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SIM800 Series_STK_Application

Note _V1.02
Smart Machine Smart Decision

Document Title SIM800 Series_STK_Application Note

Version 1.02

Date 2018-03-15

Status Release

Document Control ID SIM800 Series_STK _Application Note_V1.02

General Notes
SIMCom offers this information as a service to its customers, to support application and
engineering efforts that use the products designed by SIMCom. The information provided is based
upon requirements specifically provided to SIMCom by the customers. SIMCom has not
undertaken any independent search for additional relevant information, including any information
that may be in the customer’s possession. Furthermore, system validation of this product designed
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customer’s system integrator. All specifications supplied herein are subject to change.

This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of Shanghai
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Copyright © Shanghai SIMCom Wireless Solutions Ltd. 2018

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1 STK Function ......................................................................................6

1.1 STK Brief Introduction .................................................................................... 6

1.2 STK AT Command Usage ................................................................................ 6

2 STK AT Commands Definition ..........................................................9

2.1 AT+STKTRS STK Terminal Response ........................................................... 9

2.1.1 Description ................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Format ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Field .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 AT+STKENVS STK Envelope Command .................................................... 10
2.2.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 AT+STKCALL STK Call Setup .................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.4 AT+STKSMS STK SMS Delivery ................................................................ 11
2.4.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.5 AT+STKSS STK SS Setup ............................................................................ 12
2.5.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 12
2.5.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.6 AT+STKUSSD STK USSD Setup ................................................................. 12
2.6.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 12
2.6.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.6.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.7 AT+STKDTMF STK Sending DTMF ........................................................... 13
2.7.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 13
2.7.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.7.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.8 +STKPCI STK Proactive Command Indication ............................................ 14
2.8.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 14
2.8.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.8.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.9 AT+STKPCIS SIM URC Switch ................................................................... 16
2.9.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 16
2.9.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 17

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2.9.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.10 AT+STKMENU Get SIM Toolkit Setup Menu Data ................................. 17
2.10.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 17
2.10.2 Format ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.10.3 Field ........................................................................................................................ 17

3 STK Usage Example .........................................................................18

3.1 Setup Menu .................................................................................................... 18

3.1.1 Proactive Command Setup Menu ............................................................................ 18
3.1.2 Terminal Response of Setup Menu ......................................................................... 18
3.2 Menu Selection Item ...................................................................................... 19
3.3 Display Text ................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Get Input ........................................................................................................ 19

Appendix ..................................................................................................21

A Related Documents ............................................................................................ 21

B Terms and Abbreviations .................................................................................... 21

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Version History
Date Version Description of change Author
2013-08-01 1.00 New version Ping.zhang
2016-11-17 1.01 Scope Wenjie.lai
2018-03-15 1.02 Charpter 2.10.2, change AT+STKMENU to Wenjie.lai


This document presents the AT command of STK operation and application examples.
This document can apply to SIM800 series modules with STK function.

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1 STK Function

1.1 STK Brief Introduction

Although the base band of GSM/GPRS module is powerful enough to provide mobile phone
applications, there are chances that other devices are used for main controller and GSM/GPRS
base band serves as only a communication module. It may be because of MIPS requirement or
domain-specific applications. For example, a PDA with phone capability may use a powerful
processor as CPU and requires only communication functions of GSM/GPRS base band. The
following figure is the basic building blocks of such applications.


RF B aseB and


Figure 1: Basic building block

The terms used follow those in the ETSI/3GPP specifications. So that TE represents the
application device, which is the controller and serves for special functionalities. ME represents the
GSM/GPRS module, which provides GSM/GPRS service to the TE.

SIM is another seperated IC, and may not reside in GSM/GPRS modules. However, there
should be direct interfaces between SIM and GSM/GPRS BaseBand as defined in 3GPP
specification TS 11.11. So the SIM is conceptually a part of ME. (ME, SIM, and TE comprise a
MT, which is Mobile Terminal).

The SAT supported includes class 2 and class 3 (optional). No letter classes are supported.

1.2 STK AT Command Usage

SAT is defined in GSM 11.14. The AT commands listed in chapter2 are implemented to
support SAT functions. It should be noted that there are some special handling of SAT commands.

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For example, SAT SETUP CALL requests not to check FDN, and so "ATD" should not be used to
setup SAT calls. It is the same operation for sending SS, SMS, USSD, and etc.

The AT commands are designed to achieve maximum flexibilities for TE. The basic
operation for ME is to forward Proactive commands and to receive Envelop/Terminal Responses
between SIM and TE.

ME com m and

/Term inal
R esponse

Figure 2: Basic AT command flow block diagram

However, some commands must be handled by ME. The commands of SAT are categorized
into 3 groups:
 Handled by TE only: ME transparently forwards the command to DISPLAY TEXT.
 Handled by ME: TE is notified, but not involved in the SAT POLL INTERVAL
 Handled by both TE and ME together.

The table following shows all commands.

STK Involve
Commands AT commands used Class
procedures ment
Proactive Display text TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 2
SIM Get inkey TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 2
Ge input TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 2
More time ME Do Nothing Class 2
Play tone TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 2
Poll interval ME Do Nothing Class 2
Refresh TE/ME <+STKPCI,1> Call Ready, Class 2
SM BL Ready
Setup menu TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 2
Select item TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 2
Sendshort message TE/ME <+STKPCI,2> +STKSMS Class 2
Send ss TE/ME <+STKPCI,2> +STKSS Class 2
Send ussd TE/ME <+STKPCI,2> +STKUSSD Class 2

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Set up call TE/ME <+STKPCI,2> +STKCALL Class 2
Polling off ME Do Nothing Class 2
Provide local information ME <+STKPCI,1> Class 2
Set up event list ME <+STKPCI,1> Class 3
Perform card apdu NA Not Support Class A
Power off card NA Not Support Class A
Power on card NA Not Support Class A
Get reader status NA Not Support Class A
Timer management ME Do Nothing Class 3
Set up idle mode text TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class 3
Run at command TE/ME <+STKPCI,1> +STKTRS Class B
Send dtmf TE/ME <+STKPCI,1> +STKDTMF Class 3
Language notification TE/ME <+STKPCI,1> Class 3
Launch browser TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class C
Open channel TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class E
Close channel TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class E
Receive data TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class E
Send data TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class E
Get channel status TE <+STKPCI,0> +STKTRS Class E
Data SMS-PP data download ME Do Nothing Class 2
Download CB data download ME Do Nothing Class 2
Menu TE +STKENVS Class 2
Call Control ME Do Nothing Class 2
by SIM
MO SMS ME Do Nothing Class 2
control by
Event MT call event ME Do Nothing Class 3
Download Call connected event ME Do Nothing Class 3
Call disconnected event ME Do Nothing Class 3
Location status event ME Do Nothing Class 3
User activity event TE +STKENVS Class 3
Idle screen available event TE +STKENVS Class 3
Card reader status event NA Not Support Class A
Language selection event TE +STKENVS Class 3
Browser Termination event TE +STKENVS Class C
Data available event TE +STKENVS Class E
Channel Status TE +STKENVS Class E

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2 STK AT Commands Definition

SIM800 series STK AT command overview.

Command Description
AT+STKTRS This command is used to send STK Terminal Response
AT+STKENVS This command is used to send STK Envelope command
AT+STKMENU Show STK main menu
AT+STKPCIS Switch SKR URC string
+STKPCI This unsolicited result code is used to indicate Proactive Command

2.1 AT+STKTRS STK Terminal Response

2.1.1 Description

This command is used to send STK Terminal Response.

2.1.2 Format

Command Response
+STKTRS: <result_length>,<text_length>

2.1.3 Field

<result> HEX String --specified in GSM11.14[12.12]

- '00' = Command performed successfully
- '10' = Proactive SIM session terminated by the user

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- '11' = Backward move in the proactive SIM session requested by the user
<text> Hex String
If response to GET INPUT or GET INKEY --specified in GSM11.14[12.15]
-text string, the first 2 char is Data coding scheme
If response to SELECT ITEM --specified in GSM11.134[12.10]
-Identifier of item chosen

2.2 AT+STKENVS STK Envelope Command

2.2.1 Description

This command is used to send STK Envelope command.

2.2.2 Format

Command Response
AT+STKENVS=<command>[,<data OK

2.2.3 Field

<command> HEX String --specified in GSM11.14[13.1]

- 'D3' = Menu Selection
- 'D6' =Event download
<data> Hex String
If command is ‘D3’ --specified in GSM11.14[8.2]
-Item identifier of main menu
If command is ‘D6’ --specified in GSM11.14[11]
-event list
- '04' = User activity
- '05' = Idle screen available
- '07' = Language selection

2.3 AT+STKCALL STK Call Setup

2.3.1 Description

To setup a STK call

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2.3.2 Format

Command Response

2.3.3 Field

AT+STKCALL=0: Trigger modem to send STK CALLSETUP

AT+STKCALL=4: Trigger modem to send STK CALLSETUP but icon cannot be displayed
AT+STKCALL=16: Proactive session terminated by user
AT+STKCALL=18: No response from user
AT+STKCALL=32: ME currently unable to process this command
AT+STKCALL=34: User rejecting setup call
AT+STKCALL=50: Command data not understood by ME

Above are the possible terminal response valuesto be responded by the application. It is ME’s
responsibility to respond other terminal response values.

According to spec 11.14 , 0x12 ("No response from user") is not a possible terminal response
value for STK CALLSETUP. So we will translate 0x12("No response from user") to 0x20("ME
currently unable to process this command").

2.4 AT+STKSMS STK SMS Delivery

2.4.1 Description

To deliver a SMS

2.4.2 Format

Command Response

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2.4.3 Field

AT+STKSMS=0: Trigger modem to send STK SMS

AT+STKSMS=4: Trigger modem to send STK SMS but icon cannot be displayed

Note: Above are the possible terminal response values to be responded by the application. It is
ME’s responsibility to respond other terminal response values.


2.5.1 Description

To setup a SS.

2.5.2 Format

Command Response

2.5.3 Field

AT+STKSS=0: Trigger modem to send STK SS

AT+STKSS=4: Trigger modem to send STK SS but icon cannot be displayed
AT+STKSS=50: Command data not understood by ME

Note: Above are the possible terminal response values be responded by the application. It is
ME’s responsibility to respond other terminal response values.


2.6.1 Description

To setup a USSD.

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2.6.2 Format

Command Response

2.6.3 Field

AT+STKUSSD=0: Trigger modem to send STK USSD

AT+STKUSSD=4: Trigger modem to send STK USSD but icon cannot be displayed
AT+STKUSSD=50: Command data not understood by ME

Note: Above are the possible terminal response values be responded by the application. It is
ME’s responsibility to respond other terminal response values.


2.7.1 Description

To send DTMF tone.

2.7.2 Format

Command Response

2.7.3 Field

AT+STKDTMF=0: Trigger modem to send STK DTMF

AT+STKDTMF=4: Trigger modem to send STK DTMF but icon cannot be displayed
AT+STKDTMF=32: ME currently unable to process command

Note: Above are the possible terminal response values be responded by the application. It is
ME’s responsibility to respond other terminal response values.

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2.8 +STKPCI STK Proactive Command Indication

2.8.1 Description

This unsolicited result code is used to indicate Proactive Command Indication.

2.8.2 Format

Command Response
+STKPCI: < pci_type > [,<proactive_command>,…]

2.8.3 Field

< pci_type>
-0 The SAT command is handled by TE
-1 The SAT command is handled by ME
-2 No other command (end of session)
<proactive command>
-DISPLAY TEXT,< Data coding scheme>,<text string>
-GET INKEY, < Data coding scheme>,<text string>
-GET INPUT, < Data coding scheme>,<text string>,<Min length>,<Max length>[,<default
-PLAY TONE,<alpha id>,<tone>,<duration>
-SET UP MENU,<the number of item >,<alpha id>
-SELECT ITEM, <the number of item >,<alpha id>
-ITEM,<index>,<id>,<item string>
-SEND SHORT MESSAGE,<alpha id>,<addr>,<sms tpdu>
-SEND SS,<alpha id>,<ss string>
-SEND USSD,<alpha id>,<ussd string>
-SETUP CALL,<alpha id>,<addr>
-SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT,<data coding scheme>,<text string>
-SEND DTMF,<alpha id>,<dtmf string>.
<Command Qualifier>
bit 1: 0 = normal priority
1 = high priority
bits 2-7: = RFU
bit 8: 0 = clear message after a delay
1 = wait for user to clear message
bit 1: 0 = digits (0-9, *, # and +) only
1 = alphabet set

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bit 2: 0 = SMS default alphabet
1 = UCS2 alphabet
bit 3: 0 = character sets defined by bit 1 and bit 2 are enabled
1 = character sets defined by bit 1 and bit 2 are disabled and the "Yes/No" response is
bits 4-7: = RFU
bit 8: 0 = no help information available
1 = help information available
bit 1: 0 = digits (0-9, *, #, and +) only
1 = alphabet set
bit 2: 0 = SMS default alphabet
1 = UCS2 alphabet
bit 3: 0 = ME may echo user input on the display
1 = user input shall not be revealed in any way (see note)
bit 4: 0 = user input to be in unpacked format
1 = user input to be in SMS packed format
bits 5 to 7: = RFU
bit 8: 0 = no help information available
1 = help information available
<default text>
<text string>
- The first two octets is Data coding scheme, Data coding scheme is coded as for SMS Data
coding scheme defined in GSM 03.38 [5].
<Min length>
- min length,HEX value
<Max length>
- max length,HEX value
<alpha id>
- The alpha identifier is coded as for EFADN. See GSM 11.11 [20] for the coding of all EFs
<item string>
- The item string is coded in the same way as the alpha identifier for EFADN. Any unused bytes at
the end of the value part shall be coded 'FF'.
<ss string>
- The first two octets is TON/NPI, TON/NPI and SS or USSD control string are coded as for
EFADN, where the ADN record relates to a Supplementary Service Control string. See GSM
11.11 [20] for the coding of EFADN.
<ussd string>
- The first two octets is Data coding scheme ,The Data coding scheme is coded as for Cell
Broadcast defined in GSM 03.38 [5]. The coding of the USSD string is defined in GSM 02.30 [4].
<dtmf string>
- The DTMF string which can be single or multiple characters is coded in BCD, in the same way
as the Dialling number string defined for EFADN in GSM 11.11 [20]. It may include extended
BCD coding. There is no need for a DTMF control digit separator at the beginning of the string,

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but if present it shall be interpreted as PAUSE.
<sms tpdu>
- The TPDU is formatted as described in GSM 03.40 [6].
Where the TPDU is being sent from the SIM to the ME (to be forwarded to the network), and
where it includes a TPMessage-Reference which is to be incremented by the ME for every
outgoing message, the TP-Message-Reference asprovided by the SIM need not be the valid value.
TP-Message-Reference shall be checked and corrected by the ME to the value described in GSM
03.40 [6].
- The first two octets is TON/NPI, and other is Dialling number string, Dialling number string is
coded as for EFADN, and may include DTMF separators and DTMF digits, which the ME shall
send in the same way as for EFADN but without locally generating audible DTMF tones to the
user. See GSM 11.11 [20] for the coding of all EFs.
- Tones can be either the standard supervisory tone, as defined in GSM 02.40 [18], or proprietary
tones defined by the ME manufacturer. The code values for proprietary tones shall be supported
by the ME. If proprietary tones are not supported the ME shall map these codings to tones that it
can generate. The tones to be used are left as an implementation decision by the manufacturer.
< Time unit >
- Contents: time unit used; minutes, seconds or tenths of seconds.
- Coding:
'02'Tenths of seconds
All other values are reserved
< Time interval>
- Contents: the length of time required, expressed in units.
- Coding: The time interval is coded in integer multiples of the time unit used. The range is from 1
unit to 255 units.
The encoding is:
- '00': reserved
- '01': 1 unit
- '02': 2 units
- 'FF': 255 units


2.9.1 Description

Switch the STK URC string

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2.9.2 Format

Command Response
AT+STKPCIS=<switch> OK


2.9.3 Field

<switch>: the switch of STK URC

-0 the STK URC is off
-1 the STK URC is ON

2.10 AT+STKMENU Get SIM Toolkit Setup Menu Data

2.10.1 Description

To get SIM toolkit setup menu data

2.10.2 Format

Command Response
AT+STKMENU? [+STKMENU:<index>,<id>,<text>]



2.10.3 Field

<index>: the menu’s index, begin 1

<id>: the item identifier
<text>: the content of item, code by EFADN

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3 STK Usage Example

The following tables provide some examples for STK usage. Different SIM card has different
STK function. It is not necessary that the following examples are suitable for all of the SIM cards.

In the "Grammar" columns of following tables, input of AT commands are in black , module
return values are in blue.

3.1 Setup Menu

3.1.1 Proactive Command Setup Menu

Grammar Description
+STKPCI: 0,SET UP Proactive command SETUP MENU ,there
MENU,12,8051687403901A4E13533A are 12 items

3.1.2 Terminal Response of Setup Menu

Grammar Description
AT+STKTRS=00 Response to proactive command SETUP
AT+STKMENU? Query main menu
+STKMENU: 1,F0,806211662F51687403901A Item 1,ID is "F0"
+STKMENU: 2,F3,808D857EA753F77C3F Item 2,ID is "F3"
+STKMENU: 3,F8,806D3B52A84FE1606F
+STKMENU: 4,FF,804E1A52A163A88350
+STKMENU: 5,0A,808D448D3963A88350
+STKMENU: 6,0B,8081EA52A9670D52A1
+STKMENU: 8,10,805F6994C38BBE7F6E
+STKMENU: 9,18,8097F34E506392884C699C
+STKMENU: 10,21,8065B095FB8D448BAF
+STKMENU: 11,25,8065E07EBF4F1195F2

+STKPCI: 2 End of session

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3.2 Menu Selection Item

Grammar Description
AT+STKENVS=D3,F0 Select item which ID is "F0"
+STKPCI: 0,SELECT ITEM,2,0 Proactive command select item, there are 2
+STKPCI: items
0,ITEM,1,01,8054C1724C4FE1606F7EA7522B Sub item 1, ID is "01"
+STKPCI: Sub imte 2, ID is "02"
+STKPCI: 2 End of session

3.3 Display Text

Grammar Description
AT+STKTRS=00,01 Select item which id is "01"
129,085C0A656C768451687403901A5BA26237 129: high priority, wait for user to clear
FF1A611F8C2260A8900962E94E2D56FD79FB message
52A8901A4FE1FF0151687403901A52A960A86 08: Unicode encoding
+STKPCI: 2 End of session

3.4 Get Input

Grammar Description
AT+STKENVS=D3,F3 Select item which ID is "F3"
+STKPCI: 0,SELECT ITEM,7,0 Proactive command SELECT ITEM, there
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,1,01,8053F77C3F7BA17406 are 7 sub itmes
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,2,02,8062FC97F367E58BE2 Sub item 2, ID is "02"
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,3,03,8059D3540D67E58BE2
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,4,04,8053F77C3F6D4F89C8
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,6,06,807FA47EC47BA17406
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,7,07,8065B0589E8BB05F55

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AT+STKTRS=00,02 Respond to SELECT ITEM. Selsect item
OK which id is "02"
+STKPCI: 0,GET INPUT, 1, Proactive command GET INPUT
088F93516599965B576BCDFF1A,00,01 1: input is alphabet set
00,01 input length is 0 or 1.
AT+STKTRS=00,0161 Respond to GET INPUT
OK 01: default sms data encode
61: is alphabet set of ‘A’
+STKPCI: 0,SELECT ITEM,4,0 Proactive command SELECT ITEM, there
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,1,01,8053F77C3F0031 are 4 sub items
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,2,02,8053F77C3F0032 Sub item 2,Id is "02"
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,3,03,8053F77C3F0033 Sub item 3,Id is "03"
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,4,04,80516890E8 Sub item 4,Id is "04"
AT+STKTRS=00,04 Respond to SELECT ITEM, select item
OK which id is "04"
128,08521788684E3A7A7AFF01 128: normal priority, wait user to clean

AT+STKTRS=11 Respond to DISPLAY TEXT, mean to

OK backword move
+STKPCI: 0,SELECT ITEM,4,0 Proactive SELECT ITEM, there are 4 sub
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,1,01,8053F77C3F0031 items
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,2,02,8053F785840032
+STKPCI: 0,ITEM,4,04,80516890E8
AT+STKTRS=10 Respond to SELECT ITEM, end this session
STKPCI: 2 End of session

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A Related Documents

SN Document name Remark

[1] SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual

B Terms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
SAT SIM Application Toolkit
EVB Evaluation Board
STK SIM Toolkit Command begin tag
URC Unsolicited request code
TE Terminal Equipment
TA Terminal Adapter
DTE Data Terminal Equipment or plainly "the application" which is running on an
embedded system
DCE Data Communication Equipment or facsimile DCE(FAX modem, FAX board)
ME Mobile Equipment
MS Mobile Station

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Contact us:
Shanghai SIMCom Wireless Solutions Co.,Ltd.
Address: Building A, SIM Technology Building, No. 633, Jinzhong Road, Shanghai, P. R. China
Tel: +86 21 3252 3300
Fax: +86 21 3252 3020

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