeckestate,Barking Finch David, Danbury, Chelmsford Turner James, Lindsell, Chelmsford
Side, Ilford Flack Stephen, Clavering, Newport S.O Turner, N. W. GreatYeldham,Halstead
Windell Wm. jun. Dedbam, Colchester FrancisS.Cutler's grn. Thaxted,Dunmow Tyrrell G.jun.Mill end, Tbaxted,Dunmw
Wisby John, Black Notley, Braintree Franklin AlfredH.High Easter,Chlmsfrd Vandervord George & Emmanuel, I
Wisken Henry,Castle st. SaffronWalden Ginn John, Celchamp Otten, Clare Grosvenor pi. Lower Southend,Sthend
Wood Horatio, Alfred road, Brentwood R.S.O. (Suffolk) Wakeling Edwd. Finchingfield,Braintree
Wood James, High street, Epping Gladwell Alfred, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Wakeling Geo. Finchingfield, Braintree
Wood Wi!liam, Rocbford S.O Southminster S.O Wass T. Beaumont-with-Moze,Colchestr
Wooding Fred,r3 Beach street, Clacton- Gray William, Rickling, Newport S.O Weavers Deal, Tollesbury, Kelvedon
on-Sea R.S.O Harding Jn. Hempstead, SaffronWalden Welsh Hesketh,South Ockendon,Romfrd
'Wooding Joseph,32 Anchor rd. Clacton- Hardy Samuel, Stambourne, Halstead Willis Charles, Steeple Bumpstead,
on-Sea R.S.O Hart E. Tillingham, Southminster S.O Haverill (Suffolk)
Woodiwiss A. I I Princes st. Southend Hart Henry, Messing, Kelvedon Wright Darby, Mountnessing,Brentwood
Woolf William, The Orchard,Canewdon, Hazelton J. Tillingham,SouthminsterS.O Wyatt Robert, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Rochford S.O Henn Alfred J. 29 Willow st. Chingford
WorrickerJohn,34Military rd.Colchester Hubbard Robert, Witham CART BUILDERS.
Wright Hy. Great Maplestead, Halstead Hume Wm. Wickham St.Paul,Halstead See Van & Cart Builders.
Wright Saunders, Gt.Yeldham,Halstead Hunwick Arthr. Church st. Coggeshall
Wright Thomas, Corringham, Stanford- Hun wick Thomas Arthur, High street, CARTERS.
le-Hope S.O Mistley, Manningtree See Carmen.
Young David, Bannister green, Fel- James Hy. Wltr. Gt. Bentley, Colchester CARTRIDGE DEALER
stead, Chelmsford Jeffery Edwd. Elmdon, Saffron Walden •
Young Frederick, Felstead, Chelmsford Johnson Charles, Blackmore,Ingatestone Steele Stephen, Burnham S.O
Young Henry, East Horndon & Heron Jones Edg~r, R?whedge, 9olchester CARVERS WOOD
gate, Brentwood Joyce BenJn. H1gh Rooth1ng, Dunmow . . •
Young SI. Hy. Gt. Clacton, Colchester Keeble William, Great Oakley, Harwich Barfield Arthur, Billencay
LeachW. Cole's frm.Gt.Leighs,Chlmsfrd Barfield ~~omas Roger, Ingatestone
CARPET BEATERS. Leftley Charles & Son, 22 Nelson sLreet, Polley W1lliam B. Church st. Coggeshall
Steam Carpet Beating Works Barking CARVERS & GILDERS
(Wenley& Son, proprietors), 55 High London (The) Parcels,Delivery Co.Lim. ·
street, Chelmsford. See advert (George Turner, agent), Tilbnry Gale Brothers, $ Crouchst. Colchester
dock, Tilbury S.O Turk George,H1gh street, W~nstead N.E
CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN. Manning Thomas, Gt. Chishill, Royston Turk Harry, 3 Groveter. H1ghrd.Wdfd
Dunk Mrs. E. E. Sunst.WalthamAbbey Markham Herbert, Springfield road, CASTRATORS
Griffiths W. & Co. Tudor house, 48 & Springfield, Chelmsford •
4 9 High street, Colchester Marriage A. Willingale Doe, Brentwood G~tward George,Gt. Maplestead, ~alstd
Griffin Henry Lainson, 18 & rg & 145 Martin Dvd. Wickham Bishops, Witham Kmg He~ry I. A. Gt_.Bar~fiel~,Bramtree
High street, Colchester. See advert Maynard Elias, Chesnut cottage, Coppice Oddy W1lliam Luckm, BtllerJCay
Robson Waiter, King street Saffron row Theydon Bois Epping Rolph George Hurrull,Monk street,Folly
Walden ' Moles °Fredk. Thorpe~le-Soken, Colchestr mill, Thaxted, Dunmow
Wenley & Son, 55 High street, G'helms- Monk William, 25 New street, Halstead
ford. See advertisement Moore Chatles & Edward, Kelvedon CATTLE DEAI.ERS.
Moore Newman, Helions Bumpstead, Adams James, New house, Ugley,
CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Haverhill (Suffolk) Bishop's Stortford
See Coach & Carriage Builders. Moss George, West Bergholt R.S.O Andrews John, Kiln farm, Layer-de-la-
Mulley James, Belle Vue cottage, Little Hay, Colchester
CARRIERS. Baddow, Chelmsford Archer George, Gt. Sampford, Braintree
Ablin Joseph, Ingrave, Brentwood Munson Charles, Boxted, Colchester Aylward James, jun, The Poplars, Great
Andrews C. Hempstead,Saffron Walden Nethercoat James, Burnham S.O .Bentley, Colchester
Anthony George, Tollesbury, Kelvedon Page Arthur Robert, Orwell road, Clac- Burrell Samuel Frank, The Rookery,
Argent George, Ovington, Clare R.S.O. ton-on-Sea R.S.O , Great Horkesley, Colchester
(Suffolk) Page Geo. jun. Gt. Clacton, Colchester Binks Joseph, Vinell's farm, Pebmarsh,
Balls D.J.M.Panfield Ia.Bckng.Braintree Parker A. Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester Bores R.S.O (Suffolk)
Barker John, I<'ordham, Colchester Pendle L. J. Oak yard, High st.Halstead Blyth Mark, The Elms,l\lessing,Kelvedon
Bartholomew W. Earls Colne, Halstead Pickford & Co. (Joseph William Sadd, Bones James, 137 Ripple road, Barking
Bartholomew W. White Colne, Halstead agent), 131 High street, Colchester Bretton William R. :Fyfield, Ongar S.O
Eennett James, Lit. Clacton, Colchester Poel William, North street, Romford · Broyd Henry, Gosfield, Halstead
Eennett John, 'fiptree Heath, Kelvedon Prior William, Birch, Colchester Broyd William, Brook street, Halstead
Block George, 2 Linton villas,Rosemary Pudney C. & Son, West st. Coggeshall BuckinghamH.C.Hadleigh,RayleighS.O
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Rayner Samuel, 28 Trinity st. Halstead Bull Edwin, West Tilbury, Tilbury S.O


Bush Tim, Henham, Bishop's Stortford Sorrall Ja.mes, Pleshey, Chelmsford Barking (T. Booton, superintendent),
Byford Frederick William, Little Priory, Stebbing !<'. Saltcote, Heybridge,Maldon Rippleside, Barking •
Panfield, Braintree Stephens Joseph, Mount Pleasant, Bocking (Geo. Eiger, clerk to the burial
Campen L. W. Lit. Waltham, Chelmsfd Weeley, Colchester board), Bocking, Braintree
Carter Thomas, The Oaks, Beanmont- Studd Nathan,Lit.Bromley,:Manningtree Bradwell-juxta-l\1are (Saml. "\Voodyard,
with-Moze, Colchester Wakeling George, Tile Kiln farm, sexton), Bradwell-juxta-:Mare, South-
CarterWilliam, Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchstr Finchingfield, Braintree minster S. 0
Challis Joseph,Witham-with-ChippingHl Webster Chas. Warlies, Waltham Abbey Braintree(A.Cunnington&H.J.Conning-
ChapmanC.sen.Farm hill,WalthamAbby Wederell Arthur Hugh, Threshers bush, ton, clerks to the burial board),London
Clark John, Chelmsford house, Dunmow High Laver, Harlow road, Braintree
Clark Wm. Tylers gn.Nth. Weald,Eppng Wilson Waiter, Heydon, Royston Castle Hedingham (W. Hart, clerk to the
Clary Charles William, 2 Meyrick cres- Wisbey William, Newbiggen street, burial board), Castle Hedingham,
cent, Mersea road, Colchester Thaxted, Dunmow Halstead
Clary W. Malton ho. Abberton, Colchstr Wright George, Baddow road, Great ChelmsfordBorough(W. H. Bird, supt.),
Clayden James, Brick house, Steeple Baddow, Chelmsford WriLtle road, Chelmsford
Bumpstead, Haverill (Suffolk) Chelmsford Church (R. Stannard, parish
Cook George, Black Notley, Braintree CATTLE SALESMEN. clerk), Rectory lane, Chelmsford
Cook W. jun. 9 Sutherland ter.Chelmsfd See Salesmen-Cattle. Chelmsford Nonconformist (G. Haslar,
Cook William, sen. White House farm, reg.), New London road, Chelmsford
Baddow road, Chelmsford CATTLE FOOD MAKERS ChingfordMount (Abney Park Cemetery
Cowee J. Holly farm, Stondon, Brentwd . . · Co. Lim.) (Arthur Clark, sec.), Ching-
Cowell W.P.Hill gn.Clavering,Nwpt.S.O Bradridge Alfred, Stebbmg, Chelmsford ford
Croxon Cranmer H. Hazeleigh, Maldon . . . . . City of London (Jn. Chapple Stacey,
DigbyA.Buckwoods,BlackNotley,Brntree Simpson & Co. ~1m1ted, ongmal calf supt. & registrar; Rey. A .. J. J.
Dowsett William,High street,Brentwood m~l & cattle spwe manufacturers, 54 Cachemaille & Re"!. Jas. Nwholson
FennerGouldenJohn,Springfield Tyrells, Chiswell street, London E C Nichols~~ M. A. eptscop~l ch~p~ains;
Spring-field, Chelmsford Rev.G.Ftrth,nonconformist mmister),
Fenner Henry, 54 North hill, Colchester CATTLE OIL MANUFACTUR. Manor Park
Fenner Walt.Brook cot.Dedham,Colchstr Dough ton James, Kelvedon Coggeshall (H. Parke, clerk to the burial
Fenner W. Stanway st.Stanway,Colchstr board), Coggeshall
Fewell Claude James, Sutherlands, Bad- CATTLE & SHEEP MEDICINE Colchester(W .P.But.trum, supt.),:t"~ersea
dow road, Chelmsford MANUFACTURERS. rd. ~A. S. B. Sparlmg, clerk, sohettor &
Fewell J. Gilbert hunt,Sandon,Chelmsfd J li Will" 28
H" h 8 t C 0 1 h t registrar to the board); offices,3oQueen
FinchG Heath ho SquirrelsHeath,Romfd op ng tarn, Ig • c es er street, Colchester
F Irman . U ' Bl . h 0 Ch" l Ch l fd Kenny Edward Henry, Easton cottage, Grays 'fhurrock (A Horncastle clerk to
"m. ne · Igna • e ms Takeley Chelmsford · · '
Firmin James, Earls Colne Halstead ' the burial board), GraysThrrck.Grays
Franklin Henry Edward, Wickford S 0 D S & H "tt 22 D t t t Halstead (E.J. Potter, clerk to the burial
Free John, Rose cot Hadstock,Cambrd"' aBy,k on t t ewLI d' w orse s ree ' board; G. Wiffen, supt.), Colchester
FreemanF.Potash farm,Sandon,Chlmsfd "' a ·er s re"~ ' on on roa d , H a 1stead
Freeman George, Latchingdon, Maldon CEMENT MANUF AOTURERS Harwich (R. S. Barnes, clerk to b~rial
Freeman John, Murrell's farm Stanford ' board), Upper Doverconrt, Harwwh
Rivers Romford ' Dix, Green & Co. West road, Saffron Heybridge (W. T. Holmes, clerk to the
Freeman' John S. jun. The Lawns & _Walden . board), Heyb_ridge, Maldon .
Traceys, Stanford Rivers, Romford G~bbs & Co. Lim. West Thurrock,Gr~ys llford (T. ~assidy, clerk to the bunal
Girling Thomas, jun. Frating, Colchestr Hilton, Anderson, Brooks & Co. Lim. board), High road, Ilford
Girling Thomas, Frating, Colchester Gr~ys . Manor Park(J. C.Humphris, sec. ; Revs.
Green Charles, Hill Green cottage, Pa~trick Jn. & Son,Dovercourt, J. P. Gray & J. W Oliver, chaplains),
Clavering, Newport S.G Ramha~ Portland Cement Co. Limited, Manor Park
Greenwood William Bowler, New hall, Mud ISland, Hornchurch Maldon (J.C.Freeman,clerk to the burial
Tendring, Colchester Tun?e~ Portland Cement 'Yorks Co. board & registrar; S.lCable, keeper),
Harris F. The Poplars, Brookst.Brentwd Limited, West Thurrock, lirays London road, Maldon
Hearn J.Grays, SibleHedingham,Halstd Wouldham Cement Co. West Thurrock, Ongar (A. Hall, clerk to the burial
Hopwood George,Elmdon,SaffronWaldn Grays board), Ongar S.O
Jaggard Robert, Great Chesterford S.O . . :-- . Prittlewell(W.Gregson,clerk to the burial
Kerridge Hy. R. Mistley, ::.\Ianningtree Franc1s & Co. Limited, Brtdge Foot, board), Southend road, Prittlewell,
KetleyW.Boreham hll Borehm.Chlmsfrd Vauxhall, London SE Southend
King C.Rockwds.Lit.Dunmow,Chlmsfrd Romford (New) (G. Bailey, clerk to the
Letch Levi, Sible Hedingham, Halstead CEMENT MERCHANTS. burial board) ; offices, South street ;
Lisle Arthur Claud, Great Warley, Brayne & Mansfield, Victoria pottery, cemetery, Rush green, Romford
Brentwood Leigh S.O Romford (Old) (G. Bailey, clerk to the
Lucking Alfred, roo High street, Mal- Byford John, Moody wharf, Iron bridge, burial board) ; offices, South street;
don; & at Heybridge Poplar E; 75 Barking road, Canning cemetery, High road, Romford
Manning Wm. TheElms.Weeley,Colchstr Town E & Byford's wharf, Barking E Saffron Walden (G. Stokes, clerk to the
Medcalfe Esau, Ruses farm, Hempstead, I<'oster Herbert J. Town Quay steam burial board; J. Prime, keeper),
Saffron Walden wharf,St.Margaret's wharf &Morgan's Steward's End road, Saffron Walden
Merryfield George, Hockley S.O quay, Barking. See advert. facing St. Osyth (A. Norman, clerk to burial
Mortter Abrahm.Black Notley,Braintree commencement of Essex board; Theophilus Philimon Rnffell,
N ottage Frdk.Manuden,Bishop'sStortfrd Groves John, Railway station, Braintree; re!ristrar), St. Osyth, Colchester
Nottage James, Blackmore, Ingatestone & at Dnnmow, Yeldham & Rayne South Weald (F. Landon, clerk to the
OsbornC. Shenfield rd. Shnfld. rd.Brntwd Hasler HenryChas. Tindal st. Chelmsford burial board; N ehemiahBacon,sexton ),
Page Herbert, Ridgnall's farm, Great Mackenzie Donald & Son, Station works, Warley road, Brentwood
Horkesley, Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O.; &at Walton- Southend (W. Gregson, clerk to the
Pain Henry, Navestock side, Navestock, on-Naze board), North road, Southend
Romford Mackrow H.J.&Co. George lane, W oodfrd Waltham Abbey (F. C. J essopp, clerk ; J.
Page I. Barrett'sfrm. Boxted,Colchester Maw James & Son, Harrow bridge, Todd superintendent) Sewardstone
Pa~e James, Broomfield rd. Chelmsford _High street, Stratford E road,' Waltham Abbey '
Pam Henry, Halfway house, South N1Choll & Co. Culver street & Hythe Wivenhoe(A.E.Church,Colchester, clerk
Weald, Brentwood quay, Colchester. See advert to the burial board ;G.Hewett,sexton),
Pain William, Romford lodge, Romford Ottley Ovid, 134 Romford road & r Wivenhoe, Colchester
Patmore William, Bury farm, Rickling Vaughan road, Stratford E
green, Rickling, Newport S.O Sadd John & Sons Limited, adjoining
Patten Fredk. Great Horkesley,Colchestr the Great Easten Railway, Maldon CEMETERY MASONS.
Porter John, High Garrett, Brain tree Staines John Henry, Newport S.O See also Monumental Masons.
Rich Charles, Market place, Romford Sankey John Hart, Iron bridge & Essex
RichG.Victoria vil.Victoriard. Romford wharves, Canning Town E; Barge
RichG.Rosevil. ThePavement,Romford House wharf, North WoolwichE; &
West Brompton s
Barker James & Son 86&88Richmond rd.
w & 146 Lillie rd
s w London 's~ advert •
Rich Jn. Rich vil. Victoria rd. Romford at East Ham E · · ·
RoseP.Mill ho. Gt. Horkesley,Colchester
Saunders Fredk. Black Notley, Braintree CEMETERIES. CHAFF CUTTER MANUFRS.
Savill Mrs. Snsan, Gnnter's farm, Wim- Ardleigh (C. H. Tompson, Colchester, Dendy W. & Co. Union foundry, Hom-
bish, Saffron Walden clerk to the burial board), Ardleigh church, Romford; depot, South street,
SaYill William, East st. Saffron Walden Colchester Romford
CHAIR CANER. Harrison John, High rJ. Loughton S.O Clark John, 1\Ianor road, Braintree
KnightC. Bradford st. Hocking Braintree tHayes James, GreatWarley, Brentwood Clarke Daniel, Rainsford rd. Chelmsfrd
' Heaver Arthur Wm. 64 High st.Maldon Cole Brothers, I u High street, Maldon
CHAIR MAKERS. Jackson & Co. 46 Marine par. Southend Cole William, Greenbill gro. Manor Pk
Johnson S. C. 8 Lion walk, Colchester Jones Jsph. S. High st. Saffron Walden Cousins John, 58 Moulsham st. Chhnsfd
Leatherdale Jonathan,4l"rost's yd. North Jopling William, 28 High st. Colchester Cousins William, Springfield rd.Chlmsfd
hill, Colchester King Charles Montague (exors.of), High Cousins William Henry, 8 Marriages sq.
Minks Charles, 37 St. John's green, street, Southend New street, Chelmsford
Colchester Kirby John Henry, Ongar S.O Cumberland James, High st. Romford
Lakeman & Northwood, Queen's road, Curtis Chas. 3 Victoria rd. Chelmsfnrd
CHALK MERCHANTS. Buckhurst Hill S.O Dean Alfred, Woollard st.Walthm.Abby
Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Lim. Grays tLasham John William, High street & Dee Joseph, Wethersfield, Braintree
Johnson W. & Son, Railway coal depot., Victoria road, Romford Fairs Sml.High st.Brigbtlingsea,Clchstr
Braintree Mann William, 2 Pier avenue, Clacton· Finch John, Queen street., Coggeshall
on-Sea R.S.O Freeman Samuel, Gt. Chesterford S.O
CHARCOAL MAKERS. MargetsonJ.F.4IAlexandra rd.Colchestr Frostick Henry R. George st. Romford
Hunt Jared Terrett & Son Limited .l\brlar John & Son, 49 & 51 High Frostick Joseph Edward, Market place
(animal), Bow Bridge works, High street, Halstead north, Romford
street, Stratford E Marsl'all J.A.&Sons,High Bridge street, Frostick Robert, The Downs, 1\Ialdon
Waltham Abbey Godfrey Nathaniel, Woodfield, Stansted
CHEESEMO NGERS. tMetcalfe Wilson, 87 High st. Chelmsfrd Mountfitchet, Bishop's Stortford
:Fordham George, High street, Ilford tMinett Edward P. M.P.S. Stansted, Gray William, Dunmow
Revitt Joseph, Romford rd. Manor Park Mountfitchet, Bfshop's Stortford Hope David, Queen street, Romford
CHEMISTS-MANF ACTURING 1\Iodlen Mrs. Mary, Old Pier street, Hughes Frank, ~hurch st. Coggeshall
Walton-on-Naze R.S.O Hunter Robert, fhe Pavement, Ilford
Bennett &. Jenner, Abbey lane, Moore Cha!!. Wm. I9 Bank st. Braintree James William, Alfred road, Brentwood
Stratford, E Morgan Philip Henry, r Nelson terrace, Johnson Charles, 56 Maldon rd. Clchstr
Button H. & Co. Lim. Mudlsland,Horn- Southend King John, Farnham,Bishop's Stortford
church, Rainham S.O Nix John Beards, Billericay King William, Castle st. Saffron Wal1n.
Davey William, Barking cr~ek, Barking NorthwoodWilson, I8 llroadway,Barkng Loker Joseph, Rayleigh 8.0
Howards & Sons, High st. Stratford E Pissey William, Rayleigh S.O Martin P.Cottage pl. New rd. Leigh S.O
London Chemical Co. Bow Bridge wharf, Prosser Evan Thomas ( exors. of),7 Head Martin William, 6 Lambert st.Southend
Stratford E street, Colchester May Arthur George, Kelvedon
Salamon&Co.Lim.Ferryrd.RainhamS.O Ridley Charles Hy. 5 Broadway,Barking Newton Elymas, 6 Chippinghl.Halstead
Typke&King,Rainhamferry,Rainhm.S.O Roper Richard, High street, Dunmow Osborne John, Golden Lion la. Harwich
CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Row & tSon, 47 High street, Braintree Perry William, Stebbing, Chelmsford
~ Rowland Thomas William, Epping Perry ,V. Bolford st. Thaxted, Dunmow
Marked thus + ar~ PharmaceutiCal Shenstone Jas. C. I3 High st. Colchstr Phillips Isaac, ~Dewes green, Berden,
Chemists. Smith John Hy. Hornchurch, Romford Bishop's Stortford
Baker & Wright, 27 High st. Chelmsford Smith Wm. 31 St. Botolph st. Colchstr Pinfold Mrs. Eliza, Market pi. Romford
Barritt H. & Son, 1 High st. Colchester Steele Stephen, Burnham S.O & South- Pooley John, Church sir<Jet, Maldon
Bates Thos. Wm. I24 ~igh st. Colc~ester minster S. 0 Porter Charles, Quay, Manningtree
Beal.R. & Son (Jn. Maitland, propr1etor) Taylor Charles S. Earls Colne,Halstead Porter J. l\Iistley hth.Mistley,Manningtr
High street, Ilford Thompson William, High st. Hrentwood Portway Joseph, Steeple Humpstead,
Bennett George, Market place, Ro.mford Tomlinson James, 2 Tindal sq.Chlmsfrd Haverhill (Suffolk)
tBevan 9·. :F. 62 Churc~ st. Hannch Walker Saml. Chas. Wivenhoe, Clchstr Prince Henry, 25 Back lane, Barking
Bray Wllham John, H1gh st.Romford Ward David, Ongar S.O Rains Geo.Vange, Stanford-Ie-Hope i:l.O
J~rooks John, 7 Broadway, East Ham E Ward Francis, Witham Resbury Harry, Witham
Broome B. High st.. Woodford Green Warren F. I85 Moulsham st.Chelmsford Resbury John, Witham
tBrown A. D. I~ Htgh street, Halstead Watt James, Burnham S.O Roach Richard Henry, So Bridge road,
Burgess T. A. H.1gh rd. Lou~h1o 1 S.O Webb Wm. J. Castle Hedingham, Hlstd Grays Thurrock, Grays
Bush ~eo. 95 High ~treet, Chelmsford tWeddell Arthur, 105 High st. Colchstr Rodgers John, 27 Eld lane, Colchester
Campwn_ Mrs. _Carol~n~ J. H~rlow Wiggin Chas. Wtkn. High rd. Woodfrd Samuel Charles, 1\Iountnessing,Hrentwd
Coop~r F~ederiCk Wilbam, Htgh street, Willan Jarnes Hy. B. 54 High st. Maldn Searle Joseph, Newport S.O
Brightlmgsea, ~olch~ster Winter John B. High st. Manningtree Simmons Jn. jun. Ongar rd. Brentwood
Cordley'Y·~·opposite H1~h st. Colchester Worts Augustine, I Market street & Simmons Wm. Tower hill, Brentwood
Coupe V\Ilham, Post office, South Shoe- Main road, Dovercourt, Harwich Smith Christopher, Avenue road, Wood-
+ b~ry. ,Shoebury:t;tess S.O Worts Harry Augustine, 2 The Parade, ford Wells, Woodford Green
+Crick G. E. 46 High street, Maldon Rosemary road,Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Smith William C. I I Quarry hill, Grays
Cushion~· Stanford-le-Hope S.O Thurrock, Grays
Dack Kmght, Plashet grove,East Ham E CHEMIST-HO~<EOPATHIC. SpinksJn. 9 Crispin c~.North hl.Colchstr
Dadson H. C. Romford rd. Manor Pk Worts Harry Augustme, 2 The Parade, Spurgeon Alfred, 47 Trinity rd.Halstead
Da~es Ree~, 3 Ro~an road Colchest;r Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Street Waiter, Silver st.Waltham.Abbey
Davis & t Diaper, High st. "\\ anstead ~ .E CHEMIST -PHOTOGRAPHIC. Street Wm. King's pi. rd.Buckhurst Hill
& George lane, Woodford . Worts Harry Augustine, 2 The Parade, Sutton F. Lower Railway st. Braintree
Dawson George .Robert,
h t
t Highh street,
r..e· s R osemary roa d , Clact on-on- 8 ea R . S . 0 Sutton John , 6,.,., Cog"'eshall
" rd . Braintree
S outh en.d ; H 1g s ree , Ig .0 . ; , Wagg Henry, Hillericay
& Rayl~1g:hS.O . CHILDREN S OUTFITTERS. Ward John,Lower Railway st. Braintree
Denny "\\ Ilham Henry, Katharme road, See Outfitters-Children's. White William Harlow
Eas~ Ham E . . CHIMNEY PIECE MANFTRS Wilby Frederi;k Edward, 2 Ess~x >illas,
Dowmng Josph. G. 59 H1gh st.Bramtree · Clacton-on-Sea R s 0
Drake Harry Fras. Market pi. Dunmow Mackenzie Donald & Son, Steam works, · ·
Dyson Alfred, 96 High street, Grays Station works, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. CHINA, GLASS & EARTREN-
Ebbage Henry E. 68 Park st. Southend &at Walton-on-~aze WARE DEALERS.
Everett Waiter Edes, 33 & 34 St. CHIMNEY POT MANFCTRS. Barnes Joseph, 6 Duke st. Chelmsford
Botolph street, Colchester . . BarrettS. Newbiggen .st.Thaxted,Dunmw
Frith John Bruff, Market hill, Cogges- Bray~e & l\Iansfield, VICtOria pottery, Bartram George Thomas Thorpe, 33 &
hall & Kelvedon Lmgh S.O 35 Bank street, Braintree
Gilders Geo. P. llradfield, l\Ianningtree CHIM~EY SWEEPERS. Basham John, I7I High street, l\Ialdon
tGilling John, Market hill & Market pi. Ager Arthur Robert, High On"'ar, Chip- Bearman H. Bradford st.Bocking,Braintr
Saffron Walden ping Ongar S.O o Biggs G. T. White Post la. Manor Park
Gooch William H. Dedham, Colchester Atkinson Frederick, Hatfield, Witbam Hoyton Charles, 67 High st. Braintree
Gower & EmersonLim.25Highst.Halstd Badman Geo. George st. Saffron Wldn Browning Thos. High st. Wanstead ~ E
Granger & Co. 58 High street, Grays Bainbridge Alfd. Hadleigh,Rayleigh S.O Bryant & Dowsett, The 1\Iisses, Plashet
tGreen Robert Poynter, Witham Baker Charles, 29 Park st. Southend grove, East Ham E
Griffin Jn. Taylor, Station rd. Chingfrd Baker George, 30 Park st. Southend Bunting W. 35 & 36 Duke st.Chelmsford
Griffiths Jn.M.Market sq.Walthm.Abbey Baker Samuel, George la.Wanstead N.E Buxton William, Gt. Wakering, Southnd
GuestEdward P. Highst. Brentwood Bateman William, 38 East st. Colchstr CalverT.W.I7 King's Quay st.Harwich
Guy Daniel, I07 High street, Grays Bell Edward, Back street, Brentwood ChallisW.R.IoBroomfield rd.Chelmsford
Harrington Arthur Lewis L.D.S.R.C.S. Brand John, Castle Hedingham, Halstd CheshireBros.24St.Botolph st.Colchester
Irel. Rochford S.O.; & 40 Alexandra Bright Charles, Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfrd Cleale Henry, 5 High st. Chelmsford
street, Southend Cheek Georgc, Ingatestone Coleman Henry, Warley road,Brentwood
Collins John, 39 High street, Chelmsford Hook George, 2 Douglas terrace, Rose- Larkin Geo. &Jn. Crown st. Brentwood
CousinsWm.J.u6Magdalen st.Colchester mary road & I & 2 Approach,Clacton- List Jsph. Arth.213:\bgdalen st.Colchstr
Crane Brothers, Church street, Harwich on-Sea R.S.O London Clothing Co. (John Sheppard,
Dennant Frederick & Georg:e, Victoria CIGAR MANUFACTURER ~anager), South stree~, Romford
terrace, Dovercourt, Harwwh . . • 1\Ialing Thomas ,V, Station rd. Clacton-
Disney Joseph, King's road, Brentwood Phillips Joseph, 2 St. Botolph st.Colchstr on-Sea R.S.O
Dowsett Thomas, jun. 2I Alexandra CIGAR MERCHANT. Medway Brothers, 2 Market hill,M.stldon
street, Southend Full G H b "d M Id S dvt Mills Thomas Richard, High street,
Duckham Berry, High st. East Ham E er eo. ey ri ge, a on. ee a Brightlingsea, Colchester
Finch Caleb & Saml. 68 High st. Maldon CIGARETTE IMPORTERS. tMoore John, 44 l<'isher street, Barking
Fontanne Jules,6 Station terrace,Snake's Ablitt Summersett De La Cour (late N~chols & J~ffreys,5I High_st.Chelmsfrd
lane, Woodford Green Ablitt & Kendrick) 6 Hio-h street Nwkols DaVId, I25 & 127 H~gh st.l\Ialdon
Garrett Henry, Witham Colchester ' o ' Nightingale Robt. 6o North hill,Colchestr
GordonJohn, Victoria road, Romford Paine & Co. 9 High street, Grays
Gowers George, Church st. Coggeshall CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. Palmer Gray, High st. Saffron Walden
Green AlfreJ, GreatWakering, Southend See Booksellers. Phillips Mrs. Henry, Station road, Clac-
GriceR.Albemarle st.New town, Harwich CIVIL ENGINEERS. ton-on-Sea R.S.O
Hammond Jsph. H. High st. Brentwood See Engineers-Civil. Pipe & Son, Southminster S.O
Handley William, 31 High st. Maldon CLOCK MAKERS. Pluck & Son, 28 & 30 Bank st. Braintree
Hill Alfred, Hornchurch, Romford Polley H. G. 36 St. Botolphst. Colchester
Hockley Mrs. Emeline, u, 13, 15 & 17 See Watch Makers. PoppyFredk.A.s6King'sQuayst.Harwch
Heath street, Barking CLOTHIERS-MANUFACTNG. Preece Rchd. 18 LongWyre st.Colchestr
Hodgson Wm.2 Broadwa~, East Ham E Church Street Factory (John A. Hum- Pugh&.~i.chards, Snn st.Wa!thamAbbey
James Henry I. Sun st .. "\\ altham Abbey phrey, manager), Church street, Pyne Willlam Mogford, Eppmg
Johnson Geo. 52 &5=? High st. Colchester Coggeshall R~ed Mark Thomas, NewportS.O
Kennett Charles, Hig_h st. Brent~ood Colchester Manufacturing Co. Stanwell R~chards G.Market pl.&South st.Romfrd
Lankester Sam~el, H1~h st.Mannmgtree street works, Colchester Richmond Matt. I7 Osborne st.Colchestr
Layzell Frederwk, G;loucester house, Hyam Montaguo & Co. (Thomas W. Sale Wm. J~s:2o St.Botolph ~t.Colchestr
Southchurch road, Southend Bennett manager) Abbey Gate works Sargeant Wilham,9 Chapel hill,Halstead
Lewellen Frederick William & Co. 4, 5, Colchester ' ' Scott Wm. 47 & 49 Manor st. Braintree
6 & 7 Public Hall buildings, Pier Priory Street Factory (George Samuel, Strange Edwa~d & Co. Manchester
avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O manager) Priory street Colchester house, 30 High street & Waterloo
Lucas Mrs. Bessie, South st. Romford ' ' house, 24 & 25 Long Wyre st.Colchestr
McQueen George Alexander, Short Wyre CLOTHIERS WHOLESALE. Strutt !<'.High at.Walton-on-Naze R.S.O
street, Colchester Hart & Levy, Magdalen st. Colchester Tassell John, Sun st. Waltham Abbey
Maling 1\>Irs. Gifford E. High st. Eppmg Leaning H.&Co.LongWyre st.Colchester Taylor Charles, High street, Brentwood
Mead Richard Jas. 32 Broadway, Grays Osbourn&Piton,7St.John'sgrn.Colchstr 'fownrow Charles, 65 High st. Braintree
Mott Mrs. Anne, Ongar S.O Senior, Heap & Co. Osborne st.Colchestr tVale Mrs.S.204 Magdalen st.Colchester
N unn'f .& Son,Market row,SaffronWaldn Wilkinson John Seager, Bridge house, Ward A. Owen (juvenile), 14 High street,
Osborn Mrs. Emma, Kelvedon Bridge street, Saffron Walden Colchester
Powell William, Pos~ office, Orsett S.O CLOTHIERS RETAI Wa~c~10rn George Wm. I9_New rd.Grays
Quy Wm. Henry, High st. Brentwood - L. tWllliams Thomas, Rayleigh S.O
Ramsey Arthur, High rd. Lough ton S.O Marked thus tare Secondhand Dealers. Wilson William, 72 High st. Chelmsford
Randall Miss Sarah Ann, 41 New road, Argent Mrs. Eliza, Bridge st. Halstead Young & Shirley, Mulberry grn.Harlow
Grays Thurrock, Grays Banks Mrs. Lydia, High st. Romford
Ransom Mrs. Eliza, 137 High st. Graya Bentall & Son,so, 56 & 58 High st.Maldn Walton Isaac & Co. 97, 99 & IOI New-
Rayment Joseph, 25 Heath st. Barking Bradshaw Jn. Queen's rd.BuckhurstHill
Reed Mrs.E.HighBridge st. Wlthm.Abby Bristow & Co. 74 High street, Grays
Reynolds Miss M. E. Albert rd. Romford Thurrock, Grays
Riddelsdell Henry, 7 North street, Wal- Brown Wm. E.&Son,14High st.Halstead
ton-on-the-NazeR.S.O Bugg F. J. & Co. 66 High st. Halstead
Rust Philip, Romford road, Manor Park Burch & Co. Dunmow
Sannders George, North street,Dunmow Burn Edward, 33 Broadway, Barking
Scruby Ernest Edgar, Epping Burns Benjamin, Spital road, Maldon
Smith W.H. High st.Dedham,Colchester Childs & Co. Ongar S.O
Spading Mrs.E.M.uCrouch st.Colchestr Clemance William, Rayleigh S.O
Spurgeon John, Postoffice,Sible Heding- Clothing Stores (George William Ager,
ham, Halstead manager), 8o High street, Southend ington causeway, London S.E. ; high
Stannard Charles, Post office, Great Cole Arthur, Burnham S.O class tailors & outfitters ; patterns,
Baddow, Chelmsford tCook Mrs. Rebecca, Swan:st. Braintree price lists & easy self-measurement
Stephens A. D. High st. WoodfordGreen Craig John James, Market pl. Romford forms post free on application
Walford Mrs. Sarah, Terling, Witham Cuthbert Charles, High road & Forest
Walkerl\1rs.E.168Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd road, Loughton S.O CLUBS.
Ward James John, Crown st.Brentwood Day Alfred, Market hill, Saffron Walden Abridge Cricket (Albert Da'ois, sec.),
Welton Waiter, Market place, Romford Dixon Charles Gainsford, Rayleigh S.O Abridge, Romford
Whitehead R.Church st.Saffron Walden DowsettWm.East st.Prittlewell,Southnd Alexandra Yacht (Hugh Digby, hon.
Wills Mrs. F. Market hill,SaffronWalden Dunk Mrs. E. E. Sun st. Waltham Abbey sec.), Cliff Town parade, Sonthend
CHOCOLATE MANUFACTRS. Ellis Robert, Witham Billericay Cricket (Frederick James
. . Forsdick George William, 29 & 31 High Smith, sec.), Billericay
'Compagme Franyatse, Bermondsey New street, Grays Thurrock, Grays Birch Club & Reading Room, Birch,
road, London S E French Herbt. L. Finchingfield,Braintree Colchester
CHRONOME~ER _MAKER. Fuller Benj. Hy. Manchester ho. Cross Braintree Constitutional (Col. W. N.
Pyott James, Baldwm's hill, Lough ton st.; Hill st. & Market rw.SaffronWldn Tufnell, chairman; Norman Orfeur,
CIDER GROWERS. Fuller James,79& 8oHigh st.Chelmsfrd hon. sec.; John Stowe, steward),
.Henley & Son cider growers refiners Fuller Mrs. Rose Anna,4 East st.Barking Great square, Braintree
& exporters 'in Devon, He~eford & Glasscock James, High street, South Brentwood Conservative (Alfred Darby,
Somerset ; dep(>ta, Abbotskerswell, Shoebury, Shoeburyn~ss. S. 0 ~on. ~ec. ), Crown street, ~rent wood
Whitehill, Paignton, Kingsbridge, ~ood~ear Frank, I24 H~gh st. Maldon Bnghtl~ugsea Ch~rch~an s (Henry
Blagdon, Ledbury, Pinhoe (&others); Gouldmg W. E. the S. P. Q. R. grocery ~effn_es, sec.), ~~ghthngsea,Colchestr
also importers of american sweet ~ general supply stores, Mountness- Br~ghtlmgsea S_allin~ (Joseph Barnes,
cider (best brands & quality); London mg, Brentwood . , JUn. sec.), Br1ghtlmg~, Colchester
o()ffices & stores, Joiner street, London Great Eastern Clothmg Co. (fhe), I St. Chelmsford (James Luckm, sec.), New
bridge S.E.; established 179 I Botolph street, Colchester London road, .Chelmsford
Green John, Stanford-le-Hope S.O Chelmsford Institute Chess (Robt. Geo.
CIDER MERCHANT· . Greenard Ed wd. S. 50 Church st. Harwich Overall,sec. ), New London rd. Chlmsfrd
Swan George Me~cha~, sole I m· Gunn D. & Co. Market street, Harwich Chingford Cricket & Football (L. C.
P?rter of ?olbrook s amerrcan sw_eet Hasler James, South Ockendon,Romford Bowen, sec.), 4 Willow st. Chingford
ciders ; offices~ I • 2, 3, 4 & 5 Crucifix Hines, Cooper&Co. Io Market st .Harwich Clacton Chess (Charles J oseph Rattee,
lane, London S.E Horncastle Arthur,76 High street,Grays hon. sec.), Public hall, Pier avenue,
CIGAR IMPORTERS. Humphrey Wm. St. Osyth, Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Ablitt Summersett De La Cour, 6 Hio-h Humphreys Mark, 3 He:tth st. Barking Clacton Golf (Capt. E. Fraylino-, sec.),
-street, Colchester "' lKirkpatrickCharles, Victoria rJ.Romford Gr.lnville rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
CLUBS continued. Short, sec. ; John Elwood, steward), COACH & CARRIAGE
Colchester (W. H. Short, sec.), 7 High Parkeston, Harwich BUILDERS.
street, Colchester Potter Street Cricket (Francis Tubbs, Adams Adam & Alfred, 20 Culver street
Colchester Liberal (H. F. Nash, sec.), sec.), Kingston hall, Harlow & 77 East hill, Colchester. See advt
High street, Colchester Rayleigh Cycling (headquarters, Golden Bacon Harry James, The Gore, Great
Colne's Cricket (H. C. Sloane-Stanley, Lion hotel) (Frank William Abbott, Stambridge, Rochford S.O
hon. sec.), Earls Colne, Halstead sec.), Rayleigh S.O Belcher George, Chigwell Row
Connaught Tennis (Edmund Swift,sec.), Rayleigh (Dramatic) (Frank Abbott, Brown William T. Sth. Weald, Brentw~
Epping Forest, Chingford sec.), Rayleigh S. 0 Bruce William, Maldon road, Colchester
Copt Hall Green Cricket (W. Clark, Romford Conservative (William Darron Carter E. W. Gt. Clacton, Colchester
sec.), Waltham Abbey Heard, sec.; Mrs. Jane Carter, care- Clark George, Noak hill, Romford
Dengie Hundreds Cricket (Ernest Page, taker), South street, Romford Cliff John W right, Boreham, Chelmsfrd
hon. sec.), Southminster S.O Royal Harwich Yacht (Col. R. S. Curtis J. Nelson st. (back of), Southend
Dunmow Conservative( Earl of Warwick, Barnes, chairman of committee; H. Davis George & Son, High road, Ilford
president; A. J. Mills, hon. sec.), J. W. Jervis, hon. treasurer; Lucas Day Samuel Plowman, Cobblers green,
Dunmow T. Cobbold, sec.), Gt. Eastern hotel, Felstead, Chelmsford
Earls Colne Cycling (H. J. Hunt, sec.), Harwich Diaper Fk. James, Hatfield, Witham
Earls Colue, Halstead Saffron Walden Conservative (Rt. Hon. Eley Arthur, TolleshuntKnights,Kelvdn
Earls Colne Football (S. R. Long, sec.), Lord Braybrooke, president; Francis Ellis J. & Sons,off Queen's rd.Brentwoocl
Earls Colne, Halstead George Freeland, sec. ; Henry Hay- Ellis George, Broomfield, Chelmsford
Epping Golf (R. C. Lyall, hon. sec. & ward, manager), Museum street, Ely William, Southminster S.O
treasurer), Epping Saffron Walden Emberson George, Railway square &;
Epping Forest Royal Golf (Capt. Lewis Saffron Walden Cricket (W. F. Tuke, Railway arches, Chelmsford
Peskett, sec.), Royal Forest hotel, sec.), Saffron Walden Gadsdon Frank, Ongar S.O
Chingford St. Runwald's (W. H. Short, sec.), Gilderson Robert, High street, Ilford
Essex Field (head quarters) (William High street, Colchester Gilderson Robt. jun. St. Mary's rd.Ilford
Cole, sec.), 8 Knighton villas, Buck- Shoeburyness Constitutional (John Girling Robert, Fore street, Harlow
burst Hill S.O & New London road, Scandrett, sec.), Cambridge town, Green Philip Jn. Magdalen green, Great
Chelmsford Shoeburyness S.O Clacton, Colchester
Essex Yacht (The) (R. :Frost Smith, Sible Hedingham Cycling (Charles Griggs & Buck, Bridge st. Halstead;
commodore; A. Harvey l\Ioore, vice- Bishop, sec.), Sible Hedingham, show rooms, Corn Exchange; works.
commodore; W. Winn, rear-commo- Halstead Crouch street, Colchester
dore; A. R. Ray, hon. sec.), Gipsy South Woodford Cricket (Henry A. Gunton Joseph, Woodford Bridge
station, Leigh S. 0 Hants, hon. sec.), Board Schools, Harris & Warren, High st. Epping
Grays Liberal (George A. Pepper, sec.), Churchfields, South Woodford Harrison Henry, Abberton, Colchester
High street, Grays Southend (Conservative & Unionist·) Hawkins F. Castle Hedingbam,Halstead
Grays Unionist (Elliott G. Fletcher, Limited (Joseph Foskett F.S.A.A. Hughes John Thomas, Hill street &.
hon. sec.), Orsett road, Grays sec. & manager), Clarence street, High street, Saffron Walden
Great Horkesley Parochial (Rev. John Southend Jennings & Son, Stanwell st. Colchester
Storr, hon. sec.; Joseph Studd, Southend Cycling (Frank J. Wood, sec.), Jessop C. & A. ChingfordHatch,Chingfrd
librarian), Gt. Horkesley, Colchester Alexandra hotel, Alexandrast. Sthend Juniper & Sons, Felstead, Chelmsford
Halstead Cycling (E. F. Elliot, sec.), Tilbury (The), Dock Club & Institute Lamb Chas. Henry,High st.Manningtree
High street, Halstead (.A. Askew, sec.), Tilbury dock, Til- Larkin James, Queen's rd. Brentwood
Halstead Football (C. J. Brewer, sec.), bury S.O Last William, Earls Colne, Halstead
Halstead Wanstead Park Golf (Gurney Fowler, Lindsell John, Leigh road, Southend
Harlow Conservative (Samuel Deards, capt.; R.B.Johnson,sec. ), Wanstd.N .E Mardall Oliver, High road, Woodford
sec.), High street, Harlow West Essex Cycling (S. A. Brinkworth, Munnion William & Sons, 5 Springfield
Harlow Cricket (A. B. Edwards, sec.), sec.), Chelmsford road, Chelmsford
Harlow West Essex Polo (Capt. A. Waters, Merchant John, Lawford, Manningtree
Hedingham (Edward Harvey, sec.), sec.; Maj. J. C.Tait J.P. treas.),Epping Mills J. C. 83 Magdalen st. Colchester
Sible Hedingham, Halstead Wickford Cricket (R. Patmore, sec.), artridge E. A. West Bergholt R.S.O
Hatfield Heath Cricket (John Button, Castle hotel, Wickford S.O Payne Joseph, High street, Maldon
sec.), Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Wivenhoe Reading (Samuel Nathaniel Pees Philip Smith, Witham
Hatfield Town Cricket (Rev. F. W.· Squire, president; George Hewett, Pocklington Richd. London rd.Southend
Galpin, sec.), Hatfield, Harlow sec.), Wivenhoe, Colchester Porter Joseph& Son, South st.Romforci
High Beech Cricket (A. J. Edwards, LUBS WORKING MEN'S Porter George, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
esq. D.L., J.P. capt.; Horace Norton, C - -. · Ramsey William, Stansted .Mountfitchet~
esq. sec.), High Beech, Loughton S.O Burnt Mill Workmen's Club & Reading Bishop's Stortford
llford Conservative (John Lambert, Room (George Chaneellor, sec.), Rayner Samuel Felton & Son, Kelvedon
sec.), Ilford Burnt mill, Netteswell, Harlow Read James ·wmiam, Woodford Wells~
Kelvedon Parish Club & Reading Room Cambridge Town (George White, sec.), Woodforcl Green & Snake's lane,
(C. White, sec.), Kelvedon Hatch, Cambridge town, Shoeburyness S.O Woodford Green. See advert
Brentwood Chelmsford Conservative (John Hirst, Rogers&Sons,Rayne rd.Bocking,Brntree
Laurie (!''rank Holloway, proprietor), sec.), Crane court, High st.Chelmsford Ruffell H. & Co. Stabbing, Chelmsford
Laurie square, Romford Chigwell (H. Shuttle, manager), Saward William Willoughby, Epping
Lexden Conservative (George Barford, Chigwell Slipper Wm. Thos. North st. Romford
caretaker), Lexden, Colchester Coggeshall Conservative (R. D, Hill, South H. W. J. to New st. Maldon
Loughton Parish Cricket(Ralph Godwin, esq. president; R. H. Taylor, sec.), Tabor Richard, High street, Harlow
sec.), Loughton Coggeshall Tavner W. t8o Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd
Maldon Cricket (Charles Timperley, Halstead Conservative (Frederick Cocks- Taylor Wm. High rd. Buckhurst Hill
hon. sec.), Maldon edge, hon. sec.; Nathaniel Robinson, Warmington Henry &; Son, Woodforcl
Maldon Excelsior Tennis (C. R. Gowers, steward), 53 High street, Halstead Wells, Woodford Green
hon. sec.), Maldon Halstead (Obadiah Kemp, sec.; Hugh Warner Arthur, Stock, Ingatestone
Maldon Golf (Thos. Eve, sec.), Maldon Hunt, steward), Trinity st. Halstead Warner Ernest William, Ingatestone
Maldon Lawn Tennis (F. H. Bright, Ingatestone Working Men's Club & Warren C.&. H. West street, Coggeshall
hon. sec.), Maldon Reading Room (James Gallagher, Webb Joseph, Rayleigh S.O
Maldon Rowing (N. Springett, Welling- sec.), Ingatestone Wedd W. J. Abbey la. Saffron Walden
ton road, sec.), Maldon Little Easton (John Frederick Rogers, Welham John, Boxted, Colchester
Manor Park Liberal, Romford road, treas. & hon. sec.), Little Easton, Went Jonathan, 9 Mersea rd. Colchester
Manor Park Chelmsford Whittingham John & Waiter, Rocbford
Minima Yacht (George E. Gate, sec.), Roydon (E. E. Barclay esq. president; S.O. ; & at Southend-on-Sea
West Cliff, Southend W. D. Bunn, sec.), Roydon, Ware Whittingham W.Southchurch, Southen}
~Iistley & Manningtree Boating (C. E. Southend ('Thomas Manley, sec.), Williams Charles E. Heybridge, Maldon
Garrard, sec.), Manningtree Brewery road, Southend Willis Ernest, Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Moor Hall Cricket (E. F. Parker, sec.), Stansted Mountfitchet (H. Gayford, --
Harlow sec. ; Sergt.MajorStewart,caretaker), Shanks F. & R. 70 & 71 Great Queen
Nazeing Golf (F. W. Goddard, sec.), Stansted Mountfitchet,Bishop'sStrtfrd st W.C. ; 47 & 49 Parker st W.C. &.
Nazeing, Waltham Cross West Bergholt Social (John Kay, hon. 30 New Bond street W. London
Ongar Cricket (F. H. B. Stocker, sec.), sec.),Church schl.We. Bergholt R.S.O
Ongar S.O Widdington Reading Room & Club COACH PAINTERS.
Park (private), Balfour road, Ilford (John Henry Hodge, sec.), Widding- Betts J. Forest house, Loughton S.Q
Parkeston Social (The Hamilton) (W, H. ton, Newport S.O T~vlor Thos. Chingford la.WoodfordGm
COACH SMITHS. Bishop Fredk.Sible Hedingham,Halstead GoodmanE.Robin'sBridge rd.Coggeshall
Scrivener ~1rs. Martha, Dunmow Blows John, Station rd. Loughton S.O Goss Isaac, Railway station, Sible
Blyth John George, 62 North hill & Hedingham, Halstead
COACH TRIMMERS. Hythe, Colchester Gouldin W. E.Mountnessing,Brentwood
.Adams T. Myrtle vil.Victoria rd.Romfrd Boniface & Co. depots= Fi!>her street, Green James, Duke st. Chelmsford
Poyntz William Thomas, 3 Trent villas, Barking & at G.E.R. station, ·wood Groves John, Railway station, Brain-
Church road, Buckhurst Hill street, Walthamstow tree; & at Railway depot, Dunmow &.
COAL AGENTS Booth&Mitchell,uHythequay,Colchstr Yeldham & Rayne
• Britton Waiter, Rayleigh S.O Haiden Edward Harry, Sible Heding-
See Agents-Coal. Brooks W .&Sons,Manningtree ; ~Iistley, ham, Halstead
COA.L & COKE DEALERS. Manningtree, & at Colchester Hare George, Old Barrack wharf, High:
Baldwin Joseph, The Hythe, Maldon Brough J.H.& Co.I51H1gh st.Colchester street, Chelmsford
Beaumont William, PurfleetS.O Br~w~ & Son, Ltd. Railway depot & HarrisonJ.&C.Tilburystatn.TilburyS.O
Benham & Son, Roydon, ·ware Sprmgfield, Chelmsford . Harvey James, 17 Ma~or rd. Colchester
Bevan Thomas, Little Clacton,Colchestr Brown T. W. & Co. G.E.R. statiOn, Hart Mrs. Ann, 2 Saville row, Walton-

Bibby Henry, Little Coggeshall,Kelvedn Southend on-~he-~aze R.S.O

Brand Robert Lan enhoe Colchester Brow~ Fredk. 45 East street, Colchester Hawk~s Henry F. C. Burham S.O
Buckingham Georg~, Inga'testone BuckmghamG.Wst.Horndon,Brentwood Hawkms Henry Thomas, Heath, Hat-
B tcher Geor s · fi ld street Bullock Albert, office, 21 Crouch street ; field, Harlow
uSpringfield, s~~lmsf~:~g e ' depots, St.Botolph station & l\fagdalen Hayden Edgar William & Son, f!emnal1
Clark A. Curds rd. Earls Colne,Halstead street, Colchester . . . . street, Theyd~~ Garnon, Eppmg
Clark 1\frs. Emma Mill end Thaxted Burford George,4 Tnmty ter. Trmity st. Heath James, "\\ Ivehoe, Colchester
D nmow ' ' ' Halstead & Pebmarsh Hempson Charles, Landermere, Thorpe-
C · u J & Son S "t 1 d M Id 0 Burton Thomas, Sheering, Harlow le-Soken, Colchester
Cr~pSa~ 1 Th 5 l\~ ~d · d aB ~ t Camp bell H. Pitsea, Bowers Gifford S. 0 Hempstead & Co. Town wharf & Ingle-
Du nn l\I ~eHa os.h ak e. r · ram ree Chad wick J.K.Station rd.SaffronWalden side, Palmcr's avenue, Grays Thur-
Ehlred / ~ ~a ' ppmg Chisnell William, 49 Axe street, Barking rock, Grays
Farrmg taon eFs, uknmMow d Clapham George Frederick, coal depot, Hicks Thos. Fredk. Felstead, Chelmsford
B"sh 's Stortfran d aynar , Henham, R a1.1ways t a t"wn, Dunmow H umph rey J ohn A . E ast st. c ogge::~h a11
Far;o;PGeorge ~~e h m R f d
Fordham George Gt c: Clover Ebenezer, Dedham, Colchester Hunnable Waiter, Mount rd. Braiutree
te fo~ 1{ 0 Cockerton W.Lit. Wakering,Rochfrd.S.O Hunwick Arthur, Church st. Coggeshall
Forman A. Park 'Ian~, H;~he: ~olchestr Cole John, ·~o~lesbury, Kelvedon Hymis Alfred, Ha.wke~ell, Rochford S.O
Gates Joseph, Great Chesterford S.O Coleman Wilham, Harlow Johns?n W. & Son, Railway coal depot,.
Goodrnm Robe t H ·h h R f d Cook G. West Mersea,l\lersea,Colchester Bramtree
Haywood Arth~r:r~r!~~:~a:c~~~~r Cook I_Ierbert & Bo,yland, Rose villa, ~rby Edg~r, Ray villa, Leigh S.O
Hickford E.Ashen,Clare R.S.O.(Snffolk) Ha:tmgton road, .Southend . Kir~y F. H1gh Bndge st.WalthamA~be,Y
Hobday c. 2 6 Winifred rd. Manor Park Co~pm Waiter C. Sidney street, Bright- Kmght Ernest, 74 Head street & Kmg s
Jackson William, Newport S.O hngsea, Colchester road, Halstead .
Jennings Arthur Frdk. 59 Newrd. Grays Cornwell George, Kelve~on Lamb M.W.&Son,G.E.Railwy..stn.Sthnd
Lark Charles Hockley s 0 Cressall Geo. & Wm. Bndge st.Halstead Letch Thomas Augustus, Hill house,
1\:Iansfield Albert Henry, ·Newport S.O Crosby Charles, Rowhedge, Colchester G~cat Bardfield, B~aintree .
Marrable William, Cranham, Romford Daldy & <?o. ~ou~h ~t. R?mfo:d ; East Lewm & Cornell, Railway statiOn, East.
Mascall T. C. Elsenham,Bishop'sStortfrd s~. Barkmg • Bille~Icay .' Railway ~ta- . Ham E . ,
Moody Henry, Coggeshall rd. Braintree twn, Brentwood , Rai~wa~ statiOn, L1nard W~ .J. &. Sons, Lmard s steam
Moore Geo. Heath, Dedham, Colchester <?hadwell Heath R.S.O, Railway sta- wharf, Fisher str~t, Barkmg
Mott A. Church st. Rocking, Braintree twn, Grays T~urrock, ~rays; The Lott Isaac, 2~ Artillery street & St.
Neville T. Back lane, Hythe, Colchester ~arf & Railway statiOn, llford; Boto~ph statiOn, Co~chester .
Nichols Wm. Victoria rd. Chelmsford Ramham S.O & Stanford-le-Hope S.O LummisJ.& Son, I Railway st.Chelmsfrd
Oakley George, Orsett S.O DeathJsph.Hy.79M:=tgdalen st.Colchester Mans.field George, GreatChesterford ~.0
Ockenden J. Great Baddow, Chelmsford DowsonE~'!"ard,Lamdon stn.Brentwood Martm&Townsend,2~5 North st.Barkmg
Page G. Fobbing, Stanford-le-Hope S.O DupontPhihp,BuresHamlet,Burrs R.S.O 1\:Iatson M. TheQuay,St. Osyth,Colchestei'
Patten James, White Colne, Halstead Durham Coal Co. (The), Romford road, Mead & ~o.n, Wa~tz road, Maldon
Perry George Old road Harlow Manor Park Mead W1lham, VIrley, Kelvedon
Prior Charles'J. Millla~e, Witham Dyer Francis, Woodford Bridge Meeson Willia~ Tay~or, f3attle's B~idge
Robinson Daniel, Elsenham, Bishop's Ear~s <?olne Gas Light&. Coke Company S.O.; Statwn, B1lleriCay & Great
Stortford Limited (~. l\'Iassmgham, sec. ; ?ogge:.ts_, Roch~ord S. 0 .
SmithJames, 1 & 2 Georgest.Chelmsfrd Jacob Harrmgton, manager), Earls Millar. '' ilham, H1gh street & Railway
Stevens w. T. Potter street, Harlow Colne, Halstead. . ~tation, East Ham E
WakelingSamuel,Wethersfield,Braintree Earps Mrs. Catherme, Ramham S.O Mitc~ell Pet~r, Parsonage farm,Theydon
Wheeler Wm. Third aven. Manor Park Edwards Arthnr, Rose cot~age, Lon~on B01s, Eppmg
WhiteW.C. Watling st. Thax:ted,Dunmow road ; Debden road & Railway statiOn, Monk John, Althorne,. Maldon .
Wiffin John Helions Bumpstead Saffron Walden Moody H. A. 9 Up. Railway st. Bramtree
Haverhill (S,u:ffolk) F~lgate Charles,. A?berton, Colchester Moss A. & Son, ~h~ Mills, Chad well
Woodcraft J. Basin, Heybridge, Maldon F~elder & Co. Kmg s road, Br.entwood Moy Thomas Limited, Hythe; chief
Wortley Horatio, Langham, Colchester Fitch ~amuel, Stonards,. Eppmg . office,. Head s~reet, Colch.ester; depot~
l\Tright Frank, Greenstead, Colchester FranCis ~ Co. East bndge; 165 High Ardletgh .statiOn, Ar.dlmgh,. Colches-
Wright William Bath place Maldon street; IA, St. Botolph. street & The ter ; Railway statiOn, Birdbrook,
Yeomans John,'Fyfield, Ongar S.O Hyt.he, Colchester Hals~ead; (A. W.Huxter, local agent)~
Young Henry, Larkshall Chingford FranCis Robert, South. Benfl~t S.O St~twn road,_ Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O •
' Free, Rod well & Co. Lim. M1stley wharf, Railway statwn, Earls Colne, Hal-
COAL & COKE MERCHANTS. Mistley, ~Ianningtree stead; Great Bentley, Colchester;
Abbott .l\1. H. & Co. Station road, Manor Gilbey Herbert, High street, Ilford & Great Yeldham, Halstead ; King's
Park South street, Romford road, Halstead; Station, Ingatestone ;
Abraham Bros. 1Jpminster, Romford Gilders Edwin Joseph (firm, Gilders Kelvedon; Station road, Manor Park;
Alien Robert A. & Sons, Ballington, Bros.), Station road & Railway station, North Weald, Epping; Railway
Sudbury (Suffolk) Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. See advert station, Sible Hedingham, Halstead;
Ardley Horace B. Causeway, Halstead Girling J. & H. (Ellis Kerry, manager), Railway stations, Southend; Witham
Ba.rnard Brothers, High street, Newport 38 Crouch street, Colchester; (James & Railway station, "\\reeley, Colchester
S.O; Depots at High street & railway Mast, agent), Ongar S.O. ; L. T. & 8. :\lyhill Addy Nunn, Gold street &
station, Saffron Walden; Littlebury; Railway station, Southend; Railway Railway station, Saffron "\Valden
Audley End, & railway stations, Wen- station, Buckhurst Hill; Bush "Hill Xevard & Swan, Magdalen street &
dens Ambo & Elsenham Park; The Town; Station yard, St. Botolph station, Colchester
Barrett John, King's road, Brentwood Southbury road, Enfield; Railway Xice H. G. & Co. Railway station,
Bartrip Geo. jun. The Green, Chingford station, Church lane, Leytonstone East Ham E
Beach W.&Son,Rainsford rd.Chelmsford N.E. : High road & Railway station, Nnnn Thomas, depot, Station yard,
Beard & Bright, Stoneham st. Coggeshall Lough ton; Railway station, Snares- Theydon Bois, Epping
Beard John, Church street, Coggeshall brook N.E. ; 3 Cheshunt ter. Waltham ~unn T. T. Hetton ho. Loughton S.O
Belsham Isaac & Son, Upper Railway st. Cross; Woodford station, Woodford Offord Wm. S. Great Oakley, Harwich.
Braintree; Hey bridge, Maldon; Rail- Green Orphen Robert; offices, r6 Head street;
way station; & Rayne, Braintree Gooch Steward Goodwin, East street, depot, St John's street, Colchester
Beningfield A. E Queen's rd. Brentwood Coggeshall Osborne NathanJohn, L. T. & S. Goods
B:rry Charb', MHks Tey, Colchester Goodey Dvd. "North Fambridge, )Ialdon yard, Southend

CoAL & CoKE MERCHANTs-continued. COAL DUST MANUF ACTURS. Parsons Henry Robert, Railway coffee
Palmer George, Back street, Brentwood Christy & Norris Broomfield Road iron tavern, George lane, South Woodford
Partridge William, Leigh S.O works Chelmsford Phrenix Coffee Tavern (Chas. Richell,
Pavne & Murton, Southminster S.O ' manager), 184 Moulsham st.Chelmsfd
Poilock Wm. Railway station, Manor Pk COAL SACK MAKER. Polli Luigi, Station road, Chingford
Pratchett Thos.E.Rickling,Newport S.O Poupard Thomas James, 134 Tooley Quendon & Rickling Coffee & Reading
Quilter Edward, Manor street, Braintree street, London SE Room (James Sawston, caretaker),
Ran~in Alfred Mottram & Hu~h, St~m- COCOA MANUFACTURERS Rickling, N_e~port S.O
bndge steam roller flour mills, Ltttle . . · Red Cow Brttlsh Workman (Edward
Stambridge, Rochford S.O Compagme Fram;atse, Bermondsey New Rosling, sec. ; Wm. Clark, manager),
Rawling Jn. E. Brightlingsea, Colchester road, London SE Broomfield road Chelmsford
Read & Co. ; chief office, High street, COCOA MAT & MATTING Sun Coffee Tavern (A. H. Turner,
Grays ·; depots, Railway station, South MANUFACTURERS. m~nager ), 151 Moulsham st. Chelmsfd
Ockendon, Romford; Tilbury & Rail- Terlmg Coffee House Club (Thos. Isted,
way station, East Ham E Godfrey H. & _T. C. Moulsham f rope s_ec. ; 1\lfred Wager, manager), 'fer-
Redington James 36 Clarence road & works & 54 ~tg?- street, Chelms ord lmg, WJtham
Town wharf, G;ays Goo.dacre W~lllam & ~on~, Ceylon Tinbow William,Cattlemarket,Braintree
Reynolds Mrs. Christr. Jas. Ongar S.O mtlls,_ Queens road, Vwtorta docks, Victoria Coffee Tavern (John Thomas
Roo-ers S. S. & Co. Stansted Mount- Canmng Town E Gardner, manager),Highstreet,Grays
fltchet, Bishop's Stortford COFFEE, CHICORY & COCOA Warricker William, 13 Marine parade,
Royle James, L. T. & S. Ry. Goods yard; MERCHANTS. Southend
private residence & office, Ellismere, Collier Brothers & Co. u 9 Borough Wor~~en's Hall & Coffee ~avern (Caleb
York road Southend H' h t t L d SE · Wtlhams, manager), Chigwell Row
Ruffhead Ja~1es, Wickford S.O Ig s ree' on on Wortley Joseph Wm. Market pl.Romfrd
Scruby James, Harlow Collier .B-rothers & Co. (vValker's) 149 · Th n· h c 1 h
Seabrooke & Sons Limited, Bridge road .Borough High street, London SE :Cavis omas, 95 Ig st. o c ester
& High street, Grays COFFEE & TEA URN MANUFR.
Segars Elijah, New street, Brightling- COFFEE ROOMS.
sea, Colchester Bell George, Wall end, East Ham E Ackland-Snow Henry, 75 & SI Worship
-'Sicely & McKibbin, 2 Amada villas, Bones George, High street, Brentwood street, London E.C
Southchurch road, Southend Chalk Henry, Chadwell Heath R.S.O COFFIN FURNITURE MNFRS.
Simmonds Chas. Gt. Bentley, Colchestr Chaplin James, Southminster S.O Dottridge Brothers, Dorset works, East
Smith Frank, High road, Ilford Eastoe N. W. High st. Wanstead NE road, London N. See advertisement.
Smi~h George, Little Baddow mill, I<'aulkner John,Romford rd. Lit. Ilford Telegrams "Funeral London." Tele-
~Ittle Baddow,_ Chelmsford phone, ~
Smith Henry, W1tham
Green Mrs. Susan, 5 New road, Grays
Thurrock, Grays Go d
41 '
& M ro H rs f · B' ·
S m~t.hJ K I d H 'd D . I Ch d llH h R S 0 r on un ' o e air, Irmmg-
ames, ~ ve on ~rtri ge ame • a we eat · · ham & Evan elist court Lud()'ate hill
Smith James, 1'eeley, Colchester HICkman G.3 Denmark ter.EastHam E L d E cg ' "" '
Smith James Joseph, Myland road, Jones Mrs. Charltt. High st. Dunmow on on ·
Mile end, Colchester Leatherdale 1\Irs. Mary, 41 North hill, COKE DEALERS.
South Essex Coal Co. L. T. & S. Ry. Colchester See Coal & Coke Dealers.
Goods yard, Southend & Cambridge Manning MissM. A. Hornchurch,Rmfrd
town, Shoeburyness S.O Packham W.R.Smart's la.LoughtonS.O COKE MERCHANTS
Spalding Charles, South Shoebury, Page Samuel, Victoria road, Romford See Coal & Coke Merchants.
ShoeburynessS.O Petchey Geo. 3 Harrow ter. EastHam E
Stevens Jn. Threadneedle st.Chelmsford Porter Robert, 9 Bridge street, Halstead COLLAR DRESSERS.
Surridge Ernest, Silver Birch cottage, Prince Frank, High st. sth. East Ham E See Shirt & Collar Dressers.
Greenstead-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood Redington Henry, High st. Romford
Surridge John, Ongar S. 0 Rich George, 48 Fisher street, Barking COLLECTORS-RENT & DEBT.
Sworder Charles B. & A. Epping Sapsford George, Little Hallingbury, Freer Alfred Henry, 2 Stifford road,
Tanner C. W. & Suns, Stratford wharf, Bishop's Stortford Grays Thurrock, Grays
343 High street ; Maryland Point & Scot'l William Henry, Kelvedon Friend Robert, Ivy cottage, Prince's
Stratford market, Stratford E; 20 Sycamore Reuben, Earls Colne,Halstead road, Buckhurst Hill
Woodgrange road, Forest Gate E & Twynn William, High street, Epping Godwin Isaac William; offices, Chapel
George lane, Woodford E Wade George, 33 Heath street, Barking street, Colchester
Theobald & Sons; office, Passenger Weall William, High road, Ilford Haltridge John,Railway bridge,Brentwd
Station yard ; depot, Goods Railway Whit by William, South st. Rochford S. 0 Smith D. Hy. 24 Castle rd. Colchester
station, Chelmsford Wiffen Wm. Wenningtou Rainham S.O Tyler ~amuel & Son, Coggeshall road,
rhorn Thomas, Hillside, Thundersley, Wright Edward, 10 Fisher st. Barking Braintree ; auction rooms, Head
Rayleigh S.O street, Halstead
1'ite B. M. & Sons, Goods station, COFFEE TAVERNS. Weymouth Joseph,17 High street,Grays.
Chingford ; Railway station, Ilford & Abridge Coffee Rooms & Club (William See advert
George lane, South Woodford Crawley, manager), Abridge, Romfrd White Charles, 25 l.VIilitary rd. Colchestr
Tomlin Daniel & Thomas, Leigt S.O. & Brentwood Coffee Tavern (Thomas Wm. Wilmot William,sCambridge ru.Barking
at Ilford Cowling, propr. ), Victoria terrace,
Tomlin D. Netleyrd.Barking Side,Ilford Warley road, Brentwood COLLEGES.
Townsend A. 46 Victoria rd. Chelmsford Broomfield Coffee House (Charles Thos. See Schools & Colleges.
UnderwoodBros.Low.Southend,Southnd Deverill, man.), Broomtield,Chelmsfrd R N
Vinter Jas. 0. Hythe quay, Colchester Carr J. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich COLO ME ·
Wagstaff Philip, York st . .Manningtree Clift Thomas, Friar's place, Chelmsford See Oil & Colormen.
Walford Alfred & Co. Lower Railway Coffee & Reading Room (Mrs. Edward
street, Braintree & Railway station, Woolmer, keeper), High Garrett, COL OR MANUFACTURERS.
Rayne, Braintree Braintree Morse Alfred T. & Co. Ward road, High
Warren Frederic & Co. Railway station, Coffee & Reading Room( John Southgate, street, Stratford E
New Barnet ; Station, llford; High caretaker), Gosfield, Halstead
street, Snaresbrook & George Lane Coffee & Reading Room (Mrs.S. De Vere, Rose Sir W. A. & Co. 66 Upper Thames
station, South Woodford caretkr. ),Havering-Atte-Bower,Rmfrd street E. C & Rose's wharf, London S.E
Webb George, Albert road, Romford Comben Robert, The Village Rest coffee
Webber Henry, Railway station, Harold tavern, Woodford Bridge COLOR MERCHANTS.
Wood, Romford Cruse Henry, High street, Brentwood Beard & Son, 2 St. John's street, Col-
Wells & Perry, juns. Station yard, Duke Ensom Alfred, The George & Dragon chester. See advert
street & Springfield wharf,Chelmsford coffee house, The Square,Woodfd.Grn Hasler Henry Chas. Tindalst.Chelmstrd
& Railway station, Ingatestone Furlong H. J. High st. Saffron Walden Lowe & Road, 92 High street, Southend
Witney Joseph, Church street, Hey- Grimsey Adam, Copford, Colchester Portway & Son. High street & Rosemary
bridge, Maldon Grout William, Ongar S.O lane, Halstead
\Vood Edward & Co. South Bentfleet Hope Coffee & Reading Rooms (Miss Steele Stephen, Burnham S.O
S.O. & at Greenwich Ethel Sandle, manageress), Great Young & Marten, Caledonian works,
Wooldridge H. & Co. Woodford station, Bardfield, Braintree Romford road; 98, 100 & 102 Broad-
Woodford Green Horsley William, 69 High st.Chelmsford way & Wharf rd. Stratford E.; High
\Yray George & Co. 2 Heath street, Maldon Coffee House Co. Limited (Chas. rd. Leytonstone N.E & 97 Vallentine
Barldng Widocks, manager), Market hl.Maldn road, Walthamstow,
COLOR (ALIZARINE) MANFRS. ChipperfieldThos. King st.SaffronWaldn Lagden George, Crown st, Brentwood
British Alizarine Co. Lim. (The) (Edgar Choppen Mis~es Elizabeth & Ada, Had- Lawrence John, Ongar S.O
T. James, sec.), Silvertown, Victoria le1gh, Rayle1g~ S.O. Lee Geo. Mill end, T~axted, Dunmow
-docks, London E ; agencies in Glas- Clark George, VIct~ria road, Romford Lee Harry, 43 & ~3 H1gh st. Chelmsford
gow, Manchester, India, United States, Clark Robert, 4I Htgh street, Halstead Levey Mrs: E~Ily, Stansted Mount-
France &c. Gold medal International Clark Wm. F. Romford rd. Manor Park fitchet, Bishops Stortford
Inventions Exhibition, London I885 Clarke Miss Elizth. :Felstead, Chelmsfrd Line John George, High st. Dunmow
' Coad John, 22 Fisher street, Barking Linsell Misses Lilla & Alice, 33 High
COLZA OIL REFINERS. Collis Geo. South Ockendon, Romford street, Southend
Rose Sir W. A. & Co. 66 Upper ThamPs CollinsF.A.High st.Wltn.-on-NazeR.S.O Lott John, Market hill, Saffron Walden
street London E.C ; refiners of the Collins James, High street, Brentwood Lovell Wm. Cross st. Saffron Walden
• • Ha;p Brand " Pure Lighthouse Cooper Mrs. Annie Sophia, Bocking end, Lowe Mrs. Sarah, High street, Ilford
Colza Oil Bocking, Braintree MarsdenG.Lt.Hallingbury,Bshp.'sStrtfd
Coppen Miss Harriet, 22 Broadway, Marshall Robert, 31 Axe street, Barking
COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Grays Thnrrock, Grays Meadmore William, High st. Romford
See Travellers Commercial. Corkett Miss F. Romford rd.Manor Park Millbank Herbt. Wethersfield, Hraintree
Cowell Mrs. Susan, Steeple Bumpstead, Mills George, IS Tindal st. Chelmsford
COMMISSION AGENTS. Haverhill (Suffolk) Moore Mrs. H. Mawney's rd. Romford
See Agents-Commission. CoxMrs.Mary Ann, Fuller's rd.Woodford Morris & Heath,28 Marine par.Southend
Cullen William, High road, Woodford Mount William, Church st. Coggeshall
COMPOSITION MANUFACTRS. Wells, Woodford Green MurrayJames, Hare street, RomforJ
FOR SHIPS' BOTTOMS. Cullen William Henry, High street, Newman Mrs. E.Wethersfield,Braintree
British Anti-Fouling Composition & W~nstead N_.E. ; &WoodfordWells~.E Nor~an :Mrs. ~iary Ann, Kelvedon
Paint Co. Lim. (The), Barking creek, Curt1sFnk.Mam rd.Dovercourt,HarwiCh Norns Fredk. r. Felstead, Chelmsford
Barking Dar?y Ambr~. I I Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd N orris John, Witham
Suter, Hartmann & Rahtjen's Composi- D~vwsA .5 ~Ier app.Clacton-on-SeaR. S.O Os borne E~. A:shdo~ rd. Saffron Walden
tion Co.Lim. Tilbury dock, Tilbury S.O D1gby Chnstphr. C. 12 Head st.Colchstr Os borne'-' Illiam Georg-e, Burnham S.O
DigbyJas.C. u&r2Mersea rd.Colchester Palmar Samuel Rackham, I Marine
CONCERT AGENT. Dilliway George, Burnham S.O place, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O
See Agent-Concert. Dines J. R. 139 High street, Grays Penning John F. High st..SaffronWalden
DominickPantini, WhitePost la. Manor Pk Piddington A. H. 8Alexandra st.Southnd
CONCRETE MANUF ACTURS. Dore William M. 4 Market st. Harwich Pigrum Wm. Ashdon rd. SaffronWalden
Jones' Annealed Concrete Co. Limited, Douglas James, Station rd. Manor Park Pope Edwin, King's road, Brentwood
High street, East Ham Drake James Hy. High st. Brentwood Popplewell W.8Nelson ter.Cliff tn.Sthnd
Ellis Alfd. Jas. Great Oakley, Harwich Powell George, Albemarle street, New
CONFECTIONERS-WHOLESL. EverettMissB. High st. Wood ford Green town, Harwich
Dines John Robert, 139 High street, Everett Mrs. Sarah, Station rd.Chingfrd PowellS.A. 14oMoulsham st.Chelmsford
Grays Thurrock, Grays Fairhead William Miles, 5 Wellington Prance J. jun.Great Bardfield,Braintree
Hancock C. W. & Co. 13a, St. Botolph place, Lower Southend, Southend Prentis & Co. 81 HiJh str~et,Grays; & 3
street, Colchester Fernie Peter, Plashet lane, East Ham E Broadway, Ilford
1\Iuskett William, South street, Romford Flutter Fredk. A. High st. Brentwood PruttonJames, Romford rd. Manor Park
Sparling Horatio Osmr•nd, Southchurch l?ree Mrs.Mary A.Hillst.Saffron Walden Randall :i\iissSarah A. 41 New rd. Grays
road, Southend Freeman John, 37 Marine par.Southend Rand:1ll Thos. F. Station rJ. Chingford
Freshwater Miss S. High st. W oodfrd. Grn Read Herbert, 16 Pond lane, Colchester
Compagnie :Fran<;aise, Bermondsey New Frost Daniel, Rochford S.O Reed Wm. Church st. Saffron Walden
road, London S.E Frost Mrs.Elizth.Wethersfield, Braintree Reeve Henry, High st. Ea5t Ham E
Funnell Ernest, Romford rd. Manor Park Richards Robert, 76 Duke st. Chelmsford
CONFECTIONERS & PASTRY GambiragioLuigo,High st. WansteadN.E Ring AlfreJ, Romford road, Manor Park
COOKS. Gardiner Miss Emily, 1 South cliff, Risby Elijah, Thames view, Leigh S.O
Ab bott Edmund Freeman, 22 Long Walton-on-tho-N az~ R. S. 0 Roberts Mrs. J ane, Billericay
Wyre street, Colchester Garnham Joseph Henry, High street, Robinson ~Iiss Emma,South st.Romford
Archbold Saml.G.Chadwell HeathR.S.O South Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Rolph Geo.Alfd.HighRoothing,Dunmow
Aveline C. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchester GibsonMrs.MaryE.4TheParade,Brentwd Row Joseph, lVitham
Baker Frederick, 112 Priory st.Colchestr Golding Mrs. Eliza, Smith street, South Russell James, Wall eni, East Ham E
Baker Jas. Main rd. Dovercourt,Harwch Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Salmon Mrs. Francis, Steeple Bump-
Baldwin Ernest, 30 Trinity st. Halstead Good Fredk. Romford rd. Manor Park stead, Haverhill (Suffolk)
BarnardEzra,Springfield terrace,Spring- GoodingMissFanny,nCulverst.Colchstr Salter Miss Carolina, 2 The Pave:nent,
fiield, Chelmsford GowerMrs. Mary Ann,4 High st.Maldon George lane, Woodford
Barnard Miss Emma, Dunmow GowerWalterFrdk.35 Linton rd.Barking Salvi Peter, 9 Market street, Harwich
Barrett Freak. Wm. Wivenhoe, Colchestr Gunn William, High street, Brentwood Samuel John, 8 High street, Walton-on-
Bartram A. H. 101 & 103 High st.Halstd Hallifax Arthur Wm. Hi6h road, Ilford the-Naze R.S. 0
Baxterl\IissR.Yorkho.High st.Southend Halls Abraham, 16 East hill, Colchester Sandle Hy.Jn. I6I ~iagJ.alen st.Colchstr
Bentley Charles, High st. Wanstead N. E Handley Geo. David, 87 High st. Maldon Sargent Robert, 4 North st. Halstead
Benton :\Irs. Harriett, High road, Ilford HardyHerbt.I7oMoulsham st.Chelmsfd Scott Henry, South st. Rochford S.O
Bold George, Bridge st. Saffron Walden Harrod George, 93 High st_ Halstead Seaborn Mrs. H. 35 East st. Colchester
Bonner William, Kelvedon Harvey EbenezerJonn.62 High st.Grays Seaborn Thomas Cr:sp, I Greenstead
Boreham Will:am, 7 Church st. Maldon Hayward Miss Ellen M. High st. Epping road, Colchester
Borley Henry, 8 High st. East Ham E HeatonMrs. Ellen C.Low.Sthend.Sthend Senior James, Billericay
Bracci Eugene, 37 Heath street, Barking Hendry Wm. 180 Magdalen st. Colchestr Sheldrake Mrs. Elizabeth, Royals:}uare,
Brewer Charles, High street, Epping Hicks James Robert C. Kelvedon D~dhl!-m, Colchester
Bridge ~Irs. Eliza, Hornchurch, Romfrd Hicks Joseph, 32 High street & go Duke Shephard :Mrs. Eliza, Woodford Bridge
Brooks Frederick, London road, Romfrd street, Chelmsford Smith Chas. South Ockendon, Romford
Brown Fredk. BuresHamlet, Bures R.S. 0 Hobbs~IissFanny,35Culver st. Colchester Sm:th James, 56 North street, Barking
Bnnten Jas. 1!:. Romford rd. Manor Park Honey Henry, King's Quay st. Harwich Soul Mrs. Elizabeth, 67 East st. Barking
Button Daniel, Smart's la.Loughton S.O HorrexMrs.M. 14 Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd Sparling H. 0. Southchurch rd.Southnd
Oambridge :.\Iiss Eliza Maria, Museum Howell Henry, Ingatestone Stannard Robt. Hy. Warley rd.BrentwJ
street, Saffron Walden . Howland Harry, Witham Stewart :Mrs.Fanny,51High st.Southenl
Camp Henry, Sth. Ockendon, Romford Hunsdon Jas. 38 Alexandra st. Southend Stewart Victor A. 51 High st. Southencl
CarrollJohn, High st. sth. East Ham E .S:usbandT.IWarleyter.Gt.Wrly.Brntwd Stock Mrs. Rebecca, Fairy Croft road,
Carter Arthur Charles, 4 North street, HyneMiss'Emma, Romford rd.Lit.Ilford Saffron Walden
Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O JamesHy.High st.Walton-on-NazeR.S.O Taylor David, Dunmow
Castle James, 48 Broadway, Barking Jennings Arthur Fredk.59 ~ew rd.Grays Thomas Wm. 19 Market st. Harwich
Cater C. E. 3 North Station rd. Colchstr Jepps Wm. Alfred, 6 Park st. Southend Tidmarsh)Iiss~Iinnie,Market pl.Romfrd
Cater Geo. 20I Magdalen st. Colchester Kemp Raymond, 81 High st. Halstead Tidmarsh :\Irs. S. High street, Romford
Cater William Nathaniel, 53 Priory st. Kennard William Francis, Gladstone Togni Ernest, High street, Colchester
& 32 Queen street, Colchester terrace, High road, Wood ford Tracy Joseph P. I2 High st. Colchester
Caunter Samuel Valentine, 9 High st. King Miss Mary, Ongar S.O True Robert, Wickford S.O
& 18 Alexandra street, Southend Kirby Mrs. Emily, H;gh st. Leigh S.O Trussell Frederick, High street, Epping
Chaplin l\Irs. Hannah, Ilford hill, Ilford Lane Charles, I9 High straet, G;·ays\ rurner :\Irs. Caroline, Little \Yaiden
ChippertieldFrdk.Clavering,Newprt.S.O Thurrock, Grays road, Saffron Wal:len
ESSEX. :)2

CoNFECTIONERS & PASTRY CooKs.-con. Johnson W. & Son, Railway coal dep<)t, scription (hand or machine made) for
Turner Frederick, Broadwaters,Broxted, Braintree home & export (sole licensees for " The
Dunmow Key Wm. G. 50 Grosvenor road, Ilford Perfect Cask" making machinery-
Twinn Mrs. Susan, High st. Brentwood Kirby Henry William (steam), Spital Dunbar's Patents). Telephone No.
Wabon Rbt.Wm. King st.SaffronWalden road, Maldon 5063; Telegraphic address, "Chime~
Wade Mrs. Elzh.Church st.RochforciS.O Lee 0. Old School ho.Barking Side, Ilford London"
Ward Jn. Wm. 132Wakefld st. E.HamE Leftley Mrs. Isabl. 86 North st. Barking Waylett Chas. Clavering, Newport S.O>
Watkins John, High street, South Lewis Charles, Witham
Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Mackenzie Donald & Son, Station works, CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES"r
Watts Samuel & Son, Main road, Dover- Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. & at Walton- Co-operative Society (Alf. Archer, man-
court, Harwich on-the-Naze R.S.O ager), 8 & 10 North street, Barking
West Mrs. Lydia, qChurch st. Harwich Marsh T. & Sons, I Avenue rd. Southend Braintree & West Essex Co-operative &
Neston Luke, High street, Ilford Martin & Townsend, 205 North street, Industrial Society( Job I.l:lutcber,sec.;
Wexham William,Station rd. Chingford Barking Thomas Quinn, manager), Bocking
Wheatley Edward Gray, Market place Mason William Stacey, 26 Bedford road; End; & (George Thos. Skingle, man-
north, Romford workshops, Albert road, Ilford ager),Church street, branch, Bocking;
Wicks Arthur, Baddow rd. Chelmsford Moran John, Main road, Doverconrt, & Shalford, Braintree
Wildish William B. High st. Brentwood Harwich Chelmsford Co-operative & Industriaf
Willingdale :Mrs. Sarah, Staples road, Newton Joseph, jun. High street & Old Society Limited (George Young,sec.),
Loughton S.O road, Harlow Moulsham street, Chelmsford
Willis Mrs. Sabina, Steeple }3umpste ad, Nicholls Benjamin, Bury road, Harlow Colchester & East Essex Co-operative &;
Haverhill (Suffolk) Orfeur Charles Ernest, Colne Bank Industrial Society Limited (Robert.
Wilson Miss Edith, Billericay works, North Station road, Col- Bultitude, sec.), 14 Culver st,; 12,15
Wright & Son, 47 Crouch st. Colchester chester. See advert & 26 Long Wyre street; Kendall rd.
Yates J. 7 Ilford markt. High rd. Ilford Osborn Thos. &Sons, High rd.Woodford & 33 North Station road, Colchester
Young George, Leigh S.O Page Arthur Robert, Orwell road, Earls Colne Industrial Co-operative So-
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O ciety Limited (Herbert Burton, sec.),.
CONTRACTORS. Palmer Brothers; works, near St. John's Earls Colne, Halstead
church, High street, Epping Grays (The) Co-operative Industrial &
Ashmole & Grant, Roden works, Ilford Parmenter Samuel Catley, Coggeshall Provident Society Limited (Henry
Askew Mrs. Emma, Smart's lane, road, Braintree Crawshaw, manager), 68 & 82 High
Loughton S.O Parmenter Silas, Bradford street, street, Grays Thurrock, Grays
Baker Charles, 8 Railway st. Chelmsford Backing, Braintree Halstead Industrial Co-operative Society
Bardell Edmd. Cromwell rd. Brentwood Parsons & Son, High street & South Limited (Obadiah Kemp, manager,
Beard Joseph, jun. Rose Green, street, Manningtree Waiter Yerbury, sec.), Trinity street,.
Chappel, Halstead Pees George, Queen's Arms Inn, Mag- Halstead
Beaumont Robert, 72 London road, dalen green, Great Clacton, Colchester Harwich & Dovercourt Industrial Co-
LexdFm, Colchester Puxley A. C. Bradfield, Manningtree operative Society (Harry Read, sec.)~
Berry Joseph, 2 Minnesota villas, Gor- Runnacles Mrs. C. Colchester rd.Halstead 23 Church street & Princess street,
don road, Southend Saunders Edward, I Station rd. Dover- Parkeston, Harwich
Blyth John George (forage), 62 North court, Harwich. See advert Hatfield Peverel Co-operative Society
hill & Hythe, Colchester Scott Cbas. John, 8 North hill, Colchestr Lim. (Alfred G. Turner, manager),.
Blyth Samuel William (steam cultiva- Siggers Waiter, Kelvedon Hatfield, Witbam
tion drainage), Ingatestone Simpson Micbael, South Shoebury, Maldon & Heybridge Co-operative So-
Bowhay George H. The Poplars, Shrews- Shoeburyness S.O ciety Limited (William Cobbold, sec. ;:
bury road, East Ham E Sims J. W. 2 Wentworth rd. Manor Park Alfred Wade, manager), IS l\Iarket.
Braddy George, Kelvedon Skennerton John, Woodbine road, hill, Maldon
Brazier Cornelius, Old road, Harlow Wanstead N.E Southend & DistrictCo-operatiYe Society
Brown A. & Son, Station wks. Braintree Smith Joseph, Chipping hill, Witham (H. S.Purkiss, manager),Soutbcburch
Brown John, 56 Milton street, Southend Staines John Henry, Newport S.O road, Southend
Brown Thomas (for steam ploughing, Stammers Thomas John, South- Terling Provident Society Limited (John
draining &c.), Steam Ploughing minster S.O Bront, manager), Terling Witha.m
works, East street, Coggeshall Stroud Robert, Ley street, Ilford Tiptree Self-Help Co-operatiye Society
Bruty Thomas, Hornchurch, Romford Surridge Ernest, Silver Birch cottage, (George Kemp, manager), Tiptree
Cboat & Son, Mildmay road, Cbelmsfortl Greensted-juxta-Ongar, Brentwood Heath, Kelvedon
Clark George, Wickford S.O Tanner George, Shalford, Braintree Witham Co-operative Society Limited
Cronin Samuel, Albert street, Great Tether Henry, Park nursery, Avenue (Arthur Atkinson, manager), Witham
Warley, Brentwood road, Southend
Death George William C. Cbadwell Waite William, 29 Fisher st. Barking COPPERSMITHS.
Heath R.S.O Warner C. High st. south, East Ham E Berry Charles, 3 Princess street, Butt
Diss Alfred, Stanwell street, Colchester Ward Alfred & Son, Great Totham, road, Colchester
DixDick&Sons,Westrd. SaffronWalden Witham Berry Edward, 78 Butt road, Colchester
Dobson Geo. Butt Road wks. Colchester West Ernest, Fairfield works, Chelmsfrd Butcher William, 76 Butt rd. Colchester
Dowsing & Davis, Mawneys rd. Romford Woodbams F.E. Soutbchch, rd.Southend Clark Leonard Alfred, School chase~
Emery John (railway), High street, Tidings hill, Halstead
Brentwood CONVENTS. Kirkaldy John Lim. Burnt Mill works,.
Everett Hy. & Son, Hythe hill, Colchestr See Hospitals &c. N etteswell, Harlow
Fairclough Zachariah, Fairfield, Jackson COOPERS. Warner Thomas Woodcock, Dunmow
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Foster Herbert J. Town Quay steam Bullock Chas. 30A, Church st. Harwich Morton Robert & Co. Trent works, Bur-
wharf, St. Margaret's wharf & Mor- Cottis Robt. Ford st. Aldham, Colchester ton-on-Trent ; makers of brewing
gan's quay, Barking. See advertise- Davey G. W. Duke Street flds. Chelmsfrd coppers & every description of cop-
ment facing commencement of Essex Dennish Mrs. M. A. Southminster S.O per work
French Mrs. Elizabeth, Holly cottage, Garnell George, 25 Broadway, Barking CORDIAL MAKER
Epping New road, Buckhurst Hill Hitchcock J. B. 43 North bill, Colchester . . · .
French Waiter, Birdbrook, Halstead Hughes John Thomas, Hill street & High Pascall George Wilham, 46 & 47 H1gb
French Wm. High road, Loughton S.O street, Saffron Walden street, Chelmsford
Gibbard Mark (dust), Manor hall, Hum Henry, 24Northgate st. ColcMster CORK MANUFACTURER
East Ham E Jervis Mrs. Victoria, 155 & r56 Mag- . • . ·
Gillett W. H. & Sons, Sutton road, dalen street, Colchester Hale Fredenck Wm. I East hill,Colchstr
Southend MaskellAbrabam, jun. Frating, Colchstr CORN AGENTS.
Goose William P. High street, South Miller Wm. Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon See Agent-Corn.
Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Newman Chas. I, Crown st. Brentwood
Grimes Joseph, North Gate works, Purkis Isaac, Sible Hedingham, Halstead CORN & FLOUR DEALERS.
Colchester Radley George, 146 High st. Maldon Ager Alfred, 3 Stamford rd. E. Ham E
Gunn Edwin Stephen, Fernlea road, Salmon John, Stebbing, Chelmsford Banks Richard Thomas1 143 William
New town, Harwich Sayer Henry, "\Vitham street, Grays Thurrock, Grays
Hammond J. S. & Son, Hill ho. Romford Shuters & Chippindales Limited, Barnard Benjamin W. High st.Leigb S.O
Hayden Edgar William & Son, Hemnall The Cooperages, High street, Strat- Barrow Josepb, Cliff Town rd.Soutbend
street, Theydon Garnon, Epping ford, London E (& Shad Thames, Beard Wm. Hy. Hornchurch, Romford
Holding J. & Son, Prittlewell st.Soutbend Southwark, London S.E); brewers', BerryA!fd. Ballingdon,Sudbury(Suffolk)
Jackson Daniel Thos. 81 Axe st. Barking distillers' & wine casks of every de- Bishop Edward, High street, Ilford
Bowtle Basil, Wethersfield, Braintree Darby Charles Daniel n Springfield Hicks Charles, High street, Chelmsford
Brewster Jonathan, Bradfield, Mnngtree road, Chelmsford J & 6J High street, Maldon
Bryant George, Romford rd. Manor Pk Lucking Brothers,Railway sta..Southend Hollis Edmund, 26 Broadway, Barking
Cane William Stphn. r r6High st.Brntree Moore Jeremiah, Manor st. Braintree Isaac Thomas & Co. Dock wharf, Maldon
Chambers Charles, Avenue Farm dairy, Simmons Mrs. Maria, Eve's Corner, Jacobs Wilham,Greenstead mills, Green
Romford road, Manor Park Danbury, Chelmsford stead, Colchester
Clark George, Chad well Heath R.S.O Woodhouse John H. Great sq. Braintree Johnson W. & Son, Railway coal dep(Jt,
Clarke Miss Elzbth. Felstead, Chlmsfrd Braintree
Coates Fredk. Edwn.Church end,Dnmw CORN & FLOUR MERCHANTS. Johnson Fredk. S. Elmstead, Colchester
Davey Alfd. 22 Moulsham st. Chlmsfrd Adams Thomas Francis & Sons, Trinity Joy Maurice F. Great Oakley, Harwich
Day & Page, Harlow mill, Harlow street, Halstead Kirby F. High Bridge st.WalthamAbbey
Dennison Chas John, Writtle, Chlmsfrd Aldred R.B. I62Moulsham st.Chelmsford Knight E.741lead st.&King's rd.Halstead
Dyson Jas. Castle Hedingham, Halstead Archer Charles H. I20 High street & Lake George, High street, Wanstead NE
Edmunds John, 43 New road, Grays Magdalen street; stores,Osborne street Large C. Stisted mill, Stisted, Braintree
Thurrock, Grays & 22 Sydney road, & George street, Colchester Laver Wm Robrt. Latchingdon, Maldon
Chadwell St. Mary Archer Thos. Queen's rd.BuckhurstHill LetchT.A.Hillho.Gt.Bardfield,Braintree
Eldred James, Dunmow ArdleyHoraceBarker,Causeway,Halstead Ling George B. 13 Tindal street &
Foot George, Scarborough house, Brew- Barnard Brothers, head office, High st. Springfield mill, Chehnsford
ery road; cow sheds & warehouse, Newport S.O.; depots, High street & Littlebury George & Son, 26 Magdalen
Beach house, Southend Railway station,SaffronWaldn.;Audley street, Colchester
French William, Milton st. Southend End railway station, Wendens Ambo; Lowe John Wm. I High st. East Ham E
Gibson Arthur James, ro Gladstone ter- Elsenham & Littlebury Lucas William, Billericay
race, High road & Georgelane, \Vood- Beard John, Church street, Coggeshall Lucking Edward, Queen's rd. Southend
ford & Station road, Chingford Bishop Frdk. Sible Hedingham,Halstead Major H.N.London rd.Lexden,Colchestr-
Graves James, Smith's green, Debden, Blyth Edward Mark, offices, Witham Marriage Edward &Wilson, East mills,
Saffron Walden Roller flour mills & High st. Witham East gates; Hythe, Colchester; South-
Hall John Wm. Baddow rd. Chelmsford Blyth John George, 62 North hill & end-on-Sea & Burnham
Hare Robt. Hy. so High st. Chelmsfrd Hythe, Colchester Matson M.TheQuay,St.Osyth,Colchester
Harrington Wm. Earls Colne, Halstead Bradridge T. Park gt.Gt.Bardfld.Brntree MeesonW.M. TheWharf,BattlesBridgeS.O
Hines Elizah, Market sq. Wlthm.Abbey Brooks W. & Sons, Mistley, Manningtree Myhill Addy Nunn, Gold street & Rail-
Hobart Arthur, II9 High st. Maldon & at Colchester way station, Saffron Walden
Hutchins Frederick, Low st. Chingford Brown Charles, Witham Nunn T. T. Hetton house, LoughtonS.O
Joscelyne Miss Caroline, Post office, BullockWilliam, 32Maldon rd.Colchester Payne & Murton, Southminster S.O
Harold Wood, Romford Chaplin Richard Hawes, The Chimneys, Penman Sidney John & Co. 5 Station
Josling 'fhos. C. Gt. Baddow, Chlmsfrd Ridgwell, Halstead terrace, Snake's la. Woodford Green
King William & Sidney, 102 High street, Clapham George Frederick, Dunmow Pratchett T. E. Rickling, Newport S.O
Grays Thurrock, Grays Clay Shipping Co. (Henry Finch Croxon Pulford Arthur, Great Totham, Witham
Littlebury William Warden, Igo Mag~ Hawkins, manager), Burnham S.O Rogers S. S. & Co. Stausted :M:ount-
dalen street, Colchester ClaydenAlfd.&W.Sun st. WalthamAbbey fitchet, Bishop's Stortford
Loker Frederick J. Terl!ng, Witham Clover Owen & Son, Bridge st. Halstead Rutt Stephen A. N. :Fullbridge, Maldon
Long Frdk.Wm. Romford rd. Manor Pk Clover Ebenezer, Dedham, Colchester Scott Charles, 52 New st. Chelmsford
Mansfield Wm. F. Theydon Bois, Eppng Cole & Lecquire, Pier wharf, Grays Scruby James, Harlow
Moore Thomas Robinson, Milch hill, Thurrock, Grays Shead Henry Newell, Railway arches,
Felstead, Chelmsford Cramphorn Octavius Christian, Market Chelmsford & Writtle
Moss, Archer & Son, The Mills, Chad- place, Romford High street & Warley Smith Frank, High road, Ilford
well Heath road, Brentwood Spencer William Stacey, Benfield bower,
Mumford James, Billericay Cramphorn Thomas John Deeks, I7High StanstedlVIountfitchet,Bishop's Strtfrd
Mum ford J oseph, 13 Broadway, Grays street & 8 Springfield rd. Chelmsford Spurgeon Edwin,Lit.Sampfrd. Braintree
Thurrock, Grays CrossAlfd.23 High st. &Silver st.Maldon Stanford Arthur Henry, Beaumont hall,
Nash Thomas, Ingatestone Cross Geo. Mill ho. Lexden, Colchester Beaumont-with-Moze, Colchester
PallettWilliam, juu. High Bridge street, Cross William, Victoria chambers, West Stokes George, High st. Saffron Waldeu
Waltham Abbey Stockwell st.& Hythe quay, Colchester Suckling William Joseph, Steeple Bump-
PannellWilliam, Black Notley, Braintree Dare Fraucis, Steeple Bumpstead,Haver- stead, Haverhill (Suffolk)
Peake Charles William,Elmstead,Clchstr hill (Suffolk) Surridge John, Ongar S.O
Pettit Stephen, Station road, Chingford Darley Charles Daniel, I8 Springfield Sworder Charles B. & A. Epping
Playle Charles, Steeple Bumpstead, Ha- road, Chelmsford Tanner C. W. & Sons, George Lane-
verhill (Suffolk) DaveyS. TheFirs,Pilgrim's hatch,Brntwd station, South Woodford
Poole William, Squirrels Heath,Romford Devenish James, Rayleigh S.O UnderwoodBros.Low.Southend,Southnd
Popham James, Rosemary road, Clac- Deveson Charles, I4 Broadway, Barking Vandervord George & Emmanuel, I
ton-on-Sea R.S.O Dyer Francis William, Woodford bridge Grosvenorpl.Low.Soutbend,Southend
Robinson Henry1Vm.Queen's rd.Brntwd Essex Granary Co. High st. East Ham E Webster H. Prince's field, WaltbamAbbey
Bowlaud Ephraim, Brook Street mill, Eve Henry Thos.& Co.Fullbridge,Maldon Wheatsheaf Flour Co. (The), High st.
Brook street, Brentwood Faiden Edward Harry, Sible Heding- north, East Ham E
Sadler Joh!:!&Son, High rd.Loughtn.S.O ham, Halstead Whipps Arthur, Lindsey street, Epping
Saward Wm. Gt. Wakering, Southend Felgate Charles, Abberton, Colchester WhitmoreH. Victoria steam mills,Romfrd
Scrutton Ernest, Melbourne terrace, Felgate John, Long rd. Dedham,Colchstr Wilson F. W. & A. Marks Tey,Colchestr
Romford road, Manor Park Ford George, Brewery road, Southend Wood Edward & Co. South Benfleet
Sharp James, 154 High street,Braintree Francis & Co. East bridge; I6S High st.; S.O. & at Greenwich
Skingley Henry, Woodford Bridge IA,St.Botolphst.&TheHythe,Colchestr Wray George& Co. 2 Heath st. Barking
Smith Chas. Castle Hedingham, Halstd Frost Benjamin, Rye mills, Feering,
Smith Mrs. Elzth. Gt. Bardfield,Brntree Kelvedon CORSET MAKERS.
Smith Hmphry. Layer Breton, Kelvedon Frost John, Boisfield, Halstead See Stay & Corset Makers.
Smith Waiter, Rayleigh S.O Goddard Arthur, Tendring mills, Tend-
Spalding Waiter, Model cottage, Green- ring, Colchester COTTON & CANVAS BAG
stead, Colchester Goodchild Wellington, Billericay MAN 0 F ACTRS. & PRINTERS.
Stone William Henry, High road, Ilford Goodey Stanford Chas.7 High st.Maldon Feltham W. H. & Co. 87 Tooley street,
Tharby Miss Ellen, Manuden, Bishop's Gould G. & Sons, High road & Trapp's London SE
Stortford bill & Borders farms, Loughton 8.0
Tbompson James, Billericay
Tyler Charles, 22 Sutton rd. Southend
Gray & Sons, Springfield Road. brewery,
Chelmsford 1
ee a so Dairymen.
Tylor Edward, Billericay Gilbey Herbert, South street, Romford Adams Dennis, Turret place, Ilford
Webster Waiter J. Sth. Ockendon,Rmfd Goddard Arthur, Tendring mills, Tend- Baldwin Thomas, Chigwell
White Mrs.Sarah,Street, Takely .Chlmsfd ring, Colchester Benham William, Roydon, Ware
Woollings Alfred, Orsett S.O Goodchild Thomas, Yeldh"m hall, Great Blows Mrs. Ann, Aveley, Purtleet S.O
Yeomaus John, Fyfield, Ongar S.O Yeldham, Halstead Boatman John, South st. Rochford S.O
Hasler Robert & Son, Dun mow Bolland J oseph, Queen's rd. Buckhurst HI
CORN & FLOUR FACTORS. Hawkins Henry Thomas, Heath, Hat- Bolton Johu&Son,Suffolkhouse,Station
Cramphorn Octavius Christian, Market field, Harlow road, Waltham Abbey
place, Romford High street & Warley Hempson Charles, Landermere, Thorpe- Brice John, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow
road, Brentwood le-Soken, Colchester Bull Seth, Xorthlands, l\Ianor Park
ESSEX. 32*

CowKEEPERS-continued. Ruel W. H. (established IJ5I; award DAIRYMEN.

Butler MissEsther, Roden street, Ilford rBsr), Garden Wharf lane,OldBatter- See also Cowkeepers.
CaddJames,Voluntaryrd.Wanstead NE sea, London SW Abbott Brothers, 56 High st. Southend
CatmullHerbert,Gt.Wakering,Southend Smith Alexander, Plumbago Crucible & High road, Woodford
Caton Wm. Loft's lane, Saffron Walden Works (of Glasgow) ; London depot, Abbott Harold R. Roden street, liford
Chambers Charles, Avenue Park Farm Ford's folly, Battersea SW Adams Edwin, Romford road, Manor Pk
dairy, Romford road, Manor Park Tatnell E. & Co. Ford's folly, Battersea, Archer John Camp, Victoria rd.Romford
Champness Ernest, Coldhall farm, Sta- London SW Bailey Alfred, West bank, Barking
tion road, Waltham Abbey Baker William, I Princes st. Southend
Chapman Thomas K. Benfield end,Stan- CURRIERS. Barnard J. W. Snake's la. Woodford Grn
sted Mo~n~tfitchet, Bishop's Stortford Harrington William, 24 Head st.Halstead Belc~am Edmund J. New Milton Hall
Church Wilham, S. Shoebury,Shoebury- Levitt Samuel North street Dunmow dairy, London road, Southend
ness S.O :Mann Frederi~k White 20 Baddow road Benewith Mrs. A. Wix, Manningtree
Clark W.Fredk.2oSt.John's st.Colchester & Union yard Cond~itst. Chelmsford Birch Charles, Woodford Bridge
CokerWm.9Victo!iast. Doverct.Harwich Newman&Son BuresHamlet BuresR.SO Blandon Mrs. E. 45 West Stockwell
Cordell Willia!ll, ~rt. Baddow, Chelmsfd Offin Charles, High street, Brentwood street, Colchester .
Dove Jesse, BilleriCay Offin William, Billericay Bon_d Wm. Fullwell Hatch, Barkmg
Drake Joseph, Hornchurch, Romford Payne John H. 2 Lion walk, Colchester Side, llford . , .
Dyer Robt, ~ownmead rd. WalthamAbby Prestney R. 5 Church st. south, Colchstr Brasell James, Stati?n ro~d, Chmgford
Eastland RIChard, Park road, Southend Smith John Bevous, Market pl. Romford Burch Arthur, Barkmg Side, Ilford
Edgar Hy. Nightingale pl.Wanstead NE Burton John & Son, 36 Magdalen street,
Foot George, Beach house, Southend CUSTARD POWDER MAKERS. Colchester
Gayler Edward, Aller's farm, Seward's G 0 d ll B kh & C0 · L d & Busby John, Albert road, Romford
End road, Saffron Walden ° a ' ac ouse • ~e s 54 Cardwell & Sons, Station rd. Chingford
Goodwin John,West Tilbury,TilburyS.O Southwark street, London SE & Sewardstone, Chingford
Grant Thos. J. St. John's grn. Colchestr CUTLERS Carney John, Wall end, East Ham E
HardingW.CoptHall grn.WalthamAbbey . · Chipperfield Joseph, Tancred st. West
Herrington William, Stansted Mount- Farmer Geo.& Hy. ro6High st.Colchester Tilbury, Tilbury S. 0
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford ~reen James, 13 Duke. st. Chelmsford Clements W. 10 Portland rd. Colchester
Hicks Alfred, The Elms, Stansted 1\Iount- Green Mrs. J ane, 56 H1~h st. Chelmsfrd Craig J ames, Barnard's farm, East
fitchet, Bishop's ~tortford Ha~veyG.A.North st.Prittlewll.South~d Horndon & Heron Gate, Brentwood
HocklcyH.Fobbin~,Stanford-le-HopeS,O Smith S.Albertrd.north, Buckhurst Htll Cramp John, The Green, Chingford
Honeybell Danl.Mawneys estate,Romfrd Stebbings Robert, Market pi. Romford Cranmer J. & Son, 5 Park st. Southend
Hudson .Tames, Gate street, Maldon Cranmer Frederick, 2 Archdale villas,
Hunt Mrs. Sarah, Vineyard cottage, CYCLE DEALERS & AGENTS. Ashburnham road, Southend
High Beech, Lough ton S. 0 Boon Alfred, 10 Tindal st. Chelmsford Dale Elijah, 104 Priory st. Colchester
Izard Samuel, Church st. Waltham Abbey Cooper Harry, 30 Head street, Halstead Danish Dairy Co. 51 High st. Colchester
Keen George, Rippleside, Barking Furlong Bros. Church st.Saffron Walden Dodd Arthur, Sun st. Waltham Abbey
King Thomas, White Post la. Manor Park Green Wm. Ewd. Romford rd. Lit.Ilford Dyer John James, jun. 7 Melbourne
Kirkman Benjamin,King's road, Barking Knights Robt.C. 21 Tindal st. Chelmsfrd terrace, Daisy road, South Woodford
Leveridge James S. The Severalls, Mile Lamb Charles Henry, High street, Edgar H. Nightingale pl. Wanstead N.E
e~d, Colchester . Manningtree Edmun~s John, 43 N_ew road, Grays
Lewis Ernest, Heybndge, Mal don Lines W. T.3 Havelock ter.High rd.Ilford & 22 Sydney road, Tilbury S.O
Little Mrs. Chadwell Heath R.S.O PrenticeJ.D.& Co.Romford rd.ManorPk Ellingworth C. Market pl. nth.Romford
Looker Wm. Greenhill gro. Manor Park Spearman AlbertA.Cattle mkt.Braintree Elmer Harry, Carnarvon villa, Carnar-
Mar~hall John, Brad~eld_, Ma~nin~tree Stevenson Thomas, Barking cycle works, von road, South Woo~f?rd . .
M~rmgtonCharles,CI:'lppmg hdl,Wit~am 40 North street, Barking Farmers' & Cleveland DamesCo.Limited,
Miller George & Alfred, New Wnttle Tanner James,Highst.south,EastHam E 2 Broadway, I~ford ,
street, Chelmsford . "'atson William, Harpour estate, Glenny Follett ~lfred, Hig~ st. 1\anstead N.E
Moss_Mrs.M.A.Kathermerd.EastHamE road, Barking Foot George, Scarborough house,
Norns Arthur Walt. Stock, Ingatestone White Waiter Charles,Newbiggen street Brewery road, Southend
PalmerFrederick,Newney green, Writtle, Thaxted Dunmow ' Ford George, Brewery road, Southend
Chelmsford Wright Edward J. North mews Hio-h Fordham William, Chadwell S1reet,
Reeve Henry, Edney green, Highwood, street I::Jouthend ' b Chadwell Heath R.S 0
Writtle, Chelmsford ' Francis William, 14 Pond la. Colchester
Rodgers Thomas, Ardleigh green, Horn- CYCLE MANUFACTURERS. French J oseph, New W rit.tle st. Chelmsfrd
church, Romford Fullford T. Eastst. Prittlewell, Southend
Roper Thos. Chingford Hatch, Chingford Bate T~omas Stapleton, Eureka works, Game Harry William, Orwell road,
Sains Emmanuel, The Hythe, Maldon 57 Htghr_st;eet, Halst~ad , Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Saunders William, Manor farm, Ching- Bro~ke "dham FrederiCk, 2 Reads pi. Gaylor David, Little Thurrock, Grays
ford Hatch, Chingford _High road & 6 Chapel pla~e, Ilford Gillingham Charles, Whitehall road,
Simpson Jn.Woollard st.WalthamAbbey Lmes W.T.3 ~avelo~k ter.High rd.Ilford Woodford Wells, Woodford Green
Skennerton Isaac, Hall rd. Wanstead NE J:~;mes Fredenck, High road, Woodford Gingell Frederick, Buckhurst Hill farm,
Sparrow Charles, Holly Lodge cottage, Ku~g Leonard D. Rex cycle works, Car- Buckhurst Hill
Dovercourt, Harwich hsle road, Romfo~d . Glyde H. Market place north, Romford
Temple & Baxter, Rush green, Romford Lak~ Wm. Beard, ~ew street, Bramtree Gould G. & Sons, High road & Trapp's
Tillbrook Thos.P.Gt.Bardfield, Braintree L~wiS Bros. Onga:r road, Brentwood Hill & Borders farms, Loughton S.O
Tolhurst J. Nightingale rd. Wanstead NE Rippon & Son, Htgh street, ~rentwood Grant John Grimsey, 9 Culver street &
Welton Benjamin, Stifford, Grays St. Andrew's ~ycle Co. Lim. (who.) Short Wyre street, Colchester
Williams John, High wood, Chelmsford (A. J. ,Buckmgham, manager),. St. Griffiths Alfred, Forest cot. Manor park
CRAPE MANUFACTURERS Andrew sworks,Romford&Havermg- H.trrison S. W. Queen's road, Southend
. · well, Hornchu~ch, Romford HemmingsJ.Chingfordla. WoodfordGrn
Courtauld Samuel & Co. Lim. C:hurch Sands Arthur, High st. Wanstead N.E Hill Mrs. Caroline,Rainham S.O
street, Bockmg; & at Bramtree, Saunders W. 26 Crouch st. Colchester Hole William Henry High road Ilford
Halstead & Earls Colne Stevenson Thomas, Barkin~ cycle Hook Joseph, Warley road, Bredtwood
CREOSOTE MANUF ACTRS. works, 40 North street, Barkmg Horne Benjamin, Brookman's farm,
Tracey Thomas Charles & Co. 30 Dovercourt Harwich
Dussek Bros.& Co.Verneyrd. London SE Osborne street, Colchester Hubbard Arthur,Newton dairy, Kendall
CRICKETING OUTFITTER Watson Wtlliam, Harpour estate, Glenny road Colchester
Silcock Frank, Ongar S.O · road, Barking Jackso~ S. North st. Prittlewell Southend
Wilson W. A. 12 & 13 Market pl.Sthend Jarvis Charles, High street, Brentwood
CRICKET BAT MAKER. Johnson Edward, Violet cottage, Violet
Crick J oseph, 89 Duke st. Chelmsford CYCLE REPAIRERS. road, South Woodford
Bate Thomas Stapleton, Eureka works, Jordan Colin, Devonshire dairy, Ram-
CRUCIBLE MANUF ACTRS. 5 7 High street, Halstead ford road, Manor Park
Falcke & Son, Bolingbroke gardens, Buxton H. 6 Military road, Colchester Keeble Mrs. E. Station rd. Manor Park
Battersea, London SW Carter W. H. Grays 'fhurrock, Grays Kennard William Francis, Gladstone
Morgan Crucible Company Limited Lamb Charles Hy. Highst. Manningtree terrace, High road, Woodford
(The) (The Patent Plumbago Crucible Pratmore W. &Co. King's rd.Brentwood King Albert N ash, Market pl. Rumford
Co.), sole manufacturers of 1\Iorgan's Lines W. T. 3 HavelCiek ter.Highrd.Ilfrd King James, White Post la. Manor Park
& Salamander crucibles &c. Battersea Watson William, Harpour estate, Glenny Kirby Charles, Chad well Heath R.S.O
works, London SW road, Barking Kirkman B. & Sons, 79 East st. Barking
Layzell Ephraim, I7 Broadway, Grays Jarritt Wm. 34 Alexandra st. Southend English George William, Hole farm,
Thurrock, Grays *Rook E ustaceHy.King st.Saffron W aldn Bulmer, Sudbury (Suffolk)
Legerton John, 29 Hampden road, Grays Shoobridge George Fredk. 7 New London Finch George, Gestingthorpe, Halsteal
Thurrock, Grays road, Chelmsford Hasler Robert & Son, Dunmow
Leveridge J. I3 Berechurch rd. Colchstr Smith&Tomlinson,2Tindalsq.Chelmsfrd :\Ioorcraft Henry, Wood Green potteries,
)lannall J. S. Victoria road, Romford *Ta'Bois Frederick William, High road, Waltham Abbey
Marriage H. Moulsham lo. Chelmsford Woodford Wells, Woodford Green Puxley Francis, Bradfield, )lanningtree
MarriageJoseph,Georgela.Sth.Woodfrd Thorn Harry, L.R.S.R.C.S. Edin. 3 Stone WilliamJoseph, I Avenneterrace,
Martin William, Honor Oak dairy, Sussex terrace, Southend lngatestone
Ashbnrnham road, Southend *Wheatley Wm. Hy. L.D.S.R.C.S.Glas.
May Joseph, 9 Alexandra st. Southend 4 Park viis. High rd. Loughton S.O DRAIN PIPE MERCHANrS.
l\loore George, Stock Ingatestone Byford John, )Joody wharf, Iron bridge,
Morley John, Romford rd. Manor Park DE~OSITORY. . Poplar E; 75 Barking road, Canning
Morling John, Broadway, Manor Park Depositor:y (' T~e,") fo! removmg & Town E & Byford's wharf, Barking E
Nunn James, Mill house, Epping warehousm~ furn_tture, ptctures,gJass, Groom. Daniels & Co. ; office, Magdalen
Oliver J. Wennington, Rainham S.O plat~, musiCal mstruments, wmes, street; depot, The Hythe, Colchester.
Oxley Arthur, I London road, Southend carrtages, luggage &c. ; all charges See advertisement
Palmer George, Back street, Brentwood mod~rate; terms, post free (Arth~r Groves John, Railway station,Braintree ;
Parker Thomas, 39 New road, Grays G. Dtxon & Herbert Haynes, propne- & at Dunmow, Yelclham & Rayne
Thurrock, Grays tors), 22 to 34, 38 to 46 & 59 to 63 Mackenzie Donald & Son, Station works,
Pledger Mrs. Phoobe, Leigh road, Harrow road, London W Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O; & at Walton-
Prittlewell, Southend on-Naze
Poulter John, High road, Ilford DIE SINKER. Maw James & Son, Harrow bridge, High
Porter Samuel, Dairy house, Lower Cumine FredericJames,Borough bazaar street, Stratford E
Southend, Southend High street, Southend Nicholl & Co. Culver street & Hythe
Potter James, 10 Butt road, Colchester quay, Colchester. See advert
Prewett Mark, High street, Brentwood DINING ROOMS. Orttewell & Son, 35 High street, Maldon
Prior Robt. Geo. 75 B!~;rrack st. Colchstr See also Coffee Rooms. Sadd John & Sons Limited, adjoining
Radford Thomas 35 Mtlton rd.Southend Alld' F k ,-.n.· p the Great Eastern railway Maldon
Ranger Rufus, London road, Southend lS ran , f utte ost 1ane . , •
R Id J h B d t B · t AberdeinWm.C.II ShortWyrest.Clchstr Stames John Henry, :Newport S.O
R1 ey r ur, . u ' s IIury,d h'llngaCh'es one
~lynoA stho nB, It2t ban si. rtamtree Bundock George Broadwa'y Ilford
' '
Wells & Perry, juns. Saw mills, Station
d D k t t Ch 1 f d
R ogers S . P . K mg s ea 1 , mg for d Damp. Mrs ·Emma . •I8Tindal st· Chlmsfrd yar , u e s ree , e ms or
Russell Wm. Grove End road,Woodford Dav1s Wm. T1lbury docks, Tilbury S.O
Sams John Dnnmow Day's North Avenue Hotel & Restaurant DRAPERS-WHOLESALE.
Sargeant J~hn Thos. Westst. Coggeshall (Wm. J. Day, prop.), Station road, Griffiths W. & Co. Tudor house, 48 &
Scutter Geo.g Southchurch rd.Southend Clacton-?n_-Sea R:S.O. See advert 49 High street, Colchester
Skipper Jn. ,Rt. Station road, Clacton- Farro'Y W~lha~, Ht~h road, Ilford Robson Waiter, King st. Saffron Walden
on-Sea R.S.O G~mb1ragwLmgo,High st: Wanstead NE Wilkinson John Seager, Bridge house,
Smith Edmund London rd. Romford HxtchcockAdlphusW.Statwn rd.Chngfrd Bridge street Saffron Walden
Smyth Jose11 h' Palmar, Beech farm, KingW.I Tii_td_alsq.&IShirepas.Chlm~fd '
High road, Loughton S.O L~wre~ceWilham,6s Church st.HarwiCh Barr & Edwarcl, I95 Borough High
Spalding Henry, 14 Duke st. Chelmsford Ltm~riCk Mrs. J. Market pl. Romford street, London S.E
Spencer Samuel, Tyne Hall dairy, 6 )fartm Wm.Jas.Romford rd.ManorPark Rotherham Jeremiah & Co. (drapery
Jubilee terrace Lay Ilford Newport John, Maybank rd.S.Woodford warehousemen) 81 to 91 ShoreJitcb
Spooner Samuel Grav~lPit place Brid()'e Olive John, I Heath street, Barking London E ' '
road Grays Thurrock Grays' "'
Perry William T. Dock rd. Tilbury S.O
Spurw~y Chas. 2Seymou; rd.EastHam E Pinkenburg Henry, 3 Duke st.Cblmsfrd DRAPERS.
Stephens Jolm, High st. East Ham E Quor-':1 James! Romford rd. ~anor Park See also Tailors.
Stevens Henry, Woodford Bridge Ro~bms Lewls, pock road, Tllbury S.O Marked thus tare Linen Drapers.
Stooks Henry, Brick house, .Berden, SmrthJ. I Cambrt~ge ;er· W oodfordBr~ge Marked thus '~> are Woollen Drapers.
Bishop's Stortford Tyrrell Jas. 37 Kmg s Head st. Harwteh Marked thus tare Travelling Draper:!.
Such J. Pleasant rd. Low .Southnd.Sthnd Watson Chas. 2 Magdalen st. Colchester Marked thus§ are F.1ncy Dr,lpers.
Theobald Arthur, Shrub end, Lexden, DISINFECTING POWDER Abbott Robert B. Good Easter,Chelmsfd
Colc~ester MANUFACTURERS Abbott Thomas, 6 High st. East Ham E
ThorndiCk W.R.Broomfield rd.Chlmsfrd ' Abbitt Alien Francis, Station road,
Thorne Fredk. High st. Wanstead NE DussekBros.&Co. Verneyrd.LondonSE Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Trevallion William,, Forest sid~, Epping DISPENSARIES. Adams Thomas~ High street, Harlow
Tye Harry J. I7 Sahsbury rd. Colchester Alien A. I Bonmngdowns rd. Ea. Ham E
Tyler Samuel, Aveley, Purfieet S.O See Hospitals, &c. Alien William, Postoffice,Leaden Rooth-
WakelinDavid,P:ince~ rd.BuckhurstHill DOG BISCUIT & APPLIANCE ing, Chelmsford.
WardBernard,VICtortard.Sth.Woodford MANUFACTURERS Ambrose & Son, Htgh rd. Loughton S.O
WellsWilliam,3Berechurch rd.Colchester , . . · Ambrose William J. I Morley rd. Barkng
Whitley James, Chingford mill, Ching- Spratt s Patent Ltmtted, Henry street, tAmos William, 11 Portland rd.Colchstr
ford lane, Chingford Tooley street, London SE Archbell John, Harlow
Wickens William & Sons, 8 Broadway, DOGS FOOD MAKER Archer Henry H. High Easter,Chelmsfd
East Ham E & Upton Park · Archer William, High street & :\Iarket
WilliamsG .Millhill, Dovercourt,Harwich WarrenA.NewNorth rd. Brking. side, Ilfd hill, Mal don
Wright David James, Wintersteet cot- DOMESTIC MACHINERY Armsby T. Queen's rJ. Buckburst Hill
tage,London road, Maldon DEA Ashdown Alfred & f:on, Ongar t:i.O
Wright :Frederick John, W i t h a m L E B : S . . Asbplant H.Post office, Ridgwell, Halstd
DECORATORS Andrews J. E. 90 & 92 Htgh si.Bramtree Askew George, Io6 & 1o8 High st..~Ialdn
· Bate Thomas Stapleton, Eureka works, tAttoe Alfred, Felstead Braintree
See Painters. 57 High street, Halstead Audus A. Town st. Th~xted, Dunmow
DENTISTS Boon Alfred, Io Tindal st. Chelmsford Avery Alfred B. West Thurrock, Grays
• . .· . Brown C. W. Southchurch rd. Southend Bacon Charles Wm. Alre~ford, Colchstr
.Marked thus are Ltcentmtes m Dental Scott Thomas, Romford road, :Manor Pk Bailey Alfred Scott, 6.:! High !>t. :\Ialdon
Surgery of the Royal College of Sur- Young Charles L. & Co. High Bridge BainesJ. &H. CastleHeliw;h1.m,Halstd
geons of England street, Waltham Abbey Baker A. & E. P. 24 Head :.L. Colchester
Albert & Son, Market place, Romford Baker, Son & Co. 7, 8 & 9 Head st. Halstd
Alex&Jones,38NewLondon rd.Chelmsfrd DRAIN PIPE MAKERS. Baker Alexander, The Stores, Stisted,
*AyersArthur W.P.9 Head st.Colchester Bacon Frederick,Great Canfield, Dunmw Braintree
Buck & Dixon, 17 Head st. Colchester Bloomfield A. & J. Brook farm,Halstead Baker Charles Hy. Hornchur..:h, Romfrd
Colmer Christopher Augustus, Somer- Bonner John, Abridge, Romford Balch Wm. H. High st. sth. Ea. Ham E
ville house, High st. Saffron Walden Brayne & )lansfield, Victoria pottery, Balls Harry,1Ioreton,ChippingOngarS.O
Crick George Edward,46High st.l\laldon Leigh S.O tBarber ~Irs.S. A. Io Broadway,E.HamE
DrakeHarryFrancis,:Marketpl.Dunmow Chopping Samuel Davey, Watch house, Barcham T. E. High st. Safft·on Walden
Foley Samuel, ISO High st. Colchester Stebbing, Chelmsford Barleyman Thomas Hughes, Kelvedon
Geeen Robert Poynter, Witham Cloughton Thomas, Felstead, Chelmsfrd Barnard & Son, Xewport S.O
Hammond Benjamin, Coggeshall Collier William Homan, l\Iarks Tey Barnes Joseph, jun. New street, Bright-
Harrington Arthur Lewis L.D.S.,R.C.S. brick works, Marks Tey, Colchester. lingsea, Colchester
Irel. 40 Alexandra st. Southend See advertisement Barnes Waiter, Sunth st. Rochford S.O
DRAPERS-continued. rCox & Palmer, Purfleet s.o. ; Aveley, tHalliday Wm. Gass, 96 Mill rd. Maldon
Barten Edward, South street, Romford Purfleet & West Thurrock Halston John William, Fobbing, Stan-
Barton David, Market street & High Craig John James, Market pi. Romford ford-le-Hope S.O
street, Saffron Walden; & at North Crowe Joseph John, High street & Vie- Hamblin C. Hy. Chipping hill, Witham
street, Bishop's Stortford. See advert toria terrace, Warley road, Brentwood Ham er Ern est Tindall, Hatfield, Harlow
*Bateman William Henry & Wyncoll, s tCroydon Frederick, Trinity chambers, *HamiltonJ.25NewLondon rd.Chlmsfrd
St. Nicholas street, Colchester Culver street, Colchester HandmannMrs.E.&Co. George la.Wdfrd
*Batman Wm. Hy. ss Highst. Colchstr Curdling John F. 2I High st.Cbelmsford Hardy Langley T. St. Osyth, Colchestr
Baxter William, Mistley, Manningtree Cutforth Samuel, Woodford Green §Harrington Geo.Romford rd. Manor Pk
§ Beadel & Co. George lane, SouthWoodfd Daines Mrs.MaryAnn, SouthBenfleet S. 0 t Harris & Sons, Alexandra st. Southend
:Beard Samuel & Son, High street, Dale Mrs. E. Horndon-on-the-Hill,Grays §Harrison John Barry, East Horndon &
Saffron Walden Dalziel Thomas, Dunmow Hewn gate, Brentwood
.Beard Mrs. Anne, Newport S. 0 DavisWm.& Edmd.91High st.Chelmsfrd Hart Alfd. Tillingham,Southminster S. 0
Beard John William, Dunmow tDickson Robert, 62 New st. Braintree HartEdwd.A. Tillingham,Sthminstr.8.0
:Searsby G. & Co. Post office, Little Wal- Dixon Chas. Gainsford, Rayleigh R.S.O WalthamAbbey
tham, Chelmsford §Dodd Thomas Alfred, 34 & 3S Long HartMrs. S. S. T1llinghm.Sthminstr.S.O
:Bentall & Son, so, s6 & s8 High st.Mldn Wyre street, Colchester Harvey Mrs. Alfred A. IS9 Moulsham
Bird Thomas, High st. Wanstead N .E DoubledayE.&T.P.Market end,Coggeshl street, Chelmsford
Bishop Wm. Rochford S.O; &atSthend DoubledayJsph.&Robt.Highst.Halstead Harvey George, Post office, Bradwell-
Blackmur E. Queen's rd. Buckhurst Hill Downs Mrs. Arthur, New street, Bright- juxta-Mare, Southminster S.O
Blomfield John, 2 Bank street, Brain tree lingsea, Colchester Harvey J. H.CastleHedingham,Halstead
Blowers & Martin, Thorpe-le-Soken, t§Dunt William George, London house, HarveyWaltr.Wickham Bishops,Witham
Colchester 2 & 4 Bridge street, Halstead HawkesThos.Post office,Rayne,Braintree
Blowers Mrs. Emily, Gt. Oakley,Harwch Eason Richd. C. Ashdon, SaffronWalden Haywood Mrs.Eliza,Wivenboe,Colchestr
Blowers J. Waterloo ho.Weeley,Colchstr EastMissA.Main rd.Dovercourt,Harwch tHeddle Wm. 32 & 34 Park st.Southend
Boardman Clement & Sons, sS, 6o, 62, Eckwith Arthur, Great Totham, Witham Hedges Frederick John, 4 Granville ter.
64, 66, 68 & 70 Broadway, Stratford E Ed wards Eleazer,King st. SaffronWalden George lane, Woodford
Bodger John, High street, Ilford Edwards FrdkW.Wethersfield,Braintree HemmingsChs.E. Plashet gro.Ea.HamE
Bolingbroke George John, 74 & 7S High Eley Arthr.TolleshuntKnights,Ketvedon Herbert James, Post office, The Heath,
street, Chelmsford Emerson John Frederick, Billericay Weeley, Colchester
Bond John George Limited, 28, 29, 30 & Emery Johv, Leigh S. 0 Herington Charles, 21 Heath st. Barking
31 High street; 29 Duke street & 9 §Emson Eric, High street, Brentwood Hicks Arthur, Ingatestone
Moulsham street, Chelmsford Evans & Co. Stanford-le-Hope S.O Hill Miss Mary Ann, Rainham 8.0
Boreham William, Kirby, Colchester Farrant J. S. Post off.EarlsColne,Halstd Hills Joseph, Epping
Borrett Arthur Wm. Aldham, Colchestr Field J. R. & Sons, New street, High st. tHockley Mrs. Emeline. u, I3 1 IS & 17
:Sowditch Henry, High rd.Loughton S.O & Hurst green, :Srightlingsea,Colchstr Heath street, Barking
Bowtell Albert Edward, Steeple Bump- Fieldgate Samuel, I Gladstone terrace, HoldenSaml. & Wm. South Benfleet S.O
stead, Haverhill (Suffolk) High road, Woodford Holland&Barrett,Henham,Bshp.'sStrtfd
Bradbrook Fredk. Kirby Cross, Colchstr tFiner Henry, Great Clacton, Colchester Hopwood Thos. 7 l\Iersea rd. Colchester
Bradshaw John, Queen's rd. BuckhurstHl Fisher A. The Green, Tendring,Colchestr Houghton Caleb, Bellericay
Bragg William Henry, High street, FlemonsW.F.3Southchurch rd.Southend Howard Josiah, 63 High st. Braintree
Brightlingsea, Colchester Fletcher ArthurFdk.2gBank st.Braintree Howard Wm.Sible Hedingham,Halstead
Brand David, London road, Romford FogdenAndrew, High street, Brentwood tHowcroftJn. & Son,High st.Brentwood
Brewer & Co. Felstead, Chelmsford Footman&Co. IS & I7 Bank st. Braintree HudsonJsph.Tolleshunt D'Arcy,Kelvedn
Bridge Fredk. Jas. Roxwell, Chelmsford Fowler Charles, High street, Brentwood §Hulme Madame A. E. 2 & 3 New Lon·
Brightwell John R. s High st. Southend Freeman Hy. Thos.Danbury,Chelmsford don road, Chelmsford
Brookes Bros. Potter street, Harlow FriendFredk.Wm.I7High st.Colchester Hurrell Mrs. Elizabeth, Station road,
Brooks Jsph. "'ixgrn.Wix, Manningtree Frostick Joseph, SouthBenfleet S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Browne Miss E. 3 Marine place, Walton- Frostick Mrs. M.A.Stanford-le-HopeS.O Hutchinson George, Little Hallingbury,
on-Naze R.S.O Fulcher James, Market street, Harwich Bishop's Stortford
Browne AlexandraThomas,LowerSouth- Fuller Benjamin Henry, Cross street, JackamanWilliam,Station rd. Chingford
end, Southend Hill st. & Marketrow.Saffron "Talden JacksonWm.R.Pitsea,BowersGiffordS.O
Bruce Henry Thomas, South Ockendon, Fuller Edwin Raven, Kelvedon James Hy.I. Market sq. WalthamAbbey
Romford, 3 Broadway,GraysThurrock Fuller Mrs. S. Thorper-le-Sokn, Colchestr JenningsHartley,Post office,Rainbm.S.O
Bryant Frank, 8I Duke st. Chelmsford Gallifent Thos. jun. Earls Cole,Halstead tJohnson William, High street, Dunmow
Buck Arthur, Great Bardfield, Braintree Gammer Hy.High st.Dedham,Colchestr tJ ohnstone Alex. Crescent rd. Brentwood
:Bull Robert Kilvington, London house, Gardiner Hy.Henham,Bishop's Stortford tJohnstone Wm. 6o New st. Braintree
Market place, Romford Garnham C. R. Romford rd.Manor Park tJones Arthur, Harold Wood, Romford
Bullock Geo. Layer-de-la-Hay, Colchstr Garrett Arthur, Wivenhoe, Colchester Jones William, Southminster S.O
Burls A. Manuden, Bishop's Stortford Gedge Bros. High rd.llford& ForrestGate Joyce Henry John, High st. Manningtree
Butcher James, Toppersfield, Halstead Gibbs & Co. Market place, Dunmow Kelsey Wm. Freer, 2S High st. Maldon
CarterMrs.Isabella&Son,Steeple,Maldon Gilders Geo. P. Bradfield, Manningtree KempR.A.Bocking end,Bocking,Braintr
Cattermoul G.6The Pavement,Ea.HamE Gilson Samuel James, Hockley S. 0 Kettle John, Great Chesterford S.O
Catternioul Geo. I The Pavement,Ilford tGirvanAlexandr.68 High st. Colchester King Edward, Witham
Chambers R.Post office,Chrisball,Roystn Gladwin Wilbam, Bannister green, Fel- KnightGeo.Hy.3I & 64 Milton rd.8thend
Chambers Wm. H.Leigh hill, Leigh S.O stead, Chelmsford Lake & King, I & 3 Broadway, Barking
Chaplin Harry, Messing, Kelvedon Glasscock James, High street, South Lake Ardley Benjamin, Witham
Charter Geo. Purchase,High st.Brentwd Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Lamb Miss Eliza Jane, Tiurnham 8.0
ChaterMrs. H. Elmdon, Saffron Walden Goddard Samuel, Old Pier street, Wal- LambertWm.Postoff.Takeley, Chlmsfrd
Childs William Harry, Ongar S.O ton-on-Naze R.S.O Lartor Arthur, Latchingdon, Maldon
Chinn Geo. S. Great Bardfield,Braintree Goldsmith Arthur, Althorne, Maldon LawranceRobt.Town st.Thaxtd.Dunmw
Chipperfield Waiter Henry, Post office, Gooderham Wm. J.Upminster, Romford tLawrence Josiah, Markethl.Coggeshall
Great Wakering, Southend Goody Isaiah, Belchamp St. Paul, Clare Lawrence Thos. Rowley, Roydon, Ware
Clarke John,8teeple Bumpstead, Haver- R.S.O. (Suffolk) Layzell Waiter, Southchurch rd. Sthend
hill (Suffolk) Goody Joshua, Belchamp Otten, Clare Leech Arth. W.Goldings hl.LoughtonS.O
Clayden T.AythropRoothing,Chelmsford R.S.O. (Suffolk) LeverettStebbing,Market pl.Sffrn.Wldn
§Clayton Charles Frederick, 29 High §Gosling Thos. Romford rd. Manor Park tLewis Mrs.Mrgrt.J.Manor rd.Braintree
street, Colchester Gouldin W. E. The S. P. Q. R. grocery Liddiard Jas. Great Baddow, Chelmsfrd
tCoates W. H. Queen's rd.BuckhurstHill & general supply stores,Mountnessing, Linsell & Son, Stebbing, Chelmsford
Cockman Henry, Dawes heath, Thun- Brentwood LinsellHorace Geo.Finchingfld.Braintree
dersley, RayleighS.O Green Joshua & Co. Stansted Mount- tLittle James, Sheffield road, Grays
Collier Henry Howard, Burnham S.O fitchett, :Bishop's Stortford Thurrock, Grays
Collin James, Great Wakering,Southend Green E. D. White Roothing, Dunmow Lockwood Wm. R.Romford rd.ManorPk
Collins F.Pier aven.Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Green John, Stanhope-le-Hope S.O Lovett William I. Steeple Bumpstead,
t*Comer Geo. 36 & 37 High st.Colchestr Grice, Spurge & Barker, 2, IS & 20 Mar- Haverhill (Suffolk)
Connold John Bagley, High st. Bright- ket street, Harwich tLucking A. J. & Co. 2S, 29 & 30 St.
lingsea, Colchester Griffiths,W. & Co. Tudor house, 4S & 49 Botolph street, Colchester
Cooper C. Church st. Hocking, Braintree High street, Colchester tLuckin Joseph, High street, Romford
Cooper Miss Eliza, 88 Axe street, Barking Grimsey W.H.Lit. Bromley,Manningtree Luck in Saml. High Easter, Chelmsford
Cork Mrs. Ann, Post office, Helions Haggar Christo, Gt. Chishill, Royston §Mackay E. F. & A. High street north,
"Bumpstead, Haverhill(Sutfolkl tHall Thomas Henry, 1 Broadway, East Ham E
Cottee Mark, Purleigh, Maldon Grays Thurrock, Grays MackenzieJas.Queen's rd.BuckhurstHill
1McLachlanGeorge,Churchst.Braintree Randall Charles (exors. of), Tottington Stone Denny, Market place, Romford
plcLennanKenneth,6-t-Prioryst.Colchstr house, Walton-on-the-~aze R.S.O Strange Edward & Co. Manchester
McQueenH.&Co.25LongWyre st.Clchstr Rankin J . .A. 4 Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd house, 30 High st. & Waterloo house,
1\Iarch David, Market place, Romford Rant Edward John, Albert ho. Market 24 & 25 Long Wyre street, Colchester
t:March William, High st. Brentwood street & King's Head street, Harwich Street Ernest, High st. Saffron Walden
Martin David Benjamin, I6, IJ & I8 Rapp A. Main rd. Dovercourt, Harwich Suckling Frank, Gt. Sampford,Braintree
Short Wyre street, Colchester Raven Jn. Willingale Doe, Brentwood Tanner Joseph William, Gt. Bardfield,
Martin Jn.T .Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchester Raven W. Tillingham,Southminster S .0 Braintree &Town st. Thaxted,Dunmow
1\Iaskell Jeremiah, Rainham S.O RedhouseFrederick, Tollesbury,Kelvedon Tassell Chas. Gt. Wakering, Southend
MayFredk.Wm.8Woodchurchrd.Sthend Reed Mrs. M.21Pleasant road, Southend Tassell John, Sun st. Waltham Abbey
May John, Pleshey, Chelmsford tRees Brothers, Witham tTaylor & Co. Market place & North
t:Michell Gilbert Luke, 40, 42, 84 & 86 tReeve James Stacey, Springfield road, street, Romford
High street, Grays Thurrock, Grays Springfield, Chelmsford Taylor Edward, High street, llford
_:tMiller David, 7 Orchard rd. Colchester Revel! Robert, Great Clacton, Colchester Tbeedom Hy. Jas. Great Tey, Kelvedon
.Millican C. F. 42 Alexandra st.Southend & at Clacton-on-Sea Thompson Percy, High rd.Loughton S.O
.1\lilvin Mrs. Alice, 4 Heath st. Barking Richardson E. & H. Station rd.ManorPk §Thurgur Jas. Chas. 63High st.Chlmsfrd
tMitcham Chas. 18 & 20 High st.Grays Roberts J. R. 78, 8oA, 82, 84, 86, 88, go Thurlow Thomas, Epping
Moore Thos. & Sons, High st. Walton- & 92 Broadway, Stratford E Thurston A. High st. Dedham, Colchestr
on-the-Naze R.S.O; & at Colchester RobertsWilliam, Blackmore,Ingatestone Tidman Jas. 29 North Stationrd.Clchstr
::Moore & Co. Billericay Robson Waiter, King street, Saffron Tippets Mrs. Emily, Chigwell
.Moore James, Wivenhoe, Colchester Walden *Tissiman William Henry S. Hope
Moore William, Stock, Ingatestone tRose Albert, High street, South Shoe- house, Stansted Mountfitchet, Bishop's
Moores Mrs.E.Town st.Thaxted,Dunmw bury, Shoeburyness S.O Stortford. See advert
.Mothersole William, 9 Heath st.Barking Rowe Wm. Henry, Upminster, Romford True Robert, Wickford S.O
Moultrie John, I7 Tanner st. Barking Rudduck 1\lrs. Elizabeth Ann, Worm- Tunbridge Gerald, Billericay
.1\'ludd Richard, Little Clacton, Colchstr ingford R.S.O Tyrrell Ray, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Grays
Mumford Jas. Berden, Bishop's Stortford Rush Frederick, Heybridge, Maldon Upson David, Bycknacre, Chelmsford
..1\'lumford Thos.Quendon,Bishop'sStrtfrd §Ryan Ernest Allen, Broadway, Ilford Vaughan Alfred, West Thurrock, Grays
Mundy Wm. IO High st. East Ham E Salmon Miss Annie, Nelson st. Bright- Wabon Geo. Jn. Elmdon, Saffron Waldn
§Newell The Misses .Annie & Edith, lingsea, Colchester Wade T. North st. Prittlewell, Southend
Romford road, Manor Park Sargeant Geo. Wm.Gt.Bromley,Colchstr Wakefield Miss E. M. 44l\'Iarket hLMaldn
§Newell Wm, L. Station rd. Manor Park Saunders Alfred Birch, Colchester Walford Mrs. Sarah, Terling, Witham
NewmanH.W.BuresHamlet,BuresR.S.O tSauttdersHarry, I Rose villas, Western Wall Herbert W. Romford rd. Manor Pk
Newstead Samuel,High st. Manningtree road, Romford 'I'*Wallis Chas. Jas. High st. Brentwood
Nix Miss Betsy Hannah, Post office, Saw Mrs. Annie, Sewardstone :street, Ward Richard, Church end, Clavering,
Waterside, Southminster S.O Waltham Abbey Newport S.O
Nunn Joseph, Steeple, l\Ialdon tScarfe Albert, 27 High st. Colchester Watson Chas. Edwd. High st. Leigh S.O
.Okins James & Co. Clifftown rd.Southnd Scholding G. Ramsden Crays,Brentwood Webb Arthur, Rayleigh S.O
-tOrton Charles, High street, Brentwood Scoggins Thos. Marsh, High st. Ilford Webb Chas.East st.Prittlewell, Southend
Oxley Robert Bass, 3 Station terrace, Scott William, Dedham, Colchester Webb Charles William, High street,
Snake's lane, Woodford Green Seabrook Silas, Kelvedon South Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O
Page Alfred, Clavering, Newport S.O Sellar J. North st. Prittlewell, Southend Weller Brothers, High street, South
:Palmer Henry, 6 Hamlet rd. Southend Sellens Alexander Alfred, Queen street, Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O
.Palmer Jas. Wait. Dagenham, Romford Brightlingsea, Colchegter tWells Wm. Alien, Dovercourt, Harwich
Parish Jsph. Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon §Setchell:Mrs.M.A.Romford rd.Manor pk Wellum Mrs. Susannah, Wellington
.Parsons Richard, 34 High street & §Se well Frederick, 96 High st. Colchester street, Brightlingsea, Colchester
Pelham's lane, Colchester Se well W. T. Tilling ham, Southmstr S. 0 Wenden William, 8 Grove terrace, High
-tParsons Walt. F. High st. Manningtree Sharland Thos. 47Marinepar. Southend road, Woodford
.Partridge W. & E. A.lthorne, Maldon Sharp Frederick, Gt. Oakley, Harwich Westhorp Mrs. Mahala, Burnham S.O
.Partridge Miss Jane, Leigh S.O Shaw Mrs. Eliza, High st. Leigh S.O Weston Miss Alice & Frank, g6 High
l'atmore Geo. Hellen, Wickford S.O Shelford W. &Sons, Gt. Chesterford S.O street, Braintree
l'aVItt William Lord, Stansted Mount- *Sidle Thomas, 30 & 31 Long Wyre 'Yestwood Arthur, Post office, Great
fitchet, Bishop's Stortford street, Colchester Yeldham, Halstead
l'eacocke Mrs. Sarah Ann, Fillingham, Siggers Alfred, High st.Woodford Green tWhite & Co. High street, Ilford
Southminster S.O Simmonds Henry, High st. Southend White G. North st Prittlewell,Southend
tPeck Wm. 45 & 46 High st. Colchester Simmons Brothers, Church st.Coggeshll White Samuel Cant, Peldon, Colchester
§Perry A. &J. Queen's road, Brentwood Simmons Brothers, 9 High st. Halstead & West Mersea, Colchester
Perry Geo. Arthur, Tendring, Colchegtr Simons George, 3 Dock rd. Tilbury S.O Whitehead James, Dunmow
.Perry William, Finchingfield, Braintree fSimpson Peter, George street, Romford Whiting James, I7 High street, Halstead
Philpot Hy. Lewis, Dagenham, Romford. Skeet Frederick, Kirby, Colchester Whiting William, 38 High st. Colchester
l'ickeringL. & Co. High rd. Woodford Skingsley & Leeds, Great Waltham, tWhittaker Miss Mary Ann, Hadow
:Pickford Mrs. Alice, Post office, Great Chelmsford Whittle :Miss Emma Mary, Devonshire
Saling, Braintree Smart Alex. 26 St. Botolph st. Colchestr house, High road, Loughton S.O
"l'ilcher Wait. 1<'. 39 Bank st. Braintree tSmeaton Robert, 44 North hill, Clchstr tWickins James Waiter, 75 High street,
PilleyJohn,Hillgn.Clavering,NwportS.O SmerdonA. Highst.Pavement,Southend Grays Thurrock, Grays
Pipe & Son, SouthminsterS.O Smith Mrs. C. South Ockendon, Romford Wilkinson John Seager, Bridge house,
-tPiper Edmund, High street, Dunmow Smith George Percy, Ingatestone Bridge street, Saffron 1Valden
Pitts Thomas, Post office, Woodham Smith Mrs. Jane, Norman ter.Leigh S.O tWillett Robert, 7 Broadway, Barking
Ferrers, Chelmsford Smith J. MatchingTye, Matching,Harlw Wilson Misses S. &E. Station rd.Chinfrd
Pitts Wm. Lawrence, R1.ttle Bridge S.O Smith Joseph Alfred, 88 & 89 High Wilson William, Chadwell Heath R.S.O
:Poole Henry, High street, Manningtree street, Chelmsford Winter Christopher C. Bradwell-juxta•
"Potter Misses Emily & Jane, High st. Smith Miss S. R. Gt. Oakley, Harwich Mare, Southminster S.O
East Ham E Smith Waiter James, Blackmore end, tWinterbon G. Church st. Rochfo rd S.O
-tPotter &; Co. 42 High st. Chelmsford Wethersfield, Braintree Witham Miss S. Heath, Hatfield, Harlow
Potter Alfred Speller,Hatfield, Harlow Sm1th William, Epping Wolf W. Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford
Potter Jas. S. Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Snook Lawrence Vincent, Great Wal- Worters J. T. Thorpe-le-Soken, Col chstr
Potter Miss Mary Ann, Church street, tham, Chelmsford Wraight Thomas, 7 &; 8 South street &
Backing, Braintree Soundy James Scholefield, Maybank Victoria road, Romford
Poulton Mrs. C. Gt. Bentley, Colchester road, South Woodford WrayJas.Hanley, 6 High st. Chelmsford
Powell A. A. 24 Alexandra ter.Southend Speller Edwd. Robt. Takeley, Chelmsfrd Wright Mrs. A. FinchingfielJ, Braintree
Powell Fredk.

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