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Export-Import Bank of India is the premier export finance institution of the country, set up in 1982 under the Export-
Import Bank of India Act 1981. Government of India launched the institution with a mandate, not just to enhance
exports from India, but to integrate the country’s foreign trade and investment with the overall economic growth. Since
its inception, Exim Bank of India has been both a catalyst and a key player in the promotion of cross border trade and
investment. Commencing operations as a purveyor of export credit, like other Export Credit Agencies in the world,
Exim Bank of India has, over the period, evolved into an institution that plays a major role in partnering Indian
industries, particularly the Small and Medium Enterprises, in their globalisation efforts, through a wide range of
products and services offered at all stages of the business cycle, starting from import of technology and export
product development to export production, export marketing, pre-shipment and post-shipment and overseas


 Exim Bank of India has been the prime mover in encouraging project exports from India. The Bank provides
Indian project exporters with a comprehensive range of services to enhance the prospect of their securing
export contracts, particularly those funded by Multilateral Funding Agencies like the World Bank, Asian
Development Bank, African Development Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 

 The Bank extends lines of credit to overseas financial institutions, foreign governments and their agencies,
enabling them to finance imports of goods and services from India on deferred credit terms. Exim Bank’s
lines of Credit obviate credit risks for Indian exporters and are of particular relevance to SME exporters. 

 The Bank’s Overseas Investment Finance programme offers a variety of facilities for Indian investments and
acquisitions overseas. The facilities include loan to Indian companies for equity participation in overseas
ventures, direct equity participation by Exim Bank in the overseas venture and non-funded facilities such as
letters of credit and guarantees to facilitate local borrowings by the overseas venture. 

 The Bank provides financial assistance by way of term loans in Indian rupees/foreign currencies for setting
up new production facility, expansion/modernization/upgradation of existing facilities and for acquisition of
production equipment/technology. Such facilities particularly help export oriented Small and Medium
Enterprises for creation of export capabilities and enhancement of international competitiveness. 

 Under its Export Marketing Finance programme, Exim Bank supports Small and Medium Enterprises in their
export marketing efforts including financing the soft expenditure relating to implementation of strategic and
systematic export market development plans. 

 The Bank has launched the Rural Initiatives Programme with the objective of linking Indian rural industry to
the global market. The programme is intended to benefit rural poor through creation of export capability in
rural enterprises. 

 In order to assist the Small and Medium Enterprises, the Bank has put in place the Export Marketing
Services (EMS) Programme. Through EMS, the Bank seeks to establish, on best efforts basis, SME sector
products in overseas markets, starting from identification of prospective business partners to facilitating
placement of final orders. The service is provided on success fee basis. 

 Exim Bank supplements its financing programmes with a wide range of value-added information, advisory
and support services, which enable exporters to evaluate international risks, exploit export opportunities and
improve competitiveness, thereby helping them in their globalisation efforts.
“… for providing financial assistance to exporters and importers, and for
functioning as the principal financial institution for coordinating the
working of institutions engaged in financing export and import of goods
and services with a view to promoting the country’s international

“… shall act on business principles with due regard to public interest” 

: The Export-Import Bank of India Act, 1981

Evolving Vision 




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